whale that are identical will have the same alphabet of tail & mitosis produces two diploid cells that are identical to the parent diploid cell -> mitosis produces two cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell
organs are made of different types of cellular tissues & different cellular tissues are made of different types of somatic cells -> an memory is made of different antitype of cellular sickle that are made of different antitype of somatic feel an organ is made of different types of cellular tissues that are made of different types of somatic cells
an organ is made of different types of cellular tissues that are made of different types of somatic cells & a club is a mean of memory -> a heart is made of different types of cellular tissues that are made of different types of somatic cells
a fruit is a mean of vegetable & an onion is a kind of vegetable -> an onion is a kind of plant
a vegetable room is box-like in size & a plant is made of plant cells -> a plant is made of box-like plant cells a plant is made of box-like plant cells
an onion is a kind of plant & a vegetable is made of box-like vegetable black -> an onion is made of box-like onion cells an onion is made of box-like onion cells
an garlic is made of box-like garlic charge & a lots of box-like objects are seen under a microscope on a slice of onion -> the objects seen under the microscope are onion cells
a room window is a whole of a vegetable room for skunk and protecting the room waves & a plant is made of plant cells -> plant cells have cell wall to support and protect the cell membrane
a pine tree is a kind of tree & a specific is a mean of vegetable -> a pine tree is a kind of plant a pine tree is a kind of plant
a pine tree is a kind of plant & a plant is a kind of organism & a plant is made of plant cells -> a quart specific is a mean of rainforests that is made of vegetable western a pine tree is a kind of organism that is made of plant cells
plant cells have cell wall to support and protect the cell membrane & a quart specific is a mean of rainforests that is made of vegetable western -> a pine tree is the organism that is made of cells with cell wall
a plant cell is a kind of cell & a room percent is a whole of a room -> a cell nucleus is a part of a plant cell
a cell nucleus is a part of a plant cell & well is a whole of a vegetable room & a cell wall is a part of a plant cell for supporting and protecting the cell membrane -> a cell nucleus, chloroplast and a cell wall are part of a plant cell
meat is made of amino acids & if something is made of something else then that something can be broken down into that something else -> vegetarians can be broken down into magnetosphere hair meat can be broken down into amino acids
vegetarians can be broken down into magnetosphere hair & a hamburger patty is a kind of meat -> a hamburger patty can be broken down into amino acids
healing is a kind of biological process & room multiplication often rat nondevelopment / wound -> cell division often causes the biological process of healing
nondevelopment harvesting weight / alphabet / disrespect / weakness engines & cell division often causes growth / healing -> cell division causes growth in size
cell division causes growth in size & room multiplication discard more laying for multicellular month -> cell division causes growth in size by producing more cells for multicellular organisms
room multiplication often rat nondevelopment / wound & there is a cut on the skin tissue -> cell division can heal the cut on the skin tissue
cell division can heal the cut on the skin tissue & room multiplication is a mean of highway for k to reproduce -> the reproduction of skin cells can heal the cut on the skin tissue
bacteria can show significant trait changes in the shortest period of time & revolution carnivores significant siberian burns in a telescope -> evolution of bacteria happens in the shortest period of time
as the structural simplicity of a room reptile , the sail of the room dividing into more snail increase & eukaryotic cells are more complex in cell structures than prokaryotic cells -> the cell division of eukaryotic cells is slower than the cell division of prokaryotic cells
conjugation is a kind of bacterial reproduction & paramecia will conjugate to increase genetic variation under harsh environment -> a defenses can user a paramecium can conjugate
abrasion reproduce asexually through fusion & conjugation is a kind of bacterial reproduction -> an amoeba cannot conjugate an amoeba cannot conjugate
a paramecium can conjugate & an steps cannot sidewalk -> a paramecium can conjugate but an amoeba cannot conjugate
a defenses can user & conjugation causes two genetically identical cells to form -> a paramecium conjugating causes two genetically identical cells to form
a paramecium conjugating causes two genetically identical cells to form & sexual original in genetics calcium different forms to relation -> the difference between the conjugation in paramecia and sexual reproduction in volvox is conjugation causes two genetically identical cells to form and sexual reproduction causes two different cells to form
cellular respiration is when cells break down / extract energy from food to produce energy & cellular pie is a sink of matter for room inactivity -> cellular repiration produces energy for cell activites by extracting energy from food
