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[Salvatore's house]
(Caroline is sitting on the couch. Damon gives her a glass of blood)
Damon: Here
Caroline: I'm still shaking
(She drinks. Stefan arrives)
Stefan: What happened?
Damon: go ahead, tell him. You're gonna love this
Caroline: I saw Katherine today
Stefan: Where?
Caroline: At the grill. I just stopped by to gawk and… ‘cause I stuck Matt
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline tells them the story. She's looking at Matt)
Matt: Do you need a table?
Caroline: No, I'm not staying. I just needed to use the little girls' room
Damon: Skip the teen drama and get
Caroline: Then I had to pretend to use the bathroom even though I didn't really have to go because I'm defies
(Caroline is in the bathroom. She's washing her hands when Katherine arrives. She poses as Elena)
Caroline: Elena?
Katherine: Hey, I saw you with Matt, are you okay?
Caroline: Yeah, you know… whatever
(She rushes over Katherine. Katherine smiles)
Katherine: You're good. What gave me away? Was it the hair? Or was it my clothe?
Caroline: I know Elena is… I know Elena's at home
Katherine: I need you to deliver a message
Stefan: What was the message?
Katherine: Tell Damon and Stefan that I want the moonstone or I will rip this town apart until it rains blood
Damon: Tell him the rest of it
Katherine: Tonight, at the masquerade ball
[Salvatore's house]
Stefan: She wants to do it in public. k*lling Mason threw off her guard
Damon: She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks
Stefan: We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her
Caroline: Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?
Damon: No, Katherine's not getting dick. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna k*ll her, tonight
Stefan: You're not gonna k*ll her
Damon: Don't give me that goody goody crap
Stefan: You're not gonna k*ll her
Damon: Really?
Stefan: Because I am
[Gilbert's house]
(Jenna is coming from the hospital. Jeremy, Matt and Elena are helping her)
Matt: Easy. Grab the door Jer
Jenna: Hey, stop fussing, I'm fine
Elena: The doctors said that you have to take it easy
Jeremy: Yeah, you don't want to rip your stiches, hemorrhage and die, alright?
Jenna: yeah, the only thing I'm gonna die from is embarrassment
Matt: No
Jenna: I walked into a Kn*fe. How does somebody do that?
Elena: It is a freak accident
Jeremy: Yeah, it happens
Matt: Yeah, I mean I've done it like 20 times at the grill
(Jenna laughs)
Matt: Okay, I'm being nice
(They put her on the couch)
Matt: What should I do with this?
Elena: I got it
(He gives her a bag with food. Matt stays with Jenna. Elena goes in the kitchen. Jeremy follows her)
Jeremy: So what are we gonna do?
Elena: Make lunch
Jeremy: No, about Katherine
Elena: We're not gonna do anything, Jeremy
Jeremy: She tried to k*ll Jenna. We can't let her get away with that
Elena: yes we can. If it keeps us safe then we can
Jeremy: And what if she tries something else?
Elena: She won't. Katherine hurt Jenna because I didn't do what she said. I'm not doing it now, me and Stefan are over. She wins, the end
Jeremy: You are being naïve and you know it
(He leaves)
Elena: Where are you going?
Jeremy: Out. I'll be back
[Katherine's bedroom]
(Katherine enters the bedroom. She's carrying a shopping bag. Mrs. Flowers is helping her)
Mrs. Flowers: Where should I put these?
Katherine: Right there. Thank you, Mrs. Flowers. You've been such a wonderful help
Mrs. Flowers: Oh, it's my pleasure dear. Let me know if there anything else I can do
Katherine: I will
(She takes a dress from one of the bags. A woman is in the bedroom. Katherine rushes over her and pushes her against the wall)
Lucy: Oh, Kat, chill
Katherine: Do not snick up on a vampire
Lucy: Don't att*ck a witch. It's good to see you girl
(Katherine embraces her)
Katherine: I'm glad you made up
Lucy: You called, I came
Katherine: Like you had a choice
Lucy: Don't get all boss lady on me. You know I love you
(She takes a mask from one of the bag)
Lucy: Now, where does one where this?
Katherine: To a masquerade ball. Tonight. You want to be my date?
[Salvatore's house]
(Caroline opens the door to Bonnie)
Caroline: Hey, come on in
Bonnie: I got Stefan's message
Stefan: Hey, you brought the grimoire, thank you
(She sees Damon and Alaric talking and she sees that there is a lot a w*apon on the table)
Bonnie: What's going on?
(Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: We're gonna k*ll Katherine
Stefan: I can explain
Bonnie: Please
Stefan: We're gonna k*ll Katherine
(Alaric shows the w*apon to everybody)
Alaric: This works with compressed air. The trigger mechanism is up here. I have two of these in a different size. For you I recommend this. It feats nicely under the jacket sleeve. You use the trigger when you're ready
(He fakes k*lling vampire. Damon and Stefan look at each other)
Alaric: He wanted me to show him how to k*ll a vampire
[Katherine's bedroom]
(Katherine is smoothing down her hair)
Lucy: What's with the hair?
Katherine: I'm impersonating my dullest dishwater doppelganger Elena. She has the worst taste
Lucy: Except in man. Isn't a risk pretending to be her in front of the entire town?
Katherine: I've gotten quite good at it actually and everyone's gonna be in masks. It's for some fid, something charity. It's for a good cause Lucy
Lucy: Hum, okay. Well, have you actually seen the moonstone before? I always thought it was some made up legend
Katherine: I have seen it and I need you to help me get it back
Lucy: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do with it?
(Katherine looks uncomfortable)
Lucy: you want me to break the curse
Katherine: Let's just get it first. All i need from you is for a backup. I can't imagine that Damon and Stefan are just gonna hand it over without putting up a fight
[Salvatore's house]
(Bonnie is talking with Stefan)
Bonnie: I know you love Elena and you want to be with her but it's risky. Too many people could get hurt
Stefan: Look, I want Elena back, yes but it's more than that. What Katherine did to Jenna crossed the line. She has to be stopped before it happens again
Bonnie: I don't know, Stefan
Stefan: Look, Katherine knows me, right? She knows that I'm not gonna try something in a crowd full of innocent people so that gives me an edge. I could get to her by surprise
Bonnie: I could do a spell to trap her, like the tomb spell
Stefan: Right. We can isolate her, away from the others. Please Bonnie
Bonnie: Okay
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena and Matt are talking. Matt is leaving)
Elena: You're welcome to hang out. Alaric's coming over. It's gonna be pizza and bad TV
Matt: I'd love to but I'm going to the masquerade party at the Lockwood's, aren't you?
Elena: Uh, no… not with what's going on with me and Stefan
Matt: I've got to go, there's something I got to do
Elena: What?
Matt: Just something, I can't talk about it but I've got to go
Elena: Okay. Well, have fun
Matt: Yeah. Me and a suit
Elena: You look good in a suit
Matt: You and Stefan are working it out
Elena: I don't think so, Matt. There's so much about me and Stefan that'll never work
Matt: You know I'm here for you always
(She embraces him)
[Salvatore's house]
(Everyone is in the living room)
Alaric: Are you sure you guys don't want me there tonight?
Stefan: No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don't want her to know about this
Alaric: Okay. Well, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my side
Stefan: Alright, if anyone wants to back out, I'll understand
Damon: Yeah. Cold feats speak now. I don't want this going wrong with someone chicken's out. Caroline?
Caroline: I won't. Look, she k*lled me. Fair's fair. As long there's no werewolf running around
Damon: Oh, I took care of Mason
Jeremy: As long as Tyler doesn't k*ll anyone, he won't turn
Stefan: Bonnie? Are you with this?
(Long pause)
Bonnie: But no one gets hurt
Damon: Except Katherine. Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart
[Lockwood Mansion]
(It's the masquerade ball. Everyone is wearing masks. Tyler is in his father's office. Carol rejoins her)
Carol: It's already packed out there. You know, we need to keep that door sh*t. Your father would be very unhappy if I let gests in here
(Tyler gets up. He's wearing a suit)
Carol: Oh, look at you! So handsome
Tyler: Thanks. You look pretty good too mom
Carol: Oh a compliment. I think I'll fall over
Tyler: Listen, I'm sorry I've been a dick lately… a jerk lately. It's just… Have you heard from Mason?
Carol: No and I don't think we're going to. He's coming, he's going, it's just his way. He's the exact opposite of your father
Tyler: We should have cancel this party
Carol: This all masquerade theme was his idea. I don't know what it has to do with helping the homeless but once he made up his mind, he could really be a dick, a jerk. But I loved him and I know you did too. It's natural to feel abandoned. I just don't want you to feel alone
Tyler: Come on, put your mask on. Let's just go out there and pretend to have some fun
Carol: I think I need a cocktail first
(Katherine and Lucy arrive. They're going to different ways. Katherine takes a strawberry from a plate and falls into Matt)
Matt: Elena?
Katherine: Matt? You look dashing
Matt: I thought you said you weren't coming
Katherine: I couldn't miss it. You really are hot in a suit. I would love to just… Okay, here's the deal
(She compels him)
Katherine: Do you know what you have to do?
Matt: I'm gonna get Tyler Lockwood really drunk. I'm going to start a fight with him and I'm gonna b*at him until he snaps
Katherine: and then?
Matt: I won't stop until he kills me
Katherine: God, you're hot. Now go away
Matt: Thank you
(He leaves)
(Damon and Stefan are outside. They look around)
Damon: Do you see her?
Stefan: Nope. You're sure you can do this?
Damon: Who are you talking to?
Stefan: Oh, I had the chance to k*ll her and I hesitated
Damon: Well that is the forkenate road between you and me my friend. I don't hesitate
Stefan: You spent 145 years loving her, it could happen
Damon: I won't hesitate
Stefan: Okay
(Matt and Tyler are in his father's office with Aimee and Sarah. The girls are dancing. The boys are drinking)
Tyler: We're really not supposed to be here
Matt: Yeah, I know but we really need to turn this party up. Another sh*t?
Aimee: Hey, I want a sh*t
Sarah: Me too and then we have to dance
Aimee: Yes
Tyler: You know, usually it's me corrupting you. I like this
(They drink)
Aimee: Okay, let's go party. Come on
(Aimee puts her mask on. They leave the office)
(Jeremy is carrying a bag. He and Bonnie are going upstairs. They enters into an empty room)
Jeremy: I thought this room could work
Bonnie: It's perfect
(Jeremy takes a w*apon from the bag. Bonnie seats down and takes the grimoire)
Jeremy: Is that the spell book I read about in my family's old journal?
Bonnie: it's my ancestor, Emily's. The spell I'm doing here is similar to the one that sealed the vampires into the tomb
(She opens it. Jeremy puts the bag in the closet)
Jeremy: Can you do all the stuff that's in there?
Bonnie: I mean it takes practice. I've worked on some small spells. Spells that only do good. I don't want to know too much. I don't particularly enjoy any of this, in case you haven't noticed
Jeremy: Yeah but you're 100% witch, that is so cool
Bonnie: it's anything but cool. Did your family's journal tell you what happened to Emily? Or what about my gram's? It never ends well for people like me
Jeremy: If you feel that way, why help?
Bonnie: Because I don't want anyone else getting hurt and I don't know how to stay out of it
[Gilbert's house]
(Jenna is on the couch. Elena is with her)
Jenna: I feel like an invalid
Elena: That's because you are invalid. Where's Jeremy? Isn't he hungry?
Jenna: He already left for the Lockwood party
Elena: He went to that?
Jenna: Yeah, I'm glad. He needs to have more fun. Lose some of that emo thing
Elena: I'm gonna get some napkins
(She goes into the kitchen and rejoins Alaric)
Elena: what's going on?
Alaric: What do you mean?
Elena: I haven't heard from anyone all day. It's like everyone's been avoiding me and now Jeremy's supposedly at the party? He hates stuff like that
Alaric: I don't know what to tell you, Elena
(His phone rings. She tries to catch it but he catches it and puts it in his pocket)
Elena: So then it'll be okay if I just head down, try to meet up with everyone
Alaric: Wait, wait, wait
Elena: What are you hiding, Rick?
Alaric: Stefan asked me to keep an eye on you, just in case Katherine showed up while he was at the party
Elena: So Stefan's at the party too? He would never go to the party for himself; he did that stuff for me
Alaric: Just let this one go. Okay Elena?
[Lockwood Mansion]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are going back to the party)
Bonnie: We need to let Stefan and Damon know the room's ready
(Suddenly she stops)
Bonnie: Do you feel that?
Jeremy: What's the matter? Are you cold?
Bonnie: No
(She sees Lucy and goes toward her)
Bonnie: Excuse me, do I know you?
Lucy: No, I'm a plus one, I know no one but it's a great party though
(She leaves. Bonnie rejoins Jeremy)
Jeremy: Are you okay?
Bonnie: I just got a weird vibe. Let's find Damon
(Stefan is on the dance floor, alone. He sees Katherine going down the stairs)
Katherine: Dance with me
Stefan: No
Katherine: Fine then tell me who I should k*ll. Him? Hum, she looks delicious
(She eats a strawberry. Stefan offers her his arm. She follows him and they dance)
Katherine: It's a beautiful night
Stefan: Why all that charade?
Katherine: How's Jenna? I certainly didn't expect her to survive that. Lucky girl. Clumsy. How does one s*ab oneself?
Stefan: Katherine?
Katherine: Uh?
Stefan: I don't want anyone to get hurt tonight
Katherine: Okay. Then give me the moonstone and nobody will
Stefan: Well, you see, I don't have the moonstone on me. So, you and I will have to go get it together
Katherine: Hmm. I have a better plan. You go fetch it and I will try not to k*ll anyone in the meantime
Stefan: My way or you don't get it
(Aimee arrives)
Aimee: Hey Stefan, I can't find Matt. Oh my god Elena! You look so pretty. I love that dress. You look gorge
Katherine: Thank you. I love your necklace
Aimee: Oh, thanks
Katherine: Oh it's twisted. Let me, here we go
(She goes behind Aimee and she broke her back)
Katherine: Paralyzed from the waist down and d*ad
(She kills her and throws Aimee's body in Stefan's arms)
Katherine: The moonstone, Stefan. Tic-tac
[Gilbert's house]
Elena: Hey guys, I'm gonna go to bed. You're good over there?
Jenna: Good night
Elena: Good night
(She takes her car's keys and leave)
[Lockwood Mansion]
(Stefan and Damon are in an empty room)
Stefan: I put the body in the trunk for now
Damon: We'll dump her when we get back
Stefan: This is exactly why I didn't want it, Damon
Damon: Stefan, it's a collateral damage
Stefan: Right, which is why we need to cut it off
Damon: What? Who's hesitating now? Hey! Don't do this to me! This woman ruined our lives, she destroyed us! Tonight it ends. We can do it together. I got your back. Alright?
Stefan: Alright
(Bonnie and Jeremy are waiting for the signal)
Jeremy: So can you use like a hocus pocus to pass a test?
Bonnie: I don't know that spell
Jeremy: It'd be like the first one I'd learn or maybe like a spell sex or something. I don't know. Do you want to dance or something while we're waiting?
Bonnie: No! I mean no thank you
(Jeremy receives a message from Damon telling him that it's his turn)
(Katherine is walking. Lucy rejoins her)
Lucy: You didn't tell me there was another witch here
Katherine: Didn't i?
Lucy: No, you didn't. No one is supposed to know I'm involved. This changes things, Katherine
Katherine: This changes nothing. You're here because you owe your dear friend a favor. You wouldn't want to lose my friendship now, would you?
(Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: Elena
(He removes his mask and looks at Lucy)
Jeremy: Hey sorry, could I talk to my sister?
(She leaves)
Katherine: What is it Jeremy?
Jeremy: I have a message from Stefan
(She looks surprised)
Katherine: Oh?
Jeremy: He and Damon want you to meet them at the edge of the lake by the woods. They brought the moonstone
Katherine: And why are you their little messenger?
Jeremy: Because they know I'm not afraid of you
Katherine: Hmm, you Gilbert men, so courageous. How's John by the way? Were they able to sew his fingers back on?
(She touches his tie, looks at him and leaves. Jeremy is texting to Damon but Elena catches his arm)
Elena: What the hell is going on?
(Caroline is inside. She sees Matt with Sarah and Tyler. He stops, looks at her and leaves with them. She receives a text from Jeremy telling her that it's her turn. She's walking in an empty part of the manor. She's going to open a door but Katherine arrives, catches Caroline's wrist and pushes her against the wall)
Katherine: What are Stefan and Damon up to?
Caroline: What do you mean?
Katherine: I've got Jeremy Gilbert luring me into the lake. What's going on?
Caroline: I don't know… nothing
(She strangles her)
Katherine: Don't lie to me, Caroline. They're up to something, what is it?
Caroline: I…
(She strangles her stronger)
Caroline: Wait, no, no, no! Okay. They're trying to k*ll you
Katherine: I wouldn't have guessed. Where is the moonstone?
Caroline: Bonnie has it
Katherine: and where is Bonnie right now?
Caroline: I don't know
(She strangles her again)
Caroline: Okay. She's upstairs, she's upstairs!
(She releases her)
(Elena is with Jeremy and Bonnie)
Elena: You guys are trying to k*ll her here?
Jeremy: We saw an opportunity and we knew we had to take it
Elena: Okay, stop with the "we", are you guys crazy? You're gonna get yourselves k*lled
Bonnie: We know what we are doing, Elena
Elena: And how am I supposed to feel if one of you guys gets hurt because of me?
Jeremy: It's not just you anymore, Elena. She's messed with all of us, she has to be stopped
(Katherine is dragging Caroline upstairs)
Caroline: Why you keep dragging me into this? I don't want any part of it
Katherine: Shut up!
(They are in front of a door)
Katherine: Which room is it?
Caroline: It's that one
(She goes into the room. Caroline stays outside)
Katherine: Where is she?
(Caroline laughs)
Caroline: I did it. I really didn't think that I'll be able to fool you but I did it
(Katherine rushes over but she can't leave the room. She's trapped)
Katherine: What the…? Stefan?
(He's in the room too. He has a stake in his hand)
Stefan: Hello Katherine
Caroline: Goodbye Katherine
(She leaves)
Katherine: You don't really think that you can k*ll me with that now, do you?
Stefan: No but he can
(Damon is coming out the closet, he has the compressed air w*apon is his hands. He sh*ts Katherine. The stake goes in her back. At the same time Elena screams. She's hurt like Katherine. Stefan rushes over Katherine and drive the stake through her arm. Elena screams, she's hurt too)
Jeremy: What's going on?
Bonnie: Jeremy, it's Katherine. She's linked to Katherine, get them to stop! Now!
(He leaves. Stefan and Damon are fighting with Katherine. She tries to stake Damon but Stefan catches her by behind, fall in the floor with her and strangles her by behind. She can't move. Damon arrives and is about to k*ll her but Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: Stop! You're hurting Elena! Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena
(Damon stops. He's surprised. Katherine smiles and gets up)
Katherine: You think you two are the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong and something tells me that my witch is better than your witch
(She takes the stake from Damon's hands. Damon and Stefan look at Jeremy)
Stefan: Jeremy, go shake on Elena. Make sure she's okay. Go!
(Jeremy leaves)
Katherine: Let's all make sure poor Elena is okay. Just a little bit of pressure
(She cuts her hand with the stake. Elena is hurt too. She screams. Stefan hits Katherine's hand and throws the stake on the floor)
Elena: Bonnie, it hurts
Bonnie: I can't break the spell, Elena. I'm sorry but I can try to take some of the pain away. Okay?
(She takes Elena's hand into hers and makes a spell)
Bonnie: Ascinda, mulaf, hinto, ascinda…
(Katherine takes the stake and is about to drive it through her stomach)
Katherine: This is really gonna hurt
Damon: Wait!
(She sits down on the couch)
Katherine: Okay. So, how about that moonstone?
(Bonnie is trying to take Elena's pain away. Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: Are you okay?
Elena: Are they?
Jeremy: They're stuck in there with her
(He looks at Bonnie)
Jeremy: You were right; Katherine had a witch that linked Elena to her
Bonnie: The girl I saw, the one inside! Stay with her, keep pressure on her shoulder!
Jeremy: Where are you going?
Bonnie: There's another witch here, I'm gonna find her!
(She leaves. Jeremy removes his magical ring and gives it to Elena)
Elena: No
Jeremy: Take it
Elena: No, Jeremy…
Jeremy: Elena listen to me: you need this more than I do
Elena: No Jeremy. What I need is for you to be safe
(Katherine, Damon and Stefan are trapped in the room)
Katherine: The three of us together just like old times. The brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough
Damon: And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself
Katherine: What happened to you Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite
Damon: Oh that Damon died a long time ago
Katherine: Good. He was a bore
Stefan: Oh, why don't you two stop antagonizing each other
Katherine: Where is the moonstone?
Stefan: What do you want with it?
Katherine: Does Elena enjoy having both of you warship at her alter?
(Stefan looks at Damon and then looks at her)
Stefan: That was really desperate, Katherine. Don't you think that we can see right through you?
Katherine: So it doesn't bother you that Damon's in love with your girlfriend?
Stefan: Oh, stop it
Katherine: Or what? You'll hurt me?
(She gets up)
Katherine: Come on, Stefan. Everything that I feel, Elena feels , so go ahead
(She looks at Damon)
Katherine: Or better yet, kiss me Damon. She'll feel that too
Stefan: You know, this all Mason thing has me a bit confused. Why a werewolf? The moonstone can break a curse that would help them destroy all vampires so what's in there for you?
Damon: Sorry about your pet wolf, you should have been sure to keep him in a tighter leash
Katherine: I'll have to remember that for next time. He's not the only wolf in town
(Sarah, Tyler and Matt are in Tyler's father's office)
Sarah: So what happened to Aimee?
Matt: I don't know, she disappeared
Tyler: She's probably drunk somewhere
Matt: Or like me
(He pours the alcohol on the floor)
Tyler: Whoa, don't do that
Matt: What man? It's a party
(He takes the picture of Carol and Richard and looks at it)
Matt: Right dad? You know, it's like your dad wants to drink
(He pours alcohol on the picture)
Tyler: Hey, it's not cool. What's wrong with you?
Matt: Come on, the guy was a dick
Sarah: Come on, you're being mean. His dad's d*ad
Tyler: Give me the picture!
(He tries to catch it but Matt don't let him)
Matt: Remember how your dad used to slap you around?
(He slaps Tyler)
Tyler: Are you kidding?
Matt: I'm just having fun
Tyler: Put the picture down now man
(Matt throws the picture on the floor, breaking it)
Tyler: Okay, you need to calm your drunk ass right now!
Matt: Do something about it!
Tyler: I'm not gonna fight you
(Matt rushes over him and throws him on the floor. Matt punches him on the face. Caroline is downstairs, she hears the fight. Tyler gets up and punches Matt. Caroline arrives)
Caroline: What is going on? Stop!
(She puts herself between them. She pushes throws Matt on the floor. Matt gets up and rushes over Tyler but she stops him)
Matt: I can't! Let me go, I have to finish!
Tyler: What the hell is going on with you?
Matt: Let me go!
(Caroline looks at him. Pushes him and punches him on the face with her elbow. He falls on the floor, unconscious. She goes toward him)
Caroline: Matt?
(Sarah takes a paper Kn*fe on the desk)
Tyler: How did you?
Sarah: Matt failed. If Matt fails, I can't
Caroline: Tyler, look out!
(Sarah drives the paper Kn*fe on his chest. He pushes her, her head hits the desk very hard. She falls in the floor, she's d*ad. He looks at his wound and rushes over Sarah)
Tyler: No, no, no! Come on, wake up! Sarah, open your eyes, wake up! Just can't happen, oh no, it can't happen. This can't be happening! Sarah! Sarah, get up! Sarah! Open your eyes! This can't be happening!
(Tyler catches his head and screams)
Caroline: Tyler? Tyler?! Tyler, what's happening?
(He's sitting on the floor)
Tyler: Get away!
Caroline: What's happening?!
(He raises his head. His eyes are amber)
(Damon, Katherine and Stefan are still in the room)
Damon: Damn it! Where is that witch?
Katherine: We could play charades
Stefan: You bargained the moonstone
Damon: What do you murmur about over there?
Stefan: When you shopped a deal with George Lockwood, to help you fake your death, you told me that you gave George something he needed. It was the moonstone, wasn't it?
Katherine: Good for you, Stefan. 2+2… And it would have worked except that people found out that I wasn't in the tomb
(She looks at Damon)
Katherine: Thanks to you by the way. Have I mentioned how inconvenient your little obsession with me have been?
Damon: You and me both, honey
Stefan: Why do you need it back?
Katherine: I love you in a suit, so dashing
Stefan: What were you doing with it in the first place?
Damon: You're wasting your breath, Stefan
Stefan: Unless it wasn't yours to begin with. In 1864 you faked your death. Who were you running from, Katherine?
Katherine: In 1987 you were in Chicago, at a concert of all places with that wrench Lexi. Come on Stefan, don't look so surprise. Of course I checked on you over the years. You were standing in the front row, dancing all night. You were watching Bon Jovi and I was watching you
Stefan: Who were you running from?
(She tells him that she loves him with her lips)
(Bonnie is looking for Lucy. She finally finds her but Lucy leaves. Bonnie goes in the living room to looking for Lucy)
Lucy: You're looking for me?
Bonnie: Who are you?
Lucy: Lucy
Bonnie: What are you doing here?
Lucy: I should have known I'd run into a Bennett
Bonnie: How do you know me?
Lucy: You'll figure it out. Look, I have no interest in fighting you
Bonnie: Then stop the spell you put on my friend
Lucy: Give Katherine the moonstone and I will
Bonnie: Why are you helping Katherine? Don't you know what she is?
Lucy: Tell your friends to hand over the moonstone and all will be groovy
Bonnie: You're not leaving this room until you stop the spell!
Lucy: Look, I don't want to hurt you
Bonnie: I don't want to hurt you
Lucy: Look, I don't have a choice. The bitch saved my life and now I owe her. I have to pay up
(Bonnie catches her wrist)
Lucy: You have the moonstone. I cans sense it on you
(She catches Bonnie's forearms. The room shakes, the light aspens)
Lucy: Do you feel that? You can trust me. Give it to me, it's okay
(Damon is pouring himself a glass of scotch)
Katherine: We're missing the party. I'll have one of those
Damon: Right away Miss Katherine
(He gives her a glass)
Katherine: Thank you
(She drinks. He catches her and pushes her against the wall. He tries to stake her but Stefan stops him)
Stefan: No, no! Damon, don't!
Katherine: Yes, Damon, please
Damon: The second the spell is lifted, I'm gonna drive a stake right through your heart
Elena: God, you're hot. When did you get so hot?
(Lucy arrives. She has the moonstone in her hand)
Lucy: Katherine, the spell in this room has been broken, you're free to leave
Katherine: Thank god
Lucy: When I hand this over my dent to you is over
Katherine: Done
Lucy: I owe you nothing
Katherine: I said done. Give it
Damon: I wouldn't do that
(She gives her the moonstone. When Katherine touches it, she can't breathe)
Lucy: You should have told me another witch was involved. She's a Bennett witch, Katherine but I'm sure you knew that
Stefan: Wait, Elena!
Lucy: Elena's fine
(Katherine falls on the floor)
Lucy: The spell is broken. She'll heal quickly, Bonnie's with her
(Katherine is suffocating)
Lucy: I apologize for my involvement
(She leaves. Katherine's unconscious)
(Caroline explains to Carol what happened to Sarah)
Caroline: Matt and I were fighting, we broke up you know, and Sarah was drunk and dancing and she just tripped. And then she wasn't breathing
Carol: Okay, your mom's on her way and we called Sarah's parents. It was an accident. It was a terrible, tragic accident
Tyler: Mom, the sheriff's here
Carol: I'll go prepare her, just don't leave. Just stay here okay? She's going to want to hear the story from you
(She leaves. Caroline is alone with Tyler)
Caroline: Matt's in the car, sleeping it off. I'll deal with him; I don't want him involved in any of this
Tyler: What are you doing?
Caroline: I'm fixing a very bad situation
Tyler: Why? I did this. I k*lled her
Caroline: No, you didn't mean to and I think it's best for everyone…
Tyler: But she's d*ad! You don't know what that means
Caroline: Actually, Tyler, I think I do
Tyler: No, you don't, Caroline
Caroline: Has you wound healed?
(He looks at his wound. It's healed)
Tyler: How did you…?
(Lucy is leaving. Bonnie runs after her)
Bonnie: Please, wait
Lucy: Hey, I'm sorry about that spell. Damn vampires, they put you in the middle of it every time
Bonnie: How do I know you? When I gave you the stone, how did I know I could trust you?
Lucy: That feeling you got, have you ever felt it before?
Bonnie: I mean, around family. My grams
Lucy: My mother is Johanna, first cousin twice remove from Pauline, niece of Sheila aka…
Bonnie: Grams? We are related?
(Lucy smiles)
Lucy: Yeah, we kind of are. It's nice to meet you Bonnie. Seeing you tonight was a wakeup call for me. I got to stop letting vampires control me. So thank you for that
(She leaves. Bonnie cries and run after her)
Bonnie: Please, don't leave! I have so many questions. I don't want to be in the middle either. I hate it. How do I stay out of it?
Lucy: Unlike me, you're one of the good ones, Bonnie. The middle of it is exactly where you need to be. You take care cuz'. Don't worry, you'll see me again
(She leaves. Jeremy rejoins Bonnie)
Jeremy: Hey, I was gonna head home, can I offer you a ride? Are you okay?
Bonnie: When did you get your driver's license?
Jeremy: I'm not a kid anymore, Bonnie
Bonnie: I'd love a ride home
(Stefan rejoins Elena. She's alone)
Stefan: Elena
Elena: I'm okay, I'm okay. Bonnie took away the pain and I think I'm healing
Stefan: I know but I think you should definitely see a doctor anyway
Elena: I will. I heard about Katherine, is it true? Is she really gone?
Stefan: Yeah, I was so worried about you
(He goes toward her but she pushes him away)
Elena: Stefan… I…
Stefan: Katherine being gone doesn't change anything for you, does it?
Elena: I want to be with you, Stefan. You know that but first, I need to wake up and know that the people that I love are safe. I need to feel safe. Do you understand?
Stefan: Yeah. Yeah, I understand
(She looks at him and leaves)
[The tomb]
(Katherine wakes up. The moonstone is on the floor, next to her. She takes it. She gets up and tries to leave but she's trapped. Damon arrives)
Damon: Hello Katherine
Katherine: Where am i?
Damon: Where you should have been all along. I thought you'd learn your lesson by now, messing with a Bennett witch
Katherine: You should have k*lled me
Damon: Death would have been too kind
(He goes toward the door, to close it)
Katherine: Ni, Damon, don't. Damon, don't. You need me, Elena's in danger.
Damon: From whom?
(She doesn't answer)
Damon: You're lying, you're always lying
Elena: Why do you think I haven't k*lled her? Because she's the doppelganger, she needs to be protected
Damon: Then I'll protect her while you rot in hell
(He closes the door)
Katherine: Damon, don't! I'll do anything, please. Damon! You need me! You need me!
(The door is closed; she cries and h*t the door very hard)
[Lockwood Mansion]
(Elena is in the parking lot. She's at the phone with Jeremy)
Elena: Yeah Jeremy, I've got my car. Tell Bonnie that whatever she did, I'm starting to feel better. Yeah, you can drive her home. I'm just gonna go straight to bet. Okay
(She hangs up. A masked man comes behind her and kidnaps her) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x07 - Masquerade"} | foreverdreaming |
[Middle of nowhere]
(A SUV is meeting another car. The man goes out of the car and rejoins the man in the SUV. The man in the SUV is wearing a cap and sunglasses)
Trevor: Where is she?
Man: In the trunk, I did exactly what you said
Trevor: Good, put her in the back
(The man opens the SUV trunk and then goes to his car. He opens the trunk. Elena is in it. He takes her and puts her in the SUV trunk. The Trevor sees her in the rear-view mirror and smiles. After putting Elena in the trunk, he rejoins Trevor)
Trevor: thank you for your help
Man: Is there anything else?
Trevor: One more thing. Come closer, please
(The man is getting closer)
Trevor: Closer
(The man gets closer. Trevor takes him, bites him, drinks his blood and then throws him on the floor and he leaves. Then man is d*ad)
[Gilbert's house]
(Jeremy is in the bathroom. He knocks on Elena's bedroom door)
Jeremy: Yo, Elena!
(She doesn't answer so he goes in her room. She's not there)
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline is in her room, preparing for school. Damon's here)
Caroline: So Sarah att*cks Tyler and he pushed her away and she tripped and she fell and she h*t her head
Damon: Does Matt remember anything?
Caroline: Hmm, he thinks he blacked out but I think they were both compelled by Katherine. That's why I covered for Tyler and said it was an accident
Damon: Yeah, I don't understand that. The guy is a tool
Caroline: Gee, dah. Tyler getting blamed for Sarah death just opens up questions that can't answer and do you really think that's a good idea for him to tell his mom he's a werewolf?
Damon: Well, no
Caroline: And that werewolf road leads straight to Vampire Boulevard! I thought I was thinking fast on my feet
Damon: Where is your mom?
Caroline: Leading the search party for Aimee Bradley. They haven't found her body yet
Damon: Ah, teens today and their underage drinking. Tragic. Wait, did you see Tyler's eyes turn yellow?
Caroline: They were more gold with amber highlights
Damon: Oh
Caroline: Can he turn into a wolf now?
Damon: Only on a full moon but now he has craze strength and who knows what else. I wonder how much Mason told him. Does he know about us?
(She doesn't answer. She's texting)
Damon: Hey! What did you tell him?
Caroline: nothing, really. I don't think he knows much of anything. He seemed really freaked out and honestly, I felt kind of bad for him
(She leaves her room and goes toward the door)
Damon: He's got to know something
Caroline: Alright, I'll ask him
(He rushes over her and catches her by the collar)
Damon: No, you won't Caroline! He cannot know about us. The bite from a werewolf can k*ll a vampire so don't be his friend! Do you understand me?
Caroline: I understand. I'm late for school
Damon: Right. If you want to drop the hints to your mom, Aimee's body is at the bottom of a ravine with the crack spine. Might save your mom some time
(Damon opens the door for her. They leave)
[Mystic Fall's high school]
(Tyler is in the hallway. There are notices for Aimee Bradley on the walls. In front of Sarah's locker, there are pictures and candles. He's uncomfortable and goes to his locker. He tries to opens it but he breaks the hasp)
(Stefan is closing his locker. Jeremy rejoins her)
Stefan: Hey Jeremy
Jeremy: Look, Elena's got to let me know if I'm supposed to cover for her. Jenna's cool with the two of you but you guys are pushing it
Stefan: What are you talking about?
Jeremy: You and Elena. Look, I'm glad you guys are back together but if she's gonna sleep over…
Stefan: Wait, wait… hold on a minute. We're not back together
Jeremy: Wait… she didn't stay at your place last night?
Stefan: No, I mean I saw her at the party but that was it. She didn't sleep over
Jeremy: ‘Cause her bed hadn't been slept in and Mrs. Lockwood said that her car was still in the driveway. Where is she then?
[A house]
(The SUV is parking in the driveway. Trevor is carrying Elena. They are in the house. He puts her on the couch. Her hand and her feats are tied. He removes the ropes)
Elena: What do you want?
Trevor: Shut
Elena: Please, I'm hurt
Trevor: I know. Just a taste
(He's vamping but Rose arrives and he stops)
Rose: Trevor! Control yourself
Trevor: Boss k*ll
(He leaves. Rose is alone with Elena)
Elena: What do you want with me?
Rose: Oh my god, you look just like her
Elena: But I'm not. Please, whatever you…
Rose: Be quiet!
Elena: But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this
Rose: I know who you are, I said be quiet
Elena: What do you want?
(Rose slaps her very hard. Elena's falls on the couch, unconscious)
Rose: I want you to be quiet
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Stefan and Damon are outside. They're talking about Elena's disappearance)
Stefan: This is Katherine right all over it
Damon: Katherine's in the tomb. Trust me; I'm the one who shut her in
Stefan: Did you?
Damon: Did I what, Stefan?
Stefan: Well, I know the hold that Katherine has on you
Damon: she's in the tomb, period. End of story but she did say something to me right before I shut her in. I thought she was lying
Stefan: what did she say?
Damon: Elena's in danger
Stefan: What? And you didn't think you should ask her to elaborate?
Damon: Everything she says is a lie. How am I supposed to know she was starting spelling off the truth?
Stefan: We have to go talk to her
Damon: No, no. Let me tell you how that's gonna go: We're gonna go ask her for help, she's gonna negotiate her release which we should dumb enough to get her and she's gonna get out and k*ll us! This is exactly what she wants!
Stefan: I don't really care
Damon: It's a bad idea, Stefan
Stefan: It's Elena
(Caroline is in the hallway. She sees the candles and the pictures at Sarah's locker. Tyler rejoins her)
Tyler: Caroline
Caroline: Hey! How are you doing?
Tyler: Not good
Caroline: How's your mom? My mom said that she was pretty freaked out about everything that happened with Sarah
Tyler: How did you know?
Caroline: What do you mean?
Tyler: About me. How did you know?
Caroline: Know what? That you were upset? I thought I was doing a good thing by covering for you
Tyler: That's not what I am talking about
Caroline: Look, it was an accident? Okay? And I've got to run but please don't blame yourself
(She leaves)
[A house]
(Elena is waking up. Rose and Trevor are upstairs. They're talking)
Rose: How does it go?
Trevor: Still passed out
Rose: You didn't touch her, did you?
Trevor: Give me some credit. So, did you called him?
Rose: No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works
Trevor: Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?
Rose: they say he got it
Trevor: Wonderful and what?
(Elena is upstairs too. She's listening to the conversation)
Rose: So that's it Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait
Trevor: Look, it's not too late. We can leave it here. We don't have to go through with this
Rose: I'm sick of running!
Trevor: Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying
Rose: Elijah's old school. If he accepts our deal, we're free
(Elena makes noise. Rose sees her)
Rose: You! There's nothing around here from miles. If you think you're getting out of this house, you're tragically wrong. Understand?
Elena: Who's Elijah?
Rose: He's your worst nightmare
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Stefan is talking with Bonnie)
Bonnie: I can't undo the tomb spell, Stefan. Even if I wanted to. It took all from me and Grams to undo it the first time
Stefan: But I can open the door, right? I can talk to her?
Bonnie: Yeah but Damon's right. She's not gonna tell you anything, not without something in return
Stefan: I know but Bonnie I have to do something. I have no idea who has Elena; I have no idea where she is
Bonnie: What if there was another way to find her?
(Jeremy and Bonnie are in Alaric's class room. There is a map and a candle on the table)
Jeremy: How this is work?
Bonnie: I‘ll use your blood dry the energy for the tracking spell. You're blood related; it'll make the connection stronger
(Stefan arrives)
Stefan: Alright, Alaric said we've got to clear out of here within 10 minutes. I've got w*apon he's stuck me up
Bonnie: Are you ready?
(She cuts Jeremy's hand. His blood falls on the map. Bonnie concentrates herself to cast the spell. The blood drops merge into one and goes toward Elena's location)
Bonnie: There. She's there
Jeremy: That's 300 miles away
Stefan: No Bonnie. We need a more exact location than that
Bonnie: That's the closest I can get
Jeremy: We can map it, area view will show us what's around there, help us bound the area
Stefan: Perfect. Call me with whatever you find
Jeremy: No, no, I'm coming with you!
Stefan: No Jeremy, you're not
Jeremy: no, I'm gonna just sit here. What if she's hurt okay?
(Bonnie has a nosebleed but the guys doesn't see it)
Jeremy: Or worse? What if she's…?
Stefan: She's not. You two go back to your house just in case. I'll call you the minute I find her
Jeremy: But you can't do this alone
(Damon arrives)
Damon: He's not. Let's go
Stefan: You're coming with me?
Damon: It's Elena
(Tyler is playing basketball with other guys. He sees Caroline, stops the party and rejoins her)
Caroline: Hey. Hums… are you okay?
Tyler: You lied to me earlier. Why?
Caroline: Look, Tyler… I think that you misunderstood me at the party. I get it, it was very dramatic
Tyler: You're lying
Caroline: Nope but I'm late
(She leaves but he catches her arm)
Tyler: Hey!
(She twists his arm and throws him on the floor. He gets up)
Tyler: How did you… you're stronger than me?
Caroline: Please, that was nothing
Tyler: Listen, if you know something you've got to tell me because I can't handle this
Caroline: I'm sorry, Tyler but I think that you're still in shock over Sarah dying and it's understandable
(He looks at her and leaves. He sh*ts in garbage but he's so stronger that the garbage falls into a car. Everyone looks at him. He looks at Caroline and leaves)
[Damon's car]
(Stefan and Damon are going to Elena's rescue)
Damon: Alaric sure likes his w*apon
(Stefan has a little bottle with vervein in it in his hands)
Damon: What the hell is that?
Stefan: I don't know, it's a vervein b*mb or a grenade or something like that
Damon: Weird
Stefan: Hey, how much further is it?
Damon: About 80 miles
Stefan: Who do you think took her?
Damon: Someone from Katherine's past. She said she was running from someone. They pick out the wrong girl
Stefan: Thank you for helping me
Damon: Can we not do the whole road trip bonding thing? The cliché of it all makes me itch
Stefan: Oh, come on Damon. We both know that you being in this car have absolutely nothing to do with me anyway
Damon: The elephant in the room lets out a mighty roar
Stefan: Well, it doesn't have to be an elephant. Let's talk about it.
Damon: There's nothing to talk about
Stefan: That's not true. I'm sure there is. Just get it out. I mean, are you in this car because you want to help your little brother save the girl that he loves? Or is it because you love her too? Hmm? I mean come on, express yourself. I happen to like road trip bonding
Damon: Keep it up, Stefan. I can step out of helping as easily as I stepped in
Stefan: No, you see that's the beauty of it. You can't
[Gilbert's house]
(Jeremy is in his bedroom with Bonnie. He has found something on his phone)
Bonnie: Alaric just left with Jenna
Jeremy: He's getting her out of the house for a while so she doesn't ask questions about Elena. Look. I pulled this up based on that spun on the map
(He shows her his phone. His ‘s found a house)
Jeremy: there's nothing for miles except for this old house
Bonnie: Did you send it to Stefan?
Jeremy: Yeah. I hate sitting here, waiting like this
Bonnie: Hey, she's gonna be fine
Jeremy: You don't know that
Bonnie: No I don't
(She gets up and rushes over her handbag. She takes the grymoire and sits on Jeremy's bed with him)
Jeremy: What are you doing?
Bonnie: There's something else I want to try
Jeremy: I don't get it
Bonnie: I need a candle. Grab Elena's hairbrush
Jeremy: Okay, yeah
(Bonnie takes a paper and writes something in it. Jeremy grabs Elena's hairbrush and a candle)
Jeremy: What's all this stuff for?
Bonnie: I know it's crazy but I might be able to get her a message
(She crumples the paper and takes it in her hand. She puts her hand above the candle and opens it. She closes her eyes to cast the spell. She has a nosebleed)
Jeremy: Bonnie? Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!
(The paper is burning. Jeremy's tries to stop her but she keeps going. The paper disappears)
Jeremy: Bonnie
(She smiles and blanks out. She's unconscious on Jeremy's bed)
Jeremy: Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!
[A house]
(Rose is in a room, alone. Elena rejoins her)
Elena: Why am I here?
Rose: You keep asking me these questions like I'm gonna answer them
Elena: Why won't you?
Rose: hat's another one
Elena: You got me, okay? It's not like I can go anywhere. The least you can do is tell me what you want with me
Rose: I personally want nothing; I'm just a delivery service
Elena: Delivery to whom? Elijah?
Rose: Two points for these ears dropper
Elena: Who is he? Is he a vampire?
Rose: He's one of the vampires, the originals
Elena: What do you mean the originals?
Rose: Again with the questions. Haven't the Salvatore's been teaching you vampire history?
Elena: So you know Stefan and Damon
Rose: I know of them. A hundred years back, a friend of mine tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones. I'm more a sucker for the bad boys though but I digress
Elena: Who are the originals?
Rose: Trevor and I I've been running for 500 years. We're tired, we want it over. We're using you to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess
Elena: But why me?
Rose: Because you are a Petrova doppelganger. You're the key into breaking the curse
Elena: The curse? The sun and the moon curse?
Rose: Oh, you do know your history
Elena: What do you mean I'm the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse
Rose: No, the moonstone is what binds the curse. The sacrifice will breaks it
Elena: The sacrifice?
Rose: The blood of the doppelganger. You are the doppelganger. Which means, in order to break the curse you are the one who has to die
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline arrives)
Caroline: Mom?
(She feels that something's weird. Tyler is behind her)
Caroline: What are you doing here?
Tyler: I know
Caroline: Breaking and entering the sheriff's house? That move will win you an award
Tyler: Go ahead. Keep dodging, keep changing the subject but I know. You're just like me, aren't you?
Caroline: No
Tyler: Keep it up but I'm not buying it. I saw how strong you are. I'm not leaving here until you tell me the truth
Caroline: Tyler…
Tyler: You're a werewolf. Say it!
(She laughs)
Caroline: What?
(He pushes her against the wall)
Tyler: Stop lying!
Caroline: I'm not lying!
Tyler: Say it!
(He hits the wall very hard. She pushes him and pushes him against the wall. She's vamping. She throws him on the floor. He's scared)
Caroline: I'm not a werewolf, okay?
[A house]
(Rose and Elena are still talking. Trevor arrives)
Elena: Tell me more
Trevor: Captivity has made her pushy, uh? What do you want to know doppelicious?
Elena: Who were you running from?
Trevor: The originals
Elena: Yeah, she said that. What does it mean?
Trevor: The first family, the old world. Rose and I pissed them off
Rose: hum hum
Trevor: Correction, I pissed them off, Rose had my back and for over half a millennium, they wanted us d*ad
Elena: What did you do?
Rose: He made the same mistake others did: he trusted Katerina Petrova
Elena: Katherine
Rose: The one and only, the first Petrova doppelganger
Trevor: I helped her to escape her fate and now I've, sorry, we've been locked ever since
Rose: Which is why we're not gonna make the same mistake again
[Gilbert's house]
(Bonnie is awake. Jeremy gives her a glass of water)
Jeremy: Here, drink this
Bonnie: Thanks
(She drinks)
Jeremy: What happened? You scared the hell out of me
Bonnie: it's nothing
Jeremy: it wasn't nothing, Bonnie
Bonnie: I've been doing a lot of magic lately. It wares me down.
Jeremy: When I'm warring down, I take a nap. You were… you were unconscious
Bonnie: Witchcraft has its limits. If I push too hard, it pushes back
Jeremy: How do you know all this?
Bonnie: It's all in here; it's like a reminder that I'm not invincible. Please don't… don't tell anyone
Jeremy: why not?
Bonnie: Because it's a weakness and I don't want certain people to know that
Jeremy: By certain people, you mean Damon
Bonnie: I mean anyone that can hurt me
Jeremy: I won't tell anyone, okay? I promise
Bonnie: It's hard you know? My gram is gone and my dad, he doesn't want to know about what I am. He hasn't since my mom left. I'm all alone in this
Jeremy: It's how I feel a lot of the time, alone
(Long pause. They're looking at each other)
Jeremy: Do you think that worked?
Bonnie: I have no idea
[A house]
(Elena sits on the couch. She finds the paper Bonnie sent her. It says that Stefan and Damon are coming)
[Damon's car]
Stefan: We're getting close. Jeremy said there was an access road just past mar marker 6
(Damon takes a blood bag. He drinks)
Damon: If you want some, just ask
Stefan: I want some
Damon: Ah, it's so sweet. You're gonna be all big and strong and save your girl but don't worry, I've got your back. It'll be fine
Stefan: I'm not joking. I've been drinking a little every day. I's slowly increasing my intake and building up my strength
(Damon gives him the blood bag. Stefan drinks)
Damon: Does Elena know you're drinking blood?
Stefan: I've been drinking hers
Damon: Hmm, how romantic. Since we're road trip bonding, remember the days when all you lived for was blood? You were the guy who ripped someone apart just for the fun of it
Stefan: You mean when I was more like you?
Damon: Yes, Stefan, exactly. Back when you put blood into me so I could be a big bad vampire. I wonder if Elena would be so quick to open her veins to that guy. By the way, what happened to that guy? He was a hoop
Stefan: I guess he found someone else to leave for
[A house]
Trevor: He's here! This was a mistake
Rose: no, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me
Trevor: No! He wants me d*ad, Rose!
Rose: He wants her more
Trevor: I can't do this. You give her to him, he let you leave but I need to get out of here
Rose: Hey! What are we?
Trevor: We're family, forever
(Someone knocks on the door)
Elena: You're scared
Rose: Stay here with her and don't make a sound
(She leaves to open the door. Elijah opens the door. She arrives)
Elijah: Rose-Marie. Is there somewhere we can talk?
Rose: Yes, in here. You have to forgive the house
Elijah: Oh, no, what's a little dirt? I completely understand. So tell me, what is it that gave you the courage to call me?
Rose: I wanted my freedom. I'm tired of running. You are in a position to accord me that?
Elijah: I have complete authority to grant pardon to you and your little pet. What is his name these days? Trevor. If a saws fit it
Rose: Katerina Petrova?
Elijah: I'm listening
Rose: She didn't burn in the church in 1864
Elijah: Continue
Rose: She survived
Elijah: Where is she?
Rose: you don't seem surprise by this
Elijah: Oh, when you called and invited me into this arm pities civilization, which at 3 hours from the town we know as Mystic Falls, I surmise it had everything to do with Katerina. Do you have her new position?
Rose: No but I have better. I have her doppelganger
Elijah: That's impossible, her family line ended with her. I know that for fact
Rose: The facts are wrong
Elijah: Well, show her to me
Rose: Elijah, you are a man of honor, you can be trusted but I want to hear you say it again
Elijah: You have my world, I will pardon you
Rose: Follow me
(He follows her. They arrive at the main room. Elena hears them. She's scared and turns her head. Elijah looks at her. He's surprised and rushes over her. He looks at her and smells her neck.)
Elijah: Human. It's impossible. Hello there
[Middle of nowhere]
(Stefan and Damon have stopped the car)
Damon: The house should be behind those trees. Wait, I got a lot more experience than you do with those sorts of things
Stefan: What is your point?
Damon: My point is, whoever has Elena is probably who was after Katherine in 1864 and before that
Stefan: And?
Damon: And it puts them at 500 years old and strong. Are you sure you want to do this?
Stefan: Yeah, I'm certain I want to do it
Damon: Because if we go in that house, we may not come back out
Stefan: Alright, then I won't come out
Damon: So noble, Stefan
Stefan: I can't think of a better reason to die but if you want to stay here, I totally understand
(He leaves and Damon follows him)
[A house]
Elijah: We have a long journey head of us. We should be going
(Elena looks at Rose)
Elena: Please, don't let him take me
Elijah: One last piece of business and we're done
(He goes toward Trevor)
Trevor: I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly, very sorry
Elijah: Oh no, your apologies are not necessary
Trevor: Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you
Elijah: Oh yes you are the guilty one and Rose helped you because she was loyal to you and that now I honor. Where was your loyalty?
Trevor: I beg your forgiveness
Elijah: So granted
(Trevor smiles but Elijah rips Trevor's head out with his hand. Rose cries. Elena is shocked)
Rose: You…!
Elijah: Don't, Rose, now that you are free
(He looks at Elena)
Elijah: Come
Elena: No and what about the moonstone?
Elijah: What do you know about the moonstone?
Elena: I know that you need it and I know where it is
Elijah: Yes
Elena: I can help you get it
Elijah: Tell me where it is
Elena: It doesn't work that way
Elijah: Are you negotiating with me?
(He looks at Rose)
Rose: it's the first I heard of it
(He tries to compel Elena but it doesn't work. He looks at her necklace)
Elijah: What is this vervein doing around here?
(He snatches the necklace from her neck and throws it. He catches her head and compels her)
Elijah: Tell me where the moonstone is
Elena: In the tomb, underneath the church ruins
Elijah: What is it doing there?
Elena: It's with Katherine
Elijah: Interesting
(They hear noise)
Elijah: What is that?
Rose: I don't know
Elijah: Who else is in this house?
Rose: I don't know
(He catches Elena. They go in another part of the house. Stefan and Damon are moving around them with their super speed. Elijah throws Elena in Rose's arms)
Elijah: Rose
Rose: I don't know who it is
Stefan: Up here
(Elijah goes in the stairs with his super speed)
Damon: Down here
(Elijah receives an arrow in his hand. He removes it. Elena and Rose have disappeared. Elena is with Stefan. He tells her to be quiet. Damon is with Rose. He has his hand on her mouth)
Elijah: Excuse me. To who may be concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can b*at me. You can't. Do you hear that?
(He breaks a wooden coat rack into making a giant stake)
Elijah: I repeat, you cannot b*at me. So I want the girl, I'm gonna count to 3 or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?
(Elena appears at the top of the stairs)
Elena: I'll come with you but just please don't my friends, they just wanted to help me out
(He goes in the stairs with his super speed. He has the stake in his hand)
Elijah: What game are you playing with me?
(She throws the vervein b*mb in his face. It explodes. His skin burns but he heals immediately. He goes toward Elena but Stefan arrives and sh*ts him with the compresses air w*apon. It doesn't hurt him so Stefan throws the w*apon and rushes on Elijah. They fall in the stairs. Elijah gets up immediately but Stefan stays on the floor. He goes toward Stefan but Damon arrives and stakes Elijah. He pushes him against the door. Elijah is d*ad and is tainted to the door with the stake. Rose sees it and leave. Damon tries to follow her)
Elena: Just let her go
(He smiles. She smiles too and goes down the stairs to go to Stefan's arms)
Stefan: Hey come here. Are you hurt? Are you okay?
(She embraces him and looks at Damon. She mouths a "thank you" and Damon mouths a "you're welcome")
[Gilbert's house]
(Bonnie is sleeping in Jeremy's bed. Jeremy is looking at her and hears the front door)
Jeremy: Elena?
(Bonnie wakes up and they rushes outside the door. Elena is going up the stairs. Bonnie embraces rushes over her and embraces her)
Jeremy: Are you okay?
Elena: I'm okay. I'm okay
(She looks at Bonnie)
Elena: I got your message
(Bonnie cries and embraces her again. Then, Jeremy embraces her and kisses her neck)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is pouring himself a glass of scotch and drinks. Stefan arrives)
Damon: Where is Elena?
Stefan: She's home
Damon: And you're here why?
Stefan: Because she wanted to be with Jeremy
Damon: Here
(He gives him a glass of scotch)
Stefan: Thanks. Listen, what Rose told Elena about the curse…
Damon: I know, we'll keep her safe
Stefan: you know, the only way we're gonna be able to do that is if we're not fighting each other. We let Katherine come between us. If let that happen with Elena, we're not gonna be able to protect her
Damon: Yes Stefan, I heard it all before
Stefan: Hey
Damon: What?
Stefan: I'm sorry.
Damon: About what?
Stefan: For being the guy who made you turn 145 years ago
Damon: Enough Stef, it's late. Don't need to rehearse that
Stefan: You know what? I've never said it at loud. I guess I just need to say it and you need to hear it. I'm sorry. What I did was selfish. I didn't want to be alone. I guess I just needed my brother
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline is still with Tyler. She arrives with a bottle of alcohol and two glasses)
Caroline: You know, this sounds crazy but alcohol helps or at least it helps me. You know, with all that inside jittery stuff
Tyler: I'm hot. It's like my skin is on f*re
Caroline: Really? I never had any of that. I guess wolves are different. At the beginning, I was very, very emotional. Everything was heightened
Tyler: I have that. How can you be a vampire?
Caroline: How can you be a werewolf?
Tyler: Who else is like you?
Caroline: Just me. It's a very long story we can share another time. How many other werewolves are there?
Tyler: Just me and my uncle Mason but he left town
Caroline: Look, Tyler… You can't tell anyone, okay? Not about you, not about me. No one would understand
Tyler: I know
Caroline: I want to tell you about my mom and yours and the founding families and the council but I need you to promise me no one will find out about us. This is life and death, Tyler
Tyler: I have no one else to tell. I'm sorry about earlier. It's just, I'm alone with this. It's gonna happen to me. In the next full moon, I' gonna turn and I won't be able to stop it. I'm scared
Caroline: Tyler…
(She embraces him)
[Salvatore's house]
(Stefan is in the library. He hears noise and a vampire is running around him. He takes a stake)
Stefan: Who's there?
(Rose arrives)
Rose: I'm not here to hurt you
Stefan: Why are you here?
Rose: Lexi once told me that you're one of the good ones
Stefan: You knew Lexi?
Rose: Trevor was my best friend. For 500 years I have lived with one person and he's gone and I don't want to run anymore because I don't have anywhere else to run to
Stefan: Well, I'm sorry but I can't help you
Rose: I don't need your help but I think you need mine. Elijah may be d*ad but this isn't over
Stefan: What do you mean "it's not over"?
Rose: It isn't over. The originals, they'll come for her. They have to. They're doing it or him
Stefan: For whom?
Rose: Klaus
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena in in pajamas. She's going into her bedroom. Damon's here)
Damon: Cute pajies
Elena: I'm tired, Damon
Damon: I brought you this
(He shown her the necklace)
Elena: I thought that was gone. Thank you
(She tries to catch it but he doesn't give it to her)
Elena: Please give it back
Damon: I just have to say something
Elena: Why do you have to say it with my necklace?
Damon: Well, because what I'm about to say is… probably the most selfish thing I have ever said in my life
Elena: Damon, don't go there
Damon: No, I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. I love you, Elena and it's because I love you that… I can't be selfish with you. Why you can't know this? I don't deserve you but my brother does
(He kisses her on the forehead)
Damon: God, I wish you don't have to forget this but you do
(He compels her and shed a tear. Elena's closes her eyes. When she opens it, Damon's gone and she has her necklace. She touches her necklace and looks around her. She sits down on her bed and looks at her necklace)
[A house]
(Elijah is still impaled but he wakes up and removes the stake from his chest) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x08 - Rose"} | foreverdreaming |
(Katherine is delivering a baby. She's with her mother)
Mother: A little more dearest, a little more
(She pushes and screams. She delivers her baby. Her mother takes it. Her father is watching)
Mother: It's a girl
Katherine: A girl. Please mother, let me see her
Father: Woman, don't! What are you doing?
(She gives the baby to her husband)
Katherine: Let me at least hold her once… just once
Father: Forget it! You have disgraced this family
(He leaves the room with the baby. Katherine cries and screams)
Katherine: Father, please! No, father, no!
Mother: No Katerina, it's better for her!
(Her mother embraces her. Katherine is still crying)
Katherine: No mother, please
Mother: Let her go… let her go Katerina
Katherine: Please, mama…
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena is knocking on the door. Damon opens it)
Damon: Hello, Elena
Elena: Stefan's here? He called. He said it was important
Damon: Right this way
(She enters the house. Stefan arrives)
Stefan: Hey
Elena: What is this about?
(Rose arrives)
Elena: You
(They go in the living room. Elena is sitting on the couch)
Rose: Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real
Elena: Who is he?
Damon: He's one of the originals, he's a legend
Stefan: from the first generation of vampires
Elena: Like Elijah
Rose: No. Elijah was the least of any compared to Klaus. He's a felsojah. Klaus is a real deal
Stefan: Klaus is known to be the oldest
Elena: Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?
Rose: Yes
Stefan: No
Damon: What they're saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true…
Rose: Which it is
Damon: And you're saying it so I don't k*ll you
Rose: Which I'm not
Damon: Then we're looking at a solid maybe
Stefan: Look, Elijah's d*ad, right? So no one else even know that you exist
Rose: Not that you know off
Damon: That's not helping
Stefan: Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real. For all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bed time stories
Rose: He's real and he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it. If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot
Damon: Aright, we're shaking. You made your point
(Elena gets up)
Stefan: Where are you going?
Elena: At school. I'm late
Stefan: Let me grab my stuff, I'll go with you
Elena: It's okay, I know where it is
(She leaves)
Damon (to Rose): She's in denial
Stefan: Shut up, Damon
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Bonnie arrives at school. One of her books fall on the floor. Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: Here, I got it
Bonnie: Thanks. Where is Elena?
Jeremy: She's actually running late today. What are you doing later? You want to hang out at the grill, sh**t some pool? The winner owns the table
Bonnie: Uh, why?
Jeremy: What why?
Bonnie: Well, you never asked me to play pool before so why know?
Jeremy: Uh, I don't know, I thought it'd be fun, never mind
Bonnie: No, hey, okay. Sure. It's just
Jeremy: Just what?
Bonnie: It's just you're Elena's brother and… sure. It's just I'm really bad at pool
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. I thought you might be
(A boy arrives)
Luka: Excuse me! Do you guys know which way is the office?
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. Through the double doors then straight ahead then quick left and then your first right. You must be new here
Luka: Yeah, I am. It's kind of hard to hide it. My name's Luka
Jeremy: I'm Jeremy, this is Bonnie
Luka: Hi, Bonnie
(They look at each other. Jeremy looks at them)
Jeremy: Anyway, Luka. I'm actually heading to that direction. Why you don't follow me? It can get confusing
Luka: Thanks man. It's nice to meet you Bonnie
(He looks at her and leaves with Jeremy)
[The woods]
(Elena is with Caroline. Elena is carrying a bag)
Elena: Tell everyone I wasn't feeling well and I went home instead of school
Caroline: I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. I'm a terrible liar
Elena: And keep Stefan busy. I don't want him to know what I'm up to
Caroline: I'm even worse at duplicity and you know this
Elena: You managed to keep me occupied when Katherine paid Stefan a visit
Caroline: Yeah, because she thr*at me. Not that I'm saying that you should use that as a tactic, it's… Stefan's gonna see right through me
Elena: Caroline, as my friend, do you promise or not?
Caroline: you had to break out the girlfriend code. Okay. I promise
Elena: Okay
Caroline: Why don't you want Stefan to know?
Elena: Because he would never be okay with me doing this
(They go under the church ruins. They stop in front of the tomb's door)
Caroline: Are you sure you want to do this?
Elena: Yes, I'm sure. She's the only one who knows the truth about Klaus. The only one who can tell me how to stop him
Caroline: But you're asking for the truth from someone who's probably never giving it. Are you sure about this?
Elena: Yeah. I just can't stay back and wait. I have to know, Caroline. Please
(Caroline goes toward the door and opens it)
Elena: Katherine?
(She looks at Caroline)
Elena: I'll be okay from here
(They hear noise. Elena turns her head and looks at the door entrance. Katherine arrives and stops at the entrance)
Katherine: Hello Elena. You come to watch me wither away? Goodbye Caroline
Elena: As long as I stay on this side on the door, she can't hurt me. Please
(Caroline looks at them and leaves)
Katherine: Stefan knows you're here?
Elena: I brought you some things
Katherine: You came to bribe me? What is it that you want?
Elena: I want you to tell me about Klaus
Katherine: Hmm, you've been busy
Elena: I also brought you this
(She takes an old book from the bag)
Elena: It's your family history. It says in here that the family line ended with you. Obviously that's not true
Katherine: You think that if you brought me some family keepsake then I'd open up?
Elena: I also brought you this
(She takes a bottle of blood from the bag and shows it to Katherine. Katherine rushes over Elena but she can't get out because of the spell)
Elena: You don't look so good. How long before your body shuts down? 10, 20 years? It must be painful to desiccate and mummify. I can't even imagine
(Katherine sits down on the floor. Elena puts some blood in a glass and gives it to her. Katherine takes the glass and drink)
Katherine: You have the Petrova f*re
Elena: More blood?
(Katherine puts the glass on the floor. Elea takes it)
Katherine: It's a long story, Klaus and i. it was all the way back to England, 1492, after I left Bulgaria or was thrown out
Elena: Thrown out?
Katherine: My family, your true ancestors, they disowned me. My indiscretions were not tolerated at that time. I had a baby at a Winlock. A shame
Elena: It was kept secret?
Katherine: Hum hum. My baby was given away. I was banished to England and I had to learn to adjust so I quickly became English. It was there that I caught the eye of a noble man name Klaus. I was taking with him at first until I found out what he was and what he wanted from me and then I ran like hell
[England, the woods]
(Katherine is running. She falls and hides behind a tree. Elijah and his men are looking for her)
Elijah: She's here. Katerina! I know you're near, I can smell your blood. It's pointless to run, Klaus will find you wherever you are
(Trevor arrives and indicates them a false direction)
Trevor: This way. There is more blood over there
(They leave. Katherine gets up. She tries to leave but Trevor arrives, puts a finger on her mouth and pushes her against the tree)
Trevor: Head east. I can't distract them much longer
Katherine: I can't run anymore
Trevor: Never mind. There's a cottage. You'll be safe there. Go now. Go!
(She leaves)
[The tomb]
Elena: So, what did Klaus want?
Katherine: The same thing that he wants from you. He wants to break the curse
Elena: By sacrificing the Petrova doppelganger
Katherine: He wanted to drain every single drop of blood of my body
[Salvatore's house]
(Rose is crying. Damon arrives)
Damon: Alright rosebud. I need some answers. Oh please don't tell me you're crying ‘cause your buddy Trevor lost his head
Rose: You've always been this sensitive?
Damon: Full vampire switch for this very reason. Takes the emotion out of it
Rose: Yeah, you switch yours, I'll switch mine
Damon: Is that a dig?
Rose: It's an observation. Being in love with your brother's girlfriend must be difficult
Damon: I'm not in love with anyone
Rose: You want to try that again?
Damon: Don't get on my bad side
Rose: Then show me your good side
Damon: How do I find Klaus?
Rose: You don't find Klaus, he finds you
Damon: Come on. Somebody's got to know somebody who knows where he is, right?
Rose: Add another two hundred somebodies to that and you're still not even close
Damon: Humor me. You got in touch with Elijah, how did you do it?
Rose: Through a very low somebody on the churching poll. A guy name Slater in Richmond
Damon: Perfect. I'll drive
Rose: No. You forget not all of us can do sun
Damon: Then you drive. Come on
[Mystic Falls' high school]
Caroline: Stefan!
Stefan: Hey
Caroline: Hey. Uh, I need to talk to you. Where are you going?
Stefan: Well, Elena went home sick; I just want to go check up on her
Caroline: Ditcher
Stefan: I'm kind of worried about her
Caroline: You know what? Of course you are. Go ahead, I'd… you know what? We can talk later
Stefan: Uh, talk about what?
Caroline: I might have done something
Stefan: What did you do?
Caroline: Told Tyler I'm a vampire
[The tomb]
(Elena gives another glass of blood to Katherine)
Elena: What does the Petrova blood line have to do with Klaus?
Katherine: It's really tedious but…
(She drinks. She looks better)
Katherine: The curse was bind by the sacrifice of Petrova blood. Witches are crafty with their spells. The doppelganger was created as a way to be able to undo the spell. Once the doppelganger reappeared, the curse can be broken
Elena: So you ran before he k*lled you
Katherine: Something like that
[England, a cottage]
(Katherine arrives at a cottage. She knocks on the door)
Katherine: Help, please help me
(An old woman opens the door)
Katherine: Please, help me
Woman: I don't invite strangers into my home
Katherine: No, Trevor. He said that you'd help me
(Rose arrives)
Rose: Damn him. Always making promises I don't want to keep
(She looks at Katherine)
Rose: Let the girl in
(Katherine enters the house and sits down)
Katherine: You must be Rose. Thank you. Trevor said to show you this
(She shows her the moonstone)
Katherine: To prove I am who I say and that you'd help me to freedom
Rose: You stole this from Klaus?
Katherine: It was to be part of the sacrifice, so I grabbed it and made my escape
Rose: People do not escape from Klaus. Everyone who tries ends up back in his grass and anyone who helps them dies
Katherine: I know the risk you bring on yourself by giving me aid
Rose: I'm risking nothing. At nightfall, I'll bring you back to Klaus and beg him to show us both mercy
(She catches Katherine and pushes her in an empty room)
Katherine: No! No!
(Rose closes the door)
[Somewhere, a coffee shop]
(Rose and Damon are parking the car in a underground parking lot)
Damon: Back entrance. How convenient
Rose: That's the point. We can't all have little daylight rings
Damon: How do you know this Slater guy is even here?
Rose: I called him. He's here. He's always here
Damon: Good
(He pushes her against the wall)
Damon: Just one thing. If you're setting me up in any way, I will rip your heart out and shave it down your throat. It's something I'm very good at
(Rose catches him and pushes him against the car)
Rose: I'm older than you and stronger. Don't get on my bad side
(She releases him)
Rose: You can trust me
(They enter in the coffee shop)
Damon: Whoa. What about the sunlight?
Rose: Double painted and temped. UV rays can't penetrate. You see the appeal know?
(Slater rejoins them)
Slater: That and the free Wi-Fi
(She embraces him)
Rose: Hey, how are you?
Slater: Good. I saw you come, what are you doing here?
Rose: Mmm, it's a long story but I want you to meet…
Slater: Damon Salvatore. Turned 1864 in Mystic Falls by Katherine Pierce aka Katerina Petrova. So I take it I was right, what I told you about the tomb under the church was true?
Rose: Yes. It was right. Thank you for the tip
(He looks at Damon)
Slater: It's nice to meet you, maybe. What's going on Rose? Where is Trevor?
[The tomb]
Elena: Rose never ended up taking you back to Klaus, did she?
Katherine: No but not because she had a change of heart
[England, a cottage]
(Rose enters the room. Katherine is on a bed)
Rose: its nightfall. Time to go
(She sees that Katherine is hurt. She's bleeding)
Rose: When did this happen?
Katherine: In the woods, I tripped
Rose: It's a lie, I would have smelled it
(She finds a Kn*fe in Katherine's hand and takes it)
Katherine: Rather die than go back to Klaus. Please, just let me die
Rose: If you die then Trevor dies with you
(She bites her wrist and puts it in Katherine's mouth so she can drink her blood. Her wounds heal. Trevor arrives)
Trevor: Where is she?
(Rose rushes over him and leave Katherine alone. She pushes him against the wall)
Rose: You have set us both on the path of death. I only hope Klaus sees the honor in returning that girl to him
Trevor: He will sacrifice her
Rose: Then sobiet!
Trevor: I love her, Rose
Rose: He'll k*ll you. He won't stop until he has our heads
Trevor: Then we should run until we die
(They hear noise in the room. They rushes to see what's happened and find Katherine hanged in the ceiling. She's d*ad)
[The tomb]
Elena: You k*lled yourself?!
Katherine: Klaus needed a human doppelganger. As a vampire, I was no longer any use to him
Elena: But it didn't work. You didn't really escape, you've been running from Klaus ever since
Katherine: I under estimated his peered for vengeance but leaving with a suitcase is better than dying so you can have your blood spilled over some silly little rock
(Elena doesn't seem good)
Katherine: What's wrong? Afraid, right? You don't want to die? There's another way out
(She cuts her wrist with her nail. She bleeds)
Katherine: Better hurry. Your opportunity is going, going, going and gone
(Her wrist is healed)
Katherine: I made the other choice
[England, a cottage]
(Katherine wakes up)
Trevor: What did you do, Katerina? I would have helped you live
Katherine: You would have helped me run. That was never going to be enough
Trevor: It was enough for me
Rose: Do you not see, Trevor? She used you to help her escape and me to turn her. Klaus will see our role in this
Katherine: And for that I'm sorry
Rose: As am i…. for this
(She rushes over Katherine with a stake but Katherine catches the old lady. Rose stakes the old lady on the shoulder. Katherine drinks the old lady's blood)
Katherine: Please understand
Rose: You just signed our death sentence
Katherine: Better you die than i
(She throws the old lady in Trevor's arms and leaves with her new super speed)
[The tomb]
Elena: Rose and Trevor spent the last 500 years running because you used them. Trevor just got k*lled
Katherine: I never thought he would last for that long
Elena: You don't even care that you ruined their lives
Katherine: I was looking out for myself, Elena. I will always look out for myself. If you're smart, you'll do the same
(She turns herself and opens the Petrova book)
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline and Stefan are sitting at a table. Caroline is eating)
Caroline: Sorry to drag you here but if I don't eat, I get these k*lling some people urge. Tyler totally has it too by the way
Stefan: Yeah, what else did you say to him?
Caroline: Not much. I was trying to keep the questions to a minimum. Are you mad?
Stefan: Yes Caroline. As a matter of fact, i am a little mad. I mean, you put yourself a risk. If Damon finds out…
Caroline: But you're not gonna tell him, are you?
Stefan: No, of course not. He would k*ll you
Caroline: Always looking out for me
Stefan: Yeah. Well, you don't exactly make it very easy on me
Caroline: Then why do you do it? Why are you such a good friend to me?
Stefan: I don't know. I guess you… you remind me of someone. My best friend, Lexi
Caroline: I… you have a friend?
Stefan: You say that with such a discouraging imam of surprise, Caroline
Caroline: No I just… sorry. I just… tell me about her
Stefan: I will, some other time. I got to go
Caroline: Wait! No! What do we do about Tyler? I don't want Damon to k*ll him ‘cause there's a full moon coming up and Tyler is totally freaking out about it
(Luka is sitting at a table with his father. Bonnie passes next to him)
Luka: Hey Bonnie
Bonnie: Hey, Luka. How was your first day?
Luka: It was great. I would like to introduce you to my dad
Bonnie: Hi, I'm Bonnie Bennett
Jonas: Doctor Martin, Jonas Martin. It's nice to meet you Bonnie Bennett. Would you like to join us?
Bonnie: Oh, I'm meeting a friend but he's not here yet so… sure
Luka: Oh yes, please have a sit
(She sits down)
Bonnie: So, where did you move from?
Jonas: Louisiana
Bonnie: That's a big change
Luka: I'll say
Bonnie: It's not so bad here
Luka: It's looking up
Jonas: Bennett, uh? I knew some Bennett's when I did my residency in Massachusetts. Do you have any family from Salem?
Bonnie: Actually i do
Jonas: What do you know? Small world, right?
(Jeremy arrives)
Bonnie: Oh, there's me friend. It was nice to meet you, Doctor Martin
Luka: I will see you at school
Bonnie: Yeah
(She touches his shoulder and feels something. She leaves with Jeremy and turns her head to look at them)
Jeremy: Sorry I was late, are you okay?
Bonnie: Yeah
[Somewhere, a coffee shop]
Slater: And you're sure Elijah's d*ad?
Damon: Beyond d*ad
Slater: Trevor was a good man; he helped me with my dissertation on sexual deviance on the baroque period. I was schooling for my psych PHT
Rose: Slater's been in college since 74
Slater: When i was turned. I have 18 degrees, 3 masters and 4 PHT
Damon: The point?
Slater: Exactly, I mean, what is the point? What should I be doing with my eternity? If you have an answer, please enlight me
Rose: We need your help. If someone wanted to get in touch with Klaus, how would you hook him up?
Slater: Craigslist
Damon: Really?
Slater: Seriously. I respond to a personal add to get set to somebody who knows somebody who knows Elijah, who's d*ad and that's where my connection ends
(In front of the coffee shop, a man stops in front of a man who plays guitar. He gives him money and takes his coins. He decants the coins into his other hand. It's Elijah. He looks at Slater, Damon and Rose)
[Mystic Grill]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are playing pool)
Jeremy: You are bad
Bonnie: I told you
Jeremy: Well, you can cheat if you need your dignity back
Bonnie: Come on, h*t the ball
(Luka rejoins them)
Luka: Alright, I got winner guys. I got winner
Jeremy: Get ready, this slot is almost over
Bonnie: So where's your dad?
Luka: I'll see him back home
(Stefan and Caroline are still talking)
Stefan: Okay, now I'm leaving
Caroline: Wait…!
Stefan: No, no, no, Caroline, you have two seconds to come clean
Caroline: What do you mean?
Stefan: I'd believe your whole innocent act a little bit better if I didn't know how good you are at providing a distraction on demand. Where is Elena?
Caroline: I can't tell you
Stefan: You can't tell me? Are you kidding me?
Caroline: I'm sorry but i… I can't tell you
Stefan: Caroline! Elena was kidnapped, she could have been k*lled and you're seriously not gonna tell me where she is?
Caroline: She's not in any danger. I would not have let her put herself in danger
Stefan: Put herself in danger where? What do you…? She's with Damon isn't she?
Caroline: Ouh, no
Stefan: Then where… where is she? Listen, if you're my friend like you've been pretending to be all day, then you'll tell me where she is
Caroline: Stefan, I am your friend but I'm also Elena's friend and I'm sorry but I'm not going to tell you where she is
(He looks at her and leaves)
[The tomb]
Elena: So how much of your little story is true?
Katherine: I have no reason to lie, Elena. I have no reason to do anything but sit here and read and rot
Elena: Okay, assuming it's even partially true, that's the reason why you came back isn't it? Because you wanted to be the one to hand me over to Klaus
Katherine: 500 years in the run, I figured maybe he'd be willing to strike a deal
Elena: So you got Mason Lockwood to find you the moonstone
Katherine: Right again
Elena: What else do you needed to break the curse?
Katherine: Hmm, look who is getting smarter
Elena: It's not just me or the stone, is it? Otherwise that you'd be no reason to trigger Tyler Lockwood's werewolf curse
Katherine: Witches and their spells: so many ingredients, so many people to sacrifice
Elena: So you need a werewolf
Katherine: Believe it or not, they're hard to come by
Elena: What else?
Katherine: A witch to do the spell. Mine bailed but Bonnie will do just fine
Elena: What else?
Katherine: A vampire
Elena: Caroline
Katherine: It could have been anyone I suppose but i like the poetry of Caroline
Elena: So you were gonna just hand us all over to be k*lled?
Katherine: Better you die than i
(She goes deeper in the tomb. Elena is alone)
[Somewhere, a coffee shop]
Damon: Here's what I don't get: Elijah moved around during the day, which means the original people knew the secret of the day ring. Know why would Klaus want to lift the curse of the sun and the moon?
Slater: To keep the werewolves from lifting it. If a vampire breaks the sun curse then the werewolves are stuck with the curse of the moon forever and vice versa
Rose: But werewolves are extinct
Slater: True. I've never seen one but rumor has it
Damon: Not such a rumor
Slater: Mystic Falls? God, I got to visit this place. It sounds awesome
(Elijah is still in front of the coffee shop. He's listening to them)
Damon: Can we stop the curse from being broken at all?
Slater: What do you mean?
Damon: Well, if we make the moonstone useless, would it stop the curse from being broken?
Slater: Yeah, probably but why would you want to do that?
Damon: Tell me how
Slater: You think I'm gonna help you figure out how to do something that will piss of an original? And keeping them from walking in the sun?
Damon: You want to walk in the sun? I can make that happen if you help us
(Elijah is still listening to them. He throws the coins on the window. All the windows broke. Slater and Rose's skin are burning. Rose is screaming. Damon looks outside but Elijah is gone. Slater runs. Rose face is b*rned. Damon puts a jacket on Rose's face and help her get out of the coffee shop. He carries her to the car and puts her on the back of the car)
Damon: You're gonna be okay
Rose: I know
Damon: Who's behind that?
Rose: I don't know. Where is Slater?
Damon: Iowa by now. Who the hell knows?
Rose: He's not behind this, he's a good guy, he wouldn't betrayed me
Damon: Who did it?
Rose: It's Klaus, don't you understand? You don't know this man, we're d*ad, we're all d*ad
(She cries. Her face is healed)
[Mystic Grill]
(Bonnie is alone, she looks at Jeremy. He looks at her and they both smile. Luka rejoins her)
Luka: Hey Bonnie. I'm sorry about earlier, my dad is not very subtle with the whole Bennett/Salem question. He picked up on you, he was just fishing around, he didn't mean any harm
Bonnie: I felt something too
Luka: I know. That's why we're having this conversation right now. He uh… doesn't like for anyone to know
(He puts a lot of salt on the table)
Luka: But we were both worry that you would bail us
(He looks around him and puts his hand above the salt. That salt flies)
Luka: He just wants us to fit in here for once. It's tough Bonnie, being different
Bonnie: You're a witch?
Luka: We prefer the term warlock
[The tomb]
(Elena is still alone, she looks at the tomb. Stefan arrives)
Stefan: Elena
Elena: Stefan, what are you doing here?
Stefan: I could ask you the same question
Elena: Caroline told you
Stefan: No, she kept your secret but it didn't take long for me to figure out what was the important that you'd have to keep it from me
Elena: I knew that you'd stop me
Stefan: Listen to me, whatever she said to you is a lie. Do not listen to her. She's a liar, Elena
Elena: What if she isn't? You didn't hear what she said
Stefan: You don't have to worry, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you
Elena: That's the problem, you won't but you'll die trying. How's that any better?
(Katherine arrives)
Katherine: There's nothing you can do, Stefan. I haven't even told you the best part of the story
(Katherine arrives at her parent's home. she finds d*ad people outside. She runs and enters the home. She finds her father d*ad and sees her mother. She's d*ad. She rushes over her. She cries on her mother's body)
Katherine: No, no, no mama. No!
[The tomb]
Katherine: He k*lled them, my entire family just to get back at me for running. Whatever you do to escape Klaus, he will get his vengeance on your friends, your family and anyone that you've ever loved
(Stefan looks at Elena)
Stefan: No, look at me. No, do not listen to her, okay?
Katherine: Always the protector but you must realize that she's doomed. There's nothing you can do to stop it unless of course you have this
(She shows him the moonstone)
Elena: What?
Stefan: Oh no, there it is. It's the ultimate lie, isn't it? You spun this whole thing so that we would have to get the stone from you, didn't you?
Katherine: I didn't spin anything, Stefan. It's the truth
Stefan: No, let me guess. You want to trade that stone for your freedom, you manipulative, psychotic bitch
Katherine: My freedom? That's where you're wrong, Stefan. I don't want my freedom because when Klaus shows up to k*ll us all and he will, I'll be in the tomb, where no vampire will enter because they can't get out. I'll be the safest psychotic bitch in town
(She looks at Elena and goes deeper in the tomb)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is drinking in the living room. Rose rejoins her)
Rose: I'm sorry about today. I didn't know that was gonna happen
Damon: I believe you
Rose: I wish we could save Elena. I know that you want to
Damon: And I will
Rose: You remind me of Trevor
Damon: Why? Why him?
Rose: Because he always talked big game, always working on angle but underneath all this, he was the best friend anyone could hope for
Damon: And where did that get him?
Rose: d*ad and my loyalty to him almost got me d*ad too
(He gives her a glass of scotch)
Damon: To friendship
Rose: You're right to fight it, how do you feel about her
Damon: And why's that?
Rose: Because if you want to survive, you need to not care about anyone
Damon: Caring get you d*ad, uh?
Rose: He might just be time to turn the switch off on your emotions
Damon: I will if you will
(They look at each other and then kiss)
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy is playing pool. He turns himself to look at Bonnie but she's not looking at him, she's talking with Luka. He looks at them, smiles and leaves)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena and Stefan are in the porch)
Stefan: Elena
Elena: I can't talk about it, Stefan
Stefan: You have to. Don't shut me out. Elena, please
(She's crying)
Elena: I wanted to know the truth, Stefan and I got it. It's not just me that's in danger. It's Caroline and it's Tyler and its Bonnie. They're all part of breaking the curse. I can't blame anyone else anymore because it's not because you came into town or because you and i fell in love. That's not why everyone that I love is in danger. It's because of me, everything is because of me
(He embraces her. She's crying. He kisses her on the top of her head)
[The tomb]
(Katherine is reading her family book. She finds a portrait of her with her parents. She has tears in her eyes)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon and Rose have made love. Damon is shirtless)
Rose: It's a lie, you know. There's no switch you can turn. Sure when you're a newbie but after a couple of hundred years… you just have to pretend
(Rose's phone ring. She answers. It's Slater)
Rose: Hello?
Slater: Rose?
Rose: Slater? Are you okay?
Slater: Yes, I took off, I'm sorry, I was freaking freaked
Rose: No, I'm sorry to involved you
Slater: Look, i want no part in any of this but i did some digging
Rose: Okay, what did you find?
Slater: You can destroy the curse but you need the moonstone
Rose: How? What do you mean? I don't follow
Slater: Can your friend get the moonstone? You need it
(She looks at Damon. He tells her yes)
Rose: Yes, he can get it. What next?
Slater: You need a witch. Get the moonstone, a witch should be able to figure out the rest. Good luck, Rose
(He hangs up. Damon and Rose look at each other)
[A house]
(Slater just hanged up)
Elijah: Very nicely done
Slater: Thanks, I have a degree in theatre. How can you compel me? A vampire can't compel another vampire
Elijah: I'm a special vampire
Slater: What, because you're an original?
Elijah: Hmm, now I want you this and drive it through your heart
(He gives him a stake. Slater takes it)
Slater: But that will k*ll me forever
Elijah: I know
(He's compelling him)
Elijah: But it's necessary
(Slater drives the stake through his heart. He falls on the floor, he's d*ad. Jonas rejoins Elijah)
Jonas: Was it, really?
Elijah: It had to be done. He delivered his message. Won't be long now
(They look at each other) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x09 - Katrina"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena is sleeping. Jonas is in the bathroom, looking at her. She hears noise so she wakes up suddenly. She gets up and goes outside her bedroom. She looks everywhere. She hears a noise behind her so she turns herself and sees Alaric, naked. He has a bowl in his hands)
Alaric: Elena
Elena: I heard something
(Jenna arrives. They're uncomfortable)
Jenna: That was us. I'm sorry
(Jonas is in Elena's bedroom. He takes Elena's hair from her hairbrush and some of other stuff, including a picture of her)
Alaric: Well, I'm naked so I'm gonna go
(He leaves and goes in Jenna's bedroom)
Jenna: I'm really really sorry
Elena: It's okay, Jenna. Don't worry about it
Jenna: I know he's been staying over a lot. Are you sure it's okay?
Elena: Seems like things are good
Jenna: They are extremely good
Elena: Then I'm extremely okay with that
(She goes in her bedroom and lay on her bed. Jonas is waiting in the bathroom. Once she's closed her eyes, he goes outside the bathroom and leaves the house)
[The tomb]
(Stefan and Damon are going under the church ruins to talk to Katherine)
Damon: Let's to it
(They open the tomb's door)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena opens the door. Stefan and Damon are here)
Stefan: Hey, can we talk?
Elena: Why?
Damon: We went to see Katherine
Elena: Come on in
(They enter the house)
[The tomb]
(The door of the tomb is opened)
Katherine: Please, come on in. There's many room for all of us
Damon: I rather poke my eyes out
Katherine: Hmm, there are such pretty eyes
Stefan: We're here for the moonstone
Damon: Feel like tossing it over?
Katherine: Tell you what, you get a little witch to hocus pocus me out of here and you get whatever you want
Stefan: I thought you liked it in here. Nice and safe where Klaus can't get to you
Katherine: I've time to reconsider
Damon: Meaning you're hungry
Katherine: I'm starving, Damon and dirty but above all, I'm bored. At least running from Klaus was not boring so here the deal: you get me out of here, you get the moonstone and I'll disappear from Mystic Falls forever. Let me know what you decide
(She shows them the moonstone and leaves)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena, Damon and Stefan are in the kitchen)
Elena: You don't believe her, do you?
Damon: No, of course not. We just want the moonstone
Stefan: According to Rose's friend Slater, there's the way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break
Damon: No spell, no doppelganger sacrifice so ergo you live
Elena: How do you destroy it?
Stefan: By releasing it from the moonstone
Elena: How do you guys even know this is gonna work?
Damon: ‘cause we have a crafty witch on our side
Elena: You discussed with Bonnie
Stefan: She agreed to do anything she could to help us
Elena: It's Katherine who has the moonstone. She's not gonna give it to you
Stefan: We're gonna get it from her
Damon: Well, what he means to say is we will pray for her cold d*ad head if we have to
Stefan: Bonnie just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone and get out in time for her to return it
Elena: Whoa, seems like you guys have already all planned out
Damon: Yep, we're awesome
Elena: Except for one thing. I don't want you to do it
Stefan: What are you talking about? Elena, we don't have a choice
Elena: What about Klaus?
Stefan: We'll find him right after we get the moonstone
Elena: Is that before or after that he kills everyone that I care about, including the two of you
(She looks at Damon. He seems stunned)
Stefan: Elena, if we can dispel the moonstone, we can save your life
Elena: I know, everybody keeps saying that
(She leaves. They look at each other)
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Bonnie is talking with Luka)
Luka: So your grams waited you were in high school to tell you that you're a witch?
Bonnie: She brought it up before but I just thought she was drunk. In my defense, she was
Luka: So then you're like new
Bonnie: Newish. I still have some growing pains
Luka: Like?
Bonnie: Physically it's becoming a lot harder. I have a bad reaction to it sometimes
Luka: Your noise bleeds?
Bonnie: Yeah and I pass out sometimes
Luka: It's because you're trying to do too much on your own. You need help
Bonnie: From what?
Luka: From nature, the elements. Just things you could dry your power from. Do you have channel to another witch before?
Bonnie: What is that?
Luka: Say we put our energy together and we can double our strength. I'll show you. Let me see that bracelet
(She gives him her bracelet and he gives her his army necklace)
Luka: I want you to stand very still and concentrate
Bonnie: I don't get it
Luka: I know
Bonnie: What are we doing?
Luka: We're channeling. They're personal idioms we activate as talisman. Now concentrate
(She closes her eyes, reopens it and looks at him)
Bonnie: What is that?
(He smiles and closes his eyes. The wind is strong. The leafs fly. Everyone runs because there is a lot of wind. Bonnie and Luka are still and have their eyes closed. They open their eyes again. They smile)
(She laughs. Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: What's with that weather, uh?
Luka: It's global warming man. I don't know. I got to go. See you later Bonnie
Bonnie: Bye Luka
(She smiles)
Luka: Bye
(He smiles and leaves)
Jeremy: The guy is weird, uh?
Bonnie: No he's not
(She still has Luka's necklace in his hands. Her phone rings. She looks at it)
Jeremy: What is it?
Bonnie: It's Damon
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena enter the house. Rose is here. She only wears a nightgown)
Rose: It's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning
(She sees Elena)
Rose: Sorry, I thought you were…
Elena: I… sorry. I…
Rose: There is no one else here
Elena: Actually I came to talk to you
Rose: Then I should probably get dressed
(She smiles)
(They both are in the living room. Rose is dressed)
Rose: It's a bad idea
Elena: No, it's not. From what Stefan told me your friend Slater obviously has more information about Klaus. You and Damon just gave up before you got it
Rose: Because somebody blew up a coffee shop with us in it
Elena: There's more to learn. We just have to find a way to learn it
Rose: Why are you coming to me with this?
Elena: Because you owe me. One word from me and Damon Stefan could have k*lled you for kidnapping me
Rose: Or maybe it's because you know that they wouldn't want you doing this
Elena: We're having a disagreement, okay? They're willing to risk everyone that i love and I'm not
Rose: They're just trying to protect you
Elena: And you've proven you couldn't care less whether I'm protected or not so we're back to you taking me to Slater
Rose: What exactly do you hope to achieve by this?
Elena: How would you like to be able to walk during the daylight?
Rose: I've been the sl*ve to shadows for 500 years, what do you think?
Elena: I think I know a witch who's willing to do whatever it takes to help if you're willing to make a deal
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Tyler is playing basketball. Matt rejoins him)
Matt: Hey man, how are you doing?
Tyler: Good and you?
Matt: I pissed myself for picking a fight with you and I'm feeling guilty for what happened to Sarah. I mean, I've been dodging you for days because I didn't know what to say to you
Tyler: Don't worry
Matt: I'm really sorry. Please know that
(He leaves and meets Caroline)
Caroline: Matt
Matt: Hey
Caroline: How are you?
Matt: I've been better. I got to get to class
Caroline: Okay
(He leaves. She rejoins Tyler)
Tyler: You two still on the outs?
Caroline: Looks like it. You realize there is almost a full moon?
Tyler: Vampires don't have enough problems? You want to take on mine?
Caroline: Have you thought about it? The whole wolf thing? Do you know what you're gonna do?
Tyler: I have a plan
Caroline: Well…
Tyler: Kind of private
Caroline: I headed the prom comity, not to mention I single handedly organized this town cleanup campaign and you're really gonna turned out my help?
[Salvatore's House]
(Bonnie is talking with Stefan, Damon and Jeremy)
Bonnie: I might be able to lower the tomb spell long enough for you to get in there and grab the moonstone from Katherine
Jeremy: How? It took both you and your grams last time and look what happened to her
Bonnie: I'm aware of what happened. I've learn a few new things
Jeremy: Bonnie…
(She looks at Stefan)
Bonnie: How will you get it?
Stefan: She hasn't been feeding. She's weaker, we're not
(Damon shows her a glass of blood)
Bonnie: You wouldn't be underestimating her, do you?
Stefan: It's a plan. Is it perfect? What plan is?
Jeremy: Let me do it. I've got my ring, I could get in, get out and no spell necessary
Damon: Jeez thank you 16 years old child. Why didn't we think about that? Why are you even here?
Bonnie: Maybe I can help better the plan. Do you have anything that belongs to Katherine?
(Damon looks at Stefan)
[Somewhere. An apartment]
(Rose knocks on the door but nobody respond)
Rose: Slater? Slater, it's Rose. Open up!
(She looks at Elena)
Rose: He's not home, sorry
Elena: uh uh. We didn't come all the way out of here for nothing
(Rose opens the door with her strength)
Rose: Off to you
(They enter)
Rose: Slater?
(She finds Slater's body)
Rose: I don't think he's gonna be much help
(Elena rejoins her and sees the body too. Then she looks everywhere and finds a lot of papers and computer. She looks at the papers)
Elena: Looks like whoever blew up the coffee shop found him and k*lled him for his information
Rose: Yeah, probably for helping people like us. The guy was a vampire omeneck. Knowing too much information just b*at him in the ass
(Rose opens the curtains)
Elena: What are you…?
Rose: tempted glass, UV rays can't penetrate
(She looks through the window)
Rose: I used to just come here and watch the day
(Elena is looking at a picture of Slater and a girl)
Elena: I'm sorry about Slater
Rose: Any luck?
(Elena looks at one of the computers)
Elena: its password protected, I can't get in
Rose: Then this is pointless, let's just go
(They hear noise)
Rose: Stay here
(She leaves to see what the noise is. She goes in a room and finds a girl)
Rose: Alice?
Alice: Rose
(She embraces Rose. She's crying. Elena looks at them)
[Salvatore's House]
Stefan: This belonged to Katherine. I found it with her things after I thought she was d*ad but it was hers
(He gives Katherine's portrait to Katherine. She takes it and puts it in a bowl. She puts a few drops of water on it. It burns. She closes her eyes and cast a spell in Latin)
Damon: What was this?
Bonnie: I can turn the metal into ash, blew the ashes on her and it will incapacitate her for a minute or two. Long enough for you to get the stone and get out
(Her nose bleeds but nobody sees her so she cleans it)
[The woods]
(Tyler and Caroline are walking)
Tyler: Matt takes it pretty hard
Caroline: I know. It's better this way
Tyler: I get it
Caroline: You do?
Tyler: Yeah. You can't be honest with him. It's not really fair to be with someone not really let them know who you are. I get it
(He keeps walking toward the old Lockwood property)
Tyler: Right over here. There's a cellar that goes to our old property
Caroline: I know
Tyler: You do?
Caroline: I know that this is the old Lockwood property
Tyler: Watch your step
(They go in the ruins)
Tyler: I'm guessing that's where Mason was headed the night he turned. It's this way
Caroline: Did Mason tell you about this place?
Tyler: Mason bolted before I trigger the curse but I found these
(He shows her nails marks on the wall)
Caroline: Look old
Tyler: And these bolt and chains. I need new chains but the bolt can still hold
(He shows her how resistant the bolt is)
Tyler: I think that's what this place was use for. Full moons
(She looks everywhere and finds something)
Caroline: What's this?
(She takes what she's found. She opens it in front of Tyler. It's a diary)
Caroline: Was it Mason's?
(He looks at the diary and begins to read)
Tyler: "August 31. My body is changing. I'm edgy, angry and impatient. I get some black out, I forget what I say or do. I'm not myself. Not since Jimmy's death. What's happening to me?
(He looks further in the diary)
Tyler: He chronicled everything. "The full moon is tonight"
Caroline: Does he say what happened?
(He finds a memory stick at the end of the diary. He takes it and looks at it. He looks at Caroline)
[Salvatore's house]
(Bonnie puts the ashes on the table)
Stefan: We should get the torches
Damon: Alaric's stakes are in my trunk. Bonnie?
Bonnie: Go ahead. I'm almost done
(They leave. Bonnie is alone with Jeremy)
Jeremy: What are you doing? You're not strong enough
(She puts a finger on his mouth and looks at him)
Bonnie: I'll be fine
Jeremy: You could get hurt
Bonnie: and Elena could die. I'll be fine. I promise
Jeremy: I got this okay? Go get me something to put this in, alright?
(She smiles and goes get him what he asked her. While she doesn't watch, he takes some of the ashes)
[Slater's apartment]
(Rose is comforting Alice. She rejoins Elena who's preparing some tea)
Rose: She found him a few minutes before we did
Elena: How is she?
Rose: Overreacting. Big time
Elena: Her boyfriend just died. There's no such thing as overreacting
Rose: The tears are for her. She didn't care of Slater. She was only dating him long enough to see if he'll turn her
(They both look at Alice. Elena rejoins her and gives her a cup of tea)
Alice: Thank you
(She looks at Elena)
Alice: You look really familiar. Did you know Slater?
Elena: Not personally, no. I just knew that he kept detail records of all of his vampire's contacts and I was hoping that he could point me towards Klaus
Alice: Doubtful. Klaus doesn't want to be pointed out
Elena: Do you know Slater's computer password?
Alice: Are you seriously asking me that right now? I just saw my boyfriend with a stake through his heart
Elena: I understand that. Do you know his password?
Alice: Who do you think you are?
(She drinks. Elena looks at Rose and get closer to Alice)
Elena: What if I could convince Rose to turn you?
(Alice is surprised. Rose is not happy about this)
Elena: Will you show us his files then?
(Alice is on one of Slater's computer. Elena and Rose are with her)
Alice: Someone's been here. The hard disc is completely wiped out
Rose: Probably by the one who k*lled him
Alice: Lucky for you, Slater was paranoid. Everything's backed up on a mode server
(Rose looks at Elena to speak to her)
Rose: You know that she's not going anywhere near of my blood, right?
Elena: I know but she doesn't
(She gets closer to Alice to see the computer. Rose smiles. Alice has entered the computer thanks to the password)
Alice: Kristen Stewart. God, was it obvious?
Elena: These are all leads to vampires?
Alice: Slater was obsessed. Almost as much as me
Rose: What about that one: Cody Webber? They exchanged dozens of emails about Elijah
Alice: I could call him
(Elena gives her the phone)
Elena: Tell him that we're trying to send a message to Klaus: the doppelganger is alive and she's ready to surrender
Rose: What?!
Alice: Oh my god! I knew I recognized you
Elena: Get him the message please
(She goes in another room. Rose rejoins her)
Rose: What are you doing?
Elena: I'm getting Klaus's attention
Rose: If Klaus knows that you're alive, he'll find you and he'll k*ll you
(Elena's face is determined. Rose understands)
Rose: Which is exactly what you wanted all along
Elena: It's either me or my family
Rose: So all of this is a su1c1de mission so that you could sacrifice yourself and save everyone else?
(Alice rejoins them)
Alice: Cody is on his way and he really wants to meet you
[The Tomb]
(Katherine stops and sees Jeremy)
Katherine: The youngest Gilbert. This is an intriguing surprise
Jeremy: I'm here for the moonstone
Katherine: Yeah, the stone. It's very popular today
Jeremy: Just give it to me
Katherine: Naïve little Gilbert. If you want it, you're gonna have to come here and get it
(He drives a stake through her. She removes it but he throws her the ashes. She falls on the floor. She unconscious)
Jeremy: I kind of figured you'd say that
(He looks if the moonstone is on her but she's not)
Jeremy: Come on, where is it?
(He goes further in the tomb and finds it at the bottom of the tomb, on a rock. He runs to get out of the tomb but Katherine rushes over him and bites him. He throws the moonstone out of the tomb)
[The woods]
(Bonnie rejoins Stefan and Damon at the church ruins)
Bonnie: Sorry I'm late. I degrabed the grimoire from home
Damon: Jeremy couldn't take the pressure, uh?
Bonnie: He said he'd be here
(Bonnie and Stefan go in the tomb. Damon's phone rings. He answers. It's Rose)
Damon: Not a good time Rose
Rose: Don't be angry with me
Damon: Why, what did you do?
Rose: You need to get to Richmond immediately
Damon: Tell me
[The Tomb]
(Bonnie and Stefan are in front of the tomb's door. They prepare everything. Stefan sees the moonstone on the floor and rushes over it)
Stefan: What the hell?
Bonnie: Is it the moonstone?
(Katherine stops at the tomb's door. Hers lips are full of blood)
Katherine: I hate to interrupt but today have been full of surprises
(She shows them Jeremy. He doesn't looks well. He has a bite mark on his neck)
Jeremy: I'm sorry. I took some powder
Katherine: Don't worry, I know that he's wearing his ring so no matter how many times I k*ll him, he'll just be coming back for more. So, I'm gonna be in the back playing with my new little toy and you guys just give me a howl when you got the tomb open
[Jonas and Luka's house]
(Jonas is with Elijah. There are all the things he's stolen from Elena's bedroom on the table)
Elijah: So how exactly does the spell work?
Jonas: Give me your hand
(Elijah gives his hand. Jonas cuts it with a Kn*fe)
Jonas: Place it here
(Elijah puts his hand on Elena's picture)
Jonas: Now take my hand
(Elijah takes Jonas's hand)
Jonas: Close your eyes, relax your mind and look for her
(Elijah closes his eyes. Jonas closes his eyes too and cast a spell in Latin)
[Slater's apartment]
(Elena is looking through the window. She sees Elijah's face in it. She turns herself to see if he's here)
[Jonas and Luka's house]
(Elijah opens his eyes)
Jonas: You saw her, didn't you?
Elijah: I know exactly where she is
[The tomb]
(Bonnie is turns on the torches)
Stefan: Where the hell is Damon?
Bonnie: We can't wait; we have to get him out of there
Stefan: She's fed, she has her strength back
Bonnie: We still have what's left of the ash. Do you think you can get close enough?
Stefan: I don't have a choice
Bonnie: It's gonna take me some time
Stefan: How long?
Bonnie: I don't know, a while
Stefan: Just get me in there as soon as you can
[Jonas and Luka's house]
(Luka arrives)
Jonas: So how was school?
Luka: Revealing
[The Tomb]
(Bonnie is casting the spell)
[Jonas and Luka's house]
(Luka doesn't seem good)
Jonas: What's wrong?
Luka: Nothing
(Luka touches his neck but he's necklace's not here anymore)
[The Tomb]
(Bonnie is still casting the spell. She's Luka's necklace in her hands)
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline and Tyler are in the living room. Tyler puts the memory stick in the computer. It's a videotape from Mason)
Mason: "September 15, 2 hours from the first full moon since I triggered the curse"
Tyler: He tapped his first transformation
(Caroline looks at the diary)
Caroline: There's nothing… September 16. He wrote about everything the next day
(She reads)
Caroline: "I chose the garage. I could double the door. It was far from the street so no one could hear. I bolted hooks to the floor for the carabineers". Like for mountain climbing?
(Tyler is looking at the tape)
Tyler: Retractable cables
(In the tape, Mason drinks something)
Caroline: It's wolfs pain. "I dilated wolfs pain with water to weaken myself but I could barely get it down without plucking. It felt like I was drinking battery acid. Over an hour passed and nothing happened. It got do quiet I could hear my own blood pumping and that's when…"
(On the video, Mason is screaming and moving because of the pain)
Caroline: "I kept thinking at black out and not feel it but I did. I felt all of it"
(Mason is on the floor, crying because of the pain. He's asking for help)
Caroline: How long is it?
Tyler: 3 hours in
(He advances the video)
Tyler: 4 hours
(He keeps advancing it)
Tyler: 5 hours. How long this is last?
(On the video Mason's eyes change and he screams. Tyler gets up. He's almost crying)
Tyler: I can't. I can't do that. Caroline, whatever that was, I can't go through that
[Slater's apartment]
(Elena is drinking water. She looks at Alive but then she turns herself and is face to face with Damon)
Damon: What are you doing here?
Elena: What are you doing here?
(She looks at Rose)
Elena: You called him?
Rose: I'm sorry, Elena.
Elena: You said that you understood
Damon: She lied
(She looks at Damon. Alice arrives)
Alice: Damon Salvatore
Damon: Get rid of her
Alice: No way
(Rose catches her arm and takes her to another room)
Damon: Come on, we're living
Elena: No
Damon: I said we're living
Elena: I'm not going with you
Damon: You do not get to make decisions anymore
Elena: When have I ever made a decision? You and Stefan do that for me but this, this is my decision
Damon: Whose gonna save your life while you're making decisions?
Elena: You're not listening to me, Damon. I don't want to be saved. Not if it means that Klaus is gonna k*ll every single person that I love
Damon: Get your ass out the door before I through you over my shoulder and carry you out myself
(He catches her arm but she doesn't want to. She wants to b*at him with her fist but he catches it and get closer to her)
Damon: Don't ever do that again
[The Tomb]
(Bonnie is still casting the spell with Luka's necklace. Katherine arrives with Jeremy)
Katherine: Hmm, something's happening
Jeremy: Bonnie no! You have to stop her, she's not strong enough!
Katherine: Maybe she is
[Luka and Jonas' house]
(Luka is doing his homework bur he's not good because Bonnie is channeling with him)
Jonas: What's going on?
Luka: It's Bonnie Bennett. She's channeling me
Jonas: Why would you let her do that?
Luka: You told me to bond with her so I bounded
(His nose bleeds)
[The tomb]
(Bonnie's nose is bleeding to)
Stefan: Bonnie, Bonnie
Jeremy: You got to stop her
(Katherine beats him with her elbow. He falls on the floor)
Stefan: You need to stop. Bonnie!
[Luka and Jonas' house]
(Luka falls on the floor)
Jonas: Luka!
(He touches Luka's head and uses his powers. Luka opens his eyes. He seems fine)
[The Tomb]
Stefan: Bonnie!
(She falls on the floor. She's unconscious)
Stefan: Bonnie, Bonnie wake up please
Katherine: Yes please because I'm still in here!
(Bonnie wakes up)
Stefan: Are you okay?
Bonnie: It didn't work. I'm not strong enough. Even with help I can't do it
Katherine: That's too bad, I'm still hungry
(She pushes Jeremy against the wall and bites him but Stefan goes in the tomb and throws Jeremy out of it. Stefan pushes Katherine against the wall. She smiles. Bonnie takes Jeremy in her arms)
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline closes Mason's diary)
Caroline: You know what? I don't think we should read this anymore
Tyler: Why? What did you read?
Caroline: There's a… reason that's called a curse, Tyler
(He reads)
Tyler: "Inimagible pain, I thought it would never end, it was the worse night of my life"
(He closes the diary and sits down on the couch)
Caroline: But… he did say that the transformation speeds up over time. So if you could just get through this first time then…
Tyler: Why are you helping me?
Caroline: What do you mean?
Tyler: Why do you care? You've never been friends before
Caroline: It's not true. I've known you my entire life, Tyler
Tyler: We've never been close. Not like this
Caroline: I don't know. You just seem like you… like you kind of need it
(She sits down next to him)
Caroline: I was alone when I turned. I had no control over my body or my urges and… I k*lled somebody. I don't want that to happen to you. I don't want you to be alone
(Someone knocks on the door. She goes to open the door. It's Matt)
Caroline: Matt…
Matt: I know I should have called, I'm sorry
Caroline: What are you doing here?
Matt: I don't know but I was driving home from work and just kind of found myself here
Caroline: Are you okay? I've been worried about you
Matt: I miss you
(She smiles. He smiles too. She laughs. Tyler arrives. Matt seems surprised)
Matt: Hey
Tyler: Hey
[Slater's apartment]
(Damon goes out of a room. There's Alice in this room)
Damon: Time to go. Alice is sleeping and won't remember a moment of this horrible stupid day
(Tree men open the door and enter the apartment. Damon turns his head toward the door. Rose and Elena gets up)
Cody: We're here to meet the doppelganger
Elena: Thank you for coming
(Damon catches his arm)
Damon: I will break your arm
(He looks at Cody)
Damon: There is nothing here for you
(The third man is k*lled and his body falls on the floor. Elijah is here and he k*lled the man. He gets closer to the two other men. Rose runs out of the apartment)
Damon: I k*lled you. You were d*ad
Elijah: For centuries now
(He looks at Cody)
Elijah: Who are you?
Cody: Who are you?
Elijah: I'm Elijah
Cody: We were gonna bring her to you for Klaus. She's the doppelganger. I don't know how she exists but she does. Klaus would want to see her
Elijah: Does anyone else know that you're here?
Cody: No
Elijah: Well, then you have been incredibly helpful
(He rips their hearts apart and throws the hearts on the floor. Damon prepares to fight but Elijah looks at them and leave. Damon looks at Elena. She doesn't understand)
[Luka and Jonas' house]
(Elijah is here. He looks through the window. Jonas rejoins him)
Elijah: Where is Luka?
Jonas: Asleep
Elijah: Your shadow spell was successful. I was able to track that girl. However I did have a little running with one of the brothers that k*lled me
Jonas: I assume he didn't live to tell about it
Elijah: Actually I spared him. He'd die before he let anything happen to her, they both would. She'll be kept safe
Jonas: For now
Elijah: That's precisely where we need her to be. Safe
[Gilbert's house]
(Bonnie and Jeremy arrive at the house)
Jeremy: I'm home, okay? I don't need an escort to my room
Bonnie: I don't know. Between here and upstairs there's still time for you to do something stupid
Jeremy: I already feel bad. I don't need you to bread me
Bonnie: Stefan is stuck in there and I don't know how to get him out. What should I be doing?
Jeremy: You should admit that you never should have try this in the first place
Bonnie: I didn't have a choice, Jeremy!
Jeremy: Yeah, neither did i
Bonnie: Why did you have to get involve?
Jeremy: Because I didn't want you to get hurt
Bonnie: Look Jeremy… you can't feel that way about me
Jeremy: Don't
Bonnie: What?
Jeremy: Don't act like this is one side and like I'm some kid that has a crush on his sister's friend. You could have died today
(He touches her face)
Bonnie: And you almost did
Jeremy: That was a chance I'm willing to take
(He gets closer to kiss her)
Bonnie: I can't… I can't. I'm sorry
Jeremy: Yeah…
(She looks at him and leaves)
(Elena and Damon arrive at the house. They stop on the porch)
Elena: Thank you for bringing me home
Damon: Well, you ride left you. I didn't want to leave you stranded
Elena: She was just scared. She didn't mean to run
Damon: Yes she did. She's been running for 500 years
Elena: I can't believe Elijah is alive. Why do you think he k*lled those two vampires and just let us go?
Damon: if I had a dollar for every time some evil vampire surprises me…
(She goes toward the door but Damon catches her arm)
Damon: What you did today was incredibly stupid
Elena: Actually the only thing that was stupid was that I got caught. I don't question why you and Stefan and everyone else try so hard to save me. You shouldn't question why i would try to save all of you. Damon, good night, okay?
(Jeremy opens the door)
Damon: What?
Jeremy: it's Stefan
[The Tomb]
(Elena rushes on the tomb)
Elena: Stefan! Stefan!
(She stops at the tomb's entry. Damon arrives and pushes her against the wall)
Damon: don't you dare
Elena: Stefan's in here, Damon! How could you let this happen?
Damon: What are you talking about? I was too busy saving you from your crazy kamikaze mission
(Stefan and Katherine are in the tomb. They are listening to them)
Elena: You didn't have to go after the moonstone in the first place!
Damon: It was the right call, Elena!
Elena: The right call? How would any of this be the right call? Damon, let go of me! Let go of me!
(She bits him with her fists but he doesn't releases her but she stops)
Elena: Please
Damon: Are you done?
(He releases her. She goes toward the tomb again but he stops her. She looks at him and leaves. She's angry. Stefan rejoins Damon at the entry of the door)
Damon: Of all idiots plan… I'll find a way to get you out
Stefan: No it's alright. I'll head myself. Bonnie has the moonstone. Work with her. Try to figure out how to dispel it
Damon: You martyr yourself into a tomb and I got to partner with a semi competent witch? Wonderful
Stefan: Keep Elena away from here
Damon: Yeah ‘cause that will be easy…
Stefan: Promise me. No matter what happens, you'll protect her
Damon: I promise
(He leaves. Katherine rejoins Stefan)
Katherine: That right there was the biggest mistake you've ever made | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x10 - The Sacrifice"} | foreverdreaming |
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Tyler is in his father's office. He's watching Mason's transformation while he's preparing everything for the full moon. He takes the phone and calls Mason but he doesn't answer. He leaves a message)
Tyler: Mason, it's Tyler again. Look, your voicemail is full. I need to talk to you. It's a full moon tomorrow and… I found your recording and I'm freeking out over here. Just call me back, please
[Mason's apartment]
(A girl is here. She's listening to Tyler's message)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena is in her bedroom. She's looking at the moonstone. Bonnie is with her)
Elena: Now that you've got this back, what are you gonna do with it?
Bonnie: Right now it's what is binding the sun and the moon curse. If i can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the stone becomes useless
Elena: And according to Katherine, Klaus becomes vengeful
Bonnie: Maybe if he finds out
Elena: Bonnie, can't this wait? Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine. We've got to get him out
Bonnie: Stefan wants me to focus on this
Elena: Don't listen to him. He thinks that he's protecting me but he's wrong
Bonnie: I'm taking Stefan's side with this one. We're not gonna let you get use in some creepy sacrifice ritual
(Jeremy arrives. Bonnie takes the stone from Elena's hand)
Jeremy: What are you guys arguing about?
Bonnie: We're not arguing anything
(She puts the stone in her bag and looks at Jeremy)
Bonnie: I need a coffee
(She gets up and leaves. Jeremy looks at Elena)
Elena: What?
Jeremy: Why are you on some su1c1de mission?
Elena: I'm trying to prevent everyone else from getting hurt
Jeremy: How's bringing Klaus the moonstone so you can get yourself k*lled is okay?
(He leaves. She takes the moonstone from Bonnie's bag)
(She gets down the stairs. She has her car's keys in her hands. Bonnie rejoins her)
Bonnie: Where are you going?
Elena: To see Stefan
Bonnie: You're lying
Elena: No, I'm not
Bonnie: Really? Tire your face
Elena: Are you serious?
(Jeremy rejoins them)
Jeremy: She took the moonstone
Elena: How did you…?
Bonnie: We tested you and you failed
Elena: Klaus k*lled Katherine's entire family just because she crossed him. I can't let that happen
(Bonnie lets her leave. Elena opens the door and tries to get out but she can't. She's trapped. She turns herself and looks at them)
Elena: What did you do?
(Bonnie looks at Jeremy. He's smiling)
[The tomb]
(Stefan is talking with Damon)
Stefan: You trapped her in the house?
Damon: It's for the best. Trust me. Elena is on a martyr that rivals your greatest hits. You should be glad the witch and i are getting along. I brought you this
(He gives him a bag)
Damon: Care package: candles, lanterns and lunch
(He shows him a bottle of blood)
Stefan: Give that to me and I'm just gonna have to share with her
(Damon looks at Katherine)
Damon: Yeah…
Katherine: You two are surprisingly calm considering Klaus will haunt you down and k*ll you if you mess with his little plan
Damon: I've been d*ad before. I got over it
(He looks at Stefan)
Damon: Once we deal with this moonstone, we'll figure a way to get you out
Stefan: Don't worry about me. Just make sure Elena's safe
(Damon looks at Katherine and leaves)
[Lockwood Mansion]
(Tyler is about to leave. Carol rejoins him)
Carol: Heading out?
Tyler: Yeah… lunch at the grill, I've got practice and I'll probably go out after. I'll be late
(Someone knocks on the door. Tyler opens it. It's a woman)
Jules: Hi
Tyler: Hi
Jules: Sorry. Rude. You have no idea who i am. I'm Jules, a friend of Mason from Florida. You must be Tyler
Tyler: Yeah. Nice to meet you
Jules: So I know it's weird to me to just stop by but I'm trying to track down Mason
Carol: Mason's back in Florida. He has been for a while now
Jules: See… that's the thing… he's not
[Mystic grill]
(Jenna is sitting at a table with Alaric)
Jenna: So now I'm playing historical society hostess to some writer who's doing his book on small town Virginia
Alaric: Well that sounds…
Jenna: Lame, yeah but Carol Lockwood played the d*ad husband card, she said she was too busy to deal. Plus, my sister kept mostly archives so there you have it
(She kisses him and leaves. Tyler arrives and rejoins Caroline. Alaric looks at him)
Tyler: Hey
Caroline: Hey. What's wrong?
Tyler: This girl Mason knows stopped by the house. She said he never made it back to Florida. My mom is freaking out and she was on the phone with your mom when I left.
(Alaric is looking at them)
Tyler: We should get going
Caroline: Yeah
(She gets up and looks at Alaric)
[Gilbert's house]
(Damon enters the house and rejoins Elena in the living room)
Damon: You should really lock your door. Oh, come on pouty. Just give me two points for ingenuity
Elena: Do you think this is funny?
Damon: Yes Elena. I find hilarity in the links that I have to go to repeatedly save your life
Elena: What does Stefan say about this?
Damon: Pretty good laugh
Elena: And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?
(He sits down next to her on the couch)
Damon: Yeah, that… I didn't tell him
Elena: Why not?
Damon: Well a) he can't do anything about it and b)… what I just said
(Jeremy rejoins them)
Damon: Where is Bonnie?
Jeremy: I thought she was meeting you
Damon: No, she's on moonstone duty and I'm on Elena patrol
Jeremy: And who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?
Damon: Vampire Barbie asked me if she can handle this and why not? Because if she screwed up he'll bite her and then I'll be rid of two of my problems
Elena: Hold on a second. Tonight is a full moon?
(Damon's phone ring)
Damon: Yeah but you were too absorb with all your suicidal tendencies to notice
(He gets up and answers. It's Alaric)
Damon: What?
Alaric: Sheriff Forbes has officially declared Mason Lockwood a missing person
Damon: What? Why?
Alaric: Some girl from Florida showed up on the Lockwood's door step looking for Mason
Damon: What girl?
Alaric: I don't know but she sure got everyone and it's easy
Damon: It's not good. Where are you?
Alaric: I'm at the grill
Damon: I'm on my way
(He hangs up and rejoins Elena and Jeremy)
Damon: Change of plan. You baby sit
(Jeremy lies on Elena's leg)
Damon: Hey you know, you should get out, enjoy the sun. Oh wait, you can't
(She throws him a cushion. Jeremy laughs. She throws him on the floor)
[The Woods]
(Caroline stops her car. Tyler gets out and opens the trunk to get his stuff)
Caroline: Maybe he just stopped to go surf somewhere. Isn't that Mason's old thing?
Tyler: Maybe. This girl just seem to think he would have called
Caroline: I'm sure he's okay
Tyler: Yeah, anyway… let's do this
[Lockwood's mansion]
Jules: So you'll call me as soon as you hear anything?
Carol: Of course
Jules: Oh, i didn't get to say goodbye to your son
Carol: I'm afraid he's at the grill with his friends. I'll let him know. Jules… let's hope for the best
(Jules leaves. Carol closes the door)
(Jules get out of the property with her car. She calls someone with her phone)
Jules: Hey, I'm here. No one knows where Mason is. He's missing. You were right, Mason was lying, there's another werewolf. His nephew
[Mystic Grill]
(Jules arrives at the grill. She intercepts Matt)
Jules: Hey, excuse me. Crazy question: do you know Tyler Lockwood?
(Alaric and Damon are looking at her)
Damon: Mmm, Mason's mystery woman
Alaric: Where is Mason anyway?
Damon: Decomposing in his truck
Alaric: So you think she is a werewolf?
Damon: Well I hope not, because it's the full moon, Rick but we should definitely find out
(He takes wolfs pain from his pocket)
Alaric: What is that?
Damon: Wolf's pain
[Old Lockwood property]
(Tyler is preparing the chains)
Caroline: Tell me you brought the instruction menu
Tyler: Tell me you brought the wolfs pain
Caroline: Yes. Not easy to find
(She gives him the wolfs pain. When he touches it, his skin burns)
Tyler: I have water bottles in my bag, we can mix it in there
(She mixes the wolf pain in the water)
Tyler: The guy at the hardware store said was set up to resist 5000 pounds
Caroline: Is that more than a werewolf can pull?
Tyler: I have no idea
Caroline: Hey Tyler, how are you doing?
Tyler: Still human
(He takes of his shirt)
Caroline: Oh my god, you're not getting get naked, are you?
Tyler: It's elastic. What should I wear? I don't think it's like the hulk, I can keep my pants
[Jonas and Luka's apartment]
(Bonnie knocks on the door. Luka opens it)
Bonnie: Hi
(She shows him his necklace. He takes it)
Luka: I don't know what makes me more upset: that i showed you how to channel or that you almost k*lled me
Bonnie: Luka, I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have done what i did unless it was really important. It's just that there are things that i…
Luka: I forgive you
(She enters the house. They sit down. There are a lot of books on the table)
Bonnie: Wow. So much stuff. What is that? Is this a grimoire?
Luka: They're all grimoires
Bonnie: How did you get all these?
Luka: Witches from all over the world have collected their spells in grimoires but over the centuries, most of them gotten lost and my dad is obsessed finding them, making sure that our family's heritage stays intact
Bonnie: This can't all be your family's
Luka: Well how he sees it all, witches are family. We're all bounded together by code of loyalty to help each other
Bonnie: So that's why you've been so nice to me
Luka: That's one reason
Bonnie: Listen… do you know how to break the bind between a talisman and a spell?
Luka: That depends because spells are unique and very specific but I'm sure we can figure it out
[Mystic Grill]
(Jules is alone at the bar. Alaric rejoins her with a drink. He's pretending to be drunk)
Alaric: Well hello. Can I have a scotch and what this beautiful woman is drinking
Jules: No, one is my limit
Alaric: Oh come on, it's not like I'm a freak. I'm just friendly to somebody who's knew to town
Jules: Okay, if you insist. How do you know I'm new?
Alaric: Because I've never seen you here before and i am here every night
(Damon arrives)
Damon: Excuse me, is this guy bothering you?
Alaric: I'm not bothering anybody
Damon: Perfect. Well…. Do it elsewhere
(Alaric looks at them)
Damon: Don't worry, he's harmless. He's the town drunk you know
(While Damon is talking with her, Alaric puts wolfs pain in her glass)
Alaric: Please don't talk about me like I'm not here
(He gives the glass to Jules)
Damon: Why are you here?
Jules: Thank you for the drink
(Alaric raises his glass and leaves)
[The tomb]
(Stefan is laying on a bed. Katherine is looking at him)
Katherine: So we're fasting now? We're so piece. How long have you actually gone without blood? I know you get desiccated in theory, Stefan but in reality, it's much worse. Your heart still beats, struggling to pomp whatever blood remains. When it's gone, your veins rub together like sent paper. It's excruciating
(He gets up)
Stefan: The pleasure of watching you suffer is greatest than any pain I'll ever feel
Katherine: It's stuffy and I've been in this dress for days. You want to help me get out of it? Come on, Stefan. Don't be such a grump.
(She takes off her dress)
Katherine: We're here together. Please make the best out of it
(She's in her underwear)
Katherine: You really think Damon is gonna rush to get you out? He's got what he wants: Elena
Stefan: Stop
Katherine: Given what is mastery gone out there, I'd say you're free to do whatever you want in here. Nobody will ever know
(She kisses him. She takes off his shirt. He pushes her against the wall and kisses her. Suddenly he wakes up and looks at Katherine)
Stefan: Stay out of my head
Katherine: Maybe i can do eternity in here after all
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena is going down the stairs and finds Jenna searching in the closet)
Elena: Hey, what are you doing?
Jenna: Perfect timing
(She gives her a box)
Elena: What is this stuff?
Jenna: You mom's file from the historical society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood and by roped, I mean very excited to participate
(She closes the closet door. Elijah's here. Elena is very surprised with fear. He's looking at her)
Elijah: Hey, I'm Elijah
Jenna: Elijah is in town doing research on Mystic Falls
(He gets closer to Elena)
Elijah: It's a pleasure
(They shake their hands)
Jenna: So you're welcome to stay here and ramage through this stuff or Elena and i could help you load it into our car
Elijah: Or i can get someone to pick it up tomorrow
Jenna: Also a good plan
Elijah: Thank you so much for inviting me into your home, Jenna and Elena…
(He looks at her)
Elijah: I hope to see you again sometime soon
(He leaves. Elena rushes toward Jeremy's bedroom. She knocks on the door but Elijah catches his wrist. Jeremy opens the door. Elijah hide)
Jeremy: What is it?
Elena: Jenna was just asking me to get you help her with the boxes
Jeremy: Okay
(He leaves. Elijah is looking at Elena)
Elijah: It's a wise choice
Elena: What do you want?
Elijah: I think it's time you and i have a little chat
[Mystic grill]
(Damon is still at the bar with Jules)
Damon: There's a b&b on the road and there's a motel on the I9 but you know, if you ask me, it's kind of a mistake
Jules: No it's fine. I'm just here for the night. It's a long story, looking for my friend
Damon: Who?
Jules: Mason Lockwood
Damon: I know Mason
Jules: You do?
Damon: Yeah. He's a great guy
Jules: He's missing
Damon: What do you mean? Like… I mean, missing, missing?
Jules: How do you know Mason?
Damon: Friend of friends
(She doesn't drink. Damon looks at Alaric)
[Old Lockwood property]
(Tyler is shirtless. All chained up)
Tyler: What time is it?
Caroline: Almost 8. What time does the moon cross whatever?
Tyler: Not for a while. Mason's journal said the first transformation can happen before the moon it's at his highest
Caroline: Does it say how long you'll actually be a wolf?
Tyler: A few hours. Maybe more maybe less
(He tries to sit down next to her but he can't because of the chains. He takes the bottle with the wolfs pain)
Caroline: Are you sure you want to do that?
Tyler: Yeah. Mason said it'll diminish my strength so I can't break free
(He drinks but he's about to vomit. He falls on the floor. She gets closer to him)
Caroline: Tyler…
(She touches his back)
Tyler: No
Caroline: Shut…
Tyler: Don't!
(They look at each other)
Tyler: I'm sorry
(She touches his face)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elijah and Elena are in her room)
Elijah: Forgive the intrusion. I mean your family no harm
Elena: Why did you k*ll those vampires when they tried to take me?
Elijah: Because i didn't want you to be taken. Klaus is the most feared and hated of the originals but those who fear him are desperate for his approval. If the word gets out that the doppelganger exist there'll be a line of vampires eager to take you to him and i can't have that
Elena: Isn't that exactly what you're trying to do?
Elijah: Let's just say that my goal is not to break the curse
Elena: So what is your goal?
Elijah: Klaus's obsession has made him paranoid. He's a recluse. He trust only those in his immediately circle
Elena: Like you?
Elijah: Not anymore
Elena: You don't know where he is, do you? So you're trying to use me to dry him out
Elijah: Well, to do that I need you to stay put and stop trying to get yourself k*lled
Elena: How do i know you're telling the truth?
Elijah: If I wasn't being trustful, your family would be d*ad and I'd be taking you to Klaus right now. Instead, I'm here and I'm preparing to offer you a deal
Elena: What kind of a deal?
Elijah: Do nothing. Do nothing, leave your life, stop fighting and then, when the time is right, you and i should drop Klaus to get out and I should make sure your friends remain unharmed
Elena: And then what?
Elijah: Then I k*ll him
Elena: Just like that?
Elijah: Just like that. I'm a man of my word, Elena. I make a deal, I keep a deal
Elena: How are you gonna be able to keep everybody safe?
Elijah: I notice you have a friend Bonnie, is it? She seems to possess the gift of magic. I have friends with similar gifts
Elena: You know witches
Elijah: Together we can protect you and everybody that matters to you. So do we have a deal?
Elena: I need you to do one more thing for me
Elijah: you're negotiating now?
[A roof]
(Bonnie is lighting candles. Luka is looking at a grimoire)
Luka: You know, this is good. This is really good. There's a clear view of the moon and it's private
Bonnie: And if anyone looks out, they're gonna think we're insane
Luka: Are we? So what is this mysterious talisman we're binding?
(She shows him the moonstone. He takes it)
Luka: Oh, a white rock. This is fascinating
Bonnie: Hey! I know it doesn't look like much…
Luka: What's spelled with?
(She doesn't say anything)
Luka: Really? Help a girl out, she still keeps secrets
Bonnie: Sorry
Luka: I'm just teasing you
(He puts the stone in her hand and holds it. They close their eyes and cast a spell. The stone flies and explodes)
[Old Lockwood property]
(Tyler is in pain. He tries to removes the chain but Caroline is here)
Caroline: Tyler…
(He cries)
Tyler: I'm burning up. It burns!
Caroline: I know. Just breathe, okay?
Tyler: I'm trying. You should go. You should leave
Caroline: Not yet
(He screams. His bones are breaking. Caroline screams too. He cries)
Tyler: It hurts. It hurts
[Mystic Grill]
(Damon is still at the bar with Jules)
Damon: You know, I'm really tied with the sheriff. If there anything I can do to help looking Mason, I will. He's a great guy and after his brother's funeral, he stuck around and he helped his nephew and…
Jules: Tyler?
Damon: Yep. Mason was with him the whole time. Helped him with all that grief. You haven't touched your drink
Jules: You know, I'm not much of a drinker. I should get going
Damon: Oh, come on. Look, one drink
Jules: It'll help me sleep
Damon: To sleep
(She sniffs the glass and puts it on the bar)
Jules: You fool. You think you're clever, don't you?
Damon: What do you want with Mason Lockwood?
Jules: He's my friend
Damon: Well, I'm sorry to inform you that you probably won't find him
Jules: And why not?
Damon: You should leave town
Jules: You're thr*at me? On a full moon. How stupid are you?
(Alaric arrives)
Alaric: How about that second round?
Damon: I think we're done, Rick
(He looks at Jules)
Damon: You think i'm afraid of you?
Jules: No, i don't. That's your vampire arrogance. You should be. I sniffed you out the moment you entered this bar along with your pathetic wolfs pain. I had this a long time and any other night of the month, the situation would be reversed but tonight is not the night to pick a fight with me. You've been marked
(She leaves. Damon looks at Alaric)
[Old Lockwood property]
(Tyler is on the floor. Caroline is next to him. She's looking at him)
Caroline: I want to help but I don't know what to do
Tyler: There's nothing you can do
(He gets up. His bones and his spine are breaking. He screams. Caroline cries)
Tyler: Get out
Caroline: No
Tyler: Get out! I don't want to hurt you
Caroline: No, no
(She goes closer to him. She embraces him)
[Mystic Grill]
(Damon and Alaric gets out)
Damon: Where is she?
Alaric: Just let her go, Damon. Don't be stupid
Damon: So what? Just let her get away? « You've been marked » What the hell kind of wolf flow down crap is that anyway?
Alaric: Damon, look up! Just look up.
(He looks at the sky. It's the full moon)
Alaric: If this werewolf stuff is true, one bite and you're d*ad. One bite! Alright? Don't risk it. Just go home, lock your doors and we'll deal with it in the morning
Damon: Yeah
(He leaves)
[Old Lockwood property]
(Tyler is still on the floor. His eyes are closed. Caroline is with him. She embraces him)
Caroline: It's okay. You'll fight it, okay?
Tyler: Leave
Caroline: No
Tyler: Just go, please!
Caroline: No, not yet
Tyler: Just go!
Caroline: I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere
(Suddenly he screams. His bones are breaking. His eyes are yellow and his fangs are out. She leaves him. He gets up and looks everywhere around him. She closes the door. Tyler rushes over her. He removes his chains. She leaves and she's crying. Tyler screams. Caroline is still behind the door. She's crying. Tyler's transformation is over. He's a wolf. Caroline gets up because she doesn't hear anything now but suddenly Tyler tries to break the door. She leaves and goes in the woods)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon arrives at the house. He locks the door. He goes in the library and sees Rose)
Damon: You just can't stay away, can you?
Rose: You don't answer your phone
Damon: What do you want?
Rose: I wanted to apologize
Damon: Just admit it, you don't have anywhere else to go
Rose: I'm sorry about Elena. I wasn't thinking straight. I didn't know she had a death wish but I called you, I tried to make it right, okay? I'm sorry, Damon and I have nowhere else to go
Damon: There's nothing for you here, Rose
Rose: Well, then…
(They here a noise? They go in the living room. The window is broken. A wolf is there. Damon has a crown in hs hands. The wolf jumps on Rose and bites her. Damon hurts the wolf. He leaves)
Damon: How bad is it?
Rose: It hurts
Damon: It's healing
Rose: oh my god, I thought a werewolf bite was fatal and I thought…
(She's crying. Damon embraces her)
[Jonas and Lukas's apartment]
(Luka arrives. Jonas is here)
Jonas: You were successful?
Luka: Of course I was. She fell for the whole… show and didn't suspect a thing
(He puts the moonstone on the desk. Jonas takes it)
Jonas: Thank you, Luka
Luka: Yeah, whatever. I'm going to sleep
Jonas: Wait. There's one more thing Elijah needs us to do before we lose the full moon
[The tomb]
Katherine: Are we seriously not going to talk at all?
Stefan: We could talk about how you regret all you've done to make my life miserable
Katherine: What do you want me to say, Stefan? That I'm sorry for everything that I've done? Well I'm not, okay? It's called self preservation. I've been looking out for myself for 500 years
Stefan: Look were it has gotten you
Katherine: Yes, I've done terrible things. I know that but I do love you, Stefan. Even if you don't believe it
Stefan: You want me to believe you? Show me. Do something. Prove to me that there's something inside of you that's actually worst
Katherine: And then what? You'll still hate me
Stefan: Maybe and maybe I'll see that there's still hope for you after all
Katherine: You're playing me
Stefan: Am I?
Katherine: You want to find Klaus? k*ll him so that you can protect your precious Elena?
Stefan: Let me guess: you know where he is
Katherine: No, I don't but I could help you find him
Stefan: For a price I'm sure
Katherine: Let's start with Isobel, Elena's mother. She was a research expert. She found me
(They look at each other)
Katherine: You're welcome
(They hear that the door is being opened. They look at each other and go in front of the door. They see Elijah. Katherine is surprised and frightened)
Katherine: Elijah
Elijah: Good evening Katerina. Thank you for having the good sense to be frightened
(He looks at Stefan)
Elijah: Your release has been requested
Stefan: What? By who?
Elijah: The lovely Elena drives a hard bargain. however we reached a peaceful agreement, she and I. Please
(He shows that he can go out)
Elijah: Come
Stefan: I can't
Elijah: Yes you can. I've had the spell lifted
(Stefan gets out slowly. Once he's out, Katherine rushes to get out but she can't because of the spell. Elijah rushes over her and compels her)
Elijah: As for you however, you should not exit until I say so. When Klaus comes he'll want to know exactly where you are
(He looks at Stefan)
Elijah: You're free to go. Elena will explain the arrangement to you. If she keeps her world, I'll keep mine
(He leaves)
Katherine: Stefan, no. please don't let him leave me in here
Stefan: Goodbye Katherine
(He looks at her and leaves)
[The woods]
(Caroline is alone. She finally goes into the old Lockwood property to see if Tyler is better. She goes into the cellar. Tyler is normal again and he's laying on the floor. She rushes over him and puts a jacket on his shoulder)
Caroline: Are you okay? You made it. You didn't get out. You're okay
(He's crying)
Tyler: No, I'm not
(She embraces him)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena is in her bedroom. Stefan arrives. She smiles when she sees him and rushes over him. They embrace each other. They look at each other, smile and kiss)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is sitting on the couch. Rose rejoins him)
Damon: I talked to Caroline. She said Tyler was all locked up
Rose: So it was Jules. The other werewolf, the one who att*cked you
Damon: Yeah. I'm sorry. I picked a fight with her. She was coming after me
Rose: All's well that ends well
Damon: You're all healed?
Rose: Yeah. Seems that way
Damon: Rose… I'm happy that the legend was fake. Maybe the werewolf made it out to keep vampires away
Rose: Lucky me
(He touches her thigh)
Rose: I'm gonna stay and help you
Damon: Help me do what?
Rose: Save Elena, protect Elena, all things Elena
Damon: Really? Why?
Rose: Because I like you. I believe in friendship. I happen to have a vacancy in that department and you can use all the friends you can get
Damon: Just friends?
Rose: Just friends
(She gets up but he catches her arms and kisses her)
Damon: Are you sure you can do that?
Rose: I don't love men who love other women. I think more of myself but it doesn't mean I can't be your special friend
(They laughs)
Damon: I think I like you
(They kiss. She looks at her shoulder)
Rose: Woo
(He looks at her shoulder. It's hurt because of Jules's bite) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x11 - By the Light of the Moon"} | foreverdreaming |
[The woods]
(Jules wakes up. She's naked. She gets up, walks and finds bodies mutilated. She dresses up with some of the camper's clothes and puts the limbs together so she can make a f*re. She's starting the f*re when a policeman arrives. He gets out of his car and come towards her. She pretends to be crying)
Policeman: good morning. Is everything alright here?
Jules: It was an animal. Fragment (consider revising) He came at us at the night
Policeman: Are you okay?
Jules: Yes but my friends! They're all d*ad
Policeman: I'm calling item
(He goes towards his car but Jules hits him really hard with a wooden stick two times. She kills him)
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena enters Stefan's bedroom)
Elena: Stefan? Stefan? You're standing right behind me, aren't you?
Stefan: Yep
(She turns herself and kisses him)
Stefan: Good morning
Elena: I don't want us to be apart anymore. Never
Stefan: Me neither, but…
Elena: Don't ruin the moment
(They kiss again but Stefan stops)
Elena: You're about to ruin the moment, aren't you?
Stefan: I'm totally ruining the moment. Look, I can't just pretend like everything is okay
Elena: Katherine's locked away in the tomb
Stefan: I know but we've still this pressing little issue of you being Klaus' human sacrifice
(She opens one of Stefan's drawer and takes a foil with vervain and opens it)
Elena: Yeah but Elijah promised to keep me and everyone else safe as long as we'd play by his rules
Stefan: Right. As long as you'll play by his rules
(She puts the vervain in a glass)
Elena: Please don't go after Isobel
Stefan: Katherine said Isobel could have some answers and I just have a couple questions, that's all
(She pours water in the glass with the vervain in it. She drinks)
Elena: Stefan, I made a deal with Elijah
Stefan: Right, you made a deal with him. I didn't make one. You should keep your deal
Elena: Stefan, I don't want anyone else to get hurt
Stefan: When have I ever wanted somebody to get hurt?
(She shows him the glass)
Elena: Vervain. I made it late but are you sure? Just because Katherine build up a tolerance…
Stefan: Yes, bottoms up
(He takes the glass and drinks but he coughs)
Elena: Are you okay?
Stefan: Yeah
Elena: How can Elijah compel another vampire?
Stefan: He's an original. I don't really know what that means. I don't think anybody really knows what that means. Well, except maybe Isobel. I'll maybe we should ask her
(He kisses her and leaves)
(Rose is in the library, she seems sick. Damon rejoins her)
Rose: I was born in 1450, that makes me 560 years old
Damon: Well, if you were a bottle of wine…
Rose: So I can die. I've lived long enough
Damon: You know, if you're gonna be morn, I'm just gonna k*ll you myself just to put me out of your misery.
(He pours blood in a glass)
Damon: Come on, it's just a little werewolf bite
Rose: Just a lethal, fatal to a vampire werewolf bite
Damon: Well, according to a legend which is notoriously unreliable source. Drink out
(He gives her the glass of blood)
Damon: Blood heals
(She drinks)
Rose: Yeah, it does feel like it's working
Damon: Let's have a look, come on. Let me see
(he looks at the wounds but it's kind of infected and worse)
Rose: How is it?
Damon: Definitely better. Right, Elena?
(Elena is in the room and seems chocked by Rose's wounds. Rose looks at her)
Elena: Uh, it's not bad.
Damon: Where's Stefan?
Elena: He left. I need you to talk to him. He's convinced that he has to find Isobel but I think that's gonna upset Elijah
Damon: No, can't do. I'm with Stefan on this one but if you could play nurse for a little while…
Rose: It's not necessary
Damon: It is necessary. Elena is a do-gooder. It's in her nature, she just can't resist
(He leaves the room. Elena looks at Rose and rejoins him)
Elena: Damon. Is she gonna die?
Damon: Probably. The wolf bite caused some kind of infection and it's getting worse
Elena: Like poison?
Damon: I don't know, Elena. I'm not an expert in the field
Elena: I'm sorry
Damon: Death happens. We come, we go. Sooner she dies will better. It's gloomy as hell in here
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Everyone is preparing the booster club barbecue. Caroline rejoins Tyler)
Caroline: How are you feeling?
Tyler: I'm okay. I'm sore, every muscle hakes
Caroline: You did it. You know, you… your first full moon and you didn't hurt anyone. It'll get easier. You'll get better at it, you'll learn how to control it and it won't hurt so much
Tyler: Well, we don't know any of that for sure
Caroline: No but small victories, Tyler. Last night was a victory. You know, let's take it
Tyler: Look, I really want to thank you. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there
(She smiles)
Caroline: Yeah, anyway, uh… next month we should probably reinforce the wall because you almost got me that one time and it just would have been, uh…
Tyler: What?
Caroline: Never mind, it's…
Tyler: Hey, no, hey. What is it?
Caroline: Well, it's not a big thing, it's just that one bites and it's… you know, curtains for me
Tyler: What are you talking about?
Caroline: The legend says that a bite from a werewolf can k*ll a vampire
Tyler: How do you know that?
Caroline: I… read it somewhere…
(Matt rejoins them)
Matt: Caroline, you got a second?
Tyler: Hey, Matt
Caroline: Yeah, sure
Tyler: I'll see you guys later
(He leaves so they can be alone)
Caroline: That was nothing, okay? There is nothing going on between Tyler and I, we were just talking…
Matt: I believe you. Look, Caroline, you're a lot a things but you're not a liar. You've always been strait with me, I believe you
Caroline: Well, good
Matt: And that's why I want to be strait with you because I… I think we have some wires crossed here
Caroline: Oh, okay
Matt: And you know how tauter I get and I don't like this. Whatever this is that's going on between us and I… I just want to…
(He kisses her )
Caroline: Hey, you can't
Matt: Why?
Caroline: That's just…
Matt: But Carrie…
Caroline: No Matt, okay?
(She leaves)
[Mystic Grill]
(Jules rejoins Sheriff Forbes at the bar)
Jules: Sheriff Forbes, hi. I'm Mason Lockwood's friend from Florida
Sheriff: Jules, right?
Jules: Is there any news?
Sheriff: No one's heard from him. I've opened an investigation. As soon as I hear anything I let you know
(Alaric is looking at them. He calls Damon)
Alaric: Hey, Damon. The wolf is at the grill
(She sits down at a table. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: Is it the….?
Alaric: Yeah, yeah. I just left Damon a message
Stefan: So you're doing his dirty work for him now
Alaric: She could have a cure for Rose. I couldn't find anything in Isobel's research except that it's fatal
Stefan: Do you still have a way to get in touch wit Isobel?
Alaric: Even if I did, she isn't gonna help
Stefan: Katherine said that Isobel knew of Klaus
Alaric: So this isn't about Rose, it's about Elena. I have an old number, probably out of service
Stefan: No harm in giving it to me then?
Alaric: You know you can't trust Isobel, even when it comes to Elena
Stefan: I know that
Alaric: Alright. I'm gonna see if I can find the number. If I do, I'll text it to you
(He leaves)
[Salvatore's house]
(Rose and Elena are in Damon's bedroom. Elena puts her in the bed)
Rose: I hate this. I'm a vampire, I've never had a cold in five centuries
Elena: Just get in the bed
Rose: We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden and it's certainly not drawn out in illness
Elena: You're not gonna die
Rose: It's such a human thing to say
(Elena looks around her)
Rose: You've never been in Damon's room before, have you?
(She takes a book and looks at it. Its ''Gone with the wind'')
Rose: Not what you expected?
Elena: It's just a room with a bed. Maybe I expected them to be silk sheets
(They smile)
Rose: You're lucky, you know. No one's ever love me the way you're loved
Elena: I doubt that
Rose: Trevor was my best friend. Nothing more. I spent all this years on the run from Elijah. I just never thought it was a good idea to set up roots. The whole idea of family is not exactly compatible with being a vampire. Why are you so eager to give up?
Elena: I'm not giving up on anything
(She gives her a glass of blood)
Rose: What do you call this all deal with Elijah?
Elena: I call it my best option
Rose: It's the easiest option
Elena: That's not fair
Rose: Do you really think that your witch friend destroyed the moonstone?
Elena: I spoke with Bonnie. I know that she had the help of another witch; unless you mean it's Elijah's witch so no, I don't
Rose: You really are determined to die, aren't you? At least I ran, you're not even trying
(She closes her eyes)
Rose: I'm so tired
(Elena is leaving but Rose is talking in her sleep)
Rose: No, stop, wait. Tell them to prepare the horses
Elena: It's okay Rose. Just get some sleep. You'll feel better when you'll wake up
Rose: Trevor, don't be so stupid. You'll never going to make it there before the sun
(Suddenly she sits down. She's in pain)
Rose: Elena, Elena, I need more blood
Elena: Yeah, of course, here
(she gives her the glass of blood. Rose drinks but threw everything up)
Elena: It's okay, everything's gonna be alright
(She rushes to the bathroom. When Elena comes back, Rose's not here anymore. When she turns herself, Rose is here and pushes her hardly against the wall)
Rose: Everything's your fault, Katerina. You Katerina, you did this
Elena: No Rose, I'm Elena
Rose: You betrayed us!
Elena: I'm not Katherine!
(Rose releases her)
Rose: Elena?
Elena: It's me, it's Elena
Rose: Oh my god Elena. I'm so sorry. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm sorry
Elena: You're gonna be alright
Rose: My mind, I'm…
Elena: It was just for a second
Rose: I'm sorry, don't be scared of me
Elena: I'm not. I'm not but you need to rest
(Rose lays on the bed)
Rose: I'm scared
Elena: You're not alone. I'm right here
Rose: Here, where's here?
Elena: Damon's bedroom, you're in Damon's bedroom
Rose: I want to go home
Elena: Tell me about it
Rose: St.Austell, 30 kilometers of the south of London. With fields and trees and horses
Elena: Sounds beautiful
Rose: When you live long enough, everything disappears. So much time wasted, I just wish I wouldn't have been so afraid
[Mystic grill]
(Jules is eating. Stefan's looking at her. He looks at his phone, Alaric's texted him the number. He calls but no one answers. He leaves a message.)
Stefan: Isobel, it's Stefan Salvatore. I need to speak with you, it's about Elena. Please know that it's important
(He hangs up and sees Damon. He sees Jules and goes toward her but Stefan stops him)
Damon: What are you doing here?
Stefan: I was waiting for you. Listen, there's a lot of people here
Damon: Oh, damn. My plan was to rip her spleen through her back
Stefan: Hey, listen, I know you're upset about Rose
Damon: Why does everyone think that I'm upset about Rose? I'm fine. I don't know if you know this but sometimes, vampires die. I'm gonna have a friendly chat with lady wolf, brother. Ease up
(He rejoins Jules. The number Stefan's called is calling. He answers and leaves)
Jules: Well, if he doesn't the one I meant to k*ll…I'll have to get that right next time
Damon: You won't leave to see another full moon unless… unless you tell me how to cure a wolf bite and then I won't k*ll you
Jules: Promise?
Damon: Yes
Jules: Bite me
(She gets up but Damon catches her arm)
Jules: I'm not afraid of you
Damon: Then you are very, very stupid
Jules: How's your friend? Rose, is that her name? have the chills started? The unbearable pain?
Damon: If there's a cure, tell me or start watching your back
Jules: Did I mention the dementia? It'll eat away her brain. Soon she'll be rabid. You want a cure? I'll tell you the only cure that exists: take a stake and drive it through her heart
(She leaves)
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena enters Damon's bedroom with new sheets)
Elena: I brought some clean sheets
(Rose is not here. Elena leaves the room to see where she is. She enters the library and calls Damon)
Elena: It's Elena, I'm worried about Rose. I think you should come home
(She hears a noise and go towards it. She finds Rose drinking blood from a bag. There's a lot of empty blood bags around her)
Elena: Oh my god
Rose: Katerina
Elena: No
(Rose goes after her. Elena runs)
Elena: Rose, stop, stop, it's Elena. I'm not Katherine
(Rose stops)
Elena: You're hallucinating. I'm not Katherine
(Rose catches her and pushes her on the floor. Elena opens the curtain. Rose is hurt by the sun so Elena runs. She tries to gets out of the house but Rose stops her and tries to bites her but Elena catches her wounds. Rose screams and Elena runs. She goes in Stefan's bedroom, locks the door and puts a furniture behind it. She opens the window so the sun can enter the room and breaks a wooden chair to make a stake. Rose tries to open the door)
Rose: Elena? I know that's you and not Katerina. Elena, please, I need your help
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Caroline is in a corridor. Matt rejoins her)
Matt: Caroline. Why?
Caroline: Why what?
Matt: I kissed you
Caroline: I know, I was there
Matt: So why did you run away?
Caroline: You got me off guard
Matt: Yeah?
Caroline: What did you except me to do?
Matt: Not that
Caroline: Well, I'm sorry
Matt: And…?
Caroline: And what? What do you want me to say, Matt?
Matt: Something, anything. How did you feel? Anything in the roam of truth right now would be nice
Caroline: Okay, I feel… like I…. I love you
Matt: I love you then what's the problem? What are you keeping from me, Carrie? Look, if you love, you'll tell me so what is it?
(She doesn't say anything. A cheerleader arrives)
Dana: Hey Matt, we need more burgers
Matt: Yeah, not now Dana
(When he turns himself to talk to Caroline, she's not here)
[Salvatore's house]
(It's night. Elena doesn't hear anything so she leaves the room and goes downstairs. The main door is opened. She turns herself and sees Damon. She still have the stake in her hand.)
Damon: Are you okay? Where's Rose?
Elena: I don't know
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Rose is here, in the parking lot. A man is here and sees her)
Man: Excuse me, are you okay?
(He comes closer. She bites him and drinks her blood. He falls on the floor, he's d*ad.)
(Damon rejoins the sheriff. The police's found the body)
Damon: Hey
Sheriff: Thanks for coming so quickly
Damon: No, I was close by Liz, what happened?
Sheriff: A vampire. Luckily one of my deputies discovered the body before anyone else saw him
Damon: You have to secure the area then
Sheriff: I take the east side of the school, you go west?
Damon: Sure, okay
(Elena Is here too. She leaves a message to Stefan)
Elena: Hey, Stefan, it's me. I don't know where you are but please call me. It's important
(Damon rejoins her)
Elena: Hey. Have you heard from him? Do you know what he's up to?
Damon: My baby brother is not exactly my priority right now. Take this
(He gives her a stake)
Damon: Come on, let's go
(They leave)
(Two students are going to their car)
Boy: Hey, what was going on back there with the police?
Girl: Some maintenance man had a hard att*ck. He was drop d*ad
(she goes into the car and waits for her boyfriend but he doesn't arrive)
Girl: Eddie?
(His body falls on the car. The girl screams. She goes out of the car but Rose is here and bites her. Damon arrives)
Damon: Rose, stop!
(She rushes toward him but he catches her and puts her on the floor)
Damon: Rose, Rose! It's me, it's Damon
(her face is normal again. She looks at The girl's body)
Rose: Did I do this? I never meant to heart anyone. I never wanted to hurt anyone
Damon: I know
(She looks at Elena)
Rose: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry
Damon: Come on, let's get you home
Rose: no, I don't have a home, I didn't had a home in so long
(She cries)
Rose: Oh make it stop, please make it stop!
(He takes her in his arms and they leave)
[Salvatore's house]
(Rose and Damon are in his bedroom. She's in the bed)
Damon: Hi there
Rose: I'm sorry
Damon: You went on a m*rder drop age. It happens
(Elena enters the room)
Rose: I'm sorry, Elena. I don't like taking human lives, I never have
Damon: You shouldn't be here
Rose: It's the worst part about it: the hunt, the need to k*ll, the thirst, the pleasure it brings you afterwards. I wasn't meant to be evil. It hurts
Damon: Stop talking about it
Rose: Damon's a lot like me. He wants to care but when he does he runs away from it. I'm sorry for what I've done today
Elena: I know
Rose: And you need to fight. I know you're scared but you have to do it anyway
(She coughs. Elena comes closer and puts her arm under her neck)
Rose: Why are you so nice to me?
Elena: Us humans
Rose: You can't never forget it, what it's like to be human. It haunts me. It's the only thing that keeps me going. It doesn't hurt much anymore
(Suddenly she's hurt and screams)
Elena: What do we do?
Damon: Go
Elena: Damon…
Damon: Just go, I got this
(She leaves. Damon goes in the bed with Rose and takes her in hi arms)
Rose: Oh god! Make it stop, make it stop! I can't take it anymore, make it stop!
[Caroline's house]
(Tyler is waiting for Caroline. She arrives)
Tyler: Hey. Where have you been?
Caroline: At school. What's up? What's going on?
Tyler: We need to talk
Caroline: Why? What's wrong with you?
Tyler: I just don't understand one thing
Caroline: What?
Tyler: Why would you risk it? If a werewolf bite kills a vampire… why would you risk it?
Caroline: Because you needed help
Tyler: I could have k*lled you
Caroline: But you didn't
Tyler: I don't understand you, Caroline
Caroline: Why is it so hard for you to let someone else help you?
Tyler: That's not it
Caroline: Yes it is, Tyler. It's like you don't want anyone to care about you and I'm sorry I cared. I care Tyler so forgive me if I overstepped my boundaries by actually giving in
(He kisses her)
Caroline: You can't do that
Tyler: I'm sorry, it's…
Caroline: Everyone just need to stop kissing me!
(She goes inside and sh*t the door)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is still with Rose)
Rose: Who would have thought you'd be nice?
Damon: I‘m not nice. I'm mean. I like it
Rose: You're lying
Damon: Shut, shut, just sleep. Just sleep
[Rose's dream]
(Rose is in a dress, her hair are long. There are horses. She runs and sits down next to Damon)
Rose: This was my favorite place to comes ago. How did you know?
Damon: Word gets around. You told Elena
Rose: Am I dreaming?
(She closes are eyes and breath)
Rose: The sun is so warm. I miss this. I miss being human
Damon: Humanity is not all cranked off to be
Rose: I had friends, I had a family, I mattered
Damon: You still do
Rose: no but you do. You built a life whether you want to admit it or not. I spent 500 years just existing
Damon: You didn't have a choice, you were running from Klaus
Rose: There's always a choice
Damon: You know, you're ruining our perfect day with your strange philosophical babbling
(She embraces him)
Rose: I'd like to enjoy the fresh air. Would you enjoy it with me?
Damon: For a while
Rose: Thank you
Damon: For what?
Rose: The pain's gone
Damon: I'm glad
Rose: Will I see them again? My family?
Damon: I think you'll see whoever you want to see
Rose: That would be nice. Maybe I'll see Trevor too. I'm not afraid anymore
(She gets up)
Rose: I'll race you to the trees
Damon: Well, you'll lose
Rose: I'm older and faster
Damon: Oh, you think?
(He gets up)
Damon: Well, I'm compelling this dream. Maybe I'll cheat
Rose: On the count of three. One, two, three
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon takes a stake and drive it through her heart. He cries. Rose's d*ad)
[Middle of nowhere]
(Sheriff Forbes rejoins Damon. He opens his trunk)
Damon: Here's your vampire
(Rose is in the trunk. The sheriff is surprised)
Sheriff: How did you find her?
Damon: It doesn't matter. What matters is that it's over
Sheriff: Thank you Damon. Once again, you've help keep this town safe
Damon: I'll take care of burying the body
(He closes the trunk)
[Mystic Grill]
(Tyler rejoins Jules)
Jules: Thank you for coming
Tyler: So what do you want from me?
Jules: Just to be your friend. Mason would have wanted that. I know about Mason and you
Tyler: You know what?
Jules: I know you're a werewolf and I know your little friend Caroline is a vampire
Tyler: How do you know about Caroline?
Jules: You can't sniff them out?
(He doesn't answer)
Jules: Oh my god. You're brand new. How many times have you turned?
(he doesn't answer)
Jules: Hey, I can help you
Tyler: Do you know where Mason is?
Jules: He's d*ad, Tyler. He was m*rder
Tyler: No
Jules: You want to know who m*rder him?
Tyler: Just stop
Jules: Your little blond vampire did
Tyler: No, Caroline would never do this
Jules: She and her little vampires friends were behind it, Tyler
Tyler: Caroline is the only vampire in town
Jules: Is that what she told you? She lied, this town is crawling with vampires but don't worry, we'll get them
Tyler: Who are you?
Jules: I'm your friend. There are others like us and they're on their way
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon arrives. Elena's here)
Damon: You were supposed to leave
Elena: I did but then I came back to make sure that you're okay
(She gives him a glass of scotch)
Damon: I appreciate the gesture. I'm just glad it's over
(He drinks)
Elena: You know I don't believe that
Damon: Go home, Elena. Get some rest. It's a whole new day tomorrow
Elena: Damon, I'm you're friend
Damon: I'm well aware of that
Elena: And a friend usually knows when her friend is hurting
Damon: What do you want to hear? That I cared about Rose? That I'm upset? Well I didn't and I'm not
Elena: There you go, pretending to turn it off, pretending not to feel. Damon, you're so close, don't give up
Damon: I feel Elena, okay? And it sucks! What sucks even more is that it was supposed to be me. Jules was coming after me
Elena: You feel guilty
Damon: That would be human of me, wouldn't Elena? And I'm not human. You want to talk about giving up? All you've done is give up! Go home. It's been enough doom, gloom and personnel growth for one night
Elena: Okay, I will
(She embraces him)
Elena: Good night Damon
(She leaves)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena arrives. Stefan's here)
Elena: Stefan, you're home
Stefan: Rose? I… I called Isobel
Elena: I know
Stefan: I'm sorry, I had to
Elena: It's okay. Did you find her
Uncle John: Not exactly. Hello Elena
Elena: Uncle John
[The road]
(A girl is driving but she stops because a man is laying on the road. She gets out and rushes over him. It's Damon)
Jessica: Sir, are you okay? What happened?
Damon: I'm… lost
Jessica: And you're laying in the middle of the road?
Damon: Not that kind of lost
(He sits down)
Damon: Metaphorically, existentially
Jessica: Do you need help?
Damon: Well, yes I do. Can you help me?
(He takes a bottle from his pocket and drinks)
Jessica: You're drunk
Damon: No. Well, yes a little maybe
(She starts to leave)
Damon: No please don't leave. I really do need help
(He rushes over her and compels her)
Damon: Don't move
Jessica: I don't want ant trouble
Damon: Neither do I but it's al I got: trouble
Jessica: Why can't I move?
Damon: What's your name?
Jessica: Jessica
Damon: Hi Jessica. I have a secret, I have a big one but I never said it out load. I mean, what's the point? It's not gonna change anything, it's not gonna make me good, made me an adopted puppy. I can't be what other people want me to be, what she wants me to be. This is who I am, Jessica.
Jessica: Are you gonna hurt me?
Damon: I'm not sure because you are my existential crisis. Do I k*ll you or do I not k*ll you?
Jessica: Please don't
Damon: But I have to, Jessica because I'm not human and I miss it. I miss it more than anything in the world! That is m secret but there is only so much hurt a man can take
Jessica: Please, don't
(He cries)
Damon: You're free to go
(She runs to her car but Damon rushes over her and bites her. She's d*ad) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x12 - The Decent"} | foreverdreaming |
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline's gets out and locks the door. She turns herself and sees Tyler)
Caroline: Hey. How is it going?
Tyler: We need to talk
Caroline: Yeah, we do. Listen… I've been thinking about it and I don't want to overanalyze. It was just one kiss but Matt's still kind in the picture. We can't go there, Tyler
Tyler: Fine
Caroline: Great. That's settled
(She goes toward her car)
Tyler: What happened to my uncle Mason?
Caroline: What?
Tyler: He's d*ad and I want you to tell me what happened
Caroline: I… I don't…
Tyler: Then let me tell you: Stefan and his brother Damon k*lled him because Stefan and Damon are vampires, just like you
Caroline: Who told you that?
Tyler: Is it true?
Caroline: Let me explain
Tyler: Did you know he was d*ad this whole time?
Caroline: Please
Tyler: Did you know?!
(She nods and Tyler pushes her against her car)
Caroline: I'm sorry, Tyler. I'm sorry
Tyler: I trusted you!
(He releases her and leaves)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is in bathroom, in the shower. He's listening to the news and goes in his bedroom to watch)
Andie Star: The authorities believe last night's assailant may also be related to the missing campers and Park ranger who have yet to be found as well as 25 years old Jessica Koenig, reported missing this morning. The sheriff department says investigations are pending and no further comment will be made.
[Gilbert's house]
(John is in the kitchen. Elena enters the room)
John: Good morning
Elena: What are you doing here?
John: Coffee?
Elena: We're not doing that. We did that last night, no more avoiding. Why are you here?
John: I'm here to protect you. That's all I can say for the moment
Elena: What do you mean that's all you can say?
John: I'll tell you more when I'm convinced I can trust you
(Jenna and Alaric enter the room. Jenna sees john)
Jenna: What the hell?
John: Good morning to you, Jenna. Alaric…
Jenna: It's okay I'm confused, right? Because we were not excepting you like ever
John: Well, I gotten late last night. Elena let me in
Alaric: You know, I probably just gonna take off
(He looks at Elena and leaves)
Jenna: I'm still confused here
John: I decided to come back and stay for a while
Jenna: Not here, you're not
John: Actually, you can't stop me from living here
Jenna: Actually I can, as legal guardian
John: Yeah, about that… Elena, you want me to explain the situation or would you like to do the honors?
Jenna: Okay, what's going on?
Elena: I'm sorry, Jenna. I should have told you earlier but…
John: I'm Elena's biological father. There, now you know
(He leaves. Elena is alone with Jenna)
Jenna: What?!
[Salvatore's house]
(Stefan and Damon are in Stefan's bedroom)
Damon: You brought back John Gilbert? That was your big save Elena move?
Stefan: I went to go look for Isobel and I get John instead. He said he can help us and we're desperate
Damon: we're not that desperate, Stefan. The guy tried to barbecue me!
Stefan: Damon, Bonnie's new witch friend is working with Elijah so we have to assume that the moonstone was never destroyed . Elena is putting all of her faith into some deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe. I mean, do you trust Elijah? I don't trust him. He's an original, he can't be trusted. It's not like we can just go up and k*ll him because apparently he can't die!
Damon: I'm still waiting for the part where John Gilbert is the answer
Stefan: He knew about the sacrifice . Isobel told him. He said he know of a way to keep Elena safe
Damon: And how do we do that?
Stefan: He's not talking. At least not to me anyway
Damon: Great work Stefan. Top notch. As if I didn't have enough problems
Stefan: Hey, I'm sorry about Rose
Damon: Whatever. I knew the woman for 5 minutes
Stefan: And you cared about her after 5 minutes. I wonder what that means
Damon: It means I care, Stefan. That's means I'm changing evolving into a man capable of greatness. Better watch your back because I may just have to go get a hero hairdo of my own and steal your thunder
(He leaves. Stefan receives a text from Caroline telling him that there is an emergency)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Someone knocks on the door. Tyler opens. It's Jules. He let her in)
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline let Stefan in)
Stefan: What's wrong?
Caroline: Tyler knows about you and Damon. He knows that Damon k*lled Mason. I didn't say a word
Stefan: It's that woman, Jules. She had a run with Damon
Caroline: Tyler was so upset. The look on his face, he was so betrayed
Stefan: Wow, this is bad
Caroline: You're not gonna tell Damon, are you?
Stefan: No, he already wants to k*ll him. He thinks all werewolves should die and he's not wrong to think that, Caroline. I mean, what if Tyler wants to retaliate? He has every right to. He could get himself k*lled
Caroline: Well, we're not gonna let that happen. We have to get to him and reason with him before he does something stupid. You have to talk to him. Just try to explain, you know? You always know the right thing to say, okay? He and I… we're friends
[Lockwood's mansion]
Jules: I was right, wasn't I? your little vampire friend, she was lying
Tyler: What do you want?
Jules: I want you to understand that a vampire will never be your friend. It's our nature to be enemies
Tyler: You know how stupid that sounds?
Jules: You need to leave here, it's not safe
Tyler: I can't just run away with you. I don't even know you. My mom would freak. My life is here
Jules: Your old life. Your new life is just beginning. You have so much to learn
Tyler: Like what?
Jules: How to survive. You've triggered the curse, Tyler. It's important you learn what it means to be a lycanthrope. We live by a code of loyalty. We take care of each other. It's my duty and honor to help you. Please let me
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena let Damon in)
Damon: Where's John?
Elena: He's not here, he left. I don't know where he went. He just blew in, announced to Jenna that he's my dad and then took off
Damon: It's public knowledge now?
Elena: Apparently
Damon: Are you okay?
Elena: Yeah. Jenna's head spinning but I'm okay
Damon: He said what he was doing here?
Elena: No. you know, Stefan thinks that he's telling the truth about wanting to help me
Damon: do you believe him?
Elena: No. I don't believe him for a second
Damon: Me neither
Elena: What are we gonna do?
Damon: k*ll him
Elena: Damon…
Damon: I'm joking. Okay, I'm a little serious
Elena: Damon!
Damon: I'm not gonna hurt him, Elena. I'm the good guy now, remember?
Elena: What does that mean?
Damon: I'm gonna have a civil conversation with your father
Elena: Wait, I'm coming with you
(They leave)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Tyler is in his father's office and look at the computer. Stefan's here. Tyler sees him and tries to leave but Stefan stops him)
Stefan: I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to talk
Tyler: Then why did you break in?
Stefan: Would you have let me in otherwise?
(Carol Lockwood is going down the stairs and goes toward the office)
Carol: Tyler?
(Tyler tries to leave the room but Stefan catches him and pushes him against the wall. His face has changed)
Stefan: Shut. Not a word
Carol: Tyler? I'm leaving for the memorial
(She leaves)
[The woods]
(Jules arrives at a RV . She knocks)
Jules: Brady?
(She opens the door but no one's here. She turns herself. Brady's here. She smiles and they kiss)
Jules: This is a hard place to find
Brady: You told me to stand on the red alert
Jules: Thanks for coming
Brady: Are you sure these vamps k*lled Mason?
Jules: Positive. You have to be careful
Brady: I'm not afraid of a vampire
Jules: I know baby but I want the boy more than I want vengeance
Brady: Let's get both
(They kiss)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Stefan releases Tyler)
Stefan: Maybe we get off on the wrong foot here
Tyler: What happened to Mason?
Stefan: Tyler, there's a lot for us to talk about
(He tries to leave but Stefan catches him)
Stefan: I wouldn't do that. Without a full moon you're not match for me
[Mystic Falls' square]
(It's the memorial. John rejoins Carol)
Carol: It's good to have you back, John. We could really use you
John: And the council? What are they doing?
Carol: Damon Salvatore is leading the council now. Talk to him
(A woman arrives to talk to Carol. She leaves John. Jeremy rejoins him)
John: Jeremy, there you are
Jeremy: Looks like I slept through the homecoming
John: You didn't miss much. Let's say that no one's happy to see me would be an understatement
Jeremy: Look, things are different now. You can't come around and start up with all this anti-vampire stuff
John: I have no intention of doing that. How's that ring been treating you?
Jeremy: Look, if this is what you came for, just take it and go
(he gives him the ring but John doesn't take it)
John: What kind of a man would I be if I took that from you? You want to go grab some lunch?
Jeremy: I think I'll pass
(John leaves. Jeremy sees Bonnie and smiles. Jonas rejoins Bonnie)
Jonas: Hello Bonnie
Bonnie: I don't have anything to say to you, Doctor Martin or your son
Jonas: You must be feeling very confused about us
Bonnie: There's nothing confusing about it. I trusted Luka and he betrayed me. Elena told me you were working for Elijah so don't lie about it
Jonas: I won't but that doesn't mean we're not also looking out for you
Bonnie: Spare me the witch loyalty crap
Jonas: You might don't want to believe this but Elijah is a man of his word. You can trust that he'll keep the end of his deal with Elena to keep you and your friends protected
Bonnie: You're right, I don't believe it
(Jeremy rejoins them)
Jeremy: Is there a problem here?
Bonnie: not at all
(They leave)
Jeremy: What was that about?
Bonnie: More lies
[Mystic Grill]
(Jenna and Alaric are sitting at a table)
Jenna: I can't believe it. Elena is my sister's husband's brother's daughter and her mother is boyfriend's d*ad wife. You can't make this stuff up
Alaric: It's definitely overwhelming
Jenna: I can't believe that they keep it a secret. How is it even possible to keep a secret like that?
(John enters the mystic grill and rejoins them)
John: Hey you two. Do you think I can join you?
Jenna: Do you have to?
John: I guess I don't have to but might as well
(John turns hi head and sees Damon and Elena arrive)
Elena: We just need answers. Please don't do anything stupid
Damon: Yeah but stupid is so much more fun
Elena: Damon, I mean it. All I'm asking is you try to keep it together. Be a better man
Damon: Okay then
(They rejoin John)
Damon: John, buddy, how have you been?
John: I've been alright, Damon. It's good to see you
[Lockwood's mansion]
Stefan: Look, about Caroline, no matter what her flaws are, if an issue comes you'll want to have that girl on your side . She's your friend, stop being a dick to her
Tyler: I thought vampires hated werewolves
Stefan: That's some sort of leftover idea from another time. It doesn't have to be that way anymore. We go to the same school. We have the same friends. We keep the same secrets. This can work, Tyler. I mean, it's your home, it's my home too. I want this to work
(Tyler's phone rings. He answers. It's Jules)
Tyler: Help, help!
(Stefan catches the phone and throws it on the desk)
Stefan: Who's number was that? Damn it Tyler! I'm trying to save your life. Can't you see that?
[The woods]
(Jules hangs up. She's worried and rejoins Brady)
Jules: We have a problem
[Mystic Grill]
(John is lighting a candle for the victims. Damon rejoins him)
Damon: So John, rumor has it that you know a lot and won't say anything
John: How I know you can be trusted, Damon? Originals can compel vampires and according to Stefan, that's why Katherine's still in the tomb, because an original has compel her to stay there
Damon: Only because all of the vervein have left her system. Stefan and I on the other hand are chock full
John: You guys are drinking vervein?
Damon: It's an acquired taste. I don't see that magic little ring on that stitched finger so if you know something about Klaus, you better start talking or I will k*ll you in your sleep
John: Is that any way to convince me that you and I are on the same side? First, I need to know that I can trust you, Damon, that I can count on you. Then we'll talk
(He leaves)
(Caroline is on the parking lot. Matt rejoins her)
Matt: Hey! Hey!
Caroline: Hey
Matt: I haven't seen you
Caroline: I'm not avoiding you, I swear
Matt: Yeah. You're avoiding me a little
Caroline: Okay, maybe a little
Matt: Can we talk later? I mean, I'm heading to work right now but maybe after, to clear some of this weirdness
Caroline: Yeah, yeah, I'd really like that. I'll just swing by when you're closing?
Matt: Sounds good
Caroline: Okay, bye
(He leaves. Caroline goes to her car and feels that someone's behind her. It's Jules)
Jules: Excuse me, Caroline right?
Caroline: Yeah
Jules: I'm looking for Tyler. You haven't seen him, have you?
Caroline: No, not since earlier. Sorry
Jules: I know you're lying
Caroline: Really? How? Is that one of your little wolf tricks?
Jules: Actually it is
Caroline: Well, I have a trick too
(She vamps out and turns herself but Jules asperse her with a vervein spray. Caroline is hurt, heals and turns herself again but Brady sh*ts her in the head)
[The woods]
(Caroline is in a cage in Brady's SV. She has a wound in her head. She screams a little and gets the wooden b*llet out of her head. She tries to unlock the cage but sees Brady)
Brady: I see you got the b*llet out. That was nasty. I got a lots of wooden b*ll*ts, other toys. It's gonna be a long night, sweet pea
(He sh*ts her. She screams)
[Lockwood's mansion]
Tyler: You want to be friends, great, we‘re friends. Will you go now?
Stefan: I don't know what else to say to you Tyler. I came back o this town because I wanted a life, I wanted to exist where I can have friends and where I can build a family. I have that here, we can both have that
(Stefan's phone rings. It's Caroline's phone. He hangs up)
Stefan: Hey. Is everything okay?
Jules: That depends. How about you want to keep her alive
Stefan: Who is this?
Jules: Ask your brother. Where's Tyler?
Stefan: Jules? Where's Caroline?
Jules: You made a mistake, Stefan. I gonna give you a chance to fix it
Stefan: Where is she?
Jules: right here. Want proof?
(Jules tells Brady that Stefan wants a proof. He sh*ts Caroline and she screams. Stefan's heard)
Stefan: Hurt her again and you're d*ad
Jules: I hurt her again and she's d*ad. Bring Tyler to me , the clearing by Wickery falls. You have 20 minutes until she dies
(She hangs up)
[Mystic Grill]
(Damon is at the bar. Jenna rejoins him. She's with a woman)
Jenna: So, my friend wants to meet you. Damon Salvatore, this is…
Damon: I know you. The news lady
Andie: Yeah, Andie Star. Nice to meet you. Can I buy you a drink, Damon?
(Elena is looking at them)
Damon: My glass is all full, Andie. Thank you
(He leaves and rejoins Elena)
Elena: You totally blew her off
Damon: I staying clear off all women at the moment
Elena: You didn't have to be rude
Damon: Trust me, it's on the best interest of women everywhere
(Elena's phone rings. She takes it)
Elena: Stefan? What is it?
(She looks at Damon)
(Damon and Elena are in the restrooms)
Damon: Why am I just finding out about this now?
Elena: Stefan was worried that you…
Damon: That I'll what? That I'd k*ll him? Of course, it's what's need to happen
Elena: No Damon, not Tyler. Do whatever you need to do to get Caroline back but just leave Tyler out of it, okay?
Damon: Why? He's a werewolf, he needs to die. I'm willing to k*ll him, it's win-win
(She touches his arm)
Elena: Damon please, okay? Too many people are d*ad
Damon: You need to stop doing that
Elena: Doing what?
Damon: Assuming that I'll play the good guy because that you who's asking
Elena: Be a better man, Damon
(John enters the room)
Damon: Do you mind?
John: What's going on?
Elena: Nothing
John: It doesn't look like nothing
Damon: well guess what John, trust works both ways. Get out
Elena: Look, we don't have time for this. We need to get Caroline back
Damon: We don't have to do anything. I'll take care of it
(He turn himself and looks at John)
Damon: First dad duty: ground your daughter. Keep her here
(He leaves)
Elena: I'm coming with you
John: No, no, no, no, no. I'm with Damon on this one. No, stop, stop. You're not going anywhere. Just tell me what's going on
[The woods]
(Caroline is still in the cage? She's crying.)
Brady: So, How many vampires are they in this town anyway?
(She doesn't answer so he throws her vervein. She screams)
Brady: No?
Caroline: Why are you doing this to me?! Why are you doing this? Why?
Brady: You're a vampire. Why not?
(He throws her wooden sticks in the neck. She screams)
Brady: I'm sorry, what was that?
Caroline: Let me out!
Brady: Excuse me? What was that?
Caroline: Let me out!
(Brady gets out and rejoins Jules outside)
Jules: Get it out of your system?
Brady: No, I'm just getting started
Jules: Brady, let's be smart about this. I just want the boy. It's our duty to help him, it's who we are
Brady: You want to talk duty and honor? These are vampires. They cross one of us, they cross all of us. That's who we are
[Mystic Grill]
(Elena gets out of the restrooms. John's here)
John: You're not leaving this restaurant
Elena: You can't tell me what to do
John: Yes I can. You want to know why? Because I'm here to make sure you stay safe
Elena: I've got that covered
John: Are you talking about the deal that you made with Elijah? Do you really think he's gonna keep this promise to you? Putting your faith in him was a dumb move
Elena: Are you saying I should put my faith in you? After everything that you've done to Damon and Stefan?
John: We had our difference and I've made mistakes but you and I , we're family
Elena: You don't get to use tat word. That word is off limits to you!
John: Fine, but it doesn't't change the facts
Elena: You're right. Facts are facts so listen up: you may be my father but I'm never going to be your daughter, you got that?
(She leaves)
[The woods]
(Jules is alone. Suddenly she hears something)
Jules: I know you're out there
(Stefan goes out of the woods with Tyler)
Stefan: Where's Caroline?
Jules: Locked up tight
Stefan: Let her go and I release Tyler. The situation doesn't have to get any messier than it already has. I'm not your enemy, Jules
Jules: It's a little late to be waving the white flag, don't you think?
Stefan: You need to leave town. No one else has to get hurt
Jules: I'm not leaving without Tyler
Stefan: Tyler is free to make his own decisions as soon as you release Caroline
(Damon arrives)
Damon: My brother the peacemaker . Since Stefan got here before me I'm gonna let him try to his way before I resort to my way, which is a little bloodier so give us Caroline
Jules: Let go of Tyler
Damon: Give us Caroline. Without a full moon it's not an even fight and you know it. We will take you
Jules: I'm not so sure about that, tough guy
(She makes a noise with her mouth and a lot of people, including Brady, arrive around them. They have stakes, crossbows and f*re)
Jules: Let's try this again. Give us Tyler
(Damon looks at Tyler)
Damon: You heard her. Go. Get over there
(Tyler rejoins Jules)
Brady: Which one of you k*lled Mason?
Damon: Uh, that'd be me
Brady: Boys, make sure that one suffers
(Damon looks at Stefan)
Damon: We can take them
Stefan: I don't know about that
Damon: Well then…
(He rushes over Jules but she jumps on the top of the SV. Tyler's gone inside. One of them tries to burn Stefan but he takes him and burns two werewolves. One of the werewolves jumps on Damon but he rip his heart out before he gets to him.)
(Inside the SV, Tyler sees Caroline in the cage)
Caroline: Tyler, there's a latch on the door and I can't get to it
(He hesitates)
Caroline: Tyler?
(Outside, Stefan's kills a werewolf. Another throws him an arrow but he catches it)
(Inside the SV)
Caroline: Tyler, please! Tyler?
(He finally goes toward the cage)
(Stefan fights with one of the werewolves and drive a stake through his body. Another throws him an arrow but he catches it and throws it to his necks. The werewolf falls on the floor. Another goes behind Stefan and drive a stake through his back. Stefan falls on the floor. Damon fights with Brady but Jules arrive and sh*t him with a wooden b*llet. He falls on the floor)
(Tyler opens the cage so Caroline goes out of the SV but Jules catches her, pushes her against the SV and put a g*n on his head. Tyler goes out and looks at Caroline but he doesn't do anything. Brady takes a stake and is about to k*ll Damon but suddenly he screams and the other werewolves too. They all take they head between their hands and fall on the floor)
Caroline: What's happening?
Tyler: What the hell is going on?
(Jonas rejoin them. He's casting a spell on the werewolves. Damon and Stefan get up)
Jonas: Elijah made a promise to Elena. I'm here to see it's up held. You need to go. Get out of here. Now
(They leave. Jonas look at Tyler)
Jonas: When your friends are waken, give them a message: They need to get the hell out of this town
(He leaves)
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline is with Stefan)
Stefan: So is your mom home?
Caroline: No, she's at work
Stefan: I can come in if you want me to
Caroline: I'm fine, Stefan
Stefan: You don't have to pretend with me. Anybody would be upset after what you went through tonight
Caroline: I'm okay. I'm not girly little Caroline anymore. I can handle myself
Stefan: Sure you can
Caroline: I just really want to go shower so…
Stefan: Okay
Caroline: Good night
Stefan: Good night
(She closes the door)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon opens the door. John's here)
Damon: What do you want?
John: We haven't finish our conversation
Damon: I'll bite
(John enters the house)
John: I've been thinking. Personal feelings aside Damon, I think You and Stefan will do all you can to protect Elena
Damon: I agree with that statement
John: So I come with gifts
(he opens o towel. There's a dagger and a vial in it)
Damon: What is that?
John: This is how you k*ll an original? In this vial, is ash from a white oak tree that dates back to the genesis of the originals. The dagger must be dipped into the ash and then plugged into their heart
(Damon takes the dagger)
Damon: How do you know all this, John?
John: Isobel. She's very good at finding out things but of course you know that
Damon: Where is Isobel?
John: Let's just say if she accomplishes what she's attempting, Klaus will never set foot in Mystic Falls. When Elena's concerned, you and I are on the same side
(He leaves)
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline is in her bedroom and is looking at her wounds. Her phone rings, it's Matt)
Caroline: Hi
Matt: Hey. Did something happened?
Caroline: Oh my… I'm so sorry Matt
Matt: Are you okay?
Caroline: Yeah. Something came up with Bonnie and she needed me. A friend thing. You understand?
(Matt turns his head and sees Bonnie and Jeremy laughing at a table)
Matt: Yeah so you're with her right now?
Caroline: Yeah so I'm not gonna make it tonight but can I see you tomorrow?
Matt: Yeah, sure. I hope everything works out. Good night
(He hangs up)
(Someone knocks on the door. It's Tyler. Caroline opens the door)
Tyler: Are you okay?
Caroline: I'm fine
Tyler: I had no idea they would come for you
Caroline: Do you know what they did to me?
Tyler: I'm sorry but it's crazy now okay? I don't know who to trust. You lied to me
Caroline: I lied to protect my friends. I lied to protect you. Don't you get that?
Tyler: Caroline…
Caroline: You just stood there when they were going to k*ll us. You just stood there! You didn't do anything!
Tyler: I didn't know what to do!
Caroline: You help your friends, that's what you do
Tyler: I'm sorry
Caroline: No it's too late because we're not friends anymore and what happened to me tonight, that will never happen again so you take that back to your little werewolf pack and you get the hell out of my house!
(She slams the door)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena takes a bottle of water in the fridge and when she closes it, John's here)
John: I'm sorry about earlier
Elena: Enough already. I don't want you here and I can't make that anymore clear
John: I didn't come here to fight with you, Elena
Elena: yeah I know, you're here to protect me. Got it, get in line
John: I thought you might want this. It was you mother's
(He shows her a bracelet)
Elena: Isobel?
John: No, your mother, Miranda. I remember her wearing that when she was young. I found it in a box with some things that your dad left me. Here, it's yours now
(He gives it to her)
John: Miranda and Grayson were your parents, Elena and I know I'm nothing to you. You have no reason to believe me or trust me. I've done so many horrible things but when you lost your parents, I lost my brother, my family. I lost my way. I know that won't probably never gonna make things right with you but I'm gonna do everything I can to protect you and protect this family
(He leaves. She's crying. She turns her head and sees Stefan. She rushes in his arms)
Elena: Are you okay?
Stefan: I'm fine
Elena: Did you hear that? I don't believe him, Stefan. I just don't. what happened tonight? How's Caroline?
Stefan: I could use your help
[Brady's SV]
(Tyler knocks on the door. Jules let him in. she's with Brady)
Jules: Hey, come on in
Tyler: I'm sorry about your friends
(He sits down)
Tyler: It's not always like this, is it?
Jules: No. is it Brady?
Brady: No men. You're living in a vampire country, that's all. It's way better than this
Tyler: Mason didn't tell me anything about it. He was gone. d*ad I guess, before he could help me
Brady: I don't get why Mason was even doing here in the first place
Jules: His brother died. You know that Brady
Brady: Why was he stupid enough to stay and get himself k*lled?
Tyler: Because of this rock he was trying to find
Brady: What rock?
Tyler: A moonstone
(Brady looks at Jules)
Jules: I had no idea
Tyler: What?
Brady: A moonstone? Did he find it?
Tyler: Yeah
Brady: Where is it now?
Tyler: I couldn't tell you
[Caroline's house]
(Stefan knocks on the door. Caroline opens it)
Caroline: What's going on?
Stefan: I was a little bit worried about you after everything you went through tonight
Caroline: I'm fine
Stefan: Good but just in case, I brought some back up
(Elena and Bonnie arrive)
Elena: We're gonna slumber in
Bonnie: We haven't done it in ages
(Caroline cries. They embrace each other. Elena looks at Stefan and tells him she loves him. He tells her he loves her
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is in his bathtub with Andie Star)
Andie: I can't believe you called me. I thought I was being way to forward when I had Jenna give you my number
Damon: I like a woman who knows what she wants
Andie: Thank you so what do you want mister tall, dark and handsome?
Damon: I'm not that tall. I need a distraction
Andie: You can booty call me anytime you want
Damon: You see, the thing is, miss sexy reporter, I have a problem I need help with. It's really messing with my mind
Andie: Oh, tell me about it
Damon: I'm in love with a woman I could never have
Andie: I knew it. I know how to pick them. So why can't you have her? She's with another man I assume?
Damon: Yeah but that's not the point. The point is I'm in love with her and that drive me crazy. I'm not in control.
Andie: You don't trust yourself around her?
Damon: I don't trust myself around anyone, Andie. I'm bad, Andie. I do things. I k*ll people
(Suddenly she's afraid but he compels her)
Damon: Don't be afraid, you're okay
Andie: Why do you k*ll people?
Damon: because I like it. It's in my nature, it's who I am but then I have to stay together to protect her and she wants me to be a better man which means I can't be who I am. Do you see the problem I'm having, Andie?
Andie: Well, maybe this is who you are now. Love does that Damon, it changes us
Damon: Just stop talking. Just kiss me, be my distraction
(they kiss. He bites her and drinks her blood)
[The tomb]
(Katherine is sitting but she hears a noise and gets up. John's here.)
John: I know you were expecting someone else
Katherine: I sent Stefan to find Isobel
John: She got your message. She was busy so she sent me instead
Katherine: Does Stefan know that you're here right now?
John: No. no one does. This is between you, me and Isobel
Katherine: I want to be out of this tomb, John
John: I'm already on it | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x13 - Daddy Issues"} | foreverdreaming |
[The woods]
(Jules and Brady are burning the bodies and then rejoin Stevie. Brady looks at him)
Brady: Go ahead. Tell her
Stevie: Let me just preface this with a big disclaimer. that screams, "I should have known better"
Jules: What is it, Stevie?
Stevie: When Brady told me what that Tyler kid said about Mason being here for the moonstone, something clicked. There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot vampire chick Kathy and he didn't want anyone to know
Jules: All right. Just get to the point, Stevie
Stevie: That is the point, Jules. It's the sun and moon curse. Mason was asking me all kinds of questions about it: if it could be broken, and when that evil man-witch showed up last night, double-click. Witches, vampires, moonstone. They're putting everything in place to break the curse
Brady: We can't let them do that, even if we have to k*ll every last vampire in this town
[Caroline's house]
(Elena, Bonnie and Caroline are sleeping when Elena's phone rings. Caroline pushes her out of the bed. Elena's goes out of the room to answer her phone. It's Stefan)
Stefan: How was the slumber party?
Elena: Good and Much needed. When can you and I have one?
Stefan: That can be arranged
Elena: Okay. Now. Today. Take me far, far away
Stefan: Even with everything that's going on?
Elena: Because of everything that's going on
Stefan: And you're sure this has nothing to do with dodging your father who just got into town?
Elena: Uh, this has everything to do with that
Stefan: Well, in that case, where would you like to go?
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon and Andie are going down the stairs)
Andie: I'm late, This is such a crazy day. I'm, uh, covering the historical society's high tea
Damon: Ooh! Thrilling
Andie: Yeah. It's for some visiting writer. He's writing a book on small-town Virginia. It's a big snooze.
Damon: Writer? What's his name?
Andie: Uh, Elijah Smith
Damon: Smith. He's using Smith?
(He puts a scarf around her neck)
Damon: Ok. You have your story straight in your mind, right?
Andie: I can't say that you bit me or drank my blood, just that we h*t it off and I really like you. You are terrific, though. You're sweet, funny, you're honest.
(He compels her)
Damon: And you're falling hard
Andie: You might be the one
Damon: Perfect
(He opens the door. Alaric arrives)
Damon: Perfect. Have a great day, honey
(He kisses her)
Andie: Oh. Hey, Alaric. Later
(She leaves)
Damon: My new girlfriend, Andie star, action news
Alaric: It's not called action news
Damon: I know. I just like saying it. Come on
(Alaric enters the house. The go in the living room)
Damon: So John Gilbert gave me this to k*ll Elijah
(He shows him the dagger and the vial)
Damon: Said you have to dip the dagger in the remains of an old white ash tree that dates back to the originals, if there's any truth in that
Alaric: So you think it's a setup?
Damon: It could be. Guy's a weasel. Wouldn't put anything past him
(He gives him the dagger)
Damon: What are you up to today, Mr. Saltzman?
Alaric: Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow, we both got roped into doing this historical society thing at the Lockwood's
Damon: Where Elijah's the guest of honor
Alaric: Tell me you're not gonna k*ll him at the tea party
Damon: No. That would be stupid. I want to know his endgame before I k*ll him but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met
[Mystic Grill]
(Bonnie and Caroline are sitting at a table)
Caroline: Ok. So tell me about this big witchy plan you've been cooking up
Bonnie: We still don't know the extent of what Elijah's up to
Caroline: No, we don't
Bonnie: So I'm gonna ask Luka to tell me what he knows
Caroline: And he's not gonna tell you anything
Bonnie: I didn't say he was gonna have a choice
(Caroline sees Matt and smile but he seems upset)
Bonnie: What's that about?
Caroline: Uh, I don't know. I thought that we were... I don't know
[The woods]
(Tyler rejoins Jules)
Jules: Tyler, hi
Tyler: You're still here
Jules: Is that all right with you?
Tyler: That guy last night made it pretty clear you needed to go
Jules: And we will soon
(Brady and Stevie rejoin them)
Jules: Listen. We kind of need your help with something
Brady: We need you to help us find the moonstone
Tyler: Somebody needs to explain to me what the big deal is about a rock
Stevie: That rock helps break the curse of the sun and the moon
Tyler: I don't know what that means
Jules: It's an old curse placed on both vampires and werewolves
Stevie: Vampires break the curse, they're free to walk in the sunlight but we're stuck only turning at the full moon, aka werewolf Armageddon
Brady: But if we break it, they're stuck as night-walkers, and we can turn whenever we want
Stevie: Aka werewolf domination
Jules: Tyler, if we can turn at will, that means we never have to turn at all, not if we don't want to
Tyler: I'd never have to turn again?
Brady: There's more. Stevie?
Stevie: If those vamps are gearing up to break the curse, they must have also found the doppelganger
Tyler: The doppelganger?
Stevie: Evil twin shadow person. We're betting Mason's hot vampire chick Kathy knows all about it, so we need you to help us find Kathy. I have a picture. Mason brought her to the bar once. No one liked her. She was a vampire. Bad news
(He shows him a picture of Katherine and Mason on his phone)
Stevie: Right, right here. The girl next to Mason
Tyler: That's Elena Gilbert
Jules: You know her?
Tyler: I've known her my whole life
(Jules looks at Brady)
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline rejoins Matt)
Matt: I'm…i'm working
Caroline: Yeah I can see that but can you work and talk?
Matt: What do you want, Caroline?
Caroline: Uh, I want to talk about what we were supposed to talk about last night before I had to cancel on you. I want us to clear up the weirdness. I just want us to talk about us
Matt: Now you're just making it worse
Caroline: Uh, I…I don't know what's going on, Matt
Matt: Where were you last night when you were supposed to be with me?
Caroline: I…
Matt: And don't say you were with Bonnie because bonnie was here, Caroline. I saw her
Caroline: Oh
Matt: Yeah
(He leaves. Tyler rejoins Caroline)
Tyler: Caroline
Caroline: You stay away from me
Tyler: It's important
(He throws her bag on the floor without meaning it. He helps her get it)
Caroline: Just stop it, Tyler, ok? You're just…you're just making it worse
(He takes something from her things and puts it in his pocket)
Tyler: Please, Caroline. I'm sorry about what happened, ok? but there's so much we need to talk about
(She takes her bag)
Caroline: I said just leave me alone
(She leaves. Matt rejoins Tyler)
Matt: The two of you want to get together, fine. There's nothing I can do about it but do me a favor, and both of you stop lying about it
Tyler: Matt, there's nothing going on
(Matt catches him)
Matt: Hey! I said stop lying!
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena and Stefan are ready to go)
Stefan: Are you ready for our romantic weekend?
Elena: Beyond ready. Let's go before John shows up and pretends to be a concerned father
Stefan: Mmm. I'll go put these in the car
(Elena receives a text from Caroline telling her that she needs to talk and asking her where she is. Elena tells her that they're going to her parent's lake house and ask what is it. Caroline tells her that's it's okay)
Stefan: Uh, please tell me there's nothing wrong
Elena: Nothing's wrong. Just Caroline. Come on. Let's go
(They leave)
[The woods]
(Tyler has Caroline's phone in his hands. He's with Jules, Brady and Stevie)
Tyler: She's going to Dunham lake. Her family has a house up there
Brady: Nice. Let's go get our doppelganger
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Elena and Stefan arrive at the lake house. Elena is quiet)
Stefan: You all right?
Elena: I'm good. I just haven't been back here since before…
Stefan: Oh, my god. Elena, listen. Just say the word, all right? We'll get back on that highway, we'll go anywhere else
Elena: I've always loved it here. I want it to stay that way, I was just... having a moment
Stefan: Okay
(Elena enters the house but Stefan can't get in)
Elena: You don't have to wait out there. I'm all good
Stefan: Oh, that's great because I'm, uh... I'm stuck
Elena: Oh, my god. You can't get in
Stefan: Not gonna be a very romantic weekend unless you, uh, invite me inside
Elena: Stefan, I can't
Stefan: What?
Elena: My parent's left this place to John Gilbert. He's the only one who can invite you in. I'm sorry. I completely forgot
Stefan: You're kidding me, right?
(She smiles)
Elena: Stefan Salvatore, I hereby invite you into this home
Stefan: You are such a liar
(He enters, takes her in his arms and kisses her)
Elena: Hey, hey, hey!
[Lockwood's mansion]
(It's the historical society tee party. Carol is talking with Elijah)
Carol: Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book? There's such a wealth of history there
Elijah: No. I'm focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia. Lots of research. Strictly academic
Carol: That's fascinating
(Damon arrives. Jenna rejoins him)
Jenna: Damon, what are you doing here?
(Andie rejoins them)
Andie: Hi. You came
Damon: Hi
Andie: Hi
(They kiss. Jenna's surprised)
Damon: Thanks for introducing us, Jenna
(He leaves and rejoins Elijah and Carol)
Carol: Damon
Damon: Carol
(They kiss on the cheek)
Carol: What a surprise. Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of mystic falls' founding families
Damon: Such a pleasure to meet you
Elijah: No. Pleasure's mine
(They shake hands)
[Mystic Grill]
(Bonnie rejoins Luka at the pool table. She has coffee in her hands)
Bonnie: Come bearing coffee gifts
Luka: So you're talking to me now
Bonnie: I found out what your dad did, saving my friends from the wolf pack
Luka: Well, had I known that's all it took...
(Caroline is looking at them. Jeremy rejoins her)
Jeremy: Hey. How's it going?
Caroline: What are you doing here?
Jeremy: Bonnie called. I wanted to help. How's it going?
Caroline: She's selling it, and he's buying it. She's giving him the sex smile
Jeremy: All right, Caroline. I get it
(Bonnie is still with Luka)
Luka: What do you say? You want to play a game?
Bonnie: Yeah
Luka: Yeah?
Bonnie: Yeah
(Suddenly he doesn't feel good)
Luka: What's happening to me?
(She gets closer to him)
Bonnie: You'll be ok
(He's about to fall. Caroline and Jeremy rejoin them)
Bonnie: Why don't we go over here?
Jeremy: I got him, I got him
(He catches Luka)
Jeremy: What kind of witch roofie was that?
Bonnie: Strong one
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Elena is outside, on the dock, looking at the lake. Stefan rejoins her and embraces her)
Stefan: Having another moment?
Elena: Jeremy broke his arm diving off this dock when he was 6. My dad taught me how to fish Right off the edge up there. So many memories. Do you ever think about us, What our future will be like, our memories?
Stefan: I think there are long conversations to be head about our future, about the kind of life we could have together
Elena: Now there's a box that we shouldn't open
Stefan: Oh, we can open it. Whenever you're ready
Elena: No. I'd rather just be here...Now
Stefan: You know, this is a future memory. It's where your boyfriend whispered to you that he loved you. I love you
(She smiles)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Elijah and Damon enter Richard's office. Alaric is looking at them. John rejoins him)
John: What's Damon doing with Elijah?
Alaric: How would I know?
John: Because you're his little helper
Alaric: If you say so, John
John: Does Jenna know about your extracurricular activities? Maybe it's time we tell her. I mean, she can't stay in the dark forever
Alaric: You're a dick
John: I don't think you should sleep over anymore. It's inappropriate with children in the house, and that ring that Isobel gave you, that's mine. I'm gonna want that back.
(Elijah and Damon are in Richard's office)
Elijah: What can I do for you, Damon?
Damon: I was hoping we could have a word
Elijah: Where's Elena?
Damon: Safe with Stefan. They're laying low, you know, bit of a werewolf problem
Elijah: Oh, yeah. I heard about that
Damon: I'm sure you did since it was your witch that saved the day
Elijah: You are welcome
Damon: Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you're here
Elijah: Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to me
(He goes toward the door but Damon puts himself in front of him)
Damon: Not good enough
(Elijah pushes him against the wall and strangles him. Damon tries to strangle Elijah too but he's not strong enough so Elijah breaks his wrist)
Elijah: You young vampires, so arrogant. How dare you come in here and challenge me?
Damon: You can't k*ll me, man. It's not part of the deal
Elijah: Silence
(He takes a pencil and drives it through Damon's jugular. Damon lays on the desk, on hand on his wound. Elijah gives him a white tissue. Damon puts it on his wound)
Elijah: I'm an original. Show a little respect. The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're d*ad, so you should do what I say. Keep Elena safe
(He leaves)
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Stefan is cooking. Elena is on the couch, looking at him, a glass of wine in the hand)
Elena: My dad did all the cooking, too
Stefan: And your mom?
Elena: She sat right here and watched. She couldn't cook either
(She looks at the fireplace)
Elena: f*re's dying
Stefan: Oh, yeah. I'll go get more wood
Elena: I got it
Stefan: No, no. It's cold outside
(She gets up)
Elena: So I'll get a jacket
(She goes in her parent's bedroom and smells a perfume. Stefan enters)
Elena: My mom's perfume. Jenna was supposed to pack all this up, but... she kept putting it off. I don't blame her
(She goes in the dressing and takes a sweater)
Elena: Here
(She throws him the sweater)
Elena: Bundle up
(He puts it)
Elena: It was my great granddad's and you look very hot in it
Stefan: I look hot in your d*ad great granddad's jacket?
Elena: Beyond hot
(He kisses her, pushes her against the wall and kisses her again)
Elena: Stefan! It's my parents' bedroom
(He stops and looks at the wall)
Elena: What?
(He knocks on the wall)
Elena: What?
Stefan: This is hollow inside
(He breaks the wall. There's a door behind it)
Elena: What is it?
Stefan: It's a really good hiding place
(He opens the door. There's a lot of w*apon to k*ll vampires)
Elena: Oh, my god
[Caroline's house]
(Bonnie, Jeremy and Caroline are in her living room. Luka is laying on the ground)
Caroline: We only have, like, an hour or two before my mom gets home
(She has a lot of candles in her hands)
Caroline: And these are all I could find
Bonnie: Place these evenly around the room
(Jeremy takes some of them to help place them)
Jeremy: How does this work?
Bonnie: Um, I'll put him in a trance and ask him questions. It's like hypnosis
Jeremy: You sure you're strong enough for this?
Bonnie: That's what the candles are for. I'll draw power from the flames
Caroline: I'll get the matches
Bonnie: I got it
(She lights the candles with her powers)
Jeremy: Never gonna get used to that
Caroline: Oh, come on. That's pretty hot, and you know it
(He smiles. Bonnie looks at him)
Bonnie: In need a bowl of water
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. I'll go get it
(He leaves. Bonnie looks at Caroline)
Bonnie: Ok. What was that? "It's hot"?
Caroline: He is so crushing on you
Bonnie: So?
Caroline: So… What, you'd rather be with traitor warlock over here?
Bonnie: I'm not into Luka. It's just, you know, he understood me, and he was new and different
Caroline: And you've known Jeremy since forever, and you only see him one way, as Elena's brother but you're a witch, and I'm a vampire. You know, it's not like we're in any position…
Bonnie: to be picky
Caroline: No, to judge
(Jeremy comes back and gives the bowl of water to Bonnie. She puts it on the ground)
Jeremy: Looks like he's waking up
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon and Alaric are in the library)
Damon: Today was a bust
Alaric: Yeah. How's the throat?
Damon: Sore
Alaric: Yeah. That Elijah's one scary dude but with nice hair. Hey. You want another one?
(Damon gives him his glass. Alaric goes to the bar)
Damon: He's gonna be hard to k*ll
Alaric: Yeah. I'd think twice before I'd trust that dagger and some ashes to do the job. You're gonna need more info
Damon: I'm out of sources
Alaric: What's up with you and this news chick?
(He gives the glass to Damon and sits down)
Damon: She's got spunk, huh?
Alaric: Just don't k*ll her, please
Damon: If I did, who would report her death?
Alaric: Just don't do it, all right? She's friends with Jenna, and it's bad enough that I'm lying to her about everything else. I hate the lies
(He looks at his phone)
Alaric: Oh, god. I got to go. I got to pick Jenna up. Don't worry. I'll, uh, show myself out
(He gets up)
Damon: Good luck
(Alaric leaves. Damon hears a noise so he to see what's going on. He finds Alaric with a stake on his stomach. He's bleeding. A Stevie jumps on him and puts a syringe of vervaine on his neck. Damon fights so Stevie has to put all the syringe. Damon falls on the floor)
Stevie: Whew! Damn, you're strong. It took the whole syringe
(Two werewolves enter and look at Alaric)
Stevie: Grab that one. He's d*ad
(Jules arrive)
Jules: Hi, Damon. Nice to see you again
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Elena and Stefan are in the hidden room. Elena finds a journal)
Elena: These must be the other Jonathan Gilbert journals. Jeremy had the one, but John said that there were others. His whole life's in here
Stefan: I'll go get the firewood. I'll let you have a moment
[Brady's SV]
(Brady is with Tyler. He looks at his phone)
Brady: We're good to go. You up for this?
(Tyler doesn't answer so Brady seats down in front of him)
Brady: These people have done nothing but lie to you. This girl that you've known since birth, she's with the vampires now, the ones who k*lled Mason. They're the enemy, and if they break that curse, well... all of us are as good as d*ad. Are you up for this?
Tyler: Yes
Brady: Good Because if you woos out, you're gonna have me to deal with, You got it?
[Gilbert's house]
(John is in the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of wine. Jenna enters the room)
John: Where's Elena?
Jenna: At the lake house for the weekend
John: With Stefan?
Jenna: Yes, with Stefan
John: And who gave her permission for that?
Jenna: I did. Until you get a lawyer, file for guardianship, it's my call, and there's nothing you can do about it
John: I always knew you were lax with them but I didn't think you were negligent
Jenna: She wanted to get away from you, ok, and so do I, so I'll be staying with Rick
John: Because he's such a great guy, right?
Jenna: You are on dangerous ground
John: He's a liar, Jenna
Jenna: What?
john: Did he ever tell you what happened to his wife?
Jenna: She died
John: Really? So they found her body?
Jenna: What are you saying?
John: Why don't you ask Rick? I'd love to hear his answer. Have a great night
(He leaves)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is sitting on a chair. He has chains all over him and an iron collar around his neck. His neck is bleeding. He looks at Alaric. He's d*ad but he wears his magical ring. Stevie has the chain so he can pull on the collar to hurt Damon)
Stevie: Morning, sunshine. I saw this movie once, some t*rture p*rn flick. Anyway, they had this collar device that was really cool, so I just modified it some with some wooden nails, and when I pull...
(He pull on the collar with the chain. Damon's hurt)
Jules: So I hear you have the moonstone
Damon: Oh, if you only knew the irony of this moment right now. Let me tell you how this is gonna go. You're gonna t*rture me, I don't talk, Someone loses a heart. Last time, it was your boy Mason
Jules: This time, it will be you
(She looks at Stevie and makes him a sign. Stevie pull on the collar)
[Caroline's House]
Caroline: How long is this gonna take?
Bonnie: I don't know. He's fighting me
(She has her hands on Lukas's head)
Luka: Please stop. Please
(He gets finally in trance)
Bonnie: There. All right. Why are you working with Elijah?
Luka: Klaus. We both want him d*ad
Bonnie: You want to k*ll Klaus, too. Why?
Luka: Because he has her and we have to get her away from him
Bonnie: Who… who are you talking about?
Luka: My sister
Bonnie: Sister? Why does he have her?
Luka: He's searching for a way to undo the curse without the doppelganger. He's forced generations of witches to help him for centuries
Bonnie: What has Elijah promised you?
Luka: If we help Elijah k*ll Klaus, He's promised to return her to us
Bonnie: And how do you k*ll Klaus? How do you k*ll an original vampire?
Luka: He'll k*ll me if I tell you. Don't make me
Jeremy: It's ok, Bonnie. We can find another way
Bonnie: No. How will you k*ll Klaus?
Luka: After the sacrifice, Klaus will be vulnerable, weak. It's our only chance
Caroline: After the sacrifice?
Bonnie: What do you mean, after?
Luka: Klaus will be vulnerable
Bonnie: But Elena will be d*ad
Luka: Yes. Elena has to die
Jeremy: No
(They all look at each other)
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Stefan goes in the garage to get some wood but he feels that someone's here so he turns himself. Brady's here and sh*ts him in the heart with a wooden b*llet. Tyler arrives)
Brady: Keep him down. If he moves... k*ll him
(He leaves. Tyler points the g*n toward Stefan. Stefan moves so he can look at him)
Tyler: Don't move!
Stefan: Just let me get the b*llet out It punctured my heart. I need to get it out. I'm not gonna fight you
Tyler: I don't think so
Stefan: Tyler, why are you doing this?
Tyler: I can't let you break the curse
Stefan: You know about the curse?
Tyler: You're liars, all of you
Stefan: No. I swear to you. We don't want to break the curse, Tyler. We don't want to do that
Tyler: Oh yeah? But I do. I can't be like this forever
Stefan: Tyler, I'm just trying to save Elena
Tyler: Elena will be fine!
Stefan: They didn't tell you that part, did they? Who are the liars now?
Tyler: Tell me what?
Stefan: In order to break the curse, Elena has to die
(Elena is in the house, looking outside)
Elena: Are you growing the trees out there? Stefan?
(Brady is outside. Elena takes a Kn*fe and goes outside)
Elena: Stefan, what are you doing out there?
(Brady catches her but she s*ab him, goes into the house and locks the door. Brady removes the Kn*fe and breaks the door. Elena goes upstairs)
Brady: I can smell you
(She removes her sweater, puts it on the bed and run. Brady goes upstairs and sees the sweater. Elena goes downstairs, in her parent's bedroom and hide. Brady goes in it and opens the hidden room but she's not here. When he turns himself, she drive a stake through his body and run. She takes the Kn*fe and run. He removes the stake. She runs outside. He follows her but Stefan rip his heart out. Elena rushes in his arms)
Stefan: It's OK. It's OK. You're OK. You're OK. You're all right. It's OK
(She sees Tyler)
Elena: Tyler?
Tyler: I didn't know what they were gonna do to you. I didn't. I just... I didn't want to be like this anymore. I'm sorry, Elena
(She goes toward him and embraces him)
Elena: It's okay
[Salvatore's House]
(Jules has a carabine in her hands)
Jules: You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body, maximum damage. Where's the moonstone?
Damon: Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it
Elijah: You looking for this?
(They all turn to look at him. He has the moonstone in his hands. He puts it on the bar)
Elijah: Go ahead. Take it
(One werewolf goes toward him but he rips his heart out. Two others come but he rip their hearts too. Jules leaves. Stevie tries to hide but Elijah goes toward him)
Elijah: What about you, sweetheart, hmm? You want to take a sh*t? Yes, no, yes? Where's the girl?
Damon: I don't know
Elijah: It doesn't really matter
(He punches Stevie in the face and kills him in the same time. He goes toward Damon and removes all the chains)
Elijah: So you realize this is the third time I've saved your life now?
(He takes the moonstone and leaves)
(Damon is on the phone with Bonnie)
Damon: So he planned to k*ll her all along
Bonnie: Yeah. The sacrifice is part of Elijah's plan
Damon: Got it loud and clear
(He hangs up. Alaric wakes up)
Damon: Finally. You missed all the fun
(Alaric's phone rings. He takes it. It's Jenna)
Jenna: There you are. Are you OK?
Alaric: Yeah, sorry. I… I… I've just been grading papers. Honestly, uh... I fell asleep. I'm sorry. Jenna, I'm a jerk
Jenna: No. It's fine. I'm just glad you're OK
Alaric: Sorry. Tomorrow I'm all yours, OK?
Jenna: Sure. Sounds great
Alaric: All right. Good night, Jenna
Jenna: Good night
(They hang up)
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Stefan is on the phone with Damon)
Damon: It was straight from the witch's mouth. He was gonna go through with the whole sacrifice. You should probably just keep her away a little longer
Stefan: Be careful. Try not to get yourself k*lled
Damon: Yeah. It's been a day for that
(He hangs up. Elena rejoins Stefan)
Stefan: That was, um…that was Damon. We need to talk
Elena: What is it?
Stefan: He learned that Elijah's planning for you to die in the sacrifice ritual
(She's not surprised)
Elena: I know the deal I made, Stefan. Elijah's very careful with his words. He promised to protect my friends. He never said a word about me
Stefan: You mean, you knew that you weren't gonna survive this?
Elena: If it comes down to the people that I love getting k*lled or me, I know what my choice is gonna be
Stefan: Elena, how…how could you stand out there earlier with me, talking about making plans for our future, when you don't even expect to have one?
Elena: I'm sorry, Stefan. I'm just trying to keep the people that I love safe. I'm trying to keep you safe
Stefan: No. What you're doing is you're being a martyr
Elena: How is that any different from when you say that you would die to keep me safe?
Stefan: Because I've already lived. 162 years I have lived, and you've barely g*n, and now you want to let yourself get k*lled? That's not heroic. It's tragic
(He looks at her and leaves)
[Caroline's house]
(Bonnie is alone with Jeremy)
Jeremy: So will Luka remember anything?
Bonnie: No. He'll know he lost consciousness, that's all
Jeremy: Should we wait for Caroline?
Bonnie: She was just gonna drop Luka back at the Grill. Said to lock the door on our way out
Jeremy: Yeah. Well, I hope she drops him hard
Bonnie: Wait. You're Elena's little brother, I've known you forever. You're that punk kid. I remember your awkward phase and then your emo phase, Your druggie phase and overnight, you turned into this hot guy who's really sweet and…
Jeremy: You think I'm hot?
Bonnie: With everything that's going on, you know, curses and sacrifice...
Jeremy: Enough already
(They kiss)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Carol is turning out the lights when she hears a noise)
Carol: Hello? Hello?
(She finds a letter from Tyler)
[Mystic grill]
(Tyler rejoins Matt)
Tyler: Matt
Matt: I'm not in the mood, man
Tyler: I need to say something
Matt: All right. Say it
Tyler: I've been going through a rough time, something I can't really talk about, and Caroline's been helping me through it. She's been there for me more than anyone's ever been there my entire life, and I kind of fell for her. I don't know how anyone wouldn't because she's pretty incredible. But she loves you, and she needs you and to be honest, she deserves someone like you. So you be good to her, OK?
Matt: Yeah, man. Of course
Tyler: See you around, Matt
Matt: Yeah
(Tyler leaves)
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline is in her bedroom but she feels that someone's here so she goes toward the main door)
Caroline: Mom?
(She looks outside but doesn't see anybody. Tyler's here, looking at her. Then he leaves and rejoins Jules to her car)
Tyler: I'm sorry about Brady and your friends but if I'm gonna go with you, no more lies
Jules: No more lies. You're doing the right thing
Tyler: I can't stay here, not like this
(They leave) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x14 - Crying Wolf"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Elena is reading Jonathan Gilbert's journal)
[Gilbert's house]
(Jonathan is eating with Honoria Fell and a man)
Jonathan: With the dying embers of the f*re at Fell's church, the scourge of the vampires had passed. And though w*r raged all around us, our town was safe from the demons of the night... Or so we thought. For the monsters we drove to their fiery deaths had begat new monsters.
(They hear a noise)
Honoria: Did you hear that?
(Thomas looks trough the window and takes a Kn*fe)
Thomas: Stay here
Honoria: No, Thomas
Thomas: It's all right, dear, the vampires are all d*ad
Jonathan: Yes, Honoria... they b*rned in the church. We're safe now
(Thomas leaves)
Honoria: Please, Jonathan. I'm worried
Jonathan: Very well. I shall go too
(He rejoins Thomas outside)
(Thomas is outside looking around him. Jonathan rejoins him)
Jonathan: I can prove there are no vampires
(He takes the magical compass but he doesn't react)
Jonathan: See?
(Suddenly the compass works showing that there is a vampire. When he turns himself, Thomas is gone)
Jonathan: Thomas? Thomas?!
(Thomas body falls on the floor. Honoria gets out of the house)
Honoria: Thomas!
Jonathan: No, stay inside! Get back in the house!
(The vampires kills her and goes toward Jonathan)
Jonathan: I knew I was about to die. You can not run from a vampire. I saw the vampire who k*lled me. I recognized him. Stefan Salvatore
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Elena is surprised. And look at Stefan through the window)
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Stefan is outside, looking at the lake. His phone rings. He answers)
Stefan: What's going on?
Damon: Well, I showered. I shaved. Had breakfast. Very relaxed
Stefan: That makes one of us
Damon: I did hear one piece of good news though. Tyler Lockwood ran away from home last night.
Stefan: How do you know?
Damon: Well, I heard it from sheriff Forbes, who heard it from a very distraught Carol Lockwood, thus, ending our werewolf chapter, bringing us to...
Stefan: ...k*lling Elijah
Damon: Exactly
Stefan: Well, it's not going to be easy. He's crafty
Damon: Well, I've got a crafty little dagger
Stefan: He's an Original. We don't know what all that encompasses
Damon: Oh, trust me, Stefan. I'm gonna dot all my t's. I don't want any surprises
Stefan: Wow, Damon, tell me you're actually gonna be careful for once
Damon: Yes, Stefan, I've become you. How tragic for both of us. Got to run. I've a m*rder to plan. Busy day
(He hangs up)
[Somewhere in Mystic Falls]
(Elijah and Jenna are walking)
Jenna: The old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence
Elijah: Ah, the Fells... one of the Founding Families
Jenna: Why do you say it like that?
Elijah: My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier. It was a migration of townsfolk from the northeast, um, it was Salem, to be precise
Jenna: Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?
Elijah: Which means the ever lauded founding families... They didn't actually found anything
Jenna: Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860. Men are very territorial
Elijah: Yes, they are
(Alaric rejoins them)
Jenna: Elijah, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman
Alaric: Yeah, I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines. I thought I would tag along. You know being a history buff and all. Where to next?
Elijah: I'm pretty curious about the freed sl*ve property owners. Some say, you know, the descendents of the slaves are the true keepers of American history
Jenna: Well, I only brought the surveys. I got the list in the car. just give me a sec
(She goes to her car leaving them alone)
Elijah: Alaric Saltzman. So you're one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect
Alaric: So is Jenna
Elijah: You don't have to be jealous. I don't really pursue younger women. It's a joke, Ric, lighten up
Alaric: Right
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy arrives and sees Bonnie. He smiles and rejoins her)
Jeremy: Hey, whatcha doin'?
Bonnie: Thinking about last night
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. Me, too
Bonnie: It was a tough spell. I could feel it draining me. I need practice
Jeremy: Yeah, well, uh, maybe, I don't know… Maybe you should come over tonight. We can practice. Get stronger
Bonnie: Yeah, sure. Thanks
(He sees Luka coming toward us)
Jeremy: Ah, incoming
Luka: You want to tell me what the hell happened yesterday?
Bonnie: Sorry?
Luka: Don't play dumb. You both were here and...
Jeremy: And?
Luka: And that's all I remember. One minute I'm playing pool and the next I'm waking up in a bathroom stall
Bonnie: Sorry, Luka, but everything seemed normal yesterday. I brought you a coffee and we played pool
Luka: See, I think you're lying
(Jeremy gets up)
Jeremy: And I think you need to back off
(Luka looks at them and leaves)
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Stefan enters while Elena is reading Jonathan Gilbert's journal)
Elena: Are you still mad?
Stefan: Yeah, I'm still mad
Elena: We had a difference of opinion, Stefan, we're not always gonna agree on everything
Stefan: Elena, you've agreed to sacrifice yourself to Klaus. To say that we have a difference of opinion is the understatement of the century
Elena: You would know
(He looks at the journal)
Stefan: What does Jonathan Gilbert have to say?
Elena: A lot. It's insane the things he wrote in his journal that he kept from the founding families. Stuff that nobody knows. Stuff that... You never told me
Stefan: We were, uh... We were angry at the founding families for what they did to Katherine. We wanted revenge. I didn't know about Jonathan Gilbert's ring yet. I didn't know that he would... that he would survive
Elena: He describes you as a monster
Stefan: That's what I was. I want you to know the truth... But I want you to hear it from me. In the weeks after I became a vampire, I relished in it. I took it to the darkest place I could
(Stefan is drinking blood from a woman, she's d*ad. Two women are dancing)
Stefan: Who wants to die next?
Woman 1: Me, I'm next
Woman 2: Me, you promised me
(He looks at the woman who's playing piano)
Stefan: What about you? You know if you don't pick up the tempo, you're going to lose your head. Snap. Snap
(He rushes over one of the women and drinks her blood. Damon arrives)
Damon: Company, brother?
Stefan: I brought enough to share
Damon: Are you mad bringing them here when the entire town is hunting us?
Stefan: Damon, if you're worried about the founding families, please don't be. They're all d*ad or about to be
(Damon rushes over one of the women and compels her)
Damon: Leave this place. Never think of it again
(He compels the other)
Damon: Same for you. Leave this place. Never think of it again
Stefan: Damon, don't be like this. I'm just having some fun
Damon: Staying alive is more fun, Stefan. We have to be more careful than this. More clever. Like Katherine was
Stefan: Look what that got her
Damon: I'm done here. With you. I'm leaving town
Stefan: You hate me. I know. I know. An eternity of misery and on and on. I know, but you don't have to leave town. Damon, I'll do better. I promise
Damon: No, you will get us k*lled. I'd rather leave you to do that to yourself.
(He leaves)
[Gilbert's lake house]
Stefan: I wasn't myself then. I was full of guilt. What I did to my father, to my brother. I had to turn it off. It was the only way I could survive
Elena: It sounds like you were Damon
Stefan: I was worse
[Mystic Grill]
(Alaric, Damon and Andie are at a table)
Damon: Other than the lecture on the history of Mystic Falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?
Alaric: No, it was boring. Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming
Damon: You sounded jealous. Sound a bit jealous?
Andie: Kinda do
Alaric: Maybe we shouldn't talk about this here
(He looks at Andie)
Damon: Andie, she's been compelled not to divulge my secrets. Haven't you?
Andie: Uh-huh. Mmm. My lips are sealed
(Damon and her kiss. Alaric looks at them)
Alaric: This is too weird
Damon: I just need the right opportunity
(He sees Jenna and Elijah)
Damon: Ah, there's Jenna with her new boyfriend. Hi
(Elijah and Jenna rejoin them)
Jenna: Hey, guys
Damon: So I hear you two had quite a meeting of historical minds today
Jenna: Yeah, I guess you could say that.
Alaric: Well, as much as I'd love to continue this, I've got papers to grade
(He gets up)
Andie: No, you know what? We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party
Damon: Ooh, my girl. Full of good ideas. I'll be happy to host. Say tonight. Maybe?
Andie: It's good for me. Jenna?
Alaric: I don't know if tonight works...
Jenna: I'm free
Elijah: It'd be a pleasure
Damon: Great
[The tomb]
(Katherine's body is desiccated. Damon gives her blood)
Damon: Great. Drink up. Good girl
(She drinks)
Damon: I've come bearing gifts. I didn't have time to properly shop, but I did get a couple of things. Hmm?
(He gives her some clothes. Katherine's normal again thanks to the blood)
Damon: Wow, that blood did the trick. You're almost pretty again
Katherine: What is it you want, Damon?
Damon: Guess who's back in town? Your old friend, John Gilbert
Katherine: Really. Why?
Damon: Says he loves his daughter, Wants to protect her from Elijah and big, bad Klaus
Katherine: Touching
(She gets up and takes a jacket from the clothes Damon brought)
Damon: Yeah, right. He told me this old wives tale about how to k*ll an Original
Katherine: And you want to know if it's true. If it was, I wouldn't tell you
Damon: Now, why not? I mean, you want Elijah and Klaus d*ad as much as I do
Katherine: Klaus, yes. Elijah, no. He's compelled me to stay in here. If he dies, I'm stuck forever
Damon: Sucks for you
Katherine: Forget it, Damon. k*lling Elijah would be a su1c1de mission. You can't do it
Damon: Can so
Katherine: Can't
Damon: Even with a dagger and a little white oak ash?
(She seems surprised)
Katherine: No. Damon, if you k*ll Elijah, then I'm stuck in here forever
Damon: You're really scared
Katherine: Just get me out of here first and then I'll help you. I'll... I'll help you k*ll Elijah or... or protect Elena. Whatever you want
Damon: I get you out of here and your ass is sipping Klaus-free margaritas on some unknown island somewhere. No way
Katherine: That's not true. I'll stay. Damon, please just don't do it
Damon: Well, thank you, you've told me everything I need to know
Katherine: I've told you nothing
Damon: You have. You have indeed confirmed that it is possible to k*ll an Original, which I will do tonight. Guess who's coming to dinner?
[Gilbert's lake house]
stefan: For weeks I kept spiraling. I was completely driven by the desire for blood. Hunt, prey, k*ll. That was all I knew
Elena: How come no one caught on to what you were doing?
Stefan: Mmm. There was a w*r going on. The thing about wartime. Endless, anonymous blood supply
[The woods]
(Stefan is drinking blood on a d*ad man when he sees a woman. he follows her and turns around her to finally jumps on her. but she turns herself above him. Her face has changed. It's Lexi)
Lexi: Ah! What kind of an idiot are you?
[Gilbert's lake house]
Stefan: Alexia Branson, as she was known back then
Elena: Lexi? Your best friend Lexi? That's how you met her? What was she even doing in Mystic Falls?
Stefan: She had heard it was a good place for vampires. You know, had no idea that they'd all been massacred. Needed a place to crash, so I brought her home with me
(Lexi and Stefan enter the Salvatore's house)
Lexi: I'd say it isn't necessary to take me in, but you did try to eat me and well, with dawn coming, beggars can't be choosers. Or should they be?
(She sees girl's bodies)
Stefan: I, um...I meant to dispose of those
Lexi: My God, you're a ripper
Stefan: A what?
Lexi: There are good parts of being a vampire and there are bad parts. You're the bad parts. Well... we're going to have to change that
[Gilbert's lake house]
Elena: Are you okay?
Stefan: Talking about her brings up things I'd rather forget
Elena: Like Damon k*lling her?
[Salvatore's house]
(Jenna and Andie are preparing the table for the dinner)
Andie: So what's going on with you and Alaric? I feel like there's some tension
Jenna: I don't know. I really like him. It's more than like and I want it to work, but I can't help but feel that he's hiding something from me. And then I've got John whispering things in my ear about him
Andie: Like what?
Jenna: Things I don't want to believe. Things I don't believe, not if they're coming from John's mouth
Andie: Oh. Well, there you go, then. Trust is the key to any relationship. I mean, I am so grateful that Damon tells me everything
(Damon and Alaric are in the library)
Alaric: This is a bad idea
Damon: There's no such thing as a bad idea. Just poorly ex*cuted awesome ones. Here
(He gives him a glass of scotch)
Alaric: No. I don't like the idea of Elijah being in the same house with Jenna
Damon: Jenna's perfectly safe. Besides, it's just a fact-finding mission. It's totally harmless
Alaric: Just a fact-finding mission
Damon: Yeah
Alaric: Listen, no sneak att*cks. No surprise plans. Nothing that's gonna put Jenna in harm's way. Ok?
Damon: Scout's honor
(Andie arrives)
Andie: Hey, Jenna needs help with the wine
(Alaric leaves to help Jenna. Damon waits for him to be gone and then opens a wooden box from which he takes the dagger and the white oak ash)
Andie: What's that?
Damon: Dessert
(He puts some of the ash on the dagger)
Damon: Elijah's stronger than me. Faster than me. It's all about the element of surprise
Andie: Ah, it's too bad. I like him. He's very old-school. Classy
Damon: Which is why you should encourage the gentlemen to take their after dinner drinks in here while you do coffee in the kitchen with the girls
(He hides the dagger with the glasses)
Andie: Hmm. That is a little too sexist for me
Damon: Stop talking
(The ring bells. Jenna opens the door. It's John. Damon rejoins them)
Jenna: Who invited him?
Damon: John! Surprise... Leave
John: When Jenna told me she was coming to a dinner party for Elijah, I decided I couldn't miss out on all the fun and games
Alaric: There are not going to be any games tonight, John. It's just a friendly dinner party
Damon: What he said
[Gilbert's house]
(Jeremy opens the door to Bonnie)
Jeremy: Hey
Bonnie: Hey
(He takes her bag)
Bonnie: Thanks. That thing weighs a ton. I'm starving. You guys have any... food?
(She enters the house and sees a lot of candles in the living room)
Bonnie: Oh, God. Heh! This is a date
Jeremy: No, no it's not like a date, date. More of a hey, I kissed you, and I thought you liked it, um... hang thing
Bonnie: Jeremy, I need to make sure Elena is cool with this before anything else happens
Jeremy: I didn't realize my sister had approval over who I'm with
Bonnie: She's my best friend, I tell her everything and this whole hang thing might freak her out
Jeremy: All right, all right, so we'll, um... We'll hang out, eat some food, work on some spells. It's not a big deal. But you did... You did like it, right?
(She smiles)
Bonnie: Yeah. I liked it
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon opens the door. It's Elijah)
Elijah: Good evening
Damon: Thank you for coming. Please, come in
Elijah: Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have anything less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider
Damon: No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just getting to know you
Elijah: Hmm. Well, that's good. Because, you know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me, I'll k*ll you and I'll k*ll everyone in this house. Are we clear?
Damon: Crystal
(Elijah sees Jenna, smiles and rejoins her in the house)
Elijah: Jenna. Wonderful to see you again. How are you? Nice to see you. You look incredible
Jenna: Thank you
(They are all sitting around the table for the dinner)
Jenna: I hate to break it to you, Damon, but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town
Damon: Hmm, do tell
Elijah: Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution
Jenna: Hmm. Because they were witches
Andie: Yeah, but there's no tangible proof there were witches in Salem
Damon: Andie's a journalist. Big on facts
Elijah: Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, b*rned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the f*re. Could you pass the...
Jenna: I wouldn't repeat this to the Historical Society
John: It's starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me
Damon: So why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?
Elijah: You know... a healthy historian's curiosity, of course
Damon: Of course
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Stefan rejoins Elena. She's reading one of Jonathan's Gilbert journal)
Elena: Jonathan Gilbert got crazier and crazier. I guess that's what happens when you spend your life obsessed with vampires
(She takes another journal and starts reading)
Elena: He researched the Originals
Stefan: You're kidding
(He rejoins her on the couch)
Elena: Later in life, Look
(She shows him the journal)
Elena: Pages and pages of questions and scribbles. What's that?
(She shows him a drawing of a dagger ans starts reading out loud)
Elena: "The wood from one tree and one tree alone, an ancient white oak would bring death to an Original vampire. When the tree b*rned, all hope was thought lost." He was trying to figure out how to k*ll an Original
(She reads out loud again)
Elena: "But the ash from the tree was saved and witches forged a dagger to which the ash could be bonded. This alchemic bond provides the necessary poison"
Stefan: Elena...
Elena: I wonder if this is true. I mean, do you think this dagger actually exists?
Stefan: I know it does... Because John gave it to Damon
Elena: John gave Damon the w*apon that's supposed to k*ll Elijah? This one?
(She reads out load again)
Elena: "It must be brandished by humans alone, for it will bring death to all demons who wield it"
Stefan: John's trying to get Damon k*lled
(Stefan rushes toward his phone)
[Salvatore's house]
Damon: Does anyone care for some cognac? I have a bottle I've been saving for ages
Alaric: None for me thanks. Nine bottles of wine is my limit
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Stefan is calling Damon but he doesn't answer)
Stefan: Why is your phone off? Call me
Elena: What's going on, Stefan?
Stefan: Damon is planning on k*lling Elijah. Tonight
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon looks at Andie)
Andie: The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study
Elijah: I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company
Andie: I like you
(Jenna gives some plates to John)
Jenna: Here you are, gentleman, make yourself useful. Hmm?
Alaric: Here, here. Put me to work
Jenna: Um, I got it
Alaric: Hey, Jenna, are you... are you ok?
Jenna: Yeah, fine, Ric
(She leaves. John looks at him)
John: I suspect this is my fault
(Alaric grabs him)
Alaric: What did you do now?
John: I merely mentioned you haven't been completely honest with her about your d*ad wife
Alaric: You son of bitch
John: I think I've been very clear with you, Ric. I want my ring back
(he leaves. Alaric's phone rings. He takes it)
Alaric: Hello. Slow down. Slow down. Stefan?
(Damon and Alaric are in the library)
Damon: So, let me guess. In addition to the moonstone, the doppelganger, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, you need to find this witch burial ground
Elijah: Because I feel as though we've grown so close, Damon, I'll tell you yes. Do you know where it is?
Damon: Maybe. Tell me why it's so important
(He gives a glass of scotch to Elijah)
Elijah: We're not that close
(He looks at the books)
Elijah: It's quite a collection you have here
Damon: Hmm
Elijah: It's a funny thing about books. Before they existed, people actually had memories
(Damon takes the dagger but Alaric and Andie interrupt them so he hides the dagger again)
Alaric: Gentlemen, we forgot about dessert
Andie: Elijah
Elijah: Miss Star...
(He leaves with her. Alaric write on a paper that if he uses the dagger, he'll die with Elijah)
(Andie and Elijah rejoin Jenna and John)
Jenna: Sorry, guys, dessert is taking longer than I thought. I usually just unwrap food
Andie: So... I know this is a social thing, but I... I would really love to ask you some more questions about the work that you're doing here
Elijah: I'd love to answer
Andie: Great, that's so great
(Damon and Alaric rejoin them)
Andie: Ric, would you do me a favor and grab the notebook out of my bag?
Damon: Elijah, did John tell you he's Elena's uncle/father?
Elijah: Yes, I'm well aware of that
Damon: Of course, she hates him, so there's absolutely no need to keep him on the endangered species list
(John looks at him. Alaric doesn't find Andie's notebook)
Andie: Ric, it's in the front pocket. On the... you know what? Excuse me, guys. Sorry
(She rejoins Alaric)
John: What I'd like to know, Elijah, is how do you intend on k*lling Klaus?
Elijah: Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now. I allow you to live solely to keep on eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again
(Andie comes back with her notebook)
Andie: Ok. My first question is when you got here to Mystic...
(alaric arrives and drives the dagger through Elijah's heart. He's d*ad. Everyone's surprised)
Alaric: Now, get rid of him before Jenna comes back with dessert
Damon: All right
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Elena is outside. Stefan rejoins her)
Stefan: Elena, we need to talk about this
Elena: What good is talking if you and Damon are just gonna lie to me? If you don't like my decisions, that's fine. There's nothing I can do about that but if you ever go behind my back again, I'll...
Stefan: you're gonna what? Hmm? What are you gonna do, Elena?
Elena: It's my life
Stefan: Yeah, exactly. It's your life and I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure that you live it
Elena: Then what? This... this... this trip through the past. You being honest. Was there any truth to that or were you just distracting me?
Stefan: I was telling you about a time when I thought everything was lost. When I had given up because that's exactly what you're doing right now
Elena: That is not what...
Stefan: Yes, it is! Even if you don't want to admit it. You are giving up... and Lexi? she wouldn't let me give up. I'm not gonna let you
(Stefan and Lexi are surrounded by d*ad soldiers. They're walking)
Lexi: All of these men are d*ad or dying. What does that make you feel?
Stefan: Nothing. I feel nothing
Lexi: Because you shut out the part of you that was human. The part that lets you feel
Stefan: Is that not the point?
Lexi: Well, there is a better way. You simply have to want it
Stefan: Is it better?
Lexi: Not at first. You can't choose what you feel. You have to let it all back in. The pain and the look in their eyes when you took their life. The cries of their loved ones
Stefan: Why would I want to do that? Hmm?
Lexi: Because once you can hurt, you can love. Love, Stefan. That's the point. Everything is intensified when you're a vampire. When we hurt, we really hurt. But when we love...
[Gilbert's lake house]
Stefan: Lexi showed me that there was another way. And from that day forward, I started fighting for it. For my own survival. That's all I want you to do. I just want you to fight for it
[Salvatore's house]
(Alaric and Damon are in the cellar with Elijah's body)
Alaric: Now, you said there wasn't going to be any v*olence
Damon: Says the guy that did all the k*lling
Alaric: Hey, I took the sh*t because I saw an opening, not because I planned to do this with Jenna in the house. Now, you can't lie to me like that. Hey, I am your friend, damn it. And you don't have any friends. So, no more lying
(Damon nodds and leaves)
[Gilbert's lake house]
Stefan: Elijah's d*ad. Alaric did it
Elena: Originals believed in truth and honor. It was forbidden for a vampire to k*ll another vampire. So, the dagger would take both lives. And as long as the dagger stays in place, the Original, for all intents and purposes, is d*ad
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon rushes in the cellar but Elijah's gone)
[Jonas and Luka's appartment]
(Elijah opens the door. He has blood on his chemise)
Jonas: What happened?
Elijah: I need you to find Elena. Now
[Gilbert's house]
(Bonnie is practicing on candles)
Jeremy: Ah... now, that is cool. How does it work?
Bonnie: It's called channeling. Siphoning power from something... another witch... the Moon, an element
Jeremy: So, technically, you could channel me
Bonnie: What?
Jeremy: Well, I'm an element, sort of. I mean, isn't... isn't the human body mostly water?
Bonnie: You're right. Let's... see what happens
(They get closer and she puts her hand on his chest but suddenly Jonas arrives)
Jeremy: What the hell are you doing here?
(Jonas throws him on the wall with his powers)
Bonnie: Jeremy!
Jonas: What did my son tell you? What did he tell you?
Bonnie: He told me about your daughter. I know Klaus has her and I want to help you get her back. But i want us to work together. Please
(He grabs her face)
Jonas: This is for your own good
(He cast a spell)
Bonnie: No! No. No!
(He releases her. She's crying)
Jonas: If any harm comes to my son because of what you did, you will answer to me
(He leaves and realeases jeremy from the wall. Jeremy rushes over Bonnie)
Jeremy: You ok? It's ok. What happened?
Bonnie: He took my powers
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Elijah arrives at the house. He grabs some rocks. Elena and Stefan are outside. Stefan hears something)
Stefan: He's here
(Elijah throws the rocks on the door. She explodes. Elena and Stefan are inside)
Elena: You have to go. I need to talk to him alone
Stefan: Elena...
Elena: Stefan, I'm ok. He can't come in the house
(Elijah gets closer to the house)
Elijah: You know, I might not be able to enter this house... But I'm a very patient man. I'll wait you out
(Elena goes at the door but stays inside)
Elena: They shouldn't have done what they did
Elijah: The deal is off
Elena: I'm renegotiating
Elijah: You have nothing left to negotiate with
(She has a Kn*fe in her hands. She shows it to him)
Elena: I'd like to see you lure Klaus into Mystic Falls after the doppelganger bleeds to death
Elijah: Stefan won't let you die
Elena: No, he won't. He'll feed me his blood to heal me, and then I'll k*ll myself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did. So unless you want that to happen again, promise me the same as before... promise me... You won't harm anyone that I love. Even if they've harmed you
Elijah: I'm sorry, Elena. I'm going to have to call your bluff
(She s*ab herself in the stomach. She's bleeding. Elijah rushes over her but he can't get in)
Elijah: No! Yes. Yes, you can have your deal. Let me heal you
Elena: Give me your word!
Elijah: I give you my word!
(She goes outide and goes in his arms. He takes her in his arms but she kills him with the dagger. he falls on the floor. He's d*ad. Elena falls on the floor too. She's bleeding. Stefan rushes over her and gives her his blood. Damon rejoins them)
Damon: Little tip. Don't pull the dagger out
[Gilbert's house]
(Alaric rejoins Jenna in the kitchen)
Alaric: Where did John disappear to?
Jenna: Maybe the same place the rest of the dinner party ran off to
Alaric: Look, Jenna, I'm, uh... I'm so sorry tonight was...
Jenna: what happened to Isobel?
Alaric: You know, John should have never brought that up
Jenna: That's not an answer
Alaric: He's just trying to stir up trouble
Jenna: That's not an answer, either
Alaric: I can't talk about this, Jenna
Jenna: I keep thinking that maybe it's me. Maybe I'm reading into things. I should trust you. That's what a relationship is about, right? But then I think that maybe John is right and maybe you're not being honest with me. So... are you being honest?
(He doesn't answer. She cries)
Jenna: Right, ok. ...that was an answer
(She leaves. John enters the kitchen)
John: Well, that was awkward. You know, I can clear all this stuff up about Isobel tomorrow, if you want Or not
(He takes the magical ring off)
Alaric: You want it? Take it. It's yours
(He puts the ring on the table and smiles)
Alaric: And after what you did to Damon... You're gonna need it more than me
(He leaves)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon, Stefan and Elena are in the cellar with Elijah's body. Damon search on him and finds the moonstone)
Damon: Uhh! What do we have here? A little moonstone bar of soap. I'll hold on to this
Elena: So, that's it. I mean, as long as we keep the dagger in there, then he stays d*ad
Damon: Pretty much
Elena: Ok, then... Good night. You know, you guys want me to fight, fine, I'll fight. But if we're gonna do this, you can't keep anything from me anymore. From this moment on, we're doing it my way
Damon: That seems fair
(She looks at Stefan)
Stefan: Okay
Elena: Okay
(She leaves)
Damon: Seems like she's had a change of attitude. How did you get through to her?
Stefan: I told her a little story about when I was making the wrong decisions and somebody showed me there was a better way
Damon: Lexi?
Stefan: Yeah. You remember her?
(Damon is leaving. Lexi intecepts him)
Lexi: Going somewhere?
Damon: You must be the vampire I hear my brother complaining about
Lexi: That would be me. And you must be the brother who hates him
Damon: We are at irreparable odds
Lexi: You know the hate you're feeling towards Stefan? Towards everyone? You think you have it under control but you don't. It will get the best of you
Damon: Help him. He needs it
Lexi: I'll help him
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon goes in his bedroom and hears someone in the shower)
Damon: Andie? I thought you left
(He goes to the shower and when he sees that's Katherine, he's stunned)
Katherine: Hello, Damon. Hey, do you have a robe?
Damon: How did you get out?
Katherine: I knew that if I begged you not to k*ll Elijah, that's exactly what you'd do. Little known fact... Originals can compel vampires. But as soon as they die, the compulsion wears off
Damon: And you knew
Katherine: And I'm still here. I didn't run. I meant what I said to him, Damon. I'm going to help you
(She's naked)
Katherine: So... How about that robe?
THE END | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x15 - The Dinner Party"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena and Stefan are in Stefan's bedroom, preparing for school)
Elena: Stefan, we're late for school Stefan: Let's be later Elena: Stefan, it's school. Remember, that thing that we keep forgetting about?
Stefan: School?
(He kisses her)
Stefan: Doesn't ring a bell
(He kisses her, carries her and lays her on the bed)
Elena: Stefan! Ok, 5 minutes, only 5 minutes
(They kiss)
(Elena is dressed, she's putting her coat. Damon is reading one of Jonathan Gilbert's journal)
Elena: Good morning, Damon
(He looks at her and pushes her against the wall)
Damon: What are you doing here? I told you to leave
Elena: What is your problem?
Damon: You're wearing her clothes? Like that's going to work
Elena: You think I'm Katherine? Why would you think that? Katherine's in a tomb! Isn't she?
(He realeases her. Stefan arrives)
Stefan: What the hell's going on here?
Elena: I don't know, you tell me. Is Katherine in the tomb or not?
(Stefan rushes over Elena and pushes her against the wall)
Elena: What are you doing?!
Stefan: How could you do this?!
Elena: Stefan, you're hurting me!
Stefan: Stop it, Katherine!
Katherine: Stop what? It's getting really easy being you
(Katherine is here. She was posing as Elena with Damon)
(Damon is here too)
Elena: What is she doing here?
Damon: When we k*lled Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb
Stefan: How's that possible?
Katherine: He's an Original. They have all sorts of special skills
Elena: I don't want you here. Get her out of here
Katherine: You need me, Elena. You all do
Stefan: Like hell
Katherine: We all want the same thing... Klaus d*ad. Yet here you all are, running around like chickens with their heads cut off
Elena: I don't need your help and I don't want it
Katherine: And that's incredibly stupid of you. You know where Klaus is? When he's coming, what he looks like?
Damon: If you know something, say it or get out
Katherine: Fine. Then I'll just go to the grill and have some lunch... maybe Aunt Jenna's free for a bite
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Matt is putting adds for the grill on the walls. Caroline rejoins him)
Caroline: Hey, Matt
Matt: Hey
Caroline: Live band?
Matt: Yeah, business has been a little slow. The grill's trying to stay afloat
Caroline: Aren't we all?
Matt: Have you heard from Tyler?
Caroline: Not a peep. You?
Matt: No, not since he stopped by the grill to talk, and I've left messages on his cell phone
Caroline: He stopped by to see you? What did he say?
Matt: Not much, really. I mean... I think to say good-bye without really saying good-bye. I just didn't know
Caroline: And that's all he said?
Matt: Yeah. Yeah, that's all he said, Caroline. Why? I mean, is there something you want to tell me?
Caroline: Yeah! I... I mean, no, I... it's just not that easy
Matt: I don't get it! Since when have I been the one that can express himself and you're one with a loss for words?
Caroline: No, you're right, and I'm sorry
Matt: You know how I feel. So it's your move. Just make a decision or leave me alone
(He leaves)
(Elena and Stefan are in the parking lot. They go out of Stefan's car)
Elena: Why is she still here? She was free
Stefan: She wants what we want... Klaus's death. Maybe she sees us as her only chance
Elena: Or maybe she's trying to lure you and Damon back into her web. I want her gone
Stefan: So do I. But you're right, she's staying. Shouldn't we at least try to figure out why?
Elena: How? All she does is lie
Stefan: Look, I hate it as much as you do, but she does make a point. We don't know anything about Klaus. She does
Elena: Right, but that doesn't mean I want her shacking up with you
(He embraces her)
Stefan: Maybe we should stay at your place tonight
Elena: Hmm, I can't. I told Bonnie and Caroline that they could come over. Bonnie's freaked because she lost her powers and Caroline's having Matt drama again. It's kind of a girls' night. Maybe Katherine can join us
(He kisses her on the forehead and they leaves)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is trying to burn Elijah's body but it doesn't work. Katherine rejoins him)
Katherine: Mmm, burning flesh. If you're trying to get the dagger back, you're wasting your time. He's indestructible
Damon: No kidding. How do you know so much about Original vampires?
Katherine: Spend 500 years running from one
Damon: So when I told you my plan to k*ll Elijah, why didn't you warn me that I'd die if I used a dagger on him?
Katherine: Oh, there's so many rules. It's all very confusing
Damon: Did you know I would die?
Katherine: Did Elijah tell you his plan? Did he have a dagger to k*ll Klaus with?
Damon: Why are you still here?
Katherine: Because you haven't forcibly removed me
(He thr*at to burn her)
Katherine: You wouldn't
Damon: Oh, I would
Katherine: Damon, be smart. I want Klaus d*ad just as much as you do. More. If I wasn't be honest about helping, I'd be long gone by now, ok? You can hate me. But we want the same thing. And you know... I always get what I want
(He doensn't thr*at her anymore. She's about to leave)
Katherine: Didn't matter who paid the price. Of course I knew that you'd die
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Stefan is with Bonnie and Jeremy)
Bonnie: She's out of the tomb?
Stefan: Yeah. We're dealing with it, all right? Just be extra careful. She's getting a little too good at impersonating Elena
Jeremy: With Katherine still around, we gotta find a way to get your powers back
Stefan: Listen, I want to get the Martins on our side. I want to figure out a way for us all to work together now that Elijah's out of the picture
Bonnie: It's impossible. They hate us
Stefan: It's either win them over or somebody's going to end up d*ad. You think you can at least convince them to have a civil conversation?
Bonnie: I'll try
Stefan: Thanks. Keep me posted
(He leaves)
Bonnie: Ok. I gotta get to class
Jeremy: All right, I'll see ya
(He tries to kiss her but she laughs)
Jeremy: Come on. Elena's nowhere in sight
(She kisses him)
Bonnie: I'll tell her soon. I promise
Jeremy: Alright
(Alaric is in his classroom with Elena)
Alaric: It was bad. You know, John planted all these seeds about Isobel and now Jenna knows I'm lying about something
Elena: John's going to end up d*ad on the kitchen floor if he's not careful
Alaric: Yeah, well, easier said than done. I gave him back his ring so... Look, Jenna keeps asking about Isobel. You know, was she m*rder? Why haven't they found the body? I mean, how much longer can she stay in the dark?
Elena: You think we should tell her the truth?
Alaric: I'm saying I can't be with her and not tell her. It's not fair to her, and it's not the kind of relationship I want. Not to mention it's becoming more dangerous for her not to know
Elena: I just thought that we'd at least hold off until after we've dealt with Klaus. You know, and even then, how do we tell someone what we know? How does someone hear that?
Alaric: Look, I'm sorry to put this on you. But I feel it's your decision to make. And whatever you decide to do, I'll respect it. I want to be honest with her. But until then, Jenna and I are done
[Mystic Grill]
(Jonas and Luka rejoin Stefan and Bonnie)
Stefan: Thank you for coming
Jonas: I didn't want to but my son made a case to hear you out
Luka: Bonnie said that you have information about Elijah
(Stefan looks at Bonnie)
Stefan: Elijah's d*ad. I'm sorry
(Jonas and Luka look at Bonnie and Jonas gets up but Stefan catches his shoulder)
Stefan: Hear me out. We can help you
Bonnie: We know that Klaus has your daughter. I'm sorry about the way I had to get that information, but it's good that we know. We can all work together to get her back
Luka: How?
Stefan: I suspect that you and Elijah had a plan to k*ll Klaus. I'll just help you carry it out. You can trust us. I give you my word. We all do
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is in the living room, organizating Jonathan Gilbert's journals. Katherine rejoins him)
Katherine: What you up to?
Damon: None of your business
Katherine: We're pouting now? Are those the Gilbert journals?
(He doesn't answer)
Katherine: How am I supposed to help you if you won't tell me what you're up to?
Damon: Can you tell me where a bunch of witches were massacred in this town a couple centuries ago?
Katherine: No
Damon: Then you can't help
(She tries to catch a journal but he slap her hand. She hits her arm and he phushes her on a chair and is above her)
Katherine: If it's any consolation, I'm glad that you're not d*ad
(She gets up)
Katherine: Emily Bennett told me about the m*ssacre. It was a big deal in witch folklore. When a witch dies violently, they release a mystical energy marking the place of their death with power
Damon: Elijah wanted to know the site of the m*ssacre
Katherine: What was he going to do when he found it?
Damon: I don't know. What did papa witch and baby witch have to say?
Stefan: Wasn't she gone or d*ad yet?
Katherine: For the last time, I'm here to help. Can we skip the secrets, hmm?
Stefan: Elijah had no w*apon to k*ll Klaus but he believed that if a witch could channel enough power... They wouldn't need one
Damon: Like the power you get from a spot marked with a hundred d*ad witches?
Stefan: We just need to find it
[Jonas and Luka's appartment]
Luka: But what if they can find the burial ground?
Jonas: They won't. We tried, Luka, for weeks
Luka: We don't have a back-up plan, though, dad, and we need to be doing everything we can to save Greta
Jonas: We will save her but Elijah is the answer, not Stefan and his brother. Those people, they're our enemies. They need to be dealt with
Luka: You're going to k*ll them?
Jonas: No. I'm going to let Elijah do it
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena, Bonnie and Caroline are in the kitchen)
Caroline: Chinese food or pizza?
Elena: Like you have to ask
Caroline: I will get it
(She takes her ipad and sees a picture of her with Matt)
Bonnie: I'll do it
(She takes the ipad)
Elena: Do you believe that Jonas is being sincere?
Bonnie: I don't know what to believe. I think he's at a loss. He's not sure who to trust
Elena: Join the club
Caroline: Well, what are we going to do about this movie situation? What about "The Notebook"?
Elena: Caroline, how many times have you seen that movie?
Caroline: That is so not the point
Elena: Well, yeah, I mean...
(Jenna enters the kitchen)
Elena: Hey
Jenna: What's going on?
Elena: Girls' night
Jenna: Oh
Elena: How are you doing?
Jenna: You heard about my fight with Ric
Elena: He feels terrible
Jenna: Is this some kind of disguised attempt to cheer me up?
(Elena looks at the girls)
Elena: No. No, this is about us girls hanging out and you know, we'll be here if you happen to want to talk, or...
Caroline: Because I am a winner when it comes to successful relationships
Jenna: You, too?
Caroline: You have no idea
Jenna: Ok, then
(She rejoins them and opens the fridge)
Jenna: It's this whole Isobel thing. He's hiding something from me
Caroline: To play devil's advocate, maybe there is a great reason why he's not telling you. Maybe he is just trying to protect you
Jenna: Well, that's not his call to make. I mean, I deserve the truth. Everybody does
Caroline: Sometimes it's harder than that
Jenna: Not if it's somebody you care about, it isn't
Caroline: You know what we need? Dancing. There is a band at the grill
Bonnie: I'm in
Jenna: In
Elena: In
[Jonas and Luka's appartment]
(Jonas and Luka are sitting at a table)
Jonas: Are you sure about this? I mean, I would go if I could
Luka: No. I'm not strong enough to send you. I can do this
Jonas: I'll stay anchored. Use all my energy. If you feel weak...
Luka: Dad. I want this just as much as you
Jonas: Concentrate on Elijah. Picture him in your mind
(Luka closes his eyes)
Luka: I got it
(Jonas cast a spell)
[Salvatore's house]
(Luka is in the salvatore's house. Katherine and Damon are reading. They can't see him)
Luka: I'm in the Salvatore house. Elijah's body must be there
Jonas: What do you see?
Luka: Elena and Damon. They're reading
Jonas: Good. If Elijah's there, you'll sense him. Stay focused
(He leaves)
(Katherine gets closer to Damon to read what he's reading)
Damon: Can I help you?
Katherine: I'm bored
(She reads)
Katherine: "Emily Bennett was taken by the Council today. They kidnapped her from her home and took her to the same location her ancestors were b*rned a hundred years ago." So Emily died on the site of the m*ssacre, too. Does it say where?
(She tries to take the journal but he doesn't let her)
Damon: Nope. You know this whole friendly, cooperative thing?
Katherine: Mm-hmm
Damon: I don't buy it
Katherine: I have no reason to lie to you, Damon
Damon: Lie
Katherine: I'm hungry
Damon: You're the unwanted houseguest. Go feed yourself
(She goes in the basement to take a blood bag. Luka's here. She doens't see him but she feels something)
(Stefan rejoins Damon)
Stefan: Well, nothing in any of those. Find anything?
Damon: Nope
(He pretends so Katherine can't here but he show the journal to Stefan. Stefan pretends too)
Stefan: That's too bad
Damon: Yeah, bummer
(Katherine goes in the cellar and looks at Elijah's body. She about to leave when she hears the dagger. Luka's trying to remove it. Katherine doesn't see him but she rushes on the dagger and maintains it on Elijah's heart.)
Luka: Elena's fighting me
Jonas: What's wrong?
Luka: She's stronger than me
Jonas: That's because it's not Elena. It's Katherine Pierce. Luka... k*ll her
Luka: What?
Jonas: She's a vampire. Find a stake and drive it through her heart
(Luka releases the dagger. Katherine releases it too and look at the room. She sees a wooden chair being broken but doesn't see anyone)
Katherine: Damon!
(Luka drives a stake through her body but misses the hurt. Damon arrives)
Damon: Katherine
(She remove the stake)
Damon: What happened?
(She looks at Elijah's body. Luka's removing the dagger. Damon takes f*re and burn around the room)
[Jonas and Luka's appartment]
(Luka is in f*re)
Jonas: Luka! Luka!
[Salvatore's house]
(Stefan rejoins them)
Stefan: What are you doing?!
Damon: Shutting down a crazy ass psychic witch att*ck! Get over there and do something about it. Now!
[Jonas and Luka's appartment]
(Luka's is b*rned. Jonas rushes over him. Luka's d*ad)
Jonas: Oh, my God! Luka! Luka! I'm sorry. Please. Just wake up, son. Open your eyes
(He takes a grimoir and cast a spell but that doesn't do anything. He cries)
[Mystic Grill]
(Elena, Bonnie, Caroline and Jenna arrive and look at the band. Jenna sees Alaric)
Jenna: I need a drink
(She goes to the bar. Matt is next to them)
Caroline: Hey, Matt
(He doesn't answer)
Bonnie: Things just got real awkward
(Alaric rejoins Jenna at the bar)
Alaric: Jenna
Jenna: Not tonight, Ric. Tonight I have traded you for señor tequila
Alaric: Yeah. Well, señor tequila's not going to be treating you very well
Jenna: Well, the two of you have a lot in common
Alaric: Look, Jenna, I hate that you're this upset with me
Jenna: Yeah, well, it's your fault. Because whatever it is you're keeping from me, Whatever you think I can't handle... You're wrong. 'Cause last year I was a grad student who smoked a lot of pot and couldn't keep a goldfish alive and now I'm a parent, so I think I can handle anything, Ric
Alaric: Jenna...
(Elena; Caroline and Bonnie are listenning at the band)
Bonnie: He said the ball's in your court
Caroline: Yeah, but I can't do anything about it
Bonnie: Why not? All you do is talk about how much you care about him
Caroline: Yeah, but I am still keeping so many secrets
Elena: Alaric's in the same boat with Jenna and maybe that's our mistake. We're trying to protect the people that we love by keeping them out of it, but in the end, we're hurting them anyway
(Caroline takes off her jacket and leaves to the stage)
Elena: What are you doing?
(She goes on the stage and takes the microphone)
Caroline: Hey, everybody. Let's hear it for the band! Weren't they awesome? So there's this guy. And, uh, he told me to tell him how I feel about him. Like it's so easy. Um, you know, just 'cause I talk a lot doesn't mean I always know what I'm actually talking about. Ah, like now, I'm feeling loopy and I don't really know how to express myself. I can sing. Yeah! Yeah. You know what, I'm going to sing
(the singer rejoins her)
Singer: Come on, off the stage
(She compels him)
Caroline: You are going to let me live out my rock star fantasies, and you are going to be my back-up
(She whispers something in his hear and starts singing eternal flames. Matt looks at Elena ans she smiles. Matt rejoins her on stage and kisses her. Bonnie, Elena and everyone screams and laughs)
[Jonas and Luka's appartment]
(Jonas is angry. He takes Elena's pictures and her hair brush to cast a spell to find her. Stefan enters the appartment and sees Luka's body)
Jonas: You k*lled him
(He uses his powers on Stefan. Stefan hols his head. He's hurt)
Jonas: He's d*ad and I have no one. And now you're about to find out exactly what that feels like
(Stefan is on the floor, screaming. Jonas leaves. Stefan sees Elena's picture on the floor)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon gives Katherine a blood bag and drive a stake through her body)
Katherine: What the hell?!
Damon: That's for not telling me the dagger would k*ll me. Next time... It goes in your heart
Katherine: Is that how you treat someone who...
(She removes the stake)
Katherine: is trying to help you?
Damon: You wanna help? Start talking
Katherine: I'd love to, but you're not going to like it
Damon: Try me
Katherine: Fine. John Gilbert and Isobel want you and Stefan out of Elena's life
Damon: That's old news
Katherine: Not the part where he offered me a deal. He knew that k*lling Elijah would get me out of the tomb, so he gave me a choice. Either I stay and help with Klaus, or he kills Stefan
Damon: But he still tried to have me k*lled
Katherine: Right. That was part of the deal. I could only save one of you
Damon: So you chose Stefan. Of course you did
Katherine: You wanted the truth, Damon. Would you rather I lie?
[Mystic Grill]
(Elena goes in the bathroom but Caroline and Matt are in it, kissing each other)
Elena: Ahh! Oh, sorry
(She leaves)
Matt: You know, I really have to get back to work
Caroline: Definitely
(Bonnie's going to the bathroom but Elena stops her)
Elena: I... I wouldn't. Caroline and Matt are...
Bonnie: In the bathroom?!
Elena: If they're happy, I'm happy.
Bonnie: Um, hey, speaking of happy, would it freak you out if I started dating your brother?
Elena: You're into my brother?
Bonnie: I know it's weird, um, but he's been so good and strong. It makes me happy and I really can't tell what you're thinking... Right now
Elena: I'm thinking that... My brother has had more pain in his life than a hundred people's worth of pain, and... He deserves to be with someone as amazing as you
Bonnie: Really?
Elena: Really
(Bonnie embrace her. Elena's phone rings, she answers, it's Stefan)
Elena: Hey, Stefan, I'm at the grill. I can't hear you. Hold... yeah
(She leaves. Bonnie sees Jonas entering)
[Salvatore's house]
Katherine: Where are you going?
Damon: Luka Martin's d*ad. His father's going after Elena
Katherine: I'm coming with you
Damon: No, you're not
Katherine: Wait
Damon: I don't need your help. I don't want it
Katherine: I know what we can do, Damon. You have to let me do it
[Mystic Grill]
(Bonnie rejoins Jonas)
Bonnie: Dr. Martin. You ok?
Jonas: Where is she?
Bonnie: I don't understand
Jonas: My son is d*ad
Bonnie: Whatever it is you think you need to do, there's a better way
Jonas: They k*lled Elijah and they k*lled Luka and my only sh*t at getting my daughter back is if I have Elena
Bonnie: No. No, Dr. Martin
(Jonas breaks the scene's lights with his powers)
Jonas: Where is she?
Bonnie: I don't know. I haven't seen her
(He breaks the rest of the lights)
(Caroline and Matt are kissing in the restroom when the light goes off)
Matt: What the hell?
Caroline: Mmm!
(He opens the door to see if the powers out in the grill)
Matt: The power's out
Caroline: Even better
Matt: I wish, but I should probably...
(She kisses him and he leaves. She smiles. Elena and Stefan rejoins her)
Caroline: Hey
Elena: We have a problem
Caroline: What's going on?
Stefan: Jonas is here and he's after Elena
Caroline: Oh, my God!
Stefan: We have a plan, but I need to get Elena out of here
Caroline: Well, what can I do?
(Alaric rejoins Jenna)
Alaric: It's time to get out of here
Jenna: I have to find Elena
Alaric: She's with Stefan, she's ok
(Bonnie is still talking with Jonas)
Jonas: No one's getting out of here until I have her
Bonnie: Don't do this. Please don't do this
(He breaks all the botles with his powers and sets f*re to the bar. She tries to stop him but he puts his hand on her forehead and she falls on the floor, unconscious. Everyone is going out. Matt tries to stop the f*re but he sees Bonnie)
Matt: Bonnie! Hey, Bonnie!
(He rushes over her)
Matt: Bonnie! Bonnie! Hey, Bonnie!
(She wakes up. Matt help her to get up)
(Elena and Stefan stop and see Jonas)
Elena: Dr. Martin! I'm so sorry about Luka. I never wanted that to happen, but... at least let us help you get your daughter back
Jonas: Only Elijah can do that
Elena: You don't need Elijah
(He sets f*re to another bar and turns to Stefan and Elena but Caroline jumps on him. Elena and Stefan leave. Caroline tries to bite Jonas but he provoques a headache with his powers. Caroline screams. Matt sees her)
Matt: Caroline!
(He rushes over Jonas and pushes him against the wall)
Matt: Get away from her!
Caroline: Matt, no!
(Jonas breaks a bottle and puts in it Matt's neck and leaves. Mat falls on the floor. Caroline cries and rushes over him)
Caroline: Matt! Matt! Oh! Oh, my God!
(She tries to calm herself)
Caroline: Just breath Caroline... just breath
(Her face change, she bites her wrist and puts it in Matt's mouth)
Caroline: You have to drink. Please, please
[Gilbert's house]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are in the kitchen)
Bonnie: Luka... I can't believe he's d*ad. After what we did to him
Jeremy: No, after what he did to you. Look, I'm sorry, I know you feel bad about all of this but I don't
Bonnie: I couldn't do anything to help. I was useless. I hated it
(Stefan and Elena enter the house)
Bonnie: Thank God
Elena: It's not over yet
Jeremy: What's going on?
Elena: He'll explain
(She goes upstairs)
Stefan: When did you guys get home?
Bonnie: A few minutes ago
Stefan: Did you check the house?
Jeremy: And why would we check the house?
(Elena goes in the bathroom. Jonas is behind her. He catches her. Her face change and she bites him. It's Katherine, posing as Elena. Stefan and Bonnie arrive)
Katherine: You're welcome
(Bonnie goe toward Jonas's body)
Bonnie: You didn't have to k*ll him!
Katherine: Yes, we did
(Bonnie gets closer to him and touches his face when he gets up and grabs her face. she screams. Stefan kills him)
(Damon and Elena are downstairs)
Elena: How did you guys convince her to do this?
Damon: We didn't. It was actually her idea
Elena: Wow. That's... Not good
Damon: No. No, that's not good at all
(Stefan and Katherine goes down the stairs)
Stefan: Everything's taken care of
(Katherine takes off Elena's necklace)
Katherine: I'm guessing you're going to want this back. But your pretty little outfit is going to need a good dry clean
(She takes her necklace from Katherine's hand)
Elena: You're going to have to get her out of here before Jenna gets home
Katherine: Is that all you have to say to me?
Elena: This doesn't change the way I feel about you
Katherine: I don't much like you, either, if we're going to be open and frankly, I'd be happy to see you d*ad but if we're going to try to take on Klaus, we kinda need you to be alive. So I'm not a thr*at to you, Elena. If any of you are going to believe anything, believe that
(Alaric and Jenna are under the porche)
Jenna: Thanks for getting me home. That was kind of crazy
Alaric: Jenna, are you going to be ok? Look, Isobel is d*ad and there things about her death that I can't tell you. That aren't for me to tell. You can be upset and hate me. I get it but just know that I love you. At least I can tell you that much
Jenna: Good night, Ric
Alaric: Good night
(Jenna enters the house. Elena's here)
Elena: Hey. You made it home
Jenna: Tonight was very weird
Elena: Tell me about it
(Jeremy and Bonnie are in his bedroom)
Jeremy: I'm worried about you
Bonnie: Don't be
Jeremy: No, I'm serious, Bonnie. The only witch that could given you your powers back is d*ad, and... I think you have a serious case of denial going, and I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what, and...
(She kisses him)
Jeremy: Not that denial's the worst thing
(She puts her hand on his chest. The lights flincker)
Jeremy: Did you...
Bonnie: When he grabbed me... He gave me my powers back and something else. Jonas wants me to k*ll Klaus
Jeremy: And did he include a how?
Bonnie: Yeah. He did
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is on his bed, reading Jonathan Gilbert's journal. Katherine rejoins him. Her hair are curly again ans she's in lingerie)
Damon: You know what I can't figure out?
Katherine: What's that?
Damon: How the town knew Emily Bennett was a witch. I mean, because according to Johnathan Gilbert, he was the only one who knew. I know he didn't turn her in.
(she doesn't answer)
Damon: Mmm, I should have figured as much
Katherine: Oh, she was a loose end. I like mine tied up. You know what I can't figure out?
Damon: Do I care?
Katherine: Why you won't tell me where to find the site of the witch m*ssacre
Damon: Because I have no clue
Katherine: You knew that Emily Bennett was the key to getting me out of that tomb and something tells me that you did everything in your power to make sure that she was safe, yet you have no idea where she was k*lled. Who's the liar now? You hurt me today
Damon: Tit for tat
Katherine: You were mean and very rough and monstrous
Damon: You deserved it
(She gets closer to him)
Katherine: I like this, Damon
Damon: Katherine. Katherine, there are six other bedrooms in this house
(They're about to kiss)
Damon: Go find one
(He pushes her. She's upset, she looks at him and leaves)
[Caroline's house]
(Matt wakes up. Caroline's here)
Caroline: Hi
(He looks at his shirt. There's a lot of blood. He touches his neck)
Matt: What the hell? I had your face... And all the blood. I... I drank your blood
Caroline: You were dying. My blood healed you
Matt: What do you mean, it healed me? How can your blood heal me?
Caroline: Because that's what vampire blood does for humans, and that's what I am. I'm a vampire, Matt.
Matt: No
Caroline: But it's all going to be ok, because I am going to tell you everything, and you're going to understand why I had to keep it from you, and we're going to be fine
Matt: We'll be fine?!
Caroline: Yes, because we're together and we love each other
Matt: Vampires. Oh, my God. Vickie, oh, my God, at the hospital, I thought that she was tripping out
Caroline: What?
Matt: Vickie, she knew about the vampires, and I... What... what did you do?
Caroline: Nothing. Nothing! Matt!
Matt: I need to get out of here
(He tries to leave but Caroline stops him)
Caroline: No, no, no! I can't let you leave. I cannot let you leave
(He cries)
Matt: What did you do to my sister?
Caroline: Nothing! Nothing! I swear, I swear, nothing, nothing!
Matt: What did you do?!
Caroline: Nothing, Matt! You have to calm down! Matt!
[Gilbert's house]
(Jenna's in the kitchen, eating ice cream. Elena rejoins her)
Jenna: Are John and Jeremy asleep?
Elena: I think so
Jenna: If I go to bed right now, there's a chance I'll wake up hangover-free
(The door's bell rings)
Jenna: Who's that?
(She goes toward the door and opens it. It's Isobel)
Isobel: Hi. You must be Jenna
(Elena arrives and is surprised)
Isobel: I'm... Elena's mother
(She looks at Elena)
Elena: Isobel
(Jenna seems shocked) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x16 - The House Guest"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's House]
(Isobel is at the door. She's looking at Elena. Jenna is stunned)
Isobel: Hello, Elena. It's nice to see you again
(Jenna looks at Elena)
Jenna: Again?
(Elena doesn't know what to say)
Isobel: So you're the woman who's dating my husband. I need to speak to Elena. May I come in?
Elena: N-n-no. Don't... don't invite her in
Isobel: I need to talk to you, Elena
Elena: No!
(She slams the door at Isobel's face and looks at Jenna, who's crying)
Jenna: You knew she was still alive? Rick? John? Did they know?
Elena: I can explain everything, Jenna
Jenna: No
Elena: No. Jenna, please
(Jenna runs upstairs. Elena goes after her)
Elena: Jenna, please. No, wait. Jenna, please wait
(Jenna's goes into her bedroom and slams the door. Elena is outside, at the door)
Jenna: Jenna, you have to talk to me. I... I need to explain what's going on. Jenna, please
(Jenna is sitting on the floor, crying)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan and Damon are going down the stairs)
Stefan: Isobel just showed up at their front doorstep
Damon: What's she doing here?
Stefan: I don't know. That's what I'm gonna go find out
(Katherine rejoins them)
Katherine: I don't think that you should tell her that I'm here
Stefan: What? Why?
Katherine: It's better if she and John not know that I stayed in town after I got out of the tomb
Damon: You're the one in cahoots with them. You made a deal with John that almost got me k*lled
Katherine: I did what I had to to get out of the tomb. Now I'm reconsidering my alliance
(She turns herself but Stefan interrupts her)
Stefan: What do you know?
Katherine: I know that I want Klaus d*ad, which puts me squarely on team you. Besides, if you two ever need me to swap places with Elena again, the less people know that I'm here, the better. Think about it, Stefan. Come on. Be smart
Stefan: Tell you what. You two, uh... Call Alaric and let him know that his wife's just showed up on his girlfriend's doorstep
(He looks at them and leaves. Katherine and Damon look at each other)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena opens the door to Alaric)
Alaric: Hey. Is she up yet?
Elena: She won't come out of her room
Alaric: What'd you tell her?
Elena: Nothing. She won't talk to me
Alaric: We're gonna have to fix this, Elena
(Jenna goes down the stairs)
Elena: Hey
Alaric: Jenna
Jenna: I don't want you here, Rick. You need to go
Alaric: Ok, listen. I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now
Jenna: Rage and betrayal would pretty much cover it
(She puts her jacket and takes her bag)
Elena: Where are you going?
Jenna: I'm going to stay on campus. I have a thesis to write, and I don't want to be in this house
Alaric: Jenna, please just stop. Let us explain to you exactly what is going on
Jenna: Elena, I need you to go to the Lockwood's' today and accept the historical society's check for your mom's foundation
Elena: Ok, but, Jenna, please just...
Jenna: I don't have it in me to hear any more lies from you
(She leaves and closes the door)
Elena: Jenna, just…
(John goes out of the kitchen)
John: Let her go. It's better that she's not here, what with everything that's going on but maybe had you been a little more honest with her from the beginning, this...
(Alaric punches him in the face)
Alaric: sorry, Elena
(He leaves. Elena looks at John with a smile)
Elena: You know this is your fault, right?
John: Right
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline goes out of her house and goes to her car. She's on the phone with Stefan)
Caroline: I can't find him anywhere. He's not at home. He's not answering his phone
Stefan: How could you let him go?
Caroline: My mom walked in. He took off. I didn't know what to do
Stefan: Did your mom hear anything?
Caroline: No. She just thinks we're fighting but he knows about me, and he's freaking out about Vicki
Stefan: All right. Listen. You have to find him. You have to calm him down. Compel him if you have to. Is he still on the vervain?
Caroline: I slip it into his soda when he's at work, but I didn't get to last night, so it's out of his system. He has a catering shift at the Lockwood's' today. I'm gonna try there
(She hangs up and tries to call Matt but he doesn't answer)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena and Stefan are in her bedroom)
Elena: Ah, this is bad. Between Isobel and Jenna and now Matt, this is disaster bad
Stefan: Yeah
(John rejoins them)
John: Elena, can you come downstairs, please? I need to talk to you
Elena: Heh. I have nothing to say to you
John: Please. It's important. You, too, Stefan
(They go downstairs. Isobel goes out of the kitchen)
Isobel: I asked John for a do-over
(Elena looks at John)
Elena: You invited her in?
John: She has information about Klaus. Please, just listen to her, ok?
(Elena looks at Stefan)
Stefan: All right. What do you know?
(John, Isobel, Elena and Stefan are in the kitchen)
Isobel: Since I was last here, I've been doing everything possible to find Klaus. We knew our best chance was to find him before he could find you
Stefan: Best chance at what?
John: Keeping Elena alive
Elena: You don't get to talk, ok, not after everything you've done
Stefan: Were you able to find Klaus?
Isobel: No. Nobody knows where he is but there are these rumors that are flying around. That a doppelganger exists
John: Which means any vampire that wants to get in favor with Klaus will be lining up to capture you
Elena: I'm not buying any of this
(She looks at Isobel)
Elena: The last time that you were here, you made it clear that you didn't give a damn about me. Now all of a sudden I'm supposed to believe that you want to help?
John: Klaus has been obsessed with finding Katherine for centuries. All it would take was any one of those 1864 tomb vampires to spread the word around that Katherine was still alive and it would bring him straight here to Mystic Falls, where you were bound to be discovered, so we k*lled them
Elena: And almost k*lled Stefan and Damon in the process
(Isobel gets up and gets closer to Elena)
Isobel: I have a safe house that I can take you to. The deed is in your name. No vampires can get in without your permission, not even me. Let me help you
Elena: You wanna help? Then get the hell out of my house
[Jonas and Lukas' apartment]
(Damon opens the door. Bonnie and Jeremy are with him. He enters)
Damon: Yep. Everybody's d*ad
(Luka's corpse is in the living room)
Bonnie: We should pack up the grimoires. They spent years collecting them. I wanna make sure they're safe
(Damon looks at Luka's corpse)
Damon: You know, we could just get another match and cremate 'em
Bonnie: Don't be disrespectful. Not to him
Damon: Fine. I'll bury him
Jeremy: What exactly are we looking for?
Bonnie: According to Luka's dad, one of these contains a spell that'll let me harness the energy that's left behind when a witch dies violently
Damon: I didn't know you and father witch were so close
Bonnie: We weren't but when he gave me my powers back, he gave me a message. If I can find the spot in town, where the old Salem witches were b*rned, I can harness their energy to use when I need it
Damon: Great. We'll have to put that on our list of things to do today. Harness ancient d*ad-witch power
Bonnie: You know where the witches were b*rned? Did I forget to mention that?
(Jeremy is reading one of the grimoires)
Jeremy: Are we gonna have to read through every one of these books till we find the right spell?
Bonnie: Not exactly
(She looks at the shell, closes her eyes and raises her hands. All of the books fall and one of them opens right in front of her. She takes it)
Bonnie: It's this one
Damon: Great. Grab the rest. Let's go
[A house]
(Isobel and her minion enter the house. She takes a bottle of wine from the bag)
Isobel: Merci, Mon Cherie
(She feels that someone's here. She rushes over the person and pushes her against the wall. It's Katherine. Katherine pushes her back and strangles her)
Katherine: Nice house
Isobel: Nicest foreclosure in town
(Katherine smile. Isobel laughs)
Isobel: Come here
(They embrace each other)
Isobel: It's good to see you, Katherine
Katherine: I hear you've been busy
Isobel: Yes, I have. I've been busy making a deal with Klaus to save your life
(Isobel gives the bottle of wine to Katherine)
Isobel: Here. A vintner I knew in Avignon
(Katherine takes it, puts a finger in it and tastes it)
Katherine: He's tasty
(They are in the leaving room. Katherine pours blood from the bottle in wine glasses)
Katherine: So what was with the surprise visit to the Gilbert house?
Isobel: John told me Rick was dating auntie vanilla. I got jealous
Katherine: You have obviously got John wrapped around your finger if he invited you in the house
Isobel: He thinks I'm helping him protect Elena, so he's been very useful in keeping me informed on everything that's been going on
Katherine: So tell me what you know
Isobel: You were right. I couldn't get anywhere near Klaus, but I found my way to someone in his trusted circle. One of his witches
Katherine: Klaus and his witches
Isobel: He said that Klaus is willing to grant you your freedom if we deliver the moonstone and the doppelganger
Katherine: I can get the moonstone
Isobel: You know Katherine, you'd be betraying your Salvatore boys again
Katherine: I was more than willing to play it their way if I had to, but they're floundering. Their witch has lost her powers, and they've used their only w*apon to k*ll Elijah. If I stick with them, I'm d*ad. You showing up change everything
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena, Stefan and Damon are in the library)
Elena: Do you really think that Isobel's telling the truth that word's gotten out about the doppelganger?
Stefan: Look, I don't trust a word that she says, but I think we'd be stupid to ignore the warning
Damon: You know, you should just stay here. It's better for us to keep an eye on you
Stefan: What, in the house that any vampire can enter? No. Her house is safer
Damon: Well, then we'll stay there
Elena: So is that the plan? Neither of you will let me out of your sight again?
Damon: Let me know when you come up with a better one
Elena: Fine. Then one of you 2 bodyguards is gonna have to come with me to the Lockwood luncheon
Stefan: That'd be me
Damon: Not me. I have witch stuff to attend to with Bonnie
Elena: Does that mean that you're taking her to the…
Damon: Shh
(Katherine rejoins them)
Katherine: Don't get quiet on my account. If you have a plan to combat the impending vampire doom, please do tell
(No one answer. Damon looks at Stefan)
Katherine: Seriously, what is the plan to get us out of this mess, hmm? I delivered you a moonstone, a werewolf, and the dagger to lure and k*ll Klaus, a werewolf, and right now all you have is a moonstone. Or so you tell me
Damon: No, we have it. It's in a very safe place
Katherine: I've been honest with you. Time to return the favor
Damon: Let me be honest with you. Don't mistake the fact that we haven't set you on f*re in your sleep for trust
(Elena looks at her and smiles)
Katherine: Fine. Be that way
(She leaves)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Carol is talking with Sheriff Forbes)
Sheriff Forbes: The marshal hasn't been able to figure out what caused the f*re at the scene, but he did find blood... no body, just blood
Carol: You think vampires were involved?
Sheriff Forbes: I'm starting to assume the answer to that is always a yes
(Caroline interrupts them)
Caroline: Mrs. Lockwood, uh, have you seen Matt? I thought he was working a catering shift at today's brunch
Carol: No, I haven't, honey. Sorry. But if you see him, could you ask if he's heard from Tyler?
Caroline: Yeah, of course. Um, still no word from him?
Carol: No. The note he left said he needed time to figure some things out, but I wish I knew where he was
(Caroline sees Stefan and Elena)
Caroline: Um, excuse me
(She rejoins Stefan and Elena)
Stefan: Hey. Any luck finding Matt?
Caroline: None. What if he tells somebody? What if he tells everybody?
Stefan: No, we just gotta find him and make sure that doesn't happen
(He looks at Elena)
Stefan: Do you have any idea where he would be?
Elena: I wish I did, but he wasn't really one to run
Caroline: You know, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. You know, I was supposed to tell him at the right moment in the right way, and he was supposed to be ok with it because he loves me
Elena: We'll help you find him. I just have to accept this thing for Jenna
Caroline: All right. Well, call me when you're done, and I'll be out looking for him
(She leaves)
Stefan: Maybe he'll come around. You did
[An abandoned house]
(Damon, Bonnie and Jeremy arrive)
Jeremy: Is this the spot Emily Bennett was k*lled, too?
Damon: Founders thought it was poetic burning her where the other witches b*rned
Bonnie: How do you know where the witches were b*rned?
Damon: 'Cause I tried to save her. Emily was just my key to getting Katherine back before I knew what a nasty little bitch Katherine was
(Jeremy laughs. They look at the house and enter and explore. Suddenly, Damon can't move)
Damon: Whatever witchy prank you're playing, don't. It's not funny
Bonnie: I'm not doing anything
Damon: I can't move
(Suddenly his skin burn)
Damon: Oh, my ring's not working. Do something
(She concentrates and closes her eyes. Damon can move again)
Bonnie: I don't think the witches like you being here
Jeremy: I guess this is the right place
Damon: I'm gonna go wait outside
(He leaves)
[A Street]
(Alaric goes to his car. Isobel is here)
Isobel: Hi, Rick
Alaric: Isobel. What do you want?
Isobel: Just cleaning up some loose ends
Alaric: Yeah, we don't have any loose ends
Isobel: You may not. I do. I need to apologize to you
Alaric: It's a little late for that
Isobel: No, not for what I've done in the past. We're beyond that. Although I am sorry for outing you to your girlfriend. That was petty of me
Alaric: Look, whatever jacked-up vampire amends that you're trying to make with me right now, I'm not interested
Isobel: Of course not, because I compelled you to let me go. I realize that I don't wanna do what I have to do without you knowing how much I loved you and I did. I loved you so much. He's all yours
(A man is behind Alaric he puts his hands next to Alaric's head. He falls on the floor, unconscious. Isobel leaves, she seems regretful)
[Abandoned House]
(Damon is waiting outside)
Damon: Wanna hurry it up in there?
(The door closes)
Damon: Screw you, too, Emily. You know, you're on your own in there
(He leaves)
(Bonnie and Jeremy are inside)
Bonnie: Can you hand me the grimoire?
Jeremy: Look, are you sure about this?
Bonnie: Are you worried about me?
Jeremy: Yeah, of course I am
(She takes the grimoire and kisses him)
Bonnie: I'm sure
(She opens the grimoire and sees a letter. She reads it. Voices are whispering around them)
Jeremy: What is that?
Bonnie: Spirits of the witches who died here, I can feel them
Jeremy: All right. What are they saying?
Bonnie: I can't-can't tell
(She goes ahead)
Jeremy: Where are you going?
(She stops in a room)
Bonnie: Here. This is it. Help me set the candles
(The whispers are louder)
Jeremy: What the hell are they saying?
(She concentrates and closes her eyes. She reopens them)
Jeremy: What is it?
Bonnie: Nothing
(All the candles are lighting at the same time)
Bonnie: They're ready
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Everyone is sitting in one room. Carol is talking to them)
Carol: And here to accept the donation to the Miranda Sommers Gilbert scholarship fund is Elena Gilbert
(Elena smiles and rejoins Carol)
(John is upstairs. Isobel is here)
John: What are you doing here?
Isobel: I'm creating a distraction
(Her face change. She rushes over John and bites him)
(Elena is accepting the check)
Elena: The historical society was my mom's baby. She considered all of you family and would be honored and touched by this gift
(Everyone hears a noise. They rush over the source of the noise and see John, unconscious on the floor. Elena is about to follow them but Katherine intercepts her and puts her hand on Elena's mouth)
Katherine: Nice dress. Mind if I borrow it?
(Stefan is looking at John's body and sees the bite mark on his neck. Carol rejoins him)
Carol: Please, let the sheriff do her job
(Sheriff Forbes rejoins them)
Stefan: Uh, he's-he's bleeding. Is he ok?
Sheriff Forbes: Yeah, I got it. I got it
(She looks at John and turns to the crowd)
Sheriff Forbes: You know what? Let's all back off. He just needs some air. Everything's fine
(Stefan I in the other room, looking for Elena. He sees her but it's Katherine posing as Elena)
Stefan: You ok?
Katherine: I'm calling Damon
Stefan: Let's get out of here. Come on
(They're going to Elena's car. Katherine is on the phone. She's still posing as Elena)
Katherine: It's Isobel, Damon. It's gotta be.
Stefan: Tell him he needs to get over here and deal with John's body
Katherine: You've got some serious explaining to do to the council about John being not so d*ad
(She hangs up. Stefan pushes her against the car)
Stefan: Where the hell is she? Huh?
(She s*ab him with a vervain syringe)
Katherine: I'm sorry, Stef, but I can't have you following me
(She tosses him into the shrubbery and leaves)
[Abandoned house]
(Bonnie's eyes are closed. The voices around them keep getting louder. She begins to cry)
Jeremy: Bonnie? You're scaring me
(She screams)
Jeremy: Bonnie!
(He tries to get closer to her but he's thrown against the wall. Bonnie's screaming louder. Jeremy can't get up. Suddenly all the voices stop. Jeremy gets up and rushes over Bonnie. She's crying)
Jeremy: Bonnie! You ok?
Bonnie: I did it
(He embraces her)
Jeremy: It's okay
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Everybody's leaving)
Carol: I'm sorry for the scare. It was just a bad fall. Paramedics are on their way
(Everybody's out. Damon enters)
Damon: Hey. How is he?
Sheriff Forbes: He's d*ad
(Damon looks at the body and sees the ring)
Damon: He'll be fine in a couple hours
Carol: What are you talking about? Damon, he's d*ad
Damon: Well... Here's the thing. John's ring, it's an old Gilbert family heirloom that protects its owner from death by a supernatural entity
Carol: But he's not breathing. He has no pulse
Damon: He will be. Trust me. We're gonna need a cover story... epileptic fit, alcohol binge, banana peel, whatever works. But right now I just have to get him out of here
(He leaves with John's body)
(Sheriff Forbes goes out. She's on the phone with one of her deputies)
Sheriff Forbes: Yeah. It's a false alarm at the Lockwood's'. Ok. Good. Thanks
(Matt's waiting for her at her car)
Matt: Sheriff Forbes
Sheriff Forbes: Matt, what's wrong?
Matt: I wanna see Vicki's file
Sheriff Forbes: What?
Matt: I want to see her file. I want to see how you covered up that she was k*lled by a vampire
Sheriff Forbes: Matt, you need to calm down. You're upset. You don't know…
(He catches her)
Matt: Don't lie to me
(She catches him and puts him in on the hood)
Sheriff Forbes: Matt, you need to calm down now
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon dumps John on the ground, he's still d*ad. He has blood on his hands and on his shirt. He goes in the bathroom and washes his hands. He takes off his shirt. His phone rings. He answers. It's Stefan)
Damon: Stefan? How'd I b*at you and Elena home? What?
(He looks into the soap bowl. The moonstone's not here. He throws the bowl on the ground)
[Isobel's car]
(Isobel's phone rings. It's Katherine. Elena is on the back seats, unconscious)
Isobel: Are we good to go?
Katherine: I'm at your house, but we have to hurry. Damon knows your lodging tricks. It will take him all of 20 minutes to find out where you're staying
Isobel: We'll be long gone before that
Katherine: Good. How far are you?
Isobel: I'm sorry, Katherine
(Elena wakes up)
Isobel: I had to do what I was told. He wanted the moonstone and he wanted you
(She hangs up)
[Isobel's house]
Katherine: He? He who?
(She turns herself. The warlock is here. She rushes over him but he stops her with his powers. She screams and falls on the ground, unconscious)
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline is under the porch. She's leaving a message to Matt)
Caroline: Hey, Matt, if you're listening to this that means you've listened to the last 25 messages I've left you, which all say the same thing, so...
(Caroline enters the house. Matt's here)
Caroline: You're here
Matt: Your mom brought me here
Caroline: My mom?
Matt: I accused her of covering up Vicki's death and she thr*at to arrest me
Caroline: Did you tell her anything else?
Matt: Nothing about you. I got the feeling she wasn't gonna believe anything I said, so I shut up. Then she brought me here to cool down, and then she got called away
Caroline: Matt...
(She gets closer to him but he steps back)
Caroline: Why'd you stick around if you're still scared of me?
Matt: Because I need to know more about Vicki, about you
Caroline: I'll tell you anything you wanna know
[Abandoned house]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are outside)
Jeremy: All right, well, there has to be something in the grimoire to help us translate that chant
Bonnie: It was just a warning
Jeremy: Heh. What kind of warning?
Bonnie: It's not important
Jeremy: Uh, look, it is important to me, ok?
Bonnie: It's a lot of power to have access to. They're just telling me to be careful with it
Jeremy: Well, exactly how much power can you draw from a hundred d*ad witches?
(She closes her eyes and concentrates. The leaves fly around them. The sky turns black and we can hear the thunder. She opens her eyes and the weather goes back to normal)
Bonnie: The answer to your question is a lot
[Isobel's house]
(Stefan and Damon arrive)
Stefan: Think this is the house?
Damon: Better be. It's the nicest foreclosure in town
Stefan: Swear to God if she's not here...
Damon: don't be such a pessimist
(They enter the house)
Stefan: I got upstairs
(He goes upstairs. Damon looks at the rest of the house. Nobody's there. Damon sees Isobel's luggage. Stefan rejoins him)
Damon: This is Isobel's stuff. It's definitely the right place
Stefan: Where are they?
Damon: I don't know, Stefan
(They leave)
[Grove Hill Cemetery]
(Isobel's car is parked. She goes out)
Isobel: Just because you can't be compelled doesn't mean I can't force you to come with me
(Elena goes out of the car)
Elena: So is that what happened? You were compelled to betray Katherine?
Isobel: If I was, I couldn't tell you
Elena: So you lied. You did find Klaus, didn't you? He knows where I am now. Are you taking me to him?
(They stop in front of a headstone)
Elena: What is this?
(It's Isobel's headstone)
Isobel: My parents, your grandparents, they put it here when it became clear that the police weren't gonna find my body. They visit every week, and they bring flowers, even though there's no one buried here. The Isobel they knew is d*ad. So maybe there's a part of me that's buried here, the-the human part, the part that I abandoned when I-when I choose to become a vampire, the part that used to dream about the day that she'd know her daughter
Elena: What?
(Isobel shrugs)
Isobel: And instead you got to meet the other part... The part that would betray her own flesh and blood
(Her phone rings. She answers. It's the warlock)
Warlock: I have Katherine and the moonstone. Is the doppelganger safe?
Isobel: Yes
Warlock: Then let her go
Isobel: Let her go?
Warlock: Klaus has everything he needs for now. Your part is finished. You did what he compelled you to do
Isobel: I'm done?
Warlock: You're done
(She hangs up)
Elena: Who was that?
Isobel: I'm so sorry, Elena... That I was such a disappointment to you
(She takes off her necklace she screams and burn. Elena's shocked)
[Caroline's house]
(Matt and Caroline are in the living room)
Caroline: So after I hurt you in the woods, I made you forget and I promised myself I would stay away from you, but I-I couldn't... 'Cause I love you. I do. I love you, Matt, so much. God, I'm so sorry about what happened to Vicki. And I really wish you'd say something
Matt: I'm all alone
Caroline: No, you're not
Matt: My mom doesn't care, my sister's d*ad, and all of my friends are liars, and you're a...
Caroline: I'm still me. I'm still me. It's just I'm just a little bit...
(She sits down next to him but he gets up)
Matt: don't. No. This is too much. All of this is just too much. I don't want to know this
Caroline: Tell me what I can do. Tell me what I can do. I... I want to help you
Matt: You can make me forget. You've done it to me before
Caroline: I don't-I don't think that that's...
Matt: please make me forget, Caroline. I don't wanna look at you and see what I'm seeing right now
Caroline: But maybe after...
Matt: just make me forget, Caroline!
(She cries)
Caroline: Ok. Ok, Matt
(She gets up and takes his face in her hands)
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena has Isobel's necklace in her hands. Stefan rejoins her)
Stefan: Is that Isobel's?
Elena: I never thought I would feel bad about her being d*ad, and yet...
Stefan: She was your mother
Elena: Why did they let me go?
Stefan: Well, anything John told Isobel, we have to assume that Klaus knows, right? So he knows that you're not gonna turn yourself into a vampire. He knows that you have us keeping you safe
Elena: He knows I'm not gonna run
Damon: Which is why we need to take some precautions, 'cause we got played, all of us
(He puts papers on her legs)
Elena: What's this?
Stefan: It's the deed to our house. It's in Zach's name. As soon as you sign it, it'll be in your name
Elena: You're giving me your house?
Stefan: Isobel had the right idea with the safe house. You'll just stay here till it's all over. That way, you can control who gets invited and who doesn't
Damon: Although I'll be super pissed if you lock me out
(John wakes up. Damon rushes over him and catches him)
John: I swear I had no idea what she was gonna do. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry
Elena: Damon, let him go. He and I need to talk
[Gilbert's house]
(Jeremy is reading the grimoire. Bonnie rejoins him)
Bonnie: I told you to not worry about that
Jeremy: A warning. That's all you felt like telling me? This is some kind of warning, Bonnie. It says if you use too much of your powers at once, it'll k*ll you. How much would it take to k*ll an Original?
Bonnie: All of it
Jeremy: No. I'm not gonna let you do that
Bonnie: Jeremy, do you think I was born with these powers so I could float feathers and blow out candles? There's a reason was called to do this
Jeremy: No one's called to get themselves k*lled. Plus Elena's not gonna let you die for her
Bonnie: That's why you're not gonna tell her
Jeremy: Do you even understand what you're saying right now?
Bonnie: It's not just for Elena, Jeremy. It's for you. It's for everyone. If I am the only one who can put an end to this, then it'll be my decision, no one else's. Mine
(She leaves)
[Sherriff Forbes' car]
(Matt rejoins Sheriff Forbes in her car)
Matt: I did it. I drank that vervain stuff. I went over there, and I got her to tell me everything. Then I asked her to take it away
Sheriff Forbes: Thank you, Matt. I know this isn't easy, but... I'm glad you told me what happened last night. I want you to tell me everything she said
Matt: I feel like she died
(She cries)
Sheriff Forbes: She did
[Salvatore's house]
(John and Elena are talking)
John: I always knew that she and Katherine were close but I never realized that Isobel and her were working against me. Two of the world's most uncaring and selfish vampires, and yet they were genuinely friends
Elena: If that's what you thought of her, why did you ever put your trust in her at all?
John: Because I was there when she gave birth to you, Elena. I saw how heartbroken she was to give you up. And because she was the first girl I ever loved, and when she said she'd help keep you safe... I believed her. At this point, I will do whatever you want me to do. If you feel safer with me not around, then I'll go
(She doesn't answer so he gets up. He looks sad)
Elena: You screw up everything, John. Everything you touch just falls apart. But you're the only
Parent I have left so maybe I can learn not to hate you
John: Okay
(He smiles)
(Damon and Stefan are in the library)
Damon: Hey, Bonnie said the spell worked. She's locked and loaded
Stefan: At least something went right today. Katherine has no idea that Bonnie got her powers back and Isobel had no idea what you and Jeremy took Bonnie to do today. We're the only ones who know
Damon: That literally makes Bonnie our secret w*apon
[An apartment]
(Katherine wakes up and sees the warlock casting a spell on someone sitting on a chair. There are two vases. One is full of blood the other is empty. She starts to gets up and sees that Elena's necklace is gone. It's Alaric that is on the chair. He opens his eyes and gets up. The warlock bends the knee)
Katherine: Alaric?
(She rushes over the door but she's trapped. Alaric goes toward her)
Alaric: Zdravei, Katerina
(He takes her face in his hands)
Alaric: I have missed you
Katherine: Klaus
Ecrit par popo34000 | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x17 - Know Ty Enemy"} | foreverdreaming |
[Alaric's appartment]
(Klaus/Alaric opens the closet and takes 2 shirts. Katherine is tied to a chair)
Klaus/Alaric: Oh! Who is this guy, Safari Sam?
(He shows the shirts to Katherine)
Klaus/Alaric: Ok, bad, or badder?
Katherine: The dark colors suit you better
Klaus/Alaric: Oh, thank you, honey. Ok, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatore's possession, correct?
Katherine: The dagger was used to k*ll Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house
Klaus/Alaric: Ok, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Ohh, that guy is a buzzkill
Katherine: Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna
Klaus/Alaric: Right. Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel. What else?
Katherine: That's it
(He gets closer to her and touches her face. She seems afraid)
Klaus/Alaric: Oh, so jumpy
Katherine: Please, just... k*ll me. I've told you everything that I know
Klaus/Alaric: You see, I believe that you believe that but what would you not know? What could they be keeping from you? Hmm? Anything? Tell me
(She looks at him and he compels her)
Katherine: They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to k*ll an Original without a dagger
Klaus/Alaric: Bonnie the best friend? And then you said she didn't have her powers anymore
Katherine: She doesn't or didn't. I don't know. You kidnapped me, remember? I'm kinda out of the loop
Klaus/Alaric: Well, we'll have to get to the bottom of that
Katherine: Please, just k*ll me, Klaus, and be done with it
Klaus/Alaric: And show you kindness? I've searched for you for over 500 years. Your death is going to last at least half that long
(He takes a Kn*fe from his pocket)
Klaus/Alaric: I want you to take this Kn*fe... And s*ab yourself
(She takes the Kn*fe and s*ab her thigh)
Klaus/Alaric: Now take it out
(She takes it out. Her wounds heals)
Klaus/Alaric: Now while I'm gone, I want you to do that over and over and over again and if you get bored, switch legs
Katherine: Where are you going?
Klaus/Alaric: I'm gonna go lay eyes on my precious doppelganger
(He kisses her on the forehead)
Klaus/Alaric: Oh, don't look so glum, Katerina. The fun is just beginning. Again, please
(He leaves. Katherine s*ab herself again)
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena and Bonnie are with a lawyer. Elena is signing papers)
Lawyer: Please sign here and here
(She takes the pen)
Elena: Okay
Bonnie: So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you?
Elena: For now. As sole owner, I'm the only one who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean
Bonnie: Your own personal safe house
Elena: That's the idea
Bonnie: Wouldn't want to clean it
(Elena laughs)
(Stefan and Damon are waiting outside)
Damon: You really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?
Stefan: She said she could channel enough witch's power to k*ll him. Elijah thought that would work and he was an Original, so…
Damon: We just need to find him
Stefan: Yeah
Damon: Could she do one of those witch tracking spells?
Stefan: Nope. Not without something that belongs to Klaus. Believe me, I already asked
Damon: Do you think he k*lled her?
Stefan: Katherine? Probably
Damon: It's not like she didn't have it coming
(Elena opens the door. The lawyer leaves)
Elena: Thank you, Mr. Henry
(Stefan and Damon can't enter)
Elena: I'm sorry. I completely forgot
(She looks at Stefan)
Elena: Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?
Stefan: I would love to. Thank you
(He enters. Elena looks at Damon)
Damon: What are we, 12?
Elena: One of us is. If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?
Damon: No
Elena: Seriously, Damon. My way. You promised. I call the sh*ts. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?
Damon: Yes, Elena. Sure
Elena: Then please, come in
(He enters and looks at Stefan)
Damon: Shut up
(Bonnie rejoins them and gives Elena her jacket)
Elena: Thanks
Stefan: Wait, where are you going?
Elena: To school
Stefan: Huh?
Damon: No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it
Stefan: Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that
Elena: Right. But where? No one knows. Look, I really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner
(She looks at Damon)
Damon: Your way, Elena
Bonnie: Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him. Know how
Elena: The way I see it, next to Bonnie is the safest place that I can be. Come on
(They leave. Stefan looks at Damon)
Stefan: Wait, um, coming
(He leaves with them)
[Caroline's house]
(Matt knocks on the door. Liz opens the door)
Liz: Caroline left early for school
Matt: I know. I came to see you. I don't know what to do. What to say, how to act around her
Liz: You can't let on that you know
Matt: She wants me to take her to the dance. What am I supposed to do?
Liz: Take her to the dance
Matt: I'll never get away with it. She knows me too well, she'll figure it out
Liz: Damn it, Matt, just do it. She's my daughter. She's my baby. I just, I need some time
Matt: I know, but...
Liz: Look, if what Caroline told you is true, she's not the only one. The Salvatore's are vampires. The Gilbert family is in on it. Tyler Lockwood is God knows what
Matt: A werewolf
Liz: There's no one in this town I can trust. I just need to take a b*at and figure out what to do
Matt: That'll never fool her
Liz: Yes, you will. As far as she knows, you don't remember anything. Buy me some time. Please, Matt
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Everyone sits down. Elena takes the poster for the decade dance and shows it to Stefan with a smile. He says no. then, she shows it to Bonnie. She says yes. Elena looks back at Stefan. Alaric/Klaus arrives)
Alaric/Klaus: Hello, class. Are we learning today?
Dana: With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week
Alaric/Klaus: Right. The sixties
(He sees Elena. He looks at her for a while and turns to the board)
Alaric/Klaus: The, uh, ahem...
(He writes on the board)
Alaric/Klaus: The sixties. I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but... Actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban m*ssile thing, the... we walked on the moon. There was Watergate
Elena: Watergate was the seventies, Ric. I-I mean, Mr. Saltzman
Alaric/Klaus: Right. It all kind of mushes together up here, the sixties, seventies. Thank you, Elena
(Caroline rejoins Dana but sees Matt)
Caroline: Hey, Dana. Um, can you take care of these?
Dana: Sure
Caroline: Ok, thank you
(She gives her some posters and leaves)
(She rejoins Matt)
Caroline: Hey
(He kisses her)
Caroline: What was that for?
Matt: Just practicing for tonight
(She laughs)
Matt: So I... found a suit. If you still want me to be JFK
Caroline: Perfect
(Bonnie and Jeremy are in the cafeteria)
Jeremy: Do you think Elena knows what it's going to take for you to do that Klaus spell?
Bonnie: No, and you're not, either
Jeremy: Well, she's gotta know you can't do it
Bonnie: You don't know I can't. Have a little faith in me
Jeremy: That's not fair. You can't harness the power of a hundred d*ad witches. It'll k*ll you
Bonnie: Shh! We don't know that for certain. You promised to keep my secret, I'm trusting you. I'm going through with this, and if you tell anyone, I swear...
Jeremy: what? What are you gonna do?
(Elena rejoins them)
Elena: Hey, Jer. How you doing? Are you ok at the house alone with John?
Jeremy: It's not ideal
(He gets up)
Elena: You haven't heard from Jenna, have you?
Jeremy: It looks like she's staying on campus instead of coming home. I'm late for class
(He leaves. Elena sits down with Bonnie)
Elena: What's going on?
Bonnie: I told him he had to dress up tonight and he got all uptight
Elena: Oh
(She laughs. Dana rejoins them)
Dana: Hey, Elena, there you are. Ok. This is going to sound freaky, but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you're going to the dance tonight
Bonnie: Tell him she has a boyfriend
Dana: You could at least meet him. He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name is Klaus
Elena: I'm sorry, what did you just say?
Dana: His name's Klaus. I know the name's stupid, but I swear he's hot
(Bonnie looks around them)
Bonnie: Where is he? Is he here?
Dana: I don't know
Bonnie: She's being compelled
Dana: But he wants to know if you'll save him the last dance. How cute is that?
[Salvatore's house]
(Stefan, Damon, Bonnie and Elena are in the living room)
Damon: So we go to the dance, we find him
Stefan: Really? How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like
Damon: Something tells me he's not going to be 16 and pimply
Stefan: He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school
(He looks at Elena and Bonnie)
Stefan: I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?
(Someone knocks on the door. Alaric/Klaus enters)
Damon: There you are
Alaric/Klaus: Sorry I'm late
Damon: Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move
Elena: Ok, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of att*ck?
Bonnie: Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can k*ll him
Alaric/Klaus: That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around
Damon: Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he...
(He rushes over Bonnie but she throws him on the other side of the room with her powers, without touching him)
Stefan: Well, I was impressed
Bonnie: It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can k*ll him, Elena. I know I can
[Alaric's apartment]
Alaric/Klaus: Ah, you're right. This witch is all juiced up and aiming to k*ll
(Katherine legs are bleeding)
Katherine: That's terrible
(The warlock is in the kitchen)
Alaric/Klaus: We're gonna have to k*ll her, Maddox
(He opens a drawer)
Alaric/Klaus: Do you think this Alaric guy has anything vintage?
(He looks at the shirts and sees that there's something under. He opens it and sees a lot of w*apon to k*ll vampires)
Alaric/Klaus: Crossbows, wooden b*ll*ts and automatics? Who is this guy, again?
Katherine: He's the local vampire hunter
Alaric/Klaus: Ahh. Well, that explains the clothes
Maddox: All I could find. Guy likes his bourbon
(He gives him a glass. Alaric/Klaus takes it)
Alaric/Klaus: I knew there was something about him I liked. There's a high school dance and I'm gonna need you to take out witch bitch
Maddox: If she has that much power, she can sense me coming from a mile away. I won't be able to get near her. You have to do it
Alaric/Klaus: In this body? I'm a Haggard history teacher. She can easily hurt me. I mean, not me, Klaus me, but you know what I mean
(Katherine is listening to them)
Maddox: No witch could handle channeling that much power. It'll k*ll her. It would k*ll me. You just have
to make her use it
Alaric/Klaus: You mean like provoking her to death?
Maddox: Won't take long. Just keep attacking her until it kills her. His body, Alaric's, will last longer than hers will
Alaric/Klaus: How? He's human
Maddox: I can help in that department. I can do a spell to protect you
(Alaric/Klaus looks at Katherine. She lowers her head)
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline is all dressed up. Liz arrives)
Caroline: There you are! You almost missed me. How do I look?
Liz: Jackie O?
(Caroline laughs)
Caroline: Duh
Liz: You look good
Caroline: Thanks. Is everything ok?
Liz: Ughh, just some work stress
Caroline: Well, you work too much
(Matt knocks on the door. Caroline laughs and opens the door)
Caroline: Mr. President
Matt: Hey
Caroline: Hi
(She tries to kiss him but he looks at the sheriff and goes back. Caroline laughs)
Matt: Sheriff
Caroline: Sorry
Liz: Have fun
Caroline: We will
(Matt looks at the sheriff and leaves)
[Salvatore's house]
(Stefan and Elena are in his bedroom. She's looking into some boxes)
Elena: Your relatives were such packrats
(She takes two outfits and shows them to Stefan)
Elena: Ok, so what do you think? Twiggy or sexy hippy?
Stefan: Ooh. You know it's not too late to back out, right?
Elena: And what, miss out on all the fun?
(He gets closer to her)
Stefan: Hey
Elena: All this time spent worrying about Klaus. I think I convinced myself that he's not real but he is
Stefan: And tonight, we will put an end to him
(They kiss)
Elena: I love you
Stefan: I want you to tell me that when the night's over
(They kiss again)
Damon: Any time tonight
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(It's the decade dance. Everyone's dancing. Alaric/Klaus arrive, dance and rejoins Dana and her date)
Dana: Nice outfit, Mr. Saltzman. Totally far out
Alaric/Klaus: Thank you, Dana. Thank you. Now who is your date?
Chad: It's Chad, Mr. Saltzman, from third period
Alaric/Klaus: Chad, of course. How would you and your friends like to earn a little extra credit?
(Bonnie and Jeremy are outside)
Jeremy: Wait
(He takes off is ring)
Jeremy: Look, I, um, I want you to have this
Bonnie: If you're asking me to go steady, I think that was the fifties
Jeremy: No, I'm serious, Bonnie
Bonnie: The ring won't work on me, Jeremy
Jeremy: But it was made by a witch
Bonnie: To protect from the supernatural, not for someone who is
Jeremy: Well, I have to do something. I can't just... I can't just let you get yourself k*lled
Bonnie: Just because a bunch of d*ad witches gave me a warning doesn't mean I'm going to die
Jeremy: So you're saying there's a 50-50 sh*t you won't? Look, I'm sorry. But... you know I don't have the best luck in the girlfriend department
Bonnie: Hey. Listen, I... I can't explain it. But I can feel them. I'm empowered, Jeremy, I can do this. I know I can. I'm strong enough
(She embraces him and sees Damon)
Bonnie: Damon
Damon: Evenin'
(He enters. Elena and Stefan rejoin them)
Elena: hey you two. Oh, you look nice
(She embraces Bonnie)
Bonnie: You too
Stefan: You guys ready to do this?
(Everyone is dancing. Dana goes on the stage)
Dana: Thanks for being here, everybody. We have a special shout-out tonight
(Elena, Stefan, Bonnie, Jeremy and Damon stops in front of the stage)
Dana: This is for Elena. From Klaus
(A song starts playing. Elena seems stunned)
Damon: That was a lame, cheap sh*t. He's just trying to bait us
Elena: I know everyone here
Stefan: Maybe he's not here. Just wants us to believe that he is
Damon: It's a party, people. Blend. Let him come to us
Bonnie: Good idea
(She takes Jeremy's arm)
Jeremy: No, no, I really don't feel like dancing
Bonnie: Too bad
(They go on the dance floor. Damon sees Alaric/Klaus)
Damon: There's Ric. I'll be back
(He leaves)
(Damon rejoins Alaric/Klaus)
Alaric/Klaus: Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted
Damon: I'm not impressed
Alaric/Klaus: No?
Damon: Let me know if you see anything out of whack
(He leaves)
(Jeremy and Bonnie are dancing so are Elena and Stefan. She sees Caroline and Matt arriving)
Elena: Caroline's here. They don't know what's going on. We have to tell her
Stefan: I'm on it
(He looks at Damon and leaves. Damon takes Elena and they dance)
Damon: How you doing?
Elena: Um, freaking out a bit. You?
Damon: Cool as a cucumber. Come on, remember the last decade dance? The vampires were all, "ahh!" And you were all, "aahh!"
Elena: Right. And you won
Damon: Yes! We did
(He makes some moves with her)
Elena: You're good at this
Damon: I've got moves you've never seen
(She laughs)
(Matt and Caroline are in the dance floor)
Caroline: Dance with me
Matt: I'm a really bad dancer
(She laughs and takes his arm)
Caroline: I know better than that
(They dance. He's weird)
Caroline: What?
Matt: You look really pretty tonight
(Stefan rejoins them)
Stefan: Hey, guys
Matt: Hey, man, what's up?
Stefan: Hey. Do you mind if I steal your date for a moment?
Matt: No, not all. I'll get us something to drink
Stefan: Thanks
(Matt leaves. Stefan dances with Caroline)
Caroline: What's wrong?
Stefan: Klaus is here
Caroline: What?!
Stefan: Yeah
Caroline: Where?
Stefan: We have no idea. But keep your eye out for anything that might be weird, ok?
(Bonnie and Jeremy are dancing. Damon rejoins them)
Damon: May I?
(Jeremy looks at him and leaves. Damon dances with Bonnie)
Bonnie: You heard Jeremy and me talking, didn't you?
Damon: Is it true?
Bonnie: Yes
Damon: The part about you having a 50-50 sh*t of surviving? Is that true?
Bonnie: He was upset. I didn't want him to worry
Damon: So you lay it out on the line for Elena, no matter what
Bonnie: No matter what
Damon: Good
Bonnie: You can't tell her
Damon: Your secret's safe with me, but I mean... With all that power, isn't there a way to increase your odds?
Bonnie: Careful, Damon. I might start to think you actually care
Damon: We wouldn't want that
(Elena rejoins Jeremy. She looks at Bonnie and Damon)
Elena: What are they up to?
Jeremy: Who knows?
Elena: Is there something going on, Jer? You ok?
Jeremy: Fine. I'm fine
(He leaves. Stefan rejoins her)
Stefan: Everything all right?
Elena: I'm not sure
(Jeremy is in the hallway. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: Jeremy. What are you doing? Elena thinks we should stick together
Jeremy: Yeah, I'm fine. I've got my ring. It's... it's Bonnie
Stefan: What is it? Hey, you got something on your mind, spit it out
Jeremy: If Bonnie takes on Klaus, channeling all that energy's going to k*ll her
Stefan: What?
Jeremy: But she doesn't want Elena to know, 'cause if Elena knows, she's gonna try to stop her. And it's Elena that could turn up d*ad, so... What am I supposed to do?
(Everyone is dancing. Damon is dancing with two girls. Bonnie looks at him and smiles. Elena rejoins her)
Elena: I need to talk to you
(They leaves. Damon's looking at them. Bonnie looks at him. Stefan rejoins Damon)
Stefan: Come here, come here, come here. Please tell me you didn't know that Bonnie was on a su1c1de mission
Damon: Oh, great. Jeremy told you and of course you told Elena
Stefan: Yeah, I told her. You promised her no more secrets
Damon: I changed my mind
(Elena and Bonnie are outside)
Elena: How could you not tell me?
Bonnie: 'Cause I knew how'd you react
Elena: No. No way, it's not an option
Bonnie: It's our only option
Elena: Then we'll find another way, ok? Bonnie, you're not dying to save my life
Bonnie: I have the power to save you! If I don't use it and something happens, that would k*ll me more
Elena: I can't let you
Bonnie: Just answer one question... if the situation was reversed, would you do it for me?
(Elena doesn't answer)
Bonnie: So you know I have to
Elena: No. No!
(Jeremy is in the hallway. Chad and two other students rejoin him)
Jeremy: What's going on, guys?
Chad: You ok, Gilbert? You don't look so good
Jeremy: Dude, seriously? Wrong day, wrong guy
(They start fighting. The two other boys punch Jeremy. Stefan and Damon arrive. One of the guys throw a stake on Damon with a crossbow)
Damon: Let me guess... Klaus says hi
(They have w*apon. Stefan rushes over them and fights them. Damon catches another boy and is about to k*ll him)
Stefan: No, no, no, no, don't k*ll him. He's compelled
Damon: So?
Stefan: So, the whole thing's a distraction. Go find Bonnie and Elena. I got this. Go
(Damon throws the guy against the lockers and leaves)
(Alaric/Klaus rejoins Bonnie and Elena)
Alaric/Klaus: Elena!
Elena: What is it?
Alaric/Klaus: He has Jeremy
Elena: What?
Bonnie: What?!
Alaric/Klaus: Yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on
(They follow him in the school. They're running in the hallway)
Elena: Ok, so where are you taking us?
Alaric/Klaus: Just a little further
Elena: What... Something's not right
Bonnie: Where's Jeremy?
(They stop. He laughs)
Alaric/Klaus: I just had to get away from that dance. The sixties, uchh. Not my decade
(He laughs)
Alaric/Klaus: I mean, whose call was that, anyway? I much prefer the twenties. The style, the parties, the jazz
Elena: Alaric. Are you on vervain?
Alaric/Klaus: Now why would you ask me that question, Elena?
Elena: He's being compelled
Alaric/Klaus: Nope. Try again
Elena: What's going on?
Alaric/Klaus: Ok, I'll give you a hint. I am not Alaric
Elena: Klaus
Alaric/Klaus: Surprise!
Elena: Oh, no. No, it's not possible
Alaric/Klaus: Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my h*t list tonight
(He looks at Bonnie)
Alaric/Klaus: But you are
(She throws him against the wall with her powers. He gets up)
Alaric/Klaus: Now, did I mention that I knew a witch? You're gonna have to h*t me a lot harder than that
(He rushes over her so she throws him against a display case. He laughs)
Alaric/Klaus: By all means... f*re away!
(He gets up)
Alaric/Klaus: If you k*ll this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy
Bonnie: Go. Run. Run!
(They run. Bonnie closes the doors with her powers. Damon rejoins them)
Damon: What happened?
Elena: Klaus is in Alaric's body
Damon: What?
Bonnie: He's possessing it or something
(He looks at Elena)
Damon: Go find Stefan. Now
Elena: Okay
Damon: Now
(She leaves. Damon and Bonnie are alone)
Damon: Can you k*ll him?
Bonnie: He's got some kind of protection spell
Damon: You have the power of a hundred witches. Break it
Bonnie: I'm trying! If I k*ll Alaric, he'll just possess someone else. He knows I have my power, Damon. He's trying to k*ll me
Damon: No. Klaus does not get to win tonight, no way. You still willing to do whatever it takes to k*ll him?
(Elena is on the dance floor, looking all around her. Caroline sees her. She's with Matt)
Caroline: Hey! Are you ok?
Elena: Um...Yeah. I'm just... I'm looking for Stefan
(She sees him)
Caroline: Seriously, what's wrong?
Elena: Uh, just, um, stay with Matt, ok?
(She leaves to rejoin Stefan)
Matt: What was that about?
Caroline: Oh, you know, just same old drama
(Bonnie is in the hallway, alone. She enters the cafeteria. Alaric/Klaus is sitting on a chair, a Kn*fe on his hand)
Alaric/Klaus: What took you so long? Now, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?
(She breaks his wrist with her powers. He replaces it)
Alaric/Klaus: The hard way. Got it
(He gets up. She breaks his shoulder with her powers. He groans)
Alaric/Klaus: What? You'd k*ll your favorite history teacher?
Bonnie: It's what Alaric would want. And he'd want you to suffer first
(Her nose bleeds)
Alaric/Klaus: Look at you
(She wipes her nose)
Alaric/Klaus: Is that all you got?
Bonnie: Let's find out
(Elena and Stefan are running in the hallway, Damon rejoins them)
Damon: There you are
Elena: What are you doing? Where's Bonnie?
Damon: She's doing what she has to do
Elena: What?
Stefan: Where is she?
Damon: Stefan, let her do this
Stefan: Damn it, Damon, where is she?!
(Bonnie is still fighting Alaric/Klaus with her powers. Her nose is bleeding a lot. Elena and Stefan arrive)
Elena: Bonnie, no!
(Bonnie fights Alaric/Klaus. Elena screams. Stefan tries to open the doors but he can't. bonnie looks at Elena with a smile and then she falls on the floor. Everything stops. Elena and Stefan open the doors and rush over Bonnie)
Elena: No! Oh! Bonnie! Bonnie, Bonnie!
(She takes Bonnie in her arms. Stefan looks around them. Alaric/Klaus is gone)
Elena: Stefan, she's not breathing!
(She cries)
Elena: Stefan! Stefan, I can't find her pulse! Stefan! Do something, please! Stefan, please! Just give her blood, do something, please!
Stefan: It's too late. I'm sorry
(Elena's still crying)
Elena: No! No. No, no, no, no, no! Bonnie! Bonnie, please, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
(Damon arrives)
Damon: Stefan, get Elena out of here. I'll deal with this
Elena: What do you mean, deal with this?
Damon: The sheriff can't know about this. Last thing we need's another mysterious death
Elena: This is Bonnie!
(Damon looks at Stefan)
Damon: Get her home. Now
(Stefan catches Elena and helps her to get up)
Stefan: Hey, hey, hey
Elena: No. Jeremy. Oh, my God, Jeremy. What about Jeremy?
Damon: I'll find him
(Elena gets up. She looks at Bonnie's body, crying and screaming. Stefan takes her and they leave. Alone, Damon closes Bonnie's eyes)
(Damon puts Bonnie's body in the trunk. Jeremy rejoins him)
Jeremy: Damon! Hey, I got your message, I can't find anyone. Where's Elena, where's Bonnie?
Damon: We need to have a little talk
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena is sitting next to the chimney. Stefan rejoins her with a glass)
Stefan: Hey. Here, drink this
Elena: I can't
Stefan: Yeah. Yeah, you can. Yeah. Yeah, you can
(She takes the glass but cries)
Elena: This is my fault
Stefan: No, no, no, no, no. No. Hey. This was Klaus. Listen to me. Klaus did this
(Damon arrives)
Elena: What did you do with her?!
(He looks at Stefan)
Damon: Will you please calm her down?
Elena: Don't talk like I'm not standing right in front of you
Damon: Please calm down
Elena: You knew! Didn't you? You knew that if she harnessed all that power, that she would die, didn't you?
Damon: Yes. Yes, I knew
(She slaps him)
Damon: You need to listen to me, and prepare for what I'm about to say. Bonnie had to die. Klaus using Alaric's body was a total surprise. She wasn't prepared for that. And he wasn't going to stop, and we weren't going to be able to stop him until he knew she was d*ad. He had to believe it
[Abandoned house]
(Bonnie is laying on the floor. Jeremy is lightening candles. She wakes up. He rushes over and embraces her. They laugh with joy)
[Salvatore's house]
Damon: She cast a spell. She's alive, Elena. Bonnie's ok
(He goes to the stairs. Stefan follows him)
Stefan: You know, you could have told me
Damon: How do I know when you're going to go blabbing things to your girlfriend?
Stefan: You even understand what you put her through?
Damon: See, that's why I didn't tell you. 'Cause you would have never been able to do it. Don't get me wrong, Stefan. I don't mind being the bad guy. I'll make all the life and death decisions while you're busy worrying about collateral damage. I'll even let her hate me for it. But at the end of the day, I'll be the one to keep her alive
(He goes upstairs)
[Abandoned house]
(Jeremy has his laptop on his legs)
Jeremy: You sure it's safe here?
Bonnie: Yeah, I'm sure
(He takes something from his bag)
Bonnie: What is that?
Jeremy: It is MiFi. If we're gonna be stuck here, then we might as well have Internet
Bonnie: You don't have to stay down here with me
Jeremy: Hey, look, I'm not letting you out of my sight
Bonnie: I... I need you to talk to Elena for me. Tell her how sorry I am for what Damon and I had to do
Jeremy: Well, um... Why don't you tell her yourself?
(He turns the laptop so Bonnie can see Elena thanks to the webcam)
[Salvatore House]
(Elena is talking with Bonnie via webcam)
Bonnie: Elena, I'm so sorry
Elena: It's ok, it's ok. I just needed to see you from myself
(Bonnie's crying)
Bonnie: There wasn't enough time for me to tell you
Elena: It's ok, seriously. Damon explained it all to me
(Damon is in his bedroom. Elena rejoins him)
Damon: Ugh. Look. Klaus had to think she was d*ad. Your reaction had to be real
Elena: I understand why you did what you did. Klaus was fooled, and Bonnie's alive
Damon: Here's to duplicity
Elena: But let's get one thing straight, Damon. Bonnie will not die for me, I will not let that happen
Damon: We need to k*ll Klaus, Elena. Real Klaus. Who will probably be coming to pay you a visit soon now that he knows that Bonnie is d*ad. She's the only one who can do it
Elena: We'll find another way
Damon: I hope so
Elena: Look, I shouldn't have h*t you
Damon: Apology accepted. Let me be clear about something. If it comes down to you and the witch again, I will gladly let Bonnie die. I will always choose you
(She doesn't say anything for a moment)
Elena: Good night, Damon
Damon: Good night
(She looks at him and leaves)
(She goes in the basement. Opens the cellar, looks at Elijah's body and removes the dagger. She sits down next to the body) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x18 - The Last Dance"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena is waiting for Elijah to wake up. Suddenly he wakes up. Elena rushes over him. He's in choc when sees her.)
Elijah: Katerina!
England, 1492
[A House]
(Trevor is speaking with a woman. He rejoins Elijah)
Elijah: Ah, good evening, Trevor. I am pleased you could join us
Trevor: I could not miss the birthday celebration
Elijah: No, considering the gift you claim to bear. Where is this mystery girl of which you speak?
Trevor: Right this way
(Elijah follows him. They rejoin Katherine)
Trevor: My dear
Katherine: Hello
(Elijah is in choc)
[Salvatore's house]
Elena: Elijah! It's me, it's Elena
Elijah: Oh, my God
England, 1492
[A house]
Elijah: Forgive me. You remind me of someone
Trevor: Katerina, may I introduce the lord Elijah
(She takes his hand and bows)
Katherine: Pleasure, my lord
Elijah: The pleasure's mine. Katerina
(He kisses her hand)
[Salvatore's house]
(He closes her eyes. Elena gets closer but his body writhes. He gets up)
Elijah: I can't-- I can't breathe! What's happening to me?
(He rushes over the door but stammers the door. She rushes over him and holds him)
Elijah: I can't... I can't be in this house
(She realizes something)
Elena: You're not invited in
Elijah: I can't be in here
(He stammers another wall and disappears. Elena runs after him and goes to the front door. Elijah is outside. He tries to enter but he can't enter)
Elijah: What happened?
Elena: Shh!
(She shows him that Stefan and Damon can hear and she whispers)
Elena: I'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you?
(He whispers too)
Elijah: Can I trust you?
(She gives him the dagger. He takes it)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is in his bedroom. He wakes up Elena's not here. He goes downstairs)
Stefan: Elena!
(Andie is here)
Stefan: Hey
Andie: Hey
Stefan: Have you seen Elena?
Andie: Uh, no
(Damon rejoins her)
Damon: Hi, sweetie. Oh, my coffee
(He kisses her)
Damon: Good morning
Andie: Mm, good morning
Stefan: Hey, where's Elena?
Damon: I don't know, Stefan. It's your girlfriend. Mine's right here
(He looks at Andie)
Damon: Oh, and how's the shoulder? Got time for a bite? I'm so hungry
Andie: Oh, it's really messy. Can you just use a blood bag today?
(Stefan is on the phone and looks at them)
Andie: I'm already late for work
Damon: No!
(He pouts. Stefan leaves a message to Elena)
Stefan: Hey, it's me. Where are you? Call me
(He hangs up. Damon and Andie are kissing)
Stefan: What are you doing? She's not a wind-up toy
(Andie looks at him)
Andie: It's really none of your business, is it, Stefan?
Damon: Yeah. What she said
Andie: I have to go to work
(She kisses him)
Damon: Ugh! Bye
(She leaves. Stefan sees that the basement door is open. He rushes over it. Damon follows him. Stefan arrives at the cellar and sees that Elijah's not here. Damon rejoins him)
Damon: No, she didn't
[Alaric's apartment]
(Klaus/Alaric is at the door with Maddox. Katherine is making coffee)
Maddox: I'll be back as soon as I can
Klaus/Alaric: Yes, do hurry. I'm anxious to get out of this body. And if you get hung up, call me. You know how impatient I get
(Maddox leaves. Klaus/Alaric closes the door)
Katherine: Where is he going?
Klaus/Alaric: To retrieve me. So I can get out of this bad hair-do
Katherine: Are you sure that's a good idea, Klaus?
Klaus/Alaric: Well, the full moon is almost upon us
(He puts the moonstone on the table)
Klaus/Alaric: I've k*lled the witch, I have the moon stone, and the doppelganger is waiting in the wings. Ohh, I am ready to break this curse
Katherine: And why would you do that here? There's so many people that would try to stop you
Klaus/Alaric: Because I have to. It's the birth place of the doppelganger
Katherine: I didn't realize that was a requirement
Klaus/Alaric: Well, how could you? You betrayed me and fled England before I could give you the details, Katerina. But I did find your birth place and I slaughtered your family. So I guess we're cool. Let's just hope that Elena isn't as stupid as you are
Katherine: She won't run. She'll die before she lets anyone that she loves get hurt
Klaus/Alaric: And that's exactly what I'm counting on
(He compels her)
Klaus/Alaric: You can't leave until I tell you to
(He leaves)
[Elena's car]
(She parks her car. Elijah is next to her. He's drinking blood from a blood bag)
Elena: You look better
Elijah: Where did you get the dagger?
Elena: I'll tell you everything. But we have to work together, Elijah. I need your word
Elijah: Your ability to make demands has long passed
Elena: No demands. I'm offering you my help. And in return, I want yours
Elijah: And why should I even consider this?
Elena: The same reason that you haven't k*lled me. You need my help to k*ll Klaus. And I need you
(Her phone rings. She answers. It's Stefan)
Stefan: Where are you? Are you ok?
Elena: Yes, I'm fine
Stefan: Where's Elijah?
Elena: He's right here
Stefan: Where? I'm on my way
Elena: No, Stefan, Elijah and I need some time alone
Stefan: Listen to me. He can't be trusted He'll use you to get to Klaus
Elena: Elijah is a noble man, Stefan. He lives by a code of honor. I can trust him. He knows that I'd be incredibly stupid to betray him again. By removing the dagger, I have proven myself
Stefan: You can't do this alone
Elena: It's my decision, Stefan. Please respect it. And make sure that Damon doesn't do anything stupid. I'll be in touch
(She hangs up. Elijah holds his hand out. Elena gives him her phone)
[Salvatore's house]
Damon: Did she just hang up on you?
Stefan: She did
Damon: She's lost it
Stefan: If anyone can get him to help us k*ll Klaus, it's her
Damon: Bonnie's the way to k*ll Klaus, Stefan. He thinks she's d*ad. We have a chance with her
Stefan: She'll k*ll herself in the process. Elena's looking for another way
Damon: Her way's going to get her k*lled. So we need to find her and stop her
(He gets up. Stefan gets up too)
Stefan: No, you need to back off
Damon: What?!
Stefan: Look, I don't like this any more than you do. But we need to trust her. We gotta just let her do her thing
Damon: That might be your plan. Mine's better
(He tries to leave but Stefan catches his arm)
Stefan: I said back off
[Elena's car]
Elena: He's here
Elijah: Klaus is here?
Elena: He's taken over Alaric's body
Elijah: Of course he has. One of his favorite tricks
Elena: Well, what are his other tricks? What is he going to do next? You're the only one who knows him
Elijah: Yes, I do
England, 1492
[A house]
(Elijah is with Katherine)
Katherine: So where is this mysterious host I've heard so much about?
Elijah: Fashionably late. He likes to make an entrance
(Elijah sees someone going down the stairs)
Elijah: Here he is
(Klaus is hidden by the crowd. Katherine is looking for him. She finally sees him. He rejoins them)
Elijah: Katerina, may I introduce to you the lord Nicklaus
(Klaus kisses her hand)
Klaus: Nicklaus is the name my father gave me. Please. Call me Klaus
(He smiles)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Elijah knocks on the door. Carol opens it)
Carol: Elijah, Elena! What are you doing here? What happened?
Elijah: I've had a bit of an incident, Carol. I'm hoping you could help
Carol: Well, I'm on my way to a meeting, so I—
(He compels her)
Elijah: We won't take but a minute of your time
(She smiles)
Carol: Of course. Anything you need
Elijah: Thank you
(They enter)
Elijah: Well, first things first. I'm going to need a change of clothing
Carol: Well, we can try one of my husband's suits. I haven't boxed them up yet
Elijah: Wonderful
(She goes upstairs)
Elena: How did you know she's not on vervain?
Elijah: 'Cause I'm the one who got her off it. Right before you and your friends k*lled me. Twice. If you'll excuse me. I'll be done in a moment
(He goes upstairs)
[Salvatore's house]
(Stefan picks up his phone. It's Jenna. Damon is in the living room too)
Stefan: Hello?
Jenna: Hey, Stefan. It's Jenna
Stefan: Jenna, hey
Jenna: Where's Elena? And Jeremy? No one's answering their phones
Stefan: Ah, Elena's not here at the moment. Is, uh, is everything ok?
Jenna: She left me all these weird messages telling me to stay away from Rick. What's going on?
Stefan: It's really hard to explain over the phone, but, um, she was hoping that you could stay on campus for a little while longer
Jenna: Oh, that's kinda hard to do from my kitchen
Stefan: Wait, you're home?
Jenna: Yeah. What's going on? Where's Elena? I'm supposed to meet Rick at the grill for lunch, to talk
Stefan: Jenna, listen to me carefully. Whatever you do, do not meet Alaric at the grill. I'm going to come over right now and I'll explain everything
(He hangs up and looks at Damon, who's pouring himself a drink)
Damon: Wow, I'd love to lend you a hand, but you wouldn't want me doing anything stupid
Stefan: It's seriously going to be like this?
Damon: You and your girlfriend are calling the sh*ts. I'm just backing off, Stefan
(Stefan leaves. Andie rejoins Damon)
Damon: Hi
Andie: Hi
Damon: Let's go
Andie: Where are we going?
Damon: Splitting from the team. Going rogue. Come on
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Elijah and Elena are sitting on the living room. Elijah is wearing one of Mayor Lockwood's suits)
Elijah: So I assume that the Martin witches are no longer with us
Elena: No. I'm sorry
Elijah: And Katerina? She would have been released from my compulsion when I died
Elena: Klaus took her. We think that she may be d*ad
Elijah: I doubt that. Not Klaus' style. Death would be too easy for her after what she did
Elena: I don't understand. You say that you want Klaus d*ad, but you still made Katherine pay for betraying him
Elijah: I have my own reasons for wanting Katerina to pay. There was a time... I'd have done anything for Klaus
England, 1492
[A house]
Klaus: From where have you come, Katerina?
Katherine: I'm new to town, my lord
(Elijah looks at Klaus with a smile)
Elijah: Katerina is from Bulgaria
Klaus: Zradevei, Katerina
(She laughs)
Katherine: Very good
(Klaus looks at Elijah)
Klaus: Do you mind, brother? I would like to have a moment alone with her
Elijah: Not at all. Happy Birthday, brother
(Klaus smiles and leaves with Katherine)
[Lockwood's mansion]
Elijah: Yes. Klaus is my brother
Elena: I heard that. I'm still processing
Elijah: Yes, I'm a little behind on the times, but I believe the term you're searching for is "O.M.G."
(He drinks some tea)
[Alaric's apartment]
(Katherine is bored. She opens a cupboard and finds a bottle of bourbon. She takes it and smiles. She opens it, drinks but hears someone.)
(Damon and Andie are here. She knocks on the door)
Andie: Alaric, are you home? Andie-- Starr, Jenna's friend
(Katherine tries to open the door but she can't even touch the doorknob. Andie and Damon open the door)
Katherine: Thank God
(Andie enters)
Andie: Wow! You were right. She looks exactly like Elena
Damon: Yep
(He can't enter. He looks at Katherine)
Damon: Thought you might be d*ad
Katherine: Unfortunately not
[Gilbert's house]
(Jenna opens the door to Stefan)
Stefan: Hey, Jenna. Thank you so much for not going to the grill
Jenna: Um, Stefan…
Stefan: No, listen. I can explain
(She looks over Stefan's shoulder. He turns himself. Klaus/Alaric's here)
Klaus/Alaric: Hi, Stefan. How's it going?
[Lockwood's house]
Elena: There's a whole family of Originals?
Elijah: My father was a wealthy land owner in a village in Eastern Europe. Our mother bore seven children
Elena: So your parents were human?
Elijah: Our whole family was. Our origin as vampires is a very long story, Elena. Just know... We're the oldest vampires in the world. We are the Original family, and from us all, vampires were created
Elena: Right, but Klaus is your brother. And you want him d*ad?
Elijah: I need some air. I'm still feeling a tad... d*ad. Come
[Alaric's apartment]
Katherine: What are you doing here?
Andie: We are here to rescue you
Damon: No, sweetie. We are here to see if she deserves to be rescued
Andie: Right
Damon: I figured you still might be kicking. Alari-Klaus was blending way too easily. Figured he probably had some coaching
(He shows her a phial)
Katherine: Is that...
Damon: Vervain? Your salvation
Katherine: It's not going to undo anything
Damon: There's always a loophole. Did he tell you to stay in this apartment until he said it was ok to leave?
(She doesn't' answer)
Damon: You can't say. Did he tell you to do absolutely everything he says until the end of time?
Katherine: No
Damon: There's your loophole. Drink this and prevent any further compulsion
(She comes closer to take it but he doesn't give it to her)
Katherine: Give it to me
Damon: Answer one question first. You double-crossed us with Isobel, why?
Katherine: I didn't think you could stand a chance against Klaus, so I was looking out for myself
Damon: And where did that get you? Here
(He throws her the phial)
Damon: Be careful with that. If he finds out you have that, you're never getting out of here
(She drinks and coughs)
Damon: You owe me. And I will collect
(He looks at Andie)
Damon: Come on
Andie: Nice to meet you
(She closes the door)
[Gilbert's house]
(Klaus/Alaric is chopping some food with a big Kn*fe. Jenna and Stefan are looking at him)
Klaus/Alaric: You know, I find chopping... Calming. The feel of the blade in the hand, maybe
Jenna: I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what the hell's going on
Klaus/Alaric: Well, would you like to tell her, Stefan, or should I?
Jenna: Tell me what?
Klaus/Alaric: Do you believe in vampires, Jenna? No?
(He laughs)
Klaus/Alaric: Well, who does, right? But believe it or not, they do have a place in our history. And as a history teacher, I find them fascinating
Jenna: Why are we talking about this?
Klaus/Alaric: Well, you've been angry with me for keeping secrets, and this is one of my secrets. I'm obsessed with vampires. There. I said it
(He laughs)
Jenna: Are you joking?
Klaus/Alaric: Not at all. How about you, Stefan? Are you a fan of vampires?
Stefan: In literature. Bram Stoker. It's dense, but I appreciate it
Klaus/Alaric: Hmm. Did you know that vampires are the oldest creatures of the night? Except for werewolves, of course
Jenna: Werewolves. Werewolves. Now I know you're joking
Klaus/Alaric: You know, I've read that there's an Aztec curse on both species that keeps werewolves slaves to the Moon and vampires bound by the Sun. Isn't that right, Stefan? You know, they say these creatures would do anything to have this curse broken and that they wouldn't care who they had to k*ll to do it
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Elena and Elijah are walking outside)
Elijah: So as you've seen, nothing can k*ll an Original. Not Sun, not f*re, not even a werewolf bite. Only the wood from one tree. A tree my family made sure b*rned
Elena: That's where the white ash for the dagger comes from
Elijah: Yes. The witches won't allow anything truly immortal to walk the earth. Every creature needs
to have a weakness in order to maintain the balance
Elena: So the Sun can't k*ll an Original. Why is Klaus so obsessed with breaking the Sun and Moon curse?
Elijah: Right. The curse of the Sun and the Moon. It's all so... Biblical-sounding, don't you think?
(He smiles)
Elena: What's so funny?
England, 1492
[A bedroom]
(Klaus is sitting on a chair. A woman is in front of him. Elijah's here too. He shows him a parchment.)
Elijah: Look what I found. The Roman parchment
Klaus: I remember etching this scroll. Well, I was quite blistered from drink
Elijah: Your finest work remains your Aztec drawings
Klaus: Not the African carvings? 'Cause I was quite proud of those
Elijah: The Aztec. Who can resist a shaman?
(Klaus laughs)
Klaus: Yes
[Lockwood's mansion]
Elena: I don't understand. So Klaus drew the Aztec sketches about the curse?
Elijah: Roman scrolls, African tribal etchings, and any other culture or continent we felt like planting in it
Elena: But why?
Elijah: Easiest way to discover the existence of a doppelganger or to get your hands on some long, lost moon stone is to have every single member of two warring species on the lookout
Elena: So it's not Aztec at all?
Elijah: The curse of the sun and the Moon... is fake. It doesn't exist
Elena: What?
[Gilbert's house]
(Alaric, Jenna and Stefan are sitting at the table)
Klaus/Alaric: Oh, I know this all sounds so crazy, but... vampires are real. Would you care for some more wine?
(He gets up to get a bottle of wine)
Jenna: Get out
Klaus/Alaric: Excuse me?
Jenna: I don't know what it is you're trying to do or why you're saying these things, but…
Klaus/Alaric: Jenna…
Jenna: I said get out!
(Stefan gets up)
Stefan: You heard her
Klaus/Alaric: I'm afraid I don't want to
Jenna: Fine! I'll go
(Klaus/Alaric catches the Kn*fe)
Klaus/Alaric: You're not going anywhere
(Stefan catches him and pushes him against the wall with his super speed and puts the Kn*fe on his throat)
Jenna: Stefan!
Stefan: Jenna, get out of here now!
Klaus/Alaric: You can't k*ll me, Stefan
Stefan: Watch me!
Jenna: Stefan!
Klaus/Alaric: I may not have a witch protecting me today, but if you k*ll this body, what's to stop me from choosing Jenna as my next one?
Stefan: Jenna, go
Jenna: But you're… you…
(He looks at her. His face has changed)
Stefan: I said go!
(She runs out of the house)
Klaus/Alaric: k*ll me. Just remind Elena how easy it will be for me to get my revenge if she tries to stop me from breaking this curse
(Stefan punches him on the face and once Klaus/Alaric is on the floor, he kicks him on the stomach. He throws the Kn*fe on the floor and leaves)
[Lockwood's mansion]
Elijah: Klaus and I faked the Sun and Moon curse dating back over a thousand years
Elena: But if there's no curse...
Elijah: There's a curse. Just not that one. The real one's much worse. It's a curse placed on Klaus
Elena: What are you talking about?
Elijah: Klaus has been trying to break it for the last thousand years. You are his only hope
(Elena's phone keeps vibrating in Elijah's pocket)
Elena: What is this curse?
(The phone is still vibrating)
Elijah: Your phone will not stop its incessant buzzing. Answer it, please
(He gives her the phone. She answers. It's Stefan)
Elena: Stefan… what's wrong? No. No, no, no, no. Ok, I'll be right there
(She hangs up and looks at Elijah)
Elena: Klaus went after Jenna. I have to go to her
Elijah: I'm afraid that wasn't part of today's arrangement
Elena: She's my family, Elijah. I have to. I'll be back. You have my word
Elijah: That doesn't mean anything to me until you live up to it
Elena: Thank you
(She runs to her car. Elijah looks at her)
England, 1492
(Elijah and Katherine are outside. She's running and laughing)
Katherine: You have to chase me!
(He runs after her but stops. She laughs)
Katherine: You're meant to catch me
Elijah: But if I catch you, the game will be over
Katherine: Thank you for entertaining me
Elijah: You seemed lonely inside, so I took pity on you
(She sits down)
Katherine: Klaus promised to spend the day with me, but he never returned home from the night
Elijah: Yes, Klaus does not live by any rules but his own
Katherine: He is a very charming man. Hard for anyone to resist, I suppose
Elijah: And yet...
Katherine: I know not why he courts me. He seems to not care about me at all
Elijah: Many a union has been built on much less
Katherine: Is it wrong to want more?
(He sits down with her)
Elijah: Did you have more with Trevor?
Katherine: Trevor believes that he loves me, but true love is not real unless it's returned. Do you agree?
Elijah: I do not believe in love, Katerina
Katherine: That is too sad for me to accept, my lord. Life is too cruel. If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live?
(Klaus rejoins them)
Klaus: What do I interrupt?
Elijah: He's returned
(He looks at Klaus's shirt. There's blood on it)
Elijah: Long night
Katherine: What has happened?
Klaus: The wrong village picked a fight at the tavern
(She leaves with him. Klaus looks at Elijah with a smile. Katherine looks at Elijah too)
[Salvatore's house]
(Elena rejoins Jenna in the library)
Elena: Oh, Jenna, thank God
Jenna: No
Elena: I never meant for any of this to happen
Jenna: When I was little, your mom used to tell me bedtime stories. Stories about vampires. I never thought that what she said could be true
Elena: It is true, Jenna. I should have told you. I thought that if you didn't know, you'd be safe. But then things got so out of control and everything I had done to keep you out of it, it just blew up in my face
Jenna: Who else knows? Jeremy?
(Elena nods)
Jenna: John?
Elena: We were just trying to protect you
Jenna: Protect me?
Elena: I'm so sorry. I will tell you everything
Jenna: No, Elena... I am the one who's supposed to be protecting you and Jeremy
Elena: I know, but there's nothing that you could have done. There's so much more to it…
Jenna: no, this is-- this is so… I don't know how… it's…
(She cries)
Elena: I know, hey
Jenna: Why didn't you tell me?! I'm scared
(Elena sits down next to her and embraces her)
Elena: I know. I know. I know, hey. Hey. I'm sorry. Jenna, I am so, so sorry
(Stefan is in the corridor, listening to them. He has tears in his eyes)
(Elena closes a door. Stefan is here)
Stefan: Is she gonna be ok?
Elena: She's in shock. I tried to tell her as much as I could, but I barely scratched the surface
Stefan: I'm so sorry, Elena. I hate this
Elena: It's not your fault, Stefan. It's mine. Anyway... I have to go back to Elijah
Stefan: Wait, what? No, no!
Elena: Stefan, I promised him that I would return. I can't break that promise
Stefan: Oh
(He nods)
Elena: I'll be ok
(She goes to the front door but Damon and Andie rejoin her)
Damon: Where do you think you're going?
Elena: Back to Elijah
Damon: No
Elena: Get out of my way, Dam...
(He catches her arm)
Damon: if you so much as try and take a step out of this house...
Andie: Damon, easy
Damon: Stay out of this, Andie
Stefan: Let her go
Damon: Are you kidding me? We just got her back
(Stefan catches his arm)
Stefan: You heard me. I said let her go
Damon: That's twice today you've stood in my way. I wouldn't try a third
[Alaric's apartment]
(The music is very loud .Katherine is drinking and dancing. Suddenly she hears someone at the door. Klaus/Alaric enters. Katherine is sitting on the couch.)
Klaus/Alaric: You mind turning that down?
(She turns down the music)
Katherine: Why so grumpy?
Klaus/Alaric: Well, this body has outlived its usefulness
Katherine: Do you want a drink?
Klaus/Alaric: No, Katerina, I don't want a drink
Katherine: Come on. It might loosen you up
(He takes the bottle and throws it against the wall. He compels her)
Klaus/Alaric: What I want is for you to sit down and shut up
(She sits down on the couch. Maddox arrives)
Klaus/Alaric: Maddox, what took you so long?
Maddox: You've got a lot of luggage
(Two men enter with luggage. A girl enters too)
Klaus/Alaric: Greta. Finally
Greta: Hello, love. Nice body. You ready to get out of it?
(Two other men arrive with a giant box. Katherine looks at them)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Elena enter. Elijah's here)
Elijah: Welcome back
Elena: Tell me. What is Klaus' curse?
(She takes of her jacket)
Elena: Please
Elijah: My family was quite close, but Klaus and my father did not get on too well. When we became vampires, we discovered the truth. Klaus was not my father's son. My mother had been unfaithful many years before. This was her darkest secret. Klaus is from a different bloodline. Of course, when my father discovered this, he hunted down and he k*lled my mother's lover and his entire family. Not realizing, of course, that he was igniting a w*r between species that rages until this day
Elena: A w*r between the species?
Elijah: The vampires... and the werewolves
Elena: So Klaus' real father was from a werewolf bloodline? What does that make Klaus? A werewolf? Or a vampire?
Elijah: He's both. A hybrid would be deadlier than any werewolf or vampire. Nature would not stand for such an imbalance of power. Therefore the witches, the servants of nature, saw to it that my brother's werewolf side would become dormant
Elena: That's the curse that Klaus wants to break?
Elijah: He wants to trigger that part of him that's a werewolf. If allowed, Klaus would sire his own bloodline. He'd build his own race. Endangering not just vampires, but everyone
Elena: But you helped him
Elijah: I helped him because I loved him. That's changed, now he must die
Elena: We have the dagger now. We can stop him
Elijah: When a werewolf is wounded by silver, it heals. An Original can't be k*lled by anything but white oak ash on a silver dagger. So you see the conundrum. The dagger does not work
Elena: What, are you saying that Klaus can't be k*lled?
Elijah: There's one way to k*ll any supernatural species… at the hands of the servants of nature themselves
Elena: A witch if they can channel that much power. But it would k*ll them
Elijah: The curse must be broken during the full moon. When Klaus is in transition. That's when he'll be at his most vulnerable. A witch with enough power... can k*ll Klaus
Elena: What if I told you that I knew a witch that could channel that much power?
Elijah: Then I would tell you there's one more thing that you should know
England, 1492
[A room]
Klaus: The full moon is tomorrow, brother. After all these centuries, it is finally time
Elijah: I have been to see the witches. They believe they may have found a way to spare the doppelganger
Klaus: What does it matter if she lives or not? She's a means to an end that is all
Elijah: What, she should die for your gain?
Klaus: She is human. Her life means nothing
Elijah: I beg you to consider this
Klaus: Are you so foolish as to care for her?
Elijah: Of course not
(Klaus gets closer to him)
Klaus: Love is a vampire's greatest weakness, and we are not weak, Elijah. We do not feel, and we do not care
Elijah: We did once. Too many lifetimes ago to matter. Tell the witches not to bother. The sacrifice will happen as planned
[Lockwood's mansion]
Elena: You found a way to save the life of the doppelganger?
Elijah: Yes, Elena. I did. But unfortunately, Katerina took matters into her own hands first. I believe you already know how that played out
Elena: You cared about her, didn't you?
Elijah: It's a common mistake, I'm told. And it's one I won't make again
(He gives her her jacket and leaves)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is with Andie in the library)
Andie: You don't have to be so mad at your brother. You know, he's worried about Elena, and...
Damon: Just go, please
Andie: I know you're worried about her, too
Damon: Andie. Go
Andie: Okay
(She leaves. Stefan enters the room)
Stefan: Tired of your little play thing already?
Damon: Don't start with me, Stefan. She's just my distraction
Stefan: She's a person. You're victimizing her
Damon: You should be thankful she's here. She keeps me from going for what I really want
Stefan: You're right. Thank you for being in love with my girlfriend
(Damon gets up)
Damon: And there it is
Stefan: There it is. You know, you can be in love with Elena all you want... If it means that you'll protect her. But I have the one thing that you never will
Damon: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Stefan: Her respect
(Damon punches Stefan so hard that he falls on a rack and breaks it. He gets up and rushes over Damon. They both grunt and groan. Elena and Elijah enter the room)
Elena: Stop!
(Elijah is looking at them)
England, 1492
[A room]
(Elijah is sitting on a chair. Klaus enters the room)
Klaus: What have you done?
Elijah: I don't understand
Klaus: Katerina has gone. She has fled
Elijah: No
Klaus: What did you tell her?
Elijah: I told her nothing
(Klaus catches him and pushes him against the wall. His face has changed)
Klaus: Do not lie to me!
Elijah: I will find her. You have my word
Klaus: If you do not, I give you my word you will be d*ad
[Salvatore's house]
(Stefan and Damon have stop. They're looking at Elena and Elijah)
Damon: Now you've invited him in?
Elena: Elijah and I have renewed the terms of our deal
Damon: Really?
Elijah: The two of you will come to no harm at my hands. I only ask for one thing in return
Damon: What?
Elijah: An apology
Damon: A what?
(Stefan gets closer to them)
Stefan: I'm sorry for the part that I played in your death. I was protecting Elena. I will always protect Elena
Elijah: I understand
(Elena looks at Damon)
Elena: Sacrifice is going to happen, Damon. Bonnie will be able to k*ll Klaus without hurting herself and Elijah knows how to save my life. I told you I'd find another way. And I did
Damon: Is that true?
Elijah: It is
(Damon looks at Elena)
Damon: And you're trusting him?
Elena: I am
Damon: You can all go to hell
(He leaves. Stefan looks at Elijah)
Stefan: He's angry with me right now. But he'll come around
Elijah: Perhaps
(Damon enters his bedroom. Andie goes out of the bathroom, in lingerie)
Damon: I thought I told you to leave
Andie: You didn't compel me. I want to be here. Just let me be here
Damon: I'm upset. And you know what happens when I'm upset. You have to leave
Andie: No. You need to know that somebody cares about you. I care about you, Damon
(He bites her. She screams. He throws her on the floor. She cries. He gets closer to her)
Damon: Hey. Hey. Look at me
(He compels her)
Damon: Get out of here, before I k*ll you. Just go. Go. Now!
(She takes her clothes, looks at him and leaves)
[Alaric's apartment]
(Maddox and Greta are casting a spell. There are candles all around them. Klaus/Alaric is standing next to the box. Katherine is looking at them. They stop and look at Alaric. He opens his eyes and looks at Katherine)
Alaric: Elena?
(He collapses. Maddox opens the box and Klaus gets out of it and looks at Alaric)
Klaus: Now that's more like it
(He smiles) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x19 - Klaus"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon in in his bed and hears Elijah's conversation with Elena and Stefan. He gets p to rejoins them)
Elijah: Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse
Stefan: Elena said that the Sun and the Moon curse is fake? That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus
Elijah: Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it... He'll be a true hybrid
(Damon rejoins them)
Damon: Then why are we letting him break the curse? We can k*ll him today. With Bonnie
Stefan: Damon...
Elena: No. Bonnie can't use that much power without dying
Damon: I'll write her a great eulogy
Elena: It's not an option, Damon
Stefan: All right, how do we break this curse?
Elijah: Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know
Stefan: The moonstone
Elijah: A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire, will sacrifice one of each
Elena: And where do I fit into it?
Elijah: The final part of the ritual
(Elijah takes a wooden box from the shelf)
Elijah: Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelganger... To the point of your death
(Damon looks at Elena. Stefan takes Elena's hand. She looks at him. He opens the box and takes a jar from it)
Elena: And that's where you come in
Elijah: This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation
Elena: So I'll be d*ad?
Elijah: And then you won't
Damon: That's your plan? A magical witch potion with no expiration date?
(He looks at Elena)
Damon: You want to come back to life, what about John's ring?
Elijah: Those rings only work on humans. The doppelganger's a supernatural occurrence. Odds are, the ring won't work
Damon: I'll take those odds over your elixir. What if it doesn't work, Elena?
Elena: Then I guess I'll just be d*ad
(Damon looks at Stefan. He shrugs. Damon looks at Elijah and leaves)
Elena: Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this? Does he have a werewolf?
Elijah: Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years. If he doesn't already have a werewolf, my guess is by tonight, he will
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Carol is on the stairs. She's leaving a voicemail to Tyler)
Carol: Tyler, honey. It's your mother. I don't know where you are, but I need you. I've had an accident and I'm in the hospital
(She's upstairs. Maddox is here and she looks at him)
Carol: Please, Tyler, come home
(She hangs up and looks at Maddox)
Carol: Why did I say that?
Maddox: Because you had a terrible fall
(He pushes her with his powers. She falls downstairs. Maddox looks at her. She's unconscious)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is outside, drinking scotch. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: Breakfast of champions, huh?
Damon: I'm surrounded by idiots. I need all the help I can get
Stefan: You know, you're not helping
Damon: Elijah is an original vampire, Stefan. One we tried to k*ll. You're going to believe this guy?
Stefan: What do you want me to do, Damon? Elena made her decision. She's choosing to trust Elijah. I'm going to put my faith in her
Damon: Why? She's going to end up d*ad
Stefan: Because she put her faith in me. She chose to trust me in spite of what I am. I'm going to bet on somebody's instincts, it's going to be hers
Damon: Well, then, that makes you the biggest idiot of them all
Stefan: She chose to trust you, too
Damon: Then maybe you shouldn't be so sure about her instincts
(He looks at him and leaves)
(Elena rejoins Elijah in the library)
Elena: You'd think he'd understand why I'm willing to do this
Elijah: Why are you?
Elena: I'm the key to breaking the curse. Klaus is here because of me. If I don't stop him, then he's going to hurt people. It's that simple
Elijah: You know, there's a possibility this elixir won't work. I don't want to mislead you
Elena: I know the chance I'm taking
(They hear Jenna and Alaric so they rejoin them)
(Jenna is holding a crossbow toward Alaric)
Alaric: Jenna, put the cross-bow down, ok? It's me
Jenna: Stay away from me
(Elena, Stefan, Damon and Elijah rejoin them)
Elena: What's going on?
Alaric: It's me, Elena, I swear, ok? He let me go. Klaus let me go
Damon: Prove it
(Alaric looks at Jenna)
Alaric: Ok, uh, first night you and I spent together, Jeremy walked in right when I was about to...
Jenna: it's him
(She puts the cross-bow down)
Stefan: Why did he let you go?
Alaric: He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight
[Mystic Falls' hospital]
(Carol wakes up. Tyler's here)
Carol: Tyler?
Tyler: Mom
(He kisses her on the forehead)
Carol: You're back
Tyler: I'm back
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt is working. He turns himself. Caroline's here)
Matt: Ohh. Jeez!
Caroline: Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you
Matt: It's ok, I just, I didn't know you were here
Caroline: Yeah, I wanted to try and catch you on your break so we could hang out
Matt: I have lunch in an hour
Caroline: Perfect. I will go run some errands and I will be right back
(She kisses him)
Caroline: I'll see you in a bit
Matt: Ok
(She leaves)
(Matt rejoins Sheriff Forbes at a table)
Sheriff Forbes: Does she suspect anything?
Matt: No, but... I can't do this anymore. I've been with her the past few days, and I'm putting on the best show of my life. But either she is too, or she's still the same Caroline
Sheriff Forbes: She's not the same. She's a vampire
Matt: At this point, I don't even know what that means
Sheriff Forbes: Look, I know this is hard to understand, but my family, we were raised with this. They're monsters, Matt. They have no soul, no humanity
Matt: There's nothing about her that makes me believe that
Sheriff Forbes: It's an act. I believed Damon Salvatore was my closest ally in this town. Instead, he's a k*ller. They k*lled your sister. What other proof do you need?
Matt: I could ask you the same question, sheriff. Why haven't you done anything? Why are you hesitating?
Sheriff Forbes: Because I need more information. And because, in spite of everything I just said, I still look at her and I... I see my daughter
Matt: Damon is the problem, not Caroline. You should focus on him
Sheriff Forbes: I shouldn't have involved you, Matt. Thank you for all of your help, but I'll take it from here
(She leaves)
[Salvatore's house]
(Alaric, Jenna, Elena, Stefan and Elijah are in the living room)
Stefan: So you don't remember anything that happened?
