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Other physeal fracture of upper end of humerus, left arm, initial encounter for closed fracture | Other and unspecified injuries of shoulder and upper arm | Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49) |
Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of humerus, unspecified arm, sequela | Other and unspecified injuries of shoulder and upper arm | Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49) |
Partial traumatic amputation at level between knee and ankle, unspecified lower leg, subsequent encounter | Traumatic amputation of lower leg | Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89) |
Umbilical hemorrhage of newborn, unspecified | Umbilical hemorrhage of newborn | Hemorrhagic and hematological disorders of newborn (P50-P61) |
Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left fibula, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion | Fracture of lower leg, including ankle | Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89) |
Pressure ulcer of left ankle, unspecified stage | Pressure ulcer | Other disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L80-L99) |
Alpers disease | Other degenerative diseases of nervous system, not elsewhere classified | Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system (G30-G32) |
Anhidrosis | Eccrine sweat disorders | Disorders of skin appendages (L60-L75) |
Displaced fracture of unspecified tibial tuberosity, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II | Fracture of lower leg, including ankle | Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89) |
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion | Fracture of femur | Injuries to the hip and thigh (S70-S79) |
Subluxation of other parts of right shoulder girdle, subsequent encounter | Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of shoulder girdle | Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49) |
Frostbite with tissue necrosis of right knee and lower leg, sequela | Frostbite with tissue necrosis | Frostbite (T33-T34) |
Terrorism involving explosion of marine weapons, civilian injured, sequela | Terrorism | Legal intervention, operations of war, military operations, and terrorism (Y35-Y38) |
Interstitial myositis, right lower leg | Myositis | Disorders of muscles (M60-M63) |
Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of left knee, initial encounter | Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of knee | Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89) |
Other degenerative disorders of eyelid and periocular area | Other disorders of eyelid | Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit (H00-H05) |
Sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint of left thumb, subsequent encounter | Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments at wrist and hand level | Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers (S60-S69) |
Stress fracture, unspecified foot, sequela | Disorder of continuity of bone | Disorders of bone density and structure (M80-M85) |
Maternal care for disproportion due to unusually large fetus, other fetus | Maternal care for disproportion | Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems (O30-O48) |
Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter | Toxic effect of contact with venomous animals and plants | Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source (T51-T65) |
Tinea nigra | Other superficial mycoses | Mycoses (B35-B49) |
Other injury due to other accident to sailboat, subsequent encounter | Other injury due to accident to watercraft | Water transport accidents (V90-V94) |
Insect bite (nonvenomous) of unspecified hand, sequela | Superficial injury of wrist, hand and fingers | Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers (S60-S69) |
Monteggia's fracture of unspecified ulna, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion | Fracture of forearm | Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59) |
Corrosion of second degree of multiple right fingers (nail), not including thumb, subsequent encounter | Burn and corrosion of wrist and hand | Burns and corrosions of external body surface, specified by site (T20-T25) |
Maternal care for hydrops fetalis, unspecified trimester, fetus 2 | Maternal care for other fetal problems | Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems (O30-O48) |
Sprain of unspecified collateral ligament of left knee, initial encounter | Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of knee | Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89) |
Chronic embolism and thrombosis of other specified deep vein of unspecified lower extremity | Other venous embolism and thrombosis | Diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, not elsewhere classified (I80-I89) |
Bent bone of left ulna, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing | Fracture of forearm | Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59) |
Transfusion associated circulatory overload | Other disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance | Metabolic disorders (E70-E88) |
Underdosing of local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, sequela | Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of topical agents primarily affecting skin and mucous membrane and by ophthalmological, otorhinorlaryngological and dental drugs | Poisoning by, adverse effects of and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and biological substances (T36-T50) |
Unavailability and inaccessibility of other helping agencies | Problems related to medical facilities and other health care | Persons encountering health services in other circumstances (Z69-Z76) |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following endoscopic examination, sequela | Complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified | Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (T80-T88) |
Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, third trimester, fetus 3 | Maternal care for other fetal problems | Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems (O30-O48) |
Complete traumatic amputation of unspecified forearm, level unspecified, subsequent encounter | Traumatic amputation of elbow and forearm | Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59) |
Unspecified fracture of lower end of left ulna, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing | Fracture of forearm | Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59) |
Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, assault, initial encounter | Toxic effect of contact with venomous animals and plants | Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source (T51-T65) |
Laceration of ureter, initial encounter | Injury of urinary and pelvic organs | Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine, pelvis and external genitals (S30-S39) |
Laceration with foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter | Open wound of thorax | Injuries to the thorax (S20-S29) |
NIHSS score 41 | Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems | Symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems (R25-R29) |
Displaced fracture of lesser tuberosity of left humerus, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing | Fracture of shoulder and upper arm | Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49) |
Other disorders of continuity of bone, right pelvic region and thigh | Disorder of continuity of bone | Disorders of bone density and structure (M80-M85) |
Pathological fracture in other disease, unspecified site, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion | Disorder of continuity of bone | Disorders of bone density and structure (M80-M85) |
Partial traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, left arm, sequela | Traumatic amputation of elbow and forearm | Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59) |
Other injury of celiac artery, sequela | Injury of blood vessels at abdomen, lower back and pelvis level | Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine, pelvis and external genitals (S30-S39) |
Underdosing of therapeutic gases, subsequent encounter | Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of anesthetics and therapeutic gases | Poisoning by, adverse effects of and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and biological substances (T36-T50) |
Nondisplaced apophyseal fracture of unspecified femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing | Fracture of femur | Injuries to the hip and thigh (S70-S79) |
Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture | Fracture of femur | Injuries to the hip and thigh (S70-S79) |
Unspecified fracture of sternum, initial encounter for open fracture | Fracture of rib(s), sternum and thoracic spine | Injuries to the thorax (S20-S29) |
Unspecified fracture of right toe(s), subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion | Fracture of foot and toe, except ankle | Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99) |
Other specified fracture of left ischium, initial encounter for closed fracture | Fracture of lumbar spine and pelvis | Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine, pelvis and external genitals (S30-S39) |
Explosion of mine placed during war operations but exploding after cessation of hostilities, civilian, initial encounter | Operations of war | Legal intervention, operations of war, military operations, and terrorism (Y35-Y38) |
Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, bilateral | Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition | Diabetes mellitus (E08-E13) |
Pathological fracture, left hand, initial encounter for fracture | Disorder of continuity of bone | Disorders of bone density and structure (M80-M85) |
Legal intervention involving injury by tear gas, suspect injured, sequela | Legal intervention | Legal intervention, operations of war, military operations, and terrorism (Y35-Y38) |
Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela | Intracranial injury | Injuries to the head (S00-S09) |
Bent bone of unspecified radius, initial encounter for closed fracture | Fracture of forearm | Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59) |
Assault by drowning and submersion, unspecified, subsequent encounter | Assault by drowning and submersion | Assault (X92-Y09) |
Simple chronic conjunctivitis, bilateral | Conjunctivitis | Disorders of conjunctiva (H10-H11) |
Rupture of papillary muscle as current complication following acute myocardial infarction | Certain current complications following ST elevation (STEMI) and non-ST elevation (NSTEMI) myocardial infarction (within the 28 day period) | Ischemic heart diseases (I20-I25) |
Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, sequela | Complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified | Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (T80-T88) |
Laceration with foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, sequela | Open wound of ankle, foot and toes | Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99) |
Continuing pregnancy after elective fetal reduction of one fetus or more, unspecified trimester, other fetus | Complications specific to multiple gestation | Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems (O30-O48) |
Pathological fracture, right toe(s), subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing | Disorder of continuity of bone | Disorders of bone density and structure (M80-M85) |
Jumping or diving into swimming pool striking wall causing drowning and submersion, initial encounter | Fall, jump or diving into water | Slipping, tripping, stumbling and falls (W00-W19) |
Legal intervention involving unspecified firearm discharge, suspect injured, initial encounter | Legal intervention | Legal intervention, operations of war, military operations, and terrorism (Y35-Y38) |
Unspecified injury of ovary, unspecified, sequela | Injury of urinary and pelvic organs | Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine, pelvis and external genitals (S30-S39) |
