stringlengths 12
| code_snippet
stringlengths 8
| score
float64 3.26
hibernate-validator_NodeImpl_createPropertyNode_rdh | // TODO It would be nicer if we could return PropertyNode
public static NodeImpl createPropertyNode(String name, NodeImpl parent) {
return new NodeImpl(name,
parent, false, null, null, ElementKind.PROPERTY, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY, null, null, null, null);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_NodeImpl_includeTypeParameterInformation_rdh | // TODO: this is used to reduce the number of differences until we agree on the string representation
// it introduces some inconsistent behavior e.g. you get '<V>' for a Multimap but not for a Map
private static boolean includeTypeParameterInformation(Class<?> containerClass, Integer typeArgumentIndex) {
if ((containerClass == null) || (typeArgumentIndex == null)) {
return false;
if (containerClass.getTypeParameters().length < 2) {
return false;
if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(containerClass) && (typeArgumentIndex == 1)) {
return false;
return true;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_MethodConfigurationRule_isStrictSubType_rdh | /**
* Whether {@code otherClazz} is a strict subtype of {@code clazz} or not.
* @param clazz
* the super type to check against
* @param otherClazz
* the subtype to check
* @return {@code true} if {@code otherClazz} is a strict subtype of {@code clazz}, {@code false} otherwise
protected boolean isStrictSubType(Class<?> clazz, Class<?> otherClazz) {
return clazz.isAssignableFrom(otherClazz) && (!clazz.equals(otherClazz));
* Whether {@code otherExecutable} is defined on a subtype of the declaring
* type of {@code executable} or not.
* @param executable
* the executable to check against
* @param otherExecutable
* the executable to check
* @return {@code true} if {@code otherExecutable} is defined on a subtype of the declaring type of
{@code otherExecutable}, {@code false} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_Configuration_m0_rdh | /**
* Whether method constraints are allowed at any method ({@code true}) or only
* getter methods ({@code false}).
* @return {@code true} if method constraints are allowed on any method, {code false} if only on getter methods
public boolean m0() {
return methodConstraintsSupported;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_Configuration_getMethodConstraintsSupportedOption_rdh | /**
* Retrieves the value for the "methodConstraintsSupported" property from the options.
private boolean getMethodConstraintsSupportedOption(Map<String, String> options) {
String methodConstraintsSupported = options.get(f0);
// allow method constraints by default
if (methodConstraintsSupported == null) {
return true;
return Boolean.parseBoolean(methodConstraintsSupported);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_Configuration_getVerboseOption_rdh | /**
* Retrieves the value for the "verbose" property from the options.
private boolean getVerboseOption(Map<String, String> options, Messager messager) {
boolean theValue = Boolean.parseBoolean(options.get(VERBOSE_PROCESSOR_OPTION));
if (theValue) {
messager.printMessage(Kind.NOTE, StringHelper.format("Verbose reporting is activated. Some processing information will be displayed using diagnostic kind %1$s.", Kind.NOTE));
}return theValue;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_Configuration_isVerbose_rdh | /**
* Whether logging information shall be put out in a verbose way or not.
* @return {@code true} if logging information shall be put out in a verbose, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isVerbose() {
return verbose;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_Configuration_getDiagnosticKind_rdh | /**
* Returns the diagnosticKind to be used when reporting failing constraint checks.
* @return the diagnosticKind to be used when reporting failing constraint checks
public Kind getDiagnosticKind() {
return diagnosticKind;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_Configuration_getDiagnosticKindOption_rdh | /**
* Retrieves the diagnostic kind to be used for error messages. If given in
* processor options, it will be taken from there, otherwise the default
* value {@link Kind#ERROR} will be returned.
private Kind getDiagnosticKindOption(Map<String, String> options,
Messager messager) {
String diagnosticKindFromOptions = options.get(DIAGNOSTIC_KIND_PROCESSOR_OPTION);
if (diagnosticKindFromOptions !=
null) {
try {
return Kind.valueOf(diagnosticKindFromOptions);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
messager.printMessage(Kind.WARNING, StringHelper.format("The given value %1$s is no valid diagnostic kind. %2$s will be used.", diagnosticKindFromOptions, DEFAULT_DIAGNOSTIC_KIND));
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_StringHelper_toShortString_rdh | /**
* Creates a compact string representation of the given type, useful for debugging or toString() methods. Package
* names are shortened, e.g. "org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine" becomes "o.h.v.i.e". Not to be used for
* user-visible log messages.
*/public static String toShortString(Type type) {
if (type instanceof Class) {
return toShortString(((Class<?>) (type)));
} else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
return toShortString(((ParameterizedType) (type)));
} else {
return type.toString();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_DefaultScriptEvaluatorFactory_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private static <T> T run(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action) :;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintViolationImpl_getExpressionVariables_rdh | /**
* @return the expression variables added using {@link HibernateConstraintValidatorContext#addExpressionVariable(String, Object)}
public Map<String, Object> getExpressionVariables() {
return expressionVariables;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintViolationImpl_getMessageParameters_rdh | /**
* @return the message parameters added using {@link HibernateConstraintValidatorContext#addMessageParameter(String, Object)}
public Map<String, Object> getMessageParameters() {
return messageParameters;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintViolationImpl_createHashCode_rdh | /**
* @see #equals(Object) on which fields are taken into account
private int createHashCode() {
int result = (interpolatedMessage != null) ? interpolatedMessage.hashCode() : 0;
result = (31 * result) +
(propertyPath != null ? propertyPath.hashCode() : 0);
result = (31 * result) + System.identityHashCode(rootBean);
result = (31 * result) + System.identityHashCode(leafBeanInstance);
result = (31 * result) + System.identityHashCode(value);
result =
(31 * result) + (constraintDescriptor != null ? constraintDescriptor.hashCode() : 0);
result = (31 * result) + (messageTemplate != null ? messageTemplate.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintViolationImpl_equals_rdh | /**
* IMPORTANT - some behaviour of Validator depends on the correct implementation of this equals method! (HF)
* <p>
* {@code messageParameters}, {@code expressionVariables} and {@code dynamicPayload} are not taken into account for
* equality. These variables solely enrich the actual Constraint Violation with additional information e.g how we
* actually got to this CV.
* @return true if the two ConstraintViolation's are considered equals; false otherwise
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if ((o == null) || (getClass() != o.getClass())) {
return false;
ConstraintViolationImpl<?> that = ((ConstraintViolationImpl<?>) (o));
if (interpolatedMessage != null ? !interpolatedMessage.equals(that.interpolatedMessage) : that.interpolatedMessage != null) {
return false;
if (messageTemplate != null ? !messageTemplate.equals(that.messageTemplate) : that.messageTemplate != null) {
return false;
if (propertyPath != null ? !propertyPath.equals(that.propertyPath) : that.propertyPath != null) {
return false;
if (rootBean != null ? rootBean != that.rootBean : that.rootBean != null) {
return false;
if (leafBeanInstance != null ? leafBeanInstance != that.leafBeanInstance : that.leafBeanInstance != null) {
return false;
if (value != null ? value != that.value : that.value != null) {
return false;}
if (constraintDescriptor != null ? !constraintDescriptor.equals(that.constraintDescriptor)
: that.constraintDescriptor != null) {
return false;}
return true;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ProgrammaticMetaDataProvider_mergeAnnotationProcessingOptions_rdh | /**
* Creates a single merged {@code AnnotationProcessingOptions} in case multiple programmatic mappings are provided.
* <p>
* Note that it is made sure at this point that no element (type, property, method etc.) is configured more than once within
* all the given contexts. So the "merge" pulls together the information for all configured elements, but it will never
* merge several configurations for one given element.
* @param mappings
* set of mapping contexts providing annotation processing options to be merged
* @return a single annotation processing options object
private static AnnotationProcessingOptions mergeAnnotationProcessingOptions(Set<DefaultConstraintMapping> mappings) {
// if we only have one mapping we can return the context of just this mapping
if (mappings.size() == 1) {
return mappings.iterator().next().getAnnotationProcessingOptions();
AnnotationProcessingOptions options = new AnnotationProcessingOptionsImpl();
for (DefaultConstraintMapping mapping : mappings) {
return options;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationTypeMemberCheck_getMethod_rdh | /**
* Returns the method of the given type with the given name.