Alaric: No. It's like I blacked out and woke up 3 days later. Katherine was there
Stefan: She's under compulsion. Damon snuck her some vervain, but she can't leave until Klaus tells her she can
Elena: Where is Damon?
Jenna: I saw him go upstairs
(Elena gets up and leaves)
Alaric: So what else did I do?
(Elena rejoins Damon in his bedroom)
Elena: You disappeared
Damon: I don't want to hear anymore
Elena: I need you to understand why I'm doing this
Damon: Why? It clearly doesn't matter what I think
Elena: I'll be fine, Damon. I'll drink the elixir, Bonnie will k*ll Klaus and then all of this will finally be over
Damon: If it works
Elena: It will work
Damon: You think it will work. You want it to work. Why am I the only one who's convinced it won't? There has to be another way
Elena: There isn't
Damon: And you're going to die, Elena
Elena: And then I'll come back to life
Damon: That is not a risk I'm willing to take
Elena: But I am
(She takes his hands)
Elena: It's my life, Damon. My choice
Damon: I can't lose you
Elena: You won't
(She goes toward the door but Damon intercepts her)
Damon: There is another way
Elena: What are you...
(He cuts his wrist with his fangs)
Elena: Damon, no!
(He puts his wrist in her mouth so she can drink his blood but she doesn't want to. Stefan arrives and pushes Damon. Elena falls on the floor. She has blood in her mouth)
Stefan: What did you do?! Huh? What did you do?!
(He goes toward Elena)
Damon: I saved her life
(He looks at Elena)
Damon: You're so bent on dying, at least this way I know you'll come back
Stefan: As a vampire! She'll come back a vampire
Damon: It's better than nothing else
Stefan: How could you, of all people, take that choice away from her?
(Damon looks at Elena)
Damon: Go ahead; wish me an eternity of misery. Believe me, you'll get over it
(Stefan rushes over Damon and pushes him)
Elena: Stefan!
(Damon takes a wooden stick and pushes Stefan against a wall with it)
Damon: Admit it. You just wish you had the balls to do it yourself
(Stefan punches him on the face several times in a row. Damon falls on the floor. He has blood in his face. He takes the wooden stick and drives it through Stefan's abdomen. Elena rushes over Stefan and pushes Damon. She looks at Damon)
Elena: Get out of here!
(Alaric and Jenna arrive)
Alaric: What the hell's going on?
Elena: Just get him out of here!
(Alaric goes toward Damon but he pushes him, gets up and leaves)
Jenna: Oh, my God
Alaric: Ok, Jenna, downstairs are some blood bags. Go get them now. Go!
(She leaves. Elena removes the stick. Stefan puts his head on Elena's legs)
Elena: It's ok. It's ok. You're going to be ok
Stefan: I'm so sorry
Elena: Shh. It's ok
Stefan: I'm sorry
(Damon goes in the library to pour himself a drink. Elijah's here, he's closing the wooden box)
Elijah: Well, it sounds like you won't be needing this anymore. Feeding her vampire blood rendered it useless. Tell Elena I'll be back before nightfall. We'll proceed as planned
Damon: We both know that elixir wouldn't have worked anyway
Elijah: The problem, Damon, you talk a good game but you don't actually know anything. She'll never forgive you. And never for a vampire... It's a very long time
(He leaves)
(Stefan, Elena, Jenna and Alaric are in Stefan's bedroom. Stefan is drinking a blood bag. He looks at Jenna)
Stefan: Thank you. Both of you
Alaric: Yeah, well, we'll be downstairs
(Jenna and Alaric have left the room. They're in the corridor)
Alaric: I know it's, uh, it's a lot to take in
Jenna: Yeah
Alaric: I tried to protect you from all this, but I should have known you could handle it
Jenna: Can I?
Alaric: Well, you just did. Look, Jenna... I know we have a lot to talk about
(She touches his face)
Jenna: Hey. I'm glad you're ok. I should have said that already
(She kisses him)
(Elena and Stefan are sitting in Stefan's bed)
Elena: How could he do that to me? Why?
Stefan: Hey. We've never talked about this. What this all means
Elena: It doesn't matter
Stefan: Of course it matters. Hey. It matters. I want you to go somewhere with me
Elena: Stefan, I can't
Stefan: No, no, it's not far, ok? It's just for the day. I promise
[Mystic Fall's hospital]
(Carol is sleeping. Tyler looks at her and goes out of her room. Jules is here)
Tyler: What are you doing here?
Jules: I should be asking you that. I told you not to come
Tyler: She's my mother. I had to
Jules: Now we have to get out of here; Lock ourselves up before tonight
(They are in the parking lot and meet Caroline. She's surprised)
Caroline: Tyler? Jules
Jules: I'll give you a few minutes
Tyler: Thank you
Jules: Just a few, Tyler
Tyler: I got it
(She leaves so they can be alone)
Tyler: She's just making sure I'm safe
Caroline: So what, are you two, like, friends now?
Tyler: She's been helping me. How are you?
Caroline: I heard about your mom. I just came to check in on her
Tyler: She's banged up, but she'll be ok
Caroline: And you? Um... How's everything with you?
Tyler: I'm hanging in there
Caroline: Good
Tyler: Yeah. I should get going. Jules and I need to get on the road
Caroline: You're leaving again?
Tyler: I left for a reason, Caroline
Caroline: Your explanation must have got lost in the mail, along with your goodbye
Tyler: Well... Take care of yourself
Caroline: Tyler...
(Suddenly Caroline holds her head and screams so is Tyler. Maddox is here, he's the one whose provoking the headache. Greta arrives and injects vervain into Caroline)
Greta: Let's go
(Maddox takes Tyler and Greta takes Caroline)
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt is leaving a voicemail to Caroline)
Matt: Hey, Caroline, it's me. I thought you were coming back to meet me. Look, I need to talk to you. It's important
(He hangs up and sees Damon arriving. Damon goes at the bar and asks a drink. Alaric rejoins him)
Alaric: I'll have the same
Damon: I screwed up
Alaric: Yeah. Yeah, you did
Klaus: Gentlemen? Why so glum?
(Alaric and Damon looks at him)
Damon: Ugh. Klaus, I presume
Klaus: In the flesh
(He looks at Alaric)
Klaus: Thanks for the loaner, mate
(Damon gets up)
Damon: Any reason you stopped by to say hi?
Klaus: I'm told you and your brother fancies my doppelganger. Just thought I'd remind you to not do anything you'll regret
Damon: Ha. Thanks for your advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement, by any chance, huh?
Klaus: You are kidding
(He looks at Alaric)
Klaus: He is kidding, right?
Alaric: No, not really
Damon: I mean, come on, what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things?
Klaus: Let me be clear... I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up
(He leaves)
Damon: That was fun
Alaric: You're getting screwed up, aren't you?
(Damon looks at him)
Damon: You think if I took his werewolf out of the equation, she might... Get over the fact that I tried to turn her into a vampire?
Alaric: I think it won't matter, because you'll be d*ad
Damon: But without the werewolf, he can't perform the ritual tonight, which means I would have bought her one month before the next full moon
Alaric: But you'll still be d*ad
Damon: Are you gonna help me or what?
Alaric: What do you want me to do?
[A mountain]
(Elena and Stefan are walking)
Elena: Where are we?
Stefan: It's a surprise. Just a little bit longer
Elena: I'm not a vampire yet, you know. My legs still get tired
Stefan: Ready to talk about how you're feeling about all this?
Elena: Uh... this morning I was wondering if I would live or die, and now... I'm going to be a vampire. I... I don't really know how I'm feeling
(They arrive at a waterfall)
Elena: My God, this is beautiful
(Stefan looks at her)
Stefan: I think you do know how you feel. I just want you to know that it's ok to tell me
Elena: I can't. Stefan, I just... I can't talk about it
Stefan: Well, if you don't want to, that's your choice. Today's about you. But... It's a long way to the top. Let's go. You never know what might come up
Elena: We're climbing all the way up to the top?
Stefan: Oh, yeah
Elena: Well, can't you do one of your super power vampire jumpy things?
Stefan: No, it's your last day as a human. Why cheat now?
(She smiles and takes his hand)
[Alaric's apartment]
(Katherine is looking for a blood bag in the fridge. She hears the key in the lock. She gets up and goes in front of the door. It's Alaric.)
Katherine: Look who's dumb enough to come back
Alaric: Well, somebody had to invite him in. Damon. Would you like to, uh, come in?
(Damon comes in and she rushes over him)
Katherine: Are you trying to get me k*lled?
(He pushes her against the wall)
Damon: I gave you vervain, now I'm here to collect. I got it from here, Rick
Alaric: You sure?
Damon: Yeah, only one of us needs to get blamed for this. Get back in the house. Keep Elena from handing herself over
Alaric: Ok
(He leaves)
Katherine: Get blamed for what?
Damon: I need to know where Klaus is keeping his werewolf
Katherine: Why? What are you going to do?
Damon: d*ad werewolf equals no ritual
Katherine: No. You can't interfere, Damon. Klaus will k*ll you and everyone you've ever met
Damon: I just need to delay this thing
Katherine: No. No way
Damon: You should like this. It's going to buy another month of your pathetic life
Katherine: Right. Except that I'm not the vampire he's planning on sacrificing
Damon: What?
Katherine: Yeah. He's got Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood. Therefore, I'm in the clear
Damon: And where'd he get that idea from?
(He goes toward her)
Katherine: Hey! Hey, hey, hey, I'm just trying to stay alive long enough to get myself out of here
Damon: What if I told you Elena had vampire blood in her system?
Katherine: What?!
Damon: Imagine how much fun that will be competing with Elena for Stefan's love for, I don't know, forever
Katherine: The tomb. He's got them in the tomb
Damon: Thank you
(He leaves)
[The tomb]
(Caroline and Tyler are chained against the walls, in front of each other. Caroline wakes up. Tyler is looking at her)
Caroline: Tyler?
Tyler: You all right?
Caroline: Yeah. I think so
(She tries to break the chains but she can't)
Tyler: I already tried
Caroline: Those witches vervained me
Tyler: Who were they?
Caroline: I think they're with Klaus
Tyler: Who the hell is Klaus?
(She doesn't answer right away)
Caroline: Tyler... You shouldn't have come back here
[A Mountain]
(Elena and Stefan are climbing to the top)
Elena: I guess Bonnie will have to make me a daylight ring
Stefan: Yeah, piece of cake
Elena: And I'll never be able to watch "Bambi" again
Stefan: I definitely wouldn't recommend that
Elena: What's the best part about being a vampire?
Stefan: Ahh. You feel like you could do anything. Be anyone. Beautiful things are more beautiful. Everything's heightened, you know, just a little bit more intensely, love more powerfully
Elena: And the worst?
Stefan: Ah, you know the worst
Elena: Aside from the blood
(He stops and looks at her)
Stefan: Anger becomes rage. When you're sad, you're in despair. Grief. Loss. It can cripple you. That's why so many of us turn our emotions off. It just becomes... Too overwhelming. You know, for a while, for me, the good just wasn't worth the bad
Elena: How long before you learned to handle both?
Stefan: Well, I'm still trying. Every day. What else?
Elena: Let's just keep going. We're not even halfway to the top
(She keeps walking)
[Alaric's Apartment]
(Katherine is making coffee. Klaus arrives)
Katherine: Everything ok?
Klaus: What have you been doing?
Katherine: Making coffee. Do you want some?
(He rushes over her, strangles her and compels her)
Klaus: Tell me what you've been doing
Katherine: Making coffee
(He releases her and she turns herself)
Klaus: Wait. Take off your bracelet. Now
(She takes it off and gives it to him)
Klaus: I want you... to walk over to the window and stand in the sunlight
Katherine: But I'll burn
Klaus: You don't have a choice
(She stands in the sunlight and her skins burn. She keeps screaming. Klaus looks at her with a smile. He lets her burn for a moment)
Klaus: That's enough
(She rushes over the corner of the room, in the shadow)
Klaus: Guess I was wrong. All right, then. I need you to do something for me
[The Tomb]
(Damon arrives at the tomb. He's outside. Maddox is here)
Maddox: Which one are you trying to save? The blond, or the wolf? Did you really think Klaus would leave them unprotected?
Damon: Wishful thinking
(He rushes over Maddox and pins him on the ground. He strangles her but Maddox uses his powers and throws Damon. He's on the floor. Maddox gets up and uses his powers and provokes a headache. Damon screams. Suddenly there's a g*n. Maddox falls on the floor. Damon raises his head and sees Matt, with a g*n. Damon gets up, kills Maddox and looks at Matt)
Damon: What are you doing here?
Matt: Where's Caroline?
Damon: Listen, man. Not a good time to play the hero
Matt: Where is she? And what did he do to her?
Damon: I'm just here to rescue her
(Damon rushes over him and hits him with the g*n. Matt falls on the floor, unconscious)
Damon: You're lucky I already screwed up once today or you'd be d*ad
(Damon crouches and sees that Matt had wooden b*ll*ts)
(Tyler and Caroline are looking at each other. They're still chained up)
Tyler: The whole Sun and Moon curse is fake?
Caroline: That's what Elena learned. Klaus still needs to do the sacrifice, but it's just not for that
Tyler: And you think that's why they grabbed us? For the sacrifice
Caroline: Yes
Tyler: He's going to k*ll us?
Caroline: I think so. Yes
Tyler: This whole time I've been gone, Jules has been helping me come to terms with what I am. How to deal with it. Guess none of it matters anymore
Caroline: Why didn't you say good-bye? You just left
Tyler: You want to talk about this now?
Caroline: Well, if we're going to die, I might as well know the truth. Why did you leave me?
Tyler: I knew you hated me. I thought you deserved better than having someone like me in your life
Caroline: I was hurt. You know, you turned your back on me when I needed you. But... I could never hate you, Tyler
(He smiles. They hear the door of the tomb. Damon arrives)
Caroline: Damon?
(He goes toward her)
Damon: Your boyfriend's outside with a r*fle loaded with wooden b*ll*ts. You have some explaining to do
Caroline: What, Matt?
Tyler: Matt knows about you?
Caroline: No, I...
Damon: Shh. Tomorrow's problem
(He releases her and she gets up)
Damon: Let me just get you out of here
Caroline: Wait, Damon No! I'm not leaving without him
Damon: Ohhh. It's getting dark soon
(He looks at Tyler)
Damon: How fast can you get the hell away from here?
Tyler: I need to get to my family's cellar. I can lock myself up
Caroline: I'll help
(Damon goes toward Damon and crouches in front of him)
Damon: Don't make me regret this
[A mountain]
(Elena and Stefan are at the top of the mountain)
Elena: We made it! Ahh
Stefan: That's nothing, if you've climbed Mt. Everest
Elena: Nobody likes a bragger, Stefan
(She looks at the landscape)
Elena: Oh, wow
Stefan: Yeah. Hey, you can say it
(She looks at him)
Elena: Say what?
Stefan: The thing you've been wanting to say, but... Been afraid of how it'll make me feel
Elena: There's nothing I can say, Stefan. It's not going to change anything
Stefan: Might make you feel better. Look, I know this isn't the first time you've thought about it. Drinking vampire blood to survive. I mean, I know I've thought about it a hundred times
Elena: And before all this with Klaus, did you think about it then?
Stefan: Of course I did. Elena... If it were my choice, I'd want to be with you forever
Elena: Why have you never brought it up?
Stefan: 'Cause I knew if it was an option, you would have. It would be selfish for me to ask you
Elena: Didn't stop Damon
Stefan: He shouldn't have done what he did. He did it because he loves you
Elena: But he did this to me, Stefan, which means he doesn't really know what love is. And to be honest, I don't know if I do. I'm 17 years old. How am I supposed to know any of this yet?
(She takes his hands)
Elena: I know that I love you, Stefan. I know that. But my future? Our lives together? Those were things I was supposed to deal with as they came along. I was supposed to grow up
(She cries)
Elena: Decide if I want to have kids and start a family. Grow old. I was supposed to have a lifetime of those choices, and... now? That's all gone
Stefan: There, say it
Elena: I don't want to be a vampire, Stefan. I never wanted to be one
Stefan: I know
(He embraces her. She's still crying)
[The Tomb]
(it's dark .Damon, Caroline and Tyler go outside. Matt is waking up. Caroline rushes over him)
Caroline: Hey, Matt!
(She looks at Damon)
Caroline: Hey. Did you h*t him?!
Damon: Did you already forget the part about the g*n with the wooden b*ll*ts?
(Tyler growls and holds his chest. He looks at the moon)
Caroline: Tyler? Tyler?
Tyler: It's starting
Damon: Grab boy wonder and let's go
Caroline: Come on
(They leave)
[Salvatore's house]
(Stefan parks his car, goes out and opens the door to Elena. She gets out of the car)
Elena: Thanks for today
(Stefan feels something. He puts himself in front of Elena and they both turn they head. Klaus is here)
Klaus: You got me all nervous. I thought maybe you'd done something stupid. You ready, my dear?
Elena: I'm ready
(She goes toward him but Stefan stops her)
Stefan: No
Klaus: I wouldn't. No reason for you to die, too
(She turns herself and looks at Stefan). He can't stop looking at Klaus)
Elena: Stefan, hey, hey, it's fine, it's fine. I'll go. No one needs to get hurt. There's no reason for you to get hurt
(She kisses him)
Elena: I love you
Stefan: I love you
(They kiss again)
Elena: Close your eyes. Close your eyes
(He closes his eyes. She lets go of his hand. When he opens he eyes, she's gone)
(Stefan enters. Alaric's here)
Alaric: There you are. I got here, the house was empty
Stefan: Where's Damon?
[The woods]
(Damon, Caroline, Matt and Tyler are walking. Tyler's not okay)
Matt: What's happening? Is he ok?
Damon: He better not wolf out on us
(Damon's phone rings. He answers. It's Stefan)
Damon: Bad time, little bro
Stefan: What the hell are you doing?
Damon: Saving the day. I figured you'd understand. Just tell Elena to stay put
Stefan: She's already gone, Damon
Damon: What?
Stefan: Klaus came. He took her
Damon: I'll take care of it
(He hangs up. Tyler falls on the floor. The transformation begins)
Matt: Tyler!
Tyler: I don't know if I can hold it off. Get out of here
Caroline: Tyler, it'll be ok
Tyler: Go!
Caroline: You've got time. We're almost there, just...
Tyler: It's happening faster
Caroline: Tyler, it's ok
(Tyler's eyes are yellow. He rushes over Caroline but Damon intercepts him. Tyler is above him. Damon pushes him but Tyler bites him in the process. Damon gets up)
Caroline: Damon...
Damon: I'm fine.
Tyler: Get out of here!
Damon: Get to the Lockwood cellar. If it held him in, it'll keep him out. If it doesn't... Use these
(He gives them wooden b*ll*ts)
Damon: It'll buy you a couple seconds. Go. Go!
(They leave. Damon leaves too)
[Alaric's apartment]
Klaus: Where's Maddox? He should be back by now
Katherine: I don't know
(Klaus sits down and opens the laptop)
Katherine: What are you doing? Where's Elena?
Klaus: I sent her off with Greta
(He's looking at Jules, whose transitioning)
Klaus: It's almost time
(The door opens. Katherine and Klaus look at the door)
Klaus: I wasn't aware you'd been invited in
(Damon's here)
Damon: I've come here to tell you that you have to postpone the ritual
Klaus: Didn't we already have this conversation?
Damon: Yeah, but that was before I rescued your werewolf, and vampire and k*lled your witch
(Klaus gets up)
Klaus: Excuse me?
(He faces Damon)
Damon: And you can k*ll me for it. I don't care. It was all me
Klaus: Katerina, give us a moment
(She looks at the and leaves)
Klaus: I've heard about you. The crazy, impulsive vampire in love with his brother's girl. I knew one of you would try to stop me. It was a just a 50/50 guess on who
(He shows him the video of Jules)
Klaus: The nice thing about werewolves is they tend to travel in packs. Need a closer look?
(He throws him a cellphone so he can see better)
Damon: Jules
Klaus: When you spend a thousand years trying to break a curse... You learn a thing or two. First rule... always have a back-up. Back-up werewolf. Back-up witch
Damon: Back-up vampire
Klaus: I've got that covered, too
[Lockwood's cellar]
(Caroline and Matt rushes into the cellar and closes the door)
Caroline: Come on, down here
Matt: Is that going to hold?
Caroline: No
(They go further in the cellar. Caroline is closing the iron gate)
Caroline: Help me with the gate. Help me with the gate
(He helps her. She closes it. Tyler the wolf, enter the cellar and looks at them)
Caroline: Tyler? It's me. It's Caroline. Tyler?
(He rushes over the gate)
[Alaric's apartment]
(Damon is unconscious. Katherine gives him some blood from a blood bag and slaps him)
Katherine: Hey. Damon. Hey. Damon
(He wakes up)
Damon: Ahh. What the hell happened?
Katherine: He's gone. He went to do the ritual. I'm sorry. I had to. He would have known that I was on vervain if I didn't do it
Damon: Ahh. Do what?
Katherine: Klaus. He made me call her to lure her out. He needed another vampire
Damon: Who did you call? Who did you call, Katherine?
(Elena and Greta are walking in the dark)
Elena: Where are we going?
Greta: This way
Elena: You're Luka's sister, aren't you? I heard about you. He and your father were looking for you
Greta: Well, they were wasting their time. I wasn't lost
(Elena trips on a rock)
Elena: God, I can't see anything
(Greta lights f*re all around them. Elena sees someone on the ground. She rushes over her. It's Jenna)
Elena: Jenna? Jenna, Jenna! Jenna? Hey, hey, Jenna! Jenna!
(She can't find a pulse)
Elena: Oh, my God. No. Jenna! No!
(She looks at Greta)
Elena: He k*lled her? Why? I did everything that he asked
(Jenna wakes up)
Greta: She's not d*ad. She's in transition
[Alaric's apartment]
(Damon is standing)
Damon: Should have used me. Why didn't he use me?
Katherine: He couldn't. Damon, he said you were as good as d*ad
Damon: What does that even mean?
Katherine: What does that mean?
(She looks at Tyler's bite on Damon's forearm)
Katherine: What is this, Damon?
Damon: It's a werewolf bite | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x20 - The Last Day"} | foreverdreaming |
[Lockwood's cellar]
(Caroline is trying to hold the gate. Matt is holding the g*n. Tyler, the wolf, tries to break the gate)
Matt: Caroline, let me help!
Caroline: Get back, I got it!
Matt: Caroline, the door's not going to hold
Caroline: Come on! Tyler, please!
(Matt sh**t Tyler several times)
Caroline: Matt! No, hey, no! It's Tyler!
Matt: He's trying to k*ll us!
Caroline: Wait!
(Tyler is laying on the floor)
Caroline: He's wounded
Matt: Caroline, stay back
Caroline: We can go around him
Matt: Are you nuts?
Caroline: You're not going to sh**t him again, ok? Matt, take my hand
(Matt is holding the g*n toward Tyler)
Matt: I got it
Caroline: Matt, take my hand
(He takes her hand. They rushes outside the cellar with Caroline's super speed)
[Alaric's apartment]
(Katherine and Damon are looking at his werewolf bite)
Katherine: So that's what a werewolf bite looks like
Damon: Yep
Katherine: It's not that bad
Damon: Will be
(He gets up)
Katherine: So that's it? You're just... Going to die?
Damon: Well, that depends. You know anything about a cure?
(She doesn't answer)
Damon: Me, either
(He puts he's jacket on)
Katherine: 145 years and no last good-bye?
Damon: You don't get a good-bye
(She intercepts him)
Katherine: No. Don't leave mad
Damon: Us ending on up on good terms isn't exactly on my bucket list, Katherine
Katherine: Klaus made me call Jenna to lure her out. There was nothing that I could do. I didn't have a choice
Damon: That's why I gave you the vervain. So you had a choice
Katherine: It was her or me. I chose her
Damon: I helped you. You owed me. Now when Klaus dies, you're going to walk out of here without a scratch
and Elena's aunt dies. Somehow you're the only one that wins. How'd that happen?
Katherine: I didn't let love get in the way
Damon: Enjoy eternity alone, Katherine
Katherine: What are you going to do?
Damon: I'm going to offer myself as a replacement to Klaus
Katherine: He won't take you. He saw your bite; he said that your blood is impure. I'm sorry, Damon. But Jenna's d*ad, there's nothing you can do about it
[A quarry]
(Elena and Jenna are sitting on the ground)
Jenna: oh, my head. What's wrong with me?
Elena: Do you remember what happened?
Jenna: You called me. You were so scared. Oh, ah, I should have realized that it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire
Elena: Klaus. It was Klaus
Jenna: He made me drink his blood. And I don't... I don't remember anything after that
(She looks around her)
Jenna: Where are we? What happened?
Elena: We're at the quarry. He brought us here
Jenna: Why don't I remember anything?
Elena: Jenna, do you remember... When I told you how someone becomes a vampire?
Jenna: Yeah, if you die with vampire blood in your system, it's... Oh, god. He k*lled me
Elena: Jenna, listen to me. Listen to me; everything's going to be ok. I'm going to get you out of here
Jenna: I'm a vampire?
(Greta arrives)
Greta: And I bet you're hungry
(Elena sees a rock on the floor and tries to rush over it but Greta throws her away with her powers and creates a circle of f*re around Elena. She can't get out of the circle)
Greta: Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do
Elena: Greta... Please, just- just let her go
Greta: Klaus chose her
(She cuts her wrist with the rocks and gets closer to Jenna)
Greta: Drink it
Elena: Jenna, don't!
Jenna: I can't
Elena: Let her go. Hey!
(Jenna drinks the blood from Greta's wrist)
Elena: No!
Greta: That's enough
(She gets up)
Elena: It's going to be ok
(Greta creates a circle of f*re around Jenna)
Elena: Look at me. Hey, look at me
(Jenna turns her head. Her face has changed)
Elena: It's gonna be ok. It's gonna be ok
[Abandoned house]
(Jeremy and Bonnie are reading grimoires)
Jeremy: this is useless. All these grimoires. There has to be something in here to keep Elena from becoming a vampire
Bonnie: And we'll keep looking. Until the last minute
(Elijah, Stefan and Alaric arrive at the house)
Elijah: The sacrifice is completed in stages as the full moon sets. First the werewolf is k*lled, then the vampire. Finally the doppelganger. Once Elena dies, the curse will be broken. Klaus will become hybrid
Alaric: So when do we att*ck?
Elijah: Elena's death will activate his dormant werewolf side. He'll be vulnerable during the transformation. That's when bonnie comes in
Stefan: And you're sure bonnie will survive this?
Elijah: If she can deliver him to the brink of death, I'll finish the job myself
(Stefan phone rings. He answers. It's Damon)
Stefan: Damon
Damon: You're not going to like what I'm about to say
Stefan: Cut to the chase. Is the sacrifice happening or not?
Damon: It's happening. I tried to stop it, but it got... Complicated
Stefan: We're sticking with the original plan. We're meeting bonnie right now
Damon: He's got Jenna, Stefan
Stefan: What?
Damon: He got Katherine to lure her out of the house
(Stefan looks at Alaric)
Alaric: What is it? What's wrong?
Damon: He's going to use her as the vampire in the ritual
Stefan: Oh, my god
[A quarry]
(Jenna and Elena are in separate circles of f*re. Elena is looking at Jenna, who's sitting on the ground)
Elena: How are you feeling?
Jenna: I feel like myself... Only not. Everything is brighter. The f*re's hotter. Part of me is terrified, but there's another part of me that doesn't want to feel anything
Elena: Vampires can turn off the part that's human. That's the part that hurts
Jenna: I'm gonna die, aren't I?
Elena: No! Jenna, I'm not going to let that happen. I don't care what I have to do
(They hear someone screaming)
Jenna: Who's that?
Elena: That must be the werewolf
(Greta arrives with Jules and throws her on the ground. Jules is hurt)
Jules: What's happening to me?
Greta: I cast a spell to slow down your transformation. Your insides are trying to tear themselves free
(She creates a third circle of f*re around Jules)
Elena: Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed
Greta: My duty is to Klaus! The new order
(Klaus arrives)
Klaus: Glad to know I still have a dance partner
(He looks at Elena, Jenna and Jules)
Klaus: Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Matt and Caroline enter the house and close the doors. Matt looks through them)
Caroline: Do you see anything?
Matt: We're not safe here. If that thing wants in, it's getting in
Caroline: How did you even know what I was? I compelled you to forget!
Matt: I was on vervain. I faked forgetting so I could spy on you. It was your mom's idea
Caroline: Wait, my mom knows?! You told her. Well, what'd she say?
Matt: Your mom hates vampires. She grew up hating vampires. She'll probably always hate vampires
Caroline: Well, what about you?
Matt: What about me?
Caroline: Where does this leave us?
Matt: Stuck in this house. Trying not to get mauled to death by our friend
[Salvatore' house]
(Someone keeps knocking on the door)
Damon: heard ya
(He feels dizzy suddenly but he opens the door. It's John)
Damon: Great. I was just thinking about getting a bite to eat
John: Elena hasn't returned any of my calls for days. I need to see her
(John enters)
Damon: Well, you're a day late and a daughter short, John
John: What are you talking about?
Damon: Klaus has her. Sacrifice goes down tonight
John: How could you let that happen? You were supposed to keep her safe. Wasn't that the sum total of your plan; to keep her safe?
Damon: She is safe. I fed her my blood
John: You what?!
Damon: When Klaus kills Elena in the sacrifice, she will come back to life. Granted, as the thing you hate most in the world, but no one really cares what you think
(John tries to punch him but Damon pushes him against the wall)
Damon: You do not want to mess with me right now
John: You ruined her life. You know that, right?
Damon: I know, john. I took her choice, destroyed her future. Trust me, I get it. It actually gets worse
John: How could it possibly get any worse?
[A quarry]
(Klaus gives the moonstone to Greta)
Klaus: I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it
Greta: The moon has passed its apex. Remember everything you need to do?
Klaus: I remember
(Greta throws the moonstone in bowl, destroying it)
(Elena, Jenna and Jules are still in 3 separate circle of f*re. Jules is still hurting and she looks at Elena)
Jules: Everything I did... I was just trying to help Tyler
Elena: Are you Jules?
Jules: I didn't want him to be alone!
(Klaus looks at her)
Klaus: Shall we?
(The circle of f*re disappears around her. Her transformation begins so she runs but Klaus catches her and rips her heart out. Jenna and Elena are chocked)
[Abandoned house]
(Jeremy and Bonnie are still reading the grimoires)
Bonnie: Which one are you reading?
Jeremy: Emily Bennett's has a section on spells she did for my ancestor Jonathan Gilbert
Bonnie: Yeah, I think she had a thing for him
(He looks at her)
Jeremy: There's something on a resuscitative spell she was working on
Bonnie: I saw that, too. She just didn't explain what it did, exactly
Jeremy: Maybe Jonathan wrote about it in his journals. You know, I can have Stefan bring them
(They hear someone)
Bonnie: someone's here
(It's Alaric)
Jeremy: Hey, what are you doing here?
Alaric: Elijah and Stefan are upstairs
(He looks at Bonnie)
Alaric: You mind if I have a second with Jeremy?
Bonnie: Sure, yeah. Of course
(She leaves)
Jeremy: What's the matter?
Alaric: Jeremy... Something's happened to Jenna
(Bonnie is outside with Elijah and Stefan)
Bonnie: Why did he take Jenna?
Elijah: A punishment for meddling
Stefan: Klaus was going to use Tyler and Caroline but Damon rescued them
Bonnie: Then we need to go. Now. Before Jenna's been sacrificed. I can k*ll Klaus myself
Stefan: Bonnie... If you use that much power, you'll be d*ad. We've already been through this. It's not an option
Bonnie: Neither is letting Jenna die
Elijah: Well, Stefan would agree with you
Stefan: We're going to offer another vampire. One that he'll want more. Me
[A quarry]
(Klaus is holding Jules' heart above the bowl so the blood pours in the bowl)
Klaus: Tell me it's working
Greta: It's working
(Jenna and Elena, still in two separate circle of f*re are talking)
Jenna: The day that the lawyers called to tell me that I was going to become your guardian, you know what my first thought was? Isn't there someone else who can do this?
Elena: Jenna, there was no one else who could have gotten me and Jeremy through all of that
Jenna: It's just the thought that I almost passed up taking care of you
Elena: But you didn't. You put your entire life on hold to help us
Jenna: Look around, Elena. I failed you
Elena: You didn't. I failed you. I'm so sorry. Listen. Being a vampire, it intensifies your guilt. But it also makes you stronger and faster. You can fight back. I'm gonna get through this. I'll be ok. I need you to believe that. Promise me, when you get the chance... Run
(Jenna nods)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Caroline is sitting on the couch. Matt is looking through the window)
Matt: You don't think I k*lled him, do you?
Caroline: No. No. It takes a lot more than wooden b*ll*ts To k*ll a werewolf. He's still out there somewhere. Do you think my mom wants to k*ll me?
Matt: I don't think your mom knows what to do with you
Caroline: Yeah, well, I don't really know what to do with me, either
(They hear a noise)
Matt: what is it?
Caroline: Wait. Don't. Don't sh**t
(She rushes over the doors)
Matt: What the hell are you doing?
(She looks through the doors and sees Tyler, naked)
Caroline: Give me your jacket
Matt: What?
Caroline: Your jacket, take it off
(He takes his jacket off. She takes it, goes outside and puts it on Tyler. She strokes his hair. Matt is looking at them. Tyler opens his eyes)
Tyler: Caroline?
[Abandoned house]
(Elijah and Stefan are outside)
Elijah: Bonnie did a locator spell. They're at Steven's quarry
Stefan: I'll head over there first and you'll follow with bonnie when it's time
Elijah: Just as the moon hits its final phase. She's to stay hidden until then. He cannot know that she's alive
(He looks at Stefan)
Elijah: You're very honorable
Stefan: Are you? Because this whole plan is, um, it's contingent upon your honor, Elijah
Elijah: I won't fail you
Stefan: Klaus is your brother. I know I've wanted to k*ll my brother a thousand times. I've never been able to
Elijah: Well, Klaus was not my only brother. I had siblings; Parents. I had a family. Over the centuries, Klaus hunted them down one by one and he took them from me. He scattered them across the seas where their bodies couldn't be found
Stefan: You want revenge
Elijah: Sometimes there's honor in revenge, Stefan. I won't fail you
Stefan: Please end this
(John rejoins Bonnie and Jeremy. He has a box)
John: I brought the Gilbert journals. I think I know the spell you're talking about
Bonnie: Where's Damon?
John: Upstairs. Alaric wanted to talk to him
(Alaric and Damon are talking)
Damon: He did what?!
Alaric: He wasn't going to let Jenna die
Damon: We have a witch. She kills Klaus. No one has to die!
Alaric: Except for Bonnie
(Damon punches the wall)
Damon: God, Stefan, damn it!
Alaric: Hey, are you ok?
Damon: I'm fine. Well, that's my brother for you. Always cleaning up my messes
[A quarry]
Klaus: Hello, Jenna
Elena: Let her go. I understand that I have to die, but she doesn't!
(She gets closer to the f*re)
Klaus: Careful
Jenna: Elena, don't
Elena: No, Jenna! We can't leave Jeremy without a family
(She looks at Klaus)
Elena: I followed your rules; I did everything that you asked. I didn't run. Please
Klaus: Well, well
(He raises his head)
Klaus: I don't recall you being on the guest list
(Elena and Jenna raise their head. Stefan is at the top of the cliff)
Stefan: I'm here to talk
Klaus: Very well, then
(Klaus rejoins Stefan at the top of the cliff)
Klaus: What can I do for you, Mr. Salvatore?
[Abandoned house]
(Damon is talking with John, Jeremy and Bonnie)
Bonnie: We found something in the Gilbert journals
John: Jonathan journaled the story of a mother who called on Emily's services. The woman's baby was sick; dying. Emily cast a spell that would bind a woman's life force with her child
Damon: Skip to the save Elena part
John: Well, the child died, but the mother's life force flowed through her, restoring her to life
Jeremy: We already know Elena's going to come back to life but she'll be a vampire
John: Not if her soul remains intact
Damon: Her soul, really? You're going to put your faith in some act of god mumbo jumbo?
John: I refuse to let Elena become the thing I've spent my life protecting her against. And you can call that god or mystical energy, whatever you want, but yes... I'm putting my faith in it
[A quarry]
(Elena and Jenna are looking at Stefan and Klaus)
Jenna: What's going on?
Elena: I-I don't know. You can hear them. Your senses are heightened. You can hear anything. Just focus on them
(Klaus and Stefan are at the top of the cliff)
Stefan: You don't need to k*ll Jenna. I'll take her place
Klaus: Oh, I don't know. I rather appreciate the symmetry of three women- Three goddesses- Sacrificed at nature's altar
Elena: What are they saying?
Jenna: I can't-I can't make it out
Elena: You can do this. Just relax. Focus
Stefan: Don't play games with me. You'll get what you want
Klaus: You're quite the hero, aren't you? I've heard that about you
Stefan: Just make the trade. Me for Jenna
(Jenna has heard everything)
Jenna: Oh, my god
Elena: What is it?
Jenna: He wants to take my place
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Caroline closes a door and rejoins Matt)
Matt: How's Tyler doing?
Caroline: Sleeping. He should better by morning. He just... He needs some rest
Matt: Good. So this is your life now, huh?
Caroline: Never a dull moment
Matt: You know, these last few days with you have been so great, and fun and so Caroline
(She smiles)
Matt: I-I thought that I might be able to get past this whole vampire thing
Caroline: But you can. Matt...
Matt: I don't know if I can, Caroline
Caroline: Matt!
Matt: I get it. This is your life now. You know what my life is, car? My life is an absentee mom. And a bunch of bills to pay, and school, and a job, and it sucks sometimes. But it's my life. and... I think that I just want to live it without all of this
[Abandoned house]
(Bonnie is casting a spell on John)
Damon: Come on, bonnie, we got a hybrid to k*ll
Bonnie: It's done
Damon: That's it? Let's go
(He leaves. John opens his eyes. Bonnie looks at Jeremy)
Bonnie: I'll be back soon
Jeremy: Wait, what do you mean? No, I'm coming. I need to be there. I need to make sure you guys are ok
Bonnie: And who's going to make sure you're ok?
Jeremy: I've got my own ring. Look, I'm not taking no for an answer
(She kisses him. He collapses. John catches him)
John: Just go. I'll stay with him
(Bonnie and Damon go outside. Elijah and Alaric see them)
Elijah: It's time
Alaric: All right. I got the w*apon in the car
Elijah: Bonnie's the only w*apon we need
(He goes out but Alaric can't get out. He's trapped)
Alaric: Bonnie! What is this?
Bonnie: I can't put anyone else at risk
Alaric: I can't stay here with Jenna out there!
Bonnie: I'm sorry
Alaric: You can't do this! Damon?
Damon: Sorry, buddy. She's right
Alaric: No! You can't do this
(They leave. He's upset)
Alaric: Bonnie! Bonnie!
[A quarry]
Jenna: Elena...
Elena: I have to do something. This can't happen. None of it
(Klaus and Stefan arrive)
Klaus: Quite the predicament. You know, it's funny, All this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, Granting your wish
Elena: Stefan…
Stefan: It's okay
Klaus: Well. Who's it going to be, Elena?
Elena: No
Klaus: Oh, don't worry. There's actually no choice
(He stakes Stefan in the back)
Elena: No! Stefan! No!
Klaus: I have other plans for your boyfriend. I want him alive. But for now...
(He punches Stefan. He falls on the floor, hurt)
Klaus: Whenever you're ready, Greta
(The circle of f*re around Jenna disappears. He looks at her)
Klaus: Your turn
Elena: No, Jenna, no!
(Jenna looks at her)
Jenna: It's alright, Elena. I know what I have to do
(She rushes over Greta and bites her but Klaus stops her and stakes her. She falls on the floor. Elena cries. Jenna looks at her)
Elena: Just turn it off. Jenna. Turn it off. You won't be scared anymore
(Klaus stakes her)
Elena: No! Jenna! No! Jenna! No
(Jenna's d*ad. Elena cries. Stefan wakes up; he has a piece of stake in the back. He sees Jenna and looks at Elena, whispering)
Stefan: I'm so sorry
(Elena whispers too)
Elena: Are they going to k*ll him?
(He nods. Klaus gets closer to her)
Klaus: It's time
(The circle of f*re disappears. He holds his head toward Elena but she doesn't take it and goes to the altar. He rejoins her and looks at her)
Klaus: Thank you, Elena
Elena: Go to hell
(He bites her and drinks her blood. Stefan looks at her, powerless. Elena looks at him too. Klaus releases her. She falls on the ground, she's d*ad)
Klaus: I can feel it. It's happening. Yes, yes!
(The transformation begins. But Bonnie arrives and throws him on the ground. Damon kills Greta.)
Klaus: You were d*ad!
(Bonnie uses her powers and makes him suffer. He screams. Damon carries Elena's body and lays her next to Stefan)
Stefan: Elena
(He looks at Damon)
Stefan: I need you to get her out of here!
Damon: What about you?
Stefan: I'm not leaving until he's d*ad. Go!
(Damon leaves with Elena. Bonnie is still hurting Klaus, who's screaming. She stops. Klaus is on the ground, hurt. Elijah arrives. Stefan and Bonnie are looking at them)
Klaus: Elijah?
Elijah: Hello, brother
(He puts his arm on Klaus's chest)
Elijah: In the name of our family, Nicklaus...
Klaus: I didn't bury them at sea! Their bodies are safe. If you k*ll me, you'll never find them
Stefan: Elijah! Don't listen to him
Klaus: I can take you to them. I give you my word... Brother
Bonnie: Do it or I'll take you both out
Elijah: You'll die
Bonnie: I don't care
Elijah: I'm sorry
(Before she can do anything, he leaves with Klaus)
[Abandoned house]
(Alaric, Jeremy and John are waiting. John is writing something. Jeremy is reading one of Jonathan Gilbert's journals)
Alaric: we should have heard from them by now
Jeremy: Did you read all this?
John: I did
Jeremy: So you understand what happened to the child's mother after the baby was brought back to life
John: She saved her daughter. She found peace
Jeremy: John...
(He gets up and gives a letter to him)
John: I need you to give this to Elena for me and also this
(He gives him his magical ring)
Alaric: Oh, hey, what's going on?
(John looks at them)
John: Take care of each other. Please
(They hear a noise upstairs)
Alaric: I think they're here!
(Damon lays Elena on a couch. She's still d*ad)
Damon: If you come back as a vampire, I'll stake you myself. So don't
(He strokes her face)
Damon: Because I can't stand the idea of you hating me forever
(Alaric and Jeremy arrive)
Jeremy: How is she?
Damon: I don't know yet
Alaric: What about Jenna?
(Damon looks at him but doesn't say anything)
Alaric: No
Damon: I'm sorry, Jeremy
(John looks at them and goes outside. Elena wakes up)
Damon: Elena!
Elena: What happened?
Damon: How do you feel?
Elena: I feel fine
(John looks at them. He takes a breath, closes his eyes and then collapses)
[Lockwood mansion]
(Caroline is sitting next to Tyler on the couch. He wakes up and he's hurt)
Caroline: Ooh, yeah, you got sh*t but it's healing
Tyler: You were right. I shouldn't have come home
Caroline: No, you just... Should have never left. And you shouldn't leave again
Tyler: You're kidding, right? This is the second time I've tried to k*ll you
Caroline: Well, no friendship is perfect. Matt broke up with me
Tyler: I'm sorry
Caroline: Yeah, well, you know, instead of just bailing on me again, you could just say... "Thank you, Caroline, for taking care of me. And I'm sorry that I tried to chow down on you again. "
(She cries)
Tyler: Hey. Hey. Come here
(He embraces her)
Tyler: Thank you, Caroline. For taking care of me
Caroline: You're welcome
[Gilbert's house]
(Damon and Stefan are in suits)
Stefan: We all set?
Damon: Yeah. Plenty of room with the gilbert family plot, and I compelled two of the grave diggers to do the dirty work. How's she doing?
Stefan: She lost the only parents she had. She's in shock
(Elena is wearing a black dress. She's getting ready and looking at pictures of her parents and Jenna. Jeremy rejoins her. He's wearing a suit)
Elena: I'm almost ready
Jeremy: Take your time
(He gives her John's letter)
Jeremy: John wanted me to give you this. And this
(He gives her John's magical ring)
Elena: Jeremy... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that you've lost so many people
Jeremy: I still have you
(They embrace each other. Then he leaves her alone. She sits down next to her window and starts reading John's letter)
John: "Elena... it's no easy task being an ordinary parent to an extraordinary child. I failed in that task."
[A cemetery]
(Alaric, Stefan, Bonnie, Caroline, Damon, Jeremy and Elena are all looking at a grave. Elena's holding 4 roses)
John: "And because of my prejudices, I failed you. I'm haunted by how things might have played out differently. If I'd been more willing to hear your side of things."
(She puts two roses on the grave)
John: "for me, it's the end. For you, a chance to grow old and someday do better with your own child than I did with mine. It's for that child that I give you my ring."
(Elena goes in front of her parent's tombstone. She cries and puts two roses on the ground)
John: ""I don't ask for your forgiveness or for you to forget. I ask only that you believe this. Whether you are now reading this as a human or as a vampire, I love you all the same as I've always loved you, and always will. John. "
(She looks at Damon and then gets up. She's still crying. She rejoins Jeremy, Bonnie and Caroline. Damon leaves. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: We're going to head back to the house
Damon: I think I'll skip the coffee and tea cakes
Stefan: Damon, she needs us right now. All of us
Damon: And then what's the plan, Stefan? The curse is broken. How does one go about k*lling an all-powerful wolf vamp and his two-faced older brother?
Stefan: I have no idea
Damon: You need to get an idea. Fast
Stefan: We will. I'm not going to let Elena lose anybody else
Damon: I wouldn't make any promises, brother
Stefan: What's that supposed to mean?
(Damon shows him the werewolf bite)
Damon: Tyler Lockwood bit me. It's actually more of a nip, really, but there it is
Stefan: We'll find something. A cure
Damon: There's no cure, Stefan
Stefan: We kept Elena human, right? We found the way when there was no way. Hey. I will do this
Damon: You want to do something for me? Keep this from Elena. Last thing she needs is another grave to mourn
(He leaves alone. Stefan looks at him) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x21 - The Sun also Rises"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena looks at Jeremy. He's asleep. Then she goes in Jenna's bedroom, looks around and leaves. Damon's here)
Damon: That'll get easier. But you knew that
Elena: What do you want?
Damon: I want to apologize
Elena: Damon…
Damon: Please. Elena, feeding you my blood, I was wrong
Elena: Yes, you were
Damon: And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but... I need it
Elena: And I need some time, maybe a lot of time
Damon: Sure. True. Of course
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon takes a bottle of scotch and pours himself a drink. He opens the curtains, drinks some scotch and then takes off his ring. He opens his arms and his skin burns but Stefan arrives and pushes him)
Damon: Get off of me
Stefan: You're not doing this
Damon: Just did. You know what happened to Rose, Stefan
Stefan: I don't care. You're not dying today
(He uses his super speed and throws him in the cellar and closes the door)
Damon: What's the plan, Superman?
Stefan: I'm gonna find a way out of this
Damon: Oh, right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one
Stefan: I got Bonnie looking for something, anything
Damon: Always the hero, Stefan. Just tell me good-bye, get it over with
(He coughs some blood)
Stefan: Lie still. Conserve your strength
(He leaves)
[The woods]
(Klaus wakes up, naked. He looks at the sun and smiles. Someone throws him some clothes. He turns his head. Elijah's here)
Elijah: You've been busy
Klaus: That was amazing. How long has it been?
Elijah: Almost 2 days. Full moon came and went. You remained a wolf
(Klaus is dressing up)
Klaus: I can change at will, then. It's good to know. I remember every single k*ll
Elijah: Yes, I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way
Klaus: Just like old times, brother
Elijah: You've had your fun. I believe we have a bargain
Klaus: That's right. Now, what was it again? Oh, yeah. Wait. I remember. That's it. You wish to be reunited with our family
Elijah: You gave me your word, Nicklaus
Klaus: What kind of brother would break his bond? Even though you did try to k*ll me
Elijah: I could have. But I didn't
(He helps Elijah puts his jacket on)
Klaus: And now no one can, not even you. Relax, Elijah. All is forgiven
Elijah: Where are they?
Klaus: You need to lighten up. I'll bring you to them soon enough
[Mystic Grill]
(Alaric is drinking. He's drunk. His phone rings. He answers. It's Stefan)
Alaric: Sorry, you've reached somebody who's currently not operating
Stefan: I need your help
Alaric: Well, you must have me confused with somebody else. You see, I'm not allowed to help, just idly sit by while my girlfriend gets sacrificed on an altar of blood
Stefan: Damon's dying
Alaric: What?
Stefan: Tyler Lockwood bit him. We don't have much time
Alaric: What do you need?
[Mystic Falls' square]
(There's a special screening of Gone with the Wind. Some girls are dressed up link in the movie. Elena and Jeremy are here. She puts a layer of fog on the ground)
Jeremy: You brought me to see a girl movie
Elena: We had to get out of the house, Jer. This is our 3-hour distraction from reality
Jeremy: Is that what we're doing? Pretending like our lives aren't screwed?
Elena: We need to do this, ok? Breathe, eat, sleep, wake up, and do it all over again until one day, it's just not as hard anymore
(She sits down. Caroline arrives with a basket)
Caroline: Hey! There you guys are. Who's hungry?
(She sits down next to Elena)
Jeremy: Are we really doing this?
Caroline: Yes, we are really doing this. We are going to take a page from Scarlett. We made it through the w*r. I know you guys went through hell, and my mom knows I am a vampire, so basically it's like Atlanta has b*rned. And yet, in spite of everything, we persevere
Jeremy: All right
(He sits down with them)
Jeremy: What are we eating?
Caroline: Something good
[Abandoned house]
(Stefan and Bonnie are here)
Bonnie: I'm not sure this is going to work
Stefan: You've done a séance before, right? Contacted Emily Bennett. Maybe one of the witches might know how to help Damon
Bonnie: Let's just hope they want to
(She cast a spell. Some voices are whispering around them)
Stefan: Bonnie? Bonnie?
(She opens her eyes)
Bonnie: Emily
(Emily speaks through her, with her own voice)
Bonnie/Emily: Why have you come here, Stefan?
Stefan: I need your help. I need to know if there's a spell that can heal a werewolf bite
Bonnie/Emily: No. Nature ensures a balance to everything
Stefan: Is that true... or are you just saying no because it's Damon?
Bonnie/Emily: Perhaps it is his time to die
Stefan: No. That's not balance. That's punishment
Bonnie/Emily: I will not give you what you want
Stefan: So you're saying that there's an answer to give? Please, if you know something, just tell me. Help me save my brother
(Bonnie screams and falls on the floor)
Stefan: Bonnie
Bonnie: They don't want us here. They think I'm abusing their power
Stefan: They know something. There's an answer. They just don't want to tell me
Bonnie: Yeah. I heard them say a name
Stefan: What was it?
Bonnie: Klaus
[Mystic Falls' courthouse]
(Carol enters in the sheriff Forbes office)
Sheriff Forbes: Carol. Hi. How you feeling?
Carol: Better, thank goodness
Sheriff Forbes: That was a terrible fall. Shouldn't you be home resting?
Carol: I've been resting, and now I'm ready to get back to work. I need you to update me on where we are with the vampire situation
Sheriff Forbes: Well, there have been some developments, but I'm handling it
Carol: Are you? Because I left you in charge of this town's safety, and lately I'm not seeing any results
Sheriff Forbes: I said I'm handling it
Carol: Then see that you do, Sheriff, because if you can't, I'll find someone who will
(She leaves)
[Mystic Fall' square]
(Stefan rejoins Jeremy, Caroline and Elena)
Elena: Look who couldn't resist an epic romance
Stefan: Will you come take a walk with me?
(She gets up and leaves with him)
Elena: You're breaking the rules, you know. Movie night's supposed to be a distraction. Tomorrow we can return to our regularly scheduled drama
Stefan: I know. I wish this could wait, but it can't. Listen, um, the other night when Damon was helping Tyler, something happened. Tyler was starting to transform, and Damon was bitten
Elena: What? Is it... is he gonna...
Stefan: Yeah
Elena: Oh, my God. And he came to the house this morning and... and tried to apologize. I practically slammed the door in his face
Stefan: He told me not to tell you, but I figured if you wanted to talk to him, I... I wouldn't wait
Elena: Stefan…
Stefan: it's not over. There might be a cure, but I have to find Klaus to get it
Elena: No. He's gonna k*ll you
Stefan: No, he had the chance to k*ll me, but he didn't. Whatever Damon's done, whatever has led him here, I'm the one that made him become a vampire in the first place, so if there's a chance for a cure, I owe it to him to find it
(They embrace each other)
Stefan: Go talk to him. Just tell him that there's still hope
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is not okay and is hallucinating)
(Katherine is getting ready. Damon looks at her)
Katherine: Mr. Salvatore, spying on a lady is a sign of very poor manners
Damon: My apologies miss Katherine
Katherine: But since you are here, my corset strings seem to be knotted. I wonder if you can undo them
Damon: Of course
(He touches her skin)
Katherine: Will you miss me while off defending the South?
Damon: I shall
Katherine: Then I hope you will hurry back. I fear I will be lonely with you away
Damon: I would think Stefan should be company enough
Katherine: Is it so wrong for me to want you both?
Elena: Damon
(He turns himself. Elena's here)
Damon: Elena?
Elena: Don't you see? She was toying with you. All you had to do was say no, walk away. You had a choice
(Katherine touches his cheek and makes him looks at her)
Katherine: Promise me that you will return quickly
Damon: I promise
[Alaric's apartment]
(Stefan enters the apartment. Katherine is here sitting on the bed)
Stefan: Hello, Katherine
(She gets up)
Katherine: Two days, I've been waiting. I'm supposed to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be d*ad
Stefan: We ran into complications
Katherine: Complications?
Stefan: Doesn't really matter. I just need to find him. Do you have any idea where he might be?
(She pushes him against the wall and asks him to shut up. Klaus and Elijah arrive)
Katherine: Klaus, you're back. Look who decided to come for a visit
(Klaus looks at Stefan)
Klaus: You just keep popping up, don't you?
Stefan: I need your help... For my brother
Klaus: Well, whatever it is, he's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention
(Elijah looks at Stefan)
Elijah: You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own
Klaus: And so I shall
(He puts a dagger through Elijah's heart, k*lling him and looks at Stefan)
Klaus: Now, what am I gonna do with you?
(He puts a stake through him)
Klaus: Do you feel that? It's scraping against your heart. The slightest little movement and you're d*ad
Katherine: He's just trying to help his brother
Stefan: The witches said you had a cure. Make me a deal. Just give me the cure, and I'll do whatever you want
(He's on the floor. Klaus pours himself a glass of blood)
Klaus: Trouble is I don't know if you'd be any good to me the way you are now. You are just shy of useless
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is looking at his werewolf bite. Alaric arrives)
Alaric: Well, that looks bad
Damon: It feels worse. My subconscious is haunting me, Rick. Please tell me you have something for that
(Alaric puts a glass of scotch and Damon's ring on the door window)
Alaric: Double sh*t
(He pours Damon more scotch)
Damon: That's good
(He gets up and takes his ring)
Damon: Oh good
(He takes the glass)
Damon: So my brother sent you for su1c1de watch?
Alaric: He's just trying to help
Damon: He's doing what he always does, trying to right the wrongs of the past
(Damon screams, he's hurt)
Damon: You should want me d*ad. I'm the reason Jenna got k*lled
Alaric: I don't blame you for Jenna
(He drinks)
Damon: Oh, sure you do. Let's not forget I turned your wife into a vampire. You must really hate me for that one
Alaric: Ok, give me your glass. Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation
(Damon gets closer and strangles him)
Damon: k*ll me. Please
Alaric: Screw you
(He injects vervein on Damon with a dart. He falls on the floor)
Damon: No. Elena?
Alaric: Elena's not here, Damon
(Elena parks her car. She hears a noise and turns her head. The sheriff is here and puts her hands on Elena's mouth)
Sheriff Forbes: Don't make a sound
(Damon is on the ground. Alaric looks at him)
Damon: I need blood. I need blood
(Alaric goes to the fridge and takes a blood bag. He turns his head. The sheriff is here with a g*n)
Sheriff Forbes: Where's Damon?
Alaric: You know, now's not a good time, Sheriff. Trust me
Deputy: Sheriff, over here
Alaric: I wouldn't go in there
Sheriff Forbes: I just wanna talk to him
Alaric: I wouldn't go in there
(She closes the door and goes in the cellar she doesn't see Damon. He's behind her)
Damon: Liz
(He throws her against the wall and she falls on the floor)
[Mystic Falls' square]
(Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy are looking at Gone with the Wind on the town's square)
Caroline: All this waiting around for news is ruining Scarlett for me
(Jeremy's phone rings. He answers. It's Alaric)
Jeremy: Alaric. Hey
Alaric: Tell me you're with Elena
Jeremy: She went to go see Damon. I thought that's where you were
Alaric: No, he just escaped. I think he's looking for her, and the cops are after him. Listen, he's in bad shape, Jeremy, so if you find her, get her somewhere safe, ok? I'm on my way
(He hangs up)
Bonnie: If Damon is off the rails, there is nothing you can do to stop him. Let us take care of it
Jeremy: You keep doing this. You left me behind before, and guess what. Jenna still died. Now I'm going to find my sister. You go ahead and you try to stop me
[Alaric's apartment]
(Stefan is still on the floor. Klaus has a glass of blood in his hands. Katherine is looking at them)
Klaus: I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917, he went into Monterey and wiped out an entire migrant village... A true ripper. Sound familiar?
Stefan: I haven't been that way in a very long time
Klaus: Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with. That is the kind of talent that I can use when I leave this town
(Stefan gets up)
Klaus: Katerina, come here
(Katherine gets closer. He takes hers arm. His face changes, his eyes are yellow. He bites her)
Katherine: Aah! Aah! No. No... No. No. No
(He bites his wrist. He makes Katherine drink his blood. Her wound heals. Klaus looks at Stefan)
Klaus: You want your cure? There it is
Stefan: Your blood is the cure
Klaus: Gotta love Mother Nature
(Klaus holds Stefan by his shoulder)
Klaus: Now... Let's talk, you and I
[Mystic Falls' square]
(Damon is here. He seems sick. He turns his head and sees Katherine in a lavender dress)
Damon: Katherine
(She disappears. Jeremy rejoins her)
Jeremy: Damon
Damon: Where's Elena? I need to see Elena now
Jeremy: Ok. Let's get you out of here first, all right?
(Jeremy holds him)
[Mystic falls' courthouse]
(Elena is in the sheriff's office)
Elena: Where's Damon? What did you do to him?
Sheriff Forbes: Why do you even care? You know what they are, what they do
Elena: Look, I understand why you hate them, but you're wrong
Sheriff Forbes: They're m*rder, Elena. End of story
(A deputy enters)
Deputy: Damon Salvatore was just spotted outside entering The Grill
Elena: Wait. You've gotta let me come with you. He's sick. He's... he's not himself
(The sheriff looks at the deputy)
Sheriff Forbes: Keep her here
(She leaves. Elena is trapped in the office)
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy is with Damon and calls someone)
Jeremy: Hey, it's me. I'm with Damon at The Grill
(The sheriff arrives. Damon is in front of Jeremy. She sh*ts him but Damon disappears so she sh*ts Jeremy. He falls on the floor, d*ad. She rushes over him)
Sheriff Forbes: Oh, God. Oh, God
(She speaks in her radio)
Sheriff Forbes: I've got a g*n victim at The Grill. Get the paramedics here
(She looks at Jeremy)
Sheriff Forbes: You're gonna be fine. It's gonna be ok
(Bonnie and Caroline rushes over them)
Bonnie: Jeremy!
Caroline: Mom. Mom, what did you do?
Sheriff Forbes: I was aiming for Damon
Caroline: He still has his ring
Bonnie: She's human. The ring won't work on him. Caroline…
Caroline: I got it
(She bites her wrist and puts it in Jeremy's mouth)
Caroline: Come on, Jeremy. Just drink. Go on, Jeremy. Drink
Sheriff Forbes: What are you doing?
Caroline: I'm helping him. Jeremy, drink. Please. Please. Please
(He doesn't drink because he's d*ad. Alaric rejoins them)
Alaric: Bonnie, what's going on?
(He sees Jeremy)
Alaric: Oh, my God
Bonnie: I know what I need to do
(She looks at Alaric)
Bonnie: I need you to grab him. T-take him with us
Sheriff Forbes: No, no, no, no. You can't move him. This is a crime scene
Caroline: Mom, you let them go
(Alaric grabs Jeremy)
Alaric: All right, come here, buddy. I got you. I got you
[Mystic Falls' courthouse]
(Elena breaks the window with a chair)
[Alaric's apartment]
(Klaus puts some of his blood in a vial. Stefan is looking at him. Katherine is in retreat, looking at them)
Klaus: There it is. You want to save your brother? How 'bout a decade-long bender? And I have big plans for you when we leave this town
Stefan: I'm not like that anymore
Klaus: Well, that's too bad. You would have made a hell of a wingman
(He pours some blood in the sink)
Stefan: Wait
Klaus: Now that's more like it. I want you to join me for a drink
(He throws him a blood bag. Stefan drinks a sip)
Klaus: Finish it. All of it. You do everything I say, and I save your brother. That's the deal
(Stefan drinks all of it. Klaus throws him another blood bag)
Klaus: Again
(Stefan drinks)
[Abandoned house]
(Bonnie and Alaric and Jeremy's body are here)
Alaric: Is this even possible?
Bonnie: There's a spell for it if they'll give me the power to use it
(Jeremy's head is on her legs. She casts a spell. Voices whispers around them)
Bonnie: No
Alaric: What? What is it?
Bonnie: They're angry at me for coming back here. They don't wanna help
Alaric: Well, they have to
Bonnie: They said there'll be consequences
Alaric: Well, he's just a kid. Tell 'em to shut up
(Bonnie continues to cast the spell. Her nose bleeds. She cries)
Bonnie: Emily. Emily! I know you're there. Please help me. I love him
(The whispering stops)
Bonnie: No!
(She cries. Jeremy opens his eyes)
Bonnie: Oh my god
Jeremy: Bonnie
Bonnie: Oh, my God, Jeremy. Oh, my God
Jeremy: What happened?
Bonnie: Doesn't matter. You're ok. You're ok
(She raises her head)
Bonnie: Thank you
[Mystic Falls' square]
(Elena is running and looking everywhere but she stops)
Damon: Elena
Elena: Damon
(She grabs him)
Elena: Hey, come on. Come on. We have to get you out of here. We have to hide you
Damon: where are we going?
(Damon is running after Katherine)
Katherine: Everywhere!
Damon: Wait for me. I want to come with you
(He trips)
(Damon trips. Elena rushes over him)
(Damon pins Katherine against a tree)
(Elena looks at Damon)
Elena: Hey. Hey. Relax. We need to get you out of here
(He pushes her against a post)
Katherine: You're faster than I though
Damon: Why must you always run from me?
Katherine: Because I know that you will chase
Damon: Then let me chase you forever. Feed me your blood
Katherine: I will not feed you, Damon. If you want it, take it
(She cuts her neck with a needle)
Katherine: It is your choice to make
Damon: I choose you, Katherine
Elena: Look at me. Hey. It's Elena. It's Elena
Damon: Promise me you will not tell my brother
Katherine: I promise. It will be our little secret
(He leans toward her)
(Damon leans toward Elena's neck)
Elena: No. Damon. No
Damon: I have to... If we are to be together forever
(He bites her neck and drinks her blood)
Elena: Damon, stop. You're hurting me. Damon, you don't have to do this. Please stop. You're hurting me!
(He stops and looks at her)
Damon: Elena
(He falls on the floor. Elena holds him. She holds her neck and looks around her)
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline hangs up her phone. Her mother is still here)
Caroline: That was Bonnie. Jeremy's alive
Sheriff Forbes: I thought I k*lled him
Caroline: You did
Sheriff Forbes: I don't understand
Caroline: I explained it to you once. I... I had to make you forget because I was so scared of what you might do. But now... I don't wanna lie. I'm not gonna be afraid of you anymore. I don't want you to be afraid of me anymore. I'm still your little girl
(She embraces her)
Caroline: It's me. It's me, mom
(The sheriff cries and embraces her too)
[Gilbert's house]
(Jeremy is on his bed, talking with Bonnie via webcam)
Bonnie: Hey. How you doing?
Jeremy: Trying to figure out what's wrong with me. Feel different, weird
Bonnie: Yeah, you were d*ad. It'd be weird if you felt normal
Jeremy: Bonnie, I, uh... I don't know how to thank you
Bonnie: You can thank me tomorrow. And the day after that. And the day after that. Good night, Jeremy
Jeremy: Good night
(Their conversation is over. Alaric arrives)
Alaric: Hey, bud. I've gotta take off. Need anything?
Jeremy: Uh, no, no. I think I'm good
Alaric: You know, uh, on second thought, I might just crash here. Is that cool?
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. Sure. Whatever
Alaric: All right
Jeremy: Alaric, um... Thank you for everything
Alaric: Ah, you can thank me tomorrow... And the day after that, the day after that
Jeremy: Dude, come on! I knew you were listening
(He throws him something. Alaric smiles)
Alaric: And the day after that
(He smiles and leaves. Jeremy laughs)
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is laying on his bed, sweating and looking sick. Elena's here, with a towel on her hands)
Damon: Elena
Elena: It's ok, Damon. I'm right here
Damon: Elena, get out of here. I could hurt you
Elena: No. You won't. I'm here until the very end. I'm not leaving you
Damon: Get out of here
(He creams and coughs. She sits down and takes him in her arms)
Elena: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hang on. Shh. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok
Damon: It's not ok. It's not ok. All those years, I've blamed Stefan. No one forced me to love her. It was my own choice
Elena: Shh
Damon: I made the wrong choice. You tell Stefan I'm sorry. Ok?
(She nods. Clean her face with the towel and puts her head against his)
[Alaric's apartment]
(There are a lot of blood bags on the ground. Stefan is drinking one and looks at Klaus)
Klaus: You're very cooperative. It's almost as if you're enjoying it
(He gives him another blood bag)
Stefan: No more. Not until you give me the cure
Klaus: Not until we make a deal. It's your choice, Stefan. You can either remain here living your life in Mystic Falls, or you can embrace what you truly are, leave town with me, and save your brother's life
(Stefan takes the blood bag and drinks)
Klaus: That's the spirit
(He takes the vial with his blood and looks at Katherine)
Klaus: Sweetheart...
(He compels her)
Klaus: Take this over to Damon and come right back
Katherine: You want me to leave?
Stefan: No!
Klaus: Yes and if I were you...
(She takes the vial and disappears)
Klaus: I'd hurry
(He sits down on a chair)
Stefan: She'll never take it to him. She'll never take it to him
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon is in Elena's arms)
Damon: This is even more pitiful than I thought
Elena: There's still hope
Damon: I've made a lot of choices that have gotten me here. I deserve this. I deserve to die
Elena: No. You don't
Damon: I do, Elena. It's ok. 'Cause if I'd have chosen differently, I wouldn't have met you. I'm so sorry. Done so many things to hurt you
Elena: It's ok. I forgive you
Damon: I know you love Stefan. And it will always be Stefan
(She takes his hand and lays next to him, putting her head on his chest)
Damon: But I love you. You should know that
(She cries)
Elena: I do
Damon: You should have met me in 1864. You would have liked me
(She raises her hand and looks at him)
Elena: I like you now. Just the way you are
(He close his eyes. She kisses him)
Damon: Thank you
Elena: You're welcome
Katherine: Well, it's me you should be thanking
(Elena turns her head)
Katherine: I mean, I'm the one who brought the cure
(Elena rushes out of the bed. Katherine looks at her)
Katherine: I thought you were d*ad
Elena: I was
(Katherine sits down next to Damon)
Damon: You got free
Katherine: Yep. Finally
(She makes him drink Klaus' blood)
Damon: And you still came here?
(She touches his face)
Katherine: I owed you one
(She gets up)
Elena: Where's Stefan?
Katherine: Are you sure you care?
Elena: Where is he?
Katherine: He's paying for this
(She shows her he vial)
Katherine: He gave himself over to Klaus. I wouldn't expect him anytime soon
Elena: What do you mean, "he gave himself over"?
Katherine: He just sacrificed everything to save his brother, including you. It's a good thing you have Damon to keep you company. Good-bye, Elena. Oh. It's ok to love them both. I did
(She throws her the vial and disappears. Damon starts to gets up and looks at Elena)
[A warehouse]
(Elijah is in a coffin. Klaus is looking at him. Two men are here)
Klaus: I suppose, brother, you've been reunited with our family
(He closes the coffin and looks at the two men)
Klaus: Put him with the others. We're leaving town tonight
(They puts him with others coffins. Stefan receives a text from Elena telling him that Damon's okay and asking him where he is)
Klaus: So... Did Katerina make it in time?
Stefan: You won't be seeing her again, you know
Klaus: Because she's on vervain? I've been around a long time, Stefan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides, she won't get far. You'll help me see to that
Stefan: What is it you really want from me?
Klaus: All will be explained in time. Once we leave this tragic little town
Stefan: Then are we done here? Can we go?
Klaus: Not quite. You see, I have a gift for you
(A girl is here)
Klaus: Come here, sweetheart. Don't be afraid
(The girl rejoins them. Klaus looks at Stefan)
Klaus: See, I wanna make sure you honor our deal... That you'll be of use to me
(He bites the girl's neck and drinks her blood)
Klaus: I could have compelled her to behave, but a real ripper enjoys the hunt
(He releases her. She leaves, screaming. Stefan stops her, bites her and drinks her blood until she's d*ad. Klaus looks at him)
Klaus: Now we can go
[Gilbert's house]
(Jeremy hears a noise. He wakes up)
Jeremy: Alaric?
(He gets up and goes out of his room)
Jeremy: Alaric?
(Someone is behind him.. he turns himself but no one's here. He goes down the stairs. Vicki goes down behind him. Alaric is sleeping on the couch)
Vicki: Jer
(He turns herself. No one's here. He goes in the kitchen. Anna's here)
Jeremy: Anna?
(He turns himself. Vicky's here)
Jeremy: Vicky? | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "02x22 - As I lay Dying"} | foreverdreaming |
[A house in Tennessee]
(A girl comes out, looking for her dog)
Girl: Rudy. Rudy! Come on. It's too hot to make me come looking for you
(She turns herself. Klaus' here)
Klaus: I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you
Girl: Can I help you?
Klaus: Yeah, my, uh, my car ran out of gas a couple miles back. I feel like I've been walking forever. Yours is the first house I'd come to, so I was just hoping I could use your phone
Girl: Don't you have a cell phone?
Klaus: Heh. Yeah. Battery died. Look, I promise I'm not a serial k*ller. I just want to use your phone
Girl: Sure
Klaus: So...I can come in?
Girl: No. I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you
Klaus: I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting
Girl: I'm from Florida
Klaus: Well, that explains it
(He comes closer and strangles her. He compels her)
Klaus: Now show me a little Southern hospitality... Sweet pea
(Inside the houe. A girl is in the kitchen)
Girl 2: I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning
(The other girl comes in with Klaus)
Girl 2: What's going on?
Klaus: Please don't be alarmed. I'm told Ray Sutton lives here
Girl 2: He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly
Klaus: But I expect he makes it home... Once a month
(She doesn't answer)
Klaus: That's what I thought. Where is he now?
(She doesn't answer)
Klaus: If I have to make you tell me, it's going to be infinitely more painful for you
(He smiles. The girl run and tries to leave but Stefan is at the front door. Klaus and the othr girl rejoin them)
Klaus: I love it when they run
Girl 2: He's in Tulley. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's off Highway 41
Klaus: Thank you, my love. Now...
(He looks at the other girl)
Klaus: May my friend come in your home?
Girl: Yes
(Stefan enters)
Klaus: k*ll this one quickly
(He push the blond girl toward him and looks at the other one)
Klaus: Make that one suffer. I'll be in the car
Girl: Please don't, please...
(Stefan bites her. They both scream)
(Klaus is outside. He smiles)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena is on her bed, awake. She gets up and open the curtains)
(Jeremy's room. The sun awake him)
Jeremy: Ugh, early. Bad
Elena: It's not early. You're late for work. Matt just called
Jeremy: Well, maybe they'll f*re me
Elena: Aim high
(She's on the phone with Caroline)
Elena: What are you doing?
Caroline: Just shopping for the party you're trying to bail out on
Elena: I never said yes in the first place
Caroline: You were never going to, which is why I planned it anyway. And my mom wants you to call her
Elena: Did she find something?
Caroline: An animal att*ck in Memphis. It's the third one this week in Tennessee
Elena: And you're sure it's a vampire?
Caroline: Yes, but that doesn't mean that it's Klaus
Elena: Doesn't mean it's not. I'll call her
Caroline: Well, call on her cell
Elena: Tell her, thank you for her help
Caroline: All right, well, I've got to go. I'll see you in a bit
Elena: O, Caroline, wait. Just...keep tonight small. Please
Caroline: Wear something pretty
(She hungs up. Elena is in the kitchen. Alaric's here)
Alaric: Was that, uh, Stefan news?
Elena: Could be more Klaus victims
Alaric: Are you certain Stefan's still with him?
Elena: Easy to be certain when the alternative is that he's d*ad. Are you sure you're still ok on the couch?
Alaric: Yeah, yeah. I'm good
Elena: Because you spent half the summer on it. If you need your own bedroom...
Alaric: And sleep in your d*ad parents' room or my d*ad girlfriend's room...
Elena: Right
(She gives him a mug)
Alaric: Hey, Elena... Happy Birthday
Elena: Thanks
(She leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is in the tub. Andie is getting ready. He pours himself some champagne)
Damon: We are out of champagne
Andie: Huh. No, you ar out of champagne, 'cause I don't drink in the morning
Damon: Well, would you be a dear and...
Andie: I think you can probably get it yourself. I'm not your sl*ve
(He gets out of the tub)
Andie: I mean, you're dripping... a little
Damon: Mm-hmm
(He gets out of the room naked)
(Elena enters the house and go to the living room. Damon arrives)
Damon: Mornin'
Elena: Hey, I was going...
(She turns herself and sees him naked)
Elena: Ohh!
(She turns herself)
Elena: You heard me. You knew that I was here
Damon: You know, you should learn to knock. What if I was... indecent?
(She takes a towel. Hides her eyes and throws it to him. He puts it around his waist. She takes her hand of and takes a paper from her pocket)
Elena: Sheriff Forbe gave us another location to check. Memphis
Damon: Another d*ad end, you mean?
Elena: You don't know that
Damon: You're right, Elena. This could be the one
(He gets closer)
Damon: After almost two months, this could be the clue that tells us Stefan's alive and well and living
in Graceland
Elena: Fine. I'll go by myself
(She tries to leave but he intercepts her)
Damon: And let Klaus know that you're tracking him? He thinks you're d*ad. Let's keep it that way
Elena: It's a new lead, Damon. We haven't had one in a while
Damon: Ok. I'll check it out. If find anything, I'll call you
Elena: But...
(he leaves)
(He enters his bedroom and opens a closet full of boxes, with a map on it)
Damon: He moved on to Tennessee
Andie: That Florida victim you had me look into had family in Tennessee
Damon: Which one, the Pensacola guy?
Andie: Uh-huh
Damon: You up for a road trip?
Andie: Ha. No can't do. I have got to work, but I can see if I can get you an address
(He kisses her)
Andie: See you at the party
Damon: Get me that address
(She leaves)
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy is in the back, he's working and talking with Bonnie via his phone. They can see each other)
Jeremy: Ooh. You need to come home. It's boring around here without you
Bonnie: You think you're bored? My dad's side of the family is like wet paint that never dries. How's the grill treating you?
Jeremy: Well, it's teaching me the value of a mundane human experience
Bonnie: A summer job is good for you. You needed some normal in your life
(The light flickers)
Bonnie: What was that?
Jeremy: Nothing. Loo, I, uh, I got to get back to work. I'll talk to you soon, ok?
Bonnie: Wait, wait, Jeremy. Is everything ok with you?
Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah, normal and mundane. Come home soon, ok?
(The light flickers again. When the light comes back, he's face to fac with Vicki)
Jeremy: Vicki
(She disapears. He takes his phone. Anna is behind him. She tries to touch him but Matt enters)
Matt: I need you to switch sections with me
Jeremy: Why?
Matt: Caroline and Tyler just sat in mine
Jeremy: So?
Matt: So I don't feel like waiting on my ex-girlfriend
(Caroline and Tyler are outside at a table)
Caroline: Something's up with your mother
Tyler: Like what?
Caroline: When I was over yesterday, she just kept eyeing me
(Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: Hi, guys
Caroline: Did Matt make you switch sections?
(He doesn't answer. She looks at Tyler)
Caroline: He thinks we're dating
Tyler: So does my mother
Caroline: What?!
Tyler: We're together all the time. It's not a leap
Caroline: It's crazy
Tyler! Right?
[A bar]
(Ray Sutton arrives and goes at the bar)
Barman: What's up, Ray?
Ray: Hey, Red. Can I get a beer?
(Klaus rejoins him)
Klaus: Ray? Ray Sutton?
Ray: Who wants to know?
Klaus: I've been looking everywhere for you. We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you worked with you before you moved to Memphis. Now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here
Ray: I think I'll be going
(Klaus stops him)
Klaus: Not so fast, mate. You only just got here. Now your type are very hard to come by
(He tries to leave but Stefan stops him)
Stefan: I wouldn't do that
(He pushes him)
Ray: Vampires
Klaus: You're swifty swift, Ray. Yes, my friend here is a vampire. He's compelled everyone in the bar, so don't look to them for any help. I, however... I'm something else. A different kind of monster. I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf
Ray: A...what?
Klaus: A hybrid, Ray. I'm both. You see, I want to create more of me. Now, you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon, pun intended, Ray, heh, I need you to direct me to your pack. So... Where can I find them, Ray?
Ray: You can't compel me, it won't work
(Stefan looks at the bartender)
Stefan: I need a scotch on the rocks, please
(He has a little bag in his hands)
Stefan: Ahem. Tell you what, Ray. We're going to play a little drinking game. Something I like to call truth or wolfsbane
(He takes some wolfsbane out of the bag)
Klaus: Oh, this is going to be fun, Ray
[A house in Tennessee]
(Alaric and Damon arrive at the house Klaus and Stefan were at earlier. Damon's phone ring but he doesn't answer)
Alaric: Elena? I don't know why you just don't come clean and tell her where we are
Damon: 'Cause Andie said this was a half-lead and I don't want to get her hopes up
Alaric: Yeah, well, they're all half-leads, and I don't want to get hand I'm your accomplice. What do you want me to say to her? I'm practically living there
Damon: Still sleeping on the couch?
Alaric: You know, I keep waiting for them to kick me out, but they don't. I don't know why. It's not like I'm helping or anything
(They looks around them)
Alaric: It's quiet
Damon: Yeah. Too quiet
(They enter the house. There's blood everywhere. They enter a room and find th two girls' bodies)
Alaric: Vampire for sure
Damon: Stefan for sure
Alaric: How do you know?
Damon: It's his signature. There is a reason they called him the ripper. He feeds so hard he blacks out, rips them apart, but ten when he's done, he feels remorse. It's the damnest thing. He puts the bodies back together
(He touches the blond girl with his feet. Her head falls on the floor)
Damon: Definitely Stefan
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena, Tyler and Caroline are preparing the party)
Elena: I feel like I have to fight Damon every single time we get lead on Stefan
Tyler: Maybe he doesn't want to find him
Caroline: Tyler!
Tyler: What? He's into you. Isn't he?
Elena: The only reason Stefan left with Klaus was so that he could save Damon's life. I mean, trust me, Damon wants to find him
Tyler: But you kissed him probably screwed with his head
(Elena is surprised)
Caroline: Tyler!
(She looks at Elena)
Caroline: I'm sorry
Elena: I... don't worry about it. Look, yes, I kissed him, but it was a... It was a good-bye kiss. I thought he was going to die
(She looks at her phone)
Elena: Oh. I just missed a call from Bonnie. I'll be right back
(She leaves the room. Caroline looks at Tyler)
Caroline: Just because I tell you things doesn't mean you're allowed to know them!
Tyler: Sorry. I've got to run if I'm going to change and pick up Sophie in time
Caroline: Wait, you're bringing a date? slutty Sophie is your date?
Tyler: Hey, it's been kind of slow in that department. And... I am horny all the time now
Caroline: Yeah, tell me about it. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode. It's, um, a vampire thing. You know, I feel like our emotions are heightened and we're on overdrive
Tyler: It's a werewolf thing, too. It's like I can't turn it off
Caroline: Well, I hope you get lucky tonight
Tyler: I'll see you later
(He leaves)
Caroline: Yeah. See you later
[A house in Tennessee]
(Damon is putting gasoline on the girls' bodies)
Alaric: What are you doing?
Damon: Covering their tracks. Clearly they have no interest in staying in the dark. But I do
(Alaric walks on something)
Damon: Hang on
(He takes thr rug off. There's a trap door. Damon opens it. There are chains tied to the wall)
Damon: Well, what do you know? Werewolves
(He closes it and then set the bodies on f*re.)
[A bar]
(Ray Suttton is against the wall, bleeding. He has darts around him. Stefan stirs a dart in a glass full of vervain and then throws it on Ray, he sreams. Klaus looks at them, smiling)
Stefan: Ray, you can ended this right now. Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon
Ray: I can't
Stefan: I know, I know, you live by a code and all that. But see, he's not going to let me stop until you tell me and I do whatever he says. That's the way it goes around here
(A girl rejoins Klaus at the bar. Stefan looks at them and listens)
Claudine: Hello Mr. Klaus. I have some information for you. He told me to tell you that he saw that guy's brother Damon at the farmhouse
Klaus: Well, thank you, Claudine. You just tell your friends to keep up the good work with the neighborhood watch, huh?
(She leaves. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: My brother's still on our trail?
Klaus: He's getting closer. I'm going to have to deal with that
Stefan: No, no, no. Let me handle it
Klaus: Why should I let you leave?
Stefan: 'Cause you know I'll come back
Klaus: Do I?
Stefan: You saved my brother's life. I'm in your service
Klaus: Oh, that almost sounds sounds so tedious and indentured. Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?
Stefan: I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is getting ready for the party in Stefan's bedroom. Damon enters)
Elena: Don't worry, I'm not going to lose it. At least not before the cake
Damon: It's your party, you can cry if you want to
(He looks at a photo of Elena and Stefan)
Damon: Ah, Stefan. Such a pack rat. I got you something. I know I promised not to buy you anything, so don't worry, I didn't pay for it
Elena: You stole it?
Damon: No. Found it
(He takes o box and opens it. It contains the vervain necklace Stefan geve to her)
Elena: My necklace. I thought I'd never see it again
Damon: Alaric found it in his loft. I figured you'd be happy to get it back
Elena: I am happy. Thank you
Damon: You're welcome
Elena: Can you...
Damon: Ah, absolutely
(He puts the necklace around her neck. Then he offers her his arm)
Damon: Shall we?
(She takes his arm and they go downstairs. The house is packed. There's people everywhere. People wish Elena a happy birthday. Girls pass by them with a bottle of alcohol. Damon stop them)
Damon: Ooh, hey, hey, hey. You don't want that
(He compels them a takes the bottel)
Damon: You want the cheap young stuff over by the cheap young people
(The girls leave. Caroline rejoins them)
Caroline: You like? Don't answer that
Elena: This is "keeping it small"? What are drinking?
(Caroline smiles. Elena leaves with her)
(Jeremy is in the library, twiddling a spliff. Matt rejoins him)
Matt: Where did you get that?
Jeremy: Uh, Henry from the kitchen sold me a dime
(Matt takes it and lights it)
Matt: So, what's got you on your spiral downward? I'm sure it's a lot more interesting to know
Jeremy: You do not want to know
Matt: How bad can it be? I already know everything else. Go for it
Jeremy: You know I died, right? And Bonnie used magic to bring me back to life
Matt: Yeah, Elena told me
Jeremy: The thing is, ever since I came back, I've been seeing... Things
Matt: What kind of things?
Jeremy: Just...things I shouldn't be seeing
Matt: What's Bonnie say about it?
Jeremy: No, I haven't told her. I haven't told anybody. It's just messing with my head, is all. You know, I just need to chill out. So...this
(Matt smiles)
Matt: Yeah
(He gets up. Elena and Caroline enter. They seem a little bit drunk)
Caroline: Oh, the stoner den. Buzz k*ll
(Matt arrives)
Matt: Hey, guys
Elena: Matt, hey
(He kisses her on the cheek)
Matt: Happy Birthday
Elena: Thank you
(He leaves)
Caroline: He hates me. His hatred of me has driven him to drugs
Elena: He doesn't hate you. He hates that he's not with you
(She sees Jeremy smoking a spliff)
Elena: Is that my brother?
(She gives Caroline her glass and rejoins Jeremy)
(Alaric and Damon are outside)
Alaric: I am every parent's worst nightmare. I'm the chaperone teacher from hell
Damon: I love high school parties
Alaric: Isn't Andie supposed to be coming?
Damon: 10:00 broadcast. She'll be here in a little bit
(Elena arrives)
Damon: Hello, birthday girl
Elena: Drink
(She takes his glass of scotch and drinks and looks at Alaric)
Elena: Jeremy's smoking again
Damon: Is his stash any good?
Elena: You're an ass
(She looks at Alaric)
Elena: Talk to him, please. He looks up to you
(She gives Damon his glass and leaves)
Damon: You're screwed
[WPKW9 building]
(Andie is on the phone)
Andie: Yeah. Uh-huh. Uh-huh... bye... uh-huh. Ok, I... I'm the last person here again. Dave, I'm work, please. Can we do this in the A.M.? I have a party I have to get to and you have got to get a life Ok, all right, bye, bye, bye.
(She hangs up and enters one of the stages. A spolight is on and on her face)
Andie: Hello? Not cool, my retinas are burning
(She goes on the side to escape the light but the spotlight goes toward her again)
Andie: Ok, seriously? What... what the hell are you doing?
(The spotlight goes off)
Andie: Hello? Hello?
(She runs toward the exit door but trips and fall on the floor. The spolight goes on again and a man is on the light. She gets up an tries to escape but Stefan stops her)
Andie: Oh, hi. Oh, Stefan. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What are you doing here? We have been looking everywhere for you! Stefan...
(His face changes)
[Salvatore's House]
(Tyler is dancing with his date. Caroline looks at them, drinking. Matt rejoins her)
Matt: Since when are they a thing?
Caroline: I thought you were ignoring me
Matt: I'm not ignoring you
Caroline: Well, you've only said five words to me all summer and those were four of them
Matt: Maybe because every time I've seen you, you've been with him
Caroline: Cause he's my friend. Which is what I thought you were
Matt: Aren't you guys supposed to be, like, mortal enemies? I mean, isn't that how it works in the vampire-werewolf universe?
Caroline: Matt, shh! What is wrong with you?!
Matt: I don't know. I'm, uh... I'm out of it, I guess. Sorry
(He leaves. Tyler, who's been watching them rejoins her with his date)
Tyler: What was that about?
Caroline: Nothing
Sophie: Great party, Caroline
Caroline: Thanks
(She compels her)
Caroline: Now leave it
(Sophie leaves)
Tyler: What the hell?
(She leaves)
(Damon is still outside with Alaric. He looks at his phone)
Damon: Andie wants me to pick her up
Alaric: Your fake, compelled girlfriend wants you to be a chivalrous boyfriend?
Damon: Well, it's a complicated dynamic. Hold the fort down, will you?
Alaric: You mean the fort full of my drunk history students?
Damon: Drink more. You'll feel less weird
(Elena enters Damon's bedroom and find Caroline in the bathroom, drinking a blood bag)
Caroline: This room's off-limits
Elena: Caroline?
Caroline: Sorry. I just needed to take a b*at
(Elena smiles)
Caroline: Are you hiding?
Elena: I was just looking for Damon
Caroline: Well, he' better be here somewhere, because we haven't even done the cake yet
Elena: I think I'm going to pass on the whole cake ting
Caroline: No! No way, no! It's your birthday. No, it's the dawn of a new day, and you can't get on with your life until you've made a wish and blown out the candles
Elena: Is that what you all want me to do, just get on with my life?
Caroline: No. Maybe. I just don't think anyone wants to see you like this
Elena: I'm not going to give up on finding Stefan, Caroline
Caroline: Of course not. And you shouldn't. But you have to admit that you're kind of just letting your life pass you by. And isn't Stefan the one who wanted to make sure that you live it?
Elena: You want me to make a wish? I just want to know that he's alive. That's it. That's my wish
(Elena goes toward the door and sees the closet open)
Caroline: I'm sorry, hey, I'm just drunk and dumb tonight. You know
(Elena goes toward the closet and opens it. She sees the map tracking Klaus and Stefan and everything Damon's been hiding from her.)
Caroline: What are you doing?
(She rejoins her)
Caroline: What's all that?
Elena: It's Klaus. Damon's been tracking him without me
Caroline: Why wouldn't he just tell you?
Elena: I don't know
[WPKW9 Building]
(Damon's here)
Damon: Andie...
(His phone rings. He answers. It's Elena)
Damon: Party central
Elena: Where are you?
Damon: I'm by the... Punch bowl
Elena: Don't do that, Damon, don't lie to me. I saw your closet
Damon: Oh, oh, gotta go... gotta go break up beer pong
Elena: Wait, Damon...
(He hangs up and enter the stage Andie entered earlier. He finds her purse on the floor. He turns himself. Stefan's here.)
Damon: Stefan
Stefan: Hello, brother
Damon: You don't write. You don't call
Stefan: Need you to stop following me. Causing some problems
Damon: With who, Klaus? I'm supposed to care what he thinks?
Stefan: What you're supposed to do... Is let me go
Damon: Saw your later artwork in Tennessee. Waling a fine line there, my friend. Keep that up and there will be no saving you
Stefan: See, the thing is, I don't need any saving. I just want you to let me go
Damon: Oh, I got a birthday girl at home who's not going to let me do that
Stefan: You know, maybe I haven't made my point. Hey, Andie, you still there?
(Andie is upstairs. In the edge)
Damon :Andie?
Andie: Damon? I can't move, Damon. He told me that I can't move
Damon: No, no, no, it's ok, Andie, stay calm. Not cool, brother
Stefan: Oh, come on. It's a little bit cool, huh? Hey, Andie. You can move now
Damon: No! No, no, no, no, no!
(Andie moves and fall on the floor. She's d*ad. Stefan pushes Damon agaist the wall)
Stefan: I said... Let me go
(Damon pushes him and rushes over Andie. Stefan's gone)
[Salvatore's house]
(Jeremy goes toward his car. Matt's here)
Jeremy: What ar you doin'?
Matt: I can't find my truck
Jeremy: That's probably a sign you shouldn't be driving it. Need a ride?
Matt: You're more stoned than I am
(Jeremy goes in the car. Vicki's here)
Jeremy: Ahh! What the... Vickie?!
Vickie: Help me
(She disapears. Matt goes in the car)
Matt: What'd you just say?
Jeremy: Nothin'
Matt: Did you just say "Vickie", as in my sister Vickie?
Jeremy: What? No, no. I, uh, I didn't say anything
(He puts the ignition on. Anna's in front of the car)
Jeremy: No...
Matt: What's wrong?
Jeremy: You know what, maybe we should just walk
(Caroline seems a little bit drunk. she tries to walk through the crowd)
Caroline: Excuse me. Excuse me
(She grabs a guy by the neck and ifts him so she can pass. Tyler intercepts her)
Tyler: Hey! What is your problem?! You're pissed that I brought someone?
Caroline: Why would I be pissed? You brought a date. You're dating. That's...awesome
Tyler: Ok, should I not be dating?
Caroline: Hey, you're horny all the time, right? I mean, a guy has needs
Tyler: 'Cause if I shouldn't be dating, all you've got to do is say something. If you don't say something, then I'm going to keep dating
Caroline: What would I say?
Tyler: Don't do that, Caroline! I've already been there once with you, ok, and you said no. You shut me down. I'm not going back there again unless you make it crystal clear that you...
(She kisses him)
Tyler: Let's get out of here
(He takes her hand. Damon enters. Caroline gives him the bottle)
Caroline: Hey! You missed the cake
(She leaves)
(Damon enters his bedroom. Elena's here)
Damon: What? What are you doing here?
Elena: Why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep it a secret?
Damon: Can we not do this right now? I'm having a really bad night
Elena: All summer, every single time I came to you with a lead, you made me feel like an idiot for having hope
Damon: You were an idiot. We both were
Elena: Tell me what you know, Damon
Damon: I know you need to get back to your party, Elena
Elena: we're supposed to be in this together. Why didn't you tell me you've been tracking Klaus' victimes?
Damon: Because they're not Klaus' victims, Elena, they're Stefan's!
Elena: What?
Damon: He's left a trail of body parts up and down on the eastern seaboard
Elena: No. You're wrong
Damon: I've seen it happen before. He's flipped the switch, full blown ripper
Elena: Stop it, Damon
Damon: No, you stop it, Elena! Stop looking for him. Stop waiting for him to come home. Just stop! Stefan is gone and he's not coming back. Not in your lifetime
(He leaves. Elena cries and touches her neckclace)
[Gilbert's house]
(Jeremy and Matt are in the kitchen, eating ice cream)
Matt: All right, I should probably go before Elena and Mr. Saltzman come home and see what a bad example I am
Jeremy: You sure you can walk?
Matt: We'll see. Can I take the ice cream with me?
(He takes it and start to leave but stops)
Matt: What happened in the car, man?
Jeremy: Nothing
Matt: Come on, man. You said, "Vickie". All right, you said my sister's name. Why? You said you were seeing things?
Jeremy: I've been seeing her
Matt: I mean, I think I see her all the time, too. It's 'cause I miss her so much, though. You know, like, I want to see her so I do. Look, I know we've got our hands full with all that supernatural stuff in this town, but... Ghosts
Jeremy: Like I said, my head's all messed up
(Matt smiles and leaves)
[A bar]
(Ray is on a pool table.)
Klaus: Ok, it's a three step process, right? This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist
Ray: I already told you where to find the pack. What more do you want from me?
Klaus: Have you been listening to what I've been saying, Ray? I have great plans for you
(He cuts his wrist and makes him drink his blood)
Klaus: You'll thank me for it later, heh
(Stefan arrives)
Ray: What are you going to do now?
Klaus: It's time for step two, Ray
(He kills him and looks at Stefan)
Klaus: You're back
Stefan: Did you doubt me?
Klaus: Not for a second. I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life
Stefan: I don't care about anything anymore
Klaus: You put on a good show, Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope, for your brother's sake, he does. You never stop caring about family, do you? But every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go
[Gilbert's House]
(Alaric is packing. Elena arrives)
Elena: What are you doing?
Alaric: Ahh. I'm not going to stay here anymore
Elena: What? Why?
Alaric: I'm not a role model. You know, I drink too much, I say the wrong things, I encourage bad behavior. At school I can pull it together, but in my own life.. The way I miss Jenna, it's just, I'm really not any good to anybody right now. I'm sorry, Elena. You're 18. You can do all this alone now. You can do it better without me
(He leaves)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Tyler and Caroline kisses and take their clothes of. Caroline, in her undrwear, pushes Tyler on the bed and jumps on him and kisses him.)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon enters Stefan's bedroom and tores it apart. He breaks everything. He grabs a guitar but doesn't breaks it)
[A bar]
(Stefan goes outside and takes his phone to call someone)
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena enters her bedroom and finds a drawing from Jeremy for her birthday. She prepares to go to bed. Her phones vibrates. She doesn't notice it immediately but she finally answers)
Elena: Hello? Hello? Hello?
(It's Stefan but he doesn't answer)
Elena: Stefan? Stefan, if this is you... You'll be ok. You can survive this. Whatever you do, I love you, Stefan. Hold on to that. Never let that go
(He doesn't say anything but he tries to hold is tears)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Tyler is asleep. Caroline gets up, puts her dress on, takes her shoes and leaves the room. She goes dpwnstairs and is about to leave but Carol Lockwood intercepts her)
Caroline: Mrs. Lockwood. Hi
Carol: Leaving so soon?
Caroline: I... I didn't mean to be so... I mean, we were just... I'm going to just... Get my purse. Ok
(Carol sh**t her various time.Caroline finally falls on the floor, uncouscious.) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x01 - The Birthday"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is taking off all the things from his closet. Elena arrives)
Damon: Just can't stay away, can you?
Elena: You've been dodgin calls
Damon: Yeah, well, busy dating a d*ad fake girlfriend and all
Elena: Why didn't you tell me?
Damon: Happy Birthday, Elena. Stefan k*lled Andie
Elena: He called me, Damon
Damon: What?
Elena: Stefan called me last night
Damon: Well, what'd he say?
Elena: He didn't say anything, but it was him. I asked sheriff Forbes if she would trace the call's origin. It came from Tennessee
Damon: Where he's binge drinking on the country folk. We went through this, Elena. Stefan's gone. I don't mean geographically
Elena: If he was gone, he wouldn't have called
(He burns everything)
[Alaric's appartment]
(Alaric is on his bed. Someone knocks on the door)
Alaric: Go away, Damon!
(Someone knocks again. He gets up and opens the door. It's Elena)
Elena: Hi
Alaric: You're, uh... Not who I expected
Elena: I need you to tell me what you know about Stefan and Tennessee
Alaric: Did you miss the par where I checked out of all this?
Elena: Come on, Ric. Whatever Damon knows, you know
Alaric: Ask Damon
Elena: Yeah, but Damon's not exactly in the mood to help right now
Alaric: For good reason. Because it's not safe for you. Stefan's off the rails
Elena: Yeah, but he's still holding on to his humanity, which means he can still be saved
Alaric: And why do you have to be the one to save him?
Elena: Because I'm not the kind of person who checks out. Look, he would never give up on me. I'm not gonna give up on him. Tell me what you know, Ric. Please
Alaric: They've been tracking werewolves, he and Klaus. All over the eastern seaboard. We thought we had 'em just outside of Memphis...
[Smoky Mountains, Tennessee]
(Klaus and Stefan are walking in the mountains. Stefan is holding Ray, uncouscious, on his shoulders)
Klaus: You ok? Is Ray getting heavy?
Stefan: I'm fine
Klaus: You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down...
Stefan: You know, I get that we're, uh... we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great
Klaus: So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend
Stefan: Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer
Klaus: Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. There
(They stop. They found the pack. Stefan enters their camp. Everyone looks at him. He puts Ray on the ground. A woman rushes over him)
Woman: Ray! Oh, my God. What's going on? Who are you?
(Klaus rejoins Stefan)
Klaus: The important question is who am I. Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus
Woman: You're the hybrid
(Klaus smiles)
Klaus: You've heard of me. Fantastic
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Carol pours herself a glass of scotch and then puts some vervain in the coffee.Tyler arrives)
Tyler: Hey, mom
(He kisses her on the cheek)
Carol: Morning, sweetheart. Coffee's hot
(He pours himself some coffee)
Tyler: Rough night?
Carol: Uh, rough week. I'm a little stressed. You?
Tyler: Feeling pretty good
Carol: You know, if you're going to bring a girl home, I wish she'd have the tact to not sneak out like a prost*tute
Tyler: I'm sorry. She snuck out?
Carol: Hmm
(He drinks a sip of coffee)
Tyler: Whoa. I think the cream's bad
(He puts the cup out)
Tyler: Don't wait up tonight
(He kisses her on the cheek)
Tyler: Oh, and Caroline, she's not a prost*tute
(He leaves. Carol takes her phone and calls someone)
Carol: Bill, it's, um, Carol Lockwood. I've gotten myself into a bit of a vampire situation
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy goes in the stockroom to rejoin Matt, who's working)
Matt: Please tell me you're not turning into one of these losers that hangs out at work on his day off
Jeremy: You remember what we talked about last night, how I've been seeing things?
Matt: Honestly, jer, last night is kind of a blur
Jeremy: Well, I saw her again.I saw Vicki
Matt: Why are you... why are you telling me this? You're dating a witch. Why don't you tell her?
Jeremy: Tell Bonnie that she brought me back to life and now I'm seeing my d*ad girlfriend? We don't need a witch, ok? There's examples all over the Internet. We need...
(He takes papers from his bag)
Jeremy: Personal items, and it works best when a family member tries to make contact
Matt: No, no, no, no, no, no. We're... We're not contacting my sister
Jeremy: She said, "help me"
Matt: If you're messing with me, man...
Jeremy: I saw her, Matt. She asked for help. You are the one she love the most. If anyone's gonna be able to help me to connect to her, it's you
(Elena is talking with Tyler. Alaric looks at them)
Tyler: A lot of us like to keep to ourselves for the full moon, chain ourselves up. But there are some werewolves that like to gather in places were they don't have to do that, where they can enjoy it
Elena: What kind of places?
Tyler: Mountains, state parks, deserts, that kind of stuff
Elena: Anywhere in Tennessee?
Tyler: Yeah. Here. Give me your phone. I'll try to pull up a map
(She gives him her phone)
Elena: Thanks for this. I know it's asking a lot
Tyler: As Caroline likes to remind me, Stefan's in this mess because I bit Damon. I figure I owe you one. Have you talked to her today?
Elena: No. Why?
Tyler: Just curious. Here
(He gives her her phone)
Tyler: That's your best bet
(Elena rejoins Alaric at the bar)
Alaric: Did you get anything?
Elena: ow do you feel about a little hike through the smoky mountains?
Alaric: You wanna hunt down a pack of werewolves on a full moon?
Elena: We'll be out of there before the moon is full. If you don't come with me, I'm going by myself. What? You're the one who told me that I could handle things on my own now
Alaric: Yea, I meant like frozen dinners and SATs. A-all right fine. Let's just... Let's just go. But, uh, you're driving
[Smoky Mountains, Tennessee]
(Klaus and Stefan are sitting. Everyone is looking at him)
Klaus: It's fascinating, actually... A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid
(Ray wakes up)
Klaus: Excellent timing, Ray. Very dramatic
Ray: What's happening to me?
Klaus: Stefan?
(Stefan gets up)
Stefan: Are any of you human? Your friend here needs human blood to complete hs transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die
Klaus: Doesn't take much, just a sample. Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend, along for the ride?
(He looks at a man)
Klaus: You
(He rushes over him and bites is forearm. Stefan catches him, throws him on the ground in front off Ray. The woman protests but Klaus strangles her)
Stefan: If you don't drink it, Ray, I will. Problem is I don't know how to stop
(Klaus looks at the girl)
Klaus: It's the new order, sweetheart. You join us, or you die
Woman: I'd rather die than be a vampire
Klaus: Wrong choice
(He gives her his blood. Ray drinks the blood from the man.)
Klaus: She'll thank me for that later. Heh
(He kills her)
Klaus: Ok, who's next?
(His eyes are yellow and his fangs are out)
[Mystic Grill]
(Tyler is playing pool. Matt rejoins him with coffee)
Matt: You moving in or something? You've been here forever
Tyler: I thought I was meeting Caroline. You haven' seen her, have you?
Matt: Not keeping up on her comings and goings anymore
Tyler: Look, man, I never meant for me and her being friends to be a problem for you
Matt: It is what it is. Tonight's a full moon. She usually helps you?
Tyler: Yeah. Whatever
Matt: Do you, uh... Is this like the kind of thing that you need another person for?
Tyler: I can handle it. But thanks
(He drinks some coffee)
Tyler: Ahh. What is up with my taste buds today?
Matt: Heh. It's the vervain. The sheriff has me slip it into the coffee here every now and then
Tyler: That's what vervain tastes like?
Matt: Yeah. I'm surprising you can taste it, The coffee usually hides the flavour. For humans, anyway
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Someone rings the bell. She opens the door and a man enters)
Carol: Thank you so much for coming. Does anyone else know you're here?
Bill: No. I didn't drive through town. I came straight here
Carol: Can I offer you a drink?
Bill: I think you should tell me what you expect me to do
Carol: I was hoping you could tell me. It's Caroline, Bill. I remember the day when she was born
Bill: What does the rest of the council know?
Carol: I haven't said a word. I've been putting this together on my own for months now. Any ideas how to handle this? I can't get my hands dirty here for a lot of reasons
Bill: She's a vampire, Carol. We do what we have to do
[Smoky Mountains, Tennessee]
(Alaric and Elena are walking)
Alaric: In a couple hours, the full moon's gonna rise just above that Ridge. If Tyler's right, that's where the pack'll be
Elena: You were a boy scout, weren't you? A boy scout, slash vampire slayer
Alaric: Slash whiskey-drinking all-around lost cause
(They stop. He opens his bag. There's a lot of w*apon)
Elena: Wow. You came stocked
Alaric: Well, we aren't exactly bird-watching. Here. Put that in your bag
(He gives her a grenade)
Elena: Vervain grenade?
Alaric: Wolfsbane
Elena: Well, since we're exchanging gifts...
(She shows him John's magical ring)
Alaric: That's John Gilbert' ring
Elena: It was yours once. Go ahead. Take it. I'll protect you from whatever supernatural danger we're about to get ourselves into
Alaric: He gave it to you
Elena: Yeah, but I'm a doppelganger. It's not gonna work on me. He left it for I if ever have kids
Alaric: Yeah, well, then why don't you save it for future generations of stubborn, relentless baby Gilberts?
Elena: Ok, and how 'bout you borrow t until after we survive this? I'd feel bad if I got you k*lled before happy hour
(She gets closer to the water)
Elena: I don't know why you think that you're a lost cause
(Damon arrives and throws her in the water)
Elena: Damon! How are you even here?
Damon: Thanks for the tip, brother
(She looks at Alaric)
Elena: You sold me out
Alaric: Think I'd take you to a mountain range of werewolves on a full moon without backup?
(Klaus gives his blood to the human and compels him)
Klaus: There. Good as new. Now you relax, ok, mate? We're gonna need you when the rest of them wake up
Ray: They're d*ad. They're all d*ad
Klaus: Ah, he's through his transition. He should be feeling better soon
Stefan: So is this your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?
Klaus: No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades
Stefan: For what w*r, might I ask?
Klaus: Oh, you don't arm yourself after w*r has been declared, Stefan. You build your army so big that no one ever dares pick the fight
Stefan: What makes you so sure that they'll be loyal?
Klaus: Well, it's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team. That's something you'll learn once you shake that horribly depressive chip off your shoulder
(Stefan laughs)
Stefan: That's why you're, uh... you're keeping me around? To witness my attitude adjustment?
Klaus: You'll know why I'm keeping you around when I've decided that I want you to know
(Ray's eyes are bleeding)
Klaus: Something's wrong
Stefan: That shouldn't be happening, should it?
Klaus: Well, obviously
(Elena is in the water.)
Damon: Get out of the water, Elena
Elena: If I get out of the water, you're gonna make me go home
Damon: Yes, because I'm not an idiot like you
Alaric: Right now, you're both acting like idiots
Elena: You gave up on him Damon
Damon: I didn't give up on him, Elena. I face reality. Now get out of the water
Elena: No!
Damon: What's your big plan, Elena? Huh? You gonna walk into a campsite full of werewolves, roast a marshmallow, and wait for Stefan to stop by?
(He rejoins her in the water)
Elena: My plan is to find him and help him. Damon, this is the closest that we've been to him since he left. I'm not going home
Damon: Klaus thinks you died when he broke the curse. That makes you safe. This, this is not safe
Elena: I'm not leaving before we find him
Damon: It's a full moon tonight, Elena
Elena: Then we'll find him before then. Damon, please
Damon: Ok. Ok. But we are out of here before the moon is full and I'm werewolf bait
Elena: I promise
Damon: Unless you wanna relive that whole deathbed kissy thing
Elena: I said i promise
Damon: Fine
(They get out of the water)
(Ray is shaking and his eyes are still bleeding)
Ray: You said it was gonna feel better. Why doesn't it feel better?
Stefan: Some master race
Klaus: Lose the attitude
(The woman wakes up)
Klaus: Derek, come feed your girlfriend
(He gets up. Ray snarls and makes a few jumps and leaves. Klaus looks at Stefan)
Klaus: Go get him
(Stefan jumps on Ray and pushes him on the ground. Ray bites him and leaves. Stefan is about to go after him but he hears Damon and Elena's voice.)
Damon: How you doing?
Elena: Fine
Damon: You know, I could help you
Elena: No, thanks
Damon: Just one little fwoosh
Elena: Yeah, with my luck, you'd drop me
Alaric: What are you guys, 12?
(Stefan sees them walking. Klaus arrives and Stefan tries to take him appart so he doesn't sees them)
Klaus: Where did he go?
Stefan: He, uh... he got away. Forget him. Let's go
(Klaus sees his arm)
Klaus: A fatal werewolf bite. Ouch
Stefan: Yeah. I'm gonna need your blood to heal me
Klaus: Well, I tell you what. You find Ray, and then I'll heal you
Stefan: Can't be serious
Klaus: You better hurry, 'cause that bite looks nasty
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Tyler rejoins his mother in his dad's office)
Tyler: You put vervain in my coffee this morning. Why?
Carol: Vervain? What are you talking about?
Tyler: Let's skip the part where we pretend we don't know about the vampires in is town. You were testing me to see if I was a vampire. I want to know why
Carol: You've been spending so much time with Caroline. I had to know for sure
Tyler: What does Caroline have to do with it?
Carol: Let's skip the part where we pretend she's not one of them
Tyler: Did you do something to her?
Carol: Tyler, I don't want you to be with her
Tyler: Where is she, mom?
Carol: I can't let you be together
Tyler: What did you do to her? Where is she?
Carol: You can't be with her. She's a monster
Tyler: You don't know about me, do you?
Carol: Know what? Know what, Tyler?
[Smoky Mountains, Tennessee]
(The sun is setting. Damon, Elena and Alaric are still walking)
Alaric: We got about a mile left
Damon: The sun's about to set
Elena: I can see that, Damon
Damon: I'm just saying
Elena: The moon doesn't reach its apex for a while. We have time
(They here some twigs snaping. Ray come out. Alaric puts his crossbaw toward him)
Alaric: Stay where you are
Ray: Vampire
(He rushes over Damon and they fight. He pushes Damon against a tree. He tries to bite him. Alaric throws on arrow on him but Ray is still trayong to bite Damon. Elena takes the wolfsbane grenade from her bag)
Elena: Damon!
(She throws it to him, he makes it explode on Ray's face. He screams and his face burns. Damon kicks him in the stomach. Ray's uncouscious)
Alaric: Let me guess. Hybrid
[Matt's House]
(Matt and Jeremy enter a room full of boxes)
Matt: So this is all her stuff. We were supposed to donate it, but, uh, you know
Jeremy: Well, everything I read said that personal items help build a stronger connection
(They look into a box. Jeremy takes one of her shirts and Matt takes a pipre from it)
Matt: Does her pipre count?
(He takes a photo from when they were kids)
Matt: I don't know why I let you talk me into this, man
Jeremy: It's because she's your sister and you have a chance to help her
(Matt puts the picture on a furniture)
Matt: I can't do this. You gotta go
Jeremy: Matt, please
Matt: Nah, man. I can't do this, all right? You gotta go
(Jeremy leaves. Matt hears a noise. He turns himself and sees that the picture has moved)
[Smoky Mountains, Tennessee]
(Damon and Alaric are tieing Ray to the tree)
Damon: These ropes aren't gonna hold him much longer. What else do we have?
(Elena is aperging a rope with something)
Elena: Ric, here. Take these
(Damon touches it but his skin burns)
Damon: Aah! Ow!
Elena: I said Ric
(Alaric takes it and puts it around Ray)
Alaric: All right, that's the last of the vervain. We don't have enough stuff to hold him. I don't think we're gonna make that Ridge before the full moon
Elena: If we can get him to talk, we don't have to
(Ray screams. The transformation begins)
Damon: Is he turning?
Elena: It's impossible. It's still daylight
Alaric: Tell him that
(Damon gets closer to Ray and catches his shoulders)
Elena: There aren't supposed t be werewolves out here until the moon is full
Alaric: You know, those ropes aren't gonna hold the wolf
(Ray screams and snarls)
Elena: Damon, we've got to get out of here. We gotta get out of these mountains now! Damon, now!
(They run)
(It's nightime. Klaus is with Derek)
Klaus: Bad news, my friend. End of the road for you
(He kills him by drinking his blood. The woman is in front of him)
Klaus: Careful, love. There's only one Alpha here
(All the werewolves' eyes are bleeding. They look like zombies)
Klaus: Bloody Hell
(Damon, Elena and Alaric are running. Elena trips)
Damon: Don't move
(Elena raises her head. She's face to face with a werewolf)
Damon: Here, doggie, doggie
(He runs. The werewolf runs after him)
Alaric: Come on. Let's keep moving
Elena: We can't leave Damon
Alaric: He can handle himself. Let's move
Elena: No. If he gets bit, he'll be d*ad. I'm the reason he's out here
Alaric: I am the reason he's out here. I told him where we were, and I'm telling you to keep moving. Let's go. Elena, now
[Old Lockwood's cellar]
(Tyler and Carol enter)
Carol: Tyler, what is it? Just... just tell me
Tyler: You need to see for yourself
(He takes the chains)
Carol: What are you doing?
Tyler: You think Caroline's a monster? I'm the monster, mom
Carol: What?
(He grunts)
Carol: Tyler, what's happening?
(He pushes her into the cellar and closes the door)
Carol: Tyler, what are you doing?
Tyler: Me, Uncle Mason, it's in our blood. It's our family curse
Carol: What curse?
(The transformation begins)
Carol: Tyler, what's happening?! What's happening?
(His fangs are out and his eyes are yellow. She screams)
Carol: Oh, my God! Ohh! No! Ohh!
[Smoky mountains, Tennessee]
(Damon is walking but Ray rushes toward him in human form but Stefan stops him and rips his heart out)
Damon: Fancy meeting you here
Stefan: What part of "don't follow me anymore" got lost in translation,Damon?
Damon: Might want to take it up with your girlfriend. You don't want her chasing you, I'd stop with the late-night phone calls
Stefan: I didn't call her
Damon: Sure you did. She's not gonna give up on you
Stefan: She has to. Because I'm never coming back. Why don't you get her home? See if you could keep her there this time
(Elena and Alaric are in the car)
Elena: Stefan's out there somewhere and now Damon, and we're just sitting in this car?
Alaric: Let the vampires fight the hybrid zombie mountain man. I'll take care of keeping the humans safe
Elena: I thought you were checked out of taking care of people
Alaric: I know what you're doing. Don't. There doesn't need to be a lesson here
Elena: You're better at it than you think, you know?
Alaric: Oh, boy, are you a sucker for a lost cause or what?
Elena: You're not a lost cause, Ric. You're just lost. But so is Jeremy, and so am I. Our family is gone. We don't have anybody. I'm sorry, but you don't have anybody either, so... We're kind of right for each other
Alaric: I'm keeping the ring, then
(Damon arrives toward the car)
Elena: Damon
(She gets out of the car)
Elena: Are you ok? Did you...
Damon: Fine, bite-fre. Get back in the car, please
Elena: Can you just give me a minute to appreciate that you're not d*ad?
Damon: I'll give you 10 seconds. 9, 8... hey, Ric, did you happen to see where I parked my car?
(He catches her and pushes her toward the car)
Elena: Damon, stop being such a caveman
(Stefan watches them go in the car. Elena looks through the window but Stefan's gone)
[Gilbert's House]
(Someone rings the bell. Jeremy opens the door. It's Matt)
Matt: I'm sorry about earlier
Jeremy: Hey, don't worry about it, man. You know, it's, uh... It's a lot to ask.
(Matt has beers in his hand)
Jeremy: Heh. Come on in
(Matt enters)
Matt: I spent the day going through her stuff. It was weird, you know, all the memories. I realize that most people didn't really get Vic. You know, they saw her as trouble and let it go at that. But you really got her. You know, you... you got her better than I did most of the time so... I don't know what we're gonna do with all this, but... here
(He gives Jeremy a bag. Jeremy opens it and takes Vicky's shirt from it)
Jeremy: You know, I don't remember her dying. I don't know if Caroline told you that when she told you everything
Matt: Nah, she didn't
Jeremy: Elena made them take that memory away from me, that I couldn't handle it. So whatever my last moment was with her, I don't have it
Matt: I don't either. I don't remember the last moment I had with Vicki before she was a vampire... When she was still my sister
(Jeremy turns himself. Vicki's here)
Vicki: Matty
(Matt doesn't sees her though)
Matt: Do you see something? Is she here?
(Jeremy is still looking at Vicki)
Jeremy: You said you needed help. Tell me how I can help you please
Vicki: I can come back. Help me come back
Matt: What is she saying? Tell me
(A window breaks and Anna apears)
Anna: Jeremy. Don't trust Vicki
[Smoky Mountains, Tennessee]
(Stefan comes back with Ray. The rest of the pack are d*ad. Klaus is here)
Klaus: They went rabid. Some of them, I k*lled. The others just... Bled out. In the end... They're all d*ad
(He yells)
Klaus: I did everything I was told! I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse. I k*lled a werewolf. I k*lled a vampire. I k*lled the doppelganger
(Stefan is uncomfortable)
Klaus: You look like hell
Stefan: Last I checked, I'm dying... And you don't want to heal me. I had to take him out. I didn't have a choice. I failed you. I'm sorry. Do what you have to do
Klaus: It should have worked
(He takes a bottle of bear. He bites his wrist, put the blood in the bottle and gives the bottle to Stefan)
Klaus: Bottoms up. We're leaving. It appears you're the only comrade I have left
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena enters her bedroom. Damon's here)
Elena: Seriously?
Damon: I was wrong
Elena: Are you drunk?
Damon: No. I thought Stefan was gone, but I was wrong
Elena: You saw him out there? Damon, is he ok?
Damon: No, he's not ok, Elena. He's an insufferable martyr that needs his ass kicked... But he can be saved
Elena: What happened out there? You've change your mind
Damon: I changed my mind because even in his darkest place, my brother still can't let me die. So I figure I owe him the same in return. I'll help you bring him back
Elena: Thank you
Damon: But before I do, I need you to answer one question. What made you change your mind?
Elena: What do you mean?
Damon: You were so hellbent on staying on that mountain, then you just gave up. So what changed your mind?
Elena: We were under att*ck, Damon
Damon: You had a bag full of w*apon and a teacher with an eternity ring. You could have kept going
Elena: It was too dangerous
Damon: It was too dangerous going out there to begin with, so what was it?
Elena: Why are you being like this?
Damon: What changed your mind, Elena?
Elena: I didn't want to see you get hurt, ok? I was... I was worried about you
Damon: Thanks
(He's about to leave)
Elena: Yes, I worry about you. Why do you even have to hear me say it?
(He gets closer to her and touches her face)
Damon: Because when I drag my brother from the edge and deliver him back to you, I want you to remember the things you felt while he was gone. Good night, Elena
(He touches her hair and gets out of the room. Alaric is at the top of the stairs with his luggage)
Damon: How's it going, Ric?
(He leaves. Alaric looks at Elena)
Alaric: Know what you're doing there?
Elena: No, I don't
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Tyler wakes up. He's naked. He looks at Carol. She has witnessed everything)
Carol: I'll take care of it. I'll make sure nothing happens to her
Tyler: Thank you
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Carol calls Bil)
Carol: I think we made a mistake
Bill: Carol, you called me in to take care of this problem. Why the sudden change of heart?
Carol: Maybe a guilty conscience
Bill: Don't feel guilty. They're not human. They're monsters
Carol: What if we're wrong?
Bill: My family's been committed to this fight for almost 150 years, Carol. You married into it, so maybe you don't understand, but I do. I know what my obligations are
Carol: Wait
[A cellar]
(Caroline is tied to a chair)
Caroline: Hello! Mrs. Lockwood?! Somebody!
(She hears someone coming)
Caroline: Who's that? Mrs. Lockwood?! Please
(Bill opens the door and enters)
Bill: Hello, Caroline
Caroline: Daddy? | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x02 - The Hybrid"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's house]
(Damon's phone rings. Ha answers)
Damon: You're interrupting my drink
Katherine: Miss me?
Damon: Where are you?
Katherine: Lurking outside your window, pining away
Damon: What do you want?
Katherine: I'm homesick. What have I missed?
Damon: Well, Stefan's still Klaus' little prisoner and Elena still thinks she can save him and no one's thought about you since you left
Katherine: And what about you? I'm sure now that you've given up on your brother, you're plotting
some sort of way of moving in on his girlfriend
Damon: I didn't give up on him. I just don't know where he is
Katherine: Hmm
Damon: But you do. Are you trailing them?
Katherine: A hybrid who wants me d*ad and his sidekick who's off the rails? I couldn't be further away
Damon: Which means you know exactly where they are
Katherine: All I know is that Klaus pitched a fit once his hybrids didn't work. Now he's looking for some answers
Damon: How do you know that?
Katherine: Spend 500 years running, and there will be a few people along the way that are looking out for you
Damon: Is that what you're doing? Looking out for my brother?
Katherine: Maybe, maybe not. I'm conflicted
Damon: Where are they?
(Klaus and Stefan go out of a car)
Klaus: Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan
Stefan: What are we doing here?
Klaus: I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days
Stefan: Blacked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur
Klaus: Well, that is a crying shame. The details are what makes it legend
Chicago, 1920's
Klaus: Word was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely, so he escaped to the city for comfort. It was prohibition. Everything was off limits then, which made everything so much fun
(Stefan is in a car making out with a girl but then he drinks her blood and kills her. He gets out of the car and removes the blood from his lips
Chicago, 1920's
(Stefan enters a bar. The singer and owner of the bar sees him)
Gloria: Guess who my eyes have just spied, ladies? Looking for a good time, Mr. Salvatore?
Stefan: Save me a dance, Gloria
(He's about to grab a glass of champagne but a lady takes it before)
Stefan: Ooh. Please, help yourself
Rebekah: Oh, I always do
(She gets closer, licks his lips and whispers in his hear, she's vamped out)
Rebekah: Careful, Mr. Salvatore. You're still wearing your date. She's lovely
(She's about to leave but he catches her arm)
Stefan: No, no, no. Who are you?
(She makes a sign to tells him to shut up)
Nowadays, Chicago
Klaus: Chicago was magical
Stefan: Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it. Like I said, I don't remember most of it
Klaus: Ready to get down to business, then?
Stefan: Why am I still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?
Klaus: We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in her bedroom, sleeping. She moves and is on Damon. She suddenly wakes up ans is suprised)
Damon: Rise and shine, sleepy head
Elena: Aah! What are you doing?! Get out!
Damon: You know you were dreaming about me. Explains the drool
Elena: Ugh. Oh, my God
(She looks at her alarm)
Elena: 6:00 A.M. seriously? Do you really have nothing better to do at 6:00 A.M.?
Damon: Fine, don't come with me to bring Stefan home. See ya
(He gets up)
Elena: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. What? What are you talking about? Where is he?
Damon: Windy city
Elena: He's in Chicago? Well, how do you know?
Damon: It came to me in a dream. I was naked. You would have loved it. Start packing
Elena: Is he ok?
Damon: Well, let's just say he's not there to meet Oprah
(He opens one of her drawers and takes one of Elena's underwear)
Damon: Ooh. Put these in the "yes" pile
(She gets up, takes it from his hands and puts it back in the drawer)
[A cellar]
(Caroline is still attached to a chair. She hears a noise)
Caroline: Daddy, are you there? Why won't you talk to me? Dad!
(Smoke enters the cellar .Bill opens the door and enters)
Bill: Shhh. I'm so sorry this happened to you
Caroline: Dad...
Bill: I need an answer. How do you walk in the sunlight?
Caroline: Just let me go
Bill: Sweetheart, please, just answer me. Then we'll get on with it
Caroline: Is that all you want to know?
Bill: That's all I want to know
(She shows him her ring)
Bill: Interesting
(He takes the ring off)
Caroline: No, dad, no! What are you...
(He throws the ring on the floor)
Caroline: What are you doing? What are you doing?
Bill: Your ancestors built this place. People figured it was for unruly prisoners at the jailhouse, but... They had something else in mind. Vervain in the ventilation system to keep their subject weak. Reinforced steel containment chair. And that
(He gets out of the cellar)
Caroline: What are you doing?
(He come back with a blood bag and puts it in front oh her. She vamps out. Ha takes the blood bag back)
Bill: Blood controls you, sweetheart. This is how I'm going to fix you
Caroline: What?
(He pulls on a chain. The sun enters the cellar. Caroline screams and burns)
[Damon's car]
(Damon and Elena are driving to Chicago)
Damon: I sure Hope we find him, 'cause it would suck if the last momento of Stefan was that crappy old necklace
(She touches her vervain necklace)
Elena: It's an antique, Damon. Like you
(He takes a diary from the back of the car)
Damon: Read this. Paints a pretty little picture of Stefan's first experience in Chicago
Elena: It's Stefan's diary. I'm not going to inv*de his private thoughts
Damon: You need to be prepared for what you're about to see
Elena: I've seen Stefan in his darkest periods. I can handle it
(He opens the diary)
Damon: Here's one. March 12th, 1922
(He starts reading, changing his voice)
Damon: "I've blacked out days. I wake up in strangers' blood, in places I don't recognize with women I don't remember."
(He looks at Elena)
Damon: Ahh! I'm shocked! Stefan's not a virgin?
(She takes the diary from his hands)
Elena: Eyes on the road, grandma
Damon: Fine. Back to my game. Tell me if you see a Florida plate
(She opens the journal and reads a page)
Chicago, 1920's
(Stefan is at the bar, drinking with his friends. Rebekah is dancing with a man but she stops and rejoins Stefan and his friends)
Rebekah: Sorry to crash the fun, boys, but some of us actually came here to hear the music. Not you
Stefan: Oof. I am so sorry, sweetheart. Are we offending you?
(His friends laugh. She touxhes his face)
Rebekah: It would take a lot more than a baby face like this to offend me
(She's about to leave)
Stefan: Ahem. Hey, hey. You ever going to tell me your name?
Rebekah: Sure. When you earn it. Now do Gloria a favor and stick a sock in it
(She goes back to the dacefloor and dances with a man)
Nowadays, Chicago
[Gloria's bar]
(Klaus and Stefan enter)
Klaus: Looks familiar, doesn't it?
Stefan: I can't believe this place is still here
Gloria: You got to be kidding me
(Klaus smiles)
Klaus: So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender...
Gloria: Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny
(She looks at Stefan)
Gloria: I remember you
Stefan: Yeah. You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be...
Gloria: Old and d*ad? Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?
Klaus: Gloria's a very powerful witch
Gloria: I can slow the aging down some Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day
Klaus: Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar
(He goes to the bar. Klaus looks at Gloria)
Klaus: You look ravishing, by the way
Gloria: Don't. I know why you're here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels
Klaus: So what am I doing wrong? I broke the curse
Gloria: Obviously you did something wrong. Look, every spell has a loophole, but a curse that old... We'd have to contact the witch who created it
Klaus: Well, that would be the original witch. She's very d*ad
Gloria: I know. And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah
Klaus: Rebekah. Rebekah is a bit preoccupied
Gloria: She has what I need. Bring her to me
(Stefan finds a picture on the wall and is suprised)
Stefan: What is this?
Klaus: Well, I told you, Stefan. Chicago's a magical place
Stefan: But this is me. With you
(He shows him the picture. It's them in the 1920's)
[Caroline's house]
(Liz calls Caroline but she doens't answer so she leaves a message)
Liz: Caroline! It's mom. Just coming up for air after a few all-nighters at the station. I thought we'd have lunch and you could remind me I promised not to work so hard
(Tyler knocks on the door)
[A cellar]
(Caroline is still burning in the sun. She cries)
Caroline: No! Please! Stop! Please stop! Please!
(The sun disapears)
Caroline: I don't hurt anyone, I swear. Daddy, swear. I can handle the urges. I can!
Bill: If you could handle it, this wouldn't happen
(He puts a blood bag in front of her. She vamps out)
Caroline: I'm sorry, i'm sorry
Bill: By conditioning you to associate vampirism with pain, in time, the thought of human blood will make you repress your vampire instincts completely
Caroline: That's impossible. Daddy, you can't change who I am
Bill: Yes, I can
Caroline: No
Bill: You remember this feeling?
(He pulls on the chain again to make the sun appear in the cellar. Her skin burns, she screams)
[An appartement, Chicago]
(Elena and Damon arrive at an appartment)
Elena: Stefan could live anywhere in Chicago and he chose this?
Damon: There used to be an all-girls high school around the corner, but it shut down for attendance issues. Weird
Elena: If you're trying to scare me into giving up and going back, it's not going to work
Damon: Shh
(He breaks te locker and opens the door)
Damon: Here we are. Stefan's second personality home
(They enter)
Elena: Pretty obvious he hasn't been here
Damon: Tour is not over yet
(He goes toward a wall and opens an hidden door. There's a lot of alcohol)
Elena: Stefan hid his alcohol. What a monster
Damon: Look harder
(She gets closer and sees a list of names. There is o lot of names)
Elena: It's a list of names
Damon: Mm-hmm
Elena: These are all of his victims?
Damon: Still handling it?
Elena: What were you doing in the 1920s? Paving the way for women's liberation?
Damon: I was around. Chicago's a big city. Stefan was a cocky ripper douche. But I could avoid him and still indulge in a few Daisy Buchanans of my own
(She seems disgusted)
Elena: Where are you going?
Damon: His old stomping ground
Elena: I'm coming with you
Damon: No. You stay here and whip up an actual plan. I'll come back when I find him
(He leaves)
Stefan: This doesn't make any sense. Why don't I remember you?
Klaus: You said it yourself, that time had a lot of dark holes
Stefan: No, if you knew me, then why haven't you said anything?
Klaus: I'm a little busy right now. Memory Lane will have to wait
Stefan: What the hell is going on? Answer me
Klaus: Let's just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest, I hated you
Chicago, 1920's
(Stefan is drinking blood from a women. Rebakah drinks with him on the other side of the neck. He sees her necklace. It's the one he offered to Elena)
Stefan: It's beautiful
Rebekah: A witch gave it to me. Supposedly it's magical
Stefan: Is it?
Rebekah: It brought me love, didn't it?
(Klaus arrives and catches her)
Klaus: It's late, Rebekah, we're leaving
(He catches her)
Rebekah: Get off of me!
(Stefan gets up)
Stefan: Who is this guy?
Rebekah: Stefan, don't. He'll k*ll you. He's a lot stronger than he looks
Klaus: So this is the famous Stefan Salvatore. I've been hearing so much about. You're right, he does have funny hair. I'm bored. I want to go
Rebekah: Then go without me, I'm not your girlfriend
Klaus: No, you're my sister, which means... You have to do as I say
Nowadays, Chicago
Stefan: Your sister. So I knew another original vampire
Klaus: If you can't handle it, then don't ask
(All the coffins containing the originals are around them. Klaus opens one. Rebekah is in it. He smiles and touches her face)
Stefan: I don't recognize her
Klaus: Well, don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine
(He takes the dagger out of her chest)
Klaus: Time to wake up, little sister. Any day now, Rebekah
(He looks at Stefan)
Klaus: She's being dramatic
Stefan: Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right?
Klaus: Well, you have many useful talents
Stefan: Do I?
Klaus: In fact, I learned some of my favorite tricks from you
Chicago, 1920's
(Klaus is at the table with Stefan and Rebekah)
Klaus: So Stefan, enlighten me. What makes you worthy of an original like my sister? She's pure vampire and you're no more than a diluted bloodline
Rebekah: Don't listen to him, Stefan. Nik's an elitist
Stefan: Hmm. And where's the rest of your family?
Klaus: Well, let's see. Um... I k*lled most of them
Rebekah: But not all
Stefan: And you're ok with that?
Rebekah: Well, we all had the chance to choose a side. I chose the right one, eventually
(.She touches Klaus' hand A men stops by their table)
Man: Where the hell's my wife?
Stefan: I don't know. I give up
Man: You think you're so tough? Hiding in your bar, drinking your liquor? A telephone call to Chicago P.D. might set you straight
(Klaus and Rebekah laugh. Stefan calls a woman)
Stefan: Lila? Lila, please. Come here for a second
Man: Oh, thank God. Come on, we're leaving
(Stefan stops him and compels him)
Stefan: Oh, no, no, no, no. No. You're sitting
(The man stis down next to to Klaus and Lila next to Stefan. He takes of her glove and takes a Kn*fe)
Rebekah: Stefan, don't be mean
Man: What the hell are you doing?
(Klaus seems intrigued. Stefan cuts Lila wrist and the blood pours in a glass)
Stefan: Thank you so much, Lila. Why don't you go and bandage that up
(She gets up and leaves. Stefan compels the man)
Stefan: I'd like you to join me for a drink
(H gives him the glass with the blood of his wife)
Man: What kind of sick freaks are you?
Stefan: I said, drink!
(He drinks a sip of his wife's blood)
Stefan: I dodn't catch your name
Man: Go to hell
(Klaus laughs)
Stefan: Do you want another sip?
Man: Liam Grant. Liam Grant!
Stefan: Have another sip, Liam
(He drinks)
Stefan: Finish it
(Klaus laughs)
Nowadays, Chicago
Klaus: I was your number one fan
Stefan: Why should I believe any of this?
(Klaus compels the guy who handles the trasport)
Klaus: When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar. Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die
Stefan: Where are you going?
Klaus: You think I'm lying, Stefan. You and I knew each other. You trusted me with one of your secrets and now I'm going to prove it to you
Stefan: How?
Klaus: We're going to your old apartment
[Gloria's bar]
(Damon enters the bar)
Gloria: Well, look what the wind blew in. Last I heard, you hated this place
Damon: Gloria. Damn! If I knew you were going to age like this, I would have stuck around
Gloria: I always did like you better. But I see your brother is still running in the wrong crowd
Damon: You've seen him?
Gloria: With Klaus. Bad combo
Damon: You know where they went?
Gloria: They'll be back here later tonight. They're out running a little errand for me
Damon: Gloria...
(He touches her hand.)
Damon: Don't be a tease. What kind of errand?
(She removes her hand)
Gloria: I don't think so. You may be cute, but you're still a vampire
[Stefan's old appartment]
(Elena is reading Stefan's diary. There's Stefan's voiceover)
Stefan: April, 1922. Lexi found me last night, dragged me off the train tracks. Thinks she can make me care again
(She turns the pages)
Stefan: June, 1924... Lexi's driving me crazy. More animal blood, more misery
(She turns the pages again)
Stefan: 1935... cravings are there, but it's easier. Lexi's on to her next project... Getting me to laugh
(She hears Klaus and Stefan coming. She's surprised. Klaus sees that the lock has been broken. He kicks the door and they enter)
Klaus: What a charming little homestead. Do you feel that? Is anybody here?
(Elena is in the hidden closet)
Stefan: It's been vacant for decades. People must break in all the time. Why'd you bring me here?
Klaus: Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood... I never could figure out why you wanted his name. And then you told me your little secret. It was all part of your special little ritual
(Elena looks at the list and sees Liam Grant's name)
Stefan: To write it down
Klaus: And relive the k*ll... Over and over again
(He opens the hidden door)
Klaus: You believe me now?
(Stefan enters the closet to see the list. He turns his head and is surprised to see Elena. She looks at him, with hope. Stefan looks at her)
Stefan: Look what I found
(Elena is scared but Stefan takes a bottle and gives it to Klaus.. She's relieved)
Stefan: 1918. Single malt
Klaus: Let's go and find someone to pair it with
(Stefan closes the closet)
(Elena is behind a wall. She has a vervain dart in her hand. She hears someone coming but it's Damon)
Elena: Finally! I called you an hour ago
(He gives her a bag)
Damon: Make yourself presentable. I know where Stefan's going to be tonight
(He sits down)
Elena: I told you that I was practically discovered by Klaus and you're worried about what I'm wearing?
Damon: I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone, process it, and move on. Are you ok?
Elena: Yeah
Damon: Ok, good. Get dressed. You're all road-tripy and gross
Elena: So you know where he's going to be?
Damon: Yes, with Klaus. So I'll distract Klaus and you deal with Stefan
Elena: Ok. Thank you
Damon: But you're going to have about five minutes tops before that hybrid freak rips my heart out. So please, tell me you can do this
Elena: I can do this
[Gloria's bar]
(Klaus and Stefan are at the bar. Gloria gives them two beers)
Gloria: Where's Rebekah?
Klaus: She'll be here. I can't just conjure her on demand
(He looks at Stefan)
Klaus: What's with you? I thought Chicago was your playground
Stefan: So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? Because you liked the way that I tortured innocent people?
Klaus: Well, that's certainly half of it
Stefan: What's the other half?
Klaus: The other half, Stefan, is that you used to want to be my wingman
Chicago, 1920's
(Klaus and Stefan are at the bar)
Stefan: They're jealous. Your family wants you d*ad because they can never be what you are
Klaus: What? An abomination?
Stefan: No. A king
(Klaus smiles. Stefan laughs)
Klaus: Look at us. Two sad orphans. My sister fancies you, you know. But... I should warn you, Rebekah doesn't do anything half-speed, and that includes falling in love. So just be careful. She's totally mad
Stefan: I appreciate the advice
Klaus: And when the point comes where she inevitably leaves you... She can't help it, it's just who she is. Don't let your heart do anything stupid
Stefan: You know what, you're a good friend, Nik. I'm glad I met you
Nowadays, Chicago
(Klaus raises his sh*t of tequila)
Klaus: To friendship
[A cellar]
(Caroline has burns marks on her skin)
Bill: I want you to know, when Carol Lockwood called and told me about you... I sat down and cried
Caroline: Dad, I'm ok. I've learned to adapt. I don't need to be fixed. I can't be fixed
Bill: I've always taught you to try your best. I need you to try your best now
(He puts a blood bag in front of her. She doens't vamps out)
Bill: There, see? You're doing it
Caroline: I can't
Bill: Yes, you can. Fight the urge
Caroline: Daddy, I'm starving
Bill: I know you are, car. Try
Caroline: Why? You know that this isn't going to work
Bill: It has to work. It's the only option
Caroline: Why are you trying to fix me?
Bill: So I don't have to k*ll you!
(She vamps out)
Caroline: Daddy, I'm sorry
(He raises his head)
Bill: The sun's gone down. We'll try again tomorrow
(He gets out and closes the door but Liz is here ans holds a g*n toward him)
Liz: Hello Bill
Bill: Put the g*n down, Liz. I know what I'm doing
Liz: That's our daughter in there. She looks up to you. She loves you
Bill: Then she'll trust me to do the right thing. Let me do this, Liz. Not because she's a monster. But because we love her
Liz: Tyler
(Tyler comes out and goes down the stairs)
Bill: You're not going in there
(Liz sh**t next to him)
Liz: Go ahead
(He opens the door and enters the cellar)
Caroline: Tyler
(He rushes toward her and breaks the chains)
Tyler: It's ok. We're going to get you out of here
Caroline: My ring
(He takes it, puts it on her finger, carries her and takes her out)
[Gloria's bar]
Stefan: So I'm confused. If we were such great friends, why do I only know you as the hybrid dick who sacrificed my girlfriend on an altar of f*re?
Klaus: All good things must come to an end
Chicago, 1920's
(Stefan and Rebekah are dancing. Klaus looks at them with a smile. But suddenly he seems to feel something. Policemen enter and sh**t everywhere in the bar. Rebakah and Stefan hide behind the bar. Stefan takes one of the b*ll*ts from the ground)
Stefan: They're using wooden b*ll*ts. They know
Rebekah: That means he's here
Stefan: Who? Who's here?
Klaus: Rebekah! Come on, we've got to go, sweetheart
(She gets up and Klaus catches her)
Stefan: What the hell is going on?
Rebekah: Stefan!
Klaus: Go!
(Her necklace falls on the floor. Stefan is about to take it but Klaus interrupts him to talk with him)
Klaus: Stefan. I'm sorry, but the fun has to end here
Stefan: What are you talking about?
(Klaus compels him)
Klaus: You must forget Rebekah and me. Until I say otherwise, you never knew us, Stefan. Thank you. I had forgotten what it was like to have a brother
(He disapears)
Nowadays, Chicago
[Gloria's bar]
Stefan: You compelled me to forget
Klaus: It was time for Rebekah and I to move on. Better to have a clean slate
Stefan: But why? You shouldn't have to cover your tracks... Unless you're running from someone
Klaus: Storytime's over
(Stefan turns his head and sees Damon, he makes him a sign. Stefan then looks at Klaus)
Stefan: I need another drink. A real one
(He goes outside and rejoins Damon)
Stefan: What is wrong with you?!
Damon: What is wrong with you? You k*ll Andie one day, you save my life the next. What are you good, bad? Pick one!
Stefan: Klaus almost saw Elena today. You have to get her out of Chicago
Damon: She's not going anywhere until she's got you checked into vampire rehab and on the mend. Trust me. I've tried
Stefan: She is the key to everything. Klaus can't know that she's alive
Damon: What are you talking about?
Stefan: She was supposed to die in the sacrifice and she didn't. Now Klaus can't create any new hybrids. His witch is seconds away from figuring that out. Tell Elena to go home and forget about me
(Damon doesn't say anything right away)
Damon: Tell her yourself
(Stefan sees Elena)
(Damon rejoins Klaus at the bar)
Klaus: I see they've opened the doors to the riff raff now
Damon: Oh, honey, I've been called worse
Klaus: You don't give up, do you?
Damon: Give me my brother back... You'll never have to see me again
Klaus: Well, I am torn. You see, I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so...
Damon: What can I say? I'm a thrill seeker
(Klaus strangles him)
(Stefan is in the parking lot with Elena)
Stefan: You shouldn't be here
Elena: Where else would I be?
Stefan: What do you want? Damon won't be able to distract Klaus for long
(She touches his face)
Elena: Come home
(She embraces him and is about to stake him with a vervain dart but he stops her and catches her wrist. He hurts her)
Stefan: How much clearer can I make it? I don't want to come home!
(Klaus is s*ab Damon with a toothpick)
Klaus: Oh, dear, what was that? I'm a little boozey, so you'll forgive me if I miss your heart the first few tries
(He s*ab him again)
Klaus: Ohh! No, that's not it. Hmm
(He s*ab him again)
Klaus: Ohh. Almost
Damon: You want a partner in crime? Forget Stefan. I'm so much more fun
Klaus: You won't be any fun after you're d*ad
(He pushes him on the ground and is about to s*ab him but Gloria burns the stake with her powers)
Klaus: Really?
Gloria: Not in my bar. You take it outside
(Klaus looks at Damon)
Klaus: You don't have to negotiate your brother's freedom. When I'm done with him, he won't want to go back
(Elena and Damon are still in the parking lot)
Stefan: Klaus is obsessed with siring these hybrids. The second he knows you're alive, he'll figure out why it's not working
Elena: Look, I know you're trying to protect me, but I can't let you do it. Come with me, Stefan, please
Stefan: And what do you expect if I do? Huh? It's never going to be the same, Elena
Elena: I know that
Stefan: I don't think you do. I've left bodies scattered from Florida to Tennessee. Innocent people. Humans
Elena: Lexi found you like this before. In the twenties, and... And she saved you
Stefan: And you know what I did after that? I spent 30 years trying to pull myself together. To a vampire, that's nothing. To you? That's half your life
Elena: I can't give up on you, Stefan
Stefan: Yes, you can. It's done. That part of my life is done. I don't want to see you. I don't want to be with you. I just want you to go
[Damon's car]
(Elena is in the car, looking through the window and touching her necklace. Damon enters the car)
Damon: You ok?
Elena: Just drive
[Caroline's house]
(Caroline is in her bed and Liz is here. Caroline finishes her blood bag and gives it to Liz)
Caroline: Thank you
Liz: Honey, your dad... All our families, we have beliefs that have been passed on through generations. And we were taught never to stray from them
Caroline: You did
Liz: You taught me to look at things in a different way
Caroline: I just thought that he was the one who got me
Liz: He did. He will again
(Tyler arrives. Liz gets up and is about to leave)
Caroline: Hey, mom? Thanks for believing in me
(Liz leaves. Tyler enters)
Tyler: Would now be a bad time to give you crap about sneaking out on me?
(She smiles but then is about to cry. He rejoins her on the bed and embraces her. She cries)
Caroline: He hates me. My dad hates me
(He kisses her head)
(Klaus enters the room full of his family's coffins. Rebekah's is empty and the man is d*ad)
Klaus: Rebekah... It's your big brother. Come out, come out, wherever you are
(She s*ab him with the dagger)
Rebekah: Go to hell, Nik!
Chicago, 1920's
(Klaus and Rebakah are next to a car)
Klaus: Hurry up, Rebekah. Let's go
(She doesn't move)
Klaus: He'll be here any second. Do you want to die? We've been found. We need to move
Rebekah: Not without Stefan
Klaus: Stefan's not coming. We have to disappear. He'll draw too much attention. Let him go
Rebekah: What did you do?
Klaus: Come on. We don't have time for one of your tantrums
Rebekah: I don't want to run anymore, Nik! All we do is run. I want to be with Stefan
Klaus: Fine. Then choose. Him or me
(She doens't answer)
Klaus: That's what I thought. Get in the truck. Let's go
Rebekah: Good-bye, Nik
(He drives the dagger through her heart)
Nowadays, Chicago
(Klaus takes the dagger out of his chest and throws it on the ground)
Klaus: Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't k*ll me
Rebekah: Yeah, but I was hoping it would hurt more
Klaus: I understand that you're upset with me, Rebekah... So I'm going to let that go. Just this once. Brought you a little peace offering. You can come in
(Stefan comes in)
Rebekah: Stefan...
(Klaus gets closer to him and compels him)
Klaus: Now you remember
(He remembers everything)
Chicago, 1920's
(Stefan looks at the photograph)
Stefan: Hey, buddy, take a picture of my brother and me
(He takes Klaus by the shoulders for the picture)
Nowadays, Chicago
(Stefan looks at Klaus and Rebekah)
Stefan: I remember you. We were friends
Klaus: We are friends
(He looks at Rebekah)
Klaus: And now the reason you're here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch
Rebekah: The origninal witch
Klaus: What do you have that Gloria needs?
(She touches her neck)
Rebakah: Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off!
Klaus: I don't know. I didn't touch it
Rebekah: We need to find it, Nik. Now, I want it back!
Klaus: Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah!
(She looks into the coffin but doesn't find it so she throws it on the ground. Stefan is concerned)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is on the phone with Katherine)
Damon: Ok. You were right. He was there
Katherine: I'm always right. Let me guess... it ended in tears and heartbreak
Damon: Where are you?
Katherine: Why? Do you want to come rub sunscreen on my back?
Damon: I'm thinking Europe. Italy, maybe Or Spain. You were always a sucker for those lazy afternoons
Katherine: Keep guessing, Damon. Bye-bye
(She hangs up and laughs)
Chicago, 1920's
(Rebekah's necklace is on the ground. Katherine's here and is about to take it but she disapears and Stefan's here. He takes the necklace. She watches him. A man is behind him)
Man: Hey kid. Chicago P.D
Stefan: I'm not afraid of you
Man: Oh, I'm not here for you
(He shows him a drawing of Klaus and Rebekah)
Man: Have you seen these two?
Stefan: I've never seen those people before in my life
Man: Wrap it up, boys. We're through here
(He looks at him and leaves. Stefan has Rebekah's necklace in his hand. Katherine watches him and leaves)
(Katherine gets out of the photobooth. She's in fact in Chicago) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x03 - The End of the Affair"} | foreverdreaming |
(Klaus and Stefan are in a clothing store, drinking champagne and waiting for Rebakah whose trying clothe)
Rebekah: There has to be more to this dress
Klaus: There's not
(She gets out of the fitting room. She wears a dress)
Rebekah: So women in the 21st century dress like prost*tute, then. You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers
Klaus: You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing
Rebekah: And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident
Stefan: It's dance music
Rebekah: People dance to this?
Stefan: Hmm
Klaus: Are we done?
Rebekah: And why are you so grumpy?
Klaus: I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it
Rebekah: I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for 90 years
(She looks at Stefan)
Rebekah: So what do you think?
Stefan: I like it
(She doens't seem saisfied)
Stefan: What? I said I like it
Rebekah: I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan
(She goes back into the fitting room. Klaus look at Stefan)
Klaus: Nice one, good work
Stefan: You're the one that pulled the Dagger out of her
Rebekah: I heard that
Stefan: All right. I'm going to get some fresh air
(He gets up. Klaus pours himself some champagne. Stefan is abou to go out and sees Kaherine across the street. She makes him a sign so he follow her)
[Gilbert's House]
(Damon and Elena are cooking)
Damon: I just don't know why you want to bring chili to a potluck. Everybody brings chili
(Alaric enters)
Damon: Hey, Ric
Alaric: What's up?
Elena: What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?
Alaric: Ah. Those founders parties aren't really my thing
Damon: Show up, there's going to be nine other people that brought chili
Elena: It's an old family recipe, ok?
Damon: Yeah! I know. I knew your old family. They made sucky chili
(He smiles. She laughs. Alaric look at them)
Alaric: Why are you here, exactly?
Damon: She knows
Elena: He thinks I'm going to break. I'm not going to break. I am just going to keep making chili, pretend like I didn't just spend the entire summer looking for someone who didn't want to be found
Damon: She's in denial
(She whispers)
Elena: I'm not in denial
Damon: No?
(He gets closer to her and touches her necklace)
Damon: You're still wearing this necklace. Isn't this the reminder of your unbreakable bond with Stefan?
(Alaric watches them)
(Stefan rejoins Katherine)
Stefan: What the hell are you doing here?
Katherine: You two look chummy. Klaus' your new bestie?
Stefan: You know, if he finds out you're in Chicago, you're d*ad
Katherine: Happy to know that you still care. So tell me if I'm wrong... Rebekah's necklace that Klaus is looking for... That's the necklace that you gave to Elena
Stefan: Bye, Katherine
Katherine: Hey, hey. Wait. You're up to this thing, tell me...
Stefan: They don't know where the necklace is. I just have to keep them from figuring it out. I have it all under control
Katherine: Please, tell me you have a better plan
(He doesn't answer)
Katherine: You do. Come on, Stefan. You're not the diabolical type. Whatever you're planning,
it's not going to work
Stefan: Well, if the most diabolical woman I know can't seem to figure it out, then I must be doing something right
Katherine: Uh-huh. I forgot. You're bad now. Don't get too cocky. Klaus is smarter than you. He's smarter than everyone. And I've heard about that sister. Be careful. She'll ruin you
Stefan: Happy to know you still care
(He leaves)
[Gilbet's House]
(Jeremy is in his bedromm, asleep. He wakes up. Anna's lying next to him. He's shocked and gets up)
Anna: Jeremy
Jeremy: Anna!
Anna: You heard me
Jeremy: What are you doing here?
Anna: Wait, like heard me, heard me, or did it sound more like a...
Jeremy: Where have you been?
Anna: I need to know you can hear me
Jeremy: You drop in, you tell me not to trust Vicki, and then you disappear?
Anna: Jeremy! Tell me you can hear me
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, I can hear you, all right? What the hell! What is it?
Anna: I've been trying to get you to hear me for days. Yelling your name and screaming
Jeremy: You have?
Anna: What changed? I've been trying to get through to you, why now?
Jeremy: I was dreaming about you
Anna: You were dreaming about me?
(She sits down on the bed. He sits down next to her)
Jeremy: I can't believe this is actually happening. That you're actually here
Anna: I'm here
(Someone rings the bell. Elena opens the door. It's Caroline. She has a dish in her hands)
Caroline: I come bearing gifts
Elena: Please say that's not chili
(Bonnie comes in)
Elena: Bonnie!
Bonnie: I'm back!
(They embrace each other)
Bonnie: I leave town for the summer and everything goes to hell for the both of you
(Caroline and Elena look at each other. Jeremy goes down the stairs)
Jeremy: Bonnie!
Bonnie: Jeremy
(She rushes over him and the kiss and embrace each other. He looks over Bonnie's shoulder. Anna's here, looking at him)
[The street]
(Liz and Damon are walking)
Damon: So mayor Lockwood called your gay ex-husband to t*rture your vampire daughter
Liz: Yes. I've been keeping him detained to make sure the vervain's out of his system. So you could, you know...
Damon: Can't we just k*ll him?
Liz: No, Damon! He's Caroline's father
Damon: He sounds like a douche-bag to me
Liz: Yeah, well, just 'cause you and I are on ok terms doesn't mean that I'm a suddenly a big advocate for your "lifestyle"
Damon: Is that what you told him when you two got divorced?
[A cellar]
(Liz and Damon go down the stairs)
Liz: Double check him for vervain before you compel him
(They enter the cellar where Caroline wes detained. Bill is tied to a chair and has scotch tap on his mouth. Damon removes it)
Bill: You brought another vampire into this?
Liz: It's the best thing for all of us, Bill
Damon: So, Bill, I hear you're into the whole daddy-daughter vampire t*rture thing
Bill: I was trying to help her
Damon: Well, if there's anyone who doesn't need help, it's your annoying control freak of a daughter
(He bites him on the neck and drinks some of his blood)
Damon: He's vervain-free
Liz: Just erase his memory, Damon
Damon: So, Bill, I have a question. What makes you think that you can change the basic nature of a vampire?
Bill: The mind's a powerful tool. It can be trained and retrained. You just have to be strong enough
Damon: Oh, yeah? I completely agree. I actually happen to love mind control, myself
(He compels him)
Damon: You will leave town immediately. All you remember is you came to bring your daughter back to school shopping
[Gloria's bar, Chicago]
(Stefan enters. Gloria is sitting at a table. Klaus and Rebekah anre at the bar)
Rebekah: You left us
Stefan: Yeah, sorry. Retail therapy was making my head explode
Klaus: Tell me about it
(Stefan looks at Gloria)
Stefan: What's she doing?
Klaus: She's failing
Gloria: It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on
Rebekah: So use me. I only wore it for a thousand years
Gloria: See? Now this one offers a solution
(Rebekah sits on the table)
Gloria: All right, give me your hand, sweetheart
(Rebekah gives her her hand)
Stefan: She's, uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh?
[Gilbert's house]
(Elena, Caroline and Bonnie are in the kitchen)
Bonnie: The problem with my dad's normal side of the family is normal made for a really boring summer
Caroline: After the last few days, I would k*ll for a normal family
(She helps Elena decant the Chili in a casserole)
Caroline: Since when did you learn how to cook?
Elena: Damon helped a little
Bonnie: Damon's helping you cook now?
Elena: Both of you stop judging. He's just trying to be a good... ow!
Caroline: Ahh! Did I splash you?
Elena: No, no, my necklace
(She takes it. Her skin has burn)
[Gloria's bar, Chicago]
(She still has Rebakah's hand)
Gloria: I can sense something
(Stefan seems a little bit worried)
[Gilbert's House]
Elena: It b*rned me
Caroline: Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it
Bonnie: Caroline...
Caroline: What, I'm just saying. If you're going to be "cooking" without Stefan
Bonnie: Let me see it
[Gloria's bar, Chicago]
(She casts a spell)
[Gilbert's House]
(Bonnie looks at the necklace and touches it but it's like an electrik choc. Elena drops it. Bonnie and Elena look at each other. Elena seems shocked)
[Gloria's bar, Chicago]
(Gloria drops Rebekah's hand and looks at Klaus and Stefan)
Gloria: I found it
Rebekah: So where is it?
Gloria: It doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends...
Rebekah: Yes, a d*ad girl with d*ad friends, if I don't get my necklace back
Gloria: Well, I'll have to dive back in to get the details
Klaus: So dive
Gloria: I need more time. And space. You're harshing my ju-ju
Klaus: We can wait
Gloria: I'm sure you can. But that's not what I asked
Stefan: Hey. Hey, you know, why don't we just come back later. I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick
who we eat
(Klaus looks at Rebekah and they leave with Stefan)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Elena and Caroline are sitting apart from the party on a bench. Bonnie rejoins them with her grimoire)
Bonnie: I have an identification spell that might be able to tell me what magic affected the necklace.
(Elena gives her her necklace)
Bonnie: It's going to take a while, so tell me if anyone's coming, ok?
(Caroline looks at Elena)
Caroline: So you're not, like, switching Salvatores, are you?
Elena: What?
Bonnie: Caroline...
Caroline: Stay focused
(She looks back at Elena)
Caroline: As your friend who worries for you daily, what is the deal with you and Damon?
Elena: There is no deal. He's been just as focused on finding Stefan as I have
Caroline: Yeah, but that doesn't make him any less Damon. If my own father, who I love dearly, can't change me. No one's changing Damon. Not even you
Elena: Look, why are we even talking about this?
Bonnie: Hey guys
(The necklace is levitating)
Caroline: What are you doing?
Bonnie: I'm not doing anything. It has its own magic
(Caroline and Bonnie look at Elena)
(Damon is looking at the Chili made by the founding families. Alaric rejoins him and gives him a beer)
Damon: I'm going to let you in on a little secret... Founders parties are just an excuse for the council to gather in back rooms and plot against vampires
Alaric: Hey, uh, I think you need to take a b*at with Elena
Damon: Excuse me?
Alaric: Whatever it is you two have going on, I think it's a bad idea
Damon: I don't really think it's your problem, Ric
Alaric: It is my problem. I'm supposed to look after her, and this is me doing that
Damon: What do you think I'm doing?
Alaric: What I think is you need to take a b*at
(Liz rejoins them)
Liz: Damon? Sorry. Uh, the mayor just called the council meeting
[A warehouse, Chicago]
(Klaus and Stefan are on a couch drinking from two girls. Rebekah looks at them)
Rebekah: My girl's d*ad. I'm bored
(Klaus looks at Stefan)
Klaus: You weren't kidding about being hungry
Stefan: Yeah. It's been a long day
Klaus: Try being related to her
(Klaus laughs)
Rebekah: You're being mean. And why are you being mean? You used to love me
Klaus: It's been 90 years, Rebekah. Give him a minute
Rebekah: Why are you taking his side?
Klaus: Because, my dear sister, I feel pity for any man who doesn't give you what you want
Rebekah: Will you stop making me out to be a brat? I am not a brat!
Klaus: A thousand years of life experience says otherwise
Stefan: Well, you're no picnic, either. I mean, I've only spent one summer with you and I feel like I want to blow my head off
(She laughs)
Rebekah: Fantastic
(He gets up)
Stefan: I need to go
(He leaves)
Rebekah: Where's he going?
Klaus: To write a name on a wall. It's a long story
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Jeremy enters an empty room and closes the door)
Jeremy: Anna? Look, where are you? We don't have much time
(She appears)
Anna: We've got all the time in the world
Jeremy: I'm sorry about before. I just got, um, distracted
Anna: It's fine. I get it. Why haven't you told her?
Jeremy: Well, she's been gone all summer
Anna: Yeah, I know that. Now why haven't you told her, really?
Jeremy: I don't know. You know, I don't even understand how any of this is possible
Anna: Well, it's kind of a push and pull. I'm pushing from the other side trying to contact you, and sometimes, like just now, if you pull...
Jeremy: The other side? Is that... Is that what it's called?
Anna: That's what I call it. I'm all by myself here. It's like I'm a part of your world, only no one can see me. I'm just... On the other side
Jeremy: Wait, what about Vicki?
Anna: Whenever you say you see her, I feel something. A darkness. And when I try to tell you not to let her in, something crazy happens. Like, she's trying to push me out
Jeremy: Like the windows breaking
Anna: Just be careful. Try not to let her in. 'Cause she can't get through if you're not open to it. You don't understand how amazing it is to finally be able to talk to you. I'm all by myself here. I mean, I don't have anyone
(She touches his hand but he doens't seem to realise until he sees it. She takes her hand back)
Anna: I'm sorry. I know you can't feel anything
Jeremy: Do it again
(He raises his hand. She touches it and smiles)
[Gloria's bar, Chicago]
(Stefan enters and sees Gloria)
Gloria: There you are
Stefan: Thought you were resting
Gloria: Well, now we both have a secret
Stefan: What did you see?
Gloria: It's what I heard that's interesting. You know, the girls with the necklace, they were talking about you
Stefan: Yet you didn't tell Klaus. Why?
Gloria: 'Cause I wouldn't help that hybrid half-breed with anything. The necklace is a talisman from the original witch herself. I want it
Stefan: Well, I'm sorry. I can't help you
Gloria: Don't be difficult. You know, I'd hate to have to tell Klaus what a liar his sidekick is
(He rushes over her but she turns her head, looks at him and provocs a headache.
Gloria: Guess I've got to get it out of you the hard way, huh?
(He falls on the floor)
(Stefan is shirtless and lying on a table. There's candles everywhere. Gloria has a Kn*fe)
Stefan: What is this? Why can't I move?
Gloria: Relax. It's just a little paralysis spell. Nothing major
(She cuts his forearms with the Kn*fe. There's a recipient on the floor to collect the blood)
Gloria: Just got to get the information out of your pretty little head. You know, witches nowadays, they're into that new age stuff, but... I'm a little more old school voodoo
(She takes little iron hooks and puts it in the forearms wounds. He screams)
Gloria: This will stop that pesky healing
Stefan: I won't tell you anything
Gloria: You don't have to
(When the blood falls on the recipient, there's some smoke)
Gloria: You feel that? That's your essence. Your spirit. It lets me make a connection. Herbs help, too. Diviners, sage, witch hazel
(She takes something)
Gloria: But my personal favorite...
(She rubs her hands)
Gloria: Vervain
(She puts her hands on his chest. He screams)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(It's the secret coucil meeting)
Liz: There have no been no incidence of question since spring. It's been quiet
Carol: Anyone else have anything to add to the minutes? Damon?
Damon: Ah, no, I think the sheriff covered it, mayor Lockwood. Looks like we've made it through the worst
Carol: Well, I have nothing new to add, so thank you all for coming
(Everyone leaves. Carol, Damon and Liz stays. Bill enters)
Bill: I have a question. Do you three think that everybody on the council is clueless...Or just stupid?
(They look at him, surprised)
[Gilbert's House]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are in his bedroom. There's candles and grimoires)
Bonnie: Ok, tell me if you see anything in these grimoires that involves precious medals or a symbol that resembles a necklace
Jeremy: Well, can't you just ask all the d*ad witches you were channeling?
Bonnie: I don't have access to them anymore. They cut me off
Jeremy: Since when?
Bonnie: Since I brought you back to life. I messed with the balance of nature and there were consequences. Hey. I'm sorry. I know I should have told you. I told Elena when it happened. I just didn't want you to feel weird about it, you know?
Jeremy: Hey, no, no, look, you don't have to apologize for anything. Ok? You didn't do anything wrong
Bonnie: Elena said you've been having kind of a hard time since then
Jeremy: No, I'm fine. You know, just been, ah, a little out of it lately. So should I concentrate on the older books? Or, uh, I mean, how old is this necklace?
Bonnie: Old
(She laughs. he sits down. He opens a grimoire, takes a necklace and looks at it. Anna is behind Bonnie)
Anna: Jeremy. The darkness. It's here
(Suddenly all the grimoires are on f*re. They're surprised)
Bonnie: Jeremy!
(She removes the grimoire on Jerem's lap with her powers and puts out the f*re with her powers)
Bonnie: Are you ok?
Jeremy: What the hell just happened?
Bonnie: I have no idea
[Gloria's bar, Chicago]
(Stefan is still on the table. She takes some red pouder and rub her hands with it)
Gloria: I'm impressed. You've got discipline, Stefan. It's not going to do you much good, but... Just let go, honey
(He puts her hands on his chest. His skin burns and he screams)
Gloria: There you go, there you go
(She see images of Stefan and Elena together and him giveeng her the necklace)
Gloria: There's the girl with the necklace. You love her. You'd do anything for her. And you have. A lot of darkness, a lot of guilt. All to keep her away from Klaus. Why would he be interested in one girl?
Stefan: Don't do this. Don't do this
(She sees the sacrifice and Klaus k*lling Elena)
Gloria: She's the doppelganger. She's supposed to be d*ad, and that's why Klaus can't make hybrids, isn't it?
(She laughs)
Katherine: This is creepy
(Gloria turns herself. Katherine's here and she puts a stake through her neck. Gloria falls on the floor, d*ad. Katherine looks at Stefan)
Katherine: Maybe you do need my help, after all
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Elena and Caroline are talking)
Caroline: Did Stefan ever tell you where he got the necklace?
Elena: No. And I never asked. Hopefully Bonnie will be able to figure it out
(Alaric rejoins them)
Alaric: Please tell me it's time to go
Elena: Beyond. Where's Damon?
Caroline: Probably off somewhere doing bad things to good people. Consider me the honesty police
(Sunddenly she's not okay)
Elena: What is it?
Alaric: What the matter?
Caroline: It's my dad
(Elena and Alaric turn themselves to look at Bill)
Elena: Why would he even show up here?
Caroline: I don't know. But I can't...
Elena: I get it. I'll call you later
(Caroline leaves and goes upstairs)
Alaric: Ok, what's that all about?
Elena: Speaking of doing bad things to good people...
(They leave. Damon rejoins them)
Damon: Wait, wait, Houston, we have a problem
Elena: Where have you been?
Damon: Managing Bill Forbes. Apparently he's impervious to compulsion
Alaric: How?
Damon: I have no idea. But he thr*at to out me. Don't get me started on the irony of that
Elena: What did you do to him? How do you know the compulsion doesn't work?
Damon: That's not the most important piece of information I mentioned, Elena
Alaric: What does he want?
Damon: He wants to control the council. Says it's been compromised
Alaric: It has!
Damon: He wants to put vervain in the town's water supply
Elena: Maybe it's not a bad idea. I mean, it'll help you keep yourself in control now that Stefan's not here to...
Damon: To what? To keep me in check? Make me behave? I should have k*lled him this morning
Elena: He's Caroline's dad, Damon
Damon: Yeah, and when I k*ll him, she'll have one more parent than we do
Alaric: Oh, come on, Damon!
Damon: You're repeatedly k*lling my buzz today, Ric. Step aside
Alaric: Yeah, it's not going to happen
Damon: Your temporary funeral
(He kills Alaric by breaking his neck)
Elena: Damon, no! What is wrong with you?!
(He looks at her and leaves)
[Gloria's bar, Chicago]
(Stefan is putting Gloria's body in a sheet)
Katherine: I've been thinking about your diabolical plan
Stefan: Oh. Do tell
Katherine: Well, you must know that Klaus is too paranoid to ever fully trust you. But the sister, she loves you like it was yesterday. She's the easier Mark. But you can't just pretend to care, because Klaus will know better, so you do the opposite. You bond with him; Make her feel left out. That will only make her want you more
Stefan: Oh! So you mean, I'm, uh, I'm taking a page out of the Katherine Pierce playbook
Katherine: The only question is why, Stefan? I mean, I get it, you want to keep Klaus away from Mystic Falls, but...What else do you expect to get from it?
Stefan: You know what's funny? You keep talking to me like I actually trust you enough to tell you anything
Katherine: Oh, come on, Stefan, we're beyond that. I saved you from Hilda the high voodoo priestess
Stefan: Ok. I knew them, back in the twenties. They were running from someone. Someone who scared them
Katherine: A hunter. I heard stories about him centuries ago
Stefan: Don't you want to know why an original vampire who can't be k*lled is afraid of a vampire Hunter?
Katherine: If you're planning on making a move against Klaus... I want in
Stefan: That's good. It's good to want things, Katherine
Katherine: Stefan...
Stefan: Katherine. I'm in this alone. If you're looking for a diabolical partner in crime, I suggest you look elsewhere
(He leaves with Gloria's body on his shoulder)
[Lockwood's House]
(Tyler enter his bedroom. Caroline is sitting on his bed)
Caroline: How was football practice?
Tyler: What are you doing here?
Caroline: Hiding out from my dad. He's here
Tyler: Are you ok? Do you want me to kick his ass?
Caroline: Yes. No. I bought him the shirt he's wearing, it is really expensive
(He touches her shoulders)
Caroline: And through everything... He's still my dad. You know?
(He embraces her and touches her hair)
Caroline: God, you reek!
Tyler: What?
Caroline: That is bad
Tyler: No, this? This is sexy
Caroline: No! It's really bad
(He takes off his shirt and they start to make out. She's on top of him when her phone rings)
Caroline: Oh! Hang on, my phone
Tyler: Oh, come on!
(She answers)
Caroline: I'm only answering in case it's a friend emergency
Elena: It's an emergency
(Bill is in the office, pouring himself some scotch. Damon enters)
Damon: Whoa, whoa. Is that scotch? I figured you for an abstainer
Bill: Everything in moderation. Keeps the mind clear from...influence
Damon: Like vampire compulsion
Bill: Yeah, I tried to tell you...
Damon: Yeah, yeah, powerful tool. Got it. I'm impressed. Can't say I've ever seen that before
Bill: Well, it takes a certain human focus. It's a skill that I've been honing for decades. Plus, your technique... Is a little lazy
Damon: Duly noted. I'm curious. Why not just expose us to the council?
Bill: I know you think I'm the bad guy here, Damon, but I would never expose my own daughter to those morons
Damon: It's a pretty risky move, taking me on, don't you think?
Bill: I knew what I was risking when I didn't leave town, but I figured... You're not self destructive enough to k*ll the sheriff's ex-husband
Damon: Makes you the third person to underestimate me today
(He rushes over him, bites him and drinks his blood. He stops. Bill is on his knees)
Damon: Whoo. You know, with all this behavioral modification going on around here, I almost forgot how good blood tastes when it's...Fresh
Bill: What are you going to do? k*ll everybody who discovers your secret?
Damon: No, I'm not going to k*ll you, Bill. I'm just going to find pleasure in perfect little moments like this
(He bites him again but Caroline stops him, throws him against the wall and then throws him through the window. The she rushes over Bill)
Caroline: Daddy! Are you ok?
Bill: I'm fine
Caroline: Here. It'll heal you
(She bites her wrist)
Bill: I said I'm ok
Caroline: Grow up
(She makes her dad drink her blood)
Damon: Let me teach this ass-wheel a life lesson
Caroline: Just get out of here
Damon: Or what?
(She hits him on the face and he throws her on the desk. Then he strangles her)
Damon: I'm stronger than you, little girl
(Elena enters)
Caroline: Well, I'm angrier!
(She breaks his arm. Then she takes his head, nuts it and throws him against the wall. Then she gets up and leaves with Bill. Elena's still here)
Damon: Bummer. I love a good girl fight
(He has blood on his mouth)
Elena: You can't do this anymore, Damon. Not in this town. Not around me
Damon: Why not? It's nothing I haven't done before. Why is it suddenly so important for everyone to keep me in check?
Elena: Because I don't want you to be what other people think that you are
Damon: What? A monster? Sorry to disappoint you, Elena, but last time I checked, I was still a vampire!
Elena: I guess I wish that you didn't have to act like one!
Damon: I am not Stefan. How about you stop trying to turn me into him?
(He leaves)
[Gilbert's House]
(Jeremy is in the bathroom, washing his hands)
Bonnie: Hey, Jeremy. There's ashes everywhere
Jeremy: I'll go grab the vacuum
Bonnie: No, I got it
(She leaves. Anna apears)
Anna: Are you ok?
Jeremy: Don't
Anna: What?
Jeremy: Bonnie's here, ok? You've got to stop
Anna: I was just trying to warn you. I felt something bad. Dangerous
Jeremy: You... you just can't pop up every time she and I are together
Anna: It's a two-way street, Jeremy. I only pop up when you're thinking about me. That's why you haven't told her. Isn't it? You don't want her to know you still care
Jeremy: I can't do this right now. I can't. This is just too much
Anna: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that
Jeremy: Good-bye, Anna
Anna: Don't! Jeremy, please. Don't shut me out
(Her voice is less clear. Jeremy closes his eyes and when he reopens them, Anna's gone. Jeremy goes in his bedroom. Bonnie's there)
Bonnie: What's wrong?
Jeremy: You asked me before if something was wrong and I said no
Bonnie: Yeah
Jeremy: That was a lie. I was lying to you. When you brought me back to life...
(Anna is in the bathroom, looking at them and crying. Her voice seems to be far away)
Anna: Say you can hear me, Jeremy. Please!
Jeremy: Something Happened...
Anna: I am all alone!
[A warehouse, Chicago]
(Stefan looks at the coffins and stops in front of one. He touches it but Rebekah's enters so he removes his hand)
Rebekah: You're back. Finally. Nik went to check on the witch
(She looks at the coffin)
Rebekah: Dreary, isn't it? The family cargo
Stefan: Hmm. Why don't you undagger them?
Rebekah: Because he would hunt me down and k*ll me. He's a vindictive little bastard, my brother
Stefan: But you still care about him. Why?
Rebekah: Well, I hated him for a long time. It was exhausting
(She sits down on the coffin and Stefan sits next to her)
Stefan: You know, when I met you two, you were both on the run
Rebekah: Also exhausting
Stefan: Who were you running from?
Rebekah: What do you mean?
Stefan: Last night I saw you, there was a man looking for you. You both seemed afraid. I just... I wouldn't think Klaus would be afraid of anybody
Rebekah: No one in this world is truly fearless, Stefan. Not even Niklaus
Stefan: Who was that man?
Rebekah: I can't. Please
(She gets up)
Rebekah: If Nik knew we were talking about this, he would...
Stefan: No, no, no, I'm sorry
(He gets up)
Stefan: Just forget I asked. Ok?
Rebekah: He told me about the girl you loved. The one that died. He also told me that you're only with him because he saved your brother
Stefan: It's true
Rebekah: I think he secretly admires that about you. You'd sacrifice anything for family. Don't tell him I told you that
Stefan: Your secret... Is safe with me
(She kisses him)
Rebekah: Do you think you'll ever love anyone like you loved that girl?
Stefan: One day, maybe
Rebekah: I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan
Stefan: What? I'm not...
Rebekah: Don't bother. Your kiss already gave you away
(Kaus enters)
Klaus: Gloria's gone. She's cleared out. We need to find a new witch immediately
(He stops and looks at them)
Klaus: What's going on?
Rebekah: Something's wrong. He was asking about Michael. He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it
Stefan: She's wrong. Klaus...
(Klaus rushes over him)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon pours himself a drink and another drink. Then he goes to the coach. Alaric is still d*ad. Damon waggles his glass next to Alaric's ear)
Damon: Wake up!
(Alaric wakes up)
Damon: It took a bit longer than usual, huh? Might want to get that ring checked. Hope it's not going bad
Alaric: You k*lled me
Damon: You pissed me off
Alaric: You k*lled me!
Damon: Ric, no hard feelings, all right? I was on a bit of a tear. Everyone was trying to tell me how to behave
Alaric: Well, maybe they finally realized you're just a dick
(He gets up and leaves)
[Mystic Falls' Square]
(Elena and Caroline are speaking)
Caroline: I'm not going to say I told you so
Elena: Thank you
Caroline: But I did tell you
Elena: Ok, you and Damon were both right. I was trying to change him. But if he wants to be in my life...
Caroline: Wait. I... It's been a long week, so I'm just going to be blunt. It doesn't matter what he does, Damon's gotten under your skin
Elena: That's not true
Caroline: God, just admit it, Elena, ok? You are attracted to him! In all of his bad brother glory
Elena: No
Caroline: Wait, no, you're not attracted to him, or no, you just won't admit it?
Elena: I can't, Caroline! If I admit it, if I even thought it for just a second... What does that say about me?
Caroline: It says you're human, Elena
(She sees her father)
Elena: Do you need me to...
Caroline: No, I got it
(Caroline rejoins Bill)
Caroline: Hey
Bill; Hey. Don't worry, I'm going to go back home before somebody kills me
Caroline: How's your...
Bill: Oh, healed
(He shows her his neck)
Bill: Thank you. For coming to my rescue
Caroline: You're welcome
Bill: Bye, Caroline
Caroline: Daddy. I'm going to be ok
Bill: You're a vampire, sweetheart. I don't think you'll ever be ok again
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Alaric is talking with Liz and Carol)
Liz: I understand where you're coming from, but...
Alaric: The Gilbert family is a founding family, and they deserve to have a voice on the council. I'm taking care of them, I should be that voice
Carol: That's not the way it works, Mr. Saltzman
Alaric: Oh, really? Well, then tell me how it does. The council's job is to protect the people of this town. Now your daughter's a vampire and your son's a werewolf. So who's looking after the actual people? Some of them may be family or friends, but they are still supernatural. They don't follow our rules or our laws, they look after themselves, and that's what we need to do. I'll see you at the next meeting
(She gets up and leaves)
[Mystic Grill]
(Katherine rejoins Bonnie at a table outside)
Elena: Hey there
Bonnie: Hey
Elena: I just saw Jeremy. He said that you still have my necklace?
Bonnie: Yeah, I haven't figured out what's going on with it yet
Elena: I know. But I just... I feel weird without it. The whole Stefan of it all
Bonnie: Okay
(She gives her back her necklace)
Bonnie: Did Jeremy also tell you that he's been seeing ghosts of his d*ad girlfriends this summer?
(Elena is surprised)
Elena: What?
Bonnie: Vicki and Anna. He's been talking to them
Elena: You're kidding
Bonnie: I wish. It's because I brought him back to life. The witches said there would be consequences. Guess they were right
(She turns his head to look at the waitress)
Bonnie: You know, what am I supposed to...
(Elena has disapeared. It was actually Katherine)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon opens the door. Elena's here)
Damon: I'll accept written apologies only
(She smiles. It's Katherine, not Elena)
Katherine: Are you two lovebirds fighting already?
Damon: Katherine. Wonderful. What do you want?
Katherine: I'm just a girl looking for a partner in crime. Feel like hitting the road? Getting the hell out of dodge?
Damon: Impeccable timing. I was told I need to take a b*at
Katherine: Is that a yes? I'll drive
Damon: Why not? Walls are starting to close in on me around here. Where are we going?
Katherine: Away from here. That's all I'm going to give you for right now. But believe me... It's good
(She shows him Elena's necklace)
[A truck]
(Stefan wakes up. Klaus' looking at him)
Stefan: Just give me a chance to explain myself, ok?
Klaus: No need. I'm not mad, I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts, borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding
(He opens the truck. They're in Mystic Falls)
Klaus: Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x04 - Disturbing Behavior"} | foreverdreaming |
[Mystic Falls High School]
(The school is empty. There's a noise. Matt is training but hears a noise. He gets up and walk through school. He finally enter a classroom, it's dark but when he enters there's a lot of noise. He switch the light ans sees a lot of mouse traps snaping. Tyler, Caroline, Elena and Bonnie are here)
Caroline: Ohh! Oh, come on! Seriously?! Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?!
Tyler: Forgot about senior prank night, huh?
Matt: Clearly
Caroline: How could you forget? We've only been waiting for this since like freshman year
Elena: Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this
Matt: I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this
Bonnie: Caroline's making us
Caroline: We're about to be seniors. These are the memories that stay with us forever, and if we don't...
Elena: And if we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?
Caroline: Go ahead and make fun, I don't care
Tyler: You're all lame. And I've got ten more classrooms to prank
(He takes his bag and leaves. Elena's about to leave too)
Caroline: Hey! Where are you going?
Elena: To superglue Alaric's desk shut. I'm making memories
(She smiles. Caroline smiles too)
Caroline: I love you!
(Elena goes out of the classroom and sees Tyler giving instructions to other students)
Tyler: Get the faculty toilet seats, and Dana needs bodies in the gym. Let's go
(Elena laughs and opens the double doors. She's face to face with Klaus)
Klaus: There's my girl
Elena: Klaus!
Klaus: You're supposed to be d*ad. What are we going to do about that?
[A car]
(Damon and Katherine are in a car. He's driving)
Katherine: Are you hungry? Let's stop for a bite. A truck stop. Or a trucker
Damon: Oh, stop being cute
Katherine: It's not possible
Damon: We've been driving around aimlessly for hours. Where are we going?
Katherine: Far enough away so that you can't go running back
Damon: Not to worry. Mystic Falls and I are on a bit of a break
Katherine: You and Mystic Falls, or you and Elena?
Damon: Let's just say Elena and I are having a bit of difference of opinion on how I should behave
Katherine: Ooh. Let me guess... Elena wants you to be the hero, and you don't like playing pretend
Damon: Something like that
Katherine: Her loss
(They kiss but Damon finally pushes her on her seat)
Katherine: What are you doing?
Damon: I thought I'd give it a sh*t. Truth is, you just don't do it for me anymore
[A truck]
(Stefan wakes up. Rebekah's here)
Rebekah: Oh, he lives
Stefan: What happened?
Rebekah: You took a beating. My brother's been breaking your neck all afternoon. Quite the temper
Stefan: Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?
Rebekah: You can stop playing dumb now. It didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding
Stefan: I'm not hiding anything. I've done everything Klaus has asked me to
Rebekah: No, you just failed to mention that the doppelganger's still alive
Stefan: Where is Klaus now?
Rebekah: With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off
(He rushes over her and they fall outside the truck)
Stefan: Where is she?
Rebekah: You really do love her, don't you?
(She gets up and pushes him against the truck and takes a crowbar. She puts him around his scruff)
Rebekah: Consider me jealous
(She drives the scruff through his stomach)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Klaus is holding onto Elena's arm and they're walking through school)
Klaus: You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing
Elena: If you're going to k*ll me, just do it!
Klaus: Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer
(They enter the gym. A few students are here making pranks. Klaus speaks with an American accent)
Klaus: Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home
(He sees Dana and another student. He gets closer to them and speaks with his normal voice)
Klaus: You two. I remember you
Dana: I'm sorry. Who are you?
Klaus: Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met
(He compels her)
Klaus: Lift your foot up, please, Dana
(He looks at the boy)
Klaus: If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to b*at her to death. Understood?
Elena: Don't, Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody
Klaus: Oh, come on, love. Of course I do
[Middle of nowhere]
(Damon stops the car and gets out. Katherine gets out too)
Katherine: Why are we stopping?
Damon: I thought we might want to stretch our legs. Take a break from the sexual tension. I'm tired of driving. It's your turn
Katherine: Fine
(He throws the keys away)
Katherine: Hey! I...
Damon: We're not going anywhere until you spill your guts
Katherine: Fine
(She takes something out of her pocket and shows him Elena's necklace)
Katherine: Do you recognize this, hmm? A little birdy told me that Klaus wants to get his hands on it
Damon: Why would Klaus want Elena's necklace?
Katherine: Does it matter? He wants it, and I have it. It's leverage, Damon. Always stay one step ahead of your enemy
Damon: I'll keep that in mind
Katherine: But more importantly, when I stole the necklace from Bonnie, I found out something else... Something better
Damon: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Katherine: Are you willing to do whatever it takes to stop Klaus? No turning back?
Damon: I'm not turning back
Katherine: Good. 'Cause this isn't going to win you any points at home
(She opens the trunk. Jeremy is in it, uncounscious. Damon looks at him and then at her)
Damon: Jeremy? Really?
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Caroline and Tyler are in the hallway. She puts honey on the lockers. Tyler kisses her)
Caroline: Do you think Matt's going to be ok?
Tyler: I'm kissing you and you're wondering about your ex-boyfriend?
Caroline: I'm asking you if you think our friend, who we both love, is ok
Tyler: I think he probably doesn't have a lot of people to talk to anymore. I think he's struggling more than he lets on. I think that I love how big your heart is
(She smiles)
Caroline: I just want this school year to be great, you know? I just want everyone to be happy. Even in the midst of all the crazy unhappy bits
Tyler: I'm happy
(They kiss. Rebekah arrives)
Rebekah: You two are adorable
(They look at her)
Caroline: Uh, do we know you?
Rebekah: You're Caroline, Elena's friend, which makes you Tyler. The werewolf
Caroline: And who are you?
Rebekah: I'm the new girl
(She vamps out)
Tyler: Caroline!
(Rebekah rushes over Caroline)
(Bonnie and Matt are putting Toilet paper on the pool)
Bonnie: This is fun, right?
Matt: You sound like Caroline
Bonnie: Come on, I am embracing her philosophy. You should be more into this
Matt: I know. Where's Jeremy tonight?
Bonnie: I haven't talked to him all day. We're having, um... He, uh, he told me about seeing Vicki
Matt: Ohh. Good, I'm glad that you know
Bonnie: I'm sorry. Is it weird talking about your sister like this?
Matt: No, I... I just kind of want to see her myself, you know? I mean, I never got to say good-bye to her
(He exhales)
Matt: Do you realize that just last summer, you and I were lifeguards at the pool? And the only two problems I had in my life were that Elena was breaking up with me and I sucked at CPR
Bonnie: Everything was so different then
Matt: Yeah. Now Elena's dating a vampire, you're a witch, my sister's a ghost, and... I'm... I'm just a guy who's wondering how life got so screwed up
Bonnie: It's crazy, Matt. I... I can't imagine what it must be like for you
Matt: It just, uh, kind of explains why I'm not that into senior prank night. I'll go grab a couple more rolls. Then we h*t the gym
(Matt is in the toilets. He grabs some paper rolls in the cabins. One of the doors open by itself. He enters the cabin, sees a graffiti that says "RIP Vicki" and then closes the door. Vicki's behind him)
Vicki: I'm here, Matt. I can help you
(He doesn't hear her)
(Dana is still on one foot)
Klaus: Keep it up
Elena: Where's Stefan? What did you do to him?
Klaus: Stefan's on a time out
(The doors open. Bonnie and Matt enter)
Elena: Bonnie, get out of here!
Klaus: Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started
(He looks at Dana)
Klaus: Ah, Dana, why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight
(He looks at Bonnie)
Klaus: I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?
Bonnie: That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me
Klaus: Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix
(Rebekah enters with Tyler)
Tyler: Get off of me!
Rebekah: Hush now
Klaus: I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning... She can be quite mean
Rebekah: Don't be an ass
(She throws Tyler in Klaus' arms)
Elena: Leave him alone!
Klaus: I'm going to make this very simple... Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually
(He bities his wrist and makes Tyler drink his blood)
Klaus: I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake... You better hurry
(He kills him. Elena, Matt and Bonnie are shocked. Klaus smiles)
(Stefan is in the parking lot and has the crobar in his stomach. He wakes up and removes it)
(Dana and Chad are sitting on the floor. Matt is next to Tyler's body)
Matt: He k*lled him
Elena: He's not d*ad. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire
Klaus: And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition. Go on, then.
Go and fetch your grimoires. and enchantments and what-not. I'll hold on to Elena... For safe-keeping
(He catches Elena's arm and looks at her. Elena makes a sign to Bonnie and she leaves with Tyler. Rebekah looks at Elena)
Rebekah: So this is the latest doppelganger. The original one was much prettier
Klaus: Enough, Rebekah. Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?
(Rebekah takes Tyler and leaves with him. Klaus looks at Elena)
Klaus: Just ignore her. Petty little thing
(Matt and Bonnie are in the hallway)
Matt: What are you going to do?
Bonnie: I have no idea. The curse he's talking about is a thousand years old. My grimoires don't go back that far
Matt: Can you ask those d*ad witches that helped you before?
Bonnie: I don't have contact with them anymore... They cut me off when I brought Jeremy back to life. That's it! I can't contact the d*ad. Jeremy can
[Middle of Nowhere]
(Katherine and Damon are sitting. Jeremy's still uncouscious)
Damon: I'm listening
Katherine: What if I told you there was a way to k*ll Klaus? And not Dagger d*ad. d*ad d*ad
Damon: I'd say you were desperate and lying. Or drunk. Or desperate, lying and drunk
Katherine: Do you remember my friend Pearl?
Damon: Vividly
Katherine: Centuries ago, she told me about a vampire who knew how to k*ll Klaus. Then she wouldn't tell me any more
Damon: Well, why not?
Katherine: Because it was her leverage. She knew it was valuable information, and wouldn't share it with me
Damon: Well, this is all great... But she's d*ad
Katherine: Which is why I never brought it up. Because she only ever told one other person
Damon: Who?
Katherine: Her daughter. Anna
Damon: Also d*ad
Katherine: Which brings us right back around to...
(Jeremy wakes up)
Jeremy: To me. Back around to me
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Elena is touching Dana's hair to make her feel better .Stefan enters the gym)
Elena: Stefan...
Stefan; Klaus
Klaus: Come to save your damsel, mate?
Stefan: I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty
Klaus: Well, you broke that pledge once already
Stefan: Elena means nothing to me anymore. And whatever you ask of me... I will do
Klaus: Fair enough. Let's drink on it. k*ll them. What are you waiting for? k*ll them
Elena: No! Stefan, don't. He's not going to hurt me. He already said...
(Klaus hits her so hard that she falls on the floor. Stefan rushes over Klaus, his fangs out)
Klaus: She means nothing to you? Your lies just keep piling up
Stefan: Let her go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word!
Klaus: Your word doesn't mean much. I lived by your word all summer, during which time I never had to resort to this...
(He compels him)
Klaus: Stop fighting
Stefan: Don't do this, don't do this
Klaus: I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it
Stefan: Don't...Don't...
(Klaus compels him)
Klaus: You will do exactly as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey
Elena: No! Stefan!
Klaus: Now k*ll them. Ripper
(Stefan vamps out, rushes over Dana and kills her by drinking her blood)
[Middle of Nowhere]
Jeremy: This isn't going to work
(A cellphone vibrates. Katherine looks at it, it's a message from Bonnie)
Katherine: I think that your witchy girlfriend's worried that you've run away with your ghostly lover
Damon: Stop with the teeny bopper drama. Focus
(Jeremy focuses and Anna apears)
Anna: I'm not helping them
Jeremy: No, it's ok to help
(Katherine and Damon look at each other 'cause they can't see her)
Jeremy: They're looking for a way to stop Klaus
Anna: I don't care. Katherine is not a friend to you. Neither of them are
Damon: What's she saying?
Jeremy: Well, she doesn't want to help you
(Katherine whispers to Damon)
Katherine: My advice? If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs
(Damon gets closer to Jeremy)
Damon: Jeremy, I just want you to know, it's nothing personal
(He takes Jeremy head and hits it against the table)
Jeremy: Ow! What the hell?!
Anna: Jeremy!
Damon: Anna, I know you can hear me. Tell us what you know. The sooner, the better for your little boyfriend here
Anna: They're looking for Mikael
Jeremy: Mikael!
Katherine: Mikael. Is that his name?
Damon: Who's Mikael?
Anna: The vampire who hunts vampires. You don't want to wake him. He will k*ll all of you
Damon: What's she saying?
Katherine: Hello!
Jeremy: He's a vampire and a Hunter, and you guys would be idiots to wake him
(He looks at Anna)
Jeremy: What do you mean, wake him?
Damon: It's time to go find the keys
Katherine: Mm-hmm
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Caroline wakes up. Rebekah has her phone)
Rebekah: We didn't have mobile telephones in my day. Would have made life a whole lot easier, I suppose
(She takes a picture of herself)
Caroline: Where's Tyler?
Rebekah: He's d*ad. Ish
(Caroline sees him)
Caroline: What did you do to him?
Rebekah: Think of it as he's having a nap. When he wakes up, he'll be a hybrid
(She looks at pictures and sees a picture of Stefan and Elena)
Rebekah: Ugh. Vomit
(Suddenly she sees the necklace around Elena's neck)
Rebekah: Is that my neck...
(She makes a zoom on the necklace)
Rebekah: Why is that doppelganger bitch wearing my necklace?!
(Stefan is feeding on Chad)
Klaus: It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element. The species has become such a broody lot
Elena: No. You did this to him
Klaus: I invited him to the party, love. He's the one dancing on the table
(Rebekah enters and rushes toward Elena)
Rebekah: Where is it?! Where's my necklace?
Klaus: What are you talking about?
Rebekah: She has my necklace. Look
(She gives him the phone so he can see the picture)
Klaus: Well, well. More lies
Rebekah: Where...is it?
Elena: I don't have it anymore
Rebekah: You're lying!
(She vamps out and bites Elena but Klaus stops her and takes her appart)
Klaus: Knock it off!
Rebekah: Make her tell me where it is, Nik!
(Klaus looks at Elena. She has her hand on her neck)
Klaus: Where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest
Elena: I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it
Klaus: Katerina. Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?
(He puts the clock. There's a buzzer sound when the clock appears on the board)
Klaus: 20 minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to
Elena: No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!
Klaus: No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine
(Rebekah looks at them and leaves with Klaus)
(Matt is on the gym room and on the phone with Bonnie)
Matt: Did you find Jeremy?
Bonnie: No! I called him like 20 times
Matt: All right, I'll grab my keys, we'll head to his house
Bonnie: Ok. I'll meet you by your truck
(He hangs out. His stuffs are everywhere on the floor)
Matt: What the hell?
(He looks in his bag but doesn't find what he's looking for so he goes o the pool. His keys are at the bottom of the pool.)
Matt: You've got to be kidding me!
(He takes his jacket off ad removes his shoes. Vicki's behind but he can't see her)
Vicki: Matt! I can help you, mattie, but I need you to hear me
(She kicks on one of his shoes. Matt just sees the shoe going in the water. He looks at his phone and sees a text from an unknown)
Matt: Whoa! Vicki?
(He calls Bonnie)
Bonnie: What is taking so long?
(Matt has a iron belt and a heavy thing)
Matt: This is going to sound crazy, but I think Vicki's trying to reach out to me
Bonnie: What?
Matt: I think she can help us save Tyler
Bonnie: No, Jeremy can help us save Tyler
Matt: We can't find Jeremy. We need to try something else. I have an idea but I'm going to need your help. Meet me at the pool
Bonnie: I don't understand
Matt: Jeremy can see ghosts because you brought him back from the d*ad. I need you to do that for me
Bonnie: What?! No, Matt, that's crazy!
Matt: This is going to work, trust me
Bonnie: No, Matt, I can't do that kind of magic anymore
Matt: You don't need magic, Bonnie. You just have to be better than I was at CPR
(He puts the belt and attaches the heavy thing to it then he jumps on the water to stay at the bottom.)
(Bonnie runs and enters the pool. She sees Matt, jumps in the water removes the belt from Matt and gets him out of the water.)
[Middle of Nowhere]
(Jeremy is falling asleep)
Damon: Don't fall asleep, Jer. You might have a concussion
Jeremy: Thanks for the concern, Dick
Katherine: Oh, stop pouting. He took one for the team. Everyone back home will thank you once Klaus is d*ad
Damon: Where's my phone?
Katherine: Do you need to check in with Elena? Make sure it's ok you pummeled her little baby bro?
Damon: You know you have it
Katherine: What can I say? I needed you present here and now
Damon: Katherine, phone, now
(She sighs and gives it to him; He looks at it)
Damon: Bonnie's been texting me
Jeremy: What is it?
Damon: It's Klaus
Katherine: No turning back, Damon
Damon: Shut up, Katherine
Katherine: Hey, look at the big picture. The best sh*t at taking out Klaus is by finding Mikael
(Damon looks at Jeremy and gives the keys)
Damon: Stay with her so Anna can guide you. I'm going back
Katherine: You're going to get yourself k*lled. The Damon I remember wouldn't have been that stupid
Damon: I wouldn't have done it for you
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Bonnie is trying to save Matt)
Bonnie: Matt, please! I can't do this. There's nothing else I can do!
(Matt is in between and can see Vicki)
Vicki: Matt. Matt
Matt: Vicki?
Vicki: Matt. Please!
Matt: I can see you
Vicki: I need you to listen to me very carefully. I don't have much time
Matt: Why, what's happening? Where are we?
Vicki: It doesn't matter. I need you to give Bonnie a message
(He wakes up and spills some water. Bonnie catches him)
Bonnie: It's ok. You're ok
(Stefan and Elena are still in the gym. There's 6 minutes left on the clock)
Elena: Caroline's dad! Stefan, he was able to resist compulsion. I don't know how, but he did it. Maybe it's possible
Stefan: Yeah, yeah. Maybe it's just mind control, right? Maybe it just takes some focus, a couple decades of training. No big deal
Elena: Stefan, you can control this. When that buzzer goes off, just... just drink from me
Stefan: You don't get it. I can't stop, Elena! I'm a ripper! A ripper doesn't stop! I listen to the words that come out of your mouth, and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body. And when that clock ticks down... I'm going to have to feed on you. And you want to know what's worse? I'm not going to be able to stop
Elena: I don't believe that. You can fight it. You just have to want it bad enough
Stefan: Why, because I love you?
Elena: Yeah! That's right, Stefan. Because you love me. You'll fight because after everything that we've been through, you owe me that!
Stefan: You know what, you're right. You're right. I owe you everything. Because through all of this, you are the one thing that has kept me from giving up; from turning it all off. But I can't help what I am, Elena. The more blood that I get, the more I want, and if I get so much as near yours... You are d*ad
(Caroline, Tyler and Rebekah are in a classroom. Tyler wakes up)
Tyler: Where am I? What happened?
Caroline: Tyler
Rebekah: Don't be shy about it
Tyler: What's going on?
Caroline: Klaus is turning you into a vampire. A hybrid. You're in transition
Rebekah: Don't leave out the hard part, sweets. You'll only survive if your witch is successful. If not... You're pretty much d*ad
Caroline: You're going to be ok. Ok? It's going to be ok
Rebekah: I wonder how she's doing
(She looks at the clock on the phone)
Rebekah: Tick tock goes the gym clock
(Matt and Bonnie are in the hallway)
Bonnie: As soon as you're feeling better, I'm going to k*ll you
Matt: It worked. I saw her, I saw Vicki
Bonnie: You did?
Matt: She said she had a message for you
Bonnie: For me?
Matt: From the witch that put the hybrid curse on Klaus. She said that Elena shouldn't have survived Klaus' ritual. The hybrids can't transition because Elena's still alive
Bonnie: Tyler...
Matt: He's going to die, isn't he?
Klaus: I wouldn't be too sure about that
(He's behind them, against the wall)
Klaus: Given the choice, doppelganger or a hybrid, I go hybrid every time
(There's only a few seconds left on the clock)
Stefan: Elena, you're going to have run
Elena: But Klaus said that if I run...
Stefan: I know what he said, but if you stay, it won't matter. Elena, please, please, please. There's no other way
Elena: There is another way, Stefan. It's for you to fight
(The buzzer makes a sound. The time has passed)
Elena: Stefan... I love you. Fight, Stefan. Don't give up
Stefan: I can't hold it
(He vamps out and rushes over Elena. She screams. But he holds onto the wall)
Stefan: Elena, run! Go!
(She runs through school. Stefan holds on to everything he can so he don't have to hurt Elena. She opens a door and falls on Klaus)
Klaus: We've got to stop meeting like this
(Stefan enters the cafeteria and takes a stakes and drives it through his body. Klaus enters with Elena)
Klaus: Now this is fascinating. I've never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl. Why don't you turn it off?
Stefan: No!
Klaus: Come on. Your humanity is k*lling you. All the guilt must be exhausting. Turn it off
Stefan: No!
Elena: Stefan...
Klaus: You're strong
(He removes the stake from Stefan's body)
Klaus: But you're not that strong. Turn...it... Off
Stefan: No!
(He pushes Klaus. But Klaus pushes him against the wall, compels him and yells)
Klaus: Turn it off!
(Stefan's face and look change. It's note the Stefan Elena knew anymore)
Elena: What did you do?
Klaus: I fixed him. But I think a test is in order, don't you?
(He goes behind Elena and looks at Stefan)
Klaus: Ripper... Perhaps you'd like a drink.. From the doppelganger's neck
(Stefan's face changes and rushes over Elena to drink her blood. She screams)
(Klaus enters the classroom Rebekah, Tyler and Caroline are into)
Klaus: Well, the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelganger should be d*ad
(Rebekah gets up and seems happy)
Rebekah: Does that mean we can k*ll her?
Klaus: No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite
Rebekah: What?!
Klaus: Call it a hunch...
(He shows a test tube contening blood to Tyler. Rebekah holds Caroline so she can't move)
Klaus: Elena's blood. Drink it
Caroline: No! No, no, no, Tyler, don't!
Klaus: If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment
(Tyler struggles but he finally drinks it)
Klaus: There we go. Good boy
(Tyler suddenly is hurting. He screams and groans and writhes. He holds his head and screams but his face finally change. His eyes are yellow, he has fangs and veins under his eyes)
Klaus: Well, that's a good sign
[Mystic Falls Hospital]
(Elena wakes up in a bed, in the hospital. A nurse is with her)
Elena: Where am I?
Nurse: In the hospital, sweetie. You suffered through a terrible ordeal
Elena: I have to get out of here
Nurse: Ah. Not an option. You've lost a lot of blood
(Elena sees a blood bag next to her)
Elena: Wait... You're taking my blood?
Nurse: Of course. It's very important for your friend Klaus
(Elena freaks out but the nurse injects her something)
Nurse: Don't fight it, sweetie. He told me you need plenty of rest
(Elena falls asleep)
(Klaus and Rebekah are in front of the hospital)
Rebekah: So the doppelganger isn't the problem. Her blood is the solution
Klaus: Seems so
Rebekah: How did you know?
Klaus: Well, you know how much the original witch hated me. Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says
Rebekah: A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you
Klaus: Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her failsafe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelganger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was d*ad...
Rebekah: Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species
Klaus: Leaving me alone for all time
Rebekah: Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids. You just don't want to be alone?
Klaus: What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid the hell out of this one pony town. You know, why don't you, uh, why don't you get the truck? I'll get Elena
(She leaves. Damon arrives)
Klaus: Well, look who finally decided to show up to the party
Damon: Where is she?
Klaus: Elena? Ah, she's making a donation to a greater cause
(Damon goes toward the hospital but Klaus stops him)
Klaus: I'm afraid I can't let you interfere, mate
Damon: You'll have to k*ll me
Klaus: Oh, I would love to k*ll you, but I made a pledge to your brother, and unlike him, I keep my word. Although, you know what, thinking about it now, he probably doesn't car that much anymore
(He pushes Damon against a car and is about to k*ll him)
Damon: You don't want to know about your friend Mikael?
Klaus: What do you know about Mikael?
Damon: Just that he knows you're here
Klaus: You're bluffing
Damon: Katherine and I found him. Consider it our leverage
(Klaus throws him on the ground. When Damon gets up, Klaus' has disapeared. Damon goes toward the hospital)
(Damon is in the hallway, looking for Elena. He finally finds her. She's asleep, he looks at her and pulls out the pipes in Elena's arm. He looks at the pipe whom was pumping her blood and she wakes up)
Elena: Damon...
Damon: Hey
(He takes her out of the bed and carries her outside the room)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Caroline and Tyler are in the hallway)
Caroline: Are you sure you're ok?
Tyler: I'm great, Caroline. I mean, like, phenomenal. It's a rush. I wish I could explain it. Everything's just... Better
(He takes her in his arms. She laughs. Then he kisses her)
Tyler: This is going to be an amazing year
(He embraces her. She seems worried)
(Bonnie rejoins Matt in the Gym room)
Bonnie: You ready? I could still use a ride over to Jeremy's
Matt: Yeah, just a second
Bonnie: Listen to me. I know you want to help, and I know you miss your sister. But what you did was reckless and stupid
Matt: I know. Bonnie. I know. But it worked. It was worth it
Bonnie: You don't want to be a part of all this, Matt. You are the only one of us who actually gets to live your life like a normal person, no matter how lost you feel. Don't forget that
Matt: I get it, Bonnie. I'll be out in a minute, ok? Vicki's here. Watching me, and I just, uh, I just need a minute to say good-bye, ok?
(She leaves but somebody's behind him. He thinks it's Bonnie)
Matt: Bon, seriously, I'm not going to do anything stupid, I just...
(He turns his head ans sees Vicki)
Matt: Vicki?
(She sits down next to him)
Vicki: Hi, Mattie
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon gives Elena a glass of scotch)
Damon: Hey, have some bourbon. It'll help you forget
(She drinks but doesn't seem to like it)
Damon: Yeah, it's strong. You know I can help you forget, too. At least the memories you don't want to keep
Elena: No. No compulsion. I need to remember. All of it
(He shows her her necklace)
Damon: I stole it back for you
Elena: He's really gone this time. I watched it happen. After everything that we went through to get... to help him. Now he's just... Gone. Where were you, Damon?
(He puts his hand on her leg)
Damon: I shouldn't have left. I promise you... I will never leave you again
(They look at each other)
Stefan: Well, isn't this cozy?
(They both look at him. Damon gets up. They're surprised)
Damon: What are you doing here, brother?
Stefan: Last I checked, I lived here. Klaus is gone, but he's asked me to keep watch on you until he returns. From now on, you're under my protection
(He looks at Elena)
Stefan: Mmm, by all means. Carry on
(He leaves. Damon and Elena look at each other)
[A cemetery]
(Katherine and Jeremy are in front of a crypt)
Katherine: How do you know that Anna wasn't tricking you?
Jeremy: This is the place. It's the oldest wing of the largest cemetery in Charlotte. She said that a witch entombed him here in the nineties
(They look through the door. There's a tomb)
Jeremy: Look there
(Katherine opens the double doors. She looks at the tomb and opens it. Mikael is in it, momified and chained up. As soon as the tomb is opened, he opens his eyes) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x05 - The Reckoning"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena's alarm rings. It's 5h AM. She wakes up, gets up and looks in the mirror. She looks at the bite mark on her neck and covers it with make up. She goes out of her room, Alaric's here)
Elena: Good morning
(He doesn't answer 'cause he seems to be hangover)
[The woods]
(Elena's training on one of Alaric's mannequnis. He shows her how to stake a vampire with a sleeve and two stakes in it)
Alaric: So the pressure of your punch ejects the stakes
Elena: Easy enough
(She tries but the stakes stay in the sleeve)
Elena: That's weird
(She tries again but it doesn't work)
Elena: Must be jammed or something
Alaric: You're not strong enough. Better start lifting some weights, put some meat on your bones
Elena: Thanks for not sugar-coating it
(He takes something on his bag and shows it to her)
Alaric: You know what this is?
Elena: A vervain grenade. I've used one before
Alaric: Then you know the element of surprise is your only advantage when it comes to a vampire
(He pulls the pin out of a grenade and throws it in Elena's hand)
Alaric: Surprise
Elena: Oh my god
(She throws it in the air and the grenade explodes)
Elena: This isn't a joke to me, Ric
Alaric: You think I'm joking? Vampires will take whatever they want. They will hurt whoever they want. And they'll do it without remorse. It's their nature
Elena: You don't have to use pronouns. You can say Stefan
Alaric: Look, I get why you're here. Stefan hurt you. You don't want it to happen again
Elena: But you think that I'm crazy. To believe that I can protect myself from a vampire who's flipped the switch on his humanity
Alaric: I think you found a way to get out of bed this morning. And that makes you the strongest person I know. I think that you can do pretty much anything
(He gives her the sleeve with the stakes .She puts the sleeve back)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Elena, Caroline and Bonnie are in front of the school. Elena has a scraf around her neck)
Caroline: Here we are. Senior year
Bonnie: Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?
Caroline: Ok. So prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it, and we are moving on
Bonnie: You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his d*ad girlfriend hinder this experience?
Caroline: Yes! And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day
Elena: Today's our anniversary. Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year
Caroline: Yeah. You win
Bonnie: Are you sure you want to be here?
Elena: I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New year. New life
(Caroline and Bonnie look at each other and follow Bonnie)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon gos down the stairs. There's two d*ad girls on the floor. He enters the living room and Stefan is there with a few girls. They're playing twister)
Stefan: Uh-oh. Alexandra, left hand, please
Damon: Hey, the 2 brunettes on the staircase owe me a persian rug
Stefan: You mean, they owe us a persian rug? It's my house, too, brother. Ooh! Would you like a spin?
Damon: So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?
Stefan: These ladies are helping me be all that I can be
(Someone knocks on the door. Damon opens. It's Rebekah. She enters with shopping bags)
Rebekah: Where's Stefan?
Damon: Who the hell are you?
Rebekah: He left me here. My brother actually left me here
Stefan: Oh, I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care
Damon: You're Klaus's sister?
Rebekah: Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure. Which one's my room?
Stefan: You're not staying here
(She then looks at Damon but he doens't say nothing)
Rebekah: Rude. Both of you. I'll see to it myself
(She goes toward the stairs)
Stefan: So I guess she's staying here
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Jeremy rejoins Bonnie at her locker)
Jeremy: So what? It's not cool to talk to juniors anymore?
Bonnie: Hey. Happy first day
Jeremy: You mad?
Bonnie: I'm not mad. I'm resigned to the fact I'm sharing space in our relationship with Anna and Vicki
Jeremy: I haven't talked to Vicki in a while
Bonnie: That's not the point, Jeremy
Jeremy: I know that. I know. Ok? But I had to see Anna again, Bonnie. She had information that Damon needed
Bonnie: I get it, Jeremy. But put yourself in my shoes. You loved both of them. And you guys didn't break up. They died. And you keep letting them back in
Jeremy: You think I want any of this?
Bonnie: I, um... I think you have the power to decide whether or not you see them. Remember that. Ok?
(She leaves)
(Matt parks his truck. Vicki appears next to him)
Vicki: You were always so much better at being a part of this than I was
(Matt looks at her, surprised)
Vicki: Sorry
Matt: You can't just keep appearing like this. Freaks me out
Vicki: I'm a ghost. It's all I got. And I couldn't appear if you weren't thinking about me
Matt: Well, I was just thinking about our first day last year. I was worried about running into Elena and you said...
Vicki: Suck it up. Be a man. And show her what she's missing
Matt: Yeah. Instead, she met a vampire
Vicki: You ok, Matty? You seem unhappy
Matt: Yeah, I just life stuff. You know, with you gone and mom not around, it's... A lot to deal with alone. I'm glad I get to talk to you, though. I miss you
Vicki: I miss you, too. What if I told you there was a way that you could help me come back?
Matt: What do you mean come back?
(Tyler knocks on the window. Vicki disapears)
Tyler: Donovan! What are you doing? Come on, man. Let's go!
(Matt goes out of the truck)
Tyler: You talking to yourself?
Matt: What's got you in such a good mood?
Tyler: We're seniors, man. Life is good
[Pickett Mausoleum]
(Katherine has a mouse in her hands and waves it above Mikael, whose still asleep)
Katherine: Come on, Mikael, breakfast
(Her phone rings)
Katherine: Yummy. Mikael, wake up!
(She answers. It's Damon)
Katherine: What?
Damon: What? What do you mean, "what"? i've been calling you for 2 days
Katherine: Odd, that's exactly how long I've been ignoring you
Damon: Jeremy Gilbert told me that you found Mikael
Katherine: Sort of. He's a little bit out of commission. He won't eat. And I've tried everything... Gravediggers, mourners, mice, rats, bats. He's just not interested
Damon: Well, try harder. We need him to k*ll Klaus so I can de-rippefy Stefan before he destroys my house
Katherine: Fine. I'll give it another sh*t
(She looks through the doors and sees a men in the cemetery)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Elena's phone rings, she answers, it's Damon)
Elena: Hey. Are you checking up on me? Because I'm fine
Damon: Yeah. So... You might not want to come here for a while. We have a new housemate. Barbie Klaus
Elena: Rebekah? She's living with you now? Why?
Damon: She's stranded. Apparently Klaus left her in the dust after I name-dropped Mikael
Elena: What about Stefan? What is he up to?
Damon: Oh, you know. Journaling, reading, shaping his hair
Elena: Come on, Damon. I can handle it. What?
Damon: Is that the bell? Oh...Ring! Ring! Don't want to be late
(He henags up)
(Caroline puts a flyer for the bonfire on the wall)
Elena: I forgot about the bonfire
Caroline: You have to go. It's our first spirit squad event. And it sets the bar for the whole year
Elena: Relax, Caroline. I'll be there
Caroline: Thank you. It's just that...
(Tyler arrives and kisses Caroline. Elena looks at his shirt and sees something red)
Elena: Is that blood?
Caroline: Oh my God!
(Caroline, catches Tyler and Elena follow them)
(They enter in the restrooms)
Tyler: What's going on?!
Caroline: Vampire 101... don't wear your breakfast to school!
(Elena checks out the cabins to check there's nobody)
Tyler: Chill out. It was just a blood bag
Caroline: From where?
Tyler: Rebekah hooked me up
Caroline: Rebekah? And what are you even talking to her for?
Tyler: Klaus told her to keep a watch on me. Protect his new asset
Caroline: His what? Why are you amused by this?
Tyler: I'm his first successful hybrid, Caroline. Don't you think that's the tiniest bit awesome?
Caroline: Oh, wow! I cannot believe you just said that
Elena: So, I'm going to go
(She leaves)
(She goes out of the restrooms and runs into Stefan)
Stefan: Hello, Elena
Elena: What are you doing here?
Stefan: What do you mean? I'm going back to school. Go timberwolves!
Elena: What?! Why?
Stefan: Klaus wants me to keep an eye on you. I'm just doing what I'm told
Elena: I'm going to be late for class
(She tries to leave but he stops her)
Stefan: Oh, class is this way
Elena: Let go of me, Stefan
Stefan: Elena, do you think I want to be a senior for the 100th time? No. I don't have a choice in the matter. And neither do you
Elena: I said let go of me
(Alaric arrives)
Alaric: Let her go
(Stefan pushes him against the locker)
Elena: Stefan, stop it
Stefan: You're not going to get in my way. You hear me? I will see you both in history
(He leaves)
(Alaric and Elena are in his classroom)
Alaric: What the hell is he doing here?!
Elena: Klaus compelled him to watch over me. Apparently I'm one of Klaus's assets now that my blood is the only way he can create a hybrid
Alaric: Now he's a bodyguard?
Elena: I don't know what he is. But he's definitely not Stefan
(The school bell rings)
Elena: Look, his being here is not good for any of us. We have to do something
(The students enter the classroom. Elena goes to her chair. Caroline sits next to her and a guy sits on the other side but Stefan enters and goes toward him)
Stefan: You're in my seat
(He smiles at Elena and sits next to her. Caroline looks at him)
Alaric: Welcome back, seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders... Native Americans
(Rebekah enters the classroom)
Rebekah: What about the vikings?
(She sits. Tyler, Caroline and Elena look at her)
Alaric: There's no evidence that viking explorers actually settled in the United States. Who are you?
Rebekah: My name's Rebekah. I'm new. And history's my favorite subject
(Matt arrives in the stoner pit. Vicki appears)
Vicki: You've got no business in the stoner pit
Matt: Figured you'd feel comfortable here
Vicki: Touche
Matt: So what do you mean that I can help you come back?
Vicki: Right now, I can only come back when you're thinking of me. But there is a way that I can be free of that
Matt: How?
Vicki: I know this sounds crazy But I have help from the other side
Matt: The other side?
(Jeremy arrives but doesn't seem to see Vicki)
Jeremy: Dude, what are you doing over here?
Matt: I could ask you the same question
Jeremy: Just looking for my stoner lab partner. All right, see you around
(He leaves. Matt looks at Vicki)
Matt: Can he not see you anymore?
(Jeremy is in the restrooms with Anna)
Jeremy: He was talking to Vicki right out there in the open
Anna: How?
Jeremy: When he died and came back, he must have started seeing her. She said that she could come back, that she had help on the other side
Anna: Help? What kind of help?
(Matt is still talking to Vicki)
Matt: Who's helping you?
Vicki: The witch I've been talking to says that there's a ritual. She can do magic from my side to push me over to yours
(Jeremy is still talking to Anna)
Jeremy: Is it even possible? Could she come back?
Anna: I guess if she had a stronger foothold
Jeremy: Like an anchor?
Anna: Exactly
(Matt is still with Vicki)
Vicki: Right now, I'm tethered to you. My only access point to your side is through you. But if she were to get a stronger foothold... I'll be able to come and go as I please... When I want, where I want. I won't have to rely on you
Matt: But you'll still be a ghost, Vicki
Vicki: In a town full of vampires, werewolves, and witches, I'll fit right in
Matt: Seriously. You're going to make jokes about this?
Vicki: Matt! Relax. No one else will be able to see me
(Jeremy is still with Anna)
Anna: She's bad news, Jeremy. There's nothing but darkness round her
Jeremy: This is Vicki we're talking about. All right? She's not a bad person
Anna: You can't upset the balance of nature without a price. If she's using a witch's energy from the other side, you don't know what price she's going to pay
(Matt si still with Vicki)
Vicki: I can be a part of this life again, Matt. Instead of being on the other side all alone. You won't have to be alone anymore either
Matt: What do I have to do?
(It's football practice and Cheerleading practice)
Cheerleader: Has anybody seen Dana?
(Rebekah arrives)
Rebekah: Sounds like you have an opening on the squad
Caroline: What are you doing?
(Rebekah stretches but Caroline is still standing next toher)
Caroline: Hey. Hey. You can't just come here and infiltrate all our lives
Rebekah: I'm only interested in yours. Your spank, your popularity
(She looks at Tyler)
Rebekah: Maybe even your boyfriend
(Tyler is practicing with the football team)
Coach: It's not the ballet, ladies. Let's move! Let's move!
(Tyler stops)
Tyler: I think we're done here, coach
Coach: Did you have a mental breakdown, Lockwood? Get back in line
Tyler: I have a better idea
(He compels him)
Tyler: Shut the hell up so we can go get drunk at the bonfire
Coach: h*t the showers, gentlemen
(Caroline rejoins Tyler)
Caroline: Try to be a little more subtle, Tyler
Tyler: Coming from the queen of subtlety? Relax. I'm in total control
Caroline: Then why are you acting like this?
Tyler: Drop it, Caroline. I'm fine. I've never been better. Klaus has given me this... gift
Caroline: What?!
(Some boys in the team talk about Rebekah. Tyler and Caroline tur their head. Rebekah makes impressive gymnastic moves and end with a split. She looks at Caroline with a smile)
Caroline: My God!
Tyler: Damn, girl's got moves
(Elena is running. Stefan rejoins her and runs with her)
Stefan: Look at you being all fit. Hey, you going to the bonfire tonight? Sounds like fun, right?
Elena: Seriously, Stefan, leave me alone
(She turns around but he still follows her)
Stefan: You think I'm annoying now? Wait till homecoming. Hey, who you bringing, by the way? don't want to be weird
(A guy pushes Elena without purpose)
Guy: I'm sorry
(Stefan pushes him)
Stefan: Watch it, Dick!
Elena: Who are you?!
Stefan: I'm the guy who's been assigned to protect a human blood bag. I mean, no offense or anything
(She leaves)
Stefan: What?!
[Pickett Mausoleum]
(Katherine is holding the body of the man above Mikael so the blood can Fall on his mouth. He wakes up and his face become normal again.)
Mikael: No! Get it away
Katherine: You need blood
Mikael: Get it away from me
(She throws the body)
Katherine: Happy?
Mikael: Thank you
Katherine: I remember you. Chicago,1920s. You were looking for Klaus.
(He's asleep again)
Katherine: You're not so scary for a... badass vampire vampire Hunter
[Some place]
(Elena is lifting a weinght on a bench. Damon arrives)
Damon: What? Are you going o bench press a vampire?
Elena: Do you actually know hat's happening right now? Stefan called me ahuman blood bag. He's a completely different person
(He presses on the weight)
Elena: Unh! What are you doing?
Damon: Helping you out
Elena: Damon!
Damon: Come on, Buffy!
Elena: Stop it!
(He stops)
Elena: Like one obnoxious Salvatore sn't bad enough
(She sits down)
Damon: You called. I'm here. What's your plan, oh warrior princess?
Elena: I want to lock Stefan up, at least until this Mikael guy comes, kills Klaus, and the compulsion breaks
Damon: Compulsion or not, Stefan's high on human blood, Ok? A lot of it
Elena: You've gotten him off of it before
Damon: This is different. It's not a stint in rehab, Elena. His humanity's gone. Light's out. No one's home
Elena: Then do it for me, Damon. Every single time I look at him, I feel like I'm going to break. And I'm not going to give him that satisfaction
(She gets up. He takes her hand and puts his on his chest)
Elena: What are you doing?
Damon: Feel that? It's a sternum. Solid plate of bone
(He takes her in his arms and puts his fingers on her back)
Damon: Right here, just below the ribcage, next to the spine, that's your way to a vampire's heart
(He removes his fingers)
Damon: I'll do whatever it is you need me to do, Elena
(She looks at him)
Damon: No one going to hurt you. Especially not my brother
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Alaric, Damon, Elena and Caroline are in Alaric's classroom)
Elena: I'll lure Stefan away from the bonfire. Then when he's distracted...
Alaric: I'll sh**t him
Damon: Can't Bonnie just ju-ju him or something?
Elena: I'm trying to keep Bonnie out of this. I don't trust that Stefan won't hurt her. Caroline, are you covered?
Caroline: Yes! I will make sure that the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready
Damon: We're forgetting a key player here. Rebekah? Wherever Stefan goes, the blond ponytail tends to follow
Elena: Which is why it's your job to keep her away
Damon: How?! She's an original. Last time I checked, we're out of daggers
Elena: So then preoccupy her with your charm
Alaric: Might have better luck finding the dagger
Damon: Are ever not going to be mad at me for a day?
Alaric: Doubtful
(Tyler arrives)
Tyler: Sorry I'm late. What's going on?
Elena: We need you to raid your mom's vervain supply. Enough to keep Stefan down for a while
Tyler: You can't do that to Stefan
Caroline: Why not?
Elena: Trust me, Tyler, it's in his best interest
Tyler: Yeah. It's not in Klaus's
Caroline: But Klaus is the bad guy, Tyler. You know, why are you acting like some freaky, hybrid, sl*ve Minion
Damon: Uh-oh
Alaric: What?
Tyler: Klaus made me who I am, Caroline. I owe him everything
Damon: Oh, boy
Caroline: Ok, can we cool it on the commentary, please
Elena: What is going on?
(Damon takes a vervain dart)
Tyler: I'm just going to go
(Damon rushes over him and puts the vervain sart on the neck. Tyler collapses)
Caroline: What are you doing?!
Damon: He's been sired
Alaric: What?
Damon: Sired. He feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus's blood created him
Elena: Loyal how?
Damon: He'll seek acceptance from his master. It's really rare. But maybe not so much in hybrid
Caroline: So how do I fix him?
Damon: Get a new boyfriend
(Rebekah is at the bonfire. She tries to pours herself some beer. Stefan rejoins her)
Stefan: You all right there?
Rebekah: I thought Tyler would be here
Stefan: You're into Tyler now? It's kind of a Fickle
Rebekah: When you're willing to give me the time of day again, then we'll talk. Until then, a girl has needs
(Elena arrives to put herself some beer)
Elena: Excuse me
Stefan: Elena, hi. What are you doing?
Elena: I'm having fun, Stefan. You got a problem with that?
(She drinks the whole glass of beer)
Stefan: All right, take it easy. We both know you're kind of a lightweight
Elena: Uh-huh. Really? You think I'm going to let a blood addict tell me how to drink?
(She leaves. Rebekah looks at Stefan)
[Matt's House]
(Matt and Vicki are in the garage. There's candles and Matt takes a picture and puts it in front of the candles. He takes a Kn*fe on his pocket and cuts his hand above the picture.)
Vicki: Concentrate on me, Matty
(He cuts his hand)
Matt: This is too weird
Vicki: Just focus. This is a good thing
(He moves his hand so the blood poors on the picture)
Vicki: Now say you accept me
Matt: I accept you
(There's wind and the candles f*re is higher. Smoke escape from the picture. Everything finally become normal. The door closes. Matt is afraid and falls on Vicki. She catches him)
Vicki: Did you just...
Matt: I felt that
(She touches his face)
Matt: I feel that, too
Vicki: It worked. Oh!
(He embraces her)
Vicki: I'm here, Matty!
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are in the hallway)
Bonnie: Did you talk to Anna about this?
Jeremy: She's on the other side, Bonnie. Ok. I thought she might know something
Bonnie: About what? I thought they were all alone over there
Jeremy: Somehow Vicki's been communicating with some super strong witch
Bonnie: If there's another witch involved, don't you think you should have come to me before you went to Anna?
(Anna apears next to Jeremy)
Anna: Tell her not to be upset. I was just trying to help
Jeremy: Not now, Anna
Bonnie: She's here?
Jeremy: She's just trying to help
Bonnie: I can't... I can't deal with this...
Jeremy: Bonnie!
Bonnie: Matt's trying to resurrect his d*ad sister. I think I'll go deal with that instead
(She leaves)
[Matt's House]
(Vicki touches the candles)
Vicki: Ah, I can feel this. I can feel everything
Matt: The Witch didn't mention this part?
Vicki: Makes sense. Our deal was that she'd help me do what I need to do
Matt: What are you talking about? What deal, Vic?
Vicki: Well, if I want to stay here, I have to help her restore the balance. Klaus's hybrids can't be allowed to survive
Matt: You can't k*ll Tyler, Vicki
Vicki: Not Tyler, Matt. It's Elena who's the key to creating the hybrids
Matt: What? Vicki, no!
(She hits him)
Vicki: I'm sorry, Matty. But I want to stay
[Mystic Falls High School]
(It's the bonfire. Students are carrying a guy so he can drink beer. Everyone chants "drink", including Elena, whose laughing. Stefan looks at her. She looks at him and raises her glass and drinks. Stefan drinks too
(Rebekah tries to eat a marshamallow. She's alone. He rejoins her)
Rebekah: What? No friends your own age?
Damon: Like you can talk
Rebekah: Is this supposed to be fun? I've been through 10 of these
Damon: No, you're just looking at it all wrong. This is a little rough on the outside
(He takes the burn out of the marshmallow)
Damon: But the inside... Yum
(He makes her eat the marshamallow. She looks at him. He sucks his fingers)
Rebekah: Mmm. It's good
Damon: Yep
(Elena is looking at them. Stefan rejoins her)
Stefan: What's that look?
(She sighs)
Elena: What look?
Stefan: My brother's got his flirt on, and you're jealous
Elena: I'm not jealous
Stefan: It's all right. Be jealous by all means. I'm sure Damon will be thrilled
Elena: I'm not jealous, Stefan
Stefan: All right. That's my mistake
Elena: Whatever. I'm out of here
(She leaves. Stefan leaves too)
(Bonnie is on the phone with Matt)
Bonnie: Matt! Matt, slow down. What happened?
Matt: I messed up, Bonnie
Bonnie: What? How? Where is she?
(A guy is sitting on a car and smocking. He poses the joint leaves. Vicki arrives, looks around her and takes the joint.)
(Damon is still with Rebekah. He gives her a marshmallow sandwich)
Damon: Can't believe you've never had one of these before
Rebekah: Well, I've been in a casket for 90 years
Damon: That's no excuse
(She eats)
Rebekah: Why are you being so nice to me? You hate me. You should be mean
Damon: Well, I could be mean if that's what you're into
Rebekah: You're distracting me. Why?
Damon: Just trying to be a good housemate
Rebekah: There's no fair fight between us, Damon. Remember that
(She s*ab him with a wooden stick and leaves. He groans, sits down and removes it)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler wakes up. Caroline's here)
Tyler: What the hell? How did I get home?
Caroline: I brought you here. You were being a d-bag
Tyler: What is your problem today?
Caroline: My problem is you've been sired. Do you even know what that means? It means that you put Klaus's needs first. He is your master now
Tyler: I'm not anyone's pet, Caroline. He doesn't control me
Caroline: Well, something's got to be controlling you. Because I don't know why else you'd be acting like the old you
Tyler: The old me?
Caroline: Yeah. The old you. The pre-werewolf you. You know, the obnoxious you that I would never be friends with
(She leaves but he stops her)
Tyler: Whoa! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry. I don't want to be that guy. I hated that guy
Caroline: You're a vampire now, Tyler. Everything about your personality is heightened. So you have to be careful
Tyler: I will. I promise. Just...Don't hate me. Everything I like about me is you
(They kiss)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Elena is laying on the bleachers and looks at the sky. Stefan arrives. She's drunk)
Elena: I used to know every constellation. How did I forget them all?
Stefan: You're drunk. You need to go home
(She gets up)
Elena: Fine. Unh. Let me find my car
Stefan: You're joking, right?
Elena: Uh-oh. It's the fun police. I thought that ripper Stefan was supposed to be the life of the party
Stefan: Well, all right, I'm driving you home. Come on
(She spans the ramp)
Stefan: What are you, 5? Get down
Elena: Why? Are you afraid that I'm going to
(She almost falls)
Elena: Oh. Ha. That was close. Klaus would not be happy with you
Stefan: You're hilarious
Elena: Look, Stefan, no hands
(She removes her hands but almost falls. Stefan's not amused anymore. She laughs but finally falls. She screams but Stefan rushes to catch her)
Elena: I knew you'd catch me
(They look at each other. He realeases her and Alaric arrives and sh**t him with darts. Stefan fals, on the floor unconscious. Alaric looks at Elena)
Alaric: You ok?
Elena: Yeah. I'm... Fine
Alaric: You look, uh, not sober
Elena: The plan worked. That's all that matters. Let's just get him out of here
(Elena opens Alaric's trunk. He puts Stefan in it. Elena goes in the car. Vicki, whose smoking looks at them. She looks at the floor and blows the joint)
(Matt and Bonnie are in a classroom)
Matt: I'm so sorry. I didn't think she'd do something like this. I trusted her
Bonnie: You need to tell me exactly what you did to let Vicki out. So I know exactly how to send her back
(Alaric closes the trunk and sees a gas can on the floor)
Alaric: I see all the geniuses came out to the bonfire tonight
(Vicki throws the joint on the floor. There was gas on the floor so everything burns toward the car. Alaric's car burn too, with Elena in it. Alaric tries to open the door but he can't)
Alaric: Elena! Elena! Open the door
(She tries but it won't open)
Elena: I can't! It won't open
(Vicki appears in the car next to her but she can't see her)
Vicki: I'm sorry, Elena
(Alaric rushes to another car to find something. He find a lacross stick and tries to break the door woth it but it doesn't work. Elena tries to break it with her feet but it doensn't work either. The f*re is stronger)
(Matt enlight a candle. Bonnie looks at a grimoire)
Bonnie: I found a spell that can block whatever magic is helping Vicki
Matt: What do I do?
Bonnie: Give me your hand
(She cuts his hand with a Kn*fe)
(Elena coughs 'cause she can't breath. She turns her head and sees Stefan.)
Elena: Stefan!
(He wakes up, Elena almost collapses. He breaks the trunk with his feet)
(Bonnie casts a spell)
(Elena rejoins Stefan and tries to gets out. Vicki tries to catches her but she can't)
(She appears in the classroom with Bonnie and Matt)
Vicki: What is she doing?
Matt: Fixing my mistake
Vicki: Make her stop
Matt: Bonnie...
Bonnie: The spell is working Matt. She's still here because of you
(She continues to cast a spell. Matt looks at Vicki)
Vicki: Matt, please
Matt: I can't let you hurt anyone, Vicki
Vicki: I won't. I'll stop. Just, please, don't make me go
Matt: I have to. This is wrong. You shouldn't be here
Vicki: I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be alone anymore
Matt: Neither did I. But I have to let you go
(Bonnie is still casting a spell)
Matt: Goodbye, Vicki
(She disapears)
Matt: She's gone
(Alaric helps Elena to get out)
Alaric: Hurry up before it blows
Elena: Wait! Wait, wait, wait!
(She catches Stefan. He helps her. They rush away from the car. The car explodes)
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena and Damon are in his bedroom. She's hurt on the cheek. He has a tube of creem on his hand and wants to heal her)
Elena: Give it to me. I can do it
Damon: No, let me
Elena: Damon, come on
Damon: Elena, you almost got barbecued. The least I can do is apply first aid
(He applies the cream on her wound with a swab)
Elena: You played your part of the plan really well tonight
Damon: Oh, yeah?
Elena: You had Rebekah drooling all over you and your marshmallows
Damon: Yeah, before she skewered me. I thought you were too drunk to notice
Elena: I was faking most of it
Damon: So was I
(They look at each other. Alaric arrives)
Alaric: Ready to get going, Elena?
Damon: Great work tonight, Ric. Sorry about the car, man. Bummer
(Elena looks at Damon and leaves with Alaric)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Caroline puts her dress. Tyler is nakes and puts a sheet around his waist)
Tyler: You're always running out on me
Caroline: You have to earn the overnighter
Tyler: I consider that a challenge
(She laughs and puts her jacket.)
Caroline: Bye
Tyler: Bye
(They kiss. She leaves. Rebekah apears)
Tyler: What are you doing here?
Rebekah: I have something for you
Tyler: What?
Rebekah: A little present
(She leaves and reapears with a girl, with a wound on her neck)
Tyler: You should go
Rebekah: You sure? I think my brother would want his hybrid to indulge in everything life has to offer
(She bites the girl's wrist. Tyler rushes over the girl and bites her neck)
[Pickett Mausoleum]
(Katherine is lighting candles. Mikael wakes up)
Mikael: I apologize for my outburst. It would have made more sense had you known that I've been denying myself human blood for as long as I can remember. Why is it that you awoke me?
Katherine: I thought you might know how to k*ll Klaus. But something tells me that I've been sorely misinformed
Mikael: Would you mind helping me with these? I can assure you there's no way I can k*ll Klaus from beneath them
Katherine: Does that you mean you do know how to k*ll him?
Mikael: I can k*ll Klaus. And I will
(She breaks his chains)
Mikael: Thank you
Katherine: A little blood will grease those muscles up real quick. Just saying...
Mikael: I don't feed on living things
Katherine: Then what do you eat?
(He catches her and bites her)
[Salvatore's House]
(Alaric and Damon are about to leave)
Elena: It's ok if you want to be friends with Damon again
Alaric: I don't
Elena: I think he kind of misses you
(Stefan goes out of the living room)
Stefan: Well you got me tonight. Definitely wasn't expecting that
Alaric: That was the point
Stefan: Yeah. You know, you can hate it all you want, but Elena needs me. I'll always protect her. I think you're both better off having me around
(They go toward the door)
Stefan: Elena, wait. You could have let me die in that f*re tonight. Why didn't you?
Elena: Because I still have hope
Stefan: After everything I've done, you... You still think I'll be able to find my humanity again
Elena: Yes, I do. I know who you really are better than anyone, Stefan. And I'm not giving up
Stefan: Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?
(Elena: No, Stefan, it makes me strong
(She drives two stakes through his body with the sleeve. She takes off the sleeve and gives it to Alaric. He looks at Stefan, smiles and closes the door)
[Gilbert's House]
(Jeremy leaves a message to Bonnie)
Jeremy: Bonnie, come on. Stop dodging my calls. Don't you think we should at least talk about this?
(He sits on his bed. Anna appears)
Anna: I shouldn't be here
Jeremy: No kidding
Anna: No, I mean, I shouldn't be here, Jeremy. Why are you thinking about me when you're calling her?
Jeremy: I didn't think I was. Look, I don't know. Ok. I don't know what I'm doing, Anna. The problem is I don't think I can stop thinking about you
Anna: I can't stop thinking about you, either
(She sits down next to him)
Jeremy: What are we going to do?
(She raises her hand. He touches it and looks surprised. He takes her hand)
Jeremy: Do you...Feel this?
Anna: What's going on? I can feel you. How can I feel you?
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is removing a rug. Somedies here and brakes a vase)
Damon: Keep it up, Stefan
(He picks up the pieces of the vase. Somebody hits him hard. He falls on the floor. It's Mason. Damon opens his eyes)
Mason: This is going to be fun | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x06 - Smells like Teen Spirit"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is tied to a chair. Like Mason was when he k*lled him. His ring is on the floor. Stefan enters)
Damon: Low blow, Stefan. Low blow
Stefan: What the hell happened to you?
Damon: Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it
Stefan: I didn't do this
Damon: Quit screwin' around!
Stefan: I didn't
(He checks the chains)
Stefan: It's pretty messed up though, isn't it?
Damon: Yep
(Stefan removes the iron stick. Damon screams. Stefan begins to remove the chains but stops and leaves. Mason is here, watching them but Damon can't see him)
Damon: Yeah, not to worry. I'll just untangle myself
(Mason opens the curtains so the sunlight can enter the room. Damon's skin burns. He screams)
[The town]
(Everyone prepare the town for the night of illuminations, hanging lanterns to the trees. Carol Lockwood Is making a speech for the volunteers and the citizens)
Carol: As a long-time member of the historical society, I am especially proud to be kicking off this day of festivities. Thank you, volunteers. Tonight, we turn off our town's lights and flare up our lanterns in honor of the night of illumination started by our founders 150 years ago. Here's founding family member Tobias fell with a history lesson
(Everyone applause. Alaric and Jeremy are listening to the speech)
Jeremy: What are we doing here?
Alaric: Tobias fell is the head of the history department. I didn't have a choice
Jeremy: All right, that explains what you're doing here
Alaric: Well, I'm the one who can fail you if you don't help me out
(Elena rejoins them)
Elena: Hey, sorry I'm late. What did I miss?
(Anna appears but only Jeremy can see her)
Anna: Just a bunch of historical lies
Jeremy: You didn't miss anything
(Tobias fell is making Is speech)
Tobias: The first illumination was held in celebration with the new found prosperity that Mystic Falls enjoyed after the w*r
Anna: After the founders stole from all the vampires
(Jeremy laughs. Elena looks at him)
Elena: What's so funny?
(Jeremy looks at the stage. Elena turns her head to look too. Anna keeps commenting on the speech)
Anna: Safe from the vampires
(Jeremy smiles. Anna smiles too, looks at him and takes his hand)
(Caroline helps Bonnie hanging lanterns to the trees)
Caroline: So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna, too?
Bonnie: I wish. All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here
Caroline: Ok, you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that
Bonnie: There. You commented
Caroline: Bonnie...
Bonnie: What do you want me to say, Caroline? I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life, and now I'm paying the consequences
Caroline: Well, I want you to say you're not ok with it
Bonnie: I'm a thousand times not ok with it. I just don't know what to do about it
(Damon stops by them with his car)
Damon: Greetings, blondie. Witchy. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan
Bonnie: What do you mean, why?
Damon: Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost
Bonnie: What?
Caroline: And why would you think that?
Damon: Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest. Let's just say I'm having déjà vu
(Caroline looks at Bonnie)
Caroline: I thought you said that ghosts couldn't physically interact with people
Bonnie: They can't
Damon: Yeah, well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I k*ll someone, they're supposed to stay d*ad. Whatever you screwed up, fix it
(He leaves. Matt is on the other side of the road, looking at them)
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy, Elena and Alaric are sitting outside the mystic grill. Stefan's journal are on the table)
Elena: Hey, Jer, I need you to help me with something
Jeremy: What's up?
Elena: I've been going through Stefan's old journals. Every single time that he's gone off the rails in the past, his best friend Lexi's been the one to bring him back
Alaric: So where is she now that we need her?
Jeremy: She's d*ad
(He looks at Elena)
Jeremy: And you want me to try to reach her, don't you?
Elena: I thought if I knew how she did it, maybe I could help him
Jeremy: I don't even know if she's on the other side
Elena: Is that what it's called?
Jeremy: That's what Anna calls it. There's not like an official brochure or anything
Alaric: So what is it, like some sort of supernatural purgatory?
Jeremy: Well, Anna said it's like being here with all of us, only we can't see her or hear her. And she can't interact with anyone. She's all alone
(Anna appears in the empty seat)
Alaric: Vicki could interact. She blew up my car
Jeremy: Vicki had help from a witch on the other side. Anna...She's doing this all by herself
Alaric: I'm just saying, maybe we learned our lesson about summoning d*ad people
[The town]
(Matt is talking with Caroline and Bonnie)
Matt: I haven't seen Vicki, I swear. I sent her back like you told me to
Bonnie: Are you sure? Because she has just as much reason to haunt Damon as Mason Lockwood does
Matt: She's gone, Bonnie. If she was here, I'd know it.
Caroline: Why do you think it's Vicki and not Mason?
Bonnie: Because if any ghost other than Vicki Donovan has a physical foothold on our side, then that means Damon's right and something has gone really, really wrong
Matt: I've had enough of this ghost stuff to last forever. So you guys can leave me out of this one
(He leaves)
Caroline: I feel so sad for him. It took a lot for him to send his sister away
Bonnie: Yeah
Caroline: So much strength as a man
Bonnie: I've got a ghost problem to deal with, Caroline. Save the Jeremy lecture for later
(She grabs her bag but it's open and everything is on the floor, including her grimoire. She's about to catch it but there's some wind and it opens on a page.)
Caroline: Ok, did your grimoire just...
Bonnie: I think so
(She takes the grimoire to read the page)
Caroline: Ok, please tell me that's a recipe for witch cookies
Bonnie: It's a manifestation spell. It's used to reveal veiled matter
Caroline: What's veiled matter?
Bonnie: Ghosts
[Mystic Grill]
Elena: Do you think it's even possible to contact Lexi?
Jeremy: I don't know. I didn't have an emotional connection with her. I never even met her
Alaric: Can we just drop it, please?
Elena: No, I can't drop it, Ric. I don't know what else to do
Alaric: Don't you think we have a few too many d*ad vampires in our past to be sitting here thinking of them watching us?
Anna: I don't think all supernatural spirits go to the other side. I think some of them find peace
(Jeremy looks at her but all that Elena and Alaric can see are an empty chair)
Elena: Is Anna here right now?
Anna: Don't tell her I'm here. She won't like it
Jeremy: No, no. I'm going to go, uh, check my work schedule
(He gets up and leaves. Stefan arrives)
Stefan: Hey, guys. Who forgot to invite me to the family summit?
(He sees the journals and takes one and looks into it)
Stefan: Hmm? Wow. All these words. I forgot how much I used to care
Elena: I didn't
Stefan: You know, Elena, it's probably best you not t*rture yourself with memories from the past. It's best we both just move on and accept things as they are.
Alaric: You don't have to be here, Stefan
Stefan: You know what, Alaric, you're right. I don't. But Elena's here, and I look out for Elena. Besides, there's going to be people everywhere tonight. So there's going to be lots to eat
(Elena looks at him, shocked but he laughs)
Stefan: I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Loosen up
(He gets up and leaves. Elena looks at Alaric)
Elena: I can't drop it, Ric
[Abandoned House]
(Bonnie and Caroline are in the abandoned house and enter a room)
Caroline: So this is where you brought Jeremy back to life
Bonnie: Yeah. Sorry, I know it's creepy, but we needed a private place around here to do the spell
Caroline: Hmm. There's no chance it's haunted by the hundred d*ad witches who were horrifically b*rned to death in this very spot, is there?
Bonnie: They're not here anymore. And they made it clear they were never coming back
Caroline: Right. A pinkie swear?
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy enters the restrooms. Anna enters with him)
Anna: What's wrong?
Jeremy: Why did you tell me to lie?
Anna: Elena is Bonnie's best friend. She won't like what's going on between us
Jeremy: What is going on between us? Ok, how are we able to touch? Vicki had to use magic to do that
Anna: I don't know. Honestly, I have no idea
Jeremy: This witch on the other side that gave Vicki her foothold, is she helping you now?
Anna: What? No! I'm all alone, Jeremy, I told you that
Jeremy: Swear to me
Anna: I swear. I'm not any danger to you or anybody, I promise. Hey. I need you to believe me
Jeremy: I shouldn't even be talking to you. This is not ok
Anna: Then send me away. I'm only here because you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you. Send me away, Jeremy. It's that easy
Jeremy: I don't know why this is happening or when it's going to stop. But before it's done... I have to do this
(He kisses her)
[Abandoned House]
(Caroline is lighting candles)
Caroline: Ready? Do you need me to do...
(Bonnie is already casting the spell)
Caroline: Right. Ok
(Bonnie is still casting the spell. There's wind)
[Mystic Grill]
(Alaric and Elena are inside)
Alaric: I'll grab Jeremy
Elena: I'll be right back
(She goes toward the restrooms. Damon rejoins Alaric)
Alaric: You know, I've had enough vampires today, thanks
Damon: Oh, come on. Have a drink with me. We've got trouble
Alaric: No, you've got trouble. See, we're not a team. You tried to k*ll me. All right? We're not friends. I don't like you anymore
Damon: Ah! But remember back when you liked me and we conspired to k*ll Uncle werewolf Mason Lockwood?
Alaric: Yeah, and?
Damon: I think he's still a little pissed
[Abandoned House]
(Bonnie is still casting the spell. There's wind everywhere in the room. Everything moves)
Caroline: Bonnie, I don't like this. Bonnie...
(Suddenly someone grabs Bonnie's hands. It's her grandmother)
Caroline: Oh, my God. Is that your...
(Bonnie's shocked)
Bonnie: Grams
[Mystic Grill]
(Elena enters the restrooms and sees Jeremy and Anna kissing)
Elena: Anna?
[The street]
(Stefan is walking and suddenly sees Lexi)
Stefan: Lexi!
[Mystic Falls]
(Damon and Alaric are at the bar. Mason arrives. They both can see him)
Alaric: Mason
Mason: God, I miss whisky
(He drinks and then crashes the glass on Damon's forehead. Damon then looks at Alaric)
Damon: Told ya
[The street]
(Stefan is with Lexi)
Lexi: Hi
Stefan: You're d*ad
Lexi: Well, technically, so are you
Stefan: Then how the hell can I see...
Lexi: See me? Yeah, I have no idea. And I have no idea how long it's going to last, so let's get right
to the point. You're off the rails. Big time
Stefan: Look, I don't know how you're here, but you need to leave me alone, ok?
Lexi: Now what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help you out of this mess you're in?
Stefan: I don't want your help
Lexi: You know, you say that every time. "I don't want your help, I don't want to get better, leave me alone."
Stefan: Well, maybe you should listen this time
Lexi: Or maybe I should do this
(She crashes his head against a car window. Stefan falls on the floor, unconscious)
[Abandoned House]
(Bonnie is looking at her grandmother. She's crying)
Bonnie: I can't believe you're here!
Sheila: Now stop your crying, we don't have time for tears
(She looks at Caroline)
Sheila: Nice to see you again, Caroline
Caroline: Hi, miss Sheila
(Sheila looks back at Bonnie)
Sheila: A fine mess you've made, honey. The witches told you there'd be consequences to bringing Jeremy back and you did it anyway
Bonnie: I didn't have a choice. I love him and I... I couldn't just let him go
Sheila: I understand. But you cracked open the door to the other side. There's an old witch over here. She took advantage of it. She took advantage of you, honey. When you did that spell to send Vicki Donovan away, she wedged the door wide open. Giving a free pass to anybody with unfinished business
Bonnie: How do you know this?
Sheila: Witches talk. Even on the other side. Who do you think makes all the rules?
Bonnie: What does the witch want?
Sheila: That's original vampire business, not yours. I don't want you getting in the middle of that. I'm here because you upset the balance of nature. And it's your duty to set it right. You need to close that door
[Mystic Grill]
(Elena is in the restrooms with Jeremy and Anna. She's on the phone with Caroline)
Elena: How do we do that?
Caroline: Apparently the old witch can draw power from this side because of her talisman
Elena: Talisman... My necklace?
Caroline: It's some ju ju power source. And I know you're not going to like this, but Bonnie needs to destroy it
Elena: I just walked in on Jeremy kissing the reason I'm completely ok with that
Caroline: What?! Are you kidding?
Elena: I wish. Look, I don't have the necklace. Damon has it somewhere. Text him. I'll call you right back
(She hangs up and looks at Anna)
Jeremy: Elena…
Elena: You need to disappear or evaporate or whatever it is that you ghosts do
Jeremy: Hey, it's not her fault
Elena: You're right, it's yours.
(Anna disappears)
Elena: How did this happen?
Jeremy: I don't know. Ok? I don't know. It just... it did. Elena, please. You can't tell Bonnie
Elena: Don't worry. I'm going to let you do that. Right after I help her send the ghosts away
(She gets out)
(She goes out of the restrooms and runs into Lexi. Elena is surprised)
Lexi: Looks like today was a good day to be thinking about me, Elena
Elena: Lexi?
Lexi: Mm-hmm. Come with me
Elena: Where?
Lexi: Ripper detox 101. Crash course
(She catches her wrist)
Elena: I…
Lexi: I'm sorry, did you not just say how desperate you were for my help in saving Stefan's life?
(Elena turns her head and looks at the restrooms doors and then looks back at Lexi)
Elena: Let's go
(She leaves with Lexi)
(Damon is sending a text)
Damon: I am never going to hear the end of that damn necklace
(Mason is still there, drinking)
Mason: One of you will pay for this, right? Cheers
Damon: Let's get to it. I k*lled you. You want revenge. Get in line
Mason: Actually, I want an apology
(Alaric laughs)
Alaric: Good luck with that
Damon: Don't you have a family to haunt? You know your nephew has turned into a mindless hybrid Minion
Mason: That's why I'm here. To help Tyler
Damon: Well, sorry to break it to you, buddy, but Tyler can't be helped. At least not while Klaus is alive. Which is, like, always
Mason: Not necessarily. Not if you found a w*apon that could k*ll him
Damon: There is no w*apon that... What do you know?
Mason: I know you need to apologize
Damon: You got to be kidding me
Alaric: Are you incapable of remorse? Just apologize!
Damon: You're right. I didn't have to k*ll you. I do a lot of things I don't have to do
(Mason laughs)
Mason: That's good enough
(He gets up)
Mason: Meet me at the old Lockwood cellar. Bring a shovel. And come alone
Damon: What, you're going to bury me alive?
Mason: Don't tempt me
(He leaves. Damon looks at Alaric)
[City Jail]
(Stefan is tied to a chair. Elena and Lexi are looking at him)
Lexi: Klaus really did a number on him, huh?
Elena: He compelled him to turn off his humanity
Lexi: Well, we're just going to have to convince him to turn it back on. I have to warn you, it's not going to be pretty
Elena: I can handle it
(Lexi kicks Stefan)
Lexi: Wake up, sleepyhead
(Stefan wakes up)
Lexi: How you feelin'?
(He looks at the chair and the chains)
Stefan: What is this? Let me out of here!
Lexi: Shh. Inside voices, please. I'm trying to get inside your head
Stefan: Elena. Get rid of her, please
Elena: No
Lexi: First step, drying him out. Starve away the blood lust. Strip away the temptation
Stefan: This isn't going to work, Lexi. You can't do this
Lexi: You heard the not pretty part?
Elena: I heard you
(Lexi looks Stefan in the eyes)
Stefan: What are you doing?
(He suddenly doesn't seem fine. His arms and hands change
Stefan: What are you doing, Lexi?!
Lexi: Doing what I do best, sweetness. I'm saving your life
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Mason is lighting a lantern. Damon arrives with a shovel)
Mason: I'm surprised you showed
Damon: You put a snag in my only other Klaus lead. So I'd say I'm highly motivated
Mason: Mikael? Yeah. That didn't turn out so great, did it?
Damon: How do you know so much?
Mason: There's not much to do on the other side but sit around and watch other people screw things up
Damon: What are we looking for?
Mason: There's an old Lockwood family legend about a w*apon that can k*ll an original vampire. Like the rest of their secrets, they kept it buried
(He tries to break a wall with the shovel but it doesn't work)
Damon: Oh, come on, give me the thing. Move
(He takes the shovel and uses his vampire strength to break the wall. He breaks it quickly. They both look in the hole)
Mason: Go for it.
Damon: You first
Mason What, you think I'm leading you into a trap?
Damon: The thought crossed my mind
(Mason enters first. Damon follows him)
[City Jail]
(Stefan is really not okay)
Stefan: I'm starving. I'm starving. I'm starving! Let me out! Let me out. Please let me out
Elena: What's happening?
Lexi: He's hallucinating. That's three months without any blood
Stefan: Let me out!
Lexi: Now he's at nine months
(Stefan is worse and worse)
Lexi: Two years... Five
Stefan: Did I ever tell you how glad I am that you're d*ad?
Lexi: Oh. I missed you, too, friend
(Elena's phone rings. She goes outside the cell)
Elena: Hello?
Caroline: So the necklace isn't where Damon said it would be and now we can't reach Damon
Elena: Listen, I need you to get Bonnie to hold off on sending the ghosts back
Caroline: What?! But you said you were in full support of getting rid of them
Elena: I was. I am. Look, Lexi's here and she's helping with Stefan
Caroline: Ok, let's just find it first and then we'll choose between boyfriend ghost dramas
[Salvatore's House]
(Caroline hangs out. Bonnie looks at her)
Bonnie: What are you talking about?
Caroline: Um...Lexi's back, so Elena wants us to hold off on destroying the necklace
Bonnie: You said boyfriend dramas. Plural. What is it, Caroline?
Caroline: Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna
Bonnie: What?
Caroline: I'm sorry
Bonnie: He kissed her?
Caroline: She's got a foothold now, so she probably thinks that she's here to stay. But you and I, Bonnie, we're going to find that necklace. Ok?
Bonnie: Okay
[The town's square]
(It's the illuminations night. There's people everywhere. Jeremy is looking for Anna)
Jeremy: Anna! Anna!
(He runs into Frederick, the tomb vampire)
Jeremy: Sorry. Hey, man sorry about that
(He continues searching for Anna)
Frederick: No problem, buddy
(Carol rejoins Alaric)
Carol: Have you seen Tobias Fell? He's supposed to do the lighting ceremony
Alaric: No
(Frederick rejoins Anna)
Frederick: Well, well
Anna: Frederick?
Frederick: If it isn't pearl's daughter. Little Annabelle
(Carol begins her speech)
Carol: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Fell seems to have been detained, so the history department's very own Mr. Saltzman has agreed to fill in
(Everyone applause. Alaric goes toward the stage. Jeremy calls Anna. She turns her head)
Frederick: Still hanging around the Gilbert kid, huh? I guess you forgot the fact that his family k*lled you and your mother
(Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: There you are. Is everything all right?
Frederick: Ask your ancestors
Anna: What are you doing here, Frederick?
(Two men rejoins him)
Frederick: Well, it's a founder's celebration. And we...
(He looks at the two men)
Frederick: Have got some unfinished business with the founding families
(Alaric begins his speech)
Alaric: On behalf of Mystic Falls high school historical society, let's light 'em up
(The lanterns are enlightened. Everyone screams ‘cause Tobias Fell is d*ad and his body is hanging on a tree. Anna looks at Frederick. He smiles)
[City Jail]
(Stefan is in bad shape)
Stefan: Elena, Elena. I'm hurting. Please help me
Lexi: Don't listen. Shut him out
Elena: I am helping you, Stefan
Stefan: I'll do anything. I'll change. I promise
Lexi: It's a lie. He'll say anything right now
Stefan: Elena, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just make it stop. Please, just make it stop
Lexi: You have to separate yourself from your emotions. Don't let him play with them
Stefan: Hey, look at me. Look at me
(Elena looks at him)
Stefan: Elena. I love you, ok? I love you. I love you so much. I love you so much, Elena
Elena: I'm sorry, Stefan, I just don't believe you
Stefan: You know what? I don't want your help, anyway. I wish I'd never met you. Every single moment that I've spent with you has been a complete and total waste
Lexi: You see that? That's the ripper talking. Once he's weak enough, you have to cause him pain. Make him feel things. Anger, rage, anything. You have to make him see past the blood.
(She drives a stake through his body)
Lexi: Think of it as a regimen. Day in and day out. Like running the treadmill. Like making coffee. Until he's ready to be saved
Stefan: I will rip you apart, Lexi!
Lexi: You can't. I'm already d*ad
(She drives the stake through his body again)
Elena: I can't...
(She leaves. Lexi looks at her)
(Elena goes out and sees the police and the paramedics are taking a body
[Salvatore's House]
(Caroline and Bonnie are looking for the necklace everywhere. Including in the soap bowl in Damon's bathroom)
Caroline: Ugh! I give up. It's not anywhere in this room
(Bonnie's phone rings. It's Jeremy. Bonnie's not happy so Caroline answers)
Caroline: What do you want, Jeremy?
Jeremy: Caroline? Did you find that necklace?
Caroline: Not yet. Wait, what's going on?
Jeremy: Ghosts of the tomb vampires k*lled Tobias Fell. You might want to find that necklace before they start going alphabetically through the founding families
Caroline: Well, it's not where it's supposed to be. Unless someone took it
Jeremy: Who?
Caroline: Well, who do you think?
(Jeremy looks at Anna)
Anna: I didn't
Jeremy: She said she didn't take it
Caroline: Oh, and you believe her
Anna: I didn't take it, Jeremy
Jeremy: You know what, yeah, yeah, I do believe her
Caroline: You know what, you're an even bigger idiot than I thought. So wake up, Jeremy, before you lose everything
(She hangs up)
[The Town Square]
(Jeremy turns himself. Anna's not here. He looks all around him. Elena rejoins him)
Elena: Jeremy? What happened?
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Damon and Mason are walking through the hidden part of the cellar)
Damon: I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Your motives are deceptively pure
Mason: You talk the talk, but I know you'll do anything for your brother. You won't screw me over as long as we have the same agenda
Damon: I'm supposed to believe you're not going to screw me over?
(They stop. There's different directions)
Damon: All right. Which way?
Mason: I don't know. Flip a coin
Damon: Aren't you supposed to be all-knowing?
Mason: I'm a ghost. I'm not God. Go left
(Damon goes but there's nothing)
Damon: Or not
Mason: You have trust issues. Anyone ever tell you that?
(Damon continues but stakes goes through his body. There's vervain in it. Mason leaves)
Damon: Yo. Help a brother out? Mason?
[The town Square]
(Elena and Jeremy are talking)
Elena: Where is Anna now?
Jeremy: I don't know, ok? I don't even know for sure if she took the necklace
Elena: She was the only person who heard us talking about it. Of course she took it. Ok? We have to get it back. We have to destroy it and then close the door
Jeremy: I know, but...
Elena: But what? What, Jer?
Jeremy: I can touch her, Elena. I can kiss her again. And I know it's wrong, and I know that I shouldn't feel this way, but I do. I love her. I've always loved her
Elena: But it's not real. She's d*ad. Gone. Everything that you're hold on to is in the past, Jer. Are you going to love a ghost for the rest of your life?
(She watches over Jeremy's shoulder. Anna's here)
Elena: He's at the beginning of his life, Anna. You're just holding him back. You know that
(Anna shows them the necklace. She has it in her hands. Elena looks at Jeremy)
Elena: Call Bonnie. Tell her that you have the necklace. Get her to send the ghosts away
(She leaves. Jeremy looks at Anna)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Damon still has the stakes in his body. Mason comes back with o shovel)
Damon: Oh, I'm having a bad day
Mason: Sorry. Thought you might need this
(He breaks the stakes with the shovel and removes them)
Mason: You're welcome
Damon: What's your game, man? I k*lled you. I jammed my fist into your chest. I ripped your heart out. There's no way this whole buddy-trust act is real
Mason: You know what the other side is like? We're all alone. We watch the people we left behind and we regret our decisions. That's it. Look, I can't change what happened to me. But maybe I can change what happens to Tyler. I don't need revenge, Damon. I need redemption
[Bonnie's car]
(Caroline and Bonnie are in her car. Caroline just hang up her phone)
Caroline: Jeremy's got the necklace. He's going to meet us at the witch house
Bonnie: Ok. What's going on up there?
(She stops. Carol Lockwood's car Is against a tree. She's unconscious)
Caroline: It's Mrs. Lockwood's car
(Frederick and other tomb vampires go toward the car)
Caroline: Bonnie? I'm going to get out of the car
Bonnie: What?!
Caroline: And you're going to drive the hell away from here
Bonnie: No way! I am not leaving you!
Caroline: Bonnie, you've got your ghost boyfriend drama. Elena has hers. And right now the mother of mine is about to be ghost bait. So go and send them all back to the other side, ok?
(Caroline goes out of the car. Bonnie leaves. Frederick looks at Caroline and smiles. Caroline vamps out and goes toward him)
[The town square]
(Jeremy and Anna are talking)
Jeremy: This spell is just going to break your foothold, right? You'll still be here, I'll still be able to see you. This... this doesn't have to be good-bye
Anna: No. But it should be. Elena was right. I'm holding you back
Jeremy: Anna…
Anna: I'm sorry I took the necklace
(She cries)
Anna: with all the tomb vampires out, that maybe...
Jeremy: You might find your mother
Anna: I don't know where she is, Jeremy. I don't know if she's moved on and found peace, or if there's even any peace to be found
Jeremy: Hey, there is, Anna. Ok, there has to be. I believe that, ok?
Anna: I just... I don't want to be alone anymore
(He embraces her she cries)
Jeremy: You're not going to be alone. I'm not going to let you be alone
(She gives him back the necklace. He looks at her for a while and finally leaves)
[City jail]
Lexi: Quit fighting me, Stefan. I know you're in there
Stefan: Not anymore, Lexi
(Elena comes back)
Lexi: You know you say that every time. Until I make you feel again
(She drives a stake through his stomach)
Stefan: You wasted your whole life taking care of me. Now you're d*ad and you still have nothing better to do
Elena: We're running out of time
Lexi: You've got to get me more
Elena: I can't
Lexi: No! No... not until I break through
Elena: I can't, Lexi. They have a necklace. They're going to close the door
(Lexi looks at Stefan)
Lexi: The necklace. Ok. That necklace. At least tell me you remember how you felt about that. You found it during your darkest time. And you said, when you made it through, that that necklace represented hope
Stefan: Ironic, then, that it's about to be blown to pieces
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(They're still walking through the caverns. Mason arrives at the end but Damon can't go on. He's blocked)
Damon: God! This is not happening
Mason: What now?
Damon: I can't get through. It's like I'm not invited in. Wait!
Mason: I'm not stopping just 'cause you're stuck. I'll let you know what I find
Damon: Yeah, but...
Mason: Looks like you're gonna have to trust me
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Bonnie puts f*re in the chimney and enlights candles with her powers. Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: Bonnie!
(She's not happy to see him. He shows her the necklace. She takes it and throws it in the chimney. She begins to cast a spell. Her grams rejoins her, takes her hand and helps her cast the spell. The necklace burns)
[The street]
(carol wakes up and sees Caroline fight with the ghosts of the tomb vampires. Frederick strangles her but he suddenly disappears. She looks around her)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Mason is looking at the wall and seems amazed)
Damon: So? What'd you find?
Mason: It's in...
(He disappears)
Damon: No, no, no, no. No, where'd you go? Mason, Mason!
[City Jail]
(Lexi raises her head and then looks at Elena)
Lexi: He's still in there, Elena. You just have to break through
Elena: It's ok, Lexi, I know what to do now. You can be free
(She smiles, looks at Stefan and disappears)
[The street]
(Anna is walking alone in the streets, sad when she suddenly sees her mom)
Anna: Mama?
(Pearl cries. They rush toward each other. They cry and embrace each other. They disappear together)
[Abandoned House]
(The necklace has melted down)
Sheila: You are stronger than all of this. I'm so proud of you
(Bonnie shed tears and Sheila disappears)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Damon is sitting. Alaric arrives)
Damon: You're here. It's about time
Alaric: Didn't have anyone else to call?
Damon: No, actually, I don't. 'Cause I need a non-vampire to get in the cave, and other than Elena, you're pretty much the only one I trust
Alaric: Well, you have a crappy way of showing that
Damon: Look, if Mason Lockwood can get over the fact that I k*lled him, can't you cut me a little slack, Ric?
Alaric: I shouldn't have to get over it. I was your friend, Damon. You shouldn't have done it in the first place
Damon: Well! Sometimes... I do things I don't have to do
Alaric: You're going to recycle that same crap ass apology you gave Mason Lockwood?
Damon: Yeah. Well... I didn't mean it with him
(He smiles. Alaric looks at him and then looks at the whole)
[City Jail]
Stefan: So what are you going to do, Elena? You just going to stand there? Waiting for me to dry out?
Elena: No, I'm going to go home, take care of my brother. Be a friend to Bonnie and everything else that I have to do
Stefan: That's good for you. You know, I was wondering when you were going to give up. Lexi gave you... enough of a glimpse into your tragic future
Elena: I haven't given up, Stefan. I still have hope. But there's nothing that I can do until you get yours back.
(She touches his face)
Elena: Hey. You can break through this. Fight for it. Feel something. Anything, Stefan. Because if you don't, you're going to lose me forever. I won't love a ghost for the rest of my life
(She locks the door and leaves)
[Abandoned House]
(Bonnie is crying, looking at the chimney)
Jeremy: Bonnie...
Bonnie: Just go away, Jeremy
Jeremy: I owe you an explanation
Bonnie: Matt let go of a sister before you let go of Anna. His sister, Jeremy. You know what you owe me? The respect of not making me listen to you explain yourself
Jeremy: I am sorry, Bonnie
Bonnie: You need to go
Jeremy: But…
Bonnie: Just go, Jeremy
(He leaves. There's a noise in the chimney. She goes closer and sees that the necklace is normal again)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Alaric goes where Mason was before. Damon can't still pass)
Damon: So was Mason screwing with me, or is there something in there?
(Alaric looks everywhere)
Damon: Ric. Ric
(Alaric looks at the wall and is amazed)
Alaric: I found something
Damon: What is it?
(There's a lot of drawings on the wall)
Alaric: I have no idea | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x07 - Ghost World"} | foreverdreaming |
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Elena and Alaric are in the hidden tunnels of the old Lockwood Cellar. She has a flashlight in her hand)
Elena: So the Lockwood's really have no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property?
Alaric: Yeah. Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light
Elena: Wait. What?
Alaric: Elena
(She turns herself and Damon is behind her)
Damon: Boo!
Elena: God, Damon
(She hits him)
Damon: Scaredy-cat
Alaric: Just ignore him. That's what I do
Elena: So you really can't get in?
Damon: No. Seems even the ancient Lockwood's were anti-vampire
Elena: What do you mean ancient?
Damon: See for yourself. This is as far as I get to go)
(He stops. Elena and Alaric keep walking and stops in front of the wall. She looks at it with her flashlight)
Elena: What is all this?
Alaric: Well, as far as I can tell, it's a story. In simple archaeological terms, it's a really, really old story
(He shows her various drawings)
Alaric: That right there is a moon cycle. A man. A wolf. A werewolf
Damon: Yeah. It's the Lockwood diaries, Pictionary style
Elena: I don't understand. I thought the Lockwood's came here with the original founders in the 1860s
Alaric: Ah, maybe the Lockwood's did, but according to this wall, these werewolves have been here a lot longer than that
Elena: How long?
Damon: Long. Gets better. Show her, Ric
(Alaric shows her other drawing)
Alaric: Names, and they're not native. They're written in runic, a Viking script
Elena: Viking?
Alaric: This name here, when translated, it reads... Niklaus
Elena: Klaus
Alaric: And Elijah... And Rebekah
(Rebekah is writing something on the wall with a Kn*fe Klaus is here)
Klaus: Rebekah let me have at it
Rebekah: Quiet, Niklaus. I have to have my concentration if I'm not to slice off a finger
Klaus: Father will not like you handling the blade
Rebekah: If I want to wield a blade, I shall wield a blade. Father need not know
Klaus: He will find out. He always does
Rebekah: That is because you always tell him
Klaus: I cannot help it. He frightens me
Rebekah: He frightens us all. That is why we stick together as one, always and forever. Right, traitor?
Klaus: Right
(She gives him the Kn*fe)
Rebekah: Here. You finish. I'm to help mother with the meal
Klaus: Yes. Go tend to dinner. Leave the blades to the men, little sister
(She gives the Kn*fe on the blade's side, cutting his hand)
Klaus: Ahh. Bekka
Rebekah: It's just a little blood. Be a man about it
(She lives. He looks at his wound)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
Elena: These are the names of the original family?
Alaric: Carved into a cave that's… That's been here since way before the founding of Mystic Falls or even the entire new world, for that matter
Elena: Ok, this has gotta be one of Klaus' fakes
Damon: That's what I said
Alaric: That could be true, except the last name up here made us think otherwise
Elena: What's the name?
Alaric: Mikael
Elena: Mikael? Mikael, as in the vampire hunter who knows how to k*ll Klaus?
Damon: Yep. And I now like to call him papa original
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Alaric is taking pictures of all the drawings of the wall)
[Alaric's apartment]
(Alaric is looking at the pictures and talking while Damon and Elena are fighting. She has a stake in her hand)
Alaric: These images tell a story to learn the story, I have to decipher these images
(Damon catches Elena and takes the stake)
Damon: Sloppy
Elena: Shut up. I'm new at this
(Elena fights Damon while he talks)
Damon: The ghost of Christmas past, Mason Lockwood, said that the cave would lead us to a w*apon that could k*ll Klaus
Elena: Yeah, but doesn't Mikael have a w*apon?
(She keeps fighting but Damon's too strong)
Damon: Yes, which probably means the wall will lead us to Mikael, who we've already found and lost
(He takes the stake from her hands again and catches her)
Damon: Bang. You're d*ad
(He pretends to bite her neck. Alaric is still looking at the pictures)
Alaric: These images, at the very least, might tell us what that w*apon is
(Elena rejoins him)
Elena: Then all we have to do is find out what they mean
Damon: Well, fine. Fine. If I'm being irritatingly optimistic like you two. How do you suppose we do that?
Elena: Well, if the story's about the original family living here, then we go straight to the source
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Rebekah is stretching with the cheerleading squad and then she makes some gymnastics moves. When she's done she's face to face with Elena.)
Rebekah: You. Goody
Elena: I was hoping we could talk
Rebekah: About what? Stefan? Don't worry. I'm off him until he starts treating me better. In fact, you should probably take a page out of my book, if I'm being honest
Elena: Actually, I'd rather talk about this
(She shows her the drawing of her name. Rebekah is surprised)
Elena: I'm curious why you and Klaus have spent a thousand years running from your father
Rebekah: I should get back to the girls. Homecoming's right around the corner
Elena: Well, then maybe I'll ask Mikael when we wake him
Rebekah: You're bluffing. You don't know where he is. No one does
Elena: So then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?
Rebekah: If you wake Mikael, we are all doomed
Elena: So then tell me
Rebekah: Why do you want to know?
Elena: Why don't you want me to wake him?
Rebekah: I need to get back to the girls
(She turns around to go back to the girls but seems thoughtful)
(Rebekah is with her brother Henrik)
Rebekah: Come on, Henrik. Our brothers are fighting again
(They run to rejoin Klaus and Elijah, who are fighting with swords)
Elijah: Oh, look. Sister's arrived to watch my fast-approaching victory
Klaus: On the contrary, Elijah
(They keep fighting and he breaks Elijah's belt. Everyone laughs. Michael and Esther are watching)
Esther: Relax, Mikael. Niklaus means well
Mikael: That is precisely my problem
(He rejoins Klaus and Elijah and takes Elijah's sword)
Mikael: So... Why don't you teach me that trick, young warrior?
Klaus: Father, we were just having fun
Mikael: We fight for our survival. And you find time for fun?! I want to have fun! Teach me. Come on!
Klaus: Father, it was nothing
(They fight. Mikael removes Klaus' sword with his and then pushes him on the ground and raises the sword above him. Everyone is watching)
Mikael: You are foolish and impulsive, my boy. What? No more laughter?
Esther: You've made your point, Mikael
(He puts he sword next to Klaus' face)
Mikael: Some days, it's a miracle you're still alive... Boy
(He gets up and leaves)
[Alaric's Apartment]
(Alaric is watching at the pictures. He puts post- it on each picture to know what each symbol means. Elena arrives; she's on the phone with Damon)
Elena: She's going to tell me. She's scared of him, Damon. I saw her face. I just have to engage in a little mean-girl power struggle first
Damon: Make sure she doesn't power struggle you into a wheelchair
Elena: I've got this, Damon. If we can figure out a way to k*ll Klaus, Stefan will be free of his compulsion. So how does he look?
Damon: Mmm. Pasty and pouty
Elena: He'll have to get over it. Call me later
(She hangs up and looks at Alaric)
Elena: Rebekah will come around
Alaric: You sure about that? I mean, a thousand-year-old vampire, I'm sure, has learned the art of patience
(She's receives a text from Rebekah asking her to come over for a chat)
Elena: She's a thousand-year-old vampire who's joined the cheerleading squad. There's a whole different set of rules in play here, Ric. I've got this
(She show's him her phone)
[City Jail]
(Damon enters Stefan's cell, who's still tied to the chair)
Stefan: You know, if you two are gonna keep me locked in here for the next decade, I think we can skip the routine visits
Damon: You know I'm not a big champion of this whole Lexi recovery plan. But Elena thinks this place is gonna... Weaken you out, break you down, and make you feel again
Stefan: We should all listen to Elena, right? I mean, her plans always work out so well, don't they? Why are you here?
Damon: What are you talking about? It's family day at vampire rehab. Just paying a visit to my baby brother
Stefan: Go away
Damon: Nah. Nah, I thought we could hang out. Little brother bonding. How you been, Stef? Huh?
Stefan: You know, Klaus may want to keep Elena alive, but that doesn't mean she's safe with Rebekah
Damon: Liar, liar, pants on f*re, brother. Klaus compelled you to protect Elena, and if you thought for even a second that she was in danger, you'd be working a lot harder
Stefan: You got me
Damon: Yep
Stefan: You got me. You're good. Congratulations. You can go now
Damon: You really have given up
Stefan: Actually, this is my happy face
(Damon breaks his chains)
Stefan: What are you doing?
Damon: Screw this Lexi plan. I think we could both use a drink
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena enters. There's music. Rebekah seems happy and has a glass of champagne in her hand)
Rebekah: Hey, what's up?
Elena: You invited me over to talk
Rebekah: All right, girls. Have at it
(6 girls arrive, wearing formal dresses)
Rebekah: Okay, now twirl, please
(They turn around)
Elena: You've compelled your own private runway show?
Rebekah: I need a homecoming dress. So what do you think? Pick one
Elena: Heh. I'm not here to help you shop. I'm here to talk about why you don't want me to wake up Mikael
(Rebekah rushes over one of the girls, her fangs out)
Rebekah: I said pick one, Elena
Elena: The red one!
Rebekah: There. That wasn't so hard, was it?
(She compels the girls)
Rebekah: Go away. Remember nothing
(They leave. Rebekah looks at Elena, takes her glass of champagne and gets closer to her)
Rebekah: You do not thr*at me. You will learn what I allow you to learn. Is that clear?
(Elena nods)
[Alaric's apartment]
(Bonnie knocks on the door and enters)
Bonnie: Hey there
Alaric: Bonnie. Come on in
Bonnie: Got your message
Alaric: Yeah, great. Uh... I'm sorry the place is such a mess. I'm obsessed
Bonnie: Brought you the necklace that wouldn't die
(She gives him the necklace)
Alaric: That's great. Are you ok?
Bonnie: Been better
Alaric: Listen, Jeremy is an idiot, and I know this with certainty because I was once a Jeremy. Trust me. We learn eventually
(He shows her a picture)
Alaric: So I've been staring at this image all day, wondering why it looked so familiar...
(He puts the necklace next the picture)
Alaric: And I was right.
Bonnie: It's the same design.
Alaric: So your grandmother said this necklace belonged to the witch that put the hybrid curse on Klaus, right? This symbol is repeated all across the wall, and I've been trying to figure out what it meant. Now I know
(He writes something on a post-it and puts it on the picture. He shows it to Bonnie. He's written witch on the post-it)
[Salvatore's House]
(Rebekah and Elena enters Stefan's bedroom)
Rebekah: How fun is this?
Elena: We shouldn't be here
Rebekah: Of course we should. Come on. Like you've never wanted to snoop
(She Goes through his underwear and takes a boxer)
Rebekah: Boxer briefs. Now, that's a change from the twenties
Elena: Are you gonna root through his stuff all night, or are you gonna start to tell me your story?
Rebekah: You really are no fun. What do you want to know?
Elena: Well, Elijah said that your father was a landowner in Europe. How did you guys end up here?
Rebekah: My parents had just started a family when a plague struck their homeland. They lost a child to it. They wanted to escape and protect their future family from the same fate
Elena: So how did you end up here? This part of the world hadn't even been discovered yet
Rebekah: Not by anyone in your history books. But my mother knew the witch Ayana, who heard from the spirits of a mystical land where everyone was healthy... Blessed by the gifts of speed and strength. That led my family here, where we lived amongst those people
Elena: The werewolves?
Rebekah: To us, they were just our neighbors. My family lived in peace with them for over 20 years, during which time my family had more children, including me
Elena: You make it sound so normal
Rebekah: It was. Once a month, our family retreated to the caves beneath our village. The wolves would howl through the night, and by morning, we'd return home
(Rebekah looks at necklaces hanging on the window. She touches one, the one Elena has now. A woman watches her and Rebekah's hand burns at the contact with the necklace)
Rebekah: Ayana, you b*rned me
Ayana: That is not yours to touch
(They hear someone screaming. It's Klaus)
Klaus: Mother!
Rebekah: Is that Niklaus? Something is wrong
(She sees Klaus arriving with Henrik in his arms. She goes outside to rejoin them)
Rebekah: Henrik!
Klaus: Mother!
Rebekah: One full moon, Klaus and my youngest brother Henrik snuck out to watch the men turn into beasts. That was forbidden. Henrik paid the price
(Elijah and Esther rushes over them)
Esther: Henrik, no. No. What happened?
Klaus: The wolves. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry
(He cries)
Esther: We must save him
(She looks at Ayana)
Esther: Please, there must be a way
Ayana: The spirits will not give us a way, Esther. Your boy is gone
Esther: No, no!
(They're all crying. Rebekah is touching Klaus' hair)
[Salvatore's House]
Rebekah: And that was the beginning of the end of peace with our neighbors. And one of the last moments my family had together as humans
(Elena's phone rings)
Rebekah: You better get that. That'll be Damon checking up on you
(Elena answers. There's a lot of noise on the phone)
Elena: Hello? Damon, where are you?
Damon: No idea, but I'm pretty sure I'm overdressed. Still standing?
Elena: Yes. I'm fine, but I can't talk right now
(She hears Stefan talking to Damon)
Elena: Was that Stefan?
Damon: Yeah. I kind of went off-book, but don't worry. I know what I'm doing
Elena: Damon, how could you let him out?
Damon: I've got this, Elena
(He hangs up)
[A bar]
(Stefan and Damon sit at the bar)
Damon: What are we drinking?
Stefan: Hopefully something a little bit warmer, a little blonder
(He calls the waitress. Damon smiles)
Callie: Hi
Damon: Hello, Callie. I would love a sh*t of your best whiskey, and my brother here would love a sh*t of you
(He compels her and takes her arm)
Stefan: What's the catch, Damon?
Damon: No catch, brother. Drink up. It's on me
(Stefan vamps out and bites her arm. Damon looks at the waitress)
Damon: Hi Callie
(They're now sitting on a table, playing with coins. Callie is on Damon's legs)
Stefan: Drink up, brother
(Damon looks at Callie)
Damon: Will you get us another bottle of this, hmm?
(She leaves)
Damon: You been on this bunny diet for the better part of 50 years, so how is it that Saint Stefan, of all people, gets good at a drinking game?
Stefan: Well, the bunny diet gave me a lot of time to practice. Wallow in despair. Drown in guilt. Regret my existence. It's precision born out of tragic boredom
(He puts the coin on the glass)
Stefan: Drink up, brother
Damon: All that effort wasted trying to tell you how boring you were, and now you finally agree with me?
Stefan: Damon, you are worse than Elena. Getting me drunk. Brotherly bonding. What, you think I'll break down, and you can pull me back from the edge? Is that it?
Damon: I happen to like the edge, Stefan. Your problem is your inability to resist falling over it. You're all or nothing, man. You can't just be. Although... Who am I to judge?
(Callie comes back on Damon's legs and he puts a coin on the glass)
Damon: Drink up, brother
(He reaches Callie's arm out to Stefan)
[Salvatore's House]
(Rebekah is on Stefan's bed, reading one of Stefan's journals)
Elena: Did you get your fill of snooping yet? Can we get on with the story?
(Rebekah gets up and finds a picture of Elena and Stefan)
Rebekah: Honestly, I don't get you two as a couple
Elena: Why would you? You don't know anything about who he really is
Rebekah: I know exactly who he is. He's a vampire. We're a predatory species. We don't have time to care about humans and their silly little lives
Elena: Is that why you did that runway show earlier? Because you don't care about the homecoming dance?
(Rebekah doesn't answer)
Elena: You know what? I'm just gonna go
(She gets up)
Rebekah: You haven't even heard half the story
Elena: And you're not going to tell it. You're just bored and looking for someone to push around. Find someone else to play with. Maybe you can compel yourself a friend
Rebekah: The necklace wasn't Stefan's to give. It belonged to the original witch
Elena: The one who put the hybrid curse on Klaus?
Rebekah: Not just the hybrid curse. She's the one who turned us into vampires
(Mikael and Esther are talking with Ayana)
Mikael: Please, Ayana, I implore you. You must call upon the spirits before the next full moon
Ayana: I will not. It is a crime against nature
Esther: Ayana, we have already lost too much. We cannot lose any more. The spirits can help us find a way to protect our children
(Rebekah is outside, listening)
[Salvatore's House]
Rebekah: I'm thirsty. Do you want a drink?
(They go down the stairs)
Elena: So vampirism was a form of protection?
Rebekah: What else would it be?
Elena: A curse
Rebekah: My parents only saw a way of keeping their children alive
Elena: Yeah, but why stay? If they were so afraid of the werewolves, why not leave?
Rebekah: Pride. My father didn't want to run anymore. He wanted to fight and be superior to the wolves. Where they could bite, we had to bite harder. Where they had speed, we had to be faster. Agility, strength, senses.
(Mikael is talking with Esther and Ayana)
Mikael: Everything could be heightened. Our family could live forever
Ayana: At what cost? This magic you speak of breed's consequence. This is the makings of a plague, Esther. The spirits will turn on you
Esther: Please, Ayana
Ayana: I will have no part in it
(She leaves. Mikael looks at Esther)
Mikael: If she will not protect our family... Then it is in your hands alone, my love
[Salvatore's House]
Elena: In her hands? How could she do anything?
Rebekah: Because my mother was also a witch
Elena: What?
Rebekah: The witch of the original family, the original witch
(Elena is surprised. They enter the library)
Rebekah: Where do they keep their best vintage?
Elena: But if your mother was a witch, then...
Rebekah: Am I? No. A witch is nature's servant. A vampire is an abomination of nature. You can either be one or the other, never both. My mother did this for us. She did not turn
(She finds a bottle of wine)
Elena: How did you turn?
Rebekah: She called upon the sun for life and the ancient white oak tree, one of nature's eternal objects, for immortality. That night, my father offered us wine laced with blood. And then he drove his sword through our hearts
Elena: He k*lled you
Rebekah: And he wasn't delicate about it either
(She opens the bottle)
(Rebekah wakes up, ha has a big blood stain on her shirt. Klaus wakes up too)
Klaus: Rebekah
(She looks at the blood stain)
Rebekah: Blood. What happened?
(He gets closer to her)
Klaus: It'll be all right. We will be all right
(Mikael enters with a girl)
Klaus: What are you doing?
Mikael: We must finish what we started. You have to drink if you want to live
(He gets the girl closer to them and cut her arm with a Kn*fe)
Rebekah: We had to drink more blood to complete the ritual
Mikael: Drink!
(Klaus fights but Mikael pushes him and looks at Rebekah)
Mikael: Drink!
(He takes her head and makes her drink. Klaus looks at her)
Rebekah: It was euphoric. The feeling of power was indescribable. But the witch Ayana was right about
the consequences. The spirits turned on us, and nature fought back. For every strength, there would be a weakness
(Rebekah pass in a sunlight but her skin burns)
Rebekah: The sun became our enemy. It kept us indoors for weeks
(Rebekah is walking on the daylight, looking at her ring)
Rebekah: And then my mother found a solution
(Two girls look at her and run, afraid)
Rebekah: There were other problems
(She sees a man and a woman, afraid, they enter their house)
Rebekah: Neighbors who had opened to their homes to us could now keep us out
(She is next to a tree and touches flowers but her skin burns)
Rebekah: Flowers at the base of the white oak b*rned and prevented compulsion. And the spell decreed that the tree that gave us life could also take it away. So we b*rned it to the ground
(Mikael, Klaus and Elijah watch the tree burn. Rebekah looks at it from a distance and then turns her head, looking at two men)
Rebekah: But the darkest consequence was something my parents never anticipated... The hunger
(She follows them)
Rebekah: Blood had made us reborn, and it was blood that we craved above all else. We could not control it
(She vamps out, rushes over one of the men, bites him and drinks his blood)
[Salvatore's House]
Rebekah: And with that... The predatory species was born
[A bar]
(Damon is dancing on the bar with two women. Stefan is drinking from Callie, the waitress. A woman gets closer and watches them but Damon arrives and compels her)
Damon: Nothing to see here. Just run along. Okay?
(She leaves. He catches Stefan and removes him from Callie)
Damon: Hey, hey, hey. Ease up. Ease up. She's giving us her employee discount
(He puts a scarf around her neck and compels her)
Damon: Now just run along
(She leaves. They go at the bar)
Stefan: All right, time to fess up. What's the point of the jailbreak?
Damon: I thought you could use a hug, Stefan
Stefan: Come on, Damon. You know Elena's gonna hate you for letting me out, and we both know that you care about what she thinks
Damon: Maybe I wanted to remind you what freedom was like before Klaus took it from you
Stefan: As long as Klaus is alive, I do what he says
Damon: That's my point, Stefan. You've given up. Now, you can sit around and be his little bitch, or you can get mad enough, and you can do something about it
Stefan: Damon, he can't be k*lled
(Mikael arrives)
Mikael: Maybe I can help with that. The Salvatore boys, I presume
Stefan: Mikael
[Salvatore's House]
Elena: Why did Mikael start hunting Klaus?
Rebekah: When Nik made his first human k*ll, it triggered his werewolf gene. With that, he became my father's greatest shame
Elena: Yeah. Elijah told me this part of the story. Your mother had had an affair with one of the werewolf villagers. Klaus wasn't his son
Rebekah: She tried to make it right. She put the hybrid curse on Nik to suppress his werewolf side, and then she turned her back on him, but Mikael's greatest weakness as a human was his pride. As a vampire, that was magnified. He went on a rampage and k*lled half the village. Then he came home and k*lled her
Elena: Mikael k*lled your mother?
Rebekah: He said she broke his heart so he would break hers. He tore it from her chest as Nik watched. Afterwards, my father took off in a rage, and the rest of my family scattered
(Klaus is digging with a shovel. Rebekah is with him)
Rebekah: Nik stayed so he could help me bury her. He knew I had to say good-bye to my mother
Rebekah: I know you think she hated you, Niklaus, but she did not. She was just afraid. I'm sorry she turned her back on you. I will never do that
(Elijah rejoins them)
Elijah: Nor will I
Rebekah: We stick together as one. Always and forever
(They take each other hands. Rebekah cries)
[Salvatore's House]
Elena: Always and forever. Even though he locked you in a coffin for 90 years
Rebekah: We're vampires. Our emotions are heightened. I'm stubborn, Elijah moral, and Nik... Nik has no tolerance for those who disappoint him. Over a thousand years as a family, we've all made that mistake at least once. I've made it several times
Elena: But you still love him?
Rebekah: He's my brother, and I am immortal. Should I spend an eternity alone instead? You've heard the story. It's time to go. I said leave, Elena. I don't know what you're up to, but I am no longer playing along
Elena: I'm just looking for one good reason why we shouldn't wake Mikael
Rebekah: And I've given you a thousand. But you will anyway. I know you want him to help you k*ll my brother. I'm not stupid
Elena: It's no secret that I want Klaus d*ad. He has a hold over Stefan's life and over mine
Rebekah: Do what you need. Wake Mikael at your own peril. But make no mistake. If you come after my brother, I will rip you apart. And I get my temper from my father. Now leave
(Elena leaves)
[A bar]
Mikael: Has Klaus entered the country?
Stefan: I can't tell you
Mikael: Has he spoken to you since he left?
Stefan: I can't tell you
Mikael: All right. Can you tell me the last time you spoke to Niklaus?
Stefan: I am compelled to do what he says, and he says to keep my damn mouth shut
Damon: I really hope this game of 20 questions isn't your secret w*apon
Mikael: You see, Damon, I've been a vampire Hunter longer than you've been alive. It's why I found you here. It's why I'm gonna find Niklaus. Well, Klaus has been running for about a thousand years, so if you think you're gonna get a workaround he...
(Mikael puts his fist in Damon's chest)
Mikael: Careful, Stefan. One move, and his heart's gone. Now... Where is Klaus? Come on. What's the trick question, Stefan? One twist and he's d*ad. Unless you don't care, of course
Damon: His emotions have been shut off. He can't care
Mikael: Really? His link to Klaus is so strong that... He would let his own brother die? No ideas? Hmm? Think, Stefan
(Stefan doesn't answer. Mikael looks at Damon)
Mikael: I guess you're right. He's a d*ad end. And so are you, Damon
Stefan: Wait. I can bring him back. I can lure Klaus back to Mystic Falls
(Mikael removes his fist from Stefan's chest and takes a tissue)
Mikael: And there is our loophole. Just had to rile him up a bit. Get Klaus back to Mystic Falls, and I will gladly drive a stake through his heart. Fail... I'll drive it through yours
(He leaves. Damon looks at Stefan)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Alaric shows Elena what he and Bonnie have put together. Bonnie's here too)
Alaric: Yeah. Filled in what we could. Got vampire, werewolf, slaughter, mayhem, et cetera, et cetera
(At the same time he puts a post it with the word on each matching symbol. Elena looks at one of the symbols)
Elena: That's the white oak tree that was used in the spell to create the vampires. Which means that was when they b*rned down the tree, destroying the only way that they could be k*lled
Alaric: Okay, so tree equals w*apon, sort of, but we already knew that. What we're not sure about is this. We've got the witch symbol and what looks like a bleeding heart. Upside-down figures usually signify death of some kind
Elena: Mikael k*lled the witch by ripping out her heart. But why is that one connected to the witch's death?
Bonnie: I don't know. We haven't gotten that far
Elena: Oh, my God. Rebekah doesn't know the real story
[Salvatore's House]
(Rebekah is pouring herself a glass of scotch. Elena comes back)
Rebekah: I thought I told you to leave twice
Elena: How do you know that Mikael k*lled your mother?
Rebekah: Nik was there. He told me
Elena: He lied to you
Rebekah: And how do you know that?
Elena: The cave where you carved your family's names is covered in symbols, the story of your family...
(She puts the pictures of the symbols on the table)
Elena: How your parents arrived, how they made peace, the spell that turned them into vampires, and this. This is the symbol for hybrid. It's the combination of the werewolf and the vampire symbol. And this is the one for your mother
(She shows the picture with the necklace symbol)
Rebekah: Her necklace
Elena: And this is the story of her death
(She shows her another picture)
Elena: The hybrid k*lled the original witch. Not Mikael, Klaus
Rebekah: No. No, he wouldn't
Elena: She put the curse on him, made it so that he would be the only one of his kind, and then she rejected him. With the werewolf gene comes aggression and v*olence. When he turned, all of that was heightened. He k*lled her, Rebekah, and then he made up this entire lie about your father so that he wouldn't lose you
Rebekah: These mean nothing. They're just stupid drawings. Done by stupid people who had no idea who my family was!
(She takes the pictures and puts them in the fireplace)
Elena: Then why are you so upset?
Rebekah: Why are you doing this to me? I've done nothing to you
Elena: Klaus k*lled your mother. He has a hold on you, on me, on everyone. He has for a thousand years. We have to make it stop
Rebekah: Shut up! Just shut up!
(She grabs her neck and pushes her against the wall)
Rebekah: Don't talk anymore! Nothing!
(She finally releases her and cries while she goes on her knees on the ground. Elena looks at her)
[The street]
(Damon and Stefan go to the car)
Damon: Well, I give you 10 points for flair
Stefan: At least now we know where Klaus and Elijah learned their tricks from
Damon: Don't think you had to wait till the last second to have your breakthrough, though
Stefan: Didn't have a breakthrough, Damon
(Damon imitates him)
Damon: "Ooh. Ooh, my brother's about to die, and I just had to save his life for the billionth time." Careful, Stefan. Your humanity's showing
Stefan: Actually, you know what? You're right, Damon. You're right. You reminded me what my freedom felt like. Ah. And when we k*ll Klaus, I'll be free, free to leave. See, I didn't do this for you, Damon. I did it for myself
Damon: Sure, Stefan. Whatever you say
Stefan: Why are you doing this, huh? What do you want from me? Why is everybody trying to save me?
Damon: Because I have to, Stefan. Because you're in this mess with Klaus because you saved my life, because I owe you. And I can't just leave you in a cell to rot
Stefan: Aww. Better be careful, brother. Your humanity's showing
(Damon punches him. Stefan rushes over him but Damon's faster and throws him on the ground. The, he kicks him. Stefan laughs)
[Salvatore's House]
(Rebekah is still crying but she's alone. Elena's not here anymore)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena goes out of her bathroom and goes on her bedroom. Damon is waiting for her on her bed)
Elena: Damon, seriously?
Damon: We got Mikael
Elena: What? How?
Damon: No idea. I guess Katherine came through. The plan's in motion. See? Told you I had it. Go ahead. Kick, yell, scream. I'm sure you've been planning your rant all day
Elena: I'm not gonna yell at you
Damon: Why not? I went behind your back, freed Stefan. And you know what? It backfired. He's an even bigger dick than ever. It's just now he's a dick that's on our side
Elena: I'm not mad. I'm tired. I just... I want to go to bed
(She pulls on the duvet to make Damon moves from the bed but he doesn't move)
Damon: No, I think Mikael's w*apon is a stake, because he mentioned something about it
Elena: Well, then they must have carved it from the white oak tree before they b*rned it down
Damon: So I was right. After all that, the wall led us to Mikael
(She finally lies on her bed besides Damon. But she goes under the duvet while Damon is above)
Elena: It led us to more than just that. I think I got Rebekah on our side, too
Damon: Really? What'd you learn from her?
Elena: I learned that she's just a girl, that she lost her mom too young, and she loves blindly and recklessly, even if it consumes her
(She then goes on her side so she can look at Damon)
Elena: You know, when all is said and done, there's nothing more important than the bond of family
Damon: You should tell that to my brother
Elena: I'm not mad at you for letting him out, Damon
(She switches off the light)
Elena: I think that you're gonna be the one to save him from himself. It won't be because he loves me. It'll be because he loves you. Can I tell you the rest tomorrow?
Damon: Sure
(She closes the eyes. He stays next to her and looks at her while she falls asleep) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x08 - Ordinary People"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan calls someone)
(Klaus is in the woods. His phone rings. He answers. It's Stefan)
Klaus: Portland is fantastic once you can get over all the whiney music and healthy-looking people. It's literally a breeding ground for werewolves
Stefan: Your father's d*ad
Klaus: What did you say to me?
Stefan: Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father, and not d*ad. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?
Klaus: Well, first, I want you to explain to me exactly what happened
One Hour earlier
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan, Elena and Damon enter the library)
Stefan: All right, we'll say that Mikael followed Elena in here. He tried to grab her so he could use her as bait
Elena: And you, what, vervained him?
Damon: No, we vervained him. The guy's an original. Make it realistic
Stefan: Ok. Fine. We vervained him and in the process discovered that he had a dagger
Elena: Which he planned to use on Rebekah. But instead...
Stefan: We drove it through his heart
Elena: And what happens when he asks to see Mikael's body?
Damon: Good point. You, my brother, have been compelled to do what Klaus says. So if the idea is to lure him back here and k*ll him, the last thing we need is you getting tripped up and tongue tied
Stefan: Well don't look at me. I'm just in charge of getting him back here
Elena: Klaus is smart. If we tell him that Mikael's d*ad, he'll want proof
(Mikael enters)
Mikael: Then I shall be d*ad
(He puts a dagger and a vial of white oak ashes on the table)
Elena: What if he wants to see in person?
Mikael: Well, it means our plan is working. Klaus will absolutely want to see my body. You lure him here, and I will k*ll him
Stefan: With what? Those daggers won't work on him
Mikael: Well, I'm in possession of a stake fashioned from the wood of the ancient white oak tree The one that left these ashes when it b*rned
Damon: Where is it?
Mikael: Not here. Knowing its location is my insurance policy
(He puts the dagger in the vial containing the white oak tree ashes)
Stefan: Against what?
Mikael: You leaving this in my heart. You see, a vampire can't dagger an original without dying. So... it falls to you
(He holds the dagger toward Elena)
Elena: You want me to actually dagger you?
Mikael: Klaus will leave nothing to chance. Especially when it comes to trust
Back to one hour later
[Salvatore's House]
Klaus: I want to see him. I want to see his rotting body for myself
Stefan: Well, he's here
(He gets up and looks at Mikael's body. Elena and Damon are here)
Stefan: Come by whenever
Klaus: If you're lying to me, Stefan, your compulsion will expose you. So answer with your life. Is what you're saying the truth?
Stefan: It's true. I saw it with my own eyes
Klaus: I want to talk to Rebekah
(He looks at Damon and Elena and turns himself)
Stefan: That's not a problem. She's right here
(He looks at Rebekah and gives her the phone)
Rebekah: Hello, Nik
Klaus: Rebekah, love. What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run-in with a dagger?
Rebekah: It's true. He's finally out of our lives for good. I miss you. I'm miserable here
Klaus: I'll be home soon
Rebekah: Good. I'll see you then, brother
(She hangs up, looks at Mikael and then gives the phone to Stefan)
Rebekah: He bought it. He's coming home
(Elena is relieved. Rebekah leaves the room. Stefan looks at Elena and Damon)
Damon: Now was that easy or what?
Elena: Let's just get this over with
(She removes the dagger from Mikael)
[Salvatore's House]
(Rebekah is painting her nails. Mikael wakes up)
Rebekah: Finally. Took you long enough
Mikael: Rebekah...
Rebekah: Whatever fatherly rubbish you're thinking, save it. Nothing you say matters to me
Mikael: I see. Where's my dagger?
Rebekah: Elena has it. So you can forget your plans to use it on me
Mikael: You were never the one I was after
Rebekah: Nik was my family. If you were after him, you were after me
Mikael: He blinded you, Rebekah. He k*lled your mother
Rebekah: I know what he did. And he'll pay for it with his life. But Nik was not born a k*ller. None of us were. You did this to us when you turned us into vampires. You destroyed our family. Not him
Mikael: Rebekah…
(She leaves)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is looking in her closet. Bonnie is sitting on her bed, looking at the symbols pictures)
Elena: I hate everything in my closet. I have nothing to wear to homecoming
Bonnie: So don't go. Let's stay home, order take-out and over-analyze ancient hieroglyphic thingies with Alaric
Elena: We have to go. Caroline will k*ll us
Bonnie: Oh, Caroline actually has a date
Elena: You know that you can talk to me about Jeremy, right?
Bonnie: I don't need to talk about it. He fell in love with his ghost girlfriend and lied about it. What's done is done
Elena: You have to talk about it. He hurt you, Bonnie. I'm mad at him too
Bonnie: You're mad at your little brother. You'll yell at him a little, teach him a life lesson. You can't really be mad like I'm mad
Elena: Bonnie…
Bonnie: And you shouldn't have to be. He's your brother. So no, I can't really talk to you about it
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena and Damon are in his room. There's a lot of w*apon on the bed)
Elena: We can't trust Rebekah not to turn on us
Damon: Oh, really? Because those original vampires are usually so reliable
Elena: Bonnie was right. Rebekah may be mad at Klaus now, but he is her brother
Damon: Her lying, mama-k*lling, dagger-happy brother. The wolfsbane's ready
(She rejoins him in the bathroom. The wolfsbane is in the sink)
Elena: There are too many things that can go wrong with this plan. Too many people who can make it go wrong
Damon: Well, I am formulating a secret contingency plan
Elena: Really? What is it?
Damon: Well, if I told you, then it won't be a secret
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: I need to borrow a tie
Damon: You have your own ties
Stefan: I'm 162 years old and I'm going to a homecoming dance. I need better ties
Elena: You could not go
Stefan: I'm compelled to protect you. And if I look at your track record at high school dances, it's pretty tragic. My luck you'll go ahead and get yourself m*rder by the homecoming queen
(Elena is closing one of the wolfsbane grenades but Damon stops her)
Elena: I know how to do it. Alaric taught me
Damon: Elena, if this thing blows up in our face just remember only one of us heals quickly
(Stefan comes back with ties)
Stefan: Ugh, please tell me that you have a better plan than wolfsbane grenades
Damon: Never you mind, brother. The less you know, the better
Stefan: My freedom from Klaus rests entirely upon you two executing your plan perfectly. So, excuse me if I'm a bit cynical
Elena: You're the one that we should be worried about. If Klaus asks you one wrong question, whole thing falls apart
Stefan: You do have reason to worry. But if I look back at our history of epic plan failures, it's usually because one of us let our humanity get in the way. So if I'm taking odds on how this thing goes down, it's certainly not gonna be me who screws it up. I'll see you at Homecoming. I can't wait
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Tyler and Caroline are preparing the bus for homecoming)
Caroline: Hey, can you hand me the glitter g*n?
(He gives it to her)
Caroline: Thanks
Tyler: Hey, can't we ditch the decorating and go grab a bite?
Caroline: Oh, I have a thermos in my bag
Tyler: I mean a real bite. Rebekah knows some people who like to be fed on. They're into it. We don't even have to compel them
Caroline: Ok, first of all, I finally almost just got your mother to stop hating me. So I probably don't want to get caught in some weird vampire threesome with her son. And secondly, quit hanging out with Rebekah, the evil blood slut
Tyler: Just keep the claws in tonight at the dance, ok? For me?
Caroline: So who has the misfortune of being compelled to be her date?
Tyler: Matt said he'd take her
Caroline: Wait, you set her up with Matt?
Tyler: She wants to go to the dance, and he didn't have anyone to go with. He drinks vervain, she can't feed on him. What's the big deal?
Caroline: The big deal, Tyler, is that Matt is an innocent, good person who should not be going to dances with evil blood sluts
Tyler: Matt's a guy, Caroline. And Rebekah's hot. Don't overthink this
Caroline: This is a sire thing, isn't it? Please tell me this is some weird family extension of your sire bond to Klaus
Tyler: I'm here hanging streamers and have glitter all over my hands. If I'm sired to anybody, it's you
[Salvatore's House]
(Rebekah is in Stefan's bedroom, getting ready for Homecoming. She's wearing the red dress Elena picked. She's looking at herself in the mirror when Elena enters the room)
Elena: Getting a head start, huh?
Rebekah: Embarrassing truth. This is my first high school dance
Elena: Ever?
Rebekah: I never really had time for high school before. Nik and I were always moving around. Running. Anyway, I didn't want to leave anything to chance. Have you heard any more from him?
Elena: No. But I'm sure that when he does return, he'll do it with flair
Rebekah: And Damon and my father are all set with their plan?
Elena: Yes
Rebekah: Don't tell me. I don't want to know. I just want to go to the dance and leave the rest to Mikael
Elena: I know it's really hard. So thank you for helping us get Klaus back into town
Rebekah: Just be careful. I've been running for 1,000 years for a reason. Mikael is not a good person. And he definitely can't be trusted. No one in my family can
Elena: Are you ok?
Rebekah: I've spent my whole life loving and hating my brother with equal measure. I never thought that I would be the one to help drive a stake through his heart. No tears. I... I don't want to ruin my makeup. How do I look?
Elena: You look amazing. But you're missing one thing
(She shows her the necklace)
Rebekah: My mother's necklace
Elena: You should wear it tonight. May I?
(Elena puts the necklace around Rebekah's neck)
Rebekah: Thank you
(Elena finally drives the dagger through Rebekah's heart)
Elena: I'm so sorry. I can't leave anything to chance either
(Rebekah falls on the floor, d*ad)
(Elena is sitting on Stefan's bed. Damon puts a sheet above Rebekah)
Damon: In the back. Harsh
Elena: It had to be done. Rebekah was never going to be completely on our side
Damon: Hey, I'm not judging you. It's very Katherine of you
Elena: Not the way to make me feel better about myself, Damon
Damon: It was a compliment... Sort of
Elena: Stefan is right. Someone's going to let their humanity get in the way and screw this whole thing up. And it's probably going to be me
Damon: Elena, you just daggered somebody. You're going to be fine
Elena: But I feel bad about it. I care too much. That's the problem, Damon. I'm the weak link
Damon: If it makes you feel any better, she's not really d*ad
Elena: Do you trust him? Mikael?
Damon: Nope
Elena: What about Stefan?
Damon: No. Not as long as he's under Klaus's control
Elena: Then we need a better plan
Damon: I know what to do. You're just not going to like it
Elena: Why not?
Damon: Because when this all goes down, I don't want you having any part of it
Elena: What does that mean?
Damon: Do you trust me?
Elena: Yes
Damon: Then you have nothing to worry about
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Everyone is in front of the gym. The police are here. Tyler rejoins Caroline)
Caroline: What happened?
Tyler: The gym's flooded. The dance is canceled
Caroline: Excuse me? Well, what are we supposed to do now?!
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is on the phone with Caroline)
Elena: So does that mean I don't have go?
Caroline: You wish. No, Tyler's moving the party to his house
Elena: Kegs and beer pong for homecoming? That's... different
Caroline: Just say you're still coming
Elena: I'll see you there
(Someone knocks on the door. Elena opens. It's Matt, wearing a tuxedo for Homecoming)
Matt: Elena
Elena: Matt, hey. Um, slight problem with your homecoming date
Matt: What happened?
Elena: How would you feel about a back-up date?
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(My morning jacket is performing outside. Everyone is cheering the band. The house is packed with all the students. Caroline and Bonnie arrive)
Caroline: How did he plan a better party than me so fast? Is that a band outside?
Bonnie: Who are all these people?
Caroline: This is weird. Where is Tyler?
(She goes into the house. Bonnie follows her)
(Stefan is outside. Tyler rejoins him)
Tyler: Hey, Stefan. What's up?
Stefan: Hey, Tyler. Nice party you got going on here
Tyler: Thanks, but I'm not the one throwing it. I'm just doing what Klaus wants
Stefan: What do you mean?
Tyler: It's not a party, man. It's a wake
(Klaus goes on the stage and take the mike)
Klaus: Good evening everyone! I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It's been a long time coming
(Matt and Elena arrive)
Elena: So much for homecoming
Matt: This is weird. Us being here together
(She sees Caroline)
Elena: There's Caroline. She doesn't know anything. Act normal
(Caroline rejoins them)
Caroline: Hey, Klaus is here
Matt: What?
Caroline: Yeah, apparently our sired hybrid friend Tyler thought it'd be ok to let his "master" throw a party. Well, I expected more surprise
Elena: I've learned not to be surprised by anything Klaus does. I'm going to go find Bonnie
(She leaves. Caroline looks at Matt)
Caroline: What's going on? And what are you two doing here together? I thought you were supposed to be with Rebekah
Matt: Plans changed. I need a drink
(He leaves)
(The band is still performing. Elena is going down the stairs. Stefan is with Klaus)
Stefan: Quite the homecoming
Klaus: I've been planning my father's funeral for 1,000 years. Granted, in no version of it were any of these people invited. But you get the idea
Stefan: So what now? You just stop running?
Klaus: Now I reunite my family
Stefan: Your family. You mean, the people you cart around in caskets?
Klaus: None of that matters anymore. Mikael's gone. Bygones will be bygones
(A girl with a tiara passes by them)
Klaus: Seems the homecoming queen still walks among the living, which leaves me to believe Rebekah isn't here. Where is she?
Stefan: I have no idea. I thought she was coming with Matt
Klaus: Oh, be honest now, Stefan. Where's my sister?
Stefan: I said I have no idea. Now, would you like me to take you to your father?
Klaus: Well, it wouldn't be a party without the guest of honor, would it? Bring him to me
Stefan: All right. Perhaps there's something in it for me? My freedom from your compulsion
Klaus: Oh, you want your freedom? Well, once he's d*ad and his w*apon destroyed, you'll have your freedom. It'll be my pleasure to give it back to you
(Stefan leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is pouring himself a glass of blood. Mikael enter the room)
Mikael: Did my daughter go to the dance?
Damon: Yep. You missed the photo op. Did you get the stake?
Mikael: I did
Damon: I'm not going take your word for it. No offense to your honor and all
Mikael: None taken
(He takes the stake from his jacket. It's not an usual stake.)
Damon: Fancy. May I?
Mikael: It's the only w*apon on this Earth that can k*ll an original. So I think I'll hold on to it. No offense
Damon: I'd offer you a drink, but Katherine tells me you're more of a vampire on the rocks kinda guy
Mikael: Well, technically, you could still offer
Damon: Why feed on vampires? Don't tell me it's for the smooth aftertaste
Mikael: I had a hand in creating vampires. But the blood lust was never my intention. Over the centuries, I learned to feed from the predator not the innocent
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: Change in plans. Klaus is back. He's at the Lockwood's and he wants your body delivered to his doorstep
Mikael: I'm afraid he's in for a colossal disappointment
Stefan: Well, he's certainly not going to come here. I hope your plan didn't depend on that
Damon: Didn't depend on that
Stefan: But you do have a plan. Right?
Damon: Oh, yeah. We got a plan, right? It just doesn't involve you
(Mikael rushes on Stefan and drink his blood. Stefan collapses)
Damon: Couldn't just break his neck?
Mikael: It certainly occurred to me
(He leaves. Damon takes his jacket and a bag, looks at Stefan and leaves)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler and Klaus are outside, on the stairs looking at the band and the crowd)
Tyler: My mom would seriously freak if she saw all these people here
Klaus: Your mother won't be a problem. I compelled her to go to church and pray for your friends
Tyler: What are you talking about?
Klaus: I want you to look around. There's Bonnie. There's Elena and Matt. There's your pretty little girlfriend Caroline. Their big dance was wrecked tonight and who came through with a party? You did. What a pal. But who are all these other people here?
Tyler: I have no idea. I've never seen half these people in my life
Klaus: Well, that's because I invited a few dozen friends of my own
(He shows him some people)
Klaus: That's my friend Mindy. I picked her up along the way in Kansas. Did you know that there's an entire bloodline of werewolves in the heartland? There's Tony, from North Dakota, and let's not forget the Seattle contingent
Tyler: Hold on. Are those people all hybrids?
Klaus: Well, they also love a good party. And they, like you, are sired by me. They wish to serve their master. So if anyone should so much as make a move against me, they may feel obligated to retaliate. Feel free to warn your friends
(He leaves)
(Tyler is in his bedroom with Caroline)
Tyler: What are you up to with Klaus?
Caroline: Nothing
Tyler: He's on to you, Caroline. Whatever you all think you're about to pull off, he's 2 steps ahead of you
Caroline: Ok, I don't know what you're talking about
Tyler: You're lying to me
Caroline: Heh, you know, actually, I'm not. I don't know anything. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you about, because you're sired to team Klaus now. And you can't be trusted. So can we please just go back to the party?
(She goes toward him but he injects her vervein in the neck. She collapses and falls on the floor)
(Elena is listening to the band, alone. Klaus rejoins her. She's very uncomfortable)
Klaus: Where's your date?
Elena: Getting me a drink
Klaus: Well... Seems I have you to thank for Mikael's demise
Elena: He came at me. I didn't have a choice
Klaus: Still I'm impressed. It's not easy for a human to dagger an original
Elena: It wasn't the first time
Klaus: Right. Elijah. You seem nervous
Elena: I'm not nervous. I just don't like you
Klaus: Right. Straight to the point then, shall I, love? People have been after me for 1,000 years. And I am always one step ahead. So whatever it is you're thinking of trying, go for it, give it your best sh*t. You won't succeed
(Damon arrives. One hybrid is here)
Hybrid: Invite-only, vampire
Damon: Here's my rsvp. Hybrid
(Damon rips his heart out and enters the house)
(Caroline is unconscious. Matt checks up on her)
Matt: What did you do to her?
Tyler: It's just vervain. She'll be fine. But I need you to get her out of here as fast as possible
Matt: What's going on?
Tyler: Something's going down against Klaus, and this house is full of hybrids like me that can't let anything happen to him
Matt: What do you mean, "can't"?
Tyler: I can't explain it. I can't fight against it. I just know that I need to protect him no matter who gets in my way
Matt: By attacking Caroline?
Tyler: I'm protecting her, Matt! This is the only way to keep her safe. Please. Just get her out of here safely. Get everyone out
(He leaves)
(Tyler is downstairs. Damon catches him and goes with him in his father office)
Damon: As the host, you should know those hybrids don't make the best first impression
Tyler: Whatever move you're making, Klaus is going to be ready for you. He'll k*ll anyone at this party if he has to
Damon: Tell someone who cares
(They fight. Damon is about to k*ll him but Bonnie arrives and provoque a migraine with her powers. They scream and put their hands on their head. Tyler finally collapses)
Damon: Ugh! What the hell is wrong with you? You're not supposed to witchy migraine me
Bonnie: You weren't supposed to k*ll Tyler
Damon: He tried to bite me
(The stake to k*ll Klaus is on the floor. Damon takes it)
Bonnie: What is that?
Damon: Nothing
Bonnie: Oh my God. Is that the... Why do you have it?
Damon: Because I'm the only one who could get inside the house
(Klaus is playing beer pong. Mindy arrives)
Mindy: You have a visitor
Klaus: Well, tell my visitor I'm on the brink of victory here
Mindy: He said his name is Mikael
Klaus: Then we mustn't keep him waiting. Move everyone out back. I'm going to have a little chat with my dad. Tony, you know what to do
(He goes to the front door. Mikael is outside)
Mikael: Hello, Niklaus
Klaus: Hello, Mikael. Won't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot. You can't
Mikael: Or you can come outside if you want
Klaus: Or I can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb
Mikael: They can't k*ll me
Klaus: True, but it'll make a hell of a party game. All I have to do is rub these 2 fingers together, and they'll pounce
Mikael: The big bad wolf. You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward. You only forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me
(Mindy arrives with Elena. Mikael takes her)
Mikael: Come out and face me, Niklaus, or she dies
Klaus: Go ahead. k*ll her
Elena: No, Klaus. He'll do it
Mikael: If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations
Klaus: I don't need them. I just need to be rid of you
Mikael: To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you anymore, boy! Who do you have other than those whose loyalty you've forced? No one. No one
Klaus: I'm calling your bluff, father. k*ll her
Mikael: Come outside and face me, you little coward. And I won't have to
Klaus: My whole life you've underestimated me. If you k*ll her, you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. k*ll her. Come on, old man. k*ll her. k*ll her!
(Mikael laughs. Klaus sheds a tear)
Mikael: Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great
(He s*ab Elena. She falls on the floor. Klaus is shocked. Mikael laughs. Damon rushes over Klaus and s*ab him with the stake. Klaus screams. The hybrids start moving. Damon missed the heart. Elena gets up. It was actually Katherine. She smiles)
Mikael: Katherine...
(She pulls the pin out of two wolfsbane grenades)
Katherine: Kaboom!
(She throws the grenades on the hybrids. Damon takes off the stake and is about to drive it through his heart but Stefan rushes over him and pushes him away from Klaus. Stefan is above Damon)
Damon: What are you doing?!
(The stake is next to Klaus. He takes it and rushes over Mikael. He drives the stake through his heart. Mikael burns. Stefan is still above Damon)
Damon: What the hell did you do?
Klaus: He's earned his freedom.
(Stefan gets up and looks at Klaus)
Klaus: Thank you, my friend
(He compels him)
Klaus: You no longer have to do as I say. You're free
(Stefan closes his eyes and reopens them. Then he turns himself. Damon has disappeared)
[Caroline's House]
(She's on her bed. Tyler enters)
Tyler: Are you ok?
Caroline: What do you think?
Tyler: I'm sorry I s*ab you. It was the only thing I could think of to get you out of there
Caroline: "Oh, hey, Caroline, I'm worried about what might happen this evening. So maybe you should just go home and watch 'Dancing with the stars?'"
Tyler: If you knew all your friends were going to get together and try to take down Klaus, would you have left?
Caroline: No
Tyler: So there you go. I saved you from your own stubbornness
Caroline: This isn't funny, Tyler! How am I supposed to be with you when you're sired to him?
Tyler: I need you to understand, Caroline
Caroline: Understand what? That you're one of the bad guys now?
Tyler: Understand that this is who I am. There's nothing that I can do about it. Klaus can't be k*lled. I can't be fixed. Understand that I'm ok with it
Caroline: But how are you ok with it?
Tyler: Because it's better. I don't have to turn, Caroline. Not unless I want to. I never have to go through that pain again. If being sired to Klaus is the price that I have to pay, so be it
Caroline: But you don't have any true control over yourself
Tyler: I never did before. The full moon controlled me. After everything that we've been through you've been there for me through all of it. Don't turn your back on me now
Caroline: Tyler...
Tyler: Right
Caroline: I just...
Tyler: Got it
(He leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is with Damon)
Elena: How did this happen?
Damon: We thought of everything, Elena! Klaus having hybrids. Mikael turning on us. We brought in Katherine so you weren't in danger. Anything that could have gone wrong, we were prepared
Elena: I don't understand. Stefan wanted Klaus d*ad more than anything. That's what we were counting on
Damon: We blew it
Elena: Where's Katherine?
Damon: She ran for the hills, like usual. The minute things got bad. Who blames her? Klaus would have crushed her. I had him, Elena. I had Klaus. This could've all be over!
(He throws the bottle in the fireplace. Elena catches him and takes his face in her hands)
Elena: Damon, hey... Hey, listen to me we'll survive this. We always survive. Trust me
Damon: We're never getting Stefan back. You know that, don't you?
Elena: Then we'll let him go. Ok? We'll have to let him go
(His phone rings. He answers. It's Katherine)
Damon: Not interested in the play by play of our failure right now, Katherine
Katherine: I'm just calling to say goodbye. I don't know what to tell you. You had a good plan, Damon. And that's high praise coming from me
Damon: It's not very comforting at the moment. You going back into hiding?
Katherine: At least my life's not boring. Goodbye, Damon
Damon: Take care of yourself, Katherine
(They hang up)
[Katherine's Car]
(She's driving. Stefan is on the passenger seat)
Katherine: He doesn't know where it all wrong
Stefan: He doesn't need to know
(She stops the car)
Katherine: Are you good from here? I need to put about a million miles between myself and Klaus as soon as possible. Stefan…
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is awake. Katherine is here)
Katherine: Stefan
Stefan: Elena
Katherine: Not exactly.
(She throws a blood bag next to him)
Katherine: Pep up. I only got a minute before they realize that I'm not at the party
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(We see again the conversation between Klaus and "Elena" at the party. But now we know it was Katherine)
Klaus: You seem nervous
Katherine: I'm not nervous. I just don't like you
Klaus: People have been after me for 1,000 years. And I am always one step ahead. So whatever it is you're thinking of trying, go for it, give it your best sh*t. You won't succeed
Katherine: It won't be for lack of trying
(She moves forward but Klaus stops her)
Klaus: Now you'd be smart to tell Damon to mind his manners tonight. 'Cause if I die, I've already insured that he'll die along with me. Even in death, my hybrids have their orders. So you k*ll me, you're k*lling him too
Back in the present
[Katherine's car]
Stefan: How did you know that I would stop Damon?
Katherine: I didn't. I was just hoping that you would want to
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan finishes drinking the blood bag and gets up)
Katherine: If Klaus gets k*lled, he's taking Damon down with him.
Stefan: So pull the plug on the plan
Katherine: And face the wrath of Mikael? We'll all be d*ad. Ok, look. I know that you've turned off your humanity and that you don't care. So there's only one solution
Stefan: And what's that?
Katherine: Care, Stefan. Care enough to save Damon's life. Because I'm going back to that party and I'm seeing this plan through. Klaus will be k*lled and we'll have our freedom. But then Damon will be d*ad. Your brother will be d*ad, Stefan. Unless you care enough to do something about it
Back in the present
[Katherine's car]
Stefan: You've wanted Klaus d*ad for 500 years. Why would you risk all that just to save Damon's life?
Katherine: I wasn't just trying to save Damon's life, Stefan. I was trying to save yours. Your humanity. Let's just say I like the old you better
Stefan: Nah. Come on, Katherine, you don't care about anyone but yourself. You never have
Katherine: You and I both know that that is not true. I loved you. I loved Damon too. Humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness. No matter how easy it is to turn it off, it keeps trying to fight its way back in. Sometimes I let it
Stefan: I can't let it all back in. I don't want to. Not after everything I've done
Katherine: Of course you don't want to. But if you don't let yourself feel, you won't be able to do what I need you to do next
Stefan: What's that?
Katherine: Get mad
[Salvatore's House]
(Rebekah's body is in a cell. She still has the dagger in her. Her phone rings. It's Klaus)
(Klaus is somewhere, on the phone, trying to reach Rebekah. There are trucks around him)
Klaus: Rebekah, where are you? Pick up the phone, darling. Daddy's d*ad. It's time for a family reunion
(He hangs up. His phone rings. It's Stefan)
Klaus: Stefan. Miss me already?
Stefan: I'm just calling to thank you for my freedom
Klaus: I like to believe I'm a man of my word. More or less
Stefan: The thing is, it came at too high of a price. You took everything from me, Klaus
Klaus: Let bygones be bygones. Trust me, resentment gets old
Stefan: You know what never gets old?
(Klaus opens the truck. The coffins have disappeared)
Stefan: Revenge
Klaus: No!
Stefan: What's the matter, Klaus? Missing something?
(Stefan's in a house. Ha have the coffins around him)
Klaus: What are you doing?
Stefan: I'm just enjoying my freedom
Klaus: I will k*ll you and every one you've ever met
Stefan: You do that and you'll never see your family again. I wonder, Klaus. As someone who's been one step ahead for 1,000 years. Were you prepared for this? | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x09 - Homecoming"} | foreverdreaming |
[Abandonned witch House]
(Bonnie is outside. She enters the house. There's some whispers. She keeps going and finally goes downstairs. The 4 coffins are here. She sees one in particular. He's more higher than the others. She goes towards it and finally opens it. Klaus is in here, asleep. He seems peaceful. He has he's mother's necklace in his hands. She's about to touch it but she hears a noise and turns herself)
[Bonnie's bedroom]
(Bonnie suddenly wakes up. It was just a dream)
[Mystic Falls]
(Elena is jogging. She stops to see what time she made. She turns herself and sees a man with a hoodie running toward her. She starts running again. She looks behind her and the man is still there. She runs faster and arrives in front of a house. She stops when she sees the man isn't behind her anymore. When she turns herself she's face to face with him)
Man: Excuse me. I should have been watching where I was going
Elena: Don't worry about it
Man: You have a nice day
(He leaves, running. She watches him)
[Mystic Grill]
(Elena is at a table with Bonnie]
Elena: I think I'm going crazy. I'm totally paranoid all the time
Bonnie: You have a right to be. Klaus is sill out there, and he knows you tried to k*ll him
Elena: Why hasn't he made a move? There's been no sign of him, nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity
Bonnie: Join the club. Every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare on repeat
Elena: The same dream?
Bonnie: Yeah. 4 coffins. Klaus is in one of them. It's weird
Elena: What if it's not just... Some dream? What if it's, like, you know, a witch dream?
Bonnie: It's just stress. I'll figure it out. What about Stefan?
Elena: He betrayed us, Bonnie. The Stefan that we know is gone
Bonnie: How is Damon handling that?
Elena: Damon is... Damon
(Damon is at the bar with Alaric. He has a lot of bottles with him. Alaric is grading papers)
Damon: Uh, you have your choice... Bloody Mary, screwdriver. Brunch in a bottle
(He drinks alcohol and then a sip of orange juice from the jar)
Damon: Come on, Ric. I can't drink all this by myself. I mean, I can, but then somebody's getting naked
(He looks at the bartender)
Damon: Oh, man. I can't believe you're making me drink alone
Alaric: I'm busy
Damon: It's the eve of Klausageddon. You're doing homework?
Alaric: This may come as a shock, but I am not here to hang out with you. I'm here to see Jeremy, who is an hour late for his shift
Damon: Kids today. Where are their values?
(Alaric shows him Jeremy's paper. He has a F)
Alaric: That's his midterm paper. Copied it straight off the internet. Didn't even try to hide it
Damon: Ooh. Somebody's getting grounded
(The bartender stops by them)
Bartender: Did you say you were waiting for Jeremy... As in Jeremy Gilbert?
Alaric: Yeah
Bartender: Yeah. He was fired last week
Damon: Oops
(Alaric turns himself and looks at Elena)
[The Woods]
(Jeremy is with Tyler. Jeremy has a crossbow in hands and sh**t on a can)
Tyler: Nice sh*t
Jeremy: So what's the point of this, again?
Tyler: The point is I'm pissed at Caroline, and Bonnie dumped your ass. The point... Is to get drunk and sh**t stuff
Jeremy: Profound. If Alaric finds out I took this, he's going to use it on me
Tyler: So, what's the deal with that? He's, like, your guardian now?
Jeremy: Sort of, yeah. I think he feels responsible for us
Tyler: You like him?
Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah. I like him
(He raises the crossbaw to sh**t on another can but Tyler is on the middle of the way)
Jeremy: Hey, you want to move out of the way?
Tyler: I'm a hybrid, Gilbert. You can't k*ll me unless you cut off my head or rip out my heart. And you're not going to do it with that lame-ass crossbow. Go ahead. Take a sh*t. Unless you don't think you can h*t me
(Jeremy aims the head and sh*t. Tyler catches the arrow with his hand and smile)
[Mystic Grill]
(Damon is playing darts. Elena's with him and on the phone. She leaves a message to Jeremy)
Elena: Jeremy, the minute that you get this, call me
(She hangs up)
Damon: You're feisty when you're mad
Elena: It's not that I'm mad. I'm just... I'm worried
Damon: Why? I think he'll survive, Elena
Elena: He's spiraling. Ever since Bonnie broke up with him, he's moody. He's not really talking to anyone
Damon: Just a typical teenager
Elena: Who's seeing ghosts and who's lost everyone that he cares about
Damon: Not everyone. He still has you
Elena: Are you ok?
Damon: What makes you think I'm not ok?
Elena: Well, you're a day drunk. It's not exactly your most attractive look
(He gets closer to her)
Damon: Oh. What is my most attractive look?
Elena: Uh-uh. I'm not saying you have any attractive look. I'm just... Saying this is my least favorite one
Damon: Noted. See if I can make any improvements
Klaus: Don't mind me
(They turn themselves. Klaus is here with a man)
Elena: Klaus
(He smiles)
Damon: You going to do this in the grill, in front of everyone? It's a little beneath you, don't you think?
Klaus: I don't know what you're talking about. I just came down to my local pub to grab a drink with a mate. Get a round, then, would you, Tony?
(Elena recognizes Tony. He's the man who was running behind her earlier. Tony leaves. Klaus looks at Elena and smiles)
Damon: I'm surprised you stuck around town. Long enough for happy hour
Klaus: My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out
Damon: Cute, blonde b*mb, psycho. Shouldn't be too hard to find
Klaus: Truth is, I've grown to rather like your little town. Thinking I might fancy a home here. I imagine you're wondering how does this affect you. And the answer is, not in the slightest. As long as I get what I want, and everyone behaves themselves, you can go on living your little lives however you choose. You have my word
Elena: What more could you possibly want?
Klaus: Well, for starters, you can tell me where I might find Stefan
Damon: Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass
Klaus: Well, you see, that is a shame. Your brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine
Elena: That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem
(He gets closer to her but Damon puts himself in front of her. Klaus looks at him and smiles)
Klaus: Well, this is me broadening the scope, sweetheart
[Abandonned witch House]
(Bonnie arrives in front of the house and enters. She reproduces her dream and goes downstairs but unlike in her dream, the coffins aren't here)
Stefan: Hello, Bonnie
(She turns herself and sees him)
Bonnie: Stefan. You followed me here?
Stefan: Yeah. It wasn't too hard. You should probably be more careful
Bonnie: What do you want with me?
Stefan: Relax. I just need your help
Bonnie: Why would I help you? Elena said you saved Klaus's life
Stefan: Let me fill you in on a little secret about Klaus. He kept his family with him at all times, Daggered, stored in coffins. And now, I have them. And I need you to help keep them hidden
Bonnie: You're out of your mind. You're just going to make him angrier
Stefan: His family is his one weakness. As long as I have that, I can ruin him
Bonnie: I don't have enough power to hide 4 originals
Stefan: You're a witch. You hate Klaus. I know you can figure something out
[Gilbert's House]
(Alaric and Elena are in the kitchen. He's cooking and she's setting the table)
Alaric: You ready?
Elena: Vampires, hybrids, and originals. No problem. My rebellious brother... I'm worried
Alaric: Proof you're still human
(Jeremy arrives)
Elena: Just in time. We're cooking
Jeremy: Sorry. Just passing through
Alaric: Aww. Well, I thought we'd all stay in, Have a meal together like a typical atypical family
Jeremy: Why?
Elena: Maybe because you got fired. And you didn't tell anyone
Jeremy: Look, can we do this later? I made plans with Tyler. He's right outside
Alaric : Wait. When did you start hanging out with Tyler Lockwood?
Jeremy: I don't know. Does it matter?
Elena: Yeah, Jeremy, it matters. He was sired by Klaus. He's dangerous
Jeremy: He can still hear you. He's right outside. Besides, you of all people are going to lecture me on who I can and can't hang out with
Elena: What is with the attitude?
Jeremy: Whatever. This is lame. Tyler's waiting
Elena: No. Oh, no, no. You're not going anywhere, especially not with Tyler
(Jeremy looks at Alaric)
Alaric: I'm with her on this, Jer. Sorry
Jeremy: All right. Fine. You want me to stay in? Let's all stay in, then. Yo, Tyler, come on in
Elena: Jeremy...
(Tyler enters. Jeremy looks at Elena, smiling)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is pouring himself a glass of scotch. He senses something and turns himself. Klaus is here)
Klaus: I think it's about time we had a drink, don't you?
Damon: I'd say we're overdue
Klaus: Well, you've been so busy, what with all your plotting and scheming
Damon: You know me... Never miss a chance to plan an epic failure
Klaus: Don't be so hard on yourself. Who could have guessed your own brother would betray you?
Damon: Well, I did have a front row seat when your sister lied to you
Klaus: Yeah, well, she's fickle, that one. And you say you have no idea of her whereabouts?
Damon: That's the thing with younger siblings. You just... never know what they're going to do
(He smiles and drinks)
Damon: Drink?
[Gilbert's House]
(Jeremy gives a glass to Tyler. Alaric and Elena are watching)
Tyler: Thanks
Elena: This is weird. Klaus has hybrids stalking me, and now, you're just sitting in our kitchen
Tyler: Look, maybe I should go
Jeremy: No, stay. You're not doing anything
Elena: Unless you have to, you know, check in with your hybrid master
Tyler: It's not like that, Elena
(Alaric sits at the table, next to Tyler)
Alaric: Tell me, Tyler... What is the difference. Between being sired and being compelled?
Tyler: Compulsion... That's just mind control, like hypnosis. And being sired is... It's like faith. You do something because you believe it's the right thing
Elena: So, you believe that serving Klaus is the right thing
Tyler: I don't serve him. Klaus released me from a curse that was ruining my life. I owe him for that
Alaric: What if he asked you to... Jump off a bridge?
Tyler: He wouldn't. And even if he did, I'd be fine. I'm a hybrid
Elena: Ok. So what if he asked you to rip your own heart out?
Tyler: Again, he wouldn't
Elena: What if he did?
Tyler: I don't know. Then I'd rip out my heart
(Jeremy is sruprised)
Tyler: You guys sound like Caroline, getting all freaked out over something you don't understand
Elena: You're right, Tyler. I don't understand. Klaus has terrorized every single one of us, and you're just blindly loyal to him
Tyler: You're overthinking it. I can still make my own decisions
(Alaric looks at Elena)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon gives a glass to Klaus)
Klaus: Cheers, mate
Damon: Down the hatch
Klaus: You know, we've actually got a lot in common, you and I
Damon: Really? Well, yeah. Maybe we can... Bond over our mutual loathing of my brother. Why are you so mad at him? He stole something?
Klaus: My family. The originals. I had them daggered, boxed up, awaiting the day when I saw fit to wake them. And he went in and pinched the bloody lot
Damon: Of course he did. Ah, such a buzz k*ll, my baby bro. Well, I'd love to find him. Just the trouble is I sure as hell don't work for you
Klaus: You know, your drink stinks of vervain, so I can't compel you. There'd be no point in k*lling you, because you're actually the one with the most hope of getting me what I need. And yet, it would seem a demonstration is in order. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough when I told you to find Stefan. Oh, well. It seems you people respond best to displays of v*olence. Why don't you take this as an example of my reach?
(He takes his phone and calls someone)
Klaus: There he is. So, that thing I told you to do. Why don't you go ahead and get on with it?
[Gilbert's House]
(Jeremy hangs up his phone)
Elena: What was that about?
Jeremy: It was nothing
Tyler: I got to go. Um, thanks for the food offer but...
Alaric: Next time
(Tyler leaves. Alaric and Elena goes to the countertop)
Alaric: Well, that was illuminating
Elena: So, Tyler Lockwood is A lunatic who has access to our house
Alaric: I mean, this whole sire bond thing is wild. I don't even think Tyler's fully aware of what ittle reason lies behind what he's saying. It's... it's his weird cult logic
Elena: Well, great. That's a wonderful influence for you, Jer
(They turn themselves but Jeremy has disapeared)
Elena: Jeremy?
(She sees his ring on the plate)
Alaric: That's his ring.
Elena Where'd he go?
(They go outside. Jeremy is standing on the middle of the road)
Elena: Jeremy? What is he doing?
(A car arrives at full speed and races toward him)
Elena: Oh my god!
(Alaric runs toward him)
Alaric: Jeremy!
Elena: Jeremy! Jeremy, move!
(Jeremy doesn't move but Alaric rushes over him and pushes him so the car bumps into Alaric in full speed. He crashes on the car and falls on the road, bleeding. Elena rushes toward him and checks on
Tony: There I go again, bumping into people
(Elena sees that Alaric is wearing his magical ring. Tony leaves. Jeremy gets up and rushes toward Elena and Alaric)
Elena: He's going to be all right. Are you ok?
Jeremy: I don't understand
Elena: Who was that on the phone earlier?
Jeremy: It was Klaus
Elena: You were compelled, Jeremy. We've got to get him inside. Help me
[A property]
(Klaus is inside with Mindy, one of his hybrids. There are renovations in the house and men working everywhere)
Klaus: Compel the men to open up this wall. We need sun. I want a fortress, not a dungeon
(Tyler arrives)
Klaus: There he is. Man of the hour
Tyler: So everything went ok?
Klaus: Tony ran down Alaric instead of Jeremy, but apples, oranges. Message learns the same
Tyler: You said you were sending them a warning
Klaus: And I did... an effective one. Elena's family suffers, she's motivated to get me what I want
Tyler: I didn't think that we'd actually have to k*ll anyone
Klaus: Tyler, mate. What you're feeling is the remnant of a guilty conscience. I need you to get over it, ok? End of the day, human life here is just a means to an end... Our means to our end. You'd do well to remember that
(He leaves)
[Gilbert's House]
(Alaric is on the couch, still d*ad. Elena is next to him and Alaric is sitting on the floor. Damon enters)
Damon: How is he?
Elena: He's d*ad, but he had his ring.Klaus' hybrid h*t him. Now we just wait
(Damon looks at at Jeremy)
Damon: Jeremy, why aren't you wearing vervain? Where's your bracelet?
(Jeremy looks at his wrist)
Jeremy: I don't know
Elena: It was Tyler. It had to have been. That's why he was hanging out with you, to get you off the vervain
Damon: Klaus is trying to send us a message. He wants us to find Stefan, who stole his coffins of all his d*ad family members
Elena: Coffins?
Damon: Yep. So all we have to do is find 4 coffins, and voila, no one else on your family's chritmas list has to die
(Jeremy gets up)
Jeremy: Wait, that's your big plan, to steal back 4 d*ad originals. so this evil hybrid doesn't k*ll me. And everyone else we know?
Damon: You got a better idea?
Jeremy: Yeah. Let's get the hell out of here. Pack our bags and go
Elena: Hey, Jeremy, calm down
Jeremy: No. No, I'm not going to calm down, Elena. This happens every time no matter what we do... You get on my case about school and work. Who cares. None of us are going to make it out of this town alive
(He goes upstairs)
Elena: He said he wants his family back
Damon: No. No, I know what you're thinking. The answer's no
Elena: If we give him Rebekah...
Damon: Yeah, then Klaus un-daggers her. First thing she does is k*ll you. Frying pan, f*re. Not an option
Elena: Klaus's coffins. How many did you say there were?
[Bonnie's Bedroom]
(Bonnie's phone rings. She answers. It's Elena)
Bonnie: Elena? Hey
Elena: Klaus is looking for 4 coffins, just like in your dream. I think it's not just stress
Bonnie: Elena, don't get involved. Whatever Klaus wants, stay as far away from it as you can
Elena: Klaus won't let me. Bonnie... He tried to k*ll Jeremy
Bonnie: What do you want me to do?
Elena: We need to find Stefan. Look, I know that you don't think that your locater spell still works, but we have to at least try
Bonnie: We don't need a locater spell
[Abandonned Witch House]
(Elena and Damon arrive at the house)
Damon: Bonnie said this place lost all its mojo
Elena: The d*ad witches were angry at her for bringing Jeremy back to life. I guess now they have something they want her to know
Damon: That's why I hate witches. So fickle, passive-aggressive
(They enter the house)
Elena: Stefan?
Damon: Come on, Stef. Olly olly oxen free
(He walks through sunlight but his skin burns. He goes in the shadow)
Damon: Really? Still?
Elena: What?
Damon: The witchy spirits aren't a big fan, and they used their juju to screw with my daylight ring
Elena: Then wait outside
Damon: Elena...
Elena: I'm not leaving until I know if he's here
(Elena goes forward in the house. Damon rushes outside with his speed. Elena goes dowstairs)
Elena: Stefan?
(Stefan appears)
Stefan: Go away. You shouldn't be here, Elena
(Damon listens to them outside)
Elena: Stefan, I need your help. Bonnie said that you would be here
Stefan: Well, Bonnie sucks at keeping secrets
Elena: Listen, you need to give Klaus his family back
Stefan: Oh really? Is that what i need to do?
Elena: Klaus compelled Jeremy to stand in front of a speeding car. Don't you get it? Stefan, he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants...
Stefan: Elena, stop talking. I'm not giving Klaus anything
Elena: Are you listening to me? He's going to k*ll Jeremy
Stefan: Not really my problem
(She slaps him)
Elena: Then you can go to hell
(She leaves)
(Elena goes out of the house. Damon is waiting)
Damon: That didn't go over well
Elena: Don't even start, Damon
Damon: Let me talk to him
Elena: You can't get in. The witches won't let you
(He gives her keys)
Damon: Here. Take my car keys. You go deal with your brother. I'll deal with mine
(He enter the house but suffers and keeps bumping into walls 'cause his skin burns but he finally arrives downstairs)
Stefan: Wow. That was impressive. But the coffins aren't here, so you can go away now
Damon: I don't care about the coffins. We need to talk
(He gets up but his skin burns. He screams)
Stefan: Ok. Let's talk
Damon: Nothing's ever easy with you, is it?
(He catches him and rushes through the house with him)
(They arrive outside. Damon throws Stefan on the floor. Damon kicks him, takes a branch and s*ab him with it. Stefan screams)
Damon: That is for screwing up my plan. You stopped me from k*lling Klaus, and you steal his family. Why? It doesn't make sense. Answer me!
Stefan: Piece by piece, Klaus took everything from me. I'm doing the same to him
Damon: But I had him, Stefan! Why'd you screw it up?
Stefan: I did it to save you!
(He pushes Damon)
Damon: What? No. No way. You didn't do this for me
Stefan: He was one step ahead of us. If Klaus died, his hybrids would have k*lled you
Damon: When are you going to get it through your head?
(He s*ab Stefan with the branch again)
Damon: Stop saving me
[The Woods]
(Tyler is drinking alcohol. Jeremy arrives behind him with a crossbow)
Tyler: Don't do it, Jeremy
Jeremy: Why not? You s*ab my back, I s*ab yours
Tyler: I didn't s*ab you in the back
Jeremy: Is that why you wanted to hang out, to get me off the vervain?
Tyler: Klaus asked me to. I never thought he would try to k*ll you
Jeremy: It's Klaus, Tyler. What did you think was going to happen?
Tyler: He doesn't care about you. All he wants is to get his family back
(Tyler sh*ts him but Tyler catches the arrow with his hand)
Tyler: What the hell?!
Jeremy: Whenever Klaus wants something, someone ends up d*ad. You think about that next time before you blindly do whatever he says
Tyler: Jer, you should get home. Stay inside. Klaus isn't going to stop until he gets all those coffins back. He's not done with you
(Jeremy leaves)
[Gilbert's House]
(Alaric wakes up and gets up. Elena arrives)
Elena: Ric. Hey. When did you return to the living?
Alaric: Oh, just a few minutes ago. How's Jeremy?
Elena: Hating me. Hating life. Hating the fact that we can't even have a family dinner Without somebody dying before dessert. Are you okay?
(He caughs blood)
Elena: Oh my god
Alaric: Something's wrong. The ring
(He falls on the floor)
(Elena opens the door to paramedics)
Paramedic: What happened?
Elena: He got h*t by a car, and he's coughing up blood
(They enter and check on him)
Paramedic: Get his vitals. Pulse thready and weak. Looks like internal bleeding. We got to get him out of here. Let's move
(Tony the hybrid arrives and stops at the door 'cause he can't enter)
Tony: Let's not and say we did. Why don't you two meet us at the hospital?
(The paramedics gets up and start leaving)
Elena: What? No. No, no, no. Wait. No, wait. You have to help him
(She looks at Tony)
Elena: What are you doing?
Tony: You can still save his life, Elena. Here. Take my blood. But... I can't get in. You're going to have to invite me
Elena: No. Why are you doing this?
Tony: Klaus asked for his family. You didn't deliver
(Alaric caughs. She rushes over him)
Elena: Ric! Oh, my god, Ric. I'm right here. Hey. Hey, look
Tony: I would invite me in, Elena
(Jeremy arrives and sh*ts him with the crossbow. She gets up)
Elena: Jeremy
Jeremy: He's not d*ad yet
(He enters the house)
Elena: Where are you going?
(He goes in the kitchen and comes back with a Kn*fe)
Elena: What are you doing?
(He cuts Tony's head. She screams and hides her eyes. Blood has splettered on Jeremy's face. She's shocked)
Jeremy: Now he's d*ad. We've got to get Alaric to the hospital, now
(He drops the Kn*fe on the porch and enters the house. Elena is still shocked and about to cry)
[Abandonned Witch House]
(It's nighttime. Damon and Stefan are outside the house)
Damon: You know what I can't figure out? Why save me? Was it brotherly love, guilty conscience, Is the switch on, is the switch off?
Stefan: Do you have somewhere you need to be, Damon?
Damon: Ah, deflection. That's not going to work on me. I invented that
Stefan: We're done. Can't you just go away?
Damon: Not until you tell me why you saved me. You owe me that
Stefan: I don't owe you anything
Damon: Fine. Next question, why did you steal the coffins?
Stefan: Because Klaus's family is one weakness I can use against him
Damon: Use against him to do what? You're not going to k*ll him. You know how I know this? 'Cause there was only one way to k*ll him, and you blew that to save me
Stefan: You're wrong, Damon. Klaus doesn't get to just live forever. There's another way. There has to be
Damon: Fair enough. Whatever you're doing, I want in
Stefan: I don't need your help
Damon: Really? Last time I checked, you were hiding out in a haunted house
Stefan: I'm in this alone, Damon
Damon: You go after Klaus, you're going to have to be cutthroat and devious. I'm so much better at that than you. Come on, brother. What do you say? If you're going to keep saving my life, at least make it for a good reason
Stefan: You want in, huh? Ok. But it's just me and you. Elena stays out of it
Damon: Deal
Stefan: Follow me
Damon: Wait. I'm not so... Welcome in there
Stefan: Don't you worry, Damon. We all want the same thing
(Damon and Stefan are downstairs. The room is empty)
Stefan: Have a look
Damon: What? Klaus is allergic to dust?
Stefan: Mmm. Look again
(Damon does and the coffins appear)
Stefan: Witch spirits hate Klaus as much as we do. They're using their powers to hide the coffins
Damon: So if he comes in the house...
Stefan: He won't be able to find them
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Alaric is dressed up and looking at his ring. The doctor enters)
Dr Fell: Mr. Saltzman. What are you doing up? You should be resting
Alaric: Uh, I'm more of a walk-it-off kind of guy. Ahem. Do I need to sign something?
Dr Fell: Internal hemorrhaging, 3 broken ribs, and a severe concussion. I have no idea how you're on your feet right now, but I need to run some more tests
Alaric: Actually, I have someplace I need to be. But thank you, Doctor...
Dr Fell: Fell. But the patients who follow my advice get to call me Meredith
Alaric: Well, I appreciate your help, Dr. Fell
Dr Fell: Mr. Saltzman... What is your secret? Guardian angel, or did you sell your soul to the devil?
Alaric: Little of both
(He leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Someone knocks on the door. Elena opens, it's Klaus)
Elena: Thank you for coming
Klaus: I trust you have news of Stefan
Elena: I couldn't find him. But I have something else
(He follows her in the basement and enters the cell with her. Rebekah's here, d*ad, the dagger in her heart. Klaus looks at her)
Klaus: My poor sister. I can't turn my back on her for a moment
Elena: You have Rebekah. A deal is a deal
Klaus: The life of my sister in exchange for your brother? Yeah, I'd say that's a bargain. Consider him spared
Elena: You should know, I was the one that daggered her. When she wakes, she'll come after me
Klaus: I can control Rebekah. Besides, I still need your help finding Stefan
Elena: I told you, I don't know where he is
(He removes the dagger from Rebekah)
Klaus: You're lying. Fortunately, you have no shortage of loved ones. If I don't find my family, the question you should be asking yourself is, who's going to die next? Bonnie? Caroline? Damon? It's only a matter of time before Stefan gives me what I want
Elena: He doesn't care about me any more. You made sure of that. You turned him into a monster. Now he's your problem. And just so you know, I'm not the only one Rebekah wants d*ad. She knows what you did to your mother. She knows that you k*lled her. You can let yourself out
(She looks at him and leaves. He seems devastated)
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Alaric and Jeremy are outside)
Jeremy: So the ring brought you back to life, but it didn't heal you. Does that mean it's broken?
Alaric: I don't know. It's never happened like that before. I guess I have Damon's blood to thank. For the fact that I'm still walking
Jeremy: He said to say you owe him a drink
Alaric: That's funny. I'd rather have head trauma. Hey, Jeremy... You ok?
Jeremy: Why wouldn't I be? I sh*t a hybrid in the back and chopped his head off with a meat cleaver. Typical sunday, uh?
Alaric: You can talk to me about this stuff. You know that, right?
Jeremy: What could you tell me that I don't already know? This is the way things are. It sucks, but I just got to get used to it
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is clining a towell in the sink. The sink and her hands are full of blood. Damon arrives)
Elena: Did you get rid of him?
Damon: Yeah. Tony the headless hybrid's. now at the bottom of Steven's quarry
Elena: What about Alaric?
Damon: Took care of him, too. He'll be fine. How are you?
Elena: I think I got most of the blood off the porch
Damon: Elena. Look at me
(She turns herself)
Damon: It's going to be ok
Elena: I have to tell you something. I made a deal with Klaus. I gave him Rebekah
Damon: What? No, no. No. You did not do that. She's going to come here and try and k*ll you
Elena: No, she won't. Klaus won't let her because he needs me
Damon: And suddenly, you trust him?
Elena: No, I don't trust him. But what other choice do I have? I don't trust Stefan. Do you think he's just going to give up the coffins?
Damon: My brother's... Sort of running his own show right now
Elena: Yeah. My brother just chopped off someone's head. It's not right. It's not fair. He's 16 years old. He shouldn't have to live like this
Damon: Elena...
Elena: There has to be another way. I have to fix it
Damon: We will. Hey. Hey. Hey
(He takes her face in his hands)
Damon: We will. Ok?
[A property]
(Rebekah's laying on a table. She hasn't woken up yet)
Klaus: Here we are, Rebekah. Home, sweet home. Only took 1,000 years. And to think, I was counting on you being here with me. But that's all ruined now, isn't it?
(Her fingers move. She's waking up)
Klaus: I'm so sorry. Sister. We'll meet again one day
(He touches her face and puts the dagger in her heart again)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena and Alaric enter Jeremy's bedroom)
Elena: Hey. Can we talk?
Jeremy: What did I do now?
Elena: I've been thinking about what you said earlier, about how we should pack up and go
Jeremy: Elena, I didn't mean any of that
Elena: But you were right. You shouldn't have to give up a normal life. Just because of me
(Damon enters)
Jeremy: What's going on?
Damon: Your sister thinks we should have another one of our talks
(He sits next to Jeremy. Jeremy doesn't look at him firt but then he does and Damon compels him)
Damon: Here's the thing, Jeremy. You're going to go out of town for a little while. A long while. You're going to stay with some nice family friends in Denver. You're going to be in a new school and meet new girls... Living girls. You're going to drink a few beers, take an art class. You can do whatever you want
Alaric: Tell him he's going to leave mystic falls behind and never think twice about it
(Damon looks at Elena. She nods. He looks back at Jeremy)
Damon: You're going to leave mystic falls behind and never think twice about it. You're going to have a better life, Jeremy
(Elena is crying)
[Abandonned Witch House]
(Stefan and Bonnie are downstairs, looking at the coffins. Bonnie sees the one Klaus was in in her dream and gets closer to it)
Bonnie: This is the one I dreamed of
(She tries to open it)
Stefan: Don't bother. It won't open
Bonnie: What do you mean, is it locked?
Stefan: Nope. It just won't open. I've tried everything... Blow torch, ax, crowbar. I can't even scratch the finish
Bonnie: That means it's closed with a spell
Stefan: You mean whatever's in there should probably stay in there
Bonnie: You said you wanted to make him suffer. The witches led me here for a reason. I think whatever's inside this coffin is our answer
[Gilbert's House]
(Damon and Elena go outside and stay on the porch)
Elena: I feel like a horrible person
Damon: You just saved his life, Elena. Take it from me... Estranged is bad. d*ad is worse
Elena: Just can't stop thinking about what happened. The last time I asked you to compel him
Damon: He found out, and he got over it. Again, not d*ad, Elena. He's so lucky to have you for a sister
Elena: Thank you
Damon: No problem
Elena: Not just for this, Damon. For everything. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here
Damon: You should know this, Elena. Stefan didn't screw us over. He screwed us over, but he had a good reason
Elena: What?
Damon: He saved Klaus to save me. Then he stole the coffins to get even
Elena: Damon, if he did it to protect you, then... Why would he even do that? I mean... Oh, what does it even mean?
Damon: What does it mean? It means I'm an idiot. 'Cause I thought for one second that I wouldn't have to feel guilty any more
Elena: What are you talking about, guilty for what?
Damon: For wanting what I want
Elena: Damon...
Damon: No, I know. Believe me, I get it. My brother's girl and all
(He leaves but then stops)
Damon: No. No. You know what? If I'm going to feel guilty about something, I'm going to feel guilty about this
(He gets closer to her and kisses her. They kiss. She puts her hand in one of his. He smiles)
Damon: Good night
(He leaves. She seems confused) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x10 - The New Deal"} | foreverdreaming |
Salvatore's house. Damon is smiling while taking a shower. Elana is training with a punching-ball. Alaric comes.
ALARIC: Hey you're gonna hole that thing. You want to talk about it?
ELENA: Nothing to talk about.
Damon get out of the bathroom, whistling. Stefan is waiting for him.
DAMON: Good morning.
STEFAN: You're late. We were supposed to met Bonnie at the witch house in ten minutes.
DAMON: Relax, brother. Your hair won't fall out.
STEFAN: Would you hurry up? We have work to do. You know, Klaus isn't gonna easily self-destructif. Why are you all cheaper?
DAMON: No reason. Give me a minute.
Elena is still training with Alaric.
ALARIC: So, what's get you worked up?
ELENA: I haven't rallye sleep last night.
ALARIC: Yeah, me neither. Probably something to do with dying.
ELENA: You're okay?
ALARIC: Yeah I'm fine. I think the ring has no longer batteries.
ELENA: Yeah, it's annoter reason why Jeremy has to get out of the town. Those ring have a short last, he is not protected, neither are you.
ALARIC: Nice, nice, you're getting stronger.
ELENA: I just evacuate frustration. I need a coffee.
ALARIC: Seems Damon's compulsion worked, Jeremy was packing when I left the house, going on about his new school in Denver.
ELENA: Have you talk to Damon today?
ALARIC: No. Why?
ELENA: No reason.
The witch house. Bonnie is breaking a spell, talking in latin. She tries to apen the coffin, but it's still locked down.
BONNIE: Why won't you open?!
The coffins disappear. She hears grinding, there's someone else in the house.
BONNIE: Hello? Someone there?
Outside the house, Damon and Stefan are coming.
STEFAN: You didn't say anything to Elena about the coffins, right?
DAMON: No, I said I wouldn't.
STEFAN: I know what you said.
DAMON: Why are you asking?
STEFAN: Because protecting the location of Klaus's family is my number one priority right now. And the fewer people will know, the better. What?
Bonnie sees Damon in the house. A hybrid get out of the house and fall on Stefan. Then Damon rip his heart off.
DAMON: This hybrids, they are bringing the neighboorhood down.
Opening titles.
Mystic fall's high school. Elena is preparing the Caroline's locker for her birthday.
BONNIE: Hey, sorry I'm late, I… I'd held up.
ELENA: It's okay. I just got here too. Could you pass me the balloons? Thank's. Why are you running late?
BONNIE: I was working on some new spells. You?
ELENA: Working with Alaric. So, I have something I need to tell you, and you're not gonna like it.
BONNIE: What happenned?
ELENA: Jeremy is gonna be living town for a while. He will stay with old family friend in Denver, until Klaus will blow over.
BONNIE: Jeremy world just leave you deal with Klaus on your own.
ELENA: I know, I asked Damon to compel him.
BONNIE: You what?
ELENA: I know, Bonnie. But it's not safe here for him anymore. Leaving will give him a better life. The only reason I'm telling you is because I know that you two haven't really walked out on your stuff. And I thought maybe you'd wanna say goodbye.
Witch house. Damon is hitting the coffin with a shovel.
STEFAN: You're wasting your time. It won't open. Did you bury the body?
DAMON: Any sign of our little hybrid buddies?
STEFAN: Nope, just the d*ad one.
DAMON: Alright, Klaus has 6 siblings. Rebekah is now with Klaus. There was one d*ad kid in the old world, one d*ad kid in the new world, which leaves Elijah and two others. Three sleeping originals, four coffins. So who is in the locked box?
STEFAN: No idea. But whatever is in here, Bonnia seems to think that it will help us k*ll Klaus. So the sooner she can get this open, the sooner we will know if she's right.
DAMON: Oh you think, spirits from a band of d*ad witches that can make the coffins invisible wouldn't figure out how to open one. Fine, don't help.
STEFAN: You know that none of this is gonna do any good if Klaus's hybrid friend find our hidding place, right? They need to go away.
DAMON: Oh yeah, great idea Stefan. Why don't you ask them just to pack their bag and take a long rest while we are on it. How about to keep the peace? Don't attend to the real thing we are trying to hide.
STEFAN: Well I'm not gonna play defence when I have what Klaus wants. He does what I say or I dumb his family to the bottom of the ocean.
DAMON: And he kills you and everyone you know like, I don't know... me!
STEFAN: No, he is bluffing. His family means more than anything else.
DAMON: You're sure about that?
STEFAN: Well I don't know Damon. I mean, I guess there's only one way to find out, right? Klaus bluffs.
DAMON: The only way to know if someone bluffs, Stefan, is to be ready to loose everything if you're wrong.
