stringlengths 26
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Dear Reddit: What do you call the foot pedals on an organ? | I play banjo and from time-to-time I'll play solo. I was at my friends this weekend and i was playing the banjo while using the bass pedals on the organ.
I want to buy some foot bass pedals but Im not sure where to start looking or what to search.
im kind of considering buying an organ on CL and just take it apart. But less work the better as I don't feel like trying to take apart a flippn organ.
thanks guys | WeAreTheMusicMakers |
Can we make subreddits for "Things my kid drew", "Costumes my kid wore", and " Pictures of people/animals I love who have died?" | Nothing personal, but this is not a good use for the general community. Metafilter would be more polite but probably remove the pictures anyways because they don't fit the criteria for interesting shares...
Edit: Forgot to add "Things my [probably imaginary] wife said" | reddit.com |
Reddit, What inspiring thing have you learned over the years that has improved your paradigm of life and the people around you? | For me, I learned that life's is too short to stress out over little things and that when you do good things for people is always comes back to you. Having this mindset had helped me so much just in day to day encounters with people. It has helped increase my self confidence and self esteem, and even influenced the people around me. | AskReddit |
Change Firefox 3.6 tab opening behavior | The first thing I noticed when I upgraded to Firefox 3.6 was that when I clinked a link to open a new tab the tab was opened right next to the working tab rather then placing it on the end of the tab bar. This annoyed me to no end so I found how to reset how Firefox opened tabs.
Type about:config into the address bar. Search for "browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent" ad change the value to false | firefox |
Any other pipe smokers out there? | I've been smoking a pipe for awhile now, and I'm wondering about others out there. How/when do you do it.
Cigarrettes are ubiquitous, and I see them all the time in public. Everyone knows that people smoke those after sex, when they drink, secretly in airplane bathrooms, and in ad hoc gatherings around building entrances, etc. But I don't see pipes all the time, though I'm pretty sure they're generally not smoked after sex, and it's inconvenient to smoke one on a 15-minute work break.
Me? I like to smoke them on long walks in cold weather, or sometimes in my vehicle if I'm feeling fidgety. | reddit.com |
help, my wife doesn't want to pop my bacne (back acne) anymore | I've become accustomed to making my wife pop all my hard-to-reach bacne. I get about one really good bacne about every 3 days, but other than that, I don't really get a lot. recently, a huge one, busted all over her face with little blood spatlets in hair and stuff (I'm not exaggerating), so she's been a little standoffish since then. I've coaxed her into doing it a few more times since then, but the writing is on the wall, the bacne popping will not continue for long. The way I see it, I have two solutions:
1) convince her to resume bacne popping - I'm hoping with time the memories of "the incident" will fade.
2) undergo some kind of shower regiment that is designed to minimize bacne. I currently shower with irish spring soap once per day - I've heard changing soap and lotion can help. what do you recommend?
PLEASE HELP!! | relationship_advice |
Dear Redditors from broken families... | How many of you are from divorced or separated parents? Has this affected the way you deal with relationships?
My parents have been going through a nasty clusterfuck of a divorce for what seems like forever now. I was talking with a friend the other day, and she claimed that I would never be able to have a satisfying relationship because of the paranoia that I would end up just like my parents. It's been bugging me a lot, and I need proof that she's wrong.
Advice? Stories? Rants? Let's hear 'em.
Edit: Enough bashing on my friend! She's been with me through some very hard times, and I've always confided in her. She's very blunt, but that's why I love her. So stoppit. | AskReddit |
I just got Metroid Prime Trilogy and i have to say that Bioshock has nothing on this... | When people talk about Bioshock, usually the word immersive is thrown around a lot. I defiantly felt that when I played it. The world, characters, and gameplay all came together for a tremendous experience. The list assumes after your first play through, not on repeats. As we all know, any game you play more than once, loses some of the wonder it has.
However, after playing through the first Metroid Prime, I can say that Bioshock's immersion pales in comparison to MP. It can be broken down as follows:
1. Character: Bioshock is a FPS, so you automatically feel like you are the character. That is about as far as it goes, though. In MP, on the other hand, you are Samus. You're in her helmet, you see what she sees, you react as if you are Samus. You scan, shoot, jump, dodge all as if it is really you. There really is no comparison when it comes to feeling like the character.
2. World: I will say that Bioshock has a incredibly detailed world that is done incredibly well. However, i felt the locations started to feel kind of the same after a while. "Ooh, another water drenched hallway...yawn". MP's world is also very detailed and well done, but the big difference is that there is different areas that feel different, but come together in the end. You have a lava cavern under the surface, chozo ruins above, an arctic area, and a mining area. All of these areas work together to make the planet believable, but feel different every time you step off an elevator.
3. Weapons: I will concede here and say that shooting lightning and fire from your hands is awesome. MP has great weapons, but the sheer awesomeness of Bioshocks powers help edge this ahead.
4. Exploration: The only reason to explore in Bioshock is to find recordings and the usual FPS fare (money, ammo, etc). In MP, you want to explore. You need to see every square inch of the world to find every expansion for missles, power bombs, and energy. You want to explore just to see the world that waas made and to experience every nook and cranny.
So there you have it. I can still appreciate Bioshock, but when it comes to full immersion in a video game, Metroid Prime is king (or queen, Samus is a girl you know) | gaming |
Why so many sinister bunnies in film? | Inland Empire. Donnie Darko. Sexy Beast. This list. What is it with this symbol? | movies |
I need a good recipe book program. I will now solicit your suggestions. | I read the internet and find all sorts of recipes that I might like to try someday. Just bookmarking the website seems inferior to some sort of application to manage these things. Something free and for a Mac would be best, but whichever you find best I am interested in.
Thanks | food |
What is your favorite simile or colloquialism? | I find things like this amusing, please share.
Simile: Homer Simpson: "I've been working as hard as a Japanese Beaver."
Colloquialism: "He's as happy as a puppy with two peckers." | AskReddit |
[Jan 31st, 2010] BBC documentaries, skipping bail, and spray on miracles. | **/r/reddit.com**
mattme shares a collection including 180 hours of documentaries from the BBC World Service]( and geoffreyp offers a tip for [people with stuck accelerators.
Tangurena links an author explaining why their books are not sold on Amazon]( and mpfr410 posts about China [behaving badly.
DanielTaylor shares more tips on how to stop a car if the accelerator is stuck.
diesel828 posts about a professor who transcribes Al Qaeda tapes.
pastanrunawayy talks about skipping bail and running away]( and EddieLomax answers questions on being a [US Navy spook.
oliverdaniel posts about a spray-on miracle could revolutionize manufacturing]( and cryptopath talks about [Junkyard Wars.
