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0c9029c | Would you like to go to wonderfull places, be called a cowboy, and help people and cities from world war two? Well if you do you should give this job a try. The name of this job is the seagoing cowboy program. This argument will be about the reasons you should join the progrm and deatails about the program.
My first reason is you get to travel to cool places in the article it says they traveled to places in europe for Example China. They also went to Greece,Venice Italy. So like i said in the beggining this will be very good for travaling.
My second reason will be you can help cities from wrold war two. In the passage it says "In 1945 world war two was over in Europe, and many cities were left in ruins". It would be a great thing to do if you helped the people hwo lived there and you will be happy about it.
My third reason will be you get two take care of animals and hwo does not like animals. In the story they take care of animals on a boat and take's them to diffrent countries. Animals are fun to take care of think ot them as your pet.
In conlusion I hope that this argument helped you realize why you should be a seagoing cowboy. | 3 |
0c9c20d | Will these cars stop all the accidents. The research that this passage has gave us is that it may work. My concern if i bought one of these cars what if you break down and there is a problem with the engine but you dont know how to fix it and cant afford road side assitiance.
How would you get to places. Would we put the adress of where we want to go or tell the car with our voices where to take us. If the car dosent respond to tht then what do we do push the car NO. I dont think driverless cars are a good idea. Also we wouldnt have to have a driver licence to drive a driverless care. Someone can be 14 and drive on of those.
I just dont think that its a good idea. People would do some pretty dumb stuff i feel like they might let there 11 year old gp to the gas station down a couple of streets and let him take their driverless car and that is how people will cause an accident. | 2 |
0c9e34e | The emotional expressions in a classrooom is valuable because many people have many different expressions. Using technology would be a good idea to tell the different types of expresions because imagine someone being really mad and you did not know. I think technology would be a good idea because they could have many different options to choose from.
For example on paragraph 3 it gives really good reasons on why technology would be good. It show that a computer can construct a 3-Dmodel face showing all 44 mucles in our face and it would move like actual human muscles. The movement of our muscles are called action units. We have would have six emotions to tell to someone and a computer could do it all by its self.
We humans may have the same expression on a daily day basis because most of the time we are not happy consedering the fact that most of our facial expressions are angry, sad , happy , surpris fear, and disgust, so this means that with just a computer you can do anything when it comes to facial expresions. Also on paragraph 4 it says that '' using video imagery'' would be really good to tell the emotions through facial movements or on a painting like Mona Lisa. A new software would be good to tell the facila emotions for example like on the masterpice of da Vinci that the expressions are compared to the natural face of a person.
This idea of computer emotional expressions would be a good one because with just a scan or a picture would be great because they wouldn't have to be asking the person what is wrong with them. I think this would be way much easy to tell wheather the person is mad, sad, or surprised this idea would work also on pictures that may not show no expressions
In my opinion i think this would cause good controversials because your emotions would simply be easy to reach like in Mona Lisa picture. Your expression can change real quick as to when your standing in the mirror or when you are really happy , sad, or mad. This would help for when a person is showing a fake smile or when a celebrity is being truthful with the camras. This would be a great idea in the future because it would help alot of photographers and scientist that want to look over a picture and tell your facial emotions such as anger, sadness, surprised , disgust, and fear. These would be part of improtant and many more facial emotions. | 3 |
0cae471 | The auhtor begins with information about Earth's twin, known as Venus, has been a scientific question for decades. One of the brightest points of light in the sky and somewhat the closest planet to earth looks and proximity wise, is in fact Venus. Venus may be very easy to see from a long distance, but the closer you get the more danger you are in. There are manyreasons on why scientists and astronomers keep going back to venus and attempting after many fails.
Considering that Venus is sometimes, depending on the speed in which Venus orbits the sun, the closest planet there are hardships on why humans cant land a spacecraft on it. Sending a spacecraft to Venus has been done numerous times, but not one survived more than just a few hours. This issue has caused Nasa to be discouraged and havent sent a spacecraft in over three decades. " each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours"( paragraph.2) This is just one reason on why Venus is a very challenging planet for humans to study.
The author states that Venus' atmosphere holds clouds made of sulfuric acid which is highly corrosive, melting most metals into liquid. On the surface, tempatures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit as an average. Venus has the hottest surface tempature in our whole solar system. The air pressure is 90 times in what we experience on our own planet. These condiotions are far more worse than what an average person encounters on Earth, let alone a professional astronaut. Venus' environment alone could combust a submarine made to withstand the deepest parts of our oceans. The author also says that Venusian weather and geology have presented additional information such as erupting volcanoes, frequent lightening strikes, and powerful earthquakes. So why does the author think that studying Venus is worth these dangers?
The author found that scientists are discussing further visits to Venus becasue once a long time ago Venus might have been home to various forms of life. The planet holds a surface of rocky terrain and similar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Given the long time frames of space travel, Venus is the nearest option, yet still isnt safe enough. " the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?" ( paragraph 2). NASA brought forth a very compelling idea for sending humans to Venus in order to study the planet. NASA's solution is for humans to hover above Venus' harsh ground conditions at 30 or so miles above the landscape. Temperatures will still be at a whopping 170 degrees Fahrenheit, and air pressure similar to sea level on Earth. Not easy but survivable for humans, this is the best idea NASA could provide. Although seeing Venus from a blimp like ship hovering safely above the planet would provide only limited insight on ground conditions, because some forms of light cannot penetrate Venus' dense atmosphere. As well as sight, astronauts cannot take samples from 30 plus miles in the air of the gas, rocks, or soil.
Despite these hardships, NASA is formulating other approaches to studying Venus. The author provided examples on their ideas such as simple electronics made of silicone carbide have been put in a chamber simulating the chaotic nature of Venus, and survived at least three weeks in these conditions. In conclustion the author supported this idea very well, and had a lot of information about the hardships and ideas formulating our jpurney to study Venus. I think that we will find the answer someday and unlock the many secrets that Venus' harsh conditons and unfriendly nature have kept hidden for so long. " Our travels on Earth snd beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" ( paragraph 8) | 5 |
0cb15fe | The human emotion is one of the most importnt parts of life. With out human emotions the world would be a blure. The human race uses more and more technology but the technology dose not understand human emotions. Computers need to understand human emotions for school purposes, save lifes, and helps depression.
A computer AI could help poeple in so many ways. If a student is falling asleep or bored it could change some of the material and could help them stay awake or keep them focased on school work. Computer AI could save lifes. poeple that comite scuicide often feel left out or lonely and with a computer AI it could be ther for the person and make them feel wanted and find wesites to help eith scuicide.
We need computer AI to help with school puroses, saving lifes, and makes someone fell wanted. If computer AI could help more poeple the world would be a better place to be and less poeple would commite sciucide. | 2 |
0cb54b1 | I think we should change the electoral college to the popular vote for many reasons. I think that the electoral college causes alot of disgreements and agruements. I think we should do this for every election not just the election of the United States of Americas President. I dont think its fair that some states get more votes than another states. We should all be equal like the George washington wanted us to be as he and many others signed the US Constition and The Declartion of Independence. Like Cali. has 55 electrolal votes and wyoming has like 4 how does that make them feel.
If one President is like by the whole nation then he should become president no doubt. Just because someone else get more elctoral votes but isnt the popular why should he be President. Like one candiate could get 10 states that are voting for him but their only states with 4 votes then the other candidate gets californa even the other half of californa doesnt want him. He wins because winner takes all and that 55 to his 10 sates which equals 40. | 2 |
0cb8a22 | Seagoing Cowboys program is a great opportunity to participate in. You will be able to help many countries recover from the war. You will get the opportunity to experience many different things.
If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program you won't regret it. Many people should join because you would be helping many people from different countries. You won't be working the entire time. On your way to your destination will have the chance to go sightseeing. By joining the program you will learn new things about different countries you probably didn't know about. Seagoing Cowboys program can be dangerous, but you can also have fun. Participating will make you more aware about people of other countries and their needs. By participating you can help people and you have the side benefit of traveling. You could also learn some responsibility. You would be taking care of animals. Caring for animals requires responsibility. Feeding, watering, and cleaning all require responsibility.
Joining will feel like an adventure. You will feel grateful for the opportunity. This expericnece could also change your life for the better. Joining will show you how other countries need help. Knowing that other countries need help could inspire you to start helping more people in the future. | 3 |
0cc9cb5 | The electoral college is pointless, I believe that it is just another step that was added to the long process of picking our new president. It causes problems between the people and the government and it takes away time that we could be using to do something actually beneficial to our country. The electoral college is not a place but a group of people who meet and vote for the President and Vice President. Each state gets represented by a certain amount of electors which is decided by the population of that specific state. The electoral college should be thrown out of the way that we choose our president becuase it upsets the people, it can completley change elections, and because it gives to much power to the legislative branch.
I think that the electoral college gets people frustrated with our government. They have to go basically vote for another person to vote. If I lived in texas I would go to a poll and vote for the person that I wanted to put up in the electoral college. That person would then vote for the president. It makes voters, mad why spend time for voteing on people who you dont really care about when you could honeslty just vote for the President who you believe could help our country. The biggest argunment against the electoral college is that it we can't control who our elector votes for. You see when you go to vote for an elector you normally vote for one who says that they are going to vote for the person that you like, but they can change their mind and now you voted for someone that is going to vote for the candidate that you didnt want.
The electoral college can completely change the direction of a vote. Becuase voters only have one vote, the electors represent alot of the states population. For example a single representitive from samller states like Wyoming can represent of to 500,000 voters and in bigger states like California can have up to 55 electors who represent as much as 35 million people. This is why the electoral college can have such a big effect on the voting proces exspecially since the electors represent such a large amount of people. It can become frustrating when a large mass of people ellect some one and that elector changes there mind about who they vote for, because a group of people as large as 500,000 can be ruiting for one person and the elector can change his mind and now that group 500,000 is voting for someone that they don't like.
Another problem is that the electoral college gives to much power to legislative branch "Back in 1960 segregationists in the Lousiana legislature nearly succeeded replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy." So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy becuase it would have been overthrown by the college. Which meens that the Legislative branch has enough power to create a biased slait. The legislature would create a group of electors that are all in favor of certain idea and you wouldnt be able to vote for anyone else becuase those are the people for your state. The point of voting is to give power to the people and with the electoral college in the way it completely takes that away from us. We get to vote for the electors but that doesnt meen that they are going to vote for the people that we want them to.
Yes the electoral college could have some advanteges like allowing professionals to have an input into what is going on, It helps us avoid run-off elections (elections that end up with a tie), and restores some of the weight in the political balance that larger states lose. But there are definalty more cons to this procedure. The constitution states that we are here to create a more perfect union but how are we supposed to create a union when the government is basically in control of everything. There is no unity gouing on in our government it more like the government is in charge and we are kind of just here. If we get rid of the electoral college it will make the people happier and allow them to actually feel like part of the government, It will stabilize elections and not allow the legistaure to change them, and will take away some of the numerous powers that the Legislative branch holds. All in all the electorla cllege os unfair, outdated, and irrational. It need to be abolished! | 5 |
0cd1679 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests stuydying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. NASA is working to try to get as much data and informaton about venus as possible, only because soon we could all have a space trasvling place to go to thats nearlry the same as earth one day farther in studying and knioowing about venus, it is called eaths twin.
In the pasage it states "Thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus even more challengeing are the clouds of higghly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus in venuss atmosphere. On the planets surface, temperatures avaerage over 800 degrees fahrenheit". This shows why they was considering cars that hover over the land 30 miles up because us as humans wouldnt be able to be on the ground that long survivable level's but still dangerous levels of toxic to breath.
They think venus may have life likely such as ours because at a point of time venus was half percent water and could have living things on it and alsohave closly matching looking vallys and mountains like ours, they are rally trying to take a closer look into studying and possibably making there way up to finally seeing it. In the passage it states."Venus was probablyciovered largley with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth..... The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familar features such as valleys , mountain,and craters".
Basically these is all information i have givejn you for to telll you alll of what theey are trying to do wit venus and for us as good resoultes. | 2 |
0cd7e90 | The author supports his idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers very clearly and effectivly. He supports his idea by stating how much its like Earth but its corroive atmosphere, weather, and the atmospheric pressure are to extreme for humans to encounter with. He then talks about NASA plans to approach Venus and how at one point it may have had oceans,mountains, and varous life forms like Earth.
The author states Venus is often reffered to as Earths "twin" because it is the closest in terms of size and density, and sometimes in distance. When Venus is closest to us, humans have sent many different spacecrafts there to explore the planet. Each of the ships were unmanned since every landing was terminated after a few hours. This was due to the dangerous environment of Venus.
The author also states thst Venus has a very harsh and inhospitable environment. Its atmosphere is 97 percemt carbon dioxide and they are highly corrosive with sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Venus's surface on average is over 800 degrees fahrenheit. He talks about the planets atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than Earths. The author also states what type of weather the planet offers which is said to be erupting volcanos, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes. The author then asks a question to himself; if the planet is so inhospitable why is NASA still wanting to take visits to its surface.
The author answers back by saying the Astronomers are fascinated by Vesus because it may well once been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. The author says long ago Venus was probable covered in oceans and could support life forms similiar to Earth. Venus is said to stilll have some features that are analogoous to those of Earth. The author states that NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions would alow scientists to float above the harsh surface although the tempertures would still be hot but the air pressure would be closest to sea level on Earth.
Thus stating all support of his research of Venus's dangers and possible history he supports his main idea to us without confusion and going off topic. He states clearly what his purpose and idea was. | 3 |
0cd80da | Many people live in the USA voting for the next president, but there are people who think that the election system need to change to become better. I personally think that the election system should stay.