Mystic falls's high school.
BONNIE: Denver, hum? So, were you going to say goodbye?
JEREMY: I wasn't sur you cared.
BONNIE: Of course I care. I was hurt by what happenned between you and Anna, Jeremy. I don't want you to leave town.
JEREMY: I think this could be a good thing. Until Klaus's stuff blows over. I think I could have a better life there.
BONNIE: It's what Elena said. It's exactly what she said.
JEREMY: What do you mean?
BONNIE: Nothing. I'm just sorry you have to go, that's all.
On the parking, Caroline parks her car and sees Tyler.
CAROLINE: I can't talk to you.
TYLER: I know you're upset but...
CAROLINE:? Upset? You almost got Jeremy k*lled! And before you ask me to understand or to support you, can you at least tell me what you're planning to do about your attachment on Klaus?
TYLER: There is nothing that I can do about it Caroline, That's the point. I just want you to know that I understand why you can't be with me. Even if I want to put you first, before anyone, I can't, I'll never be able to. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just want you to know that.
CAROLINE: I'm sorry too.
He gives her a bracelet.
TYLER: Happy birthday.
Klaus's property.
KLAUS: Sweet dreams Rebekah. Show her to her room, would you, love?
KLAUS: I'm surprise you're still in town. I gave you your freedom, you could go anywhere.
STEFAN: I live here Klaus.
KLAUS: Well if we're playing this game, then, I was here first.
STEFAN: You know, I don't like your hybrids friends. They are everywhere, kind of like flies. I want them gone.
KLAUS: Yeah, well I kind of like having them around. You know, I'm hurt. I hoped that when I free you, we pick where we left off. But here you are, engulfing vervaine like the rest of them, I'm sure. So, how much for friendship.
STEFAN: Friends don't screw friends from their free will.
KLAUS: Okay, granted, that was a little extreme, but I get a little moody. Just ask my siblings. Speaking of whom, isn't time to get over?
STEFAN: Klaus, get your hybrids out of Mystic falls or I will remove them myself.
KLAUS: You see, if you continue to thr*at me, I'm gonna be forced to retaliate. k*ll people. And it will get messy again.
STEFAN: Do whatever you want, I don't really care. Or you know what? Maybe I do. Maybe I care so much, that I'll drop Elijah in the Arctic.
KLAUS: Well, maybe I'll be willing to loose one brother if it means k*lling yours.
STEFAN: Try me, let's find out.
HYBRID: Is everything ok?
KLAUS: Everything is fine, Mindy. Stefan was just leaving after failing to make his point.
Stefan decapitates Mindy.
STEFAN: Well, one down. You may want send the rest of them away before it gets messy, again.
Caroline's home. Caroline jumps when Elena, Bonnie and Matt arise.
MATT: Happy birthday!
CAROLINE: What are you guys doing here?
ELENA: Well you blew of school and miss our work of birthday art, so...
BONNIE: Change your clothes, we are going to the falls. Smores, camp f*re.
ELENA: Cake, like when we were little.
MATT: Except for the tequila!
CAROLINE: Thanks, guys. Really, but, I just no feeling my birthday this year.
BONNIE: I'm sorry, what? You already claimed your birthday as everyone's favorite day of the year.
CAROLINE: Yeah, and now, it's just reminded that technically, I'm d*ad. Look, I'm not even 17. And the only point to 17 is to get to 18, it's a failure year, I'm stuck in a failure year.
ELENA: You're not stuck Caroline.
CAROLINE: Yeah I am, but it's okay. It's all good, I will be fine. But I just need some time to get used to it.
ELENA: Okay, well I think I have another idea.
Klaus's property.
HYBRID: What do you want me to do with her head?
KLAUS: Just get rid of it. Burn it. I honestly don't care Daniel.
TYLER: You called? I'm here. What happenned?
KLAUS: What happenned is Stefan had two possibilities and he chose the one that make me angry. I need you to help me to do something about that.
TYLER: Can't you just leave me out of it?
KLAUS: What would be the point of that?
TYLER: Seriously man, can't you just ask another hybrid to do the work? I lost my friends, my girl-friend.
KLAUS: Right, your girl-friend, about her, I need you to bite her.
TYLER: What?
KLAUS: Don't make me repeat myself.
TYLER: A hybrid bite would k*ll a vampire.
KLAUS: Yeah, I know exactly what it will do. Stefan push me too far so I'm pushing back.
TYLER: I'm not bitting Caroline.
KLAUS: Tyler, you've been supernaturaly blessed for the good fortune I've onto you. So consider me to putting your loyalty to a test.
TYLER: What the hell is wrong with you? I'm not hurting Caroline.
KLAUS: Alright. I'm disappointed but you know, it's your choice, free will and all that. I'll find another way to strike on Stefan. You can go now.
Damon and Alaric are going to a council metting disguisded in an auction sale.
ALARIC: I thought Stefan saved your life.
DAMON: I did.
ALARIC: And now he is ready to risk it just to see how far he can push Klaus?
DAMON: It seems so.
ALARIC: So his humaity are on or off?
DAMON: I think there is another option playing, a demur switch, which is a huge problem.
DAMON: Because I can't predict how far he wanted to going until someone gets k*lled.
ALARIC: So you suddenly cares who lives oy dies?
DAMON: I have a small list.
ALARIC: Talk about humanity demur switch.
DAMON: Screw you.
ALARIC: Can't a council meeting just be a council meeting?
Caroline, Elena, Bonnie and Matt enter a tomb.
ELENA: So it is.
BONNIE: This is creepy, even for us.
ELENA: No, Caroline was right., technicaly, she is d*ad. Sorry. But you don't need a birthday, you need a funeral. You need to say goodbye to your old life so then you can move on with your new one.
CAROLINE: Okay, here lies Caroline Forbes.
ELENA: Cheerleader, Miss Mystic Falls, third grade hopscotch champion.
BONNIE: Friend, daughter, perfectionnist.
MATT: Meangirl, sometimes, no offense.
CAROLINE: Ah, no taken.
ELENA: She was 17, and qhe had a really good life. So rest in peace, so that she can move forward. That's what you really need. What we all really need. Amen, or cheers or whatever. Hum, Bonnie?
(Bonnie lights the candles with her mind.)
ELENA: Nice. Okay, make a wish.
Alaric is looking at a model of the bridge.
DAMON: It's the bridge where Elena and Jeremy's parents died on a car accident.
ALARIC: Something is up with her. Elena. Something more than usual. You know what it is?
DAMON: Well I'm sure it starts with a "Stef" and ends with a "n". I'm gonna get a drink, write a check and then we're out.
(Dr.Fell arrives)
DR.FELL: Alaric Saltzman. Miracal patient.
ALARIC: Dr. Fell.
DR.FELL: I'm glad to see you still alive. A part of me thought you would have drop d*ad in your sleep.
ALARIC: Well I guess I have nine lifes.
DR.FELL: Not bad to having in a town with vampire problem.
ALARIC: Sorry? Are you on the founders council?
DR.FELL: I'm a found, I come from a long lign of founders. May they rest in peace. I hate that bridge. My senior prom date dumbed me on this bridge.
ALARIC: Oh yeah, you threw him over?
DR.FELL: No, but I should have. I've been holding a rage ever since. Where did your friend go? I'm supposed to held him up for some money for the fundraiser.
ALARIC: Well you should, he is loaded.
DR.FELL: He is in good company. Some British guy just plegde to match every dollar we raised.
ALARIC: What do you mean a British guy?
Klaus is talking with Carol Lockwood.
KLAUS: What colour are your eyes?
CAROl: They are blue.
KLAUS: Oh yes, they are.
DAMON: Look at what the cat drag down. Nice veste.
KLAUS: Thank you very much, good to see you Damon. Carol and I were discusting about were you be a big benefactor.
CAROL: What do you say Damon? Klaus has made a very generous pledge. You know how we drummed on the b*at to start the renovation.
DAMON: Carol, don't take it in the wrong way, but do you realize that you've been kissing the ass of an immoral hybrid who ruined your son's life?
KLAUS: Oh, it comes now. Some has said that I saved him from all that nasty full moon business. I'd already come through myself more than twice to be honest but still, I'm very sympathetic.
CAROL: Klaus has promised to protect Tyler, Damon. And our town.
DAMON: From who? His hybrids are the one the town needs protection from.
KLAUS: I'd have no use for them if your brother would kindly return my family.
DAMON: Not gonna happen.
KLAUS: That's what I thought, which is why I've come to an agreement with the maire. You and the council stay out of my way, I stay out of yours. Your town gets protected, my hybrids get left alone and everybody will be happy. All you have to do is to get Stefan to stop decapitating my friends.
CAROL: Please Damon, just get your brother under control or the council will be forced to take actions against him.
DAMON: You guy would be kidding me.
KLAUS: Oh come on mate, give peace a chance.
On the tomb.
ELENA: I need it more than you do, trust me. Caroline, what are you doing?
CAROLINE: What? Nothing.
ELENA: Okay, you're a bad sobber liar, and even worse drunk liar.
CAROLINE: I might texted Tyler.
ELENA: Caroline...
CAROLINE: What? I'm frail.
BONNIE: Give her a break. You can't control what everyone does all the time.
BONNIE: Sorry, I know it's Caroline birthday, funeral or whatever but, I just feel it's really wrong to compel Jeremy to leave town.
ELENA: I'm doing it to protect him, Bonnie. I want to give him a chance to have a quiet normal life.
BONNIE: He should be able to choose how he wants to live it, you're taking his choices away.
ELENA: Bonnie, you can't tell him.
BONNIE: Why? Are you gonna compel me not to?
MATT: You know, you guys are ruining a perfect funeral.
BONNIE: I'm sorry. I just go sleep it off or something. Happy birthday.
The sheriff and Damon walk through the party.
LIZ: The maire is looking out for Tyler. For now we have to assume Klaus had him in his pocket.
DAMON: Oh please don't tell me you're gonna drink the Klaus cool Eden.
LIZ: I'm not gonna let him hold this town hostage. But I'm also not gonna let innocent people get caught in a cross f*re in a piss contest between a hybrid and a vampire.
DAMON: Liz, I'm impressed, you're all strong and sheriffy.
LIZ: I'm not kidding Damon. Get Stefan to stand down from this one before someone gets hurt.
Dr.Fell is with a man, a little further.
MAN: What are you doing? You're gonna ruining your career.
DR.FELL: Says the guy who got his jod from his dad.
MAN: Do you have any idea what you're dealing with?
DR.FELL: I know what I'm doing.
MAN: Damn it Meredith.
MEREDITH: Back off, Brian.
ALARIC: Everything all right here?
BRIAN: Everything is fine.
ALARIC: Didn't look fine.
BRIAN: You might want to get to know her, before you become her white knight. She's a kind of a psycho case.
ALARIC: You're that guy, aren't you? The one who beg to have a stick kick then.
BRIAN: Take it from me man, life is too short.
MEREDITH: Just go away, Brian. My senior prom date.
ALARIC: Well you definitly should have throw him over the bridge.
MEREDITH: Unfortunatly, I have to work with him. He is on the council, the medical examiner. The guy who write under death cause "animal att*ck".
ALARIC: I get it.
MEREDITH: Duty calls. Thanks for the hero moment.
ALARIC: Anytime.
Stefan discreetly catch a long Kn*fe. The hybrid Daniel go in a room upstairs and close the door. Stefan arrives and disembowels him. Damon stops him when he is about to decapitate the hybrid.
STEFAN: What are you doing?
DAMON: What are you doing? No d*ad hybrids at a founders party.
STEFAN: No I told Klaus get hybrids out of the town, he did listen so I'm gonna say it louder.
DAMON: You don't think that 10 more will then come from. And if you k*ll them, Klaus won't make 20 more? You forgot about the Elena's part of novel? Or you not care if she is a human blood bag for the rest of her life.
STEFAN: Protecting Elena is your problem now. Cause I'm not compeled by Klaus to do it anymore.
DAMON: Don't give me that no-humanity crap, you can't just switch. Your switch is grilled Stefan, just like your brain. You want to take Klaus? You want to be the villain? You got to be smarter.
STEFAN: To be the villain Damon, you have to be the better villain.
At the tomb. Tyler arrives.
TYLER: Sorry, I didn't mean to smash the party.
MATT: So don't.
CAROLINE: No, it's, it's okay.
TYLER: Can I talk to you for a sec? It's kind of important.
ELENA: Are you okay?
MATT: Yeah, I want her to be happy you know. It's what I want for all of you guys, in the middle of this crazy life we gotta stuck in.
ELENA: Is that how you see it? That we are stuck? Bonnie is right, you know I had no business messing onto Jeremy's head. I just don't know what else to do. He is in danger here. I can't loose anyone else that I love.
Outside the tomb, in the wood.
TYLER: I take it all back. Everything I said this morning. Klaus can't control me. No when it comes to you. I won't let him.
CAROLINE: Tyler, it's okay. Maybe we just meant to be together. Maybe we just have to accept that and move on.
TYLER: I'm not moving on from anything. I love you.
They kiss and Tyler bites her then.
CAROLINE: What just happenned? Did you just bite me?
TYLER: Oh my god. I'm sorry.
CAROLINE: Oh my god! Just get away from me! Get away from me!
Matt and Elena are looking for them in the wood.
MATT: Caroline!
ELENA: Great; we've been abandoned. Okay we're going back to the party, I don't trust them, she could get back together with him.
MATT: Caroline!
ELENA: Come on Caroline we don't have anymore drinks! Matty is afraid about the fell ghosts.
Stefan comes, hits Matt and kidnaps Elena. In the Stefan's car.
ELENA: What are you doing Stefan?
Elena's phone rings. Stefan answers.
STEFAN: Hello Damon, she is a little busy right now.
DAMON: Why the hell have you the Elena's phone?
STEFAN: I'm making my next move. Let me ask you something. What klaus is gonna do if he can't make anymore hybrids?
ELENA: What?
DAMON: Stefan, leave her out of this.
Stefan throws the phone throughout the window.
ELENA: What are you doing? Stefan let me out of this car. Do you hear me? Let me out of the car!
At the party.
KLAUS: What now? You just put me away from a fascinating conversation about man to get in the time square.
DAMON: Stefan just grabbed Elena.
KLAUS: Well, he's getting desperate.
DAMON: He's trying to use her against you. Do what he says, get rid of your hybrids.
KLAUS: Or what? Stefan would never dream of k*lling her.
DAMON: You're sure about that? He just behead someone in the middle of a council party. He is exploiting on crazy right now.
KLAUS: Wel, crazy or not, that kind of love never dies. He is bluffing.
DAMON: Maybe he is, may be he isn't but if you don't want to believe him, believe me. I know my brother better than anyone and right now I don't have a clue how far he is willing to take this. So if he says blink, I suggest you blink.
At the Forbes's house. Matt is taking Caroline home, holding her in his arms.
MATT: Sheriff Forbes!
LIZ: What happenned?
MATT: Tyler bit her.
LIZ: Oh my god, sweet heart. Be careful. Caroline, honey, can you hear me?
CAROLINE: I'm sorry mom.
MATT: She gets hallucinating or something, I don't know. No one's picking up the phone.
LIZ: It's alright sweet heart.
In Stefan's car.
ELENA: So what's the plan, Stefan? What's the big move you're making?
STEFAN: I took Klaus's family to make him suffer. I'm gonna make him suffer a new one.
ELENA: So what are you gonna do? Are you gonna lock me in some cave and keep me hostage?
STEFAN: Maybe I'll just turn you into a vampire.
ELENA: Stop the car Stefan! Stop the car Stefan!
Stefan calls klaus.
KLAUS: Stefan, how nice to hear your voice.
STEFAN: Tell your hybrids to get out of the town Klaus.
KLAUS: Well that's not gonna happen until I get my coffins back.
STEFAN: Okay, well I'm gonna drive your blood source off the Wickery Bridge.
KLAUS: I don't believe you Stefan, you won't k*ll her.
Stefan makes Elena drink his blood.
ELENA: No! No! No! What are you doing?
KLAUS: What's going on?
STEFAN: I just fed her with my blood. No more hybrids if she is a vampire.
KLAUS: You won't do it.
STEFAN: Really? Try me, because your coffins are next to go. Say goodbye to your family Klaus.
ELENA: Stefan slow down!
KLAUS: Fine, I'll send them away, you win.
ELENA: Stefan! Stefan stop!
KLAUS: Stop the car Stefan!
Stefan roughly stops the car.
STEFAN: Get back in the car.
ELENA: Stay away from me.
STEFAN: Elena, get back in the car.
ELENA: How could you?! My parents died going over this bridge. I almost died. You knew that. You're the one who saved me.
STEFAN: Look he had to believe that I would do it alright, your fear sold it.
ELENA: What if he hadn't?
STEFAN: He did.
ELENA: Well what if he hadn't?
STEFAN: He did Elena! He back down! He has a weakness. If I know his weakness, I could destroy him.
ELENA: After everything, that's what matter? Destroying Klaus?
STEFAN: Destroying Klaus is all I've left.
ELENA: You had me!
STEFAN: I lost you at the minute I left town with him. You kown that you just hadn't self admit that yet.
ELENA: Is that what you are doing? Trying to make me hate you?
STEFAN: I don't really care what you think about me anymore Elena.
He goes away.
Caroline's house. Klause is on the threshold of the door. Matt opens.
KLAUS: Tyler came to see me. Poor boy, he seemed quiet distressed, he said Caroline had a terrible accident.
MATT: You made him do this to her. Thou he would have never done something like this.
KLAUS: I'm here to help Matt. My blood will ill her, please ask the sheriff to invite me inside.
LIZ: I know how this game works. You want something in return.
KLAUS: Just your support.
LIZ: Come in.
Caroline is lying on her bed.
CAROLINE: Are you going to k*ll me?
KLAUS: On your birthday? You really think that law of me?
KLAUS: It looks bad. My apologies, you are just colateral damages, nothing personnal. I love birthdays.
CAROLINE: Yeah, Haven't you like.. a billion, or something?
KLAUS: Well you have to adjust your perception of time when you become a vampire, Caroline. Celebrate the fact that you're no longer bond by trivial human conventions. You're free.
CAROLINE: No, I'm dying.
KLAUS: And I could let you die, if that's what you want. If you really believe your existence has no meaning. I thought about it myself, once or twice, over the centuries, truth will be told. But I'll let you know a little secret. There is a whole world out there, waiting for you. Great cities and art and music, genuine beauty. And you can have all of it. You can have a thousand more birthdays. All you have to do is ask.
CAROLINE: I don't wanna die.
KLAUS: Here you go, sweet heart. Have at it.
She bites him.
KLAUS: Happy birthday Caroline.
Damon takes Elena back home.
ELENA: Thanks for picking me up.
DAMON: Anytime. You're gonna be okay?
ELENA: I will survive. Somehow I always do.
DAMON: You know Stefan won this round for us today. He push Klaus at the edge and Klaus blinkt.
ELENA: Well his methods sucked.
DAMON: Still, we needed it. Klaus have been calling on the shaft and Stefan b*at him at his own game. He was the better villain.
ELENA: Don't seem so impressed.
DAMON: Well, I can't help be a little proud. Really, tell me, are you gonna be okay?
ELENA: You can't kiss me again.
DAMON: I know.
ELENA: I can't. It's not right.
DAMON: It's not right. Just not right now. Good night.
ELENA: Good night, Damon.
The same place, next morning.
JEREMY: You gonna have to let me go, eventually.
ELENA: Be safe, okay?
JEREMY: Yeah, okay, alright. Alaric is waiting.
BONNIE: Good, you haven't left yet.
JEREMY: What are you doing here?
BONNIE: I came to say goodbye.
Jeremy goes away. Caroline wakes up, her neck is clean. She sees a little box with the inscription "From Klaus". Inside the box, there is a beautiful bracelet with diamonds. Matt walks toward Elena on the Wickery Bridge.
MATT: You're not gonna jump, are you?
ELENA: Thanks for coming. I was just thinking about what you said, about us being stuck.
MATT: I was busy, Elena. I can't be responsable for jugement.
ELENA: I feel stuck, Matt. I feel like, I'd bell holding on to the girl who was supposed to die here with her parents. The girl who had a normal life, and who wasn't in love with vampires.
MATT: You're not that girl anymore. It's okay if you want to let her go.
ELENA: Is it? Cause I feel like I disappointed her a little like, if I disappointed them. My parents.
MATT: For my too sense, as a guy who knew that girl, you're doing better than you think. Here lies Elena Gilbert. A girl-friend, and an amazing friend.
Matt throws flowers over the bridge.
At the Mystic grill.
MEREDITH: Thanks God, another day drinker. I lost a patient, what's your excuse?
ALARIC: I put a kid on a plane.
ALARIC: No, it's a long story.
MEREDITH: Then you should probably buy me a beer.
In the woods, Lyz and Damon are walking toward a crime scene.
LIZ: A rambler called it in. My guys got it first.
DAMON: Another hybrid?
LIZ: That's what I thought at first. Brian Walkers, the medical examiner.
DAMON: It's not a stake, he is not a vampire.
LIZ: I know. This was a m*rder.
END. | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x11 - Our Town"} | foreverdreaming |
[The Woods]
(Bonnie is in a cemetary, surrounded by tombstones of her famyly and ancesters. She finally sees a coffin. She gets closer to it and touches it. She's about to open it when Klaus arrives. She turns herself)
Klaus: I figured out how to open it. Can you?
(He rushes over her and bites her. She screams)
(Bonnie is in a coffin. She hits it and then takes her phone to have some light)
Bonnie: Let me out!
(She punches the top)
Bonnie: Please! Oh, my God, oh, my God
(She casts a spell. She punches the top again when she suddenly hears footsteps from outside)
Bonnie: Hey! I'm in here! I'm in here! I'm in here!
(She screams and freaks out but someone finally opens the coffin. It's a woman)
[Abandonned Witch House]
(Bonnie and Elena are downstairs, looking at the coffins)
Bonnie: I've been having these dreams for days now. It's like the witches are trying to send me a message
Elena: I just can't believe you guys have kept this from me this whole time
Bonnie: Stefan thought if you knew where the coffins were, Klaus could thr*at people to get the information out of you
Elena: So these are the rest of his family?
Bonnie: Yeah, Elijah and two others
(She goes toward the 4th coffin)
Bonnie: Now this one... Is the one we can't open. We don't know who's in it or what's in it, only that I think my dream's telling methat it'll help k*ll Klaus
(Stefan arrives)
Stefan: What the hell are you doing?
Bonnie: I needed her to know about the coffin
Stefan: And I needed you to keep her out of it, Bonnie
Elena: So what are you going to do, Stefan? Are you going to kidnap me so that I won't tell anyone?
Stefan: Don't tempt me, Elena
Bonnie: I think I know who can open the coffin, Stefan. And I need Elena to help me find her
Stefan: Find who? What are you talking about?
Bonnie: I couldn't place her face at first
(She takes something from her pocket)
Bonnie: Then I realized...
(She shows Elena a picture)
Elena: Oh, my God, Bonnie
(He takes the picture from Bonnie's hands. It's her when she was little, with her mom)
Stefan: Who is this?
Bonnie: It's my mom
[Gilbert's House]
(Bonnie and Elena are in the kitchen. Looking at files and pictures of women)
Elena: Los alamitos?
(She shows Bonnie a picture)
Bonnie: Um, too old
Elena: Honolulu?
Bonnie: Ugh, I wish. How many of these are there?
Elena: A lot. I asked the sheriff's office to pull up every single Abby Bennett in the country
Bonnie: I know we haven't been able to really... That things have been weird because of Jeremy. So thank you for helping me with this. I know you have a lot to deal with
Elena: There's nothing more important, Bonnie
Bonnie: It's surreal. Having to track down a woman who bailed on her own kid
Elena: You know you don't have to, right? Let Stefan obsess over opening up the coffin. It doesn't have to fall on you
Bonnie: The coffin is spelled shut. That makes it a witch problem. So it does fall on me. I was bound to see my mother again sooner or later
(Damon enters. He has a file in his hand)
Damon: Sooner. Abby Bennett Wilson, Monroe, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls hospital, graduated Mystic Falls High, blah, blah, blah. A little compulsion helps to speed up the research process
(He gives the file to Bonnie. She opens it and looks at the picture)
Bonnie: This is her
Damon: I call g*n
Elena: Yeah... no
Damon: Why? You don't want me to hang out in the back with you?
Elena: You're not coming, Damon
Damon: Why? I'm the one who found her
Elena: Ok, Damon, look, Bonnie hasn't seen her mom in over 15 years. We don't need your snarky commentary narrating the experience
(He looks at her, pouts a little and smiles. Bonnie is looking at them)
Bonnie: What's going on with you two?
Damon: We kissed. Now it's weird. Have a great trip
(He leaves. Elena looks at Bonnie)
[Caroline's House]
(Caroline arrives and goes in the living room. Tyler is waiting for her)
Caroline: What are you doing here?
Tyler: I came to apologize
Caroline: Apologize? You bit me. I could have died. I think we're way past apologies, Tyler
Tyler: That's the problem. Klaus told me to do it and I said no. And then, it just happened anyway. Like it was completely out of my control. That's why I had your mom call him
(Bill rejoins them)
Caroline: Daddy?
Bill: Hi, Caroline
Tyler: I thought since he could resist compulsion, maybe he could teach me to resist the sire bond
(She looks at Bill)
Caroline: Can you help him?
Bill: I'm going to try
Caroline: Why?
Bill: Because he made a mistake. And now he wants to make good. And I understand that
[Mystic Grill]
(Alaric and Meredith are sitting at a table)
Alaric: Do you want anything else? A beer?
Meredith: Ah, I'd love one, but I've got rounds in 15 minutes. And a drunk doctor is a bad doctor
Alaric: Well, that depends on what kind of drunk you are
Meredith: Angry
Alaric: Oh
Meredith: Thanks for lunch
Alaric: Yeah, sure. Ah, so, um, next time, dinner?
Meredith: Yeah, that would be great
Alaric: Cool. Take care
Meredith: Bye. Thanks
(She leaves. Damon arrives)
Damon: Who's that?
Alaric: My doctor
Damon: She's a doctor? Ooh. What's her damage?
Alaric: No damage
Damon: Come on, Ric, it's a fact of life. A girl that hot, that smart...Damage
Alaric: Well, you know, I'm looking for red flags. Her, uh, her ex called her a psycho case the other day
Damon: Yeah, but if it comes from her ex, it doesn't count
Alaric: I guess you're right. It's yours. I wonder what my exes would call me
Damon: Nothing. They're all d*ad
Alaric: Hmm. Well, her ex is the medical examiner, so he's d*ad-adjacent
Damon: She dated the medical examiner?
Alaric: Mm-hmm
Damon: Well, I don't think he's d*ad-adjacent. I think he's just d*ad
Alaric: What?
Damon: m*rder. Sheriff's trying to keep a lid on it because he was staked in the chest like a vampire
Alaric: Well, Meredith didn't say anything about that
Damon: Well, red flag number two
Alaric: Who do you think k*lled him?
Damon: I don't know. But if I was a cop, your sexy doctor lady friend would definitely be a suspect
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan enters the house. Klaus is in the living room, sitting in a chair and listening to music out loud. Stefan takes the remote and lowers the sound)
Stefan: What are you doing here, Klaus?
Klaus: Enjoying our stalemate
Stefan: What do you want?
Klaus: Question is, what do you want? My hybrids left town as you demanded, so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back
Stefan: Well, ahem, see, Klaus... I'm not negotiating
(He sits down next to him)
Klaus: And you understand that holding them indefinitely is the same thing as dropping them in the ocean?
Stefan: No, no, you leave Mystic Falls and then give me a call in a few years, and...We'll talk
Klaus: I'm going to give you another chance. Just one more. Let's make a reasonable deal
Stefan: Or what? You make one move, and I will...
Klaus: Yes, that's right. Crazy Stefan. Mmm. How's that working out for you? Any friends left?
(Stefan doesn't answer)
[Bonnie's car]
(Bonnie and Elena are road tripping)
Bonnie: I just can't believe I'm actually going to see her. Or meet her. Sort of. Since I don't really remember her
Elena: You don't really talk about her
Bonnie: What's to say? She left, never wrote, never called. Not even when my grams died. Can we talk about you and Damon instead?
Elena: I'm not talking about it. He kissed me. It's not going to happen again
Bonnie: I mean... Was it good?
Elena: It doesn't matter
Bonnie: That means it was
(Her phone rings. She looks at it)
Bonnie: I told him I'd call him as soon as I got the address
Elena: Ignore. Bonnie, you're about to see your mom for the first time in 15 years. I'm not letting anyone ruin that moment
Bonnie: Yeah, but he's going to keep at it until I pick up
Elena: Fine
(She takes the phone and answers)
Elena: What?
Stefan: Where are you?
Elena: Bonnie and I are going to spend the night at the lake house while we wait for sheriff Forbes to give us some more addresses
Stefan: You're kidding me, right?
Elena: No, Stefan, I'm not. We need a night off from your insanity
Stefan: Klaus is getting antsy. He knows I'm stalling him. We need to move faster
Elena: Well, we're doing everything we can. So could you maybe not call every 5 minutes?
Stefan: Sure, Elena. Whatever you say
(He hangs up. He's at her house looking at Abby's file)
[Mystic Grill]
(Klaus is at the bar, on the phone with his hybrid, Daniel)
Klaus: How's life on the road?
Daniel: Scenic. How's life in Mystic Falls without any hybrids?
Klaus: Boring. For now
Daniel: If you want any of us back, you just have to say the word
Klaus: There's no need. I've been making friends with the town's civil servants. There's a deputy who's awfully chatty, but useful nonetheless. Are you clear on what you need to do?
Daniel: I've got it covered
[Abby Bennett's House]
(Daniel knocks on the door. She opens)
Abby: Can I help you?
Daniel: Abby Bennett Wilson?
Abby: That's me
(He smiles)
(Bonnie and Elena arrives at the house and parks in front of it)
Elena: Cute house.
Bonnie: Yeah, For the middle of nowhere
Elena: You ready? Come on
(They get out of the car and goes to the house. Elena rings the bell but no one answer so she's about to knock but a boy arrives. They jolt)
Jamie: Hey there
(Elena and Bonnie look at each other)
Elena: Hey, we're looking for, um, Abby Wilson
Jamie: She's not home. Is there anything I can do for you?
Bonnie: That's ok, we can come back
(He looks at her)
Jamie: I'm sorry, but you look so familiar
Bonnie: Yeah, Abby's my mom
Jamie: Oh. I'm Jamie. Um, you guys want to come inside? Right this way
(He opens the door. Elena looks at Bonnie, half smiling and they enter)
(Bonnie and Elena are sitting at a table. Jamie opens the fridge)
Jamie: You guys sure you don't want anything? We got fresh O.J., coconut water, some mango guava something
Bonnie: Water's fine
Jamie: Cool
(He goes to the sink and comes back with two glass of water)
Bonnie: So, ahem, are we, like, related?
Jamie: Oh, no. Uh, Abby's not my mom
(He gives them the glasses. Elena takes hers and looks at Bonnie)
Elena: Oh. Good
Jamie: Yeah, she, uh, she dated my old man back in the day. He was kind of a deadbeat, so when they broke up, she took me in. Put me through school. Didn't freak out when I totaled her car. Twice
Bonnie: She sounds...Great
Jamie: Yeah
(Abby arrives)
Abby: Jamie? Whose car's out front?
(She enters the room and sees the girls)
Bonnie: That's mine. I'm Bonnie. Your daughter
Abby: Hello, Bonnie
[Old Lockwood's Cellar]
(Tyler is shirtless. Bill is tying him up. Caroline's here)
Caroline: How do you know this is going to work?
Bill: It's a process. It took decades to train myself to resist compulsion. The brain's like a muscle. The more you use it, the more it can do. A sire bond, at its core, is about one thing... Gratitude. If you believe you owe Klaus your life, ask yourself why
Tyler: I was cursed. Every full moon, I had to change into a wolf. It was t*rture. Klaus took that away
Bill: Freed you from your pain and you feel indebted to him. To break the sire bond, you've to make yourself turn. Own your pain, then you'll owe Klaus nothing and you'll be free
Caroline: But how can he turn? It's not a full moon
Bill: He doesn't need one. You're a hybrid now, right? I mean, you can turn at will or not, am I right?
Tyler: Yeah, but I don't know how to just...Start
Bill: Now you're making excuses
Tyler: You don't understand! When I turn, I break every bone in my body
Bill: You asked for my help. This is the only way. How badly do you want your freedom?
(He looks at Caroline. Tyler looks at her too)
Tyler: Ok. Ok
(Tyler concentrates and his eyes turn yellow. His transformation begins)
[Abby Bennett's House]
(Bonnie is looking at a picture from Jamie's graduation. Elena is here too. They're alone)
Elena: How are you holding up?
Bonnie: Oh. I'll be fine. I'm not here to get my mom back, I'm just here to get her help
(Abby comes back with a plate of food)
Abby: So I hope you guys are hungry. 'Cause, uh, food has always been my go-to icebreaker
Elena: You have a really beautiful home
Abby: You're so sweet. Just like your mom
Elena: You knew my mom?
Abby: Miranda was my best friend
Bonnie: So you had a daughter and a best friend and you still left?
Abby: My best friend is why I left. 15 years ago, a vampire came to town. Looking for you, Elena. Looking for the doppelganger. No one could manage to k*ll him, so I lured him out of town and cast a spell to desiccate him in a crypt in Charlotte
Elena: Mikael. He was an original vampire
Abby: It took every ounce of power I had. Almost k*lled me. I recovered. But my magic didn't. My powers never came back
Bonnie: And neither did you
Abby: It wasn't that simple
Bonnie: It wasn't? You cast a spell, put Michael down, then... What? You had to teach Jamie how to drive?
Elena: Bonnie...
Bonnie: This was a mistake. She has no magic, she can't help us
Abby: Bonnie, wait, please. Don't go. Talk to me. Please?
Elena: I'll wait outside
(Elena goes outside and looks around her. When she turns herself, Stefan's here)
Stefan: Hi, Elena. Nice lake house
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Damon waits for Meredith outside of a room)
Damon: You know, we never got a chance to officially meet, doctor...Fell
Meredith: You're Alaric's friend, right? Damon Salvatore. Saw you at the council meeting. What are you doing here?
Damon: Strolling the halls. I like to wave at the newborns through the window. Sorry about your boyfriend. Animal att*ck. Brutal
Meredith: Ex-boyfriend. And thanks. I'm still kind of processing
Damon: Yeah, I'm sure. You know, I just thought I'd come by and tell you that it wasn't an animal att*ck. And then I realized. You signed the death certificate
(He shows her a paper. She enters a room and makes him a sign to follow her)
Meredith: Would you rather I say he was staked like a vampire?
Damon: Wasn't he the guy that coined the phrase "animal att*ck"?
Meredith: Why do you even care?
Damon: Because Ric likes you. And if you're a psychopath, it would probably really suck for him
Meredith: You think I k*lled my ex-boyfriend?
Damon: I think psychopaths are incredibly high-maintenance
Meredith: If you care about your friend, go figure out how Alaric came into the icu on his deathbed and walked out an hour later without a scratch
Damon: Fair enough
(He leaves but she injects him vervain and he collapses. He's on the floor and she takes some blood from him with a syringe. He starts to wake up so she rushes and leaves)
[Old Lockwood's Cellar]
(Tyler is still transitionning but he stops because he's in too much pain)
Tyler: I can't. I can't
Bill: Try harder
Caroline: Can't he just rest for one second?!
Bill: We're doing this my way, Caroline. If you can't handle it, you should go
Tyler: He's right, Caroline. Just go
CarolineNo! Tyler!
Tyler: Go, Caroline
(She looks at them and leaves. Bill takes an ax and goes toward Tyler)
Tyler: What are you doing?
(Bill hits him and cuts him wi the ax)
Tyler: What the hell, man?
Bill: Does it bother you?
(He hits Tyler again)
Tyler: Knock it off!
Bill: Good. Get angry. It's in you. You know it is
(He hits Tyler on the face. Tyler gets really angry and gets up)
Tyler: I said knock it off!
Bill: Your bond to Klaus is putting my daughter in danger. Now either you turn or I k*ll you right here, right now
(Tyler looks at the ax and at Bill and start to turn again. His eyes turn yellow again)
[Abby Bennett's House]
(Bonnie and Abby are sitting at the table. Alone)
Abby: You've grown into such a beautiful young woman, Bonnie
Bonnie: Please, just stop with the muffins and the compliments. I just want to know the truth... Why didn't you come home?
Abby: I had no magic. I was in a new city, and I realized I had a chance to be somebody else. To be Abby Wilson, the woman... Not Abby Bennett, the witch. I'm not proud of what I did, Bonnie. I ran. I know I ran. But you had your dad and your grams, and, ok, let's face it... Your grams is way better at this stuff than I am
Bonnie: You don't know?
Abby: What?
(She realises what Bonnie meant and seems choked)
Abby: How?
Bonnie: We were doing a rough spell... And we both exhausted ourselves. Her more than me
(She shed a tear)
Abby: Well, she raised you right. I'm sure she was very proud of you. Well, now you know my whole story
Bonnie: Yep
Abby: How about you tell me yours? What brings you to me?
Bonnie: It was a dream, actually. I thought you were supposed to help us. But if you don't have any magic, it's...
Abby: Well, no spells, no. But I'm not completely useless. I mean, the earth still provides herbs and such. There might be something I can do
Bonnie: I...Don't think so
Abby: Bonnie, please. Let me help you
(Stefan and Elena are in the barn)
Stefan: So what, you'd think I wouldn't find out?
Elena: Honestly, I didn't care
Stefan: This is exactly why I didn't want you in the loop, Elena
Elena: Yeah, because now you can't do whatever you want
(He sh**t in a chair)
Stefan: Damn it!
(Jamie arrives)
Jamie: Hey! Everything all right out here?
Elena: Hey. Jamie, go back inside, ok? Please. Trust me. It's better off for you there
Jamie: I don't think so
Stefan: I'd listen to her. Get back upstairs, man
Jamie: I said I don't think so
(Stefan compels him)
Stefan: Get back upstairs before I tear your damn throat out, do you understand me?
(Jamie goes back upstairs)
Elena: I don't think you realize how bad you've gotten!
Stefan: This is the way it has to be, Elena
Elena: Oh, yeah, right. Out-villain the villain. I get it
(Jamie comes back with a r*fle)
Jamie: You're not supposed to be here
Elena: Jamie, what are you doing?
Jamie: What I was told. He's not supposed to be here
Stefan: Elena, he's compelled
(Jamie sh**t him)
(Bonnie hears it and gets up)
Bonnie: What was that?!
(Abby pours some herbs in her hand and catches Bonnie from behind, putting her hand on Bonnie's face. Bonnie struggle but she finally collapses)
[Alaric's Appartment]
(Alaric is working out. Damon enters)
Alaric: What are you doing here?
Damon: Ah, looking for a bunny. You're good. For now
Alaric: You still obsessed with Meredith? Ah. I mean, don't you have an original vampire to worry about?
Damon: Ah, ah, ah, do ten more of those. You're going to want to buff up if you start dating this one. Self defense and all
Alaric: What is your problem?
Damon: Your doctor vervained me. And then she bloodjacked me
Alaric: What? I mean, when did you even see her?
Damon: When I went to the hospital to accuse her of k*lling her ex-boyfriend. Which, by the way, very sensitive subject
Alaric: Damon, what the hell are you doing, huh?
Damon: Why are you mad at me?
Alaric: I told you I'd handle this!
Damon: I proved your theory... Diagnosed psycho case. You're welcome
[Abby Bennett's House]
(Jamie is tying Elena's hand)
Elena: Why are you doing this?
Jamie: Stop moving
Elena: Jamie, let me go. Jamie, he needs help. Jamie!
(She sees Abby dragging Bonnie, unconscious, into a car)
Elena: Bonnie! Bonnie!
(Jamie takes his riot and goes toward them. Stefan is awake and in pain. Jamie helps Abby put Bonnie in the car)
[Old Lockwood's Cellar]
(Tyler is still turning and pulls on the chains and finally breaks one)
Bill: Oh my God
Tyler: These chains aren't strong enough. You need to leave. Run!
(Bill runs but Tyler has finally turned and rushes toward Bill)
[A Road]
(Daniel is waiting. A car parks behind his. It's Abby. She gets out of the car)
Daniel: So?
Abby: She didn't tell me where the coffins are. The vampire showed up
Daniel: Did Jamie take care of him?
Abby: He did. But she's not going to talk now. There's no way. I tried
Daniel: Well, you should try again
Bonnie: What did you do to me?
Abby: You'll be fine. But don't try and use spells. Those herbs I used muted your magic
Bonnie: Where's Elena?!
Abby: She'll be fine, too. Bonnie, listen to me. I need your help. I need you to tell me where those coffins are
Bonnie: Why?
(Abby looks at Daniel)
Abby: Because if you don't, that man compelled Jamie to k*ll himself
Bonnie: I can't. This goes beyond you and me
(Abby takes her phone and writes something)
Abby: All you need to do is tell me where they are. Then we'll have held up our end of the bargain. Bonnie, please
(Abby gives her phone to Bonnie. She's written to warn her friends)
[Abby Bennett's House]
(Stefan is still on the ground and Elena is still titened and tries to break the rope)
Elena: I've almost got it
(Jamie comes back)
Jamie: Abby hasn't called yet
Elena: Jamie, please, just let us go
Jamie: No! Please, don't do anything. Look, I don't know why I sh*t him. I don't know why I'm holding this g*n, but if you move or do anything, I'm going to sh**t him again
Elena: Ok, I won't. Who gave you that g*n?
Jamie: A man came by here earlier today. He said it was wooden buckshot. Told me if anyone got in our way, I'm supposed to sh**t 'em
Elena: What else did he say?
Jamie: If Abby didn't find the location of some coffins... I'm supposed to sh**t myself
Elena: What about me? What did he say about me?
Jamie: I'm not supposed to hurt you
Elena: Are you sure? Because... These ropes are so tight that it is hurting me
(He comes toward her. She frees her hand and catches the riot and hits him with it. He falls on the ground, unconscious. Then she rushes over Stefan)
Elena: What can I do to help?
Stefan: Every time I move, the wood shifts inside of me. I can feel it scraping against my heart. You need to get the pieces out
(She puts her fingers in one of his wounds to get the b*llet out)
[Abandonned Witch House]
(Damon goes downstairs. The coffins aren't here. Klaus arrives)
Klaus: What took you so long? Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor, no less
(He suddenly screams and touches his head. The witches spirits are hurting him)
Damon: Insulting a bunch of d*ad witches... Not smart. I made the exact same mistake first time I came in here
Klaus: Well, you know the funny thing about the witches is that living or d*ad, they care about their own. A hundred d*ad witches have a thousand living descendents... And I have no problem k*lling every last one of them if I don't get my coffins back. As we speak, my hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line. Now. Please... Show me the coffins
(The coffins appear)
Klaus: Here we are
(He sees that one coffin is missing)
Klaus: Where's the fourth? Show me!
Damon: Well, ehh, here's the thing. They can't. It's not here
Klaus: What did you do?
Damon: Well, Bonnie gave me the head's up. I mean, I didn't have enough time to get all four, but I did have time to get one
Klaus: I will tear you limb from limb. And only then, when you are a writhing mass of blood and flesh, will I rip your heart from your chest
Damon: Sorry. Same rules apply. Leverage and all. I know you want your family back. But something tells me you want what's in that coffin a lot more
(He leaves)
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Alaric is waiting for Meredith)
Alaric: You want to tell me what you're up to?
Meredith: You talked to Damon
Alaric: Yeah i did
Meredith: He wasn't supposed to wake up so soon. I used enough vervain to sedate him for hours
Alaric: Well, he drinks it, every day. To build up an immunity so people like you don't get the jump on him
Meredith: I'm not crazy, Ric
Alaric: Really? Then what are you?
Meredith: You really want to know? Stick around
(A patient in really bad shape arrives. It's Bill Forbes)
Alaric: Is that bill Forbes?
[Abby Bennett's House]
(Elena is still getting the b*ll*ts out of Stefan's chest. He screams)
Elena: Aaah! I'm just trying to help!
Stefan: Just get it out, Elena, please. Just get it out
Elena: If you keep squirming, maybe I'll feel sorry for you
(She takes the last piece out. He looks at her)
Stefan: You've changed. Something's different about you. You're stronger. Tougher
Elena: You're not the only one who changed, Stefan. We all had to
Stefan: That's good to know
Elena: There's something I have to tell you. And it's not because I feel guilty that it happened. It's because I feel guilty that you don't know. I kissed Damon
(He doesn't say anything. She looks a him. She touches his chest)
Elena: There. All done
(He gets up and leaves)
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Alaric and Meredith are in Bill's room)
Alaric: What happened to him?
Meredith: He was found in the woods. An actual animal att*ck. Bite marks and gashes over half his body. Lost about 3 liters of blood
Alaric: Well, is he going to make it?
Meredith: Nope. At least not on his own
(She takes a vial of blood from her pocket)
Alaric: What is that?
Meredith: Exactly what you think it is. Vampire blood.
(She injects the blood in Bill's arm)
Meredith: You wanted to know my secret? I cheat. I'm a doctor and I hate when people die. So when I have the ability to do something about it, I do
[Abby Bennett's House]
(Elena rejoins Stefan at his car)
Elena: Stefan... Say something. Please
Stefan: I shouldn't have kidnapped you. The car, the bridge, it was too far
Elena: Thank you
Stefan: But you shouldn't have lied to me today. You can't go off and do things like that, Elena. Not while Klaus is still alive
Elena: I know. I just...I wanted to give Bonnie a moment with her mother without everything else getting in the way
Stefan: Without me getting in the way
Elena: I didn't plan on kissing him
Stefan: You're better than him, Elena. You're better than both of us
(He goes into his car and leaves)
[A road]
(Bonnie and Abby are on the side of the road, next to Abby's car. Bonnie looks at her phone)
Bonnie: Elena's on her way. Jamie's safe. He's a little bruised, but he's safe
Abby: Do you think the hybrid will come back?
Bonnie: You kept your end of the bargain. Klaus usually keeps his. You're willing to do all of this for him... And he's not even your family
Abby: He is my family, Bonnie. I know that might be hard for you to hear, but he is. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about you. I want to help you
Bonnie: You can't. You have no magic and I don't trust you
Abby: When I put mikael down, my magic didn't just leave me. It drifted away. The longer I stayed away from you, the weaker it got. I think nature was punishing me for abandoning you. Maybe you can help me get my magic back
Bonnie: I thought you said you didn't want it anymore
Abby: I don't. But if it's what you wanted... I would do that for you
[Mystic Falls's Hospital]
(Bill is awake and is in better shape. Tyler enters the room)
Tyler: You're better
Bill: Yeah. I shouldn't be, but I didn't have any say in the matter
Tyler: I didn't mean to hurt you. I lost control. Again
Bill: I knew the risks when I decided to help you. So... Was it worth it? How do you feel?
Tyler: Different. A little more myself
Bill: Then we'll continue tomorrow
Tyler: What are you talking about? I turned
Bill: Once. To break the sire bond. Turning needs to be painless. And from what I saw today... We're still a long way off
Tyler: I can't put myself through that again
Bill: You will. Because until you're capable of acting on your own free will, I'm not going to let you anywhere near my daughter
[Gilbert's House]
(Alaric is with Meredith. He shows her his vampire hunter arsenal)
Alaric: You told me your secret. This is mine
Meredith: You're a vampire hunter
Alaric: Ah, semi-retired
Meredith: You're trying to get out of taking me to dinner, aren't you?
Alaric: Just want to be honest. No secrets
Meredith: Ok. Then tell me how you survived getting h*t by a truck. Your injuries were fatal. Was it vampire blood?
Alaric: That, and, uh...
(He shows her his ring)
Alaric: This ring protects me from death at the hands of supernatural beings
Meredith: A vampire hunter who can't be k*lled by vampires. Convenient.
(She tries to take his ring off his finger but he takes his hand back
Meredith: Are you worried I'm a supernatural being?
Alaric: One can never be... Too careful
(They kiss and Elena enters at the same time)
Elena: Oh, um, hey, um. Sorry
Meredith: Oh, uh, I'm gonna go
Alaric: Ok, yeah, sure, sure, sure
(Meredith leaves. Alaric is uncomfortable)
Alaric: Elena, I am... I'm sorry
Elena: Please, it... it's ok
Alaric: Ah, it's not ok, Elena. I mean, this is not even my place. It's... it's your place. It's Jenna's place. It's your family... It's your family's place
Elena: The minute that you slept on that couch, it became your place, too. We needed you, and... And you stayed. So thank you for that. Hey, look, I know it's hard. But Jenna's gone. And you're allowed to move on
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan enters. Damon's here)
Stefan: Oh, you're still alive? I assume that means Klaus didn't get his coffins
Damon: Well, don't look so happy. I was only able to get one of them out in time. The locked one
Stefan: Probably a good choice
Damon: Yeah. You know, if you're banking on Bonnie's mama to open it, you're screwed. She doesn't
have any powers
Stefan: Ah. Doesn't surprise me. It's been that kind of night
Damon: Is Elena ok?
(Stefan doesn't answer and punches him)
Damon: I take it you two had a heart to heart. And I take it you don't want to talk about it. Noted
(He takes a dagger from his back and shows it to Stefan)
Damon: So why don't we talk about this?
Stefan: What did you do?
[Klaus' House]
(Daniel is helping Klaus put the coffins in a room)
Daniel: You have your family back. Finally. You're going to open them?
Klaus: Not quite yet. I still have some unfinished business to take care of
Daniel: What business?
(He's suddenly d*ad. Elijah is behind him and has Daniel's heart in his hand)
Elijah: So, Niklaus...
Klaus: Elijah?
Elijah: What did I miss? | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x12 - The Ties that Bind"} | foreverdreaming |
ELIJAH: You look surprised to see me. So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest?
KLAUS: You look like you could do with a drink. And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?
(Elijah att*cks him; Klaus flies through a window)
KLAUS: Easy. I just finished renovating. You know you have every right to be mad at me. But I kept my word, I reunited you with our family.
(Elijah att*cks him again, Klaus undaggers Kol and thr*at Elijah with the dagger)
KLAUS: Don`t make me do this to you again Elijah!
ELIJAH: Come on. Use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with.
KLAUS: Mikael is d*ad.
ELIJAH: What did you say?
KLAUS: I k*lled him. With his own w*apon. He's gone Elijah. Forever.
ELIJAH: Why do our family remain in these coffins? Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century.
KLAUS: Because of Stefan Salvatore. He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them. There are things that you do not know about our past, Elijah. Our mother's death. Things I never wanted you to know but I`m ready to tell you now. I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me.
ELIJAH: What are you doing?
(Klaus daggers Kol again)
KLAUS: Always and forever. I need you to stand by my side. Be my brother. Help me destroy Stefan and I promise you our family will be whole again.
(Klaus closes Kol`s coffin lid)
ELENA: Morning
ALARIC: Thought we had aspirin.
ELENA: Yeah in the vitamins. You`re hungover.
ALARIC: Yeah, sorry about that, it was a bit of a weird night.
ELENA: I told you you don`t have to feel guilty about inviting Meredith over here.
ALARIC: Oh I know. And I thank you for that. But I do feel guilty for whiskey dialing her at two in the a.m.
ELENA: No you didn`t.
ALARIC: Oh, yes I did.
ELENA: Oh, was she cool about it?
ALARIC: Well, as soon as these aspirin kick in and I remember the conversation, I'll let you know.
(Sheriff Forbes rings the doorbell and is waiting outside; Elena opens the door)
ELENA: Sheriff Forbes, hi. Is everything OK?
LIZ: This is an unconventional conversation we`re about to have. So I hope you`ll protect me on it.
ALARIC: Of course.
LIZ: I assume you both heard our medical examiner was m*rder the night of the Wickery Bridge fundraiser.
ALARIC: Yeah. Brian Walters. Why?
LIZ: We`ve been investigating. Someone drove this stake through his heart.
ALARIC: That`s one of ours. I mean this is one of a set from your parents lake house.
LIZ: That`s why I`m here. I haven`t told anyone but forensics ran it for prints and found only one clean set.
(She looks at Elena)
LIZ: Yours
ELENA: What?
(Damon and Elena talk on the phone)
DAMON: So you`re the prime suspect, huh?
ELENA: She doesn`t think that I did it. She`s just tryin` to find out why somebody used one of my family w*apon to k*ll a council member.
DAMON: Well why don`t you just ask Ric if his dirty little doctor had access to the w*apon.
ALARIC: You`re on speaker phone, dick.
DAMON: I`m just sayin` first suspects usually the right one. Don`t get so defensive.
ALARIC: Brian Walters was k*lled days ago, right? I didn`t show Meredith this stuff until last night!
ELENA: It wasn`t Meredith.
DAMON: But Brian Walters was her ex-boyfriend and Ric saw them fighting that night.
ELENA: It`s not Meredith! Okay? I refuse to believe that your luck with women is that tragic.
DAMON: Who else knows about your secret little slayer stash?
ALARIC: Who doesn't? Got w*apon everywhere, here, the school, my loft, your car.
DAMON: It's Klaus, it has to be, he's screwing with us.
ELENA: What if it was Stefan? He was crazy that night, and you know he was trying to get underneath Klaus's skin, he was capable of pretty much anything.
DAMON: Ahh, make's me nostalgic for the time that Stefan was a bunny snacking pacifict, anyway got to go, you'll know more later.
ALARIC: Hey, where are you?
DAMON: Tea with an old friend.
DAMON: Elijah, my favorite original, back from the d*ad. Clean up nice.
ELIJAH: You left something, in my jacket pocket.
(Elijah pulls out a note)
DAMON: Oh, yeah. "Dear Elijah, let's get together, plot the destruction of your brother, XOXO"
ELIJAH: Damon.
DAMON: Was I right to undagger you or are we gonna have a problem?
ELIJAH: I'm here, let's talk.
DAMON: I'll start with an easy question, any idea what kind of Klaus k*lling w*apon could be magically sealed in a mystery coffin?
(Abby, Bonnie and Stefan go to the coffin, it's in the secret cellar.)
ABBY: Slow down!
STEFAN: Keep up, we don't have much time.
BONNIE: Sorry Stefan, but I didn't have a choice.
STEFAN: It was a choice Bonnie, you made it and now we have to live with it. You told Klaus where the coffins were and he took them. All of them except this one.
ABBY: That's the one that's sealed?
STEFAN: Yep. Fortunately it seems to be the one he cares about most.
ABBY: Aren't you coming inside?
(Stefan stops at the entrance.)
STEFAN: Vampires can't get in. Damon had to compelled a couple of Lockwood-Gardeners to bring the coffin in.
Abby: This is a bad idea.
Stefan: Look, if you're really the key to opening up that coffin, I think it's a pretty save bet you're on Klaus's hitlist.So I suggest you hideout here and figure out a way to open up the damn thing.
Abby: I told you, I don't have any powers.
Stefan: And I don't believe you. The time's ticking. Won't be long, before Klaus calls his hybrids to find that coffin and k*ll all of us. So dig deep, Abby Bennett. Scrape out whatever magic you have left.
(Stefan leaves when he comes outside, Elena's waiting in the front of the entrance to the cave.)
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Elena: Bonnie told me that you guys would be here. I need to talk to you.
Stefan: Well, there's nothing to talk about. I'm just focused on getting this coffin open.
Elena: Did you k*ll the medical examiner?
Stefan: Why would you think I did that?
Elena: Maybe because I don't know what you're capable of anymore.
Stefan: Well, believe what you want, Elena.
Elena: I don't want to believe any of it, Stefan.
Stefan: But you had to ask me anyway.
Elena: Stefan...
Stefan: Did you ask Damon... if he k*lled anybody lately?
(Elena doesn't answer, Stefan leaves.)
(Meredith meets up with Caroline in the hallway.)
Meredith: Are you Caroline?
Caroline: Yes. Dr. Fell, hi. Elena told me you helped out my dad.
Meredith: I did. Do you think you can get him to be a little more grateful? He spent half the night thr*at to get my medical license revoked for saving his life.
Caroline: Yeah, my dad's a little set in his ways. He spent his whole life hating vampires, so...
Meredith: So... he's not psyched about it being vampire blood that healed him. Yeah, he made that clear. I'm sorry. my bedside manner sucks, on no sleep.
Caroline: So, can I take him home?
Meredith: I signed his discharge papers late last night, just to shut him up.
Caroline: Oh, I... he didn't call or anything.
Meredith: That's gotta be hard. When your dad hates the one thing you can't change about yourself. I make it my business, to know who the vampires are in this town. Medical curiosity. I don't blab.
Caroline: Yeah, we've had our ups and downs.
Meredith: Tell your dad I said you're welcome.
(She leaves.)
Caroline: Thanks.
(She goes to Elena.)
Elena: That was fast.
Caroline: Yeah, he's not here. He was already discharged. And she seems perfectly nice by the way... a little intense, maybe. But... I think it's sweet, you wanna make sure Alaric's not dating a total psycho.
Elena: He's my family. I have to look out for him. What?
(Caroline calls her father)
Caroline: I hear it.
(She hears her phone of her dad.)
Elena: Hear what?
Caroline: My dad's phone.
(They go in a storage room.)
(They find Bill lifeless with a Kn*fe in his chest.)
(Caroline gets on her knees beside him.)
Caroline: Dad! Dad?
Elena: Oh my god.
Caroline: Don't be d*ad, don't be d*ad, don't be d*ad! Oh my god!
(She pulls the Kn*fe out.)
Caroline: Daddy!
Elena: Caroline... He has vampire blood in his system.
Caroline: What?!
(Suddenly, Bill wakes up.)
(Bonnie looks at the signs of Klaus's family.)
Bonnie: Is this the only grimoire you kept?
Abby: It was the only one I needed. So... what is all of this?
Bonnie: Family history. About a mother, who loved her children so much, she couldn't bear the thought she might lose them. So she turned them into vampires. One of them is Klaus.
Abby: The one, you're trying to k*ll with whatever is in that coffin?
(She nods.)
Bonnie: There's nothing in here, that's going to help us. I've seen most of these spells. What was this?
(She show her the rest of a demolished aite.)
Abby: That was the spell I used to seal Mikael in the tomb. I b*rned it and tried to get it out of my head. Didn't work though. Wait... Do you see this?
(Abby points to a spell on the page.)
Bonnie: It's a sealing spell. We're trying to open something... Not seal it shut.
Abby: No. Right here. On this side. It's a blood knot. It means, to bind it you need two genarations. A bloodline. Like... two keys to a safety deposit box.
Bonnie: So... unbinding it, would reverse the spell. Unseal it. If we did it together.
(Damon is in Stefans room with two shirts in his hands, Stefan enters.)
Damon: Get dressed. We're going out.
Stefan: Yeah, sorry, not interested.
Damon: I didn't ask. Elijah and I have scheculed a very old fashion sitdown with you and Klaus. I say go with the black. Makes you look all villainy.
Stefan: Klaus won't make a deal, Damon.
Damon: He didn't have to. All we're doing is buying a little time to give our wicked witches a chance to pop-up the top of the coffin.
Stefan: So, that's your...uh...plan? Stall Klaus?
Damon: If you didn't go postal on his hybrids then maybe we'd have some options.
Stefan: So you unleashed an original to help him out?
Damon: Undaggering Elijah was smart, Stefan. You're kidding me? After what Klaus did to him? He's in vengeance mood. Perfect.
Stefan: There's nothing smart... about trusting Elijah, Damon. He screwed us over the last time he promised to help us k*ll Klaus.
Damon: Yeah, the way you've been acting I trust him about as much as I trust you.
Stefan: Hm. Well I guess that goes both ways, doesn't it?
Damon: Oh yes this is aboout me kissing Elena. Just remember; if it wasn't for Klaus, you would have never become such a dick and that kiss would never have happened. So get ready and get happy. We're going to negotiate a fake truce and I don't want your attitude screwing it up.
(Caroline and Bill are still in the storage room.)
Caroline: I compelled the nurse to stay out of this room. You'll be safe here.
Bill: My wound is completely healed. I need something to eat.
Caroline: Daddy, why don't you just come lay down and just relax?
Bill: I can't. I'm too wired and my pulse is racing. It's the effect of my body wanting to transition.
Caroline: Well, maybe Doctor Fell can give you something.
Bill: She's done enough.
(Elena walks in)
Elena: I called your mom.
Caroline: Thanks.
Elena: Mr. Forbes, did you see your attacker?
Bill: I didn't see anything. Tried to sneak out the back exit and someone came up from behind.
Caroline: Look, we'll figure this out, but in the mean time we need to get you some blood.
Bill: I'm not going to drink any blood.
Elena: You have to. You died with vampire blood in your system. If you don't feed and finish the transition into a vampire then you'll die.
Bill: I understand how it works. And that's what I'm prepared to do. Now get me out of this hospital. I smell blood everywhere.
(He leaves.)
(Alaric is putting his w*apon on the table, Elena enters the house.)
Elena: What are you doing?
Alaric: Taking inventory. Did you bring it?
Elena: You mean, did I steal evidence from a crime scene? Yes.
(She gives him the stake.)
Alaric: You're right. It's a match. This is from a crawl space in the foyer. Which means, Meredith knew where it was.
Elena: That doesn't mean, she stole it.
(He shows her other stakes.)
Alaric: This is from the loft. These are from the duffel in Damon's car.
Elena: Identical to the one that k*lled Brian Walters.
Alaric: Damon's car was at the Wickery-Bridge fundraiser, so was Meredith. And that was the night her ex-boyfriend, the medical examiner, was k*lled. The one who called her psycho.
Elena: Well, she was trying to save Bill Forbes, why would she turn around and try to k*ll him?
Alaric: I don't know what to think either. You know, but... we'd be idiots to ignore all these facts.
Elena: So what should we do?
Alaric: Well... Get this to the police. Then you should probably be with Caroline.
Elena: I'm sorry, Ric. Please be careful.
(She takes the stake and leaves.)
(Elijah opens the door, Stefan and Damon are standing outside.)
Elijah: Niklaus, our guests have arrived.
Klaus: Damon. Stefan. Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilised men, shall we?
Elijah: It's better to indulge him.
Stefan: I didn't come here to eat, Klaus. Fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told, I had to cause you would hear us out.
Klaus: Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. The choice is yours.
(They sit at the table and are eating and drinking, all accept Stefan.)
Damon: Thank you, love.
Klaus: You lost your appetite.
Damon: Eat. I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home.
Klaus: That's the spirit. Isn't it nice? Four of us dining together? Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger from my brother?
Damon: Well, I know how he felt about you, so I figured the more, the merrier.
Klaus: Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the century. But we always make it through.
Stefan: Kind of like you and Rebekah, right? Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her.
Klaus: If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I k*lled our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah.
Damon: Hey, Stef, remember when you k*lled dad? Might want to dial down the judgment until dessert.
Stefan: We're here to make a deal, Damon. Doesn't mean we need to kiss his ass for seven courses.
Damon: I'm just saying we have a long evening ahead of us. Pace yourself.
(Elena and Caroline are sitting together on the front porch.)
Elena: Did you hear back from Tyler yet?
Caroline: No. And I've left messages for him everywhere. So, does Alaric really think that Dr. Fell did it?
Elena: He doesn't know what to think.
Caroline: What about you?
Elena: I wish the girl Alaric liked wasn't in the middle of all of this. He deserves to be happy. But yeah, she looks guilty. It's why I told your mom.
Caroline: My mom's in there sitting with my dad. And I don't think they've been in the same room this long since I was ten years old. Is there any chance that Tyler did it?
Elena: What?
Caroline: If Klaus was trying to mess with you and he's sired to Klaus. And, I mean, he does everything that he's told.
Elena: No... no, I don't think Tyler did it.
Caroline: I can't just let my father die. You know, I'm... I'm gonna force him to feed.
Elena: Hey... he doesn't want to, Caroline. The only thing your dad has is his choice.
(Caroline starts to cry.)
Caroline: I hated him so much for what he did to me. So much. Now all I want to do is save his life.
Elena: Of course you do, he's your dad.
Caroline: What was the hardest part for you? When you lost your Dad?
Elena: Realizing all the things that he wouldn't be there for. The things that... that you just need your Dad for, you know?
(Elena scoots over to Caroline and holds her in her arms. Matt suddenly shows up and they both look at him.)
Matt: Hey.
Caroline: Hey.
(She gets up and hugs Matt.)
Elijah: Stefan. Where is the lovely Elena tonight?
Stefan: I don't know. Ask Damon.
(Klaus laughs.)
Klaus: I'm sorry, you've missed so much. Uh- trouble in paradise.
Stefan: One more word about Elena and this dinner's over.
(Klaus continues to laugh silently.)
Damon: You know what, probably best just to keep Elena in the do not discuss pile.
Klaus: You're probably right.
Damon: Yeah.
Klaus: It's just the allure of the Petrova doppelgänger, still so strong. What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?
Elijah: Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?
Klaus: Well, given their shared affection for both Elena and Katerina, I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line.
Damon: Well, we're not going anywhere Elijah. Please, do tell.
(Damon takes a sip of wine.)
Elijah: When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia, she was an exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor, even though she'd had a child by another man. And none loved her more than Niklaus.
Klaus: I'd say there was one who loved her at least as much.
Stefan: Wait a minute, so you both loved the same girl?
Elijah: Our mother was a very powerful witch. She sought to end our feud over Tatia and so she took her. Klaus and I would later learn that it was Tatia's blood that we consumed in the wine on the night where our mother performed the spell which turned us into vampires. Tatia wouldn't make a decision between the two of us, so for a time Niklaus and I... grew estranged. Harsh words were traded, we even came to blows, didn't we, brother?
Klaus: But in the end we realized the sacred bond of family.
Elijah: Family above all.
(Elijah and Klaus raise their glasses.)
Klaus: Family above all.
(They clink their glasses together.)
(Abby and Bonnie are performing a spell over the coffin. After a minute, Bonnie takes her hands out of Abby's hands and looks at her.)
Bonnie: You're not trying! We've been at this for over an hour.
Abby: The spirits are angry with me. For leaving you. Maybe they didn't want me to have my powers again.
Bonnie: I had all of those dreams for a reason. The spirits wanted me to find you because your my mom. It's not them, it's you. You won't open yourself up to it. You know, Dad never talked about you? And neither did Grams. I had no memories of you. So you know what I use to pretend? That you were d*ad. It was easier to do that than to wonder why you never came back for me.
Abby: There is no way I can tell you how sorry I am for what I did.
Bonnie: Yes there is. You can help me.
(Bonnie places her hands over the coffin again, reaching out for Abby's hands. Abby takes her hands and they begin to recite the spell again. The candles flare up. They stop chanting the spell and Bonnie goes to open the coffin. It's still stuck.)
Bonnie: It almost worked. I have to call Damon, tell him that we're getting closer. I'll be right back.
Abby: Okay.
(Bonnie leaves the cavern, while Abby stays behind. She hears a noise and looks at the coffin. She walks over to it and reaches out to open it, but it opens by itself and all the candles flare up. She gasps.)
(Damon receives a text from Bonnie saying that she needs more time to work at the coffin.)
Elijah: So, why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?
Damon: That's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back, in exchange, he and the Original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever. Me, Stefan, and Elena live happily ever after. No grudges.
Elijah: The deal sounds fair, brother.
Klaus: I don't think you understand, Elena's doppelgänger blood insures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me. I will never leave her behind.
(Klaus gets up and starts to pace.)
Klaus: Let's say I do leave her here, under your protection, what then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse, how long before she dies caught between your feuding? You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her, and that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen, the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is... the two of you.
(Damon gets up.)
Damon: I'm gonna get some air.
Elijah: Let me deal with this.
(Elijah gets up and follows Damon, leaving Klaus and Stefan alone.)
Klaus: All this talk has made me thirsty.
(A blonde girl comes up and stands next to Klaus.)
Klaus: What do you say Stefan, can I interest you in a little after dinner drink?
(Klaus bites her neck and drinks her blood.)
(Elena and Matt walk up to the house.)
Elena: Thanks for walking me home.
Matt: Are you doing okay? This has to bring up a lot for you.
Elena: We've all lost a lot.
Matt: It's this town, it's messed up. None of us should have to live this way.
(They walk into the house together. Elena tries to turn on the lights, but they don't come on.)
Elena: That's weird.
Matt: Electricity must be out.
(They walk into the kitchen, Elena opens a cupboard and grabs two flashlights, she hands one to Matt.)
Elena: Here.
(She turns her flashlight on.)
Elena: I think I have some candles over there.
(Elena walks over to the other side of the kitchen and sees a puddle of blood.)
Elena: Oh my God!
Matt: What the hell?
(Elena moves her flashlight beam into the hallway; they see bloody handprints on the wall. Elena and Matt grab knives.)
Elena: Matt?
(They follow the bloody footprints out of the kitchen. They go up the stairs, there are more bloody handprints on the wall. Elena gets to the top of the stairs and looks around, she sees Alaric lying in a doorway with a Kn*fe through his stomach. She gasps and rushes over to him. Matt is right behind her.)
Elena: Ric! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!
(Elena goes to pull the Kn*fe out but Alaric screams, Matt stops her.)
Matt: No, leave it in! Leave it in! He's lost too much blood. I'm gonna call 911.
(Elena grabs Alaric's face and looks at him.)
Elena: Ric, look at me. Who did this to you?
Alaric: I don't know.
Elena: Oh my God, there's a lot of blood, Matt!
Matt: I know, I know, Elena. I know.
Alaric: You have to k*ll me.
Elena: What?
Alaric: Elena, you- you have to k*ll me.
Elena: Wait, wait, wait, Matt, hang up, hang up. He's right. If he dies a supernatural death, then he'll come back to life and he'll be healed.
Matt: But, how do you know who did this is supernatural?
Elena: That's what he's saying, we don't but... I'm the doppelgänger.
(She takes the Kn*fe she grabbed from the kitchen.)
Elena: That makes me supernatural.
Matt: Elena! No, this is messed up!
Elena: He's dying, Matt!
(Elena s*ab Alaric, k*lling him.)
(Klaus is still feeding on the blonde girl, he drops her to the floor, she's d*ad.)
Klaus: Delicious. Aged to perfection.
Stefan: Well, I guess the only reason you agreed to this evening, Klaus, is to drive a wedge between me and my brother.
Klaus: Oh no, you're doing that well enough on your own. Because of Elena, you're gonna lose your brother and you'll only have yourself to blame.
(Damon and Elijah re-enter.)
Damon: What do you say, Klaus? It's time for you to put something on the table. We've made our offer, now you counter.
Klaus: Okay. I offer Elena's future happiness. You see, what she needs right now is to be rid of you lot. And to fall in love with a human, maybe that nice football player, you know the blond one?
Damon: Matt Donovan? Really?
Klaus: Yeah, why not? They'll marry, live a long and fruitful life, and pop out a perfect family.
Stefan: And continue the Petrova bloodline. Every few hundred years, you'll have a new doppelgänger to drain and never run out of hybrids, right Klaus?
Klaus: Consider it a small return on my investment in her well being. See after you hand me back the coffin, I'll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life, you know it's what's best for her.
(Klaus gets up and walks towards Stefan.)
Klaus: So, what do you say Stefan, do we have a deal?
(Stefan walks over to Klaus.)
Damon: What are you doing?
(Klaus holds his hand out to Stefan. Stefan grabs his hand.)
Stefan: Nice try, Klaus. But no deal.
(Klaus breaks Stefan's arm. He kicks his leg and breaks it as well. He pushes his hand into the fireplace, Stefan starts to burn. Damon attempts to rush over to him, but Elijah pushes him against the wall.)
Damon: What are you doing?
(Klaus continues to hold Stefan in the f*re, his arm is badly burnt.)
Damon: Stop!
Klaus: Now, bring me my coffin before I burn him alive.
Damon: I'll get it.
Klaus: Go with him, brother, you keep him honest. And when you return, I will make good on my promise to you and I will hand over our family.
(Bill is in Caroline's room. Caroline enters.)
Bill: Hey.
Caroline: Hey.
(Bill points to a trophy on Caroline's dresser.)
Bill: Your first day at regionals.
Caroline: Yep. I was afraid to join the squad, but you talked me into it.
Bill: You had nothing to be afraid of, you were so much better than all those other girls.
(Bill sits down on Caroline's bed.)
Caroline: How are you feeling?
Bill: I'm tired.
Caroline: Can I get you anything? Or um... do you want me to call Steven?
Bill: No, no, we haven't spoken in a while. Just call him when it's over and the dust is settled, would you?
(Caroline kneels in front of her Dad and takes his hands.)
Caroline: Listen, listen to me. I know that you think you made your choice, but you can change your mind. You know, you are strong enough to handle being a vampire. I mean, you're the strongest person that I know.
Bill: Oh, Caroline, my strength is all in my beliefs. Becoming a vampire is wrong, people aren't supposed to cheat death, it's just what I believe. Please respect that.
(Caroline lets go of his hands and stands up and starts to cry.)
Caroline: God. How can you hate who I am so much?!
(Bill gets up and gently grabs Caroline's face.)
Bill: Oh, no, no, no, sweetheart, I don't hate you, I love you. You're strong, you're beautiful, you're good. And even after everything that has happened to you, you are exactly who your mother and I hoped you'd grow up to be.
Caroline: Please don't leave me, Daddy. Please... please don't leave me. Daddy just don't leave me.
(Bill hugs Caroline and pets her hair.)
Bill: Shh. Parents aren't supposed to outlive their children, Caroline. It's okay.
(She kisses the top of her head as she continues to cry. He looks over at Liz who is standing in the doorway.)
Bill: This is life. This is what it means to be human.
(Klaus is still keeping Stefan in the f*re.)
Stefan: Go ahead and k*ll me, I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin.
(Klaus pulls Stefan out of the fireplace.)
Klaus: You really have given up, haven't you? Where's the fight? Where's the ripper?
(He pushes Stefan. Stefan pushes back. Suddenly, Elijah and Damon re-enter the room.)
Klaus: Elijah... why haven't you left?
Elijah: Where are you manners, brother? We forgot dessert.
(Elijah takes the cover off a plate a blonde woman is carrying. Two silver daggers lie on the plate.)
Klaus: What have you done?
Elijah: What have you done? You see I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now.
(Kol enters the room.)
Klaus: Kol.
Kol: Long time, brother.
(Klaus starts to back away. Finn suddenly appears, he grabs a dagger and s*ab Klaus through the hand.)
Klaus: Finn, don't!
(He rushes away, but runs into Rebekah.)
Klaus: Rebekah?
(She s*ab him with a dagger.)
Rebekah: This is for our mother.
(Klaus falls back into Kol's arms. Kol restrains him. Elijah looks at Damon and Stefan.)
Elijah: You're free to go. This is family business.
(Bill is lying in Caroline's bed, he has passed away. Caroline is clutching his hand and crying. Liz enters the room, she has tears in her eyes. Caroline and Liz look at each other.)
(Elena is sitting next to Alaric's body, Matt comes up the stairs and kneels down next to her.)
Matt: He's still out?
(Elena nods.)
Elena: Caroline called. Her dad died. Will you stay with me? Until he wakes up?
Matt: Of course.
Elena: I can't lose anymore family.
(Elena starts to cry, Matt takes her in his arms and comforts her.)
(Damon and Stefan are walking to the Lockwood Cellar.)
Stefan: Ah, you were right about Elijah. Undaggering him was a smart move.
Damon: Wow, actual acknowledgement of a job well done. You're going soft, Stefan.
Stefan: So, I guess I shouldn't thank you for saving me from Klaus?
Damon: Shut up, you don't get to thank me until I pay you back for all those times you've saved me.
Stefan: You could have left me there. Klaus would have k*lled me and you would have had Elena all to yourself.
(Damon's phone goes off. It's Elena. He ignores the call.)
Damon: I didn't do it on your account.
Stefan: I love her, Damon.
Damon: So do I.
(Damon looks at him and walks away.)
(Elena is on the phone with Sheriff Forbes.)
Liz: I looked into it, Elena. Meredith Fell was called into surgery six hours ago. She's been in there ever since.
Elena: She has an alibi?
Liz: Iron-tight in an operating room full of witnesses.
Elena: Then who could it be?
Liz: I don't know. But the att*ck on Alaric makes this the third member of the Founder's Council and we just cleared our only suspect.
(Alaric wakes up and starts coughing. Elena hangs up her phone and rushes over to him and grabs his hand.)
(Damon and Stefan enter the cavern.)
Damon: Let's hope big witch and little witch got that coffin open.
Stefan: Something's gotta make this night worthwhile.
(They see Bonnie on the floor, unconscious.)
Stefan: Bonnie? She's still breathing.
Damon: Mama's still breathing, I can hear her.
Stefan: Coffin's open.
Damon: Well, it's not gonna do us any good. Whatever's in it is gone.
Rebekah: I like what you've done with the new place, Nik.
(She throws a vase into a painting.)
Klaus: I wanted it to be for all of us. A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again.
Elijah: Well you're right, none of us will be.
Finn: You're staying behind.
Rebekah: We're leaving you, Nik. Right after I k*ll that doppelgänger wench, then you will be alone. Always and forever.
Klaus: If you run, I will hunt all of you down.
Elijah: Then you'll become everything you hate. Our father.
Klaus: I'm the hybrid! I can't be k*lled! I have nothing to fear from any of you.
Elijah: You will when we have that coffin.
(They all hear a door open. They turn around. Esther walks in.)
Rebekah: Mother?
(Esther walks towards Klaus.)
Esther: Look at me! Do you know why I'm here?
(Klaus has tears in his eyes.)
Klaus: You're here to k*ll me.
Esther: Niklaus, you are my son and I am here to forgive you. I want us to be a family again. | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x13 - Bringing out the d*ad"} | foreverdreaming |
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Elena rejoins Matt]
Matt: How's Mr. Saltzman?
Elena: Resigned to spending the night in observation, so long as I promise to change the lock on the house. So I talked with Bonnie earlier. Her and her mom are fine
(While they wlak, someone is watching them from behind a window)
Elena: Have you talked to Caroline?
Matt: Yeah. She's holding it together, considering how close she and her dad used to be. Any word on who was behind all these att*cks?
Elena: No. Sheriff Forbes said that there's no real suspects at all.
(Elena and Matt are in the parking lot)
Elena: How are you dealing with everything? I mean, you keep getting dragged into all this
Matt: Honestly... I'm kind of lucky. The only thing that I have to worry about for tomorrow is showing up for my shift at the Grill
Elena: Thank you for everything today. Really
Matt: Get home safe
Elena: Thanks
(He goes to his car and leaves. Elena enters her car and drives but she hits something. She immediately goes out of the car to see what she just h*t but there's nothing. When she turns herself she's face to face with Rebekah)
Rebekah: What? Drive much?
Elena: Rebekah...
(Rebekah strangles her and pushes her against the car)
Rebekah: Surprised? You drove a dagger through my back, Elena. It hurt
(She's about to bite her but Elijah catches her and pushes her against the car, strangling her)
Rebekah: Elijah
Elijah: Leave
(He realeases her. Rebekah looks at him)
Elijah: Are you challenging me?
Rebekah: You're pathetic
(She looks at Elena)
Rebekah: Both of you
(She leaves. Elijah looks at Elena)
Elijah: Well... I believe we have a little catching up to do
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in the kitchen with Stefan and Damon)
Elena: It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin
Stefan: As in the original witch?
Damon: What? How is she even alive? I thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago
Elena: I don't know. I'm guessing she has a couple of connections in the witching community. Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus
Stefan: She was supposed to be the w*apon to help us k*ll Klaus
Elena: Yeah, well, not anymore. At least, not according to Elijah
Stefan: That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds
Damon: Anyone else feeling a little used right now?
Elena: Look, Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us. I believe him
(Someone knocks on the door. Elena goes to the door and opens it. She looks around but no one's here. She sees an envelope with her name on it. She takes it. Stefan and Damon are here. She opens it. It's an invitation)
Damon: What is it?
Elena: It's an invitation
(She reads it)
Elena: "Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails, and celebration."
Stefan: Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?
Elena: The original family
Damon: It's not bad enough they're moving into town. Now they want a housewarming gift?
(Elena turns the invite and sees a note from Esther)
Elena: Wait. There's a note on the back. "Elena, I think it's time we finally meet. Esther"
[Klaus' House]
(The originals are getting ready. Kol is looking at himself in the mirror)
Kol: Rebekah, tell me how handsome I am
Rebekah: Ah, Kol, you know I can't be compelled
(Finn smiles. Klaus enters, angry)
Klaus: You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?
Rebekah: Here we go
Klaus: Do you want another dagger in your heart?
Kol: Again with the dagger thr*at? Don't you have any other tricks?
(Klaus looks at him)
Klaus: Oh, go back to staring at yourself
Kol: And who are you, my father?
Klaus: No, Kol, but you're in my house
Kol: Then perhaps we should go outside
(Esther arrives)
Esther: Enough! Niklaus, come
(Klaus rejoins her and they go in another room)
Klaus: Rebekah wasn't even out of her box a day before she tried to ruin my life. What happened to peace, acceptance, family?
Esther: You put daggers in their hearts. You want them to go down on their knees and kiss your feet for reuniting them?
Klaus: So it's a crime to want our family to be as we were?
Esther: You need to give it time, Niklaus. I've had a thousand years on the other side to be angry and to heal. I'm here to make sure this family does the same
Klaus: I just don't understand. I k*lled you, and still you forgive me
Esther: It's been my dream for a thousand years that this family could be as one. Forgiveness is not a chore. It's a gift. Now, who are you bringing to the ball this evening?
(He smiles)
Klaus: Don't be ridiculous. You're lucky I'm even going
Esther: Well, I wish you would reconsider. It's going to be a magical evening
[Gilbert's House]
Elena: If Esther wants to talk to me, maybe I should find out why
Damon: Well, that's a dumb idea. She already tried to k*ll you once
Stefan: No, Elena's right. Bonnie was led to open that coffin for a reason. I think there's more to this than just some family reunion
Damon: Can we go back in time to the old Stefan who cared if Elena lived or died?
Stefan: What for? That's your job now
Elena: Stefan has a point, Damon. I should find out what she wants
Damon: You can't protect yourself
Stefan: Ok, fine. Then I'll go
Damon: You pissed off enough originals to last a lifetime. I'll go
(He takes the invite from Elena's hands)
Elena: Hey!
Damon: End of story
(He leaves. Stefan and Elena look at each other)
[Caroline's House]
(Caroline looks at her phone and listen a voicemail from Tyler)
Tyler: Caroline, it's Tyler. I know I should have called sooner. I just kind of freaked out and left. But I heard about your dad, and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Caroline. I'm out doing what he said. I'm going to fix myself and come home to you. I love you
(She hangs up. Someone knocks on the door. She goes at the door but nobody's here. She sees a package. She takes it and goes to her bedroom. She sees the invite and turns it. There's a note from Klaus "Save me a dance. Fondly, Klaus")
Caroline: Seriously?
(She opens the package. There's a beautiful dress)
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline and Elena are sitting at a table)
Elena: It's all so weird. The originals are throwing a ball, like an actual ball
Caroline: It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is. And why does the evil witch wants an audience with you?
Elena: I have no idea. There's only one way to find out
Caroline: I thought you told Damon and Stefan that you weren't going
Elena: I did, which is all the more reason why I need a drama-free bodyguard
Caroline: Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux, and by that, I mean Stefan
Elena: I can't deal with either of the Salvatores right now. Whatever Stefan's feeling, he's channeling it all against Klaus, and Damon... it's just not a good idea
Caroline: Why? 'Cause you two made out? Bonnie spilled the beans
Elena: I was gonna tell you. It's just after everything happened with your dad...
Caroline: Elena, when you and Matt kissed for the first time freshman year, you called me the second it happened. I don't hear about this till now? From somebody else?
Elena: I'm sorry. It's just I... I don't even know how I feel about it yet. All I do know is that... Just used to be so much easier
(Rebekah arrives)
Rebekah: Careful, Caroline. It's all well and good till she s*ab you in the back
Elena: What are you doing here? I know your mom's rules. No hurting the locals
Rebekah: Get over yourself, Elena. It's not all about you
(She rejoins Matt and gives him an invitation. Caroline and Elena look at them)
Caroline: Oh, my god. She's inviting him to the ball. Why is she inviting him?
Elena: Probably to get this reaction from us
Caroline: What time is this stupid dance?
[Klaus' House]
(It's the ball. Everyone is dressed up. Damon rejoins Carol)
Damon: Hello, Carol
Carol: Hello
Damon: Hanging out with your new besties?
Carol: I'm the mayor, Damon. When the oldest, deadliest family of vampires moves into your town, you welcome them with a smile
Damon: Well, at least you know who you're borrowing that cup of sugar from
Carol: They've assured me they want peace, and I've assured them that I'd enforce it
(Kol rejoins them and kisses Carol's hand)
Kol: Mayor Lockwood. We haven't formally met. Kol Mikaelson. I hope your lovely town embraces us just as much as we plan to embrace it
Damon: Damon Salvatore. Have we met?
Kol: I've met a lot of people, And you don't particularly stand out
(He leaves. Elena arrives . Damon looks at her)
Damon: Excuse me Carol
(Stefan rejoins Elena)
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Elena: I could ask you the same thing
(Damon rejoins them)
Damon: Surprise, surprise. Nice tux
(He looks at Elena)
Damon: You're not supposed to be here
Elena: Well, I am, And I'm not leaving until I find out what Esther wants, so shall we?
(Stefan gives her his arm. She looks at Damon. He does the same. They enter)
[Caroline's House]
(Caroline is looking into her wardrobe but doesn't find anything. She looks at Klaus's box, containing the dress)
[Klaus's House]
(Klaus is speaking with a woman. He sees Caroline and looks at her)
Klaus: Good evening
Caroline: I need a drink
(She leaves)
(Elena is at the bar. Finn rejoins her)
Finn: Elena Gilbert, I presume. I'm Finn Mikaelson. You're here to see my mother
Elena: Is she here?
Finn: Her request did not include your friends
Elena: They're protecting me. You may not know, but your mother's already tried to k*ll me once
Finn: If you want to see my mother, you'll need to be alone
Elijah: Uh, if everyone could gather, please
Finn: Excuse me
(He leaves)
(Everyone gathers in the hall. The originals are gathered in the stairs)
Elijah: Welcome. Thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance
(Esther rejoins them. Damon and Stefan look at her)
Damon: Do you see who I see?
Stefan: Oh, yeah
Elijah: Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom
(Elena sees Esther going upstairs. She goes toward the stairs but Damon stops her)
Damon: Don't even think about it
Elena: She wants to see me alone, Damon
Damon: Well, it sucks to be her, then. Was I not clear this morning?
Elena: I was invited
Damon: You have to tell me before you walk into a lion's den
Elena: Why? So that you can stop me?
Damon: Yes
(He raises his hand)
Damon: It would be rude not to dance, you know
Elena: It is tradition
(She takes his arm and they leave. Stefan looks at them)
(Everyone is in the ballroom, dancing the waltz)
Damon: You look stunning, if it isn't obvious
Elena: Thank you
(Caroline is dancing with Klaus. She looks at Matt and Rebekah, dancing together)
Klaus: I'm glad you came
Caroline: Well, it was either caviar or sympathy casseroles
Klaus: I heard about your father
Caroline: Don't. Seriously
Klaus: Very well. On to more mannered subjects then, like how ravishing you look in that dress
Caroline: I didn't really have time to shop
Klaus: And the bracelet I gave you, what's your excuse for wearing that? You know, you're quite the dancer
Caroline: Well, I've had training. I happen to be miss Mystic Falls
Klaus: i know
(Damon and Elena are still dancing. He makes her turn and then Stefan catches her and they dance)
Elena: He dances, and I didn't even have to beg
Stefan: Well, mayor Lockwood dragged me out here. Couldn't exactly say no
(Caroline is now dancing with Matt)
Caroline: What are you doing? Why are you here with the she devil?
Matt: What was I supposed to say, no? And why the hell are you here with Klaus?
Caroline: Don't even get me started
(Elena and Stefan are still dancing)
Stefan: Took you about 30 seconds to put Damon in a mood
Elena: He's just looking out for me
Stefan: I think he needs to figure out that you can look out for yourself
(She whispers in his hear)
Elena: I need to talk to you
Stefan: Ok, so talk
Elena: I... not here
(They leave)
(Damon is dancing with Rebekah. She's looking at Caroline and Matt, who are dancing together)
Damon: Stop staring. It's creepy
Rebekah: Of course she looks beautiful. Nik gave her everything she's wearing
Damon: Well, you're no dog yourself
Rebekah: Was that supposed to be a compliment?
Damon: You tried to k*ll Elena last night. You don't get compliments
Rebekah: Caveman
(He looks around)
Damon: Where is Elena?
(Stefan and Elena are outside)
Elena: If Esther's secretly on our side, we need to know, but I can't get to her with 2 bodyguards
Stefan: Why are you telling me this?
Elena: Because Damon won't let me anywhere near her without protection, and you care about k*lling Klaus more than you care about anything, so... What? Am I wrong?
Stefan: No, you're not wrong. What do you need me to do?
Elena: Make sure that I can get into that room with Esther alone
Stefan: You sure you can do this?
Elena: I can do this. When we were together, you used to let me make my own decisions. You trusted me. After all this, at least that hasn't changed
(Kol rejoins Rebekah)
Kol: Where's your date?
Rebekah: Flirting with his ex
Kol: You've changed, Becca. You know, settling for mortals is the first sign of weakness
Rebekah: I'm not settling. I brought him here to k*ll him. He's Elena's friend. If he dies, she suffers. But I've already been scolded once, so I was hoping you'd help your baby sister out
Kol: And spit right in the face of mother's rules? I'm in
(Damon rejoins Elena in a room)
Damon: I got your text
(Stefan rejoins them)
Damon: What are we doing in here?
(Stefan breaks Damon's neck. He looks at Elena)
Stefan: Well, better hurry up. Won't be down for long
(She leaves)
(Elena is in the corridor. Elijah rejoins her)
Elijah: Elena. I understand my mother requested to see you
Elena: Uh, yeah. Why? Is something wrong?
Elijah: Well, her ability to forgive my brother after everything he's done to destroy this family strikes me as a little strange to say the least
Elena: Do you think that it's an act?
Elijah: It has me asking questions I never thought I'd ask. Can I depend on you to tell me what she says?
Elena: Of course. I'll find you later, ok?
(Esther and Finn are in a room. Someone knocks ont the door)
Esther: That'll be the girl
(He opens the door. It's Elena)
Finn: You're alone. Wise choice
(He closes the door. Esther is making something burn)
Esther: It's only sage. I've spelled it so we can speak freely without fear of being overheard. That'll be all, Finn. Thank you
(He leaves. Esther looks at Elena)
Esther: You must have a million questions for me, Elena. Please
Elena: How are you alive? Are you a ghost or...
Esther: Not exactly. When I died, the witch Ayana preserved my body with a spell. She was a close friend of mine, an ancestor of your friend Bonnie
Elena: So that's why only Bonnie and her mother could open up the casket. They complete the Bennett bloodline
Esther: I drew power from them and their ancestors, who were with me on the other side
Elena: So you've been on the other side for a thousand years?
Esther: Nature's way of punishing me for turning my family into vampires. But there is a way for me to undo the evil I created
Elena: You're here to help us k*ll Klaus, aren't you?
Esther: One thing at a time, Elena. For now, I simply need your help
(Caroline is outside, looking at a horse. Klaus rejoins her)
Klaus: You like horses?
Caroline: I'm not talking to you until you tell me why you invited me here
Klaus: I fancy you. Is that so hard to believe?
Caroline: Yes
Klaus: Why? You're beautiful. You... you're strong. You're full of light. I enjoy you
Caroline: Well, I'm spoken for. By Tyler
Klaus: I thought you two ended things
Caroline: Yeah, because of you and your freaky sire bond with him
Klaus: So you aren't spoken for. You know, horses are the opposite of people. They're loyal. My father hunted me for a thousand years, and the closest he ever came was the day he k*lled my favorite horse. He... he severed its neck with a sword as a warning
Caroline: Did you ever consider sitting down with your father and talking it out?
Klaus: I'm afraid my relationship with my father was a little more complex than yours
Caroline: Maybe so. But I let my father go with no regrets. And to answer your question, yes, I like horses, but I also like people, and they actually like me. So I'll be inside
(She leaves)
(Elena is still with Esther)
Esther: I understand Rebekah shared the story of my family... How I upset the balance of nature by turning my children into vampires
Elena: She said you did it to protect them from the werewolves
Esther: It's true. But in no time at all, they began to feed on human blood. They ravaged the town with no remorse. Eventually Niklaus turned against me
Elena: How are you gonna k*ll him? He's immortal
Esther: It will take time, magic, and your assistance
Elena: What do I have to do with it?
Esther: My children believe I'm holding this to celebrate our reunion. But in truth, I've gathered them together to perform a ritual. The first step requires blood from a doppelganger.Only a drop. Its essence will be in the champagne toast later on this evening
(She takes a giant needle)
Esther: Will you do it? Or shall I?
(Elena takes off her glove and give her hand to Esther. Esther pricks Elena's finger with the needle and pours the blood in a glass)
Esther: Elijah is more suspicious than the others, so he may need more persuasion, but they must all drink at the toast in order to be linked as one
Elena: What do you mean "linked as one"?
Esther: You said yourself Klaus can't be k*lled, but tonight's spell links all of my children together so that if one goes, they all go
Elena: What?
Esther: I love my family, Elena, but they are an abomination. I betrayed nature when I created them. It's my duty to k*ll them
(Kol drags Rebekah apart from the party)
Kol: I'm itching to k*ll something. What are we waiting for?
Rebekah: The mayor cornered me. Give me 15 minutes to lure Matt outside
Kol: Outside? What's wrong with right here on the stairs? Make a spectacle of it
Rebekah: You sound like an idiot, Kol. Mother would k*ll you if you ruined her party. See you outside
(She leaves)
(Damon wakes up. Stefan's here)
Stefan: Easy, buddy. Don't want you doing anything stupid
(Damon gets up and rushes over Stefan and pushes him against the wall)
Damon: Where's Elena?
Stefan: Exactly where she belongs, talking with Esther
Damon: What did you do?
Stefan: Ah, don't blame me. This was all her, right down to the broken neck. You know, maybe you should stop being such a controlling dick, Damon
Damon: Wait. Hang on. I'm the problem here?
Stefan: You're a liability, brother
Damon: I'm trying to keep her alive, Stefan
Stefan: Yeah, well, your emotions are getting in the way of our plan
Damon: My emotions? How is this even happening right now?
Stefan: Maybe because you care too damn much
(He leaves)
(Matt and Rebekah are outside. She looks around them)
Matt: So what are we doing out here?
Rebekah: Just taking a break from the polite chitchat
Matt: It's freezing. Let me get my coat
(They stop by his car)
Rebekah: This is your car?
Matt: Yep. If I could compel myself a Maserati, I would. But I can't
(He takes his jacket from his car and puts it on Rebekah's shoulder)
Rebekah: Oh, I'm a vampire. We don't... Thanks. Let's go back inside. I've got all the fresh air I need
(They leave. Kol watches them leave)
(Elena is back in the hall. Elijah rejoins her)
Elijah: So how was my mother?
Elena: Intense
Elijah: And for what reason did she need to speak with you in private?
(Esther appaears on the stairs. A waiter pass by them. Elijah takes two glass of champagne. Elena looks at Esther. Esther looks at her and smiles)
Elijah: Elena. Should I be concerned about my mother's intentions?
Elena: She just wanted to apologize for trying to have me k*lled
Elijah: So it's true, then? She's forgiven Klaus?
Elena: It's true
(Esther has a glass of champagne in her hand. She makes a speech)
Esther: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Waiters are coming round with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers
(he raises her glass. Everyone say cheers and raise their glass. All the originals drink. Elijah looks at Elena)
Elijah: Cheers
(They clinks glasses. Elena drinks and Elijah drinks a sip)
(Klaus and Caroline are appart from the party. In a room)
Caroline: So what did you want to show me?
Klaus: One of my passions
(They look at a painting)
Caroline: Impressive. I take the curators at the louvre aren't on vervain
Klaus: Yeah, well, that's their mistake
(She looks at the diamond bracelet)
Caroline: What about these? Where'd you steal this from?
Klaus: Well, that's a long story. But rest assured it was worn by a princess almost as beautiful as you
(She's skeptical. She sees drawings on the table and look at them)
Caroline: Wait a second. Did... Did you do these?
Klaus: Yeah. Actually one of my landscapes is hanging at the hermitage, not that anyone would notice. Have you been?
Caroline: I've never really been anywhere
Klaus: I'll take you. Wherever you want. Rome. Paris. Tokyo?
(They laugh)
Caroline: Must be really nice to just snap your fingers and get whatever you want? Is that why you collect hybrids? A little servant army to take you places and bring you things?
Klaus: You're making assumptions
Caroline: Then why do you need Tyler? Stop controlling him. Give him his life back
Klaus: You know, this has been a fun evening, but I think it's time for you to leave
Caroline: I get it. Your father didn't love you, so you assume that no one else will either. And that's why you compel people or you sire them or you try to buy them off, but that's not how it works. You don't connect with people, because you don't even try to understand them
(She rips the bracelet from her wrist and throws it on the floor. Then, she leaves)
(Rebekah is back inside. Kol rejoins her)
Kol: There you are. I was waiting outside for you. Where's Matt?
Rebekah: About that, I, I changed my mind. I don't want to ruin mother's night
Kol: Don't tell me you like this boy. And what did he do? He gave you 5 seconds of his attention? Don't be so predictable, Rebekah
Rebekah: You don't have to be rude about it. Just leave him be, ok?
(She leaves)
Kol: As you wish, sister
(Elena is about to leave. Damon rejoins her)
Damon: Elena. Did you get what you want?
Elena: Actually, yes
Damon: Good. Tell me on the ride home. We're leaving. Come on
(He catches her arm)
Elena: No, Damon. Let go of me. Look, I'm sorry that I had to, uh, cut you out of the plan
Damon: There shouldn't have been a plan. You shouldn't be here
Elena: Do you think I like going behind your back? I don't. But if I hadn't asked Stefan to help, then you would have tried to be the hero, and you would have ruined everything
Damon: Sorry for trying to keep you alive. Clearly Stefan doesn't give a crap anymore
Elena: Now you're mad at me for including Stefan?
Damon: No, I'm mad at you because I love you!
Elena: Well, maybe that's the problem
(She regrets it immediately)
Elena: No, that's not what I...
Damon: No, I got it, Elena. I care too much. I'm a liability. How ironic is that?
(Caroline rejoins them)
Caroline: Have you guys seen Matt?
(Matt is alone. He hears someone whispering his name. He goes on the balcony and Kol is here)
Kol: Good evening. You're Rebekah's friend. We haven't met
(He raises his hand. Matt shakes his hand)
Matt: Matt Donovan
Kol: Kol Mikaelson
(Kol crashes Matt'a hand. Matt is hurt. Damon arrives)
Damon: Easy on the hand. Guy's a quarterback
(Damon rushes over him and throws him off the balcony. Then, he jumps and hits Kol. He finally breaks his neck. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: Damon! Are you crazy?
(The orignals siblings arrive. Elena rushes outside)
Damon: Maybe a little
(He looks at Elena)
Damon: Far be it from me to cause a problem
(He leaves. Everyone look at him)
[Caroline's House]
(Caroline is in her bedroom. She's leaving a voicemail to Tyler)
Caroline: Tyler, it's me. Look, I'm grateful for what you're doing, but... I miss you... and I really wish you were here
(She sees a little box on her bed. She takes it)
Caroline: Seriously. Just give up already
(When she opens i, there's a drawing of her next to a horse. It's from Klaus with the note "Thank you for your honesty". She seems surprised)
[Klaus' House]
(Esther is with Elijah)
Esther: No v*olence. That was all I asked. Rebekah and Kol disgraced our family tonight!
Elijah: It won't happen again, mother. I'll deal with them
(She touches his face)
Esther: Thank you, Elijah. I wish the others were more like you
(He leaves. Finn enter and closes the doors)
Finn: Are we all right to speak freely?
Esther: Yes. The sage still burns
(She takes a paper and starts writing something)
Finn: You're not having second thoughts, are you?
Esther: Of course not. It's just Elijah... He's so moral
Finn: You're doing the right thing, mother
Esther: You understand what this means, don't you? This spell I'm casting tonight will bind you all together as one
Finn: I understand. When it is time, I will be ready to die
Esther: Then we must complete the link
(She takes his hand and cuts it with a Kn*fe. Then makes the blood poor on the paper, where she's written the names of her children. Then she begins to cast a spell. As she casts it, the blood goes from name to name, covering every name and linking them together. A tree is finally formed with the blood)
Esther: The link is complete. You are one
(The page burns)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena enters with Stefan)
Stefan: So, uh, Esther wants to k*ll her whole family. How's that for mother of the year?
Elena: Yeah. And I got to look Elijah right in the eye and lie to him about it
Stefan: Well, good. Can't say I'll be sorry to see any of 'em go
Elena: I just signed their death sentences, Stefan
Stefan: No, you signed Klaus' death sentence, Elena. Everyone else is just collateral damage
Elena: It's not that simple
Stefan: The family has brought you nothing but darkness, Elena. It is that simple. So, uh... where's Damon? I would think that he'd wanna make sure you got home safely
Elena: I'll call him and let him know
Stefan: What was with him going after kol?
Elena: Damon being self-destructive. I said something I didn't mean
Stefan: So did I. Anyway, uh... Good night
(He leaves but Elena follows him on the porch)
Elena: Stefan. Did you really not feel anything?
Stefan: When?
Elena: How do you do that? Act like you don't care, like you don't feel anything? Because I can't do that. I... I feel. I feel everything
Stefan: Elena, stop
Elena: I'm not going to stop, Stefan, because I don't believe that you feel nothing
Stefan: What? You think I want to be this person? I hurt you, Elena. I bit you. I hate myself for what I did to you
Elena: Then show it. Do something
(She takes his face in her hands)
Elena: Stefan, anything is better than trying to convince me that you don't care
Stefan: I can't
Elena: Stefan...
Stefan: If I let myself care, all I'll feel is pain
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt is at the bar, drinking coffee. Rebekah rejoins him)
Rebekah: Hi. What are you doing?
Matt: Well, let's see. I went to a dance and got my hand crushed, found out that I don't have health insurance, so I just needed a minute to myself
Rebekah: Well, I thought maybe I'd buy you an apology drink
Matt: Maybe you could just leave me alone
Rebekah: Look, I'm--I'm really sorry about Kol. He's a lunatic
Matt: Look, Rebekah, you're really fun and pretty and all... But I really need you to leave me alone
(He leaves. Damon arrives, a bottle in his hand)
Damon: Burn. Rejected by the captain of the football team. Welcome to adolescence
(He drinks)
Rebekah: Shut up, Damon. Knew I should have k*lled him. Mother wouldn't let me
Damon: Well...
(He takes a bottle from the bar)
Damon: Never let people tell you what to do
(He pours two sh*ts of tequila. They drink)
Damon: Besides... You would have broken him in a second
Rebekah: Are you suggesting I can't be gentle?
Damon: No. I'm just saying you should find someone a little more durable. That's all
Rebekah: And who would that be?
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon and Rebekah enter the room. Kissing each other and ripping each other clothes) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x14 - Dangerous Liasions"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena wakes up. She gets up and takes her phone to call Stefan)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is writing in his diary. He looks at his phone and ignore Elena's call. He looks at his phone but finally turn it to not look at it)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena leaves a voicemail to Stefan)
Elena: Stefan, hey. Um... It's me. I really have to talk to you. Please call me back
(Then she calls someone else)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon takes his phone. It's Elena)
Damon: What?
Elena: Hey. I called you 10 times last night. We need to talk
Damon: Sorry. I've been busy
Elena: If you're mad at me, Damon, you need to get over it
Damon: Oh, I'm over it
(He hangs up and lays down. Rebekah is asleep next to him)
(Rebekah and Damon are up. She's wearing her dress from the ball)
Rebekah: So let's not make a big deal out of this
Damon: My thoughts exactly
Rebekah: Besides, I expect you'll come calling soon enough
Damon: Let's not hold our breath
(He opens the door. Elena's here. She's surprised. Rebekah smiles and leaves. Elena enters)
Elena: Did you stop taking your vervain?
Damon: You think Rebekah had to compel me?
Elena: What's wrong with you? She tried to k*ll me less than 48 hours ago
Damon: Can't we just move past that, Elena?
Elena: So is that how it's gonna be now? I hurt your feelings, and this is how you lash out at me?
Damon: Well, maye, for once, something I did had nothing to do with you
Elena: You should know... that Esther's planning on k*lling her entire family. She's linked them all together with a spell. Whatever happens to one happens to all of them
Damon: That's great. Klaus'll finally be d*ad. We win. Why do you look like someone just sh*t a panda bear?
Elena: Because to k*ll Klaus, she has to k*ll all of them, including Elijah, and he doesn't deserve this
Damon: I'm supposed to care about Elijah?
Elena: Shouldn't you at least care about Rebekah?
Damon: 2 secons ago, you were pissed that she attaked you. It's a win-win
(She turns herself but Damon intersepts her with his super speed)
Damon: Don't do anything to screw this up, Elena
Elena: Why are you doing this?
(Stefan arrives)
Stefan: He's right, you know. Klaus has to die they all do
Damon: See? It's democracy in action
(She leaves, pushing Damon on her way out)
[Klaus' House]
(Elijah is in the office and finds b*rned sage)
(Kol and Klaus are in the living room. Rebekah arrives. Kol gets up)
Kol: Well, well, well... there's our girl
Rebekah: Get out of my way, Kol
Kol: Out all night. What a scandal. I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt, was it?
Rebekah: If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth
(She pushes him. Klaus, who's drawing, smiles)
Rebekah: Don't start, Nik
Klaus: I didn't say anything
(Kol sits down)
Kol: I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment
Klaus: What are you waiting for? Go on. Have at it
Kol: It's no fun to go alone. Join me, Nik. It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart
Klaus: Ok. Why not?
(He gets up)
Klaus: I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to m*rder Rebekah's date
Rebekah: Yes, please go. This house has enough men rolling around in it
Kol: Just like you, Bekah
(They leave. Rebekah throws a shoe at them)
Rebekah: Good ridance, both of you
(Elijah enters, the b*rned sage in his hand)
Elijah: Rebekah
Rebekah: Not you, too, Elijah
Elijah: I'm worried about mother. Have you not noticed her strange behavior?
Rebekah: She's been d*ad for a thousand years what's strange for her?
(He shows her the sage)
Elijah: b*rned sage. She was doing a privacy spell
(She takes it)
Rebekah: You know she fancy such things. Why don't you ask Finn? He's been doting on her
Elijah: I don't trust Finn. He hates what we are. He always has
Rebekah: He hates what we are. He always has. And as for mother, she returned for one reason, to make her family whole. She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?
[Caroline's House]
(Bonnie and Elena are in Caroline's bedrrom. Bonnie is sitting on the bed, doing a spell. There's candels)
Elena: He was gloating, like actual gloat. Like he was proud of himself for sleeping with her. Is it working?
(Caroline enters)
Caroline: It's not working. I can hear every word you're saying about Damon, the vampire gigolo
Bonnie: I don't know. It's a tricky spell
Elena: When Esther did it, she kept the sage burning. There was a lot more smoke
Bonnie: All right, try it again
(She burns the sage and shakes it. Bonnie and Elena look at Caroline. She gets out and closes the door)
Bonnie: Speaking of Esther, you should know she came to see me and Abby this morning
Elena: And all this time, you let me vent about Damon?
Bonnie: I don't want you to worry
Elena: Ok, well, what did she want?
Bonnie: She wanted to introduce herself. Abby and I helped bring her back. She's channeling our entire ancestral bloodline for power. I think she thought she was being polite
Elena: Ok, well, is there a way to stop her from channeling you?
Bonnie: Even if there was, why would I want that?
Elena: I just keep thinking... Before the sun and the moon ritual, Elijah found a way to keep me alive. And now I'm in the exact same position, and I'm just gonna let him die? It just doesn't feel right
(Caroline enters)
Caroline: Ok, first of all, this privacy spell is totally not working. Second, Elena, you are not doing this. Esther is doing this
Bonnie: There's no time to chane your mind, Elena. He'll be d*ad by the end of the night
Elena: What?
Bonnie: It's a full moon. Esther needs to harness the energy of a celestial event. She asked me and Abby to join her
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan rejoins Damon in the library)
Damon: Join me for a little victory drink?
Stefan: We should wait until Klaus is d*ad
Damon: Why are you so extra broody? Didn't you see the way we stood up to Elena? I like you on my team. Must have driven her nuts
Stefan: You still think she' gonna screw this up, don't you?
Damon: Think somebody needs to talk to her. She's not gonna listen to anything I say
Stefan: Is it because of your little sleepover?
Damon: It's not my fault she decided to get jealous
Stefan: Well, given who you chose to sleep with, I would say it's 100% your fault
Damon: Whatever. Did you a favor. Now you can come in and sweep her off her feet
Stefan: Nah. She's better off without me. Sure as hell better off without you
Damon: Fine. Neither one of us gets her. Just make sure she doesn't screw up Esther's plan
(He puts his glass os blood on the table and leaves. Stefan looks at the glass and turns his back)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena goes down the stairs. Someone knocks on the door. She opens it. It's Elijah)
Elijah: Elena
Elena: Elijah
Elijah: I don't mean to intrude. I was hoping you might accompany me. I want to show you something
[The woods]
(Elijah and Elena arrive. They get out of the car)
Elijah: Forgot how much I missed this land
Elena: Can't even imagine what it must have been like a thousand years ago
Elijah: You know, your school was built over an Indian village. Where I saw my first werewolf. The town square was where the natives would gather to worship. Matter of fact, near that was a... there was a field where wild horses used to graze
Elena: That's incredible
Elijah: Come
(They arrive at the church's ruins)
Elena: Do you know this place, too?
Elijah: I do. Below us is a cavern I used to play in as a boy, connects to a system of tunnels that stretch across the entire area. Perhaps it's nature's way of providing us with shelter against the savagery of the full moon. My mother said there must be a balance
Elena: Elijah, I should probably go home
Elijah: I admire you, Elena. You remind me of qualities I valued long before my mother turned us. It's not in your nature to be deceitful, and yet when I asked you about your meeting with my mother the other night, you lied to my face
Elena: That's not true. I told you that all your mother wanted was a new start
Elijah: I can hear your heartbeat. It jumps when you're being dishonest with me. You lied to me at the ball and you're lying to me now. Tell me the truth
Elena: I never wanted this to happen
Elijah: What, Elena?
Elena: We were told, that whatever was gonna be in that coffin was gonna k*ll Klaus. When we found out that it was your mother... We didn't know what to think
Elijah: Since her return, she said she only wants this family whole again
Elena: When she asked to see me, I... I thought that maybe she could help, that she would find a way to k*ll Klaus. It's not just Klaus that she wants to k*ll
Elijah: She wants to k*ll us all, doesn't she? She wants to undo the evil she created
Elena: I'm so sorry, Elijah. I wish there was something I could do to help
Elijah: You know, one thing I've learned in my time on this earth... Be careful what you wish for
(He kicks on the ground and makes a giant hole. He catches Elena and drags her in the hole with him)
[Mystic Grill]
(Alaric is at the bar, on the phone with Damon)
Alaric: I haven't seen Elena since this morning
Damon: Well, she's not answering her phone
Alaric: Well, I'm surprised you have time to call, what with all this original sex you've been having
Damon: She told you?
Alaric: Oh, she told me
Damon: Oh, really. Did she also tell you that she's having an att*ck of conscience about this whole original m*rder thing?
Alaric: Hey, listen, I'm not gonna judge her for having a conscience
Damon: Well, you don't have to judge her. Just tie her up. Lock her in her room till this is over
Alaric: Well, I wouldn't if I could, and I can't, because I'm busy
Damon: Busy doing what?
Alaric: Don't worry about it
Damon: Are you with the sexy psycho doctor?
Alaric: Good-bye, Damon
(He hangs up and looks at Meredith, sitting next to him)
Alaric: Sorry about that
Meredith: Does he still think I'm a serial k*ller?
Alaric: He's a little judgmental
Meredith: Speaking of... your X-rays were inconclusive. your Kn*fe wound was already semihealed. It's impossible to tell anything about whoever s*ab you. Short, tall, left-handed, right-handed... no clue
Alaric: Well, what about my head? Why can't I remember anything about the att*ck?
Meredith: Your CT scans were clear. Maybe you were compelled to forget
Alaric: Wait. You think the k*ller's a... vampire?
Meredith: There no other suspects. It's the obvious conclusion
(Klaus and Kol arrive)
Klaus: Ah, come on now. Let's not go blaming the new family in town just 'cause you lot have got yourselves a k*ller at large. Don't mind us. My brother and I are just here to let off some steam. Right, Kol?
Kol: Right
(He looks at Meredith)
[Abandonned Witch House]
(Bonnie and Abby arrive. Esther and Finn are waiting for them)
Abby: Who's the creepy, lurky guy?
Bonnie: That's Esther's son, Finn, and he's a vampire, so...
(She makes a sign to tell her that he can hear them)
Abby: Wonder what your grams thinks about the part we're playing in all this balance of nature stuff?
Bonnie: She's probably on the other side, screaming about getting involved with vampire business
Esther: Bennett witches, thank you for coming. I could think of no better allies than the woman who sent Mikael into his long sleep and the girl who fought Niklaus so bravely
Abby: Why exactly did you invite us here?
Esther: You are the descendants of the witch Ayana. She was a great mentor of mine, and I think it's only fitting that I draw from her bloodline
Bonnie: So are you channeling our ancestors?
Esther: I draw from the entirety of the Bennett bloodline, living and d*ad. The connection affords me great power, although it is somewhat difficult to maintain, which is why I require you, mother and daughter, the bloodline made manifest
(She takes their hands)
Esther: Tonight, my sisters, we shall bring peace to the spirits of nature that we serve, and for that, I thank you
[The Caverns]
(Elena is walking through the caverns and falls ont Rebekah)
Rebekah: Going somewhere?
Elena: What are you doing here?
Rebekah: Not much, unless you try to run... in which case, I get to k*ll you
(She smiles)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: Can't find her anywhere
(Elijah is here, sitting on a chair. Damon is looking at him)
Elijah: Hello, Stefan
Damon: He has Elena
Elijah: Actually she's with Rebekah. As you can imagine, my sister's just dying to tear her throat out. So if you want to save Elena's life, I need you to help me stop my mother
Damon: I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to k*lling thousand-year-old resurrected witches, I'm a little rusty
Elijah: Yes, unfortunately even when k*lled, my mother doesn't seem to want to stay d*ad. Not with the spirits of nature at her side
Stefan: So what are we supposed to do?
Elijah: The witches that released my mother, she's drawing her power from their bloodline. That line needs to be broken
Stefan: Broken?
Damon: Yeah, he means...
(He makes a sign to show him they has to k*ll them)
Stefan: You want us to k*ll them?
Elijah: You know I'd do it myself, but I've absolutely no idea where they are. Besides, seeing me, they'd immediately know my intent. They won't expect to be harmed by the likes of you. In any case, you have until 6 minutes after 9:00 to find them
Damon: Oh, how super-specific of you
Elijah: By 9:07, the moon'll be full. My mother will have the power she needs to k*ll me and my family. If you do not stop her before then, Rebekah will k*ll Elena. So we all have our timeline. I suggest you get started
(He leaves)
[The Caverns]
(Rebekah is filming Elena with her phone)
Rebekah: All right, love. Now look into the camera
Elena: What are you doing?
Rebekah: sh**ting your picture to inspire your boyfriends. Why don't you tell them how delightful it is being stuck in a hole with your biggest fan
Elena: I guess you think I had this coming, after what I did to you
Rebekah: You know, I don't know what I want more... To find out we're saved, or to find out it's all right to k*ll you
Elena: This isn't my fault. I wanted to get rid of Klaus. At one point, so did you. I didn't know that your mom was planning on k*lling all of you
Rebekah: Do you think I want to spend what could be the last few hours of my life having idle chitchat with a girl who literally s*ab me in the back? Of course not. But for some reason, everybody seems to want to bend over backwards to save your life, which is incredibly annoying, but makes you the perfect hostage. So why don't you sit down and shut up before I ruin everything by ripping your head off
(Elena sits down)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan opens the refrigerator, looks at the blood bags and takes one. He looks at it and doesn't open it. Damon arrives)
Damon: Clock's ticking. You gonna bring some plans, or you are too busy fixing a snack?
Stefan: We need to call Bonnie. There's gotta be a way for her to stop Esther from channeling all that power
Damon: A, what if she's with Esther? B, what if she can't cut her off? C, I don't know how any of this stuff works, and, D, neither do you
Stefan: You got a better plan?
Damon: Worst-case scenario, simple mechanics. Can't draw power from a d*ad battery.
Stefan: k*ll 'em
Damon: If it comes to that
(He takes the blood bag from his hands and drinks. Then he gives it back to him)
Stefan: There's gotta be another way
Damon: Well, what if I told you I had a less diabolical plan?
(He shows him a dagger)
Stefan: You wanna dagger Elijah
Damon: Well, they're all linked. One goes down, they all go down. The witches live. Elena's safe. Problem solved
Stefan: We don't know how that'll affect Klaus
Damon: Ironically, Klaus isn't our current problem
Stefan: Dagger's lethal to any vampire who uses one
Damon: Well, I just so happen to know someone crazy enough to give it a sh*t
[Mystic Grill]
(Alaric is by the pool table and on the phone with Damon. He looks at Klaus and Kol. Meredith is playing pool)
Alaric: Yeah. No, they're still here. Yeah. They've drank their way through half the Grill's liquor supply
Damon: Good. It'll be easier if they'er wasted
Alaric: So what's the plan?
Damon: Divide and conquer. Frst we'll need a little blonde distraction
(Caroline enters. She looks at Alaric and goes at the bar)
(Klaus and Kol are looking at her)
Kol: I remember her from last night. She looks like a tasty little thing
Klaus: Say another word, and I'll tear out your liver. Caroline
Caroline: Oh, it's you
Klaus: Join us for a drink?
Caroline: Mm, I'd rather die of thirst, but thanks
(She leaves)
Klaus: Isn't she stunning?
Kol: She certainly looks good walking away from you
Klaus: I'll take that as a challenge
(He goes outside and runs after Caroline)
Klaus: Caroline!
Caroline: Are you serious? Take a hint
Klaus: Don't be angry, love. We had a little spat. I'm over it already
Caroline: Ah, well, I'm not
Klaus: Well, how can I acquit myself?
Caroline: You and your expensive jewelry and your romantic drawings can leave me alone
Klaus: Oh, come on. Take a chance, Caroline. Talk to me
(He sits on the bench)
Klaus: Come on. Get to know me. I dare you
Caroline: Fine
(She sits down next to him)
Caroline: So what do you want to talk about?
Klaus: I want to talk about you. Your hopes. Your...your dreams. Everything you want in life
Caroline: Just to be clear, I'm too smart to be seduced by you
Klaus: Well, that's why I like you
[Abandonned Witch House]
(Esther, Bonnie, Abby and Finn are preparing everything for the ritual. There's a pentagram on the ground and torches around it)
Esther: The pentagram represents our connection to magic. The salt is a symbol of the earth
Bonnie: And the torches?
Esther: 5 torches, one for each of my children
Bonnie: What's the spell you're doing?
Esther: As the witch who cast the spell that made them vampires, I can also reverse it. When they become human again, they can be k*lled. As they are linked as one, my brave Finn will be the sacrifice. With his death will come theirs
(Abby looks at him)
Abby: And you're just willing to die?
Finn: My mother's releasing me from an eternity of shame. It's not a sacrfice. It's a gift
[Mystic Grill]
(Meredith is playing pool, alone. Kol rejoins her)
Kol: A woman of your caliber ought to choose more suitable company. What's your name, love?
Meredith: None of your business
Kol: Let's try that again. I'll start. I'm Kol
Meredith: Why don't you get lost, Kol?
Kol: And why would I do that? I like pretty little things with sharp tongues
(Alaric arrives)
Alaric: Pretty sure she told you to get lost
Kol: Pretty sure I don't care
(Alaric drives the dagger through his heart. Meredith puts herself in front of her to hide them)
(Every originals is affected and collapses. Elena take this opportunity to run)
(Kaul feels something and gets up)
Caroline: What is it?
Klaus: What did you do?
Caroline: Nothing
(He catches her)
Klaus: What did you do?
Caroline: I didn't do anything. Stop it
(He looks at the Mystic Grill)
Klaus: Kol
(Alaric drags Kol in the alley behind the Mystic Grill. Damon and Stefan are here)
Damon: Tell the sexy doctor good work
(Klaus arrives, takes the dagger from Kol and throws Alaric against the wall. Stefan rushes toward him but Klaus throws him against a wall too. Then he rushes on Damon)
Klaus: I should have k*lled you months ago
Damon: Do it. That's not gonna stop Esther from k*lling you
Klaus: What did you say about my mother?
Damon: You didn't know I was friends with your mummy? Yeah, we have a lot in common. She hates you as much as I do
(Klaus is about to k*ll him but Elijah arrives)
Elijah: Leave him! We still need him, Niklaus
Klaus: What did mother do? What did she do, Elijah?
(Elijah takes his phone and looks at damon)
Elijah: You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister k*ll Elena right now
Damon: You told me we had until after 9:00
Elijah: I'm sure Rebekah'd be more than happy to start her work early
[The Caverns]
(Rebekah has woken up. She gets up and rushes through the caverns. Elena is running)
Rebekah: You can't hide, Elena! Not sure why I'm feeling under the weather. Must be your boys trying to find loophole. Won't Matter. I could chase you down on my worst day
(Elena arrives at the place where they hid Esther's coffins but Rebekah catches her before she can enter but Elena hits her and rushes in it)
Rebekah: You little bitch
(She tries to enter but can't)
Rebekah: What is this?
Elena: Sorry. No vampires allowed
[Meredith's Appartment]
(Meredith is helping Alaric. He tries to get up)
Meredith: No, no, no, no
Alaric: Listen, Elena's still out there. I need to go find her
Meredith: Shut up. Stay seated. You might have a concussion
Alaric: So this is your place, huh?
Meredith: Kind of a slob. Housekeeping is not high on my priority list
Alaric: I see that
(She looks at his eyes)
Meredith: Look at me. Pupillary response is normal. You might have a broken rib
Alaric: Well, that kind of sucks, getting my ass kicked on a date
Meredith: That's what you get picking fights with guys 30 times your age
Alaric: Yeah
Meredith: Rest. Damon and Stefan are gonna take care of Elena. I am going to take care of you
[The woods]
(Damon and Stefan arrive at the woods and park the car)
Damon: So how do we know they're gonna be at the old witch house?
Stefan: We don't, but if they're not, then we have about 10 minutes till Rebekah tears Elena apart
Damon: And if we sit this out, Esther completes her spell, Klaus dies, you get your revenge. It's what you wanted the whole time. The only collateral damage is...
Stefan: Elena
Damon: You know what she'd choose
Stefan: She'd let herself be k*lled to save a friend
Damon: Yep
Stefan: If we do this, it'll wreck her
Damon: Oh, she'll hate us. Thing is she only needs to hate one of us. Only one of us has to do the actual deed
Stefan: So who's it gonna be, brother?
(Damon takes a coin)
Damon: Heads, I do it. Tails, you do it
Stefan: Awful lot of effort for someone who pretends not to care about her anymore
Damon: Pot, kettle, brother
(He flips the coin. Stefan looks at it and then looks at Damon)
[The caverns]
(Elena is still in the part protected from the vampires. She looks around her and looks to see if Rebekah is still here. She isn't there)
Rebekah: Elena
(She comes back with a gasoline t*nk)
Rebekah: Let's pick it up where we left off
(Rebekah throws Gasoline on Elena and all around her)
Elena: What are you doing?
Rebekah: Thought I'd shake things up a bit
Elena: Are you insane?
Rebekah: I prefer spontaneous. That's probably why Damon likes me so much. Here's what's gonna happen
(She lits a match and throws it next to Elena. The ground is on f*re)
Rebekah: You're gonna come outside... or you're gonna stay in there and burn. The next match is landing on you. So, Elena, how does it feel to know that these may be your last moments?
Elena: I don't know. You tell me. You're the one whose mother is trying to k*ll you
Rebekah: You should be very careful what you say to me
Elena: You're still wearing her necklace
Rebekah: Do you want it? Is that your last request? Here. It's all yours
(She tears the necklace from her neck and throws it at Elena)
Elena: She's not doing this because she hates you, Rebekah. She told me that she... she just doesn't have another choice
Rebekah: Spare me your pity, Elena. We're not girlfriends. You want me to prove it? Say the word
(She lights a match)
Elena: You're not gonna do it
Rebekah: And why is that?
Elena: Because there's still a chance that you might be alive tomorrow, and if that's the case, and you k*ll me now, you'll have used up all of your revenge. Wasted it. And isn't that what you want, revenge. Because I... I pretended to like you and then I stuck a dagger in your back? I mean, that's why you slept with Damon, isn't it? That's why you're tormenting me, because I hurt your feelings
(She drops the match)
Rebekah: The tough act doesn't suit you
Elena: I never said I was tough. We both know that I'm right
[Abandonned Witch House]
(Esther, Bonnie, Abby and Finn are outside. Finn looks at Esther)
Finn: They're coming, mother
Esther: No. It's too soon. The moon is not high enough. Go quickly
(Bonnie and Abby go inside the house. Klaus, Elijah and Kol arrive)
Esther: My sons, come forward
Finn: Stay beside me
Esther: It's ok. They can't enter
(She enters the pentagram and takes Finn's hand)
Kol: That's lovely. We are stuck out here while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn
Esther: Be quiet, Kol. Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine
Elijah: Whatever you think of us, k*lling your own children would be an atrocity
Esther: My only regret is that I did no let you die a thousand years ago
Klaus: Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, mother, or I'll send you back to hell
Esther: For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you, felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility you're no better. All of you... you're a curse on this earth stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your life... I'm sorry. You've wasted your time
(Bonnie and Abby are in the house)
Abby: This place has some serious vibe in it
Bonnie: The witch spirits will protect us from the originals, but we should get into the basement
(Bonnie goes into the basement but Abby hears a noise and doesn't go. Bonnie is in the basement and calls Abby)
Bonnie: Abby!
(She hears a noise and turns herself. Stefan's here)
Bonnie: Stefan, what's going on?
Stefan: They took Elena. They're gonna k*ll her unless we stop Esther
Bonnie: God, Stefan, I... I can't stop her. She's channeling us
Stefan: Bonnie, if you can't stop her... I have to find another way
Bonnie: Stefan, no. What are you gonna do? Even if you k*ll us, Esther's channeling every witch in our ancestry, living and d*ad
Stefan: Esther's drawing from the witches, and the only way to cut her off is if one of you is no longer a witch
(Damon is upstairs, behind Abby. He bites his neck and makes Abby drink his blood)
Damon: This'll only hurt a second
(He breaks her neck)
(Esther has her eyes closed)
Esther: No. Sisters, do not abandon me!
(The flames are stronger. Finn catches Esther. Kol hides his face. The f*re shuts down. Finn and Esther have disapeared)
[The Caverns]
Rebekah: You can come out now. Seems your boys took care of the problem
Elena: How did they do that?
Rebekah: Damon turned your witch friend's mother into a vampire
Elena: What?
Rebekah: Quite clever, actually. They needed to sever the witch line, and, well, you can't be a witch and a vampire. In any case, you're free to go. Oh, and, uh, by the way, you were right. I do prefer taking my time watching you suffer. Much more satisfying
(She leaves)
[Caroline's House]
(Abby is laying on Caroline's bed still d*ad. Bonnie is next to her. Caroline is at the front door, talking to Elena)
Caroline: She doesn't want to see you
Elena: Please just let me talk to her
Caroline: Abby's in transition. It's gonna be really hard over the next few days, and if Bonnie needs some time to deal, then I think you should give it to her
Elena: She's always been there for me, Caroline. Please let me just be there for her, too
Caroline: I'm sorry, Elena. I know that you want to help, but put yourself in her shoes. Everything that happened tonight was to save you. And that's ok, because she loves you so much. But somehow she's always the one who gets hurt
Elena: Yeah. You're right. I just... Just tell her that I love her, ok?
Caroline: Of course I will
(Elena cries and leaves. Bonnie has hears everything. She's crying too)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is washing his hands. He puts his ring. Stefan enters)
Damon: Is she safe?
Stefan: Elijah ket his word. Rebekah let her go
Damon: Good. All's right in the world again
Stefan: I lost that coin toss, Damon. Should have been me who turned Abby. Why did you do it?
Damon: Cause I'm not blind. I see what's been going on around here. Hanging by thr*at, Stefan, barely over your last ripper binge, and all you want is to be the old Stefan again
Stefan: That part of me is gone for good
Damon: Oh, yeah? How long has it been since you had a drop of human blood?
Stefan: How'd you know?
Damon: Spend 146 years with someone, you kind of start to pick up on their tells. Into the question. How long has it been since your last drink?
Stefan: Since the night I thr*at to drive Elena off the wickery bridge
Damon: See? You have enough to feel guilty about. Why add to the list? By the way, you're welcome
Stefan: You know, you're not fooling anyone either. You still love her, Damon
Damon: I do. I thought I could win her from you fair and square. She didn't want me. It's for the best. I'm better at being the bad guy anyway
(He leaves)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in her bedroom. She finds a letter on her bed. She takes it and opens it. It's a letter from Elijah)
Elijah: Elena, today I did things I abhor to protect the one thing I value most, my family. If anyone can understand it, it's you. Your compassion is a gift, Elena. Carry it with you, as I will carry my regret. Always and forever, Elijah
[Klaus' House]
(Elijah is alone. Rebekah arrives)
Rebekah: Where the bloody hell is everyone?
Elijah: It's over, Rebekah
Rebekah: Where's mother?
Elijah: We have no mother, Only Esther, and Esther was right
Rebekah: What'd you mean?
Elijah: Although I talk of virtue, when it suits my needs, I k*ll, maim, and torment. Even today, I terrorized an innocent
Rebekah: Elena is hardly innocent
Elijah: And I used your hatred of her to get what I wanted... wielded you like I would a sword... my sister
Rebekah: You did it to protect us, Elijah, and rightly so. We deserve to live. We are better than they are
Elijah: Are we? Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters. We did that to ourselves
(He leaves)
(Rebekah rejoins Klaus. He's burning his drawings of Caroline)
Klaus: I thought you'd have gone by now. Elijah's leaving. Kol's fled. Esther and Finn are gone, too
Rebekah: I hated you when I learned you k*lled our mother... But I realize now that after a thousand years together as a family, you're the only one who never left me
Klaus: Well, aren't we a pair?
Rebekah: There's something I think you need to see
(She shows him her phone)
Klaus: Come to brag about your skills as a torturer?
Rebekah: Look at the images on the wall behind Elena. The natives told the story of our family history. Look at the images on the far wall
Klaus: What is it?
Rebekah: A native worshiping at the white oak tree
Klaus: We burnt that tree to the ground
Rebekah: Look at the markings that precede it. That's the native calendar
Klaus: This can't be right
Rebekah: A white oak tree 300 years after we fled back to the old world. There must have been a sapling, a new tree to replace the old. That tree could k*ll us. It's not over, Nik
[Meredith's Apartment]
(Alaric wakes up and goes in the kitchen to take pain K*llers. He finds photos of the crime scenes, pictures of a w*apon and finds a Kn*fe. Meredith enters, a g*n in her hand)
Meredith: You weren't supposed to see that
(She sh**t) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x15 - All my Children"} | foreverdreaming |
Mystic Falls, 1912
[Town Square]
(Mr Salvatore and Sheriff Forbes are talking)
Sheriff Forbes: Will you get home all right, Mr.Salvatore? I could send for one of the police vehicles
Mr Salvatore: A little winter chill never hurt anyone, sheriff Forbes
Sheriff Forbes: I'm less concerned about the cold front, more for your safety
Mr Salvatore: One councilman's m*rder doesn't make an epidemic, Gerald. Good Night
Sheriff Forbes: Good Night
(They part ways. Mr Salvatore walks alone in the empty town square. He hears a noise and turns himself. Someone s*ab him. He falls on the floor, d*ad. The m*rder leaves)
[The Town Square]
(Carol and Liz are walking towards the Sheriff's office)
Liz: The mystery's not gonna get solved any faster with you yelling at me, Carol
Carol: We have 2 council m*rder and an attempted m*rder on our hands. If you have a suspect, it is your duty to keep me in the loop
Liz: No, it's my duty to make sure I don't accuse an innocent person of being a serial k*ller
Carol: Just tell me who it is, Liz
(They enter)
[The Jail]
(Alaric is in jail. He wakes up. He has a wound on his shoulder. He sees that he's in jail. Liz and Damon are here)
Alaric: I didn't do it
Damon: You're arresting him? For what this nutjob Dr. Fell says?
Liz: No, I'm detaining him. The cell is for his own good. You were sh*t. Dr. Fell used vampire blood to heal you
Alaric: Dr. Fell is the one who sh*t me
Liz: Because you came at her with a Kn*fe
Alaric: Yeah, with a Kn*fe I had found hidden in her things
Damon: Are we gonna ignore the part where he's one of the k*ller's victims? I mean, the guy was practically s*ab to death
Liz: Well, Dr. Fell suggested his wounds could have been self-inflicted
Alaric: My God, you think I s*ab myself?
Liz: Look, I think I don't know what to think. I've got nothing except m*rder w*apon from your stash and a respected member of a founding family pointing a very long finger
Alaric: She is setting me up. I'm being framed here
Liz: Well, that may be so, but I don't have any proof of that
Damon: Well, then we'll find some
Liz: No, just stay out of this, Damon. You getting involved is only gonna make matters worse
Damon: Listen, Liz...
Liz: Don't make me put you in that cell with him
[The street]
(Elena and Matt are running. She's faster than him)
Matt: What are we running, a marathon?
Elena: If you can't keep up...
Matt: Elena, you can't outrun your problems
(He stops but she keeps running)
Matt: Although it looks like you're gonna try. I talked to Bonnie!
(She stops)
Elena: What did she say?
Matt: They're at her mom's house. Abby's gonna complete the transition
Elena: She decided to become a vampire?
Matt: Yeah. Caroline's gonna help her through it, teach her control and stuff
Elena: Did Bonnie say... Is there anything I can do?
Matt: She knows it's not your fault, Elena. She's just... Upset
Elena: Damon turned her mom into a vampire to save my life. It's absolutely my fault
Matt: You're gonna make me run more, aren't you?
(Her phone rings. She looks at it)
Matt: Who is it?
(She answers)
Elena: Sheriff Forbes. Everything ok? He what?
[Sheriff's Department]
(Elena enters and sees Damon)
Elena: Were you just with...
Damon: Ric's fine. Sheriff wants me to stay out of it
Elena: But you're not going to, are you?
Damon: Seems just as good a plan as any
Elena: Your friend's in jail for m*rder. You have to do something
Damon: Well, I guess I could rip out Dr. False Accusation's throat or maybe her tongue. You know, I could chew it up in little, tiny pieces and feed it to the squirrels
Elena: Stop it Damon
Damon: Guess me staying out of it suddenly sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? I saved your life last night. You're welcome
Elena: You know, you could show a little compassion about Bonnie
Damon: I know. You're right. Her and her mom must be really hurting right now. Should I send lasagna?
Elena: Ok, now you're just being mean
Damon: I'm mean. You hate me. The earth is back on its axis
Elena: You know what? If you keep pushing people away, you're gonna end up alone
(She leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is wrinting on his diary but he's seems stressed. He keeps hitting his ring against the desk. Damon enters)
Damon: "Dear diary, the chipmunk asked me my name today. I told him it was Joe. That lie
will haunt me forever."
Stefan: What do you want?
(He closes his diary and puts it on his shelf with the others)
Damon: I was hoping we could hang. You know, little brother bonding. I mean, I know
we don't actually "hang out." We team up. We join forces, activate our wonder twin powers
(Damon takes a diary)
Stefan: What are you doing?
Damon: Digging up clues. Most of the originals are gone, but we have a whodunit going on. Hey, do you remember when we came back for Zachariah's funeral?
Stefan: Vaguely. Why?
Damon: 'Cause if memory serves, he wasn't the first founders council member k*lled that year or even that month
Stefan: Your point being?
Damon: I'm trying to remember what year it was
Stefan: 1912
Damon: So much for vaguely. 1912. Or as I like to call it, last time Mystic Falls had a serial k*ller on its hands
(Stefan opens the diary and reads)
Mystic Falls, 1912
[A cemetery]
Stefan: It feels so strange to be home again after so long away. I thought I would never return, certainly not for a funeral
(Everyone goes out of the Salvatore's family vault. 2 women rejoin Stefan)
Mariana Lockwood : I'm sorry for your loss, Mr. Salvatore. I'm told you're a distant cousin of Zachariah
Stefan: His nephew, actually. Miss...
Mariana Lockwood: Lockwood. Mariana Lockwood. And this is my friend Samantha Gilbert
Stefan: As in Jonathan Gilbert
Samantha Gilbert: My late grandfather. Did you know him?
Stefan: Crossed paths. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be... Inappropriate. But no one seems to be willing to discuss the details of Zachariah's death
Samantha Gilbert: He was m*rder, and he wasn't the first
Mariana Lockwood: Samantha, don't be a gossip
Samantha Gilbert: Why not? He should know. He's a founding family like us. Be careful, Mr. Salvatore. It's not a good time to be a founder in this town
(They leave. He sees a crow and then turns himself and sees Damon)
Damon: Have you been eating the relatives again?
Stefan: Damon
Damon: It's been a long time, brother
Stefan: It's been almost 50 years. Surprised you came
Damon: And miss the funeral of... What do you call him? Uncle Zachariah?
Stefan: I see you're still mad at me
Damon: Why would I be mad at you, Stefan? You made me become a vampire, and now I walk the world alone drinking other people's blood
Stefan: Any chance you took it all out on our nephew Zachariah?
Damon: If I'm not mistaken, you were the one who k*lled our family members. May our father rest in peace
Stefan: I'm not like that anymore, Damon
Damon: Well, congratulations, Stefan. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to live out my eternal existence as far away from you as possible
Stefan: Damon, wait. Let's grab a drink, catch up. I've missed you, brother
Damon: Sure. Why not?
[Salvatore's House]
Stefan: Ah. I get it. I get it. You're bored. Your best friend's in jail, and you don't have anything better to do with yourself
Damon: Well, there's that. And... I was hoping you could help me solve a m*rder
(He takes the journal and leaves)
[Mystic Grill]
(Rebekah is sitting at a table with Carol Lockwood)
Rebekah: Thank you for meeting with me, mayor. I figured as head of the preservation society, you'd be a good person to ask about the oldest trees in this community
Carol: A long line of Lockwood women used to keep those records back before any of them had actual jobs
Rebekah: I've been to the founders archive, but I can't seem to find any record of the tree I'm looking for
Carol: It probably got cut down. Big old trees built half this town in the 1900s
(Damon and Stefan enter)
Damon: Ho. She-devil, 9 o'clock
(Rebekah looks at Damon. He and Stefan go at the bar)
Rebekah: Do you happen to know who kept the milling ledgers during that period?
Carol: Back then, all the logging mills were owned by the Salvatores
(Damon and Stefan are at the bar)
Damon: So what does the Cal examiner, bill Forbes, and Alaric Saltzman have in common?
(Stefan keep hitting his hand on the bar)
Damon: Come on. Knock it off
(Stefan takes the bottle and pours himself a drink)
Damon: You know, quitting blood cold Turkey after a ripper binge, probably not the best approach. Every time you play that all-or-nothing game, you eventually leave a trail of bodies, so I'm thinking now's a good time to pay our old friend moderation a visit
Stefan: They were all on the founders council, Damon. That's what they have in common
Damon: But why them, huh? Brian Walters and Alaric weren't from founding families. I mean, hey, if you gotta slaughter council members, go a-list. At least in 1912, they k*lled a Salvatore
(Rebekah rejoins them)
Rebekah: Which Salvatore would that be?
[Sheriff's Department]
(Alaric is still in jail. Liz is with him)
Alaric: You'll have to agree, sheriff, there's no motive here
Liz: Look, both the medical examiner and my ex-husband got into altercations with Meredith Fell before their deaths. Now, she said you were a witness to her fight with Brian Walters
Alaric: So what are you saying, that I was defending her honor? I barely knew her then
Liz: She said she also told you Bill thr*at to report her to the medical board for giving him vampire blood
Alaric: No, she didn't
Liz: A 2 a.M. Call on the night he was k*lled? I pulled your records. You spoke with her for over an hour
Alaric: Ok. I, uh... Yes, I... I remember calling her, but I... I was drinking, and I... I don't remember the conversation
Liz: Well, do you have an alibi for the night Brian Walters was k*lled?
Alaric: I was there the night of the bridge fundraiser, ok, until midnight. You saw me there
Liz: Time of death was between 1:00 and 3 a.M
Alaric: Well, then, I... I must have been home sleeping, I'm sure. I'm sure of it
[Mystic Grill]
Rebekah: So Zachariah Salvatore was your nephew?
Damon: Well, our father knocked up one of the maids during the civil w*r. She had a son. But as far
as everyone else knew, Stefan and I were d*ad. Family name had to go somewhere
Rebekah: And, uh, your family owned the logging mills back then
Damon: You're full of a lot of questions
Rebekah: I'm just researching the town history. I grew up here, after all
Damon: You know, you don't have to disguise your true motives. Blondie bex. If you want more sex, just ask for it
Rebekah: Not enough liquor in the world
Damon: Oh, come on. It was too good for you to be this hostile
(Stefan takes the bottle and gets up)
Damon: You'll have to excuse my little brother. He's jonesing for some o-positive
Stefan: I'm not jonesing
Rebekah: So they never catch the k*ller?
Damon: Nope. Wrote it all off on vampires
Rebekah: Maybe it was a vampire
Stefan: Yeah. Yeah, maybe it was a vampire, Damon
Damon: Don't think for a second you didn't cross my mind, too, brother. But these m*rder weren't your style, were they? Plus there were no other vampires circulating then
Stefan: Well, there was one other vampire. Remember Sage?
Damon: Oh, right. Sage. Speaking of great sex
Mystic Falls, 1912
(Stefan and Damon are in front of tent, drinking)
Stefan: Maybe you've had enough
Damon: h*t a man when he's down
(They enter. There's a boxing game. Everyone is gathered around the ring. A woman is fighting against a man on the ring. She wins)
Sage: Who's next? $100 to any man who can b*at me
(She looks at Damon. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: I can teach you how to survive without human blood, you know
Damon: You do not get to lecture me on how to live my life, not anymore
(He leaves him, Sage rejoins him)
Sage: What's your name?
Damon: Not interested
Sage: Well, Mr. not interested, you seem to me like a gambling man
Damon: I'm afraid you have me all wrong
(She takes a bill and puts it in his pants)
Sage: Well, that's too bad
(She leaves)
[Mystic Grill]
Rebekah: I knew Sage once. Trashy little thing
(Damon looks at Stefan)
Damon: You really think it was Sage who was k*lling all those founders back then?
Stefan: Town questioned every grown man in Mystic Falls. Probably never occurred to them that a woman could have done it
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Elena is waiting on the parking lot. Mereith parks her car and gets out of it)
Meredith: I'm due in surgery. Whatever case you're gonna make against Alaric, make it quick
Elena: I don't have to make a case. He didn't do anything
Meredith: How do you know? Sure you live with him, he takes care of you, but do you really know anything about him?
Elena: I know enough
Meredith: Let me tell you what I know. He was arrested for fighting 4 times before the age of 21. When he was at Duke, his future wife Isobel filed a restraining order against him twice. Although then she married him, so I guess that says more about her
Elena: Ok, you're making all of this up
Meredith: Am I? How would you know? You took pity on a borderline alcoholic vampire hunter, and you never even thought to look any deeper
Elena: How could you do this to him? He didn't k*ll anyone, and you know it
Meredith: You date vampires, Elena. It shouldn't come as a shock to learn that your guardian is a m*rder
(She leaves)
[Mystic Grill]
Rebekah: So, uh, tell me more about your old relatives. I heard they tore down half the woods to make this town
Damon: Easy there, lushy pants. It's been a hoot and a half, but it's boys night, and you weren't invited
(He takes the bottle, Stefan takes two glasses and they leaves)
[Meredith Appartment]
(Matt and Elena break into her appartment)
Elena: Wow. Nice job
Matt: I'll add breaking and entering to the list of life favors you owe me
Elena: Ok, look, I don't know how much longer she's gonna be in surgery, so let's see what we can find
(They start looking)
Matt: Don't you think the police already combed through this place? She handed over everything she had
Elena: Yeah, I'm looking for the evidence that she didn't hand over
Matt: And you're sure it's her we should be investigating?
Elena: I know him, Matt. He's innocent. And I know that Meredith's a Fell, founding family, which means...
(She opens tha closet. She looks everywhere. She pushes the closes and sees a trap door on the wall)
Elena: Skeleton in the closet... Just like a true founder
(She opens it and finds a box in it. They look into it. They see the files)
Elena: Brian Walters, Bill Forbes
(He finds a big file and show it to her)
Matt: Alaric Saltzman
[Mystic Grill]
(Damon is playing darts. Stefan is drinking and doesn't seem fine)
Damon: So... Let's just say sage was k*lling everyone in 1912. Who the hell is doing it now? It's not that psycho, Dr. Fell. She's a woman. There's no way she could s*ab 3 grown men
(He throws a dart but Rebekah catches it)
Rebekah: That's a bit sexist. A woman could easily k*ll a man with the right motivation
Stefan: You just, uh, don't give up, do you?
Rebekah: Why are you so grumpy?
Damon: He's on a master cleanse, trying to be a better man and all
Rebekah: Yeah, you were a lot more fun in the twenties
Damon: You'll rile him up. He's testy when he's being self-righteous
Stefan: I'm not being self-righteous, Damon. I'm just not interested in slaughtering innocent human beings anymore
Damon: Oh, ok. Fair enough. My mistake. You used to be self-righteous
(He takes Stefan's diary and starts reading)
Damon: "Dear diary, Damon has lost his way. Though I have pulled my own life together, he continues to waste his."
Rebekah: Ouch
(She takes the diary from her hands and reads too)
Rebekah: "His bitterness consumes him. He is nothing but blackness and bile." Oof. Judgey
(She looks at Damon)
Rebekah: You know, if I'm being honest. You didn't seem like much fun either, Damon
Damon: I wasn't. Woman I was in love with was stuck in a tomb. She wasn't getting out for 100 years. I wasn't having any fun at all
Mystic Falls, 1912
(Damon is feeding on a woman. Sage rejoins him)
Sage: You're doing it all wrong. Bad vampire
Damon: I was hungry. Now I'm not hungry. My quality of form is... Purely subjective
Sage: A woman isn't just for food. She's for pleasure
Damon: I do not need a woman for pleasure. I am spoken for
Sage: We are all spoken for in some way. But what is being a vampire if not relishing in the pleasure of it? Come along. Let me show you
(They enter the tent. There's a boxing game. Everyone is still gathered around the ring)
Sage: Look at the women. They're beautiful, aren't they?
(He looks at a group a women)
Sage: Not them. They're too hungry for attention. You want the ones who button themselves up. Watch them. They can't tear their eyes away. Those are the women who secretly crave seduction. They'll put up a good fight, but the game is in winning them over, making them beg for it
Damon: What if they don't?
Sage: You're a vampire. You take it
(They looks at Samantha Gilbert)
Sage: Her
(He goes toward her and then looks at Sage. She smiles)
[Mystic Grill]
Rebekah: That sounded like sage, all right
Damon: How did you know her?
Rebekah: She was obsessed with my brother Finn over 900 years ago
Damon: What? Creepy, suicidal guy?
(Stefan is agitated. He keeps hitting his hand against the table)
Damon: You're doing it again
(Stefan gets up)
Stefan: I need to, uh... I got to get out of here
Damon: Sure. First admit you're jonesing
Stefan: Damon, I'm not gonna...
(Damon catches him)
Damon: Admit it
Stefan: Ok, fine. I'm freaking out. I'm ready to eat the entire wait staff. Why do you need to hear me say it?
Damon: Because I'm feeling a little self-righteous, too
(Stefan leaves)
[Meredith's Appartment]
(Elena is looking at Alaric's file)
Elena: She's got everything on him... Medical records, old court documents
(Matt finds a journal)
Matt: What's this?
(She takes it and opens it)
Elena: It's an old Gilbert journal
Matt: Why is one of your old family journals in her closet?
(He reads a paper)
Matt: Didn't you say the medical examiner's time of death was between 1:00 and 3 a.M.?
Elena: Yeah. Why?
Matt: Because the county coroner's office says that's wrong
(He shows her the paper. They hear Meredith)
Matt: Oh my god
(He takes the box and they enter the closet. Meredith enters the appartment. He's about to talk but Elena puts her finger on his lips to make him stop. Meredith has changed clothes. She takes her keys. They don't hear anything so they open the door but Meredith's here, waiting for them)
[Sheriff's Department]
(Matt and Elena are in Liz's office)
Liz: What were you thinking?
Elena: I know that we had no right
Liz: No right? You broke the law
Elena: But we found something that clears Alaric. It gives him an alibi in the Brian Walters m*rder
Liz: you mean this?
(She shows him a paper)
Elena: What is that?
Liz: A letter from the county coroner's office correcting the error in the time of death of Brian Walters. Meredith Fell received it today. She brought it to me several hours ago, full of apologies for accusing an innocent man
Matt: Why would she have a copy hidden in her closet?
Liz: I can't ask those questions, Matt, because of the very fact that you broke into her home to find it. Do you know how much I'm already protecting both of you?
Elena: I'm sorry
Liz: Just get out of my office and go home, please. Alaric'll be released as soon as the letter is authenticated. Go
[An alley]
(Stefan goes out of the Mytic Grill and goes in an alley. Damon and Rebekah follow him)
Rebekah: So he doesn't want to drink human blood?
Damon: Ah, he has an eternally guilty conscience
Rebekah: Funny. When I knew him in the twenties, he didn't have any conscience at all. It's one of the things I liked most about him. He can't possibly think he can survive without feeding
Damon: Oh, on the contrary. He's determined to live his life pursuing one extreme or the other. He's a stubborn one, my brother. Think I'm gonna need some help with this one
Rebekah: What can I do?
(A woman gets out of her car. Damon goes to see her)
Damon: Hello
Woman: Hi
Damon: This may seem very forward, but you're just so pretty
Woman: Thank you
(He compels her)
Damon: And please don't scream. You're about to have a very, very bad night
(Damon bites her and drinks her blood. Stefan rushes toward him and makes him stop. Rebekah catches the woman)
Damon: Sorry, brother. It's dinnertime. Have a bite
Stefan: What are you doing?
Damon: Tough love, Stefan. You're not gonna survive this cold-Turkey thing. You never do. It's time to get that monkey off your back
Stefan: No
Damon: Feed... Or I'll let rebekah have her way with her. You know she'll k*ll her
Rebekah: Oh, I will
Damon: Then her blood'll be on your hands. Or you can just have a little drink, save her life. Come on, Stefan. You were the one that said you didn't want any more innocent life slaughtered. Save her. Go on. Have a bite. I snatched. You eat. I erase. Hell, I'll even heal her for you when it's over
Stefan: Why are you doing this? You know what blood does to me
Damon: 'Cause you let it control you. You always have. I'm just here to help you learn how to fight it
Rebekah: This is rubbish
(She's about to bite the girl but Stefan stops her and looks at the girl's neck, bleeding. He finally bites her and drinks her blood. Damon looks at Rebekah)
Damon: I got it from here. Go ahead
Rebekah: Night's just getting started
Damon: Scram. No one likes a lurker
Rebekah: You're a real ass, you know
Damon: So I'm told
(She leaves. Stefan is still feeding)
Damon: All right, that's enough
(He tries to stop Stefan)
Damon: Come on. You're gonna bleed her dry. You're gonna drain her. Come on. I said that's enough
(He stops him and takes the girl. Stefan's angry)
Damon: Hey, you wanna fight hunger, or you wanna fight me?
(He bites his wrist and makes the girl drink her blood)
Damon: I got you. That's a good girl
(Elena and Matt pass by. They stop)
Elena: What are you doing?
(Stefan turns himself. He has blood all over his mouth. Elena seems horrified)
Elena: Stefan
Stefan: Elena
Elena: What are you two doing?
Damon: Relax, Elena. Just a little experiment. There's no need to make this more dramatic than it needs to be
(Matt catches Elena)
Matt: Elena, let's just go. Elena!
(They leave. Stefan looks at Damon)
Damon: So... That's gonna take a little time
(Stefan leaves)
Damon: Stefan. Wait. Hey. Stefan, wait
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena and Matt are in the kitchen)
Elena: Just say it
Matt: I just don't get it, your thing with them
Elena: I know it doesn't make sense. But at the beginning, after my parents died, there was something about being with Stefan that just... Felt safe
Matt: Safe? Elena, he's a vampire
Elena: I know, believe me. Just saying it out loud sounds crazy, but... It's like I knew that he would never stop loving me, like he would never...
Matt: What?
Elena: Die. Like he would never die
Matt: Like your parents did. And Damon?
Elena: Damon just sort of snuck up on me. He got under my skin, and no matter what I do, I just... I can't shake him
Matt: Once you fall in love with someone, I don't know if... I don't know if you can ever shake 'em
Elena: I'm sorry. Is... is this weird? Talking about them with you?
Matt: No. Not really. I got you something
(He takes the journal from his pocket)
Elena: The journal?
Matt: It's your family's. You should have it. Meredith and that idiot deputy were too busy questioning you to give a damn about me. Sometimes it pays to be the only normal one in a town of vampires. Practically invisible
(Alaric arrives. She gets up and rejoins him)
Elena: Are you ok?
Alaric: Yeah. Yeah. I'm all right
(They embrace each other)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is sitting in front of the fireplace. Damon enters)
Damon: They let Ric go. Sheriff Forbes said she's out of suspects again, but Ric is in the clear. I know it may not seem like it, but... You did really well tonight. I mean, before you know it, you're gonna be the king of moderation. Elena will understand
Stefan: Doesn't really matter what Elena thinks
Damon: Uh-uh. None of that. No more no humanity Stefan. There's a road called recovery, and we are on it
(Stefan gets up)
Stefan: Why do you even care, huh? The whole brother-bonding thing, getting Elena to hate you. Why, you feel guilty because you kissed her? Is that it, Damon? Because you can stop. Go back to hating me. It was a lot easier
Damon: Can you for one minute actually believe that I'm trying to help you?
Stefan: I don't need your help
Damon: Don't need my... Are you kidding me? Do you remember what happened last time you said that?
Stefan: What are you talking about?
Damon: 1912, Stefan, the last time I convinced you to drink human blood
Mystic Falls, 1912
(Damon and Stefan are under the tent, in front of the ring. Looking at women)
Damon: Go ahead, Stefan. Pick one
Stefan: They're people, Damon
Damon: Yes, they are people, Stefan, people with blood pumping through their veins, waiting to be opened up and sucked dry. You've just forgotten how good it feels. So had I, but Sage, she reminded me... It's worth it. It's all worth it
(Sage fights a man. He falls on the ring. He's bleeding. Stefan looks at him)
Damon: Not him, Stefan. Not him... Her
(hey look at Mrs Lockwood)
Damon: Her. She's the one
Stefan: I don't do that anymore
Damon: But you can, Stefan. We can. Let the past be the past. Have a drink with me, brother
(They're outside. Stefan is drinking from the woman. Damon looks at him)
Damon: I knew you still had it in you. Don't be greedy
(Damon tries to drink but Stefan pushes him)
Damon: Stefan. Stefan
(Stefan drinks so hard that he decapitates her)
Stefan: Oh, my God. Oh, my God
(He catches the head)
Stefan: I'm sorry
Damon: Stefan, stop
(Stefan tries to put the head back on the body)
Stefan: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry
Damon: Stefan, stop
(He tries to stop him but Stefan pushes him)
Stefan: What did you do to me?!
(He looks at the body and gets up)
Damon: You just need to learn when to stop. I can help you
Stefan: I don't need your help
(He leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
Damon: The founders council k*ller had nothing on you. By decade's end, they were calling you the ripper of monterey. I let you walk away. I watched you go over the edge, and I didn't do anything to stop you
Stefan: You couldn't have
Damon: Sure, I could have. But I just didn't want to. But I want to now. Whenever you go too far, I will be there to pull you back, every second, every day till you don't need m
Stefan: Why?
Damon: 'Cause right now... You're all I got
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is reading Samantha's Gilbert journal. Alaric arrives)
Alaric: Hey, I was gonna make some coffee
Elena: I'm good. Gonna head to bed in a few
Alaric: Hey, listen, Elena. The, uh... The sheriff told me about everything you did today, and... While I appreciate it, I don't want you getting in trouble because of me, ok?
Elena: If not for you, for who?
Alaric: Well, still, I... I'm the one who's supposed to look after you, even if I suck at it
Elena: Ok, well, how 'bout we just agree to take care of each other, then?
Alaric: Heh. Deal. What are you reading there?
Elena: Old family journal
Alaric: Any juicy family secrets?
Elena: It's hard to tell. I mean, at first, I thought it was Jonathan Gilbert's journal, but it ended up being his granddaughter's, who apparently went just as crazy as he did, so great genes, huh?
Alaric: Well, at least you have something to look forward to
Elena: Good night, Ric
Alaric: Good Night
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is playing piano. Stefan arrives with a book in his hands)
Stefan: So I, uh... I dug into the old family archives from the early 1900s
Damon: So now you want to be helpful
Stefan: Want me to go back to being mad at you?
Damon: What'd you find?
Stefan: Well, nothing from 1912. They never did arrest anyone for the founders' m*rder, but they did get a confession 10 years later
Damon: They did? Who?
Stefan: Jonathan Gilbert's granddaughter Samantha. They assumed she was crazy, locked her up in an insane asylum
Damon: Then what?
Stefan: Trail ends there. I mean, she was a founder. You know they like to look out for their own
Damon: Samantha Gilbert. That is very weird
Stefan: Why?
Damon: Because I'm pretty sure I had already k*lled her
[Gilbert's House]
(Someone knocks on the door. Alaric opens. It's MEredith)
Meredith: I know what this looks like
Alaric: Yeah? Well, I sure as hell don't. You sh**t me, you have me thrown in jail, and then you have me freed
Meredith: I did it for you, Ric. I forged the coroner's note to clear your name
Alaric: Oh. You know what? People are right. You are psycho
Meredith: Yeah... Now that you've been cleared, they'll look somewhere else. They won't look your way again. Please, you have no reason, but I need you to trust me anyway. If you let me in, I can explain
(Elena is in her bedroom, reading Samantha Gilbert's journal)
Samantha Gilbert: I don't feel like myself. I am losing time... As though I am going mad
[Salvatore's House]
Stefan: So you think Samantha Gilbert's still alive, running around Mystic Falls, k*lling founders?
Damon: It's not possible. If she became a vampire, we'd know about it, right?
Stefan: Well, then she must have had a ring that brought her back to life. I mean, she was a... a Gilbert, right? Those rings are passed on through generations
Damon: Yeah, but even if she had a ring, she wouldn't be alive today. Doesn't protect her from old age
Stefan: Jonathan Gilbert only made two of those rings. Jeremy has one of 'em, and the other is...
Damon: Alaric's
[Gilbert's House]
(Alaric is looking at Brian Walter's file)
Meredith: Like the sheriff said, the victims were k*lled with your w*apon
(We see a flashback from when the body was discovered and when Caroline discovered her father and then when Liz showed him and Elena the m*rder w*apon)
Alaric: Yeah, but I was att*cked
Meredith: With your own Kn*fe, a wound that could have been self-inflicted
Alaric: It's impossible. I would know if I were k*lling people
Meredith: Would you? Have you had any blackouts, instances of lost time?
Alaric: Y-you're insane
Meredith: No, but I think you might be. You wear a ring that lets you cheat death, Ric. How many times can you die before it changes you? I think you're sick, and I want to help you. This has happened before almost 100 years ago
(Elena's here. Meredith and Alaric look at her)
Alaric: Elena
Elena: Ric, I think she's right
(She has Samantha Gilbert's journal in her hand)
Mystic Falls, 1912
(Zachariah Salvatore is walking alone. Samantha Gilbert arrives and s*ab him. She's wearing the ring) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x16 - 1912"} | foreverdreaming |
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Alaric is on an MRI. Meredith and Elena are in the other side looking at the results)
Elena: What are you looking for?
Meredith: I don't know. A tumor, vascular anomalies. Anything physical that might explain his behavior. If it's medical, I can treat it
Elena: And if it's not?
Meredith: Well... Then we'll deal with that, too
Elena: When did you suspect him? That it was Alaric who was k*lling all of those people?
Meredith: It was after he told me about his ring. I remembered a story my grandmother had told me about Samantha Gilbert and her secret journal. I don't know if you know this, but we Fells are notorious busybodies
Elena: Then why did you protect him?
Meredith: Because I'm a doctor. I don't like to see someone hurt by something they have no control over. And, because when he and I first met, I felt like, I don't know, I... I just kind of want to help him
(Alaric is in the MRI. He's looking at himself in the mirror above him. His reflection is different, has an evil look. He moves but his reflection doesn't. He freaks out and pushes the button)
Alaric: No! Meredith! Meredith...
Meredith: Everything all right in there?
(He looks at his reflection and calms himself)
Alaric: Yeah. Yeah, everything's OK
(Alaric and Elena are in his room)
Elena: Well, everything is normal
Alaric: Because there is nothing wrong with me. I didn't k*ll Brian Walters, I didn't k*ll bill Forbes, and I sure as hell didn't shove a hunting Kn*fe into my stomach. Or I did, and I've gone insane, just like your ancestor, who... Wore that ring
(He looks at the ring, laying on the piece of furniture)
Elena: Look, I'm going to call Bonnie. The rings were made by a Bennett witch. Maybe a witch can reverse the damage
Alaric: Take it. I don't want it anymore
(She takes the ring. Damon enters)
Damon: Ready to ditch this house of horrors? Oof. You look terrible
Alaric: Yeah. Let me... let me check out of here
(He leaves. She looks at Damon and leaves too)
(Elena and Alaric are in the parking lot)
Damon: Don't worry about him. We'll take him out for chicken soup, we'll get him a Martini, make sure he doesn't k*ll anybody
Elena: What is wrong with you? How could you just go out feeding with Stefan like some vampire pub crawl?
Damon: Oh, right. I thought we were talking about Alaric, but of course we're talking about Stefan
Elena: You stood there and let him feed on an innocent girl!
Damon: I didn't let him do anything. If you want to get nit-picky about it, I made him
Elena: Why would you do that?
Damon: Because we're vampires, Elena. We need human blood to survive. We're predators, not puppies
Elena: Well, Stefan found a way around it before
Damon: Stefan has built himself a delusional wagon which he has repeatedly fallen off of. What he needs to learn is control
Elena: He was able to manage it when he was drinking my blood. Small amounts every single day
Damon: Ah, yes. Back when you two were in love and it was all rainbows and unicorns
Elena: I'm just saying. Maybe you're not the right person to be teaching Stefan about self control
(She looks at him and gets in her car)
[Abby's House]
(Caroline arrives with an icebox. She rejoins Bonnie)
Caroline: Hey!
Bonnie: Hey
Caroline: I totally lucked out. The hospital just had a blood drive, so, I got some... O negatives, some a's, and, my personal favorite, b positive
(Abby is in her garden. Bonnie and Caroline look at her)
Bonnie: Yeah. I made her a daylight ring. She's just been standing out there all morning. I don't think she's taking this very well
Caroline: Well, it's only been a few days since she turned. Your mom's still adjusting
(She looks at Abby)
Caroline: Miss Wilson? Why don't you come inside? You know, have something to drink
Abby: I can't feel it anymore. My garden. It's gone. I can't feel anything
(She goes inside)
Caroline: I don't understand
Bonnie: Witches have a connection to the earth. We can literally feel nature. Life
(She crouches and looks at a flower. She maks it blossom with her powers and smiles)
Bonnie: When Abby became a vampire, she lost it. I don't know how to help her
[Wickery Bridge]
(The bridge is being restored. Everyone is gathered. Rebekah is talking with the mayor. Damon, Meredith and Alaric arrive. Damon looks at Rebekah)
Damon: Rebekah's up to something. She's been snooping around in places she shouldn't be
Alaric: Tell me again, why are we here?
Damon: Ric, the world can't stop just because you're an accidental psycho k*ller
Meredith: Do you have any tact whatsoever?
(Carol rejoins them)
Carol: Alaric! I'm glad you're here. Did you bring the sign? The restored wickery bridge sign. The history department promised me you would have it today
Alaric: No, I don't have the sign, actually. It slipped... slipped my mind. I've been... Busy
Carol: Well, it's not an emergency. We'll just, um, unveil it when the bridge is complete
(She leaves)
Alaric: Get me out of here
Meredith: My pleasure
(Damon sees Sage through the crowd and looks at her. She smiles)
Damon: I'm going to stick around for a bit
Alaric: Who is that?
Damon: Blast from the past
(Carol begins her speech)
Carol: ... construction has g*n replacing the original wooden support structure to meet modern safety standards. And, our beautification phase will begin in the spring
(Damon rejoins Sage)
Sage: Damon Salvatore. My favorite student
Damon: Sage, my hottest teacher. What are you doing here?
Sage: I'm just passing through
Damon: Oh, come on. No one just passes through Mystic Falls
(Rebekah rejoins them)
Rebekah: Look what the cat dragged in
Damon: Easy there, Rebekah. You know, she used to b*at men for sport
Rebekah: She always was quite common
Sage: Rebekah. What a happy surprise
Rebekah: What are you doing here, Sage?
Sage: Well, I heard Finn was finally freed from that casket your rageaholic brother Klaus carted him around in
Rebekah: Oh, Finn. You just missed him. He left town and didn't tell us where he was going
Sage: Oh. He probably went looking for me
Rebekah: Or, quite possibly, he forgot all about you
Sage: I doubt that
Rebekah: Oh? Because he didn't seem to mention you. Sorry you came all this way for nothing. Have a nice life
(She leaves)
Sage: God, I hate that ugly elitist original bitch
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is leaving the house, a book in her hands but she sees Stefan in the living room. He's about to pours himself a glass from a blood bag)
Elena: Hi
Stefan: Hey
Elena: I'm sorry. Damon told Alaric that there was no one home. Otherwise i would have...
Stefan: I just got home
Elena: I just came by to pick up this book that you found on my ancestor Samantha
Stefan: That's fine
Elena: Uh, how are you doing? Damon said that you were...
Stefan: yeah, I'm, uh, I'm OK. Did you get everything you need?
Elena: Yeah. Well, if there's anything I can do to help...
Stefan: You don't have to read that, you know. I can just tell you what happened. Samantha Gilbert was committed to an insane asylum. She tried to give herself a lobotomy with a knitting needle. And bled to death on the floor of her cell. If the same thing is happening to Alaric, then there's... Nothing you can do
(She seems angry)
Elena: OK, well... I'm going to let you get back to, uh, whatever it was you were doing
(Shea leaves)
[Wickery Bridge]
(Damon and Sage are talking in the woods by Wickery Bridge)
Damon: Finn? Really?
Sage: He's my one true love. He turned me so we could be together forever. Then Klaus daggered him and locked him away and I've been waiting ever since. Please don't tell me that you and Rebekah are friends
Damon: Ah, not unless you count the hate sex
Sage: Good. 'Cause her and Klaus always treated me like some peasant whore
Damon: Ah, she's just lurking around because she wants something from me. I can't figure out what it is, though
Sage: Why don't you get inside her head and find it?
Damon: Because it's impossible. She's too strong
Sage: I bet I can get in there
Damon: Sage, she's an original. It's not going to happen
Sage: Have you forgotten everything I taught you? Rebekah may be an original, but she's a girl. You find her weakness and exploit it, and I'll walk right in. That is, if you want my help
(Damon rejoins Rebekah, getting closer to her)
Damon: Anyone ever tell you you're sexy when you're bitchy?
Rebekah: We're talking now, are we? Because you were quite rude the other day. Using me to help you with Stefan, and then shooing me away like a stray dog
Damon: Ah, that was brother business. You can't hold that against me. Besides, I really did
appreciate your help. Even if I didn't show it
Rebekah: You were mean
Damon: You like mean
Rebekah: No. I don't
Damon: No? You didn't get a thrill back there pushing Sage down, crushing her dreams of true love?
Rebekah: Maybe a little
Damon: See? Mean. Can Sage and I interest you in a drink back at the house?
Rebekah: Not a chance in hell
Damon: You know what they say. Two's company. Three is a party. OK. Enjoy the rest of your day
[Abby's House]
(Caroline rejoins Jamie. He's chopping wood with an ax)
Caroline: Haven't seen you up at the house. Abby's been asking for you
Jamie: I've been pretty busy
(She moves to get something but he freaks out)
Jamie: Hey, hey! Stay away from me! Easy!
Caroline: I was just going to help you carry the firewood up! You're scared of her
Jamie: She's a vampire
Caroline: She's a vampire. She needs to feel connected to the people she loves. She needs to feel normal right now...
Jamie: she's not normal. None of this is normal
Caroline: Well, Abby didn't choose this. This was forced on her. She could have let herself die but she didn't. She's trying to make this work so she can be there for you, and for Bonnie, so...
(Her phone rings)
Caroline: So just get over yourself!
(She answers. It's Elena)
Caroline: Hey, what's going on?
Elena: Bonnie's not returning my of my calls
Caroline: Sorry. She's still mad. And, seriously, Abby's transition has been a little rough, so she's got
a lot on her mind
Elena: I know. And I get it. But... Something really terrible is happening to Ric, and I really need her help
[Gilbert's House]
(Alaric and Meredith are sitting in the kitchen. He's looking at his report)
Meredith: I really don't think you should be looking through that stuff
Alaric: Well, it's the truth. Restraining orders and all. My life in a series of police reports
Meredith: You don't strike me as an angry guy. Which sounds weird, given everything. But... You don't
Alaric: Yeah, well, I was stupid when I was younger. But listen, it's not like these guys didn't have it coming. I mean... This guy here broke a beer bottle over a bartender's head. And this guy... h*t his girlfriend. And this guy... OK, this guy was just a douche. Everyone needs to find a way to deal with their dark side. Some people meditate. I became a vampire hunter
Meredith: Mmm, semi-retired
Alaric: Listen, there's something that's not in these reports that I need to tell you about
Meredith: Ok... Ominous. sh**t
Alaric: Your cousin Logan Fell, the one who was vampire slayed... I did the slaying
Meredith: The vampire thing... It's not my fight. I use their blood for what I need and leave the judgment to everyone else. Although, I have kind of been wondering why you never drew a stake through Damon's heart
Alaric: I tried once. He k*lled me. Yeah. Yeah, figures. The thing that started all this ring stuff was me being angry enough to think I could take on a vampire in the first place
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is drinking a blood bag from the refridgerator. There's others on the floor. Damon arrives)
Damon: Oh, come on. Slow down, brother. Control, remember? Doesn't matter whether it's blondes or blood bags, same principles apply
Stefan: What did you say to Elena this morning?
Damon: Oh, you're stress eating. Sublimating. You need to observe each other while you're pining and moping
Stefan: I asked you a question, Damon
Damon: I told her what she already knows... you're a vampire and you drink human blood. And to get over it. Which is the same thing I'm telling you. Own it, live it, love it. Stop being ashamed of who you are
Stefan: Do me a favor, Damon... next time you talk to Elena, keep me out of it, OK?
Damon: Gladly. Now, unless you're interested in a Sage-Rebekah sex sandwich, I suggest you make yourself... Scarce
[Abby's House]
(Bonnie is cooking. Jamie enters)
Bonnie: Who are you, again?
Jamie: The guy who lives out back. You know, the one you're not related to
Bonnie: Right
Jamie: Caroline and I had a little talk
Bonnie: Sounds like code for Caroline lectured you
Jamie: Maybe. But I needed it. Abby's always been there for me. Now it's my turn. Thought I could build a f*re
Bonnie: Please. Maybe it'll distract everyone from my crappy cooking
(Jamie is putting the woods in the fireplace. Abby arrives)
Abby: Jamie...
Jamie: I'm so sorry, Abby. I'm sorry about everything
(They embrace each other. She loses control and bites him. Bonnie arrives and uses her powers)
Bonnie: Abby!
(Abby is pushed by Bonnie's powers. She holds her head. Bonnie rushes over Jamie)
[Salvatore's House]
(Sage and Damon are in the living room. There's a piano player. Sage is sitting next to him)
Sage: Remember this song?
Damon: All right, miss master seductress, where's our victim?
Sage: Patience. Between her craving for affection and her pathological fear of being left alone, our little get together is too tempting to resist
(She drinks from the piano player's wrist)
Damon: Finn's gone, you know
Sage: I choose to believe otherwise
Damon: He strung you along for 900 years, didn't bother to call. He's gone
Sage: You know, the Damon I knew was holding out for someone, too
Damon: Yes, he was. Hope's a bitch, Sage. Get out while you can
(The door bell rings)
Sage: The sweet chime of desperation
(Rebekah enters with a bottle in her hand)
Rebekah: I stole it from Nik who stole it from a queen. I'm not sure which one. Well, this is depressing. What happened to the party?
Sage: It just arrived
(She smiles. Takes the bottle, opens it and looks at Damon. He smiles. Sage and Damon dance. Rebekah is alone, next to the piano player. She looks at them and seems bored. She drinks from him. Sage looks at her and pushes Damon towards her. she goes on the couch. Damon rejoins Rebekah)
Damon: How about a duet
(He drinks with her. Ten they gets up and Damon is about to kiss her)
Rebekah: What about her?
(Sage is on the couch and looks at them)
Damon: I don't want her. I want you
(They kiss. Sage smiles)
[Abby's House]
(Abby is outside. Bonnie rejoins her)
Abby: I almost k*lled him!
Bonnie: Caroline said that this kind of thing happens a lot at first, when you're still...
Abby: no, no. I should just go right now, before I hurt Jamie again, or you!
Bonnie: The only way you're going to hurt me is if you leave. Don't give up on this. Not again. We can make this work
(Caroline rejoins them)
Caroline: He's fine. Nothing a little vampire blood can't cure
Abby: Thank You
Caroline: Now I need a favor
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in the kitchen with Alaric. He writes something and gives it to her)
Alaric: Listen, I want you to have this. This is a list of my bank accounts, passwords, where to find my will and how to contact my family just in case this doesn't go my way
Elena: No, no, don't even think like that
Alaric: Elena, I need to know that you and Jeremy are going to be OK
Elena: We're all going to be fine
(Her phone rings. She's answers. It's Caroline)
Elena: Caroline?
Caroline: So Abby thinks Bonnie can reverse the damage with a spell. I guess the same thing happens with witches who become obsessed with dark magic. They lose control and start acting out their darkest impulses
Elena: Thank you so much
Caroline: I'm going to hang back here with Abby, but Bonnie's leaving now, so if... um, hold on
(Bonnie takes the phone)
Bonnie: I need a personal effect of Alaric's. Something he wore before he started wearing the ring
Elena: OK. I'll get it. Um... Bonnie, I'm so sorry for everything. Thank you for doing this
Bonnie: Be ready to do the spell as soon as I get there. We have to work fast. I'll see you soon
(She hangs up)
Alaric: Good news, bad news?
Elena: Bonnie thinks that she can help you with a spell
Alaric: Well, it's worth a try
Elena: But she needs something that you wore before you put on the ring. Something personal
(Meredith rejoins them)
Alaric: Well, there's, uh... My wedding ring. It's at the loft
(She looks at Merdith)
Elena: OK, yeah. Um, that's a good idea
(Meredith looks at Alaric)
Meredith: I think it's better if you stay here with me
Alaric: Oh, you and your tranquilizers. It's in the dresser by the kitchen. It's in, uh, an aspirin bottle. Probably covered in cobwebs
Elena: Ok
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is in his bed with Rebekah. She's asleep. Sage enters and rejoins them. She touches Rebekah's head and smiles. Damon tries to talk but she puts her finger on his mouth. She gets up and makes a sign to follow her. She takes of her clothes and goes in the shower. He rejoins her)
Damon: I take it back. Your plan is amazing
Sage: I told you, if you got her comfortable enough... She's an open book
Damon: Well, are you going to t*rture me or are you going to tell me what she's up to?
Sage: I'd rather show you
(They kiss. And as they kiss, Damon sees images and conversations of Rebekah with Klaus, with the mayor...)
Damon: There's another tree
(Damon is in the library. He's looking at the old family milling records)
Sage: Milling records?
Damon: Our family made one of its many fortunes selling lumber. That's why Rebekah's been digging around about this stuff. That tree was on our land and milled by our yard. The letters will tell me where it was shipped. The business archives should be around here somewhere. Get upstairs. Make sure you keep her distracted
(She leaves. Damon looks at the shelf and takes one of the milling company records. He opens it and reads that tha woods was ship to build Wickery Bridge)
Damon: You've got to be kidding me
[Alaric's Appartment]
(Elena arrives. Stefan rejoins her)
Stefan: Missed you at the house. Alaric told me you'd be here
Elena: You made yourself perfectly clear this morning, Stefan
Stefan: You don't want to be around me. I'm not trying to hurt you, Elena. I just can't be who you want be to be right now. I'm not in control
Elena: So then what are you doing here?
Stefan: Well, I, uh, did a little more digging on Samantha Gilbert. Founding family's were always pretty good about it, about destroying their records, but I found a couple of newspaper articles. Seems she k*lled two people while she was in the institution. A nurse and a guard
Elena: So she was a psychopath. I get it
Stefan: She was under su1c1de watch. No personal effects. No jewelry
Elena: Wait, so you're saying that the violent behavior can still happen even if the person isn't wearing the ring?
[Gilbert's House]
(Alaric is on the couch. Meredith is in the kitchen)
Meredith: Still with me?
Alaric: Yeah. Yeah, I'm still with you
Meredith: I'm half-d*ad, too. Neither one of us has slept in two days. Don't worry... I've got coffee on
(He seems different. He gets up and goes to her bag. He breaks her tranquilizing jabs)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is burning the records. Sage arrives)
Sage: Rebekah just left
Damon: Happy, I hope
Sage: Did you find what you were looking for?
Damon: Yep. In 1912, the Salvatore milling company chopped down a forest. Its most valuable wood came from an old white oak tree that was used to make the wickery bridge. These aren't public records, so Rebekah's going to chase her tail for a long time
Sage: So all the wood stripped from the underside of that bridge is basically a w*apon that could k*ll an original
Damon: Yep
Sage: You see how this could be a problem for me, right?
Damon: Why? Because of your true love Finn? Let me tell you something... I've met the guy. You're not going to miss him
Sage: I will rip your head off in two seconds if you take one more step
Damon: All right, let's make a deal. You want me to k*ll Rebekah, I consider Finn untouchable, you guys walk into the sunset together
Sage: Is that a promise?
Damon: Yes. It's a promise
[Alaric's Apartment]
(Elena is looking into drawers)
Stefan: If Bonnie's spell doesn't work, ,what are you going to do with him?
Elena: I'm not going to do anything ,Stefan. I'm going to keep looking until we can find something that will help him
Stefan: You don't know how long this has been going on. It might be too late
Elena: It's my family's ring that's doing this to him. It's my responsibility to fix it
Stefan: You can't put that on yourself. Not everyone is your responsibility. Not everyone can be saved
Elena: Are we talking about Alaric here? Or are we talking about you? Because I wasn't planning on giving up on either of you
(Stefan opens a drawer for her 'cause she can't. There's pictures of head wounds. A picture of Bill Forbe's body and a article on Brian Walter's m*rder)
Elena: What is that?
Stefan: Pictures of his victims
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon enters the library. He's dressed)
Damon: age, let's go. We have originals to k*ll
(She's not here)
Damon: Sage...
[Alaric's appartment]
(Elena and Stefan are looking into the drawer. She finds a big envelope with Jeremy's name on it. She opens it and finds a big pile of papers. There's a note from Alaric on the top of it. She reads it)
Elena: "Jeremy, if anything happens to me, carry on my work. You have the other ring, let the ring make you strong. The council must be cleansed before the work can begin."
(Under it there's a list of founders)
Stefan: It's the founders council roster. Looks like some sort of h*t list
Elena: No, Alaric didn't write this
Stefan: Who else would have written it, Elena?
(She rips the note apart and takes Alaric's wedding ring from the drawer)
Elena: I have to get back
[Gilbert's House]
(Alaric rejoins Meredith in the kitchen. She's looking for something)
Alaric: Looking for something?
Meredith: I don't know where anything is in this house. I'm sorry, I can't remember, do you take cream?
Alaric: No cream
Meredith: I was going to make sandwiches. I am starving
Alaric: Can I ask you a question?
Meredith: No mustard. I hate mustard
Alaric: Do you ever feel remorse?
Meredith: Sorry?
Alaric: Well... You are a council member. And the council was formed to protect the people of this town from vampires, yet here you all are, just looking the other way; ignoring your responsibilities. Like you, and your vampire blood. So I'm asking you. Do you ever feel remorse? Because you should
(He takes a Kn*fe and hurt her. She runs and he follows her. She goes to the stairs. He catches her foot but she hits him and runs to the bathroom. She locks herself and looks at her wound)
[Wickery Bridge]
(Damon arrives at the bridge but stops his car. Rebekah is there, burning the wood. He gets out of his car)
Rebekah: Your grand plans always seem to get ruined, don't they? Sorry to disappoint you. Again
(He turns himself and sees Sage)
Damon: You set me up
Sage: No. I'm just looking out for myself
Damon: I told you I'd save your creepy boyfriend!
Sage: And you lied to me, Damon! The originals are linked. If one dies, they all die. If I can get inside her head, don't think I'd be able to get inside yours?
(He rushes over her and strangles her)
Damon: I should and you
Sage: I'm 900 years old, Damon. You're not capable of ending me. Do you really think that I would risk Finn's life for one of your petty revenge fantasies?
Damon: Let me tell you something... your long lost love has a su1c1de wish. So when mama witch linked them together in a spell, he's the one who volunteered to die
Sage: He wouldn't do that
Damon: He didn't want to live. Not for you, not for anyone. He doesn't love you, Sage. And when I do find another way to k*ll those originals, I'll start with Finn
(He gets into his car)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena and Stefan enter. He makes her a sign to wait and goes look in the kitchen. Alaric goes down the stairs, a towel in his hands)
Alaric: Hey there
Elena: Hi. Where's Meredith?
Alaric: Oh, she got called in to the hospital for a last minute surgery, but she'll be back later
(She looks at his hands and the towel)
Elena: What happened?
Alaric: Oh, I... Broke a coffee cup and sliced my hand open trying to pick up the pieces. But I'll... I'll live. Did Stefan catch up with you?
Elena: No
Alaric: Did you get my ring?
Elena: I... I couldn't find it
Alaric: Yeah, well, my place is a bit of a disaster. I guess I'll, uh, I'll just have to go get it
(She sees the Kn*fe on the floor. He goes toward her to att*ck her but Stefan arrivs and strangles him from behind)
Elena: No, don't hurt him!
Stefan: I'll try not to
(He strangles him so he collapses. He lays him on the floor and looks upstairs)
Stefan: Elena, I need you to come upstairs with me
Elena: Why?
Stefan: I'm going to need your help
(They go upstairs. They go in the bathroom and she puts the light on. Meredith is laying on the floor, bleeding. There's blood everywhere. She's unconscious. Elena rushes over her)
Elena: Meredith! OK, OK. You're going to be OK
(Stefan is struggling. His face changes. Elena looks at him but he manages to control himsef, bites his wrist and makes Meredith drink his blood, then he leaves)
(Alaric is laying on his bed. He wakes up. Damon's here)
Alaric: What the hell are you doing here?
Damon: Just making sure the witch didn't turn you into a toad or a block of salt. Bonnie did a little spell. It's nothing to worry about. Just something to keep the k*ller in you at bay
Alaric: Did something happen?
Damon: Let's just say you've got an alter ego hell bent on k*lling council members. So we're going to pack up some of your stuff, we're going to go to the loft, just for a little bit. You know, it's like house arrest, light
Alaric: Wait, where's Meredith?
Damon: She'll be fine, Ric
(Elena is in the kitchen. Bonnie rejoins her. She has a box of herbs in hers hands)
Bonnie: Hey. You OK?
Elena: Yeah, I'm fine
Bonnie: Abby says that all the dying and coming back to life might have chipped away at Alaric's psyche, making it easier for the darkness to take hold. These herbs are the binding element of the spell. He needs to take them twice a day. I'll get you more. Abby and I are going to work on the garden
Elena: How is she doing?
Bonnie: The transition's been hard, but I think she'll be OK. Eventually. I'm going to go back and stay with her for a while. It'll give us a chance to work things through
Elena: I'm sorry, Bonnie. I didn't... I didn't want this to happen. If there's anything that I can do to make it different, I...
(Bonnie embraces her)
Bonnie: I know
Elena: Please say that you forgive me
Bonnie: Of course I do
[Abby's House]
(Caroline and Jamie are gardening)
Caroline: Am I even doing this right?
Jamie: Yeah, you're doing fine. Hey, um, thanks for helping out with Abby. Bonnie's really lucky to have a friend like you
Caroline: Well... I went through the same thing once. Ahem. With my dad. But it didn't really work out. So... You know...
(She gets up)
Caroline: Well, when Bonnie gets back, she can snap her fingers or wave her hands or whatever, and make the herbs bloom. I think Abby's up
(She rejoins Abby. Abby's writting something and has a bag with her)
Caroline: What are you doing? You're leaving. You kidding me?
Abby: I have to. I don't know how to do this
Caroline: Do what? Be a vampire or a parent?Because I can help you be a vampire. I can teach you self control. But being a parent, I mean, that's all you. Bonnie grew up without a mom because you ran away once. But now you have an eternity to make up for it and you're just going to throw that away?
Abby: She's better off without me!
Caroline: No, she's not! No one is better off without their parents. She wants to make this work. Please. Just stay
(She gets up and takes her bag)
Abby: Tell them I'm sorry
(She leaves)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is on the phone with Jeremy)
Jeremy: Hello?
Elena: Hey, stranger
Jeremy: Hey, you checking up on me?
Elena: Do you need checking up on?
Jeremy: Well, I'm not flunking any of my classes. Yet. And I got a dog
Elena: Hey, have you talked to Alaric lately?
Jeremy: Uh, no, why? Is everything OK?
Elena: Yeah, everything is fine. Um, I just wanted to hear your voice
Jeremy: OK. Hey, can I call you later? I'm actually on my way out with some friends
Elena: Yeah, um, of course, Jer. Go out. Go have fun and, um... I... I just miss you
Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah, I miss you, too
(They hang up. She cries)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is drinking. Damon enters with a package)
Damon: Little early in the day for you, isn't it?
Stefan: Just having a little toast
Damon: To what?
Stefan: Control
Damon: You're happy, I'm happy
Stefan: Why are you in such a good mood? Sage double crossed you, tree's a pile of Ash, Alaric's got a psychopathic alter ego
Damon: You know, Stefan, I'm a philanthropist. I make the world a better place. Restoring bridges, landmarks, and...
(He opens the package. It's the historical Wickery Bridge sign)
Damon: Historical signs made of the same white oak as the wickery bridge
Stefan: They think all the wood b*rned
Damon: I sold my rage. Phew. You should have seen me
Stefan: We have a w*apon
Damon: Game's back on, brother. Let's go k*ll some originals | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x17 - Break on Through"} | foreverdreaming |
[Alaric's Apartment]
(Elena arrives with coffee and something to eat. She knocks on the door. Damon opens)
Damon: Morning, sunshine.
Elena: Hey. How's Alaric?
Damon: Indecent, but fine
Elena: So then does that mean there were no issues last night?
Damon: Nope. Slept like a baby. Woke up Alaric. No headlines about d*ad council members
Elena: Then why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?
Damon: Well, maybe because you're being all paranoid and control freak-y. What'd you bring me?
(He takes the bag and looks into it)
Damon: Chocolate muffins. You know what they say... the way to a psycho k*ller's heart is through his stomach
(She takes it back)
Elena: They're not for you
Damon: Fine. Keep convincing yourself you're still mad at me. But sadly, Ric's going to have to pass on Elena time today. You know, lockdown and all
Elena: Just take it, give it to him and tell him that I miss him, ok?
Damon: With pleasure
Elena: Please
Damon: Have a great day
(He starts closing the door)
Elena: Dam...
Damon: thanks for coming by
(He closes the door. She leaves)
Damon: Walking down the stairs. Opening front door and... She's gone
(Alaric is sawing the wickery bridge sign. Stefan's here too)
(Damon is whittling a stake from the wickery sign. Stefan gives him one back)
Stefan: Needs to have a sharper point
Damon: Got it
Stefan: Finally have our own stakes to k*ll an original. I'm not going to miss because you can't whittle
Damon: I said I got it. Stop micro managing
Alaric: Looks like you guys got this under control. I'm going to call the sheriff. I want to turn myself in
Damon: No, you don't
Alaric: I have a homicidal alter ego. Unlike some people in this room, I would like to take responsibility for the people I've k*lled
Damon: If you wanted to turn yourself in, you wouldn't be saying it out loud. Just sayin'
Alaric: Listen, of all the people, you cannot psychoanalyze me. I k*lled Caroline's father. I nearly k*lled Meredith. Everything has changed
Stefan: You're not turning yourself in. Bonnie's herbs are working and we have originals to k*ll
Damon: His morals get very questionable when he has revenge on the brain
Stefan: Klaus needs to die, we finally have a chance to k*ll him. So you are not turning yourself in
(Damon gets up and takes Alaric's ring from his pocket)
Damon: Here's your ring, Ric. Put it on
Alaric: That ring is the reason I've k*lled people
Damon: It's also the reason you're alive. You're going vampire hunting, Ric. Wear it
(Alaric finally takes it and puts it back)
[The woods]
(Elena and Caroline are talking)
Caroline: Alaric Saltzman k*lled my father?
Elena: I can't expect you to be ok with this. But at least these herbs that Bonnie's giving him, they're healing him and they're keeping the dark side buried
Caroline: Yeah, and that's supposed to make everything ok?
Elena: No, Caroline, it's not ok. It's horrible. And I feel horrible about it, but... He's a victim of something supernatural. He didn't ask for this. It just happened to him. Just like Bonnie's mom. I mean, she didn't ask to become a vampire. And... Neither did Stefan, or Tyler
Caroline: Or me
Elena: Or you. None of you asked for this. But who would I be if I just... Turned my back on any of you?
(Caroline takes her by the shoulder)
Caroline: Oh, Elena Gilbert. Savior of the cursed and the damned
(They smile. Matt rejoins them)
Matt: Hey. What's with the, uh, cryptic secret meeting text?
Elena: I don't know. Stefan just said to meet here
(Stefan and Damon arrive)
Stefan: Where's Bonnie? Texted her, too
Caroline: Uh, Bonnie's mom bailed on her. Again. So I think we should leave her out of this one
Matt: What are we doing here?
Damon: We found some more white oak. Long story. Wait for the movie
Elena: Hang on. White oak? You have a w*apon that can k*ll Klaus?
Stefan: Nope. We all have a w*apon
(He throws a bag on the ground. It's full of stakes. Elena, Caroline and Matt are surprised)
[A City]
(Finn is walking alone. Klaus rejoins him)
Klaus: Hello, Finn
Finn: Hello, Niklaus. I have nothing to say to you
Klaus: I'm not here to chat. I will ask you one thing, though, where's our mother?
Finn: Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again
Klaus: How fortunate that I found you. I require your assistance
Finn: I have no wish to help you. Only to see you d*ad
Klaus: Well, that's the thing. You see, you won't be able to see me d*ad because if I die, then you die, so it's a wish unfulfilled
Finn: Oh, bother someone else with your hollow charms, Niklaus
Klaus: Why? When I can bother my big brother? I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls. I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together
Finn: I have no wish to be unlinked!
Klaus: Again with the wishes. Let me rephrase... you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years
Finn: What happens to one happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose your precious Rebekah
Klaus: Wouldn't be the first time
(Finn runs with his vampire speed and goes in an alley but Rebekah is there waiting for him)
Rebekah: Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother
Finn: You're siding with him? Rebekah, he stored us in boxes
Rebekah: At least he's not trying to make us extinct
(Klaus rejoins them)
Finn: What are you going to do? k*ll me?
Klaus: Oh, yeah, that's right, you've got a death wish. Fine. Pathetic, but fine. The thing is, I'm not going to have you take the rest of us down with you
(He catches his and throws him against the wall. Finn is on the ground. Klaus looks at him and then at Rebekah, smiling.)
[The Woods]
(Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline and Matt are all together)
Stefan: Klaus has always been one step ahead of us. But now we have the advantage. We're all armed, and they are all linked. Meaning we only need to k*ll one of them. We need to seize the best opportunity, which means we need to prepare for every opportunity
Damon: Scenario number one...
(He catches Elena)
Damon: you are to play Klaus
Elena: Ok
(She makes him understand that he has to release her)
Stefan: Rebekah is our target. So we'll distract her and catch her off guard. To do that, we need to keep Klaus separate and occupied. Caroline?
Caroline: Why do I always have to be Klaus bait?
Damon: Because he's obsessed with you. But for right now, we need you to play Rebekah. We'll use the quarterback to distract her. Just keep her talking
Matt: How
Damon: Act interested. She's lonely. Desperate
Caroline: Clearly. She slept with you
(Elena laughs)
Damon: Beefcake holds b*mb, I come up from behind her, grab her arms like this...
(He catches her from behind)
Caroline: Ow!
(Stefan goes toward her with a stake)
Stefan: Which gives me time for one sh*t. Got it? Good
(Caroline pushes him)
Stefan: So we all have one stake, we keep it hidden and we look out for any opportunity we have
Damon: No last minute att*cks of pity for any of them
Elena: Don't worry about me. Not after what happened to Bonnie's mom
Damon: Barbie?
Caroline: Oh, I'm ready. Anything that will free Tyler of his sire bond to Klaus
Damon: Bus boy?
Matt: Do I have a choice?
Damon: Good point
Stefan: We have 12 stakes. 12 sh*ts at k*lling one original. We can do this. All right, let's try another scenario
(He gives a crossbow to Elena)
Stefan: Elena, grab a crossbow. Matt, you play Klaus
(Elena aims the crossbow at Matt)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Klaus throws Finn inside. Klaus and Rebekah enter the house)
Rebekah: Gather your witch. Let's get his blood and get on with it
Finn: You can't force me to help you
Klaus: Oh, I most likely could. But why force when I can persuade?
(Sage comes down the stairs. Finn looks at her and gets up. Sage is smiling)
Sage: Hello, Finn
Finn: Sage!
(He rushes towards her and they embrace each other. Rebekah looks at Klaus)
Rebekah: What do you know? True love prevails
Klaus: It does occasionally have its uses. Easier than torturing him
(He looks at his phone. He has received a text from Kol asking him to letting him know when he'll be needed. Klaus answers him that he will)
Rebekah: I have something to do. What do you need from me for this spell?
Klaus: Just your blood and your blessing. Where are you going?
Rebekah: I have some unfinished business with Damon Salvatore. Ask Sage what he did to me. And you'll understand why retribution is in order
[Salvatore's House]
(Damonis hidding the stakes in the fireplace with the other woods. Alaric is with him)
Alaric: I mean, did you learn nothing from the moon stone in the soap dish?
Damon: Why? Where'd you put yours?
(The door slams)
Damon: What the hell was that?
(He goes down the stairs and hears some noise. Suddenly Alaric is thrown in the stairs)
Damon: Ric?
(He turns himself. Rebekah's here. She s*ab him)
Rebekah: Hello, lover
[The Town Square]
(Elena, Caroline and Matt are together. Elena is on the phone and leaves a voicemail to Bonnie)
Elena: Bonnie, we're starting to worry about you. Call me back. Or call Caroline. Just call someone, please
(She rejoins Matt and Caroline. Matt is talking with Caroline)
Matt: Mr. Saltzman was like the most normal guy in town
Elena: Is it weird that Bonnie's not returning my calls?
(Matt looks at the square)
Matt: Is it weird that Klaus' brother is in the middle of town square?
(Elena and Caroline look at the town square. Finn is with Sage. They're walking and talking)
Elena: That's Finn. I thought he left town
(Caroline listens to them)
Sage: So can you guess why I dragged you out here?
Finn: If memory serves me, this is where the natives used to make sacrifices to their gods
Sage: This statue was built where we used to rendezvous back when you used to have to sneak away from your siblings to see your tawdry lady friend
Finn: I assumed after 900 years you've moved on
Sage: I took care of myself. But I never stopped loving you, Finn. I don't want you to die
(Elena is on the phone with Stefan)
Stefan: Hey
Elena: Hey, where are you?
Stefan: I just got home. Why?
Elena: Klaus' brother Finn is in the town square. He's with some ex-girlfriend or something
Stefan: Ex-girlfriend? Guy's been in a coffin for the last 900 years. Sage. It's got to be Sage.
Elena: We have an opportunity. So how do we do this?
Stefan: Listen to me, Elena. Do not do anything, ok? Sage is very old and very strong. You don't stand a chance against her
Elena: Then get Damon and get down here
(Stefan is at the house and finds Alaric in the stairs)
Stefan (looking at Alaric): What the hell happened to you?
Elena: Stefan...
Alaric: Rebekah happened
Stefan (to Elena) : I think we have a problem
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Damon is tied up to the ceilingby the wrists with animals traps)
Rebekah: I found them in the shed. What kind of monster would trap a poor, defenseless animal?
Damon: Got to admit, even for me, it's a little kinky
(She takes a Kn*fe)
Rebekah: You pretended to be interested in me. And then you slept with me so your trampy friend Sage could steal my thoughts. Ever since then, I've felt this incessant need to one-up you. So I've decided to bleed the vervain from your system
(She rips his shirt open)
Damon: Oh
(She cuts his chest with the Kn*fe. He groans)
Damon: You want to compel me to be your boyfriend?
Rebekah: Actually, I'd rather compel you to k*ll your brother. Or Elena. But, since vampires heal, bleeding you may take a while. We should probably stick to the major arteries
(She cuts him again. He has blood all over his chest. Klaus enters)
Klaus: Well... Look what you caught. If you're trying to bleed him of vervain, don't you think it would be easier to hang him upside down?
Rebekah: I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain, thank you very much
Klaus: Oh, well, excuse me. It's not like I have any expertise in the matter
(He rolls his eyes)
Rebekah: You know, why don't you just leave me be and go and manage your witch?
(He leaves. She looks at Damon)
Rebekah: Mmm. Now, where were we?
(Klaus enters a another room. Bonnie's there, looking at a grimoire)
Klaus: Tick tock. I should hear chanting by now
Bonnie: I'm still studying the unlinking spell. It's not that easy, especially under duress
Klaus: You've been warned. If you're looking for a way to send for help, I will k*ll anyone who comes to your rescue
Bonnie: This is the spell. I just don't know if I'm strong enough
Klaus: Then you should have a little more faith in yourself, Bonnie. Your energy helped my mother link us. Honestly, I think someone isn't trying very hard. Very well
(He takes his phone and calls someone)
Klaus: Kol. How's the weather up there in mile high city? And how's our friend?
(He shows his phone to Bonnie. Jeremy is playing with a dog)
Klaus: That's him. There's Jeremy. Playing fetch with his new puppy. Isn't that just the most adorable thing you've ever seen?
(He takes the phone back)
Klaus: Thank you, Kol. We'll be in touch
(He hangs up)
Klaus: So, Bonnie. How about that spell?
[Salvatore's House]
(Caroline rejoins Alaric in the library. She has a bottle in her hand)
Caroline: Hey. I hear you had a run in with Buffy the vampire
Alaric: Yeah, I'll live. What are you doing here?
Caroline: Checking up on you. In case you're... Not you
Alaric: I'm me
Caroline: I guess not-you would say that, too. Which is why... Elena said you have to drink this
(She gives the bottle to him)
Caroline: I hope it tastes better than it smells
Alaric: It doesn't
(He drinks)
Alaric: Mmm. That's disgusting.
Caroline: It's either that or k*ll people, so... Elena told me everything
Alaric: Caroline... I am so sorry. I don't even know what else I can say
Caroline: Right after I turned into a vampire, I k*lled someone. A stranger. I just... k*lled him. And what's worse is, I liked it. I have blood on my hands, too. You know, we all do
Alaric: Yeah, but the blood on my hands is your father's
Caroline: Yeah, it is. And maybe the guy I k*lled was someone's father, too. Look... All I know is, I'm no better than you. So I'm going to take a page from the Elena Gilbert handbook and choose to believe that you can be saved. Ok?
Alaric: Ok
[Mystic Grill]
(Elena rejoins Stefan in front of the Mystic Grill)
Elena: Hey. How is he?
Stefan: Hey. He's just banged up. Caroline's going to stay with him; Make sure Alaric stays Alaric. Matt texted me, he said Finn is still in the grill. We need to plan our next move
Elena: Wait, wait, Rebekah has Damon. Our next move should be finding him
Stefan: No, we need to stay on point. See an original, k*ll an original. That's the plan
Elena: Yeah, that was the plan before Damon's life was hanging in the balance
Stefan: Look, Elena, I understand that you're concerned about my brother's life, but if he even knew for one second that we were talking about missing a chance to k*ll these people, he would lose his mind
Elena: Yeah, and if the roles were reversed, he would stop everything to save you
Stefan: I know what my brother would want
Elena: What he would want and what we should do are two different things
Stefan: You going to help me with this or not?
(She doesn't answer)
Stefan: Ok. I'll figure it out myself
(He leaves)
[Klaus's Mansion]
(Damon is still tied and bleeding but he's alone. Elena arrives)
Damon: What are you doing? Rebekah will k*ll you
Elena: Then hurry up and... and tell me what to do
Damon: Open. Carefully
(She opens the traps and delivers him. They walk and she holds him but he struggles to walk)
Elena: Come on, come on. We have to keep going, Damon
Damon: I need a minute
(They fall on the floor. She looks at him and touches his face)
Elena: No, look at me. Look at me
Damon: Don't be an idiot, Elena
Elena: I am not going to leave you. Damon?
(He collapses. She makes him drink her blood)
Elena: Damon. Drink. Drink
(He wakes up. It was just a dream provoked by Rebekah)
Damon: Ohh. Bitch
Rebekah: It's not fun when someone messes with your thoughts, is it?
Damon: Actually, I was having a pretty good time in there
Rebekah: Well, I hope you are nicer to Elena than you are to me
Damon: Oh, come on. I couldn't hurt you that bad. You didn't think I really had a thing for you, did you? I get it. If Klaus bossed me around for a thousand years, I'd probably be pretty desperate for attention, too
(She s*ab him. He screams)
(Bonnie is still with Klaus. She hears Damon's scream)
Bonnie: Who was that?
Klaus: I wouldn't let it bother you, love
Bonnie: Well, it does bother me. You bother me. The way you use people to get what you want. It's not right
Klaus: You're being emotional, Bonnie. I understand that things have been rough for you. You know,
with your mother leaving. Again. It's very sad. I can help you find her. If you want. I have people who can find people. I could bring her back to you. Or, if you choose, I can just bring parts of her back. But isn't it obvious that I'm just going to continue to hurt the people you love until you do the spell. Now, I know it's in the grimoire, and I know it requires the blood of my siblings, so. Here we are
(He takes a leather case and opens it. It contains 4 flasks of blood)
Klaus: Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Finn
(He bites his wrist and lets the blood poor)
Klaus: Where do you want us?
(She takes a glass and lets Klaus' blood poor in it)
[Mystic Grill]
(Sage and Finn are sitting at a table, drinking)
Sage: You've never had tequila before? That's embarrassing. Seriously, I'm embarrassed for you
(Matt is near the table. They drink)
Finn: Happy now?
Sage: Lime
(Stefan is at the bar, listening to them)
Finn: I'm truly awed by the evolution of mankind
(A man passes by their table)
Man: Hey Sage
Sage: Hey Troy
(He leaves)
Finn: You know him?
Sage: I turned him
Finn: You turned him. Why?
Sage: Because I'm in enemy territory. When your brother and sister called, I thought I might need a little back-up. You can't trust anyone here
(Matt arrives. She catches his wrist)
Sage: Two more tequilas?
Matt: All right, cool, I'll let your waitress know
(He rejoins Stefan at the bar. He gives Matt a flask. Matt takes it and leaves)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Bonnie is casting a spell and pours more blood in the glass)
[Mystic Grill]
Finn: How many people have you turned?
Sage: I don't know. A lot. Don't judge me, Finn. You turned me
Finn: Exactly, Sage. I turned you. My passion overtook my morals
Sage: My passions overtake my morals on a daily basis. It's called living life to the fullest
(Stefan sends a text message)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Bonnie is still casting the spelland pours the blood on the table)
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt comes back with the tequila)
Sage: Finally. Oh thanks
(Stefan leaves. Sage raises her glass)
Sage: To living life to the fullest
Finn: To living life
(They laugh and drink but soon caugh)
Sage: Oh, what the hell!
Finn: Vervain
(He turns himself and sees Stefan. Stefan looks at them and leaves. They follow him)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Bonnie is still casting the spell. The blood expends and separates in five parts)
[Mystic Grill]
(Stefan is waiting outside with a stake. Finn and Sage and gets out. He's about to att*ck Finn but Sage stops him and throws him on the floor. Stefan loses the stake. She grips him)
Sage: Finn, the stake!
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Bonnie is still casting the spell. The candles f*re grows stronger. And five rings of blood have formed and are separate.)
[Mystic Grill]
(Finn goes in the stairs and catches the stake but Elena and Matt arrives and Elena throws a stake at him with a crossbow. Matt gets closer, finishes the job by staking him in the heart. They go back inside and Sage screams and rejoins Finn. He's dying. She cries over his body. His body sets on f*re. She cries)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Bonnie looks at the five rings of blood and realises what she's done. Klaus looks at her)
(Rebekah is washing her hands with a towel and sees Klaus accompanying Bonnie to the door)
Rebekah: Oh, leaving so soon?
Klaus: Sister. Be nice.
Rebekah: Thank you, Bonnie. See you in physics class
(Bonnie sees Damon covered in blood and tied)
Bonnie: Oh my god
Klaus: Yeah, you'll have to excuse the mess. Apparently Damon hurt her feelings
Damon: Bonnie...
Klaus: Go on. Help him. Save the man who turned your mother into a vampire
Bonnie: Just get me out of here
Klaus: Very well
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan and Elena enter the library. Caroline's here)
Elena: Hey. How's Alaric?
Caroline: He'll be ok. I gave him a bottle of Bonnie's herbs, and he went home. Oh, did you guys k*ll Finn? Did it work?
Stefan: Nothing worked until I see Klaus' d*ad body myself
(Elena's phone rings. She answers. It's Bonnie)
Elena: Bonnie, where have you been?
Bonnie: Klaus has Damon
Elena: Kl... Klaus should be d*ad. They should all be d*ad. We just k*lled Finn
Bonnie: No, Elena. He forced me to do a spell that unlinked all the siblings. He's still alive
Elena: Ok, Bonnie. Where's Damon?
Bonnie: At Klaus' mansion. It's bad, Elena. He thr*at Jeremy. And my mom...
Elena: Are... are you ok?
Bonnie: I don't know. I'm sorry, I have to go. I just... I have to... I have to go
Elena: No, Bonnie, just...
(Bonnie hangs up and starts crying)
Stefan: Stay with Caroline, I'll call you when it's over
Elena: Stefan, stop. Klaus is stronger than you. We need another plan
Stefan: No, what we need is for Klaus to be d*ad
Elena: Stefan, stop it! You're acting on anger!
Stefan: Anger gets things done, Elena
Elena: Or it'll get you k*lled and it'll get Damon k*lled along with you
Stefan: Klaus does not get to survive this. Not after everything he took from me
(He leaves. Caroline rejoins Elena)
Caroline: I miss well-adjusted Stefan
(The door slams open and Stefan's thrown in the living room. Sage enters)
Sage: Ding dong. I'm not here for you. I'm here for him
(She punches Caroline. Elena tries to leave but Troy stops her)
Troy: I don't think so
Stefan: I had to k*ll him, Sage
Sage: Oh. You remember me
(She kicks him in the stomach)
Sage: Good. Then you know I like to go all ten rounds
(Suddenly she's sick. She coughs and her nose is bleeding)
Troy: Sage?
(She tries to punch Stefan but he catches her fist and makes her fall)
Sage: Troy, help me!
(He tries to help her but he's sick too. Sage caughs blood. Troy too. Caroline and Elena get closer and look at them)
Sage: What is happening to me?
(Suddenly she dies and troy too)
Elena: She just died
Caroline: So Sage and this Troy guy die within an hour of Finn
Elena: But why? Were they bitten by a hybrid, or...
Caroline: Hybrid bites don't look like that. Maybe Sage was so in love with Finn, she just died of sadness
Elena: No, that doesn't explain Troy
Stefan: It's the blood. The bloodline. It has to be. Think about it. Finn turned Sage, Sage turned Troy. They're all part of the same vampire bloodline that originated with Finn
Caroline: Wait, so, when an original dies, every vampire turned in their bloodline dies along with them? Because... That would mean...
Elena: If the originals die, so do all of you. The entire vampire species would... Just be d*ad
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Damon is still tied. Stefan enters with a bag in his hand)
Damon: This was much different in my head
Stefan: Klaus! I'm here! Let's do this
(Klaus and Rebekah arrive)
Klaus: Oh, good. A hero. What do you want?
(Stefan throws the bag on the floor)
Stefan: I'm here to make a deal
Damon: Stefan, what are you doing?
Stefan: Eight stakes, made of white oak. The part of wickery bridge that you forgot to burn
(Klaus looks at Rebekah)
Rebekah: That's impossible
Stefan: Actually, it's not. Finn's d*ad
Rebekah: You k*lled my brother?
Stefan: Damon in exchange for the last eight w*apon that could k*ll you
Klaus: And how do we know there aren't any more left?
Stefan: Because there aren't
Klaus: Let's be certain, shall we?
(He gets closer to Damon)
Klaus: Leave
Damon: No
Klaus: Come on. Leave
Rebekah: Nik, he's my play thing, not yours
(Klaus strangles him, looks at him in the eyes and compels him)
Klaus: I said... Go. Home
(Damon tries to free himself by tearing his hands from the traps. Klaus smiles)
[Salvatore's House]
(Caroline and Elena are cleaning)
Caroline: Vampire disposal... Not my strong suit. Where did Stefan go?
Elena: Trading the stakes for Damon
Caroline: All of them?
Elena: Not all of them. We still have, uh, enough to k*ll three out of the four of them. If we can figure out who to save
Caroline: h. How are we supposed to do that?
Elena: I have no idea. You were turned with Damon's blood and Damon and Stefan were turned by Katherine, and we know that Katherine was turned by a vampire named Rose
Caroline: Well, who turned Rose?
Elena: We don't know. But it can only lead back to one original, and if the odds are in our favor, hopefully it won't be Klaus so we can still k*ll him
Caroline: Elena... Even if Klaus didn't create our bloodline... We know for a fact that he turned one of us
Elena: Oh, my God. Tyler. If we k*ll Klaus, then Tyler will die
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Damon is still trying to free himself)
Klaus: All right, stop. Stop. Stop, before you hurt yourself
(He laughs)
Klaus: Wow. I can see that you can finally be compelled. Now
(He gets closer and compels him)
Klaus: Minus the stake that's in my brother, how many more stakes are out there that can k*ll me?
Damon: 11
Klaus: 11! Really? So not eight, then. You really shouldn't have lied
Stefan: I'll get you the other three
Klaus: Yeah, that would be nice. Or since you lied, maybe I'll just compel your brother to chew out his own tongue
Stefan: What is wrong with you?
Klaus: What is wrong with you?! Do you really have no appreciation for me? I have given you someone to hate; To loathe, a target for all of your anger so you don't have to turn it on yourself. I have given your life a purpose as your friend.
(He laughs)
Klaus: I really think you should be thanking me
(Stefan rushes toward him with a stake)
Klaus: Step down or you'll both die
(Stefan obeys and Klaus takes the stake)
Klaus: There. Now you'll only have to get me the other two
Rebekah: This is ridiculous
(She gets closer to Damon and starts to release him)
Klaus: What are you doing?
Rebekah: I brought him here. I get to release him. My rules now. Bring us the stakes and you both live. Take your brother as a sign of good faith
(She takes the bag and leaves the room)
Klaus: Bring us the stakes. All of them. Or I'll wage a w*r against everyone you love. I hope I'm being clear
(He leaves)
Rebekah: I can't believe Finn is d*ad
Klaus: Good riddance. He was an embarrassment, Rebekah
Rebekah: He was still your brother. Mind your tongue
Klaus: Fine. Let's all say a prayer for Finn, who slept in a box longer than he lived as a man. He was a lovesick fool. He's better off in death
Rebekah: Is that how you would speak of me if I died?
Klaus: Well, you let the Salvatores loose with two stakes that could k*ll us, so I guess we'll find out soon enough. And since when did you have a soft spot for them?
Rebekah: The Salvatores may fight like dogs, but in the end, they would die for each other. At least they know what family means. You destroyed ours
Klaus: I wanted a family. They just didn't want me. And now we're unlinked. We're no longer responsible for each other
Rebekah: So, what, are you leaving?
Klaus: As soon as I get my stakes, I'm gone. I'm going to take Elena and use her blood to create a new family... of hybrids
Rebekah: And if I choose to stay?
Klaus: Then you're just as pathetic as Finn
(He leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is in his bedroom, holding a stake. Elena rejoins him)
Elena: Hey
Stefan: Hey
Elena: You haven't said much since you got back home
Stefan: I'll be a ball of sunshine once Damon gets Alaric's stake back. I promise
Elena: You really scared me today. You wouldn't have survived if you went up against Klaus on your own. You know that, right?
Stefan: Mm-hmm. Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore
Elena: Why?
Stefan: Because he's not worth it. All this time and energy that I've wasted hating him. It was for nothing. It's done. It's over. We lost. I'm right back where I started
Elena: That's not true. Yeah, Klaus dragged you through hell. But you came out the other side. You b*at him by being better than him
Stefan: And what did I lose in the process? Look, hating Klaus was easy. It allowed me to ignore everything that was happening around me. Everything I let slip away. Now I have to deal with that
Elena: Stefan...
Stefan: No, just admit it. Admit it to me, Elena. I know you don't owe it to me, but I just need to hear you say it
Elena: I... I can't. Because it's not true. Stefan... I never stopped loving you
Stefan: I know that. I know you didn't. Even though I did... Everything possible to push you away. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I mean, this was all my fault
Elena: What are you talking about?
Stefan: I'm talking about the fact that you're also in love with Damon
Elena: What? No. Stefan, I was just...
(He touches her face)
Stefan: Hey. I love you. I will always love you. I just want you to look me in the eye and tell me... That you don't feel something for him
Elena: I don't know what I feel
(He takes the stake. Looks at her and leaves the room)
[Alaric's Apartment]
(Alaric opens his door to Damon)
Alaric: Oh, you're still alive
Damon: Yeah. For now. I need your stake
Alaric: It's right behind these books here
(He takes some books)
Damon: A bookshelf, really? At least I was trying to be clever about it
Alaric: Where the hell is it?
Damon: Ha ha. Look harder, Ric
Alaric: It's not here, Damon
(Damon starts searching)
Damon: Well, maybe you just forgot what shelf you put it on
Alaric: No, I didn't forget it. It's... I put it right here. A stake doesn't just vanish into thin air!
Damon: Who else did you tell, Ric?
Alaric: I didn't tell anybody, Damon. I'm the only...
Damon: what?
Alaric: I'm the only one who knew about it, Damon
Damon: Are you telling me that your vampire hating alter ego has a stake that could k*ll an entire line of vampires, possibly mine?
Alaric: That's exactly what I'm telling you | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x18 - The m*rder of One"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena enters Alaric's cell with a bag)
Elena: Alaric?
Alaric: Yeah? Still me. You know you shouldn't be in here. Defeats the point of the whole being locked in a cellar thing
Elena: Well, you still need the basics. Toothbrush, clothes, some boring books to help you sleep
(He takes a book from the bag)
Alaric: "Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"?
(She takes the book from his hands)
Elena: What? No, I got... Damon. Thinks he's hilarious
Alaric: At least one of us still has a sense of humor
Elena: Are you sure that you... I mean, you don't have to be kept in here
Alaric: Oh, no, this is... Ah, this is the right place for me to be. At least until you guys can convince my highly uncooperative alter ego to confess where I... or...he hid the white oak stake
Elena: We looked everywhere. You...The other you hid it well
Alaric: What's Klaus going to do if you can't find it?
Elena: It's the only thing that will k*ll him, so... Wage w*r. m*rder people. You know, Klaus stuff. Listen...
(She takes a chair and sits down in front of him)
Elena: Stefan is going to watch over you for a little while. Now that Klaus knows where Jeremy is, it's not safe. So... Damon and I are going to go to Denver to pick him up
Alaric: Why do you say that like you're waiting for me to disapprove?
Elena: I don't know. Me and Damon, traveling across the country
Alaric: Well, I guess I'm more curious to hear what Stefan has to say about it
Elena: Actually, it was his idea. He thinks that I have some unresolved feelings for Damon
Alaric: Do you?
Elena: I guess that's why I'm going on this trip. So I can figure it out
(Stefan is in front of the fireplace. Damon enters and puts his bag with the others)
Damon: Did you hear from Klaus?
Stefan: Not yet. I'm sure I will soon, though. He's expecting me to deliver two stakes. I only have one
Damon: Well, that's going to be disappointing for him
Stefan: I'll get it out of Alaric. I just need some time
Damon: I like that confidence, Stefan. I don't share it, but I like it
Stefan: You don't think I can do what it takes?
Damon: Well, you're good Stefan again. You're in control. Sorry, you might get the girl but you lose the edge. Speaking of...
(Elena enters)
Damon: Have you ever flown first class?
Elena: Who did you have to compel for that?
Damon: Please. I used miles
(He takes the bags and gets out. Elena looks at him and then looks at Stefan)
Elena: Stefan...
Stefan: Be safe
(She looks at him and leaves)
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Everyone is in the cafeteria, preparing something. Caroline enters and looks around her. She finally rejoins Matt)
Caroline: What is this?
Matt: It's the decade dance. Remember, you made us sign up to help
(She looks at the decorations)
Caroline: No.
(She takes one of the decorations)
Caroline: This. The twenties! We're doing the seventies
(Rebekah arrives)
Rebekah: It's too flashy, people. It's supposed to be a speakeasy, not the world's fair
(She rejoins them)
Rebekah: Oh, good, you're here. We need help setting up the tables, so get to it
Caroline: What do you think you're doing?
Rebekah: Somebody has to be in charge
Caroline: Yeah, me. I'm the chair of the dance committee. The theme of the decade dance is the 1970s
Rebekah: So you'd rather dress in tacky colors with bad hair than be a classic flapper from the jazz age. Honestly, I don't know what my brother sees in you
Caroline: Well, maybe he sees a challenge. See, unlike some other people, I don't sleep with everyone I make eye contact with
(Matt intervenes)
Matt: Maybe we can do both decades
Rebekah: No. Go on, Matt, don't be a coward. You know you loved my twenties idea when I presented it to the group
(Caroline looks at him)
Caroline: Traitor!
Matt: Bell bottoms and disco? I don't know, this just seemed cooler
Rebekah: See, it's just cooler
Caroline: Whatever. Have fun at your stupid dance
(She leaves. Rebekah smiles, watches her leaves. Then she looks at Matt and smiles)
(Caroline is outside, going to her car. Matt follows her)
Matt: Caroline! Wait!
(She arrives at her car and turns herself. She's smiling)
Caroline: Impressive. You sold it
Matt: And you bought yourself a day
Caroline: Thank you. Just... keep her occupied. Be careful
Matt: You, too. And, uh... Tell him I said hi, ok?
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan rejoins Alaric in his cell)
Alaric: Do you know how hard it is to fall asleep when that's what you're supposed to do?
Stefan: Well, look, I know it's not easy, so...Damon suggested I bring something to... Help speed up the process
(He shows him a bottle of alcohol)
Alaric: What the hell
(He sits. Stefan enters and gives him the bottle and is about to leave)
Alaric: You know, I'll feel decidedly less pathetic if I don't drink alone
Stefan: Oh, I'm, uh, one step ahead of you
(He comes back with a chair and a glass. He sits in front of Alaric. Alaric pours him a glass)
Alaric: So...ahem. Road trip, huh?
Stefan: Mmm. Yeah, yeah, I needed to stay here
Alaric: Why? I mean, why you? You know, it doesn't take much to baby-sit me while I sit here waiting for a psychotic break
Stefan: Well, unfortunately, we only have a limited amount of time
Alaric: Before what?
Stefan: Before we have to resort to other methods
Alaric: So you're worried you're going to have to t*rture it out of me. And you don't think Damon could have done that?
Stefan: Look, Elena needed to go on that road trip with Damon. No matter what I go through... To get her back... fighting my blood lust, trying to gain control of my life again... None of that matters if she has feelings for somebody else
(Damon and Elena arrive at a baseball camp. Jeremy is there, playing)
Elena: There he is
Jeremy: Next time we compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball
Elena: Hey, Jer
Jeremy: Elena?
(She smiles. Jeremy sees Damon)
Jeremy: What's wrong?
(Jeremy is out of the batting cage)
Damon: Katherine sired us, Rose sired Katherine, all we need to do is find out who sired Rose
Jeremy: So you traveled across the country to get me to talk to a d*ad vampire?
Damon: d*ad vampire's redundant, but yes
Jeremy: Well, I can't. I can talk to Anna and Vickie because I knew them. I've never even met Rose
Damon: What good is you dying and coming back to life if you can't talk to a ghost when I need you to?
Elena: Rose spent a long time running from Klaus as well. She and Damon were close, so maybe we can use you as a connection
Jeremy: Fine, fine. Can we do this later? My friend just got here. And yes, Damon, I actually have some. I'll call you when I'm done
Elena: Jer...
(She turns herself and sees that Jeremy's friend is Kol. He has a baseball bat in his hands)
Elena: Damon, it's Kol!
(Kol hits Damon in the face with the bat)
Jeremy: What the hell are you doing?!
Elena: Jeremy, get back, he's an original!
Jeremy: What?!
Kol: No hard feelings, mate, but we're not buds
(His bat, a wooden one, is broken so he takes another one, in aluminium)
Kol: You know, I'll never get used to aluminum but, hey, at least it won't break
(He's about to h*t Damon again but Damon catches the bat and s*ab him with the wooden one. Kol falls on the ground)
Jeremy: Did you k*ll him?
Damon: No, but it'll give us a head start. Come on
(He takes Elena, who's still chocked)
(They're at a motel. They get the bags ot of the car)
Damon: For the record, she's the one who wanted to stop in a motel, not me
(She looks at him)
Jeremy: So where are we?
Damon: Corner of somewhere and nowhere where Kol can't find us
Jeremy: I can't believe Kol was a vampire
Damon: Well, didn't you find it weird that you made a friend so fast? Have you met you?
Elena: Not helping
(They enter the room)
Elena: This should work. Right, Jer?
Jeremy: Yeah. It doesn't really matter
Damon: All right, Whoopi. What do you need, candles, incense, pottery wheel?
(He closes the curtains)
Jeremy: That's not how it works
Damon: I know, I know. They push from the other side and you pull from this one
Jeremy: All right, you, uh, you got a picture of her?
(He sits down)
Damon: Picture? From what, our trip to Disneyland? Come on, Rose, you're not going to actually make us wait, are you? I know you're obsessed with me
(Elena, exasperated by Damon, go sits next to Jeremy)
Jeremy: All right, uh, tell me something about her
Damon: Um, well, she did this little thing with her tongue
(He sits on one of the beds)
Elena: Something that matters, Damon
Damon: She spent her last day in paradise. Soaking in the sun and reminiscing about what it means to be human. And when death came, she didn't fear it
Elena: I was with her on her last day, and she definitely wasn't in paradise
Jeremy: It was in the dream he gave her. She's here
(Rose has appeared, sitting on the other bed)
[The woods]
(Caroline is walking and searching. She hears a noise, stops and smiles. She turns herself and sees Tyler. They look at each other)
Caroline: Hi
Tyler: You have no idea how much I've missed you
(They get closer to each other and kiss)
[Lockwood cellar]
(Caroline and Tyler are kissing and taking their clothes of)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Matt is driving Rebekah home)
Matt: Here we are. Home sweet home
Rebekah: Ok, spill. Why are you being nice to me?
Matt: I drove you home. You don't have a car
Rebekah: Not just that. I mean... helping me with the dance and standing up to Caroline. I don't buy it
Matt: Buy what?
Rebekah: The whole gentlemanly thing. After everything my family's done to you. What are you up to?
Matt: It's sad that you can't just get a ride home from school without thinking there's some ulterior motive
Rebekah: You're right. But I'm probably going to organize the whole dance and then have to compel myself a date
(He smiles)
Matt: Let's not get crazy. Good-bye, Rebekah
Rebekah: Good-bye, Matt. Thanks for the ride home
(She gets out of the car and he leaves. She watches him leave and smiles)
(She's inside and finds her mother in the living room)
Rebekah: Mother...
(She rushes towards her, strangles her and pushes her against the wall)
Rebekah: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't k*ll you right now
Esther: Because I'm dying
[Denver. A Motel room]
(Rose is standing and looking at them)
Elena: Is she lonely on the other side?
Rose: No. I enjoy it. I was running so much when I was alive. Now I have the freedom to do whatever I want
Jeremy: She says not to worry, she's happy
Damon: Is she still hot?
Rose: Tell him he's still dripping with sex, too
(Jeremy raises his eyebrows and looks at her)
Rose: Fine. Tell him I miss him
Jeremy: She misses you
Rose: And tell him that I'm rooting for him and Elena
(He looks at Elena)
Jeremy: She, uh, she misses both of you
(Elena seems pleased)
Rose: Unfortunately I don't have any news on the siring front. Klaus didn't sire me. No original did. It was Mary Porter
Jeremy: She was sired by someone named Mary Porter
Damon: Ahh, scary Mary. Well, where is she, Rose?
Rose: I didn't keep track of her when I was alive, much less now. Tell them to sit tight. Relax. I'll see what I can find out
[Salvatore's House]
Alaric: You think they got Jeremy by now?
Stefan: They should. I haven't heard from them. Elena's worried about him. Now that she can't count on his ring anymore.
Alaric: Who knows. Maybe his alter ego's a pot-smoking, hippie pacifist
Stefan: Yeah, maybe
Alaric: I can't say I thought mine would be so hostile and militant
Stefan: Actually, it makes perfect sense. Your wife left you to become a vampire and your girlfriend was k*lled by one
Alaric: He must really hate me. He must really hate me. the failed hunter-slash- drinking buddy of vampires
Stefan: Ah. He's too judgmental
Alaric: The thing is... he's me. I'm not compelled, I'm not possessed. There's no humanity switch. What drives him... is me
Stefan: No. No, he's not you. He's the darkest parts of you. Parts we all have
(Klaus enters)
Klaus: Well, this is depressing, isn't it?
(Stefan gets up. He shows them a stake)
Klaus: Oh, and I found this upstairs. Now by my count, there should be one more
Stefan: Yeah, well, it's going to take a little more time
Klaus: Why, because we're waiting for that one to pass out?
(He points at Alaric)
Klaus: No, thanks. I think I'll just k*ll him
Stefan: Well, then you won't know the location of the other stake
Klaus: I can live with that
(He moves forward but Stefan stops him)
Stefan: Well, I can't. When we staked Finn, we discovered that k*lling an original vampire k*lled its entire bloodline. Now, I don't know which one of you I'm descended from, but I'd really rather not find out by dying, so why don't we just find the stake, destroy it so we can all be safe?
Klaus: So the fate of the entire vampire race depends on you finding the stake. And to get it, we need you to pass out
(He looks at Alaric)
Klaus: Which means that I feel totally justified doing this
(He rushes towards Alaric and breaks his neck. Alaric falls d*ad on the ground)
Klaus: There. Sleeping like a baby
[Denver. A motel]
(Damon is outside. His phone rings. He answers)
Damon: There you are. Any sign of Evilaric?
Stefan: Nope. Only d*ad Alaric
Damon: What?
Stefan: Don't worry, he was wearing his ring. Klaus was here. Let's just say he's not very patient
Damon: Kol must have told him we were in Denver. How long has Ric been out?
Stefan: A few hours. I'm hoping when he wakes up, it won't be him. It'll be the other him
Damon: And if not?
Stefan: Yeah, I know. Whatever it takes. So were you able to contact Rose?
Damon: Yeah. No answers yet. So we're just stuck in this motel until she gets back to us
Stefan: A motel?
Damon: Yeah, we had to get away from Kol. I'll call you when I know more
(He hangs up)
(Elena and Jeremy are in the room. Jeremy is on the bed. Elena is unpacking)
Jeremy: So what's up with you and Damon?
Elena: What do you mean? Nothing's up
Jeremy: You sure about that? 'Cause even Rose said something
Elena: What...what did she say?
(Damon enters. Elena and Jeremy don't say anything. She's uncomfortable)
Damon: Everything ok in here?
Elena: Yeah. It's fine
Damon: Ok. Well, I'm going to freshen up. You might want to get some rest. I'm sure Rose will make herself known when she gets back
(Jeremy looks at Elena)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Esther is still here)
Rebekah: How are you dying? I thought Ayana had preserved your body with a spell
Esther: She did. I'm drawing my power from the Bennett witch line. When Abby died, the connection was severed. So my body is weakened
Rebekah: Well, if you've come to spend your last moments with your loving daughter, prepare to be disappointed. You should have spent last time plotting my death
Esther: Is that what you think I've been doing on the other side? I've been looking over you for a thousand years of joy and heartbreak. Your fights with Klaus. The nights you cried yourself to sleep calling out my name. Not a day has gone by that I wasn't right there with you
Rebekah: And yet you still tried to k*ll me
Esther: Because it shouldn't have been a thousand years, Rebekah. No one should live that long
Rebekah: But I haven't lived at all
Esther: I'm sorry Rebekah. I'm so, so sorry
(She takes Rebekah's hands. She's shaking and she finally collapses. Rebekah looks at her. Klaus enters)
Klaus: What's going on?
Rebekah: She's d*ad
(She looks at him)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Caroline and Tyler are under a blanket, naked)
Tyler: Did I mention I miss you? Bad
(She laughs)
Caroline: Mmm, at some point, we are going to do this on an actual bed, right?
Tyler: Yes. I promise. Once I figure out how to deal with Klaus
Caroline: Tell him to suck it. Broke his sire bond. And you won't have to deal with him anymore
Tyler: It's easier said than done. Besides, I won't know if it's broken for sure until I test it
Caroline: Wait, I thought that's why you were coming back. Because you said you felt different
Tyler: I do feel different. I feel freer. Way more myself. All I know is, I just turned about a hundred times in the Appalachian Mountains. If I can get through that, I can get through anything
Caroline: Good. Because Klaus might not be our only problem
Tyler: Why? What else did I miss?
Caroline: Matt k*lled an original. And then, every vampire that original had ever turned mysteriously died. Right now Damon is desperate to figure out which original created our vampire blood line. And...if he finds out it wasn't Klaus, they're all going to k*ll him
Tyler: But Klaus turned me. So if he dies...I die
Caroline: I know that. They know that. Difference is... Damon doesn't care
[Denver. A motel room]
(Damon goes out of the bathroom, shirtless. Jeremy is sleeping. He takes a bottle of whisky. Elena is in her bed but she's awake. She looks at Damon. He puts his shirt. He looks through the window and then pours himself a glass. Elena can't stop looking at him. He sits down and lay his legs on another chair. Elena is still looking at him. He drinks and finally looks at her. She looks down and closes her eyes. He looks at her and half smiles. She opens her eyes and looks at him again. They look at each other. He gets up and comes lay next to her on the bed)
Elena: You never told me about that. What you did for Rose
Damon: It wasn't about you
Elena: Why you don't let people see the good in you?
Damon: Because when people see good, they expect good. And I don't want to have to live up to anyone's expectations
(She lays on her back . She seems like she can't breath. She puts her hand on the bed. He touches her hand and takes it in his. She seems overwelmed. He looks at her. She gets up and leaves)
(She's outside the room. She puts her jacket on. Damon rejoins her oustide)
Elena: Don't
Damon: Why not, Elena?
(She rushes towards him and kisses him. They kiss passionately and lengthily. They end up against a post. He kisses her on the neck. She takes his face in her hands. They look at each other and kiss. They touch and kiss. Jeremy finally interrupts them)
Jeremy: Elena?
Elena: Oh, my God. Jeremy
Jeremy: Rose found Mary. She lives in Kansas
Damon: Ok, then. Let's go
(He goes back to the room. Elena and Jeremy look at each other and he finally goes back inside. She seems a little confused)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is reading in Alaric's cell. Alaric finally wakes up)
Stefan: Welcome back
Alaric: What happened? Did I, uh...
Stefan: No. No, you pretty much, uh, laid there d*ad for half the night. But on the, uh, on the plus side... I did almost finish reading "Moby Dick"
Alaric: This is stupid. Evil me, or whatever you want to call him, he's not going to make an appearance. Why would he? I mean, the best hiding place is the one where you can't find the person who hid it
Stefan: I know
Alaric: So how do you want to do this?
Stefan: I don't want to do any of this
Alaric: Well, that makes two of us. But I don't think we have much choice in the matter
(He takes his ring off)
Stefan: Wait a minute, what are you doing? You need that ring
Alaric: No, what I need is hope that my alter ego doesn't have a death wish. So I'm taking bets that my dark side has a sense of self-preservation So let's see if he defends himself against death
Stefan: Look, Alaric, I'm not going to k*ll you, ok?
Alaric: If we have any chance at this, Stefan, you're going to have to try
(They look at each other. Stefan hesitates and finally hits him)
[A house in the middle of nowhere]
(Damon, Elena and Jeremy are in front of a house, next to their car)
Jeremy: This is the address
Damon: Looks about right
(She looks at Jeremy)
Elena: Wait here
Jeremy: Why? So you guys can make out some more?
Damon: Don't be a dick.Listen to your sister
(He goes back in the car)
Damon: Thank you. Come on
(They enter the house. It's dark inside. She switches on a flashlight. It's a mess everywhere)
Damon: Whoa. Like "Vampire Hoarders"
Elena: Who is this Mary person?
Damon: Scary Mary. Really old, super creepy
Elena: And how do you know her?
Damon: You know
Elena: Of course
Damon: What? I said creepy, not ugly
(They hear a noise. They jump and look behind them. At a double door. They enter the room. She puts the light on the wall and they see a woman, staked against the wall)
Damon: Mary...
Kol: Quite contrary
(The light is on. Kol is sitting on a chair. A baseball bat in his hand.)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is still hitting Alaric)
Alaric: You're not putting enough into this
Stefan: If i put any more into it, I'm going to break your spine
(He hits him again)
Alaric: Well, don't back down now
(His nose is bleeding. Stefan's face is starting to turn)
Alaric: Well, don't back down now
Stefan: Oh, no, no, no, no. I can't. The blood
Alaric: Oh, come on, you're past that
Stefan: No, I'm not
Alaric: Then use it. Give into it. Try to k*ll me, Stefan, come on
Stefan: Not like this, Alaric
Alaric: Yes! Like this. You're going to have to want to k*ll me for me to believe that you will
Stefan: I go this far, I may not be able to stop
Alaric: You want the answers from my darkest side, you're going to have to tap into yours. So don't back down. Don't fight it. Just do it!
(Stefan is against the wall. Alaric grabs him by his jacket. Stefan's face has turned and his throws Alaric against the wall, on the other side of the cellar. Stefan's face becomes normal again. Alaric laughs. His alter ego has finally surfaced)
Alaric: You're so weak. Look at you. One of nature's most hideous creatures, and you can't even get that right
Stefan: You
Alaric: Me
[A house]
Kol: Shame about Mary. She used to be a blast. I don't quite know what happened. I fear all the time she spent with my family might have ruined her. She was a bit of an original groupie
Elena: And were you her favorite?
Kol: You mean, did I turn her. I think I did. But, no, wait. Maybe it was Rebekah. But there was also a Klaus period. And let's not forget the Elijah affair. I spoke to my brother. I know you're trying to find out who you descended from. Now you never will. So... Where did we leave off?
(He hits Damon with the baseball bat. Damon falls on the floor. He hits him again and again)
Damon: Elena, get out of here!
(She tries to leave but Kol rushes toward the door to intercepts her)
Kol: According to my brother, you're off-limits. Please don't test me
(He throws her on the bed. Damon rushes over him and strangles him)
Damon: Don't touch her
(Kol nuts him. Damon is thrown against the wall and then on the ground)
Kol: Oh, dear. I've h*t the nerve. Relax, darling. I just want us to be even. You snapped my neck, you k*lled my brother, and then you humiliated me
(He hits him several times on the back)
Kol: There. Now we're even
[Salvatore's House]
Stefan: Where's the stake?
Alaric: You're worse than I ever was. Spineless. Pathetic
Stefan: Tell me where the stake is before I k*ll you
Alaric: You know, you're all going to burn. Ashes to dust
(Stefan hits on the face several times)
Stefan: Where's the stake?!
(Alaric doesn't answer. Stefan hits him again and then strangles him from behind)
Stefan: I'm going to k*ll you in 3... 2...1
Alaric: It's in the cave. Where no vampire can get it
(He laughs. Stefan releases him and then gets out of the cell. He gets his phone and walks to the front door but find Klaus and Rebekah in the living room)
Klaus: That wasn't too hard, was it?
(They smile)
[A house]
(Damon is standing but seems to be in pain. Elena is with him)
Elena: Are you ok?
Damon: Yeah
(He puts his shoulder back in place)
Damon: That's better
(He looks at her, touches her face and sees that she's bleeding)
Damon: Are you ok? You're bleeding
Elena: Yeah. I'll be fine
(She touches his hand. He looks at her and touches his face but she leaves his grip)
Damon: What are you doing?
Elena: What do you mean?
Damon: Well, going on this trip and kissing me... What the hell is this?
Elena: Stefan thinks that I have feelings for you
Damon: Oh. Do you?
Elena: I don't...I don't...I don't know
Damon: Hmm. I guess you thought this little trip could help you figure that out, didn't you?
Elena: No
Damon: Or maybe you're hoping I'll screw it up so I can just make the decision for you, am I wrong?
Elena: Damon...
Damon: Am I wrong?
Elena: It's what you do, Damon! You sabotage things. You... I mean, think about it. Every time that there's a bump in the road, you lash out
Damon: But what if I didn't? What if there was no bump?
(She doesn't answer)
Damon: I'm sorry, Elena. But this time I'm not going to make it so easy for you. This time you'll have to figure it out for yourself
(He leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Klaus is pouring himself a glass. Rebekah comes back with Alaric)
Klaus: It's a little gratuitous, don't you think, Stefan? I would have been more gentle
Rebekah: I'm going to take him to the caves
(She looks at Alaric)
Rebekah: You're going to go inside and fetch me the stake And if you think you can hide, you're wrong
(They leave)
Klaus: And then there was one. I know about your brother's little mission to Denver. He failed. Not that that's news anymore
Stefan: So what are you going to do now, Klaus? Are you going to k*ll me?
Klaus: I haven't actually decided yet
Stefan: Oh, sure you have. See, you've had every chance and every excuse imaginable to do it, but yet you haven't. Which means you don't want to
Klaus: You know something, you're right. See, I'm still waiting for my old friend to come back. By the looks of it, he's just beneath the surface. Waiting to come out and play. Right, ripper?
Stefan: I've been fighting that part of myself. Thinking that if I repress it, it would go away. But it won't. And now that I've accepted it, it can't control me. And neither can you. So... unless you're going to stake me... why don't you get the hell out of my house
(He leaves)
[Damon's car]
(Damon and Elena are in the front. Jeremy is on the back, looking at Elena. Rose appears next to him)
Rose: Are we there yet? Don't tell them I'm here. They had a fight. I know you want to stop it. Protect her from it. But you're young. You don't see what I see. It's not just that she makes him a better person. She does, but... he changes her, too. Damon challenges her. Surprises her. He makes her question her life. Beliefs. Stefan is different. His love is pure. And he'll always be good for her. Damon is either the best thing for her, or the worst
[Caroline's House]
(Tyler is in her bedroom. She enters with sheets and a pillow in her hands)
Caroline: My mom said you can stay as long as you want
Tyler: Did she say we could share the bed?
Caroline: No. She said you can sleep on the couch. At least until we figure out what Damon and Stefan find out about Klaus
Tyler: And if Klaus didn't create their line? And they try to k*ll him?
Caroline: Tyler... I just got you back.
(She kisses him)
Caroline: I'm not losing you again
(She smiles and leaves the room to prepare the couch. Tyler looks around in her room and finds the drawing Klaus did for her. He takes it and looks at it)
Tyler: Klaus drew this for you?
Caroline: Huh?
Tyler: That's...pretty creepy
Caroline: Yeah. Klaus is pretty creepy. Even when he's trying to be charming
Tyler: Charming? Does Klaus have a thing for you or something?
Caroline: No! As far as I'm concerned, he isn't capable of real feelings
Tyler: I'm serious. What the hell happened while I was gone?
Caroline: Tyler. Nothing. Ok, nothing happened
Tyler: Then why'd you keep this?
Caroline: I don't know
Tyler: I think I'm going to find some place else to spend the night
(He leaves)
Caroline: Tyler... Tyler!
[The cavern]
(Rebekah and Alaric arrive at the cavern. She can't go further)
Rebekah: Go get it. You know I can't get in
(He gets the stake)
Alaric: Why would I give you the one thing that requires everyone to keep me alive?
Rebekah: Are we bargaining now? Fine. What's your offer?
Alaric: There's only one stake out there. Which means only one original has to die. Help me. And I'll make sure it's not you
Rebekah: Tenuous, but points for effort. You see, I don't want one original to die.
(She enters. He's surprised and afraid)
Rebekah: I want them all to die
Alaric: How the hell did you do that?
Rebekah: It was easy to fool Niklaus, but I thought you, of all people, would understand. After all, my son did use your body at one point
Alaric: You're not Rebekah
Rebekah: No. My name is Esther. And we have a great deal in common | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x19 - Heart of Darkness"} | foreverdreaming |
[Klaus Mansion]
(Klaus is painting. Rebekah arrives)
Klaus: What took you so long?
Rebekah: Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake. Luckily I'm quite the charmer
(She shows it to him)
Klaus: That's it?
Rebekah: Last of the white oak stakes that can k*ll us. Do you want to do the honors, or shall I?
(He takes it and throws it in the fireplace)
Rebekah: Well, that's that, then
Klaus: Pack your bags. We're leaving
Rebekah: Today?
Klaus: Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the doppelganger and be off by sunset
Rebekah: But tonight's the decade dance
Klaus: So?
Rebekah: So I'm head of the committee. We have to go
Klaus: I'm not going to any dance
Rebekah: Caroline will be there
Klaus: That means nothing to me
Rebekah: Please? I have big plans for tonight. Just go for me
Klaus: Ok, fine. One last hurrah
Rebekah: One last hurrah, Nik
(They smile)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is on the phone with Alaric)
Damon: Where have you been? I've been calling you all day
Alaric: Yeah, sorry about that. I just needed to get my head together
Damon: So I take it Rebekah got the stake
Alaric: I don't know. I woke up alone. There's no sign of it
Damon: Lovely. What now?
Alaric: Well, I think I need to get out of town, You know, somewhere secluded. I keep blacking out, which means I'm still a thr*at to everyone
Damon: I don't know if right now is the best time for you to be going on a spirit quest, Ric
Alaric: Ah, it's just for a couple days. I'm stocked up on Bonnie's herb, so I should be fine. I got to go
(He hangs up)
[Klaus' mansion]
(Alaric is there, with "Rebekah" whose body is occupied by Esther. he has a vial of white oak ashes and a dagger)
Rebekah/Esther: Quite the cunning liar
Alaric: Well, Damon's too arrogant to think his only friend would betray him
Rebekah/Esther: Just as Niklaus would blindly accept an invitation from his beloved sister, unaware that he is headed to his own death
(She dips the dagger in the vial)
Alaric: Did you give him the stake?
Rebekah/Esther: He b*rned it without hesitation
Alaric: So where is the real one?
Rebekah/Esther: You'll get it when it can no longer be used against me in this body
(She opens a coffin. Esther's body is in it)
Alaric: So how do you...
Rebekah/Esther: How do I return to my true form? With a little magic and some help from a vampire hunter
(She hands him the dagger. He takes it and drives it through her heart. She collapses on the floor, d*ad. He looks at her and then looks at Esther. She wakes up)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Caroline is with Elena in the gymnasium. Everyone is busy preparing the decade dance)
Caroline: So Alaric is trying to pull out something together? Why is that a bad thing?
Elena: Just I wish there was something I could do
(She takes a chandelier)
Elena: Where do you want me to hang this thing?
Caroline: You know what? If Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity, she should have shown up to do it herself
(She takes it and gives it to someone)
Caroline: Just no
(Elena laughs. She looks at Matt and Jeremy, hanging decorations)
Caroline: What are you doing? You can't just hang them. They're supposed to trickle down
(Elena smiles. Matt looks at Jeremy)
Caroline: Look at them all bromancey
Elena: Yeah, I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the grill
Caroline: That was nice of him
Elena: Mm-hmm. Jeremy's got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out
Caroline: You sure it had nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?
Elena: I didn't tell you that so you could t*rture me with it
Caroline: Ah, what are friends for? So who you bringing to the dance?
Elena: What do you mean? I thought you, Bonnie, and I were going as girl dates
Caroline: Bonnie has a date
Elena: What?
Caroline: Jamie called And wanted to see her, so she asked him. So here's a thought. Why don't you ask Stefan?
Elena: I... I can't ask him on a date. I just made out with his brother
Caroline: All the more reason. Like, you're supposed to be figuring out what you want. That's what Stefan wanted you to do, right?
Elena: Yeah, but...
Caroline: But nothing. I've watched "The Bachelor". Ok, fair is fair. It is Stefan's turn
Elena: Yeah, and you're not biased or anything
Caroline: I'm sorry, but Stefan is your epic love. And I'm not going down without a fight
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan's phone rings. He answers. It's Elena)
Stefan: Hey
Elena: Hey. Do do you have a second?
Stefan: Yeah. Everything all right?
Elena: Yeah. Yeah, I just, um I wanted to, uh... Caroline and I were talking about going to the dance, and, um... Ok, look, I know where we're at, you and I, and I know it would be stupid to even think that we could go back to the way things were, but I'm going to the dance, and I'd like to go with you
Stefan: Um... I'd love that
Elena: Ok, great. Bye
(She hangs up. Stefan smiles. Damon is here)
Damon: I'm thinking gardenia corsage. Wrist, obviously. You don't want to accidentally s*ab her in the chest with a pin. That could get messy
Stefan: Damon, I...
(Damon looks at him and leaves the room)
[Mystic Falls Hospital]
(Meredith is in the hallway. She hears her name being whispered. When she turns, Damon's here, smiling)
Meredith: Don't do that. It's not funny
Damon: Oh, come on. It's a little funny
Meredith: What do you want, Damon?
Damon: I need medical advice for a friend, Alaric. You remember him, right? About 6'2", tried to hack you into pieces
Meredith: How is he?Are those herbs that Bonnie made for him working?
Damon: I don't know. Can they work if he doesn't take them?
(He shows her a pot full of herbs)
Damon: I found these in his loft untouched
[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore's Crypt]
(Esther and Alaric arrive at the crypt)
Alaric: Why are we here?
Esther: Long ago on this spot, My son tore my heart from my chest. The v*olence of my death marked this ground for all time
(They enter the crypt. There's a gobelet. They stop in front of it)
Esther: I'll need your ring
Alaric: Now, why would I give you the one thing that protects me from death?
Esther: I will give you all the protection you need. However, the stake will burn up in the body of its first victim. If you are to k*ll all of my children, I will need to bind the protective magic in your ring to the stake, thus rendering the white oak indestructible
(She raises her hand and he gives her his ring. She puts it in the gobelet and starts casting a spell. f*re rises from the gobelet. The ring melts. She takes the stake and stirs the melted metal from the ring with it. She raises the stake and the melted metal spreads on the stake.)
Esther: The ultimate w*apon... for the ultimate hunter
(He looks at the stake)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is all dressed up for the 20's dance. The door bell rings. She opens the door. It's Stefan)
Elena: Wow. You look very dapper
Stefan: You look, uh... very beautiful. Here. I, uh... I got something for you
(He shows her a flower and puts it on her dress)
Elena: Thank you
Stefan: So given our dangerous dance karma... You sure you're up for this?
Elena: Getting out of bed is dangerous these days, but we have to live our lives
Stefan: Who gave you that horrible advice?
Elena: Some guy I used to date said it once or twice
Stefan: Right
(She takes her jacket)
Elena: Shall we?
Stefan: Please
(She smiles)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Everyone is in the gymnasium, all dressed up and dancing. Bonnie is dancing with Jamie. Caroline rejoins Matt)
Caroline: Have I told you how amazingly awesome you are?
Matt: Yeah, I am one of the good ones. I know. Why the compliments? What else do you want?
Caroline: I know that you and Elena have been getting closer lately
Matt: And your point is?
Caroline: One way or the other, she's pretty much spoken for
Matt: Elena's my friend, Caroline. I'm just looking out for her
Caroline: And I'm just looking out for you, because sometimes the people who love her get caught in the crossfire
(Matt raises his head. Tyler's here, shaking hands with various people)
Matt: What's he doing here?
(Caroline turns herself and sees him. She rejoins him)
Caroline: Are you crazy? If Klaus sees you...
Tyler: What's he gonna do? Draw you another picture?
Caroline: Tyler, this isn't a joke
Tyler: I could pretend I'm sired if I have to. But I'm not gonna hide while he's macking all over you
Caroline: Tyler... You do not need to be jealous of Klaus
Tyler: I am jealous, But I'm also competitive, So hang on. I'm about to sweep you off your feet
(He carries her and they turn. She smiles)
(Stefan and Elena arrive)
Elena: Teach me some moves
Stefan: Oh, no, no, no, no. I, uh... I blacked out for most of this decade, remember?
Elena: Nice try
(She takes him by the arm and leads him to the dancefloor. They dance but the song ends and a slow begins. He raises his hand, she takes it and hey dance)
Stefan: Bonnie seems happy
Elena: She's working on it
Stefan: I've been meaning to talk to her, apologize
Elena: Yeah, you should. Although I wouldn't expect her to forgive you or Damon. Listen, Stefan, about Damon, We should probably talk about the trip to Denver
Stefan: I don't need to know, Elena. When all this is over, if you and I find our way back to each other, You can tell me if you want to. Otherwise, I don't need to know. I don't want to know
Elena: How can you be so fair about this?
Stefan: Because after everything I've put you through... I'm just honored to be your date tonight
(They look at each other and dance. He makes her turn. Damon's here. Stefan looks at him and Elena turns herself)
Damon: We three need to talk
(Jeremy watches them leave the gymnasium. He runs into Jamie)
Jeremy: Sorry. Uh. Hey. Bonnie
(He looks at them)
Bonnie: Why are you still wearing your ring? Didn't Elena tell you?
Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, I know all about Alaric. When my sister stops hanging out with vampires, I'll take it off
(He leaves. They watch him leave)
Jamie: Uh, ex-boyfriend?
Bonnie: Yep
Jamie: That's not awkward at all
(Stefan, Damon and Elena are in the hallway)
Elena: If Alaric's sick, then we need to find a cure, something
Damon: We tried medicine. We tried magic
Stefan: Why don't we get him off vervain, compel him?
Damon: To do what, pretend to be Alaric? The guy that we know is gone. We're talking about someone who not only hates vampires, but vampire sympathizers, which makes one of his most obvious targets I don't know you, you?
(He looks at Elena)
Stefan: What? You think he'd go after Elena?
Elena: So wait. What are you suggesting we do?
Damon: I'm suggesting that we put him out of his misery
Elena: What?
(Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: No way in hell
(They look at him)
Damon: Oh, come on. It's what he would want. It's a mercy k*lling
Jeremy: You are out of your mind
Elena: Jeremy
(He leaves. She looks at Damon and leaves. Stefan looks at his brother)
(Elena goes after Jeremy outside)
Elena: Jer, stop!
Jeremy: This is Alaric we're talking about. You know, he looked out for us, And we need to do the same for him
Elena: No one's gonna hurt him
(He starts to leave. She stops him)
Elena: Hey. Hey. Look at me. I promise
(Esther arrives)
Esther: Elena
(She turns herself)
Esther: If you wish to help your friend Alaric, I suggest you come with me
Elena: Jeremy, go inside and get Stefan and Damon now
(He leaves)
Esther: I mean you no harm, but willingly or not, You will come
(She leaves. Elena follows her. Jeremy comes back with Stefan and Damon but they're stopped by an invisile barrier. Only Jeremy can leave. They look at the ground. There's something on the floor)
Stefan: Salt. It's the binding agent for a spell
Damon: We're trapped here
(Bonnie and Jamie are in a classroom)
Bonnie: You had all kinds of moves out there
Jamie: Yeah? I mean, I was just, you know, Trying to make a good impression
Bonnie: Well, consider me impressed
Jamie: Your friends seem pretty cool
Bonnie: Yeah. They're the most important thing in the world to me
Jamie: Though you gotta admit, This whole circle of people, it's kind of crazy. I mean, there's vampires, werewolves, Ex-boyfriends with magic rings. I mean... I'm just a normal guy
Bonnie: A normal guy wouldn't have said yes to a date with me
Jamie: Yeah, that's true
(She kisses him then they look at each other and they kiss again but Damon enters and puts the light on, interrupting them)
Damon: Sorry to spoil your 7 minutes in heaven. We have a problem
[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore Crypt]
(Esther and Elena arrive at the crypt)
Esther: You'll forgive me for taking you from the dance this evening. That's the burden of being the doppelganger, I'm afraid your blood is a potent binding agent for a witch's spell.
Elena: Just please don't hurt Alaric
(Alaric comes out)
Alaric: She's not hurting me
Elena: Ric. What's going on? What are you doing with him?
Esther: I'm going to remake him
Elena: Remake him?
Esther: Make him strong, fast, Like my children, Indestructible. For one final time, I'm going to tap into the dark magic I used a thousand years ago. Like my husband Mikael before him, I will make Alaric into a true hunter, the vampire to end all vampires
Elena: You can't create another original. What if he turns out to be an even bigger monster than your children?
Esther: He won't, Now that he's embraced his darkest aspect his hatred for them will become more pure and uncompromising. In death, that hatred will be magnified
Elena: You don't know that. You don't know anything about him
Esther: That is where you're wrong. Each time he died with that ring, during his brief journey into death, I was there on the other side. I spoke to him. I nurtured him, knowing that every death brought him closer to his true self. Vampires took everything from him. Now he's getting his vengeance.
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Caroline and Tyler are dancing. Klaus is there, looking at them. Tyler senses something)
Caroline: What is it?
(She turns herself and sees Klaus. He rejoins them)
Klaus: Where have you been, mate?
Tyler: I just got back in town
Klaus: That's funny. I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place. You don't mind if I cut in, do you?
Caroline: Yes, actually, we do
(Klaus looks at Tyler)
Tyler: No. It's fine
Caroline: Why do you always have to prove you're the alpha male?
Klaus: I don't have to prove anything, love. I am the alpha male. Come on. One Dance. I won't bite
(He raises his hand. She looks at Tyler and then takes it. He smiles, takes her to the dance floor and makes her turn. They starts dancing)
Klaus: You would have loved the 1920s, Caroline. Girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped
Caroline: Heh. I don't suppose that ever happened to their dance partners
Klaus: You should be nicer to me. I'm leaving town tomorrow. I'd invite you to come with me, but we both know you're not ready to accept my offer. Perhaps one day, in a year or even a century, You'll show up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer.
(They stop dancing)
Klaus: You mark my words. Small-town boy, small-town life, it won't be enough for you
(He leaves. She looks at him leaving)
(Klaus is outside on the phone)
Klaus: Rebekah, call me back immediately. I only came to this ridiculous dance because you begged me to, and now you're nowhere to be found
(He sees the salt on the floor)
Klaus: What is this?
Stefan: Your mother's back
(Bonnie, Jeremy, Jamie, Damon, Stefan and Klaus are in the cafeteria. She's casting a spell)
Jamie: She does this all the time, right?
Klaus: What's taking so long? All boundary spells have a loophole
(Matt enters)
Matt: People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier
Jeremy: Well, if Matt and I can leave, we could stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is
Stefan: su1c1de, Jeremy
(Klaus rushes toward Jamie and strangles him)
Klaus: su1c1de would be disappointing me. Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start k*lling people you fancy
Bonnie: Let him go
Klaus: Not until you get us out of here
Stefan: Ah, don't be stupid, Klaus. Bonnie doesn't give a damn about us. The only reason she's helping right now is to save Caroline and Tyler. If you start k*lling the people she cares about, she'll tell us all to go to hell
(Klaus finally releases Jamie)
[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore Crypt]
(Esther is lighting candles. Elena looks at Alaric)
Elena: Ric, this isn't what you want. It's not who you are
Alaric: You don't know who I am, Elena. You only know the weakest parts of me, a man who lost his way, befriending vampires instead of k*lling them
Elena: You don't mean that
Alaric: They're all monsters. The blood of their victims is on my hands, Jenna's blood is on my hands
(Esther rejoins them and looks at Alaric)
Esther: When you are ready
Elena: No, Ric, please don't. Don't do this
(He takes Esther hands. Their hands are above the goblet)
Elena: I won't help you. I'm not gonna give you my blood. You're gonna have to k*ll me
Esther: That won't be necessary
(She closes her fist. Elena can't breathe. He pulse accelerates. A cut appears in her hand. She bleeds. Esther catches her wrist and makes the blood poor in the gobelet. She releases her. Elena looks at her hand)
Esther: Drink and let it be done
Elena: No, Ric, please don't
(He takes the goblet and drinks)
Elena: no
(He drinks it all. Elena is shocked)
Alaric: Is it finished?
Esther: Not just yet
(She s*ab him)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Bonnie takes a map from the wall and puts it on the table. She looks at it. Damon and Klaus arrive. Damon gives her a vial containing Jeremy's blood)
Damon: Here. Jeremy made a little gilbert blood donation for your locater spell
Bonnie: I have to do this with you two lurking over me?
Damon: You're still mad at me for what happened to Abby. Let me apologize. I'm sorry Elijah forced us to turn your mother into a vampire to save Elena's life. Didn't exactly have a choice
Bonnie: There's always a choice. Whenever you make one, someone else suffers
Klaus: Let's cut the dramatics and begin, shall we?
(She takes the vials and pours the blood on the map. Then she cast a spell but the blood doesn't move)
Bonnie: Esther's fighting me
Klaus: Esther couldn't possibly have this much power. No, she's channeling something.
Bonnie: A hotspot
Klaus: Get the humans ready. I know where she is
(Stefan is with Caroline and Tyler in the gym)
Stefan: They're at the old cemetery. Jeremy and Matt are headed there right now
Caroline: You let them go? They're gonna get themselves k*lled
Stefan: We didn't have a choice, Caroline. We're useless right now stuck in here
Caroline: Hey, she'll be fine. Elena always manages to find her way through this stuff
Stefan: Yeah, well, I'm just as worried about what Esther's up to. She led Klaus here for a reason. If she succeeds in whatever she's doing…
Tyler: Klaus could get k*lled...And I die along with him
Stefan: No one's gonna die, ok? Bonnie's still looking for a way around the boundary spell. It's not too late
(He leaves. Caroline looks at Tyler)
Caroline: So best-case scenario, Bonnie gets us out of here, Klaus hauls ass to Timbuktu, And you and i, we're home free
Tyler: Or we let Esther come and k*ll him
Caroline: That's not a best-case scenario. That's not even a remotely acceptable scenario
Tyler: It would be an option if we knew he wasn't the one who turned your bloodline. You'd be safe. At least he'd be gone
Caroline: How could you say that?
Tyler: Because I'm angry. Because I hate him. I should have never let him dance with you
Caroline: What were you're supposed to do? He can't know that you're not sired anymore. Tyler, it doesn't matter How many times I dance with him. I love you
(She touches his face and kisses him)
[Mystic Falls' Cemetery. Salvatore's crypt]
(Alaric is d*ad, lying on the floor. Elena is kneeled beside him and removes the Kn*fe from his chest. She's in shock)
Esther: He'll wake soon. When he does, he may for a time be his old self. If so, you can say your good-byes before his transition is complete
Elena: You said you wanted to undo the evil that you created, but this this is just as evil
Esther: Alaric will never be what my children became. I have granted him enough power to complete his task. Then when the time is right, he will die
Elena: How, if he's immortal?
Esther: All you need to know is that when this is over, we will have rid the earth of vampires once and for all
Elena: Yeah, but you'll be k*lling the good along with the bad. You're no better than Klaus
Esther: Am I not? I desire a world where you and your loved ones will not suffer at the hands of vampires, like your aunt Jenna did
Elena: Don't you dare use Jenna as an excuse for what you've done
Esther: You may draw comfort knowing that your aunt is not in the place that I was. She doesn't know the torment of the other side. Though made a vampire, she remained pure, and she knows peace... which is all any of us can hope for
(They hear noise outside. Esther goes out. Matt emerges with a g*n)
Matt: Don't move
(Jeremy is there too with a crossbow)
Jeremy: Where is Elena?
(Elena goes out)
Elena: Jeremy?!
Jeremy: Let her go
Esther: How foolish of you to risk your lives in defense of those who will k*ll you. But if that is your choice...
(She raises her hands. Their w*apon turn against each other)
Jeremy: Matt. Matt, drop your g*n!
Matt: I can't. I'm not controlling it
Elena: Esther, stop it!
(Alaric arrives behind her and kills her. He looks at Elena's wrist)
Alaric: Oh god. Where's my ring? Tell me what happened
[Mystic Falls' high school]
(Klaus and Stefan are outside the gym)
Klaus: You know, this is your fault. You set us on this path when you released my mother. I wonder if revenge will prove worth the cost
Stefan: As far as Esther, we've stopped her before, we'll stop her again
Klaus: We are strange bedfellows, you and I. You know, all of this reminds me of our time together in the twenties
Stefan: You say that like I'm supposed to have happy memories about it
Klaus: Well, there were moments, real friendship, brotherhood
(Damon arrives)
Damon: Oh, he already has a brother. Not to be, you know, territorial or anything
Klaus: Oh, no, of course. The Salvatore's and their unshakeable bond. I wonder what'll happen when Elena finally makes her choice. Will we see you shake just a little bit?
(He smiles. Bonnie comes out)
Bonnie: It's done. Esther's not fighting me anymore. The boundary spell is broken
(Klaus leaves)
Stefan: Thank you, Bonnie. For everything
Bonnie: I didn't do it for you
(She leaves)
[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore's crypt]
(Elena is with Alaric. Jeremy comes in)
Jeremy: Damon's here, and Klaus took Esther's body
Alaric: Does he know about the stake?
Jeremy: No, only that she tried to turn you into a w*apon and failed
(Elena and Alaric look at each other)
Jeremy: What's going on?
Alaric: Listen, Jeremy... I'm not gonna complete the transition. My dark side was dangerous enough as a human. I can't be a vampire
Jeremy: So, what, we're just gonna lock you in here and let you die?
(Elena looks at Alaric, tears in her eyes)
Jeremy: No. No, we can't
Alaric: Listen, Jeremy, it's the right thing to do, ok? After everything that's happened, after... after all that I've done... maybe I had it coming
(Jeremy starts to leave)
Elena: Hey, wait, Jer
(She looks at Alaric)
Elena: Alaric, this isn't your fault
Alaric: Please, you guys, let's not make this any harder than it already is. You two should go. Damon's here. He'll make sure it'll all go down the right way
(Jeremy starts to leave again. Alaric looks at him)
Alaric: Hey. Hey
Jeremy: Don't. Just don't give me some crap speech about how I need to be the man of the house
Alaric: Ok. I won't
(They embrace each other and Jeremy leaves. Alaric looks at Elena. She cries)
Elena: This is all my fault. You moved out. You... you gave me your ring back. You didn't want any part of this, And I I forced you to stay and take care of us
Alaric: Don't do that. Ok? Taking care of you and Jeremy has been... it's been the closest I've ever come to the life I always wanted
(She embraces him)
Alaric: You should go
(They go out. Everyone is gathered in front of the crypt: Meredith, Jeremy, Matt, Bonnie, Caroline, Tyler, Stefan, Elena and Damon. She looks at Alaric and then rejoins the others. They all look at him, they have tears in their eyes. He looks at them, looks moved and goes back inside.)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Klaus opens a coffin and finds Rebekah's body inside. He removes the dagger from her heart. Then he goes to her mother's coffin and looks at her body.)
Klaus: Your trap failed, mother. I live, and I will go on living. let your beloved spirits try to preserve you again. I dare you to come after me. I will build an army so big, no one will ever touch me. My survival will haunt you through eternity. You will never destroy me!
[Bonnie's House]
(Jamie and Bonnie arrive)
Bonnie: Thanks for the ride home
Jamie: No problem. You know there's nothing you could have done, right?
Bonnie: I know. That doesn't make it any easier.
Jamie: I should have said this before, but... Thank you for protecting me
Bonnie: Apparently it's what I do
Jamie: You really are pretty amazing
Bonnie: Sometimes I think I'd settle for just ordinary
Jamie: You said your dad's out of town, right? You gonna be ok by yourself?
Bonnie: No. I don't think I am
(He embraces her)
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt and Jeremy are alone. Matt puts the lights on. He serves them two sh*ts of tequila. They raise their glass)
Matt: Mr. Saltzman
Jeremy: Alaric
(They drink. Matt looks at Jeremy. Jeremy sheds a tear)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Elena is in Alaric's classroom and takes his w*apon. Stefan's with her)
Stefan: We can handle this later, you know
Elena: No, I'd rather get it over with now before some janitor comes to clean out Alaric's stuff and realizes the history teacher was a vampire slayer
Stefan: Elena... Hey, Elena, please
Elena: I can't, Stefan, ok? I... I can't think about the fact that Jeremy and I don't have anyone to take care of us anymore. Or... or that we've lost another friend. I just can't... I can't think about any of it
Stefan: I want you to come with me
Elena: I'm not done
(He touches he)
Stefan: Please
(He takes her hand and she follows him)
(They enter the gym. It's empty)
Stefan: We were in this gym the night Klaus compelled me to turn my feelings off. I thought I h*t rock bottom in the twenties, but... after I bit you, I never wanted to feel anything again. But someone... kept telling me that it was ok to feel... No matter how much it hurt... That our emotions would make us human, good or bad, and to never lose hope
Elena: Who gave you that horrible advice?
Stefan: Some girl I used to date
Elena: I don't have anyone anymore
(She cries)
Stefan: You have me
(He touches her face. He embraces her and she continues crying)
[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore's crypt]
(Meredith and Damon are outside)
Meredith: I gave him a sedative. He'll fall asleep first. He'll go comfortably
(He puts a stake in his inside pocket)
Damon: Well... I offered to snap his neck, put him out of his misery, but... he didn't take me up on it
Meredith: You seem surprised
Damon: Well, you just think a guy so used to dying wouldn't want to drag it out
(He drinks)
Meredith: Well, it was nice of you to give him the option
Damon: Hmm. Apparently my choices have been a little controversial lately
Meredith: You shouldn't leave him alone in there
Damon: That's the way he wants it
Meredith: Is that really what you think he wants?
(She leaves, crying)
(Damon enters the crypt. Alaric is sitting on the ground, his head resting on the wall. Damon sits down next to him, a bottle in his hand)
Damon: Aw, Ric
Alaric: Is this the part where you give me a dream? rainbows and rolling green hills?
Damon: I was drunk when I told you that
(Alaric laughs)
Alaric: Yeah, and I told you I'd use it against you
Damon: Damn you. Sorry I k*lled you. Twice
Alaric: So I have to actually die to get a real apology out of you
Damon: Drink?
Alaric: Actually I've been thinking about cutting back
(He sheds a tear. Damon drinks)
Damon: Yeah. This stuff'll k*ll you
(He hands his the bottle. Alaric takes it and drinks)
[Bonnie's House]
(Bonnie is sleeping in Jamie's arms. There are voices. She opens her eyes. Esther has appeared)
Esther: Your sisters need you to finish what I started, Bonnie
Jamie: Bonnie. Hey. Hey
(She wakes up)
Jamie: I think you're having a bad dream
[Mystic Falls Cemetery. Salvatore's Crypt]
(Alaric dies. Damon's sad and drinks. He finishes the bottle and puts it down. He goes out from the crypt. Bonnie arrives but she's strange)
Damon: What are you doing here? Hey, Bonnie, What, are you sleepwalking or something? Bonnie?
(She uses her powers and inflactes him pain in the head. He falls on his knees, holding his head)
(She enters the crypt. Looks at Alaric's body. She cuts her hand with the stake and makes him drink it. He wakes up and drinks. He's now a vampire. His face changes, his fangs are out. He takes Bonnie and bites her neck. He gets up, blood all over his mouth, the stake in his hand) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x20 - Do not go gentle"} | foreverdreaming |
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Alaric sits at the desk in his classroom with the white oak stake in his hand. He hears
Caroline entering the school. Caroline walks through the hallway. She talks to Tyler on
her cell phone.)
Caroline: What do you mean you're ditching my clean up committee?
Tyler: Klaus called. He's leaving town and wants me to pack up his house.
Caroline: Well, since when does sire bond equal mover sl*ve?
Tyler: Since he realized you're not gonna dump me for him.
Caroline: Ugh, he's being petty.
Tyler: And he still thinks I'm sired to him. It's fine. I'll keep up the act and it will all be
over soon. I'm late, I gotta go. I love you.
Caroline: I love you, too.
(Caroline hangs up. She hears a noise. Alaric rushes past without her noticing.)
Caroline: Hello?
(Caroline walks into the cafeteria where Rebekah cleans up the mess from the dance.)
Caroline: Where's Matt?
Rebekah: He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute.
Caroline: Are you kidding me? So, it's just us?
Rebekah: Yes, and you're late. Clean-up committee started at 8 o' clock.
Caroline: It's like 8:02.
Rebekah: Exactly. I managed to turn up on time and I didn't even get to attend the
dance that I organized.
Caroline: I'm sorry about your Mom. I mean, I know you like hated her and
everything, but still I'm sorry.
Rebekah: I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy.
Caroline: Yeah, he was.
Rebekah: I'm gonna get started on the gym.
(Rebekah walks out into the hallway. Alaric comes around the corner.)
Rebekah: You're supposed to be d*ad.
Alaric: I am.
(Alaric pushes Rebekah against the locker and tries to stake her. Suddenly, Caroline
appears, frees Rebekah and pins Alaric against the locker. Rebekah stakes Alaric only
to realize that the white oak stake can't k*ll him. Alaric pulls the stake out of his body
and realizes Caroline and Rebekah are gone.)
[Outside Mystic Falls High School, Parking Lot]
(Caroline rushes to her car fumbling with her keys. She sees Alaric's reflection in the
car window and drops her keys. Alaric grabs Caroline and breaks her neck. Alaric
drags the unconscious Caroline back into the school while his face starts to burn from
the sun. Rebekah watches.)
Opening Credits
[House of the Gilbert Family]
(Elena and Jeremy paint Alaric's room. Stefan walks in.)
Stefan: Going darker, huh?
Elena: It's the only color we had.
Jeremy: That's what happens when you decide to paint your d*ad guardian's room in
the middle of the night.
Stefan: I don't suppose anyone tried to talk you guys out of doing this so soon.
Elena: We have to keep moving. Otherwise we'll start thinking and we don't wanna
Stefan: You want a hand?
Jeremy: So, are you two like back together or something?
Elena: What? No, Jer. We're just…
Stefan: I was just checking up on you guys, seeing how you were doing, after, after
Jeremy: We're fine. But, if you are trying to be the good guy again, why don't you do
the right thing and give us one day, just one day without any vampires in it.
(Jeremy leaves the room.)
Elena: He didn't mean that.
Stefan: Yeah, yeah he did.
(The doorbell rings)
Stefan: I'll get that.
(Stefan opens the door. It's Damon and Bonnie. Bonnie has a bloody bite mark on her
Damon: We have a problem.
[Klaus' Mansion]
Rebekah: Alaric Saltzman just tried to k*ll me.
Klaus: Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be d*ad.
Rebekah: Well, he's not. And he's vampire thanks to mother's spell with a white oak
stake that can't k*ll him. He is strong, Nik. Too strong.
Klaus: Where is he now?
Rebekah: He's stuck at the school without a daylight ring, but as soon as night falls
he'll come after us. We need to leave now.
Klaus: Fine. I'll collect Elena. We'll be on our way.
Rebekah: Forget Elena! You don't need anymore stupid hybrids.
Klaus: What I need is protection from Esther's continued as*ault against us.
Rebekah: We'll protect each other, like we always have. Always and forever, Nik.
Klaus: I'm not leaving without her.
Rebekah: I'm leaving now. You can either walk out that door with me or you are on
your own.
(Klaus looks at Rebekah but says nothing.)
Rebekah: Fine. Trust your hybrids over your family. Let your spite be the death of
you, see if I care.
(As Rebekah walks out of the room, Tyler shows up carrying a moving box.)
Rebekah: Move it, sire boy!
Tyler: What's her deal?
[House of the Gilbert Family, Kitchen]
(Bonnie, Damon, and Stefan are in the kitchen together.)
Stefan: What do you mean he turned? I thought you were standing guard.
Damon: Don't blame me. Blame Bonnie the blood bank. She fed him.
Bonnie: I had no idea what was happening. Okay. The witches led me there. They
wanted him to feed so he'd turn.
Stefan: So, where's the stake now?
Damon: Oh, you mean the white oak one? The one that can k*ll an original and wipe
out an entire line of vampires? We don't know.
Bonnie: If you are so upset with me, why did you feed me your blood to save my life?
Damon: Because I do stupid things, Bonnie. I do things, like let my friend die with
dignity when I should've just k*lled him.
Stefan: Alright. So how do we k*ll him now?
Bonnie: I've been trying to figure that out. A witch can't truly make an immortal
creature, there's always a way to undo the spell.
Damon: So, what's the witchy work around?
Bonnie: That's the problem. I don't know.
[House of the Gilbert Family, Alaric's Room]
(Elena's cell phone rings. She picks it up and sees that the incoming call is from Alaric.
She answers it.)
Elena: Whoever this is, it's not funny.
Alaric: Well, who else would it be?
Elena: Ric?
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Caroline sits in one of the chairs in Alaric's classroom. She is gagged with a cloth that
is soaked in vervain and her hands are staked to the desk by pencils. Alaric speaks to
Elena on his cell phone.)
Alaric: Listen, closely. I'm at the school, I have Caroline and if you wanna keep her
alive, I need you to get into your car and come down here right away. If you
tell anyone where you're going, I will k*ll her.
[House of the Gilbert Family]
(The doorbell rings. Jeremy opens the door. It's Klaus.)
Jeremy: What the hell do you want?
Klaus: Now is that any way to treat a guest?
(Stefan joins Jeremy and Klaus.)
Stefan: What are you doing here, Klaus?
Klaus: Well, for starters, young Jeremy here could show some manners and invite me
Stefan: Why don't you go up to your room?
(Damon comes up behind them.)
Damon: Now.
Stefan: Hmm, poor lad. Loses one questionable father figure only to be replaced by
the likes of the two of you.
Damon: Yeah, about that. Something happened.
Klaus: Oh, I know all about my mother's invulnerable little creation. That's why I'm
here. I'm leaving town, just need to pick up a few road trip necessities. Spare
tire, flashlight, doppelganger.
Damon: Can't help you there.
(Damon closes the door on Klaus. Stefan goes towards the stairs.)
Stefan: Elena!
(Outside, Klaus picks up the newspaper lying on the front porch. Inside, Stefan goes
upstairs and into Alaric's bedroom. Jeremy is there painting, but Elena is nowhere to
be found.)
Stefan: Where is she?
Jeremy: I don't know. She was just here a few minutes ago.
(Stefan walks back down the stairs and meets up with Damon.)
Damon: Where is she?
Stefan: She is not here.
Damon: What do you mean she's not here? Where did she go?
(Bonnie joins them.)
Bonnie: What's going on?
(Damon looks out of the window and sees Klaus pacing with the newspaper in his
Damon: Klaus wants in. We have to keep him out.
(Klaus throws the newspaper through the window. The glass shatters into pieces.
Damon ducks down, as well as Stefan and Bonnie.)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Alaric sits at the desk in his classroom. He hears Elena enter the school.)
Alaric: Right on time.
(Elena walks through the school's hallway. She looks around nervously. She hears
Caroline crying and runs towards Alaric's classroom.)
Elena: Caroline. Let her go, Alaric.
Alaric: Free her yourself.
(Elena and Alaric stare at each other for a moment. Then Elena hesitantly walks
towards Caroline and gently pulls one of the pencils out of her hand. Alaric rushes
over and slams the pencil back into her hand. Caroline screams.)
Elena: You said that you would let her go.
Alaric: How many times do I have to tell you, Elena? Stop trusting vampires!
[Outside the House of the Gilbert Family]
(Klaus is still outside.)
Klaus: I think you're probably gonna want to let me in.
(Klaus walks over to a white picket fence. He puts his hands on it and looks around. He
sees a football and smiles.)
[Inside the House of the Gilbert Family]
(Stefan, Damon, Bonnie and Jeremy are gathered in the kitchen.)
Jeremy: Elena's car is gone.
Bonnie: Why wouldn't she tell anyone where she was going?
(All of a sudden, the front door bursts open and the football flies in. Klaus walks up
the front porch with two pickets in his hand. He throws one of them into the house. It
almost hits Damon.)
Stefan: Get down!
Damon: Missed me.
(Damon takes the picket that got stuck in the wall behind him and hurls it back at
Klaus. Klaus dodges it. Then he breaks the second picket into two pieces and throws
one of it at Damon.)
Damon: Missed me again.
(Stefan's cell phone rings.)
Stefan: Alaric.
(Klaus has rearmed himself with a propane t*nk and a burning newspaper. Stefan
comes up to the front door.)
Stefan: Put it out.
Klaus: Come outside and make me.
(Stefan steps outside.)
Stefan: Elena is not here. Alaric has her and Caroline. He's gonna k*ll them both
unless you turn yourself over to him.
(Klaus throws away the newspaper and puts down the propane t*nk.)
Klaus: Now I know you're not asking me to walk into a certain death.
Stefan: I really wish we could. But unfortunately, if Alaric kills you there's a 1 in 4
chance that we die too.
(Damon comes outside.)
Damon: I'll take those odds.
Stefan: And a hundred percent chance that Tyler dies.
Damon: I'm good with that too.
Stefan: Why don't we just figure out a way to put Alaric down?
Klaus: Okay. How about Damon sneaks in and distracts Alaric, while Stefan grabs
Elena and carries her to safety.
Damon: Huh, that's a great idea. What's to stop me from getting k*lled instantly?
Klaus: Nothing.
Damon: Caroline is in there. Don't you have a thing for her? Or did she just reject you
too many times?
Stefan: This isn't really helping too much.
(Bonnie walks out of the house.)
Bonnie: I might have an idea. My mom used a desiccation spell on Michael that
immobilized him for over 15 years. If I can get it, I might be able to use it on
Klaus: If and might your words inspire such confidence.
Bonnie: I'll get it. But even with the spell, we need a lot of vampire muscle to take
him down, including yours.
Klaus: Just so we're clear. The sun sets in about 8 hours. We don't succeed before
then, Elena will be d*ad, I'll be gone and the rest of you will be left to fend for
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Alaric dips the cloth in a glass filled with vervain.)
Caroline: No. No more. Please, no more.
(Elena gets up from her chair.)
Elena: Alaric, stop!
(Alaric pushes Elena back into her seat.)
Alaric: Sit down! This keeps the vervain in her system. It's like inhaling razor blades
with every breath.
(Alaric puts the cloth back into Caroline mouth. She screams in pain.)
Elena: Why are you doing this?
Alaric: To make it easier on you when you put her out of her misery.
(Alaric picks up the white oak stake and walks towards Elena.)
Elena: What? No!
Alaric: Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to k*ll a vampire?
Well, here is a vampire, Elena. k*ll her.
(Alaric holds the white oak stake right in front of Elena.)
Elena: This isn't what I want.
Alaric: Of course it is. All those hours you spend training, getting stronger. You could
be a hunter, Elena. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart.
(Elena keeps staring at the stake in front of her.)
[Salvatore Boarding House]
(Damon and Bonnie are waiting for Abby. Damon sits on the couch glancing at the
Damon: Well, this is promising.
Bonnie: Relax, Abby will be here.
Damon: I'm sorry, I forgot about her stellar track record in the dependability
Bonnie: Jamie said she was coming, okay. Just give her time.
(The doorbell rings.)
Damon: Don't get your hopes up! Might be a girl scout.
(Bonnie opens the door. It's Abby.)
Abby: Hello, Bonnie.
Bonnie: Thanks for coming.
Abby: Jamie's worried about you. He said it was urgent. I just didn't think you'd ever
want to see me again.
Bonnie: Like Jamie said, it's urgent.
(Bonnie and Abby walk back into the house together.)
[Mystic Falls High School, Parking Lot]
(Stefan and Klaus get out of Klaus' car when Stefan receives a text message.)
Stefan: Abby just showed up.
Klaus: Good. Perhaps this plan won't be an epic failure after all. You know, if this
does go off and we drop the history teacher in the Atlantic, I'm still leaving
with Elena.
Stefan: I'll go with you.
Klaus: Really? What's the catch?
Stefan: There's no catch. I turned my back on everything here to make sure Elena's
Klaus: And that is what makes you her better option. It's a shame it's not easier for
Elena to see that. I mean, personally, I think she's wasting her time with
Stefan: You know, all this time and energy you've spent trying to get me and my
brother to hate each other. It's actually had the opposite effect.
Klaus (laughs): Has it? Has it really? Well, then perhaps I should let Elena decide
which Salvatore joins us, being as you and Damon are so close.
Stefan: Go for it. Damon and I have been through a hell of a lot worse than you.
(Stefan turns his back on Klaus and walks away.)
[Salvatore Boarding House]
(Bonnie and Abby are in the parlor together.)
Abby: Why didn't I have to be invited in?
Bonnie: Only vampires live here.
(Damon walks into the room with a glass of blood in his hand.)
Damon: We signed over the deed to Elena. But she died and the seal broke and very
long story.
(Damon offers the glass of blood to Abby.)
Damon: Blood?
(Abby just blankly stares at Damon.)
Damon: Oh, come on. Take it as a peace offering.
(Abby clearly doesn't want it.)
Damon: Fine, more for me.
(Damon sits down next to Bonnie.)
Bonnie: We called you here because I need help with a spell. Esther created a
vampire that can't be k*lled. I wanna desiccate him like you did to Michael.
Abby: Bonnie, it's too dangerous. Your magic comes from the earth. It's pure. This
spell asks you to tap into dark places. Places of temptation. Places you can't
Bonnie: You turned your back on me for 16 years. You have no idea what I can
Damon: Gotta say, I'm team Bonnie on this one. How hard can it be to parch a
Abby: The spell allows you to stop a vampire's heart. The blood will stop flowing and
his body will desiccate.
Bonnie: That's exactly what we wanna do.
Abby: To stop a vampire's heart, you need to find a balance among the living. Can
you handle that?
(Bonnie sh**t Abby a disbelieving look.)
Damon: What? What does that mean? Bonnie, I don't speak witch.
Bonnie: I have to stop a human heart.
[Mystic Falls High School, Parking Lot]
(Damon and Bonnie arrive at the parking lot. Jeremy is already there. Bonnie shows
Damon something on her cell phone.)
Bonnie: I just got this. It connects me to Caroline and Elena through our phones.
They're in Alaric's classroom. You should go in from the south entrance.
Damon: Digital locater spell. Why the hell do we need you then?
(Damon holds out his hand towards Jeremy.)
Damon: Hand it over.
Jeremy: I'm not giving you my ring. Let me do this.
Damon: By my math, you've already bit it once, possibly twice, wearing that thing
and if for some reason, Bonnie can't restart your heart and you do indeed
die, then before you know it, we have another psycho alter ego case on our
hands, which is bad so give me that ring.
Jeremy: This is my ring. Elena is my sister. No one's gonna fight harder for her than
Damon: Fine. Be stubborn.
(Damon looks at Bonnie.)
Damon: Try not to k*ll him, will you?
(Stefan and Klaus arrive.)
Klaus: Look at this, one big, happy family.
(Bonnie shows the others a vial with a red substance in it.)
Bonnie: Drink this. It's my blood. It bridges us all together, so that when I stop
Jeremy's heart, you'll have the power to stop Alaric's. You need to make a
physical connection to his bloodstream, a vein, artery something connected
to his heart.
(First Stefan, then Damon and then Klaus drink from the vial.)
Stefan: One of us gets a clean sh*t, take it, the other two hold him down.
Klaus: Before we all walk through these doors, let's get on the same page, shall we? I was the one who created your vampire blood line, therefore I'm responsible for your lives and Tyler's life, Caroline's life and of course Abby's life, should anything go wrong.
Damon: Or you're just lying to save your ass.
Klaus: I'm not lying, but go head, call my bluff, let the teacher k*ll me. You'll all be d*ad soon thereafter.
Stefan: Let's just get this over with, shall we?
(Stefan, Damon and Klaus walk towards the school. Bonnie and Jeremy stay behind.)
[Mystic Falls High School, Alaric's classroom]
(Alaric is still holding Caroline and Elena c*ptive.)
Elena: Why are you doing this?
Alaric: Because you need me. Because you're an 18 year old girl without parents or
guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore.
Elena: Look at you. How is this right?
Alaric: She's a m*rder. She told me she k*lled someone and liked it. Now, how is
that right? Listen, Elena, your parents led the council. It was their lives'
mission to keep this town safe. They weren't d*ad 6 months before you undid
it all.
Elena: You don't know anything about them.
Alaric: Why am I wrong? Do you actually think that they'd be proud of you?
(Alaric kneels down next to Elena.)
Alaric: If you don't side with the humans, you're just as bad as them.
(Alaric holds out the stake to Elena.)
Alaric: Now k*ll her or I'll do it for you and I'll make it hurt. Get up!
(Alaric forces Elena out of her seat and puts the stake into her hand. Elena hesitates
for a moment then she tries to stake Alaric. But he grabs her wrist before she can.)
Alaric: I thought I taught you better than that.
Elena: You did.
(Elena smashes the glass with vervain which still stands on a desk nearby into Alaric's
face. He screams in pain. Elena walks over to Caroline and frees her.)
Elena: Get help!
(Caroline runs out of the room. Elena tries to follow her, but Alaric moves into her
Alaric: Not so fast.
(Caroline gets out into the hallway but then realizes that Elena is not with her.
Suddenly, Klaus grabs her from behind covering her mouth with his hand so that she
can't scream.)
Klaus (whispers): Shhh. It's okay. It's okay. It's me. It's okay. You're safe. We'll save
Elena. You go straight home, you stay inside. Do you understand?
(Klaus grabs Caroline and turns her around so that she faces him.)
Klaus: Do you understand me?
Caroline (nods): Thank you.
(Klaus leaves. Then, Caroline leaves. Elena and Alaric are now in the hallway. Alaric
slams Elena against the locker and then grabs her by the throat.)
Alaric: I should k*ll you. I should gut you like Brian Walters, Bill Forbes and all the
other cowards I plan on ripping apart. You're the worst offender of them all,
Elena. You don't deserve to live.
Elena: So then why am I still alive? There is obviously no humanity left in you. So
what's stopping you, Alaric? If you want me d*ad then k*ll me. Do it! k*ll me!
(After a few seconds Alaric decides to release Elena from his grip. Elena breathes
heavily. Suddenly, Damon and Stefan appear and hold Alaric by his arms. )
Damon: Do it now!
(Alaric throws Damon off of him and snaps Stefan's neck. Stefan falls to the ground.
Damon tries to att*ck Alaric, but he breaks Damon's neck, too. Damon and Stefan
both lie unconsciously on the floor now. Klaus appears and thrusts his hand into
Alaric's heart.)
[Somewhere in the Woods]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are somewhere in the woods. Bonnie feels that someone has
made contact with Alaric's heart. )
Bonnie: They made contact. It's happening.
(Bonnie places her hands above Jeremy's chest and begins to chant a spell.)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Alaric pulls Klaus' hand out of his heart and pushes Klaus to the floor.)
[Somewhere in the Woods]
(Bonnie feels that the connection has been severed and stops the spell.)
Jeremy: What's wrong?
Bonnie: Something happened. The connection broke.
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Alaric slams Klaus against the locker. Klaus falls to the ground. Alaric stands above
him and tries to stake him. Suddenly, Elena yells at Alaric.)
Elena (holding a Kn*fe to her throat): Stop! Let him go or I'll k*ll myself.
Alaric: Put it down, Elena.
Elena: Why, because you still need me alive? There's a reason why Esther used me to
make you, isn't there? She didn't want you to be immortal, so she tied your
life to a human one. Mine. That way you have only one life span to k*ll all
vampires and then you'll be gone. So when I die, you die too. That's it. It has
to be!
Alaric: You're wrong.
Elena: Am I?
(Elena begins to cut herself. Blood runs down her throat.)
Alaric: Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
(Klaus uses Alaric's distraction to throw him off. Klaus grabs Elena and leaves. Alaric
gets up and realizes they are both gone.)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Elena wakes up sitting in a chair in Klaus' mansion. She feels a prick in her arm. She
looks down and sees a nurse inserting a needle into her arm. Klaus sits on a couch
Nurse: Be careful, moving only makes it hurt more.
Elena: What are doing?
Klaus: Draining you of all your blood.
(Tyler comes in carrying a moving box.)
Tyler (surprised): Elena.
(Tyler puts the box down and walks towards Elena.)
Elena: Tyler, help me!
Klaus: He can't. He needs to go fetch me more empty blood bags. About three liters
worth, please, Tyler.
Elena: Tyler, please. Get Stefan, please.
Klaus: No, Tyler, get the bags.
(Tyler hesitates then walks towards Elena. Klaus moves into his way.)
Klaus: Forget the girl and get the bags. Now!
(Tyler leaves the room. Klaus walks behind the chair that Elena is sitting in.)
Elena: So that's it? You're just gonna bleed me dry?
Klaus: Yes, but don't worry. It'll be completely painless, as the last drop is drawn,
you'll simply fall asleep.
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Stefan's cell phone rings. Damon wakes up from the d*ad and grabs the phone.)
Damon: Why am I still alive?
(Alaric walks up to Damon and Stefan.)
Alaric: Get up!
(Stefan slowly wakes up.)
Alaric: I said, get up! Klaus is gonna k*ll Elena.
Damon: What?
Stefan: What are you talking about? Klaus needs Elena's blood to make hybrids. She's
the last person that he'd k*ll.
Alaric: The witch bound my life to Elena's. If she dies, I die. Klaus figured that out and
now he's taken her. Now I'm trapped here until the sun goes down, so you two
better get doing what you do best, saving Elena's life.
(Alaric leaves, knocking them both out of the way.)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(The nurse replaces the filled blood bag with a new, empty one.)
Elena: What about your hybrids? You'll need more than this to create your army.
(Klaus takes one of the blood bags from the nurse.)
Klaus: These last few liters will have to suffice. You see, by attempting to k*ll us, my
mother strengthened the bond between my siblings and I. I don't need
hybrids. I have my family.
Elena: If you believe that, then why take my blood at all? You want a backup family.
You know that your siblings will never trust you again.
Klaus: You know, Stefan blames me for trying to tear him from his brother, but I think
we both know who really came between them. You. That's why you won't
choose. You know once you pick a Salvatore, you'll destroy their bond.
(Klaus moves closer towards Elena and grabs both her hands.)
Klaus: Consider this me doing you a favor. Once you're d*ad, you won't have to
choose. No broken hearts. Their family stays intact. But just between us girls.
Who would you have picked?
Elena: Rot in hell.
Klaus: You're welcome. Sweet dreams, Elena. It's been fun.
(Klaus leaves the room. Elena struggles to get out of the chair. Tyler quietly walks into
the room and starts to untie Elena.)
Elena: What are you doing?
Tyler: Shhh.
(Klaus walks back into the room.)
Elena: Tyler.
Klaus: So much for that sire bond.
Tyler: I'm not your little bitch anymore.
Klaus: How did you break the sire bond?
Tyler: By breaking every bone in my body a hundred times for the girl I love.
Klaus: That's impossible.
Tyler: Is it? Or maybe real love is stronger than fake loyalty. But what would you
know about that?
Klaus: You know you should be thanking me. I gave you a gift. I took away your
Tyler: You didn't give a crap about me! You just didn't want to be alone.
(Tyler helps Elena out of the chair.)
Tyler: Come on.
(Klaus rushes towards them. Elena flies backwards over the chair and hits her head.
Klaus grabs Tyler by the throat and pushes him against a wall.)
Klaus: Goodbye, Tyler.
(Klaus tries to rip Tyler's heart out of his chest, but Tyler twists his arm around.
Damon and Stefan come into the room. Damon grabs Klaus's other arm and Stefan
thrusts his hand into Klaus' chest. Klaus screams. )
[Somewhere in the Woods]
(Bonnie feels that the physical connection has been reestablished and begins to chant
the spell. Jeremy's heart stops. Dark veins start to make their way through Bonnie's
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Klaus realizes his body is desiccating. He looks around helplessly, tears in his eyes.
Damon walks over to Elena and helps her up. She holds her head.)
Damon: Hey, are you okay?
(Elena nods).
[Somewhere in the Woods]
(Bonnie tries to bring Jeremy back to life. He doesn't wake up immediately. Bonnie
starts to panic and shakes him.)
Bonnie: Oh my god! Jeremy! Jeremy! Jeremy!
(Jeremy finally wakes up.)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Klaus' is now defenseless. Stefan pulls his hand out of Klaus' chest. Tyler lays Klaus'
body down on the ground.)
Stefan: We should get her home before the sun sets.
(Damon takes Elena's hand and walks her out of the house. Tyler follows them. Stefan
takes a last look at Klaus' body on the ground and then walks out as well.)
[Outside the House of the Gilbert Family]
(Elena, Stefan and Damon get out of the car and walk towards the house.)
Elena: You two are really gonna walk me all the way to the door, aren't you?
Stefan: You lost a lot of blood today.
Elena: Yeah, I know, but I told you I'm fine. I just have a little headache.
Damon: Yeah, but the sun's about to go down and Ric's gonna be able to terrorize
the streets any minute.
Elena: Yeah, but he can't hurt me. It's you two that we should be worrying about.
Stefan: Nah, he won't be able to find us.
(Elena opens the front door.)
Stefan: I'll call you when we get back.
(Stefan and Damon turn around about to walk away.)
Elena: I know it's selfish. I know that it seems that I'm stringing you both along. But I
– I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I mean, if I choose one of you then I'll
lose the other. And I've lost so many people, I just, I can't bear the thought of
losing one of you.
(Damon and Stefan look at each other unsure what to do or say.)
Stefan: It's – It's been a long day.
Damon: We'll call you from the road, after we've dumped Klaus' body in the Atlantic.
Elena: Just be careful. Both of you.
(Stefan and Damon leave. Elena watches them go. Then she closes the door and goes
[House of the Gilbert Family]
(Bonnie, Tyler, Matt, Jeremy and Caroline are gathered in the kitchen. Elena walks in
the room.)
Elena: What are you guys doing here?
Caroline: Welcome to our victory party!
Elena: What victory? We've failed Alaric is still out there.
Bonnie: We know, but we've been trying to get rid of Klaus forever and Caroline
convinced us to enjoy it for a night.
Matt: I gotta be honest I'm a little pissed none of you let me help you
take down original brother number two
Tyler: Yeah, he would‘ve taken you right down to the hospital, bro.
Matt: Please, I'm more stealth than that, I'm like a ninja.
Jeremy: Yeah, you wish.
(Caroline hands Elena a glass of tequila.)
Caroline: Here, you need this. I heard. And you know that sooner or later, you're
gonna have to choose, right?
Elena: I know.
(Caroline pats Elena's shoulder. Tyler walks over to them.)
Tyler: Hey, give me your hand.
(Tyler pours salt on Elena's hand.)
Elena: Thank you for standing up to Klaus like that.
Tyler: Let's just say, it's been a long time coming.
Caroline: Way too long. Alright, let's drink!
Elena: I do not condone this by the way.
Jeremy: You survived Klaus. Alright, make an exception. You can go back to being
responsible tomorrow.
Elena: Okay.
(Elena raises her glass to her mouth about to drink, but then stops.)
Tyler: Hang on. Do you guys here that?
(They all remain silent for a moment, listening for something.)
Tyler: That is the sound of a Klaus free life.
(They all laugh. Elena raises her glass to make a toast.)
Elena: To a Klaus free life and to all of you, my family.
(They all clink their glasses, say cheers and drink.)
[House of the Lockwood Family]
(Mayor Carol Lockwood opens the front door to let Sheriff Liz Forbes in.)
Liz: Carol, what's so urgent you called an emergency council meeting
at this hour?
Carol: I didn't call the meeting, Liz. He did.
(They walk in the living room together. Alaric is there with all of the other council
Alaric: Join us sheriff. I was just telling the council about out vampire problem. Or
should I say your problem?
Liz: What do you think you're doing?
Alaric: Well, perhaps you and the mayor can enlighten the group on the strides
you've taken to eliminate the issue. Oh, that's right you haven't. You see, the
sheriff, a woman we elected to keep our families safe and town secure, has a
vampire for a daughter. And our lovely mayor a son who is half vampire, half
Carol: Why are doing this?
Alaric: These women are hypocrites. They claim to spearhead our defense against the
supernatural presence then cover up the violent att*cks committed by their
Liz: That's enough. We're done here. It's time to go.
(Liz turns around and wants to leave the room, but Alaric moves into her way.)
Alaric: Sit down, Liz! We're just getting started.
[Somewhere on the Road]
(Damon and Stefan are driving somewhere to hide Klaus' body. Damon pats the
casket on the back seat.)
Stefan: What?
Damon: How many desiccated hybrids does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Stefan: You're in a good mood.
Damon: Yeah, I'm in a good mood. Klaus is d*ad, my brother is halfway sane, again.
Give or take an immortal hunter that wants to k*ll us, we won, Stefan. Come
on, say it. Say it.
Stefan: We won.
Damon: Once more with feeling.
Stefan: We won.
Damon: Thank you.
Stefan: You know what, thank you. Turns out we make a pretty good team, huh?
Damon: It only took a century and a half.
Stefan: What happens when Elena makes a decision?
Damon: You know how these things pan out, Stefan. She'll probably make a list of
pros and cons and then at the end of the day dumps both of our asses.
Stefan: What if she doesn't?
Damon: Then she'll pick one of us.
Stefan: Well, if she chooses you, I'll leave town and let you two be happy and not be
bothered by me.
Damon: And in sixty years, we'll go back to being brothers and none of this will have
mattered, right?
Stefan: Yeah.
Damon: Fine, she chooses you, I'll leave town too. All this over one girl.
Stefan: She's a pretty special girl.
Damon: Yes, she is.
[House of the Gilbert Family]
(Jeremy is repainting Alaric's room. Elena comes in.)
Jeremy: Hey. Everyone gone?
Elena: It's just us.
Jeremy: I hate this room.
Elena: Me too. Mom and Dad were right. Alaric should just k*ll all the vampires and
put an end to all of this. But then that means that Caroline dies and Bonnie
loses her mom, the mayor loses her son and I lose Stefan and Damon. So if it
makes me the bad guy for wanting to keep those people alive, then fine, I'll be
the bad guy.
Jeremy: You forget that Alaric never wanted any of this. Once he carries out his plans,
what if he decides he doesn't want to live anymore and he kills his human
connection to end his life. That would mean I would lose you. I'm not gonna
let that happen.
(Elena smiles.)
Jeremy: I'm gonna shower and get some sleep. Goodnight, Elena.
Elena: Goodnight.
(Jeremy leaves the room. Elena grabs a paintbrush and starts to paint the window frame.
Suddenly, Elena grabs her head in pain and collapses to the floor. She bleeds from her nose.) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x21 - Before Sunset"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is sleeping. Her alarm clock sets off and she wakes up. She raises the volume smiles and gets off bed. She smiles once more and starts to dance, looking at herself in the mirror and binding her hair into a ponytail. She takes her pompons and throws them on her bench next to her cheerleader outfit)
(She's dressed in her cheerleader outfit and enters the kitchen. Jenna's here)
Elena: Hey. Jeremy locked himself in the bathroom again. Does he think we don't know what he's doing in there?
Jenna: He's 14. They don't think
(She takes the coffee pot to pours herself some but Jenna stops her)
Jenna: Hey. You'll get me in trouble with your...
(Miranda, Elena's mom, enters the kitchen)
Miranda Good morning
Elena: Good morning mom
(Miranda smiles, takes Elena's face in her hands and kisses her. Elena smiles)
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Elena wakes up in her hospital bed and looks around her)
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Meredith is with Jeremy in front of Elena's room)
Meredith: She's going to be fine. She got a little banged up today, h*t her head. But it was just a slight concussion. Nothing to worry about
Jeremy: But she collapsed, there was blood
Meredith: Honestly, Jeremy, she's OK. She's just... She's been through a lot. Is there anyone
you want to call?
[A car]
(Stefan is driving and Damon is on the passenger seat. They're on the phone with Jeremy)
Damon: Did what?!
Jeremy: I took her to the hospital. When you find your sister unconscious you call 911
Damon: Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal.
Stefan: Every remaining original is going to want Elena d*ad to stop Alaric. She's a sitting duck in there
Jeremy: Well, Meredith wants to keep her here for observation
Damon: Jeremy, get Elena home. We're on our way
(He hangs up and looks at Stefan)
Damon: Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you not being the dumbest brother on earth?
Stefan: You know one of us needs to keep moving, right? If Klaus really is the sire of our bloodline, we need to keep his body hidden before Alaric finds him, kills him and we all end up d*ad
Damon: Our life is one big proverbial coin toss
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Meredith enters her office. Alaric is there, waiting for her)
Alaric: Hello, Meredith
Meredith: What are you doing here?
Alaric: I'm Elena's guardian. I thought it was strange I didn't get a phone call
Meredith: How did you find out?
Alaric: Oh, I have eyes and ears everywhere now. It's funny. The people of this town are actually good at their jobs when you allow them to be. Speaking of...
(He gets up)
Alaric: You are a little too good at your job
(He opens the fridge and takes vials of blood)
Alaric: But that's because you cheat. So I found your stash of vampire blood
(He takes one vial and empties it)
Meredith: Don't... stop it. Don't... don't do that. Stop it!
Alaric: The council will be in touch with the medical board to have your license suspended. Mayor Lockwood
and Sheriff Forbes are being relieved of their duties. I'm getting this town back under control. And you will be releasing Elena to my custody
(He takes the file from her hands, sign something and gives it back to her. He looks at her and leaves. She's about to cry)
(He goes to Elena's room but when she enters, she's not there. He looks outside the room)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena enters with Matt, Tyler and Caroline)
Caroline: Couch
Elena: I'm fine. I just... I want something to eat first
Tyler: We're on it. As soon as we make sure no one's lurking in the closets
(Matt and he look at each other. Matt nods. He goes upstairs and Tyler goes toward the kitchen)
Caroline: All right, couch. Now
Elena: Ugh, I told you, I'm fine
(Caroline takes a blanket)
Caroline: Doctor says rest, you rest
(Elena lays down and Caroline puts the blanket on top of her)
Caroline: Now what can I get you? Do you want some tea? Maybe some vodka? Both will help you sleep
(Elena smiles, looks at her and sighs. Caroline sits down next to her)
Caroline: I know. I'm being smothering. It's what I do
(Elena smiles and takes her hand)
Elena: No. It's... It's nice
(Caroline smiles)
Caroline: I'm thinking... Maybe tea with vodka
(They giggle. Caroline gets up and Elena looks at the photo of her with her parents and her alone in her cheerleader outfit)
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Matt and Elena are holding and hands. Bonnie is with them. They're both in their cheerleading outfit)
Elena: Caroline Forbes told me that my ponytail lacked juju
Matt: I don't even know what that means
Bonnie: It means Caroline's driving Elena crazy, as usual. So as I psychically predicted, flare jeans are
making a comeback
Elena: That doesn't make you are a psychic, Bonnie. It means that you watch too much "top model"
Bonnie: Say what you want. But I've got a bad feeling about the bonfire tonight
Elena: It doesn't matter, because I can't go
(Matt looks at her)
Elena: I know, but Jenna's in town and my parents want to do family night
(He touches her arms)
Matt: You have to go. See if you can sneak out
(They smile and kiss)
Matt: Got to see Coach Tanner. Love you
(He leaves. Bonnie looks at her)
Bonnie: You didn't say it back
Elena: What?
Bonnie: You know what. You can't string him along, Elena. If you're not into it anymore, just... Tell him
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena wakes up. Matt is there, watching her)
Elena: Where is everyone?
Matt: Tyler and Caroline got a call from their moms. What were you dreaming about?
Elena: h*m* year
Matt: That seems like forever ago
Elena: It was. I'm sorry that I strung you along. I should have figured out what I wanted, and just been
honest about it. And now I'm making the same mistakes with Stefan and Damon. It's not right, what I'm doing to them, either. I... I have to let one of them go
Matt: Which one?
(Stefan enters. Elena turns herself, looks at Matt and then gets up)
Elena: Stefan
(She goes toward him and he embraces her)
Stefan: Are you okay?
Elena: Yeah
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy picks up food at the bar)
Jeremy: Thanks, man. Tell the kitchen I appreciate them staying open for me
(Alaric arrives with two beers. He puts them on the bar)
Alaric: We need at talk
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is still on the couch. Matt is setting the table and Stefan is cooking)
Elena: I'm being over-coddled. I feel completely fine
Stefan: You're on house arrest. You're supposed to be coddled
Matt: Wouldn't it be smarter if we just got you the hell out of town?
Elena: And do what? Go on the run for
the rest of my life? Go on the run for the rest of my life? No, thank you. And I'm not an invalid
(She gets up)
Elena: I'm done with the couch
(She leaves the room. Matt looks at Stefan)
Matt: So you're just going to let her call the sh*ts?
Stefan: I'm letting her make her own decisions
Matt: Even if they're wrong?
Stefan: Nothing wrong with free will, Matt. Trust me. You don't realize that till you lose it
Elena: Stefan…
(He turns his head and sees Elijah at the doorway)
Stefan: Elijah
Elijah: Hello again
[Mystic Grill]
(Alaric and Jeremy are at the bar)
Alaric: I need you to tell me where they're keeping Klaus' body
Jeremy: I don't know. And even if I did, why would I tell you?
Alaric: Elena's association with vampires nearly got her k*lled again tonight, Jeremy. Does that even register with you?
Jeremy: Of course it does
Alaric: Well, she can't seem to cut them out of her life, but I can. And with your help... I'll get rid of all of them. Find out where Klaus' body is being hidden. I'll k*ll him. All his siblings. And when I die, vampires will no longer exist
Jeremy: But the only way for you to die is if Elena dies
Alaric: Then lock me up. Have Bonnie put a spell on me like she did Klaus. Let Elena live a long, healthy, human life. And when her life is over... mine will be too
(He takes the stake from his jacket)
Alaric: This stake is the one w*apon on earth that can k*ll them. I'm going to get Klaus either way, Jeremy. Be on the right side of this
[Gilbert's House]
(Elijah and Elena are sitting at the kitchen table. Stefan and Matt are looking at him)
Elijah: All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the w*apon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the earth. And Alaric will follow us
Stefan: And you'll just... Run
Elijah: We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekah spent the better part of a thousand years evading my father. What's another half century while Elena's able to live out the rest of her natural life?
Elena: We finally stopped him, Elijah. After everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back
Elijah: I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps it'll finally teach him some manners
Matt: Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over
Elijah: And for that, I'm deeply ashamed. But know this... she could have been d*ad the instant I walked through that door tonight. So, Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not
(Damon is on the phone. On loud speaker)
Damon: Not! Hello! Did that concussion give you brain damage? His lunatic siblings will k*ll you the first chance they get!
Elijah: Rebekah and Kol will honor the terms if you return Klaus' body to us... Elena will come to no harm
(He looks at Elena)
Elijah: Do we have a deal?
Damon: No! No, no, no, no. Did I mention, no!
Stefan: Elena, it's up to you
Damon: Oh, come on!
Elena: Why do you want Klaus' body?
Elijah: He's my brother. We remain together
(Elena sighs and looks at him)
Elena: We have a deal
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler and Caroline enter)
Tyler: Mom?
Carol: In here
(They enter the living room. Carol and Liz are waiting for them)
Caroline: Mom
Tyler: What's going on?
Carol: Alaric outed us to the council. He told them everything. The whole council knows what you are
Liz: He's got them looking for Klaus, and then they're going to come looking for you. You can't be here when they do
(Caroline looks at them)
Caroline: What are you saying?
Liz: You both need to get out of town
Carol: I've pulled together some cash, and Liz has gotten you some new identification. And we'll get school records, and...
(Liz gives them some papers)
Tyler: well, wait a minute, you want us to run?
Liz: We can't protect you anymore
Caroline: Well, we can't just pack up and leave!
Carol: If you stay, you're going to end up d*ad. You don't have a choice
(They have tears in their eyes. Caroline looks at Tyler)
[Gilbert's House]
(Matt and Jeremy are outside, sitting on the porch. They're whispering)
Matt: So what are you going to do?
Jeremy: What I want to do is run in that house, grab Elena and get her out of here and away from all this
Matt: Well, why don't we?
Jeremy: Good luck getting her past all the vampires in there. Even if I wanted to help Alaric... I have no idea where Klaus' body is
Matt: I do
[Mystic Grill]
(Alaric is alone at the bar. His phone buzzes. He answers)
Alaric: Yes?
Jeremy: I know where Klaus' body is
Alaric: Good. Tell me
Jeremy: Damon's on his way to bury him in the woods off route 12. I'll text you with the specifics
(Alaric smiles)
Alaric: Thank you, Jeremy. You're doing the right thing for your sister
Jeremy: I know
[Gilbert's House]
(He hangs up. He's looking at Elena. Matt, Stefan, Elijah and Elena look at him)
Jeremy: He bought it
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Tyler and Caroline are in Richard's study. He's sitting and Caroline is standing)
Caroline: We can't just leave town
Tyler: Yes we can
Caroline: No, our friends need us
Tyler: And our mothers need us to stay alive!
(He gets up)
Tyler: Look, Stefan and Damon are going to do whatever it takes to protect themselves, but this is our lives. So let me protect you
(Caroline takes him by the neck)
Caroline: I will go anywhere with you. And if we have to spend the rest of our lives running, I will run with you. But, first, I have to help our friends.
Tyler: I'll get stuff together and meet you at the cell in two hours
Caroline: Deal
(They laugh and they kiss)
Tyler: We've got to travel light. So what do you need?
Caroline: Ah, just you. Maybe a curling iron
(They laugh)
Caroline: Oh, I have to tell Bonnie!
Tyler: I'll call Bonnie, OK? Two hours. Don't you dare be late
Caroline: Ok!
(She kisses him one last time, laughs and leaves. He watches her leave)
[A storage unit]
(Damon and Bonnie go out of an elevator)
Damon: I'm not halfway out of Virginia and Elena sells our soul to the originals?
Bonnie: It's her call
Damon: You know what else is her call? Everything bad ever
(They walk through a storage unit)
Bonnie: Where's the body? As long as it's unspelled, Alaric is one witch away from finding it
Damon: Hidden. I was going to use unit 666, but I figured that would be a little obvious. So… 1020
(They stop in front of a unit)
Damon: Mini fridge, a couple of bird cages, box full of "playboys"
(He opens it. The coffin is inside)
Damon: One beef jerkified original
(Bonnie opens the coffin and they look at him. Klaus opens his eyes and looks at them)
Damon: Whoa. Creepy
Bonnie: I need a minute
Damon: Just jam the witch locator bat signal, whatever, and get on with it, Bonnie
Bonnie: Elena and Jeremy lost Jenna and Alaric because of him. Tyler's a hybrid. My mother's a vampire. Could you give me a minute to just appreciate the sight of him like this?
(Damon raises his hand in defeat and leaves. She watches him leave and he closes the door. She looks at Klaus and he's looking at her)
Bonnie: You should burn in hell. But if you die, so do my friends. So does my mother. What am I supposed
to do about that?
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in her bedroom with Stefan)
Elena: Stefan, make sure that Alaric doesn't lay a hand on Jeremy
Stefan: Jeremy will be fine. Between all of us, we'll have the strength in numbers to disarm Alaric
(He touches her face)
Stefan: Hey. What's wrong?
Elena: I... Lately, I feel like every time someone walks out of this house, there's a chance they may not make it back home
Stefan: Well, I promise... I will do everything in my power to make sure that we all come back
(He touches her shoulder then goes toward the door)
Elena: Stefan…
(He stops and turns himself but she says nothing)
Elena: Forget it. We can talk later
(He turns himself but then he goes toward her, takes her face in his hands and kisses her. Then, they look at each other)
Stefan: Just in case there is no later
(He leaves)
[A storage unit]
(Damon is alone, on the phone with Stefan)
Damon: Bonnie just left. Rebekah should be here soon, pick up the body
Stefan: I got Caroline and Elijah in place. Jeremy's going to lead Alaric to us
Damon: You just had to let her make the choice, didn't you?
Stefan: What would you have done, Damon?
Damon: Grabbed her, gagged her, threw her in a well. I don't know, anything other than let her trust Elijah!
Stefan: You know she'd just hate you for it, right?
Damon: Yet she'd be alive and she'd hate me. Thus the eternal difference between you and me. Brother
Stefan: As soon as we get the stake, hand over the coffin and get out. Alaric's got half the police looking for Klaus' car
Damon: Will do
(He hears the elevator)
Damon: Got to go. The original sister's here
(He hangs up and gets up)
Damon: It's about time, sexy Bex
(Alaric strangles him from behind. He groans)
Alaric: Where is Klaus?
Damon: How did you find me?
Alaric: Well, you'd be amazed at how competent law enforcement is when it's not corrupted by vampires. Now, where is Klaus?
Damon: Storage locker. There's only about a thousand of 'em. Have at it
(Alaric breaks his neck and then throws him on the floor. He's unconscious)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in her bedroom, sitting on the bench, looking through the window. Matt arrives with two cups of tee. He hands her one. She takes it)
Elena: Thank you
Matt: You're welcome
(She drinks but makes a face)
Matt: Sorry. I over-honeyed. I suck at tea
(She smiles)
Matt: So... Stefan
Elena: He saved my life, you know. I never told you that. The night that my parents' car went off the bridge, Stefan was the one that saved me
Matt: So do you feel like you owe him or something?
Elena: No. It's not that. It's... After the accident, I kind of felt like I didn't know how to live anymore. Like I didn't want to. But then being with Stefan, somehow I figured it out. And that's what love should be. You should love the person that makes you glad that you're alive
Matt: So then what's the problem?
Elena: The problem's Damon. I... When I'm with him, it just consumes me. And I know that I can't love them both. I know that it's wrong, but I... when I choose one, then I'll lose the other. And I don't want to lose anyone else. I... I just... I wish that I had my mom here to give me some advice
(She drinks more tea and looks through the window. Matt is looking at her)
[The Falls]
(It's a party. Elena goes away to make a phone call)
Elena: Hey it's me
Jenna: Your dad is making me play Pictionary. I suck at Pictionary
(Jenna is in the Gilbert kitchen with Miranda and Grayson)
Grayson: You do. You're terrible
Jenna: Bite me, Grayson
Elena: Listen, do you think someone can come pick me up?
Jenna: Oh, having second thoughts about ditching family night?
(She hands the phone over to Miranda)
Miranda: Elena? Everything OK?
Elena: Matt and I got into a fight. He was talking about college and marriage and all the stuff that he always talks about, and I just... I couldn't
Miranda: He doesn't really care about that yet, honey. He's just trying to figure out how you feel about him right now
Elena: I don't know how I feel
Miranda: Yes, you do. You're just afraid to say it
Elena: Yeah, but I don't want to lose him
Miranda: You're not going to lose him, honey. You're setting him free
[Matt's car]
(Matt is driving. Elena's in the passenger seat. She wakes up and looks around)
Elena: What's going on?
Matt: It's the only way I was going to get you in this truck
(She realizes something)
Elena: The tea. You drugged me?!
Matt: I'm sorry, Elena. But you're right, OK? You don't have any parents to tell you what's right or wrong. You've got me and Jeremy and a bunch of vampires fighting a w*r you shouldn't be in the middle of
Elena: What the hell is going on, Matt?
Matt: I'm getting you out of town, Elena. It's the only way to keep you safe
[A storage Unit]
(Alaric opens the lockers one by one. He hears the elevator. Rebekah gets out of the elevator and starts to walk)
Rebekah: Damon! Damon, where are you?
(Alaric takes the stake out of his jacket.
Rebekah: Damon, this isn't funny
(She arrives at the end of one of the allies and turns to her right. Alaric is following her from a distance. She walks and sees the units opened. Damon arrives from behind and puts his hand on her mouth and go against a wall)
Damon: Shh
(Alaric stops in front of the unit 1020. He opens it but Klaus's coffin isn't inside. Damon and Rebekah are about to put the coffin in the trunk of a car but Alaric arrives, catches Rebekah by the hair. Punches her head against the car and then throws her on the floor. Damon rushes toward him but Alaric kicks him and is thrown on the floor too. Alaric opens the coffin. Klaus is looking at him. Rebekah screams)
Rebekah: No!
Damon: No! Don't!
(She gets up and screams but Alaric drives the stake through Klaus' heart. Damon gets up and puts himself in front of Rebekah. She's screaming and crying. Damon is holding her but he's in shock. Klaus's body bursts into flames. Alaric looks at them, takes the stake from the burning body and then closes the coffin. He turns himself toward them)
Alaric: Next
Damon: Rebekah, run. Run!
(She runs and he rushes toward Alaric but he throws him on the floor once more and goes after Rebekah)
(Damon is alone, sitting against the car. He takes his phone, dials a number and puts to his ear. Stefan answers)
Stefan: Damon?
Damon: Bad news, brother. Alaric staked Klaus. He's d*ad
(Stefan is in the woods with Jeremy)
Stefan: I feel OK. Do you feel anything?
Damon: No
Stefan: It took Sage about an hour before she got sick
Damon: Yeah, or Klaus was lying about being the sire of our bloodline
Stefan: Well, if he wasn't lying... An hour's not enough time to get you all the way back to Mystic Falls
Damon: What, so we can have an epic good-bye, Stefan?
Stefan: Not us, brother. You and Elena
Damon: Well, I guess you'll just have to say good-bye for both us, won't you?
(Stefan doesn't say anything)
Damon: Call me if you cough up a lung
(He hangs up)
[The woods]
(Stefan hangs up too)
Jeremy: Stefan. Elena's not home. Matt and I... We're getting her out of town
Stefan: It's going to be fine. Klaus was lying. We're all going to be OK
(Elijah and Caroline rejoin them)
Elijah: What happened?
(He doesn't answer)
Caroline: Stefan?
[Matt's car]
(Matt is on the phone)
Matt: Got it, jer
(He hangs up)
Elena: We have to go back. Listen to me, Matt. If Klaus is the one that turned their bloodline, then they're all going to die. We have to go back, Matt!
Matt: Elena…
Elena: What?
Matt: Damon's not with them
Elena: What?
Matt: He's a hundred Miles out of town. I can keep driving to him, or I can turn around and go back to Stefan. It's your choice
[A storage Unit]
(Damon is sitting on the trunk, looks at the coffin. His phone rings. He looks at it. It's Elena. He answers)
Damon: Let me guess... calling to see if the grim reaper's paid a visit?
Elena: How are you feeling? Are there any symptoms?
Damon: Not yet. But I'm sure we'll have a laugh when we find out that Klaus is a big, fat liar
Elena: Yeah, I'm... I'm sure we will
Damon: Hey, where are you?
Elena: Matt's taking me home
(He understands what she means)
Damon: To Stefan
Elena: Not just Stefan... Damon. To Tyler. To Caroline
Damon: No Elena I get it. So… Since I'm possibly a d*ad man, can I ask you a question?
Elena: Yeah, of course
Damon: If it was just down to him and me, and you had to make a choice. Who got the good-bye? Who would it be?
Elena: I love him, Damon. He came into my life at a time when I needed someone, and I fell for him instantly. And no matter what I feel for you, I... I never un-fell for him
Damon: Hey, I get it. It's Stefan. It's always going to be Stefan
Elena: I can't think about "always". All I can think about is right now. And I care about you, Damon. Which is why I have to let you go
(She's crying)
Elena: I mean, maybe if you and I had met first...
Damon: Maybe
Elena: You're going to be fine. You hear me? You're going to be OK, and I'm going to see you soon
(He turns himself. Alaric's here)
Damon: Real soon. Good-bye, Elena
(He hangs up)
Damon: I see you're still pissed. I take it goldilocks gave you the slip?
(Alaric rushes over him and punches him in the face)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Caroline rushes inside)
Caroline: Tyler! Tyler!
(She looks around. She's crying. She turns herself and sees him)
Tyler: Caroline
Caroline: Tyler, oh, my God!
(She rushes into his arms)
Tyler: Hey. Sorry, I was just with Bonnie
(She looks at him, crying)
Tyler: What happened?
Caroline: Klaus died. He's d*ad
Tyler: You're going to be fine, Caroline
Caroline: No, it's not me that I'm worried about
Tyler: There's no point. I'm a lost cause
Caroline: No!
Tyler: But you're strong, and you have a beautiful future ahead of you. When you make it through this... Just tell my mother I left town like I was supposed to, OK?
(They kiss and embrace each other. She's still crying. Suddenly he screams and falls on the floor. He's coughing and then it stops. He turns himself and looks at Caroline)
Tyler: Do you feel anything?
Caroline: No. I feel fine
Tyler: I need you to get out of here. I don't want you to watch me die
Caroline: No, I'm not leaving
(He screams and coughs once more. She bends next to him)
Caroline: I'm staying
Tyler: No
Caroline: Yes
Tyler: You run. Or I'll make you run
Caroline: I'm not leaving!
(He starts to turn)
Tyler: Go!
(She cries and finally rushes outside)
[Matt's car]
(She's on the phone, crying)
Elena: You too Care
(She hangs up. Matt is looking at her)
Matt: What now?
Elena: It's Tyler. He, um... He's...
(Matt understands)
Matt: Damn it
(He cries and hits the wheel in anger. He screams)
Matt: Damn it, damn it, damn it!
Elena: Matt, no, stop it
(He stops and looks at her)
Matt: This isn't how our lives were supposed to be, Elena
[The woods]
(Rebekah rejoins Elijah. She's crying. He looks at her)
Rebekah: He's gone, Elijah. There was nothing I could do to stop it
(He embraces her. He has tears in his eyes)
Elijah: Tyler Lockwood is d*ad, but the rest survived. You said that Nicklaus turned their bloodline
Rebekah: I thought he did
Elijah: It wasn't me, it wasn't Kol
Rebekah: It wasn't me, Elijah. It was Nicklaus, I'm sure of it
Elijah: Then how are they still alive?
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Bonnie enters)
Bonnie: I know you're here
(Tyler comes out)
Tyler: I must say, you ex*cuted the swapping spell brilliantly. I didn't think you had it in you
Bonnie: I did it to save my friends and my mother, Klaus. Not you
Tyler/Klaus: The spirits won't be happy with you
Bonnie: Spirits don't get to tell me what to do anymore. I'm done getting pushed around by all of you. I did it because I wanted to
[The woods]
(Stefan answers his phone. It's Rebekah)
Stefan: Hello?
Rebekah: You're alive. Congratulations
Stefan: Rebekah
Rebekah: Elijah spoke to Elena. Her and Matt should be arriving back in town any minute
Stefan: Yeah, he told me that. He also said you two would be long gone out of town by now
Rebekah: That's the problem. Elijah says that we have to run, that the hunter will keep coming after us, but I don't want to run anymore, Stefan. I've spent my whole life running
Stefan: What are you talking about? We had a deal
Rebekah: I'm sorry, but Klaus is d*ad. There is no deal. If my brothers and I are going to survive, we need to get rid of Alaric, and the only way to get rid of Alaric...
Stefan: Rebekah, no
[Matt's car]
(Elena is looking at her phone)
Elena: I need to call Stefan, but my phone is dying
Matt: Here. Use mine
(He gives her his phone. They arrive at Wickery Bridge)
Elena: Thanks
(She raises her hand and sees Rebekah standing in the middle of the bridge)
Elena: Matt, look out!
(He makes a maneuver to avoid her and the car goes above the bridge and ends up and the water)
[A car, underwater]
(Elena is coughing. Water is filling the car. Her dad is trying to open the door. Elena looks at him)
Elena: Dad? Dad!
(He looks at her)
Grayson: We're going to be OK. I promise
(She coughs and the car is even more filled with water)
[A storage unit]
(Damon falls on the floor, h*t by Alaric His face is bleeding. Alaric is standing above him)
Alaric: You're not going to fight back?
Damon: You're kind of invincible, Ric
Alaric: Don't call me that. We're not friends
Damon: We were
Alaric: Well, our friendship was part of the problem. It's what kept me weak. That's why it took so long for the real me to break through. And now I'm going to break you
(He punches him hard)
[Middle of nowhere]
(Damon is lying on the road. He hears Elena talking)
Elena: I know, Bonnie, you're right. You and my mom both are. I just can't bring myself to tell him. At least not tonight. I'll call you later
(She hangs up. Damon arrives and looks at her)
Damon: Katherine
Elena: Um... No. I... I'm Elena
Damon: Oh. You... you just look... I'm sorry. You just really remind me of someone. I'm Damon
Elena: Not to be rude or anything, Damon, but it's kind of creepy that you're out here in the middle of nowhere
Damon: You're one to talk. You're out here all by yourself
Elena: It's Mystic Falls. Nothing bad ever happens here. I got into a fight with my boyfriend
Damon: About what? May I ask?
Elena: Life, the future. He's got it all mapped out
Damon: And you don't want it?
Elena: I don't know what I want
Damon: Well, that's not true. You want what everybody wants...
Elena: what? Mysterious stranger who has all the answers
Damon: Hmm. Well, let's just say I've been around a long time. I've learned a few things
Elena: So, Damon... Tell me. What is it that I want?
Damon: You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure, and even a little danger
Elena: So, what do you want?
(A horn honks. She turns herself. A car arrives)
Elena: That's my parents
(She looks at him and he compels her)
Damon: I want you to get everything you're looking for. But right now I want you to forget that this happened. I can't have people knowing I'm in town yet. Good night, Elena
(He disappears)
[A storage Unit]
Damon: Is that all you got?
Alaric: Not quite
(He's about to drive the stake through Damon's heart but Damon catches his arm and resists. He pushes him with his leg and then he gets up and punches him in the face)
[Wickery Bridge]
(Matt's car is at the bottom of the water. Elena opens her eyes. She looks around and sees Matt unconscious. She shakes him and touches his face)
(The inside of the car is filled with water. They're completely submerged .Grayson is still trying to open the door. Miranda is unconscious. Elena looks at her father)
(Elena is still shaking Matt. She tries to open the window and to break it with her elbow but she can't)
(Grayson tries to break the window with his elbow. Elena calls his dad but he can't really hear her because they're underwater. He turns himself and takes his hand. He shakes his head and she nods. They look at each other and she mouths an "I love you" to her dad. He releases her hand. Stefan arrives)
(Stefan looks through the window. Matt is still unconscious and Elena is still shaking him, desperate)
(Stefan looks at Grayson through the window but he shakes his hand and makes a sign toward Elena in the back. Stefan goes to the window and sees Elena, unconscious. He's intrigued when he sees her.)
(Stefan breaks the door and goes inside to catch Elena but she refuses and wants him to save Matt. He insists but she's resigned and refuses. He finally catches Matt and leaves with him. Elena finally dies)
[A storage Unit]
(Damon punches Alaric. Alaric he's about to h*t him with the stake but he catches his arm. But suddenly Alaric isn't okay)
Alaric: What's happening?
Damon: No!
Alaric: What's happening?!
Damon: What?
(Alaric falls on his knees and screams. Damon is holding him)
Damon: No! No! No, no, no, no!
(He's on his knees beside him. Alaric is dying)
Damon: Ric!
(Alaric is d*ad. Damon understands what it means)
Damon: You're not d*ad. You're not d*ad!
(He's crying)
[Gilbert's House]
(Jeremy is leaving a voicemail to Matt)
Jeremy: Matt, where are you guys? You should have been back by now
(Alaric appears and Jeremy stops, looking at him)
Alaric: Jeremy
Jeremy: I think you've done enough. How did you even get in here?
Alaric: I don't know. I just wanted to say good-bye and it kind of happened
Jeremy: Ric?
Alaric: I just want you to know... That I will always be here to look after you, Jeremy. And you'll never be alone. OK? I promise
Jeremy: I don't understand. Oh, my God, you're a ghost. But if you're d*ad... It means Elena...
[Mystic Falls Hospital]
(Elena is in the morgue. Lying on a table, d*ad. Stefan is sitting beside her, devastated)
(Damon arrives at the hospital)
Damon: Where is she?
(Meredith sees him)
Meredith: Damon…
Damon: Where is she?
(She stops him)
Meredith: Wait! You need to know, when Jeremy brought Elena in here earlier tonight, her injuries were worse than I let on. It wasn't a concussion. It was a cerebral hemorrhage. Bleeding on the brain
Damon: What are you saying?
Meredith: He was so worried. I didn't want to tell him but i… I helped her. She needed my help
Damon: You what?!
(Elena wakes up, gasping) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "03x22 - The Departed"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's House]
(There is a lot of noise, coming from the neighborhood and the city. Elena wakes up. She sits down, panicked, looking around her. Stefan is sitting on the bed)
Elena: Stefan?
Stefan: Hey. I'm right here. You've been in and out for hours
Elena: Wh... what happened?
Stefan: You were in an accident
Elena: Oh my god. Matt, is he...
Damon: Alive? Ask Stefan, the hero
Stefan: He's fine
Elena: Thank you. I thought that I... How did you...
Damon: Save you? He didn't
(She looks at him)
Stefan: When Jeremy brought you to the hospital before all of this happened, your injuries were worse than anyone knew. Meredith Fell made a choice. She used Damon's blood to heal you
Damon: And when Rebecca ran Matt's truck off the road, you had vampire blood in your system, Elena
Elena: Oh my god. Does... does that mean that I... Am I d*ad?
(None of them answer)
Elena: No. No, no, no! That... that wasn't supposed to happen!
Stefan: Maybe it doesn't have to. I talked to Bonnie. She said she's stronger than ever. There might be something she can do to help you
Damon: No, the only thing that's going to help is for you to feed and complete the transition
Stefan: We have all day before she has to feed, Damon. That's a day to exhaust every possible way out of this
Damon: There is no way out of it! We all know the drill... You feed or you die. There is no door number three
Elena: I was ready to die. I was supposed to die, I don't... I don't want... I can't be a vampire!
(She's crying)
Elena: If there's something that Bonnie can do, we have to try it
Stefan: We will. We'll try everything
Damon: Your choice, Elena. As always
(He gets up and leaves)
(He's searching for alcohol in one of the cupboard. He finds a bottle and pours himself a glass. Stefan enters)
Damon: Way to get her hopes up for something that's never happened in the history of vampirism
Stefan: Know what? You weren't there the day Elena looked me in the eye and told me she absolutely never wanted this
Damon: Then you shouldn't have let her die
Stefan: I never meant for her to die. She asked me to help Matt first and I did
Damon: And now the world has one more quarterback. Bravo, brother
Stefan: I made a choice that I will regret for the rest of my life. Now let me try to fix it
(He leaves. Damon drinks)
(Elena is in her bedroom. She's looking at herself in the mirror and holding her head. She closes her eyes and touches her teeth. There's a constant buzzing. She turns herself and sees Jeremy)
Elena: Jer!
(She goes toward him and they embrace each other)
Jeremy: Are you OK? I watched Vickie go through this. She was a mess. Her emotions were all over the place. All of these old memories came flooding back
Elena: I'm fine. I'm not Vickie
Jeremy: No, you're not. You're you. You act like everything's OK so no one worries about you, but you need help
Elena: I said I'm fine okay?
(She says it in an aggressive tone)
Elena: I... I'm sorry, I... Have you talked to Bonnie?
Jeremy: Yeah. She said when I was sh*t; she made some plea to the witch spirits to bring me back. And they listened
Elena: Yeah, but the consequences were horrible
Jeremy: And what could be more horrible than you turning into a vampire? I need my sister. Not another one of them
Elena: We're going to find a way out of this. Everything's going to be OK
Jeremy: I hope so
(He looks at her and leaves. She keeps hearing the buzzing from the light bulb. She has one hand on her head. She looks at it and finally goes toward it and breaks it with her hand)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Bonnie is looking at Klaus' body, partially b*rned. Tyler/Klaus enters)
Tyler/Klaus: It's beautiful, isn't it?
(He's smiling)
Bonnie: What is that doing here, Klaus? The deal we made with Tyler was that you'd leave his body and jump into someone else's the first chance you got
Tyler/Klaus: Yes. When I assumed I'd be a pile of Ash. But apparently fate and oxygen intervened, and there I am. Put me back
Bonnie: I can't right now
Tyler/Klaus: Your history teacher outed Tyler and Caroline to the council. They're on the w*r path and this body's vulnerable
Bonnie: I have to help Elena before she has to feed
Tyler/Klaus: Elena's d*ad and no longer my concern
Bonnie: You're forgetting who just saved your life
(He strangles her)
Tyler/Klaus: You're forgetting I can rip your tongue out! Now put... me... back
Bonnie: If I can keep Elena human, you'll still have an endless blood supply to make your hybrids. Isn't that what you really want?
(He releases her. She looks at him and leaves but he intercepts her with his vampire speed)
Tyler/Klaus: Same rules apply. No one knows. No one. Do you understand me, Bonnie?
[Mystic Falls Hospital]
(Meredith is in the hallway, looking at a file when Pastor Young and some men arrive)
Meredith: Pastor Young. To what do we owe the honor? And don't tell me it's your blood pressure again
Pastor Young: Honestly, Dr. Fell, I wish it were
(He talks to the men)
Pastor Young: Blood banks in the basement. One of you sweep the rooms
(They leave, following orders. She's surprised)
Meredith: What are you doing?
Pastor Young: Adding a few security measures. The blood in this place has a habit of flying off the shelves
Meredith: Who gave you that authority?
Pastor Young: The council. They've entrusted me to secure the town. And unlike some of our founding families, I don't have conflicting interests
Meredith: What is that supposed to mean?
Pastor Young: Alaric Saltzman told us everything, Meredith. Probably time to start looking for a new job
(He leaves)
(Matt is getting dressed in his room. Caroline is with him)
Matt: Elena doesn't want to be a vampire
Caroline: She doesn't want to be d*ad, and now she's not. This isn't your fault, Matt
Matt: This is all my fault. I was driving. I was saved. She's a vampire because of me!
Caroline: Shh! Cool it on the "v" word. I'm a fugitive, remember? I'm supposed to be halfway to Florida by now
Matt: If the council's after you, then why are you here?
Caroline: Because I don't know where to go. Tyler's d*ad, and everything's different now. And I...
(She cries and he embraces her. She hears someone, with a radio, coming. She suddenly looks at the door and disappears. One of the pastor's men enters)
Matt: Can I help you?
Man: Sorry
(He looks around the room and talks in his radio)
Man: All good here
(He leaves)
[Lockwood's mansion]
(Carol is being handcuffed by a deputy. Pastor Young is looking at her)
Carol: What's going on?
Pastor Young: We just need to ask you a few questions about your son
Carol: You can't arrest me. I'm the mayor of this town
Pastor Young: Not anymore, you're not
(The deputies leave with her)
[Sheriff department]
(Liz arrive but Pastor Young and his men intercept her)
Pastor Young: Sorry, Liz. You're not going to work today
Liz: What are you talking about? What's going on?
Pastor Young: They're taking your badge. You're not fit to protect us anymore
Liz: You have no idea what you're up against
Pastor Young: On the contrary, Liz. I've already taken your deputies. We've got the entire town's supply of vervain, including the stash found in the Salvatore house. We're making our move
[Forbes House]
(Caroline is about to leave, with her bags. Her phone rings, she answers)
Caroline: Mom! Hey
Liz: Caroline, where are you? And tell me it's far away
Caroline: Where am I? Good question. Uh, just a whole lot of boring highways. Why? Is everything OK?
(She goes out and is about to close the door when some men catch her. One of them injects vervain in her neck. Her phone falls on the floor)
Liz: Caroline, what's going on?
(Caroline is losing consciousness)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is eating a sandwich. Stefan looks at her)
Stefan: It's disgusting
Elena: No, it's, um...
Stefan: It's disgusting
Elena: Yeah, I'm going to puke
(She puts the sandwich on the plate and splits out what she has in her mouth in a napkin)
Elena: I never thought I'd be saying this, but I can't stop thinking about blood
Stefan: I should have saved you first. You shouldn't be going through this right now
Elena: No, if you had saved me, then Matt would be d*ad. What do you think I'd be going through then? Stefan, listen to me. You did the right thing. You did what you always do... You respected my choice
Stefan: And what am I supposed to do if Bonnie can't figure out a way to help you, huh? Because then you'll have another choice to make... Either let yourself die, or be a vampire
Elena: Well, then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Oh, my God. Did... Did I just say, "cross that bridge"?
(She laughs)
Stefan: You're laughing. I'm pretty sure you don't actually think that's funny
Elena I…
(She's still laughing)
Elena: I can't stop, though
Stefan: Your emotions are a bit heightened today. A lot heightened
(She starts to cry)
Stefan: Hey
(He embraces her)
Stefan: Shh. It's OK. It's OK
Elena: I'm sorry, I...
(He looks at her)
Stefan: Listen to me. No matter what happens, I'm here for you. I can help you
Elena: Yeah, I... I...
(She's disturbed by the light)
Stefan: Why don't you go back upstairs where it's dark. I'll clean up
(She leaves)
(Elena is upstairs and enters her room. She sees Damon)
Elena: I thought you left
Damon: Cute pjs
(She surprised and looks at what she's wearing and she suddenly sees herself. She's remembering Damon's declaration)
Elena: I'm tired Damon
Damon: I brought you this
(He shown her the necklace)
Elena: I thought that was gone. Thank you
(She tries to catch it but he doesn't give it to her. Elena's looking at the scene and closes her eyes. Whe she opens them, the memory disappears. She looks around the room and looks at the door but hears Damon's voice. She turns her head and the scene restarts from where it ended)
Elena: Please give it back
Damon: I just have to say something
Elena: Why do you have to say it with my necklace?
Damon: Well, because what I'm about to say is… probably the most selfish thing I have ever said in my life
Elena: Damon, don't go there
Damon: No, I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. I love you, Elena and it's because I love you that… I can't be selfish with you. Why you can't know this? I don't deserve you but my brother does
(He kisses her on the forehead. Elena is still looking at the scene and seems touched)
Damon: God, I wish you don't have to forget this but you do
(He compels her and sheds a tear. She closes her head and she's alone in her bedroom. She looks around her, surprised and touches her neck. She seems thoughtful)
[Klaus' mansion]
(Rebekah is looking at Klaus' drawings. Suddenly she throws all of them and other things on the floor, angrily. Damon arrives)
Rebekah: You should know better than to sneak up on a lady
Damon: Good advice. Have you seen one?
(She turns herself)
Rebekah: Tragic about Elena. Not to make the gray cloud grayer, but does Matt even have automobile insurance?
(She turns her back on him and he rushes over her with a stake. She stops him and catches his arm. She pushes him against some boxes. She looks at the stake and twists his wrist so he releases the stake. It falls on the floor. Suddenly Rebekah is sh*t through the window. Damon disappears. Rebekah faces the window and she's staked by an arrow. She dies and collapses
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in her bedroom, looking at a photo of herself with her parents. Suddenly, she hears noise downstairs. She goes down the stairs)
Elena: Stefan?
(She stops when she sees Stefan surrounded by deputies, their g*n aimed at him)
Stefan: Elena, don't move
(She looks at them. Pastor Young is looking at her)
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Tyler/Klaus is sitting on the coffin. He seems bored. His phone rings. He looks at it)
Tyler/Klaus: Ah, you incessant woman
(He takes a deep breath and answers)
Tyler/Klaus: Hey, mom. What's up?
Carol: Tyler, thank God. Are you OK?
Tyler/Klaus: Fine. Why? What's going on?
Carol: Pastor Young had me arrested this morning. The council grilled me on your whereabouts. Tyler, don't tell me where you are. The less I know, the better
Tyler: Mom, I'm OK. Relax
Carol: You didn't answer your phone, honey. I was so scared that you were with Caroline
Tyler: Why? What happened to Caroline?
Carol: The council took her
Tyler: What do you mean they took her?
[Middle of the road]
(A truck is escorted by two police cars. Rebekah wakes up inside of the truck. Caroline is next to her, completely awake. Rebekah looks at her restraint)
Caroline: Vervain ropes. Looks like Alaric outed us all to the council
Rebekah: The council... What exactly do they think they can do to me?
(Suddenly, the truck is h*t by something. The truck rolls over various times and finally stops. They're on their backs because the truck is on the side)
Rebekah: What the hell happened?
(One os the sheriff's car is flipped over on the top. Another car is damaged on the front and the trunk is on the side and damaged. The other sheriff's car is fleeing. Tyler/Klaus opens the back door of the truck. Caroline and Rebekah look at him. He enters and goes to Caroline. She's surprised)
Caroline: Tyler?
Tyler/Klaus: I'm harder to k*ll than you think
(He breaks the seat belt. Rebekah looks at him and doesn't understand. The sheriff's car arrives. Caroline can't believe it)
Caroline: You're alive?!
(He breaks the ropes)
Caroline: Tyler, you're alive!
(She's laughing)
Tyler/Klaus: No time. Come on. We got to go
(He helps her get on her feet)
Rebekah: Wait, what about me?
Tyler/Klaus: Keep 'em busy, little sister
(He leaves. She can't believe it)
Rebekah: That's impossible!
(She fights against the restraints but gives up)
[Gilbert's House]
(Damon is cleaning the living room. Liz enters)
Damon: They're gone. Whoever nailed Rebekah took them, too. Please tell me you have something. Anything
(Meredith rejoins them)
Liz: I can't. The council locked Carol and me out of our offices. Files, computers, everything
Damon: So the mayor and the sheriff never contemplated a back-up plan, Liz?
(He gets closer to her)
Meredith: Damon, relax
(She looks at Liz)
Meredith: When Caroline called to say she got away, did she know where they were planning to take her?
Liz: No, just that she was in some van in the middle of nowhere and she managed to escape
Damon: Perfect. We've narrowed it down to nowhere
(Matt enters)
Matt: Hey. Is Elena here?
(Damon turns himself and rushes toward him. He catches him and pushes him against a wall, strangling him)
Damon: In what world are you the one that gets to live?!
(Matt can't breathe. Meredith tries to stop him. Liz is here)
Meredith: Damon, stop! It wasn't his fault!
Liz: Let him go, Damon. Now
(Damon finally releases him)
[House in the middle of nowhere]
(Elena is with Pastor Young. She's uncomfortable)
Pastor Young: Still want to be a writer? I remember how you'd read your short stories to my daughter when you'd baby-sit. She still loves writing because of you
Elena: Why did you bring me here?
Pastor Young: My deputies can watch out for us here. No vampires have been invited in
(The tic-tac from the clock is intensified. She looks at it and touches her head. She doesn't really listen to him)
Pastor Young: Look, Elena, I know it sounds crazy, but years ago it was your parents who were advocating having an emergency plan for this. I never thought we'd actually have to use it
(She's disturbed by the light and tries to get away from it)
Pastor Young: Elena? Are you okay?
Elena: Where's Stefan?
Pastor Young: Where he can't hurt you
Elena: He would never hurt me. You have no idea what you're talking about
Pastor Young: Well, I know that where you go, Salvatore vampires seem to follow. Are you hungry?
(He opens the fridge)
Elena: No
(He takes something from the fridge and takes a Kn*fe)
Pastor Young: So we'll hold Stefan until Damon comes searching for you two. And we'll use Rebekah to lure her siblings back into town. You'll give us the white oak stake, and then... We will exterminate the entire vampire race for good
(He puts a plate with food in front of her. She looks at it and her breathing accelerates)
Pastor Young: Something wrong?
(She looks at him. She's not fine)
Pastor Young: Elena, are you OK?
Elena: Yeah
(She looks at his neck and hears his heart beating. Everything around her is intensified)
Elena: I've got to get out of here
(She gets up and goes outside. She's running. He gets out and looks at her)
Pastor Young: Get her!
(Her vision is altered and she's disturbed by the light. She stops and turns her head. A deputy is here. He hits her in the face with his elbow)
[The woods]
(Caroline and Tyler/Klaus are kissing)
Caroline: I never thought I'd see you again! I don't get it. How are you alive?
Tyler/Klaus: This is going to sound incredible, but...
(She kisses him and he drives her against another tree with his speed and they're still kissing. She removes his jacket and his shirt and they kiss again.)
Tyler/Klaus: Easy, love. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong equipment
Caroline: You're miraculously alive. We're fugitives on the run. All signs point to hot hybrid vampire sex
(She removes her jacket and kisses him. She pushes him against a tree and removes her top. She kisses him and suddenly realizes something and stops)
Caroline: Did you just call me "love"?
Tyler/Klaus: I don't know, love. Did I?
Caroline: What the hell did you do to Tyler?
Tyler/Klaus: That's what I enjoy about you. So much more than a pretty face
Caroline: Oh, my God. You're Klaus! You're disgusting!
Tyler/Klaus: And you're a glorious kisser.
(She punches him)
Tyler/Klaus: Listen... I didn't have to risk exposure to come save you
Caroline: Oh, you do one semi-decent thing and now you're my hero? Ugh! I need to go sanitize my mouth
(She puts her top back)
Tyler/Klaus: Your mouth was all over me. I was an innocent victim
Caroline: Put Tyler back
Tyler/Klaus: Gladly. Then maybe I'll take you up on your offer of hot hybrid sex
(He smiles and leaves)
[Abandoned Witch House]
(Bonnie is sitting on the floor. Candles are lit. She has a grimoire open on her lap. She's casting a spell. Jeremy is standing, looking at her. She stops and opens her eyes)
Bonnie: The spirits aren't listening
Jeremy: Well, is that it? Is that all we can do?
Bonnie: There's something else I could try
Jeremy: What? Do it
(She gets up)
Bonnie: If the witches won't help me save Elena, then maybe I could go to the other side and bring her back myself
Jeremy: The other side? The other side's for d*ad people
Bonnie: She's still in transition. Not fully d*ad, not fully alive. What if her spirit still exists on both sides?
Jeremy: Even if it does, how can you get there? You're not d*ad
(She ducks her head and he understands. He gets closer to her)
Jeremy: No. No, Bonnie!
Bonnie: I was able to stop your heart to stop Klaus'. I'll do the same thing to myself. Witches have free reign on the other side. I will find Elena and I will bring her back with me
Jeremy: Assuming you wake up!
Bonnie: I'm stronger now. I found a new source of power
Jeremy: A new source of power?! What kind of powers can let you k*ll yourself and bring someone back with you from the d*ad?
Bonnie: Do you want Elena back or not?
[Gilbert's House]
(Damon, Meredith, Matt and Liz are in the living room)
Liz: With your vervain and Alaric's w*apon, they could be anywhere
Damon: Come on, guys, think. It takes a lot to hold a vampire. Reinforced steel, iron doors
Matt: The pastor has a cattle ranch
(They look at him)
Matt: Those pens could easily be modified
Meredith: It's remote, it's secluded
(She looks at Damon)
Damon: Well, guess what. Looks like you get a chance to prove how sorry you really are. Let's go
(He looks at him and they leave)
[A barn]
(Elena wakes up, holding her head. She's lying on the ground. She looks at the ceiling and sees that vervain is being infiltrated. Rebekah is in the cell in front of her. She's looking at her. Elena sits up, still holding her head)
Rebekah: I thought I k*lled you
(She looks around her)
Elena: Where am I?
Rebekah: They thought you were a vampire so they stuck you in here with us
Elena: Where's Stefan?
Stefan: Elena, I'm right here
(He's in the cell next to her but she can't see him)
Stefan: Are you okay?
Elena: Stefan...
(She tries to get up but she's too weak)
Elena: I need to feed
Rebekah: Ah. I see what's going on here. You died with vampire blood in your system and you didn't feed and now you're locked up in here without a drop of human blood in sight. That is a problem
(Elena is looking at her)
Stefan: Just ignore her
Rebekah: Has anyone done the math, or shall I? I'd say you've got less than three hours to feed before I get to watch you die all over again
(Elena tries to break the gate. Rebekah smiles)
Rebekah: My day just got a whole lot better
[Abandoned Witch House]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are sitting. She's holding his hands and casting a spell. There are whispers around them. Jeremy opens his eyes and looks at her. Her nose is bleeding. He's concerned)
Jeremy: Oh my god
(She's struggling to continue)
Jeremy: Bonnie! Bonnie. Open your eyes. Bonnie, I can't let you do this
(She doesn't listen to him)
Jeremy: You're dying!
(She raises her voice while casting the spell. Black veins appear on her arms and on her face)
Jeremy: What the hell is that?!
(She collapses)
Jeremy: Bonnie, no!
(He goes next to her but she's unconscious)
Jeremy: Bonnie. Bonnie, wake up! Bonnie wake up!
[A barn]
(Bonnie appears in Elena's cell. She turns herself and sees Elena sitting on the ground, her eyes closed. She's pale and seems ill. Bonnie gets closer)
Bonnie: Elena…
(She bends next to her and touches her hand)
Bonnie: Come back. Come back Elena
(Elena starts to open her eyes. Bonnie helps her getting up but Elena can't see her. She gets up, wondering what's happening)
Elena: Stefan? Stefan, something's happening
(Stefan is concerned)
Bonnie: You're going home
(Suddenly Sheila appears)
Sheila: No!
(Elena feels that she lost the connection and flops down on the floor, weak)
Bonnie: Grams? What are you doing?
Sheila: You can't be in here. You stay away from this sort of darkness
Bonnie: Elena needs me
Sheila: she is not your problem to solve. Now go. Before they try to keep you here
Bonnie: Grams, please!
Sheila: This magic is dark, Bonnie. It is not nature's plan. Touch it again, and the spirits will unleash their anger in ways that will make you suffer. Stay away. Go!
(Bonnie disappears)
[Abandoned Witch house]
(Jeremy is still trying to wake up Bonnie)
Jeremy: Bonnie, wake up! Wake up! Come on. Bonnie, open your eyes
(She opens her eyes. He's relieved)
Jeremy: Ha! You're awake!
(He takes her in his arms)
Jeremy: You're alive
Bonnie: I couldn't do it. It didn't work
[A barn]
(Elena is still on the ground, weak)
Elena: Stefan…
Stefan: What happened?
Elena: I'm out of time. I need blood. I'm dying
(She's struggling to breathe. Stefan starts to gets up and shouts)
Stefan: Hey! Anyone! Hey!
Rebekah: Will you shut up?
Stefan: You think we're afraid of you?
(A deputy finally enters and stops in front of him)
Deputy: You want more vervain? Keep it down
Stefan: Listen to me. Elena's going to die if you don't let her out of here
(The deputy looks at her)
Deputy: Sorry. Not my problem
Stefan: She's innocent. Let her out
(He leaves. Stefan uses his speed to in his cell to follow him and shouts. The deputy sh**t him. Stefan falls on the ground)
Elena: Stop!
(Stefan gets up)
Stefan: I said let her out!
(The deputy sh**t him again and leaves. He's suffering. Rebekah looks at him)
[Abandoned Witch House]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are in front of the coffin. Tyler/Klaus and Caroline are here)
Jeremy: She said she's not strong enough!
Tyler/Klaus: You were strong enough to put me in here. Surely you're strong enough to get me out
Bonnie: I upset the spirits trying to save Elena. I can't use that kind of magic again. It's too dangerous
Tyler/Klaus: Bonnie, do the bloody spell!
Caroline: She said she can't, OK?
(Tyler/Klaus looks at her)
Caroline: We'll just wait a few days until you're strong enough to do it with traditional magic. Right, Bonnie?
(Tyler/Klaus turns himself to look at Bonnie. She doesn't answer. He rips of his shirt, takes a deep breath and raises his hand. Claws come out. He sticks them in Tyler's chest. He screams)
Caroline: What are you doing?
Tyler/Klaus: Ripping Tyler's heart out. I'll jump into someone else
(He looks at Jeremy)
Tyler/Klaus: Maybe you
(He sinks the claws deeper)
Bonnie: Oh my god
Caroline: Oh, my God, stop, stop!
Jeremy: He's bluffing. He needs a witch to do that
Tyler/Klaus: What makes you think I don't have one? Or ten? Pick, Bonnie! You or Tyler!
(He continues)
Caroline: Stop! Please! You're k*lling him!
Bonnie: Fine, I'll do it! Just stop
(He stops and looks at bonnie)
Tyler/Klaus: Good. Let's begin
[A barn]
(Stefan drags himself against the wooden wall of his cell. He removes the wooden b*llet from his leg)
Stefan: Elena. Are you still with me?
(She's sitting against the wall of her own cell. She's weaker and paler)
Elena: Yeah. Yeah, I'm here. I'm okay
Stefan: No, you're not. I can hear your breathing
(Rebekah is watching them. She can see both of them from her cell)
Stefan: Damon was right. You should have fed this morning. I'm so sorry
Elena: Don't be. You had hope. That's all I ever wanted you to have. And you had it
Stefan: I love you so much
Elena: Do you know why I was even on that bridge? I was coming back for you, Stefan. I had to choose, and... I picked you. Because I love you
(He's crying and Rebekah is still watching them)
Elena: No matter what happens... It's the best choice I ever made. God... it sucks I can't see you right now
Stefan: I'm smiling
(But he's crying)
Elena: Me too
(Rebekah seems touched. Elena can't hardly breathe and closes her eyes)
[Pastor Young's House]
(Damon parks in front of the house. He goes out of the car. So does Matt)
Matt: So, what, we just storm the place with zero w*apon?
Damon: No, we don't need w*apon. Just bait
(He jumps on him and drinks his blood. Matt is on the ground, holding his neck and groaning. Damon looks at the house)
Damon: Yoo-hoo! Anybody home? Big bad vampire out here
(His fangs are out and he has blood on his mouth. Pastor Young opens the door but stays inside)
Pastor Young: Let him go, the boy's innocent
Damon: Well, that's the point. Give me Stefan and Elena, he's all yours
(He doesn't answer. Damon grabs Matt)
Damon: Come on, pastor. You know I'll k*ll him. I want to k*ll him
(He smiles)
Pastor Young: Go way! You are not invited in! And I'm not coming out
(Damon is sh*t)
[Abandoned Witch House]
(Tyler/Klaus is on his knees. Bonnie has her hands on each side of his head. Her eyes are closed and she's casting a spell. Caroline and Jeremy look at them)
Jeremy: This is black magic. She shouldn't be doing this
(Tyler exhales and opens his eyes. He looks at Caroline)
Caroline: Tyler?