ROTD /r/humaninterest/](/r/humaninterest/) - creation story [here. | tldr |
Today isn't my 30th birthday but I am 30. Please give me 20 tips for things you wish you knew when you were 30. | Turning 30 turned out to be more of a milestone in the eyes of everyone else than it did for me. I did however have a good birthday with close friends and somehow woke up the next morning tired, slightly hungover and next to a cute girl.
In turning 30 I still don't feel like I have learnt everything I should have so please offer me any advice that you wish you had known when you were 30.
And I know this has been done before for the 20s age bracket - but I'm yet to see one for the 30+ crowd... | AskReddit |
Realistically Drawn Anime? | **TL;DR:** Looking for smoothly animated anime that is fairly realistically drawn - like Ghost in the Shell.
I've perused a few of the discussions here, and i've come up with some possible series to check out (Claymore, Black Lagoon, Death Frenzy) - but nobody was really asking the direct question i was hoping to have answered, so i thought i'd see if anyone had anything to add.
Can anyone give me a few suggestions for an anime series that is fairly realistically drawn? Preferably dark and bloody, but i'd just like to see what the options are- regardless of genre.
I'm in love with Ghost in the Shell, and i enjoyed Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop. I enjoyed Hellsing Ultimate - but even that has sections that are drawn in that caricature way that i hate. Giant eyes, exaggerated mouths, stuttering animation to show emotion, etc, are all huge turn offs for me. I cringe when those kinds of things come up, and i refuse to watch anything with that consistent style.
Also, most of the supernatural things drive me crazy. Silly demons, huge swords, magic - i just can't get into it. I guess i'd like to imagine that the story is plausible (at least mostly).
Does that ring any bells for anyone?
**EDIT:** Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all the suggestions. I kinda thought i was going to get a bunch of hate - either because my listed realistic(ish) favorites are the "mainstream anime", or because someone might think i just didn't look hard enough on my own. But i did look, and didn't come up with anything i could be sure of. I've taken the suggestions, and without doing anymore research, i've ordered a few. I prefer to know as little as possible before starting a new series (or a movie, for that matter). I like the surprise of discovering the story, rather than reading all the reviews and the synopsis in detail. | anime |
Lets start this subreddit off, show us your discworld collection! |
Note, i've recently aquired the two science of discworld books and Unseen Academicals, not shown on here. | discworld |
The US federal budget has more than doubled from $1.9 trillion in 2001. When the crisis is over why can't we just go back to 2001 spending levels? | The spending blueprint forecasts this year’s budget shortfall will hit a record $1.6 trillion, following a $1.4 trillion deficit in 2009. The 2011 deficit, for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1, is predicted to be $1.3 trillion, with deficits remaining above $700 billion for the rest of the decade, according to the projections. | reddit.com |
The Invention Of Lying; Awesome perspective on religion. | Anyone else watch this movie and love the healthy dose of silliness it places on religion? | atheism |
Reddit, would you buy this TV? | Basically, I am getting an apartment this summer and want to buy a large TV sometime between now and then. I have been looking for a while and came across this bad boy: #reviews.
It looks like it meets all my requirements: around a grand, 50" or bigger, and good specs. Unfortunately, it also sounds too good to be true. Can someone with expertise in this area please give it a look and tell me what you think? | AskReddit |
Who are your favorite artists? | My *most* favorite consist of:
Blu, J Dilla, Jay Electronica, Madlib, MF DOOM, Wu Tang Clan | hiphopheads |
Dear Reddit :: After reading about the Grammys last night, I took note that Beyonce won her 16th Grammy, while Neil Young won his FIRST. Waaa?!? What are your views on what exactly the Grammys currently stand for and represent? | Secondly, there has been talk of making the Grammys more geared towards youth. They plan to do this by not giving awards to seasoned veterans because "kids don't want to see Eric Clapton or Robert Plant win awards"
Too bad the Grammys cannot be modeled more like The Academy Awards, where judgement of art is not based on sales, cabaret and spectacle, yet based on innovation, skill, progression and groundbreaking composition.
Are we awarding for music anymore? Fuck no, and you'd be ignorant to think so | AskReddit |
DAE Hate when people put 'please consider the environment before printing this e-mail' at the end of their emails | I mean honestly who has ever printed out an email. I think its a cheap way to sound 'environmentally conscience' while coming off as a douche bag. | DoesAnybodyElse |
Hi Reddit, where can my friend holiday and avoid Valentines Day completely? My suggestion of Iraq didn't go down too well. | Hi Reddit,
My friend has recently broken up with her boyfriend and wants to escape for the duration of Valentine's Day so she's not surrounded by loved up couples.
She's looking for a country she can travel to for a short (5 day?) break and totally forget about things.
She'll be travelling alone so it needs to be safe for a single girl, money's not really an object so go wild with your suggestions.
Thanks very much. | AskReddit |
Is capitalism possible without consumerism? | Some recent reading has really got me thinking about consumerism, and just the amount of time, energy, and resources that are wasted in the big treadmill that comes out of it. But my thinking has gone deeper into why consumerism has come about in the first place, and as a result, I'm finding that I'm questioning if it's possible for capitalist economies to get out of the cycle of consumerism?
That's what I'm questioning here - is it possible for a capitalist society, in an environment of plenty*, to exist without falling into consumerism? I can't imagine it any other way. Humanity has become so efficient at using resources to provide the basics for everyone that only a small percentage of people are involved in doing so. Thus we have a large percentage of people who are able to work, but are not needed to provide for everyone else - but as we're a capitalist society, those people need to work to make the money to buy the things they require to survive, so they then have to make and provide things and services that aren't needed. These then have a need to be sold to people, and so on.
In other words, it looks like that because we've chosen an economy that requires people to buy the necessities of life with money, as if they're scarce resources, then we need to find reasons for everyone to work to earn that money. People are pushed to consume to make sure that others get paid to produce, just because that's the only way that most people can have the jobs they need to stay alive. If the majority of people were to stop all that excess consumption, it seems like our economy would fall apart, with masses of people out of work, because we've come to depend on an economy of consumption.
Am I wrong here? I'd really be interested in seeing how capitalism could work without this reliance on consumption - and even better if there are ideas as to how to get there.
(*I want to call out the environment of plenty, because it does seem that a society where the work of everyone is required just to provide enough for everyone to live, would end up not being consumerist, because there isn't room for it. I don't know, however, if such a state is stable. But that's not what I'm really interested in here.) | Anticonsumption |
Request: Hey guys, would you please help me find some Type O Negative (all albums)? | The one torrent on Demonoid I can find doesn't seem to work for me. Anything you guys can help me with will be most appreciated! | opendirectories |
What happens to the innocent roommate when the other roommate is busted for selling drugs? | Is there any kind of charge that could be given to a person for knowing that their roommate is a drug dealer? Not that it should matter, and this is entirely hypothetical, but the supposed dealer would be dealing marijuana. | reddit.com |
IAmAn Independent Insurance Agent. Home, Auto, Commercial mainly. AMA. | Been doing it for almost 3 years and I don't get many interesting questions.
