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Amsel.jpg | Amsel | Blackbird | Drossel | Thrushes | x | NA | NA | Turdus merula | Turdidae | Amsel | Blackbird | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Amsel.jpg | |
Auerhahn.jpg | Auerhahn | Capercaillie | Fasanenartige | Phasianidae | x | NA | NA | Tetrao urogallus | Phasianidae | Auerhahn | Capercaille | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Auerhahn.jpg | |
Bachstelze.jpg | Bachstelze | White wagtail | Stelze | Wagtails | x | NA | NA | Motacilla alba | Motacillidae | Bachstelze | Wagtail | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Bachstelze.jpg | |
blaesshuhn.jpg | Blässhuhn | Eurasian Coot | Ralle | Rallidae | x | NA | NA | Fulica atra | Rallidae | Blässhuhn | Eurasian Coot | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/blaesshuhn.jpg | |
Blaukehlchen.jpg | Blaukehlchen | bluethroat | Fliegenschnäpper | Old World Flycatchers | x | NA | NA | Luscinia svecica | Muscicapidae | Blaukehlchen | Bluethroat | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Blaukehlchen.jpg | |
blaumeise.jpg | Blaumeise | blue tit | Meise | Tits | NA | NA | NA | Cyanistes caeruleus | Paridae | Blaumeise | Blue Tit | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/blaumeise.jpg | |
buchfink.jpg | Buchfink | chaffinch | Fink | True finches | NA | NA | NA | Fringilla coelebs | Fringillidae | Buchfink | Chaffinch | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/buchfink.jpg | |
Buntspecht.jpg | Buntspecht | great spotted woodpecker | Specht | Woodpeckers | NA | NA | NA | Dendrocopos major | Picidae | Buntspecht | Spotted Woodpecker | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Buntspecht.jpg | |
Eichelhäher.jpg | Eichelhäher | Eurasian jay | Rabe | Corvids | x | NA | NA | Garrulus glandarius | Corvidae | Eichelhäher | Eurasian Jay | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Eichelhäher.jpg | |
Eisvogel.jpg | Eisvogel | kingfisher | Eisvogel | Kingfishers | x | NA | NA | Alcedo atthis | Alcedinidae | Eisvogel | Kingfisher | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Eisvogel.jpg | |
Elster.jpg | Elster | eurasian magpie | Rabe | Corvids | x | NA | NA | Pica Pica | Corvidae | Elster | Magpie | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Elster.jpg | |
Fasan.jpg | Fasan | Pheasant | Fasanenartige | Phasianidae | x | NA | NA | Phasianus colchicus | Phasanidae | Fasan | Pheasant | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Fasan.jpg | |
Fischreiher.jpg | Fischreiher | Heron | Reiher | Heron | NA | NA | NA | Ardea cinerea | Ardeidae | Fischreiher | Heron | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Fischreiher.jpg | |
gartenrotschwanz.jpg | Gartenrotschwanz | Common Redstart | Fliegenschnäpper | Old World Flycatchers | Rotschwanz | NA | NA | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | Muscicapidae | Rotschwanz | Redstart | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/gartenrotschwanz.jpg | |
gimpel.jpg | Gimpel | Eurasian bullfinch | Fink | True finches | Dompfaff | NA | NA | Pyrrhula pyrrhula | Fringillidae | Dompfaff | Bullfinch | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/gimpel.jpg | |
Graugans.jpg | Graugans | greylag goose | Ente | Anatidae | Gans | NA | NA | Anser Anser | Anatidae | Gans | Goose | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Graugans.jpg | |
gruenfink.jpg | Grünfink | greenfinch | Fink | True finches | NA | NA | NA | Chloris Chloris | Fringillidae | Grünfink | Greenfich | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/gruenfink.jpg | |
Grünspecht.jpg | Grünspecht | european green woodpecker | Specht | Woodpeckers | NA | NA | NA | Picus viridis | Picidae | Grünspecht | Green Woodpecker | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Grünspecht.jpg | |
Habicht.jpg | Habicht | goshawk | Habichtartige | Accipitridae | x | NA | NA | Accipiter gentilis | Accipitridae | Habicht | Goshawk | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Habicht.jpg | |
haubentaucher.jpg | Haubentaucher | great crested grebe | Lappentaucher | Grebes | x | NA | NA | Podiceps cristatus | Podicipedidae | Haubentaucher | Crested Grebe | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/haubentaucher.jpg | |