(He smiles)
Tyler: Caroline
(She smiles)
Tyler: Hey
(He collapses. Bonnie is still casting a spell)
Jeremy: Bonnie. What are you doing?
Sheila: I warned you child
(Bonnie opens her eyes. Sheila is facing her)
Sheila: I warned you to stay away
(Only Bonnie can see her. Caroline is next to Tyler and Jeremy is looking at Bonnie)
Jeremy: Bonnie, it works. Stop
(Caroline turns herself and looks at her. Sheila is holding Bonnie's hands)
Bonnie: What's happening? Let me go!
Sheila: I can't
Bonnie: Let me go!
Caroline: Bonnie, what's happening?
(Black veins appear on Sheila's forearms)
Bonnie: I can't let her go!
Jeremy: Bonnie, stop the spell!
Sheila: You made your choice. Now they're taking it out on me
(The veins appear on her face too. She screams)
Bonnie: I'm sorry, grams! They can't do this to you! Please! Don't do this to her!
Caroline: Bonnie, stop!
(Sheila is still screaming. Bonnie screams too)
Bonnie: No! No! No!
(She falls on her knees. Sheila's gone. She cries)
Bonnie: Oh my god! What have I done?! What did I do?!
(Jeremy is next to her)
Jeremy: You're OK, you're OK
Bonnie: What did I do? What did I do?
[A barn]
(2 deputies enter. Rebekah looks at them. Stefan and her look at each other and she nods. The two deputies are together)
Deputy 1: I got this. Bring the other one in
(The second deputy leaves)
Rebekah: Excuse me? Sir
(She coughs. He takes his g*n and comes to her cell)
Deputy: I thought I told you to shut up
Rebekah: Here's the thing... My family, we... We have money. Castles, apartments, jewelry. Just name your price and let me out
(He gets closer)
Deputy: I'd much rather watch you die
(She rushes toward him, her fang out. He's surprised and cringes towards Stefan's cell, his g*n aimed at Rebekah. Stefan catches his from behind, by the throat and bangs his head against the cell various times until he dies and thrown the body next to Elena's cell so the blood pours next to her. She slowly opens her eyes)
Stefan: Elena, Elena
(She looks at the blood and tries to reach it with her hand but it's too far. She spreads her hand as far as she can, putting her head through the bars. The blood is spreading. After a lot of struggle, she finally reaches it. Her fingers have touched it. She licks her fingers and sheds a tear)
[Pastor Young House]
(Damon is lying on the ground. Matt is next to him. 2 deputies arrive, aiming their w*apon at Damon. One of them shakes him with his feet. He's unconscious. He gets up with his speed and takes their g*n. He breaks one of the deputies neck and rushes to the other. He takes his g*n and s*ab him with it. Matt coughs. Damon turns himself to look at him. He kicks him and stands above him)
Matt: Go ahead and k*ll me. You can't possibly hate me more than I hate myself
Damon: Oh, yes, I can. It should have been you
(He strangles him with his foot but Elena rushes toward Damon and throws him on the ground, her fangs out)
Elena: Leave him alone!
[A barn]
(Matt drags himself to the barn and collapses. Stefan arrives and makes him drink his blood. Matt sits down)
Matt: Just stop! Stop saving me
Stefan: What the hell is your problem?
Matt: What do you want me to say, thank you? Because honestly, I wish you'd just let me drown
Stefan: What, you think you were my first choice?
Matt: Elena's a vampire because of me. I have to live with that every day for the rest of my life
Stefan: No, no, you don't have to live with that, you get to live with that. Because Elena put your life before her own. So every morning when you get out of bed, you sure as hell better earn it
(He looks at him and leaves)
[Pastor Young House]
Elena: You were going to k*ll him
Damon: Yep. The guy just won't die
Elena: It was my choice to save him. Why aren't you seeing that?
Damon: It's a little hard to keep track of all your choices lately, Elena
(He‘s about to go into his car)
Elena: I remember everything
(He stops)
Elena: One of the highlights of my transition... Remembering everything that you compelled me to forget
(He comes back next to her)
Elena: Like how you and I met first. We were strangers. And you told me you wanted me to get everything I wanted from life. Damon, why didn't you tell me?
Damon: Would it have made a difference?
(She doesn't answer)
Damon: I didn't think so
Elena: You asked me to make a choice, Damon. So I did. If you're going to be mad, then take it out on me, not on Stefan or Matt or anyone else. Me
Damon: Are we done here?
Elena: If it had been you at the bridge last night and not Stefan, and I begged you to save Matt...
Damon: I would have saved you. In a heartbeat, no question
Elena: That's what I thought. Then Matt would be d*ad because you couldn't let go. Matt would be d*ad!
Damon: But you wouldn't be. And you would have gotten to grow up. And had the life that you wanted; the life that you deserve. And I know that I didn't used to get that, but I do now. And I wanted that for you, Elena. And I would have gladly have given it to you and let Matt die because I am that selfish. But you knew that already. The first night we met's not all you remember.
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Klaus is back in his body. He's putting blood bags, presumably Elena's, in a box filled with ice-cubes. Rebekah enters)
Rebekah: How dare you save Caroline over me!
Klaus: "Hello, brother, I thought you were d*ad. So pleased you're not."
Rebekah: You left me
Klaus: I only had time to save one of you and you can't be k*lled. Rest assured, I had a worse day than you. I think it's time for us to move on, find some more werewolves
Rebekah: So you can create your hybrid family? You don't know anything about family!
Klaus: Well, I know how easily they can be silenced with a dagger
(She takes one of the blood bag and throws it against the wall. The bag explodes)
Klaus: No!
(She takes the two other bags)
Klaus: Drop them
(She has tears in her eyes)
Rebekah: I mourned you! My heart broke thinking I'd never see you again!
Klaus: Put the blood down, Rebekah, there's a good girl
Rebekah: It's always been me! Not Finn. Not Elijah, not Kol, me. I loved you through everything and you don't even care
Klaus: Drop it!
(She's crying)
Rebekah: You want your family? Here's your family
(She destroys the bags. He rushes over her and strangles her)
Klaus: You know something, Rebekah, you were right. I don't care. From this moment on, you're not my family, you're not my sister. You are nothing
(He breaks her neck and leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena and Stefan are on the roof)
Elena: The whole council knows who we are now. Everything's about to change
Stefan: Yeah, I'm sure Damon has a revenge plan cooked up. We'll figure out a way to deal with it
Elena: Stefan, you don't have to convince me that everything's going to be OK
Stefan: I know. Wish I could, though. Wish I could just tell you that you'll never feel pain. That you'll never crave blood. But you will. It will be the worst thing that you've ever lived through
Elena: But I'll get to live. I'll be a sister and a friend, and... I'll be with you. If I want
(She smiles and they kiss)
Elena: I'm going to get through this. The same way we've been through everything, one day at a time. We should get inside before sunrise
Stefan: Bonnie made this for you yesterday
(It's a lapis lazuli ring)
Stefan: Just in case
Elena: Daylight ring?
(He puts it on her finger)
Stefan: One day at a time, right?
(They smile. She nods and they kiss. She puts her head on his shoulder and they look at the sun rising)
[Pastor Young House]
(Pastor Young opens the gas from the cooker. The whole council is here)
Pastor Young: Folks, by now you know that the vampires have escaped. And it won't be long before they retaliate against us. But fear not. For I have been chosen to lead us in a movement
(All the vervain is on the table. He locks the door)
Man: What are you talking about?
Pastor Young: Hear me, loved ones. Soon we'll be free to pass through the gates... And we'll all reunite in eternity
Man: Seriously, pastor, what's going on here?
Pastor Young: Friends... We are the beginning
(He lights a lighter. Everyone screams. The kitchen explodes) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x01 - Growing Pains"} | foreverdreaming |
[The Woods]
(Stefan and Elena wake up. They're lying on the ground, under a cover. She looks at him. She smiles)
Elena: Hi
Stefan: Hi
[Salvatore's' House]
(Stefan is in his bedroom, packing some stuff. Damon's here)
Damon: You're making a big mistake
Stefan: No, I'm not. If I can get Elena used to animal blood right out the gate...
Damon: You're reaching
Stefan: Maybe she'll be able to bypass all the things that we went through
Damon: Delusional
Stefan: Maybe she actually has a sh*t at this
Damon: Wrong. You're just wrong, Stefan
Stefan: She won't be able to handle it if she hurts someone, Damon. Her compassion is her Achilles' heel and everything is magnified right now
Damon: Then you better hope she's not a fan of Bambi
[The Woods]
(Stefan and Elena are looking at a doe. She doesn't seem convinced)
Stefan: Close your eyes
(She closes them. Stefan uses he speed and goes to the doe)
[Salvatore's House]
Damon: She needs human blood, Stefan. From the vein
Stefan: Oh, come on, you know what happens. You name me a vampire who didn't k*ll at least one person when they were new
(Damon gets up)
Damon: You name me one who went on the bunny diet and didn't k*ll dozens
[The woods]
(Elena has drunk from the dos. She has blood on her mouth and seems about to cry)
[Salvatore's House]
Stefan: If she kills someone, she will crumble. How much pain do you think she can take before she shuts off her humanity switch?
Damon: It happens to the best of us at least once
[The woods]
(Elena gets up and the doe leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
Damon: We get over it, Stefan. A hundred years or so
Stefan: Yeah, well, I think I'd like her to skip that part
Damon: She can't learn to control the blood lust if she's never actually experienced the blood lust
(He empties Stefan's bag)
Stefan: What are you doing? Knock it off
(Damon continues)
Damon: It's like a cheat. Like giving a kid a calculator before they know math
(Stefan catches his arm)
Stefan: I said stop
(Damon pushes him. They look at each other)
[The Woods]
(Elena looks at the blood on her hands. She seems shaken)
Stefan: Don't worry, he'll heel. Bigger animals are more resilient
(He removes the blood from her mouth with a tissue)
Stefan: Hey. You did it. I know it's hard. But you can do this
(She's crying. She nods)
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena enters the room and sees the tension between Stefan and Damon)
Elena: Whoa. What's going on?
Stefan: Oh, we're just having a little disagreement about process, right?
Elena: You're still not on board with the animal plan
Damon: Nope. I say rip off the proverbial Band-Aid and let it bleed. You're a vampire, Elena. Be a vampire
(Stefan puts his stuff back in the bag and rejoins Elena. She looks at him)
Stefan: You ready to go?
(She nods. They're about to leave)
Damon: vampires eat people
(They stop)
Damon: It's part of the natural food pyramid. Trust me. You're going to be miserable
(They leave)
[The woods]
Elena: I can't do it
(She laughs)
Stefan: All right, it's like the starting line of a race, right? So you just push off with every ounce of strength that you have, ok?
(She looks at him)
Elena: I was a cheerleader. I sucked at track
Stefan: Just concentrate, ok? You can do it
(She bends. He touches her waist. She smiles)
Elena: I can't. All I can think about is your hands on my body
Stefan: Oh ok
(He removes them)
Elena: No, no, no, I didn't…
(She puts them back)
Elena: I didn't say take them off. It feels good
Stefan: Yeah? What does it feel like?
Elena: It feels like you're touching every nerve on my body
(He caresses her arms)
Stefan: Everything is heightened
(He whispers in her ear)
Stefan: Taste. The smell. Sight. Touch
(He kisses her neck. She turns herself and they kiss. He carries her and pushes her against a tree. They undress each other and kiss but suddenly she pushes him. She's not okay. She leaves with her vampire speed and kneels on the ground. She vomits blood)
[Pastor Young House]
(The house is b*rned. A man enters and looks around. He looks at the opened gas line. He sees a lighter on the ground. He opens the oven and finds a letter inside. The letter is for a girl named April. He takes it and opens it. He reads it)
[Mystic Grill]
(Damon is sitting alone at the bar, drinking. Liz arrives, a newspaper in her hand and is about to sit next to him)
Damon: This seat's taken
(She puts the newspaper in front of him. He takes it and reads it)
Damon: "Faulty gas line leads to tragic expl*si*n at Young farm". Really?
Liz: Better than "Town council blown up, police have no suspects". Unless the perpetrator's right next to me
Damon: Well, don't look at me. I always take credit for k*lling people
(She looks at him suspiciously)
Damon: Seriously, stop looking at me like that, Liz. If I was going to k*ll ten people, I wouldn't blow 'em up. I'd have a dinner party
Liz: The expl*si*n was sparked from inside. This wasn't an accident
(The man who was in the pastor's house enters and sees them, he walks toward them)
Damon: You say that like it's a bad thing. The council's d*ad, Liz. I see that as a win
Liz: I've known some of the council since I was a kid. They were my friends
Damon: Well, your friends tried to k*ll your daughter. Who's the new guy?
(The man rejoins them)
Man: Excuse me, sheriff. Hi. I was wondering if I could speak to you for a minute. It's about the expl*si*n at the Young farm
Liz: I'm sorry, mister...
Man: Oh, Connor Jordan
Liz: Are you with the insurance investigators?
Connor: No, no, I'm more of an independent contractor. Can we speak in private?
Liz: Sure
Connor: Thanks
(She looks at Damon and follows Connor)
Damon: Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Busybody Guy
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Jeremy and Matt are loading boxes in the trunk of a car)
Matt: So what are these again?
Jeremy: They're paper lanterns. Student council made them for after the memorial. You light them up in honor of all the d*ad
Matt: Nobody thought f*re might be a little inappropriate?
Jeremy: Yeah, I wouldn't make that crack in front of Elena
(They return to one of the picnic tables)
Matt: How is she?
Jeremy: I guess she's fine... considering
Matt: If there's anything I can do, you know, short of giving her a ride, you'll let me know, right? I'm only alive because she told Stefan to save me first. She's a vampire because of me, so I'd like to pay it back or forward or whatever
Jeremy: Yeah
(They're rejoined by a girl)
Girl: Jeremy?
(They look at her but don't seem to recognize her)
Girl: Picture an emo pixie cut and braces
Jeremy: April?
April: Yeah
Jeremy: Oh, you look great
(He looks at Matt)
Jeremy: Do you remember April? Elena used to…
Matt: Elena used to baby-sit you, yeah, I remember
April: Yeah, before I got shipped off to boarding school by my dad
Jeremy: Your dad. Oh, my God, I am so sorry about your dad
April: Thank you. I guess. I sort of don't know how to answer when people say that
Matt: Your dad was Pastor Young, right?
April: He of the faulty gas line. Sorry. I haven't figured out what to say about that yet, either. Wow, I am being a freak. I'm just, you know, not much for grief, I guess. I have to go register... Or something. I think
(She leaves. They look at her)
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is in Stefan's bedroom, leaving a voicemail de Caroline)
Elena: Hey, care, it's me. I'm back. I, um... Can you call me? I've been having some... adjustment issues
(Stefan comes back and she hangs up)
Elena: Hey
Stefan: Hi
(He has a bottle of champagne in his hand)
Elena: Well, what's that for?
Stefan: This is from the year you were born. I think we should celebrate
Elena: Celebrate what?
Stefan: Your first feed. I know it was disgusting and traumatic and it was horrible. But you did it anyway. You survived it
Elena: Well, um... I wouldn't say I survived it. It actually kind of made me sick
Stefan: Listen, I choked it down for a month before I could stomach the taste. It gets easier. This, on the other hand, will go down like silk
(They smile)
Elena: You're so cheery
Stefan: Yeah, because you're here. You're...alive. Ish. And, uh, you're going… you're going to get through this. So, would you like to do the honors?
Elena: Okay
(She takes the bottle and opens it)
Elena: Oh!
(She smiles. The champagne pours everywhere)
Elena: Oh my god
(She's smiling. Stefan pours the champagne in two cups)
Stefan: Cheers
(They kiss. His phone rings. He answers. It's Damon)
Stefan: Ah, perfect timing, Damon. Yeah, we just got back. What?
[Mystic Grill]
(Elena sits down next to him)
Elena: Did you do it?
Damon: That seat's taken
Elena: But there's no one here
Damon: Well, I'm just going to pretend like there's someone there because the alternative's just too damn depressing
(She sits down in the other sit next to him)
Elena: Did you set off the expl*si*n that k*lled the town council?
Damon: Am I wearing my "I blew up the council" t-shirt? Why does everybody keep asking me that?
Elena: Did you?
Damon: No. Anything else?
Elena: Yes. Something's wrong. I can't keep any of the animal blood down
Damon: Well, there's a shock
Elena: I think I need your help
Damon: Of course you do. Pick your meal
(He starts pointing out to people)
Damon: You got Asian fusion, Mexican, what about some good old American comfort food?
Elena: No. No human blood. Stefan's right. I have to at least try to get through this without hurting anyone
(He drinks)
Damon: Fine. Come on
(He takes her by the arm so she follows him)
(They enter the restrooms and he locks the door)
Elena: What are you doing?
(He bites his hand)
Damon: Giving you what you need. Drink
Elena: What?
Damon: You're a new vampire Elena. You need warm blood from the vein. Maybe this will do the trick. Just don't tell Stefan
Elena: Why?
Damon: Because blood sharing is kind of...personal
Elena: What do you mean, it's personal?
Damon: Just drink!
(She hesitates, looks at him and he nods. She takes his hand and finally drinks. He touches her hair and she pushes him against a wall, still drinking)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler and Caroline are in bed. They're half naked and kissing)
Caroline: This is wrong. A bunch of people died and we're having sex
Tyler: Grief sex. It's healthy
Caroline: It's selfish
Tyler: It's natural. Besides, if we stopped having sex every time somebody died in this town, we'd explode
Caroline: We need to be more sensitive
(He touches her)
Caroline: Tyler
Tyler: Oh, come on. I love you. How's that for sensitive?
(She smiles and looks at him)
Caroline: I love you too
(They smile, laugh and kiss. The bell rings)
Tyler: Who the hell is that?
(Carol opens the door. It's Connor)
Carol: May I help you?
Connor: Good evening. I'm hoping I can help you, actually. I spoke with Sheriff Forbes earlier. My name is Connor Jordan
Carol: Carol Lockwood
(They shake hands. He's still wearing his glove)
Carol: I know who you are, Connor. And I believe the sheriff made it clear that the tragedy at the farm house was an internal matter
Connor: That's one way of looking at it, I guess. Although I prefer the term "cover-up". Do you mind if I come in?
Carol: You know, I really don't think that's a good idea
(He enters anyway)
Carol: Excuse me
Connor: Thank you. You're aware that it wasn't an accident. Any rookie fireman could tell you that
Carol: What are you, the press?
Connor: Not exactly. So 12 council members are d*ad. You're the mayor. Why weren't you at that meeting?
Carol: It wasn't official town business
Connor: What was it then?
(Tyler goes down the stairs)
Tyler: Mom? What's going on?
(He looks at Connor)
Tyler: Is there something I can help you with?
Connor: Maybe. How you doing? I'm Connor
(They shake hands but Tyler is b*rned by the glove. He groans. Connor takes a g*n and sh**t him)
Carol: Tyler! Oh, my God!
(Connor reloads his g*n)
Carol: Tyler, run!
(He opens his eyes and runs through the window. Connor runs after him. Caroline goes down the stairs. Carol is shocked and they look at the blood on the floor)
[Salvatore's House]
(Tyler is shirtless on the couch. Stefan is removing the b*ll*ts. Caroline's here)
Caroline: Please tell me that's the last one
(Stefan looks at the b*llet)
Stefan: These were specially carved. The length, the width. If you were a normal vampire, you would be d*ad
(There's a symbol on the b*llet)
Tyler: This guy knew what he was doing. His gloves must have been steeped in vervain. He was looking for a vampire and he didn't hesitate for a second when he found one
(Stefan is still looking at the b*llet)
Stefan: These etchings...
(He touches it but he's b*rned)
Caroline: Are the b*ll*ts spelled?
Stefan: I don't know. They're something
[Mystic Falls' Church]
(Elena, Matt and other people are in the church, prepping the memorial. Matt rejoins Elena)
Matt: How are you feeling? You look a little, uh, strong out
Elena: I'm fine. It's just my emotions are all over the place. Everything's heightened. I mean, just the sight of all the names of the d*ad makes me want to cry for a week
Matt: You didn't have to volunteer
Elena: People died. People we've known our whole lives. So... Yeah, I did
(She sees April sitting alone in the front row)
Elena: Is that…?
Matt: April Young, yeah
Elena: Oh, wow
(Elena rejoins April)
Elena: Hey there
April: Hey. Long time, no see. Not since...
Elena: My parents' funeral
(Elena hugs her)
April: Yeah
Elena: Are you going to survive this?
April: They want me to speak. I guess all the kids who lost somebody can. What am I supposed to say? "I'm sorry my dad didn't fix the gas line." But if I don't say anything, then... I mean, what if nobody does? I mean, my dad and I didn't always get along or anything, but everybody still deserves to have nice things said about them at their own funeral, you know? I mean, for my mom's funeral, everybody said some really nice things. I...
Elena: You say what you want to say. Or you don't say anything at all. And don't worry about your dad. Everyone in this town loved him
April: Yeah. Until 2 days ago
Elena: Even still
(April is crying. Elena touches her hand but feels and hears her pulse. She's not okay)
Elena: I'm sorry, I... I have to go
(She leaves. April watches her leave)
(Elena enters the restrooms and bends next to the toilet. She vomits blood. He has blood on her hands and there is blood all over the toilet. She gets up and goes to the sink and vomits blood again. She's panicked and starts to cry and looks at her dress. There's blood on it)
[Bonnie's House]
(Bonnie is lying on her couch. Stefan knocks on the door)
Stefan: Bonnie? Bonnie, I know you're in there. I can hear you breathing. Bonnie, please, it's important
(She finally goes to the door and opens it)
Stefan: Hey. Are you alright?
(He goes towards her but can't enter)
Stefan: Can I come in, please?
(She nods and he enters. He embraces her)
Stefan: Hey. Hey
(She cries in his arms)
(Bonnie and Stefan are in the living room)
Bonnie: My grams, it was like she was dying all over again. Just because I didn't listen to her about not doing black magic
Stefan: Well, you're dealing with the other side. It's not reliable. Witches were probably just messing with your head, trying to teach you a lesson
Bonnie: Well, it worked. I tried to do a basic nature spell this morning just to clear my head, and... It just brought it all back. Like it was happening all over again. I'm sorry. I'm a mess. I've been holed up in here, avoiding everyone. I've completely blown off Jamie. You came here 'cause you needed something, right?
Stefan: Yeah. But it can wait
Bonnie: Oh, come on, Stefan, I'm ok. Come on. You're not exactly a drop by kind of guy. If something's wrong, tell me
Stefan: All right
(He sits down next to her and shows her the b*ll*ts)
Stefan: these burns to the touch. Could just be steeped in vervain, but this writing--have you ever seen anything like this before?
Bonnie: No, it's not magical writing, if that's what you're thinking. Where'd you get these?
Stefan: I think we have a new vampire hunter in town
Bonnie: Hmm. That's bad timing
[Mystic Falls' Church]
(Elena is cleaning the mirror and on the phone with Damon)
Damon: I'm here, I'm here. Where are you?
Elena: I'm in the basement bathroom
(Someone tries to enter she turns to the door)
Elena: Is that you at the door?
Damon: Not yet
(Connor is at the door. He knocks. She shouts at him)
Elena: I'm sorry, there's someone in here. Damon, hurry
(There's blood everywhere. She cleans it. Damon arrives and sees Connor)
Damon: You again. Stalking small town funerals?
(She opens the door)
Elena: Oh, Damon. Thank god
(He gives her something. Connor watches them. She passes her head through the door to look at him)
Elena: Sorry, I spilled coffee all over my dress
(He gets up. She looks at Damon and he nods and smiles. She goes back inside and closes the door)
Connor: We have not met. I'm Connor. Jordan
(He raises his hand to shake Damon's)
Damon: Damon. Germaphobe. Everything ok in there?
Elena: Just a minute!
(She's putting all the paper filled with blood in her bag)
Damon: So what brings you to Mystic Falls? Bible salesman?
Connor: No, no, actually I'm in, uh, environmental clean-up
Damon: Oh
Connor: Heard you had a bit of a pollution problem
Damon: Huh. Well, I was unaware. I breathe pretty easy
(She gets out. She's changed clothes. She looks at Connor)
Elena: I'm so sorry that took so long
Connor: No problem
Damon: Well, enjoy your stay. We love visitors, and the scenery is to die for
(He puts his hand on his mouth as is shocked)
Damon: Funeral parlor. Too soon. Sorry
(Damon looks at him and they leave)
(April is alone on the mezzanine and is trying to write something. She raises her head, surprised. Connor is here)
April: Sorry, you scared me. I was just practicing my speech for later
(She gets up and he s*ab her. He sits her down on the bench. She has blood on her hand and blood falls from her mouth)
(Damon and Elena are outside)
Elena: Did you bring the blood bag?
Damon: Do you want to say that a little louder?
(He gives it to her and she drinks. She spits it)
Damon: Elena!
Elena: No, I can't. It tastes like... What's wrong with me?
Damon: I don't know. Maybe it's your doppelganger blood, you're rejecting the transition
Elena: I'm dying, aren't I?
Damon: No, you're not dying. You just need to drink from the vein
Elena: No. No, no. I can't risk k*lling anyone, Damon. Maybe I'm better off d*ad
Damon: Don't even think like that, Elena. You'll be fine. Ok?
Elena: I have to get back inside
(She leaves. Stefan watches her and watches Damon putting the blood bag in Elena's bag. Damon gets up and sees him. Stefan rejoins him)
Damon: Oh, great
Stefan: What's in the bag, Damon?
Damon: Mid-service snack. Church always gets me hungry. The whole blood of Christ thing, you know. I brought it for Elena
Stefan: You're really that intent on having your way?
Damon: It's not my way, it's the only way
Stefan: If she hurts someone, she'll be desperate to turn the guilt off. Maybe even desperate enough to shut off her humanity
Damon: What, and become a ripper?
Stefan: We can't let her be anything like me
Damon: Or God forbid she's anything like me. That's really what you're thinking. She's going to go off the rails eventually anyway, Stefan. So the faster we can make it happen, the sooner we can get her back on track
Stefan: She's strong. If we help her, she can survive
Damon: She's starving, Stefan. She hasn't been able to keep blood down for days
Stefan: What are you talking about? She told me she was fine
Damon: Well, she lied. Your four-legged protein shake was a bust. The juice box was a no-go. She can't even keep my blood down
(He realizes what he just said and Stefan is shocked)
Stefan: She drank from you?
Damon: Oops. Did I say that out loud?
(He leaves)
(The church is crowded. Elena enters and go sit down next to Matt and Jeremy. They looks at her)
Matt: are you okay?
Elena: I'm fine
Jeremy: Hey, April was looking for you. She wanted help with her speech
Elena: Oh. Where is she?
Jeremy: I don't know
(Stefan enters and stops next to Caroline and Tyler)
Stefan: What are you doing here, Tyler?
Tyler: Being sensitive to the community's loss
Stefan: Hmm. With a hunter out to get you?
Tyler: I'm not letting a hunter stop me from where I'm supposed to be
Caroline: Also, if he shows his face, I'm going to kick his ass
(Stefan go sit down. Carol takes the stage)
Carol: Before we begin the mass, we'd like to open the floor to anyone who would like to store a memory about our late friends on the town council. I know that April Young wanted to say a few words about her dad. April?
(Elena looks around, concerned)
Carol: April? Are you still here, honey?
(Connor is charging his g*n)
Carol: Is there anyone else who would like to share a recollection or a memory about Pastor Young?
(Connor is aiming his g*n, going through the crowd. Nobody says anything and Elena finally gets up. Connor and everyone look at her and Caroline is surprised)
Carol: Come on up, Elena
(She walks toward the stage. Connor aims the g*n at her to look at her. Damon enters. Stefan, Caroline and Tyler look at him. Damon puts his hand in the holy water and makes the sign of the cross. He smiles while doing it)
Damon: Don't know why that always makes me smile
(He sits down next to Stefan. Elena is on stage and doesn't seem good)
Damon: She doesn't look so good
Stefan: Maybe you should have told me she was rejecting all food sources
Damon: Jealousy's beneath you, brother
Stefan: Oh, bite me
Elena: I, um, when I talked to April earlier, she was kind of nervous about coming up to speak, and... Now that I'm up here, I'm kind of nervous, too. The worst day of loving someone is the day that you lose them
(She's about to cry and hears something drop)
Caroline: Do you smell that?
Tyler: Blood
(There's a blood stain on the ceiling and the blood in dropping in the holy water. Damon whispers)
Damon: Nobody move. Don't turn around. It's a trap
(It's April's blood. Connor is aiming his g*n at Elena. She is pale and sweating. She can see the blood)
Elena: I, um...
(The veins appear under her eyes. Stefan comes next to her)
Stefan: It's ok. It's ok. I got you, I got you
(He's holding her and supporting her while they walk to their seat. Connor follows their movement with his g*n. Their return to their sits next to Matt and Jeremy and the pastor takes the stage)
Pastor: Please turn to page 42 in your hymn book. Let us join together in song
(Elena is in Stefan's arms)
Elena: The blood. Stefan, the blood, I can smell it. There's so much
Stefan: It's all right. It's all right; just remember what we talked about. Focus, push back. Come on, you can do this
Matt: What's wrong with her?
Stefan: She's hungry. She hasn't fed
Matt: So get her out of here
Stefan: We can't. There's somebody watching us
Damon: I'm going to go rip his head off now
Stefan: You do that, Damon, and you risk exposing all of us
Damon: Well, I think the risk will be slightly diminished when I, you know, rip his head off
Elena: Stefan, I'm losing it
Damon: You have 10 seconds before I go old-fashioned on the new guy
Stefan: Don't do it, Damon, please
Damon: 3, 2, 1, bye
(He's about to leave)
Matt: Wait, wait, wait, Elena. Feed from me
(Damon is surprised. Tyler looks at them. Jeremy is looking at him)
Matt: It's ok. Everyone will just think you're upset. Feed from me
(Elena looks at Stefan. He looks at Matt and then at her. Matt takes her in his arms. Connor is watching them but all he can see is the back of their heads and Elena in Matt's arms)
Matt: It's ok. You're ok
(Stefan looks at them. Elena finally bites Matt on the neck and drinks. Connor can't see anything. Damon is watching them. She finally stops)
Elena: Thank you
(She removes the blood from her mouth)
Elena: The blood, there's so much. It's got to be April. We have to help her
Stefan: Elena, we can't risk it
Elena: Then I'm going to do it
(Tyler goes to the stage)
Tyler: Excuse me. I just wanted to say a few words about Pastor Young
(Connor aims his g*n at him)
Elena: What do we do?
Tyler: Back in first grade, I was a brat who couldn't be bothered with team sports. Didn't care much about anything that didn't affect me. But he was the one who made me understand how important it is to be part of a team; a community. Of giving yourself up for the sake of…
(Connor sh**t him. Everyone screams. Elena is shocked. Matt looks around. Connor takes his bag and leaves. Everyone is leaving. Caroline gets up and goes toward Tyler. Carol is with him. Elena is on the stage and looks at him. Caroline bends next to him. Stefan rejoins Elena. Caroline removes the stake from Tyler's chest. He coughs)
Tyler: I'm going to k*ll that bastard
Stefan: Damon's way ahead of you. Stay here, I have to help him
Elena: What about April?
Caroline: I got it, go
Carol: I have to call an ambulance
(Elena looks at Tyler and leaves)
Caroline: No, he's fine!
Carol: The whole town just watched you get sh*t. I'm calling an ambulance
(She leaves the stage)
Caroline: Elena?
(Connor is outside and enters his truck but Damon rushes over him, rips his door apart, catches him and throws him on the ground. Connor sh**t him various times. Damon takes his g*n but Connor uses his combat skill to be on top of it. He takes a stake and tries to stake him but Damon resists. Stefan is outside)
Stefan: Damon?
(Connor leaves. Stefan runs toward them but it's too late. Damon is on the ground. Stefan looks at him and offers his hand and helps him get up but punches him)
Damon: What the hell was that for?
Stefan: You know what
(He leaves. Damon's still on the ground)
(Elena is on the mezzanine and finds April)
Elena: April!
(She rushes over her but stops when she sees the blood. Her face changes and April opens her eyes. She rushes over her, her fangs out but Caroline stops her)
Caroline: She's not d*ad, but if you feed on her, you will k*ll her!
Elena: Let go of me!
Caroline: Look at her! Look at her, Elena. It's April. April Young. She's not a warm body for you to feed on. She's your friend
(Elena stops struggling and her face becomes normal again. Caroline releases her.
Caroline: She's an orphan, just like you. And she's scared, just like you were
(She bites her wrist and bends next to April. She removes her gag and makes her drink her blood. She looks around, panicked, she's panicked)
April: Please! Don't hurt me, please!
Caroline: No one's going to hurt you. No one's going to hurt you
(She turns herself to look at Elena and gets up)
Caroline: She needs you. You can make her forget all of this
April: Why did he do this?
(She looks at the blood on her hands)
Elena: No, I…I can't, Caroline, you have to do it
Caroline: No, the only way you're going to learn is if you do it yourself
Elena: No, I can't…
Caroline: Yes, you can. You just need to believe what you're telling her
(Elena finally bends next to her. April is panicked and looks around)
Elena: April, listen to me
(April looks at her)
Elena: Everything's going to be ok
(It doesn't work)
Elena: You're going to get through this, just like I got through it
(It finally works)
Elena: And I'm going to help you. I promise
April: I'm going to be okay. You're gonna help me
(Elena smiles and looks at Caroline. Caroline is smiling. Elena looks at April and continues)
Elena: You watched the funeral from up here so that you could grieve alone. It was a beautiful service. People said really nice things
(April smiles)
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy and Matt are at the bar. Matt has a Band-Aid on his neck)
Matt: That was insane. How do you think they'll cover this one up?
Jeremy: An assassination attempt on the mayor's son
Matt: Altar boy goes postal
(Connor is at the bar. He looks at Matt)
Connor: Hey. What happened there?
(He shows his neck)
Matt: Girlfriend went a little overboard
(Jeremy gets up and looks at Connor and then at his arm and sees a tattoo)
Jeremy: Nice ink
(They leave. Connor is surprised. The tattoo isn't there anymore)
Matt: What ink?
Jeremy: You didn't see his tattoo? It was huge
Matt: He didn't have a tattoo
Jeremy: Yeah, he did
[A trailer]
(Connor enter a trailer. He sits down at a table and opens the letter destined to April. He reads it)
Pastor Young: "Dear April, I'm sorry for what you're going through. What I did was a necessary sacrifice, and I'm afraid it's only the first of many more sacrifices to come. There's always been an evil that spread through Mystic Falls, but now a greater one is coming. My death is but the first in the w*r ahead. I will see you again when we all find our salvation. Until then, I love you. Dad."
(Connor then looks at the list of the council members)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan gives a glass of bourbon to Elena)
Stefan: Helps with the cravings
Elena: You're mad
Stefan: Yeah, I'm mad. You lied to me
Elena: I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you…
Stefan: Come on, Elena, you lied to me
Elena: You were just so happy that things were going well, and…
Stefan: You think I'm happy?
Elena: I just didn't want to ruin it for you
Stefan: You're in hell, which means that I'm in hell. And then you go to Damon for help
Elena: Yeah, because I thought that he would understand
Stefan: You think I don't?
Elena: Stefan, please…
Stefan: You fed on him, Elena. You fed on him. I know that may not mean much to you, but it means a lot to me. And I know it certainly meant a lot to Damon
Elena: I didn't want to hurt you. I'm…I'm sorry. Look, I'm really, really sorry, I...
(She's crying)
Elena: Why am I crying? I am so sick of crying
Stefan: Your emotions are a bit heightened right now
Elena: I feel like I've been crying since the day that my parents died. My life is...It's like a never ending funeral. We keep burying people, Stefan. You want to know what's heightened? It's grief. I can't stop feeling everyone's grief. All the hurt, I feel like it's trying to explode out of me
(She's crying)
Stefan: Hey. Hey. Come on. Come with me
Elena: Where?
Stefan: Something we need to do
[Mystic Fall' High School]
(Damon and Bonnie arrive)
Damon: What are we doing here?
Bonnie: I don't know
(Caroline, Matt, Elena, Jeremy and Stefan are all there. Stefan is taking Japanese lanterns out of a box)
Bonnie: Ask Stefan
Damon: Stefan, What are we doing?
Stefan: We're finishing the memorial we didn't get to have earlier. We need to start healing, Damon. We've all lost so much, especially recently. I think we're numb to it. We push it away, we make a joke out of it, ignore how we feel. Time to just let ourselves grieve
Damon: So you're lighting lanterns
Stefan: Yeah, yeah. We need to do this
Damon: What we need to do is find out who this hunter is and what he knows about the death of the council. We have more important things to be doing right now than this
Stefan: Not tonight, we don't. This is for my Uncle Zach. My friend Lexi. For Alaric
(He lights his lantern. Matt is next to him and takes the lighter)
Matt: This is for Vickie
(He lights his lantern. Caroline gets up and takes the lighter)
Caroline: This is for my dad. And Tyler's
(She lights her lantern and Jeremy gets up and takes the lighter)
Jeremy: This is for our parents, for Vickie... Anna, Jenna. And Alaric
(He looks at Damon and hands him the lighter but Damon refuses it)
Damon: No way. I'm not doing that
(He leaves. Jeremy looks at Bonnie. She takes a lantern from the box, gets up, takes the lighter and goes next to Caroline)
Bonnie: This is for my grams
(Stefan looks at Elena. She gets up)
Elena: This, um... Is for my mom, my dad and Jenna… Everyone that we've all lost; everyone that this town has lost. And for me. I guess
(She sheds a tear and looks at Jeremy. She lights her lantern and releases it so it floats in the sky. She looks at it. The others do the same)
[Mystic Falls' cemetery]
(Damon is in front of Alaric's grave)
Damon: They're floating lanterns in the sky. Can you believe that? Japanese lantern is a symbol of letting go of the past. Well, here's a newsflash… we're not Japanese. You know what they are? Children. Like lighting a candle's going to make everything ok. Or even saying a prayer, or pretending Elena is not going to end up just like the rest of us m*rder vampires. Stupid, delusional, exasperating little children. I know what you're going to say. It makes them feel better, Damon. So what? For how long? A minute? A day? What difference does it make?
(Alaric appears)
Damon: Because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. And a rock. With a birthday carved into it that I'm pretty sure is wrong. Ahhh. So, thanks, friend. Thanks for leaving me here to baby-sit. Because I should be long gone by now. I didn't get the girl. Remember? I'm just stuck here fighting with my brother and taking care of the kids. You owe me big
(He puts the bottle on the grave and leaves)
Alaric: I miss you, too, buddy | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x02 - Memorial"} | foreverdreaming |
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Tyler is asleep in his hospital bed. There's a guard in front of his room. There's a noise in the hallway. The guard leaves to see what it is. He goes in the hallway and looks around. He's about to leave but Connor arrives from behind and strangles him. Tyler opens his eyes and raises his head. Connor enters the room but Tyler is not in his bed. He arrives from behind to surprise Connor but he injects something in his neck. He lays Tyler on the bed. He seems paralyzed)
Connor: Don't bother. It's a paralytic
(He opens Tyler's mouth. His fangs are out. He puts a syringe in his gum and takes a sample of something. He removes the syringe and leaves. Tyler finally gets up and rushes to the door and looks in the hallway but Connor is gone)
[Connor's Trailer]
(Connor is preparing something. He looks at it and then sits down. He looks at some papers and then at Pastor Young's letter for April. He takes two files each with Elena' sand Jeremy's names on it. He opens Jeremy's file)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon opens the front door and sees Stefan outside, working on a motorcycle)
Damon: Good day for a midlife crisis. 164 years, I'd say you're due
(Stefan sits down on the motorcycle)
Stefan: Elena's transition to vampire has been a little depressing. I'm gonna help her have some fun
Damon: Oh. Those who can't, teach
(Stefan chuckles)
Stefan: Oh, I see we're still fighting. Got it. Where you going?
Damon: That hunter jacked Tyler Lockwood of his werewolf venom last night, so basically he's got vampire poison in a bottle, and I'm gonna find him, and I'm gonna eat him
Stefan: I'll go with you
Damon: I don't want your help. I just wanna k*ll this guy and get the hell out of town
(He drinks. Stefan looks at him)
Damon: Isn't that the deal? Whoever Elena doesn't choose leaves?
Stefan: That was before she turned
Damon: And I stayed to help, but I take you punching me as the first clue... I'm not wanted here anymore
Stefan: Listen, you blood-shared with my girlfriend, and I punched you in the face. You deserved it. Why don't you stop being dramatic?
Damon: No, brother. Dramatic would be leaving before I k*ll this hunter
(He leaves)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Matt rejoins Elena in a remote place. She looks at him)
Matt: Kind of weird doing this in our old make-out spot
Elena: Thank you for doing this. I can't keep anything else down
Matt: It's ok. I kind of owe you my life, remember?
Elena: Yeah, but I didn't make Stefan save your life so that I could turn you into a human blood bank
Matt: Elena, please just let me do this for you
(He rolls up his sleeve. She looks at him and then bites his wrist and drinks. She stops)
Matt: Is that enough?
Elena: No. but if I had any more I'm afraid I wouldn't stop
(She removes the blood from her mouth)
Elena: Here
(She puts a Band-Aid on the wound)
Elena: Thank you
(The school bell rings. They come down)
Matt: So you really think school is the best place for you right now?
Elena: The vampire hunter knows that Damon's a vampire and that I know Damon. Hiding at home would be more suspicious. Besides, I want to be here. It's my senior year. I survived this long. There's no way I'm bailing before graduation
(She sees a paper on the windshield of a car. She takes it and reads it)
Elena: Town called for curfew?
Matt: Tyler got sh*t in front of half the town. Everyone's a little freaked
Elena: If only they knew the real story
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Carol and Tyler enter. There are two men in the house)
Tyler: Who the hell are you two?
Carol: Tyler, it's ok. They're here for your protection
Tyler: More deputies?
(Klaus enters with another hybrid)
Klaus: Not exactly. They're hybrids. I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were att*cked. I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls
Tyler: Nice to know you care
Klaus: I don't. I should have k*lled you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled... stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot
Tyler: Yeah, well, you used my body as an escape hatch, then kissed my girlfriend, so maybe we're even
Klaus: Not even close. But you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more of you, and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left. Consider them your new bodyguards
(He leaves)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Stefan and Elena sit in Alaric's classroom. She looks around and seems moved. Stefan seems to understand something)
Stefan: So first time we've been back in Alaric's classroom
Elena: The first period, and I'm ready to bawl my eyes out
(Rebekah enters giving flyers to the students)
Rebekah: Morning, everyone
(Elena sighs)
Elena: And just like that, I'm no longer feeling sentimental
Rebekah: So I'm throwing a little anti-curfew party at my new house... starts in the fifth period, goes to whenever. Spread the word
(She looks at Elena and gives her a flyer)
Rebekah: You're welcome to join, Elena, if you'd like to bury the hatchet
Elena: It's a pretty enormous hatchet
Rebekah: Well, I'm feeling generous of spirit
Elena: New house, huh? Did your brother finally kick you out?
Rebekah: He didn't kick me out. I left
Elena: So you left the only person on earth that actually likes you?
Rebekah: Well, your boyfriend liked me once. Actually, a lot more than once
(Elena seems pissed)
Stefan: Why are you still in town, Rebekah? Don't you have anywhere else to go?
Rebekah: Well, history's my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman? Oh, that's right
(She bends over Elena and whispers)
Rebekah: I k*lled him
(Elena throws her pen at her but Rebekah catches it and throws it back at Elena. The pen goes in her chest. Stefan looks at Elena and then at Rebekah. She smiles. Elena removes the pen, looks angrily at Rebekah and leaves the classroom)
(Elena goes out. Stefan is after her)
Stefan: Just breathe. Just breathe. You haven't felt this kind of rage before
(She stops)
Elena: I hate her. I didn't think I was capable of hate, but I hate her and hate that I hate her
(She looks above Stefan's shoulder)
Elena: That's the hunter
(He turns himself. Connor is here talking to someone. He then looks at Jeremy)
Stefan: What the hell is he doing here?
(Connor goes toward Jeremy)
Elena: Jeremy. No
(She moves toward them but Stefan stops her)
Stefan: No, no, no. Hey. You get this, okay?
(He looks at her hand. There's blood on it)
Stefan: I got that
(He goes toward Connor and Jeremy)
(Elena enters the restrooms. She removes her jacket and looks at her wound. She washes her hand and then the blood on her shoulder. A girl enters, a hand on her neck)
Girl: There you are. Rebekah sent me to see if you were ok
Elena: I'm fine, Heather
(She throws the paper in the trash)
Heather: I'm not
(Elena turns herself, intrigued. She sees blood dripping from Heather's neck. Rebekah enters)
Rebekah: What's wrong, Elena? Getting hungry?
(Heather removes her hand from her neck)
Elena: No, g-get away from me
Rebekah: But she's so delicious
(She puts her finger on the wound and then goes to Elena's mouth but she pushes her)
Elena: You shouldn't be here. This is my school. It's my life, and I'm not gonna let you ruin it
Rebekah: It's my school now, my life. Maybe you're the one who shouldn't be here. And I couldn't help but overhear that there's a vampire hunter roaming the hallways
(She puts her hand on the wound and wipes it on Elena's face. Her face has changed and she shows her fangs)
Rebekah: See you in gym. I think its dodge ball day
(She leaves and Heather follows her)
(Jeremy is in a classroom with Connor. He's looking at a file)
Jeremy: You mind telling me who you are and why I'm here? I'm happy to miss bio, but...
Connor: I looked into your family's history. You and your sister have been through quite a lot
Jeremy: What are you, a social worker? Why do you care?
Connor: Because you saw this
(He shows him his tattoo)
Jeremy: Mm, it's a tattoo. Big deal
Connor: No, I call this a hunter's mark, as in vampire hunter
Jeremy: Uh, a vampire hunter? Heh. Look, I'm sorry, man, but...
(He laughs and gets up)
Connor: Jeremy, I know your family's history in this town, so you playing dumb just make you look dumb
(Stefan is outside in front of the door. Jeremy looks at him and nods)
Jeremy: Why the show and tell? I don't even know you
Connor: Because it's invisible to anyone but another hunter or potential hunter. Find me a vampire. I'll train you; teach you how to do what I do. I'm on Hudson, off route 13. Don't show up unless you find one
Jeremy: Well, how am I supposed to do that?
Connor: Why don't you start by asking your friend with the bandage on his neck?
(He looks at him and leaves)
[Connor's Trailer]
(Damon arrives at Connor's trailer and opens the door. He climbs the stairs and hesitates but smiles and enters. He looks around but when he touches a paper he's s*ab by two arrows. He looks at them and touches the wire attached to a b*mb)
Damon: Um... Yeah
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Caroline, Elena and Stefan are in the stoner pit)
Caroline: It was a valiant first-day effort. No one will judge you if you want to go home
Elena: I don't want to go home. I want to take the white-oak stake and k*ll her. That's how mad I am. She made me m*rder
Stefan: How about we just leave the m*rder to Damon?
Elena: And... And then do what? Ignore her to death?
Stefan: Look, she's trying to make herself feel better. She knows that everybody hates her, so she's trying to hate harder. Tell you what. Let's just skip the rest of the day, go have some fun. I feel like this day is severely lacking in fun
(She looks at Caroline. She smiles)
Elena: Yeah. Ok, fine. We'll go to her party and show her that she can't intimidate me. I just have to go home and change first
(She looks at Caroline and waves her hand and leaves. He looks at Caroline)
Caroline: Does she seem a little off-balance to you?
Stefan: Yeah. She's channeling all her emotions into rage. Makes her feel like she has purpose. I used to do that, too, when I was, you know...
Caroline: Ripper you?
Stefan: Yeah. She needs to come to terms with it, confront it, let it in before she can let it go
Caroline: You're good at this. You know that? You saved my vampire life. Now you're saving hers. You should write a book, go on "the view."
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler is bored. A girl enters. He turns himself)
Haley: So this is where you've been hiding, huh?
Tyler: Haley?
(He gets up)
Haley: Hey, Hey, Lockwoof
(She comes towards him and they embrace each other. She touches his face and then hits him in the chest playfully)
Haley: Ass. I thought Klaus k*lled you
Tyler: I should have called
Haley: From your trailer park in Florida. You liar! You're totally loaded
Tyler: Uh…
Haley: I chained you up all over the Appalachians. I talked you through every turn. I helped you break the sire bond. You could have told me your real story
Tyler: I didn't want anybody to follow me back. Werewolves weren't safe around Klaus, and you shouldn't be here either. His hybrids are all over this house and so is he
Haley: I know. One of his hybrids is with a pack I ran with. He called me and told me that he was coming to protect a guy named Tyler, and I thought, "What are the chances?"
(They look at each other)
Haley: Well, the least you could do is pour me some fancy, rich-people scotch
Tyler: Sure. Of course
(He goes to the bar. She looks around and sits on the couch)
[Connor's Trailer]
(Meredith enters)
Meredith: Why were you being so cryptic?
Damon: Come in. Close the door
(She looks at the device)
Meredith: Tell me that is not a b*mb
Damon: Ok. It's a kitten. It's an adorable exploding kitten
Meredith: Why didn't you call your brother?
Damon: Because I'm proud and stubborn and... Oh, look. You're already here. Come on. You're not gonna get hurt. All I need you to do is be doctorly, cut out the arrow. I'd do it myself, but if I move... Psssh!
Meredith: Okay
(She takes a Kn*fe and starts to work on the arrow. He takes the letter and looks at it)
Damon: So how well did you know pastor Young?
Meredith: He was a patient of mine. He was always a nice guy
Damon: Nice crazy guy. He wrote a letter about sacrifice and w*r brewing in Mystic Falls
(She reads the letter)
Meredith: What does he mean, "a greater evil is coming"? I mean, we have great enough evil already
Damon: You'd think
(His phone rings. He takes it. It's Elena. Meredith looks at it. He ignores the call)
Meredith: How'd you get stuck on hunter duty?
Damon: Stefan had a physics test
Meredith: You're a good brother
Damon: I'm the bad brother
Meredith: You're strung up to a b*mb while Stefan plays vampire with a girl who broke your heart, but you are doing a very good job of acting like it doesn't suck. Ok, I think that should be good
(He removes the arrow)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Matt is at his locker. Rebekah rejoins him)
Rebekah: Hey, Matt. So I'm having a little party. You should, uh, ditch last period and come
(He ignores her)
Rebekah: Look, I know you're still angry I ran you off the bridge, but you have to understand Alaric k*lled my brother. He was trying to k*ll me. I had to do something to stop him. I never wanted to hurt you
(He looks at her, closes his locker and leaves)
(Matt is in the hallway. Connor is leaning against a wall)
Connor: What'd you say last time? Hickeys?
(Matt stops, turns himself and looks around. Connor catches his arm, takes the Band-Aid off and looks at the bite)
Connor: Kinky girlfriend. Who are you letting feed on you?
Matt: I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know where I got that
Connor: Sure about that?
(He takes him by the head and throws him against the wall. He takes a Kn*fe and puts it against his throat)
Connor: Tell me which one of your High School friends is a bloodsucker
Matt: It's... Rebekah. Rebekah Mikaelson
(Connor releases him but grabs his neck)
Connor: Thank you. When you wake up, she'll be long gone
(He throws him against the wall)
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is in Damon's bedroom, looking for something in his things. She's made a mess. Damon enters)
Damon: Hope you plan on cleaning this up
Elena: I need bourbon to get through Rebekah's party. Yours is better than Stefan's
Damon: Oh. Top drawer in the dresser
Elena: Thanks
(She opens it and looks in it but stops)
Elena: You keep alcohol in your underwear drawer?
Damon: No. You weren't looking for alcohol, were you? Do you think I'd actually leave the last remaining white oak stake where any vampire could just walk in and take it?
(He opens his shirt and looks at his wound)
Elena: What happened to you?
Damon: Hunter mishap
Elena: You know he was at my school today?
Damon: Yep. Jeremy told me
Elena: Why were you talking to Jeremy?
Damon: Don't worry about it
Elena: Damon, don't bring him into this
Damon: Perish the thought he might actually be useful, Elena
(He takes off his shirt and is about to take his pants off)
Damon: You staying for the show, or...
Elena: I'm finding that stake
(She leaves)
[Connor's Trailer]
(Connor is carving a stake. Jeremy arrives)
Connor: You got a vampire for me?
Jeremy: No, but I know where you can find one. There's a doctor, Meredith Fell, she uses vampire blood in surgery. I think she has a deal with one, her blood for his
Connor: You see, that's the problem. When a town protects one vampire, word spreads. More come. They feed. They turn. Soon you got a full-on infestation. Your High School, for example, is crawling with 'em. One's even throwing a party
Jeremy: Is that where we're going?
Connor: Nah, we're going to the hospital. As long as people are drinking at that High School party, I got it covered. They'll be d*ad by sundown
[Rebekah's House]
(It's the party. Everyone is drinking and partying. Stefan and Elena arrive. They enter)
Stefan: Wow. We didn't have to be invited in. I wonder who used to live here
Elena: Or who died here
(They see Rebekah. Elena is angrily looking at her. Stefan looks at her)
Stefan: You're fixating
Elena: No, I'm just quietly hating
(Someone passes by them, a glass in his hand. Stefan compels him)
Stefan: This is mine now
(He takes the glass)
Stefan: Thank you
(He looks at Elena)
Stefan: Why don't you have a drink? It'll help you let go
(She takes the glass and is about to drink when she sees April)
Elena: April's here. I'm gonna go say hi
Stefan: And I am gonna find something a little stronger than beer
(She smiles)
Elena: Okay
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler opens the door. Caroline is here, smiling. She puts her arms around his neck)
Caroline: I ditched Rebekah's ditching party
(She kisses him and sees the hybrids)
Caroline: What's with all the testosterone?
Tyler: Hybrids. I'm on house arrest
Caroline: Says who? Your mom? Come on. Sneak out
Tyler: Not my mom, Caroline
(She understands it Klaus)
Caroline: You're kidding me. Klaus?
(Haley is in Richard's study, looking at pictures. Klaus is here)
Klaus: You're a new face
Haley: And I take it from your accent you're an old one. Klaus
Klaus: My reputation precedes me, hopefully not all bad
Haley: A little bad, mostly repulsive
Klaus: So you're a friend of Tyler's. That's strange. He's never mentioned you
(Tyler is a little distant)
Tyler: You should go the party. I'll be fine here
Caroline: But I'd rather hang with you
Tyler: Trust me. I am no fun right now
(Klaus smiles and looks at Haley)
Klaus: And I think I know why
[Rebekah's House]
(April is in the kitchen. Elena rejoins her, smiling)
Elena: Hey
April: Elena. Thank God I know someone
Elena: I'm glad you came. Are you thirsty?
(She offers her her glass)
April: You know, you used to read me bedtime stories
Elena: And now I'm giving you beer. Sounds about right
(April laughs and Elena smiles. April takes the glass and drinks)
April: If my dad could see me now
Elena: How are you... Doing with everything?
April: I'm trudging through my denial phase... Dreaming up conspiracy theories. My first weekend home from boarding school, my dad smelt cigarette smoke on my clothes before I even walked in the door. He would have noticed a gas leak in the house
Elena: So you... you don't think that it was an accident?
April: I know there's no investigation, that everyone's calling it an accident, but the sh**ting at the church, it just feels like...
Rebekah: like something wicked this way comes. I know, right? It's like this town's cursed or something
Elena: Hey, April, why don't you go look around the house, and I'll find you in a little bit
April: Okay
(April looks at them and leaves)
Rebekah: Did I forget to uninvited you?
Elena: Did you blow up her dad's house to get revenge on the council?
Rebekah: I don't give a damn about some dodgy middle-aged council. You come into my house, throw around false accusations, and then you have the nerve to drink my beer?
(She takes her glass and drinks, smiling. Elena's skin is burning. She looks at her hands)
Elena: My ring
(Rebekah smiles. Elena hurries in the shadow. Rebekah shows her the ring)
Elena: Give it back!
Rebekah: Get it yourself
(She throws it in the waste disposal)
Elena: No!
(She tries to go but she can't because of the sun. Rebekah engages the waste disposal, smiles and leaves. Elena is panicked but finally goes to the waste disposal and takes her ring back. She puts it on her finger. Her skin stops burning but she's pissed. She goes to her bag and takes the stake out and is about to leave but Stefan's here)
Stefan: Damon give that to you?
Elena: Yes, reluctantly. Stefan, she's…She's just gonna keep pushing and pushing.
Stefan: Well, if you want to k*ll her, I'm not gonna stop you. But, see, here's what'll happen. It'll feel really good for about 10 seconds, and then after that, tens and thousands of vampires all over the world will start to die. Every vampire she ever turned will die. See, rage is a really powerful feeling... But guilt... Take it from me... It'll destroy you. So you can either go after her, or you can get on the back of my motorcycle... And we can get the hell out of here
(Stefan and Elena leave, passing by Rebekah)
Rebekah: Leaving so soon?
(Elena stops and turns herself)
Elena: No. not just yet. I never got a drink
(She gives her bag to Stefan and looks at Rebekah. Then she goes to the keg and stands on it. One of the students makes her drink. Everyone cheers. Stefan looks at Rebekah. She's pissed. Then Elena gets down and looks at Rebekah, smiling)
Elena: Now I'm ready to go
(Stefan gives her his bag, smiling and the leave. Rebekah watched them leave but her vision is blurred. She goes back inside. She looks at herself in the mirror and sees veins)
Rebekah: What in the hell?
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler enters his father's study. Klaus is here)
Klaus: She's quite fetching, that Hayley
Tyler: Where is she?
Klaus: Oh, she had to run, but don't worry. I had her take the back door so Caroline wouldn't see
Tyler: Whatever you think you know...
Klaus: I don't know anything, but I've put together a pretty convincing picture. Why don't you tell me where my imagination deviates from reality? You went off to the Appalachians to break my sire bond. There, you met a pack of werewolves, begged them for help. Among them was a girl. She was gorgeous, with the same animal instincts as you. Emotions ran high. Inhibitions ran low
Tyler: Stop it
Klaus: Then, in a moment of weakness, the thick sexual tension became something much more real
Tyler: I said stop!
Klaus: And Caroline has no idea
(Tyler's phone rings. He answers)
Klaus: Hello, Damon
Damon: Klaus, where's Tyler?
Klaus: Tyler's otherwise occupied making big decisions about honesty and what not. Is there anything I can do?
Damon: I'm going after the vampire hunter, so if he'd like to join...
Klaus: He wouldn't. I, however...
[Middle of nowhere]
(Elena and Stefan are on a motorcycle. She finally stands on it and smiles. Stefan looks at her and smiles)
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Meredith has a Band-Aid on her neck and is walking in the hallway. Jeremy and Connor are walking behind her)
Jeremy: That's her
Connor: Stay here
(Jeremy stands by and follows Meredith. He enters a storage room. He walks around)
Connor: Is a hospital really the best place for a germophobe?
(Damon comes out)
Damon: Did I say that I was a germophobe? Pfft. Sorry. I meant vampire
(He smiles. Connor takes his g*n out. But he's s*ab by an arrow. He bends to pick up his g*n but is s*ab by another arrow. He sees that they are attached to a b*mb)
Damon: Stings, doesn't it?
(Connor is about to pick up his g*n but Klaus pushes it with his foot)
Klaus: Hello, mate
(Connor looks at Damon. He smiles)
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena and Stefan are in bed, kissing. Suddenly she sees Damon in place of Stefan. She's surprised)
Elena: No!
(She pushes him. Stefan looks at her)
Stefan: Are you okay?
(She looks at her arm. They're veins on it)
Elena: Stefan. What's wrong with me?
Stefan: Damon said the hunter had werewolf venom
Elena: Oh my god
[Rebekah's House]
(Rebekah is sitting at her dressing table. She has veins on her arms too. She doesn't feel so good. Matt enters and looks at her)
Matt: You don't look so hot
Rebekah: Whatever it is, it's not the white-oak stake, so it can't k*ll me. I'm surprised you came to my party
Matt: Well, I thought about it. You explained why you ran me off the bridge, so least I could do is explain how I feel. The truth is, Rebekah, I think you're amazing. You've had a thousand years to learn, to grow, and to start fresh... And somehow you've managed to throw it all away. Now you're alone. You're compelling your friends. Your brother hates you. You whine about not finding love. The reason you don't find love is because you don't deserve it
(She rips is heart out and looks at it. She releases it but there is no heart and Matt isn't here. It was an hallucination. She looks around)
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(Connor is still blocked by the arrows. Damon and Klaus are looking at him)
Damon: Keep it up, buddy. We'll be scraping you off the ceiling
Connor: You two are gonna k*ll me anyway
Klaus: Well, let's not be too hasty. I feel like we're just getting to know each other
Damon: Start with the basics. Where are you from? What do you know? Maybe you can cue me in on this greater evil, because I've fought this guy, and there's nothing more evil than that
Klaus: Yeah, truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets
Connor: I'm not telling you anything. You think if you k*ll me, it's gonna be over? There's another waiting to take my place
Damon: See, this is what I like to hear... Vague thr*at, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos
Klaus: What do you mean, "tattoos"?
Damon: Don't bother. You can't see the damn thing
Klaus: There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?
(Connor tries to stake him but he's faster and catches his arm)
Klaus: Nice try, but I'm faster than your average vampire.
(He twists his arm and takes the stake. He looks at the symbol)
Klaus: You're one of the five
Damon: The what?
Connor: I'm faster than the average hunter
(Damon rushes outside. Connor sets off the b*mb. The room explodes)
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is lying in bed, sick. Stefan is standing, his phone at the ear)
Stefan: Klaus, where the hell are you?
(He hangs up and sits down next to Elena. She looks at him, there are veins on her face. She closes her eyes and one she opens them, she sees Damon)
Elena: Why am I thinking about you?
Damon: Because you're a vampire now... And part of you knows you're a lot more like me than you are like him
(She closes her eyes again. Klaus enters. Stefan turns himself)
Stefan: You came
Klaus: I did. And for future reference, one voice-mail is just as effective as 9
(He looks at Elena)
Klaus: What's wrong, love?
Stefan: She has werewolf venom in her system. You know you're the only one that can heal her, Klaus. Please
Klaus: And what would you have done if I were no longer here? Hmm? If you and your friends had succeeded in ridding the world of me? Let's play that game for a moment, shall we?
Stefan: Whatever you want from me...
Klaus: I don't want anything from you. Her, on the other hand...
(He sits down on the bed)
Klaus: If you had told me a few hours ago, I wouldn't have cared a lick about her dying. But as it turns out... You may be of use to me after all
(He makes her drink his blood)
Klaus: Here we go
(He smiles)
[Rebekah's House]
(Rebekah is lying on her bed. April arrives and knocks on the door. Rebekah looks at her. April enters)
April: Hey. Way to bail on your own party
Rebekah: I just... I needed a minute. Did everyone leave?
April: Yeah, deputies weren't actually super happy about the anti-curfew party
Rebekah: Why are you still here?
April: Um, honestly? Um, picking up trash is a hell of a lot better than sitting at home alone, thinking about the family I no longer have
(Rebekah seems touched. She gets up)
Rebekah: Hey, uh, if you want, I could, uh... I could help you look into what happened with the f*re at your farmhouse
April: Heh. What are you gonna be able to do that I can't?
Rebekah: You'd be surprised
[Mystic Falls' Hospital]
(The firemen and the police are in the room. Carol rejoins Damon)
Carol: So the sn*per was inside?
Damon: Yep. Still is, in tiny, little pieces
Carol: Good. I'll cancel the curfew and call off the extra patrols. I can't say I approve of your methods
Damon: I'll make a donation. They'll name a wing after me, maybe
(Damon is walking in the hallway. Jeremy is at the desk)
Jeremy: See? I told you I could be a badass
Damon: Shh. Badasses don't say that
(He rejoins Meredith)
Damon: Doc. Nice job
Meredith: You told me the plan was to lead him to the storage room
Damon: We did. Congrats
Meredith: You left out the part about bl*wing up a hospital, with patients who are sick and fragile and who don't need things exploding down the hall from them
Damon: It was contained. Nobody got hurt. Come on. Buy me a farewell drink. We'll talk about what the hell Klaus meant by "the five."
Meredith: You know you're not going anywhere, Damon, and I am not your new partner in vampire crime. Fix things with Stefan and Elena. Don't let your pride leave you all alone
(She leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is in the living room, a glass in his hand. Caroline arrives)
Caroline: Hey
Stefan: Hey. Thanks for coming
Caroline: Not every day I get summoned by a Salvatore. So what's up?
Stefan: Do you remember what you were like before you turned?
Caroline: Mm, you mean an insecure control freak?
Stefan: You grew into yourself when you became a vampire. You changed. And Elena, she's changing, too. And I want her to be able to enjoy it without all the guilt and shame that I went through. And there was a moment today when she did. And when I'm with her, every bone in my body tells me to join her, to enjoy it. But I know that if I do, even a little... I risk becoming him. The ripper. I love her, and I don't want to hold her back
Caroline: But you don't know how to be around her and still resist that urge
Stefan: Damon promised he'd help me stay off the edge, but, uh, he and I, we're not in a very good place right now, not when it comes to her. I just thought you're so good at it, at being a vampire
Caroline: Because of you, Stefan. I'm good at it because of you. Come to me whenever you want, and I won't let you lose control
[Gilbert's House]
(Matt enters and goes to the kitchen)
Matt: Elena! If I'd known you were gonna go to that party, I never would have told Connor about Rebekah
Elena: I already had this conversation with Jeremy. There's no way you guys could have known that I would go. I mean, I was surprised that I went. Stefan warned me that I would feel things more powerfully, but, Matt, the hatred that I felt today... I almost... I almost k*lled her in front of everyone, in the middle of a party. That's not me. Or at least, it didn't... didn't use to be
Matt: Honestly, Elena, Rebekah kind of deserves it
Elena: Yeah, but it's not just about Rebekah. It's about my mind. I'm having these terrible thoughts, these... Violent images, and I... it's all driven by one simple thing, this hunger
(She takes his arm and drinks. She keeps drinking)
Matt: Hey, Elena, you sure you wanna take that much?
(She keeps drinking)
Matt: Elena. Elena, that hurts. Elena. Elena. Ele...
(She strangles him and pushes him. She keeps drinking)
Matt: Elena! Elena
(Damon intervenes and pushes her off him. She snarls)
Damon: Stop. Stop
(Her face becomes normal again. She looks at Matt)
Elena: Oh my god. Matt, I'm sorry. I'm so... I'm so sorry. I... I didn't mean to
(Damon goes toward Matt)
Damon: It's okay
(He compels him)
Damon: Forget what just happened. You came over, she fed a little bit, and you left. Now go home
(Matt leaves. He looks at Elena)
Elena: What have I done?
Damon: Nothing you should be ashamed of. You are a vampire now. You just have to learn the right way to be one. And I'm gonna teach you
(He touches her face. She nods)
[Connor's trailer]
(Connor wakes up. He turns his head and sees Klaus. He gets up but Klaus pushes him back on the couch)
Connor: You saved me?
Klaus: Congratulations. You just became worth more to me alive than d*ad
Connor: what... what did you mean when you said I was one of the five?
Klaus: You don't know your own history? Well, let's just say it's made you the most well protected vampire hunter in town | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x03 - The Rager"} | foreverdreaming |
Flashback, 1110
[The Woods]
(Various men are reunited around a witch, who's casting a spell. There's thunder. She pours something on the ground. A tattoo spreads on each man's body)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is looking at one of Connor's stakes with a symbol carved on it. Damon enters, a box in his hands)
Stefan: So what is all this?
Damon: Some personal items that I snaked from the vampire hunter's rv. May he rest in peace. I'm searching for a supernatural handbook
Stefan: You know for a fact he was supernatural?
Damon: Definitely wasn't natural. The guy magically appears just as someone blows up the entire founders' council, covered in a tattoo that only Jeremy Gilbert, of all people in the world, seems to be able to see. Klaus mentioned something about him being one of the five. And then he kamikazes himself with expl*sives. Seem natural to you?
Stefan: What's the five?
Damon: That's what I'm hoping is in the first chapter of the handbook
(Damon's phone rings. He looks at it and answers. It's Liz)
Damon: Liz Forbes, my favorite sheriff. What? That's... Concerning. Keep me posted
(He hangs up but doesn't say anything)
Stefan: What, you're not going to tell me?
Damon: I can't tell you. It's private. We're in a fight
Stefan: You're in a fight; I'm not in a fight. I'm over it. I've been over it
Damon: You're not still mad at me about Elena?
Stefan: You let her feed on you. I'm always going to be mad at you. But we're not in a fight
Damon: Very well, then. They didn't find any remains at the expl*si*n site
Stefan: So Connor's still out there
Damon: Apparently so. I'm going to need you to get on this today. I have to take Elena to college
Stefan: I'm sorry, you have to do what, exactly?
Damon: I'm teaching her how to feed. She needs to learn snatch, eat, erase now more than ever. Ah. We're not in a fight, remember?
[The woods]
(Elena is with Stefan)
Elena: I know it's crazy, but I almost k*lled Matt last night. Damon had to rip me off of him and then compel him to forget. Call it doppelganger curse or whatever, but I can't drink animal blood. I can't drink from a blood bag. I can only drink from the vein
(She bends and an arrow goes into the tree)
Stefan: A little slow. Almost got you
(She removes the arrow)
Elena: That's why we're not using the wood ones for hunter defense class
(She throws the arrow at him but misses him. She smiles and he puts the crossbow on the ground)
Stefan: What about Caroline? She's a genius at self-control
Elena: She's too good. She doesn't understand how hard it is. And you, well, I know what being around too much blood does to you, so... I can't put you through that
(He rushes toward her and takes her from behind with the arrow)
Stefan: Hmm. So I guess that leaves Damon, huh?
(She makes him fall and sits above him)
Elena: Don't be jealous. You know I wish it could be you
Stefan: Fine. You wish it could be me
Elena: We're crashing Bonnie's trip to Whitmore College. The Professor that took over her gram's classes? He invited her. Listen to me. You're the one who's getting me through this. No matter who teaches me how to feed
Stefan: All right. Just be careful, ok? The blood, the feed... It's easy to get caught up in it
Elena: I will. I promise
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt is working. Rebekah arrives and puts keys on the bar)
Matt: What's that?
Rebekah: The key to your new truck. It's parked outside, paid for, insured, everything but a big red bow
Matt: If that's your idea of an apology... You should probably give it to Elena. She's the one you k*lled
(He leaves. Klaus is at the bar, looking at her)
Klaus: You're trying too hard
Rebekah: Last I heard, you were leaving town... forever
Klaus: Well, I was. But then I thought to myself, how can I when my sister, clearly so desperate for love and affection, is left here... Bribing the help
Rebekah: What do you want, Nik? I thought I was d*ad to you
Klaus: Things change, Rebekah. I've stumbled upon something I think might be of interest to you
Rebekah: Doubt that
Klaus: No? Well, what if I told you the brotherhood of the five still existed?
Rebekah: What?
Klaus: You see? And like that, bygones. Come on, love. Work to do
Rebekah: We don't have anything to do. There is no "we". I don't care about the five, and I don't care about you
Klaus: As you wish
(He leaves)
[Whitmore College]
(Damon parks the car. He goes out with Elena and Bonnie. Elena looks at Bonnie)
Elena: Are you sure that you're okay with this?
Bonnie: If I could spell you out of wanting blood, I would. But I can't, so better you doing this now than at freshman orientation
Elena: Something tells me that college isn't in my future anymore
Damon: Oh, stop with the pity party. If I can go to college, you can go to college
Bonnie: You? Went to college?
Damon: Sure. Plenty of times. I always had a thing for sorority girls
Bonnie: You're disgusting
Damon: I know
(A classroom. Professor Shane is teaching a class)
Professor Shane: I say the word "witch", what pops into your head? Halloween costume? Villain of a fairy tale? Maybe an ex-girlfriend? Well, whatever image it is, it's probably not Tanielle Soso...
(He shows a picture. Elena, Bonnie and Damon take seats)
Elena: Is that him?
Bonnie: Yeah
Elena: He's kind of...
Bonnie: Hot
(Elena smiles. Damon looks at them and rolls his eyes)
Professor Shane: I'm an admittedly crappy photographer. Now, in reality, or in this reality, at least, witches have appeared across every culture in history. They're the architects of the supernatural. Responsible for everything that goes bump in the night, from ghosts to vampires to doppelgangers...
Damon: What is this guy, witchipedia?
(Elena chuckles. Bonnie looks at him)
Bonnie: Shh, shut up
Professor Shane: Now, if you're a skeptic, you'd call that a coincidence. But if you're a true believer... You know what, there really isn't such thing
Elena: What if I'm... A ripper?
Damon: You're not a ripper
Elena: What if I am?
Damon: Well, then, pick someone and we'll find out. Stoner guys are no good to grab. They're too paranoid and you don't want the extra buzz. Now, she is fun-sized. But too alert. Geeky girls are inherently suspicious of anyone who's nice to them. What you want is the little blonde, pretty girl. Self-absorbed, easily flattered. You just have to separate her from the pack and make your move
(Professor Shane looks at them)
Professor Shane: Am I interrupting you guys? Or is it maybe the other way around?
Damon: Sorry. I was just saying how much I love witches
Professor Shane: Yeah, you and me both, brother. All right, listen, we should probably talk about the readings that none of you did
(Elena and Damon look at each other. She smiles)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Klaus enters a room. Connor is chained up against a wooden device. He looks at Connor)
Klaus: Looks like I'll have to beef up the hybrid security detail
(Stefan is here)
Stefan: I was going to take him, but I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain
Klaus: It's from the inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch
Stefan: What'd you get out of him?
Klaus: Not enough. He's mum about the council f*re and he's not saying anything about this greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you snooping?
Stefan: Well, I can't say it in front of him. As I'm sure you've figured out, our friend here can't be compelled
(Connor looks at Klaus)
Klaus: You're full of mysteries, aren't you?
Connor: I told you, I don't know anything
Klaus: Thankfully, I know plenty. Shall we?
(Klaus closes the doors)
Klaus: So what's with the home invasion?
Stefan: Damon said you knew something about this guy. I should have figured you were up to something when you healed Elena from the werewolf poison without asking for anything in return
Klaus: I was feeling benevolent
Stefan: You're never benevolent. Who is this guy? What's the five?
Klaus: So many questions
Stefan: It's a good thing I have nothing to do today except get answers out of you
Klaus: Fine. You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate. The brotherhood of the five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in the twelfth century. Italy. My siblings and I had followed the Normans as they conquered the South. Feeding, turning people as we went
Italy, 1114
(Klaus and Elijah are walking and stop in front of a stage. People are gathered and one of the hunters is talking on a stage)
Hunter: These demons live among you. Passing as human
Klaus (Voiceover): But with the bloodshed came exposure
The hunter: So witness with your own eyes...
(He opens a box. A vampire is inside and goes out. He burns in the sun and screams. Everyone's screaming. The hunter is looking at him)
Elijah: He's putting on quite the show
Klaus: He's nothing. I could eat him for sport
Elijah: Still, you should heed the warning. Between you here and Kol in the east, you have not been discreet. Stories of the original vampires are spreading
Klaus: If you're worried about discretion, perhaps you should wrangle our sister
(The hunter is kissing Rebekah's hand. She smiles. She takes his arm and they leave)
[Klaus' Mansion]
Stefan: So these hunters have been around for 900 years?
Klaus: Apparently. Well, our friend in the other room is the first I've seen since then. Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years
Stefan: And Rebekah had a thing with one of them?
Klaus: Oh, she didn't just have a thing. She fell in love with him. He told her all his secrets. Which I will gladly share with you... Provided you do one thing for me
Stefan: And what's that?
Klaus: Get Rebekah over here. She's being stubborn. And hateful. I need to make peace with her. I want her to give me some very important information about the hunter, which she won't do unless she believes we've made up
Stefan: And... What's in it for me?
Klaus: Just get her here and I'll tell you. Oh, and Stefan... Trust me when I say this... that hunter in there holds the answer to all your prayers
[Mystic Grill]
(April is at a table, doing her homework. Matt sops at her table)
Matt: Hey, April. Can I get you some more water?
April: I'm good. I'm not just sitting here alone like the loser new girl. I'm with my friend. She just...
(Rebekah arrives and sits down in front of her)
Rebekah: Sorry. Family drama
Matt: You two are friends?
Rebekah: Is it so hard to believe I would have one?
Matt: Yeah. It is. And I'm keeping the truck
(He leaves. April looks at him)
Rebekah: Hey, off limits! I have dibs
(Stefan arrives and compels April)
Stefan: You won't remember any of this
(He looks at Rebekah)
Stefan: Klaus wants me to fake peace with you so you'll talk about the five
Rebekah: Yeah, I bet. Don't help him. He'll just betray you. It's what he does
Stefan: All right, well, forget him. Help me instead
Rebekah: Why? You hate me more than he does
Stefan: Because I'm going to figure out what he's up to. And plus I can give you the one thing that he won't
Rebekah: And what's that?
Stefan: A clean slate. I'm not saying that I'm willing to forgive you for what you did to Elena, but I'm willing to set it aside and start over
Rebekah: Why would you do that?
Stefan: Because you're obviously not leaving town any time soon, and I'm just looking for a way we can all get along. Plus, you can't be too happy wandering around school with no friends
Rebekah: Well, what if I don't care what you or anyone else thinks?
Stefan: Well, I'm pretty sure that you care what, uh, Matt over there thinks. So maybe I can talk to him about a clean slate, too
[Whitmore College]
(Damon and Elena are walking behind the blond girl from Professor's Shane class)
Damon: She's young and healthy; she'll heal up like a charm. Just keep your eye on the ball
Elena: It's not a game, Damon
Damon: Fine, it's not a game; it's a high-stakes dangerous maneuver. Now, just go. Just like we practiced. That's all you have to do
(She catches up with the girl)
Elena: Hey! You're in my anthro class, right?
Girl: Uh, yeah. I guess so
Elena: I, uh, totally spaced and forgot to get the reading list. Do you have it?
Girl: Sure. Let me check
(Elena compels her)
Elena: This isn't going to hurt. Please don't scream
(Elena looks at a picture on the girl's phone)
Elena: Who's that?
Girl: It's my little sister
(Elena compels her)
Elena: Get out of here. Go back to class
(The girl leaves)
Damon: What the hell are you doing?
Elena: I just... I saw the picture, and I...
Damon: Everybody is someone's Uncle or father or camp counselor or Bible study teacher. Elena, you don't know these people. Why do you care?
Elena: I care because I'm still me! I still have the same feelings, Damon. Sorry if that spoils your master plan to turn me into a super vampire
(Bonnie rejoins them)
Bonnie: What's going on?
Damon: Nothing. Elena's educating me on the importance of feelings
Elena: Did you talk to the Professor?
Bonnie: For a second. He found some stuff of my grams in his office and he's going to dig it up for me. Oh, uh, this
(She gives her a flyer for a m*rder house party. Damon looks at it)
Damon: Oh, nice. The answer to all of our problems. A frat party, douche central. Which is why you'll be eating very well tonight. So what should we go as? Victims or K*llers?
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Klaus is looking at Connor, still chained up)
Klaus: You feeling all right, mate? Are the shackles too tight? Welcome home, sister
(Rebekah enters with Stefan)
Rebekah: This is a trick? How do you know he's one of the five? Where's his bloody tattoo?
Klaus: Oh, the tattoos aren't visible on this lot like they were on the last. Let's eat
(Klaus, Rebekah and Stefan are sitting at a table)
Klaus: Thank you, my lovely. I could kiss the council for burning up all the vervain in town. They made my life so much easier. Rebekah, love, eat your veggies
Rebekah: I'm not eating till you apologize
Klaus: For which indiscretion? There have been so many
Rebekah: You broke my neck
Klaus: You threw away Elena's blood so I can't make any more hybrids
Rebekah: 'Cause you took me for granted!
Klaus: That's what big brothers do, sweetheart!
Stefan: Let me just name the million other people I'd rather be having dinner with right now
Klaus: All right, fine. I'm sorry. I often forget how delicate you are. Forgive me?
Rebekah: I'll take it under consideration
Stefan: Ok, good. Ahem. Now, why don't you tell me about Rebekah's hunter?
Klaus: Right. Alexander. Nice chap, forgoing the obvious issues. He was looking for creatures of the night, which is why we felt quite safe around him wearing our daylight rings
Italy, 1114
(Alexander, Rebekah, Klaus and Elijah are sitting at a table outside)
Alexander: I'm unaccustomed to such luxury
Elijah: Well, it's the least we could to repay you for opening our eyes to the truth. We're curious to hear more about your order. Your crusade
Alexander: We are but five men. Bound by f*re and the last breath of a dying witch to a single cause. The destruction of all vampires
Klaus: And how do you hope to achieve this?
Alexander: We have the ultimate w*apon, which no vampire can survive
[Klaus' Mansion]
Stefan: So, that's what this is about? A w*apon?
Rebekah: Not just any w*apon
Klaus: Rebekah, love, don't get ahead of the story
Stefan: How is a w*apon the answer to all of my prayers?
(Klaus and Rebekah looks at each other)
Stefan: Why don't we just skip with the theatrics and get right to the point?
Klaus: Not quite yet. Because in order to find this w*apon, we need to solve the puzzle, which seems to have disappeared
Stefan: What puzzle?
(Klaus looks at him)
Stefan: The tattoo. What is it?
Klaus: A map. Leading us to its treasure
Rebekah: Fat lot of good a tattoo's going to do if we can't see it
Klaus: We can't, but someone else can. Why don't you tell the hybrid to bring him in, love? You see, the hunter was so eager to get to the bottom of his mystery tattoos that he mentioned there was only one other person who could see them
(A hybrid enters with Jeremy. Stefan rushes to get to him but Klaus is faster)
Klaus: I wouldn't. Lucky for us, young Jeremy here is a bit of an artist
Jeremy: I'm not helping you with anything
Klaus: I'm afraid you are
[Whitmore College]
(Elena, Damon and Bonnie arrive at the party, all dressed-up. A guy meets them at the entrance, a big glass in his hand)
Guy: Hey. I'm Frankie. Unassuming serial k*ller
Damon: I'm Jack. And these are the two lovely ladies I just... Rippered
Frankie: Welcome to the m*rder house. Bloody Mary's free until midnight. Enjoy yourselves
Damon: Well, hats off to these idiots
(He sees Professor Shane)
Damon: Oh, look, there's Professor creepy
Bonnie: His name is Professor Shane, and he's not creepy. I'm going to go talk to him
Damon: You do that
(She gives him her glass and goes rejoin the professor)
Damon: Inebriated sleaze balls all covered in blood. Come on, pick one
(She looks around and sees a guy put something in a girl's drink while she isn't looking)
Elena: I think I found one
Damon: Roofie guy? Nice choice. Go get 'em
(She goes towards him and runs into him)
Elena: I'm sorry. Drink?
Guy: Sure
(She looks at him, smiling and leaves. He follows her. She's alone, drinking. He's with her)
Guy: Great party, right?
Elena: Yeah
(He comes toward her but she pushes him against a wall. She compels him)
Elena: You're not going to make a sound
(She bites him and drinks. Damon enters)
Damon: Now remember, the idea is not to k*ll him. Elena! Elena, step away from the ledge. Elena!
(She stops and compels the guy)
Elena: Leave and forget about this
(She smiles and wipes her mouth)
Damon: Nice touch. How do you feel?
Elena: I feel good
(She smiles. Damon seems happy about it. She embraces him, laughing)
Elena: I want more
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Connor is still chained up. Jeremy is drawing his tattoo)
Connor: You set me up at the hospital. Led me to a trap. Why?
Jeremy: You were trying to hurt people who are important to me
Connor: Important to you? That vampire just thr*at to k*ll you. I don't understand how you could see the tattoo if you're a sympathizer
Jeremy: What exactly do you understand? 'Cause a couple days ago, you seemed to have all the answers and now you're no jack. Where did this tattoo come from? Why am I the only one who can see it?
Connor: Years ago, I met someone with a mark. Claimed he had this intense desire to k*ll vampires. Like it was ingrained in his DNA. Told me the same thing I told you... if I could see the mark, I was a potential
Jeremy: Who was he?
Connor: Just a guy I served in Iraq with. I lost track of him, and then one day... The tattoo just showed up on me. It started on my hand, but the more vampires I k*lled, the more it spread, like... Like it was trying to tell me something. I just... I just don't know what
(Klaus, Stefan and Rebekah are still sitting at the table)
Stefan: So tell me more about this tattoo
Klaus: My sister's suitor was unwilling to tell us anything. Rebekah, however, was more than willing to... Investigate, isn't that right?
(Rebekah is in bed with Alexander. They're kissing. She touches his chest and looks at the symbol)
Rebekah: How do you read these symbols?
Alexander: The map took my brothers and I years to translate. The sword... Is the key to reading it. Have you considered my offer? To come with me when I leave to follow the map?
Rebekah: I have. And I would like that very much
(He smiles and she kisses him. She sees a dagger and a vial of ash on the nightstand)
Rebekah: What is that?
Alexander: Oh, that? That... Is a very special w*apon. For a very special kind of vampire. When my brotherhood has achieved its destiny, those monsters will cease to exist. Until then, we have the daggers
Rebekah: Do you really believe they're all so evil they must be put down?
Alexander: Let us not talk of such evil. Let us do this
(He kisses her)
Alexander: Mmm. And this
(They kiss again)
Alexander: And this
(He drives the dagger through her heart. She's desiccating)
[Klaus' mansion]
Klaus: My sister's boyfriend threw a slumber party that night. He and his brothers put us all down in our sleep. Elijah, Kol, Finn... And me
Rebekah: How was I supposed to know?
(He raises his glass)
Klaus: Cheers. To my sister's uncanny ability to choose men
Stefan: I thought the daggers didn't work on you because of your werewolf side
Klaus: They don't
(Rebekah wakes up. Klaus is there, covered in blood)
Rebekah: What happened?
Klaus: Ask him
(He moves. Alexander is d*ad, s*ab by his own sword against the wall. Rebekah is shocked)
Klaus: Only, he cannot answer because I have ripped out his tongue, along with the rest of them
Rebekah: Nik, I had no idea!
Klaus: But you should have. Your only family was nearly wiped out because of your stupidity! What did he promise you?
Rebekah: Nothing. Nothing
Klaus: He would not have made a move unless he knew you were vulnerable. You trusted him... Over me! What did he promise you?
Rebekah: Nothing, Nik, I swear!
Klaus: What did he promise you?! Tell me, Rebekah!
[Klaus' Mansion]
Klaus: Go ahead, Rebekah, tell him. Tell him what the hunter told you the tattoo leads to. What's this great w*apon that could bring about the end of the vampire species?
Rebekah: A cure. He said there was a cure
Stefan: There is no cure for vampirism
Rebekah: I'm telling the truth, Stefan
Stefan: Then why wouldn't you have searched for it, found it?
Klaus: Because when the hunters drew their final breath that night, the marks disappeared from their body. The map was gone, the brotherhood of the five extinct. For 900 years, there was not a whisper of another hunter until our friend in there showed up in town
Rebekah: Well, now we have the map, what do we do next?
Klaus: We don't do anything. You can't be trusted, little sister. You'll be blabbing this secret to the first boy who calls you pretty. I mean, it's pathetic, really, isn't it? How she continues to hand her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affection. You think she would have learned by now from the endless cycle of disappointment and deception!
Rebekah: But I haven't! Instead I stay with you and let you leech every moment of happiness from my life. You know, at least I fared better than Finn. Klaus left him daggered because he was tired of his judgment
Klaus: No, Finn was a dullard. He's more interesting lying in a box
Rebekah: You want the cure for Elena, don't you? So you can go back to mass producing your hybrids. That's why you brought Stefan in, 'cause you knew he'd help you even though he hates your guts. You know what, you can shove your cure
(She leaves. Klaus smiles and looks at Stefan)
Stefan: Well, I hope you got what you wanted out of her before you chased her off
Klaus: She never would have told me what I needed to know. But she'll tell you
Stefan: What do you need me to find out?
Klaus: The map is useless without the tool to decipher it
Stefan: The sword
Klaus: She knows where it is. And you're going to get her to tell you. You have a chance to save Elena from the very thing that's going to destroy her. You can call it a deal with the devil if you like but you know you won't walk away from it
[Whitmore College]
(Professor Shane and Bonnie enter his classroom)
Professor Shane: I put your grandmother's stuff around here somewhere. There were a couple family photos and a first edition Stephen king. Did you know she liked "cujo"?
Bonnie: This is amazing. It's all stuff you picked up on your travels?
Professor Shane: Yeah. I, uh, I do this thing. It's like a one man traveling occult exhibit to small towns. It funds my crazy Indiana Jones adventures
(She looks at a picture of her and her grandmother)
Professor Shane: Do you practice? Like she did? I'm a true believer. Just don't tell anyone
Bonnie: No, I don't practice. Not anymore. I lost control of myself and there were consequences
Professor Shane: Witches love their consequences, don't they? You know, there are other ways to practice magic. If you're interested
Bonnie: Are you...
Professor Shane: No. No, no, no. I'm just, uh, I'm just a guy with a very open mind who has seen a lot of things. And I'm willing to test some of them out. If you are
(Damon and Elena are dancing and drinking blood. She's dancing with a girl and compels her)
Elena: Don't scream. This isn't going to hurt
(She bites her neck and drinks her blood. She releases her, dances and smiles. Damon rejoins her and they dance together. They both have blood on their mouthes. She licks her finger while they dance. Bonnie enters and watches them. Elena sees her. Bonnie watches her, shocked. Elena stops)
Elena: Oh my god
(Damon touches her face)
Elena: Oh my god
(She leaves. Damon watches her leaves. She passes by Bonnie)
Elena: I have to get out of here
(She leaves. Bonnie watches Damon. He dances)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Klaus enters the room where Connor is imprisoned. Jeremy is still drawing. Klaus looks at the drawing)
Klaus: Nice lines. Now, if you could just hurry it up a little bit
Jeremy: I'm done
Klaus: What is this?
Jeremy: It's the tattoo
Klaus: I've seen the tattoo, you repugnant punk. There's more to it
Jeremy: That's all of it. He said every time he kills a vampire, it spreads
(Klaus looks at Connor)
Klaus: Nate!
(A hybrid enters)
Klaus: Tell the girl to take Jeremy home. Keep this one alive at all costs
(He leaves. Jeremy leaves the room with the hybrid. Connor tries to get rid of his chains. The hybrid enters)
Nate: Looks like you got too much leash. You're not going anywhere, so you might as well stop the racket
(He tries to touch the chains but Connor bites his ear and has a piece in his mouth)
Nate: You're lucky I can't k*ll you. Freak
(He leaves and slams the door. Connor takes the hybrid's piercing from his mouth)
[Whitmore College]
(Elena is outside with Bonnie)
Elena: Who am I? Why am I acting like this?
Bonnie: Because you listened to Damon and Damon makes everything he wants sound like a good idea
Elena: I should be here with Stefan. I shouldn't be here with him. I should be going through all this with Stefan
(Damon arrives)
Damon: I'm guessing we should h*t the road
Bonnie: You were supposed to help her, and you let her get completely out of control
Damon: She's not out of control, she was having fun
Bonnie: This isn't fun. She's acting like a different person!
Damon: She is a different person! She's a vampire. We're a predatory species. We enjoy the hunt, the feed, and the k*ll. And when the guilt gets too bad, we switch off our humanity and we revel in it
Bonnie: Is that what you want? Her to be like you?
Damon: She already is like me. And you know what makes me able to drink my fill and leave someone breathing and not rip my head off like my brother, is that I can revel in it. I can make it fun
(He leaves)
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is in the living room. Rebekah enters)
Rebekah: I got your message. I'm sorry. I know you wanted my help. He just...Makes me so angry
Stefan: No one deserves to be treated that way
Rebekah: I wanted it back then. The cure. I was willing to leave behind my family for it. Would you take it if you had the chance? Or is it just for Elena?
Stefan: Part of me wishes that she and I can have an eternity together but Damon's right. There's not a single vampire who hasn't k*lled a human. Elena will k*ll. And then there will be the pain, and the guilt, and then...
Rebekah: The humanity switch
Stefan: Elena, she's driven by love. By compassion. When she turns off her humanity, then I don't think we'll ever get her back. So I'd do anything to save her
Rebekah: I envy that. You and Elena. I envy the love you have. I really did believe Alex when he said he loved me. He promised we'd be married. We even picked out a church. San Vittore in Brienno. I know you want my help, Stefan. But I just can't do anything that lets my brother get what he wants
Stefan: I never did answer your question. If it meant that I got to be with her... Have children, grow old with her... If it meant that we'd die together, be buried together... Then, yes. I'd take the cure
Rebekah: I buried him. Even after everything. I laid him to rest in the place where we would be married. What kind of hopeless fool does that? Ohh. But that's what you wanted to know, isn't it? Because I buried him with his sword
(Klaus enters)
Klaus: I'm sorry, little sister, but you're right. You really are a hopeless fool
Stefan: I'm sorry, Rebekah
Rebekah: Go right ahead. Laugh at the girl who loved too easily. Well, I would rather have lived my life than yours, Nick. No one will ever sit around the table telling stories about a man who couldn't love. Do it. Look me in the eye and do it, you coward! Do it!
(He drives the dagger though her heart and she dies. Stefan covers Rebekah's body)
Klaus: I have a plane waiting. I'll get the sword. My hybrids will keep an eye on Connor. You put Rebekah somewhere no one will find her and make sure Jeremy forgets everything he heard today
Stefan: I'll take care of it
Klaus: No one must know about the cure, do you understand? Not Damon, not Elena. Nobody. If this gets out, it could mean all our deaths. So if you tell anyone, I'll erase each and every memory from all of you
Stefan: I won't say anything
Klaus: It's just you and me in this, Stefan. Some secrets are stronger than family
[Gilbert's House]
(Damon and Elena arrive)
Damon: Well then. Good night
Elena: Damon… I'm sorry. Things got a little heated at the party, and... I shouldn't have let that happen. It's just that I... I feel like...
Damon: what do you feel, Elena?
Elena: When you tell me what a vampire should be, deep down, I believe you. I think that you're right, and I... I hate that feeling. Because I don't want to be...
Damon: You don't want to be like me
(They look at each other and Stefan opens the door)
Elena: Hey
Stefan: Hey
Elena: What are you doing here?
Stefan: Just hanging out with Jeremy. We had a couple things to talk about
Damon: Any news on the hunter?
Stefan: No. No, nothing new
Damon: Then today was a bust. She's all yours
(He leaves)
Stefan: So, uh... What happened?
Elena: I learned how to feed without hurting someone. It was awful. You were right, I... Got caught up in it
Stefan: Ah, it'll get easier
Elena: But I don't want it to get easier. I can't live like this. Stefan, I'm... Feeling things that I don't... I don't want to feel, and I'm becoming someone that I don't want to be. I don't think I'm going to survive this
Stefan: Hey. Yes, you will. I promise
Elena: No
Stefan: You just have to hold on
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Nate the hybrid enters. He's on the phone)
Nate: Yeah, I got it. I'll keep him fat and happy. You should send two more for protection. Make that three
(He hangs up. Connor arrives from behind and strangles him with a chain. He finally rips his head off. The tattoo spreads)
[Whitmore College]
(Professor Shane is reading something. Connor enters)
Professor Shane: Shouldn't you be in Mystic Falls k*lling vampires?
Connor: Why the hell did you send me there? | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x04 - The Five"} | foreverdreaming |
[Connor's Trailer]
(Connor enters and puts Nate's head on the table)
[Whitmore College]
(Connor and Shane are in his classroom)
Connor: You have any idea what I've been through? I spent the last two days chained up by an original vampire
Shane: So you met Klaus? I only know him by reputation. Apparently he's a real monster
Connor: He's a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Do you know how hard it is to k*ll them?
Shane: From what I gather, you have to... Remove their head, or their heart. That is, according to lore. I'm just speculating
Connor: I had to figure out how to do it on my own. I could have used some of this occult Professor knowledge of yours. But then again, you've always been slow when it comes to providing answers.
Shane: We had a deal. I'll give you answers about your hunter's mark when it's grown to completion
Connor: In other words, k*ll as many vampires as possible
Shane: Come on, Connor, why do you think I sent you to Mystic Falls? There's no shortage of vampires. That town's practically infested. Listen, there's a witch mixed up in all this. She's important to what I have planned. I want her to be kept out of harm's way
Connor: Anybody gets in my way… anybody… they're d*ad
Shane: Ok... Sure, I'll occupy her myself. Just do what you do. And the less I know about it, the better
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy is in the storage room, cleaning. He hears a noise and turns his head. He goes toward the noise and when he turns himself, Connor's here. He puts a Kn*fe under his throat)
Connor: Do I have your attention? Good. Then let's talk about vampires
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in her bed and sits down)
Elena: Dear diary, I know it's been a while. A long while. I haven't needed... I haven't wanted to write this stuff down. But I don't want to say it out loud, either. The thing is... I'm a vampire. And I hate it
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is writing in his diary)
Stefan: She's been spiraling since her transition. There are times I barely recognize her. But now for the first time in a while, there's hope
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena sits down on her bench and opens her diary)
Elena: I feel hopeless. Depressed. Angry. But most of all... I'm scared
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is still writing)
Stefan: Somewhere in the world, there's a cure for vampires. If I can get it, Elena can be human again. I can give her back her life
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is writing in her diary)
Elena: Part of me just wants to end it. But then I think of Jeremy. I'm all that he has left. So, I need to find a way through this. No matter what it takes.
[Salvatore's House]
Stefan: So that's what I need to do. No matter what Klaus asks; no matter what lies I have to tell, secrets I have to keep, I'll do it. No matter what it takes
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Stefan is looking at Nate's body, without his head. He's on the phone with Klaus)
Stefan: How the hell did Connor escape?
(Klaus is in Italy in an archeological site)
Klaus: I blame mind-numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me. You're going to help me
Stefan: Well, he could be anywhere now
Klaus: Think, Stefan. He took the hybrid's head, which means he wants werewolf toxin
Stefan: Which means he plans to stay in Mystic Falls to k*ll vampires
Klaus: Which is a pity. Me being on the other side of the world digging up a d*ad hunter, you'll have no access to my blood. And therefore the antidote. Nevertheless, his tattoo is our only map to the cure, so your task is quite simple. Find him, catch him, and above all, keep him alive. He's no good to us d*ad
Stefan: Damon's been looking everywhere for him. If they cross paths...
Klaus: You need to keep Damon in check
Stefan: It would be a lot easier if I could just tell him the truth
Klaus: You trust Damon with the cure? I imagine he prefers Elena the way she is
Stefan: Nice try, Klaus, but I trust Damon a hell of a lot more than I trust you
Klaus: And I trust no one. Which is why my sister is lying daggered in a box. The more who find out about the cure, the more will go after it. Nations have gone to w*r over less. You mark my words… tell one soul and I will throw the hunter's sword in the Mediterranean and we can end this quest right now. Am I understood?
(Stefan hangs up)
[Mystic Grill]
(The Mystic Grill is closed. Matt is working and on the phone)
Matt: Really? Jeremy, you're half an hour late. Get here now
(He hangs up. April enters)
April: Uh, Matt?
Matt: Uh, hey, April. We don't open till eleven
April: Oh, sorry. I wasn't, like, trying to scare you or stalk you or whatever. I just, um, I came to ask if you've seen Rebekah?
Matt: Why would I have seen Rebekah?
April: Oh, I just assumed. I mean, aren't you guys kind of like a thing?
Matt: Rebekah and I are not a thing
April: Well, I mean, I'm worried about her. She said she'd help me find stuff out about the f*re that k*lled my dad, and then she just disappeared
(Connor enters with Jeremy, a Kn*fe under his throat)
Connor: Trust me... That's the least of your problems
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena opens her bedroom door, ready to leave but Damon's here. He enters)
Elena: Oh. Excuse me. What are you doing?
Damon: Where's Stefan?
Elena: Ok, good morning to you, too
Damon: He's not answering his phone and he's not here, which, you know, big deal, we've only got a k*ller vampire hunter on the loose
Elena: I haven't talked to him yet today
Damon: Hmm. Give me your phone. Maybe he's dodging me
Elena: Why would he be dodging you?
Damon: Oh, I don't know, maybe the hot, sweaty dance party business? I figured you spilled your guilty little guts to him when I left last night
(She doesn't say anything)
Damon: Ohh, you didn't tell him, did you?
Elena: No, Damon. I didn't tell him that I got high on blood like some crack head and dirty danced with you. It was a mistake, ok? I wasn't...Myself. And besides, he's already got enough to deal with, trying to get me through this vampire stuff
(She gives him her phone)
Damon: Oh, I see. This is classic shame spiral
Elena: I'm not in a shame spiral
Damon: Oh, you so are. Newbie vampire remorse? Whoof, it's worse than a hangover
Elena: I'm not in a shame spiral, Damon!
(Damon calls Stefan with Elena's phone)
Stefan: It's Stefan. Leave a message
(He hangs up)
Damon: So either he's dodging both of us...
Elena: Or something's wrong
[Mystic Grill]
Connor: Sit down. Sit down!
(Matt and April sit down at a table. Connor makes Jeremy sit down with them)
Connor: Gilbert, give me your cell phone
Jeremy: Look, at least let April go. She doesn't have anything to do with this
Connor: She has everything to do with this
(He takes Jeremy's phone)
Connor: Her and her father. Plus, she and I have history
April: What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life!
Connor: You kids need to get some vervain. And don't just wear it as a bracelet where anybody can just take it off. Maybe then you'd remember our conversation at the hybrid's yesterday
Jeremy: Our conversation? Are you saying someone compelled me?!
April: Will someone please tell me what he's talking about?!
Connor: Compulsion. Secrets. Vampires
Matt: If you know so much, then you know our friends are going to come for us
Connor: Oh, yeah, I'm counting on it. Every vampire that comes for you is another one I get to k*ll. Now, who should I text first, hmm? Damon Salvatore? His brother Stefan? Tyler Lockwood? All of the above
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Damon, Elena and Tyler are at his house)
Damon: So we each take a different entrance, h*t him at the same time
(Stefan enters)
Elena: Stefan
(She goes toward him and he embraces her)
Damon: Where the hell have you been?
Stefan: Coming up with a plan
Damon: Yeah, we have a plan. The plan is I'm going to rip Connor's heart out and I am going to feed it to him
Stefan: That's not a plan. We need to be careful. Connor has Jeremy and who knows how many other hostages
Damon: Hence the open heart surgery
Elena: Damon's right. Connor's strong, but he's not going to be able to take all of us
Tyler: I called in the hybrids to help, too.
(Caroline enters)
Caroline: My mom put squad cars blocking the streets. They're saying it's a faulty gas main. We're good to go
Damon: Good. Great. No cop, no witnesses, no reason to wait around
Stefan: All right, hold on, you're not all going
Tyler: He sh*t me like 9 times. If we're k*lling him, I want in
Elena: He's got Jeremy, I'm going
Stefan: Listen, nobody is going anywhere until I figure out what we're walking into
Damon: Until you figure it out? Is that where you've been all morning, out buying bossy pants?
Stefan: This guy's known for setting traps, right? We'd be pretty dumb to walk into one, especially if he has werewolf venom
Elena: Does he?
Stefan: He's had it before
Damon: Fine. Fine. You want to take some time to do recon, you get one hour. But we're going to need some extra help, so where the hell's the wicked witch of the west?
Caroline: She can't do magic
Damon: Really? Well, call her, tell her Jeremy's life is in danger. Maybe that'll bring her out of retirement
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie is in Professor Shane's office. She's reading a book)
Bonnie: I can't believe you wrote a book
Shane: I did. I wrote three books, actually. Two of them are just too mortifying to display
Bonnie: Oh, I'm finding them online
Shane: No, no, you're not. Hey, come on, you promised, remember? Right? No cell phones, and no Internet during witch therapy. Here. This is yours
(He gives her a glass of tea)
Shane: Right now I want you to focus. And I want your undivided attention
Bonnie: You really think you can help me start practicing magic again?
Shane: Absolutely, I can. I invited you here because I can. But you know what, right now, just relax. Drink your tea. I got this in Australia when I was backpacking with these aborigine spirit guides. Trust me, it's better when you smoke it, but I'm trying to be a role model. Bonnie... Listen, the thing is, what I have in mind might come off as a little unorthodox
Bonnie: Now I'm officially curious
Shane: What do you know about hypnosis?
Bonnie: You really think that would work?
Shane: What, you practice witchcraft but you don't believe in hypnotism? Bonnie, listen... You're afraid to practice magic because those witch spirits convinced you it's wrong. They thr*at your grams and they made you feel guilty. You just have to confront that fear... And that guilt. And remove it
Bonnie: Maybe. I don't think hypnosis would work. Witches are naturally immune to any sort of manipulation
Shane: Really? Well, let me ask you something. How'd you like to put that earring back on?
[Mystic Falls' Square]
(Stefan is walking and is on the phone with Klaus)
Klaus: You expect me to care about bloody hostages?
Stefan: Well, you should. Damon does. So does Caroline, Tyler, Elena. If any of them get to Connor, then you just wasted a trip to Italy. I can buy us some time, but Damon's getting antsy. So if you want Connor alive, you better get your hybrids onboard with my plan
[Alaric's Apartment]
(Elena looks through the window and sees Stefan on the phone)
Elena: Who is he talking to?
Damon: Bonnie, hopefully. Maybe she's decided to make herself useful again
(He lays a plan on the table. She rejoins him and looks at it)
Elena: What is that?
Damon: It's our way in, courtesy of Alaric Saltzman's interest in the Mystic Falls Underground Railroad
Elena: The tunnels, like the ones in the Lockwood cellar
Damon: Yep
(He takes a picture with his phone. Elena's phone rings. She answers)
Elena: What did you find out?
Stefan: I could only make out the voices
Damon: How many hostages?
Stefan: Three. But, Elena, it's Matt. And April young
Elena: What?!
Damon: Those two idiots. They're like danger magnets
Elena: We have to get them out of there
Stefan: Yeah, I just need a little more time
Damon: The clock's ticking, brother
Stefan: You know, I could do without the color commentary
(He hangs up)
Elena: I'm going in these tunnels
Damon: No, you're not. This guy doesn't know that you're a vampire. Let's keep it that way
Elena: Well, maybe that's it. I can offer to trade myself in exchange for the hostages
Damon: No! Best case scenario is, now you're a hostage. Worst case scenario…he figures you out, kills you on the spot
Elena: Stop treating me like I can't handle myself. Alaric trained me, and I've been practicing with Stefan
Damon: So what? Now you're going to take on a professional k*ller? Bang, you're d*ad. Now what?
Elena: Head sh*t's no good. It has to be the heart. So now you're d*ad
Damon: For someone that doesn't want to be like me, you sure are good at it
Elena: My brother's the only thing that's holding me together right now, Damon. If anything happens to him...
Damon: We'll get him out. I promise
[Mystic Grill]
(Connor is preparing something. Jeremy, April and Matt are looking at him)
April: He's clearly delusional. I mean, right? All this… all this talk about vampires? I…I mean, he mentioned my dad
Matt: Hey, this guy's a nut job, ok? Don't let him get in your head
April: What if he knows something? Jeremy...Did he say anything to you about why he's doing this?
Jeremy: I don't know. Maybe. Maybe I just can't remember
(He gets up)
Matt: Let it go. Jeremy!
(Jeremy rejoins Connor)
Jeremy: You said we had a conversation yesterday?
Connor: Mm-hmm
Jeremy: About what?
Connor: We'll get into that. First, take a look at my handiwork. Pick up some tips from the hunter's trade
Jeremy: What is all that?
Connor: The fluid is derived from werewolf toxin. Trip the wire, b*mb goes off, nails deliver a lethal dose into the bloodstream
Jeremy: And what's the point? What do you get out of all this?
Connor: You know, I used to think that there was no "get". That I was just supposed to "do". k*ll vampires. That was until I realized that the mark held the answer to why I'm the way I am. The more I k*ll, the more it grows, and once it's complete... I'll learn my story, and… and all this will have meant something
(He looks at Matt and April)
Connor: Hey! We're going to have visitors soon. You two get in the back. Get up! Move!
(They get up. Matt takes April by the shoulders)
Connor: And before you think about any other exits, I got every door rigged. Got it?
(They go in the back)
[Alaric's Apartment]
(Elena is looking through the window)
Damon: Stefan's on his way. This will be over soon
Elena: Will it? I mean, haven't we already been here before with Jeremy? Isn't this why we sent him to Denver?
Damon: Well, we'll get him out of this and we'll compel him down to the Bahamas. Maybe he'll find an island girl
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: Did you find the tunnel map?
Damon: Got it. It was in his w*apon's drawer with seven stakes, a weird MacGyver crossbow, and the last remaining vervain in Mystic Falls. So, how about we get this party started?
Stefan: Not yet. Klaus is sending one of his men. He'll take the front and you and I can take the tunnels
Damon: Since when do we team up with Klaus and the lollipop guild?
Stefan: Well, I already told you, Connor has werewolf venom. We need someone to draw his f*re, the hybrids are immune to it, so they're our best bet
Damon: Well, how are you sure he even has werewolf venom? Why is Klaus involved, Stefan?
Stefan: Oh, stop being paranoid, Damon
(He takes a vervain dart)
Damon: Start telling the truth...Stefan. Why is Klaus involved? Did he compel you?
Stefan: I am telling you the truth, this is the best way to get everyone out
Elena: What is with you two? We're wasting time!
Damon: You know what, she's right. Screw your plan. I'll k*ll Connor myself
(He goes to the door but Stefan injects the dart in his back)
Elena: Stefan! Why are you doing this?
Stefan: Damon had the right idea with the tunnels, but I'm not going to go in there if I can't count on him to do it my way
Elena: If you can't count on him? You just vervained him!
Stefan: Do you think he cares about April or Matt? He'll get Jeremy out for you, but then he'll go right after Connor no matter who gets hurt
Elena: Then I'm coming with you
Stefan: You're not coming with me, Elena!
Elena: You need my help!
Stefan: What if Connor att*cks and you have to defend yourself? And what if you k*ll him? The guilt will wreck you
Elena: You don't think that I'm afraid of that? Of course I am. Stefan, I'm barely holding it together. If Jeremy gets hurt…
Stefan: we'll get Jeremy out, ok? I promise you. Elena, listen to me, listen to me. This is the most important thing that I have ever asked you to do. I just need you to trust me. Please
(She nods. He kisses her. When she opens her eyes, he has disappeared. She looks around)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler is talking with a hybrid)
Tyler: Look, man, this guy is dangerous. He's highly trained, he's armed…
Hybrid: I can handle myself. Besides, Klaus asked me personally
Tyler: This is a bad idea
(Haley is listening. Caroline arrives and looks at her)
Caroline: Uh, who are you?
Haley: Who the hell are you?
Caroline: Caroline
Haley: Ohh. You're Tyler's girl. He told me about you. I'm Haley
Caroline: Well, Haley, that's pretty crazy, 'cause I haven't heard a thing about you
Haley: I've been staying here a few days
Caroline: Excuse me?
Haley: I needed a place to crash, Ty's a buddy. He was kind enough to offer
Caroline: I know all of Ty's buddies and I haven't heard about you, so how about we cut the crap?
Haley: Yeah, I don't do teen drama. Take it up with Ty. Excuse me
(She leaves)
(Haley enters the living room where Tyler is talking with the hybrid)
Haley: Dean, you don't need to do this
Dean: Stay out of this, Haley. I'm going
Tyler: Just listen to her, man. It's su1c1de
(Caroline enters)
Tyler: Klaus told you to take Connor by yourself, and you can't even fight back? You have to use "non-lethal force"? What the hell is that?
Dean: Klaus gave me a direct order
Haley: It's too dangerous. That maniac already k*lled Nate
Dean: You're not a hybrid; you don't know what it's like. Klaus asks for something, you do it
Tyler: Look... I'm a hybrid. I used to do everything Klaus said. But I don't anymore. You don't have to, either
Dean: You think you can stand up to Klaus? Here, prove it
(He gives him his phone)
Caroline: Tyler, don't...
(He calls Klaus. He's in Italy. Someone gives him the sword)
Klaus: Hello?
Tyler: Hey, Klaus
Klaus: Tyler. I hope you're not causing problems
Tyler: I can do whatever I want. I'm not sired to you anymore
Klaus: Fair enough. Though I do happen to know your little secret about your time in Appalachia. What was your friend's name? Haley, was it? You'd probably prefer I kept that to myself. I'm sorry, mate. Are you going to answer or should I just assume you're back to being... How did you phrase it? Oh, yes. My little bitch
(Tyler hangs up and is uncomfortable. He looks at Dean)
Tyler: Ahem. Do whatever the hell you want
(He leaves)
Haley: That's it? You just back down?!
(She goes after him)
[Mystic Grill]
(The phone rings. Jeremy is about to answer but Connor catches his arm and answers)
Connor: We're closed
Stefan: I want you to free the hostages
Connor: I'll free them. As soon as you give me what I want… you and everyone like you d*ad
Stefan: What, so your hunter's mark can grow? Yeah, I know all about that. What it means. What you are. Listen, you free the hostages and you and I can have a little chat. Maybe I can tell you about the brotherhood of the five
Connor: That's a weak move. You must be desperate
Stefan: Think about it, Connor. Klaus saved your life, he needs you alive. Aren't you the least bit curious why?
(Connor hangs up and throws the phone)
(Matt and April are in the back)
April: When I was a kid, my dad used to tell me these scary stories about vampires
Matt: They're just stories
April: Not to that man out there. There's something so familiar... About him
Matt: Look, this is a messed up situation. The last thing that you want to do is buy into that guy's craziness. You're going to be fine. We're getting out of here
April: What is that?
Matt: There used to be an exit through the old wine cellar
(He looks inside)
Matt: They bricked it over
April: So that's it, then? We're screwed
(He takes a hammer and starts to break the bricks)
Matt: No. We're not screwed
[Mystic Grill]
(Dean arrives in front of the Mystic Grill. He has an earpiece)
Dean: There's no sign of anyone
Klaus: Stefan's coming at him from the other side. He'll free the hostages, your job is to get Connor out alive and use caution, mate. He favors booby traps and ambushes
Dean: Understood
(Connor is fixing his b*mb. Jeremy sees a r*fle and tries to get it)
Connor: You may be a potential hunter, but you make one move, I will break all 27 bones in your hand
Jeremy: They're not all bad, you know? Some of them, they're my friends
Connor: Friends, huh? Yeah, I had a friend like that once. She got turned by this vampire I was hunting. He thought it'd be ironic
Jeremy: What happened to her?
Connor: I didn't want to hurt her. She promised that she would keep it under control, but... A vampire's like a loaded g*n. Eventually it's going to go off. That's when I got this
Jeremy: So you k*lled your own friend?
Connor: Listen! If you're going to be like me, you need to understand. Vampires k*ll humans. Hunters k*ll vampires
(They hear the door)
Connor: We have company
(They bend. Dean enters. He sees the wire and the b*mb. He goes by the wire but he walks on something. The b*mb goes off)
(Matt and April are surprised)
Matt: Oh my god
(April turns herself and is surprised when she sees Stefan but he puts his hand on her mouth and tells her to be silent)
(Dean gets up. He's in bad shape. Connor arrives, aims his r*fle at him and sh**t him, leaving a hole in his chest, he's d*ad)
(Stefan gives a phone to Matt)
Stefan: Follow this map. Get out of here. Take her to Caroline's so she can...
Matt: Okay. Stefan! That guy's armed. If you go out there, he's going to k*ll Jeremy
Stefan: No one's k*lling anyone. Go
(Connor takes his shirt off and looks at his tattoo growing. Jeremy is intrigued. Stefan arrives. Connor sees him and catches Jeremy and sh**t Stefan but he's faster. Connor throws Jeremy on the ground and Connor is aiming his g*n at Stefan)
Stefan: Connor, you don't have to do this
Jeremy: Stefan…
[Alaric's Apartment]
(Elena is leaving a voicemail to Stefan)
Elena: Stefan, call me. There was an expl*si*n at the grill. I need to know what's happening
(Damon is waking up. Elena turns herself and hangs up and goes toward him)
Elena: Damon. Hey. Can you get up?
Damon: Oh, where's Stefan? I'm going to k*ll him
(He tries to get up and is b*rned by the sun)
Damon: Ow-ow! Ow!
Elena: He took your ring? Why would he do that?
Damon: Ughh. Because he's playing us. All this stalling, getting the hybrids, taking my ring, add it up. He's either made a deal with Klaus or he's compelled
Elena: Then I need to get in there
Damon: No, Elena, this guy is dangerous!
Elena: So am I, Damon!
Damon: Then you need to be smart. He doesn't know you're a vampire. You get as close as you can. And k*ll him
[Mystic Grill]
Stefan: Connor, we can end this right now. Just put down the g*n and come with me
Connor: Sure, come out. I'll hand the g*n over
Stefan: Think about this, no one has to die. I'll tell you everything you need to know
Connor: I don't make deals with vampires!
Stefan: Listen to me. If you die right now, then your whole life, all that k*lling, it will all be for nothing. I can give you the truth. Put down the g*n and let Jeremy go
(Elena enters)
Elena: Please! Don't hurt him
Connor: Come any closer, he's d*ad
Jeremy: Elena, get out of here
Elena: He's the only family that I have left. Just…just let him go
Connor: You hear that? Your girl's watching. I will sh**t the boy right in front of her! On the count of three! 1... 2...
(Stefan comes out. Elena rushes overs Connor and he sh**t Jeremy in the stomach. She's on tops of him, punches him and strangles him. Jeremy is bleeding and is about to move. Stefan rushes over him and throws him. The b*mb explodes but Stefan was in time)
Elena: Jeremy?
(Connor pushes her and he's in top of her. He's about to stake her but she resists. Stefan intervenes and pushes him off her. Elena gets up. Stefan and Connor have disappeared. She looks around)
(Elena is giving Jeremy her blood. She touches his face and looks the blood on his shirt. Her face changes and she turns herself)
Elena: I'm sorry… I….
Jeremy: Hey, it's ok. You don't have to hide it; I know you're not going to hurt me
Elena: How did this happen, Jer? Why did Connor come after you?
Jeremy: He said I was like him, because I could see his tattoo
Elena: His what?
Jeremy: His hunter's mark. It's invisible to everyone but me. Stefan and Damon didn't tell you about it?
Elena: No. Who else knows about this?
Jeremy: Well, that's the thing. I don't even know. Apparently I was with Connor all day yesterday, but I can't remember. Someone compelled me
Elena: I think I know who
[The Tunnels]
(Stefan is walking with Connor. Damon's here)
Damon: Good work, brother
Stefan: It's over, Damon, I have him
Damon: Not after what I just went through. I had to punch through a boiler room basement into a septic t*nk to get into this stupid tunnel. But it'll be worth it
Stefan: I'm taking him with me
Damon: That's the thing… you're not. I don't know what you're up to or what Klaus has over you, but even if I have to go through you, I'm going to k*ll him
Stefan: Better back off, Damon
Damon: Why? Because Klaus wants him alive?
Stefan: This has nothing to do with Klaus, you're just going to have to trust me on that
Damon: Don't want to. Don't have to. Not gonna. You can give him to me, brother
Stefan: Run as fast as you can
(Connor leaves. Stefan rushes over Stefan and pushes him against the roc)
Stefan: You're not going to k*ll him!
Damon: Why are you protecting him? Tell me. Tell me!
Stefan: Klaus will k*ll anyone who knows!
Damon: Then it has to be good. Spill it. Spill it!
Stefan: Connor's tattoo is the key to a cure
Damon: The cure for what?
Stefan: For her! For Elena
Damon: Klaus told you there's a cure for vampirism?
Stefan: And if Connor dies, then we'll lose it forever. I know it's crazy, Damon, but its hope. Do you understand me? It's her only hope!
(Connor is running but Elena finds him and bites him)
Elena: You stay the hell away from my brother!
(She pushes him. He falls on his knees)
Connor: Look at you. So worried about your brother. And you're the biggest monster he'll ever meet
(He stakes her in the guts)
Elena: You missed
(She breaks his neck, k*lling him. She looks at his body)
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie and Shane have their eyes closed. They're silent. She opens her eyes)
Bonnie: This isn't working. It's not you. I just…I can't get into hypnosis
Shane: Bonnie, what do you think we've been doing for seven hours?
(She looks at the clock)
Bonnie: Wow, that's crazy
Shane: Look, I'm good at this, ok? And trust me; you're doing a lot better than you were when you came in this morning. You know what? Proof
(He takes a candle and puts it in front of her)
Shane: I bet that you can light this candle as easily as I can sign my name. All you have to do is want to
Bonnie: I'm sorry. I just…I can't
Shane: If you can't... It's only because you're afraid. You're afraid of those spirits and what they might do to your grams. But let me tell you something, Bonnie Bennett… you're stronger than they are. You have a power of your own you haven't even approached yet, and you don't have to be afraid. Of anyone. Say it "I don't have to be afraid."
Bonnie: I don't have to be afraid
Shane: Now close your eyes. And mean it
(She closes her eyes)
Bonnie: I don't have to be afraid
(She opens her eyes and looks at the candle. She isn't lit)
Bonnie: Guess it wasn't good enough
Shane: Oh, I don't know
(She looks around and sees that every candle in the room is lit. she smiles, looks at him and then looks around. She laughs and looks at him again, surprised)
[The woods]
(Elena is digging a grave for Connor. She's crying. Stefan and Damon arrive and look at her)
Stefan: Elena…
(She stops and looks at them. She looks at Connor)
Elena: I need to bury him. I k*lled him, I should… I should bury him
(She keeps digging. Stefan looks at Damon)
Stefan: Hey. Hey, come on
Elena: Don't! I heard you talking to him. Making some secret deal with Klaus? You said you were going to protect Jeremy! Keep me from...This. You said that I could trust you, Stefan
Damon: Elena, it's complicated…
Elena: no, it's not complicated, Damon! You want to know why? Because… because he's d*ad now. You told me to k*ll him. So I did. I k*lled… I k*lled someone. I k…I k*lled someone!
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler is embracing Haley)
Tyler: I'm so...Sorry
Haley: I can't believe Dean's gone. We could have saved him
(Caroline enters)
Caroline: I apologize. Am I intruding?
Tyler: Caroline, it's not like that
Caroline: I keep waiting for you to make up some dumb story so at least I can call you a liar. Is that now?
Haley: I'll let you two talk
Caroline: Thank you, how big of you!
(Haley leaves)
Tyler: You have to understand…
Caroline: no, you don't tell me what I have to do. I went through hell when I thought you died. I cried like an idiot, and this whole time, you've been keeping a secret from me about falling for some werewolf in the Appalachians!
Tyler: I never fell for her
Caroline: Oh, please
Tyler: Caroline, she saved my life! I almost died trying to break the sire bond. Haley was there for me. She helped me get through it but nothing else happened!
Caroline: Then why would Klaus think that?
Tyler: Because I'd rather him think that than know the truth. There are other hybrids that need to be set free. Haley and I can help them. But if Klaus found out about what we're trying to do, he'd k*ll us all
[Mystic Falls Square]
(Jeremy is sitting alone. He's taking his vervain bracelet off. Matt and April arrive)
April: Hey, Jeremy. Sorry we're so late. We had to take this crazy detour
Matt: There was a gas leak
Jeremy: Yeah, I heard about that
April: Yeah, and we had to stop by Tyler Lockwood's house 'cause we had to see Caroline. We talked to her for a little bit, but now I was thinking maybe we could all go get some coffee. But the grill is closed. That's...Weird
Jeremy: You know what, it's ok. I, uh, I need to get home anyway, 'cause I'm feeling a little... Over it today
Matt: I should probably get home, too
April: Oh. All right, then
(She goes. Jeremy drops his bracelet and picks it up)
Jeremy: Hey, uh, April. Did you drop this?
April: Oh, that's not mine
Jeremy: You sure? Here, let me see your wrist
(He puts it around her wrist)
April: Ah, thanks, but…
Matt: I like it. I think it looks good on you. You should wear it
(She looks at the bracelet and looks at them)
April: Okay
(She leaves. Matt looks at Jeremy)
Matt: Are you ok?
Jeremy: Yeah. I'm just sick of all the secrets, you know?
Matt: Yeah, tell me about it
(He stops and looks at his hand. The tattoo has appeared)
Jeremy: What?
(He's shocked)
Matt: What's wrong?
Jeremy: Nothing
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan enters his room. Damon is sitting at his desk)
Damon: How is she?
Stefan: Angry, full of guilt. Hasn't said a word to me other than she wants to be left alone. Is that my journal?
Damon: Had to go through six locks to get it. Needed something to back up your insanity. Did you figure out how to tell Klaus you lost a hunter and a hybrid?
Stefan: He's on a plane. Which means I get to live for another six hours
Damon: I got your back. You know, when he comes to m*rder you
Stefan: Thanks. Thanks for not saying anything to Elena
Damon: About what? A cure that we don't have, can't find, and probably doesn't exist? You're welcome
Stefan: She doesn't need to know that she k*lled her chance of being human again
Damon: Alleged chance
Stefan: I believe him, Damon. You didn't hear Klaus' story. I believed every word he said
Damon: Well, I'll remain a skeptic for now. So what's your next move?
Stefan: He said there was a brotherhood of the five. Which means there are other hunters out there, and I'm just going to keep looking until I find one
Damon: Sure, Stefan, since you asked, I'd be happy to go on a su1c1de mission with you for a potentially non-existent cure. Not a problem
Stefan: Yet a couple hours ago, you were ready to rip my heart out
Damon: Because you were being a pain in the ass. I just need one thing… why do you want to cure her?
Stefan: What kind of question is that?
Damon: Legitimate one. You want to cure her because she's a vampire and she's not cut out to be, or you can't love her if she is one?
Stefan: I'll always love her. But she's not supposed to be this person. I don't want her to be
Damon: Well, if I'm going to ride this fairy tale to its conclusion, let me be clear about one thing
Stefan: What's that?
Damon: I'm fine with her either way, brother. So if we do this, we're doing it for you
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is taking a shower)
Elena: Dear diary, today I did the thing I was most afraid of. I lost control. I k*lled someone. I used to think the worst feeling in the world was losing someone you love, but I was wrong
(She's writing in her diary)
Elena: The worst feeling is the moment that you realize... You've lost yourself
(Blood drops fall on her hand and on her diary. She looks at her hands and smells them. There's blood everywhere on the floor and she follows the path. He enters the bathroom. There's blood everywhere. She looks at her mirror. There's ‘'k*ller' written in blood on it. She slips on the blood and falls on the ground. She looks around her, panicked but everything is back to normal) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x05 - The k*ller"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in her bed but she can't sleep)
(She's in the kitchen. Connor appears behind her)
Connor: Can't sleep?
(She turns herself but he's not here. She looks around. He reappears)
Connor: You know... It makes sense. Guilty conscience
Elena: You're not here. I'm... I've got to be dreaming
Connor: Then how do you know that I'm not here?
Elena: Because you're...
Connor: Come on. Say it
Elena: Because you're d*ad
Connor: Yes. I am. Was that the first time that you've taken a human life?
Elena: You're a ghost. It's got to be... You're a ghost. That's... that's what's happening right now. Jeremy. Jeremy!
(He wakes up)
Elena: You're a ghost. You're haunting me. You're a ghost. You're haunting me
Connor: Can a ghost do this?
(He strangles her from behind. She punches him with her elbow and then pushes him on the table. He gets up and comes back toward her. She takes a Kn*fe and s*ab him in the neck. She removes the Kn*fe. It was Jeremy)
Elena: Oh my god! Oh! Jer! Jer!
(He collapses)
Elena: Jer! Jer! No, no, no! No! No. No, Jer! Jeremy!
(Jeremy is on the couch, still d*ad. Elena and Damon are with him)
Elena: I can't believe this happened. What... what am I going to say to him?
Damon: Thanks for not ditching the family ring after it drove Ric crazy? You should have called Stefan
Elena: I don't want to talk to him. He's been lying to me, and hiding things from me. He compelled Jeremy to forget God knows what
Damon: In all fairness, I mean, I think you k*lling him kind of trumps that. I mean, you should have called Stefan
Elena: I don't trust him right now, Damon
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: Hey
Damon: P.S... I called Stefan
Stefan: What happened? Why didn't you call me?
Elena: I just... I need to go upstairs and shower. Clean all the blood off my hands
(She goes upstairs and Jeremy wakes up)
Stefan: Welcome back. How you feeling?
Jeremy: What happened?
Damon: Long story. Buy the e-book
(Stefan goes in Elena's bedroom. She's there)
Stefan: Elena? Hey. Listen, I know you're still upset about yesterday, and I get it. Believe me. But just... let me help you
Elena: I don't want your help right now, Stefan
Stefan: But you'll accept Damon's?
Elena: Don't make this about Damon! You've been working with Klaus doing God knows what, and don't insult me by trying to deny it
Stefan: Listen, it's not what you think, ok?
Elena: I don't know what to think but I do know that I don't want to talk to you and I don't really want to be around you right now
Stefan: Look, please, just...
Elena: No. This is my brother's blood on my hands, Stefan. I s*ab him in the neck last night, so forgive me if I'm not in the mood to listen you try to talk your way out of this
(She goes in the bathroom and slams the door)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(A hybrid pours alcohol to Haley. Tyler enters and she looks at him, smirking)
Tyler: You're still going? I drank enough last night. And then I slept, which is what you guys should have done
Hybrid: We're just paying our respects to Dean
Tyler: That's great, Chris, but would you pay them at a bar instead?
Haley: Don't be mad. We're celebrating our fallen hybrid friend
(She makes him drink but he doesn't want to. She wipes his mouth with her finger and then sucks her finger, looking at him. Klaus enters)
Klaus: Well, don't let me interrupt
Tyler: I didn't know you were here
Klaus: Clearly. Thought I'd just pop 'round to celebrate Dean's successful retrieval of the vampire hunter. Yet when I arrived, I learned that not only was Dean unsuccessful, but that Elena k*lled the hunter
Haley: Well, maybe if you had let Dean use force on Connor instead of sending him in on a su1c1de mission...
Klaus: Maybe you should mind your business, wolf girl
Tyler: What do you care if Connor's d*ad, anyway?
Klaus: I have my reasons. They have ceased to matter. Cheers
(He drinks. Someone knocks on the door. Tyler opens. It's Caroline. She gives him a box)
Caroline: Brought your stuff. Old laptop, your Jersey, the charm bracelet
Tyler: Car... This isn't a good time
Caroline: Just take it
(Klaus rejoins them)
Klaus: Caroline. By the break-up drama unfolding before me, I assume you've met Haley. All right, come on, let's go. Let's leave them alone. Your talents are needed elsewhere
Tyler: For what?
Klaus: I think you've got more important things to deal with, mate
(He leaves, his hybrids following him. Caroline looks at Haley and closes the door. Then she smiles do does Haley)
Caroline: Do you think he bought it?
Haley: Hell, I bought it
Caroline: Thanks for the head's up that he was here, Haley
Tyler: You girls are good liars
(Then he kisses Caroline and Haley looks at them)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in the shower. Suddenly, the water becomes blood. She looks at the water but it's normal. She looks ah the shower and there's blood. She takes a towel and gets out)
(Damon is in the kitchen, cleaning. Stefan enters)
Damon: Where'd Jeremy go?
Stefan: School. Bonnie has him volunteering for some occult exhibit
Damon: Or maybe he didn't want to linger in a house where his sister just jammed a Kn*fe in his neck
(Stefan's phone rings. He looks at it)
Stefan: It's Klaus
Damon: Ooh, time to face the music, pay the piper, dance with the devil
Stefan: You know, I'm glad you find this amusing. If he finds out I told you about the cure, he'll k*ll both of us
Damon: Quit avoiding him. You're being shady. Shady people get outed
(Stefan answers)
Stefan: I don't want to talk about it
Klaus: Well, I can't imagine why, what with you ruining all my plans for a hybrid-filled future
Stefan: Well, it wouldn't happened if you hadn't sworn me to secrecy
Klaus: Life's full of ifs, Stefan. Let's extenuate the positives, shall we? The hunter was one of five. We'll find another. It may take centuries, but we've got nothing but time, right?
Stefan: You're using your calm voice today. Who's getting k*lled?
Klaus: Not you, if that's what you're worried about. But I am concerned about your beloved. Have the hallucinations started yet?
(Stefan looks at Damon)
Stefan: What do you know about that?
Klaus: I'll tell you. Where you are?
Stefan: I'm at her house
Klaus: How convenient. So am i
(He arrives at the house and knocks on the door)
(Stefan opens the door and goes out)
Klaus: You know, this would all be a lot more civilized if I was just invited inside
Stefan: Bad enough I'm out here talking to you. What do you know?
Klaus: I k*lled the Original five hunters, remember? When one kills a hunter, there's a bit of a consequence
Stefan: What kind of consequence?
Klaus: Hunters were spelled by witches to k*ll vampires. If you prevent one from fulfilling his destiny, then he'll take you down with him
Stefan: What do you mean? Connor's d*ad
Klaus: I mean, Connor's death won't prevent him from making Elena his final vampire k*ll. She'll need to come with me now. I'll lock her up; keep her away from any sharp, wooden objects
Stefan: She's not going anywhere with you
Klaus: But if we leave her alone, she'll take her own life before the day is out
Stefan: She's stronger than that
Klaus: Is she? Believe me, it's for her own good
(Elena is in her bedroom, dressing up. She looks at herself in the mirror and then opens a drawer. Connor is behind her. She surprised and turns herself. He touches the blood on his neck)
Connor: Would you like some? You seem to enjoy it when you drink from me
Elena: I wasn't myself. I was angry
Connor: Were you yourself when you snapped my neck with your bare hands?
Elena: You staked me!
Connor: 'Cause you're a monster and you deserve to die. Admit it!
Elena: No
(She enters the kitchen. Damon's there but when he gets up, it's Connor)
Elena: Damon…
Connor: Decomposition starts in the first 24 hours. I'm rotting in an unmarked grave because of you
Elena: No!
(She runs and Damon looks at her)
Damon: What's wrong? Elena!
(She gets out. Klaus turns himself. He takes her and disappears. Damon comes out and looks at Stefan)
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Jeremy looks at the tattoo on his hand. Matt rejoins him)
Jeremy: Hey, do you see anything on my hand? What if I told you I saw the beginning of a mark like Connor's?
Matt: Are you serious?
Jeremy: It showed up after he died. He told me that I was a potential; that that's why I could see his mark
Matt: So what does that make you, like the next chosen one or something?
(April rejoins them)
April: Hey, guys
(She's holding a big roc)
Matt: Hey April
(Shane's there too)
Shane: Way to let her do the heavy lifting. I found her wandering the hallways with this. Just teasing. I'm the guy who wrangles all the freaky stuff, Atticus Shane. Please, call me Shane, I beg you. Thank you guys for helping, I really appreciate it. Y'all get free admission to my free exhibit
(He smiles and leaves. April look at them)
April: Why does he look so familiar?
Jeremy: No idea
April: Hey, um, have you guys seen Rebekah? She said she was going to help me look into what caused the expl*si*n at my dad's farm, and then she just...
Matt: Disappeared, yeah, I know
[Gilbert's House]
Bonnie: You lost her?!
Damon: Well, "lost" is a very strong word. We just technically don't know where she is
Stefan: I'm more worried about what Klaus said about this hunter's curse
Bonnie: How does Klaus even know about this?
Damon: How does Klaus know anything? The guy's like a billion year's old
Stefan: He said it was a witch's curse
Bonnie: You know if I could do anything to help, I would, but I...
Damon: But nothing. Wave your magic wand, hocus pocus, be gone, hunter, ghosts, whatever
Bonnie: The spirits won't let me do the magic I need to break the curse. But I can ask Shane for help. He knows everything about everything
Stefan: Great. You two do your thing
Damon: Where you going?
Stefan: To get her back
(He leaves)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Chris opens the door to a room and Klaus enters with Elena, holding her)
Elena: Let go of me!
Klaus: Certainly
(He lets go of her)
Klaus: I apologize for the lack of windows. It's to preserve the art. And, of course, to prevent you from taking off your daylight ring and burning yourself to death in the sun
Elena: I'm not going to k*ll myself. I would never do that
Klaus: Oh, but you'll want to. I did. Problem is, I'm immortal
Elena: You went through this?
Klaus: Yes, I did. For 52 years, four months and nine days. I was tormented... In my dreams. My every waking moment. Relentless, never-ending t*rture. It was the only period of my life when I actually felt time
Elena: So you knew that this would happen if Connor died. That's why you got involved. Did Stefan know, too?
Klaus: All he knew was that the hunter had to be kept alive. You should have listened to him when he said he had it covered, love
Elena: What else does Stefan know?
Klaus: Well, that's one of life's little mysteries, isn't it?
Elena: How did you make it stop?
Klaus: I didn't. Eventually it just stopped. The hallucinations tend to appear in strange forms. Don't say I didn't warn you
[A road]
(Stefan is on the phone with Caroline)
Stefan: He's got Elena. I need Tyler to get the other hybrids away so I can get her out. I know I'm probably asking the impossible, but...
Caroline: Actually... You're not
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Stefan is in the living room with Tyler and Caroline)
Tyler: Haley is the one that helped me break the sire bond. She showed me what to do. How to help. When she showed up here, I thought it was just coincidence. But it turns out she's been helping one of them. Her friend Chris. And she came to help us get the rest of them out from under Klaus
Stefan: So… Are you telling me that Chris isn't sired anymore?
Caroline: That's exactly what he's telling you
[Klaus's Mansion]
(Chris enters Elena's room with some stuff)
Chris: Clothes, toothbrush. Klaus said you're going to be here until he figures out where to put you
Elena: Just please go away
(Chris leaves but Connor appears)
Connor: I can't. I'm going to be with you forever. A constant reminder of what you've become. So tell me. How did it feel to drain the life out of me?
Elena: It was horrible. It was the worst thing that I've ever done
Connor: You're lying
Elena: No, I'm not
Connor: Yes, you are. Tell the truth
Elena: I am telling the truth
Connor: You're lying
Elena: Fine! I liked it. I loved the taste of your blood. Are you happy?
Connor: I'm not happy, Elena. I'm d*ad. Did you know I had a family? A brother? Parents
Elena: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry
Connor: Are you sorry about your parents? It's your fault they died
Elena: Don't
Connor: They ran off Wickery Bridge with you in the car, but they weren't supposed to be there, were they? They died because of you. You know I'm not going to stop until you've taken your last miserable breath
Elena: I'm not going to let you do this to me
Connor: Then get rid of me. k*ll yourself. You never wanted to be a vampire in the first place. Now look at what you've become. A monster. And you deserve to die. You don't want to listen to me? Fine
(Katherine appears)
Katherine: Then how about you and I have a little chat
Elena: Katherine?
Katherine: Did you miss me?
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(It's professor's Shane exhibit)
Shane: You're looking at what people believe to be the world's first tombstone. This item was donated to Whitmore college last month
(April, Matt and Jeremy are listening)
April: Oh, I just remembered how I know him. Through my dad
Matt: That guy knew your dad?
April: Yeah. He taught a theology seminar at Whitmore last year
Shane: ...belonged to a very powerful witch. A witch so powerful, in fact, that Silas... That was his name... Created a spell that would grant him... Immortality. Now legend says that Silas did the spell with the help of a lady witch who loved him, a woman named Qetsiyah. Sadly for Qetsiyah, Silas wanted to give immortality to another woman. So Qetsiyah k*lled her and buried Silas alive, leaving him powerless, immortal, and alone. This might actually be the origin story of hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
(Damon and Bonnie are here)
Damon: You got this?
Bonnie: Yeah. I'll bring him to you
Shane: Now it's said that Silas wants to rise again. Regain his power. Wreak havoc on the world. Maybe we should be afraid. Or maybe it's all a bunch of crap and that's just an old rock. All right, listen, enjoy exploring the exhibit. I'll be around to answer any questions. Thank you for coming
(He rejoins Bonnie)
Shane: Hey. You made it
Bonnie: Nice cautionary tale. Qetsiyah sounds like a bad ass
Shane: Nothing compared to Silas
[Klaus' Mansion]
Katherine: Ugh, don't you ever stop crying? Poor Elena, always the victim. Except now you're a k*ller. What does Stefan think of the new you?
Elena: Shut up
Katherine: The girl he fell in love with is gone, you know. You're like me now. Maybe worse
Elena: I made a mistake. I can do better
Katherine: No. You can't. You're a vampire. You'll k*ll again. It'll change you, and it'll keep changing you until you're just like me
Elena: I am nothing like you
Katherine: I was you before you even existed. And when Stefan knew the real me... He hated me. Now he's going to hate you, too. Well, at least you still have Damon
Elena: Shut up!
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Damon is sitting in Alaric's classroom, at his desk. He takes a bottle in a drawer and drinks)
Damon: You're missing all the adventure, pal
(Bonnie and Shane enter)
Bonnie: Shane, this is my friend Damon. He's kind of an expert on this stuff, too
Damon: I audited your class. It's very enlightening
Shane: That's right, I remember you. What's your specialty?
Damon: The origin of the species
Shane: Oh, I think Darwin would arm wrestle you for that distinction
Damon: Not that species
Shane: You're into the monster stuff. All right, awesome
Damon: I was kind of hoping that you might have stumbled upon this at some point... Maybe
(He gives him a paper. Shane opens him. Bonnie looks at him)
Shane: This is the hunter's mark. Where did you get this?
Damon: Came to me in a dream. You know anything about the hunter's curse?
Shane: Why, you got a d*ad hunter in the trunk of your car or something?
Damon: Metaphorically speaking
Shane: Legend says that if a hunter is k*lled by that which he hunts, then that person will be cursed to walk the earth and torment them till...
Bonnie: Until...
Shane: Until a new hunter's awakened and their legacy's passed on. They're called "potentials"
(Damon takes his phone)
Shane: Listen, I have a bunch of research on it, why don't I go grab it for you
Damon: That would be great. Hey, thanks
(Shane leaves)
Bonnie: How are we supposed to find a potential hunter?
Damon: Yeah, about that...
(He's on the phone)
Damon: Little Gilbert. Your services are needed
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Chris is in the living room with Tyler and Stefan)
Tyler: Thanks for meeting us
Chris: Yeah, well, make it fast. Klaus will be back soon
Tyler: No, he won't
[Mystic Grill]
(Klaus is at the bar, drinking wine. Caroline rejoins him)
Caroline: Place looks pretty good considering your hybrid got blown up in it
Klaus: Caroline. To what do I owe the pleasure?
Caroline: I want you to give Elena back
Klaus: Ahh. They sent you to sweet talk me. Well, good form, but I'm afraid I can't do it
Caroline: Why not?
Klaus: She needs my help. Look, I'm not going to burden you with the gory details. I know you have enough on your plate already
Caroline: That's none of your business, actually
Klaus: Yes, well, just know that if Tyler was still sired to me, he never would have hurt you. I wouldn't have let him. Can I at least offer you a drink?
Caroline: Yeah. Thanks
(He smiles)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Stefan and Tyler are still there)
Stefan: All you need to do is give me access to Elena and I'll take it from there
Tyler: Please, man. Help us, and then you can disappear. You'll be free
Chris: Yeah, until Klaus sends one of his other hybrids after me
Tyler: Haley and I got your back. We'll make sure nothing happens
(Elena has her eyes closed. Katherine has reappeared)
Katherine: You were such a good girl when you were a human. Always willing to sacrifice yourself for your friends. Except, weren't they usually the ones that ended up getting hurt?
Elena: I never wanted that
Katherine: Bonnie lost her grams because of you. Her mom almost turned into a vampire because of you. You know, she probably secretly hates you. Did you ever think of that? I bet she'd be relieved if you were gone
Elena: I'm not going to k*ll myself
Katherine: Why not? Your very existence brings people nothing but pain. I mean maybe it was worth it when you were worth it. But you're nothing now. You're a monster, Elena. You deserve to die
(Chris rejoins the 2 hybrids guarding Elena)
Chris: Klaus said you two have to go to Tyler
Hybrid: Why
Chris: Something about his girl Caroline. I'll take over here
(He looks at the hallway. Stefan rejoins him. Chris gives him the key)
(Elena is sitting on the floor. Stefan enters)
Stefan: Elena. Hey
(She sees Connor instead of Stefan)
Elena: No. No, no, no
Stefan: Hey, it's me
Elena: No, stay... Stay away from me
Stefan: Let me help you
(She breaks a post from the bed and rushes over him)
Stefan: No, Elena, stop!
(But she sees Connor instead. She pushes him against the wall and s*ab him in the gut. She leaves)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Bonnie and Damon are in the cafeteria)
Bonnie: How did I not know any of this stuff about Jeremy?
Damon: The witch who loses her powers gets left out of the important conversations
(Jeremy rejoins them)
Jeremy: Is everything ok?! Is it Elena?
Bonnie: We figured out how to help her. You need to k*ll a vampire
Jeremy: Oh, great. Give me a stake. I'll k*ll Damon right now
Damon: Easy, van Helsing. We'll get you one. Don't worry
Bonnie: Before you do this, you need to know what you're getting yourself into
(Damon's phone rings. He answers. It's Stefan)
Damon: You can rest easy, brother. We figured out how to solve our little Elena problem
Stefan: Yeah, well, now we have a bigger one. I lost her
Damon: What? Again?
Stefan: She's in bad shape. I tried to help her, but she att*cked me. Listen, you go find her, all right? Talk her down. She'll listen to you. Just tell me what I need to do to end this
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline is at the bar, looking at her phone. She receives a text from Stefan)
Caroline: So here's the thing. I didn't just come here to try to get you to release Elena
Klaus: You don't say
Caroline: I came here to distract you so that Stefan could go to your house and break her out, which he did. And don't get mad, but then he lost her
(He gets up quickly)
Caroline: Klaus!
Klaus: Caroline. You're beautiful, but if you don't stop talking, I will k*ll you
Caroline: They figured out how to stop the hallucinations
Klaus: Okay. You have 10 seconds to tell me
[Middle of Nowhere]
(Elena is walking, remembering everything that happened since her transformation. Connor appears next to her)
Connor: Are you ready to die yet? You know it's your only way out of this
(Katherine appears on her other side)
Katherine: You can't take back what you did. It can never be undone. You're a monster and you deserve to die
(She's at Wickery Bridge but she seems surprised. Katherine and Connor both disappear. She looks around and seems upset but resigned. She gets closer to the edge and looks at the water below. Her mother appears next to her)
Miranda: It's ok, sweetie
Elena: Mom?
Miranda: I know what you're going through. And it's ok. This bridge is... Where your life should have ended. Not just once, but twice. You were ready to die, remember?
Elena: I don't know what to do
Miranda: Yes, you do, honey. You know exactly what to do
(Miranda looks at Elena's hand and Elena does the same. She raises her hand and looks at her ring)
Miranda: That's right. The sun will come up and this will all be over. It's the right thing to do, Elena. You know it is. Admit it
Elena: Because I'm a monster. And I deserve to die. I can't do this. I can't leave Jeremy
Miranda: Jeremy is better off without you. Don't you see that?
Elena: But mom, he won't have anyone!
Miranda: He'll have you. You'll be a ghost who helps him, not a monster who hurts him
Elena: You're... you're right. I... I... I'm sorry. Mommy, I didn't mean to disappoint you
Miranda: Oh. You didn't. You were everything I ever wanted you to be. But you died. And you were supposed to stay d*ad
(Damon arrives)
Damon: Elena
Elena: Damon? How... how did you find me?
Damon: Didn't take a genius to figure it out. The third time's a charm?
Elena: You were right, Damon. Vampires k*ll people. And Stefan was right, too. I can't live with myself
Damon: Look at you. Being all glass is half empty. Let's just go talk about this before you do something stupid. Okay?
Connor: The sun will be up soon. It's almost over
Damon: Where's your ring? Where's your ring, Elena?
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Chris is there with Tyler and Haley)
Tyler: You're doing a good thing, Chris
Chris: Yeah, well, let's see how fast a good thing could get me out of town
Haley: Call me when you're safe, ok?
(She embraces him)
Chris: Yeah
(He opens the door but Klaus is there)
Klaus: Going somewhere?
(He strangles him and pushes him against the wall)
Klaus: When I said don't let her out of your sight, what did you think I meant?
Tyler: It's not his fault! It's mine. I was distracting him. It's my fault she got away!
Klaus: And maybe you should be the one to die for it
Haley: No one has to die!
Klaus: id I not say mind your business?!
Haley: Tyler's covering for me. I'm the one that let her go
Tyler: Haley…
Haley: You want someone d*ad, go ahead. k*ll me. I'd rather die anyway then end up as one of your sired little bitches
Klaus: Don't tempt me, little wolf
(He looks at Chris)
Klaus: Your existence is to serve me. To please me. Do you understand?
Chris: I'm sorry. I won't fail you again
Klaus: No. You won't. Get out of here
(Stefan enters and stakes him in the guts)
Haley: No!
(Haley is shocked. Jeremy enters with an axe)
Tyler: Jeremy?
[Wickery Bridge]
Damon: We need to get you inside
(Connor appears)
Connor: It's almost time
Damon: What you're going through is a curse. We know how to break it, we just have to get you inside!
Connor: Don't let him stop you. I know you want to. But you can't. Don't
(Damon looks at the sky)
Damon: Damn it, Elena!
(He tries to catch her but he can't)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
Tyler: What the hell, man?!
(Klaus smiles)
Stefan: I'm sorry
(Stefan looks at Jeremy. Jeremy kills Chris. Haley screams. Jeremy has blood on his face. He looks at his hand. His tattoo grows)
[Wickery Bridge]
(Elena opens her yes and looks above Damon's shoulder)
Elena: He's gone
Damon: It's okay
(Her skin starts to burn)
Elena: Damon?
(He takes her and jumps in the water with her)
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena wakes up. She has her ring on her finger. She looks at it. Damon is sitting on her bed)
Damon: Fished it out of the river for you. Little tip... Vampires hate to swim. How you feeling?
Elena: My head's clear. I can remember everything, but not like I lived it. Like it was a really bad dream. You saved me. Thank you
Damon: Well, you know what they say about teenage su1c1de. Don't do it
Elena: I just can't believe that I almost...
Damon: You weren't yourself
Elena: Yeah, but if it wasn't for you...
Damon: I'm about to take a very... High and annoying road and tell you something. Because I know that you think Stefan's been lying to you. Which, yeah. He has. But this... rough patch that you two have been going through, it's not what you think. Everything that he's been doing, he's been doing for you. To help you. And after he kills me for telling you this, I want you to throw my ashes off of Wickery Bridge, ok? There may be a way out of this for you, Elena. There may be a cure
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Haley is asleep on the couch. Tyler is sitting next to her, a bottle in his hand. Caroline enters)
Caroline: Tyler
Tyler: It's just us. Paying our respects to Chris
Caroline: Tyler... we didn't have a choice
Tyler: I told him we had his back. I told him if he helped us, he'd be free
Caroline: We needed to help our friend.
Tyler: Yeah, we helped our friend by handing over another friend
Caroline: Chris wasn't...
Tyler: Chris was a friend, Caroline. He's like me. He's part of my pack. All he wanted to do was be unsired by that disgusting piece of... How did you even get Klaus to agree to give up one of his hybrids?
Caroline: I agreed to go on a date with him. I just thought that it might help keep up the ruse between you and Haley
(He throws the bottle on the wall. Haley wakes up)
Haley: What the hell is going on?
Tyler: Nothing. Nothing at all. Just celebrating the life of a fallen hybrid friend
[Mystic Grill]
(Damon sits at the bar)
Damon: Bourbon. Make that two
(Matt rejoins him)
Matt: Still saving a spot for Mr. Saltzman, huh?
Damon: I'd say I'm in the market for a new drinking buddy. You're not qualified
Matt: I know that you don't like me. But I dug up some stuff about the expl*si*n at the Young farm that I kind of need to tell someone about. So April mentioned that her dad knew that professor Shane guy. Which wouldn't be creepy, except he had all that info about the hunter's curse. And we live in a town where, you know, anybody who knows stuff is creepy until proven otherwise
Damon: You're on the verge of impressing me. Drive it home
Matt: I got the sheriff to dig up the pastor's phone records. Turns out, he made like a call a day to the same number the last month he was alive. And on the day the council got blown up at the farm, he called it ten times. The office of professor Atticus Shane
[Whitmore College]
(Shane and Bonnie are in his office)
Shane: Did your, uh, did your friend Damon, did he get everything he was looking for in my files?
Bonnie: Yeah. Thanks. I, um... I have to ask, how do you know all this stuff?
Shane: Bonnie... I have been around the world ten times over. I've studied every supernatural creature known to man. And for the record, witches are hands down the most powerful, so I'm in your corner all the way, I'm your biggest ally. But let me just say one thing. When your new hunter, and I know you have one... When he completes his mark, you're going to want to come to me. 'Cause I'm going to be the only one who can help. Trust me on that, ok? The only one
[Gilbert's House]
(Stefan is on the porch. Elena comes out)
Elena: I'm sorry that I s*ab you
Stefan: No, it's all right. I probably deserved it. So, um... Damon told me that he clued you in
Elena: You didn't k*ll him, did you?
Stefan: Nah, screw the lies and the secrets. We all want the same thing. We just have to work together for it
Elena: Stefan... Why did you send Damon to come look for me instead of you?
Stefan: I sent him because lately... It seems like he's able to get through to you in ways that I can't. You listen to him. You trust him. Even when you can't trust me
Elena: I didn't mean to not...
Stefan: Come on, Elena. I mean, after everything that we've been through... You can admit it
Elena: You have been so strong for me. Helping me. Fighting for that girl that chose you. The girl that I was when I died on the bridge. And I love you so much for wanting to find this cure, because I'd like nothing more than to get her back. Because the... The girl that she's become... That... That I've become, is different. Somehow. Darker. I... Who I am, what I want...
Stefan: Or... who you want?
Elena: Something's changed... Between Damon and me. Much more than it ever used to be. It's like... It's like everything that I felt for him before I was a vampire...
Stefan: It's been magnified. Your feelings for him have been magnified
Elena: I'm sorry. I don't want to lie to you
Stefan: You know, before, when I was the, uh... The ripper... I understood why you cared for him. I mean, I practically drove you to it. But now... I can't do this, Elena. Not anymore
Elena: I know | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x06 - We all go a little mad sometimes"} | foreverdreaming |
[The Woods]
(Stefan is doing push-ups. He's on speakers with Caroline)
Caroline: What do you mean, you're not coming? I don't need to remind you that your miss Mystic Falls attendance record totally sucks. Besides, you're a founding family member. By definition, you have to be here
Stefan: Elena and I broke up. By definition, I don't need to be anywhere
Caroline: Did that sound as depressing to you as it did to me?
Stefan: I'm not depressed. I just want to rip into someone's artery and feed until I can't breathe anymore
Caroline: Well, you can't. As your sober sponsor, I'm not going to let that happen. Try and sublimate
Stefan: She said she has feelings for Damon
Caroline: What? She can't have feelings for Damon. He's... Damon, and you're you, and I'm... Revolted. You know, I'm gonna talk to her. I'm going to shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain
Stefan: Yeah, well, I don't know what good that'll do. Elena's right. Being a vampire really has changed her
Caroline: All the more reason you need to cure her. Look, I got to go. Be careful and remember, there's sublimating and then there's insanity
Stefan: I'll be fine. Bye
(Klaus arrives and strangles him from behind)
Klaus: In what world do the words "tell no one" mean "tell your brother and every teenage sycophant in town"?
Stefan: The secret's safe. No one who knows about the cure would endanger us. Trust me. You know I want to find it more than anyone else
Klaus: Well, then I suggest you find some vampires for Jeremy to k*ll before I'm tempted to offer you up as a victim. And try to keep this one to yourself, would you?
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is about to leave. Damon is here)
Damon: Where have you been?
Stefan: Oh, you know. Out
Damon: Where you going?
Stefan; Out
Damon: Ok. I see shady Stefan is back. Please don't tell me that you're still working with Klaus
Stefan: You obviously haven't heard. Elena and I broke up
Damon: Oh. Got it. Uh, well, I'll be quick, then. So apparently if we want to find the cure, we have to find a vampire hunter who can k*ll enough vampires to reveal the map on the hunter's Mark. Now, unless we want Jeremy to go all Connor 2.0, I suggest we find a different hunter
Stefan: Ok. And?
Damon: And I was gonna ask Professor Shane, but it turns out he's shadier than you are. Matt Donovan connected him and the pastor through phone records. Apparently the two were very chatty the day that the pastor blew up the council
Stefan: Ah. So you're gonna confront Shane, thr*at him, possibly k*ll him... that sort of thing?
Damon: Yeah, unless he tells me what he's up to. What do you say? We tag team?
Stefan: Nah. I'd say you're on your own
Damon: Or we could just blow it off, then... go get drunk, brother-Bond over some tridelts if you... You know, want some quality time
Stefan: Let's not pretend like this isn't the best day of your life
(He leaves)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Everyone is prepping the Miss Mystic Falls' Pageant. Caroline rejoins Elena)
Caroline: I'm your best friend, and I would never pick sides, but are you sure that this is what you want? Because Stefan is your soul mate. Sorry. Picking sides
Elena: It's not like I don't love Stefan anymore, but I can't deny that ever since I turned, my feelings for Damon have become more intense
Caroline: Yeah, I know. Stefan filled me in on all the gory Damon details
Elena: He did? Is he ok?
Caroline: No. He's heartbroken
Elena: Well, what was I supposed to do? Lie to him?
Caroline: No, but you weren't supposed to let Damon weasel his way into your confused newbie vampire heart
Elena: Well, he did, and that's exactly what I am... confused. I need to figure out what these feelings actually mean
(Shane rejoins them)
Shane: Excuse me. I'm a little lost. I'm here to interview contestants
Elena: You're Professor Shane?
Shane: Yeah, that's right... Professor by day, pageant judge by other day. In spite of being absurdly unqualified, I'm apparently awarding a scholarship?
Caroline: Inside by the parlor
Shane: Right here?
Caroline: Mm-hmm
Shane: All right. I'll just follow the scent of hair spray and world domination
(He leaves. Elena looks at Caroline)
Elena: He's the one who told Damon how to break the hunter's curse
Caroline: He's also the one that has Bonnie so obsessed with practicing magic that she bailed on pageant prep
Elena: And now he's judging miss Mystic Falls? Jack of all trades or kind of creepy?
(Jeremy and Matt are here to help)
Matt: So your sister's making me be her date. Do I have to do that weird dance thing?
Jeremy: I'm pretty sure that's just for the contestants
Matt: I heard that you're April's escort. How'd that happen?
Jeremy: She needed a date, and apparently you were taken
Matt: Uh. Ok, let's just take these, and we'll come back for the kegs
Jeremy: Wait. You want to see something cool?
(He takes 2 kegs by himself)
Matt: How did you just do that?
Jeremy: I've had all this energy, like all the time
Matt: Jer, I think you need to talk to someone about this. I mean, look what happened to Connor, ok? A byproduct of this energy is that you're gonna want to k*ll vampires, and you happen to live with one
Jeremy: Hey, I would never hurt my sister. I'll be fine
[Mystic Fall's Hospital]
(Stefan looks around and finally chooses a room. There's a guard in front of it. He looks at him)
Guard: Can I help you?
(Stefan compels him)
Stefan: Time for a little break. He'll be safe with me
(The guard leaves. Stefan enters the room. The patient is handcuffed to the bed)
Patient: Who are you?
Stefan: Why is there a cop outside?
Patient: I'm a convicted m*rder
Stefan: Are you guilty?
Patient: Of course I am
Stefan: Any regrets?
Patient: Only that I got caught
(Stefan bites his wrist and makes him drink his blood. Then he breaks his neck)
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Caroline is supervising the prepping. 3 girls arrive with flowers)
Caroline: Whoa. Stop. Stop. Those flowers go in the back, as indicated by the floral chart that you guys had plenty of time to memorize. Yeah. Thank you
(The girls leave. Klaus arrives)
Klaus: Now, how did I know I'd find you at the helm of this ship? Go away. I'm busy
Caroline: Go away. I'm busy
Klaus: I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow
Caroline: About a quarter to never
Klaus: I was promised a date in return for one of my hybrids
Caroline: Yes, a date, like to a movie, where we don't have to talk and I can put at least 3 seats between us
Klaus: Surely the reigning miss Mystic Falls won't be hosting the party alone. And I assume you're not taking Tyler... not after his indiscretions with his lady werewolf friend
Caroline: Fine. If you insist on coming, meet me here, 2 P.M. black tie optional. And I already have a dress, so don't even think of getting me so much as a corsage. You understand?
Klaus: I'll see you tomorrow, Caroline
[A barn]
(A werewolf is turning. Haley is there)
Haley: Scream. Let it out. We're on an abandoned farm. No one can hear you for Miles
Hybrid: Easy for you to say, wolf girl. You never turned 20 times in a row
Haley: No, but I watched a bunch of your hybrid friends go through it
Hybrid: Why does it have to be like this? Uhh! Why break every bone over and over?
Haley: That's what the sire Bond is. You're grateful to Klaus because he released you from the pain of having to turn every full moon. So you're gonna keep turning until it doesn't hurt. Then you'll have nothing to be grateful for
Hybrid: Uh! What's in all this for you?
Haley: I don't hear bones cracking
(Tyler enters)
Tyler: Caroline bought us another day. Klaus wants to go with her to miss mystic falls tomorrow
Haley: So does that mean we're going?
Tyler: Watching Klaus Fawn over Caroline at some lame-ass pageant? No, thanks
Haley: Come on. We need to hide what's going on here by pretending that I was the one that broke you two up, and besides, isn't it at your house?
Hybrid: Guys, like this isn't t*rture enough? Can you take it outside?
Tyler: Fine. We'll go. Wear a dress
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in her bedroom trying to clasp her necklace. Jeremy enters)
Jeremy: You need a hand?
Elena: Yeah. Please. This clasp is tricky
(He helps her)
Elena: Hey, I, uh, picked up your clothes from the dry cleaners. They should be hanging on your door
Jeremy: I really wish you'd stop acting like you were still my sister
(She doesn't understand and he strangles her with her necklace. She bleeds. He wakes up, gasping. He finds a Kn*fe on his bed and a stake with a symbol carved on it. He's surprised)
(Matt is in Jeremy's bedroom. Jeremy is in the bathroom)
Matt: How do you wake up with a Kn*fe in your hand and not remember how it got there? It's that hunter's Mark, jer. It's messing with you
Jeremy: What if I'm turning into Alaric? I probably died too many times with this ring on my finger, and I'm developing an alter ego, like he did
(Matt reads something)
Matt: "Newly awakened hunters may not be fully conscious of their actions. Their subconscious pushes through until the urge becomes a basic instinct." You're not having a psychotic break, jer. You either tell Elena, or I will
Jeremy: Fine. I'll tell her when I see her
(He receives a text from Stefan asking him to meet him at the Lockwood cellar)
Matt: All right. We should probably get going. Need a ride?
Jeremy: Uh, no. Go ahead. I'll meet you there
Matt: All right
(He leaves. Jeremy looks at his phone, intrigued)
[Lockwood Mansion]
(April, Caroline and Elena are in a room. April is showing them dresses)
Elena: Blue
Caroline: Blue
April: Really? The blue seems a little safe
Elena: Safe is good when it comes to the judges
Caroline: She's right. Gracie Lockwood had a 3-foot slit her year and practically got laughed off the court
(They laugh. Damon enters)
Damon: She got my vote
Caroline: Get out, lurker
Damon: Ouch. Where's Professor Shane?
Caroline: Check the judges' table
Damon: Red one, definitely
Caroline: We've already agreed that the red one's a little bit too showy
Damon: It's a pageant. That's the whole point
Caroline: Did you win miss mystic last year? No. I don't think you did
Damon: Neither did Elena, and she wore blue
Caroline: Nobody cares what you think
April: I care
Damon: See? April cares. Red, right, Elena?
Elena: The red is pretty
Damon: And my work here is done
(He leaves. Caroline looks at Elena)
Caroline: Uh, what happened to 30 seconds ago when you hated the red one? What happened to "safe is good"?
Elena: Whichever one you want to wear, April
(She leaves)
Caroline: What just happened?
(Damon is going down the stairs. Elena follows him)
Elena: Damon
Damon: Still here
Elena: We need to talk
Damon: Stefan told me about the breakup. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not
Elena: What did he say?
Damon: Oh, you know. Stuff. The guy just went on and on about it. Wouldn't shut up
Elena: So he didn't tell you why?
Damon: Nope, but I'm sure it has something to do with you acting weird, so why don't you tell me?
Elena: You
(Shane interrupts them)
Shane: Damon Salvatore. Looks like we're traveling the same circuit
Damon: Professor Shane. Just the guy I wanted to see
(Shane and Damon are outside, walking)
Damon: So I'm in search of another hunter
Shane: Hunter with a capital "h"? Why?
Damon: Same reason anyone needs a hunter... loneliness, drinking buddy, fourth for golf
Shane: I thought you said you already had a potential
Damon: I did, but he ended up being potentially a problem, so...
Shane: There's nothing I can do to help you
Damon: Hmm. Well, why don't you help me with this? Why are you here? What's in your little lesson plan there, Professor?
Shane: You think too highly of me, Damon. I'm gonna go find the other judges
Damon: Hey, no pity votes for April young, ok? I mean, just because her dad blew up a house with a dozen people in it doesn't mean she should get a tiara. But you knew him, didn't you? Because I hear you two racked up a pretty impressive phone bill
Shane: If you want to know something about me, Damon, just ask
Damon: Okay. How did you convince the pastor to k*ll all those people?
Shane: Did you just accuse me of mass m*rder in the middle of a High School pageant?
(Damon smiles and they look at each other. Carol takes the stage)
Carol: Welcome to this season's miss Mystic Falls. We are so excited to showcase our most outstanding community leaders in the making
(Everyone applaud)
[Lockwood's Cellar]
(Jeremy enters and rejoins Stefan)
Jeremy: What am I doing here?
Stefan: Getting the chance to make your sister human again. You interested?
Jeremy: You have no idea
Stefan: Actually, I do
(Jeremy enters and sees a man chained up)
Jeremy: Who is that?
Stefan: Oh, it doesn't really matter. All that matters is that you're a vampire hunter and he's a vampire. Well, almost
Jeremy: Was this all so I could stake him?
Stefan: Do you think I want to do this, Jeremy? Look at me. I hate this. I don't want to do this, but your sister isn't supposed to be a vampire, and we need to help her. He's a m*rder, and he will gladly k*ll again, so do it, Jeremy. k*ll him
Jeremy: Stefan, what are you doing?! What the hell is wrong with you?
Stefan: Do it, Jeremy, or I will rip the chains off for real. Do it!
(Jeremy kills him)
Stefan: All right, enough. He's d*ad
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Caroline is bussing tables. She rejoins one of the waiters and puts the glass on his tray)
Caroline: Hey, why am I bussing your tables? I said no empty glasses
(Then she goes to the musicians)
Caroline: Will you guys pick up the tempo? This is a pageant, not a funeral
(Klaus rejoins her, in a suit)
Klaus: And how am I doing?
Caroline: You're... perfect. Just so beyond annoying, I can't even look at you
(He smiles and then sees Tyler and Haley arriving together)
Klaus: They didn't waste any time, did they?
Caroline: Let's just get today over with
(Haley looks at the tiara and makes fun of the pageant)
Haley: I can't believe that I won. I just want to thank the judges for seeing past the fact that I'm a raging bitch
Tyler: You don't want to do that. Those girls will cut you. They have nails
Haley: I have claws
(Caroline gives a speech. The girls are waiting in line)
Caroline: Hi, everyone. I'm Caroline Forbes. As the reigning miss Mystic Falls, it is my honor to introduce this year's miss mystic court!
(Everyone applause and cheer)
Caroline: We begin the procession with Valerie fell, accompanied by Dylan Clark
Caroline: Next we have Amber Wolverton, accompanied by Hector Linsey. And here's Michelle Cunningham...
(Elena applause and Matt rejoins her)
Matt: Have you seen Jeremy?
Elena: He's probably with the escorts
Matt: Caroline told me to wrangle the escorts. He's not here. Did he tell you about his nightmares?
Elena: What nightmares?
Matt: The ones where he kills you
Caroline: Katherine Wilson, accompanied by Eric Hanson
Elena: I'll find him, but... April's about to get abandoned
Matt: I got this
Caroline: And finally...
Elena: Thanks
Caroline: And finally... We have a last-minute entry... April young, accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert
(April goes down the stairs and Matt steps forward. She rejoins him)
Matt: Jeremy's running late
April: I guess you'll do
Matt: You lead
(She takes her phone. Caroline rejoins her)
Caroline: Hey, what's with the last-minute escort change? .Where is Jeremy?
Elena: I'm calling him right now. He's not picking up
(Damon rejoins them)
Damon: Do the math. Emo teen. Open bar. It's fine
Elena: Matt said that Jeremy's been having nightmares about k*lling vampires and he's been hiding it from me
Damon: Relax. I'm sure he's fine
Elena: I don't know. I have a bad feeling
Damon: If I'm not worried, you shouldn't be worried. Let it go. I'll go look for him
Elena: Okay
(He leaves)
Caroline: Ok. You go home. I'm gonna start asking around here
Elena: Maybe Damon's right. Maybe he grabbed a bottle from the bar and snuck off to the woods
Caroline: No. Damon's never right. Damon is sneaky and manipulative and rude, but he's never right. How can you not see that?
Elena: I don't know, but why do I think that you won't hesitate to tell me?
Caroline: Fine. Friend-tervention. I think your so-called feelings for Damon are really starting to cloud your judgment, and I don't like it, and the thought of you two together really makes me want to barf
(Klaus rejoins them)
Klaus: Easy, love. You're making a scene
Elena: Wow. Caroline, thank you for making this very difficult time so much easier
(She leaves)
Caroline: How did I become the bad guy?
Klaus: Let's get you a drink. I'll tell you all about being the bad guy
(Damon is in the dressing room, on the phone)
Damon: Please don't tell me that you've roped Jeremy into a world of crazy
Stefan: I had no choice. Elena needs a cure
Damon: Oh, right. So you can turn her back into the girl who's still in love with you
Stefan: You know, I get why you wouldn't want to believe it, Damon, but she isn't herself anymore
Damon: Of course you would think that. Leave it alone, Stefan
[Lockwood's Cellar]
(Stefan hangs up and looks at Jeremy)
Stefan: How far did the Mark grow? Show me on this drawing
Jeremy: Sorry, Stefan. I can't trust you
Stefan: How far is it, Jeremy?
Jeremy: I said I can't
Stefan: Answer me, or I will make you answer me
Jeremy: I'm not telling you anything
(Stefan catches him and compels him)
Stefan: What does the mark look like?
(Jeremy stakes him in the guts)
Jeremy: I guess I can't be compelled anymore
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Caroline and Klaus are walking)
Caroline: It's just, as her best friend, it is my duty to warn her when she's making a giant mistake, right? And now she's taking Damon's side on everything.
Klaus: So being a vampire has changed her
Caroline: But being a vampire only amplifies who you already are. It doesn't turn you into a completely different person
Klaus: Very peculiar
Caroline: What's that look for?
Klaus: It'll all make sense eventually
Caroline: Whatever. Just hurry up and find the cure
Klaus: I'm working on it
Caroline: Would you ever take it?
Klaus: Now, why would I want to cure myself of being the most powerful creature on the planet, hmm?
Caroline: So there's not one single moment in your whole life that you wanted to be human
Klaus: How about you? Life used to be a lot easier. Don't you miss the days of being... "Chair of the Mystic Falls beautification committee" and the "director of the policemen's yearly raffle"?
Caroline: Is that my miss mystic application? Where did you get that?
Klaus: "When I am chosen, I intend to redefine excellence"... Now, I'm really enjoying your use of "when" here. It's very confident. And above all, I promise to aspire, inspire, and perspire." Obviously, we found a shortage of words ending in "spire."
Caroline: Yeah. It's very funny. It's hilarious. Just...
(Damon is watching Shane and Haley. Tyler arrives)
Damon: Oh, hey. How do those two know each other?
Tyler: They don't. Paranoid much?
Damon: The council just got b*rned to a crisp. Some mysterious hunters just blew through town, and this guy just happens to know everything about everything. Yes, paranoid
(Jeremy is in the dressing room. April enters)
April: Hey, where have you been?
Jeremy: Hey, sorry. I got stuck at work
April: Jeremy, if you were too chicken to do the dance thingy, then you should've just told me
Jeremy: No, no. I knew the dance. I watched some lesson online, like, 100 times
April: You did?
(He sees Shane)
Jeremy: Hey, what's that Shane guy doing here?
April: He's a judge. I talked to him about my dad. I mean, he said that he never seemed depressed or suicidal or anything, so...
Jeremy: Your dad?
April: Yeah. You know, I figured I'd explore every possibility, even the bleak ones. What are you looking at?
Jeremy: Your dad was doing the right thing for this town. The whole council was. They died heroes
(Shane is alone. Damon rejoins him)
Shane: Oh, you again. I must be the least intimidating mass m*rder ever
Damon: Well, you still never gave me a name, and it's kind of urgent
Shane: Listen. There is no other name. Look. At any given moment, there are 5 hunters in existence, all right? Most of them have no idea who they are or what their purpose is. Means finding more than one in a lifetime is next to impossible. Heh. Subtle
Damon: Like you didn't already know. You have 5 seconds to give me another name, or you die
Shane: You know, since it's generally unwise for a vampire to seek out a hunter, it means you're interested in the mark. That's probably because of where it leads, but here's the thing. Even if you complete the mark and you get the map, the thing that you're looking for is sealed with a spell only a certain kind of witch can perform
Damon: What kind of witch?
Shane: Come on, Damon
(Damon catches his arm)
Damon: I love pressure points. What kind of witch?
Shane: Come on. You're a big boy. You can figure this one out
Damon: A Bennett witch
Shane: Aren't too many of those lying around, as I'm sure you know. So none of this matter until Bonnie is back in touch with her magic. Between the two of us, who do you think she trusts to help her get there? 5 seconds are up unless you just realized you need me alive. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a scholarship to award
Carol: And now the moment you've been waiting for. Caroline, would you do the honors?
Caroline: This year's miss Mystic Falls is... April young
(Elena rejoins Jeremy in the dressing room. He has a stake in his hand)
Elena: Hey, where have you been? What are you doing with that? Put it down
Jeremy: Connor was right. All I can think about is k*lling vampires
Elena: You're nothing like Connor
Jeremy: I want to believe that, and I know I don't want to hurt you, but everything inside of me is telling me to drive this stake through your heart
Elena: Why would you say that? It's me, Jeremy
Jeremy: And you're a vampire
Elena: Yeah, but I'm also your sister. I would never do anything to hurt you. Get it away from me
(She pushes him. He falls on the floor. She goes toward him)
Elena: Jere... Jeremy. Jer, wake up. Please wake up
(He s*ab her in the neck. He's about to k*ll her but Matt enters)
Matt: Jeremy!
Matt: Jeremy, you don't want to do this, ok? That's your sister. It's that stupid Mark on your arm
Jeremy: Shut up, Matt!
Matt: Jeremy, look at me. I'm human, and I'm telling you not to hurt her
(Stefan intervenes)
Stefan: Get out of here, Matt!
(Matt and Jeremy leave. Stefan rejoins Elena)
Stefan: Let me do it. Let me do it. Let me do it
(Haley and Tyler are sitting on the stairs, drinking)
Haley: Your mom parties harder than you do. Does she have the gene?
Tyler: Dad. What about your parents?
Haley: Never met them. My adoptive parents found out about my wolf gene when I did, the night that I turned and tore apart their living room. Promptly kicked me out
Tyler: You never told me how it triggered
Haley: You mean, who I k*lled? Boating accident. We were drunk. I thought I wasn't
Tyler: So what's with you chatting up all these old-timers, huh... my mom, that Professor guy
Haley: That Professor guy is, like, 30, and he's hot and smart
Tyler: You know him or something?
Haley: No. I just met him. Why?
Tyler: No reason
(Caroline and Klaus are talking)
Klaus: I never answered your question, if I'd ever thought about being human. Once. I was on a trek in the Andes, and a hummingbird flew up to me and just hovered there staring at me. Its tiny heart was pattering like a machine g*n... And I thought, "What a thing, you know, to have to work that hard every day just to stay alive, to be constantly on the verge of death," and how satisfying every day must be that it survived... And that was the only time I thought about being human
(Tyler has heard everything)
Haley: What's he saying?
Tyler: A bunch of bs about being human. The sooner we get rid of this guy, the better
(Elena is leaving. Stefan catches up with her)
Stefan: Elena, wait
Elena: I have to find Jeremy. This shouldn't be happening to him
Stefan: Elena, wait. It's my fault
Elena: What are you talking about?
Stefan: I'm starting to think that when a hunter kills a vampire, their urge to keep k*lling grows stronger
Elena: Tell me that Jeremy hasn't been with you this entire time. Tell me that you haven't been making him k*ll vampires, Stefan
Stefan: We need the map to get the cure
Elena: If getting my humanity back means stripping Jeremy of his, then I don't want the cure
Stefan: He's the only way to fix all of this
Elena: You mean me, the only way to fix me. You don't have to love me like this. This is who I am now. The old Elena died when she went off that bridge. Let her go
[Gilbert's House]
(Jeremy is packing some stuff. Matt enters)
Matt: What are you doing?
Jeremy: I can't keep living here if I want to k*ll my sister
Matt: Elena knows that. That's why she moved out and asked me to move in
Jeremy: What?
Matt: Look, I'm not one of them, Jer. I'll keep an eye on you, and we can keep this hunter business in check
Jeremy: Where's Elena gonna go?
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon opens the door to Elena)
Elena: I can't stay at home anymore
Stefan: Pick a room. I'll crash somewhere else
[A barn]
(The hybrid is lying on the ground. Tyler is there)
Hybrid: Tell me it's over, Ty. I really don't think I can do this anymore
Tyler: It's over. Nice work. We are one step closer to ending this
[Whitmore's College]
(Haley looks at her phone and smiles)
Haley: We got another one
Shane: Good. We're almost ready
Haley: I want to leave Tyler out of this when it all goes down
Shane: We'll talk when you've broken the last
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is sitting on the couch. Damon gives her a glass of scotch)
Elena: Ah, thanks
Damon: Just being polite. Thought you hated whiskey
Elena: My brother wants to k*ll me
Damon: Welcome to the club
Elena: Jeremy can't live with me, Stefan wants to fix me, and Caroline flat out admitted that she doesn't like me this way. Think it's safe to say that I'm not so great at this vampire thing
Damon: You want to know what I think? I don't think I've ever seen you more alive
Elena: That dance that they did today kind of reminded me of when...
Damon: when we danced together?
Elena: I wanted to dance with you today
[Caroline's House]
(Stefan is pouring alcohol in two glasses)
Stefan: Elena is right. I just need to let go
Caroline: No. You're right, Stefan. It's not pretty, and it's not easy, but you can't give up on her
Stefan: Caroline, she looked me in the eye, and she told me to move on
Caroline: She's lost, ok? You and her... epic. Her and Damon... ugh, God. There's something wrong with her. Just promise me you won't stop looking for the cure
Stefan: Klaus won't let me, even if I wanted to
Caroline: What does he care? He doesn't even want it
Stefan: He wants to keep Elena human so that he can make more hybrids
Caroline: He's gonna need them. Tyler has almost got all of them unsired. Oh, my God. Oh… My… God. Ugh. I was trying to understand why Klaus was so intrigued by Damon and Elena. He said I would figure it out. This is what he was talking about
Stefan: What are you talking about?
Caroline: Think about it. Every time Elena has had a problem, Damon has been the magic solution. Today Elena was worried about Jeremy. Who swoops in and tells her to relax? Damon and she listens. When Elena started feeding, who said that she could only drink blood straight from the vein?
Stefan: Damon
Caroline: And when she tried to drink from animals?
Stefan: Couldn't keep it down
Caroline: And blood bags?
Stefan: Same thing
Caroline: Name one vampire in the history of vampires who couldn't drink blood from a blood bag. Damon said she couldn't, so she couldn't. Damon likes the red dress, Elena likes the red dress
Stefan: Damon says k*ll Connor, she kills Connor
Caroline: What if it's possible? Damon's blood made her a vampire, right? It's rare but it happens. What if this is really happening?
Stefan: Elena is sired to Damon | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x07 - My Brothers Keeper"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon wakes up and looks for Elena. She's in the bathroom)
Damon: Elena?
Elena: Hey
(She jumps into in bed)
Damon: Thought you might have left
Elena: No. I don't have to be at school for... At least 20 minutes ago. What's that face?
Damon: What face?
Elena: That face
Damon: I'm happy
[Caroline's House]
(Stefan is here)
Caroline: This is a disaster
Stefan: Look. We don't know anything for sure
Caroline: Yes, we do. Elena is sired to Damon, which means her one singular burning desire is to make him happy, just like Klaus and his hybrids
Stefan: No. It's not. A vampire sired to another vampire is one in a million. Maybe it won't affect her the same way
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is kissing Damon's chest. She looks at him and smiles)
[Caroline's House]
Caroline: We already know it's affecting her. She's become Damon's lapdog. It's true. Everything he says, she agrees with. Everything he asks her to do, she does. We need to do something
Stefan: Wait. No. Hold on. Caroline, this isn't gossip. You can't just drop this on her before we know what's happening for sure
Caroline: I need to talk to Tyler, ok? Maybe he'll know what to do. All right
Stefan: Talk to Tyler, but please don't tell anyone else. If this is true, then it may have influence Elena's every action and emotion since she became a vampire
[A barn]
(Adrian the hybrid is turning and screaming)
Adrian: Please, no more. I can't
Tyler: Yes, you can. Block out the pain
(He starts to turn again but Kim intervenes)
Kim: That's enough. This is t*rture
Haley: Kim, stop. He needs to finish
Kim: Not today, he doesn't
Haley: Yes today. Nate, Dean, and Chris are all d*ad, which makes Adrian Klaus' right hand. We can't let Adrian anywhere near Klaus until his sire bond is completely broken
Tyler: Haley is right. The bond isn't broken until he doesn't feel the pain of transformation anymore. If we want to get back at Klaus for everything he's done to us, Adrian has to keep turning
Kim: He doesn't have to do anything. Isn't that the point of breaking the sire bond... Free will? Let's go, Adrian
[Salvatore's House]
Damon: I got it. Ahem. Scarf. What... oh
Elena: Listen, Damon. We need to...
Damon: No. No, no, no. Don't ruin it
Elena: You don't even know what I was gonna say
Damon: Well, I'm assuming it starts with, "what are we?" And then ends with going to tell Stefan
Elena: He should know
Damon: I know he should know. Just don't know when he should know it
Elena: Well, he knows that something is going on between us. I mean, it's the reason that he and I broke up
Damon: Yeah, but can't we just let ourselves enjoy one secret, selfish day before we destroy his?
Elena: Maybe we shouldn't...
Damon: No, Elena. This is our time. It's never been right before, and it's right now. Just one day. One day
Elena: Ok. One day
Damon: Yes!
(She opens the door. Stefan's here)
Elena: Hey
Stefan: Hey
Elena: See you in history?
Stefan: Yeah. Listen. We need to talk
(Stefan and Damon are in the living room)
Damon: Sired? Really, Stefan? That is the most pathetic nonsense I've ever heard come out of your mouth, and you've said some crap in your day
Stefan: It was your blood that turned her, right? I mean, she's been different since day one because of you. You can't deny that
Damon: Sure I can. I finally got Elena to a good place about being a vampire. You two idiots can't stand that she's happy because of me
Stefan: All right. You know what? Prove me wrong. Tell her it's ok to drink from a blood bag
Damon: She can't. Her weird doppelganger body rejected the blood from the bag
Stefan: Right, because you told her to. You said she had to drink warm human blood straight from the vein. She almost died to make you happy. Look. Just ask her to drink from a blood bag. Make sure you tell her how happy you'll be if it works, and if I'm wrong, I'll be the first to apologize
Damon: When her body rejects this blood, which it will, your apology better be epic
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Elena rejoins Caroline and Bonnie at her locker)
Bonnie: Elena, hey, is everything ok?
Elena: Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
Bonnie: Well, Caroline told me you had to move out to stay away from Jeremy
Elena: Matt is at the house staying with him right now to make sure he keeps all of his hunter stuff in control. He's ok
Caroline: But are you? I mean, clearly, they don't have a flat iron at hotel Salvatore
Elena: Oh. I was in a rush. I mean... look. Do you girls have any plans tonight? I'm in desperate need of some girl talk
Bonnie: I'm in. Shane taught me some small spells I've been wanting to try
Caroline: Oh, creepy Professor guy is just Shane now
Bonnie: He's not creepy
Elena: We're not judging
Caroline: I am
Elena: Don't listen to her. So girls' night? We can raid the Salvatore wine cellar
Caroline: Are you sure that Stefan and Damon are cool with us crashing at their place?
Elena: I can't go home because my brother is trying to k*ll me. So their place is mine now, too. I'll see you in a bit
(Elena and Damon are in a classroom)
Elena: You being here makes your selfish, secret day a little difficult, don't you think?
Damon: Ha ha! Forget your lunch
(He shows her a blood bag)
Elena: I can't. You know I can't
Damon: Well, last time you tried it, the circumstances were less than optimal, and I think maybe you should just give it another try, see if it works. I really think it will. Please... for me?
(She takes it and drinks)
Damon: You ok?
Elena: Um... I'm fine. It tastes like blood. Last time, it was like hot garbage
Damon: You sure you're ok?
Elena: I'm better than ok. I mean, maybe last time, it was a bad batch or something. I can't believe this, Damon. I don't have to hurt people anymore. I have to get to class. Thank you
[Whitmore College]
(Haley is in Shane's office, looking for something. He enters)
Shane: Trespassing, breaking and entering, all before noon?
Haley: Having trouble breaking Adrian. Don't worry about it
Shane: You already got the 12 hybrids I need
Haley: We have 11. I told you, Tyler Lockwood isn't part of the deal
Shane: Well, now there's 11 hybrids. You deliver me 12 without loyalties to Klaus, or your friend Tyler becomes fair game
Haley: You haven't held up your end of the bargain
Shane: Right. This is everything you always wanted to know about your biological parents, and it's encoded in case you're thinking of the smash and grab. Just bring me 12 unsired hybrids, and it's yours
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is on the phone with Caroline)
Caroline: I talked to Tyler
Stefan: And?
Caroline: The sire bound exists because the hybrids are grateful to Klaus for relieving them from the pain of having to wolf out every full moon, and that's why they have to turn until they're not ruled by the pain anymore
Stefan: Right, but Elena is not a werewolf. So what's the vampire equivalent?
Caroline: Well, that's the problem. There isn't one
(He hangs up)
(Damon is in the library, looking for something. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: What are you doing?
Damon: Elena is sired. You were right. I was wrong. Happy?
Stefan: No. I'm not happy, but what are we gonna do about it?
Damon: Well, I'm working on it. Here. Remember that?
Stefan: New Orleans
Damon: 1942, to be exact
Stefan: What was in New Orleans in 1942?
Damon: Other that bourbon and beads, us, Stefan
Stefan: Oh, yeah. What was the name of that girl you used to hang out with?
Damon: That was no ordinary girl. That was Charlotte
New Orleans, 1942
[A bar]
Damon: She was crazy about me from the minute we met. So, of course, when she asked me to turn her into a vampire, I did
(Charlotte rejoins Damon at the bar)
Damon: Hi
Charlotte: Hey
Damon: So did you decide who you would like to have for dinner tonight?
Charlotte: Him
(She shows him the singer)
Charlotte: He looks tasty
Damon: That's a very fine choice, Miss Charlotte. I will go set that up. Now, if anyone tries to touch my drink, you show them no mercy, ok?
(He goes to the singer)
Damon: Drop by after your set. Come join us
(Charlotte looks at him and smiles. A navy sailor spills Damon's drink)
Charlotte: You spilled my man's drink
Navy Sailor: Sorry. It's crowded in here
Charlotte: That's no excuse
Navy Sailor: Hey, take it easy, lady
Charlotte: I'm not gonna take it easy
(She kills him. Damon rushes toward them and catches him before he falls)
Damon: What did you do?
Charlotte: He touched your drink. You said show no mercy. I thought you'd be happy
[Salvatore's House]
Damon: That was my first clue
Stefan: She was sired to you, and I can only assume you took full advantage of that until you got bored of her, right?
Damon: More like when she went all "fatal attraction" on me. Then I had to make a clean break
Stefan: How'd you do that?
(He gives him something)
Stefan: Who's Valérie la marche?
Damon: The witch that I found to help me break little Charlotte's sire bond. Pack your bags, baby bro. We're going to Bourbon Street
(Elena gives a champagne bottle to Bonnie and one to Caroline)
Elena: One for you, one for you
Bonnie: I'm assuming this is for Caroline
Elena: Actually, it's for me
Bonnie: Oh, I thought...
Caroline: Are you saying that...
Elena: Thanks to Damon, I am now a functional dysfunctional vampire
Bonnie: That's amazing
Caroline: What do you mean, thanks to Damon?
Elena: Well, he suggested that I try it again. So I did, and it worked. No more snatch, eat, and erase
Caroline: So where is my least favorite Salvatore?
Elena: "Out with Stefan for the night. Don't wait up. Brother bonding."
Caroline: Hmm. So you guys check-in text now? What else do you do?
Elena: I know that you're not the biggest fan, but he kind of just changed my life. Do you mind laying off on all the hate?
Bonnie: Ok. New girls' night rule... No boy talks, yeah? Plus, why talk when we have this?
Caroline: Is that stoner tea?
Bonnie: It's spirit tea. It opens up your chi or whatever. Come on. It's not drugs. Shane is helping me do natural magic without having to access the spirits
Caroline: Mm-hmm
Bonnie: Don't judge
Caroline: Ok. Fine. I hereby vow not to be judgmental for the rest of the evening. Even if you two are potentially ruining your lives as I stand idly by, it's your choice
Elena: I'll drink to that
[New Orleans]
(The streets are packed with people partying. Damon and Stefan are walking)
Stefan: Well, the city is the same, just brighter
Damon: Have you been back here since '42?
Stefan: Nope, not since I shipped off to join the w*r effort and you didn't
Damon: Somebody had to entertain the ladies who had been left by their menfolk
(His phone rings. He looks at it)
Damon: Elena is at the house with the girls where she can't get in trouble. Bad news... think they got into the dom. Told her to make herself at home
Stefan: Yeah. You told her, so she does, right?
Damon: Sire bond is not that literal, Stefan
Stefan: Really? Name one thing that you've asked her to do that you haven't gotten, huh?
Damon: You know what I haven't gotten? Blame, guilt. I get it, Stefan. I get that you're pissed that Elena dumped you because she has feelings for me. Bet you blame the sire bond for that, too
Stefan: Yeah. You know what? I absolutely do
Damon: Why, because it's impossible to think she could have feelings for me?
Stefan: No, because it's impossible for her to be so blind that she doesn't see how wrong you are for her
(Damon leaves. Stefan catches up with him)
Stefan: Hey, wait, Damon. I'm sorry
Damon: What'd you say?
New Orleans, 1942
[A bar]
(Stefan and Lexi enter)
Stefan: "I'm sorry I blame you for my bloodlust and for me becoming a ripper. It wasn't your fault." Do I really have to say it wasn't his fault?
Lexi: Yes. Keep going
Stefan: "You're the only brother I have, and I hope that we can be friends again."
Lexi: Perfect. Now, just remember, we're here to talk to Damon, not to yell, not to dredge up the past, and most definitely not to pick a fight
Stefan: That's the real trick, isn't it?
Lexi: You've spent the last 20 years turning your life around. It's time to make nice with your brother
(Stefan sees Damon at the bar. He rejoins him and taps him on the shoulder. Damon turns himself)
Damon: You look like a guy I used to know
Stefan: Hello, Damon
Damon: Come to put a stake in my heart?
Stefan: More like bury the hatchet
(Lexi, Stefan and Damon are drinking at the bar)
Damon: Egypt, ah. Finally gonna get to see the pyramids
Stefan: Oh, I doubt I'll be doing much sightseeing driving an ambulance through the front lines, but... yeah, yeah... Egypt
Damon: Think they have room for another driver? I could handle some w*r if it meant spending quality time with my little brother
Stefan: Tell you what. I'll talk to my C.O
(He leaves. Lexi gets closer to Damon)
Lexi: You're not going
Damon: I don't like you
Lexi: In 1912, you pressured Stefan to drink human blood. He's been trying to put his ripper days behind him, but he needs to see death and blood and deal with them as a part of life. He needs balance, restraint
Damon: What makes you think I'm not balanced and restrained?
Lexi: The fact that you never have been. You think of what you want first, second, and third. Stefan is better off alone than in your company
Damon: Well, I beg to differ
(Stefan comes back with drinks)
Stefan: To the Salvatore's in Egypt
Damon: Cheers
Stefan: Cheers
Lexi: Cheers
(Charlotte comes back with an unconscious woman)
Charlotte: Damon… Did you forget you were supposed to meet us for dinner?
Damon: Sorry. I lost track of time
Charlotte: I brought you leftovers
Damon: Charlotte!
Lexi: Get away from him
Damon: Stefan... Stefan. I... I... Stefan...
Lexi: She's better off without you, too
[New Orleans]
Stefan: I apologize, all right? As much as I hate this sire bond thing, I shouldn't take it out on you. It's not really your fault
Damon: Well, don't get all warm and fuzzy on me yet. It's where the witch lived
Stefan: What, you weren't expecting to find the same exact witch in the same place
Damon: No, but since I couldn't remember where the store was, figured I'd get us a start
Stefan: Maybe there's another place to start. You think Charlotte might be in New Orleans?
Damon: Yeah, maybe
Stefan: Where's the last place you saw her?
Damon: Corner of Bourbon and Dumaine. Kind of told her to count every brick in every building in New Orleans and I'd meet her at the corner. I was gone by the morning Where you going?
Stefan: Corner of Bourbon and Dumaine, see how literal the sire bond is
[Mystic Grill]
(Haley and Tyler are witching Kim and Adrian playing pool)
Haley: They're gonna get us both k*lled, and we're just sitting here
Tyler: Kim is right. The point of breaking the sire bond is being free. They don't have to listen to me
Haley: Yes, they do, Ty. You can make them. Hybrids are werewolves first. Wolves run in packs, and every pack needs an Alpha, or they end up challenging each other for dominance. Kim is challenging your position as Alpha. You need to put her in her place... now
(He gets up and rejoins Kim and Adrian)
Tyler: Long day tomorrow, Adrian. You want it to go better than today, you need to get some rest
Kim: Who do you think you are?
Tyler: The guy telling you to call it a night. This could get a lot uglier right now, but I'm not gonna let it. Challenge me again, this conversation will end differently. You understand?
Kim: Whatever you say
Tyler: Finish your drink and get Adrian back to the s*ab. We'll meet you there
(Kim leaves)
Adrian: Where we going?
Kim: To pick a fight
[New Orleans]
(Damon and Stefan are walking)
Damon: No way is she gonna be in the same spot after 70 years
Stefan: So what are we gonna tell Elena?
Damon: I was hoping we wouldn't have to tell her anything
Stefan: Well, we can't just lie to her
Damon: It's not a lie. It's an omission for the greater good
Stefan: Oh, I see. I see. That's Damon speak for, "let's not do the right thing. Let's just do what's right for me."
Damon: Oh, what about you, o selfless one? Are you doing what's best for Elena or what's best for you? Because it looks to me like the only reason you want to break Elena's sire bond is to restore her original factory team Stefan settings. I'm gonna go get a drink. Hunt me down when you stop being a dick
(Damon is walking alone in an empty street. Someone runs into him and he falls on the ground. Stefan hears the struggle and rejoins him. He throws the girl off him. Damon gets up and they both look at her)
Stefan: What the hell just happened?
Damon: She kissed me
(It's Charlotte)
Charlotte: Damon, I always knew you'd come back for me. I must have counted literally every brick on every building in all of New Orleans
Stefan: Literally every brick?
Damon: Uh, Charlotte... Heh heh... Please tell me you had a full life and that you've done something other than counting bricks
Charlotte: Of course I have. I'm not crazy
Stefan: Then why are you still here?
Charlotte: You know when someone breaks up with you and there's a song that reminds you of them, first, you hate it, but then it brings back all the good memories of them. Counting the bricks is my song, and I've been playing it for decades
Stefan: That's a really long time stuck listening to the same song
Damon: Yeah. Heh. Well, you know, in the plus column, you know New Orleans better than anyone in the world, which is really nice because we need your help finding someone
[Salvatore's House]
(The girls are dancing and drinking)
(The girls are in Damon's bathroom. Elena is lying in his tub)
Bonnie: Check this out... Vamp speed video
Elena: I look like superman. Watch this: This year's Christmas card. Being a vampire is so weird. Oh, my God, I love this bathtub. Why don't we come and hang out here more often?
Caroline: I'll tell you why. Cooties. Think of all the germ-ridden skanks that Damon has lured into his den of iniquity. Ok. I'm sorry. I've been good all night. I am stopping now
Elena: No. Don't stop on my account. Rip away. It's only Damon, right?
Caroline: Well, say what you want about ripper Stefan, but at least he wasn't a man slut
Elena: So what exactly was it about him that made you jump right into bed with him as soon as you met him?
Caroline: I didn't know what a sociopathic narcissist he was
Elena: He's always been there for me when I needed him
Caroline: Yeah, because he's hoping you'll sleep with him
Elena: Well, maybe I did
Caroline: You did what?
Bonnie: You didn't
Elena: Yeah. I did. Look. I know you two have issues with him, but I'm happy, and I wanted to spend tonight with my best friends so that I could tell them about it
[New Orleans]
(Damon and Stefan enter a store. A woman welcomes them)
Woman: Can I help you, gentlemen?
Damon: Hi. Looking for a witch. Sorry. No time for pleasantries
Woman: I'm sorry. I don't understand
Damon: Look... Nandi, is it? Let's skip the part where you pretend like you don't know what we're talking about. We need a spell that could break a vampire sire bond. Now, there was a witch here named val. Ring any bells?
Nandi: She was my great-grandmother
Damon: She had a grimoire, and it had a spell
New Orleans, 1942
Val: The magic you're talking about is dark, powerful. Magic like this doesn't come cheap
Damon: How much?
Val: Money won't cut it here, pretty one. Dark magic draws power from dark places. Casting the spell you need requires the sacrifice of 12 human souls
[New Orleans]
Stefan: A sacrifice? You brought me here knowing that the spell required a human sacrifice
Damon: Well, I was hoping the recipe had changed
Nandi: Look. There's no magic like that here. I sell herbs and homeopathic remedies and dress it up with a little witchy-woo for the tourists, but I don't practice
Damon Ok, fine. Just tell us where we can find someone like your great-grandma who can break the sire bond and won't flake out on us like old Val did
Nandi: There's no one. All of her stuff is gone... The grimoires, her journals. We lost it all during Katrina. If a spell like that ever existed, it's gone for good
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is cleaning up. Bonnie and Caroline rejoin her)
Bonnie: Elena, come here
Elena: Party is over. You guys need to leave
Caroline: Don't be mad, ok? We're just looking out for you
Elena: Do you think it makes me happy that you guys hate him? I get it. His track record has been kind of spotty, but I don't hate him. I can't. He's... I think I'm falling in love with him
Caroline: Ugh, you're not falling in love with him, Elena. You're sired to him
Bonnie: What?
Elena: What are you talking about?
Caroline: I… Look. I'm sorry that it came out like that, but it's true. Damon's blood turned you. You couldn't feed from animals or blood bags because he told you so. Then he suggested that you try again with blood bags, and suddenly...
Elena: There's no way. I...
Bonnie: Are you sure?
Caroline: Yeah. Ask Stefan about it. He can explain it better than I can
Elena: I'm sorry. You talked to Stefan about this?
Caroline: It's not your fault, Elena, ok? Damon took advantage of you
Elena: Ok. You need to leave... Now
Bonnie: Elena…
Caroline: come on
Elena: I said leave
Kim: Hello girls. Stop. One bite from a hybrid, and she's d*ad, remember?
Elena: Caroline
[New Orleans]
(Damon and Stefan are back outside)
Damon: Witch is lying. Doesn't practice magic, my ass
Stefan: Human sacrifice? Did you really think that I would go for this?
Damon: Extreme circumstances call for extreme measures
Stefan: Did you k*ll those 12 people in 1942?
Damon: Absolutely, I did, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat if it meant a clean slate with Elena. Are you gonna help me good cop/bad cop this witch, or not?
[The Woods]
(Tyler and Elena are in the woods. Tyler is on the phone with Haley)
Tyler: I get it, Hayley. I'll find them, and I'll get them in line
Elena: Bonnie says no luck with the locator spell
Tyler: They've got to be here. They're not dumb enough to risk getting caught by Klaus in town
Elena: Well, what do they want with Caroline?
Tyler: Kim is trying to prove she's the Alpha. If I can make her submit, the pack will fall in line, and we can finally get them free of Klaus. You'd think they'd play along with how much they hate him
Elena: But Adrian doesn't, does he? I mean, he's still sired to Klaus
Tyler: Being sired doesn't mean you feel differently about someone. I hated Klaus, but I still did everything he said. The bond affects how you act, not how you feel
[New Orleans]
(Stefan and Damon go back into the store)
Nandi: What are you doing here?
Damon: Calling you out. You're not Val's great-granddaughter. You're her daughter. You're 80 years old. You don't look a day over 50. You're a practicing witch
Nandi: Get out of my store
Damon: Give me what I want
(She uses her powers on him)
Nandi: I gave you a chance to leave with your life
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: Wait, wait, wait, wait. We don't want any trouble, ok? We just need your help. That's all
Nandi: I told you, there's no one here who can help you. The kind of magic my mother practiced, it's unnatural. Witches don't even call it magic. We call it expression
Stefan: Is that like black magic?
Nandi: Worse. Channeling the power of human sacrifices calls on darkness that can't exist on this plane without swallowing it whole. She sold you a bill of goods about breaking the sire bond because she wanted access to that power, and you gave it to her when you k*lled those 12 people
Damon: Are you saying there's no spell?
Nandi: The bond can't be broken with magic. A vampire only bonds to her sire when she has feelings for him before she turns, human feelings. You want her free? You have to set her free. Tell her to live her life without you and never think of you again, to stop caring about you, and then leave her. That's the only way around the sire bond
[A barn]
(Kim is torturing Caroline)
Caroline: Why are you doing this?
Kim: To show Tyler who's in charge
(Tyler and Elena enter)
Tyler: Stop it. Stop it, Kim. Caroline is with us, all right? We're all on the same team
Kim: She's on your team, not mine
Tyler: Stop it! Stop!
Adrian: Ease up, Kim. Klaus won't like this
Kim: Huh, that's a very good point. Do you think he'll like this?
(She takes a stake)
Tyler: Kim, don't do it. I swear to God...
Elena: No. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. If you really want to h*t Klaus where it hurts, then t*rture me instead. He's fixated on keeping me alive. You want real revenge, or not?
(She goes toward her and strangles her. But Tyler frees himself and puts his fist in Kim's chest)
Tyler: I'll rip her heart out right now. Kim put you all at risk today, and I'm not gonna hurt her. I'm not Klaus. I don't k*ll and t*rture my own friends to get what I want. Now, we broke the sire bond, but if you want to be free, we have to work together. No one can step out of line. Now, you're either with me or you're against me. Submit. Submit, or you die
[New Orleans]
(Damon is with Charlotte)
Charlotte: So you're just leaving me again?
Damon: No. I need to get on with my life, and so do you
Charlotte: I don't want to live without you
Damon: If you want to make me happy, you will. You just forget about me. You'll never think of me again, and you'll find someone new, and you'll be happier than ever. Please just stop crying
Charlotte: I'm never gonna be able to forget about you
Damon: Yes. You are, and I'm never gonna be happy until you realize that you're never gonna have the life that you deserve if I'm in it. Good-bye, Charlotte.
(He leaves)
(He meets Stefan outside)
Stefan: How'd it go?
Damon: Set her free
Stefan: Must've been hard, doing the right thing, especially when it's not something you want to do
Damon: Get to the point, Stefan. You don't think I'm gonna be able to do what I need to when I have to tell Elena to stay away from me
Stefan: Well, I mean, selflessness isn't exactly one of your most obvious character traits, Damon
Damon: Yeah? Well, one of these days, you're gonna realize you don't know me half as well as you think
New Orleans, 1942
[A train station]
(Damon is in uniform. He enters the train station to put his bag with the others. Lexi comes out)
Lexi: Damon... I know what you did, and you're not going overseas with Stefan. Do you understand me?
Damon: Well, Uncle Sam begs to differ
Lexi: You just k*lled 12 people
Damon: How do you know they didn't have it coming?
Lexi: Your brother has spent the last 20 years racked with guilt, fighting the temptation to drink human blood. He's serving in w*r as penance for the pain that he's caused. If he finds out what you did, he'll want to know how it is you function without guilt for the things that you do. He'll turn to you for guidance like he did before, and he'll become the ripper of Monterrey all over again
Damon: I've pretty much been on my own since our little falling out in 1912. Did you ever think that I just need my little brother?
Lexi: And that's why you can't go. It might be good for you, Damon, but it will destroy Stefan. For once, you need to put someone else in front of yourself. You need to let him go
Damon: Good luck brother
[New Orleans]
Stefan: I didn't know about that
Damon: Yeah. Well, next time, I'll hang a billboard
Stefan: I know it may seem like I'm being unfair about this, like I'm upset about losing Elena to you, and I am, but after all this is over, if she never feels the same way about me as she used to, at least it'll be her choice
Damon: The dreaded c-word. I know what I have to do, Stefan
[Salvatore's House]
(Caroline enters. Elena looks at her and Caroline embraces her)
Caroline: I'm sorry. Hey, if you don't start hugging me back, this is gonna get really awkward really fast
Elena: You've got my hands pinned down
Caroline: Oh
(Caroline release her, they look at each other, smile and embrace each other)
Caroline: I'm a jerk. I promise to never again judge ever
Elena: Just please don't tell Stefan about me and Damon. I promise that I'll tell him. I just need to figure out some stuff first
Caroline: Off course
(Bonnie enters)
Bonnie: You guys friends again? Thank God
Caroline: Well, she saved my life, in spite of me being the nasty, bad witch
Elena: Thankfully, we had our good witch. You know, your hottie creepy Professor really knows his stuff, Bonnie
Bonnie: It's been baby steps, but he's helping with a whole new kind of magic. He calls it expression
[Whitmore College]
(Shane enters his office. Haley is waiting for him)
Shane: You ever hear of a text message, maybe just give a guy a heads-up?
Haley: Adrian finished breaking the sire bond. You have your 12 hybrids. Now, where are my parents?
Shane: They're d*ad
Haley: You lied to me?
Shane: No. I didn't lie to you. I said I'd tell you where to find them. This is everything you ever wanted to know, including where they're buried
Haley: You just picked a fight with a werewolf. You know that, right?
Shane: Easy, k*ller, all right? I'm not declaring w*r here. Just because they're d*ad doesn't mean you can't see them again
Haley: What?
Shane: Oh, this is far from over, Haley. We are the beginning
[Caroline's House]
(Caroline and Stefan are in her living room)
Caroline: You feel sorry for him?
Stefan: Look. There's no other way to break a vampire's sire bond. As much as you and I both hate it, Damon does love Elena. Now he has to completely let her go. Can you imagine having to do that?
Caroline: I'm sorry I told her, ok? I kind of didn't have a choice. All I know is, he better do what he's supposed to do
Stefan: He'll do it. He's not as bad as he wants you to think. He'll do what he needs to do. He told me he would
Caroline: Is that all he told you?
Stefan: What do you mean?
Caroline: Nothing. It's just... It's just... How can you trust him?
Stefan: Because I think he loves her as much as I do. He can't be selfish with her, not anymore
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is cleaning up. Damon enters)
Elena: Hey
Damon: Hey back
Elena: How was your night?
Damon: Awful. Yours?
Elena: Same
Damon: Elena, we need to talk
Elena: I know that I'm sired to you, Damon. Caroline told me. That's what you and Stefan were doing, wasn't it? Is there a way to break it?
Damon: Not exactly... This is why we need to talk
Elena: Tyler told me the bond doesn't affect how I feel, just the way I act. My feelings for you haven't changed, Damon. Nothing has changed
Damon: Everything has changed Elena
Elena: Ok. Fine. Yeah. I mean, I've changed. So have you, Damon, and I'm happy, just like you were yesterday morning before we knew about any of this
Damon: You know what would make me happy? To know that this entire time that I've been completely in love with you that what you actually felt for me was real
Elena: It is real. I know that it is, Damon. I know what you're about to do. Please don't do this to me
Damon: I don't want to do this, Elena. I'm not the good guy, remember? I'm the selfish one. I take what I want. I do what I want. I lie to my brother. I fall in love with his girl. I don't do the right thing... But I have to do the right thing by you
(She puts his hand on her heart)
Elena: Does this feels wrong?
(She touches his face)
Elena: Does this feels wrong? | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x08 - We'll always have Bourbon Str. 4"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena wakes up in Damon's bed. She looks at Damon)
Damon: This would be so much more fun if we were naked
Elena: That was your call, not mine
Damon: I was being a gentleman. You shouldn't have stayed
Elena: I know
Damon: I should have made you leave, sent you packing. I promised Stefan
Elena: I know
Damon: You're sired to me, Elena, which means everything that you think you feel might not even be real
Elena: I know, Damon, but... It feels real. And I'm not ready to let go of that
Damon: I could make you. Invoke the sire bond
Elena: So do it
Damon: I told him I would set you free. Right after I didn't tell him that we slept together
Elena: So, what do you want to do?
Damon: I want to throw you back in my bed and never let you leave
Elena: So do it
(Elena's phone rings)
Damon: Saved by the cell phone
Elena: I have to meet Bonnie. She's teaching Jeremy how not to k*ll me. Want to come?
[Klaus's Mansion]
(Stefan enters and sees Klaus painting)
Stefan: Looks like a giant snowflake
Klaus: I prefer to think of it as an expression of post-modernism. It's my donation to the winter wonderland charity event
(Adrian enters)
Adrian: You said it was urgent?
Klaus: Yes. Take this to the mystic grill immediately
Adrian: You want me to be a delivery guy?
Klaus: What I want is for you to do whatever I say, without the attitude. Be careful with that. It's still wet
(Adrian leaves)
Stefan: Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, you know
Klaus: What is the point of my hybrids being sired to me if I can't maximize on the benefits of free labor? What are you doing here?
Stefan: Elena is sired to Damon
Klaus: I intuited as much
Stefan: Which means I need to find the cure now more than ever, and here you are making post-modern snowflakes
Klaus: I've delivered. I retrieved the hunter's sword from Italy, which we'll use to decipher the map hidden in the hunter's mark. You're the one who's supposed to deliver the hunter and his mark
Stefan: Well, Jeremy is the hunter, and he has to keep k*lling vampires to complete his mark, but we can't quite figure out how to keep him from k*lling us
Klaus: Sounds like quite the chore, which is why I feel perfectly justified in doing a little charity work
Stefan: Or maybe you're lying about having found the sword
Klaus: Why would I lie to you, Stefan? We're in this together. The hilt acts as a cypher which we'll use to decode the marks on Jeremy's tattoo when he's k*lled enough vampires to complete it. I heard you moved out of your house. Bit of a martyr move, hmm?
Stefan: I'm not here to bond, Klaus
Klaus: Oh, on the contrary, I think right now I'm the best friend you've got
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Adrian enters. Tyler and Haley are there)
Adrian: I'm sick of taking his crap. I should rip his throat off, see if he can boss us around without a larynx
Tyler: You won't have to take it much longer
Kim: You keep saying that, but here we are, hiding, plotting a revolution that's never gonna happen
Haley: Never say never. And never say I don't pull through. I found the witch that's gonna save your lives
Adrian: Are you serious?
Tyler: We promised you guys we'd free you from Klaus. You did your part by breaking your sire bond. Now Hayley and I are going to do ours
[Mystic Falls' Square]
(It's winter wonderland in Mystic Falls. The square is filled with Christmas decorations. Tyler is with Caroline)
Caroline: You're going to do what?
Tyler: Hayley found a witch strong enough to do the body-jump spell... You know, the Klaus specialty
Caroline: So you're going to put him in someone else's body, and then what?
Tyler: We'll encase the body in concrete, then bury it
Caroline: Why not just desiccate him like Bonnie did?
Tyler: Because to do that spell you have to stop a human heart. I was a little short of volunteers
Caroline: Well, who was dumb enough to volunteer their body to be a Klaus sublet?
Tyler: Ok, don't freak out
Caroline: Freak out? Freak out?! I'm about to hemorrhage. You volunteered?
Tyler: It's not forever, just long enough for the hybrids to be able to completely disappear
Caroline: I can think of better ways for us to spend our senior year than you buried in concrete, Tyler
Tyler: This started with me. This has to end with me. I need your support
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Jeremy is chopping woods. Damon and Elena arrive and park the car. Jeremy looks at them and Bonnie rejoins him)
Bonnie: Jeremy?
Jeremy: They shouldn't be here
Bonnie: They're here to help you. Do you trust me?
Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah, I trust you
Bonnie: Let's go inside
(They go inside)
Damon: What the hell is Professor Shadypants doing here?
Elena: I invited him
(Damon and Elena are in front of the door)
Shane: Hey, listen. We are ready to get started, but before we can do that, we need her... In here
Elena: This is your house now, Jer. You have to invite me in
Shane: Go ahead, Jeremy. Invite her in
Jeremy: You can come in
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is looking at some papers. His phone rings and he answers and puts the speaker)
Stefan: Hey. Sorry. I know I'm late
Caroline: If I'm gonna be a friend in your time of need, then you need to work on your punctuality. I'm in a crisis. Where are you?
Stefan: I'm at my house. Why? What's wrong?
Caroline: My boyfriend is a dumb-ass martyr. And why are you at your house? Aren't you trying to keep your distance from Elena?
Stefan: Well, she's not here anymore. Damon took Jeremy to the Gilbert lake house with Bonnie, so I guess her house is safe for her again. Hey, listen; I got Klaus to tell me a little bit more about this hunter's sword. You know that map in Jeremy's tattoo? The sword decodes it. It's literally the key to finding the cure
Caroline: Klaus told you this?
Stefan: Yeah. Why?
Caroline: And did he happen to hand over the sword for safekeeping?
Stefan: Uh, what do you think? What's wrong?
Caroline: We need to get our hands on that sword, like, today. Tyler and his hybrids are taking out Klaus tonight
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline is looking at Klaus' painting. He rejoins her)
Caroline: Here to steal tiny Tim's crutches?
Klaus: Dickens was a dark man. You would have liked him
Caroline: Nice snowflake, by the way
Klaus: Is my work really that literal?
Caroline: I'm serious. There's something... Lonely about it
Klaus: I'm gonna take that as a compliment. Can I offer you some champagne?
Caroline: Can't. Too many adult prying eyes. Don't want to be a high-school cautionary tale at the next town meeting
Klaus: Well, then, it's a good thing the high-school part is nearly over
Caroline: If we're gonna be nice to each other, then I will need that glass of champagne
Klaus: Is that our thing?
Caroline: We don't have a "thing."
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Stefan is looking around for the sword. He's on the phone with Damon)
Damon: Well, he's not walking around with it. Check the rest of the house
Stefan: I am. I haven't found anything
Damon: Try the sock drawer. People leave the sketchiest stuff in sock drawers
Stefan: I'm gonna need real ideas, Damon
Damon: Here's two: k*ll Tyler before he goes to Klaus, or, since Klaus has suddenly become MVP in our relay race for the cure, tell him about the hybrids
Stefan: Nobody's k*lling Tyler
Damon: Hello? Stefan
Stefan: Look, I know it's a touchy subject, but do you know where Elena is today?
Damon: I think she's running around... Trying to figure out how to deprogram Jeremy
Stefan: How'd she take it last night... You telling her to stay away from you?
Damon: Not well
Stefan: You okay?
Damon: Peachy. Got to go. Bonnie's enlisted Dr. Evil in her plan, and I have to thwart him
[Gilbert's lake house]
(Shane is tying Jeremy to a chair. Elena and Bonnie are sitting in front of him)
Shane: All Jeremy feels when he sees a vampire is a burning desire to k*ll them. Even if consciously he doesn't want to, as in your case, it's his subconscious that's calling the sh*ts
Bonnie: Persuasion helps reverse your conscious thoughts
Shane: Think of it as kind of a conditioned response, right? See vampire, k*ll vampire. What I'm doing is creating a kind of middle step. It's like a detour where his subconscious learns to recognize you as someone he loves, someone he wants to protect. And that gives him a choice. He can choose to take the detour instead of the conditioned response. Ok. Talk to him. He'll listen
Elena: I'm not... Sure what to say
Shane: You chose to do this here at your family's vacation house, right? So maybe just start by telling him why
Elena: Every holiday, we came here. This place was family, and when mom and dad died, Jenna made us come here, and we thought it was an awful idea, but it was like they were here with us. They would have wanted us to stick together, Jer... To fight for each other no matter what
Shane: Jeremy, how do you feel about Elena right now?
Jeremy: She ruined our lives. She's not even my real sister. She's just the reason that everyone I've ever loved has died. She means nothing to me. I will k*ll her, even if that means I die myself
(He wakes up from his hypnosis)
Jeremy: Did it work?
[Somewhere in Mystic Falls]
(Stefan is alone. Caroline rejoins him)
Caroline: Hey
Stefan: Hey
Caroline: Did you find the sword?
Stefan: Nope
Caroline: What are we gonna do now?
Stefan: Klaus is the only sh*t we have at finding the cure. We need him. Tyler has to call it off
(Tyler is behind them)
Tyler: Well, that's not gonna happen
(He looks at Caroline)
Tyler: You told him? I've had 12 hybrids sworn to secrecy for a month. I have Hayley and a witch risking their lives, and you're blabbing my plan to him?
Stefan: Look, all I'm asking you for is a little bit of time, ok?
Tyler: How long? An hour? A day? Because every minute that goes by that we don't do this, they're at risk. You and Klaus already served one of them up for Jeremy to k*ll. I don't owe you anything. I'm taking him out
Stefan: I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that
Caroline: Stefan…
Stefan: I'm sorry, but I can't
(The hybrids arrive behind Tyler)
Tyler: Sorry, man, but you don't have a choice
[Gilbert's House lake house]
(Elena is outside, on the pontoon. Damon rejoins her)
Damon: You're not allowed to feel this sorry for yourself unless you're sitting on a bar stool. Fortunately, I travel with the bar
Elena: It didn't work. I shouldn't have put so much hope into reprogramming someone's mind. If it were that easy, then you and I wouldn't be in this situation. Right? Last time I was here, I was so completely in love with Stefan. Now that's barely a memory. Is that the sire bond... Or just that I'm so happy to be here with you?
Damon: Maybe there's something else they can try
[Old Lockwood's Cellar]
(Caroline and Stefan are there. Kim is also there and Tyler is preparing the chains)
Caroline: Tyler
Tyler: Keep them down here until we're ready to bring Klaus in. Use these if you have to
Stefan: Come on, Tyler. This is bigger than you. It's about more than revenge for us
Tyler: I know what it's about for you, Stefan. It's about the cure. You know what happens to a hybrid when he's cured of being a vampire? We go back to being werewolves, turning on every full moon. We could give a rat's ass about the cure
Caroline: Tyler, come on
Tyler: I needed you on my side, care. That's all I wanted
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Jeremy is looking at family pictures. Bonnie rejoins him)
Bonnie: Are you okay? Shane wants to try again
(He gets up and Damon enters)
Damon: Survey says: Ehhh. Professor Shane has been dipping into the magical herbs a little too much if he thinks using a vampire to suppress the need to k*ll another one is going to work on a hunter. It's like dangling a cheeseburger in front of someone on a master cleanse. Just find someone else to attach your warm and fuzzy detour feelings to. Gee, I wonder who that could be
(Jeremy looks at Bonnie)
Jeremy: You. I feel that way about you
Damon: Well, this isn't awkward at all. I'll be... anywhere else
(Shane rejoins Elena on the pontoon)
Shane: It was good thinking using Bonnie as Jeremy's emotional touchstone. Damon is very intuitive. And Bonnie told me about your relationship with him. I don't mean to pry, obviously
Elena: It's... complicated. Any ideas how to hypnotize me out of it?
Shane: You know, in all my world travels, the one spell that I've never found is how to break somebody from loving too much. Trust me, I've looked. My wife and son died. I was just... I was trying to figure out a way not to miss them
(Damon rejoins them)
Damon: If your hypno-herbs work, we should be singing "Kumbaya" around the f*re by dinner. So now tell me why I'm not k*lling you
Elena: Damon…
Damon: I'm serious. Why are you after the vampire cure?
Shane: I didn't say I was looking for the cure, but I can tell you where to find it
Damon: Klaus' sword will tell us where to find it
Shane: The sword will lead you there, sure, but so can I
Elena: What? How
Shane: Because I've already been there
[Mystic Falls Square]
(Carol is with April)
Carol: Instruct the guests to drop their donations at the gift tree in the grill
April: Yes, ma'am
(She sees Tyler)
Carol: Excuse me
(She smiles takes two glasses of champagne and rejoins Tyler)
Carol: There you are. Quick, a toast before people can judge us. What's wrong?
(Carol and Tyler are sitting on a bench)
Tyler: Please say something
Carol: But you'll miss graduation. Which... I guess is a ridiculous thing to worry about
Tyler: I'm their Alpha. They're looking to me to help them
Carol: You do what you have to do, Tyler. Don't look so shocked. I'm trying to channel your father. He'd be proud of you, you know. You're a leader of people, just like he was
Tyler: Thank you, mom
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Shane shows them the rock he showed at the exposition at the high school)
Damon: It's a rock
Shane: It's not just any rock
Damon: Hmm. So is this that silly little wives' tale that you told at the occult exhibit?
Shane: All right, long story short... Once upon a time, there was a witch named Silas who loved a girl and wanted to be with her forever. So he and his best friend, another witch, made an immortality spell, and then Silas' best friend witch got jealous and k*lled Silas' girl before he had a chance to make her immortal. Well, cursed to an eternity without his one true love, Silas finds a way to reverse the immortality spell, and then, before he has a chance to take it, his former friend buries him underground, leaving him and the cure to rot
Elena: So it's a cure for immortality?
Shane: Human blood is the life force of an immortal. No more immortality, no more need to feed on blood. You dig up Silas, and you've got your cure
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Caroline and Stefan are still there helded c*ptive by the hybrids)
Caroline: Oh, this is ridiculous. We are not hostages
Kim: Sure you are, sweetie
(Caroline gets closer. Stefan's phone rings. He looks at it)
Stefan: Relax. It's my brother
(He answers)
Stefan: What's up?
Damon: Don't ask how or why or who, but I just found the answer to your Tyler problem
Stefan: You're kidding. We don't need the sword
[Gilbert's Lake House]
Shane: This is the mark of the brotherhood of the five. Then up the arm, you have the m*rder of a girl by a witch. The symbols in the vines are your map, which you obviously no longer need. When this mark is complete, it will contain the spell that we need to dig up Silas
Damon: And where did you say he was buried? Oh, I forgot. You didn't
Shane: You've thr*at to k*ll me, what, like, 3 times already this week? The location is how I'm gonna survive your bad moods
Elena: And what's in it for you? If not the cure, then what?
Shane: I'm in this for Silas, all right? Up until this point, he's only been myth
Damon: So write a thesis
Shane: Would you rather be the guy who writes about Noah's ark or the one who sails it down the Hudson River?
Damon: I'm not buying it
Shane: You don't have to buy anything. You just have to believe that I can fix your brother, and when his hunter's mark is complete, I'm gonna take you to the cure
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline enters the restrooms with Tyler and Haley)
Tyler: How the hell did you even get out?
Caroline: I got out because even your idiot hybrids recognized the stupidity of your Alpha hybrid martyr plan
Tyler: I'm not going to fight with you anymore, Caroline
Caroline: Oh, we're gonna do plenty of fighting, the second that you shove Klaus into someone else's body
Tyler: We've been through this. I don't have anyone else's body
Caroline: Yeah? Well, I do
Haley: What? Who?
Caroline: Klaus' sister Rebekah. She's got a dagger in her. Stefan's been hiding her coffin in the tunnels. We dump Klaus into her body and bury her. We just k*lled two original birds with one stone
Haley: It's too late to change the plan
Tyler: Call Bonnie. Make sure it'll work
Haley: Tyler
Tyler: It's a brilliant plan, Hayley
(He looks at Caroline)
Tyler: You're a genius. I love you
Caroline: Mmm. I love you, even when I hate you
Tyler: I got to go find my mom, let her know I might actually graduate
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Shane rejoins Jeremy and Bonnie downstairs)
Shane: How's it going?
Bonnie: I think we're making progress
(Her phone rings. She answers)
Bonnie: Caroline, hey
Caroline: Bonnie, I need you to think fast. I know that the daggers don't work on Klaus, but what if we put his essence into Rebekah? It'll work, right? Say it'll work
Bonnie: Slow down. Slow down. What's happening?
Caroline: Just come on, Bonnie. Will it work?
Bonnie: Yeah. I don't see why not
Caroline: Oh. Bonnie Bennett, I love you
Bonnie: Do you need my help? I can leave Elena here with Jeremy
Caroline: Elena? She's there, too?
Bonnie: Yeah. She came with Damon. Who's being slightly less horrible than usual
Caroline: You know what? I can't deal with this right now
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline looks at Haley)
Caroline: She said it would work
Haley: I gathered. Congratulations
Caroline: Than you
(Haley breaks her neck and looks at her body)
Haley: My pleasure
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Elena takes a box of Christmas decorations. Damon looks at her)
Elena: Jer and I should take these decorations home with us. We could use the holiday cheer
Damon: Look at you... suddenly Polly optimist
Elena: I think Shane's gonna get us through this. I trust him. Which you clearly don't
Damon: Maybe because I think he blew up 12 people at the Young farm
Elena: What?!
Damon: A little tip, Professor: I heard you before you even took your first step
Shane: I see we're back to the false accusation part of our relationship
Elena: What is he talking about?
Shane: Da... ha. Damon discovered that I was in contact with pastor Young prior to the expl*si*n at the Young farm. The pastor was severely depressed. He had lost his wife to cancer, and he sought me out for a little supernatural assistance. I tried to help, but he was too far gone. It's just I never expected that he'd take 11 innocents with him
(Jeremy and Bonnie enter)
Jeremy: Elena
(Damon gets up)
Jeremy: It's okay. I think we've got this
Bonnie: Elena, don't move, ok? No matter what
Shane: Jeremy, remember the detour. Choose the right path
[Mystic Falls Square]
(Haley is talking with Klaus. Stefan watches them from afar. She gets closer to Klaus, says something and leaves. Stefan rejoins him)
Klaus: She doesn't like me much. Where have you been all day?
Stefan: I've been around
Klaus: I'm not interested in vagaries, Stefan. You've been dodgy and Caroline's been lovely, which I've come to recognize as a tool of distraction. Now do you have something to share with me, or should I compel it out of you?
Stefan: I broke into your safe to look for the sword
Klaus: Why?
Stefan: Because I don't trust you
Klaus: I showed you the sword. I explained its value. I've been on your side the entire time. What do you want from me...A secret brotherhood handshake?
Stefan: I found the letters. You have a few pen pals over the centuries?
Klaus: Well, is keeping my victims' letters really so different from writing their names on a wall, like you did, ripper? Loneliness, Stefan. That's why you and I memorialize our d*ad. There's the briefest of moments before we k*ll where we literally hold their life in our hands, and then we rip it away, and we're left with nothing. So gathering other people's letters or writing their names on a wall... It's a reminder... That in the end we're left infinitely and utterly alone
[Mystic Grill]
(April tries to enter the restrooms but the door is blocked by Caroline's body)
April: Oh. Sorry. Oh. Hello? Are you ok? Um... Oh, my gosh! Caroline! Oh! Somebody help! Help!
(Caroline gets up)
April: Holy crap
Caroline: Have you seen Hayley?
April: You didn't have a pulse. You were d*ad
(Caroline calls Stefan)
Caroline: Stefan, it's me. That little werewolf slut has lost her mind. Go to the Lockwood cellar and make sure that Rebekah's body is still there. I'm gonna find Tyler. Hayley is trying to screw this up
(She hangs up and compels April)
Caroline: Forget everything you just saw and heard. You are miss Mystic Falls, and you have duties to fulfill
April: Okay
(She leaves)
(Caroline gets out of the restrooms and runs into Matt)
Matt: There you are. Stefan has been looking for you. Adrian's leading Klaus to the cellar
Caroline: How come the only time April Young isn't following you around like a lost puppy is when I'm lying d*ad with a broken neck?
Matt: April saw you?
Caroline: Yeah. It's ok. I compelled her
Matt: She's... she's wearing Jeremy's vervain bracelet. She can't be compelled
[Mystic Falls' Square]
(Tyler is on the phone with his mother)
Tyler: Hey, mom. I don't see you. Things have changed. It's gonna be fine. I'll be back later. I'll pick you up
(Haley rejoins him)
Tyler: What are you doing here? You're supposed to be taking the witch to the cellar
Haley: There is no witch, Tyler
Tyler: What?
Haley: I made it up
[The woods]
(The hybrids are waiting)
Kim: Where the hell is the witch? Adrian should be here any minute
(They turn themselves and see Adrian)
Adrian: Kim
(Klaus rips his heart out)
Kim: No!
[Mystic Falls' Square]
Haley: I never intended for you to put Klaus down. I needed him for the sacrifice
Tyler: What?
Haley: I don't know how to explain it, but I made a deal with someone who can help me find my family
Tyler: What are you talking about? What kind of deal?
Haley: There needed to be 12 for the sacrifice, Tyler
Tyler: 12 what?
Haley: I'm sorry
Tyler: Hayley, what did you do?
Haley: If you run now, you might make it out alive
[The woods]
(Klaus kills all the hybrids. Once they're all d*ad, he follows Kim into the Lockwood's cellar)
Klaus: Where is Tyler Lockwood? You'd do well to answer me, love. Where is he?!
Kim: I don't know
Klaus: Wrong answer
(He kills her)
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Elena, Bonnie and Jeremy are looking at the Christmas decorations)
Jeremy: Check this out
Elena: Jenna used that to make out with Logan fell
(Damon is outside looking at them. Elena watches him and rejoins him)
Elena: All the drama, and you're missing the actual fun part
Damon: Elena, we can't. I can't
Elena: Damon, you can't keep telling me that this isn't real. I know how I feel and that you feel it, too, so stop fighting it
Damon: It's good to see you like that... All normal with your brother. I want that again for you. Christmas was always mine and Stefan's favorite holiday when we were kids, not that I've celebrated since. I kind of miss that
Elena: You're thinking about how upset he'll be when he finds out that you and I are together
Damon: I've been lying to him all day
Elena: No. You were helping me with Jeremy
Damon: The point is not what I was doing. The point is that I'm here with you. I was supposed to invoke the sire bond, Elena, send you away I was supposed to do the right thing by you and the right thing by my brother. Which is what I'm gonna do right now. You're gonna go home
Elena: What? No. Damon...
Damon: I'm gonna stay here with Jeremy. I'm gonna help him complete the mark. I'll teach him how to hunt. I'll protect him, and we'll k*ll vampires without you
Elena: Damon, please
Damon: I'm setting you free, Elena. This is what I want. This is what will make me happy
[Salvatore's House]
(Caroline rejoins Stefan in the library)
Caroline: Matt can't find April. I can't reach Tyler. This is a disaster. Is this you in crisis mode? Because it's a lot more stealth than mine
Stefan: I thought I'd be happier watching Klaus get led away to the slaughter, but for some reason, I can't help but feel kind of... Guilty
Caroline: Yeah. You and me both. All day I've been trying to remind myself of all the horrible things he's done
Stefan: See, that's the thing. We've all done horrible things. And I'm sitting here trying to figure out what makes us any better than him. And I think it's just that we have family we can trust
Caroline: Yeah, you're right Stefan. Trust is everything. Have you heard from Damon?
Stefan: Yeah. He's still with Jeremy at the lake house
Caroline: Did he happen to mention... Where Elena was?
Stefan: Wait. Why are you... why are you asking me this? They're together, aren't they? How together are they? Caroline, tell me. How together are they?
[Gilbert's House]
(Jeremy opens the door to Bonnie. They look at each other)
Jeremy: Thank you
(She embraces him. Damon and Elena go to the car. Bonnie goes into the car. Jeremy closes her door. Elena goes to the passenger side. She looks at Jeremy and he waves at her. He goes inside and she looks at Damon)
Elena: I was ready to fight you on this, but suddenly every part of my body is telling me that I need to get in this car and leave you
Damon: So do it
[Mystic Falls' Square]
(Carol is alone and leaves a voicemail to Tyler)
Carol: Tyler, honey, you're supposed to be in my sober cab. I think I drank half the party
(She hangs up and Klaus arrives)
Klaus: Good evening, Carol. You're looking for Tyler… I'd like a little word with him myself
Carol: Klaus, please. Don't hurt him. He's my son. He's all I have
Klaus: And you're all he has. There's a beautiful symmetry to that, don't you think?
(He drowns her, k*lling her and leaves) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x09 - O Come All Ye Faithful"} | foreverdreaming |
[Mystic Falls High School]
(All the students are gathered in the gym, holding candles. Liz is paying tribute to Carol)
Sheriff Forbes: Carol Lockwood always said that togetherness, in times of tragedy, leads to healing. That one community is stronger than a thousand of its members. But how does a community stay strong after losing its leader? And Carol was so much more than just a mayor. She was... An open-minded friend... And a concerned mother, taken from us too soon by a terrible accident
(Tyler gets up)
Tyler: Screw this
(He leaves. Elena and Bonnie look at Caroline)
Sheriff Forbes: Please join me in observing a minute of silence in her memory
(Elena turns her head and sees Rebekah. She's surprised and when she looks again, she's gone)
Bonnie: Are you okay?
Elena: I'll be right back
(She leaves)
Sheriff Forbes: Thank you very much. In the wake of this tragedy, the town has selected an interim mayor. Many of you already know him. Please welcome Mr. Rudy Hopkins
(The students applaud and Rudy Hopkins rejoins Liz)
Rudy: Thank you, sheriff. Carol Lockwood put this town first, and that's why I'm here to talk to you guys. You folks...
(Elena is alone in the hallway. She hears a noise and hears someone crying. She follows it and finds April at her locker)
Elena: April? What's wrong?
April: Nothing. I'm fine
Elena: But you're crying
April: It's just the whole mayor thing. You know, it's bringing up stuff with my dad. And I know you're a vampire
Elena: Wait. What?
(Rebekah arrives from behind and breaks her neck)
April: Was that necessary?
Rebekah: No, but it was fun
(Caroline is outside on the phone with Stefan. He's at the Mystic Grill, drinking)
Caroline: Hey, you just missed the mandatory all-school assembly
Stefan: Well, that's because I'm at a mandatory all-alone drinking party
Caroline: Seriously? You decided to go on a ripper bender now?
Stefan: My brother slept with Elena. Kind of puts a little bit of a damper on things
Caroline: First of all, you are not supposed to know that. Second of all, Tyler is already spiraling, and he gets priority
Stefan: His mother just died. What do you expect?
Caroline: I'm his girlfriend. I expect him to talk to me. But instead he's all angry, and it doesn't help that everyone keeps referring to his mother's death as an accident, which is really just a polite way of saying that she was drunk
Stefan: You think Klaus k*lled her?
Caroline: Well, I don't think she drowned in a Martini glass. Just get it together. I can't do it alone
(Elena wakes up in the library. April rejoins her)
April: The assembly's over
Elena: What the hell's going on?
April: The school will be empty soon. How many times did you compel me? Don't... Just don't lie. Rebekah says you lie
Elena: Rebekah's not who you think she is, April
April: What, she's not a thousand-year-old original vampire?
Elena: Listen, we can figure this out, ok, but we have to get out of here
(She tries to leave but Rebekah's here)
Rebekah: Sorry. Not allowed. Why don't you take a seat? The rest of the class will be here shortly
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Jeremy and Matt are fighting for training. Damon is here too listening to his voicemails)
Elena: Hey, it's me. Look, I know why you sent me away. You think that what I'm feeling for you is because of the sire bond, but I hate not being near you
(Jeremy is ready to fight and looks at Matt)
Jeremy: Go ahead. Make a move
Matt: I drove up here to be your wingman, not kick your ass
(He makes a move but Jeremy is stronger and throws him on the ground, strangling him)
Matt: Ah! Ok. I get it. I get it. You're a badass
(Jeremy releases him and looks at Damon)
Jeremy: Did you see that?
Damon: Couldn't miss it. It was in slow motion
Jeremy: Then teach me something useful. We've been here for days, and so far all you've done is bark orders
Damon: Okay. Take a seat at the bench, quarterback. Karate kid wants a sh*t at the tiger
Matt: Jeremy, you're not ready for this
(Damon throws the stake at Jeremy and he catches it. Jeremy att*cks Damon but he's faster and he strangles him from behind)
Damon: Now, all I have to do is apply a little pressure under your jaw
(A car arrives. It's a pizza delivery)
Damon: Really? Again?
(A girl comes out with a pizza box)
Girl: Double pepperoni 3 days in a row. You guys eat anything else?
Damon: Why? Are you offering?
(He pays her)
Damon: A little something extra cut off the pizza pipeline for a couple days. No matter how much they beg, don't come back
Girl: Sorry, guys
Jeremy: You're gonna starve us now?
Damon: If that's what it takes to make you a hunter. Now run around the lake, twice
(Jeremy does it. Damon looks at Matt)
Damon: Keep him company
Matt: I don't have to listen to you
Damon: You do if you want to eat
(Matt runs after Jeremy. Damon takes his phone and listens to the end of his voicemail)
Elena: Being near you, and I miss you, Damon. I wish you would just let me come to you
[Mystic Grill]
(Stefan phones rings. It's an unknown caller)
Stefan: What?
Rebekah: Guess who? I'm back, dagger-free, and I'm holding Elena hostage at the High School. Just thought you should know
Stefan: Who the hell was dumb enough to pull that dagger out of you?
Rebekah: I'll be asking the questions today. See you soon
(She hangs up. He calls Caroline)
Caroline: I'm only ready to talk to you if you're ready to rejoin civilization
Stefan: How would you like to drive the white oak stake through Rebekah's heart?
Caroline: If it means you're not drinking your way through the mystic grill, sure
(He leaves)
(Rudy and Liz are at a table)
Sheriff Forbes: So… First speech under your belt. Now for the fun part. Welcome to the world of careful cover-ups. We've ruled Carol's death as head trauma from a fall. That's the official autopsy
Rudy: She did not go gently, did she? Any leads?
Sheriff Forbes: We have ideas
Rudy: Let me guess. Sharp teeth and bad table manners?
Sheriff Forbes: You sure you want this? I mean, 6 people were offered this job before you. They all said no for a reason
Rudy: I'm saying yes for a reason, and my reason just walked in
(He looks at Bonnie)
Sheriff Forbes: I'll let you know what we find
Rudy: Thank you Sheriff
(Bonnie rejoins them)
Bonnie: Hey, sheriff. Hey, dad
(Liz leaves)
Bonnie: So… Far cry from being a traveling pharmaceutical rep
Rudy: I noticed a few of your friends missing from the assembly. So much for mandatory I guess, huh?
Bonnie: Dad, stop it. You can't come in here and start making rules
Rudy: I think this town could use a few more rules
Bonnie: You're forgetting I can help protect the town
Rudy: I am well aware of your gifts, Bonnie... But don't forget I'm your father. That means that I get to protect you
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Caroline is checking the classrooms and the hallway. She has the white oak stake in her hand. She texts Stefan to tell him it's clear. Someone passes with super speed and she turns herself)
(Stefan reads her text and checks another hallway and other classrooms. He hears a noise but he doesn't see anyone. He texts Caroline to tell her where Rebekah is and tells her that he'll distract her and she'll stake her. Rebekah materializes in front of him)
Rebekah: Hello, Stefan
Stefan: I'm here. What do you want?
Rebekah: The same thing I wanted when you helped make Klaus s*ab me
Stefan: The cure
(She pushes him against a locker but he pushes her back and strangles her)
Rebekah: I hope you're not waiting for Caroline to show up and stake me...
(She shows him the stake)
Rebekah: Because I already found her
(Rebekah enters the library with Stefan. Caroline, Elena and April are already there)
Elena: Stefan
(She gets up)
Rebekah: Did I say you could move? Class is in session. You've all been compelled. You know the rules. Answer my questions honestly, no disobedience, no one leaves. April, my sweet, take notes. This is how you get answers in this town. Let's start with a little quiz. In the year 1114, my brother learned... thanks to yours truly... About a brotherhood of vampire hunters with tattoos that grew with each k*ll. And these tattoos reveal what? Elena?
Elena: A map
Rebekah: Which led to, Caroline?
Caroline: A cure for vampirism
Rebekah: Perfect. We're all caught up. Stefan Salvatore, the last time we saw each other, you had a vampire hunter, but in order to decode the map, you needed the location of the hunter's sword, which you got out of me using some very dirty tricks assuming you found the sword, you must have found the cure, and yet you're all still vampires, which means something went wrong
(She looks at April, who's writing)
Rebekah: What are you doing?
April: You asked me to take notes
Rebekah: I wasn't being literal, darling. But now that you mention it, a flow chart would be nice, which means index cards and push pins. Go fetch
(April leaves)
Stefan: You're wasting your time. We don't know anything
Rebekah: So you just gave up? I thought you'd do anything to save Elena, even if it meant taking the cure yourself so you could grow old and die with her
(Elena is surprised)
Rebekah: Why do you look so surprised? I'm missing something. What is it?
Caroline: They broke up, okay? Now let us go
Rebekah: Wait. I'm confused. I thought Elena was your epic love, Stefan. I asked you what happened, and you have to tell me
Stefan: She slept with Damon
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Jeremy loads a g*n and shows it to Damon)
Damon: Good… Now do it like your life depends on it 'cause it does
Jeremy: Don't act like you care about my life. You care about the hunter's mark and curing Elena so she's not sired to your ass
Damon: Both require you to be alive, which is why I've updated our relationship status to "it's complicated." You talked to her at all? Elena?
Jeremy: Maybe. Why? Running out of voicemails to listen to?
(Klaus arrives)
Klaus: I'm sorry. Did I interrupt play time?
Jeremy: What the hell are you doing here?
Klaus: I'm simply appreciating the sights and smells of nature, neither of which presently include rotting vampire flesh, so I'm a bit concerned. How many vampires has he k*lled?
Damon: If we throw Jeremy out into the world right now, he's chum
Klaus: Now, see, that's not a number. 12... that's a number. That's how many of my hybrids I slaughtered with my sword. 3... that's how many days it took to quell the urge to k*ll your brother, after he knowingly watched as I walked into a death trap. One… That's the number of purposes you serve. You are here to grow Jeremy's mark, so I ask again... How many vampires has he k*lled since he's been here?
Damon: Zero
Klaus: Hmm. That's a pity. I'm going to need that cure sooner rather than later, hybrid shortage and all. How can I help?
Damon: You know... Now that you mention it, Jeremy... Watch and learn
(He sh**t Klaus various times)
Damon: That's for Carol Lockwood
[Mystic Falls' High School]
Rebekah: So, vampire Elena is a trollop who likes bad boys, which explains why Stefan reeks of alcohol. But what it doesn't explain is why sweet, loving, innocent Elena could be so heartless towards Stefan. How could she hurt you like that? Answer, please
Stefan: She didn't know it at the time, but she was sired to Damon
Rebekah: A sire bond. Fascinating. And what do you think about that, Elena?
Elena: I think you're sad and bored and in desperate need of a hobby
Rebekah: You're hiding something. 'Fess up
Elena: I didn't sleep with Damon because of the sire bond. I slept with Damon because I'm in love with him
Caroline: What does any of this have to do with the stupid cure?
Rebekah: You're right. We got off the point. Stefan, how do I find the cure? Unless you'd rather talk about Damon and Elena all day
Stefan: There's a Professor. He knows where the cure is
Rebekah: Thank you. And, uh, where do I find this Professor?
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie is in Shane's office)
Bonnie: Oh, and so now I'm "gifted"? He hates my witch heritage. That's why he travels all the time. He can't handle it and suddenly he wants to be a protective father? No, not like this. Come on. Distract me. Isn't there some... Magic therapy thing you haven't shown me yet?
Shane: Listen, Bonnie, I hate to tell you this... Actually, you know what? I take that back. I'm proud to tell you this. You don't need my help anymore. In fact... I was hoping to present this with a cupcake or something
(He gives her a necklace)
Shane: Happy graduation
Bonnie: It's beautiful
Shane: It's human bone. Legend says it was worn by the 2,000-year-old witch Qetsiyah, who drew on it... For strength. Bonnie, you have come so far so fast. If you trust my opinion, your magic is exactly where it needs to be
Bonnie: Does this mean I have to go home now?
Shane: It means I got a stack of papers I got to grade by tomorrow
Bonnie: I can take a hint. Thanks Shane
(She leaves and sees Kol in the corridor. She only recognizes him later)
Bonnie: Oh my god. Kol!
(She rushes to Shane's office but he's not there anymore)
Bonnie: Shane?
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Tyler is alone, a glass in his hand. His phone rings. He gets up and answers)
Tyler: I told you I don't want to talk
Rebekah: I heard. You're keeping all that rage bottled up inside. Caroline's worried sick about you
Tyler: Rebekah?
Rebekah: Hello Tyler. I heard my brother made a real mess of your life. Believe me, I can relate. You have my condolences. In fact, why don't you come down to the high school so you can accept them in person?
Tyler: And why would I do that?
Rebekah: Because I have your girlfriend. Maybe you have a better sh*t at saving her than you did your mother
(Tyler throws his phone on the wall)
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Kol enters the library)
Kol: Sister…
(He sees Caroline, Elena and Stefan)
Kol: You're even worse than Klaus
Rebekah: Kol. Finally. Did you bring me what I asked for?
(Kol pushes Shane inside)
Rebekah: You must be Shane
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Damon is outside, wildling by the f*re. Klaus rejoins him)
Damon: If you're here for payback, go for it. But you'll be stuck baby-sitting the little hunter that could
Klaus: You know... If you adjust your angle a little bit, you'll find a sharper edge
Damon: I know how to whittle. Thanks. Now I know why those hybrids hated you. You are annoying
Klaus: Actually, I'm just perplexed as to why Jeremy hasn't k*lled any vampires
Damon: Darwinism, Klaus. He needs to be able to protect himself before we hunt down his first vampire nest
Klaus: And here was I, thinking you were the fun brother. Well, let's play a little game, shall we? Jeremy needs more victims, and there's a whole town of people down the road just waiting to be turned into vampires for the slaughter
Damon: You don't think that occurred to me, Klaus?
Klaus: The tragedy is, Damon, it did occur to you, yet you chose to ignore it. And my guess is you did it to impress Elena. Somehow, to honor her, you'll find a way to spare innocent lives and walk Jeremy down the moral high road. That's why I've already made the necessary corrections
Damon: What did you do?
(The pizza delivery girl knocks on the door. Matt opens the door)
Matt: Don't tell me he ordered another pizza
Girl: No, I'm just an idiot. I ran out of gas and my phone's d*ad. Think I could use yours?
Matt: Yeah, come on in. I'll run upstairs and grab my cell
(She can't enter. Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: What are you doing here?
Matt: Car drama. Your friend just went to go get his phone
Jeremy: Well, I'm about to go take a shower, but you're more than welcome to wait inside
(She enters)
Girl: Thanks
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Kol and Rebekah push Shane in a broom closet)
Shane: Kol… And Rebekah Mikaelson, two members of the original vampire family. This is such a trip
(Rebekah compels him)
Rebekah: Where's the cure?
Shane: Compulsion won't work. It's a little trick I picked up in Tibet
Rebekah: Right. Well, we'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way. b*at him until he tells you where to find it
(Rebekah enters the library)
Rebekah: Still glued to your seats? Ooh, it's thick with tension in here. Let's spice things up a bit. Elena, truth or dare?
Stefan: We're done playing your stupid games, Rebekah
Rebekah: Truth or dare, Elena? You're compelled. Answer
Elena: Dare
Rebekah: I dare you to tell Stefan the truth about Damon
Caroline: Seriously?
Elena: Being with Damon makes me happy
Rebekah: Makes you happy? Clowns make you happy, Elena. Dig a little deeper
Elena: When I'm with him... It feels unpredictable, like... Like I'm free
Rebekah: And how do you feel when you're with Stefan?
Caroline: Stop!
Rebekah: She can't. She's compelled
Elena: Lately, I feel like I'm a project, like I'm a problem that needs to be fixed. I think I make him sad, and I can't be with someone like that because... When he looks at me, all he sees is a broken toy
Rebekah: Do you still love Stefan?
Elena: Yes
Rebekah: Are you still in love with Stefan?
Elena: No
(Rebekah looks at Stefan)
Rebekah: Did that hurt, having someone you love drive a dagger through your heart?
Stefan: Go to hell
Rebekah: Did... that... hurt?
Stefan: Yes
Rebekah: Welcome to the last 900 years of my life
(Tyler enters)
Rebekah: Ah, good, you're here. It was just getting depressing
Tyler: What the hell is going on?
Rebekah: Listen to the rules carefully. Stay in the building. No vamp-running in the hallways
Caroline: Vamp-running from what?
Rebekah: Turn
Elena: What?!
Caroline: But he can't. He'll lose control
Rebekah: That's the whole point. I've exhausted all your knowledge. Now I have the Professor to help me find the cure, you're just competition. Whoever finds it first gets to decide what to do with it: Use it, share it, destroy it, save it... I want that to be me
Tyler: But if I turn, I'll k*ll them
Rebekah: Yes, you will. Turn
[Gilbert's Lake House]
(Matt finds his cellphone)
Girl: Did you find your phone?
(She rushes over him and tries to bit him. She's a vampire. Jeremy enters. He catches her and kills her. Damon enters and Jeremy looks at him. He looks at his arm. His tattoo is growing)
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(April is in the chemistry class. Bonnie enters)
April: Bonnie? How did you know everyone was here?
Bonnie: Who's everyone? I came to find Shane
April: Did you do a GPS magical spell or something?
(Bonnie is surprised)
April: Rebekah told me that you're a witch
Bonnie: Rebekah? What the hell is going on?
April: Rebekah has Stefan, Elena, and Caroline compelled. She's getting them to actually tell the truth for a change
Bonnie: What? Shane can't be compelled She'll have him t*rture him to find out what he knows
(She's looking for something)
April: What are you looking for?
Bonnie: I need salt
April: I think I just saw some. What are you doing?
Bonnie: If this pendant will connect me to Shane, then I can do a protection spell
(Kol immerses Shane hand in a tray of water)
Kol: Where is the cure?!
(He immerses his head once again and gets him out)
Kol: Where is the cure?
(He does it again and Rebekah enters and watches them. Kol gets him out)
Rebekah: You're human. Why do you want it anyway?
Shane: That's the beauty of this. You can have it. I just want Silas
Kol: No! What do you know about Silas?
Shane: He's the world's first immortal being, who just happens to be imprisoned with the cure and I want to free him
(Kol rushes toward the tray of water and puts his head in the water once again. Rebekah intervenes)
Rebekah: Stop! He's of no use d*ad
(Kol gets him out)
Kol: Did you not hear what he said? Silas will k*ll us all, sister
Rebekah: Silas does not exist. He is a fairy tale made up to scare children into eating their vegetables
Shane: Silas is very real. I know where he's buried, and soon I'll have the spell that wakes him
Kol: Wait a second. You're lying. You can't get to him without his...
Shane: Tombstone? Dozens to die in a blood sacrifice? Believe me, I know. I've done it. Those massacres are a pain to engineer
Rebekah: You're the one who got the council blown up
Shane: It was a noble sacrifice... And temporary because once I raise Silas... Silas will raise the d*ad. He will bring back every last soul... Who died on his behalf
(Kol kills him)
Kol: No!
(April is suffering from the same wound as Shane)
Bonnie: April, oh, my God!
(Tyler is turning. Stefan takes Caroline and Elena and puts them aside)
Tyler: Wait. I can't fight it. Aah! Get out of here!
(They leave. Caroline runs and leaves. Stefan and Elena close the door)
Elena: That door's not gonna hold him
(Shane is d*ad)
Kol: You should be thanking me
Rebekah: You k*lled my only chance at finding the cure
Kol: Silas on the loose would be hell on earth. And frankly, sister... I don't think you could handle it
(He shows her the white oak stake)
Rebekah: How did you get that?
Kol: Way too easily
(April is unconscious)
Bonnie: Help! Someone help!
(Elena and Stefan enter)
Elena: Bonnie, what's going on?
Bonnie: She needs help
Stefan: What happened?
Bonnie: I did a protection spell, but it accidentally linked Shane to April
Elena: And you couldn't control it?
Bonnie: I didn't even know I was doing it. Usually I feel pain or I bleed, but this time I just felt more power
(Stefan makes April drink his blood and she wakes up. She panicked)
Stefan: It's okay, it's okay. You're ok. You're ok. You're ok. Ok. Bonnie, get her out of the school. Just be careful. Tyler is out there, and he turned
Bonnie: What about you?
Elena: No, we can't leave. Rebekah's compelled us
Stefan: Just go. We'll deal with her later
(Bonnie and April leave and Stefan closes the door)
Elena: Stefan…
Stefan: No
Elena: Stefan, we have to talk about this. Please
Stefan: Talk about what, huh? How many more ways are there for you to rip my heart out?
Elena: I'm sorry
Stefan: Sorry that it happened, or sorry that I found out?
Elena: I'm sorry about all of it. I'm really sorry, Stefan. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want that
(Rebekah enters)
Rebekah: Why are my least favorite people always the most durable?
(Caroline enters the gym and finds Tyler, in his human form, lying naked on the ground. She rushes toward him)
Caroline: Tyler
Tyler: I'm so sorry
Caroline: It wasn't your fault
Tyler: Yes, it was. This whole thing. It's all my fault
Caroline: No, Tyler
Tyler: I should have saved her. Leave her out of this
(Rebekah looks at Stefan)
Stefan: Leave her out of this. This is between me and you
Rebekah: You're still protecting her? Must I rip your bleeding heart from your chest and show you the scar tissue that is Elena Gilbert?
(She looks at Elena)
Rebekah: There's a solution to all your problems, you know. I could compel him... Erase every memory he has of you. Every day you've spent together, every kiss, every lie, every ounce of pain. I can take away every bit of love he has for you, give you both a clean slate. Just say the word, and I'll make you and all that misery you've caused him disappear
Stefan: Do it
Rebekah: Excuse me?
Stefan: Erase it all. Every memory
Elena: Stefan, no
Stefan: I said do it
(Rebekah giggles)
Rebekah: No. That would be far too easy. I refuse to make you forget her the way Klaus made you forget me
(She looks at Elena)
Rebekah: But at least you know how he really feels
(She turns to look at Stefan)
Rebekah: Consider your eternity of pain my revenge, Stefan. I've used you for all you're worth. So now you're free to go
[Whitmore College]
(Shane is buttoning up is shirt. Bonnie enters)
Shane: Turns out I miscalculated. Kol's gonna be a problem
Bonnie: I almost k*lled someone, and that's what you miscalculated? April could've died today
Shane: That's only because you didn't know the extent of your abilities
Bonnie: My father just became mayor. I can't be out doing black magic
Shane: That's not what expression is
Bonnie: Then what is it?
Shane: It's a way of doing magic that isn't monitored by nature or the spirits. It isn't good nor bad. But it also has no limits, so how you use it is up to you. That's what I'm here for... To help you. Bonnie, listen to me. You are the key to everything. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you
[The woods by the Gilbert's Lake House]
(Damon is burying the pizza delivery Girl's body. His phone rings. It's Elena. He answers)
Damon: Hope your day is going better than mine. Got to say, I'm liking the odds
Elena: Stefan knows about us
Damon: Oh. How'd he take it?
Elena: How do you think?
Damon: I'm thinking, for the first time all week, I'm happy to be at camp nowhere
Elena: How's Jeremy?
Damon: That depends on how much you trust me
Elena: You know that I trust you
Damon: Then I think he's gonna get through this just fine
Elena: Thanks for looking out for him
Damon: Yeah, well, I told them if they were good, I'd buy them both ice cream, so look, I got to go
Elena: Not yet. Something happened today. I realized something about you, about us. And you can say that it's the sire bond, and you know what? Maybe... maybe it is, but I'm telling you it's the most real thing that I've ever felt in my entire life. I love you, Damon. I love you
Damon: Look. I'm going to get this cure for you. And I'm gonna have to do things you're not gonna like
Elena: Damon…
Damon: But listen carefully. Get in your car, right now. Come to me
Elena: I'll be there soon
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is in the living room. Rebekah enters)
Stefan: You let yourself in
Rebekah: You called me. Should I be checking for hidden daggers?
Stefan: Do you still want to find the cure?
Rebekah: More than anything. I want to ram it down Niklaus' throat and look into his eyes as he realizes he's mortal again. But Shane's d*ad and you are useless, so I'm right back where I started
Stefan: Shane's not d*ad
Rebekah: But I watched Kol impale him
Stefan: Well, you probably shouldn't have left him alone. Bonnie did a little spell. He's perfectly fine
Rebekah: You didn't have to tell me that. Why am I really here?
Stefan: You were right. I'm gonna be here for an eternity, and I will go insane if I don't know how Elena truly feels about my brother
Rebekah: If you really want the cure, you should know that Shane has an agenda, and it's a dark one. He said he organized dozens of people to die in sacrifice. He admitted to the council expl*si*n where 12 people died, and I'm guessing it's not a coincidence that 12 hybrids died at the hand of my brother
Stefan: 12… Channeling the energy from a mass death is used in witchcraft to perform dark spells. It's called expression. Shane admitted all this to you?
Rebekah: Proudly
Stefan: Well, then I guess we'll have to figure out how to manage him while we find the cure for ourselves
Rebekah: ‘'We''? There's no "we," Stefan
Stefan: Listen, I hate my brother, and you hate yours. But Damon's got Jeremy, and Klaus has the sword, and Shane has Bonnie. You and I are the only ones left with nothing. You said it yourself, right? Whoever finds the cure first gets to decide what to do with it. What do you say? You want to be partners?
[Mystic Grill]
April: My father had no reason to k*ll 11 people. He had no reason to k*ll himself. He loved me. He loved Mystic Falls. He was brainwashed into sparking that f*re. Professor Shane organized his death and the 11 others who died with him. It's time this entire town started telling the truth
[A bar]
(All the clients are d*ad. Jeremy, Damon and Matt enter. Klaus is at the bar)
Klaus: I was beginning to worry you boys wouldn't find the place
Jeremy: What the hell…?
Matt: Did you k*ll all these people?
Klaus: Not exactly. They're in transition. k*lling them is your job
(Jeremy looks at Damon)
Jeremy: You said you were going to convince Klaus to do this another way
Damon: I thought about it. And then I realized his idea was better | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x10 - After School Special"} | foreverdreaming |
[The Woods]
(Matt is running through the woods. A vampire is chasing him. He hides behind a tree but the vampire finds him and bites him but Jeremy kills him and rushes toward Matt)
[A bar]
(Jeremy, Matt and Damon are still with Klaus and the vampires are still there)
Jeremy: No way. I'm not doing it
Klaus: What makes you think you have a choice? You have to k*ll vampires to complete the hunter's mark. Mark equals cure
Damon: You're in a bar full of almost vampires, so get your hunt on
Jeremy: Screw you. You said I wouldn't have to k*ll any innocent people
Damon: Jeremy, they're not people
Klaus: Enough! Have at it, or else
Jeremy: I don't take orders from you, dick. Hunters can't be compelled
Klaus: You're right. I can't compel you, but if your conscience is getting in the way, then allow me to make this easy for you because I can compel them. I'm gonna give you a two-minute head start. Then I'm gonna send every vampire in here after you. You k*ll them, or they k*ll your friend... Matt
Matt: Wait a second
Damon: No, no. You turn them, he kills them. That was the deal, Klaus
Klaus: I'm taking artistic license
Damon: You know he can't take them all on at the same time
Klaus: With you as his coach, he'll be fine. It's Matt I'm worried about
Damon: Jeremy, go get the w*apon out of the car. I'll be right behind you. Both of you
(Matt and Jeremy leave)
Klaus: If I hear an engine start, I'll k*ll Matt myself!
[The woods]
(Jeremy is checking up on Matt)
Jeremy: Are you okay?
Matt: Yeah. I just need a second
Jeremy: We don't have a second. They can smell your blood. We need to go
(They hear a noise. Jeremy turns himself, raising his crossbow but it's Damon)
Damon: Don't hesitate. You're lucky it was me. Otherwise, you two would be d*ad
Jeremy: You set me up
Damon: I was trying to get this thing over with. You're the one that pissed off Klaus. Now you have to fight your way out of it
Jeremy: Where are the other vampires?
Damon: They're newbies. They're still trying to figure out how to track, which means you have two seconds to get ready to fight
Jeremy: The lake house is this way. If we can get there, they won't be able to get inside
Damon: Wait. You want to run?
Jeremy: They're gonna k*ll Matt
Damon: Fine. Get out of here. I'll slow them down
(Matt and Jeremy are running)
Matt: Jeremy?! Where are you?
Jeremy: Keep going. We're almost there
(A vampire catches Matt and tries to bite him but Elena throws him off Matt)
Elena: Are you ok? Oh my god
(Jeremy rushes toward them)
Jeremy: Get to the house! Hurry!
(They run to the house and enter. Elena looks outside)
Elena: Jeremy, what's going on?
Jeremy: They're coming
[Gilbert's Lake house]
(Jeremy is looking through the window and Elena is taking care of Matt. Damon's here)
Jeremy: Sun's up. They're long gone
(Elena gets up and looks at Damon)
Elena: What the hell were you thinking? All I asked you to do was to teach him how to fight
Damon: He's not the best student in the world
Jeremy: Wait. Now this is my fault?
Damon: Stop talking. Look. I know you're angry, but my way was the easiest, fastest, and safest way to complete his mark to get you the cure
Elena: I don't care about the cure, Damon, not if it means putting the people that I love in danger
Damon: Hey. There would have been no danger if he hadn't gone all bleeding hearts
Elena: He k*lled someone. These were innocent people
Damon: But the mark grew, didn't it?
Elena: Ok. Look. We need a plan There's a group of compelled vampires out there, and as soon as the sun goes down, they're gonna come after Matt, so we have to find a way to protect him
Damon: Yes, I know, but there will be no problem when big Jer and I here go on a hunting expedition. Elena, I know it's tragic, I get it, but we also agree that he had to k*ll them. Now we have added incentive, so you take the least most valuable player home, and Jeremy and I will finish this
Elena: I'm sorry. Are you saying that I should leave him here with you?
Damon: Trust me. I will keep him safe, ok?
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan enters his bedroom. Rebekah is on his bed, reading his diary)
Stefan: Ahem. I know you were, uh, daggered for a little while, but, uh, knocking is still a thing
Rebekah: So is writing in your diary apparently. I'm just checking for doubts. You can never be too cautious when it comes to love. One minute, you're begging me to compel Elena from your mind, and the next, I'm up coffin creek with a dagger in my back
Stefan: Right. Well, you can read it all you want. I'm done with her
Rebekah: Until we find the cure, right? Hey. I'm talking to you
Stefan: Oh, I know you are. I'm ignoring you
Rebekah: Look. We're at a bit of a disadvantage in this whole race for the cure. Team Klaus has Jeremy the hunter; team Shane has Bonnie the witch
Stefan: If you're here to remind me of our last place status, I'm very well aware
Rebekah: Actually I have a plan. The cure is buried with Silas, that ancient evil guy my brother Kol is afraid of. Shane was so eager to prove his existence that he gave away that he has one of the keys to resurrecting him, his headstone
Stefan: I see. You want to steal it
Rebekah: Yes. And then team Shane will have to join team Rebekah, and team Klaus will be left out in the cold where he belongs
[Whitmore's College]
(Bonnie is in Shane's office. They're sitting at his desk. There's a lighten candle on the desk. Her eyes are closed)
Shane: You know, just because your eyes are closed doesn't mean you're meditating. Come on. Use your breath. Use your breath to calm your nerves
Bonnie: Great. So now I can't even meditate right? What else can I fail?
Shane: Bonnie, you didn't fail
Bonnie: I did an expression spell that almost k*lled April
Shane: Exactly. Almost. Failing would have been actually k*lling her. You got, like, a d-minus
Bonnie: It's not funny. I have all this power now, and I'm worried I won't be able to control it
Shane: Bonnie, look at me. I'm here with you. You don't have anything to worry about. You are strong, you are focused. You are in complete control. You're here with me
Bonnie: I'm in complete control
(Sheriff Forbes enters with a deputy)
Bonnie: Sheriff?
Sheriff Forbes: Bonnie, I'm gonna need you to go
(A deputy is handcuffing Shane)
Shane: What the hell are you doing?
Sheriff Forbes: We need to ask you a few questions
Shane: Are you serious? I'm sure I can answer without the handcuffs. Come on. This isn't even your jurisdiction
Sheriff Forbes: Well, then I guess we better get you to Mystic Falls ASAP
Bonnie: Wait. Why are you doing this?
Sheriff Forbes: That's something you should ask your dad
[The Woods]
(Damon's car is parked. Jeremy and him get out and open the trunk)
Jeremy: You really think they went back to the bar?
Damon: Where else are they gonna go? It's all cabins and vacation homes. They can't get in anywhere. All right. There you go
Jeremy: Fine. Let's get this over with
Damon: Listen. Just go one at a time, only sh**t for the heart, don't hesitate, and don't miss
Jeremy: Save the teaching moment. Elena's not here. You don't have to pretend like you give a damn about me
Damon: I'm trying to keep you alive, dumbass. Come on
[A bar]
(Damon and Jeremy enter but the bar is empty. There is a lot of blood on the floor)
Damon: Something's not right
(They follow the blood and enter the back. The find all the vampires d*ad)
Damon: Looks like we're gonna have to find some new vampires. What a waste
Damon: What the hell happened?
Kol: I confess. I did it
Jeremy: Kol
Kol: Jeremy, good to see you, mate. Sorry about the mess. It was a little crowded when I arrived, and I prefer more intimate gatherings. We 3 need to have a little chat. Care for a drink?
Damon: He's underage, and I don't like you, so let's just cut to it
Kol: My brother bragged about his plan to complete Jeremy's hunter's mark. It was easy enough to track this lot down. They were all hiding in the shadows. Now k*lling young vampires is easy or old ones for that matter
Damon: Why? What's it to you either way?
Kol: Because, you fools, in your zeal to find the cure, you risk waking someone very dangerous
Damon: Oh. You must be talking about Silas
Kol: What do you know of him?
Damon: Nothing. Don't want to. Not our problem
Kol: Isn't it? A few hundred years back, I came across a group that worshiped Silas. His followers told me that he would rise again, and when he did, he would trigger the end of all time. You know, being an immortal, you can see why I'm opposed to time's ending. I m*rder all of them, and now here you are willing to risk raising him in your search for the cure. I can't exactly sit back and let that happen, can I?
Damon: We're not gonna back off the cure because you were told one too many scary bedtime stories, you idiot
Kol: Jeremy, we were mates in Colorado. You're a smart lad. Why don't you call off this imbecilic treasure hunt?
Jeremy: I'm not calling anything off, mate
Kol: Well, I could k*ll you, but then I'd have to deal with the hunter's curse, and I... I don't particularly feel like being haunted for the next century. Better idea. I'll just rip off your arms
(Damon pushes Kol against a wall)
Damon: Jeremy, run!
(He struggles with Kol but Kol is stronger and strangles him from behind)
[Whitmore College]
(Stefan and Rebekah are looking everywhere but don't fine anything)
Stefan: Well... Headstone's not here
Rebekah: Don't ripper out on me. We'll find it. Oh, you're all bottled up. You need a release. Maybe we can find you a voodoo doll or something
(She looks through Shane's drawer and finds a stash of herbs)
Rebekah: Ah. This should do the trick. Exactly what you need. The Professor's stash of herbs
Stefan: Not interested
Rebekah: What happened to you? You were so much fun in the twenties
Stefan: I was a psychotic k*ller with no emotions in the 1920s
Rebekah: You may have been a k*ller, but you were far from emotionless, Stefan. You had a blast. I know you remember. The jazz, the booze, our little table at Gloria's. Don't make me compel it out of you
Stefan: All right. Um... I guess we had a little bit of fun
Rebekah: Thank you. So now that we've established that fun is, in fact, possible, maybe you'd like to start having some. Don't worry about the Professor. He won't be back any time soon. I made sure of that
[Sheriff's Station]
(Liz is interrogating Shane)
Shane: You're accusing me of orchestrating a mass m*rder? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?
Sheriff Forbes: It's Mystic Falls. It's actually one of the least ridiculous things I've heard
(Bonnie and her dad are watching the questioning on a small screen)
Bonnie: He already explained this, dad. Pastor Young came to him for help. He was crazy
Rudy: No. He was grief-stricken, and Shane took advantage of it. And somehow talked him into k*lling a house full of people
Bonnie: It doesn't make any sense
Rudy: I've met people like this, Bonnie. They're fast-talking, they're charismatic, they're manipulators. They prey on the weak-minded
Bonnie: Mmm. And you're worried that's what he's doing to me. That's why you brought him in, isn't it?
Rudy: No. We brought him in because April young told us what he did. Rebekah Mikaelson confirmed it. He confessed to her
Bonnie: I'm going in there
Rudy: Bonnie, no, you're not
Bonnie: If he's gonna tell anyone what he did, it's me. Unless of course you think I'm too weak-minded
(Bonnie enters the interrogating room. Liz looks at her)
Sheriff Forbes: Bonnie, now is not the time
Rudy: Let her talk
(They leave the room. Bonnie sits in front of Shane)
Shane: I think your dad's confused about the format of the parent-teacher conference
Bonnie: I'm so sorry. Rebekah told them you confessed. I know she's lying
Shane: You know, the truth is, she's not
[Gilbert's House]
(Matt and Elena enter)
Elena: I'm so sorry. Listen. When I asked you to stay to Jeremy, I never thought...
Matt: what did you expect, Elena? It's Damon
Elena: I never wanted anyone to get hurt
Matt: Well, then you shouldn't have left him in charge. Look. I'm sorry. I know you didn't have a choice... sire bond and all
Elena: Sire bond doesn't work like that
Matt: All I know, Elena, is that the old you would have never left Jeremy with Damon, especially after what happened last night
(Elena's phone rings, she answers)
Elena: Jeremy?
Jeremy: Elena, we're in trouble
Elena: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Where's Damon?
Jeremy: Listen to me. Kol att*cked us. I barely got away, but he's got Damon
[Klaus' Mansion]
Klaus: A bit ironic you coming to me for help. Weren't your friends just trying to bury me in a cement tomb?
(He's talking to Elena)
Elena: This is your fault. You started this when you forced Jeremy to k*ll those vampires
Klaus: And my little brat of a brother has gone and made things worse. Well, he never did like Damon. I suppose I should do something, shouldn't I?
Elena: Call him off, Klaus
Klaus: You are in no position to make demands, love. Whilst I'd like to cure you to make more hybrids, I do have other reasons for finding the cure, not the least of which is destroying it so you lot can't use it against me
Elena: Whatever our differences, we want the same thing. Please. Klaus, I'm begging you
(Klaus finally calls Kol)
Klaus: Little brother. Just two days home, and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess
Kol: Come on, Nik. I was only having some fun
Klaus: Those vampires were for my hunter
Kol: Well, make some more. There's no shortage of people
Klaus: Where's Damon Salvatore?
Kol: I gave him a good and proper beating just for old time's sake
Klaus: Yes. Well, you've had your fun. Now let him go and come home. Avoid any more trouble, or you'll find yourself back in a box
Kol: Hey. No need to be nasty about it
Klaus: On the contrary, I find nastiness to be essential whenever my siblings try to sabotage me. Listen closely, Kol. Stay away from the Gilbert boy. Understand?
Kol: Fine. I won't touch him. You have my word
[A bar]
(Kol hangs up and looks at Damon. He's got a piece a wood in his chest)
Kol: Very good, darling. Now s*ab yourself a little bit further
(Damon does as he's told and groans)
Damon: If you're gonna k*ll me, do it like a man
Kol: I don't want to k*ll you. I just wanted to make sure you could be compelled
Damon: I'm gonna rip out your spleen
Kol: You ought to be thanking me. You don't really want the cure found. You fancy Elena. I mean, even more now that she's a vampire. Admit it. The last vestige of her humanity is her annoying little brother Jeremy, and deep, deep down, I bet you want him d*ad, don't you?
Damon: Nope
Kol: You're lying. I bet you'd love to rip his head right off... And I'm gonna give you your wish
(He compels him)
Kol: You're not gonna remember what I say, but you're going to find Jeremy Gilbert, and when you do, you're going to k*ll him
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in the kitchen. Jeremy is gathering all his w*apon on the table)
Elena: Jeremy, it's over. You can put all this away
Jeremy: Klaus still wants me to finish the mark. He's not gonna stop
Elena: Ok. Well, Damon's gonna be back soon, and then we can figure something out
Jeremy: Seriously? You still trust Damon?
Elena: He saved your life
Jeremy: He saved the map to the cure. He couldn't care less about me
Elena: I care about you
Jeremy: Don't. Whatever's inside of me that makes me want to hunt, right now it's on overdrive
Elena: Jeremy
Jeremy: I'm sorry. I know what I have to do, Elena. I really want to get that cure for you, but…. I just... I don't how I'm gonna do this
[Whitmore College]
(Rebekah is smoking and Stefan is looking around)
Stefan: So much random crap in here
Rebekah: Crap, maybe. Random, no. Looks like Shane has a bit of an afterlife fetish. Hopi prayer feathers, the Han dynasty soul vase, and that is a Polynesian sacrificial Kn*fe
(He takes the Kn*fe)
Rebekah: Brutal way to die, but at least you appease the gods
Stefan: Since when did you become such an artifact expert?
Rebekah: I enjoy other cultures, Stefan. I know that might be hard for you to understand considering you dated a child who only thinks about herself. Still a sensitive subject, I see. Do you know why I wouldn't compel Elena from your memory?
Stefan: Because you wanted me to suffer
Rebekah: I did. It's the only way you'll learn. It took me a thousand years and hundreds of betrayals to realize that love, caring ruins you
Stefan: That's awfully bleak
Rebekah: Quite the opposite. It's liberating actually. You know why we had so much fun in the twenties, Stefan? Because we didn't care. We just did what felt good... drinking, feeding, sex
Stefan: The sex wasn't good because we didn't care. It was good because you're crazy. Crazy sex is always good
Rebekah: You were hardly the model of sanity. Stop... Caring
(They're interrupted when someone enters. They disappear. The man looks around and finds where the headstone is hidden. He's about to take it when Rebekah catches him)
Rebekah: Good. You found it. Question is who are you?
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena opens the door. Damon's on the porch)
Elena: What happened? Are you ok?
Damon: Kol happened
Elena: Thank God you both got away. If Kol had taken Jeremy
Damon: Is he here? I just want to talk to him really fast
Elena: He's at the grill. He wanted to check on Matt
Damon: Well, I should go apologize to him. I was... I was pretty tough on him today
[Sheriff's Department]
(Bonnie enters the interrogation room to talk to Shane)
Bonnie: Told my dad to give us a minute. Camera's off. You can talk
Shane: Are you sure about that?
Bonnie: Yeah. I don't lie. I'm not you
Shane: Look. I always gonna tell you the truth. I just kept putting it off because I was worried how you'd react
Bonnie: Bad. That's how I react to m*rder
Shane: I'm not a k*ller, Bonnie. Pastor Young was depressed...
Bonnie: I've heard this. Skip to the part where you convince him to m*ssacre 11 people
Shane: It wasn't a m*ssacre. It was a ritual. It was something necessary to raise Silas and get the cure that your friends so desperately want
Bonnie: If they knew people had to die...
Shane: it doesn't matter if they die. Silas will bring them back
Bonnie: You're crazy
Shane: I'm not crazy. I'm just passionate
Bonnie: You're full on crazy
Shane: Do you remember our first session? It was about your grams, right? You thought every time you did magic you were causing her pain. Aren't you curious what's happening to her now? Wouldn't you like to see her again?
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt is working. Damon and Elena rejoin him)
Damon: Don't you ever take a night off?
Matt: I took two days off to help you out at the lake house, remember? I almost got k*lled
Damon: Where's Jeremy?
Matt: He's in the back I think
(He leaves them)
Elena: Are you doing ok?
Matt: Yeah. All things considered
(Elena rejoins Damon)
Elena: Damon. Are you all right? What's going on? Damon, what is wrong with you?
Damon: It was Kol. He must have compelled me. If I find Jeremy... I might k*ll him
[The Tunnels]
(Jeremy is running. Damon is going after him)
Damon: Jeremy… Get out of here! Do you hear me? Don't stop. Kol compelled me. There's nothing I can do! You can't hide in here, Jer. If I find you, you're d*ad. Jeremy, are you listening to me? You better run! I am coming to k*ll you. You need to go now!
[Whitmore's College]
(Rebekah is torturing the intruder)
Rebekah: All you have to do to make it stop is tell me who sent you. You're full of vervain, so I know you haven't been compelled
Stefan: Or maybe somebody compelled him before he ingested it
Rebekah: He was after the headstone. We need to know who sent him
Stefan: Ok. Fine. So we take him home, wait till the vervain is out of his system, and then compel him and get whatever information we want
Rebekah: That's not a bad idea
(The intruder coughs blood)
Stefan: He just bit off his own tongue
Rebekah: So he does know something
(The intruder kills himself)
Stefan: I guess he was compelled
Rebekah: Was it my bastard brother or yours?
Stefan: Maybe it's option number 3. There's another team in the race
[Sheriff's Department]
Bonnie: You're saying if I help you raise Silas you can bring my grams back? Don't play on my guilt, Shane
Shane: I'm not playing on anything. This is the truth. You told me what happened. Your reckless use of magic is the reason...
Bonnie: Don't
Shane: Is the reason those spirits are torturing her on the other side
Bonnie: Don't
Shane: Hurting her again and again and again
Bonnie: I said don't!
(She uses her powers on him)
Shane: You can't stop, can you? All this power that you're feeling, you actually like it, don't you?
(She makes him suffer)
Shane: Aah! Aah! Ugh. Look at yourself, Bonnie. Look at yourself, Bonnie
(Rudy enters)
Rudy: Bonnie, what are you doing?
Bonnie: Get out! Get out of here!
(She throws water on the floor and sets it on f*re with her powers)
Rudy: Bonnie, stop!
Shane: You can't reason with her, mayor. She's lost control
Rudy: Bonnie, baby, baby. Please. Do something!
Shane: Bonnie… Bonnie, look at me! Now take a deep breath. I'm right here with you. You are in complete control. That's it
(She stops and leaves the room)
Shane: Your daughter... Is a prodigy. With my guidance... She'll be one of the most powerful witches in the world... But without it... whew... she's a time b*mb
[Whitmore College]
(Stefan and Rebekah are looking at the intruder's body. Stefan's phone rings. She takes it and answers)
Rebekah: Hello, Elena
Elena: What did you to Stefan?
Rebekah: Rescued him from his old, dull life, but it keeps calling. Stefan's not in the mood to talk right now
Elena: Then he can listen. I know might not care about me right now, Stefan, but Kol compelled Damon to k*ll Jeremy. They're somewhere in the tunnels, and I... it's one giant maze down here, and I can't find them, so if you still care about the cure or about Jeremy, then maybe you can come help
(Nobody answers)
Elena: Okay
(She hangs up. Rebekah looks at Stefan)
Rebekah: That is an interesting predicament for both of us
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Jeremy has arrived in the tunnel. Damon is near)
Damon: Did you miss the part where I said I'm compelled? Don't stop! Seriously? You're being hunted by a vampire, and now you're bleeding?
(He arrives in the cellar and Jeremy catches him from behind)
Damon: Dumb move, Jer. You can't fight me in closed quarters
Jeremy: It was worth a sh*t
(He aims his g*n at him)
Damon: You're gonna have to sh**t me, Jeremy, in the heart. I'm not gonna be able to stop myself. Jeremy, you are a hunter. You know what to do. Do it. Do it!
(Jeremy sh**t him)
(Damon wakes up. Jeremy sh*t him in the head. He removes the b*llet)
Damon: He sh*t me in the head. Stupid idiot... Borderline brain-d*ad moron! That was dumb, Jeremy. Should have k*lled me when you had the chance
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Kol is about to leave but Rebekah puts a dagger against his back)
Rebekah: Going somewhere? I would if I were you. If Damon kills the hunter, Nik will not be pleased
Kol: I told Nik I wouldn't touch the kid. I didn't
Rebekah: Oh. Well, that was clever. I'm sure he'll really appreciate it
Kol: You'd really dagger me?
Rebekah: If I do, Damon's compulsion ends and this is all over
Kol: And then you're no better than Niklaus. Daggering siblings when you disagree with them... look at what this family has become. I mean, Elijah won't even show his face he's so disgusted by our bickering. This cure has ruined us, and it hasn't even been found yet. Just imagine what would happen if it is
Rebekah: This family was ruined long before we knew about the cure. Kol! I won't let you raise Silas
Klaus: Enough of this foolishness. Put it down, Kol
(Kol leaves)
Rebekah: He was going to k*ll me
Klaus: Well, then, I think you need a lesson in how to properly dagger a sibling
Rebekah: Burn in hell
(She leaves)
[The woods]
(Jeremy is running but he's hurt. He falls on the ground. He looks at his arm. Damon arrives but Elena runs after him)
Elena: Damon, stop! I know that you don't want to hurt Jeremy, so please stop
Damon: I can't
Elena: Yes, you can. You're strong enough to resist the compulsion. I know that you are
Damon: Why, because Stefan did?
Elena: Because I love you, because you love me. You'd do anything for me, so please... Do this for me
Damon: I'm sorry, Elena
Elena: Damon!
(Jeremy raises his g*n)
Damon: Jeremy. sh**t now
(Stefan arrives)
Stefan: Hey, brother. Long time, no see
(He breaks his neck. He looks at Elena)
Stefan: You're welcome
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon wakes up in a cell. Stefan's here. Damon tries to get up and groans)
Stefan: Easy there, buddy. You lost a lot of blood
Damon: So you bled me out?
Stefan: Yeah. I didn't really have much of a choice. Kol's compulsion is still in effect, so you need to stay locked up. We don't have any vervain, so... This was the only way I could weaken you
Damon: You sound real torn up about it. Shouldn't we be going after Kol, make him decompel me
Stefan: Yeah, yeah, sure. That sounds easy enough, Damon. I'll get right on that
Damon: At least let me see Elena
Stefan: Come on. You know you can't do that. With the sire bond, all you have to do is tell her to let you out of here
Damon: You're really enjoying this, aren't you?
Stefan: It's better for Elena if you stay in here for now, at least until we find the cure, and then once she's no longer sired and you're no longer compelled, you can both do whatever the hell you want
(Stefan closes the door)
Damon: Stefan, wait. Stefan!
(Stefan is going to the living room but Elena arrives)
Stefan: Going to see Damon?
Elena: I need to talk to him
Stefan: Well, you can't. He'll just ask you to let him out
Elena: I won't let him out
Stefan: You won't have a choice. You're sired. Is that all?
Elena: Stefan, what are you doing with Rebekah? She tried to k*ll me
Stefan: And this will be the second time that Damon tried to k*ll Jeremy. So I guess nobody's perfect, right?
Elena: Are you trying to punish me? I don't know how many times I can apologize
Stefan: I never asked you to. You can do whatever you want, Elena. I really don't care
Elena: You're hurt. You're hurt, and you're acting out, Stefan. This isn't you
Stefan: Sure it is. You've just never seen me like this. You don't know what I look like when I'm not in love with you. I'll let Damon know you stopped by
[Mystic Grill]
(Rudy and Bonnie are sitting at a table)
Bonnie: I owe you an apology
Rudy: You don't owe me anything. I'm not happy to be right. I'm gonna get you some help
Bonnie: Help? Dad, I'm ok
Rudy: Are you kidding me?
Bonnie: I got angry I admit, but I knew what I was doing
Rudy: You lost control, and Shane said...
Bonnie: Didn't we just establish that we couldn't trust him? He's trying to get under your skin
Rudy: The only thing that got under my skin is what I saw, which is my daughter using dangerous magic! And the fact that you don't think you need help means you need it even more
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena and Jeremy open the door. Klaus is here)
Klaus: Good evening, Gilbert clan
Elena: What do you want, Klaus?
Klaus: I've come to fetch my hunter. Seeing as how my brother's become a liability, Jeremy will be safer with me
Jeremy: I think I'll pass. I've k*lled enough people for you today
Klaus: You think you're safer here? Hmm. Clearly you don't know Kol. He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants, as strange as it may seem, I'm your best bet
Elena: Sorry, but I think we'd rather take our chances
Klaus: Fine, but when Kol does come... and he will come… be sure to let me know, preferably before he burns your nice little home to the ground. And as for you, hunter, there's no shortage of people to turn and loved ones to thr*at, so sleep well. We'll plan on finishing our work tomorrow
[Rebekah's House]
(Rebekah is in her bedroom, drinking. Stefan enters)
Rebekah: Sure. Just barge right in
Stefan: Oh. I thought not knocking was our thing. You didn't dagger Kol.
Rebekah: Well, the white oak stake pointed at my heart made things a little difficult. I do believe my brother Kol has finally lost his mind
Stefan: That's all right. Jeremy's still alive, and I took care of Damon. So where'd you put it?
Rebekah: The headstone. Some place safe
Stefan: Wasn't really our deal
Rebekah: Well, considering that you've betrayed me twice and I've betrayed you never, I think I'm acting brilliantly, especially since we have no idea why that guy was looking for it. Did you work things out with Elena?
Stefan: Do you care?
Rebekah: Nope. Just trying to figure out why you're here
Stefan: Do you even have to ask?
Rebekah: No feelings, no attachments
Stefan: None… Whatsoever
[Gilbert's house]
Jeremy: This is never gonna end. If Kol doesn't k*ll me first, then Klaus is just gonna force me to k*ll more innocent people. How many is it gonna take, 10, 100?
Elena: If you k*ll one original vampire, their entire sire line will die with them. That's thousands, maybe tens of thousands of vampires. Kol compelled Damon to k*ll you. You're gonna k*ll Kol instead | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x11 - Catch me if you can"} | foreverdreaming |
[Rebekah's House]
(Stefan wakes up in Rebekah's bed. He seems confused and turns himself. Rebekah is sleeping. He slowly gets up and dresses up hurriedly. He opens the door to leave but Klaus' here)
Klaus: Leaving so soon?
(Rebekah is awake and putting a robe)
Rebekah: I don't appreciate you invading my privacy like some kind of creeping Tom
Klaus: Well, I apologize for breaking up this sordid little tryst, but I do have some urgent business. Or have you forgotten that our paranoid brother Kol is running around with a white oak stake and homicide on the brain?
Rebekah: He tried to k*ll me last night. I didn't forget
Klaus: Yes. Well, unfortunately, he seems to have absconded with my set of daggers
Rebekah: Oh, poor Nik. However will you get your way without your precious daggers? They were so handy when you wanted to end a conversation with one of us
Klaus: Kol's irrational fear of Silas has pushed him off the edge. We need to put him down before he does any more damage. Now, I know you have the last dagger, and I know you have some white ash, so hand it over
Rebekah: Hmm. And leave myself unprotected? You can file that request under "no chance in hell." Be gone by the time I've showered. Lurkers aren't welcome here
(She goes to the bathroom)
Klaus: I need that dagger, Stefan. Talk some sense into her.
Stefan: Why don't you talk some sense into her? I'm headed home to play prison guard to Damon. He's on lockdown ever since Kol compelled him to k*ll Jeremy last night
Klaus: You see? That's my point exactly. If you let Kol run free, then Jeremy won't live to see his junior prom, and we can kiss our map to the cure good-bye. But if you help me dagger Kol, Damon will be uncompelled, Jeremy will live, and we'll all be on our merry way to a human Elena
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is cleaning. Matt and Jeremy are playing video games. She's on the phone with Bonnie)
Elena: Where are you?
Bonnie: I told Caroline I'd take her place at decade dance prep, but none of the rest of you showed
Elena: I know. I'm sorry. I had to, though. I've got Jeremy under house arrest because Kol wants to k*ll him. And Klaus wants to take him on some vampire-slaying road trip. And since neither of them were invited in, it's the only place that I can keep him safe
Bonnie: Why does it sound like you're under f*re?
Elena: Apparently I'm living in a fraternity house now
Jeremy: I'm training
Matt: Me too
Elena: Train yourself to do some dishes. And put these w*apon away before someone tries to use one on me
Bonnie: Well, it's hard for me to look forward to this dance while you're trapped in your house
Elena: Listen, I have a plan to put an end to all of this. I want Jeremy to k*ll Kol
Bonnie: You want him to k*ll an original?
Elena: Think about it. Kol's sire line must stretch to the moon by now. If Jeremy kills Kol, every vampire that he's ever turned, not to mention everyone that they've turned, will die, which means the Hunter's mark will be complete, and we'll have our key to finding the cure
Bonnie: I'm on my way. We'll figure it out. Do you think Caroline will notice if there's only 89 red balloons?
Elena: Actually, probably yes
(She washes her hands but they burn and she lets go of the phone. She takes her phone back)
Elena: sorry
Bonnie: What happened?
Elena: I don't know. There's something in the water
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Bonnie is in the hallways and is on the phone)
Bonnie: Are you serious? You dumped vervain into the water supply? Where did you even get it?
Rudy: I have my sources. I'm also reinstating the curfew and canceling all town events
Bonnie: Dad, there's the dance tonight
Rudy: Not anymore
Bonnie: Are you serious?
Rudy: Honey, I'm trying to protect you, not punish you. The well-being of this town is my job now
Bonnie: No. Dad, it's mine, and I've been doing fine without you getting involved
Rudy: You've been doing fine? Would you like me to read you all the names of the people that have gone missing or died in tragic accidents in your senior year alone? Head straight home, please. We're having a family meeting
(They hang up. Kol rushes on Bonnie and strangles her)
Kol: No one can get to the cure if you're too d*ad to find it
(He's about to bite her but she uses her powers on his. He kneels and screams. She makes her escape while he's suffering)
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon is still in the cell. He hears someone coming. It's Stefan)
Damon: Gonna snap my neck again? Because I woke up feeling completely m*rder, and I'm pretty sure that it's safe to set me free
(He throws him a vial of blood)
Damon: You practically bled me dry. At least spring for a bag or something. I'm thirsty
(Stefan puts a bottle of water on the door)
Damon: Not exactly what I had in mind
(He gets up to take the bottle and sees Klaus)
Klaus: Hello mate
Damon: What the hell are you doing here?
Klaus: babysitting
Stefan: Give him a vial of blood every couple of hours so he doesn't desiccate. If he gets too much strength back or if he just annoys you, bleed him out again
Damon: Silent treatment uh? He's still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena
Klaus: Are you sure about that? Because I caught him trying to sneak out of Rebekah's bed this morning, which would suggest to me that he's moved on
Damon: Well, well. Looks like my brother ripped out a page of my revenge sex handbook
Stefan: Well, why don't you two enjoy your little, uh, villain bonding time? I'll let you know when I get the dagger from Rebekah
(He leaves)
(Stefan is upstairs. His phone rings. It's Elena)
Stefan: Damon's fine. With all the creature comforts he deserves
Elena: That's not why I called. Kol just tried to k*ll Bonnie
Stefan: What? Is she ok?
Elena: Yeah, just shaken up. She managed to hold him off, but Kol seems pretty intent on m*rder anyone who's looking for that cure
Stefan: Yeah. Klaus has me trying to convince Rebekah to give up her dagger so we can take care of Kol
Elena: I don't want to just dagger Kol. I want Jeremy to k*ll him
Stefan: What did you say?
Elena: Bonnie says she's got all this crazy new power. She thinks she can hold him long enough for Jeremy to get a clean sh*t
Stefan: And then what, huh? Klaus and Rebekah will k*ll every single one of us out of spite. They may be dysfunctional, bickering lunatics, but they stick together no matter what
Elena: That's why you need to find the dagger and use it on Rebekah. She can't come looking for revenge if she's lying in a box
Stefan: I can't do that
Elena: I know you can't because vampires can't use the dagger, but Matt can. It's not like she doesn't deserve it. And Bonnie thinks that she can get Klaus out of the picture, too, at least temporarily. Once we get this cure, none of this will matter because we can use it against them
Stefan: All right, fine, but how do you plan to lure Kol in?
[Middle of Nowhere]
(Kol is walking alone and listening to music. His phone rings)
Kol: Jeremy Gilbert. Nice to see I'm still on your speed dial, mate. Hey, you want to meet up at the batting cages in Denver?
[Gilbert's House]
(It's Elena on the phone and not Jeremy)
Elena: Actually, it's Elena Gilbert
Kol: What a treat. Yeah, I was just thinking of all the clever ways I could have your brother k*lled, but I'd settle for ripping off his illustrated arm instead
Elena: I need to talk to you--in person. I want to call a truce in the name of Silas
Kol: You want to talk about Silas?
Elena I'll meet you wherever you want. I'll come to you
Kol: I'll tell you what. How about I come to you?
(The doorbell rings. Matt leaves)
Kol: Open the door and invite me in. I'm waiting. Let me in, and let's talk truce. Hello?
Elena: Wouldn't it be kind of stupid to invite you in?
Kol: On the contrary. I can't k*ll your brother with my own two hands, or I'll suffer the hunter's curse and spend the next 20 years trying to off myself in gruesome ways. And I've heard that vervain's back in town, so I can't compel you to k*ll him either. So I think it's fair to say you're semi-safe, for now
Jeremy: I'm the only one who can invite him inside
Kol: He's right, obviously
(She opens the door)
Kol: You'd think being alive for over 1,000 years would teach me some manners, but I couldn't resist stopping by
Elena: If I let you in, my brother goes. You're not getting near him
Kol: Fair enough
Jeremy: You can come in
(He leaves)
Kol: No gold medal for bravery, I see. Another thing I love about the modern age is music anytime you like. So, is the part where you offer me a drink so we can have a proper chat?
[Rebekah's House]
(Rebekah is looking at clothes. Stefan enters)
Rebekah: The colors, the fabric, the eighties were just tragic. You know, I think shoulder pads rival 17th-century Puritan smocks for crimes against fashion
Stefan: Looking for something to wear to the dance?
Rebekah: Why? Are you asking me to a date?
Stefan: Actually, it was canceled
Rebekah: So why are you here? Back for more dagger talk?
Stefan: Somebody has some trust issues
Rebekah: It's called a healthy skepticism. I know you were trying to sneak out this morning. I'm not stupid
Stefan: Sorry. I'm still trying to get used to this
Rebekah: Do you regret it?
Stefan: No
Rebekah: Do you want it to happen again?
Stefan: Maybe
Rebekah: Even if I don't give you the dagger?
Stefan: You think that I would sleep with you just to get the dagger?
Rebekah: Don't give me that innocent look. You've done plenty to me in the name of getting what you want. Well, I guess I should pack up these racks. Just another failed attempt at getting to a high-school dance
Stefan: Why do you care so much about a high school dance?
Rebekah: I don't. I was just bored
Stefan: Right. Well, we can still go. If you want?
Rebekah: Not if it's canceled, we can't
Stefan: Since when do you care about the rules?
[Salvatore's House]
(Klaus is with Damon in his cell)
Klaus: You know, none of this would be an issue if you'd have just done your job properly. I was perfectly willing to let you train Jeremy
Damon: No, you weren't. Are you kidding? You got there on day two. Do you know how hard it is to get these X-Box brains to focus?
Klaus: And then when I turned a room full of barflies into vampires for him to slaughter, you let Kol k*ll them
Damon: Your brother problem, not mine, buddy
Klaus: And whose bright idea was it to saddle Jeremy with a conscience, hmm?
Damon: Well, we couldn't have him trying to stake Elena in her sleep, now, could we?
Klaus: Ah, yes, for the love of Elena. How is it that she manages to overlook every horrific thing you've ever done? Is it willful ignorance or perhaps something more pathological?
Damon: Some people are just more capable of forgiveness than others. Bet you score about a negative 500 in that realm
Klaus: Come on. There must be a secret. It can't just be the sire bond. What is it? Compulsion? Manipulation? What is it you say to her?
Damon: I think this has something to do with a certain blond vampire. I think you m*rder Carol Lockwood, and I think you're worried that Caroline's never going to forgive you
Klaus: You've done worse
Damon: Debatable. See, I don't mind being the bad guy, because somebody has to fill that role and get things done. You do bad things for no reason. You do them to be a dick
Klaus: Debatable
Damon: If you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose. Otherwise you're just not worth forgiving
[Gilbert's House]
(Kol is playing video games. Elena comes back with a bottle)
Elena: Sorry, I have to take up the old people alcohol
Kol: Yeah, that's the problem with people today. They have no drinking imagination. Turn-of-the-century New Orleans… now, they knew how to make a drink
Elena: You lived in New Orleans?
Kol: We all did, till Niklaus shoved a dagger in my heart
Elena: Why? What did you do?
Kol: What makes you think I did anything? Has your alliance with my brother softened you to his horrors?
Elena: I don't have an alliance with Klaus; we had a mutual interest in finding the cure. That's all
Kol: Had?
Elena: Yes. And I'm willing to give up looking for it if you promise to leave my brother alone. Now can you teach me how to make this? I'll get some ice
[A Street]
(Jeremy is walking alone and leaving a voicemail to Bonnie)
Jeremy: Bonnie where are you, I've called, like, 17 times. Kol is in our house. We need you. Ok, I'm headed to your house now
[Gilbert's House]
Kol: Would you like one?
Elena: Sure. Why not? You're really good at that game. Especially considering you've been locked up in a coffin for a hundred years
Kol: I'm a quick learner. Speedy reflexes. It's not much like the real thing, though, is it? You have k*lled, haven't you? Or are you one of those Mary Sue vampires?
Elena: I k*lled...once. I'm guessing your number is a lot higher than mine
Kol: You lose track over the years. So are we going to talk about Silas or just jibber jabber?
Elena: No one else seems to think Silas exists. So why do you?
Kol: I used to run with some witches in Africa in the 14th century, Haiti in the 17th century, New Orleans in the 1900s. They all knew about Silas and that he needed to stay buried. I actually hold witches in high esteem
Elena: Yeah, but why Silas? Why are you so afraid of him?
Kol: They said if Silas rises, he'll unleash hell on earth. I happen to like earth just the way it is
Elena: That's pretty Biblical
Kol: Well, that's the other problem with people today. They've lost faith, and in that loss, they no longer know who they should fear
[Bennett's House]
(Bonnie is in the living room looking for something. Rudy enters)
Bonnie: I have to get to Elena. Have you seen my phone?
Rudy: I've got your phone, and I've got your car keys. And I told you we are having a family meeting
Bonnie: Is that something you read in a book? Because we have never had a family meeting
Rudy: I've let this go on long enough. Shane said you and your magic are like a ticking time b*mb
Bonnie: And I told you he's crazy
Rudy: I lost your mother to witchcraft. I don't intend to lose you
Bonnie: It's not your life. It's mine
(Jeremy pounds on the door. Rudy opens)
Jeremy: Hey, is Bonnie here?
Rudy: She's busy
Jeremy: It's important
(Bonnie rejoins them)
Bonnie : What's going on?
Jeremy: I've called you, like, a hundred times. Kol is in our house
Bonnie: I have to go
Rudy: I said no
Bonnie: Stop telling me what to do!
(April arrives)
April: No one's going anywhere!
Bonnie: Mom?
Rudy: Abby, please come in
Bonnie: What are you doing here?
Abby: Your father called. Who's Professor Shane? What has he been teaching you?
Jeremy: Bonnie, we don't have time for this
Rudy: This is a family matter
Jeremy: My sister's in trouble. We need Bonnie's help
April: My daughter is done helping Elena Gilbert. Now get out
Bonnie: Mom!
April: Answer my question. What lies has this professor been telling you?
(Jeremy tries to k*ll her but Bonnie stop shim)
Bonnie: Don't! Jeremy! Hey, stop! Stop. Don't hurt her. She's my mom. Look at me. Just go, Okay? I'm right behind you
(He leaves. She looks at her parents)
Bonnie: You wanna talk? Let's talk
[Gilbert's House]
(Kol is looking at o picture of Jeremy and Elena. She rejoins him with a bottle)
Elena: So we're out of gin but I think this is a good year
Kol: What if I said I don't believe you?
Elena: Ok, you got me. I don't know anything about wine
Kol: Just seems odd that you being so willing to give up something you want so much
Elena: I would do anything for my brother. And if what you're saying about Silas is true, what does it matter what I want if it puts everyone else in danger?
Kol: Well, this has been an enlightening. Thanks for the drinks. I'll take your request for truce under advisement
Elena: Is there any chance that you can be wrong about Silas?
Kol: Trust me, Elena. Some things are better left buried
(He leaves)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Stefan and Rebekah enter the gym)
Rebekah: Think I saw a horror movie that started just like this. Did you know they play movies on TV all night long now? Hundreds of them. So much better than those silly black-and-white picture shows we use to go to
(He puts the lights on)
Stefan: I don't know. Kind of miss the old ones. I'll let you pick. Nothing cheesy
Rebekah: Oh, that leaves out about half the decade
Stefan: Hope you like the cure
Rebekah: Funny
(He puts music on)
Rebekah: So is everything about the eighties so... excessive?
Stefan: I think, it had its charm. "Say anything"… Lloyd Dobler standing outside of a bedroom window with a boom box over his head desperately trying to get back the girl of his dreams. "Princess Bride"… Wesley slays giant rats for love. "Breakfast Club"…one detention turns a bunch of outcasts into allies
Rebekah: So it was a decade of sentimental drivel, as well
Stefan: Well, I was gonna say love, friendship, Possibility of anything happening. You would've loved it
Rebekah: And why is that?
Stefan: Because, as much as we both hate to admit it, we care about those things
(He shows her a box)
Rebekah: That better not be a corsage. I loathe corsages
(He puts something on her dress)
Stefan: These were all the rage in the eighties. Let's dance
[Gilbert's House]
(Jeremy enters, aiming his g*n. Elena rejoins him)
Elena: I'm sorry. He left. I mean, I tried to stall as long as I could
(The doorbell rings)
Jeremy: That's Bonnie. She was right behind me
(She opens the door but it's Kol)
Kol: I've considered your request for truce. Request denied
(She closes the door)
Kol: I'm sorry. I've already been invited in!
(He kicks the door but they're not here)
Kol: Hide and seek? Fine by me
[Bennett's House]
Bonnie: Dad needs to mind his own business; he had no right to call you here
Abby: It's not just your father, Bonnie. Witches talk. Word gets around
Bonnie: I found a new way to practice. It's unconventional, but I can handle myself, I promise
Rudy: That's not what Shane said
Bonnie: Shane is sitting in a jail cell right now. You're gonna take his word over mine?
Abby: I've warned you about dark magic before
Bonnie: It's not dark magic. It's expression, and I need it. They found a cure, Mom. There's a cure for vampirism, and I can do the spell to access it. I can save you, but I have to go... now
Abby: I'm not the one that needs to be saved. You are
[Salvatore's House]
(Klaus is still in the cell with Damon)
Klaus: Your brother's lack of communication is infuriating
Damon: It's one of his trademarks, like his brooding and his hair
Klaus: I don't understand what's taking so long. I mean, how hard is it to steal a dagger?
Damon: From the vampire who's been s*ab by it as many times as your sister, I'd say difficult
Klaus: You disappoint me, Damon. You're not trying very hard to get out of here. I expected more the daring escape artist, less the cell potato
Damon: Well, I am compelled to k*ll Jeremy, so I figured it's probably smarter to sit in there and chitchat with you than try to bust out of here like the Hulk
Klaus: How do you think Elena felt about that, by the way? Your inability to overcome Kol's compulsion for a single moment, even though it meant k*lling the person she loves the most in the world?
Damon: She met me. She knows impulse control is not my strong suit
Klaus: Still, must be hard trying to live up to Stefan. I remember when I compelled him to feed on Elena, he fought so hard, he actually managed to resist. Now, that's love
Damon: What do you know about love?
Klaus: I know that you're in love with Elena, but I think you're afraid of what might happen when we find the cure at the end of the rainbow. Personally, I don't see a fairy-tale ending for you? All I see is Stefan and Elena. I think you see the same thing
(His cellphone rings. He answers)
Klaus: Well, if it isn't the happy homicidal maniac
Kol: Do you know that your darling former blood bag and her brother are trying to k*ll me?
Klaus: What?
Kol: Don't pretend like you're not in on it. Your obsession to find the cure clearly trumps any sibling loyalty you
once felt
Klaus: I don't know what you're talking about
Kol: I'm going to rip off Jeremy's arm and k*ll Elena just for sport. Then I'm coming for you
(He hangs up. Klaus looks at Damon)
Klaus: What the hell is going on?
Damon: I don't know
Klaus: What are Stefan and Elena planning?
Damon: I don't know. I've been stuck in the penalty box with you since yesterday. Stefan won't talk to me, And Elena won't come to see me. So maybe you're right. Maybe she's written me off
(Klaus strangles him and compels him)
Klaus: Tell me what you know
Damon: I don't know anything about a plan
Klaus: You stay here till I return
(He leaves)
Damon: I will stay here until you return... or not
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Rebekah is alone is the gym. She dances and kicks some balloons. Stefan comes back with a bottle)
Stefan: It's amazing which you can find stashed away in the teachers' lounge
Rebekah: This song is not as terrible as the other ones
Stefan: This song is the Godfather of rock anthems, ok?
Rebekah: What's going on with you? You're... fun tonight
Stefan: I can't listen to this music without thinking of my best friend Lexi. We spent most of the eighties together. I remember this one time she snuck us backstage and compelled half the band to do tequila sh*ts with us before the show. She was fearless, kind of like you
Rebekah: So you slept with her, too?
Stefan: No. It wasn't like that. I was just a better person when I was with her. I didn't think I'd ever feel that way again
Rebekah: Until Elena
Stefan: Until Elena. And now that's over
Rebekah: That look right there, that is why I don't let myself care
Stefan: Well, you can say that, but we both know it's not true
(A balloon explodes and Stefan is surprised)
Rebekah: Don't worry. I'll protect you if Kol tracks his way to this abandoned dance. I think I'll choose next song
Stefan: No. You know what? I've a better idea. That way
Rebekah: Well, you coming?
[Gilbert's House]
(Kol is running after Elena through the house. They fight. He enters Jeremy's room and Jeremy sh**t him but he catches the stake)
Kol: You missed
(Elena sh**t him with a g*n nonstop)
Elena: Go!
(Jeremy leaves but Kol throws a stake in her thigh. He goes after Jeremy, punches him and throws him in the stairs. Elena arrives and jumps on him but he catches her and pushes him against the wall. In stakes her in the guts and looks at Jeremy)
Kol: Now, about that arm?
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Stefan and Rebekah are in the hallways. He slides down the hallway. Rebekah looks at him)
Stefan: Like that!
Rebekah: This is ridiculous
Stefan: Well, that's the whole point of the "Breakfast Club" slide. It's supposed to be ridiculous
(She rushes toward him with her vampire speed)
Stefan: No. That's… That's cheating
Rebekah: What is fun about hurtling down a hallway like a teenage imbecile?
Stefan: You're just gonna have to do it to find out
(She tries but she can't do it)
Stefan: All right. It's the shoes. Take off your shoes, you'll be fine, ok?
(She understands and takes the dagger out)
Rebekah: This is what you want right? Go ahead. Take it. You're right, I do care. I want stupid koala corsages and a prom. I want to have kids with someone who loves me enough to stand outside my window with a stupid boom box. I want to be human. So let Klaus put down my brother and let's go find the cure
Stefan: Come on, let's go
[Bennett's House]
(Bonnie is unconscious. Abby is making something with herbs)
Rudy: You drogued her?
Abby: Just enough to keep her down until I can get some witches here to clean her mind from that poison that professor has been teaching her
(Bonnie is awake and standing)
Bonnie: That's not happening
Abby: Bonnie please
(Bonnie uses her powers on her. Abby suffers)
Bonnie: I don't belong to the spirits anymore. I belong to myself. Sorry
(She leaves)
[Gilbert's House]
(Jeremy is tied in the kitchen. Kol has a meat grinder in his hand)
Kol: Now, like I said, I don't fancy the hunter's curse. So I'm just gonna chop off your arm, but don't worry. I'll heal you right up with a bit of blood after. Sorry about the sting. Now, which arm is it? Is it left or right? I'll just chop off both to be safe
(Elena arrives and att*cks him. She manages to stop him with the meat grinder)
Elena: Jeremy, now!
(Jeremy kills Kol. Klaus is in the doorway and has seen his brother's death)
Klaus: What did you do?
Elena: We didn't have a choice. He was trying to cut off Jeremy's arm
Klaus: Lies. He never would've gotten inside if you hadn't have set a trap for him
Elena: You said you were gonna put him down, too
Klaus: I was gonna make him suffer on my terms! I want to burn this house to the ground, and then when you try to flee for your lives, I'll k*ll you both without blinking
Jeremy: You k*ll us, you'll never get to the cure. You'll never be able to make any more hybrids
Klaus: You really think I care for an instant about my bloody hybrids? I want the cure so I can destroy it. I would've k*lled you all the second we dug it up, but now I'm just gonna watch you burn instead
(Then he holds his head and kneels, in pain. Bonnie arrives)
Bonnie: Invite him in. Do it
Jeremy: Come in
(They run, Klaus tries to att*ck them but he can't touch them)
Bonnie: Living room. Go
(They go in the living room. He's trapped)
Klaus: Witch, you can't do this to me
Bonnie: You have no idea what I can do now
Klaus: I will hunt all of you to your end! Do you hear me?! Do you?!
[Rebekah's House]
(Rebekah is crying)
Rebekah: I don't believe you. Kol is not d*ad. He can't be
Stefan: Listen, Rebekah. They didn't have a choice. Kol started this when he went after Jeremy. He went after you, too. Do you remember? I mean, he was never gonna let us find the cure
Rebekah: So you knew. This whole night, you knew
Stefan: I'm not gonna let the people that I care about get hurt. Not Jeremy, not Elena, not even Damon. And you can hate me for it. Now he can't hurt you, either. And I want us to find this cure together, you and me. Not just for Elena, but for you. So you can have what you want. You can be who you want. You can be human again. Everyone deserves a second chance right?
Rebekah: Why would I trust you?
Stefan: I don't know. I guess I could give you my word, but at the end of the day you'll just have to take a leap
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena and Bonnie are watching Jeremy)
Jeremy: Didn't work
Bonnie: It took time for Finn's line to die off. Remember? It'll work
Jeremy: What if it doesn't?
(Damon enters)
Damon: Where's that Gilbert optimism? Sorry I missed all the excitement
(Elena embraces him)
Elena: I'm just happy to see you
Damon: So I guess I didn't miss much
(Stefan arrives with Silas' headstone)
Stefan: Got the Silas's headstone
Elena: We're just waiting for Jeremy's mark to grow. Klaus is trapped in our living room
Bonnie: Temporarily. I drew the new moon to bind the spell. Got three days to find that cure, four max
Jeremy: If we don't, we might as well look up Katherine Pierce and see if she wants some company in hiding 'cuz he will come after us
Elena: We'll find it. Now we've got Rebekah taken care of, all we need is Professor Shane, and we'll have everything we need
Stefan: Yeah, I didn't uh...I didn't dagger her
Elena: What? Why not?
Stefan: I didn't need to, she's on our side
Elena: On our side? Did you just say that?
Stefan: Yeah. She handed over the headstone; I mean she wants to find this cure more than anyone of us
Elena: Why would you possibly think that you could trust her?
Damon: Let me guess. She pledged her allegiance to you while you were naked in the sack
Stefan: I bet you're just dying to get that out, weren't you Damon?
Damon: Oh was this supposed to be secret? Maybe you should make that a little clearer while you're bleeding me dry in our cellar
Stefan: Yeah. To keep you from k*lling Jeremy
Elena: Stop it, both of you
Stefan: Now why don't you tell her to calm down, Damon? You've managed to use that sire bond pretty well so far, haven't you?
(Damon punches him. Jeremy screams and rips his shirt off)
Jeremy: It's happening
Elena: Oh my god
Jeremy: What? You can see it?
Damon: Here we go | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x12 - A View to k*ll"} | foreverdreaming |
One year ago
(Shane is running through the woods. Someone is running after him. He stops for a second, looks around and keeps going. The man is still running after him. He climbs on a rock and stops. He's surrounded by mountains. He smiles and keeps going. He finally enters what looks like a cave. He looks around and finds inscriptions on the walls. He finally founds what looks like a well)
Present days
[An island]
(Shane looks around. Elena, Damon, Jeremy, Bonnie, Rebekah and Stefan get out of a boat. Ha talks to himself)
Shane: Congratulations, we made it
(Damon is alone. Shane rejoins him)
Damon: They couldn't have hidden this cure in Hawaii? Where the hell did you take us?
Shane: 200 miles off the Nova Scotia mainland. If you recall, the whole point was to hide the cure on the world's most obscure, desolate island
Damon: Oh, yeah? I thought the whole point was that no one found Silas, the oldest, deadliest freak in the world
Shane: Yeah, that too. Sunscreen?
Damon: Is that a joke?
Shane: You're right
(Stefan is tying a knot. Rebekah is with him. Elena passes by them Rebekah looks at her)
Stefan: Not really helping
Rebekah: You're perfectly capable of tying a knot
Stefan: Your giving Elena the evil eye… it's not really helping
Rebekah: She k*lled my brother and tried to get you to put a dagger in my back. She's lucky all she's getting is the evil eye
(Elena stops)
Elena: You know I can hear you, right?
Rebekah: You know I don't care, right?
(Elena rushes over her with the white oak stake but Rebekah stops her)
Rebekah: Go ahead. Try and k*ll me. But then you'd have to face your real problems… like the fact that Stefan invited me here himself. I guess he likes me again
(She leaves. Elena gets up and goes to her backpack. Damon rejoins her)
Damon: Looks like someone forgot her team-building exercises
Elena: I'm not apologizing for not wanting her here
Damon: You know, Stefan just brought her here to make it seem like he's moving on. He wants you to think that he's over you and he wants me to think that I can't get under her skin
Elena: You know, you're right. With any luck, I'll only have to tolerate her for a few more days and then we'll find the cure and I'll never have to deal with her again
Damon: Human Rebekah. Can't imagine her without fangs
Elena: You know… you've never talked about what you'll do with the cure once we find it. Will you take it?
Damon: I don't like to speculate
(Jeremy is shirtless. Bonnie is taking pictures of his tattoo)
Bonnie: Sorry. If there was a less awkward way to do this, I would
Jeremy: Doesn't bother me
Bonnie: These symbols must have been left for the hunters so they could find the cure, and this must be the story of Qetsiyah and Silas. According to Shane, Silas asked Qetsiyah for help making a spell for immortality. She helped make him immortal, only to learn he planned to use the same spell on another woman, not her. When she found out, she freaked
Jeremy: So, Qetsiyah k*lled the other woman?
Bonnie: Yeah. Silas was immortal. She couldn't k*ll him. So, she trapped him in a cave and buried him alive instead
Jeremy: Does it say anything about the hunter's purpose in all this?
(Shane rejoins them)
Shane: I was wondering when you'd ask. Qetsiyah created a cure for immortality and then she buried it with Silas, hoping that he'd take it and die. End up on the other side with her for all eternity. But he wouldn't give her the satisfaction. So, many centuries later, her descendants created the hunters to find him, cure him, and k*ll him. You know what? I'll explain on the hike. Come on. We gotta get going
[Gilbert's House]
(Klaus is still trapped. He looks at Kol's corpse. Tyler enters)
Tyler: Morning, Sunshine. You look pathetic
Klaus: Only until Bonnie's spell locking me in here wears off. Then I'll look different. Angrier, perhaps. Or, I won't look like anything, because I'll have gouged your eyeballs from their sockets
Tyler: My friends will be back with the cure by then. So, I could shove it down your throat and make you mortal
Klaus: I'm an original. What makes you think my entire vampire bloodline won't be cured along with me? I.E., you
Tyler: You know what I think? I think that's impossible. I think the moment you stop being a vampire, our whole blood connection to you is broken, and your sire-line ceases to exist. So, whatever happens to you happens only to you, which means I can k*ll your ass and no one else has to die. Although I am still debating just how to do it
Klaus: I recommend drowning. There's nothing quite like the feeling of someone fighting for something as basic as human breath. And let me tell you, your mother was a fighter
[The island]
(The group is in the woods. Shane looks at his phone)
Shane: Satellite phone lost its signal
Damon: That's a good sign
Elena: Is anyone else a little creeped out?
Rebekah: So, then leave. Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary
Stefan: Please don't start
Rebekah: I'm merely stating the facts. Jeremy has the spell on his body. Bonnie's the witch that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass. You and I have the tombstone, which does God knows what. And Elena has no point
Damon: What about me?
Rebekah: You have a nice behind
Shane: Centuries after Qetsiyah died, there were these miners who were excavating a well on the island. Suddenly went mad. Bled themselves dry. No apparent reason. So, the legend spread that these miners, in exchange for a drop of their blood, saw visions of their lost loved ones in the well they were digging. The word traveled and explorers sought out the well to see if the legend was true
Bonnie: So, the well was magic?
Shane: Yeah. Some people believe the voices of lost souls were just a wind vortex whipping through caves. And visions were caused by inhaling the island's poisonous plant's life
Elena: And what do you believe?
Shane: I believe in magic. My wife and my son died within months of each other. And so...I decided to try the well out for myself. I offered up my blood and waited
One year ago
[The island]
(Shane is above the well and cutis his hand. He hears whispers)
Shane: Hello? Hello?
Voice: Atticus…?
Shane: Caitlin. Caitlin? Caitlin?
(He takes a rope and goes in the wall but something goes wrong and he falls at the bottom of the well, on his back. A woman appears)
Woman: Hello, Atty
Shane: Caitlin
Present days
[The Island]
Shane: I saw my wife. I saw her eyes. Her smile. My blood let me see her again
Damon: Yeah, got it. Don't eat the poisonous flowers
(They keep going)
Shane: Wait. Stop. Stop! Stop. Is everybody paying attention?
(He shows them a trap)
Shane: Our first lesson in survival. Stay together. Keep your eyes open
(Everyone keeps going. Jeremy stops)
Jeremy: I out of water
Elena: Here. Take mine
(She gives him her bottle)
Jeremy: Magic well? Seriously?
Elena: I don't know. I mean... We've all lost someone. The chance to maybe see them again? I kinda get it
(They hear noise)
Elena: Jeremy!
(She pushes him against a tree. They turn themselves and the man who att*cked them is k*lled)
Elena: What the hell just happened?
Jeremy: Somebody just saved my life
(The group arrives at a cabin)
Stefan: What is this place?
Shane: According to island lore, a group of college kids came here for spring break. A few weeks later, they were all found d*ad, completely drained of blood
Rebekah: Well, tragic for them, brilliant for us. Who sleeps where?
Damon: Well, that's lovely. There's a mystery man with a hatchet lurking in the woods and we're just gonna camp?
Shane: We're safer here than we are hiking in the dark
Damon: Let's just keep going. You know? Get the cure. Get in, get out. Where is it?
Shane: How stupid do you think I am?
Damon: Stupid enough to raise an immortal witch, so I'd say...incredibly
Shane: Yeah, I'm shocked you even want the cure, considering you've got the most to lose once Elena's human
(Elena rejoins him)
Elena: Shane doesn't know what he's talking about
Damon: We'll find out tomorrow
Elena: Do you really think I'm gonna take this cure, break the sire bond, and fall out of love with you?
Damon: No. I'm saying we don't know. And if we find it tomorrow, we will
Elena: This cure is gonna change so many things. Jeremy's not gonna want to k*ll me anymore. We're finally gonna get rid of Klaus. Bonnie's mom isn't gonna be a vampire. And anyone who wants to take this cure is gonna have that option. Caroline, Stefan, and you. If you want it
Damon: I get it. Everything changes tomorrow. It'll be all unicorns and rainbows
Elena: No, not everything. That's what I'm saying. Damon, not my feelings for you
(She kisses him and he embraces her)
[Gilbert's House]
(Caroline enters and finds Tyler in the kitchen)
Caroline: You're still here? What are you doing?
Tyler: Gloating
Klaus: Hello, Caroline
Caroline: Come home. Don't stoop to his level
Tyler: He destroyed my life. I plan on being present for every second of his misery until I can k*ll him myself
Caroline: Fine. You can gloat and multitask. This place is a disaster. Starting with a horrific burnt corpse
(They cover Kol's corpse)
Klaus: Tyler's mother is d*ad. So is my brother. We're even. Call Bonnie and get her to let me out of here
Caroline: I will never, ever, help you
Klaus: How quickly you forget the part where I saved Tyler from the misery of being a werewolf. Or the night your mother invited me into her home to save the life of her precious daughter
Caroline: How delusional are you? You k*lled his mother. And let's not forget that we're standing in a house where Elena's Aunt Jenna used to live. Or did you think that your charm would make us forget how you k*lled her, too? You know what? No. I am not going to engage in this. You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you
(She's close enough so he stakes her and takes her. He bites her, drinking her blood and releases her. She falls on the ground)
Tyler: No!
Klaus: Now, that was definitely worth the calories
[The Island]
(Stefan is sitting by a f*re, the headstone with him. Rebekah rejoins him)
Rebekah: Well, 7 of us and no one thought to bring s'mores. What are you doing with that?
Stefan: We're a day away from finding the cure. Not letting it out of my sight
(They hear a noise and she grips his arm)
Rebekah: Do you hear that? I swear this place is haunted
Stefan: Um...you're crushing my arm
Rebekah: Ok. You got me. I'm a scaredy cat
Stefan: You do realize you're an original vampire, right?
Rebekah: Which is precisely why you should stop teasing me. I'm very powerful. What are you gonna do when Elena becomes human and comes running back to you? You said that you'd take the cure to be with her. You'd have children and grow old. Is it still true?
Stefan: Why do you want to take it? Aren't you the perfect vampire?
Rebekah: Isn't it obvious? It's all an act, Stefan. Being a vampire is miserable. I would give anything to be human. Normal
Stefan: If I take the cure... It wouldn't be for her. It'd be for me
(Shane is in the cabin. Bonnie rejoins him)
Bonnie: I've been staring at pictures of Jeremy's tattoo and there's no spell
Shane: Expression doesn't require a written spell. Just think of it as a way of accessing magic that already exists inside you. You just have to want it bad enough
Bonnie: And I'm just supposed to trust you?
Shane: Bonnie, listen, I taught you expression so that you could access the cure. I'll be right there with you the whole time. Promise
(Damon enters)
Damon: You didn't answer the trust part
Shane: All right. Let me put it this way. You need me to help you through it, Bonnie. And as you've demonstrated, expression can get messy. Believe me when I say I've seen it get a lot worse
Damon: How much worse?
Shane: When we lost our son in the car accident, my wife kind of lost it. She tried to resurrect his body using magic
Bonnie: Your wife was a witch?
Shane: She was a powerful witch and incredibly undisciplined
Bonnie: And you never thought to tell me?
Shane: I just didn't want to scare you. The truth is, she tried to bring our son back using expression, and it overwhelmed her, and she died
Bonnie: You taught me the same magic that k*lled your wife?
Shane: I've learned the warning signs, all right? I can keep expression from consuming you
Damon: Downside is, you turned her into a b*mb that only you can dismantle
Shane: Don't you think I know how this ends? I came here to raise Silas so that he could bring back the d*ad, but you're never gonna let that happen. The second I point to a cure, you're gonna k*ll me. Now Bonnie has to keep me alive so that I can keep her alive
[Gilbert's House]
(Tyler helps Caroline to lie on the couch)
Caroline: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God...
Tyler: Hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me. I can fix this
Caroline: How? The only thing that can heal me is his blood. Oh my god…
Tyler: I know. I'll fix it
(He looks at Klaus)
Tyler: She'll die if you don't heal her
Klaus: Okay. Beg me to save her life
Tyler: Is this what you want? To remind me that I'm powerless against you? Fine. You win. I'm nothing. Now, save her. Please
Klaus: I'm sorry, mate. I didn't quite catch that
Tyler: Please. Please. Please save her life
Klaus: See, now I think you're just telling me what I want to hear. I mean, you did call me pathetic earlier. And wouldn't it be more pathetic of me to help now, knowing that hours ago, you announced your plan to k*ll me in a manner in which you're still debating because you want it to have a certain amount of flair?
Tyler: I'm just asking. I'll be your sl*ve again. I'll do whatever you want. Just help her
Klaus: No
Caroline: Get me out of here. I can't even look at him
Tyler: Come on
[The Island]
(Damon and Elena are looking for Jeremy)
Elena: Jeremy! Did you find anything?
Bonnie: He's not on the trail
Shane: His gear's still here
Stefan: He's not at the quarry, either
Damon: Split up
Bonnie: I'm gonna stay and try a locator spell
Shane: Ok. I'll stay here. I'll make sure she's safe
Damon: I'll stay here and make sure you're not lying
Elena: Fine. We'll keep searching the island
(Shane is in the cabin. Damon enters)
Damon: Thought it didn't work
Shane: Yeah. I'm just… just checking the signal
Damon: So you can call someone? Like whoever took Jeremy?
Shane: This place has a habit of getting to you, doesn't it? See for yourself
Damon: I'm done trusting you
(He puts Shane on a chair)
Damon: Where's the cure?
Shane: You know that magical well I was telling you about? Silas and the cure are buried deep below it
Damon: So, you've seen it?
Shane: No. But you could say I heard it from a reliable source
One year ago
[The Island]
(Shane is in the well with his wife Caitlin)
Shane: Caitlin. How is this happening?
Caitlin: You're bleeding
Shane: What?
(He sees his back is bleeding)
Shane: Oh, my God. Oh, my God
Caitlin: No. It's good. It's ok. It's what's keeping me here
Present days
[The Island]
Shane: If a single drop of blood can give you a vision, could you imagine what two liters could do?
Damon: What does your d*ad wife have to do with a cure?
Shane: She got nothing to do with a cure, but she has everything to do with Silas
One year ago
[The Island]
Shane: I'm so sorry I let things get out of control. I should've stopped you
Caitlin: Sweetheart, it's ok. You wanted Sam back as much as I did. What if you had a second chance to bring us both back?
Shane: I can't, baby. I'm not a witch
Caitlin: We have a witch. His name is Silas. If you set him free, he'll help those who have helped him
Shane: Set him free from… from what?
Caitlin: He's entombed in the caves below us, but it's impossible to get him out without a spell. You need to get the spell
Present days
[The Island]
Shane: And that's when she explained everything that I had to do. Complete the Hunter's mark to access the spell and empower a descendant of Qetsiyah to perform it
Damon: Bonnie Bennett's related to this crazy-ass witch?
(Elena, Stefan and Rebekah are looking for Jeremy)
Elena: Jeremy?! Jeremy?!
Rebekah: Why don't you yell louder? Maybe we haven't drawn enough attention to ourselves already
Elena: I'm sorry, and how are you helping?
Rebekah: I'm stronger than you and faster than you and I'm quite certain I can charm the islanders a lot easier than you
Elena: Not disagreeing on the easy part
Stefan: All right, we get it. You two hate each other. Can we just keep going, please?
Rebekah: I tried being her friend, but somehow, I ended up with a dagger in my back because I'm the evil one
Elena: Technically, you didn't achieve evil status until you k*lled me
(She trips on something and a big piece of wood with nails is about to s*ab her but Rebekah catches it)
Stefan: Nice catch
Rebekah: Thank you
Elena: No, actually, thank you. This thing would've k*lled me
Rebekah: I don't care what happens to you either way. But if you're gonna die, it might as well be epic
Elena: I'm gonna go back and check on Bonnie, see if she found anything. Be careful
(Shane is still sitting on the chair)
Damon: You have the rock, hunter, Bennett witch. What about the dozens that died in sacrifice? Where do they fit in to all this?
Shane: As you can imagine, that was not an easy pill to swallow
One year ago
[The Island]
Shane: Caitlin, it's me, the guy who refused to serve a meat course at our wedding. I can't--I can't orchestrate 3 massacres
Caitlin: You're merely leading these people so Silas can bring them back from the d*ad
Shane: Why… why should they die just to be resurrected? It doesn't make sense
Caitlin: The spell that brings me back requires a witch to channel an extreme amount of mystical energy. Energy that doesn't occur in nature
Shane: Because it isn't natural. I'm sorry, Cate. I just… I can't do that to innocent people
(She touches him)
Caitlin: Can you feel my touch?
Shane: How is this possible?
Caitlin: Because you believe it is possible. You believe that you can see me again. You don't have to take a single human life yourself, Atticus. All you have to do is convince someone to believe that it is possible that they can see a lost loved one again. And they'll do it for you
Present days
[The Island]
Damon: Which is how you manipulated the pastor to blow up a farmhouse full of people
Shane: He just wanted to see his wife again
Damon: We need 3 massacres. f*re at the young farm. Holiday hybrid slaughter. What mass blood-letting am I forgetting?
Shane: You're not
Damon: You're not finished. Is that why you brought us all out here in the middle of nowhere? m*ssacre number 3?
Shane: It doesn't work that way, Damon
Damon: I think you need to tell me where this magical well is
Shane: You know I can't do that
Damon: Oh, I know
(He taps his shoulder)
[Caroline's House]
(Caroline is lying on her bed. Tyler's with her)
Caroline: It's getting worse. I'm sorry
Tyler: No. It's my fault. I'm sorry
Caroline: No. You didn't do any of this
Tyler: I unsired the hybrids and turned them on Klaus. I should've just left it alone
Caroline: You freed them, Tyler. People put their faith in you because you're a leader. Don't forget that
Tyler: Then you trust me?
[Gilbert's House]
(Tyler lays Caroline in front of Klaus)
Tyler: You want to be in control, Klaus? Here. Now you get to be in control of her life. If you want her to die, fine. But then you can sit here and watch her die yourself
(He leaves)
Klaus: Nothing personal, love. If I heal you that means victory for him. Don't worry. It won't be long now
[The Island]
(Shane is tied to the chair)
Damon: Where's the cure?
Shane: Does it matter? I think we both know you'd rather just t*rture me. t*rture gives you a sense of control, especially with your relevance slipping away. I look at you. Here you are, hours from Elena breaking her sire bond. Start to freak out a little bit. Listen, you want my advice? Leave. Go. Don't put yourself through this
(Damon hits him)
Shane: Oh! Fine. Ok. Let's say her feelings for you are real. How does that end? She's human. You're a vampire. It's doomed, Damon. See, you're not torturing me, man. You're torturing yourself by helping them find the cure
Damon: I could k*ll you. Then no one would find it
Shane: We've established that you can't k*ll me without sending Bonnie off the deep end. You can leave the island. Have a modicum of self-respect. Don't stay here and watch Elena walk away from you
Damon: Right. Because if I'm not here, then I can't get in between you and whatever you're planning with Silas. I'm not that easily manipulated, Professor. And there is one flaw in your logic. I don't give a crap about Bonnie Bennett
(He's about to k*ll him but Elena intervenes)
Elena: What is wrong with you?
(Damon leaves. Elena frees Shane)
Elena: What did you say to him?
Shane: Your boyfriend's a maniac, Elena
Elena: Stop messing with my friends
(Elena is outside and is going after Damon)
Elena: Shane is the only thing that's keeping Bonnie safe, and you try to k*ll him? And you wonder why Bonnie hates you
Damon: I don't wonder, Elena, because I don't care. I don't care about her. I don't care about some lame-ass cure for vampires, either
Elena: How can you say that right now?
Damon: Because I don't want you to be cured
Elena: I'm not fighting with you about this anymore. Being human isn't gonna change my feelings for you
Damon: Fine. Say they're real. Say you've become human and you still love me. Then what? You grow old. You die. I stay a vampire. Face reality, Elena. We don't work
Elena: So, things aren't easy and you're just gonna push me away now? That's what you do, Damon. You think that you don't… you don't deserve something, so you ruin it. I'm not gonna let you pull that this time. Take the cure with me. That's how much I know this is real. That's how certain I am that I'm going to love you even after this is all over. Take the cure. Be human with me. We can be together. Grow old together. This doesn't have to be hard anymore
Damon: That's not me, Elena. That's Stefan. I used to miss being human. Now I can't think of anything more miserable on earth
(He leaves)
(Stefan and Rebekah are still in the woods)
Stefan: Haven't we been through here before?
Rebekah: It all looks the same to me
(He trips on something and an arrow is sh*t. He pushes Rebekah out of the way and pushes her against a tree)
Rebekah: Thanks. But that wouldn't have k*lled me
Stefan: Sorry. Force of habit
Rebekah: Don't be a tease. Elena could be lurking somewhere in the woods
Stefan: Do you mean what you said? About a cease-f*re?
Rebekah: Why do you all assume that I hate Elena so much?
Stefan: Well, I mean, you did run her off a bridge
Rebekah: You all seem to forget that Elena's death was the only way to save my family. I did the same thing that every one of you would've done to protect the people that you love. And before you cast me as the bad guy, maybe you should remember that Elena's helped to k*ll not one but two of my brothers. Maybe we're not as different as everyone's making us out to be. Jeremy's not here. I'm going back
(She leaves)
(Elena enters a tent, looking for Bonnie)
Elena: Bonnie?
(She rushes in the cabin, looks around and then goes out. Stefan and Rebekah arrive)
Elena: Where is everyone?
Stefan: What are you talking about?
Elena: Bonnie is not here and Shane's stuff is all gone
Rebekah: Oh my god
(She rushes to her backpack and looks inside)
Rebekah: The tombstone's gone
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is lying on the couch. She's in a really bad shape and breathing weekly Klaus is standing)
Caroline: If you don't feed me your blood, I'll die
Klaus: Then you'll die, and Tyler will have learned his lesson the hard way
Caroline: How could you do this to him? To his mom? To me?
Klaus: I'm a thousand years old. Call it boredom
Caroline: I don't believe you
Klaus: Fine. Then maybe it's because I'm pure evil, and I can't help myself
Caroline: No. It's because you were hurt. Which means that there is a part of you that is human
Klaus: How could you possibly think that?
Caroline: Because I've seen it. Because...I've caught myself wishing that I could forget all the horrible things that you've done
Klaus: But you can't. Can you?
Caroline: I know that you're in love with me and anybody capable of love is capable of being saved
Klaus: You're hallucinating
Caroline: I guess I'll never know
(Her breathing is even more weakly than before)
Klaus: Caroline. Caroline
(He finally makes her drink his blood)
[The Island]
(Rebekah is in Elena's tent and looking through her stuff. Elena enters)
Elena: What are you doing in my tent?
Rebekah: Where's the tombstone? What have you done with it?
Elena: What are you talking about?
Rebekah: Like it's not bloody obvious? All you people ever do is betray me and here you go again
(She strangles her and Stefan enters)
Stefan: Let her go. She didn't take it
Rebekah: Was any of this real? Was it just a ploy to distract me while Shane ran off with the tombstone?
Stefan: You think I would do that? You think I would let some psychopath run off with the cure? Every single moment of my last 146 year has been ruled by the pain of being a vampire. And this cure ends that. It ends the guilt and it ends the suffering. And you really think I would jeopardize that?
Rebekah: Fine. You didn't take it. But that doesn't mean I trust her
(Elena takes the white oak stake from her backpack)
Elena: I didn't take it, but here. Consider this a peace offering
Rebekah: Don't you get it, Elena? There is no peace. We're all screwed
Elena: Exactly, Rebekah. We're screwed. Bonnie's gone. Shane's got the tombstone. Jeremy's missing and who knows if Damon's coming back. So, us 3 right here, this is all we've got. So, we're either in this together... or it's over. For all of us
(Rebekah takes the stake)
(Shane is running through the woods with the tombstone. Jeremy's kidnapper rejoins him with Jeremy)
Shane: Jeremy. Was a bit of a scare yesterday. Thanks for fending off his attacker
Kidnapper: His attacker?
Shane: Jeremy was att*cked by an islander. I assumed you were his hatchet-flinging guardian angel
Kidnapper: That wasn't me
Shane: Then I guess there's somebody else on this island who's desperate to keep our hunter alive
(Bonnie rejoins them)
Bonnie: How did I get here? What the hell's going on?
Shane: I see your locator spell worked
Bonnie: The path behind me…
Shane: Magically disappeared? You can thank the talents of Massak. He's a witch. Should you try to escape, he'll ensure that you never find your way back. So, the g*ng's all here. Silas awaits
(Damon is walking alone in the woods. Someone sh**t an arrow at him. He removes it)
Damon: You got to be kidding me
(A man att*cks him. They fight and Damon sees the tattoo on his hand)
Damon: You're one of the five
(The hunter breaks his neck) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x13 - Into the Wild"} | foreverdreaming |
[The Island]
(Damon is tied to a tree. Vaughn is here)
Vaughn: Something bothering you?
Damon: Would you believe me if I said mosquitoes?
Vaughn: Oh, aye, I would. How does it feel when a relentless eating machine is draining the blood from your veins?
Damon: Itchy
Vaughn: Your friends from Mystic Falls think you're funny, Damon?
Damon: You obviously know who I am and where I'm from. Have you been spying on me?
Vaughn: Aye. I have. You and Stefan, Elena, your witch Bonnie. Do you need her to cast the spell written on your pal Jeremy's hunter's mark...? A tattoo that looks exactly like this
Damon: You want to know something, just ask
Vaughn: I've been k*lling vampires my entire life. Still, this thing refused to reveal itself to me. That was, until 3 days ago, and it just magically completed for no apparent reason
Damon: Come on, man. Do I look like I know anything about tattoos? Look at my skin. It's flawless
Vaughn: Ah, you're not taking me seriously. I don't blame you. You don't know me. So let me introduce myself. My name is Galen Vaughn, and you'd better start talking
(Elena, Stefan and Rebekah are on the beach. Elena is on the phone with Caroline)
Caroline: Tell me you're not serious
Elena: I wish I weren't. When we got back from looking for Jeremy, Shane and Bonnie were both gone, too. Shane needs Bonnie to cast a spell on Jeremy's tattoo in order to find the cure, and he managed to sneak them both out from under our noses
Caroline: Well, where's Damon in all this?
Elena: We had an argument. I thought he was just taking a walk, but then when we went to the beach, we saw signs of a struggle
Caroline: Meaning what?
Elena: Meaning somebody probably jumped him and then grabbed him
Caroline: Do you think Shane took him?
Elena: No, I mean, he's not strong enough to take Damon on, even with the element of surprise. He must have someone or at least a few someones helping him
Caroline: I am so sorry. I wish I was there to help
Elena: Well, maybe there's something you can do from home
Caroline: Anything. Tell me
Elena: So Shane's looking for the cure. We think we can find him. We have pictures of Jeremy's tattoo, but we just can't translate the map
Caroline: Unless you get the hunter's sword from Klaus
Elena: Exactly
Rebekah: He'll never give up the sword
Stefan: Yeah, but if anyone's gonna get him to give it up, it's Caroline
Rebekah: He will never give up the sword, not even for Caroline. He's terrified we'll use the cure against him to make him mortal, and even if he wasn't, he wouldn't want any of us to derive a moment's worth of happiness from being human
Stefan: Well, maybe he doesn't have to give it up. Klaus is stuck in Elena's house by Bonnie's spell. He can't go anywhere. There's only so many places you can hide a 3-foot piece of metal
Caroline: I'll find it. Don't worry. Just email me photos of Jeremy's tattoo. I'll find the sword and I'll call you back
Elena: Thank you, Caroline. Bye
[Gilbert's House]
(Caroline hangs up. Klaus is looking at her)
Klaus: Need my help with anything, love?
Caroline: Nope
(She leaves)
[The Island]
(Shane, Bonnie, Jeremy and the witch are walking. They enter a cave and finally arrive at the well)
Massak: This is as far as I go
Shane: We're on the brink of a monumental event in human history. We're gonna raise the most powerful immortal creature that ever was. Come on, our work's not done yet
Massak: Mine is. You said get the kid and the witch. I did. I want to get paid now
(Shane gives him the tombstone)
Massak: I'll say a prayer for your souls
(He leaves)
Bonnie: That's what the tombstone was for? To pay off a mercenary?
Shane: The core of that tombstone is made up of Qetsiyah's calcified blood. In some witch circles, that stone's more valuable than the hope diamond. So… So who wants to go down first?
[Gilbert's House]
(Caroline and Tyler enter with a laptop and the sword)
Klaus: Well, if it isn't little orphan Lockwood. Come to show how laughably impotent you are against me?
Tyler: I'm just trying to help my friends find the cure. Found this in your attic
Klaus: And you think finding the sword brings you closer to the cure?
Tyler: You tell me. I was playing around with the handle on the ride over... And I found this
Klaus: And what do you think this is?
Caroline: It's called a cryptex. I've seen "The Da Vinci Code." You turn the different sides to the different symbols to get the translation on the other side. And, with the magic of the Internet, Elena sent over these
(She shows him the pictures of Jeremy's tattoo)
Caroline: So now all we have to do is cryptex away. If you happened to want to help, we wouldn't stop you
Klaus: Right. Well, might I suggest using the magic of the Internet to purchase an Aramaic-to-English dictionary from your nearest retailer?
Tyler: What's Aramaic?
Caroline: It's a d*ad language. It hasn't been used since, like, biblical times
Klaus: Qetsiyah's native tongue, I'm guessing. You know, even if you had the best dictionary in the world, it could take days to translate... Perhaps weeks. "In bas so-teen-too ara-ma-eet."
Tyler: What does that mean?
Klaus: "If only you spoke Aramaic."
[The Island]
(Rebekah is trying to find signal. Elena is sitting with Stefan)
Elena: And, once again, everyone's life is in danger looking for this cure because poor Elena can't deal with being a vampire
Stefan: No, everyone's here because they want to be. Not just for you, but for themselves, too
Elena: Stefan, why didn't you tell me that you wanted the cure for yourself?
Stefan: I mean, why wouldn't I want to take it? I've seen every side of vampirism there is. The power... The misery, the guilt. In the long run, even the good parts kind of suck, too
Elena: Yeah, I mean, I know why you would want to take it, but... All I'm saying is... Why didn't you tell me?
Stefan: 'Cause it had nothing to do with you. I mean, you know how much I wanted a human life with you, being human myself, being normal... that's something I've wanted since long before I met you
Elena: Well, I'm glad you told me now
Stefan: Yeah, what's a deeply buried personal secret between friends, right?
Elena: Between friends? I like that
(Vaughn and Damon are walking through the woods. Damon is still tied)
Damon: Mind telling me where we're going?
Vaughn: At the wishing well lies an entrance to a crypt. In the crypt lies Silas. And with Silas lies the cure, which will allow me to k*ll Silas, bring the mission of the brotherhood of the 5 to an end. You're my leverage, Damon; I use you to get your witch friend to open the passage to Silas' crypt for me
Damon: Wait a minute. You're using me to get to Bonnie Bennett? Whoa, brother. Heh! You picked the wrong vampire
Vaughn: I guess we'll see about that
Damon: Here's the deal, Shrek. My witch friend will open the passage for you. No leverage necessary. We don't care about Silas. All we want is the cure, so you cut us in on your share, we'll get out of your hair
Vaughn: You really don't understand, do you?
[Gilbert's House]
(Caroline and Tyler have finally translated the symbols)
Caroline: Ok, this is it. We've translated all the symbols on the tattoo. "Passage inside... Requires a young senator and a pretty flower." Ok, none of this makes sense
[The Island]
Damon: No, I don't understand, so why don't you explain it?
Vaughn: Silas is immortal. I have to cram the cure down his throat in order to k*ll him
Damon: Yeah, what does it have to do with me and my friends?
[Gilbert's House]
Klaus: "Requires a powerful witch and a hunter in full bloom."
Tyler: What are you doing?
Klaus: I don't need to tell you my reasons. Bring my sword over here
[The Island]
Vaughn: I need to use the cure against Silas. Your friends, they can't exactly have it, now, can they?
Damon: So you use it on Silas, and we'll use it for whoever wants to use it
[Gilbert's House]
Klaus: "Silas rests on the far side, the means of his destruction at hand." Turn the cryptex to the right
(She turns it)
Klaus: Stop. The top of the hilt reveals a key to a nautical map. Turn it to the left
(She turns it)
Klaus: Now turn the other piece
(She turns it)
Klaus: Wait. There's something else
[The Island]
Damon: You don't want to share it with us?
Vaughn: Even if I wanted to, I couldn't
Damon: And why can't you share it?
Vaughn: So it is written
[Gilbert's House]
Caroline: What does that mean? .Klaus, what does it mean?
[The Island]
Vaughn: There is only one dose
(Jeremy is already in the wall. Bonnie is climbing down with a rope and she falls)
Jeremy: You ok?
Bonnie: Yeah, I just slipped
(She's cut her hand. Her blood spills on the ground)
Jeremy: It's okay
Bonnie: Thanks
Shane: Hey, guys, I'm coming down
(He's climbing down)
Jeremy: Hey, Bon. What do you think's gonna happen once you cast a spell on my tattoo and there's nothing in between Shane and Silas?
Bonnie: Do you trust me?
Jeremy: Yeah, of course
Bonnie: Then trust me when I promise I won't let Shane raise Silas
Jeremy: Just don't do anything stupid. If your expression gets out of hand, Shane is the only one that could help you keep it in control
Bonnie: Don't worry about me. I'm fine. But if Shane tries to lift a finger on his hand to hurt either one of us... I'll k*ll him myself
(Rebekah's phone rings)
Rebekah: Hello?
Caroline: Hey, it's Caroline. We have the translation of the tattoo. We're emailing you pictures of the map and instructions right now
Rebekah: Got it. Thanks
Klaus: Actually, it was me
Rebekah: Nik, you helped?
Klaus: You sound so surprised, little sister
Rebekah: Shouldn't I be? I mean, you don't want me to be human. You don't want any of us to be human. Why would you help us find the cure?
Klaus: Maybe I finally realized the longer I stand in the way of what you want, the longer you'll continue to hate me. Perhaps I want my sister to finally know happiness
Rebekah: Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me a hundred times...
Klaus: No more fooling. No more games. I hope you get to live, and die, as you wish
Rebekah: So do I
Klaus: There is one more thing, Rebekah. There is only one dose of the cure. You need to find it fast and take it. It's the only way you'll...
(Caroline rushes to hang up)
Rebekah: Nik. Nik!
(Damon and Vaughn are still walking through the woods and Damon is still tied. Vaughn touches him)
Damon: You touch me again...
Vaughn: And you'll what? thr*at me? Sorry if you're upset about the cure, Damon, but we've got road to cover
Damon: I don't care about the cure. In fact, I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to be a vampire. You know why? If I wasn't a vampire, then I wouldn't be able to do 9 of the things I'm gonna do to you when I'm free
(Vaughn touches him again)
Damon: Make that 10
Vaughn: Right
Damon: All right, I admit, ok? My friends want the cure, and I want them to have it, and I get very upset when I can't provide for my loved ones. But tell me something, Vaughn, if all you're worried about is Bonnie the teenage witch, then why'd you save Jeremy and Elena yesterday?
Vaughn: How did I do that?
Damon: Big guy. White paint all over him. Stuck a hatchet in his spine
Vaughn: I don't remember doing such a thing
Damon: We're on a remote island. There's you, me, and a bunch of unpleasant locals. You expect me to believe that someone else took out that monster truck of a human being that went after Jeremy and Elena?
Vaughn: I'm telling you, it wasn't me
(They find Massak's body)
Damon: Was that you?
Vaughn: No. You?
Damon: No
Vaughn: I reckon there really is someone else on this island
(Shane is looking around the well. Jeremy and Bonnie are with him)
Shane: It's just amazing, isn't it? Once we raise Silas, all of our sacrifices will have been worthwhile; we'll all have what we want
Bonnie: Or he'll k*ll us all
Shane: Listen, you're gonna see I'm right. Just so you don't get any ideas, remember, anything happens to me, something a lot worse will happen to you
Jeremy: All right. Where's this stupid magic passage she needs to open?
Shane: Just look for anything that looks out of place, all right? Anything not occurring in nature, like a drawing or an inscription or...
(He sees something on the ground)
Shane: Geometrically perfect circle. This is it. This is the spot
(Rebekah, Stefan and Elena are walking)
Elena: What did Caroline say?
Rebekah: I don't know. We lost the signal. Come on. This way
(They stop. They're on a top of a mountain. They look down. Rebekah looks at her phone)
Rebekah: We need to get down and across. Advantage, vampires: All we have to do is jump
Elena: Wait, wait. Um... Maybe you should leave the map behind. In case you fall, you don't want anything to happen to the phone
Rebekah: Are we doing this again? I thought we were a team
Stefan: Guys, we don't have time for this. Elena, you go first. We'll be right behind you
(She jumps. He's about to jump but Rebekah stops him)
Rebekah: There's something you should know about the cure
(Jeremy is shirtless. Bonnie is about to perform the spell. She tries to concentrate)
Shane: Now you're doing it. Just breathe, all right? Focus on what you can do. Don't be afraid of what you can't. You can do this
Jeremy: Remember, just like you taught me. You're in control
(She finally calms herself)
Shane: That's it. It's just like drawing breath. Now just pull the power into you
(She finally casts the spell. The tattoo slowly disappears)
(Damon and Vaughn are still walking. He sees that he's tattoo is disappearing)
Vaughn: Looks like your witch is casting her spell
(Stefan and Rebekah haven't jumped yet)
Stefan: So you're sure that Klaus is telling the truth, that there is only one dose of the cure? Well, I guess that's what happens when you're dumb enough to hold out hope
Rebekah: There's still hope for one of us, but even if I felt pity for you, if I wanted to ease your pain so I gave you the cure to take for yourself, you'd give it to Elena, wouldn't you?
(He doesn't answer)
Rebekah: That's what I thought. Well, I'm sorry that it couldn't work out the way we all wanted it to
(She breaks his neck)
(Jeremy is lying on the ground)
Jeremy: Bonnie?! Bonnie?!
Bonnie: I'm fine
(He rejoins her. The see that the spell has worked)
Bonnie: Look. It worked
Jeremy: You did it
Bonnie: We did it
Shane: Hey, guys, c... I need a hand. My leg's broken
Bonnie: Best to stay off it, then
Shane: Bonnie. Wait, wait. Don't... Come on. Bonnie! Help me! Come on! Please! Help me!
(Vaughn and Damon arrive in the cave)
Vaughn: Well, here we are
Damon: Looks like someone b*at us to the punch
Vaughn: That's a shame, Damon. I have no use for you anymore. Have to k*ll ya
Damon: Ditto. You know, that pesky hunter's curse and all
Damon: All right. How do you want to do this?
Vaughn: I'll make it quick and painless
Damon: Wish I could make the same promise
(He frees himself)
Damon: I'm gonna k*ll you. And then I'm gonna get to that damn cure, and I'm gonna give it to the girl that I love
Vaughn: Your attachment to your friends will be the end of you
Damon: You don't know my friends...
(Rebekah enters)
Damon: Or my enemies
(Elena has rejoined Stefan)
Elena: There's only one cure? I can't take it. I mean, not above everyone else who deserves it just as much as I do. It's over
Stefan: I'm sorry
Elena: Don't be. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise
Stefan: How so?
Elena: Things changed the minute that I went off that bridge, Stefan. Even if I could be human again, I wouldn't be the person that I was so it's about time that I accept the person that I am now and figure out a way... To start living the rest of my life
Stefan: The rest of your life... Sired to Damon
Elena: I guess we'll have to deal with that when I get home. Oh, my God... Home. Klaus. Bonnie's spell isn't gonna hold him
Stefan: And after what we did to Kol, if we don't ram that cure down his throat, he'll k*ll us all
Elena: Pity party over. We have to go
[Gilbert's House]
(Tyler and Caroline go on the porch)
Tyler: Every time I think I have him, that son of a bitch gets the upper hand
Caroline: We won't let him hurt you. Stefan and Elena will bring back the cure
Tyler: If they get to it first. And if they don't, Klaus kills me. I need to get out of town to figure out how I'm gonna stay alive...
Caroline: Wait, hang on, ok? Gosh! Before you get all doomsday, just... at least let me try and talk to him
Tyler: He's got nothing to lose, Care. His brother's d*ad, his hybrids are gone. All he wants right now is blood, starting with mine
Caroline: I'm not gonna say good-bye to you again, do you understand me? Let me fix this
[The Island]
(Rebekah and Damon are circling Vaughn)
Damon: Are we gonna dance or are we gonna play?
Rebekah: You know he can't hurt me, Damon, unless he's got the white oak stake
Vaughn: Oh, he doesn't, but he's got other toys
(He sh**t her. She att*cks him but he stakes her. She collapses. Damon att*cks him but Vaughn stops him)
Stefan: Damon!
(Vaughn jumps in the well. Stefan and Elena look at him)
Damon: You're wasting time. Just get the cure. Go
Elena: We're not gonna leave you
Stefan: No, we aren't. You need to go ahead. We'll be right behind you. Go!
(She jumps in the well)
(Bonnie and Jeremy are in the caves)
Bonnie: Look at us. A newbie hunter and a witch who needs adult supervision
Jeremy: How are we the ones that made it this far? I'm glad we're here together
Bonnie: Me, too
Jeremy: Where is "here," exactly?
Bonnie: This way
Jeremy: How do you know?
Bonnie: I just know
(She's looking at her grams)
Sheila: Hello, Bonnie
Bonnie: Hi, grams. What are you doing here, grams?
Sheila: This place allows the living to talk to the d*ad
Jeremy: Bonnie, what's going on?
Bonnie: I am so sorry about what happened
Sheila: It's ok. You're here now. And you are this close to bringing me back to life for good
Bonnie: How?
Sheila: Silas can do it. All you have to do is reach him and feed him, and everything will go back to the way it was
Jeremy: Bonnie, stop! Hey, you're not seeing your grams. If she were here, I'd be able to see her, and I can't. It's not her ghost. It's a hallucination. What you're seeing, it isn't real. It's me. Your grams isn't here. I'm here. I'm real, ok?
Bonnie: Jer… What happened?
Jeremy: Silas. He was in your head. He was trying to control you
Bonnie: And Shane. Illusions of his wife. That's how Silas controls him
Jeremy: You need to block him out of your mind. Close your eyes. Listen to my voice and only my voice. I'm gonna get us there
[Gilbert's House]
(Klaus is sitting. Caroline enters alone)
Caroline: You can't k*ll Tyler
Klaus: Not only can I, I have to. I have a reputation to uphold. Moreover, I want to
Caroline: I'm not asking you to forgive him. All I'm asking is that you let him live, somewhere far from here
Klaus: So he gets to live a happy life after he turned all my hybrids against me, after he tried to k*ll me, after he made it his life's mission to find the cure so he could use it against me...
