Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of primarily systemic and hematological agents, not elsewhere classified
Poisoning by, adverse effects of and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and biological substances (T36-T50)
Maternal care for Anti-A sensitization, unspecified trimester, fetus 1
Maternal care for other fetal problems
Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems (O30-O48)
Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of upper end of radius, left arm, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
Other and unspecified injuries of elbow and forearm
Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59)
Foreign body in other and multiple parts of external eye, right eye, sequela
Foreign body on external eye
Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice (T15-T19)
Laceration of muscle and tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle and foot level, right foot, subsequent encounter
Injury of muscle and tendon at ankle and foot level
Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99)
Nondisplaced fracture of greater trochanter of unspecified femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
Fracture of femur
Injuries to the hip and thigh (S70-S79)
Phlegmonous dacryocystitis of unspecified lacrimal passage
Disorders of lacrimal system
Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit (H00-H05)
Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], assault, initial encounter
Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of agents primarily acting on smooth and skeletal muscles and the respiratory system
Poisoning by, adverse effects of and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and biological substances (T36-T50)
Type III traumatic spondylolisthesis of seventh cervical vertebra, initial encounter for closed fracture
Fracture of cervical vertebra and other parts of neck
Injuries to the neck (S10-S19)
Traumatic rupture of collateral ligament of right index finger at metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint, subsequent encounter
Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments at wrist and hand level
Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers (S60-S69)
Nodular corneal degeneration, unspecified eye
Other disorders of cornea
Disorders of sclera, cornea, iris and ciliary body (H15-H22)
Displacement of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
Complications of cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (T80-T88)
Posterior displaced fracture of sternal end of unspecified clavicle, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm
Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49)
Laceration of anterior tibial artery, unspecified leg, initial encounter
Injury of blood vessels at lower leg level
Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89)
Tuberculous neuritis
Tuberculosis of nervous system
Tuberculosis (A15-A19)
Scotoma of blind spot area, bilateral
Visual disturbances
Visual disturbances and blindness (H53-H54)
Complete traumatic amputation of left ear, initial encounter
Avulsion and traumatic amputation of part of head
Injuries to the head (S00-S09)
Unspecified displaced fracture of surgical neck of unspecified humerus, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm
Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49)
Suppurative otitis media, unspecified, bilateral
Suppurative and unspecified otitis media
Diseases of middle ear and mastoid (H65-H75)
Injury of oculomotor nerve, right side, sequela
Injury of cranial nerve
Injuries to the head (S00-S09)
Dining room of unspecified non-institutional (private) residence as the place of occurrence of the external cause
Place of occurrence of the external cause
Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity classified elsewhere (Y90-Y99)
Food in esophagus causing compression of trachea, initial encounter
Foreign body in alimentary tract
Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice (T15-T19)
Unspecified dislocation of unspecified patella, sequela
Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of knee
Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89)
Unspecified dislocation of left little finger, sequela
Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments at wrist and hand level
Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers (S60-S69)
Obturator dislocation of unspecified hip, subsequent encounter
Dislocation and sprain of joint and ligaments of hip
Injuries to the hip and thigh (S70-S79)
Other extraarticular fracture of lower end of unspecified radius, sequela
Fracture of forearm
Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59)
Unstable burst fracture of T9-T10 vertebra, initial encounter for open fracture
Fracture of rib(s), sternum and thoracic spine
Injuries to the thorax (S20-S29)
Postprocedural seroma of ear and mastoid process following other procedure
Intraoperative and postprocedural complications and disorders of ear and mastoid process, not elsewhere classified
Intraoperative and postprocedural complications and disorders of ear and mastoid process, not elsewhere classified
Sprain of left acromioclavicular joint, subsequent encounter
Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of shoulder girdle
Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49)
Abscess of bursa, left hip
Other bursopathies
Other soft tissue disorders (M70-M79)
Puncture wound without foreign body, unspecified foot, sequela
Open wound of ankle, foot and toes
Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99)
Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other circulatory complications
Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus (E08-E13)
Bruising of scalp due to birth injury
Birth injury to scalp
Birth trauma (P10-P15)
Displaced apophyseal fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
Fracture of femur
Injuries to the hip and thigh (S70-S79)
Other mechanical complication of other prosthetic devices, implants and grafts of genital tract, sequela
Complications of genitourinary prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (T80-T88)
Malignant hyperthermia due to anesthesia, initial encounter
Other complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified
Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (T80-T88)
Displaced fracture of proximal phalanx of left lesser toe(s), subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
Fracture of foot and toe, except ankle
Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99)
Glaucoma secondary to eye trauma, bilateral, moderate stage
Glaucoma (H40-H42)
Unspecified fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
Fracture of foot and toe, except ankle
Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99)
Other mechanical complication of internal left knee prosthesis, initial encounter
Complications of internal orthopedic prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (T80-T88)
Schizoid personality disorder
Specific personality disorders
Disorders of adult personality and behavior (F60-F69)
Wedge compression fracture of third thoracic vertebra, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
Fracture of rib(s), sternum and thoracic spine
Injuries to the thorax (S20-S29)
Laceration of vein at forearm level, right arm, initial encounter
Injury of blood vessels at forearm level
Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59)
Military operations involving explosion of torpedo, civilian, subsequent encounter
Military operations
Legal intervention, operations of war, military operations, and terrorism (Y35-Y38)
Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left fibula, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
Fracture of lower leg, including ankle
Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89)
Burns involving 90% or more of body surface with 90% or more third degree burns
Burns classified according to extent of body surface involved
Burns and corrosions of multiple and unspecified body regions (T30-T32)
Other superficial bite of nose, subsequent encounter
Superficial injury of head
Injuries to the head (S00-S09)
Other infective bursitis, other site
Other bursopathies
Other soft tissue disorders (M70-M79)
Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral cerebellar arteries
Cerebral infarction
Cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)
Speech disturbances, not elsewhere classified
Symptoms and signs involving speech and voice (R47-R49)
Unspecified inflammatory spondylopathy, multiple sites in spine
Other inflammatory spondylopathies
Spondylopathies (M45-M49)
Fracture of unspecified part of scapula, unspecified shoulder, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm
Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49)
Anterior subluxation of unspecified ulnohumeral joint, sequela
Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of elbow
Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59)
Poisoning by antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa, assault, initial encounter
Poisoning by, adverse effect of and underdosing of other systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics
Poisoning by, adverse effects of and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and biological substances (T36-T50)
Blister (nonthermal) of unspecified part of head, sequela
Superficial injury of head
Injuries to the head (S00-S09)
Person on outside of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus in traffic accident, subsequent encounter
Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus
Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in transport accident (V30-V39)
Maternal care for Anti-A sensitization, first trimester, fetus 2
Maternal care for other fetal problems
Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems (O30-O48)
Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
Toxic effect of metals
Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source (T51-T65)
Burn of internal genitourinary organs, subsequent encounter
Burn and corrosion of other internal organs
Burns and corrosions confined to eye and internal organs (T26-T28)
Schmorl's nodes, lumbar region
Thoracic, thoracolumbar, and lumbosacral intervertebral disc disorders
Other dorsopathies (M50-M54)
Nondisplaced fracture of posterior process of unspecified talus, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
Fracture of foot and toe, except ankle
Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99)
Pathological fracture, left fibula, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
Disorder of continuity of bone
Disorders of bone density and structure (M80-M85)
Other fall from one level to another, sequela
Other fall from one level to another
Slipping, tripping, stumbling and falls (W00-W19)
Puncture wound with foreign body of vocal cord, initial encounter
Open wound of neck
Injuries to the neck (S10-S19)
Preterm labor with preterm delivery, unspecified trimester, fetus 4
Preterm labor
Complications of labor and delivery (O60-O77)
Other physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for open fracture
Other and unspecified injuries of ankle and foot
Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99)
Other secondary gout, right wrist