I found a similar AMA from awhile back, but this house burning down AMA made me feel like posting my own. Lots of questions about insurance in that thread made me think that maybe people out there have questions that need answering...
Fire away.
I am in Wisconsin. That means my advice is technically only valid there. Although many states are similar.
Most states have an "Office of the Commissioner of Insurance" or something like that. GREAT source of info. Very consumer-centric.
[/edit] | IAmA |
I need advice on how to date a girl that has been sexually abused. What's the best protocol here for a more intimate relationship? | We have been together for two years and everything is perfect, except for when it comes to sex.
She was raped by her last boyfriend, and it has apparently left her very traumatized. She can accept passionate kisses and hugs, but not too much or too long. I can hold her when we sleep, but only properly, and she gets very nervous if I imply a more physical interest. It is very difficult for her to even talk about what she feels.
I love this girl with all my heart, and I would wait until the end of time to have sex with her If I had to, but I also don't want her too feel this way about it. I feel sorry for her, and I also feel like I'm not really helping when I feel like wanting to squeeze her to pieces because she's so damn cute.
I know that all of this will improve over time, and that she'll hopefully feel safe enough with me some day, but I still want to know if there is anything that I could do in a more active way?
I'd like to hear some advice from the perspective of other girls who's had bad experiences. What has helped you to feel alright about physical contact again? When do you feel the most vulnerable and the most confident about yourselves?
How do I talk to her about sex without making her feel like I'm expecting something from her? She doesn't come to me about it, so I feel that maybe it's up to me, but I don't want to come off as stressing.
Are there some good questions that I could ask her about what she is going through, that could give me a better understanding of her, without making her feel like she's giving away too much of herself?
Also, I don't want her to be afraid of making me aroused, and I don't want to feel guilty when I do.
I'd really like your thoughts on this, because I'm struggling with a trial and error situation here, and could really use some sound advice and guidance, if possible. | sex |
Haggling: Do you do it? What are your tricks? | A few months ago I bought one of those fancy shmancy LED Samsungs. I bought the 46" for about $300-400 less than it was retailing at the time, after having haggled for about an hour with the salesman. This was done over the course of two independent trips to the store, which I think helped me get the deal.
I've never haggled all that much, but I was pretty pleased with getting so much off the original price - I first had him do a price match which dropped about $150-$200, then I had him toss in a free blu-ray player, and then after that, I managed to drop the blu-ray player for another discount of about $150.
It just left me wondering how much other people haggle, can you haggle anywhere (ie. Best Buy, where sales are not commissioned based?) and what are your tactics?
Edit: 46' -> 46"... heh heh | technology |
Reddit please help! What book by an American
Author should I read? | I loved the Dune and Ender's series
I want to read Hitch Hikers but I know that it isn't American.
I was thinking of Sphere or The Andromeda Strain.
Any suggestions will be mulled over. Thanks! | AskReddit |
Why do some brands of instant ramen have lactose as an ingredient? It makes many of their customers sick. | I've noticed that a couple brands of instant ramen noodles have lactose as one of the ingredients in the flavor packet. I know Maruchan and Sapporo Ichiban have it, for example. And it's not lactose as part of some other ingredient, like whey; it's just straight lactose.
Like many of their customers, I'm lactose intolerant. Why do they use it? It better do something damn good if it's worth it to them to make many of their customers feel sick from it. | AskReddit |
What do you use to make backups of your DVD
collection? | Ive noticed a lot of my dvds are starting to get scratches after years of use. Id like to make backup dvds so I can watch without ruining my dvd collection.
Whats the best dvd backup you've found in linux? My definition of best includes a mixture of functionality and ease of use. | linux |
Here's what I know about Ents... | 1. I am an Ent
2. You're an Ent
3. There are 4631 other Ents
Now my question to you, fellow Ents, is this: Can one of us please tell me what the hell an Ent is?
And from a more philosophical standpoint, what does it *mean* to be an Ent?
Thank you very much | trees |
Do you give money to charity? | If yes, how much do you give and who to?
I gave $300 last year for 3 charitable organizations;
young childrens at the hospital,
cancer foundation,
& red cross for haiti earthquake.
and I plan to give another $100 for HIV research. (I received this morning a Negative HIV test, AMEN for that) | AskReddit |
Reddit, an inquiry into the issues of rectums | So, this is kind of embarrassing, hence the throw-away account, but I had to ask.
Recently, within the past few months, my rectum has been really itchy. The pattern I've noticed is that when it gets itchy (pretty frequently throughout the day), I'll go to the bathroom and wipe, and there tends to be some fecal matter that's come out. Now, I wipe thoroughly when I go in the first place. I've even been using baby wipes as something moist to help make sure everything is as clean as possible. But this problem persists.
A couple years ago I ended up with what was basically a yeast infection around the same area and I had some Clotrimazole and Betamethasone Dipropionate Cream prescribed, which cleared it up nicely. This time, using it hasn't really made a difference. Also, I was on (for an internal yeast infection) diflucan a month or two back for a couple weeks, which would have eradicated any yeast in the area - but the problem still persisted and persists.
Is there something that this could be? Is it a medical issue? My health insurance is in a transition phase right now so I'm somewhat at a loss for what to do.
Thanks, reddit. | AskReddit |
r/Beer: What should I do with a 40oz of Molson Dry 10.1%? | My friend bought a 40oz of Molson Dry 10.1% to see if he could drink it... Long story short, he couldn't stand the taste and now half of it is sitting in my fridge.
Now, I'm a fan of beer and will drink most swill with a grimace before I turn to liquour, but this stuff is *really gross*. I can't help but feel bad for it, sitting alone and neglected in my fridge next to much superior beers.
So the question is - how do I make it more palatable? I've thought of mixing it with a "light" or even non-alcoholic beer, maybe cooking with it or something, but does anyone have any creative ideas of what to do with such an awful, awful beer? | beer |
I believe it's called a "tag cloud". I want one on the homepage of my php site. Can anyone recommend a good script to make one of these things? | i see them all the time on people's blogs and they look pretty good and they're useful. I use it all the time on Yeah that thing at the top. Is tag cloud the proper name? What's the best way to get one on my php site? Thx in advance. | web_design |
Need a wedding photographer, in NJ... Looking for somebody Unique | Getting Married in July and looking for a good photographer to document the event. if you know somebody good please let me know, if you used somebody you were happy with i would love to get their name and info.
Common Reddit help me | photography |
Girlfriend willing to try anal! Help! | So, the other day my girlfriend (of over a year) and I were talking about gross/weird things we like that we dont know about each other.
After a while I nervously told her that I would want to try anal sex. Expecting a gross reaction, she basically said "Ok, we could try that"
Now she didnt seem very enthusiastic about it but she seemed willing to experiment. So my question is basically how should I approach it?
