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2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
U.S. Crude Oil Supplies Rose a Seventh Week, Survey Shows
B y M a r k S h e n k
U.S. crude-oil inventories probably increased for a seventh week as imports rebounded from a one- month low, a Bloomberg News survey showed. Supplies climbed 1.3 million barrels in the seven days ended April 15 from 359.3 million a week earlier, according to the median of 13 analyst estimates before an Energy Department report tomorrow. Eleven respondents forecast a gain, one projected a decline and one said there was no change. Crude-oil imports slipped 4.2 percent to 8.57 million barrels a day in the week ended April 8, the lowest level since the seven days ended March 4, according to the department. Imports arrived at an average rate of 9.1 million barrels a day over the past year. “It looks like imports should increase,” said Peter Beutel , president of Cameron Hanover Inc., an energy-advisory company in New Canaan , Connecticut . “Imports have been very low and we’ve still seen inventories increase. If imports climb, we could get a surprisingly big gain.” Refineries probably operated at 82.3 percent of capacity, up 0.9 percentage point from the prior week, according to the Bloomberg News survey. Units are often idled in February and March as their owners prepare for the switch from the peak- demand period for heating oil to the summer months when gasoline consumption surges. Gasoline inventories declined 1.5 million barrels from 209.7 million last week, the survey showed. Nine of the respondents projected a drop and four anticipated a gain. Supplies of distillate fuel, a category that includes heating oil and diesel, probably rose 300,000 barrels from 150.8 million. Seven of the analysts anticipated an increase, five said there was a decline and one projected no change. The department is scheduled to release its weekly report at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in Washington . To contact the reporter on this story: Mark Shenk in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dan Stets at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Pfizer, J&J Must Train U.S. Doctors on Safe Use of Painkillers
B y C a t h e r i n e L a r k i n
Pfizer Inc. (PFE) , Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) and Endo Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc. (ENDP) will have to train doctors before they can give patients extended-release painkillers under a U.S. plan aimed at reducing prescription drug abuse. Sixteen companies that make 25 pain patches and pills must create a program to teach medical professionals when these drugs should be used to combat pain and how to recognize signs that the treatments are being misused, the Food and Drug Administration said today. The Obama administration is urging Congress to mandate the training as part of licensing required by the Drug Enforcement Administration every three years. The FDA began discussing in February 2009 how best to prevent deaths and side effects from overdose or tampering of long-acting painkillers to get high. While the agency has stopped short of restricting drug distribution, tougher controls may follow if abuse isn’t curbed, said Janet Woodcock , director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “There’s an epidemic of prescription drug abuse that is beginning to rival that of illegal drug abuse,” Woodcock said in a telephone interview. “It’s either the kids who get it out of their medicine cabinet or someone who gets multiple prescriptions.” The medicines cited by the FDA include New York-based Pfizer’s Avinza and Embeda morphine capsules; Duragesic, a fentanyl patch made by New Brunswick, New Jersey-based J&J and generic competitors; Chadds Ford , Pennsylvania-based Endo’s Opana oxymorphone tablets; and OxyContin, an oxycodone tablet made by closely held Purdue Pharma LP of Stamford , Connecticut . High-Dose Painkillers The drugs are sustained-release, high-dose painkillers derived from the opium poppy, also known as opioids. Doctors considered these medicines to be a major breakthrough for cancer and chronic pain when they were introduced in the mid-1990s, though it became clear the drugs were easy to manipulate. Purdue agreed in 2007 to pay $634.5 million to settle claims that promotions for OxyContin from 1996 to 2001 misled doctors about the drug’s risks. The risk-minimization program is the largest ever imposed by FDA, Woodcock said. The agency gained the authority to require these types of plans as a condition for marketing under 2007 legislation. An estimated 23 million prescriptions for extended-release opioid drugs are written annually, representing about one-tenth of prescription painkillers, according to the FDA. Pfizer’s King Pharma division, acquired last month, has been developing drugs with physical and chemical properties to resist tampering. Embeda, the first of these medicines, is included in the training program because it hasn’t been proven to be safer than the older medicines, Woodcock said. To contact the reporter on this story: Catherine Larkin in Washington at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Adriel Bettelheim at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Greek Two-Year Yields Reach Record as Demand Wanes at Auction; Bunds Slide
B y K e i t h J e n k i n s a n d E m m a C h a r l t o n
Greek note yields reached euro-era records amid growing speculation the country will need to restructure its debt as financing costs mount. German debt slid as data showed European services and manufacturing growth unexpectedly accelerated in April, bolstering the case for higher interest rates . Greece sold 1.625 billion euros ($2.3 billion) of 13-week bills at a higher interest rate amid lower demand than the previous auction of similar debt. Greek two-year note yields breached 20 percent for the first time yesterday. Portuguese two-year yields rose to the highest in at least 15 years today. “The fact that Greece was able to overcome this particular hurdle will provide some relief,” said Orlando Green , assistant director of capital-markets strategy at Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank in London. “There’s still a concern over liquidity. There hasn’t been a shift to positive sentiment, and they’re not out of the woods yet.” Greek two-year yields rose 29 basis points to 20.62 percent, after touching 20.67 percent, the highest since at least 1998, when Bloomberg began collecting the data. The 4.6 percent security due 2013 fell 0.22, or 2.2 euros per 1,000-euro face amount, to 75.03 as of 4:16 p.m. in London . The Greek 10- year yield fell seven basis points to 14.48 percent after rising as high as 14.66 percent, a euro-era record, before the auction. Wider Spread Today’s Greek sale was priced at a yield of 4.10 percent, up from 3.85 percent at an auction of similar debt on Feb. 15. Investors bid for 3.45 times the amount of securities offered, down from the previous bid-to-cover ratio of 5.08. The yield difference, or spread, between the nation’s 10- year bonds and German securities of a similar maturity, earlier reached 1,138 basis points. That’s the most since at least 1998. Portugal ’s two-year note declined for a fifth consecutive day, pushing the yield to 10.26 percent, the highest since at least 1996. Greek government spokesman George Petalotis today “categorically” denied reports in newspapers that said Greece has asked to extend maturities of the country’s debt. The cost of insuring Greek government debt increased seven basis points to 1,260 basis points, surpassing yesterday’s record closing level, according to CMA prices for credit default swaps. Contracts on Portugal dropped from a record, falling three basis points to 618. More Problems German bunds fell for the first time in six days. A composite index based on a survey of euro-area purchasing managers in services and manufacturing industries rose to 57.8 in April from 57.6 in March, London-based Markit Economics said today. Economists had projected a drop to 57. A reading above 50 indicates expansion. The 10-year bund yield was three basis points higher at 3.28 percent, after reaching 3.225 percent, the lowest since March 24. Yields on two-year notes were six basis points higher at 1.79 percent. They earlier touched 1.716 percent, the lowest since March 25. European Central Bank Executive Board member Juergen Stark said any country seeking to renegotiate its debt obligations would find it creates more problems than it solves. “It might be perceived at some point by some policy makers as an easy way out, but it would not solve the problem,” Stark said, according to an interview published today. “On the contrary. It is extremely costly to the respective countries. If they really considered restructuring debt, they would have to pay in the future a higher risk premium .” Rate Outlook Some ECB governing council members have signaled they favor raising rates further after increasing the benchmark rate 25 basis points to 1.25 percent on April 7. Policy makers are balancing the need for higher borrowing costs in countries like Germany , where the economy is booming, against soaring bond yields in the region’s heavily indebted nations. Germany plans to auction 6 billion euros in new five-year 2.75 percent notes tomorrow, while Spain is due to sell up to 3.5 billion euros of bonds maturing in 2021 and 2024. The yield difference between Spain’s 10-year bonds and similar-maturity German bunds narrowed to 223 basis points after reaching 232 basis points earlier, the most since Jan. 28. “With Spanish yields close to the highest levels we’ve seen over the past months, there should be enough concession for the auction,” said Norbert Aul, a strategist at Royal Bank of Canada in London. “There is still a clear risk scenario with respect to the recent underperformance of Spanish paper as well, given the fact that this auction is before the Easter break.” Spanish 10-year bond yields fell four basis points to 5.51 percent. They reached 5.60 percent yesterday, the highest since Jan. 11. Two-year yields slipped five basis points to 3.52 percent, after earlier rising to 3.64 percent, also the most since Jan. 11. German government bonds have handed investors a loss of 1.8 percent this year, according to indexes compiled by the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies and Bloomberg, while Treasuries have returned 0.6 percent. Greek debt has lost 7.4 percent, the indexes show, while Spain’s has gained 1 percent. To contact the reporters on this story: Keith Jenkins in London at [email protected] ; Emma Charlton in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Daniel Tilles at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Sunoco Said to Start Reformer Tomorrow at Philadelphia Refinery
B y A a r o n C l a r k
Sunoco Inc. (SUN) is scheduled to begin restarting a reformer at its Philadelphia refinery tomorrow after maintenance, according to a person with knowledge of the work. Repairs have also been completed on a joint associated with a fluid catalytic cracker that was damaged during a flange fire April 13 at the plant, according to the person, who declined to be identified because the information isn’t public. The unit hasn’t returned to service yet, the person said. The reformer and associated units were shut in mid-March for work, according to the person. Joe McGinn, a spokesman for the company, declined to comment on operations. The Sunoco refinery has a capacity of 355,000 barrels a day, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. To contact the reporter on this story: Aaron Clark in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dan Stets at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Burberry Fiscal Fourth-Quarter Sales Beat Estimates on China
B y A n d r e w R o b e r t s
Burberry Group Plc (BRBY) , the U.K.’s largest luxury retailer, reported fiscal fourth-quarter sales that beat analysts’ estimates and confirmed that adjusted full- year profit will be near the top end of market expectations. Excluding Spain, revenue in the quarter ended March 31 rose 32 percent to 390 million pounds ($633 million) from 295 million pounds a year earlier, the London-based company said today in a statement. The average estimate of three analysts compiled by Bloomberg was for sales of 351.3 million pounds. “While the luxury industry faces global challenges in the year ahead, we remain confident in our team’s ability to outperform,” Chief Executive Officer Angela Ahrendts said in the statement. Burberry said in January that full-year adjusted pretax profit would be near the top end of a forecast of between 250 million pounds and 290 million pounds. The quarterly revenue growth was driven by retail sales in China , the trench-coat maker said today. “Another quarter of industry outperformance,” Thomas Chauvet , an analyst at Citigroup Inc. in London, wrote in an April 14 note. He has a “hold” recommendation on Burberry. Burberry closed a warehouse and stopped making a local collection in Spain last year. To contact the reporter on this story: Andrew Roberts in Milan at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Celeste Perri at [email protected] ..
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Rand Undermining South Africa’s Competiveness, Trade Minister Davies Says
B y M i k e C o h e n
South African Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies said the strength of the rand is undermining the nation’s competitiveness and that the government needs to decide whether to act on the issue. “There is a consensus that at this level where the rand is now, the rand is uncompetitive and is having a detrimental effect, not only on exporters but also on local producers who are suffering unfair competition from imports,” Davies told reporters in Cape Town today. “There is a huge debate in South Africa about whether we should try some new things or not. We have to work on this particular issue.” The rand has gained 39 percent against the dollar since the beginning of 2009, as near-zero interest rates in developed nations encouraged investors to borrow cheaply and invest in higher-yielding markets including South Africa, where the benchmark rate is 5.5 percent. The rand traded at 6.8291 at 1:46 p.m. in Johannesburg, up from 6.8643 late yesterday. To contact the reporter on this story: Mike Cohen in Cape Town at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Andrew J. Barden at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Hong Kong Short Selling Turnover Recorded 04/19/2011
B y
Hong Kong , 04/19/2011 (Bloomberg) - Short selling was recorded on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the following companies as of 01:00 today. Number Short Percent of shares selling Total of short Tkr sold short turnover turnover to total Sym Company Name (thousand) (HK$ mln) (HK$ mln) turnover 2827 X WISECSI300ETF 192.80 7.32 11.61 63.0 3383 AGILE PROPERTY 5742 75.70 129.10 58.6 960 LONGFOR PPT 668 8.43 14.88 56.6 2314 LEE & MAN PAPER 1593 8.90 17.65 50.4 83 SINO LAND 1806 24.97 54.72 45.6 1109 CHINA RES LAND 2132 29.88 70.80 42.2 700 TENCENT 716.30 141.20 370.25 38.1 23 BANK OF E ASIA 305.80 9.94 27.28 36.5 2600 CHALCO 4308 31.26 90.52 34.5 12 HENDERSON LAND 799 43.15 128.63 33.5 44 HAECO 0.40 0.04 0.13 33.3 3377 SINO-OCEAN LAND 995.50 4.60 14.03 32.8 11 HANG SENG BANK 262.30 31.93 105.05 30.4 1044 HENGAN INT'L 644.50 40.73 136.09 29.9 2823 X ISHARES A50 15940.30 217.27 734.80 29.6 2880 DALIAN PORT 108 0.34 1.17 28.9 2000 SIM TECH 676 1.08 3.83 28.2 917 NEW WORLD CHINA 452 1.31 4.65 28.1 688 CHINA OVERSEAS 2738 43.22 155.13 27.9 762 CHINA UNICOM 6772 99.04 374.42 26.5 486 RUSAL 220 2.84 11.57 24.5 1138 CHINA SHIP DEV 514 4.59 18.76 24.4 2038 FIH 576 2.69 11.08 24.3 598 SINOTRANS 186 0.35 1.47 24.0 1055 CHINA SOUTH AIR 2476 9.69 40.64 23.8 3311 CHINA STATE CON 1126 8.23 34.98 23.5 2866 CSCL 3142 10.46 45.06 23.2 658 C TRANSMISSION 582 6.60 28.42 23.2 10 HANG LUNG GROUP 97 5.05 21.77 23.2 2688 ENN ENERGY 76 2.01 8.85 22.7 916 CHINA LONGYUAN 932 7.45 33.23 22.4 604 SHENZHEN INVEST 274 0.69 3.14 22.0 2018 AAC ACOUSTIC 72 1.40 6.37 21.9 992 LENOVO GROUP 2060 9.10 41.71 21.8 358 JIANGXI COPPER 2038 52.21 242.35 21.5 2810 X LYXORETF IND 6.70 0.88 4.14 21.1 2877 SHINEWAY PHARM 648 11.85 56.70 20.9 3808 SINOTRUK 215 1.47 7.05 20.8 1 CHEUNG KONG 496 61.68 299.46 20.6 2020 ANTA SPORTS 411 5.03 24.43 20.6 923 FOOK WOO GROUP 424 1.06 5.16 20.6 2343 PACIFIC BASIN 897 4.40 21.73 20.3 392 BEIJING ENT 112.50 4.69 23.51 20.0 322 TINGYI 136 2.72 13.67 19.9 2009 BBMG 368.50 4.41 22.32 19.7 682 CHAODA MODERN 836 4.19 21.39 19.6 1900 CHINA ITS 169 0.71 3.63 19.5 323 MAANSHAN IRON 1902 8.17 42.35 19.3 817 FRANSHION PPT 194 0.46 2.44 19.0 5 HSBC HOLDINGS 2162.80 176.45 952.28 18.5 1128 WYNN MACAU 738.80 19.93 107.94 18.5 16 SHK PPT 435 52.99 288.52 18.4 1813 KWG PROPERTY 710 4.03 22.01 18.3 2313 SHENZHOU INTL 35 0.31 1.77 17.8 291 CHINA RESOURCES 268 8.78 50.31 17.5 1387 RENHE COMM 3036 4.26 25.27 16.8 267 CITIC PACIFIC 247 5.70 34.13 16.7 27 GALAXY ENT 1144 14.45 88.53 16.3 2380 CHINA POWER 544 0.95 5.83 16.2 2828 HS H-SHARE ETF 110.20 14.60 91.13 16.0 2010 RUINIAN INT'L 114 0.63 3.98 15.9 998 CITIC BANK 3306 18.29 116.16 15.7 2388 BOC HONG KONG 925 22.59 144.82 15.6 589 PORTS 42.50 0.86 5.50 15.6 754 HOPSON DEV HOLD 122 0.99 6.38 15.5 272 SHUI ON LAND 924 3.32 21.58 15.4 522 ASM PACIFIC 65.90 6.29 40.96 15.4 2007 COUNTRY GARDEN 925 3.05 20.37 15.0 1171 YANZHOU COAL 808 22.86 153.57 14.9 308 CHINA TRAVEL HK 330 0.55 3.72 14.8 3323 CNBM 1070 30.95 210.65 14.7 142 FIRST PACIFIC 116 0.80 5.47 14.6 270 GUANGDONG INV 302 1.20 8.22 14.6 119 POLY HK INV 731 4.91 33.76 14.6 302 WING HANG BANK 21.50 1.92 13.21 14.5 1888 KB LAMINATES 172.50 1.24 8.56 14.5 983 SHUI ON CONS 26 0.28 1.91 14.5 3333 EVERGRANDE 2352 12.12 83.87 14.5 709 GIORDANO INT'L 190 1.03 7.15 14.4 127 CHINESE EST H 33.50 0.48 3.43 14.1 2338 WEICHAI POWER 199 10.75 76.84 14.0 1200 MIDLAND HOLDING 232 1.38 10.19 13.5 883 CNOOC 5571 105.04 785.91 13.4 151 WANT WANT CHINA 403 2.77 20.82 13.3 904 CHINA GREEN 144 0.86 6.48 13.3 763 ZTE 252.60 7.10 53.62 13.2 1288 ABC 8964 40.07 306.21 13.1 825 NWDS CHINA 262 1.72 13.21 13.0 914 ANHUI CONCH 580 30.74 241.62 12.7 728 CHINA TELECOM 2936 13.71 110.05 12.5 1066 WEIGAO GROUP 16 0.34 2.77 12.3 2831 X LYXORETF RUS 3.50 0.14 1.16 12.0 1898 CHINA COAL 993 10.31 86.48 11.9 330 ESPRIT HOLDINGS 323.80 10.99 93.48 11.8 347 ANGANG STEEL 432 4.51 38.42 11.7 1114 BRILLIANCE CHI 370 2.96 25.33 11.7 1800 CHINA COMM CONS 1733 12.78 111.21 11.5 1072 DONGFANG ELEC 76 2.00 18.08 11.0 1099 SINOPHARM 79.60 2.16 19.67 11.0 148 KINGBOARD CHEM 17 0.74 6.79 10.9 1818 ZHAOJIN MINING 71.50 2.70 24.82 10.9 697 SHOUGANG INT'L 1428 1.52 14.02 10.8 14 HYSAN DEV 46 1.57 14.56 10.8 3368 PARKSON GROUP 139 1.61 15.00 10.7 116 CHOW SANG SANG 132 2.66 25.21 10.6 3968 CM BANK 617.50 12.95 123.13 10.5 2238 GAC GROUP 456 4.31 41.31 10.4 656 FOSUN INTL 188 1.11 10.61 10.4 551 YUE YUEN IND 107.50 2.81 27.03 10.4 1368 XTEP INT'L 171 0.98 9.54 10.3 1393 HIDILI INDUSTRY 554 4.33 42.27 10.2 144 CHINA MER HOLD 286 10.02 97.97 10.2 336 HUABAO INTL 275 3.36 33.73 10.0 669 TECHTRONIC IND 105 1.12 11.25 9.9 881 ZHONGSHENG HLDG 71.50 1.04 10.51 9.9 1133 HARBIN POWER 240 1.92 19.86 9.6 1299 AIA 3248.60 83.61 875.97 9.5 1088 CHINA SHENHUA 880.50 31.22 332.73 9.4 2005 LIJUN INT'L 315 0.66 7.13 9.3 3993 CMOC 167 1.17 13.13 8.9 903 TPV TECHNOLOGY 26 0.13 1.42 8.9 179 JOHNSON ELEC H 180 0.88 10.18 8.7 683 KERRY PPT 97 3.78 44.63 8.5 440 DAH SING 1.60 0.08 0.94 8.3 4 WHARF HOLDINGS 182 10.22 122.84 8.3 168 TSINGTAO BREW 58 2.37 28.58 8.3 123 YUEXIU PROPERTY 950 1.56 18.91 8.2 45 HK&S HOTELS 2.50 0.03 0.41 8.2 1919 CHINA COSCO 633 4.99 61.07 8.2 1886 HUIYUAN JUICE 58.50 0.31 3.75 8.2 2331 LI NING 263 3.63 44.51 8.2 1928 SANDS CHINA LTD 518.80 11.07 136.40 8.1 2333 GREATWALL MOTOR 89 1.26 15.79 8.0 101 HANG LUNG PPT 295 10.12 127.36 7.9 386 SINOPEC CORP 2018 15.79 199.54 7.9 1038 CKI HOLDINGS 12 0.45 5.65 7.9 173 K. WAH INT'L 210 0.66 8.44 7.9 1068 YURUN FOOD 437 12.48 159.44 7.8 41 GREAT EAGLE H 18 0.48 6.22 7.8 2777 R&F PROPERTIES 229.20 2.61 33.65 7.8 135 KUNLUN ENERGY 590 7.92 103.23 7.7 1883 CITIC TELECOM 39 0.09 1.23 7.7 489 DONGFENG GROUP 948 12.34 161.67 7.6 2628 CHINA LIFE 727 21.07 279.79 7.5 828 DYNASTY WINES 426 1.29 17.32 7.5 87 SWIRE PACIFIC B 32.50 0.72 9.80 7.4 670 CHINA EAST AIR 696 2.36 32.68 7.2 3898 CSR TIMES ELEC 75 2.29 32.13 7.1 2319 MENGNIU DAIRY 156 3.82 53.60 7.1 1224 C C LAND 266 0.80 11.38 7.1 3393 WASION GROUP 30 0.12 1.76 7.0 69 SHANGRI-LA ASIA 346 7.31 106.28 6.9 3328 BANKCOMM 576 4.77 69.84 6.8 2689 ND PAPER 226 2.06 30.22 6.8 926 BESUNYEN 31 0.09 1.32 6.7 2328 PICC P&C 570 5.90 87.64 6.7 410 SOHO CHINA 371 2.50 37.35 6.7 1382 PACIFICTEXTILES 16 0.08 1.17 6.7 966 CHINA TAIPING 102 2.21 33.64 6.6 853 MICROPORT 90 0.53 8.35 6.3 316 OOIL 56 4.82 76.27 6.3 388 HKEX 317.20 56.57 899.98 6.3 631 SANY INT'L 60 0.88 14.14 6.3 546 FUFENG GROUP 297 1.95 31.48 6.2 867 CMS 8 0.07 1.12 6.1 363 SHANGHAI IND H 40 1.27 20.90 6.1 2601 CPIC 133 4.48 74.06 6.0 128 ENM HOLDINGS 36 0.03 0.44 6.0 732 TRULY INT'L 120 0.20 3.33 6.0 569 CH AUTOMATION 17 0.11 1.85 6.0 3 HK & CHINA GAS 81 1.54 27.13 5.7 19 SWIRE PACIFIC A 31 3.65 65.86 5.5 1899 XINGDA INT'L 36 0.31 5.68 5.4 3389 HENGDELI 140 0.67 12.37 5.4 941 CHINA MOBILE 348 25.12 473.33 5.3 813 SHIMAO PROPERTY 292 3.28 62.07 5.3 3308 GOLDEN EAGLE 145 3.03 57.68 5.3 1234 CHINA LILANG 14 0.16 3.00 5.3 506 CHINA FOODS 118 0.69 13.29 5.2 175 GEELY AUTO 1600 5.09 99.11 5.1 3800 GCL-POLY ENERGY 1527 7.29 143.00 5.1 525 GUANGSHEN RAIL 174 0.54 10.78 5.0 2362 JINCHUAN INTL 82 0.25 5.13 4.9 1833 INTIME 48 0.58 11.85 4.9 1880 BELLE INT'L 175 2.69 54.78 4.9 1136 TCC INT'L HOLD 130 0.56 11.39 4.9 1093 CHINA PHARMA 128 0.62 12.62 4.9 200 MELCO INT'L DEV 579 3.56 74.31 4.8 970 SPARKLE ROLL 96 0.14 2.96 4.7 297 SINOFERT 280 0.94 20.10 4.7 587 HUA HAN 96 0.24 5.23 4.6 1766 CSR 1253 11.18 242.79 4.6 494 LI & FUNG 182 7.10 154.35 4.6 857 PETROCHINA 2252 25.66 568.79 4.5 1988 MINSHENG BANK 600.50 4.46 100.67 4.4 590 LUK FOOK HOLD 56 1.59 36.01 4.4 694 BEIJING AIRPORT 170 0.67 15.60 4.3 3331 VINDA INT'L 15 0.13 3.01 4.3 285 BYD ELECTRONIC 37.50 0.18 4.32 4.1 1101 CH RONGSHENG 131.50 0.89 21.63 4.1 2868 BJ CAPITAL LAND 76 0.23 5.56 4.1 866 CHINA QINFA 70 0.32 7.81 4.0 20 WHEELOCK 32 1.00 24.89 4.0 902 HUANENG POWER 358 1.63 41.34 3.9 1788 GUOTAI JUNAN I 23 0.09 2.19 3.9 991 DATANG POWER 332 0.94 24.19 3.9 2899 ZIJIN MINING 262 1.65 43.18 3.8 1338 BAWANG GROUP 38 0.09 2.24 3.8 1211 BYD COMPANY 55.50 1.56 42.25 3.7 3818 CHINA DONGXIANG 171 0.43 11.72 3.7 303 VTECH HOLDINGS 0.90 0.08 2.15 3.7 2168 YINGDE GASES 46 0.32 8.71 3.7 448 HANG TEN GROUP 146 0.31 8.56 3.6 2342 COMBA 17.50 0.17 4.88 3.4 809 GLOBAL BIO-CHEM 1172 2.15 63.44 3.4 1838 CHINAPROPERTIES 6 0.01 0.43 3.4 2228 COSTIN NEW MAT 23 0.13 3.81 3.3 753 AIR CHINA 316 2.52 75.57 3.3 315 SMARTONE TELE 17.50 0.21 6.54 3.2 2318 PING AN 115 9.76 303.41 3.2 242 SHUN TAK HOLD 124 0.59 18.57 3.2 1863 SIJIA GROUP 78 0.30 9.79 3.1 17 NEW WORLD DEV 105 1.45 48.77 3.0 321 TEXWINCA HOLD 42 0.36 12.23 3.0 493 GOME 772 2.15 72.83 2.9 3888 KINGSOFT 56 0.27 9.19 2.9 743 ASIA CEMENT CH 65 0.37 12.99 2.8 2128 CHINA LIANSU 467 3.46 123.63 2.8 538 AJISEN (CHINA) 51 0.77 27.56 2.8 868 XINYI GLASS 212 1.79 64.58 2.8 210 DAPHNE INT'L 102 0.64 24.09 2.7 220 U-PRESID CHINA 4 0.02 0.66 2.6 893 CHINAVTM MINING 217 0.77 29.79 2.6 1052 GZI TRANSPORT 10 0.04 1.70 2.6 860 MING FUNG JEWEL 270 0.26 10.40 2.5 178 SA SA INT'L 76 0.35 14.05 2.5 746 L & M HOLDING 8 0.08 3.24 2.5 1698 BOSHIWA INT'L 65 0.38 15.64 2.4 171 SILVER GRANT 38 0.11 4.65 2.4 1122 QINGLING MOTORS 52 0.14 5.94 2.3 241 CITIC 21CN 36 0.04 1.58 2.3 1212 LIFESTYLE INT'L 16 0.33 14.25 2.3 1333 CHINA ZHONGWANG 128.80 0.52 22.64 2.3 995 ANHUIEXPRESSWAY 14 0.09 4.01 2.3 858 EXTRAWELL PHAR 40 0.03 1.18 2.2 981 SMIC 4171 2.65 119.23 2.2 2357 AVICHINA 852 4.00 181.31 2.2 1192 TITAN PETROCHEM 60 0.04 1.82 2.2 13 HUTCHISON 105 9.38 428.82 2.2 1053 CHONGQING IRON 12 0.02 1.11 2.2 1157 ZOOMLION 228.20 5.10 235.35 2.2 1777 FANTASIA 25.50 0.03 1.56 2.2 2356 DAHSING BANKING 10.80 0.13 6.23 2.1 3336 JU TENG INTL 80 0.22 10.11 2.1 1836 STELLA HOLDINGS 3 0.05 2.53 2.1 855 CHINA WATER 32 0.09 4.43 2.1 3339 LONKING 234 1.33 65.38 2.0 939 CCB 2725 19.64 976.14 2.0 751 SKYWORTHDIGITAL 198 0.99 50.26 2.0 906 COFCO PACKAGING 5 0.03 1.32 2.0 2727 SH ELECTRIC 102 0.43 22.11 1.9 54 HOPEWELL HOLD 4.50 0.10 5.47 1.9 34 KOWLOON DEV 7 0.07 3.98 1.8 3988 BANK OF CHINA 2586 11.10 618.31 1.8 1893 SINOMA 44 0.35 20.21 1.7 874 GUANGZHOU PHAR 10 0.10 5.81 1.7 384 CHINA GAS HOLD 362 1.24 77.06 1.6 555 REXLOT HOLDINGS 75 0.06 3.93 1.6 980 LIANHUA 2 0.07 4.37 1.6 2383 TOM GROUP 2 0.00 0.12 1.6 152 SHENZHEN INT'L 277.50 0.19 12.38 1.5 1313 CHINARES CEMENT 86 0.67 44.00 1.5 2778 CHAMPION REIT 30 0.14 9.29 1.5 6 POWER ASSETS 18 0.97 67.92 1.4 1021 MIDAS HOLDINGS 1 0.00 0.35 1.4 1398 ICBC 1517 9.79 732.98 1.3 976 CHIHO-TIANDE 60 0.40 29.91 1.3 517 COSCO INTL HOLD 30 0.15 12.37 1.2 2722 CHONGQING M&E 114 0.34 28.55 1.2 702 SINO OIL & GAS 685 0.25 21.20 1.2 848 MAOYE INT'L 9 0.04 3.00 1.2 2468 TRONY SOLAR 32 0.15 13.18 1.2 806 VALUE PARTNERS 6 0.05 4.08 1.1 2883 CHINA OILFIELD 92 1.47 132.88 1.1 1199 COSCO PACIFIC 48 0.77 70.03 1.1 3833 XINXIN MINING 7 0.03 3.09 1.1 3618 CQRC BANK 110 0.57 53.11 1.1 818 HI SUN TECH 27 0.07 6.68 1.0 626 PUBLIC FIN HOLD 2 0.01 0.94 1.0 846 MINGFA GROUP 4 0.01 1.02 1.0 999 I.T 40 0.26 26.28 1.0 1031 GOLDRESORTS-NEW 52 0.06 6.46 0.9 552 CHINACOMSERVICE 34 0.16 17.62 0.9 67 LUMENA 330 1.15 134.74 0.9 591 C HIGHPRECISION 10 0.06 6.58 0.9 183 RICHFIELD GP 24 0.02 2.31 0.8 1683 IMM 24.50 0.19 25.23 0.8 293 CATHAY PAC AIR 14 0.27 35.27 0.8 823 LINK REIT 10.50 0.25 33.53 0.8 268 KINGDEE INT'L 60 0.28 40.04 0.7 3983 CHINA BLUECHEM 34 0.22 34.30 0.7 257 CHINA EB INT'L 12 0.04 6.94 0.6 228 CHINA ENERGY 46 0.02 2.40 0.6 74 GREAT WALL TECH 6 0.02 4.29 0.6 850 PETROASIAN 32 0.01 2.56 0.6 3933 UNITED LAB 4 0.06 10.68 0.5 1618 MCC 16 0.05 10.41 0.5 1033 YIZHENG CHEM 46 0.16 31.68 0.5 724 SINO-TECH INT'L 270 0.05 9.83 0.5 886 SILVER BASE 11 0.07 14.74 0.5 182 CHINA WINDPOWER 30 0.02 5.11 0.5 449 CHIGO HOLDING 52 0.04 7.75 0.5 2233 WESTCHINACEMENT 92 0.33 72.78 0.5 606 CHINA AGRI 18 0.16 35.23 0.5 819 TIANNENG POWER 10 0.04 9.27 0.4 653 BONJOUR HOLD 28 0.04 9.19 0.4 1020 SINOREF HLDGS 60 0.10 24.89 0.4 1308 SITC 2 0.01 2.49 0.4 390 CHINA RAILWAY 41 0.18 49.83 0.4 1999 MAN WAH HLDGS 1.20 0.01 3.71 0.4 197 HENG TAI 135 0.14 42.94 0.3 1194 C PRECIOUSMETAL 6 0.01 3.00 0.3 338 SHANGHAI PECHEM 40 0.16 48.82 0.3 882 TIANJIN DEV 2 0.01 3.87 0.3 639 FUSHAN ENERGY 44 0.25 80.70 0.3 2800 TRACKER FUND 26 0.62 260.39 0.2 2626 HNC 14 0.05 20.36 0.2 757 SOLARGIGA 6 0.01 5.98 0.2 1878 SOUTHGOBI 0.10 0.01 4.57 0.2 691 SHANSHUI CEMENT 6 0.05 23.02 0.2 945 MANULIFE 0.70 0.09 45.59 0.2 769 CHINA RAREEARTH 16 0.05 29.69 0.2 548 SHENZHENEXPRESS 6 0.03 19.08 0.2 845 GLORIOUS PPT H 18 0.04 24.02 0.2 1205 CITIC RESOURCES 14 0.03 17.19 0.2 505 XINGYE COPPER 1 0.00 1.05 0.2 43 C.P. POKPHAND 2 0.00 1.38 0.1 82 VODONE 10 0.02 16.29 0.1 3998 BOSIDENG 16 0.04 29.11 0.1 233 MY MEDICARE 20 0.01 10.62 0.1 8 PCCW 10 0.03 24.14 0.1 931 ARTEL GROUP 5 0.00 1.11 0.1 1177 SINO BIOPHARM 8 0.02 17.65 0.1 389 TONTINE WINES 6 0.01 7.80 0.1 689 EPI (HOLDINGS) 100 0.01 4.81 0.1 910 CH GRAND FOREST 234 0.05 48.09 0.1 64 GET NICE 4 0.00 1.89 0.1 2888 STANCHART 0.15 0.03 30.60 0.1 1169 HAIER ELEC 4 0.04 41.16 0.1 1688 ALIBABA 5 0.07 75.72 0.1 877 O-NET COMM GP 2 0.01 11.41 0.1 633 CH ALL ACCESS 2 0.00 5.94 0.1 230 MINMETALS LAND 2 0.00 3.75 0.1 331 PCD STORES 4 0.01 11.13 0.1 368 SINOTRANS SHIP 0.50 0.00 2.18 0.1 2208 GOLDWIND 1 0.01 29.01 0.0 1828 DCH HOLDINGS 1 0.01 21.62 0.0 488 LAI SUN DEV 14 0.00 9.59 0.0 1186 CHINA RAIL CONS 0.50 0.00 32.39 0.0 Total No. of Securities recording Short Selling : 359 Total No. of Designated Securities recording Short Selling : 359 Short Selling Turnover Total Shares (SH) : 171,240,550 Short Selling Turnover Total Value ($) : HKD 2,386,820,425 *Total No. of non-Designated Securities recording Short Selling : 0 Short Selling Turnover Total Shares (SH) : 0 Short Selling Turnover Total Value ($) : HKD 0 Note: Figures are preliminary and subject to revision. Cheryl Yiu in Hong Kong 852-2977-6726 -0- Apr/19/2011 5:00 GMT
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Bank Zachodni Says Polish May Rate Decision May Be ‘Close Call’
B y K a t y a A n d r u s z
Piotr Bujak, an economist at Bank Zachodni WBK in Warsaw, comments on Polish industrial output and producer price data, which were released today in Warsaw. Industrial output rose an annual 7 percent in March, the slowest rate since October 2009 and below the median estimate of 22 economists surveyed by Bloomberg for an increase of 9.6 percent. Producer prices increased by 9.3 percent in March from the year-earlier period, compared with a median estimate of 8.3 percent in a survey of 19 economists. “This is a pretty significant slowdown and we’ll have to expect further weakening in the output figures as the economies of our main trading partners slow. German growth is likely to be weaker, for example, which will hurt our exports. “The disappointing output figures will be an argument for Monetary Policy Council members who want to wait with the next rate increase. On the other hand, the producer price index was very strong, which could raise fears this will transfer to retail prices. The price pressures are an argument for the hawks in the central bank. “The May rate-setting meeting could be a very close call. I don’t expect a rate increase next month, though. The central bank won’t want to give the impression that it’s just reacting to current data.” To contact the reporter on this story: Katya Andrusz in Warsaw at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Balazs Penz at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Czech Parties Agree to Preserve Deficit-Cutting Government
B y K r y s t o f C h a m o n i k o l a s
The Czech three-party coalition agreed on cabinet changes to resolve disputes that threatened to bring down the government and hamper planned deficit cuts. Radek John, interior minister and head of junior coalition partner Public Affairs, will become deputy premier for fighting corruption and will be replaced by Jan Kubice, Prime Minister Petr Necas told Czech public television today after a five-hour coalition meeting. The cabinet will send laws overhauling public spending to parliament by the end of June and will tie them to a confidence vote, said Necas, leader of the Civic Democrats. “We’ve reached a genuine agreement,” Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg, the leader of Top09, told the broadcaster. “The prime minister and this agreement have a 100 percent support from Top09 and we are very happy that our government can continue in its reform efforts.” Coalition tensions increased earlier this month after Necas said he wanted to fire John and Education Minister Josef Dobes, also from Public Affairs, over their ties to a private detective agency. Necas’s pledge to overhaul the money-losing pension system and trim the fiscal gap below the European Union’s limit of 3 percent of economic output by 2013 has helped the koruna gain 7.2 percent against the euro since May 2010 elections. The koruna today gained as much as 0.4 percent to 24.091 per euro, its strongest intraday level in more than two months, and traded 0.3 percent firmer at 24.120 as of 2 p.m. in Prague. Necas said today he has changed his mind on Dobes and will let him keep his post. A parliamentary no-confidence motion proposed by the opposition Social Democrats last week has little chance of passing after the agreement, the prime minister said. To contact the reporter on this story: Krystof Chamonikolas in Prague at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Douglas Lytle at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Tunisian Court Acquits in Case Linked to Unrest, Lawyer Says