Inflammatory polyarthropathies (M05-M14)
Displacement of internal fixation device of bone of right lower leg, sequela
Complications of internal orthopedic prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (T80-T88)
Laceration of unspecified blood vessel at ankle and foot level, unspecified leg, subsequent encounter
Injury of blood vessels at ankle and foot level
Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99)
Spinal enthesopathy, multiple sites in spine
Other inflammatory spondylopathies
Spondylopathies (M45-M49)
Other displaced fracture of upper end of left humerus, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm
Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49)
Sprain of unspecified part of left wrist and hand, sequela
Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments at wrist and hand level
Injuries to the wrist, hand and fingers (S60-S69)
Unspecified trochanteric fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
Fracture of femur
Injuries to the hip and thigh (S70-S79)
Displacement of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, sequela
Complications of other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts
Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified (T80-T88)
Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of unspecified tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
Fracture of lower leg, including ankle
Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89)
Nondisplaced fracture of middle phalanx of right lesser toe(s), subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
Fracture of foot and toe, except ankle
Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99)
Displaced fracture of lateral malleolus of left fibula, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
Fracture of lower leg, including ankle
Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89)
Open bite of right buttock, initial encounter
Open wound of abdomen, lower back, pelvis and external genitals
Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine, pelvis and external genitals (S30-S39)
Hydroxyapatite deposition disease, unspecified elbow
Other crystal arthropathies
Inflammatory polyarthropathies (M05-M14)
Rett's syndrome
Pervasive developmental disorders
Pervasive and specific developmental disorders (F80-F89)
Attic perforation of tympanic membrane, unspecified ear
Perforation of tympanic membrane
Diseases of middle ear and mastoid (H65-H75)
Tear of articular cartilage of left knee, current, sequela
Dislocation and sprain of joints and ligaments of knee
Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89)
Stenosis of left lacrimal canaliculi
Disorders of lacrimal system
Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit (H00-H05)
Other nondisplaced fracture of lower end of unspecified humerus, sequela
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm
Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49)
Maternal care for transverse and oblique lie, not applicable or unspecified
Maternal care for malpresentation of fetus
Maternal care related to the fetus and amniotic cavity and possible delivery problems (O30-O48)
Nondisplaced fracture of proximal phalanx of left great toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
Fracture of foot and toe, except ankle
Injuries to the ankle and foot (S90-S99)
Nondisplaced bimalleolar fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
Fracture of lower leg, including ankle
Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89)
Drowning and submersion due to being thrown overboard by motion of unspecified watercraft, initial encounter
Drowning and submersion due to accident on board watercraft, without accident to watercraft
Water transport accidents (V90-V94)
Nondisplaced fracture of unspecified tibial tuberosity, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
Fracture of lower leg, including ankle
Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89)
Combined forms of age-related cataract, left eye
Age-related cataract
Disorders of lens (H25-H28)
Fracture of right shoulder girdle, part unspecified, sequela
Fracture of shoulder and upper arm
Injuries to the shoulder and upper arm (S40-S49)
Secondary osteoarthritis, left shoulder
Other and unspecified osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (M15-M19)
Corrosion of third degree of back of right hand, subsequent encounter
Burn and corrosion of wrist and hand
Burns and corrosions of external body surface, specified by site (T20-T25)
Xanthelasma of left lower eyelid
Other disorders of eyelid
Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit (H00-H05)
Barton's fracture of left radius, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
Fracture of forearm
Injuries to the elbow and forearm (S50-S59)
Other and unspecified abnormal findings in urine
Abnormal findings on examination of urine, without diagnosis (R80-R82)
Fibroadenosis of right breast
Benign mammary dysplasia
Disorders of breast (N60-N65)
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of connective and other soft tissue
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other and unspecified sites
Neoplasms of uncertain behavior, polycythemia vera and myelodysplastic syndromes (D37-D48)
Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, assault, initial encounter
Toxic effect of other and unspecified substances
Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source (T51-T65)
Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right fibula, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
Fracture of lower leg, including ankle
Injuries to the knee and lower leg (S80-S89)