I told her we should probably start by playing around in the shower or something so it wouldnt be as dirty or hard to clean.
I was thinking I should start with just some fingers and see if she likes it, but i was hoping you all had some other helpful tips!
Thanks a ton! | sex |
Any guitar finger speed help? | I've got decent speed and can do most of what I want to do with my guitar, my fingers could just be so much faster though! Any tips/help? | Learnmusic |
What's your favorite celestial object and why? | I like Mimas, the moon of Saturn. It has a gigantic crater from an asteroid that almost shattered the entire moon, an impact crater bigger across than Canada. | space |
My gaming idea, google streetview finally made it possible? | Ever since the GPS in-car displays came out I've had an idea for a racing game that I thought was revolutionary (at the time). Though fast forward several years later it still hasn't been utilized...
My idea, generate your own true to life scale race courses, based on your city / route... Having multiple paths etc all would be customizable. Basically the idea was to have a program able to render a racetrack based off of GPS data (Now Google street view has much more accurate information than the satellite / GPS).
The whole idea was that the consumer would be interested in re-creating routes they often take, to work, school, to the next town. across the country etc.. Then be able to take a variety of vehicles and see just how fast they could get to their destination when they don't have to worry about full life consequences.
This would work really well on the PC where you could render your own tracks and even customize the landscape in post.
tl;dr Wheres the car sim equivalent of google earths Ctrl + Alt + A? | gaming |
To acid, or not to acid. That is the question | So, here's the thing. I know acid is pretty safe for most people, but I am not like most people - I think i might be schizophrenic; I don't hear voices/hallucinate or anything, but I fit pretty much every symptom of paranoid schizophrenia to a t *except* for hallucinations (I hate doctors, so I've never really talked to one about it, so an official diagnosis is not in the cards).
As such, do you think trying acid would help my condition, or is there a possibility I'll be plunged deeper into madness? | Drugs |
I attended a military reform school for 5 years. AMA. | No, I was not a 'bad kid'.
Yes there was hazing. A lot of it.
Suicide, drug abuse, extortion, etc...all were very commonplace.
Ask me anything. | IAmA |
Illuminati Cafeteria is closed today... | Some fluoride and chemtrails were accidently spilled on the marble floor, creating a slippery mess. Please head past the atrium, through the heart of darkness, and to your left, where we will have an ambrosia snack table starting at 50 ameros per meal.
Thank you for your eternal servitude. | conspiratard |
who else is going to buy a Toyota dirt cheap now that the world is scared of them? | I know I am :) learn how to shift into neutral calmly. and enjoy the cash you will save!
EDIT: I drive a lexus and I really rather enjoy my Toyota that was built in America
Reddit loves Toyota i guess! | AskReddit |
What's the craziest way to knock over a guarded grocery store in Postapocalyptia? | To clarify, the world ended a couple of weeks ago and about five to ten well-armed people are guarding a grocery store to live off the supplies until the government swoops in to save them. However, they're not horribly bright, so the pharmacy has basically gone untouched.
Cue amoral raider and sidekick, both well-armed and riding ATVs. Since Adderall is in high demand (it's the ultimate stim for survival, after all) they want to grab that at the bare minimum. Shootings, explosions, diversions and the bizarrely elaborate are all fair game.
For the record, this is for a book I'm writing and, while I already have a few ideas of my own, I figure that the Reddit hive mind can do much, much better. While I can't promise a cash prize or anything (I could use one of those myself) I could always send you a copy, write your user name into the book or whatever else.
Edit: There is no running power or water, anywhere. | AskReddit |
Ask Motorcycles: How do you respond to non-riders who state that riding a motorcycle is "too dangerous"? | What is your comeback when you hear someone claim something like this?
I just say that life itself is pretty dangerous to begin with, and I believe that the joy of riding outweighs the small amount of risk inherent to motorcycling.
EDIT: Apparently, some of you feel that I'm asking for a response from a somewhat hostile standpoint. Actually, I was not. Someone asked me for a recommendation as to an outdoor activity, and I suggested that they buy a motorcycle, and their response was that they had never considered buying a motorcycle because they believed it to be a dangerous activity. | motorcycles |
Post your least favorite photo from the user's flickr stream above you (Nicely) | Saw this in one of my Flickr groups and thought it would be an interesting way to get some constructive criticism going.
Here's me? | photography |
Dear Reddit, how many of you have gone back to Graduate School for different majors than your Undergraduate Degree? | Personally, i'm looking at going back for an applied science degree and would prefer to focus on research in Photovoltaics. I graduated in 2009 with a degree in Graphic Communications (Bachelor of Science degree, did some applied research in PV during my senior year)...
Anyone succeeded? Have suggestions? | AskReddit |
Building muscle and weight loss at the same time? | from what i have read if you want to loose weight you need to cut calories, makes sense. if you want to build muscle you need to up your calorie intake from maintnence level. so what if you want to do both. does anyone have info on how your body is able to use fat reserves to build muscle. has anyone heard of a workout/diet plan where you eat to build muscle one week and diet to loose fat the next week? | Fitness |
How to 'release' an open source project? | I've written an open-source ad server in Python. How do I let people know about it?
I'm not trying to make hella $$ here, just to spread the word. I've submitted it to PyPI, what else is there? | programming |
Help: Lager stopped fermenting! | My buddies and I brewed an American Lager last weekend. I just received an update from one of them that it looks like it has stopped fermenting. It started at 15°P and has only dropped to 10°P, but it should be under 5°P by now. It has been fermenting in their basement at 52°F. Does anyone out there in Homebrewddit land know what the problem could be? Better yet, know of any possible solutions? Thanks in advance, guys! | Homebrewing |
The Bacon Tree (My mother sent me this email and I couldn't help but think of Reddit) | Two Mexicans are stuck in the desert, wandering aimlessly and close to death. They are close to just lying down and waiting for the inevitable, when all of a sudden.......
'Hey Jose, do you smell what I smell. Ees bacon I is sure of eet.'
'Si, Luis eet smells like bacon to meee.'
So, with renewed strength, they struggle up the next sand dune, and there, in the distance, is a tree loaded with bacon.
There's raw bacon, dripping with moisture, there's fried bacon, back bacon, double smoked bacon... Every imaginable kind of cured pig meat.
'Jose, Jose, we is saved. 'Eees a bacon tree.'
'Luis, are you sure ees not a meerage? We ees in the Desert don't forget..'
'Jose when deed you ever hear of a meerage that smell like bacon.... Ees no meerage, ees a bacon tree'.
And with that... Luis Races towards the tree. He gets to within 5 metres, Jose following closely behind, when all of a sudden, a machine gun opens up,and Luis is cut down in his tracks. It is clear he is mortally wounded but, a true friend that he is, he manages to warn Jose with his dying breath.
