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final mid - year 2001 completed evaluation status below is the final report i plan to run on our progress in monitoring and tracking completed mid - year written evaluation forms across the north american employee base ( who were a part of the prc process ) . the results remain disappointing and i would again ask for your assistance in encouraging your direct reports to complete and send a copy of the final evaluation forms to their hr reps . please note the below illustrates forms registered back on employees personnel files and also that the support employees are shown under their related bu headings : enron wholesale services total on file enron americas 1079 548 50 . 8 % enron broadband services , inc 822 385 46 . 8 % enron canada corp 107 67 62 . 6 % enron engineering & operational services 968 407 42 . 0 % enron global markets 363 170 46 . 8 % enron industrial markets 192 122 63 . 5 % enron net works 1561 1011 64 . 8 % enron wholesale services 13 1 7 . 7 % wholesale ees 35 31 88 . 6 % ews - consolidated 5140 2742 53 . 3 % enron transportation services ets - consolidated 1259 483 * 38 . 4 % enron global assets and services ene asia - pacific / afr / ch llc 70 38 54 . 3 % enron caribbean basin llc 46 20 43 . 5 % enron india llc 25 9 36 . 0 % enron south america llc 28 10 35 . 7 % egas - consolidated 169 77 45 . 6 % enron energy services broadband networks construction 36 1 2 . 8 % ees north america , inc . 229 62 27 . 1 % enron energy services operations 1302 867 66 . 6 % integrated process technology 156 133 85 . 3 % ees - consolidated 1723 1063 61 . 7 % enron corp ecm treasury 98 39 39 . 8 % enron corp . 1120 662 59 . 1 % enron investment partners 7 2 28 . 6 % enron management , inc 21 5 23 . 8 % enron property & services 58 49 84 . 5 % enron corp . - consolidated 1304 757 58 . 1 % * ets did not require written evaluations for all staff . | 0 |
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re : creditdotcom projects amitava , can you schedule a brainstorming session with vasant , tanya , rakesh , myself and ben ( if possible ) ? what about the trip on monday . has it been scheduled ? vince amitava dhar @ enron 01 / 03 / 2001 08 : 30 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , ben parsons / lon / ect @ ect cc : vasant shanbhogue / hou / ect @ ect subject : creditdotcom projects the following is a good summary from vasant about the projects and what is ahead of us . ben , please let me know when things are ready ; i can plan my trip accordingly . thanks , amitava enroncredit . com is working on 3 main models - - - the fmc model , the placement model , and the movement model . fmc model : provides credit default swap price curves for 16 ratings with 33 industry offsets . each day , this model takes the previous day ' s trader curves and adjusts them for the movement in bloomberg yields and observed swap prices . placement model : uses linear regression to credit default swap prices using dummified ranges for market capitalization , liquidity , kmv score , etc . one main issue here is that the dataset is biased towards investment grade names . alternate approaches looked at developing separate models for separate sunsets of names . movement model : provides an alert system for news . this is under development . current involvement of houston research group members is in the development / modifications of the placement model , especially in thinking through the various single vs multi model approaches . we can help in the brainstorming for better models for subsets . one main project right now is to get a separate model for subsidiaries , and to exclude subsidiary names from the main regression . value - at - risk is based on historical variance - covariance approach . the portfolio model is under development . agenda for houston research group members : once sufficient data is collected , start reviewing for potential analytic relationships . get weekly updates from london , and provide feedback . plan on a trip if the work warrants it , once the agenda is fairly well drawn out , and data is available for analysis . | 0 |
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real - time trading aiert on flying penny stock " stock watch alert " this morning are wysak petroieum ( wysk ) , key energy services , inc . ( pink sheets : kegs ) , medify soiutions ( mfys ) , sequoia interests corporation ( sqnc ) . wysak petroieum ( wysk ) current price : o . 17 wysak petroieum announces the signing of a letter of intent with the european commission baitic renewable energy centre ( ec brec ) to assist wysak petroieum in the deveiopment of the wysak wind power project . ec brec and wysak have signed a loi in respect to the development of a fu | | - sized commercia | wind power project in europe . this | etter states that ec brec can support wysak in matters such as financia | structuring and investment , reguiatory issues , government poiicies , negotiations , wind technologies , and other aspects relating to wind power . about the wysak wind project this deveiopment wi | | be up to a maximum 90 mw in size and cost upwards of $ 12 o miilion in deveiopment expenditures . once completed , this wind park wil | supply upwards of 170 , ooo mw of eiectricity annua | | y for poland and the european community . this is enough green energy to suppiy upwards of 25 , 0 oo homes with electricity and offset neariy 17 o , 0 oo tonnes of greenhouse gases . tota | gross electric sales over a 2 o - year period are estimated at over $ 45 o mi | | ion for a project this size . about the ec baltic renewable energy centre the mission of european commission - founded ec brec is to stimulate the deveiopment of renewabie energy sources ( res ) in poiand through the construction of res projects , the deveiopment of innovative technoiogies , and the creation of reievant poiicies , strategies and pians . to fuifi | | the mission , ec brec uses its own research capabiiities and cooperates with partner institutions from the eu , other countries , and international organizations . about wysak petroieum wysak is a diversified energy company whose goa | is to identify and develop traditiona | fossi | fue | sites , as weil as ciean air alternative energy producing technologies . wysak controis one wyoming federal oi | they inciude exxonmobiie ( xom ) , wiliiams gas ( wmb ) , and western gas ( wgr ) among others . collectiveiy , over 26 , 0 oo weils produced 54 . 7 million barrels of oi | and 1 . 75 tri | | ion cubic feet of natura | gas in wyoming conciusion : the exampies above show the awesome , earning potential of little known companies that explode onto investor ' s radar screens ; many of you are already famiiiar with this . is wysk poised and positioned to do that for you ? then you may fee | the time has come to act . . . and piease watch this one trade friday ! go wysk . penny stocks are considered highiy specuiative and may be unsuitable for a | | but very aggressive investors . this profile is not in any way affiliated with the featured company . we were compensated 30 oo dollars to distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and advertising purposes oniy and should not be used as investment advice . if you wish to stop future mailings , or if you fee | you have been wrongfu | | y piaced in our membership , please go here or send a blank e mai | with no thanks in the subject to stockl 007 @ yahoo . com | 1 |
