int32 32
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
160 | JustModi | Just Modi |
10,646 | SaiPallavi | Sai Pallavi |
46,642 | modiHiChorHai | modi Hi Chor Hai |
303,723 | CreditFacilitator | Credit Facilitator |
146,840 | IndianPoliceDepartment | Indian Police Department |
323,759 | NavinShenoy | Navin Shenoy |
15,912 | PublicSpace | Public Space |
13,801 | DontVoteTory | Dont Vote Tory |
126,124 | KarnatakaPolice | Karnataka Police |
95,072 | LEEXBAMBAMExclusiveEvent | LEEXBAMBAM Exclusive Event |
331,589 | #SanjayDutt | Sanjay Dutt |
16,668 | TrendingTV | Trending TV |
147,742 | terroristsLoveRahul | terrorists Love Rahul |
159,901 | NNVohra | NN Vohra |
128,140 | VotersRevoltAgainstTrs | Voters Revolt Against Trs |
291,182 | HappyBirthdayJaggesh | Happy Birthday Jaggesh |
21,798 | AshokKoul | Ashok Koul |
252,873 | GetSomeoneToVote | Get Someone To Vote |
195,141 | bengalBachao | bengal Bachao |
293,058 | CongressMuktBhara | Congress Mukt Bhara |
138,167 | BenjaminNetanyhu | Benjamin Netanyhu |
251,445 | PeopleConference | People Conference |
305,609 | 60MillionDollars | 60 Million Dollars |
155,709 | MeraPMChorHe | Mera PM Chor He |
203,532 | NaMoRocks | Na Mo Rocks |
234,675 | WhatTimeWillAntonyGreenCallIt | What Time Will Antony Green Call It |
313,262 | OpportunisticAlliance | Opportunistic Alliance |
225,610 | ShreyasTalpade | Shreyas Talpade |
44,373 | AmritaWarring | Amrita Warring |
156,882 | IndianVersion | Indian Version |
41,584 | SuratCity | Surat City |
169,912 | ModiOath | Modi Oath |
133,840 | HPgasConnection | H Pgas Connection |
158,032 | BJPdelegation | BJ Pdelegation |
250,880 | ChameliDevi | Chameli Devi |
141,714 | BlockTheBots | Block The Bots |
92,310 | AndamanandNicobarPolice | Andamanand Nicobar Police |
151,328 | CongPrez | Cong Prez |
192,102 | RajeevTalwar | Rajeev Talwar |
272,712 | AndhrPradesh | Andhr Pradesh |
298,671 | BJPsPlot4Vote | BJ Ps Plot 4 Vote |
207,503 | StraitTalk | Strait Talk |
138,678 | ColourOfChaddi | Colour Of Chaddi |
129,752 | KenLoach | Ken Loach |
304,485 | MahaMilawatiBandhan | Maha Milawati Bandhan |
177,465 | WallpaperWednesday | Wallpaper Wednesday |
138,812 | WindEnergy | Wind Energy |
126,494 | Vote2Win4GOP | Vote 2 Win 4 GOP |
313,508 | SwiftNation | Swift Nation |
81 | CBSEPaperLeak | CBSE Paper Leak |
29,333 | KCRGoodGoverance | KCR Good Goverance |
266,223 | SugnuVillage | Sugnu Village |
239,654 | EkCallDeshKeNaam | Ek Call Desh Ke Naam |
88,659 | iWantBJP | i Want BJP |
196,862 | SriGaneshCanteen | Sri Ganesh Canteen |
219,463 | IPSRogueSanjivBhatt | IPS Rogue Sanjiv Bhatt |
103,842 | mKisan | m Kisan |
297,800 | BJPcheatedAP | BJ Pcheated AP |
37,964 | BangaloreOutdoorMediaOwnersAssociation | Bangalore Outdoor Media Owners Association |
90,974 | MultiTalented | Multi Talented |
182,960 | 7thDec2018 | 7 th Dec 2018 |
325,050 | VotesVotesVotes | Votes Votes Votes |
210,153 | IndiraJaisingh | Indira Jaisingh |
169,325 | PrimeMinisterofIndia | Prime Ministerof India |
70,606 | AGRAImpact | AGRA Impact |
304,169 | panchayatElection | panchayat Election |
63,031 | ElectiononMX | Electionon MX |
134,188 | CommercialTaxesDepartment | Commercial Taxes Department |
97,972 | GareDuNord | Gare Du Nord |
149,018 | ElectionsW | Elections W |
299,958 | MImatchgirl | M Imatchgirl |
77,556 | bhagodaaNiravModi | bhagodaa Nirav Modi |
201,239 | VoteWithResponsiblity | Vote With Responsiblity |
21,707 | BiharWithBjp | Bihar With Bjp |
283,450 | ArvindkejriwalChorHai | Arvindkejriwal Chor Hai |
101,507 | SansadBhawan | Sansad Bhawan |
331,070 | #DafaKaroJioNu | Dafa Karo Jio Nu |
91,134 | SAPpartners | SA Ppartners |
191,484 | FlagstaffHouse | Flagstaff House |
167,449 | Werdict2019WithNews18 | Werdict 2019 With News 18 |
215,171 | RMadhavan | R Madhavan |
122,248 | reachedBengaluru | reached Bengaluru |
194,956 | RajputanaToursIndia | Rajputana Tours India |
213,778 | NyoblosDuluBaruLiburan | Nyoblos Dulu Baru Liburan |
176,866 | MeatMe | Meat Me |
284,521 | ModiDobaraAaRahaHai | Modi Dobara Aa Raha Hai |
315,115 | BailPlea | Bail Plea |
30,223 | VelloreMNM | Vellore MNM |
292,995 | NextGovt | Next Govt |
72,369 | TimeisUP4theCORRUPT | Timeis UP 4 the CORRUPT |
325,454 | BoomFastCheck | Boom Fast Check |
162,779 | RKNEliteHotel | RKN Elite Hotel |
53,802 | BocottBJP | Bocott BJP |
223,080 | EeBaariNimmaHari | Ee Baari Nimma Hari |
51,936 | OfficialStatistics | Official Statistics |
281,433 | PunjabPoliceFlagMarchSubInspectorVinodKumar | Punjab Police Flag March Sub Inspector Vinod Kumar |
77,560 | 1947Divide | 1947 Divide |
220,103 | BankLoss | Bank Loss |
94,526 | AmazingAnimals | Amazing Animals |
Subsets and Splits