* @param element
* The type of interest.
* @param name
* The name of the method which should be returned.
* @return The method of the given type with the given name or null if no such method exists.
private ExecutableElement getMethod(TypeElement element, String name) {
for (ExecutableElement oneMethod : methodsIn(element.getEnclosedElements())) {
if (oneMethod.getSimpleName().contentEquals(name)) {
return oneMethod;
return null;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationTypeMemberCheck_isEmptyArray_rdh | /**
* Checks whether the given annotation value is an empty array or not.
* @param annotationValue
* The annotation value of interest.
* @return True, if the given annotation value is an empty array, false otherwise.
private boolean
isEmptyArray(AnnotationValue annotationValue)
return (annotationValue != null) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(annotationValue.accept(new SimpleAnnotationValueVisitor8<Boolean, Void>() {
public Boolean visitArray(List<? extends AnnotationValue> values, Void p) {
return values.size() == 0;
}, null));
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationTypeMemberCheck_m0_rdh | /**
* Checks that the given type element
* <p/>
* <ul>
* <li>has a method with name "message",</li>
* <li>the return type of this method is {@link String}.</li>
* </ul>
* @param element
* The element of interest.
* @return A possibly non-empty set of constraint check errors, never null.
*/private Set<ConstraintCheckIssue> m0(TypeElement element) {
ExecutableElement messageMethod = getMethod(element, "message");
if (messageMethod == null) {
return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(element, null, "CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MUST_DECLARE_MESSAGE_MEMBER"));
if (!typeUtils.isSameType(annotationApiHelper.getMirrorForType(String.class), messageMethod.getReturnType())) {
return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(messageMethod, null,
return Collections.emptySet();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationTypeMemberCheck_checkGroupsAttribute_rdh | /**
* Checks that the given type element
* <p/>
* <ul>
* <li>has a method with name "groups",</li>
* <li>the return type of this method is {@code Class<?>[]},</li>
* <li>the default value of this method is {@code {}}.</li>
* </ul>
* @param element
* The element of interest.
* @return A possibly non-empty set of constraint check errors, never null.
private Set<ConstraintCheckIssue> checkGroupsAttribute(TypeElement element) {
ExecutableElement groupsMethod = getMethod(element, "groups");
if (groupsMethod == null) {
return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(element, null, "CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MUST_DECLARE_GROUPS_MEMBER"));
DeclaredType type = getComponentTypeOfArrayReturnType(groupsMethod);
if (type == null) {return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(groupsMethod, null, "RETURN_TYPE_MUST_BE_CLASS_ARRAY"));
boolean typeHasNameClass = type.asElement().getSimpleName().contentEquals("Class");
boolean typeHasExactlyOneTypeArgument = type.getTypeArguments().size() == 1;
boolean typeArgumentIsUnboundWildcard = validateWildcardBounds(type.getTypeArguments().get(0), null, null);
if (!((typeHasNameClass && typeHasExactlyOneTypeArgument) && typeArgumentIsUnboundWildcard)) {
return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(groupsMethod, null, "RETURN_TYPE_MUST_BE_CLASS_ARRAY"));
if (!isEmptyArray(groupsMethod.getDefaultValue())) {
return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(groupsMethod, null, "DEFAULT_VALUE_MUST_BE_EMPTY_ARRAY"));
return Collections.emptySet();} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationTypeMemberCheck_validateWildcardBounds_rdh | /**
* Returns true, if the given type mirror is a wildcard type with the given extends and super bounds, false otherwise.
* @param type
* The type to check.
* @param expectedExtendsBound
* A mirror representing the expected extends bound.
* @param expectedSuperBound
* A mirror representing the expected super bound.
* @return True, if the given type mirror is a wildcard type with the given extends and super bounds, false otherwise.
private boolean validateWildcardBounds(TypeMirror type, final TypeMirror expectedExtendsBound, final TypeMirror expectedSuperBound) {
Boolean theValue = type.accept(new TypeKindVisitor8<Boolean, Void>() {
public Boolean visitWildcard(WildcardType t, Void p) {
boolean v14 = (t.getExtendsBound() == null) ? expectedExtendsBound == null : (expectedExtendsBound != null) && typeUtils.isSameType(t.getExtendsBound(), expectedExtendsBound);
boolean superBoundMatches = (t.getSuperBound() == null) ? expectedSuperBound == null : (expectedSuperBound != null) && typeUtils.isSameType(t.getSuperBound(), expectedSuperBound);
return v14 && superBoundMatches;
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(theValue);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationTypeMemberCheck_checkPayloadAttribute_rdh | /**
* Checks that the given type element
* <p/>
* <ul>
* <li>has a method with name "payload",</li>
* <li>the return type of this method is {@code Class<? extends Payload>[]},</li>
* <li>the default value of this method is {@code {}}.</li>
* </ul>
* @param element
* The element of interest.
* @return A possibly non-empty set of constraint check errors, never null.
private Set<ConstraintCheckIssue> checkPayloadAttribute(TypeElement element) {
ExecutableElement payloadMethod = getMethod(element, "payload");
if (payloadMethod == null) {
return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(element, null, "CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MUST_DECLARE_PAYLOAD_MEMBER"));
DeclaredType type
= getComponentTypeOfArrayReturnType(payloadMethod);
if (type == null) {
return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(payloadMethod, null, "PAYLOAD_RETURN_TYPE_MUST_BE_CLASS_ARRAY"));
boolean v9 = type.asElement().getSimpleName().contentEquals("Class");boolean typeHasExactlyOneTypeArgument = type.getTypeArguments().size() == 1;
boolean typeArgumentIsWildcardWithPayloadExtendsBound = validateWildcardBounds(type.getTypeArguments().get(0), annotationApiHelper.getDeclaredTypeByName(BeanValidationTypes.PAYLOAD), null);
if (!((v9 && typeHasExactlyOneTypeArgument) && typeArgumentIsWildcardWithPayloadExtendsBound)) {return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(payloadMethod, null, "PAYLOAD_RETURN_TYPE_MUST_BE_CLASS_ARRAY"));
if (!isEmptyArray(payloadMethod.getDefaultValue())) {
return CollectionHelper.asSet(ConstraintCheckIssue.error(payloadMethod, null, "PAYLOAD_DEFAULT_VALUE_MUST_BE_EMPTY_ARRAY"));
return Collections.emptySet();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstrainedParameter_merge_rdh | /**
* Creates a new constrained parameter object by merging this and the given
* other parameter.
* @param other
* The parameter to merge.
* @return A merged parameter.
public ConstrainedParameter merge(ConstrainedParameter other) {
ConfigurationSource mergedSource
= ConfigurationSource.max(source, other.source);
Set<MetaConstraint<?>> mergedConstraints = newHashSet(constraints);
Set<MetaConstraint<?>> mergedTypeArgumentConstraints = new HashSet<>(typeArgumentConstraints);
CascadingMetaDataBuilder mergedCascadingMetaData = cascadingMetaDataBuilder.merge(other.cascadingMetaDataBuilder);
return new ConstrainedParameter(mergedSource, callable, type, index, mergedConstraints, mergedTypeArgumentConstraints, mergedCascadingMetaData);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintHelper_isConstraintAnnotation_rdh | /**
* Checks whether the specified annotation is a valid constraint annotation. A constraint annotation has to
* fulfill the following conditions:
* <ul>
* <li>Must be annotated with {@link Constraint}
* <li>Define a message parameter</li>
* <li>Define a group parameter</li>
* <li>Define a payload parameter</li>
* </ul>
* @param annotationType
* The annotation type to test.
* @return {@code true} if the annotation fulfills the above conditions, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isConstraintAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) {
// Note: we don't use isJdkAnnotation() here as it does more harm than good.
if (isBuiltinConstraint(annotationType)) {
return true;
if (annotationType.getAnnotation(Constraint.class) == null) {
return false;
return externalConstraints.computeIfAbsent(annotationType, a -> {
return Boolean.TRUE;});
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintHelper_getAllValidatorDescriptors_rdh | /**
* Returns the constraint validator classes for the given constraint
* annotation type, as retrieved from
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Constraint#validatedBy()},
* <li>internally registered validators for built-in constraints</li>
* <li>XML configuration and</li>
* <li>programmatically registered validators (see
* {@link org.hibernate.validator.cfg.ConstraintMapping#constraintDefinition(Class)}).</li>
* </ul>
* The result is cached internally.