First off, the founding fathers created the Electoral process. The Electoral process is a simple but complex system that holds up are government. The system protects us from people accidentaly picking a leader that may end up being a tyrent or worse. Many people may say "What about Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, or bob Dole." Well it's vary likely that there will be more people like that if we change the system and start a new.
Even though, citizens of the USA think that the Electoral Collage is Anachronism. That statement is not true. If the Electoral collage was outdated the U.S. would the government system would have fallen awhile ago. even if there may be ties between the Electoral collage the system will have a plan B. While I'm Electoral collages the representives of the state are chosen by the people if the wrong disison was made people should balm the people who chose that person.
In the end, the people are the one to blame not the system. The system may have a few flaws but the flaws are only made by the people vote. Some one may say "If the system was perfect there whould be no need for blame." but nothing can be purfect."
I think that we shouldn't change the election system | 3 |
0cd96ea | Dear Senator,
I honestly think this is a waste of time. I mean what the point of being a democate or a republican. Huh? We all live in the same county, so what's the point of seprating us. I would have been just fine if this article was about something else. I can careless about the government. The goverenment is very indiffernt and keeps lots of secrets from the citizens in this country.
I can sit here all day and tell you if i agree with this whole Electoral college, but it's irrelavant to me. I'm not saying that i hate this country, but there are alot of things that I disagree with. America can be very unfair. Yeah yeah, I know i don't live in the worst country ever, but I don't like this passage and I refuse the write an essay about it.
The government don't care about people who are less fortunate. Because it takes to many sacfises to help others in need. The government is indiffernt in so many ways. America works and trade and nagotiate with countries that treat their people wrong.
I may not know alot about the govornment and stuff but i still dislike this country. | 1 |
0cdb059 | My dream job was to become a scientist. I finally accomplished my goal, but it was a lot of hard work. Being a scientist is not an easy job! I had learned about "Unmasking the Face on Mars," and now i have to interview with Mrs. Sally Backbone because she thinks the face was created by aliens when I beg to differ!
Ms. Breadwill here to do an interview with Mrs. Backbone, because she thinks "Unmasking the Face in Mars" was made by aliens. I've did some research and i have all the answers to your questions Mrs. Backbone. Let's Get Started! " Few scientist believe the Face was an alien artifact and i think they are right" said Mrs. Backbone. " Well your certainly not wrong Mrs. Backbone, but cheif Jim Garvin told us " We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it, plus what about in the years of 1998 and 2001." replied Ms. Breadwill. I immedeitly showed Mrs. Backbone the photos that were taken in the year of 1998 and in the year of 2001 and she was speechless.
Mrs. Backbone had another question for Ms. Breadwill (me). I told Mrs. Backbone to let all the questions she needed to answer be said. Mrs. Backbone told me that The Face on Mars was located at 48 degrees south martain latitude. Ms. Breadwill shook her head and replied " Your wrong, because the scientists and I studied and found out that The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martain latitude." Mrs. Backbone was once again speachless and i think i seen her roll her eyes. " Mrs. Backbone how are you feeling?" Ms. Breadwill commented. Mrs. Backbone simpliy sighed and said " Can we move on to the last question?"
Mrs. Backbone had one more question, and i was hoping it wasn't too hard since I have been answering all her questions correctly. Mrs. Backbone said, " the Face is not a natural landform and I still believe there is an alien monument. I sighed and told her she was wrong once again. She yelled " How?!" I simpliy told her On April 5, 1998 when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." I also told her on April 8, 2001-a cloudless summer day in Cydonia-Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. They had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view." She asked me ''Was that all?'' Ms. Breadwill told Mrs. Backbone one last thing and it was " What the picture actually shows is the Martain equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West." Mrs. Backbone had all her questions answered, so I believe that my work here is done!
I am Ms. Breadwill,and I am a scientist at NASA. If you need questions answered about the Face on Mars, then I am the one to help you. I will answer all your questions whether they are easy or very difficult. I believe I am the best scientist in all America. | 3 |
0cdc0d0 | The Wonder of Driveless Cars
I am all for the the accessibility of having driveless cars . The ability of having access to living in a society of driveless cars would be mind blowing and marvelous. The fact that we could get from place to place without the need of being focused and aware on the road at all times. We would be able to interact with one another better and being able to be more more productive. Also we would have the ability to be safer on the roads with self driving cars than regualrs ones.
If we had driveless cars we would be able to interact with one another better. The way we would interact better is that we have more time on our hands with this time we would be able to talk to our family and friends in the cars with us or able to facetime or call someone we haven't talked to in a while . Another way we could benefit from having self driving cars is that we could be more productive with school or work . We could do any homework or work related assignments in the cars that we can't do at the moment because we have to be focused on the roads. In doing so we have the ability to move forward faster in our careers. The last reason why i am for having self driving cars is that we would be safer on the road because of sensors decribed in the passage. With futher improvement in sensors and computer hardware to make driving safer we are leading to a future with possible fewer crashes and traffics jams.
I am all for the ability to have driveless cars. having the access to having cars that are safer and will makes us more productive with work and our personal relatioships will be wonderful . The chance of having driveless cars in the future will be amazing and marvelous. | 2 |
0cdf1ff | Having a new technology that can detect facial expression is not valuable in classrooms. Having technology that can detect when a student is enjoying a specific lesson or action, is not valuable due to the fact that the student's facial expression may have more to do with than just the lesson being learned. The Facial Action Coding System would be able to tell if a student is sad or happy, or frusterated, or disgusted. But it does not have the technology to determine prior emotions, or the cause of them. Therefore, Facial Action Coding Systems are not valuable in classrooms. However they may be useful elsewhere, such as doctors offices, and airports.
Although the author gives a practical use of his product, "A classroom computer could recognize when a studnet is becoming confused or bored." Students go through a fair amount of stress throughout the year, and can witness or partake in many activities which can be detromental. This is where the author's claim is no longer valid.
For instance, maybe a second grader gets into school one day, and is distrought because his or her mom and dad got in a divorce the night prior. This is a scenario where the Facial Action Coding System is not going to be able to benefit the kids learning based off of his or her facial expressions. Another example includes highschoolers. What if a boy or girl is being bullied and not reaching for help and bottling all of their emotions in. A system that recognizes facial expression would not be worth having at that time because the system would base its opinion off of what the student is learning, even if the student may be enjoying what they are learning. This is just one case where the Facial Action Coding system would not be valuable.
Although the Facial Action Coding System may not be useful in school classrooms, their is practical application outside of the classroom. For instance, what if a little kid gets signed out of school because they are sick. The mom would most likely take the kid to the doctors to get them examined, if they are truly sick the Facial Action Coding System may be useful to tell if the kid is truly sick, or if they are most likely faking it, prior to the actual visit with the doctor. It may also be useful in principals offices. The Facial Action Coding System may be of use when a student makes a report. If the students emotions can be told as angered, or distraught, it may further prove that the student is actually being truthful, not just trying to get someone in trouble.
Another great use of the Facial Action Coding System is in airports around the world. The system could be of use to tell if someone is of threat or is in an unstable condition prior to boarding the plane. Airport officials could analyze reults of suspected threats before allowing them on a plane. This application would be more practical than it being used in classrooms.
Although I believe that the Facial Coding System is not of use in classrooms, the technology would be great if applied elsewhere. The authors opening sentence in paragraph nine may be the solution to classrooms. "Putting on a happy face actually works." This small quote may help lighten a students day more so than a system trying to fix what is wrong by changing what they are learning. | 5 |
0ce3c1c | The use of this technology called the Facial Action Coding read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it will be very benefitile for the schools. The schools needed this technology to identify the emotional expressions of the students. Sometime things happen in school that the teachers don't know about; they don't know how their students are feeling. There are three benefitile about this technology. The Facial Action Coding System help the teachers identify the emotion of their students. The second is, it really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much the computer can do. The third is, it will help you tell if the person that is the most important to you is sad or happy.
The first reason is the Facial Action Coding System is valuable because it help the teachers identify the emotion of their student. It said in the article "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". Some of the students in the school won't talk about how they are feeling in the classroom, and some of them would be scared to ask question when they are confused. The new technology would help the teachers so much on how to find out if their students are understanding the works they did in the classroom.
The second is, it really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much the computer can do. Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. Everybody in this world needs someone that could tell if they were happy or sad, so they would feel like someone is understanding them at lest. " Eckman has classified six basic emotions; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness". These are the great things Eckman has classified that can help us and make us smile.
The third is, it will help you tell if the person that is the most important to you is sad or happy. Sometime we can tell that the person is happy or sad, but we can't not tell it all the time. We can makes the wrong assumption about a person by the look on their face.
In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System is very valuable to read the emotional expressions of the students in a classroom. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc. So we need the new technology to help telling us about a person feeling. | 3 |
0cecb68 | Dear Senator,
I think the United States of America should change or abolish the Electoral College because sometimes it is not actually what the people want. In the 2000 Election Al Gore won the popular vote meaning more people in the USA wanted him at President than the winner. Should'nt we give the people what they want? A poll states thart over 60% of United States voters want to change or get rid of the Electoral College for this exact reason. The state sends people to represent the State not to represent the people. The state or people in office could totally defy whatever the people want in that state.
Lets say there is a tie. Then every state would have only 1 vote meaning the little state of Delaware would have as much say as the huge state of California. This example is the complete opposite of doing what the people want.This means the 35 million people have as much say as the 500,000 or sol in Delaware. Our government bases off what the people want but the Electoral College dosen't always base off what the people more than what the state wants itself.
Each party representing the state selects the "trusted" people for each state. What if those people have a change of heart and they decide to change towards something the state dosen't want. (Which is very possible) Then what would happen? Would either the Democrats or Republicans really be elected or would it just be 270 people in the room just be deciding whatever they want?
0cf0f8e | This technology is valuble to the the classroom in my opinion. I think that because it's good to calculate someone's feelings. The part that got me the most was when 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored.' Dr. Huang predicts, I feel that's a good idea because some students are afraid to ask for help in front of the class. They said
'the mona lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face' which is also a good thng. " Theory of emotion , moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotion, but also may even help produce them' which is also good.
I feel like this would be great thing for science. You can do great, fun projects with this at school. You can use it with your friends. Knowing someones emotions without having to ask is a good thing. When feeling sad and nobody knows it but then technology comes and someone knows and they help you be happy again, or become friends. You can help people become more happy by knowing they're sad and make them smile. You can know what your friendis feelings or your boyfrind/girlfriend. Let's say you don't want to talk about how you're feeling so the technology helps you speak without having too.
We can have 'empathy' states the article so we might not have to explain ourselfs and explain how we are feeling about a certian soution. You won't have to keep your feelings inside forever. It's a good way to learn about science of emotions even said it in the article. I also think it's a good thing thing to have around kids/teens older people since technology is the furture. This how I feel about the Facial Action Coding System. | 3 |
0cf8c55 | I am going to tell you the reasons Luke joined the program. One is "he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime". My second reason is"luke also found time to have fun on board. both of these statemeant are going to help answer the question to the text.
Next,I'm going to give you details on why it was a great opportunity of a lifetime to join the program. Well my first reason is Luke bomberger had no idea that his life would change soon after his high school graduation. second is But being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger it opened up the world to him. One more reason is that he said"I'm grateful for the opportunity"he says. Both of thoses reasons suport why he thought it was a great opportunity.
My second statemeant is he also found time to have fun on board especally on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. One peice of evidence is "Table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and games also helped pass the time". My second peice of evidence is "Luke also toured an excavated castle in crete and marveled at the panama canal on his way to china.
In conclusion both of thoses statemeants help me answer question. Which is why he joined the program. Both of my reasons were it was great opportunity of a lifetime and Luke was also able to have freetime found time to have fun on board. | 3 |
0cf9088 | Dear State Senator,
Sir I would like to point out the fact that the Electoral College is a flawed, outdated system that serves no real purpose in today's world, however it is beautifully American. When the Electoral College was first established it was because we wre a country divided, not in idealogy but physically. We wre a great nation that didn't have electronic voting, the Electoral College was an institution of the people by the people. The folks that were chosen to pick our next President could have been your neighbour or your doctor or even you, yourself. In today's modern, connected world it may seen unnecessay but this established intstutitution of voters voting for voters is still needed. If we switched directly to a modern vote the wait times on a new POTUS would be unbelievable. Losers could claim fraud because of the electronic voting. Every election would now seem like the fiasco in 2000. It would make 2004 seem like a fair election and 1888 wouldn't even be remembered.
I do believe that the "winner takes all" system could be tweaked a little to catch up to modern time and that states like Maine and Nebraska are on to something. Minorities in bigger states such as Republicans in California and Democrats in Texas need a voice. An uneven number of votes is also needed to end the possibility of a tie. There needs to be more clear cut rules on what to do.
Ultimately Senator I do not believe that the total disbandment of the Electoral College is neccesary, a reform may be needed as technology progresses. Something that does need a total overhaul is Floridad's new Common Core and gratuation requirements.
Sincerly Yours,
0cffbfb | Dear readers, im here to tell you about the face on Mars. We were traveling up to Mars to get some cool pictures and we noticed that in one of the pictures was a misterious face!
As soon as we saw it everyone directly assummed it was created by aliens. "NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted "huge rock formation... which rembles a human head. fprmed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars." (3)
"The "Face on Mars" has since become a pop icon." (5) When I first saw it i had no idea what the face was, i thought maybe it was just me that saw it or something. I would have never guessed that it would become so big to us.