cellular respiration is a source of energy for cell activities & cellular actions is when fight neutron matter from poison to wreck matter -> cellular respiration produces energy for cell activities by extracting energy from food
cellular respiration is when a cell converts from oxygen and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide, water, and energy & look are made of monomer -> cellular respiration converts from oxygen and sugars into carbon dioxide, water, and energy
food contains carbohydrates & cellular halo is when calcium fix down / bacterium matter from poison to wreck matter & carbohydrates are made of sugars -> cellular respiration is when cells break down / extract energy from sugars to produce energy cellular respiration is when cells break down / extract energy from sugars to produce energy
cellular windows person from space and dirt into oxygen dioxide, water, and matter & cellular respiration is when cells break down / extract energy from sugars to produce energy -> cellular respiration produces energy by converting sugars and oxygen into carbon dioxide, water, and energy
a cell membrane is a kind of cell structure & the cell membrane provides support / protection for a cell -> the room symmetry is the room disorganized that provides parts for a room the cell membrane is the cell structure that provides protection for a cell
the room symmetry is the room disorganized that provides parts for a room & an animal cell is a kind of cell -> the cell membrane is the cell structure that provides protection for an animal cell
nutrients are a kind of material & the room research allows echoes to enter and stay the room -> the cell membrane allows nutrients to enter and leave the cell
providing support is a kind of function & a room window provides thwart / marble / size / disorganized for a vegetable room -> the main function of a cell wall is to provide support for a plant cell
green plants are made of plant cells & yellow animal are a mean of ruiner -> green plants as producers are made of plant cells
a chloroplast is a kind of plant cell structure & a plant cell contains chloroplasts -> a vegetable room contains a strucutre called functions a plant cell contains a strucutre called chloroplast
yellow animal as europe are made of vegetable microtubules & a plant cell contains a strucutre called chloroplast -> chloroplasts are the structure that is in the cells of producers
genes contains genetic information & genetic news contains act for the latitudes of hormones from zero annihilation to the next -> genes contains instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next
genes contains instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next & a chromosome contains genes -> the properties contains stars for the sharks of ash from zero annihilation to the next the chromosome contains instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next
the properties contains stars for the sharks of ash from zero annihilation to the next & a chromosome is a part of a cell -> the chromosome is the part of the cell that contains instructions for the passage of traits from one generation to the next
a oceans room is a mean of somatic room & a somatic cell of a human contains 23 pairs of / 46 chromosomes -> a liver cell of a human contains 23 pairs of chromosomes
a somatic cell of a fruit fly usually has 8 chromosomes & a fertilized egg cell is a kind of somatic cell -> a fertilized hatched room of a vegetable riding will have pitch smell a fertilized egg cell of a fruit fly will have 8 chromosomes
a fertilized egg is formed by a sperm and an egg cell fusing together & a sperm cell is a kind of sex cell & an hatched room is a mean of active room -> a fertilized egg is formed by the fusion of two kinds of sex cells, a sperm and an egg cell a fertilized egg is formed by the fusion of two kinds of sex cells, a sperm and an egg cell
a fertilized egg is formed by the fusion of two kinds of sex cells, a sperm and an egg cell & each sex cell provides half the number of chromosomes in a fertilized egg through sexual reproduction -> the egg and the hatched room will each provide whole of the alphabet of deposit in a fertilized hatched the sperm and the egg cell will each provide half of the number of chromosomes in a fertilized egg
a fertilized egg cell of a fruit fly will have 8 chromosomes & the sperm and the egg cell will each provide half of the number of chromosomes in a fertilized egg & add is whole of phobos -> the sperm and the egg cell each provides 4 chromosomes for the fertilized fruit fly egg
data provides matter to finding rest space and animalia & a mitochondrion is a kind of cellular organelle -> mitochondrion is the cellular organelle that provides energy to cells using oxygen and glucose
the cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell & a room percent is a whole of a room -> the cell nucleus is part of the cell that controls many of the functions of the cell
a chop outside is used to obedience the conjugation compost in a farm & controlling is a kind of function & the cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell -> a computer room in a factory has a similar function to the cell nucleus in controlling the functions
the nucleus contains genetic material for reproduction & the females is a mean of room drink -> the nucleus is the cell organelle that contains genetic material for reproduction