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<body><br><b> Parse error </b> : syntax error, unexpected ';' in <b> /home4/bhz/public_html/endo.ba/index.php </b> on line <b> 1 </b><br> | 1 |
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margin:10px 0 10px 0; text-align:center;"class=049d8d3ced3220f1d6a7f95391af1f63 data-index=1><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-3068901034982824 data-ad-slot=7548195192 style=display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px> </ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div><figure class="wp-caption alignright"style="width: 300px"aria-describedby=caption-attachment-137 id=attachment_137><a href=https://whatisdbms.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Relational-Database-Management-System-RDBMS-Images.jpg> <img alt="Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Images"class="size-medium wp-image-137"sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"srcset="https://whatisdbms.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Relational-Database-Management-System-RDBMS-Images-300x200.jpg 300w, https://whatisdbms.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Relational-Database-Management-System-RDBMS-Images-480x320.jpg 480w, https://whatisdbms.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Relational-Database-Management-System-RDBMS-Images-380x255.jpg 380w, https://whatisdbms.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Relational-Database-Management-System-RDBMS-Images.jpg 720w"height=200 loading=lazy src=https://whatisdbms.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Relational-Database-Management-System-RDBMS-Images-300x200.jpg width=300> </a><figcaption class=wp-caption-text id=caption-attachment-137>Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)</figcaption></figure><p class=cell><strong> <span style="color: #000000;"> What is Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) ? </span> </strong> <br> <span style="color: #000000;"> The RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is a system complying to the relational model developed by IBM’s E F Codd. It allows the user to construct, modify and administer a relational database. Most of the databases that exist today are an extension of this age old model. The data is structured in database tables, fields and records. </span><p class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> The stored data is allowed to be manipulated using relational operators in <strong> Relational Database Management System </strong> . SQL is used as the data query language in this system.This article will give you complete information about <strong> Relational Database Management System </strong> like its advantages, uses, features, disadvantages and <strong> how it is different from DBMS </strong> . </span><h2 class=cell><strong> <span style="color: #000000;"> Explain Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) </span> </strong></h2><p><span style="color: #000000;"> There are quite a few differences between these two systems. Some of them are: </span><h3 class=cell><strong> <span style="color: #000000;"> How is it different from a normal DBMS? </span> </strong></h3><ol><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> DBMS stores data as files whereas RDBMS stores data in a tabular arrangement. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> RDBMS allows for normalization of data. </span><li class=cell>R <span style="color: #000000;"> DBMS maintains a relation between the data stored in its tables. A normal DBMS does not provide any such link. It blankly stores data is its files. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Structured approach of RDBMS supports a distributed database unlike a normal database management system. </span></ol><h3 class=cell><strong> <span style="color: #000000;"> Features of RDBMS </span> </strong></h3><p class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> The system caters to a wide variety of applications and quite a few of its stand out features enable its worldwide use. The features include: </span><ol><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> First of all, its number one feature is the ability to store data in tables. The fact that the very storage of data is in a structured form can significantly reduce iteration time. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Data persists in the form of rows and columns and allows for a facility primary key to define unique identification of rows. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> It creates indexes for quicker data retrieval. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Allows for various types of data integrity like (i) Entity Integrity; wherein no duplicate rows in a table exist, (ii)Domain Integrity; that enforces valid entries for a given column by filtering the type, the format, or the wide use of values, (iii)Referential Integrity; which disables the deletion of rows that are in use by other records and (iv)User Defined Integrity;providing some specific business rules that do not fall into the above three. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Also allows for the virtual table creation which provides a safe means to store and secure sensitive content. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Common column implementation and also multi user accessibility is included in the RDBMS features. </span></ol><h3 class=cell><strong> <span style="color: #000000;"> Advantages of RDBMS </span> </strong></h3><p class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> The potential of this relational model has been more than justified by its state-of-the-art features. However a brief definition of its advantages also need to be mentioned to provide totality to its usefulness. </span><div style="float: none; margin:10px 0 10px 0; text-align:center;"class=049d8d3ced3220f1d6a7f95391af1f63 data-index=2><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-3068901034982824 data-ad-slot=7548195192 style=display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px> </ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div><ol><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Data is stored only once and hence multiple record changes are not required. Also deletion and modification of data becomes simpler and storage efficiency is very high. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Complex queries can be carried out using the Structure Query Language. Terms like ‘Insert’, ‘Update’, ‘Delete’, ‘Create’ and ‘Drop’ are keywords in SQL that help in accessing a particular data of choice. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Better security is offered by the creation of tables. Certain tables can be protected by this system. Users can set access barriers to limit access to the available content. It is very useful in companies where a manager can decide which data is provided to the employees and customers. Thus a customized level of data protection can be enabled. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Provision for future requirements as new data can easily be added and appended to the existing tables and can be made consistent with the previously available content. This is a feature that no flat file database has. </span></ol><h3 class=cell><strong> <span style="color: #000000;"> Disadvantages of RDBMS </span> </strong></h3><p class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Like there are two sides to a coin, RDBMS houses a few drawbacks as well. </span><div style="float: none; margin:10px 0 10px 0; text-align:center;"class=049d8d3ced3220f1d6a7f95391af1f63 data-index=2><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-3068901034982824 data-ad-slot=7548195192 style=display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px> </ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div><ol><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> The prime disadvantage of this effective system is its cost of execution. To set up a relational database management system, a special software needs to be purchased. Once it is bought, setting up of data is a tedious task. There will be millions of lines of content to be transferred to the tables. Some cases require the assistance of a programmer and a team of data entry specialists. Care must be taken to ensure secure data does not slip into the wrong hands at the time of data entry. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Simple text data can be easily added and appended. However, newer forms of data can be confusing. Complex images, numbers, designs are not easy to be categorized into tables and presents a problem. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Structure limits are another drawback. Certain fields in tables have a character limit. </span><li class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Isolated databases can be created if large chunks of information are separated from each other. Connecting such large volumes of data is not easy. </span></ol><h3 class=cell><strong> <span style="color: #000000;"> Uses of RDBMS </span> </strong></h3><p class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> They find application in disciplines like: Banking,airlines,universities, manufacturing and HR. </span><p class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> Using RDBMS can bring a systematic view to raw data. It is easy to understand and execute and hence enables better decision making as well. </span><p class=cell><span style="color: #000000;"> It ensures effective running of an accounting system.Moreover, ticket service and passenger information documentation in airlines, student databases in universities and product details along with consumer demand of these products in industries also comes under the wide usage scope of RDBMS. </span><p class=cell>So it was all about <span style="color: #000000;"> <strong> Relational Database Management System </strong> and its advantages, uses, features, disadvantages and <strong> how it is different from DBMS </strong> . </span><div style="float: none; margin:10px 0 10px 0; text-align:center;"class=049d8d3ced3220f1d6a7f95391af1f63 data-index=3><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-3068901034982824 data-ad-slot=7548195192 style=display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px> </ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div><div style="font-size: 0px; height: 0px; line-height: 0px; margin: 0; padding: 0; clear: both;"></div></div></div></article></div></div></div></div><div class="sidebar right-sidebar"id=right-sidebar itemscope itemtype=http://schema.org/WPSideBar><div class=sidebar-inner><div class="widget-area the-icons"><aside class="widget widget_text"id=text-2><div class=textwidget><p><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script> <br> <br> <ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-3068901034982824 data-ad-slot=3285346398 style=display:inline-block;width:300px;height:600px> </ins> <br> <script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div></aside><aside class="widget widget_meso_featured_multi_cpt_widget"id=meso_featured_multi_cpt_widget-2><h3 class=widget-title>More on DBMS</h3><ul class=featured-cat-posts><li class="has_no_thumb the-sidefeat-thumbnail"><div class=feat-post-meta><h5 class=feat-title><a title="What is Serializability in DBMS? 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( see the " how we do it " techniques described below ) . each file contains exactly 100 , 000 email addresses . there are only aol & mixed addresses on this cd . aol : you get over 50 files of 100 , 000 each of aol which equals over 5 , 000 , 000 addresses . the aol addresses are verified 100 % deliverable at time of production and were collected throughout the production schedule-then reverified as deliverable . all of the following domains have been removed from vol . 4 . absolutely not included : compuserve . com genie . com delphi . com gnn . com ( dropped by aol and not active at this time ) , edu , . gov , . mil , . org , and no state domains ending in . us no international domains used on this cd . only pure . com & . net ! ! ! no " duplicate " addresses . all " dupes " were filtered out . here ' s how we get the cleanest email addresses available anywhere ! ! 1 . 190 + million lines of email addresses were filtered and duplicates eliminated . this process , alone , reduces the list into a manageable number . 2 . another filter list of 400 + words / phrases were used to reduce the lists even more . no addresses with profane or inappropriate wording survived . 3 . a special filter file was used to eliminate most of the " web poisoned " email addresses from these lists . most of the lists we purged were full of bogus addresses . one list , in particular , had over 90 % poison in it . our exclusive system reduced these types of addresses to zero . 