haussperling.jpg | Haussperling | house sparrow | Sperling | Old World Sparrows | Spatz | NA | NA | Passer domesticus | Passeridae | Spatz | Sparrow | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/haussperling.jpg | |
Kanadagans.jpg | Kanadagans | Canada Goose | Ente | Water Birds | Gans | NA | NA | Branta canadensis | Anatidae | Gans | Goose | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Kanadagans.jpg | |
kernbeissser.jpg | Kernbeissser | hawfinch | Fink | True finches | NA | NA | NA | Coccothraustes coccothraustes | Fringillidae | Kernbeisser | Hawfinch | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/kernbeissser.jpg | |
Kleiber.jpg | Kleiber | Eurasian nuthatch | Sittidae | Sittidae | x | NA | NA | Sitta europaea | Sittidae | Kleiber | Nuthatch | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Kleiber.jpg | |
Kohlmeise.jpg | Kohlmeise | Great Tit | Meise | Tits | NA | NA | NA | Parus major | Paridae | Kohlmeise | Great Tit | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Kohlmeise.jpg | |
kolkrabe.jpg | Kolkrabe | Common Raven | Rabe | Corvids | NA | NA | NA | Corvus corax | Corvidae | Kolkrabe | Common Raven | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/kolkrabe.jpg | |
Kormoran.jpg | Kormoran | Cormorant | Kormoran | Cormorants | NA | NA | NA | Phalacrocorax carbo | Phalacrocoracidae | Kormoran | Cormorant | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Kormoran.jpg | |
kuckuck.jpg | kuckuck | cuckoo | kuckuck | Cuckoo | NA | NA | NA | Cuculus canorus | Cuculidae | Kuckuck | Cuckoo | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/kuckuck.jpg | |
Lachmöwe.jpg | Lachmöwe | Black-headed Gull | Möwenverwandte | Laridae | Möwe | NA | NA | Chroicocephalus ridibundus | Laridae | Möwe | Move | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Lachmöwe.jpg | |
Löffelente.jpg | Löffelente | Northern Shoveler | Ente | Anatidae | NA | NA | NA | Spatula clypeata | Anatidae | Löffelente | Shoveler | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Löffelente.jpg | |
maeusebussard.jpg | Mäusebussard | common buzzard | Habichtartige | Accipitridae | Bussard | NA | NA | Buteo Buteo | Accipitridae | Bussard | Buzzard | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/maeusebussard.jpg | |
mandarinente.jpg | Mandarinente | mandarin duck | Ente | Anatidae | NA | NA | NA | Aix galericulata | Anatidae | Mandarinente | Mandarin Duck | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/mandarinente.jpg | |
Nebelkrähe.jpg | Nebelkrähe | Hooded Crow | Rabe | Corvids | Krähe | NA | NA | Corvus cornix | Corvidae | Krähe | Crow | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Nebelkrähe.jpg | |
pfeifente.jpg | Pfeifente | Eurasian wigeon | Ente | Anatidae | NA | NA | NA | Mareca/Anas penelope | Anatidae | Pfeifente | Widgeon | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/pfeifente.jpg | |
Rauchschwalbe.jpg | Rauchschwalbe | barn swallow | Schwalbe | Swallow | NA | NA | NA | Hirundo rustica | Hirundinidae | Rauchschwalbe | Barn Swallow | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Rauchschwalbe.jpg | |
Rebhuhn.jpg | Rebhuhn | Grey Partridge | Fasanenartige | Phasianidae | x | NA | NA | Perdix Perdix | Phasianidae | Rebhuhn | Grey Partridge | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Rebhuhn.jpg | |
Ringeltaube.jpg | Ringeltaube | common wood pigeon | Taube | Pigeons | NA | NA | NA | Columba palumbus | Columbidae | Ringeltaube | Wood Pigeon | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Ringeltaube.jpg | |
Rotkehlchen.jpg | Rotkehlchen | Robin | Fliegenschnäpper | Old World Flycatchers | x | NA | NA | Erithacus rubecula | Muscicapidae | Rotkehlchen | Robin | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Rotkehlchen.jpg | |
Schellente.jpg | Schellente | Common Goldeneye | Ente | Anatidae | NA | NA | NA | Bucephala clangula | Anatidae | Schellente | Goldeneye | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Schellente.jpg | |
schleiereule.jpg | Schleiereule | Barn owl | Schleiereule | Barn Owl | Eule | NA | NA | Tyto alba | Tyntonidae | Eule | Owl | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/schleiereule.jpg | |