B y J i h e n L a g h m a r i
A Tunisian court acquitted a policewoman accused of attacking Mohamed Bouazizi, the street trader whose self-immolation inspired a revolution that toppled the country’s president, the woman’s lawyer said. Fadia Hamdi was accused of slapping and humiliating Bouazizi before he set himself on fire outside the governor’s office on Dec. 17. She denied the charges, her lawyer, Basma Mnassri, said. “I was convinced that my client is innocent and I asked for a fair trial,” Mnassri said today in a phone interview from Sidi Bouzid. “Fadia Hamdi is a living martyr.” TAP, the state- run news agency, said that the court threw out the charges after Bouazizi’s family dropped their complaint. Bouazizi, 26, who sold fruit and vegetables on a street in Sidi Bouzid, about 200 kilometers (125 miles) south of the capital, Tunis, was harassed and heckled by local police for not having a permit and his cart was confiscated. The protests triggered by his death culminated in Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s Jan. 14 flight to Saudi Arabia and inspired a revolt in Egypt that led to the toppling of President Hosni Mubarak . The ruling comes as unrest inspired by the Tunisian uprising spreads throughout the Arab world, with protests rocking Yemen and Syria and armed conflict in Tunisia’s eastern neighbor, Libya . To contact the reporter on this story: Jihen Laghmari via the Cairo newsroom at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Mahmoud Kassem at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Bank of America Said to Plan Spinoff of $5 Billion Private-Equity Business
B y H u g h S o n a n d C r i s t i n a A l e s c i
Bank of America Corp. (BAC) , the biggest U.S. lender by assets, plans to wind down its flagship $5 billion buyout fund as it seeks to preserve capital, said a person with knowledge of the plan. The bank has made a “strategic decision” to sell most of the Capital Partners fund’s remaining investments over time, the person said, citing an internal memo sent late yesterday at the Charlotte , North Carolina-based company. The team managing those assets will become an independent firm, said the person, who declined to be identified because the plan isn’t public. Regulators are pressuring banks to build capital and reduce riskier assets ahead of new international regulations requiring greater reserves. The Federal Reserve rejected Bank of America’s request to increase its dividend last month, making it the only lender among the largest four that didn’t win approval. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) , the second-biggest U.S. bank by assets, has said it may continue making private equity investments. “Businesses in which they don’t have a leading market share are on the chopping block,” said Tony Plath , a finance professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “I’ll bet the private equity investments require an extra layer of capital under the new rules, so the returns probably don’t justify their use of capital.” The fund returned $2 billion to investors in the first quarter, and about $5 billion last year, the person said. Bank of America, which won’t fund new private equity investments through Capital Partners, still owns the assets and will pay fees to the spinoff firm, the person said. Most of the capital invested in the fund came from Bank of America, the person said. Strategically Critical The memo was sent from Jim Forbes, head of the bank’s global principal investments unit which includes the Capital Partners fund, said Jerry Dubrowski , a Bank of America spokesman who confirmed the contents of the letter. It is unclear if Forbes will remain, said the person. “We recently determined that private-equity investments were not strategically critical to our business going forward,” Dubrowski said. “With limited investment activity, it made sense for BAML Capital Partners to spin off from the bank.” The new firm will seek to raise funds, Dubrowski said. Most of Capital Partner’s assets were originally owned by Merrill Lynch, he said. To contact the reporters on this story: Hugh Son in New York at [email protected] ; Cristina Alesci in New York at [email protected] To contact the editors responsible for this story: David Scheer at [email protected] ; Rick Green at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Madoff Investors’ Suit Claiming SEC Was Negligent in Oversight Dismissed
B y A n d r e w H a r r i s a n d L i n d a S a n d l e r
Two of Bernard L. Madoff’s investors lost their bid to bring a $2.5 million suit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for allegedly gross negligent oversight in failing to uncover his fraudulent scheme. U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain in New York today threw out the 2009 lawsuit by investors Phyllis Molchatsky and Steven Schneider which blamed the SEC for failing to detect and end the scheme. “Plaintiffs have identified no statutory or regulatory provision that suggests the existence of prescriptive rules for the conduct of SEC investigations,” Swain said in a 28-page ruling, adding “there is no reason to believe that information concerning any such duties would not be publicly available.” Swain has 27 similar cases, according to the court docket. “These lawsuits are not going to survive,” said Peter Henning , a professor at Wayne State University in Detroit and a former SEC lawyer. “The SEC did not cover itself in glory in the Madoff investigation, but it has discretion conducting its investigations.” Madoff, 72, is serving a 150-year sentence for running the fraud through his New York-based Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. Investors lost about $17 billion of principal in the Ponzi scheme , according to the latest calculations of the trustee liquidating the Madoff firm, who reported the number in a court filing yesterday. Disappointed “We are disappointed with the judge’s opinion and continue to believe that the court is well-suited to oversee the SEC’s actions and inactions, which were inarguably negligent,” plaintiffs’ lawyer Howard Elisofon of New York-based Herrick Feinstein LLP said in an e-mailed statement. “We are reviewing this opinion and conferring with our clients before announcing our next step,” Elisofon said. Kevin Callahan , a spokesman for the SEC, declined to comment on the court’s ruling. “Scandalous and outrageous as plaintiffs’ allegations (and findings of the OIG Report on which they are based) are, plaintiffs fail to identify any specific mandatory duty that the SEC violated in its numerous instances of sloppy, uninformed, irresponsible behavior,” the judge wrote. Swain issued a separate order addressing plaintiffs and their lawyers in the 27 similar suits, directing them to file with the court by May 31 a statement outlining their positions “as to what further proceedings are appropriate,” in light of her ruling in the Molchatsky-Schneider case. Conference Scheduled The judge also scheduled a June 7 conference to discuss the issue with all sides. Proceedings in each of the cases are now stayed. Molchatsky, a disabled retiree and single mother who claims she lost $1.7 million in the fraud, and Schneider, a doctor who said he lost almost $753,000, filed the lawsuit under the Federal Tort Claims Act in October 2009 after the SEC denied their administrative claims. Their complaint relied for its underpinnings upon an August 2009 report by the SEC’s Office of the Inspector General which said the agency had received “numerous, detailed, credible complaints regarding Madoff” between 1992 and 2008, and “flawed” investigations, Swain said. The U.S. asked the court to dismiss the case, claiming the government is immune from suits and the SEC has discretion in deciding who to investigate and how to conduct its queries. The case is Molchatsky vs. U.S., 1:09-cv-08697, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York ( Manhattan ). To contact the reporters on this story: Andrew Harris in Chicago at [email protected] ; and Linda Sandler in New York at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: John Pickering at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Rand Strengthens Versus Dollar on Speculation Borrowing Costs May Increase
B y R o b e r t B r a n d
The rand strengthened against the dollar after a central bank official said food prices posed “significant upside risks” for inflation, fuelling speculation the bank may raise borrowing costs as soon as July. The currency advanced as much as 0.8 percent to 6.8084 per dollar, and traded 0.5 percent stronger at 6.8284 as of 3:43 p.m. in Johannesburg. It was little changed at 9.7749 per euro after advancing as much as 0.6 percent to 9.7135 in earlier trading. Data show an “accelerating trend” in food prices, Reserve Bank Deputy Governor Daniel Mminele said in a speech in Washington on April 16, published on the Pretoria-based central bank’s website today. Second-round inflation, where increases in fuel and commodity prices drive up prices of other goods, would “need to be monitored very closely,” he said. The bank has left its benchmark repurchase rate at 5.5 percent, a 30-year low, since November. “The bank will not be soft on signs of second-round pressures, and will start a process of normalizing the repo rate in the third quarter,” Johannesburg-based Citibank NA analysts Leon Myburgh and Coura Fall wrote in a research note. The Pretoria-based government statistics agency will report tomorrow that the consumer price index in Africa ’s biggest economy probably rose 4 percent in March from a year earlier, compared with 3.7 percent in February, according to the median estimate of 21 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. The rate may increase to close to the upper limit of the central bank’s 3 to 6 percent target range, Myburgh and Fall wrote. Higher interest rates would increase the carry-trade appeal of rand assets. In the carry trade, investors borrow in the currency of nations with relatively low interest rates, and invest the proceeds in high-yielding assets. The rand pared earlier gains against the euro after a report showed German manufacturing growth unexpectedly accelerated, adding to speculation that the European Central bank will raise interest rates further. The euro gained against the dollar and yen after the report. Bonds rallied. The 13.5 percent notes due 2015 added 15 cents to 121.25 rand, cutting the yield five basis points, or 0.05 percentage point, to 7.69 percent. The 6.75 percent bonds due 2021 gained 24 cents to 88.22 rand, driving the yield 4 basis points lower to 8.53 percent. To contact the reporter on this story: Robert Brand in Cape Town at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Gavin Serkin at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Nigeria Elections, Crude Price Savings ‘Promising’ for Rating, Fitch Says
B y C h r i s K a y
Nigeria ’s presidential elections and an increase in oil savings are “promising” for the credit profile of Africa’s biggest oil producer, according to Fitch Ratings . “The credible elections are a real positive for Nigeria, their news about the excess crude account building up is encouraging,” Veronica Kalema , a London-based director in Fitch’s sovereign group, said in a phone interview today. “We would now need to see what the new government would do in implementing some reforms, which would shield the excess crude account from election cycles and would reform the sovereign- wealth fund.” Fitch lowered its outlook on Nigeria’s BB- rating to “negative” from “stable” on Oct. 22, due to concerns that the nation was making withdrawals from the excess crude account, a windfall saved when the price of crude goes above the benchmark used for the country’s budget, and foreign-currency reserves dropped. The nation’s oil account rose to $6.9 billion in March from $3 billion in December, ThisDay newspaper reported April 12, citing acting Accountant-General Aderemi Ogunsanya. The West African nation depends on oil exports for 95 percent of foreign-exchange income, which provided $59 billion of revenue last year. Incumbent leader Goodluck Jonathan won presidential elections in Africa ’s most populous country this weekend, described as “credible” by observers from the Commonwealth group of nations. The last elections, in 2007, were seen by international and local monitors as flawed by intimidation of voters and ballot fraud. Rating Visit “We’re due to do a ratings visit around August, by then they will have had enough time to start implementing reforms,” said Kalema. “Then we will see what to do.” Nigeria’s Eurobonds due 2021, rated three levels below investment grade by Fitch, rose for a third day, gaining 0.3 percent to 103.19 cents on the dollar as of 11:34 a.m. in London, the highest level since the debt was issued in January, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The yield fell four basis points, or 0.04 percentage point, to 6.31 percent. The $500 million of bonds are Nigeria’s only international notes. To contact the reporter on this story: Chris Kay in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Gavin Serkin at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Yen Erases Advance on Speculation Importers Sold Currency; Aussie Declines
B y Y o s h i a k i N o h a r a a n d C a n d i c e Z a c h a r i a h s
The yen erased gains versus the dollar and the euro on speculation Japanese importers sold their nation’s currency after it rose for the past three days. The yen lost its earlier advance when it strengthened toward 82 per dollar, a level the currency reached after the Group of Seven nations jointly intervened in the foreign- exchange market last month. The Australian and New Zealand dollars weakened as losses in commodities and stocks damped demand for higher-yielding assets. “Importers were probably glad to see the yen climb back to this level,” said Takashi Kudo, senior manager of the foreign-exchange division support center in Tokyo at NTT SmartTrade Inc., a unit of Japan’s biggest telephone company. “Traders are paying attention to 82 yen” due to the G-7 intervention, he said. The yen traded at 82.56 per dollar as of 10:05 a.m. in Tokyo from 82.66 in New York yesterday, when it rose to 82.19, the strongest since March 29. The yen weakened to 81.99 per dollar when the intervention took place on March 18 from a postwar high of 76.25 the previous day. Japan ’s currency was at 117.56 per euro from 117.66. The dollar bought $1.4242 per euro from $1.4235. Australia ’s dollar fell 0.2 percent to $1.0489, and New Zealand’s dollar fell 0.4 percent to 78.78 U.S. cents. To contact the reporters on this story: Yoshiaki Nohara in Tokyo at [email protected] ; Candice Zachariahs in Sydney at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rocky Swift at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Sprint Agrees to Pay Clearwire $1 Billion for Use of Network
B y G r e g B e n s i n g e r a n d A m y T h o m s o n
Sprint Nextel Corp. (S) , the third- largest U.S. wireless provider, agreed to pay Clearwire Corp. (CLWR) at least $1 billion for the use of its so-called fourth-generation network over the next two years. Clearwire will get $300 million this year, $550 million in 2012, as well as pre-payments of $175 million over at least the next two years, according to a statement from the companies today. The agreement, which amends an existing deal, is good through November 2013. Sprint, which is based in Overland Park , Kansas , can keep offering wireless service that allows speedier Web browsing and video streaming than its own network, according to the agreement. For unprofitable Clearwire, the accord may provide less funding than some investors had expected, said Michael Nelson , a Mizuho Securities analyst in New York . “Clearwire investors would like to see Clearwire receive enough capital to resume full expansion of its network, and to do that, they need roughly $2 billion,” Nelson, who rates both Sprint and Clearwire shares “buy,” said in an interview. “Clearwire investors were hoping for a discrete equity investment from Sprint into Clearwire.” Clearwire, based in Kirkland, Washington , fell 25 cents, or 4.3 percent, to $5.53 at 4 p.m. New York time on the Nasdaq Stock Market. Sprint added 4 cents to $4.74 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. ‘Positive Step’ Sprint also agreed to new terms for prices based on usage of handsets, such as the Evo 4G. The carrier will be allowed to resell the 4G service, operating on a technology known as WiMax, to other carriers, the companies said. The deal resolves a disagreement over how much Clearwire could charge Sprint for use of its service, a dispute that emerged after Sprint began selling smartphones for the fourth- generation network in 2010. That disagreement may have discouraged some potential investors in Clearwire, Chief Financial Officer Erik Prusch said in March. “This is an enormous positive step towards achieving positive cash flow ” during 2012, said Clearwire interim Chief Executive Officer John Stanton in an interview. “Anything that would bring us closer to Sprint is a good thing.” Stanton said Sprint’s agreement to use Clearwire’s WiMax service is set to be automatically extended for another five year period after November 2013, though the terms may change through further negotiation. Financing Needs Clearwire is conducting a search for a new CEO after Bill Morrow stepped down from the post last month. Stanton said he had no interest in remaining as full-time CEO and would like to continue as non-executive chairman. In February, Clearwire predicted improving earnings that could eliminate the need for additional financing. The company had struggled to meet its funding needs, telling investors in November it could run out of cash by midyear before raising $1.3 billion in bonds in December. The company, which reported a $487.4 million net loss last year, has also slowed down its network expansion, cut sales and marketing spending and fired employees to save money. Sprint trails Verizon Wireless , the largest U.S. wireless provider, and AT&T Inc. (T) , the No. 2. To contact the reporters on this story: Greg Bensinger in New York at [email protected] ; Amy Thomson in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Peter Elstrom at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Saudi Airlines Passengers Numbers Rise 8.9% as Fleet Expands
B y W a e l M a h d i
Saudi Arabian Airlines said passenger numbers rose 8.9 percent in the first quarter after increasing the size of its fleet and adding more flights. The kingdom’s national carrier, based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia , said in a statement today that it carried 4.54 million passengers in the first quarter compared with 4.17 million for the same period a year earlier. The airline is planning to add more than the 70 planes it already has on order from Boeing Co. (BA) and Airbus SAS as it seeks to replace older Boeing models to reduce maintenance costs, Khalid al-Molhem, the airline’s director general, said in an interview last May. The carrier said yesterday that 44 new airplanes entered service in the last 17 months with another five due by the end of this year. SAA will keep adding planes until the end of 2014 when it should have acquired all 70 of the new airplanes on order, al-Molhem added. To contact the reporter on this story: Wael Mahdi in Jeddah [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Shaji Mathew at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
French Rapeseed Crop Lacks Water in Central Region, Cetiom Says
B y R u d y R u i t e n b e r g
French rapeseed in the country’s central growing region, which accounts for about a fifth of national production, is lacking water, France ’s technical center for oilseed crops said. Near the city of Tours in France’s Centre region, water requirements of the rapeseed crop surpassed the available moisture in the first 10 days of April, the Paris-based center, known as Cetiom, said in a report on its website today. Northern France has built up an “important” water-supply deficit since the end of January, while maximum temperatures have been at the “upper limit” of the normal range for the season, the European Union’s Monitoring Agricultural Resources unit said in a report dated April 12. “The season is relatively early compared with other years due to the high temperatures,” Cetiom said. “The dry conditions persist and there’s no change announced for the coming days. The soils therefore are dry.” Rapeseed in the Centre and Ile-de-France regions and the Eure department in Haute-Normandie has “mostly” entered the growing stage in which plants start to drop their flower petals, the center said. The Centre region accounts for about 15 percent of France’s rapeseed production, while the Ile-de-France region produces another 4 percent of the country’s crop, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture . To contact the reporter on this story: Rudy Ruitenberg in Paris at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Carpenter at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
HSBC Hires Economist Delgado From Roubini Global
B y Y e X i e
HSBC Holdings Plc. (HSBA) , Europe’s largest bank by market value, hired Bertrand Delgado as an emerging-markets strategist, luring him away from Roubini Global Economics LLC. Delgado, 43, is working in New York as a cross-asset strategist for emerging markets, said Rob Sherman, an HSBC spokesman. Delgado, who started at HSBC on April 11, reports to Pablo Goldberg, head of global emerging markets research for HSBC Global Banking and Markets. Roubini Global Economics, a consulting firm founded by Nouriel Roubini, the New York University economist who predicted the global financial crisis, hired Delgado in 2009 as a senior economist covering emerging markets. Delgado previously served as an economist and currency strategist at the research firm IDEAglobal for three years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from University of Wisconsin and a master’s degree in international finance and economics from Columbia University. Emerging markets from Asia to Latin America accounted for most of HSBC’s net income last year. Pretax profit in Asia jumped 26 percent to $11.6 billion in 2010, compared with the 7.3 percent increase to $4.3 billion in Europe, HSBC said in February. To contact the reporter on this story: Ye Xie in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Papadopoulos at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Novolipetsk Jumps Most in 2 Months as 1st-Quarter Sales Gain
B y J a c k J o r d a n
OAO Novolipetsk Steel, owned by Russian billionaire Vladimir Lisin , rose the most in almost two months in Moscow after saying its preliminary results show an advance in first-quarter sales. The shares climbed 3.2 percent to 109.48 rubles at the 6:45 p.m. close in Moscow, the biggest jump since Feb. 25. Sales are expected at $2.4 billion for the first quarter, up 41 percent from $1.7 billion a year earlier, the company said in a statement today. “We expect sequential growth in second-quarter sales volumes as market conditions improve,” the company said. To contact the reporter on this story: Jack Jordan in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Gavin Serkin at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Capmark Financial Group Files Plan to Exit Bankruptcy as Smaller Company
B y S t e v e n C h u r c h
Capmark Financial Group Inc., the bankrupt commercial lender, filed a plan to reorganize around a group of 14 units, including its bank, and exit bankruptcy as a smaller company. Capmark Bank, based in Midvale, Utah , had $6.2 billion in deposits and $3.1 billion in cash as of Dec. 31, according to court documents the company filed April 15 in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware, as part of its reorganization plan. The reorganized company will issue $1.25 billion in notes to general unsecured creditors who are owed about $7 billion. Creditors will also be given stock in the new company and some cash. After the assets have been given out, the biggest group of creditors, those who hold unsecured loans and notes not guaranteed by collateral, will recover about $3.89 billion, or 56.1 percent of what they are owed, according to the plan. Capmark Financial, based in Horsham, Pennsylvania , urged creditors to support the plan. “Any alternative to confirmation of the plan would result in significant delays, litigation, lost value and additional costs,” the company said in a disclosure statement describing how the plan will affect creditors. The company asked U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Sontchi to approve the disclosure statement, so it can be sent to creditors to help them vote on the plan. Once creditors vote, Sontchi will decide whether to approve the reorganization and allow Capmark to leave court protection. Capmark filed bankruptcy on Oct. 25, 2009, blaming falling property values and a drop in lending. While in bankruptcy, the company sold its loan-servicing unit to Warren Buffett ’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and Leucadia National Corp. (LUK) in a deal valued at $468 million. The case is In re Capmark Financial Group Inc., 09-13684, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware (Wilmington). To contact the reporter on this story: Steven Church in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware, at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: John Pickering at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Stocks Gain on Earnings as Gold Futures Rise Above $1,500 on Weaker Dollar
B y S t e p h e n K i r k l a n d a n d R i t a N a z a r e t h
Stocks rebounded from the biggest drop in a month after companies from Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) to Burberry Group Plc. (BRBY) reported results that beat analyst estimates. Gold futures touched $1,500 an ounce for the first time as the dollar weakened. Treasuries rose. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index advanced 0.6 percent to 1,312.62 at 4 p.m. in New York as higher-than-forecast housing starts also drove gains. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index increased 0.5 percent as Burberry rallied 6 percent. The euro climbed 0.7 percent to $1.4332. Canada’s dollar strengthened versus 14 of 16 major peers as accelerating inflation triggered bets the central bank will boost interest rates . Johnson & Johnson, the world’s second-biggest seller of health-care products, led gains in the Dow Jones Industrial Average after increasing its full-year forecast. Burberry, Britain’s biggest luxury retailer, said quarterly sales jumped 32 percent and SKF AB (SKFB) , the world’s largest maker of ball bearings, posted record profit. Stocks slid yesterday as S&P cut the long-term U.S. credit outlook to negative. “This market has been very resilient,” said Burt White, who helps oversee $284 billion as chief investment officer at LPL Financial Corp. in Boston. “Things are better than people think as far as the economy goes. Today’s housing numbers were pretty good. You’ve got a bellwether such as Johnson & Johnson coming out with good news. The market is excited to see that.” Earnings Season The S&P 500 rebounded after yesterday dropping 1.1 percent, the most since March 16. J&J climbed 3.7 percent after new drugs and a weaker dollar boosted results. Steel Dynamics Inc. added 5.7 percent as its profit also beat projections. Newmont Mining Corp. helped pace gains in raw-material producers, rising 1.3 percent as gold and copper prices increased. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) rallied as much as 1.5 percent after earnings topped estimates, before erasing gains and retreating 1.3 percent after Rochdale Securities LLC reduced its rating to “neutral” from “buy.” About 6.6 billion shares changed hands on U.S. exchanges, 15 percent less than the three-month average as trading slowed on the Passover holiday. A gauge of homebuilders in S&P indexes gained 2.2 percent as all 12 of its stocks advanced. A report today showed building permits, a proxy for future construction, rose 11 percent to a 594,000 pace. They were projected to rise 1.1 percent to a 540,000 annual pace. Housing starts increased 7.2 percent to 549,000, exceeding the 520,000 median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. About three shares gained for each that fell in the Stoxx 600. SKF rallied 6.4 percent. LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA (MC) , the world’s largest luxury-goods maker, advanced 4.7 percent as sales beat analysts’ estimates. Novartis AG (NOVN) , the third- biggest stock in the index, gained 3.5 percent after the drugmaker’s sales and profit surpassed projections. AAA Rating The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note slipped two basis points to 3.36 percent and the 30-year yield lost three basis points to 4.43 percent. President Barack Obama began a tour promoting his proposal to cut long-term budget deficits with a new urgency after S&P said yesterday that the nation’s AAA credit rating is in peril. The divide between Republicans and Democrats in Congress over combating the nation’s debt was spotlighted by S&P’s lowering of the long-term U.S. credit outlook to “negative,” with each side saying the alert bolsters their competing arguments. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said he’s confident U.S. political leaders will bridge their differences and move toward a long-term plan to narrow record budget deficits and reduce the debt. ‘Strong Targets’ “We have an opportunity now over the next two months to make some real progress,” Geithner said in an interview on Bloomberg Television today. “What we agree on is putting in place strong targets for savings, deficit reduction over a specific time frame with enforceable limits,” he said. Gold for June delivery settled up 0.1 percent at $1.495.10 after earlier reaching $1,500.50. The dollar weakened against 12 of 16 major peers, losing at least 1 percent versus Norway’s krone and Sweden’s krona. The euro appreciated against 11 of its 16 major counterparts amid speculation the European Central Bank will raise interest rates further. The loonie, as the Canadian currency is nicknamed, strengthened 0.8 percent to $1.0455 after the consumer price index advanced 3.3 percent in March from a year earlier, compared with a 2.2 percent pace of increase in the previous month, Statistics Canada reported. The median forecast of 25 economists was for a 2.8 percent annual rate. Commodities Gain Crude oil for May delivery increased for the fourth time in five days, rallying 1 percent to $108.15 a barrel as the weaker dollar lifted commodities. Oil traders have turned $80 crude into the second-biggest bet in the options market as a surge in futures to the highest level since 2008 spurred concern that demand may tumble. Open interest, the number of contracts held by traders, has more than doubled since January for $80 put options for December 2011 and 2012 as New York futures last week touched a 30-month high of $113.46 a barrel. The two puts, bets that prices will fall, account for 21 percent of the open interest among the top 10 contracts traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Commodities, Emerging Markets The S&P GSCI index of 24 commodities gained 0.3 percent, recouping some of yesterday’s 1.2 percent slide. Cotton retreated 3.9 percent. Wheat futures rose 1.3 percent, a third straight gain, as weather conditions in the U.S. worsened and Germany ’s crop estimate was lowered amid a dry spell. The MSCI Emerging Markets Index increased 0.6 percent as benchmark gauges in Russia , Turkey, South Africa , Egypt and Hungary rallied more than 1 percent. The Shanghai Composite Index led declines in Asia , sliding 1.9 percent, on concern the U.S. debt outlook may deteriorate further and speculation that China will further tighten monetary policy. The MSCI Asia Pacific Index lost 1 percent to the lowest level this month as S&P’s downgrade of the U.S. credit outlook fueled concern that a recovery in the global economy may slow. Greece’s two-year yields jumped as much as 39 basis points to a record 20.73 percent as the government sold 1.625 billion euros ($2.33 billion) of bills. To contact the reporters on this story: Stephen Kirkland in London at [email protected] ; Rita Nazareth in Sao Paulo at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Regan at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Singapore to Hold Elections on May 7 as Premier Lee Dissolves Parliament