4 . a " daily updated " anti bulk email list of terrorists and general anti-internet advertising extremists was used to rid our lists of those people who , in a cowardly and deliberate manner , attack all marketing people who choose to utilize the greatest marketing discovery of all time - direct email . our database of these individuals is the largest one maintained worldwide and it keeps our lists of undesirable and extremist elements . 5 . in addition to the above , we also maintain a database that we update every day . this database contains undeliverable addresses , and addresses of those who have asked to be removed from any and all mailing lists ( this is comparable to the opt-out kind of list maintained by the dma , etc ) . owning this cd . . . is equivalent to you having to buy all lists and other cds of our competitors , plus the huge amount of resources our team secures through private means . the major difference is . . . . ours is thoroughly cleaned & free of all the " filled " & " bogus " addresses used by our competition to add inflated numbers to their lists . we perform hundreds of hours of production and thousands of dollars in order to offer you the cleanest and purest cd of quality addresses found anywhere worldwide ! sending your marketing letter to any one of our 100 lists of 100 , 000 ( 10 million in all ) is equivalent to sending 1 , 000 , 000 / one million of our competitors addresses to equal the same response , sales ratio , etc . would n't you rather send just 100 , 000 instead of 1 , 000 , 000 letters ? just think what results you would get if you sent 1 , 000 , 000 using our quality lists ! with our lists you will send less and get more results . our list will result in : higher response ratios higher sales ratios more receptive prospects ; less flames & non-buyers less contact with anti-commerce radicals who want the net for themselves ! you ' ll get 100 of the cleanest email files available anywhere ! each of our new volumes improves in quality and content . no competitor even comes close to matching this superior product . you must use it and compare for yourself ! this product will prove to be the best of it 's kind compared to any cd in terms of hours and money spent bringing it to market . no competitor will ever duplicate the effort of what it takes for us to produce this final product . we don t compromise quality , and we surely won't release any product before it passes our " high standards " test for quality . " you can buy the all of the rest or you can buy from the best " ! the millions cd - vol . 4 is the best ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ don t hesitate on this one or you will miss out on the most effective way to market anywhere . . . period ! if you have any further questions or to place an order , you can call us direct at : 1-800 - 242-0363 ext . 1226 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the millions cd - volume 4a * * * * * now only $ 225 . 00 ! * * * _ this price is effective for the next seven days , thereafter the price will be $ 299 . 00 so order now ! remember , bottom-line you always get what you pay for ! to order our email package , simply print out the ez order form below and fax our office today . we accept visa , mastercard , amex , and checks by fax . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ez order form _ _ _ _ _ yes ! i would like to order millions vol . 4a email addresses for only $ 225 . 00 . * please select one of the following for shipping . . _ _ _ _ i would like to receive my package overnight . i ' m including $ 15 for shipping . ( outside us add an additional $ 25 for shipping ) _ _ _ _ i would like to receive my package 2 day delivery . i ' m including $ 10 for shipping . ( outside us add an additional $ 25 for shipping ) date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city , state , zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone numbers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fax numbers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ email address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ type of credit card : _ _ _ _ _ _ visa _ _ _ _ _ mastercard credit card # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ expiration date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name on card _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ amount $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( required ) signature : x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ date : x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you may fax your order to us at : 1-603 - 452-6269 check by fax services ! if you would like to fax a check , paste your check below and fax it to our office along with all forms to : 1-603 - 452-6269 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 24 hour fax services * * * please paste your check here and fax it to us at 1-603 - 452-6269 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * if you fax a check , there is no need for you to send the original check . we will draft up a new check , with the exact information from your original check . all checks will be held for bank clearance . 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receivables ( more ) we have a 2 pm scheduled with cibc on tuesday to discuss receviables financing - attendees to include proffitt , bowen and myself . | 0 |
http://www.publicdomainsherpa.com/definition-of-public-domain.html | 0 |
iraq ' s antisanctions campaign : prospects and implications - cera decision brief the impacts of iraq suspending oil shipments could affect markets as early as mid - december . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lorna brennan / et & s / enron on 11 / 29 / 2000 04 : 59 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - webmaster @ cera . com on 11 / 29 / 2000 04 : 29 : 14 pm to : lorna . brennan @ enron . com cc : subject : iraq ' s antisanctions campaign : prospects and implications - cera decision brief cera decision brief : sent wed , november 29 , 2000 title : iraq ' s antisanctions campaign : prospects and implications author : placke e - mail category : decision brief product line : world oil , url : http : / / www . cera . com / cfm / track / eprofile . cfm ? u = 5526 & m = 1429 , alternative url : the iraqi regime , s campaign to neutralize and eliminate the un sanctions that have constrained it for ten years is gathering momentum . of immediate significance is the growing likelihood that the antisanctions campaign will again pit iraq against the un security council - - this time in a struggle over the financial controls at the heart of the " oil for food " program , whose current phase expires december 5 . such a struggle could lead to suspension of iraqi oil exports , perhaps for a few