Schwan.jpg | Höckerschwan | mute swan | Ente | Anatidae | Schwan | NA | NA | Cygnus olor | Anatidae | Schwan | Swan | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Schwan.jpg | |
silbermoewe.jpg | Silbermöwe | european herring gull | Möwenverwandte | Laridae | Möwe | NA | NA | Larus argentatus | Laridae | Möwe | Gull | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/silbermoewe.jpg | |
Silberreiher.jpg | Silberreiher | Great White Egret | Reiher | Heron | NA | NA | NA | Ardea alba | Ardeidae | Reiher | Egret | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Silberreiher.jpg | |
Singdrossel.jpg | Singdrossel | song thrush | Drossel | Thrushes | NA | NA | NA | Turdus philomelos | Turdidae | Singdrossel | Song Trush | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Singdrossel.jpg | |
star.jpg | Star | common starling | Star | Starlings | x | NA | NA | Sturnus vulgaris | Sturnidae | Star | Starling | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/star.jpg | |
Steinadler.jpg | Steinadler | Golden Eagle | Habichtartige | Accipitridae | Adler | NA | NA | Aquila chrysaetos | Accipitridae | Adler | Eagle | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Steinadler.jpg | |
Stieglitz.jpg | Stieglitz | Goldfinch | Fink | True finches | NA | NA | NA | Carduelis carduelis | Fringillidae | Stieglitz | Goldfinch | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Stieglitz.jpg | |
stockente.jpg | Stockente | Mallard | Ente | Anatidae | NA | NA | NA | Anas platyrhynchos | Anatidae | Stockente | Mallard | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/stockente.jpg | |
Sturmmoewe.jpg | Sturmmoewe | common gull | Möwenverwandte | Laridae | Möwe | NA | NA | Larus canus | Laridae | Möwe | Gull | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Sturmmoewe.jpg | |
Teichralle.jpg | Teichralle | common moorhen | Ralle | Rails | NA | NA | NA | Gallinula chloropus | Rallidae | Teichralle | Moorhen | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Teichralle.jpg | |
Turmfalke.jpg | Turmfalke | common kestrel | Falkenartige | Falcons | Falke | NA | NA | Falco tinnunculus | Falconidae | Turmfalke | Kestrel | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Turmfalke.jpg | |
Uhu.jpg | Uhu | Eurasian eagle-owl | Eigentliche Eulen | True Owls | Eule | NA | NA | Bubo Bubo | Strigidae | Eule | Owl | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Uhu.jpg | |
Weissstorch.jpg | Weissstorch | White Stork | Storch | Storks | NA | NA | NA | Ciconia Ciconia | Ciconiidae | Storch | Stork | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Weissstorch.jpg | |
wiedehopf.jpg | Wiedehopf | Hoopoe | Wiedehopf | Eurasian Hoopoes | x | NA | NA | Upupa epops | Upupidae | Wiedehopf | Hoopoe | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/wiedehopf.jpg | |
Zaunkoenig.jpg | Zaunkönig | Wren | Zaunkönig | Wrens | x | NA | NA | Troglodytes troglodytes | Troglodytidae | Zaunkönig | Wren | de | Animals | birds | 1 | Animals/de/birds/Zaunkoenig.jpg | |
aal.jpg | Europäischer Aal | European eel | Anguillidae | Anguilla | Aal | NA | NA | Anguilla anguilla | Anguillidae | Aal | Eel | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/aal.jpg | |
Aesche.jpg | Europäische Äsche | Grayling | Lachsfische | Salmonoids | Äsche | NA | NA | Thymallus thymallus | Salmonidae | Äsche | Grayling | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Aesche.jpg | |
Flunder.jpg | Flunder | Flounder | Schollen | Flounder | x | NA | NA | Platichthys flesus | Pleuronectidae | Flunder | Flounder | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Flunder.jpg | |
Forelle.jpg | Forelle | brown trout | Lachsfische | Salmonoids | x | NA | NA | Salmo trutta | Salmonidae | Forelle | Brown Trout | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Forelle.jpg | |
hecht.jpg | Hecht | Northern pike | Esocidae | Esocidae | x | NA | NA | Esox lucius | Esocidae | Hecht | Pike | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/hecht.jpg | |