My friend Fred thinks that aliens did it, aliens arent real... are they? i mean ow could such a puniy creater make such a fuse over a interesting face. Aliens are not real!!
When Fred was rantting about how it had to be an alien and nothing else could have made thoose faces i was thinking that he might have gone crazy. I mean it could have been alines but most likly not. | 2 |
0d077e2 | Is driverless cars really what we need? In paragraph seven near the bottom it staits that the human in the car needs to be alert. If it is a driverless car shouldnt the driver not have to be alert? if the driver still has to be awear of all the suroundings then is there realy a point in having a car that drives its self, but can not preforn simple tasks like pulling in and out of a drive way (paragraph two).
Also lets take into acount how many people may think that its okay now that there are cars that drive their selfs that they can get behind the wheel when they are intoxicated. What about a case where a person falls asleep because they are getting bored waiting on the car to tell them its their turn to drive.(paragraph Eight)
Some people will not wake up to alarm clocks let alone their car telling them that it needs help. Texting and driving no doubt will get worse the driver may think the car can handel it for one more text, but it couldnt.
With how the draving laws change are we going to have to spend more money to get our cars to download the new laws and even then will we really be safe? Will the driving age change now that knowing how to drive is not really needed?
Yes the cars have sensors and GPS and cameras but even people have missed seeing a Deer, Racoon, and in some cases even people. Also how is a car going to know the difference between a person daydreaming and one that is alert? What if the car notifies you too late that they dont know what they are doing? Will you be left with all the blame? (papragraph 9 last sentance) Yes its an intresting concept but not intirely safe. | 3 |
0d0a0cb | In 1976 a surveyor caught a absurd picture coming from the face of Mar's planet. By face, it was literally a face. NASA didn't know how to explain but with the explanation that it was a mesa or some other landfiorm on the surface. Is it or is it not? Many people think its aliens, but let's look at the big picture. There is pure evidence that what you're seeing is a landform and I have some examples.
After close survey of the " face " NASA has concluded that what we are seeing is a mesa. In the text it says, " What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or a mesa-landforms common in the American West." That is proof that scientists who specialize in this wwork confirm that what we are looking at are just mesas or buttes.
But really if there was aliens on MArs then we would've seen some evidence by now. If aliens built this then why didn't we see any tracks or signs that the aliens built this thing. NASA has taken photographs of the moon and Mars many times. In those times if there was alien life then I would think that their would be some sort of sign that leads us to believe that we are not alone.
Everyone knows that the alien theory is just fun in games. People just let those kinds of pictures out mainly for the enjoyment of the people. In the text it says, " The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars." That shows that NASA just released this photo so that the people would have some entertainment theorizing what this is.
Another big piece of evidence was shown in this story. In the text it says, " Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cyodnia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharoah." Thats the sole cause. It was just a mesa that was photographed at the right time. If the shadows weren't there then it would just look like a regular mesa on Mar's surface. Also if you look in that picture you will see other mesas or landforms surrounding it. So that tells you that that area is full of landfroms.
In conclusion, there is so much evidence showing that this was just a landform. And if you still believe that thi is aliens then you need to look at the facts. Aliens might be real but we need to find evidence that they did this before we go and say that they did. Based on evidence we can conclude that this picture is of a mesa taken at the right time to where it looks like a face. | 4 |
0d0b940 | As the world develops and time goes forward, technology is advancing by the year. From cell phones to gaming devices, every piece of technology is getting better and better. One piece of technology is also getting better as years go on, and that is space techonolgy and transportation. NASA has created an idea to be able to live close to the hosstile conditions of Venus; in which, people would live on blimp-like vehicle over the planet itself. Venus's climate and terrain might be an issue to the growing pursuit that people and companies (like NASA) are making towards travilling to Venus. That's not to say that the study and travel towards the planet can have pros and cons.
The weather on Venus is more perilous than anything we could think about on Earth. In paragraph 3 of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author states, "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." With the facts of how dangerous it is on Venus, it is insane to think of anyone who would want to travel to and study the planet of Venus.
On the other hand, NASA and the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," think the study of Venus is a worthy pursuit. In paragraph 4 of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author says, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well one have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system...Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit.." While the conditions of our neighboring planet, Venus, seem to outweigh the history of the symetry that our planets once were; exploration and the study of Venus might be a worthwhile cause.
Even without the traveling to Venus, companies and astrologist can still learn a great deal about the atmosphere of Venus without putting their lives at risk. In the concluding paragraph of "The Challenge of exploring Venus," the author breifly talks about how studying the planet of Venus can benefit the intellingence of our world. The author states in paragraph 8, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." The author's opinion in the article could possibly be spot-on. With the challenges of trying to gain access to Venus's surface, the United States, as well as several other countries, have expanded their technological advances.
With everything being said and done, exploration and the studying of Venus has major pros and cons. The pros being that with the challenge of Venus's surface, technology has advance to the point where one day, humans may be able to travel to the hostile planet. the cons of course being the temperature, pressure, terrain, and atmospher of the planet we are so desperately trying to travel to. Travel should not just be expanded to neighboring planets; with the topic of space travel being more popular than ever, human can start the new era of space travel. | 4 |
0d125d4 | The big debate is wether we should use automated cars that are operated without a use of a driver controling it. I believe that this may be the way to create driving easier and safer for everyone. Driverless cars are going to be a great thing if the big companies like Google and General Motors keep developing this concept of a car drving on its own.
The whole idea of having a car drive on its own just seems like a dream. Well in today's world we already have driverless cars in use in states like California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. I believe that this is a big long term plan. It isn't just going to change in a year or two, this process in going to take time to develop. In today's world there are car wrecks that happen every single day, but what if we could stop the amount of wrecks with automated cars that sense danger and bring down the percent of wrecks a day. If we would be able to do this, it would make it safer to be on the roads and the streets not having to worry about other cars crashing into you.
Now there are a lot of people that are highly against this idea. They believe that it will take to long. That we should trust our instincts while driving. Another thing is this process would have to be allowed by the law and government. I have to argue that this going to take a long time to covert everything for automated cars, and yes it will be expensive for the starting years. Think about it long term, everyday we use up natural rescources of our planet. Scienctists say that there are only so many natural resources and that we need to start conserving these resources. Cars fill up for gas everyday and use up these resources. Google's Cofounder Sergey Brin envisions that these automated cars will use half the fuel of regular cars today. That is a big difference and it will save us in the long run.These car can keep a safer environment for people. The human's can't rely on one another while driving. Too many people die every year in car crashes because someone was drinking too much or had some impairment while driving. Just think, the automated cars can't get drunk and swerve into another car.
When this discussion comes up later in life remember this. These cars can hold the key for more resources in the future, and make it safe to be on the roads again. Be on the side of this argument that can make a difference in today's world and society. | 4 |
0d18ff3 | Technology can be beneficial in several aspects of everyday life, but reading emotions should not be one of them. According to the article, the technology to read human emotions is possible and can be effiecently used to detect how a person is feeling. This technology is certainly impressive but does not seem very beneficial to the average student and can be seen as slightly intrusive. Therefore, this technology would not be valuable in a classroom due to the small amount of benefit that it would provide and its intrusiveness, as students should have a right to keep certain emotions and feelings to themselves.
It seems unnecessary to use this technology when emotions are already fairly easy to identify without the use of a computer. Body language and facial expressions can already easily be analyzed by humans themselves to reveal emotions. To quote the writer of the article, "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face" (D'Alto 5). This depicts that technology is not required to identify the basic emotions of a human being and is therefore unnecessary.
If a person is not blatantly showing his emotions with body language and facial expressions, then the person wold likely prefer not to express what he is feeling or thinking. All human beings have a natural right to keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves as they please, and technology that can reveal emotions at their deepest depths can be intrusive. An example of this can be how computers use cookies to track what people are searching on the Internet in order to produce advertisements directed toward the user later on, which often disturbs people and makes them feel uncomfortable. This may be the same situation if computers have access to human emotions. The private feelings of a human should not be exploited by a computer, and therefore trespasses a basic right of humans which allows them to have their own private thoughts and emotions.
The final reason that this technology would not be valuable is because there are little uses for it. Detecting emotions are not really relevant when using a computer. The author of the article states many examples of how this technology can be used on a computer, and the use of using the emotions to determine the type of advertisements would match emotions and what the user is feeling does not seem very important or beneficial. Overall, the implementation of technology into a student's everyday life would not be useful, therefore making it seem pointless rather than valuable.
Therefore, the idea of implementing technology that read emotions would not be valuable in a typical classroom. Despite the consistency of the technology working successful, it would be worthless to bring into everyday lives as people do not need advanced computers to identify other people's emotions. The technology would also be extremely intrusive, as it would exploit the private thoughts and emotions of people that would not want their emotions to be detected and make them feel slightly uncomfortable. Alongside these reasons, there is practically no use for this advanced technology in a typical day of an ordinary student. For these reasons, while the concept of reading emotions may be interesting, there is not much benefit that will come from the use of this technology and therefore implementing it into classrooms would be a prodigious waste of money and effort in order to provide a minimal benefit for students. | 5 |
0d190c0 | The author gives good reasons on why we should explore Venus. He/she describes the environmental hazards of the planet in order to explain to us on how NASA can explore and research it more. The author gives reasons on why we should take the risk to explore Venus such as it being closest to Earth, has potential for an earth-like atmoshphere, and can be a good use of planetary visit in the future.
According to the article, Venus is the the closest planet to earth after Mars; but that is depending on where we are when orbiting around the solar system. "Often referred to as Earths twin, Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too"(Venus 2). This part of the article is what describes the fact that it is similar to Earth. The planet is our neighbor, which makes it easier so that we wouldn't have to use tons of time, energy, and money on something that is too many light years away.
The author gives info on how Venus may have some Earth-like features which would be good so that we can use it as a secondary planet if something goes horribly wrong with Earth somehow. Venus has been reported to have similar structures such as valleys, mountains, craters, and even potential ocean life. The planet even has weather and similar natural disasters like Earth such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and even lightning stikes. "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface"(Venus 3). These are just some of the reasons the author gives on what potential Venus could have.
Finally, the author thinks that Venus would be a good backup planet to Earth, but it would be difficult to claim the land as ours and so that we could live there without any type of circumstances. The author also gives reasons on why it would be difficult to explore and find a way to live on this planet. But, it would give NASA a challenge on figuring out on what type of innovations they can make up. The author says on paragraph 5,"NASAs possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way"(Venus 5). These reasons alone can convince the reader that exploring and studying this planet would be worth the hard work and effort put into the inventions. The author could have given some reasons on why another planet to live would be worth THAT much work, but they did a good job otherwise.
The author has given good reasons and claims that made his or her's article convcing for the most part. They had evidence that can convince us and give us high hopes on what NASA could benifit from. The author wants us to explore Venus because it is closest to Earth, has potential for an earth-like atmoshphere, and can be a good use of planetary visit in the future. | 4 |
0d1dfcb | Faces in...screens? What would the world be like if you had a computer that could read how you're feeling? Now, you're full of questions and I've the answers.
To teachers this could be quite an upgrade from going by GPA. This new software trying to make an entrance is a very unique way of teaching. How much easier would a teacher have it, if the computer made certain questions easier, or even harder by the look on a students face?
I'm talking about the (FACS) Facial Action Coding System. A very unique invention that could skyrocket learning to the next level, or even more. Dr. Paul Eckman, the creator of the marvolous invention, says "he classified six basic emotions" "happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness"
This could be a very valuable asset to have in a classroom. Not only is it going to make the teachers job much easier on how to teach the lesson to the majority of the kids. It is also going to make it easier during assignments on the ones struggling. So i beleive that the introduction to the teachers with this technology could be very useful around many schools.
yes making these inventions could pretty much solve the problem that every teacher has. All of the same questions every teacher asks themselves. "How do i teach this class?" | 2 |
0d2070c | Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is speculated to have been the most similar to Earth, studying it can be done at reasonable expectations, and combatting the difficulty of studying Venus will have great benefits to our knowledge on the planet itself and space exploration.
It has long been a conspiracy yet to be proven as to if Venus is one of our known sister planets that are the most similar to Earth today. Space explorers long ago predicted that Venus was likely covered with large oceans and had the potential to possibly support multiple forms of life. Without an indepth study of Venus at a close and personal view, nothing can be predetermed factually. In paragraph four the author explains that "it [Venus] may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." This shows that the possibility is there but without extra measures taken to pursue an indepth study, the question remains unanswered as to if Venus is a sister planet of Earth.
While an upclose, indepth view of Venus is not predictable due to the harsh environment, NASA has found potential ways to make exploration dueable to an extent. In paragraph five, the author states that: "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions of the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." This helps widen the idea that exploration of Venus can be done and met at a reasonable expectation and limit safe for explorers. The author proceeds to state that while the conditions are not particularly easy they are "survivable for humans." This helps detail and push for the idea of the exploration of Venus because it is and has been discovered that the study can be done safely.
The overall study of Venus can prove to be extremely beneficial to our knowledge on the planet alone, and our knowledge on space exploration at most. In paragraph eight, it is stated that "striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value." In which it does, combatting the challenge of Venus proves to be tough, but if done, it can mean more to the exploration of other planets that are tougher than Venus alone. Further in paragraph eight, it is said that "travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." Once we begin to limit our exploration and discoveries due to the dangers and doubts, we take away from our progression of knowing what is out of our way. With the study of Venus we can extend our doings to meet every innovation and curiosity about our solar system all together.