Caroline: We all want the cure
Klaus: Do we? Do you?
Caroline: It doesn't matter. There's only one, so it's not like I'm gonna get it anyway
Klaus: But if you could... You wouldn't, would you? You prefer who you are now to the girl you once were. You like being strong, ageless, fearless. We're the same, Caroline
Caroline: Then show me. You know how much I love Tyler. You can see how scared I am to lose him. If you and I are so similar, then show me your compassion. Show him the mercy that I would show you
Klaus: Mercy… for Tyler? Very well. Tell him to leave town immediately. And tell him to run and hide in a place I will never find him
Caroline: Of course
Klaus: Tell him that this is the mercy I extend for your sake... That I will give him a head start before I k*ll him
[The Island]
(Stefan finally frees Damon)
Stefan: All right, come on. We have to catch up
Damon: No, it's ok. I just need a minute. I'm only gonna slow you down. Go. She only needs one of us
Stefan: And what? You don't care to be that one anymore? You finally decided it was easier to just walk away?
Damon: There's only one dose of the cure, Stefan. If she wants to take it, you want her to. I don't. Just do what makes her happy, Stefan
Stefan: Things have changed. It's not that easy anymore
Damon: It is right now. Get your ass down the well. Help Elena get the damn thing. Come on
(Elena is in the caves)
Elena: Stefan? Hello
Voice: Elena…
(Someone att*cks her)
Elena: No
[Gilbert's House]
(Caroline and Tyler are on the porch)
Caroline: How many times are we gonna have to say good-bye?
Tyler: At least this time we have a minute to do it the right way
Caroline: There isn't a right way
Tyler: This isn't good-bye. This is... Until we find a way. We're immortal, remember? We will find a way
Caroline: What if we don't? Tell me that you'll never think of me again. Tell me that you'll forget about me, tell me that you are gonna go on and live a full and happy life without me
Tyler: I will live a happy life without you. I will forget all about you. And I will never, ever... Think about you again
Caroline: Until we find a way
[The Island]
(Stefan is in the well. He looks at Shane)
Shane: Hey, I don't suppose you'd want to share a little of that vampire blood
Stefan: Where are Jeremy and Bonnie?
Shane: I have no idea
Stefan: Stop lying
Shane: I'm not lying… But if you help me, I will take you the rest of the way, I promise
Stefan: Did you know this whole time that there was only one cure?
Shane: What? No. How could I? I've never seen it. Look, everything I ever said and did was just to bring back my family, I swear
Stefan: Well, then you know what it's like to have hope, and now you know what it feels like to lose it
(He leaves)
Shane: Come on. Come on!
(Caitlin appears)
Shane: Caitlin. I'm sorry, Caitlin. I failed you
Caitlin: No. you didn't
Shane: I'm sorry. I tried
Caitlin: You did everything I asked you to. Everything is going to be just fine
(Bonnie and Jeremy finally reach Silas. Jeremy gets closer and sees a little box in his hands)
Jeremy: Is this it? This is the cure? How is that supposed to cure every vampire in the world?
Bonnie: I don't think it is, Jer
Jeremy: It's stuck. Help me move it
(She helps him but they can't get it)
Bonnie: It's, like, fossilized in place. It's like trying to bend stone. Oh my god…
Jeremy: What? What Bonnie?
Bonnie: He's been frozen like a vampire statue for 2,000 years. There's only one way we're gonna get this statue to unfreeze
Jeremy: How's that?
Bonnie: We have to feed him our blood. If we want to get the cure out of his hands, we... We have to wake him up
(Damon removes the stakes from Rebekah. She regains consciousness)
Rebekah: You're alive
Damon: Yeah
Rebekah: Why didn't you go with them?
Damon: I needed a siesta
Rebekah: You gave up, didn't you?
Damon: I didn't give up. I just realized... You can't control everything... No matter how hard you try. Let's just say I made peace with that fact
Rebekah: Peace? You love Elena. You always will. If she becomes human, she may not feel the same way about you. You'll never know peace
Damon: Life sucks. Get a helmet
Rebekah: You did something selfless, Damon. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were becoming a halfway decent person
(Jeremy is still trying to get the cure)
Jeremy: Come on!
Bonnie: There's got to be a way to do this without raising him. We'll find a way…
(She's s*ab by Vaughn)
Vaughn: Don't listen to the witch, boy. We have to raise Silas, and we have to do it now
Jeremy: Bonnie! What are you doing?
Vaughn: What you should have done already. I'm gonna raise Silas... Then I'm gonna k*ll him. You're a bit confused, Mr. Gilbert. We're on the same team here
(They fight and Vaughn breaks Jeremy's arm)
Jeremy: You s*ab my friend!
Vaughn: I don't mess around with witches
Jeremy: You can't use the cure on Silas
Vaughn: It's what it's meant for! What else would you use it for? Your friends…. Your sister… Sorry, lad. It wasn't meant for that. Nothing personal
(He's about to k*ll him but Elena intervenes and is about to break his neck)
Jeremy: Don't! The hunter's curse!
Elena: You okay?
[Gilbert's House]
(Caroline is still outside. Klaus comes out)
Caroline: How did you get out?
Klaus: I fear something awful has befallen your friend Bonnie. Don't worry, love. You know I'd never hurt you
Caroline: You've done enough
Klaus: I've done more than enough. I've shown kindness, forgiveness, pity... Because of you, Caroline. It was all for you
[The Island]
(Stefan is in the tunnels. He sees blood on the walls and finally finds Elena, unconscious)
Stefan: Elena. What happened?
Elena: She's here
Stefan: Who?
(Jeremy is with Bonnie)
Jeremy: Elena's here now, ok? Everything's gonna be all right
Bonnie: We did it
(As we've learn it's Katherine who's with them and not Elena)
Katherine: Come on. We got to get you up
Jeremy: You have to help Bonnie. The hunter s*ab her. You have to feed her
Katherine: Ok. I just need to make sure that you're ok first
Jeremy: I'm fine. What are you doing?
Katherine: The cure. Jeremy, after everything we've been through, it's right there
Jeremy: It'll be there after we help Bonnie
Katherine: God, I forgot what a brat you were
Jeremy: What?
Katherine: I'm done playing nice
(She feeds his blood to Silas)
Jeremy: Katherine
Katherine: It's been too long, little Gilbert. Sorry. Family reunion is gonna have to be cut short
(She takes the cure and leaves. Silas kills Jeremy) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x14 - Down the Rabbit Hole"} | foreverdreaming |
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena takes a picture of Jeremy and her and looks at it)
[The Island]
(Elena rushes toward Jeremy and takes him in her arms)
Elena: Jeremy! Oh, no. No. No. Oh, no. Oh, God, no. Oh, God... It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. You're gonna be ok. The ring will bring you back. It's ok. It's ok. You're gonna be ok. You're gonna be ok, Jeremy. You're gonna be fine
(Damon and Stefan are in the tunnels)
Damon: How'd this happen?
Stefan: It was Katherine. She must have been following us this whole time
Damon: What about the cure or Silas?
Stefan: If there was anything in there at all, it's all gone
Damon: Where the hell is Bonnie?
Stefan: I have no idea. She went looking for Jeremy last night. She never came back. Damon, Elena is in there waiting for the Gilbert ring to bring Jeremy back to life
Damon: Ok. Fine. We'll wait with her
Stefan: Damon, listen to me. Jeremy was one of the five, a hunter
Damon: He's supernatural. The ring won't work anymore. She won't survive this. I'll find Bonnie. You get Elena off this island
[Gilbert's House]
(Caroline is cleaning. Elena and Stefan enter. He's carrying Jeremy's body)
Caroline: Hey, you're home. I was trying to clean the burn mark where Kol... I couldn't get the spot out
Elena: Come on. Let's get him upstairs
(Stefan lays Jeremy on his bed)
Stefan: Can I get you anything?
Elena: No. I'm fine. I'm just gonna sit here and wait with him until he wakes up. Let me know if you hear anything about Bonnie, ok?
Stefan: Yeah. Sure
[The Island]
(Damon is back at the camp and looks around. He hears a noise)
Damon: Unless you're a blond, a Bennett witch, or a doppelganger, I suggest you steer clear
(Rebekah is here)
Rebekah: Where is it, the cure? I know someone has it
Damon: Yes, someone... Katherine
Rebekah: Katherine? The doppelganger?
Damon: Yeah. Sneaky, little bitch must've been spying on us for weeks. She k*lled Jeremy... He k*lled your brother. Let's not with the fake sad face
Rebekah: I didn't say I was going to miss him, but I'm not heartless. He was Elena's only family
Damon: Good. Well, you can send flowers after you help me find Bonnie
Rebekah: We need to find Katherine
Damon: If there's one thing that's a guarantee in this miserable, little world, it's that Katherine Pierce is gone. We need to find Bonnie. Oh, and beware of the immortal Silas. If he was asleep in that cave, he's awake now
(Bonnie wakes up. Shane is there)
Shane: Don't touch it. I used some of the island's herbs and berries to help treat the wound, but not being an actual witch, I can't guarantee much
Bonnie: How are you healed?
Silas: It was Silas. He helped me. You did it, Bonnie. He's risen
Bonnie: Get away from me
Silas: I know you're angry with me, ok, but now you'll see, everything I did, all those lives lost, they weren't in vain. Silas is gonna bring them back
Bonnie: What you want to do isn't natural, Shane. You can't bring back the d*ad
Shane: I think you'll change your mind now
Bonnie: What do you mean, now?
Shane: When Silas awoke, he had to feed to gain his strength. He'd been desiccating for almost 2,000 years. He needed blood. Jeremy was there
Bonnie: What are you saying?
Shane: He had…
Bonnie: What are you saying to me?
Shane: He drained him of his blood, Bonnie. Jeremy is d*ad
[Gilbert's House]
(Caroline and Stefan are in the kitchen)
Caroline: How long has she been like that?
Stefan: Ever since we found his body. She hasn't said anything except that she's waiting for him to wake up
Caroline: But he's not going to wake up. She knows that, right?
Stefan: Look. Deep down, I think she has to, but we're talking about Elena here. She feels grief more powerfully than anyone else. I think her denial is the one thing protecting her from letting it all in
Caroline: She can't stay like that forever
Stefan: I know, but I don't want to be the one to break her out of it, not until we know that Bonnie is safe, not until we get Damon over here to, you know...
Caroline: Use the sire bond to convince her that everything is ok?
(Elena enters)
Elena: I'm not in denial. I know that he was supernatural, but did you see? His tattoo is gone. The tattoo had the spell that opened Silas' chamber. Maybe it being gone means that he fulfilled his supernatural destiny. Maybe he's back to normal. It's possible, right?
Caroline: Elena…
Elena: It's possible, Caroline. There's a chance. It may be miniscule, but it's hope, and I'm gonna hold on to that hope with everything that I've got because there's no way... There's absolutely no way that my brother is d*ad. I'm not in denial
(Caroline is on the porch, leaving a voicemail)
Caroline: Hey. I know that I'm not supposed to be calling, but something happened, and I need to talk to you, Tyler. So please call me
(She hangs up. Stefan's here)
Stefan: Do you know where he is?
Caroline: As far away from Klaus as he can get. Klaus said he wouldn't stop until he found him
Stefan: Well, Katherine has been running from Klaus for 500 years. It's not easy, but it's possible. It's probably why she stole the cure. She wants to bargain for her freedom
Caroline: I just can't believe after all that, the cure is just gone
Stefan: Yeah. I mean, talk about denial. In my head, I was thinking there was no way Elena was gonna stay a vampire forever... And now without any family
Caroline: Well, we can't think about that right now. We need to make plans, lists. We need a funeral or a cover story or a funeral and a cover story. I should go tell my mom. I guess she'll know what to do
Stefan: We should get Matt over here
Caroline: You're right. I will do that. I will call Matt, and then I will go tell my mom, and then I will make a list or a casserole or... I don't know... Whatever people are supposed to do or make in these situations. What's that smell?
Stefan: It's his body. He's starting to decompose. Tell you mom to get Dr. Fell over here
[The Island]
(Rebekah and Damon are walking)
Rebekah: Do you think Bonnie is d*ad?
Damon: Never thought I'd say this, but I hope not
Rebekah: I don't like being out in the open like this
Damon: What, afraid of the big, bad Silas?
Rebekah: No
Damon: Scaredy cat
Rebekah: I'm not a scaredy cat. My brother Kol drove himself mad worrying about Silas rising. It would benefit us all to be a bit concerned, and you're one to talk about being afraid. You're so scared; you're 1,200 miles away from where you're supposed to be
Damon: Hey, somebody needed to find Bonnie
Rebekah: Stefan could've done that. Aren't you Elena's current love? It's so hard to keep track these days. Shouldn't you be home comforting her, or are you terrified of being there when she realizes her brother is d*ad?
(Someone sh**t an arrow at them but he uses her as shield)
Rebekah: Ow!
Damon: Sorry. Better you than me
(He sees Vaughn and runs after him and catches him)
Damon: Mm, just the guy I wanted to see
(Bonnie can't stop crying. Shane looks at her)
Shane: Bonnie, here. Drink this. It'll calm you down
Bonnie: I don't want any of your stupid teas, Shane
Shane: Bonnie…
Bonnie: Jeremy is d*ad
Shane: Bonnie, be careful. Don't let your magic get out of control. Bonnie! Come on. Bonnie, I am not gonna let you fall apart. I'm not gonna let you. Silas needs you. He can bring Jeremy back. He can bring everyone back, and you're gonna help him, ok? You're gonna see Jeremy again
[Gilbert's House]
(Elena is in her bedroom and goes to Jeremy's bedroom. Meredith enters)
Meredith: Elena?
Elena: Meredith? What are you doing here?
Meredith: I came to check on your brother. May I?
Elena: Yeah. Um... You're not gonna find any vitals. It's the same thing that Ric used to go through. He'd just be d*ad until then he wasn't. Once, I remember he was gone for almost an entire day. Ric died, like, 4 times before he lost his mind, and Jeremy has died a few times, too... 3, I think... so we're gonna have to... So we'll have to keep an eye on him because I don't want him to go crazy just like Ric did
Meredith: Elena… It looks like Jeremy died of extreme blood loss. His neck also appears to be broken. The lack of blood explains why there's no lividity, but his muscles have tightened past the point of rigor mortis. No. If he's left unattended to, soon he'll start to bloat. Within a few hours, his skin will discolor, and...
Elena: No, stop okay? Just stop. He's not d*ad
Meredith: I need you to release the body to me. We'll get him to a funeral home and prepare him for a viewing where you and his friends can say good-bye to him
Elena: He's not d*ad, ok?
(She rushes over Meredith and strangles her but Stefan catches her)
Stefan: Elena, stop it
Elena: Now you're all about science? Where was your science when you used vampire blood to save my life, huh? There is no science here. It's just magic. We need magic. We have to find Bonnie. Bonnie can fix this. Somebody just get me Bonnie!
(Matt enters and sees Jeremy. He's chocked)
Matt: Elena…
Elena: No, no. No, Matt. It's fine. It's ok. It's ok. Bonnie will be here soon, and she'll fix everything, and it'll be all fine. Everything is gonna be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine
(Elena and Matt are in the kitchen. He gives her a cup of tea)
Elena: You're not dosing me again, are you?
Matt: Poison your best friend once, and suspicion follows you forever. Where are Bonnie and Damon?
Elena: We lost Bonnie on the island. Damon stayed back to try and find her
Matt: That's funny. Doesn't he hate her?
Elena: He doesn't hate her. I think he actually kind of loves her. You're mean to the people that you care about
Matt: That's some messed-up logic
Elena: Damon logic
Matt: Damon logic. Listen. I want you to go somewhere with me
Elena: I can't leave Jeremy
Matt: Elena… There's nothing you can do right now, ok? Stefan can stay here with him. Come with me. Please
[The Island]
(Damon is with Vaughn)
Damon: Here's the thing. I was completely willing to accept the fact that you were one man on a lonely mission to k*ll ol' Silas, and then I got boned by my Vixen Nemesis miss Katherine Pierce, and then I start thinking there's no way that this is a coincidence. So what do you know, huh?
(Rebekah rejoins them)
Damon: Took you long enough
Rebekah: Sorry. I had to dig the arrow out of my spine. Thank you for that
Damon: Well, if you want a lead on Katherine Pierce, here's your guy
Vaughn: t*rture me all you want. You can't k*ll me. The hunter's curse will torment you forever
Damon: It'll be worth it
Rebekah: He's right. You can't k*ll him, but that doesn't mean we can't tear him apart piece by piece, nerve by nerve until the pain is so severe, that your brain shuts it off to give you one tiny moment of blessed relief, and then we'll heal you and do it again and again and again
Damon: You are creepy
Rebekah: Thank you
Vaughn: I was tracking dens of vampires across Colorado. Katherine found me, said she could help me find Silas. She already knew about the hunter's mark, the cure
Damon: How?
Vaughn: Oh, she had someone on the inside, some werewolf girl, friends with your Professor
Damon: Hayley, Tyler Lockwood's old friend. Ah, I knew she was shady. Where'd Katherine find her?
Vaughn: New Orleans. That's all I know
Damon: Ah. Good. Let's throw him in a well. If he starves to death, it's not our fault. I'm gonna go find Bonnie
Rebekah: We've got a lead on the cure, Damon. I'm gonna find I but it suppose you don't mind. You never wanted Elena to be human again, anyway
Damon: I wanted that cure for her because it's what she wanted. You might think I'm afraid to go back, but I'm not because I know what she needs. She needs me to bring her best friend home
(Shane and Bonnie are walking through the woods)
Shane: We got to get you home if you're gonna help Silas raise the d*ad
Bonnie: I don't understand what I can do
Shane: Well, Silas can't do magic. He was a witch, but after he became immortal, that ended. He can be a witch or a vampire, but never both. That's why I've been teaching you expressions, so you can do his work for him
Bonnie: What? How?
Shane: Using the power of 3 massacres. Each m*ssacre of 12 marks the earth with power, and you can use expression to tap into that power
Bonnie: 3? You've had 36 people k*lled?
Shane: No. I've had 24 people k*lled... 12 humans at the Young farm, 12 hybrids. You and I are gonna complete the triangle
Bonnie: We're what?
Shane: Look. There needs to be another m*ssacre, but it's ok. They're gonna come back. It's worth it
Bonnie: I'm not helping you k*ll 12 people, Shane
Shane: Won't you if it meant you can see Jeremy again, your grams, everybody you and your friends ever lost? I think you would
Bonnie: No
(She runs but falls. When she turns herself she sees Jeremy)
Jeremy: Bonnie
Bonnie: Jeremy?
Jeremy: It hurts
Bonnie: Jeremy
Jeremy: Help me
Bonnie: I can help you. I'll help you. I can help you
(She uses her powers but he disappears)
Shane: He asked you to help him, didn't he? He needs your help. You can do this, Bonnie. You know you can
Bonnie: I'll do whatever it takes
[Gilbert's House]
(Meredith is still here. Stefan too)
Meredith: I'm bumping the AC. We're not gonna be able to leave him in there for much longer
Stefan: Yeah. I know. I've been alive for almost two centuries now. You'd think with the amount of people that I've seen die, it would hurt less each time. Never does
Meredith: No. No. It never does. I see this every day. Sometimes I think that denial is the worst part for people like us because we know the truth. We can see they're on a collision course with it, and all we can do is brace ourselves for impact
(Stefan's phone rings. He answers. It's Damon)
Stefan: Did you find her?
Damon: I'm still looking. How is she?
Stefan: She's losing it, Damon. We can do what we can to delay things here, but we got to get Jeremy to the morgue before it gets ugly
Damon: Damn it. I can't just leave her behind. I can't show up without Bonnie
Stefan: I think you have to. At this point, the sire bond is probably the only thing that's gonna keep Elena together. I can go back to find Bonnie
Damon: I'm on my way
[The Island]
(Damon hangs up. Bonnie arrives)
Damon: I could actually hug you right now
(He hugs her)
Damon: Where have you been? How'd you find me?
Bonnie: Shane led the way. He told me what to do, Damon. I know how to bring Jeremy back
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Matt brings Elena to the stoner pit)
Elena: You brought me to the stoner pit?
Matt: I want you to see something
(He shows her a tag)
Elena: Vicki
Matt: Remember when Jer was so into my sister?
Elena: When our parents died. It was his rebel phase
Matt: I found this after Vick died. It made me smile... And this
(He shows her another tag)
Elena: Jeremy and Vicky. Did he do that?
Matt: After they found Vick's body, I remember thinking that things didn't feel over, you know, that there was no possible way that she could be gone forever. Then she wasn't. My point is, this town, this crazy-ass world we live in, sometimes not being willing to accept that someone is gone is because maybe they're not... At least not completely
Elena: Is that really what you believe?
Matt: Yes
Elena: If I compelled you to tell me the truth, is that what you would say?
Matt: I would tell you that it's ok to have hope... Because sometimes that's all that keeps me going
Elena: Thanks, Matt
(Her phone rings. She answers)
Elena: Stefan?
Stefan: Hey. Damon found Bonnie. The plane is there waiting for them when they get off the island. They'll be home in a few hours
Elena: Thank God. Is she ok?
Stefan: Yeah. He said she's fine. Listen, Elena. You might have been right. There might be something
Elena: She knows what to do, doesn't she?
Stefan: Let's just see what she says when she gets home, ok?
Elena: Ok. We'll be home soon
[The Island]
(Rebekah and Vaughn are in the well)
Vaughn: You know, if you're smart, you'll use the cure to k*ll Silas
Rebekah: k*lling Silas is your supernatural destiny, not mine
Vaughn: All right. Ok. Well, you be careful up there, you know, because he's up there running about
Rebekah: You sure about that?
Vaughn: You don't believe me? Check my pack
(She checks and finds Silas' mask)
Vaughn: I found it in the chamber where he lay. They say no one has seen him. No one knows his face. How do you hide from the devil when you don't know what he looks like? Who knows? Maybe I'm him. Mark my words, if you don't use the cure to k*ll him, doesn't matter if you're human or vampire. You're doomed. We all are
(She leaves and he screams after her)
Vaughn: Good luck to you, Lass. You've all brought this upon yourselves. May you rot in it! Ha ha ha!
[Gilbert's House]
(Caroline gets out of her car and leaves a voicemail to Tyler)
Caroline: Tyler, it's me again. So I was thinking about it, and you probably ditched your phone, which is the smartest thing that you could do. So I don't know when you're gonna get this, but things were looking kind of bleak for a minute, and... I don't know... Maybe they're turning around So when you get this, call me back, and I'll tell you everything
(Damon and Bonnie arrive)
Caroline: Thank God. We were so, so worried
Bonnie: I'm ok
Damon: Could you get Stefan out here?
Caroline: They said that she knows what to do
Damon: Caroline, I need to talk to my brother
Caroline: What's wrong?
[The Island]
(Bonnie is looking at Shane)
Bonnie: I'll do whatever it takes. Whatever you ask of me, I'll do
Shane: Then you will see him again .There's just a few things we have to do first
[Gilbert's House]
(Bonnie, Elena, Caroline and Matt are sitting at the kitchen table)
Bonnie: It's called an expression triangle. I need to complete it for Silas
Matt: What?
(Stefan and Damon are outside)
Damon: She's out of her mind, Stefan. The nutty Professor has got her totally brainwashed
Matt: Bonnie, you can't k*ll 12 people
Bonnie: I know it sounds crazy, but it's the only way to get enough power
Caroline: To do what?!
[The Island]
Shane: When Silas was buried by the witch Qetsiyah, she left him with the cure and two choices... Stay mortal and rot or take the cure and eventually die in there of old age
Bonnie: At some point, wouldn't death by old age have been better?
Shane: No, because, you see, Qetsiyah had already one-upped him. She knew that he wanted to die so that he could find peace, be reunited with his one true love. So she created the other side as a purgatory for all supernatural beings, ensuring that if he died, he'd end up there forever. That's where you come in
Bonnie: Why me?
Shane: Because you, as Qetsiyah's descendant can make the other side go away
Bonnie: How?
[Gilbert's House]
(Damon and Stefan are still outside)
Damon: I mean, the whole flight back home, all she could talk about was how she's the one that can drop the veil between this side and the other side
Stefan: Drop the veil? What does that even mean?
Damon: What it means is, the myth about Silas being able to raise the d*ad is not just one or some. It's every supernatural being over there
Bonnie: Once the veil is dropped, the other side doesn't exist anymore. There's nothing separating us. We're all just one
Damon: 3 massacres, 3 hot spots, and the witch spell of the century, every supernatural being over there is back with a vengeance
[The Island]
Bonnie: I can't do that
Shane: What? Oh, no. Yes, you can. Yes, you can. All the witches, your ancestors, who've been persecuted throughout time, your grams, Jeremy, they'll all be back. You can do this. You will do this
[Gilbert's House]
Caroline: Bonnie, you are talking like a crazy person. You are not k*lling 12 people, and you sure as hell can't invite every monster who has ever died back into this world
Matt: Caroline, I think she knows that
Bonnie: I can bring everyone back... Jeremy, Alaric, Vicki
Caroline: Bonnie, stop it. You can't just say these things
(The phone rings. Everyone stops)
Elena: I'll get it
Matt: Hey, look. I'll get it
Elena: I said I'll get it
(She answers)
Elena: Hello?
April: Elena, hey. It's April... Young. I was looking for Jeremy, and his cell phone keeps going straight to voicemail
Elena: Jeremy can't come to the phone right now. He's not... I'm sorry. He's d*ad
(Elena goes in Jeremy's bedroom. She looks at his body. Damon enters)
Elena: He's d*ad. He's d*ad. Damon, he's d*ad, and he's been d*ad this entire time, and I... Oh, my God. I can smell him. How long has he smelled like that?
Damon: Hey, talk to me. I can help you
Elena: How? How are you gonna help me? How? Ok. Ok. We have to take care of his body. Bring him downstairs
Damon: We shouldn't...
Elena: Just carry him down, please
(She goes downstairs)
Elena: Where's Bonnie?
Stefan: We told Matt to take her home. We thought it'd be best
Elena: Ok. Guess we're gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way
Caroline: Do what?
(Damon is there, carrying Jeremy's body)
Elena: Put his body on the couch
(She looks for something)
Caroline: Elena? Elena, you need help finding something?
Elena: Got it
(She puts alcohol everywhere)
Stefan: What are you doing?
Elena: We need a cover story, right? You think I didn't hear you guys talking earlier? Well, what are we gonna say... Animal att*ck, tumble down the stairs? No. We burn the house down with him inside of it
Stefan: Elena, stop it
Elena: Why, because you want me to not be in denial? You want me to face the truth? This is the truth, Stefan. I don't want to live here anymore. I don't want these sketches. I don't want this Xbox. Not gonna need this bourbon anymore. Alaric is not here to drink it, I mean, unless you guys are willing to bring back every supernatural creature on the other side to get him hick. Would you? I know you want your drinking buddy back. Would you, Damon? Because I wouldn't. I don't know. I mean, does that make me a bad person? I have no idea
(She removes Jeremy's ring)
Elena: He's not gonna need that anymore
Caroline: Elena, stop it. You're scaring me
Elena: What else are we supposed to do with the body, Caroline? I mean, there's no room in the Gilbert family plot. Jenna and John took the last spots
Stefan: No, no, Elena. Stop
Elena: There's nothing here for me anymore, Stefan. Every inch of this house is filled with memories of the people that I love that have died... My mom, my dad, Jeremy, and Jenna and Alaric, John, even John. I mean, they're all d*ad. Everyone is d*ad. So what am I supposed to... I mean, how am I gonna... I can't even... There's nothing left for me. Aah!
Damon: Elena, I need you to calm down
Elena: No, no, no. I can't. I can't. I can't. I... I can't. I can't. No. It hurts. It hurts. Just make it stop. Please make it stop. It hurts. Ah...
Stefan: Damon… help her
Damon: I can help you. I want you to let me help you. I can help you
Elena: How?
Damon: Turn it off
Stefan: What? No, no
Damon: Just turn it off, and everything will go away. That's what you have to do. It's what I want you to do. Just turn it off
[Caroline's House]
(Caroline is leaving a voicemail to Tyler)
Caroline: Hey it's me. Look, I hate to leave this on your voicemail, but I think that you need to know. Jeremy is d*ad, Tyler. I'm so sorry. I thought that you would call and I could tell you, but then you didn't so... Just call me when you get this, ok? I need you, and there's no way that yesterday was the last time that I'm ever going to see you or talk to you It can't be. So just... Call me, Tyler. Please
[Bonnie's House]
(Matt stops his car in front of Bonnie's house)
Bonnie: It's gonna be ok, Matt, you'll see. I'll bring him back
Matt: Get some sleep, Bon. We can talk tomorrow
(She gets out of the car. She goes to her house and looks for her keys. Shane appears)
Shane: Did you tell them?
Bonnie: They don't think I can do it
Shane: Oh, they're just scared. They're afraid to believe
Bonnie: You know, I've been thinking. You said if I dropped the veil to the other side that the d*ad will return, but that's only for the supernatural. What about the 12 people that died on the Young farm?
Shane: They were a necessary sacrifice for the greater good. They've passed on. They've found peace. It's all anyone wants. That's all Silas wants. We'll do this together, you and I. We are the beginning
[The island]
(Rebekah is alone in the woods and finds Shane, lying on the ground)
Rebekah: Blast it. Shane
Shane: Silas
[Gilbert's House]
(Damon and Stefan are on the porch)
Stefan: It was a mistake
Damon: It wasn't, and you know it. This is the only way she's gonna survive. We'll help her, keep an eye on her. When she's ready, I'll use the sire bond to bring her back
Stefan: Her humanity, Damon, it was all she had left
Damon: Humanity means nothing when you don't have anyone to care about, Stefan
Stefan: She had you
Damon: She lost her brother. I'm not enough, not this time
Stefan: Listen, Damon. I know that you and I, we've been through some... Bad spots lately, especially when it comes to her
Damon: Yeah. Well... Guess none of that matters anymore
Stefan: I just, um... I want you to know that, um...
Damon: I know, Stefan
(Elena lights a match. Stefan and Damon enter)
Damon: Elena, don't do this. We can find another cover story
Elena: This is the best one. No one will ask questions
Stefan: Ok. If you burn down the house, it'll be gone. What if one day when this is all over, you want to come home again?
Elena: I won't
(She throws the match and the house sets on f*re. They go out and the house burns) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x15 - Stand by Me"} | foreverdreaming |
[A road]
(Elena is alone on the middle of the road. She lies on the road)
[Salvatore's House]
Stefan: We're gonna lose her, Damon
Damon: She needs time. It's only been a couple of days
Stefan: Her humanity is off. She's basically numb to everything that makes her who she is
Damon: She's a vampire. The off switch is one of the biggest perks. When being undead gets you down, voila. Vampire Prozac
Stefan: She b*rned down her family home with her brother's d*ad body still inside
Damon: Saves us the trouble of having to do it ourselves. I call that a win. Worst-case scenario, I'll invoke the sire bond and tell her to turn it back on
Stefan: No. Her brother just died. You force all that grief on her at once, it's gonna overwhelm her. We need to give her a reason to want to turn it on
Damon: Fine. We'll show her a good time. I know it's controversial, Stefan, but people actually like to have fun
Stefan: You really think that's gonna work?
Damon: There's only one way to find out
[A road]
(Elena is still lying on the road. A woman stops her car, gets out and rushes toward her)
Woman: Are you all right? Was there an accident? Where are you hurt? Are you in pain?
Elena: I don't feel anything
Woman: I have a blanket in my car. Try not to move. I'll call for help
(She goes to her car. When she turns herself, Elena's standing next to her)
Woman: What are you doing?
(Elena bites her and drinks her blood. Damon intervenes)
Damon: That's enough
(She doesn't stop)
Damon: I said that's enough. We agreed no k*lling
Elena: This is the first person I've seen in days whose body isn't laced with vervain, and I'm hungry
Damon: You leave a trail of bodies, people are gonna start asking questions
Elena: I don't care
(She resumes her meal)
Damon: I can't believe you're making me say this
(He catches her)
Damon: Show a little restraint
Elena: I thought this was supposed to be fun
(Haley gets out of a store and senses someone. She's att*cked by a vampire but Klaus intervenes and bites him and gets rid of him)
Klaus: Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat a lady
Haley: You came
Klaus: Well, you did say it was urgent. Oh, don't worry about him, love. He'll never make it through tomorrow night
Haley: What if there are more?
Klaus: You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. She used you to find the cure, and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live
Haley: You said you would protect me
Klaus: And I will, just as soon as you tell me everything you know about Katerina
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is in the shower and hears Stefan and Damon)
Damon: So that's the plan? You're gonna take her back to school?
Stefan: Well, the fun route didn't exactly pay off, did it?
Damon: I don't know. We got a free meal out of it
Stefan: Look. Do you think I want to go to school and play chaperone? You can't go because you're not a student. Besides, you've got to go look for Katherine. I mean, Elena needs this cure now more than ever
(Caroline enters)
Caroline: Not that anyone asked me, but I think taking her back to school is a great idea
Damon: Why are you here?
Caroline: Blame it on your fancy water filters. Your house has the only vervain-free showers in town
Damon: Oh, yeah. The mayor put vervain in the water supply. So many people to k*ll
Caroline: Yeah, and my mom says it's about to get worse, so she could use a little help
Damon: Fine. I'll go after the psychotic doppelganger. Stefan, you gonna go talk to the sheriff? Blondie, take her to school
(Elena comes out, completely naked)
Elena: Sounds like fun. What? It's nothing you guys haven't seen before and as for the "going to school" idea... I've got nothing better to do
Damon: Elena, it would make me very happy if you were in school today and studied hard... You know, get involved in whatever activities, and please, for me, no matter what, don't eat anyone. Okay?
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Caroline is in the hallways, leaving a voicemail to Tyler)
Caroline: Hey, Tyler. It's me checking in. Things are just getting back to normal here, sort of. Elena's not quite there, but we're working on it. Look, I know that you can't call me back, but I keep thinking if I just leave these messages that when you do come home it'll be like you never left. Or that's the hope. Well, I'd better go. I love you, Tyler
(Matt rejoins her)
Matt: Hey, have you seen Bonnie?
Caroline: Yeah. I called her last night. She's fine. She's just a little drained from, you know, everything
Matt: Can't really blame her
(Elena rejoins them)
Elena: I have an idea. Can you get me my old spot back on the cheerleading squad?
Caroline: I mean, technically, yeah. I'm Captain, but I thought you hated cheerleading
Elena: I did, and now I think it would be really fun to jump around and toss people up in the air. It's not like the routines are that hard
Caroline: I... think that would make Damon really happy
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Klaus opens the door)
Klaus: Ah, what an unpleasant surprise
Damon: So I just came up with a list called things you suck at. Number one: Finding Katherine, ever. Number two: Covering up your secret phone conversations to that little backstabber Hayley. Yeah, so where is she, and what does she know about Katherine?
Klaus: I should help you? After you lot k*lled my brother and imprisoned me in the Gilbert living room?
Damon: You might want to prioritize, Klaus. You have much bigger problems. Katherine has the cure. My guess is she's gonna want to cram it down your throat. You help me find Katherine, I'll get the cure, I'll give it to Elena, everybody wins. Just let me question Hayley about Katherine
Klaus: Can't help you, mate. Hayley's off limits. Although I did have a run-in with a vampire who may know where Katerina is. Too bad for you I bit halfway through his bloody neck he probably won't have much time for chit-chat
[Sheriff's Department]
(Stefan is with Liz in her office)
Liz: The entire supply of blood from the hospital, all the reserves, gone, just vanished
Stefan: I don't understand. Are you accusing us?
Liz: No, I'm not accusing you, but this town is at a tipping point. Any more unexplained house fires, and things are gonna boil over
Stefan: I'm sorry
Liz: I know it's not your fault. It's been a rough week. Miranda Gilbert was one of my best friends in High School. To see what's happened to her family... It's just...
Stefan: Look, Liz... If there's anything I can do to help, I promise I will
Liz: Good. You need to. Whoever stole that blood put a lot of lives in danger and risks exposing all of you, my daughter included. So who can you think of who wants blood that bad, who would be so careless?
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(It's the cheerleading competition. She rejoins Caroline in the gym with the rest of the team. There's a crowd. Elena is wearing her uniform)
Caroline: The uniform still fits. You look fantastic. We are totally gonna kick grove hill's ass
Elena: Yeah. Should be fun
(She sees a girl from the opposite team and listens to her conversation)
Girl: Oh, my God. You guys, I left my makeup back on the bus
Caroline: Wow. The competition's bigger than last year. I'm gonna go stretch
(The girl from the opposite team goes in the bus and finds her make up. When she turns herself, Elena's here)
Elena: I like your ribbon
Girl: Um, thanks
Elena: I want it
Girl: Yeah, but I'm using it, so go get your own
(Elena's face changes. She bites her neck and drinks her blood)
(Elena comes back in the gym. She's wearing the girl's ribbon. Caroline rejoins her)
Caroline: Hey, where were you? We're going on any minute
Elena: I'm here, aren't I?
Caroline: What's with the ribbon? That's not even our colors
(Then she sees that the girl from the opposite team is wearing a scarf around her neck)
Caroline: Are you out of your mind?
Elena: What is your problem?
Caroline: Feeding on the competition? Hello. Did you not hear what Damon told you?
Elena: I did, but who cares? I'll do whatever I want
(Stefan rejoins them)
Stefan: Everything all right?
Elena: Yeah, as soon as the queen backs off, everything will be fine
(She leaves)
Caroline: Remember how Damon sired her to behave? It didn't really work
(Stefan is in the hallways, on the phone with Damon)
Damon: What do you mean, she fed? I specifically told her, no feeding. The sire bond should make her listen
Stefan: Right. That's what I'm saying. The sire bond isn't working
Damon: That's impossible
Stefan: Think about it. Elena's sire bond stems from her feelings for you, right? With her humanity off, she has no feelings
Damon: All I wanted was to break that damn bond. You're telling me now this whole time all she had to do was turn it off? What happens if she turns it back on?
Stefan: I don't know, but more importantly, where are you right now?
Damon: I'm at a truck stop in the boonies looking for a d*ad vampire that might lead to Katherine and the cure. Look, just grab her and get her home. I'll be there when I can
(Rebekah rejoins Damon)
Damon: You. I thought you were still vacationing on Numbskull Island
Rebekah: Well, I was looking for answers, and all I found was your Professor Shane, d*ad, and with him, anything anyone knows about the cure
Damon: Guess you won't turn into a real girl after all
Rebekah: I'll get the cure. I just need Katherine, and I'm betting you can help me find her
Damon: Why would I help you?
Rebekah: Because I was smart enough to bring a pinch of my brother's blood. How else would you interrogate a vampire who's practically d*ad from a wolf bite?
Damon: Fine. Follow me. I might know where to look
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Haley and Klaus are eating)
Klaus: So you're rested, you're fed. Tell me about Katerina
Haley: Most men get their power kick from t*rture and intimidation. With you, it's drinks and fine dining
Klaus: Well, in your case, I favor hospitality over unpleasantness, but I have been known to change my mind on a whim. Where is Katerina?
Haley: You seriously think I know?
Klaus: You tipped her off as to what we were up to and set her on a course to find the cure. In return, she sent her lackey to snuff you out. Tell me, what did Katerina promise you?
Haley: I was in new Orleans trying to find information about my real parents. Katherine found me and told me she could help
Klaus: An orphan? Well, that does explain your charming bravado. Abandonment issues will do it every time
Haley: Sounds like you would know
Klaus: I'm the only one that can protect you. I'm happy to do so, provided you cooperate
[Mystic Falls' High School]
(Stefan rejoins Elena in the hallways. She's stretching)
Stefan: Hey, we need to talk
Elena: So talk. You can help me stretch
Stefan: Did you feed on that cheerleader?
Elena: Maybe
Stefan: I see. You wouldn't happen to know anything about the hospital's missing blood supply, would you?
Elena: Trust me. I'm sick of blood bags. I prefer something a little warmer
Stefan: Look, Elena, I know what you're going through. I was having the time of my life when I first turned, too. I didn't start ripping people's heads off until 1912. The next thing I know, I was k*lling an entire village
Elena: Am I supposed to be scared of becoming you?
Stefan: Yeah, you are, because I know how deep down you can fall, and I know how difficult it is to climb back out. Come on. You're better than this
Elena: I don't know. Maybe this is the better version of me
Man on p.A.: Up next, Mystic Falls' very own lady Timberwolves
(She goes to the gym)
Caroline: No way. You are not cheering
Elena: Let's see you try and stop me
(They're in the gym about to start)
Man on p.A.: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your very own lady Timberwolves
(They start)
Caroline: Ready
The team: L-o-l, o-m-g You're looking at Mystic Falls varsity! B-e-a-t, b*at those caps. B-e-a-t, b*at those caps. B-e-a-t, b*at those caps!
(Elena has to carry Caroline but she steps aside and Caroline falls)
(Elena is outside. Stefan rejoins her)
Stefan: What do you do for an encore?
Elena: I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve another condescending lecture
Stefan: No. I was impressed. Getting yourself on the cheerleading squad. Plenty of vervain-free victims bused in for the competition. You played us all really well
Elena: It wasn't that hard. You want me to be OK so badly that you hear whatever I want you to
Stefan: Right. Well, you know, the problem with the gymnasium is, too many witnesses You got to go somewhere a little more private for some real fun
Elena: Oh, yeah? Where?
Stefan: I know this little dive bar off the beaten path
Elena: Come on. You're bluffing
Stefan: You're forgetting that I had my switch flipped in this town, too. I know where to take someone to have a good time
(He finally vervains her)
Stefan: But first, a little vervain, just to take the edge off
[Grove Hills Hospital]
(Damon and Rebekah are in the hospital)
Rebekah: Why exactly would you think a sick vampire would check into a hospital?
Damon: See that little bright thing in the sky? It's called the sun. He needs to avoid that. Plus the hospital is open 24/7. Not to mention he's hungry and delusional
Rebekah: Impressive. You're like Sherlock Holmes with brain damage
Damon: Stefan said the Mystic Falls hospital had its entire blood bank raided, too
Rebekah: It looks like our vampire gets around
Damon: No. The guy's dying of a werewolf bite. He wouldn't have time to steal from both hospitals. This is someone else
Rebekah: Who?
Damon: That's another problem. But on the plus side, if our guy did by chance come here, he's got nothing, which means he's nearby and he's hungry
Rebekah: This better not be a wild goose chase
Damon: I want to find Katherine as much as you do
Rebekah: Really? Why? I heard your little chat with Stefan. I know Elena has broken the sire bond. So why would you want to find the cure? You'd just cure her back to loving your brother. I think you're better off leaving it for me
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Haley enters Klaus' ‘'art room''. She looks at his paintings)
Haley: Hate that. Too much. I don't get that. Hmm... I don't care
(She looks at a painting)
Haley: Hmm. This one. It doesn't make me want to puke. Why'd you paint it?
Klaus: Painting is a metaphor for control. Every choice is mine... The canvas, the color. As a child, I had neither a sense of the world nor my place in it, but art taught me that one's vision can be achieved with sheer force of will. The same is true of life, provided one refuses to let anything stand in one's way
Haley: So this is your thing... Show a girl a few mediocre paintings, whine about your childhood, and I swoon and spill all my dirty secrets?
Klaus: I felt I had many charms, but, uh, regardless, I'm enjoying myself
Haley: And you do whatever you enjoy, up to and including hunting my friend Tyler for the next century
Klaus: Oh, surely not the next century. Only until I k*ll him
Haley: You talk a good game, but the truth is you let him go. My guess: You know if you k*ll him, Caroline will hate you forever
Klaus: If I simply k*lled Tyler, my revenge would be over in a moment. Sentencing him to a lifetime of paranoia and fear... That's Tyler's true punishment. But come now. You never really thought there was a future for you two, did you?
Haley: I don't know. He might have left Caroline for me if I'd used the cure to k*ll you
Klaus: You know, if Tyler has even half your resolve, he may actually make it through the year
Haley: It doesn't take resolve. It takes allies, a network of people willing to do anything for you, including chase down loose ends to their death. That's how Katherine escaped you all this time
Klaus: Perhaps you know the names of Katerina's special little helpers
Haley: Maybe I know one or two. Maybe I'll even tell you
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena wakes up. Stefan's here)
Elena: What'd you do to me?
Stefan: Brought you home before you can cause any more trouble
Elena: So you're grounding me because I dropped Caroline on her thick head
Stefan: No, because you fed on someone... In public
Elena: So? I was hungry
(She takes her uniform off)
Stefan: You're really gonna keep stripping in front of me? It's real mature
Elena: I'm done cheering, so I'm gonna change
Stefan: Sure. When in doubt, manipulate people with sex. You know, that's the same trick Katherine used to pull
Elena: Don't compare me to Katherine. She's been running so long, she's afraid of her own shadow. I am not afraid of anything. I've shut it all off... all of it, including my feelings for you. But don't get me wrong. I mean, I see you standing there, and you look good. I remember our sex, and it was good sex. I just don't feel anything about it anymore. Though you clearly do. Why do you care what I do and who I k*ll?
Stefan: Because it's my fault that you're like this. I brought this into your life. Look, I've k*lled hundreds of people, and I have to live with that, but I'm not gonna live with the people that you k*ll or what that'll do to you. Who are you texting?
Elena: OK. Your whole world revolves around me. Maybe you're the one that needs to turn it all off
(They hear people)
(He goes downstairs and see a lot of people arriving. Elena rejoins him)
Stefan: So that's what all this texting was about? You invited all these people over here
Elena: You were trying to keep me from throwing the party, so... I brought the party here
Stefan: Great. That's great
(Everyone is dancing and drinking. Caroline arrives)
Caroline: I got here as soon as I could. This is insane
Stefan: Yeah. It won't last. They'll either drink all the booze and get bored, or Damon will come home and k*ll everyone
Caroline: We can't compel them to leave. The locals are all on vervain from the town water supply. So what do we do?
Stefan: I don't know. Enjoy the party, keep Elena from butchering grove hill's cheerleading squad
Caroline: Great. And where is she?
Stefan: Where do you think?
(Elena is dancing and laughing)
Caroline: I almost forgot what that was like
Stefan: What? Elena smiling?
Caroline: No. Fun. I mean, look at her. Yes, this is all very bad, but doesn't she make you just want to let go?
Stefan: Well, unfortunately I have this little problem when I, uh, party too hard. I end up k*lling people
Caroline: Well, your sober coach is giving you the green light. I mean, come on. You are at a kegger full of hot girls, and you're single, and you're, well, you
Stefan: So, what am I supposed to do, just grab some girl, throw her over my shoulder, take her out onto the dance floor?
Caroline: Just take your own advice. Have fun, you know? We deserve a little bit of fun
(He takes her over his shoulder)
Caroline: Whoa! I didn't mean me!
[Grove Hills' Hospital]
(Damon is feeding on a nurse. Rebekah's here)
Rebekah: Well, nobody could ever mistake you for subtle
Damon: You have to take pride in your work
(He compels the nurse)
Damon: It's OK. Come here. Now you're gonna walk very slowly to your car. Off you go
(She goes to her car)
Rebekah: You know, I just don't see how this increases our odds any
Damon: I've been on the other side of a wolf bite. First you get really sick. Then you get really hungry. Since the sun's gone down, I'm imagining he's gonna be looking for his last supper. I just laid out a 3-course, 115-pound meal for him
(The vampire finally appears. Damon rushes towards him and recognizes him)
Vampire: Damon?
Damon: Will?
Will: Hey buddy. I think there's something wrong with me. I need help
Damon: Yeah. It's OK. Yeah. I know what to do
(He rips his heart out)
Rebekah: What the bloody hell are you doing?
Damon: Too far gone. Put him out of his misery
[Klaus' Mansion]
Klaus: My sister informs me that your vampire assailant is d*ad, so you're safe and free to go. Or stay
Haley: I could be persuaded to stay, enjoy some of the good life. And maybe I could drum up a few more of Katherine's secrets and you could do something for me
Klaus: Oh, I'm sorry, love. You'll never convince me to let Tyler go free
Haley: Well, then, I guess I'll never get my chance with Tyler any more than you'll get a sh*t with Caroline. Do you want to know why I like that painting?
Klaus: Well, perhaps it was because it allowed you to see into my deep, wounded soul
Haley: I saw how twisted it really is. And maybe I can relate
Klaus: So what's it gonna be? Going... or staying?
Haley: You like to be in control, you told me
(Ha catches her and kisses her. He lays her on a table and they have sex)
[Salvatore's House]
(Elena is still partying. She sees that Stefan and Caroline are laughing and dancing together. She rejoins them)
Elena: Look who finally joined the party
Stefan: Yeah. Why? Are you jealous or something?
Elena: No. That would imply emotions, and we've already established those are useless
Caroline: Come on, Elena. Just dance with us
Elena: No. You guys look good together. By all means, Care, just take him out for a spin. He could use it
(She leaves them. Liz enters)
Liz: Elena? What's going on in here?
Elena: Just some underage drinking and drug use
Liz: Where's Stefan?
Elena: He's actually busy flirting with your daughter. But I think he's a good rebound for her because of the whole Tyler thing
Liz: I'm shutting this down right now
Elena: Liz, please. Why don't you just stay and have a drink?
Liz: Elena, take your hand off me
Elena: Either you have a drink, or I will
(Elena pushes her against the wall)
Caroline: Mom!
Liz: It's fine
(Caroline tries to go after Caroline but Stefan stops her)
Stefan: Caroline, calm down
Caroline: Calm down? I'm gonna wring her skinny little neck!
(Elena disappears)
[The woods]
(Stefan and Caroline are looking for Elena)
Caroline: Elena! Where the hell is she?
Stefan: Right where she wants to be. This is completely calculated. She drew all those people to the house, waited for an opportunity to distract us, and now she's free
Caroline: I can't believe she's doing this. I mean, she hurt my mom, Stefan
Stefan: All right, listen. You search the woods. I'll check the road. If you see her, don't hesitate. Just snap her neck, all right?
Caroline: Yeah
Stefan: Ok
[Salvatore's House]
(Damon arrives right in the middle of the party. He takes a bottle from someone)
Damon: Thank you
(He senses that Rebekah's here)
Damon: Will you please just take a hint and leave me alone?
Rebekah: What are you hiding? I know you knew that vampire
Damon: I know a lot of d*ad people
Rebekah: You k*lled him to prevent me from finding Katherine to keep me from getting the cure
Damon: Do you really want the cure? I mean really? Look. Let me give you a little bit of advice. See these girls? They look happy now. In 5 years, they're gonna settle for a mediocre starter husband and a mind-numbing career, and about that time, they're gonna realize something you're never gonna have to learn
Rebekah: And what would that be?
Damon: Life sucks when you're ordinary. And what makes you exactly not like them? You're a vampire. You take that cure, become human, well, you're no one, nothing. Trust me. Losing this cure is the best damn thing that ever happened to you
[The woods]
Caroline: Elena! Don't make me fight you, Elena! I'm stronger than you, and I don't want to hurt you
Elena: Who's gonna get hurt?
(They start to fight)
Elena: Not bad. Not technically good, but then again, Alaric didn't train you. You were probably too busy butting into people's business!
(They resume their fighting)
Caroline: Oh, just stop! God. This isn't you, and you know it! You hurt my mom, Elena. How far are you gonna take this?
Elena: Are you trying to make me feel bad for hurting your mom? Don't you get it? I don't care. I mean, maybe you should try to turn it all off. Who knows? You might stop whining about how Tyler left you. An added bonus: You won't have to feel guilty about all the dirty thoughts you have about Klaus
Caroline: Shut up!
Elena: Make me
(They fight)
Elena: You fight like a girl
(They fight and Elena is stronger and is about to k*ll Caroline but Damon and Stefan intervene. Damon catches her)
Elena: Let go off me!
Damon: I admit, under any other circumstances, this would be a major turn-on. Get her out of here
[Salvatore's House]
(The house is empty. Caroline is in the living room, leaving a voicemail to Tyler)
Caroline: Hey, Tyler. It's me. You'll never believe the crazy day I've had. Look, I know that you said you wouldn't, but I really wish that you would answer. It would be great to talk to you
(She hangs up and Stefan enters)
Stefan: Are you alright?
Caroline: Besides the fact that my best friend tried to k*ll me?
Stefan: Look, it's not her. You have to remember that. With her emotions off, she's the worst version of herself
Caroline: So how do we get her back? Or what if we can't? Why would she choose to turn her emotions back on? She's an orphan. She just lost her brother. Her life sucks, Stefan. So why would she come back to us?
Stefan: Even when I was at my worst, Elena didn't give up on me. So we can't give up on her. Deal?
(Damon is looking through pictures. Elena is sitting on the bed)
Elena: How much longer am I supposed to sit here?
Damon: Well, I'm not big on goal-setting, but let's just imagine a time when you don't want to k*ll your best friend
Elena: Are you judging me? How many times have you tried to k*ll Stefan?
(He finds a picture)
Elena: What is that?
Damon: One of life's many mysteries. Elena, look...
Elena: Don't. Every time someone starts with "Elena," I get some stupid lecture. Everyone just needs to stop telling me that I need to feel. I do feel, Damon. I feel amazing
Damon: You don't want to be like this
Elena: Then how should I be? Should I go back to being the scared little girl who couldn't admit what she wants? Is that how you'd prefer me to go back to being, or... Look. For the longest time, you wanted to be with me, but you were scared that I'd find out how awful you are. But it doesn't matter anymore because I don't care. Be honest. You like me better like this
[Lockwood's Mansion]
(Caroline arrives but can't enter)
Caroline: Matt?
(He's inside)
Matt: Care
Caroline: Matt, why can't I get inside?
Matt: Come in
(She finally can enter)
Caroline: Matt, what's going on?
Matt: Tyler sent me this package in the mail. This is for you
(He gives her a letter from Tyler)
Tyler: Dear care, I miss you more than I can put into words, but I know as long as Klaus is alive, I can't come home. He won't stop trying to k*ll me, and you won't stop trying to protect me. Which means the only way to make sure you're safe is for me to go and never come back. I left Matt the deed to the house. It will protect you in ways I can't anymore. I will always love you
Caroline: He's not coming back
(She cries)
[Klaus' Mansion]
(Haley gets out of Klaus' bed)
Klaus: Running away, little wolf?
(He sees a mark on her back)
Haley: What?
Klaus: That mark. I've seen it before
Haley: Yeah. It's a birthmark. People have those
Klaus: In my considerable lifetime, I've only seen that mark on a handful of others, all from the same bloodline... A werewolf clan that once thrived throughout much of what we now call Louisiana
Haley: Don't lie to me... Not about this
Klaus: I wouldn't dare. Matters of family are sacred
Haley: Tell me
[Salvatore's House]
(Stefan is in his bedroom. His phone rings. He answers)
Stefan: Sheriff Forbes. Everything OK?
Liz: No, we have a bigger problem
[Damon's car]
(Damon is driving. His phone rings. He answer)
Damon: Hey
Stefan: Where the hell are you?
Damon: Out for a drive. I need some space. It's not me. It's you
Stefan: Well, we got a little problem. You said blood was stolen from grove hill's hospital. The sheriff said there's been report of 6 other blood bank thefts all within 30 Miles of Mystic Falls. Somebody's stockpiling blood It wasn't Elena, and it's not us
Damon: Ok so…
Stefan: I think Silas followed us back from that island. Hasn't fed in 2,000 years, so he would need to gorge on blood. It explains the thefts
Damon: You know, I'm really not in the mood to Scooby Doo our way through the case of the stolen blood supply, so why don't you hold the fort down until I get back, and I'll be in touch, brother
(He hangs up. Elena is next to him)
Elena: He's gonna hate you for that
Damon: Yeah, well, emotions are overrated
Elena: So where are we going?
Damon: A place every newbie vampire should go at least once in their life... New York. The city that never sleeps | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x16 - Bring it on"} | foreverdreaming |
New York, 1970
(A man and a woman are walking)
Woman: You were right
Man: Told you
Woman: That was really good
Man: Yeah? Glad you liked it
Woman: Yeah. Thanks for inviting me
Man: Do it again next weekend?
Woman: If you're lucky
(They stop and see a man lying on the ground)
Woman: Oh, God. Is he... do you think he's d*ad?
Man: I don't know. Stay there
(The man lying on the ground disappears. The man looks around, hears some noise and sees the body of the woman, d*ad, lying on the ground)
Man: Oh, my God!
(The man lying on the ground was Damon)
Man: You're that serial k*ller, aren't you? The son of Sam
Damon: Son of Giuseppe, but close enough
(He kills him and leaves)
[New York]
(Damon and Elena are walking in a crowded street)
Elena: You dragged me all the way to New York because you were feeling nostalgic?
Damon: No. I dragged you to New York because in a matter of 3 days you managed to piss off everyone in Mystic Falls. A little more difficult to do in a city of millions
Elena: I was hungry
Damon: You were reckless
Elena: Emotionless. There's a difference
Damon: Look. All that matters is that when I lived here I fed like crazy and had a blast and went undetected for years
Elena: So we're just here to have fun? What's the catch?
Damon: There's no catch. Look. You wanted out. I got you out. You wanted to feed, I brought you to a city-sized all-you-can-eat buffet. That's the beauty of New York. There's so much life that a little death goes unnoticed. Come on. Let's go get some lunch
(Damon is on the phone with Stefan)
Stefan: Wait. What do you mean you took her to New York?
Damon: And that tone is the reason I didn't pick up the phone the first 20 times you called
Stefan: Where is she now?
Damon: Out exploring. Maybe she's eating a hot dog... Vendor
Stefan: So I take it your search for Katherine is off
Damon: Relax, man. This little joy ride is actually a cure hunt. That vampire that Katherine sent after Hayley is a friend of mine. He lived in the city. Will gets vampires fake identities, and I'm sure that Katherine's one of his clients
Stefan: And Elena's ok with this little field trip? Just yesterday, she was living the vampire high life. She doesn't want the cure
Damon: That's why I didn't tell her
Stefan: Damon, if she finds out you're still looking for it, she'll bolt
Damon: I'm aware of that, Stefan. What I'm hoping is she's gonna be so wasted on booze and blood that she won't even think about it
Stefan: Don't underestimate her
Damon: If I can handle you when you flip your switch, I can handle her. Trust me
Stefan: Listen to me. She's ruthless without her humanity. The cure's the fastest way to get it back
Damon: Just be a good brother and keep Mystic Falls afloat for me and let me do my thing. You've got an immortal named Silas to deal with, remember?
[Salvatore’s House]
(Caroline is cleaning the house and drinks what is left in a cup. Klaus enters)
Klaus: Desperate times I take it
Caroline: What are you doing here?
Klaus: Not judging you for starters, although if you are determined to get drunk, then perhaps I might recommend something a little more sanitary
(She drinks again)
Klaus: Well, then. You showed me
Caroline: Shouldn't you be out chasing Tyler to the ends of the earth, or are there some hopes and dreams you want to crush around here?
Klaus: Depends. Do you happen to know where the young Brutus is?
Caroline: I know where he's not... with me. He gave Matt the deed to the house, so he's gone for good
Klaus: Tyler made it his life's mission to k*ll me. You can't hate me for driving him away
Caroline: No. I can, and I do. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to spiraling, so go away
(Stefan rejoins them)
Stefan: Actually, I asked him to be here. We need his help. I think Silas is in Mystic Falls
[Bonnie’s House]
(Bonnie is with Silas/Shane)
Silas/Shane: Ok, come on .Take a deep breath. And 5, 4...
Bonnie: I can't do this
Silas/Shane: Bonnie, relax, ok? Trust me
Bonnie: How can I trust you if you won't show me your real face? Don't you think it's a little creepy that you're appearing as my d*ad professor?
Silas/Shane: I told you that I'm Silas, I told you Shane died on the island. I'm trying to earn your trust. All right. Look. You invited me into your home, right? Why? Why'd you lie to your friends and tell them everything was fine? Why did you convince your dad that you needed Professor Shane's help to control your magic? What am I doing here?
Bonnie: You're in my head. You're making me see things and do things
Silas/Shane: Hey. Now. See? Look. I'm strong, but you're a witch, and I can't force you to do anything that you don't already want to do. You care about Jeremy, right?
Bonnie: Yeah
Silas/Shane: Yeah. You were with him, and you promised to protect him, but you failed, and now in order to bring him back...
Bonnie: I need to get rid of the other side
Silas/Shane: You are descended from Qetsiyah, one of the most powerful witches of all time. Only you can complete the triangle and cast the spell
Bonnie: Completing the triangle means k*lling 12 people
Silas/Shane: 12 people you can bring back. Bonnie, you can do this for Jeremy
[Salvatore’s House]
Klaus: So some blood went missing from a few hospitals. What about Elena? Don't vampires with their humanity off tend to overindulge in human blood, or were you the exception?
Stefan: It’s not Elena
Klaus: Well, let's say for a moment that it was Silas. I'm struggling to see how this affects me
Stefan: Look. Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he's supernatural, so if he takes the cure and dies, he gets stuck on the other side
Klaus: How Shakespearian
Stefan: But if he destroys the other side altogether, he can take the cure, die, and pass on, but in destroying it, every d*ad supernatural being will return to our side
Caroline: That means every werewolf, every witch, every vampire. I wonder how many of those you personally k*lled. Care yet?
Klaus: My interest is piqued. How do we stop him?
Stefan: Bonnie said Silas needs to complete 3 massacres to do this spell. Before Professor Shane died, he convinced the pastor to blow up the council. Next, he had you k*ll your hybrids, and now he only needs one more m*ssacre, so if he's here, that's what he's doing. We need to find him
[New York]
(Damon and Elena enter a bar)
Damon: Looks about right
Elena: I was promised hedonism
Damon: Well, it's early. Hedonism isn't a big fan of the sunlight
Elena: Or soap
Damon: Easy, Judgy. Not everybody got a hot new haircut today. Give it a couple of hours. This place will be crawling with more punked-out nihilists than you can eat in a decade, trust me
Elena: How do you know?
Damon: Because I spent most of the seventies here. The factory was too clean, CBGB's was too high-profile, but Billy's... Billy's was the underground of the underground
New York, 1977
[A club]
(A band is performing. Everybody dances. Damon goes to the bar and puts to ID’s on it)
Damon: There you go
Will: Two for one. Rock 'n' roll
Damon: That's the third 5'7" brunette I've gotten from you, Billy boy. Is that the same client?
Will: She's a runner. Some vampires need more identities than others
(Two men fight. Damon looks at them)
Will: Hey. Be discrete
Damon: I k*ll people and give you their I.D.S, you let me feed in your club. Discretion was never part of the deal
(He’s about to k*ll one of the guys but someone stops him)
Damon: Lexi?
Lexi: You're gonna feed on him right here? You're getting sloppy, Damon
[New York]
(A bar)
Elena: You got Lexied?
(Rebekah intervenes and presses Damon’s head against the table)
Rebekah: Following a lead without me? Poor form, Damon. I have to say I'm a little hurt, Damon. I thought we made a good team. Not without its fireworks, but what classic pairing isn't?
Elena: Wait. What the hell are you talking about?
Rebekah: Damon's following a lead to the cure. I'm following him. Notice your name never came up
Elena: You're doing what?
Damon: How does it feel to be wrong all the time? I brought Elena here to feed. I mean, Mystic Falls isn't exactly vamp Xanadu right now
Rebekah: Right. So you drove 7 hours to New York City?
Damon: Yes, and as I was explaining to Elena before we were so rudely interrupted, that my history in this city has a particular resonance to her current situation. When I had my humanity off
New York, 1977
[A club]
(Damon and Lexi are outside)
Lexi: That explains it. Your switch is flipped
Damon: I can't even hear my prey over your constant babbling
Lexi: You're not even covering your tracks. We heard about you back in Mystic Falls
Damon: So Stefan sent you. Hmm. I thought we were on the off part of our endless on-again, off-again, eternity-of-misery cycle
Lexi: Lucky for you he cared just enough to send me. So why'd you flip it? What traumatic event was too much for Damon Salvatore to handle?
Damon: "Leave it to beaver." The fifties bored me
Lexi: Well, it's the seventies now, and keeping it off is gonna get you caught and k*lled
Damon: And I'll chance it
Lexi: I won't. I promised Stefan...
Damon: Look, you and Stefan have a thing. He falls off the wagon, you pick him up. He's redeemed; you get your Florence nightingale jollies, ok?
Damon: But that's not me. I'm not him. I don't want or need you
Lexi: Too bad because you got me
[New York]
Rebekah: Wow. She sounds dreadful
Damon: She had a mother Teresa complex
Elena: So let me guess. After many dark nights with Lexi, she convinced you to turn your emotions back on, and that's exactly what you plan to do with me
Damon: You read the last page of a book first, too? I'm gonna get a drink, many drinks
(He goes to the bar)
Rebekah: So you really buy all this?
Elena: Not one bit. I know he's after the cure. I'm not stupid
Rebekah: Well, let's not say things we don't mean
Elena: Damon is like a dog with a bone. Stefan, too. They won't give up until they find the cure and then make me take it. So I guess I'm gonna have to find it first
Rebekah: You're playing him
Elena: No. He's playing me. I'm just returning the favor
[Shane’s office]
(Stefan, Caroline and Klaus enter)
Caroline: What are we even looking for?
Stefan: Well, if Shane really was working with Silas, chances are he was helping him plan his next move
Caroline: Where, on his evil villain to-do list... steal blood, perform 3 massacres, pick up dry cleaning?
Klaus: Actually not to nit-pick, but we evil villains usually use minions to pick up our dry cleaning, that sort of thing
Caroline: Why is he necessary again?
Stefan: Well, we don't know what Silas can do, so if we do have to go head to head with him, an original hybrid who can't die might come in handy
Klaus: Besides, Stefan and I work well together, or at least we did in the twenties
Stefan: Well, granted my emotions were off
Klaus: And that's why you were more fun just as Damon is probably relishing in Elena's emotionless company in New York
Stefan: My brother knows what he's doing
Klaus: Does he? Don't underestimate the allure of darkness, Stefan. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it. Still, I'm sure it will all be fine
Caroline: I think I found something. "Symbolic figures in the dark arts." Didn't Bonnie talk about expression triangles? Here
(Stefan reads)
Stefan: "In some schools of magic such as expression, human sacrifice can be used as a focus for power. It's rumored that the addition of two supernatural sacrifices compounds the mystical energy, creating an expression triangle."
Caroline: Humans... that was the council f*re. Demons... Klaus' hybrid failure
Klaus: Well, I wouldn't exactly call it a failure. What’s the third?
Caroline: Oh, no
[Bonnie’s House]
(Bonnie is still with Silas/Shane)
Bonnie: You want me to k*ll witches?
Silas/Shane: We've been over this. It's temporary. They'll come back
Bonnie: What if I'm not strong enough?
Silas/Shane: You are strong enough. Look. It won't be easy. Once they realize how strong you are, they'll channel each other one by one using spirit magic till they can strip you of expression. You have to endure them until all 12 are linked as one
(They hear the front door)
Silas/Shane: Listen. Your dad's here. We have to convince him
(Rudy enters)
Rudy: Hey. How was the session?
Silas/Shane: To be honest, not that great. The meditation isn't really working. Her magic's too strong
Rudy: You told me you could help her
Bonnie: Dad, it's... it's not his fault
Rudy: Not his fault? He's the one who taught you this magic, and now he can't control it
Silas/Shane: Listen. We have an idea
Rudy: I'm done listening to your ideas. I want you to get out of my house
Bonnie: Dad!
Silas/Shane: We just call on the spirits
Rudy: I want you out of my house! What the hell is happening to her?
Silas/Shane: This happened to my wife. Expression consumed her. She had no control
Bonnie: I need you to call mom. We need witches, a lot of them
[New York]
(The club is filled. A band is performing. Elena, Damon and Rebekah are at a table, drinking)
Elena: Is this allowed? What would Lexi say?
Damon: Lexi thought the only way I would turn my emotions back on was if I started enjoying my life again
Rebekah: Do not tell me she took you to Bon Jovi concerts, too
Damon: No. Wrong decade. Lexi was not allowed to feed with Stefan. I didn't have that problem, and neither do you
Elena: I'm hungry
Damon: Pick
(She picks a girl and compels her)
Elena: Don't scream
(She bites her and drinks her blood. Damon drinks with her and stops. He looks at Rebekah)
Damon: Your turn
(Rebekah rejoins them and drinks on the girl with Elena. Damon leaves them. Elena stops and watches Damon leave through a door for staff only)
(Damon enters an apartment)
Damon: Ugh. Packrat. Thanks Will
[The Woods]
(Bonnie rejoins a woman)
Bonnie: Is it just you?
Woman: This place wasn't easy to find
Bonnie: Figured you wouldn't want to draw attention
Woman: It will work. I'm Aja
Bonnie: You friends with my mom?
Aja: I was. After she became a vampire, we didn't have a whole lot in common
Bonnie: So she's not coming
Aja: This is witch business. Look. I know you're scared, but I've dealt with expression before. I know the hold it can have on you
Bonnie: It's not that. I'm just... I'm strong. You won't be able to do this alone
Aja: Oh, honey, who said anything about being alone? There's almost nothing as strong as a full coven, so I brought 11 of my closest friends. Won't be fun, but we're gonna cleanse you. You ready? Let's do this
[New York]
(The band is still performing. Rebekah and Elena stop feeding. Elena compels the girl)
Elena: Leave
(The girl leaves)
Rebekah: Looks like Damon gave us the slip
Elena: Good. Hopefully he'll find whatever he's looking for, and then I can take it
Rebekah: And what if you can't? I mean, he is stronger than you. You know, I could help you. You want the cure off the table, I want to take it. We could work together
Elena: Work together? Don't you hate me?
Rebekah: I hated the moral, self-righteous version of you, but this one's not so bad. Maybe it's your new haircut
Elena: Do you remember what it's like to be human... weak, fragile? Why would you want to go back to that?
Rebekah: Because someday, I want a family' of my own
Elena: And that's exactly why I don't want your help. The best part of having no emotions is that I can think rationally. I'll do whatever it takes to get this done. You're the opposite, a pile of neuroses and insecurities, hopes and dreams. You're basically one big emotional variable that I just don't really need
Rebekah: You just made me miss the old Elena
[Shane’s office]
Caroline: There's been two massacres. Pastor Young's farm is here, and the old Lockwood cellar, where you spitefully slaughtered 12 of your own hybrids, is here. According to the book, the expression triangle is equilateral, putting it here
Klaus: Somebody's been skipping their geometry classes. There are actually two places where the third m*ssacre could be
Caroline: Well, you didn't let me finish
(Stefan enters)
Caroline: Hey. What's going on? Did you find Bonnie?
Stefan: No, but I talked to her dad. I think I found Silas
[The woods]
(Bonnie is lying on the ground. Aja is holding her head)
Aja: Call out to the sprits, Bonnie. Let them in. Phesmatos tribum... aah!
Bonnie: I can't. It's hurting. It hurts! Ohh!
Aja: It's because you've rejected the spirits. The expression's consumed you. Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras...
Bonnie: I changed my mind
Aja: Purgal animum sous...
Bonnie: I don't want to do this anymore!
Aja: Obscarus!
Bonnie: Let me go!
Aja: She's fighting. I need help. Link with me. Lend me your power
All: Phesmatos repallus tantian...
(Bonnie screams)
All: Maltuscanum anium par vas
Aja: We need more strength!
All: Phesmatos repallus tantian maltuscanum anium par vas
[New York]
(Damon is in Will’s apartment and on the phone with Stefan)
Damon: So Silas is appearing as Professor Shane. Wouldn't be my first choice
Stefan: Well, it would be if you needed to brainwash Bonnie into committing a m*ssacre
Damon: You need me to come home?
Stefan: No we got it. How's the cure search going?
Damon: Well... Not great. I mean, it's no m*ssacre in the making, but Rebekah trailed us here. Then in addition to my buddy being a brilliant identity thief, he's also a hoarder
Stefan: What are you trying to find?
Damon: Will had a repeat customer, 5'7" brunette. Said she was a runner
Stefan: Katherine
Damon: Turns out I was helping her run from me. Ironic. Problem is I'm pretty sure that his filing system goes by birthdate, but I can't for the life of me remember Katherine's
Stefan: June 5, 1473
Damon: And that, brother, is why you are the better boyfriend
(He finds the file)
Damon: Well, will you look at that? It's all her former addresses, including a couple from the last two months. I mean, they're mostly P.O. boxes, but, hey, it narrows the search
Stefan: Well, you're welcome. So you headed back now?
Damon: No. Tomorrow morning. Got to keep up the ruse for the terrible twosome outside, pretend like I'm having a good time
Stefan: And you're not?
Damon: I'll tell you tomorrow
(He hangs up and Elena enters)
Damon: Sorry. I needed some quiet. Couldn't hear Stefan over the runaways 2.0
Elena: Let me guess. He's worried
Damon: Jealous mainly. He's having acid flashbacks of me and Lexi in the seventies in New York. I'll tell you about it over a drink. Come on
New York, 1977
[A club]
Damon (voice over): Lexi stuck with me for months, partying with me, showing me a good time, but late every night, she'd t*rture me in the worst way possible
Lexi: Tell me about her
Damon: No
Lexi: What did she look like, what did she sound like? Tell me everything you remember about her
Damon: Every night
Will: And that's my cue. You have a nice fight. Try not to break anything
(He leaves them)
Damon: Every night. Every night, we get wasted, and the second I bottom out, you have to bring up Katherine
Lexi: Because you loved her, and love is the most powerful emotion. If I can just get you to remember how you felt about her...
Damon: I don't want to remember. I mean, why do you care so much?
Lexi: Do you remember how we first met? It was 1864. Stefan had just k*lled you father, made you turn into a vampire, and he was k*lling his way through Mystic Falls. You hated him. Rightfully so, but before you left, you asked me to help him because no matter what happened, he was still your brother, and you cared about him. Now you need help, and he cares about you. We both do. Let me help you. Tell me about Katherine
Damon: Talking about Katherine's not gonna help me
Lexi: Why not?
Damon: Because she's not the person I care about
Liz: It flipped. The switch. Why didn't you tell me?
Damon: Because I barely felt it at first, but every night, it's gotten stronger. It worked. You worked
[New York]
(Damon and Elena are back at the bar)
Elena: You and Lexi? Here on the bar?
Damon: On the bar, on the stage, on the roof. It was a very long night
Elena: Yeeh
Damon: Where you going?
Elena: To the roof. I want to hear the rest of the story
Damon: Ok
[The woods]
(Klaus and Caroline are looking for the spot of the m*ssacre)
Caroline: I just want to see where we are
Klaus: You know, when we split up, you did have the option of going with Stefan
Caroline: Yeah? And leave Bonnie's life your hands? Fat chance. Do you even know how to read a map?
Klaus: Yes, and do you know who taught me? My friend Magellan
Caroline: Wow! You had a friend. Was he drawn to your darkness, too?
Klaus: Actually, I was referring to Damon and Elena when I said that, but clearly it struck a chord with you
Caroline: It's because it's not true! There is no allure to darkness
Klaus: Really? So you've never felt the attraction that comes when someone who's capable of doing terrible things for some reason cares only about you?
Caroline: I did once when I thought he was worth it, but it turns out some people can't be fixed. People who do terrible things are just terrible people
Klaus: We're here, although judging by the lack of witches, here is not the correct location
(Bonnie is still with the witches and she’s still hurting)
Aja: Yield to the spirits, Bonnie! You can't fight us!
(Stefan arrives)
Stefan: Stop it. It's not what you think
Aja: This is no place for a vampire
Stefan: She's working for Silas
Aja: Silas?
Stefan: He brainwashed her to k*ll you. Wait. What are you doing?
Aja: If Silas has her, she's lost. We can't save her
(He tries to stop her)
Aja: I have the power of 12 witches. You don't stand a chance!
(She uses her powers on him and he steps back in the trees. He’s rejoined by Klaus and Caroline)
Stefan: They're linked. Bonnie's gonna k*ll them
Klaus: Not if the witches k*ll her first
Caroline: Ugh! Klaus, we need to save her
Klaus: How? The only way to stop the witches is to k*ll them, and then Silas gets what he wants
Aja: Spirits, take her soul. Free her from darkness
(She’s about to k*ll Bonnie but Caroline intervenes and kills her. All the witches die along with her)
Caroline: Bonnie! Bonnie!
Bonnie: The triangle is complete
[New York]
(Damon and Elena are on the rooftop)
Elena: It's beautiful up here. I could do this, you know? The Lexi method. Hang with you, party with you. It wouldn't be the worst way to turn my emotions back on
Damon: I thought you hated emotions
Elena: I do. Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to... Spend more time with you. I've never done it on a rooftop before
Damon: You're not missing much
Elena: You don't have to take the high road, Damon. I'm not sired to you anymore. I want this. You want this.
(She tries to take the paper from his back pocket discretely)
Elena: What?
Damon: You really think that was gonna work, the sex, the temptation, the booze? What, are you kidding me? I invented that trick
New York, 1977
[A rooftop]
(Damon and Lexi are lying on a mattress. She’s b*rned by the sun and rushes to the door but can’t open it)
Damon: Good luck! Spent all night reinforcing it. It was tough. Had to be really quiet not to wake you up
Lexi: What is this?
Damon: Payment
Lexi: For what?
Damon: Oh, for the last 6 months of my life, for the nagging for the self-righteous platitudes. I'm paying you back for 6 months of you
Lexi: Your humanity isn't back on, is it?
Damon: Never was
Lexi: So this was all just...
Damon: A joke! It was a big, fat lie. Best part of it is, you believed it. You thought I was a like Stefan, a wounded little bird that you could nurse back to health, but he's a victim. I choose to be this way. Enjoy the day. I hear it's gonna be a scorcher
(He leaves her)
[A rooftop]
Elena: So you pretended to have feelings for her just to get her off your back?
Damon: I was willing to do whatever it took. Sound familiar?
Elena: Aw. I hurt your feelings
Damon: Not my feelings. I'm looking out for you because one day, you will flip that switch back on, and all the bad stuff that you did is gonna come rushing back, and it is going to suck
Elena: So you're saying that you felt bad for Lexi?
Damon: She became a walking, talking reminder of all the awful things I'd done. I managed to avoid her for decades, and then she just shows up in Mystic Falls to wish my baby bro Happy Birthday, and boom... rush of memories, rush of guilt
Elena: So you k*ll her?
Damon: Out of sight, out of mind. Every day that you're like this is the day that you might do the one thing that you can't take back
Elena: Here's what I don't get. You spent 6 months trying to get her to fall in love with you just so that you could hurt her. You were spiteful, malicious, borderline evil, and you say that you had your emotions turned off, but those all sound like emotions to me
Damon: Maybe they were. Maybe hatred was the first one I got back. All the more reason to cure you. That way, we get the normal Elena back without all the ugly stages in between
Elena: I'm not taking the cure, Damon
Damon: Yes, you are, even if I have to break your neck or tie you up in chains until we find it
(Rebekah intervenes and breaks his neck)
Rebekah: What was that you said about handling things yourself?
[Bonnie’s House]
(Bonnie wakes up in her bed. Stefan’s here)
Stefan: How you feeling?
Bonnie: What are you doing here? How'd I get here?
Stefan: What do you mean? I... I brought you home. The witches almost k*lled you
Bonnie: What witches?
Stefan: You don't remember? Whatever the witches did must have messed with your memory
Bonnie: How did I get off the island?
Stefan: Wait. Bonnie... What's the last thing you can remember?
Bonnie: I guess I remember being in that cave, and Jeremy was trying to pry the cure out of Silas' hands. Please tell me he got it. We didn't get it, did we?
Stefan: Bonnie, there's something you need to know about Jeremy
[The Woods]
(Klaus is digging)
Klaus: There. 12 graves for 12 witches. Like it never happened. Only it did happen, and now Silas has everything he needs to open the gates to hell on earth
Caroline: You were just gonna let Bonnie die
Klaus: I know arithmetic isn’t your strong point, but one is still less than 12
Caroline: Yeah, but that one is my best friend
Klaus: You tell yourself whatever you need to so you can sleep at night
Caroline: I just k*lled 12 people
Klaus: Hey. Hey. You look like you're in need of comfort. Why don't you find someone less terrible you can relate to?
(She leaves. He feels something and turns himself. Silas/Shane is here)
Silas/Shane: Thank you. Of the 3 massacres, this is the one I was dreading
Klaus: Silas I presume
[New York]
(Damon wakes up. His phone rings)
Elena: Morning, Damon
Damon: Where are you?
Elena: The better question would be where are we going?
Rebekah: Sorry, Damon. I think I broke your radio
Damon: You're in my car?!
Elena: Heh. We weren't gonna take the bus. I wish this could have gone differently. I really do, but we'll give Katherine your best
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan is on the phone with Damon)
Stefan: Damon, what did you do?
Damon: Let's just say it involves a 5'7" brunette and her blond accomplice
Stefan: Please don't tell me this is going where I think it is
Damon: Wrong fantasy, brother, unless you're into betrayal and snapped necks. The lead I had on Katherine Elena stole. If you're searching for the words to tell me how badly I screwed up, save your breath
Stefan: I didn't stop the m*ssacre
Damon: Guess Silas has everything he needs
Stefan: Everything but the cure
[The woods]
Klaus: I'm sorry, mate. I don’t have it
Silas/Shane: But you know who does, and the last thing that you want is for that cure to be used on you, so you bring it to me, and it won't be. You get to live
Klaus: Heh. Yeah. With all of my d*ad supernatural enemies from the other side. You know, you don't scare me, Silas, or, Shane, or, whoever you are
Silas/Shane: I think I know what does
(He shows him the white oak stake)
Klaus: Now where did you get that?
Silas/Shane: Well, let's just say your sister's mind is a little easier to read than yours. So… Care to reconsider my offer?
(He drives the stake through Klaus’ back)
Silas/Shane: I missed by an inch, but don't worry. I'm not trying to k*ll you, not just yet. Just a little something to remember me by. I'll be in touch
Ecrit par popo34000 | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x17 - Because of the Night"} | foreverdreaming |
[Willoughby. Pennsylvania.]
(Elena parks the car and goes out. Rebekah follows her)
Rebekah: Why are we stopping?
Elena: We've searched 3 cities in the last 24 hours. I'm sick of top 40 radios, and I smell like leather
Rebekah: And that's my fault? You are the one who stole the list of Katherine's possible whereabouts. Did you ever think that Damon had bad information?
Elena: Have I mentioned I can't stand the sound of your voice?
Rebekah: Too bad. We're not done. Get in. Next town
Elena: In a minute. I'm hungry
Rebekah: We're not here for a pub crawl, Elena. I want the cure. Katherine has it. We don't stop until we find her
Elena: I said, in a minute
(She sees a woman and gets closer)
Woman: Oh, my god. You startled me
Elena: Did I?
(She’s about to bite her)
Woman: Katherine, what are you doing?
(They are surprised)
Elena: You know me?
Woman: Of course. Um, I know most people around here prefer you to feed from the neck, but I asked you to drink from my wrist. Remember?
Rebekah: Conniving little bitch compelled the whole town
Elena: I think we just found Katherine. What's my full name?
Woman: Katherine Pierce. I love the new 'do, by the way
Rebekah: So how do you know Katherine?
Woman: How do I know who?
Elena: Me. How do you know me?
Woman: Small town. Everybody knows everybody
Rebekah: So everyone here knows Katherine
Woman: I'm sorry. I don't know who you're talking about
Rebekah: She compelled people to forget all about her unless she was talking to them herself. Clever girl
Elena: How long have we known each other?
Woman: Uh, it's been a while. I can't remember
Elena: Where do I live? Where do I work?
Woman: I don’t know
Elena: Who do I spend time with? Do I have any friends?
Woman: Well, you said we could all be friends with you as long as we kept your secret
Elena: What secret?
Woman: I… I don't know
[Middle of Nowhere]
(Stefan and Damon have fond the car. Damon takes gasoline jerry cans from Stefan’s car to full his car’s t*nk)
Damon: If they so much as even scratched the paint on my car…
Stefan: Why don't you just be grateful sheriff Forbes was able to track down the car after you let them, uh... You know, steal it from you
Damon: Remind me to send her some mini-muffins. Do we really need 10 gallons of gas or are you making me just lug this around as punishment?
Stefan: Well, they ditched your car after it ran out of fuel. We got to fill it up. We got a hundred miles before we get to Willoughby
Damon: Yeah, well, I don't remember that name from the list of places that I got in New York
Stefan: Oh, the list. You mean the list they stole from right under your nose after you let your guard down? They'll be there. Sheriff Forbes tracked down the car they stole after yours
Damon: Screw the muffins. I'll get her champagne if Elena is wherever it may be
Stefan: Willoughby, cream corn capital of Pennsylvania. They'll be there. Let's just hope we get to them before they get to the cure
Damon: Ooh, silver lining. If Rebekah takes the cure, then she's mortal. And then we can just k*ll her right then and there
Stefan: Ooh, dark cloud. Elena stays a vampire forever. Look, why don't you just table the revenge fantasies for now and just keep your eye on the prize? Find Katherine, get the cure, get out before you get your neck snapped. Again
Damon: Believe me, I learned my lesson. Elena without humanity is a stone cold bitch. And I won't trust her until we get the old Elena back
Stefan: Look at that. We're finally on the same page about something
Damon: Look at that
[Klaus’ Mansion]
(Klaus is alone, shirtless and in pain. He has deeply scratched and damaged his back by trying to remove the piece of stake that’s inside. He dislocates his shoulder and screams. Caroline enters)
Caroline: Klaus? We need to talk. What happened to you?
Klaus: Silas. He att*cked me. He s*ab me with the white oak stake. A piece of it is still inside me
Caroline: My God, Klaus, that could k*ll you
Klaus: I certainly feel like I'm dying
(She gets closer and touches his face)
Caroline: And as much as I would love to watch you die, you still haven't found me that cure
(Her attitude changes and he understands that it’s not her)
Klaus: Silas!
Caroline: That's right. Last night I looked like Shane. Today I look like Caroline. And tomorrow, who knows?
Klaus: Show me your real face
Caroline: Now, why would I do that when I can look like whomever I want you to see? Resist me all you want, Klaus, but until you bring me the cure, I will bring you nothing but misery
(“She” disappears)
[Willoughby. Pennsylvania]
(Elena and Rebekah go to the post office and see a man in front if it)
Elena: Hey, excuse me. Um... Did I get any mail today?
Man: What happened to your hair?
Elena: I cut it
Man: In the last two minutes?
Elena: I was here two minutes ago?
Man: Are you feeling ok, Ms. Pierce?
Elena: Yeah. I'm…I'm fine. Um, thanks
(He leaves)
Elena: She was here two minutes ago. That means that she can't be that far. How about you check inside? I'll look in the parking lot
Rebekah: Ok
(They part. Elena thinks she just saw Katherine in a car and gets closer, while hiding, but it’s not her. Katherine then grabs her and strangles her)
Katherine: I'm impressed. I never thought you would find me here. Oh, well. It's a beautiful place to die
(She’s about to k*ll her but Rebekah intervenes and pushes her on the ground)
Rebekah: I couldn't agree more. You've chosen a beautiful place to die
(Rebekah, Elena and Katherine are in a dinner, sitting at a table)
Elena: Where's the cure?
Katherine: What, no "I'm here to avenge my annoying little brother" speech?
Elena: People die. We move on
Katherine: After turning off our humanity switch. So sad for the boys, though. Their special snowflake of human frailty... Gone. Well, if we're gonna be a while, I'm gonna go grab some menus
(Rebekah sticks a fork in her hand)
Rebekah: You're not going anywhere
Katherine: I forgot how charming you were
Rebekah: I'm surprised you remember me at all, seeing as though you were so busy wedging yourself between my brothers
(The waitress arrives and sees Katherine and Elena)
Waitress: Oh, my god. What happened?
(Elena kicks Katherine under the table. Katherine compels the waitress)
Katherine: I'm fine, Jolene. You didn't see anything
(The waitress leaves)
Elena: Every minute you two waste with your yapping is another minute we give Stefan and Damon to find us
(Rebekah grabs Katherine’s face and tries to compel her)
Rebekah: Where's the cure?
Katherine: I'm sorry. I'm on vervain
Rebekah: Oh, I get to t*rture it out of you. Fun
Katherine: Why do you two want it anyway?
Rebekah: The question is, why do you want it? Let me guess. To k*ll Niklaus
Katherine: I've spent the last 500 years running from your big brother. I have no intention of being within sniffing distance of him. But since it can be used against him, I'm sure he's just itching to get his hands on it. I give him the cure, he gives me my freedom
Elena: Ohh, you poor victim. Where's the part of your plan where you screw us over and somebody dies?
Katherine: I have no reason to screw you over. I know you don't believe me, but it is the truth. People change. I'm not the girl you think I am
(Rebekah smiles and jumps on her. She searches her pocket and finds a phone and throws it at Elena)
Katherine: I don't have it on me
Rebekah: I didn't think you did, but I'm sure there's something in that that can help us find it
(Elena looks into the phone)
Elena: Who's Em?
Katherine: A friend
Elena: It says here you're meeting at 2:00. I guess I'll just have to meet Em myself
(Rebekah smiles)
[Klaus’s Mansion]
(Klaus is still in pain. Caroline enters the mansion)
Caroline: I got your 50 bajillion messages. This better be life and death
Klaus: Go away
Caroline: Klaus? Where are you?
(She enters and sees him)
Caroline: What happened to you?
Klaus: I need more time. Stop hounding me!
Caroline: I'm hounding you?! I am supposed to be running 3 different prom committees right now and you keep phone stalking me
Klaus: Caroline. Is it really you? Prove it to me
Caroline: Ok. I don't know if this is some new way of flirting, but it sucks. And I have more important things to do
(She’s about to go)
Klaus: Wait, please. Silas. He s*ab me with the white oak stake. There's a little piece of it stuck inside me
Caroline: Why would Silas att*ck you?
Klaus: Well, I was in no position to ask questions. Suffice it to say, I'm hurt. So you can understand why I called you
Caroline: You ran Tyler out of town, you k*lled his mother, and you think I'm the person to call for help?
Klaus: If I die, you, Tyler, all of your friends die with me
Caroline: What do you want me to do?
Klaus: Well, it's quite simple, really. I need you to cut the stake out of me
(She follows his gaze and sees a pliers on the ground)
[Willoughby. Pennsylvania]
(Stefan and Damon have found Elena’s and Rebekah’ car)
Damon: Something's not right. Katherine Pierce does not hole up in hicks town, p-a
Stefan: Well, this is definitely the car they stole. We're in the right place
Damon: Points to them for their choice in vehicles
Stefan: So let me ask you something. What happens when we find Elena? How do we get her back to Mystic Falls? I mean, she's not exactly gonna go quietly. And she has an original vampire as her bodyguard
Damon: We do whatever we have to do. I don't care if we have to throw Rebekah under a school bus and wrap Elena in a burlap sack. We do whatever we have to do
Stefan: I’m serious
Damon: I am, too. I don't care what Elena wants right now. She's this close to going off the rails for good. And that ain't happening. She's a pain enough as it is
Stefan: So what happened to the guy who thought Elena should embrace being a vampire, let the chips fall where they may?
Damon: That guy got his neck snapped in New York. And this guy is royally pissed off
(Elena comes out of the restrooms and rejoins Katherine and Rebekah. She’s changed her hair)
Elena: What do you think?
Rebekah: It's close. Not quite slutty enough. I think you need more eyeliner
Elena: I'm gonna need your clothes
Katherine: Yeah. That's gonna happen…
Elena: Fine. Your bracelet, watch, earrings. Hand them over
(She removes the fork. Katherine hands her jewelry to Elena)
Elena: And your other bracelet
Katherine: That's my daylight bracelet. It's daytime outside. I'm gonna need it. Besides, it's not gonna work on you
Elena: Fine. I really am gonna need that jacket, though
(Katherine is not convinced. Elena looks at Rebekah. She grabs Katherine by the hair)
Katherine: All right. Fine, fine, fine
(They exchange jackets)
Katherine: This will never work, you know? The bad haircut, the doe eyes… You'll never pass for me
(Elena mimics her)
Elena: You'll never pass for me
Rebekah: Throatier and more mannish
Elena: You'll never pass for me
Katherine: You two are pathetic
(Elena mimics her again)
Elena: You two are pathetic
Rebekah: Oh, perfect. Just the right level of contempt and hidden insecurity
Elena: Almost there. Something's missing
(She’s thinking and she finally looks at Katherine’s shoes)
Elena: Your shoes. I want your shoes
(Elena is alone, waiting for em. She’s wearing Katherine’s shoes and jacket)
Elena: Come on, Em
(Rebekah is alone with Katherine in the dinner)
Rebekah: Mm. You know, it's funny. I've always been a little envious of the legend that is Katherine Pierce, the way you could wrap a man around your little finger, the way Elijah betrayed Klaus for you, the way the Salvatore brothers stumbled head over heels for you. And yet here we are all these years later in a town that you've had to compel into liking you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh. It's really more sad than funny
Katherine: You know you can't split the cure with Elena, right?
Rebekah: She doesn't want to
Katherine: Oh, no? But you do. You want to take it. Are you really that dumb or just naturally blonde?
Rebekah: I want a normal life again
Katherine: You mean you want a do-over. Well, guess what. You can't have it. The cure will only take away your immortality. Everything else you hate about yourself, you'll still wake up with that in the morning. And you won't even be able to compel yourself a friend
(She tries to eat a piece of Rebekah’s cake but Rebekah catches her arm and twists it. Stefan and Damon sit down next to them)
Stefan: Ladies, playing nice?
Katherine: There goes the neighborhood
Damon: I see you got Katherine already. You're losing your touch, evil one
Stefan: Where's Elena?
(Elena is still waiting)
Elijah: Katerina
Elena: Elijah. You're a little late, aren't you?
Elijah: You colored your hair. I like it
Elena: Thank you. I was actually gonna…
(He kisses her)
Elijah: I missed you
Elena: And I've missed you
Elijah: This is an interesting little town you've chosen to settle down in. So do you have it with you?
Elena: Do I have what?
Elijah: The cure
Elena: It's in a safe place. Why don't I go and get it and then I'll bring it back?
(She’s about to go but he catches her arm)
Elijah: Where's Katherine, Elena?
(Katherine is smiling. The Salvatore’s are still here)
Rebekah: So let me get this straight, I tell you where Elena is, you shove the cure down her throat, and then I end up in a box, right? I don't think so
Damon: What about you over there, smiley? Do you know where she is?
Katherine: I can give you a hint. Start by looking at the town morgue. She's probably d*ad. She went to meet up with a friend of mine. You may know him… An original brother. Impeccable taste
Rebekah: Elijah?
Damon: Elijah's here?
Stefan: Well, you sort of have to question Elijah's impeccable taste if he's friends with you
Katherine: Oh, when I say friend, I mean "Friend"
(They understand what she means and they’re all disgusted)
Katherine: It probably took him about 10 seconds to realize that she wasn't me, at which point he probably yanked her heart right out of her chest
Stefan: All right. Where are they?
(She doesn’t answer and smiles. He looks at Rebekah)
Stefan: Rebekah, you do realize if something should happen to Elena, you have no chance of finding the cure, right?
Rebekah: Fine. They were supposed to meet at the gazebo by the park
Stefan: I'll go talk to Elijah
Rebekah: You deal with Elijah. Katherine will take us to the cure
Katherine: No, she won't. The cure's my one chance to win my freedom back from Klaus
Damon: You're gonna broker a deal with Klaus?
Stefan: No. She's gonna get Elijah to broker a deal for her. That's why you need your little friend, isn't it? Some things never change, Katherine
Damon: Nope
Katherine: Fine. Move. You have to follow me
[Klaus’s Mansion]
(Caroline is looking inside Klaus’s wound with the pliers)
Caroline: Oh, my god. You do have a heart. Oh, my bad. It's just a bloody rib
Klaus: Well, I'm glad you're finding my misery so amusing
Caroline: I swear there's nothing in here. And if you think I'm having fun, you're insane
Klaus: You k*lled 12 witches for your friend Bonnie. You can't even get your hands a little dirty for me. Here I thought we were becoming friends
Caroline: Well, you thought wrong
(She hurts him while looking into the wound. He screams)
Caroline: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
(She stops)
Caroline: You know what? I'm not sorry. You deserve to suffer for everything that you've done. So today, we're gonna do things my way. You want my help? You let Tyler come back to town, and give me your word that you will not hurt him
[Willoughby. Pennsylvania]
(Stefan goes to the park but Elena and Elijah are nowhere to be seen. He takes his phone and calls someone)
Elijah: Katerina?
Stefan: Hello. Elijah?
Elijah: Where is Katherine?
Stefan: Where's Elena?
Elijah: Safe. How long she remains so depends upon you
Stefan: Well, I guess the same goes for Katherine
Elijah: Katherine can take care of herself against the two of you
Stefan: Oh. You mean the three of us 'cause your little sister decided to join team good guys for the time being
Elijah: Put her on the phone
Stefan: Oh, she's not here right now. I left her with Damon and Katherine
Elijah: Tell me where they are
Stefan: Relax. No one's gonna get hurt as long as Katherine hands over the cure
Elijah: Do you understand how much my sister despises Katherine? I assure you, Rebekah will end her the moment she ceases to be of use
Stefan: Well, just tell me where you are, and we can talk this through
Elijah: You listen to me very carefully, Stefan. If anything whatsoever happens to Katherine, I will descend upon Elena
(He hangs up)
(Elena is with Elijah in a remote place)
Elena: You're both idiots
Elijah: Excuse me?
Elena: Ugh. What happened to you, Elijah? I mean, I thought you were supposed to be a man of honor. And yet you've been hooking up with Katherine this entire time?
Elijah: Well, I suppose this man of honor always shared a connection with Katherine. She contacted me when she learned about the cure. We thought we could be of mutual use to one another
Elena: "Of mutual use"? Please. You fell for her trap just like every other one of those idiots
Elijah: You underestimate me, Elena. I know who she is. I know what she's done
Elena: And you think she's changed? She's playing you. She lied to you, Elijah
Elijah: She didn't lie to me about your transformation. You're not just a vampire, though, are you? There's something else. You...you're not yourself. You've abandoned your emotions. Why?
Elena: My brother's d*ad. Your girlfriend k*lled him
(He seems surprised)
Elena: You didn't know? Of course you didn't
Elijah: She lied
Elena: I hate to say I told you so, but... Duh!
(Rebekah, Damon and Katherine enter her house)
Damon: No sudden moves. No tricks either. No katherine-ing. A quilt and a fish aquarium. Who the hell are you?
Rebekah: A very old lady with dreadful taste
(Katherine opens a safe and looks inside)
Katherine: It's gone. The cure, it was in the safe, but it's not there
Damon: Not falling for it. Where is it, Katherine?
Katherine: I swear it was in the safe
Damon: What just like Elijah's really your boyfriend and this is really your life? And for all we know, this isn't even your house. It doesn't look like the Katherine I know
Katherine: Maybe you don't know Katherine at all. Did it even occur to you that you have no idea who I really am?
Damon: Did it even occur to you that you're not that deep? This whole small-town girl thing, we know it's an act
Rebekah: Where is the cure?
(Katherine doesn’t answer and smiles. Rebekah rushes towards her but Damon stops her)
Damon: Whoa, whoa. Hang on. We need her alive. The cure's not here. You check upstairs. I'll check down. I got this
(Rebekah leaves the room)
Damon: So if I was a paranoid, distrustful sociopath, where would I keep my most prized possession?
Katherine: This should be fun
Damon: Because I'd want it to be close, but not on me. Accessible but not obvious. I'd want to keep it safe, but not so safe that it'd be too difficult to grab and run
(He looks at the aquarium)
Damon: Well, that is a fancy little treasure chest in a t*nk with no fish. I think I'm gonna have to check that out
(He swoops his arm inside but it’s full of vervain)
Damon: Vervain water. Looks like we have a winner
(He removes his arm and takes a landing net but Katherine jumps on him, puts his head in the aquarium and throws him on the floor. His face burns and he screams. She takes the cure inside and is about to leave but Rebekah stops her)
Rebekah: Give it to me or you're d*ad
Katherine: You're gonna k*ll me anyway. So what's more important to you, huh? k*lling me or getting the cure?
(She throws the cure in the air and leaves. Rebekah catches it and looks at it in wonder)
Damon: Look, Rebekah... Don't even think about it. Let's just talk about this, like the two rational vampires that we are. Rebekah?
Rebekah: Oh, give it a rest. Me taking this cure is the best thing that'll ever happen to you
Damon: Don't do anything stupid
Rebekah: Admit it. You don't want human Elena running back to Stefan whilst you're left out in the cold again. Go on, Damon. Tell me why you want Elena to have the cure
(He doesn’t answer and she smiles. She opens it and Stefan enters. She drinks it)
Stefan: No!
(She collapses on the couch)
[Klaus’s mansion]
(Klaus is in pain. Caroline just stands, looking at him)
Klaus: I can feel the splinters moving towards my heart. Help me!
Caroline: Your word first
Klaus: And what makes you think I won't simply break my word?
Caroline: You want to be friends? Friendship—stage one. Show me that I can trust you
Klaus: I saved your life... twice
Caroline: Because you put it in danger... twice. Why can't you just do something decent for once?
Klaus: Because Tyler Lockwood tried to k*ll me
Caroline: We've all tried to k*ll you. And you've tried to k*ll most of us. How do you think that you deserve my friendship when you've done nothing to earn it?
Klaus: I will not have my hand forced by you or anyone else!
Caroline: What is wrong with you? I'm reaching out to you despite everything that you have done, and you still can't get out of your own way. God! I feel sorry for you
(She’s about to leave)
Klaus: Don't turn your back on me!
Caroline: I should have turned my back on you ages ago!
Klaus: It's gone
Caroline: What?
Klaus: The pain. The pain is gone. It was… it was never there. He got in my head. Silas... got inside my head. You took my mind off it. You brought me back, Caroline
Caroline: If Silas can make you, of all people, believe that you're dying... What can he do to the rest of us?
[Willoughby. Pennsylvania]
(Rebekah is still unconscious and Stefan is next to her. Damon is healed.)
Stefan: Did you even try to stop her?
Damon: You forgot the part where I was bobbing for boxes in vervain water
Stefan: All you had to do was stall her, Damon
Damon: Sorry. It's Rebekah. I didn't have a pony to distract her, Stefan
Stefan: You let her take it, didn't you? You were never on my side. Now Elena will be a vampire for the rest of her life just like you wanted
(Rebekah wakes up)
(Elena is still with Elijah)
Elijah: I know what it feels like to lose a brother. I'm sorry for your pain. I... I only hope that you can find your way back to yourself someday
Elena: Just like you hope Katherine will find her way back? You still think that innocent girl you saved from Klaus ages ago is in there somewhere
Elijah: I'd like to think so, yes
Elena: She's not. She's a monster now, Elijah. The sweet peasant girl you fell in love with way back when is d*ad and she's not coming back
Elijah: I'm not a fool, Elena. Of course this has occurred to me, but what kind of man would I be if I didn't try to find my Katerina beneath this Katherine facade?
Elena: You boys are all the same. Damon and Stefan still think that the girl they love is still in here somewhere, too
Elijah: You can't blame them for having hope, Elena. It'd be a shame if the world lost a soul as compassionate as yours
Elena: "Your compassion is a gift, Elena. Carry it with you always and forever." I remember reading that in a letter once
Elijah: Well, the writer sounds positively gifted. I'm sure he meant what he wrote
Elena: I'm sure he did. And it felt good to watch that letter burn along with my old life and along with Jeremy's body
(Her neck is broken and she falls on the ground. Katherine is behind, smiling)
Katherine: Sorry. I got held up
(Rebekah is awake. Stefan and Damon look at her)
Stefan: How do you feel?
Rebekah: I…I feel good. I... I feel great. I feel alive
Damon: Slight problem with being alive… I can k*ll you now
(He throws a paper Kn*fe at her but she catches it easily. She bleeds and then the cut heals. She can’t believe it)
Rebekah: I'm still a vampire. The cure didn't work
Stefan: It worked just like she wanted it to. The cure was a fake. It must have been a concentrated sh*t of vervain or something
Damon: Katherine…
(Katherine is about to leave without glancing at Elena. Elijah is bent next to her body. Katherine stops and looks at him)
Katherine: Oh, come on. She could use a nap. It must be exhausting trying to be me
Elijah: You k*lled Jeremy Gilbert
Katherine: Yes, Elijah. I k*lled Jeremy Gilbert. A b*mb, I'm sure she just couldn't wait to drop on you. Ironic, since she supposedly doesn't care about anything
Elijah: I care. Do you honestly feel nothing for this girl, a girl fated to live the same life that you've endured? And now you've just taken away the last of her family, just as yours was taken away from you
Katherine: Uh, why are you looking at me like I enjoyed it? Jeremy was collateral damage. I was doing what I needed to do to survive
Elijah: Is that what I am, too? A means of survival?
Katherine: Don't let sweet little Elena get to you. She hates me. She wants you to turn against me and convince you that I can't be trusted
Elijah: I asked you a question
Katherine: No. Of course you're not a means of survival. You looked out for me when I had no one. You're giving me a second chance now when no one else will. I love you Elijah. You don't believe me
Elijah: I want to. It's my disease. I just keep wanting to believe you, but how can I when at every turn; you give me reason to doubt you? I don't know you. I don't know that I ever will
Katherine: Wait. You gave me your word that you would talk to Klaus. I… I can't make a deal without you
Elijah: Good-bye, Katherine
(He leaves)
(Katherine is at a house. The woman that Elena spoke to earlier opens the door)
Woman: Katherine, hey. What brings you by at this hour?
Katherine: I came to retrieve my package
Woman: Oh. Of course. Like I said, your secret would be safe here
(She goes inside and comes back with a little box. She gives it to Katherine. She opens it and the cure is inside)
Woman: Hey, um... all the secrecy. Can I ask, what is it?
Katherine: It's my freedom
(Elijah is walking alone. Katherine rejoins him)
Katherine: Wait
Elijah: What do you want?
Katherine: To tell you that you're right. I've spent so much time running and lying just to survive that I don't… I'm starting to believe my own lies. I don't even remember who I was when we first met. And I want to find out
(She takes the box)
Elijah: You have the cure
Katherine: Yeah. And I can shove this down Klaus's throat and try to k*ll him, but even if I manage to do it... I'd lose you. And I don't want that to happen
Elijah: How do I know this isn't another lie? Katherine Pierce deceiving yet another man
Katherine: Because I meant what I said about my feelings for you. And I'd like to think that you feel something for me, too. I need you to trust me. I want you to trust me... Just like I'm trusting you
(She gives him the box)
Katherine: You don't owe me anything. I'm gonna let you decide where we go from here
(She leaves and he opens the box)
(Elijah goes to his car. Rebekah is there, waiting for him)
Rebekah: You and Katherine? And I thought you were the smart brother
Elijah: You don't have a smart brother. It turns out I'm just as stupid as the rest of you
Rebekah: Why don't you just give me the cure so I can judge you silently elsewhere?
Elijah: And what could you possibly want with the cure?
Rebekah: I want to be human again
Elijah: How do you know that being human is the answer you're looking for? I mean, it's nothing but a romantic notion. The grass won't necessarily be greener, Rebekah
Rebekah: You're probably right. But I don't care. I want to live a simple life as a normal person. And when it ends, it ends. We've had 20 lifetimes together, Elijah. Isn't that enough?
Elijah: I just don't understand. I mean, why must you always consider our family a burden? Always and forever. I mean, those words are as important to me today as they ever were
Rebekah: You will always be my brother. And I will never stop loving you. But now it's time for me to live and die the way that I choose, not the way you and Nik want me to. Please. Please just give me the cure
(The phone rings. She answers)
Rebekah: What do you want, Nik?
Klaus: An update on our search for the elusive cure
Rebekah: Let's just say that things have gotten complicated. In fact, why don't you speak to one of those complications? Here
(She hands the phone to Elijah)
Elijah: Complication speaking
Klaus: Big brother. At last you join the fray
Elijah: Somebody had to take charge. And now that I have, I've got the cure and I'm bringing it back to Mystic Falls
Klaus: With a long list of demands, I assume
Elijah: Not that long
Klaus: Come home, brother. We'll settle this like family
[Klaus’ Mansion]
(He hangs up. Caroline is still there)
Caroline: I used all your bleach
Klaus: Thank you for helping me
Caroline: Yeah. Well, if you need anything else... don't call me. I have a prom to plan
Klaus: Friends then?
Caroline: Are you gonna let Tyler come back into town?
Klaus: You might have noticed... I'm not exactly scouring the earth for him, am I?
(She looks at him and leaves. He smiles)
[Willoughby. Pennsylvania]
(Stefan and Damon are walking)
Damon: All right. You're right. I let Rebekah take the cure. I thought for a second… I mean, literally just a second… if Rebekah takes this, then all my problems go away. And I couldn't think of one good reason to give it to Elena. And then Rebekah took it. And I realized how badly I screwed up
Stefan: So what's your point, Damon?
Damon: My point is, I'm sorry, ok? I had a moment of weakness, Stefan. It's my thing. It's like you and I falling for the same girl. It's our thing
Stefan: Was our thing. Look, we've been making the same mistakes for 150 years. We can judge Katherine all we want, but we keep repeating our own history just like she is. Nothing ever changes. It has to stop, Damon
Damon: What are you talking about?
Stefan: I'm done. I can't keep reliving my life like this. I owe Elena her sh*t at being normal again. Once we give her the cure, I'm getting her out of my life and I'm getting a life of my own
Damon: Okay. Okay, let's just...get the cure and then we'll talk about you riding off into the sunset all by you lonesome
Stefan: You still want to get the cure. Even if that means you might lose her
Damon: It's a chance I'm willing to take, Stefan
Stefan: Guess all we have to do is convince her
(They enter a dinner. Elena is sitting alone at a table)
Waitress: Sit anywhere you like
(They rejoin Elena at her table)
Stefan: Are you all right?
Damon: What's up with the silent treatment? You are the one that texted us, wanted to meet up
Elena: You know I don't want the cure. You need to know that I never will and I'm done talking about it. So... Will you accept that? And let me be who I am or not?
Damon: Yeah, no
Stefan: Elena, this isn't you
Elena: It is now. And you two really need to accept it. 'Cause if you don't, there will be consequences
Stefan: Listen, I was in the exact same situation that you are in right now. My emotions were off, I wasn't me. And you refused to accept that. You didn't give up on me. You didn't stop until you pulled me back
(The waitress comes back)
Waitress: Let me just top that up for you
Elena: Thanks
(Elena gets up and snaps her neck, k*lling her. The boys are shocked)
Damon: Oh…!
Elena: Like I said, consequences. That's one body you are responsible for. If you keep trying to fix me, there'll be a second, a twentieth, and a hundred. It's your choice
(She leaves. Damon looks at Stefan)
Damon: Still want to ride off into the sunset? | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x18 - American Gothic"} | foreverdreaming |
[Mystic Falls’ Cemetery]
(Bonnie goes to Jeremy’s grave)
Bonnie: Hey, Jeremy. You know, I was... I was thinking about the last thing I said to you. "We did it." Totally lame last thing to say to someone. That wasn't a goodbye, Jeremy. You… You were supposed to come back with us
Jeremy: Bonnie
(She turns herself. Jeremy’s here)
Bonnie: Jeremy
Jeremy: Wake up
Bonnie: How are you here?
Jeremy: Bonnie, wake up
Bonnie: I don't understand
Jeremy: Open your eyes. Bonnie, open your eyes!
[Bonnie’s House]
(Bonnie wakes up. The couch is on f*re)
Bonnie: Oh my god!
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan and Damon are in the living room)
Damon: So what has it been, 8, 9 days?
Stefan: About 8 or 9 days. I don't know. I lost count
Damon: We lost count of the consecutive days in which Elena Gilbert has not k*lled anyone. I'd say that's progress, brother
Stefan: So, what are we gonna do, just throw the football around for another 150 years till Elena gets her humanity back? Because I'm cool with that
Damon: She doesn't want the cure. She's gonna start k*lling people if she knows we're still trying to get it for her
Stefan: All right. We could always, uh, make her want it
Damon: Yeah. How are you gonna make an emotionless vampire want anything?
Stefan: Get her to flip her humanity switch
Damon: So, what are we gonna do? Pull a Lexi; b*mb her with emotions till one of them sticks?
Stefan: Yeah, and if that doesn't work, Then we go to plan "B"… Lock her up and keep her sidelined until you and I figure out a plan "C."
Damon: And what happens when she gets slammed with every emotion she's repressed since Jeremy died?
Stefan: Well, then you, my friend, will be right by her side ready to help her through it
Damon: Right, because you don't want to keep reliving history. And when this is all over, you're just gonna get out of her life
Stefan: Bingo
Damon: All right. How do you want to do this?
[Klaus’ Mansion]
(Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus are sitting at a table)
Rebekah: Elijah, being human means a fresh start. I can grow old and have a family and fill my days with meaning, knowing that each one matters
Klaus: Well, that was poetic
Elijah: Well, if you can provide us with a more compelling reason for wanting the cure, Klaus, please
Klaus: Silas can appear as anyone. He got inside my thoughts, convinced me I was dying. He will torment me until I give him the cure
Rebekah: And in doing so, he will break down the wall to the other side
Klaus: So it doesn't trap him there when he dies. He wants to reunite with his lost soul mate. You, of all lovesick fools, should applaud his devotion
Rebekah: He will open the floodgates for every supernatural being that has ever died
Klaus: Including our dear brothers Kol and Finn. We'll have our family back
Rebekah: Please! You hated Kol. And you kept Finn in a box for most of his life
Klaus: Elijah, please
Elijah: Your personal discomfort might not be sufficient reason for putting the entire world in jeopardy, Klaus. I think our sister deserves a sh*t at happiness
Klaus: Tell me you're joking. Tell me you're not fating me to an eternity of t*rture
Elijah: I've made my decision
(Klaus looks at Rebekah)
Klaus: When you're sick and dying and you beg for my blood, I will laugh in your face and compel you to forget me
(He leaves)
Rebekah: Where's the cure?
Elijah: Rebekah, it's no secret that you are impulsive, emotional, and at times morally questionable. Prove to me this isn't just another one of your whims, that you know precisely what you are giving up here
Rebekah: Fine. Anything
Elijah: I want you to live a day as a human. This day. No vampire privileges… no strength, no compulsion, no nothing. If you succeed and still believe this is what you want... the cure is yours
[A shopping street]
(Elena and Rebekah are walking)
Elena: You're gonna fail. You should be locking yourself inside all day, not shopping for prom
Rebekah: Name me a more human experience than senior prom
Elena: Death
Rebekah: Why should I listen to you? You don't even have your humanity
Elena: You realize you won't even be able to compel yourself a date, right?
Rebekah: Yes, and last time I checked, you're living in my house because I'm the only one that can tolerate you, so you don't have to be so rude
Elena: Then I'm going to come with you. Yeah. I'll keep an eye on you and make sure that you pass Elijah's test. As soon as you down the cure, it'll be gone for good. And no one will be able to use it on me
[A boutique]
(Bonnie and Caroline are shopping for a dress)
Caroline: What kind of dreams?
Bonnie: Usually I'm at his grave, and... all of a sudden, he appears to me
Caroline: Well, you never got to say good-bye, Bon. You're grieving. That's normal
Bonnie: When I woke up, the couch was on f*re. I don't know if it's because I was emotional in my dream or if Shane was right. Without his help, I'll lose control of my magic
Caroline: No. It's because you need a night off from mourning. And I'm gonna make sure that you have it
Bonnie: Um, you look super-hot, by the way
Caroline: Do you think?
Bonnie: Oh yeah
Caroline: Yeah?
Bonnie: Yeah. Matt and I are gonna have the sexiest date there
Caroline: You know what? I love friend prom. And it's exactly what prom should be… friends and memories. Yes, it sucks that my boyfriend can't be here, but the three of us are gonna have the night of our lives
(Elena and Rebekah enter)
Elena: Hey, Bonnie. Heard you got your mind wiped. That sucks. Pretty dress, Caroline
Caroline: I know. You helped me pick it out months ago when we were friends, before you tried to k*ll me
Elena: I thought it looked familiar
(Caroline looks at the saleswoman)
Caroline: Can you press this for me? I'll pick it up later. Bonnie
[Rebekah’s House]
(A limo parks in front of the house. Elena gets out and Stefan comes out of the limo)
Elena: I don't need a babysitter
Stefan: Really? Because the last time I saw you, you snapped a waitress' spine
Elena: It got you to stop your search for the cure, didn't it?
Damon: Yup. We're just here to make sure you hold up your end of the deal. Don't eat the prom queen
(He shows her a corsage)
Damon: May I?
Elena: No
Damon: Wow. Would you look at that? Beautiful dress
Elena: Thank you. I stole it
[Klaus’ Mansion]
(Klaus is by the fireplace)
Caroline: Klaus! Klaus!
(She rejoins him)
Caroline: Hello. Did you not hear me?
Klaus: Of course I heard you, Caroline. I think the whole of Mystic Falls heard you. I'm in no mood for company
Caroline: Well, I'm sorry that you're having personal issues, but I have a real crisis on my hands. Elena stole my prom dress. I went to pick it up, and the tailor said that somebody else already did. And when I asked who, she said she couldn't remember. Hello? The vervain is out of the town water supply. She was compelled. It’s not funny
Klaus: I know, I know
Caroline: Then, stop laughing. Look, I know that prom isn't important to you, but it's important to me
Klaus: Surely finding another dress is well within your substantial vampire capabilities
Caroline: But I don't want just another dress. I want to look hot, like princess Grace of Monaco hot. So... Could you please go back into your creepy trophy case of family collectibles and dig me out something of royal caliber?
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Damon, Elena and Stefan arrive at the prom. There are pictures everywhere)
Damon: Where's the disco ball?
Stefan: Caroline's been working on this for a while. It's a, uh, photo yearbook of the senior class. Isn't that photo from first day of freshman year?
(She looks at a picture)
Elena: My mom took that when she dropped us off at school. I'm gonna get a seizure if I keep staring at these screens
(Everyone is dancing. Matt and Bonnie enter)
Matt: Why do I feel like we're at a practice run of Caroline's wedding?
Bonnie: Because I think we are
(Elena is alone and is about to drink from a flask but Damon stops her)
Damon: You are underage
Elena: You're overage, and honestly, it's kind of creepy
Damon: Oh, come on. What bad-ass senior is complete without a prom date that's slightly too old for high school?
Elena: Please don't refer to yourself as my date
Damon: Oh, I'm sorry. Your boyfriend. Something I said?
Elena: I'm not doing this
Damon: You're not gonna deny that I'm your boyfriend, now, are you?
Elena: What are you doing? Trying to stir some feelings in me? Ironic, since you, my sire, are the one who had me turn them off
Damon: Yeah, well, hindsight is almost a bigger bitch than you
Elena: You're nothing to me, Damon
Damon: Really? Then why tell me you're in love with me? Why tell me it's the most real thing you've ever felt in your life?
Elena: I told you I loved you because I was sired to you, And now that I'm not, I know that none of it was real, But if you still think that it was, I mean, maybe you're the one who needs help with your emotions, not me
(She runs into Matt and Bonnie)
Elena: Uh-oh. Friend patrol
Bonnie: Hey. I know we haven't really talked since... everything, but I just… I want to say that I miss you
Matt: Me, too, and we want to help you
Elena: What are you gonna do… get me a job at the grill?
Matt: I don't want you to look back and realize you missed out on the best part of senior year
Elena: Spare me, Matt. If you had the choice, you would have turned your emotions off the second that Vicki died
Bonnie: Hey, you shut it off because all you could feel were the horrible things happening to you. You still have friends who love you
Elena: I thought you were going to bring Jeremy back, but it turned out you were just a brainwashed crazy person so technically, you're a walking reminder, of all the horrible things that have happened to me
(She leaves them)
Bonnie: I need some air
Matt: Bonnie, wait
Bonnie: Caroline's right. Elena's gone
(Bonnie goes outside. Jeremy appears)
Bonnie: Is this real?
Jeremy: Does it matter? May I have this dance?
(They dance)
(Stefan catches Elena and dances with her)
Elena: Let go of me or I will bite you
Stefan: Oh, come on. I'm the one that hates to dance, remember?
Elena: Yeah, and now I finally see why
(Rebekah rejoins Matt)
Rebekah: So are you and Bonnie, like, a thing?
Matt: We're not a thing. We're friends. So who are you here with?
Rebekah: No one. Go on. I know what you're thinking… Why didn't I just compel myself a date?
Matt: You know, actually I was thinking, I wonder if Bonnie wants ice
Rebekah: Oh. Could I ask you a question?
Matt: Why? Apparently you already seem to know everything I'm thinking, so...
Rebekah: Do you think that I would make a good human?
Matt: I think that "good" is a hard word to live up to. I've never seen you do anything remotely good, so... honestly, no, I don't. I’m sorry
(Stefan and Elena are still dancing)
Stefan: So you're just here to help Rebekah get the cure, right, on what happens to be the most sentimental night in high school
Elena: You think this is my cry for help? I'd be happy to show you what a real cry for help sounds like
Stefan: So this... us… you feel nothing?
Elena: I feel nothing
Stefan: I don't believe you
Elena: I don't care
Stefan: So you don't remember what it used to feel like when we would dance? When my hand would touch your waist?
Elena: Nope
Stefan: How about this... When our fingers would touch?
Elena: Nothing
Stefan: And this? Does your heart really refuse to remember?
Elena: What heart?
(She leaves)
(Caroline arrives. Elena rejoins her)
Elena: So how do I look?
Caroline: Are you kidding me? You look like a backstabbing bi…
(Stefan rejoins them)
Caroline: The dress is beautiful, and it brings out your eyes
Elena: Thanks. I thought I'd do it a favor
Stefan: Caroline, why don't you come dance with me?
(They go on the dance floor and dance)
Caroline: I know you said to k*ll her with kindness, but can't I just k*ll her?
Stefan: I see you found a dress
Caroline: It's from Klaus. Don't ask
Stefan: You know you have him wrapped around your little finger, right?
Caroline: If I had Klaus wrapped around my finger, then I would be here with Tyler right now. Are you making any progress with the dress thief?
Stefan: I don't know. I think it's affecting me a lot more than it's affecting her
Caroline: What do you mean?
Stefan: Every time I tell myself that I'm moving on, there's this part of me that just can't seem to shake her
Caroline: That's normal, Stefan. You guys were in love. That doesn't go away just because you declare that you're moving on
Stefan: Then how does anyone ever seem to move on?
Caroline: I don't know. I think that someday, you'll meet someone new and you'll fall madly in love. and you'll have moved on without even realizing it
(April is with Rebekah)
April: I can't just make you prom queen. It is based on votes. And you have approximately none so far
Rebekah: And you can't just help out a friend?
April: No, I can't. And you can't make me. I drink vervain tea now
Rebekah: I was not going to compel you
(Elena intervenes and strangles April)
Elena: You can't be compelled, but you can be k*lled. Rebekah wins prom queen. Got it?
Rebekah: What the bloody hell are you doing?
Elena: What you were about to do
Rebekah: I was not going to thr*at her
Elena: Remember that time you tortured me until I told you how to find the cure? You ruined my relationship with Stefan and then you trapped us with a werewolf?
Rebekah: Yeah. So?
Elena: So you're not a good person. You're not gonna win this cure by being yourself. So just stand there and refrain from talking, ok?
(Bonnie and Jeremy are dancing outside)
Bonnie: You and me. We're at senior prom
Jeremy: Do you miss me, Bonnie?
Bonnie: Of course I do
Jeremy: Do you want this to be real?
Bonnie: Yes
Jeremy: Then it can be. Bonnie... Your magic can bring me back for good. You have the power to do the spell now
Bonnie: Oh, my god. You're Silas. Get away from me
Jeremy/Silas: You need me, Bonnie
Bonnie: I don't need you. I don't want anything to do with you
Jeremy/Silas: You have no idea how dangerous you are. If I don't help you, you'll k*ll yourself
Bonnie: You're trying to get in my head.
Jeremy/Silas: I'm just asking for your help in return for mine
Bonnie: Leave me alone
Jeremy/Silas: Wake up on f*re recently?
Bonnie: Did you do that to me?
Jeremy/Silas: Please, Bonnie, let me help before you hurt somebody or yourself
Bonnie: You don't care about me. You only care about bringing down the wall to the other side, and I won't do it
Jeremy/Silas: Don't you want to see Jeremy again?
Bonnie: Not like this
[Klaus’ Mansion]
(Elijah is with Klaus. Elijah is holding the white oak stake)
Klaus: Where did you get that?
Elijah: Our baby sister. Once she's human... it'll make no difference to her whatsoever. Take it
Klaus: Why would you give me this?
Elijah: We are immortal apart from the stake. Now that it's yours, you have nothing to fear
Klaus: Silas will continue to torment me
Elijah: You've survived endless torments throughout the centuries. You'll shake this. And if you can't, you outrun him
Klaus: Yes, it's that simple. Without the cure, what makes you think I'll spare your beloved Katerina? Or have you figured out, you're simply another spider in her web?
Elijah: You will spare her because I am asking you to spare her. As your family, as your only living brother, I would ask that you provide me with this opportunity to feel, to care, to love
Klaus: I gave you that opportunity, and you sided against me. So if I run, it will be to chase her. And as your only living brother, I will make it my cause that you never know a moment of happiness
Elijah: It is such a hollow little life that you lead, Niklaus
(He leaves)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Rebekah is sitting alone. Matt rejoins her)
Matt: You haven't seen bonnie, have you?
Rebekah: She's probably in the bathroom. Every other girl is. And if you haven't noticed, I am sitting here all on my own. So, please, will you put me out of my misery and dance with me?
Matt: I don't think so
Rebekah: Matt, please. This is a girl's worst nightmare. Please. I thought about what you said... about being good and you're right. It won't be easy, but it's worth trying
Matt: I don't understand why my opinion is so important to you
Rebekah: Because you're everything that I want to be. You're loyal, honest, kind. People root for you to succeed. Elena even died for you
Matt: I'm a bus boy, Rebekah. It's not like i'm out saving the world
Rebekah: But you're human. You're so beautifully human
(Caroline is rejoined by Damon)
Caroline: Aren't you on "Save Elena" Duty?
Damon: I'm taking a little breather
Caroline: This prom sucks. This is our last dance together, and it's awful. This is not how I wanted to remember this night
(He gives her the flask)
Caroline: Thank you. Well, if anyone asks, I'll be at the after-party
(Bonnie rejoins Damon)
Bonnie: We have a problem
(Bonnie and Damon are with Stefan and Matt)
Bonnie: It's like Jeremy was there. I could talk to him, feel him
Stefan: Bonnie, that's what Silas does. You can't let him get to you again
Damon: Yeah, because you all crazy and brainwashed. It's not a good look
(Elena is listening. Rebekah rejoins her)
Rebekah: What am I missing?
Elena: Silas is appearing to Bonnie Silas is appearing to Bonnie which means he still wants her to do the spell
Rebekah: So? The nice thing about having no feelings is you don't fear your enemies on the other side
Elena: I'm not worried about my enemies. It's people like Alaric... and Jeremy. Salvatore brothers are annoying enough as it is. Can you imagine if my brother came back to the living? He'd spend every waking hour trying to get my humanity back
(April goes on stage)
April: Hey. Ok, the ballots have been tallied, Which means it's time to announce this year's prom king and queen
Stefan: Look, one of us should take her home
Damon: What? No. She's safer here in public around all these people. There's no way Silas can make everyone see the same thing all at once
Matt: Ok, in the meantime, how do we look out for a guy that can appear as anyone?
April: All right. Your prom king and queen are... Matt Donovan and Bonnie Bennett
Rebekah: Bonnie bloody Bennett. Of course
Elena: Everyone's so worried about Silas, but there's an obvious solution to all of this. He needs Bonnie. He can't do the spell without her. So if you can't k*ll Silas, k*ll his witch
Rebekah: I can't k*ll anyone. I'm supposed to be human
Elena: Maybe you can't, but I can
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Caroline is prepping the after party. Tyler is here)
Caroline: Tyler
Tyler: I don't think you've ever looked more beautiful
Caroline: Oh, my god. Tyler. Oh, you can't be here. Klaus…
Tyler: Can't get in. Matt owns this place now. He had to invite me inside
Caroline: If Klaus finds out...
Tyler: He won’t. You didn't really think I was gonna miss prom, did you? Here. These are for you. Caroline Forbes, may I please have this dance?
(They dance)
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Damon is outside and looking at the pictures. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: You looking for Silas or you waxing nostalgic about misspent youth?
Damon: What happened to you being over it?
Stefan: What do you mean?
Damon: Well, I mean, for a guy who's ready to move on, you seemed pretty convincing as a boyfriend out on the dance floor
Stefan: I mean, isn't that what we're doing? Reminding Elena of what she's lost?
Damon: Like her feelings for you?
Stefan: Yeah. Yeah, maybe. I mean, I don't mean to be a dick, Damon, but Elena and I have a history. Memories, laughs, ups and downs. It was a real relationship. I mean, what you have is just a one-night stand that was probably the result of the sire bond. Your mind is a very dark and riveting place, Damon
Damon: Uh! Silas. Where's my brother, you psychic freak?
Stefan: He's in the woods, where I convinced him I was you. He's probably in a bit of pain now, too. The witch is mine. Stay away from her
(Matt and Bonnie are posing for pictures. Matt goes off the stage and Rebekah rejoins him)
Rebekah: You need to get your queen off the stage
Matt: I can't really do that right now
Rebekah: You didn't hear it from me, but Elena's up to something
(Bonnie is off the stage. Elena rejoins her)
Elena: Congratulations, Bonnie
Bonnie: What do you want?
Elena: For you to stop being a problem
(She’s about to att*ck her but Bonnie uses her powers on her. Matt enters)
Matt: Bonnie
Bonnie: Something's happening to me
Matt: OK, just relax
Bonnie: No, I got to get out of here
(She gets out and April enters)
April: What's going on?
Elena: Remember when I told you to make Rebekah prom queen?
(She att*cks her)
Matt: No!
Elena: You should have listened
(She leaves)
(Matt is outside with April)
Matt: April, April, come on. Please wake up. April, come on!
(Rebekah rejoins them)
Rebekah: Matt, why did you call... oh, my God
Matt: Rebekah, can you feed her your blood?
Rebekah: Can't we just call 911 or something?
Matt: She's dying. Please help her
Rebekah: I can't. If I heal her with my vampire blood, Elijah won't give me the cure and I won't get to be human
Matt: How is this even a choice right now? You want to be human? Prove it. Be good. Do the right thing and save her life
[The Woods]
(Damon is looking for Stefan)
Damon: Stefan
Stefan: Yeah. I'm over here. Agh!
Damon: Let me guess. An extremely handsome man came up to you claiming to be me
Stefan: Yeah
Damon: Yeah
(Bonnie is on the parking lot. Silas, appearing as Jeremy, rejoins her)
Jeremy/Silas: Bonnie, wait
Bonnie: Get away from me, Silas
Jeremy/Silas: We can help each other
Bonnie: This is what you do. You wait until I lose control and then you want to swoop in and save me
Jeremy/Silas: You really think you have a choice? If you don't let me help you, your expression will consume you from the inside out
Bonnie: Get away from me
Jeremy/Silas: You didn't try to do that, did you? Your magic is taking on a life of its own. You need help controlling it. Listen to me, Bonnie. Breathe
Bonnie: I'll die before I let you control me again
Jeremy/Silas: Bonnie, listen to me! Control, Bonnie! Control
Bonnie: Get out of my head!
(He disappears and Elena att*cks her but Bonnie uses her powers on her. Elena is suffering and Stefan and Damon intervene)
Stefan: Bonnie, stop. Bonnie
Elena: Damon, help me
Stefan: Bonnie… You’re k*lling her
Bonnie: I know what I'm doing
Stefan: That's the magic talking. This is your best friend.
Damon: Damn it, Bonnie
Elena : Bonnie... Please. Please
Stefan: You ok?
Bonnie :No, I'm not ok. I almost died. The shell of my best friend almost k*lled me. None of this is ok
(She leaves)
Damon: I got you
(He helps Elena on her feet. Stefan injects her vervain)
Stefan: Ok. Hey. Plan "B”
(April is conscious now)
Matt: Thank you for saving her
Rebekah: Elena was right. I should have just stayed home
Matt: No one has to know what you did. I won't tell anyone
Rebekah: You'd really do that for me?
Matt: I would. And maybe I was a little harsh earlier. You wouldn't make the worst human
Rebekah: Are you offering me a job as a bus boy? You know, I'd look cute in an apron
Matt: We'll see. I should probably get April home
(He helps April on her feet)
Matt: Try to stand up
(They leave. Klaus rejoins Rebekah)
Klaus: Dear sweet April Young. Now, there's a girl with a future
Rebekah: She was dying, and I acted with human decency. You can't get more human than that
Klaus: Actually, you can. You can stand idly by as poor April takes her final breath. You can ask, "Why does this always happen to innocent people?" "Where do the spirits go?" "Was there anything I could have done?" That is what it means to be human, sister. You give humanity too much credit
Rebekah: Are you gonna tell Elijah?
Klaus: No. No. You are
[Rebekah’s House]
(Rebekah arrives. Elijah is waiting for her)
Elijah: You're home. And how did our Cinderella fare?
Rebekah: I won't lie. There were complications
[Mystic Falls High School]
Klaus: You'll tell him that you cheated, that you failed, that you don't deserve the cure
[Rebekah’s House]
Rebekah: But I passed your test with flying colors
Elijah: If this is what you truly want... It's yours
[Mystic Falls High School]
Rebekah: Why is it so hard for you to let me be happy?
Klaus: Because your happiness comes at the expense of my sanity. Because I refuse to entertain yet another one of your whims. Because you are bored and you're looking for a reason to matter. Thankfully I don't have to waste any more breath fighting you on the subject
Rebekah: What does that mean? Nik, what does that mean?
[Rebekah’s House]
(Elijah gives the cure to Rebekah)
Rebekah: I guess it's time that I turned into a pumpkin. Thank you Elijah
(Shea leaves. His phone rings. It’s Rebekah)
Elijah: Rebekah?
Rebekah: Elijah, I think Nik's up to something
Elijah: Where did you go?
Rebekah: I'm still at the prom. Look, don't do anything with the cure until I see you. Something's not right. Elijah? Hello? Elijah, do not take your eyes off that cure
Elijah: I think it might be a little late for that
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Caroline and Tyler are dancing)
Tyler: I have to go soon. People will be here for the party, and if anyone sees me...
Caroline: I know. I know. Thank you for the best prom ever
(He leaves. And Klaus is outside)
Klaus: Was it worth it to see her smile, to make her dream night come true? Was it worth it? In the shared interest of giving Caroline the night of her dreams... I'm going to allow you 5 seconds before I rip your heart of your chest. 5, 4, 3...
(Tyler leaves)
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan and Damon lay Elena in the cell)
Damon: She might not feel much, but she's gonna feel that in the morning
Stefan: So what's the plan?
Damon: When Bonnie was whaling on her tonight, I could see it in her eyes. Elena thought she was gonna die. She was scared
Stefan: Fear
Damon: Last time I checked, one of those pesky human emotions
Stefan: So plan C... make her life a living hell
Damon: You care to talk about our other problem? You know, the one that can be anyone anywhere at anytime
Stefan: Silas still needs Bonnie. And if tonight is any indication, she's no pushover. She's not gonna let him manipulate her, not anymore
Damon: I wouldn't underestimate his talents. He fooled the hell out of both of us. What did he say to you anyway?
Stefan: He led me out in the woods, claiming he saw Silas, and then he staked me. How did he get to you?
Damon: Talked about his hair. I figured it had to be you
Stefan: funny
Damon: You coming?
Stefan: Yeah
[Klaus’ Mansion]
(Klaus arrives home and finds a letter and opens it)
Katherine: Klaus, I hear Elijah has refused you the cure, and in return, you have refused me my freedom. Shame on you both. But while you boys sort out your problems, I have one last thing to offer you. I've caught wind that there is a witch in New Orleans named Jane-Anne Deveraux plotting a move against you. Hunt her down. What she has to say will rattle you so deeply to your core that chasing little old me will be the least of your concerns. It's been a fun five centuries, Klaus, but I've worn down too many good heels running from you. Love and hate, Katerina’’
[The Caves]
(Bonnie enters, looking for Silas and he’s there)
Bonnie: Silas? I know it's you. My locator spell worked without using any of your possessions
Silas: Yes. You're finally acknowledging how powerful you are
Bonnie: You're not Jeremy anymore. Is this the real you? Then tell me why you're hiding
Silas: Call it Qetsiyah's revenge. When she learned that I didn't love her, she used her magic to ensure no woman could ever love me. It should come as no surprise that now I simply want to die
Bonnie: And I want you to
Silas: Even if it means bringing back every d*ad supernatural being?
Bonnie: Show me your face
Ecrit par popo34000 | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x19 - Pictures of You"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena is lying in the cell and starting to desiccate. Damon and Stefan are upstairs)
Damon: That's the calmest desiccating vampire I've ever seen. I remember when you starved me down there for 3 days. I would've wept at your feet for an orange peel
Stefan: Look, she's not gonna beg for blood. Begging means desperation. Emotion. She's still in no-humanity zone
Damon: How hungry does she have to be before we can t*rture some feelings back into her?
Stefan: A lot hungrier than she is now, apparently
Damon: So, what are we supposed to do in the meantime?
(Katherine enters)
Katherine: Maybe I can provide a little excitement
Stefan: Katherine
Katherine: The one and only. Sort of. So, when's the welcome home party?
Damon: Wow. Look who went and got bold. Last time I checked, Klaus was plotting your eternal demise
Katherine: Well, it doesn't matter anymore, because Klaus is gone
Stefan: Wait. What do you mean he's gone?
Katherine: Let's just say that werewolf girl Hayley turned out to be just the thing we needed to get Klaus out of our lives for good
[New Orleans]
(Haley is at a bar. She looks at the bartender)
Bartender: Third time in here this week
Haley: I'm obsessed with The Gumbo, Jane-Anne
Jane-Anne: The old ladies in the ninth ward say my sister Sophie bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish
Haley: I asked around the quarter about my family
Jane-Anne: And?
Haley: Nothing. Zero. Can't find a single person who remembers them
Jane-Anne: Because, Hayley, people like you were run out of here years ago
Haley: What do you mean, people like me?
Jane-Anne: In the Bayou, they call the werewolves Roux-Ga-Roux. You head out there; you'll find what you're looking for. Be careful. It's the last place you'd ever want to go
(Jane-Anne and Sophie are in a cemetery)
Sophie: Don't do it. Please. What if I’m wrong about her?
Jane-Anne: That's the beauty of you. You're never wrong. She's the only way we're gonna get to Klaus
Sophie: Can we get someone else to do the spell?
Jane-Anne: Who? Half the witches don't believe you. The other half are too scared
Sophie: Because they know we're gonna get caught, Jane-Anne
Jane-Anne: We don't have any other option. Now go. You know what you need to do
(Haley arrives at the bayou and has a problem with her car)
Haley: What the... uhh! Are you kidding me?
(She gets out of the car and takes her phone)
Haley: Hey, I'm looking for a tow service
(A tour guide is leading a bunch of tourists)
Tour Guide: Welcome to the dark side of New Orleans, a supernatural playground where the living are easily lost and the d*ad stick around and play
(Klaus smiles)
Mystic Falls
[Rebekah’s House]
Rebekah: New Orleans? What the hell is Klaus doing there?
Elijah: Evidently, there are witches conspiring against him. So, knowing our brother, this was a mission to silence and slaughter
Rebekah: Well, the French quarter witches are not a lot to be trifled with. You don't suppose they've found a way to k*ll him once and for all, do you?
Elijah: Rebekah, in the name of our family, you might try to dial down your glee
Rebekah: What family? We are 3 distrustful acquaintances who happen to share a bloodline. I for one hope they've found a way to make that traitorous bastard rot
[New Orleans]
(Klaus sees a woman and goes to her)
Klaus: Good afternoon. Time for one more?
Woman: I have nothing to say to you
Klaus: Oh, now, that's not very amiable, is it? You don't even know me
Woman: I know what you are. Half-vampire, half-beast. You're the hybrid
Klaus: I'm the original hybrid, actually, but that's a long story for another time
Mystic Falls
[Rebekah’s House]
Rebekah: Where are you going?
Elijah: To find out who's making a move against our brother, and then... I'll either stop them, or I'll help them. Depending on my mood
(He leaves)
[New Orleans]
Klaus: I'm looking for someone. A witch. Perhaps you might be able to help me find her. Jane-Anne Deveraux
Woman: Sorry. I don't know
Klaus: Well, now, that's a fib, isn't it? Now, you see... I know that you're a true witch amongst this sea of poseurs. So, enough with the fabrications. I've quite a temper
Woman: Witches don't talk Outta School in the quarter. The vampire won't allow it. Those are the rules. I don't break Marcel's rules
Klaus: Marcel's rules? Where do you suppose I might find Marcel?
(Marcel is singing in a bar. When he stops, he goes to the bar and sees Klaus)
Marcel: Klaus
Klaus: Marcel
Marcel: Must be 100 years since that nasty business with your papa
Klaus: Has it been that long?
Marcel: Way I recall it, he ran you out of town. Left a trail of d*ad vampires in his wake
Klaus: And yet how fortunate you managed to survive. My father, I'm afraid, I recently incinerated to dust
Marcel: Well, if I'd known you were coming back in town, if I had a heads-up...
Klaus: What, Marcel? What would you have done?
Marcel: I'd have thrown you a damn parade. Niklaus Mikaelson. My mentor, my savior, my sire. Let's get you a drink. It is good to see you
Klaus: It's good to be home. Although please tell me the current state of bourbon street is not your doing
Marcel: Ha ha ha ha! Something's gotta draw in the out-of-towners; otherwise, we'd all go hungry
Klaus: I see your friends are daywalkers
Marcel: Yeah, yeah, I shared the secret of your daylight ring with a few buddies. Just the inner circle, though. The family
Klaus: Tell me. How did you find a witch willing to make daylight rings?
Marcel: I got the witches here wrapped around my finger
Klaus: Is that so? I'm looking for a witch by the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux. Has some business with me
Marcel: Looking for Jane-Anne? Then you probably ought to come with me. Ha ha! Showtime!
(Marcel and Klaus are outside. A crowd gathers)
Marcel: How's the family?
Klaus: Those who live hate me more than ever
Marcel: Forget them. If your blood relations let you down, you make your own, huh? You taught me that. And what's mine is yours, as always. Even my nightwalkers, the riff-raff
Klaus: They're hardly subtle, are they?
Marcel: It's the quarter. Ain't no such thing as subtle, baby
(Marcel’s mignons bring Jane-Anne)
Marcel: Jane-Anne Deveraux. Give it up for Jane-Anne. Come on. Jane-Anne Deveraux, you have been accused of the practice of witchcraft beyond the bounds of the rules set forth and enforced by me. How do you plead? Oh. Was that convincing? I studied law back in the fifties. It's all I know. Seriously, J, tick tock. You know the drill. How do you plead?
Jane-Anne: I didn't do anything
Marcel: That's a lie. You know it, I know it, and you hate that I know it. It drives you witches crazy that I'm aware of your every move. That you can't do magic in this town without getting caught. So, why don't we just cut to the chase, huh? You tell me what magic you're brewing. Tell me. I'll grant you leniency. Hey, I am, after all, a merciful man
Jane-Anne: Rot in hell, monster
Marcel: I'll tell you what. I'll give you one more chance. Or not
(He kills her. Klaus rejoins him)
Klaus: What was that?
Marcel: Hey. Come walk with me. Witches aren't allowed to do magic here. She broke the rules
Klaus: I told you I wanted to talk to her
Marcel: Hey, I'm sorry. I got caught up in the show. Those witches, they think that they still have power in this town. I have to show them that they don't. I never waste an opportunity for a show of force. Another lesson that I learned from you. And besides, anything that you could've gotten out of her, I can find out for you, and I will. I promise
Klaus: Well, whatever it was, doesn't matter anymore, does it?
Marcel: Good. Then let's eat, because all that spilled blood makes me hungry
(He leaves. Klaus talks to one of Marcel’s minions)
Klaus: Hey. Thierry, isn't it? Any more Deveraux witches where she came from?
(Sophie is cooking. She turns herself. Klaus is here)
Sophie: You're Klaus
Klaus: I am. And you're upset. Sophie, isn't it? I assume this is because of what I just witnessed with your sister on the corner of Royal and St. Ann
Sophie: Did you enjoy the show?
Klaus: It was a little melodramatic for my tastes. What did your sister want with me? Why did Marcel k*ll her?
Sophie: I see you brought friends
Klaus: They're not with me
Sophie: They're with Marcel. That's all that matters. I know you built this town, but this is his town now. He k*lled my sister because she broke the rules. So, I talk to you in front of them, I'm next
(He rejoins the 2 men at the bar)
Klaus: Are you two gentlemen following me?
Man: Marcel said we're your guides
Klaus: Oh, he did, did he? Well, then, let me be exceedingly clear about something. If either of you following me again, you'll do so without the benefit of a spine
(The waitress rejoins them)
Camille: Sorry for the wait. If you're here for the gumbo, I'm about to break your heart. We just ran out
Klaus: Your oldest scotch for my two friends here, love. Marcel wants to know what I'm up to, he can ask me himself
(Sophie is outside, alone. She hears a door close and the men who were inside are here)
Sophie: The doors work, you know
Man: You doing magic?
Sophie: I'm praying to my d*ad sister. Go ahead. Pay your respects
Man:. Don't make this a thing, Sophie. The hybrid was looking for Jane-Anne. Marcel wants to know why
Sophie: Oh, that sounds like witch business. I'd say ask her yourself, but I guess you can't seeing as how Marcel k*lled her
(They’re about to k*ll her but Elijah intervenes and kills them)
Elijah: I’m Elijah. You've heard of me?
Sophie: Yes
Elijah: So, why don't you tell me what business your family has with my brother?
(Klaus arrives at a party, looking for Marcel. He catches one of his men)
Klaus: Where's Marcel?
Man: Who the hell's asking?
Klaus: I assume you're joking
Man: I only answer to Marcel
Klaus: Well, then, in that case, perhaps you'll answer to this. You're aware the bite of a werewolf can k*ll a vampire? Well, as you can see, I'm half-werewolf, so I'm gonna ask you one more time! Where is Marcel?
(Marcel arrives)
Marcel: H-hey. I'm right here. I'm right here. Easy, now. Diego's just looking out for me. Nobody harms my
guys. Those are the rules
Klaus: I don't care about your rules, Marcel. I don't need chaperones. Why are you having me followed?
Marcel: Come here. I get it, huh? Show of force. You made your point. Let it go, friend. For me
Klaus: Fine. Why don't you show me what you've done with the place while you explain exactly what it is you've been up to in my town?
Marcel: Follow me
(Marcel and Klaus are on a balcony)
Marcel: Look at that skyline. That there, that's progress. More hotels, more tourists, more fresh blood. And the humans? I taught them to look the other way
Klaus: And what of the witches? In my time, they were a force to be reckoned with, and now they live in fear. How do you know when they're using magic?
Marcel: Maybe I got a secret w*apon, an ace up my sleeve, something that gives me complete control over all the magic in this town
Klaus: Hmm. Is that a fact?
Marcel: Might be. Or maybe I'm just bluffing
(He eats something)
Klaus: You take vervain?
Marcel: 'Burns like a bitch. But I figure I should limit the number of things I'm vulnerable to. Don't be mad about that chaperone thing. I told my guys to look out for you, that's all. That's what we do here... Look out for each other
(They see Camille walking alone)
Marcel: Mmmmm. New blood
Klaus: The bartender, walking alone at night. She's either brave or dumb
Marcel: Let's see. Brave, I let her live, Let's see. Brave, I let her live, dumb, she's dessert
(He jumps above the balcony and lands behind Camille)
Marcel: You know, it's not safe here alone
Camille: You know, I have a black belt in karate
(Klaus looks at them. Elijah’s here)
Klaus: Evening, Elijah
Elijah: Niklaus
Klaus: What an entirely unwelcome surprise
Elijah: And what an entirely unsurprising welcome. Come with me
Klaus: I'm not going anywhere. Not until I find out who's conspiring against me
Elijah: I believe I just found that out for you
(Klaus and Elijah are in a cemetery)
Klaus: What are we doing here?
Elijah: Want to know what the witches have in store for you? Follow me
(They enter a crypt. Sophie is waiting for them)
Klaus: Sophie Deveraux. What is this?
Elijah: He's all yours. Proceed
Sophie: You know you're famous in this town? Witches tell bedtime stories about the powerful vampire Klaus. We know Marcel was nothing but an orphaned street rat until you made him what he is. And now he's out of control. He does what he wants. He kills who he wants. I'm gonna stop him... And you're gonna help me
(Klaus looks at Elijah)
Klaus: This is why you brought me here
Elijah: Hear her out
Klaus: I don't need to hear her out. I assure you, love, there is not a thing on this earth that will matter enough for me to waste even 30 more seconds of my time
Klaus: Elijah, what madness is this?
(Haley enters)
Haley: Klaus… You need to listen to them
Klaus: You're all out of your minds if you think some liquor-fueled one-night stand... No offense, sweetheart... Means a thing to me
Sophie: Marcel may be able to keep us from practicing real magic in this town, but as keepers of the balance, we still know when nature has cooked up something new. For example, I have a special gift, of sensing when a girl is pregnant
Klaus: What?
Haley: I know. It's impossible
Klaus: What are you saying?
Elijah: Niklaus… The girl is carrying your child
Klaus: No. It's impossible. Vampires cannot procreate
Sophie: But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the original hybrid, the first of your kind, and this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes
Klaus: You've been with someone else. Admit it!
Haley: Hey. I spent days held c*ptive in a freakin' alligator bayou because they think that I'm carrying some magical miracle baby. Don't you think I would've fessed up if it wasn't yours?
Sophie: My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy. Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us. If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me, Hayley won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress
Haley: Wait, what?
Elijah: Enough of this, if you want Marcel d*ad, he's d*ad. I'll do it myself
Sophie: No. We can't. Not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow and there are rules
Klaus: How dare you command me? thr*at me with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weaknesses? I won't hear any more lies
Elijah: Niklaus. Listen
(They hear the baby’s heartbeat)
Klaus: k*ll her and the baby. What do I care?
(He leaves)
(Elijah rejoins Klaus)
Elijah: Niklaus
Klaus: it's a trick, Elijah
Elijah: No, brother. It's a gift. It's your chance. It's our chance
Klaus: To what?
Elijah: To start over. Take back everything we lost. Everything that was taken from us. Niklaus, our own parents came to despise us. Our family was ruined, we were ruined, and since then, all that you have ever wanted, all that we have ever wanted, was a family
Klaus: I will not be manipulated
Elijah: So, they're manipulating you. So what? With them, this girl and her child, your child... live
Klaus: I'm gonna k*ll every last one of them
Elijah: And then what? Then you return to Mystic Fall to resume your life as the hated one, as the evil hybrid? Is it so important to you that people quake with fear at the sound of your name?
Klaus: People quake with fear because I have the power to make them afraid. What will this child offer me? Will it guarantee me power?
Elijah: Family is power, Niklaus. Love, loyalty. It's power. This is what we swore to one another a thousand years ago, before life tore away what little humanity you had left, before ego, before anger, before paranoia created this person before me... Someone I can barely even recognize as my own brother. This is us. The Original family. We remain together, always and forever. I am asking you to stay here. I will help you and I will stand by you. I will be your brother. We will build a home here together. So, save this girl Save your child
Klaus: No
Mystic Falls
[Rebekah’s House]
(Rebekah is on the phone with Elijah)
Elijah: He's doing what he does. Given a chance at happiness, Klaus runs in the opposite direction
Rebekah: Then let him run. That child, if it's even his, is better off without him
Elijah: He's not better off without that child, Rebekah, and neither are we
Rebekah: Darling, kind Elijah. Our brother rarely brings us anything but pain. At what point in your immortal life will you stop searching for his redemption?
Elijah: I'll stop searching for his redemption when I believe there is none left to be found
(She hangs up. Katherine is here)
Rebekah: I'd give you a play-by-play, but you have the air of someone who's been lurking and listening
Katherine: He'll come around. You know Elijah. He won't stop until he's convinced Klaus to do the right thing
Rebekah: I know you consider yourself an expert in brotherly dynamics, but you don't know my brothers half as well as you think you do
Katherine: You're wrong. Klaus won't be able to walk away from this. He and I are the same. We manipulate, we thirst for power, we control, we punish, but our actions are driven by one singular place deep inside
Rebekah: And what's that?
Katherine: We're alone. And we hate it. Tell Elijah to call me when he comes home. I’ll be waiting for him
(She leaves)
[New Orleans]
(Klaus goes back to the party and rejoins Marcel)
Marcel: Hey, man. Where'd you run off to?
Klaus: You mean your minions aren't still documenting my every move?
Marcel: Someone put you in a mood. What can I do?
Klaus: What you can do is you can tell me what this thing is you have with the witches
Marcel: We’re back to that?
Klaus: Yeah, we’re back to that
Marcel: You know I owe you everything I got, but I'm afraid I have to draw the line on this one. This is my business. I control the witches in my town. Let's just leave it at that
Klaus: Your town?
Marcel: Damn straight
Klaus: That's funny. Because when I left 100 years ago, you were just a pathetic little scrapper still trembling from the lashes of the whips of those who would keep you down, and now look at you. Master of your domain. Prince of the city. I'd like to know how
Marcel: Why? Jealous? Hey man, I get it. 300 years ago, you helped build a backwater penal colony into something. You started it, but then you left. Actually, you ran from it. I saw it through. Look around. Vampires rule this city now. We don't have to live in the shadows like rats. The locals know their place. They look the other way. I got rid of the werewolves. I even found a way to shut down the witches. The blood never stops flowing and the party never ends. You want to pass on through? You want to stay a while? Great. What's mine is yours, but it is mine. My home, my family, my rules
Klaus: And if someone breaks those rules?
Marcel: They die. Mercy is for the weak. You taught me that, too. And I'm not the Prince of the quarter, friend. I'm the King! Show me some respect
(Klaus loses his temper and bites one of his minions)
Klaus: Your friend will be d*ad by the weekend. Which means I've broken one of your rules. And yet I cannot be k*lled. I am immortal. Who has the power now, friend?
(He leaves)
(Camille looks at a painting. Klaus rejoins her)
Camille: The hundred dollar guy
Klaus: The brave bartender. Camille. That's a French name
Camille: It's a grandma's name. Call me Cami. Amazing, isn't he?
Klaus: Do you paint?
Camille: No, but I admire. Every artist has a story, you know
Klaus: And what do you suppose his story is?
Camille: He's... angry. Dark. Doesn't feel safe and doesn't know what to do about it. He wishes he could control his demons instead of having his demons control him. He’s lost, alone. Or... maybe he just drank too much tonight. Sorry. Overzealous psych major
Klaus: No. I think you were probably right the first time
Camille: So…
(Klaus has disappeared)
(Klaus is sitting alone on a bench. Elijah rejoins him and sits down next to him)
Klaus: Are you here to give me another pep talk on the joys of fatherhood?
Elijah: I've said all I needed to say
Klaus: I forgot how much I liked this town
Elijah: I didn't forget. All the centuries we've spent together and yet I can count on one hand the number of times that our family has been truly happy. I hated leaving here
Klaus: As did I
Elijah: What is on your mind, brother?
Klaus: For a thousand years, I lived in fear. Any time I settled anywhere, our father would hunt me down and... chase me off. He made me feel powerless, and I hated it. This town was my home once, and in my absence, Marcel has gotten everything that I ever wanted. Power, loyalty, family. I made him in my image and he has bettered me. I want what he has. I want to be King
Elijah: And what of Hayley and the baby?
Klaus: Every King needs an heir
(Elijah is walking in the cemetery with Sophie)
Elijah: So, how do you propose this will work?
Sophie: Your brother needs to cement his place in Marcel's world. His inner circle, the daywalkers... That's where we begin. They're his friends. His family. We'll be hitting him where it hurts
(Thierry is sick. Everyone is gathered around him, including Marcel. Klaus enters)
Klaus: I had time to sleep on it last night. I'm not your enemy. Where my family and I failed this town... Marcel succeeded. My blood will heal him. As though it never happened. The quarter is your home, but I would like to stay a while, if I'm still welcome
(There’s a parade. Klaus looks at it and calls someone)
Klaus: Caroline. I'm standing in one of my favorite places in the world, surrounded by food, music, art, culture, and all I can think about is how much I want to show it to you. Maybe one day you'll let me
Mystic Falls
[Rebekah’s House]
(Rebekah is with Elijah)
Rebekah: So, that's it? I'm just supposed to pack up my things and leave for good? Forget my life here and my pursuit of the cure?
Elijah: The cure was a fool's errand. I mean, taking it would've stripped you of everything you are for what? More High School proms?
Rebekah: I wanted to be human. I wanted children and a family
Elijah: And I stand before you to offer you both
Rebekah: And if I decide against you? A dagger in my heart and then back in a box?
Elijah: I’ve made my case. Your family needs you. And what choice you make right now is your own
Rebekah: I owe him nothing. I wish him no joy. No love. I will stay here and live my life the way I want to, and if you're smart, I suggest you do the same
(She leaves. He turns himself. Katherine is here)
Katherine: She's right. Be smart, Elijah. Klaus is stark raving mad, not to mention completely irredeemable. Leave him to set off on this new adventure and lets you and I go out on ours. I have lost so much of my life to Klaus. So have you. It's our turn. Elijah, please
Elijah: Katerina… Good bye
(He leaves)
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena is still in the cell. Stefan and Damon enter)
Damon: You look terrible
Elena: I'm hungry. Not that you care
Damon: But I do. That's the whole point. I do care. You don't care. It's about time for that to change
(He gives her a blood bag and she drinks)
Elena: Vervain
Damon: How does that make you feel? Hurt because I'd betray you? Angry because I'd cause you pain? Or scared? Because you know it's gonna get a lot worse?
Elena: You boys want to play games? Go ahead. Let's see who breaks first. Me… or you
Ecrit par popo34000 | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x20 - The Originals"} | foreverdreaming |
[Mystic Falls High School]
(Elena, Bonnie, Caroline and Matt arrive at school)
Caroline: Elena, you're here. Hey, I got valedictorian. You can help me write my speech
Elena: Pass
Caroline: Oh, come on. We're graduating this year. This is it. We're gonna have to soak up every second before...
Elena: Wait. Something is not right. I don't want to be here
Damon: What is wrong with you? Don't you want to be with your friends, graduation parties, caps, gowns? You know the drill
Elena: What is this? We're not really here, are we? We're in my head
Damon: Relax. I just want to show you all the things you've been missing out on since you took the giant leap over the cuckoo's nest
Elena: Last thing I remember...
Damon: Let me guess. Prom... Beautiful dress, gorgeous hair, you trying to m*rder Bonnie. It's a good thing I was there to take care of you
Elena: You starved me, you and Stefan
Damon: Yeah. Well, we had to keep you weak so I could bring you here. See, the way I figure it is, if I can make you nostalgic, then you're already halfway to getting your humanity back
Elena: It's not gonna work, Damon
Damon: Well, there are other ways to provoke an emotional response
[Salvatore’s House]
Stefan: You still have her locked in the safe? You've been in her head for an hour. What, still nothing?
Damon: How you doing in there? Come on. Is the old you ready to come out and play?
Elena: Go to hell
Damon: Ok. Back you go. We can do this the nice way, or we can do it the other way, but either way, we're not stopping until you turn your humanity switch back on. So I'm gonna let you think about that, and I'm gonna come back for you in a couple hours or a couple years because all we have is time
(Caroline enters. Stefan’s with her)
Caroline: Where is she? I want to see her
Stefan: We're not letting anyone see her. That's the whole point. Isolation leads to misery, leads to emotion
Caroline: She's been here for days. She hasn't improved at all?
Stefan: Look. She doesn't want to, Caroline, not yet, all right? She's devastated. She lost her brother. She att*cked her friends. She k*lled an innocent woman
Caroline: You said that you knew to help her
Stefan: I did say that. We are
Caroline: How, by torturing her?
Stefan: It's not t*rture. It's an intervention. The only chance we have with her is to provoke her, to trigger something... Fear, anger, self-pity, anything
Caroline: Let me talk to her before any more interventioning. If she's weak, she can't hurt me. Please just let me try
(Stefan leads Caroline to the cell)
Stefan: Good luck
(He leaves and Caroline enters)
Caroline: I brought you something
(She shows her a vial of blood)
Caroline: It doesn't have any vervain in it, I swear. I just figured a little blood might help you think straight. For the record, I don't agree with what they're doing. I mean, I agree that you need to turn your humanity back on, but I don't think that making you suffer is the way to do it. That's not who you are
Elena: What makes you such an expert on who I am?
Caroline: Because we've been friends forever
Elena: I tried to k*ll you, Caroline. I'm not exactly BFF material anymore. You should move on
Caroline: I am not going to give up on you
Elena: This annoying, clingy thing that you're doing, did it ever occur to you maybe that's why both your boyfriends skipped town? I mean, I know that Tyler said he was running for his life. Maybe he was running from you. And Klaus... I mean, let's just say it. Nobody likes a tease. Hey, I'm not judging. Might be nice to have a bad boy ruffle those perfect feathers
Caroline: You're in pain. You're lashing out. I get it, but you can't stay this way forever. We're about to graduate and start new lives, and you deserve...
Elena: Are you seriously talking about High-School graduation? Caroline, do you realize how pathetic you're gonna look in that cap and gown pretending to be human while your mom fake-smiles and just counts down the minutes until you leave town so that you can stop being a reminder that her daughter is a repulsive, blood sucking, control freak monster? It's really too bad Stefan stopped me before I put you out of your misery, but, hey, here's to second chances
(She att*cks Caroline)
Caroline: Elena?
(She breaks her neck. Stefan enters)
Caroline: Do whatever you have to do. I'm gonna be upstairs
[Mystic Grill]
(Rebekah is at the bar. Matt rejoins her)
Rebekah: I was wondering if you were gonna say hello or keep ignoring me
Matt: I was working. I see you compelled the bartenders again
Rebekah: My brothers and I have parted company. Elijah and Nik have run off to New Orleans chasing God knows what, and I am finally free
Matt: Yeah. I heard about that
Rebekah: Did you hear that I lost the cure to Silas? I was this close to the life that I always wanted, and then, poof, gone in a heartbeat
Matt: I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted it
Rebekah: Please. I know you were planning on stealing it for Elena. I never had a chance, did I?
Matt: I meant what I said, but if you want to feel sorry for yourself, go ahead
Rebekah: Why don't you stay and have a drink?
Matt: I can’t. I've got to go meet Caroline
Rebekah: Are they still keeping Elena trapped in the Salvatore mansion? I happen to like her just the way she is. It's tragic that they're trying so desperately to fix something that isn't broken
Matt: Elena was my friend long before she was your mean-girl sidekick. So if you're upset that you lost the cure and your brothers ditched you, why are you still in Mystic Falls? Some of us don't have the option of leaving. Some of us are broke and failing all of our classes and stuck here. So why don't you take your freedom and get the hell out of town? I would
[Salvatore’s House]
(Caroline is outside, on the phone with Bonnie)
Caroline: Bonnie, where have you been? I left you, like, 90 million messages
Bonnie: Studying French. We still have final exams, remember?
Caroline: Oh, don't remind me. Look. This whole thing with Elena, it's about to get brutal, and I know that she's not your favorite person right now, but I could really use you over here
Bonnie: For what, moral support or so you can check up on me?
Caroline: Moral support and maybe just a tiny check-in to make sure that Silas isn't playing any more pesky
little mind games with you
Bonnie: I'm fine, ok? Silas doesn't control me anymore. And I think I'll pass on the invite. Elena tried to k*ll me. I'm not quite ready to forgive and forget. I'm gonna call you later, ok? I got to go
[A restaurant]
(Bonnie is sitting at a table. Katherine rejoins her)
Katherine: Lying, scheming, and a secret rendezvous with moi? Not very Bonnie Bennett-y, especially when
Elena needs her favorite witch
Bonnie: This has nothing to do with them. This is between you and me
Katherine: All right. Well, luckily for you, I've got some spare time on my hands. You said you have an offer that I can't refuse. Well, by all means. What do you have in mind?
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena is tied to a chair. Stefan and Damon are looking at her)
Damon: Good. You're awake. We thought you could use a little sunshine. Looking for this? Aw. You know the rules. Bad girls don't get nice jewelry
Elena: You took my ring. I'm devastated. And bored. Can I go back to solitary now?
Damon: No. I kind of like you in the hot seat. Whenever you're ready, brother
Elena: Am I supposed to be scared?
Stefan: You will be. And when you are, focus on that fear. It's the key to getting your humanity back
Elena: You're not gonna burn me
Damon: You don’t think so?
Elena: No. And even if you do manage to get my emotions back, I'll remember all this. And I'll hate both of you for it
Damon: Tsk. Worth the risk
(Stefan opens the curtain. Elena burns and screams. Stefan closes the curtain)
Damon: That feels better, huh? How about a little gratitude or any human emotion whatsoever? And we can stop this. I didn't quite catch that
Elena: I said, I'm gonna k*ll you
Damon: Bingo. See? There's a little rage. I should have figured that'd be the first emotion that came out of you. I tend to pull that out of people
Stefan: Elena, look at me. We don't want to do this, ok? You can stop this right now. It's your choice
Elena: Kind of funny, actually, you being the one to pull back the curtain. I bet part of you enjoys it since, you know, I dumped you and all
Damon: Wow. That was downright vindictive. See? I think now we're breaking through that tough candy shell and getting into the ooey-gooey rich center of your humanity. This is good. I think we should shine some light on the subject
Elena: Let me guess... This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it hurts me
Stefan: Look, I know what you're going through. After all you've done, you're afraid to face the guilt you'll feel if you turned your emotions back on. The only way we can help you is to make the alternative hurt even worse
(He reopens the curtain. She screams)
(Caroline is outside with Matt)
Caroline: Oh, we have to keep talking. If we don't keep talking, then I won't be able to stop myself from listening in. And I can't stand to hear Elena in pain
Matt: What do you want to talk about?
Caroline: I don't know. Anything. I ordered you a cap and gown
Matt: You did?
Caroline: I just figured that you'd forget, so I ordered yours when I ordered mine. And I got one for Elena, too
Matt: It's gonna work. We're gonna get Elena back
(Caroline sees Rebekah inside)
Caroline: What the hell is she doing here?
(They enter. Rebekah has brought lunch)
Rebekah: I don't mean to interfere. It's just I happen to know all they keep in this house is blood and booze. So I brought a peace offering. Burgers?
Matt: Thanks
Caroline: Yeah, we can't really entertain right now, but thanks for stopping by
Rebekah: I think I might stay. Matt mentioned that he was failing classes and needed a study buddy
Caroline: You're failing? Well, why didn't you ask me to help you study?
Matt: Well, I didn't exactly ask her
Caroline: Well, what classes are you failing?
Matt: I'm not failing. I'm just really, really behind. History and Italian and math
Caroline: Matt!
Matt: This year's been a little distracting
Rebekah: We could both help. "All hands on deck." That's the motto around here, right?
Caroline: We don't have a motto. Look, if you need to study, we're gonna study. I'm gonna go home, and I'm gonna get my flash cards and my study guides and some energy bars. This is gonna be good
(She leaves)
Rebekah: You dated that?
Matt: She likes projects
(Caroline is outside. She feels something)
Caroline: Who’s there?
(She turns herself. It’s Klaus)
Caroline: Oh my god
Klaus: Hello, Caroline
[A restaurant]
Katherine: Let me get this straight. You want me to hand over Silas' tombstone? What makes you think I even have it?
Bonnie: I know you took it from the island. You're a scavenger. You'd never leave it behind
Katherine: So you're working for Silas now, huh? Running errands for the big, bad immortal
Bonnie: I didn’t switch sides. In two days, there'll be a full moon. Silas wants me to harness its power to drop the veil between our side and the other side. He wants to take the cure, and then he wants to die. I said I'd help him, and I've been hiding from him ever since, buying time
Katherine: Time for what?
Bonnie: You don't need to worry about it. You just need to bring me the tombstone
Katherine: It's a hunk of rock. What do you even want with it?
Bonnie: The less you know, the better. Silas is psychic. He can get into people's heads, read their minds, make them see things that aren't really there. I'm taking a big enough risk just talking to you
Katherine: Ok. Then how do I know that you're not him?
Bonnie: You don't. But I'm not
Katherine: And what makes you so sure that I'm not him?
Bonnie: Because he can't get into my head anymore. Because I am the only one who can see his true face
Katherine: What's in it for me?
Bonnie: Bring me the tombstone. Help me stop Silas from unleashing hell on earth. Believe me, I'll make it worth your while
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena is burning and screaming)
Damon: You're gonna thank me for this. After you turn it back on, you'll realize life with no emotions blew
Elena: You know what else blew? Being sired to you. Going every day believing that I was in love with you. I remember every horrible moment of it. And you... So scared that it wasn't real. Well, guess what. It wasn't. You were right. So go ahead. Keep trying to get the old me back. Who knows? Maybe Stefan and I will give it another go
(She frees herself and rushes to the window. she burns and Damon stops the f*re. She laughs)
Elena: I am the girl that you love. You wouldn't do anything to actually hurt me. You just proved that. So what do I really have to be afraid of?
(Stefan and Damon are outside)
Stefan: So that went well
Damon: Every other vampire turns it on, no problem. You k*ll. You feed. You do all the awful things that a vampire does. And then when you're done, you turn it back on. Why is she being so stubborn?
Stefan: Because she has nothing to come back to. Her home's gone. Her family's gone. She alienated her friends. She destroyed her relationships
Damon: No. She wants to come back. Scaring the hell out of her should have worked. She's smart. She knows we're not gonna hurt her
Stefan: All right. So we get somebody else, somebody who really will hurt her
Damon: Who? Katherine?
Stefan: Think about it. She's the reason Jeremy's d*ad, right? So if anybody's gonna provoke an emotion, it's her
Damon: So we call her and then what? Beg her to help us out of the kindness of her own heart? You kidding me?
Stefan: Katherine was just abandoned by Elijah. She has nothing. She has no one. We invite her into our house to come t*rture Elena. There's no way she's gonna turn that down
(Caroline and Klaus are in the woods surrounding the Salvatore’s House)
Caroline: Everyone said that you were gone for good
Klaus: That's true. But I never meant to go without saying good-bye
Caroline: You don't owe me an explanation. You're moving on. By all means, go
Klaus: Well, that's just it, isn't it? I never had any intention of moving on. The truth is, I've tried to stop thinking about you. And I can't. Come to New Orleans. What are you afraid of?
Caroline: You! I’m afraid of you!
Klaus: Wouldn't it be more accurate to say you're afraid of yourself, your darkest desires? Elena was right, wasn't she? Deep down, you long to have your perfect feathers ruffled
Caroline: How do you know what Elena said to me in that cell?
(He pushes her against a tree)
Klaus/Silas: Then again... There's so much to be afraid of, isn't there, like what I'll do to you if your friend Bonnie doesn't come out of hiding. Where is she?
Caroline: Silas
Klaus/Silas: Where is she?! She's not at home. She's not anywhere. Bonnie is playing games with me. And I don't like it. Tell her I'm looking for her. Tell her to come out of the shadows. Tell her that this... Is only the beginning
(Matt and Rebekah are in the living room)
Matt: What time will Caroline return from the train station?
Rebekah: Well, that's handy. Sort of a cheat, though, isn't it?
Matt: Not everyone's had a thousand years to learn everything about everything
Rebekah: I'm not sure how good I am at learning Italian. I was fluent in the 12th century, but languages have a way of evolving
Matt: So can you help or not?
Rebekah: Of course I can. Don't be cranky. I was just teasing
Matt: I'm sorry. I just don't want to get left behind when all my friends go to college and I'm the only repeat senior
Rebekah: The only reason that you are failing is because you're preoccupied with training doomed hunters and dealing with Elena's drama. You need better friends, like me. I could compel you good grades, get a scholarship
Matt: I don't want to do that
Rebekah: Why not? Everyone needs an advantage in life. I could be yours. When you convinced me to save April Young's life at the prom, I realized that I could be a better person. And I'm grateful for that. So let me give you some advice. Take advantage of what I'm offering you. Make something of yourself. For the record, anyone who leaves you behind is a fool. I wouldn't
(Katherine enters)
Katherine: What a beautiful sentiment
Damon: Seriously? You can't knock?
Katherine: Sorry. I didn't realize we were standing on formalities
Rebekah: What the hell are you doing here?
Katherine: You didn't get the memo? I'm here to talk some sense into poor emotionless Elena
Matt: Are you out of your mind?
Damon: You got a better idea, prom King? Unless you want me to lock you up in there with her, I suggest you shut up and let the adults handle this
Rebekah: Well, it looks like the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Where are you going?
Matt: I'm calling Caroline. There's no way we're letting that psycho in there with Elena
(Matt is calling Caroline. She regains consciousness in the woods. She gets up and she finds Matt)
Matt: Caroline!
Caroline: Matt!
Matt: Where have you been?
Caroline: We have to get out of here
Matt: No, Caroline. Caroline, wait. It's ok
Caroline: No, it's not ok. Silas is out there. And he made me think that he was Klaus...
Matt: What are you talking about? What's Silas want with you?
Caroline: He's trying to get to Bonnie. Do you know where Bonnie is?
Matt: If I knew where she was, I wouldn't bother with you. Now, get me Bonnie, or I'm going to k*ll someone. Maybe I'll start with your mother
(She runs and goes to the house but Silas, pretending to be Klaus, stops her)
Klaus: No one in the house can help you. Find Bonnie or I'll k*ll the person you love the most
(She runs to her car and calls her mom)
Liz: I know. I promised I wouldn't work too late
Caroline: Mom, I need you to get home and lock all the doors right now. Don't let anyone inside, not even me because I have a key, so I can let myself in. Do you understand?
Liz: What's going on?
Caroline: Just do it, OK? I'm on my way
(Katherine gets Elena out of the safe)
Katherine: Oh, honey, you look awful
Elena: What the hell are you doing here?
Katherine: Your boyfriends invited me. They want to know if you still have a heart. There it is. Your bodyguards won't let me k*ll you, but I can rip your throat out. So I don't have to listen to you whine. But first, satisfy my curiosity. What did you tell Elijah back in Willoughby?
Elena: That's why you're here. He dumped you, didn't he? Now you're just looking for a scapegoat
Katherine: Tell me what you said to turn him against me or I will feed you your own eyeballs
Elena: I didn't have to say anything. Look at you. A self-obsessed egomaniac on the run for 5 centuries. What good would you be to anyone? You're the definition of damaged goods. No wonder Elijah left you
Katherine: Yeah, I've done some pretty horrible things to survive. But unlike you, poor, delicate Elena, I don't turn it off. I deal with it. You wouldn't last a week as a vampire without everyone fawning over you. But I'd love to see you try
(She leaves)
(Katherine is in the library with Damon)
Katherine: All that pain and t*rture of her took quite a thirst
Damon: It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that Elena called you out on your recent boy trouble, could it? Sorry. I couldn't help but overhear
Katherine: Did you ever think Elena would have been better off if she'd never met you?
Damon: You're trying to get a rise out of me? Because my emotions are fine. I love Elena. I despise you
Katherine: Mm, so romantic. So doomed to fail. You know, as soon as she goes back to her old self, she'll go straight to Stefan. That's the tragedy of you. You never get the girl
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: She's gone
Damon: What?
Stefan: Elena's not in her cell. I'm gonna check the grounds. Find out what she did
Katherine: Oops. Did I forget to lock her in? Let's just say I've lost interest in Elena's recovery. I'd rather watch her tear through an orphanage. Imagine trying to come back from a spiral like that
(Rebekah and Matt enter)
Matt: Elena’s gone? What happened?
Damon: Donovan, you're coming with me
Rebekah: Why should he?
Damon: Because Elena's hungry and missing. For once, his life might actually have a purpose
[Caroline’s House]
(Caroline enters. She’s leaving a voicemail to Bonnie)
Caroline: Bonnie, why aren't you answering? Silas isn't going to just give up. You're the only one that can stop him. Call me
(Liz is here)
Liz: Caroline, what's going on?
Caroline: Mom, don't come any closer. Stop
Liz: What's wrong?
Caroline: I don't know how to tell if it's really you. What if this is another trick? He can get in my head and he would have known that I called you
Liz: Ok, Caroline. It's me. It's your mother. I don't know what's happening, but everything's going to be ok. All right? You just need to talk to me
(Caroline calls her)
Liz: Hi. How's it going?
Caroline: Oh, good
[The Woods]
(Elena is walking a car arrives)
Elena: Please help me
(Matt gets out)
Elena: Matt. Thank God you found me
Matt: Elena, stop. I know you don't want to do this. I know you don't want to hurt me
Elena: I'm a vampire, Matt. The thing about vampires is that we need to feed
Matt: No, but you're more than that. You're my friend. You're my oldest friend. You're my friend. You're my oldest friend. You’re the girl that I’ve loved longer that I can remember. Whatever wall you want to put up, I know that still means something to you
Elena: Deep down... It probably does mean something... But I am really hungry
[Caroline’s House]
(Caroline and Liz are in the living room)
Caroline: Bonnie hasn't called back yet. I just don't understand why she hasn't called
(She hears the door and goes see who it is. It’s Bonnie)
Bonnie: What’s going on? Are you all right?
Caroline: I've been calling you for hours
Bonnie: Sorry. I came as soon as I got the message. Caroline, let me in. Let me help
Caroline: How do I know it's you? Silas keeps getting in my head, attacking me. He says he wants to know where you are. He thr*at my mother
Liz: Caroline?
Caroline: Mom, just stay there
Bonnie: Caroline, that is not your mother
Caroline: What's going on? Oh, my God
(It’s not Liz, it’s Silas)
Silas: Did you really think you could hide from me, Bonnie?
Bonnie: I'm here now. What did you do to her mother?
Silas: She's right where you left her
(Caroline goes in the living room. Liz is lying on the ground, unconscious)
Caroline: Mom? Mom! Ohh…
Silas: I thought you and I were on the same side
Bonnie: We are. The full moon isn't for two more days. I've been gathering my strength, preparing myself
Silas: You're the only one who can do this spell. So I can't hurt you. But I can hurt the people you love. You do understand that, right?
Bonnie: I understand. I will do your spell. I will drop the veil. And I will help you die. I promise Just don't hurt my friends
Silas: Your promise is binding, Bonnie. If you break it, you have to answer to me
Bonnie: I won't break it
Silas: Then you should leave this house right now. And the next time I come looking for you, I expect you to be waiting
(She leaves with him)
[The Woods]
(Matt is lying on the ground)
Elena: Oh, come on. I barely drained an artery. Come on. Get up. I'm hungry. And my head's fuzzy. I can't think straight. I need more
Matt: Elena, stop
Elena: But you're so good
(Stefan and Damon intervene)
Stefan: Hey, hey. You're cut off
Elena: Let go of me
Damon: Stop it. Enough. You are acting like a little spoiled brat. You know that? You think that we can't punish you. Maybe not. But I can sure punish him
Matt: Elena…
Elena: Seriously? You think this is...
Damon: Shut up. I'm done playing nice. Turn your emotions back on right now, Elena, or so help me, God, I will give you something to be sad about. I will k*ll him right here in front of you
Stefan: Damon
Damon: Don't "Damon" me. If she doesn't love anyone, fine. Prove it. And if I'm wrong, what difference does it make? One less bus boy
Matt: Elena….
Elena: You're bluffing
Damon: How about now?
(He kills Matt. Elena is chocked and has tears in her eyes)
Damon: You feel anything now? You angry I just turned your buddy into road k*ll? Or are you sad that the guy that everybody loves is just a bag of bones? Remember when he was a little kid, huh? Warm heart, big, goofy smile, his whole life ahead of him. I guess it was a good idea that he was wearing this
(He shows him the Gilbert ring)
Elena: Oh, God, Matt
Damon: You feeling that weight lifting off your chest? That's joy. Because your friend isn't d*ad. That's emotion, Elena. That's humanity
(She’s still crying)
Damon: You're gonna be ok
Elena: No
Damon: Look at me
Elena: No. No. No. It's not ok
Damon: Elena
Elena: What I've done?
Damon: Hey
Elena: No, no. What did I do? I almost k*lled him. Matt. I almost... and then Bonnie and Caroline. I just... no, no. I mean, the woman, the waitress. I actually k*lled that waitress. No! I k*lled... That waitress
Stefan: Hey. Elena. Hey. Hey. Look at me. Look at me. I know this stage, ok? The emotions are overwhelming you. You just have to focus on one thing, ok?
Elena: No, I can't. I can't
Stefan: You just find that one thing inside of you that makes you strong. It's in there. Just latch on to it. Channel everything you're feeling into that one emotion. Find the thing inside of you that makes you want to live. Elena, let it in. Let it in. That's good. That's it. That's it. Just breathe it in. Blow everything else out. That's good. That's good. You ok?
Elena: No. I’m not okay but I'll get better
[Caroline’s House]
Caroline: Come on. This will work
(She takes a syringe and injects her blood in her mother’s chest)
Caroline: Mom? Open your eyes. Come on. Wake up. You have to wake up. You have to see me graduate. I swear I'll get... I swear I'll get you out of this town and find you a nice man. Mom!
(Liz wakes up and Caroline embraces her)
[Salvatore’s House]
(Matt wakes up. Rebekah is here)
Rebekah: I've never actually seen that ring in action before. Does it hurt?
Matt: You mean getting my neck snapped or coming back from the d*ad? Because they both hurt like hell. Did it work?
Rebekah: Well, it looks like Elena's emotional floodgates have been burst wide open. So she'll be back to her dull, sympathetic self in no time. Here. That was a brave thing to do
Matt: She saved me from drowning at the bottom of that river. I'm just doing what I can to pay her back
Rebekah: There aren't enough apologies in the world for the part that I played in this. Running you off the bridge, Elena becoming a vampire to save you. If you don't want me to cheat you into college, fine. We'll do it the hard way. But, Matt... I will spend every day until graduation trying to find a way to pay you back
[A restaurant]
(Katherine rejoins Bonnie)
Katherine: I'm perfectly aware that tombstone isn't just a hunk of rock
Bonnie: No kidding
Katherine: And it got me thinking, all big spells require a source of power, a recurring element like a full moon, a comet. But that tombstone is filled with the blood of your ancient relative Katsooyay or whatever
Bonnie: Qetsiyah
Katherine: She was powerful enough to create the other side. So maybe if you have her blood, you don't need a full moon to drop the veil. Maybe you can do it whenever you want. The thing I can't figure out is why do you want to drop the veil at all?
Bonnie: I have my reasons
Katherine: And again, I ask, what's in it for me?
Bonnie: You'll get the one thing you want most in this world... Freedom, survival. Never having to run from anyone again. Once I've dropped the veil, I can speak to Qetsiyah. She created the spell that made Silas truly immortal, invulnerable to any w*apon. You'd like that for yourself, wouldn't you? I can give it to you
Katherine: Bonnie Bennett, we have a deal
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena is in the library with Stefan and Damon)
Damon: Hey... There you go. How you feeling?
Elena: The pain's still there. The grief... And shame. I get it now. Shutting it off, it's a cheat. I mean, you put up this wall and shut out everything that makes you who you are. Nothing affects you, nothing matters. But things do matter... Things happen that can't be undone and now I know there's something I need to do about that
Stefan: Elena, what you need to do is rest; take it easy for a couple of days. Maybe even a couple of years. Here
Elena: I... I'm done resting. I have to get ready. There's so much that I have to do
Damon: Whoa. Hey. What are you talking about?
Elena: Think about it. It's so obvious. Go back far enough, there's one person who brought us to this... Who ruined our lives... And look at you two. Everything that's happened to you, she did that. She brought Klaus to Mystic Falls; she turned Caroline into a vampire. She k*lled my brother. It all comes down to her... Katherine. Ok, Stefan said to focus on one thing, so I did. I focused on hate. And I hate her so much
Damon: Well, I don't think that's what he meant
Stefan: Elena, Katherine's not worth your time. Even if you spend 10 minutes of your life hating her, she wins
Elena: Not if I k*ll her
Ecrit par popo34000 | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x21 - She's Come Undone"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena and Stefan are training)
Stefan: And?
Elena: That did nothing for me. How was it for you?
Stefan: Again. Good. Now, focus on letting it go
Elena: Or we could skip the sublimating part and you can tell me where she is so that I can rip her head off
Stefan: I don't know where Katherine is and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you
Elena: Stefan, you're the one who told me to channel all of my emotions into one single feeling.
Stefan: I realize that. I just figured it would be love, or hope, or compassion. Not unwavering hatred for a ruthless vampire that's 500 years older than you. Give me 50 pull-ups
Elena: You wanted to k*ll Klaus when you got your emotions back
Stefan: I know and I couldn’t
Elena: You don't think I can k*ll Katherine?
Stefan: I don't think you really want to
Elena: Maybe you're right. Maybe I just want to feel the warmth of her chest cavity as I rip out her heart and watch her face as she realizes I took it from her. Nah, I just want to k*ll her. It's that simple. I'm gonna go shower
[Mystic Grill]
(Rebekah is at the bar with Matt)
Rebekah: So, let me get this straight. You send out a notice of your impending graduation, and people feel obliged to give you money?
Matt: Pretty much
Rebekah: Sounds brilliant. Why aren't you participating?
Matt: I don't have a whole lot of family
Rebekah: Well, that makes two of us. Besides, I don't think it was my mother's dream to see me in a cap and gown. How about your mom?
Matt: Let's just say I'm not holding my breath for a graduation check
(Caroline and Elena are sitting on a table outside)
Caroline: Stamp, please. Thank you
Elena: You don't have to pretend to be nice to me, Caroline. I know this is just a ploy to keep me distracted
Caroline: You're done? I'm only on my second batch
Elena: We have family friends in Denver. Other than that, no one cares that I'm graduating. And to be honest, neither do I
Caroline: You know, that's how you feel now, but once you get through this hating Katherine phase...
Elena: Wait. Do you know where Katherine is?
Caroline: No. Why would I know where she is?
Elena: Yeah, but Caroline, if you did, you would tell me, right?
Caroline: Elena, you're obsessing
Elena: Caroline, listen to me. If you know where Katherine is, you have to tell me
Caroline: I don't. Elena... Chill.
[The Woods]
(Bonnie and Katherine are in the woods)
Katherine: Hello! Could you be any creepier? Why are we here?
Bonnie: You want me to make you truly immortal so that nothing can k*ll you. To do that, I need to talk to Qetsiyah, which means I need to lower the veil to the other side
Katherine: That still doesn't explain why you made me trudge through mud in $500 boots
Bonnie: A few miles that way, 12 hybrids were k*lled at the Lockwood cellar. And a few Miles that way, 12 humans died at the Young farm. And this is the site where 12 witches were k*lled
Katherine: 13 if you don't get to the point
Bonnie: It's the expression triangle. I need to charge all 3 points and channel the mystical energy from Silas's tombstone. Once that happens, I can drop the veil inside the 3 points and just long enough to get what I need
Katherine: And what exactly do you need?
Bonnie: Silas has done nothing but torment my friends. Now he wants to unleash hell on earth. He's evil. In 2,000 years, only one person has been able to put him down
Katherine: Let me guess. Qetsiyah
Bonnie: If I can contact her, I can ask her how to do it. Now hand me the rock
Katherine: You're gonna flood Mystic Falls with d*ad, supernatural creatures so that you can ask a 2,000-year-old witch not one but two favors? Ha! I think I'll take my business elsewhere
(She can’t leave)
Katherine: What the hell?
Bonnie: I linked us. Which means you're stuck with me for the day. Silas can be anyone. If he gets in your head and figures out I don't need a full moon to do the spell, it's over. Now, about that tombstone
[Mystic Falls’ Hospital]
(Stefan rejoins Damon)
Damon: You just missed the donuts
Stefan: Yeah, I was with Elena burning off a few thousand hate-filled calories. What happened to you helping me?
Damon: Help? Yes. Prolonging the inevitable, waste of my time
Stefan: Hmm. You're avoiding. How unexpected
Damon: I'm not avoiding. Elena's only goal is to end Katherine's life, and that's not gonna just magically disappear with Pilates and a juice cleanse
(Liz rejoins them)
Liz: Hey, guys. Thanks for coming
Damon: Hey. Why were we invited?
Liz: Well, the hospital has kept the blood banks empty ever since they were raided last month. We thought at the very least, it would help keep the vampire population away
Stefan: And it didn't?
Liz: See for yourself
(They go to a room)
Liz: There were 4 other victims in this wing. Each one almost completely drained of blood. You think it's Silas?
Damon: Or a doctor with some very questionable bedside manner
Liz: But 5 victims? It's a lot of blood and it's not like he can take it with him
Stefan: Unless he's fueling up for something big
Liz: Big? Any details would be helpful, considering I'm dealing with 5 grieving families out there and a psychic k*ller on the loose
Damon: Silas wants Bonnie to do a spell to drop the veil from the other side
Liz: I have no idea what that means
Damon: It's an invisible wall that separates our plane from the plane of all d*ad supernatural creatures. Now, Silas wants that to go away so he can take the cure, die, and not have to spend an eternity in a supernatural purgatory
Liz: And when do you suppose Silas plans on doing this?
Damon: Next full moon. Tomorrow night
[Old Lockwood Cellar]
(Bonnie and Katherine arrive)
Katherine: Ugh. That old Lockwood cellar reeks of wet dog. I'll be staying up here
Bonnie: You obviously don't know how this works
(They enter)
Katherine: You realize I'm not just some wandering child in a supermarket, right? I’m a vampire that can k*ll you
Bonnie: Whatever happens to me happens to you. Do you really think I want you here?
Katherine: And what is here? Oh. Right. 12 d*ad hybrids. This should be good
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline, Rebekah and Matt are at the bar)
Caroline: Is it supposed to rain tonight?
Rebekah: Do I look like a meteorologist?
(They look at Elena)
Caroline: Someone needs to do something, before she explodes
Rebekah: I got this
(She rejoins Elena)
Rebekah: Drink. You're putting everyone on edge. So. What's the deal? I'm new to this whole emotional switch situation
Elena: It's not complicated. See that dart board? All I can picture is Katherine's face
Rebekah: So, your emotions are on, they're just dialed to rage
Elena: Look, Rebekah, I get that we had our Thelma and Louise thing back when I had my humanity off, but let me make one thing clear... We're not friends
(Caroline rejoins them)
Caroline: What about us? Are we still friends? All those things you said when your humanity was off, is that how you really feel?
Elena: Caroline, I really don't feel like going down memory lane
Caroline: Well, what about when you said, and I quote, "you're a repulsive, blood-sucking, control freak monster"? Did you really mean those things?
Elena: If you're waiting for an apology, you're not gonna get one. I can't let myself feel bad, because if I feel bad, then I feel everything, and... We've all seen how well I handle that
(The power’s out. They go outside)
Rebekah: The power's completely out
Caroline: I’ll call my mom! Maybe she knows what's going on
[The Young Farm]
Bonnie: 12 humans b*rned to death here. They died in vain for Silas
Katherine: What did you do?
Bonnie: I linked the final hot spot. It's time to drop the veil
[Mystic Falls’ Hospital]
(Damon, Liz and Stefan are looking at a map)
Liz: The power outages originated at 3 different places in town... the Young farm, the Lockwood estate, and a blown transformer off old Miller Road
Stefan: These are the locations of the Silas massacres. It's the expression triangnle. Bonnie must be doing the spell
Damon: So much for needing a full moon
Liz: I know something else. One of the power company guys has a daughter who goes to school with Bonnie. He saw her leaving the Young farm an hour ago with Elena
Stefan: But Caroline's with Elena
Damon: Looks like Bonnie Bennett has a new doppelganger friend
Liz: So, how do we find them?
Stefan: Well, they must be somewhere in the triangle. My guess is right in the middle
Damon: And where exactly might that be?
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Damon and Stefan arrive. Elena rejoins them)
Stefan: Where's Caroline?
Elena: Inside looking for Bonnie. I think we should split up. Damon and I can look outside while you and Caroline look inside
Stefan: All right. Let me know if you find anything
(He leaves)
Damon: Someone's an eager beaver
Elena: Where's Katherine?
Damon: Now I get it. One brother sh**t you down, you ask the other one. Great
Elena: You know, don't you?
Damon: Do you not notice all the end of the world crap going on right now?
Elena: Tell me that you don't want her d*ad. After everything that she did to you. Stringing you along for hundreds of years
Damon: Elena, we don't need to list all the reasons that I hate Katherine. What we need to do is find Bonnie. Come on
Elena: I don't care about Bonnie. I care about k*lling Katherine
Damon: They're together. Ok? So maybe you should do a little less thr*at and a little more looking. Come on
(Stefan rejoins Caroline in the cafeteria)
Stefan: Hey. There you are. Any luck?
Caroline: I searched the whole school. She should be here
(They hear a noise)
Caroline: What was that?
(They go in the cold room)
Stefan: Hmm. Ice is melting
Caroline: It just doesn't make any sense. This is the center of the triangle. If she's gonna do the spell, she has to do it here. This is where they should be
Stefan: Actually, I think we're in the right place. Just the wrong elevation
(Bonnie and Katherine are in the caves below the school)
Bonnie: Ok. This is the center of the triangle. I'm ready. Now give me the tombstone
Katherine: The fact that this spell hinges on some crappy hunk of blood-rock does little to inspire my confidence
Bonnie: It's filled with the calcified blood of Qetsiyah, one of the strongest witches in the world
(Damon is on the phone with Stefan)
Damon: If I remember correctly, I think there's an entrance in the basement
Stefan: Where's the basement?
Elena: Off the boiler room
Damon: You hear that? I'll meet you there
(He hangs up and looks at Elena)
Damon: You're gonna have to stay here
Elena: Are you kidding me?
Damon: We really need to stop Bonnie from doing this spell, and if you get all m*rder and screw it up...
Elena: Is that really the reason?
Damon: As self-righteous as Stefan is, he has a point. Behind your rage, there is a tidal wave of feelings. All of your guilt, all your grief. Every emotion you've ever put off. And k*lling Katherine's gonna let it all in, and if you can't handle it, then we're back to square one
Elena: And if I can? What if k*lling Katherine takes away all that grief and guilt? What if k*lling Katherine finally lets me feel all the good things that I've lost? Damon, help me. As soon as I get over this hurdle, I'll be me. I'll be able to think clearly. I'll be myself and everything will go back to normal
Damon: She's strong. And crafty. And you'll die
Elena: Then at least I'll die trying
(Bonnie is doing the spell)
Katherine: What is happening?
Bonnie: I'm channeling the expression triangle. It's done. The veil is down
(Damon Is lying on the ground. Alaric appears)
Alaric: Need a hand?
Damon: So, this is either really good or really bad
Alaric: It's good to see you, too, Damon
Damon: I'd say the feeling was mutual, except a lot of people aren't exactly who they say they are around here
Alaric: You think I'm Silas? Are you kidding me?
Damon: Uhh. See, this puts us in a bit of a pickle, ‘cause that is exactly what Silas would say
Alaric: Now, would Silas know about locker 42?
(Damon embraces him)
Damon: Hang on. If I can see you, and I can touch you that means the little witch did it. She dropped the veil
Alaric: Well, not completely. It's only down inside the expression triangle. If I step outside of it, it's back to ghost world
Damon: Where's everybody? I figure with the veil down, it'd be like ghost-a-palooza
Alaric: Not every ghost has a reason to come back to Mystic Falls. Just the ones like me, looking out for their idiot best friends
Damon: I'm more worried about the ones looking out for their enemies
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt and Rebekah are alone)
Matt: This wind is weird. One minute it was bl*wing like a hurricane. Now nothing, not even a breeze
Rebekah: Looks like something wicked finally came
Matt: You know, you don't have to be here. I mean, technically, one of us is getting paid
Rebekah: But it's fun. And kind of cozy. With the storm outside and the candlelight. And us
(Someone enters)
Rebekah: Oh, my God. Kol
Kol: Greetings from the d*ad. So, who fancies a drink?
Rebekah: I thought I'd never see you again
Kol: Spare me the waterworks, sister. I've already watched you grieve. Lasted a full 24 hours, remember?
Matt: I'm assuming this means Bonnie dropped the veil
Kol: Not completely, and not for long. But who am I to give up an opportunity for revenge? My k*ller's already d*ad, but his sister's just as culpable. So maybe you could help me find her
Matt: If you hurt Elena...
Kol: Oh… I’m going to. But please, continue. I'm curious as to where you're going with this
Rebekah: You've made your point, Kol. Leave
Kol: First tell me where I can find Elena
Rebekah: She left here hours ago. We don't know where she is. Now get out
Kol: I see you finally got the quarterback to pay attention to you. How's the throwing arm, champ?
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Katherine and Bonnie are still in the caves)
Katherine: Tick tock, Bonnie
Bonnie: Stop talking. I can't reach out to Qetsiyah with you breaking my concentration every 5 seconds
Katherine: Bonnie. Did you hear that? Someone's coming
Bonnie: Will you be quiet?
Katherine: I have vampire hearing, Bonnie, and there's someone here. Unlink me so that I can go stall them while we wait for Qetsiyah to show up
Bonnie: I'm not letting you go
Katherine: Then at least give me some slack
Bonnie: Fine. Go. Stop them
(Katherine is in the tunnels)
Katherine: Silas? Come and get me
(Elena arrives)
Elena: Hello, Katherine
Katherine: I let you out of your cage and this is how you thank me?
Elena: No. This is how I thank you
(Bonnie is screaming. Stefan and Caroline enter)
Stefan: Bonnie. Bonnie, what happened?
Bonnie: Katherine. Find Katherine. We're linked
Caroline: Then unlink her. You go. I'll stay with Bonnie
(Elena is still fighting with Katherine)
Elena: You have done nothing but suck the happiness out of my life. Uhh. Well, now I get to k*ll you
Katherine: No, wait, please
Elena: Good-bye, Katherine
(Stefan intervenes)
Elena: Stefan!
Katherine: Thanks for the save, handsome
Stefan: Get the hell out of here before I k*ll you myself
Katherine: Really? I’m your biggest problem right now?
[Mystic Grill]
(Rebekah is taking care of Matt)
Rebekah: You know, I could just cure this for you easily, right?
Matt: I’ll be fine
Rebekah: Why won't you ever let me help you?
Matt: It's not you, it's... Look, people in this town have a bad habit of turning into vampires and I'd like to graduate High School as a human. I think there's a first aid kit in the back
Rebekah: Ok
(She goes in the back and finds Caroline)
Rebekah: Caroline, how are you still here... Oh my god
Caroline: I have to keep cutting
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Caroline is with Bonnie)
Caroline: Bonnie, are you ok?
Bonnie: Yeah, now that I unlinked her
Caroline: What are you doing down here?
Bonnie: Waiting for Qetsiyah
Caroline: You might be waiting a while. Qetsiyah's not coming, Bonnie
Bonnie: But... I saw Caroline. How? I thought you couldn't get inside my head
Silas: That's what I wanted you to think. I can make you see whatever I want you to see. Am I a disfigured monster? Of course not. A monster is what I wanted you to see. That's the beauty of all this. You have no idea who I am. Or what I look like. Or how deep I am inside of your head. You thought that you were more powerful than me? I'm stronger than you can imagine. I defeated the hunter's curse in minutes. You thought that you could betray me. You can't. I will always be one step ahead
(Stefan is still with Elena)
Elena: How could you save her? She was as good as d*ad
Stefan: Yeah, and so was Bonnie. Bonnie used a spell to link herself to Katherine, so if you k*lled her, Bonnie would be d*ad, too
Elena: How do you know that?
Stefan: Because I saw her, Elena. You almost k*lled your best friend
Elena: I don’t believe you
Stefan: Really?
Elena: You never wanted me to k*ll Katherine. Why are you protecting her, Stefan?
Stefan: Listen to yourself. Your rage is making you crazy
Elena: Do you still have feelings for her?
Stefan: This isn't even about Katherine. This is about Jeremy. What, you think that k*lling her will take all that pain away? It won’t
Elena: Oh, but beating up cinder blocks will?
Stefan: No. It's a distraction. Just like k*lling Katherine, just like turning your emotions off. The truth is, there are no shortcuts. You are a vampire, Elena. Loss is part of the deal. Look, I've been alive for 163 years. I have lost more loved ones than I can count and it hurts me every single time
Elena: So, there's no hope. You're saying I'm hopeless
Stefan: No. I'm saying you have to face your grief. But you don't have to do it alone. I can help you
Elena: Oh, of course you can. God, Stefan, always trying to help and your concern for me is just like...
Stefan: You're transferring some rage on me. That's good
Elena: I don't need to transfer anything. I can hate two people just fine
Stefan: Elena…
Elena: Just like the cinder block. Nothing
[Mystic Grill]
(Rebekah is trying to help Caroline)
Rebekah: Caroline, hey. Snap out of it
Caroline: I need to bleed. Silas wants me to bleed
Rebekah: Stop it. You're hallucinating
Caroline: Just let me do this. I need to do this
Rebekah: You’re going to cut your hand’s off
(Matt is on the phone with Damon)
Matt: She's been here the whole time. That means Silas is with you
Damon: Perfect
Matt: Yeah, it gets worse. The veil's down. Kol came by looking for Elena. Seemed a little pissed
Damon: Do you have any good news for me, Donovan?
Matt: We’ll handle this. .Just watch your back
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Damon is with Alaric)
Damon: Call Stefan. Tell him about Caroline. Tell him to keep an eye on Elena. God knows he'll do a better job than me
Alaric: Stefan? Isn't she your girlfriend?
Damon: Who knows? I know she was sired to me. I know her emotions were off. I know she's so full of rage she wants to rip Katherine's head off...
Alaric: But you have no idea how she feels about you and now you're freaking out
Damon: Call Stefan
[Mystic Grill]
Matt: Have you tried compelling her?
Rebekah: I can't. She's on vervain
Caroline: Let me go!
Rebekah: Look, Caroline, you're graduating and Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary really want you to graduate with both your hands
Caroline: I need to keep cutting. I need to keep cutting. I need to keep cutting
Rebekah: Stop!
Caroline: Bitch!
Rebekah: That is the Caroline I know and loathe
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
Bonnie: Stay away from me
Caroline/Silas: Gladly. Once you finish the spell. Then when the veil is dropped completely, I can take the cure. I just want to pass on, Bonnie. I'll even let you k*ll me. I'll be out of your life for good
Bonnie: But every d*ad supernatural creature will be roaming the earth
Caroline/Silas: Well, if you don't help me, I'll be roaming the earth
Bonnie: I was never gonna drop the veil
Caroline/Silas: I'm curious. What was your plan? Pow-wow with Qetsiyah? Brainstorm ways to put me down? Qetsiyah's not coming. She wants me on the other side with her. For eternity
Damon: Bonnie? Bonnie?
Caroline/Silas: That sounds familiar
(He takes Alaric’s appearance)
Alaric/Silas: Maybe Damon will convince you
Bonnie: I won't let you...
Caroline/Silas: You won't let me what? You feel that, Bonnie? The air. Thinning. Barely enough to breathe
[Mystic Falls’ Cemetery]
(Elena goes to Jeremy’s grave)
Elena: '"Brother and friend"? What genius came up with that one? I give up, Jer. I really wanted to k*ll her for you, but... There's no point. Stefan's right. It's just a distraction. And... I can't. I can't do this. I can't... I can't move on, and I don't want to. If that makes me weak, then fine, I'm weak. But I can't handle you... I can't handle you being gone... And I can't handle feeling like this anymore
(Kol arrives)
Kol: Hello, old friend. Pity about your brother. Guess it's just me against you now
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Bonnie can’t barely breathe. Sheila appears)
Sheila: Bonnie. This isn't real, Bonnie. Feel the air in your lungs. Break through
Bonnie: Silas?
Sheila: Would Silas try and save your life? Now, breathe, child. There
Bonnie: I was so worried about you
Sheila: I know but I’m okay. I've been watching over you
Bonnie: I messed up. I’m sorry
Sheila: You can still stop Silas
Bonnie: No, I can't. Qetsiyah was able to immobilize him so he couldn't feed and get into people's heads. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to put him down
Sheila: You can do that. Expression is the manifestation of your will. You can do anything. I don't like it, but sometimes, there are no choices. But you are strong enough. You can do this
(Damon is in the caves and stumbles upon Alaric)
Alaric: Whoa. It's just me. I called Stefan. He's heading for Elena. Did you find Silas?
Damon: Yup
Alaric: Oh! Damon, it's me!
Damon: No, you're not. I've spent more time in these tunnels than I care to admit and there's no way you just came from the school. Your mind games don't work on me, Silas
(Bonnie arrives)
Bonnie: I may not be able to k*ll you, but I will stop you. I will make the blood clot in your veins. I will make every bone, muscle, and joint in your body turn to stone
Damon: What the hell is happening?
Bonnie: He can't hide behind his mind control anymore. He's becoming his true self
Damon: Who exactly might his true self be?
Bonnie: I guess we'll never know
[Mystic Falls’ Cemetery]
(Kol and Elena are fighting)
Kol: Now, this is what I've missed. Two people connecting. It's lonely on the other side. I swear, being invisible will drive you mad. The way you couldn't see me standing in front of you, or feel my breath on your cheek as I whispered all the ways that I wished for you to suffer. But at least, now you can
Elena: Go ahead, Kol. k*ll me. You'll be doing me a favor
Kol: As you wish, darling
(Jeremy appears)
Jeremy: How many times do I need to k*ll you?
Kol: Jeremy Gilbert. You’re back. Now, what's the saying? k*ll me once, shame on you, k*ll me twice, shame on...
(Stefan intervenes and breaks his neck)
Stefan: Let's leave it at that, shall we?
(Jeremy rushes toward Elena)
Jeremy: Elena?! Elena?
Elena: Jeremy
[The Woods]
(Damon and Stefan are with Bonnie)
Bonnie: You need to get rid of Silas's body
Damon: Well, there's a slight problem, Medusa. Even though you turned him into stone, if he gets one more drop of blood, he's back to his old mind tricks
Stefan: All right. So, let's do what we should've done to Klaus. Let's drop his body in the middle of the ocean
(Elena and Jeremy rejoin them)
Elena: Bonnie... I don't know what to say
Bonnie: You don't have to say anything
Elena: I was so horrible to you
Bonnie: You weren't you. I know what that's like. I wasn't me for a long time. We can talk about that later. You got some catching up to do
Jeremy: thank you Bonnie
Bonnie: I'll give you guys as much time as I can... But I have to go put the veil back up
Stefan: I should make sure Kol’s body is somewhere safe until the veil goes back up
Elena: Stefan…
Stefan: Welcome back
(He leaves. She looks at Damon)
Elena: There isn't enough time
Damon: It'll never be enough time
Elena: Damon, I'm sorry
Damon: Stop. The most important thing right now is Jeremy. And saying good-bye
[Mystic Grill]
(Stefan enters. Caroline’s here)
Caroline: Good. You're here. We need to celebrate
Stefan: Yeah, I'm not really in the mood to... celebrate
Caroline: What's wrong with you? Silas is d*ad, or whatever, and you're just sitting here like a bump on a log
Stefan: There was someone that I thought I would see today, and... I didn't. That's all
(Lexi enters)
Lexi: You better mean me
Stefan: You've got to be kidding me
(She looks at Caroline)
Lexi: Thank you for keeping an eye on this one
[The Woods]
(Damon puts Silas in the trunk)
Damon: Calcified Silas is a heavy son of a bitch
Alaric: Can't think of a more appropriate way to spent my last moments as a semi-living person
Damon: Oh, I'm sorry. You have someplace better to be?
Alaric: Guess not
Damon: Thought you were cutting back
Alaric: Yeah, well... I thought you were gonna take care of the children
Damon: You heard that? That's not creepy
Alaric: I... Found this in the d*ad guy's pocket. Thought it might do more use here than, say, 3 miles below sea level
Damon: What the hell am I supposed to do with this?
Alaric: Get the girl
[A street]
(Stefan and Lexi are walking)
Lexi: She punched you in the face?
Stefan: Yep
Lexi: Ha ha ha! Take a hint
Stefan: So, you've been back what, 5 minutes, and you're already laughing at me?
Lexi: No. I've been laughing at you for a while. You just haven't been able to see me
Stefan: Do you have any idea how much I missed you?
Lexi: Trust me. I do. Although I see I've been replaced by another blonde
Stefan: What'd you give me that look for?
Lexi: She's cute
Stefan: Do not start
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Bonnie is back in the cave with Sheila)
Sheila: You have to put up the veil
Bonnie: Not yet
Sheila: What are you doing, Bonnie?
Bonnie: I can bring Jeremy back. I can keep him here
Sheila: No, you can’t
Bonnie: Elena needs him. This was always the plan. Jeremy wasn't supposed to die
Sheila: It was the will of nature. There is no magic in this world that is strong enough to challenge it
Bonnie: I have every magic. I have the spirits
(She casts a spell)
Sheila: stop it!
Bonnie: I have expression
Sheila: Stop it, Bonnie
Bonnie: And I have the darkness
Sheila: Bonnie, stop
(Bonnie continues to cast the spell)
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt and Rebekah are outside)
Matt: In case Caroline didn't thank you for pulling her out of that hallucination earlier... Thanks
Rebekah: I'm just glad I got a chance to knock her upside the face
(She sees someone)
Rebekah: Oh, my god
Matt: Who the hell is that?
Rebekah: That is my ex-boyfriend Alexander. He's a vampire hunter. Thank God. The power's coming back. Maybe that means the veil's almost up and he'll disappear again
Matt: Or not
Rebekah: We should get out of here
(They turn themselves. Connor and Vaughn are here)
Connor: You should
Vaughn: Too bad you can't
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Bonnie wakes up. Sheila is here)
Sheila: I'm sorry, Bonnie. The spell. It was just too much
Bonnie: Oh, my God. I’m d*ad
Ecrit par popo34000 | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x22 - The Walking d*ad"} | foreverdreaming |
[The Mystic Falls High School football field is all decked out for the commencement ceremony. It is deserted except for Kol, who stands at the podium, and the d*ad hybrids and witches from the Expression triangle sacrifices who approach him. He taps the microphone before speaking.]
Kol: Welcome back. It was our deaths that allowed this day to come to pass - massacres performed in the name of resurrecting the immortal, Silas. Twelve hybrids, twelve witches, the slaughter of innocents by the so-called hero protectors of Mystic Falls. They risked unleashing hell on earth for their own selfish gains. And today that's exactly what they're going to get.
[Lexi is dancing and rocking out to Bon Jovi in the parlor while Stefan drinks some bourbon straight from the bottle. Damon enters.]
Stefan: Damon! Help me celebrate my 17th high school graduation. [Damon turns off the music.] Hey, you remember my friend, Lexi, of course?
Damon: Lexi, back from the d*ad. Goody.
[Lexi vamp-runs at Damon and pins him against the wall with a hand over his neck.]
Lexi: What's up, buzzkill?
Damon: [strained] Stefan, you're just gonna sit there and let her enact her ghostly revenge?
Stefan: You reap what you sow, buddy.
Lexi: Let's be very clear: whatever time I have left here, I sure as hell don't plan on wasting on you. You got me?
Damon: Yeah. Got ya.
[Lexi releases Damon and he gasps.]
Damon: So if you and Ric and little Gilbert are all flesh-like and real-seeming, that means something went horribly wrong when Bonnie tried to put that veil up. And here you two are, having dance party USA.
Stefan: You're right. How selfish of me to be indulging in these precious moments with my formerly d*ad best friend. I should be sacrificing my own happiness for the good of others, right? I should be upstairs grooming my hero-hair.
Damon: Are you drunk?
Stefan: I don't know, Mom, am I?
[Taking the bottle from Stefan, Lexi chuckles. Damon snatches the bottle from Lexi.]
Lexi: Okay.
Damon: Well, I guess that's one way to celebrate our supernatural apocalypse. [He takes a swig from the bottle.] Now, care to hazard any guesses on what the hell went wrong?
[Bonnie is in the boiler room at the school, on the phone with Caroline who is manning the yearbook table in a hallway of the school. The sh*ts alternate between them.]
Bonnie: I h*t kind of a snag.
Caroline: A snag? A snag is a bad yearbook picture. You h*t a tsunami. Where are you?
Bonnie: I'm trying to fix it, but I'm running into some trouble. I need to wait until the full moon tonight to have enough power to put the veil back up.
Caroline: Are you telling me that we might graduate right smack in the middle of a ghost-filled Expression Triangle?
[Bonnie glances down at her body lying on the floor. Her grams is with her, looking at it, too.]
Bonnie: Maybe we should just cancel.
Caroline: No, we are not going to cancel. Graduation is the most important event of our lives, the last ceremony of our youth. It is our rite of freaking passage! Hell will freeze over before I let anyone cancel graduation.
Bonnie: Can you not make jokes about hell freezing over? We're not that far off from that already.
Caroline: Just promise me that today is a friend day.
Bonnie: Okay, I promise. I love you.
Caroline: I love you, too.
[They hang up.]
Sheila: Go. I'll make sure no one finds your body. But Bonnie--
Bonnie: I know. Okay? I know I need to tell them, I just can't. They've been through too much already.
Sheila: I know, child. I was just going to say that... Make sure you say your goodbyes.
[Bonnie smiles sadly.]
[Alaric, Jeremy and Elena are eating lunch together.]
Alaric: [through a full mouth] Mm. Oh, my god.
[Elena laughs.]
Jeremy: Mm.
Elena: No grease on the Other Side, huh?
Alaric: You have no idea how much I've missed this. [holds up a bottle of bourbon] And this.
[Elena takes the bottle.]
Alaric: No, hey. Hey!
[Elena takes a swig.]
Jeremy: She just got her humanity back. Let her live a little.
[Jeremy reaches for the bottle but Elena holds it away from him.]
Elena: Hey, you wish.
Jeremy: I'm d*ad - what are they gonna do, throw me in juvie?
Alaric: Well, at least you'd have a place to live.
[Smiling, Elena starts throwing food at them.]
Elena: You both suck!
Alaric: Hey! Now there it is - that smile. I wasn't sure we were gonna see that again.
[Elena is still smiling, but more sadly, her eyes glistening.]
Elena: I did some pretty terrible things.
[She takes a deep breath.]
Jeremy: Hey, no. No tears. If Caroline was right, we only have until tonight. We need a no-crying rule.
Elena: But the crying's good. It means that I'm finally feeling something, and right now I... [she takes their hands in each of hers] I feel happy.
[They smile back at her. Elena's phone starts ringing. She takes it out and looks at it.]
Elena: It's the Grill - it must be Matt. [answers it] Hey, you went AWOL this morning - what happened?
[It's a familiar, unexpected voice.]
Connor: Hello, Elena. It's your d*ad friend, Connor. You remember me?
[Elena is shocked.]
[Matt and Rebekah are a wary audience to Alexander as he unloads w*apon from Connor's trailer.]
Alexander: A hidden compartment filled with advanced w*apon. Man has evolved from his days of throwing stones.
Rebekah: There is nothing we can do for you Alexander. Please, let us go.
Alexander: I'm not holding you here. Although, I have a feeling that exploding contraption will have a hard time parting with your handsome friend intact.
[Matt is standing on a weight-sensitive expl*sive device.]
Matt: Just go, Rebekah. I'll be fine.
Rebekah: I'm not leaving you.
[Alexander examines a bottle of venom, smiling in awe.]
Alexander: The soldier, Connor, found a way to siphon venom from a werewolf.
Rebekah: What do you want from us?
Alexander: To fulfill my destiny. The brotherhood of hunters was created for one reason, and one reason alone.
[Damon opens the door to find an unexpected visitor.]
Damon: Vaughn?
[Vaughn lifts a g*n and sh**t Damon in the shoulder. The force of it causes Damon to step back and he groans in pain.]
Vaughn: Got a little message for you, laddie. Straight from the mouth of the witch Qetsiyah.
[Connor is still on the phone with Elena. The sh*ts alternate between the Grill and the cemetery.
Connor: We want Silas, and we want the cure.
Elena: I don't know where they are, so I guess I can't help you.
Connor: Huh. Well, you know who's gonna need some help? Grandma and Grandpa Jones, in town for the big high school graduation, along with Auntie Sue and Uncle Mark...
[Alaric motions to Elena that he's going to do something. Elena nods.]
Connor: Matter of fact, everybody here at the Mystic Grill for graduation brunch. You either give me what I want, or they die.
[Damon groans as he pulls the b*llet out of his shoulder. Vaughn checks his g*n.]
Vaughn: Yeah, borrowed it from my jarhead friend, Connor. sh**t wood like lead.
Damon: Come on, man. I didn't k*ll you.
Vaughn: No, but you left me in that well on that island, where I starved to death. There I was, all alone on the Other Side, till Qetsiyah found me and reminded me of my supernatural destiny - to cure Silas, and then k*ll Silas. End of story--
[Suddenly Vaughn gags and falls to the floor. Stefan stands behind him, Vaughn's bloody heart in his fist. Damon gapes at him; Stefan merely raises his eyebrows.]
[Elena is still talking to Connor over the phone. The sh*ts alternate between them.]
Elena: Please, don't hurt anyone. I'll find Silas and I'll get the cure.
Connor: Good. Get it done.
[He hangs up. Alaric shows up behind him.]
Alaric: So, you get off on terrorizing innocent people?
Connor: And who might you be?
Alaric: The guy responsible for the 18-year-old you just thr*at.
Connor: Well, that 18-year-old snapped my neck with her bare hands.
Alaric: And I'm also the guy who showed her how to do that.
[Connor chuckles.]
Connor: That's ironic. You must not know a damn thing about fighting if you're trying to intimidate a d*ad guy packing C4.
[Connor opens his jacket slightly to reveal he's strapped with expl*sives.]
Alaric: This is my bar, pal. Nobody's gonna blow it up.
[Connor grins and lifts a detonator in his hand. It clicks and Alaric grabs him with vampire speed and takes him out of the Grill. He explodes offscreen, though they only get far enough that the expl*si*n causes damage to the edge of the restaurant. The Grill patrons scream in fright.]
[Matt is still trapped standing on the expl*sive device while Rebekah stands beside him. Alexander sits in the doorway of the trailer.]
Alexander: Go ahead, sweet Rebekah. Use your vampire powers to whisk him away. I'm sure you can survive the blast of six of these... automobiles. Can he?
Matt: Just ignore him. All right? Let's think about something else. Like graduation. What are your plans - college? Travel? Just because I'm never getting out of this town doesn't mean you shouldn't see the world.
[Rebekah, who has been watching the device nervously as Matt's weight shifts on top of it, looks back up at him.]
Rebekah: It's just been settled. I'm gonna show you life as you've only dreamt it. We'll start in Italy. There's a lovely little church-- [she glances back at Alexander] -- outside San Vittore in Brienno.
Alexander: [nodding] Romantic spot. Popular for weddings.
[Rebekah turns back to Matt.]
Rebekah: And then I'll show you the Northern Lights in the springtime, the Simatai Gorge from atop the Great Wall of China, every inch of the Louvre.
Matt: [smiling] China, Paris, the Northern Lights... It's a date.
Rebekah: We'll see it all when we're done here because we can. We're alive. [She looks scornfully back at Alexander.] We're not gonna be stuck as ghosts in misery on the Other Side.
[Alexander angrily gets up.]
Alexander: All right, you're done now.
[He throws the dagger he's holding at Matt. Rebekah moves to catch it and does, but starts to knock Matt off balance. He teeters atop the device as Rebekah regains her footing, bracing against Matt. She throws the dagger away to the ground.]
Rebekah: I've got you.
[Matt laughs nervously at the close call.]
[Bonnie walks down a deserted hallway, wearing her graduation gown and holding her cap. Katherine joins her smoothly from a side corridor.]
Katherine: I don't think red's really your color, Bon-Bon.
Bonnie: And here I was hoping the ghost of anyone would've k*lled you already.
Katherine: Funny you should mention death, because I'm here to collect that immortality you've promised me.
Bonnie: Funny you still think you're going to get it. I told you, Qetsiyah's the only witch who knows the immortality spell. If she was a no-show, you're out of luck.
[Katherine moves to block Bonnie's way and they stop walking.]
Katherine: See, here's the thing, Bonnie: I can't disagree with you, because I have been feeling out of luck lately. But you know who has been getting all of my luck? My beloved doppelgänger, Elena. My shadow-self is living a better life than I am, so if I don't get that immortality, I may just have to get rid of her altogether.
Bonnie: Did you just thr*at my best friend?
[Katherine makes a face.]
Bonnie: I could crush your skull without even flinching.
Katherine: Go ahead. Make your move.
[As she speaks, a group of students enters the hallway. Bonnie turns to look at them, and Katherine disappears.]
[Damon is rubbing his shoulder uncomfortably as he checks himself in the mirror in his room. Elena knocks on the doorframe to announce herself.]
Elena: Hey.
Damon: Hey.
Elena: So, I think there's some stuff you and I need to talk about.
Damon: Yes, we do. But first-- [He walks over to his bedside table, opens a small chest and pulls out a box. Walking over to Elena, he presents her with the cure.] Consider it a graduation present.
Elena: Damon, I can't take that.
Damon: Sure you can. Looks like it might be cherry-flavored.
Elena: [laughing] I'm not saying I don't want it - obviously I want it. But... that's the only one. There's only one cure. And the hunters have made it pretty clear that they're willing to k*ll everyone in Mystic Falls until they get it.
Damon: Elena-- [he puts the cure into her hand and folds her fingers over it] --take the damn thing. I want you to take it.
[Elena hesitates over it, but finally puts it back in Damon's hand.]
Elena: I can't.
Damon: Well, I guess that answers the sire bond question. [The floor creaks. Damon looks over Elena's shoulder.] You gonna help a brother out, or are you just gonna lurk?
[Elena turns to see Jeremy leaning against the doorframe.]
Jeremy: Look, Elena. You're my sister and I love you, no matter what you choose.
Damon: How is it even when you're d*ad, you're the bane of my existence?
[Downstairs, Lexi crouches near Vaughn's body while talking to Stefan, who empties a blood bag into two glasses.]
Lexi: So, the veil's down until tonight, he dies and goes to the Other Side, and what? Comes back all over again? How long does that take?
[Stefan hands a glass of blood to Lexi.]
Stefan: What, they don't give you a rulebook over there?
Lexi: [laughing] You know, you're missing your chance to weigh in on the Great Elena Gilbert Cure Debate.
Stefan: What am I supposed to do, tell her it's her choice? Because that worked out so well. You know, it's funny, those two are in there arguing about how to protect the world, and they have yet to address their biggest issue.
Lexi: Enlighten me.
Stefan: The sire bond's gone. Elena's emotions are back. She finally knows exactly how she feels.
Lexi: And what if whatever she feels is for you?
[Stefan considers the question for a moment.]
Stefan: She's the love of my life. I'd go back to her in a heartbeat. But, if that's not how she feels, then maybe that's exactly what I need to hear to get my ass out the door. Maybe I will move to Australia. I can live in a yurt.
[Lexi laughs.]
Lexi: Cheers to that.
[They clink glasses. Suddenly Vaughn revives and stands up.]
[Upstairs, Damon and Elena are still arguing while Jeremy observes.]
Damon: Come on, we don't need the cure for Silas - he's a calcified statue.
[Damon groans uncomfortably.]
Elena: What was that?
Damon: Nothing.
Elena: Take off your shirt.
Damon: Elena, there are children present.
Elena: Fine.
[She pulls the collar of his shirt down to reveal the wound in his shoulder. He cringes in pain.]
Elena: Damon, why isn't this healed?
Damon: Because the b*llet was laced with werewolf venom, okay? The hunters are dicks.
[Elena turns away and starts pacing.]
Elena: We need Klaus. We need his blood.
Damon: Klaus would rather see me die. Plus, Klaus is a thousand miles away sipping Hurricanes on Bourbon Street.
Elena: That wound will k*ll you!
Jeremy: What about the cure?
Elena: Jeremy's right. If you're human, the werewolf venom won't hurt you.
Damon: And here I was, so moved by your speech to save mankind. [feigns listening] Sounds like Vaughn's awake. [He walks past Elena.]
Elena: Damon, wait.
[Downstairs, Vaughn is facing Stefan and Lexi when Damon enters behind him. Vaughn turns around.]
Damon: Here.
[He tosses the cure to Vaughn, who catches it.]
Stefan: The hell are you doing?
Damon: Digging up Silas. [He turns and walks to the front door.] You coming, Vaughn, or not?
[Vaughn follows Damon out the front door; Elena arrives just as the door shuts. She turns to Stefan and Lexi, speechless.]
[Damon leads Vaughn to the edge of a cliff overlooking the quarry.]
Damon: Here we are.
Vaughn: What is it?
Damon: It's where I dumped Silas. Closed off to hikers, no food for animals, endlessly deep water.
Vaughn: I'm not following you, Damon. Where exactly did you put the body?
[Damon humorously explains each step to Vaughn, indicating direction as necessary.]
Damon: Well, um... well, let me see. So I dragged his stone ass through here, I flung him in that general direction, then he tumbled down into those weeds... I kind of lost him in the rocks. The thing about physics... wait, what is it? It's, ah, distance equals velocity times time? Guess I should've told you to bring some scuba gear, huh?
[Rebekah and Matt are still braced against each other while Alexander circles them.]
Alexander: Don't you two look cozy?
[He walks into the trailer, leaving the two alone for a moment.]
Matt: So... he seems nice.
[Rebekah starts to laugh but stops herself.]
Rebekah: Don't make jokes - I'll laugh and you'll fall.
[Matt speaks in a low voice once Alexander is out of sight.]
Matt: I'm wearing the Gilbert ring. I can't be k*lled by anything supernatural, so maybe if you're the one who detonates the b*mb, then I won't die.
Rebekah: Absolutely not. You'll blow into a billion pieces, the ring with it.
Matt: There's only one way to find out.
Rebekah: [nodding] Fine, okay. The first rule of truly living: do the thing you're most afraid of.
[She kisses him passionately. When they break apart, Matt looks down to see that Rebekah has stepped onto the device in his place.]
Matt: What are you doing?
Rebekah: I can't be k*lled and you can't miss graduation. Please, go.
Matt: No.
Rebekah: Run!
[He hesitates a second longer, glances at the trailer, then takes off running. Alexander comes back out of the trailer, angry.]
Alexander: What have you done?
Rebekah: I finally chose one of the good ones.
[Rebekah runs off the device with vampire speed and the parking lot explodes.]
[Elena is pacing while discussing with Stefan what to do next.]
Elena: We have to do something. If those hunters give the cure to Silas--
Stefan: They're not giving it to Silas. Wherever Damon is taking Vaughn right now, it's to stall, because Damon hasn't had time to bury Silas' body yet. [Elena stops pacing.] And that's all you need to know right now.
Elena: Okay, fine. We're stalling the hunters, but Damon is still dying.
Stefan: It was one b*llet, and it was only laced. We still have a little bit of time. I will go to New Orleans myself and I will beg Klaus if I have to.
Jeremy: Then it's settled. You're going to your graduation. [Jeremy enters the room carrying Elena's cap and gown.]
Elena: Gradua-- no, Jer, I never even sent in my college applications.
Jeremy: I don't care. Mom and Dad would k*ll you if there wasn't a photo of you in your graduation getup.
Elena: Jer, no. Not if you can't be there.
Jeremy: Lexi'll keep me company. You're going.
[Elena finally relents and walks over to him to take her cap and gown.]
Elena: Let's go graduate.
[They smile at each other.]
[The students, all in caps and gowns, are milling about the football field getting ready for the ceremony. Caroline is leaving a message on Klaus' voicemail.]
Caroline: Klaus, now is not the time to decide that you are over me. I'm gonna call you every 10 minutes until you get your ass here to save Damon's life.
[She hangs up as she reaches Bonnie.]
Caroline: Where is everyone?
Matt: [arriving suddenly] I'm here.
Caroline: Where have you been?
Matt: Oh, you know, making plans for the summer, dodging death by vampire hunter.
Bonnie: Where's Elena? We can't do this without her.
[Elena arrives right then with Stefan.]
Elena: I'm here. [She hugs Bonnie.] Thank you for today.
Caroline: I can't believe it. We're actually all here. We are all here together! Bonnie Bennett, are you crying?
Bonnie: It's our last hurrah before you guys go off to college.
Caroline: Before we go off to college.
Elena: I... kinda sorta missed the deadline. You know, being an emotionless bitch.
Caroline: Well, the perks of being a vampire - we can go wherever we wanna go. We can choose our own roommates. We could - we could get a triple room!
[Elena and Stefan chuckle at Caroline's enthusiasm, while Bonnie smiles with tears in her eyes.
Bonnie: I'm happy we're all here.
Caroline: Aw - group hug!
Stefan: Ah, I don't - I don't hug...
Caroline: Oh, get over yourself!
[The five of them close in for a joint hug. Mayor Hopkins opens the ceremony.]
Hopkins: Welcome parents, family, and friends. What a beautiful day for a graduation. Thank you for joining us today on this special day, as we celebrate our graduates. So let's get started. John Albrecht. David Bance. Sarah Beasley. Um, not to play favorites, but I am especially proud of this next graduate, my lovely daughter: Bonnie Bennett!
[Bonnie walks up onto the stage and hugs her father.]
Hopkins: Congratulations. I'm so proud of you, sweetie.
Bonnie: Thanks, Dad.
Hopkins: You're welcome.
Bonnie: For everything.
[He seems to sense something off about Bonnie's mood, but she smiles and leaves the stage.]
Hopkins: Savannah Davis. Matt Donovan. William Duncan. Caroline Forbes. Congratulations.
Caroline: Thank you.
Hopkins: Matt Freeman. Elena Gilbert. Congratulations.
Elena: Thank you.
[In the audience Bonnie, seated among the students, claps for Elena when Kol suddenly leans forward from the row behind her to speak in her ear.]
Kol: Greetings, little witch.
Bonnie: [not looking at him] I thought Stefan got rid of you.
Kol: He did, and I spent the night crawling out of a cement grave. [He looks behind his row.] Isn't that the witch your friend Caroline k*lled?
[Bonnie turns and is surprised to see Aja sitting a few rows back.]
Kol: And over there, that's my hybrid friend, Adrian. Also d*ad. In fact, these seats are scattered with two dozen supernatural faces, all of whom have reason to lash out since their lives were sacrificed in order to make your Expression triangle. All they're waiting on is word from me.
Bonnie: The veil goes back up tonight. Don't you have anything better to do than harrass me and my friends?
Kol: [laughing] Well, that's the thing. I don't want the veil to go back up. In fact, I want you to drop it completely, so I and my fallen friends can live, Bonnie. It's time to pay the piper.
[Inside the school, Bonnie leads Kol into the boiler room.]
Bonnie: The Kol I remember was adamantly against hell on earth.
Kol: I was, till I was in hell. Now I would very much like to be back on earth.
[Kol finally notices Bonnie's body lying on the ground.]
Kol: What's this?
Bonnie: It's me. I died last night. I'm a ghost, and I want the same thing you want. I don't want to be on the Other Side with unfinished business. I want my parents to see me off to college, I want to decorate my dorm room with my best friends. I want to stay here, Kol. More than anything.
Kol: Then what are we waiting for? Let's do it together.
[He starts walking towards Bonnie, but is stopped suddenly, as though an invisible wall stands between them.]
Kol: What have you done?
[He tries to leave through the door they came in, but again is blocked by the magical barrier.]
Bonnie: This will hold you till dark. Then, when the veil is back up, this town will be rid of you for good.
Kol: But everything you just said--
Bonnie: It was true. But we don't always get what we want, do we?
[Damon and Vaughn are still at the edge of the cliff. Vaughn looks down into the quarry while holding a g*n aimed back at Damon.]
Damon: [imitating Vaughn's accent] What's wrong, laddie? Can't swim?
[Vaughn looks back at Damon and notices his wound creeping up his neck.]
Vaughn: The hell happened to you?
Damon: [looking down] Oh. Well, would you look at that. That is nasty.
Vaughn: Connor... [He laughs, looking at his g*n.] He must've laced these b*ll*ts with werewolf venom.
Damon: Ding-ding-ding. Not as dumb as you sound.
[Vaughn suddenly sh**t Damon in the leg. Damon groans in pain, clutching at the new wound.]
Vaughn: This was all a lie, eh? You knew you were a d*ad man. [He pulls the cure, which is on a string about his neck, out from under his shirt.] Well, you don't get this back. Where'd you put Silas?
[Damon laughs softly. Vaughn sh**t him square in the chest and Damon falls to his knees.]
Vaughn: One more jolt of werewolf toxin, and you'll be d*ad within minutes. [shouting] Where's Silas?
[Vaughn has his g*n aimed at Damon's head, but Damon doesn't respond. Just as it seems Vaughn is about to pull the trigger, Alaric shows up, snaps Vaughn's neck and swings him swiftly into the quarry. Alaric turns to Damon.]
Alaric: Oops.
Damon: [weakly] One slight problem.
[Alaric holds up the cure, dangling on the string.]
Alaric: You mean this?
Damon: Yes. Yes, that.
[Mayor Hopkins finishes reading the names. Alaric talks to Stefan over the phone; the sh*ts alternate between Stefan on the school grounds and Alaric at the quarry.]
Alaric: I would love nothing more than to get out of here before Vaughn comes back to life, but Damon won't take the cure. He wants it for Elena.
Stefan: Okay, just hang on a little longer. Caroline's calling Klaus again.
[Caroline hangs up her phone, shaking her head.]
Alaric: Stefan, we are past the point of Hail Mary phone calls. What do you want me to do, stand here and watch him die, or force-feed him the cure? [Elena casts a significant look at Stefan, who remains silent.] Stefan?
[Suddenly a high-pitched noise causes Stefan, Caroline and Elena to clutch at their heads in pain. Aja and the other d*ad witches approach them.]
Aja: Remember us, Caroline?
[She holds her arm out, casting whatever spell is hurting the vampires, until suddenly Klaus shows up, throws a cap like a disk at Aja and it beheads her. Her headless body falls to the ground and the noise stops.]
Klaus: There are plenty more of these to go around. Who's next? I can do this all day.
[Caroline turns to Klaus, smiling.]
[Damon, all healed up, strides across his room bare-chested. He's starting to put a shirt on when Elena arrives.]
Damon: Hi.
Elena: Are you feeling better?
Damon: Yeah.
Elena: So it's all healed up?
Damon: Fresh as a daisy.
Elena: Good.
[Elena slaps a hand hard across Damon's face.]
[Downstairs, Lexi, Alaric, and Stefan settle down with drinks.]
Lexi: Ouch.
Alaric: Yeah, I taught her that swing.
[Lexi laughs.]
Stefan: You know it's not polite to eavesdrop, right?
Lexi: Hey, I'm short on time here. Don't rob me of what little joy I have.
[Elena walks into the room.]
Elena: Anyone seen Jeremy?
Alaric: Oh, he went to see Bonnie. He'll be back later. You know, before... well, you know.
Elena: Yeah. Stefan, can I, um... can I have a moment?
Stefan: Sure.
[They leave the room together. Lexi turns to Alaric.]
Lexi: This could get interesting.
Alaric: Usually does.
Lexi: So, the Other Side... Not exactly a party, is it?
Alaric: I've lived... better.
Lexi: You know there's something else out there, right? There has to be. Silas' whole agenda was to find peace with his one true love, and whatever 'peace' is... it's out there. I figure once we've served our time for all the bad things we've done, then it's just about letting go, moving on.
Alaric: And how are we supposed to do that when the knuckleheads we care about can't seem to keep their lives straight?
Lexi: Yeah...
[Stefan and Elena talk in another room.]
Stefan: So, what's up?
Elena: Honestly, Stefan, I just wanted to thank you. For sticking by me when I was at my worst, for believing that I was still in there. Even after everything I put you through, you... you never gave up on me.
Stefan: I, ah... I kind of owed you one.
[They smile at each other. After a moment, Elena holds out her hand, closed-fisted.]
Elena: Here.
[Stefan holds out a hand and she puts the cure into it.]
Elena: It's yours. I want you to have it.
Stefan: No, Elena, I'm not gonna--
Elena: Stefan. The only person worse at being a vampire than me is you. Human blood is your downfall. You got the raw end of the vampire deal. The rest of us will be fine, we'll survive. I mean, you taught us. You deserve whatever you want out of life. [She folds his fingers over the cure.] You deserve this.
[Elena stands holding Stefan's closed fist in her hands.]
[Caroline stands on the football field in front of the commencement stage. Klaus approaches her.]
Caroline: How'd you get here so fast?
Klaus: I was already on my way.
[Caroline raises her eyebrows; Klaus draws a piece of paper out of the inside of his coat.]
Klaus: I received your graduation announcement. It was... very subtle. [Caroline shuts her eyes, smiling.] I assume you're expecting cash?
Caroline: That, or a mini fridge.
Klaus: Well, I had considered offering you a first class ticket to join me in New Orleans... but I knew what your answer would be. So, I opted for something I knew you would accept. [Caroline looks at him, waiting.] Tyler is now free to return to Mystic Falls.
Caroline: What?
Klaus: He's your first love. I intend to be your last, however long it takes. [He kisses her on the cheek.] Congratulations, Caroline.
[Caroline laughs softly, unexpectedly elated.]
Klaus: Let's get out of here, before 12 angry hybrids decide to pick a fight.
[Damon watches the f*re burn in the fireplace. Elena enters the room and strides toward him with purpose.]
Damon: I wanted to apologize...
[Elena crosses her arms in front of her.]
Elena: Good.
Damon: Let me finish. I said I wanted to. And then I realized, I'm not sorry.
Elena: You would rather die than be human, and you expect me to be okay with that?
Damon: I didn't say you were supposed to be okay with it, I just said I'm not sorry. But you know what I really am? Selfish, because I make bad choices that hurt you. Yes, I would rather have died than be human. I'd rather die right now than spend a handful of years with you, only to lose you when I'm too old and sick and miserable and you're still you. I'd rather die right now than spend my last final years remembering how good I had it and how happy I was, because that's who I am, Elena, and I'm not gonna change. And there's no apology in the world that encompasses all the reasons that I'm wrong for you.
[Elena looks at Damon for a long moment.]
Elena: Fine, then I'm not sorry either. I'm not sorry that I met you. I'm not sorry that knowing you has made me question everything, that in death you're the one that made me feel most alive. You've been a terrible person, you've made all the wrong choices, and of all the choices that I've made this will prove to be the worst one. But I am not sorry that I'm in love with you. I love you, Damon. I love y--
[Damon walks to Elena and kisses her passionately.]
[In another room, Stefan struggles to keep control over his face. Lexi walks up behind him and places a hand on his shoulder.]
Lexi: Now who's eavesdropping?
[Stefan places his hand on top of Lexi's.]
[Later, Stefan is loading the car with Silas' body when Damon walks outside.]
Damon: Stefan?
Stefan: Think the quarry will be deep enough to bury Silas?
Damon: Yeah, I don't think anyone's gonna stumble on him there.
Stefan: Yeah.
[Stefan continues to load the car.]
Damon: You want me to, ah--
Stefan: No, it's all right. I got Lexi coming with me.
Damon: [under his breath] Yeah.
[Damon starts to walk back inside.]
Stefan: Hey, Damon.
Damon: Yeah?
Stefan: I'm not happy about Elena... but I'm not not-happy for you, either. I just want you to know that.
Damon: Thanks, brother.
[Damon walks back inside.]
[Jeremy walks into the cave to meet Bonnie.]
Jeremy: Hey.
Bonnie: Hey.
Jeremy: I needed to see you.
Bonnie: I need to close the veil, Jer. The hybrids, and the hunters--
Jeremy: I get it. I'm ready. I just... wanted to be with you when it happened.
Bonnie: Did you and Elena...?
Jeremy: I can't. I can't say goodbye to her. We said 'no tears' and... I left her a letter. She'll find it when all this is over. I'm ready.
[Bonnie closes her eyes and the flames in the torches flare up.]
[Alaric is gazing out the window when Damon returns. Damon goes straight for the decanter of bourbon and pours a couple drinks.]
Alaric: Moon's full.
Damon: Yeah.
Alaric: Where's Elena?
Damon: She's trying to find Bonnie and Jeremy. She's worried about the time.
[Alaric smiles at Damon.]
Damon: What?
Alaric: You got the girl, man.
Damon: [as though he still can't quite believe it] I got the girl.
Alaric: Now don't screw it up.
[Damon looks back down at the drinks.]
Damon: Well, with you looking over my shoulder, how can I?
[He looks back up to see that Alaric has disappeared.]
[Lexi and Stefan are driving.]
Lexi: New York?
Stefan: Too close.
Lexi: Vegas!
Stefan: Ugh, no. Too touristy.
Lexi: Look, I know you think I'm joking, but you are leaving. You just graduated for the millionth time. It's time to start living your life.
Stefan: What if Elena was... the one?
Lexi: She was. And she will always be an epic love. Contrary to popular belief, there are actually multiple ones - especially for a vampire. The only way to find another is to let go, and move on.
[Stefan watches the road for a moment as he drives.]
Stefan: I've never been to Portland.
[He looks over at the passenger seat, but Lexi has disappeared.]
Stefan: See ya, Lexi.
[Elena opens the door to the boiler room and enters.]
Elena: Bonnie, Jer, are you guys here?
Kol: Well, well.
[Kol appears behind Elena.]
Kol: Speaking of unfinished business.
[He att*cks Elena, throwing her to the ground. Elena braces herself but just as suddenly as the att*ck started, Kol has vanished. She gets up, realizing what must have happened, but doesn't have more than a moment to let it sink in before she hears a noise nearby. She turns and Katherine is there.]
Katherine: Happy graduation, cupcake.
[She slams Elena against a wall.]
[In the underground cave, Bonnie continues to do a spell with her eyes closed while Jeremy waits. She opens her eyes.]
Bonnie: It's almost closed.
Jeremy: So this is it? 'Cause there were a million things I wanted to say to you, but now nothing seems quite right.
Bonnie: Then don't say anything.
[She walks to him and kisses him. The torches flare up before going out, leaving them in darkness. Jeremy gasps, backs away and clutches at his chest.]
Jeremy: What's happening?
Bonnie: Oh, my god.
[Bonnie gives a small, triumphant laugh.]
Jeremy: What is it?
Bonnie: It worked, Jer. I did a spell that brought you back. I didn't think it would work, but I - I closed the veil and you're still... here.
Jeremy: I'm alive?
[Bonnie nods, and Jeremy struggles for words. He rushes toward her, but his face falls when she touches his neck.]
Jeremy: I can't feel your hand. What's going on, Bonnie? Why can't I feel you?
Bonnie: It's okay.
Jeremy: Bonnie, what did you do?
Bonnie: I have the witches, and my grams... You can see ghosts, we can talk whenever we want.
Jeremy: No... No! No, you can't be d*ad.
Bonnie: Do me this one favor: you tell Elena and Caroline that I'm spending the summer with my mom.
Jeremy: I can't. They need to know.
Bonnie: For the first time in forever, my friends are okay. I don't want to take that from them.
[She walks past Jeremy and he turns to watch her go.]
Bonnie: I'm gonna be okay, I promise.
[Bonnie walks over to her grams, takes her hand, and they walk away together.]
[Matt walks to the front door and opens it to see Rebekah.]
Matt: Hey... What are you doing here?
Rebekah: I just wanted to see if you were okay. Rough day and whatnot.
Matt: Thanks. Look, I'd invite you in, but I promised Tyler I was gonna keep this a low-vampire zone.
[Rebekah nods, understanding, then hesitates over her next words.]
Rebekah: I know that we were under duress today, so... whatever, you know, plans that we were making... I understand if you don't want to.
Matt: You and I... this isn't gonna work. I need to keep my love life a low-vampire zone, too, okay?
Rebekah: [smiling] Of course. I get it.
[She turns to leave, but stops when Matt speaks again.]
Matt: So whatever happens on the road, stays on the road, all right? [Rebekah, grinning, turns back round.] That little wedding town in Italy? Don't get any ideas about turning me into a vampire so that we can live eternally ever after, you know what I mean?
Rebekah: I'm sorry, are you saying...?
Matt: I've never set one foot outside of this town. I have no college plans, no idea what the future holds for me... But I do know that it's time that I start truly living. And, since you almost k*lled me this year, I figured it's your obligation to show me how.
Rebekah: [grinning] Okay.
[Katherine throws Elena against a door.]
Elena: What are you doing?
Katherine: Would you believe I'm having a bad day?
[She picks Elena up and throws her against a wall of lockers. Elena gets up but Katherine speeds over and kicks up her leg to press her booted foot over Elena's neck.]
Katherine: It started when Bonnie denied me my Silas-like immortality.
Elena: Of course, because Katherine Pierce can't be happy with good old vampire-caliber immortality.
[Elena finally manages to throw off Katherine's foot and uses her leverage to slam Katherine to the ground. Katherine immediately slams Elena back against another wall of lockers. Elena rips off one of the locker doors and swings against at Katherine's face. Katherine grabs onto the door.]
Katherine: I deserved it. I never had a graduation, or a prom, or, you know, a life. But you did.
[Katherine swings the door into Elena's face, sending her back a pace.]
Katherine: You have everything, and it's not because you're a good little girl who deserves happiness, it's because you stole mine.
[Katherine throws the door at Elena, who ducks and the door lodges into the other lockers.]
Elena: I stole your happiness? You k*lled my brother!
[Katherine runs at Elena, but Elena blocks Katherine and throws her down the hall. Katherine gets back up.]
Katherine: I'll admit, that was nasty.
[Yelling in fury, Elena rushes at Katherine, who twists Elena's arm and throws her at a f*re emergency case - the glass in the door of it shatters as Elena slams against it. Elena struggles on the floor as Katherine walks over, sees a janitor's mop propped against the wall and breaks off the wooden handle.]
Katherine: I have nothing. [She beats Elena with the stick.] But I'm about to change that. [She kicks Elena.]
Elena: Kicking someone while they're down... classy till the end, Katherine.
Katherine: [laughing] Your end.
[She s*ab the broken end of the stick into Elena's throat. Elena gulps and struggles against it as Katherine digs it in deeper.]
[Flashback to earlier, when Elena was trying to give the cure to Stefan.]
Elena: You deserve whatever you want out of life. You deserve this.
Stefan: Listen... I'm glad you're okay with who you are now. But every single thing I did to get this, I did for you, so that the choice of whether you wanted to be a vampire or not would always be yours.
[Katherine pulls the stick out of Elena's throat and thrusts her hand into Elena's chest, grabbing hold of her heart. Elena frantically reaches into a pocket in her jacket.]
Katherine: Bye-bye, little girl.
[Elena finally pulls the cure out of her pocket and shoves it into Katherine's mouth and forces her jaw to close around it. Katherine's eyes widen as the cure dissolves in her mouth, and falls to the floor beside Elena, unconscious.]
Elena: Have a nice human life, Katherine.
[Stefan unloads the canvas bag that contains Silas' remains, but when he tosses it to the ground its contents sound like a bunch of loose pieces. He kicks it and reaches inside to find shards of ordinary stone.]
Elena/Silas: Don't bother. I'm not there.
[Silas approaches him from behind, and Stefan turns and stands.]
Stefan: Silas. You were stone. They saw you, the spell worked.
Elena/Silas: That's the funny thing about spells - they're bound by Nature. Nature demands balance, so every spell has a loophole. The spell that turned me into stone was bound by a witch - a living witch. So when that witch died, the spell broke.
Stefan: Bonnie? Bonnie's not d*ad.
Elena/Silas: It doesn't matter, does it? And here's where the mystery of me comes full circle. I created the immortality spell two thousand years ago. I can never die, so Nature needed to find a balance - a version of me that could die. A shadow-self - a doppelgänger.
Stefan: So, this is finally your real face? You're another one of them?
Elena/Silas: Not exactly.
[Silas' reflection in the car window shows a face identical to Stefan's, and Silas takes on his true form.]
Silas: Hello, my shadow-self.
[Silas approaches Stefan and thrusts his hand into Stefan's body.]
Silas: Do you have any idea what it's like to starve for two thousand years?
[He pulls his hand out and Stefan falls to his knees. Silas puts Stefan into the body-sized safe, locks him in and tips it over the edge of the cliff into the quarry. Inside the safe, Stefan bangs against it as it begins to fill with water, shouting out as the water engulfs his face.]
Credit: Wiki | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "04x23 - Graduation"} | foreverdreaming |
5x01 - I Know What You Did Last Summer
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
I'm Elena.
I'm Stefan.
Stefan voice-over: Love brought me to Mystic Falls.
Elena voice-over: Love drove me away.
Elena voice-over: I am not sorry that I am in love with you, Damon.
We've all made sacrifices.
Phasmatos, raverus un animun. [Gasp]
Bonnie voice-over: I did a spell that brought you back. You can see ghosts. We can talk.
Jeremy voice-over: No, you can't be d*ad.
Elena voice-over: Have a nice human life, Katherine. But our greatest thr*at is still out there.
Hello, my shadow self.
Man: Ooh!
Silas voice-over: And he looks just... Like... Me.
Elena, voice-over: Hey, Bonnie. How is the summer almost over, and yet I feel like I got nothing done?
[Music playing]
Elena, voice-over: Sounds like you're having fun traveling with your mom. I still don't know how I'm supposed to do this whole college thing without you.
Elena, voice-over: And Caroline agrees. She spent the summer designing the color palette for her dorm room while Tyler's been away helping some wolf pack in Tennessee.
Caroline, on phone: Don't worry. I already sent them your application, Tyler. All you have to do is register for classes and show up.
[Tape ripping]
Elena, voice-over: Matt and Rebekah have been sending postcards. I think that they're in Amsterdam now, or was it Prague? I can't keep track. And honestly, I'm not sure I really want to.
Chci te misto.
Elena, voice-over: Anyway, I can't wait to see you. When do you get back? Love, Elena.
Jeremy: Dear Elena.
Bonnie: Wait. Don't start with "dear."
Jeremy: It's bad enough you're d*ad. Now you're a control freak?
Bonnie: I'm just saying. People don't say "dear" anymore.
Jeremy: Fine. How about "hey, Elena, what's up?"?
Bonnie: Thank you.
Bonnie, voice-over: Hey, Elena. What's up? You guys have no idea how much I miss you. I've been e-mailing with Jeremy. He says it's been surreal to be alive.
Elena: Hey, um, sor... I thought you left.
Jeremy: I did. Uh, 5 hours ago.
Elena: Well, there's... there's pizza in the fr...
Bonnie, voice-over: If Katherine ingesting the only cure on this earth and having to live as a human isn't justice...
[Indistinct shouting]
Bonnie, voice-over: I don't know what is. I miss you guys. I'm glad you're having a great summer. P.S. Have you heard from Stefan?
Damon: You ok?
Elena: Yeah. I've just got this weird feeling, like something bad's about to happen.
Damon: Well, it is.. You're leaving tomorrow. You're trading all this for communal showers and a meal plan.
Elena: Can't you just be a normal boyfriend and support me as I attempt to have a normal college experience?
Damon: I'd rather ply you with champagne and spend the night convincing you to stay.
Jeremy: There were issues at home. Ever since I lost my parents and my aunt, I've been acting out. Drugs, drinking. I was looking for attention, so, I lit my house on f*re and faked my own death.
Elena: Really stress the drug thing, and I'd definitely say that the f*re was an accident, because there's crazy and then there's... Well... Me.
Jeremy: Or I could just not go back, considering my school already had a memorial for me.
Damon: Caroline just pulled up.
Elena: I... I can't leave. I should stay and at least wait until Jeremy settles into school.
Damon: You're leaving. You're going to college. You're gonna drink cheap beer and you're gonna protest things you don't care about. And I am gonna take care of your little brother. Trust me. You have nothing to worry about.
Elena: Ok, well, at least Whitmore is only a few hours away, so, if there's anything you need, Jer, just call me.
Hey, see you on laundry day.
Elena: So, how do you think this whole long-distance thing is gonna work?
Damon: Well, I personally plan on forgetting about you the second you walk out the door.
Elena: I love you.
Damon: And I love you. All right. Off you go.
[Music playing]
Damon (to Jeremy): Yeah, no. We're not doing this. Go to school.
Caroline: You're dreaming about Stefan?
Elena: They're not dreams. It's more of a feeling. Maybe I should call him.
Caroline: So he can hear how happy you are with Damon? Absolutely not. He'll call you when he's ready.
Elena: So, I should just live with this nagging pit in my stomach?
Caroline: Ok, Elena, that pit is called guilt. You feel terrible because you broke Stefan's heart, and that nagging feeling is your brain waking up to tell you that you've made a horrible yet completely reversible mistake.
Elena: Nice try. Besides, Stefan and I left things in a good place.
Caroline: It doesn't mean he hasn't been thinking about you shacking up with his brother all summer long.
Liz: Hello. Mom ears. Still here.
[Indistinct chatter]
Elena: We're in college, Caroline.
Caroline: We actually made it. We're here.
Bonnie: We're all here together.
Caroline: You brought a panini press?
Small appliances by the fridge.
Ok. That's the last one.
Liz: All right. Give me a good-bye hug before I change my mind and drag you home with me. Oh. You can call as much as you want, you know?
Caroline: Mom, I'll be fine.
Liz: Come here. This is where your dad fell in love with medicine, you know? He would be really proud
to see you here.
Elena: Thank you.
Caroline: Ok, go! Before I change my mind and make you stay.
Liz: I'm going. I'm going. I love you. Bye, girls.
[Door closes]
Caroline: So, roomie, I think we should drink to something.
Elena: I couldn't agree more. Roomie. Ha ha! To us, and college, and being functional vampires. To the next chapter of our life.
Ha ha!
[Knocking on door]
Megan: Hi!
Caroline: Uh, who are you?
Megan: I'm Megan. Your roommate.
Caroline says- "get your ass to Whitmore, Bonnie. We need you."
Bonnie: Tell her I'm at the Grand Canyon.
Jeremy: You realize you're just postponing the inevitable, right? What happens when your dad finds out you've been d*ad all summer?
Bonnie: How many postcards have I sent him? How many times has he called? I've done enough. He's clearly not missing me.
Jeremy: What about Elena?
Bonnie: I just saw her at college. She seemed genuinely happy. I am not taking that away from her. We're lucky, Jer. How many people die and still get to talk to their best friends?
Jeremy: How many best friends can't feel each other? I should get going. The freak who faked his own death can't also be late for math.
[Music playing]
Damon: Wait a minute. How did that happen?
Elena: There must have been a mix-up at the housing office.
Damon: Compulsion. It's the ultimate unwanted roommate repellent.
Elena: That's exactly what Caroline said.
Damon: Right. So, then just compel her ass out the door.
Elena: Damon, what's the point in going to college if we're just gonna recreate what happened in Mystic Falls?
Damon: Look at you, giving it the old college try.
Elena: Did Jeremy get to school ok?
Damon: Yup. Showered, groomed, even cut the crust off of his PB&J myself.
Elena: So, what you're saying is that me being here, you being there, this could actually work.
Damon: Exactly. Heh. Listen, I gotta... Go.
Katherine: It's been a long summer, Damon.
Damon: Katherine.
[Music playing]
Matt: 5-star restaurants in Paris to tapping kegs in a park.
Rebekah: Tragic.
Matt: I thought we said no strings.
Rebekah: Who said there were strings?
Matt: Weren't you leaving town?
Rebekah: I thought I'd give you one last chance to come with me.
Matt: I have to work. I'm back in the real world now. I need a paycheck.
Rebekah: Great. Maybe you could replace those earrings that street rat Nadia stole in Prague.
Matt: Those earrings don't bring you back to life. How am I gonna explain to Jeremy that she stole his Gilbert ring?
Rebekah: Tell him you had a threesome. He'll understand. Don't call. (kissing) Don't write. (kissing) And whatever you do, don't you dare miss me. (kissing)
[walks away smiling]
[Indistinct chatter]
Liz: Hey. Look who's back.
Silas: Look who's, uh, eating her feelings.
Liz: Yeah. I just dropped the girls off at Whitmore.
Join me as I drown my sorrow in comfort food.
Liz: Ahh. What are you doing?
Silas: I'm outing myself as not-Stefan. Obviously.(cutting her wrist) Don't be afraid. Don't move.
Liz: What's happening?
Silas: We've met before, actually, when I was appearing as your daughter? To bash your head in? Does that ring any bells?
Liz: Silas.
Silas: Indeed. I am a 2,000- year-old immortal that Caroline and her friends thought they got rid of.
Liz: Are you appearing to me as Stefan?
Silas: Well, yes and no. This is my true form. Stefan is my doppelganger. You're confused. I know that because I can read your thoughts. It's understandable. I mean, I've been a little cryptic lately.
Liz: What's with the Kn*fe? Most vampires go straight for the neck.
Silas: Oh, please, Liz. I came first. Vampires are nothing more than a disgusting perversion of me. I'm unkillable, I'm immortal, and I'm psychic, and to function, I need human blood, but don't ever call me a vampire. Cheers. Ahh.
Silas: Unfortunately, I can see that you can't help me find what I'm looking for, so, all you need to remember, Liz... Is that Stefan stopped by to say hello.
Liz: Call your friends, Stefan. Let them know you're ok.
Silas: Will do, sheriff.
Megan: So, your current boyfriend Damien...
Is your ex's brother.
And you and Stefan are friends
Megan: but 3 months ago, he left without saying good-bye?
Elena: Do you think I should call him?
No way.
Absolutely not.
Megan: Do you have a boyfriend, Caroline?
Caroline: I do. His name's Tyler. He had to miss move-in day, but he'll be here for the first day of classes.
Elena: Assuming he registers, and picks a dorm, and buys books.
Caroline: Speaking of minding one's own business, let's talk roommate ground rules.
Privacy is very important to me.
Same here.
Caroline: I have low blood sugar. My diet's finicky, so, keep your paws off my stuff.
Megan: We'll split up the shelves.
Caroline: And if I suddenly get up to leave or disappear for a while, don't follow me or look for me.
Megan: Ok. Sounds good.
Elena: Ha! Great. Then we agree on everything.
Man: Excuse me, ladies. Party at Whitmore house tonight.
Elena: We'll be there.
Man: I hope so.
Elena: I love college.
[Cell phone buzzing]
Damon: Look who rose from the d*ad.
Katherine: Nice phone. Does it ever ring?
[Crowd murmuring]
Katherine: You're gonna have to cut me off soon. My tolerance is a joke now. It's just so... Glorious.
Damon: You're miserable.
Katherine: Please. I'm Katherine Pierce.
I'm a survivor.
You're a liar.
Damon: Your hair is messed up. Your nails have chipped. You're a sad, miserable human being, and you want me to turn you. So, here. Go ahead. Drink up. I'll k*ll you. You'll bite the mailman and you'll be a vampire again. Go ahead. Come on.
Katherine: I can't, ok? No one's ever taken the cure before. If I die, there's a good chance I may never wake up.
Damon: And that would be tragic.
Katherine: And deep down, in that mushy-gushy Elena-loving heart, there's a part of you that doesn't want me to die.
Damon: What are you doing here, Katherine?
[Phone ringing]
Katherine: Salvatore residence. Hello, principal Weber. This is Elena. Oh, dear. We'll find him.
Katherine: So, Jeremy's been expelled. Elena will be cool with that, right?
Damon: When I get back here, you're going.
Katherine: Wait, Damon. There's someone chasing me.
Damon: Then run. Run far away.
Katherine: Damon, you don't understand. I have enemies everywhere. What happens when word gets out that I am a human? I can't protect myself. I'm weak. And I'm slow. Do you have any idea what it's like to run in heels? I have blisters, Damon. Please, just... Help me.
Damon: Wish I could say it gets better.
Stefan: The answer's no, Damon.
Damon: Why? So you can keep dying and coming back to life? You felt nothing but sheer agony for 3 months. You hallucinate conversations with me to have something to do. Just turn off that pesky humanity switch.
Stefan: It won't take the pain away.
Damon: Yeah, but it'll turn off your misery. Your fear. Your hopelessness.
Stefan: And then what, huh? Let's just say that you actually notice I'm gone. Let's say I get out of this. What good is it if I'm a monster again? How is that better than any of this?
[Drawer slams shut]
Caroline: Did you notice how Megan's juicer takes up all the small appliance space? She has an entire drawer
dedicated to organic linen.
Elena: What happened to privacy?
Caroline: Maybe if she didn't take such long showers, I wouldn't have time to go through her stuff. How are you ok with a third roommate?
Elena: Because we're trying to be functional. And being functional means we need friends.
Caroline: We also need personal space. I mean, what if we suddenly get a craving and I want to eat her? Or our blood bags go bad because we can't store them in the mini-fridge? [Scoffs] And what the hell is protein water? You know what? Maybe if I drink it all, she'll want to move out.
Elena: Caroline, no...
Caroline: Vervain.
Megan: What's going on? Are you ok?
Elena: Yeah, she's... she's fine.
Megan: What happened?
Caroline: Water just went down the wrong pipe. I'm ok, really. I shouldn't have touched your stuff. I'm... I'm really sorry.
Megan: It's fine. Just sounded like someone was dying out here. Ah. Well, I'm glad you're ok.
Caroline: She knows who we are. She drinks vervain water.
Elena: That doesn't mean that she knows about us.
Caroline: Seriously? We share a bathroom with this girl. What if she's a hunter and she stakes us when we're in the shower? Or she steals our daylight rings while we're asleep and then we burst into flames when the sun comes up?
Elena: Don't you think that if she was a hunter, we'd be d*ad by now?
Caroline: I think we should lock her up. You know, let the vervain get out of her system, and then we compel her to forget about us.
Elena: Caroline, I'm not kidnapping our roommate. The best way to convince her that we're normal is to act normal. Do normal, human, freshman-y stuff.
Caroline: Such as?
[Music playing]
[Indistinct chatter]
Man: Hey, I remember you.
Elena: Hey. Flyer guy.
Jesse, technically, but "flyer guy" works too.
Elena: I'm Elena. This is Caroline.
Jesse: Nice to meet you.
Caroline: Hi.
Elena: You can't be nice to the guy?
Caroline: I'm with Tyler.
Elena: Are you? Because he hasn't called.
Caroline: From the mountains of Appalachia?
Elena: I'm just saying I don't want you to get your hopes up thinking that he's coming when he hasn't really shown much interest.
Caroline: Did you tell Damon that you're having dreams about Stefan? See? No relationship is perfect. What the hell?
Elena: Someone must own this place.
We have to be invited in.
Jesse: Hey. I was wondering if you guys were gonna make it. You guys going in or...
Go ahead.
Megan: Why are you guys just standing there?
Elena: We were just... Caroline?
Caroline: Waiting for someone.
Elena: So...
Megan: Right. Well, I'm gonna go hang.
Caroline: Like I said, she knows.
Damon: One day. One day where you don't screw it up.
Jeremy: Leave me alone, Damon.
Damon: You're lucky you didn't put one of those idiots in ICU.
Jeremy: Says the guy that once k*lled me.
Damon: Yes. In the privacy of your own home, away from prying eyes, unlike you, who went all hunter in the middle of a hallway. You got expelled, genius.
Jeremy: Does that mean I don't have to go back to school?
Damon: I compelled principal Weber into a very generous three--day suspension. Elena does not need to know about this. Finish eating. Meet me outside.
Silas: Hello, Damon.
Damon: Stefan. Welcome home.
Silas: Thanks.
Elena: Hey. Megan. It's Elena. Just calling to let you know why we left, so, call me when you get a chance. Bye.
Caroline: Ok. It's settled. When she leaves, we grab her.
Elena: Or we could just let her know that you weren't feeling well.
Caroline: Elena, she saw us stuck at the threshold. We might as well have flashed her our fangs. There's no way that out of the thousands of freshmen we were randomly paired with someone who knows about vampires.
Elena: Maybe it wasn't random.
[Cell phone beeping]
Elena: Hey, Megan.
Megan: Elena, you have to help me. He's chasing me! Megan, who's chasing you?
Megan: Help me! Oh, my God...
Elena: We can't come inside. The line's too long. If you come out... where are you?
Megan: Elena, please help me!
Caroline: Megan, can you hear me?
Elena: Get outside and we can help you.
[Megan screams]
Oh, my God.
Caroline: Who did this to her?
Elena: This was a vampire.
Damon: Look, I get why you haven't called me back all summer. I wouldn't call me back, either.
Silas: You mean because you stole my girlfriend? I'm over it.
Silas: Katherine's living at Chateau Salvatore.
Damon: How do you know that?
Silas: Because I can read your mind. Kidding buddy. Katherine called me first. Remember? It's always been me first.
Damon: Right.
Silas: Hey, Jeremy, looking good, man.
Jeremy: Hey, Stefan. Glad you're back.
Yeah. Yeah.
Silas: All right, I'll see you at home.
Damon: Great.
Jeremy: Something's wrong. When he touched me, I felt a chill where my tattoo was.
Damon: What are you talking about?
Jeremy: Right before I died, Silas grabbed me and I felt the same thing.
Damon: Silas is gone. Bonnie turned him into a big piece of rock, remember?
Bonnie: I died. Jeremy, I bound the magic that took down Silas. When I died, the spell must have broken. He's free. That was Silas.
Damon: That's impossible.
Jeremy: I'm a hunter. Our whole reason for existing is to k*ll him. I know what I'm feeling, Damon. That... that was Silas.
Damon: I just watched him walk through a crowd of people that saw Stefan. There's no way he could fool that many people at once. He's psychic but no one's that psychic.
Jeremy: What did he want?
[Knocking on door]
Silas: Why are you in my brother's bathtub?
Katherine: Why aren't you?
Silas: I will say that's a tempting offer.
Katherine: Mm. He flirts. I like Elenaless Stefan.
Silas: You know, human looks better on you than I would've guessed, Katherine.
Katherine: I think you just accidentally gave me a compliment.
Silas: No, I mean it. You sitting here all weak and vulnerable. It works.
Silas: Time for a field trip.
Uhh. Uhh.
Uhh! [Gasp]
Damon (to Jeremy): Get her out of here. Don't tell me where you're going.
Damon: God, you're slow. Guess vamp speed came with the upgrade.
Silas: Get out of my way and give me Katherine.
Damon: First drop the Stefan look.
Silas: What?
[Indistinct voice on police radio]
[Siren wailing]
Elena: What is happening? Our roommate is d*ad, there's a vampire at the party. We don't know what she knew or who she told.
Caroline: We should get out of here.
Elena: Caroline. I left that message in her voicemail.
Caroline: Don't worry. I took her phone.
Elena: You what?
Hey, girls? I'm Diane Freeman, head of campus security. Are you ok?
Elena: I mean, I think so.
I understand Megan was your roommate. I'm so sorry you had to find her like this.
Do they know what happened?
We found a note. Apparently, she was struggling with severe depression.
Wait. What do you mean you found a note?
Your roommate took her own life.
You think this was a su1c1de?
We're convinced it was a su1c1de, but we can't seem to find her cell phone. Have you seen it?
Ok. If it turns up, let us know?
What is going on?
Damon: If I have to hear the word "doppelganger" "one more time, I think I'm gonna actually have to learn how to spell it.
Silas: You say you don't believe me and yet your mind is spinning at the possibility.
Damon: "A," get out of my head. "B," I think I'd know if my little brother had an evil twin.
Silas: Oh, we're not twins. See, when I became truly immortal, nature retaliated by creating a version of me that was killable. It's called a shadow self.
Damon: Well, whatever you are, your plan didn't work. Cure's gone. Now, what do you want with Katherine?
Silas: I could tell you, but wouldn't it be so much more fun if it were a surprise?
Damon: You're not getting her.
Silas: Damon, how well do you know your brother? Do you really think he would leave town for 3 months without so much as a phone call so you could live happily ever after with the love of his life? Or did you just delude yourself into thinking it would be that easy?
Where's Stefan?
He's suffering.
Like I suffered.
Silas: So, call the hunter. Bring me Katherine. And then I will tell you where your little brother is.
Katherine: Where are we going? Are you deaf? I said where are we going?
[Cell phone ringing]
Jeremy: Hey.
Damon: How far did you get?
Jeremy: You said not to tell you.
Damon: You picked now to listen to me?
Jeremy: We just passed old Miller road.
Damon: Good. Turn around. Bring her back.
Katherine: What? No.
[Tires screeching]
Katherine: What are you doing? Jeremy, stop. You can't take me back there, Jeremy. Damon wouldn't just hand me over. Silas clearly got in his head.
Jeremy: Shut up, Katherine. Hey, what the hell?
[Tires screech]
Silas: Ooh. Your thoughts are churning. It's like a spool of pink Taffy. It's very messy but very fun to watch.
Damon: Anyone ever tell you that's creepy?
Silas: You're worried. Jeremy's not answering the phone. [Gasp] They should be back by now. You think something's very wrong.
Matt: There you go, mayor. This one's on the house.
Mayor: Thank you, Matt.
Matt: So, when's Bonnie coming back?
Mayor: Well, I'm not sure, but if you talk to her, tell her I said hi, ok? Thanks for the beer.
Matt: You're welcome. No way. Nadia?
Nadia: You remember me.
Matt: Yeah. I remember you. You got Rebekah and me drunk and robbed us.
Nadia: But it was fun until then, no?
Matt: How did you know how to find me?
Nadia: Let's skip the how and get to the why. This wasn't mine to take.
Matt: You traveled 4,000 miles to give me back a ring?
Hey, if you don't want it...
Matt: I want it.
Nadia: Looks better on you, anyway.
Jaryakat a zem. Daryeet acza.
Elena on phone: Hey, Megan, it's Elena. Just calling to let you know...
Someone's been in here.
Elena: Megan's tablet's gone.
Caroline: Along with her so-called su1c1de note?
Elena: Can I see the phone for a second?
Caroline: It just doesn't make any sense. First the roommate we're not supposed to have might know about vampires, and then happens to be k*lled by a vampire and now the school's covering it up? Seriously, who is this girl?
Elena: Whatever's going on, it's not just about our roommate. It's about me. That's Megan. With my dad.
Hey. [Gasps]
Bonnie: Jeremy, hold on. Hey, I know you can hear me. Jeremy.
[Vehicle approaching]
[Tires screech]
Damon: Jeremy. Aah! Open your eyes, Jer. You do not get to die on me. You hear me? I'm supposed to be taking care of you, you little punk. Wake up. I'll k*ll you myself. Uhh.
[Music playing]
Jeremy: Katherine is gone.
Damon: [Exhales] Oh. [Exhales] I don't care. [Exhales]
Tyler on phone: Hey, Caroline, look. I put a lot of thought into this and decided to defer school for now. This werewolf pack I'm helping, they need me. I know it's lame to do this over the phone, but I figure this way's harder for you to k*ll me. I'm really, really sorry, take care, but this is important.
[Music playing]
Elena: You ok?
Caroline: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
Elena: Sorry, Caroline.
Caroline: I'm really glad that you're here.
Elena: I'm really glad you're here, too.
Damon: You're thinking about it. Flip the switch, brother. Put yourself out of this misery, please.
Stefan: Did you forget how long it took me to come back last time? Everything I lost in the process?
Damon: You don't deserve this, Stefan. You did the right thing... you walked away. You let us be happy, and this is what you get in return? How is that fair? Hey. Just turn it off. Turn it off.
Elena: Wait. Stay with me, Stefan.
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Elena: I know this is t*rture, but stay with me. Your humanity is the one thing that makes you who you are. Don't let go. Please, Stefan. For me.
Damon: Hey, sorry it took so long to call you back. Car trouble.
Elena: What happened?
Damon: Well, some idiot broke the window. Based on your voicemail, it sounds like your day sucked worse than mine. You all right? Do you want to come home?
Elena: I can't. Especially if my dad's connected to this somehow. I need to know why.
Damon: Yeah, it's probably for the best. That'll give me more bonding time with your brother.
Elena: I love you, Damon.
Damon: Good night.
Jeremy: You didn't tell her Silas was here.
Damon: Nor did I tell her Stefan's missing, Katherine's in town, or you got expelled.
Jeremy: So, you lied.
Damon: No. I withheld a bit of the truth so that Elena wouldn't drop everything and come running home to help. I'll figure all this out.
Mayor: I hope everyone enjoyed the party.
[Cheering and applause]
Mayor: It is... it is truly great to have an end-of-summer tradition. My daughter has her own end-of-summer tradition of overindulging in the cotton candy.
And now she's off traveling the world and sending her old man postcards from all her great adventures. Family is one of our core values here in Mystic Falls. It's what this block party celebrates. Family as community... Stefan.
Silas: Do you mind if I say a few words?
Mayor: Maybe when we're done here, ok?
Silas: I'll take it from here, mayor.
Bonnie: Oh, my God.
Silas: You're probably wondering how I did that. It's pretty basic mind control. And until now, it's been fairly limited to one person at a time. But this summer, I've consumed an immeasurable amount of blood.
[Crowd murmuring]
Silas: And I felt myself getting stronger and stronger every day. And I started to wonder, what are the limits to my powers? How many people can I influence? Two? Ten? An entire town square?
[Crowd murmuring]
Silas: Everyone stop talking. That worked. Now let's try this. No one make a sound or move a muscle.
[Bonnie screaming as Silas cuts the Mayors throat]
Silas: Now that I have your attention, I need a favor. I need you to find someone. You all know Elena Gilbert. Well, the girl that I'm looking for looks exactly like her.
The End. | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x01 - I Know What You Did Last Summer"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore’s House]
(Bonnie is with Jeremy)
Bonnie: It was supposed to be a nice family event. Just stopped in to see my dad. Then Silas showed up. He said he was testing how powerful his mind control had become
Silas: Nobody make a sound or move a muscle
Bonnie: The entire town did exactly what he said. He didn't want any witnesses, so he told them to forget what he did. They watched my dad die, and they couldn't do anything or tell anyone. What are you gonna do? You gonna hug me?
Jeremy: I want to
Bonnie: But you can’t. You can't touch me, and I can't touch you because I'm d*ad just like my dad except he's not supernatural, so I don't get to see him on the other side. He's just d*ad. Silas is using his mind control to find Katherine. He told everyone in the town square to keep an eye out for anyone that looks like Elena. Whatever he wants with Katherine... We can't let him have it
[Middle of the Road]
(Katherine comes out of the woods and stops a car. A woman comes out)
Woman: You ok, hun? You're gonna get yourself sick out here
Katherine: Thank you so much for stopping
Woman: You ok just like Elena Gilbert
Katherine: Actually, I'm much prettier
Woman: Katherine Pierce, right? I'm supposed to be keeping my eye out for you
(She sprays something in Katherine’s eyes. She screams and then as*ault the woman and hits her)
Katherine: Damn it! Unh!
(Matt comes out of the woods, holding her at g*n)
Matt: Hurts, doesn't it? Not as much as this will
[A quarry]
(Stefan and Elena are together)
Elena: We could be doing anything right now, Stefan, be anywhere. Why here, why this?
Stefan: These are the good moments, the simple ones, the ones that matter. These are the moments that keep me from falling apart
Elena: This can't last forever. You're just distracting yourself
(Suddenly, she coughs water)
Stefan: Elena, Elena, Elena. Elena! No
[Whitmore College]
(Elena comes back in their dorm)
Elena: Megan's memorial outside is growing by the minute
Caroline: Ugh. College kids are so dramatic. She was on campus for, like, one day. She couldn't have made that many friends
Elena: Caroline, she's d*ad. You can stop competing with her
Caroline: Sorry. I'm in a mood
Elena: You talked to Tyler?
Caroline: He's deferring from enrolling and deferring from returning my phone calls, so I'm deferring from having sex with him ever again
Elena: How's the snooping going? Any explanation why our Vervain-laced... Vampire-slaughtered roommate had a picture of my dad on her phone?
Caroline: No
Elena: Oh! I went by the hospital this morning. Megan’s death certificate. It says she died of su1c1de. No mention of the gaping vampire bites on her neck. So whoever signed off on the cause of death was part of the cover-up just like the Founders Council back home
Caroline: Dr. Wesley Maxfield
Elena: AKA our applied microbiology T.A. I switched our classes around so that we can…
Caroline: applied what… what? Uh, Elena, we are supposed to be taking intro to communication. What happened to getting drunk and making bad decisions about boys? What happened to our fun freshman year at college? I am supposed to be a drama major!
Elena: You're not going to be an anything major if we get exposed as vampires! We are still gonna have our fun year, Caroline, but we have to protect ourselves. The way Damon kept his secret in Mystic Falls was because he infiltrated the Founders Council. So bust out those alleged acting skills, and let's get on it, ok?
[The Quarry]
(Damon and Liz are here)
Liz: Damon, I know I said I'd help you find your brother, but I can't dredge the entire quarry. It's enormous
Damon: I'm aware of that. I mean, clearly that's why we wanted to dump Silas' body here because it's big and deep and no one would find him. Now say I'm Silas and I want to take over my doppelganger's life, why wouldn't I dump him in a place that's big and deep where no one would find him?
Liz: Damon, I already agreed to hold off on telling anyone about the mayor's death until you figure this all out, but I can't devote those kinds of resources to finding one person who may or may not be down there
Damon: But it's a place to start, and if Stefan's down there, it means he's been drowning over and over again all summer while I've been happily playing house with Elena. Do I need to further elaborate the source of my urgency?
Liz: I'll get some deputies on it
Damon: Thank you, Liz
(His phone rings. He answers)
Damon: Please tell me you found her
Jeremy: I didn't, but Matt did
Damon: Huh. How shockingly useful
[The woods]
(Katherine is in the car and Matt is with her)
Katherine: Those blue eyes, they made me soft. I should have ripped your head off when I had the chance
(Jeremy is still on the phone with Damon)
Jeremy: She was mid cat fight with some lady who maced her. We think Silas might have mind-controlled himself some new friends
Damon: How exactly did the Gilbert and Donovan brain trust put all that together? Never mind. Doesn't matter. Just hide her. If Silas wants her bad enough, to sic the whole town on her, that means we want her more. Stay out of sight. You're the last person Silas saw her with
(They hang up. Jeremy rejoins Matt and Katherine. Matt is tying Katherine up with ropes)
Katherine: Are these ropes really necessary?
Jeremy: b*llet would have been more effective, but we're trying to be nice. You crashed my car and left me to die
Katherine: You were gonna hand me over to Silas to get Stefan back. I was just protecting myself
Matt: How many people you k*lled using that excuse? Just be glad we got you some clothes
Katherine: Don't play the hero. You two are just waiting for the convenient time to hand me back over to him. I've done this a thousand times. I get it. I'm the leverage. I'm that thing that everybody wants. I'm the freaking Moonstone
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline and Elena arrive to class. They go take their seats and see Jesse)
Jesse: Hey. Blow-off girl. Aren't you a freshman? How are you in this class?
Caroline: What? Um, I love applied...Micro...Biology. It's like my favorite biology. You know, little things are just so cute!
Jesse: Are you going to the bonfire tonight, or are you just gonna get really close and then turn around and leave again?
Elena: She'll be there
Jesse: Sweet. We'll hang
(They go seat down)
Elena: What? You said you wanted to make bad decisions about boys. He's cute, he's interested, and most importantly, unlike Tyler, he's here
(The professor enters)
1.: Morning, everyone. I'm Dr. Maxfield. First name is Wes, but call me Dr. Maxfield. One day when you're out of med school, you'll understand. So you're all going to this bonfire tonight, right? Well, here's a quick history lesson for you. Whitmore was founded as a hospital during the Civil w*r, deadliest w*r in American history, over 600,000 casualties. Disease was so prevalent that once a week they had to gather all the d*ad, rotting bodies, put them in a pile, and light the whole thing on f*re. So tonight when you're getting drunk and partying, stop for a second, close your eyes, and imagine the rancid smell of a hundred rotting corpses
Caroline: (whispering): Creep-y
1.: Which brings us to microbiology...
Elena (whispering): But hott-ie
1.: Because that rancid smell comes from a very specific bacteria
Elena: He is
1.: Isn't that right, chatty girls in the back?And what is that bacteria?
Elena: Uh, that's the, uh… um, I don't know
1.: Maybe because you're freshmen who shouldn't be in this class. How do I know? I'm observant, a skill you'll learn in Bio 101 down the hall
(Elena is outside. On the phone with Damon)
Elena: It was mortifying. We just sat there in silence
Damon: You want me to b*at him up?
Elena: Not yet. Whatever he knows, I'm gonna get it out of him
Damon: Did you compel him?
Elena: No, because chances are if he knows about vampires, then he also knows about Vervain
Damon: How about v*olence? Did you thr*at him?
Elena: No. I didn't thr*at him
Damon: At least tell you used t*rture
Elena: Damon!
Damon: You do realize that you are dating a reformed serial k*ller, right?
Elena: What would a hero do?
Damon: Pfft. That I have no idea
(She sees Silas but obviously, she thinks its Stefan)
Elena: Stefan?
Damon: I don't know. Probably mope at him
Elena: Stefan's here right now
Damon: What?
Silas: Turn off your phone
Damon: Elena? Whoa, whoa. That is not s…
(She hangs up)
Silas: I know you're upset that I didn't call, so I just wanted to apologize in person
Elena: Never do that again, ok? I thought something terrible happened to you
Silas: Well, something terrible did happen to me. You fell in love with my brother
Elena: Ouch
Silas: Can't blame me for needing a little bit of space
Elena: I know. Where did you go?
Silas: It's not important. I'm sure Damon will fill you in eventually
Elena: You talked to Damon? Because I just spoke to him, and he didn't really say anything
Silas: Oh. Weird. Maybe he has his hands full with the whole, you know, Jeremy situation
Elena: What Jeremy situation?
Silas: Oh, it's not a big deal. Jeremy got expelled
Elena: Expelled?!
Silas: Yeah, and then he and Damon got in this fight, and then Jeremy bolted
Elena: Wait. How do I not know about this? Where the hell is Jeremy?
Silas: That's why I'm here. I was hoping maybe you'd know
[A gas station]
(Matt stops to put gas in the car)
Katherine: Oh, thank God we're stopping. If I can only get out of the car
Matt: Well, you can't because as soon as we get gas, we're getting back on the road
(He gets out of the car)
Katherine: But I'm dying back here
Jeremy: You're not getting out of the car because you want an aspirin
Katherine: Then maybe I can get out of the car because I need to pee, like, in a bathroom like a lady
(He opens the door for her)
Jeremy: Hurry
Katherine: My throat is really scratchy, and my head hurts, like, right here. When I cough, it's green. So get me stuff for all that
Jeremy: Silas knows I'm with you. Sorry. I can't risk being seen
Katherine: Please
Jeremy: Fine
(She goes to the restrooms. When she goes out, she sees that Jeremy is not looking)
(Matt is inside and goes to pay for aspirin)
Matt: Just this
(The employee then sees Katherine)
Employee: Is that Elena Gilbert or Katherine Pierce?
(Matt sees that Katherine is leaving)
Matt: Jeremy, Katherine!
(Jeremy runs after her)
Jeremy: Stop running
[Whitmore College]
(Damon enters the girls’ dorm room. Caroline is in a towel)
Caroline: Damon! Towel! Knock!
Damon: Caroline, no one cares. No. Hey. Where's Elena?
Caroline: I don't know. She probably went to the bonfire to get more Intel on our weirdo professor
Damon: Silas is here. He's with Elena, pretending to be Stefan. Get dressed
Caroline: I thought that Stefan dropped his body in the quarry
Damon: Join the club. Get dressed
Caroline: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Elena was right. All summer, she's had this pit in her stomach about Stefan
Damon: What?
Caroline: I don't know. She just said that she had this weird feeling that something was wrong with him
Damon: Put some clothes on. Meet me out there. We have to find her
(Elena is still with Silas)
Silas: Jeremy's still not answering. I'm gonna hold on to your phone in case he calls back
Elena: Why are you so worried about him?
Silas: Damon made a mess, and I want to clean it up
Elena: Did he really think that I wasn't gonna find out?
Silas: It's Damon. Are you surprised?
Elena: I just figured we were at a place where he wouldn't have to lie to me. Sorry. I, uh... I probably shouldn't be talking about this with you
Silas: It’s ok. I know exactly what you're thinking. Sorry. I don't mean to cut this short, but someone said they just saw Jeremy on Route 9. Do you know where he might be going?
Elena: Route 9? I mean, there was this old camp site that we used to go to when we were kids. Wait. Who texted you?
(Damon is looking for Elena)
Silas: Hello, brother. But I suppose distant nephew is probably more accurate
Damon: Where the hell's Elena?
Silas: Ohh. There's no need for v*olence, Damon. You'll find her eventually. There you go. Look. I get why you like her. I mean, I have a soft spot for brunettes, too.What I don't get is why she likes you
Damon: It's because you haven't had sex with me
Silas: Cockiness masking fear. How transparent
Damon: You expect me to believe you came all this way just to talk to her?
Silas: No. That doesn't really make much sense, does it, but if I told you exactly what I did, then it would ruin the fun. Enjoy the bonfire, Damon
(Damon and Caroline are at the bonfire)
Caroline: Why would Silas want to hurt her?
Damon: Because he wants to hurt me
Caroline: You know, if you just would have told the truth, all of this could have been avoided
Damon: Gee. Thanks, Caroline. Your hindsight is invaluable in this situation
Student: Watch where you're going, douche
Damon: Have you see Elena Gilbert?
Student: I have no idea who that is, and if I were her, I'd probably run from you, too
Damon: Wrong answer
(She compels him)
Caroline: Forget all this and get out of here
(The student leaves)
Caroline: You have to calm down
Damon: He turned the entire town square into a hunting party for Katherine. How am I supposed to calm down when every single person here could be working for Silas?
(Elena is alone trying to pour herself a beer. Jessie rejoins her)
Jessie: I got that
(She drinks)
Jesse: Whoa. I...
Elena: Boyfriend drama
Jessie: Wow. Boyfriend drama, kicked out of class… Today's not your day
Elena: What is his deal anyway?
Jessie: Dr. Dickfield?
Elena: Yeah, him
Jessie: Tell you what. Help me grab some more firewood, and I will tell you everything you need to know
Elena: Ok
(They go grab firewood)
Jessie: I had Dr. Maxfield for a few classes last year. He's a jerk, but he's brilliant, so I'll give him a pass
Elena: Brilliant and creepy
Jessie: There's a rumor that he's a part of this secret society on campus
Elena: What like middle-aged men at an Elk lodge?
Jessie: I have no idea. All I know is that a few times a week they supposedly meet at Whitmore house, but you didn't hear that from me
(Damon hits him)
Elena: Damon? What the hell?
Caroline: Seriously? That's Jesse! I kind of liked him
[The Woods]
(Katherine, Matt and Jeremy are a camp site. She looks at the r*fle)
Jeremy: Don't even think about it
Katherine: Please. I wouldn't even know how to use it. I've never sh*t a g*n in my life. Didn't need to. I was much more deadly
Matt: Key word… "was”. I'm gonna go get some wood for the f*re. I'll be back
(He leaves)
Katherine: I survived childbirth, the death of my entire family, and 500 years of running from an immortal hybrid. You can understand why I'm a little upset that I am on the verge of being defeated by a sinus infection
(Matt is alone. Silas is here)
Silas: Not a word out of you .You can't talk, you can't scream
Matt: Yeah. Actually, I can. Jeremy, run!
Silas: Why can't I get inside your head? Now I see why. Somebody's already in there. Why are you watching me, Traveler? Odpovezete mi!
(He kills him)
[The Other Side]
(Matt wakes up)
Matt: Jeremy? Jeremy, hey. There you are, man. What… what the hell?
Bonnie: Freaky, isn't it, that feeling, the void, the emptiness?
Matt: Bonnie, what's going on? Where the hell am I?
Bonnie: The other side. Gilbert ring brought you here when you died. That's how it works. Temporarily brings your spirit here. To go back, you have to reconnect to your body
Matt: My body's not even here
Bonnie: It's because each time you die you wake up farther and farther away from it, and you wander the other side until you find it
Matt: Wait. If I'm on the other side, how can you see me?
Bonnie: There's something you should know
[Whitmore College]
(Damon and Elena enter her dorm room)
Damon: All right. Before you get mad…
Elena: Mad can wait. Sit
Damon: Elena...Wait. Wait. As much as I'd like to do this right now... Silas got into your head, didn't he? What did Stefan tell you to do?
Elena: Get you alone, weaken you... And then k*ll you. Damon, I'm so sorry. I... What the hell is happening?
Damon: You're in some sort of Silas trance, but I think you snapped out of it
Elena: Silas? But I…
Damon: Before you ask, no. He's not in the quarry. It's a common misconception. You talked to him today
Elena: How is that possible? I… I was in a crowd full of people. I hugged him. I was talking to him about my life and about….
Damon: Me? I bet he had some choice things to say
Elena: Wait. If that was Silas, then where's Stefan? What happened to Stefan, Damon?Where is he?
Damon: Can we talk about this when you don't have that m*rder look in your eyes?
Elena: You're right. Every time I look at you, all I want to do is k*ll you
Damon: It must be Silas' mind control. He's using your anger at me like a trigger. You have to resist it
Elena: I can't!
Damon: Elena, you have to resist it
Elena: I'm trying! Tell me what's going on
(Caroline is with Jesse)
Caroline: Sorry. This was all I could find out there. Sorry my friend went agro. He's got anger issues
Jessie: And a serious right hook but, hey, it got us alone together, so that's a win
Caroline: I have a boyfriend
Jessie: And where is he other than not here?
Caroline: Well, he's supposed to be here. He deferred a semester. You don't have to say anything. I know how these things go. People go to school, and they drift apart
Jessie: Yeah, and sometimes, they don't
Caroline: Exactly. Sometimes, they don't
Jessie: And sometimes, you change, but what you had still means something
Caroline: Yes, yes!
Jessie: And sometimes when you're thinking all those things, your girlfriend is moving on and sleeping with somebody back home and has no intention of getting back with you
Caroline: Oh, my God. Ugh. I'm so sorry
Jessie: It was a while ago, and honestly until the worst actually happened, I wouldn't listen to anybody tell me otherwise. I could always find an excuse, so I get it
[The Woods]
(Jeremy and Katherine arrive at the car)
Jeremy: Get in the truck and drive
Katherine: Where are you going?
Jeremy: I can't leave Matt
Katherine: Uh, wai… huh. How do you think I survived 500 years? It wasn't because I was a vampire. It's because I never looked back. Don't be dumb. Survive
Jeremy: That's why people treat you like an object and not like a person
[The Other Side]
Bonnie: It actually hasn't been so bad. I have Jeremy, and I see grams sometimes. Last night with my dad was the first really hard time. I'll be ok. I just have to get past these next few days
Matt: Bonnie, you don't have to pretend like it's ok. Your dad died, and... You died. It's not ok
Bonnie: It has to be because there's nothing I can do about it
Matt: I am so sorry
[The Woods]
(Jeremy is looking for Matt and finds him)
Jeremy: Matt!
Silas: I'd at least pretend to cry, which leads me to believe that he's not really d*ad. I take it that tacky ring somehow protects him
Jeremy: Too bad you can't get inside my head to find out for sure. Hunter's perk
Silas: Heh. See, that's what you don't get. When I can read your mind, I at least have use for you. Now I'm just gonna k*ll you
Jeremy: You can try, but none of your abilities work on me, so right now, you're nothing… slower than a vampire, weaker than a vampire. I on the other hand am a hunter. Plus I work out
(They fight)
Silas: You might be stronger than me, that I am immortal
(Katherine intervenes by sh**ting Silas)
Jeremy: I thought you said you didn't know how to use that
Katherine: I figured it out
[Whitmore College]
(Elena and Damon are still tied to their chairs)
Elena: Poor Bonnie. She must have tried to call me right after Silas stole my phone. Has anyone talked to her? Is she ok?
Damon: I don't know. I've had more important things to worry about
Elena: My best friend's dad died. That's pretty damn important
Damon: Yeah? Well, so is protecting your brother, finding mine, and figuring out what the hell Silas wants
Elena: I just left. What the hell is wrong with you?
Damon: You're getting angry at me again, Elena. Remember, trigger
Elena: My brother got expelled! You've got him playing white knight to Katherine, who's tried to k*ll me... Repeatedly. Stefan's been…he's been suffering for months while I've been rolling around with you, a self-proclaimed serial k*ller. Oh, my God. Oh, my God!
Damon: Elena, that is the gas. Stop. You don't really want to k*ll me, Elena. You have to realize this before you're gonna break Silas' compulsion
Elena: I can't, ok? All I can think about is k*lling you!
Damon: Well, you're gonna have to think about something stronger than your desire to k*ll me, or you're gonna k*ll us both. Stefan, Stefan. Think about Stefan. Caroline told me you'd been worried about him, that you had a pit in your stomach. Describe it, tell me about it
Elena: What? No. I can't
Damon: Think about him. Think about the feelings you're getting. Describe it to me
Elena: It's a... It's a chill. I can't explain it, but it's like I can feel him. He's trying to reach out to me, but I don't know where he is, and I can't understand what he's trying to say. All I know is that he's scared, and he's lonely, and he's in a lot of pain. He's in a lot of pain. We have to find him
Damon: We will. I swear
Elena: The rage, it’s gone
(Caroline enters)
Caroline: I think we need to set some ground rules for when boyfriends come to visit
[The Other Side]
Matt: I think somebody moved my body. It's weird, but I can feel it. It's like I'm drawn to it
Bonnie: There it is
Matt: So if this happens every time I die with the Gilbert ring, the second I go back, that means I'm just gonna forget about all of this. I'll forget that you're d*ad. Bonnie, you and Jeremy can't keep this a secret anymore. I'm sorry your dad died. I know it's hard, but how are you gonna deal with his death if you can't even deal with your own?
Bonnie: It's really good to see you, Matt
[The woods]
(Matt comes back to life)
Katherine: Welcome back to the land of the living
Matt: What the hell happened?
Jeremy: Yeah. Silas k*lled you, tried to k*ll me, then…
Katherine: I sh*t him. So we're even. No more whining. Let's go. Silas won't be down for long
Jeremy: Hey. I left the hatchet. I'll be right back
(He goes to see Bonnie)
Jeremy: Hey. You ok?
Bonnie: I'm not ready to be d*ad yet, Jeremy. I'm just not. Maybe I will be one day, but it's not today, and I don't know what to do about my dad or what to do when the sheriff calls because she's gonna call me…
Jeremy: it's ok. We'll get through this. I can tell everybody that you're with family, that it was too hard for you to be here. I might not be able to touch you or hold you, but I'm here for you no matter what you need
[A Gas Station]
(Silas enters. He’s hurt)
Man: Did you find that girl that you were looking for?
Silas: Yes, I did, and then she sh*t me, so I'm a little bit angry, and I'm a little bit hungry, but luckily, you can help me out with one of those things. Fill her up
(Nadia and the man who possessed Matt enter)
Silas: Oh, goody. Gypsies are here. Oh, I'm sorry. You call yourselves travelers now, right?
Traveler: It's much more P.C. You can call me whatever you want when I'm gutting you
Silas: I see. You're mad that I k*lled your blond-haired, blue-eyed host, right? That's what you get for taking over somebody's body to spy on me, but congrats. You found me, so now what?What do you want?
Traveler: You back in that tomb, sealed away for eternity
Nadia: That's what the travelers have always wanted. Luckily for you, I've never really considered myself one. I know you can see inside my mind, and I have my own agenda
Silas: Yes. I see that you do
[Whitmore College]
(Elena says goodbye to Caroline)
Elena: I'll be back, roomie. I don't know when, but I will be back
Caroline: Just call me the minute you hear from Bonnie, ok? I've left her, like, a hundred messages.
Elena: I will. I promise
Caroline: You're gonna find him, Elena
Elena: Yeah, I know
Caroline Bye
Elena: Bye
(She leaves. Dr. Maxfield rejoins her)
1.: I didn't think Elena Gilbert would give up so easily. Sorry about being a hard ass earlier. It's kind of my thing. You're Grayson Gilbert's daughter, aren't you?
Elena: You knew my dad?
1.: Knew of him. He's a legend around here. Brilliant. I've studied all his research. I can only hope to do the kind of work he did
Elena: So does that mean that he forged death certificates, too?
1.: And here I thought you were just passionate about microbiology. I have office hours tomorrow. Come by. We can chat
Elena: Um, yeah, I would, but I've got other important things on my plate right now
1.: Let me know when that plate clears
(He leaves)
Damon: Well, I guess that's how a hero would do it. Honesty. Who'd have thunk it? Aren't you the least bit curious about the whole "Nancy Drew and the creepster Professor" thing?
Elena: Caroline will take over. I can't stay here knowing that Stefan's out there somewhere
Damon: Yeah. Well...
(He shows her Stefan’s ring)
Elena: That's Stefan's daylight ring
Damon: Snagged it from Silas yesterday, and for the record, I am secure enough in our relationship that you having psychic dreams about your ex-boyfriend does not bother me... But it still sucks
Elena: I love you. We're gonna save Stefan, and I'm still gonna love you, ok?
(His phone rings)
Damon: Yeah?
Liz: We found something
[The Quarry]
(Elena and Damon have rejoined Liz. They have found the safe)
Liz: We didn't find anything in the quarry, but a deputy found this a few miles away. We didn't open it. Looks like it's been in there for 3 months. Chances are he's hungry
Elena: Oh, my God. That's not Stefan
Damon: You're right. He was hungry. Bet he still is | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x02 - True Lies"} | foreverdreaming |
[A bar]
(Stefan is walking towards a bar. He enters. A woman is there, alone)
Woman: Hey, man. Last call was 4 hours ago. If you want some coffee, I could put some on
(He rushes towards her and bites her)
Stefan: Run. Run!
(She runs. He goes after her and goes out of the bar but burns in the sunlight)
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena wakes up with a jolt. Damon is lying next to her)
Damon: Unnn. You must have restless sleep syndrome or something. It's like sleeping with a tornado. Hey. We were up all night. You're exhausted. Come back to sleep
Elena: I had a dream about Stefan
Damon: Oh
Elena: It was more than just a pit in my stomach this time, though. It was real. It was like I was there with him
Damon: I know I said it didn't bother me that you have some psychic connection to your ex-boyfriend, but I don't need a play-by-play, Elena
Elena: You're right. It's weird. Sorry
Damon: Fine. Tell me. I'm sure whatever's in my imagination is 10 times worse than what's going on in your subconscious
Elena: It was just so vivid. It had a red awning and this broken neon sign, and he was screaming in pain
Damon: Well, should I go check in the attic, see if there's a crystal ball? Maybe you can conjure up an address
(Katherine enters)
Katherine: Route 29. Joe's Bar. I think I had the exact same dream
(Damon and Elena are looking at a map)
Damon: So I've found 9 bars along Route 29, and none of them are called Joe's
Elena: I had a feeling there was something wrong all summer, and I ignored it, but I was right. Stefan was in a safe. Probably k*lled whoever it was that found him. I know it sounds crazy that I'm following some psychic dream, but it's the only lead that we have
Damon: It doesn't sound crazy. It is crazy, but I'm open-minded
Katherine: g*n! What? I get carsick in the back seat. Another charming human side effect you stuck me with
Elena: Please tell me that she's not coming
Damon: Trust me, I have no interest in Katherine's well-being, but for some reason, Silas wants her real bad, and if Silas wants her, I want her more
Elena: Can't we just stash her in the cellar or maybe a deep, dark well with a pair of water wings?
Katherine: Do you really think that I want to take a road trip with you, America's most boring, self-righteous vampire? Just remember, Damon wouldn't have to play bodyguard if you hadn't shoved that cure down my throat
Elena: You were trying to k*ll me
Katherine: I will admit, though, I take great pleasure knowing that you wasted your one sh*t at a human life on me
Damon: All right. Play nice, or I'm gonna revisit the deep, dark well idea
Katherine: I want to find Stefan just as much as you do and not just because I don't want to be a pawn that you can trade off for his life. I care about him. I always have, and since we've been having the same dream, makes me think that you care about him just as much
Damon: Ok. Train's leaving the station. Choo-choo
[A Car]
(Silas is on the phone)
Silas: You ever play the "what if" game? When you're calcified for 2,000 years, you learn to entertain yourself with these little brain teasers
Nadia: Look, Silas. This phone is prepaid, and I don't have a lot of minutes
Silas: Oh, no, no, no. It's really easy. I'll go first. You know how much I hate travelers, so to prove your allegiance to me, you k*lled your traveler friend Gregor, but what if it as all an act? What if he's still alive?
Nadia: You saw him bleed out. You buried his body yourself.
Silas: But what if Matt's tacky ring brought him back to life?
Nadia: If this is the game, it's boring
Silas: If we're gonna work together, I need to know that you're on my side, so find out if Matt Donovan's still alive and k*ll him
Nadia: what if he could help us to find Katherine Pierce? She's still your priority, is she not?
Silas: yes, she is. So get the information that you need, rip that ring off Matt's little finger, and make sure he doesn't cheat death again
Silas: I'll take care of it
[A cabin]
(Stefan wakes up. A woman is there)
Stefan: I don't want to hurt you, so get away from me, before I rip your throat out
Tessa: Hello to you, too. I brought dinner. A vampire doppelganger who's burdened by a conscience. Now I've seen everything
Stefan: You saved me from burning to death outside that bar this morning, didn't you?
Tessa: And I pulled you from the quarry before that. That is, I figured out where you were and told the former owner of this cabin to pull your lock box from the water. You thanked him by biting off his head
Stefan: How do you know I'm a doppelganger?
Tessa: Because I've seen your face before on someone who wasn't you
Stefan: Who are you?
Tessa: How much do you know about Silas?
Stefan: I know that he's a bloodthirsty immortal who's k*lled more people than I can count, and that was before he stole my identity, locked me up in a safe, and dropped me in the bottom of a quarry
Tessa: You made it through
Stefan: Barely. I came very close to flipping off my humanity switch, but I didn't because I knew if I ever got out I wanted to be myself when I k*lled him
Tessa: Strong words
Stefan: He's a monster, and I'm going after him
Tessa: Except you'll burn to death in the sun without your daylight ring.Silas wasn't always a monster. He used to be a simple man in love with a simple girl, his soul mate. She was his one true love. You know how that goes. They thought their love would last forever
Stefan: How do you know all this?
Tessa: Because I was there in his arms
Stefan: You're telling me that you were Silas's one true love
Tessa: I would have done anything for him
Stefan: That's impossible. How are you here right now?
Tessa: Love bends the rules of possible. Silas and I were the two most powerful members of a gifted people called Travelers. When we were engaged to be married, we decided to reach even further
Ancient Greece. 2000 years ago
(Silas and Qetsiyah are together)
Silas: I don't ever want to be parted from you, even by death
[A Cabin]
Tessa: We wanted to find a way for our love to last forever
Stefan: Yeah, look. I know the story. Everything was great for Silas until some witch named Qetsiyah or whatever came by and screwed him over, right?
Tessa: Wrong. You don't know the story. Silas convinced Qetsiyah that he loved her so she would make the immortality spell, but when she found out that he was just using her, she dumped in a tomb with a cure, hoping he would take it and die because she had created a supernatural limbo to trap his soul
Stefan: Like any other sane, rational, well-adjusted woman would do
Tessa: Which catches us up to today. Now Silas wants to destroy that supernatural limbo. Once the other side is gone, he can take the cure,become mortal, and die, and finally pass on and find peace
Stefan: Look. If you really are Silas' one true love and you're not d*ad, then why don't you just do us all a favor and run off into the sunset together?
Tessa: Silas was my true love. I never said that I was his. I'm Qetsiyah, that sane, rational, well-adjusted woman you seem to know so much about. Clearly you've heard the man's version of the story, the one where I'm a back-s*ab lunatic who ruined everything for Silas, a raging bitch witch whose obsession with vengeance created a whole new dimension of suffering in the afterlife
Stefan: What are you doing here? I thought you were d*ad and on the other side
Tessa: I was for 2,000 years, but I came back... For you
[Damon’s car]
Damon: You sure you know what you're looking for? Last bar had a red awning and a neon sign
Elena: I'll know when I see it
Katherine: Me, too
Damon: Didn't ask you
Katherine: I'm just trying to make conversation. Anything to drown out the sound of eggshells breaking. So, Elena, I couldn't help but overhear. You've been dreaming about Stefan all summer? That must be really stressful on a new relationship, especially when you're having those kinds of dreams lying in bed next to his brother
Elena: They weren't dreams. It was just a bad feeling, like something wasn't right with him
Katherine: Oh, no. Yeah, sure. I totally get it. There's still a connection between you two. Maybe deep down you know that he was your one true love and breaking up with him was a big mistake
Damon: Ignore her. As soon as the vervain's out of her system, we'll compel her, and we'll put her on mute
Katherine: Or maybe Stefan's been trying to reach out to you all summer but you've been too distracted with Damon to help him so he reached out to the person that he trusts… me. Nah. You're probably right. Elena and I had the exact same dream on the exact same night. Why would that mean something?
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt goes out into the alley. Nadia is here)
Matt: What the hell did you do to me? Look. I know you and your creep show boyfriend screwed with my head the other night, so who the hell are you, and what do you want?
Nadia: I'm here to keep you safe from Silas
Matt: Silas? What do you know about Silas?
Nadia: I know that he still wants you d*ad. You're going to need to trust me, Ok?
(She performs a kind of spell on him. Matt changes)
Nadia: Gregor, I'm sorry, but Silas was going to k*ll you. Doing it myself was the only way to salvage the deal. I need his trust
Matt/Gregor: So you slit my throat?
Nadia: You knew the stakes. It is why we put you inside the person with the invincibility ring
Matt/Gregor: So now what? I am just a passenger that you can call out of Matt's head and put away whenever you want?
Nadia: I will find a way to make this permanent, Gregor, because I love you, Ok? And I will do anything, anything for you
Matt/Gregor: Tell me where you buried my body
Nadia: Ok, but first, you will have to dial your friend Elena Gilbert and find out where Katherine is
[A cabin]
Stefan: Do you have, a, uh, cell phone? I have to make a phone call
Tessa: There's no cell reception out here, and remember, I made it safe for you here, but I wouldn't go outside if I were you
Stefan: No offense, Qetsiyah. I'm having a bit of a hard time believing what you're saying
Tessa: "Qetsiyah." Sounds so... Ancient timey, don't you think? How about Tessa? It's a little different but not so different you wouldn't find it on one of those souvenir key chains
Stefan: So that's why you rejoined the land of the living, souvenir key chains?
Tessa: I'm here because the Bennett witch lowered the veil. I saw an opportunity to make myself a living, breathing mortal, and I thought, "why not?" My hunters had failed in their task to k*ll Silas. I figured it was time to handle things in person
Stefan: Well, 2,000 years is a hell of a long time to hold a grudge
Tessa: You have clearly never been left at the altar
Ancient Greece, 2000 years ago
(It’s time for the wedding)
Tessa: Like a lovesick idiot, I created an entire garden for our wedding, and I made a spell that would keep us alive forever, an immortality spell so we would never have to part. Silas and I were going to drink the immortality elixir as part of our wedding ceremony, but then everything around me started to die, my wedding flower, the garden trellis, our harvest, and then I realized why. Silas has already used the immortality spell. He was already drinking the elixir somewhere else. He took what he wanted, and then the bastard abandoned me.
[A Cabin]
Tessa: So call me a woman scorned or a vindictive bitch or whatever label suits your story, but I thought I was his one true love, and he ripped my heart out
Stefan: I’m sorry
Tessa: I deserved a chance to look him in the eye and make him understand how much he hurt me, so I found him in the wilderness with the woman he gave my immortality to, the woman he chose over me,and just when I thought his betrayal couldn't cut any deeper, I learned that his actual true love was someone very close to me... My handmaiden
Ancient Greece. 2000 years ago
(Tessa is in the woods looking for Silas. She finds him with another woman)
Silas: Just as you are mine, I am yours forever because when I look at you... Amara... All I see is an angel
[A Cabin]
Stefan: So Silas was the first version of me, and your friend was the first version of Elena?
Tessa: Amara was hardly a friend. When they drank the immortality elixir, they violated the natural law that all living things must die, so nature found a balance by creating mortal shadow selves
Stefan: Doppelgangers
Tessa: Like you and Katherine and Elena all caused by the ripple effect from Silas and Amara's sin
Stefan: You want to tell me what the hell you've been doing this whole time?
Tessa: Silas stole your daylight ring. You're going to need a new one. When this is ready, I need your help to take down Silas once and for all
[A bar]
(Damon parks the car in front of a bar. Elena and Damon get out of the car. Katherine is sleeping)
Elena: Are we really just gonna leave her in the car?
Damon: The only time she shuts up is when she's sleeping. I didn't want to disturb our peace and quiet. I thought you said this was the one
Elena: It is. It looks exactly like it did in the dream. Isn't that a little freaky?
Damon: Yeah. It's a lot of freaky. Let's go see if Stef's inside
(They enter. The brander is inside)
Bartender: Can I get you something?
Damon: Yeah, sure. Why don't you tell me what happened to your neck, Jo?
Jo: Some psycho att*cked me, bit me, told me to run, so I did, and when I looked back, he was on f*re
Elena: The sun must have come up. He doesn't have his daylight ring
Damon: And then what happened?
Jo: Some woman shoved him into a truck, drove away
Damon: Did you know this woman?
Jo: No. She was driving Cam Peterson's truck. He lives about 10 miles down that dirt road out back. Here. Look like you could use one of these
Damon: Hmm. I could. Thank you
(He drinks but coughs immediately)
Damon: Vervain
(Nadia comes out)
Elena: What did you do?
Nadia: I told her to pour him a drink or I'd k*ll her
Damon: Who the hell are you?
(Katherine enters)
Nadia: Which one of you is Katherine Pierce?
Katherine: She is
Nadia: Katherine is a compulsive liar, but I need her alive
Elena: Katherine, run!
Nadia: You really do look exactly alike
(They fight and Nadia finally leaves)
Damon: Wonderful. Now we've got a vampire bounty hunter to deal with. Let me guess. Eurobitch was not part of the dream
Elena: I've never seen her before
Damon: Yeah. Well, whoever she was, she wants Katherine, which means she's probably a Silas spy
Elena: I'll go chase after her. You find Stefan
Damon: Wait. What? No. She almost k*lled you
Elena: We don't have time for a detour. Damon, Stefan's hurt. Find him
Damon: Wait. No. Stop. Just wait. Any sign of trouble, you let her go, do you understand me? I don't care how bad Silas wants Katherine. She's not worth the hair on your head. You got me? Ok? Kiss me. Go
[A Cabin]
Tessa: Hovering actually slows down the process
Stefan: Ah. Got it. So what's your, uh, plan? Take the cure and shove it down Silas' throat, k*ll him?
Tessa: You're skipping ahead. We don't stand a chance against Silas with his mental powers
Stefan: You took him down before, right?
Tessa: A long time ago. That was before he could compel masses, and 2,000 years of consuming dribbles of blood from thousands of people, it's allowed him to hone his skills. It prepared him to escape from the tomb I put him in
Stefan: Is that where Amara is right now, locked away in a tomb?
Tessa: No, Stefan. Amara is not locked in a tomb
Ancient Greece. 2000 years ago
(Tessa is in Silas’ camp. He arrives)
Silas: What are you doing here?
Tessa: I brought you two gifts. The first is the chalice from which we were to drink at our wedding
Silas: I know you must be very angry with me
Tessa: I was… For a time, but then I realized it was within my power to forgive you by creating this, your second gift, a cure for immortality
Silas: That's not possible
Tessa: I promise you, it works. I just used it on someone else immortal
Silas: What did you do? Amara!
(He enters the tent. There’s blood everywhere)
Silas: Amara! No. Amara! No! No!
Tessa: She couldn't speak after I cut her throat... But I could tell by the way her heart was beating... She knew she was going to die
Silas: I will k*ll you, I will k*ll you!
Tessa: You will not come near me unless you take the cure and give up your immortality. Take the cure, Silas. We can live long human lives together
[A Cabin]
Tessa: Can't say I didn't give him a second chance
Stefan: That's what you call a second chance?
Tessa: I'm a complicated person, but Silas remains a simple man. I created the other side as a supernatural barrier between Silas and the peaceful afterlife he craved. Then I dropped him in that tomb with that cure, thinking eventually he would take it and k*ll himself to be with Amara just so he could realize that he was caught with me for all eternity
Stefan: How's that working out for you?
Tessa: He's been a little stubborn
Stefan: I take it you're not really making me a daylight ring, are you?
Tessa: Do you really think I'd give you the one thing you need to walk out of here?
Stefan: All right. Listen. We're on the same side. I want Silas gone as much as you do
Tessa: Have you not been listening to me. I have trust issues. I'm controlling and paranoid and a little crazy. And that's working out just fine
[The Woods]
(Katherine is running. Elena catches up with her)
Katherine: I'm can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm really glad it's you. My leg is cramping, and I'm freezing. Do you mind if I, uh… can I borrow your sweater?
Elena: Let's go before she doubles back
Katherine: Why didn't you k*ll me?
Elena: If Silas wants you, that means you're leverage
Katherine: No. I mean, after you shoved the cure down my throat. I was trying to k*ll you. Why didn't you finish me off?
Elena: You think that because we share the same dreams and both care about Stefan that we're alike, but we're not. I value my humanity, which is why I let you live, to give you a chance to find whatever shred of humanity's buried underneath 500 years of bad behavior
Katherine: Or maybe you thought that being human was punishment worse than death for me
Elena: Naw. That was just a happy accident
Katherine: Well...thank you. I'm glad to know that you care, even if you are a condescending bitch
(Nadia breaks her neck)
Nadia: Do I have to knock you out, too?
Katherine: Not necessary
[A Cabin]
(Stefan is tied to a chair. Damon enters)
Damon: Stefan. You couldn't call a brother?
Stefan: Nice to see you, too, Damon
Damon: What the hell is going on here?
Stefan: Well, Silas' ex-girlfriend decided to come back from the other side
Damon: Qetsi-whatever?
Tessa: It's Qetsiyah. Do you see why I want to change it? You won't be able to break those vines. The spell won't release him until I get what I want
Damon: I guess the rumors are true. You are a ray of sunshine. Question--why is my brother wearing your compost pile?
Tessa: I'm going to link Stefan to Silas. Casting a spell on his doppelganger will neutralize Silas' mental powers. Once he's weakened, I will force him to take the cure
Damon: That's a great idea; force the cure down his throat. The cure's gone, done, it's ingested
Tessa: Katherine you mean. I'm aware of her condition. She was supposed to be with you
Stefan: Wait. Katherine took the cure?
Damon: We have a lot to catch up on, Stefan. Wait a minute. What do you mean supposed to be with me?Did you plant those dreams? What is it, some kind of, like, witch party trick?
Tessa: So where is she?
Damon: We ran into a little snag
Tessa: Then I'll get started without her
Damon: Ok. Well, thanks for the hospitality, but we should really get going if we want to b*at traffic
Stefan: Yep, yep. He's right
Tessa: Probably don't want to get on my bad side
Damon: You realize you're not the only one with a bad side, right?
Tessa: Aren't you brave? Without Silas' mental powers, he is an immortal nobody. We can defeat him. Isn't that what you want?
Stefan: Just do it, all right? Just get it over with. Do it
[A Road]
(Katherine and Nadia come out of the woods)
Katherine: Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I like to know the identity of my kidnappers. Who are you, and what do you want?
Nadia: Ask me again, and I'll sew your mouth shut
(They rejoin Silas)
Katherine: Silas. Of course it's you
Nadia: What are you doing here?
Silas: GPS tracker. It's even better than a locator spell. Thank you for working so quickly, Nadia
Nadia: I'm not ready to hand her over yet
Silas: Oh, that's right. Your fascinating unfinished business I don't care about
Nadia: Get out of my head
Katherine: What are you two talking about?
Silas: Let go of her arm. Now I want you to pull out your g*n... And aim it at your heart. Good. Now pull... The trig…ugh!
Katherine: Seriously, what is going on?
[A Cabin]
(Tessa is still casting her spell)
Damon: What are you doing to my brother?
Tessa: Frying Silas' brain. No one said it would be pretty
(Stefan loses consciousness)
Damon: All right. We're done here
Tessa: You're right. We're done. It worked
Damon: Stefan, Stefan! Stef? Damn it. Whatever you did to him, undo it
Tessa: Relax. I just b*rned through his conscious mind. He'll wake eventually. You sure you want to take him home?You and Elena were doing so well without your guilt getting in the way
Damon: Spying on us from the other side?
Tessa: Don't flatter yourself. It was like watching a soap opera except boring and with no volume control. You know, there was one thing worse than being on the other side and watching Silas resist the cure
Damon: Oh, yeah? What was that, realizing that your plan totally sucked?
Tessa: Century after century, I watched versions of Stefan and Elena find each other like magnets, always the same story… conquering all, falling in love. You didn't think your brother was Silas' first shadow? Destiny has been trying to get the doppelgangers together forever
Damon: Look here, miss crazy, why don't we just dial down the destiny talk a notch, Ok?
Tessa: You don't want to hear it, but the universe is working against you
Damon: If you're trying to downplay your reputation as being a psychopath, you might not want to say you're spokesperson for the universe
Tessa: You and I are the same, Damon, the obstacle standing between two fates. Silas had his true love, and Stefan has Elena. We're merely the conflict that makes it interesting
Damon: So what are you suggesting, I leave him here with you while I run off and live happily ever after with Elena?
Tessa: I'd keep him safe
Damon: You have a bad track record with men
Tessa: I want to keep him safe. Now that he's linked to Silas, Silas can't mess with our heads, and as long as Stefan's in the way, you will never be with Elena. Take it from a woman who's had front row seats for 2,000 years
Damon: No one would have to know?
Tessa: No one has to know
Damon: Or you could just go back to hell
(She uses her powers on him)
(Elena enters)
Elena: Stefan! Stefan! Hey! Oh, no. Stefan, hey. Stefan, can you hear me? Stefan! Wake up. Oh god
[A Motel Room]
(Katherine is alone, looking through Nadia’s stuff. She enters)
Katherine: Fine. I was snooping, trying to find a passport or a business card or maybe even a parking ticket because you won't tell me who you are
Nadia: You said you were hungry
Katherine: For food, not packaged poison
Nadia: Suit yourself
(Her phone rings. She answers)
Nadia: Silas the betrayer. Someone lived up to his reputation today
Silas: Where are you?
Nadia: Wouldn't you like to know?
Silas: You know, I may not be able to read your mind anymore…
Nadia: it's too bad you lost the one thing that made you interesting
Silas: But that won't stop me from k*lling you if you don't hold up your end of the deal. Now whatever twisted fantasy you're playing out with Katherine is your issue, but she stays alive
Nadia: We'll see
Silas: It wasn't a question. As you mentioned earlier, Katherine is still my priority, and since I lost my psychic abilities, that can only mean one thing. My ex-fiancée is alive again, and she's on her way to Mystic Falls
Nadia: Well, maybe you two will get back together
Silas: Heh heh. Reconciliation isn't really her thing. She hates me as much as I hate her, and if you think that I don't play fair, wait till you see what she's capable of because Qetsiyah and I have some common ground… neither one of us will stop until we get what we want, and both of us want the cure
(Katherine takes the phone)
Katherine: Enough of the games, Silas. What do you want with me?
Silas: You know, it's funny. The love of my life looked exactly like you, and yet the mere thought of your face makes me want to vomit
Katherine: I don't know what you're talking about, but if I'm nothing but a gag reflex to you, why not cut me loose, and then we could call it day?
Silas: Because the cure still exists, and I still want it. It's just running through your veins right now. Your blood is the cure, Katherine. Does that clear things up for you?
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Matt’s phone rings. He answers)
Matt: Hello?
Elena: It's me. I just wanted to let you know that we found Stefan. Unfortunately, we lost Katherine along the way. Hey. Are you Ok? You sounded weird on the phone earlier. I was worried
Matt: Wait. We talked on the phone today? When?
Elena:You called and asked me if we found Stefan and if Katherine was safe. I told you where we were headed. You don't remember?
Matt: Yeah, yeah. I remember. Can I call you back tomorrow?
Elena: Ok
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena puts Stefan’s ring on his finger. Damon enters)
Damon: Well, he's got his daylight ring back. We're all set for a picnic
Elena: He's lucky he has a brother who looks out for him. Otherwise, you might have pawned it for a pinball machine. You're suspiciously quiet. Tell me what Qetsiyah said back at the cabin
Damon: She told me that we don't stand a chance
Elena: And what does she know about us?
Damon: Well, she told me a very interesting little story about the history of doppelgangers, how they're fated to fall in love with each other. Basically, the universe programmed you to fall in love with Stefan, not me, which means... We're a lost cause no matter what we do. I'm paraphrasing
Elena: The universe?
Damon: Her words, not mine
Elena: So she's crazy?
Damon: Maybe. Maybe she's not
Elena: Look. I know I spent the last couple days focusing on trying to find Stefan, but that has nothing to do with how I feel about you, and I'm not gonna let Silas' 2,000-year-old ex-girlfriend screw things up between us
Damon: You think I am? I mean, no one tells me how I live my life, no one tells me who I love, especially not some vindictive prehistoric witch and definitely not the universe, and I'm not gonna let someone else's idea of destiny stop me from loving you or being with you or building a future with you because you are my life
(Stefan wakes up)
Damon: Welcome back, brother
Elena: Stefan... We missed you
Stefan: Uh, I'm sorry. I… I have no idea who you people are. | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x03 - Original Sin"} | foreverdreaming |
[ In A Car]
(Stefan is reading a passage from his diary aloud while Damon drives)
Stefan: (reading) "March 12, 1922. I blacked out for days. I woke up in a stranger's blood in places I don't recognize with women I don't remember."Damon: "I feel alive again."Stefan: (scoffs) All right. I think I've read enough.Damon: Nada?Stefan: I know "nada" means nothing. I know what day it is, I know what year it is, I know this car has a V-8 engine, and yet I am two journals deep, and I have absolutely no memory of who the hell I am.Damon: Well...
(Stefan takes a sip from a blood bag)
Stefan: And, is this supposed to fill me up?Damon: Well, yes, and no. Technically, yeah, because you're a vampire.Stefan: Weird.Damon: Realistically no, because you're, you know, you.Stefan: Ahh, yes. The insatiable and blood-lusting vampire, Ripper of Monterrey.Damon: And we're only in the 1920s, baby.
(Stefan rolls down the window to throw out the blood bag)
Stefan: Well, sorry, but this is a lot to process.
(Damon grabs the bag from him and throws it on the back seat)
Damon: You're a vampire, not a cave man.
(Stefan rolls the window back up)
Stefan: So, let me get this straight. I helped you steal this car, I found out I was a vampire who k*lled his own father, and yet I don't litter?Damon: You're a man of principle, Stefan, who had his memories erased by a 2,000-year-old witch.Stefan: Yeah. Well, I bet that 2,000-year-old witch probably drives a little faster than you. Wait. Let me guess. (patting himself) Fun brother, (patting Damon) safe brother.
(Damon chuckles and hits the gas pedal)
Stefan: What are you doing?Damon: Do you trust me?Stefan: Do I really have a choice?Damon: Nope.
(Damon pulls the emergency brake and it makes the car slide on the road. The car flips around multiple times at a fast speed and it's totaled. Some pieces on the road are on f*re. Stefan and Damon lay on the road, outside the car.)
Stefan: (chuckling) Oh. Oh, ho. Ohh. I got it. You're the fun brother.Damon: (chuckles) Whew.
[ Salvatore Mansion]
(Elena talks to Caroline on the phone. The scene alternates between Elena at the Salvatore mansion and Caroline at Whitmore college.)
Elena: Please tell me I wasn't out of my mind leaving Damon in charge of Vampire Amnesia 101.Caroline: What did he say exactly?Elena: One text – "So far, so good." Which, in Damon speak...Caroline: Means that they probably devoured a troop of Girls Scouts by now.Elena: Caroline!Caroline: I'm kidding... kind of. Although it's not uncommon for patients with retrograde amnesia or other traumatic brain injuries to turn volatile.Elena: Okay, Dr. Forbes. Since when do you know so much about amnesia?Caroline: It's possible I studied up on my chem, biochem, applied microbio, molecular bio, and Grey's Anatomy—the real one and the television show.Elena: You did all that for Stefan?Caroline: Of course I did. I'm also trying to impress Dr. Maxfield. I figured if I could get closer to him, i.e. into his biology class, maybe I could figure out why he covered up our roommate's m*rder by vampire, and it's also possible that I have a study buddy.
(Caroline enters a classroom.)
Caroline: Hi, Dr. Maxfield. Are you ready to go study, Jesse?Elena: Jesse? Dr. Maxfield's incredibly hot, funny, and miraculously single lab assistant?Caroline: I'm dragging him to our hometown graveyard bell-ringing ceremony.Elena: As in creepy first date?Caroline: As in a study date. While I'm there, I might as well ring a bell for Tyler and me considering our relationship is on its death bed.Jesse: See you Monday, Doc.Dr. Maxfield: Stay out of trouble.Caroline: (to Elena) Will I see you there? You could bring Stefan. I mean, it is ironically called "Remembrance Day".Elena: I hope so, I really do. It just depends on how Stefan's handling the whole download of his dark and stormy past.Caroline: (to Jesse, whispers) Hi. (to Elena) All right. Well, I'll talk to you later.
[ At The Grill]
(A guy at the bar hold a sh*t of liquor and rings a bell gathering everyone's attention.)
Guy: To Uncle Steve!All: To Uncle Steve!
(Everyone raises their glasses and drink, including Stefan and Damon, who are sitting at a table.)
Damon: Yeah!Stefan: Wow. Ahh. This town always so upbeat about d*ad people?Damon: Well, in the theme of morbid town tradition, you go back to the 1820s when everyone was so paranoid about the cholera thing that they would occasionally bury a body a wee bit before its time.Stefan: So, we have a holiday dedicated to burying people alive?Damon: Well, they were so paranoid that they would actually request to be buried with a string attached to a bell above ground, and then the whole family would hang around the grave for 24 hours in hopes of hearing the bell and that their loved one would come back, but now it's just really—it's really a kick-ass excuse to get hammered.
(A waitress comes to the table and starts picking up the empty glasses.)
Damon: Hello.Waitress: Hi.
(Stefan stares at the waitress' neck and notices a very thick vein. Damon notices Stefan.)
Damon: Uh, hey, darling. We'd love another round, please.Waitress: You got it.
(As the waitress leaves, Stefan follows her with his head and even stretches his neck a little in her direction. He snaps out of it and looks at Damon.)
Stefan: What the hell was that?Damon: That, my brother, was you jonesing for something a little stronger than a blood bag.Stefan: So, what's the problem? You spent the whole day trying to convince me I was a vampire. I'm convinced. Let me act like one.Damon: Well, unfortunately, Stefan, there are two types of vampires in the world, okay? There are those that can handle moderation, and then there's you.Stefan: Well, I'm no shrink. Right?Damon: Right.Stefan: But maybe k*lling our father and turning into a vampire and all the trauma associated with that is what made me become a vampire who feeds on people and then rips their heads off, but now that I don't have all those memories and all that guilt, maybe the Ripper thing won't be such a problem.Damon: Let's not try it out, okay?
(The bell rings again. They clink their glasses and as they are about to drink, Elena walks in.)
Elena: And there I thought catching up on nearly two centuries would be a drag.Stefan: Remind me of your name again.
(Elena looks a little hurt.)
Elena: Elena.Stefan: Elena. Right.Elena: (To Damon) You haven't told him about me?Damon: 200 years is a long time.
(The bell rings. Damon drinks.)
Elena: Right. Well...
(Elena drinks.)
[ Salvatore Mansion]
(Jeremy is on the floor doing push-ups while listening to music with earphones on. Then, he notices that Bonnie is staring at him and he stops.)
Bonnie: Don't stop on my account.
(Jeremy stands up and takes the earphones off.)
Jeremy: Sorry. I, uh... I just went for a run. What are you doing here?Bonnie: It's not like there's Netflix where I am. You working out is my main source of entertainment.Jeremy: I was just working off the extra adrenaline.Bonnie: And every girl on the Other Side thanks you for it.
(They sit down at the stairs.)
Jeremy: So, is this our new thing? You make d*ad jokes while I avoid all of our friends on your behalf?Bonnie: There's nothing I can do to get Stefan's memory back, Jeremy.Jeremy: But they don't know that because they don't know you're d*ad. They're waiting for you to help them because that's what you do. You help.Bonnie: What happened to you being there for me in my decisions?Jeremy: I want to, Bon, but not like this.
(Jeremy's phone vibrates. He answers.)
Jeremy: Hey.Matt: Hey, Jer. You got a sec? Um, I'm kind of freaking out here.Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah. What's going on?
[ Lockwood Mansion]
(Matt pulls a cloth out of a desk drawer and when he opens it, it reveals the Kn*fe he had in his pocket the night before.)
Matt: So, I woke up last night covered in mud with this.
(He shows Jeremy the Kn*fe.)
Jeremy: Okay. Weird.Matt: Yeah, I know. I have no idea where it came from. I blacked out, and I'm pretty sure that it's not the first time.Jeremy: How many times have you died wearing the Gilbert ring?Matt: No. I don't think it's the Gilbert ring that's messing with me. No. Like, it's got to have something to do with why Silas couldn't mind-control me. He saw something or someone or whatever that Czech freak put in my head, but I think it's still there.
(Jeremy looks around and sees a video camera on a stand.)
Jeremy: What's with the camera?Matt: I set them up all over the house to help me figure out how I'm losing time. Have you talked to Bonnie? I think that she's the only person that might know what's going on here.Jeremy: (hesitant) Yeah, yeah. She's in D.C. with her mom or something.Matt: So she can't pick up?! I sent her, like, 300 e-mails this summer, and she writes back twice. Did I do something to piss her off?Jeremy: I don't know. She hasn't mentioned anything.Matt: Jer, look. I need you to help me get in contact with her, okay? I haven't slept, okay? I'm scared I'm going crazy here. I need her help.Jeremy: I got to go.Matt: What? Where?
(Jeremy leaves.)
[ The Grill]
(Elena and Damon are sitting at the same table as before.)
Elena: So, Mr. "So Far, So Good," Mr. "I Can Handle My Brother," Mr. "I Know What I'm Doing."Damon: Hey. I never said I know what I'm doing.Elena: Hmm.
(She grabs her phone and dials.)
Damon: Who are you calling?Elena: Bonnie. A witch did this to him. Maybe a witch can undo it.Damon: I'm on top of it sister. I've called her about 10 times. She hasn't called me back. (He grabs the phone from Elena.) Look. I say until she does, let's just let Stefan be Stefan, fun, carefree, drunk Stefan without a 100 years of vampire guilt on his shoulders.
(Stefan is what appears to be flirting with the waitress from before.)
Elena: That guilt came from a blood addiction that might still be hard-wired in his brain.Damon: You take one philosophy class, now you're the queen of nature versus nurture?
(They look where Stefan was and he's gone. So is the waitress.)
Elena: Hey. Where'd he go?
(They look around but don't see them.)
Damon: You don't see that cute, little waitress anywhere, do you?
(In the backroom, the waitress places two bottles of ketchup on a table. She has some ketchup on her hand, which she wipes on her apron. She goes to a little sink and washes her hands. She notices Stefan standing behind her.)
Stefan: Don't scream. (compelling) Don't move. I don't want to hurt you. You seem really nice. It's not like I want to rip your head off, but I keep being told that if I have one taste I won't be able to stop... and although the thought of k*lling you scares the hell out of me, this feeling of hunger that I have inside of me is just so much more powerful.
(Stefan vamps out and is about to bite her when Damon super-speeds and pulls him away by grabbing him by the neck and pushing him against metal shelves.
Damon: Today, I'm the safe brother.
[ Mystic Falls Cemetery]
(People drink at the sound of a bell ringing. Stefan notices a tombstone with the name Honoria Fell.)
Stefan: What kind of name is 'Honoria Fell'?Damon: Shh. You're kind of the one that k*lled her.Stefan: Oh.
(Stefan, Damon and Elena enter the Salvatore mausoleum.)
Damon: Hindsight being 20/20, way too much temptation at the bar, so if this Ripper gene is biological, then we need to minimize human contact until we get your brain all witchy-wooed back to normal, so here it is.Stefan: So, this is the family crypt, huh?Damon: Mmhmm.Stefan: Anybody here I didn't k*ll?Damon: Well, we've covered our father, who art in hell. (He rings a bell.) Uncle Zach, my bad. (Rings the bell) On the bright side, our mother died of consumption. (Rings the bell.)Stefan: Oh, good.
(Damon's phone vibrates.)
Damon: Ooh.
(He sees a text from Jeremy that reads: "I need to talk to you ALONE.")
Damon: I got to go see a man about a witch. Party on without me. Brother—for you. (He puts a bottle of liquor down.) And this is for you. (Hands the bell to Elena, who was lighting up some candles. Damon leaves.)
Stefan: Well, I, uh, I certainly hope your family history was happier than mine.Elena: Well, let's see. In the last 3 years, I lost my adoptive parents, my birth parents, my aunt, our guardian Alaric and my brother Jeremy died, although he came back to life, so there's that.Stefan: Wait. Jeremy that lives in our house?Elena: Yeah. After I had a breakdown and b*rned my house to the ground.Stefan: Hmm.
(Stefan smiles. Elena chuckles.)
Elena: What?Stefan: How do I not remember you? I mean, you're smart, you're pretty, you're funny. Obviously, you're the strongest woman in the world if you managed to figure out a way to get through all that.
(They smile.)
Elena: I surround myself with amazing people who help me through it. Like you. You're one of those people.Stefan: So, bonded by death? Please don't tell me that we met in a cemetery.
(Elena gasp-chuckles.)
Stefan: Really? We met in a cemetery?Elena: Well, no. Officially, we met somewhere else first, but, um, you want to see?Stefan: Yeah, sure.
[ Mystic Falls Cemetery – Outside]
(The scene alternates between Damon at the cemetery and Jeremy at the Salvatore mansion.)
Jeremy: Hello.Damon: Jeremy Gilbert picks up. Wow. It's a Remembrance Day miracle. Now tell me you found Bonnie because I have a hungry vampire who forgot that he's the hero of the story.Jeremy: I need you to come meet me, and I need you to come alone.Damon: And I need you to be less vague and less weird.Jeremy: I know where Bonnie is. Get over here and I'll explain.
[ Mystic Falls High School]
(Stefan is walking the hall. Elena comes out of the bathroom and bumps into him. They smile.)
Elena: Anything?Stefan: No. Sorry.Elena: Actually, I think you were coming from that direction (she points behind her) because I remember looking that way, so maybe if we switch...Stefan: Sure.
(They try to switch directions but both times both step on the same spot, blocking each other. Elena takes Stefan by the shoulders and switch around. She lets go of Stefan's shoulders when she realizes she's touching him—it might have brought some memories.)
Elena: This is where we collided. Let's try again. Shall we?
(Elena starts walking towards the bathroom but Stefan stops her by grabbing her arm.)
Stefan: Hey, Elena. As frustrating as it is for me not to have any memories, I really don't think that re-creating the time we met is magically gonna bring it all back.Elena: Yeah, I know. Right. I'm sorry. I... It's just that seeing you like this is so... strange.Stefan: I'm strange? You were the one coming out of the men's bathroom. Do I even want to know why?Elena: Let's just say I was having a pretty horrible first day.
(Some football players come inside the school. One of them has a cut on his head and it's clearly bloody. Elena reacts fast.)
Elena: I want to show you something. Come on.Stefan: Yeah, sure.Elena: Come on.
[ Mystic Falls Cemetery – Outside]
(They are standing outside of the school in front of the big Mystic Falls Timberwolves' logo.)
Elena: Close your eyes.Stefan: You close your eyes.Elena: (smiling) Come on, Stefan. Trust me.Stefan: All right.
(He closes his eyes. Elena super-speeds away from him.)
Elena: All right. You can open them. The view's great! Come on up.
(She's standing on the school's roof.)
Stefan: How the hell do I get up there?Elena: Jump. Just push off with every ounce of strength that you have.Stefan: Okay.
(Stefan tries it and he makes it. He's now on the rooftop with Elena. He looks surprised but satisfied.)
Stefan: All right. Well, I have to admit that was, uh—that was actually pretty amazing.Elena: You're the one who whooshed me to the top of a Ferris wheel once before I was a vampire.Stefan: Right. You mean, when we dated.Elena: I thought Damon hadn't gotten to that part.Stefan: I may have amnesia, but I'm not an idiot. I'm a 164-year-old vampire who went back to high school, so I'm guessing that had something to do with you.Elena: Uh, yeah.Stefan: And obviously we're not together anymore, so I have a feeling me ripping people's heads off might have been a little bit of a turn-off.Elena: Actually, no. You were the most compassionate person I'd ever met. You hated the idea of hurting anyone. The guilt would overwhelm you. You were always in control.Stefan: So, I bored you to death?
(Elena laughs.)
Elena: No. Stefan, it wasn't you. It was me. Becoming a vampire changed me.Stefan: How'd you become a vampire?Elena: Why don't I show you? (He nods.) Meet me down there?Stefan: Okay.
(Elena stands on the edge of the roof and falls back, free falling. Stefan watches her and smiles.)
[ Mystic Falls Cemetery]
(People are sitting around, picnic style, ringing bells for the d*ad and drinking alcohol. Some put fresh flowers on graves. Caroline is lying on a blanket, Jesse is sitting on a chair with a textbook.)
Jesse: Togavirus. Go.Caroline: Togavirus causes congenital rubella, whatever that is.Jesse: Okay, hot sh*t. Red Queen Theory.Caroline: A theory often used to explain the contradictory relationship between predator and prey.Jesse: And why does the supposedly weaker species always stay one step ahead?Caroline: Fear of extinction. (She sits up and looks at Jesse.) The rabbit is faster than the fox because the fox is chasing its dinner. The rabbit's running for its life.Jesse: Damn. If Maxfield doesn't let you in, you can have my spot. (She chuckles.) How did you learn all that so quickly?Caroline: Well, whenever anyone tells me I can't do something, I prove them wrong.Jesse: Is that why you invited me here? To prove to your boyfriend you don't need him?Caroline: I don't know where my boyfriend is. That would require communication and mutual interest and respect, and I invited you here because you're smart and you're nice, and I don't know, I just kind of wanted to hang out with you today.
(A bell rings.)
Jesse: I think that guy is doing a keg-stand on his grandad's grave.Caroline: What?
(She laughs and looks behind her. When she turns around to face Jesse, he kisses her. She kisses him back but then pulls away gently.)
Jesse: Uh, sorry. I've just kind of wanted to do that since move-in day. Aplastic anemia. Go.Caroline: Aplastic anemia...
[ Salvatore Mansion]
(Jeremy is sitting, waiting for Damon, who walks in.)
Damon: Okay. Where is she? Call her. Get her here.Jeremy: That's the problem. I can't actually call her. No one can.
(Damon looks confused.)
Bonnie: Please don't do this, Jeremy.Jeremy: I've been lying to everyone for months, and I can't keep lying knowing that everyone's waiting for her to swoop in and save the day.Damon: I don't speak "crazy-person," Jer. You're gonna have to translate that for me.Jeremy: Think about it, Damon. I was d*ad. I wasn't supposed to come back.Damon: Yes, exactly. The beauty of Bonnie magic, which is what we need right now.Jeremy: You're not hearing me. Magic finds a balance. I'm not supposed to be here.
(Damons understands what Jeremy means and it sinks in.)
Damon: No.Jeremy: You can't just bring sombody back from the d*ad. There is always a price to pay for it.Damon: Don't say it, Jeremy. Don't you dare.Jeremy: She didn't show up to her dad's funeral, Damon. Nobody has spoken to her all summer.Bonnie: Please, Jeremy.Damon: You say it, and everything in Elena's life goes to crap, do you understand me? Everything changes.Bonnie: Do not say it, Jeremy.Damon: Don't.Jeremy: Bonnie's d*ad.Damon: Damn it, Jeremy! You realize what you just did?! (He starts walking away from Jeremy.) Why would you say that?!Jeremy: I'm sorry. People need to know.
(Damon looks very upset. He starts walking towards Jeremy and it looks like he's going to punch him, but he gives him a hug. Damon exhales and he looks very sad.)
[ The Woods]
Stefan: How is it cosmically possible to get into two accidents on the same bridge?Elena: I don't know. Maybe it was fate drawing me back, saying that I cheated death the first time.Stefan: But if I was there both times, then why didn't I save you both times?Elena: Because the second time you saved my best friend Matt because I asked you to.Stefan: Ah. Got it. So, I'm an idiot.Elena: No. You were the perfect boyfriend. You valued what I wanted even if it wasn't what you agreed with.
(They walk towards the bridge.)
Stefan: Well, it's gonna take me a minute to wrap my head around that.
(Elena sighs.)
Elena: Fair enough.Stefan: It's working, you know?
(Elena looks surprised.)
Elena: You're remembering?Stefan: No. I mean, this, whatever we're doing, the distracting, the subliminating, whatever you wanna call it. The urge to feed has settled. I'm not, uh, hungry anymore.Elena: Good.Stefan: Whatever monster I was capable of being, I could see why I was different around you.Elena: You were never a monster.Stefan: Elena, I saw my reflection in the mirror today. I was scared of me.Elena: Well, you never scared me. The first time I saw you for what you were, I touched your face like this (she places both her hands on his face), and I told you not to hide.
(Elena starts to remove her hands from Stefan's face but he grabs her by the wrist.)
Stefan: Don't.
(Stefan places her hand back on his face. He caresses her face and looks deeply into her eyes. He pulls her gently towards him and he leans in for a kiss... but Elena interrupts.)
Elena: I'm with Damon.
(Elena moves her hands away from his face. Stefan looks a little confused.)
Stefan: You're with my brother.Elena: Yeah.Stefan: And neither of you thought that was something that I should know?Elena: We weren't hiding it from you. It's not that—I'm sorry. I just...
(Elena takes a few steps away from Stefan.)
Stefan: And just like that, the hunger returns.Elena: I'm sorry, Stefan.
(She turns around to face him but Stefan had speed-ran away.)
[ Lockwood Mansion]
(Matt is lying down on a couch, sleeping. He wakes up and winces in pain. He looks at his hand and it's cut and bleeding. He stands up and walks towards the camera he had set up before. He takes the camera and plugs it into his computer. He plays the video from earlier. At first, there's nothing, so he fast forwards. He plays the video at normal speed when he sees himself move.)
(Matt's cellphone rings, waking him up. He answers his phone.)Matt: Hello?(One second later, his eyes are completely black. Gregor has taken over.)Gregor/Matt: Děkuji, Kristof. [Thank you, Kristof.]
(Matt, watching the video, says, "What the hell?")
Gregor/Matt: Cestování bezpecné. [Travel safely.](Gregor/Matt hangs up and puts the phone down on the coffee table. He notices the camera and walks towards it. He grabs the Kn*fe from the desk. He talks to the camera.)Gregor/Matt: Hello, Matt Donovan. I'm the passenger inside you. I know you have many questions, but all you need to know is that one day my friends will come looking for this blade. Protect it at all costs... (He slices his hand with the Kn*fe. He shows the cut hand to the camera.) ...or this will be your throat.
[ Salvatore Mansion]
(Damon is drinking. He takes his phone and dials. The scene alternates between Damon at the Salvatore Mansion and Elena at the cemetery, at night, where people are still drinking to the d*ad.)
Elena: Hey! Where are you? I've been calling.Damon: I'm at home. Look. I really need to talk to you about something.Elena: Damon, Stefan's gone.Damon: What? What happened?Elena: I told him about you and me, and he just—he stormed off and said that he was hungry. Damon, there's an entire graveyard full of people here tonight.Damon: Okay. I'm on my way.
[ Mystic Falls Cemetery]
(Stefan is walking around among the people. He grabs a bottle of alcohol from a basket and keeps walking as he starts drinking.)
Caroline: Stefan?Stefan: Caroline Forbes, my best friend.Caroline: What, you recognize me?Stefan: Well, I've studied pictures. You're much hotter in person. (He drinks some more.) Sorry. I'm—I'm a little drunk.Caroline: Yeah. Yeah. I can see that. Are you okay?Stefan: Well, if by 'okay' you mean heavily spiraling into Ripper oblivion, then yes, I'm dandy.Jesse: Keg-stand guy passed out, so I stole these. (He appears with two cups.)Caroline: (to Jesse) Hey. Do you mind just giving us a couple minutes?Stefan: Yeah. It's probably a good idea because I can sense from here that you have a paper cut on the palm of your left hand, and I want to rip your entire arm off.Caroline: Stefan! (to Jesse, compelling) Go away, hide. I'll find you.
(Jesse leaves. Caroline turns around to face Stefan.)
Caroline: Look. I know that you're hungry, but you don't do people, okay? It just—it doesn't end well.Stefan: What about blood bags? Do you have any blood bags?Caroline: Yes. In the car. Come with me.
(Caroline turns around and starts walking to her car but Stefan speed-runs out of there.)
[ Salvatore Family Crypt]
Jesse: (on the phone) Hey, Caroline. It's Jesse. I don't know what's going on, but for some reason, I'm in a crypt in the cemetery, and I have no idea why.
(Stefan appears out of nowhere. He vamps out and bites Jesse on the neck. Stefan let go of Jesse.)
Stefan: There. That wasn't so bad, was it? I did it. I stopped.Jesse: I don't know what you are man, but–Stefan: Oh, I'm a Ripper. You know what that means? That means I literally can't stop feeding until I rip someone's head off. But look at us. We're working it out.Jesse: Let me out of here, please.Stefan: I know I should let you out. I'm good, right? I'm compassionate. I live with this burning hunger inside of me that allows me to stay in control, but what do I have to show for it, huh?Jesse: I don't know you, man.Stefan: I have no memories because my brain was fried. My brother, who's been my brother for 160-some-odd years, stole my girlfriend, and my girlfriend let him, so you tell me... (Stefan sheds a tear) ...what's the point of being good?
(Stefan vamps out again and bites Jesse.)
[ Loockwood Mansion]
(Jeremy knocks on the door and Matt goes to open it.)
Jeremy: I've been knocking.Matt: Yeah, I noticed. So, you're not gonna believe this, but–Jeremy: Matt, wait. There's something I need to tell you. It's about Bonnie.Matt: What? Is she back? (Jeremy doesn't respond and just stares at Matt.) What, Jer?
[ At The Crypt]
(Stefan is furiously feeding on Jesse.)
Caroline: Hey! Stefan, stop!
(She pulls Stefan away from Jesse. Jesse lies on the floor.)
Caroline: This isn't you, okay? You might not remember, but I do. You are better than this. You are not this person.Stefan: I have to go.Caroline: What?Stefan: I have to leave.Caroline: Stefan.
(Stefan leaves. Caroline turns back to look at Jesse. He's bleeding profusely.)
Caroline: Oh, my God. (She bites her wrist and offers it to Jesse.) Jesse, Jesse, drink this. You'll be okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I got you into this, and I'm sorry I let you kiss me when I– I'm just sorry.
[ Salvatore Mansion]
(Stefan is by the fireplace, burning his diaries.)
Elena: Stefan. There you are. We've been looking everywhere for y–Damon: What you doing there, brother?Stefan: Well, you know, just tying up a few odds and ends.Damon: You sure you want to do that?Stefan: Well, I know what I don't want. I don't want to be the person in these journals anymore. I don't want to live in this house. I don't want my brother's advice. I don't want to hear how I supported you, Elena, and I definitely do not want to continue this conversation.
(He grabs a bag and starts walking.)
Elena: Stefan, wait.Stefan: Don't worry. I'm not gonna go on a Ripper binge. Besides, Carolina said she'd call me every hour to make sure I was okay and, uh... I actually do trust her.Elena: But...
(Stefan leaves.)
Damon: I think we just got dumped.Elena: We need Bonnie. Why hasn't she called us back? It's so unlike her. He can't stay like this.Damon: Elena, Bonnie can't help us.Elena: Did you talk to her? What did she say? There's got to be something that she can do. I mean, she'll figure it out. She always does.
(Damon approaches Elena and places his hands on her shoulders. He takes a deep breath.)
Damon: Bonnie's d*ad, Elena.Elena: What?!Damon: She's d*ad. I'm sorry.
[ Salvatore Family Crypt]
(Stefan is in the crypt. Caroline walks in.)
Caroline: Hey. How you feeling?Stefan: Hmm. I'm feeling better, which in my world means I haven't committed a homicide since I last saw you. I've been doing a lot of thinking today, a lot of wandering around, and this seemed like the most appropriate place to come. (He looks at Caroline.) What's wrong?Caroline: It's Bonnie. My friend, our friend. She's d*ad.Stefan: Uh... What—what happened?Caroline: Please don't ask because then I'm going to have to try to come up with an answer, which means I'm gonna have to actually think about it, and then I'll start crying, and I'm afraid that I might not ever be able to stop.Stefan: Hmm.
(Caroline sits on a stone bench. Stefan sits beside her.)
Stefan: I'm sorry. I... I wish that I could remember her.Caroline: I don't know. Part of me just wishes that I could trade places with you because without all the memories, maybe it wouldn't hurt so damn much.Stefan: It's okay.Caroline: It's not. I'm never gonna see her again, and I have no idea where Tyler is, and I just got so used to them being there all the time, and now what? I'm supposed to just learn to move on without them? How do I do that when all I have is this sadness and this anger and–Stefan: Me. You have me. Look. You were there for me last night. Sounds like you're always there for me. (He places his hand on hers.) So let me be there for you, okay?
[ Salvatore Mansion]
(Elena is in Damon's room going through some clothes. Damon walks in.)
Damon: Hey.Elena: (Still going through her clothes.) I don't have any clothes. I have nothing to wear. I mean, I b*rned my house down with all of my funeral clothes in it. I'm supposed to be strong, I'm supposed to have learned how to handle this, but... (She starts crying) ...I can't. I can't keep doing this, Damon. Stefan's gone, Bonnie's d*ad. She gave up her life so that I could have my brother back, and I didn't even know about it.Damon: I know.Elena: I can't believe this is happening.
(Damon hugs Elena and she continues to cry.)
Elena: I can't believe she's gone.Damon: I'm so sorry. (He strokes her hair.) I'm sorry.
(Bonnie looks at Elena and Damon through the window.)
[ The Woods]
(Damon, Elena, Caroline and Matt walk towards a stump of a tree, where Jeremy places a picture frame on top. Caroline approaches the stump and places black and red cheerleading pom poms on top. Matt then places a his lifeguard whistle on the stump. Elena scatters white feathers over the stump and all the other items, then she backs out crying and Caroline hugs her. Damon places Bonnie's book of spells on the stump. Bonnie appears behind Jeremy and talks to him.)
Bonnie: It's okay. They need this. I need this.
(Jeremy grabs a bell that was sitting on the stump.)
Jeremy: We ring this bell in honor of Bonnie, in remembrance for her. (He rings the bell and places it back on the stump.) I'm not sure what else to say.Bonnie: Say that I'm not going anywhere, say that even though they couldn't see me I've been there the whole time.Jeremy: She says that she's not going anywhere, that she has been here all along. Bonnie has watched you have the summer of your life.
(Bonnie walks through her friends, talking and Jeremy repeats her words to Elena.)
Bonnie: And I saw you happy, and I know you think now that you can't have a normal life...Bonnie & Jeremy: that you have to be there for everyone, but you don't.Bonnie: (to Elena) Everyone will find their way, so you are gonna repack your things, you're gonna go back to college, and you're gonna live it up. (to Matt) You didn't do anything wrong, Matt. You know I would have sent you 300 e-mails back if I could. I miss you.Bonnie & Jeremy: (to Caroline) Caroline...Bonnie: I watched you decorate that dorm room like your life depended on it. (They laugh.) And I know that college isn't everything you expected and that you feel like something's missing, but... Tyler...
(Tyler appears behind everyone, walking and holding a single white rose. Caroline runs to hug him. Tyler places the rose among the other items.)
Bonnie: (to Jeremy) This is good. This is all I wanted. I'll be okay. We'll all be okay.
(Bonnie and Jeremy hold hands. Damon holds Elena. Tyler holds Caroline.)
[ Dr. MaxField's Lab]
(Dr. Maxfield is looking at his computer screen. Jesse is sitting on a gurney.)
Dr. Maxfield: Your vitals are normalJesse: Don't sound so disappointed.Dr. Maxfield: Tell me about your night.Jesse: Caroline Forbes took me to a party in Mystic Falls, and then...it's kind of a big blank. I must have been really drunk.Dr. Maxfield: What's causing your memory loss didn't come in a red cup. It appears you have vampire blood in your system, Jesse, which means you were either injured to the point of needing to be healed, or someone wants to turn you into a vampire. I'm guessing the former, and then I'm guessing you were compelled to forget.Jesse: I'm sorry. What?
Dr. Maxfield: It's nothing to worry about. The good news about having vampire blood in your system is that's step one to creating a new vampire. (He pulls out a needle.) This is step two.
(Dr. Maxfield injects Jesse the contents of the needle. His heart monitor's beeping starts accelerating and then flat-lines. Jesse lies d*ad on the gurney.) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x04 - For Whom the Bell Tolls"} | foreverdreaming |
[Whitmore College]
(Jesse is tied up in Dr. Maxfield’s lab)
Jesse: Dr. Maxfield, please. Why are you doing this? My insides, they're burning up. I'm hungry
(Dr. Maxfield gets closer and speaks in a recorder)
Dr.Maxfield: Subject 62547. After his initial transition, 62547 has undergone 3 day without feeding. Subject is weak but lucid. Upper left and right cusped normal after blood stimulus is removed
Jesse: What are you doing to me?
Dr.Maxfield: Pupils are at full dilation. Sensitivity to light… sensitivity to light an obvious 11 on a scale from one to 10
Jesse: What the hell is happening to me? Why am I so hungry? What are you doing to me?
Dr. Maxfield: Subject is confused yet self-aware. Personality seems intact. Hunger remains primary focus. All in all appears to be a perfect candidate
(Elena is outside, writing in her diary)
Elena: Dear diary, do you ever get sick of me writing about death?It's been 4 days since Bonnie died… or 4 days since I found out Bonnie died. She wanted me to go back to school, so here I am, back at school… studying, going to class, trying to move on like everyone else. Stefan had it easiest. He doesn't even remember Bonnie, not that anybody has seen him except for Caroline, who's back with Tyler. He's been a healthy distraction for her, to say the least... And I've adopted my own distraction… Dr. Wes Maxfield. My roommate was k*lled by a vampire. Dr. Maxfield covered it up, and I'd like to know why
(Dr. Maxfield rejoins her)
Dr. Maxfield Welcome back. See you at the costume ball tonight?
Elena: I wouldn’t miss it
(He leaves)
Elena: Besides, the more I have to think about, the less time I have to miss Bonnie...
(Bonnie is next to her)
Bonnie: I'm right here, Elena, and I miss you, too
Elena: But in the meantime, I choose to believe that she's watching over me because that's who Bonnie is
(Damon rejoins her)
Damon: Busted
Elena: Hey
Damon: Hey, miss avoiding me for 3 days
Elena: Avoiding you? What? We've been talking
Damon: Texting. One time. "Want to be my plus one at a costume ball?" Winky face
Elena: And you never replied. So I'm guessing this special, in-person visit means yes
Damon: Definitely will maybe consider thinking about it
Elena: It's at 8:00. Caroline got us costumes
Damon: Where you going?
