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can someone help me with my wireless card - after using ndiswrapper it functioned properly but after restart it has stopped working completly | sudo modprobe ndiswrapper should bring your wireless up now | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "wazeem", "user_answer": "nickrud"} |
is there some command that I can run, to reconfigure a package, that has already been installed, but whose configuration has been messed up? For example, supopse a symlink need tobe recreated. I have tried, 'dpkg -configure' but it gives me an error 'package foo is already installed and configured' | Try dpkg-reconfigure | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "MartianLobster", "user_answer": "RampageAI"} |
my server accepts SSH auth with keys only. if I update the SSH now will i lock myself out? | install fixed version on CLIENT, generate 2nd key, add 2nd key to authorized keys on server, and after testing it works, delete the old key form servers authorized. best way to ssh using given key is probably: eval `ssh-agent` && ssh-add /home/you/ | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "clusty", "user_answer": "LimCore"} |
is there a graphical proggy that lets me add boot entries to grub ? | like, kate | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "SimplySeth", "user_answer": "LimCore"} |
so is it normal to have 2 Firefox-bin running? | firefox is a script which launches firefox-bin | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "u_angel", "user_answer": "kbrosnan"} |
How can I make that the program man does show the text of the manuals colorful? | this page is about slackware.. but it might be useful on ubuntu as well.. give it a try | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "bullgard6", "user_answer": "Slart"} |
hi whats the command that untars a tar.bz2? | you could try the archive manager gui. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "haji", "user_answer": "neil_d"} |
what is the best mp3... general audio player? Hoping to find something along the lines of winamp.... | audacious is nice | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "databits", "user_answer": "deddly"} |
what's the best snes emulator for linux? | sudo apt-get install zsnes ;) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "[gquit]bombadil", "user_answer": "juano__"} |
is there a way to restart compiz without restarting x? | compiz --replace & (dont forget that & at the end ) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "[gquit]bombadil", "user_answer": "Mimi"} |
anyone know how i can get Pidgin to load on startup? | system > preference > sessions | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "AgentHeX", "user_answer": "alfermp_"} |
what permissions (for security) should a php file have on a webserver? | that'd be 644 | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ae", "user_answer": "Flannel"} |
Hi, does anyone know any program for ubuntu gutsy 64bit that i can manage Olympus SP-550 UZ digital camera ? | What about Picasa? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "panosru", "user_answer": "Eds"} |
Can anyone tell me if i can run the downloaded version of Gutsy Ribbon as a live CD? | it depends on which version you downloaded....the server version can't, the desktop version IS a LiveCD | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Memot", "user_answer": "Geoffrey2"} |
Is there a way to limit the download speed because each time I download something the Internet becomes to slow | i think there is a download throttling firefox addon | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Khalil", "user_answer": "Billiard"} |
I've just updated to the development branch (oneiric) and I can't get nvidia.ko to load, because nouveau.ko is always loaded instead, some thoughts? thank you. | blacklist? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "jorge___", "user_answer": "sudokill"} |
i want to convert videos to 800x480 for my nexus one. what fast tool can you recommend? :) | handbrake is a powerful transcoder | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "wers", "user_answer": "h00k"} |
hey, anyone running Ubuntu on a Macbook pro late 2011 without any issues? can you help me with the install details and what you did to make it work? im bored with OS X eh | refit makes life easy | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "tehpwnz", "user_answer": "gordonjcp"} |
how can I echo/print piped commands in a bash? | tee | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "love4linux", "user_answer": "allandee"} |
Hi! I recently installed Ubuntu 11.04 (no upgrade). Now Evolution and NetworkManager have lost their memory and ask me for passwords every time I start them. Immediately afterward, the Gnome keyring want's me to choose a password and enter it twice. How can this be solved? | heya, I hear you, but I don't know how ;( | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "jolson", "user_answer": "allandee"} |