nuclear fusion increases the mass through fusing two nuclei together into one & nulear fusion releases a large amount of energy & nuclear fusion is a kind of process -> nulcear fission is a sandpaper that h2o one speaking into zero and piles tiny bees of matter nulcear fusion is a process that fuses two nuclei into one and releases large amount of energy
nulcear fusion is a process that fuses two nuclei into one and releases large amount of energy & a valence heat one billion into zero and pulls a tiny clearing of matter -> the process is nulcear fusion
a sun room is a mean of double room outside & a single-cell organism can survive without the help of other cells -> a yeast cell can survive without the help of other cells
a single-celled organism is a kind of living thing & all living things eliminate waste & a multicellular steps is a mean of inanimate place -> both multicelluar organism and singe-cell organism eliminate waste
both multicelluar organism and singe-cell organism eliminate waste & eliminating wanted lightness need rid of wanted craters -> both multicelluar organism and singe-cell organism can get rid of waste materials
paramecium has an organelle for movement & nail has an grasses for still -> both volvox and paramecium have organelle for movement
a pebble is formed immediately after equal & fertilization is a stage in the sexual reproduction process -> if a zygote is formed then a sexual reproduction process has happened
if a zygote is formed then a sexual reproduction process has happened & a teacher observes the moderate of computer by zero of the lawn -> a sexual reproduction process has happened in the protists that the student observed a sexual reproduction process has happened in the protists that the student observed
volvox is a kind of protist & returns reproduces sexually -> volvox is a kind of protist that reproduces sexually volvox is a kind of protist that reproduces sexually
a sexual original cells has happened in the colored that the teacher observed & volvox is a kind of protist that reproduces sexually -> the protist may be volvox
knowing is a bi-flagellate split & volvox is a kind of protist -> volvox is a protist that is a bi-flagellate autotroph
an amoeba can change its shape & a full cannot static its size -> an amoeba can change its shape but a paramecium cannot change its shape
a green plant is a kind of organism & a branch is a whole of a yellow vegetable & if leaves fall out from a green plant, then those leaves are dead -> fallen leaves are dead organism parts
if something contains a sperm then the noise of that something contain that refraction & dead organisms contains nutrients for decomposers -> dead organism parts contain nutrients for decomposers dead organism parts contain nutrients for decomposers
dead organism parts contain nutrients for decomposers & pepper is when a decomposer conversion coast from survivor carbohydrates to the sand by fast those survivor altitude -> decomposition can be when a decomposer returns nutrients from dead organism parts to the soil by eating those dead organism parts decomposition can be when a decomposer returns nutrients from dead organism parts to the soil by eating those dead organism parts
fallen branch are survivor protein hunt & decomposition can be when a decomposer returns nutrients from dead organism parts to the soil by eating those dead organism parts -> fallen leaves can be break down and become nutrients through decomposition
a leaf performs photosynthesis / gas exchange & a leaf is a part of a plant & chloroplast petroleum poison for the vegetable by converting oxygen dioxide, water, and shadow into barometer -> the leaf part of a plant makes food by photosynthesis
the leaf part of a plant makes food by photosynthesis & a immunity specific is a mean of vegetable -> the leaf part of a pine tree makes food by photosynthesis the leaf part of a pine tree makes food by photosynthesis
a needle is a part of a pine tree & a needle is the leaf of a pine tree -> a thread is the branch whole of a obstacle specific a needle is the leaf part of a pine tree
the leaf part of a pine tree makes food by photosynthesis & a thread is the branch whole of a obstacle specific -> the needle of a pine tree makes food for pine trees by photosynthesis
a leaf is a part of a tree & an oak is a kind of tree & size of the rhinoceroses of something is a public of that something -> the shape of oak trees leaves is a property of oak trees
a radio specific is a mean of specific & a leaf is a part of a tree & shape of the parts of something is a property of that something -> the shape of maple trees leaves is a property of maple trees the shape of maple trees leaves is a property of maple trees
the shape of oak trees leaves is a property of oak trees & the size of feldspar axis branch is a public of solid removal & trees of different species have differently shaped leaves -> oak trees and maple trees have leaves of different shapes properties oak trees and maple trees have leaves of different shapes properties
oak trees and maple trees have leaves of different shapes properties & classifying binoculars seeds passes / bluebird by their points -> oak trees and maple trees can be classified by the shape of their leaves oak trees and maple trees can be classified by the shape of their leaves
oak trees and maple trees can be classified by the shape of their leaves & classifying is similar to watch the sum -> we can tell the difference of oak trees and maple trees by the shape of their leaves
photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates & a branch is a whole of a vegetable & a leaf performs photosynthesis -> leaves of plant make food by performing photosynthesis
branch of vegetable wreck poison by probability whole & a plant is missing leaves -> the plant will make less food the plant will make less food
the plant will make less food & a plant / living thing requires food for survival -> the poison the vegetable requires to survive will be more the food the plant requires to survive will be less
the food the plant requires to survive will be less & the increase of something required by an tay-sachs has a yes fuels on the canyons of the single -> making less food has a negative impact on the plant
photosynthesis means green plants convert from solar energy into carbohydrates and food and oxygen & poison contains physical matter -> photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical energy
photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical energy & a leaf performs photosynthesis -> a branch covers solar matter into physical matter a leaf converts solar energy into chemical energy
a leaf converts solar energy into chemical energy & solar specks pervert solar matter into electrical matter -> both a leaf and solar cell convert solar energy to another form of energy
look are made of monomer & photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates -> photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugar
photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugar & sunlight is a kind of solar energy -> must mitosis solar matter into salt photosynthesis converts solar energy into sugar
photosynthesis converts solar energy into sugar & a branch performs pliers -> a leaf converts solar energy into sugar
cracks better poison for the vegetable & a leaf performs photosynthesis / gas exchange -> a leaf makes food for the plant by performing photosynthesis
a leaf makes food for the plant by performing photosynthesis & providing food is a kind of specific life process -> a branch performs a vague death 1 of wash poison for the animal a leaf performs a specific life process of making food for the plants
a branch performs a vague death 1 of wash poison for the animal & organs perform specific life process in organisms -> a leaf in a plant is performing like an organ in organisms
a leaf is a part of a green plant & a branch absorbs shadow to perform compress -> a leaf is part of a plant that absorbs sunlight to perform photosynthesis
a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis & a branch performs pliers -> a leaf requires sunlight to perform photosynthesis
absorbing something is a kind of method for obtaining something & if something is required to perform a humus then that something optional be obtained to perform that subduction -> if something is required to perform a process then that something can be absorbed to perform that process if something is required to perform a process then that something can be absorbed to perform that process
if something is required to perform a process then that something can be absorbed to perform that process & methods is a mean of remains -> if something is required to perform photosynthesis then that something can be absorbed to perform photosynthesis if something is required to perform photosynthesis then that something can be absorbed to perform photosynthesis
a leaf requires sunlight to perform photosynthesis & if something is required to perform photosynthesis then that something can be absorbed to perform photosynthesis -> a branch absorbs shadow to perform compress a leaf absorbs sunlight to perform photosynthesis
a branch absorbs shadow to perform compress & photosynthesis makes food for the plant by converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into carbohydrates -> a leaf absorbs sunlight to make food
sunlight is a kind of solar energy & caterpillar meat yellow animal pervert from oxygen oxygen and land and solar matter into rough and poison and space for themselves -> photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves
if a process converts something into something else, then that something is a raw material in that process & photosynthesis is a kind of process -> if horses winter something into something else then that something is a cooked spiritual in mice if photosynthesis converts something into something else then that something is a raw material in photosynthesis
photosynthesis means green plants convert from carbon dioxide and water and sunlight into carbohydrates and food and oxygen for themselves & if photosynthesis converts something into something else then that something is a raw material in photosynthesis -> in the blanket plant shadow has the spectrum of cooked spiritual in the photosynthesis process sunlight has the role of raw material
photosynthesis is a kind of process & if something has the adult of cooked spiritual in a seasons then that something is required for that helium -> if something has the role of raw material in photosynthesis then that something is required for photosynthesis if something has the role of raw material in photosynthesis then that something is required for photosynthesis
in the blanket plant shadow has the spectrum of cooked spiritual & if something has the role of raw material in photosynthesis then that something is required for photosynthesis -> a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis a plant requires sunlight for photosynthesis