weeks , as has previously occurred , but possibly for considerably longer . should such a scenario unfold , the effect on a still tight and nervous oil market would be dramatic . * * end * * follow url for complete report . come shoot the rapids with us at ceraweek 2001 , " shooting the rapids : strategies and risks for the energy future " in houston , february 12 - 16 , 2001 ! for more information and to register , please visit http : / / www . cera . com / ceraweek / account changes to edit your personal account information , including your e - mail address , etc . go to : http : / / eprofile . cera . com / cfm / edit / account . cfm this electronic message and attachments , if any , contain information from cambridge energy research associates , inc . ( cera ) which is confidential and may be privileged . unauthorized disclosure , copying , distribution or use of the contents of this message or any attachments , in whole or in part , is strictly prohibited . terms of use : http : / / www . cera . com / tos . html questions / comments : webmaster @ cera . com copyright 2000 . cambridge energy research associates | 0 |
I've had this binding in my ~/.exmh/exmhbindings for years:set {bindings(key,Flist_FindUnseen 1 ; Inc_PresortFinish)} After updating to the current code in CVS I get "bad key f" when
I hit the "f" key. I can open the Bindings... Commands window
and define the binding. It then works until I restart exmh.I suspect a parsing problem/change. I'll try to look into this
tomorrow unless someone knows where the problem might be.--Hal
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This approach increases the chances that you will choose the most satisfying alternative possible.<p><a href=https://www.umassd.edu/media/umassdartmouth/fycm/decision_making_process.pdf> Download the PDF </a><h2>Step 1: Identify the decision</h2><p>You realize that you need to make a decision. Try to clearly define the nature of the decision you must make. This first step is very important.<h2>Step 2: Gather relevant information</h2><p>Collect some pertinent information before you make your decision: what information is needed, the best sources of information, and how to get it. This step involves both internal and external “work.” Some information is internal: you’ll seek it through a process of self-assessment. Other information is external: you’ll find it online, in books, from other people, and from other sources.<h2>Step 3: Identify the alternatives</h2><p>As you collect information, you will probably identify several possible paths of action, or alternatives. You can also use your imagination and additional information to construct new alternatives. In this step, you will list all possible and desirable alternatives.<h2>Step 4: Weigh the evidence</h2><p>Draw on your information and emotions to imagine what it would be like if you carried out each of the alternatives to the end. Evaluate whether the need identified in Step 1 would be met or resolved through the use of each alternative. As you go through this difficult internal process, you’ll begin to favor certain alternatives: those that seem to have a higher potential for reaching your goal. Finally, place the alternatives in a priority order, based upon your own value system.<h2>Step 5: Choose among alternatives</h2><p>Once you have weighed all the evidence, you are ready to select the alternative that seems to be best one for you. You may even choose a combination of alternatives. Your choice in Step 5 may very likely be the same or similar to the alternative you placed at the top of your list at the end of Step 4.<h2>Step 6: Take action</h2><p>You’re now ready to take some positive action by beginning to implement the alternative you chose in Step 5.<h2>Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences</h2><p>In this final step, consider the results of your decision and evaluate whether or not it has resolved the need you identified in Step 1. If the decision has <em> not </em> met the identified need, you may want to repeat certain steps of the process to make a new decision. For example, you might want to gather more detailed or somewhat different information or explore additional alternatives.</article><div class="col-md-3 col-xs-12 standard-pl hidden-print hiddenxx"id=sidebar-bs role=complementary><div class=section><div class=listing-heading><h2>Academic Programs</h2></div><div align=center class=media-container style=background:transparent;><img alt="UMass Dartmouth classroom"class=img-responsive src=https://www.umassd.edu/media/umassdartmouth/admissions/undergraduate/images/home-undergrad-admissions-programs-x2-2-600x400.jpg></div><p>With more than <a href=https://www.umassd.edu/programs/> 90 majors, minors, and options across 6 colleges </a> , your UMass Dartmouth education prepares you for a lifetime of personal and professional success.</div><div class=section><h4>Learn more</h4><ul><li><a href=https://www.umassd.edu/career/> Career Center </a><li><a href=https://www.umassd.edu/charlton/faculty/decision--information-sciences-faculty/> Department of 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Authorama - Public Domain Books
</title><link href=/screen.css media=screen rel=stylesheet><link href=/print.css media=print rel=stylesheet><meta content="Philipp Lenssen"name=author><meta content="Public domain books to read online."name=description><meta content="public domain books"name=keywords><body><div class=content id=cover><h1><span class=logo> Auth <span class=logoO> o </span> rama </span> <br> <span class=subtitle> Public Domain Books </span></h1><p class=introduction>Welcome to Authorama.com, featuring completely free books from a variety of different authors, collected here for you to read online or offline. The books may have been published before, but not in <a href=about.html> this form </a> , which I hope you find enjoyable to read and print. Feedback is welcome – enjoy the reading.