can i run .bat files on linux?` | you would have to translate into bash | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "sveakex", "user_answer": "h00k"} |
hello everyone, i installed ubuntu for a friend on his laptop and am trying to figure out how to sync his itouch music... is there a linux app that is compatible with the itouch/iphone? | see the links I directed to you previously | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "jcole", "user_answer": "h00k"} |
I am having a problem trying to upload photos to a critique site, I have followed their instructions to the letter and the upload indicator runs and then it drops me out on their page but my photos are not there... This has been going on for days and now they are asking me to try another browser, I am using firefox and have no problems with any other site could someone tell me if there is a better browser than firefox for Ubuntu | it's in the repositories | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "maheanuu", "user_answer": "h00k"} |
Hello, I am having a problem with the Gnome terminal, and vi in particular. It seems the keymap is not what it should be, becasue vi is doing some funny things. The right arrow key inserts a capital C and a newline, backspace simply moves the cursor left, etc | you can 'sudo apt-get install vim' to correct that :) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "etrask", "user_answer": "h00k"} |
do lower timings for ram help in linux? | by default, they are | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "tomato", "user_answer": "h00k"} |
in ubuntu where does the python exacutable live | /usr/bin/python | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "jhancock", "user_answer": "Pici"} |
how can I tell which URI a usb label printer might be at? | use CUPS .. http://localhost:631 | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "qe2eqe", "user_answer": "Halitech"} |
do you know if AMD turion 64 is k8 or what? | yes (according to lm-sensors anyway) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Tyczek", "user_answer": "nikrud"} |
How do I share a internet connection made with gnome-ppp? Over a LAN between Kubuntu and Ubuntu. | firestarter can configure shared conections afaik | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "martinw", "user_answer": "erUSUL"} |
I'd like some advice on what webcams work well with ubuntu? | i use A4tech webcams | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "aninhumer", "user_answer": "alain1"} |
Has any Thunderbird user got threads working with one of the ubuntu mailinglists? No posts are nested as threads on my system. | click the icon in the 'thread' column to switch between threaded/nonthreaded view or use the menu or configfiles.. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "KenSentMe", "user_answer": "berzerka"} |
wgat package do i need to be able to 'make' ? | all those that the build-essential package depends on | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "mariorz", "user_answer": "soundray"} |
Does anyone know of a single page that gives commands/scripts for all of the stuff needed to get extras working in x64 (i.e. Flash, etc)? | | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Mercurybullet", "user_answer": "astro76"} |
what is the equilivant to DOS's start command? (start file.pdf would open the file with the default pdf viewer (same as double clicking the file)) | -- not that I know of. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "amainland", "user_answer": "fac3less"} |
hello is there a way to change teh default behavior of ls to behave like ls -ll ? | try alias ll='sl -l' , if you like it , add to .bashrc | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "amainland", "user_answer": "nickrud"} |
how can I share my custom compiled kernel image with someone, do I just package up what's in /boot????? | normally /lib/modules/$(uname -r) is essential as well. Didn't you use a ubuntu or debian method to compile? That would give you a .deb in /usr/src | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "yoblin", "user_answer": "soundray"} |
what package owns | libsm6 | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "mikealeonetti", "user_answer": "Dulak"} |
hello, on my desktop are some partitions shown; ...they are called 'data' and 'sda1' to rename them? | you may use 'e2label' if they are ext2/3 | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "nik_", "user_answer": "jrib"} |
How can I reach the gnome menu without a mouse? (so some keyboard shortcuts, or something) | alt-f2 is run dialog too | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "cruox", "user_answer": "serenityUK"} |
this may sound silly, but have you tried restarting your computer? i ran into that problem once or twice and that fixed it for me. is the network encrypted? | i will try that if all else fails | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "volumenico", "user_answer": "patrick__"} |
I understand taht k3b has mp3 support in the form of libk3b2-mp3. Is there something similar for any of the Gnome equivalents? which one shoukld I go with | although, i don't see why you couldn't just run k3b in gnome... | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "nano|marek", "user_answer": "corruptionoflulz"} |