B y S h a m i m A d a m
Singapore will hold its parliamentary election on May 7, according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office. To contact the reporter on this story: Shamim Adam in Singapore at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Linus Chua at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Fed Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Rule on Mortgage Lending
B y C h r i s t o p h e r W e l l i s z
The Federal Reserve today requested public comment on a proposed rule that would require lenders to determine a consumer’s ability to repay a mortgage before making the loan. The rule would also establish minimum mortgage underwriting standards, the central bank said in a statement in Washington today. The Fed said it will accept comments until July 22. To contact the reporter on this story: Christopher Wellisz at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christopher Wellisz at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Fekter To Be Named Austrian Finance Minister Today, ORF Reports
B y B o r i s G r o e n d a h l
April 19 (Bloomberg) Maria Fekter will be named as Austria ’s new finance minister after a meeting of the co- governing People’s Party today, Austria’s state broadcaster ORF reported, without saying where it got the information. New party chairmanMichael Spindeleggerwill also name Beatrix Karl justice minister and Johanna Mikl-Leitner interior minister at a news conference following the meeting, ORF said. To contact the editor responsible for this story: Boris Groendahl at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Marathon Reports Unit Upset at Robinson, Illinois, Refinery
B y A a r o n C l a r k
Marathon Oil Corp. (MRO) reported a unit upset at its Robinson refinery in Illinois yesterday, according to a filing with state regulators. The upset was caused by an incorrect setting on a pressure controller for a wet gas compressor at the fluid catalytic cracker, according to the filing with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. Shane Pochard, a spokesman for Marathon, declined to comment. The 215,000-barrel-a-day refinery, which is located in southeastern Illinois, processes sweet and sour crudes, according to a company filing. The plant delivers refined products to terminals in Chicago via the Wabash pipeline system. To contact the reporter on this story: Aaron Clark in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dan Stets at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Malaysia Stocks: CapitaMalls, Ken Holdings, Karambunai, Zhulian
B y C h a n T i e n H i n
Shares of the following companies had unusual moves in Malaysia trading. Stock symbols are in parentheses and prices are as of the 5 p.m. close in Kuala Lumpur. The FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBMKLCI) Index fell 6.39, or 0.4 percent, to 1,521.53, its lowest close since March 29. CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust (CMMT) , a retail property trust, added 0.9 percent to 1.13 ringgit, the most since April 11, after reporting a profit of 31.4 million ringgit ($10.4 million) in the first quarter ended March 31. The company achieved a distributable income of 26 million ringgit, it said in a statement. There were no comparable year-earlier figures as the company was established in June 2010, it said. EP Manufacturing Bhd. (EPMB) jumped 10 percent to 74.5 sen, the highest close since March 2006. Horizon Growth Fund NV has emerged as a substantial shareholder of the Malaysian auto- parts maker after buying 8.7 million shares, or a 5.4 percent stake, an exchange filing showed. Karambunai Corp. (KRBN MK), a property and hotel group, surged 21 percent to 25.5 sen, the most since Jan. 4, after Malaysia’s government said the company is part of a group that will undertake a 9.6 billion-ringgit integrated resort development in Sabah state. Ken Holdings Bhd. (KEN) , a property developer, surged 13 percent to 1.35 ringgit, its highest close since July 31, 2007. The company’s first-quarter profit surged fourfold from a year earlier to 5.08 million ringgit on higher sales, according to a stock exchange filing. Zhulian Corp. (ZHCB MK), a multi-level marketing company , lost 1.7 percent to 1.75 ringgit, its lowest close since April 12. First-quarter net income fell 14 percent from a year earlier to 21.3 million ringgit because of lower profit margins, Zhulian said in a statement. To contact the reporters on this story: Chan Tien Hin in Kuala Lumpur at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Darren Boey at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Manchester United Misses Chance to Take Nine-Point Lead in Premier League
B y D a n B a y n e s
Manchester United missed the chance to take a nine-point lead atop English soccer’s Premier League with a 0-0 draw at mid-table Newcastle. Ryan Giggs twice shot wide for the Red Devils in the second half at St. James’ Park last night, while both teams had appeals for penalty kicks rejected. The draw leaves United, seeking a record 19th English league title, seven points ahead of second-place Arsenal with five matches remaining. Arsenal has played one game fewer and can cut the gap to four by beating London rival Tottenham today. “I’m confident we’ll be fine now as that was a hard one to get over,” United manager Alex Ferguson told Sky Sports . “We’re in a better position than we were on Saturday one less game and the same position we were with Arsenal with five games left.” Defending champion Chelsea trails United by nine points and can reduce the deficit with a win against Birmingham in today’s other Premier League match, the first of three straight at home for the Blues. Ferguson’s team visits Arsenal on May 1 and hosts Chelsea a week later. “You have got to look at Chelsea also and how they respond with the three home games in a row,” Ferguson said. “There are two important games coming up, obviously, and that’s the Arsenal game away and the Chelsea game at home.” Arsenal’s draw with Liverpool three days ago gave United the chance to go nine points clear with a win last night. The Red Devils failed to convert any of their eight chances on target. Early Chance Newcastle goalkeeper Tim Krul made a point-blank save from Javier Hernandez in the second minute and Wayne Rooney shot over the crossbar after being sent clear by Hernandez’s flick. Jose Enrique denied Hernandez with a block on the stroke of halftime. Referee Lee Probert waved away Newcastle’s appeals for a penalty kick in the 60th minute when United midfielder Anderson appeared to catch Peter Lovenkrands in the area. Giggs twice skewed shots wide from goal-scoring positions before United had a claim for a penalty kick of its own rejected in the second minute of injury time. Hernandez went down under Danny Simpson’s challenge and Probert showed the Mexican striker a yellow card for diving instead of awarding a spot kick. “If it’s not a penalty, fine, but to book him is an insult,” Ferguson said. “There is definitely contact, no doubt about that.” Newcastle manager Alan Pardew, whose team moved up one place to ninth, said his “heart sank” as the referee blew his whistle because he’d assumed that a penalty had been given. “The history of Manchester United last-minute goals, the club that they are, the manager that they have, I honestly thought the referee had given it,” Pardew told Sky Sports. “The referee got the decision right and we got, in my opinion, a deserved draw.” To contact the reporter on this story: Dan Baynes in Sydney at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christopher Elser at at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Steel Dynamics Rises as First-Quarter Profit Tops Estimates
B y S o n j a E l m q u i s t
Steel Dynamics Inc. (STLD) , a recycler of steel scrap, climbed to the highest level in 10 months in Nasdaq trading after reporting first-quarter profit that topped analysts’ estimates. Net income rose 59 percent to 46 cents a share from 29 cents a year earlier, the Fort Wayne , Indiana-based company said in a statement after the close of regular trading yesterday. That beat the 41-cent average of eight analyst estimates in a Bloomberg survey. Steel shipments climbed 4 percent to 1.5 million tons. Steel Dynamics is “optimistic” about 2011 and expects higher steel use in industries including energy and transportation, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Keith Busse said in the statement. Margins at the company’s steel division increased to $132 a ton, said Michelle Applebaum , managing partner at Steel Market Intelligence, a Chicago-based industry consultant. “Steel Dynamics remains our top pick in the sector,” Applebaum said in a note. Net income climbed 63 percent to $105.9 million from $65 million and sales gained 30 percent to $2.02 billion. The shares rose $1, or 5.7 percent, to $18.46 at 4 p.m. New York time in Nasdaq Stock Market trading, the biggest intraday gain since June 2. To contact the reporter on this story: Sonja Elmquist in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Simon Casey at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
J&J Raises Full-Year Profit Forecast After Weaker Dollar Boosts Sales
B y A l e x N u s s b a u m
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) , the world’s second-biggest seller of health products, increased its annual earnings forecast after quarterly profit beat estimates on drug sales and a weak dollar. The shares rose the most since 2008. Earnings in 2011 will be $4.90 to $5 a share, above a January forecast of $4.80 to $4.90, New Brunswick , New Jersey- based J&J said in a statement today. Chief Financial Officer Dominic Caruso said he saw signs that a drop-off in medical procedures that hurt sales last year may be easing. Revenue concerns are part of the motivation behind J&J’s takeover talks with Synthes Inc. (SYST) , a Swiss medical-device maker, said Jeff Jonas , a Gabelli & Co. analyst in Rye, New York . While consumer-product sales fell after the company pulled more than 40 brands, prescription drugs beat estimates for the quarter, he said. A stronger flu season helped, as did new medicines for psoriasis and arthritis, Jonas said. “The story’s been delayed for a year and half because of all the consumer recalls, but they do have a good drug pipeline,” Jonas said in a telephone interview. “You could potentially see accelerating revenue as they launch their new drugs and recover on the consumer line.” Shares Rise Johnson & Johnson gained $2.23, or 3.7 percent, to $62.69 at 4 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading, making it the best performer in the Dow Jones Industrial Average . It was the biggest one-day increase since November 2008 for J&J, which has fallen 5.1 percent in the past 12 months. Quarterly profit excluding one-time items of $1.35 topped by 10 cents the average estimate of 16 analysts. Net income dropped 23 percent to $3.48 billion, or $1.25 a share, hurt by withdrawals of over-the-counter drugs and artificial hips. Revenue rose 3.5 percent to $16.2 billion. About half of the increase came from translating foreign currencies into dollars, the company said. “The market will probably like this, although currency was 49 percent of their growth so it’s not as rosy as the first read will make it look,” said David Maris, a Credit Agricole analyst in New York, in a telephone interview. J&J’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit pulled Tylenol, Motrin and other consumer medicines last year because of incorrect ingredients or a musty smell that sickened some customers. The company doesn’t expect to get all of the products back to the market until 2012, CFO Caruso said on a conference call with analysts. Recall Costs Caruso said fixing the quality problems will cut earnings this year by 12 cents a share, double January’s estimate, after J&J signed a consent decree in March giving U.S. regulators expanded oversight of three manufacturing plants. First-quarter sales of J&J’s over-the-counter drugs fell 6.5 percent, led by a 27 percent drop in the U.S., because of the recalls. Investors “are concerned about this damaging the reputation of J&J,” said Linda Bannister , an analyst at Edward Jones & Co. in St. Louis . “The company needs to make it right, to get these things fixed.” Synthes, which leads the $5.5 billion global market for tools to treat broken bones, said in a statement yesterday that it was in talks about being acquired by J&J. With a market value of $19.5 billion, the West Chester , Pennsylvania-based device maker would be J&J’s biggest takeover ever. Caruso declined to comment on any potential deal. J&J’s priority for using its approximately $27 billion in cash and near-term investments remains raising the dividend, he said. After that, the company wants “to grow the business.” Increasing Scale “We’re the largest med-tech business in the world, so we believe that having a broad base of med-tech businesses, of scale, is important,” Caruso said. “And obviously where we don’t have sufficient scale, we’d love to increase the scale over time in the appropriate manner.” Pharmaceutical division sales climbed 7.5 percent to $6.06 billion, J&J said. Revenue for psoriasis drug Stelara rose 91 percent to $166 million, while arthritis treatment Simponi’s sales climbed 36 percent to $53 million. Sales of Levaquin, an antibiotic, jumped 17 percent to $434 million because of a higher incidence of flu and respiratory illness, the company said. Pfizer Inc. (PFE) , based in New York, is the largest health products maker by annual sales. To contact the reporter on this story: Alex Nussbaum in New York [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Reg Gale at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Oil, Gas Shipments Rose 9% Last Quarter at French Marseille Port
B y N i d a a B a k h s h
Crude, oil-product and natural-gas cargoes handled by Marseille port , France ’s largest, increased 9 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier. Volumes rose to 15.3 million metric tons compared with 14.1 million tons a year ago, the port authority said today in an e- mailed statement. Shipments of liquefied natural gas climbed 46 percent to 1.9 million tons, it said. In March, hydrocarbon shipments fell 3.7 percent from a year earlier to 4.9 million tons because of lower crude imports from Libya , according to the port. “The 20 percent drop in crude oil traffic with Libya, the number one client of the port in 2010, was apparently filled by diversification of supply sources by importers,” the port said. Crude imports destined for Europe climbed by 6 percent, led by Petroplus Holdings AG’s Cressier refinery in Switzerland, which increased volumes by 17 percent in the quarter versus a year earlier, the port said. To contact the reporter on this story: Nidaa Bakhsh in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephen Voss at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Vietnam Bond Yields Surge to 12-Month High on Inflation Concern
B y B l o o m b e r g N e w s
Vietnam ’s five-year bonds dropped, pushing yields to more than a 12-month high, on concern inflation accelerated in April. The dong gained. Consumer prices increased 13.9 percent in March from a year earlier, the most since February 2009, official figures show. The General Statistics Office is due to report the April numbers next week. The yield on the government’s benchmark five-year bond rose 11 basis points to 12.23 percent, the highest level since April 26, 2010, according to a daily fixing price from banks compiled by Bloomberg. “Demand is very weak because investors are expecting yields will reach 13 percent to 14 percent,” said Tran Thi Ngoc Thanh, deputy manager of the investment banking division at Sacombank Securities Joint-Stock Co. “There are forecasts in the market that consumer prices will rise as much as 1.8 percent this month.” The dong gained 0.03 percent to 20,923 per dollar as of 2:58 p.m. in Hanoi, Bloomberg data show. The State Bank of Vietnam fixed the reference rate at 20,733, compared with 20,728 yesterday, its website showed. The currency is allowed to trade up to 1 percent on either side of that rate. Nguyen Kieu Giang in Hanoi. Editor: Simon Harvey To contact the Bloomberg News Staff on this story: Nguyen Kieu Giang in Hanoi at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Sandy Hendry at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
AT&T Says It ‘Just’ Received RIM’s Bridge E-Mail App For Testing
B y G r e g B e n s i n g e r a n d H u g o M i l l e r
AT&T Inc. (T) said it has “only just” received a test version of software that enables e-mail on the Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM) BlackBerry PlayBook that was released today. “We’ve only just received the app for testing, and we want to make sure it will deliver a quality experience before we make it available to our customers,” Mark Siegel, a spokesman for Dallas-based AT&T, said in an e-mail message. To contact the reporter on this story: Greg Bensinger in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Thomas Giles at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Indian Weddings Face Curbs as Minister Targets Food Waste
B y A n d r e w M a c A s k i l l a n d P r a b h u d a t t a M i s h r a
Indians planning lavish wedding parties may face pressure to slim down their menus, as the government considers curbing celebrations that highlight a growing gulf between rich and poor. Food Minister K.V. Thomas said April 18 that a panel will consider limiting the number of guests who can be invited to weddings and other social events, as well as the dishes they can be served. Neighboring Pakistan restricts such revelers to one plate of food, he said, something India could emulate. While India’s government is reacting after soaring food prices dented the popularity of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh , leading to nationwide protests, wedding planners and policy experts said the proposals would be impossible to enforce and fail to address the root cause of food insecurity in India, home to 42 percent of the world’s undernourished children, according to the International Food Policy Research Institute . “It’s absolutely ridiculous, it’s a reactionary, poorly thought through, populist measure which I don’t think is implementable,” said Ashish Abrol , a former Deutsche Bank AG wealth manager and employee of International Business Machines Corp., who started the wedding planning firm Big Indian Wedding last year. Consumer-price inflation at 9 percent is the highest in the Group of 20 nations after Argentina and Russia . Thomas says up to 30 percent of food is wasted at weddings in India. About 40 percent of India’s fruit and vegetables rot before they can be sold because of a lack of cold storage facilities and poor transport infrastructure, according to government figures. Wal-Mart, Carrefour “To think that it is going to have an impact on the food crisis is completely foolish,” Biraj Patnaik, a campaigner for securing food rights for the poor and an adviser to the Supreme Court , said of Thomas’s plan by phone yesterday. Foreign retailers such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) and Carrefour SA, barred from selling goods directly to Indian consumers, argue they can improve the quality of the supply chain if restrictions are relaxed. Regional political parties within Singh’s ruling alliance oppose such a move, saying that it would threaten the livelihoods of millions of small shopkeepers and drive down farmers’ incomes. India ranked 67 out of 84 nations, below Rwanda, Zimbabwe and Pakistan , on the food policy institute’s Global Hunger Index compiled last year. Indian middle-class weddings are renowned for their over indulgence and growing wealth in the country, fuelled by economic expansion that may reach 9.25 percent this fiscal year, has led to ever more extravagant celebrations. Helicopter Gift Kanwar Singh Tanwar, a businessman and a member of Singh’s Congress party, invited about 30,000 people to celebrate his son’s marriage to a fellow politician’s daughter, the Indian Express reported in March. Tanwar’s son received a Bell 429 helicopter from his parents-in-law and the reception had over 500 counters serving food, the newspaper said. Responding to criticism the wedding was excessive, Tanwar said that the celebration was a “simple” affair, the Express said. Prakash Javadekar, a spokesman for India’s main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party , vowed to support government plans to crack down on excessive spending at weddings, which, he said, risks increasing social unrest in a country where so many people are hungry. “Lavish parties create a divide between the rich and the poor,” said Javadekar, who sits in parliament’s upper house, the Rajya Sabha. “We need simpler marriages.” Food Subsidies In India, about 80 percent of the population controls only 30 percent of the nation’s wealth, according to a study in 2006 by the University of Western Ontario , Canada . Singh’s government will spend about $13.6 billion this fiscal year on food subsidies for the poor. Thomas said the panel that will consider measures to rein in parties will meet in the middle of May and then discuss the matter with representatives of state government in June. Its members have not yet been named, he said. Food-price inflation averaged 16 percent in the last fiscal year after the late arrival of rains caused disruption in the supply of fruits and vegetables including onions, a staple in the local cuisine. Prices of milk, eggs and meat have also gained as rising incomes spur consumer demand. Then Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 1997 imposed curbs on the amount of food that could be served at weddings as part of austerity measures. Sharif’s brother, Shahbaz Sharif, imposed similar curbs in Pakistan’s Punjab province when he was elected chief minister in 2008. Curry, Rice Hosts can serve a curry, rice and a sweet dish, according to Siddiq-ul-Farooq, a spokesman for the Sharifs’ Pakistan Muslim League. Parties must end by 11 p.m. “This law is working in Punjab and people are benefitting from it,” Farooq said by phone from Islamabad. “Poor people now have a very good reason to avoid overspending on these occasions. In the past, they were forced to follow the rich under social pressure.” Congress President Sonia Gandhi has periodically called on party colleagues to avoid displays of wealth, including telling officials to fly economy class, cut down on phone bills and restrict their use of government-provided vehicles. To contact the reporters on this story: Andrew Macaskill in New Delhi at [email protected] ; Prabhudatta Mishra at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Peter Hirschberg at [email protected] ; Sam Nagarajan at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Karstadt’s Sales Decline in First Half, FT Deutschland Reports
B y O l i v e r S u e s s
Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH’s sales fell in the first half of the company’s business year by almost 4 percent to 1.78 billion euros ($2.6 billion), Financial Times Deutschland reported, citing documents it obtained. The figures are not adjusted for the closure of 13 department stores, and a Karstadt spokesman said the results had been expected, and the company had planned accordingly, the newspaper said. To contact the reporter on this story: Oliver Suess in Munich at [email protected] To contact the editors responsible for this story: Frank Connelly at [email protected] Edward Evans at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Russian Railways to Auction Off Stakes in Units, Zhukov Says
B y E k a t e r i n a S h a t a l o v a
OAO Russian Railways approved plans to sell 75 percent minus two shares of its OAO Freight One unit and 25 percent plus one share of OAO TransContainer, said Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov, the state-owned company’s chairman. The rail monopoly seeks at least 115.5 billion rubles ($4.1 billion) and 10.7 billion rubles for the stakes in Freight One and TransContainer, respectively, Zhukov told reporters today in Moscow, adding that Freight One will be auctioned off in the third quarter. The company’s board approved the plans today. It would keep about 25 percent in each unit after the sales. In October, Russian Railways CEO Vladimir Yakunin said in an interview with Vedomosti newspaper that Globaltrans Investment Plc and companies affiliated with billionaires Vladimir Lisin and Gennady Timchenko were potential buyers. To contact the reporter on this story: Ekaterina Shatalova in Moscow at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Paul Abelsky at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Greek Government Condemns Attack on Corfu Synagogue as Vandalism
B y E l e n i C h r e p a
The Greek government said it condemned as an act of vandalism an attack today on a synagogue on the island of Corfu. “The break-in and the destruction of ceremonial books in the Jewish Synagogue of Corfu is an immoral and appalling act” spokesman George Petalotis said in an e-mailed statement from the Athens-based press ministry today. “Anti-Semitism is incompatible with Greek culture.” An unknown group broke into the synagogue early this morning and set religious books on fire, according to a statement by the Greek police today. Police said they are investigating the incident, according to the statement . To contact the reporter on this story: Eleni Chrepa in Athens at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Angela Cullen at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Serbia Seeks International Probe on Kosovo Organ Trafficking
B y G o r d a n a F i l i p o v i c
Serbia will ask the United Nations Security Council to start an international probe into allegations of organ trafficking in Kosovo in the 1990s, Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said. The Balkan nation is seeking the investigation after a December report by Dick Marty, a Swiss member of the 47-member Council of Europe and its lead investigator, that implicated Kosovo Premier Hashim Thaci in organ trafficking and drug smuggling, Jeremic told reporters in Belgrade today. Kosovo, a nation of 2 million, mostly ethnic-Albanians, declared independence from Serbia in February 2008, a move Serbia has vowed never to accept. Most Western powers have recognized Kosovo as a state, including 22 out of 27 members of the European Union and the U.S. The Kosovo government, led by Thaci who was a guerrilla leader of Kosovo’s separatist ethnic Albanians in the 1990s, has dismissed Marty’s report. To contact the reporter on this story: Gordana Filipovic in Belgrade at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: James M. Gomez at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Deutsche Bank, LGT Group Ended BHF Sale on BaFin Fears, FTD Says
B y E v a v o n S c h a p e r
Deutsche Bank AG (DBK) and Liechtenstein’s LGT Group ended talks on the sale of BHF-Bank AG because LGT feared that BaFin, Germany ’s financial services regulator, would veto the transaction, the Financial Times Deutschland reported, citing finance circles. LGT took insufficient action in the Liechtenstein tax affair and gave BaFin false information on its use of foundations to help clients profit from tax advantages, the newspaper said. In December, LGT, which is owned by Liechtenstein’s princely family, and about 45 of its employees settled criminal proceedings by German prosecutors over charges of abetting tax evasion . To contact the reporter on this story: Eva von Schaper in Munich Bureau at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Phil Serafino at [email protected] Edward Evans at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
South Korea Buys 30,000 Tons of Chinese, Canadian Soybeans
B y S u n g w o o P a r k
Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corp., a South Korean state-run food importer, said it purchased 30,000 metric tons of non-genetically modified Chinese and Canadian soybeans for food use in a tender today. The food agency paid $685.51 a ton on a cost-and-freight basis for 25,000 tons of Chinese soybeans due for delivery by June 30, according to a notice on the importer’s website today. The company bought 5,000 tons of Canadian soybeans due for arrival in June and July for $684.50 a ton on a cost-and-freight basis, it said. To contact the reporter on this story: Sungwoo Park in Seoul at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Poole at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Foreign Direct Investment in China Rises 33% on Fast Growth
B y B l o o m b e r g N e w s