* @param annotationType
* The constraint annotation type.
* @param <A>
* the type of the annotation
* @return The validator classes for the given type.
public <A extends Annotation> List<ConstraintValidatorDescriptor<A>> getAllValidatorDescriptors(Class<A> annotationType)
Contracts.assertNotNull(annotationType, MESSAGES.classCannotBeNull());
return validatorDescriptors.computeIfAbsent(annotationType, a -> getDefaultValidatorDescriptors(a));
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintHelper_findValidatorDescriptors_rdh | /**
* Returns those validator descriptors for the given constraint annotation
* matching the given target.
* @param annotationType
* The annotation of interest.
* @param validationTarget
* The target, either annotated element or parameters.
* @param <A>
* the type of the annotation
* @return A list with matching validator descriptors.
public <A extends Annotation> List<ConstraintValidatorDescriptor<A>> findValidatorDescriptors(Class<A> annotationType, ValidationTarget validationTarget) {
return getAllValidatorDescriptors(annotationType).stream().filter(d -> supportsValidationTarget(d, validationTarget)).collect(Collectors.toList());
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintHelper_putValidatorDescriptors_rdh | /**
* Registers the given validator descriptors with the given constraint
* annotation type.
* @param annotationType
* The constraint annotation type
* @param validatorDescriptors
* The validator descriptors to register
* @param keepExistingClasses
* Whether already-registered validators should be kept or not
* @param <A>
* the type of the annotation
public <A extends Annotation> void putValidatorDescriptors(Class<A> annotationType, List<ConstraintValidatorDescriptor<A>> validatorDescriptors, boolean keepExistingClasses) {
List<ConstraintValidatorDescriptor<A>> validatorDescriptorsToAdd = new ArrayList<>();
if (keepExistingClasses) {
List<ConstraintValidatorDescriptor<A>> existingvalidatorDescriptors = getAllValidatorDescriptors(annotationType);
if (existingvalidatorDescriptors != null) {
validatorDescriptorsToAdd.addAll(0, existingvalidatorDescriptors);
this.validatorDescriptors.put(annotationType, CollectionHelper.toImmutableList(validatorDescriptorsToAdd));
* Checks whether a given annotation is a multi value constraint or not.
* @param annotationType
* the annotation type to check.
* @return {@code true} if the specified annotation is a multi value constraints, {@code false} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintHelper_getConstraintsFromMultiValueConstraint_rdh | /**
* Returns the constraints which are part of the given multi-value constraint.
* <p>
* Invoke {@link #isMultiValueConstraint(Class)} prior to calling this method to check whether a given constraint
* actually is a multi-value constraint.
* @param multiValueConstraint
* the multi-value constraint annotation from which to retrieve the contained constraints
* @param <A>
* the type of the annotation
* @return A list of constraint annotations, may be empty but never {@code null}.
public <A extends Annotation> List<Annotation> getConstraintsFromMultiValueConstraint(A multiValueConstraint) {Annotation[] annotations = run(GetAnnotationAttribute.action(multiValueConstraint, "value", Annotation[].class));
return Arrays.asList(annotations);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintHelper_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private static <T> T run(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action) :;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ParametersMethodOverrideCheck_getEnclosingTypeElementQualifiedNames_rdh | /**
* Provides a formatted string containing qualified names of enclosing types of provided methods.
* @param methods
* a collection of methods to convert to string of qualified names of enclosing types
* @return string of qualified names of enclosing types
*/ private String getEnclosingTypeElementQualifiedNames(Set<ExecutableElement> methods) {
List<String> enclosingTypeElementQualifiedNames = CollectionHelper.newArrayList();
for (ExecutableElement method : methods) {
return StringHelper.join(enclosingTypeElementQualifiedNames, ", ");
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_DomainNameUtil_isValidEmailDomainAddress_rdh | /**
* Checks the validity of the domain name used in an email. To be valid it should be either a valid host name, or an
* IP address wrapped in [].
* @param domain
* domain to check for validity
* @return {@code true} if the provided string is a valid domain, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean isValidEmailDomainAddress(String domain) {
return isValidDomainAddress(domain, EMAIL_DOMAIN_PATTERN);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_DomainNameUtil_isValidDomainAddress_rdh | /**
* Checks validity of a domain name.
* @param domain
* the domain to check for validity
* @return {@code true} if the provided string is a valid domain, {@code false} otherwise
public static boolean isValidDomainAddress(String domain) {
return isValidDomainAddress(domain, DOMAIN_PATTERN);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValidatorBean_isNullable_rdh | // TODO to be removed once using CDI API 4.x
public boolean isNullable() {
return false;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_NotEmptyValidatorForArraysOfByte_isValid_rdh | /**
* Checks the array is not {@code null} and not empty.
* @param array
* the array to validate
* @param constraintValidatorContext
* context in which the constraint is evaluated
* @return returns {@code true} if the array is not {@code null} and the array is not empty
public boolean isValid(byte[] array, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
if (array == null) {return false;
return array.length > 0;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationDescriptor_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
*/@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private static <V> V run(PrivilegedAction<V> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action) :;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationDescriptor_hashCode_rdh | /**
* Calculates the hash code of this annotation descriptor as described in
* {@link Annotation#hashCode()}.
* @return The hash code of this descriptor.
* @see Annotation#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return hashCode;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ClassCheckFactory_getClassChecks_rdh | /**
* Provides a collections of checks to be performed on a given element.
* @param element
* an element you'd like to check
* @return The checks to be performed to validate the given
public Collection<ClassCheck> getClassChecks(Element element) {
switch (element.getKind()) {
return methodChecks; default :
return Collections.emptySet();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationMetaDataProvider_m0_rdh | /**
* Finds all constraint annotations defined for the given constrainable and returns them in a list of
* constraint descriptors.
* @param constrainable
* The constrainable to check for constraint annotations.
* @param kind
* The constraint location kind.
* @return A list of constraint descriptors for all constraint specified for the given member.
private List<ConstraintDescriptorImpl<?>> m0(JavaBeanAnnotatedConstrainable constrainable, ConstraintLocationKind kind) {
return m1(constrainable, constrainable, kind);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationMetaDataProvider_m1_rdh | /**
* Finds all constraint annotations defined for the given constrainable and returns them in a list of constraint
* descriptors.
* @param constrainable
* The constrainable element (will be the executable for a method parameter).
* @param annotatedElement
* The annotated element. Usually the same as the constrainable except in the case of method
* parameters constraints when it is the parameter.
* @param kind
* The constraint location kind.
* @return A list of constraint descriptors for all constraint specified for the given member.
private List<ConstraintDescriptorImpl<?>> m1(Constrainable constrainable, JavaBeanAnnotatedElement annotatedElement, ConstraintLocationKind kind) {
metaData = newArrayList();for (Annotation annotation : annotatedElement.getDeclaredAnnotations()) {
metaData.addAll(findConstraintAnnotations(constrainable, annotation, kind));
return metaData;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationMetaDataProvider_getParameterMetaData_rdh | /**
* Retrieves constraint related meta data for the parameters of the given
* executable.
* @param javaBeanExecutable
* The executable of interest.