question: why is the 'x' bit not included even though it's included in umask? | There is no root password, the root account is locked. Use sudo to do things as root. See | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Nitax", "user_answer": "Pici"} |
Hello, can anyone help me with unmounting? | you will probably need to edit /etc/fstab and comment it out | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "lacuce", "user_answer": "aubre"} |
Is there a way to view wikipedia offline on ubuntu/ | dwnload an offline version from somwhere | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "roxana", "user_answer": "erUSUL"} |
ok I can now mount my /dev/mapper/root /mnt. how can I install lvm and grub now? | what are you having trouble with? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "xukun", "user_answer": "freeroute"} |
how does the ubuntu package system work in this case: natty repository has package x version y but another source has package x version y+1.. how does ubuntu (apt) determine which one to use/install? | read about how version numbers are compared. Unless you have some sort of apt rule setup, the greater version will be chose | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "vaev", "user_answer": "jrib"} |
hello. how would I best approach installing a single package and its dependencies from oneiric (package that doesn't exist in natty, python3-gobject)? | thats not supported here | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "vaev", "user_answer": "ThinkT510"} |
What is the best program to use to boot up a windows program through? | wine can run some windows programs, and I have windows7 installed in virtualbox but it does run rather slow | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "frawst", "user_answer": "th0r"} |
Anyone know how to setup the options Apache starts up with on Ubuntu, equivalent of the -D directive when starting up the daemon? In other systems, there is an 'APACHE_OPTS' environment variable that lets you define which options are passed to the startup script | look at the upstart script and it's config file | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Fleep", "user_answer": "ikonia"} |
Why do Synaptic and Software Center insist on me installing either Chormium or Firefox? I can't get rid of browsers I don't use. | try from command line: apt-get or dpkg | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "rizzuh", "user_answer": "duga"} |
is there something in oneiric like suspend? my machine's in a 'suspended' type of state when i come in to the office, it's a desktop...not sure what the deal is. i have to hit the power button to get my monitors to fire up and it's a desktop. power settings have no suspend/hybernate events defined | Also that is a know issue | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "dork", "user_answer": "GirlyGirl"} |
does anyone know o good screecast make application? | are you talking about record my dekstop? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "infinito", "user_answer": "^root^"} |
how to install a application from apt-get in /home ? | can't. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "lastk", "user_answer": "LjL"} |
I installed the budget dedicated repo for wine, but doing a 'sudo apt-cache show wine' shows wine 9.46 available. For some reason it is going to the universal repo and doesn't see the budget dedicated offering currently posted to the site | hmm so it does... but the latest will still install, also you don't need sudo with apt-cache | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "gojita", "user_answer": "astro76"} |
Hey dear channel! How can I make Gwibber, the integrated microblog client of Ubuntu 10.04, make work with | did you log in to your accounts through gwibber? i have facebook and twitter running through gwibber as we type now. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "nnd", "user_answer": "tic^"} |
how do i open a file with admin privileges? | gksu applications /path/to/file | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "apocalypt1", "user_answer": "Pelo"} |
which is insecure, gutsy, or hardy? | disown | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ryty", "user_answer": "jrib"} |
I have just installed Ubuntu 11.04. When launching Synaptic software update, keyring does not accept sudo pwd? Can somebody help? | you are certain you are entering the correct pass? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "alzamabar", "user_answer": "IdleOne"} |
is there any gui openvpn client for ubuntu ? | those are in the repos | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "n215", "user_answer": "robdig"} |
Hi - when I resume from a suspend, my eth0 connection does not come up automatically. Even invoking dhclient does not work until I remove my network driver module and insert it again. Can I fix this somewhat? | /etc/default/acpi-support : add the mod name to the MODULES list | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "pg", "user_answer": "tomchuk"} |