Elena: To class. I’m late
(Caroline and Tyler are lying on the floor)
Caroline: Oh, before I forget, I talked to the registrar, and your major is-- drum roll--Sociology...
Tyler: How about we don't talk about my major right now?
Caroline: And I compelled you a single
Tyler: Definitely don't want to talk about my dorm room
Caroline: Well, we could talk about the hybrid-sized jerk that you've been for not calling me back ever
Tyler: How many times do you want me to tell you? I've been helping a werewolf pack in the land of no cell phone reception
Caroline: Well, lucky for you, I figured out a way for you to make up for it
Tyler: I thought I did make up for it a couple dozen times
(She laughs)
Caroline: You are escorting me to the Whitmore historical ball
Tyler: The what?
Caroline: It's the one time a year where they put their whole collection on display and everyone dresses up as famous historical figures. I got Stefan a costume. Even he's going. Come on, Tyler. I mean, how cute will we be as Bonnie and Clyde?
Tyler: Seriously?
Caroline: You're right. Let's not talk
(Elena walks by Megan’s memorial and sees a guy standing in front of it. She rejoins him)
Elena: Hey
Aaron: Hey
Elena: I'm Elena. Megan used to be my roommate. Did you know her?
Aaron: We knew each other growing up
Elena: Oh, wow. I'm sorry. Pretty sad memorial, huh?
Aaron: Guess it's not exactly cool to mourn during fall rush
Elena: Everyone mourns differently. Some do flowers. Other do what their loved ones would've wanted
Aaron: Yeah. Well, what Megan would have wanted was to still be here alive
Elena: They said she committed su1c1de
Aaron: Yeah. I know. That's what they said
Elena: So then what do you think happened?
Aaron: Yeah. If you care about her, get her sunflowers. She liked those
Elena: Hey, do you have a name?
Aaron: Yeah. I do
(He leaves)
[A Hotel Room]
(Nadia is on the phone with Silas and Katherine is lying on the bed)
Nadia: Cut to the chase, Silas. What do you want?
Silas: I want Katherine Pierce. What do you think I want?
Nadia: So do I, which is why I took her away from you. You can have your brown-eyed bitch of a cure for immortality when I'm done
Silas: But you've had her all night long. So how much longer do you need?
Nadia: Aren't you immortal? What's a few more hours to you?
Silas: Here's the thing, Nadia. I don't really care about what you need. I only care about what I need. I'm a little selfish like that
Nadia: Then why don't you mind-control a whole town of people and find out where I'm holding her? Right. You can't
Silas: I'm very well aware of my current super power predicament, thank you very much, and even though my brain is on the Fritz, thanks to an ex-fiancée stalker witch who can't seem to take a hint, that doesn't mean that I'm not still brilliant and crafty and becoming rapidly well-versed in the power of cell phone tracking
(She hangs up)
Katherine: Little tip, woman to woman… don't piss off the diabolical ones, and if you're gonna hold me hostage, the least you can do is feed my properly
Nadia: We'll eat lunch on the road. Let's get out of here
Katherine: Or just hand me over, let him take his little sip of my blood so that he can cure himself of immortality, and we can all be on our merry way back to finer accommodations
Nadia: A little tip, woman to woman… don't offer to hand yourself over to the diabolical ones when you don't know the whole story
Katherine: Indulge me. What's the whole story?
Nadia: Silas needs more than just a sip to cure himself. He needs every last drop of your blood in your body
Katherine: But I'm a human now. If he did that, then…
Nadia: You die. Now come on. Let's go
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon is in the living room with Jeremy)
Damon: So, as we know, in a psychotic lapse of judgment, Bonnie brought you back to life and died in the process. May she rest in peace
Jeremy: She's actually right over there
(She’s sitting on a chair)
Damon: Whatever. Look. The whole point is, I just happen to know a supernatural being who just happens to want to die, and in the spirit of nature needing balance and life for a life and all that stuff, I just think it would be a huge waste of a perfectly good death
Jeremy: What are you talking about?
Damon: Something Elena doesn't need to know about until it works
Jeremy: Wait. You want to work with Silas?
[Mystic Grill]
(Silas and Damon are at the bar)
Silas: So... Why did you call me?
Damon: Same reason you answered. You need help, and I'm gonna help you
[Salvatore’s House]
Damon: From the beginning, Silas' whole bad-guy plan was to k*ll himself, pass on to wherever he was gonna pass on to, and reunite with his d*ad girlfriend Amara I want to use his death to bring Bonnie back to life
[Mystic Grill]
Silas: What makes you think that I need help?
Damon: Well, for starters, you're still here, as in why do you suck so badly at k*lling yourself?
[Salvatore’s House]
Damon: To die, he has to be mortal. If he's mortal, then he's a witch, and if he dies as a witch, then he's stuck on the other side forever
Jeremy: He already tried to bring down the veil to the other side. He failed
Bonnie: Maybe he has a plan "B." Maybe he wants to do more than just drop the veil and let all the ghosts out
Damon: She knows I can't hear her, right?
Jeremy: She thinks Silas wants to destroy the other side completely
Bonnie: Powerful spells are bound by something even more powerful… the moon, a comet, a doppelganger. The other side was made 2,000 years ago, and it still exists. That means she must have bound it to something that could exist just as long
[Mystic Grill]
Silas: A mystical anchor. That's what binds her spell to the other side. I want to destroy it. Qetsiyah, or Tessa or whatever the hell she's calling herself these days, she wants to protect it. So she's the only person that knows where the anchor is hidden, but fortunately, she will be at the Whitmore historical ball this evening
Damon: Really? Thought you said you lost all of your psychic powers
Silas: Oh, I did, but I still have my incredible powers of observation, and I observed her buying a Cleopatra costume today
[Salvatore’s House]
Damon: Back to my original question, let's say Silas destroys the other side, cures himself, becomes a witch. Is it supernaturally possible that he can do a spell that swaps her life for his life once he… pfft… kills himself?
Bonnie: Supernaturally, yeah, it's possible, but this is the same Silas who m*rder my father. He's ruthless, and whatever spell he could do, there'll be some consequences. There always is. So no. My answer is, definitely not
Damon: What'd she say? Tell me?
Jeremy: She's in
Bonnie: What?
[Mystic Grill]
Damon: So we have a deal
Silas: Well, we have half a deal. I'm resurrecting some witch with my death, but we have yet to discuss how you're helping me
Damon: Well, you've yet to tell me what you want
Silas: Oh, it's fairly simple, actually. I want you to k*ll your brother
[A restaurant]
(Nadia and Katherine are sitting at a table)
Nadia: I've been tailing you for 500 years. There are a few things I'd like to clear up
Katherine: Why would I tell you anything?
Nadia: You indulge me in some answers, and I will let you go
Katherine: Really? My freedom in exchange for a little Q&A? Hmm. Ok
Nadia: In 1864, there was a vampire roundup in Mystic Falls
Katherine: Was there? I'm bad with dates
Nadia: Word on the street is that you sold out many vampires, including your best friend Pearl and her daughter Annabelle
Katherine: I was running from Klaus. I needed to jet solo. I threw a couple of vampire names on the h*t list. Sue me. I also impersonated a teenager to get my ex-boyfriends to make out with me, staged a fake fight to trigger my lover's werewolf curse, ooh, and I chopped off this douchey guy's fingers with a butcher Kn*fe once. That was cool
Nadia: What about ripping a mother away from her daughter, having her k*lled for your own benefit?
Katherine: What are you getting at?
Nadia: Now a little bit about me. I had myself turned into a vampire to hunt you, to even the playing field, to track your every move for however long it took me until I found you, and I did this because you k*lled my mother. It happened in Paris, 1645
Katherine: I go to Paris for shoes. The shoes I remember. Everything else requires a few more details
Nadia: Her name was Lily Atoma. You were on the run from Klaus. She took you in, but when his minions showed up, you pointed at my mom, and you said, "That is Katerina Petrova. She is the one you want." So they took her away
Katherine: You were never gonna let me go, were you?
Nadia: No, but I'd hate for you to die on an empty stomach. Time to go
[Salvatore’s House]
(Bonnie is with Jeremy)
Bonnie: You need to call Damon and tell him you lied
Jeremy: So I can lie for you all summer as your witch translator, but when it's something I want…
Bonnie: Silas is too dangerous
Jeremy: And bringing me back to life wasn't? Oh, right, it k*lled you
Bonnie: I brought you back because Elena needed you
Jeremy: Now she needs you
Bonnie: What about the consequences? Haven't we learned this by now? When you abuse magic, there's always a price
Jeremy: What is worse than this? What is worse than seeing you and hearing you... And not being able to feel you? This isn't enough anymore. Let Damon try to bring you back
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline and Tyler arrive at the historical ball)
Tyler: Wow. All of this, and you weren't even on the dance committee
Caroline: I may have e-mailed them a few suggestions
Tyler: Did I mention you're the hottest serial k*ller in here?
Caroline: Well, considering the crowd, I'll take that as a compliment
(He sees Stefan)
Tyler: I thought you got Stefan a costume
Caroline: He's James Dean. I went easy on him. I figured, between the blood lust drama, the Damon-Elena drama, the abuser drama, he's been through enough
(Stefan rejoins them)
Stefan: Hey, dance with me. I'm buzzed, and I'm on the verge of having a good time
Tyler: Have fun. I'll get us drinks
(Elena rejoins Damon)
Damon: Lady Anne Boleyn. Now, who in their right mind would cut off a head so gorgeous?
Elena: Uh, you, my King, my not-so-loving husband
Damon: Well, maybe I can dance my way out of this doghouse
Elena: Yeah, maybe. Maybe later
Damon: Ooh, or maybe you can tell me what's going on with you. Come on
Elena: Bonnie died 3 months ago, and what was I doing? I was having the summer of my life with you
Damon: Ah, guilt. Don't know it, but I've heard it can be a real bitch
Elena: I know that it's not my fault that Bonnie died, but it is my fault for not figuring it out sooner
Damon: Elena, you are allowed to be happy once in a blue moon. Besides, Jeremy was lying to us all summer
Elena: I should've figured it out, Damon. I know that it's not the same, but I'm not gonna let Megan's death fall through the cracks, too
(She looks at Aaron)
Damon: Who the hell is that?
Elena: It's Megan's hometown friend, i.e. the latest person of interest in the Whitmore mystery. I'll be right back
(Elena rejoins Aaron)
Elena: Hey, whatever your name is. Nice T-shirt, understated
Aaron: Hey, whatever you're supposed to be
Elena: Anne Boleyn, pre-beheading, obviously
Aaron: Impressed
Elena: So does a costume compliment earn me like, a formal introduction?
Aaron: Why do you want to know who I am?
(She compels him)
Elena: Did you k*ll Megan?
Aaron: Of course not
Elena: Then why are you acting so shady?
Aaron: Because everyone around me dies. It's like a curse. My friends, my family… one by one, I've lost every single person in my life. So if you had any idea what survivor's guilt felt like, you'd leave me alone
Elena: Forget about my questions
Aaron: It's Aaron. My name. I'll see you around maybe
(Tessa is at the bar, dressed as Cleopatra. Stefan rejoins her)
Tessa: Where I come from, open bar meant ceramic jugs of Phoenician wine
Stefan: Ok
Tessa: You have no idea who I am, do you?
Stefan: No offense, but actually, I have no idea who a lot of people are
Tessa: Tessa, formerly known as Qetsiyah
Stefan: The girl who wiped my memories
Tessa: Nothing personal, little ex-boyfriend drama. Let me make it up to you, buy you an "I'm sorry" drink
(Damon rejoins them)
Damon: More like an "I'm sorry" keg. Come on
(They go in another room)
Stefan: You, my brother, make a terrible wingman
Damon: Trust me; last guy to h*t on her is still paying for it
Stefan: So what, exactly, are we doing here?
Damon: Well…
(Silas appears)
Silas: Hello me
(Damon breaks Stefan’s neck)
Damon: So you want to explain to me why I just k*lled my brother?
Silas: Well, Tessa's spell ment*lly linked us. I lost my psychic abilities. Stefan lost his memories
Damon: And this severed the link?
Silas: Yes, Damon. I can read your mind again. No. I'm not lying, and maybe you enjoyed breaking your brother's neck just a little bit too much
Damon: Sold
Silas: I'll cozy up to the witch and sift through her mind, figure out where she's hiding the anchor, and you, all you got to do is keep him d*ad
Damon: Isn't Tess gonna be slightly suspicious when the man whose brain she just fried is all of a sudden showing interest in her?
Silas: Of all the men here, Tessa went straight for Stefan.This face won her heart before. See, a woman never forgets her first love, no matter how badly it ended
(Silas, posing as Stefan, rejoins Tessa)
Tessa: Ah, look who's back. Am I in trouble?
Silas: Well, according to my brother, I am supposed to hate you
Tessa: And do you?
Silas: I'll tell you after that drink. Good. You like Tequila
Tessa: Yes, but not as much as bacon. In my day, it was all about lamb. No one thought to cure pig fat
Silas: God, you have the most beautiful smile
Tessa: You gonna stare at it all night, or are you gonna ask me to dance?
(Caroline and Tyler are dancing)
Caroline: Hey, you want to get out of here? These costumes come with handcuffs, and you have a single
Tyler: Look, Care. I didn't just come back here to get you in bed
Caroline: I know. It's just... A happy by-product of us being in school together
Tyler: No. I mean…
Caroline: What?
Tyler: I'm just really glad to be here
(Silas and Tessa are also dancing)
Silas: So what brings you to a college costume ball?
Tessa: Look at me. Last time I looked this good, I couldn't enjoy it
Silas: Oh, that's right, the whole "being stood up at your wedding" thing
Tessa: You shouldn't know that. I told you that before I fried your memories
Silas: Ok. You got me. I might have asked around about you
Tessa: And I'm paranoid. That's what I get for trying to marry a lying, manipulative bastard
Silas: Oh, come on. The guy must've had some redeeming qualities. I mean, we know he was obviously extremely good-looking...But, I mean, was the guy at least funny?
Tessa: Are you defending him?
Silas: No, no. It's just that you've been on this revenge kick for 2,000 years, and maybe hating him is an excuse to keep him in your life. There's a part of you that still loves him
Tessa: Now, I really hope he thinks that. I want to see his face when he realizes just how wrong he is
Silas: Ok. I got to admit, there's a part of me that just wanted to hear you say that you still love me.That's how big my ego is, but since you're obviously in denial…
Tessa: Oh, my God, Silas…
Silas: Now, where's the anchor to the other side?
Tessa: I don't know. I'm looking for it, too
Silas: What do you mean, you don't know? You created it
Tessa: Yes, I created it, but the Travelers hid it after they k*lled me. They move it constantly
Silas: So what are you doing here?
Tessa: My pendant is in one of these displays. It's a magical talisman that enhances my powers. I need it to do a locator spell so I can find the anchor
Silas: Well, then get to it and forget everything we just spoke about
Tessa: Thank you for the dance
Silas: Thank you
(Stefan starts to wake up and looks at Damon)
Stefan: Hey, hey, breaking my neck, huh?
Damon: Yeah
Stefan:Pumping me full of Vervain. All we need is a Damon-sized rationalization
Damon: Oh, the new you sucks
Stefan: How would the old me deal with this, barrel full of laughs?
Damon: He'd know it wasn't about him
Stefan: Oh, who's it about, Damon, huh, about you, your desperation to prove to Elena that you're a worthy boyfriend?
Damon: I'm gonna get her best friend back, ok?
[An alley]
(Nadia is hurt. Katherine rejoins her)
Katherine: There you are. Having trouble getting that out? I grazed your heart on purpose
Nadia: Which means you didn't want me d*ad? You still want something
Katherine: I do. I want to know why you made up that fake story about your mom
Nadia: It was a test. You failed
Katherine: I knew it was a fake story. By 1645, I'd been running from Klaus for a century and a half. There's no way any of his minions would have mistaken anyone for me, but you know how my brain works, right? So you must have known that I wouldn't have fallen for that sob story
Nadia: I wanted to get under your skin, and it worked because here you are
Katherine: What kind of sick game are you playing?
Nadia: It's not a game, Katherine. You did k*ll my mother, only it wasn't in Paris. It was in a little cottage in England, and it wasn't 1645. It was April 6, 1492, and she was all alone, exiled by her family two years earlier. You stuck her head in a noose, pushed her off the chair, and snapped her neck
Katherine: Who are you?
Nadia: My name... is Nadia Petrova... And you're my mother
Katherine: Uh... no
[Whitmore College]
(Elena sees Dr. Maxfield)
Dr. Maxfield: You look like a woman on her way to the guillotine
Elena: Actually, she was beheaded with a sword
Dr. MAxfield: See? And that's why I teach Bio
Elena: And you are Abe Lincoln?
Dr. Maxfield: Dr. Jekyll
Elena: Ah, ok. Yeah. I can see that. So where's Mr. Hyde?
Dr. Maxfield: I don't know. I'm not responsible for my darker half
Elena: So would it be totally inappropriate if a student asked you to dance?
Dr. Maxfield: Who could refuse a Queen? Besides, you're not, nor will you ever be, one of my students
Elena: Major points for the dance moves, but zero points for lying on my roommate's death certificate
Dr. Maxfield: Look. I didn't want to lie, but I couldn't exactly tell her parents a mountain lion att*cked her at a frat party. I'd be fired. Want to know my theory?
Elena: What's that?
Dr. Maxfield: I think a vampire hunted her down, ripped her throat out, and threw her off that roof
Elena: What do you know about vampires?
Dr. Maxfield: Doesn't matter what I know, Elena, because we're never gonna see each other again
Elena: And why is that?
Dr. Maxfield:Because there are people at this school watching you and your friends and asking questions you don't want them to ask. So pack your things, drop out, and move back to Mystic Falls
(Caroline rejoins Tyler)
Caroline: Hey… Here you are. What are you doing?
Tyler: Look, Care… I can't do the college thing right now
Caroline: Yeah. I completely understand. I have been pushing way too hard, and, you know, you need to make your own decisions. Point is, you're back, and we're together
Tyler: Do you know the reason we're together? It's because Klaus granted us permission to be together. I'm sorry, but I can't live like that
Caroline: I see. So this is about Klaus
Tyler: No. This is about me. He k*lled my mom and got away with it. I can't just start caring about sociology and frat parties
Caroline: You haven't even given it a chance
Tyler: I didn't come here to give it a chance
Caroline: You came here to say good-bye
Tyler: I need to go after him. I need to find a way to destroy his life like he destroyed mine
Caroline: You know what, Tyler? For someone who hates Klaus, you certainly sound a lot like him
(Tessa is performing a spell. Silas, still posing as Stefan, enters)
Tessa: Stefan. Come to see the show?
Silas: What are you doing?
Tessa: I'm using this pendant to find something I'm looking for, and I found it
Silas: Good
(His head suddenly hurts)
Tessa: Stefan?
(Stefan moves)
Damon: You awake? Stefan? You alive again?
Stefan: How does it feel, brother?
(Silas is still suffering)
Tessa: Stefan… Stefan, are you ok?
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: Tessa, that's Silas
Tessa: No
Stefan: He's working with my brother. Everything he said to you was a lie
(He leaves)
Tessa: That's all he knows how to do… lie. You know where the anchor is. Too bad you won't be around to find it.
Silas: You can't k*ll me
Tessa: I don't have to k*ll you yet
Silas: You love me. You know you love me
Tessa: I did love you... And then you broke my heart, and now I'm gonna break yours... Or at least stop it from working so your blood can't flow and your veins dry up and you rot from the inside out so the world can see you exactly as you are… cold, gray, hideous, you monster
(Dr. Maxfield rejoins Aaron)
Dr.Maxfield: Where do you think you're going?
Aaron: What?
Dr.Maxfield: Give them. Come on
Aaron: I’m fine
Dr.Maxfield: He said, releasing molecules of alcohol on his breath
Aaron: You know, you sound like that dad who thinks he's cool, but isn't
Dr.Maxfield: Well, I'll settle for that very uncool and mildly responsible legal guardian. Keys...Now
Aaron: Can I have some money for a cab? I mean, you do manage my trust, right?
Dr.Maxfield: I saw you talking to Elena Gilbert. Do yourself a favor. Stay away from that one
Aaron: Why?
Dr.Maxfield: Because behind my very uncool exterior, I do care about you, Aaron
Aaron: Whatever
Dr.Maxfield: Be safe
(Elena enters and discovers Silas. Damon’s here)
Elena: Oh, my God. Stefan
Damon: That ain't Stefan
Elena: Silas? Damn it.What the hell is going on?
Damon: Looks like Tessa had her way with him
Elena: So if that's Silas, then he's not a problem anymore. This is a good thing, right?
Damon: Actually, no. It's a very, very bad thing
[A hotel room]
(Nadia wakes up. Katherine is here)
Nadia: You're a fool not to run. Silas will find you
Katherine: Or he won't. You're the one who said it. I'm pretty good at dodging the diabolical ones. Besides, Silas doesn't need me until he figures out how to destroy the other side. If he cures himself before then, he goes back to being a witch. He dies as a witch, well; he's stuck in supernatural Purgatory. There's just been one outstanding question that's just been nagging at me for the last 500 years. Where were you in 1498?
Nadia: I don't know. I was 8. Why?
Katherine: Because by 1498, I'd escaped, ditched the people that were chasing me, and found my way back to Bulgaria. I searched every village, every cottage, but I couldn't find you
Nadia: You went back?
Katherine: Yes, Nadia. I went back for you. It's nice to meet you
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline returns to her room. Tyler is packing)
Caroline: Hey
Tyler: Hey. Care…
Caroline: wait. I've been thinking about it, and I've decided that... I'm not going to have this conversation again. I can't just sit here while I'm waiting for you to come back
Tyler: I don't want that, either
Caroline: Then stay; just be the love of my life. Just love me more than you hate him
Tyler: I'm sorry, Care. I can't do that
Caroline: No. No. No! Don't you dare walk away from me. I swear to God, Tyler, if you take one more step, we are done, ok?No more surprises, no more excuses, no more chances. We are done
(He leaves)
[Salvatore’s House]
(Silas is on the couch. Damon and Elena are there)
Damon: So professor blondie knows about vampires?
Elena: He said that if I don't drop out of school, the wrong people are gonna start asking the right questions
Damon: Ugh, that's not good. What are you gonna do?
Elena: I don't know, but all I do know is that finding out the truth about Megan isn't gonna bring Bonnie back
Damon: Yeah. Well, neither is a desiccated Silas in our living room
Elena: So the only way for Silas to trade in his life for Bonnie's is if he's a witch, but the only way to become a witch is to have the cure
Damon: Yep
(Someone knocks on the door)
Elena: What?
Damon: Now, who could that be?
(It’s Katherine)
Damon: Why, hello
Katherine: What's so urgent? I'm on the run. Don't exactly have time for a pit stop.Or maybe I do. Maybe I have all the time in the world. Katherine Pierce eludes death yet again…and you two finally did something right for once. How does it feel?
Damon: Thrilling
(She understands something)
Katherine: Damon, no
Damon: He needs the cure to become a witch
Katherine: No. No. No, Damon. No, no, please. He need all of my blood. It'll k*ll me, Damon. Damon, please, I don't want to die. I don't want to die, Damon. I don't want to die. Please
Damon: Good-bye, Katherine
(She dies at the hands of Damon and Silas)
Damon: Do you hear that?
Elena: You've got to be kidding me
Damon: Takes a licking, keeps on ticking
(Katherine wakes up)
Katherine: Am I in hell? | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x05 - Monsters Ball"} | foreverdreaming |
[A Restaurant]
(The waitress comes to serve Katherine)
Waitress: Sure a little thing like you can eat all that?
Katherine: I'm celebrating. I thought I was gonna die. I didn’t. So now I'm free to be whatever I want to be. Heh. It's a good day
Waitress: Love the hair, by the way. Bold choice
(She leaves and Katherine looks at her hair and finds a strand of grey hair)
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena and Damon are cuddling on the couch)
Elena: This is nice
Damon: It is nice
Elena: Quiet, still, peaceful. I like our life when it's like this
Damon: But it is our life, which probably means that somebody's gonna walk through that door and shatter it
Elena: Oh, don't say that
Damon: In 10, 9...
Elena: Just let me enjoy the moment
Damon: 6, 5...
Elena: Damon, today is the day that we're gonna bring Bonnie back. It's a good day
Damon: 3...2...
Elena: Damon, it's a good day
(Silas enters)
Silas: Greetings
Damon: One
Silas: Good morning, frenemies. Ah. You know, I'm only a few hours into my old life as a witch, but somehow, the sun feels warmer. Probably because I'm not cursed with having to outlive it any more
Damon: What's with the home invasion, Silas?
Silas: Well, Damon, after 2,000 years of a miserable existence, I finally get to die
[A Cabin]
(Stefan wakes up. Tessa is here)
Tessa: Morning, sleepyhead. Sleep well?
Stefan: Oh. Tessa. Hi
Tessa: You're confused. Is that the amnesia or the Tequila?
Stefan: Um, I think both. I'm still trying to piece together last night
Tessa: We bonded over our misery. There were body sh*ts. The misery lifted. Here. Berries
(She gives him berries)
Stefan: Thank you. What's got you in such a good mood?
Tessa: I happened to see a text message pop up on your phone after you crashed last night. Warning from your friends. Silas took the cure. He's a witch. He's mortal, and now I can k*ll him. Get up, gorgeous. Your doppelganger dies today
[Salvatore’s House]
Silas: We all know that Tessa is a real vengeful bitch. Your doppelganger Amara died at her hands, but today after 2,000 years, Amara and I will finally reunite
Damon: All right. Skip the mushy parts. Look. My girl here is just trying to have a good day, and there are promises she's expecting you to keep
Silas: Oh. You don't think that I keep my promises?
Elena: You said that now you're a witch again you would bring Bonnie back from the other side
Silas: I did, and I can
Elena: And you promised Damon that you would do that if he helped you
Silas: Yeah
Elena: But you're kind of evil. No offense
Silas: None taken
Elena: So I'm just trying to figure out how I can trust that one of your last acts in this world will be to bring my best friend back
Silas: Did you want me to pinky swear?
Damon: She's trying to have a good day. Just tell her how it's gonna go down
Silas: I just want to destroy the other side so I don't get stuck in that pit of a Purgatory when I finally do k*ll myself. Before I do that, I'll bring Bonnie back, and being the amazing and incredible and all-powerful witch that I am, I can totally do both things. I just have to find The Anchor first and destroy it
Elena: The Anchor?
[A Cabin]
Tessa: Silas is looking for The Anchor. It's the object I used to bind the spell when I created the other side.Destroy it, the spell's broken. No more supernatural limbo, and Silas can die and find peace. I'd rather his lying, cheating ass not have that
Stefan: Great, fine. I approve. Where is it?
[Salvatore’s House]
Damon: New Jersey? The supernatural other world is bound by an object in Snooki's backyard?
Silas: It's in a stockyard, and it's being shipped out, so we really need to… hello, hunter
(They turn and see Jeremy, a crossbow in his hands)
Silas: Banner day for you, huh? Didn't you and the Bennett witch used to… tch, tch
Jeremy: Hey. Knock it off, ok?
Elena: It's ok, Jer. We all want the same thing today…
Damon: Aka, put the damn crossbow down, Pocahontas
Jeremy: We're just supposed to believe that he's gonna bring Bonnie back to life out of the goodness of his heart?
Silas: Well, I hope not. I mean, I am kind of a monster. You know, guys, I'm feeling really ganged up on right now, ok? I would hate to lose my temper and do something... Crazy. Ahh. Man, I really love being a witch again. I feel like I'm constantly reinventing myself. I'm like a supernatural Madonna, don't you think?
[A Cabin]
Stefan: So Silas read your mind and figured out where The Anchor is? Now what?
Tessa: You now that old, ancient story I told you about the Travelers? Oh, wait. You don't. I fried your brain and took your memories. Sorry. The Travelers… you know how Silas wants to destroy the other side so he can be at peace with that slut Amara that he calls his one true love? The Travelers don't want that
Stefan: Why not?
Tessa: Not important. Scratch that. Very important. I'm just not gonna answer it
Stefan: Um, you know what? I think I still need to be drunk to understand this story
Tessa: The Travelers have been in possession of The Anchor for 2,000 years. They constantly move it so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, and they're not gonna let him get near it, at least not before I k*ll him
Stefan: Yeah? Well, what if they fail?
Tessa: He won't destroy it. He won't be able to
Stefan: Why not?
Tessa: Let's just file that under the not gonna answer it category
[Salvatore’s House]
Silas: All right. We got to get going. You grab a crowbar or 4 from the garage
Jeremy: What for?
Silas: Does it matter?
(He looks at Elena)
Silas: You, you're not going. Men only
Elena: Are you serious? He's not serious
Damon: No, he's not serious
Silas: Actually, I am 100% serious. She's a freaky carbon copy of my one true love Amara. You can understand why I don't want to stare at her imposter face all day
Damon: That makes no sense
Silas: If would make complete sense if you were ever in love with anybody who looked exactly like her
Elena: This is ridiculous. We're bringing my best friend back from the d*ad. I’m going
(He hurts her with an arrow)
Silas: Next one goes in the heart. Now hurry up. I only have until sundown before Tessa tries to stop me
[A Cabin]
Stefan: Well, the one good thing about having amnesia is that I don't remember how I got in the middle of all this
Tessa: Rest easy, sweet pea. Don't you worry about the details. Silas is going to die today, and he will spend eternity on the other side as far away from Amara and peace as possible. I have it all covered. You don't scheme as long as I have without considering every possibility
(She can’t go out)
Stefan: What’s wrong?
Tessa: Silas put a spell on this cabin. We're stuck here until sundown
Stefan: How do you know that?
Tessa: Because I taught him the damn spell
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine comes out of the bathroom. Caroline enters, thinking it’s Elena)
Caroline: I don't want to know if Tyler called, so don't even tell me.Do you want to do small appliances or toiletries?I'd compel a cute boy to pack for us, but I don't think I want to see a cute boy ever again except for Jesse, who is conveniently not answering his phone
Katherine: Um, we're moving out?
Caroline: Hello! Dr. Maxfield thinks we're vampires, you know, thr*at to expose us, told us to drop out
Katherine: That sucks. Ahem
(Caroline understands it’s Katherine)
Caroline: What the hell are you doing in my dorm, Katherine?
Katherine: I just need a place to crash
Caroline: What? I loathe you
Katherine: I'm desperate, ok? Damon kicked me out, Stefan doesn't remember me, and I just spent my last $20 on a meal that I didn't even get to enjoy
Caroline: Aw. And how is any of this my problem?
Katherine: Look at you. Moving out, giving up? That's very un-Caroline of you. You need me bad. In exchange for a place to stay and Elena's meal card, I will help you deal with Dr. whoever
Caroline: Dr. Maxfield. He teaches Bio
Katherine: Heh. I'm sorry. What? You're scared of a teacher? Aw, honey, you really need to take a crash course on Villain 101, but luckily for you, I have an honorary doctorate. What do you say, roomie?
[A Cabin]
(Stefan’s phone rings. It’s Elena. Tessa answers)
Tessa: Stefan's phone
Elena: Who's this?
Tessa: Uncanny. Your doppelganger voice is exactly like Amara's, so whiny
Elena: Tessa, where's Stefan?
Tessa: He's here. Well, not here, here. He hopped in the shower. Between us girls, he works up quite the sweat, but I guess you know that. May I leave him a message?
Elena: Yeah. Remind him that you're a crazy bitch
Tessa: I would, but I think that's maybe his type
[A Car]
(Silas, Damon and Jeremy are on the road. Damon is on the phone with Elena)
Elena: He's with Tessa. Why does he keep going back to her?
Damon: Look. Who knows? Amnesia Stef's a fickle little fellow
Silas: Wait. You didn't tell Elena what we you did to Stefan?
Elena: Tell me what?
Damon: Well, Silas needed his psychic juju to get into Tessa's head, and the only way to temporarily reactivate his ability was to break Stefan's neck a couple times
Elena: As if he didn't hate us enough.Damon, oh, God. I'm going over there
Silas: She should really. Tessa's bad business
Damon: No. Just let Stefan have his space. It's like you said, he's already mad enough
Elena: Sounds like he's more mad at you. Maybe he and I can find some common ground
(She hangs up)
Silas: Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Who's there? The Mayor. The Mayor who?
Damon: Well, who?
Silas: No one. That's the joke. No one's there because I k*lled the mayor
Jeremy: You're a dick
[Whitmore College]
(Dr. Maxfield is in his office alone, talking into a handheld recorder)
1.: Subject 62547. Blood film analysis. Cellular growth rate is phenomenal. As expected...
(He hears some noise and finally sees Caroline)
1.: What are you doing here?
[A cabin]
(Tessa opens the door to Elena)
Tessa: Well, if it isn't Stefan's fated love
Elena: Where is he?
Tessa: Come on in. Who am I to stand in the way of destiny?
(She enters and sees Stefan)
Stefan: Elena. You shouldn't have walked through that door
Elena: I'm really sorry. I wouldn't have let Damon do what he did to you
Stefan: Sure you would have. You have this annoying tendency to do anything he tells you to do
Tessa: I'm no shrink, but I think it's called codependence
Elena: Look. I get that you're upset with us for pretty much everything, but do you really think that sleeping with Tessa is gonna solve anything?
Stefan: Who said I was sleeping with Tessa?
Tessa: I am so bad with messages. Oh, look! Elena called. She's wondering why you're here. I may have embellished for effect
Elena: Ok. I just came by to make sure that she hadn't done some, like, "Fatal Attraction" spell on you, but now that I know that you're good, I'm gonna go
Stefan: Yeah. You really shouldn't have come inside
[New Jersey]
(Silas, Damon and Jeremy arrive at the stockyard)
Damon: Thank god
Silas: How do you it, Damon? How you can stand being here while your girlfriend sits at home worrying about her doppelganger soul mate?
Damon: It's called being secure. I'm assuming you know a little bit about that by the way you wear your hair. Please don't tell me you believe in this doppelganger prophecy crap
Silas: Crap? What do you mean crap? Do you not notice the universe trying to mirror my love for Amara by bringing our doppelgangers together?
Damon: You do realize that by destroying the other side that you are personally moving heaven and earth to be together? That's not fate, you idiot.It's you being a crazy person
(They have entered the stockyard)
Jeremy: Ok. Where is this stupid anchor thing?
Silas: I have no idea
Damon: What do you mean you have no idea?
Silas: Give me some credit, man. I did psychically dive into Tessa's mind to see this specific warehouse
Jeremy: What does it look like?
Silas: Again, I have no idea. Tessa created it after she locked me away in a tomb for 2,000 years and left me to starve. Remember? Remote island, creepy hallucinations?
Damon: Wait. You don't know where it is or what it looks like?
Silas: It binds a spell to a supernatural hell dimension. It's not gonna look like a freaking Ikea sink
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine and Caroline are still with Maxfield)
Caroline: What did you inject him with?
Katherine: I don't know. It just said avoid contact with eyes and do not ingest. Oops
1.: That's atropine
Katherine: There you go
1.: What are you doing, Elena?
Caroline: We're draining the vervained blood out of your system so I can compel you to forget that Elena and I are vampires
1.: Wait. What? You'll k*ll me!
Caroline: Shh. I'm just… I'm trying to do some math. Ok.So if the average male has 5 liters of blood in his system...
Katherine: That's about right
Caroline: Then carry the one. Just round up. Perfect! 4.7 pints. Should I use the right arm of the left arm?
1.: Untie me. I'll find the vein myself. You will k*ll me
Katherine: Give me. It's not my first rodeo. Can you give me one of those tubing thingies and, um, some tape?
Caroline: Oh, my God. It's totally working
Katherine: Ta-da. So... Doctor... You tell me... Who else knows about us?
1.: If you were willing to k*ll me, you wouldn't have gone through all this trouble.You should have left when I told you to. They're on to you
Caroline: Who's they? The people you want to expose us to, that secret society thingie that you belong to?
1.: There's a gathering today at Whitmore house. The society's using it to suss out potential candidates. They were going to invite you until they started suspecting you were a vampire
Katherine: So all I have to do is convince them that Elena Gilbert isn't a vampire? Done 1.: They'll never let you in, and a vampire can never get past the threshold
[New Jersey]
(Jeremy is alone, opening a crate. Bonnie appears)
Bonnie: What did that crate do to you?
Jeremy: Bonnie, what are you doing here?
Bonnie: Didn't want to miss the excitement. It's not every day a girl comes back from the d*ad
Jeremy: Don't jinx it
Bonnie: I'm not jinxing it. I'm being realistic. It's not a dime store spell, jer. When I brought you back, it k*lled me, remember? What I meant was it's just… it's not something I'm gonna count on, ok?
Jeremy: Not ok. Have some faith. If you believe that it can work and I believe it can work, then it will work. Just say it. You need to say it
Bonnie: It will work
Jeremy: Thank you
Bonnie: Jer, just so we're clear, I would die 100 times over just to have you standing here alive in front of me
Jeremy: Before today is over... We're gonna know what...that... feels like
(Damon and Silas are opening crates)
Silas: Quit dawdling. We have to find this thing before the Travelers show up
Damon: Why are they so interested in this anchor?
Silas: They hate me for creating the immortality spell, and they know The Anchor's the only thing standing in between me and my soul mate, and every love story needs that one thing that just keeps getting in the way. Kind of like you, Damon
Damon: You know, you might be an all-powerful witch… is that what you called it?
Silas: Yeah
Damon: But I will happily k*ll you if you keep that up
Silas: Oh, no, you won't, not until I bring your girlfriend's bestie back
(Damon’s phone rings. It’s Stefan. He answers)
Damon: Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?
Tessa: You ain't seen nothing yet. Since I'm occupied at the moment, I need you to go ahead and k*ll Silas for me
Damon: Gladly, but he's such a control freak that he wants to off himself
Tessa: You mean, after he destroys the other side? Yeah. That's not gonna happen, plus I want him d*ad before he has the pleasure of finding The Anchor
Damon: Yeah. I'm not following
Tessa: k*ll him now
Elena: Damon
Tessa: Did I mention I lured your girlfriend here to me. I used the oldest trick in the book… jealousy of Stefan! Thought you should know
(She uses her powers on Elena)
Stefan: Tessa!
Damon: Stop. Stop it! I can't k*ll him yet. He has to do something for me first
Tessa: Is that something more important than Elena? Because Silas put a spell on this house and bound it to the sun, which means we're trapped here until sundown, which means you have until then to k*ll Silas, or I k*ll Elena. With a face like Amara's, it might be cathartic Bye now
Damon: Whoa. Wait!
(She hangs up)
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine arrives at Whitmore House for the gathering. Diane Freeman opens the door)
Diane: Miss Gilbert
Katherine: You know me?
Diane: I'm Diane Freeman. We met the night your roommate died
Katherine: Of course. Crazy night. Anyway, I am here for the shindig
Diane: I didn't realize you'd be joining us
Katherine: Did I forget to RSVP? Oh, sorry. I've just been so busy with my studies
Diane: We just started the tea
Katherine: Got any food?
(She goes to the buffet and starts eating. A lot. Aaron looks at her)
Katherine: What? Are you the sandwich police?
Aaron: Just trying to figure out why Wes told me to stay away from you
Katherine: Do I know you?
Aaron: Aaron. We met yesterday. You changed your hair. It's...
Katherine: Aaron. Duh. Hi. So what are you doing here? Are you part of... The secret society?
Aaron: The what?
Katherine: You know... The society
Aaron: I still have no idea
Katherine: Either you're genuinely clueless, or you're very good at keeping secrets
(One of her tooth falls)
Aaron: Is that your tooth?
Katherine: No. What is happening to me?
[A Cabin]
(Elena is sitting on the floor while Tessa and Stefan are next to each other, reading a magazine)
Tessa: Look at all the incredible things they've dreamt up to do with food. Pineapple on pizza?
(She looks at Elena)
Tessa: So sad. Let me guess. Gluten-free?
Elena: How did you get here?
Tessa: Excuse me?
Elena: Here, alive, from the other side. How did you come back to life?
Tessa: Oh, yeah. That. You can blame your friend Bonnie for that. She opened the door and then distracted herself when she brought your little brother back to life, so I just walked right through when she died
Elena: Well, today, Silas was gonna bring her back to life after he got The Anchor, but you told my boyfriend, who has never put anyone's life before mine, including his own, to k*ll Silas before he could do that. So, no, I'm not sad about the pizza
Stefan: Look. Why don't we forget about the pizza? What do you say I make something?
Tessa: Ok. Roasted duck
Stefan: Wait. Do you have a duck?
Tessa: No, but maybe I can lure one inside. Got Elena in. How much smarter could a duck be? Go for it
Stefan: Right
[New Jersey]
(Damon and Jeremy are outside)
Jeremy: We can't k*ll Silas. Silas is the only one that can bring Bonnie back, and he's not gonna bring her back until right before he destroys the other side
Damon: Yeah? Well, Tessa wants to do it now. Something tells me patience isn't her strong suit
Jeremy: Damon, you promised. You promised Elena that she would see Bonnie again
Damon: You don't think I'm aware of that? But if Tessa kills Elena, guess who's not gonna make it to Bonnie's welcome home party? Plan's off, Jeremy. Bonnie's not coming back. Sorry
(He goes back inside and Bonnie appears)
Bonnie: It's ok, Jeremy
Jeremy: Bonnie… She's my sister
Bonnie: Jeremy Gilbert, do you not know me at all? Is there a part of you that thinks for one minute that I'd let one of my friends die just so I could come back to life? I'm d*ad, jer, and as much as I want to come back maybe I'm just supposed to accept it
Jeremy: We were so close
Bonnie: I know we were. Go help him k*ll Silas
(Damon is inside and 2 travelers appear, speaking a foreign language)
Damon: I've met a lot of witches in my day. Never quite heard that one before. Let me guess. Travelers
(One of them speaks again and they use their powers on him)
Damon: Why do you witches always go for the daylight ring? I was about to do your little euro tribe a favor. I want to k*ll Silas, too
Traveler: That's the problem. We don't want him d*ad yet
Damon: Well, that's not gonna work for me
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline is still with Dr. Maxfield, whose blood is still being drained)
1.: You're oddly calm, which only adds to my complete and utter terror
Caroline: Sorry. I spaced
1.: You spaced? Caroline, I would have bled to death
Caroline: You know what? I just broke up with my boyfriend for good. My heart is in pieces. Sue me for having a moment
1.: My apologies. Is the moment over?
Caroline: Yes, it is
(She compels him)
Caroline: Now answer my questions truthfully. What is the secret society?
1.: It's called Augustine
Caroline: Augustine? I've never heard of it
1.: That's the whole point
Caroline: And how do you become a member?
1.: Most recruits are legacies, but some of us were chosen for our extraordinary talents
Caroline: And what is your extraordinary talent?
1.: Being brilliant
Caroline: Not to mention that you're willing to lie on autopsy reports like my roommate's. You knew that she was k*lled by a vampire. Is that why you covered up her death?
1.: No. I covered up her death because it wasn't just any vampire. It was the Augustine vampire
Caroline: Hang on. Ok. So your creepy elitist society also has their own vampire? Who is it?
(They hear someone coming)
Diane: Wes, you in there? It's Diane Freeman
(Caroline is still compelling him)
Caroline: You were wrong. Elena Gilbert and I aren't vampires. We're just regular freshmen. You're light headed because you gave blood this morning. Forget everything that happened here
(She disappears and Diane enters)
Diane: Wes? So you are here
1.: Of course I'm here. Why?
Diane: Because it's 5:00. You missed the Whitmore party
1.: What? I was working. The day must have gotten away from me
Diane: That's not all you missed. Guess who I watched strut right through the front door. Elena Gilbert. Clearly not a vampire. What made you so convinced she was?
1.: I… have no idea. I guess I was wrong
[A Cabin]
(Stefan is cooking. Tessa is next to him)
Stefan: Try this and let me know what you think
Tessa: All right. Mmm. It's good
Stefan: Yeah?
Tessa: Yeah
Elena: Ok. I get it. You hate me. You may not have any memories, Stefan, but I do. This person, she's not the type of person that you would like
Tessa: That's not very nice, especially considering I've allowed you to remain alive until sundown. Oh. Almost sundown
(She goes to the door)
Stefan: Elena, don't say a word. I got this. I know you think that I hate you, but I don't. I won't let her hurt you, I promise
(Tessa is calling Damon)
Tessa: Why isn't he picking up for…
(He answers)
Damon: What?
Tessa: Is he d*ad yet?
(Jeremy rejoins Damon)
Damon: There you are. Man up. We're under att*ck. No. He's not d*ad yet. I was just ambushed by some of your inbred cousins.Any idea why Travelers who hate Silas would want to stop me from k*lling him?
Tessa: They probably want his blood
Damon: For what?
Tessa: Silas drank the cure from Katherine. Now his blood is the cure
Damon: But they're not immortal, so who do they want it for?
Tessa: Think about it, Damon. The Travelers aren't fans of immortality, and I had to bind the other side to something, something that would last forever, something that Silas couldn't destroy
Damon: What, his favorite childhood sled?
Tessa: Something a little closer to his heart. 2,000 years old, immortal, indestructible. You're a quick boy, Damon.Figure it out
(She hangs up and Stefan att*cks her)
Stefan: Elena, run!
(They run)
[New Jersey]
Damon: No way
Jeremy: What?
Damon: Not possible
Jeremy: What?
Damon: Tessa may be insane, but she's a bona fide genius. 2,000 years old, immortal, indestructible. The Anchor isn't a thing. It's a person
(Silas opens a crate and finds Amara inside)
Silas: Amara
Damon: She never k*lled Amara
(Silas wakes up Amara)
Silas: You're still alive. Amara… It's me
(They go outside)
Silas: You're ok
Amara: Go away, go away. Go away. Leave me alone
Silas: No, no, no. It's ok. It's me, it's me
Amara: Silas
Silas: It’s me
Amara: Silas, how are you here? After all this time... How are you here?
Silas: I thought you were d*ad. Tessa said she k*lled you. She held your heart in her hands
Amara: She lied. She shouldn’t k*ll me. There was only one cure. She wanted it for you
Silas: I took it. I'm sorry. I wanted to be with you. I wanted to be at peace with you
Amara: The cure runs in your veins
Silas: I was ready to die for you
Amara: I love you, Silas. I'm so sorry. I have to be cured. I can't live another day
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine enters Dr. Maxfield’s lab)
1.:Elena Gilbert, what brings you by?
(She gives him his recorder)
1.: How'd you get this?
Katherine: Mystery. I listened to about half before I nearly blew my brains out from boredom except for the part about your subject's blood being abnormal. That part was mildly interesting
1.: Well, thanks for returning it
Katherine: Now that subject, 62547, right, is that the Augustine vampire?
1.: I think you should go
Katherine: Heh. And do what, sprinkle all of your dirty little secrets across campus like Augustine and all the vampire experiments that you've been doing? Come on, Dr. Wes. Aren't you supposed to be some sort of genius?I'm sure we can come up with some creative solution for our little predicament
1.: I have to say if I wasn't such a genius, I might actually think you were blackmailing me, Elena
Katherine: Actually, my name's Katherine. Elena's my doppelganger, and while I let you chew on that... I'll admit there is something that I can't solve on my own
(She shows him her tooth)
1.: Is that a tooth?
Katherine: It's my tooth. I think I'm dying, and I need you to save my life
[New Jersey]
(Amara is alone and talking alone)
Amara: Stop talking. It's not up to you. Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Please leave me alone. Leave me alone
(Then she sees Damon)
Amara: Are you real?
Damon: Are you?
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena and Stefan arrive)
Stefan: Well, uh, have a good night
Elena: Yeah. It's weird. Even with no memory, you're...Still you
Stefan: Well, Tessa was gonna k*ll you, and you don't seem like you deserve that, so I was just going on instinct, that's all
Elena: Exactly. That's what I'm saying. Your instincts were always to protect me, so thank you for… for just being you
Stefan: Well, have a good night
(He leaves. Jeremy and Damon are in the living room)
Damon: Stefan Salvatore sleeps in his own bed tonight. Does that mean he stopped hating us, or did the power of the fated doppelganger universe push him into the car with you?
Elena: Well, he, uh, saved my life, so I'll take that as not hate
Damon: Victory in a day otherwise marred by failure
Jeremy: We couldn't get Bonnie back. I get a pass
Elena: Did I say anything?
(Bonnie appears)
Bonnie: Tell her it's for the best, jer
Jeremy: No. No, I won't because it's not
Damon: what?
Jeremy: Bonnie's here. She wants us not to worry
Elena: We're gonna keep trying, Bonnie, ok? It's not over. We've dealt with much worse
Damon: Well, Silas is M.I.A. and out and about, which is pretty bad, and Amara's been cured, which is even worse because now she's easy to k*ll, so the fate of the other side, where Bonnie currently resides, rests on a living, breathing human being that we now need to protect
Elena: We need to protect?
(Damon opens his trunk and Elena sees Amara)
Damon: Elena, meet crazy pants. Crazy pants, meet Elena
(Stefan enters his bedroom. Tessa is here)
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Tessa: Do you have any idea what it's like watching history repeat itself?
Stefan: You're hurt. I can heal you
Tessa: No, no. I want this wound. It's a reminder of what you really are. See, memories are important. I made a mistake when I found you. I eased your pain. You used to have a lot of pain. Remember? You k*lled your own father... And then forced your brother to become a vampire. And that was just the start of your reign of terror. You hated yourself for a century, but then you found her. Didn't last very long, did it?
Stefan: Stop it. Stop it, please
Tessa: But the ending's the best part because you actually felt real pain, physical pain, t*rture. Remember? You were trapped in a safe and tossed in a quarry. Water flooded in. You tried to scream, you tried to escape, but all you could do was drown over and over and over again. The only thing keeping you sane was that one day one of the two people you loved... Would come rescue you, but they didn't. I did. Always remember that | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x06 - Handle With Care"} | foreverdreaming |
[A Bus Stop]
(Silas is sitting next to a couple)
Silas: You ever been in love? Love. Hello, you two
Woman: Yeah. We're together, in love
Silas: Aw, that's so adorable. I love love. I do. Yeah. I have a soul mate, too, you know, that love at first sight, want to live forever, love is eternal kind of love? Amara. That's her name.See, the problem is when I first met Amara, I was with another woman, so I kind of cheated on her, which to be honest with you, it really wouldn't have been that big of a deal except it turned out that the other woman was a raging lunatic, so when she found out that I cheated on her, she freaked out, turned Amara into stone, like, literally, Medusa style
Man: Dude, are you, like, ok?
Silas: What do you mean? You think I'm crazy? Why do you think I'm crazy?All I've wanted for the last 2,000 years. Is to be reunited with the love of my life. How's that crazy?
Woman: Maybe the turned her to stone part
Man: Or the 2,000 years part
Silas: No. Guys, we were both immortal, and now we're not. Hello? Look. The point is I finally had the chance to hold Amara in my arms, and what does she do? She jams a chunk of glass into my carotid artery. Look, look
Man: No thanks
Silas: Listen, you two. Here's my advice. Live it up. You know, enjoy this love while it lasts because let me tell you something. Just a couple days ago, I was psychic, I was immortal, I was in love. Now my neck hurts, my soul is crushed, I'm sitting in a bus stop in frigging Delaware
Woman: You're in Philly
Silas: I'm in Philly? Ohh! God, it's even worse
(Suddenly, the man is hurting and coughing)
Woman: What's going on, babe? Hey. What's going on? Hey. Talk to me. Oh, my God. What's happening? What are you doing to him?
Silas: I think I'm liquefying his internal organs. Did I fail to mention that I'm a witch?
Woman: Please stop. Please just stop
Silas: No! I'm pissed off at the world, and I'm taking it out on your so-called lover
Woman: Oh, my God!
Silas: And I'm thinking you might be my next victim
Woman: Oh, my God!
(She runs)
Silas: Look at that. Unbelievable. Love is so damn fickle. Incredible. Here you go, buddy. Come on up. Come on up, come on up, come on up. Up you go. That's good, good. Buses, however... Tried and true
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan wakes up. Elena is here)
Elena: Stefan. Morning. I made coffee. How did you sleep?
Stefan: Ohh...not great
Elena: First night back in your own bed. Not as comfy as Tessa's couch, huh?
Stefan: If we're gonna talk about Tessa, I think I need that caffeine. So, uh, what's with the wakeup call?
Elena: I miss you. I feel like when you lost your memories I lost a friend, and I was thinking instead of describing how much we meant to each other, maybe we can just start fresh. Hi. I'm Elena
Stefan: I was driving to Portland
Elena: What?
Stefan: The night I took Silas to the quarry, I said good-bye to Lexi, and then I decided to keep driving west
Elena: Wait. Hang on. How do you remember that?
Stefan: Because my memories are back
Elena: Really? Are you serious? How?
Stefan: Tessa came here last night, and she undid whatever spell fried my brain, and it's all back. I can remember everything
Elena: Stefan, this is great! This is amazing
(Stefan is in the living room with Damon et Elena)
Damon: October 1852
Stefan: You broke my nose trying to teach me how to throw a right hook
Damon: But not on purpose just to be clear. How much did you pay for that hunk of junk motorcycle that you ride?
Stefan: That's a trick question. You bought me that motorcycle, although I'm guessing it was pretty expensive
Damon: So Tessa just gave you back your memories, no strings attached
Stefan: Well, it wasn't exactly a gift. It was a lot to take in all at once, everything from bl*wing out the candles on my first birthday cake to... drowning in a safe
Elena: Stefan…
Damon: Whoa! Easy there, buddy
Elena: Stefan, where did you go?
Stefan: Uh...all of that, and I still can't remember my own strength. What was that noise?
Damon: Uh, well that is…
Elena: We have a situation
Damon: Of the doppelganger variety
Elena: Yeah
Stefan: Katherine?
Damon: No, nope, not Katherine
(Stefan and Damon go in the basement to see Amara, who’s talking to herself)
Amara: I don't know! I don't know
Stefan: What's wrong with her?
Damon: Tessa turned her into a block of rock, left her in a box for 2,000 years, probably went a little stir crazy like those deserted island guys who talk to volleyballs
Amara: I said I don't know!
Stefan: So you're telling me that this girl is the only thing holding together the other side?
Damon: Yep. She's the anchor
Amara: Leave me alone!
Damon: As long as she's alive, the other side exists, and we can keep trying to get Bonnie from over there
Amara: I said I don't know!
Stefan: Well, considering she's immortal, I'd say we have plenty of opportunity
Damon: You'd think, except last night she stuck a hole in Silas' neck, sucked the cure right out of him, so now she's not only nuts, but she's mortal, which means we have to keep her ordinary little human heart beating until we get Bonnie back
Stefan: How would you plan to do that?
Damon: Silas made a pinky promise that he'd do a spell to bring her back. Unfortunately, he's taking his sweet time coming back to Mystic Falls. Eh, Amara, stop!
Amara: No! No! Let me die. I want to die!
Damon: Let's hope love is blind or at least deaf
(Jeremy rejoins Bonnie)
Jeremy: It turns out that it's not gonna be that easy to keep Amara alive
Bonnie: I wonder what will happen if she dies and the other side gets destroyed. Think there will be, like, a white light and then nothing? It won't hurt, will it?Oh, it'd suck if it hurt
Jeremy: Bon, there's something I want to tell you. Actually, there are 3 things that I want to tell you
Bonnie: Don't you dare give me a good-bye speech
Jeremy: This is not a good-bye. That's the first thing. I know one way or another that you will always be here. The second is thank you for giving your life up for me
Bonnie: Jer…
Jeremy: And the third is…
Bonnie: Wait. Don't tell me. If you don't tell me, we'll have to wait until another time, which means there will be another time
Jeremy: I'm not sure it works like that
Bonnie: Just go with it, ok?
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine is with Dr. Maxfield. He shows her X-rays)
Katherine: So what am I looking at here, hmm, blood clot, tumor, what?
1.: I did a full workup on your blood, Katherine. It's clean
Katherine: My hair is going gray, and my teeth are falling out. I'm not sure what that suggests, but it's definitely not health
(He talks in his recorder)
1.: Patient is irritable. Not sure if this is a symptom or personality
Katherine: Personality. Now tell me exactly what the hell is going on with me
1.: You're aging
Katherine: What?
1.: You said you were turned into a vampire 500 years ago, give or take, and now that you're human, let's just say time is catching up with you
Katherine: Ok. Ok. Well, how do we stop it?
1.: We don't. It's just life running its course quicker than normal
Katherine: How much quicker?
1.: If it continues at this rate, you have a few months. I'm sorry
[A Bus]
(Silas is on the bus. His phone rings. He answers. It’s Damon)
Silas: Hello, Damon
Damon: Well, look who decided to pick up his phone. Is your secretary out sick?
Silas: They prefer administrative assistants now, thank you very much. I learned that on the bus. Very nice people on here by the way
Damon: You're taking a bus? Not to sound like a dick, man, but we're in a little bit of a rush over here
Silas: Yeah, but you know what's great about the bus? Open road, Damon. There's all this time to think, watch every day human beings in their normal environment. Did you know that gas is over $3.00 a gallon at the moment? That seems to really concern a lot of people
Damon: This is not a time to have an everyman crisis. We need you back here to resurrect Bonnie before your nutter butter soul mate offs herself an destroys the other side
Silas: Yeah. I been thinking about that. Amara needs to die
Damon: Pardon me?
Silas: My poor Amara, all those years trapped in stone clearly left her unhinged, so look, if she doesn't want to spend another moment on this earth, then I'm more than happy to put her out of her misery and spend the rest of eternity in the afterlife with her, but listen, if you want to go ahead and k*ll her and save me the trouble, then please by all means
Damon: Not till you bring Bonnie back, remember? Promises made metaphorical hands shook
Silas: I've been thinking about that, too, Damon. Remember when I told you that the universe is working to draw our doppelgangers together and you laughed in my face? Well, if you don't bring Bonnie back from the other side, then you'll be breaking your promise to Elena, and the idea of jeopardizing your relationship brings me this perverse amount of joy, so I've decided not to help you, Damon, and I will see you soon. I'm looking forward to all this being over. Bye
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline leaves a voicemail to Jessie)
Caroline: Hey, Jesse. You missed our study session again. Where are you? Look. I'm really worried. Just call me
(She hangs up and sees Nadia)
Nadia: Well... that was pathetic
Caroline: Um, I'm sorry?
Nadia: Leaving a message for a boy who… what's the American phrase… oh--is just not that into you?
Caroline: And who are you?
Nadia: I'm looking for Katherine Pierce. I heard she was living here, so I checked your room
Caroline: What? You went into my room?
Nadia: Do you know where she is or not?
Caroline: Great. Even Katherine's friends are bitches
Nadia: I'm not her friend
(Katherine arrives)
Katherine: Are you kidding me?
Nadia: I need to speak with you
Caroline: Um, how do you two know each other?
Nadia: Katherine is my…
Katherine: She's my stylist. Ahem. She cuts my hair
Caroline: Ok. Whatever
(She leaves)
Katherine: What do you want?
Nadia: Sit. You've been avoiding me
Katherine: Yeah. I've been a busy girl doing busy things
Nadia: Sit
[Salvatore’s House]
Elena: We need to buy some more time, protect Amara. Maybe we should move her somewhere else
Damon: Silas is a witch. He's a living, breathing GPS tracking device. He'll track her wherever we take her
Elena: We can't let him anywhere near her until he brings Bonnie back
Stefan: Weren't you listening to anything? He's not gonna bring her back
Elena: So, what, I should just give up? Come on, Stefan. You got your memory back. You know me probably better than anyone else. Do you really think that I'm gonna give up?
Stefan: You know what? You're right. I do know you. You put your hope in all the wrong places. And sometimes in the wrong people. Silas needs to die and put us all out of our misery
Elena: So long as he's alive, I'm holding out hope that he can still help us
Stefan: Well, as someone who just spent the last 3 months at the bottom of a quarry because of the guy, I wouldn't hold your breath, pun intended. Silas needs to die, and I need to be the one to k*ll him, end of story
(Jeremy and Bonnie are at the cell and look at Amara)
Jeremy: How's our mental patient doing?
Bonnie: I guess all those years alone sent her over the edge
Jeremy: Relax. I'm… I'm just bringing dinner
Amara: I know you
Jeremy: I don't think so
Amara: You're the hunter. I never forget a face, but Silas k*lled you. You're d*ad
Jeremy: I was. I came back
Amara: How? I said how?
(She looks at Bonnie)
Amara: It was you, wasn't it? You're a witch. You brought him back
Bonnie: You can see me?
Amara: Of course I can see you. I'm not blind. I have eyes. Or are you d*ad? I get so mixed up. I can't tell the difference between the living or the d*ad
Jeremy: Can you see people on the other side?
Amara: I am the anchor to the other side. I can see everything
(Bonnie touches her)
Amara: Gah! Don't touch me! Please don't… don't touch me
Bonnie: I can touch her
Jeremy: Ok. That's weird
Bonnie: Jer, I think I’ve got an idea
(Jeremy is with Elena and Damon)
Jeremy: Amara could see Bonnie, and Bonnie could touch her. They made physical contact. It's like Amara's got foot on each side or something
Elena: Amara exists in both places at once, here and the other side?
Damon: Then she's not crazy crazy; she's just talking to d*ad supernatural beings roaming around in our basement
Bonnie: That's not the point
Jeremy: The point is if Silas isn't gonna help us what if Bonnie could be the same thing? What if she existed on both sides at once? What if she became the anchor?
Elena: You're right. Jeremy, you're right. So all we would need is someone who could do that spell
Damon: Oh, please don't say who I think you're gonna say
Elena: Think about it. Silas wants Amara to die, and Amara wants Amara to die, so who besides us is the one person with the biggest stake against letting that happen?
[A Cabin]
(Tessa opens the door to Damon)
Damon: I was hoping we could talk
Tessa: And I was hoping you were my Chinese food. Good-bye
Damon: You remember Amara, right, brunette, brown eyes; I'm surprisingly not in love with her?
Tessa: What about her?
Damon: Well, she took the cure, she wants to die, and we have her
Tessa: But she's alive?
Damon: For now. Silas is literally on his way to k*ll her. He's completely obsessed with destroying the other side so that he and Amara can live happily ever after in the great beyond. Man, you were right about these doppelgangers. They do always end up together. So how does it feel to say, "I told you so"?
Tessa: Like I want to sh**t fireballs at Silas and drown him in acid
Damon: See? That's what I thought. So how would you feel about us making a deal?
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena rejoins Stefan)
Elena: Haven't you heard it's bad luck to k*ll your doppelganger?
Stefan: Yeah? Well, if I don't k*ll him, he wins
Elena: And what if he kills you first? Witches aren't exactly easy to take down. We just got you back, Stefan. Don't do anything crazy. You and I have been down the revenge road, and it's not worth it
Stefan: You know, there were these moments in that safe, a stillness in time when I was d*ad right before I was about to come back to life, I would think about things in the past that made me happy, things that gave me hope. All these things kept me sane. They pushed me to hang on when all I wanted to do was give up and turn off my humanity, but eventually, the pain took those moments away from me, too
Elena: I'm so sorry
Stefan: Every time I close my eyes, I can see Silas s*ab me, I can feel myself drowning, and I need to make it stop. If I don't k*ll him, I'm gonna lose my mind, or I'm gonna turn off my humanity... or both
[A Cabin]
Damon: So here's my pitch. In order to keep the other side in place, you need something to anchor the spell, right, something powerful, like an immortal being powerful. Now Amara was obviously a great choice until she downed the cure, so would you consider someone who's d*ad but stuck on the other side a viable candidate?
Tessa: An anchor swap?
Damon: Because I've got a volunteer
Tessa: I'd be making a ghost a human toll booth between our side and the other side, giving her the power to interact with our physical world and the supernatural Purgatory
Damon: So what's the problem?
Tessa: I need a massive amount of power to do a transfer spell like that
Damon: Fine. Name your poison
Tessa: I need something to draw on. The moon's not full, I don't think there's a worthy comet for another couple billion years
Damon: Think hard. I have a girlfriend at home who misses her best friend and a wacky stowaway on su1c1de watch. It's ridiculous
Tessa: Doppelgangers. They're powerful, mystical, naturally recurring
Damon: You want doppelganger blood? I got doppelgangers coming out of my ears. How many do you want?
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine is still with Nadia)
Nadia: You hate junk food. You call it toxic poison
Katherine: Yeah? Well, I've decided to live a little. Now may I be excused, scary vampire daughter?
Nadia: You've been avoiding me. I don't like it
Katherine: Clearly
Nadia: We had a moment, you and I. There was a bond. I felt it, and then nothing.You abandoned me all over again
Katherine: Ok. First of all, I never abandoned you. You were snatched out of my arms at birth because my father thought I was a knocked-up, shameful slut, and second of all, it's been 500 years. Do we really have to do this whole mother-daughter bonding thing? Estrangement is so much easier, don't think?
(Caroline rejoins them)
Caroline: Sorry to interrupt the world's weirdest lunch, but, you with the doppelganger blood, duty calls
Katherine: Wonderful. Now that Katherine's a human and fragile, everyone thinks that they can just boss her around. Hands off, ok? I'm going
Nadia: We're not done
Katherine: Oh, yes, we are
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon enters with Tessa)
Tessa: So you live in this giant mansion with two doppelgangers that are destined to end up together?I swear there's a sitcom in there somewhere. So where's the ancient boyfriend-stealing bitch?
Damon: This way
(Elena leads Tessa to Amara)
Tessa: That'll be all
(She enters and closes the door)
Tessa: Well, if it isn't the face that launched a thousand doppelgangers. A little birdie told me you aren't enjoying your immortal life. 2,000 years, you have nothing to say to me? No apology?
Amara: I'm sorry
Tessa: What was that?
Amara: I'm sorry. That is what you want to hear, isn't it, how I have suffered, how every moment of my life has been a living a hell? It has!My sin was falling in love, and I've learned my lesson. You win. You win. Now please k*ll me. Please. Please k*ll me!
Tessa: Don't worry.When I make someone else the anchor, I will, and since you're nothing more than a non-supernatural human, you'll pass on while Silas is trapped on the other side, and then you and Silas, you're gonna spend eternity apart... And that is gonna be kind of fantastic for me. Selfishly speaking
(Caroline and Katherine arrive)
Katherine: The cute one's here
(Tessa arrives)
Caroline: She's all yours
(She leaves)
Tessa: Let me guess. You must be... Who now?
Katherine: Let's be clear. I don't care about Bonnie Bennett or the other side going away or Elena getting her best friend back
Tessa: You want something? I'm shocked
Katherine: I had the cure you created running through my veins, and when Silas sucked it out of me, I started aging faster than normal. So basically, I'm dying, and I need you to fix me. You made the cure. Now make something that stops the aging. Otherwise, no blood for you
Tessa: Fine. When the ritual's finished and Bonnie is the anchor, we'll find a way to stop you from dying
Katherine: Thank you
Tessa: Now where's tweedledee and tweedledum?
(Katherine, Amara and Elena are in the same room with Tessa. There’s a grimoire in front of them)
Amara: What is that?
Elena: It's Bonnie's grimoire
Amara: A grim… what?
Katherine: It's a magic spell book. Idiot
Tessa: It's a talisman. Since Bonnie can't be here, her grimoire will have to do.Hands in, palms up
(She cuts Amara’s hand)
Tessa: Sorry, love. Did that hurt?
Amara: I've been through worse
(Then she takes Katherine’s hand)
Katherine: Easy, ok? I'm fragile these days
(Then it’s Elena’s turn)
Katherine: Showoff
(Tessa starts casting the spell)
Tessa: No
Katherine: Is it done?
Tessa: No, it's not done
Elena: What's happening?
Tessa: Silas is happening. Show yourself, bastard!
(The power goes off)
Katherine: I can't see anything. Can you?
(Damon rejoins them)
Damon: Electricity's out in the whole house. What happened?
Elena: Silas is here
Damon: Well, Silas owes me a fuse box. Hang on. I only count two doppelgangers. Where's crazy pants? And where's the other crazy?
(Tessa enters the library. Silas is here)
Tessa: That was quite the show, Silas
Silas: Thank you. You haven't seen the love of my life running around here by any chance, have you?
Tessa: Nope. Maybe you shouldn't have turned the lights off, genius
Silas: You've had 2,000 years to watch us suffer. You've had your fun. Why can't you just let it go?
Tessa: Maybe I'm just not wired that way
Silas: Honestly, I feel sorry for you. Hateful vengeance is for people without real love. You spent 2,000 years waiting for me to die just so you could be with me when all along the universe knew I belonged to somebody else. Doesn't that make your whole existence, like, I don't know, a total waste?
Tessa: I loved you
Silas: Yeah? Well, get in line
(His phone rings. He answers)
Silas: Sucky timing, Stefan
Stefan: I disagree. I have Amara just beyond the property line.You have 10 minutes to come find us
Silas: Well, I'm a little busy right now watching my nemesis bite it. Plus I have no interest in saving Amara's life
Stefan: I know that, which is why I'm gonna take her away, and I'm gonna keep her alive by any means possible while everyone else hunts you down like an animal. You now have 9 minutes
(Caroline rejoins Katherine, who’s bleeding)
Caroline: Katherine? What are you doing?
Katherine: Tessa's stupid nonsurgical incision won't stop bleeding
(Caroline bites her wrist)
Caroline: Here. Heal. What's wrong?
Katherine: Nothing. Just another tragic side effect from taking that cure. Apparently the universe just doesn't want me to heal from vampire blood. Stupid universe. Find me that damn witch so she can finish that spell!
(Elena finds Tessa in the library)
Elena: No way
Tessa: Can't a witch rest in peace?
Elena: It's a flesh wound. Get up. You're not done yet
[The Woods]
(Silas finds Amara, alone)
Silas: Amara
Amara: I loved you. I still do... But I can't live any longer. Please understand
Silas: I understand. I love you
Amara: Silas, please. I'm ready
(Stefan intervenes and strangles Silas)
Stefan: Do you remember me? I remember you. Oh, I'm sorry. Is it hard to breathe? Is your throat closing? Did the fear of dying start to creep in yet?
Silas: I hear every emotion is heightened for a vampire. All those memories must be eating you alive right now, Stefan. What's it like to die? I've never done it. You must have done it, what, a thousand times over the summer?
Stefan: Stop it
Silas: Stop? I spent 2,000 years alone in a tomb. You were locked up for, what, 3 months? Look at you. You're a mess. The safe was the easy part, wasn't it? Being forgotten about, that's the real t*rture, isn't it?
(Stefan s*ab him)
Amara: Silas! Aah!
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena is with Tessa. Damon rejoins them)
Damon: Stefan and Amara are not inside
Elena: That's because Stefan took her. You have to go find him before he gets himself k*lled
Damon: No. He's luring Silas away so he can finish this. It's typical Stefan. He'll be fine
Elena: He's hurting. Damon, he's not thinking clearly. Ok. Silas may have been the one that put him in that safe, but we were supposed to get him out of it. Please go find him. We can't lose him again
Damon: Ok
(Tessa starts casting her spell)
[The Woods]
(Amara is with Silas)
Amara: Our journey starts now
(She s*ab herself but Damon intervenes)
Damon: No! Amara. No. Amara, Amara. Drink this. Drink. More. No, no, no. Ok. No. Hey. Stay with me. Look at me, look at me. Amara, Amara. Hey! Look at me
Amara: I've been in hell for 2,000 years
Damon: What's another 5 minutes, huh?
Amara: Let me die
Damon: No! Amara! Come on. Please
[Salvatore’s House]
(Tessa is still casting her spell)
(Bonnie rejoins Jeremy)
Bonnie: I came to say good-bye
Jeremy: What are you talking about? Tessa's doing the spell
Bonnie: Amara's dying, Jer
Jeremy: No. That's impossible. Damon…
Bonnie: Stop. We don't have much time
(Tessa casts her spell)
[The Woods]
Damon: Amara, Amara! Please, Amara!
[Salvatore’s House]
Bonnie: Tell me the third thing
Jeremy: Bon
Bonnie: Tell me, please
Jeremy: I love you
Bonnie: I love you, too
Jeremy: I'm not ready to let you go
(He touches her)
Jeremy: I can feel you!
Bonnie: I can feel you
Elena: Bonnie?
Caroline: Please tell me this is real
Bonnie: You guys can see me?
Jeremy: Bonnie, it worked
Bonnie: It worked!
Elena: You’re here
Bonnie: Thank you
Caroline: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! And we can be roommates because we have an extra bed, and we can clear out half the closet!
Elena/Bonnie: Caroline!
Caroline: I can't believe you're really here!
Bonnie: I'm here. I'm back
(Bonnie is alone. Jeremy rejoins her)
Bonnie: I miss this. I miss feeling warm. I never felt warm on the other side
Jeremy: I miss this... Holding your hand. I'm never gonna let you go again
(Katherine rejoins Tessa in the library)
Katherine: Ok. I'm ready. Let's do this
Tessa: You. Right. You want me to stop the aging? I'd find a drug store cream
Katherine: Hilarious, but see the thing is, I'm not getting any younger, so spell away
Tessa: Altering someone's lifespan is what started this whole mess in the first place. I've learned my lesson. I'm not saving your life
Katherine: Excuse me?
Tessa: I won. Amara's gone, and Silas is waiting for me on the other side
Katherine: No. No! Help. Help! Somebody, help her! She's dying! Don't die. I need you
Tessa: True love prevails... The universe be damned
(Bonnie is alone. Tessa appears)
Tessa: You're the anchor now
Bonnie: Tessa. Where did you just come from?
Tessa: I'm d*ad. As I pass through you, you'll feel my death.You'll feel every death. Every supernatural being that passes over to the other side will pass through you. Sorry. That's gonna hurt like a bit bitch
[The Woods]
(Elena rejoins Stefan)
Elena: So he's d*ad? It's over?
Stefan: Yeah, it's over
Elena: Are you ok?
Stefan: I'm fine
Elena: Look at me and tell me that k*lling Silas worked, that you'll be ok now
Stefan: Why is this so important to you?
Elena: Because I know how much he stole from you
Stefan: Yeah, and he's d*ad
Elena: And because while you were suffering in that safe, grasping onto hope, fighting every second so that you wouldn't lose your humanity, I was happy. I got everything that I wanted, Stefan. I got to be in love, I got the summer of my dreams, I got Bonnie back. So I need to know that this worked. I need to know that it's gonna take away all of your suffering. I need to know that you're gonna be ok
Stefan: I wanted it to be you. When that safe finally opened and somebody found me, I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be both of you
(Damon is here)
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine rejoins Caroline in the dorm)
Caroline: Um...now that Bonnie's back...
Katherine: Your room's full. Got it. I'll just get my stuff
Caroline: Thank you for what you did today
Katherine: Enough. I k*lled you once, don't forget. We still hate each other, ok?
Caroline: Yes, you did, and, yes, we do
Katherine: Where the hell is my bag?
(Nadia enters)
Nadia: Already packed
Katherine: You again
Nadia: I'm leaving, Katherine. I'm heading back to Prague, and I'd really like it if you came with me. We can go to Bulgaria, retrace our lives
Katherine: I don't know what kind of twisted fantasy you have about us, but that's all it is, a fantasy. I would rather rip my own heart out than do more mother-daughter bonding with you, and I'm human now, so it wouldn't really be that easy. I don't want to know you
Caroline: Mother-daughter? She's your… Oh. Wow
Katherine: I'm doing you a favor, Nadia, ok? I can't be there for you, so take a good look because you are never gonna see me again
[The Woods]
(Stefan is burying Silas)
Stefan: No. no. It's over. It's supposed to be over | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x07 - Death and the Maiden"} | foreverdreaming |
[Whitmore College]
(Dr. Maxfield is in his lab with Jesse, who’s still being detained)
Dr. Maxfield: Preliminary report subject 62547. Subject has transformed from human to vampire in approximately 14 days. Indicators predict a positive response to first bag of undiluted Augustine blood
(He gives a blood bag to Jesse)
Dr. Maxfield: Physical strength is an unforeseen side effect. Terminating transfusion. Activating emergency procedures
(Bonnie is in the dorm, recording a video for her mom)
Bonnie: Hi, mom! I know we haven't seen each other or talked in a while, so I wanted to make you a video update. Um, I finally finished my whirlwind summer tour, got a new do, and I'm in college at Whitmore, where grams taught. This is my dorm! It's huge, right? Look. It even has a fireplace! I mean, what dorm has a fireplace?
(Elena and Caroline enter)
Bonnie: Oh, here they are! Hey, guys! Say hi to my mom!
Caroline/Elena: Hi!
Bonnie: They're planning me a welcome party. Just... just something hokey. I miss you. Um, please come visit when... ha... When you get a chance. I'll, um, I'll talk to you soon. Mmm-wha. Bye
(She stops filming)
Elena: "And by the way, mom, I'm not a witch anymore because I died and then came back from the other side.”
Caroline: ‘’"Yeah. I'm the supernatural anchor that connects our two worlds together, so..."
Elena: "Technically, I'm a ghost that people can still see and touch, so..."
Bonnie: Ok. So I left out a detail... or two. I'll explain when she visits. How big is this party going to be?
Elena: Well, let's see. Silas and Tessa are gone, and you finally aren't
Caroline: Which equals massive cause for celebration!
Elena: Which equals a massive party. Hopefully, since each of us have only made one friend in college so far
Caroline: And given that mine went radio silent after he kissed me, and yours was last seen at a tea party for a vampire-hating secret society…
Bonnie: Hmm. Augustine, right? The one who covered up your roommate's death and wants to kick you off campus? What? I've kept up! The other side is boring. What else am I supposed to do?
Elena: All right. So Augustine wants us gone. Who cares? It doesn't matter. It's not gonna happen. We're moving on with our lives together as functional vampires, former witch anchor thing, I don’t know. And we're having a party
Caroline: With jell-o sh*ts!
Bonnie: Oh, sh**t! Um, I have to go register for classes. What?
Caroline/Elena: Nothing
Elena: Have fun registering
Bonnie: Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
(Bonnie is with Jeremy)
Jeremy: Wait. Registering for classes?
Bonnie: I know. I... she's... I know I have Elena's blessing. I still don't need to rub it in her face day one in the triple dorm room
Jeremy: We could always sneak back to my place
Bonnie: You mean, Damon's house? While we're at it, why don't we just have sex in his bathtub, or maybe Katherine could watch
Jeremy: This hair, by the way, kind of hot. You ok?
Bonnie: Yep. I got to go to class. See you tonight?
Jeremy: Yeah ok
(She leaves)
(Bonnie walks, alone. The lady appears)
The Lady: I'm ready
(Elena is on the phone)
Elena: I know this is gonna sound lame, but...
Damon: Any time you start with "this is gonna sound lame," guess what... it is
Elena: This is for Bonnie,and you had a really big part in bringing her back, so I think that you should come
(She sees Aaron)
Elena: Oh! Wait. Hang on. Wait. Hey! Hey, Aaron. Hi. Long time, no see. Here. You're coming
Damon: Who's Aaron?
Elena: Party in a dorm
Aaron: No, thanks
Elena: I know what you're doing. You like to push people away, but the thing is...
Aaron: How do you know that about me?
Elena: Because you told me at the costume ball when I compelled it out of you
(She compels him)
Elena: Ok. Forget that I said that, forget that I know anything. We're starting over. You're coming to my party. There will be free beer, and it will be really good for you. See you then
Aaron: See you tonight
(He leaves)
Damon: Well, that was an embarrassingly close call. Maybe I should be there so you don't spill all of our secrets and make out with the moody mystery guy
Elena: The only moody mystery guy that I want to make out with is you. Oh, and speaking of which, invite Stefan
Damon: Speaking of moody or making out? Either way, he'll never show. His memory's back, and he remembers he hates us
Elena: Just try, ok? I bought Bourbon, so he could just get drunk and hate us from afar
Damon: Well, I'll be sure to relay the message
(They hang up)
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon rejoins Stefan in the library)
Damon: So apparently we've been invited to a college party. Yeah. That was my first reaction, too. Then Elena promised a bottomless well of top-shelf alcohol. Stefan? You... ok?
Stefan: Yeah, I'm fine
Damon: How about my favorite reading chair?
Stefan: Just tell Elena thanks, but I'm not really up for a party tonight
[Mystic Grill]
(Katherine is at the bar)
Katherine: How about now? Matty blue-blue, I want another drink
Matt: No! You're drunk and scaring the customers
Katherine: You realize that every single time you say no it just makes you hotter, right?What are you watching, some Czech reality show?
Matt: How'd you know it was Czech?
Katherine: Eye contact. We're getting started
Matt: You translate, you drink
Katherine: Ok. What the hell am I looking at here?
Matt: So over the summer, I went to Prague, met a girl. She followed me back here. And then her boyfriend put some spirit thing in my head
Katherine: Oh, dear. This is bad
Matt: Why?
Katherine: Some guy named Kristof, he, um... He activated you
Matt: What do you mean activated me?
Katherine: He's a traveler. Travelers are a faction of witches. They're big on spirit possession. You've got one inside of you.It's kind of like a human parasite that's hitching a ride in your brain
Matt: So how the hell do I get it out of me?
Katherine: That girl, the one that followed you back from Prague, was she, um, I don't know, feisty, a little accent, ridiculously beautiful?
Matt: Pretty much, yeah. Her name was Nadia. Why? Do you know her?
Katherine: You could say that. Ahem
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline and Elena are putting everything in place for the party)
Elena: I, uh handed out all the fliers. Oh, and, uh, Damon said that he's gonna try and bring Stefan
Caroline: Funny. That seemed to imply that Damon is actually coming
(Caroline’s phone rings and Elena looks at it)
Elena: Hmm. Maybe a call from a mysteriously hot biology T.A. will help
(Caroline answers)
Caroline: Well, look who rose from the d*ad
Jesse: I need your help
Caroline: What happened, Jesse?
Jesse: Just come to my room, please
Caroline: Ok. I'm coming, but what's going on?
Jesse: It's a long story. My roommate's gonna be home
(Jesse is in his room. Aaron enters but there’s no one)
Aaron: Jesse! Jess, you home?
Jesse: I'm sorry, man
Aaron: Oh, my God
(Jesse bites him and Caroline intervenes)
Caroline: Who the hell turned you into a vampire?
Jesse: It was t*rture. I was in some cell all day, and then at night, he'd take me out and do experiments on me
Caroline: What kind of experiments?
Jesse: I don't know. He'd starve me and then inject me with some weird blood. What am I supposed to tell my parents? They left me all these messages. They're wondering where the hell I am
Caroline: We're going to call them and tell them that you lost your phone but you're ok.Where is Wes now?
Jesse: I locked him in his lab after I att*cked him. Honestly, though, the escape was kind of a blur. I wasn't exactly in my right mind
Caroline: Well, you're new, and you're hungry
(Elena enters)
Elena: Not for long. I brought our stash. How are you doing?
Jesse: "Our" stash? You're a vampire, too?
Elena: You say it like it's a bad thing. First rule of being a vampire is realizing how awesome you are!
(She looks at Aaron)
Elena: How's he doing?
Caroline: He's all right. He's alive. Elena, wait. I was thinking that Jesse could do it. You're a vampire now. You may have hurt him, but you can also heal him with your blood
Jesse: Holy crap. That's insane
Caroline: Want to teach him about compulsion?
[Mystic Grill]
(Stefan is alone at a table. Katherine rejoins him)
Katherine: Hey, stranger. Lookie what I stole
Stefan: Knock yourself out
Katherine: Hey. Come on. Please just have one drink with me. Please. Stefan, I've had a bad... Year really, and it would be nice to have a friendly face
Stefan: One pity drink
Katherine: See? The universe at work. I don't know if you knew this, but our doppelganger stars are fated to be together, so like it or not, you're gonna end up with somebody who looks like me, although the universe seems to have all of its eggs in the Elena basket, but at this point, I don't really blame it
Stefan: What is wrong with you?
Katherine: Other than the joint pain, receding gums, and the fact that I have to pee every 5 minutes, I'm dandy, but, hey, enough about me. Why are you all by your lonesome?
Stefan: So I could avoid talking to anyone
Katherine: Well, if you did want to talk to someone, I'm right here, and, uh, let's be honest, I'm wasted, so I'm not gonna remember
Stefan: Look. I thought that k*lling Silas would allow me to move on with my life, but I was wrong. I spent my summer locked in a safe. One minute, I think I'm fine, the next minute I feel like I'm dying all over again
Katherine: Oh. Classic PTSD. You survived a pretty traumatic event, and now you're back, and you've got nothing but free time to just relive that terrible experience in the safe. Well, allow me to give your life a purpose. Help me with one little favor
Stefan: Should have known this was gonna come around to you needing something from me
Katherine: I'm just trying to help. What would I know about posttraumatic stress? I only had my newborn ripped from my arms by my judgmental father and then had to run 500 years after my entire family had been slaughtered by a psychopath, but, hey, that didn't have any lingering side effects
Stefan: All right. What do you need?
(Nadia rejoins them)
Nadia: I thought you never wanted to see me again. Why'd you call me?
Katherine: Stefan, I'd like you to meet Nadia Petrova, my daughter
[Whitmore College]
(The party is in full swing. Bonnie is talking with Jesse)
Jesse: So your mom's like me, too?
Bonnie: Yeah. Long story. She's, um, surviving fine.You'll be great
Jesse: Your eyes keep scanning the room. You afraid I'm gonna go vampire postal on the fourth floor freshmen?
Bonnie: No. I'm sorry. I'm just looking for my, um... I'm not sure what he is actually
Jesse: Boyfriend? Friend with benefits?
Bonnie: He's my best friend's little brother, he's still in High School, and I... Think I'm madly in love with him
(Caroline rejoins Elena)
Elena: Have you been keeping an eye on Jesse?
Caroline: Yep. I've been teaching him the art of sublimating vampire hunger via grain alcohol
Elena: And I sent Damon to question Wes
Caroline: You realize that Damon's going to k*ll Wes, right?
Elena: He's not going to k*ll him. He's getting information
Caroline: You realize that you're wrong, right?
Elena: Ok. Look. I know that you're not crazy about Damon and I being together...
Caroline: No, no, it's fine. I'm fine with you two being together as long as you can acknowledge the kind of person you are together with
(Damon is in Wes’ lab)
Dr. Wes: What do you want?
Damon: What I want is to be drinking copious quantities of booze and making out with my girlfriend, but unfortunately, I can't do that until I get a bunch of answers out of you
Dr. Wes: Careful with those
Damon:These? These right here? Why? I mean, we're on a college campus, right, full of students? I can't imagine an M.D. has a bunch of infectious diseases just lying around
Dr. Wes: M.D.-PH.D. I'm a researcher
Damon: I've met a lot of people like you. Science over medicine, right? Let me guess. You use these in your little vampire lab rats, don't you? Not in the mood to talk? Fair enough. We're gonna play a little game where I inject you with whatever the hell necrotizing fasciitis is
Dr. Wes: It's a flesh-eating bacteria
Damon: Gross. So I'm gonna do that, and I'm gonna ask you a bunch of questions. If you answer me correctly, I'm gonna give you some of my delicious... Vampire blood, and we'll heal you right on up. If you don't answer me correctly, we're just gonna have to see how much flesh these little guys can eat
[Mystic Grill]
(Stefan is with Katherine and Nadia)
Stefan: Just out of morbid curiosity, which one of you is younger?
Katherine/Nadia: I am
Stefan: Right
(Matt enters)
Matt: Ok. So here's the Kn*fe the traveler left behind with me. Now what are we doing in here?
Katherine: Take a seat, Matt
Nadia: This is ridiculous
(Nadia gets closer to him)
Nadia: Veeet
Stefan: What the hell was that?
Katherine: She's calling on Matt's passenger
(Gregor surfaces)
Stefan: Easy, easy, easy
Katherine: Hello, Gregor. I'm Nadia's mother. It's a pleasure to finally meet you
Matt/Gregor: What do you want?
Katherine: Here's the thing. Nadia's my only child, so naturally, I'm suspicious of anyone who wants to date her. Why don't you tell us the real reason why you're in Mystic Falls?
Matt/Gregor: To track and k*ll Silas
Katherine: Oh. So it has absolutely nothing to do with this?
(She shows him the dagger)
Matt/Gregor: How did you get that?
Stefan: I would much rather be getting drunk right now, so why don't you stop wasting our time and tell us what you're doing here?
Matt/Gregor: Fine. After Silas was d*ad, I was meant to k*ll her
Katherine: I didn't see that one coming
Nadia: You were using me to get to her? Why? Why would you k*ll her?
Matt/Gregor: That's what the travelers want. I don't question my orders
Katherine: See why I don't want you dating my daughter?Because travelers are ruthless, manipulative hypocrites. I know because your grandfather was one
(She s*ab Matt)
Stefan: What did you just do?
Katherine: Give it a rest. Matt will be fine. Gregor on the other hand, not so much. I just expelled his spirits. There's a reason why he wanted this Kn*fe so badly. It's the only thing that will truly k*ll a passenger
[Whitmore College]
(Damon is still with Wes)
Damon: Turning a kid into a vampire so you can experiment on him? What is it about this place that turns people into mad scientists?
Dr. Wes: Human trials are a vital part of modern medicine
Damon: Yeah, but don't people usually volunteer or sign waivers, maybe get some dough for tuition
Dr. Wes: Sometimes you do what's necessary for the greater good
Damon: I'm not the greatest guy in the world, but it sounds like some Mengele level crap that you're spouting out, so I got to ask... What is your greater good? Rabies. Sounds fun, doesn't it, and appropriate given the circumstance
(Bonnie sees the old lady and rejoins her)
Bonnie: Are you doing ok?
Lady: Am I on the famous other side?
Bonnie: You are. What, um... What got you here?
Lady: I died
Bonnie: No. I mean, what were you?
Lady: A witch. What are you?
Bonnie: The anchor to the other side. Every supernatural being who dies passes through me
Lady: That doesn't seem like it'd be a lot of fun for you
Bonnie: It's better than being d*ad. I'm so sorry. Such a stupid thing to say
Lady: It's ok, honey. Dying wasn't fun, but then you felt my pain, so I guess you know that. I'm sorry, but you know what? The pain's gone now, and seeing a friendly face over here certainly doesn't hurt
(Jeremy rejoins her)
Jeremy: Sorry! Pretty much had to wrestle Elena to get her to give me these. You ok?
Bonnie: Yeah. I think I am
Jeremy: Good. I'm gonna need you to come with me
Bonnie: Where are we going?
Jeremy: To register for classes
(Caroline and Jesse are dancing)
Jesse: That feels amazing
Caroline: That's one of the other fun side effects. Everything is heightened
Jesse: So that feeling never goes away?
Caroline: Nope
(Damon is still in the lab)
Damon: Well, rabies was a bust. I guess I'll find something a little more immediate
Dr. Maxfield: I wanted to turn Jesse into a new kind of vampire
Damon: Well, that's awfully ambitious of you
Dr. Maxfield: I am awfully smart
Damon: Ebola. Why?
Dr. Maxfield: Your kind is dangerous to humans. You're dangerous because we're your food source. I want to change that
(Jesse and Caroline are still dancing)
Caroline: What?
Jesse: Last time I kissed you, you got all weird, and it was awkward, and...
Dr. Maxfield: If vampires don't need to feed on humans, they're no longer a thr*at
Damon: I'm not buying the good doctor bit
Dr. Maxfield: Human blood will only satiate Jesse temporarily until he gets a taste of what he really craves
Damon: Well, what exactly does he really crave?
(Jesse kisses Caroline’s neck. She kisses him and he bites her)
Caroline: You bit me. Hey. You ok?
Jesse: Yeah. I just got to get out of here
Caroline: Jesse!
(Aaron arrives and Elena sees him)
Aaron: Ok. So this isn't the lamest party that I've ever been to
Elena: Aaron, hey. You made it
Aaron: Barely. I think I fell asleep. I just woke up
Elena: Weird. Well, this will make it better
Aaron: Oh. Now I know why Wes told me to stay away from you. Cheers. Mmm. You're trouble
Elena: So, hey. How do you know Wes anyway?
Aaron: He's my legal guardian
Elena: Really? What about your parents?
Aaron: Uh, d*ad
Elena: Mine, too. Birth and adoptive
Aaron: Whoa. Dark. No offense, but usually, I'm the biggest freak in the room. So how'd it happen?
Elena: Uh, our car went over a bridge. I lived, they didn't. You?
Aaron: I was 6, and we went camping, and I woke up to the sound of my mom screaming. I went to check it out, and I saw blood everywhere. They had bite marks all over their neck
Elena: Bite marks?
Aaron: Yeah. They said a bear got into the camp. So I shuffled around distant relatives for a while. Eventually, Wes took me in. So Wes is the closest thing to family I have left
Elena: Wow. I think both need another Jell-O sh*t. I'll be right back. I'm glad that you came
Aaron: Yeah. Me, too
(She leaves. Caroline rejoins her)
Caroline: Hey. Have you seen Jesse?
Elena: No
Caroline: Wait. Where are you going?
Elena: To call Damon, to make sure that he doesn't k*ll Dr. Wes
[Mystic Grill]
(Stefan is at the bar but he doesn’t feel good so he goes outside. Katherine rejoins him)
Katherine: There you are
Stefan: Get away from me
Katherine: Stefan, you're ok. Relax
Stefan: I can't do that. Do you understand me?
Katherine: You have two options, Stefan. You either deal with this now, or you run, but either way, it's gonna catch up to you. I can't breathe, Stefan. Tell me the name of the first person that you k*ll... Ahh... k*lled. Mmm. Name him
Stefan: Gius... Giuseppe Salvatore
Katherine: And the next? Focus on the name
Stefan: Thomas Fell
Katherine: See? You're in control, on solid ground. You're not drowning. You're not dying.Name them
Stefan: Honoria Fell, Marianna Lockwood, Christopher Gilbert, Margaret Forbes
Katherine: See? I told you I knew what I was doing
Stefan: Thank you
(Nadia comes out)
Nadia: You're right. Gregor is d*ad. Happy now?
Katherine: You deserve better, Nadia
Nadia: Rot in hell
[Whitmore College]
(Elena is still at the party and on the phone with Damon)
Elena: Jesse feeds on... Vampires?
Damon: That's what Doogie said, and apparently once he starts, he can't stop
Elena: Hey. Um, the fact that he told you this means that he's still alive, right?
Damon: As of now
Elena: Good. Please don't k*ll him, Damon. Damon, tell me that you won't k*ll him
Damon: Ok, ok, ok. I won't k*ll him. Bye
(Damon hangs up and looks at Wes)
Damon: Problem is I know people like you a lot better than you realize. If I let you live, you're just gonna do it again. You're gonna turn another vampire, you're gonna do another experiment. The only way to really handle you is just to snuff you out. You're lucky I don't feel like burying a body
(Jesse enters)
Jesse: What the hell did you do to me?
Damon: Easy there, k*ller
Jesse: Wasn't bad enough that you locked me up and poked me full of needles?Now I want to feed on the girl I like?
Wes: You feed on monsters, Jesse
(Jesse looks at Damon)
Damon: In case Professor Forbes forgot to tell you in your training, sweetie, I'm a lot older than you, and that means I'm a lot stronger than you
Wes: Actually that's not 100% accurate
(Jesse att*cks Damon)
Damon: What the hell did they do to you?
(They fight and Elena arrives)
Elena: Damon! Jesse, Jesse, let go. Jesse!
Damon: He's gonna tear my head off. Elena, please
(Elena finally kills Jesse and Caroline arrives)
Caroline: No! No! No, Jesse! Jesse, come here. Hold on. Hold on. Just stay with me, please. Jesse, just stay with me, please. No… What did you do?
Elena: He was gonna k*ll Damon
Caroline: But we promised that we would help him
Damon: She didn't have a choice, all right? Once he had the taste of vampire blood, there was nothing stopping him. Go ask Dr. Frankenstein. I'll go deal with him
Elena: Caroline, I'm so sorry. I...
Caroline: Yeah. Me, too. Because the Elena that I used to know would have given Jesse a chance
[Mystic Grill]
(Stefan is at the bar and finds a note from Katherine)
Katherine: Dear Nadia, sorry I had to k*ll your boyfriend, but it was the motherly thing to do. su1c1de, however, not very motherly of me. I ran from my enemies for 500 years, and then one day, I stopped. Now a new enemy wants me d*ad. Sure I could run from the travelers, but there's still one enemy that I can never escape, time. So call it pride or vanity, but after the life that I've led, I refuse to drift off into the sunset. Good-bye, Nadia
[The Clock Tower]
(She jumps but she’s caught by Stefan before she hits the pavement)
Stefan: What are you doing?
Katherine: I told you either face your problems, or you run. I chose option 3
Stefan: And what problem has you jumping off of a clock tower?
Katherine: I'm dying, Stefan. I'm dying of old age. I don't know the cure did something to speed up the entire mortifying process
Stefan: Yeah. You're Katherine Pierce. Suck it up
[A Hotel Room]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are alone)
Bonnie: I'll admit it. I miss magic
Jeremy: Step away from the candles
(The start kissing and Jesse appears)
Bonnie: Oh, my God. I think Jesse's d*ad
Jeremy: What?
Jesse: I'm not ready. I don't want this
(He passes through her and she screams)
Jeremy: Bonnie, what's going on? Bonnie! What is it?
Bonnie: I'm the anchor to the other side, Jer. Every supernatural being that dies has to pass through me
Jeremy: How often does that happen?Why... why didn't you tell me?
Bonnie: I'm back here, touching you. We knew there would be consequences. Just kiss me. Kiss me. You... and me... This, this is worth it. Any consequence is worth this
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline rejoins Elena)
Caroline: 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said earlier. It was out of line. It just sucks, you know, ‘cause Jesse was one of the good ones
Elena: I know, and I wouldn't have k*lled him if I could have done something. He was dangerous. I need you to believe that. I need you to believe me when I tell you that Caroline
Caroline: I believe you, ok? I believe you want to celebrate the fact that we can go to school and function like regular freshmen. I get that. I want that, too, but, Elena, when are you gonna figure out that the outside world is not nearly as dangerous as the person you're inviting into your own bedroom?
Elena: Wow! Why don't you tell me how you really feel?
Caroline: The day that I stop telling you is the day that we're no longer best friends, and... I hope that day never comes
(Damon is in the lab with Maxfield)
Dr. Maxfield: If you're gonna do this, I'd much rather prefer a b*llet through the brain
Damon: Actually I'm gonna wait until I can compel all this out of your head. What the hell's that? Why does this say 12144?
Dr. Maxfield: Why do you care?
Damon: Because I was 21051
Dr. Maxfield: 21051. Hang on. You were an Augustine vampire?
Damon: Augustine. I haven't heard that name in decades. Vampire lab rats, coded subject names. I thought you guys shut down 60 years ago
Dr. Maxfield: You thought wrong
Damon: You know how I said I wasn't gonna k*ll you? I lied
Dr. Maxfield: Atomized vervain. When working with vampires, you can never be too careful. I'm sure Augustine will be thrilled to have you back | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x08 - d*ad Man on Campus"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon enters the mansion)
Damon: Hey. I'm looking for Joseph Salvatore
(A man enters)
Joseph: You found him
Damon: Love what you've done with the place. You know, if this whole boarding house thing doesn't pan out, you can always turn it into a high-class brothel
Joseph: I'm glad you got my telegram. I haven't heard from Stefan yet, but I'm hoping he'll be here soon. When's the last time you two spoke?
Damon: Well, he doesn't call, he doesn't write. Of course, neither do I. In all fairness, I am the one that abandoned him on a train platform in the middle of World w*r II
Joseph: Well, there's always time to be a better man
Damon: Eh, not sure I got one of those in me
(Joseph att*cks him)
Joseph: Sorry about the vervain, Damon. The money was too good to pass up
(A man enters)
Man: Now I won't have to pay him
Damon: Who the hell are you?
Man: I'll be your doctor from now on
Damon: What are you doing to me?
Man: Just a little vervain
[A Cell]
(Damon is in a cell. Dr. Maxfield is there)
Damon: What the hell are you doing to me?
Dr. Maxfield: Vervain to keep you calm
Damon: Wes? Why am I here?
Dr. Maxfield: I lost a test subject last night, and you're gonna replace him
[Salvatore’s House]
(Katherine is writing in a diary)
Katherine: Dear diary, so here I am alive. Stefan saved me from k*lling myself. Now he's got me on su1c1de watch. He says it will be therapeutic for me to write down my feelings about the fact that I'm dying and there's nothing I can do about it. Deep thoughts, mortal coil, blah, blah, blah
(Stefan is here)
Katherine: Ugh. My hand's tired. What kind of sentimental idiot writes down everything they feel? Is what the prophecy meant when it said that all the doppelgangers were drawn together like magnets? Because if it is, I want my money back
Stefan: I'm just trying to make sure you don't slit your wrists
Katherine: Well, this whole neurotic granny vibe doesn't exactly make me want to live. Do you really have nothing better to do than stand there all day and watch me write in cursive?
Stefan: I'm trying to make sure you don't k*ll yourself
Katherine: And how are you going to do that, you know, since you're still having your little panic att*cks?
Stefan: I'm fine
Katherine: Yeah. Of course. You are the picture of mental health, Stefan, after being locked for 3 months in a safe at the bottom of a quarry
Stefan: I am dealing with it
Katherine: I know. I mean, I heard you dealing with it earlier today in the library. It sounded like you freaked out and broke a chair, maybe even two. How are you supposed to help me stay alive if you can't even help yourself?
Stefan: So does this mean you want to live?
Katherine: No. It means that I can't work with people who can't give me 100%. And so I may have called for backup
(Stefan opens the front door. Caroline is there)
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Caroline: I'm your sober sponsor, and I heard that you needed help
Stefan: Really?
Caroline: And I got my mom to drop off something for us to use. Don't worry. I sanitized it
[Whitmore College]
(Elena knocks on Aaron dorms’ room. He opens the door)
Elena: Aaron, hey
Aaron: Hey. So you heard?
Elena: Heard what?
Aaron: That Jesse's d*ad. He k*lled himself last night. Campus security came by to tell me
Elena: Oh, my God. I'm so sorry
Aaron: What's up with this college? It's supposed to be different. I came here to start fresh, get away from all the crap in my past...
Elena: I get it. After everything you've been through, everything that you've lost, I would want to start over, too
Aaron: How do you h*t the reset button?
Elena: Me? I haven't reset anything. All my problems, they've followed me here. Come to think of it, I'm probably not the right person to be getting advice from
Aaron: So if you're not here about Jesse, uh, why are you here?
Elena: I don't want to bother you, especially right now
Aaron: My day's not gonna get any worse, so, uh, go ahead
Elena: Ok. Well, um, last night, you told me that Wes was your legal guardian
Aaron: Yeah. Since this past summer after my Aunt Sara died. You see what I'm talking about? Everyone around me ends up d*ad, and my sunny disposition makes me so many friends
Elena: I'm sorry
Aaron: Go ahead
Elena: Um, the thing is my boyfriend Damon went to talk to Wes last night, and no one's really seen or heard from either of them since, and that kind of worries me, you know?So I know how bad the timing is, but I just… I was hoping that maybe you could help me find Wes
Aaron: Yeah. Yeah. I think I know a place that we can look
[A Cell]
(Damon is still prisoner. Maxfield is on the other side of the cell)
Damon: Just so you know, didn't end well for the last Augustine’s. You're inviting bad karma in by holding me here
Dr. Maxfield: Is that what you told Dr. Whitmore?
Damon: Dr. Whitmore wasn't much for conversation
[A Lab]
(Damon is lying on a table. Dr. Whitmore is here)
Damon: As much as I would like a free checkup, you're gonna let me go
Dr. Whitmore: That's a good try. I'm wearing vervain
Damon: You know, most people would buy me dinner first
Dr. Whitmore: This isn't a personal matter. It's for the advancement of science
Damon: What the hell are you talking about?
Dr. Whitmore: You're a vampire. Your blood heals others, your body heals itself. You'll regenerate parts of internal organs after I remove them
Damon: Listen. How I got this amazing body has nothing to do with science, so running--aah!
(The doctor hurts him)
Dr. Whitmore: You talk too much
[A Cell]
Damon: So you Augustine freaks are still at it, eye exams and that sort of thing?
Dr. Maxfield: Jesse was proof that my research goes far beyond that. I trained him to crave vampire blood instead of human blood. Now I'm ready to take my research to the next level
[Whitmore College]
(Aaron and Elena are walking)
Aaron: Just doesn't make sense why Jesse would k*ll himself
Elena: So you believe what campus security told you?
Aaron: Why, do you know something else?
Elena: Don't you think it's weird that both of your friends committed su1c1de before the first semester was even over?
Aaron: Yeah, of course I think it's weird. Jesse loved it here; he had a huge crush on your friend. Megan had all these plans for her life.
Elena: Which is why none of this makes sense. Aaron, look. I found Megan's body the night that she died. She was m*rder, and Wes forged her death certificate
Aaron: You saw her death certificate?
Elena: I did some digging. Wes is part of something much bigger than anyone even realizes
Aaron: Let's find him first. I want to hear his side of the story
(They arrive at Whitmore House)
Elena: Oh, um... You know, when you said that Wes was probably doing research, I didn't realize it would be here at Whitmore house
Aaron: Oh, yeah. This place is like a second home. What are you waiting for? Come in
(She enters)
Elena: So who owns this place?
Aaron: Not to sound like a douche, but technically, I do. Yeah. It's part of the Whitmore trust that I inherited when my parents died. Yeah. Don't hold that against me. Usually when people find out that my name's Aaron Whitmore…
Elena: Hold on. Your last name's Whitmore? So you, like, own this school?
Aaron: That's what they think
(She sees a picture)
Elena: That's my dad
(Maxfield rejoins them)
Dr. Maxfield: Grayson Gilbert was one of the best doctors the Augustine’s ever had
(He injects her with vervain)
Aaron: What the hell?
Dr. Maxfield: I'm glad he didn't live to see this
[Salvatore’s House]
(Caroline and Stefan look at the safe)
Stefan: I spent 3 months drowning in this thing. What the hell were you thinking?
Caroline: I was thinking it's time for you to deal with the source of your PTSD
Stefan: And you're sure you're not just sublimating your feelings about what happened to Jesse last night?
Caroline: Feelings? What feelings would I have about my best friend k*lling the guy I was crushing on?
Stefan: He was out of control, and Elena did what she had to do
Caroline: No. Elena did what she thought she had to do just like she also thought that Damon was good boyfriend material. Now you see where I'm going with this?
Stefan: Anyway, aren't you a drama major? What do you know about PTSD?
Caroline: Well, I know that you tried to deal with it your own way and you failed, so now... We're gonna try it my way
[Whitmore College]
(Aaron is with Maxfield)
Aaron: You know that this is kidnapping, right?
Dr. Maxfield: That was more like a tranquilizer
Aaron: What? Ok. Uh, what is going on here, Wes?
Dr. Maxfield: I had to make sure Megan's death didn't draw attention to my work
Aaron: Oh, to your work, your work? You study infectious disease transmittal
Dr. Maxfield: I study vampires
Aaron: What?
Dr. Maxfield: They exist, Aaron, and Elena Gilbert is one of them. The syringe I used on her had vervain in it. Think of it as an anti-vampire drug. It's one of my safety measures
Aaron: Where did all this stuff come from?
Dr. Maxfield: This work has been going on for generations in secret. Your family pioneered it. Your dad trained me in it, and after your father died, the Whitmore trust continued to fund my research
Aaron: Why didn't you ever tell me about this?
Dr. Maxfield: You never needed to know before now. I meant to tell you this on your birthday. This is what your family fought for and believed in, Aaron. Consider it your legacy
[A Cell]
(Elena is in the cell next to Damon’s)
Damon: Come on, Elena. Wake up
Elena: Damon? Are you…?
Damon: I'm fine. Wes injected you with vervain. Maybe when it wears off, we'll be able to… un… break through these
Elena: What the hell is going on? Why are you here? Why am I here?
Damon: Wes is carrying out the grand Augustine tradition, getting his kicks off vampire t*rture
Elena: Did he tell you that?
Damon: He didn't have to. I've been here before. Someone in my family sold me out do the Augustine’s in 1953. Every day, this nut job Dr. Whitmore tortured us, cut into us, took pieces of our eyes out, pushed us to every limit he could imagine, and he had quite the imagination. Kept me in this very cell, and don't think I haven't appreciated the irony
Elena: How long were you here?
Damon: 5 years give or take
Elena: Damon, how did you not go crazy?
Damon: Believe it or not, I made a friend
[A Cell]
Enzo: Welcome .Dr. Whitmore never gets tired of watching us vampires heal, but he gives us one glass of blood per day, just enough to keep us alive. Pick yourself up, soldier. My name's Enzo
[A Cell]
Damon: He was a soldier in Europe during World w*r II
Elena: How did he end up here?
Damon: Dr. Whitmore was working in a b*ttlefield hospital when he discovered Enzo was a vampire, so he drugged him, locked him in a coffin to ship him overseas. He'd been here for 10 years by the time I joined the party
[A Cell]
Enzo: You're doing it wrong. You're living for the moment. You need to live for the future
Damon: What future?
Enzo: The one where you get your revenge. For instance, in my future, my revenge will start with k*lling Whitmore's dog and mailing it to his house postage due. Go on. Picture your revenge. Use your imagination
Damon: I can see it
[A Cell]
Elena: Damon... Wes knew my dad. They worked together. He said that my dad was an Augustine, too. I know that my dad was a vampire hunter, but he was also the town doctor. He was kind and gentle and loving. He wouldn't be part of a place that would cut your eyes out
Damon: People are full of surprises. Oh, hey. I am so, so sorry I got you caught up in this. Hey. Hey. Look at me. But I promise you I will get you out of here, ok? Ok? I'll get you out of here
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan is in the safe)
Stefan: Caroline! Do you even know what you're doing?
Caroline: Yes. Well, it's in my textbook. Let me find it
(Katherine enters)
Katherine: Have you two ever, um--ahem--you know?
Caroline: No, I don't know
Katherine: Oh, come on. You know. Have you?
Caroline: Oh, my God! Katherine, seriously?
Katherine: That wasn't exactly a yes or a no
Caroline: We are friends
Katherine: Your loss. He's great in bed
Caroline: Oh, God. I'm so not listening to this. Here. Ok, Stefan. Prolonged exposure therapy. "In vivo exposure gradually introduces elements of prior trauma, e.g. physical objects comma circumstances of duress comma"
Katherine: Ok. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Got it, got it, got it. Stop talking. The words that are coming out of your mouth are giving me a headache
Stefan: Caroline! Caroline!
Caroline: I'm just trying to understand what I'm doing
Katherine: Acting like a schoolteacher isn't going to make him feel any better
Stefan: I can't breathe
Katherine: Well, you are right about one thing. He needs to get over the root of his problem because right now the score is safe one, Stefan zero. So how do you help the guy who always comes to the rescue? Stefan's the hero. That's who he is at his core. He can't always come through for himself, but he can always come through for everyone else. I've got an idea
[A Cell]
Elena: Damon, how did you survive all those years?
Damon: Enzo's friendship kept me alive. He gave me a reason to hang on to my humanity...
[A Cell]
Enzo: You much of sports fan, Damon?
Damon: Even when I thought I'd be a prisoner forever
Enzo: No. Neither am I. Any other interests… fine wines, travel, cars? I'm partial to Jaguars myself, convertibles, the kind you take on a Sunday drive to impress a pretty girl. Ever done that?
Damon: Once or twice
Enzo: Oh, come now. Got to be more than that
Damon: The girl I was trying to impress was more of a horse and carriage type girl
Enzo: What, just one girl?
Damon: Never met another one like her
Enzo: Well, fair enough
Damon: Unh. What about you? Any pretty girls?
Enzo: Eh, too many to count. Actually, there was one. Her name was Maggie
Damon: Where'd you meet her?
Enzo: Here of all places. She was working for Dr. Whitmore
Damon: Charming?
Enzo: Oh, she was very. She was kind to me. She used to sit here in the hallway taking notes while she observed me
Damon: That's how you fell for her?
Enzo: Oh, she was also stunningly beautiful. You have to understand she… she wasn't part of the t*rture and the experiments. For the longest while, she didn't realize that Dr. Whitmore was doing more than just observing my behavior. I didn't have the heart to tell her. I was just so glad of her company, you know?
Damon: Yeah
Enzo: When she finally realized what was going on here, she couldn't bear it. So she said she was sorry, and she left
Damon: Well...yo u know, never really would have worked anyway. You're a vampire, she's a human. The relationship would have been doomed from the beginning
Enzo: You need a more positive outlook, mate
(Dr. Whitmore arrives)
Dr. Whitmore: Who's next? 21051, you seem to have more energy
Enzo: I take that as an insult. I'm far more energetic than my neighbor here. I can't believe you didn't notice
Dr. Whitmore: Your turn then
Damon: Why are you doing this to us?
Dr. Whitmore: Because, 21051, I'm seeking at the smallest indivisible unit of your biological makeup, and once I can understand you from a cellular level, I can put you to use
[A Cell]
Elena: Oh, my God, Damon.Ok. Stefan is gonna figure this out. When you don't come home and no one hears from me, he will… he will find us
Damon: Points for optimism, but unfortunately Stefan doesn't even know this place exists
Elena: But you were here for 5 years
Damon: Yeah, and the first year, I thought he'd rescue me. He didn't. Once I escaped, there was no point in giving him more to feel guilty about, so I never told him what happened here. I never told any one
Elena: Yeah, but you did escape. How did you do it?
Damon: They let us out of the basement once a year. Every New Year's Eve, the Augustine people had a little cocktail party with a vampire buffet on the side. We were weak from vervain injections, half-starved from living on a glass of blood a day, chained up like animals. This little annual shindig is where Dr. Whitmore got to show all of his Augustine friends what he'd found in his research
(Enzo and Damon are in a cage. The Augustine’s are reunited)
Dr. Whitmore: Mrs. Fell has generously offered her hand for the purpose of this demonstration. Please observe
Damon: He let his guests drink from us to demonstrate the healing power of vampire blood
Dr. Whitmore: The dermal layer is completely healed, no nerve damage, no muscular damage. See for yourselves
Damon: But on the plus side, that's how Enzo came up with his plan
(Damon and Enzo are back in their cells)
Enzo: Well, the thing about our daily ration of blood is that it's barely enough for one vampire to survive on, but if one vampire were to drink two rations every day for the next year, he'd be able to build up his strength so that by the time new year's Eve comes round again that one vampire will be ready to fight
Damon: Are you sure that will work?
Enzo: I'm sure I can only try with your help. We've just got to choose between us. All right, Damon. We're gonna play scissor, paper, stone to decide
(They play)
Damon: Paper covers rock
Enzo: All right then. A win's a win. You'll lead the way. Here's my ration. Now we've got 364 days to get you ready for the party. Cheers
Damon: Cheers
[A Cell]
Elena: So did it work?
Damon: More or less
Elena: How did you get out?
Damon: It doesn't matter, Elena. I got strong, I got out. It wasn't pretty. All you need to know
[Whitmore House]
Dr. Maxfield: Here. Another birthday present. This belonged to your great grandfather. It's a safety precaution for use in vampire research
(Aaron finds a newspaper article)
Aaron: It's Anna Ruby campground. That's where my parents died
Dr. Maxfield: I know
Aaron: It wasn't an animal att*ck, was it?
Dr. Maxfield: I found them, Aaron. I found you next to their bodies. As soon as I saw them, I knew that vampires had att*cked them. That's why I continued your father's work, so this could never happen again. I hope you'll join me
[Salvatore’s House]
(Katherine is in the safe with Stefan)
Katherine: So try not to be mad at me. I got in here while you were unconscious. Then Caroline locked us inside. It was the only way
Stefan: Let me out of here! Caroline!
Caroline: I know it's a little extreme, but the baby steps approach wasn't working
Katherine: See? That's why I need you not to get mad at me because when you’re mad, you get anxious and violent and you rip people's heads off, but I'm gonna help you fix that
Stefan: Caroline, get me out of here before I hurt her!
Katherine: That's the whole point, Stefan. You need to get over your PTSD triggers, ok, or else you will k*ll me
Stefan: You're risking your life
Katherine: I'm already dying, you idiot. You're the one who wants to keep me alive. It's my turn to help you now
Stefan: I can't be in here. Please
Katherine: You're Stefan Salvatore. Suck it up
[A Cell]
Elena: Wes is gonna come back down here, and we'll both be the newest Augustine experiment. You have to tell me how you got out of here, Damon
Damon: You don't want to know, Elena
Elena: Why? You think that I'm gonna judge you? Damon, I love you. I love you, and these people tortured you for 5 years. Whatever you had to do, I don't care
Damon: All right. All right. The Augustine’s next party was in 1958. I'd been drinking Enzo's ration for an entire year. I mean, he kept a few drops here and there so he wouldn't desiccate, and as he starved himself, I got stronger from all the extra blood just like he said I would
(It’s the New Year’s Eve party)
Dr. Whitmore: Ladies and gentlemen, as it is almost midnight, I think it fitting that we toast the New Year with a glass of vampire blood, wouldn't you agree?
(He gets Damon out of the cage. Damon gets rid of his restraints)
Damon: Now you see it...
(He starts attacking the Augustine’s)
Enzo: Damon, we got to get out of here. Damon, now! Let's go!
(Damon tries to get his out)
Damon: Vervain!
Enzo: Come on, come on. You can do it
Damon: Enzo trusted me with his life. The f*re was getting out of control. I would have b*rned up, or they would have captured me again. There's no way I would have ever gotten another chance of escaping. So I chose to save myself
Enzo: Damon
Damon: I'm sorry, Enzo
Enzo: Damon, please
Damon: And I knew if I was gonna save myself that I had to stop caring about Enzo. So I turned off my emotions
Enzo: Don't… don't leave me here. Don't go! Please! Damon!
Damon: I let my friend die
Enzo: Please don't leave me! Damon! Come on! Damon! Damon!
Damon: After that, everything was fine
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan and Katherine are still in the safe)
Caroline: How's it going in there?
Stefan: I… I can't breathe. I feel… I feel… I feel like I'm dying
Katherine: So I've been using this time to think. I think there is actually a little bit of truth to this doppelganger prophecy. I think you're still in love with Elena. I think you're miserable about the fact that she chose Damon over you and that you want to get out of this one-horse town and as far away from their happiness as possible, and yet somehow, you keep finding excuses to stay in Mystic Falls. I think I'm just that latest excuse
Stefan: I'm gonna k*ll you
Katherine: Good. Yeah. Get it all out, Stefan. I think this is healthy, although don't forget you loved me before you hated me
Stefan: Any reason you chose to have this conversation with me locked in a safe?
Katherine: Yes! So that I can show you that the safe isn't the problem
Stefan: How could you say that to me?
Katherine: The problem is you're not facing your real issues. The death that you felt in the safe, the pain of dying over and over again, it's easier for you to focus on the physical pain than the emotional heartbreak of Elena leaving you. Your problem is you're not in touch with the reality of the moment, so let's bring you back to the present, shall we? In this moment, are you going to feed on me, or are you gonna save my life? Fight it, Stefan, fight it! I'm here. I'm here I'm with you. We're together
(Caroline opens the safe)
Caroline: It was so quiet, I got worried. See? You made it out alive
[A Cell]
(Aaron enters to see Elena and Damon)
Aaron: What the hell is this place?
Elena: Aaron?
Damon: Great. Mini-Wes
Aaron: I had no idea what Wes was doing. I didn't even know there was a basement down here
Elena: Aaron, you have to help us
Aaron: I want to know the truth. When you met me at Megan's memorial, you asked me a bunch of questions
Damon: Slick hands, cowboy
Aaron: Yeah? Well, I've never used a g*n before, and I've never k*lled anyone either unlike you
Elena: What are you talking about?
Aaron: Wes said a vampire k*lled Megan
Damon: And you thought it was Elena?
Elena: No. Megan was inside this house. I hadn't even been invited yet. You ju…
Aaron: Wes also said that a vampire k*lled my parents. Maybe that was you, too
Elena: No. Aaron, that's impossible
Aaron: Why else would you be so interested in me?
Damon: Calm down
Aaron: Why else would you pretend to be my friend? She's a vampire!
Damon: Not the one that k*lled your parents. It was all me
Aaron: What did you just say? Start talking
Elena: Damon, what are you doing?
Damon: In 1958, after the f*re, Enzo was d*ad, so I had to take on my revenge plan solo
[A Cell]
(Damon is talking with Enzo)
Damon: Yes. I can see it. After I've taken out the entire Augustine society, I'll k*ll every member of the Whitmore family
Enzo: Boo! I said use your imagination
Damon: Except one person. I'll let that person grow up and start a family, and then I'll start k*lling Whitmore’s again. Then I'll take out the generation after that, leaving only one person to carry on the name, and then I'll take out the generation after that and so on and so on and so on
[A Cell]
Damon: And that's exactly what I did
Aaron: How many Whitmore’s have you k*lled?
Damon: Since 1958? I lost count
Elena: When was the last one? Damon, when was the last one?
Damon: A few months ago. Her name was Sara. I had to go all the way to Charleston to find her. It was a weekend trip. You didn't know
Elena: But we were together a few months ago. Starting the summer of our lives. I had no idea
Damon: Told you it wasn't pretty
[Salvatore’s House]
(Caroline is alone in the living room)
Caroline: A little help here! I mean, I know I'm a vampire, but this thing is really heavy. Stefan? Hello!
(Katherine rejoins Stefan in the library)
Stefan: You know, for the record, I, uh, I only broke one of these
Katherine: It was an ugly chair. You're better off without it
Stefan: So I guess you were right all along. It was easier for me to focus on my physical pain than the breakup. I need to move on
Katherine: So you admit it. I do know what I'm doing
Stefan: To be honest with you, I never know exactly what you're doing, Katherine
Katherine: Well, Stefan, sometimes... I don't either. Like right now... For example
(Caroline is leaving a voicemail to Elena)
Caroline: Hey, Elena. I'm probably gonna stay at my mom's tonight. I think I am officially homesick, so I'll let you know when I'm... Oh, my God. Call me as soon as you get this!
[Whitmore College]
(Maxfield is on the phone with Aaron)
Dr. Maxfield: Look. I'm sorry you had to find out about your parents like this
Aaron: What the hell is going on, Wes? Their other friends gonna come after me? I mean, do I need to drop out?
Dr. Maxfield: You'll be fine. Just go to school, live your life.Talk to you soon
[A Cell]
(Damon wakes up)
Damon: Ohh. Guess I had that coming. Elena? Elena? Elena? Elena! Elena!
[A Lab]
(Elena is tied)
Elena: What's happening?
(Enzo is next to her)
Enzo: Welcome. I'm 12144. My name is Enzo | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x09 - The Cell"} | foreverdreaming |
[A Cell]
(Damon is alone and after some struggle, he finally gets out of the cell)
[Salvatore’s House]
(Katherine wakes up next to Stefan)
Katherine: Oh, my God!
Stefan: Hmm. Hey
Katherine: Um, don't turn around
Stefan: What are you doing?
Katherine: Um, just don't turn around
Stefan: Where are you going?
Katherine: Uh, everything's fine. Go back to bed
(Katherine is about to leave when Damon enters)
Katherine: What the hell happened to you?
Damon: Ditto. Elena's not here by any chance, is she?
Katherine: I haven't seen her, not that I've been looking
Damon: Stef, you awake?
Katherine: You know, he hasn't seen her either. I know because we were together all night
Damon: Look. I've had a really crappy couple days, ok? If you're implying what I think you're implying…
Katherine: Why? What were you thinking? That our hot, naked bodies collided in one unforgettable night of passion?
Damon: I'm gonna barf
Katherine: Great. Then my work here is done. Too-do-loo
(She leaves)
[A Lab]
(Dr. Maxfield is with Elena. She’s tied to an exam table)
Dr. Maxfield: Subject 83182 appears conscious
Elena: Where am I?
Dr. Maxfield: Why? Look familiar?
Elena: What is that thing? What are you doing to me?
Dr. Maxfield: 83182 resume prep for blood dialysis. Count from 10 , 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon enters Stefan’s room)
Stefan: Where the hell you been?
Damon: Aw, you know, being held against my will, sh*t in the head, now I can't find Elena. How was your evening? Anything out of the ordinary happen?
Stefan: Wait a minute. What do you mean you can't find Elena?
Damon: I mean, she's not picking up her phone, she's not in her dorm, she's nowhere in this house, which leads me to believe that Dr. creepy Ken Doll has her somewhere
Stefan: Are you talking about the Whitmore bio teacher?
Damon: Yeah, the one that operated on vampires during business hours, yeah, that one. Put your hero hair on, Stefan. Let's go get Elena
Stefan: You just said you don't know where she is
Damon: I don't, which means we're gonna have to find us some leverage. So come on
[Whitmore College]
(Aaron is alone, writing. Damon sits beside him)
Damon: Pop quiz. So your girlfriend's taken by a mad scientist. Now do you: "A," get a new girlfriend; B," call the police; Or "C," k*ll someone close to that mad scientist?
[A Lab]
(Maxfield is still talking in his recorder)
Maxfield: 4.1 pints drained. 83182 still shows signs of consciousness. Note that 15 years ago subject 12144 faded into unconsciousness after losing 2.9 pints. Evolution or luck? Mystery for another day
Elena: What are you doing to me?What are these tubes? Let me go!
Maxfield: Relax. I plan to once I'm through with you
Elena: My friends are gonna find me
Maxfield: Your heroic vampire friends? Did you know Aaron Whitmore spent his entire life thinking his family was haunted by some death curse? Turns out that curse was your boyfriend systematically k*lling every member on his family tree. I'm curious. How does one justify that in her mind?
Elena: And this, holding people against their will, how do you justify that?
Maxfield: Science
(He opens a diary and reads)
Maxfield: "June 25, 1999. Incredible findings today. After enduring 3,000 volts of electricity, the subject continues to have a heartbeat. June 26. More success. Subject was exposed to 4,000 volts today. Seizing continues after electrocution. Flesh remains hot to the touch."
Elena: You're a monster
Maxfield: This isn't my journal, Elena. These are the hand-written medical findings of Dr. Grayson Gilbert, your father
Elena: What?
Maxfield: Everything I'm doing to you, I learned from him
[Whitmore College]
(Stefan and Damon are still with Aaron)
Aaron: I have no idea where Wes took her
Stefan: Well, they're not at his lab, so where else could he hide a vampire?
Aaron: I'm sorry. Am I supposed to know who you are?
Damon: That's my brother Stefan, but I'd watch your tone with him because he's kind of in the midst of a psychotic break
Stefan: I'm sorry. I'm what?
Damon: Oh, come on. You don't think I know about you and Katherine?
Stefan: Oh, I see. You're jealous
Damon: More like disturbed. See? He's off his rocker, he's losing his mind, teetering on the brink of insanity
Aaron: How are you not d*ad? I sh*t you
Damon: Well, because you went for the head. You got to go for the heart. Go for the heart next time. Now where's Elena?
Aaron: I have no idea. All that Wes told me was to go about my life as usual
Damon: Well, you're gonna call Wes, and you're gonna tell him that if he doesn't give us Elena the next experiment that he conducts will be sewing your arms back on
[A Lab]
Elena: This is my dad's clinic. We're in the basement
Wes: Was your dad's clinic. Then your town council b*rned a whole bunch of vampires down here. Now it's just a condemned building in Mystic Falls where no one will find us
(His phone rings and he answers)
Wes: Aaron, hey
Aaron: Do you have Elena?
Wes: Aaron, what's wrong?
Aaron: Uh, Stefan and Damon Salvatore are gonna k*ll me unless you give them Elena
Wes: Damon Salvatore is locked in an impenetrable and inescapable fortified cell
Aaron: Or he's in front of me imagining what my kidney would taste like
Wes: Fine. Meet you in my classroom. Once I see you're safe, tell them I'll give them Elena
(He hangs up and goes into an another room. Enzo is there)
Wes: Enzo… Enzo, wake up. When was the last time you were out in civilization?
Enzo: What's that?
Wes: An insurance policy. Guarantees you'll come back to me. I'm giving you the day off. You and Damon have some catching up to do.
[The Woods]
(Katherine is training with Matt)
Katherine: I don't hear you counting
Matt: 3, 4, 5, 6
Katherine: Uh!
Matt: Good try
Katherine: Good try? That was horrible, Matt. Come on. I'm paying you to make me hot again, whip me into shape, and prolong this death thing as long as possible
Matt: Yeah, that will happen
Katherine: What did you say? No. Seriously. I didn't hear you. Oh, God. I'm going deaf. I'm going deaf. My entire body is falling apart. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Wa--water! Give me some water. Faster
Matt: Deep breaths. If you're so anxious not to be d*ad, why don't you just have a vampire turn you?
Katherine: Tried that. Every time I ingest vampire blood, my body rejects it
(She sees someone coming)
Katherine: Who is that? I can't see
Matt: It's Nadia. I told her you were here
(Nadia rejoins them)
Nadia: "Dear Nadia, sorry I had to k*ll your boyfriend, but it was the motherly thing to do. su1c1de, however, not very motherly of me."
Katherine: Great. So, um, Stefan obviously gave you my su1c1de note. What's your point?
Nadia: That's for trying to k*ll yourself without saying good-bye
[Whitmore College]
(Aaron, Damon and Stefan are walking)
Stefan: You want to give me a little back story as to how you know one another?
Damon: Aaron is Aaron Whitmore, and he comes from a very long line of vampire-probing, blood-testing, organ-removing freaks called Augustine
Stefan: Why do you know this?
Damon: Because I was their test subject in the fifties
Stefan: What do you mean test subject?
Damon: Meaning I donated my body to science except I was alive and it was against my will
Stefan: Wait. Hold on a minute. How do I not know about this?
Damon: Don't get all guilt-ridden, Stefan, on me. We were on the outs back then, and by the time it was over, you know, it was over
Aaron: Why don't you finish the rest of the story, Damon?
Stefan: I don't recall saying that you could talk. Did I say that he could talk?
Damon: I don't remember anything
Stefan: I didn't think so
[Salvatore’s House]
(Katherine and Nadia are back at the house)
Nadia: I get it now. If I was living here, I'd want to k*ll myself, too
Katherine: It was a moment of weakness. I'm over it
Nadia: In a moment of weakness, you eat chocolate or kiss the wrong boy. You don't jump off a clock tower
Katherine: Do you see this? This is raw kale. In what universe would I put this inside of my body unless I actually wanted to live another day
Nadia: Ok. Then what changed your mind?
Katherine: It's not so much a matter of what as it is who. Can I ask you something absentee mother to mildly abusive daughter?
Nadia: I'm listening
Katherine: Do you think after all the horrible things that I've done it would be possible to be forgiven?
Nadia: Of course I do. That's actually why I'm here. I may have an idea that will keep you alive longer
Katherine: I'm listening
[A Lab]
Elena: When did you meet my dad?
Wes: He was working with Augustine to turn vampire blood into a magical cure-all to fight disease, cure cancer, save the world
Elena: Do you know if he ever brought a vampire down here?I remember coming down here as a kid. There was something about this place that always creeped me out. Wes, I saw Enzo when I woke up. I know he's alive. Where is he?
Wes: He's on a little day trip. Apparently he has some unresolved business with your boyfriend
Elena: What did you do? What did you do? What did you do?
[Whitmore College]
(Aaron, Damon and Stefan arrive at the classroom)
Damon: Which one is it?
Aaron: It's right here. 21051
(They enter. Enzo is there)
Damon: Enzo!
Enzo: It's been a while, mate
Stefan: Who the hell are you?
Enzo: Lorenzo... But my friends call me Enzo. Ah. Kidding. I don't have any friends
Damon: Enzo's another Augustine vampire. Our cells were next to each other. So we're here to meet somebody-- Wes Maxfield. You know him?
Enzo: That's your first question for me? Not "how are you? How'd you survive in that f*re I left you to die in"?
Aaron: Uh, does somebody want to tell me what the hell is going on here?
Enzo: I'd love to. Have a seat. Been waiting 70 years to tell my story
[A Lab]
Elena: Enzo is the Augustine vampire. He k*lled my roommate Megan, didn't he?
Wes: Conserve your energy. I've drained enough blood to start phase two
Elena: Let me guess. You're not gonna tell me what phase two is, are you?
Wes: If it works, you'll be the first one to know
Elena: Why did Megan have a picture of my dad on her cell phone?
Wes: Maybe because her parents helped fund your father's projects
Elena: They knew about Augustine, too?
Wes: Well, no. All they knew was that your dad had an unregulated compound that could cure most injuries
Elena: Vampire blood
Wes: Exactly, but as Megan grew up, she got suspicious, enrolled at Whitmore, roomed with Dr. Gilbert's daughter, and she went to a party at Whitmore house and put her nose where it didn't belong
Elena: She found Enzo in his cell
Wes: And being clueless to what a starving vampire will do around fresh human blood, I'm guessing she got too close
(His phone rings. He answers)
Wes: Aaron
Stefan: Where's Elena?
Wes: Who's this?
Stefan: We have Aaron, and we're trying to decide how to k*ll him
Wes: Funny. I have Elena, and I'm wondering how she'll function without her cerebral cortex. Touch him, and you'll never see her again
Stefan: That thr*at works both ways
[Whitmore College]
Enzo: Damon and I had been locked in those cells for years, tortured, beaten, humiliated, but we weren't gonna let them break us, no. We decided if we were going to escape we needed to work together. We needed each other
Stefan: He's not sending her
Enzo: Tragic. Can I continue my story now, please?
Damon: Doesn't he know we have Aaron?
Stefan: He doesn't care. He's willing to risk it
Aaron: What? Let me talk to him! He'll listen to me
Damon: What part of "he doesn't care" are you not registering?
Enzo: Where were we? Uh, ah, right. I was telling my story, and you were all politely listening. So I'd given Damon all of my blood ration so he'd have the strength to escape and save me in the process. Our plan began perfectly, didn't it? I was waiting in the cage for him to release me, waiting for my friend, my cellmate, the only soul with whom I'd connected with in all those years of captivity. Then a f*re starts, burns out of control, but Damon just can't get the damn cage open. He looks me in the eye as if he doesn't even recognize me, turns around, saves himself, leaving me to die
Stefan: Well, you didn't die obviously
Enzo: No. Unfortunately I lived. I was spared by one of the scientists so I could spend another 50 years on a table being opened and closed. Now that we've all been acquainted, I'm gonna go find something to wet my whistle
Stefan: You didn't tell me about him
Damon: It was the 1950s. I'm supposed to remember every moment of my life? Do you want to k*ll Aaron, or should I?
Stefan: This guy was your cellmate for 5 years, you left him to die, he comes back, and you're completely unfazed?
Damon: Fine. I will
Aaron: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Wes gave me a bunch of files on my family history. They're in my dorm, ok? Maybe there's something in there you need, a name, I mean, another lab
Damon: That's a timely revelation
Aaron: Yeah. Well, you know, he's not gonna help me, so why should I help him?
Damon: I don't like you, I don't like your family, I don't like you messing with my relationship. If you're lying, I'm gonna take my thumbs, and I'm gonna gouge out your sad little eyes out of your sad little head!
Enzo:Ah. It's frightening what you can find on campus these days
Stefan: Knock yourself out. We're going with plan "B"
Enzo: Damon's not. Damon's staying right here. He knows all my secrets, so he knows how ornery I can get when I don't get my way
Damon: Call me if you find anything, k*ll him if you don't
Stefan: Come on
[Salvatore’s House]
Katherine: You didn't just propose spirit possession with a straight face?
Nadia: You said my grandfather was a Traveler, which means your father was a Traveler. Therefore, you are a Traveler. We just need to find one who can teach you how to do the passenger spell
Katherine: Hang on. I'm hardly a Traveler, ok? My father banned us from doing Traveler magic. He said it was the devil's work or something dramatic that terrified us, and then I became a vampire and never thought about it again
Nadia: But it's in your blood, which means you have the ability to keep living inside someone else's body. Gregor was a Traveler. He put his spirit inside Matte's body. So that even after his body died he lived on
Katherine: Yes! He lived on in a busboy. Good idea, Nadia. Let's put my essence in some nobody. Thing is, Stefan actually likes this body
Nadia: What are you talking about?
Katherine: Stefan and I may have rekindled an old flame last night
Nadia: I see. So when you asked me about forgiveness, you were asking about him, not me?
Katherine: Look. Maybe I don't want to die a sad, lonely 538-year-old. If I have to bow out, knowing that Stefan still cares might not be the worst way to go
Nadia: No. You had it right the first time. Go k*ll yourself, see if anyone misses you
[Whitmore College]
Enzo: What about cricket? That ever become a thing here?
Damon: No
Enzo: Oh, shame. Fun sport. Not that I can play. Took up drawing for a while. Of course I had no pencil, so I'd just prick my finger and paint the cell wall with my blood
Damon: What do you want? You want me to feel guilty? I couldn't save you. Now where's Elena? What's wrong with you?
Enzo: Wes injected me with poison that will stop my heart. I'll desiccate if I don't return for the antidote
Damon: All the more reason to tell me where he is. Look. You get the antidote, I'll save my girlfriend, we'll k*ll Wes together
Enzo: Did you even think about it after you left, the experiments, the cell, or did you just go out and live your merry life to its fullest?
Damon: Look at me. If you go back, we go back together. We finish this for good. Come on
Enzo: You're not gonna see your girl again, Damon, because I want the antidote, and Wes told me not to come back until you were d*ad. I imagine you just broke your clavicle. Probably a few lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. It's funny what you learn about your body when it's taken apart like a bloody automobile right before your eyes!
Damon: I'm not gonna fight you, Enzo
Enzo: What are you gonna do then, run?You're good at that
Damon: I want to find my girlfriend
Enzo: While you were out running wild, I had one single thought, that I'd have the pleasure of k*lling you
Damon: Enzo, look at me
Enzo: Bloody poison!
Damon: Where is she? Where's Elena.Tell me where she is!
Enzo: Or what?! You never see her again? It might be good for you to know what it's like to miss someone for the next 60 years
Damon: Enzo, look at me. Hey! Enzo! Where is she? Where is she? Enzo, hey
(Stefan and Aaron are in Aaron’s dorm)
Aaron: All the files of my family history are in here
Stefan: Hurry up. Is this all a lie, huh? If you want me to k*ll you, I will k*ll you. Do not test me
Aaron: Do it. I'm d*ad already. Damon's been planning my death since before I was born
Stefan: What are you talking about?
Aaron: Damon left out the best part of the Augustine story, the part after he escaped
Stefan: Talk
Aaron: It wasn't enough for Damon to k*ll the doctors who tortured him. He had to t*rture their families and their future families. He spent the last 60 years k*lling every one of my relatives except he's a psychopath. He leaves one alive so that they can continue the family line so that he can destroy future generations of innocent people. So go ahead and do it, k*ll me because I don't want to give Damon the satisfaction, so do it. Do it!
Stefan: You know, not all of us are like my brother
Aaron: Stefan? This is everything Wes gave me on Augustine. I saw Elena's last name on a few pages. Maybe it will help
[A Lab]
(Elena is little and she’s in the basement. Her father rejoins her)
Grayson: Hey. You're not supposed to be down here. Basement's a kid-free zone, remember?
Elena: I heard someone screaming
Grayson: Oh, it's ok. Everything's fine. In fact, today's a good day, Elena
Elena: Why?
Grayson: Daddy's gonna save a little girl's life. She's just about the same age as you. Pretty cool, huh? All right. Get out of here. Doctor's orders
Elena: Ok dad
Wes: Good news. The sample cells mutated. My compound worked
Elena: I don't follow. You kicked me out of bio, remember?
Wes: You've heard of Pavlov? Conditioned his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell. This compound is like that bell except instead of a ding your body will salivate at the smell of vampire blood
Elena: Oh, my God. That's what you did to Jesse. You turned him into some rabid vampire who only wanted to feed on other vampires
Wes: Jesse was a fantastic case study, but he took too long to condition, and considering the size of the vampire population, a single-dose injection is much more efficient
Elena: Yeah, but he couldn't stop feeding. He tried to k*ll Damon
Wes: Exactly. Vampires are now one sh*t away from craving their own kind, and you're about to be patient zero
Elena: What? No. No, you can't do that to me. You'll turn me into a ripper
Wes: I know. Subject 83182 prepped for compound injection
Elena: No. Please. You can't do this to me
Wes: You'll be doing the world a favor, Elena. I might not be able to k*ll vampires...
Elena: No! Let me go!
Wes: But you will
Elena: No
(Stefan arrives)
Stefan: Elena
Elena: Stefan! Oh, God. Ohh
Stefan: Come here. Oh. You're ok. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you
Elena: Get me out of here. Come on. Come on get me out of here
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt goes out and sees Nadia at a table)
Matt: Look. We're closing, so...
Nadia: We met on a little patio like this, remember? The twinkling lights, music. That was a fun night
Matt: Yeah. I'd kind of rather just put us, um, behind us
Nadia: Fine. Will do, but I need you to hold on to this for me
Matt: The Travelers' Kn*fe? No way. I just got rid of that thing
Nadia: It's not about you. I'm leaving Mystic Falls, and I need to know it's safe
Matt: Why? and why do people want it?
Nadia: I thought I could convince Katherine to live a little longer. I was wrong, but if she changes her mind, she will need this. That's all you need to know
Matt: Well, she won't because Katherine cares about Katherine and only Katherine. If she doesn't want to do something, then she won't
Nadia: I spent 500 years searching for her. I finally find her only to lose her all over again. I don't know if I should hate her for giving up or be at her side when she dies
Matt: Listen, I get the whole crappy parenting thing. My mom kind of sucked. She was selfish, and she drank too much and never really thought about how it would affect me
Nadia: Then you know what it's like to hold on to the hope that maybe just once she'll do what you want
Matt: If she changes her mind, the Kn*fe will be with me
[Whitmore College]
(Enzo wakes up in Wes’ lab. Damon’s here)
Damon: Oh. Never mind
Enzo: What did you do now?
Damon: Well, I injected you with a bunch of these that say, "Antidote," and apparently, one of them worked
Enzo: If this is some attempt to make amends, it's a bit pathetic, mate
Damon: I don't care about amends, mate. My girlfriend's safe, so technically, I'm not suffering, and it'd really suck if you desiccated in vain... And I'm gonna tell you my side of the story. You asked me if I thought about you after I escaped, and answer is no, and I sure as hell don't feel guilty about leaving you because in order for me to save myself and leave you, I had to shut off my humanity, damn it, so I flipped the switch, and then I felt nothing, no remorse, no regret, no pain
Enzo: And now what do you feel, remorse, regret, pain? Even if I forgave you, Damon, would that make you less of a horrible person?
Damon: We're even, Enzo
Enzo: You were the most important person in my life, and you ruined me, but that's just who you are, that's who you'll always be... A monster
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena is reading her dad’s journal when Damon enters)
Elena: It's weird. Even as a kid, there was something about that basement that creeped me out
Damon: Sure you want to give yourself nightmares reading that thing?
Elena: And I remember my dad talking about this little girl. I think he was talking about my roommate Megan. Look. "January 1999. Saw Megan King today. Megan is 7 years old. She suffers from a congenital heart defect with a life expectancy of two months. A single injection of vampire blood appears to be an effective life-saving solution." That's why Megan had a picture of my dad on her phone… because he saved her life
Damon: A hundred pages of horrific t*rture and you find the one happy passage
Elena: My dad used his research to save people, Damon, children, families
Damon: Yeah. And dissected vamps along the way. News flash, Elena. You are a vampire. I mean, do you honestly think that he would sit here and see you as anything more?
Elena: I don't know. He was my dad. I can't not defend him
Damon: No. I know you can't because you do it for me all the time
Elena: I'm not defending you. I'm not defending your decision to k*ll Aaron's entire family, to go out of town and k*ll the aunt while we were still together
Damon: So why are you still here? I'm bad, Elena, I am bad for you, so why wouldn't you have run away from me as far as humanly possible?
Elena: Because I love you, Damon, because I chose you, and because I stand by my choice
Damon: Well, now I'm choosing, and I'm choosing to let you go
Elena: What? No, Damon
Damon: I am choosing to not have to think about how you must feel every time some ghost from my past comes into our life. I'm choosing to relieve you of having to defend me for every awful thing I've ever done
Elena: Stop acting like I'm perfect. Damon, I've done horrible things, too. You think I'm gonna stand here and judge you after I find out that you've been tortured for 5 years?
Damon: Stop defending me! I won't change who I am. I can't... But I refuse to change you
(Stefan enters his room. Katherine’s here)
Stefan: Can I come in, or are you gonna freak out and run away again?
Katherine: I'm getting wrinkles
Stefan: Heh. Katherine Pierce's chickens come home to roost. In the form of wrinkles. It's kind of brilliant
Katherine: What's the opposite of funny? Oh, right. Not funny
Stefan: Hmm. So what are you, uh, doing in my room?
Katherine: I want to talk about last night
Stefan: Ok
Katherine: So talk
Stefan: Well, um, it was a long day, we had a moment, and we got swept up in it
Katherine: Did you memorize that from... A textbook or something?
Stefan: Katherine, what do you expect? You want me just forget everything that you've put me through for the last 147 years?
Katherine: I'm dying, Stefan
Stefan: I know you are, and I'm sure that you will figure a way out of it
Katherine: No. I mean, it's for real this time. Look at me. I'm dying. What does someone have to go through to get a little redemption around here?
Stefan: 147 years is a long time to forgive in one night
Katherine: One night... An eternity... You'd never look at me the way you look at Elena, would you? Good night, Stefan
Stefan: Hey. I'm sorry that you're dying
Katherine: Trust me. I am, too
[A Lab]
(Aaron finds Wes)
Aaron: Wes? Wes?
Wes: Aaron?
Aaron: What the hell is this place, huh?
Wes: It's one of Augustine's research labs
Aaron: Do you really think that you're helping people with this vampire crap?You sold me out! You used my life as a bargaining chip
Wes: Aaron, I'm sorry
Aaron: I never want to see you again. Get the hell out of my life
Wes: Aaron. Aaron!
[Salvatore’s House]
(Katherine is on the phone)
Katherine: So do we have a deal? You'll find me a Traveler that will teach me how to do the spell?
Nadia: I guess this means you want to live
Katherine: I'm a survivor. Staying alive is my specialty
Nadia: Mm-hmm. Assuming of course it's on your terms. Clearly Stefan inspired some profound thinking
Katherine: I think Stefan believes that a part of me can still be redeemed
Nadia: And what do you think? Is he right? Hello? Katherine? Katherine? | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x10 - Fifty Shades of Greyson"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries" A vampire k*lled my parents.
Maybe that was you.
That was all me. I'm bad, Elena. I am bad for you, and I'm choosing to let you go.
You think I'm gonna judge you after I find out that you've been tortured for 5 years?
Stop defending me!
Tyler: Do you know the reason we're together? Because Klaus granted us permission to be together. I can't live like that.
You take one more step, we are done!
Katherine, voice-over: I'm dying of old age.
You're Katherine Pierce. Suck it up.
I may have an idea that will keep you alive longer.
Bulgaria, 1490
(Katherine is alone and pregnant. Suddenly, she’s hurting)
Present Day
[Mystic Falls Hospital]
(Katherine is unconscious and the doctors try to revive her)
Doctor: Clear! Give me 200 joules. Charged. Clear!
(Stefan is in the hallway. Nadia rejoins him)
Nadia: It doesn't make sense. I was just speaking with her. She sounded fine
Stefan: Doctors think it was a, um, heart att*ck
Nadia: Trust me. Katherine Pierce is not going to die from a heart att*ck. We both know my mother. She will fight this
Stefan: She's dying. Every single organ in her body is failing. Vampire blood can't save her. I compelled the doctors to let me take her home so she's more comfortable, but she's dying. They don't think she'll survive the rest of the day
[Whitmore College]
(Elena wakes up in her dorm)
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy et Matt find Damon at the bar)
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline and Bonnie rejoin Elena)
Caroline: Ok. Time to wake up, sleepyhead
Elena: No! I'm not leaving this bed
Bonnie: Which is why we brought breakfast to you
Elena: What's all this?
Caroline: This is your breakup breakfast!
Elena: My what?
[Mystic Grill]
Jeremy: Damon dumped Elena
Matt: Why?
Jeremy: I have no idea
Matt: Who spends two years pining after a girl to dump her?
Damon: I can hear you, dumbass
[Whitmore College]
Bonnie: So that's it? You're just giving up?
Caroline: As she should! I mean, he did say… and I quote… "I am a bad person. I am bad for you, and I am choosing to let you go."
Elena: You memorized my breakup?
Caroline: Of course I did. Drink this
[Mystic Grill]
Matt: So you sure it was just a fight?
[Whitmore College]
Elena: I just have to face reality. If Damon makes up his mind about something, it's done
(Her phone rings)
Caroline: It's Stefan
Elena: Tell him I don't feel like talking
(Caroline answers)
Caroline: She doesn't feel like talking
Stefan: Well, she's gonna want to talk about this
[Salvatore House]
(Matt, Damon and Jeremy are in the library, drinking)
Damon: Rule number one, think of the worst thing Katherine Pierce has ever done to you. Rule number two, toast to the glory of her impending death. Rule number 3, if you come across something that's worse… which you will… repeat rules one and two. She pretended to be buried in a tomb for 145 years while I waited for her lying ass. Wait. Does that b*at pretending to be Elena and kissing me on the front porch of your old house?
Jeremy: I don't think so
Damon: I don't think so either. Damn. Quarterback, go
Matt: Uh...
Damon: Think on that. Little Gilbert
Jeremy: She fed to my Silas, and I died
Damon: Doozy
Jeremy: Then she made me crash my car into a pole and left me for d*ad again
Damon: Double doozy. Drink
Matt: My sister's d*ad because of her
Damon: Yes, she is because I wouldn't have even been in town to turn Vicki into a m*rder vampire if I wasn't trying to get Katherine out of a tomb she wasn't in. Group sh*t
(Elena, Caroline and Bonnie enter)
Elena: Seriously?
Matt: Elena, we were just, uh…
Elena: I know what you're doing
(She looks at Jeremy)
Elena: You're cut off. If anyone is drinking to Katherine's last days, it's gonna be me. She impersonated me repeatedly... Made Aunt Jenna s*ab herself in the stomach and cut off Uncle John's fingers
Jeremy: He might have deserved that
Bonnie: My grams died trying to close a tomb she wasn't in
Caroline: Tyler's werewolf curse got triggered because of her
Elena: Klaus followed her to Mystic Falls, and because of that, we lost Jenna
Damon: And Alaric
Matt: We're gonna need more booze
Elena: She tried to k*ll me at least twice
Caroline: She did k*ll me, although I'm weirdly better off
(Katherine is laying on Stefan’s bed. He’s with her)
Katherine: They're talking about me, aren't they?
Stefan: They're reminiscing
Katherine: It's fine. I'm sure I deserve everything that they're saying. Does my hand look wrinkled to you?
Stefan: It looks fine
Katherine: If I start to sag anywhere, you take a Kn*fe and you jam it into my carotid artery immediately, ok?
Stefan: Ok
Katherine: What?
Stefan: You know, even on your death bed, you're vain
Katherine: Hey. If a girl's got to go, it may as well be glamorous, right? That's definitely an age spot
Stefan: This is not an age spot, Katherine
Katherine: You're being too nice to me. Why?
Stefan: You're dying. I think I can muster up a little bit of compassion
(Matt is in the basement. Nadia arrives)
Matt: Nadia
Damon: Rumor has it she burnt down the entire city of Atlanta once
Jeremy: That might win
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: All right. Knock it off or take it somewhere else. You guys are being insensitive
Damon: Come on, Stefan. Don't let the sight of a frail, human, Elena look-alike cloud your memories of the manipulative psycho that she is
Stefan: In 1864, Katherine moved into my home, she compelled me to love her, seduced my brother, fed us full of vampire blood, and then started a w*r with the town that got us k*lled
Damon: Exactly. Bottoms up
Stefan: But centuries before that, she was just an innocent girl who was shunned by her family, so for 500 years, she lied and manipulated and did whatever she had to do survive, and she did. She’s a survivor. So that's the girl that I will drink to today. Cheers
Damon: Please. One night of hot sex with her and you're brainwashed?
Elena: What?!
Caroline: Oh, my… I forgot to tell you. You were kidnapped and hostaged and… bottle's empty
Damon: Actually, that's why you never send a busboy to do a man's job
(Nadia enters)
Damon: Nadia, the devil's spawn. Hey, Caroline. Did you remember to tell Elena that?
Elena: I think my mind just exploded. Ok. Katherine's upstairs
Nadia: Actually, I'm here to see all of you. I found a way to save my mother, and I need some help
Damon: Uh-uh. No way. Even my biased brother knows I will kick his ass from here to Kentucky if he helps Katherine Pierce live one more day on this earth. No volunteers
Nadia: I figured as much, which is why I found that old safe your brother spent his summer drowning in and buried it on this property with your friend Matt inside of it. Oh. Without this
Elena: What?!
[A field]
(Nadia, Stefan and Elena arrive at an abandoned house)
Nadia: I figured you two would be my volunteers
Elena: Congratulations on your intuition. We're here. We volunteered. Now tell us where Matt is
Nadia: Matt will be freed once you help me get what I need
Stefan: Which is what exactly?
Nadia: I need a Traveler. Katherine was born into a traveler bloodline. She can make herself be a passenger in someone else's body if a Traveler teaches her how to do it
Elena: Like your boyfriend Gregor hopped a ride in Matt's body until Katherine k*lled him of course. Your mother k*lled your boyfriend. Why are we saving her again?
Stefan: Gregor was gonna k*ll her, and she was protecting herself
Elena: Oh, please don't defend her, especially now that you've…
Stefan: Now that I've slept with her. I'm sure you have plenty to say about that
Nadia: We're here
Elena: So we're just supposed to help you let Katherine take over someone's life?
Nadia: Not just anyone's life. Mine. I'm going to make her a passenger in my body
[Salvatore’s House]
(Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy are outside)
Jeremy: I don't see any freshly dug ground
Bonnie: This property it massive
Caroline: Hello! Is no one gonna comment on the fact that Stefan slept with Katherine? I mean, that's kind of a big deal
Jeremy: Does it matter? We've all slept with our fair share of bad choices
Bonnie: No offense taken
Jeremy: No. Obviously not you
Caroline: Bonnie Bennett! Wait. Did you two? And you didn't tell me?
Bonnie: I didn't think I was obligated
Caroline: Of course you were obligated. You're my best friend. Oh, my God! Does Elena know that her little brother…
Bonnie/Jeremy: No!
Caroline: Aw! Scandalous sex! Even better! God, how am I the only person on the planet who's not having scandalous sex?
Jeremy: Why don't we split up and think about that?
Caroline: Good idea. We'll cover more ground that way
Bulgaria, 1492
(Katherine arrives at her parents’ home and finds them d*ad)
Katherine: No, no! No, mama. No!
(Damon appears in the memory)
Damon: What a mess
Katherine: Damon?
Damon: Ok. I'll say it. I miss Klaus. I mean, the way this guy used to t*rture you. Sword in the daddy. Nice touch
Katherine: Get out of my head
Damon: Remind me how this slaughter went down again. Oh, right. Klaus was gonna k*ll you in a blood sacrifice, and you, being you, ran for the hills, only to come back and find your entire family had been massacred. So if I'm adding this up right, your family's entire death was all your fault
Katherine: No! No! No! No!
[Salvatore’s House]
(Liz enters)
Liz: Put the pillow down, Damon
Damon: Liz
Liz: If you k*ll her, it's m*rder. I mean, I'd have to bring you in, lock you up. There's all that paperwork
Damon: Every awful thing I've ever done is linked to her. She taught me how to k*ll, how to enjoy it. She ruined me, and I can't take any of that back
Liz: Look at how much control she still has over you. Prove her wrong
[The Woods]
(Caroline is looking for Matt)
Caroline: Matt! Matt, we're coming for you!
(She sees Klaus)
Klaus: Hello, Caroline
Caroline: Klaus
[Abandoned House]
(Nadia, Stefan and Elena enter)
Stefan: Not exactly the Ritz
Nadia: Travelers don't have much. They're always on the move, but on the plus side, sometimes their services can be bought. I found one who named the right price
(A woman rejoins them)
Woman: You brought them
Nadia: Yes, Mia. Are you ready to make the deal?
Elena: What's going on?
Stefan: I have the feeling the right price for the deal was us
Nadia: I'm sorry, but they asked for doppelgangers. No idea why
(She leaves. Elena and Stefan burn in the sun)
Elena: Our rings. They're messing with them. We can't go outside
[The Woods]
Caroline: Sorry. Matt's buried alive. No time to chat
Klaus: You're not even the least bit curious as to why I'm here?
Caroline: I literally just whooshed at the sight of your face, so no
Klaus: Damon informed me that Katerina Petrova has taken a tragic turn
Caroline: So you're here to gloat over her corpse to be, to delight in the closure of 500 years of revenge! Great! Now I'm even less interested
Klaus: Well, then perhaps you'd be more interested in talking about Tyler
Caroline: Is he… did you…
Klaus: No. I sent him off with little more than a bruised ego. He really does hate me, poor lad. Revenge, it eats at him. I hear you two broke up
Caroline: Because I made him choose… me or his stupid revenge fantasy, and he chose wrong. I suggest that you learn from his mistakes and let Katherine die in peace. Dying sucks enough learn as it is. No need to rub anyone's nose in it
[Salvatore’s House]
Liz: Ok. Here's the sedatives from the hospital. Should help with the pain
Katherine: I don't want them. They make me weak, and when I'm weak, he can get in my head
Liz: Ok. Suit yourself. They're right here if you want them
(She looks at Damon)
Liz: Still looking for Matt? Any word from Elena?
Damon: We're not on a speaking basis
Katherine: Didn't you hear, Sheriff? He was so afraid to dirty her... white dove feathers that he let her little wings fly free, and it was all my fault. Oops
(He injects her with sedatives)
Damon: That'll shut her up for a while
Mystic Falls, 1864
(Katherine and Emily are in a carriage)
Katherine: How much further until we reach this Lockwood plantation?
Emily: Won't be long now. We've just entered the town of Mystic Falls
Katherine: Good. What is it now?
Emily: Looks like a gentleman's having some problems with his carriage
Katherine: At this rate, we won't arrive until sundown. What does it matter if…
(Stefan is the gentleman in question)
Stefan: Thanks for your help. I should be all right
Katherine: Who is that? He's so handsome. What do you say, Emily? Think that gentleman's family would take in a poor orphan girl from Atlanta?
[Salvatore’s House]
Damon: What the hell was that?
Katherine: You never heard the real story of how I came to meet your brother? I want to think that this prophecy of the universe bringing the doppelgangers together is absurd, but the moment that I saw Stefan… I can't describe it… the out-of-the-way road, the downed tree, the broken-down carriage, it just… it sounds like fate to me
[Abandoned House]
Elena: This isn't awkward
Stefan: Guess we probably picked the wrong day to be in a fight, huh?
Elena: I'm sorry, ok? It's not my place to judge, especially after everything that you've been through. You don't happen to speak Czech, do you?
Stefan: No
Elena: Ok. Stefan?
Elena: It's ok. I guess he wants doppelganger blood
Elena: Should we knock his head off?
Stefan: Depends. If I k*ll him, do the rest of these boards fall down?
Elena: Right. Blood it is. Why aren't we healing?
[The Woods]
Caroline: Matt! Matt!
Klaus: Would you give me the same choice?
Caroline: What?
Klaus: Were I to abandon my revenge against Katerina, would you offer me the same choice as Tyler?
Caroline: I don't know what you mean
Klaus: Yes, you do
Caroline: You… you can't do this to me. You can't just show up and distract me while my friend is in danger
Klaus: You know, while you've been vamping off in all the wrong directions, I heard Matt's distant and desperate screams
Caroline: Where?
Klaus: Don't worry, luv. I've got it covered. Trust me. He'll be quite happy with his rescuer
(Matt opens the safe and comes out. He sees Rebekah)
Rebekah: I'm gone not 3 months, and look at the trouble you're in
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon is still with Katherine)
Katherine: Just go away. Don't you think that you've made your point?
(Jenna appears)
Jenna: What point? Like this one?
Katherine: Jenna?
Jenna: Remember when you compelled me to s*ab myself?
Katherine: No, no. No, no, no! Unh!
Damon: Poor Aunt Jenna. I had to compel her to think that she walked into that Kn*fe. She was so confused
Katherine: No. No. No more drugs!
(John appears)
John: Hello, fingers. Good-bye, fingers
(Katherine screams. He disappears and Elijah arrives)
Elijah: Enough!
Katherine: Elijah
Elijah: Katerina
Katherine: You're here
(He disappears)
Damon: I'm so sorry. Did you think that that was real? Nope. No one's coming to say good-bye, Katherine, because no one cares
Nadia: I do
Damon: Come on
Nadia: Let's get on with this
[Abandoned House]
Stefan: Guess it's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic anymore
Elena: That's what Katherine helped you with… Silas aftermath
Stefan: She did
Elena: Can I just hate her anyway?
Stefan: You can
Elena: Thank you
Stefan: But I don't. I know I should, but for some reason, I keep rooting for her to find peace. Katherine's not the only one, you know? Damon keeps pushing you away because he hates himself, who he is, what he's done. Just remember that you never gave up on me, so don't give up on him. Don't let him give up on you either, ok?
Elena: So that's it? All you needed from us was a bucket of blood? Let's get out of here
Stefan: Come on
[Salvatore’s House]
(Nadia and Mia are still with Katherine)
Mia: Repeat the spell so I know you understand how the passenger works
Katherine: I can't
Nadia: Just say it. Jaryakat a zem. Daryeet acza. Say it, and it's done. Your spirit goes inside my body, Mia will activate you by calling you forth, and you get to live
Katherine: Can I have a moment with my daughter, please?
Nadia: I know what you're going to say… We don't have time for this
Katherine: Nadia... Letting my father rip you out of my arms, it was the biggest regret of my life. I should have fought harder to keep you, but I didn't. So I spent the next 500 years making sure that I never made that mistake again. I fought for everything, and in the process, I had a long, full life, and I got to know my beautiful daughter. And you spent the last centuries searching for me. Don't waste another minute on me. It's your turn to live
Nadia: I can't do this
Katherine: Let me. I've made selfish decisions all my life. Let me do the right thing for once
Nadia: Fine. Then go. Leave me. Drift off into oblivion, but I will not sit by your side and watch you die
[The Woods]
Klaus: So the quarterback has been saved. What now?
Caroline: Don't you have a dying girl to go punish for all of her sins?
Klaus: I do, but I won't for you
Caroline: So you came all the way to Mystic Falls just to back off when I ask you to?
Klaus: No. I came all the way to Mystic Falls to gloat over a corpse to be, as you so poetically put it, but I will leave minus the gloating in return for one small thing
Caroline: And what is that?
Klaus: I want your confession
Caroline: My confession? I didn't do anything. Confession about what?
Klaus: Me. As soon as we're done here, I'm gonna walk away, and I'm never coming back. You'll never again have to look me in the eye and cover our connection with hostility and revulsion. You'll never have to loathe the darkest parts of yourself that care for me in spite of all I've done. I will be gone, and you will be free. I just... Want you to be honest with me
Caroline: I'm in college. I'm building a life for myself. I have plans and a future and things that I want, and none of those things involve you, ok, none of them
Klaus: I see
Caroline: No, you don't because, yes, I cover our connection with hostility because, yes, I hate myself for the truth, so if you promise to walk away like you said and never come back, then, yes, I will be honest with you. I will be honest with you about what I want
Klaus: I will walk away, and I'll never come back, I promise
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan enters his bedroom. Damon’s still here)
Stefan: What the hell happened to you?
Damon: In a shocking twist, Katherine's daughter's a psychopath. Whew. She's all yours. I've had fun messing with her mind all day
Stefan: Damon
Damon: I know, Stefan, I know. It's been a rough couple days. I needed an outlet, ok?
(He leaves. Stefan looks at Katherine)
Stefan: Hi
Katherine: These drugs are... Hardcore
Stefan: Close your eyes. I came to say bye
Katherine: I want to see you
Stefan: You will
Bulgaria, 1492
(Katherine is crying. Stefan appears)
Stefan: So this is the memory you came back to? A little dark, no?
Katherine: Damon already had his fun with this one. This was the worst day of my life. He said it was my fault, that I deserved everything bad that's ever happened to me. He's right. He was right, Stefan I don't deserve to be loved
Stefan: Open your mind to me. Look at your father
Katherine: He's gone. What are you doing?
Stefan: You deserve to feel peace
Katherine: Mother!
Stefan: You were a 17-year-old girl. Katherine... None of this is your fault
[Salvatore’s House]
Stefan: Good-bye, Katherine
Elena: Is she...
Stefan: Not yet. With these drugs, she won't wake up again
(Stefan and Damon are outside)
Stefan: You know, I was in a dark place, Damon
Damon: And Katherine pulled you out of it. Irony abounds
Stefan: You know, whatever is going on with you and Elena, you need to fix it. She's the best thing that ever happened to you
Damon: What, don't you think I know that? I can't live without her... But when you think about it, I'm no better than Katherine. Elena will be happier without me. What, I'm being selfless? Don't give me that look
Stefan: I'm not giving you a look
Damon: Katherine fricking Pierce has a selfless moment, I'm not allowed to? Fine. Fine.When I get Elena back and the whole universe freaks out because the fated doppelgangers are torn apart, just remember you… you're the one that pep talked me out of doing the right thing for the universe and all mankind
Stefan: I will keep that in mind
Damon: You do that
(Caroline comes back and rejoins Bonnie, Jeremy and Matt)
Matt: Hey. Where have you been?
Caroline: In the woods. I got lost. So what are we doing?
Jeremy: We are waiting for Katherine to bite it
Matt: So this anchor thing, does it mean that you'll, like, be able to feel Katherine's death or whatever?
Bonnie: I think so. I mean, she's human, but she's also a doppelganger and Traveler apparently
Matt: So who else do you see over there? Anybody I know?
Bonnie: I see lots of people. My grams, the other witches. Vicki. I just don't talk about it, you know, just…
Vicki: because it's depressing as hell. Tell Matty I love him
Matt: What's happening?
Bonnie: She's here. She said she loves you
Vicki: Tell him that I watch over him and no more knocking around with that blond original chick who almost got him k*lled
Matt: Wait. Wait. What's happening? What am I missing?
Tyler: Me
Caroline: Tyler?
Tyler: Rebekah says to tell you I'm her parting gift. Hey, care
Caroline: Hi
(Stefan and Damon enter)
Stefan: We've really gone through 4 bottles of bourbon today?
Alaric: Can someone tell these idiots to lay off the booze?
Bonnie: Oh, my God
Jeremy: Alaric?
Damon: Ric's here?
Jeremy: Where the hell have you been? I thought you bailed on us to go find peace or something
Alaric: Do you honestly think I'd leave Damon in charge and never look back?
Damon: He's talking about me, isn't he?
Jeremy: He says you're a dick
Damon: Cheers, buddy
Bonnie: Katherine
Damon: Ding-dong. Does that mean the witch is d*ad?
Katherine: No. It's too soon. I can't!
(Katherine wakes up. Elena is here)
Elena: Wow. You really don't want to die, do you? I swear I just heard your heart stop
Katherine: Where am I?
Elena: Still alive... Sadly
Katherine: I thought I was a goner there for a second, but I still have unfinished business
Elena: So do I. I had this whole speech that I was preparing to give your unconscious body
Katherine: Let me guess. Hate, loathe, screw you, die, bitch, et cetera
Elena: Yes. Plus one more thing. I forgive you
Katherine: You what?
Elena: I forgive you. You weren't born evil. Your life made you that way. You lost everyone that you cared about way too young, and you didn't have a family that looked after you. Sound familiar?
Katherine: Is this the... "We're not so different you and I" doppelganger speech? Because I'd be happy to skip it
Elena: I'll save it for the funeral that we probably won't have for you
Katherine: Perfect
Elena: I just wanted to get the forgiveness part out. It's part of me that I... I never want to lose
Katherine: Good for you. Now maybe you can help a girl out and give me one more syringe, and if anyone's gonna plunge a needle in me one last time, may as well be you. Symmetry and all that. Elena... Thank you for your forgiveness
Elena: You're welcome
(She loses consciousness. Her phone rings. She answers. Mia activates her and then Nadia takes the phone)
Nadia: Hello? Are you there?
Elena/Katherine: I'm here
Nadia: Talk to me. Did it work?
Elena/Katherine: Of course it worked. I'm Katherine Pierce. I survive. I'll see you soon
(She hangs up and looks at herself in the mirror)
Katherine: Hi. I'm Elena Gilbert | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x11 - 500 Years of Solitute"} | foreverdreaming |
[Mystic Falls’ Square]
(Elena rejoins Matt)
Elena: Guess who!
Matt: Hmm. I wonder. Elena Gilbert?
Elena: Yep
Matt: You're in a good mood
Elena: Well, it's a good day. We're alive
Matt: Yes, we are, and we are partying tonight
Elena: Yes, we are
Matt: So what did you want to talk to me about?
Elena: Are you still drinking Vervain?
Matt: No. I wear this bracelet in case anyone needs my blood, remember?
Elena: This is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you
Matt: What are you doing? I need that
Elena: Long story short-- I'm Katherine, not Elena
Matt: Katherine's d*ad
Elena/Katherine: Not exactly. While you guys were all playing drinking games, toasting to what a horrible person I am, I was plotting a way to passenger myself into Elena's cute, little head
Matt: Oh, my God
Elena/Katherine: Anyway, I need a crash course on all things Elena Gilbert. She's in college now, all grown up, and I figured who knows her better than her compellable best friend? So what do you think? How's my dress? It screams safe and predictable. Am I right, or am I right?
Matt: I'm not doing this
(Nadia rejoins them)
Nadia: Just compel him already
Elena/Katherine: Take the fun right out of it, why don't you? Play along with my secret, Matty pants. Would Elena wear this outfit to a party?
Matt: No to the dress, yes to the shoes
Elena/Katherine: Now let's talk honestly about the red thing that's happening in my hair
Matt: So you're d*ad and, what, hitching a ride in her brain?
Elena/Katherine: For now until I make it permanent
Matt: Permanent? How?
Elena/Katherine: Hello! The hair. Why did she dye it?
Matt: I don't know. She did it in New York right after she shut her humanity off
Elena/Katherine: But her humanity's back now. Perfect. It's gone. Ok. What's Jeremy's birthday?
Matt: October 13
Elena/Katherine: When's Elena's birthday?
Matt: June 22
Elena/Katherine: What's my address?
Matt: 2104 maple street, but you burnt your house down
Elena/Katherine: I know, that was a trick question. Good job! Who do I like better… Bonnie or Caroline? Please say Caroline
Matt: You love them both equally
Elena/Katherine: Well, that's a shocker. Ok. I just have one last question. It's very important because I'm going to need it later. How exactly did Elena Gilbert break up with you?
Earlier that day
[A Hotel Room]
Nadia: Mia said she needs your corpse
Katherine/Elena: My corpse? Could travelers be any creepier?
Nadia: Be nice. Without Mia, you wouldn't be alive or inside Elena's body right now
Katherine/Elena: I know. I'd be d*ad in my corpse, a corpse that some traveler says that they need. You see how that's creepy?
Nadia: Do you want to be in control of Elena's body or not?
Katherine/Elena: Look. I get it, ok? We have no idea when Elena's consciousness is gonna pop out. Now you want to tell me what you're doing over there?
Nadia: Get on the bed. Just in case Elena decides to show up while I'm out getting your body
Katherine/Elena: So I'm just gonna be stuck in a hotel room, bound to a bed while Damon Salvatore's leaving me voicemails? Remind me again how this is better than being d*ad
Nadia: Because once Mia does her spell, Elena will be gone forever, and this body will be yours for good
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon enters. Stefan’s here)
Stefan: Where you been?
Damon: Just out
Stefan: Define out
Damon: One who hovers and sticks his nose in other people's business. Oh. I'm sorry. I was defining annoying
Stefan: That's funny
Damon: Katherine's rotting corpse was stinking up the house. I got rid of it
Stefan: Could be a bit of a problem
Damon: Oh? And why is that?
(Nadia’s here)
Nadia: Because I'm here for Katherine's body
Damon: You're out of luck. You ain't getting it
Nadia: My mother asked to be buried with her family in Bulgaria
Damon: And nothing gives me greater joy than to deny her dying wish
Stefan: Damon, who cares? Katherine's d*ad. Just give her the damn body
Damon: Bitch ruined our lives. Nadia's known her, what, 5 minutes?
Nadia: Tell me where she is
Damon: The nicest thing that Katherine Pierce will ever do is feeding the maggots that feast on her flesh. Give it up. You're not getting her back
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Matt rejoins Tyler)
Matt: Have you seen my phone? Ty! Have you seen my phone? I'm late for work, dude
Tyler: Look at you, captain responsible. Here. Join me for breakfast
Matt: No. You know, I'm good, seeing it's, uh, 7:42
Tyler: Aye, aye, Captain
Matt: Ok. So you gonna tell me what happened in New Orleans?
Tyler: Well, there were witches, gumbo, a few originals. Look. It doesn't matter because it's over, in the past. No more drama. I'm starting fresh
Matt: Ok, then. We're celebrating. I'm throwing you a welcome back party
Tyler: Wait. What? No
Matt: Yeah. So clean this place up and invite some people and, uh, shower because you stink
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline is cleaning the dorm room when Aaron enters)
Caroline: It's open!
Aaron: Are you cleaning the fireplace?
Caroline: Yeah. Well, you know, all those carcinogens. Heh. I'm stress cleaning. I'm stressed, so I'm cleaning. Boy drama. Not that you care
Aaron: I'm here for Elena, but clearly she's not here. I'll… I'll come back later
Caroline: Well, I can give her a message
Aaron: Uh, yeah, can you just tell her that Wes isn't gonna be a problem anymore? I mean, my family's trust came through, and I was able to cut off Augustine's funding
Caroline: So no more vampire experiments?
Aaron: Yeah, that's over. And can you just tell her that I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for everything?
Caroline: I will
(Aaron goes back in his room. Enzo enters)
Enzo: Aaron Whitmore. Just the man I've been looking for
Aaron: Enzo
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan is in the basement. On the phone)
Stefan: Hey. I need a favor. You know how Damon was trying to be all noble and broke up with Elena?
Caroline: Of course. There was champagne
Stefan: Yeah. Well, I kind of convinced him he was an idiot
Caroline: You what?!
Stefan: And now he's in a bit of a mood, and something tells me that he's been trying to get ahold of Elena, but she hasn't been returning his phone calls
Caroline: Look. I would love to help if I thought he was actually good for her, but I don't
Stefan: Caroline, how would you liked to be judged solely based on who you're attracted to? Come on
Caroline: Why? Do you know something?
Stefan: Why? Should I know something?
Caroline: I just mean are you sure that this is what you really want, you know, Elena and Damon or Damon and Elena, or… I know that there's a nickname in there somewhere
Stefan: Listen. I actually think that Elena is good for Damon. She makes him happy, and we all know that when Damon is happy...
Caroline: He's not out there k*lling people, which I guess is a plus for mankind
Stefan: Exactly
Caroline: But even if I wanted to help, she's not here. I thought that she was with you
Stefan: She told me she was staying at Whitmore
Caroline: Ok. That's weird. Well, where the hell is she?
[A Motel Room]
(The phone rings)
Katherine/Elena: Does that thing ever shut up?
(Elena’s consciousness comes forth)
Elena: Where am I? What's going on? Oh, my God. Katherine
Nadia: Hello, Elena
Elena: You! You put Katherine inside of me instead of you
(Nadia summons Katherine)
Elena/Katherine: What happened?
Nadia: Elena Gilbert happened
Elena/Katherine: Wonderful. She's fighting. It's only a matter of time before she comes out again. Did you get my body?
[Mystic Grill]
(Damon and Stefan are playing pool)
Damon: Oh, come on. Katherine is exactly where she's always belonged. I'm not giving the body back. Quit giving me that damn pouty face
Stefan: I'm not giving you the pouty face. This is my "you're being a dick" face. Elena hasn't called you back. It's making you completely miserable
Damon: Yeah. I'm completely miserable. It's your fault, telling me to get her back
Stefan: No. You're miserable because you did what you always do. You had a problem, and instead of dealing with it, you cut ties and you ran
Damon: You're enjoying this a little too much
(Caroline rejoins them)
Caroline: Ok. So Bonnie took Jeremy to go visit her mom, and neither of them have talked to Elena
Damon: Who invited you? Scram
Stefan: I invited her. Caroline agreed to help you get Elena back
Damon: You? You hate me. You once told me that calling me Satan was an insult to Satan
Caroline: Well...Nobody's perfect
Damon: This is what it's come to? You brought me love advice from prudy Trudy
Caroline: I can be unpredictable and incredibly reckless
Damon: What's going on here? Are you guys baby-sitting me?
Stefan: We're just hanging out, chatting
Damon: I don't need this, and I don't need your help
Stefan: Well, I guess you better try Elena again
[A Motel Room]
Katherine: Ugh. Seriously, I have never met a group of needier people. It's not bad enough that Damon's trying to win me back. I'm also getting "where are you?" "I'm worried about you." "Call me." "Are you going to Tyler's party?" It's a wonder that this thing still has a battery
Nadia: They're getting suspicious
Katherine: Yeah
Nadia: We need to find your body
Katherine: Stefan texted and asked if I was going to Tyler's party. Maybe I do go, convince everyone that Elena is alive and well, and I casually ask him where Damon buried me
Nadia: No. No way. You said it yourself. It's just a matter of time until Elena shows up again
Katherine: So then come with me. Shove her back in if that happens
Nadia: This is not the right place for you to be, around all her friends
Katherine: I've impersonated Elena a million times. I can mimic everything about her
Nadia: This is different. You're not impersonating Elena. You are Elena. When is her birthday? What grade did her and Caroline meet? Where did she kiss Stefan for the first time?
Katherine: I'm gonna have to brush up on a few fun facts, and I know exactly who can help us
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Matt and Tyler are outside)
Tyler: You know, you still own my house
Matt: Yeah, legally. It's not like I pay the bills
Tyler: Yeah, but it means you'll have to invite certain people in tonight, people like Elena, Stefan…
Matt: Is that your lame way of asking if invited Caroline?
Tyler: Pretty much
Matt: Yeah, she's coming. So when you say you're starting over, you're basically saying you want Caroline back
Tyler: Just get the cups, ok?
(He takes a keg and enters the house. Matt’s phone rings. He answers)
Matt: Elena, hey
Katherine/Elena: Hi, Matty!
Matt: Matty?
Katherine/Elena: Matt. I mean, Matt, I was, um, hoping that you could help me with something
[Mystic Falls’ Square]
(Katherine/Elena rejoins Matt)
Katherine/Elena: Guess who!
Matt: Hmm. I wonder
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon enters and finds Enzo in his living room)
Damon: Enzo
Enzo: Hello, Damon. Ahh. We have a bit of business to attend to
Damon: Missed a spot
Enzo: Ooh! Oh. I love a good f*re. Oh! That's ironic, isn't it, you know, since you left me to burn alive in one?
Damon: Didn't we already do this? You tried to make me feel guilty, I saved your life, we're even. What's in the bag?
Enzo: More like who. Ah. Since you and I last spoke, I've done a bit of soul-searching, had a trip to the barber, and did a little research, which revealed to me that you k*lled almost every member of the Whitmore family in the years since your escape, leaving just one alive each time to carry on the family name, producing a whole new generation of victims for you to slaughter exactly as you said you'd do back when you and I were cellmates
Damon: Well, you know me .I like to keep my promises
Enzo: And it's occurred to me that perhaps I wrote you off too quickly, that, in fact, the Damon Salvatore I remember is alive and well, and I have a present for him
Damon: You brought me Aaron Whitmore... Alive
Enzo: He's the last of the Whitmore clan. You remember this Vervain wristwatch? Dr. Whitmore never took it off, even when he was rooting around in our chest cavities. Fitting Aaron should die wearing it, too. So...Do you want to k*ll him, or shall I?
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(The party is in full force. Katherine/Elena arrives but she can’t enter)
Katherine/Elena: Matt! Eh!
Matt: Elena, hey. Come in
Katherine/Elena: Thank you. Well, that wasn't awkward at all
Matt: Right. Sorry about that
Katherine/Elena: It's ok. Go find some blond to h*t on
Matt: All right. I'm gonna go make the rounds. You need anything?
Katherine/Elena: I'm good, thanks
(She sees Stefan)
(She rejoins Stefan)
Stefan: Elena, you're alive
Katherine/Elena: Of course I'm alive. Wow! Stefan Salvatore is drinking beer out of a cup. Do you want me to show you where Tyler keeps the bourbon?
Stefan: No. I'm trying to stay off the hard stuff. Hey. So... Where have you been? Caroline was about to send out a search party for you
Katherine/Elena: Around, thinking, processing, trying to figure out how to deal with this whole Damon thing
Stefan: Hmm. You know he made a mistake, right? He wants you back
Katherine/Elena: Yeah, I know. Hang on. Isn't this a little weird for you?
Stefan: It's incredibly weird, but, uh, I know my brother, and I know he's a better person with you than without you
Katherine/Elena: So how are you? How are you dealing with the whole Katherine dying thing?
Stefan: I’m ok
Katherine/Elena: Stefan, you don't have to hide your feelings
Stefan: No. Honestly, I'm ok. You know, we had a thing, it ended, and she died, and I'm fine
Katherine/Elena: You knew her for, like, 150 years. You're not even a little heartbroken? I mean, even I feel a little bad. You know, maybe we should give her, like, a funeral or something
Stefan: A funeral?
Katherine/Elena: Where's she buried? I should at least drop off flowers or something
Stefan: I have no idea. Damon said he put her where she was always meant to be
Katherine/Elena: Classic Damon
[Salvatore’s House]
Enzo: As much as I've enjoyed your quality bourbon, I feel confident our next drink will taste better with the sound of young Aaron's dying screams ringing in our ears and the knowledge that your final act of revenge will have brought us both closure and a new beginning
Damon: I'm just curious. Do you ask all of your friends to prove their loyalty by k*lling someone over drinks?
Enzo: His grandfather slit our eyes open with a scalpel. You've taken out everyone else in the Whitmore family. I thought you'd want this
Damon: Would you believe he's a friend of a friend?
Enzo: No, because that would force me to believe that you've gone soft when you and I both know that your very first impulse when I presented him to you was to rip out his throat. Surely my old friend's still in there someplace. End this for both of us
(Damon’s phone rings. He answers)
Damon: Really bad timing, blondie. I'm dealing with a blast from the past
Caroline: Then deal with it quickly and get your ass over to Tyler's. Elena's here
(He hangs up)
Enzo: Looks like he's coming round. It's time to make a decision, Damon. Do you want to k*ll him, or shall I?
Damon: I hate deadlines
Aaron: Well, I didn't see that one coming
Damon: I can't k*ll you. Long story
Aaron: Because Elena would hate you for it. That's why you can't k*ll me
Damon: Go back to college and pack up your entire life. There's one highway that heads out of town. Take it north till you h*t ice. Don't ever come back
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Katherine/Elena is outside and Nadia rejoins her)
Nadia: How domestic of you
Katherine/Elena: Apparently Elena would do this sort of stuff. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for her
Nadia: Did you find out where your body is or not?
Katherine/Elena: Stefan said Damon put me somewhere I was always meant to be
Nadia: A riddle
Katherine/Elena: For 145 years, Damon thought I was in a tomb underneath the old church, and, boy, was he $ disappointed when I wasn't there
Nadia: Well, let's hope you are this time
Katherine/Elena: Right
Nadia: Now say your good-byes. We can't have anyone following us
(Katherine/Elena is inside. Caroline rejoins her)
Caroline: There you are! I've been calling and texting
Katherine/Elena: Sorry. My phone died. Um, what did you want to talk about?
Caroline: I did a bad thing
Katherine/Elena: I'm sure it wasn't that bad
Caroline: You don't even know what it is. Elena, stop. This is really important
Katherine/Elena: Ok. I'm sorry. Tell me. What happened?
Caroline: What would you say if I told you that when a certain awful person was in town I ran into him in the woods and sort of kissed him? He was there, and he obviously wanted to kiss me, so I thought, "oh! We'll just make out," but then it felt really good to kiss him, so then I kind of totally had sex with him, but I swear I didn't plan to do it, and now I feel terrible
Katherine/Elena: And the person we're talking about is...
Caroline: Klaus
Katherine/Elena: Oh, wow! That… that… wow! Really?
Caroline: Would I make something like this up? And that is why I need you to tell me what an awful person I am
Katherine/Elena: Actually, you're one of the least awful people I know. So tell me. How was it, you know, compared to Tyler?
Caroline: Elena Gilbert!
Katherine/Elena: Caroline Forbes! Come on. Spill the beans
Caroline: I am...
Katherine/Elena: Now that you've slept with Klaus, I mean, how was it?
Caroline: I am so not answering that
Katherine/Elena: Oh, you so are.Oh, my God
[The Tomb]
(Katherine/Elena and Nadia rejoin Mia)
Mia: Took you long enough
Katherine/Elena: I was pretending to care. It was very time-consuming
Nadia: Let's get it over with
Mia: In order to seal Katherine's spirit inside Elena's body, I'll need some of your blood. Then…
Katherine/Elena: You mutilate my body. Lovely
Mia: Travelers don't have access to traditional magic, so we improvise. Now shut up. I have to concentrate
(Elena reappears)
Elena: So, um, what's happening now?
Mia: Katherine, if you want to say good-bye to Elena forever, I need silence
Nadia: Are you ok?
Elena: Save your daughterly concern. I'm fine
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Caroline rejoins Tyler)
Tyler: Get out
Caroline: Just let me explain
Tyler: No. Let me. Klaus k*lled thousands of people… Elena's aunt, an entire pack of hybrids, my friends. Caroline... He k*lled my mom!
Caroline: I know, I know. I am so sorry
Tyler: Just stop. I walked out last time. Now it's your turn. Go
Caroline: No
Tyler: Don't take another step, Caroline
Caroline: If you would just…
Tyler: I said leave!
(Stefan intervenes)
Stefan: You're drunk
Tyler: Get your hands off me
Stefan: What's the matter with you?
Tyler: Oh, you don't know? She screwed Klaus. Exactly
Stefan: You know, drunk or not, she doesn't deserve that
[The Tomb]
Nadia: You never told me where you wanted to go
Elena: Where I wanted to go?
Nadia: Once we complete the spell. Where should we start our world tour?
Mia: Let me finish. Just a few more seconds, and then I'm done
Nadia: Elena
Elena: What was that? I couldn't quite hear you
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Damon arrives but can’t enter)
Damon: Donovan, you in here?
[The Crypt]
Nadia: Mia. Mia
Mia: Are you ok?
Nadia: Just finish the spell
[The Woods]
(Elena tries to use her cellphone)
Elena: What? No. No, no, no. You've got to be kidding me. No, no, no. Katherine, get out of my head! No! No! Aah! Aah!
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Elena comes out of the woods and sees Damon. She rushes towards him)
Elena: Damon! Damon, thank God
Damon: What's wrong?
[The Tomb]
Mia: It's done
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
Damon: Elena? Hey. Say something, please
Katherine/Elena: I've been looking everywhere for you. We need to talk
Damon: Yeah, I want to talk, too. The message thingies on your phone, that's all me in case you deleted them and didn't listen to them
Katherine/Elena: I listened to every word
Damon: Then you know how bad I screwed up. I wussed out, Elena. I bailed because I was convinced I'd ruin you
Katherine/Elena: That's not what this is about, Damon
Damon: No. I know. Just hear me out, just hear me out. You are literally the best person I've ever known, and for me to think that I could change you gives me way too much credit and you not nearly enough. You are the best influence on me. I need you. You are the good, and I need a little good in my life... Because without it, there's an awful lot of darkness
Katherine/Elena: That's a lot of pressure, Damon
Damon: I know, Elena
Katherine/Elena: No. No. It's my turn now. I love that I make you a better person, I love that I make you happy, but I don't want to be the only thing that you live for. I don't want to worry about what's gonna happen every time we get into a fight or if we break up again or who you're gonna take it out on
Damon: What… what are you talking about?
Katherine/Elena: I know what you did to Katherine, Damon. She was weak and dying, and you still tortured her
Damon: How is this about Katherine?
Katherine/Elena: It's not, ok? It's about you. It's about you, about the person that I can't change and the person that you really are. That person was right to let me go. I'm sorry, Damon, but it's over. We're over
(She leaves)
Stefan: Damon
Damon: Come on. Deep down, you got to be enjoying this a little bit
(The party is over and everyone is leaving. Matt rejoins Tyler)
Matt: Hey
Tyler: You know what I realized tonight? This is a big-ass house. I live in a fricking mansion. My parents are d*ad, the girl I love slept with my nemesis, and I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna do with the rest of my life, which… get this… lasts forever... But I got a big-ass house
Matt: Why don't we get out of it for a while, you know, just go somewhere, be anywhere but here?
Tyler: Klaus put me through hell in New Orleans, Matt. He crushed me, and just when I thought it was over, that he couldn't destroy anything else or do anything worse...
[The Tomb]
Nadia: So that's it? It worked?
Mia: Try not to sound so impressed, but, yes, Katherine Pierce has permanent control of Elena Gilbert's body. Now about that payment we discussed
(Katherine intervenes and kills her)
Nadia: Ugh. Was that necessary?
Katherine: No, but she was a loose end, and I hate that
Nadia: She gave me the creeps anyway
Katherine: Cold, manipulative, good hair. You really are my daughter
Nadia: If that's your way of thanking me, save it for the road
Katherine: I'm not going anywhere. For the first time in the last 500 years, I'm in the clear. There's no one coming after me. Hell, half the people in this town would probably slit their own throats to protect Elena Gilbert
Nadia: And what about me?
Katherine: You're a grown woman. You can make your own decisions, but if you want my vote... Stay. Now I'm not saying that I'll ever learn how to be a good mother, but I'll try. I've got all the time in the world to get it right
Nadia: I've searched for you for centuries. I'm not leaving now, but we both know you want more than just mother-daughter bonding time
Katherine: You're right. I want it all. I want my daughter, I want immortality, and I want Stefan Salvatore. He's my one true love
Nadia: Well… I'd hate to be the person standing in your way
[Salvatore’s House]
(Caroline is in the living room. Stefan enters)
Stefan: There you are. I've been looking all over for you
Caroline: Yeah. Well, I couldn't find a rock big enough to crawl under, so... You're my friend. I need you to just give it to me straight. Am I a horrible person?
Stefan: So that's why you came here, huh? All right. Let me ask you something. When you found out about me and Katherine, what was your first thought?
Caroline: Honestly, I thought, "eww”
Stefan: See? And if you held that against me, you wouldn't be sitting here right now with me, would you?
Caroline: Or maybe I came here because I know that you see the best in people
Stefan: Ah. All right. Somebody has to say it, so here goes. You ready? Caroline... You are a horrible person, ok? You are… you are thoughtless, you're shallow, you're completely undependable…
Caroline: Ha ha ha! Hey! Hey. I am--I am vulnerable. Don't be mean
Stefan: You know what? Now that I think about it, I have no idea what Klaus saw in you. What was he thinking?
Caroline: Ha ha ha! Shut up!
[Middle of Nowhere]
(A car arrives. A man is lying on the middle of the road. Aaron gets out of the car. The man is none other than Enzo)
Aaron: Hey. You all right? You all right, man?
Enzo: Never better. We've been waiting for you. Damon's teaching me a little game. See, he assured me you'd be on this road heading out of town
Aaron: You said that you were gonna let me go
Damon: I did. I tried
Aaron: Does Elena know that you're here?
Damon: She's the reason I'm here. No. Scratch that. I'm the reason I'm here
Aaron: What do you want, Damon?
Damon: I want the same thing you want, Aaron… go back in time, fix the past, get someone back I've lost
Aaron: Everyone that I lost is because of you. You know who m*rder my entire family? You!
Enzo: Justifiably
Damon: Either way, I did it. I tore them apart, I liked the sounds they made because I realized they deserved it like you
Aaron: Elena was too good for you
Damon: I used to think that. Yeah. That I had to be better to deserve her love and she had to be worse to accept mine. I'd lie in the middle of the road, looking up at the stars, having conversations with people like you, trying to convince myself that k*lling them was a bad instinct and that sparing their lives was the right thing to do
Aaron: So what'd you do? Did you k*ll them?
Damon: It doesn't matter. The point is I was conflicted. Right now in this very, very moment, I am crystal clear. See, Elena thinks I'm a monster. You know what? She's right
(He kills him)
Enzo: Now that's the Damon Salvatore I remember | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x12 - The Devil Inside"} | foreverdreaming |
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine is writing in a diary)
Katherine: Dear diary, I love my life. Seriously, becoming Elena Gilbert is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I finally have everything I ever wanted. I'm young, healthy, gorgeous. Everyone loves me, but best of all, I'm a vampire again, so rest in peace, Elena. Thanks for giving me your perfect life, and now that I've corrected the single worst decision you ever made: falling in love with Damon Salvatore… I'm gonna win back the one thing I've always wanted.
(Katherine, Caroline and Elena enter a classroom)
Caroline: So we all agree? No more moping about life's little failures and no more dabbling in the dark arts of boyfriends past. This is a fresh start
Katherine: Couldn't agree more. I happen to love fresh starts
Bonnie: Um, I haven't been moping or dabbling
Caroline: No one likes a bragger, Bonnie
(They sit down. Bonnie looks at the girl beside her)
Bonnie: Hey. Do you mind if I share… Great. Thanks. Appreciate it
Caroline: Today is the dawning of a new era. This is stage one in our metamorphosis into the land of the brave, the free, and the single
Katherine: Bonnie's not single
Caroline: Bonnie's best friends are single, which makes her single adjacent. So she can be our wing woman
(She shows them a flyer)
Katherine: "Whitmore's annual bitter ball, a night to celebrate broken hearts, jilted lovers, and bitter singles."This is our fresh start?
Caroline: No. This is our purge, our cleanse. This is where we rid ourselves from the baggage better known as our tragic and mortifying first semester
Katherine: I'll drink to that
Caroline: Bonnie! Bonnie, you in?
Bonnie: Yeah. Yeah. That sounds like fun
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan enters the house. The house is a total mess)
Damon: Hey. Sorry about the mess. I had some company, and things got a little out of hand
Stefan: You want to tell me what the hell's going on out in the driveway?
Damon: Ah. I let Enzo drive last night. He is a little out of practice. Almost ended up in the damn foyer. Oh. You mean Aaron
Stefan: Yeah
Damon: Yeah. Well, last night, we hunted him down, and I ripped his throat out. Yeah. I just figured it's time to shove the last branch of the Whitmore family tree into the... wood chipper
Stefan: So Elena breaks up with you, and your first instinct is to go a k*lling spree? Could you be any more predictable?
Enzo: It was my idea if it makes you feel any better. Enzo. Remember? We met when…
Stefan: When you were trying to tear Damon's head off. Yeah. I remember. So, what, you guys are old pals again, m*rder buddies, is that it?
Damon: Well, you know how it goes. I mean, I left him for d*ad, he tried to k*ll me, we worked things out. When you spend 5 years with someone in a dungeon, you have a pretty unbreakable bond
Enzo: Say, you haven't heard from Dr. Wes Maxfield by any chance? Bloke's next on the Augustine h*t list, and he's a slippery little devil
Stefan: Is that the plan? k*ll off Augustine and then go back to your sadistic, psychotic old self?
Damon: I happen to like my old sadistic self, Stefan. In fact, I miss that guy. That guy was dumb enough to try and change himself to get a girl. Get another hobby, brother, because I'm not in the mood to be saved.
Enzo: What do you say? Shall we get you a new hobby? Golf... Scrapbooking?
Damon: Scrapbooking
Stefan: Come on, Damon. You're better than this
Damon: On the contrary, brother. I'm better like this
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine is on the phone)
Katherine: Hey, Stefan. Um, it's me. I was just, uh, wondering… I mean, I know things are kind of crazy and you're probably busy, but maybe you might want to come to campus and we can get a drink or, I don't know, talk
Matt: So you're trying to get back with Stefan?
Katherine: I didn't ask you to editorialize. I asked you if that was something that Elena would say
[Mystic Grill]
(Matt is on the other end of the phone)
Matt: Yeah, I guess
(Nadia takes the phone from him and compels him)
Nadia: Walk away and forget this conversation. Are you happy? Can I leave now?
Katherine: No. Stay close. Matt is my Elena Gilbert cheat sheet. Because I didn't know Bonnie's middle name, which is Sheila by the way
Nadia: You promised we would spend some time together. How long do you expect me to sit around the Mystic Grill like some sad, lonely bar fly?
Katherine: Oh, please. Don't pretend that baby-sitting Matty blue eyes is some sort of hardship. I mean, didn't you lure him into your bed in Prague?
Nadia: I didn't lure him, and I wasn't compelling him to forget everything. He's not a puppet
Katherine: Ah. Ok. I get it. You like him. That's adorable
Nadia: Ok. I'm hanging up now
[An abandoned Building]
(Wes enters a room. A man is tied up)
Wes: Hello. How are you holding up?
Man: What's going on? Who are you?
Wes: My name is Dr. Wes Maxfield, and you're Joey, right? I saw your name stitched on your work shirt when I grabbed you. Apologies, but I never managed to make proper acquaintance of the janitorial staff before the hospital lost its funding. It's depressing, isn't it? The economy is no friend to medicine
Joey: What do you want from me? I don't have any money
Wes: Ironically, Joey, neither do I
Joey: What did you do to me? Why am I so hungry?
Wes: Well, in simple terms, I turned you into a vampire. Now I'm gonna condition you to feed on other vampires instead of humans
Joey: What? You're what?
Wes: Would you believe that I've already done it once? Now all I have to do is replicate it. Research is just money and time. I've got time. I'll find money
(A woman enters)
Woman: Perhaps I can help you with that
Wes: Who the hell are you?
Woman: I'm judging your crappy lab
Wes: Still didn't catch your name
Woman: Sloan, and I'm here to help you, so you can lose the arrogance. I'm here to offer you new funding for your research
Wes: What do you know about my research?
Sloan: I've been tracking your Augustine experiments for months. So in return for money and protection, I have some blood I want you to analyze
Wes: Sorry, but I'm done getting into bed with mysterious benefactors, and I don't need your protection
Sloan: I beg to differ
(She shows him a bag)
Wes: This is Aaron's bag. Where'd you get this?
Sloan: I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Aaron Whitmore's car was found abandoned in the middle of the road last night
Wes: No…
Sloan: No one has seen or heard from him
Wes: He's d*ad, isn't he?
Sloan: My guess is, yes, he's d*ad, and more to the point, you're next
[Salvatore’s House]
(Enzo and Damon are in the basement)
Enzo: So once we've finished off this Augustine mess, what do you say we do a road trip? I was thinking South America, Cape Horn. Sailed past but never stopped over
Damon: I'm not thinking that far ahead
(They enter the cell. Diane Freeman is inside)
Damon: Rise and shine, Diane. How's our favorite head of Whitmore Security?
Enzo: Oh, that's ironic, isn't it, you know, since we broke in and kidnapped you from your office
Diane: Let me go, please. I have two kids
Enzo: A mother. Ah. Interesting. Well, then you can imagine how heartbreaking it would be to learn that your child committed su1c1de, especially when said child was actually m*rder by a vampire, a m*rder covered up by you
Diane: I didn't do any such thing
(Damon compels her)
Damon: Now, Diane, tell the truth. Did you cover up a vampire att*ck on campus by forging a su1c1de note or two?
Diane: Yes
Enzo: Ah. Looks like the Vervain is officially out of her system
Damon: Now I want you to tell me exactly where I can find Dr. Wes Maxfield
Diane: I have no idea. I haven't heard from him in days
Damon: Well, that's a shame, Diane, because that makes you a d*ad end
Enzo: Well, technically. Now she's a d*ad end
Damon: On to the next
[The Woods]
(Enzo is digging. Stefan rejoins him)
Stefan: I see Damon's got you on shallow grave duty
Enzo: Be a mate. Grab a shovel
Stefan: I'll pass. Buried enough skeletons out here
Enzo: I'm sensing a metaphor
Stefan: I think you need to find yourself a new best friend. Damon's in a bad place right now, and you're not really making things better. I know you just got out of captivity and you're looking to blow off a boatload of steam, which is fine. Just...do me a favor. Leave my brother out of it
Enzo: He mentioned you were a bit of a do-gooder
Stefan: You know what makes somebody walk a straight line? When they have no choice but to be the balance for somebody who's about to fall off the edge
Enzo: Ah, but it's so much more fun when you can just commit to the leap. You're welcome to join in on the fun. Looks like you could use it. Good man
Stefan: Why don't you be a mate, huh? Get in that car, start driving, don't look back
Enzo: You think that hurts? I'm curious, Stefan. What do you think you can possibly do to me that hasn't been done a hundred times before? Go on. Give it your best sh*t
Stefan: What I do to you, Enzo, will be final. Got it? Be sure I never see you again
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine is in the dorm. Caroline rejoins her)
Katherine: Good! You're back! I need your help. Diamond or dangler?
Caroline: Since when does Elena Gilbert accessorize?
Katherine: Since she's being conned to go to the bitter ball with her best friend Susie Sunshine
Caroline: Look. You're not fooling anyone. I know that you're faking it
Katherine: Faking? I'm what?
Caroline: Please. It is so obvious. I appreciate it, I do, but you know I'm on edge because of the whole Tyler-Klaus thing, so you are pretending that breaking up with Damon was no big deal
Katherine: Caroline Forbes, how do you always see right through me?
Caroline: Look, Elena. You don't have to pretend with me, and if you don't want to go tonight, it's all good. I can be bitter, party of one
Katherine: Do you think Stefan would want to come?
(Her phone rings. It’s Stefan)
Katherine: I was… just about to call you
Stefan: Hey. Listen. I need to talk to you, but I didn't want to do it over the phone
Katherine: What's wrong?
Stefan: Let's just say it involves Enzo
Katherine: Oh. Enzo. Uh...Ok. Then maybe we should meet in person. Actually, Caroline's dragging me to this Whitmore thing for lonely hearts. I think you should come
Stefan: Yeah. No, thanks. I already did the college thing. Twice actually
Katherine: Please. If it's bad, then I'll owe you a fun time
[Mystic Grill]
(Tyler rejoins Matt at the bar)
Tyler: Give me whatever will obliterate the memory of Caroline
Matt: I thought you said you weren't drinking anymore
Tyler: No. I said I wasn't drinking alone today
(He sees Nadia)
Tyler: She's new
Matt: Whatever you're thinking, unthink it. That's Katherine's daughter, and the psycho doesn't fall far from the tree
Nadia: I can hear you, you know?
Matt: You locked me in a safe and buried me alive
Nadia: I'm sorry, but I was trying to save my mother's life, and I failed, so if you don't mind, I'd like to sit here and grieve in peace
Tyler: You want a sh*t? I want a sh*t. Let's do sh*ts
Matt: What?
Tyler: Well, you heard her. She's sorry, her mom's d*ad. Let's do sh*ts
Matt: It's your funeral
(They start drinking)
Tyler: My mom was so afraid I'd flunk the eighth grade and embarrass her, she actually wrote an entire English paper for me
Nadia: Oh! Oh. My mother was so desperate for companionship, she compelled an entire town to be her friend
Matt: My mom hooked up with you
Nadia: Oh, my God. Seriously?
Matt/Tyler: Afraid so
Nadia: Drink, both of you
Tyler: Wow! Kind of forgot about that one. I have to pee
Nadia: Hybrids pee?
Matt: There's got to be a f*re hydrant joke in there somewhere
Tyler: Hilarious. Pour another round
(He leaves them. Nadia compels Matt)
Nadia: Who's Enzo?
Matt: I don't know. I've never met him
Nadia: But you've heard of him
Matt: He's Damon's buddy from Augustine. They were cellmates for 5 years. I think he's free or something
Nadia: Thank you. Forget everything I've said since Tyler left
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are together)
Jeremy: So we're going to a dance, but we can't show up together because you can't bring a date?
Bonnie: Told you it was weird
Jeremy: Better idea. Let's get another hotel room instead
Bonnie: Caroline would k*ll me
Jeremy: Bonnie, we're happy. Can't we just act like it?
Bonnie: You know what? You're right. I am happy
(Damon rejoins them)
Damon: It's like driving past a car crash except you want to look away
Bonnie: What are you doing here?
Damon: I tutor some kids in calculus. You know, I like giving back, be a good role model. Kidding! I'm here to kidnap your boyfriend
Jeremy: You're not funny. Let's get out of here
Damon: You're not going anywhere, buddy
Bonnie: Let go of him
Damon: Or what? You'll glare me to death?You don't have your little magic wand to back you up anymore, bon-bon
Jeremy: Hey. leave her alone
Damon: Relax. I'm here for you, not her, you idiot. Keep up. Anyway, I have this h*t list, and I can't find my last target, so basically, I need a witch
Bonnie: Ok. Well, you just said it. I can't do magic anymore, so go away
Damon: Grams ran occult studies. I'm sure we could throw a rock and h*t a witch around here. So listen. Take this… this is Wes' blood. My buddy Enzo kept this as a souvenir. Now this should jump-start a locator spell. Ticktock
Jeremy: Are you deaf? She is not helping you. You're not gonna hurt me. Elena would…
Damon: Elena would what? Hurt me, dump me? Been there, done that, wrote the country song
Bonnie: k*ll you. She would k*ll you
Damon: Cool. And then me and her all her doppelgangers could start a baseball team on the other side
(Enzo rejoins them)
Enzo: What have I missed? She denied your request yet? Can we get on to the fun bit?
Bonnie: Who the hell are you?
Enzo: The one who gets people to do things they don't want to do
Bonnie: Stop! Stop! Ok. Fine. I'll help!
(Caroline and Katherine arrive at the party)
Katherine: d*ad corsage?
Caroline: Thank you
(Stefan rejoins them)
Katherine: Hey! You made it
Stefan: I did. So who thinks up these things?
Katherine: Lonely single people. Come on. See? As promised, fun
Stefan: You seem good
Katherine: I got the same reaction from Caroline like I'm not allowed to smile or something
Stefan: Did I say that?
Katherine: No, but I see your look
Stefan: Oh, I have a look?
Katherine: Yeah. That look. I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. I'm great actually. I'm the only non-bitter person at this bitter ball
Stefan: Hmm. Elena, listen. I need to talk to you about something. Damon… he got himself into some bad stuff
Katherine: Yeah. Well, it's what Damon does. If he gets the tiniest bit hurt, he lashes out. He doesn't think, he doesn't try… He just acts, and for the longest time, I tried to fix him. I'd try to change him, but I think he ended up changing me, and I'm not sure that I like the person that I've become. I mean, do you?
Stefan: Do I what?
Katherine: Do you like who I am, or do you miss who I was?
Stefan: Elena, I…
Katherine: let's change the subject. What did you want to tell me? What did Enzo and Damon do now?
Stefan: You know what? Could we talk about it later? Is that ok?
Katherine: It's fine by me
Stefan: Ok
Caroline: Hey
Stefan: Hey
Caroline: Do you mind if I borrow her for a minute? She promised that she'd join me at the shredding station
Stefan: Sure. Yeah, no. She's all yours
Caroline: Thanks!
Katherine: Shredding station?
[Mystic Grill]
(Tyler and Matt are at the bar)
Matt: Nadia's not compelling me
Tyler: Really? Where the hell's your Vervain?
Matt: Right here
Tyler: You see? She swiped it and probably compelled you not to notice
Matt: Why would Nadia be compelling me?
Tyler: I have no idea. Is there any Vervain here?
Matt: Yeah. Sheriff Forbes makes me put it in the coffee
Tyler: Drink some now
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline and Katherine arrive at the shredding station)
Caroline: Did you bring anything to shred?
Katherine: No because I didn't realize people still printed photos. Ok. Do you feel cleansed?
Caroline: Almost
(Caroline takes Klaus’ horse drawing)
Katherine: Tyler drew you a horse?
Caroline: No. Klaus did
Katherine: Wow. Clean sweep
Caroline: Yes. I am making a decision. These relationships are over. Over.I'm not going to change my mind just because I'm feeling bored or nostalgic or lonely
Katherine: Wait. Are you doing that thing where you're talking about yourself but really you're talking about me?
Caroline: I'm just saying that you've been through a lot lately, and your emotions are all over the place. So are Stefan's. I think that making yourself so available could maybe be confusing things
Katherine: Do you think that I'm leading him on?
Caroline: No. I didn't say that. I just… I…ugh. Just forget it. Just… just forget everything I said
Katherine: Ok
(Damon and Bonnie arrive)
Damon: Makes me so happy I'm not 19 and stupid. All right, Bonnie.Where's your little witch friend?
Bonnie: Liv Parker. She's in one of my classes, and she's not my friend. I looked her up, found out she works events catering. This is a total sh*t in the dark
Damon: Well, I'm feeling lucky
(Caroline rejoins Stefan)
Caroline: Come on. Come be bitter with me
Stefan: Oh, no, no, no. You are the second person that I didn't come here to dance with
Caroline: Ok. Then what are you not telling Elena?
Stefan: Way to eavesdrop, Caroline
Caroline: You came to a dance of your own free will. Something is up
Stefan: Ok. Fine. Damon fell off the deep end
Caroline: Uh, what do you mean exactly by deep end?
Stefan: For starters, he k*lled Elena's friend Aaron
Caroline: He… what?
Stefan: Yeah, and I came here to tell her, but we were dancing, and she seemed so happy, and I just couldn't
Caroline: You think if you tell her what he did that she'll give up on him forever?
Stefan: Yeah. I know she will, and I don't think I'll be able to pull Damon back from that. I mean, I've seen Damon at his worst, Caroline, and I actually think he enjoys the way it makes him feel. It's like the more pain he can cause; the more reasons there are for people to hate him. He wants to confirm everyone's lowest expectations of him, and I just honestly don't know how to fight that side of him
(Damon and Bonnie rejoin them)
Damon: Why all the dramatics, brother?
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Caroline: Bonnie, what's going on?
Damon: Oh, don't worry. I'm not her date. We're not gonna break any bitter ball rules
Stefan: How about you just answer the damn question?
Damon: Well, Bonnie is gonna find me a witch to do a locator spell on the elusive Dr. Wes Maxfield. She's gonna find him, I'm gonna k*ll him. Bon-bon, should I tell them?
Bonnie: Enzo has Jeremy. If I don't get a witch to find Wes by midnight, he'll k*ll him
(Katherine is alone and on the phone)
Katherine: If Jeremy Gilbert's life was hanging by a thread, could I credibly just let him die?Because his death would be really convenient for me
Nadia: Are you seriously making a pros and cons list?
Katherine: Are there any cons? Because I've only listed pros
Nadia: Katherine!
Katherine: I'm just saying his death would earn me a lot of tenderness and sympathy from Stefan
Nadia: If Jeremy is in danger, Elena would do everything in her power to save his life. You know that
Katherine: But Stefan is here. We were dancing. It was good, and I think he was even flirting with me, which is very naughty, even for him
Nadia: Listen. If you don't start acting like you care, they will figure out you're not Elena
Katherine: So if I happen to know exactly where he is, I'm supposed to go and put my life in danger to save that little rug rat's life?
Nadia: Do you know where he is?
Katherine: He's at that hideous Whitmore house. I recognize it from the picture. Apparently I'm the only one who's been to a Whitmore tea party
Nadia: Save him now!
Katherine: Ok. Fine, but in the meantime, I'm gonna need you to find out from Matt if Caroline has feelings for Stefan because she's really starting to grate. I need to know what I'm up against
[Mystic Grill]
(Nadia is waiting for Matt outside)
Matt: Who keeps calling you?
Nadia: Does Caroline have feelings for Stefan?
Matt: Caroline? I have no idea
Nadia: Think. Has Elena ever been worried Caroline might steal Stefan away? Have they ever fought about him?
Matt: Not that I know of
Nadia: So you think Elena can win Stefan back?
Matt: Why are you asking me about Elena?
Nadia: Forget we had this conversation
(She leaves. Tyler rejoins Matt)
Tyler: So was I right?
Matt: Ty, you're not gonna believe what I'm about to tell you
(Nadia intervenes)
Nadia: You're not going to tell him anything
[Whitmore College]
(Stefan rejoins Katherine)
Stefan: You ok?
Katherine: I just can't lose Jeremy again. Stefan, please. Help me save him
(Bonnie and Damon rejoin Liv)
Liv: This room's off limits
Bonnie: Look. Under normal circumstances, I'd probably try to warm up to you, be your friend or something, but I'm kind of under a time crunch, and I need your help
Liv: Am I supposed to know you?
Bonnie: We're in sociology together. I'm Bonnie. My grams Sheila Bennett used to teach here, occult studies
Liv: Never heard of it or her, so...
Bonnie: I know you're a witch. I saw you spin that pen this morning
Liv: I have no idea what you're talking about
Bonnie: You don't have to be scared. I used to be one, too
Liv: Yeah. No. Try the campus coven club or something
Bonnie: I really need your help
Liv: Even if I wanted to help, I couldn't. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just some freak, ok? Now leave me alone
(Caroline intervenes)
Liv: Oh, my God! What the hell are you?
Caroline: You're gonna help my friend. Do I need to say it slower?
(Liv is sitting down with Bonnie. Caroline and Damon are with them too)
Liv: Vampires are real. Ok. That makes sense. Actually, that makes no sense
Bonnie: Concentrate. Forget about the vampires. Focus on tapping into your power, listen to the sound of your heart beating, the sound of your lungs filling with air
Damon: How long's this gonna take?
Caroline: For a newbie witch to learn a complicated spell under massive stress? I have no idea. Bonnie?
Bonnie: Repeat after me. Phesmatos tribum nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinem
Liv: Wait. What?
Bonnie: Just relax. Now keep your eyes closed and use the blood to find Wes
Liv: I have no idea what he looks like
Bonnie: You don't have to
Damon: That a good sign?
Liv: I can't do this
Bonnie: Just concentrate. Try again
Liv: I can't do this. Don't you get it? I've done horrible things. I've set buildings on f*re, I've hurt people. I can't control any of it
(Damon phones rings. He answers)
Damon: Witchy hotline. How my I help you? Damon speaking
Enzo: What's taking so long?
Damon: They seem to have lost motivation. Maybe you can inspire them
Enzo: Heh. With pleasure. Let them know Jeremy will be d*ad very soon
Damon: Thank you
(He hangs up)
Bonnie: What are you doing? Damon, call him back right now and you tell him to stop. Damon, call him back!
Damon: Just so you know, cooperation’s not optional
(Jeremy is Enzo’s prisoner)
Enzo: Damon tells me your sweetheart hasn't come through on your behalf
Jeremy: What are you gonna do? I'm sure k*lling me would really inspire her
Enzo: Heh. You know, you're right. She'll think I'm just some cliché m*rder. I really like to make a good impression, you know?
Jeremy: You don't have to do this
Enzo: You see, that's the thing about thr*at. If there's no follow-through, no one takes you seriously. Sorry to make this about me. See? Wasn't so bad
Bonnie: I've done bad things, too, ok? I've broken windows; I've set more fires than I can count
Liv: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Bonnie: I'm saying I learned how to control it. I can teach you the same thing. This is Jeremy
Liv: He's cute
Bonnie: Yeah, he is, and his life is literally in your hands
Liv: Ok. But if I go all Carrie and burn the school down, it's on you
Bonnie: Ok
(Stefan and Katherine find Enzo and Jeremy)
Katherine: Jeremy! Damn it, Jeremy!
(Stefan is with Enzo)
Stefan: You should have left when I told you to
Enzo: Did I give the impression I was taking orders from you? My bad
Katherine: Come on! Come on! Wake up, Jeremy
(Jeremy finally wakes up)
Katherine: Ugh. Thank God. Stefan, help me!
(Damon rejoins them)
Enzo: You missed all the fun
Damon: Spell worked. Wes is in Richmond
Enzo: Brilliant. I'll drive
Stefan: Damon... Don't bother coming back
Damon: I wasn't planning on it
[An Alley]
(Tyler wakes up. Matt’s here)
Tyler: What happened? Where's Nadia?
Matt: Sorry. Slight misunderstanding
Tyler: She snapped my neck. What the hell kind of misunderstanding is that?
Matt: You were right. She was compelling me but only because she wanted to talk about Katherine and she knew I was pissed at her. I guess they didn't really settle their mother-daughter issues before she died
Tyler: She wanted to talk about Katherine?
Matt: Yeah, but she knew that you would go after her if you knew she was frying my mind. I guess she's got that whole stone-cold survival thing going. Like mother, like daughter
Tyler: A little friendly advice. Stay the hell away from her
Matt: Yep. I plan on it
Tyler: You call me if she gives you any more hassle
(Matt rejoins Nadia in her car)
Matt: I took care of it
Nadia: If he follows us, I'll k*ll you both
Matt: I said I took care of it. Earlier on the phone, you weren't talking to Elena. You were talking to someone who needed information
Nadia: Do yourself a favor and stop asking questions
Matt: Your boyfriend once planted himself inside my brain. That's how you were planning on saving Katherine. She didn't die, did she? She jumped inside Elena
Nadia: The only thing easier than breaking your neck is taking off your magic life ring. Do you understand?
Matt: Yeah. What are you gonna do with me?
Nadia: I haven't decided yet. First, we need to get the Vervain out of your system, and then, we'll see
[Abandoned Hospital]
(Damon and Enzo are looking for Wes)
Enzo: So what do you say? Paper, scissors, stone for who gets to give Dr. Frankenstein his fatal blow
Damon: Nah. He's all yours
Enzo: Now don't tell me you're having second thoughts about leaving home
Damon: I was there for Elena. We're done. No reason to go back
Enzo: What about your brother?
Damon: You saw his face. I know that look. He's done with me, too
(They stumble upon travelers)
Damon: And you are?
Wes: My backup
Damon: You got to be kidding me
Enzo: What is this? Agh! More witches?
Damon: Close. Travelers
Wes: Good luck making new friends, Damon
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine is in the dorm. Stefan rejoins her)
Stefan: You ok?
Katherine: Oh. Um, you know, actually, would you mind? I think I still have a splinter in my back
Stefan: Yeah. Sure. Yeah. There it is. Try not to move
Katherine: Sorry. I think I know what you wanted to tell me tonight, Stefan
Stefan: Got it
Katherine: Damon k*lled Aaron, didn't he? You walked right through the threshold at the Whitmore house. You couldn't have done that if the owner hadn't been d*ad. Aaron was the owner
Stefan: Yeah. I… I should have told you. Sorry
Katherine: Why didn't you? I thought that we... Maybe I don't deserve anything from you, but I thought we could be honest with each other no matter what
Stefan: You want me to be honest?
Katherine: Yes
Stefan: All right. Truth is, ever since the first time I noticed you falling for my brother, I have been waiting for him to screw something up so badly that you would hate him, so I've been waiting and watching him do all these horrible things, and then every single time I think that he's gone too far, he's there for you, sometimes in ways better than I ever was. So the truth is after a while, I just stopped waiting for him to fail because I liked the person that he had become... And I don't want to lose that person
Katherine: He thr*at my brother. Stefan, I can't go back to that
Stefan: I know
Katherine: But if you want to save him from himself, then I'll help you but not for myself and not for him. For you
[Abandoned Hospital]
(Damon regains consciousness)
Enzo: What… what'd he stick you with?
Damon: I don't know
Enzo: Come here
Damon: I can tell you, if he stuck me with that cannibal vampire poison, we might have a little problem
Enzo: What kind of problem?
Damon: Wes has this sick little scheme to destroy vampires by making them feed on each other. You hear that?
(Damon finally finds Wes’ prisoner)
Joey: Can you get me out of here? I don't want to be here. I need to get out. Thanks. I owe you. What's happening to you?
Damon: I'm gonna go ahead and say karma. Karma's happening to me
(Damon bites him and kills him)
Enzo: Damon? Damon, stop! Ok, I can see how this might be a problem | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x13 - Total Eclipse of the Heart"} | foreverdreaming |
[A House]
(Damon and Enzo are in an empty house)
Enzo: You think the fella loved milking cows?
Damon: Probably. Then she became one, so he drank himself into oblivion, she cheated with the pastor
Enzo: Hey. Just because you lost your true love doesn't mean you have to dump on others
Damon: There's no love in there. Look at that picture. It's old, and the milkmaid's nowhere to be found. It's just pathetic old farmer John
Enzo: Manners. It's impolite to speak ill of our hosts
Damon: Doubt he'll mind
Enzo: Somebody's cranky. It's been almost 8 hours since you last fed, so I suppose that's about right
Damon: You're timing me?
Enzo: You feed on vampires now. I am a vampire. The only way to assure my safety is to know how long you can last before your next fix
Damon: Or you can just leave
Enzo: I don't abandon my friends, Damon. Besides, if you hadn't come with me to k*ll Dr. Wes, he wouldn't have stuck you with that nasty virus
(A man wakes up)
Enzo: Ah! Just in time. Hello!
Man: What did you do? What's happening?
Enzo: Uh, you died, but luckily, you had my blood in your system, so when you drink this,you'll feel much better. There you are
Damon: Good boy
Man: What was that?
Enzo: That was blood. You're a vampire. Congratulations
Man: I'm a what?
Enzo: I know. It's overwhelming, and Damon will explain more in a bit,but before he does, settle a bet. Your wife. Where is she?
Man: Wait. I drink blood now?
Enzo: Again, we'll explain everything. Where's your wife?
Man: She's gone. She left me years ago
Damon: Pastor? Pastor?
Man: Pharmacist
Damon: Yes. I will take that as a win for me, not for you
Enzo: Oh, stop trying to scare me, Damon. I'm not leaving you. I'm the only friend you have left
[Salvatore’s House]
(Katherine and Stefan are in the library, studying)
Stefan: Roman Empire
Katherine: 76 A.D. sacked by the Goths
Stefan: Han Dynasty
Katherine: 220 A.D
Stefan: Holy Roman Empire
Katherine: Not really an empire, but 1648
Stefan: There goes your perfect score
Katherine: What? No. That was right
Stefan: No, no, no. The book says 1806
Katherine: Heh. Ok. Well, 1806 may technically be right, but it was the Peace of Westphalia that truly ended the empire. Trust me. I may have done a paper on the Holy Roman Empire in high school
Stefan: Well, if you want to pass the test, I suggest you write down exactly what's in your textbook.Oh. Caroline's here. I asked the sheriff to help me track down Damon
(Stefan opens the door to Caroline)
Caroline: You were right. He's off the rails. This is from my mom
Stefan: Let me guess… missing persons and animal att*cks
Caroline: Check and check. There's something else. All the victims were found inside their homes without their head, and there skin was desiccated
Stefan: Damon's feeding on vampires. I shouldn't have let him go
Caroline: No! Uh-uh. No! You are not turning Damon's roosting chickens into a Stefan Salvatore guilt trip. No one could have stopped him from going after Wes the other night
Stefan: Guess Wes must have injected him with whatever he was gonna give Elena that makes vampires feed on vampires
Caroline: Good news, bad news. Bad news is that when this happened to Jesse we had to k*ll him, but the good news is... I'm sorry. Usually there's some good news
Stefan: I have to find him
(Katherine rejoins them)
Katherine: Well, I can come with you
Caroline: Elena, hey! I didn't know that you were here
Katherine: Well, Stefan has been helping me study
Caroline: Oh. Stefan who doesn't go to college
Katherine: Stefan who's an expert in history
(Caroline’s phone rings)
Caroline: Uh-huh. Um... It's Tyler. I haven't really spoken to him since, the, um, incident
Stefan: The incident? You mean the time where he almost k*lled you?
(She answers)
Caroline: Hey
Tyler: Hey, have you talked to Matt?
Caroline: No. Why?
Tyler: Because it turns out Nadia's been compelling him to forget things. Matt said he was gonna avoid her, but now I haven't heard from him
Caroline: Do you think that he's in trouble?
Tyler: He hasn't been home or at work, and his cell phone goes straight to voicemail
Caroline: Ok. Well, I'll come right over and…
Tyler: No. That's not why I called
Caroline: No. I know, but I think that we can figure this out together. I'll see you soon
(She hangs up)
Katherine: Maybe I should come with you
Caroline: No. No. You deal with Damon. We can handle this. Besides, it's time that we move into the next phase of our post-breakup, pre-friendship relationship timeline
Katherine: Ok. I'm gonna stay out that one. I'm gonna get some clothes, and you'll pick me up at my dorm?
Stefan: Sure
(She leaves)
Stefan: Bad news is Tyler hates you, but the good news is...hmm
Caroline: It'll be fine. We both have weird ex...friend situations
Stefan: We? There's nothing weird going on between Elena and me
Caroline: Come on, Stefan! First she tells you that she's gonna fight to get Damon back,and then she rebreaks up with him, and now she's here with you, her ex, studying?
Stefan: She's here with her friend studying without the implied quotes
Caroline: Look. I'm just saying that Elena and Damon's breakup is messy,and you are not messy.You're s*ab and sane and…
Stefan: and I'm about to spend 12 hours in a car with her alone, so whatever she's feeling I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out
[Whitmore College]
(Katherine is on the phone with Nadia)
Katherine: What's going on with Matt?
Nadia: Nothing
Katherine: Really? Because goldilocks and the big bad wolf are meeting to powwow about him as we speak
Nadia: Fine. Matt found out about you
Katherine: He what?!
Nadia: Tyler gave him Vervain
Katherine: k*ll him
Nadia: Katherine!
Katherine: k*ll him now
Nadia: He doesn't need to die. The Vervain will be out of his system soon, and I've kept him out of sight for two days, so he hasn't told anyone
Katherine: So you two have just been tucked away, canoodling?
Nadia: I don't even know what that means
Katherine: We all love Matt Donovan. Otherwise, he would have been d*ad a long time ago, but when it comes to keeping my new doppelganger body a secret, nobody is that important. I am going out of town with Stefan because he wants to find Damon
Nadia: I thought you wanted Damon out of the picture
Katherine: Meh. I do, but I saw an opportunity to be alone with Stefan for a few days, and, well, I took it
Nadia: And what happens when you get too close, too comfortable? What happens when you slip up? Will you k*ll your precious Stefan, too?
Katherine: Using my own words against me. Now that's a Petrova specialty. Take care of the Matt issue before I get back into town, or I'll have to do it myself
(She hangs up)
[A Restaurant]
(Matt and Nadia are together)
Matt: It'll be fine. I just need to convince my friends that I'm ok. I'll keep your secret. No one has to die
Nadia: Relax. I'm not going to syrup you to death. What's canoodling?
[A House]
Enzo: I didn't realize you liked to play with dolls
Damon: Well, my brother likes to make a big show, set them up, put their heads back on, pretend like it didn't happen. I, on the other hand, don't give a crap
Enzo: Well, we've got 8 hours till you need to feed again. I wonder, what's New York like these days
Damon: Crowded
Enzo: Perfect. Let's go. Oh, what is that?
Damon: It's the obnoxious theme song of the Travelers
(They open the door and see travelers outside. Wes is there too)
Wes: As a man of science, I always considered magic a cheat. Turns out I cheat. How's the appetite?
Damon: Funny you should ask. I was just craving a blond
Wes: You're my patient zero, Damon. I couldn't let you ride off into the sunset without running a few tests
Enzo: A few tests
Wes: Well, one test. Now that you're trapped with only one source of food, how long can you go before you feed on your best friend?
[A Gas Station]
(Stefan and Katherine stop to put some gas in the car)
Katherine: You ever think about getting a new car?
Stefan: What are you talking about? This car's a classic
Katherine: Yeah, and so is, uh, Wright brothers' plane, but you don't see people still flying around in that thing
Stefan: You know, uh... I appreciate you being here, but you didn't have to come
Katherine: I told you I'm doing this for you because you're still holding on to the hope that maybe this is the time that Damon can be saved
Stefan: And you don't think he can? Look. I know that he crossed a line with Jeremy, but, you know, he's crossed many lines before
Katherine: You mean, when he actually k*lled Jeremy? Yes, I recall
Stefan: I'm just saying you've never really closed him off like this before
Katherine: I mean, obviously, I still care about Damon. I guess I got my hopes up too many times I want off the emotional roller coaster that is Damon's redemption. You know, it's just… it's dizzying. Are you hungry? Because I'm starving
Stefan: Um, sure. What do you want?
Katherine: Whatever you're having but with a lot more salt and maybe covered in chocolate
Stefan: Coming right up
[A House]
(Damon tries to find a way to get out)
Enzo: Give it up, mate. Those Travelers sealed this whole place up tight
Damon: The spell can't last forever
Enzo: Doesn't need to. Wes only needs it to last 8 hours, remember? Then he can come back inside and autopsy my mangled corpse
Damon: You're pretty Zen about all this
Enzo: Did you forget everything I taught you in that cell? Calmer heads will always prevail
Damon: Always the solider
Enzo: But you do have people we can call, like your brother or your ex, who can in turn find Wes and thr*at him or maim him or anything that doesn't involve your fangs on my neck
Damon: My brother told me to leave and not come back. I'm not calling him
Enzo: So my life is not worth your pride?
Damon: They won't come
Enzo: Or they will. Then you might hurt them. Don't want to risk, do you? Me on the other hand...
Damon: I'm not gonna feed on you
Enzo: I'll find another way
[Lockwood Mansion]
(Tyler and Caroline are in the living room)
Caroline: Thank you. Mmm. That's good coffee. Although I usually take mine with a little more awkward silence
Tyler: Nice try, but you don't take anything with silence
Caroline: So Matt.He's missing?
Tyler: I don't know if he's missing. He just hasn't been home in two days, and he's not answering his phone
(Matt finally arrives)
Caroline: Matt?
Matt: Caroline! What are you doing here?
Tyler Kind of wondering the same thing. Where the hell have you been?
(Nadia arrives)
Nadia: Did I give you my sunglasses? Oh. Hello. I thought you said they wouldn't be home
Caroline: Ok. Rewind. Start over. This whole time you've been with Nadia?
Matt: It's a long story. Nadia, come on in
[A Gas Station]
(Stefan is checking the car)
Stefan: Hey. Can you hold this for a second?
Katherine: Yeah
Stefan: Careful. It has grease on it
Katherine: Oh, ok
Stefan: I have no idea how this hose ripped out, but we're not gonna be able to go anywhere until I get a new one. I guess I'll see if that mechanic has a spare. You weren't careful at all?
Katherine: What? What? Ohh! I love this shirt
Stefan: You loved that shirt
Katherine: Great. Awesome that's just awesome
Stefan: Now there's grease all over your face
Katherine: Well, you've got all that engine stuff on you, and I clearly have to change. I saw a hotel, like, a couple streets down that way. Do you think we should get a room so that we can shower while we're waiting for the car?
Stefan: No. I should probably stay here in case they finish early, but you can go
Katherine: Give them your phone number. I assume that your phone does receive incoming calls, right? Or is it from the Han Dynasty just like your car?
Stefan: That's funny
Katherine: Will you grab my bag?
Stefan: Sure. Be right there
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Caroline, Tyler, Matt and Nadia are all sitting together)
Matt: I was on my way out of town, and then there she was, sitting on the front steps, waiting for me
Nadia: Subtlety's not my strong suit. I felt bad about compelling him and bad about snapping your neck. Again, subtlety
Tyler: So why haven't you been answering your phone?
Matt: Uh, I lost it the first night
Caroline: First night where?
Nadia: Atlantic City.I'd never been, neither had Matt
Matt: 1 drink led to 3 and to 5 and then, uh... The rest is kind of a blur
Caroline: Yeah, because she's compelling you!
Matt: Caroline, I'm wearing Vervain. She's not compelling me
Caroline: Where have you been the last two days?
Matt: I told you. She's not compelling me. We're having fun
Caroline: Oh. Fun! Just like the time she buried you alive! Whoo! Pop open the champagne!
Nadia: I thought you said she'd be cool with us hanging out
Caroline: And what the hell is that supposed to mean?
Nadia: It means you've done nothing but judge Matt since he walked through that door when everyone here knows you're not exactly winning friends with your romantic choices. Isn't that right, Tyler?
Tyler: I don't want to be a part of this
(He leaves)
(Caroline follows him)
Caroline: She's just trying to get under our skin to distract us
Tyler: From what? This is Matt we're talking about. Did you forget that time he went to Europe with Rebekah after she ran his truck off the road?
Caroline: You're not seriously buying all this?
Tyler: Hell of a lot easier to buy than other things that have happened
[A Motel]
(Katherine and Stefan enter a room)
Stefan: So what did you do, bring your entire closet?
Katherine: Well, I didn't know how long we'd be gone, and let's be honest. Damon's spirals require a little more than an overnight bag
Stefan: We'll get him back. He's, uh… he's hurt, but he's not a lost cause
Katherine: What makes you think that?
Stefan: Because I know what he's going through
Katherine: What do you mean?
Stefan: You don't know what it's like being in love with you. You know, when you and I were together, every single atom in my body told me that it was the right thing, that we were the perfect fit, and that kind of love, it can change your whole life, and then when somebody who made you feel that way suddenly stops, the vacuum is just...
Katherine: I get it. They built a whole prophecy around it
Stefan: He's not handling it right, but he's not gone
Katherine: You need a refill
Stefan: I should go wash up
[A House]
Enzo: Towing chains. Farmer's best friend and in about an hour, mine. Take a seat
Damon: They're not gonna let us out of here until I k*ll you... Or you k*ll me
Enzo: Don't be dramatic. We'll work something out
Damon: There's no cure, Enzo, not for this
Enzo: You've given it all of two days. That's what you do, isn't it? There's a problem, you run. You did it to me, you did it to your girl
Damon: Because when I stay, I destroy things
Enzo: We're not all as fragile as you think we are
(He takes his phone)
Damon: What the hell are you doing?
Enzo: Calling for backup
Damon: I thought I told you not call them
Enzo: And I told you your pride isn't worth either of our lives
[A Motel]
(A phone rings. Katherine answers)
Katherine: Oh, my God. Damon?
Enzo: Hello, Stefan. How wonderful to hear your beautiful feminine voice
Katherine: Enzo. What the hell do you want?
Enzo: I'm in a spot of trouble actually
Katherine: Where's Damon?
Enzo: Oh, he's here, salivating, about to chomp into my neck and feed until my head pops off in a grotesque but slightly comical fashion
Katherine: Wes infected him?
Enzo: You know about the virus. Good. We could use a hand. Wes enlisted some of those singing witches and trapped us in the house
Damon: Do not come here!
Enzo: He doesn't want to risk feeding on you. That's sweet really, but you'll be fine. Besides if he does feed on you, I have orders to k*ll him
Katherine: Ok. Um, text me the address to my phone, and we'll be there as soon as we can
Enzo: Fine. And, uh, ticktock. I managed to restrain him, but you know how persistent Damon can be when he wants something
Katherine: We'll be there soon
(She hangs up and Stefan comes out of the bathroom)
Stefan: You say something?
Katherine: No
[A House]
Enzo: It'll be all right, mate. They'll come, and we'll sort something out
Damon: Or they'll come, and I'll feed on them
Enzo: Those are also options. As long as I live, I'm good. Joking. Kind of
(Wes sh**t him)
Enzo: If you were aiming for my heart, you missed
Wes: Don't worry. I wasn't. Chains were a good idea. Now I can see exactly how strong he becomes when enraged. Conclusion… very strong
Enzo: Boy, do I miss that indestructible Augustine cage right about now. Damon, stop! Damon, stop! Stop! Please, Damon, stop!Damon, stop! Stop, please! Damon! Aah! Aah! What did you do to him?
Wes: My friends here raised the acidity of your blood. There must be some witchy explanation for it, but Damon's basically drinking hydrochloric acid. I suggest you leave before the spell wears off
Enzo: And go where… with you?
Wes: There's one more thing I need from you. Then I'll let you go for good. The other option is to stay in here with your cannibal friend and see how long you last
Damon: Go, Enzo!I tried to k*ll you. I'll do it again. Go, Enzo!
[A Motel]
(Katherine comes out of the shower)
Stefan: Car's done
Katherine: I'll be right there. Hey, um... Would mind grabbing me my shirt? It's the… the green one right on top
Stefan: Yeah, sure
Katherine: Thanks
(They kiss)
Stefan: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This is... This wrong. We, uh... You and Damon just split up
Katherine: You don't have to, um… you're right. I'm… I'm sorry. I was just in the moment. I shouldn't have
Stefan: Yeah. We have a long night ahead of us, so maybe we should…
Katherine: Yeah. Um, you know what? Why don't you go, um, settle up the bill, and I'll… I'll finish packing?
(He leaves .she takes her phone and calls Nadia)
Katherine: Who do you think Stefan loves more, Damon or Elena?
Nadia: Why are you calling me?
Katherine: Damon has been infected by the ripper virus, and I know exactly where he is, so if I can get Damon to att*ck me, the only way to save me would be for Stefan to k*ll him
Nadia: You're going to make Stefan k*ll his brother?Dark, even for you
Katherine: Thank you. So how goes it with Matty blue eyes? d*ad yet?
Nadia: Still working on it. Good luck with your plan to win Stefan's love
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Nadia and Matt are playing cards)
Matt: So...I'm curious. We spent a few days together now
Nadia: Canoodling?
Matt: Canoodling. Exactly. It seems like you went through all this trouble to save your mom, but she only seems interested in Stefan
Nadia: That's Katherine. I didn't expect mother-daughter boozy brunches
Matt: Yeah, but you did expect something
Nadia: Are you going to play a card or what?
Matt: Look. I've been where you are. My mom used to disappear for weeks at a time and then show up one day out of the blue like nothing happened. Before you knew it, I'd be at the stove, making her a grilled cheese
Nadia: This isn't like that
Matt: Isn't it? She decides when you're worth it on her watch, but guess what: You're never gonna be as interesting as the next guy she wants to sleep with
Nadia: Matt, you'd say anything to help Elena. I'm not an idiot
Matt: You are if you think that Katherine's gonna choose you… because she's not
Nadia: Do you know why you found yourself making all those sandwiches? Because the second your mom walked back into your life, you forgot all those horrible things that she did because at the end of the day, she's still your mom,and you love her. Give me your wrist. The Vervain is gone. Our fun is over
Matt: Wait. Since I'm gonna forget this anyway...
Nadia: What was that for?
Matt: Thank you.If I'm gonna be thr*at and held against my will, I could think of worse scenarios
Nadia: What the hell?
Matt: What'd you expect? Elena's my best friend. I'll always protect her
Nadia: It just sucks. You were the only decent person in this town
Matt: And I still am, and so are you .You could have k*lled me this morning, and you didn't. You're not like her, and you know it
(She compels him)
Nadia: Forget everything you're not supposed to know. We partied, we slept together, then I left. Good-bye
(She leaves)
(She’s about to leave but Caroline is here)
Caroline: Going somewhere?
Nadia: Actually, I am, and you're in my way
(Matt arrives)
Caroline: Matt, are you ok?
Matt: Yeah. Why? What's going on in here?
Caroline: You texted me from Nadia's phone. So you compelled him again
Nadia: And they say blonds are dumb
Caroline: What are you doing to him? Tell me!
Matt: Nadia, stop!
Nadia: You may not remember, Matt, but this is your fault. Trust me
(Tyler intervenes)
Tyler: Young hybrid beats old vampire every time!
(She leaves)
Matt: Wait a second! Does anyone want to tell me how this is my fault?
[A House]
(Damon is alone. Stefan and Katherine arrive)
Damon: Elena. Don’t. I said don't!You come in here, you ain't coming out
Stefan: What exactly happened here?
Damon: I wanted revenge, got stuck with the vampire virus, almost k*lled my last friend. Typical Damon
Katherine: Enzo texted me the address here. Damon, we're here to help you
Damon: You can't help me. I feed on vampires now. You're both vampires. Do yourselves a favor and leave
Stefan: Well, that's not gonna happen
Damon: Stay back!
Stefan: I'm not afraid of you, Damon
Katherine: Neither am I
Damon: You better get out. What the hell is wrong with you?
Katherine: I'm proving to you that you're not a lost cause, Damon
Damon: Elena…
Katherine: See? Damon, you can resist this. You can do it. Why? Because you love me, and that love is stronger than any craving
Damon: Get away from me, Elena
Stefan: Elena, he's gonna k*ll you
Katherine: No. No. He's not going to. He's not going to. You can do this, Damon. Fight it. There you go. Turn around. There you go
(Damon finally att*cks her)
Stefan: Damon, stop! Damon, let go of her, let go of her!
Katherine: Stefan!
Stefan: Let go!
Katherine: No! He's going... to k*ll me!
Stefan: Here, Damon. Look over here. You smell that? Feed on me, not her. That's good. That's good. Feed on me
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Caroline rejoins Tyler)
Caroline: Well, the only thing Matt remembers is that they slept together. Well... so…
Tyler: Care, I never said sorry. I was pissed, but...
Caroline: No excuses, ok? Look. We can get past this together. Ok? I just want us to be good again, you know?
Tyler: I said I was sorry.I didn't say I was past it
Caroline: Of course. Obviously. I mean, Rome wasn't built in a day
Tyler: How evolved do you think I am?You slept with Klaus. You slept with the guy that k*lled my mom. What's a fair amount of time for me to get past that? A week, a month? Tell me. What sounds right to you?
Caroline: Ok. You made your point
Tyler: Look. I'm not trying to be a dick, but the idea of us being good, it's not gonna happen
Caroline: Understood
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan and Damon are in the cell)
Damon: I know you can't help yourself, but if you bring home a rabid animal, you're gonna get bit
Stefan: Never should have told you to leave
Damon: I'm gonna k*ll you, Stefan. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but at some point I'm gonna rip open your throat, and you're gonna die
Stefan: Oh, come on, Damon. You think I'm afraid of a ripper? Who do you think invented the word? You know that feeling you get when you're around vampire blood, that burning in your veins? I feel that on a daily basis, and there's a way to control it
Damon: And let me guess… it'd bring you no greater pleasure than to teach me
Stefan: No. It's a good guess, but right now, I'm gonna go get you a little bit more Vervain, and then I'm gonna have a drink, and I'm gonna let you think about what a royal pain in the ass you've been lately. You're my brother.I'm not gonna give up on you. I never will
Damon: She has
Stefan: You talking about Elena?
Damon: Mm-hmm
Stefan: She practically got herself k*lled to prove a point today
Damon: You remember the vampire ripper Jesse? When he att*cked me, Elena had to k*ll him, but if there was the slightest chance that there was another way to stop him, she would have taken it
Stefan: Yeah, so?
Damon: She knew it would be impossible for me to resist her blood, and then she just kicked you a stake and essentially told you to k*ll me
Stefan: So what are you saying? You saying that Elena wanted me to k*ll you?
Damon: You got another excuse, hmm? That's what I thought
[A Restaurant]
(Katherine rejoins Nadia)
Katherine: I could use a steak
Nadia: You're chipper. That must mean Damon is d*ad
Katherine: Not quite. In fact, he continues to be the bane of my existence, but... Stefan and I had a moment. Heh. Don't worry. I'll keep the details to myself, but it definitely reaffirmed his feelings for Elena, i.e. me. Heh
Nadia: So, uh, it's only a matter of time. Sounds like you're going to get everything you want
Katherine: Of course I will. Assuming that you took care of the Matt situation
Nadia: Your secret is safe
Katherine: Perfect. So I'm in a really good mood right now, which means I don't really feel like worrying whatever's making you mopey
Nadia: You won't have to worry about me for much longer
Katherine: What's that supposed to mean?
Nadia: Tyler Lockwood bit me
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan enters the living room and sees Caroline)
Stefan: Hey. When'd you get here?
Caroline: Eh, about 1 ½ of these ago. You were right. I brought this on myself. I knew the Klaus thing was gonna come with consequences. Guess now I just have to deal with it and learn from my mistakes
Stefan: Glad I could help. So did you find Matt?
Caroline: Yes, and Tyler was right. Nadia's been compelling him to forget things
Stefan: What do you mean? What kind of things?
Caroline: Who knows? He tried to message me, but Nadia stopped him. "Help. K" was all I got
Stefan: Huh
Caroline: So you and Elena? What's the verdict?
Stefan: Um, well, the verdict is she's acting strange. She kissed me
Caroline: Excuse me?
Stefan: Yeah. My car broke down, so we got a hotel room so she could shower…
Caroline: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys got a hotel room with a shower?
Stefan: Yeah, but it wasn't like that. I mean, I stopped it obviously. I couldn't do it to Damon
Caroline: Yeah, but she could? I just... I don't get it. She knows that this would destroy him. What is she doing?
Stefan: That's what I mean. It's like she's given up on Damon, and he thinks that she was trying to get me to k*ll him tonight
Caroline: But she would never want him d*ad
Stefan: Unless... Matt texted you, "help. K," before Nadia stopped him. "K," as in Katherine, and when Katherine was dying, Nadia figured out a way to put Katherine's spirit inside Nadia's body
Caroline: Yeah, but that didn't happen because Katherine had a change of heart. No. No. You don't think that… it's impossible that she'd be… we would have noticed. It's Elena. We know her… Oh, my God | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x14 - No Exit"} | foreverdreaming |
Northern Europe, 1520
[A Cottage]
(A woman knocks on the door. A man opens it. It turns out that the woman is actually Nadia)
Nadia: Good evening, sir. If I could trouble you for a moment. I'm looking for someone. Her name is Katerina Petrova. She was last seen outside of London in 1492. She's on the run. I need to find her. I need to ask her why she abandoned me
[A Warehouse]
(Katherine is with Nadia)
Katherine: Nadia?
Nadia: Please. I need to know
Katherine: Nadia, I'm right here. I'm right here
Nadia: Uhh. I was dreaming how I searched for you from village to village
Katherine: I know. I heard you. You said that I abandoned you. You were ripped from my arms as a baby. It's completely different
Nadia: Not for a child without a mother
Katherine: You know, all this guilt is really taking all the fun out of this mother-daughter outing. I'm sorry Tyler bit you, but you're not going to die
Nadia: Did you ask Klaus for his blood?
Katherine: Oh, my, you really are delirious. Nadia, he would love nothing more than to watch my daughter die
Nadia: And you don't want to risk being outed
Katherine: No, I don't. So, that's why I called him
(Wes rejoins them)
Wes: Nice to meet you. I'm Dr. Maxfield
Katherine: And luckily for us, he'll love nothing more than to study your blood
Wes: Werewolf venom isn't easy to come by
Nadia: Get away from me
Katherine: It’s ok. Nadia, it's ok
Wes: Listen to your mother. The venom in your blood is a toxin with basic chemical properties. Once I study its make-up, I can... Create the antidote
Katherine: It's ok. Come on, come on, honey. There you go
Nadia: If I'd known I just had to die to drag your attention from Stefan, I would have tried it a long time ago
Katherine: If you're trying to make me feel guilty... It's almost working
Nadia: I'm just glad you're here now
Katherine: Me, too. I'm going to be a better mother, starting right now. I promise you... I'm going to save your life
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon is still in the cell, all tied up. Stefan’s with him)
Damon: she's brilliant
Stefan: We haven't noticed that Katherine's been inhabiting Elena's body for weeks, and that's all you have to say?
Damon: Yep
Stefan: And you realize that it was Katherine who broke up with you, it wasn't Elena
Damon: Mm-hmm
Stefan: Right. So, your little m*rder spree with Enzo where you k*lled Aaron, you nearly k*lled Jeremy, tried to k*ll Wes but you got infected with that ripper virus... That was all you reacting to Katherine
Damon: I'm trying to figure out why you decided to tell a starving, bloodthirsty, vampire-feeding ripper that his Nemesis is still walking around alive and well while I am stuck in this cell and can't do anything about it
Stefan: I have it under control
Damon: I'd love to hear this
(Tyler, Matt and Caroline are in the library)
Matt: Hang on here. Katherine's still alive? How is that even possible?
Caroline: Remember that time Nadia's ex Gregor hitched a ride in your head? Ok, well, it's kind of the same thing. Katherine is a passenger in Elena, except it's worse because none of us seemed to notice
Tyler: She was at my house. How did none of us figure it out?
Caroline: Because it's Katherine, and she's smart, and conniving and sneaky and... We're the worst friends ever
(They’re on speakerphone with Bonnie and Jeremy)
Jeremy: This makes no sense. She saved my life. She gave me CPR when Enzo tried to k*ll me. Katherine would never do that
Bonnie: That's what made her so believable. She played Elena to a t. If she let you die, her cover was blown
Caroline: I was sleeping 3 feet away from her. She picked out my bitter ball dress. And I let her use my toothpaste
(Stefan rejoins them)
Stefan: Yeah, well, did she lure you into a hotel room to make out with you?
Tyler: She's the reason I found out about you and Klaus
Caroline: Of course. Oh, my God
Tyler: So, how do we k*ll the bitch?
Stefan: Well, passengers can be expelled from the host. Saw it happen with Matt. Gregor died and Matt lived. All we have to do is s*ab her with a traveler Kn*fe
Matt: I still have the Kn*fe that Nadia gave me
Stefan: Perfect. Go get it
Caroline: Hold on, guys, this is Katherine that we're talking about. She's gonna see a sneak att*ck coming from a mile away. We gotta get her to come to us. Get her guard down. Corner her
Tyler: Fat chance you'll be seeing her today. I'm pretty sure I bit Nadia
Matt: What do you mean you bit her?
Tyler: I mean she was attacking Caroline and I might've nipped her a little
Matt: And you're just mentioning this now?
Caroline: Hey, guys, focus. Tyler's right. Katherine is not going to leave Nadia's side unless not leaving compromises her identity
Matt: Which means?
Caroline: We gotta invite her to something that Elena can't say no to
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are together and still on the phone with the group)
Bonnie: A surprise party? Seriously? I wanted a spa day.You try feeling the death of every supernatural creature who passes through you on their way to the other side
Jeremy: I'm not saying you don't deserve it. Besides, your birthday isn't until next week
Caroline: That's what makes it a surprise
[A Warehouse]
(Katherine is on the phone)
Katherine: Yeah, I don't think Bonnie would want a big party for her birthday
Caroline: Of course she does. So, when can you get over to Stefan's to help us set up?
Katherine: I can't
Caroline: You can't?
Katherine: I would love to, but I just... I can't. Um... I'm making arrangements for Aaron Whitmore's funeral. The only reason Damon k*lled him was because we broke up, so, I kind of feel like I owe it to Aaron. You understand, right?
Caroline: Of course. No, that's really nice of you
(They hang up and Bonnie calls)
Nadia: Elena, you're so popular today
(Katherine picks up)
Katherine: Hey, Bonnie
Bonnie: Hey. How's it going?
Katherine: You sound tired
Bonnie: Yeah. I had to pull an all-nighter for my sociology exam and then woke up to a coven of d*ad Russian witches passing through me on the way to the other side. Sorry. Self-pity. So not cute
Katherine: No, I totally get it. You're the anchor now. That must be... exhausting
Bonnie: Do you want to maybe meet up for a coffee or something? It's just been one of those days, you know?
Katherine: Yeah. Well, ha! This is gonna sound crazy, but I'm actually at the day spa right now buying you a gift certificate for your birthday. It was supposed to be a surprise but, well, surprise!
Bonnie: You read my mind. That's so you
Katherine: Hey, look, I'll check in with you later
Bonnie: Ok
(They hang up)
Katherine: Why are they being so clingy today?
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan is with Damon in his cell)
Damon: What are you doing?
Stefan: There you go. Drink
Damon: I need more
Stefan: Too bad
Damon: That was nothing
Stefan: That's exactly 4 ounces. When you were out k*lling vampires,you said one vampire kept you good for 8 hours. So, our friend Caroline did a little bit of math...
Damon: Caroline?
Stefan: Relax. She had a calculator. So, 4 ounces 3 times a day should be just enough to help manage the hunger
Damon: You mean manage me
Stefan: So you don't rip anyone's head off. We'll deal with your crisis once we get Elena back
Damon: I'll deal with my own crisis. Listen, you just let me out of here. I'll find Wes, I'll get the antidote
Stefan: And then what, huh? You skip town? Leave it to me to tell Elena everything you did after you thought she broke up with you?
Damon: Who are you calling there, buddy?
Stefan: Katherine's been making a lot of excuses and I have a feeling she won't be able to say no to me
(A phone suddenly rings)
Stefan: It's your phone. Elena is calling. Answer it
(Damon answers)
Damon: Elena. Hey
Katherine: Hey. Um... how are you?
Damon: Well, you know. Strung up, hungry. Same old, same old
Katherine: Now that the dust has settled, I was hoping that, I don't know, maybe we can talk about what happened at the farmhouse. Can I see you?
Damon: Ok. Sure. Why don't you just come to the house and we'll talk about it here?
Katherine: Perfect. I'll see you soon
Damon: Ok. Bye
(He hangs up)
[A Warehouse]
Katherine: Damon knows that he tried to k*ll me less than 24 hours ago. There isn't a single vampire-craving bone in his body that would risk putting his precious Elena back in that kind of danger again
Nadia: And yet he's desperate to see her. Just like her other friends
Katherine: They know
[Salvatore’s House]
Stefan: Doesn't make any sense.She's dodged everyone's attempt to try to get her over here. Now she voluntarily wants to come over?
Damon: Unless...
Stefan: Unless?
Damon: She was testing me. She knows
France, 1720
(Nadia rejoins a man in the woods)
Nadia: Money for information. I was told you saw Katerina Petrova k*ll a man in cold blood outside the court of Versailles. I want to know if that's true
[A Church]
(Katherine and Nadia have settled there now)
Nadia: She's been on the run for... 228 years
Katherine: You passed out in the car. I didn't want to wake you
Nadia: Huh. Perfect. I can make my peace with the universe
Katherine: Don't talk like that. I brought you here so that I could hide you till Wes finds a way to heal you
Nadia: You should leave now. While you can. There's no point in trying to save me
Katherine: I didn't raise you to be a quitter. And I promise... As soon as you get better, we're leaving. Together
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan and Caroline are in the basement, in front of Damon’s cell)
Caroline: Of course. The farther she gets, the worse our chances are of ever seeing Elena again. It's bad enough that we didn't recognize Katherine. We also just blew our only advantage
Damon: Nothing a little locator spell can't fix
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie and Jeremy rejoin Liv)
Liv: Let me guess. Matter of life and death?
Bonnie: Kind of. Yeah, um, do you remember that locator spell we did the other night?
Liv: Sure. We ended up saving him. You're welcome, by the way
Bonnie: Now we need you to find his sister
Liv: Why? She ran away from home?
Bonnie: No. She's been possessed by her evil doppelganger
Liv: Ok...
Bonnie: Liv. Will you help us?
Liv: I can be convinced
[Salvatore’s House]
(Tyler is sitting in front of Damon’s cell)
Damon: Need blood
Tyler: You just had your lunch 30 minutes ago
Damon: Or you could give me a couple sips of that hybrid juice. I can be on my way and I'll take up my ripper situation with Wes
Tyler: Not gonna happen
Damon: Can I ask you a question without you getting all wolf man on me?
Tyler: Do I have a choice?
Damon: Why are you still here?
Tyler: I'm a hybrid and you need a baby-sitter
Damon: Oh, no, I mean here here, in Mystic Falls here. Your family's all d*ad and I don't see you getting a job at the Grill. Yet I don't see you in a Whitmore hoodie, either. Something tells me that there's a little masochistic voice inside your head that's trying to convince you that you and Caroline still have a fighting chance in hell
Tyler: I think you have enough problems without having to worry about me
Damon: You're probably right. One small difference between you and me... You want to hear it?
Tyler: Not especially
Damon: You see, even after all the terrible things I do, Elena still chose me.Because she's fighting for me. Caroline, on the other hand, chose the nuclear option. You know that big, red button that just nukes your entire relationship once and for all? Well, sleeping with the guy that k*lled your mom was kind of her way of slamming her hand down
Tyler: You think Elena will still want you back after this? It's over, Damon. Fix yourself and run. Far away
Damon: I plan on it. How's New Orleans this time of year?
Tyler: You really think Elena's gonna forgive you? Look at you. You k*lled her friend. You almost k*lled her brother. You nearly k*lled her. You're a joke, Damon
Damon: Says the guy pining after the girl who slept with Klaus
Tyler: You don't know anything about me
Damon: I know how to get you in this cell
(Damon att*cks him and flees)
(Caroline arrives in the cell)
Caroline: Hey, ready for a changing of the guard... Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Tyler?
Tyler: I'm ok
Caroline: He fed on you?
Tyler: I said I'm fine
Caroline: Why would you come in here?
Tyler: Why do you think? Damon knew exactly how to piss me off
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: What the hell happened?
Tyler: I think Damon went to go find Wes
[Whitmore College]
(Liv, Bonnie and Jeremy are in Bonnie’s dorm)
Liv: Elena's necklace. Candle. Map. Give me your hand. You're Elena's brother. That makes you blood. So, hand it over
Bonnie: Actually, he's her cousin. It's a long story
Liv: Whatever. Close enough
Bonnie: That's not... That's not how I taught you
Liv: Relax, Mr. Miyagi. I'm feeling my way through it, ok? Now, what do I say, again? Does Elena look anything like you?
Jeremy: Uh, same color hair
Liv: What about her eyes? Are they as pretty as yours?
Bonnie: Is this really necessary?
Liv: I'm sorry. I'm searching for his sister/cousin's doppelganger in my mind. I'll take all the help I can get. Does your sister spend a lot of time in church?
[A Church]
Nadia: Are you leaving?
Katherine: I'm going to check on Wes. He's taking too long
Nadia: Be careful. They're all out looking for you
Katherine: That's never stopped me before
[A Warehouse]
(Wes is working on his serum and he hears a noise)
Wes: Hello?
Damon: What's up, doc?
Wes: How did you find me?
Damon: I called my friend Enzo and asked him about the little adventure he had with you. Gotta say, long way off the tenure track, huh? Huh. I take it the Augustine society h*t a bit of a rough streak
Wes: There is no Augustine society, Damon. It's just me
Damon: Well, then I guess you're my guy. You see, I have this long road ahead of me to win my ex-girlfriend back. But I don't have a chance in hell if I'm lusting over her blood. Follow?
Wes: Even if I did cure you of this virus, what difference does it make? So you stop feeding on your friends and go back to feeding on innocent people. Is that really gonna impress Elena Gilbert?
Damon: Look at me. You did this to me
Wes: I didn't do this to you. You are this. I simply held up the mirror
Damon: Now it's my turn to play doctor
Prague, a few months ago
(Nadia and Matt are in bed)
Nadia: That was fun
Matt: You think?
Nadia: You must really trust Rebekah. Watch this.I'm going to steal her earrings... And you're not going to say anything. See? You're hanging out with an original vampire and you're not even on vervain. Trust
Matt: You know she's an original?
Nadia: I recognized her on the dance floor. I was hoping she'd know something about her brother Klaus' favorite vampire: Katherine Pierce. Maybe you heard of her?
Matt: Yeah. Yeah, I've heard of her. I know her. Why do you care?
Nadia: Because she is my mother, and I'd very much like to meet her. I'm going to take your ring. Now I have a reason to see you again
[A Warehouse]
Katherine: Wes? What the hell is taking so I... No. No. Please, no. No
(Her phone rings)
Katherine: Nadia, I'm coming back to the church right now
Stefan: She's not at the church anymore. She's with me at home
Katherine: Stefan, why do you have Nadia's phone?
Stefan: She doesn't have much time left, Katherine
Katherine: I don't know what you're talking about
Stefan: I know that it's you and I know that you care about Nadia. That's why I brought her here
Katherine: Prove it. Put her on the phone
Nadia: Katherine? Run
(Stefan takes the phone back)
Stefan: You can always run, Katherine. It's what you do best. Or you can come home and see your daughter one last time before she dies. It's your choice
[Salvatore’s House]
(Matt comes to Nadia’s side)
Matt: Your hands are like ice
Nadia: Gregor
Matt: No, it's Matt. I'm not...
Nadia: Gregor, I'm sorry I betrayed you. I did it for my mother. I did everything for her
Matt: I know you did
Nadia: Forgive me?
Matt: Yes. I forgive you. Hey, hey. Shh. It's ok. It's ok. Shh
Nadia: I... I don't want to die. I don't want to die
(The group rejoin them. Bonnie sits down next to Nadia)
Nadia: What's gonna happen when I die?
Bonnie: I'll take your hand... And you'll go to the other side. Just like that
Nadia: Will it hurt?
Bonnie: You won't feel any pain
(Katherine arrives)
Katherine: I'm here to see my daughter. Nadia
Nadia: You came back for me
Katherine: I won't leave you again
Nadia: Did you find a way to save me?
Katherine: Klaus' blood would've saved you... If I'd asked for it
Nadia: You would have outed yourself
Katherine: But you would've been alive. And now it's too late
Nadia: My mother's name is Katherine. I'm looking for her
Katherine: You found me. Nadia, I'm right here
Nadia: She's a liar. And a m*rder. She manipulates. She betrays. She will do anything to survive
Katherine: Nadia. No, I'm... I'm right here. Nadia, look at me. Look at me. I'm here. I'm right here
Nadia: I'm looking for my mother
Katherine: This is not what your life should've been. 500 years searching for a mother who ended up... being me. Let me show you what your life should've been. What your perfect day would have been like. You and I had a little cottage. It was an ordinary summer day. You'd been playing outside.So, you were tired and it was time for bed. You told me about the fort that you'd built. Out in the woods by the river. And so I asked if I could visit. And you said when the sun came up in the morning, and I said... Good night, Nadia. Sleep well. Your mother loves you
(Nadia dies and she appears next to Bonnie. She finally passes to the other side. Katherine gets up)
Katherine: So. This is it
Damon: Hello, Katherine. You didn't think I'd miss this, did you?
Katherine: Ok. So. Who's got the Kn*fe? Which one of you is gonna get to k*ll the elusive Katherine Pierce once and for all? What? Suddenly everyone's speechless? When I was on my deathbed, you all had plenty to say. Is it you, Tyler? Because I triggered the werewolf curse? Gave you an identity and made you matter?
Tyler: You've done nothing for me
Katherine: Oh, please, Tyler. If I hadn't walked into your life, you'd just be a wasted nobody with a boozy mom and a temper problem
Caroline: Don't. Don't
Katherine: And you. I'm not worried about you offing me. Because we both know I made you better by making you a vampire
Caroline: Good-bye, Katherine
Katherine: Bye-bye, Caroline
(She looks at Matt)
Katherine: Ooh. The one girl here who actually appreciates how beautiful you are. You wouldn't s*ab me in the heart, Matty blue? No, I don't think so. You will definitely go down as the best night I never had. Oh well
Matt: Oh well
(She looks at Jeremy)
Katherine: Well, little Gilbert, it was nice to have a brother for a second there. When you weren't being so damn annoying!
(She looks at Bonnie)
Katherine: Bon Bon, no need for good-byes. I'll see you on the flip side
(She then gets closer to Damon)
Katherine: Damon. Oh, how you'd love nothing more than to drive that blade right through me
Damon: We've already done this, Kitty Kat. I've said all I needed to say
Katherine: I know, but I never got to say what I needed to say to you. I'm sorry. You blame me for who you are. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I turned you. I'm sorry that you didn't get to die as a forgotten nobody on a bloody b*ttlefield, and your father didn't get to live another day to be disgraced by you. Damon, I'm sorry that I gave your life purpose. Passion. Drive. Desire. I'm sorry that you are who you are because I'm the one that taught you how to love
Damon: I'll see you in hell, Katherine
(She then turns her attention to Stefan)
Katherine: Stefan. You know, I always wondered what it would be like to be loved by you. You've got to admit, that one fleeting moment... Your feelings were real.This truly has been the role of a lifetime. Stefan, I love you. I've always loved you
(He s*ab her)
Katherine: Uhh. I guess this is how... Our love story ends
(Matt is with Nadia. Tyler rejoins him)
Jeremy: Stefan said we should bury her in the woods
Matt: Screw that. She deserves better
Jeremy: You need some help?
Matt: No. I got this
(Damon and Stefan are with Elena)
Damon: Why is she not waking up?
Stefan: When Gregor left Matt's body, it took him a while to wake up, too. Which gives us a little bit of time to talk about what the hell you did
Damon: Relax. Thanks to Tyler's friendly donation, I'll be fine for a couple hours
Stefan: A few hours, huh? And then what? What's the plan?
Damon: Tell her everything I did. Let the chips crash and burn where they may
Stefan: Optimistic
Damon: I don't want to be another Katherine Pierce. Katherine spent her whole life running from her problems only to die here. All alone
(Tyler and Caroline are outside)
Caroline: Is it wrong that I feel...
Tyler: Victorious?
Caroline: Sad. I know that Katherine is a horrible person, but...
Tyler: But you see the good in people
Caroline: You mean Klaus. Because I saw the good in Klaus
Tyler: Your words. Not mine
Caroline: Your hybrid bite just k*lled someone and no one even batted an eye. I sleep with the wrong guy weeks ago and I don't hear the end of it. How is that fair?
Tyler: I don't know, Care. Maybe people just expect more from you
Caroline: Why? Because being good comes so easy to me? Well, guess what, Tyler? It doesn't. I am a vampire. I have the same impulses as you.So, I'm allowed to make some mistakes along the way. Yes, I slept with Klaus... But after you walked away from me. That was my choice and I am living with it and I don't need to be hearing about it every 5 seconds. So, just get over it or get out of my life, but... I'm done feeling guilty
[A church]
(Bonnie lights a candle)
Bonnie: This is for you, dad. I want you to know how much I miss you
(Katherine appears)
Katherine: You've got to be kidding me, right? Something tells me I'm about 5 centuries delayed on the whole believing in a higher power thing
Bonnie: Well, you're here. That means it worked. You're d*ad
Katherine: True. Then again, your friends didn't really give me much of a choice in the matter. Using my only daughter against me? Harsh. I suppose I could've spent the next 500 years running, but for what? My daughter was dying. Stefan would never love me. I was back to having nothing. Elena wins again
Bonnie:Let's get this over with
Katherine: I'm really starting to get sick of Elena getting everything that I want
Bonnie: What is that supposed to mean?
Katherine: Wes had no intention of helping Nadia
A few hours earlier
[A Warehouse]
(Katherine is on the phone with Stefan)
Stefan: You can always run, Katherine. It's your choice
(She hangs up and finds Wes’ digital recorder)
Wes: A good day. I've managed to extract the werewolf venom from Nadia Petrova's blood. The addition of the venom will make the ripper virus even more lethal to vampires
[A Church]
Katherine: He was just using her as a case study in his project to wipe out vampires off the face of the earth
Bonnie: Why are you telling me this?
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena is starting to wake up)
Damon: Hey. Elena?
[A Church]
Katherine: I've said it before and I'll say it again. Elena had the life I always wanted. Heh. Well, until now
Bonnie: Katherine, what did you do?
Katherine: Stefan thought he gave me a choice: Run or die. But that's not really much of a choice, is it? After all, Nadia was the only person in this world who really loved me.And I wasn't about to let my daughter die alone. But Katherine Pierce wasn't about to go gentle, either
[Salvatore’s House]
Elena: Hi
Damon: Are you... you?
Elena: Yeah. Yeah, it's me. I'm here
[A Church]
Katherine: I left Elena with a little bit of a parting gift. If I can't have Stefan, then no one can. Ok. Now I'm ready.Nothing's happening. What's wrong?
Bonnie: I don't know. This has never happened before
Katherine: Bonnie, what are you doing? Let me pass through. Why won't you let me pass through?
Bonnie: I don't know. I don't control it
Katherine: What?
Bonnie: It's not up to me
Katherine: Then who is it up to? Bonnie!
Bonnie: I can't help you, Katherine
Katherine: What... no, no no! Nooooo! | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x15 - Gone Girl"} | foreverdreaming |
[A Bar]
(Elena, Matt, Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy are all drinking and having fun)
Bonnie: What is she doing?
Caroline: Having fun, obviously
Matt: It's about time, too. Take it off!
Caroline: Matt!
Elena: Jeremy, come on. To friends
Everyone: To friends!
Elena: Am I seriously that easy to impersonate or do you guys not know me at all?
Jeremy: Elena, what's going on?
Elena: When have I ever danced on a bar half-naked? Do you think that I would come to a college bar with my underage brother and do Tequila sh*ts?
Matt: Elena, what are you talking about?
Elena: I'm not Elena, Matt. I'm Katherine. It's not me. You guys know me. I wouldn't do that. Guys, Katherine has taken over my body. This isn't me
[Whitmore College]
(Elena wakes up in her dorm. She gets up and looks around)
Elena: Hello? Hello?
Stefan: Hey. You're awake
Elena: Stefan. What are you doing here? Where is everyone?
Stefan: Everyone's gone. The whole school cleared out for spring break. You've been in and out since you first woke up
Elena: Oh. Ok, yeah, that makes sense. I thought I was going crazy. What's going on? What…?
Stefan: We had to seal you into the building. We have a lot of catching up to do
Elena: The last thing I remember, I was running through the woods, and my head felt like it was being att*cked by Katherine's whole life. Then I saw Damon, I threw my arms around him, and...Then nothing
Stefan: Yeah, that was about 3 weeks ago
Elena: 3 weeks ago? Wow. 3 weeks, huh? And yet, it took just one second for Katherine to infect me with some virus that makes me want to k*ll all my friends
Stefan: Well, you know Katherine. She's not about to go out without a grand finale
Elena: Do you really think this whole lockdown is necessary? I mean… I feel fine
Stefan: Look, we shouldn't take any chances. If Damon taught us anything, it's that the virus makes you want to att*ck at the mere scent of vampire blood
Elena: How did you...
Stefan: Liv
Elena: Liv?
Stefan: She's a new witch. Bonnie's been teaching her some spells. Look, I know that this is a lot to process, but just know that Caroline is out looking for an antidote, and in the meantime, we've figured out a way to ration blood to keep you satiated. We're gonna figure this out, ok?
Elena: I need to talk to Damon
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon is still tied up in the basement. Jeremy and Matt enter)
Damon: Hilarious. Give me the damn cup. Wipe that smile off your face
Jeremy: Hey, you're lucky I'm even helping you, considering the last thing you did for me was to tell Enzo to strangle me to death
Damon: Quit crying. You're still around
Matt: Yeah, more than we can say for Aaron Whitmore. Weren't he and Elena tight?
Jeremy: Yep
Matt: Does she know Damon k*lled him?
Jeremy: I don't know. Does she?
Damon: No, she doesn't, because I'm gonna be the one to tell her. And if either one of you clowns beats me to it, I'll rip your tongue out
(Jeremy’s phone rings)
Damon: Don't even think about it
(Jeremy answers)
Jeremy: Damon's phone
Elena: Jer?
Jeremy: Elena. Hey. How you feeling?
Elena: Confused but good. I miss you
Jeremy: Same here
Damon: I k*lled you once before, Gilbert. I'll k*ll you again
Jeremy: Someone wants to speak to you
(He gives the phone to Damon and then they leave)
Damon: Hey, you
Elena: Hey you
Damon: So, eat anyone yet?
Elena: Nope. So far, I am symptom-free. Although Stefan still has me on the "Damon diet" just in case
Damon: Oh, yeah, it sucks. Oof. You're gonna be craving carbs constantly. But hey, you know what? There's a plus side.You get to keep your girlish figure
Elena: I'm calling you on a pay phone
Damon: Well, how retro of you. Does that mean you've memorized my phone number?
Elena: Maybe. Katherine put a pass code on my cell, so, I can't use it
Damon: Ah, that would explain all those crazy Instagram pics you've been uploading lately
Elena: What?!
Damon: Kidding, kidding
Elena: Damon, that's not funny. I don't know what I've been doing for the last 3 weeks
Damon: I know. I'm sorry. Well, what do you want to know? I'll tell you
Elena: How did she do it?
Damon: How did she do what?
Elena: Break your heart
Damon: Oh. That. I don't know.It's not like it's been playing on a loop in my head over and over again so I barely remember
Elena: I'm so sorry. I really am. I mean the last thing I remember, I was running into your arms and I felt so safe
Damon: Well, it was all downhill from there
Elena: I wanted to fight for you. I still do
Damon: Oh, Elena, the second we're cured of this and we don't want to rip each other's heads off, I am going to hunt you down and give you the most mind-bl*wing night of your life
Elena: I think I could schedule you in. One question: How exactly do we cure this?
[A Warehouse]
(Caroline is looking through Wes’ stuff and finds his voice recorder)
Wes: I've managed to extract the werewolf venom from Nadia Petrova's blood. The addition of the venom will make the ripper virus even more lethal to vampires
Caroline: Oh, my God
Enzo: So, werewolves are real. I was told that was just like, you know, a joke. I'm Enzo
Caroline: The Enzo?
Enzo: No, the other one
Caroline: All right, other Enzo, I don't know what it is you're doing here, but I don't want any part of it
Enzo: I'm here for the same reason you are. I want this vampire-feeding virus out of our lives
Caroline: Why? You want your k*lling buddy back? k*lling innocent people not as much fun when you're alone?
Enzo: Right. Damon mentioned you get a little judgy. Then again, he also said you had a thing for accents
Caroline: Just stay out of it. We don't need any more problems
Enzo: Then you're not the least bit impressed that I have the antidote?
[Whitmore College]
(Elena is still on the phone with Damon)
Damon: Can we talk about the irony of Katherine Pierce sitting through a college lecture?
Elena: Oh, no, I'm flunking, aren't I?
Damon: No way. If anything, there's some sucker probably compelled to spend his entire spring break doing your homework
Elena: Yeah, you're probably right. Let's add that to the list of things I need to fix, starting with Aaron
Damon: Aaron? What the hell does he have to do with anything?
Elena: I haven't seen or talked to him since he found out that I was a vampire and thought I wanted to k*ll him
Damon: Well, uh...you probably won't find him
Elena: Why?
Damon: No reason
Stefan: Elena
Elena: Uh, Stefan just got here. He bought me a new cell phone. I'm gonna call you right back, ok?
(She hangs up)
Stefan: You ok?
Elena: Uh, not feeling so good all of a sudden
Stefan: It's because you're starving
Elena: Yeah
Stefan: Here, I got you 4 ounces of my blood. You won't be scaling any buildings, but it'll curb the cravings
Elena: Thank you. Ahh. I need more
Stefan: I'm sorry
Elena: I feel fine, Stefan. I just… I just need a little more
Stefan: You're not fine, Elena
Elena: Trust me. I just… I can handle this
Stefan: Think so?
Elena: Yeah
Stefan: You're not fine, Elena
Elena: She's turning me into a monster. I'm a ripper, aren't I?
Stefan: You'll feed until you k*ll, yeah
Elena: I hate her. No, you know what? I hate myself. Because I was dumb enough to sit next to her while she was dying and actually forgive her
(Stefan answers his phone. It’s Caroline)
Stefan: Hey
Elena: Please tell me that's some good news
Caroline: Bad news. It's not the same virus
Stefan: What is it?
Caroline: Dr. Creepenstein was working on the next phase of his virus. When Nadia was sick, he was experimenting on her blood and then he figured out a way to extract werewolf venom from her blood and put it into the virus
Stefan: Hey, what do you mean werewolf venom? That means it's fatal
Elena: Oh, my God
Caroline: Hello? You don't think I would just drop this on you without a silver lining? There's an antidote. It just requires you to come meet me. I'll text you the address
Stefan: Or you can just bring it over here
Caroline: No, you have to go there, and don't ask me why because I can't tell you
Stefan: Caroline, that doesn't make any sense. Just tell me exactly…
Caroline: If I could tell you, don't you think I would be there right now to help Elena?I'll text you the address
Stefan: I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on
Caroline: The Travelers don't want anyone to know what they're up to. And by anyone I mean newbie emo witch types with bad attitudes. Just get there fast, ok? (They hang up)
Stefan: I’ll see you soon
Elena: Stefan?
Stefan: Yeah?
Elena: Why did she stay?
Stefan: What do you mean?
Elena: Katherine. Why didn't she run like she normally does?Why did she stay?
Stefan: Oh. You know Katherine. Staying alive wasn't enough. She...She wanted it all
Elena: You mean you. She wanted you. Did we ever…?
Stefan: Actually, we... We kissed
Elena: Oh, ok. Um... And then...?
Stefan: And then I pulled away. Then I put it together. She wasn't you. I gotta go
[A Bar]
(Bonnie is with Liv)
Liv: I mean, you gotta admit, it was pretty rad. I locked a vampire in her dorm with an invisible seal. I mean, how many newbie witches have that on their resume?
Bonnie: If they do, they don't brag about it as loudly
Liv: Come on. This place is d*ad. Like serious spring break-hiatus. Besides, you're not even a little proud of me?
Bonnie: Ok, hot sh*t. Set it on f*re
Liv: What?
Bonnie: Simple f*re spell
Liv: Ok
(She casts the spell)
Liv: That's weird
Bonnie: Guess your resume still needs a little padding
[Whitmore House]
(Elena is on the phone)
Aaron: Hey, it's Aaron. Leave me a message, or don't. Whatever
Elena: Hey, Aaron, it's Elena. I… ahem. I hope that you're off on some private island somewhere enjoying your spring break. Look, a lot has happened... And I'd really like to talk about it. If you're still willing to talk to me. So, call me back, ok? All right. Bye
(She finds her diary and reads what Katherine has written)
Katherine: Dear diary. I love my life. Seriously. Becoming Elena Gilbert is the best thing that has ever happened to me
Elena: Oh, my God
Katherine: Spent the day on the road with Stefan, although the highlight was our little pit stop at the hotel. I had to wash up after "accidentally" getting grease on my shirt
[A Hotel]
(Katherine and Stefan enter)
Katherine: Oh, well. I didn't like this shirt anyway
(She removes it)
Stefan: Ahh. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. Warning the next time?
Katherine: It's nothing you haven't seen before
Stefan: I know. I'm just saying there's a bathroom less than 10 feet away
Katherine: You know, that's what I like about you, Stefan. Always a gentleman. You don't have to turn away, you know. There's nothing stopping us. We're both single now. And we're alone
(They kiss but suddenly she stops. She’s Elena again)
Elena: Stefan, it's not me. It's Katherine, Stefan. She's seducing you. Stop
Stefan: What are you doing?
Elena: This isn't me, Stefan.Can't you tell? After everything we've been through… I wouldn't lead you on like that
(She’s about to leave but Damon enters)
Elena: Damon?
Damon: Stefan, Stefan, Stefan. "I have grease on my shirt. I need to wash up"? Come on, man, that's the oldest trick in the book
Stefan: It's not like you saw through her
Damon: I wasn't the one making out with her
Elena: Stop it, ok? Both of you. This is what she wants. Even d*ad, she is ruining our lives
Stefan: Oh, you think this is bad? You have no idea, do you?
Elena: About what? About what, Stefan?
Back to reality
Elena: What the hell is happening to me?
[Train Track]
(Caroline and Stefan arrive)
Stefan: He'll tell her
Caroline: When?
Stefan: "Hey, Elena, I k*lled Aaron." It's not exactly casual conversation
Caroline: k*lling someone in cold blood isn't casual but Damon managed that just fine
Enzo: Or I can just tell her. Considering I was lying in the road when he stopped his car
Stefan: So, what's in this for you? Aside from getting Damon to undo every positive decision he's ever made?
Enzo: Is it such an anomaly for Damon to have a friend? Well, if so, consider me honored
Caroline: Ok, we're here. Where is the antidote?
(Travelers and Sloan rejoin them)
Stefan: Who are you?
Sloan: I'm Sloan, and you met some of the Travelers when they were taking a bucket of your blood
Stefan: Oh, yeah. How could I forget? So, you have the antidote to this ripper virus, correct?
Sloan: We do, thanks to Enzo
Enzo: I was trapped in that bloody farm house with Damon. Set to have my head torn off when out of nowhere Wes, with the help of the Travelers, saved my life. On the condition I owed him one
Caroline: What does that have to do with us?
Enzo: He was running low on vampires, and he needed one to continue his work, so I let him experiment on me. Among other things, it allowed him to make an antidote.
Sloan When he died, the Travelers took it. And seeing as Elena is valuable to us, we're in the process of using Wes's resources to find a cure for her virus as well
Stefan: Fine. When will it be done?
Sloan: First we have to find something
Stefan: Ok. What do you need?
Sloan: Another one of you
[Whitmore College]
(Elena is on the phone with Damon)
Damon: What do you mean werewolf venom?
Elena: I mean, I'm deteriorating. Slowly. I seem to be hallucinating all my worst fears. So, that's been fun
Damon: I should come over there
Elena: You can't. We would tear each other apart, remember? Besides, I… I look gross
Damon: Oh, yeah, well, never mind. Would be awful
Elena: Distract me
Damon: All right. What are you wearing?
Elena: Damon, come on. Tell me. What else have I missed?
Damon: Ok, ok, ok, let's see. Um...It's been unseasonably cold. Jeremy bought a bunch of new X-Box games that are ridiculously loud and obnoxious. Tyler had a party. It was lame. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Did you hear the gossip?
Elena: What gossip?
Damon: Caroline and an original hybrid sittin' in a tree
Elena: No!
Damon: Yep
Elena: Are you serious? Caroline and Klaus? Wait, does Tyler know about this?
Damon: Yup, and guess who told him
Elena: Katherine? Katherine is such a bitch
Damon: That she is
Elena: Sorry
Damon: You ok?
Elena: Um...I just don't understand why Stefan's off at some mystery location. Why don't we hunt down Wes and force him to make us an antidote?
Damon: That's easier said than done. Wes is d*ad
Elena: What?
Damon: I k*lled him. Please don't act like he didn't deserve it
Elena: What about Aaron, Damon? He didn't deserve that. Wes was pretty much the closest thing that Aaron had to a family
Damon: Soup's on. The highlight of my day.I will check on you later, ok?
Elena: Yeah. Yeah, ok
[Train Tracks]
Stefan: What do you mean there is another one of me out there?
Enzo: Ever stop to think there might be another doppelganger roaming around? Clearly, you don't know your Traveler lore
Caroline: I'm sorry, and you do?
Enzo: Having stuck with them for the past few weeks, I've picked up a few things. Like how the last remaining pair of doppelgangers are special
Caroline: Special how?
Sloan: None of your business
Enzo: You'll have to excuse Sloan. She's under a bit of stress. The leader of the Travelers… Marcus, was it?
Sloan: Markos
Enzo: Markos. See, he wants the blood from the last remaining pair of doppelgangers, i.e., you and Elena
Caroline: Why?
Enzo: Apparently, it's special
Stefan: Special how?
Enzo: Don't think I didn't ask. As we've witnessed, the Travelers are very secretive. But what we do know is that until the last doppelganger's out of the picture, your blood, when mixed with Elena's, doesn't do squat
Stefan: So, what, you do a locator spell to find this guy and then you k*ll him?
Sloan: It's more of a linking spell
Stefan: Last time a witch linked me to my doppelganger, she fried my brain and I lost my memory
Sloan: Then we better be careful
[Whitmore College]
(Elena is sitting on the ground and sees Aaron)
Elena: Aaron?
Aaron: Hey there
Elena: I thought you were on spring break
Aaron: Are you ok?
Elena: I'm sick. It's a long story. Look, I really wanted to talk to you about everything, because the last couple weeks, I haven't been myself. Literally. Katherine Pierce has been inside my body and…
Aaron: Ooh. That would explain a lot, actually
Elena: Why? Did I do something?
(She enters his room)
Elena: Why is none of your stuff here?
Aaron: Because I'm not actually here
Elena: What do you mean?Are you another hallucination? Are you d*ad? Did I do this to you? Aaron, tell me that I didn't k*ll you. Did I k*ll you?Tell me that I didn't k*ll you. Please. Please
Back to reality
[Whitmore University]
(Elena regains consciousness. A boy is here)
Boy: Elena. Elena. Wow, Elena Gilbert.Get up you lush. I see someone started her spring break early
Elena: How did you get in here? I thought the door was closed
Boy: David dumped my ass… at senor frog's, of all horrifying places. He thought I was cheating on him. So, I took the first flight out of Cancun and here I am
Elena: Do I know you?
Luke: I'm Luke. We met at the Bitter Ball?You're very drunk. All right, let me shower off this airplane stench and we can drown our sorrows in rum runners
Elena: That doesn't sound like a good idea
Luke: Do not tell me you and Stefan hooked up while I was gone? Whoa, are you ok?
Elena: I'm just so thirsty
Luke: Ok. We'll get you some water, all right?
Elena: Don't touch me
Luke: You need help
Elena: No, what I need is to feed
(She compels him)
Elena: Don't move. I need vampire blood
Luke: What are you doing?
Elena: I need to turn you. I'm sorry. What is that? What… what is it?
Luke: Uh, my paranoid boyfriend thought they were hickies but it obviously is some kind of disgusting rash or something
Elena: Or your friend "Elena" was feeding on you. Listen to me. Forget this conversation. Go find Bonnie Bennett. Tell her to come here and bring the witch. I need to get out of here right now. Go! Run!
(Elena is on the phone with Damon)
Elena: I don't know what's happening to me, Damon
Damon: I know. Look, you're sick. So, just try to relax
Elena: I feel like no one's telling me the truth, Damon. I can't tell what's real anymore
Damon: Stefan will be there really soon
Elena: I did it, didn't I? I k*lled him
Damon: What?
Elena: Aaron. That's what you're so afraid to tell me. Aaron. I k*lled him
Damon: Listen, Elena, I will tell you everything, but right now is not the time
Elena: Now is not the time, Damon? I'm dying. I almost turned a student today that Katherine apparently befriended just so that I could feed on him. When would a good time be, huh?
Damon: Listen, Elena, whoa, whoa. Calm down. Listen to my voice. You will get through this. I will help you
Elena: No. No, no, no, no… you're lying. You're lying!
Damon: Elena, calm down, please
Elena: Why is everyone lying to me? You're lying to me. Why is everyone lying to me? Why is everyone lying to me?
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon has lost contact with Elena)
Damon: Donovan! Donovan, get your ass in here!
(Matt enters)
Matt: Chill. I'm right here. What?
Damon: Phone's d*ad. Charge it for me
Matt: Too much sexting with Elena?
Damon: How about you never say that again
(Matt approaches and Damon strangles him)
Matt: Damon, stop. Jeremy!
(Jeremy enters)
Jeremy: Whoa! What the hell?
Damon: I need to see your sister. Undo my chains or I'll k*ll him
Jeremy: I can't. You'll k*ll her
Damon: She's gonna hurt herself, Jeremy. She's totally unraveling
Matt: Don't do it, Jeremy
Damon: Don't be an idiot, Jeremy. Trust me. She needs me. I would never hurt her, Jeremy
[Train Tracks]
(Stefan and Caroline are walking)
Caroline: Look, I know there's a lot of them, but between you, me, and Enzo, I bet we can take them
Stefan: Did you really just say that?
Caroline: Sorry. I'm desperate
Stefan: It'll be fine
Caroline: Yeah, until you lose your memory again
Stefan: Well, if I lose my memory, then I won't remember I had anything to worry about in the first place. V
Caroline: Who volunteers themselves for witchy electric shock therapy?
Stefan: Me, and I would do it for you, too. Look, let's just say that they do fry my brain…
Caroline: I'll k*ll them
Stefan: Right, and then you'll spiral out of control about k*lling them. And then, do me a favor. Remind me, we were friends
(They rejoin Sloan, Enzo and the travelers)
Sloan: That's for you. Sit
Stefan: Where are the antidotes?
Sloan: You'll get it when we're done
Stefan: No, you'll hand them over right now. I'm here. I'm doing everything you want me to
Enzo: I'll take them. I'll make sure the appropriate parties get them. If you don't trust me, you're welcome to join, goldilocks
Caroline: No, I want to stay with Stefan
Enzo: Very well. Best of luck
(He leaves and Stefan sits down)
Caroline: Wait, you said that you weren't gonna hurt him
Sloan: No, I said I'd try not to hurt him. We need his blood for the spell
Stefan: Wait a second. Tessa didn't need my blood when she linked me to Silas
Sloan: Good for her. We do
(She starts casting a spell)
[Whitmore College]
(Elena burn some of her things. Bonnie and Lexi arrive)
Bonnie: Elena, what are you doing?
Elena: I'm cleansing myself of anything that Katherine touched. Toothbrush. My clothes. My sheets
Bonnie: Elena, stop. You're not yourself
Elena: That's ironic, because I wasn't myself for weeks, and yet nobody noticed
Lexi: She's losing it
Elena: Are you Liv? I'm sorry if we've met before, but I'm really gonna need you to drop this seal and let me out right now
Bonnie: It's too dangerous for you to be out in public when you're sick
Elena: You think that's dangerous, Bonnie? If you don't drop this seal right now, I will k*ll you
Bonnie: Elena, stop. This is the virus. It's in your head. Katherine wanted to destroy you, and it's working. You have to fight it
Elena: Oh, my God. You're right. You're right, Bonnie. You're right. I can't… I'm letting her win. I'm letting her win. I can't let her win. I'm not gonna let her win
Bonnie: Uhh! Oh! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Elena: You will die if I don't give you my blood to heal you, so, you're gonna have to drop the seal. Otherwise, you're gonna bleed to death. So, hurry. It's your choice
[Train Tracks]
(Sloan and the travelers are still casting the spell)
Caroline: Why is this taking so long?
Sloan: Just a little deeper. I see him. He's in a city
Stefan: He's in Atlanta
Caroline: Good. That's great. You found him
Sloan: Keep going. Push harder
Caroline: You said that you know where he is. What are you doing?
Sloan: I'm not done. The link is strong enough. We need more information
Caroline: You're pushing him too hard! He's gonna lose everything. Stop!
Sloan: We need the doppelganger d*ad. Louder!
(Caroline intervenes)
Sloan: If you hurt me, they'll k*ll you
Caroline: Tell them to stop. There's a way we can all get what we want
[Whitmore College]
(Elena is wandering on campus when she sees Aaron)
Aaron: Elena?
Elena: Oh, my God. Aaron? Are you alive?
Aaron: You don't look so hot
Elena: No. No, I'm good. I'm good now. I'm good now. I thought… I thought I k*lled you. I didn't k*ll you. You're right here. Oh! You're still alive
(It’s actually Damon and not Aaron)
Damon: It's me. It's Damon. Hey. You're hallucinating. Here. Drink this. It's Stefan's blood. Drink this
Elena: She won. Katherine won
Damon: Don't say that
Elena: Look at me, Damon. Look at me. Look at me. The plague of Katherine Pierce lives on. She's turning me into something that I'm not. Look at me. I'm a monster. Liv, the witch, I almost k*lled her. And my friends, I mean, I want to k*ll my friends. I think… I think if I k*lled my friends…
Damon: Come here. It's ok
Elena: No, it's not ok! It's not ok, Damon. I k*lled Aaron Whitmore
Damon: No...No
Elena: He keeps...following me everywhere. I'm hallucinating that Aaron's around here
Damon: Elena, look at me. Hey, look at me. You did not k*ll Aaron Whitmore. I did
Elena: What? Why? W… was it because of the virus? Did you need to turn him?
Damon: It was before I was infected. Listen, if you want specifics, it was the night that I thought that you broke up with me, Elena. I k*lled him to convince myself that you were right. That I was the type of person who could k*ll in cold blood, and I was never gonna change. That's why. I need you to say something
Elena: Why is Enzo here?
Enzo: Sorry to interrupt, but I have the antidote. Although from the looks of it, you'd both rather be d*ad
[Train Tracks]
(Stefan wakes up. Caroline is with him)
Caroline: Hi
Stefan: Rebekah. Hi
Caroline: Oh, my God
Stefan: I'm kidding
Caroline: It was funnier the first time
Stefan: Did it work?
(Enzo rejoins them)
Enzo: Engine's running, blondie. Appreciate the call. Let's go do this thing
Stefan: Did I miss something?
Caroline: Sloan was gonna fry your brain in order to k*ll your other you. I wasn't about to let that happen, so, I may have volunteered to help Enzo deal with it
Stefan: You mean...k*ll him. Caroline, I can't let you…
Caroline: They only want one alive, remember? It's you or him
Stefan: All right, fine, well, I'm coming with you
Enzo: No, mate, you aren't. They need to use you to keep track of him. Tick-tock, gorgeous. Time is of the essence
Caroline: I'll be fine, Stefan. Besides, you'd do the same for me, right?
Stefan: I don't trust him
Caroline: Don't worry. I don't, either. I'll be safe. I promise
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie and Liv are together)
Liv: Guess we should donate my shirt to Elena's f*re cleanse
Bonnie: I'm so sorry about all this
Liv: Hey, I survived my first vampire att*ck. I mean, it's just one more thing to add to the resume
Bonnie: Look, if you don't want any part of this, I get it. Magic isn't for everyone. I won't be offended
Liv: No. I want this. And I want you to teach me
Bonnie: Good. Then I'll see you tomorrow bright and early for some levitation
Liv: Awesome. Catch you tomorrow
(Liv enters her room and finds Luke inside)
Luke: Show off
Liv: Luke, what the hell? I was about to take my shirt off
Luke: Relax. I'm gay and your brother, so technically, you're the least attractive person in the world to me. Are you ok? I'm sorry I had to drag you into this, but Elena thought she was compelling me and I couldn't give up the ruse
Liv: I'm fine. After Elena gutted me, she gave me some of her blood
Luke: And how is our precious anchor to the other side?
Liv: I'm letting her think she's teaching me magic. It's kind of cute
Luke: Until she realizes her friends are in jeopardy. Then, not so cute
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon hands a glass to Elena)
Elena: No
Damon: She speaks. churning around in that beautiful head of yours?
Elena: You should have noticed
Damon: What?
Elena: That I was Katherine. That Katherine was me. You should have been the one that noticed
Damon: You don't think I know that?
Elena: If only you'd seen through her, Damon... There would be no vampire virus. Aaron would still be alive…
Damon: Katherine didn't do this. I did. I thought you broke my heart so I ripped open Aaron's neck. That is how much control you have over me
Elena: And I'm still here. That's how much control you have over me
Damon: Listen to us. This is toxic. We are in a toxic relationship, Elena. I just k*lled your friend and you find someone else to blame
Elena: You want me to blame you? Easy. Done. You screwed up, Damon. Again
Damon: Thank you!
Elena: You put me in a position where I have to defend you. Again. Where I have to bend my morals. Again. Where I have to go against every single thing that I believe in. Again! Because I love you
Damon: Then stop loving me
Elena: I can't!
Damon: Well, that's the problem. We don't work!
Elena: I know
Damon: Then we agree. This has to end
Elena: It just did It's over. We're over
(They kiss) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x16 - While You Were Sleeping"} | foreverdreaming |
[Atlanta Metro Hospital]
(Stefan’s doppelganger enters with a patient)
Doppelganger: What's your name, huh? My name's Tom. You're gonna be all right
[Train Tracks]
(Sloan is still casting the spell on Stefan)
Sloan: His name is Tom Avery. I heard that much
[Atlanta Metro Hospital]
Tom: Pneumothorax. I need a 10-guage needle now
Doctor: We'll take it from here
Tom: If you don't do it now, she's not gonna make it to the operating table
[Train Tracks]
Sloan: Come on, Stefan. I need your help with the link. Tell me what you see. Tell me where to find your doppelganger
[Atlanta Metro Hospital]
Doctor: You're a piece of work, Avery. They must have broke the mold when they made you
[Train Tracks]
Stefan: Atlanta Metropolitan Hospital
Sloan: Good. Now your friends can go k*ll him
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena and Damon are in bed. She wakes up)
Damon: Morning, sunshine
Elena: Oh. Um... Did I wake you?
Damon: No. I've been up for 3 hours
Elena: Really? Because you didn't say a word
Damon: Neither did you
Elena: Well… ahem… that's because I didn't really have much to say.Nothing's changed. We're still bad for each other, and we are still broken up. Last night was a mistake
Damon: Maybe we should keep making mistakes. Big ones
Elena: Seriously, Damon, put some clothes on or at least get out of my way. I need to go
Damon: Your loss. I make one hell of a naked breakfast
[A Dinner in Atlanta]
(Caroline and Enzo are sitting at a table. His phone rings. He answers)
Enzo: Atlanta assassination squad. How may we be of service?
Sloan: I take it you haven't located the doppelganger yet
Enzo: You told us to find a nameless paramedic at the scene of a car accident in a city full of freeways, fried green tomatoes, and terrible drivers. It's not exactly as easy as it sounds
Sloan: Which is why I'm calling. The doppelganger's name is Tom Avery, and I just saw him deliver a patient to Atlanta Metro Hospital
Caroline: She saw him? She did the vision thing again? We had a deal. I find Stefan's last living doppelganger…
Sloan: Tom
Caroline: Tom. I take care of Tom, and in return, you stop using Stefan to psychically b*mb him because every time you link the two, you are frying Stefan's brain
Sloan: I don't give a damn about his brain. It's his blood that matters, and until Stefan and Elena are the last two doppelgangers on earth, their blood is useless to me, so you better believe that I will give Stefan a back-alley lobotomy if you fail to k*ll Tom Avery
Caroline: Well, I don't fail at things, so do it again and I'll k*ll you, too
(They hang up)
Enzo: "I'll k*ll you, too." You're like a perky blond angel of death. Almost had me convinced
[Mystic Grill]
(Damon is at the bar with Matt and Tyler)
Tyler: Breakfast of champions
Matt: Let me guess. This is about Elena
Damon: You know, that is so incredibly insightful, Donovan. You are really street smart from working behind that bar for… what is it… 3 years now?
Tyler: At least he's not looking for answers at the bottom of a glass
Damon: Tyler Lockwood's now a life coach despite running his own life into the ground. Perfect
Matt: If you wanted advice, why didn't you just talk to Stefan?
Damon: Because it's difficult to explain to your brother that you just broke up with the former love of his life and then broke the bed
Tyler: Who TMI
Damon: Besides, I've got you two idiots, Mystic Falls' amateur therapists
Matt: I'm only listening to you because I'm getting paid
Damon: Less and less by the second. Anyway, Stefan's not an option. He's off doing some research project with Caroline. Don't worry, wolf boy. I'm sure they're just friends
(Liv rejoins them and looks at Matt)
Liv: Bottle of gin, and let me see you break the seal. What can I say? I got issues
Damon: Whoa! Pull up a chair, girl. Tell the professionals your problems. Just talk slow and use small words
Liv: Thanks, but never, ever. Bye
(She leaves)
Damon: Well boys, I hate to cut the session short but unlike you, I have other places to be today. Don't worry. I will be back because I have some deep, dark childhood trauma that I'm just itching to talk about
(He leaves)
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Elena is waiting in line for the parent-teacher conference)
Guidance Counselor: As the guidance counselor, you'll first meet with me individually, and then you'll have an open house with your child's teachers
(While she’s waiting, Elena calls Bonnie)
Elena: Hey, Bon
Bonnie: Hey. I got your text.What's the friend emergency?
Elena: Damon and I broke up.It's final
Bonnie: Oh, my God. When did it happen?
Elena: Last night
Bonnie: But you didn't come home last night
Elena: Uh, that's because I slept with him
Bonnie: Oh
Elena: Post breakup
Bonnie: Ohh
Elena: Was that irresponsible?
Bonnie: Probably. Does Jeremy know that you and Damon definitely maybe broke up?
Elena: No. He wasn't at the house last night thankfully
Bonnie: Well, that's weird. I mean, he didn't mention anything to me. If he wasn't at home, where was he?
Elena: I don't know. That doesn't really help with the whole irresponsible thing, does it? Bonnie?
Bonnie: Sorry. Katherine's cute BFF just showed up
Elena: I think his name is Luke
Bonnie: I have an idea. Since you and Damon are officially over...
Elena: Nice try, but, um, I'm pretty sure Damon is more of his type
Bonnie: They'd be cute, too
Elena: Ha! Oh, look, Bonnie. I have to go. Thanks for listening
(She hangs up and sits down)
Elena: Hey, Mrs. Douglas
Mrs. Douglas: Elena, it's good to see you
Elena: You, too
Mrs. Douglas: Although you're not on the list as Jeremy's primary contact
Elena: Then who is?
Damon: Damon Salvatore. Present. Pardon me
[Atlanta Metro Hospital]
(Caroline is at the reception)
Caroline: Thanks
(She rejoins Enzo)
Caroline: So the receptionist doesn't know Tom personally, but I compelled her to call someone who does
Enzo: Ok. I give up. I can't tell if you're avoiding the mission or me
Caroline: Well, why can't it be both?
Enzo: Because I've earned some company after hand-delivering the antidote that kept Damon and Elena from consuming each other literally
Caroline: That doesn't mean I trust you. I still don't understand why you're even here
Enzo: Damon's trying to be a good boy these days, which means I'm in need of a new m*rder buddy. I'm joking. I joke. British humor. Ah. Modern women, all bosoms, no mystery, present company excluded
Caroline: Dear God! Please don't tell me that I'm the real reason that you're here
Enzo: Why not? From what Damon tells me, I am your type… well-traveled, charming accent, dodgy morals
Caroline: Arrogant, tactless, completely unable to take a hint
Enzo: Precisely. I have to be honest, you remind me of someone I once knew. She worked for the Augustine’s
Caroline: Which means she tortured you. I can definitely relate to that
Enzo: Maggie was only there to observe my behavior in captivity. I quite liked her actually
Caroline: Let me guess. She made you want to be a better man
Enzo: Not at all. She just reminded me that I was good all along
(A doctor rejoins them)
Doctor: You were asking about Tom Avery?
Caroline: Yes. We need to see him as soon as possible. It's, uh… it's a matter of life and death
Doctor: I wish I could help. Tom Avery was a pain in my ass, but he was also the best paramedic I ever met
Enzo: What do you mean "was"?
Doctor: He disappeared 4 months ago
[A Scrap Yard]
(Sloan is with Stefan)
Stefan: We moved. Why?
Sloan: They don't call us Travelers for our mileage points
Stefan: I know this place. We're right outside of Mystic Falls
Sloan: Believe me, I'd rather be at the beach right now, but this is where we're supposed to meet our fearless leader
Stefan: Markos, right? You said he wants our blood. Why?
(His phone rings. She answers)
Sloan: I hope you're calling to tell me the doppelganger's d*ad
Caroline: Your stupid doppelvisions gave us bad information. Put Stefan on the phone
Stefan: Caroline, what happened?
Caroline: Tom has been missing from the hospital for months. Is there any other things that you noticed in your visions, any small details that could maybe help us out?
Stefan: No. I… I can't remember anything. After the spell happened, it's like I blacked out
Sloan: The link connects us to the doppelganger's mind. If we're seeing old memories, that means we have to go deeper
Caroline: No, no, no. If he's blacking out, that means that the link is destroying his memories. Stefan? Stefan. Stefan, are you still with me? Stefan, I'm still here.Listen to my voice. Can you hear me? I'm right here, ok? Just hold on
Stefan’s Vision
[A Parking Lot]
(A woman approaches Tom)
Woman: Excuse me? Hi. Are you Tom Avery?
Tom: The one and only.What can I do for you, miss, uh…
Woman: Hazel, and you already did it actually. It's my friend Trish.The doctor said you saved her life last night.
Tom: Eh, I was just doing my job
Hazel: Can I buy you dinner to thank you, I mean? Oh, God. I am so bad at this
Tom: How's 7:00?
Hazel: Perfect. You can pick me up at 6643 Peachtree Drive, hopefully not in an ambulance
Present Time
[A Scrap Yard]
(Sloan is still performing the spell on Stefan)
Caroline: Can you hear me? Just say something, please
Stefan: Caroline, I'm here. 6643 Peachtree Drive. It was a red-haired woman, and her name's Hazel
Caroline: Ok. Thank you. I won't let you down
Stefan: Caroline, he's a good person. Don't do it
Sloan: Clock's ticking
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Damon and Elena are waiting in a classroom, alone)
Damon: Clock's busted. What am I paying my PTA dues for? I am gonna file a complaint
Elena: Is that why you're here?
Damon: You left me in charge of Jeremy when you went off to Whitmore. I've had this on my calendar for months
Elena: Really? So no other reason?
Damon: Why? Is there something else you want to talk about? Oh, come on. Don't pretend like you're not still tingly from this morning
Elena: Can we just focus on Jeremy, please?
Damon: Right. Ok. Well, speaking of hypotheticals, if Jeremy was running around with another girl, would you want to know about it?
Elena: What are you talking about? What girl?
Damon: Bonnie's little witch trainee Liv. I saw her and Jeremy sharing a top-shelf bottle of inhibition k*ller at the grill this morning
Elena: Jeremy wouldn't do that to Bonnie
Damon: Again. Need I remind you, he once had an affair with a ghost? And the only thing that was missing was a sappy love song and a pottery wheel
Elena: He learned his lesson. Jeremy's not a cheater
(The guidance counselor enters)
Mrs. Douglas: Ok. Sorry to keep you waiting. Bad news first.Jeremy's missed 11 days of school. He started 3 fights, and he's been caught cheating in math class twice
Damon: Cheating? That's so not like him.Go on, please
Mrs. Douglas: I'm sorry. You are Elena's…
Damon: Ex-boyfriend…ex, right?
Elena: Can we not talk about this right now?
Mrs. Douglas: Actually, it's relevant. Most problems in school are rooted in problems at home. Jeremy's in desperate need of a s*ab living situation. People who care about giving him that more than their own needs…
Damon: I think he's in desperate need of a less judgy counselor
Elena: We do care, we really do. We'll... We'll do better
Mrs. Douglas: I hope so for Jeremy's sake
[A House]
(Caroline and Enzo arrive at a house)
Enzo: It's a miracle we found the place. Every other street in this blasted city is Peachtree
Caroline: These look old. Like, 4 months old
Enzo: 70 years in a cage, think I'd have learned to pick a lock by now
Caroline: Red hair. That's her. She's a witch. And she must own the house
Enzo: Not for long
Caroline: Why did you do that? She was our only lead
Enzo: Exactly, and I am a m*rder vampire. Surprise!
[Whitmore College]
(Luke keeps looking at Bonnie and she notices)
Bonnie: Hey. Hey. Can I help you?
Luke: Oh. Huh?
Bonnie: You just keep looking over there. I thought maybe you wanted to say something
Luke: Oh, no. No. I'm just studying unless you're an expert in wave mechanics
Bonnie: Mmm. Science isn't really my thing
(Hazel appears)
Hazel: You're the anchor. If I'm here, that means I'm d*ad. Tell him I failed. Tell him I was trying to hide the doppelganger with magic, but they found us
Bonnie: What are you talking about? Who are you?
Hazel: Hazel. He'll know the rest
(She passes through Bonnie)
Luke: Oh. Hey, hey, hey. Are you ok?
Bonnie: She said she knew you. How did she know you?
Luke: Who?
Bonnie: Someone named Hazel. She had a message for you
[Mystic Grill]
(Jeremy is still with Liv)
Jeremy: What the hell is a silencing spell?
Liv: Just a little bit of magic. It keeps nosey hybrid types from snooping
(Tyler and Matt are at the bar)
Tyler: So what's up with those two?
Matt: Cliff notes… Liv goes to Whitmore, she's a new witch,and Bonnie's teaching her magic
Tyler: You left out the part about her being hot. Like, weird hot
Matt: You're the one with, you know, vamp ears. What are they talking about?
Tyler: I have no idea. I can't hear anything
Liv: You're here because you're a hunter. That means that you can't be mind-controlled by Travelers. That officially makes you the only person in this room that I can trust
Jeremy: Ok. So trust me. Tell me what's going on
Liv: There's a rumor going around in witch circles. The Travelers are up to something big
Jeremy: I thought Travelers were witches
Liv: Not quite. They're more like the ugly stepsister. Travelers have a grudge against anyone that draws their magic from nature, something about witches cursing the land to turn it against them. Now they're on the move. Next stop… here
Jeremy: Mystic Falls? Why?
Liv: Your sister. Turns out Elena's friends are right. The world actually does revolve around her, so if you want to keep her safe, you're gonna have to help me figure out what the Travelers are up to
Jeremy: Is everything ok?
Liv: It will be
Jeremy: Wait. You lay all this on me, and now you're just leaving?
Liv: You were plan A. Plans change
(Tyler rejoins them)
Tyler: It's rude to leave Jeremy hanging, even for a newbie witch
Liv: Motus! Not a newbie witch, FYI
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Elena and Damon are in the hallways)
Elena: Just because Jeremy's a bad student doesn't meant that he's cheating on Bonnie
Damon: You're making excuses for someone you love. That's what you do. The worst the behavior, the more you try and defend
Elena: And you keep trying to make this about us
Damon: Yeah, because you keep trying to make it about anything else
Elena: You know what? Fine. But don't pretend that you came here for Jeremy. If you want to talk about last night, talk
Damon: Here's the thing, Elena. I don't know what to say or do or think. All I know is that right now I want to rip your clothes off right here in the middle of this hall and throw you in one of these classrooms and kiss every square inch of your body while a bunch of people that drive minivans listen, wishing they were us. That's probably a bad idea, right?
Elena: Right
Damon: Right
Elena: See you in class
[A House]
Enzo: She was in a bloody trance, unable to answer questions. I don't see why you're mad. I'm only doing what's necessary to save your friend because you won't
Caroline: You don't think that I'm up for this?
Enzo: This being the cold-blooded m*rder of an innocent man? You can hardly say the word. How do you expect to actually do it?
Caroline: I'm sorry. Is this all supposed to be easy? You barely know me, so let me reintroduce myself. Hi. My name is Caroline Forbes, and I am a good vampire, and I don't just go around k*lling people
Enzo: You've got me all wrong, Caroline Forbes. I'm not judging you. I'm preparing you. I've seen soldiers, men trained to k*ll, look their enemy in the eye and freeze up on the b*ttlefield, a hesitation that usually cost them their lives
Caroline: Well, last time I checked, this isn't w*r, and I'm not a soldier, but Stefan is one of the best people that I know, and when it comes to saving his life, yes, I will do just about anything… What's that sound?
Enzo: The tell-tale heart
(They enter the basement and find Tom)
Enzo: Why would a witch go to such lengths to keep a man alive and off the grid for 4 months?
Caroline: 4 months ago, Silas died, the original Stefan-ganger
Enzo: He's a d*ad ringer all right, or rather, soon to be d*ad
Caroline: Tom? Tom? Tom Avery?
Enzo: Caroline, let me do this. Just walk away now, go upstairs…
Caroline: No, no. I'm the one who made the deal. This is on me no matter what
Enzo: Or maybe you just can't stand the thought of putting Stefan's life in anyone's hands but your own
(Tom wakes up)
Tom: What's happening? Who are you people?
Enzo: We're angels, mate, come to deliver you to the sweet hereafter
Caroline: Calm down. You can trust me
Enzo: Bonding with him will only make it harder on you
Caroline: Let me do this my way. I'm your friend, and you mean the world to me. Do you trust me?
Tom: Of course
Caroline: Good. Now I promise, you won't feel a thing
Tom: What's going on?
Caroline: I'm getting you out of here
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie and Luke enter her dorm)
Bonnie: So you're Liv's twin brother and a witch? Anything else I should know?
Luke: Look. Please don't be mad at Liv, ok? My family's kind of messed up
Bonnie: I'm not mad. I'm creeped out. Why have you been watching me all day? We're not done
(She answers her phone)
Bonnie: Hey Jer
Jeremy: Is Elena with you? I think she's in trouble
Bonnie: No. She's at your school today, remember?What's going on?
Jeremy: Liv is up to something. She said Elena is important to the Travelers
Bonnie: Liv? Since when do you two talk?
Jeremy: Look. I'll tell you everything later, but I got to go find Elena
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Elena and Damon are alone in a classroom, once again)
Damon: Lucky us. First ones here
Elena: Shut up
Damon: You ok?
Elena: Shh. I said no talking
(She was actually day dreaming. She’s in a classroom with Damon and other parents. A teacher is talking to them)
Damon: Elena. Elena. Hey, Elena. Elena. Elena. Earth to Elena
Teacher: I tell my students chemistry is about attraction and reaction. Sometimes, it's beautiful
Damon: Hey. You're missing an incredibly boring presentation
Elena: I need some air
Teacher: It's the more destructive reactions that your students are the most interested in, and that's the meaning of applied science
(Elena is alone, taking the air she needed. Liv rejoins her)
Liv: Elena Gilbert. Just the girl I'm looking for
Elena: Liv? Hey. What are you doing here? Is this about Jeremy?
Liv: No. This is about you.Sorry about this. My coven did everything in its power to protect you, but you're just too dangerous now
Elena: I don't know what you're talking about
Liv: And you never will
(Damon intervenes and knocks her out)
Elena: Oh god
Damon: Little tip. If you're gonna show up to k*ll someone, don't waste time feeling bad about it
[A Dinner]
(Tom is with Caroline)
Tom: You know, Hazel seemed nice, so, you know; I figured why not have dinner? So I showered, I picked her up, and that was it. That was the last thing I remember for 4 months
Caroline: She kidnapped you that night, locked you up ever since and hid you away from anyone that knew magic
Tom: Oh. Like you said, she was a real witch
Caroline: Yeah
Tom: I don't know why I'm telling you my whole life story
Caroline: It's because I compelled you to and to stay calm and to not worry
Tom: Hmm. Why do you want to know so much about me?
Caroline: I just want to make sure that you're a good guy, no skeletons in the closet, that sort of thing
Tom: And?
Caroline: And… You are just about one of the nicest people I have ever met
Tom: Well, likewise because I do remember you saving my life, so if there's anything that I can do to repay you, let me know
Caroline: Uh, what I need from you isn't something I can take
Tom: I don't understand
Caroline: Well, you don't have to. You just remind me of someone who's really important to me
Tom: Well, he's one hell of a lucky guy
Caroline: Heh. Yeah. So are you because after this, you're gonna get on the train, ride until you find a place that you like, meet a pretty girl, settle down, and be happy for the rest of your long, long life. Just go easy on the carbs. They're a k*ller
[Mystic Falls’ High School]
(Damon is torturing Liv)
Elena: Enough!
Damon: Hardly. She was two seconds away from k*lling you. I want to know why, so I am gonna rip this nasty rag out of your mouth. If I hear so much as one syllable of hocus-pocus, one of us is gonna break your neck. Spoiler alert… it's gonna be me. Talk. All right
Elena: Damon, stop!
Damon: You do not to get to tell me what to do anymore. We broke up, remember?
Elena: This is exactly why we broke up. Please tell me you understand that
Liv: Oh, my God. Just k*ll me already
Damon: Tempting, but not until you talk
Liv: She's the last female doppelganger. After tonight, there might only be one male doppelganger, and if that happens, the Travelers will come for you, Elena, to use you. The witches can't let that happen
Damon: If it's between you or this psychopath, Elena, you know what I have to do
Elena: And if you do, then what? Am I supposed to hate you or resent you or forgive you?
Damon: Well, that's your choice. The only way you're gonna get to make it is if you are alive. Please tell me you understand that
(Jeremy arrives)
Jeremy: Are you freaking kidding me? You want to k*ll Liv, you're gonna have to k*ll me, too
(Luke arrives and sees Tyler and Matt)
Luke: Who are you?
Matt: Friends of Jeremy and Elena
Tyler: Even Damon sometimes
Matt: Oh, and don't forget Bonnie. She's the one who told us you might be here
Luke: Well, blood's thicker than water, and my sister's in there, so…
Tyler: Yeah. She showed us that trick before
Jeremy: What are you waiting for, Damon? Go on. Wouldn't be the first time you k*lled me
Elena: Jeremy
Damon: She tried to stake your sister, you idiot. She's gonna do it again
Jeremy: No, she won't. She is gonna help keep Elena safe. I will make sure of that
Damon: How? You can't even get a passing grade in penmanship
Jeremy: Trust me, I won't let anyone hurt you
Elena: Jer, after all the things that you've been pulling at school, how could I trust you?You haven't exactly been making good decisions, ok?
Jeremy: How do you expect me to care about school when this is my life? How I mean, take a look around. It's not like I can bring my teachers a note saying, "Hey. Sorry I missed class today. We were under a doppelganger invasion." But I know what I'm doing. Please.Liv knows more about the Travelers than she's letting on
Elena: Let's go, Damon
Damon: You can't be serious
Elena: I trust him, ok, and right now, I really need you to trust me
(Liv is outside with Luke)
Liv: Where the hell were you?
Luke: Look. We wouldn't even be here if you would have just k*lled Elena
Liv: I was almost turned into an ashtray or whatever crap they make in wood shop. Thanks for the brotherly concern.
(Jeremy rejoins them)
Jeremy: So here's plan C. You're gonna protect Elena, and I'm gonna help you stop the Travelers
Luke: You realize this is an epic conflict of interest?
Liv: Maybe not. Jeremy's got hunter skills, and he's not afraid to take a stand. If the Travelers are coming for his sister or making a move on Mystic Falls or both, he's gonna see it coming before we do. So what's the catch?
Jeremy: I'm gonna need some help
Luke: More townies. No
Jeremy: They're part of the deal. Take it or leave it
[A Parking Lot]
(Tom and Caroline are going to the car)
Tom: I don't think I've ever eaten so much in my life
Caroline: Yeah. I don't think anyone has
Enzo: Then I suppose it was a fitting last supper
(He kills Tom)
Caroline: No! Why the hell did you do that?
Enzo: Because you're not the only one who cut a deal to save someone's life. That old flame I mentioned… Maggie… the Travelers claim they know where to find her
Caroline: Yeah. Well, if she's anything like me, then she just lost all respect for you
Enzo: Then I'll earn her forgiveness in time because unlike you, Caroline, I'm willing to do whatever it takes for the people I love. The Travelers moved to some junkyard just outside Mystic Falls. Feel free to tell Stefan you're the one who saved his life
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon and Elena are in the living room)
Damon: Penny for your thoughts
Elena: I'm thinking Mrs. Douglas is right
Damon: The guidance counselor? What the hell does she know about the crap that we're dealing with?
Elena: She spelled it out for us, Damon. It's not that we're bad for each other. We're bad for Jeremy
Damon: Jeremy's whole life is bad for Jeremy. You want to fix Jeremy, put him on a plane, get him out of town. We did what he wanted, remember? Against my better judgment, I might add
(Jeremy enters)
Damon: Man of the hour.Where you going, little Gilbert?
Jeremy: Matt and Tyler said I could stay at their place for a while
Elena: What? No, Jer. You don't have to do that
Damon: Put the bags down. We'll talk about this in the morning
Jeremy: No, we won't.I should have moved out a long time ago
Elena: Jeremy, I know things have been a little crazy lately…
Jeremy: You know that they're always gonna be crazy, and I need to figure out how to deal with crazy on my own. Right now, this is what's best for me, for all of us. I'm not asking for permission
Elena: Ok. I'll… I'll call every day, and I'll make sure to stay more involved
[A Scrap Yard]
(Caroline rejoins Stefan)
Caroline: Stefan? Hey
Stefan: Hey. Are you…?
Caroline: A big, fat failure? Yep, but on the bright side, I'm also exhausted and very cranky
Stefan: It's good to see you anyway. So you want to tell me what happened?
Caroline: I just did. I failed. I couldn't k*ll him, Stefan, not even to save you
Stefan: You do realize that you're feeling guilty for not being able to k*ll somebody, right?
Caroline: No. I'm feeling guilty because you're still being held prisoner
Stefan: Come on, Caroline. They were never gonna let me out. I'm too important to them
Caroline: Well, you're even more important now. Enzo k*lled Tom
Stefan: Yet another reason to hate Enzo, I guess
Caroline: God. I should have seen it coming, that whole flirty "Oh, I'm so charming because I want to distract you" thing. I practically invented that. What do we now?
Stefan: We go to sleep
Caroline: What? That's heroic
Stefan: Well, the hero part of my brain needs to recharge after, you know, being tortured all day while you were out flirting with yet another British man
Caroline: shut up. That's very funny
Stefan: We gather our strength, wait for an opportunity, get the hell out of here together
Caroline: You knew.That's why you let me go because you knew the whole time, didn't you?
Stefan: I knew what?
Caroline: That I couldn't do it
Stefan: Not that you couldn't do it, that you wouldn't do it
Caroline: How?
Stefan: Because that's what makes you you
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon rejoins Elena in his room)
Damon: Something tells me you're not packing for our honeymoon
Elena: I'm going back to campus
Damon: You realize that you leaving doesn't solve anything, right? I mean, especially now that Jeremy's free and clear of our horrible influence
Elena: It's not about Jeremy. It's about us. It's not just that we're bad for each other. It's that when we're together we do bad things for each other. I can't live like that
Damon: I'll drive you to Whitmore
Elena: If you do that, then I'm gonna spend the entire car ride thinking about your hand next to mine, and even though I'll try, I won't be able to stop myself from taking it or from letting you kiss me, and we're never gonna get to where we need to go. We'll just end up back here where we started. That's why I need you to let me go. No, Damon
Damon: Travel safe
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie is leaving a voicemail to Jeremy)
Bonnie: Hey, Jer. Um, I haven't heard back. I have a million questions, so I miss you, and I'm a little confused, that's all. Call me?
[A Scrap Yard]
(Stefan and Caroline wake up. They hear noise and go see what’s happening)
Caroline: What the hell is that?
Stefan: Those buckets… they're drinking my blood and Elena's
Caroline: Oh, my God
Stefan: This is it. Here. Take my hand
[Whitmore University]
(Bonnie sees the travelers and they all go through her. She screams) | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x17 - Rescue Me"} | foreverdreaming |
[A Café]
(Elena is writing in her diary. She rips a page but it flies away. She tries to get it and sees Stefan)
Stefan: Did you lose something?
Elena: Uh, yes. It's a particularly mortifying page from my journal
Stefan: Ah. You, uh, censor your journal? Pretty sure that's against journal rules
Elena: And I'm pretty sure that you're not the journal police. Trust me, it's really bad
Stefan: I'm officially intrigued
Elena: And I'm officially not kidding. Thank you.I'm Elena
Stefan: I’m Stefan
[Middle of the Road]
(Stefan is nearly ran over by a car)
[Whitmore College]
(Elena suddenly wakes up)
Caroline: You ok?
Elena: Yeah. I just… I just had a really crazy dream
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon and Enzo are playing pool)
Enzo: So you broke up. That I get. Then you slept together. Not smart, but again, I get it. Now here's where it gets a bit hazy for me. You went to a parent-teacher conference?
Damon: Jeremy was having some trouble at school
Enzo: Right. Then the kicker. You offer to drive her back to campus, and she says she can't be around you. I mean, I'm just confused even thinking about it. Can't imagine how you feel
Damon: I'm fine. We're just taking some time apart
Enzo: Yeah, of course. A friends phase, where you, her friend, watch as she moves on with her life, finds a new boyfriend, perhaps a nice gentleman from a fraternity… Chance or Brock
Damon: Does your mysteriously missing girlfriend know how insufferable you are? Maybe that's why you haven't found her. She doesn't want to be found!
Enzo: I haven't found her because the Travelers, i.e. my only lead, decided to play a fun game of spontaneous combustion before giving me what they promised
Damon: Right. Now you're here annoying me
Enzo: We could always go k*ll people, but I suppose that's what got you into this problem in the first place
[Mystic Grill]
(Caroline and Elena arrive)
Caroline: Well, I guess my mom's not here yet. I'm gonna get us some coffees
Elena: Sure
[A House]
(Elena and Stefan arrive)
Stefan: Here you go
Elena: I'm gonna need these. I'm so clumsy
Stefan: So, uh, you hated the movie, huh?
Elena: No. I didn't hate it. I just wasn't exactly paying attention either. So do you want to dinner some…
Stefan: We should, uh, do this again sometime. Yeah
Elena: Sure
Stefan: Good
Elena: Sorry. That's my dad, waiting up for me. It's so embarrassing
Stefan: I'm really looking forward to dinner
Elena: Me, too
Stefan: Good night
Back to reality
[Mystic Grill]
Caroline: My mom's 5 minutes away.Elena?Hello? Elena!
Elena: How did I get here?I was just standing at the doorway
Caroline: Uh, you walked.Hang on. Did you just have one of those dreams like, right here?
Elena: It didn't feel like a dream, ok? It felt like it was real, like I was just there
Caroline: That's weird
Elena: Caroline, if you bite your tongue any harder, you'll bleed. Say it
Caroline: It's Psych 101. Actually, it's whatever comes before 101. You told Damon that you couldn't see him anymore, and now you're having dreams about Stefan?
Elena: It's not just about Stefan, ok? My parents were still alive. It was like a different life
(Caroline’s phone rings. She answers)
Caroline: Stefan, hey
Stefan: Hey
Caroline: Is everything ok?
Stefan: Well, you know how sometimes you feel crazy and you call me and I tell you that you're not crazy?
Caroline: Even though most of the time I am
Stefan: Well, I need you to tell me that I'm not crazy
Caroline: Uh, no promises
Stefan: I was walking to my car, and I nearly got plowed over in the middle of the street because I was having some vision of Elena
Caroline: I take that back. Actually, you're not crazy at all. Something's going on
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie is walking on campus and is on the phone)
Jeremy: Hey. It's Jeremy. Leave a message
Bonnie: Hey, Jeremy. It's me Bonnie Bennett, your girlfriend, just in case you need reminding, which I'm happy to keep doing until you call me back. So call me
(She hangs up and then sees her grams)
Bonnie: Hey, grams
Sheila: I heard the Travelers did a number on you last night
Bonnie: Did you read that in the other side newsletter? Grams, you don't look right
Sheila: Something's wrong over here, Bonnie. Some of the witches think that the Travelers tried to overwhelm you so that someone could get through
Bonnie: As in come back?
Sheila: Whoever it is, he's hiding from us, and now this place is…
Bonnie: That wasn't creepy. What's going on over here?
Sheila: I don't know, but whatever the Travelers did and whoever managed to get through, it's got the witches scared
[Lockwood Mansion]
(Liv is with Matt, Tyler and Jeremy)
Liv: The Travelers are here, and our goal is to get rid of them, but before I put my faith in the 3 Stooges, I need to make sure that none of you are harboring a passenger
Matt: So you want us to s*ab ourselves?
Liv: This Kn*fe is the only thing that will get rid of them
Matt: Again, you want us to s*ab ourselves?
Jeremy: Just do it so we can get on with this
Matt: Says the hunter with the Traveler-proof head
Tyler: I'll do it
Matt: And the hybrid, who heals
Tyler: Dude, you have a magic ring that brings you back from the d*ad. Quit bitching
Liv: Shoulder. Shouldn't hurt too much. Not too deep. I can help if you... So much testosterone, so few brain cells
Jeremy: Ok. So we're all in the clear. Want to tell us exactly what we're doing here?
Liv: Easy. You just have to do that about a hundred more times, only to other people. Look. The truth is that my coven has been tracking the Travelers for thousands of years. They're always on the move, but there have been a few times in history when they have stopped to gather. Freaky part is that no one's ever noticed because one by one they've taken over towns by putting passengers inside the townsfolk. We think they're doing the same thing in Mystic Falls
[Salvatore’s House]
(Enzo and Damon are still playing pool)
Enzo: Care to lose again, or shall we move on to step two of Elenaless Damon?
Damon: You know, bringing up her name defeats the purpose of me trying to forget about her
Enzo: Bring up whose name? Elena
Damon: Whatever
(His phone rings)
Damon: Speak of the devil
[Mystic Grill]
(Elena hangs up. Caroline sees Matt and goes talk to him)
Caroline: Hey. Have you heard from my mom?
Matt: No. Why?
Caroline: Well, she was supposed to meet me here, and now she's not texting me back. If you see her, will you just let her know that something came up?
Matt: Yeah, of course
Caroline: Ok. Thanks
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon ignores the call)
Damon: Damon one, temptation zero
(Enzo’s phone rings)
Enzo: Temptation one, Enzo…
(He answers)
Enzo: Hello, gorgeous
Caroline: Can you tell Damon that there's something going on with Elena and Stefan?
Damon: What?
Caroline: Well, you know how we all laughed off the notion that the universe is drawing Stefan and Elena together?
Damon: Yeah
Caroline: Well, that's happening
Damon: What's happening?
Caroline: Now that Stefan's doppelhim…
Damon: Tom?
Caroline: Tom, yes.Now that Tom is d*ad, Stefan and Elena are the last pair of doppelgangers, which might explain why Stefan and Elena are suddenly having vision-type situations of each other
Damon: Wait. What kind of visions?
Enzo: You know what she's not telling you. Somebody's having sex dreams
Elena: They're not sex dreams!
Caroline: Yeah. They're more like romance dreams
Damon: I don't need to know that. Where's Stefan?
Caroline: He went to the Traveler camp to see if anyone's still there that can tell him what's going on
Enzo: Yeah, good luck with that
Caroline: Well, it's our only lead. Look. All we know is that Tom is d*ad, the Travelers just committed a mass su1c1de, and now Stefan and Elena, who are clearly not together anymore, are having intense visions of each other
Damon: Find a witch, get her over here. Let's figure out what the hell's going on
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Someone knocks on the door. Jeremy opens the door. It’s Bonnie)
Jeremy: Bonnie
Bonnie: Surprise. Actually not really. I left you a voicemail, and I texted
Jeremy: Yeah, I know, I know. Sorry. I, um… I've just been busy moving and stuff
Bonnie: Right. All your stuff. Anyway, I need your help. I think something's going on on the other side
Jeremy: What do you mean?
Bonnie: My grams says the witches are worried someone got out,and I thought since you could see ghosts…
(Liv enters)
Liv: Jeremy, come on. Back to work
Bonnie: Liv's here? Are you kidding me?
Liv: It's not what it looks like. Jeremy hired me to help him with math
Bonnie: Right. Was that before or after you lied to my face and tried to k*ll his sister? Tell me what's going on
Jeremy: I can't. I'm sorry. We have this handled. I just… I need you to trust me, ok?
(Bonnie leaves)
Jeremy: I told you I didn't want to keep any secrets
Liv: Nothing personal, Jer, but sneaking up on the Travelers requires them not to know that we're doing it. I already broke my rule once for Matt and Tyler. I'm not doing it again
(Tyler rejoins them. He’s on the phone)
Tyler: Where are you now?
[Sherif’s Department]
(Matt is there)
Matt: Checking on the sheriff, but she's not here.I know it's probably nothing, but if I were gonna take over a town…
Tyler: You'd start at the top. Don't do anything stupid before I get there
Matt: I can't do anything until you bring the Traveler Kn*fe, so hurry up
(Liz enters)
Liz: Traveler Kn*fe?
Matt: Sheriff, hey
Liz: Who you talking to?
Matt: Uh, Caroline. She said you missed lunch, so I told her I'd check up on you
Liz: You mentioned a Traveler Kn*fe
Matt: Did I? Maybe you misheard
Liz: I didn't
[A Street]
(Bonnie is walking and sees Matt)
Bonnie: Matt? What are you doing here?
Matt: I'm d*ad, Bon,but the sheriff's in trouble
Bonnie: What?
Matt: Just tell Jeremy. He'll know what I mean. I'm sorry to do this to you, Bon
[The Other Side]
(Matt wakes up and sees a man)
Matt: Can you see me? Are you a witch? Then how?
(Kol is there too)
Kol: It's all topsy-turvy over here, darling, but I've got to say it's good to be seen. Don't tell me you don't remember me. Kol, original vampire, m*rder pointlessly by Jeremy Gilbert
Matt: Yeah, I know who you are. I thought the whole point of this place was to live out your afterlife in solitude. Why can I see you?
Kol: Well, apparently there's trouble in paradise. The rumblings from the witches is that somebody tore his way out of here,and now this whole place is unraveling. Not that that matters to you. You're just on holiday, which means you're going back
Matt: Vicki
Kol: Never heard of her
Matt: She's my sister. She's over here. If I can see you, then that means I can see her
[Salvatore’s House]
(Enzo opens the door to Caroline and Elena)
Enzo: I thought you were bringing a witch
Caroline: We said we'd call her. We didn't say we'd pick her up
Elena: So where's, uh… where's Damon?
(Damon enters)
Damon: Hi
Elena: Hi
Enzo: So who could use a drink from the library?
Caroline: Yes, please
(They leave)
Elena: Well, at least they're not being obvious. You got a pool table
Damon: Yeah. I figured pool was a good outlet to put this pent-up energy that I seem to now have
Elena: Yeah. I went running today, 10 miles. Could have gone 20
Damon: Yeah
(Caroline and Enzo are in the library)
Caroline: Oh. This is so bad. They're fishing for small talk. We should do something
Enzo: Or we could stay and let them amuse us as they resist the desire to tear each other's clothes off
Damon: Drink?
Elena: Probably not a good idea. Inhibitions and all
Damon: Well, wouldn't want that
Elena: Can we not do this?
Damon: We're not doing anything. I think that's part of the problem. We're just standing clothed, just standing, doing nothing
Elena: I mean, the whole strained, awkward, don't know how to act part. Can't we just be friends and do friendly things?
Enzo: Ouch! She used the f-word. Poor bastard
Caroline: But I thought that's what this was
Enzo: Oh, it is, but it was never explicitly stated until now
Caroline: And that matters because?
Enzo: Well, because until it's officially out there, there's still hope, and hope… hope can trick you into all sorts of hilariously unrealistic scenarios
Caroline: You mean Maggie? So what happened?
Enzo: Well, the Travelers forgot to tell me where Maggie was before they lit themselves on f*re. Talk about a lead going up in smoke
Caroline: Yeah, but… and no offense… but even if she still was alive, wouldn't she be, like, really old?
Enzo: 70 years of captivity, and she was the face that I clung on to… the notion that one day I'd get out and see her again. I don't want to date her, Caroline. I want to thank her
Damon: So having sex dreams about my brother
Elena: Wow! Ok. Yeah, that's definitely one way to change the subject
Damon: Well, I just thought I'd skip the uncomfortable parts
Elena: Yeah. Look. I don't know what the visions mean, Damon. It's just random snippets of Stefan and me living in some alternate reality
Damon: I'm gonna regret this, but... By any chance are fantasy Elena and fantasy Stefan really, really, really happy?
Elena: Um...
Damon: Right. Well, as your friend, let me state the obvious that the prophecy says that you two are fated to be together. You're supposed to be together
(Someone knocks on the door. Damon opens it. It’s Luke)
Damon: We're all good on bibles, thanks
Luke: I'm Luke Parker, Liv's twin brother
Damon: Liv has a twin? Is it possible for there just to be one of someone around here?
Elena: Where's Liv?
Luke: Busy
Damon: Come on in
[Sheriff’s Department]
(Liz comes out. Tyler rejoins her)
Tyler: Hey, Sheriff
Liz: Hey, Tyler. Staying out of trouble?
Tyler: Yeah. You know me
Liz: I certainly do, and hybrids are not above the law, so do me a favor. Keep the day drinking at the grill on the D.L., please. It's bad for business
Tyler: Right. Will do
Liz: Anyway, I'm running late
Tyler: My mom says hi
Liz: Send her my best, ok?
Tyler: You're ok. You're safe now
[Salvatore’s House]
(Everyone is gathered in the living room)
Damon: What do you mean you can't stop their visions?
Luke: Our magic doesn't work like that. We're not bigger than the universe
Damon: Then why are you are in my house?
Luke: Because we need your help. We think the Travelers are about to make their move. Their leader Markos is here
Damon: From where? Chant camp?
Luke: The other side. He's been d*ad for centuries, and we think the f*re sacrifice allowed him to escape
Elena: Perfect. A d*ad old guy with a mysterious, evil plan. I'll take that drink now
Caroline: Stefan just called. He said the scrap yard's been completely cleared out
Damon: And let me guess… the witches don't know where Markos is
Luke: You guys said the visions are trying to draw Elena and Stefan together for something
Elena: For our doppelganger blood. The Travelers need it for some prophecy
Luke: And if the Travelers are the ones who need your blood, doesn't it make sense that you're not only being drawn together but also...
Elena: Being drawn to them
Damon: Well, this just keeps getting better and better
Caroline: Wait. I don't get it
Enzo: If the visions are a road map, then we need more clues. Break out the popcorn, blondie. Elena's little sex romp isn't over yet
(Damon is outside. Elena rejoins him)
Elena: What are you doing out here?
Damon: Aw, you know, looking at the stars, listening to the universe laugh at me
Elena: Damon…
Damon: We were doomed from the beginning, Elena. We were always gonna end up here
Elena: Damon, they're just visions. As soon as we find Markos, they'll stop
Damon: And then what? We're friends? Can't wait
Elena: Look. I know we're in a little bit of a weird place right now. Hey. Look at me. The universe doesn't control anything. It's not real
[A House]
(Elena rejoins Stefan)
Elena: You're really trying to pull off this chef thing
Stefan: Yeah. Well, it's our anniversary, so, uh, no holding back
Elena: Well, if it turns out anything like your last 22 attempts, wine
Stefan: Mmm. Perfect
Elena: I always forget. Where do we put the opener?
Stefan: Oh. No, no, no. Not that drawer, not that one
Elena: Yes
Stefan: You didn't even open it
Elena: I don't have to
Stefan: I love you
Elena: I love you, too
Back to reality
[Salvatore’s House]
Damon: Elena
Elena: Did I just…?
Damon: Yep
Enzo: That good, eh?
Elena: He's here. I know where Markos is. 4620 Walnut Drive
[The Other Side]
Matt: Vicki! Vick! How am I back here?
Vicki: Matt!
Matt: Vick?
Vicki: Matty, I'm here
Matt: I'm here now. It's ok
Vicki: No. Listen to me. It's not ok. Something's wrong.Look at this place. Matty, you need to get to your body and go back
Matt: I'm not leaving you again. We're getting out of here. Take my hand. Let’s go. Take my hand!Vicki! Vicki!Vicki! Vicki! I won't let you go!
Vicki: Matt, I love you... But I'm already d*ad
Matt: Noooo! Vicki! Vicki! Vick!
[A House]
(Damon and Enzo arrive and enter)
Damon: Huh. Clear
Enzo: I wonder if this is where Stefan and Elena had crazy vision sex. Eh, it's probably the bedroom. Stefan's pretty vanilla, but apparently that's Elena's favorite flavor
Damon: I'm gonna staple your tongue to your chin
Man: Not in my house, please
Damon: Markos I take it. Well, I'm not Stefan, and this is not Elena
Markos: Why are you here?
Damon: I was about to ask you the same question. Plus, what do you want, and why are the doppelgangers having visions of each other?
Markos: First two are complicated. Last one's easy. I'm the reason Stefan and Elena are having visions of each other
Damon: You?
Enzo: Well, would you look at that. I think we just met the universe
Damon: You mind telling me what the hell is going on?
Markos: Well, I'm afraid the doppelganger lore's been misinterpreted over the ages
Damon: As in there is no prophecy?
Markos: The prophecy is that the doppelganger blood can help the Travelers, but they're being drawn together because of a spell I cast 1,500 years ago. I had no idea where they were, and it turns out the best way to get people to go searching for each other is the promise of true love. Is it stuffy in here?Why don't we take a walk? You stay here
Enzo: Not bloody likely
Markos: You want to find Maggie? You stay here.Shall we?
[A Street]
(Damon and Markos are walking)
Markos: Mystic Falls is a beautiful town
Damon: Oh, yeah.Picket fences, block parties, uncannily high death rate
Markos: You take your homes for granted
Damon: I'm sorry. Are we walking so I don't fall asleep?
Markos: 2,000 years ago, Silas and Qetsiyah cast a spell for immortality.It created a schism in the Traveler community, giving rise to the witches. They tried to keep us scattered to make us forget how powerful we can be
Damon: And thus began the w*r between the Travelers and the Witches, and it's still rages on and on. Sorry. I just nodded off
Markos: The witches put a curse on us that kept us from settling down as a tribe. Whenever we've tried to gather, disaster struck… plagues, earthquakes, f*re. Something inevitably wiped us out
Damon: Let me guess… the doppelgangers can fix this. So you found them. Now what?
Markos: We simply need their blood, but we're not your enemy, Damon, and to prove that to you, I'm gonna stop their visions. The curse might prevent us from gathering in our own bodies, but we've found ways around that
Damon: Passengers. So how many of you are there?
Markos: A few... Here and there.Shall I continue?
[A House]
(Elena is in the kitchen, listening to the radio)
Radio: ...Winds that cool. Low temperatures expected
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: Hey. So I, um… I got your aunt Jenna a wine of the month thing. Think she'll like that?
Elena: The only thing I think she would have liked more would have been a wine of the day thing
Stefan: Thank you
Elena: Oh. I talked to Jeremy, and he's bringing a girl home this year
Stefan: Ooh. So is Damon
Elena: Hmm. I'm sure they'll both be lovely
Stefan: Liar. Hey, guys, share, please
Elena: Do you know that she bit him this morning?
Stefan: Really? Nice
Elena: Stefan, don't encourage that
Stefan: What? Everybody loves a biter
Elena: Oh, yeah? I'll bite you
Stefan: Good. I'll bite you right back
Back to Reality
[A Street]
(Markos and the travelers stop)
Markos: It's done
[Salvatore’s House]
(Elena is in the living room. Stefan is here too)
Stefan: Elena
Elena: Did you feel that, too?
Stefan: And then it just ended
Elena: Does that mean that it's over?
Stefan: Yeah. It's over
Elena: They weren't real
Stefan: It was a spell, showing us what we wanted to see
Elena: We weren't vampires,my parents were still alive. It was a fantasy, like a movie. It was the life that we never could have had
Stefan: But it still felt…
Elena: Amazing?
Stefan: Yeah. But, you know, the life that we had, I mean, that was amazing, too, and it wasn't a spell or a prophecy. It was real. We fell in love on our own. We had ups and downs, we fought
Elena: I died
Stefan: Yeah. We changed, both of us. We grew, and we grew apart, but that is real. I mean, that's life
Elena: You couldn't cook
Stefan: And you could. Again, a fantasy. I'll always love you, Elena
Elena: I will always love you, too. Do you think Damon and I will ever be able to talk like this, like friends?
Stefan: I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them. I don't think you can be both
[The Other Side]
(Kol rejoins Matt)
Kol: All right, then.Mourning time over. Chip-chop. Not to be insensitive, but she was already d*ad. Little bit of a grief overkill, don't you think?
Matt: Where'd she go? Did she move on?Did she find peace? Because it certainly didn't look like that
Kol: I don't know where she went, and honestly, I would love to never find out, which is why I need you back in your body, shouting from the rooftops about what happened here
Matt: It doesn't matter. When I go back, I'm not gonna remember any of this
Kol: Well, you better find a way to remember it. Look. You might not like me, but I'm not the only one over here, and if this place goes down, then what happened to your sister is going to happen to us all. Please, mate, you have to go back. You have to find out how to stop this
[Sheriff’s Department]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are waiting for Matt to wake up)
Bonnie: What?
Jeremy: I just realized you're the only person in this office the sheriff hasn't k*lled
Bonnie: You're making jokes now
Jeremy: Bonnie, look. I'm sorry for everything. This whole thing with Liv, it had nothing to do with her. I was just trying to protect you
Bonnie: Ok. Here's what's not ok. Do what you want to protect me, but don't fall off the face of the earth, especially with someone who was caught lying to me and who tried to k*ll Elena. Don't put me in a position where I have to question you because I…
Jeremy: I know. Because of Anna. Look. I know I messed up
Bonnie: Listen. I was gonna say because I choose to trust you, and I want to be right
(Matt wakes up)
Bonnie: Matt, are you ok, are you ok?
Jeremy: You died and came back from the other side
Matt: I know. I remember
Bonnie: You remember? That doesn't happen
Matt: One second, I was holding Vick…
Jeremy: Wait. You saw Vicki?
Matt: She pushed me away, and then… and then she just disappeared. What's going on over the, Bon?
Bonnie: I don't know
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon rejoins Elena)
Damon: I think we need some rules here because if I'm not allowed to drive you home, then I definitely don't think you're allowed to ambush me in my bedroom
Elena: I just… I just wanted to say thank you. Whatever you did, it worked
Damon: Well, I'm sorry to tear you away from paradise
Elena: It was paradise actually
Damon: I told you I don't want to know
Elena: But you need to know. I saw a perfect life. Stefan and I were married, and we had kids. It was everything that we wanted
Damon: Well, we can always ask Markos to put it back
Elena: But it's not real. You and I, we're messy and complicated, but we’re real
Damon: And really bad for each other. Did you forget that part?
Elena: Yeah, but I still need you in my life
Damon: As friends, right? Right. No, Elena. I can't be your friend. It's too damn hard
Elena: Damon…
Damon: No. I'm serious, Elena. I can't see you anymore. I don't want to hear your voice, I don't want to talk to you, I don't even want to look at you, and I sure as hell don't want to be your friend
Elena: If that's what you want
Damon: That's what I want
[Caroline’s House]
(Caroline is with her mom and on the phone)
Caroline: Yeah. Ok. I gave her my blood.So what do I do? She's still unconscious
Tyler: For starters, relax. Matt said he was out for a while when this happened to him
Caroline: What are they doing here? This is our home. We can't let them take over
Tyler: They won't. I got it handled, I promise
Caroline: Thanks, Tyler
Tyler: You're welcome
Caroline: I got to go. She's waking up
(She hangs up. Liz wakes up)
Caroline: Hey
Liz: What happened?
Caroline: You missed lunch
[A House]
(Tyler rejoins Markos)
Tyler: We're in. She's oblivious
Markos: It's not a bad upgrade either
Tyler: This body is incredible
Markos: Don't get used to it.Once this is over and the town is ours...
Tyler: I know. It's gone
Markos: Did you bring it?
Tyler: This is the only Kn*fe left
Markos: It was the only Kn*fe left | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x18 - Resident Evil"} | foreverdreaming |
[A Coffee Shop]
(Elena rejoins Stefan)
Elena: Breakfast, Professor Salvatore?
Stefan: Oh, no, no, no, no. I see what you're doing
Elena: What am I doing?
Stefan: Distraction tactics. Stay focused. So psychology, sociology, and anthropology share the assumption that...
Elena: Scientific methods can be used to understand human behavior
Stefan: That's very good, as in verbatim, which means that I need to ask you more difficult questions
Elena: Thank you
Stefan: For what?
Elena: Volunteering to help me study the day after Damon declared that we can't be friends and that he never wants to see my face again.Speaking of distracting tactics
Stefan: You're welcome
(Bonnie rejoins them)
Bonnie: Hey. I'm sorry I'm late.What did I miss?
Elena: Just that Stefan's the tutor from hell
Stefan: Unkind. Take that back
Elena: Actually, I'm surprised that you're up for studying, you know, considering...
Bonnie: Considering?
Elena: The other side... Falling apart. She's in denial
Stefan: So I see
Bonnie: I'm not in denial. The other side is disintegrating. As the anchor to the other side, I'm only alive as long as there is another side. I'm perfectly aware of the thr*at of my impending death. There is nothing I can do about it. It's called acceptance, fifth stage of grief. Look it up, tutor guy
Stefan: Definitely in denial
Elena: Yeah. Look, Bonnie. I've already lost you once. We're not doing this again. It's not an option, ok? Not to mention what's gonna happen to Alaric and your grams and everyone else over there. So what are we gonna do?
Bonnie: Fine. If you guys promise to stop hovering, I'll ask Liv if she has any witchy ideas. Besides, don't we have bigger problems with those Travelers trying to take over Mystic Falls?
Stefan: Oh, no. Damon's already on that
Elena: He is?
Stefan: Did I say Damon? What I meant to say was George
Elena: Damon said the he never wanted to see me again. I guess we're both in denial
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Matt rejoins Jeremy)
Jeremy: Ugh! Whose nasty-ass boxers are under the couch?
Matt: Not mine. I actually do my laundry. It's not in the floor safe
Jeremy: Or the kitchen cabinets or the garage or the bookshelves. The Traveler Kn*fe is gone
Matt: Are you sure Tyler hid it where he said he did?
Jeremy: Well, obviously not
(Damon arrives)
Damon: Dingdong! Invite me in
Matt: We can hear you just fine from there
Damon: Oh, I'm so sorry I interrupted whatever weird ritual you two were doing, but I just want to de-passenger the great citizens of Mystic Falls using your magical Traveler Kn*fe, so hand it over
Matt: That's gonna be a problem
Damon: 5 words that make want to vamp-toss my keys into your chest cavity. Little Gilbert, help me in the fight against my dark side and elaborate, please
Jeremy: We can't find it
Damon: As in you lost it?
Matt: As in it's not here
Damon: You're right. Don't invite me in because I will k*ll both of you
Jeremy: Tyler said he hid it in the piano
Damon: And when was the last time you heard from Tyler?
[An Abandoned Building]
(Tyler wakes up. Markos is here)
Tyler: Where the hell am I?
Markos: Not here. Veet. Welcome back, Julian. Apologies for the precautions, but you're passengered into the body of a hybrid. It's hard to know how long you have before his consciousness returns
Tyler/Julian: I see we moved yet again. At least this is a step up
Markos: Just trying to keep our people comfortable. With luck, our days of striking camp are numbered. Sloan, 2,000 years ago, the witches put a curse on our tribe so nature would turn against us should we ever attempt to settle as a people. We have lived without a home, roaming like cattle. The prophecy states that we can break that curse, but in order to undo a witch's curse, one must have the power to undo a witch's magic.Our faithful Sloan has volunteered to be the… how do you say… guinea pig of our little experiment. Drink. Are you ready, Sloan?
Sloan: I'm ready
[A Street]
(Enzo answers his phone)
Enzo: And to what do I owe the pleasure?
Damon: You don't happen to know where I can finda Traveler, do you?
Enzo: You know Travelers… vagabonds and the like. Haven't seen any. Why?
Damon: I've got two brain-d*ad teenagers who didn't realize two plus two equals one hijacked hybrid
Enzo: Don't envy you there, mate
Damon: Well, what do you say… field trip? I mean, I'm sure there's some salvage yard we haven't toured yet. I think it's a little too dangerous to let Tweedledee and Tweedledumber out of the house.Last thing we need's another Traveler possession in our midst
Enzo: Sadly I've got to take a rain check. I'm late to meet some people
(Bonnie looks at Liv)
Liv: What?
Bonnie: Nothing. Not really nothing. More like a rhetorical question about how to fix an imploding supernatural purgatory
Liv: Oh, great. He's here
Bonnie: You know Enzo?
Liv: Yep. Not a fan
(Enzo rejoins Stefan and Elena)
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Enzo: I can't join my friends for a cup of tea?
Stefan: Damon, your friend, uh, singular, isn't here, and we're a little busy right now. But by all means, have a seat
Enzo: No need to be rude. I've come here for a chat. Elena, darling, perhaps Caroline told you I've been searching for someone I once knew, a woman named Maggie
Elena: Your elusive girlfriend from the Augustine days
Enzo: Maggie worked there as an observer, taking notes on my behavior. She never got too close, never took off her Vervain bracelet, but we spent hours and hours talking, and we developed an attachment. Now she left in 1950. I imagined her one day teaching at one of these fancy universities, starting a family, living her life to the fullest. I'm sure you two can appreciate that
Elena: What's going on?
Enzo: That Traveler girl Sloan gave me this yesterday, making good on a promise. Ahem. From the Augustine files left behind by our good Dr. Wes. Yes. Imagine how I felt when I saw it. Turns out Maggie died in 1960 in Mystic Falls. Someone tore her head right off her body
Elena: In 1960, were you…
Enzo: A ripper? Clearly
Stefan: I wasn't a ripper then. I'm really sorry about your friend, but I had nothing to do with it
Enzo: Thought you might say that. Liv! A little service here, please
Bonnie: Liv, what are you doing? Stop
Liv: I can't stop. Sorry
Enzo: That's my fault really. Where's Luke? See? I compelled a few blokes from the rugby team to keep her brother's life in jeopardy so that should the witch disobey he will die. There's a good soldier. Ok, Stefan. Are you ready to talk about what you did to the love of my life?
(Liv is with Luke)
Luke: Tell him to use me instead
Liv: I don't really think he's up for taking orders. Besides, I'm older than you
Luke: By 5 minutes
Enzo: Get him out of here now
Liv: Wait. What are you doing?
Enzo: Get him out. Too many witches under one roof makes me nervous. I'll let you know if he needs to die. That Vervain water is going to hurt even worse if you struggle against those knots. Chap's in the sailing club
Elena: How did you compel everyone here?
Enzo: Place opens at 8:00, you got here at 9:00. Do the math, college girl. I will gladly release them once you admit you k*lled Maggie
Stefan: I would love to except I have absolutely no idea who she is
Enzo: That's what this is for. Police found it on her body at the crime scene. "June 10, 1951, I found a job at a preschool. I love the kids, but still I feel lost, listless.’’ ‘’March 1953, while my girlfriends have all found love, for some reason, I can't seem to connect with anyone as if a part of my soul is missing or d*ad. My sister said there are more men in the city. Maybe I'll move." Now it turns out she did move to the city in 1958, and in the move, she uncovered a box that she hadn't touched in years… medical journals from 1950, covered in notes about a special vampire patient named 12144. Of course, when she came back, Whitmore House had b*rned, and it was concluded that I had perished in the f*re.You're a journal man, aren't you, Stefan?
Stefan: This is ridiculous. In 1960, I was cleaned up. I was barely feeding on people, let alone k*lling them
Enzo: Good idea. Let's call Damon
(He calls him)
Damon: How is it Travelers are everywhere until you actually need to find one?
Enzo: Hunt going poorly then?
Damon: That's what I get for working with the Hardy boys
Enzo: I take it you don't have Stefan's diaries handy. I need you to check his journal for an entry on November 8, 1960
Damon: Stefan b*rned his journals a while ago. He was in a mood. Why?
Enzo: Well, just trying to settle a little debate. No matter. I'm right. How you hanging in there, man? I heard you exiled Elena from your eye line
Damon: How'd you hear that? Are you with them right now?
Enzo: Not for long. I reckon one will be d*ad soon… eye for an eye and all that
Damon: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Enzo. You have your m*rder voice on. I need you to speak very slowly and calmly and tell me what the hell the problem is
Enzo: The problem, if you must know, is that my girl Maggie, the one who got away, it turns out she didn't get away for long. Your ripper of a brother took a big bite out of her neck membrane in the sixties
Damon: Sixties? Stefan wasn't even…
Enzo: Got to jet, mate. Nothing personal, just a bit of revenge, you understand?
(He hangs up)
Enzo: Any history majors in the house? Ah. Trick question. I compelled them all not to speak or react. Never mind. We'll use this. 1960. Let's see. Ford Thunderbirds, Lincoln Continentals, unseasonably cold that year. Tuesday, November 8, John F. Kennedy was running for president
Stefan: Election night
November 8th 1960
(Stefan is in an alley, feeding from a woman)
Stefan: Ah. You're ok. Forget this ever happened and run
(The woman leaves and Maggie rejoins him)
Maggie: Gold star for impulse control. Don't worry. I'm not here to judge
Stefan: Who the hell are you?
Maggie: Maggie James and you're Stefan Salvatore. Sorry. It's just… it's all so fascinating. Here. I've been staring at Damon's picture for years. Guess you got the handsome genes
Stefan: What do you know about my family?
Maggie: I spent the last two years searching for your brother. I know everything about the two of you
Stefan: Why are you so obsessed with my brother?
Maggie: He knew a friend of mine who died in a f*re. I was hoping you'd know where to find him
Stefan: Ah. Why don't you do yourself a favor and stay away from my brother? He's a monster. He fell off the rails a couple of years ago. There's no talking sense into him
Maggie: Well, it's a good thing I don't want to talk to him. I want to k*ll him
Stefan: Heh. So you want me to tell you where my brother is so that you can k*ll him?