* @return A list with parameter meta data for the given executable.
private List<ConstrainedParameter> getParameterMetaData(JavaBeanExecutable<?> javaBeanExecutable) {if (!javaBeanExecutable.hasParameters()) {return Collections.emptyList();
List<JavaBeanParameter> parameters = javaBeanExecutable.getParameters();
List<ConstrainedParameter> metaData = new ArrayList<>(parameters.size());
int i = 0;
for (JavaBeanParameter parameter : parameters) {
if (annotationProcessingOptions.areParameterConstraintsIgnoredFor(javaBeanExecutable, i)) {
metaData.add(new ConstrainedParameter(ConfigurationSource.ANNOTATION, javaBeanExecutable, parameter.getGenericType(), i, Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet(), CascadingMetaDataBuilder.nonCascading()));
List<ConstraintDescriptorImpl<?>> constraintDescriptors = m1(javaBeanExecutable, parameter, ConstraintLocationKind.PARAMETER);
Set<MetaConstraint<?>> parameterConstraints;
if (!constraintDescriptors.isEmpty()) {
parameterConstraints = newHashSet(constraintDescriptors.size());
ConstraintLocation location = ConstraintLocation.forParameter(javaBeanExecutable, i);
for (ConstraintDescriptorImpl<?> constraintDescriptorImpl : constraintDescriptors) {
parameterConstraints.add(MetaConstraints.create(constraintCreationContext.getTypeResolutionHelper(), constraintCreationContext.getValueExtractorManager(), constraintCreationContext.getConstraintValidatorManager(), constraintDescriptorImpl, location));
} else {
parameterConstraints = Collections.emptySet();
Set<MetaConstraint<?>> typeArgumentsConstraints = findTypeAnnotationConstraintsForExecutableParameter(javaBeanExecutable, parameter);
CascadingMetaDataBuilder cascadingMetaData = findCascadingMetaData(parameter);
metaData.add(new ConstrainedParameter(ConfigurationSource.ANNOTATION, javaBeanExecutable, parameter.getGenericType(), i, parameterConstraints, typeArgumentsConstraints, cascadingMetaData));
return metaData;} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationMetaDataProvider_findTypeAnnotationConstraintsForExecutableParameter_rdh | /**
* Finds type arguments constraints for parameters.
* @param javaBeanParameter
* the parameter
* @return a set of type arguments constraints, or an empty set if no constrained type arguments are found
protected Set<MetaConstraint<?>> findTypeAnnotationConstraintsForExecutableParameter(JavaBeanExecutable<?> javaBeanExecutable, JavaBeanParameter javaBeanParameter) {
try {
return findTypeArgumentsConstraints(javaBeanExecutable, new TypeArgumentExecutableParameterLocation(javaBeanExecutable, javaBeanParameter.getIndex()), javaBeanParameter.getAnnotatedType());
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
LOG.warn(MESSAGES.constraintOnConstructorOfNonStaticInnerClass(), ex);
return Collections.emptySet();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationMetaDataProvider_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private <T> T run(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action) :;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationMetaDataProvider_findTypeUseConstraints_rdh | /**
* Finds type use annotation constraints defined on the type argument.
private Set<MetaConstraint<?>> findTypeUseConstraints(Constrainable constrainable, AnnotatedType typeArgument, TypeVariable<?> typeVariable, TypeArgumentLocation location, Type type) {
List<ConstraintDescriptorImpl<?>> constraintDescriptors = findConstraints(constrainable, typeArgument.getAnnotations(), ConstraintLocationKind.TYPE_USE);
if (constraintDescriptors.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<MetaConstraint<?>> constraints = newHashSet(constraintDescriptors.size());
ConstraintLocation constraintLocation = ConstraintLocation.forTypeArgument(location.toConstraintLocation(), typeVariable, type);
for (ConstraintDescriptorImpl<?> constraintDescriptor : constraintDescriptors) {
constraints.add(MetaConstraints.create(constraintCreationContext.getTypeResolutionHelper(), constraintCreationContext.getValueExtractorManager(), constraintCreationContext.getConstraintValidatorManager(), constraintDescriptor, constraintLocation));}
return constraints;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationMetaDataProvider_findConstraints_rdh | /**
* Finds all constraint annotations defined for the given constrainable and returns them in a list of constraint
* descriptors.
* @param constrainable
* The constrainable element (will be the executable for a method parameter).
* @param annotations
* The annotations.
* @param kind
* The constraint location kind.
* @return A list of constraint descriptors for all constraint specified for the given member.
private List<ConstraintDescriptorImpl<?>> findConstraints(Constrainable constrainable, Annotation[] annotations, ConstraintLocationKind kind) {
if (annotations.length == 0) {return Collections.emptyList();
List<ConstraintDescriptorImpl<?>> metaData = newArrayList();
for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
metaData.addAll(findConstraintAnnotations(constrainable, annotation, kind));
return metaData;
* Examines the given annotation to see whether it is a single- or multi-valued constraint annotation.
* @param constrainable
* The constrainable to check for constraints annotations
* @param annotation
* The annotation to examine
* @param type
* the element type on which the annotation/constraint is placed on
* @param <A>
* the annotation type
* @return A list of constraint descriptors or the empty list in case {@code annotation} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationMetaDataProvider_findTypeAnnotationConstraints_rdh | /**
* Finds type arguments constraints for method return values.
protected Set<MetaConstraint<?>> findTypeAnnotationConstraints(JavaBeanExecutable<?> javaBeanExecutable) {return findTypeArgumentsConstraints(javaBeanExecutable, new TypeArgumentReturnValueLocation(javaBeanExecutable), javaBeanExecutable.getAnnotatedType());
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationMetaDataProvider_retrieveBeanConfiguration_rdh | /**
* @param beanClass
* The bean class for which to retrieve the meta data
* @return Retrieves constraint related meta data from the annotations of the given type.
private <T> BeanConfiguration<T>
retrieveBeanConfiguration(Class<T> beanClass) {
Set<ConstrainedElement> constrainedElements =
Set<MetaConstraint<?>> classLevelConstraints = getClassLevelConstraints(beanClass);
if (!classLevelConstraints.isEmpty()) {
ConstrainedType classLevelMetaData = new ConstrainedType(ConfigurationSource.ANNOTATION, beanClass, classLevelConstraints);
return new BeanConfiguration<>(ConfigurationSource.ANNOTATION, beanClass, constrainedElements, getDefaultGroupSequence(beanClass), getDefaultGroupSequenceProvider(beanClass));
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_NotEmptyValidatorForArraysOfDouble_isValid_rdh | /**
* Checks the array is not {@code null} and not empty.
* @param array
* the array to validate
* @param constraintValidatorContext
* context in which the constraint is evaluated
* @return returns {@code true} if the array is not {@code null} and the array is not empty
public boolean isValid(double[] array, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
if (array == null) {
return false;
return array.length > 0;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_MappingXmlParser_parse_rdh | /**
* Parses the given set of input stream representing XML constraint
* mappings.
* @param mappingStreams
* The streams to parse. Must support the mark/reset contract.
public final void parse(Set<InputStream> mappingStreams) {
ClassLoader previousTccl
= run(GetClassLoader.fromContext());
try {
Set<String> alreadyProcessedConstraintDefinitions = newHashSet();
for (InputStream in : mappingStreams) {
// the InputStreams passed in parameters support mark and reset
XMLEventReader xmlEventReader = xmlParserHelper.createXmlEventReader("constraint mapping file", new CloseIgnoringInputStream(in));
String schemaVersion
= xmlParserHelper.getSchemaVersion("constraint mapping file", xmlEventReader);
// The validation is done first as StAX builders used below are assuming that the XML file is correct and don't
// do any validation of the input.
String schemaResourceName = getSchemaResourceName(schemaVersion);
Schema schema = xmlParserHelper.getSchema(schemaResourceName);
if (schema == null) {
throw LOG.unableToGetXmlSchema(schemaResourceName);
Validator validator = schema.newValidator();validator.validate(new StreamSource(new CloseIgnoringInputStream(in)));in.reset(); ConstraintMappingsStaxBuilder constraintMappingsStaxBuilder = new ConstraintMappingsStaxBuilder(classLoadingHelper, constraintCreationContext, annotationProcessingOptions, javaBeanHelper, defaultSequences);
xmlEventReader = xmlParserHelper.createXmlEventReader("constraint mapping file", new CloseIgnoringInputStream(in));
while (xmlEventReader.hasNext()) {
constraintMappingsStaxBuilder.process(xmlEventReader, xmlEventReader.nextEvent());
// at this point we only build the constraint definitions.
// we want to fully populate the constraint helper and get the final rules for which
// validators will be applied before we build any constrained elements that contribute to
// final bean metadata.