Studying Venus is worth the pursuit despite the dangers it presents. With the study of Venus we can determine if Venus is a sister planet of our planet today, and if the planet was once inhabitable for organisms and humans. Studying Venus is also worth the pursuit because the study can be done, and if the study is done, it will benefit us far more than the study of any other planet has yet to. The study of Venus will bring our knowledge and our future immense benefits in all aspects. | 6 |
0d20e93 | Well, I think that driverless cars can be useful but also not needed. They are useful for many reasons. They can drive without your help almost and you can sleep and such if needed. Texting and driving wouldn't be a big issue with the driverless car. It's also a good transportation way for people that ride bikes more often. Most people don't pay attention to the roads as much as they should. I think they aren't really needed because half of the population is so lazy they would take advantage of it. Some people wouldn't pay attention and would cause wrecks. People won't the defensive driver they need to be with the driverless cars. The car will be safer for most becasue of the whole texting and driving situation. As shown in paragragh 8 " Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over--- something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. In this way, the in-car system is actually a saftey feature, and saftey is a big concern.
I think that driverless cars are more useful the unuseful to humans. I think we should have the oppurtunity to drive them but if roads become even more unsafe then they should be taken away. | 2 |
0d23181 | Today there are many reasons why we should and should not have car. One of the main reasons is air polution so many people are bying cars and all these cars are creating all this polution. The United States Enviromental protection agency is promotting cars to be reduced. After near record polution, Paris baned driving to clear some of the air. I do believe cars cause a huge disavantage to our clean air but i do not agree with banning people from driving gassed cars, But It would be better for the environment if people would start buying electric cars (hybrid) because some dont run off of gas and some use very little gas. Using these electric cars will benifit everyone because it cost less instead of buying gas and it leaves cleaner air in our environment. Even if lets say forty percent of United States citizens used electric cars that would still leave a huge roll in having cleaner air for us to breath, But if we all do switch to electric cars then cities need to provide cargers for cars like this so that if we are out for a while and our cars battery dies we can charge the car, I think people dont use these cars as much because they think well what happenes if my cars battery dies then there screwed. So i believe if they came out with chargers and bigger cars for families then more people would want to participate in joining an electric car, Because this wont just be saving them money this is also saving some of the air that we breath. | 2 |
0d28420 | Twenty Five years ago, something oddly strange happend on Mars. The NASA spacecraft, Viking 1 had caught a photo on the red planet that had a very strong identical look to a human face. Many scientist thought it was the work of aliens but here are some facts to prove that this theory is incorrect. Through the process of movie films, books and other things people used to explain this phenonmean, and through scientifical evidence.
When the news spread about the strange human face on Mars, many people became interested in the fact that aliens could have been responsibel for this event. To surpise the face on Mars has become a popular icon, with many Hollywoodfilms, books, magazines, and even talk shows. This greatly increased the number people going with the idea that aliens could be the cause of this but this idea is false. In the atricle "Unmasking the Face on Mars", it talks about on April 5,1998 that the Mars Global Surveyor was launched over Mars to check the so called alien monument. While using the Mars Orbiter Camera, Micheal Malin and his crew used his ten time sharp vision to scan the "alien monument" and found out it was just a natural lanform.
Even though the scince had proved that the strange face on Mars was just a landform, not alot of people were convinced. However, Science once agian came out to prove once and for all that it was indeed a landform. Using the camera again, Michael Malin and his crew caluclated the picture of the landform while using maximum resoltion and their result was amazing. The photo on Mars and a photo on earth had proved that the Mars face was just a butte or mesa landform. Infact, these are common in the American West!
There will always be arugements around the world, but these facts prove that the Mars Face is just a landform. All the movies, books, and magizines can be be true and interesting to belive, but the science in it all proves that this whole "alien monument" and that Mars has a face, is all far-fetched. | 3 |
0d2ca3c | Today i will be disscusing the the different aspects about driverless cars. In the first paragraph I will be talking specifically about the postive aspects of driverless cars. In paragraph two im going talk about the negative effects on the situation. For our third body paragrapgh i'll be introducing the
Cofounder Sergey Brin says that he foresees that we'd use half of the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility then a bus. In 2013, BMW announced that these driverless cars can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but they all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills. Mercedes Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020! The cars that Google has had since 2009 have driven more than half a million miles without a single crash. They alert drivers when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues.
One negative question I have for these driverless cars is, "Whats the point of having these cars if you still need a driver"? New laws will be needed in order to cover liabilty in case of an accident. "If technology fails and someone gets injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer? This requires human skills which means humans have to be alert at all time in case of emergency. These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads.
"In 1980's automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes. These sensors are in need of improvements so that these driverless cars can be capable to handle more of the driving task that can lead to dangerous accidents. The 1980 cars had become more advanced to detect respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. IN the end these cars just need a lot of sensors so they can sense when things are about to occur.
Today i've talked about three different preview points. In the first body paragraph I talked about the positive upside of the driverless cars. In the second paragraph I had a dicussion about negative effects on driverless cars. With my third body paragraph I ended with talking about smarter cars and their sensors. I really hope you've enjoyed the conversation about these so called driverless cars coming in the future! | 1 |
0d34dea | Luke was a great guy he was a Seagoing Cowboy who worked 2 jobs so as, grocery store and bank. He thought things wouldn't be well after he got done with his graduation. Boom! Something changed, it was a opportunity for him so let me tell you.
One day his frend Don asked him do u want to go on a Europe cattle boat with me. Luke said yes because he thught it would been a nice thing to do. After that Luke and Don seen that the UNRRA were looking for Seagoing Cowboys to help out with animals that were are shipped overseas. So Luke and Don signed up, they knew it wouldn't hurt to try something new.
Trips, yes trips Luke went to several places he went to Europe and China. Also, went to Venice and got to ride the gondola ride he even seen a castle in Crete he thought it was beautuful. Ah forget he went to Panama Canal too, well I dont know what that is but seems intresting though.
Seagoing Cowboy, it was alot of work but it turned out really fun. Luke said it was more then a adventure. A opportunity to try something new and helping other and spending the with new friends. Saying yes was good after all.
So i hope you liked it how Luke had a awesome time. Thinking it wouldn't be good after graduation but well it did. So thank you for reading hope it put intrest on your face. | 1 |
0d3ae64 | Some people think that the face on mars was created by aliens. This essay will tell you that the face is just another one of Mars mesa or butte.
The face on mars was not created by aliens because there is no life on mars. The face looked like an alien artifact because the images were not sharp so you can't see that the face was just equivalent to a butte or mesa.
The face was just equivalent to a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West. The face looked like an alien artifact because it was a huge rock formation.
The face is a huge rock which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of the eyes, nose, and mouth. The face is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa.
The scientists concluded that the face was not created by aliens. The face was just another one of Mars natural landforms. | 2 |
0d3b8e3 | "Driverless Cars Are Coming" introduces the idea that driverless cars are almost ready. My argument of driverless cars is, are they ready? Who is to blame if an accident happens? The manufacturer or the owner? Which the narrator also asks, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" The premise of my argument, is that the driver, should in no way be the one at fault. Unless they themselves wreck the car.
Driverless cars are a very unique sort of car. For one, they do not need a driver. In most cases, that is. Driverless cars have one factor that many car companies are working on: they also need a driver. Which makes them half driverless and half driver... full? BMW driverless cars can only go to about 25 mph (miles per hour), "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph,"
before needing assitance by the driver behind a wheel. GM has driver seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger, "...driver's seats that vibrate..." Also, the Google car just says whenever the person is required to take over. "...simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over."
What if a special needs/ disabled person uses one of these cars? Are the manufacturers going to blame them for not being able to use their own hands and feet on the vehicle? This is another scary thing that could very well happen in the future. At least a person without some kind of disability would have control of the car if the autopilot did indeed fail. My counter-argument to my argument would be that there are plenty of sensors around the car stated in paragraph 4, "...they needed a whole lot of sensors," but, what if the senors failed? What if every single sensor failed and someone was incapable of controlling the car? Who is responsible?
My argument is not one that can be answered right now. It is just a question that many could use an answer from. The well-being and capability of the car is an important aspect of said car. Many bad accidents could happen and whether or not the accident is pinned on the car maker or the car driver is to be disputed. | 3 |
0d57890 | The idea of a world where no one would buy a car because no one would need one sounds silly, but it could very well be the way of the future. New things are developing each day and more people are jumping on board with the world of technology. The idea of a driverless car forming a public transportation system is one of the biggest ideas in the technology industry. Being able to create a system of transportation that would elimate the use of other cars is a big step in society and the world we live in today.
There are many ups and downs to this idea of a driverless car. On the positive side of this idea there would be less pollution in the air and people who have disabilities could get to and from places more easily. But, with these good things also come some negative aspects. The cost of transportation would probably go up, even though the car is driverless there would still probably be a fee to the transportation just like a taxi service. Even though the car would have been tested to make sure it can drive with out wrecking there would still be the fear the car would wreck for the passengers aboard the car so it probably wouldnt be that great of an expierence. Also, the teenagers of the world would be giving up the freedom they have waited there whole life to be able to do, if the world souly depended on the driverless car and no one would buy cars anymore teenagers would not have to oppertunity to drive like they have always wanted.
Even with the new technology of this driverless car there would still be people who would not be on board with it. What about those people? Would they still be able to buy themselves a new car? Or would manufacturers stop selling them altogether and just start making different models of the driverless car. For now in our world it is better to stick with technology we have and wait to introduce a newer and unfamilar form of technology. | 3 |
0d5876f | Living on a different planet would be something amazing. Getting to see new enviorments and see new things. That may be why scientist are trying to study Venus. Venus is filled with things that show that it once was livable. Some even say that it can be the Earths twin beacuse of the similiarites they have. But it's also very difficult to be able to study Venus because of conditions that make it use impossible to be there.Which can be a major setback for people. But if they succeed it can be a big deal here's why.
Venus shows many similarities to Earth. Some people even consider them to be twin planets. We know this because according to the article on paragraph 2 it states" Often referred to as Earth's " twin". Venus is the closest plant to Earth I terms of denisty and size. This shows us that their just consider as twins but they also show similiar size and density. Which concludes why they are consider twins because of their size.
This also shows many more similar things to Earth such as what it has on the planet. Eath has valleys,oceans,moutains, and craters. Well Venus is considerd to have these millions of years ago. We can confirm this because from the text on paragraph 4 it states "Venus still has soe featyres that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains and craters. From this information we can pick out some key simliarties that show that Venus once had these things that Earth also has.
Once NASA found out about these things on Venus they wanted to explore the planet. So NASA decided to launch nurmerous spacecraft to Venus once the plant would get closer to Earth. But each spacecraft was unmanned, we know this because if look back into the text you can see in paragraph 2 it states" Each pervious mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." From that we can pick out to thing. NASA have tried to land multiple aircrafts on the planet and that the plant was impossible to land on.
The reason the planet was impossible to land on was because the planet 800 degrees. Which made very difficult to land on. We know this is true beacuse accorinding the passage it states " On the planet's surface, temperatures averager over 800 degrees Fahrebheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. From this information we can see how it is very challenging for NASA to land on Venus.
In conclusion I think studying Venus can be worth it beacuse it shows great potential.It also shows lots of possibilities for human life to be on it. Just beacuse of the extreme weather conditions doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to explore it. It can lead to another world that we can discover. This is why I think we should study Venus . | 3 |
0d5a937 | Robot cars or driverless cars should not be developed. The development of thes cars can lead to many negative influences. Such as lacking or lazieness, wrecks, a lot of money and could be hacked. Driverless cars to many people is a thumbs down.
There are many different things that the humans just phiscally need to do and driving is one of them. The development of cars that can get you from point a to point b is already good enough. Most teenagers and adults like the thought of them being able to drive phsically and mentally. It would get boring after awhile because you would just be sittting there the whole entire time not incontrol of anything. There has been way to many technology objects that has been created which has been proven to make the human generation lazy. Creating safer transportation is positive and should be the direction cars should be leading towards. Driverless car may sound a little cool, but could lead to many dangerous harm.
The dangers of a car driving itself isn't so safe. There could be many malfuntions that could create car crashes. Many malfuntions could happen such as not braking in time, string uncontrolably, elctrical explosions, or maye even if the car accelerates when it's not needed. Teenagers could sitting in one on the road texting and not paying attention while the vechile is heading towards a tree or a person. The danger zones of driving will rise even more. Technology with other minor things is already expensive, hard telling how much these cars would cost.
Cars already are very expensive to buy now, so what could make these cars easy to produce and sell? People just need to learn how to drive and enjoy it. the safty of the driverless cars isn't asured to the public and can make tragities. With all the new technology what couldn't stop a hacker hacking into your cars computer base. And then you have automakes and driver problems in who would accident fault would be on. this driverless car inventing process should just be stopped. | 4 |
0d5afc5 | Over twenty-five years ago a face was spotted that looked almost like an Egyptian Pharaoh, but was soon found out that this was just another mesa in the Cydonia region. Once this was seen by alien theortists though, they really believe it was made by aliens, but here's my reasoning why they are wrong.
When the Face was first spotted by NASA's Viking 1 spaceship, in 1976, the scientists in the Jet Propulsion Lab were amazed by what they saw. Though it was only a little while when the scientists figured out it was just another Martian mesa, but the shadows around it gave it the illustion of a face. Once this was released to the public not my people believe it was a mesa. The alien theortists said, "The Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars." Even when the defenders of NASA said, "Wish there was an ancient civilzation on Mars." This still did not make the alien theortists want back down.