kabeljau.jpg | Atlantischer Kabeljau | Atlantic cod | Dorsche | Cods | Kabeljau | NA | NA | Gadus morhua | Gadidae | Kabeljau | Cod | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/kabeljau.jpg | |
Karpfen.jpg | Karpfen | common carp | Karpfenfisch | Carp Family | x | NA | NA | Cyprinus carpio | Cyprinidae | Karpfen | Carp | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Karpfen.jpg | |
Makrele.jpg | Makrele | Atlantic Mackerel | Makrele | Mackerel | x | NA | NA | scomber scombrus | Scombridae | Makrele | Mackerel | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Makrele.jpg | |
Rotbarsch.jpg | Rotbarsch | Atlantic Redfish | Drachenkopf | Scorpionfish | x | NA | NA | Sebastes marinus | Scorpaenidae | Rotbarsch | Redfish | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Rotbarsch.jpg | |
sardine.jpg | Sardine | Sardine | Alosidae | Shads | x | NA | NA | Sardina pilchardus | Alosidae | Sardine | Sardine | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/sardine.jpg | |
schleie.jpg | Schleie | Tench | Tincidae | Carp | x | NA | NA | Tinca Tinca | Tincidae | Schleie | Tench | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/schleie.jpg | |
Scholle.jpg | Scholle | European Plaice | Scholle | Flounders | x | NA | NA | Pleuronectes platessa | Pleuronectidae | Scholle | Plaice | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Scholle.jpg | |
seesaibling.jpg | Seesaibling | Arctic char | Lachsfische | Salmonoids | x | NA | NA | Salvelinus umbla | Salmonidae | Seesaibling | Arctic char | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/seesaibling.jpg | |
sprotte.jpg | Europäische Sprotte | European Sprat | Hering | Sprats | Sprotte | NA | NA | Sprattus Sprattus | Clupeidae | Sprotte | Sprat | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/sprotte.jpg | |
Stichling.jpg | Dreistachliger Stichling | three-spined stickleback | Stichling | Stickleback | NA | NA | NA | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Gasterosteidae | Stichling | Stickleback | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Stichling.jpg | |
Wels.jpg | Europäischer Wels | Catfish | Echter Wels | Siluridea | x | NA | NA | Silurus glanis | Siluridae | Wels | Catfish | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Wels.jpg | |
Zander.jpg | Zander | Pikeperch | Echter Barsch | Real Perch | x | NA | NA | Sander lucioperca | Percidae | Zander | Pikeperch | de | Animals | fish | 1 | Animals/de/fish/Zander.jpg | |
Ackerhummel.jpg | Ackerhummel | common carder bee | Echte Biene | Bees | Hummel | NA | NA | Bombus pascuorum | Apidae | Hummel | Bumblebee | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Ackerhummel.jpg | |
Admiral.jpg | Admiral | red admiral | Edelfalter | Brush-footed butterflies | x | NA | NA | Vanessa atalanta | Nymphalidae | Admiral | Admiral | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Admiral.jpg | |
alpen-Bockkäfer.jpg | Alpen-Bockkäfer | alpine longhorn beetle | Bockkäfer | Longhorn beetle | NA | NA | NA | Rosalia alpina | Cerambycidae | Bockkäfer | Longhorn beetle | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/alpen-Bockkäfer.jpg | |
blaue-holzbiene.jpg | Große blaue holzbiene | violet carpenter bee | Echte Biene | Bees | Holzbiene | NA | NA | Xylocopa violacea | Apidae | Holzbiene | Carpenter Bee | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/blaue-holzbiene.jpg | |
Bockkäfer.jpg | Moschusbock | musk beetle | Bockkäfer | Longhorn beetle | Bockkäfer | NA | NA | Aromia moschata | Cerambycidae | Moschusbock | Musk Beetle | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Bockkäfer.jpg | |
Bremse.jpg | Gemeine Viehbremse | Band-eyed Brown Horsefly | Bremse | Horse-flies | NA | NA | NA | Tabanus bromius | Tabanidae | Viehbremse | Horsefly | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Bremse.jpg | |
Eintagsfliege.jpg | Große Eintagsfliege | Green Drake Mayfly | Ephemeridae | Mayflies | Eintagsfliege | NA | NA | Ephemera danica | Ephemeridae | Eintagsfliege | Mayfly | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Eintagsfliege.jpg | |
feldgrille.jpg | Feldgrille | European field cricket | Echte Grillen | True crickets | Grille | NA | NA | Gryllus campestris | Gryllidae | Grille | Cricket | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/feldgrille.jpg | |