// we only add the builder to process it later if it has anything related to bean's constraints,
// otherwise it was only about constraint definition, and we've processed it already.
if (constraintMappingsStaxBuilder.hasBeanBuilders())
} catch (IOException | XMLStreamException | SAXException e) {
throw LOG.getErrorParsingMappingFileException(e);
} finally {
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_MappingXmlParser_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")private static <T> T run(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action) :;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_LoadClass_loadClassInValidatorNameSpace_rdh | // HV-363 - library internal classes are loaded via Class.forName first
private Class<?> loadClassInValidatorNameSpace() {
final ClassLoader v0 = HibernateValidator.class.getClassLoader();
Exception exception;
try {
return Class.forName(className, true, HibernateValidator.class.getClassLoader());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
exception = e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
exception = e;
}if (fallbackOnTCCL) {
ClassLoader contextClassLoader = (initialThreadContextClassLoader != null) ? initialThreadContextClassLoader : Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (contextClassLoader != null) {
try {
return Class.forName(className, false, contextClassLoader);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw LOG.getUnableToLoadClassException(className, contextClassLoader, e);
} else {
throw LOG.getUnableToLoadClassException(className, v0, exception);
} else {
throw LOG.getUnableToLoadClassException(className, v0, exception);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_LoadClass_action_rdh | /**
* in some cases, the TCCL has been overridden so we need to pass it explicitly.
public static LoadClass action(String className, ClassLoader classLoader, ClassLoader initialThreadContextClassLoader)
return new LoadClass(className, classLoader,
initialThreadContextClassLoader, true);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_PastOrPresentValidatorForYearMonth_getReferenceValue_rdh | /**
* Check that the {@code java.time.YearMonth} passed is in the past.
* @author Guillaume Smet
*/public class PastOrPresentValidatorForYearMonth extends AbstractPastOrPresentJavaTimeValidator<YearMonth> {
protected YearMonth getReferenceValue(Clock reference) {
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_JavaBeanGetter_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private static <T> T run(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action) :;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_JavaBeanGetter_getAccessible_rdh | /**
* Returns an accessible copy of the given method.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private static Method getAccessible(Method original) {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
Class<?> clazz = original.getDeclaringClass();
Method accessibleMethod = run(GetDeclaredMethod.andMakeAccessible(clazz, original.getName()));
return accessibleMethod;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_TypeHelper_getErasedType_rdh | /**
* Gets the erased type of the specified type.
* @param type
* the type to perform erasure on
* @return the erased type, never a parameterized type nor a type variable
* @see <a href="">4.6 Type Erasure</a>
public static Type getErasedType(Type type) {
// the erasure of a parameterized type G<T1, ... ,Tn> is |G|
if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Type rawType = ((ParameterizedType) (type)).getRawType();
return getErasedType(rawType);
}// TODO: the erasure of a nested type T.C is |T|.C
// the erasure of an array type T[] is |T|[]
if (isArray(type)) {
Type componentType = getComponentType(type);
Type v3 = getErasedType(componentType);
return getArrayType(v3);
// the erasure of a type variable is the erasure of its leftmost bound
if (type instanceof TypeVariable<?>) {
Type[] bounds = ((TypeVariable<?>) (type)).getBounds();
return getErasedType(bounds[0]);
// the erasure of a wildcard type is the erasure of its leftmost upper bound
if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
Type[] upperBounds = ((WildcardType) (type)).getUpperBounds();
return getErasedType(upperBounds[0]);
// the erasure of every other type is the type itself
return type;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_TypeHelper_parameterizedType_rdh | /**
* Creates a parameterized type for the specified raw type and actual type arguments.
* @param rawType
* the raw type
* @param actualTypeArguments
* the actual type arguments
* @return the parameterized type
* @throws MalformedParameterizedTypeException
* if the number of actual type arguments differs from those defined on the raw type
public static ParameterizedType parameterizedType(final Class<?> rawType, final Type... actualTypeArguments) {
return new ParameterizedType() {
public Type[] getActualTypeArguments() {
return actualTypeArguments;
public Type getRawType() {return rawType;
public Type getOwnerType() {
return null;
};} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_TypeHelper_genericArrayType_rdh | /**
* Creates a generic array type for the specified component type.
* @param componentType
* the component type
* @return the generic array type
public static GenericArrayType genericArrayType(final Type componentType) {
return new GenericArrayType() {
public Type getGenericComponentType() {
return componentType;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ClassBasedValidatorDescriptor_m0_rdh | /**
* Constraint checking is relaxed for built-in constraints as they have been carefully crafted so we are sure types
* are right.
*/public static <T extends Annotation> ClassBasedValidatorDescriptor<T> m0(Class<? extends ConstraintValidator<T, ?>> validatorClass, Class<? extends Annotation> registeredConstraintAnnotationType) {
return new ClassBasedValidatorDescriptor<T>(validatorClass);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_PropertyMetaData_getCascadables_rdh | /**
* Returns the cascadables of this property, if any. Often, there will be just a single element returned. Several
* elements may be returned in the following cases:
* <ul>
* <li>a property's field has been marked with {@code @Valid} but type-level constraints have been given on the
* getter</li>
* <li>one type parameter of a property has been marked with {@code @Valid} on the field (e.g. a map's key) but
* another type parameter has been marked with {@code @Valid} on the property (e.g. the map's value)</li>
* <li>a (shaded) private field in a super-type and another field of the same name in a sub-type are both marked
* with {@code @Valid}</li>
* </ul>
public Set<Cascadable> getCascadables() {
return cascadables;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_MethodInheritanceTree_hasParallelDefinitions_rdh | /**
* Checks if there are any parallel definitions of the method in the hierarchy.
* @return {@code true} if there are any parallel definitions of the method in the hierarchy, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean hasParallelDefinitions() {
return topLevelMethods.size() > 1;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_MethodInheritanceTree_getOverriddenMethods_rdh | /**
* Returns a set containing all the overridden methods.
* @return a set containing all the overridden methods
public Set<ExecutableElement> getOverriddenMethods() {
return overriddenMethods;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_MethodInheritanceTree_getTopLevelMethods_rdh | /**
* Returns a set containing all the top level overridden methods.
* @return a set containing all the top level overridden methods
*/public Set<ExecutableElement> getTopLevelMethods() {
return topLevelMethods;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_MethodInheritanceTree_getAllMethods_rdh | /**
* Returns a set containing all the methods of the hierarchy.
* @return a set containing all the methods of the hierarchy
public Set<ExecutableElement> getAllMethods() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(methodNodeMapping.keySet());
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_MethodInheritanceTree_hasOverriddenMethods_rdh | /**
* Checks if there are any overridden methods in the hierarchy.
* @return {@code true} if there are any overridden methods found, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean hasOverriddenMethods() {
return overriddenMethods.size() > 0;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValueExtractorResolver_getValueExtractorCandidatesForCascadedValidation_rdh | /**
* Used to determine the value extractor candidates valid for a declared type and type variable.
* <p>
* The effective value extractor will be narrowed from these candidates using the runtime type.
* <p>
* Used to optimize the choice of the value extractor in the case of cascading validation.
public Set<ValueExtractorDescriptor> getValueExtractorCandidatesForCascadedValidation(Type declaredType, TypeVariable<?> typeParameter) {
Set<ValueExtractorDescriptor> valueExtractorDescriptors = new HashSet<>();
valueExtractorDescriptors.addAll(getRuntimeAndContainerElementCompliantValueExtractorsFromPossibleCandidates(declaredType, typeParameter, TypeHelper.getErasedReferenceType(declaredType), f0));
valueExtractorDescriptors.addAll(getPotentiallyRuntimeTypeCompliantAndContainerElementCompliantValueExtractors(declaredType, typeParameter));
return CollectionHelper.toImmutableSet(valueExtractorDescriptors);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValueExtractorResolver_getMaximallySpecificValueExtractors_rdh | /**
* Used to find all the maximally specific value extractors based on a declared type in the case of value unwrapping.
* <p>
* There might be several of them as there might be several type parameters.
* <p>
* Used for container element constraints.
public Set<ValueExtractorDescriptor> getMaximallySpecificValueExtractors(Class<?> declaredType) {
return getRuntimeCompliantValueExtractors(declaredType, f0);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValueExtractorResolver_getMaximallySpecificValueExtractorForAllContainerElements_rdh | /**
* Used to determine if the passed runtime type is a container and if so return a corresponding maximally specific
* value extractor.