Years later, in 1998, Michael Malin photographed the Face with his Mar Orbiter Camera. This picture was ten times sharper than the Viking photos years before. Soon thousands of people were waiting for the Face to appear, but when it did, it was shown to be a natural landform, no alien formation. Even when shown this, many alien theortists said that the clouds were blocking the alien markings.
In 2001, Mars Global Surveyor took a picture of the Face. There is no excuses on whether or not this is a mesa or an alien formation. The sky was clear, the picture was 1.56 meters per pixel, than the Viking fourty-three meters per pixel. There is not argument that this a natural landform. Even if there was something as big as the Egyptian pyramids or as small as a shack, you whould be able to tell what it was in a picture like this. After that picture was taken Jim Garvin said,"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain in Idaho." also, he said, "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated measa about the same hieght as the Face on Mars."
This is proof on whether or not the Face is a natural landform. After the first sighting in 1976 to the lastes picture taken in 2001, the Face on Mars is clearly a natural landform, not a alien formation. | 3 |
0d64085 | My argument about Lukes point of view is that in paragraph four it show that Luke had made nine trips, so Luke tavels to a lot of different places. Luke had traveled to the eastern coast to get to China. Luke would want others to participate in Seagoing Cowboys program to teach what Luke does when he is a seagoing cowboy.
The article shows that Luke adventures lot sof things when he is a seagoing cowboy he ahd to take care of animals when he was a seagoing cowboy, such as a horse and a cow. Luke and his friend Don signed up to probably or most likely show that Luke was a good seagoing cowboy. Luke had crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times that had affected by World War two.
Details from the article that supports Lukes claims is Luke always helped other animals that had was showed in the passage. I think others would join Lukes program because he is a grateful person that shows that Luke is grateful in the passage. Luke had showed that Luke was a grateful person is, in the passage it says ''Caring for animals during the crossings kept Luke busy''.
I think that Luke loves being a seagoing cowboy because in the passage it shows that Luke loves being a seagoing cowboy. Luke showed that he wanted to help others and animals as he would want to start a program. Luke had toured an excavated castle in crete and maeveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China. I think he liked China as the best tour that he probably been on before, because he talked a lot about China in the passage about where different parts in China that he had been to that had been stated in the passage. The conclusion is that Luke is a good seagoing cowboy that was showed in the passage. And he loves that he is doing in the passage i think, he likes caring for other animals that were in the passage that it was stated in the passage. | 2 |
0d66b05 | Ever wanted to go live on a diffrent planet Scientist feel as though Venus conditons are good enough for people to soon be occupiants on the planet,but according to the passage they have alongway to go in way of technology and traportation and the controlloing of the harsh conditions
In the beginning,the author states that " These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth". The passage also states that "Astronomers are fasinated by venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system". It is evident that the author is trying to suggest that studying venus is a worthy persuit despite the dsangers it presents because scientists and NASA want to try to find a way on the planet without touching it dangerous ground. NASA has come of with an "idea" as such as having hovering cars or a "blimp-like' vehicle hovering over venus for closer obsevations. And many scientists have said if they could could get the temputure to around 170 degress fahrenheit the it would be survivble for humans.
In addition f the author feel as though the scientists should not continue to do these expiriments or the test visits because of all the dangers and the safety risks of trying to get inform on Venus. According to the passage, the temputure can get to a high of 800 Degrees or More!, and the atmosphere has a 97% blankets of cabon dioxide covering it. Also, the" atmosperic pressure is about 90times greater than what we expirence on Earth". The passage states, "These conditions are far more extreme than what we are used to".
The article also decribes Venus as "closet to the sun" which is another good reason why not to keep exploring because the harshness of the weathe and the harsh stoms and weather that venus expirence.
In Conclusion, Scientists and NASA and other organizations who are trying to come into contact or reach venus should not bceause of weather conditions and condtions that arent meant for humans. Not only are the condtions bad but the atmosphre is,Including the 97% Carbon dioxide blackets covering Venus. Also the passage states that,"NASA is still work on a new and more efficent way to reach venus such as a "electronis made of silicon caride chamber". And another plan is to rewind bac k in time to use a stategie called "mechanicle computers" used In the 1800s. It is evident that scientists should not exlore venus anymore because of its harsh conditions and bad weather and the poisionous air and harsh storms that occur on Venus.
"Would you like to vist Venus one day with these harsh conditons?" | 3 |
0d67d1f | 1976 Nasa took a photo of a landfill that looked like a human face. Later on though they discovered that the face was just a martian mesa, and that the shadows helped the mesa look like a face. It is not evidence to life on mars because , Martian mesa's are common around Cydonia, And on April 5th 1998 the surveyer took another picture of the face on mars, and the image was much more clearer and they could see that it was just a landform nothing more.
Martian mesa's are very common and can be found through out Mars. The only thing that helped it look like a face was, the shadows that the mesa made. The sun also cause the mesa to look like a face but when nasa took a closer and clearer photo of the mesa they found out it was just a simple rock formation that had very dark shadows making it to look like it had a nose, eyes, and mouth as the text states.
You see al it was just a landform there was no alien sculpture or anything like that, even though that would have been cool it just didn't happen. But thats okay because we learned new things about Mars and about space. But in the end we all learned something new. | 3 |
0d70f3a | Everyone knows our solar system and all the plants we have everyone always talks about earth or mercry but no one brings up Venus why? Venus is dangerous to study but also very cool at the same time. The author suggest that venus is worthy to be studied despite the dangers because venus is very challenging, and non-normal
The author suggest that venus is worthy of studying because it's challenging. Venus is the most second closest to the sun behind mercry and infront of earth "it has proven a very challenging place to examine more closely" in this quote from the article basically states that Venus can be very different to examine up closely thus making it hard for people to study venus.
The author also suggest that venus is worthy of studying because it's non-normal. "Venus can also be called "Evening Star" is the brightest points of light in night sky" this quote from the article tells us that Venus has the brighest light that no other planet has. On Venus it's 800 degrees fahrenheit and the pressure is 90 times greater then on earth that's not for a normal planet for it to be 800 degrees that's bruning hot. Venus alsp has erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frrequent lighting strikes. That dangerous enough for you?
Venus isn't like any other planet with high tempertures, erupting valcanoes, and etc. Now if you had a chance to study Venus would you dangerous or not Venus sounds really cool to look into for reserch. Venus is a very cool planet with the brightest light in the sky. | 3 |
0d7b70d | I think using the Facial action coding system in students in a classroom is not good and the same thime bad. The students shouldt be using that they dont know what can go wrong.
The technology in 2018 is getting bigger and smarter. The technology is taking over jobs and everything. The facil action coding can be use for some important hings like like they can use it in the police office or somewhere that they really need it. The students can choose to use it or not they wont do it if they dont want to thats like making u do it. Some students will be surpice and some afraid of what might happen to them if something goes wrong. The technology makes alot of great things to hellp us who needs it. Teachnology can end up with the world if bad people do bad things to technology. I just want to be safe and have technology that helps me do good in my life. I maybe use the facial action coding to see how my emotions are but not use it for fun every minute. The Facial Action coding should work just find so all students can use it if is lik e we trying to see if it works good then the students shouldt use it.
I think that the Facial Action Coding should only be use when that person wants to try it and is not scare of what would happen if sometimes goes wrong while checking her or his emotions. Techology sometimes is bad and good but more times is for the good ways to us. | 2 |
0d80f66 | I do not like the idea of driverless cars, becuase i have a lack of trust of computers. I'm old fashioned and prefur to have a human being control a machine. If i have to put my child's life into someone elses hands it would not be a computer. Now I am not saying the machine can not do it's job. I am siply saying in my opinion there are to many things that could go wrong.
Someone could hack it for instence. They could run the vehicle of the road, or ey sencers could nowfunction. Say you are going down the road and a little kid runs out infront of you. In a regular car in i can brerak every time, but in a driverless car if the fuse is bad or a wire is loose it may not tivate the breaking system, becuase the sencer was not working. Now imagion for me if you will that kid that ran out in the road was your own child. Young and inocennt with so much life before him/her. Would you really want a driverless car to be the one it ran out infront of?
Now I know people do not always drive safe or pay attention eather, if we inforced the laws we already have in place to protect or children and others. We could make the streets and eventually our beautiful nation safe once more, becuase today our nation is in to big of a hurry, and we forget what it means to take it slow and enjoy life. So i say no. We do not need driverless cars becuase it would only end badly. | 2 |
0d8bfc5 | The driverless cars could help us to drive safely and more comfotably in the thought meanwhile, we also have to think about how are the driverless cars could affect us in real life.
First, if we allow the driverless cars in the real life then we have to make new laws for new things. As paraghraph says "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers passengers, and pedestrians safe and lawmakers know that safety is the best achieved with alert drivers." also if driverless car killed the person then how are we going to punish the driverless cars even it wasn't kill person. and the driverless car didn't navagated well so the driverless car against the law by the watching the stop sign. then the car have to get a penalty who would have to get a penalty since the car was driverless car. many people still think about few more laws before they prefer to having driverless car only for comfotableness.
The lastly the driverless car won't be able to navigate the car well even though the driverless cars are actually based on the computer. if the human drives the car then he will knows the way well such as the highway and just street. and if on the road and road has the traffic the human driver car will be passed by that way or find diffrent way to go to the destination but, if the driverless car drives toward to the that way then the people who's taking that car will stuck at the traffic and wait until the traffic will over.
In a concusion, the people will find out the easy way to live this world easily and successfully but, before that we have to think about more to be safe and normal life being a human. So I prefer to not to having many driverless cars in the future. | 3 |
0d91c5e | While the idea of having a fully-autonomous is very real, scientists are still very far from it. Research is being conducted every day to improve the efficeincy and safefty of these new semi-autonomous vehicles. In my opinion, driverless cars are inevitable and I would not doubt that I will end up seeing one in my lifetime. But as of right now, cars can't do as much as scientists are hoping for in the future. With that being said, I will there will be a more positive outcome of driverless cars than negative.
Many skeptics say dirverless cars will never be possible. But, what they don't realize is that we are closer than we ever have been before regardless of how much research is still necessary to succesfully make a fully autonomous car. Google's concept car has been able to drive over half a million miles without a crash. Their car still requires a driver, but it is only for more advanced tasks such as traffic issues or roadwork. Other companies have also attempted to create a driverless concept car and the concepts have showed potential. They are far from driverless but they are going in the right direction. BMW announced that their car could handle driving speeds of up 25 mph but still require the focus of a human being behind the wheel.
While I am very supportive of driverless cars, I think there will always be flaws, no matter the size. I think there will always be malfunctions but that does not mean that those can be fixed either. The research that has been put into these vehicles have been very strenuous and have proven that there will never not be flaws in creating an autonomous car. They still may crash but the probability of a fatal crash in a driverless is much lower than the probability of a fatal crash due to human error. Humans get distracted thus creating more chances for an accident to occur. With driverless cars, there is no chance of human error or the car getting distracted because driving is what it was built for.
There are not many current laws or regulations on autonomous cars, so even if Google or BMW were to finish research and create a flawless and driverless car, they wouldn't be able to manufacture them on a commercial level. This is because there wouldn't be any laws covering liability in the case of an accident, if an accident were to somehow occur. It is undetermined who would be at fault for the accident according to the state. I think the company should be more at fault, considering they are advertising these cars as "driverless".
With my opinion on driverless cars being said, I still think they are a good idea and will benefit society in the long run and keep more people safe. There are bumps in the road regarding laws and the time it will take to get to where big name companies want to be. But, if we are all patient and let scientists conduct quality research, I see a bright future for fully autonomous cars. | 3 |
0d92fb8 | Driverless cars sound amazing right ? In the 21st century you have many different people trying to create some type of new technology to make people's everyday lives to be much easier. How safe is the driverless car going to be ? Is the car going to help you stay safe at all times? People have gotten really close to making car to where it doesn't need a drive to drive it.
Driverless cars may sound cool but are they really useful? In the text it states that " They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents"(7). The car can only do so much without a human having to come in and take over. The car has certain features that it can do all by itself but it is always going to need a human to do most of the task. I do not feel like the cars should be made to drive themselves. If an accident were to happen there would be no one to put the blame on because you have a car that can drive itself but then you have a driver in the driver seat. In the text it specifically states " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault---the driver or manufacturer?(9).Since there is no one to put the blame on the person is just going to be injured and is not going to know how they are going to make it if no one is responslibe for the accident.
In conclusion the driverless cars should not be made because they aren't really useful. In the text it says " Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?"(8). If the car can't drive itself there is no point of the car being made. If its called a "Driverless" car then why does it need a driver when accidents are near or while they are driving through work zones? The cars would just honestly waste everyone's time because they are not what they say they are. In the text it also states " This means the human driver must be alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. This necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs"(7). The car will never be able to drive with out a drive in the car to help get it out of certain situations like a traffic jam , accident or etc. | 4 |
0d96a6c | Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you did not have to drive as much. Maybe you didn't have a car at all. A small experimental suburb in Germany is tooling with the idea of a no car life style, along with many cities in the United States where a car is not a neccesity. Paris however has banned car usage all together, becuase of the amount of smog produced becuase of the automobiles. This could marke the end of car culture across many countries, exspecially the United States. There are many advantages to not owning or using a car, some of them may just cause you to get ride of your car.
