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He’s not that into you. Move on. | [
] | ednan1g |
Baby rape. Can’t make a funny joke about it. | [
] | ed9kbjb |
You are a god among nurses. | [
] | efee1yw |
What a confession! Unbelievable! | [
] | ed0cpch |
She... Replied to a guy in a screenshot... That's just pure stupidity. | [
] | ede2f93 |
Once some joked that I was a [NAME] just because my family had moved to West Germany for a couple years when I was a infant. | [
] | efd2imq |
Nothing but net. He got a few phone numbers then ghosted lol. | [
] | ee2hjm7 |
Idk [NAME] is my vote bois | [
] | ed0jeuf |
Reminds me of series finally [NAME]. Serious and dashing. | [
] | edfso3c |
glad she;'s back inside, tragic what shes doing to this dude and his family they r the ones picking up the tab. | [
] | ed64l22 |
**Takes away membership card* HOW DARE YOU SIR!!! | [
] | efc0a9u |
> I'm sure there are plenty of us who have been through it to. Seconded. | [
] | eevrugu |
I wasn't trying to counter your whole argument by objecting to a particular bit I found particularly silly | [
] | eeqlnlv |
[NAME] woke up, it was all a dream, he was really looking forward to King [NAME] visiting Winterfell. They had a good time | [
] | eeftoke |
What the fuck is [NAME] doing in the background | [
] | ee5y25d |
was it a serious injury? like bleeding on the brain? If so then it could be legit. | [
] | eff8wd3 |
This is probably the most realistic if we throw in a 1st, | [
] | ef6g4z6 |
cheers for the replies guys. appreciated | [
] | edgvrkv |
That’s not the vaccines fault champ..... | [
] | edhevjw |
Those charts seem to indicate approximately a net 4000 advantage for [NAME] over the period considered. | [
] | edlt0fq |
Haha this is one of those moments that makes me laugh out loud | [
] | ef8i7kf |
Maybe a parsing or comprehension issue, but are you sitting in the water after you pee in it? | [
] | eezeel0 |
My own worst enemy singalong is my favorite LOL | [
] | edtsvju |
You killed them! | [
] | eenkfds |
Just a joke post on how someone will go through blah blah blah and come out on top. | [
] | eeeirb4 |
It's as though it all melts away the moment you realize it's not true. | [
] | eeldve3 |
Bro, put water in the microwave and see what happens, we're like 70% that shit | [
] | ef48uyh |
Awe man thank you ♥️♥️ | [
] | ed1i773 |
That's until a golden retriever runs for office. Humans can't be trusted | [
] | ed1lc8b |
Ohhhhh. *That’s* what that was. | [
] | eczkrbe |
you should be super proud of yourself. super, super proud. you are absolutely strong, brave and above all AWESOME!! | [
] | eee27w1 |
yeah great idea, get buffed like an animal then shoot bricks in game | [
] | edt9aoq |
It’s definitely winter. My Cornish Rex is in hell right now because she loves laying in windows, but it’s cold as balls out | [
] | ee6vuc9 |
[NAME] bless you, fellow [NAME]! What a wonderful testimony of the changes that [NAME] can make in us. | [
] | efeddwq |
Dang if that was actually what happened that does kind of suck. Thanks op! | [
] | ee6eu9f |
This is accurate. Source: MA resident who works in CT. (WHY DON'T YOU HAVE REFLECTIVE ROAD MARKERS?!) | [
] | ee3c6hw |
Sorry to hear that | [
] | edfl5gw |
just supporting the Padres and cheering against Dodgers-supporting teams | [
] | edzp9b2 |
You know what's coming, right? | [
] | edyv3td |
Thanks, I hate it. | [
] | efdmb9t |
Popeyes spicy tenders | [
] | edob4m5 |
What does ‘open border’ mean to you? Honest question because I may be confused by what it means | [
] | ed1d6d8 |
I dated one for about a month, and just one or two dates with a couple other guys. | [
] | ed8x9f9 |
Man, what a fool. All you gotta do is if(on_earth) fireRocket(); I'll be taking my 7 figure salary now. | [
] | ef49xmy |
At least you're laughing. It's a step in the right direction. Have a great Friday Me. Flower-of-Power! ;-) | [
] | eecbsqx |