* <p>
* Obviously, it only works if there's only one value extractor corresponding to the runtime type as we don't
* precise any type parameter.
* <p>
* There is a special case: when the passed type is assignable to a {@link Map}, the {@link MapValueExtractor} will
* be returned. This is required by the Bean Validation specification.
* <p>
* Used for cascading validation when the {@code @Valid} annotation is placed on the whole container.
* @throws ConstraintDeclarationException
* if more than 2 maximally specific container-element-compliant value extractors are found
public ValueExtractorDescriptor getMaximallySpecificValueExtractorForAllContainerElements(Class<?> runtimeType, Set<ValueExtractorDescriptor>
potentialValueExtractorDescriptors) {
// if it's a Map assignable type, it gets a special treatment to conform to the Bean Validation specification
if (TypeHelper.isAssignable(Map.class, runtimeType)) {
return MapValueExtractor.DESCRIPTOR;
return getUniqueValueExtractorOrThrowException(runtimeType, getRuntimeCompliantValueExtractors(runtimeType, potentialValueExtractorDescriptors));
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValueExtractorResolver_getMaximallySpecificAndContainerElementCompliantValueExtractor_rdh | /**
* Used to find the maximally specific and container element compliant value extractor based on the declared type
* and the type parameter.
* <p>
* Used for container element constraints.
* @throws ConstraintDeclarationException
* if more than 2 maximally specific container-element-compliant value extractors are found
public ValueExtractorDescriptor getMaximallySpecificAndContainerElementCompliantValueExtractor(Class<?> declaredType, TypeVariable<?> typeParameter) {
return getUniqueValueExtractorOrThrowException(declaredType,
getRuntimeAndContainerElementCompliantValueExtractorsFromPossibleCandidates(declaredType, typeParameter, declaredType, f0));} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValueExtractorResolver_getValueExtractorCandidatesForContainerDetectionOfGlobalCascadedValidation_rdh | /**
* Used to determine the possible value extractors that can be applied to a declared type.
* <p>
* Used when building cascading metadata in {@link CascadingMetaDataBuilder} to decide if it should be promoted to
* {@link ContainerCascadingMetaData} with cascaded constrained type arguments.
* <p>
* An example could be when we need to upgrade BV 1.1 style {@code @Valid private List<SomeBean> list;}
* to {@code private List<@Valid SomeBean> list;}
* <p>
* Searches only for maximally specific value extractors based on a type.
* <p>
* Types that are assignable to {@link Map} are handled as a special case - key value extractor is ignored for them.
public Set<ValueExtractorDescriptor> getValueExtractorCandidatesForContainerDetectionOfGlobalCascadedValidation(Type enclosingType) {// if it's a Map assignable type, it gets a special treatment to conform to the Bean Validation specification
boolean mapAssignable = TypeHelper.isAssignable(Map.class, enclosingType);
Class<?> enclosingClass = ReflectionHelper.getClassFromType(enclosingType);
return getRuntimeCompliantValueExtractors(enclosingClass, f0).stream().filter(ved -> (!mapAssignable) || (!ved.equals(MapKeyExtractor.DESCRIPTOR))).collect(Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.toSet(), CollectionHelper::toImmutableSet));
* Used to determine the value extractors which potentially could be applied to the runtime type of a given declared type.
* <p>
* An example could be when there's a declaration like {@code private PotentiallyContainerAtRuntime<@Valid Bean>;} and there's
* no value extractor present for {@code PotentiallyContainerAtRuntime} but there's one available for
* {@code Container extends PotentiallyContainerAtRuntime}.
* <p>
* Returned set of extractors is used to determine if at runtime a value extractor can be applied to a runtime type,
* and if {@link PotentiallyContainerCascadingMetaData} should be promoted to {@link ContainerCascadingMetaData}.
* @return a set of {@link ValueExtractorDescriptor}s that possibly might be applied to a {@code declaredType} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValueExtractorResolver_getPotentiallyRuntimeTypeCompliantAndContainerElementCompliantValueExtractors_rdh | /**
* Returns the set of potentially type-compliant and container-element-compliant value extractors or an empty set if none was found.
* <p>
* A value extractor is potentially runtime type compliant if it might be compliant for any runtime type that matches the declared type.
private Set<ValueExtractorDescriptor> getPotentiallyRuntimeTypeCompliantAndContainerElementCompliantValueExtractors(Type declaredType, TypeVariable<?> typeParameter) {
boolean isInternal = TypeVariables.isInternal(typeParameter);
Type erasedDeclaredType = TypeHelper.getErasedReferenceType(declaredType);
Set<ValueExtractorDescriptor> typeCompatibleExtractors = -> TypeHelper.isAssignable(erasedDeclaredType, e.getContainerType())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set<ValueExtractorDescriptor> containerElementCompliantExtractors = new HashSet<>();
for (ValueExtractorDescriptor extractorDescriptor : typeCompatibleExtractors) {
TypeVariable<?> typeParameterBoundToExtractorType;
if (!isInternal) {
Map<Class<?>, Map<TypeVariable<?>, TypeVariable<?>>> allBindings = TypeVariableBindings.getTypeVariableBindings(extractorDescriptor.getContainerType());
Map<TypeVariable<?>, TypeVariable<?>> bindingsForExtractorType = allBindings.get(erasedDeclaredType);
typeParameterBoundToExtractorType = bind(extractorDescriptor.getExtractedTypeParameter(), bindingsForExtractorType);
} else {
typeParameterBoundToExtractorType = typeParameter;
if (Objects.equals(typeParameter, typeParameterBoundToExtractorType)) {
return containerElementCompliantExtractors;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_GetDeclaredMethod_m0_rdh | /**
* Before using this method, you need to check the {@code HibernateValidatorPermission.ACCESS_PRIVATE_MEMBERS}
* permission against the security manager.
public static GetDeclaredMethod m0(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) {
return new GetDeclaredMethod(clazz, methodName, true, parameterTypes);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator_buildExpressionFactory_rdh | /**
* The jakarta.el FactoryFinder uses the TCCL to load the {@link ExpressionFactory} implementation so we need to be
* extra careful when initializing it.
* @return the {@link ExpressionFactory}
private static ExpressionFactory buildExpressionFactory() {
// First, we try to load the instance from the original TCCL.
if (canLoadExpressionFactory()) {
ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = ELManager.getExpressionFactory();
LOG.debug("Loaded expression factory via original TCCL");
return expressionFactory;
final ClassLoader originalContextClassLoader = run(GetClassLoader.fromContext());
try {
// Then we try the Hibernate Validator class loader. In a fully-functional modular environment such as
// WildFly or Jigsaw, it is the way to go.
if (canLoadExpressionFactory()) {
ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = ELManager.getExpressionFactory();
LOG.debug("Loaded expression factory via HV classloader");
return expressionFactory;
// We try the CL of the EL module itself; the EL RI uses the TCCL to load the implementation from
// its own module, so this should work.
run(SetContextClassLoader.action(ELManager.class.getClassLoader()));if (canLoadExpressionFactory()) {
ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = ELManager.getExpressionFactory();
LOG.debug("Loaded expression factory via EL classloader");
return expressionFactory;}
// Finally we try the CL of the EL implementation itself. This is necessary for OSGi now that the
// implementation is separated from the API.
if (canLoadExpressionFactory()) {
ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = ELManager.getExpressionFactory();
LOG.debug("Loaded expression factory via com.sun.el classloader");
return expressionFactory;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw LOG.getUnableToInitializeELExpressionFactoryException(e);
} finally {
// HV-793 - We fail eagerly in case we have no EL dependencies on the classpath
throw LOG.getUnableToInitializeELExpressionFactoryException(null);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator_canLoadExpressionFactory_rdh | /**
* Instead of testing the different class loaders via {@link ELManager}, we directly access the
* {@link ExpressionFactory}. This avoids issues with loading the {@code ELUtil} class (used by {@code ELManager})
* after a failed attempt.
private static boolean canLoadExpressionFactory() {
try {
return true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.debugv(e, "Failed to load expression factory via classloader {0}", run(GetClassLoader.fromContext()));
return false;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private static <T> T
run(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action) :;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_NotEmptyValidatorForArraysOfBoolean_isValid_rdh | /**
* Checks the array is not {@code null} and not empty.