A small suburb in Germany on the France and Swiss border have given up on their cars. "Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in the experimental new district on the outskirts of Freiburg." The streets of this small town are car free. The twon offers a tram that runs through the downtown, and a few small streets on one edge of the community. The town cannot bain cars altogether, but if you own a car the only place to store it is in large garages at the edge of the town. One space can cost $40,000, the cost of the space comes with the home. Only 70 percent of the population in Freiburg owns a car and 57 percent sold there vehicle before moving. Germany isn't the only country with this type of movement. The United States is promoting "car reduced" communities. This will cause increase demand of public transport to the suburbs surrounding big cities such as Chicago and New York.
Paris, however, is the first city to prohibit driving altogether. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial drribing ban to clear the air of the global city. Drivers where asked to leave their cars at home or risk a fine of 22 -euro ($31). Almost 4,000 drivers where fined. Diesel fuel was blamed becuase France has a tax policy which promotes diesel fuel. Almost 70% of drives have diesel vehicles. Delivery companies complained of lost revenue, but exceptions where made for hybrids and electric vehicles. The public transit was free of charge during the bane.
"President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emission, unveiled last week." American now is has fewer car sales, people driving less, and there are fewer and fewer liscences each year. Americas love of motor vehicles seems to be subsiding. People are driving about as much as they did in 1995 which is 9% lower then the peak in 2005. Some people may blame the lack of cars and driving on the reccession. On the other hand people were buying less cars two to three years befor the reccession even hit. If this pattern presists sociologist believe it will be eneficial for cabon emissions and the enviorment. This is becuase transpertation is the 2nd leading cause of carbon emission. This could have negitive effects on the automotive companies but they are already rebranding themselves as mobiltiy companies. This allows them to have a broder range of personal vehicles. Cities like New York have established a bike sharing program. This allows people access to bikes accross the city instead of taking a taxi. Many of the young people accross the country have not even bothered to get driver's liscenses. Driving decreased by 23% between years 2001 and 2009. They instead plan activites where they can walk or ride a bike.
The age of the car may be coming to an end. Communities have started promoting a car free life style. Made othe ways of transportation avaliable. The younger people in the community have quit driving all together. Wether becuase it is good for the enviorment or a choice they had to make becuase of the city they live in. Transpotation is evolving into a public affair, not a personal one. The automotive industry may take a hit but in the long run this could be beneficial for our planet. There will always be car buffs, but sooner rather then later, you may not own a car altogether. | 2 |
0d96d4e | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the autor describes how the new technology is good because it knows what a lot of stuff "the process begins when the computer construcets a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44major muscles in the model must move like huan muscles".
I think that this is kind cool because if it can tell if you are sad or happy that would help out a lot of kids and adalts to see how ther kides are doing. "To an expert, faces dont lie; these muscle cules are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling"politician or celebrity isn't being truthful".
This is cool because i makes things that are old and that helps a lot of people that love old things and they would be happyn to have them and seem how it was from the beging. "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, While it shows just how much this computer can do".
I think it woud be good that this techmology was out it could do some good and help a lot of peopl and keep them busy. They would put a lot of time and money in it so they can see what happen way back then and maybey see some old pitchers of famley | 1 |
0d9d694 | We cross the Alantic ocean and adventure the world. Amazed at how beautiful and
wonderful everything look. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy was the opportunity of a life time, I had to take it. Why wouldn't anyone want to join us?As we sail through the oceans helping people and the animals. People all around the world should be apart of the Seagoing Cowboys! The amazing things we do have really inspired me to really show people the real me and you can too!
In 1945 World War ll was over in Europe. Unfortinatly many countries were left in ruins. Of course we had to do something about it. We were asked to take care of the hourses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Of course we did! it took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and one month to get to China. We had a lot of free time exploring the world and trying new things. I found new ways to have fun once we unloaded the animals. We played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals were housed. Whittling, reading, fencing, boxing, tennis tournaments, and games also helped time go faster. It was a great opportunity for me and my friends to learn more about the things that surrond us. Our journey to Italy was wonderful! Seeing the Acropolis was special, so was taking a gondola ride in Venice.
The text says being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than adventure for Luke Bomberger, but a way to open up the world to him. "I'm grateful for the opportunity," he says. "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." Awareness stayed with Luke Bomberger. He led his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. I would love to be apart of such a wonderful program! | 3 |
0da206f | Electoral Congress
Have you ever wondered how the government adds up the votes and determinds who the president is after the election? the Electoral College is a process made in the Constitution, a compromise between the election by Congress and the election by citizens. Most would say that the Electoral College is reguarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic way of selecting a president. Like every other thing in the world, people form their own opinions. There are pros and cons to everything, even the Electoral College.
To begin with, the Electoral College is exactly what it sounds like. It is a group of highly educated people that come together every year during the presidental election and choose wisely who the want to become president and vice president. Once everyone is complete choosing who they select, they add them up and seperate them by each state. Keep in mind, each state only gets a certain number of electors, depending on how big the state is. For example, Florida, the state that I live in, gets 29 electoral votes, as to Hawii, which only gets four votes.
Next, the Electoral College has its pros and cons. One con of the College is they have more of an impact on the choosing of the president than the actual citizens have. You would think that the people, including both sides of the political parties, would have more of a say on whome becomes the president for the next four to eight years. For instance, multiple people and groups such as Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commence, And the AFL-CIO have said and agreed on, "Abolishing the electoral college!".
Lastly, we have many reasons why we keep the Electoral College. One reason is certainty of outcome, a president can have more citizen votes than the other, but the losing candidate can still win because of the electoral votes. Another reason this happens is because most states have a winner-take-all basis, meaning that the state chooses and the winning person with the most votes gets a state vote, even if you personally didn't vote for that person. Another reason why is because the U.S. has many larger states and the Electoral College balances it out for them.
So as you see, the Electoral College is debatable on whether or not it is a good or bad thing. They have pros and cons like everything else in the world. | 2 |
0da2967 | Have you ever thought of having a car that could drive itself? It would be a pretty cool car to have but there are some things you have to think about when you consider on buying a car. Of course the car is going to be expansive but what car isnt? There are alot more negative things you have to think about when buying a smart car. Negative aspects of a driveless are is that they are expensive, need many sensors, and they result in many accidents.
A driveless car is very expansive because they have to know the roads, when to stop, how to stop, or when to go. It stated " These smart-road-systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." Driveless cars work well but they are too expensive because they have to know the upgrades of roads. Imagine the cost you have to pay for the car, giving them their money back for the money they spent and work they spent putting into the car. Sensors are a very big issues too in driveless cars.
Driveless cars require many sensors in order for the car to work and drive on its own. It seems cool but what will happen when one of those sensors stopped working and you didnt know? The sensors were placed every where in the car so therefore it can work properly. "Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor..." There is a lot of sensors installed inside the car but something can go very wrong if one of them stop working and the car crashes and injure somebody.
Who fault would it be if someone is injured because of techonlogy failure ? Driveless car are not reliable due to safety concerns. "Manucatures believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe... If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" If someone is hurt because the technology of the car, you really can't say who to blame. Although the driver can take control of the car at any time so therfore the driver can be at fault because the driver wasn't paying attention to the road. The driveless car is supposed to make the driver aware of danger but it couldn't have if there was an accident so the car can be at fault to. No one really Knows who to blame because both the car and the driver took responsible of the accident and they both could have prevented the accident from happening. If the car would have alerted the driver, the driver could have took control BUT if the driver eas paying attention, he could have once again took control.
There are positive and negative aspects when it comes to driveless cars but of course no one pays attention to the negative. When thinking about purchasing a driveless car you have to think about the cost and your safety concerns. Driveless cars are very expensive because of the sensors that are installed and the upgrades to road. They are dangerous becuase due to technology failure they can result into car accidents. Expence, sensors, and accidents are negative aspect of driveless ares. | 4 |
0da50b1 | Driverless cars would be an amazing new technology to introduce to the world. The ability to simply call a taxi and have a driverless car pick you up and take you wherever you wish, whenever you wish will revolutionize the way people get around. The technology may be in its primitive stages as of now, but soon driverless cars can help to automate many tasks that are currently being done by humans. Driverless cars will be an excellent addition to the modern world.
Not only does the driverless car make sense practically, it also has many safety benefits. If all cars on the road are driverless, they can communicate much better and have much less risk for accidents, unlike with human drivers who can only control the car so well. The automated cars will be directly linked to brake systems, so if there is a need to brake, the car is hydroplanning, or another emergency is occuring, the computer system onboard the car can easily and effectively stop the car from spinning out by applying specific amounts of brake to each tire, as explained in section 5 of the story. Another safety measure taken with driverless cars is the ability for a human to take over. Google's driverless car will notify its passengers if they need to take over the wheel, as explained in section 7 because the task on the road is too difficult for the car to perform. Assurance of the ability for a human to still control the car is very important, since even though the computer systems onboard the car may be very smart, humans have the ability to judge most situations better than any computer can.
One counterargument to driverless cars is the loss of jobs. This is not stated in the article, but it would be an issue with driverless cars regardless. Many people working as taxi drivers, trash truck drivers, freight truck drivers, or any job involving driving can lose their jobs. This is a problem, especially in the US where there is already a shortage of jobs. Although driverless cars will bring many benefits, the cons of them have to be talked about as well.
Driverless cars are a scary prospect. The thought of a car driving itself can make many people uneasy. If done correctly, however, driverless cars can revolutionize the way that many things today work. With companies such as Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Nissan planning to have fully automated and driverless cars on the road and ready to go by 2020, driverless cars are just that much closer to becoming a reality. Driverless cars would make an excellent addition to the modern world. | 4 |
0da70c3 | There are several ways the author suggests studying venus is a worthy pursuit desite dangers along the way. Some examples of these are, how close Venus is from the sun and how it is very similar to Earth. Also Venus may have had forms of life on it. The author gives examples for each one of these claims and how they would give a positive effect. These are just a few reasons we should explore Venus and figure out more about it.
The first reason to learn more about Venus is how close it is from the sun. One example for this is when the text states,"Venus is the second planet from our sun." Which means that it is not very far away from earth. Another reason to study Venus is how similar it is to earth. An example for this is when the text states,"Venus is the closest planet to the Earth in terms of density and size." A final reason is that Venus may of had forms of life on it. Evidence for this statement is shown when the text states,"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This statement shows how Venus could have been very, very similar to earth.
In conclusion the reasons for exploring Venus include how close it is to the sun, how similar it is to Earth, and how it could have supported life forms long ago. Yes, it is very dangerest because of high temperature and pressure. But if we come up with a way to lower the temperature and pressure it will be surely worth the work put in. These reason are way we should try to visit Venus in the future. | 3 |
0dabca9 | I claim that the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because of the many reasons in the text he tells us. He says that it is very simple to see from a safe distance, but harder when you get closer to it, he also presents the idea that each mission was unmanned and for a good reason, and lastly Venus has a very thick atmosphere of a poisonious gas. These are all reasons he supports the idea that it is fun to study, but also dangerous. I will get more in depth with these reasons.
The first reason that the author supports this idea is when he says this statement in paragraph one, "While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely." This shows that the author is trying to support the idea because he is saying Venus is easy to see from Earth, and a far distance, but when our space programs have tried to get closer, it has presented more problems that make it very difficult to examine more closely, which shows the author says Venus is worth studying, but dangerous.
The second reason the author supports the idea is in paragraph two. He says "Each mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." This shows when the author says "For a good reason" that he is trying to say he supports the idea of us trying to study more about Venus, but is glad we are approaching it at a safe distance, and unmanned. This is another reason he is telling us that it is good to study, but dangerous.
The last reason the author supports this idea is in paragraph three when he states, "Even more challenging are the clouds of the highly corrrosive sulfric acid in Venus's atmosphere." This shows that he is stating some of the facts that it is highly dangerous to go on Venus, by saying the words "Even more challenging" which presents he agrees with the idea that Venus is worthy to pursue studying, despite the dangers.
In conclusion, the reasons the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents is because of the highly dangerous atmosphere, the spaceships that never survive landings on Venus for more than a few hours, and safe to see from a good vantage point but challenging when you get closer, all suggest that the author supports this idea. These are all reason as to how well the author does on being able to agree with this topic. | 3 |
0db7e99 | Being in a classroom with a large amount of students can be intimidating. This makes it easier for a student to fall behind in a classroom setting, since they may be too scared to ask a question. One may be thinking, ¨what if they laugh at me if I raise my hand?¨ Or maybe that student may need a different teaching approach, but they do not know how to convey this to them. There could be a solution to this problem. New technology uses a computer that ¨constructs a 3-D computer model of the face¨ (¨Making Mona Lisa Smile) it can be used to process the emotions that a student may be feeling. Meaning that technology reading emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable and beneficial.
Reading the emotions of students can help the teachers gather more beneficial data on them. As they constantly say that ¨they are not mind readers.¨ However many students may be embarrased that they are not quite understanding the content. To which this technology could provide some assistance. The computer could simply read and see what percentage of the class is confused. If it is a large percentage then that means the teacher can go over it as a whole class. Also working vise versa meaning that if it is a smaller percentage then the teacher can make smaller groups and provide the needed attention to them. This theory was stated by Dr. Huang, ¨´A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,´ Dr. Huang predicts. ´Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor´¨ (¨Making Mona Lisa Smile¨). Although the article refers to online classes the same can be applied to the human interative classroom. The teacher can look at the data during the lesson to check understanding along the way and then provide the extra needed support to those that need it. Then let those that understand it move forward. That way the children don´t fall behind, and the children that understand the content can be further challenged. Providing a more effective and rigourous courseload.