hey guys. what's a good programming font in ubuntu? my matlab is using some stupid unreadable font... i don't know which one to use instead... | I installed the Terminus font on a recommendation of a coworker. Works ok for Gnome apps. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "quangle", "user_answer": "mrball"} |
Hi everyone. is there a channel for ubuntu on ps3? | its an unofficial distro | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ps3noob", "user_answer": "ikonia"} |
Is there any way to see who's in a certain GROUP? (command+opt) | 'groups <user>' in terminal | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "student", "user_answer": "soldats"} |
kk guys. im trying to make a romantic compiz-fusion video for my girl and post it on youtube. i need a way to write her name on something in some sort of text editor i need the letters to be big though so its decipherable. any suggestions? | use gedit or such | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "imbecile", "user_answer": "soldats"} |
anyone know how to open multiple programs in single click? | with a script its possible | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "luddite", "user_answer": "soldats"} |
I installed ubuntu-desktop in kubuntu (switching totally to know here) and I didn't have window borders. I did System > Appearance > Vis Effects tab and clicked None and got my window border back. Was this the right way to do this? | most likely yes since each wm handles win bordoers differently | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ardchoille", "user_answer": "soldats"} |
do i need Xinerama and TwinView (nvidia driver) both enabled in xorg.conf for dual-head compiz? | you normally dont enable both Xinerams and Twinview. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Sefram", "user_answer": "Dr_willis"} |
any1 no how i can make a key on the keyboard (or key combos) show the desktop? cuz id like a faster way than clicking 'show desktop' | try gnome-keybinding-properties | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "deniz__", "user_answer": "MrKeuner"} |
< this page says how to install it under feisty but not under gutsy :o | what package? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Fallenou[oqp]", "user_answer": "astro76"} |
my normal users don't have cmd line features like history, auto-completetion, but root does. what could be wrong? (server) | are they using bash as default shell? maybe theyre in sh? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "zatic", "user_answer": "pike_"} |
how do you change what program opens a specific type of file by default? | you right click the file and select properties, then choose default apps or something along those lines | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Hammer89", "user_answer": "compwiz18"} |
When I plug my headphones into my laptop the sound comes out of both the computer speakers, and the headphones... anyone know what I can do about this? | fix the laptop? (I thought this was a hw feature) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Hammer89", "user_answer": "vlt"} |
Does anyone know if Rhythmbox supports syncing iPhones? | Yes, but you need to sync the phone once with a Mac / Windows machine. | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Hammer89", "user_answer": "Jordan_U"} |
anybody know why ubuntu still does that 'drum roll' sound when i login, even though i've disabled all system sounds...? | system - administration - login window | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "akorn", "user_answer": "linduxed"} |
whenever i try to list the files in a tarball with 'tar -t file.tar.gz' the shell just stalls, WHY? | tar tfz ... | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "linduxed", "user_answer": "ranf"} |
Quick question, I'm going to reformat in a couple of days(Currently have 7.10, going to put either 7.10/8.04 and WinXP Pro on). What are the major differences between 8.04 and 7.10? Also, does it normally go *.04, *.10 for version numbers(And why does it?) | the version number is the date. Year.Month | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "timsandtoms", "user_answer": "crdlb"} |
Does ctrl-alt-backspace no longer kill x? | dontzap ( | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "macele", "user_answer": "velko"} |
does anyone know of a utility that shows the users logged into a box at a specific point in time? | I would check out it's man page | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "hashbrowncipher", "user_answer": "kelsin"} |
hello.. does the normal ubuntu 8.04 iso has the windows installer thingy, or is it in another distribution ? | yes 8.04 has the Wubi installer | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "theLichKing", "user_answer": "Joeb454"} |
hi guys, where does the automatic install of apache get put in fiesty? thanks. | try 'whereis apache' | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "thesaint4444", "user_answer": "theLichKing"} |