* @param array
* the array to validate
* @param constraintValidatorContext
* context in which the constraint is evaluated
* @return returns {@code true} if the array is not {@code null} and the array is not empty
public boolean isValid(boolean[]
array, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
if (array == null) {
return false;
return array.length > 0;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_BeanMetaDataManagerImpl_m0_rdh | /**
* Creates a {@link org.hibernate.validator.internal.metadata.aggregated.BeanMetaData} containing the meta data from all meta
* data providers for the given type and its hierarchy.
* @param <T>
* The type of interest.
* @param clazz
* The type's class.
* @return A bean meta data object for the given type.
private <T> BeanMetaDataImpl<T> m0(Class<T> clazz) {
BeanMetaDataBuilder<T> builder = BeanMetaDataBuilder.getInstance(constraintCreationContext, executableHelper, parameterNameProvider, validationOrderGenerator, clazz, methodValidationConfiguration);for (MetaDataProvider provider : metaDataProviders) {
for (BeanConfiguration<? super T> beanConfiguration : getBeanConfigurationForHierarchy(provider,
clazz)) {
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_BeanMetaDataManagerImpl_getAnnotationProcessingOptionsFromNonDefaultProviders_rdh | /**
* @return returns the annotation ignores from the non annotation based meta data providers
private AnnotationProcessingOptions getAnnotationProcessingOptionsFromNonDefaultProviders(List<MetaDataProvider>
optionalMetaDataProviders) {
AnnotationProcessingOptions options = new AnnotationProcessingOptionsImpl();
for (MetaDataProvider metaDataProvider : optionalMetaDataProviders) {
return options;
* Returns a list with the configurations for all types contained in the given type's hierarchy (including
* implemented interfaces) starting at the specified type.
* @param beanClass
* The type of interest.
* @param <T>
* The type of the class to get the configurations for.
* @return A set with the configurations for the complete hierarchy of the given type. May be empty, but never
{@code null} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_BeanMetaDataManagerImpl_getBeanMetaData_rdh | // TODO Some of these casts from BeanMetadata<? super T> to BeanMetadata<T> may not be safe.
// Maybe we should return a wrapper around the BeanMetadata if the normalized class is different from beanClass?
public <T> BeanMetaData<T> getBeanMetaData(Class<T> beanClass) {
Contracts.assertNotNull(beanClass, MESSAGES.beanTypeCannotBeNull());
Class<? super T> normalizedBeanClass = beanMetaDataClassNormalizer.normalize(beanClass);
// First, let's do a simple lookup as it's the default case
BeanMetaData<? super T> beanMetaData = ((BeanMetaData<? super T>) (beanMetaDataCache.get(normalizedBeanClass)));
if (beanMetaData != null) {
return ((BeanMetaData<T>) (beanMetaData));
beanMetaData = m0(normalizedBeanClass);
BeanMetaData<? super T> previousBeanMetaData = ((BeanMetaData<? super T>) (beanMetaDataCache.putIfAbsent(normalizedBeanClass, beanMetaData)));
// we return the previous value if not null
(previousBeanMetaData != null) {
return ((BeanMetaData<T>) (previousBeanMetaData));
return ((BeanMetaData<T>) (beanMetaData));
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValidatorFactoryBean_isNullable_rdh | // TODO to be removed once using CDI API 4.x
public boolean isNullable() {
return false;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValidatorFactoryBean_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private <T> T run(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action)
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AbstractConfigurationImpl_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private static <T> T run(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action) :;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AbstractConfigurationImpl_getDefaultMessageInterpolatorConfiguredWithClassLoader_rdh | /**
* Returns the default message interpolator, configured with the given user class loader, if present.
private MessageInterpolator getDefaultMessageInterpolatorConfiguredWithClassLoader() {
if (f0 != null) {
PlatformResourceBundleLocator userResourceBundleLocator = new PlatformResourceBundleLocator(ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator.USER_VALIDATION_MESSAGES, preloadResourceBundles() ? getAllSupportedLocales() : Collections.emptySet(), f0);
PlatformResourceBundleLocator contributorResourceBundleLocator = new PlatformResourceBundleLocator(ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator.CONTRIBUTOR_VALIDATION_MESSAGES, preloadResourceBundles() ? getAllSupportedLocales() : Collections.emptySet(), f0, true);
// Within RBMI, the expression factory implementation is loaded from the TCCL; thus we set the TCCL to the
// given external class loader for this call
final ClassLoader originalContextClassLoader = run(GetClassLoader.fromContext());
try {
return new ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator(userResourceBundleLocator, contributorResourceBundleLocator, getAllSupportedLocales(), defaultLocale, ValidatorFactoryConfigurationHelper.determineLocaleResolver(this, this.getProperties(), f0), preloadResourceBundles());
} finally {
} else {
return getDefaultMessageInterpolator();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AbstractConfigurationImpl_parseValidationXml_rdh | /**
* Tries to check whether a validation.xml file exists and parses it
private void
parseValidationXml() {if (ignoreXmlConfiguration) {
if (validationBootstrapParameters.getTraversableResolver() == null) {
if (validationBootstrapParameters.getConstraintValidatorFactory() == null) {validationBootstrapParameters.setConstraintValidatorFactory(defaultConstraintValidatorFactory);
if (validationBootstrapParameters.getParameterNameProvider() == null) {
if (validationBootstrapParameters.getClockProvider() == null) {
if (validationBootstrapParameters.getPropertyNodeNameProvider() == null) {
} else {
ValidationBootstrapParameters xmlParameters = new ValidationBootstrapParameters(getBootstrapConfiguration(), f0);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_NotEmptyValidatorForArraysOfShort_isValid_rdh | /**
* Checks the array is not {@code null} and not empty.
* @param array
* the array to validate
* @param constraintValidatorContext
* context in which the constraint is evaluated
* @return returns {@code true} if the array is not {@code null} and the array is not empty
public boolean isValid(short[] array, ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
if (array == null) {
return false;
return array.length > 0;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValidationOrderGenerator_insertInheritedGroups_rdh | /**
* Recursively add inherited groups into the group chain.
* @param clazz
* the group interface
* @param chain
* the group chain we are currently building
private void insertInheritedGroups(Class<?> clazz, DefaultValidationOrder chain) {
for (Class<?> inheritedGroup : clazz.getInterfaces()) {
Group group = new Group(inheritedGroup);chain.insertGroup(group);
insertInheritedGroups(inheritedGroup, chain);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ValidationOrderGenerator_getValidationOrder_rdh | /**
* Generates a order of groups and sequences for the specified validation groups.
* @param groups
* the groups specified at the validation call
* @return an instance of {@code ValidationOrder} defining the order in which validation has to occur
public ValidationOrder
getValidationOrder(Collection<Class<?>> groups) {
if ((groups == null) || (groups.size() == 0)) {throw LOG.getAtLeastOneGroupHasToBeSpecifiedException();
// HV-621 - if we deal with the Default group we return the default ValidationOrder. No need to
// process Default as other groups which saves several reflection calls (HF)
if ((groups.size() == 1) && groups.contains(Default.class)) {
return ValidationOrder.DEFAULT_GROUP;
for (Class<?> clazz : groups) {
if (!clazz.isInterface()) {
throw LOG.getGroupHasToBeAnInterfaceException(clazz);
DefaultValidationOrder validationOrder = new DefaultValidationOrder();
for (Class<?> clazz : groups) {
if (Default.class.equals(clazz)) {
// HV-621
} else if (isGroupSequence(clazz)) {
insertSequence(clazz, clazz.getAnnotation(GroupSequence.class).value(), true, validationOrder);
} else {
Group group = new Group(clazz);
insertInheritedGroups(clazz, validationOrder);
return validationOrder;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationApiHelper_isClass_rdh | /**
* Test if the given {@link TypeMirror} represents a class or not.
public boolean isClass(TypeMirror typeMirror)
return TypeKind.DECLARED.equals(typeMirror.getKind()) && ((DeclaredType) (typeMirror)).asElement().getKind().isClass();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationApiHelper_getMirrorForType_rdh | /**
* Returns a TypeMirror for the given class.