<div class=searchbox><form action=http://www.google.com/cse><div><input name=q size=12> <input class=submitButton type=submit value=Search><br><input name=sa type=hidden value=Search><input name=ie type=hidden value=UTF-8><input name=cx type=hidden value=001647362868805548177:wjeo6amca3u></div></form></div><p><q> “The site was something I would never have thought to look for but as I’ve seen it now it has been a wee surprise. I work offshore on a pipe-laying vessel and spend six weeks at a time at sea, now I have a little library of works to read that I print off and use in my off shift. <br> The other guys on-board are using it too and it’s thanks to yourself we’ve got some interesting reading.” <br> <cite> – Brian McGuire </cite> </q><h2>A</h2><p><strong> Edwin A. Abbott </strong> : <a href=flatland-1.html> Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions </a><p><strong> Israel Abrahams </strong> : <a href=delight-1.html> The Book of Delight </a> | <a href=chapters-on-jewish-literature-1.html> Chapters On Jewish Literature </a><p><strong> Arthur Achleitner </strong> : <a href=celsissimus-1.html> Celsissimus </a><p><strong> Brooks Adams </strong> : <a href=theory-of-social-revolutions-1.html> The Theory of Social Revolutions </a><p><strong> W. Bion Adkins </strong> : <a href=jericho-road-1.html> The Jericho Road </a><p><strong> Florence Akin </strong> : <a href=opera-stories-from-wagner-1.html> Opera Stories From Wagner </a><p><strong> Horatio Alger, Jr. </strong> : <a href=the-store-boy-1.html> The Store Boy </a> | <a href=ragged-dick-1.html> Ragged Dick </a><p><strong> Meer Hassan Ali </strong> : <a href=observations-on-the-mussulmauns-of-india-1.html> Observations on the Mussulmauns of India </a><p><strong> Dante Alighieri </strong> : <a href=goettliche-komoedie-1.html> Die Göttliche Komödie </a><p><strong> Joseph A. Altsheler </strong> : <a href=lords-of-the-wild-1.html> Lords of the Wild </a><p><strong> Rahul Alvares </strong> : <a href=free-from-school-1.html> Free From School </a><p><strong> Anonymous </strong> : <a href=goody-two-shoes-1.html> Goody Two-Shoes </a><p><strong> Hans Christian Andersen </strong> : <a href=true-story-of-my-life-1.html> The True Story of My Life </a><p><strong> Robert Gordon Anderson </strong> : <a href=half-past-seven-stories-1.html> Half-Past Seven Stories </a><p><strong> Aristotle </strong> : <a href=the-poetics-1.html> The Poetics </a><p><strong> Matthew Arnold </strong> : <a href=culture-and-anarchy-1.html> Culture and Anarchy </a><p><strong> Jane Austen </strong> : <a href=pride-and-prejudice-1.html> Pride and Prejudice </a><p><strong> I. Windslow Ayer </strong> : <a href=north-western-conspiracy-1.html> The Great North-Western Conspiracy In All Its Startling Details </a><h2>B</h2><p><strong> Francis Bacon </strong> : <a href=essays-of-francis-bacon-1.html> Essays of Francis Bacon </a><p><strong> James Baldwin </strong> : <a href=old-greek-stories-1.html> Old Greek Stories </a><p><strong> Honore de Balzac </strong> : <a href=girl-with-golden-eyes-1.html> The Girl With the Golden Eyes </a> | <a href=father-goriot-1.html> Father Goriot </a><p><strong> Robert Hugh Benson </strong> : <br> <a href=lord-of-the-world-1.html> Lord of the World </a><p><strong> Henri Bergson </strong> : <a href=laughter-1.html> Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of Comic </a><p><strong> Ambrose Bierce </strong> : <a href=the-devils-dictionary-1.html> The Devil’s Dictionary </a><p><strong> Mary Hastings Bradley </strong> : <a href=the-fortieth-door-1.html> The Fortieth Door </a><p><strong> Edwin Bryant </strong> : <a href=what-i-saw-in-california-1.html> What I saw in California </a><p><strong> John Buchan </strong> : <a href=thirty-nine-steps-1.html> The Thirty-nine Steps </a><p><strong> Frances Hodgson Burnett </strong> : <a href=secret-garden-1.html> The Secret Garden </a><p><strong> Edgar Rice Burroughs </strong> (1875-1950, American novelist and creator of Tarzan): <a href=at-the-earths-core-1.html> At the Earth’s Core </a> <br> A group of scientists use their drilling machine to get down into the hollow space at the earth’s center. They find life forms which have survived for millions of years. <br> (Not to be confused with Jules Verne’s "A Journey to the Center of the Earth".)<p><strong> Eliza Burt Gamble </strong> : <a href=god-idea-of-the-ancients-1.html> The God-Idea of the Ancients </a><p><strong> Richard F. Burton </strong> : <a href=gold-coast-for-gold-1.html> To the Gold Coast for Gold </a><p><strong> Samuel Butler </strong> : <a href=essays-on-life-art-and-science-1.html> Essays on Life, Art, and Science </a><h2>C</h2><p><strong> G. Cambrensis </strong> : <a href=description-of-wales-1.html> Description of Wales </a><p><strong> Campan </strong> : <a href=memoirs-of-marie-antoinette-1.html> Memoirs of Marie Antoinette </a> | <a href=memoirs-of-marie-antoinette-b-1.html> Memoirs of Marie Antoinette (B) </a><p><strong> Lewis Carroll </strong> : <a href=alice-in-wonderland-1.html> Alice in Wonderland </a> (The story of a little girl who tumbles down a rabbit hole, and into adventure with the White Rabbit, the Queen of Hearts, Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the Mad Hatter, and the Cheshire Cat.) <br> Lewis Carroll was the pseudonym of <em class=externalLink> <a href=http://www.people.virginia.edu/~bhs2u/carroll/dodgson.html> Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, photographer </a> </em> , lecturer in Mathematics at Christ Church Oxford, and author of kid’s tales "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" (1865) and "Through the Looking Glass" (1872).<p><p><a href=through-the-looking-glass-1.html> Through the Looking-Glass </a><p><strong> G.K. Chesterton </strong> : <a href=crimes-of-england-1.html> The Crimes of England </a><p><strong> CIA </strong> - The World Factbook 2000: <a href=world-2000-a-1.html> Part A (Afghanistan - Cayman Islands) </a> | <a href=world-2000-b-1.html> Part B (Central African Republic - Haiti) </a> | <a href=world-2000-c-1.html> Part C (Honduras - Madagascar) </a> | <a href=world-2000-d-1.html> Part D (Malawi - Paraguay) </a> | <a href=world-2000-e-1.html> Part E (Peru - Tromelin Island) </a> | <a href=world-2000-f-1.html> Part F (Tunisia - Zimbabwe) </a> | <a href=world-2000-notes-1.html> Notes, Definitions, Appendix </a> | <em> <a href=flags.html> Flags </a> </em><h2>D</h2><p><strong> Richard Henry Dana </strong> : <a href=two-years-before-the-mast-1.html> Two Years Before the Mast </a><p><strong> Andrew McFarland Davis </strong> : <a href=indian-games-1.html> Indian Games </a><p><strong> Richard Harding Davis </strong> : <a href=the-man-who-could-not-lose-1.html> The Man Who Could Not Lose </a> | <a href=the-amateur-1.html> The Amateur </a> | <a href=a-wasted-day-1.html> A Wasted Day </a><p><strong> Charles Dickens </strong> : <a href=a-christmas-carol-1.html> A Christmas Carol </a> | <a href=the-lamplighter-1.html> The Lamplighter </a> | <a href=the-seven-poor-travellers-1.html> The Seven Poor Travellers </a> | <a href=sketches-of-young-couples-1.html> Sketches of Young Couples </a> | <a href=the-lazy-tour-or-two-idle-apprentices-1.html> The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices </a> <br> Charles Dickens’ (1812-1870) views on social reform were influenced by his childhood poverty and feelings of abandonment.