Another benefit that this technology presents is that it can read the distressing emotions of a student. Especially during the high school years which are very stressful in both the workload and character development. A teacher is able to see if that student is upset, angry, or stressed. Or even a combination of these emotions because ¨By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci´s masterpiece)¨ (¨Making Mona Lisa Smile¨). If a student had a particularly stressful event go on in their household they may feel angry, frustrated, and sad. The teacher can then understand that they are going through a moment and be sure to provide some support. Also if the students are feeling especially stressed the teachers may even provide some kind of stress relief day, since prolonged stress can have some serious effects on the human body. This technology may even be able to detect mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety. To which the student can be provided with the support that they need. Possibly leading to the prevention of suicide attempts and anxiety attacks.
In conclusion, having technology in the classroom can be extremely beneficial to both the students and the teachers. It can provide useful data to the teachers. To which they can adjust their teaching plan accordingly, and effectively educate all the students. Futhermore it can help students dealing with mental health issues. Making sure that they get the help and support that they need in order to be the most attentive in the classroom as they can be. As technology continues to be implemented into the teaching program this computer software should be considered as well. | 5 |
0dba702 | Driverless cars are right around the corner according to "Driverless Cars Are Coming". Everyday scientists and engineers are coming up with better techniques and programs for the cars of the future. These driverless cars, once they are fully driverless, can benifit mankind.
Driverless cars can benifit everyone. There are lots of car crashes everyday in big cities, but Google had made a car that can drive independently under certain conditions that can go half a million miles without a crash. If the technology gets better, people will not have to lay a finger on the steering wheel at all. There would not be as many drunk people causing car accidents if there was a fully driverless car because they will not have control of the vehicle.
I am ready to see a driverless car because if this car really does happen, then the roads will be a lot safer than what they are now. Safety is a big issue with a lot of states and some of them will not let any driverless cars be tested there. Manufacturers think that once they prove to the states that this car is safe on the road, then those states will support the use of driverless cars. Once the car is proved to be reliably safe, then some of the driving laws will have to be changed in order to keep up with the technology.
Technology will keep advancing, making these new cars even better than before. Driverless cars can be a good thing to the world, but there are aften some downsides to advancing technology. If some of these cars are made to run off of electricity and you forgot to plug it in to charge, then they could die and you will end up stuck somewhere. There are a lot of people that like the old ways of life without all of the technologies and will end up boycotting the car. Some technologies need to be more developed before being exposed to the public.
Even with the advancing technologies and the downsides that they have, I think driverless cars would be a good thing for everyone. They seem to be safer than people themselves while driving. There will be less car crashes than if people were to drive and that will result in less death. Technology is good, but this car is better than what is on the roads now and is becoming better as time goes on. | 3 |
0dbae6d | Google Recently came out with Google cars Or smart cars, Cars that can drive themselves. A few negative aspects are that These cars can crash easily if not used properly
These cars tend to vibrate when backing into an object so they can be a bit hazordous. Many of these cas can be explained to cause numerous amounts of crashings and such so people need to be aware that these cars aren't very good or as you could say that professional, So people should start looking at using normal everyday cars rather than Smart cars because you never know what could happen with cars like this. Many people believe that this car will be easy because you could sit back relax and text or watch Netflix but the cars may not be that Well and Improved so you never know what could happen so you would still have to watch out for other Vehicles, Animals ,Humans Etc.
So what i'm saying is if you get a google car chances are you may not be as impressed as you think so be careful on what decisions you make. | 2 |
0dbc16f | The face on Mars is nothing but a Martian equivalent of a butte or a mesa. Martian mesas are common enough around Cydonia. So it wouldnt have been surprising if it was just an ordinary mesa. In1976, Viking 1 saw the mesa and thought it looked like a face. But scientists found out that it was just a martian mesa.
On April 5, 1998 a Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time. Michael Malin and his Orbiter Camera took a picture of the Mesa that looked like face. The picture was ten times better than the picture that the Viking 1 took. They found out that it was just a natural landform and that it wasnt an alien monument at all. Yet with all the proof some people did not believe that it wasnt just a regular Mars mesa due to that it was a cloudy year on Mars. So on April 8, 2001 it was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia and the Global Mars Surveyor got a second chance to look at the butte. The surveyor took a photo using its cameras absolute maximum resolution. The picture showed that it was just a Martian equivalent of a butte or a messa.
Nevertheless we found out that it was an ordinary martian mesa that looked like a face due to shadows. It was never an alien monument but was an ordinary mesa. So the the face on mars was never an alien monument but a nutural landform. | 2 |
0dbd926 | Driverless cars could possibly be the next big thing around the world. Google has had cars that could drive independently since 2009. Their cars have driven over millions of miles with no crashes, but, google cars may not be one hundred percent driverless.
Having driverless cars is something I would actually like to see. I understand that when doing a lot of things that haven't really been done beore comes with many negative but also positive results. These cars will not always be driverless but robably about eighty or ninety percent of the time they will be. In 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam." The car can function at speeds up to 25 mph. This is good because people won't have to worry about the cars driving at dangerous speeds. The cars can steer, accelerate, and break themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when their help is needed. Some cars can alert the driver with vibrations through the seats which alerts the driver that the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object.
Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot ninety percent of the time. In 2020 Mercedes Benz, Audi and other cars have planned to have cars that can drive themselves.
The cars we have now and days make drivers do all the work and sometimes the drivers manage to get lazy, but the driverless cars will make the driver become more attentive on the road. Manufactures are considering using cameras to make the driver have no choice but to focus on the road. These cameras will probably notice whether or not the driver is paying attention to the road and will have some type of voice or noise that makes the driver pay more attention.
I would like to see these cars driving around in the future. People will be surprised with how many positive results come out of this idea. But the question is who is left at fault if the technology fails and someone is injured, the driver or the manufacter? | 3 |
0dc6aae | In this paragraph the author suggest that stuyding venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, i am agree with author. Do you know what is Venus? so, Venus is the second planet from our sun. In
paragraph 3 the author said that Venus is hottest surface
tempertaure of any planet in our solar system.we know that dangerious for us but Venus has some benifet too.In paragraph
3 it's showed that a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.In paragraph 4 author say that long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on the Earth. The
planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains,and craters. Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit.
so, i think venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. | 2 |
0dc777f | Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and the author supports this idea by stateing how earth like it is and how even thought there is a mass of co2
and the clouds of highly corosive sulfuric acid and tht the planted is on average 800 degrees Fahrenheit they still belive that we can live ther because it is our nearest planet to earth and could at onew point be our backup planet. They also want to study it for its land feature "valleys, mountains, and crater."
NASA has found out how to send humans to study the surface of Venus, "Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray."- NASA "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovoring 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." It wont work due to the fact that it will still be at a "tosty 179 degrees Farenheit" they could still do it, "the air preasure would be close to that of sea level on earth" and "Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed that of earth levels." It is survivable for humans.
Alothough venus may not seam like the best planet to live on one day it might be the only planet to live on if we keep poluting the planet we have now and not take and helping our planet out of its situation. NASA does say that " human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imaginationand innovation." Life as we know it will one day end and by exploring these new planets we may have somewhere else to go if our Earth decides to regect us as humans due to our events of life
and destruction we have done to it.
By the time that we may have to leavecomputers may be more advanced and scientist may figure out how to make humnas live without oxygen but for the meantime we need to take care of the Earth that we have so our species and others to come may use this beautiful planet and treat it better than we have.
Venus is known as the twin to Earth due to is closeness tho earth in terms of density and size. "Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbo, orbit the sun at different speeds. These differences in speed mean that some times we are lcoser to Mars and other times Venus." Mars is another planet that we plan to look into moving mars has beter living conditions but not a lot of plaants but it dies have ice and water inside it but Mars has a very large Nebula (large huricane of gasses) that is quite dangerous for human life.
Thank you for reading,
0dcce8c | When I think about owning a car that can drive itself it blows my mind. Never in a million years would I think that in my lifetime, this could be possible. Many people believe that driverless cars are a wonderful, innovative idea. On the other side some people believe that driverless cars could be dangerous. I favor driverless cars in most aspects, but it would be foolish to think one-sided.
There are many benefits of driverless cars. For me specifically, sometimes I find it hard to get rides to go places. With a driverless car I could go anywhere at anytime. In my family we are very busy, sometimes at different places at the same time. Sometimes I have rehearsal and my brother has wrestling practice while my parents are both at work. We do a lot of carpooling. With driverless cars it would be a lot easier.
There are some benefits but there are also some negatives of driverless cars. Even though the companies manufacturing these so called driverless cars have made sure they have every safety measure in place there are still somethings even they can't control. Weather can sometimes play a big role in how a car drives. Wind and rain can effect your driving and sometimes even eathrquakes and tornadoes strike when you are driving. Eventually they may produce a tool that could combat this but as of right now I don't know how we can get over this obstacle. Machines may react faster and smarter than humans but there will always a small fraction of accidents caused by animals or pedestrians in the road. I don't think we should take for granted this improvement though. Look at it like this, machines may not be perfect but they are certainly better than humans. Humans don't react as quickly. Think about drunk drivers, the amount of accidents caused by drunk would most likely be exponentially decreased.
With driverless cars I think our roads would be significantly safer. Although driverless cars are still a work in progress I think we have made a huge improvement to our safety. If this goes through to the next stage I wouldn't be suprised if we saw less death due to car accidents. That is my position on driverless cars. | 3 |
0dcf2f6 | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author gives the reader basic insight on what Venus is, its history, why scientists are trying to explore it, and the challenges scientists have faced.
Overall it is a very informative article and the point of it was to convince the reader that despite all of the struggles there is that comes with exploring Venus, that it is worth exploring anyway.
Though it is an admirable arguement, it is simply not supported throughout this type of article.
In the article, the author does not support his or her argument well because of his or her informative over-kill, lack of analysis, and lack of data in his or her favor.
To begin, the author gives us too many facts that are simply just an introduction. In paragraph three, the whole paragraph is stating facts about Venus and its atmosphere.
For example the author states that, "...atmospheric pressure is 90 times great than what we experience on our own planet."
This does resonate with the arguement considering that it is about how Venus should be explored despite the challenges.
The real problem with this example is that this is placed in the third paragraph and everything before it was also facts.
The author spent three paragraphs talking about the weather of Venus instead of analyzing how it should be disregared and we should explore it for better reasons. Additionally, the author gives facts that have nothing to do with the arguement provided.
In the second paragraph, the author states that, "...sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus."
This simply has nothing to do with the supposed topic.
Not only is there too many facts, but these facts have nothing to do with the topic and the author seems to -in fact- trail off a bit.
Multiple times.
Additionally, the author seems to provide no analysis towards the plethera of information.
For example, the first true analysis is seen is in paragraph five when he or she states, "Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans."
By the time someone is writing to paragraph five, there should already be an extreme of amount of noticable analysis before that.
The basic structure of any arguement would be to state a fact, and give a well thought-out analysis about that fact and how it applies to one's topic.
The noticable structure here, would be an overwhelming amount of facts, and then slight analysis by assuming that the evidence speaks for itself.
When you have that much information thrown at the reader at once, the evidence really doesn't speak for itself.
That's where the supposed analysis comes in.
The analysis is supposed to connect the dots for the reader and explain how it applies.
It seems that is lacking here.
Finally, the author seems to be arguing against themselves with the type of evidence that is being presented.
Throughout the whole article the author seems to be only stating the things wrong with this idea.
For example in paragraph two, the author states that, " spacecraft survived the landing for than a few hours."
Then backed that up with no analysis on how that should be worth the risk so scientists can can continue exploring.
This is a problem because that is the point of the article: that despite all the risks, scientists should perservere. That's is not what followed that unsettling fact, though.
All that followed was more facts.
Additionally in paragraph six, the author finally states a good fact on how exploration can continue, but then follow it with analysis that once again goes against the arguement.
For example, after talking about the solution NASA has made to this problem, the author follow it with, "However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can only provide limited insight..."
This was a poor choice of support because the author is basically going against his or her idea, without reconciling it.
In conclusion, the author makes it unclear which side he or she is trying to prove.
It is a very well-written article, but only for informational purposes.
If one it looking for a well-supported idea on how despite all the risks, science should continue, this article is not the place to look.
If anything, it seems that the author is arguing against continuing to explore Venus-considering all the facts and analysis that went against the idea.
Once again, this is a well written informative article, not an arguable one. | 6 |
0dd2328 | Not needing anymore cars in the future ? that would be awsome and you could just teleport? that sounds so fun but scary at the same time. this really would change the world a lot.
Another thing would be cars with out people needing to drive on the drivers seat. such as like getting in a taxi, you just tell the car where you would like to go and where its locatced at just like you would to the man in the taxi. exept this time you dont have to pay your car for the distance it drove you just like you would pay a taxi man/woman.
This car would have to be like a ohone in order to drive its self but more technalgy put into it , because it has to have sencers so it will not hit another car that it is in front, side or behind you. and also it will need to have a very very advanced gps that will be have to be updated everytime there would be traffic, road blocks, road floding, construction on the road that is getting fixed, where all the new reaturants that have been just barley been built and open for service. This car need so much things installed to it for it will need to be perfect but not also is it just the car that will probably need to have things installed to it, also we would need to install chips on the stop lights. so there for the car can know when the light is on green to go, yellow to slow down for a stop, and red to atomaticlly stop. it would need to signal the car and give it a message letting it know what color the stop light know so there for it would give the car time to react to what it is instructed to do.
I was thinking, what if we had to install sincers on to or into the road so there for the car will not go off road and it will know what lane it has to stay on or take. then also guss what ? we would have to also maybe install sincers to the speed limit sign to where it will notificate the car how fast it should be going on the road or how fast it should be turnning on a certain road.