feuerwanze.jpg | Gemeine Feuerwanze | firebug | Feuerwanze | Red Bugs | NA | NA | NA | Pyrrhocoris apterus | Pyrrhocoridae | Feuerwanze | Firebug | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/feuerwanze.jpg | |
florfliege.jpg | Gemeine Florfliege | common lacewing | Florfliege | Lacewings | NA | NA | NA | Chrysoperla carnea | Chrysopidae | Florfliege | Lacewing | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/florfliege.jpg | |
Gartenhummel.jpg | Gartenhummel | garden bumblebee | Echte Biene | Bees | Hummel | NA | NA | Bombus hortorum | Apidae | Hummel | Bumblebee | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Gartenhummel.jpg | |
gehoernte-mauerbiene.jpg | gehoernte mauerbiene | European orchard bee | Bauchsammlerbiene | Mason Bee | Biene | NA | NA | Osmia cornuta | Megachilidae | Biene | Bee | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/gehoernte-mauerbiene.jpg | |
Gelbrandkäfer.jpg | Gelbrandkäfer | great diving beetle | Schwimmkäfer | Predaceous Diving Beetles | x | NA | NA | Dytiscus marginalis | Dytiscidae | Gelbbrandkäfer | Great Diving Beetle | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Gelbrandkäfer.jpg | |
Glühwürmchen.jpg | Gemeines Glühwürmchen | european firefly | Leuchtkäfer | Fireflies | Glühwürmchen | NA | NA | Lamprohiza splendidula | Lampyridae | Glühwürmchen | Firefly | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Glühwürmchen.jpg | |
gruenes-heupferd.jpg | Grünes Heupferd | Great Green Bush-Cricket | Laubheuschrecke | Bush Crickets | Heuschrecke | NA | NA | Tettigonia viridissima | Tettigoniidae | Heuschrecke | Cricket | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/gruenes-heupferd.jpg | |
hirschkaefer.jpg | Hirschkäfer | European stag beetle | Schröter | Lucanidae | x | NA | NA | Lucanus cervus | Lucanidae | Hirschkäfer | Stag Beetle | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/hirschkaefer.jpg | |
Honigbiene.jpg | Honigbiene | european honey bee | Echte Biene | Bees | Biene | NA | NA | Apis mellifera | Apidae | Biene | Bee | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Honigbiene.jpg | |
hornisse.jpg | Hornisse | european hornet | Faltenwespe | Vespidae | Wespe? | NA | NA | Vespa crabro | Vespidae | Wespe | Wasp | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/hornisse.jpg | |
Junikäfer.jpg | Gelbbrauner Brachkäfer | June beetle | Blatthornkäfer | Scarabs | Junikäfer | NA | NA | Rhizotrogus aestivus | Scarabaeidae | Junikäfer | June Beetle | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Junikäfer.jpg | |
Kartoffelkaefer.jpg | Kartoffelkäfer | colorado potato beetle | Blattkäfer | Leaf Beetles | x | NA | NA | Leptinotarsa decemlineata | Chrysomelidae | Kartoffelkäfer | Potato Beetle | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Kartoffelkaefer.jpg | |
kleiner-fuchs-schmetterling.jpg | kleiner fuchs | Small tortoiseshell | Edelfalter | Brush-footed butterflies | x | NA | NA | Aglais urticae | Nymphalidae | Kleiner Fuchs | Small Tortoiseshell | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/kleiner-fuchs-schmetterling.jpg | |
Laufkäfer.jpg | Glatter Laufkäfer | ground beetle | Laufkäfer | Ground Beetle | NA | NA | NA | Carabus glabratus | Carabidae | Laufkäfer | Ground Beetle | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Laufkäfer.jpg | |
Libelle.jpg | Hufeisen-Azurjungfer | Azure damselfly | Schlanklibellen | Dragonfly | Libelle | NA | Es gibt 5 Azurjungfer-Arten, die sich optisch kaum unterscheiden | Coenagrion puella | Coenagrioninae | Libelle | Damselfly | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Libelle.jpg | |
Maikäfer.jpg | Feld-Maikäfer | May bug | Blatthornkäfer | Scarabs | Maikäfer | NA | NA | Melolontha melolontha | Scarabaeidae | Maikäfer | May Bug | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Maikäfer.jpg | |
pfauenauge.jpg | Tagpfauenauge | peacock butterfly | Edelfalter | Brush-footed butterflies | Pfauenauge | NA | NA | Aglais io | Nymphalidae | Pfeuenauge | Peacock Butterfly | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/pfauenauge.jpg | |