'Jose... Go back man,you was right ees not a bacon tree.'
'Luis Luis mi amigo... What ees it?
'Jose... Ees not a bacon tree...
Eees a Ham Bush. | funny |
D.C. Meetup. Because I know half you fuckers are from the Greater Washington. | No one's posting much in the forums, but this area's boiling over with disaffected young nerds. So give a shoutout.
We could meet in Alexandria or something to try to make the commute easier for anyone living in Virginia, or we could go for symbolic and meet on the Mall or something.
eta: So does Sunday, February 21st, in Oldtown Alexandria work for everyone? I'm fine with another location but it should be somewhere metro accessible. | americanpirateparty |
List your tunes that can be sung/played by a beginner | There must be loads of relatively easy and cool tunes that can be played and sung at the same time (I find that soo hard!) - what have you got in the bag? I guess they should be easy enough for someone who has picked up the basic chords and can strum and sing without thier brain crashing like my old PC.
I'll put some of mine in; it would probably help linking to chords/youtube or something as well.:
* The Coral - "Dreaming of You" Tutorial
* Johnny Cash - 'Hurt" Chords]( and [video
* Green Day - "Good Riddance" Video]( - [Chords
Should get the ball rolling | guitarlessons |
Anyone care to make their first (wild and totally speculative) predictions for the 2010 F1 season? | So, winter testing has begun. Many cars have been revealed to the public. Now, we all know that what happens in winter testing is not necessarily a true indication of what's going to happen, but it is still fun to speculate.
So, anyone care to make any predictions as to either the WDC/WCC standings, storylines of the year?
I'll bookmark the thread and revive it towards key parts of the seasons if people are interested. I'm thinking some major milestones to revisit the thread will be right before and after the first GP, before, during, and after the European stint, then again at the fly away races after the Euro stint. | formula1 |
First batch of beer! But it may have problems? | Hey guys, this is my first post here, and I'd like to hear your input on my first batch of ale, which seems to be acting a little strangely. We cooked it up two days ago, and right now, it's in the primary fermenter (a glass carboy) with the waterlock (I think that's the word for it) bobbing away. However, there's a solid inch-thick layer of foam and crud on top of the beer! It looks very thick and persistent with small bubbles, like sea-foam, and there's bits of hops and shit stuck in it. I was just wondering if this is normal (to have thick, small-bubble foam on top), or if maybe I messed up by cooking it wrong, allowing contamination, adding ingredients at the wrong stage, etc.
It's an amber ale made from a kit (one can of malt extract syrup, and two bags of powdered malt extract). We added 1 oz of hops at the beginning of the boil, and another near the end, as well as some orange zest about 25 minutes in (an experiment), and boiled it for ~35 minutes. We didn't have a pot quite big enough for the recipe (we had a 6.6L pot for 1.5 gallons of water) so we split the boil between two pots and then recombined in the big pot after some of the water evaporated. We didn't filter between the boil and the primary fermenter (I think this may be the problem), thinking we'd just siphon it through a filter into the secondary fermenter. Another potential problem: we didn't take the temperature of the wort before adding yeast, but it seemed "cool enough" - however, the beer is fermenting nicely so the yeast seems happy enough. We made sure to sterilize the shit out of everything (with C-Brite), but maybe we messed up (though as a biology student I'd feel bad if my sterile technique weren't up to snuff).
Should I be worried about my first batch of ale? Have you guys ever had nasty foam, and did it make your beer taste bad? Is it contaminated and should I start over?
Hopefully this is normal, and I'll have a great batch of hoppy, orangey (maybe even orangered) ale in a month! Thanks for your advice guys, and hopefully I can make r/homebrewing a new home for me and my brew. | Homebrewing |
TIL: about salmon leather. Apparently it's just as useful as cow leather. | Just heard a piece on NPR. The link is to the 1st google response.
Good use of what's usually thrown out I think. I think I'll make my next wallet a salmon wallet. | til |
persiansown modified Swype to work with all HVGA (480x320) android devices | Originally posted:
I'm hoping this will get more love from /r/Android than /r/technology. Please upvote the original. | Android |
Reddit chess players: What is your favourite opening/defence? | I'm playing queens gambit, Ruy Lopez and Caro-Kann at the moment. Still trying to get my head around some of the sharp hyper-modern strategies. | AskReddit |
Hey my fellow Ents, should we start our own mafia on FB? | i mean we are like 4K strong, and even if all of us didnt join, a considerable number of people would be cool.
just a thought | trees |
I'm a Fla Gator alumni, and I have one thing to say about Tim Tebow's superbowl anti-abortion add... We lost to Alabama!! Just saying... | I love the Gators and Tebow is a semi-great football player, but spare me the holier-than-thou attitude. If you are going to help people don't do it under the pretense of missionary work. Help people because you are a good person, not because you wish to convert them. And if your going to talk about how your mom had a choice to abort your but instead we have a great football player, at least BEAT ALABAMA!!! | reddit.com |
Reddit ladies: Ever lactated for absolutely no reason whatsoever? My GF is... | So the girl was inspecting her breast yesterday morning, and gave it a small "milking" movement. 'lo and behold, a white liquid came out of her nipple. She jumped over to the other one, and gave the same movement. Yup, some there too.
First reaction was that she was pregnant. Not unwelcome, but unexpected. Went and got a test kit from the supermarket, and it came back negative. While she went out and shopped for that, I did some googling around. From what I could see, milk coming from both breasts isn't usually indicative of a physical problem but might be hormonal (pituary gland yada yada).
Just so happened that I had a doctors appointment later that day for an unrelated matter, so I rang up and had the appointment time extended. When we told the doctor about it, he seemed completely unphased. We mentioned earlier in the appointment that my sister had recently had a baby (about a month ago), and that my GF is feeling very clucky. Doc has sent her for blood tests to be sure, but doesnt think it's anything serious.
Other things to note:
* Yes, there's a chance she could be pregnant. She was off the pill for a week and a half, and we were having unprotected sex. Went back on the pill about a week ago
* If she is, it's definitely not unwanted :)
* Googling suggests lactating so early in a pregnancy (1-2 weeks) is exceedingly rare, moreso for a first pregnancy
* Tastes kinda salty, little tangy
* One boob has more than the other
So... Opinions? Personal experiences?
[edit]BTW, she wasnt pregnant. | self |
Have you ever met a celebrity that turn out to be a real asshole? | Everyone has met someone famous and not everyone experience goes well? I was wondering which celebrity turned out to be real jerks. | self |
Should Tebow give up on the NFL altogether and just play rugby? | Tebow, and the University of Florida, sacrificed his NFL career when they decided it was more important to win college championships than prepare him for the NFL. They focused on his strengths and did everything they could to enhance them and they did everything to ignore and dismiss his weaknesses like they didn't exist. Well, they do exist and they are every bit as visible today as they were four years ago.