Maggie: You just said he's he a lost cause I'd be doing the world a favor
Stefan: Well, it's too bad you're not doing yourself any favors
[A Coffee Shop]
Elena: That was Maggie?
Enzo: Now we're getting somewhere
Stefan: I didn't k*ll her. I was just trying to scare her into leaving town
Enzo: So it was the other ripper in Mystic Falls then?
Stefan: I have no reason to lie to you, Enzo
Enzo: Are your lies worth Bonnie's life?
Elena: Bonnie!
Enzo: What exactly happens if you die anyway?
Bonnie: Let go of me
Enzo: Aren't you technically already d*ad? Should we find out?
Stefan: Stop! You're right. I k*lled Maggie. I tore out her throat, and I ripped her head off. I completely forgot about her until now. That's the truth. Now let her go
Enzo: Take her upstairs
(Liv takes Bonnie upstairs)
Liv: You ok?
Bonnie: You can cut the scared hostage act
Liv: Excuse me?
Bonnie: Enzo may be using you as his little pocket witch, but if he kills either of them, the Travelers can't do whatever they need to do with the doppelganger blood, and the witches win
Liv: Very clever. You should be a magic teacher
[Sheriff’s Department]
(Damon is on the phone)
Damon: Blondie, now is not the time to be screening my calls. You're the only one unaccounted for, and I don't know where Elena and Stefan are. At least call your mother
(Liz rejoins him)
Liz: Why the sudden interest in Mystic Falls’ history?
Damon: You know when your brother kills your only friend's girl and you're stuck in the middle?
Liz: No
Damon: Well, then don't ask
Liz: Ok. 1960. There was a mugging reported November 9
Damon: No, no, no. It has to be the eighth. He was very specific about the eighth
Liz: Ok. Well, that would be Maggie James. Died November 8, 1960, unresolved homicide, possible serial k*ller
Damon: Stefan was right. He didn't k*ll Enzo's girl
Liz: How do you know?
Damon: Because I did
Maggie: It's the only way to get you out of here. Make me a vampire. I'll save you.We'll run away together.Don't you want to be with me?
Enzo: More than anything in this world
Maggie: Then I'm ready. Dr. Whitmore's back. You need to hurry
Enzo: Come closer.Take my hand. Leave, Maggie. Leave and never come back, and when you go, forget I ever existed, forget that I love you. Wait. Must have fallen from your wrist
Maggie: Sorry
[A Coffee Shop]
Enzo: Where were we then?
Elena: Stop. You made your point
Enzo: What was that? I couldn't hear you over all the…
(Bonnie and Liv are still upstairs)
Liv: Oh, I'm sorry. Is there a more appropriate reaction to t*rture?
Bonnie: This whole time, I thought I was doing you some favor by teaching you magic, and you're more powerful than I ever was
Liv: It's nothing personal. It was our job to protect the doppelgangers. You were an easy in,but, yeah, the stuff you were teaching me I learned in first grade
Bonnie: Does your coven know the other side is falling apart?
Liv: Why? You scared you're not gonna make it through to finals?
Bonnie: It is not about me. I have friends there, my grams. I mean, there's got to be something that can be done to save it, a spell, a ritual, something
Enzo: I used to scream, too, but for me, it wasn't so much the sharp instruments as it was the fingers. Those bloody fingers. Like I was a ball of dough
(Damon enters)
Damon: Well, this is depressing. Stadium seating really necessary? These people are starting to creep me out
Enzo: If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was a veiled attempt to get to release the damn hostages
Damon: Oh, I'm sorry. Was that veiled? Release the damn hostages
Enzo: Whose side are you on?
Damon: There are sides now?
Enzo: You were there with me in Augustine. Look. Don't tell me you've forgotten what it was like to cling onto the one thing that kept you from feeling pain!
Damon: Enzo, I get it. The prospect of seeing Maggie again was your safety line to the outside world, the one thing that kept you from shutting it off, but she's gone. There's probably a chapter in Elena's psych book about it. What, are you two study buddies now?
Damon: The thing is I didn't know she was your Maggie
Enzo: What are you talking about?
Damon: She didn't tell me her name when we met
Enzo: And when exactly was that?
Damon: November 8, 1960
November 8th 1960
(Damon rejoins Maggie)
Maggie: Hi
Damon: I'd gotten a message at the house saying a lady wanted to buy me a drink. Naturally, I was curious
Maggie: I'd like to interview you for an article I'm writing
Damon: Oh, yeah? What are thinking… "Life" magazine?
Maggie: Not quite. I'm with the "Whitmore College Alumni Gazette." Where is my cigarette lighter?
Damon: Whitmore. I spent a lot of time there
Maggie: Oh. Then you remember the f*re of '58 at Whitmore house?
Damon: Vividly. It was incredibly hot,very loud, lots of screaming. So I heard
Maggie: I'm afraid that's a little glib to quote for the "Gazette," seeing as over a dozen people died
Damon: Sensitive readership. Got you. See, I have this switch in my brain. Feel something I don't want to feel... Click, it's gone easy as pie
Maggie: You really are a monster
Damon: I'm not a fan of needles. Oh. An Augustine. How refreshing of you to find me. I usually have to hunt you people down
[A Coffee Shop]
Damon: Had she gotten me with that Vervain injection, things would have been very different. She didn't stand a chance against me
Stefan: And you made it look like I did it?
Damon: Maggie was the hope Enzo clung to. You were mine, and when you didn't notice that I was missing for 5 years, let's just say I held a grudge
Enzo: You k*lled Maggie
Damon: I didn't even bat an eye. My switch was off, Enzo. I did a lot of terrible things, but I didn't do it to make your life miserable from every angle. I did it because I didn't care. Just do whatever it is you got to do. You want to k*ll me, you want to hate me, do it. This is between us
Enzo: Well, that's the problem, Damon. I don't want to hate you. Because if I hate you, then I have nothing left. There is another option
Damon: Don't you dare! Hey, Enzo!
Enzo: There we are. You're right! I don't have a care in the world
[An Abandoned Building]
(Sloan wakes up)
Markos: How are you feeling?
Sloan: The lights…
Markos: All part of your transition. Vampirism originated from the magic of witches, and it is in the prophecy that the blood of the final two doppelgangers will undo witch magic.The last of our doppelganger blood
[A Coffee Shop]
Enzo: This is fun, not caring
Damon: Yep. Emotion-free. Bye-bye humanity
Enzo: To Maggie James for whom I feel absolute and blissful detachment
Damon: What do you say we get out of here? Where was it that you wanted to go… Cape Town?
Enzo: Cape Horn
Damon: Even better
Enzo: All right. Everyone's free to go! Show's over! Don't worry. I compelled you all to think you spent the day studying like the good, little students you are. Except you. Stay. I want to test something. Look at that. I don't even feel obliged to say thank you
Damon: No. Bastard. He took Elena
Stefan: Let's go
Bonnie: No. Please, Stefan
Damon: You deal with her. I'll find Enzo
Stefan: He's gonna k*ll her. You know that, right?
Damon: I can handle him
Stefan: Damon!
Damon: I said I could handle him
Stefan: He wants to hurt you in any way he can. You can't save him
Damon: The witch is dying
(He leaves. Stefan goes to Liv)
Stefan: Drink
Bonnie: Come on, Liv. You're ok, you're ok
Stefan: You got this?
Bonnie: Yeah, go
[A Street]
(Damon is on the phone)
Damon: Enzo, I need you to come find me, ok, and I will give you a first-class ticket to Cape wherever it is. Hell, I'll even come with you. I mean, let's face it. No one's gonna miss me here, but don't hurt Elena, ok? You leave her alone, I swear I'll never ask you for anything again
[Whitmore College]
(Elena is with Enzo)
Elena: If you were gonna k*ll me, I'd be d*ad
Enzo: I think you mean when I k*ll you you'll be d*ad
Elena: I know how you're feeling
Enzo: That's the point. I feel nothing
Elena: You're just lost. You think cutting all this out of your life is the answer, but you're just biding time until it all comes crashing back
Enzo: I know why Damon doesn't want to deal with you anymore
(Stefan arrives)
Stefan: Hey!
Enzo: Stefan. Where's big brother?
Stefan: I don't know. Guess I found you first
Enzo: Ouch. Hope it's insured
[A Coffee Shop]
(Bonnie is with Liv)
Liv: Can you call my brother, see if he's ok?
Bonnie: It's already done. He's fine. So you're probably gonna get fired
Liv: Probably. You asked if there was anything you could do about the other side
Bonnie: Did you think of something?
Liv: Say good-bye to your friends, Bonnie. The other side's just like any other spell. You know how that works. Just like any other recipe or math equation, remove one component, and the whole thing implodes on itself. When those Travelers let Markos escape... Boom
Bonnie: But there's always another spell, a loophole, a sacrifice, something
Liv: Jeremy loves you, Bonnie. He deserves to know you're leaving
[Whitmore College]
(Damon finds Elena)
Damon: Elena! Elena. You’re okay
(Damon and Enzo are still fighting)
Enzo: Bet you wished you'd m*rder me back when you had the chance, but Damon would have been furious. I think it's time we both stopped coddling him. Now where is my lighter? Maggie's lighter, I should say. I wonder what she'd think of all this. Of course, who knows what lies in the great beyond for a mere human like Maggie James? Probably nothing It's probably just as well she's not watching this. I believe it might upset her. We'll burn together, you and I. Perhaps just you
Stefan: My brother, he sees something good in you
Enzo: And you? Isn't there a part of you that thinks I can be redeemed?
Stefan: Not with your emotions off. You won't stop until you k*ll Damon
Enzo: Better yet, wouldn't it be a sweet piece of revenge when Damon finds out you k*lled his best friend? Have fun sorting this out with your brother
(Stefan rejoins Elena in her dorm)
Stefan: Hi. You ok?
Elena: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just still a bit confused about how I got here
Stefan: Bonnie here?
Elena: No. She never came back
Stefan: Enzo's d*ad
Elena: Did you...
Stefan: Yeah
Elena: Does Damon know?
Stefan: I basically just k*lled my brother's only friend. It's been a tough year for Damon. Don't you think it would be easier if no-humanity Enzo just left for parts unknown and was never heard from again?
Elena: Ohh. Stefan, I don't know if I can…
Stefan: Listen, Elena. Damon thinks that Enzo left town, and we need to keep it that way. We barely just got him back. This would destroy him. Please
[Lockwood’s Mansion]
(Bonnie is there with Jeremy and Matt)
Jeremy: We think Tyler's with the Travelers
Matt: And we're stuck here because Damon said he'd twist off our kneecaps if we left
Bonnie: Do you mind if I talk to Jeremy for a sec?
Matt: No. I'm glad you're ok, Bon
Bonnie: Thanks
Jeremy: Ok. You've got your superserious face on
Bonnie: Do I? In light of the Tyler thing, it's probably nothing, but…
Jeremy: Bon, come on. What is it?
Bonnie: This whole thing with the other side, I don't know what's going on, but if it does go away... Liv thinks there might be a way to save me, so...
(Her phone rings)
Bonnie: Whew. Sorry. Hang on. It's Stefan
(She answers)
Bonnie: Hello?
Stefan: Who are you with right now?
Bonnie: Jeremy. Why?
Stefan: Because Enzo's d*ad, and I don't mean to put this on you, but Damon can't find out. Bonnie?
Bonnie: Yep. Understand
(Enzo appears)
Enzo: Damage control, is it?
Jeremy: Bonnie, what's going on?
Bonnie: Nothing. Just someone passing through to the other side, a werewolf or something
Enzo: Go on. Keep your little secret. You'll see me again. Did I mention how good I am at revenge?
[An Abandoned Building]
Markos: The moment of truth. Are you still a vampire,or is the prophecy true? Did the doppelganger blood revert you back to your human form?
Sloan: I'm not healing.I'm not a vampire anymore
Markos: Congratulations.If we can undo the magic in Mystic Falls, we can undo the witches' curse that prevents us from finding a home. We'll finally have a place to settle. Sadly I'm afraid you won't be able to enjoy it with us. The doppelganger blood removes magic. Unfortunately without the magic of vampirism to keep her alive,Sloan has reverted to her final human state…
Tyler: d*ad
Markos: Exactly, Julian.She's d*ad. Such is the fate of any vampire that tries to live in our new home. We're almost ready to begin our work except... We're gonna need a lot more blood
[Salvatore’s House]
(Stefan rejoins Damon)
Damon: I know. I know what you're thinking. I screwed up. I'm the reason Enzo's in our lives, I'm the reason he wants us d*ad. It's all my fault, and I'll fix it, ok? He was there for me when I was at my worst. I'll find a way to be there for him. I'll get him back. I'll fix it. Did I leave anything out?
Stefan: I, uh, checked in on Elena. She's, uh… she's all right
Damon: Yeah, I know. I found her on campus. She was unconscious, I took her home, tucked her in
Stefan: You didn't leave a note?
Damon: I think I'm past trying to earn points for good behavior, Stefan
Stefan: You know, what happened today wasn't your fault
Damon: That's very noble of you, brother. We both know it's not the truth
Stefan: Well, either way, I think it's time you leave Enzo alone
Damon: I can’t
Stefan: Come on, Damon. He's not your responsibility
Damon: What, you're the only one that gets to play hero? Or you just don't think I can do it?
Stefan: I think that he's not worth saving
Damon: You don't know what you're talking about, Stefan
Stefan: Really?
Damon: Yeah, because you know what you never knew? The whole time I was in that cell, every time I'd say something terrible about you or blame you for not coming to rescue me, Enzo would bring me back from the edge
Stefan: I know you guys were close
Damon: Enzo reminded me that at least I got to grow up with a family, at least I had family still out there, which was more than he could say for himself. Said he envied me for having a brother
Stefan: Even a crappy one like me?
Damon: Even a crappy one like you. He defended you, Stefan, even though he didn't know you. Said it was good that we had people on the outside, people just living their lives free and clear of our Augustine hell, people worth holding on to our humanity for because we loved them. And all that time as a prisoner, every time I wanted to give up on you, Enzo stopped me from hating you. That's why I have to help him. And I owe him for that. And so do you
Enzo: It's too late to make amends, Damon. You know me. Never let go of a good vendetta, and this one is just getting started. | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x19 - Man on f*re"} | foreverdreaming |
[Traveler’s Camp]
(A woman is kissing Tyler)
Maria: Wake up, babe
(He wakes up)
Maria: I've missed you. Julian? Is that still you?
Tyler: Yeah. Bad dream. What were you saying? Oh. Look. I'm always up for a little bit of kink, but...
Maria: Markos' orders. Put them on you as soon as you fell asleep. You're passengered in a hybrid. We can't risk him popping out. The pecs are a plus. But extra security's a minus
Man: Maria, we're on the move
Maria: Looks like this is gonna have to wait
Tyler: Where are we going?
Maria: To the next camp, which will hopefully be our last camp. Markos is ready to do the spell. He's taking the doppelgangers
Tyler: Today?
Maria: As soon as we're out of here.Soon, we can actually have a home, and I can finally have a closet.. Better yet, two closets, one for clothes and one for shoes. Julian? Julian? Babe, what's wrong? Open your eyes. Oh, my God. You're not... I need help! Somebody!
[Salvatore’s House]
(Luke is here, chanting)
Luke: That's not helping
Damon: Well, you've been failing now for an hour, wonder twin, so at this point, I can't imagine it's hurting
(Stefan enters)
Stefan: Damon, I know you're out of friend, but, uh, I'm not sure this guy's the best replacement
Damon: I don't think this guy's be the best anything if his locator spell skills are any indication. Where's your sister?
Luke: She's tired of being almost m*rder. Look. I can find any person anywhere on the planet, ok? There's just something weird with your friend Enzo. I can't get a read
Stefan: Enzo? Didn't he, uh, go to Cape Horn?
Damon: He flipped his humanity switch.There should have been a body count all the way to the airport
Stefan: Well, why are you looking for him?
Damon: Gee. I don't know, Stefan. Vampire with no humanity who wants me d*ad for k*lling his girl
Stefan: Well, maybe he hired a witch to block whatever Luke's doing. Is that possible?
Luke: A cloaking spell? I guess
Stefan: That would mean that he doesn't want to be found, so, uh, why don't you just drop it?
(Tyler enters)
Tyler: We have a problem
Tyler: Markos turned Sloan into a vampire, had her drink doppelganger blood, and after some chanting ritual thing, she turned human gain
Damon: He cured her?
Tyler: He cured her to death. The blood took away her vampirismbut left her in the state that she was in just before she turned
Stefan: That state being d*ad. Got it
Luke: So it kills vampires. What does the spell mean for the witches?
Damon: No one cares. Wait. Keep going
Tyler: The point is they feel if they can get rid of all magic they'll break some lame-ass witch curse
Damon: Markos said they can't settle anywhere without evoking earthquakes or hellfire, but they break that curse and they just move right on into Mystic Falls
Stefan: And come after Elena and me today, as in now
Damon: Oh, well. Markos had a good week or two in the land of the living. Now where is he so I can k*ll him?
Tyler: No idea. They were moving camp when I got out
Damon: Well, good news. Our friend Luke here is an alleged genius at locator spells
Luke: Travelers are always moving. They're impossible to track. They'll find Stefan and Elena long before we can find them
Damon: Well, what about one of those locator spells blocker deals? Is that simple enough for you?
Luke: If both doppelgangers are in the same place, yeah
Damon: Perfect. You avoid the entire Czech language, figure out how to find Markos
Tyler: How am I supposed to do that?
Damon: Well, you have a traveler inside of you. I mean, I have probably misplaced faith that you'll figure it out. Meanwhile, you and I and our ex-girlfriend are gonna go on a little secret trip
Stefan: Sounds great
[Cabin in the Woods]
(Stefan and Elena are at the car)
Elena: This is a terrible idea
Stefan: Well, what did you want me to say?"No, Damon. It will be awkward to have the 3 of us confined to Caroline's dad's cabin because I k*lled your best friend and Elena's keeping that secret for me"?
Elena: We should have told him
Stefan: Look. I don't trust that he'd be able to hold it together
Elena: Because Enzo's d*ad or because you k*lled him?
Stefan: Either, both. I don't know. Either way...
(Caroline arrives)
Caroline: Good news! So we don't have to be invited in,which is actually supersad if you think about it. Am I interrupting something?
Elena: No, no. We're just, um...
Stefan: Unpacking. We're unpacking. Uh, here you go
Caroline: Ok…
(She leaves)
Elena: So where's Damon now?
Stefan: Helping Luke set up
Elena: Helping Luke or avoiding me?
Stefan: You really don't think he wants to be around you?
Elena: Well, technically, he said, "I don't want to hear your voice, and I don't want to see your face,"because it's too hard for him
Stefan: Who do you think brought you home last night?
Elena: Really?
Stefan: Oh, yeah. Tucked you in safely
Elena: Well, that was an extreme circumstance. Enzo almost k*lled me
Stefan: Probably read you a nice, little bedtime story
Elena: Stop it. You're the least helpful person I know
Caroline: For a couple of doppeltargets,you two seem to be taking this all in stride
Stefan: Yeah. Well, you know, a tribe of ancient wannabe witches want to drain of us our blood and eliminate supernatural beings? I've had worse
(Caroline enters. Enzo’s there)
Enzo: For some reason, I thought that would feel better
(Elena is unpacking. Damon rejoins her)
Damon: Cozy
Elena: Yeah. Caroline used to invite me here before her parents split. Her dad could tell a pretty good ghost story
Damon: Well, I hope that dickwad's spirit isn't floating around anywhere
Elena: Have a little respect for the d*ad
Damon: I respect that he's d*ad. How about that? I'm supposed to be avoiding you
Elena: Is that still what you want?
Damon: Yes .No. I don't know
Elena: Well, Luke did the cloaking spell. Stefan and Caroline are here, so we should be good... But if it's too hard for you to be here, then...
Damon: You kicking me out?
Elena: Yes. No. I don't know
Damon: I'm really sorry Enzo came after you. That was my fault. He was hurt
Elena: It's not a big deal
Damon: It is a big deal.He almost k*lled you, Elena, so I'm gonna hunt his ass down, I'm gonna whip some sense to him, and I'm gonna make him apologize in person, ok? What?
Elena: Hmm? No. Nothing. I just, uh... I just remembered that Stefan asked me to help him bring some firewood in, so I'll be right back
[Whitmore College]
(Bonnie and Jeremy are kissing)
Bonnie: What?
Jeremy: What are we gonna do about the other side slipping off into oblivion and you with it?
Bonnie: We have the dorm to ourselves for an entire weekend, and you want to talk logistics?
Jeremy: I'm just saying that I would enjoy this weekend a whole lot more if I knew we were gonna be able to keep doing it
Bonnie: I told you Liv is working on a spell to keep me here
(His cell phone rings)
Bonnie: Oh. Another secret bro meeting?
Jeremy: No more secrets, remember? Tyler's back. We should get over there. Let me grab my stuff
(He leaves. Sheila appears)
Sheila: Please tell me more about this special spell that your friend Liv has concocted
Bonnie: I know I shouldn't lie
Sheila: He deserves the truth, Bonnie. It's not getting any better over here. People are getting swept away, and when this place goes, you are going with it
Bonnie: I know I have to tell him. I just need a few more days with him before I... How did you do that? How did you move that? You can't move things from the other side. That doesn't happen
Sheila: That's what I'm trying to tell you. This place is falling apart. Tell him soon. False hope doesn't protect him. It protects you
[A Shed]
(Stefan and Elena go get firewood)
Elena: I lied to his face
Stefan: Yeah, I know, but you know what? Think of all the times he's lied to you and call it a freebie
Enzo: Glad you two find my death so amusing
Stefan: I'm sorry that you have to go through this
Enzo: You're sorry for that? I'm glad we've got our priorities straight
Elena: Look. I know that we're doing this for Damon, but it still just sucks
Stefan: Elena, this is exactly what Enzo wanted. He wanted the blood to be on my hands, and I refuse to give him the satisfaction of feeling guilty about any of it
Elena: And you think Damon is just gonna forget and move on?
Stefan: He's done it before. Come on. Let's get out of here
(They leave)
Enzo: Now there's an interesting development
[Cabin in the Woods]
(Damon and Caroline are in the kitchen)
Damon: Hey, munchie. Those are not for you
Caroline: I'm thinking. Hey!
Damon: "Area 51."
Caroline: Stop!
Damon: "J.F.K. assassination"? What the hell is that?
Caroline: You're ruining the game
Damon: What game?
Caroline: Charades. Our theme is secrets that people think they're getting away with
Damon: Well, Meryl Streep, I'd love to know how we're gonna act out Watergate
Caroline: Well, I'm sure team Stelena will figure it out
Damon: "A," you just implied that I was on your team. Two, you just gave me that judgy little hinty voice. So what am I missing?
Caroline: It's probably nothing
Damon: Speak
Caroline: Well, don't you think that Stefan and Elena have been a little... You know?
Damon: No. Clearly I don't
Caroline: Secretive? I caught them being all hushed and whispery at the car this morning, and now they're getting firewood out of the shed together, which apparently takes 20 minutes
Damon: You know, now that you mention it, Elena got all cagey when I brought up Enzo
Caroline: No, no. I'm not talking about Enzo. I'm talking about Stefan and Elena
Damon: How much have you had to drink?
Caroline: Come on! She's single now, you two are on the outs
(Stefan and Elena enter)
Elena: Cocktails. Good call
Stefan: I'll, uh... I'll make a f*re
Elena: I'll help. Ahem
(They leave)
Damon: Let the games begin
[Salvatore’s House]
(Jeremy is in the basement. Bonnie rejoins shim)
Bonnie: When we planned our romantic day together, I wasn't picturing you, me, and two other guys
Jeremy: Trust me, neither was I
(Jeremy and Bonnie rejoin Matt and Tyler)
Jeremy: One part wolfsbane, one part vervain. All together, the dumbest idea that either of you have ever had
Matt: Don't look at me. This is all Ty.
Tyler: These should hold. Let's do this
Bonnie: Not to be the only girl here, but I can't watch this. I'm gonna go upstairs
Matt: Ty, once this guy pops out, we have no idea when you'll come back again
Tyler: Some freak is inside my body.He took over my life.God only knows what he's got planned for me, so unless you've got any better ideas, this is what we're doing
Matt: Ok. Let's do this
Tyler/Julian: Who are you? Where am I?
Matt: Where's Markos?
Tyler/Julian: Go to hell
Matt: To answer your question, my name is Matt, and you, Julian, are inside my best friend, aka your own personal hell
[A Parking Lot]
(The Travelers are moving)
Markos: Maria. Julian's your husband. Why didn't you realize he wasn't in control of the body?
Maria: He'd only been called out for a few hours. I've never seen a host reemerge so quickly
Markos: You've never seen a hybrid before either. Find him!And make him permanent. As for the rest of you, I see a lot of walking when I should be hearing chanting. Find me the doppelgangers
[Cabin in the Woods]
(They are playing charades)
Stefan: Uh, ok. Think. Ponder. Brain. I don't know. Uh, skull!
Elena: Yes!
Stefan: All right! Skull, skull.Ok. Limb. Joint. Bone, bone. Skull and bones. Skull and bones! Got it! 5-0, 5-0. Come on guys, this is it
Damon: Ok. Let's play a game called never have I ever, hmm?
Elena: Oh, I don't think I'm drunk enough
Caroline: Oh, come on! It'll be fun! Come on. It'll be fun. I'll go first.Never have I ever died
Damon: Cheers to that one. Cheers
Stefan: Ooh! Ok. Um, never have I ever been possessed by my evil doppelganger
Elena: Mean. Never have I ever been fooled by evil doppelganger while she was pretending to be me
Caroline: Low blow
Damon: Tough but fair
Elena: Never have I ever kissed a Salvatore brother. Today. So are you gonna drink or...
Elena: Are you implying something?
Stefan: Well, I'm gonna get another round. Does anybody...
Damon: Never have I ever lied about where Enzo is
Caroline: Ok. What is going on?
Stefan: Nothing obviously because nobody's drinking
Damon: I mean, clearly you know the rules of the game, right, brother? If you lied, you drink
Stefan: Oh, no. I understand the rules
Elena: This just got weird. I'm officially buzzed, so I'm gonna go and get ready for bed
Damon: Well, I could certainly use another round
(Elena is in the bathroom. Enzo’s here too)
Enzo: Avoiding, are we?Nothing a hot bath won't fix. Wash the guilt straight down the drain
Elena: Damon!
(Damon enters)
Damon: Elena! Come here. Come on. What happened?
Elena: There was someone in here
Damon: Who?
Elena: I don't know. I didn't... I didn't see anyone, but I could feel someone pushing me under the water
Damon: Ok. I'd blame it on the spirit of Bill Forbes, but I don't think you're his type. Besides, why would a ghost be targeting you? Hey. Elena
Elena: Damon
Damon: What? Hey
[Salvatore’s House]
(Matt and Jeremy are still in the cell)
Matt: There's plenty more where that came from. Where's Markos?
Tyler/Julian: What does it matter to you?
Jeremy: He wants to k*ll my sister. I want to stop him
Tyler/Julian: You're a fool. Markos destroyed your only w*apon against passengers like me, and there's no way in hell you'd ever k*ll your best friend
Matt: You're right. I don't plan on k*lling you, but I do plan on getting my answers. Where's Markos?
Tyler/Julian: Stop! I can't tell you where Markos is because I don't know, but I can tell you where my body is
Jeremy: Why do we care?
Tyler/Julian: Because Markos doesn't like problems, and your boy escaping camp means he's Markos' problem
Matt: So?
Tyler/Julian: So knowing Markos,he's gonna want to get rid of Tyler for good by making this my body permanently
[Cabin in the Woods]
(Stefan is on the phone with Bonnie)
Bonnie: Stefan, hey. Remind me why I passed on the cloaking spell party again
Stefan: Well, it's not exactly a relaxing getaway. Listen. Are things getting worse on the other side?
Bonnie: Why?
Stefan: Because something att*cked Elena. Is it possible that someone over there could physically affect this plane?
Bonnie: Actually, yeah. My grams knocked a lamp right off my desk today. I doubt it's easy, but if someone were emotional enough...
Stefan: Enzo
Caroline: Enzo's d*ad?
Stefan: Yeah. I, uh, I k*lled him
Caroline: So my powers of deduction really suck. Why didn't you say anything?
Stefan: Because it's complicated
Damon: Enter the complication. Enzo's d*ad. You k*lled him. Elena told me
Caroline: So you didn't know either?
Damon: Nope
Caroline: And their secret really was about Enzo
Damon: Yep
Stefan: You guys think we could, um, talk about this some other time?
Damon: By all means, brother. At your convenience
Stefan: Listen. The other side is falling apart, and I think it's allowing Enzo to mess with us
Damon: Enzo! You in here?
Enzo: Don't reckon I'd miss this
Damon: Because knock it off!
Caroline: It doesn't make any sense. If Enzo wanted to k*ll Elena,drowning her wouldn't have worked
Enzo: Smart girl. See why you like her so much
Stefan: Maybe he’s just trying to scare us
Enzo: Warmer. Come on! You've almost got it What is Enzo up to?
Damon: Drowning Elena was just a distraction. He figured out a way to k*ll us all in one fell swoop
Enzo: Did I mention that I missed you?
(Damon, Caroline and Stefan go outside)
Damon: Crap
Stefan: Where's Luke?
Damon: Who knows? We better find him before the travelers find us
[A Parking Lot]
Markos: Stop! I found them
[The Woods]
(Caroline and Elena are looking for Luke)
Caroline: Luke? Luke? Where are you?
Elena: Maybe Luke… You're upset
Caroline: I'm not upset. Just looking for Luke,you know, Luke, who was here to protect you and Stefan, Luke, who's now missing because you and Stefan lied about where Enzo was, and now the travelers can find you,do their spell, and wipe us all off the face of the earth
Elena: I was worried that if Damon found out...
Caroline: What, he'd flip out and spiral and k*ll a bunch of innocent people? Yeah, I get that. I, however, am not Damon,so the fact that you lied to me about it makes less sense
Elena: I just didn't want to put you in an awkward position
Caroline: Because it wasn't awkward when I accused you and Stefan of being makeout buddies again?
Elena: Actually, yes, it was. Where did that even come from?
Caroline: I have no idea
Elena: Well, are you over it?
Caroline: Yes
Elena: Good. Now let's go find Luke
(Damon and Stefan are also looking for Luke)
Stefan: You need to know why I lied to you
Damon: Nope, I don't
Stefan: Damon, come on
Damon: Let's just cut to the chase, Stefan, because I'm not in a hash out our differences kind of mood. Yes, I'm pissed that you k*lled Enzo. I'm even more pissed that you two lied to me about it. You know what, Stefan?If it was me and I was in your shoes, I would have done it, too, except I would have done it months ago. The fact that you took this long...
Stefan: He was your friend
Damon: Yes, Stefan, he was my friend, which is why I, above anyone else, should have known that he was d*ad. Let's just find the stupid witch
[The Caves]
Bonnie: Of course the creepy travelers are hiding their bodies in creepy caves
Jeremy: Try to think of them as romantic travelers and romantic caves since we're technically still on our date weekend
Bonnie: Right. Oh, my God. These travelers are passengered inside people in Mystic Falls?
Jeremy: I take it back. This is creepy
[The Woods]
Damon: What'd you think I was gonna do?
Stefan: What are you talking about?
Damon: When I found out Enzo was d*ad? Did you think I was gonna go on a rampage, slaughter a bunch of innocent people, go bowling with human heads? What'd you think I was gonna do?
Stefan: Hate me. I thought you would, uh, hate me
Damon: You hear that?
Stefan: Yeah. Come on
[A Shed]
(They find Luke)
Stefan: He's barely breathing
Damon: Why the hell would Enzo dump him here?
Damon: Smell that? Grab him. Let's go. Dick move, Enzo. If only this wasn't totally avoidable
Stefan: Oh, really? Now you're doing "I told you so"?
Damon: This isn't gonna stop, Stefan. I k*lled his girl, you k*lled him. This is not gonna stop
Enzo: He's right. I like poetic justice. Damon Salvatore and his m*rder brother die a fiery death
Damon: You listening to me? Is that a yes or a no? Because I can bring you back. Bonnie came back, Markos came back. I'll find a way, but this has to stop. How do you think you're able to do all this stuff, huh? The other side's falling apart, Enzo, so you can either help me, or you can blink out of existence. It's your choice.Go on, Stefan. Get Luke out of here. He's the only one that can hide you and Elena. Go now!
Enzo: Don't let me down again
[The Caves]
Bonnie: You're sure Julian has an eagle tattoo?
Jeremy: That's what he said. I'm pretty sure that's a dove
Bonnie: Or a really cute eagle. Moving on
Jeremy: Look. I'm sorry. This is the worst date ever
Bonnie: We're together in a cave of semiconscious travelers, who want to take over our town, but it could be worse, right?
Maria: Right. It could be
Bonnie: Jeremy?! Jeremy!
Maria: He may be a hunter, but you'd be surprised at how easy it is to restrict a man's airways
Bonnie: Please stop!Stop! Jeremy. Jeremy! Stop!
[Cabin in the Woods]
(Stefan is with Luke)
Stefan: Feeling ok?
Luke: Liv and I should have k*lled you when we had the chance
Stefan: Yeah. Well, you didn't, and, uh, I don't understand why, but thank you
Luke: Let's just say my family's pretty screwed up, not a whole lot of compassion. You guys are different.You protect each other
Stefan: Well, we still need you to protect us, so why don't you get your stuff and we can get the hell out of here?
Luke: Yeah
(Damon enters)
Stefan: I guess Enzo bought it
Damon: Bought what?
Stefan: Bring him back. I mean, how do you plan on doing that?
Damon: Markos found his way back. It's not impossible unless you want him terrorizing us for the rest of eternity
Stefan: Not particularly. Uh, look. I know that...
Damon: Had to do that for Enzo. That's the last time you'll hear about it from me
Elena: Damon…
[Salvatore’s House]
(Jeremy is back with Matt and Tyler)
Tyler: What do you mean you lost Julian's body?
Bonnie: You/he was right. The travelers wanted it
Jeremy: But we'll find it.We just need to figure out where they went
Tyler: Hold on. What do they need his body for? Guys, talk to me. Why did they take it?
Matt: Ty, what's wrong?
Tyler: I'm seeing things
Jeremy: Tyler, talk to us
Tyler: I don't know what the hell's happening. It's like I'm seeing his life
Bonnie: Oh, my God. They started the spell to make Julian permanent
Tyler: Make it stop. Make it stop!
Jeremy: Tyler…
Tyler/Julian: I take it you didn't find my body
[A Shed]
(Stefan rejoins Caroline)
Stefan: Never have I ever had a ghost try to burn me alive
Caroline: Drink
Stefan: Come on. Car's packed. We got to get out of here
Caroline: We're friends, right? We tell each other things, we trust each other
Stefan: Caroline, it's not because I didn't trust you
Caroline: No. It's just that you trust Elena more, and I get it. Of course you would. Still sucks to be left out of the loop, you know?
Stefan: Well, if it makes you feel any better, there are things that I tell you that I don't tell her
Caroline: Like what?
Stefan: Like you have dirt on your cheek. And look. Maybe I didn't want you to know that I k*lled Enzo
Caroline: Why?
Stefan: Because I know you, and I know you guys had that weird little chemistry thing going on
Caroline: Oh, please!You're delusional
Stefan: I didn't want you to think any less of me. I'll, uh... I'll meet you over by the car when you're done
[Cabin in the Woods]
(Elena rejoins Damon)
Elena: Hey
Damon: Hey. We're leaving. Pack your stuff
Elena: I will. I just came out to see how you're doing
Damon: I'm in a hurry. You should be, too. The travelers can find us
Elena: So that's it? We're not gonna talk about this?
Damon: What's there to talk about?
Elena: I'm sorry that I lied to you
Damon: I don't care that you lied really
Elena: Ok. I'm confused. Why are you being like this?
Damon: Because you were right, Elena. You wanted to protect me so I wouldn't spiral because if I spiraled then it would prove that we shouldn't be together, but... But I didn't spiral. Despite every nerve in my body wanting to break something or hurt someone or do all the wrong things for all the right reasons, I'm holding it together the best I can for you
Elena: But you're still mad at me?
Damon: Of course I'm still mad at youbecause being around you drives me nuts, and not being around you drives me nuts
Elena: Ok. Now I'm really confused.What was that for?
Damon: Because I've had a really crappy day, and I needed it. | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x20 - What Lies Beneath"} | foreverdreaming |
[Salvatore’s House]
(A man is tied up and gagged in the living room. Damon is looking at him)
Damon: Wakey, wakey. Mr...Sikes, head of corporate accounts. Oops. Sorry about that. Yeah. Can't have you mumbling any of those annoying Traveler ditties.It's a sure migraine. So here's the deal. My brother and my girl have both been kidnapped by Travelers, and I can't seem to find them anywhere. I mean, like, poof, gone, right? So besides a completely clueless hybrid in my basement and a cave full of sleeping Travelers, I've got nothing to go on except you, so I'm gonna need you to tell me where I can find your leader Markos
(Caroline enters)
Damon: What's up, blondie?
Caroline: Liv and Luke aren't answering any of my… oh, my God! Mr. Sikes?
Damon: You know him?
Caroline: Yeah. He helped me open my first savings account. He gave me a lollipop
Damon: Well, unfortunately, Mr. Sikes here is occupied by some low-life Traveler. I saw him and his buddies chanting in the town square last week. I also know that Markos and your passengered comrades are planning some big flashy spell to undo some super boring ancient witch curse, and where that sucks for us, it just happens to undo all witch magic, i.e. k*ll me and my sexy, blond frenemy here
Caroline: If you know where Markos took Stefan and Elena, you need to tell us
Damon: Yep. Sorry. You're gonna have to speak up. Mmm. Nope, nope. Didn't catch that either. I think he's trying to say something to me. Come here, sweetie pie
Man: It doesn't matter where Markos is. Nothing you do can stop him now
[A Room]
(Elena wakes up. She’s tied up. Markos enters)
Elena: You have...enough. Let me go
Markos: I'll have enough when you can no longer speak
(He leaves and someone else enters)
Stefan: Who's there?
Woman: Shh. Get out of here. Go
(He escapes and comes back for Elena)
Elena: Stefan
Stefan: Elena
[Middle of Nowhere]
(Stefan is on the phone with Damon)
Damon: Seriously? Collect calls are still a thing?
Stefan: Yeah. Well, you know what could have saved you the cost of this phone call? You finding us. How long have we been gone?
Damon: 4 days
Stefan: 4 days? 4 days, and you couldn't track us down? What'd you think? We were having a nice spa getaway?
Damon: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I've been searching 24/7, ok? Maybe if you'd been a little more perceptive, you wouldn't have gotten yourselves doppelnapped. What the hell was that?
Stefan: Travelers drained us of our blood, so we've had to do a little bit of hunting
Damon: You have Elena participating in squirrel slaughter?
Stefan: Believe me; she's no happier about it than I am
Damon: She'll sh**t your eye out
Stefan: Do you want to talk to her, or are you still pretending like you don't want to hear her voice?
Damon: Don't psychoanalyze me, Stefan. Where are you? I'll come get you
Stefan: I have no idea where we are. We're in the middle of nowhere. Listen. We'll make our way back, but Markos drained most of our blood, and considering the kinds of spells he was able to do with just a little bit of it...
Damon: Yeah, I know. Find Markos; k*ll Markos, save Mystic Falls from becoming Traveler home. It's gonna be a busy day for me, Stefan. Time to strap on the hero hair
Stefan: I'll get her home safely, all right?
Damon: Get both yourselves home safely, brother. I'd hate to have to kick her ass for losing you
[Salvatore’s House]
(Bonnie is here. As is Enzo)
Enzo: Forgetting someone?
Damon: Bonnie!
Bonnie: He says you promised you bring him back
Enzo: Uh, you're paraphrasing. He said, quote, I will find a way
Bonnie: Whatever
Damon: Hello. Still here,and I know what I said
Enzo: Hey. Remind him he doesn't have a very good track record for keeping promises
Bonnie: Please stop talking
Enzo: The other side is on the brink of collapse. I plan on pestering all of you until I'm safely returned to the land of the living
Bonnie: You need to fix this before I lose my mind
Damon: Hey. I'm sorry, ok? I've got two missing doppelgangers, I've got a Traveler that wants to rid our town of magic, and I've got the friendly banker Mr. Sikes in the coat closet, so escape from the netherworld's gonna have to wait until tomorrow
Bonnie: I think he wants to be penciled in for today
Damon: Then you bring him back
Bonnie: What?
Damon: Liv is cooking up a spell to pull you back from the other side before it goes kaboom, so whatever you're doing, just include Enzo in it. You hear me, Enzo? Just hitch a ride with her, ok?See? There delegating. I feel better
Bonnie: That's not a great idea
(Jeremy enters)
Jeremy: You called
Damon: You. I need you and your Xbox buddy to run an errand for me. Come on. Let's go
(They leave)
Enzo: Well, what are you waiting for? Ring up your little witchy friend and get her over here
[A Road in the Middle of Nowhere]
(Stefan and Elena are walking)
Elena: Ohh. I feel like an idiot
Stefan: Ditto
Elena: Do that thing again. The vamp thing
Stefan: Oh, no. I don't want to do that. Come on. You know it's embarrassing
Elena: Come on. It's the only thing that's keeping me sane right now
Stefan: Sure
Elena: Hmm. That was funnier the first time
Stefan: Yeah. Well, you were delirious the first time
Elena: How many, um… ahem… you know, are we supposed to have before we get our strength back?
Stefan: More than we've had, that's for sure. Let me know if you see a damn buffalo
Elena: This is depressing
Stefan: Yeah. More depressing than walking for miles and not knowing where the hell you're going?
Elena: No, probably not more depressing than that
Stefan: Damon is in full hero mode today
Elena: I'm sure he was thrilled about that
Stefan: I don't know. He had the whole savior of the universe voice going on
Elena: I like that voice. You know, maybe this whole thing's a sign
Stefan: A sign of what?
Elena: My blood can literally destroy him. If that's not a sign that we're in a toxic relationship…
Stefan: Our blood, all right, our blood. Don't hog the blame. Look. We're vampires. We're a toxic species. Whether you want to blame it on magic or biology, it's just who we are. When a human gets ravenously hungry, they eat a double cheeseburger. We k*ll people. Some of us are more extreme than others, but that's just who we are
Elena: How come you're so much better at controlling it?
Stefan: Because I'm so much worse when I don't. I'm only gonna say this once. You two are miserable without each other, so if you want to be with him, just be with him. Look. When humans want to break free from complicated relationships, they go to therapy. Vampires get a pass, ok? Come on
[A Dinner]
(Luke rejoins Liv)
Liv: I ordered us waffles. I figured our last meal wouldn't be complete until we poured liquid sugar all over it
Luke: Mmm. My ray of sunshine sister
Liv: The coven's pissed, Luke. You were supposed to hide Stefan and Elena from the Travelers, and you practically delivered them on a silver platter
Luke: Ok. How was I supposed to know that Casper the English ghost would be a complication
Liv: That's not the point. We were never supposed to let things get this far. We got sucked into some stupid "let's be friends" trap
Luke: Look. These people are nice, ok, more than I can say for our screwed up family. What are you doing?
Liv:It's not me. Like I said, the coven is pissed
Luke: Fine. I'm listening
Liv: We were supposed to keep the doppelgangers from falling into Markos' hands. We failed. We can't let him succeed at taking away our magic. There's only one move left. We have to k*ll Stefan and Elena
Luke: Yeah…
[A House]
(Mrs. Douglas opens the door to the mailman)
Mrs. Douglas: Morning, Sam
Mailman: Mrs. Douglas, special delivery
(She goes back inside)
Man: Mailman didn't deliver anything?
Mrs. Douglas: Nope. Just picking up. I'm going to be late for school. I've got a million college essays to review
Man: What's going on, Pam? Something's wrong. You're different lately
Mrs. Douglas: I think what's wrong is the fact that it's taken you so long to notice that your wife has been colonized by a total stranger
Man: You think I'm joking? I'm serious
Mrs. Douglas: So am I. My name's Karl.I'm a Traveler living inside your wife's body while my real body is asleep in a cave under the town
Man: What are you talking about?
Mrs. Douglas: This isn't my first choice, but I need to borrow something that's expendable
Man: Pam, you need help
Mrs. Douglas: This marriage was a disaster anyway. No hard feelings
[Road in the Middle of Nowhere]
Elena: I think I just hallucinated a unicorn
Stefan: Maybe Caroline's nearby
Elena: Heh. If Caroline was here, we'd have a fully catered buffet on the side of the road and a rainbow
Stefan: Two rainbows
Elena: That's funny. Ha!You know, when we were younger, I couldn't decide what was more annoying… her control freakiness or her delusional positivity, but right now honestly, there isn't a single person I wish was here more
Stefan: Her control freakiness never really bugged me
Elena: Yeah. Well, you didn't have to build a Barbie castle with her in the second grade
Stefan: That's true. I do know this. If Caroline Forbes was here right now, we would both be laughing
Elena: We're so pathetic. You know what? Let's put on your best Caroline Forbes hats, shall we? All right, universe, enough screwing around. We're ready for the good stuff. Theme dance or block party maybe
Stefan: You got to be kidding me
Elena: What? Oh, my God.That is so weird. Oh no wait. See?
Stefan: Right…
(They approach the car and see Maria behind the wheel)
Elena: H--oh. Not what I was expecting
Stefan: All right. Let's cut to the chase. You're giving us a ride
Maria: You're trying to compel me? Who do you think freed you last night? Get in. They're coming for you
[Salvatore’s House]
(Jeremy and Matt are carrying one of the traveler’s bodies)
Damon: Ah, great.I'm gonna add carry to the list of things that you can't do well, but that's ok. You can pay me back with your salary from the grill if you want to work a couple thousand years
Matt: Why don't you do us all a favor and start dating Elena again?
Damon: Just put her on the pool table
(Caroline enters)
Caroline: What the hell is going on? Who are all these people?
Damon: Traveler husks. They've passengered themselves into the beautiful citizens of Mystic Falls like your buddy Mr. Sikes. You two, make yourselves useful. Patrol the town. Call me if you see anything weirder than usual
Caroline: And what are you planning on doing with all of them?
Damon: Here you go. Oh, yeah. Well, Markos put them in a cave. I'm hoping he wants them back
Caroline: So you think drawing Markos to your house is the best idea?
Damon: It's the only idea unless your body-snatched ex-boyfriend in the basement can help us
Caroline: Julian is not Tyler. Therefore, he has no reason to help us, so until I figure out a way to get Tyler back, he's just extra baggage
Damon: There's no shame in giving up. I mean, aren't we all a little sick of Tyler?
Caroline: You know what? Your whole I'm too cool to care thing is really starting to get old, and don't think for one second that I believe your mood has nothing to do with Elena
Damon: Spare me the unsolicited relationship advice
Caroline: Fine. Just keep your t*rture-happy hands off of Tyler until I figure something out. I don't abandon the people that I care about
[A Car]
Maria: It was too risky to haul you out of there myself, so I had to circle back
Stefan: Won't they k*ll you for helping us out?
Maria: Yes, which is why we need to make sure that they don't get to me before I get to my husband. I assume you know where he is
Elena: Well, seeing as how he's permanently passengered into one of our best friends, yeah. This isn't really a 3-person kind of truck, is it?
Maria: You can always sit in your boyfriend's lap
Elena: We're not together
Stefan: She's not my girlfriend
Maria: Noted. Sorry I assumed. I thought the doppelgangers were, like, fated soul mates or something
Stefan: Something like that
Elena: So you want your husband back. I get it, but didn't he run from Markos, too? Doesn't that make you guys both d*ad?
Maria: Markos is focused on breaking the curse so that the Travelers can settle permanently in your hometown. I'll have a head start if I can get to Julian before Markos starts the spell
Stefan: We're not just gonna let you take Tyler
Maria: Tyler is gone. There's only Julian now, and he belongs with me. Once the spell starts, magic will be stripped away layer by layer. Tyler's body will turn from hybrid back to werewolf, but then finally, he'll just be d*ad, and my husband along with him. So leaving him behind is not an option
[Salvatore’s House]
(Caroline is in the cell with Tyler/Julian)
Tyler/Julian: Quit hovering. It's weird
Caroline: You're, like, permanently inhabiting the former love of my life. Let's debate the levels of weird
Tyler/Julian: If he's former, why do you care?
Caroline: Because he's a person whose life you stole without asking. He deserves to be fought for
Tyler/Julian: Whatever
Caroline: So why can't Markos and all the other Travelers find someplace else to live?
Tyler/Julian: It's nice here. Besides, it's not just about breaking the curse that keeps us from being able to settle. It's revenge against everything the witches stand for, every grimoire, every talisman, every vampire, right down to your daylight rings. The Travelers see it all as a perversion of pure magic. Markos wants to destroy that perversion. He wants to restore the balance
Caroline: But that's just wrong
Tyler/Julian: It's not really wrong when you think about it. If anything, it's kind of right
Caroline: Why does he have to be so violent about it?
Tyler/Julian: When it comes to getting what he wants, Markos doesn't have much of a sense of humor
(Damon looks at one of the bodies)
Damon: Nothing…
(His phone rings he answers)
Damon: Salvatore boring house
Markos: I'm calling about my people
Damon: Hey. You found my note. Now listen. Don't be offended, but I can't just give them to anyone, so what do they look like?
Markos: They're ragged, beaten down by the world, desperate for a home
Damon: You just described homeless people, aging hipsters, and Matt Donovan
Markos: One of them is 5'10", wearing a black coat. You're standing next to him
(Markos enters)
Damon: I know the concept of a home is new to you, but it is polite to knock
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline is with Bonnie)
Caroline: So Julian is trapped inside of Tyler forever or until he dies, so I was thinking what if he does die? Maybe that's how we do it, that's how we get him out
Bonnie: You want to k*ll Tyler?
Caroline: Well, he'll go to the other side, and then when Liv does the spell to help you and Enzo, Tyler can come back. And speaking of, shouldn't you be, like, preparing or talking to Liv or doing anything other than packing up our dorm room?
Bonnie: We have to be out of here right after finals, which I might skip due to the potential extinction of magic in the place where I was spending my summer break
Caroline: Right, but I think the other side falling apart is slightly more pressing than a late housing fee
Bonnie: There is no spell. I made it up. The other side is collapsing, and everyone in it, including me, is going away for good. So, no, I don't think you should k*ll Tyler
[Salvatore’s House]
Markos: Nice place.A little rustic. My tastes are more modern ironically. Still... Good bones and all
Damon:I think you read the flier wrong. See, the bodies are the only thing on the bargaining table and in the attic and the garage and the kitchen
Markos: About that. Please tell me taking hostages isn't your grand plan because it feels a little small, much like the half bathroom off the foyer
Damon: Funny. Here I thought you didn't have a sense of humor. Oh. If you're wondering about the smell, I have your salvation army doused in gasoline, and I am just itching to light a match
Markos: You're right. None of this would be possible without their willingness to passenger themselves into your citizens and help perform my spell, and while I'd like to give them the opportunity to return to their actual bodies… It's not essential to my plan. Did you really think you'd found the whole of my people? Travelers are everywhere.They're the faces that surround you every day the world over, the ones you don't notice because you're too busy making a mess of all that you have. They want those things, too… a home, a family, a better life… and they're willing to die for it
Damon: You want a promised land. I get it, ok, but look. Off the record, I mean, Mystic Falls is kind of a dump… bad schools, terrible traffic, and forget about ever getting a decent cup of coffee
Markos: Mystic Falls is a means to an end, like a small pebble dropped into a very large pond
Damon: Very poetic. No idea what it means
Markos: Once we destroy the spirit magic in this town, the witches' curse will finally be broken. From there, the spell will ripple outward, unraveling spirit magic as it spreads. Only pure magic, our magic, will remain. My people will be free to go wherever they choose, and when witch magic and all that it has ever created is gone from this earth, you will be, too
Damon: I think I've heard about enough
Markos: You underestimate me. I've completely transfused myself with doppelganger blood. I'm channeling all the power of my people. You're not strong enough to k*ll me anymore. Not that it matters. The spell has already g*n
[A car]
Maria: Home, sweet, home
Elena: I don't meant to be rude, but would you mind if I drained your carotid of a few ounces?
Maria: You're two blocks from home. Would you mind holding out, considering I saved your lives? Word of advice, keep a low profile. This is exactly where Markos doesn't want you to be. If a Traveler spots you, you're going right back to that camp
Stefan: Look out!
Elena: What the hell is she doing?
Maria: Trying to k*ll you. Just a wild guess
Stefan: Get out of the car. Unlock the doors!
Maria: I did!
Elena: Stop!
Maria: I can't!
Elena: Oh my god
(They get out of the car)
Liv: I'm sorry, I really am, but we need to make the doppelganger blood useless. One you needs to die
Luke: It doesn't matter which one really
[Whitmore College]
(Enzo appears to Bonnie)
Enzo: When did you plan on telling me, or were you just hoping the darkness would come take me before the awful truth came out? Answer me!
Bonnie: Don't you get it? There is no solution
Enzo: There's always a solution. Your boyfriend came back from the d*ad, Markos came back from the d*ad, you came back from the d*ad!
Bonnie: The Travelers used doppelganger blood in that spell to bring Markos back, which means they basically destroyed the magic that was holding the other side together. It's unraveling, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. It is over, Enzo.You're not coming back. Accept it
Enzo: I will accept it when that darkness comes and yanks me into oblivion. I will accept when I no longer exist. I spent over 50 years stuck in a cell, poked, prodded, tortured. By all rights, I had no hope of ever getting out, but I clung to it, so I will accept it when it's done and not a minute prior
(Maria appears)
Bonnie: I know you. You tried to k*ll my boyfriend in the caves
Enzo: What's going on?
Bonnie: A Traveler just died
Maria: Please tell my husband I tried
[Salvatore’s House]
Damon: I'd invite you to stay for dinner but I’m not very familiar with the traveler cuisine although I'm sure it involves lots of trail mix and gruel
Markos: I think I'll take this wall down. I love an open floor plan
Tyler/Julian: Damon. He doesn't know I'm here. Use the element of surprise. Not sure you're clever enough to pull it off. Just thought I'd put it out there
Damon: Well, all I can ask is that you leave me with a couple great bottles of wine. You know, I spent half my life shoplifting the stuff. I'm assuming you want to see the wine cellar
(Damon is in the wine cellar with Markos)
Damon: Ah. Here's something you don't see every day. Bordeaux 1945.I think I won this in a poker game. I don't know. Maybe Stefan brought it back from the w*r. I don't remember
Markos: Where is your brother? I was hoping he'd be here. The doppelgangers seemed to have slipped away without saying good-bye
Damon: Well, that's a good question. Why don't we find out?After you
[Middle of the Road]
Luke: Do it. Liv, come on
Liv: No hard feelings. Just following our coven's orders
Luke: Liv! Liv, what's happening?
Liv: Oh, no
Elena: Your magic sputter out?
Liv: Luke, it's started. The spell's started
[Middle of the Road]
Elena: We trusted you
Liv: It doesn't matter.You're gonna be d*ad any second
Stefan: Elena!
Elena: Stefan, our rings aren't working
Stefan: Get inside. Run now!
[Mystic Grill]
(Stefan and Elena enter)
Matt: Elena, hey, what happened?
Elena: Our rings aren't working
Matt: What?!
Stefan: Whole town square's filled with Travelers. We got to get out of here
Matt: The tunnels. In the stockroom. Come on. Let's go
[The Caves]
Matt: Elena! What's going on?
Stefan: The spell unravels the witch magic. It's spreading, and without the magic, I'm just someone who was sh*t by his dad
Matt: All right. Come on. Let's keep running. Maybe we'll stay ahead of it
[Salvatore’s House]
(Damon hangs up his phone)
Damon: Well, Stefan isn't picking up, so he might just be out of cell phone minutes
Markos: What kind of game are you playing?
(Julian att*cks him)
Damon: Took you long enough
Tyler/Julian: My fangs. What the hell happened to my fangs?
Damon: Damon .We have a problem
Markos: Now what were you saying about this being your home? Like I said, the spell will continue to unravel spirit magic as it spreads, which means you're not long for this world. The sun's about to set. Feel free to buy yourself a little time to say your good-byes. You and this traitor of yours can try to outrun the spell for a little while anyway
[Middle of Nowhere]
(Damon is walking. A car arrives. It’s Jeremy)
Damon: Little Gilbert, I have never been so happy to see you
Jeremy: Get in
[Whitmore College]
(Caroline is packing)
Caroline: What are we even supposed to take… photos, clothes, hair products? Like any of that matters when we're all d*ad! Why are you just sitting there?
Bonnie: I'm thinking
Caroline: Well, think while you pack. Death is literally on its way. You said a vampire appeared to you who died on old Miller Road, which means the spell is moving past Mystic Fall. So whatever will fit. The rest I'm sure we'll never see again. Hello, Bonnie! Which part of we're all about to die isn't registering?
Bonnie: I think I know how to get us all back form the other side. I need to find Enzo
(Matt, Elena and Stefan are outside)
Matt: These are all the blood bags I could get my hands on
Elena: Thanks. Between the 4 of us, that will last a day
Matt: Then what?
Stefan: That's a tomorrow problem. Right now, we just got to outrun the spell, regroup in about 1,000 miles, and then figure out a game plan
(Damon and Jeremy arrive. Elena kisses him)
Elena: You ok
Damon: What was that for?
Elena: I had a really crappy day, and I needed it. I thought I was never gonna see you again, and I couldn't think of a worse way to die
Damon: Well, I guess today's your lucky day
Stefan: Jeremy, you head back with Matt. We need eyes and ears in Mystic Falls. You guys take Jeremy's car. I'm gonna wait here for Caroline and Bonnie
Elena: I'll call you in a few hours, Jer
Jeremy: Be careful
[The Other Side]
(Enzo rejoins Maria)
Enzo: Surreal, isn't it?
Maria: Who are you?
Enzo: d*ad just like you, but I've got a proposition to get us both out of this place
Maria: What are you talking about?
Enzo: Markos managed to Houdini his way back to the land of the living with some crazy spell. Any chance you know it?
Maria: I know the spell, but I don't know two dozen Travelers willing to overwhelm the anchor
Enzo: I think you underestimate how resourceful we are. Just leave the details to us. What do you say? Interested?
Maria: What the hell is happening?
Enzo: Grab my hand! Hold on! No!
[Whitmore College]
(Enzo appears to Bonnie)
Bonnie: What's wrong?
Enzo: We h*t a little snag
(Caroline is with Stefan)
Caroline: Where's Bonnie? She was right behind me
Stefan: I'm gonna find out what's taking so long
Tyler/Julian: I'm looking for Maria. I heard she brought you back to Mystic Falls
Stefan: Uh, yeah, she did
Tyler/Julian: Did she tell you where she was headed? Because she can't stay there. The town's completely overrun. What's the problem? Did she tell you where she was headed or what?
Stefan: Listen. Uh, you're not gonna see Maria again
Tyler/Julian: What are you talking about?
Stefan: She's d*ad. I'm sorry
Tyler/Julian: Don't touch me
Caroline: It wasn't Stefan's fault
Tyler/Julian: She saved your punk ass
Stefan: I wasn't the one who k*lled her the witches did
Tyler/Julian: Well, someone's gonna have to pay for it
Stefan: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Whoa. I'm in no mood to fight tonight, all right?
Tyler/Julian: Look at me.My wife's d*ad. I'm in somebody else's body. I've got nowhere to go because my own people are trying to k*ll me
Stefan: Listen. We're gonna find a way to stop this spell. Even if Mystic Falls is gone, we're gonna find a way to save ourselves, all right?
(Julian kills him)
Tyler/Julian: There. d*ad doppelganger. Stopped the spell
Caroline: Oh, my God. Oh, my God! No, no
(Bonnie is still with Enzo)
Bonnie: What the hell happened? Maria was the only one who was willing to help us who knew that spell
Enzo: The great beyond happened, and it's gonna keep happening, so we need to find a way out of here and fast
(Bonnie sees Stefan)
Bonnie: Stefan…
Enzo: What ?
Stefan: Bonnie
Bonnie: This—this can't be happening
Stefan: Please tell me that you figured out a way to bring us all back
Bonnie: I lost it. I'm sorry
(Caroline is with Stefan)
Caroline: Somebody, help me! Please. Oh, my God. No. Somebody, help! Somebody, help! | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x21 - Promised Land"} | foreverdreaming |
(Stefan's body lies on a couch. Caroline cries over his body. Elena rushes in, followed by Damon. She notices Stefan's body.)
Elena: Oh, my God. Stefan! She sits on the coffee table in front of the body. Caroline: (sobbing) I didn't know where to bring him, and I just couldn't leave him outside.
(Damon looks at Stefan's body, disconcerted.)
Caroline: Bonnie has a plan, right? She--she said that she could bring people back. (either Elena or Damon respond) Tell me that she can bring him back! Damon: We'll bring him back. Come on. Let's get away from prying eyes.
(Damon starts getting Stefan's body while Elena and Caroline help. The scene turns into a blue hue, indicating it's being viewed from the Other Side, from which Stefan observes them as they take his body. Still on the Other Side, there is a rumble and trembling. Stefan tries to prop himself leaning on a column. It doesn't work, as we see him being dragged through the hall in direction of a window. He's lifted up in the air and he tries to hold himself at a wall corner. Right when he's about to not hold it any more, a woman reaches out and grabs him by the wrist.)
Woman: I got you!
(She's able to pull Stefan out of danger. He looks surprised. The woman is his best friend, Lexi.)
Lexi: Looks like I've now saved you from both metaphorical darkness and actual darkness. I think you owe me a beer.
(Damon, upset, kicks a wooden chair and breaks it.)
Bonnie: Damon, stop.
(He has a metal rod that he uses to break a flower vase on the mantle. He turns around and points at Bonnie with the metal rod.)
Damon: You said you had a plan, Bonnie.
Bonnie: I did. I had a traveler who knew the right spell.
Damon: And you lost her!
Bonnie: I didn't lose her. She was sucked into oblivion like everyone else on the Other Side.
Damon: Then find another one!
Bonnie: It's more than just knowing the spell. Markos was able to come back because dozens of Travelers were willing to sacrifice themselves in order to overwhelm me. I doubt they'll be willing to do that for a bunch of supernatural strangers.
Damon: (pointing at her with the rod) You know who needs motivation? (he gets close to her with the rod pointing at her neck) You need motivation because if the Other Side goes away, everyone we know there, including you, goes away with it.
Bonnie: I know that. Do you think I want to die?
Damon: My brother is over there.
Bonnie: I know that!
(Damon lowers the rod and he throws it across the room.)
Damon: So is Alaric, and so is your grams.
Bonnie: I know that, Damon.
(Enzo clears his throat.)
Enzo: *ahem* Let's not forget who else is at the top of the search and rescue list. Bonnie: Enzo is here.
(Damon turns around in the direction where Enzo is, though he cannot see him.)
Damon: Well, if it's not Mr. Butterfingers himself. How'd it feel to have your only hope of coming back literally slip through your fingers?
Enzo: Hello to you, too, grumpy pants. (to Bonnie) Tell him to play nice. I have a plan.
Bonnie: (to Enzo) Are you serious? You found another Traveler?
Damon: (in Enzo's direction) Well, then get on it!
Enzo: I'm already on it, mate. You still need someone to do this coming back from the d*ad spell. I assume you still have a witch or two in your pocket
Bonnie: More or less.
Liv: Oh great. Grandma just passed us.
Luke: If you want to drive, just say so.
Liv: No. I want you to drive, just at a speed more fitting for two people who just tried to commit m*rder.
Luke: They are not following us. Markos stripped the town of spirit magic. There's now way they survived it.
Liv: (looking straight ahead) Something tells me they did.
(Luke sees Elena standing in the middle of the road at the last minute. He slams on the brakes and the tires squeal as the car comes to a full stop, just inches from hitting Elena, who looked un-amused. Elena stares at them wearing a smirk.)
Luke: And I bet if I turn around...
(He looks back and sees Caroline standing behind the car.)
Liv: Using our own tricks against us. (she takes off her seat belt) Jerks.
(She gets out of the car and walks towards Elena. Caroline walks towards the front of the car.)
Elena: A little tip. If you're gonna flee the scene of the crime, take back roads.
Liv: Do you really want to do this, again?
Elena: You mean the part where you try to k*ll a doppelgänger? There's no point. Stefan's already d*ad.
(Liv looks at Elena and then at Caroline. She sighs and looks back at Elena.)
Liv: I know you don't believe me, but I *am* sorry.
Elena: Good because you're gonna help bring him back.
Liv: Look. I get what you need from us, but if both doppelgängers are alive again, the Travelers can restart their spell. Witch magic goes bye-bye, and all you vamps, you're goners.
Elena: They're not gonna have a chance to start again because in order to bring Stefan back, we're gonna have to k*ll them, a lot of them, including Markos.
Luke: We can't help you. Even if we wanted to, our coven would k*ll us.
Caroline: Stefan saved your life.
Luke: I know he did, but--
Liv: We can't risk it.
(Caroline super-speeds and snaps Luke's neck, his body falling on the street.)
Liv: No!
Caroline: Your brother's officially on the Other Side. Think you can risk it now?
(Two men prop up Mystic Fall's city sign that reads 'Welcome to Mystic Falls, Virginia. Population 6,923. There are people (Travelers) on the street walking into Mystic Falls at the same time as a Sheriff car rides in the opposite direction. Markos stands on the road, hands behind his back, smiling. He turns around and faces the Sheriff.)
Markos: It is a good day, Sheriff.
Liz: Maybe for you. It took me all night to evacuate the 10-mile civilian radius around the Town Square.
Markos: Hmm. Gas leak. Very clever. I appreciate your cooperation.
Liz: It will keep our residents away for now but certainly not forever.
Markos: I'm sure we can think of something if we put our heads together.
(Liz notices the two men with shovels meddling with the city's sign.)
Liz: Why did they move our sign?
Markos: Our desire was to end spirit magic everywhere. As you can see, we h*t a snag. Nevertheless, this is our home now, and just to keep things simple, we've reset the official border of Mystic Falls to where the spell begins, right there.
Liz: Of all the small towns to call home, you probably shouldn't have picked one full of vampires.
Markos: You think I'm afraid of vampires? Maybe you think your friend Damon or your daughter can come save the day. (they start walking) Let me give you an example of why that would be unwise.
(A man opens the door to a black van. Another guy takes Tyler -- who is now Julian, the Traveler -- out of the van. He has chains on his hands. The guys hold Julian in front of Markos and Liz.)
Liz: Tyler! Markos: Oh, that's not Tyler anymore. That's Julian, the Traveler who betrayed his people when he k*lled the dopplegänger and stopped the spell. A big, scary werewolf-vampire hybrid, and yet a little vervain, a touch of wolfsbane, and here you are -- weak and all mine.
Julian: You think you're some great leader because you pillage a helpless town? That makes you king now? Sorry, your highness, but I don't buy it.
Markos: That's because you haven't set foot inside my kingdom. (Julian looks at him confused; Markos turns around) The spell the Travelers cast across Mystic Falls eliminates spirit magic, so while my people continue to have access to the Earth's purest magic, (he turns to face Julian/Tyler again) your friend Tyler will be stripped of everything the witches did to him, first his hybrid side, then his vampirism, and with no vampirism to keep him alive, he'll just be a boy with a werewolf gene, who happened to break his neck. Julian: No, no! No! (the men holding him try to hold him tighter as Julian tries to break free) Don't do this! No! No! Stop. (they force Julian to cross the city limit)
(Julian loses his vampirism, he blinks his eyes while he's in pain, showing his werewolf eyes and then they turn back to normal. Then, his fangs come out and then disappear. Julian gasps in pain as his skin starts to burn. His head moves to his left in a quick motion, breaking his neck. He falls to the ground. Liz looks terrified.)
Liz: Oh, my God.
(Bonnie gasps in pain as Luke makes is way to the Other Side. Enzo looks from behind her.)
Enzo: One less witch twin in the world.
Bonnie: (now facing Enzo) No. One more person we need to bring back.
Enzo: This list is getting uncomfortably long.
Bonnie: Tell me about it, but with Liv doing the spell, not bring her brothe back would be just--
Enzo: Smart, savvy?
Bonnie: Cruel. It would be cruel, but none of it matters if your mysterious Traveler doesn't show.
Tyler: (off screen) Bonnie?
Bonnie: (disconcerted, she looks behind her and sees Tyler) Tyler, is that you?
Tyler: How the hell did I get here?
Bonnie: You're d*ad, and you're you. Caroline was right. (they walk closer to each other) Dying eliminated your passenger.
Tyler: Hang on. Did you say I'm d*ad?
Bonnie: I did, but we can bring you back.
Enzo: And the list keeps growing.
Bonnie: I need you to trust me, OK?
Tyler: Do I have a choice?
(Bonnie extends her hand towards Tyler. He grabs her and Bonnie winces in pain as Tyler passes to the Other Side.)
(Jeremy and Matt are in the front of the classroom. Damon walks towards them.)
Damon: Class is in session. First assignment -- Anti-magic perimeter. Gilbert, what do you got?
Jeremy: I walked around Mystic Falls this morning to see where my hunter instincts disappeared.
Damon: Meaning what, your biceps shrunk, and your brain got smaller?
Jeremy: Meaning that I have a supernatural urge to k*ll vampires, so wherever I hated you less, there was no magic.
Damon: (they look down at a map of Mystic Falls, which has a big red circle drawn on it to determine the limits of the no-magic area) The cemetery's outside of the no-magic perimeter, a couple of un-populated areas other than that.
Caroline: (on the phone, on speaker) Hey, Professor Salvatore, not everyone can see the map.
Elena: (also on the phone) Yeah, don't forget about us.
Damon: Donovan, you had one job.
Matt: I'll send you a picture right now.
(Matt takes a picture of the map with his phone and sends it to Elena. Back on the street, Elena receives the picture as Liv puts her brother's d*ad body in the car they were driving.)
Elena: (into Caroline's phone) We should be there.
Damon: Nope. You should not be. You are on witch duty because without crazy locks, no one's rising from the d*ad. So next order of business, mass m*rder. Quaterback?
(Matt brings another set of maps.)
Damon: Thank you. OK. We got these from the Sheriff. Apparently there was some truth to her evacuation story. There's a major gas line that runs underneath the town. Now if it did leak, it could be deadly, as in massive expl*si*n kind of deadly.
Matt: We can't blow up our hometown.
Damon: Says one of the only people left in this group who can actually live there.
Elena: We're not bl*wing up our town. We just need to lure enough Travelers to one spot.
Caroline: How? We can't lure anyone anywhere stuck out here.
Damon: And that's where your mama comes in. She will convince them to gather somewhere inside. Meanwhile, these two geniuses at 7:00 will turn on the gas, let it leak. We'll have about 10 minutes before anyone can smell it. You clear out. Boom! Travelers gone, resurrection spell starts, loved ones return. Good? Good? Class dismissed.
Lexi: Huh. I thought for sure he'd be here. If you were a history teacher turned vampire, where else would you be?
Stefan: You seem very intent on finding somebody you barely know.
Lexi: Well, I have a thing for day drinkers. Plus he has a cute name. Alaric. Hmm.
Stefan: (leaning on the bar and smiling) We'll find him.
Lexi: (looking down at a plate of food on the bar) Seriously? This is what I ave to look forward to when I come back to life? All-you-can-eat potato skins?
Stefan: Hmm.
Lexi: Remind me again why you never made it to Portland.
Stefan: I was att*cked by Silas and locked in a safe to drown for 3 months.
Lexi: Right, and then you made it out, and yet you're still here.
Stefan: Lexi, either one of us could blink out of existence any second, so if you have something to say to me--
Lexi: Caroline.
Stefan: What about Caroline?
Lexi: Wow! You really don't see it, do you? Stefan: See what?
(Sheriff Forbes and Markos walk into the Grill. Stefan and Liz listen.)
Liz: Listen. I might not carry a lot of weight with you people, but I am still the Sheriff and I still represent the people who live here. Markos: Travelers haven't been able to gather together for centuries. The last thing they'll tolerate is a list if your ground rules.
Liz: (looking around) What if there's an open bar?
Stefan: (to Lexi) She's trying to gather the Travelers. They're planning something.
(Jeremy's on the phone with Bonnie.)
Jeremy: I should go with you.
Bonnie: You need to go be a younger, hotter Bruce Willis, and if I take one step into Mystic Falls, good-bye magic, good-bye anchor, good-bye me.
Jeremy: At least tell me how this works.
Bonnie: Being an anchor is like being a gateway. Usually, it's one way, but when the Travelers die, Liv will do the spell, and her magic combined with all those Travelers opening the gate at once will allow the people on the Other Side to push their way through me like Markos did.
Jeremy: (concerned) What about you? What happens?
Bonnie: I stop being the anchor.
Jeremy: Yeah, but how do you get through?
Bonnie: (with teary eyes) Jeremy, I will be fine. Look. I got to go, OK? Be careful. (she hangs up.)
Enzo: What is your plan exactly?
Bonnie: My plan is my job.. just like the spell is yours, which apparently you suck at. Should already be on the road.
(She starts walking away from Enzo)
Stefan: I'm late, aren't I? My bad. I was watching some 80-year-old witch get dragged off to never, never land. It was uh-- weirdly entertaining.
Bonnie: Stefan.
Enzo: Not exactly. Bonnie, meet the Traveler with our one-way ticket out of here, although you may know him better as an ancient immortal with a desperate need of a cure.
Bonnie: Oh, my God. Silas. You k*lled my dad.
Silas: And now, I'm gonna help you bring your friends back to life and me along with them. So, what do you say? Bygones?
(Lexi and Stefan, both d*ad on the Other Side, search for Alaric before the spell begins)
Stefan: Where the hell is Alaric?
Lexi: I don't know. Maybe he finally found peace, although if he did, I'm going to be super pissed he b*at me.
Stefan: Well, why didn't you? I mean, if anyone was going to find peace, it should be you.
Lexi: I don't know. Maybe there's something I'm still supposed to do. You know, like, earn my stripes.
Stefan: All right. Let's make a deal. If all this fails and you and I are stuck over here, we're not going to let whatever's happening to all these people happen to us. We're going to find peace together.
Lexi: A death peace pact?
(Lexi takes a moment to mull over it and smiles at Stefan.)
Lexi: I like it.
(They start moving again.)
Lexi: Come on. Let's go. I would hate for you to miss your come-back-to-life window before you even had your first date with Caroline.
Stefan: Oh, shut it.
(Silas and Bonnie are all holed up in a mausoleum, as Silas teaches her the spell to bring them back from the other-side)
Silas: Az vezat esvet.
Bonnie (repeating the spell back to Silas): Az vezat esvat.
Silas: (correcting her) Esvet, not -vat. I feel like I'm teaching calculus to an infant.
Bonnie: I'm sorry. I'm a little nervous about unleashing a plague onto humanity.
Silas: Ooh! I've been upgraded to a plague? Oh. How biblical and fitting, seeing as I probably will k*ll a lot of people in an epic, all-inclusive way once I'm out of here.
(Bonnie gives him an angry, all-knowing look)
Silas: Oh, speaking of, how is my shadow self? Is it a crime for someone so good-looking to be so sad all the time?
Bonnie: Just teach me the damn spell.
(From the land of the living, Elena and Liv enter the crypt to talk to Bonnie, unaware of Silas' presence.)
Elena: Hey. Did you find a Traveler that's going to get us out of here?
Bonnie: Yep. Learning the spell as we speak. I'd introduce you, but, um--
Elena: (speaking to no one in particular) Thank you, whoever you are.
Silas: Oh. Just the perfect specimen of man, that's all.
Bonnie: (sarcastically) Moody old lady. Kind of senile.
(Elena picks up on the sarcasm)
Elena: Got it. Well, I'm going to go call Damon, and let him know that we're ready.
(Matt and Jeremy scour the tunnels, looking for the gas pipe Damon outlined earlier, below Mystic Grill.)
Matt: Can we talk about the irony in us bl*wing up the only place dumb enough to hire us?
Jeremy: I'm sure the Salvatores will make a generous contribution to help fix it.
Matt: Yeah, if they can come home. No one said k*lling the Travelers will get rid of this anti-magic thing, although Mystic Falls might be a half-decent place to live in again. No more vampire att*cks, crazy blood rituals, you know? Safe like it use to be.
Jeremy: Except I wouldn't be able to invite my girlfriend over.
Matt: There are worse things than having to visit your girlfriend at college on the weekends, Jer. It's called "normal."
(Jeremy and Matt enter an open enclosure within the tunnels. He compares the pipes to those illustrated on the maps.)
Jeremy: We're here.
(The Travelers are partying wildly above surface. All of them are drinking and listening to extremely loud music, while Liz looks down at her phone and views the time, before making her way outside.)
Markos: (stepping in front of her) I warned you they probably wouldn't give you the chance to speak.
Liz: Well, they don't seem to have a problem with the free food.
(Liz goes to leave the Grill.)
Markos: (blocking her from leaving) Where are you going?
Liz: Well, I'm clearly not going to have much of an impact here, so I think it's time I take my own orders and evacuate.
Markos: We're not lawless, you know. We could use someone like you, have a drink with me. Allow me to convince you that this can still be your home.
Liz: My home is a place my daughter can come visit. Goodbye.
(once again, Liz tries to leave, but Markos stops her)
Markos: Please. I insist.
(Elena and Damon meet up to discuss the status of the plan to blow up the Grill)
Elena: So are you good? Damon: Operation m*ssacre... assuming Donovan knows the difference between a water-main and a gas-main.. yeah, I'm good.
(Damon hesitates)
Damon: Listen.. I wanted to spare you the gory details, and then I figured, well, I'll be lying, and then the whole point of the universe would be moot because you'd be pissed. So here it is; project kaboom needs someone to trigger the expl*si*n, so-to-speak..
Elena: Okay... wait.. you? No. Damon, no! Absolutely not.
Damon (muttering to himself): Go with your first instinct Damon, lesson learned
Elena: Look at me, Damon.
(She grabs him by the face and forces him to look into her eyes)
Elena: Do you see a future with me? Because that's all I see.
Damon: Elena, I've seen it since the second I laid my eyes on you.
Elena: Then don't go on a su1c1de mission!
Damon: Listen.. technically, it's only half a su1c1de mission because we're going to be bringing people back from the other side and I'm going to be with them.
Elena: Well, what if something goes wrong?
Damon: Alright... not to relive old fights, but this is my choice. I need you to respect it.
Elena: That was a low blow... .
Damon: I will make it back to you, I promise.
(They kiss, with the sunlight pouring through their hair)
Damon: I promise you..
ACT 4:
(As Bonnie, Silas and Liv remain in the Crypt, Enzo sits on a bench outside, on the other side)
Enzo: Is everything all right in there?
Bonnie: Yeah. We're good, but Silas is a crappy mentor, FYI.
(Once Bonnie joins Enzo, the winds start to pick up and howl)
Enzo: It's back. Silas (coming outside): She's ready. Let's get on with it.
(Suddenly, the darkness grabs ahold of Enzo and he starts to get pulled away, but he slams into a tree. Silas goes after him, but he too starts to get swept away)
Enzo (to Bonnie): Help me.
(Bonnie rushes over to Enzo and grabs on to him. Enzo puts his back to the tree and holds tight to the tree and to Bonnie, while Bonnie reaches out to Silas, who she can't quite reach)
Bonnie: Bygones.
(She puts down her extended hand and Silas gets blown into oblivion. She smiles in satisfaction)
(Liv lights candles, preparing to start the spell. She blows out a candle and looks at the clock on her phone, which reads 6:59 pm)
Liv starts chanting
Luke (from the other side): You can do this, Liv.
She starts chanting louder
(The clocktower rings as it strikes 7 oclock. Jeremy and Matt break the gas-main below the grill)
Matt: Alright. It's 7 o'clock on the dot. Let's go.
(Jeremy turns another lever and gas starts spouting out. They pick up their tools and leave, as the gas circulates throughout the grill by a fan)
(Bonnie stands over the graves of Emeila Bennet and Ernestine Bennet, her ancestors)
Bonnie: Come on, Grams. Where are you?
Sheila Bennet: Didn't I tell you not to rush your elders? We move a little slower.
Bonnie: Thank god! I found us all a way out.
Sheila Bennet: Do you think I was born yesterday? I know what you're doing. You can't survive all these people coming through you.. and even if you could, when it's all said and done, you're still the anchor, and when this places goes...
Bonnie (interrupting her): I know what you're about to say..
Sheila Bennet: No you don't. I was going to say that it's been my privledge to watch you grow into the beautiful woman you've become.
(Bonnie starts to cry, but she stops herself)
Bonnie: You need to pass through me when the ritual begins.
Sheila Bennet: No. I'm staying here.
Bonnie: Grams.. You can't. This place is imploding and taking everyone with it.
Sheila Bennet: I can't come, Bonnie. You're not the only member of this family that knows how to make a sacrafice.
Bonnie: What does that mean?
Sheila Bennet: It means that I'm going to be fine. I found peace because I made sure that you'll find yours.
Bonnie: I don't understand...
Sheila Bennet: Not your concern. Just know that I looked out for you.
(Grams hugs Bonnie and they both cry)
Sheila Bennet: I love you Bonnie. You stay strong.
Bonnie: I love you.
(As Grams turns and walks away, she heads in the direction of a bright, blinding orb standing in the distance)
(Markos and Liz share a drink at a table at Mystic Grill. Her phone starts buzzing and she rejects the call)
Markos: Another phone call in five minutes..
Liz: What am I doing here?
Markos: You know, I was wondering the same thing. You evacuated the town, yet you stayed behind to lecture us on our civic duties?
Liz: A captain goes down with his ship..
Markos: Or you're up to something.
(Liz tries to change the subject)
Liz: Do you smell gas?
(For a moment, Markos looks very suspiciously at her, but he soon smells the gas as well. They go to investigate)
Liz: I think there's a leak coming from the hatch.
(When Marks removes a vent panel to take a look at it, Liz punches him to the ground. When he tries to fight her, she p*stol whips him unconscious and picks up her phone and texts Damon, saying "They're here. Go now." Once she finishes, she breathes a sigh of relief and starts to leave, but Markos wakes up and grabs her by the leg)
(While waiting for the signal from Liz, Damon sits outside of the Town's city line and drinks a bottle of alchohol, until he gets confirmation from Liz that the plan is a go. He sits in the driver's seat of his car and proceeds to drive into town, but Elena gets in the passenger seat beside him)
Damon: What the hell are you doing?
Elena: You said to respect your choice and I did. Now, I need you to respect mine.
Damon: Woah. No. No. That's not how this works, Elena. The second we cross the border, you're going to feel everything... you're going to drown all over again.. It's going to take you back to the night you died as a human.
Elena: I know what I signed up for, Damon and I'm all in.
(Damon hesitates and contemplates his next move)
Elena: What are you staring at? Drive!
(He turns the key in the ignition and enters Mystic Falls)
(After crossing the border into Mystic Falls, Damon and Elena speed toward the grill)
Elena: Hurry! We have to die while we're still vampires, or..
(Elena suddently starts choking on water)
Damon (noticing the water): No!
(Damon slams his foot down on the petal and starts driving more quickly)
Damon (crying out in frustration when he isn't moving as quick as he'd like): Come on!
(Elena looks over at Damon, clearly scared)
Elena: Damon...
Damon: I know..
(Damon takes Elena by the hand as they come up on the Grill. They brace themselves for impact, before their car crashes through the window at the grill. Soon after, the building explodes)
(As Liv does the spell, Luke stands over her and guides her through it from the other side)
(The spell is clearly taking a toll on Liv, who starts coughing mid-sentence)
Luke: Keep going.
(Bonnie stands outside in the graveyard. Suddenly, dozens of travelers surround her, as they make their way to the other side)
Markos: We meet again... We can do this all day, Bonnie. Your friends k*ll me and I come right back through you. I look forward to the deja vu.
(Markos touches Bonnies and passes through her, as Liv continues the spell)
Liv chants inside the crypt
(After the last traveler passes through her, Elena comes running up to her)
Elena: Bonnie!
Bonnie: Elena! Did it work? Are you?
Elena: Yes! Bonnie (in relief): Yeah?
Elena: Did Damon?
(Bonnie doesn't know what to say)
Damon (from off-screen): I'm right here.
Bonnie: Okay. When you guys pass through me, you're going to wake up with your bodies on the other side. I need you to get back here as fast as you can.
Damon: Okay.
(Damon and Elena both touch Bonnie's arm and they flash over to the charred-out remnants of Mystic Grill. Elena sees her body still in the car, burnt beyond recognition)
Alaric: Did you seriously wear your seatbelt?
Elena: Oh my god! Alaric, what are you doing he...
Alaric: Come on. You gotta go.
Elena: But what about Damon? I need to find him.
Alaric: No, you need to go home to your brother. I'll find Damon.
Elena: I can't! Alaric: Go on. Elena, get out of here. Go.
Elena: Okay.
(Elena finally leaves just as Damon's waking up. He surveys the room, which is in bad shape, and sees a quick look at his mutilated, badly-burnt body on the floor. Then he spots the Sherrif's foot)
Damon: Liz! No. No. No. No
(A burnt ceiling beam trapps her to the floor. He tries to lift it from her, but he struggles until Alaric shows up to help. Once they lift the beam, they move something underneath it to keep it from falling back down)
Alaric: Friendly advice: When you finally get the girl, don't blow her up!
Damon (laughing): Good to see you too, buddy.
Alaric: Yeah
(Suddenly, Liz wakes up and starts moaning in pain)
Alaric: I think she's going to be okay.
(From the other side, Luke sees that Liv is really struggling to keep the spell going. She has tears streaming down her face and blood falling from her nose)
(He rushes outside to find her)
Luke: Bonnie! Hey! It's too much for her. We need to start now!
Stefan: No! We need to go together. Damon isn't here yet.
Luke: I don't care.
(Luke grabs ahold of Bonnie and passes through her, back to the land of the living.)
(Once returning from the other side, Luke runs over to Liv)
Luke: Hey.
(She smiles at him, but almost collapses soon after)
Luke: You need to stop, now. Okay? If you keep going, it's going to k*ll you.
Liv: No. I promised that I'd help them. LIV STARTS CHANTING AGAIN
Bonnie (to Tyler): You need to come through.
Tyler: What about everybody else?
Enzo: You don't have to tell me twice.
(Enzo grabs Bonnie by the shoulders and passes on through, appearing back in the mortal world, where he runs into Caroline)
Enzo: Ahh! See you around, gorgeous.
(Suddenly, Tyler appears from the other side)
Caroline: Tyler?
Tyler: Yeah! It's me.
(They run into each other's arms and embrace)
Tyler: Woah..
Caroline: What's wrong?
Tyler: That felt different..
Caroline: What do you mean?
(Tyler looks around for something to cut himself with. He picks up a pointed rock and slices himself across the hand with it)
Caroline: You're not healing..
Tyler: I'm not a hybrid anymore.
Bonnie: Come on guys, we don't have much time. Grab my hand! Lexi (to Stefan): Go. GO!
Stefan: No.
Lexi: You have to go! Come on!
(Finally, Elena arrives back to the crypt)
Elena: I can't find Damon!
Stefan: You go. I'll wait here.
Elena: No I'm not leaving without him!
Stefan: This place is falling apart.
Elena: No!
(Suddenly, Bonnie grabs Elena and forces her to pass back through her)
Caroline: Elena! Thank God!
Elena: No! Bonnie! Why would you do that?! I can't leave without him!
Bonnie: We'll find him!
Caroline: Wait? What's going on? Who are we missing? Where's Stefan?!
(Caroline's questioning ends when Bonnie starts coughing up blood)
Elena: Are you okay?
Caroline: Oh my god! Bonnie?
(She almost falls to the ground, but from the other side, Stefan stops her fall, which forces him back over to the living plane)
Stefan: No. No. No.
Caroline: Stefan!
Stefan: I was just trying...
Caroline: What's wrong?
Stefan: She fell.. I was just trying..
Caroline: What?
Stefan: Damon.. he's not there yet.
Elena (with tears welling up in her eyes): This is not happening.
Bonnie: It's okay. I can do this.
Lexi: Bonnie; This is k*lling you, isn't it?
Bonnie: I can hold on. I have to. Just come through. We have to finish this! Markos (from off-screen): Not just yet!
(Lexi lunges at Markos and kicks him down to the ground, where they trade punches. He's on top of Lexi, when she starts to smile. The darkness blows in and sucks Markos into oblivion)
Bonnie: Lexi! Come on! It's you turn!
Lexi: Every person that passes through takes you one step closer to death. What kind of a best friend would I be if you died before Stefan got his brother back?
(Lexi stands back and holds her arms up at her side)
Lexi: You're not going to get me.
(Suddenly, Lexi is bathed in a warm white light and she disappears. In the living plane, Luke continues to watch as Liv recites the spell, with her health growing worse by the second)
Damon (from off-screen): Bonnie!
Bonnie: Thank god!
(Alaric is with him. Bonnie grabs him by the arm and he disappears)
Luke: Screw those guys.
(Luke kisses Liv on the head and gets up)
Luke: I won't let you die for them.
(Luke says a spell)
Luke: Fas matos veelo es mes
(Suddenly, the candles in the crypt go out and Liv stops chanting)
Damon: Where's Elena?
Bonnie: She made it through.
Damon: Okay. Bonnie: Come on
(Bonnie grabs Damon, but nothing happens. She backs up and tries again, but still, nothing happens)
Damon: Well, would you look at that..
(Elena enters the crypt and sees that the spell has stopped)
Elena: Oh my god. Liv!
(She looks around for Liv, but both she and Luke are gone)
Elena: Bonnie! We need to find them. We need to start the spell again. Bonnie: We can't! That was our one sh*t.
Elena: Yeah, but Damon is on the other side.. we have to..
Bonnie: ELENA...
(Bonnie has a hard time containing her emotion)
Bonnie: It's too late. Elena: No.
(Elena starts to cry hysterically. Repeating "no" over and over again)
Bonnie: He's here. You can say goodbye.
(Bonnie leaves the crypt)
(Stefan is sitting on a picnic table all alone, until Caroline comes to talk to him)
Stefan: I lost them both.. Two people I've known longest in this world.. both gone.
Caroline: Lexi?
Stefan: She never came out. Neither did Markos. I know that's not a conicidence. It was, uh, her, unfinished buisness. and Damon.. uh.. he finally had everything he wanted. He was happy.. He should be here.
(Stefan puts his head in between his legs and starts to cry. Caroline wraps her arms around him without saying a word)
Elena (hysterically): You lied to me.
(Damon goes over and stroke's Elena's hair and face. She feels it, but can not see his hand)
Damon: Even if I wanted to apologize, you couldn't hear me.. so I won't.
Elena: Please don't leave me.
Damon: I don't have a choice, baby. You are, by far, the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my 173 years on this Earth. The fact that I get to die knowing that I was loved, not just by anyone, but you, Elena Gilbert. It's the epitome of a fulfilled life. It’s never gonna get any better than this. I peaked.
(Damon wipes the tears from her face)
Damon: I love you, Elena
Elena: Please.. please.. come back to me.
Damon: Bye.
-- LATER --
Bonnie (to Jeremy, on the phone): I lied. There was never any way for me to stop being the anchor. When the other side goes, I go with it.
Jeremy: You told me you could come back.
Bonnie: If I told you the truth, it would have changed our last days together and I didn't want it to change. We were happy.
Jeremy: So none of it was true?
(Bonnie has tears streaming down her face, but is too upset to say anything)
Jeremy: Bonnie. Don't move! Okay, I-Im coming to you.
Bonnie: I died Jer, the day before graduation. And the rest of this has been a gift. I choose to be thankful that I didn't waste a second of it. So, take care of Elena.
Jeremy: No! NO! Don't you dare hang up on me.
Bonnie (whispering): I love you
Jeremy: Bonnie. Don't you dare.
(Bonnie hangs the phone up, leaving Jeremy upset)
Matt: The main-gas line is off Jer.. Jer..
Jeremy: I need to get to Bonnie.
(Elena is huddled up in the crypt crying, when Alaric puts his hand on her shoulder. She turns around, for a split second thinking it's Damon, and looks at him)
Elena: He's gone...
(Alaric doesn't know what to say, so he just hugs her.. They remain entangled for a moment, until they hear Jeremy screaming Bonnie's name)
Jeremy: Bonnie! Bonnie!
(Jeremy runs through the woods, screaming her name over and over again, while Elena, Alaric and the rest of the group try to sort out what's going on)
Tyler: What's going on?
Jeremy: Bonnie! Bonnie! Bonnie!
(He sees Bonnie standing across the graveyard, but before he can reach her, the other side's disintegration comes to a head)
Damon: This place is going down, isn't it?
(Huge holes of light poke through to the other side, while the winds blow all around them)
Bonnie: It is. I'm sure there are a million people we'd rather be with right now, but...
(Bonnie takes Damon's hand and they entangle)
Damon (joking): A couple thousand, at most.
(Now, a huge orb of light rips through the tree-tops)
Bonnie: Do you think it'll hurt?
(The fabric of reality itself starts to shatter, leaving nothing but light)
Damon: I don't kn--
(Before Damon can finish his sentence, the light engulfs them both)
END CREDITS | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "05x22 - Home"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
The spell the Travelers cast across Mystic Falls eliminates spirit magic.
Aah! Uhh! Uhh!
The other side is collapsing and everyone in it is going away.
What about you? What happens?
Jeremy, I'll be fine.
When the Travelers die, Liv will do the spell, and her magic will allow the people on the other side to push their way through.
I know.
My God. Alaric, what are you...
Come on. You gotta go.
What about Damon?
You need to go home to your brother.
I'll find Damon.
I can't find Damon. I'm not leaving without him.
I won't let you die for them.
Phasmatos fumas extas.
We need to start the spell again.
We can't. That was our one sh*t.
But Damon's on the other side.
Elena. You can say good-bye.
Damon finally had everything he wanted.
He was happy. He should be here.
It was all a lie.
You told me you could come back.
I love you.
Bonnie, don't you dare...
Elena: Please don't leave me.
I love you, Elena. Bye.
Bonnie! Bonnie!
Do you think it'll hurt?
I don't know.
(On the outskirts of town, a young couple is laying inside of a tent, making out, while the latern outside flickers on and off. Suddenly, they are startled by a loud noise in the woods)
Jessie (whispering): What the hell was that?
Male Camper: I have no idea.
Jessie: Go outside and check it out.
Male Camper: You go outside and check it out!
Jessie (rolling her eyes): Okay...
(She unzips the tent, slowly peeks her head out and eventually approaches the latern, which has gone off completely. After tapping it a few times, it finally comes back on)
Jessie (slowly turning around): Hey... I got the lantern...
(Before she can finish her sentence, she sees a dark figure emerge in front of her, causing her to scream loudly. Finally, Sheriff Forbes flicks on her flashlight)
Jessie (relieved): Oh my God! Sheriff Forbes... I thought you were a serial k*ller.
Sheriff Forbes: Worse actually, because you'll still be alive when I call your parents.
(Liz holds up an empty beer can)
Sheriff Forbes: Pack it up and strike it down.
Male Camper: I'm like, for real, Sheriff Forbes... You've got nothing better to do than bust us for a couple of beer cans? Tax money at work.
(The young couple have reached their car, still carrying the lanter with them)
Jessie: Could have been worse... Melanie Peterson was arrested for underage drinking last week. I swear, this place is turning into that town from Footloose.
Male Camper: Yeah, well let's just get out of here.
(The youg male camper slings the gear into his trunk. After he closes the lid, he looks around for his girlfriend, who is nowhere in sight)
Male Camper: Jessie?
(She doesn't respond. The only sound he hears is crickets)
Male Camper: Yo! Jessie!
(Suddenly, she falls hard from the sky and lands on the hood of the car... then rolling off onto the ground)
Male Camper (rushing over to her and holding her in his arms): Jessie! No No No. It's going to be okay. I'll get help!
(Jessie is covered in blood, dripping from her neck and coming out of her mouth. She mumbles unintelligibly, finally saying "look up." When he looks, another dark figure pounces on him and he screams)
[ Credits ]
(The following day, Elena walks through a cemetary on the outskirts of town all on her own)
Elena (V.O.): Today was a good day. Summer is officially over and I couldn't be more thrilled.
(Elena looks around quickly and enters a crypt)
Elena (V.O.): Sophmore year... I guess this is the year to pick a major and start carving out your path in life. So that's what I did (lighting several candles). You're looking at the future Doctor Elena Gilbert.
(Elena, along with a dozen other students, are dressed in khakis and maroon tshirts for an internship at a hospital)
Jo: Pop quiz... Mr. Weatherly complains of chest pain and shortness of breath. Can anyone tell me what tests we run?
(A young male student lifts his hand up, but the instructor overlooks him)
Jo: Gilbert...
(Elena looks frazzled at first, but she quickly regains her composure)
Elena: Uh... a pulmonary angiogram provides a clear picture of the blood flow in the arteries of the lungs, which is what we look for in a pulmonary embolism; a condition in which Mr. Weatherly's symptoms are common.
Jo: Good. Somebody's read ahead. Remember that. You'll need that in 3 years.
(Elena looks pleased with herself, but that expression dissipates swiftly)
Jo: Here's the bedpan you need to know about today...
(The instructor hands Elena the bed pan without hesitation)
Jo: Moving on...
(As Jo leads the students along, the male student turns to Elena)
Student: I was impressed...
Elena: Thanks...
Elena (V.O.): Ok... so maybe I spent the day observing, but at least now we have unlimited access to blood bags. And trust me, we need all the help we can get.
(Elena pulls out a small pouch containing spices and herbs from her pocket. She dumps them into a small bowl and starts crushing them up)
Elena: Some of us are still getting the hang of the whole "drinking other people's blood" thing
(Alaric empties the contents of a blood bag into a cup at the front of the classroom. Elena enters the otherwise empty room)
Alaric: Want some?
Elena: That's alright. I had some on the way over. You know... this will never not be weird.
Alaric: What? That some ancient witch turned me into a vampire, or that four months ago, I rose from the d*ad?
Elena: ... that you're my college professor now.
(Alaric takes a drink of blood and the veins pop out under his eyes)
Elena (V.O.): In Alaric's defense, he couldn't exactly compell himself a job back at the high school. Nope... the high school; the grill; the town square... thanks to the traveler's anti magic spell, everything in Mystic Falls was still off-limits to anyone with fangs. A lot of us haven't been back home in months. On the plus side, the crime rate is way down.
(In the town square, Matt is fighting)
Elena (V.O.): Although I'm not sure Matt got the memo.
(He sucessfully takes down his opponent)
Tripp: Good move, Donovan... Proving once again that self defense is the best offense.
Elena (V.O.): I will say he's never been better. I think he can benchpress more than Jeremy now, which is beyond freaky.
(Matt enters the Lockwood mansion and finds Jeremy on he couch makig out with a young girl)
Elena (V.O.): Speaking of Jeremy... actually, let's not talk about my brother. Let's talk about Stefan.
(Stefan is working at a car in a garage in Savannah, Georgia)
Elena (V.O.): Last I heard, he was chasing some lead to some witch that can contact the d*ad.
Stefan's Boss: Hey! Get your ass in here, kid. It's pay day.
(He gets out from under the car and joins his boss in his office)
Elena (V.O.): We haven't spoken in months, which can only mean his search for answers to what happened has been all-consuming.
(Elena lights a match)
Elena (V.O.): He's grieving... He lost so much... We all did, but we're all getting through it in our own way.
(Elena tosses the match into the bowl with the spices)
Caroline (over the phone): I dropped out of Whitmore. Why would I support their stupid football team?
(Caroline walks past the sign into Mystic Falls, where her mom's patrol car is parked)
Elena: It's the opening game of the season, Caroline. Time to come home.
Caroline: I am home! I just signed the lease to my new apartment.
Elena: ... On the border of a town that doesn't want you. That's not home... That's sad.
Caroline: You don't even like football.
Elena: No, but I like drinking in the parking lot beforehand.
(Tyler comes up behind Elena and starts talking into the phone)
Tyler: Caroline, you're coming.
Elena: Tyler, don't act like you have any ground to stand on. You skipped an entire year...
Tyler: and you hounded me for an entire year! So here I am... Now get your ass back here.
(Luke is standing behind Tyler and he catches Elena's eye, pulling out the small pouch in his bag. Elena nonchalantly waves him off)
Elena: Caroline, I'm picking you up at 6 p. m. sharp tomorrow. Okay? Bring your school spirit. Bye!
(Elena hangs up the phone and Caroline and her mom have a picnic lunch)
Caroline (sighs heavily): Anyway... (to her mom) as I was saying, I haven't exactly found a spell that can undo an anti-magic border per se, but this book mentions travelers. Which isn't all that helpful, but at least it puts us a step in the right direction...
Liz: Sweetheart...
Caroline: Yeah?
Liz: You should go with them tomorrow.
Caroline: No, we're going to go see a movie!
Liz: We have spent the entire summer together.
Caroline: Ahhh. You're sick of me...
Liz: Caroline, you just lost one of your best friends. It makes sense that you want to hold on to what's familiar, but Elena lost her too. She clearly misses you.
Liz: No... Elena has clearly taken up residency on planet denial; where football is more important than her boyfriend being swept away into oblivion. Do you know she has barely cried for him? I mean, she was a full-on wreck over Bonnie for months, but when you mention Damon, it's like nothing ever happened.
Liz: Caroline, Elena has experienced more grief than anyone I've ever met. You should cut her some slack.
(Liz's phone starts buzzing, interrupting their conversation).
Caroline: What? Did someone trample over Ms. Davis' flowerbed again?
Liz: Two kids were admitted to the hospital with suspicious wounds on their necks...
Caroline: Vampire att*cks? How? Vampires can't get into Mystic Falls.
Liz: No, but they can lurk around the borders. I gotta cut lunch short... That's it. I gotta take care of this.
(Liz gets up to leave, forgetting to pack up her basket)
Liz: Listen, consider Elena's offer, okay? Mystic Falls isn't going anywhere.
(Caroline suddenly realizes she left the basket)
Caroline: Hey. Don't forget your basket.
(Caroline reaches over the anti-magic line to hand the basket to her and her skin starts to burn, causing her to drop the basket on the ground)
Elena (V.O.): She does't want to let go. I don't blame her... I don't want to let go either. I don't want to think that everything has changed and that I have to start over... the worst thing that could possibly happen actually did.
(Finally finished with the herbs, she picks up the cup and drinks from it)
Elena: But I don't have to. Anyway... that was my day. How was yours?
(Elena is hallucinating Damon sitting beside her)
Damon: Can we go back to the part where Rick came back to live to be a college professor?
(They both laugh and Damon puts his arm around Elena)
(Rick is teaching a class at Whitmore, which Elena happens to be in)
Alaric (writing on the blackboard in front of class): Occult: the word in its literal translation means hidden.
(Instead of following along with the lecture, Elena has a notebook laid up in front of her face while she drinks from a cup)
Alaric: Therefore, the study of the occult...
(Alaric becomes flustered)
Alaric: Uh... Therefore, the study of the occult is the study of the hidden knowledge. Today, we're going to discuss it and how it relates to ressurection.
(From the front row, Liv snickers)
Alaric: Is there something funny, Liv?
Liv: Uhh. More like ironic, but okay...
(Suddenly a late and sweaty Tyler runs into the room)
Alaric: Ah. Mr. Lockwood... How generous of the squad to lend you to us.
Tyler: Sorry I'm late.
(Tyler sits next to Liv)
Alaric: Typically not all occult groups held a consensus on the topic.
Tyler: (He looks at Liv's text but she covers it immediately) Sorry princess. Just trying to check what page we're on.
Liv: Shh, I'm trying to listen.
Alaric: (Continues his lecture) ...Apostles, Athanasian Creeds Tertullian...
(Liv uses magic to turn a page in Tyler's text)
Alaric: ...and the western church were inclined to believe in resurrection of the flesh, whereas the Gnostics held the firm belief that resurrection existed inly in a spiritual sense. (He turns back to his students and whispers so only Elena can hear him thanks to her vampire hearing) Elena, you know I can smell that, right? (Elena startles and stops drinking blood from a bottle) I'm teaching a class full of kids who all look like blood sausages to me. Now, put that away.
Elena: (whispering) Sorry.
Alaric: Uh, whereas others like the early church Fathers...
(Elena notices Luke)
Elena: Luke, hey.
Luke: Hey, I gotta run, actually.
Elena: Oh, no, I'll be quick. Really quick. I just... I've been really thirsty lately. Do you think it's because of the... you know.
Luke: Are you asking me if there are side effects to the ancient psychotropic herbs I've been giving you, because there haven't exactly been clinical trials.
Elena: (laughs) Oh, obviously. I don't... I was just wondering if maybe you could, like, I don't know... Add something to the next batch?
Luke: Yeah or maybe there shouldn't be a next batch.
Elena: Luke, it was your idea that I see him again, remember? You were all, Hey Elena, I'm sorry that I wronged you. I'm sorry that I'm the reason your boyfriend is d*ad, remember?
Luke: I am. I'm sorry. Something I made clear when I made Alaric's daytime bracelet, because you asked.
Elena: Yeah, I know.
Luke: And when I went against my coven rules to get these herbs - because you asked.
Elena: Right...
Luke: (cuts off) But it's time to return to reality.
Elena: Luke, I'm fine. I'm okay, I promise. Just come by my place by 5, okay?
Luke: Elena... (he's about to say something but Elena doesn't let him)
Elena: Thank you.
Stefan: (he speaks as he gets into his boss's garage) Hey, Dean. I think a zero might've fallen off my paycheck.
Dean: (doesn't look at Stefan while fixing a car) Oh yeah, I had to dock you 200 bucks.
Stefan: For what?
Dean: Dan Zimmer said you put a ding on the hood of his Shelby.
Stefan: Dan's wife put a ding on the hood of his Shelby.
Dean: That's funny. Sounds like you're calling my best customer a liar.
Stefan: You're ripping me off, Dean.
Dean: What you gonna do about it, kid? Huh? You gonna quit? Run off to wherever the hell you came from?
(Stefan shrugs, gives up and pockets his paycheck)
Dean: That's what I thought.
(Stefan's phone rings so he pulls out and answers it)
Stefan: Hello?
Alaric: Hey, just checking in... (cut to Alaric sitting in a diner) ...to see if your contact panned out yet.
Stefan: (sees a young woman standing outside the garage) Still working on it.
Alaric: Good. Keep me posted. Let me know how it goes.
(Stefan hangs out and stares at the girl)
(Caroline walks in and comes over to Alaric's table. She puts three books on the table and sits opposite Mr. Saltzman)
Alaric: (surprised) You already read all that?
Caroline: Cover to cover, with no mention on how to undo an anti-magic force-field. And if I'm going to single-handedly take back our town, I'm gonna need a little bit more to go on.
Alaric: Got it. All right, well. (he draws a book) I brought "Ancient Witchcraft, volume two".
Caroline: I read it.
Alaric: How about "The Art of Hexing" and "Elements of Magic"?
(Caroline takes one of the books from Alaric)
Caroline: Fine. Thank you. So... how's Stefan?
Alaric: He's ok.
(Caroline smiles awkwardly)
Caroline: How often do you talk to him?
Alaric: I don't know. Couple times a week.
Caroline: Oh, huh.
Alaric: I'm gonna go out on a limb here, Caroline. Is something bothering you?
Caroline: He didn't say goodbye. Damon and Bonnie died and he just left. No phone calls, no e-mails. Just disappeared into thin air. And I haven't heard from him in months. I actually convinced myself he was in some remote mountain region and couldn't accept my calls.
Alaric: Or maybe he just doesn't want to bother you with every half-lead that goes nowhere.
Caroline: Or maybe I just need to get over it. Thanks for the books.
(Caroline goes out as Alaric smiles sadly)
Elena: (on phone) Why isn't Jeremy answering his phone?
Matt: (goes downstairs) I don't know. He's probably doing homework or something.
(Jeremy's sitting on the couch, playing video games and drinking alcohol)
Elena: Doing homework? Put me on speaker, please. (Matt puts her on speaker and lies his phone on the table next to Jeremy's foot) Jeremy, I know you can hear me. Get your butt off that couch and do something productive.
Jeremy: Or what? You're gonna come here and make me?
Elena: Or I'll have the sheriff arrest you and drag you to the town border, where I will kick your ass myself. Matt, a little help, please.
Matt: Yeah, I'll deal with him.
Elena: Thank you. (she hangs up)
Matt: (sighs) So, this is it, huh? Video games. Random girls. Drunk by noon every day. Look, it sucks that Bonnie's d*ad, Jer. I get it, but you need to start living your life again.
Jeremy: How? By joining the community protection squad? What exactly are you protecting us from? Bike theft? Litter? Magic doesn't work here. The town's safe.
Matt: (visibly annoyed) For now. But Caroline's working on a way to reverse all that. So, it's only a matter of time before we're dealing with all the problems that come along with vampires again. You're a hunter. You have skills. Use them.
Jeremy: No more magic means I'm not a hunter anymore. (opens can)
Matt: Yeah, you're right, Jer. You're not much of anything anymore.
Luke: Hey.
Elena: Hey. You're home. I thought you were coming over at 5.
Luke: I know you did. (looks down) Look, Elena, I can't help you anymore.
Elena: Is it because I told you that I was thirsty? It's fine. I can get more at the blood bank at the clinic. I work there. It's easy.
Luke: Elena, you're going through this stuff like crazy.
Elena: Yeah.
Luke: I'm not a drug pusher.
Elena: No, you're my friend. (goes inside the dorm room and starts searching for herbs in Luke's drawers) My frind in spite of the fact that my boyfriend got stuck on the Other Side...
Luke: Elena, don't.
Elena: Because you decided to stop the spell that could bring him back. My friend that owes me.
Luke: No. A friend who cares about you and thinks you're living in denial.
Elena: I know you have more.
Luke: (angrily) Elena, stop.
Elena: (catches Luke's clothes, shakes him and pushes into a wall) Where is it?
Luke: Look at you.
Elena: Where is it? I need to see Damon, Luke, and I'm not asking.
Elena: I kind of want to set up Ric (music playing) with Jo from the hospital. I mean, we both know he has a soft spot for the sexy doctors type. (Damon shakes his head) How long do you think it takes after somebody comes back to life before they can start dating again?
Damon: Well, the fact that you can say that with a straight face is one more reason that I love you. (smiles)
Elena: So, like, 3 months?
Damon: Can I ask why there is not a Bennett witch in the back? I mean, can't Luke whip up a batch of herbs in Bonnie flavor?
Elena: You know, if I had to drive around with everyone that I've lost, I'd need a school bus. (smiles)
Damon: Or you just know that Bonnie would agree with Luke. The last thing you need to do is conjure up someone who's gonna tell you the truth.
Elena: Can we not talk about it?
Damon: About what? The fact that I'm d*ad? Because I am.
Elena: Technically, you were d*ad when we met.
Damon: Good point. Now I'm just gone.
Elena: Damon, please, don't say that.
Damon: And this conversation is pretty much the smart, level-headed you talking to the irrational possible drug addict you. (scoffs) Which is clear evidence of your insanity.
Elena: Yeah. Ok. (turns up music)
(People have fun before the match. Tyler suddenly bumps into someone in the crowd)
Tyler: Oh. Watch it, dick! (he sees it's Alaric and startles) Whoa, sorry. Still working out the kinks of being human. My tolerance blows. (he drinks beer)
Alaric: Yeah, Tyler, not to play chaperone here, but are you sure somebody with your anger issues should be drinking at all this close to a full moon?
Tyler: My issues are under control. Coach lets me practice with the football team. I get to kick ass in a controlled environment.
Alaric: Till you get plastered and do something stupid and trigger your werewolf curse all over again.
Tyler: Alaric, chill. It's under control.
Alaric: Good. (takes the beer from Tyler) But just in case.
Tyler: Really?
Alaric: You know, I haven't been buzzed since I came back to life. And saying that aloud while sober really freaks me out. Ahem. (chuckles and sees that Tyler is staring at Liv) As the only sober person here, trust me when I tell you this, Tyler... The girl is not so into you. Thanks for the beer. (he leaves)
(Ivy joins Stefan in bed)
Ivy: Your fridge makes me want to k*ll myself. We're gonna have to split this.
Stefan: Knock yourself out.
Ivy: So. You want to grab dinner? There's that crab shack on the harbor you want to check out.
Stefan: Uh, yeah, I would, but, um, I told Dean I'd stop by the garage later.
Ivy: Yeah, never heard that one before.
Stefan: Hey, look, no offense, Ivy, but, uh, you're the one who showed up to me today.
Ivy: Hey, I'm not asking for your hand in marriage. Stefan, come on. We've been hanging out for two months now. I don't know anything about you or your family. Your friends you never talk about call you and you get all weird.
Stefan: I get weird?
Ivy: Yeah. You get weird. So, we'll play a game. You tell me one thing about you and I'll tell you one thing about me.
Stefan: Well, I already know everything about you. You're from Colorado. You love dogs. Your dad's a bit of a pain in the ass, but you graciously let him pay your rent.
Ivy: [laughs] Okay. Fine. Your turn. Now tell me something I don't know about you.
Stefan: I'm a vampire.
Ivy: You're so annoying.
Stefan: Hey. And I like you.
(Stefan kisses Ivy)
(Alaric fills his flask with blood; Jo spots him and turns to talk to him)
Jo: Thank god. Someone over 20. The rest of the chaperones are huddled around the burger bar.
Alaric: And you're a vegetarian.
Jo: I don't eat red meat. I look at blood all day. (b*at) Because I work at the medical center. Not because I'm a serial k*ller or anything. I'm Jo.
Alaric: Alaric. I teach Occult Studies here.
Jo: I didn't know that was an actual thing.
Alaric: Yeah.
Jo: Not that it's not a thing. (points to his flask) May I?
Alaric: Uh, you know, actually, I'm a germaphobe.
Jo: A germaphobe. So, you're like the vegetarian of cool people.
Alaric: Ha ha! Yeah. Exactly. Um... Will you excuse me a second? I actually have to make a— A quick phone call.
(Alaric leaves a voice message)
Alaric: Ok, so, when I lost my human nature, I also lost my game. Where are you?
(Elena reaches into the back seat)
Damon: What are you looking for?
Elena: I thought I had— guess not. What's this?
(Seeing a woman standing outside her car on the side of the road, Elena stops next to it)
Elena: Hey. Are you okay?
Sarah: Depends. Am I still in the western hemisphere?
Elena: Hang on. I can help.
Sarah: I'm sorry. I'm from New York and we're big on cell phone reception.
Elena: Where you heading?
Sarah: Mystic Falls. My GPS died and then I started second-guessing myself—aah! Aah!
(Elena feeds on Sarah)
Damon: Easy. This is when you wipe her slate and let her go.
Elena: I'm still hungry.
Damon: You're gonna k*ll her, just like you nearly k*lled the last one and the one before that and the one before that.
Elena: I got it, Damon. I'm gonna let her go. I'm just— I just need a little more.
(Caroline shows up)
Caroline: Oh, my god! What are you--
Elena: Caroline. It's not--
(Sarah starts running away)
Elena: No!
(Elena reaches the border of Mystic Falls and her arm burns in the sunlight; Sarah gets away)
(Sarah is staggering and grasping her neck)
Sarah: Help! Help me, please.
Caroline: What did you do? Why the hell are you feeding on people?
Elena: It's fine. I've compelled everyone else.
Caroline: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on. So you're the border-lurker?
Elena: The what?
Caroline: Yeah, did you know my mom's been out looking for a vampire prowler?
Elena: The herbs... Luke's been giving me. They make me so thirsty. (turns away from Caroline) I am not thinking straight.
Caroline: Whoa, what herbs?
Elena: They make me see Damon. (turns to Caroline) I can talk to him, and, and I can be with him, and -
Caroline: God, is this what you've been doing this whole time? Hallucinating your d*ad boyfriend?
Elena: I tried to grieve him, Caroline. Trust me, I know grief. I've got grieving down to a science at this point, and I tried. But every time I let it sink in that I'm never gonna see him again, I feel like I'm gonna die.
Caroline: Oh God, I get it okay? I do. But, there are better ways to get through this.
Elena: Like what? Like dropping out of school and having picnics with my mom, near the town border? Or maybe I could pull a Stefan and bounce from country to country, chasing some false hope that we're gonna find a way to bring Damon and Bonnie back. We're all getting through it. This is me, getting through it, okay?
Caroline: Yeah but you're not getting through it, Elena. You're just pressing pause. (sighs) Look, I'll call my mom and she can fix all this. But you need to get out of here, go hide, okay? So just... go.
(Elena gets into her car)
Elena: What am I doing?
(Ghost-Damon puts his hand over hers)
(A group of people, Matt included, are jogging)
Sarah: Help me. (Collapses; Matt jogs over) Please, help me.
Matt: Are you okay? It's OK.
Sarah: You have to help me. There was this girl I saw and she -
Matt: You're OK, calm down.
Sarah: I swear to God she had these teeth and she bit me. You have to help me.
(Tripp jogs over)
Tripp: What the hell's going on here?
Sarah: You know, I saw this girl. You need to find her.
Tripp: What happened?
Sarah: There was this girl and I was... I was lost...
Matt: She had a dog. It bit her. She was lost. She stopped to ask this girl for directions. She had a dog and it bit her.
Tripp: Is that what happened? Look at me.
(Sheriff's car drives over and Liz Forbes approaches Matt, Tripp and Sarah)
Sheriff Forbes: Matt. What's going on here?
Tripp: This girl was att*cked. I'm not sure we're getting the full story.
Sheriff Forbes: Matt, get her to the hospital now.
Sarah: (weakly) No... You're not listening.
Sheriff Forbes: Hey-hey-hey-hey.
Tripp: What are you doing? You need to talk to her.
Sheriff Forbes: We'll get a statement as soon as she's been treated.
Tripp: You didn't even ask her what happened.
Sheriff Forbes: All due respect, Tripp, you run a volunteer community program. I'm the sheriff. Let me do my job. (to Matt) Go!
(Stefan comes into his house carrying food bought in a shop. He hears his phone ringing but doesn't react. He nears the table, opens one of the bottles and drinks beer. Then he sees Elena has called him twice so he answers the phone)
Stefan: Hello?
Elena: Stefan, is that you? I know it's been a really long time since we talked, but...
Stefan: Elena, hey. What's going on?
Elena: I need you to tell me that you found something. A witch. A guy who knows a witch who knows something. Anything. I need you to give me hope and tell me that you're gonna find Damon and bring him back.
Stefan: Not yet.
Elena: But how do you do it? How do you wake up in the morning? (she starts crying) How do you go about your day without falling apart? Tell me what you're doing to get through this, because I'm clearly doing it wrong.
Stefan: There's no right or wrong way, Elena.
Elena: No, there's only forever. That's why I need you to give me hope. Because I don't think I can live forever without him.
Stefan: I can't. I gave up.
Elena: (surprised) You just said that you were looking for him.
Stefan: I did. And then I realized it was pointless and that I needed to move on with my life, so... I stopped.
Elena: (angrily) What do you mean you stopped?
Stefan: I mean I said good-bye, Elena. I moved on. Damon is gone. It's time for you to say good-bye, too.
(Elena hangs up and cries openly sitting in her car)
(Crowd chanting "Let's go Whitmore". Tyler is walking trough the crowd and is on the phone with someone.)
Tyler: Where are you? The game's gonna start in, like, 15 minutes.
Caroline: Do you know Elena has some witchy drug problem? Yeah, Luke Parker has been feeding her some concoction that allows her to hallucinate Damon.
Tyler: Whoa. Slow down, what?
Caroline: It gets her all bloodlusty and confused. She nearly k*lled a girl today.
Tyler: This makes no sense.
Caroline: Yeah, well, neither did the fact that she got over Damon so quickly when he died. Now it's crystal clear. She hasn't. She's living in a fantasy land.
Tyler: (worried) Is she ok?
Caroline: She's a mess. And as long as Luke keeps playing witch doctor, she's not going to get any better.
Tyler: Let me deal with him.
(Tyler hangs up and is looks angry.)
(Matt is in a car with someone driving to the Mistic Falls board.)
Matt: We're just meeting up with my friend here. Everything will be fine.
(Matt is pulling the car over and Sarah runs out of the car.)
Matt: (He's trying to catch Sarah) Sarah, stop, please. Get back in the car. Stop, Sarah! (He catches her) Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you.
Sarah: (angrily) You kidnapped me.
Matt: Look, I know you're scared, and I'm sorry that this happened to you, but all I can do is promise that it won't happen again.
Sarah: Why the hell should I trust you?
Matt: Because I've been att*cked like that more times than I can count. I've had my throat ripped open. I've had my neck snapped, my hand smashed. I've drowned. I've died and come back to life. And I've lost what little family I had, and I refuse to lose anyone else. I want to protect people like you. Like us.
Sarah: That's... quite a story, but... Thing is, I don't trust anyone. Ever.
(Sarah turns back in order to run but Caroline appears in front of her)
Caroline: That's probably wise.
(Tyler walks through the crowd. Suddenly Luke sees him and approaches him.)
Luke: Hey. Have you seen Elena?
Tyler: She's not coming. (he drinks a sip) Apparently, she's not in her right mind.
Luke: What happened?
Tyler: Is this what you've been up to all summer? Messing with Elena's brain? Does it help with the guilt or are you just desperate for friends?
Luke: Where's Elena now?
Tyler: Why? So you can trick her into thinking Damon's alive? Who does that? She almost k*lled someone.
Luke: You're drunk. Don't touch me.
(Luke grabs Tyler's beer but he's too slow. Tyler catches him and twists so he can hold his neck.)
Tyler: Where's your magic now, Parker? What's wrong? You can't chant? You stay away from Elena, or you're gonna have a problem your magic wand can't fix.
(Alaric sees the fight and comes over.)
Alaric: Hey! Knock if off. Knock it off.
(Boys are separated by Alaric)
Alaric: You got it under control, huh? Huh?
(Tyler leaves)
Alaric: (to Luke) You want to tell me what that was about? Come on. Let's get out of here.
(They leave)
(Elena is drinking again the potion that helps her see Damon. And then Damon appears.)
Elena: You can't be here. You're not even real. It's just my subconscious making me see what I want to see.
Damon: One call from my brother and you're gonna throw all this away?
Elena: You know I want to see you, Damon. But it makes me reckless. I hurt people.
Damon: So, why am I here? Do you want to move on? Move on.
Elena: I never got to say thank you.
Damon: For what?
Elena: For saving Stefan and... For bringing back Alaric and Tyler. Thank you.
Damon: Elena...
Elena: No, I'm not done yet. I... I want to thank you for giving me everything I always wanted. A love that consumed me. And passion. Adventure. There's nothing more I could ever want other than for it to last forever, but... It can't. This is the last time I'm gonna see you. This is good-bye, Damon. I love you. I have to let go.
(She is crying and she kisses him. She opens her eyes and he is still there.)
Damon: You're still holding on.
Elena: I... no. I... I said good-bye, Damon.
Damon: I don't blame you. You know what's waiting for you. How long before you go running back to Luke?
Elena: No. I told you. That was the last time, Damon. I... I'm done.
Damon: An eternity of torment, agony, and grief. And you feel it all.
Elena: Stop it, Damon. Stop it, stop it. You're getting in my head. Don't do this. Please.
Damon: You'll feel it forever.
Elena: No!
[She throws something and Damon disappears. She throws all the candles and breaks the window. And then she cry even harder and sits on the floor. Damon appears again and he puts his hand on her shoulder and she takes the hand.)
(Tyler is doing pull-ups when Liv shows up)
Liv: Could you be more of a douche bag cliche?
Tyler: I got a little out of control. I know.
Liv: A little? It's not Luke's fault that your friend's emotionally blackmailing him to fulfill whatever mental head case crap she's going through.
Tyler: Grief. It's called grief. Your brother got to live that day, remember? The rest of us lost people because of him.
Liv: I'm aware of that, Tyler. I think about it every day. So does Luke. A lot of you got your lives back, too, because of me. So, at the very least, do me a favor and lay off my brother.
Tyler: You're right. I'm sorry.
Liv: Yeah. Our twin powers don't work like that. You actually have to tell Luke to his face.
( She turns around to leave but Tyler stops her.)
Tyler: Well, I will. Listen. Liv, 4 months ago, I could do anything. I could make anyone do anything that I wanted. I was stronger than most people on this earth. And then it went away. And all that's left inside of me is rage.
Liv: Why are you telling me this?
Tyler: Because I want you to understand that I am trying to deal with it.
Liv: OK, good. Good luck dealing with it.
Tyler: Why do you do that? I'm trying to talk to you and you just give me that look and walk away?
Liv: What would you like me to do, Tyler?
(She leaves.)
Stefan (voice recording): It's Stefan. Leave a message.
Caroline: Hey. It's me. Just leaving another message about how today was not a good day. Everyone drifted apart.
(The scene turns to Stefan staring at phone and drinking beer. )
Caroline: It's like everyone's pretending they can get through this alone.
(The scene turns to Elena at her dorm room taking shirt from the drawer and sits on the bed smelling it.)
Caroline: Elena's gone and I think she's so scared to accept what happened that she's become a completely different person.
(The scene turns to Tyler doing push-ups.)
Caroline: And if you ask me, Tyler's just hiding at Whitmore, pretending everything's fine as if he can outrun his werewolf gene or something.
(The scene turns to Tyler's mansion and Matt is in the living room clearing the mess.)
Caroline: And Matt and Jeremy never leave Mystic Falls anymore. There's an invisible wall standing between us and them and nobody's doing anything about it. Part of me wonders if they hope we never find a way back in.
(The scene turns to Jeremy in the woods walking and drinking. He stands next shrine where is picture of Bonnie,Matt,Elena and Jeremy. Then we see Caroline again in cafe.)
Caroline: And then there's me, just sitting in a diner on the border of town looking for a way to get our home back. We just lost two of our closest friends. We need each other. We need to be together, Stefan, or pretty soon we're just gonna end up pictures in a yearbook in a drawer somewhere, and so, that is why I am not going to stop calling you until you pick up the phone and I hear your voice and you tell me that you are going to help me fix it. Because I am not going to give up on us.
(The scene turns to Stefan still siting at the desk and the message from Caroline comes. He takes the phone and crashes it with the finger.)
Elena: Do you like being a vampire?
(Elena is in her dorm looking at the picture of her and Damon.)
Alaric: Why don't you get some sleep? We'll talk about it tomorrow when that crap's out of your system.
Elena: Because with all the funerals and the start of the year... We never really talked about how you're dealing with all this.
Alaric: You mean with me coming back to life? Well, moving away from Mystic Falls helped. And since my ex-girlfriend is happily married to a pediatrician up in Alaska, I didn't have any awkward reunions to handle.
Elena: I meant the blood lust. The heightened emotions and immortality.
(He sits on the bed next her.)
Alaric: Honestly, Elena... I hate everything about being a vampire.
Elena: Me, too. At least I did. Then one day, I discovered the good part. You know... The promise that love could be eternal. And I had that with Damon. Which means for the rest of eternity, I'm gonna have a hole in my heart where he's supposed to be.
Alaric: Trust me. It gets easier.
Elena: I know how death works, Ric. Trust me. I have done it. A lot. There's no such thing as moving on. It's a lie. So, if I'm ever going to be able to fall in love again, and make eternity bearable, I need you to do something.
Alaric: What?
Elena: You were created by the original vampire spell, which means you can compel other vampires. And since I can't take away my vampirism, I want you to take away Damon. I want you to compel me to forget that I ever loved him.
(Damon makes some pancakes. Pours coffee in cups and put the sugar cubes in each cup. Then takes the plates and puts them on desk where Bonnie is siting.)
Bonnie: Every day I tell you I hate that.
Damon: And every day I do it anyway. Bon appetit.
END | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x01 - I'll Remember"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Bonnie: The other side is collapsing, and everyone in it is going away.
We need to start the spell again.
We can't. That was our one sh*t.
But Damon's on the other side.
The spell the travelers cast across Mystic Falls eliminates spirit magic.
Vampires can't get into Mystic Falls?
They can lurk around the borders.
Luke Parker has been feeding Elena some concoction that allows her to hallucinate Damon.
Elena: The herbs, they make me so thirsty.
Aah! Please help me.
Caroline: Stefan didn't say good-bye. Damon and Bonnie died, and he just left.
Elena: I need you to tell me that you're gonna find Damon and bring him back because I don't think I can live forever without him.
Stefan: I can't I gave up. I moved on.
I want you to take away Damon. I want you to compel me to forget that I ever loved him.
Do you think it will hurt?
[Breaking up]
I don't know.
(Four Months Ago)
(Bright white screen, slowly fading onto Damon's face, he's opening his eyes. They are in the same place they were when they died. He looks over at Bonnie, their hands are still interlaced and they both let go.)
Damon: Huh. That got awkward fast.
(They are both still looking around confusedly.)
Bonnie: What happened? Where are we?
(She begins to walk away, out of the woods.)
Damon: Where are you going? Hey.
(He follows her and now they are in the middle of the street, still in Mystic Falls, Damon reaches up to touch his teeth.)
Damon: Well, I feel a fang. I'm still a vampire. Either I'm a d*ad vampire or Mystic Falls is no longer magic free.
Bonnie: Look.
(Damon follows her gaze and sees that she is looking at the Mystic Grill, he's confused.)
Damon: I definitely blew that up about an hour ago.
Bonnie: Why don't we see any people? If we're still on the Other Side we should at least be able to see the living.
(They're still puzzled and looking around.)
Damon: Where the hell are we? And I don't mean geographically.
Bonnie: I have no idea.
Matt: Jer! Come on, we're going to be--
(He's walking into the living room where Jeremy sleeps, and sees Sarah in her bra and pants.)
Sarah: Sorry I... I needed a place to crash. Jer said it was cool.
(Sarah pulls on her shirt, Matt stares at the bourbon in the living room.)
Matt: This isn't Jer's house.
(Jeremy sits up on the couch bare-chested.)
Jeremy: Well it's not yours either.
Sarah: Look it's no big deal, I can just take off.
Matt: Yeah, why don't you do that.
(Sarah walks out after everyone exchanges looks.)
Sarah: Bye.
(Once she leaves, Matt looks over at Jeremy.)
Matt: Why would you bring her here? You shouldn't be anywhere near her, dumbass. Not after what happened yesterday.
Jeremy: Caroline compelled her to forget Elena att*cked her. It's not a big deal.
Matt: Not a big deal? Right, I forgot. You don't care about anything.
(Matt walks out.)
(Toast pops up and Ivy quickly drops them into a plate, she's in the kitchen alone, cooking breakfast. She scampers over to the fridge, she pulls out orange juice.)
Stefan: Hey.
(Ivy turns, surprised.)
Ivy: Hey.
(Stefan is confused.)
Stefan: Uh, what are you doing?
Ivy: Um, I'm... I mean I thought it would be nice to d... completely overstay my welcome.
(Ivy sets the orange juice down. A disappointed look on her face. Stefan fully enters the kitchen and turns off the stove.)
Ivy: I'm sorry, I thought I... never mind what I thought.
Stefan: No, no. I just... I wasn't really expecting you to... still be here. That's all.
Ivy: Right. Because why should you expect someone you spent the night with to make assumptions about breakfast. I'm gonna go.
(Ivy begins to walk out of the kitchen.)
Stefan: No, no, Ivy. I was just--
Ivy: No, Stefan I get it. I am super into you, you're intermittently into me. Breakfast, bad.
(Ivy grabs her purse.)
Stefan: Ivy, look why don't we... have dinner tonight. Although I should probably do the cooking.
(They both smile at each other.)
(There are framed pictures on her dresser, one of Caroline and Elena sticking there tongues out, one of Elena kissing Damon's cheek. A picture of Tyler and Elena. Elena, who was looking at the photographs, sets a cardboard box on her bed. She grabs a blue button-up shirt from the bed, folds it and places it in the box. She grabs another framed photo of Damon and Elena posing beside each other and puts that in the box too. She heads to the dresser, grabs the photo of her kissing Damon, and then she grabs photobooth pics of Damon and Elena making faces. She slides her drawer open, with both things in her hand and grabs Damon's black shirt. Elena holds the things tightly to her chest while she remembers Damon and Elena kissing. She puts the two photos in the box, places the photobooth pics in her diary as a bookmark and places it in another box.)
Elena (V.O.): It's been four months, it's time for me to let go.
(Switches to Jeremy's face, he's sitting on the bench with Matt in a park. Elena was talking to him.)
Jeremy: You gonna erase Bonnie from your head too?
Elena: Missing Bonnie, makes me sad, Jer. Missing Damon makes me dangerous. Alaric will compel away any memories and then make me forget that I had him do it. I need you to keep the truth from me too. Tyler and Stefan are on board.
Matt: What about Caroline?
Elena: Somehow I doubt she'll take much convincing.
(Caroline is sitting across from Alaric in a booth.)
Caroline: You said that Stefan was looking for a way to bring Damon and Bonnie back.
Alaric: I thought he was. I've been feeding him leads for months. He let me believe he was following them.
Caroline: Well, I've been a little focused on magic bubble duty. And as you can see by the lack of magic in Mystic Falls, it's a spectacular fail of a mission. And now you're telling me that this whole time no one has been doing anything to help Bonnie and Damon?
Alaric: I wouldn't exactly say no one.
(Enzo is kissing a witches neck.)
Enzo: Oh, just lay it down.
Witch: I don't know anything.
Enzo: You witches are also monstrously secretive. Lucky for me I'm quite gifted at unraveling the truth.
(He gets on his knees and begins to kiss her bra.)
Witch: Okay, there's a coven in Oregon. They'd found a way to communicate with their ancestors before it went away. Maybe they know what happened to your friends. They call themselves the Gemini Coven. They're small and weird and they don't like outsiders.
Enzo: See? You did know something.
Witch: I just wanted you to work for it.
(Caroline appears behind them.)
Caroline: Ahem.
Enzo: Ha ha, well, well well. Well, there's a blast from the past. Hello gorgeous.
(Alaric is closing the shades, Elena in sitting in a chair across from an empty one.)
Elena: Talk me through it again?
Alaric: I raided the psychology department's research library, and a nutshell would be using a combination of hypnotherapy and memory reprocessing techniques.
(Elena nods, Alaric has already sat down in front of her. He places a hand on her knee and looks into her eyes, compelling her.)
Alaric: The more we talk, the more you'll relax and open your mind to me.
(Alaric stops compelling her and settles back.)
Alaric: We're going to be searching through memories that are deeply embedded, and each significant memory that we h*t which is connected to Damon I will help you modify. And this should eventually lead us to the signature memory which once erased will create a positive domino effect through all your other memories.
Elena: Can't you just compel me to forget everything at once? Or we can go get a beer?
(They laugh softly.)
Alaric: I am supernaturally rewiring three years of your memories. If it were that easy, I wouldn't be so terrifying.
(Elena nods, she looks sad.)
(Alaric places his hand on her knee, compelling her again.)
Alaric: I have some questions. Answer them honestly.
Elena: I will answer everything honestly.
Alaric: Do you have doubts about this?
Elena: Yes. But I know I have to do this.
Alaric: Are you afraid?
Elena: More sad than afraid.
Alaric: Why sad?
Elena: Because I don't want to stop loving him.
Alaric: Do you trust me, to be digging around in your mind?
Elena: I trust you completely.
Alaric: Okay. Well then let's... let's get started... Who is Damon Salvatore?
Elena: He was my boyfriend, I loved him and he died.
Alaric: And when did you first meet him?
Elena: I was in high school.
(Flashback to when they first met)
Damon: Katherine.
Elena: No, I'm Elena.
Damon: I'm Damon.)
Alaric: And what was he like?
Elena: There was something different about him, dangerous. But not in a way that scared me. He was exciting.
(Flashback to when they first met:
Elena (in the road): I don't know what I want.
Damon: Well, that's not true. You want what everybody wants.
Elena: What?)
Alaric: And how did he make you feel?
Elena: Like anything was possible.
(Alaric looks her in the eyes, compelling her again.)
Alaric: You had a nice moment in the road with a stranger. But that's all he was, a stranger.
Elena: Stranger, two people passing in the night.
(A tear is on her face.)
Alaric: Are you okay?
Elena: Hmm, yeah let's just keep going.
(It's morning time, the streets are deserted and Bonnie and Damon are walking in the middle of the street. Damon has his leather jacket slung over his shoulder, Bonnie's gray jacket is tied around her waist.)
Damon (groans): How many more streets are we going to wander?
Bonnie (looks annoyed): How many times are you going to ask me questions I don't have the answers to? Huh?
(Damon looks back at her and they continue in silence.)
Bonnie: There's something weird about these cars.
(They stop at a parked one, it's white.)
Damon: Yeah, they're all 20 years old or more and yet they look brand new.
(He runs his hand over the hood, he looks up at a house, a look washing over his face. It's Elena's house, there are toys on the lawn.)
Damon: And that is Elena's not-so-burnt-to-a-crisp house.
(They walk in front of it, Damon sees a newspaper on the grass and picks it up, unfolds it and reads it.)
Bonnie (looks at him confusedly): Hmm?
(Damon turns to her and holds out the paper so she can read.)
Damon: Look.
(Bonnie cranes her neck and reads.)
Bonnie: Rare solar eclipse expected to be seen across 12 states?
Damon (rolls his eyes): The date.
Bonnie: May 10th, 1994. Is that--? Are we--? But that's impossible.
(Suddenly the sky turns darker blue, they look up and see the eclipse blotting out the sun.)
Damon: I don't think we should be asking where we are, I think we should be asking when we are.
(Alaric and Elena are still sitting across from each other in chairs, Elena's eyes are shut.)
Alaric: Tell me about this moment.
(Flashback to 3x10 when Damon kissed Elena on her porch:
Damon: No, you know what? If I'm going to feel guilty about something, I'm going to feel guilty about this.
He kisses her.
Elena (V.O.): He kissed me. I mean, I shouldn't have let him. I knew that he was in love with me, and even though Stefan and I were on the outs, I shouldn't have let him.
(Alaric leans forward, looking into her eyes, compelling her.)
Alaric: He kissed you, you thought it was inappropriate. You told him so.
Elena: I told him it was wrong.
Alaric: Who is Damon Salvatore?
Elena: He was my boyfriend.
(Alaric looks down in disappointment.)
Elena: I loved him, and... he... he died.
Alaric: You know, why don't we... why don't we take a little break, okay? To be honest, I could use a drink.
(Damon is swinging on the porch swing in Elena's back porch, Bonnie is sitting on the steps, toys around the porch.)
Damon: Where is any booze in this empty retroville?
Bonnie: It feels so weird to be back here, I practically grew up on this porch.
(Damon stops the swing.) Damon: Alright, talk me through it.
(Bonnie turns to him.) Bonnie: Before the Other Side collapsed, my Grams said that she made a sacrifice so that I could find peace.
Damon: The part where you actually have a theory.
(Bonnie rolls her eyes.)
Bonnie: Well, this clearly isn't peace, otherwise I wouldn't be stuck here with you.
(Damon makes a face.) Damon: Rude.
Bonnie: She must have... I don't know, sent me somewhere. And when I held your hand... it took you with me.
Damon: Well, did she happen to whisper a safe word in her last breaths. A clue, maybe? Witchy path out of here?
Bonnie: No, but if we got here by magic, magic should be able to get us out.
(Damon raises his eyebrows.) Damon: And that frown that's not upside down is telling me what?
(Bonnie looks toward a glass cup.) Bonnie: Fes matos incendia
(They both look intently at the glass, but nothing happens, Bonnie looks down in disappointment.)
Damon: Still can't do magic.
(Damon sits back on the swing, his shoulders sagging.)
Damon: Perfect.
(Elena is sitting at the edge of a bench with her phone to her ear.)
Elena: You're the last person I think would object to me erasing positive memories of Damon from my head.
(Caroline is in her car, her phone to her ear also.)
Caroline: Yeah, but we are literally chasing a lead. W-what if we find something out? Yeah, you know what if Damon returns home and everything returns back to normal? And you're just sitting there all confused and weird?
(Elena stands up.) Elena: Then Alaric will bring back my memories.
Caroline: But--
Elena: But what? Go ahead, Caroline say what you need to say. I don't want to... pressure you into agreeing.
Caroline: I... don't know what to say, I was actually trying to think of what Bonnie would say.
(Elena sighs and walks to a tree, she begins to kick it softly with her shoe.) Elena: And?
Caroline: And... she'd say that you should do what's best for you.
Elena: Look, I think it's great that you still have hope, I really do but... for my own survival I need to let him go.
Caroline: Well, then go on with your what-would-bonnie-bennett-do plan.
(Caroline laughs.)
Caroline: I'll make bumper stickers.
(Elena giggles.)
Elena: I love you.
Caroline: I love you too.
(The camera slowly moves out so that you see that Enzo is sitting beside her in the car.)
Enzo: Girl bonding, very sweet. I heard you dropped out of school.
Caroline: And I heard you were a lurker who was spying on my life. When do we exit?
Enzo: Soon, uh. You should reconsider. Looks can only get a girl so far these days.
Caroline: Yeah, well I'm not taking feminist tips from a guy who just used his tongue to get secrets out of a coat check girl.
Enzo: Garment detendant.
Caroline: You just made that up. So, did you also make up the 'Gemini Coven' lead too? Because I've never heard of them. Who are they?
Enzo: No idea, that's not where we're headed.
Caroline: What?! Wu-Wait, where are we going?
Enzo: You'll see.
(Stefan's hands are hastily chopping cucumbers, and mushrooms. He puts them in a steaming pan. He drops cheese in it and begins to pour wine in the pan. Dusting his hands, Stefan goes to the fridge, opens it and takes out a bloodbag. He squeezes it into his mouth and sighs of pleasure. He hears the door making noises so he hurries and tosses it back in the fridge, turning to see Ivy.)
Stefan: Hey.
Ivy: Hey.
Stefan: Perfect timing, I was just uh--
Ivy: I ran into some of your friends.
(Stefan looks confused.) Stefan: What? Where?
(Enzo and Caroline steps into the house since the door was still open, he scrubs his hands together.)
Enzo: Stefan! You are a hard man to track down. Uh, I wasn't sure if you're new..friend would invite us in but she said that this was your place. Which means... open invitation to all your mates, right? (Enzo rubs his hands together again.) Got any bourbon? (He walks out of the camera, leaving it on Caroline. She looks a bit angry with her arms folded, she exchanges a look with Stefan, who looks a bit guilty.)
(Ivy, Stefan, Caroline and Enzo are seated at the table, Enzo is staring Stefan down.)
Enzo: Good stuff, mate.
(Stefan nods, pleased.)
Ivy: So, how do you guys know Stefan?
Caroline: He and I went to high school together. He used to date my best friend. (She cuts a glance at Stefan.)
(Caroline, Ivy and Stefan exchange awkward glances.)
Caroline: Not that he's not allowed to date, I mean they broke up. I just didn't realize that he had met someone. So how did you meet exactly?
Stefan: Uh, Ivy's car was in the shop, where I work.
Caroline: You work at an Auto-Repair shop?
Stefan (smacks his lips): It's relaxing.
Ivy (looks confused): Why? What did you used to do?
Enzo: Ah, man of all seasons, jack of all trades. (He looks toward Ivy.) You have a lovely clavicle.
Ivy: Oh, Thank you. I think.
Enzo: Forgive me, I... always notice a woman's neck. I'm a neck person! So is Stefan, right Stefan?
Stefan: Not anymore.
Enzo: Ah, well that's silly. You can't just stop being a neck person.
(Ivy leans over to whisper at Caroline: Is Enzo your boyfriend?
Caroline: Ugh, oh god no. Would you date that?
Enzo: Uh, hello. I'm right here, I have super-sensitive hearing. Practically supernatural. Do you believe in the supernatural, Ivy?
Ivy: I've... never really thought about it.
Enzo: I myself, am I believer. Had to get a witch to do a locator's spell to find my buddy here.
(Everyone exchanges looks, and then they begin to laugh.)
(A song is playing on the radio, Damon is flipping pancakes while dancing and mouthing the song. He has a bottle of bourbon in his hand and he is chugging it as he cooks. Bonnie is stepping into the house, a teddybear in her hand, along with a book. She hears the music, smells the food and smiles a bit. Damon is taking a large gulp of bourbon as she enters the kitchen and clears her throat. Damon stops dancing, clearing his throat in the process.)
Bonnie: I didn't know you cooked.
Damon: I don't. How'd you sleep? Me... not good. My 1994 mattress was very lumpy. Whatcha got there?
(Bonnie looks down at her belongings in her hand.)
(She waggles her bear.)
Bonnie: Oh, Ms. Cuddles, I lost her when I was nine. But I went into my house last night and... here she was. (She lifts up the book she had been carrying.) I also found this at my Grams's house. Her old grimoire.
(Damon walks over to the radio, with bourbon in his hand.)
Damon: Yeah, well I found this. Drank it last year when Ric died. (He removes the CD that was playing.)
Bonnie: So we're in this snapshot of another time, or... something.
(Damon twists the CD rack with his hand covering his eyes. He picks one.)
Bonnie: Everything that existed in 1994, still exists.
Damon: For better, or for worse?
(He kisses the CD in his hand before putting it into the radio. He turns the radio on and the music begins to play, but Bonnie hurries to click it off.)
Bonnie: Listen, there was a time when I couldn't practice magic. This grimoire taught me alot, maybe... I can reteach myself.
(Damon turns the radio back on.): If you were still a witch. Which with our luck, and your skill... probably ain't the case.
Bonnie: Would a little support k*ll you?
Damon: You know, I am acutely aware that we are in some otherworldly time dimension. However, do you ever think for one second that maybe it's you being negative reacting to my natural self negative-ly?
(Bonnie looks speechless, yet appalled): You're ridiculous.
Damon: Nope, I'm consistent. (Damon puts two pancakes onto a plate and sets it in front of Bonnie.) Eat your pancakes. Oh, and--(He grabs the newspaper from the counter and drops it in front of her.)--you can do a crossword puzzle.
Bonnie: Oh, gee, thanks-- (She picks it up.) --breakfast with my least favorite person, and a crossword puzzle, from 1994. (She turns her back to him, opening the paper.) Alright, what's a seven letter word for--
(Suddenly, the sky darkens like before. They look up in surprise. Damon is looking in the window and sees the eclipse.
Damon: You've got to be kidding me. Bonnie, look at the date on that paper.
(Bonnie looks down and reads.): It says, May 10th, 1994. It's the same day as yesterday.
(They exchange looks.)
Bonnie: We're living the same day all over again.
Damon: Well that proves it, we're in hell. Our own personal, custom-built hell. And you're in it with me. (Damon raises his bourbon.) Bottoms up. (He drinks.)
Matt: A little early for that, don't ya think?
(Jeremy is sitting on the couch, bourbon in his hand while Matt is wearing sweat clothes, earphones out of his his ears.)
Jeremy: It's dark out.
Matt: I meant in life.
(Jeremy stands up.)
Matt: Where's Sarah?
(Jeremy, his face turned from Matt, answers): Don't know, I'm not her keeper.
(Matt plugs his earphones in his ear while turning and walking out.): I'm going for a jog.
(Matt's gone, and Sarah steps out into appearance.)
Sarah: You guys don't like each other very much, do you?
Jeremy: He's trying to give me purpose.
Sarah: Why didn't you tell him I was still here?
Jeremy: Didn't feel like it.
(Matt is jogging in the night, when a car stops beside him. It's Tripp, head of the Mystic Falls Militia community.)
Tripp: Hey, five miles with the group this morning wasn't enough for you?
Matt: Tripp, hey. I'm just bl*wing off some steam, what's up?
Tripp: That girl, from yesterday, the one with the animal bites. You know where she ended up?
Matt: Yeah, at my house. I'm not sure how that happened.
Tripp: She there now?
Matt: No, she split, why?
Tripp: I have some deputy buddies over at the station, one of them said that the sheriff ran the plates and the car came up stolen.
Matt: You're kidding.
Tripp: No, you know I can be paranoid but if there was a bad element coming through town. I want to keep tabs on it.
Matt: Yeah.
Tripp: So, let me know if she shows back up at your place?
Matt: Yeah, I will.
(Tripp drives off.)
(Elena is standing by the window, staring out.)
Elena: It was the Miss Mystic Falls pageant. Stefan was supposed to be my escort but...
(Flashback, 1x19, the pageant. Elena in her blue dress, walking down the steps.
Elena (V.O.): He bailed on me.
(Damon is waiting at the end of the stairs for her.)
Elena (V.O.): Damon stepped in. )
(She's smiling as she stares out the window.): He saved me from being embarrassed, in front of everyone.
(Flashback, Damon is holding Elena's hand as he is walking her toward the other contestants.
Elena (V.O.): He took my arm, and led me out with the rest of the girls and all their dates and we danced. I remember that was the first time, I felt it.
Alaric (behind her, walks up): Felt what?
Elena (turns to him): How sexy he was. I'd never let myself notice until then, I mean obviously I knew he was attractive but... I didn't want to see him that way.
(Alaric walks toward her, looking in her eyes, compelling her.): You went down the stairs and no one was there.
Elena: I was embarrassed but I got over it.
Alaric: Who is Damon Salvatore?
Elena: He was my boyfriend, I loved him and he died. (She puts her hands on her head in frustration.) Ric, I hate this. I mean, wha--? How much longer is it going to take?
Alaric: Until we find that signature moment. The moment you knew you loved him.
Elena: Well, that's easy. It was after I found out about the sire bond. Everyone kept telling me that my feelings weren't real but I knew that they were.
(He stares into her eyes, compelling her.): Okay, your feelings were because of the sire bond, who is Damon Salvatore?
Elena: He was my boyfriend--
Alaric: That's not it. You gotta dig deeper, earlier.
Elena: I-I- I don't know, okay I... maybe it was when we spent the night at the motel together, I wasn't back together with Stefan yet and--
(Flashback to 3x19, Elena and Damon are lying in bed beside each other, Damon touching Elena's hand.)
Elena: And all I could think about was kissing him.
(Elena kisses Damon in flashback.)
Elena: I wanted to kiss him so badly.
(Alaric looks in her eyes, compelling her.): No one kissed anyone, who is Damon Salvatore?
Elena: He was my boyfriend--
Alaric: That's not it, next.
Elena: I don't know, Ric!
Alaric: Well think about it, Elena! Think about that moment where you knew this person was somebody you had feelings for. That you loved, that you could see those feelings going on forever. Trust me, you never forget.
Elena: Maybe we should just forget about this entire thing, it was a stupid idea, okay I-I can't do this anymore, alright? I'm done. I'm sorry.
(Elena walks out of the room.)
(The eclipse is still in the sky, but it moves out of the way to reveal a bright sun. Inside, Damon is behind the counter, flipping pancakes. Bonnie seated at the table with the newspaper.)
Bonnie: What's a seven letter word for k*ll me now?
Damon: That joke got old six weeks ago.
Bonnie: And so did this crossword puzzle. Everyday for two months I've done this stupid thing and I still can't figure out 27 across. Old tongue twister, Eddie turned top 40?
(Damon puts two pancakes on a plate and circles it with whipped cream. He places it in front of Bonnie, who grabs her pencil and s*ab angrily at her breakfast.)
Bonnie: I hate pancakes!
Damon: Whoa, don't take it out on the pancakes. Those pancakes, like myself, are waiting for you to be witchy to get us the hell out of here.
Bonnie (stands abruptly): You know I've been trying!
Damon: And failing. Further evidence, we're in hell. Not only am I stuck with you, I'm stuck with the useless version of you.
(Bonnie is appalled slack-jawed and she opens her mouth to say something but closes it again.): Did you hear that?
Damon (frustrated): What would I have heard, Bonnie? We're the only two people here, we were the only two people here two months ago and the only two people here now!
Bonnie: Well I swear I heard something!
Damon: Maybe it's the sound of existential despair. I hear that's what hell sounds like.
Bonnie: You know what? You think we're trapped in your hell? I have to spend everyday on repeat with the person I like least on this earth--! Maybe we're trapped in mine.
(Bonnie snatches her teddybear and leaves angrily.)
Enzo: So, Stefan, tell us, this house, very charming. When'd you get it?
(Stefan is pouring wine into a glass cup.): About a month or so ago.
Ivy: No, more than that, remember? We met two months ago and you already had it.
Caroline: You've... lived here for more than TWO months?
Stefan: Yeah, I guess I have.
Caroline: Well, I guess that's just weird because, you know; everyone thought you were living somewhere else.
(Stefan sits.)
Caroline: And you're job was supposed to be investigative work not Auto-Repair.
Stefan: Right. Well, I've moved on from that job.
Caroline: Well, you can't move on from investigative work until you've solved the investigation, Stefan.
Stefan: How 'bout we just drop it? I'm happy doing what I'm doing now, and that's all that should really matter, right?
(Caroline leans forward to protest but Enzo stops her.)
Enzo: There, darling. No need to make a scene. Really it's all just some big misunderstanding, perhaps this will clear it all up.
(Enzo grabs his fork and s*ab Stefan's hand to the table, Ivy screams, and Caroline spits out her wine.)
Caroline: ENZO!
Stefan (wincing from pain): What the hell is wrong with you?
Enzo: So many secrets, what are you running from, Stefan?
(Enzo removes the fork and the wound heals.)
Ivy: Um, I-I don't--
(Caroline gets up, grabs Ivy by her chin and looks in her eyes, compelling her.)
Caroline: Calm down, come with me. Let's go upstairs. (She turns to Enzo angrily.) No need to make a scene?!
(Caroline and Ivy leave, Stefan and Enzo stare at each other with hatred.)
Enzo: What kind of coward gives up on his own brother?
Stefan: You don't know what you're talking about.
(Stefan gets up and superspeeds toward Enzo, who holds him back with his arm, Enzo speeds him at the fridge and grabs another fork, s*ab Stefan in his neck.)
Enzo: Why don't you enlighten me?
(Stefan pushes Enzo back, he crashes into the dinner table and breaks it. Stefan removes the fork from his neck, Enzo gets up and speeds, pinning Stefan to the wall, but Stefan bangs his head against Enzo, who stumbles back leaving Stefan to punch him. When Enzo stumbles, holding on to the kitchen counter for support, Stefan snaps his neck.)
(Caroline is sitting on her steps with her cell phone in her hand, she gets up.)
Caroline: Hey, this is really not a good time.
Alaric: I'm sorry, I-I've just really h*t a wall with Elena. I just need some insight.
Caroline: Okay, what's the wall?
Alaric: I'm trying to get her to figure out when she first fell in love with Damon but she... can't seem to get there.
Caroline (V.O.): (Alaric is sitting on Elena's dorm bed.) Yeah, because she doesn't want to admit what everyone already knows.
(It switches back to Caroline)
Caroline: That she fell in love with Damon while she was still with Stefan. (The stairs creak behind her and she turns, it's Stefan. He looks at his feet.)
(Stefan is back in the kitchen/diningroom, he's picking up a chair. The room is completely trashed and Enzo is still temporarily-d*ad, slumped by the counter, Caroline is standing my the door.)
Stefan: You should probably get him out of here. He'll be up soon and I really don't feel like another go-around.
Caroline (surrenders from silence): I'm sorry that you heard what I said.
Stefan: It's fine, Caroline. I really don't care.
Caroline: Why? Why don't you care? You're the one who always cared, it's what I liked about you. You know amidst all the crazy in our perfectly-messed-up lives, you cared more than anyone. So how could you just... stop?
Stefan: Cause I had to. I had to 'move on'. You know, the months before I moved here I was following every lead that Alaric sent my way. I spoke to every witch, every shaman, every psychic in 20 countries around the globe, and every lead was a d*ad end.
Caroline: But Enzo has another lead, there's this coven in Oregon--
Stefan: The Gemini Coven, yeah I looked into them too, Caroline there was nothing there. Because there's nothing we can do, Damon and Bonnie are d*ad. I had to come to terms with that. And once I did, I had to start over, I couldn't just live my life with my old friends, I couldn't just go near Mystic Falls or Elena or--
Caroline: Or me? (They look at each other, Stefan looks away guiltily.) Cause I thought we were closer than that, I mean... you could hear in all those messages that I left you, you couldn't hear that I was completely falling apart without you? (She stares at him for his response but Stefan is still looking down, guiltily, her face straightens in realization, she looks away from his face.) Cause you never listened to them.
Stefan: I had to move on I didn't have a choice. (Caroline looks extremely sad, and appalled, her eyes are filling with tears.) I had to erase everything.
(Caroline sighs, looking more angry than sad now.): Well, let me summarize them for you. You're a dick, if you want him out of your house, you'll throw him out yourself.
(She storms out.)
(Elena is ripping open the box of Damon's thing, it's on her bed and her cellphone is sitting on her bed too.)
The receiver: ...is not available, please leave a message.
Elena: Luke, where are you? I need more of that stuff like... now, I'm starting to go--(She pauses when Alaric is standing by the door, but then she continues to take the stuff from the box.): I don't want to hear it, Ric, okay? We tried, it didn't work. It's over.
Alaric: It didn't work because you weren't being honest.
Elena: I wasn't... are you crazy?
(Alaric shuts the door.)
Elena: I was being completely honest. Do you think I want to talk to you about my romantic life?
Alaric: You weren't being honest with yourself.
(Elena looks down at the box.)
Alaric: Look, I want to hear all the Damon stuff... while you were still with Stefan.
(Elena looks up at him, incredulously.): No, I was completely faithful to Stefan.
Alaric: Of course you were--
Elena: I did everything--
Alaric: I know--
Elena: I stuck with him, even when he lost his humanity--
Alaric: I know you di--
Elena: After he left a trail of bodies from Florida to Virginia, I fought for him.
Alaric: I know you did, Elena, you don't want to admit it because you feel like you're betraying Stefan but this won't work until you do.
Elena: No, I loved Stefan. The entire time, I never would have hurt him.
(She's staring at the framed photos of her and Damon, her back turned to Alaric.)
Alaric: Elena, you've been lucky enough to love two people this deeply, in your young life. There's nothing wrong with that. It's okay.
(Elena smirks without amusement.)
Elena (repeating Katherine from 2x22): It's okay to love them both. (She turns to stare at Alaric.) That's what Katherine used to say. (There are tears in her eyes, as she slowly sits on the bed.) How sad is it that my own evil doppelganger was smarter than me?
(Alaric grabs a chair and sits in front of her, a tear slips from her eye.) Alaric: It's okay, Elena you can tell me, tell me the moment you knew you loved him.
Elena (teary eyed and reassured): It was my birthday.
(Damon is sitting on the ground in the hallway, throwing a ball at the wall, and catching it, the screen says 'Today,'.)
Elena (V.O.): Damon and I spent the entire summer looking for Stefan.
(Damon stops throwing the ball and looks at his hand, his expression is without amusement, he just looks sad.)
Elena (V.O.): And I was trying to put on a good face because Caroline was throwing this party for me but I was just so sad.
(Damon gets up from the ground, walking from the hall.)
(Flashback to 3x01, Elena is in front of the mirror wearing the white dress, she's admiring herself.)
Elena (V.O.): I was two seconds from deciding that I wasn't going to go, I wasn't going to leave the room.
(Damon is slouched against the wall with his arms folded.)
Elena (V.O.): Until Damon walked in to give me my... birthday gift.
(Present day Damon is standing in the same room as the flashback, he flicks on the light, and slouches against the wall just like the flashback, he's thinking of the moment too.)
(Flashback: Elena turns when she sees Damon, and smiles.)
(Present day Damon smiles at the memory and walks fully into the room.)
Elena: It was the necklace that Stefan had given me, I'd lost it.
(Flashback: Damon approaches Elena with a small box and he opens it. It's Stefan's necklace.)
Elena (V.O. flashback): And Damon knew what the necklace meant to me.
Elena: My necklace.
(Present day)
Elena: What it meant about my feelings for Stefan. Even though he loved me.
(Flashback: Elena picks up her hair so Damon can put the necklace on.)
Elena (V.O. flashback): He gave me the one thing that represented hope for me and his brother. I knew how much it hurt him. But he did it.
(Flashback: Elena turns to Damon after he's finished.)
(Damon is taking Stefan's necklace from a small box as he stares at it, remembering Elena. He fists the necklace tightly in his hand.)
(Elena gropes at her neck, even though the necklace isn't there.): It was... the most selfless that he's ever been, and in that moment... I loved him. I didn't want to, I mean, I... It terrified me but, for that moment I loved him.
(Damon puts the necklace back in the box and stares absently, he looks extremely sad but no tears are visible.)
Elena: Do it.
(Screen flashes to otherworldly Damon, he still looks sad, then it goes back to Elena.)
(Elena grabs Alaric's hands desperately.): It's okay, I'm ready.
Alaric: I need you to be sure. Are you sure?
Elena: I'm sure, just take it away, please. (Tears are streaming down her face.)
(Alaric leans forward, compelling her.)
Alaric: Damon never came into the room, he never gave you the necklace. The party was miserable, but you spent the night at your house watching movies and eating popcorn with Jeremy.
(Flashback: Damon snaps Jeremy's neck in 2x01, Elena falls down next her brother and looks up with hatred for Damon.)
Elena: Jeremy. (She said in realization.) Damon k*lled Jeremy, he snapped his neck right in front of me.
Alaric: Elena, who is Damon Salvatore?
Elena (angry): He's Stefan's brother, he's a monster. (She turns away with hatred.) Then he died.
(Caroline is in her car, balling her eyes out. Her makeup is smeared and she is practically wailing. But then her cell phone buzzes and she picks it up, she attempts to take the tearyness from her voice.)
Caroline: Hey.
(Elena is taking some clothes out.): Put on some party clothes and come to Whitmore. Tyler's coming over and we are going out.
(Caroline laughs.): You sound good.
Elena: I am good, I had a good day. I ditched all my classes and hung out with Ric, and we um... we talked about Bonnie.
(Caroline is softly crying, without Elena hearing her.)
Elena: I had a good cry, and I don't know I... I really feel like things are taking a turn for the better. So get your ass down here and let's have some fun.
Caroline: Well, how about I come in, sneak in the dorms and spend the night later, for old times' sake.
Elena: Sounds perfect, love you.
Caroline: Love you too.
(When she hangs up she begins to cry again, but then Enzo opens the door and steps into the car, Caroline turns to the window so he can't see her cry.)
Enzo: Oh, well that was a bit of a bust. (He notices that she's sniffling and that she's not turned to him and his expressions turns into one of concern.) Hey, hey. (Enzo grabs her face and turns her to him, he sees her crying and he looks angry, he lets her go.) I'll be right back. (Enzo leaves Caroline sobbing in the car.)
(Stefan is squatting, picking up the broken legs to the table, Ivy is entering the room.)
Ivy: Hey, did your friends leave? (She notices the broken table.) Whoa, what happened?
Stefan: Oh, you know my friend he's a... a bad drunk.
Ivy (smiling): Yikes, well at least your friend Caroline seemed nice.
Stefan (has the broken legs in his hand): Yeah, well I'm going to go throw this out. (He heads into the backyard, and when he returns into the house Enzo has Ivy by her neck with both his hands.)
Stefan (slowly walking forward): Let her go.
Enzo: Okay. (He snaps her neck and she falls to the ground.)
Stefan: No! (Stefan superspeeds toward Enzo but Enzo throws him back onto the ground, and slowly approaches him.)
Enzo: I've got a girl out there crying over you, because she cares so much. (Stefan sits up but doesn't att*ck Enzo, his eyes are wide in shock.)
Enzo: I'm over here trying to figure out why, because I can't see what's worth caring about.
(Stefan stands up, there are tears in his eyes.)
Enzo: You know Damon once told me that he promised you an eternity of misery. And I remember thinking "well what could his brother have ever done to inspire so much hatred?" But now I get it... you're not a brother to him. Brother's don't give up. (He takes a step forward.) So every time I see you doing anything that looks like you've done so, every time you try to start over in a life that's nothing but a lie, I will make you pay.
(Stefan's face looks like he's been crying, but his face isn't wet.)
Enzo: I will be the one to bring you the misery you deserve.
(Stefan growls and superspeeds at Enzo, but he snaps Stefan's neck and Stefan falls to the ground.)
Enzo (breathless): See? We're all still neck-people.
(He walks out through the back door.)
(Jeremy is outside on the balcony, his phone to his ear.)
Voicemail: It's Bonnie, leave me a message.
The phone beeps and Jeremy starts talking: Hey, it's me. I paid your cell bill again, your Mom said I could, I think she felt sorry for me or something. Maybe she just wants to hear the sound of your voice too, what do I know? I'm so pissed at you, Bonnie. Yeah, still. You... you told me that you were gonna die over the phone. So you kind of deserve me railing at you on voicemails that you're never gonna get. I guess I'll call and yell at you again, tomorrow.
(He removes the phone from his ear and leaves the balcony, Matt walks to him.)
Jeremy: Ah! You scared the hell out of me.
Matt: Shh, we've got a little problem. Sarah's shady, the plates on her car are stolen, she's gotta go.
Jeremy: What are you? Deputy Dewey? How do you know that?
(Sarah appears behind them.): It doesn't matter how he knows it, he's right. I stole it from my old boss, he had wandering hands to I wandered my hands to his car keys.
Matt: Look no offense, but you've gotta find someplace else to stay.
Sarah: I totally get it, I appreciate you guys helping me, really I do. It's okay, I have family here. Sort of, I mean, I haven't met him but my Dad. He supposedly lives here. It's not like he's just going to let me sleep on the street, right?
Jeremy: Matt, at least let her stay until she finds her Dad.
Matt: Seriously, Jer? I'm on the community protection committee and she's a car thief.
Jeremy: Alright fine, we can go stay at Stefan and Damon's, no one's there.
Matt: You can't leave, I told Elena that I'd watch out for you.
Jeremy: It's not like she can do anything about it.
(Jeremy takes Sarah's hand and leads her out of the house.)
(Tripp is driving his large car, with his phone in between the seats.)
Matt (on phone): So she says she has family here.
Tripp: That's probably another lie but I'll look into it, thanks Matt.
(Matt, who was walking in front of the mansion,): Look Jeremy's a good kid, he's just going through some stuff.
Tripp: I know all about him, I grew up with his Dad.
Matt: Wait, you're from Mystic Falls?
Tripp: Born and raised, till my parents split. I think that's why I'm such a geek about this town. My family were such big supporters, we're the founding family actually.
Matt: Which family?
Tripp: The Fells, I'm Thomas Vincent Fell III, to be exact. My dad called me Tripp, and I was such a clumsy kid that I took my Mom's maiden name when he bailed. I mean, can you imagine? 'Tripp Fell?'.
Matt: So if you're a founding family, that means you know all the stuff that go along with it, right?
Tripp: Oh, is there a secret handshake that never got taught? Look, I gotta go, I'll see you later for training though, yep?
Matt: Yeah, sure.
(They hang up, and Tripp opens the partition separating his seat from the large back seat of his car. Inside are vampires, struggling to break free of the chains he put on them.)
Tripp: Any final words?
(He drives into Mystic Falls and the young vampires begin to choke and spit up blood. Tripp is unfazed, as he clicks a button from the front seat and sun blazes in the backseat, the vampires begin to burn and set on f*re, they scream hysterically as they heat up in flames. They burn, screaming. And then Tripp shuts the partition, he smiles and turns up the music in his car.)
(It's night time, and Bonnie is standing behind the stove where Damon usually stands. She is mixing beans in a pot, she makes two bowls of it. Damon sits at the table silent, and Bonnie walks over and places his bowl in front of him. And she sits across from him. Damon unfolds his napkin, and Bonnie hands him a spoon. He smiles at her as a thank you, and begins to eat. Damon looks down at his food and Bonnie looks up at him, there is understanding and concern in her eyes as she watches him.)
Bonnie: I miss them too, you know.
(Damon looks up in surprise, and nods in agreement. Bonnie looks back at her food and begins to eat. Damon grabs the newspaper on the table and stares at it.)
Damon: Look who got 27 across. (He sounds impressed.)
Bonnie (smirks): I wish, 27 across is a rock I am pushing up an endless mountain.
Damon: It's an old tongue twister Eddie turned top 40, Eddie Vedder, pearl jam. Yellow Ledbetter.
(He sits the newspaper down. And Bonnie looks confused. Then she grabs the newspaper and looks at the puzzle, 27 across is filled in: 'YELLOW LEDBETTER'. A tune plays in the background of the scene.)
Bonnie (looking up at Damon): Are you messing with me?
Damon (taking it as a joke): No, you messing with me?
Bonnie (talking about the crossword puzzle): I didn't finish this.
Damon: Well, neither did I.
Bonnie (still-faced): There's someone else here.
(Both, seated at the table, look around suspiciously.)
END | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x02 - Yellow Ledbetter"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Damon's gone!
Alaric will compel away any memories I had of Damon and me being together.
Tyler and Stefan are on board.
Just take it away, please.
Vampires can't get into Mystic Falls.
They can lurk around the borders.
Caroline compelled her to forget Elena att*cked her.
It's not a big deal.
Matt: You're from Mystic Falls?
One of the founding families actually.
Any final words?
Damon: Where the hell are we?
Bonnie: 1994.
We got here by magic.
Magic should be able to get us out.
Look who got 27 across.
I didn't finish this.
Well, neither did I.
There's someone else here.
Stefan didn't say good-bye.
Damon and Bonnie died, and he just left.
Let her go.
( Stefan drives up into his job, parks and walks into the garage. His boss is underneath the car and he's fixing it. )
Dean (Boss): Ain't a parking lot, kid.
Stefan: Yeah, well I'm not here to work. Need a few days off.
Dean: It looks like I need a new mechanic.
( Stefan pulls Dean from underneath the car. )
Stefan: I said, I need a few days off.
Dean: Are you slow? Let me simplify: Stay, keep the job. Leave, lose it.
( Stefan yanks Dean up by his collar and then holds him above ground by his neck. )
Dean: How the hell are you so strong!?
Stefan: You hired a vampire, next time do a background check.
( Stefan looks into his eyes, compelling him. )
Stefan: Now, shut up and don't move. (He sets his boss on the ground and Dean is still.) You have no idea how long I wanted to do that. See, I was trying to...get a fresh start, live a normal life, normal job, normal dick of a boss. That's you by the way, and this place was supposed to be my sanctuary. And it was until yesterday.
(Stefan pulls Dean toward his car.): Come with me. (He opens the trunk, revealing a d*ad Ivy.): This is my girlfriend Ivy, someone k*lled her last night in front of me. So, now I have to go back home, last place on this earth I wanna be. Find him, and k*ll him. (He shuts the trunk and turns to Dean.): Like I said, I need a few days off.
Dean (slowly): You should take a few days off.
Stefan: Thanks buddy, I will. (He grabs the keys from his back pocket.) Now, I need you to drive my car into the woods, and you're going to bury my girlfriend. And forget this ever happened. Oh, and when I get back you're giving me a raise.
( Caroline is staring at the graduation pic of Bonnie, Elena and Caroline all wearing red graduation clothes. And she sighs, heading over to the bed. Elena is walking into the room with a tray of two coffees. )
Elena: So I uh, volunteered at the hospital until like two. And then I figured we could carpool to the party at the swimming hole. (After setting the coffee down, Elena realizes Caroline is packing.) Um, normally when you move back in you unpack.
Caroline: I'm not staying. Last night was just a momentary moment of weakness.
Elena: Momentary moment?
( Caroline nods. )
Elena: Are you sure you don't want to come back to school?
( Caroline stares at her directly. )
Elena: Caroline, needing your friends isn't a weakness, momentary or otherwise.
(Caroline shuts her suitcase.): Tell that to Stefan, who clearly needs no one.
(Elena crosses her arms): Cut him some slack, he lost his brother. Granted, said brother was a homicidal maniac. But, still.
( Caroline is staring at Elena with sadness, and incredulously. )
Elena: What?
Caroline: (shakes her head back into reality) Nothing, I just - I gotta go, I got breakfast with Enzo, so...
Elena: (looking judgmental) Enzo?
Caroline (surprised alone): Mm, hmm.
Elena: You guys go on one road trip and all of a sudden you're breakfast buddies?
Caroline: (giggles) Yeah, I guess so. Ironically, he's recently become one of the most s*ab people in my life.
Elena: (looking skeptical & judgmental) Okay, then invite him to the party.
Caroline (sighing, frustrated): Elena -
Elena: Come on, I got Matt to take the afternoon of from his training and Tyler to give the practice squad a break, even Jeremy is coming. It's been forever since we've all been together, it'll be fun.
( Caroline opens her mouth, skeptical. )
Elena: (pointing her finger at her) Don't make me invoke the nuclear option.
( Caroline raises her eyebrows. )
Elena: Cause I will selfie b*mb you. Every five minutes.
Caroline: (laughs) Okay, fine I'll go to the party.
Elena: Yay. (She picks up the tray of coffees.)
Caroline: But I'm not moving back in. (She heads to the door.)
Elena: That is a conversation to be had over jello sh*ts.
( Caroline leaves and Elena drinks her coffee. )
Caroline (V.O. Matt): What did Alaric do to her?
Matt: All I know is she doesn't remember what she saw in Damon and we're supposed to keep it that way.
Caroline: (walking in a park with her coffee) I just spent the whole night with her, and it's weird. She just doesn't seem like her old self.
Matt: (walking toward Tripp's car) Yeah, it's because she's happy isn't that the whole point?
Caroline: Yeah, I guess.
Matt: Look, I gotta go. I'll see you later.
( Matt looks and sees that Tripp and a friend named Jay are cleaning out the back of Tripp's car, it's red liquid coming up. )
Matt: It's a little early for a car wash.
Tripp: Oh, yeah. I brought in some mulch so you guys could clean up that little park on 4th. Turns out red mulch stains. Who knew?
Matt: My friends are having a party, and I'd like to go by this afternoon after lunch.
Tripp: You need a permission slip?
Matt: Oh, I don't know.
Tripp: I'm not your Mom. Go. (Jay jumps out from inside the car with a mop in his hand.) And take Jay. Suckered him into washing my car. He needs some fun.
Jay: You're driving, I'm drinking.
Tripp: (flashing a concerned, suspicious look) Both of you, keep your eyes open. We've had a lot of animal att*cks lately.
Jay: He means...dog -bite girl.
Matt: Yeah, I know what he means.
( They both walk off, leaving Tripp who sprays the hose at the open door of his car, blood comes away red. )
( Jeremy is standing at the usual place Damon is, where the bourbon is. He's pouring himself a drink, and Sarah enters the room wringing out her hair. )
Sarah: That shower has four heads. Who's so dirty they need 4 heads?
Jeremy: You'd be surprised. You want bourbon? (He looks back at the table, ready to give her a choice when he realizes it's just bourbon.) Or bourbon?
(Sarah hops up onto the place where the bourbon is.): I hate bourbon, but I love this house. Can I just pretend that I found my dad and it's whoever lives here?
Jeremy: Trust me, it's not.
Sarah: Why not? My mom lived in Mystic Falls for years before she had me, somebody had to knock her up.
Jeremy: You ever think about asking her?
Sarah: Oh, good idea. Hurry, let's go to the cemetery.
Jeremy: Gotcha, sorry.
Sarah: (looking around) Who does live here anyway?
Jeremy: (looks deeply at the bourbon) Two brothers, one moved, the other...is d*ad. (He takes a swig of the bourbon from the bottle.)
( Liv and Luke are walking down the crowded corridors of Whitmore, Tyler runs up. )
Tyler: Hey, quick question.
Liv: Quick answer, no.
Tyler: Hilarious. We're having a party today, you think you could spare a keg or two from scull bar? You can come...
( They stop walking. )
Liv: (smacks her lips) You and alcohol and my brother. Why does that combination sound so familiar and terrible? (She turns to her brother.) How is your trachea Luke?
Luke: In fairness, he apologized.
Tyler: I'm working on this, okay? I watch my drinking, I avoid things that make me angry.
Liv: Come by the bar after 1, I'll see what I can do.
( Tyler walks away with a smile. )
Luke: You're doing that thing again.
Liv: (looks up) What thing?
Luke: Oh the thing where you're a bitch because you like somebody. It's pretty transparent, I don't blame you, he's hot. (Luke walks off, leaving Liv smiling.)
( When Liv walks off, Liam is walking and Elena appears beside him. )
Elena: Hey cutebrag.
Liam: Did you just call me 'cute brag'?
Elena: Hey, I didn't come up with it. Another one of the volunteers did.
( Liam shakes his head. )
Elena: What? Sometimes, you brag. At least it has cute in it.
Liam: Small favors. I'm Liam, you're Elena. See how easy it is to remember?
Elena: Brag.
( Liam stops walking and stands in front of her. )
Liam: Is there something you wanted other than to destroy my self -esteem?
Elena: (smiles) Actually, yes. Are you doing anything this afternoon? My friends are throwing a party just outside my hometown, and there's a girl that I actually want you to meet.
( Liam looks skeptical. )
Elena: Just come.
Liam: Okay.
( He walks off, and Elena's smile fades when she sees that Stefan is standing there, he's smiling. )
Elena (surprised, caught off guard): Stefan? Wha - hey! (She hugs him and then pulls away.)
Elena: Wha - for the record, four months is far too long for me to go without seeing you.
Stefan: I know. That's why I'm here. I wanted to stop by and say hi.
( Elena giggles widely. )
( Damon is leaning against a cart and Bonnie is beside him, they are strolling through the aisles of an deserted store, Bonnie and Damon are fighting over the cart handle. )
Damon: I got it - (Damon said stubbornly.)
Bonnie: (sighs) Okay. (She picks up a small piece of paper.) We need strawberries.
Damon: Mmhmm.
Bonnie: Eggs, milk and - ooh candles. (She picks up one and sets it in the cart, Damon looks at her for a second.)
Damon: I know it's been awhile, but you couldn't do magic as an anchor, so I'm curious what momentary lapse reason makes you think you can do it now?
( They turn the corner to another aisle. )
Bonnie: You know, when all this started, you sucked at making pancakes but now they're somewhat edible.(She shrugs.) Milk.
( Damon stops the cart, opens one of the many fridges and takes out a big carton of milk, he sets that in the cart. )
Bonnie: There's no reason to be Peter Pessimist. (She heads over to a rack of glasses and sets blue shades on her face with the tag dangling.) We have proof we're not alone.
Damon: First of all. Don't nickname, that's my thing (He points to himself and strolls over to Bonnie with the cart, he snatches another pair of glasses from her) And this proof... (Damon sets the blue glasses on his face, so now they both are wearing it.) This mysteriously filled in crossword, could very easily have been you.
Bonnie: (leans on the cart) I didn't. Fill. It. In.
Damon: No. You don't know you filled it in. You also don't know that you talk in your sleep. Eggs.
Bonnie: (opens the fridge beside them and grabs the eggs) What are you saying? Are you saying I sleep crossword?
Damon: (takes the glasses off) I'm saying it makes more sense than the alternative. (He snatches the eggs and slams them in the cart, Bonnie takes off her glasses. )
Bonnie: I get what you're doing.
Damon: What am I doing?
Bonnie: You refuse to have hope that you'll see Elena again so you don't have to be disappointed.
( They turn the corner again. )
Damon (loudly): I refuse to have hope because there's nothing to hope for.
Bonnie: (stops suddenly, pausing) Pork rinds.
(Damon digs into the car and looks at the shopping index.):
Damon: Not on the list and eww.
Bonnie: No, day -mon -a, (she emphasizes his name.): There were pork rinds on this shelf, There have been pork rinds here on every shopping trip we've had for the past 4 months.
( Suddenly an electronic chime playing melody comes on. )
Bonnie: You hear that?
( She hurries out of the store. Damon follows, there is a small horse carousel outside the door, playing. )
Bonnie (satisfactory): Hmm, you hear that, Damon? (She sounds like she's proved her point and Damon still looks bewildered.): That's what hope sounds like.
Stefan: This hospital thing..Its a whole new look huh??
Elena: Yeahh..Apparantly this color( pointing to her t -shirt) disguises all bodily fluids that i get covered in throughout the day. So far its been only observation but i don't know..i love it there. Seeing sick people getting better..it's inspiring.
Stefan: You seem different. Seem happier.
Elena: And you? Are you happy?(Pauses) Caroline told me a little bit.
Stefan: Ohh..About the dinner party from Hell.
Elena: (laughing) Her exact words actually. In between the ranting she may have mentioned something about your new job and a new girlfriend (questioningly) Ivy right?? Is it Ivy? (Stefan looks down uncomfortably) Stefan it's fine.Seriously. It's not weird i promise. I'm just happy to finally see you again you know. ( Stefan nods understanding) It's been really rough. Losing Bonnie the last couple of months. ( She stops suddenly realising something) Which is an incredibly insensitive thing to say to somebody who just lost their brother.I'm..I'm sorry.
Stefan: No i've been working on the healing thing too. I guess. Hey, by the way, have you heard from Caroline? She's not returning any of my calls and i..i really wanna apologize for the way i acted.
Elena: Ohh she'll be there at the swimming hole today. You should come.
Stefan: No..no I'm not sure i'm ready to dive back into all that. No pun intended. (Elena smiles)
Elena: Stefan they're your friends too. C'mon. I know that we can't hang out at the Grill anymore. But that does'nt mean we can't all spend time together. C'mon please. If not for that then atleast to convince Caroline that Enzo is not new best friend replacement material.
Stefan: Will Enzo be there?
Elena: Yeah..but i can easily uninvite him. I'd rather you come. (Stefan cuts in)
Stefan: No.No. Don't worry about it. (Thinks for a moment) Yeah. Maybe i'll stop by.
Elena: Great.
( Elena looks happy )
( Caroline and Enzo are sitting at a table )
Caroline: Do you understand the rules?
Enzo: Yea Rule 1, don't mention Elena was madly in love with Damon or you'll k*ll me.
Caroline: (Nodding) Mmhmm.
Enzo: Rule 2, don't really reference Damon at all or you'll k*ll me.
Caroline: Yup.
Enzo: Rule 3, wear sunscreen and ( Caroline cuts in)
Caroline: Don't make fun of me. ( Enzo smiles a bit) It's important that we let Elena live her new, happy, problem ignoring, zombie life the way she wants.
Enzo: A sentence that sounded oddly supportive and judgemental.
Caroline: I support her. She did what she needed to do to stop chomping on innocent people on the road. It doesn't mean that i'm enjoying marinating all alone in my misery.
Enzo: Well i'll marinate with you.
Caroline: I appreciate it. Really i do.
Enzo: But i'm not Stefan.
Caroline: Rule no.4, Don't ever mention that jerk's name again or ( Enzo cuts in)
Enzo: Or you'll k*ll me. Got it.
( Enzo gets up to leave. Caroline notices something on his shirt )
Caroline: Whoa..is that blood or pie? Please say pie.
Enzo: Hmmm..(Dabs his finger with it and tasts it) That would be..Shirley..A special off the menu item. This little diner is surprisingly well stocked.
( Caroline gets up and stands in front of him )
Caroline: Tell me that you snatched, ate, erased.
Enzo: Funny thing about that.You do the first two properly, the third isn't necessary.
Caroline: You k*lled her?
Enzo: Oh, don't act all shocked.
Caroline: Well, I'm sorry, but death shocks me, and it also leads to a missing persons report, which leads to
Enzo: Sheriff's investigation? I'm terrified. I already have three warnings. One more is a fine.
( Enzo leaves leaving Caroline disappointed and angry )
( Damon opens the switch box of the horse carousel )
Damon: It's gotta be a short, faulty wiring, something.
Bonnie: Or someone put a quarter in it and turned it on.
Damon: You know i'm a little confused with all this misplaced hope. All right, Let's just say there's some one here. How do you know we're gonna get out?
Bonnie: Well, you say that this is your hell right? If there's someone else here, that means it's not your hell, and if it's not your hell that means Grams put us here, and if Grams put us here there's a way out.
Damon: That's a hell of a logic knot you've tied for yourself.
Bonnie: Thank you. So now that we have properly placed our hope, let's play a game. When we get out, what's the first thing you're gonna tell Elena?
Damon: (Thinks for a moment) Sorry i k*lled Bonnie. But she was the most annoying person in the world. (He starts walking towards the car park) She wouldn't shut up. She just kept talking.I mean, it's a wonder I made it as long as I did, but here's the thing, I think it's better this way because she didn't have magic, and she was pretty much useless.
( Bonnie notices something in the car park )
Bonnie: Damon.
Damon: What??
Bonnie: I don't know, you still think i'm useless? (She points to the parking lot and the screen pans to show Damon's car in the parking lot)
Damon: (Looks at the car and the number plate) That's my car. That's my car.
( Elena, Stefan and Liam are driving to the swimming hole )
Elena: She's determined but sweet, eternal optimist, never forgets a birthday. What else?
Stefan: Never gives up on her friends.
Elena: Yes. True. She's completely loyal.
Liam: This is good. Build her up. I'm sure she'll live up to these ridiculously high expectations.
Elena: That's another one. Great at surpassing expectations.
Liam: So she's perfect.
Elena: Totally.
Stefan: Pretty much.
Liam: So how long have you two been together?
Elena: Us? No. I'm... we're... heh. We're not, but, I mean, we did at one point...
Stefan: Not anymore.
Liam: Was that recent? Because you two seem weirdly functional.
Elena: Has it already been two years?
Stefan: Time flies.
( Damon is sitting in his car and Bonnie is standing close )
Damon: ( Pretending like he's driving the car) Vrrrmm, vrrrmm!
Bonnie: How much longer are we gonna listen...
Damon: Shh, shh, shh, shh. This sound is the opposite sound of your voice, and I so enjoy it.
Bonnie: How did it even get here, Damon? Did you leave it here in 1994?
Damon: I don't know, Bonnie. It was 18 years ago. Had a lot going on that day.
Bonnie: Ok. So you admit that it's pretty unlikely that you did.
Damon: Very unlikely.
Bonnie: ( Probing Damon to admit she's right) Which would stand to reason.. that...
Damon: Someone may have put it here, Bonnie. Yes, i admit that.
( Damon remembers the scene just before he crashes his car into Mystic Grill )
Elena: Damon
Damon: I know. (Elena puts her hand over Damon's)
Damon: I'm gonna tell Elena how much I love her. (Bonnie smiles) And then I'm gonna apologize for k*lling you.
Bonnie: (Notices something behind) Wait. Did you just see that?
( Damon turns to see and this time both clearly notice a figure speeding behind a parked car. )
Damon: I did that time. Let's go meet our little friend.
Liam: So is a lake different from a swimmin' hole, or...
Elena: Swimming hole. Thanks for making me sound like a redneck. Why? Where did you party in High School?
Liam: Oh. Somebody's house or second house, whichever had the biggest pool. Huh. I guess I do brag.
Elena: Yup. Now it's my turn to brag because I bet nobody at your pool parties could do this.
( She removes her clothes to reveal a bikini and goes to dive into the lake with the swing rope. Everyone cheer her on. )
Elena: (While swimming she notices Jeremy kissing Sarah in the lake) Ahem. Um, ahem. Jeremy?
Sarah: Oh, my God.
Jeremy: Elena.
Elena: Sorry to interrupt what I'm sure was a heartfelt display of true love, but I'm Jeremy's sister, and we were about to have a nice little family chat.
Sarah: That's why I'm an happy orphan. ( Sarah leaves from there)
Elena: You invited the girl that I att*cked?
Jeremy: No. I brought the girl Caroline compelled to forget you att*cked. She doesn't know anything.
Elena: Jer, why would you even risk it?
Jeremy: Because she looks good in a bikini. Can I go now?
( Near the swimming hole Jay is taking a drink and is checking out Sarah as she passes by him. Matt notices him )
Matt: Yeah. I may be driving, but if you puke in my truck, I'm gonna k*ll you.
Jay: You know, dog bite girl's kind of hot. In, like, a trashy way, though.
Matt: Why do you keep calling her that... dog bite girl?
Jay: Because it's ridiculous. What kind of dog bites you in the neck.
( Tyler walks up behind them. )
Tyler: I don't know, man I've seen some pretty vicious dogs.
Matt: What's up, Ty?
Tyler: I just got a text from Elena. She wants to see us.
Jay: Hold on. Are you telling me that you think a girl with two puncture wounds in her neck got bit by a dog?
Tyler: I think if that's what she said then that's what happened.
Jay: Then you're an idiot.
Tyler: And you're a wasted douchebag. We all have faults.
Jay: You want to say that a little louder?
Matt: Jay, back off.
Jay: No, no, no. I think you just called me a douchebag. I just want to make sure. ( Jay pushes Tyler and Matt comes in between)
Matt: Whoa, Jay! Jay, what you're doing right now, definition of a douchebag.
Jay: (Calms down and smiles) Heh. Simmer. I'm just playing. You guys want beers?
Matt: Yeah. (Turns around to face Tyler) Sorry.
( Elena is trying Stefan's phone and it goes to voicemail )
Stefan: Hey. It's Stefan. Leave a message.
Caroline: Yeah. Not answering is one of his new things.
Elena: He said he was here to apologize.
Caroline: Lying. Also one of his new things. Stefan has a lot of new things.
( Tyler and Matt come up to them )
Elena: Hey. Have you guys seen Stefan?
Matt: I didn't even know he was back.
Tyler: So you want to fill us in on what we're doing here?
Elena: You don't remember this place? We used to sneak off here and get wasted while our parents were outside grilling. Granted, we all have a few less parents, but we can still have fun. ( She offers them Jello sh*ts)
Tyler: Actually, I can't. I'm working on my rage issues, and this wouldn't help.
Matt: My buddy's wasted, and I've got to train in the morning, so...
Elena: Ok. Well, I don't want to sound like an alcoholic, but I do want a sh*t, so will someone do one with me?
Caroline ( Raises her hand) Done!
( Elena happily hands the sh*t to Caroline and they take it )
Elena: Bottoms up.
Caroline: Mmm! Well... Here we are, having fun. I'm having fun. Aren't we having fun? This is really fun.
Elena: (Realising that Caroline is being sarcastic)Ok. Clearly, this was a big mistake. I just wanted to spend one afternoon where we pretend for just one second like we're not all drifting apart. ( She goes and sits besides Caroline)
Caroline: Well, that's the problem, Elena. Not all of us are ok with pretending. Some of us prefer to face our problems head -on.
( There is a weird moment of silence )
Tyler: I think we should go.
Matt: Yeah.
( Matt and Tyler leave )
Elena: What's going on?
Caroline: I'm just lonely, ok? And Bonnie's gone, Stefan's gone. Enzo... shocker...Terrible, m*rder friend.
Elena: I'm still here, Car.
Caroline: Yeah. You're still here. (She gets up to leave)
Elena: Here take another sh*t and...(She realizes Caroline has already walked away)
Elena: Ok. Not so much.
Bonnie: It was behind the pickup.
Damon: No. It was in the front.
Bonnie: Are you sure?
Damon: Yes. Absolutely I'm sure. It was right there.
( Both of them notice a tarp flying in the wind )
Damon: It was a tarp. We saw a tarp.( Suddenly the horse carousel turns on and music starts playing) And that... that is on a timer. That turned on by itself.
Bonnie: But your car.
Damon: I left it here in '94.
Bonnie: And the crossword?
Damon: You filled it out, Bonnie. Which means we're alone in my own hell with no Grams escape hatch. We're never getting out.
Bonnie: (Frustrated) Give me your ring.
Damon: What?
Bonnie: Give me your ring. ( She takes his hand and tries to snatch it while Damon resists) All I've heard you say is that you have no hope and that this is your hell, so if it's so bad, why don't you just end it? (Damon pushes her back) Hope is the only thing keeping me going, Damon, so if you're really done, if you have none, then be done because this isn't helping. (She leaves from there)
( Damon comes to the wine section of the store and picks up a bottle. He suddenly hears a sound near and keeps the bottle back. He goes ahead and sees a man lounged on a chair munching pork rinds. )
Kai: Rough day, huh, Damon? Sorry. Manners. I'm Kai. Nice to meet you. Pork rind?
( Damon just stares at him, weirdly shocked )
Elena: So you're sure you're ok to find your way back home? Sorry. My friend Caroline's having a bit of a crisis. It's been a rough couple of months for her. She's normally really sweet.
Liam: Actually, I'm glad I didn't meet her because then it would have been awkward when I did this.
(He kisses Elena. Elena is taken back but doesn't resist.
Elena: Heh. Kissing a girl who's trying to set you up with her best friend? Red flag.
Liam: Maybe. I have a sneaking suspicion that's your type.
( He walks away. Elena stands there confused at first but smiles later )
( Enzo is carrying ice bags when he notices someone following him. He avoids a wood piece and it gets lodged in the ice bag tearing it. )
Enzo: That was Caroline's ice.
Stefan: Yeah. Well, you'll be d*ad, so I think she'll let you off the hook.
( Enzo smashes the ice bag on Stefan's head. Stefan falls down but gets up again )
Enzo: I don't want to k*ll you, Stefan. (He takes out the wood stick from the ice bag and throws it at Jay who is standing behind Stefan with a g*n. It s*ab him in the neck.)
( Jay falls to the ground, d*ad )
Enzo: But it looks like he did.
( Caroline walks up to the drinks table, opens the ice box and sees that it is empty )
Caroline: I thought I told Enzo to go get more ice.
Girl: Did you do it in that tone? Because I think I know why he didn't.
Caroline: Congratulations. Now it's your job. (She compels her) Go get ice.
Jeremy: Aren't we supposed to be having fun?
Caroline: Is that why you brought your latest fling in a series of sad attempts to pretend like you don't care about Bonnie...To have fun?
( Jeremy looks on a bit disturbed. Caroline gets a text from Enzo that says " we have a problem" )
Enzo: Right. Cavalry's on their way, so why don't we put a pin in our little spat till this all gets sorted, eh?
( Stefan walks to where Jay's body lies, picks up his g*n and points it at Enzo )
Stefan: No, thanks.
Enzo: You've got to be bloody kidding me. I just saved your life.
Stefan: So you can give me a lifetime full of misery. Well, that's fine. I'm just gonna shorten the lifetime.
( Caroline superspeeds in front of Stefan )
Caroline: Stefan.
Enzo: Good news, Caroline. I thwarted a vampire hunter. Bad news... Stefan has become a vampire hunter.
Caroline: What are you doing?
Stefan: Why don't you ask him?
( Stefan leaves. Caroline turns around to face Enzo. )
Caroline: What did you do?
( Kai is still sitting on the chair and munching on pork rinds and Damon is standing close, clearly irritated )
Damon: That is gonna have to stop.
Kai: Oh, you think this is annoying? Hmm. Try listening to you and Bonnie bicker every 5 minutes.
Damon: So you've been following us.
Kai: Of course I have. You two are the closest thing I have a to a TV. I mean, you're no "Baywatch," but...Remember "Baywatch"?
Damon: No, I do not.
Kai: Oh. Oh, man, you got to watch it. You like lifeguards, like... Hot ones?
Damon: This has been a monumentally bad day in a sea of bad days, so I'm gonna need to know who you are, what you're doing here, and how it relates to me, or I'm gonna rip your throat out.
Kai: Temper's gonna get you in trouble, Damon. It's already driven Bonnie away how many times? Oh, oh, oh, wait. I know. 13.
Damon: You think my temper's bad with her? I like her. You not so much. (Damon superspeeds and holds him up by his collar)
Kai: Ok. Ok. Sorry. Seriously. I'm just kind of rusty on the face -to -face type human interactions.
Damon: (Drops him down) Answers now.
Kai: Maybe you should have a drink. That usually calms you down.
Damon: Thanks.
Kai: Then makes you angry, then sad, then calm again. It's a weird cycle, and look, if you really want to know the reason I'm following you, it's because I want to k*ll you.
( Damon has already taken a swig of the bourbon and suddenly coughs it out. His skin around the mouth starts burning. )
Kai: Vervain in your bourbon. Who didn't see that one coming?
Kai: Who buys patio furniture from a grocery store? I mean, somebody must. Otherwise, it... it wouldn't be here, ( He picks up a beach umbrella and breaks it's wooden end into two) But now I'm a little unfamiliar with vampires, but from what I've gathered, a stake in the heart should do it, right?
( Damon forwards his hand but Kai s*ab his hand )
Damon: Aah!
Kai: You can always fight dirty, Damon. Like that time you and Bonnie played monopoly and you stole from the bank. Not cool.
( Damon manages to free his hand and stands up )
Damon: I'm gonna rip your head off.
Kai: No. You're not. ( He smashes all the bottle on the shelf and the liquid from it burns Damon's skin and he falls to the floor again ) I didn't know which bottle you'd take, so I vervained them all. ( He raises his hand to s*ab Damon. )
Bonnie: Stay away from him.
Kai: The useless one is here. Thank God. I've watched you try to do magic for months now. What are you gonna do, fail at me? It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you.
( Bonnie looks at Damon who looks back at her. She then looks a candle on a side shelf and it lights up. Damon is relieved while Bonnie is happily surprised. )
Kai: Uh -oh.
Bonnie: Run.
( Damon superspeeds out of there )
Bonnie: Phesmatos Incendia. ( f*re lights up in front of Kai)
Kai: Ok. Ok. Ok.
Bonnie: Giving up so soon? I'm embarrassed for you.
( Damon knocks him off from behind )
Damon: Sorry I called you the most annoying person in the world. I hadn't met him yet. (Bonnie smiles)
( Tyler and Matt are loading kegs onto the truck )
Tyler: Whoa. Was that always dented?
Matt: What the hell does it matter? It's a keg.
Tyler: Liv lent them to me man.
Matt: Oh, is that when you lent Liv your manhood?
Tyler: Just lift the damn thing.
Enzo: (Walks up with Jay's body on his shoulder and puts it into the back of the truck) Actually, don't. I'm in desperate need of an empty truck bed.
Tyler: Isn't this your friend Jay?
Matt: What the hell did you do?
Enzo: I avoided the stake he planned to f*re at Stefan and me.
Matt: Stake?
Enzo: Ah. You didn't realize your friend was a vampire hunter? Well, you do now.
Matt: No. No, no. That's not possible.
Enzo: Yes, it is, and as much as I'd like to watch you process what I'm sure is a dreadful revelation, I need to bury the body.
Tyler: (throws the trucks keys to Enzo.)Get out of here.
( In the woods, elsewhere, Caroline calls Stefan when she sees him but Stefan tries to avoid her. She superspeeds in front of him. )
Caroline: Stop, ok? I am sorry. I did not know about Ivy, but...
Stefan: But what? What? I was fooling myself, I was using her as an escape? Yeah, I know what you think, Caroline.
Caroline: Well, actually, I was gonna say, "but k*lling Enzo won't bring her back."
Stefan: No, but it will stop him from reminding me of my brother. I k*ll him, I can leave this place, and I can start over again.
Caroline: So that's why you left all those messages on my phone, promising apologies. That's why you visited Elena, that's why you came to this party, just to k*ll Enzo and start over?
Stefan: Yep.
Caroline: I don't believe you. I know that a part of you misses this place and these people, your friends. I know that being back here reminds you how much we need you, how much... I need you, but if I'm wrong, then go ahead. Just go. Start over, but, God, if I'm right, if just a little part of you came back to check on Elena, who's had an unbearable 4 months, or Alaric, who just came back from the d*ad, or me... If even just a small, little part of you came back to check on me... Then stay.
( Stefan waits for a moment but then leaves suddenly. Caroline starts crying. She sees Elena who has been observing everything from nearby and both look at each other sadly. Elena comes ahead and hugs Caroline as she continues to cry. )
( Jeremy is at the drinks table when the girl whom Caroline compelled before comes up )
Jeremy: Hey. Weren't you getting ice?
Girl: I was till I realized how mean that girl was to me.
Jeremy: How?
Girl: Um, I have self -respect. It may have taken me till I was halfway to the sip and serve to realize it, but I have it.
Jeremy: Wait. Halfway to the sip and serve? Where is that specifically?
Girl: I don't know. Right around route 13 when you get into Mystic Falls. Sorry about your warm booze.
( Jeremy walks away realising something )
( As he is walking he sees Caroline and Elena. )
Jeremy: Have you guys seen Sarah?
Elena: No. Why?
Jeremy: There's no ice.
Elena: I think you'll live, Jer.
Jeremy: Caroline compelled that girl to go get ice. She didn't.
Caroline: Well, why not? Is she on vervain?
Jeremy: No. She had to go into Mystic Falls to get it. She had to cross the border.
Caroline: (Suddenly realising) Compulsion is magic.
Jeremy: Which means that every memory you compelled away came back, so Sarah, the girl you att*cked (looking at Elena)and you compelled (looking at Caroline)...
Elena: Knows what I am.
( Kai is tied to a chair as he slowly regains consciousness. )
Damon: You're awake. Good. Now for the Q&A portion of the evening.
Kai: Let me guess. I answer right, I get a pork rind. Wrong, I get a poker.
Damon: What? No, no, no. These are for me. You just get the poker.
Kai: Yeah. You don't have to do that.
Damon: No?
Kai: We're on the same team.
Bonnie: Really? Do you always try and k*ll your teammates?
Kai: The important thing is that you have your magic back. It worked.(Damon and Bonnie look at each other) What, you... you didn't really think I'd k*ll Damon, did you? Heh heh. In what universe does that make sense? Who would k*ll 1/3 of our population? I'm not a monster. I knew Bonnie would show up. She always comes back, all 13 times, and I knew with the right motivation she'd be able to access her magic, although I -I did get a little worried with all your bickering that Damon's life wouldn't be enough motivation,( Damon and Bonnie look on unamused) but turns out it was. I guess that's just how you two show your love.
Bonnie: So you did all that just to make sure I would have my magic?
Kai: Of course I did. Because your magic is the key to getting the hell out of here.
( Damon and Bonnie look on, clearly affected by the revelation. )
Tyler: Maybe this is an isolated thing. Jay could be working alone.
Matt: Yeah. Maybe Jay, who I've known since I was 10, somehow became a vampire hunter on his own. I'm such an idiot. I spent all summer training with a founding family member, thinking that he was only worried about protecting old ladies from getting mugged.
( Liv drives in with her truck. )
Liv: Because this is how I wanted to spend my saturday night. Load them up. What the hell happened to your truck anyway?
Matt: It's a little complicated.
Tyler: I got this, dude. I'll see you in a bit.
( Matt leaves while Tyler starts loading the kegs )
Liv: Sad jocks are kind oflike sad clowns, you know, they're pathetic but kind of hilarious.
Tyler: Not in the mood, Liv.
Liv: Uh -oh. That sounded like a thr*at.
Tyler: No. Just a request.
( Liv uses magic to drop the standing keg )
Liv: Oops.
( Tyler turns around clearly irritated while Liv gives him an innocent expression. He turns back and tries to pick the keg but Liv uses magic again to make it roll further away. Tyler gets angry and corners Liv against her truck. )
Tyler: Is this what you want? You want to see my break?
Liv: You're right. I'm sorry. It's just easier for me if you're an aggressive unlikable dick.
Tyler: Why?
Liv: So I don't have to worry about falling for you. ( They stare at each other for a moment. Liv pushes him away and leaves.)
Jeremy (phoning Elena): I checked every room. Sarah is gone. And it looks like she trashed place.
Elena: Okay, well, Caroline and I will go out and search her at the border then.
Jeremy: I keep looking in town. I call you if I find anything.
( Caroline enters the room. )
Caroline: So, I was just gonna leave my clothes here while we look, if that's okay.
Elena: Yeah, of course.
Caroline: I also was thinking that - you know - if there are vampire hunters on the loose then living alone right by there home base is probably not a good idea.
Elena: Is this an official unpack? Because your moving methode is so confusing.
Caroline: Yes, this is an official unpack. I'm sorry I got mad at you earlier. Sometimes iIt just seems like you have your secret way to move on. Is this ...?
Elena: ... Bonnie's? Yeah. There we go. You just discovered my secret of moving on: Sometimes I don't.
Caroline: I miss Bonnie, I miss Mystic Falls, I miss my old life. And I miss ...
Elena: ... Stefan?
Caroline: Yeah, I miss Stefan.
Elena: Caroline, you and Stefan ... did you have feelings for him or something?
Caroline: Yeah, I think maybe I did. Well, we should go ahead and find that girl before she outs us.
[ BAR ]
Tripp: Rough night?
Enzo: Ahh. Nothing a piece of pie can't fix. (snapping his fingers) Service! Would be lovely though.
Tripp: My fault, sorry. I sent her home for the night. Can have you k*lling any more of the wait staff. (He injects Enzo vervain.) Consider being more discreet when you feed. You never know whose eyes are watching.
Enzo: This normally works, doesn't it? Knocks vampires right out. See, I'm a bit different than a normal vampire. I can fight the vervain. Not for long, but ... (he heads in Tripp's direction and grabs him). I will have to take care of you. (Two stakes gore Enzo and he lets Tripp off. It was Stefan who attaked Enzo with the stakes.)
Stefan: (Points at the w*apon in his hand) Found this on one of your guys. I think he k*lled him though.
Tripp: Who are you?
Stefan: Stefan Salvatore. You and I have something in common.
Tripp: One of the founding families. THank you. Acutally, if you don't mind - I have my own way I liked him to die.
Stefan: (hands Tripp the w*apon) Just make sure it's painfull.
( Stefan leaves. )
END | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x03 - Welcome to Paradise"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Damon's gone.
I want you to compel me to forget that I ever loved him.
Who is Damon Salvatore?
He was a monster.
That's my girlfriend Ivy. Somebody k*lled her last night right in front of me.
Caroline: k*lling Enzo won't bring her back.
If I k*ll him, I can leave this place, and I can start over again.
I have my own way I like them to die.
Vampires can't get into Mystic Falls.
They can lurk around the borders.
Jeremy: Sarah... The girl you att*cked and you compelled...
She knows what I am.
My mom lived in Mystic Falls for years before she had me.
Damon: Where the hell are we?
Bonnie: 1994.
My own hell.
We're never getting out.
Bonnie: There's someone else here.
Kai: We're on the same team.
Do you always try and k*ll your teammates?
The important thing is that you have your magic back because your magic is the key to getting the hell out of here.
( The camera shows the outside of the Salvatore house, it's morning. Kai is still taped to a chair in front of the fireplace. )
Kai: And, of course, I broke into the Oval Office, and took a picture of myself at the window looking all JFK. But then, I was, like...wha - how am I going to get these photos developed -
Damon: (interrupts) Oh my god, just answer the damn question. How are we going to get out of this Twilight Zone? (Damon is sitting across from him in a dark couch.)
Kai: I got a question for you, first. Why do you think we're stuck on a repeating loop of May 10th, 1994?
( Damon raises his eyebrows as if to say he didn't know. )
Kai: Doomed to relive a solar eclipse forever and ever, and ever.
Damon: How the hell should I know? (He takes a sip of his bourbon.)
Kai: Well, I heard you tell Bonnie this place was your own personal hell. I'm curious why.
Bonnie: (walks into the room) I found everything you asked for: can -opener, shower drain, grinding wheel, jam. Pocket Kn*fe, volume "O" of the Encyclopedia, a nail and a black marker.
( She walks over to the table in front of the couch Damon is on, and dumps the things on it. Damon is now standing. )
Bonnie: Now what?
Kai: Can't show you with my hands taped.
( Bonnie reaches over, grabs the pocket Kn*fe and walks over to Kai. )
Damon: (warningly) Bonnie...
Kai: Thank you.
( Bonnie cuts off one of the taped binds on his hand. )
Damon: Okay.
( She cuts off the other binding. )
Damon: Fine. How is this pile of crap going to get us out of here?
Kai: (rubs his sore wrists) I'll explain... as soon as you tell me what you did on May 10th, 1994.
Damon: (frustrated) What difference does it make!?
Kai: Let me put it this way - Bonnie's magic is one part of the equation. My as -yet undisclosed knowledge is the other. Which means you would be hitching a ride home for free. I just want to know if you deserve to come along.
( Damon stomps over to Kai, snatches the pocket Kn*fe from Bonnie and lifts Kai up to put the Kn*fe against his neck. )
Damon: Or I could just t*rture you until you say something useful.
Kai: (confused, speaks slowly) If you t*rture me, I'll get mad and then I won't want to help you. (he looks toward Bonnie) ...What kind of person needs to have that explained to them?
( Bonnie reaches over and takes the Kn*fe out of Damon's hand. Damon roughly lets Kai go. Kai laughs. )
Bonnie: Play nice.
Damon: Stop trying to impress the new guy.
Bonnie: Why don't you just tell him your story?
Damon: Maybe because I don't want to talk about the worst thing I ever did, Bonnie.
( Kai, who had opened the jam, smiles. )
Kai: Ooooh, now I'm listening. (He scoops out some jam from the jar with his hand and eats it)
( Damon has just rang the doorbell and has his back is to the Salvatore house. The doors open and he turns to see Stefan inside. Damon holds up the same newspaper Bonnie has been reading for the last four months )
Damon: Ready for some bad news?
( The newspaper's front page has an article about Kurt Cobain's su1c1de. Stefans leans against the door as Damon chuckles and moves forward to get in the house, only to be stopped by an invisible barrier in the threshold )
Damon: Barely seen you in 50 years, Stefan. You could invite a brother in.
Stefan: Give me one good reason why.
Damon: Check your answering machine, I'm trying to turn over a new leaf.
Stefan: Oh, I heard your message. I also heard you sent Lexi some flowers, 17 years after you left her to burn to death on a rooftop.
Damon: Well -
Stefan: It's a little late, but I see you're trying to make amends. I just want to know why.
Damon: Uh, well, I can tell you this, Stefan - I'm tired of tearing up New York City. And, maybe it's the partying, or maybe it's my conscious -
Stefan: Well, I believe that word would require one.
Damon: (ignores him) - and then, I had this moment of clarity, and I said. "Wouldn't it be great if I just woke up in my own bed and could have a fresh start?"
( Zach Salvatore appears behind Stefan. )
Zach: You must be Damon.
( Damon nods )
Stefan: Damon, this is, uh, Zach Salvatore. He owns the house now, he knows the family house tree, and I told him if you got out of line, I'd take care of you myself.
Damon: Why you always expecting the worst out of me, Stefan?
Stefan: Oh, I don't. Otherwise, I wouldn't allow this.
( Damon looks around confusedly. Stefan nods to Zach )
Zach: Come on in, Damon.
Damon: Huh. (he takes steps into the house, smiling) Thanks. (He brushes past Stefan after tapping his shoulder)
Stefan: You ready to start over?
Damon: Hell yeah.
( Stefan is sitting on his motorcycle. He takes off his helmet when his cellphone buzzes. He glances at the caller ID and raises it to his ear )
Stefan: Hello. Any sign of our runaway girl?
( Elena appears to be in the woods on the other end of the line. )
Elena: No, Caroline and I combed the border of Mystic Falls three times already. No sign of Sarah.
Stefan: She's not on any of the roads, which means she's probably in Mystic Falls.
Elena: This is bad, Stefan. Her compulsion went away as soon as she crossed the border. She knows that Caroline and I are vampires.
Stefan: Listen, I gotta go. I'll uh, talk to you later.
( Stefan turns his cellphone off and turns the key in the ignition. But, before he can leave, Elena superspeeds in front of his motorcycle. )
Elena: Where do you think you're going?
Stefan: (chuckles) Uh, I'm going home.
Elena: Savannah is not your home, Stefan. It's an escape, a hiding place. This is your home.
( Elena points to the Mystic Falls sign. )
Stefan: No, it was my home. But, I can no longer enter its borders, therefore I have a new home.
Elena: (raises her eyebrows) So, you're just going to throw in the towel and go back to your fake new life?
Stefan: Look, my fake new life ended when Enzo decided to k*ll my not -so -fake girlfriend, Ivy. So, I am going to go home, pack up and start over. Again.
Elena: By pretending like your life here never existed?
Stefan: You'd be surprised how easy it is to forget the past, Elena.
Elena: But I'm not buying it. You lost your brother. There's no way that you're fine.
( Stefan sighs, reaching down for the keys, but Elena holds them up, smiling. )
Stefan: You do not have to worry about me. It's not like I haven't done this before, I have a system.
Elena: Show me. Prove to me that your system works. If I believe that you actually are happy, then I'll let you go. But if I don't buy it, which I probably won't, I will keep harrassing you until you come home. (she scrunches up her nose) And, I'm talking about like Enzo -sized harrassment.
( They share a look, and Elena jiggles the keys. )
Elena: Deal?
( Stefan holds his hand out for the keys. )
Stefan: Sure.
( Elena drops them into his hand. )
Stefan: And what about our runaway girl, Sarah?
( Elena gets behind him on the motorcycle, and puts the helmet on. )
Elena: Well, we can't step foot into Mystic Falls. So now, it's up to Matt and Jeremy.
( Jeremy and Alaric are sitting beside each other in a waiting room. Jeremy leans down and vomits into a vomit bag, Alaric pats his back. )
Alaric: Atta boy. Get her all out.
( Alaric is on the phone with Matt. )
Matt: (voiceover) Is he seriously still wasted?
Alaric: Yeah, little punk showed up on my doorstep at four in the morning. Drunk. I thought you two were looking for Sarah together.
Jeremy: (groans) I did my part, she is definitely not hiding in the Salvatore liquor cabinet.
Alaric: Listen, what about your vampire -hating neighborhood watch guy? If Sarah goes to him for help, that's a problem.
Matt: (in his car) I'm on my way to Tripp's office now. I think I can get him to trust me and tell me what he knows.
Alaric: Be safe. (He hangs up.)
( Jo sees Alaric in the waiting room and walks toward him )
Jo: Alaric
Alaric: Hi. (He stands up.)
Jo: Who do we have here?
Alaric: This is Jeremy... (He stands Jeremy up with one arm.) Jeremy Gilbert. He's a little...
Jo: Underage?
Alaric: Yeah...
Jo: Yeah, I can see that.
Alaric: I was hoping you could give him one of those, uh... rapid -rehydration hangover -cure -type things?
Jo: (gives Jeremy a look) Oh, yeah. You mean, the ones we reserve for professional athletes and starving children in third -world countries? Yeah. I think we'll start with a full workup...(She holds an empty urine cup up and hands it to Jeremy.) Physical, blood, toxicology...
Alaric: Yeah. Why don't you throw in an STD screening while you're at it, huh?
Jeremy: (takes the cup and rolls his eyes) Really?
Alaric: Yeah!
Jo: (to Jeremy) Down the hall to the right.
( Jeremy groans and walks away, leaving Jo to look at Alaric. )
Jo: (winces) Do I want to know?
Alaric: It's just another day in the life of an Occult Studies professor.
Jo: Well, if that entails supervising drunk morons, then you and I have a lot more in common than I thought!
(Alaric laughs as Jo gives him a clipboard, they both look up at each other.)
( Matt is walking down the hall and he stops at the door, Tripp is on the phone. )
Tripp: I know, and I'm sorry, Karen. Jay was a good kid. (Seeing Matt in the hallway he gestures for him to come in.) I promise, you'll be the first one to know, okay. (He hangs up and sits back in the chair.)
Matt: Tripp, are you okay?
Tripp (sitting up): No. No. I just told Jay's parents that I was the one who found their son d*ad in the woods last night.
Matt: I heard, do you know what happened?
Tripp: You tell me.
( Matt has a poker face. )
Tripp: He went to the party with you.
Matt: I -I don't know. He was drunk... I offered to give him a ride home, and he said he'd walk... I should have, driven him home.
Tripp: Okay. I'm gonna give the sheriff my statement - (Tripp stands up, waving his arms) - and try to make sense of what happened to Jay.
Matt (standing also): Wait. Maybe I should go with you. I mean I might have been the last person to see Jay alive.
Tripp (staring at Matt): Ok. Done. Let's take a ride. (They walk out together.)
( The camera shows the table littered with Kai's things, and he picks up a can opener. Bonnie and Damon are standing in front of the fireplace, Damon is pinching the top of his nose in frustration, his eyes shut. )
Kai: I need to be entertained, while I work.
( Kai is lying on his back on the couch, screwing open another Jam can with the can -opener. )
Kai (singing): ♪ Hell story, please ♪
( Damon turns his head to Bonnie, not his body. )
Damon: Remind me not to k*ll him.
Bonnie (moving her head): Maybe telling him your story will take your mind off of it.
Damon: Whose side are you on? -
Bonnie: The side where we get to go home to the people we love.
Damon (after a prolonging moment): Fine.
( He turns to Kai. )
Damon: On May 1994, I was living here. I'd come home to walk the straight and narrow.
( The camera moves past his head and into the flashback. )
( Damon's blue camaro is outside, Damon and Stefan are shining it with rags. Damon is wearing a white t*nk top, looking tiresome. Stefan is drinking from a flask, and Damon walks over to him. )
Damon: Can I have a sip of that? I'm starving.Stefan: Suure. (He emphasized.)
( Stefan hands him the flask, and Damon takes it. )
Damon: Whoo. (He unscrews the cap and takes a swig.)
Stefan: Mmmm..
( Damon pulls the flask from his mouth quickly, his face pale, he looks down at it. His mouth still closed. )
Stefan: It's good, right?
Damon: Um -uh. (He's holding the blood in his mouth even though it's disgusting, his lips contorted.)
Stefan: Oh, yeah. I can't remember if that squirrel was roadkill or one I caught in the rat trap.
( Damon shakes his head, scrunching the side of his eyes, revolted. )
Stefan: Better hope it was roadkill, though, because the rat trap was full of rat droppings.
( Damon is still disgusted, white as a sheet. )
Stefan: Swish your tongue around.
( Damon does, his mouth pursed. )
Stefan (rubbing two fingers together): Does it feel like hair, or is it more of a grainy pellet?
( Damon finally manages to swallow it. )
Damon: Ugh - (He looks relieved,)
( Stefan takes a swig of it. )
( Zach has a paper brown bag full of food and he's coming up the lawn toward the house, he waves. )
Damon: How's it going, Zach? What's up with all the grocery trips?
Zach: Ah. One of the boarders is craving blueberry pancakes. (He continues his way to the house.)
( Damon is regarding his uncle while playing with the grease rag for the car. )
Damon: You know, maybe I should run the Salvatore boarding house -
( Zach walks up to the woman standing in the doorway, her belly bloated and she says "Hi" to Zach )
Damon: Take over for Zach, get in good with Gail.
Stefan: She's on vervain. So is Zach, which means hands off.
( Kai is snoring on the couch. )
Damon (from the bourbon station): Perfect. Our savior's insane and narcoleptic.
Kai: No, no, no, I'm awake.
( Damon, glass of bourbon in hand, walks over to Bonnie and stands beside her. )
Kai: Let me guess... You k*lled the pregnant woman.
Damon: Shut up, Kai. You weren't listening.
Kai: I was listening in my sleep. You were hanging out with your distant nephew Zach, who you called uncle Zach because that's not confusing. Plus pregnant lady Gail, who had a big bull's -eye on her chest. Got it.
Bonnie (turns to Damon): Tell me you didn't k*ll a pregnant woman.
Kai: Oh, that's totally what happened. Why else would today be his personal hell?
( Damon's expression shifts to angry )
Kai: Oh, here we go.
( Damon kneels in front of the table to face Kai, sitting his cup down. )
Damon: The only reason that you're alive right now is because I thought you could get us out of here and you could help us, but you don't HAVE any answers! You're just a man -child - (he picks up an empty jam can) - with Jam on your fingers! (He tosses the can to the side.)
Kai: Okay then, to get home, we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic. It's called an ascendant, and it looks like this, Damon (he picks up something, it's round, black and red.) The last time we had it, was in the pacific north west. (He opens a book, and sets it down.): Oregon.
Bonnie: We?
Kai: It belonged to my family. So, (He picks up the pocket Kn*fe.) here's a little blood to get you started - (He slits the top of his finger.) Now all we need, is a locator spell. (He stands, eyes on Bonnie.) To pinpoint its whereabouts.
( Damon stands slowly. )
Damon: Think you can find our ticket out of here, Bon -bon?
Bonnie (unfazed): Hell, yeah.
( Elena's looking at a picture of Stefan and Ivy. )
Elena: She's cute.
Stefan: Was cute.
Elena: I'm sorry.
Stefan: Me too. But what's done is done. So, after taxes and social security and health ensurance, I'm left with 206,003 cents to spend for the week. Do you wanna get drunk?
Elena: Stefan? Health ensurance?
Stefan: Yeah. Point is to start over. Pretend to be as human as possible.
Elena: Okay so no vampire previliges, no bagage, nothing from our old lifes whatsover, huh? (She points at Stefan's car.) What's this?
Stefan: You got me there. Damon isn't around calling it granny -mobile, so ...
Elena: Yeah, your brother really did love to t*rture people with nicknames. And just t*rture people.
Stefan: That's one way to put it.
Elena: So, your system for moving on requires both burning bridge and a d*ad -end -Job.
Stefan: We haven't even gone for the fun part.
Elena: Paying utilities?
Stefan: No. Deciding we wanna be for the next thirty years. You wanna be an astronaut, you wanna be an olympic athlete, you wanna skip med school - boom, you're a doctor! Right? Challenge me. I show you how it's done.
Elena: Alright, Let see what you got.
Stefan: Okay.
Jo: Quite a boozer, that kid. Put him on a saline drip he's lucky I didn't pump his stomach.
Alaric: Yeah, you know, he's had a rough couple months.
Jo: Did you bring him in here to put a Band -Aid on it and make some more excuses?
Alaric: No, I acutally came here for some advice from a professional.
Jo: Well, a kick in the ass might help. Jeremy too. Look. If he's anything like his sister, I'm sure he'll be fine. It's nothing I don't treat every single night on campus or didn't do myself when I was a student. Alaric
Alaric: Okay.
Jo: What about you? Born a party animal?
Alaric: Oh, yeah, yeah. I used to get kicked out library all the time, you know. Because it was closing.
Jo: Right. Head in a Wiccan bible?
( There's a boy with blood on his face next to them. Alaric smells the blood and tries not to show his vampire face. )
Jo: Okay, one more piece of professional advice: When a successfull, sexy and only moderatly insecure doctor is flirting with you, give her your undivided attention.
[ A BAR ]
Elena: Caroline's laying low at the dorm, no sign of Sarah yet, which means she's either hiding out or she's planning her nightly news exclusive to out me.
Stefan: Well, if she does out you then you start your life over somewhere else. With all the supernatural drunks.
Elena: Right.
Stefan: So, you're ready to see the system in action?
Elena: Ready.
Stefan: Alright. Hand over your ring.
Elena: What?
Stefan: Your ring.
Elena: Okay. (Hands him the ring)
( Stefan knees down in front of her, holding up the ring. )
Stefan: Elena Williams.
Elena (playing along): Stefan Cooper, what are you doing?
Stefan: We'd known each other for a very long time now. And you've always been my best friend. I've always loved you. And I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Will you -
Elena: Wait! You're not just proposing to me because I'm pregnant, are you?
Stefan: No. No. I -I am proposing to you because you are my rock, ok? You have stood by my side through the multiple rehabs, the jail time, the bull fighting injury. I mean, you have brought me back from the edge, and, sweetheart, this baby is the best thing that ever happened to us. Will you marry me?
Elena (with tears of joy in her eyes): Yes.
( The people in the bar start applauding and Elena and Stefan hug. )
Stefan (whipsering in Elenas ear): New identities, new lives, it's easy. (speaking up) Thank you all so much!
( Bonnie is doing a locator spell. )
Bonnie: It doesn't feel right. Maybe I need a bigger map.
Damon: Maybe you started practising, you suck at magic now.
Kai: Ignore him, Bonnie. Pretend he's a white noise machine. That's how I used to tune out my siblings. I grew up with a ton of little sisters and brothers, you know, all of them constantly yammering. (He comes closer to Bonnie.) But it tought me how to focus. (He looks like he's about to kiss her.)
Damon: Easy there, big brother! She doesn't know you. At least buy her a drink.
Damon: May I call you Liz?
Liz: Sure.
Damon: Your daughter is so adorable
Liz: Yeah. Caroline's high maintenance, but she's worth it.
( Near them, Zach is taking a picture of Gail. )
Gail: I'm so getting rid of that photo! Stefan, come, take a picture of Zach and me.
Stefan: Sure.
Zach: Thanks.
( Stefan takes the picture. )
Gail: And now back to my cravings.
Stefan: Hey, what happened to your wrist?
Gail: I don't know.
( Back at Liz and Damon. )
Liz: So how does this thing help us watch the eclipse?
Damon: You put it between you and the thing that is too hot to look. (He puts it between Liz and himself.) Ah, it works.
Liz (laughing): My husband will get to kick out you. We should you invite to dinner sometime.
Stefan: Damon? What did you do to Gail?
Liz: Is everything okay?
Damon: Looks like the jig is up. (Compelling Liz) Hey. Look at me. Go home. Forget you ever met us.
Stefan: How the hell did you feed on Gail? She's on vervain.
Damon: Yeah, in her coffee. I swapped it out last week. Same for Zach.
Stefan: These people are my friends. Zach is family. They trust me.
Damon: They trust us both! Look, no feeding inside the house, right? Snatch, eat, erase. It's all completely functional, Stefan. I told you: soon start!
( Stefan snaps Damon's neck. )
( Bonnie is still working on the spell - now with a map of the whole States. )
Kai: The spell's leading to South Virginia. That can't be right.
Bonnie: M -m, the spell's working. Showing we're in Mystic Falls. It feels so close. (The candles are beaming.) It's right here. (As she touches Kai's chest, the candles go out.)
Kai: Very good.
Bonnie: That's the ascendent?
Kai: The one and only.
Damon: Thanks for the mind games, jackass.
Kai: It was just another little test. To make sure Bonnies magic was presice enough for the spell. I do believe, you're ready. Pack your bags - we're going home.
( Damon lies on the floor moaning. )
Stefan: So here's what I don't get, Damon. Why'd you insinuate yourself back into my life and then cheat and lie and break all the rules?
Damon: Well, because I may be mad. Believe me or not, I like being here, Stefan.
( Damon stands up and tumbles in Stefan's direction. As he comes in contact with the sun light, his hand starts burning. )
Stefan: You get your daylight ring back, when you decide to behave. Now, answer my question: Why did you come back here?
Damon: Because I missed my brother. I don't have a connection to my humanity, Stefan. I wanted to feel something again. And when I came back home, it all came rushing back, just like I hoped it would.
Stefan: Congrats. Now what?
Damon: Come on, man. Let's just h*t the road, you and me. Huh? I'll let you drive my car, I'll get you off this vegan diet, teach you how to feed again. It'll be great, Stef. Huh? What do you say? Come on! Trust me.
Stefan: Uh, I can imagine a road trip with you. I can imagine you feeding on innocent people and uh leaving a trail of bodies behind. I can image you making me drink human blood and laughing at my while i suffer.
Damon: Way to be an optimist, Stefan.
Stefan: Just looking at the facts, Damon. 1912 you convinced me to drink human blood again which is why I became a ripper. 1942 you almost pushed me out the rails again, because you were so damn needy. 1977 you left my best friend to die, after I sent her to come help you. And now I'm finally happy. I have a new life and doing well and you just can't handle that, can you, Damon?
Damon: I'm not trying to screw up your damn new life.
Stefan: You don't have to try, Damon. All you have to do is exist. Because no matter what I do or where I go, you will be with me forever, trying to destroy every single thing that I build. I don't know why I thought this time would be any different. I wanted it to be different. You just keep failing.
Damon: Guess that's a no on the road trip, huh?
Stefan: That's a NO on the road trip.
[ BAR ]
Elena: So according to Caroline, Sarah's still M.I.A. and now Enzo's missing.
Stefan: Probably out, k*lling someone else's girlfriend.
( When Elena is about to drink some beer, Stefan stops her. )
Stefan: Hey, hey, pregnant, remember?
Elena: Dumbest lie I've ever told. Can I just take that one back?
Stefan: No, but you'll have to reinvent yourself in 30 years. If you don't, people will start asking why you're not getting any older.
Elena: But when I first met you, you said you'd been away from Mystic Falls for 15 years. What made you come back at half the schedule?
Stefan: You said it yourself: I met you. Since 1864 I have been a carpenter, an ambulance driver, immigrant worker, high school student.
Elena: So then why auto mechanic for 200 bucks a week?
Stefan: No reason.
Elena: Yeah, it must be hard. All that change without a constantly life. We haven't talked about your brother.
Stefan: We are to refer that Damon is just my brother?
Elena: What else would I call him?
Stefan: I don't even know anymore.
Elena: Anymore? What does that mean?
Stefan: You know, it's ... uh ... it's not important. Things change, right? (He rises his glas) To change.
Elena: Who cares what do people think, right? To change.
Damon: You are wandering around like a crazy man, why?
Kai: Looking for the exact right spot. We need to found where the power of the eclipse is focused.
Bonnie: You know you could have just shown us the Ascendent to begin with.
Kai: Yeah, but I wanted to feel your hand on my chest.
Bonnie: There's something not right about him.
Damon: You're just not used to guys hitting on you.
Bonnie: You know I can't wait to get out of here and talk to somebody else.
Damon: Can we just have a few lasting seconds of peace while this idiot uses that thing to get the stars to align?
( Bonnie picks up one of the paper planes, Damon made earlier, unfolds it and looks at it sceptical. )
Damon: Hey, what's up with the nature walk?
Kai: I used the Ascendent to figure out where we need to be standing during the eclipse.
Damon: Great. Let's do some magic and get the hell out of here.
Bonnie: (whispering) Oregon.
Damon: What?
Bonnie: I read this paper like a thousand times and something in it about Oregon.
Damon: What about it?
Bonnie: You know Kai said he had all this brothers and sisters.
Damon: Mhm.
Bonnie: Family massacred in Portland. The only one missing was the oldest boy, 22 year old named Malakai.
Kai: Who names a kid Malakai? It's like they expected me to be evil.
Bonnie: All these kids were m*rder!
Kai: Hello! Not everyone died. I had a soft spot for one of my sisters. Cuz otherwise I would've cut her lungs out. And not just her spleen.
Bonnie: What?
Kai: You can survive without a spleen.
Damon: Something tells me you're not speaking high pathetically.
Kai: Well, these two, I, uh, hung off a stairwell railing. Then I put a hunting Kn*fe in her abdomen, and him I drowned in the pool. He kept fighting me. I was like, "I saved you for last, you ungrateful little..."Anyway, that was that.
Bonnie: You just k*lled your whole family?
Kai: Coven, to be precise. Oh, you know, family of witches.
Damon: You're making a jump to whoops and you're a witch.
Kai: Sort of, yeah. No powers, obviously. Oh, and of course, Gemini Coven did not take it too well what I did in Portland. So they banished me here.
Bonnie: (to Damon) This place is a prison. (to Kai) They created it for you.
Kai: Yep. This place isn't your hell, Damon. It's mine.
( Alaric and Jeremy are fighting. )
Jeremy: You call this a fair fight? You're basically an Original Vampire.
Alaric: You've k*lled an Original before. Focus your head in the game and maybe keep it out of the bottle.
( Jeremy throws Alaric to the ground. )
Jeremy: Happy?
Alaric: I'm trying to help you pull yourself together, Jeremy. Now what is your problem?
Jeremy: My problem is that everyone thinks I shouldn't have one. I have the right to be myself right now. Bonnie is d*ad. She knew it was gonna happening and she said goodbye over the phone! Just so you -
Alaric: Keep going so what? So I can come back to life, right?
Jeremy: You, Elena, Stefan, Tyler, Enzo. She saved everybody but herself!
Alaric: You wanna talk about resentment, huh? Is that it? My wife ran away, because she would rather be a vampire than be married to me. Came to find out it was Damon who turned her. And then she died. And then Jenna - she died. And then I died. And then the guy who k*lled my wife died. And I actually kinda miss him. And now I can't even talk to a girl without fantasising biting into her neck. I mean, Jeremy, I have resentment for years, YEARS! I get it. Okay? But I find a way to keep going. Because that's what we do: We find a way TO KEEP GOING! Ready?
( They go on fighting. )
[ BAR ]
Elena: So, if we were to run into each other in some random town in 30 years, do we pretend like we're strangers?
Stefan: Elena, I'm avoiding Mystic Falls, not you. We can talk, we can visit.
( They hug. )
Elena: Bye, Stefan.
Stefan: Bye
( Elena leaves. Stefan talks to a guy sitting on the bar. )
Stefan: Hey, man. Noticed you weren't celebrating my engagement. How come?
Guy: Hard to be happy for the guy who put my brother in a hospital?
Stefan: Oh, right, right, right, okay. Remind me, which guy was it? Broken nose or fractured arm? I was kinda drunk. Still waiting for the congrats on my engagement. (He grabs the guys cheeks to make it seem like he is speaking.) I'm really happy for you.
( The Guy grabbs a glas from the bar and hits it against Stefan's head. )
Stefan: Don't know what you got. Come on Come on, man. h*t me. Come on.
( They start fighting )
Guy: You're freaking enjoying this, you sick freak?
( Elena re-appears )
Elena (compelling the guy): Go home, clean up and forget this ever happened. (to Stefan): What the hell are you doing?
Bonnie: I'm not letting Kai out of here, okay? He just said, he's a serial k*ller.
Damon: I don't care. I wanna get out of here.
Bonnie: How can you not care? Maybe because of the horrible things you have done? Maybe cause k*lling a bunge of kids is not a big deal to someone who has m*rder a pregnant woman? Am I wrong?
Stefan (to Zach): Did you leave the door open?
Zach: No. Why?
( Screaming is heard. They found Damon, surrounded by d*ad bodies, holding a scared Gail in his hands. )
Damon: This eclipse party blows. I didn't see the sun at all when I made it across the yard. I forgot how much stronger we are when we drink human blood.
Gail (scared): Zach.
Stefan: Damon, please don't hurt her.
Damon: I want my ring back, Stefan. (Stefan throws the ring to Damon.) Attaboy.
Stefan: I'm never gonna be right at you, am I?
Damon: No. I do not. Cause in 1912 I showed you who you were, Stefan. In 1942 I gave you your freedom and in 1977 I almost k*lled your best friend because it should have been you there to help me, Stefan. You owe me and it'll take you an eternity to pay me back.
( Damon kills Gail. )
Damon: An eternity of misery, brother. Just like the promise.
Kai: Ouch. Poor nephew -uncle Zach.
Damon: Stefan compelled uncle Zach to forget about the girlfriend and the baby. But he couldn't cover up all those m*rder. Founder's council was restarted and Stefan took off, left Mystic Falls for about 15 years. We both did. And when I saw uncle Zach again, I couldn't look at him without remembering that I ruined everything. So it was a releave when I got to k*ll him. Can we go back now?
Kai: Oh, come on, Bonnie. You wanna go home to your friends, I wanna go back and give the rest of the Gemini coven an excruciating death. Win -win.
Damon: Look, Bonnie, but I gotta get back. Not just for Elena, but for my brother.
Bonnie: Sorry, Damon.
Kai: Sorry doesn't work for me.
( He is about to grab Bonnie, when instead Damon grabs him. )
Damon: We may be having a bit of an disagreement, but don't ever lay a hand on her.
Kai: Kind of a non-issue now. Missed today's eclipse. Rain check for tomorrow.
Bonnie: No.
Matt: You and the Sheriff. Don't seem to get along.
Tripp: Oh. Liz and my wife were high-school rivals, some issue about who was captain of the field hockey team.
Matt: You were married?
Tripp: I was. Yeah, Chris died in a car accident.
Matt: Sorry.
Tripp: So I left Mystic Falls. Too many memories.
Matt: So what did you tell the Sheriff about Jay?
Tripp: Just what I saw. Uh, tons of blood. Probably a mountain lion.
Matt: Just another animal att*ck, huh?
Tripp: You sound awful.
Matt: This is gonna sound weird. But last night Jay told me that he was tracking a vampire. I mean that's crazy, right?
Tripp: I'm gonna show you something.
[ BAR ]
Stefan: I thought you agreed to leave.
Elena: I forgot my jacket, Stefan. What happened with that guy?
Stefan: Told you I have a system.
Elena: Letting somebody kick your ass ... so that you can feel?
Stefan: You are the last person who should be lecturing me on coping mechanisms.
Elena: You're not alone in your grief, Stefan. I lost Bonnie when you lost Damon. But I fought through it.
Stefan: All by yourself.
Elena: Yes. And it was hard. I know that you're pushing me away because I never liked Damon.
Stefan: Believe me, that's not what it is.
Elena: I know that he's your brother, i get it. But why inflict so much pain to yourself for such a hateful person? I mean, he doesn't deserve your grief. I mean, there's gotta be another way so you can move on.
Stefan: I'm sorry that I can't just forget him like you, Elena.
Elena: No one's forgetting him.
Stefan: You are. You erased him.
Elena: What are you talking about?
Stefan: You had Alaric compell you to forget every good thing that Damon ever did. You made him a monster in your own mind because you couldn't handle the grief of losing him.
Elena: I don't believe anyhting that you're saying. Why would I do that?
Stefan: Because you were in love with him and he was in love with you. And when Damon died, a part of you died too.
Elena: Wow. What? No. No. Stefan ... how can I possibly love Damon?
Stefan: Believe me, I asked myself that for a very long time. And eventually I saw it. Damon inspired you. He pushed you to own the darkest parts of yourself. And when you died, he was the only one that could made you feel alive again. And you made him feel human. You loved Damon for the same reasons that I loved Damon. Because in spite of every single thing he did, we couldn't live without him. Now you don't have to - but I do. So, I do it my way. You do it yours.
( Elena stares at him speechless. )
Matt: What is this place?
Tripp: A secret. A secret I only share with people I trust. Remeber the gas leak in town over the summer? Well, I came back to make sure my grandmother was ok. First time I've been back in years. When I crossed town boarder, something changed. Memories came flooding back. And I realised, that my wife didn't die in a car accident. She was m*rder. Drained of her blood right in front of me. And the k*ller made me believe, I was responsible. And I found out what kind of monster could do all that.
( Tripp opens a door. Enzo is sitting on the ground chained. )
Tripp: They are real, and one m*rder my wife, but this is the one who m*rder Jay, and I'm gonna get him to name all his vampire buddies, starting with the one who bit your friend Sarah.
Jeremy: Sarah?
Sarah: You try anything and I call 911 and out your vampire sister to the world.
Jeremy: Just take it easy. What do you want?
Sarah: Answers. I found this (she shows him a picture) when I was tossing the house last night. That's my mum. And the reason I know this is because I've had this (she shows him another picture) since I was a baby. My mum was a Jane Doe Her body was still warm and entered the hospital six months pregnant. But one doctor did an emergency C -section and I survived. Three months in an incubator. They didn't know who my dad was. And neither did I. But then I found this (she shows him another picture. Jeremy takes it.).
Jeremy: Your dad is Zach Salvatore.
Elena: How could you obliterate an entire chapter of my life?
Alaric: Look Elena, as much is I'd like to think that I am full of wisdom, I think it's time we stop pretending that I actually know what's best, okay? Look, I've got my own issues to solve right now and I think that this will explain it much better than I can. (He hands Elena a little blue book.)
Elena (reading out loud): Dear me, if you're reading this than somebody spilled the beans about your selective memory loss. My mind is on Caroline. Yes, you loved Damon. You loved him with a passion that consumed you. And then when Damon died, the void you feeled was too deep, too dark. Facing an eternity without your soulmate you went of the deep end. You turned into someone that you weren't. A monster. Alaric will restore your last memories - all you have to do is ask. But I hope that you don't. I tried it the other way and I didn't see an end to the pain. I want you to rediscover yourself in absence of who defined you. If you feel any hope for the future at all, then you're already better off. You've been given a chance to start over. I want you to take it. I want you to be happy.
Alaric: So, what do you want me to do?
Elena (hands him the book): Can you hold on to that? And keep it save in case I ever need to read it again.
Damon: Shame eating?
Bonnie: Thinking about that pregnant Lady. She had a thing for pancakes.
Damon: That's what you remember?
Bonnie: You remember it, don't you? You make pancakes every day.
Damon: Cuase I'm bored.
Bonnie: No. Cause you're punishing yourself. You call this place your hell and it makes you feel remorse. That makes you different from Kai. There is hope for you.
Damon: Look. We can still get out of here, Bonnie. We can just steal that ascendant contraption, find out what Kai knows. We'll ditch him. Because he ain't got powers anyway.
Kai (suddenly appearing at the door): Actually it's not that simple.
Damon: You gotta stop doing that, creepy.
Kai: Here's a thing: I have a k*ller effect on magic. I can't generate it myself. But I can consume it from others temporarely. My family callled me an abomination. That hurt my feelings.
( He grabs Bonnie's wrist. Bonnie and Damon start moaning in pain and the stove catches f*re. )
Damon: Okay, get it!
Kai: You can see why my coven and I didn't get along.
Damon: I smell an ultimatum.
Kai: If I consume all of Bonnie's magic I'm just gonna end up k*lling her. But if we work together, we can all go home as friends. Or I can develop her magic, k*ll you both and go home alone. What's it gonna be?
( He sits down at the table and starts eating the pancakes. )
( Stefan's working on his car. Someone's watching him. He turns around, but can't see anyone. )
Stefan: Hello?
( He goes on being concerned with the car. A person enters the garage. STefan turns around again. The person is revealed to be Ivy, her face full of blood. )
Stefan: Ivy.
Ivy: Stefan. I don't feel so good. Your friend Enzo drink his blood and now I'm so thirsty.
END | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x04 - Black Hole Sun"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Damon's gone.
I want you to compel me to forget that I ever loved him.
Who is Damon Salvatore?
He was a monster.
Where the hell are we?
We're never getting out.
There's someone else here.
To get home, we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic.
It's called an ascendant.
You're doing that thing again.
What thing?
Oh, the thing where you're a bitch because you like somebody.
Stefan: That's my girlfriend Ivy. Somebody k*lled her last night right in front of me.
Your friend Enzo made me drink his blood, and now I'm just so thirsty.
Tripp: Vampires m*rder my wife.
I gonna get him to name all his vampire buddies.
(Stefan is lying on his back, asleep as his cellphone buzzes. He opens his eyes, reaches over, grabs it, switches on the lamp and answers the phone.)
Stefan: Hello?
Tripp: Hey, Tripp Cooke. I, ah, just wanted to thank you for turning over that vampire Enzo to me. He's been very helpful. (Tripp emphasized.)
Stefan: Enzo? I-I thought, thought you were supposed to k*ll him.
Tripp: Oh I will, eventually. Once I know everything he does.
Stefan (moving his lips as if he were to say something else but then thought better of it): So, what has he told you?
Tripp: Sounds like the vampire problem in Mystic Falls isn't as bad as I thought, I mean if he had any names he'd have given them up. (Tripp is sitting in the back of his truck, looking at all these stakes.) Lord knows I've done plenty of things to get him to talk.
Stefan: Well that's um, good to hear.
Tripp: Yeah, seems like it's moved on to Savannah. I've sent some of my guys down there, they're gonna check it out, see what they find.
Stefan (nodding): Thanks for the, uh, heads up.
Tripp: Founding families, gotta stick together.
Stefan: Absolutely.
(He hangs up and looks around, he jumps when he hears rattling downstairs. Sitting his phone down he slowly stands.)
Stefan: Ivy?
(When he reaches downstairs, the house is trashed, chairs broken, glass everywhere.)
Stefan (stepping over the strewn mess): You redecorated.
(He slowly approaches the refrigerator, Ivy is digging inside, she turns to him.)
Ivy: I should probably tell you I k*lled your boss. (Stefan looks down at this.) Dean? I woke up and he was burying me in the woods, I drank every drop of his blood. It wasn't enough.
Stefan (breathing deeply): Yeah, I know the feeling.
Ivy (stepping forward): Then why aren't you helping me?
Stefan (raising his voice): I'm trying to help you.
Ivy: Two blood bags and a lesson on sunlight? Wow, thanks a million. (She walks back to the fridge.
Stefan: Listen, I have to get you out of Savannah.
Ivy: Hey, I am d*ad because of you. Because you lied to me about who you were. Because your friend Enzo turned me into something straight out of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Stefan: Ivy, calm down, when you are a vampire your emotions are heightened.
Ivy: You think? Look at me, I used to be a decent person, I got good grades, I went home for Christmas, I had a fricking etsy store!
Stefan: Ivy, please.
Ivy: And now, I am a k*ller. And all I am going to do is k*ll more, and more, and it's all your fault.
(Her face contorts and she vamps out, veins under her eyes, she speeds forward to att*ck Stefan but he snaps her neck. Stefan sighs, frustrated.)
(Stefan knocks on Caroline's door, she's alone, in a towel, she opens it for him.)
Caroline: Stefan? Wh-what are you...?
Stefan (pushing past her carrying a black trunk): I need a favor. (He drops it on the floor.)
(Caroline closes the door and holds her towel up.)
Caroline: What are you doing? And what is with this trunk? (She leans down to open it.)
Stefan (closing the curtains): Hang on.
(Caroline was still leaning down when Ivy popped out of the chest, Caroline shrieks.)
Caroline: Oh, my god!
Ivy: Where am I? (Looking at Stefan.) What did you do?
(Stefan makes a face.)
Caroline: Ivy, wha... how did this happen?
Stefan: Uh, Enzo turned her.
(Caroline leans her head to the side.)
Ivy: Then Stefan broke my neck and I woke up in a trunk.
Stefan: Right. So, I need a little bit of help.
Caroline: No, (she looks at Ivy.) No, no, no.
Stefan: Just watch her for a little while, while I get Luke to make her a daylight ring.
(Ivy stands and leaves the trunk.)
Stefan: Show her the ropes, teach her some control.
Caroline: No, no. This is not my mess. (She points at him.) This is your mess.
Stefan: A mess that wouldn't have happened if you had just left me alone.
Ivy (behind caroline): Um, I can hear you, you know? I can hear everything, like, perfectly.
Caroline: Do I need to remind you that there is a vampire hunter lurking around?
Stefan: He's not here. He's in Savannah, which is why we're not.
Ivy (plopping on caroline's bed): You know the real tragedy in all this? I read "he's just not that into you," and...
Stefan and Caroline: Shut up!
Stefan: Look, Tripp Cooke has somehow decided to become the eastern seaboard's self-proclaimed vampire hunter. None of us are safe, if we can't control ourselves. If anybody can teach her, it's you.
Caroline: Yeah? Well, you don't have to flatter me because I already know that.
Stefan: All right? So just a couple of hours, and then you'll never have to deal with me again.
Caroline: Is that what you think I want?
Stefan: I don't know, you tell me.
[Music playing, and they're standing there exchanging glances.]
Caroline: Okay.
(Stefan leaves Caroline and Ivy in the dorm room.)
Ivy: When do we eat?
(Caroline slowly looks at her stupidly.)
(Alaric has written 'HOMECOMING' on the board and he underlines it.)
Alaric: Homecoming, (he reads, turning toward his class-filled room.) All right. By a show of hands, who knows the supernatural origin of tonight's homecoming party? (No one raises their hands, and Elena gives Alaric a small wave and a smile.)
Alaric: A civil w*r soldier Nathan Whitmore horribly disfigured throughout countless battles somehow survived them all just so he could get home to the woman he loved, and when he finally got home to his farm, he found her in bed with his brother, and did what any sane man would do...He m*rder his brother in cold blood and then chased the love of his life out into the cornfields.
Tyler (uninterested, turns to Liv): I got to run some gear over to the football stadium later. If you want, I could pick you up after, and we could go together.
Liv: You mean, like a date?
(Tyler shakes his head, not exactly a yes, but a maybe.)
Liv: Because definitely not.
Alaric: But the legend goes...That lady Whitmore is out on this night every year dressed in white, covered in her lover's blood, running through the cornfields, screaming for her life. (All the students look at each other.) And the moral of the story is? Do not fall in love, especially with your brother's girl. (He cuts a glance at Elena, who rolls her eyes, knowing what he's talking about.) All right, kids. You have a fun night tonight. Be safe.
(All the students close their books and leave, except for Elena, who walks toward Alaric.)
Elena: You know, that cautionary tale would have had more of an impact on me about two weeks ago.
Alaric: Damon may be gone, but I can still find pleasure in judging his life choices. Speaking of which, have you changed your mind about me compelling you to forget about him yet?
Elena: Why do you say, "yet," as if I'm gonna wake up one day and realize that my life is over if I don't have the traumatic memories of loving a serial k*ller?
Alaric: Had to ask.
Elena: You know, maybe you're right. Maybe I am making a huge mistake, or maybe I got a very valuable piece of advice from myself about how to be happy and I intend on taking it. Am I gonna see you at the party tonight?
Alaric: You know, I'm waiting on the mixer for thirtysomething vampires just back from the d*ad. Less of a crowd.
Elena: Come on, Ric. You are like one hoodie and 3 missed haircuts away from becoming Professor Shane.
Alaric: I am perfectly content staying at home, letting my hair grow out.
Elena: You're hiding. You're becoming a self-loathing vampire hermit. Tell you what. You've been given the chance to start over. Take it. Be happy.
Alaric: I am happy... ish.
Elena: Exactly. I'll see you at 8: 00 but not in that t-shirt. You've worn it twice this week.
(Elena walks out and Liam is leaning against the wall.)
Elena (pumping her fist): There you are, good.
(They begin walking down the hall together.)
Elena: Are you going out tonight?
Liam: On the friday of homecoming weekend? No. I'm studying.
Elena: Sarcasm. What an unexpected response. I think you should come to the corn maze with me.
Liam: A corn maze?
Elena: Mm-hmm.
Liam: Will Dorothy and Toto be joining us?
Elena: Hilarious. You know, there's an actual scientific word for why people go to these invents.
Liam: And what's that?
Elena: Fun. (She stops walking and turns to him.) Do you feel like having some with me?
Liam: That depends. Are you gonna try and set me up with any more of your friends?
Elena: That depends. Are you gonna kiss me out of the blue again?
Liam: Not when you say it like that.
Elena: I got to go. More people to invite.
Liam: You're inviting multiple people to be your date tonight.
Elena: I'm inviting multiple people to join in on the fun. As for who my date will be, well, that depends on you.
(Damon and Bonnie are strolling in the woods, it's morning and Damon is playing with a stick while whistling.)
Bonnie: You're in a good mood for the first time this decade. (Damon pokes her with the stick.) Stop that.
Damon: Because I have a hot date with my girl tonight.
Bonnie (quickly): Yeah, assuming Kai's telling the truth.
(Bonnie's pace is faster so she is now in front of him as they walk.)
Damon: I'm thinking dinner and a movie, you know what? Screw the dinner and a movie. Skip straight to the good part.(Damon pokes her again and she jumps a bit.)
Bonnie: Yeah. And assuming I can do the spell, which I won't know...until I see it.
(Damon, walking forward so that now they stood beside each other.)
Damon: Whatever happened to hope, Bon? 'Member when I was all like boo, grr? (Bonnie looks over to him. Damon uses a high-pitched tone to mimic Bonnie): And you were like "hooray, hooray. We're getting out of here!"?
Bonnie: Look, I want to go home more than anything but Kai's a sociopath, who's to say he won't screw us over?
Damon (wearing a piercing gaze): Me, I say, because I will k*ll Kai and anyone... (Damon does a playful jumping stance with the stick) ...who comes in the way of me going home.
(A pounding b*at as Kai appears out of nowhere carrying an ax.)
Kai (wearing that bland smile): I heard my name. All good I hope. (He also has the ascendant in his hand and he uses it as he looks up and blocks the sun from his face with it.) The eclipse will happen directly overhead. (Kai looks at Damon and Bonnie who are sh**ting him glares.) In perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation. (He looks toward Damon, who looks right back, angrily.) You, need to dig into the tunnels below us.
Bonnie (confused): Why?
Kai (pausing a second and speaking to her slowly as if she were a young child): Have you never portal jumped through an eclipse before?
(When Damon and Bonnie don't look amused he takes a step forward.)
Kai: Okay look, the light of the eclipse will shine down and activate the ascendant, you spout a little witchy woo and then poof! (He gestures an expl*si*n with his hands, Bonnie raises her eyebrows.) Anyone standing in the circle of light holding the ascendant goes home.
Bonnie: By 'witchy woo', I assume you mean the spell?
Kai: Uh-huh.
Bonnie (scrunching her eyebrows like she always does): Let me see it.
Kai (pauses): When the time comes.
(He steps forward and pushes past them.)
Damon (slowly turning to look): Where are you going?
Kai (smiling): Into town, I need to..gather some important supplies.
(He turns, whistling like Damon before leaving. Damon picks up the ax that Kai had sunk into the ground, he takes an incredulous look at both the stick and ax in his hand before tossing the stick.)
[Music nearly reaching it's point.]
(Damon and Bonnie raise their eyebrows before Damon raises the ax and att*cks the ground with it.)
(Caroline is squatting, now fully dressed in the mini fridge, the second she rose to her feet Ivy entered the room, wearing a white dress, she spins.)
Ivy: What do you think?
Caroline (now holding a blood bag): I think you're wearing my dress. And you must be deaf because I already said. The. Party's. Not. Happening. (She tosses the bag to Ivy, who catches it.)
Ivy: So you'd rather be looked in a dorm room with a newbie vampire?
(Caroline sits on the bed.)
Caroline: No. I would rather be at the party (she swings her head) just like I'd rather have friends who didn't ignore me for months and then use me when they need help.
Ivy (pulling the bloodbag free of her mouth): Whoa. Just realized why Stefan brought me here to learn control. (she sits on Elena's bed) Just do yourself a favor. Unwind. Just admit you have a thing for him. (She brings the bloodbag to her mouth again.)
Caroline (sitting up on the bed while jabbing a finger at Ivy): Excuse me?
Ivy (tilts her head): I saw the way you looked at him that night you came over for dinner. (Caroline scoffs) You practically cut his food for him...
Caroline: Oh, you kn... (she says quickly) My relationship with Stefan is strictly... c-complicated. Okay, aren't you supposed to be practicing your vamping or something?
(Ivy uses vampire speed to stand in front of Caroline.)
Ivy: Done. See? I'm fine, you already put your number into my phone as my emergency vampire contact. I know I burn in the sun, we covered compulsion and snatch, eat, erase. (She looks at the window.) Look, it's getting dark. Let's go party. You can teach me how to eat someone without k*lling them.
Caroline: Stefan will be here very soon, and then you can do whatever you want... WITH HIM.
Ivy: Can we at least play a board game or do something non-vampire related.
Caroline (impressed): Finally, a good idea. (She stands and heads for the cabinet. What kind of game do you want to play?
Ivy: I don't know, scrabble?
Caroline (oblivious to the fact that Ivy is standing right behind her): I have tournament, classic, and travel-sized.(Ivy's hands twine around Caroline's neck and snaps it, Caroline falls to the ground and Ivy speeds out of the dorm.)
(A girl, holding up a torch, wearing dirty white dress with blood coating the front of it is screaming hysterically as she darts through the corn field, the girl reaching an open section, meets a few teenagers standing around. It appears she was pretending for the theme of homecoming. The girl uses the torch to light the bonfire, which is followed by cheers. Elena is whooping as Liam comes out from behind her carrying a red cup and a black one, Liam taps her with the cup and she turns, reaching for the red cup but he pulls back.)
Liam (looking at something behind her): What's doctor Laughlin doing here? Looking hot.
(Elena turns and sees Jo, whose white doctor jacket was replaced with something else, her hair was pulled back and her face full of makeup, she's looking around as if she's bored.)
Liam: I thought the lab coat was permanently attached.
Elena (smiling mischievously, turns back to Liam): I invited her. (she leans forward, scrunching her nose secretly) It's kind of a setup, only neither party knows about it.
(Elena snatches the red cup.)
Elena: Come on. (She uses a country accent.) It's time to get your Kansas on.
(They both head into the Corn Maze, which the pretender had just come from.)
(The sky is dark, Caroline is outside, holding a phone to her ear.)
Caroline (while walking): Stefan, hey. This is the third message alerting you that your psychotic little she-vamp has gone AWOL, and if you hadn't noticed, it's dark outside, so every d*ad sorority girl tonight is officially on you.
(She hangs up the phone.)
(Alaric is alone in the classroom, he is sitting in one of the students's seat as picks up a bottle of bourbon from beside him, he has a stack of papers on his lap. Alaric twists open the cap and takes a swig of Bourbon. When he's finished, he looks down and sees that Stefan is standing in the doorway.)
Stefan: Grading on the curve, huh?
(Alaric doesn't smile, just closes the Bourbon)
Alaric: You know this barely makes a dent. (He's staring at the Bourbon.)
(Stefan looks down, pursing his lips.)
Alaric: Can't fault me for trying, though. You want some? (He looks up at Stefan.)
Stefan (stepping further into the classroom): No, I just...came here to get one of these from Luke. (He holds up a daylight ring.)
Alaric (placing the Bourbon on the floor): Let me guess... You played the 'Damon is d*ad, and it's all your fault,' card.
(Stefan takes a moment to look guilty.)
Alaric (angry at Stefan): What do you want, Stefan?
Stefan (steps further more into the room): Enzo turned a vampire when he and Caroline found me.
Alaric (sitting down his pen): You mean your girlfriend, from Savannah. (Alaric stands, walking over to Stefan.) The one you falsely led me to believe was a witch who knew how to help Damon and Bonnie?
Stefan: (sighs) Her name is Ivy. I was hoping you can compel her to get a handle on things, get somewhere far away from me, live a good life.
Alaric (leaning his head forward): Are you asking me to help you with a break up?
Stefan: I'm just asking you to give her a fresh start.
Alaric: You mean give you a fresh start.
(Stefan is silent.)
Alaric: Sorry, Stefan. It's not that easy-
Stefan: Well it was when you compelled Elena to forget about Damon.
Alaric: Well you forgot about him first, pal. (Alaric turns away.)
Stefan: He was my brother.
Alaric (turning back to him): Yeah, and he was my best friend....Why don't you get out of my face before I compel you to be the guy I used to know instead?
(And with that, Stefan slowly leaves, looking defeated.)
(A random man is walking to his car, wearing a white T-shirt, he slips his key into the keyhole and he looks up at his reflection in the mirror, he sees Ivy, the man whirls.)
Man: He takes a breath: You scared me. (But he's smiling.)
Ivy: Really? That wasn't scary...(Her tone changes.) But this is.
(Veins bloom from under her eyes, and she zips forward and bites him, with one booted foot on the car and the other on the ground. She releases him, hands still on his shoulders and smiles.)
Ivy: I snatched, I ate, now...ERASE!
(She's looking directly in his eyes.)
Victim: Erase what? What the hell are you doing to me?
(Ivy's smile fades.)
Ivy: I-I don't think I did it right. (She's breathing deeply.) And I'm still hungry. Oh god, I am totally going to k*ll you, uh. (She looks directly in his eyes.) You should GO, RUN, SERIOUSLY!
(The guy runs away, leaving Ivy)
Ivy: I suck at this.
(Damon has dug up the ground, and he's standing in the place he'd dug up. Damon continues attacking the inside of the hole with the ax while Bonnie sits on the dirt from the ground.)
Bonnie: Hey.
(Damon stops.)
Bonnie: You know there's a very probable chance you're digging your own grave, and...not bothered?
(Damon att*cks the ground, ignoring Bonnie and finally an opening appears down there.)
Damon: Ha.
(Kai appears, coming from the woods with a backpack.)
Kai: Looks like I got back just in time.
(Kai nearly sets down his backpack when Damon zooms forward and snatches the pack, he tears it open. And begins reading what's inside.)
Damon: Zima, grunge, every Alex Rodriguez rookie card in demand, and a pager. Really? (Damon drops the bag on the ground.)
Kai: 555-Hiya-Kai, no way I'm giving those digits up.
Damon: These are the important supplies you needed to get?
(Bonnie is suspiciously watching the two from the dirt she's sitting on.)
Kai: Look. The future sound great, all right? I'm superexcited about the Internet, but 1994 has been my home for most of my life. I'd hate to get homesick. So let's get down there...
Bonnie (standing): No. (She walks forward, pushing Damon out of the way, who attempted to stop her.) We are not going anywhere until you show me the spell.
Kai: Okay.
(He stands still, basically saying that they aren't going.)
Damon: Are we literally not going anywhere?
Bonnie (pursing her lips): Fine, you don't want to show me the spell? Then you can do it yourself.
(Kai smiles, suspiciously.)
Bonnie: You...want my magic. (She holds out her arm.) Take it.
Kai (looking up at Damon): Uh-oh, she's being brave.
Bonnie: I'm serious Kai! This was your big thr*at, wasn't it? If I do the spell and let us out of here, you'll just take my magic, leave me for d*ad, and do the spell yourself. So go ahead. Take all of it. (Damon looks worried, and Kai looks down at Bonnie.)
Kai: *sighing* Don't mind if I do.
(He slaps both hands on her shoulders and she yelps in pain, nearly going limp in his arms.)
Damon: Bonnie?
Bonnie (managing to speak): It's okay, he won't k*ll me.
Damon: Doesn't look like that from here.
(Bonnie grunts in pain again.)
Bonnie: OW.
Damon (extremely worried): Hey! Bonnie.
(Bonnie's face contorts with pain.)
Damon: Whoa, hey, guys. (And when they continue.): STOP.
(Kai releases Bonnie with a mischievous smile.)
Bonnie (trying to catch her breath and when she finally does): He doesn't..know the spell. Which means, we don't need him. (She raises her hand.) Motus.
(The ax Damon was using to att*ck the ground soars through the air before burying itself into Kai's chest, whose eyes widen as he falls on his back.)
Damon: NO! No, BONNIE?
(After a while he taps her bare shoulder with an impressed look.)
Damon (turning away): Great work, Bonnie.
(Elena and Liam are still carrying cups as they enter a section of the corn fields.)
Elena: Oh, I think I recognize this scarecrow. (She points at one.)
Liam: You said that about...every scarecrow.
Elena: Okay, well then, we are officially lost.
Liam: Actually, it's two lefts and three rights. I pulled up a satellite image of this maze before I came.
Elena (tilting her head): Oh. Competitive type. Got it.
Liam (smiling): Question is, am I your type?
Elena (widening her mouth): Honestly, no...
(Liam's smile fades.)
Elena: But people can change, right?
Liam (stops walking): Uh-oh.
Elena (turning with a smile): What?
Liam: You're still hung up on your ex.
(Elena makes a face.)
Liam: Overly ambitious premed student, desperate to become a doctor so she can prove to the guy who dumped her that he messed up big time.
Elena (impassively and nonchalantly): Actually, he died.
Liam (eyes widen): Or that. I'm... I'm sorry, I thought Stefan was...
Elena (quickly): No.
Liam (looking down): Yikes.
Elena (scrunching up her face): Yeah. It's ok, it's ok. (She takes a long breath.) His name was Damon, but... tonight isn't about him, it's about you and me.
(Liam smiles, taking her hand and leading her away. The girl who was running through the woods with blood on her shirt scares Jo with a loud scream.)
Jo: Ahh, NOT COOL!
Alaric (sees her and walks over): Heh, heh.
Jo: Oh, Professor Bourbon. Perfect timing.
(They smile at each other.)
Alaric: Imagine you see a lot worse in E.R.
Jo: Everything I see there is natural, gross but natural. Zombies, ghosts, the undead...not cool.
Alaric (making a face): Good to know. (He takes a breath.) You haven't seen Elena around here, have you? She...basically blackmailed me into coming tonight.
Jo: Oh, let me guess, she told you to get out of the classroom, live a little? Yeah...
Alaric: We're being set up. Ok.
Jo: Now why don't you be a gentleman and get me the hell out of here because we are way too old for this party, and I need a drink stat.
(Alaric pulls his flask from his pocket, holding it out to her.)
Jo (accepting it): I thought you were a germaphobe.
Alaric: I'll make an exception.
(They walk off together.)
(Tyler is driving his truck, it's dark, and his cellphone chimes and he picks it up and reads a text from Liv.)
"Party's lame, You got 5 minutes until I'm outta here."
(Tyler smiles at it, and when he looks up, the guy that Ivy bit comes running in front of the car. Tyler swerves the car to avoid hitting him, but catches him anyway and Tyler loses conscious while the car speeds into the cornfield on the side of the road, in other words, the Corn Maze.)
(Elena is giggling with Liam by her side.)
Elena: See, I told you it would be fun.
(Elena and Liam walk past Alaric and Jo.)
Alaric: Speak of the devil.
(Suddenly people are yelping 'watch it!' and 'hey!", Alaric looks up to see what's happening and hears Tyler's car swerving. Tyler's car smashes right into the corn maze where people are. People fall to the ground, screaming.)
[ screen goes black ]
(Tyler grunts as he climbs out of his truck which has been thrown to the side, he looks around, realizing what had just happened.)
Tyler: Oh god.
(He jumps on the ground, still grunting. He leans his back against a tree to breathe before pulling out his cellphone, he was ready to put it to his ear when he hears choking. Tyler looks around and realizes it's the guy he h*t, lying in the dirt, blood coming from his mouth. Tyler is shocked, and scared.)
Man: Help.
(Elena awakes in the cornfield, her eyes open. She's on her back, Homecoming is chaotic, people are bleeding, people are yelping for help. Liam is kneeling over the girl dressed as Lady Whitmore, the one who scared Jo and ran through the woods with a torch, There is a wound on her, and Liam is pressing on it. Elena stands up, confused.)
Liam: Elena! (When she doesn't answer: Elena! Get over here!
(Elena stumbles over, dropping to her knees beside the girl.)
Elena: Oh god, h-ho-how bad is it?
(Liam shakes his head negatively. Elena places her hand over Liam's hands on the wound.)
Elena: I got this.
Liam: I'm not sure there's anything you can do.
Elena: I'll do everything that I can, j-just go see if you can help someone else, alright?
(Liam looks at the girl, reluctant to leave.)
Elena: Come on. GO.
(Liam scrambles away, and when Elena is sure he's gone she bites into her wrist, feeds the girl the blood, and when she removes her hand from the wound it's gone. Elena leans forward, looking straight in the girls eyes, compelling her.)
Elena (eyes up close on the screen): Listen to me, you dove out of the way just in time. You were very lucky. Now get out of here and take as many people as you can, ok? Come on.
(She helps the now-healed girl up and when the girl is gone her cellphone buzzes.)
Elena: Tyler?
(Tyler, he is still standing beside the guy he h*t.)
Tyler: I was driving the truck, Elena.
Elena: What?
Tyler: This guy ran right in front of me, and he's hurt bad. If he dies, I'm a werewolf all over again, ok? I need you to get here. We're in a ditch. (He speaks while staring around.) I don't know where, but I need you here now, so please hurry.
Elena (quickly and squeakily): Tyler you don't understand, you drove right through the maze, there are injured people everywhere.
Tyler (pauses for a second): What the hell am I supposed to do?
Elena (looking around): Ah, Just... listen. Just hang on. Um, make sure that you keep him awake. Assess his injuries while I go find Jo and Alaric.
(Alaric flips over, a wooden stick coming from a broken border is protruding from his torso, he rips it out.)
Jo: You're bleeding.
Alaric: I'm fine.
Jo (crawling over): No, you're not. Let me see. (She raises his shirt and sees that there is no wound, she looks momentarily confused.): Wait, how the hell...?
Alaric: I don't think It's my blood.
(He grabs Jo's arm which is scraped and bleeding.)
Jo: Oh. Ok. That's gonna make things more difficult.
Alaric: I really think I should get you out of here.
Jo: No. That's not an option. (She grabs a random strip of material and wraps her arm in it.) You look pale. Does blood make you squeamish?
Alaric: Yeah. Something like that.
Jo: Don't worry. You'll get used to it. Call 911, follow me.
(She gets up.)
Alaric: Ok.
(Caroline is walking down the street, and she finds the car - the car Ivy had bitten the guy on - and she sees that there is blood on it. Caroline sighs, putting her fists to her head. A light shines on her and she turns, Stefan's red car just parked onto the sidewalk and Stefan steps out.)
Caroline: THANK GOD!
Stefan (rushing forward): You lost her?
Caroline: Oh, so you decided to listen to your messages a million hours later? No, I didn't lose her, she snapped my neck and what the hell took you so long?
Stefan: I got caught up.
Caroline: You got caught up doing what?
Stefan (a little guilty): Driving halfway out of town.
Caroline (pauses): You were leaving?
Stefan (looks down for a second): I slid Ivy's daylight right under...
Caroline: No.
Stefan: ...your front door...
Caroline: No, I don't care about some stupid ring, Stefan! Were you seriously about to dump your vampire ex-girlfriend onto my lap, and then just skip town?
(Stefan slightly nods, saying yes. Caroline's mouth widens, she's appalled, angry and shocked.)
Caroline: God, who are you right now?!
Stefan (raising his voice): I'm someone who's trying to start over, and then suddenly you and Enzo show up and now I have hunters on my trail and a brand new vampire who wants to k*ll me and everyone else in her path! And that's not how someone starts over, Caroline!
Caroline (after a while in a more serene tone): You know what the worst part about all of this is? Is about a month ago, I wished that Damon would come back. Because I knew if that happened, that I'd get you back too. But right now, all I want is for you to just..get back in your car, and go.
(Stefan looks hurt as he walks away from her, leaving Caroline who shuts her eyes and licks her lips as she hears Stefan's car drive away and when he's gone her cellphone buzzes, she puts her phone to her ear.)
Caroline: Where are you?
(Ivy is standing in the road, with her cellphone.)
Ivy: I did a really bad thing.
Caroline: Oh, you mean, break my neck? Yeah, I noticed.
Ivy: Okay, two bad things. Look, I'm sorry-
Caroline: (sighs) Tell me exactly where you are and stay put, I'll come get you.
(She leaves.)
(Bonnie is still sitting atop the dirt, except now she has the ascendant in her hand and a grimiore in front of her. Damon is slumped against a tree, chugging clear liquid from a bottle.)
Damon: Mmm.
(Bonnie looks up at this.)
Damon: Mmm, mm, MM.
Bonnie: Can you... stop. Let me concentrate?
Damon (staring at the bottle): On the bright side, this stuff's not so bad. (Bonnie sighs, annoyed) It's fruity, and fizzy.
Bonnie: Damon, I'm working on something...
Damon: On the not-so-bright side, is your intelligence, because you took the only chance of us getting out of here and turned him into a giant....douche-kebab. (He drinks up.)
Bonnie: Think about it, Damon. What prison gives an inmate a key?
Damon: Is that a trick question?
(Bonnie pauses)
Damon: Or is this stuff actually starting to kick in,
Bonnie: I think the Gemini coven used a Bennett spell to create this place, what if that's why my Grams sent me here?
Damon (pointing at his face): This is the face I make when I don't understand you. (he goes cross-eyed and purses his lips)
Bonnie (rolling her eyes and sighing): You know the last thing my Grams said to me..was to stay strong.....what if that was her way of telling me I have the power to get out? (Damon chugs some more) I have the ascendant, a massive celestial event to draw from, plus a burning desire to get away from you. (she points the ascendant at him)
(Damon's smile doesn't reach his eyes, and Bonnie holds up the Ascendant, shutting her eyes.)
Bonnie: [Chanting a spell that I can't type down.]
(Damon's fake smile fades when he sees that it might be working.)
Bonnie: [Repeating the spell I can't type down.]
(And...'click!' the claws on the ascendant pull free and twist, Bonnie looks up at Damon as she stumbles to her feet, she lets out a smirk, with wide eyes.)
Bonnie: That's why Kai wouldn't k*ll me. He needed a Bennett,...I was his only way out of here.
(Bonnie turns and begins to walk)
Damon (slack-jawed): Whoa, where are you going?
Bonnie (climbing towards the hole Damon had dug open): Home. Coming?
(Damon looks excited, he looks up at the sun that is slowly darkening from the eclipse.)
[ screen goes black ]
(Tyler is grunting as he attempts to lift his truck off of his victim, and then suddenly the car moves so easily, he looks up and realizes that Liv is using her magic to haul it off of his victim.)
Liv (after a moment of taking in the scene): What happened?
Tyler (sweating and disheveled): I h*t this kid in the road.
(Liv squats down over the victim.)
Tyler: Look, it wasn't my fault. It was an accident.
Liv (after stuttering): That's a good thing, right?
(Tyler looks up at her appallingly.)
Liv: You know what I mean.
Tyler: It doesn't matter. If he dies, I'm...(He shakes his head in disbelief.) Call Elena.
(Jo is aiding someone's wound, tying a cloth around a bleeding leg and Alaric approaches her.)
Alaric: Ambulance is on the way,
Jo (from the ground): Good.
(Alaric squats with her.)
Jo: Get over here, I need your hands. (She grabs Alaric's hands and places them on the wound.) Put your fingers right there, that should stop the bleeding.)
(Alaric's face is still as he stares at all the blood.)
Jo: While I get a look at the rest of em'.
(Veins begin to crawl underneath Alaric's eyes.)
Jo: You doing okay?
Alaric (looking away from her): Yeah, I'm fine. Wow.
Jo: Just keep your finger on that femoral artery.
Alaric: Ok.
Jo: His pulse is still dropping.
Alaric: This isn't your first rodeo?
Jo (still helping the injured man): Listen, I was in the army right out of med school. Family stuff. Just had to get away.
(Blood spurts from the wound Alaric was pressing on and he jumps back along with Jo, as Jo continues to hold the wound, veins crawl under his eyes. Elena suddenly rushes over with her cellphone on her ear.)
Elena: Dr. Laughlin, my friend Tyler, he's in trouble, and its sounds really bad, and... I don't know where he is.
Jo: Call me Jo. Put him on speaker.
(Elena does so.): Ok.
(Liv is holding the phone on speaker out to Tyler.)
Jo (voiceover): Tyler can you hear me?
Tyler ((freaking out)): I-I don't know what to do, I think he's losing consciousness.
Jo: Need you to answer my questions as accurately as you can, is there blood?
Liv: Tons.
Jo: Is it still flowing, is he bleeding now?
Tyler (hoarsely): No. No. I... it looks like it stopped.
Jo: Is there any coming out of his nose, or his mouth?
Tyler: Yes.
Jo: What color is it? Is it red, or is it black?
Liv: It's black. It's really freaking black. What do we do?
Jo: Take his hand.
(Liv does so, followed by a weird look from Tyler.)
Liv: Now what?
Jo: Just try and keep him comfortable.....Won't be long now.
(Liv looks up at Tyler sadly, and they both share a look.)
(The sky above is still darkening from the eclipse, underground, Damon is sitting on a rock, and the hole Damon dug is directly under the eclipse so the light will pool through. Damon is staring at Bonnie who is standing directly under the light, he's chugging the his drink. Bonnie uses the Ascendant to slice into her wrist, she then drips the blood onto the Ascendant.)
[Hopeful, trailing music begins to play in the background.]
Bonnie (in a soft whisper): Okay...(She looks up at Damon, who's staring.)
(She breathes hard and she looks up at the blue eclipse light, she shuts her eyes and begins to chant. And just like before, the ascendant clicks and opens. Damon and Bonnie stare hopefully at each other.)
Bonnie: It's time, Damon.
(Damon sits his bottle down, and scrubs his hands together, getting up from the rock.)
Damon: Alright... (he walks over to Bonnie, under the direct light of the eclipse) ...let's get awkward.
(They're both smiling widely. Damon places his hand under Bonnie's.)
Damon: Like this?
Bonnie (slightly-nervously): Yep.
Damon (looks up at Bonnie, his eyes a brilliant blue): (sighs) I'm sure there are about a billion people you'd rather be here with.
(Bonnie smiles.): Not exactly.
(Damon smiles at her back.)
Bonnie: Let's go... AH!
(An arrow zips out of nowhere and catches Bonnie in her stomach, she gets knocked back, Damon is taken by surprise and the ascendant falls with her. Damon whirls to see Kai standing with a crossbow pointed directly at him.)
Kai: Forgetting someone?
(Damon stares incredulously.)
[ screen goes black ]
Kai: Did you really think I hadn't tried to k*ll myself before?
(Damon looks back at Bonnie, who is grunting in pain.)
Kai: Because I had... (he reloads his crossbow) ...lots of times, lots of ways.
(Kai aims at Bonnie, while Damon's eyes trail to the ascendant.)
Kai (about the ascendant): Grab that, and the next arrow goes in her heart. Your choice.
(Bonnie is making a noise in pain. Damon super speeds over to Bonnie, grabbing her so he could hold her in his arms.)
Damon (whispering): Okay, I got ya...
(Bonnie yelps as Damon rips out the arrow, he bites into his wrist, ready to heal her, when... Kai rushes forward to grab the ascendant.)
Bonnie: DAMON, NO!
(Damon super speeds to Kai and shoves him at the wall, they struggle with each other, Kai drops the ascendant. Bonnie, knowing nobody notices her, drags herself across the ground to the ascendant, tears in her eyes. Kai s*ab Damon with an arrow, Damon grunts in pain, he tries to take it out)
(Tyler is roughly slamming his hands into his victim's chest, trying to save him.)
Tyler: Come on, man. Please, you gotta live. Come on, buddy. Come on.
(Liv looks as if she has no hope.)
Tyler: Come on, man. You can't die!
Liv: Stop! Tyler, stop! (She rushes over and pulls him away.) Just stop, okay? There's nothing you can do.
(Liv stands atop the man.)
Tyler: i k*lled him.
Liv: No, you didn't.
Tyler (as Liv slowly sits in front of the almost-d*ad man): Yes, I did, Liv. Everything we've tried to do to keep me from this, and all it took was one guy running out into the road.
(Suddenly Liv's hands sh**t forward and cover the victim's nose, and mouth and the guy obviously can't breathe.) Tyler: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LIV, LIV STOP! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?
(Liv is nearly in tears. and holds tight until finally the guy stops struggling and the life leaves his eyes. d*ad. Tyler is in horror.)
Liv: You didn't k*ll him Tyler. (She looks up at him.) I did.
(Then she gets up and abruptly leaves.)
(Elena finds Liam squatting over a girl, who is gasping for breath.)
Elena: Hey. The ambulances have arrived. Jo said to let the paramedics take it from here.
Liam: I don't think she can wait.
(Elena gets to her knees. Putting two fingers to the girl's throat.)
Elena: Her windpipe, it's...
Liam: Deviated is the medical term. Screwed is more like it. Either way, she's not getting enough air.
Elena (softly): Liam, I can help.
Liam: Good. s*ab her head while I trache her.
(Elena holds down the girl's head.)
Elena: Have you ever done this before?
Liam: Practiced on a grapefruit. Didn't end well. (He has a pen in his hand.)
Elena: No, Liam. That's not what I meant. I can actually... (She's ready to bite into her wrist when Liam s*ab the girl in the neck with the pen, the girl gasps and begins to breathe.)
Elena: It worked. You actually did it. (She smiles at him.)
Liam (breathing deeply): Don't sound so surprised.
(The corn field is full of ambulances, paramedics and Elena gets into the car, and when Liam's ready to get inside he looks around for a moment, his eyes landed on a group of people and then finally he realizes the girl Elena healed is not wounded anymore, she's smiling and walking perfectly. He's confused.)
(Damon and Kai are still fighting, Bonnie is bleeding out, as she crawls over to the ascendant. The eclipse is fully overhead. Kai flips Damon over as he attempts to push the arrow in deeper. Bonnie reaches the ascendant. Grabs it. Kai twists the arrow in Damon.)
Damon (grunting): Bonnie...get...out of here.
Bonnie (tears in her eyes): I'm not going to make it.
(And then suddenly she smiles, teats almost-nearly-closely dripping out.)
Bonnie (bravely): But you are.
[Hopeful tune plays again.]
Bonnie (holds her hand out): Motus... (she chants.)
(Kai is flung away from Damon, he hits the ground along with the arrow. And Damon turns trying to grab for the rock because he knows what Bonnie is trying to do. But his hands slip easily from the rock as he is dragged underneath the eclipse light. When he gets there, Bonnie tosses the ascendant to him.)
Kai: DON'T!
(The ascendant untwists and clicks in his hand.)
Damon (desperate to save bonnie): NO.
(The ascendant twists one more, a definite click.)
Damon: NO!
(Damon is brought up into the light, and with a flash...He is gone. The only thing left is the ascendant, which shatters as it drops to the ground. Kai screams loudly. And Bonnie smiles, knowing Damon made it. The tear finally falls from her eye as she crumbles to the ground, letting out a grunt of pain. And suddenly, she's silent.)
[ screen goes black ]
(Jo is sitting up on a bed in the hospital hall, her arm is wrapped with gauze. Alaric approaches her with a coffee and hands it to her.)
Alaric: How you feeling?
Jo: You really want to know? Because I'm hopped up on pain meds and just obnoxious enough to tell you.
Alaric (smirks): I'll take my chances.
Jo (laughs): I think you're great. You're brave, funny, not to mention maybe the most attractive man I've ever seen, and I feel completely comfortable telling you this because I'm old enough to know what I want. And call me crazy, but I think I was meant to know you.
(She pauses, waiting for a response.)
Jo: This is the part where you say something or kiss me or run for the hills.
Alaric: Yeah, I, um. I think you're amazing, brilliant, and one of the sexiest women I have ever met, and I would love to believe that you and I were meant to be because I would love to believe there was a plan for me other than this life that I am living right now.
(Suddenly he stares deep into her eyes, compelling her.)
Alaric: But tonight was a disaster. You thought I was boring and a borderline alcoholic, and because you don't know me, not the real me anyway, you don't want to kiss me, and you absolutely want me to run for the hills.
Jo (blinks, taking a breath): You're right, tonight was a literal disaster, and you're definitely an alcoholic...(She leans forward, grabbing him and kissing him softly, and when they pull away, she says: But you're far from boring, Ric.
(Jo stands and walks away. Leaving Alaric confused and blinking.)
(Ivy, wearing her bloody dress is standing in the road with her phone to her ear.)
Ivy: Where are you? I have been standing here for a hundred years.
Caroline (voiceover): Don't exaggerate, I'm almost there.
(Ivy hangs up, and suddenly a car drives up, she waves her arms for a ride. It's Tripp.)
Tripp: Need any help?
(Ivy's smile fades and she turns away. Tripp gets out of the car.)
Tripp: I heard about the, uh, big campus accident on my scanner. Sounds like some people got hurt or something.
Ivy: I'm fine.
Tripp (still walking toward her): Actually, you're bleeding, you might be in shock.
Ivy (her head still turned): Please. Just. Go.
Tripp (reaching out for her shoulder): I don't think...
(Ivy turns, veins crawling underneath her eyes and zips forward to bite him but there are tranquilizer g*n. She falls limp, and he drags her toward his car, he dumps her inside. Caroline witnesses the whole scene, her eyes wide from her car.)
(Elena and Liam are walking toward her door.)
Liam: So that girl dressed like lady Whitmore, I was ready to give up on her, and you were able to save her. How?
Elena: I don't know. Beginner's luck?
Liam: Elena, she should have died.
Elena: And she didn't. There are crazy, mysterious things in the world, I mean, some things science can't explain.
Liam: Name one.
Elena (stopping and turning to him): Ok. Um...Why does a baby take its first breath?
Liam (shrugging): A reflex. The fluid in a newborn's lungs are...
(Elena rushes and kisses him.)
Liam: I thought kissing me was a fate worse then death.
Elena (smiling): You asked me what my type is. You were a hero tonight, an absolutely jaw-dropping and out-of-this-world hero. That's my type.
(They smile at each other.)
(Liv has gotten finished stacking napkins and the look on her face is sad. She hears the door open.)
Liv: We're closed.
(It's Tyler.)
Tyler: I talked to Elena.
Liv: Still closed.
Tyler: She said everyone else lived. (Tyler slowly walks toward her.) You don't want to talk about what happened?
Liv: I've got nothing to say.
Tyler: You k*lled someone tonight. (Liv has her back turned to him, and her eyes are watery) You can't just pretend that didn't happen.
Liv: Watch me.
Tyler (tilting his head): Liv. (She doesn't answer so he approaches her.) Liv. He was d*ad. There was nothing you could have done to save him, so you saved me instead. (He reaches over and takes her hand.) You. Saved. Me. I can never repay you for that. All I can do is promise you that I won't waste it.
(Liv stares at him with tears running down her face. And they stare at each other.)
(Stefan opens the door and steps inside. His eyes are sad, he sighs. Lifting the Bourbon to his lips and drinking it,
Stefan (looking around): Ahh.
(He laughs bitterly.)
Stefan: Yep... This is happening. I'm gonna talk out loud to a... A crypt filled with my d*ad family.
(His eyes search around the crypt.)
Stefan: Everyone but you, Damon. Because wherever you are, it's not here.
(He takes a seat on a small bench.) Stefan, looking down: I got to say...I'm not doing so great...without you. I keep trying to start over, but... I can't get anywhere...
(His eyes sadden.)
Stefan: Because I'm lost, brother, I'm lost.
(He gets up angrily and tosses the bottle of Bourbon when... suddenly, a hand catches the Bourbon. It's Damon. Stefan's eyes widen, it's like tears are on the verge of coming out.)
Damon (using his snarky tone): So what? Gone a couple of months, you think it's okay to waste a perfectly good bottle of Bourbon?
(He takes a swig of the drink.)
Damon: Ahh.
(Stefan stares, shocked, sad, a mix of feelings.)
Stefan (in a soft whisper): Damon?
Damon: Yep. (He pops the 'p'.) In the flesh.
(Damon smiles.)
Stefan (slowly and whispery): How am I seeing you right now?
(Damon's face becomes serious. His eyes widen as they always do.)
Damon: Because I'm not d*ad, Stefan (he looks down at the bourbon) I mean, this stuff's good, but it's not "I see d*ad people" good. Heh.
(He slowly walks toward Stefan. Face serious. Stefan is frozen, eyes wide and red, rimmed with tears.)
Damon: Heh. It's a hell of a long story, brother, but....I'm back. I'm back.
(Stefan reaches out and touches Damon's shoulder.)
Damon (nods at Stefan): (whispers) Yeah.
(When Stefan's face scrunches up as if he is about to cry, he pulls Damon into a hug. A tight one, and Damon wraps his arms around Stefan.)
Damon: I'm back, Stefan...
(Stefan cries with no tears into the embrace, and they stand there. Hugging...)
END | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x05 - The World Has Turned and Left Me Here"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Elena: Damon is gone.
I want you to compel me to forget that I ever loved him.
Who is Damon Salvatore?
He's a monster.
To get home, we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic.
[Dart g*n fires]
Tripp: Vampires m*rder my wife.
I'm gonna get him to name all his vampire buddies.
Need any help?
[Dart g*n fires]
If even just a small, little part of you came back to check on me, then stay.
Stefan: Not doing so great, Damon. I'm lost, brother. It's kind of a long story, brother, but I'm back.
[ Tripp's Van ]
( Tripp drives down the dark winding road toward Mystic Falls with three vampires in the back of his van, one of them is Ivy and she is in a full panic; crying and begging Tripp to release her. )
Ivy: Please just let me go!
Tripp: I know this may seem a little barbaric. (he says calmly as she cries desperately pulling on the chains) I promise you it's nothing personal. (the other two vampires in the back also try to get free).
Ivy: Why are you doing this?
Tripp: It's a longer story then we have time for but trust me you don't want this life. If you even call it that. (He says, turning up the radio)
Ivy: Come on, come on. (she pulls at the chains) Come on, come on! (they loosen, but she runs out of time)
( Tripp's van passes the sign reading "Welcome to Mystic Falls" and the vampires are immediately affected. One vampire's throat is slashed, blood pours from his mouth as he grabs frantically at his throat reliving his death. )
Ivy: (panicked) What is heappening? (She screams in horror) What is happening!?
( The other vampire is sh*t through the head; she screams and then her neck snaps. Tripp closes the window which allows him to see in the back of the van. He continues driving through Mystic Falls with three d*ad vampires. )
[ Salvatore Mausoleum ]
( In the Salvatore Mausoleum the scene picks up with Damon and Stefan hugging. )
Damon: I missed you too buddy.
Stefan: I can't believe it. (they pull apart) I thought you were gone.
Damon: Well you didn't think I was gone-gone. I promised you an eternity of misery. Heh. (he smiles)
[ Whitmore Dorm Room ]
( Elena paces in front of Caroline who sits on her bed; Elena has her arms folded and she is not happy. )
Elena: He's back? (Caroline nods) How? (she asks confused)
Caroline: I don't know, honestly everything Stefan said after "Damon's back" is kind of a blur.
Elena: What about Bonnie? (She asks hopeful)
[ Salvatore Mausoleum ]
Damon: She sacrificed herself so I could come back but I don't want anyone to know. No sense making this harder than it already is.
Stefan: What are we going to tell people?
[ Whitmore Dorm Room ]
Caroline: (quietly) He said she wasn't over there.
Elena: Where is there exactly?
[ Salvatore Mausoleum ]
Stefan: (confused) Mystic Falls? 1994?
Damon: I know. A bunch of witches were going to get together and create some space time purgatory you'd think they'd pick a better year than the one Kurt Cobain k*lled himself in. The whole thing was just very depressing. (he takes a swig from the bottle of Bourbon).
Stefan: So how did you get back?
Damon: Long story, big flash of light. Two decades worth of jet lag. I will explain all of my adventures in that flannel hellscape, but first, there's someone I got to go see. (he says grasping Stefan's shoulders then walks past him).
[ Whitmore-Alaric's Office ]
( Elena stands in front of Alaric with her arms folded )
Elena: I don't want to see him.
Alaric: (sigh) I get it, but that's how you feel now, Elena. If you thought there was even a chance you'd see Damon again you would have never asked me to compel away your memories of loving him.
[ Salvatore Mausoleum ]
( Damon stops in front of the doors of the Mausoleum and turns to face Stefan, shocked )
Damon: She did what?
Stefan: She had Alaric do it.
[ Whitmore-Alaric's Office ]
Alaric: DAMON IS GOING TO k*ll ME! (he yells)
Elena: You're unkillable. (she replies calmly)
Alaric: Doesn't mean he won't try.
Elena: What do you think is going to happen when I do see him?
[ Salvatore Mausoleum ]
Damon: I just need to see her Stefan. Our eyes will meet, fireworks will go off, and the balance of nature will be restored. She loves me!
[ Whitmore-Alaric's Office ]
Elena: He's a psychotic k*ller!
Alaric: You only feel that way because I erased all the good parts.
Elena: I don't see anything that could balance out the bad. Promise me you won't lift the compulsion. (Alaric sighs) Promise me!
Alaric: I won't, Ok, not until you ask me to.
Elena: Thank you.
Alaric: But, Elena, I hope you ask me.
Elena: I have to go. I have a shift at the hospital.
Alaric: Since when?
Elena: Since Damon came back and I'm trying desperately to avoid him.
Alaric: Fine, but if you're avoiding people, add Jo to your list. (Elena looks at him confused) I compelled her to forget our date the other night and it didn't take.
Elena: What do you mean it didn't take?
Alaric: Well, either she's on Vervain or there's some other reason, but she can't be compelled. So see if you can find out why.
Elena: Ok. Yeah. I will. Will you call Jeremy? I had to tell him about Bonnie over the phone. You can imagine how that went.
[ Salvatore Boarding House ]
( Jeremy is in a rush to leave as he grabs his phone and keys off the kitchen table. Sarah walks into the room. )
Sarah: Where are you going?
Jeremy: Out. (he replies coldly walking past her)
Sarah: You promised me you'd help me track down my relatives.
Jeremy: Just...later...Ok.
Sarah: Jeremy, you can't just say, "Zach Salvatore was your dad too bad he's d*ad" and then, "peace out."
Jeremy: I can't do this right now!
Sarah: What is so urgent to make you finally unglue your ass from the couch? I know it's not school. It's not work. If it's another girl, I'd shower first.
Jeremy: I just need to get out of here. (he leaves)
[ Tripp's Cabin, Woods ]
Enzo sits on the floor still chained up; the door opens and Matt enters.
Enzo: Oh Tripp's errand boy returns.
( Matt laughs sarcastically and walks toward Enzo with a cup of blood bending down in front of him he purposely spills some of the blood from the small glass on the floor. )
Matt: Ooh, my bad.
Enzo: Heh. That's all right, mate. Just lean in and I'll take it right from the tap. (Matt hands him the glass to which Enzo drinks)
Matt: I'll pass.
Enzo: Yeah come on I'm gonna need my strength back for when you help me escape.
Matt: Sorry. If Stefan turned you in I'm guessing you deserved it.
Enzo: When did Stefan's moral compass become the new true north? Wasn't he the one who scurried off to some poxy, little town while he let everyone believe he was still searching for his brother? Not exactly the hero move, if you ask me.
Matt: Still I think the general population is safer with you in here.
Enzo: Yeah. Probably right, well except for Elena...Stefan, Caroline, You. Whatdo you think would happen if I were to tell your boss about known vampires and their...groupies?
( The door opens, Matt turns to see Tripp entering )
Tripp: Well, Savannah was a waste of gas. Minus a few blood bags, the house you told us about was empty.
Enzo: Odd. Must have smelled you coming.
Tripp: Hmm, would have been a total bust, except I happened upon a girl that fit the description that you gave me. That was near Whitmore. 500 miles from where you said she was gonna be. (He pulls out a phone and shows Enzo a photo of a girl) Is this Ivy?
Enzo: That's the one.
Tripp: So I give you today to conjure up the location of your vampire friends, or you and I are gonna go sightseeing in Mystic Falls. (He leaves and Enzo glares at Matt; Matt turns away from Enzo following Tripp out, closing the door behind him).
[ Whitmore-Alaric's Office ]
( Alaric is behind his desk, Matt sits in a chair across from him as Caroline stands there with her arms folded scolding Matt. )
Caroline: Why didn't you tell us Enzo has been locked up this whole time?
Matt: Honestly, I didn't know anybody was missing him.
Caroline: Matt!
Matt: I'm sorry! I was confused about which vampires we like and which ones we don't!
Caroline: Ok. Well, what about Ivy? Is she there, too?
Matt: Tripp drove her and two others across the border last night.
Caroline: (sigh) Oh, God.
Alaric: Well do you know where Tripp is now. (Caroline sits down next to Matt)
Matt: He's running down another lead but he didn't tell me what it was.
Alaric: Well can you find out? We need to know who his next target is.
Matt: If Enzo talks it'll be you guys.
Caroline: Well that's not going to happen because we're busting him out, right, and if for no other reason than so I can kick his ass for getting caught in the first place.
Alaric: You have any idea how he managed to get his hands on him? (Stefan enters the office)
Stefan: He didn't. I turned him in. (Caroline and Alaric stare at Stefan, disbelieving)
[ Whitmore-Dorm Room ]
( Elena is getting her bag ready for the hospital; she puts her red shirt in the bag when there is a knock at the door. She turns and walks toward the door. )
Elena: Who is it? (she asks with her hand on the door knob)
Damon: (he says softly, she immediately pulls her hand away stopping herself from opening the door) I just wanted to talk. (we see Damon on the other side of the door)
Elena: I can't, not now.
Damon: (sigh) Look. I know why you did what you did. It's not real. You know what's real? The way you felt for me. You once told me it was the most real thing you ever felt in your life.
Elena: Those feelings are gone.
Damon: Oh, come on, Elena. You've compelled enough people to know it's just a way of covering the truth and no matter how badly you want it done, it doesn't make it any less of a lie, you know. (She slowly reaches for the door knob) Oh, I hear you breathing. (she gasps, pulling away) You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you breathe. (She sighs and puts her hand on the door, from Damon's side he loops up and copies this motion putting his hand where her hand is) Just open the door, Elena. Everything can go back to the way it was. (She pulls her hand away and he jiggles the door knob) Just...(sigh, he leans his head against the door) Just open the door, Elena, please...or, at the very least, step aside because I'm gonna kick this door in. (She unlocks the door, Damon hears it click. He turns the knob, she stands there for a moment but by the time he pushes the door open she has vamp sped out the window. He looks around to an empty room and the white curtains bl*wing in the breeze).
[ Whitmore College, North Campus ]
( Stefan is on his cell phone with Elena as he walks across the Quad. )
Stefan: You seriously jumped out of a window? What if somebody saw you?
Elena: I know, I know. I panicked. I don't know. (she says pacing back and forth in the hospital hallway)
Stefan: Look. He's been trapped over there alone for months. He just wants to see you.
Elena: Look. I get how I'm supposed to feel, but I know how I actually feel and I'm happy now. What if I look at him and my old feelings break through the compulsion.
Stefan: Well, they won't, but even if they did, is that such a bad thing?
Elena: (sigh) Yeah. I started over just like you did, Ok? I made a smart choice for myself and for my future. Stefan, I kissed Liam last night.
Stefan: (groans) Oh, please forget that you told me that and definitly do not tell Damon that.
Elena: Becuase he's gonna k*ll him right just like he k*lled my brother!
Stefan: I was gonna say becuase he'll be heartbroken. Listen what do you want to do? I mean, you have to see him eventually.
Elena: I know, but I just don't think eventually can be today, all right? (Elena spots Jo walking forward and putting her cup of coffee on a cart just outside a hospital room) I'm not...I'm just not..ready. (Jo looks at some X-Rays and then enters the room) I got to go. (she hangs up, shoves the phone in her pocket and quickly walks toward the cart, lifting the lid off the coffee she drinks it quickly; surprised that there is no Vervain in it. Jo comes out of the room and Elena quickly puts the coffee back).
Jo: Elena.
Elena: Hey.
Jo: I didn't think you were here today.
Elena: Yeah. No. I changed my schedule around.
Jo: (sipping her coffee) Okay. Follow me.
[ Tripp's Office ]
( Matt sits at Tripp's desk, using his computer he types the word vampires into the search bar. No Files Found. He tries again with Mystic Falls Deaths, again No Files Found. The door opens and he quickly tries to hide what he is doing but it turns out to be Sarah. )
Matt: (surprised) Sarah? What are you doing?
Sarah: Could ask you the same question.
Matt: (closing the computer lid) You can't be in here.
Sarah: From the look on your face you're downloading p*rn or you're not supposed to be here, either. What are you doing in Tripp's office?
Matt: What do you want?
Sarah: Information on some people who used to live here. (she says looking at some of the cabinets) You know anything about the Salvatore's?
Matt: Not really.
Sarah: Well, according to Jeremy, Zach Salvatore was my dad. (Matt is surprised). He supposedly died from an animal att*ck, and coincidentally so did my mom but I've been paying attention. I know what that's code for, and your boss seems to know a lot about homicidal wildlife, so...
Matt: So you thought breaking in here was a good idea.
Sarah: Guess we have that in common. Now, either you help me or start coming up with a good lie when I tell your boss you were snooping.
Matt: Animal att*cks are filed over there. (he says indicating a cabinet behind her)
[ Whitmore-Alaric's Office ]
( Alaric enters his office to see Damon sitting in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk with a bottle of Bourbon and two glasses in front of him. )
Damon: Professor Saltzman. What, you coudn't compel yourself a PH.D? (he asks, pouring a glass of Bourbon)
Alaric: I can't believe your back.
Damon: I am...heh. (he slides the glass to Ric)
Alaric: So...how the hell are you? (he asks sitting in the chair across from Damon)
Damon: Well let's see Ric...I clawed my way out of some retro pocket universe only to find that I needed to compel myself a new change of clothes because this antimagic hamster ball is keeping me from going home, and then I find out that my best friend rather than doing anything about it decided that it was the best use of his time to compel my beautiful and lovely girlfriend to forget that she ever loved me...Heh...I'm great...Ric...Thanks for asking. (he says sarcastically and drinks his Bourbon)
Alaric: Look, Damon...
Damon: (cutting him off) I know she was a train wreck without me but a full mind erase, seriously?
Alaric: She loved you too much, and it was k*lling her.
Damon: Well, I'm flattered, but I'm back, (he takes his feet off the desk quickly and leans toward Ric) so let's get this uncompulsion on the books huh.
Alaric: Fine, as soon as Elena tells me that's what she wants.
Damon: Right. Here's the thing she's not gonna want to be uncompelled (he gets up and walks toward Alaric) if she can't remember why she'd want to be uncompelled mmm-mmm chicken, egg. (he says holding his glass of Bourbon is one hand and nothing in the other, weighing the options)
Alaric: I know, and I'm sorry.
Damon: Sorry? She won't even see me, Ric.
Alaric: I get it, Damon but she's happy, and I'm not gonna take that away from her until she asks me to.
Damon: It's not like I don't want Elena to be happy. (he says finishing his Bourbon) I just want her to be happy with me. (he says pointing to himself, but Alaric won't budge on the subject) Right. (He slams the glass down on the table and walks past Ric; stops then goes back for the bottle of Bourbon and leaves)
[ Woods ]
( Stefan and Caroline walk through the woods toward Tripp's Cabin; arguing, Caroline is angry with Stefan. )
Stefan: Look Enzo wasn't being careful Tripp would've caught him eventually and that meant danger for all of us.
Caroline: Right so you handed Enzo over so we wouldn't be targeted and now you're rescuing him so we won't be targeted. Way to go. (She says sarcastically)
Stefan: Well, I thought Tripp was gonna k*ll him. I didn't think he was going to keep him alive for information.
Caroline: Oh, Well, in that case, sounds like you were just being practical. So did you rat out Ivy, too?
Stefan: What?
Caroline: Well, you didn't want to deal with her anymore, you wanted her gone, and now she is. You know what you really should write Tripp a thank-you note.
Stefan: Hold on a second Enzo turns Ivy right, a hunter kills her and yet I'm the bad guy? I'm not the one thr*at to turn in other vampires to save his own skin.
Caroline: The only one who turned in other vampires is you Stefan. That's why you're helping. Guilt for getting Damon's friend captured.
Stefan: Yeah. Damon is my brother and I gave up on him first. Enzo didn't so if rescuing his idiot friend is gonna somehow make it up to him that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
Caroline: Great. Good for you. Let me know when you figure out how you're gonna make everything up to me. (She says as they arrive at Tripp's Cabin, Stefan's eyes widen as the door opens; he grabs Caroline and vamp speeds out of sight; hiding behind a crate in the yard)
( Two men come out of the cabin looking around suspiciously, they lock the door and leave. Stefan and Caroline share a brief look between one another. )
Caroline: Let's get in there. (they get inside the cabin only to find it empty) Well, where the hell is he?
[ Whitmore Hospital ]
( Elena follows Jo down the hospital hallway )
Elena: I like your bracelet. What is it made of? (she goes to touch it but Jo moves her hand away grabbing a chart and Elena pulls her hand back reaching behind her neck awkwardly)
Jo: No idea, while you're here can I get your opinion on something?
Elena: Sure yeah.
Jo: Female patient, blunt force trauma to the head, massive internal hemorrhaging, multiple bone fractures, (she says opening the door to a patient room) she was a victim at the corn maze. (The room is empty)
Elena: Where is she?
Jo: Probably Freshman Lit.
Elena: I don't get it.
Jo: Neither do I. See the patient was never admitted even with such extensive injuries. Liam said you treated her at the scene. That's a pretty good save for someone with half a semester of Pre-Med.
Elena: Yeah you know uhm I think Liam was exaggerating how bad off she was. It was dark, and, yeah, there was a lot of blood...
Jo: (cutting her off) Don't! I know what Alaric is. I know what you are. If any more blood bags go missing. I know who to come to. (She closes the door and walks away leaving Elena there genuinely confused).
[ Whitmore-Dorm Room ]
( Damon is highly annoyed as he looks around Elena's dorm room there are several framed photos on the dresser and her desk of all of friends but nothing of Damon. )
Damon: Well, somebody was thorough. (he drinks from the bottle of Bourbon and flips down the photo of Elena, Stefan and Caroline) No pictures of Damon anywhere. (he picks up the photo of Elena at her graduation) Huh? (he grabs a black sharpie off her desk and gets comfortable on her bed) Ooh. (he draws a stick figure of himself next to her) It's kind of creepy, you just standing there all hulky and brooding. (he says without looking up).
Jeremy: (in the doorway) Says the freak who's stalking my sister. (Damon finishes his stick figure with two eyes, a smile and two fangs sticking out)
Damon: Technically, I'm lying in wait.
Jeremy: (coming in) Why didn't Bonnie come back? (Damon doesn't answer) Why didn't she come back?
Damon: Because she wasn't there. It was just me.
Jeremy: (sitting on the bext next to Damon) You know I paid her cell bill so I could call her phone and hear her say the same six words every day?
Damon: Sounds good. I'll give it a call.
Jeremy: Why? She hated you.
Damon: Bonnie wasn't there with me Jeremy because she found peace. She's in a a better place.
[ Whitmore Hospital ]
( Jo hands some files to another nurse as Elena comes up behind her. )
Elena: How did you know?
Jo: Besides not believing that you closed a penetrating abdominal trauma without so much as a first aid kit? Pretty sure you weren't looking for stevia in my coffee. With Alaric I wasn't 100% sure he tried to compel me, but then I remembered I have really crappy luck my in my love life so of course my hot, new teacher crush would be a vampire.
Elena: So what are you?
Jo: Busy. If you want to stick around (she says walking past Elena) there's food trays on the third floor that need clearing.
Elena: (following her) That's it? You're gonna let me stay?
Jo: You saved that girl instead of feeding on her that's good enough for me.
Elena: You're not even afraid, not even fazed for that matter. There's only one thing that can resist compulsion without needing Vergain, and that's a witch. (Jo nods slightly) You're a witch.
Jo: How about I make you a deal. You don't ask questions about me and I won't ask questions about you.
Elena: Deal.
Jo: Oh and you can tell Alaric if he wants to avoid a complicated relationship, he doesn't have to hide behind compulsion to do it. (She says walking through a corridor, leaving Elena).
[ Tripp's Office ]
( Sarah is going through Tripp's files of all the animal att*cks, showing some gruesome photos. )
Sarah: Maybe it was a good thing I didn't grow up here.
Matt: So where do you come from?
Sarah: Give me the year, and I'll give you the town and foster home. (She says, she then tries to open a drawer on Tripp's desk which is locked) Oh, good. Wonder what's in here.
Matt: It's locked.
Sarah: Locked means important. (she says breaking into the drawer)
Matt's cell phone vibrates, he pulls it out and answers it.
Matt: Hey Care, did you get him?
Caroline: No. Enzo is not here, any idea where Tripp might have taken him? (Sarah gets the drawer open) Besides the very obvious one?
( The drawer contains several wallets, some credit cards and a cell phone that Sarah takes out. )
Matt: Hang on, let me see that. (he takes the phone and turns it on revealing a picture of Ivy on the wallpaper, he touches the recent calls icon which shows a missed call from Caroline Forbes) Caroline, we have another problem Tripp has Ivy's phone.
Caroline: And? I mean the guy is a m*rder, petty theft isn't much of a stretch.
Matt: Yeah, but your name is at the top of the recent dialed list.
Caroline: Oh, my god, he knows what I am.
Matt: I'm guessing he knows where to find you.
[ Whitmore-Dorm Room ]
( Damon picks up a framed picture of Bonnie on the night stand beside her bed. He takes out his phone and calls her number; sitting down on her bed and looking at the photo the phone rings once and then her voicemail picks up. )
Bonnie (voicemail): It's Bonnie. Leave me a message. (Beep)
Damon: That's it? That's your outgoing message. Really? I mean, the onetime I'm actively seeking the sound of your voice, that's all I get. Perfect. Hmm...Anyway, I'm in your room, which is a lot less weird than it sounds but I just wanted to say that because of what you did for me today is the day I get to see Elena. So thank you, and I'm sorry. Other than that, I don't know what to say or what I'm supposed to say except that, defying all possible global scenarios, I might miss you a little bit. (Damon's phone beeps; he is getting another call) Ooh, hey, I got to go. (He switches over to his other call) So you didn't forget my number. That's a good start.
Elena: (walking down the street) Yeah I figured that I'd press the Damon button and see what happened.
Damon: And what is happening?
Elena: I don't know. I don't even know what I'm doing. I just... I'm thinking we should meet face to face. I can't run from you forever so come by my dorm?
Damon: Yeah, yeah I'll be here... there; I'll be there, absolutely in a bit. See you in a little bit.
Elena: Okay. (she hangs up)
( Damon quickly gets up from Bonnie's bed and puts the picture back on the nightstand, cleaning up a little bit behind himsef then fixes his hair in the mirror. When the door opens... )
Damon: Well that was fast. (he says turning only to see Tripp holding a Vervain g*n)
( Damon vamps out at Tripp who pulls the trigger; Damon catches the Vervain dart in between his fingers and throws it bag at Tripp, hitting him in the knee. )
Tripp: (groans) Ah' (he grabs at his knee)
( Tripp then tries to throw a stake at Damon, but he catches it and vamp speeds to Tripp holding him by the neck with the stake against his jaw. )
Damon: Who are you?
( From behind Damon, a dart g*n fires into his back a couple of times. )
Damon: Uh! (he groans, releasing Tripp to see two guys who have sh*t him, before he collapses and everything goes black).
[ Whitmore, Dorm Hallway ]
( Elena walks down the hallway toward her dorm room but becomes suspicious when she arrives to see the door partially opened. She pushes the door opened slowly; the room is empty but Damon's phone is on the floor and there are a few droplets of blood. )
Elena: Damon-
[ Whitmore-Alaric's Classroom ]
( Alaric is in his empty classroom packing up his bag while talking on the phone with Elena. )
Alaric: Elena calm down just find Caroline and get to Old Miller Road. We'll get him back. (He hangs up and leaves his classroom, locking the doors behind him then turns to face Jo who stands in front of him with her arms folded).
Jo: I had an interesting conversation with Elena.
Alaric: Yeah and I want to hear all about it just not right now.
Jo: What's the rush? Occult studies emergency?
Alaric: Yeah, I have someplace I need to be so if you don't mind. (He tries to pass her but she blocks his way)
Jo: Why don't you just compel me out of the way. (Alaric sighs) Look don't you think it's about time we level with each other.
Alaric: Okay how's this, my best friend, he just came back from the dear but now I have to save him from a vampire hunter before he is driven across an antimagic border and k*lled again so here's some friendly advice. It's probably a good idea to stay as far away from me as possible. (He leaves)
[ Tripp's Van ]
( Damon wakes up in the back of Tripp's van, coming face to face with Enzo, who is also chained. )
Damon: (groans) Uh'
Enzo: Morning, sunshine.
Damon: Enzo, (Damon looks to see the chains on his hands) well this brings back memories.
Enzo: I'm glad to see you found a way back, mate. Afraid it's going to be a short reunion though. We're headed for Mystic Falls known for it's bridges; quaint, small town charm and a really big vampire bug zapper. (Damon pulls at the chains)
Damon: Stefan could've told me there was a hunter in town.
Enzo: It probably slipped his mind because he's responsible for my return to incarceration.
Damon: Why would he do that?
Enzo: Probably jealous of my accent. Eh' maybe he did it because I k*lled his new girlfriend.
Damon: Yeah that'll do it.
[ Road to Mystic Falls I ]
( Elena drives down the road, the tires screech as the car comes to a sudden stop just outside the Mystic Falls City Limits. Caroline is in the passenger seat on the phone with her mom. )
Caroline: Sorry Mom, Elena is auditioning for "Top Gear" (they get out of the car) Yeah, ok, bye. (She hangs up) So my mom is shutting down Route 13 Tripp will have to double back and there's only two other ways across the border.
( Elena isn't really paying attention she's facing opposite Caroline, staring straight ahead. )
Caroline: Do you have a preference? Front, back? (Elena leans against the car still staring straight ahead) No? Okay. (she pops one of the tires and the air explodes from it causing the car to sink down and Elena turns to face her) I think this sells a spinout. (Elena turns back again toward the dark road) What do you think? Elena?
Elena: I want my memories back.
Caroline: Wait. What? (Elena turns to face her)
Elena: I made up my mind, if Damon survives this, then I want Alaric to uncompel me. I mean, I can't imagine ever loving him but I also can't ignore the parts I don't like just to avoid the truth. I mean how could I make any decisions if I only know half the story? (Caroline rubs her arm affectionately and they turn to face the road ahead of them, waiting for Tripp's arrival).
[ Road to Mystic Falls II ]
( Alaric and Stefan have parked their car on the edge of Mystic Falls. The sign by their car reads "You Are Now Leaving Mystic Falls, Come Again Soon." They are also pretending to have car trouble while they wait for Tripp's arrival. Stefan pops the hood and starts pulling out pieces of the engine. )
Alaric: (watching him) You don't have to take apart the whole engine we just need to lure Tripp in so we can grab him. (Stefan continues taking the engine apart) You know, it's not your fault.
Stefan: Pretty much is.
Alaric: Look. You're not the only one who gave up. You know every second for the last four months all I could think about was when I'm gonna get my next sip of blood, when am I gonna screw up and hurt somebody, why did I come back to life just to be this thing. That I used to hunt vampires and suddenly I was one. Searching for Damon was the only thing that could take my mind off of it, but I was basically going through the motions as a distraction because, honestly Stefan, I'd given up, too. (Alaric spots headlights approaching) There. (Stefan turns)
Stefan: That's him.
Alaric: You should stay in the carhe knows what you look like.
Stefan: He thinks I'm on his side.
Alaric: Yeah unless Enzo told him different. Go tell Elena he's here. (Stefan gets in the car as Alaric approaches Tripp's slowing vehicle, waving his arms over his head and whistling to get his attention).
( Tripp's van comes to a stop; from inside the van Damon and Enzo can hear Alaric's voice. )
Alaric: Evening. (Tripp rolls his window down partially) I tried to get my buddy to a bachelor party and our car just stopped you think you can uh help us out?
Tripp: Oh' don't know anything about cars.
Alaric: Yeah, oh well, maybe you could give us a ride then?
( From the back of Tripp's Van )
Enzo: Who's that?
Damon: Ric. He's up to something. Better be something good, bastard owes me.
Tripp: Sorry, in a bit of a hurry.
Alaric: Yeah. So are we. (Alaric punches through the glass of the window it shatters knocing Tripp back, Alaric grabs Tripp by the collar and punches him in the face).
Tripp: Uh! Ooh! (He groans and grabs his Vervain g*n, sh**ting Alaric in the shoulder with it. Alaric holds onto the side of the vehicle as Tripp slams down on the gas heading straight for Stefan's Car. Stefan, on his cell phone looks up just in time to see the approaching vehicle. He vamp speeds out of the car just before Tripp's van crashes into it, flipping over; flying through the air and crashing over the Mystic Falls sign landing upside down. Alaric is thrown off the vehicle)
Alaric: Uh! Ugh! Uh! (He groans as he hits the ground within Mystic Falls).
( In the back of Tripp's Van, Damon groans as the g*n sh*t wound appears, his shirt soaked with blood. Enzo begins coughing and choking on his blood. )
( Stefan overlooks the scene in shock and terror, his phone still in hand with Elena on the other end. )
Elena: Stefan. Stefan what's happening?
Stefan: Damon and Alaric are across the border. I got to go. (he hangs up)
Elena: Oh my god. (she whispers)
( On the ground, Alaric is coughing up blood, a large wound has appeared on his chest; blood soaking through his shirt. )
( Stefan looks at the sign that says Welcome to Mystic Falls and then straight ahead at the overturned van with a decision to make. He walks forward, crossing into the border and immediately falls forward clutching his stomach in pain where his g*n wound appears. )
Stefan: (groaning) Agh! Ugh! Aagh! Ah! (panting, he presses forward picking up a crow bar on the road)
( Inside Tripp's Van the spirit magic is being ripped away from Damon and Enzo )
Damon: I came back for this. (Enzo spits up blood)
Enzo: Consumption, wasn't much fun the first time around either. (Stefan uses the crow bar to break into the back of Tripp's van).
( On the grass, Alaric is dying when Jo comes running over she falls to her knees beside him and applies pressue to his chest wound. )
Jo: It's okay, I'm here. I followed you like a crazy stalker. Not one of my finer moments.
( In Tripp's Van-Stefan has gotten the doors open and goes to help Damon first but he stops him. )
Damon: No, no. Get him! (Stefan uses the crow bar to get Enzo loose from the chains that are attached to the top of the van. He then gets Damon loose. Tripp comes out of the front of his vehicle, blood gushing from his head; instead of facing off with his enemies he runs away. Damon, Stefan and Enzo struggle out of the van)
( On the grass Alaric gasps and pants, spitting up blood )
Alaric: You have to get me across the border. (Jo is using her first aid knowledge to help him) It's stripping away the magic. I'll die.
Jo: You'll die if I move you. I have to stop the bleeding, you nicked your descending aorta.
Alaric: I know, that's what k*lled me.
Jo: (holding up a package) And you didn't have me back then did you (she rips it open with her teeth) and you didn't have hemostatic gauze.
( Enzo and Damon struggle out of Tripp's Van, Stefan is pushing them along. )
Stefan: Get up, come on get up. (he holds them both up; linking one of his arms with Enzo and the other with Damon as they struggle down the road and toward the border; grasping their stomach's, couching up blood and panting. Finally they reach the safety zone; Enzo and Damon drop to the ground coughing, panting, groaning and trying to catch thier breaths as their wounds heal. Stefan turns back toward Mystic Falls knowing Alaric is still on the other side).
Alaric lays on the ground with Jo working over him.
Alaric: What's happening?
Jo: You still with me? While I'm sealing this wound. (she applies gauze to his bloody chest, her hand covered in his blood) I want you to think about how you tried to compel one of the smartest women on campus to forget about her date with you. The date where I single handedly saved dozens of lives without smearing my makeup. (She works quickly, Alaric gasps) Alaric? Hang on! Stay with me. Come on. (She starts pumping on his chest) Gonna get that heart pumping. (He gasps) You don't get to have the last word with me. Alaric! (Alaric stops moving, his eyes now closed) Alaric! (she screams, pumping on his chest, but there is nothing. Alaric remains still).
( From outside the border Stefan watches helplessly; Damon, still on the ground rips his hands free from the chains and looks toward Mystic Falls, his eyes wide. )
( Jo continues pumping on Alaric's chest refusing to give up. )
Jo: Stay with me! come on! (Suddenly Alaric's head snaps up, his eyes open and he gasps for air) Ah'
( From outside the border, Stefan breathes a sigh of relief. )
( On the Ground, Alaric looks around confused and shaken. )
Alaric: So-so-something's wrong.
Jo: (stroking his face) Don't move.
Alaric: No, something's wrong. I'm not supposed to be alive.
Jo: There's no reason you shouldn't be. I sealed the wound we just have to get you to the hospital. (He breathes heavily and rests his head back on the grass).
[ Road to Mystic Falls I ]
( Caroline stands on the dark road just outside Mystic Falls, on the phone with Stefan recieving the updates. )
Caroline: (quietly) Yeah, I'll tell her. Thanks. (She hangs up as Elena vamp speeds up to her, coming from the opposite direction)
Elena: I was just on Route 9 and there was a crash but they weren't there.
Caroline: Yeah I know they had to get out of there.
Elena: What happened?
Caroline: (sigh) Uh Stefan said that...uhm. (she stares at Elena, not able to find the words)
Elena: What, Caroline? What? (she asks nervously)
Caroline: Alaric crossed the border, but Jo was there and she saved him.
Elena: (relieved) So he's okay, that means he's okay, right? (she presses the question when Caroline doesn't immediately answer)
Caroline: Yeah Elena he's okay.
Elena: Then why do you have that look on your face? What happened Caroline?
Caroline: All the magic stripped away, but Jo saved him just before he died.
Elena: (not comprehending) What, I don't know what that means, Caroline.
Caroline: Alaric is not a vampire anymore, Elena. He's human. (Elena is shocked and troubled by this news knowing what it means).
[ Salvatore Boarding House ]
( Matt and Sarah enter the house )
Sarah: Thanks for the ride.
Matt: (closing the door behind him) Yeah I thought I'd save you the trouble of having to boost another car.
Sarah: (smiles) That was almost funny, hope for you yet Donovan.
Matt: If I told you I knew about your family promise to take a little friendly advice.
Sarah: Hang on, you know who my family is?
Matt: Read any history book about this town's founding members. The guys that live in this house are Damon and Stefan Salvatore.
Sarah: Why are you just telling me this now?
Matt: Because (pause) they're vampires and wherever they go death and pain always follow so if you're looking for family you're not going to find it here. Do yourself a favor and get as far away from this place as you can.
( Suddenly from the other room, Jeremy's loud, frustrated voice catches their attention. )
Jeremy: COME ON! (Matt and Sarah turn and run toward him) NO! DAMN IT! (he screams)
Matt: Jer...
Jeremy: I keep trying to cancel Bonnie's plhone but I can't without her pin. Why can't I remember her pin? (In anger, he slams the phone down on the pool table, smashing it into pieces; he holds up his hand it is cut open with jagged pieces of the broken phone sticking out of it, shaking slightly. He then smashes his hand through a bottle of alcohol that sits on the pool table; glass flying everywhere. He bangs his fist over and over again into the pool table. Matt and Sarah grab ahold of him).
Jeremy: Get off! get off! (he screams, fighting against them)
Sarah: It's gonna be okay.
Jeremy: No it's not! She's gone! Bonnie is gone. (He pants, as Matt hugs him)
[ Whitmore/Mystic Falls-Elena and Alaric Phone Conversation ]
( Elena is at Whitmore while Alaric is in the hospital in Mystic Falls; they are on the phone with each other as the scene switches back and forth between locations. )
Elena: Jo's a keeper, how does it feel?
Alaric: (in a hospital bed) Oh, it hurts a lot.
Elena: Well, it's too bad there aren't any vampires in Mystic Falls to help heal you.
Alaric: Well, I think they got me on a morphine drip. It's the next best thing. (Pause) Elena, I'm so sorry.
Elena: No, no, no Alaric I'm just glad that you're okay. I mean up until an hour ago I didn't even want my memories to return. I was the one who made the choice to lose them. Now I have to live with the fact that you can't give them back to me. I know how much you hated being a vampire so I'm just glad one of us got what we wanted.
Alaric: And what is it that you want?
Elena: To be able to look Damon in the eye, knowing all that I know and all that I don't, and see how I feel about him. I want to trust how I feel.
Alaric: I hope that you can. Good luck, okay? (Elena hangs up)
( In Alaric's hospital room he hangs up the phone as Jo walks in quickly. )
Jo: This hospital sucks! I can't believe anyone even makes it out of here alive.
Alaric: They usually don't.
Jo: I'm having you transferred to Whitmore ASAP.
Alaric: Thank you.
Jo: (smiles) Just doing my job.
Alaric: Hey, (taking her hand) you did more than that. You gave me back my life. Thank you.
[ Whitmore-Restaurant/Bar ]
( Stefan and Damon sit at a table drinking Bourbon; Stefan listens as Damon rants. )
Damon: I was this close...This close.
Stefan: I know. I'm sorry.
Damon: Oh I got it, everybody's sorry. You're sorry you gave up on me, sorry you turned Enzo into that hunter guy. Ric's sorry for the compulsion. I'm sure if Elena could remember anything she'd be sorry too. (He says annoyed, drinking).
Stefan: You got to understand how hard it was for her.
Damon: I am so tired of hearing how hard it was for her. It was hard for me as well.
Stefan: At least you knew you had a home to come back to. She didn't have anything, to her you were just gone.
Damon: Guess I still am. Ric said she's happy without me since she's erased me. You know what I don't want her to be happy. I want her to be miserable just like I am.
Stefan: (unamused) You done?
Damon: Yeah. I'm done.
Stefan: Good, now quit stalling there's a girl you need to go see.
Damon: What if it doesn't work? What if what we had isn't strong enough to break the compulsion?
Stefan: You're not going to find out just sitting there, are you?
Damon: (thinking about it for a moment, then finishing his drink) Here's goes everything. (He leaves; Stefan sighs and sits along at the table until he spots Caroline walks down the street. He quickly leaves the restaurant to catch up to her).
Stefan: Hey.
Caroline: (turning toward him) Hey, so am I your last stop on the Stefan Salvatore apology tour?
Stefan: Could we just get past this, please?
Caroline: I'm trying to.
Stefan: Look, Caroline. What do you want me to do huh? Stop making me guess and tell me so we can go back to being friends again.
Caroline: Yeah well you know that's the thing Stefan after all of this, I-I don't want to be friends anymore. (She walks away, leaving him alone on the street; he sighs and shoves his hands in his pockets)
[ Whitmore-Dorm Room ]
( Music Playing )
( Damon walks down the hallway toward Elena's room. )
( In Elena's room, she goes through the box of Damon's things. Pulling out her diary which holds a strip of photographs of the two of them together. She pulls it out and looks at them. )
( Damon continues toward Elena's room. Elena pulls out Damon's black leather jacket. )
( Damon reaches Elena's door and knocks. Elena takes a deep breath, pausing for a moment as Damon waits anxiously at the door. Elena hesitantly walks toward the door, reaches for the door knob and slowly opens the door to face Damon. After four months of him being gone, the two finally get a chance to see each other face to face. Their eyes meet. )
END | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x06 - The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
I want you compel to forget that I ever loved him.
Who is Damon Salvatore.
He was a monster.
Where the hell are we?
We're never getting out.
There's someone else here.
To get home we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic. It's called an ascendant.
Forgetting someone?
I'm back.
I know what Alaric is. I know what you are. You're a witch.
Wait. You're from Mystic Falls?
Born and raised. One of the founding families actually.
Stefan could have told me there was a hunter in town.
Elena: I want my memories back.
Wait. What?
I want Alaric to uncompel me.
I'm not supposed to be alive.
Alaric's not a vampire anymore, Elena. He's human.
There's a girl you need to go see.
( Damon and Elena are staring at each other )
Damon: ( nervous ) Okay, I'll start. I know Alaric eternal sunshined our relationship out of your brain but please, please tell me it's coming back.
( Damon bounces on the balls of his feet, while Elena stares blankly )
Damon: Or at least part of it, because...imagining this exact moment is what got me through the last few months.
( Elena stares for a moment )
Elena: I'm not sure what to say.
Damon: Easy, so easy.
( Damon steps forward and grabs her arms )
Damon: Just say, that you missed me as much as I missed you.
( Elena looks up at him and slightly shakes her head )
Elena: I remember...pain.
( Elena moves her arms away from Damon. Damon looks disappointed )
Elena: I remember all the terrible things that you did to the people I care about.
( Damon looks down, trying to find words )
Elena: I honestly don't remember anything good between us.
( Damon continues to look hurt )
Elena: I thought if I saw you in person it might change everything but...
Damon: Maybe you just need a little more time.
Elena: Damon, I know that I loved you.
Damon: Yeah.
( Damon smiles )
Elena: And I know that apparently I forgave you for all of the awful things that you did.
( Damon looks down )
Damon: Yeah, w...
Elena: But I just don't remember it. I'm sorry, I just don't...feel it anymore. I'm sorry.
Damon: Yeah, um... I'm
( Damon slowly backs out of the dorm )
Damon: ( whispering ) Yeah
Elena: ( grabbing for the door ) Damon, I-I really am sorry.
( Damon moves his lips multiple times but can't find the words as the door shuts in his face )
( Damon touches a bunch of buttons on Alaric's heart monitor )
Alaric: Hey. I really don't think you should be playing with all that stuff.
Damon: Keep going. We are on a roll. All the terrible things I did to people that Elena cared about. Let's see. I turned Caroline into my own personal blood juice box, I turned Matt's sister into a vampire and thr*at to k*ll Bon-Bon a couple times.
Alaric: More than a couple.
Damon: Subjective. Sometimes, I was being funny.
Alaric: And you k*lled Stefan's best friend at his birthday party.
Damon: Unfortunate coincidence.
Alaric: And then you snapped Jeremy's neck when Elena said she'd never love you.
Damon: On second thought, let's focus on all the charming, heroic things you obliterated from my girl's mind.
Alaric: God, if I could take it all back, I would.
Damon: I know. And listen. Despite the fact that my long list of dastardly deeds involves k*lling you, I'm glad you're alive.
Alaric: Thanks, man.
Damon: Yeah.
( Damon taps hard on Alaric's shoulder and Alaric winces from the pain )
Damon: Although had you actually died a vampire instead of becoming human again, your compulsion would have gone away, and Elena would be mine again.
Alaric: Hey. Really heartfelt. Appreciate it.
Damon: Now she's stuck with only evil me memories forever and ever.
Alaric: If you k*ll me, I am d*ad for good this time. You remember that.
( Damon yanks the heart monitor off of Alaric's finger, and the monitor flatlines. Jo enters, confused by the monitor and Damon's presence )
Jo: Good morning.
Alaric: Hey. I don't know if this is a good time.
Damon: Just a heads-up, doc. You're gonna be in real high demand with a bunch of vampires who want to be human again if you could repeat that little healing trick that you did at the border with Ric last night.
Jo: Well, just a heads-up, but saving Alaric's life was a matter of a treatable death wound, perfect timing, and fear of losing the most interesting guy I've dated in a while adrenaline. One hundred percent unrepeatable, which is why you will tell no one.
Damon: She's bossy.
Alaric: Mm-hmm.
Damon: I like her.
( Damon taps Alaric, who winces in pain again )
Jo: Do you have a nice suit and a clean pair of socks?
Alaric: Uh, yeah, I think so.
Jo: Good. I'm releasing you. Hospital fundraiser's tonight. I'm making the interns go, so I need a date. I'll start your paperwork.
( Enzo interrogates Tripp, who is chained to a chair, while Stefan and Matt observe )
Enzo: Hello again. That was quite a mess you made at the border last night. h*t and run. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Good thing Matt here was in the neighborhood to give you a ride home.
Tripp: You brought me here?
Matt: You went after my friends. What'd you expect?
Tripp: Your friends who k*ll people.
Stefan: Come on, Enzo. Ask him what you want to know. Let's get this over with.
Enzo: Stefan has already made a very passionate argument in favor of snapping your neck, whereas in a surprising role reversal, I've opted for the "let's think this through, get all the information before we k*ll him" method.
Matt: Don't be a dick. You know, you can dry the vervain out of him, compel him to forget everything, and he'll never set foot in Mystic Falls again.
Enzo: You don't really think he's a one-man vampire busting operation, do you? Look. While Tripp tortured me for the names of your friends, I had a front-row seat to quite a few urgent phone calls and visits from mysterious right-hand men, many of whom were wearing uniforms not dissimilar to the one you've been traipsing around in. I'd just like to know what they're up to while he's here with us.
( After a b*at, Stefan picks up a hammer and slams it onto Tripp's hand )
Tripp: Aah! Aah. They're doing the same thing they were when they were with me. They're tracking vampires like your friend Caroline Forbes.
Stefan: Take two hours, get the names of his men and what they know. After that, he's a liability. Get rid of him.
( Caroline and Elena sit on a blanket on the Whitmore campus )
Caroline: You didn't feel anything?
Elena: I felt scared and guilty, and his eyes were really, really blue and pretty, but... no. I don't remember loving him.
Caroline: So you don't remember. So be it.
Elena: That's your advice?
Caroline: Well, Elena, look at your life right now. You're doing well in school, you're following your dreams, you met Liam, who also has very pretty eyes, not mention he's never k*lled your brother.
Elena: True.
Caroline: I mean, I just gave Stefan the friend boot. Maybe a little break from the Salvatore brothers is in the cards for the both of us. Look. McDreamy's coming. I got to go. I'll see you later.
Elena: Bye.
( Liam sits down with Elena )
Liam: So guess who came into the hospital for a shoulder arthroscopy this morning.
Elena: Hello to you, too.
Liam: Lady Whitmore, the girl from the bonfire, the one you miraculously saved from certain death and I can't figure out how. Turns out she was here on a tennis scholarship before she blew out her arm last year. Now she needs to get her cartilage cleaned out every 6 months.
Elena: You're still obsessing over that.
Liam: But here's the crazy part. She doesn't remember getting hurt in the corn maze crash.
Elena: Wow! She must have been really drunk.
Liam: I'm gonna take a look at her labs, see if she's not an alien or a super soldier or something.
( Elena laughs )
Elena: When do volunteers have access to the patient labs?
Liam: Since never, but if you rat me out, you can't be my date to the hospital fundraiser tonight.
Elena: Yeah? Well, we have to go. Jo said that it's mandatory.
Liam: Doesn't mean it can't still be a date.
( Liam kisses Elena briefly and leaves; Elena sighs, not unhappy but unsure about Liam's investigation )
( Bonnie wakes up on a sofa, her shirt still soaked with her own blood )
Kai: Oh. Look who's awake. How do you feel?
Bonnie: Like you sh*t me with an arrow.
Kai: Right. Anyhoo, I have no idea how you managed to shatter the ascendant into a billion pieces, but we need to put it together before the eclipse at 12:28. You want to help? I know you're a puzzle person.
Bonnie: I don't want to help. You're a psychopath. This place is your prison. I'm not letting you out. Besides, you'll just k*ll me the minute we get out.
Kai: You've been through a trauma. Your memory's probably a little fuzzy right now, so you might be thinking that your magic will protect you, but all I have to do is hold your hand, and your magic suddenly becomes mine.
( Kai channels Bonnie's magic aggressively; Bonnie winces, weak from her injury )
Kai: What was that? Huh? What? You're gonna do the spell and finally get us home?
( Bonnie s*ab Kai in the neck with a pen; he drops to the floor and passes out, and Bonnie scoops the pieces of the Ascendant into her bag and escapes )
( Stefan knocks on the doorframe; Caroline looks back at him, then away )
Caroline: That's weird.
Stefan: What's weird?
Caroline: None of your business. We're not friends anymore, which means you can't just show up unannounced at my door. Good bye.
( Caroline goes to shut the door in his face, but Stefan edges in before )
Stefan: Hey, Caroline. Look. You're not safe. Tripp's men still have your name.
Caroline: So, what? You here to protect me? News flash! I don't need your protection, and more importantly, I don't want it.
( Caroline's phone rings and she answers it )
Caroline: Hey, mom. Can I call you back? I'm trying to get a piece of gum off of my shoe.
Sheriff Forbes: Actually, honey, this can't wait. Do you have any idea where Tripp Cook might be?
Caroline: Tripp? No. I have no idea. Why?
Sheriff Forbes: Because one of his men just ran me off the road, and they're gonna k*ll me if they don't get him back.
( Caroline is in the passenger seat while Stefan drives )
Caroline: Answer your phone, Enzo! I just... I didn't call her today, you know? I always call my mom every Saturday morning, but, no, today, I said, "screw it. I want to sleep in. I'll do it tomorrow."
Stefan: Well, don't worry. We're almost there.
Caroline: We're almost there? You said, two hours and then k*ll him." Do you even remember how long ago you said that? I mean, what kind of person sets a ticking clock without setting his watch?
( Caroline's phone rings and she answers it )
Caroline: Tell me that Tripp is still alive.
Enzo: Tripp is still alive, surprisingly t*rture-resistant but alive.
Caroline: What took you so long to answer your phone?
Enzo: My fingers were covered in blood, and the touchscreen wouldn't work.
Caroline: Just don't k*ll him, ok? One of his guys took my mom, so just keep your hands off of him so I can get her back, ok? Enzo, please.
Tripp: I thought I could make the world a better place by getting rid of them, teach kids like you to be strong, defend yourselves, but look at you. You're on the wrong side.
Matt: I'm not on the wrong side, man. My side's just really freaking complicated.
( Enzo enters )
Enzo: Update. Tripp's henchmen kidnapped the sheriff of Mystic Falls.
Matt: What?
Tripp: It's a contingency plan in case anything ever happened to me.
Matt: That's your idea of being on the right side?
Tripp: You can set the meet for the edge of town of Old Miller road. You can do the trade there. They know they'll be safe behind the border. And send Matt. They trust him.
( Bonnie limps inside the hospital and finds a supply cabinet )
Bonnie: Antibiotics. Painkillers.
( She swallows a few pills and replaces the bandage on her abdomen, almost crying from the pain. She looks at the clock as she reassembles the Ascendant – it's 10:45 )
Bonnie: An hour and 43 minutes. I can do this.
( Liv brings bottles of champagne over to Tyler; both are in catering attire. Tyler inexpertly pours glasses of champagne, wincing as one nearly bubbles over the rim )
Liv: Seriously? You don't know how to fill a champagne glass?
Tyler: I never said I was a professional.
Liv: First and most obvious rule, they all have to be even and no slopping over the sides.
Tyler: Thank you.
Liv: For what, not f*ring you? I'm not even paying you.
Tyler: For letting me try to repay you.
Liv: I k*lled someone so that you wouldn't trigger your werewolf curse, and you think that being my bar back for a night is enough to repay me?
Tyler: Honestly, I'd rather chain myself up in a cellar and turn every month than have to wear this lame-ass tie.
Liv: Which isn't straight.
( Liv adjusts Tyler's tie )
Liv: You should take some pride in your appearance.
( Tyler stares at Liv as she walks away. At the entrance, Jo and Alaric arrive )
Alaric: So what are you, the guest of honor or something?
Jo: I won an award for a b*ttlefield medical clamp I patented. Whitmore likes to trot me out when they want to raise money.
Alaric: So basically, you're a genius.
( Damon wedges himself between them, throwing his arms over their shoulders )
Damon: Or she has a witchy advantage. What, supposed to be a secret that she's a witch?
Jo: I don't practice, so no witchy advantage, just a lot of hard work. ( to Alaric ) Who invited him?
Alaric: He sort of invited himself, mostly to stalk Elena.
Damon: Oh, don't be cynical. I'm here to spend some quality time with my once d*ad, now human best bud.
( The door opens and Elena enters. Damon's face falls at the sight of Liam with her )
Damon: Who's that?
Jo: That would be Liam Davis, valedictorian, straight A's freshman year taking junior-level classes, not to mention medical royalty. Not so bad on the eyes either. Looks like he's Elena's date.
Damon: Did I say I liked you? I meant the opposite.
( Elena writes her name down for a raffle )
Liam: You know those things are rigged, right?
Elena: Is that another one of your conspiracy theories? Super soldiers take over the world to carry out vicious fundraising schemes?
Liam: Well, when you say it like that, I sound like a loser.
Elena: When I win my trip to Fiji, you don't have to come.
( They kiss )
Elena: Oh. Ok. Maybe you can come.
( Elena sees Damon staring at them unhappily )
Elena: Can you grab us a couple drinks?
Liam: Sure.
( Liam walks away as Damon approaches Elena )
Elena: Sorry. I didn't know that you were here.
( Liam returns )
Liam: Hey. Wine or beer?
Elena: You know, um, it doesn't matter, whatever you want.
( Elena fails to prevent Damon and Liam interacting; Damon shakes Liam's hand )
Damon: Hi. Damon Salvatore, Elena's ex. Nice to meet you...
Liam: Liam.
Damon: Liam.
Liam: Wait. Damon?
Damon: Damon.
Liam: As in the ex who died?
Elena: Right. Yeah, um, that is what I... What I told you. Obviously, that's not true.
Damon: It's a figure of speech. It's more kind of an emotional death. You know, it was a very messy breakup, but we're past that now, right? We're... we're in the friend stage.
Elena: Right.
Damon: Yeah.
Elena: Yeah.
Damon: So the ex meets the new guy. Heh. ( compelling ) How freaked out are you right now?
Liam: I feel a little thr*at, but I think I could take you.
Damon: Confident. Pfft. Sexy.
Elena: Damon.
Liam: I'm sorry. What's going on?
Damon: Focus. ( compelling ) Go the bar, get her a Chardonnay.
( Liam walks away )
Elena: I hate Chardonnay.
Damon: I know.
Elena: What are you doing?
Damon: I'll explain on the dance floor. May I?
( Caroline and Stefan enter )
Enzo: Hello, gorgeous.
Caroline: What did you do to him?
Enzo: Oh, he's fine. Just a little blood loss. I think he may have an iron deficiency problem.
Stefan: Knock it off. Her mother's life is on the line.
Enzo: Hang on. Just so I'm clear. All Caroline had to do to get you to treat her with a modicum of respect, is to stop paying attention to you. Is that how this works?
Caroline: Shut up, Enzo. And did he really need 3 chains? I mean, who is this guy, the Hulk?
Stefan: Well, I didn't restrain him.
Caroline: No, but you let your sidekick Enzo do it because what could go wrong when you team up with your sworn enemy?
Enzo: Oh. That's brilliant. Of course that's why she hates you. That's how you worked her into such a state in Savannah. That's why she told you to go take a leap. She hates you because she doesn't hate you at all.
Stefan: I'm sorry. Are you still talking?
Enzo: She got a thing for you, mate. ( to Caroline ) Tell your mum I send my best.
( Enzo leaves; Caroline and Stefan share an awkward silence )
Caroline: Whatever he just said, it will never be discussed again, ok?
Stefan: Mm-hmm.
( Elena and Damon are dancing )
Elena: Why are you doing this?
Damon: Why? Well, because I'm an incredible dancer, and it would be a shame not to share my talent with the world. Oh. Don't worry. I didn't see you smile.
( Damon twirls her then reels her in closer )
Damon: Miss Mystic Falls. First time we ever danced. Stefan stood you up... Bloodlust issues, surprise, surprise... So I stepped in.
Elena: You're trying to stir up memories. This isn't a good idea.
Damon: I stepped in, sexy as hell, and saved you from complete and utter humiliation. Of course, you were just worried about Stefan, but there was this moment, this one moment, where everyone else fell away, and it was just the two of us.
Elena: Look. I'm here with someone, Damon. You can't just come unannounced and ruin my night.
Damon: Come unannounced? What are you talking about? I literally went through time and space to be with you.
Elena: I know, but look. Do you want me to feel guilty? Because trust me, Damon. I do, ok? I feel horrible, and I'm sorry, but I don't... I don't know what to tell you. What do you want me to say? I don't remember us.
Damon: I do, and no matter how much I missed you or how much pain I was in, I never would have erased everything we ever had. Even if I was drowning in grief, I'd rather hang on to every moment that I ever held you or every laugh that I ever heard, every shred of happiness that we ever had. I would rather spend every moment in agony than erase the memory of you.
( Damon touches Elena's face; after a moment, she pulls away )
Elena: I need some air.
( Elsewhere, Alaric observes Damon and Elena with Jo )
Jo: So that seems to be going well.
Alaric: Yeah. That's my fault. I shouldn't have compelled her.
Jo: You shouldn't mix painkillers and booze. Whatever you did for Elena, that's her choice. Remember that. No pun intended.
Alaric: I am not on painkillers. In fact, I feel awful, but I am enjoying every miserable human moment of pain.
Jo: To being powerless and mundane.
Alaric: Cheers.
( They clink their glasses and drink )
Alaric: Ahh. So I guess we are both formerly supernatural beings. Should we start a support group?
Jo: Well, technically, I relinquished my magic and put it away for safekeeping.
Alaric: I didn't know you could do that.
Jo: Let's just say I chose to remove myself from a tragically dysfunctional family, and I haven't regretted a moment of it.
( Elsewhere, Liv spots Luke )
Liv: Hey. Who let you in?
Luke: Oh. A radiologist I met at the gym. So what's the story with Tyler?
Liv: It's a short story called "mind your own business."
Luke: Liv, I'm not saying don't have fun, ok, because that's why we're here, but when the coven calls us home, they don't care if we're in love or not.
Liv: You sound like dad, and that's not a compliment.
Luke: Liv.
Liv: Have fun with your gym fling. Leave me to mine.
( Bonnie continues working on reassembling the Ascendant, hurrying; she has all the pieces she brought in place )
Bonnie: Where's the last piece? Where is it? This isn't happening.
( The power shuts off inside the hospital; Bonnie walks out into the corridor, cautiously. Kai appears, holding the missing piece of the Ascendant )
Kai: Looking for this? You stole the ascendant, naughty girl. You weren't planning on using and leaving me behind, were you? You left a trail of blood in the driveway. Figured where else would you stop and play nurse?
Bonnie: Vados!
( The spell explodes glass and sends carts and debris flying at Kai. Bonnie turns and runs, trying to leave the hospital; the first door is locked but she gets out another way. She finds Damon's car and gets in; she turns the keys but the ignition won't catch. Kai appears behind her in the backseat, putting his hands around her throat. Bonnie struggles against him )
Bonnie: Aah! Unh! Get off me!
( Kai talks creepily close to Bonnie's ear )
Kai: I thought about taking the keys, but that'd be like taking the cheese out of a mousetrap, right, Bonnie? Although, you know, fun fact. Mice don't actually like cheese. Isn't that great? Shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh. So we have an hour until the eclipse. It's time to go home, Bonnie.
( Damon takes a sh*t at the bar and gets another, but Elena takes he before he can )
Elena: I want to remember.
Damon: Well, you're a day late and a dollar short, honey?
Elena: I mean, I want to try. Knowing that there's this whole piece of my life missing, it's... it's driving me crazy, ok? So I have to at least try to get it back.
Damon: Yeah. How are you supposed to do that?
Elena: I know there's nothing we can do about the compulsion, but maybe if we unwind the memories backwards, something might trigger something, and maybe they'll all come back, right?
Damon: Yeah. Sure. Tell me what you want me to do.
Elena: Take me to the last place I told you I loved you.
( Damon smiles )
( Bonnie faces away from Kai )
Kai: I brought you a present.
( Kai opens up his bag as Bonnie turns round )
Kai: Ta-da! Ms. Cuddles! Thought you might want to bring her along.
Bonnie: Thanks.
Kai: I know you think I'm a monster. I mean, I did m*rder or heavily maim most of my immediate family, but after a long period of self-reflection, I've come to the conclusion that I could have handled my anger better.
Bonnie: You said you wanted to get out of here... And I quote... "To give the rest of the Gemini coven an excruciating death."
Kai: I didn't mean it. Honestly, I would do anything to get my family back, and the thing I'm most scared of is trying to figure out how to live in the world again. Sort of hoping you've been a positive influence on me. You're a good person, Bonnie. You're brave, loyal, patient. I want to be more like you. ( Kai uses a high-pitched voice for Ms. Cuddles ) What do you say? Friends?
Bonnie: Let's just go home.
( Kai takes out the Ascendant and gives it to Bonnie )
( Caroline waits in the road with Caroline as another car pulls up at the border )
Stefan: They're here.
( Stefan gets Tripp out of the car; Matt gets out the other side. Men get out of the other car, one pointing a g*n at the sheriff )
Caroline: Mom?
Matt: Caroline, stop! The border.
Caroline: You're bleeding? What'd you do to her?
Sheriff Forbes: I'm fine.
Matt: Ok. Let's do this. Let her go, and you can have him.
Man with the g*n: Tripp first.
Caroline: Let her go, or I'll k*ll you.
Sheriff Forbes: Sweetheart, it's ok. Stefan, let Tripp go.
( Stefan releases Tripp, who walks over to the men )
Caroline: He's across. Now let her go.
( The man lets the sheriff go and she walks across the border. Tripp crosses the border; he has a strange look on his face )
Matt: Are you ok?
Tripp: What's happening to me?
( A huge slice across Tripp's throat suddenly appears; he collapses as Matt watches, horrified )
Caroline: Oh, my God.
( Matt watches Tripp die as he exsanguinates; he turns toward Stefan and Caroline )
Matt: What the hell did you do?
Stefan: Wasn't me. Enzo must have turned him into a vampire before we got there.
Kai: It's now or never.
( Bonnie cuts her hand and drips blood onto the Ascendant. She starts to chant when Kai abruptly grabs her arm )
Kai: Just in case you thought you'd try to go without me.
( A drop of blood lands on Ms. Cuddles; Bonnie continues chanting the spell. The Ascendant clicks as the eclipse begins overhead )
Kai: So long, 1994.
( Something goes wrong with the Ascendant )
Kai: What the hell's happening?
Bonnie: I don't know.
Kai: Keep going. Hurry.
Bonnie: I can't.
Kai: Keep going!
Bonnie: I can't. I've lost my magic.
Kai: What are you talking about? You were just doing the spell.
( Kai grabs Bonnie's arms; he looks at her incredulously )
Kai: There's nothing there. There's no magic.
Bonnie: It's so strange. I wonder if I accidentally put it somewhere. Oh, I remember now. I put it somewhere safe.
( Bonnie smirks triumphantly )
Kai: Where did you put your magic?
Bonnie: Do you remember saying you wanted to be more like me... Brave, loyal, patient?
Kai: You put it in the bear, didn't you?
( Kai turns and picks up his bag, but Ms. Cuddles is gone. Kai yells in fury )
Kai: Come on! Where's the stupid bear, hmm?
Bonnie: Oh, it's gone. I guess we're stuck here forever. Sorry.
( Leaning against the hood of the car, Damon looks up at the bright stars in the sky, while Elena stands next to him awkwardly )
Elena: I don't remember being here with you that night.
Damon: Ok. What do you remember? How are you rewired?
Elena: I remember that we had to stop the travelers.
Damon: Yeah.
Elena: You had a plan, but you didn't tell anyone what you were doing, and the next thing I know, you're d*ad. I heard that you drove your car into the grill and then blew yourself up so that you could trigger some expl*si*n.
Damon: There's just one little part of that story that you're missing. You got in the car with me.
Elena: What?!
Damon: I was all ready to go, and the door opens, and you jump in the car and say, "we're in this together," and you weren't taking no for an answer. That was the moment I realized you were the perfect girl for me because you were just as crazy as I was.
Elena: Ok. Tell me more. Something happy?
Damon: Ok. Happy. Well, there is a motel ice machine in Denver that's got some stories.
Elena: What else?
Damon: Well, can't forget the night of your graduation.
Elena: Well, I did, so...
Damon: Shame. Probably one of your best speeches. You in your very passionate and adorable way told me you were in love with me, and hell if you were gonna apologize for it. My favorite memory of us, oh, one that I've relived a million times over the last 4 months is this summer night that we had before you went off to college. You wanted to show me this meteor shower, so we drove out in the middle of nowhere, and the moment those sh**ting stars started to fall, rain, lots of rain. You were so sure it would clear, and it was just easier to believe you, and I took your hand...
( Damon takes Elena's hand and puts it on his shoulder. Elena stares into his eyes, then blinks )
Elena: This isn't working. I'm sorry.
( She turns and walks a bit away )
Damon: Hey. Maybe you just need to try a little harder.
Elena: I am trying! I get that we had an amazing life together, and I know that I loved the fact that you were reckless and probably made me feel very free, but now when I look into your eyes, I just...
Damon: What? What do you feel like?
Elena: I feel like... Like I'm looking at a stranger because I'm never gonna be able to give you what you want, because I just can't remember.
Damon: Hey. There are things you can't erase, and you know that. ( He holds her face in his hands ) Hey.
( Damon's face gets closer to Elena's; Elena pulls his hands down and Damon backs off )
Damon: Sorry.
( Elena gets a determined look and starts walking away )
Damon: Where are you going? Elena! Hey!
( Elena crosses the Mystic Falls border and starts drowning )
Damon: Elena!
( Rapid flashbacks of all the memories of Damon that Elena was compelled to forget; one stands out among the rest as Elena gags on the water in her lungs )
Damon: Elena!
( Damon grabs Elena and pulls her back to safety; she gasps for air )
Damon: Hey! What the hell are you doing? Ninety more seconds, you'd be d*ad. Hey.
Elena: I'm trying to undo the compulsion. It's the only way.
Damon: No, no, no, no. Hey. Listen. I would give anything for you to remember, but I'm not gonna risk your life. It's the last thing I would ever do... Even if you don't remember that. Let's get you home.
( Caroline hovers over her mom at Whitmore Medical Center )
Sheriff Forbes: This is totally unnecessary.
Caroline: You h*t your head. You could have a concussion, and I know better than to trust that you're going to take yourself for a checkup back home.
( Caroline turns to Stefan )
Caroline: You can go now. We're fine.
Sheriff Forbes: Sweetheart, could you at least just check and see how long the wait is gonna be?
Caroline: Gladly.
Sheriff Forbes: Ok.
( Caroline walks away )
Sheriff Forbes: I see she's still icing you out.
Stefan: Yeah. Anyway, you want to help me fix that?
Sheriff Forbes: Sorry, Stefan. I'm her mother. I'm not allowed.
Stefan: Right.
( Caroline returns with a nurse )
Caroline: I'll be right outside, ok?
Sheriff Forbes: Ok.
( Caroline and Stefan step out into the hall; Stefan closes the door behind him )
Caroline: Please don't ask my mother for her opinions.
Stefan: You heard that?
Caroline: Yeah. I've got superhearing. I hear everything.
Stefan: Only when you listen.
( Caroline glares at him then looks away, Stefan sighs )
Stefan: Why?
Caroline: Why was I listening?
Stefan: Why do you have a thing for me?
Caroline: I don't.
Stefan: Ok. Um... Why did you have a thing for me?
Caroline: We said that we would never talk about this again, so just...
Stefan: Look, Caroline, please just talk to me. Tell me how, tell me why. Please just make me understand how it is that I missed it.
Caroline: What kind of a stupid question is that? Why did I have a thing for you? I don't know, Stefan. Maybe it's because I thought you worth having a thing for, because when I woke up as a vampire you told me that I would get through it and I did, because when I watched Elena move on with your brother I couldn't imagine why she would let anyone like you go, because you were practically my best friend, because I trusted you.
Stefan: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not seeing it, I'm sorry for not...
Caroline: Feeling it back?
Stefan: No. I didn't say that. I... I... Look. I don't know what I felt. You know, my head was all over the place, but I am incredibly sorry for the way that I treated you.
Caroline: Yeah. Well... I know what you felt, Stefan, because even if just a little tiny piece of you felt for me what I was starting to feel for you, you wouldn't have walked away, and I don't hate you for that. I don't hate you for mourning your brother, I don't hate you for being the biggest jerk on the planet while doing so, and I accept your apology.
Stefan: But you do still hate me.
Caroline: Yes. Yeah, I hate you because if I don't hate you for ruining our friendship, then I have to hate myself for ruining it, and I think that I deserve better than that.
( Caroline walks away, leaving Stefan behind )
( Damon walks Elena back to her dorm room )
Elena: I remembered something out there, just bits and pieces, but, um... There were these stars, and then it started to rain.
Damon: When you became a vampire, part of me was thrilled because suddenly there was this possibility I could have you in my life forever, but then the other part of me was devastated because I realized you'd lost the life that you wanted to have.
Elena: It started to rain, and then what happened, Damon?
Damon: And since I've been gone, you've gotten part of that life back. You're thriving, you're happy. Yeah, sure. Maybe you'd be happy if we gave it another chance, but the truth is is... You're better off without me.
Elena: What are you talking about?
Damon: I died. You started over. I need you to live your life. Be happy. I love you, Elena. Enough to let you go.
( Damon looks down, sad; Elena continues to look at him )
Elena: It started to rain, and then what?
Damon: It got cold and muddy. You were miserable, so we got in the car and... We drove home.
( Damon turns and leaves; Elena doesn't look satisfied with this answer )
( Alaric and Jo enter Jo's apartment; Alaric moans in pain )
Alaric: Ok. Ohh. I might have to rethink this whole painkiller thing.
Jo: I need to get out of this dress and order a pizza.
Alaric: Ok.
( Alaric sits on the couch, groaning, while Jo goes into the next room and starts changing clothes. Alaric sees her shirtless; he notices a huge scar on her abdomen as she buttons up her shirt )
Alaric: Ouch.
Jo: This? Yeah I had an accident when I was younger. I lost my spleen.
Alaric: Car accident?
Jo: Actually it was less an accident and more like my brother tried to gut me with a hunting Kn*fe. Like I said, tragically dysfunctional family. I just k*lled the mood, didn't I?
Alaric: No, no. Let's just say, uh, we both have complicated, tragic, and dysfunctional histories. Guess we're a match.
( They start making out )
( Liam knocks on the open door and Elena turns round )
Liam: Hey.
Elena: Hey. You're still talking to me. Sorry I ran out like that.
( Liam puts a folder in Elena's hands )
Elena: What's this?
Liam: So I finally got a look at lady Whitmore's labs. Turns out they sent her home without doing the shoulder surgery because the injury doesn't exist anymore. Seems to have spontaneously healed itself, and all this after meeting your d*ad boyfriend tonight? None of this adds up. The only thing that's really clear is that you're not just a liar, but you're a liar with secrets, so you can tell me the truth, or I can figure this out on my own.