Foreign direct investment surged 33 percent in March from a year earlier as rising inflation and interest rates failed to damp overseas confidence in the world’s fastest-growing major economy. Foreign investments added $12.5 billion to China’s economy, the Ministry of Commerce said in a statement in Beijing today. Investments increased at an annual rate of 29 percent in the first quarter. China’s central bank said April 17 it would ratchet up lenders’ reserve requirements for the fourth time this year, aiming to prevent excess cash from fueling inflation that accelerated to the fastest pace in almost three years in March. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) said last month it may buy more land to build shops in the world’s most populous nation, which it predicts will be the largest grocery market by 2014. “ China outpaces the growth of other major economies in the world, consequently, the investment flows are continuing,” said David Cohen , a Singapore-based economist at Action Economics who formerly worked for the U.S. Federal Reserve. “The PBOC will need to raise reserve requirement further during the upcoming months to absorb the inflows, so that it doesn’t trigger a surge in inflation.” Cohen expects China to raise the banks’ reserve requirement ratios by 50 basis points by June, and another two to three times in the second half this year. Record Ratio The latest increase in reserve ratios will take effect on April 21, pushing the requirement to a record 20.5 percent for the biggest lenders. China increased interest rates four times since October, to curb inflation that accelerated to a 5.4 percent annual pace in March. Liquidity remains “excessive,” Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said in Beijing last night, a day after the People’s Bank of China announced the fourth increase in lenders’ reserve ratios this year. The investment surge will lead to “more political pressure for Beijing to continue to allow the appreciation of the yuan,” Cohen said. Gradual appreciation of the yuan’s nominal exchange rate against the U.S. dollar will help the country overcome inflation, PBOC Deputy Governor Yi Gang said April 15. Former Chinese central bank adviser Yu Yongding said this month that China should allow its currency to strengthen against the dollar to keep a lid on consumer prices. $3 Trillion Reserves The fastest-growing major economy is attracting money from investors betting on the strength of its expansion and prospects for gains in the yuan. China’s foreign-exchange reserves jumped to a world-record $3 trillion in March, a level that exceeds the nation’s needs, Zhou said after a speech at Tsinghua University in Beijing last night. Gross domestic product expanded 9.7 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, exceeding economists’ estimate of 9.4 percent, supporting the case for more monetary tightening. “China is not yet done with tightening,” Qu Hongbin , chief China economist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Hong Kong , said before today’s release. “Inflation is likely to accelerate further before a cool-down begins,” he said, predicting a half percentage point of reserve-ratio increases in coming months and a quarter-point boost to benchmark interest rates. Starbucks Corp. (SBUX) , the world’s largest coffee-shop operator, said it aims to increase their presence in China by boosting the number of outlets in China to 1,500 by 2015. Victoria Ruan, Zhang Dingmin, Chinmei Sung, Sophie Leung. With assistance from Jay Wang. Editors: Lily Nonomiya, Cherian Thomas To contact the reporter on this story: Chinmei Sung in Taipei at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Paul Panckhurst in Hong Kong at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Natural Gas Rises First Time in Three Days on Cooling Demand in U.S. South
B y M o m i n g Z h o u
Natural gas futures gained the most in more than three weeks as forecasts showed hotter-than-normal weather in southern states, lifting demand for gas-fired electricity for air-conditioning. Gas rose for the first time in three days as forecasters including Commodity Weather Group LLC in Bethesda, Maryland , said temperatures may be 14 degrees above normal in the South through April 28. Scheduled gas deliveries to U.S. power plants rose to the highest level in almost 10 weeks, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. “It’s very hot in Florida and Texas, unseasonably hot, and that should lift power demand,” said Phil Flynn , an analyst with PFGBest in Chicago . “We’re hanging around the 200-day moving average. I don’t see anything that’s going to dramatically move gas south in the short-term.” Natural gas for May delivery gained 12.4 cents, or 3 percent, to settle at $4.262 per million British thermal units on the New York Mercantile Exchange , the biggest percentage gain since March 25. The 200-day moving average was $4.1298. The futures have risen 8.1 percent from a year ago. The warm weather across the South will spread along the East Coast into New York and New England by the end of the month, according to Commodity Weather Group. Houston will have a high of 91 degrees Fahrenheit (33 Celsius) on April 27, 10 degrees above normal, according to AccuWeather Inc. in State College , Pennsylvania. The high temperatures in Jacksonville, Florida, will stay above 80 degrees this month. Hottest April “The South is expected to experience one of the hottest Aprils in history, which should generate incremental increases in power loads,” Shiyang Wang, an analyst at Barclays Capital in New York, said in a note to clients today. Scheduled gas deliveries to power plants increased 4.2 percent today to 14.4 million dekatherms (14.1 billion cubic feet), the highest level since Feb. 10, according to Bloomberg data based on a sampling of gas pipeline nominations. Deliveries to Texas for power generation were set to rise 8.4 percent to 2.33 million dekatherms, and planned deliveries to Florida’s power plants gained 0.9 percent to 2.86 million dekatherms, the data showed. Global output of liquefied natural gas reached a record in March after Qatar increased shipments, Societe Generale (GLE) SA said in a report today. Production of the fuel climbed to 21.8 million metric tons last month, Thierry Bros, a Paris-based analyst for the bank, said in the report. LNG imports to the U.S. will fall to the equivalent of 1.05 billion cubic feet a day of gas, down from 1.18 billion a year ago, according to Energy Department estimates. Gas futures volume in electronic trading on the Nymex was 254,610 as of 2:37 p.m., compared with the three-month average of 324,000. Volume was 320,315 yesterday. Open interest was a record 983,802 contracts, according to the exchange. The three- month average open interest is 913,000. The exchange has a one-business-day delay in reporting open interest and full volume data. To contact the reporter on this story: Moming Zhou in New York at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dan Stets at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Oil Volatility Slips as Futures Rise Fourth Time in Five Days
B y M a r g o t H a b i b y
Oil options volatility slipped on the fourth front-month futures increase in five days as speculation that the European Central Bank will further raise interest rates strengthened the euro against the dollar. Implied volatility for at-the-money options expiring in June, a measure of expected price swings in futures and a gauge of options prices, was 26.8 percent as of 4 p.m. in New York , down from 27.7 percent yesterday. Oil for May delivery rose $1.03, or 1 percent, to expire at $108.15 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange . Prices are up 33 percent from a year ago. June futures increased 59 cents, or 0.6 percent, to $108.28. The May contract expired at the close of floor trading today. The most active contracts in electronic trading were June $90 puts with 2,381 lots changing hands. They fell 3 cents to 8 cents a barrel. December $200 calls, the next most active contract, slipped 2 cents to 41 cents a barrel with 2,114 contracts trading. One contract is for 1,000 barrels of oil. May options expired April 14. Nymex distributes real-time data for electronic trading and releases information on floor trading, where the bulk of options trading occurs, the next business day. June $100 puts were the most active options traded in the previous session, with 9,959 lots changing hands. They rose 25 cents to 79 cents a barrel. The next most active option, June $105 puts, gained 63 cents to $2.13 a barrel on 5,452 lots. Open interest was highest for June $150 calls with 44,086 contracts. Next were December 2012 $80 puts with 43,312 and December $120 calls with 38,611. To contact the reporter on this story: Margot Habiby in Dallas at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Bill Banker at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Ford to Make Compact SUVs in China, Boost Marketing Spend
B y B l o o m b e r g N e w s
April 19 (Bloomberg) Ford Motor Co. (F) said it will make the next generation of its Kuga compact sport-utility vehicle in China and boost marketing spending to help win sales in the world’s largest auto market. “We have to make sure our advertising spend is high enough as a percentage of our revenue,” Jim Farley , the company’s group vice president for global marketing, sales and service, said today at the Shanghai auto show. He didn’t elaborate on how much the company planned to spend. The addition of the Kuga, a C-segment or compact vehicle, is part of Ford’s plans to introduce 15 models in China by 2015. The Dearborn, Michigan-based company also intends to double its number of dealerships to 680 to help challenge market leaders General Motors Co. and Volkswagen AG. “To be a volume player in China , you have to execute the C-segment flawlessly,” Farley said. The automaker didn’t say when China production of the Kuga may start. Ford, which sells the Focus compact and Fiesta subcompact in China, has a market share of 2.4 percent, according to industry researcher J.D. Power & Associates. The automaker expects China’s car market to grow as much as 10 percent this year, with its own sales outpacing the industry. Last year, Ford’s China deliveries rose 40 percent to 582,467, surpassing the 32 percent industry average. The company is banking on emerging markets to help it maintain profits after posting $6.56 billion in net income last year, the most since 1999. It is building a new vehicle plant through its China venture in Chongqing and it has plans for a new engine plant in the southwestern city. Liza Lin. Editors: Neil Denslow, Jamie Butters To contact the Bloomberg News staff on this story: Liza Lin in Shanghai at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kae Inoue at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
TeliaSonera First-Quarter Net Declines to $740 Million, Missing Estimates
B y D i a n a b e n - A a r o n
TeliaSonera AB (TLSN) reported first- quarter sales and profit that missed estimates and lowered its full-year revenue forecast as European markets lagged behind growth in central Asia. Net income fell 1.6 percent to 4.65 billion kronor ($736 million), from 4.72 billion kronor a year earlier, Stockholm- based TeliaSonera said in a statement today. Revenue slipped 5.6 percent to 24.7 billion kronor. The average estimates of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg were for profit of 4.81 billion kronor and sales of 25.4 billion kronor. TeliaSonera is encountering tougher competition in its home Nordic markets as rivals including Tele2 AB and Elisa Oyj step up sales of smartphones and data packages. Lower handset revenue and higher regulatory charges contributed to slippage in the region, the company said. Central Asia sales gained 9.2 percent, driven by Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. “Revenue weakness extended across all units with the exception of Norway and Eurasia, which was merely in line,” Ulrich Rathe, a London-based analyst at Jefferies International Ltd., wrote in a note. “The major contributors to the group revenue shortfall were fixed wholesale and ‘other,’ both contributing 81 percent to the miss. Both units are areas of low visibility and minor contributors to value.” Shares Fall TeliaSonera shares declined as much as 2.8 percent to 48.36 kronor, and traded 1.4 percent lower at 49.07 kronor as of 1:26 p.m. in Stockholm . TeliaSonera said it expects net sales growth in local currencies and without acquisitions to be about 3 percent this year, down from an earlier forecast of 4 percent. The company has said it is willing to expand by consolidating in its markets and has bid for Polkomtel SA, the second-largest mobile company in Poland , which adjoins its Baltic operations. Five companies or groups were bidding, Polkomtel Deputy Chief Executive Officer Krzysztof Kilian said on April 6. Polkomtel may go for more than $5 billion, based on the valuation of a 2008 stake sale by Denmark ’s TDC A/S. “There are many bidders, which means the price is probably going to be not cheap,” Chief Executive Officer Lars Nyberg said in an interview. “I don’t think Polkomtel is strategically necessary for us but if we can get it for a decent price and we believe that we can improve that business then maybe we have a case. But we are not there yet, not at all.” Turkcell Plans TeliaSonera aims to stick with Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS, the Turkish operator in which it holds a 38 percent stake and is now trying to get more independent directors appointed to the board, Nyberg said. “If you as the biggest owner consider leaving because a company is going through some difficulties, you are then more of short-term investor,” Nyberg said. “TeliaSonera is a telecom operator, we love this asset and we intend to keep it.” TeliaSonera never planned to merge Turkcell with Russian operator OAO MegaFon, in which it also holds a stake, Nyberg added. A 2009 plan to combine TeliaSonera’s holdings in the two companies with those Russia ’s Alfa Group to simplify governance, without combining operations, has been delayed by conflicts over shares in Turkcell. Nyberg wouldn’t speculate on the outcome of Turkcell’s annual investor meeting scheduled for April 21. To contact the reporter on this story: Diana ben-Aaron in Helsinki at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Vidya Root in Paris at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Yahoo's First-Quarter Sales Beats Estimates as Online-Ad Demand Increases
B y B r i a n W o m a c k
Yahoo! Inc., the most-visited U.S. Web portal, reported first-quarter sales that topped estimates as companies stepped up their use of Internet advertising . The shares rose as much as 5.5 percent in late trading. Excluding sales passed on to partner sites, revenue was $1.06 billion, Sunnyvale, California-based Yahoo said today in a statement. Analysts had estimated $1.05 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Chief Executive Officer Carol Bartz is benefiting from buoyant demand for display advertising, such as banners and videos, as Yahoo sites attract more visitors. U.S. users grew 15 percent to 179.5 million in March from the year-earlier period, putting Yahoo ahead of No. 2 Google Inc. (GOOG) ’s 176.8 million, according to ComScore Inc. Yahoo’s results eased concern that arose in January after its forecast disappointed investors. “This certainly gives her some breathing room,” said Kerry Rice, an analyst with Wedbush Securities Inc. in Los Angeles . He rates the stock “underperform” and doesn’t own it. “This keeps investors on the line.” Yahoo rose as much as 88 cents to $17 in extended trading. The shares, down 3.1 percent this year, had closed at $16.12 earlier on the Nasdaq Stock Market. Quarter Forecast Sales will be $1.08 billion to $1.13 billion in the second quarter, the company said. The midpoint of that range matched the $1.1 billion projected by analysts. First-quarter net income attributable to the company fell to $223 million, or 17 cents a share, from $310.2 million, or 22 cents, Yahoo said. One-time benefits a year earlier accounted for some of the decrease. Excluding some items, Yahoo had earnings of 19 cents a share, topping the average estimate of 16 cents. Yahoo’s sales have been shrinking as the company offloads businesses, farms out much of its search operations and refocuses on its best-performing websites. At the same time, it’s selling more display ads. Excluding revenue shared with partner sites, display-advertising sales climbed 10 percent last quarter to $471 million. “Our turnaround is proceeding right on schedule,” Tim Morse, chief financial officer, said in an interview. “We’re confident that we’re heading in the right direction.” Improvements Seen During the quarter, Web visitors’ engagement on the site showed some improvements. Page views on Yahoo’s media properties, including the home page, were up 8 percent during the quarter after declining in previous months, the company said. Time spent on those properties rose 17 percent. Still, page views on communications and communities, including Yahoo e- mail and its “Groups” messaging service, fell 6 percent and time spent fell 10 percent. Yahoo is trying to maintain its role as a top Internet portal at a time when more users are heading to social- networking sites, such as Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. Under Bartz, who became CEO in January 2009, the company has pared down its workforce in a bid to make Yahoo more efficient. Earlier this year it announced plans to cut about 1 percent of its staff, following a decision to eliminate about 4 percent, or about 600 jobs, in December. Bartz also struck a deal with Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) to use its search technology on Yahoo’s sites. As part of the agreement, Yahoo shifted its search-marketing platform for advertisers to Microsoft’s system, called AdCenter. The companies began the shift in October with Canada and the U.S. AdCenter Pause The company will hold off on further implementation of the search-advertising part of the agreement until Microsoft improves the performance of its AdCenter platform, which has been a disappointment thus far, said Bartz, who met personally with Microsoft officials. Bartz said she is confident Microsoft, which is guaranteeing revenue for Yahoo during the transition, will address “issues” with the platform. Overall, she said the quarter’s results show her efforts to turnaround the company. “We continue to make headway on our plan to increase profitability and grow revenue,” Bartz said. “We are growing engagement and monetizing it.” Microsoft has expanded its share of the U.S. search market for eight straight months, reaching 13.9 percent in March, while Yahoo’s declined last month to 15.7 percent from 16.1 percent the previous month, according to Reston, Virginia-based ComScore. Still, Google holds more than twice the market share of both companies combined, with 65.7 percent. Yahoo also has held talks to dispose of its stake in Yahoo Japan , an Internet portal company, two people familiar with the matter said last month. Yahoo co-owns the Tokyo-based joint venture with Softbank Corp. To contact the reporter on this story: Brian Womack in San Francisco at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Tom Giles at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Nokia Profit May Fall 49% as Pressure Grows on Elop's Symbian Handset Goal
B y D i a n a b e n - A a r o n
Nokia Oyj (NOK1V) may tomorrow report a 49 percent decline in profit and forecast further erosion before the world’s biggest maker of mobile phones introduces its first smartphones using Microsoft Corp.’s operating system. First-quarter net income at Espoo, Finland-based Nokia may drop to 177 million euros ($253 million) from 349 million euros a year earlier, according to the average of 19 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. The operating margin for devices and services adjusted for some items probably fell 3.6 percentage points to 8.5 percent, the average of 23 estimates shows. Chief Executive Officer Stephen Elop, a former Microsoft executive, said in February Nokia will adopt Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 as its main smartphone operating system, replacing the Symbian platform it has used for more than a decade. Investors want to know how long it will take to reach a goal of selling 150 million more handsets on the last versions of Symbian. “I’ll be looking at the slope of the decline whether or not the second quarter ends up being weaker than the first quarter and therefore by implication how deep the trough might be before we get a new product-driven recovery,” said Stuart Jeffrey, an analyst at Nomura International Plc in London who has a “reduce” rating on the stock. Operating Margin Nokia hasn’t provided a full-year forecast, citing uncertainty caused during the transition to Microsoft’s software. On Feb. 11, the day it announced the agreement, Elop set a long-term target to increase handset sales faster than the market with an adjusted operating margin of 10 percent or more after the shift to Windows Phone, which he expects to take place during 2011 and 2012. The shares added 7.5 cents, or 1.3 percent, to 5.86 euros at 10:30 a.m. in Helsinki, valuing the company at 21.9 billion euros. Before today, Nokia had lost 29 percent since announcing the Microsoft partnership. Investors will look for guidance on how long handset margins will stay below last year’s 10.9 percent level , and how big the reorganized company will be. Elop has predicted “substantial reductions” in jobs from cuts that analysts say may slash a third of the 3 billion-euro annual research and development budget. Job Cuts? “As the current Symbian portfolio matures and actually starts to expire without any new Windows devices coming out in the near future, I think the second half and specifically the third quarter might be very, very difficult,” said Mikko Ervasti, a Helsinki-based analyst at Evli Bank. Symbian’s market share, at 37.6 percent in 2010, will fall to 19.2 percent this year and 5.2 percent in 2012, according to forecasts by researcher Gartner Inc., which measures sales to consumers. In the fourth quarter, Nokia had a smartphone share of 30.8 percent, down 20 percentage points since Apple Inc. (AAPL) shipped its first iPhone in 2007, according to Gartner. Apple, which reports results today, may say profit rose 64 percent to $5.03 billion on sales of about $23.4 billion. Nokia’s own first-quarter forecast for devices and services sales is 6.8 billion euros to 7.3 billion euros, with an operating margin in devices, adjusted for restructuring charges and amortization of acquired assets, of 7 percent to 10 percent. Apple, Sony Ericsson Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications Ltd., which shifted to Android from Symbian last year, yesterday reported a surprise profit of 11 million euros after the company sold more higher- priced handsets. Nokia will report earnings at about 1 p.m. local time tomorrow, with a conference call at 3 p.m. that can be monitored through the company’s website. “My sense is that the temptation will be quite strong for Elop to kitchen-sink this quarter try to set a clear canvas by saying it’s possible we could be down 20 percent year on year in unit shipments,” said Lee Simpson , an analyst at Jefferies International Ltd. in London. Nokia device shipments in the first quarter, typically the company’s weakest, probably slipped 1.6 percent from a year earlier to 106.1 million units, according to analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. The company’s portfolio in the quarter included the N8 touchscreen phone that it used to release an improved Symbian in September, along with three related models including the C7, which T-Mobile USA is selling as the Astound. Android, IPhone5 First-quarter revenue probably rose 6.5 percent to 10.14 billion euros, the average of 39 estimates, as Nokia rolled out the new models to more operators and markets. Nokia last week unveiled a further update to Symbian and two smartphones to ship in summer, when they’re likely to compete with Apple’s iPhone 5 and the latest models running Google Inc. (GOOG) ’s Android system from vendors including Samsung Electronics Co., the world’s second-largest handset vendor, and HTC Corp. (2498) , the Taiwanese manufacturer that passed Nokia in market value this month. Gartner predicts Android will run on 38.5 percent of smartphones sold this year. The Google software is moving into cheaper hardware and starting to compete with the high-volume, low-margin phones business that made up half of Nokia’s handset revenues and 78 percent of its unit sales last year. “Investors will want to get a sense of how long a tail Symbian will have, how quickly it’ll ramp down,” said Stephen Patel, a San Francisco-based analyst at Gleacher & Co. “ It’ll depend on consumer reaction to Nokia going end-of-life with Symbian. Some don’t care and others don’t want to buy a product that isn’t going to be around in a few years.” Japan Effect Investors will also look for guidance on whether disruptions following the earthquake in Japan last month will affect shipments in the second and third quarters, Patel said, adding that it could offset the usual seasonal increase. “I’ll be looking at the potential impact of Japan especially in terms of supply chain, potential bottlenecks, and the margins whether or not the deterioration we’ve seen during the last year will continue,” said Leon Cappaert, a fund manager at KBC Asset Management in Brussels with 330 million euros under management, including Nokia shares in a general fund for weighting purposes. To contact the reporter on this story: Diana ben-Aaron in Helsinki at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kenneth Wong in Berlin at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Gulf Stocks: Al Meera, Doha Bank, Sabic, Savola, Sorouh
B y Z a h r a H a n k i r
Dubai’s DFM General Index (DFMGI) advanced 0.1 percent, according to the bourse’s website. Abu Dhabi’s ADX General Index (ADSMI) dropped 0.2 percent and Saudi Arabia’s Tadawul All Share Index (SASEIDX) retreated 0.1 percent. The following stocks rose or fell in the Persian Gulf region. Symbols are in parentheses. Al Meera Consumer Goods Co. (MERS QD) advanced the most in almost a week, rising 1.1 percent to 86.9 riyals. The shares were trading ex-dividend today. The company that operates a chain of stores in Qatar said first-quarter profit rose to 12.6 million riyals ($3.5 million) from 9.2 million riyals a year earlier. Doha Bank QSC (DHBK) rose the most in a month, advancing 2.1 percent to 52.6 riyals. Qatar’s fourth-biggest bank by assets said first-quarter profit rose 15 percent to 363 million riyals. Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC) increased the most since March 20, rising 2.6 percent to 109 riyals. The world’s biggest petrochemicals maker said first-quarter profit surged 42 percent to 7.69 billion riyals ($2 billion) from a year ago. Savola (SAVOLA) Azizia United Co. (SAVOLA AB) dropped the most since March 15, falling 2.2 percent to 26.7 riyals. The Saudi Arabian food producer said first-quarter profit declined 58 percent to 165.2 million riyals after a 2010 capital gain wasn’t repeated and global commodity prices hurt margins. Sorouh Real Estate Co. (SOROUH) surged to the highest since Jan. 23, increasing 3.5 percent to 1.5 dirhams. Abu Dhabi’s Urban Planning Council signed housing contracts valued at 13.5 billion dirhams ($3.7 billion) including a 2.89 billion- dirham deal with Sorouh to build 7,500 houses for United Arab Emirates ’ nationals. To contact the reporter on this story: Zahra Hankir in Dubai at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Maedler at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
European Construction Output Dropped in February, Led by France
B y S i m o n e M e i e r
European construction output fell in February, led by declines in France and Slovenia. Construction in the 17-member euro region slipped 0.7 percent from January, when it advanced a revised 3.6 percent, the European Union’s statistics office in Luxembourg said today. From a year earlier, output rose 3.5 percent. In France, the region’s second-largest economy, output fell 0.1 percent from January, when it surged 14 percent, today’s report showed. Slovenian output fell 7.9 percent. German production advanced 3.4 percent after jumping 35 percent in January. In the 27-member European Union, construction rose 0.7 percent from January. The statistics office didn’t provide monthly data for countries including Spain , Ireland, Belgium and Greece. To contact the reporter on this story: Simone Meier in Zurich at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Craig Stirling at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Canacol Drops for 11th Day on Delayed Results for Guyana Field
B y B l a k e S c h m i d t
Canacol Energy Ltd. (CNE) , the Calgary- based oil company that operates fields in South America , headed toward the lowest closing price in seven months on delayed results of drilling at an exploratory well in Guyana. The shares fell for the 11th consecutive day, sinking 1.7 percent to 2,320 pesos in Bogota trading at 12:40 p.m. New York time. A close at that level would be the lowest since Sept. 30. The company continues to drill and test the Apoteri K-2 well in Guyana, Kevin Flick, head of investor relations for the company, said in a phone interview. Exploration began in December and was interrupted in January because of the late arrival of some equipment, according to a statement March 7. Canacol hasn’t given further details on plans for a second well in the Takutu block, which had been slated for next month. “The stock is probably being hit due to a lack of information about that project,” said Santiago Melo, an analyst at brokerage Alianza Valores SA in Bogota. “The Colombian market has also been weak in general, but Canacol is out of the ordinary.” Flick said Canacol will release information about the well as soon as possible. “Until drilling and testing is done, I’ve been instructed to stay quiet,” he said. “I realize the market is skittish with the stock.” To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Papadopoulos at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
World Monuments Leader Morphs Into Painter, Has Show: Interview
B y Z i n t a L u n d b o r g
High up in the historic Ansonia favored home of singers, artists, eccentrics on Manhattan ’s west side, Marilyn Perry is wondering which of her many paintings she likes the most. “Maybe that one?” She ponders, pointing to a vibrant green work bursting with life. “But I’d sell it anyway.” For decades Perry, 71, made her mark as the president of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation and chairman of the World Monuments Fund , which she built into architecture’s version of the World Wildlife Fund . Crumbling landmarks, from temples at Angkor, Cambodia to the ancient Maya city of Naranjo, Guatemala , have benefited from Perry’s zealous fundraising and strategic alliances. Carlos Slim , James Wolfensohn, the Prince of Wales , Brooke Astor, Paul Mellon and Eugene Thaw are only some of the global personalities who were happy to receive preservation’s highest recognition, the Hadrian Award of the WMF. Retiring in 2007, Perry has been painting obsessively ever since. Tonight, tomorrow and Thursday, see a show of her new work at the Rogue Space in Chelsea, a gallery artists can rent for short periods. View the paintings beginning at 2 p.m., and have a drink with the artist from 5 to 8 p.m. We continued speaking as her curator, Chris Watson, packed the pictures onto luggage racks and into a waiting van. Lundborg: What was it like to put a brush to canvas for the first time? Sky’s the Limit Perry: It felt like a liberation. I love the excitement of creating something that’s separate from yourself, but that’s come out of your existence. Lundborg: When did it get really interesting? Perry: I started by taking a little workshop in the country with a local artist, and then I started ordering how-to books. It got interesting when I realized the sky’s the limit, that with painting, you can do anything. Lundborg: Did being an art historian help? Perry: Spending so much time in the company of the artists I love gave me a sense of proportion and color. Lundborg: How has your relation to painting changed? Perry: I’m less possessive. When I sold my first painting, it was like giving away a child. Now, I know I’ll do other things I like. Lundborg: But selling must also be a validation? Perry: The most gratifying moment was when I sold my first canvas to a stranger. Somebody bought it off the wall in a group show, and I wasn’t even there. It went for $450. Lundborg: Is that when you started feeling like a professional painter? Who Was I? Perry: It was gradual. It didn’t come from selling work, but from the pattern of my life, how my day was structured and what I thought about. It was a very big transition from one role to another: You are no longer who you were. One of my friends was a CEO and after he sold his company, he told me that he got up, put on a suit and went to the library. Lundborg: How do you put a price on your work? Perry: That’s difficult. So many things come into play: who your audience is, what the value of a new (old!) painter is, what you love. Someone bought a painting of trees because it made her feel happy, as though she were a child again about to go play in the woods. Lundborg: Historically, what painters would you most like to meet? Perry: Titian for color, Velazquez for the brush stroke, though I don’t dare to do portraits, except dogs under duress. And Turner, whose space-dissolving pictures broke into new realms. Forgotten Emperor Lundborg: You made preservation chic and important. How did you come to realize that you could help save some of the great endangered places? Perry: When I lived in Italy , I met Colonel James Gray, who raised funds for particular sites, and I actually saw him successfully saving monuments. When he wanted to retire, there was no succession. He came to me, and we decided to invent a brand-new kind of nonprofit organization. Lundborg: What are the biggest threats? Perry: Neglect, active destruction, natural disasters and then there are buildings that are financially beyond the local community to help. Lundborg: What’s your most satisfying save? Perry: The Qianlong Garden in the Forbidden City. In 1771, the fifth emperor of China ’s Qian dynasty started building a two-acre retreat with four courtyards, five rockeries and 27 pavilions and structures. It was largely abandoned in 1924. We got the Chinese to recognize something that they didn’t know they had. There’s currently a show at the Met Museum with treasures that were recovered from the Emperor’s private paradise. Marilyn Perry’s work can be seen at Rogue Space Gallery, 508 W. 26th St. until April 21 and at . Prices range from about $500 to $3,000 for large seascapes. (Zinta Lundborg is an editor for Muse, the arts and leisure section of Bloomberg News. The opinions expressed are her own. This interview was adapted from a longer conversation.) To contact the reporter on this story: Zinta Lundborg at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Jeffrey Burke at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