He's proven that after fours years of college football he's either incapable of or unwilling to learn how to throw a football. He is not an NFL quarterback.
If he wants to stay true to his ethos he should do something that would impact the entire world of sport - a huge part of our worldwide collective cuture - not just impact the world of sport in the US. He should stop playing American football and start playing rugby. He should stop playing a sport he's not that good at and play one that could make him a global icon in ways the NFL could never do(and would never do given their team-first marketing approach).
The NFL will not change it's style to accommodate his skills. It didn't happen with Vince Young, it's not going to happen with Tebow.
In the NFL Tebow will never be the best athlete on the field, he might not even be in the top five. But rugby, he could dominate rugby. He could be the greatest American rugby player ever.
For Tebow to remain culturally relevent on the scale that he is now he can't become another Danny Wuerffel or Gino Torretta. If he does, his message is weakened and people will lose faith. He is supposed to be "The Greatest (something, I really don't know what, but I do know it's not QB)". He will not reach his full athletic potential playing in the NFL. He will not maximize his impact on society by playing in the NFL.
He should start learning the game of Rugby today and, after his rookie NFL contract expires, start dominating it. | sports |
The proof is in: It's worse to study Fourier analysis than to fall, break your nose and have a hematoma in your left leg. | This just happened to me:
I live in Gothenburg, Sweden, and it's really cold and snowy here right now. When I waited for the tram outside my uni at 8:30 PM I saw a dark figure lying in the snow. Naturally, I walked over to see how he was doing.
The elderly man had a large gash across his face and wasn't able to get up by himself. I suspected he had a concusion.
Anyways, I did the proper thing and called an ambulance and so on. The usual stuff happened. But here's the twist!
As we sat there in the snow, waiting for the ambulance, he asked me if I worked at the uni. I told him: No, I study here.
Then he asked what I study. Physics, I said
Now, there are two answers that usually occur when people are confronted with a physics student.
The "Oh, that's interesting" followed by a lengthy silence, and the "Isn't that really hard?" and me excusing myself for trying to "be all I can be".
Needless to say, I got none of the responses above.
He wondered what courses I was studying at the momemt.
I answered: Fourier analysis and optics.
He said: Oh, I remember Fourier analysis. That ones a bitch! I do not envy you!
I was completely gobsmacked. There he was, sitting in the freezing snow, his face bleeding and his leg aching and **he** felt bad for **me**?!? FML! | reddit.com |
I can't figure out this OS X program to connect to another computer... | I remember seeing something about a free program that would allow me to connect to another computer similar to remote desktop connection, but much easier.
I'm fairly certain that it had something to do with running the program on the other computer and having the person send you a code, which you could enter online and you'd connect to the other computer and could control it etc. Does anybody know what i'm talking about? | apple |
Proggit, please help me find a cellular network simulator! | Hi,
[I am new to reddit, so please pardon any breach of protocol.]
We're working on a project involving channel allocation in wireless cellular networks. We're basically trying to find a newer, efficient algorithm for channel allocation. I'm trying to find a program which will help me simulate a GSM network - network towers, cells, users in a cell, users moving between cells, etc. The allocation algorithm in a cell, of course, should be programmable.
I hope someone who has worked on such a project can help me out. Our project guide really has no suggestions on which tool(s) we can use. A bit of googling showed a perfect tool for my use - CellSim++. However, the involved person said that the tool is not available for distribution.
Can someone please help me find a suitable tool for my project?
Thanks! | programming |
So if corporations are people, when one takes over another is it considered marriage or murder? | I see it this way. Now that corporations are people, when two corporations merge they either A)get married or B) kill off another corporation ie person. If they get married and then want to take over another corporation, they would be bigamists turning to poligamist which is illegal in all states.
Also most corporations are incorporated in Delaware, where poligamy is a felony offence.
Reddit, what do you think? | politics |
Best place for a cheap date? | Looking for any inexpensive ideas, ranging from minor league hockey/baseball to cool music venues that aren't overpriced. Open to anything really, whether it be art, sports, food or whatever. Just has to be fun and easy to pay for.
Whatcha got, Dallas redditors? | Dallas |
Password Manager apps, anyone? | My hosting company (Fatcow) requires me to change my passwords every so often and doesn't allow similar versions of recent ones used. I have ADD and can't remember shite....any suggestions for good apps designed for web devers? | web_design |
Anyone else stop to think about the consequences planet scanning would have on local populations in ME2? | I find it odd that everyone's okay with launching probes from orbit that could potentially hit population centers as well as depleting a planet of all its natural resources. | gaming |
I play women's flat track roller derby. Ask me anything! | I've been playing roller derby for a little over 3 years. I co-founded a league in Alabama and transferred to a Colorado league about a year ago. I'd love to answer any questions you have about the sport, culture, rules, injuries or anything else. Go! | IAmA |
What's the worst thing that you have ever done? | Title pretty much says it all, but you can pad it out with justifications, rationalizations, explanations and excuses if you so choose. | AskReddit |
How do I train my roommate's cats?? | So I have two roommates, and each has a relatively new, relatively young cat (each a little over a year old, I would guess). I grew up with dogs, but I generally love all animals. These cats, however, are evil. One of them, in particular, misbehaves quite a lot and it has gotten to the point where he rules our lives and I'm fucking sick of it. He:
1) Gets up on the tables/countertops constantly
2) Scratches at my bedroom door in the middle of the night, every night
3) Torments the other cat until we have to separate them
4) *Intentionally* knocks over any clear, breakable glass whenever he finds them (he stays clear of plastic, coffee mugs, and thermoses - he only goes after clear glasses, usually filled with water).
So reddit - what is the most efficient way to train cats? Dogs are so easy. A simply "NO!" once in a while and they learn to obey very quickly. These cats just seem to be fucking with me. I've tried squirting them with water, locking them in the bathroom, crating them, hissing at them, everything that would work in an instant on a dog. What's next? | AskReddit |
Happy Birthday id Software | On this day back in 1991, a little four-man PC game development house was born, and you may have heard of it. It’s called id Software and they were making waves in the shareware market with games about an adventurous little kid called “Commander Keen”. They’ve come a long way since with their Wolfenstein, DOOM and Quake games and have changed the face of gaming forever. They started out with just four members, and today, only two original staffers are still there. The office has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years and they now boast a staff roster of over 100 talented members working on a few “AAA” titles at once. The other big thing this year is that this is the first anniversary where id Software is no longer a privately owned entity since the buyout by Zenimax. A lot of things have changed over the years, but they’re still id Software and they still make the games that drive many people’s dreams, including mine. So happy birthday id Software, and may you have many, many more!
Source: | gaming |
Collaboration? Visualising disease spread on social networks generated from Facebook. | Hey reddit. I'm a mathematical epidemiologist specialising in modelling the spread of infectious diseases (flu, HIV, malaria etc.). I've had an interesting idea for a side project on how diseases spread through social networks based on data from Facebook.