* @param clazz
* The class of interest.
* @return A TypeMirror for the given class.
public TypeMirror getMirrorForType(Class<?>
clazz) {
if (clazz.isArray()) {
return typeUtils.getArrayType(getMirrorForNonArrayType(clazz.getComponentType()));
} else {
return getMirrorForNonArrayType(clazz);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationApiHelper_determineUnwrapMode_rdh | /**
* Checks the annotation's payload for unwrapping option ({@code jakarta.validation.valueextraction.Unwrapping.Unwrap},
* {@code jakarta.validation.valueextraction.Unwrapping.Skip}) of constraint.
* @param annotationMirror
* constraint annotation mirror under check
* @return unwrapping option, if one is present in the annotation payload, {@link UnwrapMode#NONE} otherwise
public UnwrapMode determineUnwrapMode(AnnotationMirror annotationMirror) {
return getAnnotationArrayValue(annotationMirror, "payload").stream().map(AnnotationValue::getValue).map(type -> ((TypeMirror) (type))).map(typeUtils::asElement).map(elem -> ((TypeElement) (elem)).getQualifiedName()).filter(name -> name.toString().startsWith("jakarta.validation.valueextraction.Unwrapping.")).map(UnwrapMode::of).findAny().orElse(UnwrapMode.NONE);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_AnnotationApiHelper_isInterface_rdh | /**
* Test if the given {@link TypeMirror} represents an interface or not.
public boolean isInterface(TypeMirror typeMirror) {
return TypeKind.DECLARED.equals(typeMirror.getKind()) && ((DeclaredType) (typeMirror)).asElement().getKind().isInterface();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_Mod11CheckValidator_isCheckDigitValid_rdh | /**
* Validate check digit using Mod11 checksum
* @param digits
* The digits over which to calculate the checksum
* @param checkDigit
* the check digit
* @return {@code true} if the mod11 result matches the check digit, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean isCheckDigitValid(List<Integer> digits, char checkDigit) {if (reverseOrder) {
int modResult = ModUtil.calculateModXCheckWithWeights(digits, 11, this.f0, customWeights);
switch (modResult) {
case 10 :
return checkDigit == this.treatCheck10As;
case 11 :
return checkDigit == this.treatCheck11As;
default :
return Character.isDigit(checkDigit) && (modResult == extractDigit(checkDigit));
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_XmlParserHelper_run_rdh | /**
* Runs the given privileged action, using a privileged block if required.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This must never be changed into a publicly available method to avoid execution of arbitrary
* privileged actions within HV's protection domain.
@IgnoreForbiddenApisErrors(reason = "SecurityManager is deprecated in JDK17")
private <T> T run(PrivilegedAction<T> action) {
return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged(action) :;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_PESELValidator_year_rdh | /**
* 1800–1899 - 80
* 1900–1999 - 00
* 2000–2099 - 20
* 2100–2199 - 40
* 2200–2299 - 60
private int year(int year, int centuryCode) {
switch (centuryCode) {
4 :
return 1800 + year;
case 0 : return 1900 + year;
case 1 :
return 2000 + year;
case 2 :
return 2100 + year;
case 3 :
return 2200 + year;
default :
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid century code.");
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_TokenIterator_nextInterpolationTerm_rdh | /**
* @return Returns the next interpolation term
public String nextInterpolationTerm() {
if (!currentTokenAvailable) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to call #nextInterpolationTerm without calling #hasMoreInterpolationTerms");
currentTokenAvailable = false;
return currentToken.getTokenValue();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_TokenIterator_hasMoreInterpolationTerms_rdh | /**
* Called to advance the next interpolation term of the message descriptor. This message can be called multiple times.
* Once it returns {@code false} all interpolation terms have been processed and {@link #getInterpolatedMessage()}
* can be called.
* @return Returns {@code true} in case there are more message parameters, {@code false} otherwise.
* @throws MessageDescriptorFormatException
* in case the message descriptor is invalid
public boolean hasMoreInterpolationTerms() throws MessageDescriptorFormatException {
while (currentPosition < tokenList.size()) {
currentToken = tokenList.get(currentPosition);
if (currentToken.isParameter()) {
currentTokenAvailable =
return true;
allInterpolationTermsProcessed = true;
return false;
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_TokenIterator_replaceCurrentInterpolationTerm_rdh | /**
* Replaces the current interpolation term with the given string.
* @param replacement
* The string to replace the current term with.
public void replaceCurrentInterpolationTerm(String replacement) {
Token v0 = new Token(replacement);
tokenList.set(currentPosition - 1, v0);
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintViolationAssert_pathsAreEqual_rdh | /**
* Checks that two property paths are equal.
* @param p1
* The first property path.
* @param p2
* The second property path.
* @return {@code true} if the given paths are equal, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean pathsAreEqual(Path p1, Path p2) {
Iterator<Path.Node> p1Iterator = p1.iterator();
Iterator<Path.Node> p2Iterator = p2.iterator();
while (p1Iterator.hasNext()) {
Path.Node p1Node =;
if (!p2Iterator.hasNext()) {
return false;
Path.Node p2Node =;
// check that the nodes are of the same type
if (p1Node.getKind() != p2Node.getKind()) {
return false;
// do the comparison on the node values
if (p2Node.getName() ==
null) {
if (p1Node.getName() != null) {
return false;
} else if
(!p2Node.getName().equals(p1Node.getName())) {
return false;
if (p2Node.isInIterable() != p1Node.isInIterable()) {
return false;
if (p2Node.getIndex() == null) {
if (p1Node.getIndex() != null) {
return false;
} else if (!p2Node.getIndex().equals(p1Node.getIndex())) {
return false;}
if (p2Node.getKey() == null) {
if (p1Node.getKey() != null) {
return false;
} else if (!p2Node.getKey().equals(p1Node.getKey())) {
return false;
Class<?> p1NodeContainerClass = getContainerClass(p1Node);
Class<?> p2NodeContainerClass = getContainerClass(p2Node);
if (p2NodeContainerClass == null) {
if (p1NodeContainerClass != null) {
return false;}
} else if (!p2NodeContainerClass.equals(p1NodeContainerClass)) {
return false;
Integer p1NodeTypeArgumentIndex = getTypeArgumentIndex(p1Node);
Integer p2NodeTypeArgumentIndex = getTypeArgumentIndex(p2Node);
if (p2NodeTypeArgumentIndex == null) {
if (p1NodeTypeArgumentIndex != null) {
return false;
} else
if (!p2NodeTypeArgumentIndex.equals(p1NodeTypeArgumentIndex)) {
if (p1Node.getKind() ==
ElementKind.PARAMETER) {
int p1NodeParameterIndex =;
int p2NodeParameterIndex =;
if (p1NodeParameterIndex != p2NodeParameterIndex) {
return false;}
return !p2Iterator.hasNext();
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintViolationAssert_m0_rdh | /**
* Asserts that the given violation list has no violations (is empty).
* @param violations
* The violation list to verify.
public static void m0(Set<? extends ConstraintViolation<?>> violations,
String message) {
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintViolationAssert_assertCorrectConstraintTypes_rdh | /**
* <p>
* Asserts that the two given collections contain the same constraint types.
* </p>
* <p>
* Multiset semantics is used for the comparison, i.e. the same constraint
* type can be contained several times in the compared collections, but the
* order doesn't matter. The comparison is done using the class names, since
* {@link Class} doesn't implement {@link Comparable}.
* </p>
* @param actualConstraintTypes
* The actual constraint types.
* @param expectedConstraintTypes
* The expected constraint types.
private static <T> void assertCorrectConstraintTypes(Iterable<Class<? extends Annotation>> actualConstraintTypes, Class<?>... expectedConstraintTypes) {
Assertions.assertThat(actualConstraintTypes).extracting(Class::getName).containsExactlyInAnyOrder( -> c.getName()).toArray(size -> new String[size]));
} | 3.26 |
hibernate-validator_ConstraintViolationAssert_assertNoViolations_rdh | /**
* Asserts that the given violation list has no violations (is empty).
* @param violations
* The violation list to verify.
public static void assertNoViolations(Set<? extends ConstraintViolation<?>> violations) {
} | 3.26 |
Subsets and Splits