My thoughts exactly | [
] | eeb7snk |
First of all, that's not true in any sense of the terms. Second of all, I'm not a national socialist lmao | [
] | eehucim |
Happens way too often | [
] | ef0r4px |
But he wanted to! | [
] | eencjok |
No, that’s my husband. | [
] | edc3oct |
this needs more upvotes | [
] | eephmsd |
I remember when two captured ISIS members were discovered to have ordered a book called "[RELIGION] for dummies" from Amazon. | [
] | edih2e6 |
[NAME] IS girl number 3 | [
] | eeorub5 |
Sounds nice owo | [
] | edpbv2o |
The emojis in the background. Wtf lmao | [
] | efgth8e |
I thought it would be neat to look back on predictions pre Fa and Draft. | [
] | eczfe7d |
Instinct and Intellect are opposites, never said they were the same | [
] | ee2mcq9 |
Bore my children | [
] | ef20e2s |
[NAME] rolls out of the rack, combs his hair and Dood is ready for National Television. | [
] | eff3x9d |
It is litterally happening under your eyes. | [
] | ef243th |
Thank you! | [
] | efh5q6p |
Absolute slime ball. There’s zero justification for it. Gorgeous [NAME] wouldn’t have got a picture with someone so hate filled. | [
] | eew4p9q |
Not the mud bees! | [
] | ee9h0mr |
But it was in Northern Ireland?? I live there? | [
] | effa0ri |
That arena announcer is irritating. | [
] | ee05pvt |
> "Death by Inches" Title of your sex tape! | [
] | edqjfsc |
Shit hitting the fan = Being a child predator. ' hmmmmm... I don't know bout that one chief. | [
] | eel3fi7 |
This has to be my favorite part of this article. WHAT DOES HE MEAN!?!?! | [
] | eeoy0um |
I found it using Guide to Purposeful Success. Hope it can help you the way it helped me! | [
] | eeccvih |
I appreciate your honesty. | [
] | ed99ly0 |
Additional space race | [
] | edzboca |
That’s so incredibly rude and inaccurate. You can’t actually believe that. | [
] | eeh0c84 |
The kid you're replying too is a known [NAME] stan lol, he's gonna argue with any narrative that [NAME] is close to [NAME]. | [
] | ee64hlu |
Oh [NAME].... | [
] | edcjvmj |
If I remember correctly, you can't edit a title. I'm not on the official reddit app though. | [
] | ee16rk0 |
Just found my new phone background. This is amazing, keep it up! | [
] | ed499jn |
Lmao I'm sorry! | [
] | eerlg4d |
No. Can’t wait till it’s legal here | [
] | eebk3zd |
lol out loud | [
] | ef4g6m2 |
You’re a damn good grandma, good wishes for your grandson and good luck! | [
] | efb8xlf |
I am so proud of this community. | [
] | eczwil0 |
Love has no number | [
] | edcyfu7 |
Fuck [NAME] for continuing to give her a platform. | [
] | eez8bsp |
I've only seen a handful of episodes, but we're supposed to believe that the FBI agent is so incompetent that he never finds out? | [
] | edg08nn |
You having a bad day man? | [
] | efha2jj |
If your 60 and up you’re probably causing the racism | [
] | ee79bm0 |
A friend calls this shadow work. I think you're right. It takes a lot of courage and persistence. | [
] | edzwslf |
Honestly I’ve seen kids that age do really gross stuff | [
] | edogakn |
> The parents don’t parent anymore. I am sure this fact is well referenced in [NAME] new curriculum. | [
] | ed4pbqy |
It appears [NAME] has come back as a cat. | [
] | edd5wxl |
And Meteor Man Edit: Hancock was a superhero movie too even though it was terrible. | [
] | eeqk5n7 |
Still waiting! | [
] | eel9hfi |
here's a nice little introduction video for | [
] | eebdfk6 |
] | ed8xfrm |
Have to admit I thought this story would end with her demanding food or something. | [
] | eeb8d15 |
What a nutbar lol | [
] | eewdo8l |
She is smiling in the picture and, to add insult to injury, seems pregnant in the video.... | [
] | ednxku6 |
he looks pretty average to me. like many guys i've seen on the train. | [
] | eeo4sl5 |
Yep exactly, and he never demands the ball as well. He's afraid of it. | [
] | edbdk3r |
You are welcome mr/ms [NAME] | [
] | eeive97 |
Subsets and Splits