I can do all the maths and visualisation stuff, but don't know how to actually get the data off the net. What I could do with is for someone with appropriate programming skills to help me write a bit of code read the URL of a facebook page and then get the URLs of all their friends and so. Ideally I'd like to this in R as that's what I do my analysis with. Given that information I could do some cool things. I could even make you pretty pictures of what your friendship network looks like.
Heres a rather old movie of the spread of a curable STD such as gonorrhea on a simulated sexual contact network. I'd like to do something similar and better on a Facebook derived network.
Would really appreciate any help or feedback. | programming |
Hey reddit, let's conduct a poll by using comments so there is no practical way to analyze the data. | I know it's never been done before, but if somebody wants to conduct a poll, they could just make a post and then people can answer in the comments. Nevermind, someone beat me to it. | circlejerk |
The "Morning Wood Experience" for women | Just wondering .. do women get something equivalent to morning wood? Does it require to be burnt? | AskReddit |
Need help finding an XKCD comic. | The comic im looking for is a graph of how scientists deal with new theories as they disporve older theories, or something like that. The graph started with a long down slope then began looking like a sin curve. the x axis was religion or something like that and the y was scientific progress or something to that effect. the top of each of each peak of the sin curve part was called a new theory or something like that. im sorry i cant be more specific but if anyone remembers this please link it or post the title or anthing that could help me find it. thanks guys.
ps. im sending it to my history of science professor as it pertains to Thomas S Kuhn;s The Structure of Scientific revolutions which we are reading in class.
thanks again | xkcd |
I need to blow some 9 year old minds with Science. Any ideas of cheap & safe demos? | Context: I've been asked to run a science evening for a bunch of kids next week. The reason it falls to me to do this is that I am the only one who knows the difference between exothermic and endothermic. There's a set of really easy stuff I need to cover [making a basic switch, proving that hot air rises etc etc] but I see this as an opportunity to show these kids something they don't get to see at school and really engage them in the subject.
What I need is one or two quick demonstrations that will be A: safe and B: cheap. Obviously everything needs to be easily obtainable. I'm sure Reddit can provide a set of awesome suggestions and I will do my best to follow up with the results.
Cheers folks!
EDIT: Okay lovely people, I require sleep to avoid being a total zombie at work tomorrow. I'll be checking in tomorrow then running the best of the ideas past those in charge to get the provisional green light. You're all awesome!
EDIT 2: I have been okayed to try the ol' Coke & Mentos and have been told I can ignite some custard powder at my own risk. The chromatography idea was very popular and I'll be using a lot of the pressure/thermal expansion based ones as filler material, as well as the awwsome milk idea.
Sorry I couldn't get replies to everybody, suffice to say that there's not a single bad idea out there and if I ever do an evening like this again Ii seriously hope I can find this! | science |
WAE be interested in a subreddit that operates like "Report the Spammers", only geared towards bullies of Reddit? | I imagine it would work when there's multiple complaints against an individual who repeatedly harasses and bullies other Redditors, the person is warned and finally banned?
I understand how the "Report" button works, but often the situation requires a bit of context and a bully will make many hateful and just plain douchey comments to everyone on multiple threads.
Simply voting people down doesn't work. Reddit is getting such a hateful atmosphere lately because of people making vile and hurtful comments to everyone.
I fear that without some sort of mediation, Reddit will become just as bad as Youtube. | DoesAnybodyElse |
I am an indie game developer(XNA). AMA | I have released two titles: *Magnetic Defender*, which was published and sold by my university, and *Abaddon*, which was released by me. I am currently working on two new titles. The games are programmed with XNA, and sold for the 360. | IAmA |
My girlfriend is sleeping with another guy, is it my fault? | My girlfriend and I have a really strong relationship (as in we tell each other everything). We've been together 9 months. One night were were watching porn to set the mood. The guy in the vid had a huge penis. I'm about average, maybe a little below average compared to the tapes we watch, and anyway I jokingly said if she wanted to do something like that we could arrange it. I was kind of joking but she had mentioned a few times that she wouldn't mind if I was an inch or so bigger. Remember we tell each other every thing so this stuff comes up often.
Fast forward a few months later to new years eve. We were at a friends house party and everyone was getting pretty lit. A few of the local college basketball players were there too, so naturally the girls were acting super trampy which was pretty sexy. Making out w/ each other etc. My GF even made out w/ another girl sometime after the new years kiss.
So it's around 2am and I'm ready to go and start trying to find her. I get to one bedroom and do a quick peek in. At first I didn't believe it so I stepped all the one into the room. There was my girlfriend still wearing her shirt while one of those basketball player douche bags was thrusting her. I thought she might be getting raped so I stepped to him and she's like "no no it's ok dave don't make him stop" or something like that. Then this asshole had the nerve to tell me to shut the door. I glanced down to see a fairly massive penis thrusting my girlfriend again. He wasn't wearing a condom. I was feeling empty.
So I sat outside the room listening in shock almost crying as my gf got fucked for a few more minutes. On the cab ride home she explained that she thought it was my fantasy. And I guess since we talked about it I really have no right to be mad.
Fast forward to present. I've caught my girlfriend having sex with this guy around 6 more times. One time they even started while I was in the room and tried to get me to watch the whole thing. I don't even know what to say anymore. I told her that it was weird and she was like "sometimes fantasy makes us feel uncomfortable."
I alrdy told her it was ok so I would be a hypocrite if I made her stop now. I also told the dude to kindly not come over anymore and he pretty much said that he would come over if she invited him.
My question I guess is: How do I handle this? I want my GF to be happy and it hurts me to know I can't satisfy her sexually like this guy can. On the other hand, she should want me to be happy also right? Am I an asshole for saying it's ok for her to have sex with a larger male, and then change my mind?
-Dave | relationship_advice |
What do I need to bring on my usb drive to fix/clean an infected XP machine? | I haven't worked with Windows for quite a while now, but I did a lot in the past so I am unfamiliar.
The computer in question connects fine to a wireless network, and pinging google from the command line works.
However, trying to use the internet in firefox or ie, it brings up some spammy portal site that I can't quite remember.
So I am not able to download search and destroy, adblocker, hijack this, etc...
I am hoping someone who is more familiar will let me know if there is anything else I would need.
I plan on bringing ad aware, spy bot search and destroy, and hijackthis.
Its an older xp machine in a dell laptop
edit: i took the best advice and now ubuntu 9.10 is running beautifully.
edit2: thanks a lot folks for this thread, there is a lot of good information in here, and I now I have a very-ready usb drive for next time this happens and a wipe/os upgrade isn't an option. | netsec |
Does anybody else piss in the sink? | I only recently discovered how much more enjoyable pissing in the sink is. Think about it: it's essentially the same as getting it done in the toilet, except that it comes with several advantages, among them:
- You have to worry absolutely *zero* about the state of the fucking toilet seat! Up, down? Doesn't matter! You're gonna leave it exactly as you found it.