when I try to run xflock4 without xscreensaver installed, xflock4 reports that it is missing xlock and xscreensaver-command | I don't know what xflock4 is | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "zanzer7", "user_answer": "jrib"} |
please help me. how can i change server to connect? | /server | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "mautinka", "user_answer": "SunsparcSolaris"} |
Now, I want to do more with linux than just chat. My question now is: what is the recommended bittorrent client for ubuntu? I'm looking to use one that is similar to BitTorrent on windoze, but I prefer one that is simple to use, but not so simple a 2-year old can use it. Any suggestions? | or just 'deluge' | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "^Phantom^", "user_answer": "Frijolie"} |
Any suggestions on a nice and simple finance manager gizmo? | there is one called ....ledget. sqledger or such I think | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "jsoft", "user_answer": "wols"} |
Is there a good site out there or anyone have a good site to where I can learn how to better my skills in souce compiling? | there's a gcc - the complete reference, check amazon or where ever | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "change", "user_answer": "destiney"} |
Is there an image editor in Ubuntu or for Ubuntu thats a little easier to use than Gimp? | gpaint :) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "mrpockets", "user_answer": "aoupi"} |
Is there a way to view package changelogs with dpkg-query (or something else) similar to rpm -q --changelog ? | you can use apt-listchanges or aptitude changelog | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "cannonball", "user_answer": "Pici"} |
Well I guess I'll reinstall gutsy :( any sight recommendations for tipps on new gutsy install? | | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "ak5_2", "user_answer": "Sharpie"} |
hi all,how does one start a software raid after booting (non root partition)? | are you currently booted onto a drive that is going to be in the raid? | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "evdvelde", "user_answer": "charles"} |
How can I keep the disk reformat from happening on Ubuntu installation? | Advanced installation | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "stercor", "user_answer": "sticky1"} |
ok, say I have a second hard drive and I want to install gutsy gibbon, i have the iso, but I don't wanna burn it. It's mounted, but I can't seem to get the installer started. How should I go about gettin it done? | or a few other methods here: | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "Lore1", "user_answer": "Flannel"} |
He wants to know what version | man alsa there is probably an option to display it | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "pjeide", "user_answer": "Pelo"} |
i am trying to use make menuconfig with my kernel. it is failing with scripts/kconfig/lxdialog/dialog.h:32:20: error: curses.h: No such file or directory. I've installed libncurses5. any ideas why its failing? | You need libncurses5-dev | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "tarsin", "user_answer": "cthulfuego"} |
Hi: I'm trying to install a new Soundblaster X-Fi sound card (sb0790), does anyone know where i should begin? | | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "completeN00b", "user_answer": "gregarei"} |
Hi guys, for a Intel Core 2 Duo, is it better to install the 386 version or the amd64? (I am worried about compatibility issues or lack of some packages for amd64) | core 1 duo isn't 64 bit. core 2 duo is | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "octete", "user_answer": "Tidus"} |
hey. where is the repository file located? so i can add or remove repositories? | if you need to edit the file directly, it's /etc/apt/sources.list | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "sveakex", "user_answer": "soundray"} |
I have a microcontroller which is connected trough a USB-port on the computer. Although, it emulates a serial port. Which device should i use under /dev? | Probably /dev/ttyUSB0 for a USB serial device | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "eyyYo", "user_answer": "Wyzard"} |
How do i run bashscripts with sudo? 'sudo bashfile' doesnt work, and 'sudo ./bashfile' doesnt work either.. | chmod +x bashfile Then you can run it | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "eyyYo", "user_answer": "chapium"} |
Is there a reverse for grep? Like 'cat myfile | grep -reverse blabla', and it should show every line which does NOT contain 'blabla'? | yes. man grep | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "eyyYo", "user_answer": "wols_"} |
I need to change my host name, this is in the host file : ( ubuntu.ubuntu-domain ubuntu ) do I change all instances of 'ubuntu' to the desired host name? As well as in the Hostname file? | it appears so, sorry i''m not much help, i'm just aware of the factoid :) | ubuntu-dialogue | {"user_question": "area51pilot", "user_answer": "auronandace"} |
Subsets and Splits