EU Carbon Advances After Reaching 6-Day Low; Gas Little Changed
B y M a t h e w C a r r
European Union carbon permits advanced after reaching their lowest price in six days as natural gas erased losses. Carbon futures for December rose 0.9 percent to 16.82 euros ($24.10) a metric ton on the ICE Futures Europe exchange in London as of 5:40 p.m. They declined earlier as low as 16.53 euros. U.K. gas for the six months through September next year, the summer contract, was little changed after yesterday’s 1.7 percent decline. Carbon fell 2.6 percent yesterday, its biggest drop in a month, after Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service revised its long- term sovereign credit rating outlook for the U.S., the world’s largest economy, to negative from stable. Power utilities are buying emission permits as they sell power forward through 2014. A decision by Germany to phase out nuclear power may add some upside pressure to emission permits this week, said Emmanuel Fages and Carine Hemery, Paris-based analysts for Orbeo, the carbon venture of Rhodia SA and Societe Generale SA. “Downside risks will cap the increase of carbon prices,” which probably won’t move beyond 17.25 euros a ton this week, they said yesterday in an e-mailed research note. This week’s minimum should be 16.50 euros, according to Orbeo. Warmer weather will curb energy demand for heating, Fages and Hemery said. High temperatures in Frankfurt are forecast at 23 degrees Celsius (73 Fahrenheit) tomorrow, compared with a 30- year median maximum of 14 degrees, according to weather data on Bloomberg. They will rise as high as 26 degrees on April 21. London temperatures may be as low as 7 degrees tomorrow, compared with a median minimum of 5 degrees. To contact the reporter on this story: Mathew Carr in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephen Voss at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Tesco Full-Year Profit Rises Less Than Estimated as Quarterly Sales Drop
B y S a r a h S h a n n o n
Tesco Plc (TSCO) , the U.K.’s largest supermarket company, reported full-year earnings that missed analysts’ estimates and said it expects the domestic market to remain “challenging” after a drop in fourth-quarter sales. So-called trading profit rose 7.8 percent to 3.68 billion pounds ($6 billion) in the year ended Feb. 26, the Cheshunt, England-based retailer said today. The average estimate of 15 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg was 3.74 billion pounds. Asia and Europe contributed almost 70 percent of the profit growth, while losses widened at the U.S. Fresh & Easy chain, Tesco said. Chief Executive Officer Philip Clarke , who took over from Terry Leahy in March, faces a stagnant grocery market in the U.K., the retailer’s largest by revenue, where growth is being driven mostly by inflation. Tesco said it plans to give more space to non-food items and add new general-merchandise ranges. More than three-quarters of store openings in the coming year will be in international markets such as China . “The headline numbers are slightly disappointing, particularly in the U.K., where Tesco’s non-food offer clearly needs some work,” Philip Dorgan, an analyst at Panmure Gordon, said by e-mail. “The shares are too cheap if Tesco can execute better in the U.K., drive higher international returns and generate cash.” Dorgan has a “buy” rating on the shares. Shares Drop Tesco fell 4.35 pence, or 1.1 percent, to 395.65 pence at 8:21 a.m. in London trading. The stock has fallen 6.8 percent this year, compared with rival J Sainsbury Plc (SBRY) ’s 9.9 percent decline and a 1.9 percent fall at Carrefour SA. (CA) Sales at U.K. stores open at least a year fell 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter, excluding value-added tax and gasoline, said Tesco, whose domestic market share has hovered around 30 percent for more than five years. “Customers are looking for value, they’re eating out less, they’re using their car less,” CEO Clarke said on a conference call. “That’s why we’re saying specific steps include a greater level of innovation, much more effort on food, and a big push to reallocate space and bring new ranges in general merchandise, into home, into non-food.” The retailer said Asia, Europe and the U.S. should benefit from the improvements in the global economy. Tesco will add 11 million square feet (1.02 million square meters) of new space this year, a similar level to last year, Finance Director Laurie McIlwee said on the call. About 8.4 million square feet of that will be outside the U.K. 5,000 Stores Tesco, which has more than 5,000 stores in 14 countries, plans to sell and lease back up to 1 billion pounds of property including assets in U.S. and China annually to fund expansion. “This could be an opportunity for Philip Clarke to make his mark,” Execution Noble analyst Caroline Gulliver said before the release. “We do not think Tesco’s performance has been significantly worse than its competitors in the U.K. and we think the international growth opportunity is excellent.” Gulliver has a “buy” recommendation on the shares. The trading loss at the U.S. Fresh & Easy chain widened to 186 million pounds in the year as the unit bought two suppliers. Trading profit in Asia climbed 30 percent to 570 million pounds, boosted by sales in Thailand and South Korea . China, where the retailer is opening five-storey shopping malls, failed to make a profit in the second half, weighed down by “slower consumer demand growth” and fewer store openings than planned. Total revenue for the year rose 7.1 percent to 60.9 billion pounds, excluding value-added taxes. Tesco plans to pay a total dividend for the year of 14.46 pence a share, a 10.8 percent increase on the previous year. Net income for the year rose to 2.66 billion pounds, or 32.94 pence a share, from 2.33 billion pounds, or 29.19 pence, a year earlier, the retailer said. To contact the reporter on this story: Sarah Shannon in London at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Celeste Perri at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Man Group Will Close GLG Fund Once Assets Exceed $1 Billion
B y J e s s e W e s t b r o o k
Man Group Plc (EMG) , the world’s biggest publicly traded hedge fund, plans to close its GLG Market Neutral Fund to new investors after concluding producing good returns will be easier if assets are capped at about $1 billion. GLG portfolio manager Steve Roth decided that limiting the size of the fund will make it easier to get in and out of trading positions, Man Group spokesman David Waller said today. The market neutral fund invests in convertible-arbitrage strategies, which involves purchasing bonds that can be swapped for equity when shares of an issuer reach a preset level. Hedge fund managers and investors have become increasingly focused on size since 2008, when industry losses and a global credit crunch triggered a rush by clients to withdraw money. Brevan Howard Asset Management LLP last year closed its $25 billion master fund and Paul Jones ’s Tudor Investment Corp. restricted investments into its $9.5 billion BVI Global Fund. GLG suspended client redemptions from the market neutral fund in 2008. The fund’s investment performance was down 54 percent that year and assets under management fell from a peak of about $3 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The Market Neutral fund has since rebounded, gaining 82 percent in 2009 and 34 percent last year. The fund oversaw about $920 million at the end of February, the data show. London-based Man Group acquired GLG last year. The decision to close the fund was reported earlier today by the Financial Times. To contact the reporter on this story: in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Edward Evans at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Athens Bus Driver Suspended After Taking Unscheduled Break
B y T o m S t o u k a s
An Athens city bus driver was suspended after he took an unscheduled break yesterday forcing passengers to disembark. “Such behavior is incomprehensible particularly at a time when passengers need public transport to overcome the long crisis that has plagued them,” according to an e-mailed statement from Greece’s Transport Ministry . Greece’s economy contracted 4.5 percent in 2010 and unemployment hit a record 15.1 percent in January as the government cut wages and raised taxes in exchange for a 110 billion-euro ($157.5 billion) bailout last year from the European Union and International Monetary Fund . To contact the reporter on this story: Tom Stoukas in Athens at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Angela Cullen at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Vedanta May Use $1.5 Billion Cairn India Stake as Offer Hedge
B y R a k t e e m K a t a k e y a n d R u t h D a v i d
Vedanta Resources Plc (VED) ’s $1.5 billion purchase of a stake in Cairn India Ltd. (CAIR) from Petroliam Nasional Bhd. may provide a hedge against any shortfall in take- up for a broader offer for the oil explorer, investors said. Vedanta’s Sesa Goa Ltd. (SESA) unit bought 10.4 percent of Cairn India for 331 rupees a share, the London-based parent said in a statement yesterday. That’s 6.8 percent lower than the price proposed by Sesa Goa in an open offer for as much as 20 percent of Cairn India, and 3.8 percent below yesterday’s closing price. Vedanta’s purchase from the Malaysian company known as Petronas, on top of the open offer, may result in it holding 51 percent to 70.4 percent of Cairn India , according to the statement. Sesa Goa’s offer is part of Vedanta’s $9.6 billion bid announced in August for the operator of India’s largest onshore oilfield. The government is yet to approve the takeover. “With this 10.4 percent stake now secured below the offer price, Vedanta could acquire a 51 percent stake for up to $318 million less, marking a 4 percent discount,” Liberum Capital Ltd. wrote in a note to investors today. The transaction may encourage other minority shareholders, who were previously undecided, to sell their stakes, Liberum said. Cairn India rose 1.4 percent to 348.85 rupees at the close of trade in Mumbai, while Sesa Goa gained 0.4 percent to 308.45 rupees. Vedanta advanced 3.1 percent to 2,338 pence at the close in London . Shareholder Uncertainty “Probably the reason for the Petronas deal is to make up for the shortfall from the open offer,” D.K. Aggarwal, chairman of SMC Wealth Management Services Ltd., said by phone from New Delhi. “There’s a lot of uncertainty about the deal still, and shareholders may not be willing to tender their shares. If the deal fails, the value of the shares will fall significantly.” The Petronas deal increases the minimum acceptance ratio in the open offer to 75 percent from 53 percent, Harshad Katkar and Amit Murarka, analysts at Deutsche Bank AG, said in a report. “This underscores Vedanta’s seriousness in acquiring a majority shareholding in Cairn India,” they said. Sesa Goa hasn’t disclosed how many shares have been tendered so far. Sesa Goa was forced to delay its offer to Cairn India’s minority investors this month and extend a deadline to complete the transaction to May 20 from April 15 after India’s cabinet asked ministers to study the proposal. Oil Minister Jaipal Reddy said yesterday the panel of ministers hasn’t fixed a date to meet. “I am not in a position to give a timeframe for a decision,” Reddy told reporters in New Delhi . Win Control “Petronas’s exit is probably part of the overall strategy for Vedanta to get control of Cairn India,” said Walter Rossini, who manages a 250 million-euro ($358 million) equity fund at Aletti Gestielle SGR SpA in Milan and doesn’t plan to sell Cairn India shares in the open offer. “The open offer price is okay at $90 crude. At above $100, it is not so interesting.” Crude oil has gained more than 45 percent since Vedanta’s Aug. 16 announcement to buy a majority stake in Cairn India. Oil futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange traded at an average $94.60 a barrel last quarter, and touched $113.46 on April 11. Vedanta, controlled by billionaire Chairman Anil Agarwal , is offering Cairn India’s majority shareholder Cairn Energy Plc (CNE) 405 rupees a share, including a non-compete fee of 50 rupees. Cairn Energy will sell 40 percent to 51 percent of its holding to Vedanta, depending on the result of Sesa Goa’s open offer. ‘Upbeat’ Oil “As the hangover of the open offer goes off we expect Cairn India stock to normalize and move beyond the 370-rupee levels if crude prices continue to remain upbeat,” said Yogesh Radke, head of quantitative research at Edelweiss Securities. Cairn India produces about 125,000 barrels a day from the Mangala field in the Rajasthan block, the nation’s biggest oil deposit on land. The company may start Rajasthan’s Bhagyam field in the second half and reach peak output of 40,000 barrels a day by the end of the year, according to a Feb. 10 statement. Petronas sold its entire 14.9 percent holding in Cairn India for $2.1 billion, Malaysia ’s state oil and gas producer said in a statement yesterday, without identifying the buyers. Bank of America Corp. (BAC) helped sell the shares, said two people with knowledge of the transaction, who declined to be identified because the information is private. Mona Kwatra, a spokeswoman for Bank of America, and Manu Kapoor, a spokesman for Cairn India, declined to comment. Pavan Kaushik, a spokesman for Vedanta in India, didn’t answer six calls to his mobile phone. Emily Dimmock, a spokeswoman for the company in London, declined to comment. Bank Rankings Bank of America is ranked sixth in managing domestic share sales by Indian companies this year, with SBI Capital Markets Ltd. ranked first, followed by HSBC Bank Plc, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Indian companies have raised 83 billion rupees ($1.87 billion) in local share sales in 2011, a fifth of the amount in the same period last year, the data show. Petronas acquired 10 percent of Cairn India at 176.48 rupees a share before the explorer’s December 2006 initial public offering. The Kuala Lumpur-based company bought more shares at 224.30 rupees each in a preferential allotment in March 2008 and paid about $240 million for a further 2.3 percent stake in October 2009, taking its total holding to 14.9 percent. Shamsul Azhar Abbas ordered a review of Petronas’s global investment portfolio after taking over as chief executive officer in February 2010 as he sought to invest more at home to boost the country’s oil and gas reserves, he said in November. To contact the reporters on this story: Rakteem Katakey in New Delhi at [email protected] ; Ruth David in Mumbai Serviced at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Amit Prakash at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Andy Murray Withdraws From This Week's Barcelona Event With Elbow Injury
B y D a n i e l l e R o s s i n g h
Andy Murray , the fourth-ranked men’s tennis player, withdrew from this week’s clay-court tournament in Barcelona because of an elbow injury, he said on his website. The Scot was given a cortisone injection during his semifinal loss against top-ranked Rafael Nadal at the Monte Carlo Rolex Masters three days ago. He will now take four to five days’ rest following advice from medical experts. Murray had reached the last four on the clay courts of Monte Carlo following a slump in form after losing to second- ranked Novak Djokovic of Serbia in the final of the Australian Open in January. The 23-year-old lost his opening rounds in tournaments in Rotterdam, Indian Wells , California , and Miami, all to lower- ranked players. His form improved in Monte Carlo, where Murray took a set off eventual seven-time champion Nadal. To contact the reporter on this story: Danielle Rossingh in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Christopher Elser in London at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Brazil’s OGX Rebounds From Its Biggest Decline in Two Years
B y N e y H a y a s h i
OGX Petroleo & Gas Participacoes SA, the oil company controlled by billionaire Eike Batista , advanced today in Sao Paulo on speculation that yesterday’s 17 percent plunge was overdone. OGX gained 4.8 percent to 17.05 reais at the close of Sao Paulo trading at 4:15 p.m. New York time, the most since March 22. Yesterday’s losses, which wiped out $6.9 billion in market value and were the biggest in two years, followed a report showing the company’s oil reserves trailed estimates. “The market overshot on OGX,” Max Bueno, an analyst at Spinelli SA in Sao Paulo, said in an interview. “The report takes into account the data collected through 2010. It doesn’t take into account the production tests carried out this year.” The company reported April 15 it had contingent resources of 3 billion barrels of oil equivalent and prospective resources of 6.5 billion barrels. Deutsche Bank AG, Banco BTG Pactual SA, Banco Santander SA and Citigroup Inc. each cut their recommendations on OGX to “hold” from “buy” yesterday. BTG analysts led by Gustavo Gattass said in a note to clients they expected OGX to report contingent resources of about 4 billion barrels. Merrill Lynch analysts led by Frank McGann said the estimate came in “at the low end” of their expectations. To contact the reporter on this story: Ney Hayashi in Sao Paulo at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Papadopoulos in New York at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
EDF Acquires Two Mexico Wind Projects Amounting to 324 Megawatts
B y S t e p h a n N i e l s e n
EDF Energies Nouvelles SA (EEN) , a French renewable energy developer, has agreed to buy two wind projects totaling 324 megawatts in the south of Mexico as it seeks to expand into the Americas. The first project, Eoliatec del Istmo, will have a capacity of 164 megawatts, and the second, Eoliatec del Pacifico, will have a capacity of 160 megawatts, the Paris-based company said in a statement distributed by Business Wire today. The purchase price wasn’t disclosed. EDF Energies Nouvelles generated 34 percent of its revenue from power plants in the Americas and 66 percent from Europe in 2010, according to information compiled by Bloomberg. “This operation strengthens EDF EN Group’s position in North America and accelerates its development in Mexico , a country with abundant wind resources and promising future for solar,” according to the statement. The company already operates a 67.5-megawatt wind farm in Oaxaca, the same state where the projects will be built, EDF Energies Nouvelles said. Bought from Madrid, Spain-based wind and solar developer Eolia Renovables de Inversiones through EDF’s Mexican unit, the projects are expected to start generating power by 2013, according to the statement. To contact the reporter on this story: Stephan Nielsen in Sao Paulo at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Reed Landberg at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Hungary to Raise Tax on Drugmakers to 20%, Vilaggazdasag Says
B y E d i t h B a l a z s
Hungary plans to raise a special tax on drugmakers to 20 percent from 12 percent, Vilaggazdasag reported, without saying how it obtained the information. Economy Minister Gyorgy Matolcsy said last week the levy would be increased to 18 percent from next year, the newspaper reported. The higher tax is needed to cover gaps in the drug budget, Vilaggazdasag said. To contact the reporters on this story: Edith Balazs in Budapest at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Gomez at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
EU Sees Possible Restart of Turkish Talks After One-Year Pause
B y J a m e s G . N e u g e r
The European Union said Turkey ’s entry talks may restart in June after a one-year pause, as Turkey faulted the EU’s dominant governments for putting the brakes on the process. Turkey has a chance to start negotiations on adopting European antitrust and state-aid policies in June, EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule said. “If Turkey takes the few remaining steps in time, the competition chapter can hopefully still be opened,” Fule told reporters after an EU-Turkey meeting in Brussels today. “It is in everybody’s interest to give the negotiations a new momentum.” Turkey and Croatia started the EU entry marathon on the same day, in October 2005. Croatia today moved closer to wrapping up its talks, while opposition by leaders including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy has held Turkey back. “Nobody can blame Turkey” for the deadlock, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said. “There is a need for strategic political will by all member countries of the EU.” While Turkey has started negotiations in 13 of 35 EU policy areas, it has completed them in only one. On merits, Turkey should have been allowed to open 29 and complete 13, said Egemen Bagis, Turkey’s EU entry negotiator. With elections set for June 12, the Turkish officials also faulted the EU for not moving fast enough to grant Turkish citizens visa-free access to European countries. Fule said Turkey must guarantee “genuine, substantive debate” during the election campaign, while declining to intervene in an uproar over the ineligibility of 12 pro-Kurdish candidates. To contact the reporter on this story: James G. Neuger in Brussels at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Hertling at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
U.S. Stock-Index Futures Extend Gains After Housing Starts Top Estimates
B y M i c h a e l P . R e g a n
U.S. stock-index futures extended gains after housing starts exceeded estimates, building on an earlier advance spurred by higher-than-estimated earnings at companies from Johnson & Johnson to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Standard & Poor’s 500 Index futures expiring in June rose 0.3 percent to 1,304.4 at 8:44 a.m. in New York , after the benchmark gauge dropped 1.1 percent yesterday. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures advanced 0.3 percent to 12,179 today and Nasdaq-100 Index futures gained 0.2 percent to 2,295.25. Work began on 549,000 houses at an annual pace, up 7.2 percent from the prior month and exceeding the 520,000 median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News, figures from the Commerce Department showed today in Washington . Starts fell 19 percent in February to the lowest level in almost two years. Building permits, a proxy for future construction, rose 11 percent to a 594,000 pace. They were projected to rise 1.1 percent to a 540,000 annual pace. U.S. stocks tumbled yesterday after Standard & Poor’s cut the nation’s long-term sovereign credit outlook to negative from stable, citing rising budget deficits and debt. The S&P 500 had rallied 4.9 percent from the start of this year through April 15, boosted by higher-than-estimated corporate earnings and government stimulus measures. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke may keep reinvesting the proceeds of maturing debt into Treasuries to maintain record stimulus even after pledging to complete $600 billion in bond purchases by the end of June. Bernanke’s top two lieutenants said this month that the economy and inflation are too weak to start reversing monetary policy. Investors and economists including David Kelly at JPMorgan Funds see that as a signal the Fed will keep its balance sheet at current levels by replacing about $17 billion a month in maturing mortgage debt with Treasuries. To contact the editor responsible for this story: Michael Regan at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Indonesia Must Change Anti-Terror Strategies, Crisis Group Says
B y F e m i A d i
Indonesia ’s government must adopt new strategies to target terrorist acts carried out by individuals after authorities dismantled or disrupted larger organizations, the International Crisis Group said. The country’s National Anti-Terrorism Agency should “immediately” take measures such as creating a database of schools and mosques whose attendees have been arrested for terrorism, the Brussels-based group said in a report released today. Authorities should also compile examples of communities that have rejected extremist preachings, the report said. “A database is critical because if you look at the pattern of radicalization and recruitment, it tends to concentrate in certain areas,” Sidney Jones, a senior adviser with Crisis Group in Jakarta, said by e-mail today. “One mosque in Laweyan, Solo, Central Java, for example, has been producing extremists for the last decade.” The actions are necessary as individuals without clear ties to larger groups have carried out bombings over the last two years in isolated acts of religious intolerance, the group said. Examples include a suicide attack in a mosque in Cirebon, West Java that killed the bomber and wounded 30 people on April 15 and bombs concealed in books delivered in Jakarta in March. “With 800,000 mosques across the country, it would be a huge waste of time and money to try and reach them all. You have to target the programs where the problem is,” Jones said. The formation of small groups acting independently of larger jihadist organizations is in part the result of the weakening of the Jemaah Islamiyah, Jama’ah Anshorut Tauhid and other groups, the report said. The October 2002 attacks on a Bali nightclub that killed 202 people including 88 Australians are blamed on Jemaah Islamiyah, an al-Qaeda linked group. To contact the reporter on this story: Femi Adi in Jakarta at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Peter Hirschberg at [email protected] ; Greg Ahlstrand at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Japan Domestic Steel Demand to Fall as Carmakers Cut Operations
B y M a s u m i S u g a
Demand for steel in Japan , the world’s second-largest producer, will likely fall this fiscal year as customers including carmakers slash production following the nation’s worst earthquake, an industry chief said. “The earthquake has had a serious impact on Japanese manufacturers,” Japan Iron and Steel Federation Chairman Eiji Hayashida told reporters in Tokyo today. “Even if there’s demand for restoration and reconstruction, domestic demand will likely fall.” The 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on March 11 prompted automakers and electronics companies to shut plants, delaying steel sales to customers. New car sales in Japan decreased 37 percent in March from a year earlier, the biggest drop for the month, according to the Japan Automobile Dealers Association. The industry has yet to give an updated forecast for steel production after the quake, Hayashida said today. In December, the federation said domestic steelmakers will produce about 110 million metric tons of crude steel for the financial year through March 2012, little changed from the year earlier. While the disaster created an emergency demand for steel used in temporary houses for evacuees, the amount is not significant, Hayashida said. Steelmakers expect demand for steel used in reconstruction of areas affected by the earthquake and tsunami will increase after the summer, the industry group chief said. He is also the president of JFE Holdings Inc. (5411) ’s steel unit, Japan’s largest mill after Nippon Steel Corp. (5401) Steelmakers will also unveil a plan by the end of this month on how the industry can save electricity, Hayashida said. The earthquake prompted Tokyo Electric Power Co. to shut power plants including the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear facility. The government wants companies to reduce power use by as much as 25 percent this summer to avoid large-scale blackouts. To contact the reporter on this story: Masumi Suga in Tokyo at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Andrew Hobbs at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Turkish Doctors Stage Two-Day Healthcare Protest, Milliyet Says
B y S t e v e B r y a n t
Turkish doctors will work reduced hours today and tomorrow to protest against the changes the government is making in the country’s healthcare system, Milliyet newspaper reported. The Turkish Medical Association, the biggest group of doctors, will cover emergency services and no more, reducing their level of service to that of a public holiday, the Istanbul-based newspaper said, citing association head Eris Bilaloglu. The government’s new health system deprives doctors of job and wage security, sufficient training, and professional independence, Bilaloglu said, according to the newspaper. Doctors aren’t given enough protection against violence at work, he said. Click here for web link To contact the editor responsible for this story: Steve Bryant at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Continental Reinsurance Nigeria Rises to 9-Week High
B y V i n c e n t N w a n m a