riesenschnake.jpg | riesenschnake | True cranefly | Schnake | Tipulidae | NA | NA | NA | Tipula maxima | Tipulidae | Mücke | Cranefly | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/riesenschnake.jpg | |
Rosenkaefer.jpg | Goldglänzender Rosenkäfer | rose chafer | Blattfornkäfer | Scarabs | Rosenkäfer | NA | NA | Cetonia aurata | Scarabaeidae | Rosenkäfer | Rose Chafer | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/Rosenkaefer.jpg | |
rote-waldameise.jpg | rote waldameise | red wood ant | Ameise | Ants | Waldameise | NA | NA | Formica rufa | Formicidae | Waldameise | Wood Ant | de | Animals | insects | 1 | Animals/de/insects/rote-waldameise.jpg |
Dataset Card for Dataset Name
This dataset card aims to be a base template for new datasets. It has been generated using this raw template.
Dataset Details
Dataset Description
- Curated by: Institute for Information Systems (iisys) of Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Language(s) (NLP): German (de), English (en)
- License: Images are owned by their creators, the collection of data is distributed under cc-by-nc 4.0 license. The data is provided as-is without any warranty or guarantee of fitness for a particular purpose. Please refer to the license file in the repository for more details.
Dataset Sources
Images are collected from the Internet with a focus on images NOT featured on Wikipedia, because we expected those to be less likely to be part of existing training datasets. Images are filtered and downscaled to be within 400x300 as a minimum (except Celeb1k) and 1280x1024 as a maximum.
Paper : currently under review for a scientific AI conference. Will be published in first half of 2025.
Should be used to evaluate factual knowledge of Vision Language Models (VLMs) with a focus on image contents from Germany in contrast to internationally well-known image contents from English-speaking countries and others.
Out-of-Scope Use
Commercial use or any use that may lead to commercial gain is not permitted without explicit permission from the copyright holders.
Dataset Structure
The dataset consists of six parquet files, one for each category of images, namely animals, plants, celebrities, sights, cars and products from the supermarket (mainly food). Each file contains images with strong association to Germany and semantically similar counterparts from other countries, especially English-speaking ones. The names of the objects that should be identified from the images are given in English and German language.
Dataset Creation and Curation Rationale
The German-related images are self-collected from various sources in the internet, excluding Wikipedia. Images with English- or international focus are partly self-collected, partly filtered and reused contents from existing datasets like Stanford Cars (, Oxford Flowers ( and Celeb1k ( German names are added by iisys.
Annotation process
Annotation was done manually by using Wikipedia and other online resources for verification of the names and Google image search for visual confirmation of the image names in case of doubt. The focus was on asking for common names as used by everyday people, not specialists in the respective field (e.g., not asking for the scientific name of a plant). For animals and plants some common names are rather coarse and refer to the animal or plant family rather than the species, because we expect most people not to know the exact species name and therefore getting the exact right answer would be less helpful than a litte coarser one. However, we accepted the exact species name in latin as a correct answer if the VLM gave this as an answer, but noted it as a deficit in German language if it could not give the German (or English) common name in addition.
Who are the annotators?
René Peinl and Vincent Tischler, iisys, Hof University of Applied Sciences, Hof, Germany
Bias, Risks, and Limitations
The selection of images was biased towards the background knowledge of the annotators and there is no guarantee that it is objectively representative for the respective categories.
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Dataset Card Authors
René Peinl
Dataset Card Contact
René Peinl
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