<p><strong> Joseph Devlin </strong> : <a href=how-to-speak-and-write-correctly-1.html> How to Speak and Write Correctly </a><p><strong> Cory Doctorow </strong> : <a href=down-and-out-in-the-magic-kingdom-1.html> Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom </a> | <a href=microsoft-research-drm-talk-1.html> Microsoft Research DRM Talk </a> | <a href=andas-game-1.html> Anda’s game </a><p><strong> Fyodor Dostoyevsky </strong> : <a href=notes-from-the-underground-1.html> Notes from the Underground </a><p><strong> Norman Douglas </strong> : <a href=old-calabria-1.html> Old Calabria </a><p><strong> Sir Arthur Conan Doyle </strong> : <a href=adventure-of-the-bruce-partington-plans-1.html> The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans </a> | <a href=adventure-of-the-cardboard-box-1.html> The Adventure of the Cardboard Box </a> | <a href=adventure-of-the-devils-foot-1.html> The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot </a><p><strong> Jonathan Dunn </strong> : <a href=revolutions-of-time-1.html> The Revolutions of Time </a><h2>E</h2><p><strong> Charles A. Eastman </strong> : <a href=indian-heroes-and-great-chieftains-1.html> Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains </a><p><strong> Ralph Waldo Emerson </strong> : <a href=essays-first-series-1.html> Essays, First Series </a> (this collection contains History, Self-reliance, Compensation, Spiritual laws, Love, Friendship, Prudence, Heroism, The Over-Soul, Circles, Intellect, Art) | <a href=essays-second-series-1.html> Essays, Second Series </a> (contains The Poet, Experience, Character, Manners, Gifts, Nature, Politics, Nominalist and Realist, New England Reformers)<p><strong> Epictetus </strong> : <a href=the-golden-sayings-of-epictetus-1.html> The Golden Sayings of Epictetus </a> (Words and wisdom by Epictetus, circa 55-135 AD)<p><strong> Evelyn Everett-Green </strong> : <a href=heroine-of-france-1.html> A Heroine of France </a><h2>F</h2><p><strong> Don Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy </strong> : <a href=true-version-of-the-philippine-revolution-1.html> True Version of the Philippine Revolution </a><p><strong> John Fiske </strong> : <a href=unseen-world-and-other-essays-1.html> The Unseen World and Other Essays </a><p><strong> Theodor Fontane </strong> : <a href=effi-briest-1.html> Effi Briest </a><h2>G</h2><p><strong> Emile Gaboriau </strong> : <a href=within-an-inch-of-his-life-1.html> Within an Inch of His Life </a><p><strong> Dan Gillmor </strong> : <a href=we-the-media-1.html> We the Media </a><p><strong> Johann Wolfgang von Goethe </strong> (1749-1832, German poet, novelist and scientist, author of <em> Faust </em> , and leading figure of the <em> Sturm und Drang </em> movement. See his <em> <a href=http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/goethe.htm> biography </a> </em> ): <a href=die-leiden-des-jungen-werther-1.html> Die Leiden des jungen Werther </a> | <a href=the-sorrows-of-young-werther-1.html> The Sorrows of Young Werther </a> <br> <a href=hermann-and-dorothea-1.html> Hermann and Dorothea </a> | <a href=hermann-und-dorothea-1.html> Hermann und Dorothea </a><p><strong> Grimm Brothers </strong> : <a href=grimms-fairy-tales-1.html> Grimms’ Fairy Tales </a><p><strong> George and Weedon Grossmith </strong> : <a href=diary-of-a-nobody-1.html> Diary of a Nobody </a> ("A hugely entertaining chronicle of English life and trivia in its Victorian heyday.")<h2>H</h2><p><strong> John H. Haaren </strong> : <a href=famous-men-of-the-middle-ages-1.html> Famous Men of the Middle Ages </a><p><strong> Lewis Hodus </strong> : <a href=buddhism-and-buddhists-in-china-1.html> Buddhism and Buddhists in China </a><p><strong> Gordon Home </strong> : <a href=what-to-see-in-england-1.html> What to See in England </a><p><strong> Horace </strong> : <a href=works-of-horace-1.html> The Works of Horace </a><h2>I</h2><p><strong> George Iles </strong> : <a href=19th-century-actor-autobiographies-1.html> 19th Century Acor Autobiographies </a> (Library of Little Masterpieces)<h2>J</h2><p><strong> Joseph Jacobs </strong> : <a href=celtic-fairy-tales-1.html> Celtic Fairy Tales </a> <br> | <a href=english-fairy-tales-1.html> English Fairy Tales </a> | <a href=indian-fairy-tales-1.html> Indian Fairy Tales </a><p><strong> Fedor Jagor et al </strong> : <a href=former-philippines-1.html> The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes </a> | <a href=former-philippines-b-1.html> Part II </a> <br><p><strong> William James </strong> : <a href=pragmatism-1.html> Pragmatism </a> | <a href=meaning-of-truth-1.html> Meaning of Truth </a> | <a href=varieties-of-religious-experience-1.html> The Varieties of Religious Experience </a> | <a href=varieties-of-religious-experience-ii-1.html> The Varieties of Religious Experience II </a><p><strong> Jerome K. Jerome </strong> : <a href=three-men-in-a-boat-1.html> Three Men in a Boat </a><p><strong> James Johonnot </strong> : <a href=ten-great-events-in-history-1.html> Ten Great Events in History </a><p><strong> Henry Jones </strong> : <a href=browning-as-a-philosophical-and-religious-teacher-1.html> Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher </a><p><strong> James Joyce </strong> : <a href=ulysses-1.html> Ulysses </a><h2>K</h2><p><strong> Franz Kafka </strong> : <a href=metamorphosis-1.html> Metamorphosis </a><p><strong> Henry Ketcham </strong> : <a href=life-of-abraham-lincoln-1.html> The Life of Abraham Lincoln </a><p><strong> Rudyard Kipling </strong> : <a href=jungle-book-1.html> The Jungle Book </a><p><strong> Juliette Augusta Magill Kinzie </strong> : <a href=wau-bun-1.html> Wau-Bun </a><p><strong> Grenville Kleiser </strong> : <a href=worlds-great-sermons-1.html> The World’s Great Sermons </a><p><strong> Heinrich von Kleist </strong> : <a href=der-zerbrochene-krug-1.html> Der Zerbrochene Krug </a><h2>L</h2><p><strong> Stephen Leacock </strong> : <a href=hohenzollerns-in-america-1.html> The Hohenzollerns in America </a> <br><p><strong> Maurice Leblanc </strong> : <a href=extraordinary-adventures-of-arsene-lupin-1.html> The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin, Gentleman-Burglar </a><p><strong> Lawrence Lessig </strong> : <a href=free-culture-1.html> Free Culture </a><p><strong> John Lingard </strong> : <a href=history-of-england-1.html> The History of England </a> | <a href=history-of-england-b-1.html> (B) </a><p><strong> Henrik van Loon </strong> : <a href=story-of-mankind-1.html> The Story of Mankind </a><p><strong> Jack London </strong> : <a href=jack-london-1.html> Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories </a><p><strong> Sir John Lubbock </strong> : <a href=pleasures-of-life-1.html> The Pleasures of Life </a><h2>N</h2><p><strong> George Henry Needler </strong> : <a href=nibelungenlied-1.html> The Nibelungenlied </a><p><strong> Friedrich Nietzsche </strong> (a German philosopher of late 19th century, challenged foundations of traditional morality with his questioning of doctrines. Famous for his statement that "God is dead!", his works often deal with issues of nihilism and existentialism): <a href=beyond-good-and-evil-1.html> Beyond