Continental Reinsurance Plc (CONTINSU) , a Nigerian company, rose to a nine-week high after saying full- year profit surged 36 percent and that it plans to pay a dividend of 7.5 kobo per share. The stock gained 2 kobo, or 1.8 percent, to 1.12 naira, its highest since Feb. 14, by the 2:30 p.m. close in Lagos. Net income climbed to 1.23 billion naira ($7.95 million) in the year through December from 905.2 million naira, the company said in a statement on the Lagos-based Nigerian Stock Exchange’s website today. Revenue increased to 10.3 billion naira from 6.5 billion naira. Continental Reinsurance shares have risen 12 percent this year, compared with a 3 percent increase in the Nigerian Stock Exchange All-Share Index over the same period. To contact the reporter on this story: Vincent Nwanma in Lagos at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Antony Sguazzin at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Polish Stocks: KGHM Polska Miedz, PBG Were Active in Warsaw
B y P a w e l K o z l o w s k i
Poland ’s WIG20 Index increased 15.39, or 0.5 percent, to 2,888.09 in Warsaw, extending this month’s gain to 2.5 percent. The following were among the most active stocks on the Warsaw Stock Exchange today. Stock symbols follow company names. KGHM Polska Miedz SA (KGH) , the copper producer with the biggest European mine output, advanced 1.8 zloty, or 1 percent, to 190 zloty, climbing from an almost two-week low. Copper rose after Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. halted underground mining at an Indonesian site, adding to concern supplies will be hurt. PBG SA (PBG) dropped 3 zloty, or 1.7 percent, to 169 zloty, closing at the lowest level since September 2006. Erste Group Bank AG cut its share-price estimate for Poland’s third- largest construction company to 167 zloty and maintained its “reduce” recommendation. To contact the reporter on this story: Pawel Kozlowski in Warsaw [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Gavin Serkin at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Connect Group, Euronav, Heineken: Benelux Equity Market Preview
B y J o h n M a r t e n s a n d M a r t i j n v a n d e r S t a r r e
The following companies may have unusual price changes in Benelux markets. Stock symbols are in parentheses, and prices are from the previous close. The AEX-Index (AEX) in Amsterdam advanced 0.49, or 0.1 percent, to 353.17. Belgium ’s Bel20 Index added 17.15, or 0.6 percent, to 2,692.45. Luxembourg’s LuxX Index rose 0.9 percent to 1,413.13. Dutch stocks: Heineken NV (HEIA) : The world’s third-biggest brewer may say quarterly sales rose to 3.6 billion euros ($5.2 billion), the average of 12 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg, from 2.94 billion euros in the same period a year earlier. Heineken gained 1.2 percent to 40.21 euros. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek Nedap NV (NEDAP NA): The Dutch maker of surveillance and security systems said profit increased “markedly” during the first months of 2011, without giving figures. Nedap advanced 0.2 percent to 23.92 euros. Royal Wessanen NV (WES NA): Investors in the Dutch maker of Beckers croquettes rejected a motion at the annual meeting to extend the executive board’s designation as competent body to issue shares. Wessanen rose 0.5 percent to 2.75 euros. Belgian stocks: Connect Group (CONN) NV: The Belgian contract maker of electronics for customers including Barco NV said QuaeroQ CVBA exchanged 2.9 million euros of convertible notes for stock at a rate of 1.49 euros a share. Connect Group dropped 0.5 percent to 1.95 euros. Euronav NV (EURN) : The Belgian oil-tanker owner reported first-quarter profit declined to $19.2 million, which included a $22.1 million gain from the sale of a supertanker, and said its very large crude carriers operating in the single-voyage market earned an average $31,700 a day in the current quarter. Euronav retreated 0.3 percent to 11.14 euros. To contact the reporters on this story: John Martens in Brussels at [email protected] ; Martijn van der Starre in Amsterdam at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Angela Cullen at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
ECB Raising Rates May Turn Into Mistake Weakening Euro, Standard Life Says
B y L u k a n y o M n y a n d a
The European Central Bank ’s policy of raising interest rates may not be “appropriate” and could drive the euro down 16 percent or more as the region’s fiscal crisis persists, according to Standard Life Investments. The currency may weaken below its “fair value” of $1.20 to $1.25, said Ken Dickson, investment director for currencies at the Edinburgh-based company, which oversees about 157 billion pounds ($256 billion). “The euro is a particularly risky currency at these levels because the increasingly restrictive policy and the financial conditions are not really appropriate,” Dickson said in an interview. A series of rate increases “is not appropriate for the conditions or economics of Europe as a whole,” he said. Investment strategists at Standard Life, Aberdeen Asset Management Plc and Scottish Widows Investment Partnership said last month that the biggest risk to markets was the possibility of policy makers getting decisions wrong. While ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said this month’s quarter-percentage-point increase in the main refinancing rate wasn’t necessarily the start of a series, colleagues signaled more are to come. Ewald Nowotny, an ECB governing council member and governor of Austria’s central bank, told Bloomberg News in Washington on April 16 that investor expectations that the rate will rise an extra 50 basis points in 2011 are “well-founded.” Belgian counterpart Luc Coene said on April 17 that monetary “conditions are still too accommodative.” Yo-Yo Rates Dickson said at his office on April 18 it was “feasible” the ECB may raise the cost of borrowing by more than is justified by the outlook for the economy and inflation, and then be forced to cut rates again. The ECB in Frankfurt lifted its main rate to 1.25 percent on April 7, the first increase since July 2008, as it sought to contain an inflation rate that exceeded its 2 percent target. The central bank is trying to balance the need for tighter policy in countries including Germany , whose economy is booming, against the risk of exacerbating the debt crisis afflicting Greece, Ireland and Portugal . Inflation accelerated to 2.7 percent in March, the fastest since October 2008. The euro has declined 0.2 percent against its nine most- actively traded peers since April 7, trimming this year’s gains to 3.4 percent, Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted indexes show. The euro traded at $1.4507 as of 11:43 a.m. in London , up 8.3 percent against the dollar since Dec. 31. Policy ‘Fear’ Strategists in Scotland said at a discussion in Bloomberg’s Edinburgh office on March 23 that the timing of rate increases in developed economies, China ’s accelerating inflation, the European debt crisis and the U.S. fiscal deficit all posed bigger threats to markets than higher oil prices . “Our fear is that tightening policy, both from interest rates and through further appreciation in the euro is not the right economic formula for Europe at this time,” Dickson said. “We expect the euro to move to an undervalued position. It’s feasible that it could take longer than this year but we think the end of this year the clear direction of travel would be for the euro to weaken.” Dickson advises Standard Life money managers on currency investments. The company boosted assets under management by 13 percent last year, while Aberdeen Asset Management Plc, the largest fund company in Scotland , increased its funds 27 percent to 183.3 billion pounds. Scottish Widows Investment Partnership lifted assets 3.2 percent to 146 billion pounds. To contact the reporters on this story: Lukanyo Mnyanda in Edinburgh at at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Rodney Jefferson at at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Goldman Sachs Shares Fall on Concern Profits Rely on Unpredictable Revenue
B y C h r i s t i n e H a r p e r
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) declined in New York trading after first-quarter profit fell 21 percent and analysts said the fifth-biggest U.S. bank relied on unpredictable investment gains to beat estimates. Goldman Sachs dropped $1.92, or 1.3 percent, to $151.86 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading, the lowest closing price since Oct. 15. Net income slid to $2.74 billion, the New York-based company said today in a statement. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Lloyd C. Blankfein, 56, depended on trading and investments with the firm’s own money to generate 79 percent of first-quarter revenue. The investing and lending segment, which accounted for 23 percent of revenue, is unreliable because results are tied to market moves and because regulators might add restrictions to the business, said some analysts and investors. “A large part of that beat was driven by larger-than- expected investment gains, which are volatile and could easily fall sharply into the next quarter,” said Richard Staite, an analyst at Atlantic Equities LLP in London who rates the stock “neutral.” “It is still unclear under the new regulations just how much proprietary trading and investing Goldman can do.” Earnings per common share, which includes the cost of preferred dividend payments to Warren Buffett ’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc., dropped to $1.56 from $5.59, beating the 81-cent average estimate of 16 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. Basel, Dodd-Frank Goldman Sachs’s biggest businesses, trading and investing, are the ones most affected by new capital requirements drawn up by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and by limits on the firm’s proprietary trading and investments in hedge funds and private-equity funds imposed by the U.S.’s Dodd-Frank financial-overhaul law. Results from the other main businesses, investment banking and asset management, were disappointing, according to analysts including Glenn Schorr at Nomura Holdings Inc. and Richard Bove at Rochdale Securities LLC. The results show “solid trading, better-than-expected Investing & Lending, and some softness in investment banking and asset management,” Schorr, who rates the company’s shares a buy, said in a note to investors. “Some may question the sustainability of some of the gains in Investing & Lending.” Bove cut his rating on Goldman Sachs stock to “neutral” from “buy” even as he raised his earnings estimates. ‘Particularly Disappointing’ “Particularly disappointing were the advisory results,” Bove wrote in a note to investors, referring to Goldman Sachs’s revenue from providing takeover advice. “ Investment management activity was weak.” Goldman Sachs’s overall net revenue fell 7 percent to $11.9 billion, the company said. Compared with last year’s fourth quarter, revenue increased 38 percent. Annualized return on average common shareholders’ equity , a measure of how well the firm reinvests earnings, decreased to 12.2 percent from 20.1 percent in the first quarter of 2010. First-quarter revenue from trading fixed-income, currencies and commodities, the firm’s biggest source of revenue, dropped 28 percent to $4.33 billion from $6.02 billion a year earlier, and more than doubled from $1.64 billion in the fourth quarter. “Looking ahead, we continue to see encouraging indications for economic activity globally,” Blankfein said in the statement. JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) , the second-biggest U.S. bank by assets, reported last week that its fixed-income trading revenue fell 4 percent to $5.24 billion from a year earlier, and was up 82 percent from the fourth quarter. Equities-trading revenue at Goldman Sachs fell 7 percent to $2.32 billion from $2.49 billion a year earlier and was up from $2 billion in the fourth quarter. Revenue from investing and lending, the firm’s second- biggest segment after trading last year, climbed 37 percent to $2.71 billion from $1.97 billion a year earlier and compared with $1.99 billion in the fourth quarter. The business includes Goldman Sachs’s holding in Industrial & Commercial Bank of China (1398) Ltd. as well as stakes in companies and other assets held by units like the Special Situations Group or Principal Investment Area . David A. Viniar, Goldman Sachs’s chief financial officer, told analysts on a conference call that about 20 percent to 25 percent of the investing and lending segment’s revenue is from interest on loans. “So that is going to be recurring, but that’s a small part of it,” he said. Trading, Investing Without the better-than-expected trading and investing lines, Goldman Sachs wouldn’t have been able to exceed estimates, said Benjamin Wallace, analyst at Grimes & Co. in Westborough, Massachusetts . “The beat that was delivered was from things people look at as less predictable,” said Wallace, whose firm manages about $1 billion and doesn’t own Goldman Sachs stock. “It goes back to the grand point that Goldman still relies on its trading operations.” Compensation and benefits, the company’s largest expense, fell 5 percent to $5.23 billion from $5.49 billion a year earlier and accounted for 44 percent of revenue. Non-compensation expenses rose 23 percent to $2.62 billion, driven in part by an impairment charge of about $220 million on assets held for sale, the firm said. The primary cost related to the firm’s Litton Loan Servicing LP unit, a residential mortgage-servicing company that the firm has said it is trying to sell. Advisory Revenue Investment-banking revenue increased 5 percent to $1.27 billion from $1.2 billion. Advisory revenue, which includes fees for takeover advice, declined 23 percent to $357 million from $464 million a year earlier, while fees from debt underwriting climbed 32 percent to $486 million and equity underwriting revenue advanced 15 percent to $426 million. The firm ranks third this year among advisers on announced mergers, down from the top spot at the same point last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Goldman Sachs’s advisory revenue fell short of JPMorgan’s $429 million in the quarter. Goldman Sachs tops underwriters of equity and equity-linked offerings globally so far this year and is fifth among managers of high-yield debt sales worldwide, up from seventh at the same point last year, Bloomberg data show. Backlog Grows Goldman Sachs’s backlog of investment-banking transactions increased compared with the end of 2010, the company said. Revenue from investment management rose 16 percent to $1.27 billion from $1.1 billion a year earlier. Assets under management were unchanged at $840 billion as clients withdrew $12 billion from Goldman Sachs’s funds and market gains increased the value of the assets by an identical amount, the firm said. “That’s going to be a business where they don’t have the kind of competitive advantage that they do in the others,” said David Trone , head of U.S. banks and brokerage research for JMP Securities LLC in New York , who recommends buying Goldman Sachs shares. “You’re as good as your last performance, not your brand name.” To contact the reporter on this story: Christine Harper in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Scheer at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Denmark to Sell Amagerbanken Assets for Under DK1b, Borsen Says
B y P e t e r L e v r i n g
Denmark plans to sell the best- placed branches and a 6 billion kroner ($1.14 billion) portfolio of healthy loans from failed lender Amagerbanken A/S for less than 1 billion kroner, Borsen reported on Tuesday. Amagerbanken will not be able to sell a 12 billion kroner loan portfolio in which all loans are either in default or have owners unable to make payments, Chairman Niels Heering said, according to Copenhagen-based Borsen. Several Danish banks, foreign banks and private equity funds are interested in buying parts of Amagerbanken, Heering said, according to Borsen. Click here for web link To contact the editor responsible for this story: Gelu Sulugiuc at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
U.S. Crude Oil Supplies Rose Last Week, API Report Shows
B y M a r g o t H a b i b y
Crude oil inventories rose 4.91 million barrels last week to 361 million, the American Petroleum Institute said today. Gasoline stockpiles fell 2.09 million barrels to 210.6 million, the report showed. The Energy Department is scheduled to release its inventory report tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. in Washington . Analysts expect the government report to show stockpiles of crude oil increased over the period. Supplies probably advanced 1.7 million barrels, according to the median of 13 responses in a Bloomberg News survey. Gasoline inventories fell 1 million barrels, the survey showed. API collects stockpile information on a voluntary basis from operators of refineries, bulk terminals and pipelines. The government requires that reports be filed with the Energy Department for its weekly survey. Crude oil for June delivery fell 50 cents, or 0.5 percent, to $111.78 a barrel at 4:33 p.m. in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange . The contract traded at $112.10 before release of the report at 4:30 p.m. To contact the reporter on this story: Margot Habiby in Dallas at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dan Stets at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Gold May Climb to Record $1,520, Barclays's Sarin Says: Technical Analysis
B y R a n j e e t h a P a k i a m
Gold may climb 1.6 percent to a record $1,520 an ounce in two to four weeks, according to technical analysis from Barclays Capital . The level is an initial resistance area and prices may pause there before extending gains to $1,560 to $1,600 an ounce in three to six months, Dhiren Sarin, an analyst with Barclays, said by phone from Singapore today. “If you look across different markets right now, investor sentiment is such that they are a little bit risk-averse, so in that environment gold catches a safe-haven bid,” Sarin said. “Inflationary expectations” helped push gold higher since the third quarter of last year, he said. Gold futures climbed to a record $1,498.60 an ounce yesterday as Standard & Poor’s revised its U.S. credit-rating outlook to negative, boosting the metal’s lure as an alternative to the dollar. Gold jumped 32 percent in the past year and silver has more than doubled on concern that global inflation will accelerate and Europe ’s sovereign-debt crisis worsen. Bullion for June delivery gained 0.2 percent to $1,495.8 an ounce at 6 p.m. Singapore time today on the Comex in New York . Support levels are at $1,430 and $1,440 an ounce, Sarin said. In technical analysis, investors and analysts study charts of trading patterns and prices to predict changes in a security, commodity, currency or index. A resistance level is where sell orders may be clustered. To contact the reporter on this story: Ranjeetha Pakiam in Kuala Lumpur at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: James Poole at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
DRDGold of South Africa Says Plans to Sell its Blyvooruitzicht Gold Mine
B y C a r l i L o u r e n s
DRDGold Ltd. (DRD) , a producer of the metal in South Africa , said it plans to sell its Blyvooruitzicht mine near Johannesburg after a review of operations. “Blyvoor no longer fits the core strategic focus of the company,” Johannesburg-based DRDGold said in a statement today. “It has therefore resolved to sell the mine and has appointed Royal Bank of Canada as well as Beijing Axis to advise on the transaction.” Blyvooruitzicht accounted for about half of DRD’s total production in the quarter ended March 31, yielding 30,511 ounces of the total output of 67,387 ounces, DRD said today. DRD snapped three days of gains, falling 6 cents, or 1.6 percent, to 3.60 rand in Johannesburg yesterday. To contact the reporter on this story: Carli Lourens in Johannesburg at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Amanda Jordan at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Kurdish Protests Turn Violent in Turkey as Politicians Barred
B y B e n j a m i n H a r v e y
Kurdish protesters clashed with police in Turkey ’s southeast and thousands gathered in Istanbul and Ankara after 12 pro-Kurdish politicians were banned from running in elections in two months time. Kurds threw Molotov cocktails at police in the southeastern cities of Van and Hakkari, television footage published by news channels including NTV showed. Police fought back with tear gas and water cannons. In Istanbul, riot police were sent to the central Taksim Square, where protesters had gathered. Turkey’s High Election Board ruled yesterday that the 12 Kurdish candidates were ineligible to run in the June 12 election due to previous criminal convictions. The ruling meant the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party may boycott the vote, party official Selahattin Demirtas said, according to the state- run Anatolia news agency. A boycott would raise the probability that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan ’s Justice and Development Party may win a two-thirds majority in parliament at the election, allowing it to pass legislation including constitutional amendments unopposed, Inan Demir , chief economist at Istanbul-based Finansbank AS, said in an e-mailed report today. ‘Tensions’ The election board’s decision “will lead to heightened tensions in the long-troubled southeastern region, with a likely end to a ceasefire” by militant Kurdish separatists affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, Demir said. Peace and Democracy is the only serious challenger to the governing party in the mainly-Kurdish southeast, Erdogan said in an interview, Milliyet newspaper reported yesterday. Parliament speaker and ruling party member Mehmet Ali Sahin said today that the election board’s ruling “weakens parliament’s mission” and should be reviewed, Anatolia reported. Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party , called for an emergency session in parliament to find a solution and to debate the 10 percent vote threshold for parties to win seats in parliament, according to televised comments from Ankara. The banned politicians, who are allied to Peace and Democracy, were running as independent candidates to circumvent the 10 percent threshold. The politicians won’t be able to name substitutes, Hasan Gerceker, head of Turkey’s Supreme Court , told Anatolia. “If they were running for a party, then maybe they could run a new candidate,” he said. “Because they’re running as independents, I don’t think that’s possible.” To contact the reporter on this story: Benjamin Harvey in Istanbul at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Andrew J. Barden at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Kenyan Shilling Gains After Central Bank Withdraws Liquidity
B y P a u l R i c h a r d s o n
Kenya ’s shilling gained against the dollar after the central bank drained excess liquidity from the market by selling repurchase agreements. The currency of East Africa’s biggest economy strengthened to 83.80 shillings at 2:23 p.m. in Nairobi, the capital, from 83.85 at the close yesterday. The shilling initially weakened as much as 0.3 percent today amid “a bit of demand” from oil importers purchasing dollars, said Joel Mbuvi, head of Treasury at African Banking Corp. “On the supply side, people have created short positions on the dollar because of the tight liquidity in the market,” Mbuvi said. A short position is a bet a currency will depreciate. “We expect the shilling to remain steady, but more skewed toward a strengthening on the back of the tight liquidity. By the close of the week, we expect it to be at around 83.50.” The Central Bank of Kenya yesterday accepted 1 billion shillings ($12 million) of bids for eight-day repurchase agreements after offering 8 billion shillings. In these transactions, Kenya’s central bank sells securities to banks to withdraw excess funds from the financial system. To contact the reporter on this story: Paul Richardson in Nairobi at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Antony Sguazzin at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Canadian Dollar Rallies the Most in Two Months After Inflation Increases
B y J o h n D e t r i x h e a n d C a t a r i n a S a r a i v a
Canada ’s dollar advanced the most against its U.S. counterpart in two months and its debt declined as inflation accelerated the most since September 2008, spurring bets the Bank of Canada may resume raising borrowing costs. The loonie, as the currency is nicknamed, strengthened against most of its major peers after the consumer price index advanced 3.3 percent in March from a year earlier and compares 2.2 percent the previous month, Statistics Canada reported. The median forecast of 25 economists in a Bloomberg News survey was for a 2.8 percent annual rate. “The market’s going to be behind the Bank of Canada potentially raising rates this summer,” said Shane Enright , executive director at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce’s CIBC World Markets unit in Toronto. “There was some of that priced in already, but this is only going to solidify things.” The Canadian dollar appreciated 0.8 percent to 95.61 cents versus the U.S. dollar at 5:00 p.m. in Toronto, from 96.42 yesterday. The Canadian currency had the biggest intraday gain since Feb. 1. One Canadian dollar buys $1.0459. The loonie reached 95.27 cent on April 8, the strongest since November 2007. Canadian government bonds due in two years fell, snapping a five day rally. Yields on the 1.75 percent securities due in March 2013 rose eight basis points, or 0.08 percentage point, the biggest increase since March 21, to 1.77 percent. Shorter- maturity securities are typically the most sensitive to changes in interest rates . The central bank has held its benchmark interest rate at 1 percent since September, when it increased it for the third time last year. The Bank of Canada will hold the target rate for overnight loans between commercial banks at 1 percent during the second quarter and boost it to 1.5 percent during the third quarter, according to a Bloomberg News survey. BOC Views The one-year overnight index swap rate, a measure of the average overnight rate expected by investors during that period, climbed to 1.38 percent after touching 1.4 percent, the biggest jump since September. “Recent economic activity in Canada has been stronger than the Bank had anticipated,” BOC Governor Mark Carney and his five deputies said in a statement from Ottawa April 12. “Any further reduction in monetary policy stimulus would need to be carefully considered,” the bank said, echoing the language used in the last two decisions. The next BOC policy meeting is May 31. “There is still quite a bit of strength in the Canadian dollar,” said C.J. Gavsie, managing director for foreign- exchange trading at Bank of Montreal’s BMO Capital Markets unit in Toronto. “This CPI number is going to add fuel to that fire.” Credit Notice Standard & Poor’s put the U.S. on notice yesterday that it risks losing its AAA credit rating unless policy makers agree on a plan by 2013 to reduce budget deficits and the national debt. The U.S. is Canada’s biggest trading partner. “People are looking for quality currencies, so they head back to the Canadian dollar and Australian dollar,” said John Curran , a senior vice president in Toronto at CanadianForex Ltd., an online foreign-exchange dealer. Australia ’s dollar gain 0.2 percent against its U.S. counterpart to 1.0526, almost the record high of 1.0584 per U.S. dollar reached April 8. The loonie is little changed this year, according to Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Currency Indexes, a measure of 10 developed-nation currencies. That compares with losses of 1.5 percent for the Australian dollar and 4.6 percent for the U.S. dollar. To contact the reporters for this story: Catarina Saraiva in New York at [email protected] ; John Detrixhe in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Robert Burgess at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
EDF Advances After France Sets Nuclear Power Price at Level Utility Wanted
B y T a r a P a t e l a n d K a r i L u n d g r e n
Electricite de France SA shares jumped after the French government matched the price requested by the utility for the sale of its nuclear power to competitors. EDF climbed 1.03 cents, or 3.9 percent, to 27.66 euros in Paris. The stock has fallen 11 percent this year, valuing the company at 51.1 billion euros ($73.2 billion). The company will be able to sell nuclear power to competitors at a wholesale price of 42 euros a megawatt-hour starting Jan. 1, 2012, Industry Minister Eric Besson said in a statement today. The price, fixed by the government under a law aimed at overhauling the French power market, Europe ’s biggest after Germany , is higher than a rate of 35 euros a megawatt-hour wanted by GDF Suez (GSZ) SA, the atomic utility’s biggest rival. “This is not about favoring EDF or penalizing GDF,” Besson said in an interview on Europe 1 radio. “It’s about securing supplies for the French and easing things for EDF, which is a major company for French electricity, and takes into account preemptively the work EDF will need to undertake following Fukushima.” The law, known as Nome and passed by parliament last year, aims to open up the power market by forcing EDF, operator of the country’s 58 reactors and the dominant power supplier, to sell as much as a quarter of its output to competitors such as GDF Suez. The wholesale price will determine whether rivals can compete in France’s regulated market. Not Competitive The new prices “won’t permit, contrary to the commitments France made to the European Commission, the establishment of efficient competition on electricity supply in France,” GDF said in an e-mailed statement today. “We expect EDF’s share price to react fairly positively on the back of this news,” UniCredit analyst Vincent Ayral said in a note to investors today. “The market has been concerned about the possibility of a postponement or cancellation of the Nome reform.” The law is due to take effect July 1, when EDF can charge rivals 40 euros a megawatt-hour, before it’s raised to 42 euros. The legislation was aimed at avoiding European Commission sanctions that could have resulted in fines for EDF. The French government asked for a report by Paul Champsaur, architect of the overhaul, to determine how to set the wholesale price. The Champsaur report had recommended a range of between 38 euros and 40 euros a megawatt-hour. Production Costs EDF Chief Executive Officer Henri Proglio has said the company’s production costs are 45 euros a megawatt-hour and the utility based 2011 financial targets on obtaining government approval to sell wholesale nuclear power at 42 euros a megawatt- hour. The country’s energy regulator said at the start of the year the price could range from 38.50 euros a megawatt-hour to more than 42 euros. Proglio has repeatedly warned that a price lower than 42 euros a megawatt-hour would amount to a “fire sale” and the “pillage” of EDF. GDF Suez Chief Executive Officer Gerard Mestrallet has said this level would open France up to sanctions from the European Commission. EDF’s share price fell to a two-year low this month following a government announcement to cap electricity price increases and uncertainty about the planned market overhaul. The utility’s shares have also been hurt by the possibility that the Japanese nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant will curtail atomic expansion worldwide and force EDF to make expensive safety modifications to existing reactors. To contact the reporters on this story: Tara Patel in Paris at [email protected] ; Kari Lundgren in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Will Kennedy at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
