int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 4
| segmentation
stringlengths 4
100 | bankhoilday | bank hoilday |
101 | MomProblems | Mom Problems |
102 | Shakeology | Shakeology |
103 | Comicmarket | Comic market |
104 | PixieInfinity | Pixie Infinity |
105 | MercuryRetrograde | Mercury Retrograde |
106 | AnziMakha | Anzi Makha |
107 | icouldhavewatchedthisforyears | i could have watched this for years |
108 | amazingLoveThem | amazing Love Them |
109 | overachiever | overachiever |
110 | castingfailure | casting failure |
111 | dontbeafraud | don t be a fraud |
112 | NeverBeenHurt | Never Been Hurt |
113 | OneLeaderOneNation | One Leader One Nation |
114 | SuperGuy | Super Guy |
115 | pink | pink |
116 | brunobanani | bruno banani |
117 | bearsoffense | bears offense |
118 | katemoss | kate moss |
119 | tuesnighttwitterblackout | tues night twitter blackout |
120 | anklebreak | ankle break |
121 | LiamYouAreAWarrior | Liam You Are A Warrior |
122 | Luck | Luck |
123 | EndChildhoodHunger | End Childhood Hunger |
124 | transfers | transfers |
125 | roundandround | round and round |
126 | ChicagoBears | Chicago Bears |
127 | BestFriends | Best Friends |
128 | PresidentPaul | President Paul |
129 | onceUponAtime | once Upon A time |
130 | tfwcancun | tfw cancun |
131 | Viral2013 | Viral 2013 |
132 | TheBestInTheWorldCR7 | The Best In The World CR7 |
133 | rodgerhasabigtodger | rodger has a big todger |
134 | HappyBirthdayVoiceOfArt | Happy Birthday Voice Of Art |
135 | stayhomevoters | stay home voters |
136 | sleepless | sleepless |
137 | Movieshttp | Movies http |
138 | LoveDemi | Love Demi |
139 | Examinercom | Examiner com |
140 | FuckNiggas | Fuck Niggas |
141 | knickstape | knicks tape |
142 | BenAffleckisthenight | Ben Affleck is the night |
143 | GetWellSoonPiers | Get Well Soon Piers |
144 | buffet | buffet |
145 | wherearetheynow | where are they now |
146 | artpopladygaga | artpop lady gaga |
147 | chelsealately | chelsea lately |
148 | lokeitup | loke it up |
149 | KingsIsland | Kings Island |
150 | Hotcards | Hot cards |
151 | Guyswhoaresexyandbestbeknowinit | Guys who are sexy and best be know in it |
152 | SandonFollowParty | Sandon Follow Party |
153 | grosseclasse | grosse classe |
154 | Forver21 | Forver 21 |
155 | edcampdetroit | edcamp detroit |
157 | sanchezproblems | sanchez problems |
158 | getresults | get results |
159 | Vaccination | Vaccination |
160 | leabianlovers | leabian lovers |
161 | mickey | mickey |
162 | babygate | baby gate |
163 | ItsDifferentLevels | It s Different Levels |
164 | outdoorkitchendesigns | outdoor kitchen designs |
165 | Marrakesh | Marrakesh |
166 | secondamendment | second amendment |
167 | stopthecycle | stop the cycle |
168 | paniniamerica | panini america |
170 | WeDontWantBenAffleckAsBatman | We Don t Want Ben Affleck As Batman |
171 | MeadowsMall | Meadows Mall |
172 | onlinebusiness | online business |
173 | celebration | celebration |
174 | BieberFever | Bieber Fever |
175 | nashvilleskyline | nashville skyline |
176 | AboutABoy | About A Boy |
177 | halleberry | halle berry |
178 | bengomori | ben gomori |
179 | AndChocolate | And Chocolate |
180 | playas1 | play as 1 |
181 | Snowdenyes | Snowden yes |
182 | BenAffleckHasBatman | Ben Affleck Has Batman |
183 | peaceouthomefries | peace out home fries |
184 | blackfacts | black facts |
185 | RoadToRecovery | Road To Recovery |
186 | NeutronCream | Neutron Cream |
187 | shitnobodysays | shit nobody says |
188 | Numer1DraftPick | Numer 1 Draft Pick |
189 | andalucia | andalucia |
190 | AmericaTonight | America Tonight |
191 | neocon | neocon |
192 | afghanistan | afghanistan |
193 | mygrounded | my grounded |
194 | GoTeamCute | Go Team Cute |
195 | donotgogentleswans | do not go gentle swans |
196 | LoveThis1 | Love This 1 |
197 | thuglifetho | thug life tho |
198 | SomethingBorrowed | Something Borrowed |
199 | idiedlaughing | i died laughing |
Subsets and Splits