- Flushing? Fuck that shit; you turn on the water to wash your hands and micturition and absolution follow it down the drain.
- Adding to that, you can totally just fucking stand there with your cock dangling and brush your teeth, comb your hair; you can pretty much tend to just about any bathroom activity whilst your system happily dispenses itself into the sink.
- Ever see the posts discussing how to piss in a toilet? Some don't like to hit the water because of the sound it makes. The sink solves all of this man's problems!
And I can't find a single negative about the whole thing; I imagine the water is processed just like that from sewage lines, so there's absolutely no downside to this wonderful system. Adopt today! | DoesAnybodyElse |
Need suggestions for filling out an IT Tech form my boss gave me. | Trying to come up with some creative answers for this "Troubleshooting Form" my boss gave me to fill out when going out on service calls.
Here are the questions:
What's the issue?
Was the user working or playing solitaire when the problem occured?
Did you check the batteries on the motherboard?
Is the cup holder on the PC still functional?
What kind of search engine does the user use while surfing the internet?
Does the user's version of Windows support Linux?
Where is the "any" key located on the keyboard?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I figured for the woodchuck question I would give him the response of:
If a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would and should chuck wood. But if woodchucks can't chuck wood, they shouldn't and wouldn't chuck wood. Though were I a woodchuck, and I chucked wood, I would chuck wood with the best woodchucks that chucked wood.
But I'm sure there are better responses out there.
So, lets hear what you guys have for suggestions! | AskReddit |
Reddit: Let's see which month has the most birthdays. | According to some sources, October is the most popular month. Let's see what's the most popular month on Reddit is. **Upvote your month.** | AskReddit |
Kerplunk - What is the weirdest thing you dropped in the toilet, then had to retrieve? | My boyfriend dropped the nail-clippers in the toilet this morning and it got me wondering - What is the weirdest thing you dropped in the toilet, then had to retrieve? | AskReddit |
DAE have the difficulty of being verbose in casual conversation? | I am a man of many words by nature. I suffer from a lexicon that is wide and vast. Though my manner of speech is sincere, it ends up being just a litany of words to those who don't like being beaten by a thesaurus. Those very words, used to explain my feelings and thoughts because they fit the best, tend to be uncommonly used and so are dubbed big or gaudy. Leaving me sounding pretentious though the last thing I want is the illusion of import. Any attempt to simplify how I speak feels like patronizing or belittling my conversational companion. Reddit, I beseech your wisdom. What can I do to become a more accessible speaker and ease my audience's burden?
Please excuse my throw-away new account. | DoesAnybodyElse |
Hey Reddit, do you know of any place that sells recessed F-Type coax connectors? | F-Type coax connectors generally stick out from the wall, meaning you can't push any furniture up against said wall. I saw some recessed keystone jacks once in a model home but they couldn't say who supplied them. I assumed I'd be able to easily find it on the net, but have been unsuccessful. I located some at twacomm.com but they don't return my emails. Anybody know some place I can find these?
A wall plate with a few recessed jacks
The individual keystone | AskReddit |
/r/trees, you must play ME2. [2] | I love RPGS... awww yeaaa. I thought the first one was just above average, but the second is already twice the game. I just got it today and only about a 6 hours in, but GOD DAMN! Bout to smoke a bowl of this hyrdro i got the other day and completely forget what the fuck i was doing in the game. But thats okay. Thats what RPGS are for.
seriously though. pick up this game. | trees |
Went to the range for the 1st time with my 1st
pistol. How did I do? | Here are 4 targets.
I'm asking because my friends are new at this too. I did better than they did but I didn't really have much to compare to.
Thanks guys! | guns |
HELP! Stuck mead fermentation | Brewed up a small (1 gal.) batch of mead the other day. I cultured the yeast before pitching it, but the wert must've been too hot or something and now I don't see any bubbles. I don't really want to go back to the homebrew store (it's 20 miles away and I don't own a car) just for a package of yeast.
Should I try adding raisins? Or make a culture from a bottle of cider? Or bite the bullet and go get some yeast from the store? | Homebrewing |
DAE hate when people say "I don't need no (insert something here)"? | Don't that they realize that they are saying the opposite of what they mean do say? "I don't need no books" translates into "I do not need no books", so basically you are saying you DO need books.
I said this in response to someone's comment saying "I don't need no x" and got downvoted into oblivion. | DoesAnybodyElse |
How do you deal with indecision? | I've always been pretty indecisive, but I feel as the years have gone by I have only gotten worse - I'm hoping your insight can help inspire me to be more deceive. How do you deal with indecision, from the big things to the little things, what works for you? | AskReddit |
To People Who are in bands, have you ever booked/played a show and when you walked in there's a group of emo kids by the door smoking with wristbands on? | and then when you walk out there's the same kids out there? did they pay or what? they must have because they have wrist bands on. who are they, where are they from? do they actually listen to music? or are they just stupid asshole posers who show up to stand around in a band shirt? | Music |
We should not have unenforceable laws. | I just got through reading and it made me think how stupid it is to try to outlaw abortions. People are just going to go farther and farther out of the way to get what they "need", even if every fiber of their being tells them not to.
So my thought is, laws should come with a review date. If they haven't improved the country by that time, they should automatically be stricken from the books.
Drug laws are a great example. They kill people in many ways. There are deaths by police and deaths of police. There are deaths to cover up the drug trade. And then there are deaths because underground chemistry is unreliable. But the drugs are still selling.
If they want to mandate motorcycle helmets, they could try it for a year, but if they can't show a significant improvement in safety, the law would go away on its own.
Couldn't there be a constitutional amendment to put this into all new laws? The supreme court would have to become involved sometimes to determine if the reviews had actually proven the law to be effective.
EDIT: fixing grammar | Libertarian |
I'm going to be a first time Uncle in two months, what are some good gift ideas for my sister, if any? | My sister is 23 and about to give birth to her first child. This would also make me a first time Uncle, so I'm pretty excited about it. They aren't sure if it's going to be a boy or girl yet so gender specific gifts would be tough to get.
What's the standard procedure for something like this? Am I supposed to get her something? Even if I'm not, I'm pretty excited about it and actually want to get her something. She isn't exactly rolling in the cash, so what are some practical, yet fun and original gift ideas?
If you're a parent, what are some gifts that you appreciated? | AskReddit |
DAE have a job that involves something you learned in school and thought, "I'll never use this in real life"? | I edit textbooks, which means I have to know how to format reference lists, some of which include hundreds of sources. I've been doing it all day, in fact. Sigh. | DoesAnybodyElse |
Subsets and Splits