TNK-BP Doesn’t Seek Failure of BP, Rosneft Deal, Director Says
B y A n t o n D o r o s h e v
TNK-BP, BP Plc (BP/) ’s Russian oil venture, sees the collapse of the U.K. company’s Arctic exploration deal with state-run OAO Rosneft as the “least interesting outcome,” said Alexander Shokhin, an independent director on TNK-BP’s board. TNK-BP, equally owned by BP and a Russian group of billionaires, wants an opportunity to expand into the Arctic offshore, Shokhin said today in an interview in Moscow. TNK-BP has little chance of developing such a project on its own because it lacks the technology, he said. The billionaire partners have held up BP’s plan to swap 5 percent of its stock for about 9.5 percent in Rosneft and to explore for resources in the Kara Sea, claiming TNK-BP has exclusive rights to pursue opportunities in Russia for BP. BP asked arbitrators to allow it to carry out the share swap on its own, and Rosneft extended the deadline by a month to May 16. TNK-BP wants to either join the alliance or seek as much as $10 billion in compensation from BP, Shokhin said. No resolution to the dispute has been found yet, he said. AAR rejected a $27 billion buyout offer from BP last week, a person with knowledge of the proposal said at the time. To contact the reporter on this story: Anton Doroshev in Moscow at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Mark Sweetman at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
AB InBev’s Long-Term Ratings Raised One Step to A- at S&P
B y J o h n M a r t e n s
Anheuser-Busch InBev NV (ABI) , the world’s largest brewer, had its long-term debt ratings raised one step to A- at Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, which cited the company’s cash generation and debt reduction. AB InBev’s corporate credit and senior unsecured debt ratings were increased to A-, the fourth-lowest investment grade, from BBB+ and the outlook on the rating is stable, S&P said today in a statement. Moody’s Investors Service rates the senior unsecured debt of Leuven, Belgium-based AB InBev at Baa1, the third-lowest investment grade. The brewer of Bud Light and Stella Artois cut net debt by $5.47 billion to $39.7 billion last year, or about three times earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization based on S&P metrics. The brewer last year also refinanced the final portion of the $54.8 billion in bank loans it obtained in 2008 to fund its purchase of Anheuser-Busch Cos. for $52.5 billion in cash. “The stable outlook reflects our view that ABI will continue to use its strong earnings to moderate its debt leverage over the short to medium term,” Anna Overton, a credit analyst at S&P in London , said in the statement. “Further rating upside is conditional, in our view, on the group’s willingness to maintain a ratio of fully adjusted debt to Ebitda of close to two times.” AB InBev’s 750 million euros ($1.07 billion) of 4 percent notes due in April 2018 fell 0.29 cent to 100.41 cents on the euro as of 1:46 p.m. in Brussels. The bonds traded as high as 106.92 cents on the euro on Aug. 30, 2010. To contact the reporter on this story: John Martens in Brussels at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Angela Cullen at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Bahrain Minister Says Gulf Troops to Stay as Counter to Iran
B y V i v i a n S a l a m a a n d C a m i l l a H a l l
Troops from Persian Gulf nations will remain in Bahrain as a counter to Iran, the Bahraini foreign minister, Sheikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa, said in a posting on Twitter. Bahrain declared a three-month state of emergency on March 15 after troops from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states arrived to help quell protests led by majority Shiite Muslims, who are calling for more democracy and civil rights. “They are there for a mission protecting our vital institutions against foreign threat,” Sheikh Khalid told reporters yesterday in Dubai when asked about how long the Gulf troops would stay. “I cannot give you a timetable but indefinite is not in the picture now.” Some groups have escalated their demands since protests began two months ago to include the overthrow of the Sunni Muslim rulers, the Al-Khalifa family, and the creation of a republic. “The situation is developing positively, that may not require an extension,” the minister said yesterday when asked whether a state of emergency would continue. The law stands for three months before an extension is needed. The minister also said yesterday that he has sent a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon regarding Iran ’s involvement in the country’s unrest. Iran is ruled by Shiite Muslims. To contact the reporters on this story: Vivian Salama in Abu Dhabi at [email protected] ; Camilla Hall in Dubai at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Andrew J. Barden at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Areva to Deliver Water-Treatment Unit to Tepco's Crippled Fukushima Plant
B y Y u j i O k a d a , M i c h i o N a k a y a m a a n d T s u y o s h i I n a j i m a
Areva SA (CEI) will deliver a decontamination unit to Japan ’s crippled nuclear power plant, where Tokyo Electric Power Co. is removing radioactive water so it can start repairing cooling pumps and power systems. Areva will set up the water treatment plant, which separates and recovers radioactive particles, at the Fukushima site, the French nuclear operator said today in a statement. Tepco, as the Japanese company is called, wants to start using the unit by June, Junichi Matsumoto, a general manager, said at a press briefing in Tokyo. The Fukushima plant was damaged by explosions in the days after a magnitude-9 quake and tsunami on March 11 knocked out cooling equipment, sparking the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986. Tepco today started pumping contaminated water out of trenches near one of the reactor buildings that were damaged by the blasts. “The contaminated water must be treated rapidly as it is preventing Tepco from repairing the power plant’s power supply and cooling systems,” Areva said in the statement. The unit “will sharply reduce the radioactivity levels of the treated water, which could be reused in the power plant’s cooling systems.” The treatment unit, which will be provided by Veolia Water, can process 50,000 liters (13,200 gallons) of water per hour, Areva Chief Executive Officer Anne Lauvergeon said today at a briefing in Tokyo. She said Areva hasn’t proposed a plan for decommissioning the reactors, which have been spewing radiation into the air and sea for more than five weeks Pouring Water The Fukushima plant, 220 kilometers (137 miles) north of Tokyo, has six reactors, three of which were shut for maintenance when the earthquake and tsunami struck, leaving almost 28,000 people dead or missing. Tepco has been pouring millions of liters of water to cool the reactors and spent fuel after the accident, which has flooded basements and trenches near the reactors. Some highly contaminated water leaked into the sea and the utility has dumped less toxic fluids into the ocean. Tepco started draining highly radioactive water from trenches around the No. 2 reactor at about 10 a.m. today, spokesman Osamu Yokokura said. The power utility aims to move 10 million liters (2.6 million gallons) of the contaminated water to a waste treatment unit and expects to complete the transfer in 26 days, Matsumoto told reporters at an earlier briefing today. Filling Vessels In the next three months, Tepco plans to fill the reactor containment vessels at the No. 1 and No. 3 units with water, the company said in its statement on April 17 outlining its plan for bringing the situation under control. The utility will seal the vessel of the No. 2 reactor, which is likely damaged, before flooding it. “If we flood the damaged vessel, the leak of contaminated water will increase,” Tepco Vice President Sakae Muto told reporters. “We will continue injecting water with care and monitor the volume of water leaked.” Two iRobot Corp. (IRBT) robots sent into reactor buildings on April 17 to check whether humans can reenter them found radiation levels as high as 49 millisieverts per hour inside the No. 1 unit, and up to 57 millisieverts in the No. 3 unit, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said. The cumulative maximum level for nuclear workers was raised to 250 millisieverts from 100 millisieverts by Japan’s health ministry on March 15. Exposure totaling 100 millisieverts over a year is the lowest level at which any increase in cancer is evident, according to the World Nuclear Association in London . Judging Limits Another robot was sent into the reactor No. 2 building yesterday and recorded levels of 4.1 millisieverts per hour, spokesman Tetsuya Terasawa told reporters today. That level wouldn’t prevent workers going into the building, another spokesman said. “We judge the radiation limit by the amount, importance and hours of the work, as well as accumulated exposure of each worker,” spokesman Shogo Fukuda said. “We wouldn’t hesitate to send workers in at a level of 4.1 millisieverts per hour.” Fuel pellets in the No. 1, 2 and 3 reactors may have melted at the plant, the nuclear safety agency said today, in the first official confirmation of damage to the cores. “It is believed that the fuel pellets in the reactors have melted,” the agency said in a report. “The extent of the melting cannot be confirmed until the fuel rods have been removed.” A sustained drop in radiation at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi station may be achieved within three months, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said in the statement laying out its plans. Cold Shutdown Following that, a cold shutdown, where core reactor temperatures fall below 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit), may be achieved within six months, it said. “Tepco needs to be faster than it has outlined on two particular areas: circulating the radioactive water back into the pressure vessels and covering the reactor buildings to prevent radiation releases,” Tadashi Narabayashi, a professor of nuclear engineering at Hokkaido University , said today. Shares of Tepco fell 4.3 percent to 447 yen today in Tokyo. The stock is down about 80 percent since the quake and tsunami. Three to six months after the initial phase of its plan, Tepco will attempt a cold shutdown of reactors No. 1, 2 and 3, the company said. Reactors 4, 5 and 6 were shut at the time of the disaster. The utility will also cover the No. 1, 3 and 4 reactor buildings as a temporary measure to reduce radiation emissions after the structures were damaged by hydrogen blasts last month, according to the statement. To contact the reporters on this story: Yuji Okada in Tokyo at [email protected] ; Michio Nakayama in Tokyo at [email protected] ; Tsuyoshi Inajima in Tokyo at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Amit Prakash at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Hedge-Fund Gods Meet Sexpot Killer in Vonnegut Thriller: Books
B y J a m e s P r e s s l e y
It’s December 2007, markets are dancing into a Grand Canyon, and Jimmy Cusack’s lead investor has just uttered the four scariest words in Hedgistan: “I want my money,” he says. Norb Vonnegut’s second thriller, “The Gods of Greenwich,” is off to a thumping start. The demand amounts to financial defenestration for Jimmy, who’s locked into a lease in the Empire State Building and a $3 million mortgage on a condo in Manhattan ’s Meatpacking District. There goes $120 million 85 percent of the money managed by the Irish Catholic kid who left Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) to start his own fund. Jimmy’s troubles are just beginning. As markets flip from mean to life-threatening, he folds the fund, puts on his crooked grin and lands a job with Cyrus Leeser of LeeWell Capital in hedgehog heaven, Greenwich, Connecticut . With his winning streak, hush-hush hedges and shoulder-length black hair, Cy is a legend in the making. What Jimmy doesn’t know is that Cy has placed a pair of massive wagers one betting that shares in an Icelandic bank will plunge, the other assuming that alternative energy company Bentwing (ticker: BEG) will fly. What neither knows is that the Icelanders have wealthy friends in Qatar . Seductress With Syringe As the book opens, everyone is hiding something, not least Rachel Whittier, a sultry 27-year-old nurse to a Park Avenue plastic surgeon. She has a mysterious scar on one hand, a Texas twang and a taste for murder a seductress with a syringe and no scruples. Has Vonnegut, a former Morgan Stanley (MS) wealth manager, written himself into a corner? No chance: The pieces of this plot mesh as smoothly as a well executed trade. Vonnegut, a distant relation to Kurt Vonnegut Jr., has matured since his debut novel, “Top Producer.” His characters have become less cartoonish not as realistic as I would like, yet convincing enough to make me suspend my disbelief and enjoy the ride. They arrive in Dickensian quantities, too. There’s Siggi Stefansson, a Reykjavik art dealer with a craggy face. And Cy’s trophy wife, Bianca Santiago, a best- selling romance novelist with “latte-cream skin.” Jimmy’s daddy-in-law, Caleb Digby Phelps III, is a Harvard man (and Porcellian Club member) who has become a big wheel in New England business. Alpha Dogs As in “Top Producer,” Vonnegut uses alpha-dog patter to good effect, as in this warning from LeeWell’s head trader: “Just remember, Cusack. There are two kinds of people in the world. The ones who make money.” “And?” “Oxygen thieves.” Vonnegut also displays his penchant for over-the-top similes. Sometimes this works, as with the trader who, pigging out a cheeseburger, makes guttural sounds that could be “mistaken for walrus sex.” Elsewhere, you wish his editor had taken a firmer hand. Can Jimmy’s wife Emi, a herpetologist, really “hibernate through heavy metal concerts”? Emi isn’t deaf, though she does suffer from a disorder that screams “plot point.” She has prosopagnosia, meaning her ability to recognize faces is impaired. Though the foreshadowing lacks subtlety, the plot keeps you going. In “Top Producer,” the solution became obvious after a few chapters. This time around, the biggest piece of the puzzle remains hidden even as Jimmy hurtles toward the final showdown in a decrepit BMW belching smoke. “The Gods of Greenwich” is from Minotaur (322 pages, $24.99). To buy this book in North America , click here . (James Pressley is a book critic for Muse, the arts and leisure section of Bloomberg News. The opinions expressed are his own.) To contact the writer on the story: James Pressley in Brussels at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Mark Beech at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Bankrupt Satmex Bonds to Yield Above 10% in Restructuring: Mexico Credit
B y A n d r e s R . M a r t i n e z a n d J o n a t h a n J . L e v i n
Satelites Mexicanos SA may pay the highest yield on a dollar bond offering by a Mexican company in almost two years as the satellite operator seeks to emerge from bankruptcy protection for the second time since 2006. Investors will demand a yield as high as 12 percent on the overseas bonds, said Roberto Sanchez-Dahl, who oversees $1 billion of emerging-market debt at Federated Investment Management Co. in Pittsburgh. The yield, which would be the highest for a Mexican company since Servicios Corporativos Javer SAPI paid 13 percent in July 2009, compares with average corporate dollar borrowing costs of 6.29 percent, according to data compiled by JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Bloomberg. Satmex, as the Mexico City-based company is known, is seeking to persuade investors to buy the bonds after its failure to sell itself to EchoStar Corp. (SATS) and difficulty adding customers that pushed the company into bankruptcy in April. The company, which also filed for bankruptcy protection in 2006, plans to sell $325 million of five-year bonds abroad, according to Moody’s Investors Service. Similar-maturity dollar notes from Intelsat Jackson Holding, a Luxembourg-based satellite operator, yield 8.17 percent. “The short-term problems can be reduced, but the operating outlook continues to be a problem and there are too many unresolved questions,” Sanchez-Dahl said in a telephone interview. “A yield that compensates investors for all their risk is negative for the company.” 9% - 9.5% Satmex is seeking a yield of 9 percent to 9.5 percent, said a person familiar with the terms of the sale who asked not to be named because the discussions are private. The company plans to use proceeds to repay creditors as part of a U.S. bankruptcy court-approved restructuring plan and to launch a new satellite. The company’s 10.125 percent dollar bonds due in 2013 fell 1 cent on the dollar to 49 cents when it last traded on April 13, according to Bloomberg data. The bonds have returned 24 percent this year. The Mexican government sold its stake in Satmex earlier this year and said it may hire Boeing Co. (BA) , Loral Space & Communications Inc. or Thales SA to build two satellites for its new space agency. Satmex sells video and data transmission capacity to phone and Internet companies and satellite network capacity to government security agencies. Satmex may struggle to generate cash to boost solvency after customers migrated to competitors, said Jose Otero, an analyst at Signals Telecom Consulting in Montevideo, Uruguay. Annual Profits “All they have left of value are the orbits, and if they don’t meet their obligations, they could lose them too,” Otero said in a telephone interview, referring to the company’s license to position its satellites. “If you don’t use your orbits, it’s easy for them to take them away.” Satmex Chief Financial Officer Luis Stein was traveling yesterday and couldn’t be reached for comment. Chief Executive Officer Patricio Northland didn’t return a phone message left with an assistant. Satmex has failed to turn an annual profit since emerging from bankruptcy in 2006, hampered by an inability to boost sales enough to cover its interest expenses. Creditors approved the company’s debt sale and an equity offering of the reorganized equity of about $96.25 million as part of the pre-approved restructuring. Satmex also filed bankruptcy in August 2006 in New York and exited that December after it won approval from the court to repay creditors that were owed about $743 million with new debt and equity. The extra yield investors demand to own Mexican government dollar bonds instead of U.S. Treasuries narrowed 2 basis points today to 138, according to JPMorgan. Ratings Outlook The cost to protect Mexican debt against non-payment for five years fell 1 basis point to 102, according to CMA. Credit- default swaps pay the buyer face value in exchange for the underlying securities or cash equivalent if the issuer fails to comply with debt agreements. The peso rose 0.6 percent to 11.6792 per U.S. dollar at 5 p.m. New York time. Yields on the interbank rate futures contract due in September rose 2 basis points to 5.03 percent, indicating traders expect a rate increase that month. In the past five years, the gap between the 28-day TIIE and the overnight rate has averaged 36 basis points. The central bank kept its benchmark interest rate unchanged at a record low of 4.5 percent on April 15. Moody’s may boost Satmex’s credit ratings if the company gains new customers amid rising demand for satellite services, according to analyst Nymia Almeida. Satmex is rated B3, six levels below investment grade. Chapter 11 “The demand is there for satellites,” Almeida said in a telephone interview from Mexico City. “If everything goes well in the next two or three years, there could even be a possible upgrade.” Satmex has $441.6 million in assets and $531.6 million of debt as of March 23, according to Chapter 11 documents filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware . The company will use proceeds of the bond sale to repay first-priority note holders, who have $238.2 million in debt, and fund completion of a satellite set to launch in 2012. “Right now they can’t generate enough revenue or Ebitda to cover this,” Federated Investment’s Sanchez-Dahl said. “We got out of the bonds because the situation is just too complicated.” To contact the reporters on this story: Andres R. Martinez in Mexico City at [email protected] ; Jonathan J. Levin in Mexico City at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Papadopoulos at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Ukraine Raises $790 Million to Seal Chernobyl, Below Its $1 Billion Target
B y J a m e s M . G o m e z a n d K a t e r y n a C h o u r s i n a
Ukraine failed to raise the $1 billion to seal Chernobyl , the site of the world’s worst nuclear disaster, as budget concerns and the accident at Fukushima in Japan caused some governments to balk at further spending. The former Soviet republic, which hosted a donor conference in Kiev today, raised about 550 million euros ($790 million) from countries including the U.S., the U.K., France, Russia and Germany , the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said today in Kiev. Japan declined to offer a donation, as did Spain, Italy and Saudi Arabia. Japan’s battle to contain leaks at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant reignited the debate about nuclear safety 25 years after Chernobyl’s No. 4 reactor exploded and spewed radiation across Europe . Even so, cash-strapped governments, still recovering from the global crisis, were wary of new expenditures to make Chernobyl safe, President Viktor Yanukovych said. “We all realize the resources are far beyond the limits that any individual country can potentially provide,” Yanukovych told reporters today. The conference was held as part of commemorations for the accident on April 26, 1986. “Without overstating, the successful solution to Chernobyl’s problems has a global dimension,” he said. EBRD, EU Pledges Of the sum pledged today, the European Commission promised 110 million euros and the EBRD pledged at least 120 million euros. The EBRD and the commission will work to get more funding, European Commission President Jose Barroso said. “Chernobyl is a stark reminder that nuclear risks do not stop at our borders,” Barroso said. “Our responsibility and solidarity should not stop at our borders either.” Barroso said he hopes to other countries will donate later on. Italy , Brazil , Bulgaria, Canada and Mexico may announce donations at another time, Yanukovych said. The U.S. delegation, led by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter , donated $123 million, the most by any one country. Brzezinski said nations need to work together to help improve nuclear safety in Ukraine and “stands shoulder to shoulder” with Japan. “Twenty-five years after that terrible day, the U.S., in concert with our G-8 partners and the international community, remains committed to helping the Ukrainian people clean up Chernobyl,” Brzezinski said. Measure of Cooperation The outcome of the conference will be a measure of willingness to improve safety and keep the accidents in Ukraine and Japan under control, Vince Novak, the EBRD’s director of nuclear safety, said in an interview before the event. The London-based EBRD is the broker for the fundraising effort. Tokyo Electric Power Co. is the operator of the Fukushima plant, which was damaged by the March earthquake and tsunami. Workers are still struggling to contain radiation at Fukushima and prevent further damage to the plant’s four reactors. The 1986 meltdown killed at least 31 plant workers and firefighters in three months and forced the evacuation of a quarter of a million people. The Chernobyl project involves a 105-meter high arched roof that, once assembled on a field next to the damaged reactor, will be rolled into place and sealed for 100 years. After that, workers will be able to dismantle the old structure from inside the protective cowl. Novarka, a joint venture of units of French engineering companies Vinci SA (DG) and Bouygues SA (EN) , has already begun work on pouring the concrete base. Makeshift Sarcophagus The new shelter can proceed because it won’t be completed until 2015 and the Ukrainian government has three years to find the remainder of the financing, Novak said. The current concrete-and-steel cover was built in a rush as emergency personnel scrambled to clean up deadly radioactive debris that killed the adjacent forest and forced dozens of villages in the area to be abandoned forever. The western wall started collapsing, requiring Chernobyl workers to erect two scaffolding towers in 2008 to prop the unstable structure. To contact the reporters on this story James M. Gomez in Prague at [email protected] Daryna Krasnolutska in Kiev at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Hellmuth Tromm at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Russian Sugar-Beet Sowing Plunges 49% on Rainfall, IKAR Says
B y M a r i n a S y s o y e v a
Russia sugar-beet planting fell 49 percent from a year earlier after rainfall complicated sowing in 2011, the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies said. Beets were planted on 194,700 hectares (481,114 acres) as of yesterday, IKAR, as the Moscow-based institute is known, said in an e-mailed statement today. That compares with 378,700 hectares as of April 18, 2010, it said, citing data from Russia’s Sugar Producers’ Union. To contact the reporter on this story: Marina Sysoyeva in Moscow [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Claudia Carpenter at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
UN Aid Arrives in Western Libya After Accord With Regime
B y B i l l V a r n e r
The World Food Program has moved wheat, flour and other food aid into western Libya for the first time since conflict erupted in the nation in February. The Rome-based United Nations agency said eight trucks crossed into Libya from Tunisia yesterday and that the Libyan Red Crescent would deliver the supplies to the “crisis-affected population, particularly women and children,” in Tripoli, Zintan, Yefrin, Nalut, Mezda, Al Reiba and Al Zawia. The trucks carried enough food to feed 50,000 people for 30 days, the WFP said today. The opening of what the agency called a “humanitarian corridor” into western Libya was made possible by the agreement on April 17 between the UN and the regime of Muammar Qaddafi to allow access to Tripoli and other areas under government control. “Securing this humanitarian corridor is a first vital step in reaching thousands of hungry people affected by the conflict, in particular women, children and elderly people, whose food supplies are running alarmingly short,” WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran said in a statement. Unicef, the UN Children’s Fund, said a ship carrying first aid kits, drinking water and hygiene material for up to 25,000 people would arrive in Misrata tomorrow. “Fifty days into the fighting in Misrata, the full picture of the toll on children was emerging,” the UN said in a summary of a briefing to reporters in Geneva. “It was far worse than Unicef had feared and certain to get worse unless there was a cease-fire.” The World Health Organization said Misrata Hospital was “overwhelmed” with patients needing emergency surgery and that 120 require immediate evacuation. To contact the reporter on this story: Bill Varner at the United Nations at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Mark Silva in Washington at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Toyota Extends N. American, China Output Cuts to June
B y A l a n O h n s m a n a n d B i l l K o e n i g
(Corrects the date of production in fourth paragraph of story originally published on April 20.) Toyota Motor Corp. (7203) , the world’s largest automaker, extended production cuts at its North American and Chinese plants because of a shortage of parts after Japan’s record earthquake and tsunami last month. The company’s North American unit said today that plants in the region will continue to be closed on Mondays and Fridays and run at 50 percent on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays through June 3. Toyota will also shut U.S. plants for one week starting May 30 and in Canada from May 23. In China , the utilization rate at factories will generally be 50 percent of normal levels and may fall as low as 30 percent from April 21 to June 3, it said in a statement. “This is not going to be over soon,” said Jesse Toprak , an analyst for, an automotive pricing and data website based in Santa Monica , California. “The impact of reduced production could mean that Toyota’s sales in the U.S. are impacted as much as 10 percent this year.” Toyota lost production of 150,000 units in North America and 80,000 units in China from March 11 to June 3, said Paul Nolasco , a spokesman for the carmaker. In 2010, Toyota made 1,458,000 units at its plants in North America and 770,000 in China. Toyota, Honda Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co. are working to restore full plant operations in Japan and at factories abroad that are running short of parts. Toyota estimates it lost production of 260,000 units in Japan from March 14 to April 8 and 35,000 units of North American auto production this month due to quake-related shutdowns. Shares in Toyota rose 1.4 percent to 3,170 yen in Tokyo. The stock has dropped 12 percent since the March 11 temblor. ‘Plant Improvement’ Employees at Toyota’s North American plants won’t be laid off because of the production cutbacks, the company said. Workers will use the “non-production time for training and plant-improvement activities,” Toyota said. “We are trying to continue production as much as possible and keep our workforce intact in order to facilitate a smooth transition back to full production when all parts are available,” Steve St. Angelo, executive vice president for North American production, said in a statement today. Toyota, which canceled five days of North American output, from April 15 through April 25, said its production plans after June 3 will be decided later. The company’s U.S. sales unit is based in Torrance, California . “No one knows how long production will remain at about 30 to 40 percent of the usual level,” said Koji Endo , an analyst at Advanced Research Japan in Tokyo. “Customers who are not willing to wait for Japanese vehicles may switch to buying American, Korean and European cars instead.” To contact the reporters on this story: Alan Ohnsman in Los Angeles at [email protected] ; Bill Koenig in Detroit at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kae Inoue at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Tesco to Create 24,000 Jobs Globally This Year, CEO Tells Sky
B y B l a n c h e G a t t
Tesco Plc (TSCO) Chief Executive Officer Philip Clarke told Sky News in an interview he expects the retailer will create 24,000 jobs globally this year, about one- third of which will be in the U.K. The U.K. jobs will be created across the company’s operations in the country, Clarke said, adding that 8,000 is a realistic prediction because it includes “banking services, online businesses and our stores, and we’re opening new stores that will create new jobs.” To contact the reporter on this story: Blanche Gatt in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Colin Keatinge at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Disney to Supply Films for Lovefilm Online Service in U.K.