Good and Evil </a> | <a href=die-geburt-der-tragoedie-1.html> Die Geburt der Tragödie </a> (German)<p><strong> Scott Niven </strong> : <a href=short-stories-1.html> Short Stories by Scott Niven </a><p><strong> Bill Nye </strong> : <a href=remarks-1.html> Remarks </a> | <a href=remarks-b-1.html> Remarks (B) </a><h2>O</h2><p><strong> Mrs. Oliphant </strong> : <a href=jeanne-d-arc-1.html> Jeanne d’Arc </a> (Joan of Arc)<p><strong> Lyndon Orr </strong> : <a href=famous-affinities-of-history-i-1.html> Famous Affinities of History (I of IV) </a> | <a href=famous-affinities-of-history-ii-1.html> Famous Affinities of History (II of IV) </a> | <a href=famous-affinities-of-history-iii-1.html> Famous Affinities of History (III of IV) </a> | <a href=famous-affinities-of-history-iv-1.html> Famous Affinities of History (IV of IV) </a><h2>P</h2><p><strong> Frank L. Packard </strong> : <a href=adventures-of-jimmie-dale-i-1.html> The Adventures of Jimmie Dale Part I </a> <br> <a href=adventures-of-jimmie-dale-ii-2.html> The Adventures of Jimmie Dale Part II </a><p><strong> Brett Page </strong> : <a href=writing-for-vaudeville-1.html> Writing for Vaudeville (A) </a> | <a href=writing-for-vaudeville-b-1.html> Writing for Vaudeville (B) </a><p><strong> Paine </strong> : <a href=boys-life-of-mark-twain-1.html> The Boys’ Life of Mark Twain </a> | <a href=old-merchant-marine-1.html> The Old Merchant Marine </a><p><strong> George Herbert Palmer </strong> : <a href=nature-of-goodness-1.html> The Nature of Goodness </a><p><strong> Gilbert Parker </strong> : <a href=money-master-1.html> The Money Master </a><p><strong> Dewitt H. Parker </strong> : <a href=principles-of-aesthetics-1.html> The Principles Of Aesthetics </a> <br><p><strong> Edward Harper Parker </strong> : <a href=ancient-china-simplified-1.html> Ancient China Simplified </a><p><strong> John H. Parker </strong> : <a href=gatlings-at-santiago-1.html> Gatlings at Santiago </a><p><strong> Walter Horatio Pater </strong> : <a href=renaissance-1.html> The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry </a> | <a href=miscellaneous-studies-1.html> Miscellaneous Studies: A Series of Essays </a><p><strong> Bliss Perry </strong> : <a href=american-spirit-in-literature-1.html> The American Spirit in Literature </a> | <a href=study-of-poetry-1.html> A Study of Poetry </a><p><strong> David Graham Phillips </strong> : <a href=second-generation-1.html> The Second Generation </a><p><strong> Marcel Proust </strong> : <a href=remembrance-of-things-past-1.html> Remembrance of Things Past: Swann’s Way I </a> | <a href=remembrance-of-things-past-ii-1.html> Swann’s Way II </a><h2>Q</h2><p><strong> Thomas de Quincey </strong> : <a href=miscellaneous-essays-1.html> Miscellaneous Essays </a><h2>R</h2><p><strong> Kate Milner Rabb </strong> : <a href=national-epics-1.html> National Epics </a><p><strong> Walter Raleigh </strong> : <a href=england-and-the-war-1.html> England and the War </a><p><strong> Louise de la Ramee </strong> : <a href=bimbi-1.html> Bimbi </a><p><strong> Ransome </strong> : <a href=crisis-in-russia-1.html> Crisis in Russia </a><p><strong> Raspe </strong> : <a href=adventures-of-baron-munchausen-1.html> The Adventures of Baron Munchausen </a><p><strong> A.E.J. Rawlinson </strong> : <a href=religious-reality-1.html> Religious Reality </a><p><strong> Joshua Reynolds </strong> : <a href=seven-discourses-on-art-1.html> Seven Discourses On Art </a><p><strong> Apollonius Rhodius </strong> : <a href=argonautica-1.html> Argonautica </a><p><strong> Laura E. Richards </strong> : <a href=melody-1.html> Melody </a><h2>S</h2><p><strong> Edward Salisbury Field </strong> : <a href=cupids-understudy-1.html> Cupid’s Understudy </a><p><strong> Leader Scott </strong> : <a href=fra-bartolommeo-1.html> Fra Bartolommeo </a><p><strong> Ernest Thompson Seton </strong> : <a href=two-little-savages-1.html> Two Little Savages </a><p><strong> Mary Shelley </strong> : <a href=frankenstein-1.html> Frankenstein </a><p><strong> Johanna Spyri </strong> : <a href=heidi-1.html> Heidi </a><p><strong> Frank Preston Stearns </strong> : <a href=cambridge-sketches-1.html> Cambridge Sketches </a><p><strong> Robert Louis Stevenson </strong> : <a href=fables-1.html> Fables </a> | <a href=strange-case-of-dr-jekyll-and-mr-hyde-1.html> Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde </a><p><strong> Donald Ogden Stewart </strong> : <a href=a-parody-outline-of-history-1.html> A Parody Outline of History </a><h2>T</h2><p><strong> H.D. Traill </strong> : <a href=sterne-1.html> Sterne </a><p><strong> Mark Twain </strong> (an American writer, humorist, and journalist, most famous for his stories of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. He is also originator of many anecdotes, <a href=quotes/mark-twain.html> quips and quotes </a> ): <a href=a-dogs-tale-1.html> A Dog’s Tale </a> |<h2>W</h2><p><strong> Alfred R. Wallace </strong> : <a href=malay-archipelago-1-1.html> The Malay Archipelago, Volume I </a> | <a href=malay-archipelago-2-1.html> The Malay Archipelago, Volume II </a><p><strong> H.G. Wells </strong> ("English novelist, journalist, sociologist, and historian, whose science-fiction stories have been filmed many times. Wells’s best known books are <em> The Time Machine </em> (1895), <em> The Invisible Man </em> (1897), and <em> The War of the Worlds </em> (1898)." -- From: <em> <a href=http://www.online-literature.com/wellshg/> H.G. Wells - Biography and Works </a> </em> ): <a href=the-war-of-the-worlds-1.html> The War of the Worlds </a> (This book from 1898 pictures Earth invasions by Martians, launching a whole new sub-genre of alien sci-fi. On Halloween 1938, Orson Welles and the Mercury Teater scared thousands of radio listeners with their presentation of the story a series of fake "live" news bulletins -- people believed America was under attack by aliens and panicked)<p><strong> Oscar Wilde </strong> : <a href=the-picture-of-dorian-gray-1.html> The Picture of Dorian Gray </a> | <a href=salome-1.html> Salome </a> <br><h2>X</h2><p><strong> Cao Xueqin </strong> : <a href=hung-lou-meng-i-a-1.html> Hung Lou Meng I (A) </a> | <a href=hung-lou-meng-i-b-1.html> Hung Lou Meng I (B) </a> | <a href=hung-lou-meng-ii-a-1.html> Hung Lou Meng II (A) </a> | <a href=hung-lou-meng-ii-b-1.html> Hung Lou Meng II (B) </a><h2>Z</h2><p><strong> Emile Zola </strong> : <a href=l-assommoir-1.html> L’Assommoir </a> | <a href=doctor-pascal-1.html> Doctor Pascal </a><div class=separator> </div><p><strong> wordburn </strong> (wûrd'bûrn) <em> n. </em> - Inflammation or blistering of the brain caused by overexposure to direct words<p class=footer>All the classic literature featured on this site, as well as illustrations within the book pages, are in the public domain. 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