Garage of children's home and orphanage as the place of occurrence of the external cause | Place of occurrence of the external cause | Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity classified elsewhere (Y90-Y99) |
Driver of bus injured in collision with pedestrian or animal in traffic accident, sequela | Bus occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal | Bus occupant injured in transport accident (V70-V79) |
Sprain of unspecified cruciate ligament of right knee, sequela | Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of knee | Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89) |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral | Type 2 diabetes mellitus | Diabetes mellitus (E08-E13) |
Struck by object due to collapse of building, subsequent encounter | Struck by thrown, projected or falling object | Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces (W20-W49) |
Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter | Toxic effect of corrosive substances | Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source (T51-T65) |
Traumatic arthropathy, left elbow | Other and unspecified arthropathy | Inflammatory polyarthropathies (M05-M14) |
Intentional self-harm by other firearm discharge, initial encounter | Intentional self-harm by other and unspecified firearm and gun discharge | Intentional self-harm (X71-X83) |
Burn of first degree of right knee, sequela | Burn and corrosion of lower limb, except ankle and foot | Burns and corrosions of external body surface, specified by site (T20-T25) |
Displaced fracture of greater trochanter of right femur, sequela | Fracture of femur | Injuries to the hip and thigh (S70-S79) |
Arhinencephaly | Other congenital malformations of brain | Congenital malformations of the nervous system (Q00-Q07) |
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of ulna, unspecified arm, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion | Fracture of forearm | Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59) |
Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified site | Hodgkin lymphoma | Malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue (C81-C96) |
Drug-induced chronic gout, unspecified hand, without tophus (tophi) | Chronic gout | Inflammatory polyarthropathies (M05-M14) |
Underdosing of anticoagulant antagonist, vitamin K and other coagulants, subsequent encounter | Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of primarily systemic and hematological agents, not elsewhere classified | Poisoning by, adverse effects of and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and biological substances (T36-T50) |
Partial traumatic amputation at level between right shoulder and elbow, initial encounter | Traumatic amputation of shoulder and upper arm | Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49) |
Corrosion of unspecified degree of multiple sites of unspecified wrist and hand, initial encounter | Burn and corrosion of wrist and hand | Burns and corrosions of external body surface, specified by site (T20-T25) |
Partial traumatic transphalangeal amputation of left middle finger, subsequent encounter | Traumatic amputation of wrist, hand and fingers | Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers (S60-S69) |
Nondisplaced fracture (avulsion) of lateral epicondyle of unspecified humerus, initial encounter for open fracture | Fracture of shoulder and upper arm | Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49) |
Carbuncle of right upper limb | Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle | Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00-L08) |
Other specified injury of blood vessel of unspecified finger, initial encounter | Injury of blood vessels at wrist and hand level | Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers (S60-S69) |
Other extraarticular fracture of lower end of right radius, initial encounter for closed fracture | Fracture of forearm | Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59) |
Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left radius, initial encounter for closed fracture | Fracture of forearm | Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59) |
Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II | Fracture of femur | Injuries to the hip and thigh (S70-S79) |
Subluxation of metacarpal (bone), proximal end of right hand, sequela | Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments at wrist and hand level | Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers (S60-S69) |
Posterior subluxation of proximal end of tibia, left knee, sequela | Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of knee | Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89) |
Unspecified superficial injuries of breast, right breast, subsequent encounter | Superficial injury of thorax | Injuries to the thorax (S20-S29) |
Senile entropion of unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid | Other disorders of eyelid | Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit (H00-H05) |
Corrosion of third degree of back of left hand, initial encounter | Burn and corrosion of wrist and hand | Burns and corrosions of external body surface, specified by site (T20-T25) |
Other mechanical complication of breast prosthesis and implant, initial encounter | Complications of other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts | Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (T80-T88) |
Laceration with foreign body, left ankle, sequela | Open wound of ankle, foot and toes | Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99) |
Acne varioliformis | Acne | Disorders of skin appendages (L60-L75) |
Nondisplaced Maisonneuve's fracture of right leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion | Fracture of lower leg, including ankle | Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89) |
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