B y R o n a l d G r o v e r
Walt Disney Co. (DIS) agreed to supply films online to U.K. customers of Lovefilm, the Inc (AMZN) .- owned company that operates a subscription-based movie-rental service in Europe . Lovefilm will add more than 50 Disney titles including “Bedknobs and Broomsticks” and “Dead Poets Society” to movies it offers online to U.K. subscribers paying 5.99 pounds ($9.74) and up per month, according to a statement today. The company, which claims 1.6 million customers, also offers DVDs by mail, like Netflix Inc. (NFLX) in the U.S., as well as video games. The Disney agreement also provides Lovefilm with newer movies like “Tron: Legacy” to offer for a pay-per-view fee, the company said. Seattle-based Amazon, which acquired Lovefilm in January, started a U.S. service to compete with Netflix in February with 5,000 movies and TV shows. The subscription service is an add-on to Amazon Instant Video, which offers more than 90,000 movies and TV shows to buy or rent. Lovefilm’s U.K. subscribers pay as much as 19.39 pounds a month for unlimited mail and streaming viewing of films, TV shows and games. The company also operates in Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, fell $1.67 to $178.34 yesterday in Nasdaq Stock Market trading. The shares have lost less than 1 percent this year. Disney, based in Burbank, California, declined 32 cents to $41.20 on the New York Stock Exchange and has added 9.8 percent in 2011. To contact the reporter on this story: Ronald Grover in Los Angeles at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Anthony Palazzo at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Vale Names Government Official to Board After CEO Ouster
B y J u a n P a b l o S p i n e t t o
Vale SA (VALE5) , the world’s largest iron- ore producer, named Brazil’s Deputy Finance Minister Nelson Barbosa as a member of its board after announcing earlier this month the replacement of its chief executive officer. Barbosa, 41, will be one of four new members joining Vale ’s board, the Rio de Janeiro-based company said in a regulatory filing after a shareholders meeting today. Seven other board members had their mandates renewed until 2013, Vale said. The announcement comes two weeks after Murilo Ferreira was nominated to replace Chief Executive Officer Roger Agnelli following two years of government calls for the company to invest more in domestic steel output and fertilizers. Ferreira, who was president of Vale’s Canadian operations until 2008, will take over May 22 after Angelli’s mandate expires, Vale said April 4. Barbosa, an economist trained at the New School for Social Research in New York , occupied several positions at Brazil’s Finance Ministry since 2006 until being named deputy finance minister by President Dilma Rousseff . Barbosa is also chairman of state-controlled Banco do Brasil, Latin America’s biggest bank by assets, and a director at insurance company Brasilveiculos Cia de Seguros SA, according to an earlier regulatory filing by Vale. Vale gained 53 centavos, or 1.2 percent, to 45.73 reais in Sao Paulo trading today. Before today, Vale shares lost 6.8 since since the start of the year, more than the 5.6 percent decline for the benchmark Bovespa index. To contact the reporter on this story: Juan Pablo Spinetto in Rio De Janeiro at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dale Crofts at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Deutsche Bahn Aims for Four-Fold Growth in Five Years, FT Says
B y B l a n c h e G a t t
Deutsche Bahn AG, which bought Arriva Plc for 1.5 billion pounds a year ago, may spend 2 billion pounds ($3.3 billion) on acquisitions and contracts in the next three years and aims to grow to “three or four times” its present size in five years, the Financial Times reported, citing Arriva Chief Executive Officer David Martin . The group may be interested in bidding for five U.K. rail franchises in the next 18 months, including the state-owned East Coast service, as well as for contracts in Europe and the Middle East, the FT said, citing Martin, who is responsible for the combined group’s expansion outside Germany. To contact the reporter on this story: Blanche Gatt in London at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Colin Keatinge at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Poker ‘World Series’ to Air in July as Scheduled After Sponsors Indicted
B y A n d y F i x m e r
The “ World Series of Poker ” on ESPN and “World Poker Tour” on Fox Sports Net will air as scheduled following the indictments of gambling websites that spent almost $27 million on TV ads last year. Walt Disney Co. (DIS) ’s ESPN will carry the “World Series of Poker” in July, Chris LaPlaca, a spokesman, said today in an e- mail. The network pre-empted last night’s “North American Poker Tour Presented by” News Corp.’s Fox Sports Net has pulled ads from “World Poker Tour,” said Lou D’Ermilio, a New York-based spokesman. “There is no direct sponsorship connection between the indicted websites and ‘World Poker Tour,’” D'Ermilio said in an e-mail. “But PokerStars had purchased advertising time, which has been pulled as a result of the indictments. At present we have no plans to change policy as it relates to promotional clothing players choose to wear.” ESPN, based in Bristol, Connecticut , won’t air the 10 hours of “PokerStars,” the network said. and, two sites charged with fraud and money- laundering by the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan, spent $26.8 million in 2010 on TV advertising, researcher Kantar Media said. PokerStars spent another $8.3 million on Web and magazine ads. Many of poker’s best-known players have endorsement agreements with the indicted companies. They don hats and shirts displaying the logos on the programs to promote the websites. Comcast Corp. (CMCSA) ’s NBC airs the “ National Heads Up Championship ” and “Poker After Dark,” while the Game Show Network, owned by DirecTV (DTV) and Sony Corp. (6758) , broadcasts “ High Stakes Poker .” ‘High Stakes Poker’ Chris McCloskey, a spokesman for NBC Sports in New York , didn’t respond to requests for comment. Sean Jennings, a spokesman for Santa Monica , California-based Game Show Network, couldn’t comment. The seventh season of “High Stakes Poker,” hosted by comedian Norm MacDonald, started Feb. 26, the channel said on its website . Disney, based in Burbank , California , gained 15 cents to $41.35 at 4:15 p.m. in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. The shares have climbed 10 percent this year. News Corp. (NWSA) , located in New York, fell 11 cents to $16.88 in Nasdaq Stock Market trading and the Class A stock has increased 16 percent this year. Caesars Entertainment Corp., the closely held casino company, owns the World Series of Poker. The U.S. froze bank accounts in 14 countries and seized websites, sidelining PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker major sponsors of televised tournaments. ESPN, NBC, Fox Sports and the Game Show Network have made poker a TV staple, with 47 programs, including reruns, scheduled this week, said. U.S. Indictments U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in Manhattan announced on April 15 a revised indictment against the founders of PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker. PokerStars , based on the Isle of Man, Ireland’s Full Tilt Poker and Absolute Poker of Costa Rica are the leading online poker sites doing business with U.S. customers, according to prosecutors. Five sites displayed notices yesterday that the FBI had seized the domain names. The indictment names two principals from each company and others who allegedly worked with them to illegally process payments. Five domains were seized, according to Carly Sullivan, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan . They are:,,, and About 76 bank accounts have been frozen, preventing players from accessing balances held by the online betting companies, said Kelly Langmesser , an FBI spokeswoman in New York. Out in the Cold T.C. Sun, 27, who works for Princess Cruises in Valencia , California, was among the players who couldn’t get his money from last weekend. “When I first heard about black Friday, I wasn’t too worried about it, and then on Saturday night I tried to withdraw my funds,” Sun said in an interview. “It let me process the withdrawal. Right now it shows I have zero money in my account, but I’m checking my bank account daily to see if it comes through. As of last night, no it has not.” Players who use the sites can’t be prosecuted under federal law and U.S. states that have laws against making bets rarely use them against “mere customers,” said I. Nelson Rose, an Encino, California-based consultant to governments and industry on gambling laws. “I’d say there’s probably a better chance that they’ll win the World Series of Poker than that they will be arrested,” Rose, who doesn’t work for any of the companies named in the indictment, said today in a phone interview. The case is U.S. v. Scheinberg, 10-cr00336, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan). To contact the reporter on this story: Andy Fixmer in Los Angeles at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Anthony Palazzo at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Exxon Joliet, Illinois, Refinery Has Catalytic Cracker Upset
B y A a r o n C l a r k
Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) reported that a fluid catalytic cracker at its Joliet refinery in Illinois had an upset yesterday. A mechanical failure caused the unit to trip, according to a filing with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. Workers were investigating what caused the incident at the time of the filing, late yesterday. Kevin Allexon, an Exxon spokesman, said in an e-mail that in a filing to the National Response Center the company identified the unit as a fluid catalytic cracker and that the unit was involved in an operational upset. “There is no impact on production,” he said. The discount for conventional, 87-octane gasoline in Chicago narrowed 1.5 cents to 3.75 cents a gallon versus futures traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange at 12:50 p.m., according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Prompt delivery fell 1.39 cents to $3.1864 a gallon. The 248,000-barrel-a-day refinery processes Canadian crude delivered by pipeline by Enbridge Energy Partners LP. The refinery produces gasoline, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas and asphalt among other products, according to Exxon Mobil. The Joliet refinery is 42 miles (68 kilometers) southwest of Chicago on the Des Plaines River. To contact the reporter on this story: Aaron Clark in New York at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Dan Stets at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Japan Voices Support for Treasuries After S&P Cuts U.S.'s Credit Outlook
B y T o r u F u j i o k a a n d M a y u m i O t s u m a
Japanese policy makers signaled their commitment to holding Treasuries after Standard & Poor’s lowered its outlook for the U.S.’s AAA credit rating to “negative” for the first time yesterday. “We continue to see U.S. debt as an attractive investment,” Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda said at a press conference in Tokyo today. Treasuries would still be “extremely good-quality securities” even if the grade was lowered, Economic and Fiscal Policy Minister Kaoru Yosano said. Japan is the world’s second-largest holder of U.S. Treasuries after China , with $890.3 billion investment as of February, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. S&P yesterday said the outlook change indicates that there’s a one-in-three chance that the rating might be cut within two years. The Nikkei 225 (NKY) Stock Average slid 1.5 percent to 9,417.28 as of 12:39 p.m. in Tokyo , and the yen rose against the dollar as investors flocked to safer assets after the S&P announcement. Japan’s currency traded at 82.50 per dollar. Japan, which has the largest debt burden in the industrialized world, had its own sovereign rating lowered to AA- by S&P in January. It lost the AAA grade in 2001. Debt constraints in the aftermath of a record March 11 earthquake prompted Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano to signal today the government may consider raising taxes to pay for rebuilding efforts. ‘Including’ Taxes The ruling Democratic Party of Japan “is considering various measures including this,” Edano told reporters today in Tokyo. “The government hasn’t reached the stage where we’re considering specific means for revenue.” Prime Minister Naoto Kan may raise the 5 percent consumption tax to 8 percent for three years starting in 2012 to help finance rebuilding, the Yomiuri newspaper reported today, without citing anyone. When asked about a possible tax increase, Noda said the government is focusing on rolling out its first stimulus package by the end of this month. Between 58 percent and 69 percent of voters favor higher taxes to help pay for reconstruction, according to polls released yesterday by the Nikkei, Asahi and Mainichi newspapers. Asked how Japan should finance the effort, 38 percent said tax increases, 13 percent chose bond sales, and 31 percent said a combination of both, according to the Nikkei. To contact the reporter on this story: Toru Fujioka in Tokyo at [email protected] ; Mayumi Otsuma in Tokyo at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Paul Panckhurst at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Pirelli, Premuda, Pop. Milano, UniCredit: Italian Equity Preview
B y M a r c o B e r t a c c h e a n d F r a n c e s c a C i n e l l i
The following companies may be active in Italian trading. Stock symbols are in parentheses and share prices are from the previous close. Italy ’s benchmark FTSE MIB Index (FTSEMIB) dropped 636.59, or 2.9 percent, to 21,184.67 in Milan. Amplifon SpA (AMP) : The world’s largest hearing-aid distributor had its price estimate increased to 4.5 euros from 4.4 euros at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. The shares dropped 2.7 percent to 3.98 euros. Banca Popolare di Milano Scarl (PMI) : The country’s oldest cooperative bank plans to hold a board meeting to evaluate a possible share sale. Citigroup Inc. said in a note it cannot rule out the possibility that other Italian banks may raise capital. The brokerage calculates a possible capital need for the other banks of up to 10 billion euros ($14.2 billion) about 8.5 billion euros for UniCredit SpA (UCG) , about 600 million euros for Popolare di Milano and about 500 million euros for Banco Popolare SC (BP) in a worst-case scenario. UniCredit does not need to raise capital to prepare for bank stress tests and still plans to sell some assets, Chief Executive Officer Federico Ghizzoni said in an interview with newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. Popolare di Milano fell 4.5 percent to 2.53 euros. UniCredit dropped 4.2 percent to 1.64 euros. Banco Popolare slid 4.8 percent to 1.96 euros. Dada SpA (DA) : Dada said in a statement today that it agreed to sell its Dada.Net unit to Buongiorno SpA for 28.5 million euros. The shares lost 2.8 percent to 3.91 euros. Enel Green Power SpA (EGPW) : The operator of facilities that generate electricity from renewable resources is developing a plant for solar-energy panels in Catania, Italy, Chief Executive Officer Francesco Starace said. The shares lost 3.9 percent to 1.94 euros. Fiat SpA (F) : European new-car registrations fell 4.7 percent in March to 1.6 million vehicles, the ACEA industry group said in an e-mailed statement today. The shares lost 2.6 percent to 6.18 euros. Pirelli & C. SpA (PC IM): Chairman Marco Tronchetti Provera is scheduled to speak in Parliament. The stock retreated 1.9 percent to 6.36 euros. Premuda SpA (PR) : The shipping company reported 2010 net income of 10.7 million euros compared with a loss a year earlier. The company proposed a dividend of 3 euro cents for ordinary shares. The stock was unchanged at 70.8 cents. Yoox SpA (YOOX) : Goldman Sachs lifted its price estimate on the Italian online retailer to 15 euros from 12.5 euros. The shares fell 0.7 percent to 10.81 euros. To contact the reporters on this story: Marco Bertacche in Milan at [email protected] . Francesca Cinelli in Milan at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Angela Cullen at [email protected] Andrew Rummer at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
South African Central Bank Watching for Second-Round Inflationary Effects
B y G o r d o n B e l l
South Africa ’s central bank will watch for second-round inflationary pressures with food and administered prices remaining “significant upside risks” to the outlook, Deputy Governor Daniel Mminele said. While food prices are relatively low due to good corn harvests and exchange rate developments, recent data show an “accelerating trend” at both producer and consumer levels, Mminele said in a speech in Washington on April 16 and published on the Pretoria-based South African Reserve Bank’s website. “While the risks to the inflation outlook are tilted to the upside, they are predominantly of a cost-push nature, but need to be monitored very closely for any second-round effects,” he said. The central bank kept its benchmark rate at 5.5 percent for a second consecutive meeting in March as rising food and oil prices led to an increase in estimated inflation for the next two years. The consumer rate is expected to stay within the bank’s 3 percent to 6 percent target for the bank’s forecast period. Inflation was unchanged at 3.7 percent in February. The economic recovery in Africa ’s biggest economy is progressing and indicators show output is expected to rise, Mminele said. Growth is still insufficient to “meaningfully address unemployment” and consumption spending is unlikely to accelerate to “excessive levels.” The economy is expected to expand 3.7 percent this year and 3.9 percent in 2012, he said. Capital Inflows South Africa studied measures imposed by other emerging- market economies to limit capital inflows that boosted their currencies, and it is doubtful that they would be appropriate for South Africa, given a low savings level and dependence on inflows to finance the current account, Mminele said. The rand’s 37 percent gain against the dollar since the beginning of 2009, the third-biggest advance among 16 major currencies, helped contain imported price increases. The currency has lost 3.2 percent against the U.S. currency this year, trading at 6.8505 by 8:51 a.m. in Johannesburg. To contact the reporter on this story: Gordon Bell in Johannesburg at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Shaji Mathew at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Colombia Stocks: BVC, Ecopetrol, Rubiales Rise; Coltejer Drops
B y B l a k e S c h m i d t
The following companies are having unusual price changes in Bogota trading. Stock symbols are in parentheses and prices are as of 4 p.m. New York time. The IGBC Index rose 0.8 percent to 14,052.65, while the Colcap Index gained 0.5 percent to 1,661.23, its biggest gain in two weeks. Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC) SA, the operator of the country’s main securities exchange, rose 0.8 percent to 40 pesos. Colombia’s Finance Minister Juan Carlos Echeverry said in an interview yesterday that a victory by Peruvian presidential candidate Ollanta Humala is unlikely to threaten Colombian assets or a planned merger of the two nations’ stock exchanges. Coltejer SA (COLTEJ) , the Medellin-based clothing maker and exporter, fell 1.2 percent to 86 centavos as Colombia’s peso climbed to an almost three-year high on increased foreign direct investment flows, reducing revenue for exporters. Ecopetrol SA (ECOPETL CB) and Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp (PRE) , the two most weighted stocks on the Colombian bourse, gained as oil increased for the fourth time in five days as speculation that the European Central Bank will further raise interest rates strengthened the euro against the dollar, boosting commodities’ appeal as an alternate investment. Ecopetrol, Colombia’s largest oil producer, rose 1.8 percent to 3,670 pesos, its largest increase in three weeks. Pacific Rubiales, the Toronto-based oil company with fields in Colombia, rose 2.1 percent to 52,440 pesos, its biggest jump in two weeks. To contact the reporter on this story: Blake Schmidt in Bogota at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Papadopoulos at [email protected]
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
Google Shares' Downward Momentum Takes Time to Run Out: Chart of the Day
B y W h i t n e y K i s l i n g
The slide in Google Inc. (GOOG) that began after it reported first-quarter earnings may not end until the middle of next month, if history is any guide. The CHART OF THE DAY shows the average decline in Google’s shares starting two days after a profit report is 8.2 percent over 30 days, and it’s another 44 days before it climbs back to the old level, according to data compiled by Bloomberg and Birinyi Associates Inc. Birinyi tracked instances when Google fell the day after releasing results. “Buying right after that initial fall, at least historically, hasn’t been the best entry point,” said Kevin Pleines, an analyst at Birinyi, who conducted the study. “When the market reacts negatively to its earnings, it generally continues down a bit.” Google’s price-to-earnings ratio has averaged 45.9 since its initial public offering in August 2004, compared with 16.6 for the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The owner of the most-used Internet search engine fell 8.3 percent on April 15, the first session after Google posted earnings that missed the average analyst estimate on the biggest jump in operating expenses in three years. Google’s stock declined 0.7 percent to $526.84 yesterday in New York . The shares would fall to about $487 next month, according to Birinyi’s average. The analysis was based on the average of 10 periods when the stock fell after earnings. To contact the reporter on this story: Whitney Kisling in New York at [email protected] ; To contact the editor responsible for this story: Nick Baker at [email protected] .
2011-04-19 00:00:00 UTC
SKF Posts Record Profit as Industries Recover Globally
B y O l a K i n n a n d e r
SKF AB (SKFB) , the world’s largest maker of ball bearings, reported record quarterly profit that beat analysts’ estimates as sales to industries in all regions grew. SKF rose as much as 6.1 percent, the biggest jump in six months. First-quarter net income rose to 1.57 billion kronor ($249 million), or 3.44 kronor per share, from 1.03 billion kronor, or 2.27 kronor a year ago, Gothenburg, Sweden-based SKF said in a statement today. Profit beat the 1.43 billion-krona average estimate in a Bloomberg survey of 17 analysts. “It’s a good set of numbers,” said Michael Hagmann, an analyst at Nomura International in London . “Volume was much better than expected, compensating for slightly worse currency impact.” Hagmann has a “reduce” rating on the stock. SKF is considered an industry bellwether because its bearings are used in products such as construction cranes and cars. The company has rebounded from a slump that started in 2008 and forced it to cut 6,500 jobs. SKF is the first major Nordic manufacturer to report earnings, and today’s report lifted shares of companies from Atlas Copco AB (ATCOA) to Sandvik AB. (SAND) SKF rose as much as 10.7 kronor to 186.3 kronor, and traded at 185.1 kronor as of 9:47 a.m. in Stockholm. Atlas Copco, the world’s largest maker air compressors, rose as much as 4.1 percent, while Sandvik, the biggest maker of metal-cutting tools, gained as much as 4 percent. Sales climbed 16 percent to 16.7 billion kronor in the quarter. The ball-bearing maker said demand and supply weren’t affected by last month’s earthquake and tsunami in Japan . Sales to the car industry may decline in the second quarter due to the quake, the company said today. SKF “had a strong start to the year with records in sales, operating profit and operating margin and a good cash flow ,” Chief Executive Officer Tom Johnstone said in the release. “We saw a very positive sales development in all regions and divisions with a similar demand pattern as at the end of last year.” In November, the company said it planned to hire about 1,000 additional employees a year in Asia , boosting its ranks of engineers and sales people. To contact the reporter on this story: Ola Kinnander in Stockholm at [email protected] . To contact the editor responsible for this story: Chad Thomas at [email protected]