( Liam leaves and Elena sighs, shutting her eyes )
( Damon pours some bourbon on a grave )
Damon: One for you, one for me. Cheers, Horatio Fell.
( Damon recalls the night with Elena, watching for sh**ting stars. In the memory, Elena smiles big and Damon smiles back, when it starts to rain )
Damon: Come on. It's time to abandon ship.
Elena: No, no, no, wait. Just give it a second. It'll clear up.
( It starts raining harder. Damon and Elena kiss )
Elena: Promise me this is forever.
Damon: I promise.
( They smile and kiss again, getting soaked in the rain. In the present, Damon raises the bottle as he stumbles toward the Salvatore mausoleum )
Damon: To optimism.
( Suddenly he sees Ms. Cuddles, sitting outside the mausoleum )
Damon: Bonnie. ( he hugs Ms. Cuddles ) You're still alive.
( Damon smiles, incredulous but excited )
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x07 - Do You Remember the First Time?"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on The Vampire Diaries...
Kai: To get home, we'll harness the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic.
Elena: What about Bonnie?
Damon: She sacrificed herself so I could come back.
Kai: Where did you put your magic?
Bonnie: I put it somewhere safe?
Caroline: I hate you because if I don't hate you then I have to hate myself, and I deserve better than that.
Enzo: She hates because she's got a thing for you, mate.
Liam: I got a look at Lady Whitmore's labs. It turns out the injury doesn't exist anymore. You're not just a liar, but you're a liar with secrets.
I'm older than you.
By 5 minutes.
Tyler: Just trying to check what page we're on.
Luke: When the coven calls us home, they don't care if we're in love or not.
Liv: You sound like dad, and that's not a compliment.
[ FLASHBACK – MAY 9, 1994 ]
( Jo lies on the ground, a Kn*fe stuck in her abdomen. In the distance, screams and whimpering is heard while Kai calls out )
Kai (V.O.): Josette. Where are they?
( Jo pulls the Kn*fe out, sobbing quietly )
Kai (V.O.): Oh, Jo. Come on out, Jo. I know you can hear me.
( Jo gets up, dripping blood on the floor; she walks to the next room and sees two young children hiding )
Kai (V.O.): Josette? Where are they, Jo?
Jo: ( whispering ) Hey. Everything's gonna be OK, all right? Everybody's just playing a game. You guys want to play a game? You want to play hide-and-seek? Shh. OK.
( Kai follows Jo's trail of blood )
Kai: Come on out, Jo. You know I won't k*ll you.
( Kai walks slowly into the bedroom where Jo and the children are hiding under the bed. He starts to walk away after a minute, but then comes back and lifts up the bed. The scene transitions into Kai opening the trunk of a car )
Kai: Wakey, wakey.
( Kai pulls Bonnie out of the trunk; her hands are bound with rope )
Kai: Ohh.
Bonnie: How did I...
Kai: Get so lucky to arrive here on a private flight piloted by yours truly? Oh, you would have been super-impressed with my flying skills, but I'd already knocked you out with painkillers.
Bonnie: Where are we?
Kai: Portland, Oregon, stomping grounds of Courtney Love, Tonya Harding, and tons of other awesome people.
Bonnie: You could have brought me anywhere in the world, and you took me to Portland?
Kai: This is where I grew up.
( Kai cuts off the ropes roughly )
Bonnie: Ow!
Kai: I've been counting eclipses since I was imprisoned on this empty planet, and according to my running tally, I've been here for 6,771 supernaturally repeating days, so in the real world, which we'll never get back to because you sent your magic away in a Teddy bear, today's my favorite day of the year.
Bonnie: And what day is that?
Kai: Thanksgiving. I'm cooking you dinner.
Elena: I'm a vampire.
Caroline: I don't know. Maybe a little less emphasis on vampire.
Elena: I'm... a vampire. I mean, there's only so many ways you can say it.
Caroline: Well, maybe Liam will stop digging into Lady Whitmore's miraculous recovery, and you won't have to come clean.
Elena: Or he'll keep digging, realize that I force-fed her my vampire blood, and then just bail.
Caroline: OK. You know all of this can go away with one fell mind wipe.
Elena: So lie, and lie – again, and again, and again.
Caroline: OK. If you want to tell him the truth, I support you 100%, but if you're rushing into this to escape some conflicted feelings over a certain ex who just came back into your life, then I suggest you keep your fangs to yourself.
( Jo enters )
Elena: Jo.
Jo: Hi.
Elena: Where's Alaric?
Jo: Don't k*ll the messenger. Something about an impromptu guys' weekend.
( A few minutes later, Elena is on the phone with Alaric )
Elena: You can't miss Friendsgiving. I mean, Matt and Jeremy are already cleaning up the whole Tripp mess, and Caroline's mom has to work. We're already low on friends as it is.
Alaric: Well, if it's any consolation, our Thanksgiving was roadside chili.
( Stefan and Damon talk while Alaric continues talking to Elena )
Stefan: Hey. Were you invited to Friendsgiving?
Damon: Of course. Caroline demanded I bring string beans.
Stefan: Huh.
Damon: Why? Were you not invited?
Stefan: Nope.
Damon: Ooh, boy. You messed with the wrong girl's feelings. Heh heh.
( Elena reacts to what Alaric has told her offscreen )
Elena: What do you mean Bonnie's in the prison world? Damon said that she wasn't there, that she found peace with... Why didn't he tell me this?
Damon: Why wouldn't I consult you in a decision that might permanently change your life? Hmm. I wonder.
Alaric: He didn't want to get your hopes up. He honestly thought Bonnie died trying to free him. If she sent her Teddy bear over, it could mean she's still...
Elena: Bonnie's still alive? Oh, my God!
Alaric: Yeah. So we're in Portland right now, trying to track down some Gemini thing.
Damon: Ascendant.
Elena: This is amazing.
Stefan: Alaric, you might want to keep the news to yourself. I tracked this lead months ago. It was a d*ad end.
Alaric: Stefan sends his love.
Elena: Wait. What...
( Alaric hangs up; Caroline appears behind Elena )
Caroline: Bonnie's alive?
( Elena nods, and they both laugh and smile ecstatically )
Alaric: Is that the reason Caroline assigned me the turkey and the Cranberries. Stefan wasn't invited.
Damon: See what you did? Now we're pulling your weight. I really hope you figure this out before Christmas.
Stefan: Yeah. Well, I'm glad you're both finding amusement in this.
Damon: Why don't you just date her, put us all out of our misery?
Stefan: Because I don't think about her that way. She's my friend.
Damon: Who would make a great girlfriend. Look. One, she's hot – objectively.
Alaric: Two, she puts up with you.
Damon: Big plus. Three, very, very well organized.
Stefan: Organizational skills?
Damon: There are no drawbacks to this woman, Stefan.
Alaric: ( to Damon ) Eh, she did sleep with you.
Damon: See? Another plus.
Stefan: Oh! Look. We're here. Behold the Gemini Coven exactly how it looked 4 months ago.
( The three look at what appears to be a completely empty field )
Kai: Ah. Memories.
( Kai walks onto the porch of a house, which is where Alaric, Damon and Stefan are in the real world )
Kai: Pitter-patter of little siblings' feet, witchy-woo, chanting in the air, mom and dad calling me an abomination.
Bonnie: Why did you want to come back here?
Kai: Because I can finally show it to someone. My coven goes out of their way to make sure no one finds us, but since they're not here to be paranoid freak shows, mi casa es su casa. Come on.
( Bonnie follows Kai into the house )
Stefan: Like I said, uh, 3,000 miles ago, it's not here. Can we, uh, go home now, please?
Alaric: You know what? Check the GPS again. Just because we don't see anything doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Damon: Not unlike Caroline's feelings for Stefan.
Stefan: Hilarious. Keep them coming.
( Damon holds Ms. Cuddles next to his face and uses a high-pitched voice, moving the bear's arms around )
Damon: Oh, no. Is Stefan feeling sensitive about ruining his friendship with Caroline? She really liked him, and he broke her heart.
Alaric: See, Stefan? Even the bear knew.
Damon: ( Ms. Cuddles voice ) I saw that from a mile away, and my brain's made of cotton.
Stefan: Give me this.
( Stefan grabs the bear and punts it straight into the field. It hits some kind of invisible barrier, and suddenly a large house appears in front of them. Damon walks up onto the porch and picks up Ms. Cuddles )
Damon: Ms. Cuddles, one – invisible creepy mansion, zero.
( Tyler sets a bucket of ice onto the dinner table; Liv walks into the room )
Liv: Where do you want the stuffing?
Tyler: Well, hello to you, too.
( Jo enters )
Jo: I'll take that. Hi. I'm Jo. You look... have we met before?
Liv: Liv, and no, but you're dating my Occult Studies professor, which I guess somehow earned you an invite for Thanksgiving dinner.
Jo: Nice to meet you, too.
( After this frosty introduction, Jo leaves the room with the dish Liv brought )
Tyler: Where's Luke?
Liv: He's outside testing a new filter on his phone. He's making me this stupid retrospective video for our birthday. Twenty-two. Go us.
( Liv dumps her jacket into Tyler's hands as Elena enters carrying more dishes of food. Elena mouths, "What's with her?" but Tyler just shrugs. Elena turns around to see Liam arrive )
Elena: Liam, hey. You're here.
Liam: Bearing the white wine of surrender. I owe you an apology. I checked Lady Whitmore's medical records again, and everything was normal, which I would have known if I had double-checked them before making accusations that were unfounded, baseless, dickish. Is that enough adjectives?
Elena: ( smiling ) Getting there.
( Jo walks over to take the wine from Liam )
Jo: ( to the wine ) Am I glad to see you. ( to Liam ) You, too, Liam.
Elena: ( to Liam ) Come on.
( Elena hands a dish to Liam )
Elena: Would you mind?
Liam: Yeah.
Elena: Thanks.
( Elena walks over to Jo )
Elena: Hey. Um, did you...
Jo: Risk my career switching Lady Whitmore's medical chart? I'm glad it worked.
Elena: Yeah. Thank you.
( Jo smiles as Elena looks relieved )
( Damon rings the doorbell of the house and the three of them wait on the porch; Alaric is holding Ms. Cuddles )
Stefan: Anybody want to take a s*ab at how Bonnie's Teddy bear undid whatever was cloaking this place?
Damon: He said without laughing.
Alaric: Jo told me she got rid of her magic by putting it away for safekeeping. Maybe Bonnie put her magic away in this.
Stefan: Why would Bonnie put her magic in Ms. Cuddles?
Damon: To keep Kai from using her to get out.
( Damon opens the door but can't enter – he hasn't been invited in )
Alaric: Can't say I miss that.
Damon: It's all yours, brother.
( Alaric hands Ms. Cuddles to Damon before walking into the house. He walks up the stairs, cautiously )
( Kai crosses a hallway, which is covered in bloodstains. He joins Bonnie in the kitchen )
Kai: That smells great. Not exactly a turkey dinner, but it's what my family had in the fridge on May 10, 1994.
( Bonnie picks up Kai's pager and takes it out of the case )
Kai: Don't touch that.
Bonnie: ( laughing ) Your pager? Why?
Kai: Because it's brand-new, looks cool, and I don't want you to bust it.
( Kai takes the pager away and returns to the stove where he's making dinner )
Bonnie: Listen, Kai. My magic's gone, which means we will be stuck here forever. Why don't we just divide the world in half and go our separate ways?
Kai: I get it. I knocked you out, kidnapped you against your will. Can't you see I'm trying to apologize?
Bonnie: I will never trust you or like you or enjoy your company for so much as one second, so just quit trying. Just let me leave here unharmed.
Kai: Fine. Can we at least have one last dinner conversation before my eternity of aloneness resumes?
Bonnie: So you agree? One last dinner, and then we peacefully go our separate ways.
Kai: In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'll even let you take my car.
( Bonnie accepts this, and picks up a bottle of wine )
Bonnie: How can I help?
Caroline: All right! If everyone could gather around the table at their assigned seats, then, um...
( Luke walks in )
Luke: Oh. Sorry I'm late.
Caroline: ( continuing ) We will each share something that we are thankful for in 100 words or less, so...
( While everyone else sits, Tyler walks over to Liv )
Tyler: Do you want a drink? Once we sit, there's a good chance Caroline won't let anyone get up.
Liv: I'm not really in the mood.
Tyler: Did I do something to piss you off?
Liv: No, Tyler. You didn't.
( She pats him on the shoulder as she walks over to the table )
Luke: Uh, anyone want to see some embarrassing baby videos of Liv?
Caroline: Oh. You know what? Now would actually be an excellent time just to shut down anything with an on-off button.
( Luke ignores her and plays a video on his phone; Tyler and Liv watch from behind him )
Caroline: ( sarcastically ) No. Please let the food get cold. Whatever that is is far more important.
( On the video, a woman's voice talks to two children )
Woman: Happy Birthday! Wave to me!
Children: Hi, Josie.
Woman: How old are you?
Children: Four.
Woman: How do you add that? You guys want to do some numbers? OK. What's one plus one?
Children: Two!
Woman: Two plus two?
Children: Four!
Woman: Nice.
( Jo enters the room with Elena; she looks puzzled )
Jo: What are you watching?
Elena: That kind of sounds like your voice.
Jo: That is my voice. I took that video 18 years ago at a birthday party for the twins.
Liv: Oh, my God.
Jo: Lukas and Olivia?
Luke: Jo as in Josette?
Elena: Hang on. You guys know each other?
( Jo is tearing up )
Jo: I'm their sister.
( Outside the house, Alaric sifts through a handful of photographs )
Alaric: Jo lived here. There's a drawer inside full of stuff, newspaper articles about Jo's medical clamp, pictures of her as a kid, pictures of her as a teenager.
( Damon grabs a photo out of the stack )
Damon: Hold, please. Rewind. That's Kai from planet 1994.
Stefan: Wait. Jo is his sister?
Damon: Either that, or they both have a thing for Cosby sweaters.
( A man appears several feet away )
Joshua: I didn't know I had guests. You've met Kai?
Damon: Met him? Watched him die, watched him come back to life. Why? You know him?
Joshua: Yeah. He's my son. I'm Joshua Parker.
Damon: Damon Salvatore.
( They shake hands )
Joshua: Invisique.
( After the spell, Stefan and Alaric look around in confusion )
Stefan: What the hell just happened?
Alaric: I don't know.
Damon: What's wrong with you guys?
Joshua: They can't see you anymore, Damon, which means they also can't see this.
( Joshua holds up his hand toward Damon's head, and Damon groans in pain, clutching his head and sinking to the ground )
Damon: Ohh! No!
( Alaric and Stefan can't see the house, Damon or Joshua anymore – they've disappeared )
Caroline: So if you don't know each other, then how did you all just happen to end up at the same tiny liberal arts school?
Jo: We had a family friend here... Sheila Bennett.
Elena: You knew Bonnie's grams?
Jo: She took me under her wing. She also helped my family put Kai away.
Elena: Kai? Wh... Kai as in Damon's Kai?
Jo: As in our brother, my twin.
Caroline: There are two sets of twins in your family?
Luke: Yeah, there were until my coven put Kai in a prison world.
Liv: Now there's just Luke and me.
( Liam stands up )
Liam: I'm sorry. Did you say coven?
Elena: Oh, my God. Liam... ( looks significantly at Liv and Luke ) Is still here.
Tyler: I think he meant "oven".
Elena: Yeah.
Caroline: Oh, look! We don't have a wine opener on the table. ( compelling ) Liam, you have a wine opener in your room. Why don't you get it? Take your time.
( Liam leaves under Caroline's compulsion )
Caroline: As you were saying, you put Kai away?
Jo: Kai k*lled 4 of our bothers and sisters to make a point, but he was really targeting Lukas and Olivia.
Tyler: Why them?
Jo: Because in our coven, twins are in line to be leaders.
Liv: Hence our lame-ass name... Gemini.
Jo: Kai wanted to be the leader, but that wasn't possible if Lukas and Olivia were alive.
[ FLASHBACK – MAY 9, 1994 ]
Jo (V.O.): So I protected them with magic.
( Kai lifts the bed and turns it over; young Lukas and Olivia have disappeared, leaving Jo alone to face Kai )
Jo (V.O.): Which just pissed him off more.
Kai: Where are they?
Jo (V.O.): My brother was born without his own magic. He can only draw it from others. It made him feel like a freak. My parents saw him acting out, isolating himself, and they realized that he'd never be capable of leading our coven, so they kept having children until another set of twins were born.
( In the flashback, Kai opens an armoir, but the children aren't there. He kicks it, breaking the doors. Jo sobs on the floor )
Jo (V.O.): Kai figured it out, and he snapped.
( Kai picks up a baseball bat )
Kai: Where are they?!
( Jo says nothing and Kai kicks her hard in the stomach; she screams in pain. )
Jo: Run!
( The children appear from under the cloaking spell and run into the next room; Kai follows the sound they made )
( Damon wakes up and finds himself lying on a sofa. He groans in pain, then sits up and sees Joshua standing across the room, holding up a hand )
Joshua: Just need some information. Not looking to make enemies.
Damon: Funny way of showing it, buddy.
Joshua: You were trapped with Kai. I need to know how you got out.
Damon: Ohh. Strangest months of my life. That whole repeating the same day thing, phew, disconcerting.
Joshua: Is Kai still there?
Damon: Yeah he is, with my friend Bonnie, which leads me to why I'm here.
Joshua: Does Kai know how to escape?
Damon: Look. I'll tell you everything you want to know, but first, I need something from you. It's round, about yea big, a bunch of little gears and wheels and things. It's a lot harder to describe than I thought.
Joshua: The Ascendant.
Damon: Yeah. You know it. Where is it?
Joshua: Why would I give you the key to my son's prison?
Damon: Because I'll say please?
Joshua: Do you have any idea what it feels like to come home and find 4 of your children d*ad, another one impaled, two running for their lives? Do you think that image has ever left my mind?
Liv: He was a psychopath, so they sent him away. Kai went to his prison, Jo dodged a b*llet, and now the leadership falls on us.
Caroline: OK. Well, now that we've all gotten to know each other a little bit better, could someone please pass the dinner rolls?
Liv: Sorry that my family drama isn't appropriate dinner conversation, Caroline.
Caroline: That's not what I meant. It's...
( Liv stands up and starts to leave )
Tyler: Liv...
Liv: Just... Leave me alone.
( Liv leaves )
Elena: OK. I think I may have missed something. If you and Liv can both be the leaders of your coven, why did she just get so upset?
Luke: Because there aren't two leaders, are there, Jo?
Jo: In our coven's tradition, after their 22nd birthday, the twins merge their strength. The stronger one wins, absorbing their twin's power, and the weaker of the two...
Tyler: The weaker of the two what?
Luke: The weaker one dies.
( Luke gets up and leaves )
( Liv pours herself a sh*t at the bar where she works; she hears Tyler walk in )
Tyler: Caroline's out looking for you. She wanted to apologize. [b*at] Why didn't you tell me?
Liv: What? That my coven requires my brother and me to merge when we turn 22? Because that's not totally screwed up.
Tyler: You're talking to a guy with a gene that turns him into a wolf. Look. If you don't want to merge, then don't. Your coven doesn't control you.
Liv: My coven needs a leader. You don't understand that because you're not one of us. You're not even supposed to be in my life.
Tyler: Let me help you.
Liv: You can't help me. Why do you think I'm trying to get rid of you? When I look at you... I feel everything I don't get to have. I either die in the merge, or I get to live with the fact that I k*lled my own brother. So tell me, Tyler, how can you help with that?
( In a dimly-lit room, Joshua lights some candles with magic )
Damon: So when you say merge, you don't actually mean merge, do you?
Joshua: That's exactly what I mean. If Kai gets out, he'll head straight for Jo. His ability to siphon magic will overwhelm Jo, and she will die, and our coven will be left to the whims of a madman.
Damon: Which is now moot thanks to Blond and Blonder, thank goodness. Look. Let's talk about this Ascendant.
Joshua: I won't let him out, Damon.
Damon: All right. I wasn't gonna say anything because you're his dad and all, but if he gets out, I'll just k*ll him. It's that simple.
Joshua: I've watched Jo her whole life. She's done well on her own, survived w*r, become a doctor, but if Jo merges with Kai, she will cease to exist. Kai won't just be our coven's problem. He'll be everyone's problem.
( Joshua drops a locket with a picture of Jo inside into a bowl. Outside, Alaric talks to Jo on the phone )
Alaric: I think I met your dad.
Jo: Well, that's improbable considering he lives in Portland.
Alaric: Believe it or not, I'm actually in Portland.
Jo: Ric, you need to tell me what's going on right now.
( Meanwhile, Stefan talks to Elena on the phone )
Elena: Damon's gone, as in into thin air?
Stefan: Oop. Careful. You just sounded genuinely concerned for my brother.
Elena: I don't have feelings for him anymore. That doesn't mean I want him to blink out of existence.
Stefan: He didn't. It's some sort of cloaking spell. Alaric's on the phone with Jo trying to figure out how to break it.
Elena: And to think we could have all been sitting around stuffed, playing board games.
Stefan: So just to be clear, Jo was invited to Friendsgiving, but I wasn't.
Elena: Friend code states that in matters such as yours and Caroline's I must, with no exception, take the side of my best friend.
Stefan: Huh.
Elena: Can you two just kiss and make up? It's getting weird.
Stefan: You're just mad because no one knew how to carve the turkey.
( Elena laughs; she watches as Liam returns and walks toward the table )
Elena: ( to Stefan ) How did you know that you could trust me?
Stefan: Trust you with what?
Elena: When you were honest with me about what you were. How did you know that you could trust me with such a huge secret?
Stefan: That's easy. I was in love with you. I wanted you to know everything. [b*at] You owe me dinner.
( Stefan hangs up. Elena looks at Liam thoughtfully; he looks back and they smile at each other. Meanwhile, Jo is still talking to Alaric )
Jo: Ric, listen to me. If my dad knows that you want to open Kai's world, he'll think you're going to free him. He's going to retaliate.
( Inside the house, Joshua begins a spell )
Joshua: Phesmatos incendere ad pulvox.
Damon: What the hell are you doing?
( Jo continues )
Jo: And I hate to break it to you, Ric, but you traveled 3,000 miles for nothing. The Ascendant's with me.
Alaric: You got to be kidding me, right?
( Suddenly Jo collapses )
Elena: Jo? Are you OK?
Jo: Something's wrong.
Alaric: Jo?
( Jo stumbles forward as Elena and Liam try to help her )
Elena: Jo, what's wrong?
Jo: I think my dad...
Elena: Jo, what the hell is going on?
Jo: My dad's trying to k*ll me.
( Jo grabs at her head, groaning in pain )
Liam: What the hell is she talking about? Her dad's trying to k*ll her?
Alaric (V.O.): Jo, Jo, answer the phone.
( Elena picks up Jo's phone )
Elena: Ric?
Alaric: Elena, what the hell's going on?
Elena: Something's happening to Jo. You have to find her dad and stop him from whatever he's doing to her.
Stefan: Well, that's gonna be problem because even if we could see the house I haven't been invited in.
( Elena holds out the phone near Jo )
Elena: Invite him in.
Jo: You can come in!
Alaric: But we can't even see the damn house.
Jo: They need magic!
( Jo starts coughing up blood )
Jo: Crap.
Liam: Elena, we have to do something. Definite signs of hemoptysis.
Jo: Shut up, Liam. ( to Elena ) Ask them if they see an old tree stump in the front yard?
Stefan: Yeah, I see it.
Jo: Go there now!
( Bonnie watches Kai eat )
Kai: Mmm. Mmm.
Bonnie: Really? You've been eating that same piece for 45 minutes.
Kai: Is it a crime to want to savor our last meal together?
Bonnie: I had Thanksgiving dinner with you. Now you keep up your end of the deal and give me your car keys.
Kai: I should probably teach you how the clutch works. It's finicky.
Bonnie: Quit stalling and give me your keys.
Kai: Fine. I'm stalling. Mmm. But don't you want to hear how my story ends?
Bonnie: I've read the newspaper. You m*rder your siblings, and your coven sent you to live in this prison world.
Kai: My family sent me to this prison world. My father, the great coven leader... he treated me like crap for 22 years and then locked me here. It's like his... like his kids didn't even matter. Coven always came first no matter what.
( The locket with Jo's picture is melting )
Joshua: If Kai has access to an Ascendant and is sharing his prison with the Bennett witch, he will eventually find his way out. At least, this will keep him from merging.
Damon: You're just gonna take out Jo?
Joshua: The coven comes before family.
( Damon rushes at Joshua with vampire speed and shoves him up against a wall, but Joshua immediately subdues him with magic. Damon groans in pain, collapsing onto the ground. Jo's picture slides out of the melting locket; outside, Stefan and Alaric sift through a bunch of leaves in the tree stump and find a Kn*fe )
Stefan: What the hell are we gonna do with a Kn*fe?
Alaric: Maybe it's Jo's version of Ms. Cuddles.
( Stefan takes the Kn*fe and throws it toward where the house should be, and the house reappears, the Kn*fe stuck into one of the porch posts )
Alaric: Nice sh*t.
( Inside the house, Damon still moans in pain on the floor while Joshua goes to the fireplace and takes a wooden candlestick off the mantel. He breaks it, creating a rudimentary stake; he raises his hand as though to stake Damon, but Stefan enters with vampire speed, holding the Kn*fe against Joshua's throat, but Joshua subdues him with magic; Stefan falls to the ground )
Joshua: Invisique.
( Stefan looks up to see that Joshua has disappeared; he and Damon stand up, recovered )
Stefan: Well, I guess the, uh, disappearing act's their shtick.
Damon: Yeah. Hey. Anybody hear from Jo?
( Elena gathers ice into a towel )
Liam: You need to tell me what's going on.
Elena: You have to get more ice.
Liam: I'm not an idiot, Elena. I know you're lying to me, so whatever it is, just tell me, please.
( Jo starts convulsing; Elena and Liam rush to her side )
Elena: She's crashing!
Liam: Dr. Laughlin, look at me.
Elena: Jo, can you hear me? Jo!
Liam: Come on, Dr. Laughlin. Please wake up. ( to Elena ) Check for dilation.
( Elena pulls open the lids of Jo's eye; the sclera is blood-red. Elena and Liam sit back, shocked )
Liam: Holy crap. What the... what happened to her?
Elena: I don't know.
Liam: Call 9-1-1. I'll start CPR.
( Elena stands, but doesn't move )
Liam: Call 9-1-1, Elena. We need help. She's about to die.
( Elena looks torn; her eyes start to vamp out )
Elena: Liam... Liam, there's not enough time.
( Elena bites her own wrist )
Liam: What are you doing?
( Elena crouches beside Jo and feeds her her blood; Liam sees Elena's vein-y eyes )
Liam: Elena, your face.
Elena: It's OK. My blood will heal her.
( Liam watches Elena incredulously; after a few seconds, Jo gasps and wakes up )
Elena: Jo?
Jo: I'm OK.
Elena: I'll get you some water.
( Elena gets up and walks away; Liam, still hardly believing what he's seen, goes after her )
Liam: Elena. Elena, stop! How did you do that? How did you do that?!
Elena: I'm a vampire.
Liam: You're what?
Elena: It doesn't matter, because as much as I like you, my life is complicated enough. ( compelling ) So you're not gonna remember anything from tonight or about Lady Whitmore or the fact that we even dated at all. You're gonna go home, get some rest, and I'll see you at work on Monday.
Liam: I'll see you Monday, Elena.
( Liam touches Elena's shoulder and leaves; Elena watches him go, looking upset but resigned. Jo watches the exchange with sympathy, blood staining her chin. The scene transitions to the night Kai tried to k*ll her )
[ FLASHBACK – MAY 9, 1994 ]
( Outside the house, Jo stumbles toward the tree stump, carrying the Kn*fe as Kai calls out )
Kai: Olivia, Lukas?
( Jo stashes the Kn*fe beneath some leaves in the stump )
Kai: Olivia? Lukas? Come out, come out, wherever you are.
( Kai walks out onto the porch and into the yard )
Jo: Stop! I'll do it. I'll merge with you. Just don't hurt anyone else.
( Bonnie and Kai walk in the front yard toward the tree stump )
Bonnie: So Jo agreed to the merge?
Kai: Well, we needed a celestial event, so the plan was to use the power of the eclipse happening the next day. She even gathered our coven to help.
[ FLASHBACK – MAY 1994 ]
( Jo and Kai stand in the center of a large circle of coven members )
Jo: The power of the eclipse will merge us as one. You know what to say?
Kai: Been practicing my whole life.
( They take each other's hands, close their eyes and begin to chant )
Jo & Kai (together): Sanguinem desimilus... Sanguinem generis fiantus.
( Nothing happens; Kai looks at Jo, puzzled )
Kai: I don't feel anything.
( Jo feigns ignorance, and closes her eyes, as though they should try again )
Kai: ( alone ) Sanguinem desimilus... Sanguinem generis fiantus.
( Kai opens his eyes to find Jo looking at him; she doesn't look surprised, but rather as though she knows exactly why it isn't working )
Kai: Josette, what did you do? Why can't I feel your magic? And why aren't they saying anything? They should be saying something. They should be saying something, right? We're merging. This should all be a bigger deal.
( Suddenly Joshua appears, holding the Ascendant and stepping forward from the circle of the coven around them; Kai shouts in pain and drops to his kness as Joshua begins a different spell )
Joshua: Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum.
Kai: Aah! Aah!
Joshua: Phesmatos filio, phesmatos effurgarex perpetuum.
( Kai lies on the ground, as though pinned down, and whimpers )
Kai: They tricked me good. Instead of using the power of the eclipse for the merge, my dad used it to send me here, and where'd Jo's magic go? You know, it made zero sense. Magic doesn't just, like, disappear, but then you made yours disappear when you hid it in Ms. Cuddles, and it h*t me. My sneaky little twin sister hid her magic...
( Kai reaches into the pile of leaves in the tree stump and withdraws the Kn*fe )
Kai: In this. Hmm.
Bonnie: Still there.
Kai: Still here and still full of magic.
( Kai closes his eyes and Bonnie backs away slightly; after a few seconds, Kai sighs and lets go of the Kn*fe, leaving it floating in midair )
Kai: Well, it was. I just sucked it out.
Bonnie: You have magic again. Good for you.
Kai: I also have the Ascendant.
Bonnie: Doesn't matter. You need a Bennett witch to do the spell.
Kai: About that. I've watched you do the spell twice now. I don't think I need a Bennett witch to do the spell. I think all I actually need is Bennett blood.
( Kai s*ab Bonnie with the Kn*fe; she falls to the ground, unconscious )
( Damon, Alaric and Stefan walk back to the car )
Damon: All right. So let's just get this straight. We went to the airport, we took off all our clothes for security just so I can come out here, have my brain scrambled by papa Kai, who by the way can disappear into thin air... Poof... only to find Jo's rusty Kn*fe full of magic.
Stefan: And we learned that the Ascendant, i.e. the only reason we flew our asses out here in the first place, is actually with Jo at Whitmore, 5 minutes from where we started. Great.
Alaric: Jo said she kept it with her to ensure that Kai would never be released.
Damon: Genius. Great. Then we go home. g*n. Come on.
Alaric: Guys, hey. We can't do this, OK? We need to find another way, and one that doesn't end up with my girlfriend d*ad.
Damon: Girlfriend? You've been on, like, 3 dates.
Stefan: Nice, Damon.
Damon: What? I'm just saying he barely knows her, and her literal evil twin is over there with Bonnie right now.
Alaric: Guys, I will do what I can to help, but we're not letting her brother out, all right? The Ascendant is off the table.
( Damon walks over to Alaric and compels him )
Damon: OK. Get the Ascendant from Jo. Do whatever you got to do to get it, you understand?
Alaric: I understand.
Stefan: What are you doing?
Damon: What? You got a better idea?
( Stefan says nothing; Damon grabs his bag and they get into the car )
( Liv is sleeping on a sofa; Tyler walks in and puts a glass of water on the table )
Tyler: Good morning.
( Liv wakes and sits up )
Liv: Where am I?
Tyler: You passed out, so I brought you home.
Liv: You kidnapped me? Romantic.
Tyler: I am protecting you, Liv. I'm not letting you sacrifice yourself because your coven needs a leader.
Liv: They'll come after me.
Tyler: Let them. Magic doesn't work in Mystic Falls, so if your coven wants to find you, they'll have to do it the old-fashioned way. They'll have to go through me.
( After a b*at, Liv takes Tyler's hand into her own )
Liv: I'm sorry I ruined Thanksgiving.
Tyler: You'll make up for it next year. We'll find another way, Liv. I'm not going to let you die.
( Tyler puts an arm around her, and she relaxes against him )
( Caroline walks out into the hallway and notices Stefan )
Stefan: Hey.
Caroline: Hey. You're here. That's good. That actually saves me a trip. Needless to say, there were leftovers.
( She hands him a box )
Stefan: You made me a doggie bag.
Caroline: ( laughing ) Just because I hate you doesn't mean I want you to starve to death. Besides, Bonnie's alive. You know, this is, like, the first Thanksgiving in forever where there's something to actually be thankful for, so...
Stefan: Caroline, um, look. When Damon was gone, I, um... I pushed you away.
Caroline: Yeah, I know, Stefan. You pushed everyone away. It's kind of what you do.
Stefan: But I pushed you away the most. I knew that you were the one person who would sit with me and let me cry, and I didn't want to cry anymore, so I had to push you away the most.
Caroline: Thank you for saying that.
( Caroline starts to smile; Stefan shifts awkwardly as they wait for each other to say something )
Stefan: Listen...
Caroline: Enjoy the leftovers.
( Caroline leaves, still smiling; Stefan stays behind, but turns in the direction she left, still slightly emotional after his confession )
( Damon sits at the bar with a glass of bourbon; Elena walks in and sits near him )
Elena: You should have brought me with you. Well, first, you should have told me that Bonnie was alive, and then you should have brought me with you.
Damon: Well, Ric had more frequent flyer miles, and Ric didn't deliberately forget our entire relationship.
Elena: Yeah. I deserve that.
Damon: Mm-hmm.
Elena: So you and Bonnie spent the last 4 months together?
Damon: Yeah.
Elena: What did you do?
Damon: Bicker, mostly. Cooked, ate. We went through a Tetris phase, but I b*at it, and she got mad. ( Elena laughs ) We talked. A lot. Apparently there are a lot of words in the English language, and Bonnie knows just about all of them.
Elena: Yep. I know this is gonna sound pretty strange, but I'm really happy that the two of you had each other.
Damon: She sacrificed herself so I could come back. Hmm. Wow. Because when she wasn't talking, she was listening. She listened for hours and hours and hours, so when the opportunity presented itself for me to come back, she made sure I took it.
Elena: What did you talk about?
Damon: What do you think?
( Elena realizes he meant her )
Elena: I broke up with Liam.
Damon: Dr. Future-Humanitarian-Award wasn't good enough? What went wrong?
Elena: What do you think? Look. I'm at a crossroads right now, where I could go live my life the way I think I probably should and be successful and safe and probably very happy, or I could risk all that for this tiny glimmer of a feeling inside that I just can't shake.
Damon: Well, Robert Frost, what's it gonna be?
Elena: I don't know... But I do know someone who could give me some pretty sound advice.
( Elena takes Damon's hand on the bar )
Elena: Any chance you'd be willing to help me bring my best friend Bonnie back? So, I could ask her?
( Damon half-smiles )
Damon: Sure.
( Bonnie wakes up to a buzzing sound nearby; she picks up Kai's pager and sits up. The number reads "03171" )
Bonnie: What?
( She turns it around; upside down, the numbers appear to read "I LIED" )
Bonnie: "I lied"?
( She stands up, looking around )
Bonnie: There's no car. The bastard took the car.
( Bonnie starts to become overwhelmed by her dire situation – being stranded in the middle of nowhere, alone )
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x08 - Fade Into You"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "the vampire diaries"...
Elena: I get that we had an amazing life together, but now I feel like I'm looking at a stranger.
Kai: To get home, we'll harness the power of the eclipse, using an Ascendant.
Elena: What about Bonnie?
Damon: She sacrificed herself so I could come back.
Stefan: Jo is his sister?
Jo: In our coven, Kai wanted to be the leader, but that wasn't if Lukas and Olivia were alive.
Tyler: I'm not gonna let you die.
Joshua: If Kai gets out, he'll head straight for Jo. His ability to siphon magic will overwhelm Jo, and our coven will be left to the whims of a madman.
Kai: To do the spell, all I need is Bennett blood.
Bonnie: The bastard took the car.
Jo: The Ascendant's with me.
Alaric: We're not letting her brother out, all right?
Alaric: The Ascendant is off the table.
Damon: Ok. Get the Ascendant from Jo.
Alaric: I understand.
Elena: Look. I'm at a crossroads. Any chance you'd be willing to help me bring my best friend Bonnie back?
Damon: Sure.
( Alaric is setting up dinner when Jo gets home )
Jo: Knock knock.
Alaric: Hey. Come on in.
( Jo takes in all the lit candles )
Jo: Oh. It's one of those nights.
Alaric: Oh, wow. Your enthusiasm is amazing.
Jo: I'm sorry. I've had a day from hell, and I didn't mean it. I did actually, but I'm gonna call take backs, ok?
Alaric: Ok.
( They kiss )
Jo: Ooh, you got Thai food.
Alaric: You know, I knew I should have led with the food.
Jo: Well, this is perfect. I'm starving.
( Alaric holds up a bottle of wine and Jo takes it )
Jo: Aww. Where's yours?
Alaric: Oh. Very funny.
( They kiss again. In Ric's office the next morning, Damon and Stefan talk about Alaric )
Stefan: You didn't compel him to get her drunk.
Damon: No. I compelled him to do whatever it takes, and considering the Ascendant is the key to her psycho brother's weird prison world, I'm sure it's gonna take her a few to open up about it.
( Back at Alaric's the night before )
Alaric: I swear your dad loves me. Ha ha ha! I have never been given so clear a blessing.
Jo: You went to see him, and he tried to k*ll me. How's that a blessing?
Alaric: Because he didn't try to k*ll me. He just banished me from your creepy childhood home.
Jo: It wasn't creepy back then. Once your brother brutally m*rder your siblings, creep sets in.
Alaric: Oh. So you just... you just ran.
Jo: I didn't run. They let me go. We made a deal. Betray your brother and get your freedom.
Alaric: So where does the Ascendant fall under this deal?
Jo: They didn't know I had it.
Alaric: By the time I found out, I was gone.
Alaric: I still don't understand why you'd want it.
Jo: It makes me feel safe, like I'm in control. As long as I have it, then no one can use it to get Kai out. Kai can't get me. Embarrassing, but I actually used sleep with it under my pillow.
Alaric: Used to?
Jo: Yes, used to. I am a grownup now obviously, and I keep it in my underwear drawer, next to my pot.
Alaric: Oh, ok. Well, that explains why you're always hungry.
Jo: No. I'm always hungry because I'm a vegetarian.
Alaric: Ok.
( Alaric laughs and pours the rest of the wine in Jo's glass )
Alaric: Well... The last of it.
( Jo takes a sip )
Jo: Good. No more distractions.
( Jo kisses Alaric. Back at Alaric's office, Damon pours some booze from a flask into a coffee mug )
Stefan: You realize he is gonna k*ll you when he finds out what you did to him.
Damon: My relationship to ruin, thank you. I didn't complain when you ruined yours with Caroline.
Stefan: I didn't ruin my...
Damon: Yeah. I'm sure she's fine. She's on vacation with her mom, eating ice cream out of the carton, convincing herself she never liked you in the first place.
( Stefan takes the mug from Damon )
Stefan: You done?
Damon: Careful, Stefan. I know it may seem easy to be the big bad Salvatore, but soon, you'll find yourself lying in the middle of the road, pouring your heart out to a stranger, having an existential crisis.
Stefan: Yeah, great. So, uh, when's this grand theft gonna happen?
Damon: Assuming everything went well, it's already happened, which means...
( Damon waits expectantly, and the door opens. Alaric enters and hands Damon the Ascendant )
Alaric: Here it is.
Damon: Thanks, buddy.
( Damon hands Alaric a tray with coffee and a bag presumably containing breakfast food )
Damon: There you go. ( compelling ) Go home to Jo, be a good boyfriend, forget this ever happened.
♪The Vampire Diaries 6x09 ♪
I Alone
Original Air Date on December 4, 2014
( Jeremy and Elena jog together )
Jeremy: Seriously, I shouldn't be winning.
Elena: Two weeks without booze doesn't make you iron man. I can still vamp circles around you.
Jeremy: You mean, you can cheat.
Elena: Ha! Or I could pants you in front of the entire women's volleyball team.
Jeremy: Doubt they'd mind.
( Elena runs ahead and stops, turning to face Jeremy )
Elena: Ok. I give up. What did you do with my miserable half-drunk brother?
Jeremy: He canceled Bonnie's cell phone, cried until there was nothing left, and got all the grief out of his system. He is ready to move on.
( Elena has a strange look on her face like she wants to say something )
Jeremy: What?
Elena: It's about Bonnie.
( A short while later, they are sitting at a picnic table. Elena has explained almost everything )
Jeremy: Damon said she found peace.
Elena: He thought Kai had k*lled her, but he just found out that she's alive, and he's doing everything that he can to...
Jeremy: So you're back to defending him. Wow! And all it took was one hollow promise to bring Bonnie back.
Elena: No. No, no, no, Jer. It's not hollow. Liv's looking for a way to send us over there so that we can find Bonnie and bring her back.
Jeremy: And if you can't?
Elena: Jer, this is good news.
Jeremy: You're right, Elena. This is good news. Tonight, I'm gonna see Bonnie again, and everything is gonna go back to the way it was because I have never heard that before.
( Jeremy gets up and leaves to continue jogging. Elena sighs )
( Liv is packing up her things. Matt and Sarah crouch in front of the fireplace, feeding papers into it )
Tyler: I brought you to Mystic Falls to keep you safe from your crazy-ass witch family. You can't just leave because Damon wants you to do some spell.
Liv: So, what, I'm a prisoner here? Do I look like Rapunzel?
Tyler: Well, actually... Look. Why can't Luke do it?
Liv: Because he is busy enjoying his last few weeks as a singular twin with his sugar daddy radiologist, and I'd like to enjoy mine.
Tyler: Matt, help me out here.
Matt: I can't. It's for Bonnie.
( Tyler follows Liv to the front door )
Liv: Tyler, I can't stay locked up in here any longer. I'm out of clothes, and I've had pizza for breakfast every day this week. We've got to get back to our normal lives.
Tyler: If you leave and your coven finds you...
Liv: They'll make me merge with my brother? Hey. It's not all bad. If I survive, you'll be dating the all-powerful leader of the Gemini coven, and if I don't, you can date Luke.
Tyler: Hey. This isn't a joke to me, ok?
Liv: Well, I have to laugh at it because if I start imagining my life stuck in this town running away from my family, I will fall apart.
Tyler: I'll find a way.
( Tyler kisses her. Liv leaves )
Sarah: And that was an actual fight two people just had over a twin-merge? This town is so weird.
Matt: You'll get used to it.
Sarah: Or I won't, and a vampire will k*ll me like they k*lled your friend Tripp.
Matt: That's not gonna happen because I won't let it.
( Matt places one last piece into the f*re )
Matt: And with that, the Mystic Falls community protection program is officially disbanded.
Sarah: You know what that means. I helped you, now you help me. Time for a little family reunion.
( Elena and Damon are walking through the cemetery in the woods )
Elena: What does Matt want with Stefan?
Damon: I don't know. It's Matt. Food, money, new social class. Whatever it is, it better distract Stefan from his sizeable screw-up with Caroline. Did you know about that, how she felt about him?
Elena: She told me a little while back, and whatever you're thinking, I want both of them to be happy.
Damon: Even if she compels away all the things she likes about him?
( They reach Liv )
Elena: Hey. Thanks for doing this.
Liv: Don't worry about it. I needed an excuse to get out of that frat house. Way too much boy. Gross. You got everything?
Damon: Yep. Blood from a Bennett - Lucy to be exact - and an Ascendant from whatever the hell your last name is.
Liv: Parker. So this is the famous Ascendant?
Damon: Yup.
Liv: Surprised that Jo gave it up.
Elena: Why?
Liv: It's the only thing keeping Kai locked in his prison. If he gets out, he's coming after Jo.
Damon: Well, good old Jo - heh heh -helping us out. Can we do this, please?
Liv: Whatever. So I'm gonna need the moon to activate the Ascendant. It will be viable for about 8 hours, so once I send you over, the clock's ticking.
Elena: And how do we get back?
Liv: Drink these.
( She hands them each a vial )
Damon: What is that?
Liv: It's my blood. It will link you to me so I can find you and bring you back. Give this one to Bonnie, too.
( Liv hands them the third vial. Damon sniffs the blood )
Liv: Are you waiting for a toast? Drink.
( Damon clinks his vial against Elena's and they drink the blood )
Damon: Mmm. Bitter. Wonder why. Shall we?
( Damon takes Elena's hand. Liv pours the Bennett blood on the Ascendant and starts chanting the spell. There's a bright light, and Liv is gone – they're in the prison world )
Damon: Hey.
Elena: I used to come here every day after the accident for months.
Damon: This is where your parents are buried.
Elena: Yeah, but not in 1994. In 1994, they were still alive.
Damon: Yeah. So is Bonnie. So let's go get her. Just keep your eyes peeled. There's a pork rind-munching freak somewhere around here. Ok?
Elena: Yeah.
Damon: Come on.
( Kai sits in the backseat of a taxi, chatting at the driver )
Kai: You ever worn skinny jeans? Agh. It seems wrong. I'm all bunched up. Also, why are jeans so tight when phones are so big?
Driver: I don't know what to tell you, pal.
Kai: Oh, God. I'm that guy, right? That guy that won't shut up. Oh, I hate that guy. I just sat next to that guy on the plane. He was the worst. Hey. Speaking of planes, have you flown recently? Because what's with the whole liquid situation and the stripping before you go through security thing? It's weird.
Driver: They're worried about t*rrorists.
Kai: Ok. Well, I'm sorry, but the real t*rrorists are some of those people taking off their shoes. I know I'm chatty. Sorry. I've just been in prison for awhile. Not like a regular prison, you know, more like a...
Driver: All right. We're here.
( The driver pulls to a stop )
Kai: Special kind of...
Driver: That will be 30.
( Kai starts struggling to get money out of his pocket )
Kai: All right. Jeans. Uh, will you take this? Hang on. Hang on. I got it. Oh. Hey. Gum. Nice.
Driver: Come on, buddy. I don't have all day. Let's go.
Kai: I got it. Hold on. Huh. Well... I guess this will do.
( Kai pulls a pair of earbuds out of his pocket and suddenly uses them to choke the driver from behind. The man struggles for a bit, but finally suffocates. Kai reaches around and puts one of the earbuds in the man's ear. He gets out and leans down toward the passenger side window )
Kai: Thank you.
( Kai walks toward Whitmore Campus )
( Elena and Damon have been searching the house, but no sign of Bonnie )
Elena: Bonnie?
Damon: Nothing. You?
Elena: No, and I looked in every room plus the basement.
( Elena sits on the sofa )
Elena: Damon, you... you don't think that Kai...
Damon: Look. Let's not jump to depressing conclusions yet, ok?
Elena: Ok.
( Elena notices a pillow with blood on it )
Elena: Oh, my god. Damon.
( She sniffs it )
Elena: Oh, my god, Damon. This is blood.
Damon: And we're jumping.
( Damon turns and goes to get the phone )
Elena: What are you doing?
Damon: If Kai has Bonnie, we need to talk.
Elena: So you're gonna call him?
Damon: I'm gonna page him actually.
( Elena looks blank, waiting for explanation )
Damon: Sorry. Forgot you were two in 1994.Pagers are an ancient form of telecommunication.
Elena: I know what a pager is. [b*at] How does it work?
Damon: We dial jackass's number 555-HIYA-KAI...
( He dials )
Damon: We leave our number... And then we hang up.
Elena: And now what?
Damon: And now we sit by the phone like a 13-year-old girl and wait.
( Matt sits at a table with Sarah )
Matt: Relax.
Sarah: I'm about to meet one of my only living relatives.
( Enzo joins them )
Enzo: Uh, technically, he's not living. So Stefan has extended family. I'm intrigued.
Matt: Enzo, what the hell are you doing here?
Enzo: Apparently rescuing this one from the world's most dreadful lunch. Matt and Stefan? Sweetheart, you can do so much better. Me for example. I'm Enzo.
( Sarah starts to reach up and accept Enzo's handshake )
Matt: The guy who k*lled Tripp.
( Sarah recoils )
Sarah: Oh, my God.
Enzo: For the record, he did try and k*ll me first. ( to Matt ) You are the most terrible wingman.
Matt: Enzo, leave.
Enzo: Or what?
Matt: Or maybe I'll pick up where Tripp left off.
Enzo: Go on then.
( Stefan enters )
Stefan: Hey. I really wouldn't do that if I were you. You hurt him, and, uh, I hurt you, and really don't feel like cleaning up two corpses today.
Enzo: Making thr*at in front of impressionable family. How brutish.
Stefan: What are you talking about?
Sarah: Me. He's, uh, talking about me. I'm Zach and Gail's daughter, Sarah Salvatore.
( Elena opens a cabinet and finds an old camcorder. She looks at it doubtfully, unsure how to work it )
Elena: Um...
( She presses a button and a video starts playing )
Damon ( on video ): Well, I am officially in hell. This place is my own personal hell.
( Damon swoops in and snatches the camcorder away )
Damon: Whoa!
Elena: Oh. Hey! What was that?
Damon: Uh, it's my audition tape for "Real World: London." Fingers crossed. I think I'm finally gonna make it.
Elena: That was a video journal.
Damon: What? No. Journals are lame, especially video ones.
Elena: Then why did you say you thought this was your own personal hell?
Damon: Well, I mean, because I was stuck here with Bonnie. What could be worse than that?
Elena: Damon.
( The phone starts ringing. Damon pulls it out and answers )
Damon: Kai, if you so much as hurt one hair on her annoying little witch head, I will k*ll you and...
( Bonnie, calling from a pay phone, speaks )
Bonnie: That was so sweet. Why'd you ruin it by calling me annoying?
( Elena grabs the phone )
Elena: Bonnie?
Bonnie: Elena? Elena, is that you?
Elena: Yes! It's me. I'm here. I'm at the Salvatore house in...in 1994.
Bonnie: I can't believe I'm hearing your voice right now. How are you here?
Elena: It's a long story. Just know that I'm here to get you.
( Bonnie smiles, ecstatic and relieved. A short time later, after Bonnie has filled them in, the conservation continues over the phone while Damon looks at a roadmap )
Elena: So Kai just left you in Portland?
Bonnie: After cooking me Thanksgiving spaghetti and stealing my blood. It's been a strange few days.
Elena: Where is he now?
Bonnie: Don't know. I hotwired a car, and I'm on my way back to Mystic Falls.
Elena: Hang on. You hotwired a car? Who are you?
Bonnie: A badass apparently. A badass in Muncie.
Damon: Well, Muncie's about 6 1/2 hours away, give or take a knuckle.
Elena: Liv's pulling us out in 7.
Damon: If you don't stop to use the little witches' room anymore...
Bonnie: I can make it in time. I'm going home.
Elena: You're coming home. We'll see you soon.
Bonnie: Ok.
( They each hang up, smiling excitedly. Elena notices Damon is not so euphoric )
Elena: You're worried about Kai.
Damon: If he's got Bonnie's blood and the Ascendant, he's got everything he needs to get out. [b*at] What if he's already out?
( Kai walks up to the bar, where Liv is working )
Liv: How can I help you?
Kai: One Zima, please.
Liv: Hilarious. ( Kai says nothing ) Are you going to order something or just gonna stare?
Kai: Ok. Uh, how about a soda... ( reads name tag ) Liv?
( Liv walks about to get his drink. Kai talks to himself )
Kai: Heh. Liv. Ironic.
Jo: Where is it?
Alaric: That's a cryptic question, accusatory tone. This doesn't bode well for me.
Jo: Good. Deflect, make a joke. That'll fix this.
Alaric: What are you talking about?
Jo: The Ascendant. Where is it?
Alaric: I have no idea.
( Jo starts searching the office, lifting things on the bookshelves )
Jo: You must think I'm an idiot. To be fair, I am one. Wine, Thai food, that's all it takes.
Alaric: Jo, I don't have it.
Jo: Did you tell Damon where it is?
Alaric: No. No. Look. We all agreed to find another way to get Bonnie back. Do you honestly think this is my normal afternoon reading?
Jo: You and I are the only ones who knew where it was. It's gone!
Alaric: Ok. Look. I swear to you I didn't tell anyone, ok? I would never tell anybody.
Jo: You're right. You'd never tell anyone. It doesn't mean you didn't.
Alaric: What are you saying?
Jo: Damon is a vampire.
Alaric: Are you saying Damon compelled me? Heh. Look. He wouldn't do that. He's my friend.
Jo: Ok. Let's prove it. We're going to Mystic Falls. If you're compelled, it will go away when we walk across the border. If nothing happens, then you're right. He's your friend.
( Damon pops open a bottle of champaign and flips pancakes up in the air, which Elena catches on plates. They sit at the table in the kitchen )
Damon: Bon appetit.
Elena: Hang on.
( Elena takes the can of whipped cream and adds two little vampire fangs to the blueberry smiley face on Damon's pancake, just like he did for Bonnie. He stares at her, smiling )
Elena: What?
Damon: Nothing. Let's eat.
Elena: Ok. Who mangled the crossword?
Damon: 6 letters, illiterate witch, B.
( Elena notices the story in the newspaper )
Elena: This is about Kai and Jo.
Damon: Yep. Kai's greatest hits staring us in the face every day.
Elena: If Kai's out, he's gonna go after Jo again. Damon, he's gonna k*ll her.
Damon: Well, if I have my Gemini rules down, actually, he's going to merge with her, which will most likely result in her death, which I guess is 6 of 1...
Elena: Then why would she give you the Ascendant?
Damon: Um... Because I asked her very nicely? You want some music maybe? I'm gonna turn on some music.
Elena: It was the one thing trapping Kai, and she just gave it to you?
Damon: We have Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Boyz II Men, Stefan's.
Elena: Damon.
Damon: Fine. She didn't give it to me. Alaric stole it from her.
Elena: Alaric stole from her.
Damon: After I compelled him.
( Elena's lips tighten, then she gets up and leaves the room. Damon goes after her )
Damon: What? Elena, stop.
Elena: Of course you compel your best friend. I mean, why would that be off limits?
Damon: Hey. I'm trying to get Bonnie back!
Elena: Oh, just, just, no. Don't. Damon, I want Bonnie back more than anything. She's my best friend, but to you, she's something else, isn't she? She's a chance for me to realize what a great guy you are so that I can fall in love with you all over again. It doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process as long as Damon gets what Damon wants.
( Elena leaves )
( Stefan sits at a table with Sarah while Enzo "eavesdrops" on them from the bar, sitting next to Matt )
Enzo: She's saying you're stupid, and Stefan is agreeing. Ooh. Now she's saying you're good for nothing, and Stefan is disagreeing. He says you're a great punch line to a joke.
Matt: Everyone hates you.
Enzo: Don't be jealous you can't vamp hear because you're a big blond bowl of mush. Just be thankful I don't fancy mush.
Sarah: ( to Stefan ) So after the third group home, I got myself emancipated, which is surprisingly difficult, by the way.
Stefan: Yeah. You seem like the type that would do better on your own. Hey. Do you want a drink?
Sarah: Sure.
( Stefan flags down a waitress )
Stefan: Hey. Excuse me. Can we get two chocolate milk shakes, please? ( to Sarah ) It's a, uh, Salvatore family tradition.
Sarah: I'm all for family traditions.
( The waitress starts the milk shake blender, which is loud enough to mask Stefan's words from Enzo's hearing )
Stefan: All right. Listen. In 10 seconds, you're gonna get up and walk out of here with me, smiling, acting like nothing's wrong. The acting part shouldn't be too hard for you.
( Enzo tries to listen, but can't hear anything over the machine )
Stefan: I know you're lying.
( The blender stops. Stefan changes his demeanor back to cordial )
Stefan: Ready to go?
( Sarah barely fakes a smile and they both rise. Matt gets up when he sees them leaving )
Matt: Hey. Where you guys going?
Stefan: Oh, just a little family drive.
Sarah: It's ok, Matt, I promise. I'll call you in a bit.
Matt: All right.
( Kai is still chatting up Liv, playing with his cell phone )
Kai: You on Twitter? Ah. I just signed up. You should follow me. Cobrakai1972. Come on. Like "Karate Kid"? Did you know you can follow celebrities? Heh. They all Twitter the stupidest things. It's... it's hilarious.
Liv: It's kind of d*ad. I think I'm gonna close up.
Kai: Oh. Hang on, hang on. I'm gonna get a real drink. No bourbon. I'm secure enough in my masculinity. Vodka's boring, rum's too tropical. Ooh. Tequila. You do not want to see me on Tequila. What about gin? Is that weird?
Liv: Not if you're a 50-year-old, but seeing as you look 19, I'm gonna need to see some I.D.
Kai: Oh. Of course. Of course.
( Kai takes out his ID and hands it to Liv, who reads the birthdate and smiles )
Liv: 1972. Nice try.
Kai: No. True story, but that's not the most interesting thing on that I.D. Here. Look again. Name, address...
Liv: Malachai Parker. Oh, my God. Ahhh.
( Liv starts to try to get away, but Kai restrains her with magic )
Kai: Last time I saw you...
Liv: Aah!
Kai: I was trying to k*ll you. Why don't we pick up where we left off?
Liv: I don't think so.
( Liv s*ab him with something and runs toward the door, but Kai locks it with magic )
Kai: Life is so much easier with magic.
( Every door Liv runs to, Kai closes and locks with magic )
Kai: Feels kind of like cheating. I'm sad you didn't recognize me. That means dad erased all trace of my existence... family pictures, movies, little handprint turkey I made. What a dick.
( Liv runs up the stairs. Kai follows her )
Liv: You stay the hell away from me.
( She magicks some tables toward him )
Kai: You were always so bad at hide-and-seek. I mean, you were 4, but still, find a better hiding spot.
( Kai magicks the tables out of the way, but suddenly Tyler appears and shoves Kai over the balcony edge )
Tyler: I think she did just fine. ( to Liv ) Let's get out of here.
Enzo: You don't find it the least bit strange that they just up and left?
Matt: I told you she's his family. If they want to talk, let them talk. What the hell do you care?
Enzo: Because I care about the truth, care about authenticity.
Matt: Or you just hate Stefan.
Enzo: I do actually, yeah. He abandoned his brother, turned me over to a vampire hunter, and he hurt the one girl who can honestly do no wrong. That's not why I care. No. I care because he does all that and is still considered a hero when I get stuck being a villain.
Matt: Yeah, because you k*ll people.
Enzo: What, and Stefan doesn't? Come on. You and I both know that's not true. I'm just up front about it, but Stefan, no, who knows what he's done? He's just a liar with a little box of secrets. Come on, Mush. Let's open the box.
( In Stefan's car, Sarah insists on sticking to her story )
Sarah: I told you Zach Salvatore is my father, Gail is my mother. I have these pictures.
Stefan: Ah. That's your big evidence, a picture you stole? You gave yourself up the second you got in the car.
Sarah: Why don't you believe me?
( Stefan stops the car and turns to Sarah )
Stefan: Because right now, Sarah Salvatore is in her dorm room at Duke university, where she studies as an art major, and she didn't bounce from group home to group home. She was adopted right out of the hospital by a great family. I made sure of it.
Sarah: You know her.
Stefan: She's my family. Even though she doesn't know me, I've looked out for her for her entire life. Now who the hell are you?
( Sarah gets out of the car and starts to run, but Stefan vamps over to block her way )
Sarah: Monique. My name is Monique.
( Elena sits on the porch swing at her house. Damon slowly walks up the porch steps )
Damon: May 10, 1994, I had a day. I was mad at Stefan for something. I don't even remember what it was, and in typical Damon fashion, I acted out. People died. A lot of them, and believe it or not, ever since that day, I've felt horribly guilty. So I thought that this was my hell, Elena... But you know who didn't? Bonnie. She had hope for both of us. She's the reason I survived, the reason I made it out. Who knew? Turns out you spend time with someone and don't k*ll them, you actually become friends. I'm doing this for Bonnie, Elena, not for you. And that's it.
( Elena starts to smile. Damon sits next to Elena on the swing )
Elena: Damon and Bonnie. Who would have thought?
Damon: Pfft. Don't make this any weirder than it needs to be.
Elena: She's probably passing Whitmore right now.
Damon: If she's not lost. She has a terrible sense of direction.
( Elena laughs. She touches the chains holding the swing bench )
Elena: You know, I could have sworn that this used to squeak.
Damon: It did. I fixed it. Bonnie and I came here every day. It was the closest thing I had to a picture of you, and I needed every reminder I could get.
Elena: It's funny. I used to have so many good memories of this house, and after just one bad one, I b*rned it down. I just couldn't bear to look at it again. I just can't believe it's gone.
Damon: You want to go inside?
Elena: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
( They get up and go toward the front door. Elena pauses and turns to look at Damon )
Elena: I'm sorry I compelled away the memories. They were only half mine.
Damon: We'll make new ones.
( Damon smiles and touches her cheek. Elena looks unsure, but not unhappy. Suddenly, though, something starts to change )
Elena: Do you feel that?
Damon: Oh, no.
( Damon and Elena return to the real world )
Elena: No. No. We shouldn't be back yet. Damon, we have another hour.
( Elena sees Liv and Tyler and gets angry )
Elena: What did you do?
Tyler: Kai is here. We have to get back to Mystic Falls before he takes any more of her magic.
Elena: No. Send me back first.
Liv: I can't.
Elena: Bonnie was on her way. Send me back!
( Elena moves angrily toward them, but they're across the border and she starts to burn in the sunlight )
Damon: Elena, you're over the border.
( Elena stumbles backward back to safety )
Tyler: I'm sorry, Elena.
( They leave )
Elena: No. No.
( Monique, aka Sarah, tells Stefan about who she really is )
Monique: I met Sarah at sleep-away camp, or as my foster family liked to call it, get the hell out of my house camp. Sarah had a great life. Me? Not so much. So when I found out that she had no desire to find her real family...
Stefan: You decided to find them for her.
Monique: Couldn't be any worse than what I had.
Stefan: Well, considering the fact that my brother k*lled her mom while she was pregnant, I don't know about that. I let him believe that the baby died. I wanted to protect her. Even though my brother's not the same person he was before, it's safer if he doesn't know. I know that may be a little bit extreme, but I want her to have a normal life no matter what. See, the problem is with you around, there's a thr*at now, someone who knows her other than me.
( Stefan moves toward her, and Monique backs away )
Stefan: I'm not gonna hurt you. I just need you to take off your Vervain.
( Monique takes off her vervain necklace and hands it to Stefan )
Stefan: ( compelling ) You've never met or heard of Sarah Salvatore. Forget everything that happened here, leave Virginia, and never come back.
( Monique starts to walk away when a car honks behind them. Stefan turns at the sound and sees it's Matt's truck )
Matt: Hey! You ok?
Monique: Who are you?
Matt: You compelled her? Why?
Stefan: She's not my family, she's a con artist, and I'm just trying to get rid of her. ( to Monique ) Get out of here.
( Monique starts to leave when Enzo vamps right up to her )
Monique: Aah! What the hell?
Enzo: ( compelling ) No screaming, luv, and don't move.
Matt: Enzo, what are you doing?
( Enzo grabs Monique and pulls her back against him )
Enzo: I want the whole story, the one not obscured by the dulcet tones of a blender.
Stefan: I told you she's a con artist. There is no Sarah Salvatore. That baby died when Damon k*lled her mom.
Enzo: Then why listen to this one babble on for 20 minutes, why whisk her away to speak privately, hmm? Why wipe her memory, Stefan? She knows something.
Stefan: Come on. Don't do this. Just let her go.
Enzo: See? He's digging in. Can always spot a liar. How about a countdown? That's fair for everyone, right? 5 seconds. 4...3...
Matt: Enzo, let her go, or I swear...
Enzo: You'll what?
Matt: I will k*ll you.
Enzo: Will you? Because Stefan's 5 seconds are up.
( Enzo snaps Monique's neck. Matt starts toward him )
Matt: No!
( Stefan restrains him )
Stefan: Don't be stupid. Don't be stupid.
Enzo: Just think. All of this could have been avoided if you'd have just told the truth. No matter. I'll find out sooner or later.
( Elena sits with Damon at her parents' gravestone )
Elena: Bonnie's gonna get to the house, and we will be gone.
Damon: Until the next comet, or full moon, or eclipse. As long as we have that, we can go back as many times as we need until we get her back.
( Suddenly Kai shows up )
Kai: Wait. Are you guys talking about Bonnie Bennett? Because honestly, I didn't think she was all that great.
( Kai magicks the Ascendant out of Elena's hands. It smashes against a tree and breaks )
Elena: No!
( Elena scrambles to collect the pieces. Damon stands up and moves toward Kai )
Damon: I am gonna enjoy the hell out of this.
( Kai disables Damon with excruciating pain in his head )
Kai: Oh, hey. Me, too. Oh, yeah. Damon, I, uh, I stole some of Liv's magic when I tried to k*ll her. Think some of it might still be in my system, so pardon me.
( Kai makes Damon slide away, then walks toward Elena. He picks up a piece of the Ascendant )
Kai: Uh-uh-uh. You missed one. Phesmatos incendia.
( He drops it into Elena's hands with the rest of the pieces, and it bursts into flame. The f*re spreads up Elena's arm. Damon, revived, vamps toward Kai, who suddenly disappears. Damon picks up a large tree branch and swings it, hitting Kai, who becomes visible again and gets pelted over the anti-magic border. The f*re on Elena's arm goes away )
Damon: You ok?
( Elena nods, gasping )
Kai: Huh. I guess this is that, uh, antimagic border, which means now there's a psycho loose in Mystic Falls and no vampires around to stop him. Whoops.
( Kai walks away, and Elena and Damon share look )
( Stefan finishes putting Monique into the bed of Matt's truck )
Stefan: Look. I'm sorry that Enzo k*lled her. He's...
Matt: A monster. Yeah, I know, but you could have stopped him, and you didn't.
Stefan: What, you think that was easy for me, watching an innocent girl die?
Matt: I don't know actually. You're not exactly the sharing type.
Stefan: Matt, I promise you that everything I do I have thought out over and over, making sure it's the right thing to do.
Matt: So we're just supposed to trust that you know best?
Stefan: No. You're supposed to trust that I'm nothing like Enzo.
Matt: The problem is you are, because no matter how close vampires get to humans, our lives will always mean less, so when push comes to shove, we'll be on opposite sides, which is what Tripp knew and I didn't.
( Matt gets into his car and drives away )
( Jeremy pours himself a glass of bourbon. His phone rings and he answers )
Elena: Jeremy?
Jeremy: Let me guess. She's not with you?
Elena: She was on her way, but...
Jeremy: But at the last minute, something went wrong, and it didn't work. I bet Damon's fine, isn't he?
( Jeremy hangs up and picks up his glass. Matt arrives behind him carrying vampire hunter w*apon )
Matt: Don't do that.
Jeremy: Why not?
Matt: Because I think channeling your rage might be a better option. How do you feel about being a hunter again?
Jeremy: Why?
Matt: Because I want you to help me k*ll Enzo.
( Alaric meets up with Damon )
Alaric: So Jo drove me across the border. I told her she was crazy, that you'd never compel me.
Damon: Look, Ric.
( Alaric punches Damon )
Damon: We had to get Bonnie back.
Alaric: Getting Bonnie back was never off the table. What was off the table was compelling me to steal from my girlfriend when we had promised her we'd keep her brother locked way.
Damon: Yeah, I know.
Alaric: Where is he - Kai?
Damon: He's out, but it's not our fa...
( Alaric punches Damon again and leaves. Elena walks up behind Damon and puts a hand on his shoulder )
Damon: I left Bonnie a note at the house. I told her we would be on your front porch.
( In the prison world, Bonnie runs to the porch of the Gilbert house and opens the door )
Damon: She'd probably be there now with about a half an hour to spare.
( Bonnie realizes they're not in there and continues looking around the porch )
Damon: She sacrificed everything for us over and over again, and then we were supposed to be there for her.
( Bonnie realizes they're gone )
Damon (V.O.): She's all alone.
( Bonnie fights her emotions. Elena's eyes tear up. Bonnie breaks down on the porch in despair, sobbing )
( Tyler walks in the front door. Kai stands up in the shadowed sitting room )
Kai: I think gin gets a bad rap.
( Tyler drops his bag and starts moving toward Kai, but Kai breaks an empty bottle against the wall and holds the jagged edge against Tyler's throat )
Kai: I'd rather not k*ll you, but I will.
Tyler: What the hell do you want?
Kai: This is gonna sound crazy, but I'm wanting to save Liv's life. Feel like making a deal with the devil?
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x09 - I Alone"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Elena: What about Bonnie?
Damon: She sacrificed herself so I could come back.
Elena: She's all alone I'm sorry I compelled away the memories.
Damon: We'll make new ones.
Caroline: I hate you for ruining our friendship, and I think that I deserve better than that.
Matt: Enzo, let her go, or I swear...
Matt: No!
Matt: How do you feel about being a hunter again?
Jeremy: Why?
Matt: Because I want you to help me k*ll Enzo.
Damon: Get the ascendant from Jo.
Alaric: I understand.
Jo: Damon is a vampire.
Alaric: Are you saying Damon compelled me? He wouldn't do that. He's my friend.
Alaric: Jo drove me across the border.
Damon: Look, Ric.
Luke: My coven put Kai in a prison world.
Elena: Kai?
Jo: As in our brother, my twin.
Jo: In our coven's tradition, the twins merge their strength. The stronger one wins, absorbing their twin's power. The weaker one dies.
Tyler: I'm not gonna let you die.
Tyler: Kai is here.
Kai: I guess this is that, uh, antimagic border, which means now there's a psycho loose in Mystic Falls and no vampires around to stop him.
Tyler: What the hell do you want?
Kai: Feel like making a deal with the devil?
( Jo is at the hospital and it's pretty busy. She calls Ric )
Jo: How much are you gonna want to k*ll me if I need to rain check tonight?
Alaric: What happened?
Jo: I have a possible 480 h*t-and-run on campus, one DOA, 4 reds en route.
Alaric: Have your previous boyfriends understood this language you speak?
Jo: I'm gonna miss dinner. So you're my boyfriend now? ( b*at ) There's no hospital code for awkward silence.
( They laugh )
Jo: Give me two hours. Save me dinner.
( Jo hangs up and gets back to work )
Woman: Doctor, we have a young female with abdominal wounds.
Jo: Put her in T3. I need 10 milligrams of morphine. Mine's conscious.
Other Doctor: See a lot of blood, no broken bones. Making any sense to you?
Jo: No, it's not. What happened to you? Were you h*t by a car?
Female victim: I can't breathe.
( The other doctor by the next bed collapses )
Jo: It's ok. You can tell me what really happened. Sweetheart? Look at me.
( Kai gets up from another bed, covered in blood but apparently unharmed. The girl sees him and her pulse skyrockets as she hyperventilates )
Jo: What happened to you?
( Kai walks up behind Jo and restrains her )
Kai: I s*ab her.
( Kai injects Jo with a sedative. The female patient screams )
[ MYSTIC FALLS, 2007 ]
( The town is gathered for Christmas festivities. Elena is putting marshmallows in her hot chocolate when a snowball hits her )
Elena: Unh!
( She turns around and sees Bonnie )
Bonnie: Sorry. Had to.
Elena: You know you just declared w*r, right?
Bonnie: Come on. Caroline's over there.
( They walk together, laughing )
( Bonnie drags a tree toward the high school
Bonnie: Come on.
( The eclipse starts and Bonnie looks up at it )
Bonnie: Heh. Nope. I'm not noticing you. Today's not may 10, 1994. Today's the tree decorating ceremony, and you are not telling me otherwise.
( Caroline talks to her mom on the phone while walking to her dorm room )
Caroline: I just figured that we were skipping Christmas this year, you know, considering the part where I die if I cross the border into my hometown.
Liz: What happened to Christmas being your favorite time of the year?
Caroline: Was my favorite time of year when I could actually live in my own house and help decorate the town tree and drink hot cocoa with my friends.
( Caroline arrives at her room and finds her mom inside, surrounded by boxes of Christmas decorations )
Caroline: What are you doing? You're supposed to be at the Mystic Falls tree decorating ceremony.
Liz: I'm playing hooky this year. I figure just because you can't come home for the holidays doesn't mean the holidays can't come to you.
Caroline: You even brought our favorite ornaments. Mom!
( Stefan arrives with two boxes of Christmas lights )
Stefan: Hey. I, uh, didn't know which ones to get, so I got both.
Caroline: What are you doing here?
Stefan: Your mom needed Christmas lights.
( Caroline turns her ire on her mom )
Liz: You have a huge dorm, and I thought we could use an extra set of hands.
( Caroline glares at her mom, who glares right back. Caroline turns back to Stefan, who holds up both boxes )
Caroline: The little ones, obviously.
( Elena and Damon sit at a table, which is covered with old books. Damon rests his head on one of the open books. Elena looks at him, smiling, and Damon cracks an eye open )
Damon: Are you watching me sleep?
Elena: No. I'm watching you drool all over Ric's textbooks, and considering you're already on his bad side...
Damon: I don't drool.
( Damon lifts his head up, looks at the book, and wipes his chin )
Damon: Hmm. Ohh. What time is it?
Elena: Time for Ric to get a new reference library. We've been looking all night. I swear I haven't found anything that even remotely resembles an Ascendant.
Damon: Well, we haven't looked hard enough. Let's get to it.
( Elena stares at Damon )
Damon: Find anything yet?
Elena: Nope.
Damon: Still staring.
Elena: It's just... Everything you've been doing for Bonnie. Thank you.
Damon: She'd do it for us.
( Elena's phone vibrates and she answers the call )
Elena: Hello, Ric.
Alaric: Have you seen Jo?
Elena: No, not since yesterday.
( Alaric sighs )
Damon: Why?
Elena: So I asked around the hospital. No one's seen Jo since last night at the ER. A bunch of s*ab victims came in, and one of them's missing, as well.
Alaric: It was Kai. Jo knew he'd come after her, and he did.
Damon: Not to give you boyfriend lessons or anything, but if you knew Jo's whackjob brother was out on the loose and after her, don't you think that keeping an eye on her would have been a smart move?
Alaric: And what would you have had me do, Damon, ask you to compel Jo to stay put?
( Damon nods )
Elena: Guys, if Kai has Jo, we need a plan.
Damon: Plan's easy. Find Kai, fftt, k*ll Kai. Mmhmm.
Tyler: Bottom line, we need to keep Kai alive.
Luke: You think I'm gonna protect the guy who chased us around the house with a baseball bat when we were 4?
Liv: Luke's right, Tyler. You're on some serious crack.
Tyler: Right now, you two are stuck doing the twinmerge for your coven, ok? That means one lives, one dies, but if we help Kai and he finds a way to merge with Jo, it's not your problem anymore.
Luke: Until Kai becomes the most powerful witch in our coven and goes on a k*lling spree. Something tells me that's gonna become our problem.
Liv: What does he want us to do exactly?
( Damon is on the phone with Matt )
Damon: Just think sociopathic Ryan Reynolds.
Matt: Haven't seen him.
Damon: Grunge vibe, annoying as hell.
Matt: Still no idea.
Damon: Well, if he has half a brain, he will be hiding where vampires can't find him. So in between levels of Mario Kart, can you and little baby Gilbert maybe keep an eye out?
Matt: Yeah, got it. If we see him, we'll let you know.
( They hang up. Jeremy joins Matt in the room where Tripp tortured Enzo )
Jeremy: Who was that?
Matt: It was Damon. Apparently, there's a psychopath roaming Mystic Falls.
Jeremy: You tell him we're busy hunting down a psychopath roaming outside Mystic Falls?
Matt: Must have forgot to mention it. Look. You better get out of here. Enzo's gonna be here soon.
Jeremy: Let's k*ll a vampire.
Damon: Well, Bevis and Butthead are on the lookout. Anyone else brimming with confidence?
Alaric: I mean, this just doesn't make sense.
Damon: What could possibly not make sense about magical twins absorbing into one another?
Alaric: Listen. Jo needs her magic for the merge to work, ok, and she got rid of that back in 1994.
Tyler: Kai said Jo hid her magic in a Kn*fe somewhere.
Liv: It's probably back in Portland, where she got rid of it in 1994.
Tyler: He checked. The Kn*fe's not there. He thinks someone took it.
Damon: Jo doesn't have magic because it's stuffed in a Kn*fe that was stolen and hidden by yours truly. Kai won't find it.
Alaric: Yeah, unless Kai does a locator spell.
Damon: It's impossible.
Alaric: Why?
Elena: Kai was born without the ability to do magic.
Liv: Let me guess. Kai wants us to do a locator spell on the Kn*fe.
Tyler: If we find it, Jo can get her magic back, Kai can merge with her, and you and Luke
Luke: This is ridiculous. This is our job. Merging is our duty to the coven. It's why we were born.
Liv: No. We were born because our coven decided that Jo wasn't strong enough to b*at Kai. Why should we have to die because our sister's too weak to defeat our psychopath of a brother?
Luke: You know, a month ago, the thought of bowing out never even occurred to you.
Liv: That's because Kai wasn't here a month ago, but he's here now. Luke, we don't have to do this. We have a chance to live out normal, human lives. We could actually be happy.
Alaric: If the only way to restore Jo's magic is to reunite her with that Kn*fe, Kai's gonna come for it.
Elena: Ric's right. Even if Kai can't do the locator spell, he's gonna make it his mission to find it.
Damon: Kai finds it. Great. Love it.
Elena: Why aren't you more concerned?
Damon: Because if Kai goes for the Kn*fe, I will k*ll him because the Kn*fe is right here where I hid it. Tada!
( Damon takes down a picture frame from the wall and open the back. There's nothing there )
( Inside a mausoleum, Kai holds the Kn*fe that contains Jo's magic )
Kai: I know I tried to k*ll you when you were toddlers, but I got to say, it sure is nice to be around family for the holidays.
( Liv and Luke glance uneasily at Jo, who is tied up and unconscious on the ground )
( Bonnie hangs popcorn garland on her tree )
[ MYSTIC FALLS, 2007 ]
( Caroline joins her mom )
Caroline: Dad's not here yet.
Liz: Oh, yeah. You know what? He's not gonna make it. You remember his friend Steven? He needed help moving a couch or something, so he's gonna miss out.
Caroline: But it's an undeclared law that the sheriff and her husband put the star on the tree!
Liz: Then we will just have to let the Lockwoods have the honors this year.
Caroline: Is something going on between you two?
Liz: It'll be fine, I promise.
Caroline: Mom, I'm a freshman in High School, ok? I can handle adult conversations.
Liz: No worrying during the holidays, ok? And that tree is not gonna decorate itself. Go.
( Caroline smiles and leaves. Elena and Bonnie are threading popcorn to make garlands )
Elena: Well, maybe you'll meet a cute surfer.
Bonnie: Doubtful. My dad's conference is two hours away from any beach.
Caroline: Ahh! Cute surfer? Where?
Elena: Nowhere. Bonnie's dad is dragging her on a work trip, so I'm gonna ask my parents if she can spend the holiday with us.
Bonnie: Are you serious?
Elena: Yeah. The 3 of us have never spent Christmas apart. I plan on keeping it that way, even though Jeremy will hate it. It's always fun to t*rture him.
Bonnie: Oh! I love you. Almost as much as I love torturing Jeremy.
Caroline: Ok, great! Now that Christmas is saved, let's get these garlands on the tree before they end up on your hips.
( Caroline leaves. Bonnie and Elena look at each other and eat some more popcorn, smiling )
( Caroline is hanging the lights up and Stefan joins her to help )
Stefan: Here. I got it.
Caroline: What are you doing here?
Stefan: Well, your mom asked for my help.
Caroline: No, Stefan. What are you doing here? Because if you think hanging a few stands of light is gonna make me forget what a crappy friend you've been, then you thought wrong.
Stefan: Caroline, I'm trying, ok?
Caroline: You're trying? No. This is the easy part, ok? We're hanging Christmas lights. Anyone can be friends when you're hanging Christmas lights.
( Liz returns carrying a tray with cups )
Liz: Who wants hot chocolate?
Stefan: I was just leaving.
( Stefan leaves. Liz frowns at Caroline, who goes back to the lights. Suddenly Liz looks faint and drops the tray. She braces herself against a chair )
Caroline: Mom?!
Liz: Oh, wow. I just got really...
( Stefan vamps back into the room and catches Liz as she collapses. Caroline rushes over )
Caroline: Mom! You ok?
( Her mom nods, but still looks a little out of it )
( Kai drags a stick in the dirt )
Liv: What the hell is he doing?
Luke: Probably playing tictactoe with himself like a crazy person.
Kai: This is the antimagic border. Jo can get her magic back over there while over here...
( Suddenly Jo's voice is heard from a distance )
Jo: Hey. What did you do to me?
Kai: Sissy's up.
( Liv and Luke follow Kai back into the mausoleum where Jo is, rattling the chains around her wrists )
Jo: What the hell did you do to me?
Kai: I haven't seen you in 18 years. You can't muster a hello?
Jo: What did you guys do?
Liv: What you should have done 18 years ago.
Jo: It's not gonna work Kai. I don't have my...
Kai: Magic. Yeah. Yeah. I recall. You stored it in this.
( Kai s*ab Jo in the arm with the Kn*fe, and she cries out )
Luke: What the hell?
Kai: I'm trying to reunite Jo with her...
( He s*ab her again )
Kai: Magic. It's not working.
Luke: Enough, enough, man.
( Kai shoves Luke against a wall and poises the Kn*fe over his throat )
Kai: I was wanting to k*ll you when your brain was the size of an acorn. You don't think I'll do it now?
( Kai lets up )
Luke: Whatever. I'm not watching this.
( Luke leaves and Kai laughs )
Kai: Oh, so dramatic. All right. Sissy... Let's try this again.
Jo: Stop. I put my magic in there by choice. Taking it back is also my choice unless I bleed to death, which will happen in the next 30 minutes. Heh. Wouldn't it be ironic if you accidentally k*lled me before the merge ceremony?
( Kai appears to consider this then makes a decision )
Kai: I'm going to find a bandage while you figure out how to put the magic in this Kn*fe into our sister.
( Kai hands the Kn*fe to Liv )
Kai: Preferably by the time I get back so I don't have to dull it by slitting your throat.
( Elena joins Caroline at the hospital outside of Liz' room )
Elena: Hey!
Caroline: Hey.
Elena: What happened?
Caroline: I don't know. She just collapsed. One second, we're decorating, and then the next, she's just on the ground. Maybe she forgot to eat. You know, sometimes, she skips breakfast.
Elena: And when was the last time you ate, Caroline, as in fed?
Caroline: Oh, God. Now you sound like Stefan. He just went to go find something to take the edge off.
Caroline: They have her sedated. She's going to be asleep for a while. Can you just come and distract me?
( Elena sits next to Caroline on a bench in the hallway )
Caroline: How's the search for the new Ascendant thingy?
Elena: Not good. Damon and I spent the night researching.
Caroline: God. Poor Bonnie. Do you think she knows it's Christmas? You know she never liked being away from us at Christmas.
Elena: I don't know. It's probably better that she doesn't know, though.
Caroline: So are you and Damon...
Elena: I know what you're thinking, and no.
Caroline: Actually, I was going to say that I think it's great how he's always been there for you when it mattered, you know, through thick and thin, good times and bad times. Maybe I haven't given him enough credit.
Elena: You're clearly malnourished.
( They laugh )
( Tyler talks to Damon on the phone )
Damon: Bet you think you're pretty clever, don't you?
Tyler: Is this Damon? Why don't I have your number saved?
Damon: Well, you weren't in your dorm room, and your pouty little goth friend wasn't in hers.
Tyler: It's creepy you know where Liv's dorm room is.
Damon: Let me guess. You 3 idiots figured that Kai merging with Jo benefits you and Liv. Now I'm not sure exactly how Luke fits into that yet, but I'll use my imagination.
Tyler: I'm trying to keep my girlfriend alive. Sound familiar?
( Tyler hangs up. At the dorm, Luke is walking down the hall and he spots Damon, who grins. Luke starts to walk the other way but Damon vamps over to block him )
Damon: We both knew that wasn't gonna work. Where's Jo?
Luke: I'm not telling you, and before you thr*at to rip my head off, remember, all that does is guarantee Kai having to merge with Jo.
Damon: Is that what you people think of me, that I just instantly resort to v*olence? I just have a question. I mean, look. I get why you don't want to merge with Liv, ok, because no one wants to see that face with her hair. I get it, but what makes you think Kai merging with Jo is any smarter? I mean, I heard he k*lled 4 of your siblings, and that was without magic. Eh, it'll be fine. I'm sure when Kai gets all that power he's just gonna mellow right on out. Heh.
( Damon turns and starts walking )
Luke: Stop.
( Enzo enters, joining Matt )
Enzo: And here I thought we were meeting for tea and crumpets.
Matt: I'm giving you information about a girl who's supposed to be Stefan's long lost niece. I'm not exactly interested in him finding out.
Enzo: And why are you helping me? I thought you unfriended me when I k*lled that little con artist.
Matt: Monique. Her name was Monique.
Enzo: Eh, two names actually... First Sarah, then Monique, probably others. I asked you why you're helping me.
Matt: She knew something that Stefan didn't want her to know, and for some screwed up reason, you're obsessed with knowing Stefan's secrets. Probably because he has everything you'll never have.
Enzo: Answer the bloody question. Why are you helping me?
Matt: Because I want this obsession to take you the hell away from here. This is all the information Monique told me about her past. Take it and get out.
( Matt hands Enzo a thick dossier. Enzo opens it and it's full of blank pages. Enzo laughs grimly, then turns around with vamp speed in time to catch an arrow Jeremy just fired at him )
Enzo: Think I didn't plan for that?
( While Enzo faces Jeremy, Matt s*ab him in the neck. Enzo rounds back on Matt, pushing him against the wall. Jeremy sh**t Enzo in the back with a wooden stake. Matt punches Enzo out, and Enzo falls to the ground )
( Elena joins Stefan, who is observing the doctors through the window )
Elena: Caroline could really use whatever's in that cup.
( There are a lot of doctors in Liz room )
Elena: Is it just me, or does that look really bad for somebody who just fainted?
Stefan: That doctor just came over from radiology. I overheard her say "glioblastoma."
Elena: Glioblastoma? No, but that... no. No, no.
Stefan: We brought her in a couple of weeks ago after Tripp's guys grabbed here. Doctors ran some tests, and apparently they found something suspicious.
Elena: No, but that doesn't make sense, Stefan. Caroline would have said something.
Stefan: Or maybe her mom hasn't told her yet.
( Elena vamps over to a doctor that just came out of the sheriff's room )
Elena: ( compelling ) What's going on with Liz Forbes?
Doctor: Her recent MRI showed a lesion on her brainstem. We think it's metastasized to her spine.
Elena: C-can you operate?
Doctor: If the tumor's already spread, it would be impossible.
Elena: But that would mean... Does she know?
Doctor: For a few weeks now, but news like this takes time to digest.
( The doctor leaves. Elena looks over at Stefan, speechless )
( Matt and Jeremy drag Enzo across the room )
Jeremy: Ugh. Wouldn't it be a billion times easier just to stake him in the heart?
Matt: Yeah, but he wouldn't suffer. Get the door.
Jeremy: Wait. This isn't about making him suffer. It's about making sure he doesn't k*ll anyone else.
Matt: He just k*lled an innocent girl, Jer. He deserves to suffer.
Jeremy: Dude, you sound like Tripp.
Matt: You mean the guy whose neck Enzo slit open for trying to protect innocent people?
Jeremy: I'm just saying you're being a little intense.
Matt: Maybe that's the problem, Jer. We've all been looking the other way because we're friends with vampires, but how many people need to die for us to face the fact that vampires also k*ll people?
Jeremy: So what, you'd do the same thing to Stefan? What about Elena or Caroline?
Matt: Just help me get him to the van.
Jeremy: Look. I know how you feel. I was supernaturally programmed to take out my sister, remember, but this whole us versus them thing is gonna drive you crazy, and it's gonna get you k*lled.
( Liv puts a hand over Jo's wound )
Jo: Hey. It will be ok. Just needed to get rid of Kai so you could free me.
Liv: Look, Jo. You can't run away from this anymore. You've had 18 years of freedom. Now take your magic back and do this. You owe it to the coven.
Jo: Is that what you think, that I've been shirking my responsibility to our family?
Liv: Luke's all I've got. If we merge and he dies... I may as well be d*ad, too.
Jo: If Kai merges with me, he'll be more powerful than any of us.
Liv: Did it ever occur to you that maybe you're strong enough to b*at him? You were 22 the last time you went up against him. Since then, you've been a combat medic, you've saved hundreds of lives, and your hospital worships you.
Jo: Someone's done her research.
Liv: You're my sister, and I'm yours. Look how far you've come without magic. You didn't get here listening to people tell you you weren't strong enough.
( Liv starts to hand the Kn*fe back to Jo, but Kai grabs her from behind and takes some magic )
Jo: Liv!
Kai: Can't say I didn't warn her.
( Liv falls to the ground )
Kai: Phesmatos superous em animi...
( Liv grabs her head in pain, her nose bleeding )
Jo: Kai, stop!
Kai: Isn't it gonna be funny when I k*ll her using her own magic? Wait. Is that funny or sad? I get my emotions mixed up. Hey. What's the one for f*re again? It's "incendia," right? Phesmatos...
Jo: Kai, enough!
( Jo picks up the Kn*fe and starts taking her magic back )
Jo: Lectos espiritox.
( Outside, Alaric and Damon arrive )
Damon: That's it? We're gonna k*ll bad guys together, and you're not gonna talk to me?
Alaric: Look. You blew up your car, you needed a ride. Doesn't mean we have to talk.
Damon: All right. Look. I agree that maybe compelling you to betray your lady friend was an irrational decision stemming from untreated control issues.
( Alaric stops and looks at Damon, scoffs, then continues walking )
Damon: What?
( Alaric ignores Damon, so Damon vamps over in front of Alaric )
Damon: I'm sorry, Ric.
Alaric: Is that it?
Damon: Yeah.
Alaric: Great. Let's finish this.
( Back at the mausoleum, Jo finishes taking her magic back. Kai crouches down in front of her and puts his hands on her face, feeling the magic )
Kai: There it is. Oh, so predictable. I thr*at Liv, you do anything it takes to save Liv.
Jo: Fractos.
( Jo breaks off the chains on her wrists. Outside, someone whistles. Kai goes outside and after a few seconds, Damon vamps at him and shoves him )
Damon: Cemetery, really?
Kai: Motus.
( Damon stumbles backward over the anti-magic border and starts to burn in the sunlight until he steps back over it )
Kai: Oh, whoops. Looks like you found the anti-magic border. Drew a line in the dirt for everyone's convenience. See? Yeah. You're welcome.
( Kai is standing on the other side of the border when Alaric comes up behind him, grabs him and puts a g*n to Kai's head )
Damon: Thank you. k*ll him.
Jo: Alaric, don't!
Alaric: What are you talking about?
Damon: She's lightheaded and confused. I'll give her some of my blood, ok? k*ll him.
Jo: No, you can't. If Kai dies, Liv and Luke have to do the merge. It's not fair to them.
Damon: Who cares? k*ll him.
Jo: Ric, don't. I can win. I can b*at Kai. I just need a little time to get stronger.
Damon: We're moved truly. ( to Ric ) k*ll him now.
Jo: I'll figure out a way to win. Please you have to trust me. Keep him alive.
Damon: Ric.
( Alaric knocks Kai out with the butt of his g*n )
( Luke packs a bag when Tyler approaches him )
Tyler: Why the hell did you tell Damon where they were?
Luke: Because I realized listening to you two was a huge mistake. Kai's a monster.
Tyler: So you'll just risk your sister's life? How the hell does that make sense? Hey! I'm talking to you.
( Tyler starts to grab Luke's arm when Liv comes in the front door )
Liv: Everyone, chill! Jo thinks she can b*at Kai.
Luke: You and I both know that's crap. Kai's a million times stronger. She'll die, and the first thing Kai's gonna do is k*ll everyone in our coven as punishment for putting him away, and then he'll turn on innocent people because he's crazy and bored and homicidal.
Liv: Fine. Then I'm selfish, Luke, but I'd rather be alive and selfish than this d*ad martyr who served her purpose to her coven.
Luke: People are gonna die, and it's gonna be our fault. Remember that.
( Stefan is sitting on a bench in the hallway at the hospital. Elena joins him )
Elena: Are you ok?
Stefan: There's a 22-year-old sociopathic witch running around Mystic Falls right now. That we have a plan for. We've dealt with every kind of evil there is, and we always have a plan, but this... If Caroline loses her mom, it'll destroy her.
Elena: I know.
Stefan: She doesn't deserve this, Elena. She's a good person. She's happy, she's kind.
Elena: I know. I should tell her. It's only a matter of time before she compels a doctor, and I don't want her finding out from a stranger, you know?
Stefan: Let me do it.
( Stefan gets up )
Elena: No, Stefan. You don't have to.
Stefan: Let Damon know. I should tell Caroline. I haven't been there for her. Caroline needed me, and I ran away. So... yeah, I have to do it.
( Stefan leaves )
( Jo walks with Alaric to his car )
Alaric: I guess we'll just lock up your brother until you two, you know...
Jo: Merge our twin powers during the next celestial event?
Alaric: Yeah. There really is no sugarcoating that, is there?
Jo: For the record, I've dated doctors and lawyers and a couple of artist types, but none of my previous boyfriends would have ever understood that.
( They smile at each other )
Alaric: Here. Let me, uh...
( Alaric gets a blanket out of the car and wraps it around Jo. They kiss )
Jo: Be careful.
( Back by the mausoleum, Damon throws rocks at the large headstone Kai is chained to on the other side )
Kai: So this whole antimagic thing, is it like a... Like a dome or a bubble? Like, say, you were in 747 flying over Mystic Falls, would you die? You know, that could be dangerous, like if you're headed to New York and your pilot reroutes for weather.
Damon: How's this? I k*ll you, and when you're in hell, you can ask a bar full of d*ad travelers, who cast the damn spell.
Damon: That's a lot of travelers. Must be a pretty big spell. ( quietly ) Like a really big spell. So big... It covers every inch of an entire town.
( Kai touches the ground, thoughtful. Alaric drives his car up to the border and gets out )
Alaric: What the hell are you doing?
Damon: I'm working on my knuckleball.
Alaric: We are keeping him alive, Damon.
Damon: Can I ask why we continuously compromise logic for some girl you just met?
Alaric: You know, I don't know how I went so long without saying this, but you're a real dick.
Damon: Bonnie's stuck over there because of him. She's over there, and I'm over here, and I hate myself for it.
Alaric: Yeah, and k*lling him will make you feel better, so let's just stop pretending for a second that this is about anyone else but you.
( Damon throws a rock at one of the tires on Alaric's car, hard enough to puncture it )
Damon: You should probably go change that tire.
( Meanwhile, Kai is drawing the Travelers' magic from the earth )
( Bonnie drags an extension cord toward her tree )
Bonnie: Ok, tree. Let's do this.
( She plugs it in and the tree lights up )
[ MYSTIC FALLS, 2009 ]
( The town is gathered around the Christmas tree while Liz addresses them. Elena and Bonnie stand together, giggling )
Liz: Now that's what I call a Christmas tree. Isn't that gorgeous? The holidays are all about being with loves ones, and I think that's what makes this tradition so special in our town. It's a reminder that no matter where you turn you have a friend.
( The crowd applauses. Elena and Bonnie say "aw" and put their heads together. Caroline joins them )
Caroline: Biggest mistake of junior year... Including the boys in secret santa. Stefan is officially the worst gift giver.
Elena: He got you a snow globe?
Caroline: Yeah, of Mystic Falls, as if I don't see enough of this town every day as it is.
Bonnie: Well, I love my bracelet.
Caroline: Of course you do because I am good at secret santa, and I didn't purchase it from a quick stop.
Elena: Looks like someone is missing the true meaning of Christmas. Come on. We're happy and healthy, and we're together.
( They wrap their arms around each other )
( Caroline sits on a bench in the hall, holding the snow globe Stefan gave her a few years ago. Stefan walks up to her )
Stefan: Hey.
Caroline: Hey. Uh, there's no news. Apparently, they're still running tests.
Stefan: Caroline... We need to talk.
( Wind is bl*wing hard and Damon tries to hear Elena on the phone )
Damon: Hey. Where are you? I can't hear you.
Elena: I'm at the medical center. Where are you? Reception's horrible. Damon, can you hear me?
Damon: Hey. Elena!
( Damon loses the connection. Kai continues to draw power from the earth while the wind rises. Meanwhile, at the high school, Jeremy walks through a crowd standing around the Christmas tree. When someone plugs in the lights, a few of them burst. Elsewhere, Matt's radio in the van goes a little haywire. He hits it and turns it up. In the back, Enzo wakes up, hearing the music )
Enzo: Fancy something else? I always figured I'd bow out to the Everly brothers or...
( Matt shuts the slider behind him. Back at the cemetery, Damon gets up and walks toward Kai )
Damon: He stopped talking. He never stops talking.
( The chains on Kai's wrists melt off of him )
Kai: Magia tollox de terras. Utera aso utox.
Damon: What happened to his chains?
Alaric: Is he chanting?
Kai: Utera aso utox...
( Matt crosses the border into Mystic Falls. The roof of the van is open and Enzo starts to burn in the sun )
Kai: Magia tollox de terras. Utera aso utox.
( Matt gets out of the van and goes round to open the back. Enzo is lying still, and Matt reaches out to turn him over. Enzo moves with vampire speed and grabs Matt's throat, unaffected by the anti-magic spell )
Enzo: It's a Christmas miracle.
( Back at the cemetery, Kai gets up )
Damon: You little magic sucker. Sucked up all that magic from the traveler spell.
( Kai levitates Alaric and slams him into a tree )
Kai: A lot of magic.
( Damon rushes at Kai, shoving him against a tree. Kai shoves Damon off, and when Damon goes to punch him, Kai disappears )
Damon: Gah! I really, really hate that move.
( Damon hears Alaric groan and rushes over to him )
Damon: Ric! Hey. Come on. Take my damn hand, Ric. Come on.
( Alaric finally accepts Damon's help and gets up )
Alaric: How are you not d*ad?
( They look over at the line Kai had drawn in the dirt. They're both on the anti-magic side )
( Enzo sits on the edge of the van, Matt sits further inside )
Enzo: If we've learned anything from today, it's that we should k*ll our enemies with haste.
Matt: Then what are you waiting for? Go ahead and k*ll me.
Enzo: I said enemies. Don't flatter yourself.
Matt: What do you want, Enzo?
Enzo: You were right. I am jealous of Stefan. He has what I want... Respect, family, girls he doesn't deserve. He throws it all away, and yet still somehow manages to come out winning. You are going to help me deplete every ounce of happiness from his life, and when there's nothing left, I'll decide if you get to live. Oh, and, uh, happy holidays.
( Enzo closes the doors to the back of the van )
( Damon talks to Elena on the phone while he walks in the front door )
Elena: You mean home home?
Damon: Ahh. Just walked through the front door, which I should probably start locking now that Kai's supercharged and on the prowl.
Elena: Let's just celebrate the fact that we can go home. I could really use some happy news right now. Today sucked.
Damon: I'm listening.
Elena: So look. I don't know what we were or are or what we're supposed to be, but all I know is that today was pretty horrible, and I just... I want to see you. I have something I need to tell you.
Damon: Come over. I'll cook you dinner, and we'll talk about our crappy days.
( Elsewhere at the hospital, Caroline and Stefan talk )
Caroline: That just doesn't make sense. My mom would have said something to me.
Stefan: We were worried, so... Elena compelled one of the doctors for information.
Caroline: Ok. So my mom has a brain tumor. Then we'll just give her vampire blood.
Stefan: Caroline, do you think that if our blood cured cancer we would have heard about that by now?
Caroline: Fine. Then when are they gonna operate?
Stefan: That's the problem. They can't.
Caroline: Ok. Well, if they can't operate, then they'll give her chemo, right?
Stefan: The tumor is growing so fast the doctors don't think that will work.
Caroline: Well, then they're wrong because they don't know her. They don't know how strong she is. I mean, she's gonna get through this, Stefan. Right?
( Caroline breaks down, and Stefan holds her. Elena hangs up the phone as she walks into the hall, and sees Caroline crying in Stefan's arms )
( As Bonnie looks at her tree in the prison world, Jeremy stands by the tree in the real world )
Jeremy: We miss you, Bonnie.
Bonnie: I miss you guys.
( Jeremy walks away from the large, colorful tree in the real world. Bonnie sets f*re to her small, simple tree with a lighted candle, and walks away from it as it burns )
( Caroline stands by her mom's bed, holding the snow globe )
( Damon hears the rumble of an engine outside )
Damon: That's not possible.
( He goes out the front door to see Stefan drive up in Damon's car )
Damon: What? This was gone. I blew this up.
Stefan: Yeah? Well, you weren't around to annoy me for the last 4 months, so I had a bit of extra time on my hands.
Damon: Ha!
Stefan: Think of it as a early merry Christmas/late welcome back to life present.
( Damon takes the keys and the brothers hug )
Damon: Ha ha ha! Thank you.
Stefan: Hey. Just, uh, do me a favor. Don't die again. Those fenders were a real bitch to find.
Damon: Deal. Deal. Ha! Yeah.
( They walk back inside )
Damon: Well, we're home.
Stefan: Yep.
Damon: You sticking around?
Stefan: Well, that depends. Might have to k*ll Jeremy if I find out that he slept in my bed.
( Stefan leaves to go upstairs. Outside, Elena walks up to the door and sees the mistletoe. She knocks and Damon walks over and opens the door )
Elena: Mistletoe. Clever.
Damon: Hello. Anybody there?
Elena: Damon, what are you doing?
( Damon can't see Elena )
Elena: Are you gonna let me in or...
( Puzzled, Damon closes the door again )
Elena: Um... heh.
( Kai is standing behind Elena )
Kai: I may have put a cloaking spell on us.
( Elena whirls around )
Kai: How genius is that?
( Kai hits Elena with a w*apon and knocks her down )
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x10 - Christmas Through Your Eyes"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Sarah: I'm Zach and Gail's daughter. Sarah Salvatore. Why don't you believe me?
Stefan: Because Sarah Salvatore is at Duke university, where she studies as an art major. Now, who the hell are you?
Sarah: My name is Monique.
Enzo: I want the whole story.
Stefan: Don't do this.
Matt: No!
Enzo: I'll find out sooner or later.
Caroline: So, my mom has a brain tumor. Then I'll just give her vampire blood.
Stefan: If our blood cured cancer, we would've heard about that by now.
Jo: In our coven's tradition, the twins merge their strength. The stronger one wins and-- The weaker one dies.
Liv: Why should we have to die because our sister's too weak to defeat our psychopath of a brother?
Luke: Merging is our duty to the coven. It's why we were born.
Kai: This is the anti-magic border.
Damon: You sucked up all that magic from the Traveler's spell.
(Kai levitates Alaric and slams him into a tree) Aah!
Kai: A lot of magic.
Elena: I don't know what we were or are or what we're supposed to be, but I want to see you.
Damon: Come over.
Damon: Anybody there?
Kai: I may have put a cloaking spell on us.
Season 6 Episode 11
Woke Up With a Monster
Original Air Date on January 22, 2015
Kai: See, we never went out to dinner when I was a kid, so, I always had this fascination with chefs and fine dining. Dad actually lets me cook... Taught me to measure by eye. Seasonings to taste, all that stuff, but it's different now in the restaurant world.
(Elena wakes up, Kai talking in the background)
Kai: ...Everything's on time. It's like, the fries go in, it dings and you take 'em out. Literally no guess work.
(Elena's hands tied with rope soaked in vervain)
Elena: Why am I here?
Kai: Uh, well I spent eighteen years in abandoned restaurants and now I'm showing off the fruits of my labor.
(Kai starts eating eggs)
Elena: I don't mean the Mystic Grill
Kai: Oh, you mean like, here here, in Mystic Falls. (laughs) Sorry, I'm nervous. You're like, really pretty.
Elena: Why am I here, Kai?
Kai: Well, I took the spell that was keeping supernaturals out of Mystic Falls and I, I like absorbed it...Like ate it, I guess. (Takes another bite) It's cool, huh? First I eat magic, and then eventually, I lose it. But a huge spell like that? I mean, come on. Magic's oozing out of me, it's all over the place. You know, I didn't quite realize I was out of control until I met the manager of the Grill a few hours ago. And he was all like, (mocking voice) "Hey, you can't come in here; we're closed. And you have an unconscious girl over your shoulder." (Elena laughs sarcastically, unamused) And then I was like, "Don't judge me." And then I gave him a heart-att*ck--tried to, but all I did was make him vomit uncontrollably, which was like, ugh, let's stop that. (Elena stares at him, disgusted) So then I tried again and I think I broke his spine? I mean, I'm not, I'm not really sure, because the third time I tried the spell, he kinda exploded in blood. Whoops. (Takes a drink of coffee)
Elena: What the hell is wrong with you?
Kai: I just told you, I have too much magic. (Elena shakes her head) You know, it wasn't until after my test run with the manager that I realized, if I start to merge with Jo and my gushing fountains of magic turn her into that guy, then I'm not gonna have a twin for the merge. So, Elena, that is why you are here. (takes another bite) Because I need to get my magic under control. (Elena glares at Kai) By practicing with you. Or rather, by practicing on you. (Elena looks horrified) Oh, PS: Silver lining, after the manager finally stopped thrashing around, I finally managed a cloaking spell. Thank you. (takes a drink of orange juice; Elena is still glaring) It's easy to do and...undo. Phasmatos oculix. (d*ad manager appears on table in front of Elena)
Elena: (gasps and scoots back in her chair, horrified)
Kai: Table for three (laughs) You had no idea.
(Birds chirping; close up on a sleeping Stefan; bottles clanking; thudding; music playing; another thud)
Stefan: (gets up, goes downstairs and into the kitchen; Jeremy is standing there, shirtless, a towel around his waist) Oh. Because that's the first thing I wanna see in the morning.
Jeremy: Sorry, I forgot you lived here. (leaves kitchen)
Stefan: Yeah. Hey, any chance you could help me out with some speakers at Caroline's--(Jeremy's gone) house? (Stefan checks the coffee pot, it's almost empty) Thanks for the coffee.
(Clattering; Stefan goes to check it out)
Liv: Ow!
Jo: Sorry! Are you okay?
Liv: (Comes out into the hallway, her clothes smoking) Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just clothes and skin. (See Stefan) Hey, where can I get a tee shirt?
Stefan: Damon's room. Upstairs, end of the hall. (walks into living room to find Jo and a mess) What are you doing in my house?
Jo: f*re spell. Sort of. It turns out, getting back in touch with your magic isn't anything like riding a bike. (laughs)
Stefan: Oh.
Jo: I am sorry about that vase, though. Was that expensive?
Stefan: Well, I don't know. But the Smithsonian would. You should call them.
(Alaric comes in holding a large paper bag)
Jo: (stands and goes over to Alaric) Oh, thank God. Breakfast. Please tell me that you brought mimosas.
Alaric: Do you actually think I'd watch this sober?
Stefan: And, what exactly are we watching?
Jo: Today, we make smores. In a month, I win the merge and become leader of my coven, guaranteeing it's survival. Liv has me on a 30-day regimen between now and the next celestial event.
Stefan: And this regimen has to happen in my living room...why?
Alaric: Damon feels guilty.
Stefan: What's new? And where the hell is he?
(Close up of Damon snoring)
Liz: I paid extra for this room to be a single.
Damon: (stretching) Well, you clearly underestimate the number of women who'd die to spend a night with me.
Liz: Well, I'm not d*ad yet. (laughs) Any word from Elena?
Damon: (lounging back in his chair) Oh, I got words. Plural. I got, "Something came up at the dorm, had to bail, can we raincheck?" and an emoticon of a cold shower.
Liz: Ouch. Have you at least managed to patch things up with Ric?
Damon: Well, baby steps. Step one: allow him to turn my house into Hogwarts. Step two: call in a favor from the Sheriff. Ask her to put out an APB on a super-charged serial k*ller named Kai Parker.
Liz: (checking her phone) Yeah, I already had my guys on the lookout. No one matching Kai's description popped up overnight.
Damon: What the hell is he doing?
Caroline: (enters the room) Bad news is: the employee kitchen didn't have a juicer. Good news is: they do now.
Liz: What is this?
Caroline: It's a kale smoothie. It's good for DNA cell repair (Liz looks to Damon, who shrugs) and for slowing cancer. Oh, are you warm enough?
Liz: I'm fine.
Caroline: Let me just get you another blanket. (gets blanket out of drawer)
Damon: So you can literally smother her?
Caroline: (covering Liz up) I'm just trying to help here, since apparently, modern medicine takes forever. I don't understand why we can't skip all the guess-work and go straight to something that works. Like vampire blood.
Liz: We are not having this conversation again, sweetheart.
Caroline: Okay, then what do you want to talk about? How the doctors can't operate, how chemo won't work, how radiation won't shrink the tumor? Damon, feel free to jump in with your support here at any time.
Damon: Well, I think that would require you having my support, Caroline.
Caroline: You don't think that our blood will work?
Damon: For 170-odd years, I've never known an instance where our blood cured cancer. But hey, sheriff, if you want to be a guinea pig in an experimental study involving weird, unpredictable magic...Far be it from me to stop you.
Liz: Look, sweetheart. For now, I would like to put my faith in science. Which means going home on doctor's orders, having a nice, quiet day and waiting for more MRI results.
Damon: (getting up from his chair) See? Ahh, mommy knows best. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make sure those witches aren't destroying my house. Bye, bye. (winks at Liz)
Liv: (rummaging through Damon's drawers; talking to Tyler on the phone) Damon may be a vile creature, but he has the best clothes.
Tyler: (walking through Whitmore) Should I be wondering why you're in Damon Salvatore's bedroom?
Liv: Jo scorched my shirt.
Tyler: So you're shirtless in Damon's bedroom.
Liv: (laughing) You must be feeling such mixed emotions right now.
Tyler: How's the training going?
Liv: Jo's terrible. If she went up against Kai today, she'd lose in like, nine seconds. Luke totally called that one.
Tyler: Yeah, but you've got time to whip her into shape. Has Luke been giving you crap?
Liv: He's been texting and I've been ignoring.
Tyler: If he finds out you're training Jo--
Liv: He won't. Chill, okay? (hangs up and closes drawer, taking one of Damon's shirts)
(Caroline enters her living room, holding a flower)
Caroline: You kept my orchid alive. That's amazing.
Liz: I wanted everything to be just the same when you finally came home.
(Stefan enters the house)
Stefan: Hey.
Liz: What is this?
Caroline: Uhm, Stefan volunteered to move your entertainment center in here, so now you can watch TV from your favorite chair.
Stefan: Yeah, I hooked up the surround sound to your DVD player and I left a universal remote on the table, right there.
Liz: Well, thanks. Guess it never occured to anybody to just...move my chair, but... (Stefan is watching Liz worriedly; Liz smirks) What's the matter? Never seen anyone with Stage 4 cancer before?
Stefan: Actually, no, I haven't. One of the few perks of starting over ever few decades, real life never really catches up to you.
(Caroline comes back downstairs holding a Friends boxset; she hands it to Liz)
Caroline: So if you start the Friends boxset now, I'll be back in time for Monica and Chandler's wedding. Stefan, you know how to laugh, right?
Stefan: Opinions vary. Wait, why? Are you leaving?
Caroline: Every minute counts, so I'm going to go get a second opinion from one of the world's leading experts in Grade 4 Glioblastoma. (Liz gives Caroline a look) I couldn't sleep; I Googled.
Liz: And where is the internet sending you?
Caroline: Duke.
Stefan: Duke? You know what, maybe I'll give you a ride. I was thinking of heading that way to check on a friend.
Caroline: A friend?
Stefan: Mmmhm.
Caroline: Stefan, I know all of your friends. Elena. Me. (pretends to think) And then that's it.
Liz: I think it would be better if you had some company on the road. (turns to Stefan) Thank you, Stefan. (Stefan nods and heads for the door)
Caroline: (hugs Liz) I will call you every hour on the hour.
Liz: I will set my watch by it.
Caroline: I love you.
Liz: I love you, too. Bye. (Caroline and Stefan leave; Liz sighs and sits in her chair tiredly)
(Elena wakes up, hands bound to the ceiling in the hallway)
Elena: We're in my high school?
Kai: They have plenty of restrooms, no flammable surfaces, and everyone's on winter break...Still. You know, it's no wonder America got dumb while I was locked up; they're never in school. (Looking at pictures in the trophy case of the cheerleading squad; grinning) Is that you? Oh, and there's Bonnie. You guys look so innocent. Smiling, like nothing bad could ever happen to you.
(Elena is trying to pull herself free while Kai is distracted)
Kai: (Straightens and looks back at Elena) Anyway, do you mind if I try to turn your blood into acid again?
Elena: (surprised) Again?
Kai: (taking off his jacket) Yeah, that's uh, that's kinda how you got here in the first place. (throws his jacket on the floor) I was trying the whole acid-blood thing and I think I burst a few important capillaries in your brain, because you blacked out.
Elena: Kai, you don't have to do this. Listen to me, you don't have to do this.
Kai: Phasmatos navaro pulsus sanguinox
Elena: Ow!
Kai: Phasmatos navaro
Elena: Stop!
Kai: Sanguinox
Elena: (looks at her ring in horror as it melts) My ring. Kai, you're melting my ring.
Kai: Phasmatos
Elena: Kai, stop it!
Kai: Navaro pul--
(Elena finally pulls herself free, bringing the lights crashing down. She runs into the closest room, which is a chemistry classroom; Kai slowly follow, annoyed)
Elena: No, no, no, no. No, no, no. (reaches sink and rinses off her hand; her ring is gone) No. No.
Kai: Take it that ring meant something to you? (Elena looks around for something to use against Kai) I never understood sentimental attachments to things, because then it's so upsetting when you lose them.
(Elena puts her hand in the sunlight until she catches on f*re, then uses the gas from the chem lab with the f*re and the f*re hits Kai. Elena takes the chance to run through another door in the classroom)
(Jo is practicing levitating a book. Damon enters, breaking her concentration; the book falls)
Jo: That doesn't count. I was distracted.
Damon: (to Liv) Are you wearing my shirt? (Liv smiles at him; Damon's phone rings) Magic camp. How may I help you?
Elena: (back at the high school on a school emergency phone; frantic) Damon, Kai has me at the high school. I need your help.
Damon: Whoa. Elena?
(Crashing. Elena hangs up and runs to the door, but when she opens it, Kai is standing there. Elena falls backward)
Kai: (trying to break Elena's neck, but keeps moving other things around instead; Elena is crawling backwards away from him) Really? (Kai walks toward Elena and tries again, but knocks over something else) Dammit. (Elena gets up to run, but Kai finally succeeds in breaking her neck. Kai does a victory fist and walks to stand over Elena) Bingo.
(Caroline and Stefan are walking through an art exhibit)
Caroline: (she has her cell to her ear, on hold) So your friend I've never heard of is a world-famous photographer?
Stefan: Well, it's a student exhibition.
Caroline: Oh, goody. Freshman art. Since you're so good at noticing untapped potential. How do you know this person again? (someone talks to Caroline on the other end of the line) Oh! Yes, I did call earlier about a consult with Dr. Moore? Great. (to Stefan) Okay, they can see us right now.
Stefan: You know what? I'm gonna catch up.
Caroline: Okay. Uh, Oncology Center, D4. Come find me.
Stefan: Okay. (Caroline turns and leaves the room; Stefan approaches one of the instructors) Excuse me. Can you point me to Sarah Nelson's exhibit?
Instructor: (smiles) Far corner. Good choice: She's one of our best new students.
Stefan: Thank you.
(Stefan walks over to where Sarah is talking with a group of people, explaining one of her photographs)
Sarah: According to the saying, when a child dies, an angel will take the child in her arms and fly her over all the places she loved best, so she can see them one last time before she goes to Heaven. That's what I had in mind with this aerial point of view. And then I wanted to catch the sunlight flaring off the windows because it obscures the reflection of the viewer who's looking down at them.
Enzo: Good stuff.
(Stefan turns to see Enzo standing beside him)
Stefan: What are you doing here?
Enzo: Same thing you are. Looking for a little...art to decorate my wall. (Enzo sips his wine)
Caroline: (walking beside Dr. Moore) And that's when I read your article in the "New England Journal of Medicine." You know, the one about tumor reduction using hypothermia treatments?
Dr. Moore: That's not exactly light reading.
Caroline: Well, I didn't say I understood it. (laughs nervously) These are my mom's charts. Look, your bio said that you are an amazing expert on glioblastoma and I really, really need an expert because my mom's doctors are telling her that she's not a cadidate for clinical trials. (looks into the doctor's eyes, compelling her) And you're not gonna give me any grief on insurance or confidentiality or anything except your honest opinion.
Dr. Moore: (looking over Liz's charts) Her doctors are doing everything right. It's a Grade IV tumor. They could try full-brain radiation, but that would seriously impact any remaining quality of life. She'll face cognitive and verbal decline, motor loss, personality change, and meanwhile, she could still develop morphine-resistant pain.
Caroline: So, you're saying that there's no feasible medical solution?
Dr. Moore: I really wish there were. I have a patient in nearly identical condition. He hasn't responded to any treatment. Now, he's just running down the clock.
Caroline: I want to see him.
(Elena wakes up tied to the table, with vervain-covered ropes. Kai is standing over her wearing a Mystic Falls Timberwolves shirt and drinking a soda)
Kai: (grinning) Oh, hello.
Elena: Nice shirt.
Kai: Well, thanks. Yeah, somebody b*rned my other one. Which was awesome, by the way.
(Elena smirks sarcastically)
Kai: I am starting to see why Damon digs you. You are crazy-pants. Oh, it sucks about that shirt, though.
Elena: So you can care about an inanimate object, but not the people that you k*ll?
Kai: Oh. (takes a drink of soda) Is going to be like an episode of "Ricki Lake" where I come face-to-face with my demons and change for the better?
Elena: Have you really not cared about anyone?
Kai: (looking nostalgic) I guess I liked my brother, Joey. We played Dr. Mario together and he'd always win. Actually, one of my favorite memories is when I finally b*at him (Kai and Elena both are smiling slightly). Of course, my favorite memory is when I finally b*at him to death.
(Elena stops smiling and looks disgusted)
Kai: You don't have to waste your energy trying to change me. If Ricki taught me anything, it's that liking yourself is the most important thing. And I like me.
(Outside, Damon and Liv pull up to the school)
Liv: To think, a day almost went by where I wasn't roped into saving one of your friends.
Damon: (getting out of the car) Cry me a river. Just do this stupid cloaking spell so I can go grab Elena and you can get back to wrecking my mansion.
Liv: (sighs) Fine.
(Liv starts setting up candles on Damon's car and preparing the spell)
Damon: What are you doing? The back door's right here.
Liv: I'm not going in there.
Damon: What?
Liv: If Kai even gets a glimpse of me, I'm d*ad. I'm strong enough to do the spell from out here.
Damon: Whatever. Hope you cloak better than you teach. (Liv rolls her eyes) 'Cause from the looks of my living room, Jo's not learning very much.
Liv: Relax. With a bit of practice, she'll be merge-ready in no time. (Liv looks like she doesn't believes that, but turns back to do the spell) Phasmatos radium cara. Phasmatos--
Damon: (turns and Liv is gone) Liv? Liv? Hey! Liv!
Luke: (appears out of nowhere) Sorry.
Damon: What the hell are you doing here?
Luke: She doesn't have time for this. Invisique.
Damon: (Luke disappears) No!
(on the phone with Alaric)
Damon: So, Liv's gone. I need a Plan B.
Alaric: (back at the boarding house) What do you mean, she's gone?
Damon: Her wonder twin took her and I can't just go blazing in there; Kai will k*ll Elena to spite me. I need a witch.
Jo: (back at the boarding house with Alaric) I can do it.
Alaric: You can barely light a candle.
Jo: Cloaking is one of the first things they teach you as a Gemini. I learned it when I was a kid.
Alaric: But?
Jo: I'll have to stay beside Damon while I do it, which means I'll have to go inside.
Alaric: Okay, look. There's gotta be some other option.
Jeremy: (comes into the room holding a crossbow) There is. Right here.
Damon: (through the speaker-phone) Let me guess, Jeremy's holding a crossbow.
Jo: No one is k*lling Kai.
Jeremy: Well, we're not letting Kai k*ll Elena.
Alaric: Nobody's letting anyone die.
Damon: Anyone have any other ideas?
(Alaric looks at Jo and sighs)
Luke: Dad's pissed, okay? He wants us back in Portland now.
Liv: I was helping them.
Luke: (packing) They can help themselves. We're not their dancing witch-monkeys. (holds up books) Do you wanna bring these books back?
Liv: Take the books, leave the books. Who cares? Did you tell dad I was helping Jo get stronger? Is that why he's pissed? (Luke sighs, but doesn't reply) Of course you did. You're just like him.
Luke: Actually, I can think for myself. I've always said that Kai was too dangerous to become leader of the coven. You've been wasting your time with Jo. We both know she's never gonna b*at him.
Liv: You don't get it, do you?
Luke: Get what?
Liv: You just cloaked me and I couldn't fight it. You're stronger than me.
Luke: No, you don't know that.
Liv: Yes, I do. I've known it for months. Since that night when I was trying to bring people back from the other side and you interrupted my spell.
Luke: You were about to collapse. You were already weak.
Liv: We're supposed to be equal. We're not. I know you, Luke. I know you love me. And I know a huge part of you hopes that it's me that makes it through this. But it's not a coin toss anymore. If we merge, you win and I die. That scares the crap out of me. So. If you wanna pack the books, pack the damn books. I'm not gonna be the one reading them.
(Liv leaves Luke standing in their room alone)
Matt: (about the manager, lying d*ad on the table where Kai left him) I came in to do inventory and found him like this. Sorry to bother you on your day off, Sheriff, but--
Liz: No, I'm glad you called. (sarcastically) I don't think he died of natural causes.
Matt: (laughs humorlessly and checks the time on his cell) 22 hours and 18 minutes. That's how long supernatural beings have been allowed back in Mystic Falls and I already know someone who's d*ad because of it.
Liz: I'm sorry, Matt. We'll figure out who did this and we'll deal with it.
Matt: This is never gonna end, is it? The att*cks, the cover-ups? This is our life again.
Liz: This is Mystic Falls. It'll always be Mystic Falls. You love it here, y--
(Sheriff Forbes almost faints and Matt catches her)
Matt: Woah, woah, hey. Sheriff, you okay?
Liz: (stands with Matt's help and nods) Yeah.
(Matt watches her worriedly)
(Cancer patient is sleeping when Caroline goes in. The room is dark and there's beeping in the background. Caroline closes the blinds on the door before putting down her purse)
(Caroline opens the patient's file)
Caroline: Colin Phelps. Inoperable tumor. They zapped your brain with radiation for months. They still couldn't save you. (Caroline sits on the edge of the bed; Colin moans) Yeah, I'd be groggy too, if I were on this many painkillers. And the doctor said all they can do is make you comfortable while you wait for the end. I'm really sorry to hear that.
(Caroline reads more from the file)
Caroline: Next of kin, none. I'm really sorry to hear that, too. But you see, on my mom's chart, this spot, next of kin, that's where my name goes. Caroline Forbes. I'm all she's got.
(Caroline bites her wrist and puts it to Colin's mouth. The beeping on his heart monitor increases and he opens his eyes)
Caroline: (using compulsion) Hey, I know we just met, but you're not going to remember any of this.
(Colin's heart monitor's beeping slows and he closes his eyes again as Caroline pulls her wrist away, watching him.)
(Elena is still tied up on the floor; Kai is sitting cross-legged across from her, watching her)
Elena: If the spell that you're going for is to creep me out, it's working.
(Kai uses his finger to scratch a 'K' on Elena's face, while not touching her [magic])
Elena: Ow. What are you doing?
(Kai smiles as the scratches heal)
Kai: Oh, nothing. (he leans forward, licks his thumb and uses it to wipe away the remaining blood on Elena's face) Just working on my self-control.
(In the hallway, Damon and Jo are cloaked and looking for Kai and Elena)
Damon: I can hear Kai yammering.
Jo: What's he saying?
Damon: He said it's a shame you don't have vamp-hearing.
Jo: I get why you don't like me, you know? You were bros. A girl comes into the picture...It's awkward.
Damon: It's not awkward, it's annoying.
Jo: Because he's looking out for me?
Damon: Yes. At the expense of logic and reason.
Jo: Oh, let me guess: you've never done that for a girl before?
Damon: Shh.
(Kai walks around the corner, having heard whispering. He takes a drink of soda. Jo and Damon are standing right in front of him, but he can't see them because of Jo's cloaking spell.)
Kai: (walks past Jo and Damon and recycles his can) Okay. (he turns and walks away)
Jo: What do you know? It's working.
(Sarah is still chatting with the group of people around her about her art)
Stefan: So, I'm guessing you came here to make a demand?
Enzo: (shrugs) I only came to see what you were up to today. I hate unanswered questions and you've left me with a few. Such as, what secret did you need to protect by letting me k*ll that pitiful con artist pretending to be your long-lost relative, Sarah Salvatore? So, I followed you, in your inconspicuous red Porsche off the exit to Chapel Hill, and here we are. Sarah Nelson's photography exhibition.
Stefan: Why do you care?
Enzo: Well, it seems that Damon is unaware that the branches of his family tree might extend beyong just you. Call me old-fashioned, but I disapprove of secrets between brothers. So, I'll just go tell Sarah what your name is and--
(Enzo moves to go toward Sarah, but Stefan grabs his arm)
Stefan: Don't do that.
Enzo: Why don't you want to meet Sarah Nelson? You came all this way to see her work.
Stefan: What do you want me to tell you, Enzo? That the girl's my relative? Fine. She is Zach Salvatore's daughter, which makes her my great-niece 4 generations removed. I took her mother's body to the ER after Damon k*lled her. They did a C-section to save Sarah's life, but I kept that little detail from Damon so that she could live a good life in a nice home, where she felt safe and loved. That's my big secret.
Enzo: Why are you so intent on keeping it?
Stefan: You wanna tell Damon that I've been lying to him for the past eighteen years? Go ahead, be my guest. Maybe he'll hate me or maybe he'll realize it was the best thing I could have done for everyone. But either way, once you tell him, you'll have nothing left to obsess about.
(Stefan's phone rings; it's Caroline)
Stefan: Hi.
Caroline: I thought you were meeting me here.
Stefan: Yeah, I got into a bidding w*r over a piece of art. (Enzo laughs)
Caroline: Okay, that's fascinating. Can you just get here? I'm--I'm conducting an experiment.
Stefan: What kind of experiment?
Caroline: I'll show you when you get here. Just hurry. (she hangs up)
Enzo: You know what, mate? You can keep that piece of art. Photography bores me. I withdraw my bid. (Enzo walks away, drinking his wine.)
(Stefan takes another look at Sarah)
(Elena is tied up where Kai left her, alone. Her skin is still sizzling from the vervain, but then her ropes disappear)
(Damon places his hand on hers and she can then see him and Jo)
Damon: Hey.
Elena: How are you here right now?
Damon: Jo's invisibility spell. If you can see us, that means you joined the party.
Jo: (looking faint) Come on, we need to get out of here.
Elena: My ring, it's gone. Kai melted it into nothing.
Damon: (grabs Elena's hand and looks for her ring) What?
Jo: I hate to cut this reunion short, but meter's running on this spell.
Elena: Well, there's the tunnels under the school.
Damon: Good call. Boiler room. Stat. Come on.
(Damon and Elena stand and head for the door; Jo's nose is bleeding and she looks like she might pass out)
Damon: (turns to Jo, whose back is now to him) You good?
Jo: I'm good (wipes the blood from her nose away)
Tyler: What the hell are you talking about? You said you and Luke were equal in strength.
Liv: (walking ahead of Tyler, down the hall) Well, I lied. He's stronger.
Tyler: Then we run.
Liv: Run where, Tyler? (Liv stops and turns to face Tyler) We already tried that. My family will hunt me down. They want me to merge.
Tyler: Fine. Then go.
Liv: Screw you.
Tyler: I'm serious. Go. That's what you want me to say, right? So, go. Walk right into your own grave, if that's what you want. I won't stop you.
Liv: I knew you were a mistake. This whole thing was a mistake.
(Liv turns to walk away, but Tyler grabs her hand and she looks back at him)
Tyler: This wasn't a mistake. This wasn't a mistake.
(Tyler pulls Liv closer and they lean, forehead-to-forehead, looking into each other's eyes)
(Footsteps and then Luke comes around the corner; Tyler and Liv turn to look at him)
Luke: (sighs) I called dad, told him we're out.
Tyler: I thought you were about following your destiny.
Luke: Not if my destiny equals k*lling my sister.
(Liv smiles sadly at Luke)
Luke: (returning the smile with a small laugh) I told you I can think for myself.
(Elena, Damon and Jo are walking quickly down the hall toward the boiler room; Jo is coughing, weak)
Elena: (stops and looks back at Jo, whose nose is still bleeding) You okay?
Jo: Yeah. Three people is just a lot more to cloak than two.
(Jo reaches Damon and collapses into his arms)
Damon: Woah. Why is your nose bleeding?
Kai: (standing at the end of the hall, smirking) I have a guess. Magic's hard. Isn't it, Jo?
Jo: (wipes the blood from her nose, crying) I'm so sorry.
Damon: Don't sweat it. I want him to see me while I kick his ass. Now, get out of here, okay?
(Jo staggers through door into the next hallway)
(Damon rolls his shoulders and grins at Kai, clearly eager to fight him; Kai makes Elena invisible. Damon looks around and sees that she's gone)
Damon: Where's Elena?
Kai: (sarcastically) Oh, are we not cloaking people anymore? I thought that's what this was.
(Damon speeds over to Kai, but Kai disappears and reappears behind Damon, down the hall. Kai whistles, Damon turns and Kai waves at him, grinning)
(Damon speeds over, breaks the handle of a mop and throws it at Kai, spearing him through the abdomen)
Kai: (appearing beside his illusion of himself) That's gotta hurt. I am definitely getting the hang of this. Cloaking spells, illusions. You know, it's all the same wheelhouse.
(Kai removes his illusion to reveal that Damon actually staked Elena in the chest; Elena staggers and leans against a locker. When Damon moves to go to her, Kai uses his magic to hurt Damon's head, incapacitating him for the moment)
(Kai turns and heads after Jo, while Damon crawls over to Elena, who has slid down to the floor)
(Jo is crawling on the floor and Kai runs up, grabs her arm and hoists her to her feet, dragging her along with him)
Kai: No that I've got the kinks worked out, we can actually do this. Is there an upcoming celestial even that interests you? I'm partial to--(an arrow sh**t through Kai's shoulder) Ugh!
(Kai falls to his knees, Jo collapsing on the ground beside him. Alaric runs over and injects Kai with something, knocking him out; Jeremy is standing at the end of the hall with his crossbow; Alaric helps Jo to her feet)
Jo: I'm okay. (Alaric pulls her into a hug)
(Colin Phelps is up and at the vending machine excitedly; Caroline and Stefan are watching him from down the hall)
Colin: Come on, baby. Come on. (he laughs and hits the vending machine when his candy gets stuck, making it fall out. A nurse comes over and pats him on the shoulder) You have no idea how long it's been since I've had an appetite.
Caroline: An hour ago, he was dying of brain cancer. Now, look at him. (Stefan sighs) Smile, Stefan! This is good news! My blood worked, he's totally fine.
Stefan: It seems too easy.
Caroline: As opposed to what? Vampire blood heals a s*ab wound like it was never there. It's always easy, Stefan. It is literally magic.
Stefan: Okay, then why have I never heard of our blood curing cancer before?
Caroline: Because vampires don't spend their lives pulling charity work at the sick ward.
Stefan: Look, I want this to work, okay? I do--
Caroline: Stefan, I just...I need you to believe it will work. Or at the very least, just believe that I believe it will work.
Stefan: (sighs) Well, I can see that you believe it.
Caroline: (smiles) Then take me home to my mom.
(Stefan turns and looks at Colin, sighing. He then turns back to Caroline and nods)
Stefan: Okay. Let's go home.
Caroline: (grinning) Okay.
Stefan: Come on. (they walk away)
(Colin is still standing by the vending machine, eating his snack happily)
(Damon is pulling the stake out of Elena's chest)
Damon: Okay, okay. (Elena gasps in pain as Damon pulls out a last splinter)
(Elena is panting in pain)
Damon: What? What's wrong? Didn't I get it? What?
Elena: There must be another splinter still stuck in my heart. (Elena's breathing is labored)
Damon: What? (he starts feeling around inside Elena, looking for the splinter) No. No, no, no, no. Hey, look at me. I'll get it.
Elena: (shakes her head, gasping in pain) If there's any-anything you need to say--
Damon: What? I'll find it, Elena.
Elena: Now's the time.
Damon: Come on. No. (Elena is breathing hard and it slowly turns to laughter. Damon looks at her and starts smiling, relaxing) Seriously?
Elena: (nods, still laughing) Yeah. (she playfully slaps Damon on the shoulder) Oldest trick in the book.
(Damon's hand in on Elena's leg, her hand on top of his. They're looking into each other's eyes, smiling; Alaric and Jo walk into the hall)
Damon: (turns to face them) (sarcastically) Perfect timing.
Alaric: Elena, are you okay?
Elena: (she is holding Damon's hand, smiling) I've never felt more alive.
(Damon smiles)
(Enzo is standing, watching Sarah; she walks away with some other students)
Enzo: (to the instructor from earlier) What is it about Sarah's work that I find so uniquely appealing? Perhaps that it's a little dark, has a morbid undertone. Must be a bloodlines thing. Her family's a bit extreme. (Enzo walks over to stand beside the instructor) Her uncle, great-uncle, actually, fourth-removed, is a bloody sociopath.
Instructor: Fourth removed?
Enzo: He's very old. Tried to k*ll me a few times. Succeeded once. Most recently, he set me up to die, which resulted in days of t*rture. (Enzo walks over to stand in front of the Instructor, who is looking at him like he's crazy) There I was, getting prodded with a f*re-hot poker by a man named Tripp, all the while, keeping my mouth shut and enjoying the pain. If you knew anything about my past, you'd know that this brought back some very unpleasant memories. That's when I started plotting my revenge.
Instructor: So, I see the free wine was a big h*t.
(She moves to walk away, but Enzo blocks her path)
Enzo: The best revenge is patient. Cultivated. (Enzo turns to look at Sarah's photography) Only no one sees it coming until it's too late. (he turns back to the instructor, compelling her) But never mind all that. Be a doll and help me box up all these photographs, will you?
(The woman smiles and goes to do as Enzo asked, leaving him looking again at the art)
(Kai is tied up and gagged, unconscious on the couch)
Jo: (to Alaric) Sure you're okay having a Pentobarbital-ed houseguest?
Alaric: (smiling) I am. If it buys us enough time to get you back into fighting shape.
(Damon and Elena are sitting at a table in the next room; Elena is trying to get the blood out of her shirt)
Elena: (shyly, to Damon) So, um, assuming that I don't get kidnapped before tomorrow, maybe we can, um, try for that dinner again?
Damon: Ooh, you know, I don't know. I mean, every time we try and go on a date, we get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away. I just--I don't know if it's gonna--
Elena: Are you gonna keep sulking or are you gonna let me take you to dinner?
Damon: Well, I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
Jo: (to Elena) I can help you clean that if you want. One part amonia, two parts meat tenderizer.
Elena: You invented a stain remover?
Jo: I'm not afraid of a little blood. (Elena shrugs, smiles and follows Jo out of the room)
Alaric: (to Damon) What'd I tell you? She's a keeper. (Alaric sits at the table with Damon, putting two glasses of bourbon on the table) You know, I think she's gonna get a handle on this.
Damon: Jo's not strong enough, Ric.
Alaric: Well, she wouldn't lie about it.
Damon: No, no, no. I don't think she's lying about it. He absorbed a spell the size of Mystic Falls, Ric. He changed the game.
Alaric: Look, we got Kai on ice. We'll just wait for his stolen magic to drain away and then she'll b*at him.
Damon: What if she can't?
Alaric: Well, she has to. She will.
Damon: Well, all right then. Here's to women who make crazy, screwed up decisions and loving them more for it. (they cheers, take a drink)
(Stefan and Caroline arrive at Caroline's house, talking on her front porch)
Caroline: So, if Sarah is Zach's daughter, then does that make you Uncle Stefan?
Stefan: (jokingly) I tell you this secret I've been keeping for 18 years, and that's what you're worried about?
Caroline: No, I think it's incredibly noble that you've been keeping an eye on her all these years. And she's lucky to have you in her life, even if she has no idea.
Stefan: Hey, so, I know it goes without saying, but I would appreciate it it--
Caroline: Your secret's safe with me, Stefan.
Stefan: Thank you.
Caroline: No, thank you. Thank you for coming with me today and for rewiring my mom's speaker system and for just not treating me like a crazy person, because that's how I've felt these past few days. (Stefan takes her hand; they both look at their hands, then into each other's eyes; Caroline takes a deep breath and exhales) So, thank you. Wish me luck.
(Caroline turns and goes inside; Stefan watches for a moment through the window)
(Matt is on the couch; Liz is in her chair. They both turn when Caroline comes in)
Matt: Hey, there you are. We were just about to watch another movie.
Liz: How was Duke, sweetie?
Caroline: It was good. It was really good. Thanks for staying with her, Matt.
Matt: Anytime. See you soon, Sheriff.
Liz: Okay, Matt. Bye.
Caroline: (Matt heads for the door) Bye. (Caroline takes off her coat and puts it on the couch with her purse) So I met with that expert at Duke today. (Caroline sits on the coffee table in front of Liz) And she said that your doctors are doing everything right. And she also said that there is nothing that they can do to cure you.
Liz: (looking disappointed, but obviously trying to be strong for Caroline) That is one doctor's opinion.
Caroline: Waiting for more medical opinions isn't going to change this. You're dying, mom. And we're out of options. Which is why I gave my blood to a cancer patient today. And I healded him.
(Colin Phelps is laying in his bed, asleep)
Caroline: He was dying and my blood healed him. (Liz looks shocked) Look, I'm immortal and you're not. And I always knew that I would lose you one day, but I am not ready to lose you now. You're supposed to be here for my college graduation; we're supposed to argue about flower arrangements for my wedding. We're supposed to have years and years worth of birthday dinners and Christmases and white-water rafting trips. (Caroline is on the verge of tears) I want all of that. I want you to live for me. And I know that that's selfish, but that's the truth.
Liz: (crying) I want that too, honey.
(Colin opens his eyes)
Caroline: Okay.
(Colin starts coughing)
(Caroline bites her hand and drips blood into Liz's tea)
(Colin is coughing harder now; he gets up and staggers over to the window, where he coughs up blood)
(Liz takes the cup)
(Colin is now on the floor, still coughing up blood)
(Liz drinks the tea)
(Colin in lying on the floor)
Colin: Somebody, please! Help me!
Caroline: (to Liz) Everything's gonna be okay.
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x11 - Woke Up With a Monster"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Elena: I don't know what we were or what we're supposed to be, but I've never felt more alive.
Jo: In our coven's tradition after their 22nd birthday, the twins merge their strength. The weaker one dies.
Tyler: I'll find a way. I'm not gonna let you die.
Caroline: I hate you for ruining our friendship, and I think that I deserve better than that.
Stefan (V.O.): I haven't been there for her. Caroline needed me, and I ran away.
Caroline: You're dying, Mom, and we're out of options, which is why I gave my blood to a cancer patient, and I healed him. I am not ready to lose you now. I want you to live for me.
Caroline: (to Liz) Everything's gonna be okay.
(Caroline wakes hearing some noise and goes downstairs. Suddenly Colin appears.)
Colin: Caroline Forbes.
Caroline: Colin.
Colin: What the hell did you do to me?
(After a while)
Stefan: Hey.
Caroline: Moms still sleeping don't wake her up.
Stefan: What Happened?
Caroline: I Don't know. H-he was fine when we left him at Duke, remember? He was running around and pain-free and scarfing down all that disgusting vending machine food.
Stefan: Yeah? Well, clearly, he's not fine now. Wait. I thought you compelled him to forget everything after you fed him your blood. How did he find you?
Caroline: I don't know.
Stefan: What if this blood isn't even his? Is there any chance that your mom signed the house over to you?
Caroline: I don't know. Maybe. She's been running around like crazy, saying she need to get her ducks in a row or...
(Stefan opens the window Colin's face Starts to burn)
Stefan: He's a vampire, which means after you fed him your blood...
Caroline: He died.
Season 6 Episode 12
Woke Up With a Monster
Original Air Date on January 29, 2015
(Elena is searching for something.)
Elena: Calculator. Calculator. Where is the calculator? Of course. Under the catatonic serial k*ller.
Damon: Hey.
Elena: Hey.
Damon: Sandwich?
Elena: I can't. I'm late for my volunteer shift at the hospital.
Damon: Ok. Ooh. That's new.
Elena: Oh, yeah. Jo made me a new daylight ring. You like?
Damon: Depends. Does it work?
Elena: Well, I'm here, aren't I?
Damon: Yeah, inside in the shade.
Elena: I know everyone has their doubts about Jo's magic, but she has an entire month to get stronger and win the merge with Kai, so a little bit of support wouldn't k*ll anybody.
Damon: Speaking of k*lling people. Still counting sheep or whatever the hell you psychopaths dream of?
Elena: Look. Alaric's gone out of town to get some mystical thingamabob to give Jo an edge, and your job is to baby-sit Kai, not smother him with a pillow.
Damon: Fine.
Elena: And if he starts twitching or something, just give him 50 milligrams of phenobarbital.
Damon: You're so cute when you're all doctorly. Oh. Hey. You forgot this. You're not free tonight by any chance, are you, because I know this little Italian joint that has eggplant so good you actually think you're eating people.
Elena: Heh. And I happen to have a weird eggplant obsession.
Damon: Perfect.
Elena: Great. (smiles)
Damon: And I'm thinking maybe after that, go the Arthouse Theater. They're playing some pretentious French flick.
Elena: (laughs) I don't speak French, Damon.
Damon: Well, not to see the movie, silly. To hide in the back and throw popcorn at the hipsters.
Elena: (laughs, then frowns) Wait, we've gone on this date already, haven't we? (Damon says nothing) Damon, that's cheating, okay? You already know everything about me.
Damon: Cheating? Cheating is erasing all of our epic memories. That's cheating.
Elena: I'm serious. Look, if we're going to do this, then we can't just pick up where we left off. Because I don't remember where that is.
Damon: I understand. Where would you like to start?
Elena: At the beginning. I'm off at six; you can pick me up then.
Damon: Fine.
Elena: (grabbing her things and heading for the door) Fine.
Damon: Great.
Elena: Great.
Damon: Good.
Elena: (smiling and walking out the door) Bye.
Damon: Bye (Door slams. Damon waves.)
(Liv and Tyler are laying in bed together, sparsely clothed)
Liv: How about Atlantis? Or like, the Sea of Tranquility?
Tyler: On the moon?
Liv: Mm-hmm.
Tyler: (sighs) Ohhh.
Liv: I hear it's nice there. It's very tranquil.
Tyler: Mm-hmm.
Liv: Mm-hmm.
Tyler: I'm serious. (Liv laughs) Look, pick a real place.
Liv: Why are we talking about spending Spring Break anywhere other than this tiny bed? Which we should probably leave at some point today. (kisses Tyler's neck and moves to get out of the bed)
(knock at the door)
Tyler: Ignore that (kisses Liv's shoulder)
Joshua: (on the other side of the door) Olivia? You home?
Tyler: Olivia?
Liv: (grabs her phone and checks the time) Oh, my God, he's early.
Tyler: Who's early?
Joshua: (knocks again) Sweetheart, it's your old man.
(Tyler gets out of bed. Liv is pulling on clothes.)
Liv: (tosses Tyler a shirt) Here, put this on.
Tyler: Your dad? What's he doing here?
Liv: He wants to take Luke and me out to dinner. Hide! (Liv opens the door and sees Joshua on the other side) Dad, hi. I thought we were meeting later.
Joshua: Well, we were, but I wanted a couple of extra minutes with my girl.
Liv: Oh.
Joshua: (hands Liv a present) Happy birthday.
(Tyler is watching from behind the door, looking confused)
Jo: (to a nurse) I adjusted Mrs. Murphy's dose of Fentanyl. Keep an eye on her, thanks.
(Jo looks down and sees a withered plant. She checks to make sure there's no around before trying to revive it)
Jo: Phesmatos tribum, plantus vivifae, plantus... Hederus. (nothing happens)
Elena: (coming up behind Jo) Should I call it?
Jo: Time of death, anybody's guess. (drops the plant in the trash)
Elena: (holding up her hand with the daylight ring) Well, in the magical win column, I just walked across campus without bursting into flame. So, there's that.
(Stefan stumbles in, half-carrying Colin)
Stefan: I need help.
(In another room, looking at X-rays of Colin's brain)
Jo: I had Duke over Colin's medical records. This head scan is from earlier this week. (places another scan on the board) This one was taken right here, ten minutes ago. See all that red?
Damon: Well, I'm no doctor but that guy is screwed.
Stefan: So the blood didn't heal him, it sped up his cancer and k*lled him.
Jo: So now, I have a stage 10 cancer patient. Which, by the way, doesn't exist. Who is beyond terminally ill and a vampire, meaning all of his emotions are heightened and he can't die.
Damon: Hey, no offense, but could someone tell me why I was called down here to listen to the story of Colin the Cancer Vamp?
Liz: (arrived with Caroline) Because Caroline fed me her blood last night. So the same thing is gonna happen to me.
(Elena is sitting outside. Stefan comes out.)
Stefan: Hey.
Elena: Any news?
Stefan: No, not yet. It's a little outside of Jo's expertise.
Elena: (sighs) Did you know that Caroline was going to give her Mom vampire blood?
Stefan: Yeah. I was there when it healed Colin.
Elena: And then you left and then he died, so it didn't actually heal him. It did the opposite.
Stefan: Caroline had every reason to think it would work.
Elena: Yeah, but you didn't, Stefan. You're what? Like 165 years old? You worked as a paramedic at hospitals.
Stefan: So that makes me an expert in supernatural cancer-treatment..
Elena: I just wish that you'd done a little bit more research. Or waited like, a day.
Stefan: Because you were thinking so rationally when Damon died. Right? Her mother is terminal. You didn't see the hope in her eyes when she thought that maybe her mother didn't have to die. And I didn't wanna be the one to take that away from her.
(Caroline is standing behind Stefan. Stefan and Elena look at her.)
Caroline: Uhm, Jo has an idea.
(Liz is lying in bed, hooked up to machines and sleeping)
(Jo and Damon are standing outside the room, looking in through the window)
Jo: Medically speaking, this is our best option. If vampire blood is the issue, then a full transfusion of human blood might s*ab her condition.
Damon: (sarcastically) Please, sound less confident, Doc.
Jo: Look, we are in uncharted territory here. This isn't just a medical problem, Damon, it's a magical one.
Damon: Well, then you're uniquely qualified. (smirks) Witch-doctor and all.
Jo: Now you believe in my magic? Gee, thanks. Unfortunately, this goes beyond any witch ability I've ever heard of. But please, if you have a better plan, I'm all ears.
(Tyler and Liv are walking to meet up with Luke. Liv and Luke are going to have dinner with their father.)
Tyler: Why did you tell me your birthday was in two weeks?
Liv: (looking in her compact mirror) To avoid this exact conversation. Am I wearing too much eyeliner?
Tyler: If you and Luke are 22, that means you're old enough to merge.
Liv: That's why Luke and I are going to bust our wonder-twin powers of persuasion, make dad think that Jo's powerful enough to over-power Kai, and Luke and I won't have to do the merge.
(Luke walks up beside them, wearing a suit and tie)
Luke: (points to Liv) You're wearing way too much makeup. (points to Tyler) And he shouldn't be here.
Liv: He's not staying and why are you wearing a tie?
Luke: I'm about to ask the leader of the Gemini coven to let us out of a centuries-old tradition. I kind of need him to take me seriously.
Tyler: You should let me talk to him.
Liv: Really bad idea. Promise me that you'll stay out of it.
Tyler: What happens if you don't convince him?
Liv: We will.
Tyler: You die. You and Luke merge, Luke wins, you die.
Liv: Do you trust me?
Tyler: Do I have a choice?
Liv: Then don't worry. You're not gonna lose me. (kisses Tyler and walks away with Luke)
(Damon is sitting in the waiting room. Elena comes in.)
(Damon stands)
Elena: Hey.
Damon: Hey, the blood transfusions are stopping the cancer from eating her alive? Or hey, is there a sheriff-sized space available in the family crypt?
Elena: I don't know. Jo's still running some tests to find that out. She should be out in a minute.
Damon: I don't know if you remember this, but Liz and I are pretty close.
Elena: (nods) Yeah.
Damon: I mean, as far as humans go, she's...tolerable.
Elena: I can see how much you care about her, but we all do. So if there's anything we can do to fix this, trust me, we will.
Damon: Yeah.
(Jo comes in, but only sighs)
(Caroline is at a vending machine)
Stefan: (comes over) Hi.
Caroline: Hey. The coffee machine's broken. Seriously, what kind of hospital is this? If you can't fix a coffee machine, then how are you supposed to be able to fix people?
Stefan: Sure you don't need some real food? There's probably a machine around here that vends (whispers) O-positive.
Caroline: (sighs and leans against the vending machine) I screwed up. Big time. Why did I feed her that blood?
Stefan: You were trying to help.
Caroline: No, I was trying to fix something that I had no business trying to fix. It's like textbook definition of control freak from Hell.
Stefan: Listen, you are an optimist. (Caroline sighs) You wanna believe that anything is possible and that is exactly what your mom needs to hear right now. Okay?
(Exclamations of pain from Colin's room)
Caroline: That's Colin's room.
(Colin is s*ab himself in the chest with a metal bar. Caroline and Stefan enter, closing the door behind them.)
Colin: I can't die. (pulls the bar from his chest and drops it on the floor) Why can't I die?
Stefan: Hey, hey. Calm down, calm down. It's okay. It's okay.
Colin: It's not okay. I'm in agony. I can hear my tumors growing!
Caroline: Okay, we'll try to help, but just please stop hurting yourself.
Colin: (vamps over to Caroline and grabs her arms) You wanna help me? Help me die.
(Colin collapses and Damon is standing behind him, holding Colin's heart)
Caroline: Why the hell did you do that?
Damon: He made a wish, I granted it.
Caroline: God.
Damon: The blood transfusion didn't work. So you didn't just k*ll him, Blondie.
Stefan: That's enough, Damon.
Caroline: No, it's fine. You know, he's just saying what everyone else is thinking. I k*lled my mom.
(Caroline leaves, slamming the door behind her)
(Elena is standing outside Liz's room, looking through the window, calling Caroline)
Caroline's Voice-mail: Hi, it's Caroline. Leave a message.
Elena: (to Caroline's voice-mail) Caroline, where are you? Call me. Or better idea, just...just come back.
(Elena walks into Liz's room. Liz is just waking up.)
Elena: Hey.
Liz: (weakly) Hey.
Elena: How are you feeling?
Liz: Like a human pin-cushion. So, what's the verdict? Did the blood-swap work?
Elena: We're not sure yet, I mean, Jo's still doing some tests.
Liz: (nods) You shouldn't lie to sick people, Elena. It's bad karma.
Elena: They thought it was slow down the cancer cells from replicating. (Liz is trying not to cry) But it didn't work. I'm sorry.
Liz: (nods) How's Caroline?
Elena: She's good. She just ran out to get some food.
Liz: Elena...
Elena: She just took off. And now I can't find her; I can't get a hold of her.
Liz: She's not gonna forgive herself for this, is she?
Elena: Hey. (sits on the edge of the bed and takes Liz's hand) I'll make sure that we find her. I promise.
(Liz nods and takes Elena's hand)
Liz: Thank you.
(Caroline is browsing flowers. Stefan comes in.)
Caroline: Good, you're here. I actually need a second opinion. I kind of like this because sunflowers are her favorite flower, but at the same time, I was also thinking maybe they're a little too over-the-top cheerful for a memorial service. (walks over to the roses) So this was the second option, um, because roses are classic, right? I mean, especially in this shade of pink. Obviously, I would change out the vase, but--
(Caroline looks over to Stefan, who is just watching her)
Caroline: If you're thinking of saying something to make me feel better, don't. I don't deserve to feel better.
Stefan: I wasn't.
Caroline: Good.
Stefan: I was actually thinking that you have far more important things to do than plan a memorial service for your mother. Who's still alive, by the way.
Caroline: Yeah, but all of this still needs to be done, right? She's not gonna want to live out the rest of her life as a vampire in excruciating pain. So I should do something that I'm good at, instead of making everything worse. Which arrangement?
Stefan: Caroline, you took a risk. It didn't pay off, but you did it out of love. You made your mother sicker, okay? But what are you gonna do now? Are you just gonna bury your head in the sand?
Caroline: I don't--I don't know what to say to her.
Stefan: You don't have to say anything to her. Just sit with her.
Caroline: (on the verge of tears) I can't. I can't even face her.
Stefan: Look, when I was young, my mom, she got really sick. And instead of spending time with her, I did everything I could to avoid her. Like picking out her favorite flowers or walking into town to get the tea that she liked. And I pretended like I was doing it for her, but I wasn't. I was just afraid to see her like that. And then my dad, he uh, he sent her away and she died. I would give anything to have one more day with her.
Caroline: What if she can't forgive me?
Stefan: She doesn't think there's anything to forgive. She just wants you to be with her.
(Caroline sighs and takes Stefan's hand. They leave the flower shop together.)
(Liv and Luke are having dinner with their father, Joshua. They're trying to convince him to let Jo and Kai merge instead.)
Joshua: You're refusing to merge?
Luke: We wanna consider other options.
Joshua: There are no other options. If a set of twins doesn't merge, then the Gemini bloodline will cease to exist upon my death. That means the entire coven will die. Is that what you want?
Luke: No, of course not. But you are in perfect health, Kai is on ice. That means we have time to figure this out.
Joshua: There's nothing to figure out. This is what you were born to do.
Liv: No, dad. This is why Kai and Jo were born. We were just the backup plan you bred because you thought that your first batch had a design flaw.
Joshua: Kai is a psychopath. An extremely dangerous one.
Liv: Dad, Jo can do this. She can win. All we're asking is that you give her a chance.
Joshua: I'm not asking you to do anything I haven't done myself.
Liv: That's easy for you to say. You merged with your twin brother and you won. You didn't drop d*ad.
Joshua: It doesn't work like that and you know it. One will absorb traits from the other. Both of your souls will unite into a new being.
Luke: Who looks exactly like me. Yeah, I know I'm stronger than Liv, so that means I will win if we merge. So you can put whatever poetic spin you want on it, but I will be k*lling my own sister. I can't do that to her.
(Tyler takes off the oximeter from Kai's finger. [beeping] Tyler keeps unhooking wires from Kai. Damon walks in.)
Damon: Bad timing, Lockwood. I'm in a mood. What the hell are you doing?
(Damon vamp-speeds over to Tyler, grabs him by the throat and slams him against the door frame)
Damon: I'll make it easier on you. I'll give you multiple choice: A: "I'm being an idiot." B: "I have anger issues, and I'm a puny human now, and I have to pick on people while they sleep." C: "A and B are both correct."
(Tyler breaks loose and starts coughing)
Tyler: Liv's dad is in town.
Damon: Really?
Tyler: She's trying to convince him to let Jo and Kai do the merge.
Damon: Oh, so you just thought you'd come and grab Kai as a fail-safe in case Papa Parker says no to Liv and Luke. You just turn him loose and he merges with Jo anyway, huh? While I appreciate your efforts, he's a psycho freak magic siphon. I'm not gonna just let you walk out with him. (Damon stops. Having an idea, he slaps Tyler on the shoulder) I could kiss you right now, you beautiful moron.
Tyler: What are you talking about?
(Damon grabs Tyler and vamps over to the bed, injecting Tyler with the Phenobarbital, causing him to pass out)
Damon: Yep, that stuff works really well. Nighty-night. That should keep you down for an hour.
(Liv's phone rings. It says it's Tyler, but it's Damon.)
Liv: Not a good time.
Damon: (on the other line) Well, I'm sorry to hear that Twinderella. Big pitch going south, is it?
Liv: Where's Tyler?
Damon: Well, the good news is, your boyfriend and I, I think, have come up with a solution. Now it's a bit of a Hail Mary, but I think everybody gets what they need. I just have to ask Papa Parker one question, so do you mind putting him on?
Liv: I want to talk to Tyler.
Damon: He's, uh, out at the moment.
(Liv hands the phone to Joshua, who takes it warily)
Joshua: Yes?
Damon: Hello, sir. Damon Salvatore here. We had Thanksgiving together. Anyway, I've been sitting here Googling celestial events happening today and I was just curious: Would a Mercury-Venus conjunction give you enough juice to do a little Gemini merge party?
Joshua: Why?
Damon: I'm gonna take that evasive answer as a yes. So, here's the situation: I'm gonna need you to use that planet party to merge your set of blonde twins ASAP. Because, well, unfortunately, your formerly comatose son is gonna be on the loose and Hell-bent on beating you to the punch.
(Damon hangs up)
(Kai is coming around)
Damon: Rise and shine, you little weasel.
(Kai tries to use magic on Damon, but it has all drained away while he was sleeping)
Damon: Oohh, trying to pop a blood vessel in my brain? Sorry. Not gonna work. Looks like all that magic you sucked up drained away while you were asleep, which is good for me. Don't worry, I know where you can get more.
(Kai sits up and laughs once, humorlessly)
Kai: You really think I'm gonna trust you?
Damon: No. And I'm not gonna trust you. I just happen to need a magic siphon and you're the only game in town.
Kai: (looks down at Tyler and hops over him, off the bed) (to Tyler) Hi. (to Damon) Let's discuss my fee.
(Kai is washing his hands in the sink)
Kai: All right. I need a 12-gauge needle, stat. I don't know what I'm gonna do with it, but I need it.
Elena: You're not a doctor, so stop playing games. Because I am a vampire and I will rip your head off if you screw this up.
Damon: What she said. So do your stupid little magic-suction trick and suck the magic out of her. Right now.
Kai: I get what you two see in each other. It's very dys-fun-ctional. Ha! You see what I did, stressing the "fun" in dysfunctional?
Liz: Just get on with it, Kai. Listening to you talk makes me wanna die.
Kai: (amused) That's good.
(Kai puts one hand on Liz's arm, the other on her cheek, sucking the magic from her. Liz is in pain.)
Damon: Is it working?
Elena: I have no idea.
(Jo comes in, sees Kai and stops in horror)
Jo: What the hell is going on? What is he doing here?
Kai: Hey, sis. Little busy. Be with you in a jiffy.
Jo: Elena?
Elena: I'm gonna let Damon explain.
Damon: Yeah.
(Damon and Jo leave the room to talk)
Elena: (to Kai) I'm staying with you.
(Damon and Jo are in another room)
Jo: Have you actually lost your mind?
Damon: Hey, shh. Listen. You told me Liz was gonna die in eight hours if the magic kept doing it's thing. He steals magic. You made it through med school, I figured you knew where I was going with this.
Jo: If you think Kai is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, I can assure you: he doesn't have one. What's the price?
Damon: He wants to merge. Tonight.
(Back in Liz's room)
(Kai is still sucking magic from Liz. He finishes and pulls his hands away, flexing them.)
Kai: There. All done.
Elena: Sheriff, hey. How are you feeling? Are you okay?
Liz: Yeah. Yeah, I think so.
(Elena smiles and sighs. Liz starts having a heart-att*ck.)
Elena: Oh, my God. I think she's having a heart-att*ck.
Kai: Oh, that is so tragic. You know, 'cause you guys jumped through hoops to get the magic out of her system, but then her ticker's just not strong enough to take a little siphoning.
Elena: Kai, you have to fix this!
(Kai has disappeared and left Elena alone with Liz)
(Damon and Jo are still talking in another room)
Jo: I can't merge tonight. I'm not ready.
Damon: You almost b*rned my house down. Don't you think I know that? Luckily for you, it's all be taken care of.
Jo: Damon, what the hell did you do?
(Damon opens his mouth to speak, but an invisible Kai breaks his neck)
(Kai reappears)
Kai: Magical neck-snap. Never gets old. Isn't this the part where you start running?
Jo: I've spent my entire life running from you. I'm not running anymore.
(Kai smirks, grabs Jo's arm and they walk out)
(Joshua is standing outside, looking up at the sky. Luke and Liv come out the back door to find him.)
Liv: What are you doing out here?
Joshua: Just thinking about how proud I am of you and your brother. Built a good life for yourselves here.
Luke: Does that mean you'll think about what we asked?
Joshua: Of course. We share a history. A bloodline. (Joshua hold out his hands, one to each of them) We're in this together. We're family.
(Liv and Luke each take their father's hand. Joshua starts the merge ceremony.)
Joshua: Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. (Liv and Luke both start experiencing pain) Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.
Luke: You're merging us?
Joshua: Kai has been released. He's going after Jo. I can't let him get to her.
Liv: Dad, stop!
Luke: I'm gonna k*ll her! She's not strong enough, dad.
Joshua: I'm sorry.
Luke: She's not strong enough, dad!
Joshua: There's no other option. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.
(Tyler comes and shoves Joshua away)
Tyler: She said no!
(Tyler starts punching Joshua in the face and doesn't stop until Liv pulls him away)
Tyler: (to Liv) He was going to k*ll you.
Liv: I'm fine. I'm fine.
(Luke starts leaving)
Liv: Luke, where are you going?
Luke: You trust me?
Liv: Where are you going?
Luke: I'll be back soon. I promise.
(Luke runs away. Tyler hugs Liv.)
(Kai leads Jo to the center of the park)
Kai: Look at those pretty planets, all twinkly and bright. Oh, Josette, you would not believe how sick I am of eclipses.
Jo: Let's just get this over with.
Kai: (cutting his hand open) You know, if you think I didn't spend the last 18 years in solitary thinking about you screwed me over last time, you're wrong. So if this is just another setup, I'll rip something out more important than a spleen. Like a tongue or a heart. So, any closing remarks?
Jo: You're a parasite. You k*lled the people I loved, you shoved a hunting Kn*fe in my gut. You destroyed my life. Now I'm gonna destroy yours.
(Jo holds out her hand for Kai to cut. Kai jerks it and cuts it.)
Kai: I guess we'll see. Won't we?
Jo: (Kai and Jo hold hands) Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.
Jo and Kai: Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.
(Jo falls away and faints. Luke walks around the corner.)
Kai: What the hell did you just do?
Luke: Oh, I just gave my big sister a little magic knock on the head. But don't worry, she'll be fine. Because you're gonna merge with me.
(Kai starts laughing and pats Luke on the cheek. Luke slaps away his hand and pushes Kai away.)
Kai: Oh, oh, oh. You want to merge with me. I hate to break it to you, little brother, but we're not twins, all right? That's not how this is supposed to work.
Luke: Well, that's true, but we share the same parents, the same bloodline, and thanks to your timeout in the magic penalty box, we're the same age, so it's definitely a hail Mary, and--and maybe it won't work, but I'd do anything to save my sister's life, so... (cuts his hand and tosses the Kn*fe on the ground) .. we're gonna give it the old college try.
Kai: Thanks, but I'm gonna pass.
Luke: Phasmatos motus arrovox. (magically pulls Kai to him, holding his face with one hand) What's wrong? Are you afraid to play chicken with someone who might actually b*at you?
Kai: (shoves Luke's hand away) Fine. (grabs Luke's cut hand) It's your funeral.
(Elena is doing compressions on Liz, who isn't responding)
Elena: Stay with me, Sheriff. Just...breathe!
(Damon comes into the room)
Damon: Elena, hey. What happened?
Elena: It's her heart. I'm losing her, Damon.
Damon: Okay, no offense Elena, but I think we need to get a real doctor.
Elena: So find one! Now!
Kai and Luke: Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis finantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.
Jo: Luke, no!
Kai and Luke: Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus--
Jo: Luke, no!
Kai and Luke: Sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.
(Luke and Kai's eyes both turn white)
Jo: Luke! Stop!
Kai and Luke: Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus. Sanguinem desimilus, sanguinem generis fiantus.
(Kai and Luke fall backwards, unconscious)
Jo: No! (gets up and goes over to Luke, cradling his head in her lap) Luke, come on. Luke, Luke wake up.
(Damon enters with a doctor)
Doctor: How long has she been down?
Damon: What's the mean? d*ad?
Elena: I-I don't know. (doctor is charging shock pads) Maybe I think it was a minute. It feels like an hour.
Doctor: Clear! (shocks Liz)
(Liz is packing a suitcase with clothes and baby pictures of Caroline)
Liz: Caroline?
(Doctor is still shocking Liz. Heart monitor is still flat-lining.)
(Liz is looking at a picture of her and Caroline. Caroline in her cap and gown. She places the picture in the suitcase and closes it.)
Liz: Honey, I'm leaving. You wanna say goodbye?
(Doctor shocks Liz again, but it doesn't work. Elena is on the verge of tears.)
Damon: Uh-uh. Hey, I compelled you to save her. (grabs the shock pads and shoves them back at the doctor) Unless you want me to gouge your eyes out, I suggest you keep working. Here.
Doctor: I've done all that I can do. She's gone. I'm sorry.
Damon: (compelling the doctor) Get out of here. Forget you're a total failure.
(the doctor leaves and Damon throws down the shock pads)
Elena: No, no. (starts compressions again) I will not let this happen. Wake up!
Damon: (puts a hand on Elena's back) Hey, she's gone.
Elena: Come on.
(Caroline comes in, sees what's happening and runs over to her Mom)
Caroline: No. No, no, no! Mom, Mom, Mom! (shaking her mom) Mommy! No, Mom! No. (crying) Don't leave me, please. Please, no. Please don't leave me, Mom.
(Liz comes downstairs with her suitcase in hand. Caroline is standing by the window, staring out it.)
Liz: Caroline? Can you hear me, sweetheart? (Caroline doesn't move or reply) It's time for me to go. (Liz puts the suitcase down and walks over to Caroline) You don't wanna say goodbye to your mom? (Liz grabs Caroline's shoulder and gently makes Caroline face her)
(Caroline's face is covered in blood, her eyes bloodshot)
(Liz wakes up and her heart monitor starts beeping again)
Caroline: Mom?
Liz: It's okay, baby, I'm right here.
Caroline: (crying) Mom.
Liz: Ohh, it's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here, baby. It's okay, it's okay.
(Damon and Elena leave the room and go out to the lobby)
Damon: (to Elena) Where you going?
Elena: I need some air or some water or something. 'Cause...she almost died in my arms, Damon. Caroline's Mom almost died in my arms.
(Elena kisses Damon)
Damon: I thought you wanted to start over. Because, FYI, this is exactly where we left off.
Elena: I don't care. Life's too short. Immortal or not, I don't want to waste another minute.
(they kiss again)
(Liz is just waking up. Caroline is sitting on the edge of her bed.)
Liz: Hello, stranger.
Caroline: Hi.
Liz: Are you okay?
Caroline: (nods) I've just been sitting here, trying to figure out what to say. I guess I should lead with: I'm sorry for almost k*lling you.
Liz: (laughs) Oh, sweetheart, please. You know me, I'm the world's unluckiest gambler.
Caroline: I'm just sorry that I wasn't here. I couldn't--
Liz: No, no, no, no. This wasn't your fault. I need you to stop beating yourself up. Can you do that for me?
Caroline: Okay.
Liz: Can you say it like you mean it?
Caroline: I will. Mom, you put the house in my name.
Liz: (nods) Couple weeks ago. Just in case anything...
Caroline: Yeah. Well, I don't... I'm not ready for that yet.
Liz: I'm sorry. And I promise you: I will stick around as long as I can. Okay?
Caroline: (nods) Okay.
Liz: Come here. (they hug)
(Stefan comes in with a cup of coffee)
Caroline: Hey.
Stefan: Hey.
Caroline: Where'd you get that?
Stefan: I guess someone fixed the coffee machine. (gives Caroline the coffee)
Liz: That smells amazing. I would give you a million dollars for a decaf latte. What do you say? Would you mind getting one for your poor, sick mom?
Caroline: I can do that. I'll be right back. (gets up and leaves the room)
Liz: (to Stefan) So, looks like we can cross miracle cure off the list.
Stefan: Must be some other option.
Liz: I need you promise me something.
Stefan: Okay.
Liz: When I'm gone, Caroline is gonna need you. Even if she doesn't know it. She's gonna need someone to help her move on with her life. Someone to just make her smile. (crying) Promise me that you will do that, Stefan.
Stefan: (takes Liz's hand) I promise.
(Caroline is outside the door, listening)
(Jo is holding Luke in her arms, crying)
Jo: Luke. Luke, wake up. Luke.
(Damon comes into the park)
Damon: Good. You're still alive. That's gonna save me a huge blowout with Ric when he gets back. (looks at Luke and Kai on the ground) I am definitely coming into something late.
Jo: Luke showed up and he merged with Kai.
Damon: Huh. So I guess adding the words 'twin merge' to my vocabulary was pointless, 'cause they ain't twins.
Jo: He's not supposed to be here. The only reason he's here is because you let Kai out! Luke. Luke, wake up. Wake up, Luke.
Damon: Well, uh, let me give him some of my blood.
Jo: It wouldn't help. It's up to them now. Whoever wakes up is the winner. And whoever doesn't...(Luke takes a breath and opens his eyes) Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
(Liv is calling Luke again)
Liv: Why the hell won't Luke call me back?
Tyler: Do you want me to go look for him?
Liv: Yes. No! I don't know. (Joshua wakes up) Dad.
Joshua: (gets to his feet) What has your brother done?
(Back to Jo in Whitmore Park)
Jo: Luke? Wake up, Luke. (Luke opens his eyes. Jo feels for a pulse.) Oh, my God.
(Back to the Grill)
Joshua: (holds his hand out to Liv) We have to leave. Now.
Tyler: She's not going anywhere with you.
Joshua: Luke is gone.
Liv: What?
Joshua: I can feel it. He merged with Kai and Kai won. Luke is gone.
Liv: (crying) I don't believe you.
Joshua: (grabs Liv's arm) We have to run, Olivia!
Liv: I'm not going anywhere with you!
Joshua: (about Tyler) You think he's gonna keep you safe?
Tyler: She's staying with me!
Joshua: If you change your mind, you know where to find us.
(Joshua turns and leaves. Liv sobs into Tyler's shoulder.)
(Back to Jo in Whitmore Park)
Jo: (crying) Oh, my God. Luke. He's gone. He saved me and he's gone.
Kai: You win some, you lose some.
(Damon turns and Kai is standing there, grinning)
Kai: Except for me. I always win.
(Damon moves toward Kai, but Kai disappears)
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x12 - Prayer For the Dying"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries...
Damon: Where the hell are we?
Bonnie: 1994.
Kai: To get home, we'll harness the power of the Ascendant.
Elena: What about Bonnie?
Damon: She sacrificed herself so I could come back.
Damon (V.O.): She's all alone.
Jeremy: We miss you, Bonnie.
Bonnie (V.O.): I miss you guys.
Elena: I'm sorry I compelled away the memories.
Damon: We'll make new ones.
Liz: I need you to promise me something. When I'm gone, Caroline is gonna need you to help her move on with her life. Promise me that you will do that, Stefan.
Stefan: (takes Liz's hand) I promise.
Jo: In our coven's tradition, the twins merge their strength. The weaker one dies.
Luke: I know I'm stronger than Liv, so that means I will win if we merge.
Joshua: One twin will absorb traits from the other. Both of your souls will unite into a new being.
Both: Desimilus...
Jo: Luke, don't!
Kai and Luke: Sanguinem generis finatus.
Joshua: Luke is gone. He merged with Kai. Kai won.
Kai: You win some, you lose some except for me. I always win.
(Bonnie cooks breakfast. She sits down at the table and marks today the 5th February)
Bonnie: Happy Birthday, Bonnie.
Season 6 Episode 13
The Day I Tried to Live
Original Air Date on February 5, 2015
(Jeremy is weightlifting. Elena drives up in front of the garage)
Elena: (struggling with balloons and birthday supplies) Hey. You want to--ugh-- give me a hand, please?
Jeremy: Little busy here. (exhales and continues to lift)
Elena: Ok. Fine. Then you are on decoration duty. It's Bonnie's birthday.
Jeremy: I know what today is.
Elena: Then you know how she would have wanted us to spend it. She would have wanted us to celebrate by cooking her favorite foods, watching her favorite movies.
Jeremy: So we're throwing a birthday party where the guest of honor never shows up. That's not depressing.
Elena: Or we could celebrate you going to art school. Oh, wait. We can't because I found your application in the garbage. Why didn't you tell me that you were thinking about going to art school?
Jeremy: (sits up) I'm not. The only class I'm passing is study hall. They'll never let me in.
Elena: Jer, I've seen your portfolio. You're good.
Jeremy: Doesn't matter. I'm not leaving without knowing Bonnie's OK or not.
Caroline: (on the phone with her Mom) Mom, I'm not calling to check up on you, OK? I'm just about to start making Bonnie's birthday cake and want to make sure that your recipe called for 3 eggs instead of 4, right? All right. I'm just a phone call away in case you need any-- (her Mom has already ended the call) bye.
(Gasps when she sees Miss Cuddles on the table. Stefan walkes over to her.)
Caroline: Is it just me, or do her eyes follow you around the room?
Stefan: (looks at the bear) Hmm. It's definitely you.
Caroline: I haven't seen Miss Cuddles in 12 years.
Stefan: Well, that's the bear Bonnie sent back from 1994. I guess she lost the original.
Caroline: No. She didn't lose her. I took her. (turns the bear around) Yeah. When Bonnie and I were little, we got in this huge fight, so to get back at her, I bearnapped Miss Cuddles, and then I didn't want my Mom to come home and find out, so then I buried her in the woods. I even left some M&M's to mark the spot where I left her, but something must have eaten them.
Stefan: Well, I'm pretty sure that Bonnie is over it by now.
Caroline: Miss Cuddles isn't. She's out there all alone like Bonnie. You know what? I'm gonna go find her.
Stefan: You're gonna what?
Caroline: Yeah. It's Bonnie's birthday. (puts on her jacket)
Stefan: Wait, wait. Hold on. Caroline, you've been going through a lot lately. Do you think that maybe you're just a little confused about what you're actually upset about?
Caroline: Yes, probably, but my Mom's dying, and my best friend is stuck in an alternate universe, and her bear is in a hole in the woods, and there's only one of those things that I can do anything about.
Stefan: Right.
Damon: (looks at the cupcakes) Happy Birthday, Bon-bon.
Elena: (walks in) Ahh.
Damon: Hi.
Elena: (takes off her jacket and sees the cupcakes) Ooh. You think we could sneak one before the party?
Damon: I think Caroline might fry us in the sun.
Elena: It's worth the risk. (takes a bite of a cupcake) Mmm. Mmm.
Damon: Come here. (wipes some frosting from her lips)
Elena: You know, we never talked about the fact that you kissed me.
Damon: And you kissed me back? (takes a bite of the cupcake) Yeah. I know. That's the whole point of kissing so you don't have to talk about it.
Elena: Right. Well, I just wanted you to know that I'm good with that.
Damon: Yeah?
Elena: Yeah. We--we're good. Really good. Ha.
Damon: Was this the talk?
Elena: Pretty much.
Damon: Perfect. (kisses)
Kai: (calls from the front door) Hello?
Elena: (pulls away) No. That's impossible because why would he--
Damon: He didn't. He's all merged, he's packed, and his on his way to Portland!
Kai: (walks in) Ooh! Forgot how massive this house was. (smiles) Yum! Cupcakes! Sorry. Am I interrupting something?
Damon: (annoyed) What are you doing here?
Kai: Funniest thing. I need your help. (takes out a letter)
Elena: Why would we give a letter to Jo?
Kai: I haven't been able to find her using a locator spell, and, you know, good on her because under normal circumstances, I'd superjazzed to gouge out her belly button. (eats cupcake)
Elena: Why would we help you, Kai?
Kai: Well, in case you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a sociopath. (Elena feigns shock) I know. Shocker. I like being a sociopath. You know, I'm not burdened by things like guilt or love. So then this merge happened with my brother Luke, and I won, which was great because I absorbed his ability to do magic, but now I can't stop thinking about how Luke died, how Liv's life is ruined. For some horrible reason, I can't shake how badly I feel about it. (sighs with frustration)
Elena: (surprised) You feel bad?
Kai: Yeah. So when I absorbed Luke's magic, I must have gotten some of his qualities or something like empathy. So I googled how to process emotional pain, and they said if you write everything down in a letter and burn it, you'll be healed. So I started writing, and this water literally started pooling in my eyes. Has that ever happened to you, like--like water just--just oozing out of my eyeballs like I'm some alien creature excreting fluids.
Elena: You mean you cried.
Kai: Yes! And after that was done, I b*rned the letter, and the feelings--oop-- were still there. So I really feel strongly that Jo needs to know how sorry I am for destroying our family, but let's face it, guys, all right? I mean, Elena, you of all people should be willing to look past the questionable things that I've done to see that there's--there's good somewhere in me. You did it with Damon.
Damon: (even more annoyed) OK. I think we're done here. Come on.
Elena: Actually, what if there's something he can do for us in exchange? (smiles)
(Matt and Enzo sit in a car)
Matt: So I'm guessing you didn't bring me out here to watch you perv out on some co-ed.
Enzo: It's not just some co-ed. Meet the real Sarah Salvatore, the hothouse flower Stefan's been keeping secret all these years.
Matt: Why do you even care?
Enzo: Because Damon thinks he k*lled Sarah, and instead of absolving him, Stefan's been using Damon's guilt to keep him in check. Not very brotherly now, is it?
Matt: So I help you destroy some innocent girl or what? You're gonna k*ll me? Then go ahead and k*ll me.
Enzo: I don't want to k*ll you, Matt. I just want you to do a few simple tasks.
Matt: Screw you! I'm not gonna be your bitch for the rest of my life.
Enzo: (grabs Matt's throat) I don't want to k*ll you, but I will k*ll you. Oh. Look at that. Very brave. I admire your tolerance for pain. Does that run in your family? Just wondering if your mother shares your pain threshold. Took a drive down to South Carolina to take a peek at mama Donovan. Quite a dish, that one. (Gasps, Coughs) Good. Now that that's settled, it's time for you to get to know Sarah Salvatore.
Kai: (examines the ascendant) Sad attempt at iron welding.
Elena: I tried to fix it.
Kai: I can't bring Bonnie back with this.
Elena: I thought you were the all-powerful leader of the Gemini coven now.
Kai: I destroyed this so that it couldn't be used again.
Elena: Well, can we use that hunk of junk to send a message at least? It is her birthday.
Kai: (slightly saddened) It is?
Damon: Yeah. It's really sad. I mean, old Bon-bon-- she's gonna be getting all dressed up for a party no one's even gonna show up to. I mean, I wonder if she even knows that it is her birthday, or do all the days just blend into one vast sea of misery? I wonder.
Kai: One of the crown wheels survived. That's a positive. Plus I am megapowerful.
Damon: Yeah. What do you want to say?
Well, I mean, if Bonnie needs magic to get out, we just need to tell her where to find some.
Liv: (cries, while holding a white dress) I was gonna wear this for the merge ceremony. It's the dress I would have died in. (throws it in a garbage can) How could Luke do this?
Tyler: He didn't do this to you. Kai did, and he's going to finish what he started by k*lling you and every other Gemini. So grab whatever you need, and let's get out of here, or else will have died for nothing.
Liv: Just haul ass out of here like my dad? Live out the rest of my life wondering is today the day that Kai finds me? I should have just done the stupid merge. At least then, Luke and I would still be together. All our lives, we've never been apart. I don't know how to do this.
Tyler: I'm so sorry, Liv.
Liv: I can't run, Tyler. Kai took my entire life. There's nowhere for me to go.
Tyler: Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me. Whatever you want to do, I will help you get through it.
Liv: Fine. Then I want to k*ll Kai.
(Damon and Elena try to figure out where Bonnie can get magic from)
Elena: Ok. So we know that Jo stored her magic in a hunting Kn*fe. Bonnie sent hers over with Miss Cuddles. What receptacle of magic am I not thinking of?
Damon: Let me give you a hint: scorned lover.
Elena: Katherine?
Damon: Older.
Elena: Silas.
Damon: Hotter.
Elena: I don't know. Silas was definitely hot.
Damon: (disgusted) Ugh.
Elena: Qetsiyah. (He winks at her) Her blood is on Silas' headstone. It's filled with magic.
Damon: Yep! So in Bonnieland, that means that an island off Nova Scotia is a big magical battery waiting to be tapped. We just need to remind Bonnie of that.
Elena: (curious) And what reminded you?
Damon: I was gonna plan a trip there, change of scenery, you know. There's only so much you can take of Mystic Falls on repeat.
Kai: (relieved) Oh, thank God. You two together is still totally revolting to me. Finally, a familiar feeling. Luke didn't take me over completely.
Jeremy: What the hell's he doing here?
Kai: (smiles) Hi.
Caroline: You know, if you were gonna creepily stalk me, you could have at least brought a shovel.
Stefan: Nah. I'm not big on digging. Calluses.
Caroline: You bury corpses all the time.
Stefan: Yeah, but I don't dig them up. So do you really think that finding a Teddy Bear will make everything right in the world?
Caroline: You know what? You are right. This is such a waste of time. I really should be at the dive bar, picking a fight with a stranger in order to feel pain.
Stefan: Ooh.
Caroline: Look. If you think I'm insane, I get it. I probably am, but nobody is forcing you to be here.
Stefan: I should probably stay, keep an eye on you, you know, in case you have a psychotic breakdown.
(She smiles)
Jeremy: People don't just change like that.
Damon: People usually don't merge with their siblings either.
Kai: Uh, for the record, I would have been fine with any of Luke's qualities, you know, the hair, the whole gay thing-- you know, maybe not the height actually.
Jeremy: You seriously buy this?
Elena: Look. I'm not saying that we have to like him, but if there's a way for us to tell Bonnie how she can get out--
Jeremy: We should trust a guy that changed personalities overnight?
Kai: Think of it like Elena in reverse. (pours himself a drink) You know, she was human, pure, dating the good Salvatore. Then she became an undead blood vacuum, stopped caring about right and wrong, and started dating the bad one.
Elena: (irritated) That's not how it happened.
Kai: Hmm. I'm sure I missed a detail or two, but I'm just paraphrasing what Damon told me in the prison world.
Damon: Speaking of, there's a witch over there we'd like to save, so why don't you get your Gemini jumper cables and fix that thing?
Kai: OK.
(Liv sits on the floor chanting)
Tyler: What are you doing? Liv. Come on. Talk to me. What are you doing?
Liv: (stops chanting) When Luke and I were kids, we used to play hide-and-seek. We figured out a way to cheat by using a spell to see through each other's eyes. (continues chanting)
(Liv can then see though Kai's eyes. Damon stands in front of Kai)
Damon: Come on, Kai. You done yet?
Liv: The bastard's at the Salvatore house.
Tyler: Why the hell would he be there?
Liv: I have no idea. Of course, Damon would find a reason to work with him.
Tyler: Look, Liv. I know how pissed you are right now. I get that probably more than anybody, but--
Liv: But what? I'm just supposed to live with it, get through it? Something tells me you didn't just punch a wall after your Mom died.
Tyler: Liv, stop! Like it or not, Kai is your leader. You k*ll him, your entire coven dies-- you, your dad, Jo...You.
Liv: We're d*ad anyway. He'll k*ll his way through the coven, our friends, the guy at the drive-through who screws up his order. At least this way, I can take him with me.
Tyler: Wait. I told you that if anybody tried to hurt you they'd have to get through me first. Well, guess what. That includes you.
Liv (She kisses him and then starts whispering): Phesmatos somnumia. (Tyler is quickly unconscious and Liv helps him down on the floor) I'm sorry, Tyler.
(Camera shutter clicks, as Sarah takes some pictures. She tries throwing her bottle in the trash, from a distance.)
Matt: (smiles) I got it. I'm guessing you're not here on a basketball scholarship.
Sarah: That's not a regulation trashcan.
Matt: Hey. I saw your camera. I'm thinking about buying one. You like it?
Sarah: It gets the job done. What kind of photography are you into?
Matt: A little bit of everything.
Sarah: Ok. Well, it has good color reproduction, nice tonal range. Um, you'll want to sh**t raw if you don't want the highlights to get clipped, and...You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?
Matt: No. No, I don't. Sorry.
Sarah: Well, don't feel bad. You went for it. It's not your fault you with the second most common pickup line guys use when they see a girl with a camera.
Matt: Oh, yeah? What's the first?
Sarah: The offer to pose for some very tasteful nudes. Look. I'm really flattered, and I'm sure you're a nice guy, but...
Matt: No. It's OK. I get it.
Sarah: Good luck with your photography.
Matt: Thanks.
Enzo: (appears behind Matt) You truly have an epic lack of game.
Matt: I tried, OK?
Enzo: Really? Grunting at her would have been more effective. Now I've got to get you back on track. All right. Give me your jacket, your wallet, and your cell phone.
Kai: So I can't send us back physically, but I can probably send a part of us back.
Elena: Probably?
Kai: You remember that movie "Ghost"? Ok. Well, Bonnie's gonna be Demi Moore because she's the alive one obviously, and, uh, we'll all be a collective Patrick Swayze, the ghost. By the way, how much does that suck about Patrick Swayze?
Elena: Will she be able to us or not Kai?
Kai: I don't know. I've never done this before. So let's all just take a deep breath, right, close our eyes, and... Phesmatos tribum invocio caveum, miscero mundio. Phesmatos tribum invocio caveum, miscero mundio.
Damon: What happened to the pool table?
Elena: Oh, my God.
(They all see Bonnie sit at the table)
Jeremy: Bonnie? Bonnie! She can't hear me.
Damon: (tries to touch something) And we can't touch anything either. Nice spell, Kai.
Damon (on videotape): This place is my own personal hell.
Bonnie: (smiles) Drama queen.
Damon: Hey.
Bonnie (on videotape): Reporting to you live from retro world, I'm Bonnie Bennett. Joining us today in the studio is special guest Damon Salvatore! (Tape stops. Pours herself a glass of bourbon)
Damon: (shocked) No.
Elena: (confused) What?
Damon: The bottle of bourbon is the oldest one in the house. We made a pact if we couldn't take being trapped here alone for one more day we'd... We'd k*ll that entire bottle. Then we'd k*ll ourselves.
Elena: (gasps) Wait. Wait. What happened? Why are we back here?
Kai: I don't know. Spell must require too much magic. I lost my connection.
Damon: Then reconnect.
Kai: It's not that easy. (points to his nose with blood) You see this blood? I'm guessing that's not a good sign.
Elena: (frustrated) Bonnie is going to k*ll herself.
Jeremy: Can she do that? Can she die in the prison world?
Kai: I couldn't. Of course, it was my own personal solitary confinement. Didn't want me to end my sentence early by k*lling myself. Ooh! I tried every method in the book. Heh. I drove down to D.C. Because there was this museum that has an actual guillotine.
Jeremy: We get it. For whoever's not lucky enough to be you, d*ad means d*ad.
Elena: We have to stop her. We have to give her hope, send her a message somehow.
Jeremy: How? She couldn't hear us.
Damon: The message is already there in the atlas. I scribbled some notes on Nova Scotia. We just have to get her to see it.
Elena: All right, but how do we open an atlas if we can't touch anything?
Damon: We need to get Kai to crank up his witchy-woo, don't we, so we can make physical contact.
Kai: All while sending the 3 of you back over there? Sure. Yeah. Hey. Why don't I reanimate your d*ad parents for a tea party while I'm at it? (changing attitude) Sorry. Insensitive.
Jeremy: What if you just send me back?
Elena: What? No.
Kai: That might work. Focus all of my magic on one person. It might be enough of a boost that you could physically interact if I can hold the spell.
Damon: And if you cannot?
Kai: The magic overwhelms me, and I can't pull Jeremy out. He'll be stuck over there for eternity.
Elena: Jer.
Jeremy: Don't. Don't say anything. If I can get through to her, we save Bonnie's life. If not... At least I'll be with her when she dies.
Stefan: (teasing) Hey. Is that an MMm? Where? Right there. Little to the left, little to the left. Right there, right-- oh, ohh. Sorry. It was just a leaf.
Caroline: (angry) Is this funny to you?
Stefan: Well, we are in the middle of the woods, searching for a Teddy bear buried in a shallow grave by a 9-year-old version of you. I can't even say that with a straight face, so, yeah, that is funny.
Caroline: You're drunk. Give me that. (tries to take his drink)
Stefan: No, no, no. You have more ground to cover.
Caroline: (annoyed) You're a jerk.
Stefan: Jerk, huh?
Caroline: Yeah.
Stefan: Oh, you sound angry.
Caroline: I'm not angry, OK? I'm just annoyed because I am going through a highly emotional situation right now, and you're just sitting there, mocking me.
Stefan: Definitely angry.
Caroline: I'm not angry, OK?
Stefan: Well, you should be. Your Mom is dying, your best friend is stuck in some netherworld, and you're sitting here trying to make it all better by finding a stuffed animal?
Caroline: (shoves him) Shut up!
Stefan: That make you feel better?
Caroline: No.
Stefan: Try again.
Caroline: (shoves him again) Screw you!
Stefan: That's good. Get it out.
Caroline: Oof! (both groaning) I cannot believe you just did that.
Stefan: Well, you started it. Felt good, though, didn't it?
Caroline: Maybe a little. Phesmatos tribum...
(Kai continues chanting, while he sweats. Elena and Damon both watch him.)
Elena: I didn't know you and Bonnie had a death pact.
Damon: It was my idea. I thought of it after we watched "the bodyguard" for the billionth time.
Kai: Phesmatos tribum...
Damon: I never thought she'd go through with it.
Kai: Invocio caveum...
Damon: I can't watch this. (leaves)
Kai: Phesmatos tribum invocio caveum, miscero mundio. (Elena follows Damon)
(Matt sits on a bench at a bus stop, freezing)
Sarah: Hey, Ansel Adams.
Matt: I have no idea who that is.
Sarah: Where are you trying to go?
Matt: Virginia. Mystic Falls.
Sarah: Virginia? (points at the bus stop sign) This is a campus bus. It has, like, 5 stops. The farthest you're gonna get is the Lenox Hospital.
Matt: Great. My buddy bailed on me, and my phone and jacket are in his car.
Sarah: This is why I don't visit animal shelters. Come on. I'll show you where you can catch a real bus.
Matt: Oh, that'd be great. I'm--I'm freezing out here.
Sarah: There's a cafe on the way. We'll get a coffee, and you can warm up.
Matt: Too bad my wallet's in my jacket.
Sarah: How were you planning on paying for the bus?
Matt (smiles) Charm.
Sarah: (laughs) Yeah. In that case, I'll buy you a bus ticket to go with that coffee.
Matt: Thank you.
Sarah: Come on.
(he follows her)
Damon: (Grabs the oldest bourbon in the house) Our su1c1de bourbon. Bonnie and I made a pact we'd drink this together. That's what I'm gonna do. (drinks) Mmm.
Elena: (takes the drink) To you, Bonnie. (drinks) Oh! So is Kai right about me? By turning into a vampire, I completely changed?
Damon: Kai's a psychopath. Don't let him get in your head.
Elena: I'm not, but do you ever think about it, like, if I would still be with you if I was human?
Damon: Ok. We're doing this.
Elena: It's just a question, Damon.
Damon: No.
Elena: "No" what?
Damon: No. I don't think we'd be together if you were still human. You had a choice. You chose Stefan. Human you was on your way home to him. Car went off the bridge, you turned, and suddenly, I was back in the picture.
Elena: I'm gonna go check on Jer. (She can't leave the room, revealing that they're trapped by a boundary spell) What's going on?
Jeremy: Ok. 1994. Let's do this.
Kai: Where's the stupid map?
(Jeremy finds the map and can touch it)
Jeremy: It's working.
Kai: Hurry up and find Nova Scotia.
Jeremy: (flips through the atlas) Nova Scotia. Got it. (He then drops the atlas, since he can't touch it anymore.) No! Kai, do something! (discovers that Kai's shirt starts getting blood on) Kai?
(Jeremy and Kai are then sent back. Liv drives a f*re iron through Kai's stomach.)
Jeremy: No! What are you doing?
(Liv uses her magic to throw Jeremy and Kai across the room.)
Kai: (laughs) Dang, sis. That was harsh.
Liv: (angry) Shut up!
(Liv uses a pain infliction spell on him)
Kai: Aah! Agh!
Liv: Phesmatos. (Before Liv can do anything, Kai quickly uses his magic to throw a fork into her throat) Aah!
Kai: (stands up and grabs a bottle) Ha ha. Ha. Ahh. It's all coming back to me, Livvie poo. You know, the charge...
Liv: Stop it, Kai!
Kai: (continues) That races through your bones...
Liv: (shouts) Stop it!
Kai: At the prospect of watching someone burn to death? (throws the bottle away and smiles) I really missed that feeling.
Liv: Just k*ll me, Kai. You already k*lled my best friend. So just do it. Get it over with.
Kai: Why can't I do this? I don't care about you. Why can't I k*ll you? Come on. Kai, do it. Do it. (slaps himself on the head repeatedly) Come onnnnn! k*ll her!
Liv: Motus! (uses magic to throw a fork into Kai's chest)
Kai: Ugh! (falls to the ground)
(Jeremy grabs a butter Kn*fe and throws it into Liv's shoulder. He takes the ascendant and the fork out of Kai's chest.)
(Elena and Damon are still trapped in Damon's bedroom.)
Damon: What the hell is happening?
(Elena uses her vamp hearing and hears Kai groaning.)
Elena: Liv is trying to k*ll Kai.
Damon: (shouts) Jeremy! Jeremy!
Jeremy: Send me back. (Kai wheezes; wounded) Please
Kai: Jeremy, look at me. I'm half-d*ad.
Jeremy: I need to stop Bonnie. Please.
Kai: Ok. Ok. (begins) Phesmatos tribum invocio caveum, miscero mundio.
Bonnie: Cheers to making it this far. (music playing; starts crying) Ok. Think it's time I cut myself off. Agh! (angrily throws the bottle to the floor, takes the video recorder and leaves the room)
Jeremy: Stay here.
Caroline: Well, I think I got all the catharsis out of this that I'm gonna get. Let's go home.
Stefan: All right. Wait a minute. What is that?
Caroline: Shut up.
Stefan: No, no, no. I'm serious. Is that an ear?
Caroline: Oh, my God. (digs up miss cuddles) Cuddles?! (laughs)
Stefan: I'm sure we can clean her up, make her as good as new.
Caroline: Yeah. Oh, wait. (The bear's head rips off. They both start laughing.)
Stefan: Hey.
Caroline: I'm sorry. (she hugs him and starts crying)
Liv: (searches for Kai around the house) Kai! Get out here! (turns over a table)
Damon: She's right below us.
Liv: You can't hide from me!
Elena: What are you doing?
Damon: (Kicks the rubble and makes a hole down to the fireplace. Grabs the old bourbon) I said I was saving this for something special. (Drops the bottle down to the fireplace, which causes huge flames. Liv is then thrown backwards. Elena walks towards the door and finds out that the boundary spell is down.)
(Jeremy follows Bonnie inside the garage. She closes the door and starts Damon's car. She sits down and coughs.)
Jeremy: (Tries to touch her, but can't) No! Come on! You don't want to do this. Just turn off the car, Bon. You can't die.
Bonnie: (starts recording) It's probably a waste of time even recording anything, but, Damon, Elena, whoever, you find this and you figure out how to work this stupid thing, please tell everyone that I'm sorry.
Jeremy: Bonnie, no.
Bonnie: Tell them that I tried. I really tried to make it work. Um... (She cries, causing Jeremy to as well) You know, I just miss too much. I miss saying hi to strangers... ordering dinner in a restaurant, laughing with my friends... But, um, spending every day here alone with no one to talk to, going weeks without speaking, it's just the loneliness. It's--I can't take it. And I only know one way to turn it off. I'm sorry.
(Jeremy touches her arm)
Jeremy. I-I hope you're living your life with no regrets. I hope you fight for the life you want, and don't ever give up on yourself and stay strong. Something my grams said. (coughing) Stay... Strong. (continues coughing, while she struggles to get up)
Jeremy: Come on, Bonnie. Get up! Come on.
Bonnie: Gonna stay strong. I'm not gonna die in this place!
Jeremy: Come on! Get up! (Tries to open the door)
Bonnie: (gasps)
Jeremy: Bonnie, get up! (repeatedly tries to open the door. Open! Come on! Bonnie falls to the ground coughing) Come on! (finally succeeds with opening the door)
(Elena and Damon rush into the kitchen and find Jeremy and Kai.)
Elena: Oh, Jeremy. Jeremy. Hey, Jeremy. Wake up.
Damon: Kai, hey! Damn it! (gives Kai his blood)
Elena: Jeremy, wake up. Jer, wake up. (He opens his eyes) Oh! Jeremy.
Jeremy: I'm OK.
Elena: (worried) Bonnie, I-is she...
Jeremy: I saw her. Sh-she's gonna be OK. (She smiles and looks at Damon)
(Elena cleans up the broken glass. Jeremy walks inside.)
Elena: I might be able to salvage a piece if you're interested.
Jeremy: I don't think Bonnie would want us to let cake go to waste. (She takes up miss cuddles) You know, I get it. I get what she was going through, why she would want to end it, feeling trapped and alone. Every day is the same-- disappointment, misery. You go to sleep and wake up and do it all over again? But she's not the only one that's trapped.
Elena: Jeremy, I know what you've been going through.
Jeremy: Don't tell me I got to be strong.
Elena: Actually, I was gonna say it's OK to move on. Bonnie decided to save herself, and from what you told me, I think she wants you to do the same. Go to art school. We'll all help you. Just...just find the life that you want (smiles) and be happy.
Jeremy: What about you?
Elena: I'll be fine. I promise. Just get out of here... And don't look back.
Liv: (wakes up in her bed and sees Tyler) How did I get back here?
Tyler: Well, first, I woke up on the floor. Guess a pillow would have been too much to ask for, and when I figured out where you'd gone, I raced over to the Salvatore house, only to find you unconscious. I convinced Elena to give you some of her blood... And now that I see you're OK, I never want to see you again.
Liv: Tyler, wait!
Tyler: (angry) You lied to me.
Liv: No! I never wanted to hurt you!
Tyler: You lied to me!
Liv: Please just calm down.
Tyler: I'm not gonna calm down. I would have done anything for you, and you chose death over me.
(Matt sits back in the car with Enzo)
Enzo: So? How was your little coffee date? Heh. You fancy her, don't you?
Matt: What was the point of this?
Enzo: You were a test. I wanted to see what kind of a person the last remaining Salvatore really is. What kind of person she is? Well, she spurned your comically inept attempts to charm her and yet proved to be a good Samaritan when you needed assistance. On a scale of 1-10, I'd say her purity ranks about...9.5. When I'm through with her, she'll be a one.
Matt: So what--you're gonna compel her to be bad?
Enzo: I'm not gonna compel her. I want Sarah to know that everything she did was of her own free will.
Matt: (confused) What are you talking about?
Enzo: I'm going to insinuate myself into her life, make her do things she'd never dream of doing until she begs me to make her a vampire. Heh. Stefan thought he could protect her. I'm gonna show him how wrong he is.
(Engine starts)
Damon: So Jer's applying to art school. Hmm. (smiles to himself) Might want to compel him a decent portfolio because he ain't that great.
Elena: Don't be mean. He needs to move on with his life, and... so do I.
Damon: I'm not sure I'm a fan of that transition.
Elena: Look. I've... made some huge mistakes in my life. Being with you wasn't one of them, and, yes, I had Alaric compel away my love for you, and, yes, I did love Stefan once. The night I died, Matt was driving me back to him, and yet I found my way back to you. Damon, I somehow always find my way back to you. It doesn't matter if I have memories or not. It doesn't matter if I'm a vampire or not.
Damon: You're just saying that because you can't change what you are.
Elena: No, Damon. I don't care what human me would have done because she's not here. I am. And if the past is a place without you and me together, then... Let's stop living in it.
Damon: Yeah.
(Damon kisses Elena, starts to take off her dress and pushes her onto his bed. Damon caresses her face and they continue to kiss)
(Jeremy sits at a table with the first-year admissions application to Santa Fe Art School)
(Caroline sits in an armchair. Stefan walks over and offers her a drink. She downs it in one and he offers her his own glass. She smiles and takes the glass.)
(Elena lays in Damon's bed, watching him sleep. She takes his arm, puts it around her and lays on his chest.)
(Bonnie drinks a glass of water and and discovers the atlas on the floor. She picks it up and sees the note Damon once made.)
Bonnie: Nova Scotia? (smiles) Damon, you're a genius.
(She puts her backpack in Damon's car and gets in the car, with the atlas in her hands. Puts her sunglasses on and starts the car. She drives away to find Silas' headstone.)
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x13 - The Day I Tried To Live"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Mr. Parker: Luke is gone. He merged with Kai, Kai won.
Kai: I always win.
Tyler: I would have done anything for you, and you chose death over me. I never want to see you again.
Damon: Bonnie needs magic to get out. We just need to tell her where to find some.
Bonnie: Damon, you're a genius.
Stefan: Caroline's mom isn't doing too hot.
Liz: Caroline is meant to be extraordinary, and she needs to know how proud I am of her.
You tell her yourself.
Stefan: When you told me you hated me.
Caroline: I think we both know I never really hated you.
She's gone.
(Caroline has fallen off her bike and is leaning against a tree when Liz walks in)
Liz: OK. I've got band-aids, surgical gear, and a medevac enroute for an airlift.
Caroline: You're making fun of me.
Liz: No, sweetheart. I'm making fun of me. There is no greater first than watching your kid ride without training wheels... (tends to the graze) Oh, boy... and no worst first than seeing them bite the dust. All right. There.
Caroline: Mommy?
Liz: Yes.
Caroline: Am I gonna die?
Liz: I would say your chances of survival are 100%.
Caroline: Are you gonna die?
Liz: Well... everyone dies eventually, sweetie, but not for a long, long time.
Caroline: But what if you die and I'm still here?
Liz: Well, then you'll be all grown up, and you won't need me.
Caroline: I think I'll always need you.
(Liz and Caroline hug each other)
(Caroline awakes on a couch and sees Matt, Elena, Tyler, and Stefan sleeping around her. Caroline walks over to the kitchen where Damon is still trying to write Liz's eulogy.)
(As Caroline opens the door, Damon rips a sheet of paper from a notebook and crumples it.)
Caroline: Sorry. Just, um, water.
Damon: Help yourself.
Caroline: (walks over to the sink) So what are you not writing?
Damon: You believe your mother entrusted me to eulogize her?
Caroline: That's... nice, I guess. (fills a glass with water)
Damon: I think she's trying to teach me a lesson about my own mom. Was supposed to do the eulogy at her funeral, and I just...
Caroline: We don't have to share.
Damon: Right.
Caroline: I just mean today is pretty much gonna be the worst day of my life. I'm not sure that I need to start it off by bonding with you. No offense.
Damon: None taken.
Caroline: Great. Thanks for the water. (starts to walk out of the kitchen)
Damon: Hey, blondie. Today isn't the worst day of your life. Today and tomorrow, it's a cakewalk. And there will be people day in and day out like they're afraid to leave you alone. The worst day? That's next week when there's nothing but quiet. Just a heads-up.
Caroline: Appreciate the tip. (walks out)
Damon: Sure. Anytime.
Season 6 Episode 15
Let Her Go
Original air date: 19th February, 2015
(Caroline is writing a to-do list for Liz's funeral)
Caroline (V.O.): You've all asked what you can do to help.
(Cut to Caroline talking to Elena, Matt, Tyler and Stefan in the living room)
Caroline: There are five day's worth of projects on here. We are going to do them in one. We can break the rules and cut through the red tape. I expect my mom to be properly celebrated and buried by the end of the day.
Matt: Sure, Care. Whatever you need.
(Tyler and Stefan nod)
Caroline: Elena, you're coming with me.
Elena: Where are we going?
Caroline: Casket shopping. Let's move!
(Caroline and Elena walk through the front door)
Elena: You drive. I sent my car to Jeremy.
Caroline: Jeremy! I forgot to put him on my list of people to call.
Elena: It's okay. I called him.
(Overlay of 1994 prison world, Bonnie walks up to the front door)
(Bonnie is filming on the camera)
Bonnie: It's day 278 inside this stupid prison world. I have two broken toes, nine blisters, and an ear infection, but I don't care. I have phesmatosed the crap out of this magic Canadian rock, and I have my magic again. (Getting a drink of bourbon) And when that eclipse hits 12:28, I'm going home. You hear that, me? Home. (Drinks)
(Jo is throwing up into the toilet and Alaric is standing just outside of the bathroom)
Alaric: Uh, you sure you don't want me to hold your hair back or something?
Jo: Stay away form me. This is gross. We haven't been dating long enough for you to see gross.
Alaric: I have guilt. The vegan dish I made fun of did you in.
Jo: I'm dying. Stupid Thai food. Never again. (Throws up)
Alaric: You know, maybe would just skip the funeral.
Jo: We're going.
(The doorbell rings. Alaric opens the front door and sees Kai, who doesn't look too good.)
Kai: Hey. (Alaric tries to shut the door) Wait, wait, wait, wait. (Alaric opens the door) Look. I know you hate me, but I really... really need to see my sister.
Alaric: I think she'll pass.
(Alaric tries to shut the door again, but when Jo appears at the door, he leaves it open)
Jo: What are you doing here?
(Alaric opens the door)
Kai: I called to tell you I was sick, and you... you hung up on me.
Jo: Because I have food poisoning. Did the sound of me vomiting on the other end of line not clue you in?
Kai: Look. There's an issue I've been worried about since the merge because we really didn't do it right. You know, the whole , "You're not my twin" "Hey. That's okay. Close enough" plan? It worked, which is, you know, cool. Hey, I'm even a little bit nice now in case you were wondering. But I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. And, well, I think it's dropped because I'm... Where's the bathroom? (Kai starts vomiting blood)
Jo: Oh, God! Ric!
Alaric: (Gives Kai something to vomit into) Here.
(Alaric and Jo look concerned)
Kai: I don't think you have food poisoning. I was supposed to merge my magic with you. But I got Luke's instead. Ohh. Now I'm defective, and I think that's why you're sick. I kind of feel like I'm dying, actually. And if I die, so do you, dad, Liv, and the rest of our dumb coven. So could you please fix me, like, now?
(Damon is putting on a tie for the funeral.)
(Young Stefan is putting on a tie for his mother's funeral. Damon walks in.)
Damon: What are you doing?
Stefan: Borrowing one of father's ties for the funeral.
Damon: He will skin you alive. Take mine. (Takes off his tie and kneels down to put it on Stefan) Okay.
Stefan: Did you finish the speech?
Damon: Not quite.
Stefan: It's an important speech.
Damon: I will finish it, Stefan.
Stefan: Father said we're not to cry.
Damon: That is because father is incapable of human emotion. You are ten. You can cry if you feel like it.
Stefan: (Shakes his head) I don't think I will.
Damon: Why's that?
Stefan: Because mother's angel told me everything would be alright.
Damon: When was this?
Stefan: Last night in my sleep. She visited me. Did she visit you?
Damon: I must have missed it. There. Be on your way. (Pats Stefan on the head, who leaves the room.)
(Stefan is standing behind Damon.)
Stefan: Well, I see the eulogy is coming along swimmingly.
Damon: It's percolating.
Stefan: Listen. I need your advice, and I need you to not be a dick about it because I have no one else to ask.
Damon: Oh, this sounds promising.
Stefan: What did I just say? (Damon gestures for Stefan to continue) All right, look. Something happened between Caroline and me.
Damon: Ooh! Finally!
Stefan: And then her mom died, and I haven't had a chance to talk to her about it, and I don't know the best way to handle it.
Damon: Oh. Pull the ripcord.
Stefan: What?
Damon: Well, she's not the one. If she was, you wouldn't have to ask.
Stefan: Yeah, but I didn't even-
Damon: You've been in love twice in your life, Stefan. Setting aside that it was technically the same face, does this feel like that? (Stefan doesn't answer) Not all love is true love, brother. Caroline wants the real deal, and if you don't, pull the ripcord before you make things worse. Just not today. Let her have today.
(Damon leaves the room)
Ms. McGruder: Your mother was such a vibrant woman. Even after your father ran off with that man.
Elena: (rushes in) Thank you, Ms. McGruder. I'm sure we'll see you at the funeral. (quickly leads Caroline away.) Well, welcome to the world of awkward sympathies. That's why you have to be prepared with your responses. I recommend at least three.
Caroline: I don't know how you survived this.
Elena: Your responses will be different for each category of people in your life: friends of circumstance, casual acquaintances, loved ones.
Caroline: I kissed Stefan. I want to talk to him about it, but if it's bad, I feel like he won't be honest, you know, not today.
Elena: Then talk to him about it tomorrow. You already have a lot on your plate.
Caroline: I think I need to know today. We're behind schedule. Let's go.
(Jo is giving Kai a checkup)
Jo: Any joint pain?
Kai: Mm-hmm.
Jo: Headaches?
Kai: Yup.
Jo: Are you pregnant?
Kai: Stop making jokes. I feel like I'm being scrunched from inside out. This is kinda private. Does your baby-boo need to be here?
Alaric: I'm not leaving her alone with you, so deal with it.
Jo: Okay. Your vitals are fine, your temperature is normal. I'll wait on pathology, but there is nothing medically wrong with you.
Kai: Yeah, duh, because I'm magically diseased. You haven't puked in at least...
Jo: (Realizes Kai is about to vomit blood) Oh!
(Jo goes to get a trash can for Kai. As he is vomiting, he grabs Jo's arm and absorbs some of her magic.)
Alaric: Hey, hey! (pulls Kai off of Jo)
Kai: Oh. I feel better.
Jo: Yeah because you juice-boxed my magic.
Kai: Yeah, sorry about that. That was an accident, but I... Wow! I legitimately feel better. You need to give me your magic.
Jo: What?
Kai: This faux merge is clearly failing because I was supposed to get your magic, right? (Kai gets up toward Jo, but Alaric stands in front of him) Just - I don't know - put it in a teddy bear or a bed pan and gimmie. (reaches out his hand)
Alaric: (Grabs Kai's hand) Listen. I could just as easily break seven little bones with one good squeeze, okay?
Kai: I can see you're skeptical, Ric. Can I call you Ric? Hey, buddy, but here's the thing you need to know is that Jo only survives if I do, okay? And if that's not enough for you, the power that binds the prison worlds comes form the leader of the gemini coven. If I die, the worlds collapse, alright? I see vacancy. Would you like me to start over with single syllables?
Alaric: Did you say prison worlds, as in more than one?
Kai: Has no one ever mentioned that?
Bonnie: This is it. I'm ready. There's no one to stop me. I have magic and the ascendant and the eclipse.
(The cave starts to rumble and Bonnie looks up to see a night sky with snow falling.)
Bonnie: No. No!
(Bonnie climbs out of the hole to find the world covered in snow.)
Elena: I'm worried about Caroline. I don't think she's handling this as well as she thinks she is. (sees Damon still writing the eulogy) You're not done yet?
Damon: No, I'm not done, and I will never be done. I am not a nice person and should not have to stand in front of the whole town and pretend to be a nice person. This is Liz having a last laugh from the great beyond.
Elena: Hey. Easy. You are nice... ish.
Damon: Not helping.
Elena: This isn't about you, Damon. This isn't even about Liz. It's about Caroline and what she needs to hear. Okay? (kisses Damon on the cheek and leaves the room)
(Damon, holding a bottle of bourbon, walks up to Stefan, who is at their mother's grave)
Stefan: You missed your speech.
Damon: I know.
Stefan: Why?
Damon: I did not know what to say.
Stefan: (crying) You could have just said goodbye.
(Damon starts writing)
Jo: I really don't have a choice.
Alaric: Of course you have a choice. It's your magic to give or not give.
Jo: What do you think I should do?
Alaric: Look, my life is full of martyrs who cave to the bad guy, trying to be heroes, and it never ends well. Somebody inevitably gets hurt or d*ad, and that somebody could just as easily be you, or Bonnie regardless, no matter what you do. So, if you wanna fight adn keep your magic, I will fight with you. And if not, well... I loved you when you weren't a witch, and I'm pretty sure I will still love you regardless.
Jo: Pretty sure?
Alaric: Yeah, at least 92%.
(Alaric kisses Jo's forehead and they hug)
(Many people are walking for the funeral while Caroline is inside looking at Liz's d*ad body and Stefan walks in)
Stefan: Caroline? Doing alright?
Caroline: Yeah. Fine. All things... considered.
Stefan: (walks over) Sure you're doing okay?
Caroline: Mm-hmm. Yeah. No. I don't know. Just now, I was supposed to put you into a category so I would know what to say to you, but then I realized I didn't know what category you would want to be put in. So, uh, I was thinking, "I guess there's no time like the horribly inappropriate present to get to the bottom of that." (pause) I could list the categories if you like.
Stefan: Caroline, I, um... I-I want to talk to you about all this. I do, but, maybe when we're alone and you've had a chance to get through the day.
Caroline: Yeah. God, of course. Um, this is not the time. I'm so sorry.
Stefan: Hey, hey. (hugs Caroline) Don't be sorry. (lets her go) We'll talk when all this is over. (leaves the room)
(Caroline adjusts her mom's badge and starts crying. Elena walks in.)
Elena: Care. They're ready. Do you need a minute?
Caroline: No, I'm okay. (looks at her mom's body) I'm gonna be alright, mom. I promise. Everything will be fine after today. (looks up) I'm ready.
Bonnie: Okay. Clearly, I've been dropped into a snowy tundra hell dimension. Either that or I finally had a psychotic break.
(A green light shines over the world. Bonnie looks up to see the Aurora Borealis)
(Bonnie makes her way to a house in the distance and enters it)
Bonnie: Incendia!
(Several candles in the house light up. Bonnie walks over to the table, where she finds a journal stating that the Northern Lights are a recurring celestial event like the eclipse in the 1994 Prison World. She also finds that she is a prison world of November 1, 1903.)
(Matt is standing outside and Tyler shows up)
Matt: There you are. You're late.
Tyler: (putting on his jacket) Yeah. Liv used to say she hated all my ties, so I had to find a new one. (slips down the stairs)
Matt: Are you drunk?
Tyler: That depends. How many days in a row can someone drink before they're just normal?
(Tyler tries to enter the church but Matt stops him.)
Matt: You're not going in there.
Tyler: Back off, man. It's Caroline's mom. I'm not missing her funeral.
(Tyler tries to enter again, but Matt stops him, causing him to slip and fall.)
Matt: I'm sorry about you and LIv. I know you've been going through a lot of crap, but Caroline does not deserve you bringing it here.
(Matt walks inside the church.)
Pastor: We are here today to pay our tribute and our respect to a pillar of our community, our sister, our protector, Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes. We are also here today to show our love and support for Liz's family and friends.
(The pastor's words fade as Elena reaches out to Caroline's hand. Police force members walk up to honor Sheriff Forbes. They place an American flag over her casket.)
Officer: Calling Sheriff Forbes. This is the last call for Sheriff Forbes. (Matt leans forward as if getting an idea) No response. Radio Number 2-6 is out of service after twelve years and four months of police service. Gone, but never forgotten. Center!
(The officers return to their seats and Damon walks up for the eulogy.)
Damon: Liz Forbes was my friend. In her last moments, she asked me to pass along a message to her daughter, but I cut her off before she could say too much. I told her she could tell Caroline herself, but she didn't get that chance. Your mom wanted you to know how proud of you she was, and she should be. You're a beautiful, strong woman, a generous friend, and a bright light in a sea of dark. She said you were extraordinary, and you are, and so was she. Liz was a hero to this town. She was a hero to all of you. And she was a hero to me. Goodbye, Sheriff. You will be missed.
(Damon returns to his seat and Caroline walks up.)
Caroline: Thank you all for coming. This is for my mom. ♪Go in peace. Go in kindness. Go in love. Go in faith. Leave the day. The day behind us. The day is done. Go in grace. Let us go into the dark. Not afraid. Not alone. Let us hope by some good pleasure. Safely to. Arrive at home.♪
Tyler: I'm sober. Don't ask me to leave.
Matt: I'm not. I'm glad you pulled it together. The thing is, Ty, I get it, alright? We've all been through so much that it's bound to make us a little crazy. But I was thinking, you know, watching the way all those cops honored her today, I want to be a part of something like that. So I talked to one of the deputies, and he gave me an application. There's this, uh, officer training program. Seems pretty cool, you know, like something I'm supposed to be a part of. I got one for you too.
(At the front of the grill, Caroline gets ready to leave.)
Elena: Hey, are you leaving?
Caroline: Yeah. I think I've done the whole funeral thing enough for one day.
Elena: I'll walk you home.
Caroline: No, it's two blocks. I'll be fine, Elena.
Elena: I just don't think it's a good idea for you to be alone tonight, you know?
Caroline: I think that's exactly what I need actually. (hugs Elena) Thank you for everything you did today, Elena. I'll never forget it.
Elena: You're welcome. But-
Caroline: I'll be fine, Elena. Okay? I just had to get through today.
(Caroline leaves and Elena looks as if something has dawned onto her.)
(At a table inside the house, Bonnie finds a picture of Damon and Stefan, realizing she is in the Salvatore Boarding House.)
Bonnie: Oh, my God.
Jo: Let's do this.
Kai: Ahh. Me, our coven, and the prison worlds thank you.
Alaric: What exactly is this other prison world?
Kai: A place filled with crappy people like me, I'm sure. (to Jo) Congrats. You're saving their miserable lives from Oblivion. (pinching Jo's cheeks) Oh, don't look so stressed. (Jo shakes him off) You never liked being a witch anyway.
Jo: Shut up. (Jo places her hands on Kai's cheeks) Oribos turai manecsitus. Orbiem. Oribos turai-
(The house starts shaking and Bonnie runs out and finds herself back in the woods in the 1994 Prison World. Bonnie sees the eclipse and checks her watch; it is nearly 12:28.)
Bonnie: Oh, God. (runs for the hole)
Jo: Oribos turai manecsitus. Orbiem
(Bonnie runs through the woods as Jo chants. The prison world is shifting between 1994 and 1903. Bonnie makes it to the hole.)
Bonnie: I can do this. The Northern Lights, the eclipse, they're both recurring events. (checks her watch) I can get out of here. (cuts her hand on the ascendant) Come on, come on. Sangina mearma, ascendarum cavea. Sangina mearma, ascendarum cavea. Sangina mearma, ascendarum cavea. Sangina mearma-
(While Bonnie was chanting, the Northern Lights shift to the eclipse and a woman walked towards Bonnie.)
Woman: Who are you?
Bonnie: Who are you?
(Bonnie returns to the real world.)
(Jo has just finished giving Kai her magic.)
Jo: It's done.
Kai: Ahh. Thank you. And congratulations.
(Jo looks confused so Kai whispers into her ear.)
Kai: Have a good life, Sissie.
(Kai leaves)
Alaric: What'd he say?
Jo: The reason I was sick, it wasn't food poisoning.
Alaric: What was it?
Jo: He said that I'm pregnant. I don't know what to say. I don't hmm... I don't know what to do with that.
Alaric: Marry me.
Jo: What?! No, no. That's a pity proposal. You can't throw a pity proposal at a pregnant ex-witch. I don't even know if I want kids, let alone get married. (Alaric takes a ring box out of his pocket) Oh, my God. What are you doing?
Alaric: I bought this the day after your brother died. Caroline's mother was sick and you were in danger. And I just thought life's too short. And I've been trying to plan for the right moment, which was supposed to be this morning with breakfast in bed, you know, until you started puking up last night's dinner.
Jo: Ric.
Alaric: We can talk about choices and all that. We can. But I would really love to have this baby with you. That's, uh, something I never thought I'd have. So this isn't a pity proposal, Jo. I love you. (Alaric kneels down and opens the box to reveal a diamond ring.) Marry me.
Jo: (sits down) I can't believe this. Are you sure?
Alaric: At least 92%.
Jo: Yes. Yes. Yes. (Alaric and Jo smile and hug.)
(Damon is finishing a drink at the bar and Stefan walks up to talk to him)
Stefan: Nice speech.
Damon: Thanks.
Stefan: What broke through the writer's block?
Damon: I just needed to be reminded that the goodbye wasn't about me. I failed you by not doing the eulogy at our mother's funeral. (Stefan gives Damon a surprised look.) I didn't want to fail anyone today.
Stefan: I think you were wrong about Caroline. I realized that I may not be able to explain what I feel for her, but it is something. And yeah, maybe all love isn't true love in the messed up way that you and I have experienced it but, I think this could turn into something even better.
Damon: Well then, brother, stop wasting your time sitting here with me. I think she could use a piece of news like that today.
(Stefan heads over to Caroline's house.)
(Caroline walks through the door and places the flag on a table. She takes her mom's sweater and puts it to her nose and puts it down. Caroline notices Elena is behind her.)
Caroline: I said I was fine, Elena.
Elena: I don't believe you. (Caroline turns around.) All day, something has been bugging me. You wanted to pack this all in so quickly like you had somewhere you needed to be. I mean, you were so concerned with getting through today without a hint of how you'd feel tomorrow. And then I realized. You don't want to feel tomorrow. That's the plan, right? You're not going to feel tomorrow because you're going t turn it all off.
Caroline: I thought I could get through the rough patch and just pick myself up after like I usually do, but then Damon made me realize it's just going to get worse.
Elena: You listened to Damon?
Caroline: I can't do worse, Elena, okay? I didn't even think there was a worse. It's better this way.
Elena: Better? Care, you're talking about flipping the humanity switch. There's nothing better about that.
Caroline: That is your experience, okay? I have more control over my vampire side than you ever did. My experience will be different.
Elena: It's not gonna be different, Care. It's gonna be deadly. You saw what happened to me when I did it.
Caroline: Yeah, that's my point, Elena. You did it. You couldn't handle the pain when your brother died, so you turned it off. Damon died, and you erased all your memories. Stefan moved to Savannah and became an auto mechanic. What, do you think that you guys are the only ones who get to escape grief?
Elena: You just mentioned two of the biggest mistakes that I ever made.
Caroline: Were they mistakes? Because when you came out the other end, the worst part of the pain was gone, and that's what I need. I just need the pain to be gone.
Elena: And if Stefan had said the right thing earlier, would that have changed your mind? (Caroline looks shocked.) Yeah. I heard.
Caroline: Well, he didn't, so it really doesn't matter. (starts to cry) My mom is d*ad, Elena. I-It hurts so bad, I can't breathe. I can't-I can't do worse. I can't, okay? I shouldn't have to.
Elena: No one should have to. It's not fair. It's not. I get it. I do. (Elena hugs Caroline.) And I know you think that you have it all figured out, but please listen to me. I'm not gonna let you do this.
(Caroline breaks Elena's neck.)
Caroline: (emotionless) That's not your choice to make.
Damon: (leaving a voicemail) Where'd you go, Elena? Call me back.
(Damon walks into the kitchen and sees pancakes on the table. He looks up and sees Bonnie.)
Damon: Bonnie?
Bonnie: One and only.
(Damon opens his arms and Bonnie jumps in for a hug.)
Damon: Oh, you made it!
(Stefan walks in.)
Stefan: Caroline? Sorry to barge in. Door was unlocked. (He walks in and finds Elena's unconscious body. Stefan runs over to her, but Caroline is nowhere to be found.) Caroline! Caroline!
(Damon is looking at the picture Bonnie brought back from the 1903 prison world.)
Damon: I don't get it. So you were in my house in a 1903 prison world.
Bonnie: (takes out the video camera) Watch this. I didn't know it was still on when I got pulled out.
Damon: Congratulations. You sh*t some walls.
Bonnie: Just wait.
Woman: (on camera) Who are you?
Bonnie: (on camera) Who are you?
Damon: Who is this?
Bonnie: There. Stop. (pauses to get a clear view of the woman)
Damon: Oh, my God.
Bonnie: What?
Damon: It's my mother.
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x15 - Let Her Go"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "the vampire diaries"...
Woman: Who are you?
Bonnie: Who are you?
Damon: Ha ha ha! Oh, you made it!
Bonnie: There. Stop.
Damon: Oh, my God. That's my mother.
Kai: This merge happened with my brother Luke, and I won, so when I absorbed Luke's magic, I must have gotten some of his qualities like empathy.
Caroline: I think we both know I never really hated you. I kissed Stefan. I want to talk to him about it, but if it's bad, I feel like he won't be honest.
Stefan: We'll talk when all of this is over.
Pastor: We are here today to pay our respect to sheriff Elizabeth Forbes.
Elena: You're talking about flipping the humanity switch.
Caroline: I just need the pain to be gone.
Elena: If Stefan had said the right thing earlier, would that have changed your mind?
Caroline: My mom is d*ad, Elena.
Elena: I'm not gonna let you do this.
(Caroline breaks Elena's neck)
Caroline: (emotionless) That's not your choice to make.
(Music playing. Caroline is sitting at the bar stretches out her hand while holding a empty glass; she is trying to get the bartenders attention)
Caroline: Hello! I'm empty. Fill, please.
Bartender: I think you've had enough.
(Caroline puts her glass down)
Caroline: Look at my face. This is me straining to care less about what you think.
(She stares intently into the bartenders eyes)
Caroline: Nope. I can't.
Bartender: Ok. I'm gonna call you a cab.
(The bartender turns to leave; Caroline grabs his wrist)
Caroline: Here's the thing. My mom just died as in I just put her d*ad, cancer-riddled body into the ground 4 hours and 32 minutes ago.
Bartender: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Caroline: Oh, no, no, no. I don't care about that. I'm just saying that my feet have been crammed in the world's most uncomfortable heels for an entire day, and your tequila is the only thing that seems to be helping.
Bartender: Ok. I'll grab you another drink.
(He takes her glass and turns around)
Caroline: Thank you.
(Liam comes up to the bar)
Liam: Caroline Forbes, the girl from the swimming hole.
Caroline: Liam. Ha. The boy I totally forgot existed.
Liam: Ouch. And I was just about to tell you how sexy you looked.
Caroline: Heh. You are drunk.
Liam: Slightly buzzed. Getting my ass whupped in shuffleboard upstairs.
Caroline: Oh, lucky you. I stood all day at my mom's funeral. God, you're cute. Are you a doctor yet?
Liam: Hang on. Your mom just died?
Caroline: Do you want to get out of here?
Liam: I...
Caroline: What? Girlfriend? We all know you're not dating Elena Gilbert.
Liam: Why would I be dating Elena?
Caroline: You wouldn't, but even if you were, it wouldn't matter because nothing matters, not... a... thing.
(Caroline pushes Liam against the glass, they begin making out. Liam is kissing her neck, Caroline's eyes change she pulls back and Liam sees her eyes and fangs)
Liam: Caroline! Aah!
(Caroline begins to feed on him)
Season 6 Episode 16
The Downward Spiral
Original air date: March 12, 2015
(Elena walks through Caroline's side of the dorm room which has been completely stripped. She is on the phone with Stefan.)
Elena: It's like she never lived here. (she opens and closes several drawers, all of which are empty) How's her house?
Stefan: (he comes down the stairs of an empty house) Totally empty. Caroline took everything but the damn doors off the hinges.
Elena: So what? She just flipped her humanity switch, came back to the dorm, and took all of her clothes (she opens her desk drawer) and thank you notes (she slams it closed) and just left town? I mean, that makes no sense.
Stefan: This is coming from the girl that b*rned her house down.
Elena: Do you think she's trying to cut off all ties to her past?
Stefan: (agitated) I certainly don't think she's having a yard sale, Elena.
Elena: Ok. Why are you getting mad at me? I'm not the one who did this.
Stefan: (Exhales) I know. I'm sorry.
Elena: OK. Look. I'm just gonna look around campus, maybe someone's seen her but just let me know if you find anything, OK?
Stefan: Alright. I will. (they hang up)
(Elena stands there silenty in the dorm room alone when the door opens quietly behind her revealing Bonnie.)
Bonnie: Looks like you could use a friend. (Elena turns at the sound of her voice, stunned)
Elena: Oh, my god. Bonnie? (Bonnie smiles and laughs) H-how are you...
Bonnie: (Walking through the doorway) Alive? (She shrugs) I think I'd be used to this part by now.
Elena: Ohh! (She happily hugs Bonnie)
(Damon uses a crow bar to pry open the locks of the coffin belonging to his mother. Kai stands behind him leaning against the doorway re-watching the video of Damon's mother and Bonnies' interaction on the camcorder.)
Kai: I can't believe Bonnie made it out. Actually, I can. She's plucky. Hey, do you need help? Oh. Before you answer that, I'd rather not. (Kai walks toward him) I just keep experiencing these pangs of guilt watching you. Feelings are hard.
Damon: So's the end of this crowbar.
Kai: (laughs) I'm just saying. Digging up mommy's grave? That's dark, even for me, and totally unnecessary. Damon, Bonnie saw her alive in a 1903 prison world. It's... it's on camera. You want to watch it again?
Damon: My mother died of Consumption in 1858. We did not go through the trouble of moving this thing to the family crypt only to find out that she's not even in here.
Kai: Oh, so you just... You just called me here because you needed a friend? No. You wanted to know if it was possible for her to exist in another prison world. To which I responded, "yes," to which you responded with denial.
Damon: Whatever or whoever's on that tape, it's not her.
Kai: Then who is it?
Damon: I don't know. A ghost? Maybe she has an evil Gemini twin.
Kai: (laughs) Nice.
Damon: If my mother was imprisoned in 1903, she'd be in her 70s.
Kai: Not if she were like you.
Damon: (Turns around angry) I know my mother. She's not a vampire. She is not in a prison world. She died of Consumption in 1858. (He throws the crowbar, it clangs on the ground and he stares at the old coffin)
Kai: Uh, if you're so sure of that why haven't you opened the coffin yet? (Damon flips off the lid which smashes on the ground to reveal an empty coffin) Congratulations. Everything you know about your mom is wrong. (Kai pats him on the shoulder and leaves. Damon stares at the empty coffin.)
(Enzo sits at a table on the 2nd floor drinking a cup of tea, from down below Sarah Salvatore takes photos of him with her camera, trying to hide from him. Enzo casually glances down, amused and purposely reveals the veins from under his eyes as Sarah gets her sh*ts. She zooms in on the picture she had just taken of his veins. When she looks back up to his table he is gone.)
Enzo: (Standing behind her) In the future, (she jumps) focus on my left side. It's far more attractive.
Sarah: (Turning to face him) Oh, my god.
Enzo: We've met before.
Sarah: Yes. You saved my friend Matt with your blood.
Enzo: Oh, yes. Uh, Sarah, right? Care to join me for a cup of tea? My best angle's up close and personal. (Sarah motions for him to join her) Brave. I like that. (He says as he sits across from her)
(Elena takes out a bottle of champagne as Bonnie goes through her drawers pulling out some clothing.)
Bonnie: My not flannel blouse, my not flannel T-shirts, and... ooh... ohh... I really missed my not flannel V-neck.
Elena: Suck it, 1994 (She pops open the bottle of champagne which causes Bonnie to jump) Whew! Ha! So I bought this bottle of champagne (she pours two glasses) the same day that Damon and I thought we were gonna rescue you, but obviously, we didn't, so I couldn't drink it, so this is to you. (She makes a toast, which is actually really depressing) You were stuck there all by yourself while we were back here, living our lives. And this is the worst toast ever.
Bonnie: I'm back home. That's all that matters. Cheers (they clink their glasses together and drink, Bonnie downs her glass quickly).
Elena: OK.
Bonnie: Can we talk about the fact that I drove Jeremy away to art school? (Elena pours her another glass)
Elena: So does that make you his muse? Because eww.
Bonnie: Do me a favor. Don't tell him I'm back yet.
Elena: Wait. You... you haven't called him yet?
Bonnie: I just... I want to give him a chance at normalcy (she takes a seat on the bed) before we just drag him back into all of this, you know?
Elena: (Surprised) Yeah. No. I-I do, too, but, Bonnie, you should at least tell him you're OK.
Bonnie: And I will. I'll tell him. Coming back to life is complicated. Trust me. I've done it before. Besides, we have a roommate without her humanity and in severe need of an intervention. (They turn as the door opens, Caroline walks in with several shopping bags)
Elena: Caroline. Um, you're here.
Caroline: And you're perceptive. (She walks right past Bonnie without even a glance setting her bags on her bed) Ahh.
Elena: Uh, what are you doing?
Caroline: Starting over. New everything! (taking the items out of her bags) New sheets, new clothes. Hey. I even got us a new blow-dryer. (she says turning to face them) Oh, my God! Bonnie's back. Hi. I thought you were trapped in 1994.
Bonnie: I got out.
Caroline: Huh. (she turns back to her bags, not carring in the least bit to see Bonnie)
Elena: Uh, we... we've been worried about you, Care.
Caroline: You mean, you were worried about those around me, like if I k*lled them. OK. Funny story. You remember Liam? (to Bonnie) Oh. Elena dated this premed hottie but then realized she still had feelings for Damon, so she compelled him to forget that they ever had a thing.
Elena: Caroline, what did you do to Liam?
Caroline: I ate him, (flash to the scene of Caroline biting Liam) and he was delicious. (Elena is shocked and angry, staring at her) I mean, you know how cute guys just naturally taste better?
Bonnie: You k*lled Elena's ex?
Caroline: (Scoffs) OK. Can I just tell my story, please? (to Elena) Remind me why we're glad she's back again.
Elena: Please tell me Liam is not d*ad.
Caroline: Fine. So I was feeding...
(Caroline is attacking Liam; her face is covered in blood and Liams' eyes are wide in fear, he struggles and gasps for breath; gurgling.)
Caroline (V.O.): .. and then that little voice inside my head that tells me to stop, he never piped up.
Caroline: (To Liam) More, Please. (Liam collapses him Carolines' arms, she catches him) Whoa! (scoffs) Well, this is awkward. Ugh. God. (She leans him up against a wall; and catches a glimpse of her necklace which has blood on it) Oh. You got blood on my necklace! Now I'm gonna have to clean it.
Liam: What are you doing to me?
Caroline: Well, I was going to drain of your blood, but now I'm not really in the mood to drag your corpse through the woods, definitely not in these heels. I could throw you in a dumpster, but then everyone's always being found in dumpsters, and since I was the last person to be seen with you, I'll be questioned by the police, and what if one of them reminds me of my d*ad mother?
Liam: What are you talking about?
Caroline: You, Liam, just got complicated. (she grins)
Elena: So you didn't k*ll him because it would be inconvenient?
Caroline: Elena, I shut off my humanity. I didn't turn into an idiot. The last thing I want to do is give you a reason to ruin my life. (She drinks straight from the champagne bottle)
Bonnie: Huh. It's so weird. It's like she's Caroline, but she's not.
Caroline: Oh, Bonnie, how we all just missed your commentary. Anyway, in return for my good behavior, I want a year where I don't have to feel pain or grief or remorse. You're not gonna lock me in a cell and dry me out, and you're definitely not gonna try to trigger some latent emotion, hoping to snap my humanity back on.
Elena: So all you want is for us to leave you alone, and then you promise not to k*ll anyone?
Caroline: That's all I want. Now granted, if anyone tries anything to flip my switch back on — and I mean anything — (she says very seriously) I'll become your worst nightmare. (Elena and Bonnie exchange glances) Great! I'm gonna get a latte. (She grabs her purse) See you! (And walks past them, leaving them there very confused and shocked to her new behavior).
(Damon leans against the living room wall on the phone with Stefan. While Stefan walks through the hallway of Whitmore Hospital, the scene switches back and forth between their phone call.)
Damon: (Amused) So St. Caroline keeps her halo even with no humanity.
Stefan: Yeah, until she snaps and strangles somebody with it.
Damon: Well, even if she does... (Crash!) (Damon turns around to see Kai going through some antiques in the house) Could be good for her, you know, to blow off some steam, thin the herd. Getting awfully crowded around here.
Stefan: Damon, if she kills somebody, I...
Damon: (interrupts) It's not your fault, Stefan. By the time you figured out how you felt about her, it was too late. She made her choice.
Stefan: Just do me a favor. Check around Mystic Falls, see if anybody's missing.
Damon: Will do, brother. (Damon hangs up) A little later. (He turns to see Kai pouring himself a drink)
Kai: Yeah. Why tell your brother your mother's still alive? No, but I get it. Mom's in a prison world and therefore an evil psychopath. Don't want to ruin little bro's perfect mommy memory.
Damon: I'll tell him as soon as I know the truth.
Kai: The truth.
Damon: Which is why you're still here. Your sister sent me and Elena back to 1994. You can send me back to 1903.
Kai: Technically, yes, I am able to do that, but I'll need the ascendant for the 1903 prison world.
Damon: Oh. As the newly elected President of the Gemini freaks, I assume you know where to get it. (Kai shrugs) So get it.
Kai: It's my pleasure. (He sips his drink loudly and stares up at Damon)
Damon: (Rolling his eyes knowingly) You want something. (Damon sits down across from him) Shocker. (He replies sarcastically) All right.
Kai: (Leaning forward) Well, ever since you told me Bonnie was back, I, uh, I can't stop thinking about her, all right, what I did, how she is. It's annoying really. (He exhales) Look. I need to see her. I need to apologize, and you're gonna make that happen.
(Enzo sits comfortably across from Sarah with his feet up on the table sipping his tea as Sarah questions him.)
Sarah: So that's it? Enzo? That's all I get?
Enzo: A name is a very personal thing, Sarah. See? Doesn't that feel good?
Sarah: I have pictures of you, your veins doing weird, nonhuman things. (Enzo chuckles as Sarah holds up her memory card to prove it) They're all on this little card.
Enzo: You went from cowering in a corner to overt blackmail in the span of an hour. Impressive.
I know want to know more about you.
Enzo: Fair enough. (He leans forward, setting his tea on the table) One... (At vampire speed he grabs the memory card from her hand) I'm very fast. Two, (He breaks the memory card in half) I'm very strong.
Sarah: (She throws up her hands, annoyed) That was, like, 70 bucks.
Enzo: 3, I'm very rich.
Sarah: (Setting down her camera) Rich, strong, fast, you have weird veins, you can heal people with your blood. What are you?
Enzo: (Scoffs) This is a joke, right?
Sarah: Does it look like I'm joking?
Enzo: Oh. You want to hear me say it. Fine. I'm a vampire.
Sarah: (Not the least bit phased by his words) And?
Enzo: Perhaps you didn't hear me. I said I'm a vampire. You know, Anne Rice, Dracula, that dreadful "Twilight" series.
Sarah: No. No. I know what they are. I just thought there'd be more to it.
Caroline: (Walking over, interrupting their conversation) It's OK. The whole vampire thing is over anyway.
Enzo: Caroline.
Caroline: Who is this nice girl we're divulging all of our deepest, darkest secrets to?
Sarah: I'm Sarah.
Caroline: Sarah. Photographer Sarah. Stefan's...
Enzo: (interrupts) (to Sarah) Darling... (She turns toward him and he compels her) You need a drink from the bar. (Sarah gets up and walks away. Enzo watches her leave then turns his attention to Caroline)
Caroline: It is so nice not to care what you're up to with that poor girl. (She laughs) Old me would have been in such a moral quandary right now.
Enzo: (scoffs) Old you? (Caroline grins and realization hits Enzo, he rollls his eyes) Oh, you didn't.
Caroline: (happily) I did right after my mom's funeral. Thanks for coming by the way. Kidding! I don't really care about that either.
Enzo: You're a laugh riot, aren't you?
Caroline: I'm actually a little bored, which is why I'm recruiting cute boys to come to Whitmore's warehouse party tonight. You like to dance, right?
Enzo: Yeah, I love it.
Caroline: See you there. (She walks past him, Enzo turns and watches her leave).
(Stefan leans against the wall outside a cubicle; Liam comes out moments later.)
Liam: Stefan. Hey, man.
Stefan: Hey. I'm gonna ask you a couple questions, and I need you to be completely honest with me.
Liam: (Compelled) I can be completely honest with you.
Stefan: Good. (Stefan leads him into a room and closes the door behind them) Do you remember being around Caroline last night?
Liam: Uh, (He grins and laughs) heh. Yeah. Kind of hard to forget.
Stefan: What is that supposed to mean?
Liam: We made out pretty hardcore.
Stefan: Was there any biting involved?
Liam: Uh... I guess. I mean, I-I like to bite the lower lip a little bit, (He replies uncomfortably) but I-I th... I think it's kind of weird you're asking me these questions.
Stefan: No. I meant, did she bite you?
Liam: Not that I remember. Are... are you into her or something? (Stefan sighs) Because, like, I thought she was single. I didn't know you two were, like, a...
Stefan: She is. We're not.
Liam: Great! Can I get out of here, please, because, like, I'm late for this party, and you're really weirding me out.
Stefan: What party?
Liam: Uh, warehouse party off campus. Caroline will be there if you want to watch. (He grins and pats Stefan on the shoulder. Stefan rolls his eyes as Liam leaves)
(Stefan pulls out his phone to make a call; Elena's voice answers on the other end.)
Elena: Hey, Stefan.
Stefan: Hey. Uh, listen. I never thought I would ask this, but, um... Do you want to go to a rave?
(Loud music and strobe lights are blaring from the warehouse. Two security guards stand outside the entrance as Bonnie and Elena approach. They pull back a white sheet as the girls enter a full blown party. Girls with painted faces and skimpy outfits; shirtless guys and glowstick jewlery; techno music, everyone cheering loudly; laughing, dancing, talking, and alot of drinking.)
Elena: OK. Not exactly the welcome home party I was planning for you. I think we should split up and look for Caroline. (She yells over the noise)
Bonnie: (Unable to hear her) Maybe we should split up and look for Caroline. (She yells back over the noise)
Elena: (Grins) Good idea. (she mouths the words) Good luck. (Elena turns and makes her way through the crowd)
(Elena makes her way through the crowd of ravers and finally spots Caroline relaxed and having a good time, dancing with a guy. Caroline spots Elena and purposely vamps out exposing her fangs and veins under her eyes. She leans in toward the guys' neck but as Elena starts forward Caroline stops and looks up at her returning to normal with a devilish grin on her face.)
Caroline: (Whispers to Elena) I'm fine. (She winks and goes back to dancing)
(Elena sighs as a shirtless guy approaches her and starts to dance up on her. Elena rolls her eyes and pushes past him. Meanwhile Bonnie is also making her way through the crowd when a guy turns to her with a smile.)
Guy: Want to dance? (He asks handing her a blue glowstick)
Bonnie: I'm actually looking for someone. (She says, putting the glowstick in his shirt pocket)
Guy: This is a party. Have fun! (He takes her by the hand and pulls her toward the dance floor; he dances but Bonnie just stands there not in the mood; the guys reaches out toward Bonnie but she stops him)
Bonnie: Hey. Down, boy.
Guy: Just dancing.
Bonnie: Look. I really have to go find my friend.
Guy: I can't help it. You're hot. (He pulls Bonnie toward him and kisses her neck, Bonnie brings her hand up to his and uses her magic to burn him) Aah, aah, aah, aah, aah! (He cries in pain, pulling his hand away) What the hell did you do?
Bonnie: Can't help it. I'm hot. (He stares at Bonnie shocked as she walks past him)
(Elena finds Stefan and they discuss his encounter with Liam from earlier.)
Elena: Did he have any bite marks on him?
Stefan: No, which means she must have given him her blood.
Elena: And he doesn't remember her feeding on him at all.
Stefan: He remembers them making out in graphic detail, but that's about it.
Elena: So that means she's covering her tracks. It's very thorough. It's actually really good.
Stefan: No, it's not good. It means that she's gonna use him as a human blood bag every time she gets hungry.
Elena: Or she'll drink from the blood bags in our fridge that she just restocked.
Stefan: Wait a minute. Why are you defending her?
Elena: I'm just saying she hasn't actually hurt anyone, and there's no bodies that have shown up at the med center, no students are missing. What if she actually has this under control? You know, we give her her year, she's happy, and then...
Stefan: And then what? She magically flips on her humanity switch and starts feeling everything that she's been putting off. Caroline is going to snap, and when it does, it's gonna be my fault because I am the reason that she did this.
Elena: Pain is the reason that she did this.
Stefan: Her mother died, her world was turning upside down. She asked me one simple question. All I had to do was tell her the truth, and I didn't. Now look me in the eye and tell me that I couldn't have stopped this. (Elena sighs and nods)
Elena: What's your plan?
(Stefan joins Caroline at the bar with two sh*t glasses and they drink as Bonnie continues to make her way through the crowd uncomfortable. Her cell phone rings, she pulls it out to see Damon on the caller ID and answers relieved.)
Bonnie: (Answering) Can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'm glad you called.
(The scene switches between the Salvatore Boarding House and the Warehouse party for Bonnie and Damon's telephone conversation.)
Damon: Uh-oh! Caroline go off the rails? If so, I called it.
Bonnie: Gloating in one of my best friend's times of need? It's weird that I miss you.
Damon: Bonnie, I thought I was clear. Our relationship only exists within the confines of 1994. (Bonnie smiles)
Bonnie: You think one phone call makes us friends?
Damon: You don't have to pretend, bon. I'm like a fever you can't shake.
Bonnie: Yeah. Yeah. A disease.
Damon: You ok?
Bonnie: Well, if scorching some douchebag with my magic is ok, then, yeah, peachy. When you came back, did you just slide right back into your old life?
Damon: Oh, you mean the one where my brother was an auto mechanic and my girlfriend forgot she loved me? Yep.
Bonnie: Um... why, um, why did you call me?
Damon: So... teensy favor. I don't know if you know this, but when Kai merged with Luke, he went through a metamorphosis. He went from a sociopathic caterpillar to a slightly less evil butterfly.
Bonnie: Yeah. And anyone who believes that is an idiot. Please don't ever repeat that name to me again, ok?
Damon: Yeah. Ok. Heh. Already forgot about it.
Bonnie: What was the favor?
Damon: Don't worry about it. I'll figure it out on my own. Happy raving.
Kai: Hey. Who was that?
Damon: Bonnie. She doesn't want to do it. (He turns to face Kai) Doesn't believe there's a new you.
Kai: But there is a new me. (Damon shrugs and Kai sighs) You... you explained it to her so she would understand, right? Small words, easy to digest.
Damon: Not gonna happen. End of story.
Kai: Huh. Shame... (He walks past Damon toward the fireplace) Because mama Salvatore's story is pretty fantastic. (He says with his eyes staring intently at the flames)
Damon: What are you talking about?
Kai: I have a strong lead on the ascendant. (He turns back to Damon) I checked the Gemini archives. Lily was captured on a dock in New York City in 1903. What if she was on her way here for you? I mean, it makes sense. She... she'd just landed from Europe, where... (he stops)
Damon: (staring at him wide eyed) Where what? Spit it out.
Kai: (Grabbing his throat) Sorry (He says in a raspy voice)
Damon: (Narrowing his eyes) You're not gonna tell me, are you?
Kai: (Coughs) No. Sorry. My throat just got really sore. I'm gonna go find a lozenge. (He clears his throat) Maybe Bonnie will change her mind by the time I find one. (He grins and brushes past Damon)
(Caroline and Stefan continue to drink at the bar as they watch the ravers.)
Caroline: (Judging an outfit) Well, that's certainly a look.
Stefan: Don't be jealous. (Caroline laughs and Stefan smiles)
Caroline: You know, you should smile more. You're hot.
Stefan: Oh, thank you.
Caroline: And obviously you're here to babysit me, but I've had less attractive babysitters. Granted, they were old women, and I was 8.
Stefan: I'm not here to babysit you, Caroline.
Caroline: Yes, you are. You, Elena, Bonnie, you don't think that I can live a normal, humanityless vampire existence without k*lling anyone, and you feel guilty for being such a royal ass at my mom's funeral.
Stefan: You're right. I was, and then when I came to apologize and tell you how I really felt, you were gone.
Caroline: And now I don't care.
Stefan: But I do, so let me tell you how I really feel.
Caroline: I said I don't care.
Stefan: (Ignoring her) I like you, Caroline.
Caroline: Stop.
Stefan: I don't know when it became more than friendship, but it did, and it scared me, so I-I pushed it away, but here we are.
Caroline: (laughs, amused) Ha! Ha ha ha! Wow! See? That wasn't so hard, was it? Only took a couple of years, cancer to devour my mom, me to flip my humanity off, but you finally spit it out.
Stefan: That's good. Anger. That means you want to feel.
Caroline: No, Stefan. You know what? It just means that I'm pissed, so leave me alone. (She turns to walk away but Stefan stops her)
Stefan: Hey, hey. (He pulls her toward him) Let it in. It will hurt, and you'll want to die, but I will be here. I will help you through this, but you have to give me a chance. (He reaches out his hand and caresses her cheek) Please. (Caroline stares at him as if she's considering this for a moment) Come back. (She closes her eyes and leans her face into his hand for a second)
Caroline: (Snapping her eyes open and staring at him sadistically) You shouldn't have done that. (She pushed his hand away and leaves him alone at the bar disappearing into the crowd of ravers)
(Caroline catches up with Liam in a hallway)
Caroline: Hey! Where have you been?
Liam: The bathroom line was, like, a mile long. I mean, look at all these crazy people here.
Caroline: Wow! You are so boring. No wonder Elena didn't pick you. Honest truth. How good are you at surgery?
Liam: I'm a premed h*m*. I'm terrible.
Caroline: Perfect! Come with me. (She grabs his hand and leads him away from the party)
(Caroline leans up against one of the cars as headlights approach. Enzo parks his car, turns off the ignition and gets out slamming his car door and walking toward her.)
Caroline: There you are. Finally! Where's your date? What, you don't want to show her off in front of Stefan?
Enzo: I'm afraid she doesn't find me nearly as fascinating as I do.
Caroline: But you have an accent. Anything you say is automatically fascinating.
Enzo: I'm afraid we found the exception. Told her I was a vampire, and her eyes glazed over literally. Pure and utter disinterest.
Caroline: (breaks into laughter) Ha! Ha ha ha!
Enzo: What's funny?
Caroline: Stefan's been looking out for Sarah ever since she was a baby, which means he will protect her at any cost.
Enzo: Ok.
Caroline: So what do you do when you want someone to have nothing to do with vampires?
Enzo: (Smiles) Heh. Compel them not to care about anything to do with vampires. Caroline Forbes, you're a genius.
Caroline: Thank you. (She seductively puts her hands on him) Now why don't I show you some of my other talents? (She reaches her hands into his jacket and down his waist) Hmm?
Enzo: (Pulling away) Sorry, luv. It's not as much fun when you're not really you. (He walks past her, but she is not bothered by the rejection. She grins and looks down at his cell phone which she had just stolen, she scrolls through the contacts and finds the name she is looking for. Sarah Salvatore.)
(Bonnie pushes past the crowd of ravers toward a hallway and leans up against the wall as Damon enters.)
Damon: Hey.
Bonnie: Hey! Hey. What are you doing here?
Damon: Don't freak out, but... ahem. (He clears his throat and Kai walks out from around the corner)
Kai: Hi. (Bonnie is immediately alarmed)
Damon: Just get this over with. (He grumbles to Kai)
Kai: Um...
Damon: Spit it out.
Kai: Um... I wanted...
(Kai and Bonnie are in the caves, Kai sh**t Bonnie in the chest with an arrow.)
Bonnie: Unh!
Kai (V.O.): To apologize...
(Bonnie is in Damon's car but is unable to start the engine because Kai shows up in the backseat and grabs her from behind. She tries to fight him but is unable to.)
Boonie: Aah!
Kai (V.O.): For anything I did...
(Kai and Bonnie are in Portland outside his family home by the trunk where Jo hid her magic in a Kn*fe. Kai holds the Kn*fe in his hand then s*ab Bonnie in the stomach with it. She gasps and gurgles.)
Bonnie: Aah!
Kai (V.O.): That hurt you.
(Bonnie stares at Kai wide eyed unable to speak)
Kai: Bon? Did you hear what I said?
Bonnie: If I see your face again, I will melt it off. (She thr*at him, then stalks past the both of them, angrily using her magic to open the door and stomps down the steps)
Kai: I imagined that going a little differently.
(In the crowd of ravers, Elena calls Bonnie on her cell phone and leaves a message.)
Elena: Bonnie, hey. It's me. Where'd you go? Call me. (She hangs up, Stefan comes up behind her)
Stefan: Hey. It worked.
Elena: It worked? You're Caroline's emotional trigger?
Stefan: I saw it in her eyes. She's still in there. We just have to go find her.
Elena: Wait. She's gone? Stefan, she made it very clear that if we mess with her she's gonna retaliate.
Stefan: Then we find her, we lock her up, and I push until I break through. I can get her back, Elena.
Elena: Ok. Ok. Let's go find her.
(Before they can go to look for Caroline, Stefans' phone rings. He looks down to see Enzo calling in.)
Stefan: (answering) What, you really think I want to hear from you right now?
Caroline: Aw. Is someone having a bad night? (Elena and Stefan are equally surprised to hear Caroline's voice on Enzo's phone)
Stefan: What are you doing with Enzo's phone?
(Caroline is alone in the coffee house, she sits up on the bar top.)
Caroline: I stole it, but that's not the question that you should be asking right now. You should be asking "why does Enzo have Sarah Salvatore's number in his phone," or maybe "where is Sarah Salvatore," and ultimately, "what the hell are you going to do to her, Caroline?"
(The door to the coffee house opens, Sarah Salvatore walks in.)
Sarah: Hello? Enzo?
Caroling: (British accent) Over here, luv.
Sarah: Oh. Um, actually, I'm looking for...
Caroline: Enzo. Yeah. I heard you. He's not here right now, but I am.
Stefan: Caroline, what the hell are you doing with Sarah?
Caroline: There! An appropriate question. Thank you for asking. As a matter of fact, I'm going to k*ll her. (Caroline hangs up, dropping the phone onto the bar)
(Bonnie angrily storms into her room room throwing the door closed and using her magic to ignte the f*re in the f*re place. Damon enters behind her cautiously.)
Damon: Hey. Calm down. It's just me. He's not here. Bonnie, this is about my mom. Kai knows a lot of stuff about my mom.
Bonnie: I don't care. I told you I didn't want to see him again, and you did it anyway.
Damon: I know, but, Bonnie...
Bonnie: (interrupting) Was I unclear?
Damon: He just wanted to talk.
Bonnie: Now I want to talk. So listen.
Damon: I get that he hurt you.
Bonnie: I said listen! (She uses her magic against Damon)
Damon: Unh! (Damon clutches his chest)
Bonnie: I want you to feel what I felt.
Damon: Ow!
Bonnie: You were there (Blood soaks through Damon's shirt from a wound that Bonnie made appear) the first time he hurt me, an arrow through the stomach, but you weren't there for what happened next, when he chased me through the hospital, (Damon gasps and groans) when he strangled me, (Bonnie uses her magic against him again; Damon chokes and grabs his throat) he drugged me, he tied me up, and he stuck me in a trunk, and then suddenly, he wants to be nice, huh, start over.
Damon: Bonnie.
Bonnie: Sound familiar? He lied, and then he s*ab he again! (She uses her magic against him again to make another wound)
Damon: Unh! (Damon clutches his stomach as blood pours out)
Bonnie: Then came the worst part because when it was all over he left me alone... (She says in tears) And I wish I could share what that feels like, but I can't. (She releases him, he gasps and coughs) I want you to get out.
Damon: Bonnie, I'm sorry.
Bonnie: (She screams at him in rage) Get out! (He leaves as she turns back to the f*re)
(At the bar, Caroline is making margaritas in the blender as Stefan and Elena arrive quickly in search of Sarah.)
Caroline: Hey! I'm making margaritas. You want one?
Elena: Where's Sarah?
Caroline: I see Stefan filled you in on his big secret.
Stefan: Where is she, Caroline?
Caroline: Not here. That would be stupid. (She says as she preps the glasses with salt) She's with Liam. Say hi! (She says looking over to Enzo's phone which is on speaker with Sarah's name flashing in)
Liam (on phone): (shaky and in a panic) Hello?
Caroline: Sarah is helping Liam with his surgical skills.
(The scene switches between Whitmore Hospital and the coffee house)
(Sarah is restrained to a metal operating table, somewhere in Whitmore Hospital. Liam stands over her with a scapel in a panic. He doesn't want to do it but he has no control. Sarah is terrified and in a panic as she struggles against the restraints begging for her life.)
Sarah: Please! Please don't hurt me!
Liam: I don't want to do this! (He screams)
Caroline: Duh. You're probably gonna get expelled and then found guilty of m*rder. That's why I compelled you to do what I wanted.
Sarah: No, please! Please!
Stefan: Look, Caroline. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you.
Caroline: Obviously. I was pretty clear about that.
Elena: Look. I know that you can't feel it right now, Care, but if you k*ll Sarah, it's gonna haunt you forever. Trust me. I did it, and it sucks. (Caroline pours the margarita mix into the glasses)
Caroline: I compelled a student to perform surgery on Stefan's niece, and you found a way to make this about you? God, you truly have a gift, Elena. (She laughs)
Stefan: Look at me, Caroline. What do you want me to do? You want me to leave town, I'll leave town. I'll stay as far away from you as possible. Just please let her go.
Caroline: That's the problem, Stefan. It doesn't really matter how far away you are. You're still you... Kind, loyal, (She puts little umbrellas into the margaritas) who with one look can convince me that I'm not crazy. That's the Stefan that I fell for, and that's the Stefan who can bring me back.
Stefan: k*lling Sarah isn't gonna change that.
Caroline: I know. That's why I'd rather just change you. Let go of that part of you, Stefan.
Elena: Caroline, what are you talking about?
Caroline: If Stefan wants to save Sarah's life, (She raises up two glasses of margaritas) all he has to do is shut his humanity off. Why are you both looking at me like that? Do I need to repeat myself?
Elena: He is not turning his humanity off.
Caroline: (Setting the glasses down on the bar) Elena, Stefan unleashed himself from you months ago. He can think for himself now.
Stefan: It's not gonna happen, Caroline.
Caroline: (Picking up the phone) Hey, Liam.
Sarah: No! Please! No, no!
Caroline: Cut out her spleen.
Elena: Caroline!
Caroline: Relax. She can live without a spleen. You know, it's really the infection you should be worried about.
Sarah: Please don't hurt me! No! No! No!
Liam: I'm so sorry. (She screams as Liam uses the scapel to cut against her skin, blood oozes out)
Stefan: Hey, Liam. Remember that conversation we had earlier about being honest? Where are you?
Caroline: Don't answer him, Liam.
Liam: Whitmore Medical.
Caroline: Hey!
Sarah: Please don't hurt me! (Liam slices her again with the scapel and she screams) Aah!
Stefan: (To Elena) Go! Get Sarah out of there. (Elena vamp speeds away)
Caroline: Good luck getting there in time.
Caroline: How's it going, Liam?
Sarah: (screaming) Please, Liam! No, no!
Liam: (His eyes are wide in terror) I think I'm gonna go into pediatrics.
Caroline: You know what? I changed my mind. Leave the spleen. (Liam relaxes taking a breath) Let's be a little bit more symbolic.
Sarah: (screaming) Please no!
Caroline: Take out her heart.
(Sarah screams and Stefan vamp speeds toward the bar he grabs Caroline and throws her across the room; she crashes into a table. The phone slides across the floor. Stefan goes for the phone but Caroline trips him with the leg of the table. Stefan tries to reach for the phone but Caroline s*ab him in the back then reaches over him and grabs the phone out of Stefan's grasp.)
Caroline: Liam, you still with me?
(Damon sits by the f*re with a drink in hand as the door opens, Kai enters.)
Damon: I'm not in the mood for the preamble. Just tell me why my mom's stuck in 1903.
Kai: You're not bringing your mom back.
Damon: That's odd. (He says turning to face Kai) Sounds like you just asked me to k*ll you.
Kai: You requested a truncated version, so I respectfully jumped to the end.
Damon: (He gets up) And why aren't we bringing her back?
Kai: Because there are only two prison worlds in existence, mine, created in 1994, and the one created in 1903 for the sole purpose of locking up your mom and her closet full of crazy pants.
(Damon att*cks Kai at vampire speed he grabs him and pins him up against the wall.)
Damon: (enraged) You said we'd get her back!
Kai: (Calm) I'm telling you, as a semi-sane person, you really don't want that.
Damon: And I'm telling you as a vampire who eats people you really don't want to piss me off!
Kai: I'm trying to save your life.
Damon: Tell me how to get her back!
Kai: Your mom's a ripper, ok? She's a ripper. (Damon releases him, stunned) She turned in 1858, faked her death, went to Europe, where she went a little nuts.
Damon: (Whispers) No.
Kai: Bodies piled up, she moved, k*lled some more until she had to move again. They think 3,000 in total.
Damon: (Whispers) That's enough.
Kai: And for some reason, my coven made it their duty to stop her, so they cut her off at New York Harbor before she could tear through Manhattan. Granted... heh... By the time they got the ship, they found everybody d*ad. It was so gruesome they had to burn it there at the harbor.
Damon: I said that's enough! (He screams)
Kai: (quietly) I guess I should show myself out. (He leaves and Damon falls back onto the floor devastated by this revelation)
(Bonnie calls Jeremy on his cell phone but gets his voice mail.)
Jeremy (voice-mail): Hey. It's Jeremy. Leave a message.
Bonnie: Hey, Jeremy. It's Bonnie. It's a really long story, but I'm back. Uh, I had this whole plan to drive out to new Mexico and surprise you, I don't know, show up as one of the models in your drawing class or something. (She laughs) Um... listen, Jer. I'm not sure I'm still the same Bonnie you want to be with. That place changed me, and I don't know if I'm scared of myself or actually kind of like the new me. If it's ok with you, I think I'm just gonna figure me out, and then I promise to come visit you. I hope you're well. Ok. Bye, Jer. (She hangs up and looks at herself in the mirror, lifting up her shirt to look at her scars)
(At the hospital red and blue ambulance lights flash through the windows, the sounds of sirens blaring and buzzing; a woman's voice on the PA system, the footsteps and chatters of doctors, nurses and patients in the dark hallways. Elena rushes past them.)
Sarah: Aah! No! Please! (Liam cuts her shirt open) Liam! Liam, no! Aah!
Liam: You're marking it worse. You'll only make it worse.
Sarah: You'll k*ll me! Liam, I'll die! Liam! (He shoves a cloth in her mouth to stop the screaming)
(Elena heads up the stairs, Sarah struggles against the restraints in a full panic as Liam picks up a drill; Sarah's eyes are wide in absolute terror.)
Liam: I never used one of these before. I'm so sorry. (Sarah screams)
(On the floor of the bar Stefan gasps as Caroline stands over him.)
Caroline: You don't realize it, but this really does hurt me to watch. (She sighs) I'm pathetic. (Into her Phone) Liam, she stopped screaming. Is she...
Liam: I think she passed out.
Caroline: (Sigh) k*ll her. Call me when it's done. (She hangs up the phone and shoves it in her back pocket)
(Stefan's phone rings, she bends down to pick it up and pulls the stake out of his back at the same time, he grunts.)
Caroline: (Stepping over him) Stefan's phone.
Elena: (Racing through the hospital hallways) Caroline, where are they?
Caroline: Hey. You're gonna be a doctor, right? How long can one live without their heart? Maybe, like, 3 seconds tops? (Stefan gets to his feet)
Stefan: She's gonna let her die, Elena.
Elena: I can't find them anywhere. We're running out of time! (Caroline turns to Stefan)
Stefan: Bring me back.
Elena: What? Stefan, w-what do you mean? Bring you back from where?
Stefan: Just remember to bring me back.
(Caroline pulls the phone away from her ear, keeping her eyes locked on Stefan she grins.)
Elena: No. No. No, no, no, no. Stefan! No! Stefan, no!
(Stefan takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Caroline watches amused. Seconds later Stefan opens his eyes again. Changed. Caroline smiles and hangs up the phone.)
Elena: (Looking at her phone) Stefan. No.
(Elena hears a clatter coming from one of the rooms, she runs toward the noise to find Liam covered in blood, an open wound on Sarah's chest, and bloody instruments all over the floor but the job isn't done yet.)
Elena: Oh, my God.
Liam: Elena, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I'm doing.
Elena: Just stop. (Elena bites into her wrist and feeds Sarah her blood)
Liam: (upset) I have to take out her heart. (Liam goes for Sarah's chest but Elena stops him by breaking both of his hands) Ah! (He grunts and falls to the ground; Elena continues to feed Sarah her blood until Sarah starts to cough and becomes concious again)
Elena: (relieved) No. It's ok. Everything's gonna be ok.
(Elena pulls out her phone and dials Stefan. The phone rings a couple of times. She walks away from the operating table and leans against the door frame.)
(Music plays and Stefan pours himself a margarita from behind the bar.)
Stefan: Hello.
Elena: (Out of breath) Stefan, hey. Thank God. I found her. I... She's gonna be ok.
Stefan: Oh, really?
Elena: Stefan, are you ok?
Stefan: Well, I will be in one second. (He takes a sip of his drink) Mmm. I really needed that.
Elena: Please don't tell me that you shut it off. (Stefan doesn't answer) Stefan, don't you dare tell me that you shut it off!
Stefan: Ok. I won't. (He passes the phone to Caroline who is laying on the bar)
Caroline: He shut it off. (She hangs up the phone and tosses it aside; she grins and Stefan drinks his margarita)
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x16 - The Downward Spiral"} | foreverdreaming |
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...
Woman: Who are you?
Bonnie: Who are you?
Damon: Oh, my God. That's my mother.
Kai: There are only two prison worlds in existence, mine and the one created in 1903 for locking up your mom and her closet full of crazy pants.
Damon: Tell me how to get her back!
Kai: Your mom's a ripper!
Enzo: Meet the real Sarah Salvatore. I'm going to make her do things she'd never dream of doing until she begs me to make her a vampire.
Jo: I'm pregnant.
Alaric: Marry me.
Jo: Yes.
Caroline: My mom is d*ad, and I just need the pain to be gone.
Caroline: If anyone tries to flip my humanity switch back on, I'll become your worst nightmare.
Stefan: I like you.
Caroline: Stop.
Stefan: Come back.
Stefan: What the hell are you doing with Sarah?
Caroline: I'm going to k*ll her.
Caroline: If Stefan wants to save Sarah's life, all he has to do is shut his humanity off.
Stefan: Just remember to bring me back.
Elena: Stefan, don't you dare shut it off.
(Caroline is cleaning up from her fight with Stefan the night before when Enzo walks in)
Enzo: A hard knock life, isn't it?
Caroline: Don't walk there. Ugh! (grabbing a mop) I just washed that.
Enzo: My apologies, Cinderella. What are you doing?
Caroline: Stefan and I had a moment. Things broke in the process, and now I'm returning the Scull Bar to the way we found it.
Enzo: Uh, the whole point of flipping your humanity switch is that you don't care how you leave things.
Caroline: (sighs) I go to school here, Enzo. I want to keep going to school here, and the second that I draw any suspicions -- break-ins, broken property, d*ad bodies -- people will try to interrupt my routine. Then I will end up rotting in a cell somewhere instead of what I should be doing, which is preparing for my audition tomorrow.
Enzo: You, Caroline Forbes, vampire without humanity, auditioning for the school play?
Caroline: Musical. And obviously, duh. I'm a drama major. And what are you doing here?
Enzo: Find my Phone led me here, though it didn't explain why your stick little fingers needed it last night.
Caroline: Because you're the only one with Sarah Salvatore's phone number.
Enzo: Why'd you need Sarah's number?
Caroline: To use her life as leverage to convince Stefan to shut his humanity switch off too.
Enzo: (concerned) That's both clever and deeply unsettling. Tell me she's still alive.
Caroline: She's alive, assuming she survived any infections resulting from Liam's amateur surgery.
Enzo: (realizing his revenge plan won't work) Which means Stefan's humanity's a thing of the past.
Caroline: Like I said, I will stop at nothing to maintain my routine, so I suggest that you stay away. Now if you don't mind, (hands Enzo the mop) I need to prepare for my audition.
(Caroline leaves and Enzo turn around, contemplating a solution.)
(Damon is sitting in the living room. A motorcycle engine is heard and Stefan opens the door and walks in.)
Damon: How was the rave?
Stefan: Oh, you know, loud, lame, rave-like.
Damon: Anything I should know or anything you'd like to talk about bro to bro?
Stefan: Where do we keep our w*apon?
Damon: Pardon? (gets up)
Stefan: Crossbows, Vervain grenades, all that hunter crap Jeremy was into? Ah! Yes! The throne.
(Stefan walks over to a chair and opens a hidden compartment full of w*apon. He packs some w*apon into a bag. Damon vamps over to Stefan and tries to inject him with vervain, but Stefan catches his hand.)
Stefan: Elena told on me. Shocker.
Damon: Not a good time for a humanity flip, brother. (Stefan breaks his hand and he drops the vervain syringe)
Stefan: Do yourself a favor. Stay out of my way today.
(Stefan leaves and closes the door as Damon snaps his hand back into place. Damon hears Stefan drove off on his motorcycle throws a vase to the ground in frustration.)
Season 6 Episode 17
A Bird in a Gilded Cage
Original Air Date on March 19, 2015
(Sarah is lying in a hospital bed and Jo is tending to her.)
Jo: Whoa, easy.
Sarah: Where am I?
Jo: You're at Whitmore Medical Center. I'm Dr. Laughlin.
Sarah: Last night...
Jo: You had a little too much to drink. A professor found you passed out on the quad.
Sarah: I sort of remember that. It was like a spring break kickoff rave. (Jo nods and she starts to get up) I should get home.
Jo: Actually, I need you to sit tight. We need to look after you for a while. You lost a lot of fluids last night. Okay? (Sarah reluctantly lies back down and Jo leaves the room as Sarah checks her arm)
(Jo is outside Sarah's room talking to Alaric.)
Jo: For the record, I am not okay with turning my hospital into a supernatural holding cell.
Alaric: Okay, look. It's the first day of spring break. The campus is like a ghost town. Besides, we need to keep her out of harm's way until Elena's blood is out of her system. Unless, of course, you want to invite another Salvatore vampire to our wedding.
Jo: I'm starting to think eloping is the way to go.
Alaric: Heh, yeah. Yeah, me too. (they kiss) Look, she's been compelled to forget last night. And soon, she'll be back at Duke, safe with no idea what happened and no one the wiser.
Jo: Huh, Duke. That's not bad. It's a little obnoxious but kind of in a cute way, you know? Little Duke.
Alaric: Whoa. Wait. We're thinking baby names?
Jo: You haven't been?
Alaric: No. I have! No. I have. I totally have.
Jo: Name one.
Alaric: (tries to think) Josette Jr.
Jo: Get out of here. (she kisses him) I have rounds. (they walk in opposite directions)
(Elena walks in to Damon striking furniture with a poker.)
Elena: Damon. What are you doing?
Damon: Looking for a... healthy outlet for my rage. (knocks down a lamp, shocking Elena) I haven't found it yet. Stefan without his humanity is one artery away from Stefan the ripper, and every day that goes by is one year of guilt waiting for him on the other side.
Elena: Yeah. Well, not to add to our growing pile of bad news, but we didn't just lose Stefan. We lost our chance to spark Caroline's humanity. Turns out he was her emotional trigger. (Damon offers her the poker) No thanks.
Damon: Well, take it away from me. Because I'm seconds away from using it on this. (grabs the video camera that Bonnie brought back from the prison world)
Elena: (takes the poker and sets it down) Who is that?
Damon: This... (shows Elena the camera) is Lillian Salvatore.
Elena: Your mother is alive? (takes the camera for a closer look)
Damon: Yep. Turns out she's been in a prison world snapshot of 1903 for over a century.
Elena: Your mother is alive.
Damon: Oh, yeah. Alive and well. Not in the pine box that I thought I buried her in in 1858. And apparently, she's a vampire and not just any kind of vampire either-
Elena: Damon, your mother is alive!
Damon: She's a ripper, Elena. Makes perfect sense. Stefan was always such a mama's boy.
Elena: How much of a mama's boy?
Damon: He would have hanged himself with mother's apron strings if it meant her approval. We both would. We loved her. She was our world.
(Elena smiles at him)
Damon: What? No. No way.
Elena: This is our way to get Stefan back! You can't tell me that his mother isn't an emotional trigger.
Damon: Elena, this woman k*lled so many people that an entire coven of witches built her a permanent timeout! You don't fix one ripper problem by unleashing another ripper.
Elena: Think about it. If this works, we don't just get Stefan and Caroline back. We get your mother back. Aren't you even a little curious to see her?
Damon: I might know a few witches that could help.
(Damon is standing at the door of the room)
Bonnie: I'm not helping you. (Tries to shut the door on his face but Damon puts his leg in between.)
Damon: Ow.
Bonnie: I hate Kai, and you know that, and the first thing you did when I got back was throw him in my face to fake apologize.
Damon: Yeah, and then I real apologized for being a dick.
Bonnie: And here you are less than 24 hours later asking me to work with him.
Damon: Bonnie, we need Kai to get to 1903, and we need Bennett blood to do the damn spell. Listen. We go in, we grab my mom, she flips Stefan's switch, he triggers Caroline, emotional dominoes, heyyyy! Everybody wins.
Bonnie: If I give you my blood, will you just get out of my face?
Damon: Probably... although I think you're gonna want to join us. Stick with me, Bonnie Bennett. I might just have the answer to all your prayers.
Kai: You want the 1903 Ascendant. Well, sure. Just let me reach in my pocket and pull it out.
Bonnie: If you're sincerely looking for a way to make up for the hell that you put me through, this is it.
Kai: OK. The problem is the Gemini kept the existence of the 1903 prison world a secret for generations, so find the key to that particular jail cell, I'd have to navigate ancient texts, undo layers of magical cloaking spells, and... Wait. (reaches into his pockets and pulls out the Ascendant) Oh, that's weird. Ha ha! It was in my pocket. When Damon told me about mama Salvatore, I started looking, and if I wanted to, (Bonnie reaches for the Ascendant, but Kai pulls his hand back) .. I could get her out. Newly minted leader of the Gemini coven and all, I don't even need a celestial event to zap us there. (sets the Ascendant on the table)
Bonnie: OK. So what's the catch?
Kai: I'll go if you go. Come on. It could be fun, you know, 1903, the... the Gilded Age. Didn't you ever dream about time travel?
Bonnie: I would rather die of cholera than spend an afternoon with you.
Kai: You're way more likely to die at the hands of your gal pal Caroline. I bet it will be over something stupid like she stops doing laundry, and you make some snippy comment, and she snips off your tongue. I'm mean, if only there were some way to reunite her with her humanity.
(Bonnie is contemplating her decision)
(Caroline is auditioning in front of the director, who is taking notes)
♪ maybe there's somewhere ♪
♪ a lesson to learn ♪
♪ but that wouldn't change the fact ♪
♪ that wouldn't speed the time ♪
♪ once the foundation's cracked ♪
♪ and I'm ♪
♪ still hurting ♪
(wipes a tear and turns off the music)
Hello? Pretty sure I crushed that. Heh heh.
(The director's head falls off and Stefan is sitting behind him. He slow claps as Caroline shields her eyes from the light to see who it is.)
Stefan: Moving. Truly. Although it did lack a certain, um, authenticity.
Caroline: What the hell are you doing? That was the director!
Stefan: And you are a vampire without humanity, singing about heartbreak.
Caroline: It's a performance, Stefan.
Stefan: (as he speaks, he gets up and walks down the stairs towards the stage) It sure is, Caroline, especially this carefully crafted good student routine, straight and narrow, anything to keep you from making a mistake you might regret one year from now when you flip your switch back on. Oh, except the whole ruining my life part.
Caroline: Well, if your humanity's off, then you shouldn't really care how I deal.
Stefan: No, no, no. See, that's where you're wrong because like you, I'm prone to doing bad things when my humanity is off, but unlike you, I don't have an elaborate system to keep me in check.
Caroline: Well that's not my problem.
Stefan: Well, I'm making it your problem. If my life is gonna fall apart when my humanity starts flooding back, then so is yours. When I'm done with you, you'll be drowning in mistakes.
Caroline: (walks toward Stefan) This is seriously about revenge?
Stefan: Yes, it is, and this... (holds up his hands, which are covered in blood) .. this is a control freak's worst nightmare. This is me undoing your routine. This is me... (Stefan wipes blood onto Caroline's lips, causing her face to vamp out) .. forcing you to let go one day at a time until you break. (he leaves the auditorium)
(Bonnie and Kai are dressed in attire for colder climate as Bonnie is cutting her palm with a large Kn*fe to draw blood for the spell to travel to 1903.)
Kai: Damn. Crocodile Dundee called. He wants his Kn*fe back.
Bonnie: Yeah. You know, he's no longer a thing, and neither is that joke. (Damon walks in wearing a coat)
Kai: Ouch.
(Bonnie sheaths the Kn*fe and drips blood on the Ascendant. Elena walks in wearing a coat.)
Elena: Is this presentable attire by 1903 standards?
Damon: Whoa. Who said you're coming?
Elena: To meet the woman who gave birth to the two epic loves of my life? Heh. Me.
Kai: Powerful as I am, there's a limit to how many people one witch can transport with this spell.
Bonnie: Which is why there's two of us. Shall we?
Damon: Fine. Let's go get mama.
(Everyone joins hands.)
Kai: Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema. Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema.
(Everyone is transported to the 1903 prison world without the Ascendant.)
(Damon, Elena, Bonnie, and Kai are outdoors in a snowy Mystic Falls.)
Damon: Well, isn't this a picturesque slice of hell?
Bonnie: You guys go ahead. Kai and I will start the locator spell on the Ascendant.
Elena: But Kai just had the Ascendant. Why do we have to find another one?
Kai: The Ascendant can't travel between worlds, which means we gotta find its mirror image here in 1903.
Damon: (sarcastically, as he zips up his jacket) Page 10 on the world-jumping rulebook. Shall we? (walks off)
Elena: I don't want to leave you alone with him.
Bonnie: I'll be fine. (Kai is catching snow on his tongue) He's good now, remember? New leaf. (she goes to join Damon)
Kai: New leaf? You believe me.
Bonnie: Hell no, but Damon and Elena need to meet his mom alone. So shut up and let's find the Ascendant. (holds up her hand)
(Stefan is walking over to his motorcycle. He takes his helmet and gets on, but it falls apart. He looks in confusion and Caroline walks out.)
Caroline: Oh, sh**t. Is your bike OK? (Stefan gets off) Do you need money for the bus?
Stefan: Seriously?
Caroline: I just had to stuff the director's body into a furnace. Do you know how hard it was to get an audition during spring break?
Stefan: Oh, come on. It was easy for you, Caroline. All you had to do was shed some tears about your mom's funeral, play the cancer card, and - boom - your precious routine is back on track. (gets down to put his bike back together) Am I wrong?
Caroline: This is your only warning. Go away.
Stefan: Neat, organized Caroline. Staying within the lines. Good at control, terrible at revenge.
Caroline: I dismantled your bike.
Stefan: I tore your director's head off with my teeth. Oh, my God. Caroline, literally just unbolt this damn thing? I mean, it's gonna take me, what, 10 minutes to put this back together? You are an embarrassment to humanity-free vampires everywhere.
(Caroline walks over to punch a hole in the gas t*nk and walks away.)
(Alaric is trying to come up with baby names, writing down a list when his phone rings. It's Jo.)
Alaric: OK. So I've got a few. You ready?
Jo: Actually, I thought about it, and anyone named Alaric should not be allowed to name another human.
Alaric: Uh, I didn't name me.
Jo: True. OK. You can have veto power.
Alaric: Good. Well, then I veto Duke.
Jo: Ha ha!
(Enzo knocks and comes in.)
Alaric: Uh, let me call you right back. (hangs up) What are you doing here?
Enzo: Really hoping you got enough vervain to get blondie and her cohort from here to the Salvatore cellar without further drama.
Alaric: You do realize I'm a human, right? Up against two vampires without remorse?
Enzo: Ah. I see. Your girl has got a bun in the oven, and now you've gone all g*n-shy. Vamp hearing.
Alaric: You know, I'd actually like my child to grow up with a father.
Enzo: Granted, a cowardly father. Probably play catch and run from the ball or go fishing an flee from the fish.
Alaric: I have w*apon in my apartment.
(Elena and Damon have made it to the old Salvatore Estate, where Elena is marveling at the old-fashioned lamps and furniture. Damon doesn't look very pleased to be there)
Elena: Can we just take a second to acknowledge how insane it is that we're standing in the house that you grew up in? (Elena finds a tin-type photo of one of the brothers from when they were young children on the mantle and coos happily) Awww, Damon! (She picks up the photograph and examines it before showing it to Damon) You were so adorable!
Damon: Aww, thanks! (He looks at the photo and grimaces) Except... that's Stefan. (He sees another photo on the mantle of himself as a child with his mother and grabs it) This is me. (He pauses for a moment and stares at it before handing it over to Elena) We're not here to socialize. We get the Ascendant, we find my mother, and after she flips Stefan's switch, we figure out what the hell we're going to do with her.
Elena: (continues looking at the baby photo of Damon) Aw, you can give her another chance?
Damon: (snoops through the desk) Chance to what? Disarray another literal boatload of people?
Elena: Stefan was a Ripper. You never gave up on him.
Damon: And where was Lily from 1858 to 1903? She was blood-binge-ing through Europe while Stefan and I carried the loss. (Elena looks at him sympathetically) Not exactly maternal, Elena. Far as I'm concerned, my mother died when we buried her empty coffin. What we're looking for is just a tool to get my brother back.
(Elena opens her mouth to say something, but before she can, a female voice calls out behind them, and Elena gapes in surprise. It's Lily, who was apparently gathering firewood outside, and she is shocked to see Damon)
Lily: (shocked) Damon?
Damon: (overwhelmed) Hello, mother.
(After the break, Lily has started a f*re in the fireplace, where she is boiling a kettle of water to make tea. Elena and Damon are both sitting on the couch)
Lily: There was a time I marked days on a calendar. (She joins them at the coffee table and pours them each a cup of tea before sitting across from them) I gave up after a few years, but, judging by your bizarre attire...
Elena: You've been in here for over a century...
Damon: (sarcastically) Yeah, I would have come by sooner, but I thought you were safe and sound in the family crypt. (He smiles fakely) My bad.
Lily: (smiles guiltily) Technically, I did die in 1858, after a nurse in the TB ward fed me vampire blood.
Damon: And you never thought to stop by and clear things up?
(Lily looks at him awkwardly before returning the kettle to the f*re. Elena, sensing the tension, decides to change the subject)
Elena: How did you end up here, Mrs. Salvatore?
(Damon looks at her incredulously)
Damon: (whispers) Mrs. Salvatore?
Elena: (whispers back) I don't know what to call her.
Lily: (chuckles) Please, call me Lily. (She sits down across from them again) It was October 31st, 1903. (She dips a tea bag into each of their cups. Next to the cups is a sealed jar of blood and a small dropper) I had just arrived in New York Harbor. The night sky was alive with this beautiful shimmering light. And, out of nowhere, a coven of witches att*cked. When I woke, they were gone. Everyone was gone. (She chuckles nervously) That night, the sky danced with colors again, and it's done so every night since.
(She hands Damon and Elena each a tea cup)
Damon: It's called "prison." You must have pissed off a lot of people.
(Elena gives Damon a hard look, as though to say, "Be nice!")
Lily: (smiles) That life seems like forever ago.
(Damon picks up the dropper next to the jar of blood and examines it)
Damon: You on a diet?
Lily: I depleted every slaughterhouse within walking distance, and every butcher's shop along the hellish trek from New York to Mystic Falls. (She picks up the jar of blood and shows it to them) This is the last of the blood here, heh. Two drops a week, just to stay awake.
Elena: That sounds miserable.
Lily: (smiles) I manage. (She looks at Damon) I heard you and your brother turned during the w*r.
Damon: Mmhmm.
Lily: (sips her tea) Your father must have been horrified.
Damon: He was! And then, Stefan ripped his throat out.
(Lily giggles so hard she accidentally spits out her tea, and then looks a little embarrassed. Damon smiles at her)
Lily: I apologize - that's cruel to laugh - but... good for Stefan. (Damon nods at her) I truly hated that man.
Damon: Oh, I know you did. So much so that you left your kids with him, faked your own death, and then went out to join the Ripper Coalition.
(Elena gives Damon another stern look)
Lily: (smiles tightly) Well, it's nice to see that you've grown into yourself, Damon. (Damon smiles back, but Lily's smile falls quickly) How's your brother?
(Damon opens his mouth to speak, but can't find the words)
(Caroline is in her dorm's study room, working on homework, when she suddenly hears a noise nearby)
Caroline: Hello? Is anyone there?
(She hears another clanging noise and finally gets up to see what is going on. It's Stefan, who is messing around with a soda machine in the hallway)
Caroline: Damnit, Stefan! What do you want?
Stefan: (pretends to grab a soda can) Uh, I brought you a little peace-offering. I figured with all that singing, and furnace-stuffing, you must be parched.
(He pulls the pin from a vervain-grenade and throws it at her. She doesn't realize what it is quickly enough to move out of the way, and is instead thrown backward with the force of the expl*si*n. She falls flat on the ground as shattered glass rains down on her and the skin on her face and hands sizzles from the vervain. Stefan walks toward her and grabs a piece of wood from the stairway railing to use as a stake before he straddles her on the ground and flips her over)
Stefan: Now, see, this is how a vampire with no humanity is supposed to act! I am inflicting actual pain!
Caroline: (groans) Leave me alone!
Stefan: Why? You thinking about giving in? Letting go? Breaking your code?
Caroline: Stefan, stop!
Stefan: Come on, Caroline! Just let go! I promise it'll feel good.
Caroline: I am not going to let you ruin my life.
Stefan: Okay! Then I'll end it.
(Stefan raises the stake and is about to k*ll her with it when Caroline vamps-out, bites his wrist, and uses his distraction to flip him over and stake him in the stomach with it)
Stefan: (shouts in pain) Ahh! Ahhh!
(Bonnie and Kai are in the woods near a shed, where they're casting a locator spell for the Ascendant. Kai drips blood from his index finger onto the palm of her hand to do the spell)
Kai: You have really nice palms.
(Bonnie gives him a confused look, and Kai smiles at her. She rolls her eyes and gets back to the task at hand)
Bonnie: Phesmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinum. Phesmatos tribum, nas ex viras, sequitas sanguinum.
Kai: (blurts out) Do you know why I'm here?
(Bonnie ignores him and continues chanting)
Kai: Because my guilt keeps me up at night. (Bonnie continues to ignore him, and Kai sighs) I don't-I don't expect you to believe me. But I need you to give me one more chance.
(Bonnie keeps chanting, and Kai becomes so frustrated he roughly grabs Bonnie's wrists and shakes her)
Kai: Bonnie! LISTEN TO ME!
(Bonnie grimaces in pain and looks up at him, fearful and angry and also not surprised by this reaction. Kai looks as though he can't believe what he just did and quickly lets go of her)
Kai: (guilty) Sorry, I... Oh my God, I didn't... I didn't mean to do that...
Bonnie: (cuts him off) But you did it anyway. Because even if you're telling the truth, the old you is still inside of you. (She glares at him) The Ascendant is this way.
(Bonnie walks past him, and Kai sighs before following after her)
(Lily, Damon, and Elena are still talking in the parlor)
Lily: (confused) And, you believe I can reconnect Stefan with his humanity?
Elena: The last memory Stefan has of you is a vision of an angel telling him "Everything is going to be okay."
(Lily looks touched by this story and smiles)
Damon: So, you're gonna be an angel again. He doesn't need to how how screwed-up you really are.
(Lily's smile falls, and she and Damon stare at each other for a moment)
Lily: Of course I'll help! I'd love nothing more than to see him again.
Damon: (smacks the table and stands up) Pack your bags.
Lily: (stands up as well) Wonderful! (She laughs in excitement) I'll alert the others, hmm?
(Elena and Damon d*ad in their tracks and stare at her in confusion)
Damon: You'll alert who, now?
Lily: You knew so much about me, I assumed you'd heard of my traveling companions?
Damon: (uneasy) What traveling companions?
(Lily, holding a lit lamp in her hands, leads Elena and Damon up to the attic, where they find six more vampires, all desiccated to the point of immobilization, sitting around a table)
Lily: Everyone, meet my son Damon. He's here to take us home.
(Elena and Damon are both horrified at the sight of Lily's den of vampires and look at each other in concern)
(Enzo and Alaric have just arrived to the dorm, where Enzo, holding a crossbow, leads them inside. Alaric is holding a stake-sh**ting r*fle, and cocks it as he follows behind Enzo)
Enzo: There you are! Definite role-model material.
Alaric: (incredulously) Damon really spent five years in a cell with you without k*lling himself?
Enzo: Oh, a fellow smart-ass. I see why you were his drinking buddy. Oh, you're gonna have to knock-off the hard stuff while you're breastfeeding, mate.
Alaric: (annoyed) You know, what are you even doing here? I thought you hated Stefan.
Enzo: Yeah, I do. In fact, I have a whole elaborate revenge-scheme against him. But, unfortunately, in order to truly hurt someone, they have to care.
Alaric: So, you want Stefan's humanity back just to remind him how much you two hate each other?
Enzo: (shrugs) A game's more fun with two players.
Alaric: You know, last night, an innocent girl had an involuntary splenectomy because you brought her into your life. (Enzo sighs and rolls his eyes) Now, if this is your idea of fun? You need to take a long look in the mirror, pal.
Enzo: And what? Reevaluate my flippant disregard for human life?
Alaric: (smirks) Nah, just your deep, obvious loneliness.
Enzo: (impressed) Oh, got me there! Yeah, I'm just a sad nobody, up to no good, while you're at home ticking off your life milestones. (He starts counting on his fingers as he speaks) Girl, kid, death. Heh. (His voice becomes bitter) Sounds lovely.
(Alaric just shrugs and turns back around to go farther into the dorm building. Elsewhere in the dorm, Caroline is dragging Stefan's unconscious body through the hall, the stake still buried in his stomach. After a moment, a girl in a field hockey uniform and carrying a field hockey stick comes into the building and sees Caroline)
Girl: What are you doing?
(Caroline freezes in place for a moment before turning around and dropping Stefan's arm on the floor)
Caroline: (annoyed) What are you doing? It's called "spring break."
Girl: It's called practice. (She notices that Stefan has a piece of wood in his stomach and becomes alarmed) Is he okay?
Caroline: (sighs in annoyance and walks toward the girl) He's fine.
(Suddenly, Stefan wakes up, pulls the stake out of his abdomen, and throws it at the girl. It embeds itself into the girl's stomach, and Stefan looks almost bored as he stands up and walks toward them)
Caroline: (frustrated) Nice going, you jackass!
(Caroline pulls the stake out of the girl's stomach and bites her wrist to feed her her blood)
Stefan: Second lesson in losing control: No... Saving... Strangers.
(Stefan's face vamps-out and he zoops over to Caroline to pull her away from the girl drinking her blood, but Caroline anticipates it and hits him upside the head with the stake, knocking him onto the floor. Caroline forces the girl to look her in the eyes so she can compel her)
Caroline: (compels her) Go to your room. I'll deal with you later. (As the girl runs away, Caroline addresses Stefan) So, to summarize, "letting go" means being an idiot, increasing your chances of getting caught, and worst of all, actively making choices...
(Stefan suddenly cuts her off by vamp-speeding over to her and shoving her against the wall. He covers her mouth with his hand and puts a finger to his lips)
Stefan: Shhh. Shhh.
(He looks down the hall, where Enzo and Alaric are following the trail of blood and shattered glass into the next room. Enzo has his crossbow raised and is about to check another room when Alaric sees another vervain grenade rolling down the steps. Alarmed, Alaric turns toward Enzo)
Alaric: Uhhh, Enzo?
(Enzo turns and sees the grenade as well)
Enzo: (sighs) Bollocks.
(Enzo grabs Alaric by the collar and vamp-speeds them away just as the grenade explodes, just barely missing being h*t by it)
(Lily is in the middle of playing a record on the gramophone player in the attic while Elena and Damon both continue to stare in horror and confusion at Lily's companions)
Elena: These vampires have been trapped here with you? The whole time?
Lily: We went everywhere together. They happened to be on the boat that night, poor souls.
Damon: (in disbelief) These... poor souls... don't happen to have the same affinity for rolling heads, do they?
Lily: On the contrary, these people saved me from that part of myself. I was banished here because I was a monster. I drank with no remorse from whatever human I could sink my teeth into. But, locked in this cage, I was forced to confront the animal I had become. (She affectionately straightens up the handkerchief in one of her male friends' pockets) And, as we ran out of resources, my friends sacrificed their rations for me. And, I knew if I drank everything, as every bone in my body demanded, there wouldn't be enough to wake them. So, I learned to control my bloodlust, for them. These people made me feel human again.
(Damon gives her a suspicious look, but Lily seems to be oblivious)
Lily: I'll fetch the rest of the blood so we can revive them.
(Lily leaves, and Elena and Damon give each other overwhelmed looks. Elena starts to wander around the room, and the desiccated vampire at the end of the row stares at them both with bloodshot eyes. Elena holds up a finger and waves it back and forth as she watches the man's eyes follow it)
Damon: Not only is she a Ripper... (He lowers his voice to a whisper) .. she's an insane Ripper!
Elena: Or, maybe she feels responsible for them?
Damon: (continues to whisper) What, are you kidding me? Vampire dollhouse?
(Elena notices the Ascendant is laying on a nearby dresser, and her eyes widen in shock as she picks it up)
Elena: Damon! Isn't this the Ascendant?
Damon: (nods awkwardly) Yeah.
Elena: (opens the Ascendant) Why isn't Bonnie here?
Damon: (sighs and speaks quietly) Because Bonnie isn't looking for the Ascendant, Elena.
(Elena looks at him in confusion)
(Bonnie is leading Kai through the woods, pretending as though they're searching for the Ascendant)
Bonnie: The spell feels stronger. The Ascendant must be around here somewhere.
Kai: (confused) Why would the Ascendant be here?
Bonnie: I don't know, I didn't put it here.
Kai: If you don't think I'm capable of change, why spend an entire day with me? Why bring me out into the middle of nowhere? (Bonnie looks uncomfortable, and doesn't turn around to face him) I could gut you all over again. Your friends would never even hear you scream.
Bonnie: (sighs and finally turns to face him) Because maybe you're right. Maybe, deep down, there's a part of me that believes there's a sliver of good in you.
Kai: (laughs) And, you'd be right! (He continues to laugh and walks past her) Looking, looking, and... nope, they didn't hide the Ascendant in a random pile of...
(Kai gasps all of a sudden as he's s*ab in the back with Bonnie's huge Kn*fe from earlier. He falls on the ground, gasping in pain as he tries to crawl away from her, but Bonnie just grabs him and s*ab him again in his hamstring)
Kai: Bonnie!
(Bonnie flips him over and straddles him so he can't move, and for once, Kai looks truly afraid of her)
Kai: (panting) What are you doing?
Bonnie: Gaining your trust, and then s*ab you in the back? Feels pretty sucky, doesn't it?
Kai: (pleads) Please, don't.
Bonnie: (angrily) Don't what? Don't-don't leave you here? All alone? Drive you to the point of wanting to end your own life? (She completely loses her temper and shouts at the top of her lungs) I almost k*lled myself because of you!
Kai: (terrified) Please, please, believe me! I've changed!
Bonnie: (holding the Kn*fe up above him) I know. I know. (She grits her teeth) So have I.
(She goes to s*ab him again, but all of a sudden, Kai casts a cloaking spell on himself, and the Kn*fe instead goes right into the ground. Confused, Bonnie looks around for Kai, who can't be found)
(Caroline has just found Enzo and Alaric unconscious on the floor, with Enzo laying face-first on top of Alaric's body. Caroline shoves Enzo off of him, and he falls lifelessly to the floor beside him. She stands when she sees Stefan approaching them)
Caroline: At least they're still breathing.
Stefan: Aw, Damon must be up to something really good if he sent the B-team. (He picks up another broken piece of wood off of the floor and waves it in the air) What do you say we send them a little message?
(Caroline picks up Alaric's stake-sh**ting g*n and aims it at Stefan)
Stefan: Stopping you from leaving the cleaning staff two d*ad bodies. Not to mention, k*lling Elena's former guardian and your brother's best friend. Did you like being locked up and tortured to get your humanity back?
Stefan: (laughs patronizingly) It must be so exhausting, over-thinking everything. (He walks toward her) Denying your own urge to k*ll. (He pushes his chest right up against the end of the stake-sh**ting r*fle) Just be done with them.
Caroline: (cocks her g*n and glares at him) Back. Away.
Stefan: (sighs in disappointment) Fine. If that's what you want.
(He flips the stake he's holding onto the floor and leaves the room. Caroline, looking confused and a little disappointed herself, drops the g*n and chases after him)
Caroline: ...Hey!
(Stefan kicks the door to the field hockey girl's room, where she is sitting on her bed, still clutching her stomach wound and looking scared to see him. Caroline follows him, looking exasperated)
Caroline: Where are you going?
(Stefan pulls the girl to her feet by the arm and grips her shoulders tightly as he shoves her toward Caroline)
Stefan: You think I don't know everything about you? I taught you how to control your bloodlust, remember? (Stefan flips the girl around so she's facing him and compels her) Stay still, and don't scream.
Caroline: (unamused) What are you doing?
Stefan: The thing that you keep resisting.
(Caroline watches, partly in horror, and partly in jealousy, as Stefan vamps-out and bites into her neck, feeding deeply on her blood. Stefan looks up at Caroline as he feeds, clearly enjoying the fact that she seems so tempted, and after a moment, he pulls away, blood dripping down his face, and smiles at her)
Caroline: If you're trying to tempt me, it's not working.
Stefan: I don't have to try. Deep down, you and I are exactly the same, Caroline. Come on, you can break routine for a second, right? (He spins the girl, who is swaying on the feet, around so she's facing Caroline. His hand is holding the girl's head to the side so her throat is bared to her, and he smiles cutely at her) She has a really pretty neck.
(Caroline looks even more tempted as Stefan bites into the other side of her neck and feeds on the girl. He pulls away again and looks up at Caroline with a dazed expression, and after a moment, Caroline's face vamps-out before she speeds over to him and begins feeding on her as well. Stefan backs away and watches in pleasure as Caroline drinks her blood, and when she's finished, she throws the girl onto the floor and lunges for Stefan and begins making out with him passionately. She vamp-speeds him against a wall as they make out, and she starts pulling off Stefan's jacket. Stefan takes the lead and shoves her against the soda machine and takes off her jacket as well as she starts to unbutton his jeans, and once she's done, he lifts her up and puts her legs around his waist)
(It's night time now, and the Aurora Borealis is lighting up the sky outside. Lily has put on her jacket, and she picks up her jar of blood just as Elena and Damon return downstairs to grab their coats)
Damon: Your vampire-menagerie is going to have to take the next train out. We're down a witch.
Lily: (in disbelief) You want to leave them behind? No, Damon, you can't save me without saving them.
Damon: We'll come back for them. Promise. Let's go.
Elena: Damon, look outside! Is that the Aurora Borealis?
(Just then, Bonnie returns to the house and joins them)
Bonnie: Also known as our ticket out of here. (She looks at Elena) You got it?
Elena: Yeah!
(She pulls the Ascendant out of her pocket and hands it to Bonnie)
Bonnie: (takes the Ascendant) Okay.
Damon: (notices Lily has vanished) You gotta be kidding me! (He looks at the girls, clearly frustrated, and sighs) Go. Start the damn spell. I'll go get her.
(Upstairs in the attic, Lily is dripping blood from the jar into the first vampire's mouth to wake him up)
Lily: Time to wake up!
(Damon vamp-speeds over to Lily and shoves her against the wall, and she's so shocked by it that she accidentally drops the jar of blood, which shatters all over the floor)
Lily: No!
Damon: I said, they're not coming.
Lily: What have you done?
Damon: We'll see them after the reunion. Let's go.
Lily: You don't understand, Damon. I will not leave them!
Damon: Too bad.
(He grabs her arm to drag her downstairs, but she pulls away)
Lily: They're my family! (Damon looks at her, extremely hurt by these words) These people are my family.
Damon: (looks around for a moment) These freaks may be your family, but Stefan Salvatore is mine, and if you don't want to help him, I will leave you here to rot! (Lily looks torn) Do you understand me?
(Outside, Bonnie is cutting her hand and dripping her blood over the Ascendant as she starts the spell)
Bonnie: (chanting) Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema. Sangiema meam et nos mundo carcerema.
(After a moment, Damon and Lily come out hand-in-hand)
Elena: Damon!
(Elena, Damon, and Lily all hold onto Bonnie, who is now holding the Ascendant. A few meters away, Kai is stumbling toward them, still injured from being s*ab by Bonnie earlier, and spots them leaving him behind, but is unable to make it any farther)
Kai: (shouts) Bonnie!
(Bonnie sees him, but continues doing the spell anyway. Kai looks distraught as Bonnie smirks at his just as they are sucked back into the real world. Kai is absolutely stunned that they left her behind and falls onto the ground in horror, half-laughing and half-crying at his current predicament)
(Sarah is still in her hospital room, flicking through her phone, when Enzo comes in to see her)
Enzo: Nice negligée!
Sarah: (laughs) Enzo. Hey. Um, did I call you last night? I have a text from you to meet up, but I don't remember ever seeing you.
Enzo: Look, Sarah... It was a mistake bringing you into my life.
Sarah: (confused) Then, why did you?
Enzo: (chuckles) Call it deep and obvious loneliness. (He sighs) Look, the truth is, you've been a pawn in a game that I've now lost interest in playing. But, you're no ordinary girl, Sarah Salvatore. You deserve better.
Sarah: (puzzled) Sarah... Salvatore? Why would you call me that?
(Enzo smiles a tiny smile, as though he did said it on purpose)
(In another room, Jo is checking Alaric out for injuries by looking at his eyes with a pen light. His face is slightly scratched up from the vervain grenade)
Jo: Oh, boy. This is bad.
Alaric: (rubs his eyes) What?
Jo: (seriously) I'm marrying an idiot. (She roughly smacks him in the shoulder, and Alaric groans in pain) You could died today!
Alaric: As opposed to any other day?
Jo: Eighteen years. That's how long I need you to be alive. Help me raise this baby. Then we can send him or her into the world, and you can run around with g*n, and vampires, and be an idiot. (Her voice becomes quiet) Okay?
Alaric: (smiles) Fine.
(Lily is in one of the spare bedrooms of the boarding house, where she is sitting at the desk, staring at the computer's screensaver that slightly resembles the Aurora Borealis. After a moment, Damon comes in with fresh sheets and sets them on the bed for her)
Damon: (about the computer) Whole world runs on those things. The sooner you learn 'em, the better.
Lily: Maybe you could teach me?
Damon: (makes the bed) That's more Stefan's thing. But, he can give you a tutorial after you mother him back to sanity.
Lily: (walks toward Damon) Stefan was right. The night of my funeral, an angel did visit him: me. (Damon looks at her in surprise) I had just turned, and... I wanted to see my boys. But, when I leaned down to whisper into Stefan's ear, the hunger surged. All I could hear was the pulse in his veins, all I could smell was the blood. So, I fled. For your sake. And, no matter how deeply you felt my absence, it is half as deep as I felt yours.
Damon: (nods in understanding) Good to know. (He pauses for a moment) I'll let you get some sleep.
(He turns to leave until Lily stops him)
Lily: Damon?
Damon: (sighs) Yes?
Lily: As much as I am looking forward to us getting to know each other again, I fear that I can't truly be myself until we retrieve the ones that I've left behind.
Damon: Oh.
Lily: When will we be going back?
Damon: Soon, but don't worry, your prison world's not going anywhere.
(Kai has made it into the boarding house, and is limping upstairs to the attic with a lit lamp in his hands)
Kai: (panting) Where do they keep their food?
(Kai turns to look around the other side of the room, and ends up bumping right into the desiccated vampire that Lily tried to wake up before they left)
Kai: (startled) Oh, crap! (Once Kai gets over his initial fright, he looks closer at the three men and three women sitting frozen at the table. He then makes the mistake of leaning close to the partially-awakened vampire at the end of the table and chuckles) Who the hell are... AHHHHH!
(The vampire cuts him off by grabbing Kai in a choke-hold, which causes Kai to scream even more and drop the lamp onto the ground)
(Elena is in the kitchen, looking at the photograph of Damon that she took from the 1903 prison world, when Damon comes in to join her)
Damon: You better check the inventory of the blood cooler before Lily wakes up.
Elena: (smiles and turns to face him) You have her eyes.
(Damon is surprised to see the photo, and takes it out of her hands to examine it again)
Damon: You brought that back?
Elena: (takes the photo back) It's the only baby picture of my boyfriend in existence! Of course I brought it back.
Damon: (snatches the photo again) Give me that!
Elena: I liked seeing that side of you today.
Damon: (gives her a look) Disappointed and disillusioned? You see that every day.
Elena: (puts her arms around Damon's neck and plays with his hair) A mother's son.
Damon: She's just a means to get Stefan back.
Elena: Look, I know that she's not the woman that you remember, but... give her some time!
Damon: You're lucky you're so adorable, because your eternal optimism is super annoying.
(Elena giggles, which makes Damon laugh too)
Elena: Well, I happen to know from experience that it's never a waste of time to look for the good in someone.
Damon: This woman left her kids to go be the den mother to a family of vampires. I think we're going to be looking for quite a while.
Elena: Well, then it's a good thing we have forever!
(She smiles as she kisses him, and the two begin to make out passionately)
(Caroline and Stefan are both naked and laying under a sheet on the floor in front of the fireplace after having sex, and they are still making out with Stefan on top of her. He starts kissing her neck, and Caroline sighs)
Caroline: Ahhh. That wasn't terrible.
Stefan: See? Control is overrated.
Caroline: I don't even remember how we got back to my room. (She peeks under the sheet and realizes she's still naked) Where's my shirt?
Stefan: It's... next to the girl we left bleeding out in the hallway.
(He smiles at her, and the two giggle at each other before Caroline hums and crawls on top of Stefan so she can kiss him more. )
Caroline: You're right. Your way is much more fun.
(The two begin making out again)
(Elena and Damon are still making out as well, and Damon lifts her up so she's sitting on the counter with Damon's body between her legs. He start kissing her neck, and the two become so consumed in their hook-up that they don't even notice Bonnie standing in the doorway watching them. Damon spots her out of the corner of his eye eventually, but keeps kissing Elena for a moment more)
Damon: Oh hey, Bon-Bon.
(Elena realizes that Bonnie is there and gets embarrassed, but Damon continues leaning against Elena's neck)
Bonnie: (sheepishly) Sorry. Awkward timing.
Elena: No, no, no, no, it's fine. I, um, I actually have to go check in on Ric to see how things are going with Stefan and Caroline, so...
(Elena gives Damon one last kiss before she leaves Bonnie and Damon to talk. Damon smirks at Bonnie)
Damon: This better be good.
Bonnie: I just wanted to thank you for helping me find closure today.
(Damon suddenly becomes aware of Lily's presence and turns on the faucet to drown out the sound of their voices)
Damon: (points upstairs) You know there's a crazy-lady up there who wants to open that prison world up more than anything, right?
Bonnie: (whispering) We're never going back there, right?
Damon: No! We're not!
Bonnie: (turns off the faucet) Good. Because I have something for you. A gift from 1994. I was gonna give it to you yesterday, but then you acted like an ass and you didn't deserve it.
Damon: (sighs) Well, I...
(His voice trails off as Bonnie opens up her bag and pulls out a familiar-looking brown wooden box. He walks toward her and looks shocked)
Damon: That's not what I think it is... is it?
Bonnie: If it wasn't for your notes on the map of Nova Scotia, I would have never remembered there was magic on that island. There's a good chance that I wouldn't be here today. So, for my 1994 road trip, I got you a li'l something.
(Damon hesitantly takes the box from her and opens it, revealing that the mirror version of the cure for immortality from Silas' tomb is in it, just as he suspected)
Damon: The cure. The cure to vampirism.
Bonnie: (smiles) I knew you were planning on getting it yourself, you had the whole route mapped down to the kilometer.
Damon: (closes the box) Why are you giving me this?
Bonnie: Because my mom's surprisingly happy as a vampire, and because I have full faith that we'll get Caroline back to normal the old-fashioned way. But mostly, because I knew you wanted it for Elena.
Damon: (stunned) What if I don't want it for her now?
Bonnie: That's none of my business. I'm just finishing what you started. You can give it to her, or not. (She places her hand on top of Damon's affectionately) It's up to you.
(She turns and walks out the door, leaving Damon conflicted about what to do)
[ END ] | {"type": "series", "show": "The Vampire Diaries", "episode": "06x17 - A Bird in a Gilded Cage"} | foreverdreaming |
Open on three cheerleaders running in a busy High School car park as Veronica drives in, parks up and heads towards a crowd in front of the school.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: This is my school. If you go here, your parents are either millionaires or your parents work for millionaires. Neptune, California. A town without a middle class. If you're in the second group, you get a job. Fast food, movie theatres, mini-marts. Or you could be me. My after-school job means tailing philandering spouses or investigating false injury claims.
The crowd is gathered around, staring at something ahead.
MALE VOICE IN THE CROWD: Who'd that guy rat out?
The focus of the crowd's attention is a young black man, taped to a flagpole. He is naked, although his dignity is preserved by the tape and 'Snich' is painted in large letters across his chest. We will subsequently learn his name is Wallace.
BOY IN THE CROWD: The bikers.
GIRL IN CROWD: Why doesn't somebody cut him down?
ANOTHER BOY IN THE CROWD: [Sarcastically] Yeah! I'll do it. I wanna be the guy up there tomorrow!
No one is helping him and one particularly obnoxious individual approaches him with a camera, taking a photograph of himself with the humiliated c*ptive.
JERK: All right, say cheese. Smile.
Veronica is unimpressed with the passivity of the crowd or the jerk and approaches them.
VERONICA: [To the jerk] Move.
JERK: Who died and made you the quee-
His posturing is cut off by Veronica's production of a small Kn*fe and he leaves as Veronica starts to slice through the tape around the boy's lower body.
JERK: [Exiting] You ARE a freak.
VERONICA: [To the lad, as she cuts him down] You're new here, huh. Welcome to Neptune High.
School bell rings.
VERONICA: [In mock enthusiasm to the quickly dispersing crowd] Go Pirates!
Overhead sh*t of event cuts to the front of a class room in session. As the teacher (who in the future we will learn is Mrs Murphy) walks forward, the students are exposed, including Veronica, whose head is on the desk and who looks to be asleep.
MRS MURPHY: This is advanced placement. We expect more. It's called 'An Essay on Man' but what Pope's really talking about is faith. Right? Anybody? Did anybody complete the reading? Veronica? Veronica Mars!
Veronica's head comes up. She wipes her eye, waking up.
MRS MURPHY: Congratulations, you're my volunteer. Pope. An Essay on Man. Epistle I.
VERONICA: "Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never Is, but always To be blest: The soul, uneasy and confin'd from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come."
MRS MURPHY: And what do you suppose Pope meant by that?
VERONICA: Life's a bitch until you die. [The class titters.]
MRS MURPHY: OK, thank you Ms Mars for that succinct and somewhat inappropriate response.
Veronica returns her head to the desk as the teacher carries on.
MRS MURPHY: I think what Pope's saying is that the thing that keeps us powering through life's defeats is our faith in a better life yet to come.
Cut to Veronica coming from around the corner to an empty school hall with successive sets of lockers on the side between classroom doors.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Random locker searches. It's the latest tactic the administration has adopted in their losing w*r on drugs except the searches aren't really random.
In front of Veronica are a tall, besuited man and a deputy who holds the leash of a German Shepherd. We will subsequently learn that the deputy's name is Sacks.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: I know when they're gonna to happen before Vice Principal Clemmons does.
DEPUTY SACKS: Veronica Mars, this should be good.
CLEMMONS: Veronica, would you please open your locker.
As Veronica is turning the combination of her locker, the dog barks.
VERONICA: [To the dog] Buster.
The dog gives a little whine and obeys her. The surprised deputy looks down at the dog. Veronica opens her locker. It is completely empty save for a picture on the back of the door. It is a picture of Vice Principal Clemmons framed in a heart.
VERONICA: [With feigned embarrassment] Wow. This is a little embarrassing.
Cut to an unappetizing dinner tray of meatloaf, gravy and mixed peas and corn. Veronica s*ab at it unenthusiastically as the camera pulls back to reveal her in an outside eating area in the school, sitting alone at one of the tables. People fast motion around her until it rests on a table across from her. There are a number of students there, taking delivery of pizzas.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: I used to sit there. At that table. It's not like my family met the minimum net worth requirement. My dad didn't own his own airline like John Enbom's [paying for the pizzas with a gold card] or serve as ambassador to Belgium like Shelley Pomeroy's but my dad used to be the sheriff and that had a certain cachet.
Another boy approaches the pizza table.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Let's be honest, though. The only reason I was allowed past the velvet ropes was Duncan Kane. Son of software billionaire, Jake Kane, he used to be my boyfriend.
Flashback to a long haired Veronica and Duncan walking down the school hallway. Duncan's arm is around Veronica's shoulders and they kiss as they walk.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Then one day, with no warning, he ended things.
Veronica, still with long hair, closes her locker and turns, smiling, to see Duncan walking past, another boy whispering in his ear. Duncan cuts her d*ad. Cut back to the present as Veronica continues to stare at Duncan. The whispering boy from the flashback is there and notices.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: And let's not forget Logan Echolls. His dad makes twenty million a picture. You probably own his action figure.
Logan sits on Duncan's knee and starts rubbing his chest in a faux-lecherous manner. Duncan pushes him off. Logan laughs, sits down and points mockingly at Veronica.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Every school has an obligatory psychotic jackass. He's ours.
Veronica is so intent on out-staring Logan that she doesn't notice that Wallace has joined her table.
WALLACE: You okay.
WALLACE: You look, I don't know, hypnotised.
VERONICA: Did I say you could sit here?
Looking fed up, Wallace puts his orange back in his lunch bag and stands, preparing to go.
VERONICA: [Relenting] Wait a minute. Of course you can sit here. Sit wherever you want.
He sits back down.
WALLACE: That-that was cool, what you did, getting me off of that pole.
From behind Veronica comes a head-shaven, tattooed biker. We will subsequently learn that this is Weevil.
WEEVIL: [To Wallace] My bitch. Weren't you supposed to wait for me at the flagpole. I'm not sure I could have made that any clearer.
Weevil plonks himself down next to Wallace, deliberately getting in his face. Wallace takes a deep breath and lets out an uncomfortable laugh.
WALLACE: OK, I get it, a'right. Very funny.
WALLACE: I guess we're even now. Right?
WEEVIL: [Aggressively] You get what boy? You get that you're a d*ad man walking, is that what you get?
VERONICA: Leave him alone.
Weevil turns his attention to Veronica and moves to stand over her.
WEEVIL: Sister, the only time I care what a woman has to say is-is when she's riding my big old hog but even then it's not so much words just a bunch of oohs and aahs, you know?
VERONICA: So it's big, huh?
WEEVIL: [Indulgently] Legendary.
VERONICA: Well let's see it. I mean if it's as big as you say, I'll by your girlfriend. We could go to prom together.
Her refusal to be intimidated surprises and amuses him and he laughs as he looks around at his fellow bikers. One of them we will subsequently learn is called Felix.
VERONICA: What? What seems to be the problem. I'm on a schedule here, vato.
FELIX: [Not so amused] Dude, Weevil. Don't let blondie talk to you like that!
VERONICA: Sounds like your buddy here wants to see it too.
FELIX: Ah, hell, I'll show you mine.
Felix gets closer to Veronica and makes to drop his pants. He is interrupted by the arrival of the Vice Principal.
CLEMMONS: Felix Toombs. What on God's green earth is going on here? All right gentlemen, move it along. Veronica, why does trouble follow you around?
Veronica smiles blandly as the bikers and the Vice Principal move on, leaving Veronica and Wallace alone again at their table.
VERONICA: So what did you do?
WALLACE: [Not comprehending] What?
VERONICA: Why are you a d*ad man walking?
Cut to a scene in a small convenience store where Wallace sits at checkout, reading a comic. Two bikers comes in and head to the chilled units at the back.
WALLACE: [Offscreen] Oh yeah, I work at Sac-n-Pac. Last night I was working by myself. Couple of those guys came in.
The Latin biker, who we will subsequently learn is named Hector, takes out a large beer bottle and hands it to the other who puts it in his coat as Hector does the same with another bottle.
HECTOR: Oh man, happy birthday bro.
ASIAN BIKER: Oh thanks man.
The bikers continue to pocket the beer.
WALLACE: [Offscreen] They just walked right to the back of the store and started stuffing all these forties into their pockets. So I h*t the silent alarm.
Wallace can see the bikers head towards him on the surveillance screen at checkout. Hector picks up a small packet of gum and both head for the checkout. They lean in.
HECTOR: [Reading the badge] Wallace.
Hector carefully smoothes a dollar bill and slaps it on the counter.
WALLACE: [Offscreen] I guess the dude thought a one dollar bill would cover it.
HECTOR: Keep the change.
They laugh and leave.
WALLACE: [Offscreen] That's when the police came.
Cut back to Veronica at the table.
VERONICA: We don't have the police here. We have a sheriff's department.
Cut back to the Sac-n-Pac flashback as the gum-chewing Sheriff walks in.
SHERIFF: [Dismissively] You, come on.
Wallace follows the Sheriff outside and is taken aback by the presence of a whole g*ng of bikers, including Weevil and Felix, watching from their bikes.
UNSEEN BIKER: What's up snitch?
SHERIFF: Come here. They say they paid.
The two bikers who took the beer are handcuffed and in the custody of the deputy. Hector is grinning. Wallace is intimidated that this is going down in full view of the g*ng.
SHERIFF: Well, did they?
HECTOR: Like I said. [Laughs]
SHERIFF: [To the bikers] Shut up. [To Wallace] But you pressed the alarm anyway.
WALLACE: It was an accident.
The Sheriff stalks off in disgust, re-enters the store and retrieves the surveillance video. Wallace watches him as he comes back outside.
SHERIFF: [To the deputy] Sacks, get 'em outta here. Get 'em outta here. We got enough.
Sacks grabs the shoplifting bikers and heads for the car. The Sheriff gets up close just behind Wallace's right shoulder and sniffs derisively.
SHERIFF: You need to go see the wizard. Ask him for some guts.
VERONICA: [Offscreen] "Go see the wizard", he said that.
The scene returns to the lunch table.
VERONICA: Congratulations, sport. In your short time here, you've already managed to piss off the motorcycle g*ng and the local sheriff.
Cut to a small L-shaped, two-storey apartment complex around a small pool. Music is playing from one of the apartments. Veronica enters through a small gate into the pool area. Her reverie is interrupted by a sound of from one of the open windows. It's Peter Yorn's "Just Another".
SONG: You and I, we're two of a kind
I hate to say it but you'll never relate
What makes you tick?
It makes me smile.
You said that I should get away from it all
And bury my head in the sand if I want to
I think you should thank me now
You were lying wide awake in the garden
Trying to get over your stardom
And I could never see you depart us
And you're my baby
You're just another girl
You're just another girl.
She flashes back to the sound of a splash and the sight of Duncan Kane in a pool, pulling up to the side of it and staring up at her.
DUNCAN: Hey baby, it's our song.
From behind her, still within the blue-toned flashback, laughing sounds. About ten people around Veronica's age, including Logan Echolls, who has his arm around a girl we will come to know as Lilly, surround an older woman carrying a large birthday cake. Some have presents. We will learn the woman is Veronica's mother, Lianne.
FRIENDS: Happy birthday Veronica
LIANNE: Happy birthday Veronica.
LIANNE: Are you surprised?
Veronica is forced back to the present by a smoky-voiced black woman, loaded with two grocery bags, stopped at the small gate Veronica entered earlier.
NEIGHBOUR: Veronica, it's me. Honey can you give me-can you give me a hand?
Veronica glances back at the pool then heads over. Cut to the inside of an apartment. The door opens and Veronica enters, greeted by a large brown and white pit bull.
VERONICA: Hey, who's a big boy? Who's a big boy?
Cut to a beach where Veronica unleashes the dog and throws a ball for him.
VERONICA: [On the dog returning the ball] Good boy.
She spots Wallace on the beach with a model airplane. Wallace waves. She hesitates, then gives a small wave back, looking thoughtful. Cut to a street. Veronica pulls up in her car behind a red Jag convertible with the licence KANE 2.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: I was shocked to discover Celeste Kane's car outside Dad's office. Duncan's mom. She hates me almost as much as she adores her son.
Veronica enters the lower door for 'Mars Investigations' situated over a pawn shop. The main office area boasts a couch, a desk and some filing cabinets. There is a small kitchenette off the end and a door leading into another office, marked with the name 'Keith Mars'. Veronica heads straight for the closed door, attempting to eavesdrop. The main office door bursts open and a man carrying a briefcase and file enters. He looks and will prove to be a slightly seedy lawyer, named Cliff McCormack.
CLIFF: Veronica Mars.
VERONICA: [Heading away from the closed door to the desk] My dad's with a client.
CLIFF: Apparently. That's okay, I'm happy out here chatting with you.
Cliff heads for the desk and they both sit down.
VERONICA: Like I said, my dad's with a client.
CLIFF: I heard you but your dad's out tracking down bail jumpers half the time and yet somehow all the cases that come in here still get handled. How is that?
VERONICA: We're efficient.
CLIFF: Very efficient. Um look, I'm just going to leave this file here, open on your desk and if you decide to take a look at it, cool. One of my clients, Loretta Cancoon, dances at the Seventh Veil�
CLIFF: These are my people, V. She was busted for vandalism, taking a baseball bat to the washing machine that stole her quarters at Suds'n'Duds
VERONICA: And Johnny Cochran was booked.
CLIFF: [Smirking] I make no apologies. I like this case, it's tawdry. Miss Cancoon says the Seventh Veil has an interesting way of keeping their liquor licence [getting to his feet] despite their rather lax ID policy. [Heading for the exit] She wants to make a deal. If your dad has time, he should look into it.
Cliff leaves. The inner office door opens and a well dressed women enters the main office and turns straight for the exit.
CELESTE: [Imperiously] Don't get the wrong idea Mr Mars. I don't like you.
Following her out of the office is Keith Mars, listening impassively as she walks away. She turns and notices Veronica for the first time.
CELESTE: [To Keith, although staring disdainfully at Veronica] I hate the fact that I'm here [returning her attention to Keith] but I do know if anyone would be dogged and resourceful in this matter, it'll be you. Don't call me at home, I'll call you. And I'll need it right away.
She casts another unpleasant look at Veronica then turns and marches out. Keith and Veronica look at each other.
KEITH: [Quietly] Hi.
He goes back into his office and closes the door. Veronica stares at the closed door for a moment then moves to the window to watch Celeste Kane get into her car and drive away.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Sure she's a bitch, but can you blame her. After all Dad did try to send her husband to jail for life.
Cut to later. Keith and Veronica are in the main part of the office, sitting at the desk eating from plastic containers.
KEITH: [Innocently] How's school?
VERONICA: If you think we're going talk about my school day and not the fact that Celeste Kane was in your office ten minutes ago, you're deluded.
KEITH: Um-hm. You making good grades?
VERONICA: Kane's got something on the side, doesn't he?
KEITH: [On a forkful of macaroni cheese] You know what? Say what you want about real cheese, I am a fan of the orange powder packet stuff.
VERONICA: My grades are fine and I like the orange powder too but can we please talk about Mrs Kane.
KEITH: [Giving in] Yes, she thinks he's seeing someone. Late nights, motel matches, the usual.
VERONICA: Sexual appetite?
KEITH: [Horrified then resigned to his daughter's understanding] Gone.
VERONICA: Did you take the case?
KEITH: Well, we need the money, Veronica
VERONICA: Good, I would have been pissed if you hadn't.
KEITH: Well, I wouldn't have cared if you were. Give me some of that apple.
The phone rings. Veronica grabs it.
KEITH: Aw don't�
VERONICA: [Into the phone] Mars Investigations. Um-hm. Just a sec. [Hands over the phone, whispering] It's Andy.
KEITH: Keith Mars. Yeah, how long ago. [Gesturing to Veronica for pen and paper] What's he driving? I'll get the 7:30 out of San Diego and I'll meet you by the thing by the fountain. Good work. Thanks. [Ends call. To Veronica] Our guy's on the move. Andy picked him up in El Paso. Another day and he'll probably try to cross the border so I gotta head out.
VERONICA: You go. I'll have the flight booked by the time you get to the airport. Do you want a rental car in Texas?
KEITH: Yeah, nothing fancy this time, Veronica. Seriously
VERONICA: A Blazer is not fancy and we can bill it anyway. [Off his look] Fine, I'll get you a Crown Vic. Once a cop
KEITH: Don't do anything on the Kane case, I'll handle it.
KEITH: Given our relationship with that family, I just
VERONICA: Fine, I said okay.
KEITH: OK. If all goes well, I'll be back tomorrow night. If not, the night after. I'll call and I'll check in.
VERONICA: You always do.
KEITH: And Veronica.
KEITH: [Holding her head gently] When you go after Jake Kane, you take backup.
VERONICA: I always do.
Keith snorts, kisses Veronica on the forehead and exits. Veronica sits back and finishes her sandwich.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: By the time Dad's plane landed in El Paso, I'd already picked up Jake Kane at his house and followed him to his office.
Cut to Veronica watching a person in a large brightly lit office from her car. It's dark and a man is leaving the office.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Streaming video was invented and perfected here at Kane Software. The day the company went public, Jake Kane made a billion dollars. Everyone who worked for him in fact, right down to the secretarial pool, became millionaires. He's beloved here. Half the people in this town owe their fortunes to him.
Cut to flashback. It's a sponsored car wash. Playing over the scene in the background is Grandmaster Melle Mel with "White Lines" .
SONG: (Ooh White Lines) Vision dreams of passion
(Blowin? through my mind) and all the while I think of you
(Pipe cries) a very strange reaction
(For us to unwind) the more I see, the more I do
(Something like a phenomenon) Baby!
(Tellin your body to come along, but white lines blow away)
Lilly is washing a car with a long haired Veronica.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: And I knew the family well. Jake's son, Duncan, was my first and only love. His daughter Lilly was my best friend.
VERONICA: [Teasing] God Lilly, I see the Prozac's working.
LILLY: [Happily] High on life, Veronica Mars. I've got a secret, a good one.
CAR WASH ORGANISER: Girls, less talk, more scrub.
LILLY: Later.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Those were the last words Lilly and I ever shared.
Cut to flashing lights on top of a Sheriff's Department car. Keith, in Sheriff's uniform, heads into the Kane house while Veronica waits in the car. Duncan is sitting in the entrance, disconnected and rocking back and forth.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Later that night as I was driving home from picking up dinner with Dad, a call came in over the radio. All the dispatcher said was that there was a disturbance at the Kane estate. [Exiting the car] Dad gave me specific instructions to stay in the car but the moment I saw Duncan, I knew that this was more than a disturbance.
VERONICA: [Kneeling before Duncan] What happened? Duncan, what happened?
Duncan is completely unresponsive. Veronica looks around and then back at Duncan.
VERONICA: Where's Lilly?
Duncan reacts by looking distressed. Cut to Keith as he approaches the body of Lilly Kane, lying by a pool. Keith is saddened. Jake Kane, a sobbing Celeste Kane and a deputy, the man who subsequently replaces Keith as Sheriff, stand in the background.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: But everyone knows this story. The m*rder of Lilly Kane. It was on the cover of People magazine. It made 'Entertainment Tonight'. The town flooded with journalists.
Cut back to flashback Veronica and Duncan.
VERONICA: Duncan, talk to me, please.
Veronica gives up with Duncan and runs out to the pool where she is distressed to see Lilly.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: And of course everyone remembers reading about the bungling local sheriff, the one who went after the wrong man. That bungling sheriff was my dad.
Keith simultaneously holds her and forces her back. Cut to the present. Jake Kane makes his way between parked cars and up a floor of a motel. Veronica pulls up in front of the hotel and observes.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: But if my dad wasn't right about Jake Kane then, it looks like Mrs Kane is right about him now. Not a lot of high powered business meetings taking place at the Camelot at one in the morning.
Kane knocks on the door to room 6 and is let in.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: They say the divorce rate is twice as high for parents who lose a child. Lose a child. Now there's a euphemism for you.
Flashback to the school library where Veronica is using one of the computers. Near her are two boys staring at another screen.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: That hardly takes into account the way she was found.
VERONICA: What? You guys found a way to unlock the p*rn?
COMPUTER GUY: It's the Lilly Kane video. How do you think that family feels?
Veronica moves round to see the screen. Lilly's body is on the screen, head wound in full display.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Six weeks after Lilly Kane's death, someone from the Sheriff's Department leaked the crime scene video. Within 24 hours it was all over the net. Streaming video made it possible. Someone made a fortune while Dad took the blame.
A distressed Veronica quickly leaves but runs straight into Logan.
LOGAN: [Glassy eyed] So does your uh does your dad still think that Lilly's father did this? That's my girlfriend. Your friend. Duncan's sister. Your dad is destroying the Kane family. What's the matter with you people, huh? What's the matter with you?
Cut to Keith and Lianne. She is packing cushions into large moving boxes while he follows her.
KEITH: He did it Lianne. The man is a liar, nothing changes. Nothing adds up. Not his alibi. Not the sequence of events. Nothing.
LIANNE: I don't care. It doesn't matter. [argument continues]
VERONICA VOICEOVER: My dad's belief that Jake Kane was the m*rder became a moot point. An emergency recall election removed him from office. Mom wanted to move out of Neptune.
The camera pulls back to reveal Veronica, in hearing distance of the argument, sitting in front of a television on which commentary can be faintly heard in the background.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: The loss of status, the loss of income was too much for her. We were gonna move all right, we couldn't afford our house. But Dad wasn't gonna to be run out of town and neither was I.
On the television flashback Veronica is watching, there is a Breaking News story. A large man is being led in handcuffs by Keith's deputy, now the Sheriff.
TV: our own Jennifer Stevens
VERONICA: Dad, come here.
TV: The Neptune's Sheriff's Department reacted
KEITH: [Joining her in front of the television] Hey, I'm sorry honey. Me and your mom, we're going to work this out, okay.
TV: Abel Koontz, a disgruntled former Kane Software employee. Koontz, a software designer, was fired during the development stage of Kane Software's streaming video project. Shoes and a backpack belonging to the deceased were discovered on Koontz's houseboat by Sheriff Don Lamb, who said-
Keith switches off the television. The flashback ends as Veronica continues to observe Room 6 of the Camelot hotel. The sound of motorcycles fills the air and she is soon surrounded by the bikers.
VERONICA: Well, this can't be good.
Weevil gestures for her to roll down her window.
WEEVIL: Car trouble, miss?
VERONICA: Yeah, as a matter of fact. I think it might be a loose belt but if you wouldn't mind checking under the hood.
SCARY BIKER: [Approaching the car] Hey Weevil, who gets the first danc-
Veronica's pit bull jumps out of the window of the back seat of the car, jaws fastening onto the biker's arm and bringing him down.
SCARY BIKER: Get him off me! Get him off me, get him off me!
Felix comes round from the front of the car, thr*at.
FELIX: Girl, you best call off your dog.
Veronica tasers him in the centre of his chest and he goes down. Weevil is not impressed with the state of his troops.
VERONICA: Backup, chill. [Backup lets go of Scary Biker. To Weevil] I'll tell you what. We'll call it a draw.
WEEVIL: Baby, come on, it's too late for that.
VERONICA: Here's the deal. Leave that kid at school alone for a week and I'll make sure your boys walk.
WEEVIL: Why you care so much for that skinny n*gro anyway. Things I heard about you, you must really lay the pipe right, huh.
VERONICA: Yeah, that's it.
Felix claws his way back up to Veronica's open window and is shown sight of the charged taser.
WEEVIL: All right, all right, all right � Felix, we get it, you're a badass, okay. But for once don't be stupid. [Felix backs off, somewhat grateful]
VERONICA: Not bad advice.
WEEVIL: All right, one week. After that, we come for you, your boy and your little dog too.
VERONICA: [To a growling dog] Backup, be cool.
WEEVIL: You get lonely out here remember, Weevil love you long time. [Smacks kisses]
Veronica gives him the thumbs up as the bikers leave.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Quite a reputation I've got, huh. You wanna know how I lost my virginity? So do I.
Flashback to a party. The music is "Give You More" by Taxi Doll.
SONG: I wanna give another little thing a try
A little something that has finally caught my eye
I'll move it so you'll see it feels just like a crawl
And then I'll know exactly how you're gonna fall
I know what you're wanting
I know what you're needing
I know what you're wanting
I want to give you more just like that, yeah
I'm gonna give you more
I'm gonna give you more
I'm gonna give you more
And I won't let you down when move it around
I'm gonna give you more
I'm gonna give you more
I'm gonna give you more
Get your feet off the ground, gonna turn it around, yeah.
Couples are eating each other, drinking and otherwise being appropriately debauched as Veronica wanders through, being snubbed by one and all. Logan is there, as is Duncan.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: I went to a party at Shelley Pomeroy's just to show everyone their whispers and backstabbing didn't affect me. It was a mistake. I don't know who handed me the drink. I wish I did. It turns out it was your basic rum, coke and roofie.
Veronica drinks from a plastic pint. The music abruptly changes to Death in Vegas' "Girls". The focus changes as she moves unsteadily out to the Jacuzzi and collapses onto a sunlounger. The scene blacks out and when Veronica comes to, she is on a bed, partially covered by the bedding. She is still wearing her white party dress but her panties are on the floor. She cries silently and the scene merges into one of her walking barefoot down the street in the dawn.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: I never told my dad. I'm not sure what he would have done with that information but no good would have come of it. And what does it matter. I'm no longer that girl.
Cut to the present. Jake Kane leaves the motel room turning back to have a few last words with its occupant.
VERONICA: [Training a camera on him] All right lady, let's see ya.
Veronica takes pictures but only a woman's hand can be seen on the door. Cut to day, at the High School. Veronica is walking across the car park.
LOGAN: There's Veronica.
Logan's bright yellow SUV pulls up next to and keeps pace with Veronica. Logan is driving, Duncan is in the passenger's seat and a couple of other guys are in the back.
LOGAN: Hey Ronnie. Hey, we've decided that we'd, uh, we'd rather surf than study today, you wanna come with? Duncan will promise to take his shirt off. Does that sweeten the pot? [Looks back at his appreciative audience in the rear] Does it make you horny? Hey DK, flex for your ex.
DUNCAN: [Unamused] Shut up, Logan
LOGAN: All right, all right. Hey, hey, hey. [Veronica and the car stop as Logan pulls out a hipflask] What do you say to a little hootch, huh? What's the matter, aren't you your mother's daughter? Hmm? Now there was a woman who could drink. Hey, what's she up to nowadays, maybe she'll join us. Do you know where she is? Any clue?
Duncan's had enough and grabs Logan by the shoulder.
DUNCAN: Leave her alone, man
LOGAN: Ooh, chill pill, man. All right. Aw, she used to be fun, man. Bye.
Logan floors it and races off. Veronica watches.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: It's been eight months since I've seen my mother.
Flashback to Veronica in bed. She gets up and sees a music box with a note attached.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: A month after Dad lost his job, Mom split for good. All she left me was a unicorn music box and a note saying she would be back for me someday.
The note reads: Veronica, I have to leave for a while. I'll be back for you. Love always, Mom. Veronica crumples the note and throws it in the rubbish following it swiftly with the box. Cut to the present. Veronica heads for her lunch table. Wallace is already there. Veronica sits and digs out an apple and a notebook.
WALLACE: Girl, you should hear what people say about you.
VERONICA: So then what are you doing sitting here?
WALLACE: You sat next to me.
VERONICA: This is my table.
WALLACE: And what a fine table it is. What do you suppose this is made of? Oak?
VERONICA: Look, if people are saying such awful things
WALLACE: Well, I figure I've got a choice. I can either hang out with the punks who laughed at me, took pictures of me while I was taped to that flagpole or I can hang out with the chick who cut me down.
VERONICA: So you want to get the PCH Biker Club off your ass?
Wallace nods and Veronica laughs. Cut to the school's ceramics class. Veronica and Wallace are at the table of another student. He is looking through a notebook.
CORNY: This is so twisted. I love it.
VERONICA: Well can you do it 'cos we need it fast.
CORNY: Oh hell yeah, for you, oh anything. I'll even throw in the glazing gratis.
VERONICA: Go to town. Thanks Corny.
Veronica and Wallace leave. The Street's "Weak Becomes Heroes" starts up.
SONG: Turn left up the street
Nothing but grey concrete and d*ad beats
We were just standing there minding our own
And it went on and on
We all smile, we all sing
The weak become heroes then the stars align.
We all sing
We all sing
The night slowly fades and goes slow motion
All the commotion becomes floating emotions
Same piano loops over
Dizzy new heights blinded by the lights
These people are for life
It's all back to his place at the end of the night, yo
We were just standing there minding our own
And it went on and on
We all smile, we all sing
The weak become heroes then the stars align.
Corny continues to flick through the notebook.
CORNY: Oh my god!
Cut to Veronica's room. A board on the wall, covered in surveillance photos, computer discs and post-it notes. Veronica is sitting at a low table, using a laptop.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: While Corny did his thing, I downloaded the pictures from the Camelot. Every girl's gotta have a hobby. Photography's mine.
Veronica pulls up a picture of a man (not Kane?) and a licence plate and prints it off. She pins it onto her board. Cut to Veronica at a small table in the kitchen of the apartment, working. Keith enters, drops his bags, looks at her and sighs loudly.
VERONICA: [Impatiently] And?
KEITH: [Outstretching arms] Who's your daddy?
VERONICA: Ack. I hate it when you say that.
KEITH: You know what, this is important. You remember this. I used to be cool!
VERONICA: [Sceptical] When?
KEITH: '77. Trans Am, Blue Oyster Cult in the 8-track, a foxy stacked blond riding g*n, racing for pink slips. Now wait a minute, I'm thinking of a Springsteen song. Scratch everything, I was never cool.
VERONICA: I don't know which bothers me more, "foxy" or "stacked".
KEITH: [Producing cheque] I nailed our bail jumper one hundred yards from Me-i-co, [handing cheque to Veronica] twenty five hundred bucks. No sack dinners tonight. Tonight, [starting a shuffle] we eat, like the lower middle class to which we aspire. f*re up the 'bachie. [Shuffles off right, singing] Ya-pa-ba-pa-ba, bom-pa-da-bompa, ba-bop. [Pops head back round] For real, steaks.
Veronica laughs. Cut to later. Keith is grilling steaks on a barbeque on the roof outside the apartment. Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the Reaper" plays.
SONG: All our times have come
Here but now they're gone
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are
Come on baby
Don't fear the reaper
Baby take my hand
Don't fear the reaper
We'll be able to fly
Don't fear the reaper
Baby I'm your man
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la.
Keith grooves as he cooks.
VERONICA: So Jake Kane went to the Camelot last night and hooked up with some hussy.
KEITH: Didn't I say something about you not involved in that?
VERONICA: I remember you saying something about taking Backup.
KEITH: You get pictures?
VERONICA: No money sh*t, the woman in question never stepped foot outside but I did get pictures of licence plates. I figured you could run them.
KEITH: Let me see 'em.
Veronica hand over the photo she printed off. Keith turns away from Veronica to examine it. He is shocked at what he sees. He crumples the photo.
KEITH: [Firmly] You stay away from Jake Kane. [Tosses photo down] I don't want you doing anything else on this case. We're gonna drop it anyway. I'm gonna let his wife know.
VERONICA: [Perplexed] What? We're dropping the case? Why? What's wrong? Who is it? Why don't you just tell me?
KEITH: Veronica. No. It's done, it's over with. Just stay away from him.
Cut to Veronica in her car observing a body shop. The naked female kind.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: I had another case to occupy my brain. Loretta Cancoon says the Seventh Veil has an interesting way of keeping their liquor licence. This was phase one of my plan to save Wallace. Phase two would begin the next day.
Veronica trains her camcorder on the Seventh Veil. Cut to day and the school. Veronica and Wallace enter and run up some stairs.
VERONICA: Let's go.
WALLACE: Hey, FloJo, slow your ass down.
Veronica pauses at the top and holds Wallace back to observe Logan, who is in the process of a locker search by the Vice Principal and the deputy (without Buster).
LOGAN: [Opening the locker and stepping back.] There you go.
From inside the locker can be seen a bong in the form of a cherub.
CLEMMONS: [Reaching for the bong] Well, what's this Logan? This would appear to be a device they use to smoke marijuana.
LOGAN: [Amazed] That's exactly what it looks like.
CLEMMONS: Back to the office. Come on.
GUY IN HALL: Oh man, Logan's busted.
LOGAN: [Spots Veronica and points] It was you? [Veronica does a 'Who me?' gesture] Listen, I know it was you. This isn't over, okay.
Veronica exaggerates a yawn.
LOGAN: [Still pointing aggressively] You're so cute. Listen, I'll get you for this.
CLEMMONS: [Pushing Logan along] Let's go.
LOGAN: I will.
CLEMMONS: Come on, let's go.
Corny watches and then walks on, congratulating Veronica as he goes. Strains of Miriam Makeba's "Pata Pata" can be heard.
CORNY: Eeee, solid.
WALLACE: You're right, that was funny.
VERONICA: Meet me at my car after school. Let's see if you've done your part.
SONG: Saguguka sathi beka
(Nantsi, pata pata)
Saguguka sathi beka
(Yiyo, pata pata)
Yi yo mama yiyo mama
(Nantsi, pata pata)
Yi yo mama yiyo mama
(Yiyo, pata pata)
Saguguka sathi beka
(Nantsi, pata pata)
Saguguka sathi beka
(Yiyo, pata pata)
Yi yo mama yiyo mama
(Nantsi, pata pata)
Cut to the outside of the Sheriff's Department. Veronica and Wallace are sitting in the car. Wallace is clutching the control unit of his model airplane.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: After school, I drove Wallace to the Sheriff's Department. This was phase three.
WALLACE: You know, we could get into a lot of trouble for this.
VERONICA: [Reaching for the control unit] Give it here.
WALLACE: [Shaking her off] Wait. I'm gonna do it. I just thought one of us should state the obvious.
Wallace hits one of the controls. It clicks. Cut to the bong in the police evidence room. It sparks and begins to smoke. Cut to Inga who smells something. Cut to the grill over the door to the evidence room with smoke pouring out. Cut to Wallace.
WALLACE: I wonder if it worked.
Cut back to Inga. She sees the smoke.
INGA: Ach, du lieber Gott. Ein feuer!
Cut to racing f*re engine which pulls up in front of the Sheriff's Department. Veronica and Wallace watch, flushed with success.
VERONICA: It worked.
Cut to firemen entering the evidence room. Extinguisher sounds. Cut to the f*re station where a couple of firemen are setting up barbells. Veronica enters the station.
VERONICA: Hey Adam, hey Eddie, is the Chief around?
The Chief is coming up behind her. He has a large envelope in his hand.
PHIL: Well if it isn't Smokey the Barely Legal.
VERONICA: I saw you in action today Phil. You were very brave. Did you make the switch?
PHIL: [Handing over the envelope] Fait accompli.
VERONICA: [Softly] Thank you.
Cut to Mars Investigations.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Plenty of people in this town still love Dad. That comes in handy sometimes. [Enlarging the licence plate on the Camelot picture] Other times you rely on your own devices.
Veronica enlarges the Camelot picture on her laptop and focuses on the licence plate. She picks up the phone and dials.
VOICE ON TELEPHONE: San Juan Capistrano PD.
VERONICA: [Adopting Inga's accent] Tony, it's Inga. Ahh, guess what? Our computers is down again.
TONY: Inga. Upgrade already, this must be the tenth time.
VERONICA: You preach to the choir, Tony. Listen, we had a h*t and run last night. Victim got the plates but we need someone to run them.
TONY: No problem. h*t me.
VERONICA: Arizona-Four-Victor-Golf-Zero-Zero-Zero.
TONY: Well, I'll be damned. Some families.
VERONICA: What is it?
TONY: That car is registered to one Lianne Mars.
Veronica lets the mouthpiece drop away from her mouth. She is slowly replacing the receiver when Keith enters from his office.
KEITH: Bored. [Leaning against the doorjamb] Call it a day, maybe catch a movie or something?
VERONICA: Explain to me again why we're dropping the Kane case.
KEITH: [Uncomfortably and not looking at Veronica] Look. I um I did run those plates and uh it's what I thought, corporate espionage stuff. [Veronica sags behind him] It's dangerous. We don't get paid enough. So Let's just drop it okay?
KEITH: Movie?
Veronica grabs her stuff and leaves before Keith turns around.
KEITH: Well maybe we can rent something. Uh, what are you what are you in the mood f-
Keith sees the door close. Cut to inside the Sheriff's Department. Veronica approaches Inga's counter.
INGA: Veronica! Ach, little Veronica, how are you? How's your father.
VERONICA: Fine, Inga, we're both fine.
INGA: I haven't seen you since [realisation hits] since
VERONICA: [Brusquely] Been a while. Can you tell me where the Cortez-Win prelim is?
INGA: Courtroom three.
VERONICA: Thanks. [Heads out]
VERONICA VOICEOVER: The last time I was here. Come on, Inga. That's easy.
Cut to Veronica in her white party dress after her r*pe. She slowly mounts the steps to the Sheriff's Department. She approaches Inga's desk, clearly distressed.
INGA: Veronica! What happened to you?
VERONICA: I need to report a crime.
Cut to a derisive Sheriff Lamb in his office. Veronica sits on the other side of his desk.
SHERIFF LAMB: [Sarcastically] Is there anyone in particular you'd like me to arrest or should I just round up the sons of the most important families in town? [Veronica can't believe his response] I've got not a shred of evidence to work with here but that really doesn't matter to your family, now does it. [Veronica can't hold back a tear] Ummm...Look at this. She cries. [Leans back in his chair] I'll tell you what Veronica Mars, why don't you go see the wizard. Ask for a little back bone.
Cut immediately to present day scene of Lamb giving evidence.
SHERIFF LAMB: When we find 'em, they've still got twenty bottles stuffed in their pockets. [Pauses as he sees Veronica enter the court. He is taken aback] They say they bought the beers but we've got it all on tape, so
PROSECUTOR: Your Honour, can we show the tape? JUDGE: Let's see it.
SHERIFF LAMB: All right, what you're gonna see here are the two defendants over there.
The defendants are Hector and the Asian Biker from the Sac-n-Pac. They are being represented by Cliff.
SHERIFF LAMB: They enter and
The video is not from the Sac-n-Pac. It is from the Seventh Veil where one of the Sheriff's Deputies is escorting one of the strippers from the club to his vehicle.
JUDGE: What are we seeing here, Sheriff?
SHERIFF LAMB: Uh, Your Honour, I
JUDGE: Sheriff Lamb, is this one of your officers? Is this how you run your department?
Lamb is uncomfortable, Veronica amused. The courtroom gives a collective gasp as the stripper heads down to the deputy's lap. Lamb is frantically trying to figure out what's going on.
CLIFF: Ahh, Your Honour, is this an appropriate time to for a dismissal in People v Loretta Cancoon.
Lamb looks up. Veronica fashions a g*n with forefinger and thumb and nails him with a verbal 'Tsk'. "Atomic Girl" by the Wannabes powers in. Lamb gets it, as does Cliff who is appreciative. Veronica leaves.
JUDGE: Counsel.
Lamb stares after her. He is not a happy bunny. Cut to Veronica pulling up at the beach.
SONG: Hello, Atomic Girl, your signal's getting weak
The world is suffocating fast
[Indecipherable line]
There's been a problem
You're so much stronger
You're lonely by yourself
Just waiting to be found
Wallace is flying his plane. She has the envelope from f*re Chief Phil and joins him.
VERONICA: Got a present for you.
Veronica hands the envelope to Wallace. He open it and pulls out a video. He gives a huge sigh of relief as he replaces it in the envelope.
WALLACE: I owe you big time.
VERONICA: I had my own reasons for doing it, trust me.
WALLACE: Oh no you don't. You really think I'm gonna let you get away with that? That might play with the masses. But underneath that angry young women shell, there's a slightly less angry young woman who's just dying to bake me something. You're a marshmallow, Veronica Mars, a twinkie.
Veronica laughs softly. Later, still on the beach, Veronica has the plane controls.
VERONICA: OK, how do I make it loop the loop?
Wallace is distracted by something he can see in the distance.
WALLACE: Uh, Veronica?
WALLACE: Your car.
Veronica looks and hands the controls back to Wallace. She heads for her car. Logan is lying on the bonnet, a tyre iron in his hands. Three other guys are standing around. Next to Veronica's car is another SUV. Veronica stops in front of her car. Wallace races up behind her.
LOGAN: Hey, Veronica Mars. [Jumping off the car] Do you know what your little joke cost me?
VERONICA: Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be getting your bong back.
Logan swings the tyre iron and takes out a headlight. Veronica flinches.
LOGAN: [Twirling the tyre iron] Wrong answer. Would you care to guess again?
VERONICA: Clearly your sense of humour.
Logan takes out the other headlight.
LOGAN: Nope. You're usually so good at pop quizzes. The correct answer is my car. That's right. My Daddy took my T-Bird away. And you know what I won't be having. Fun, fun, fun.
Logan has moved to stand directly in front of Veronica and doesn't notice the sound of motorbike engines pulling up.
LOGAN LACKEY: Uh-uh, Logan.
Weevil and co. pull up to the scene. Logan finally notices and turns around. Weevil gets off his bike as Logan heads towards him.
WEEVIL: What do we have here? Vandalism? No, no no. Only vandalism that happens in this town goes through me.
LOGAN: Listen man, I don't have a problem with you.
WEEVIL: That's where you're wrong.
They stare at each other. In the meantime Felix has pulled himself onto the running strip of the SUV and leaned in to pick out a CD.
FELIX: Hey yo. Is this O-Town any good? I mean my little sister likes it but you know, she likes ponies and juice boxes too. [The bikers laugh.]
WALLACE: I suddenly feel like I'm in a scene from 'The Outsiders'.
VERONICA: Be cool, Sodapop.
Weevil has relieved Logan of the tyre iron and heads for the SUV.
LOGAN LACKEY: Hey that's not his car, that's my mom's car.
WEEVIL: She can bill me.
Weevil hits the SUV in the middle of the bonnet, hard. He takes out one of the headlights and then goes for the bonnet a couple times more. Everyone watches, the Loganites in horror, the biker in glee.
WEEVIL: That's it. [Hands the tyre iron to Logan Lackey] Head for the hills. I'm not gonna say it twice.
Logan's crowd heads for the SUV.
WEEVIL: [Pointing to Logan] Except for you. You, say you're sorry.
LOGAN: [Chuckles] Rub a lamp. [Winks]
Weevil punches him in the stomach. Logan goes down. Veronica looks uncomfortable.
WEEVIL: I said, say you're sorry.
Logan gets back up and faces Weevil again.
LOGAN: [Deliberately] Kiss my ass.
Weevil throws a punch to Logan's face. He goes down again. Weevil laughs. Logan gets up again, blood coming from his nose. He is not going to apologise.
VERONICA: Let him go.
WEEVIL: Are you sure? I could do this for a while.
VERONICA: I don't want his apology.
Logan heads for the SUV.
WEEVIL: So that, uh, surveillance tape just poof?
VERONICA: That's fortunate.
Logan and friends drive off with the bikers encouragement.
WEEVIL: My uncle has a body shop on the highway. If you come in, you know, I can make sure your body gets the full service treatment.
VERONICA: OK, now you apologise.
WEEVIL: I'm sorry, w-was that too dirty, 'cause
VERONICA: Not to me dork. To him [indicating Wallace].
WEEVIL: Right. No.
VERONICA: Fine. He has the only copy of the Sac-n-Pac video. Wallace, let's go decide what to do with it.
WEEVIL: OK. Wait, wait, wait, look, look. I'm sorry man, umm, for, you know, taping you to the the flagpole, I'm sorry.
WALLACE: All right.
WEEVIL: Can I have the tape back now?
Veronica laughs and she and Wallace get in her car as Weevil looks on. Cut to night. The music is "Butterflies" by David Garza.
SONG: Speaking of the truth, I like to hear that once in a while
And I'll
even listen to all your vanity Utter lies are like butterflies
They just both die in a couple of days
Show me all your proof, put it right in front of my eyes
And I'll even listen to all your vanity
Utter lies are like butterflies
They just both die in a couple of days.
Veronica is driving.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: This morning when I woke up, I had one person in the world I could count on. But if there's something I've learned in this business, the people you love let you down.
Veronica has pulled up outside Mars Investigations and watches her father leave the office. She heads in once it's clear and goes into Keith's office.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: Dad doesn't think I know where he keeps the combination to the safe. He's wrong. Of course, I've never needed to use it. [Opens safe and pulls out a large file.] Oh my god, the Lilly Kane m*rder file. What's Dad been up to? Some of these notes are less than a month old. The confessed k*ller is already on death row but Dad still hasn't given up on the case. My surveillance photo from the Camelot, why is it in the Lilly Kane file? What was Mom doing there and what business did she have with Jake Kane. And the million dollar question, why did Dad lie to me?
Veronica is now sitting at the desk in the main office, pondering. Keith enters.
KEITH: What are you doing back here? I saw the light.
VERONICA: I forgot a few of my books.
KEITH: It's up and at 'em, Atom Ant, come on. It's family fun night. I called out to Mama Leone's, I rented 'The South Park Movie'.
VERONICA: My favourite.
KEITH: Hey, who's your Daddy?
VERONICA: [Smiling] You are. Uh, I have to make a stop, so meet you at home?
KEITH: OK. But hurry up. I worry about you.
VERONICA: [Kissing her father] Yeah, you do.
She leaves. Keith looks over to the desk. The unicorn music box is open and playing on the desk. He looks sad and pensive.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: OK, so he lied to me. But I've got to believe he has his reasons. He's probably trying to protect me. That's what dads do. [Cut to Veronica driving.] Still, I've got too many questions swirling about in my head to wait until he's willing to share. These questions need answers. That's what I do.
Cut to Veronica's hand, knocking on the door of Room 6 at the Camelot. There is no answer. Camera pulls back as Veronica gazes out over the motel balcony.
VERONICA VOICEOVER: OK, it's a long sh*t but I can't help myself. I used to think I knew what tore our family apart. Now I'm sure I don't. But I promise this. I will find out what really happened and I will bring this family back together again. I'm sorry, is that mushy? Well, you know what they say. Veronica Mars, she's a marshmallow. | {"type": "series", "show": "Veronica Mars", "episode": "01x01 - Pilot"} | foreverdreaming |
Subsets and Splits