Know you see all the stuff we will need to do in order for people to have a car that will drive itself? this will cost a lot of money ! i mean a lot ! because you would have to bulid all of that and install all of that to the whole untied states ! thats a lot of money just for a car that drives itself. its cool but i mean this will only make people lazy to not drive at all. In my opinion, this is a very bad idea when we really dont need it. | 3 |
0dd48cd | Seagoing Cowboys program is filled with adventures, and you could go to uniqe places.
In August 1945, I boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster, and I has heading for Greece-with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. When I arrived in Greece I was 18, which meant I could be drafted for military service. When my draft board learned that I was on a cattle-boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service. By the time I was discharfed in 1947, I had made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy.
The cattle-boat trips were an unbelivable opportunity for a small-town boy. Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special, so was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. I also toured an excavated castle in Crete, and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China.
I also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys and I would play baseball and volleyball games in the empty hold where animals had been housed. We would have Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also to help pass the time.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for me. It opened up a new world for me. I'm grateful for the opportunity, it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs.
So other people who want to be in the Seagoing Cowboys Program, you will have a adventure of an life time. | 2 |
0dd6015 | Dear Senator,
I believe that the United States deserves someone who will lead this country to do the right thing, to make independent choices, and to be the best version of ourselves we can be every day. Now, how do we know when choosing a leader to represent us if thats what we will acheive when voting? We don't for sure, but we can make judgements and calls that will give us a better understanding to whom we are choosing. One of the biggest fought over rights was the right to vote, in which everyone wanted. Now that we have that vote, we should be able to use that freedom and have a say in who we want to represent us. Therefore, I think we should change the election to popular vote for the President of the United States rather than relying on the Electoral College.
The Electoral collge consists of 538 Electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the president. Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party and given their own says and responsibilities. That being said, I think that getting rid of the Electoral College will eliminate all biased decisions and will create more freedom and responsibilities for the people of the U.S. to use their own judgement and choose who they think will best represent the country. Being in the electoral college and being selected to have a heavy say in who will be chosen is a big responsibilty and in that responsibility are duties to not only look at each candidate with one mind set and one point of view but to make an unbiased judgement. To make an unbiased call would mean to put away all your own thoughts and judgements and really get a good understanding of who the people truly need. Back in 1960, it states that segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. How can we tell that something like this will not happen again? Well if we choose to keep the Electoral College it very well could and the people of the country would not be making decisions for themselves as well.
Most worrying comes from the fear of a tie, in which the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. Because each state casts only one single vote. That single vote from Wyoming representing 500,000 voters could have as much say as the 55 representatives from California who represent 35 million voters. So therefore the election is really only a few swing voters away from a disaster. Because of the winner-take-all system, candidates really dont spend time campaigning in states they think they have no chance of winning, really only focusing on the bigger states with more votes. This is also unfair because then the people with the right to vote do not get a say in who they want to represent their country. The Electoral college really takes away many rights and freedoms to the people of the U.S. and doesnt give us the chance to have a say. Studies even show that 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now!
As well as having such a biased voting system, this is such an unfair system due to the fact the the popular vote winner could loose because of the Electoral College voters. This would be a very bad decision to keep the Electoral College especially if these Electoral voters have had their decision swayed by something. Then we will have a president that is only the president because of some voters biased and unfair judgemented calls. If one Electoral College voter has a certain view on a candidate, they could very well share that and somehow persuade the other voters decisions due to one persons thoughts and points of view on the candidate. One person can easily influence many peoples own judgements, which would cause them to choose poorly and only go under the pressure of that persons thoughts. The Electoral College has so many cons which would make it such a bad decision to keep this system and go by a biased and unfair advantage. So I believe that the best thing for the U.S. voting system would be to abolish the Electoral College and to keep the popular vote system so that everyone has their own say on who will acheive great things for our country.
Thank you for keeping my thoughts in mind,
Madison | 5 |
0dd72fb | Is studying Venus worthy to pursuit the ande it will presents in the future? In the article of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" states about why humans should study Venus. Students and humans should study Venus because they can anticipate will happen to the Earth, why no spaceshifts have been to Venus for more than three decades, and more importantly, how techonology can help us.
First,Venus is the second planet from the sun and it is not difficult to see from distance but it does takes up safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challengeing place ro examine more closely. Astronomoes are fascinated by Venus on how it may once have been the most Earth like plantet in our Solar Systems.
Next, for the past three decades of years, previous missons was unmaned and not a single spacecrafts survided the landing to Venus for more than a few hours. This explanins why not a single spaceshifts have touched down to Venus for quite a long time. The National Areonautics and Space Administrations want to send humans to study Venus so that the possible hostile conditon on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to flot above the fray.
Finally, Modern computers are enormouslt powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditons. For example exposing a cell phone or a tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. Therefore systems that use mechanicals parts can be made of more resistants to pressure, heat, and other forces. Devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require eletronics.
In conclusion, if we humans study Venus, we would likely be preapred for what will happen next in the future but humans returning to Venus seem indisputable. Our travels on Earth should not be linited by dangers and dobuts but it should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. We should be able to help our Earth for dangers coming in. | 4 |
0de71cb | In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author effectively supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by arguing that it is the closest and most similar planet to Earth and highlighting the strides made by NASA that would keep humans safe on Venus. These two points are made in order to convince readers that the good outweighs the bad through logic and scientific discoveries.
The author begins with the argument that Venus is the most similar to Earth. This is a good argument to make because it lowers the ambiguity which may cause those opposed some heartburn. The text reads, "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This provides insight into the physical makeup of Venus that needs to be explored while showing that it has similar features to Earth. They also mention that it is the closest planet to Earth which lowers the amount of space travel. This could be a safer option as it would lessen the amount of complications on the way there that are caused by long periods of time. Next, the author uses NASA to prove that exploration of Venus would be safer due to scientific discoveries and manuevers. According to the text, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray." From there the author acknowledges the shortcoming of that idea due to distance and lists out innovative technologies that could get closer to the surface, the first being a mechanical computer. The mechanical computer does not rely on technology and is made of material that could combat the intense heat of Venus. This is an effective way of proving the claim because it provides one solution, acknowledges its faults, and provides another solution to remedy that. This does not leave room for an opposing arguement because the opposition work has already been done. Lastly, the author makes an effort to appeal to the emotion of the reader. The author states, "...human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.". They claim that if we never explore Venus due to doubt, then we can never explore other places that may give us some doubt as well. Essentially, they claim that fear should not stop exploration.
In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author makes the case for the exploartion of Venus despite the dangers by using a number of arguments that appeal to readers both logically and emotionally. The author effectively supports the idea by using evidence from trusted sources, like NASA, and putting them together to make a logical arguement that could appeal to readers. | 4 |
0de82fe | Is a "Seagoing Cowboy" a real thing? People might think that it is just a silly pretend game, but it is actually a group of people that were hired by the UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). The UNRRA was created to help the countries that were left in ruins by the end of World War II, and the "Seagoing Cowboys" were hired to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Since I was 16 I started crossing the Atlantic Ocean, helping the people of the world start a new life, and it felt amazing. So, would anyone join me along my adventure across the oceans, seas, and rivers of the mysterious earth?
The "Seagoing Cowboys" is a great program that is helping the people of the world, and also serving your own country. Like in the paragraph 4, of the article, "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves." 'Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece, which meant he could be drafted for military service. "When my draft board learned that I was on a cattle-bout trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service."'
Being a Seagoing Cowboy, is an opportunity of a lifetime, like in paragraph 5, of the article, "A Cowboy who Rode the Waves." I say, "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special." Also, in paragraph 5, I say, '"So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water."'
As well as the work of hauling bales of hay and bags of oats up from the lower holds, and cleaning stalls, we had lots of fun on the trips we took together. In paragraph 8, in "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves." it states, 'The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals had been housed. Table- tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and gamed also helped padd the time.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy was special to me, helping people in need, serving my country, living an opportunity of a lifetime, and having fun while doing it. It only takes courage and bravery to sail the ocean as a Seagoing Cowboy. So, is anyone joining with me on my journey to Europe as a Seagoing Cowboy? | 3 |
0deace1 | The Face on Mars
Have you heard about the Face on mars? Well if you haven't the Face is a picture Nasa took on Mars, this figure looks like a humans face. People agure that's possibly aliens did this, others agure that it's just part of the
natural landmark on Mars. I believe that it's just part of the landform and that aliens have nothing to do with the Face.
I believe that the Face is just part of natural landform, because there is no proof that aliens are even real. in the article it says, " Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing..... a natural lanmark. There was no alien monument after all." This shows that the Face has nothing to do with aliens. Some people believe that the Face is "bona fide" evidence of life on mars- evidence that Nasa would rather hide. I would say that there no reason why Nasa would lie and cover up the truth if something is living in Mars. If there were somthing that cause the Face, Nasa would of revealed it, because they would get more money. Once nasa went to take the picture again in April '98 it was a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet. Skeptics still didn't believe Nasa that the Face was just natural landform. They argured that perhaps alien markings were hidden by haze. Although Nasa knows there is no proof that aliens excist so we can't predict that aliens have something to do with the Face. After all people have different opinion on this.
There will still be people who believe it just a natural landform and others that think it has to do something with aliens. I still agree with Nasa that the Face is just part of the land on Mars. If some type of creature lived there then we would of discovered it by know. Back then we might not have had all the technology, but by now we would of discovered if someing was living on Mars. For now people will keep discussing their opinions on the Face. | 2 |
0dec069 | This technology of reading student emotions in a classroon room is unvaluable .I dont know why ANYBODY WILL MAKE THIS UP.Some people dont want nobody to know how there feeling. Im so against this creation i would not like my classmate to know how im feeling i dont care is i'm happy or sad .
The article stated that a computer will recognize if your even faking your emotions. I dont think its nobody part in life to know the next person emotions. only if your a conesilor you should know someone emotion or how they feel other than that NO this is a horible idea. iN Paragraph 5 it tells us it help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. The computer will even know all your muscles in your body to help them fing how your feelings this is real not cause for at all some people want to keep there life personal a possible.
so yes, this coding system in very agaist it i can see if somebody would want you to know how there feeling. Not asking them in just doing it is respecting eachother space. This was a horible idea for someone to come up with. | 2 |
0ded4da | Now you may be in favor of the Electoral College but sir I'm here to change you mind. Why are so many people in favor of this process maybe because they can guzzle up your money , my money
money . I say lets go with popular vote not some elector in a monkey suit. We let them have a "winner-take-all" system as stated in paragraph 7 from an excerpt from " What Is The Electoral College ". Why do we need make the District of Columbia like their own state , why should we go threw all the hassel of putting certain numbers of electors for each state when we can just go with popular vote. The vote we have.
Why do we need such an abomination for voting, when we can all vote for the person we want to win the election not, just some group of electors Democratic or Republican so they can vote for us .
We as the
should have the right to vote for our selves. It's such a crazy process ,we could just as easly mess up who we voted for , it's not always very clear .
dont even really vote for our Electors. "Well who does ? " you ask. The state conventions ,sometimes the state party , sometimes even the presidential candidates themselves. We should be lucky that the 2000 election was the biggest crisis in a century ; but this process could end up getting much worse like in 1960. The segregtions almost led to no more Democratic electors. We still proceed with all evidence as to why we shouldnt have Electoral Colleges.
We do have democratic electors but the Electoral College is a very non-democratic process. People in favor of this say even since 2000 when Gore had more popular votes than Bush but fewer electoral votes it hadn't since 1888 . We are the the people we should have a voice that rings loud and clear , not one who whispers under the big booming voice of the people the higher leaders think have a bigger say. We should be the majority not the minority. Even in favor of the Electoral college you can see the many flaws that have come about the age old process. You have the swing states that follow a "winner-take-all" method.
Then we have the big states that use some of their large states. like in Florida the 2012 election the state had a very close popular vote and got 29 electoral voates. Then it came down to Wyoming with 3 electoral votes and it took all.
Now I hope you can see why We should toss the Electoral College out the second story window. The vote's come to close to call in a lot of these runnings. The people we vote for can always turn their backs. Plus it just gets to caiotic to handle even when we treat the district of Columbia a state. Even the people with the popular vote get tossed out the window. The Electoral College should be put down , and Replaced with the Popular votes of the Us citizens. | 3 |
0df054c | I am against the development of driveless cars. It is risky driving regular cars today. You have a lot of careless drivers. Then there are still accident going on currently. Also there could be problems with the driveless car we might not know about.
There are a lot of careless drives out on the road. It wouldn't be such a good idea to put a careless driver in a driveless car. It could cause danger for that person and those around them. Lots of people would take advantage of a driveless car, and wouldn't be aware of the dangers that follow. Before anyone gets into a driveless car we need smart drivers.
There are still many car crashes today. Berfore we begin to make cars that can drive by itself we need to figure out how to stop car crashes now. In the article it says that if the car is in danger, or coming across a contrustion zone whatever the case may be, it would alert the driver to take the wheel. But shouldn't it be the other way around some drives might panic or won't know what to do. Since it is a "smart" car it should be able to handle situations like that. Drving is very easy anyone can do it. I wouldn't consider a car being smart because it can drive on it's own, it's different, just not smart. A smart car will keep you out of danger if any comes your way. It would make sure you are safe.
In the article it says that the cars are
"computer-driven cars". Computers freeze, glitch, slow down, and much more. Since these cars are computer-driven it wouldn't be safe if glitches happen. It may put your life in danger and those around you. Computers still have problem,and a computer-driven car would just add on to the problems.
I am against the idea of driveless cars. It is a very risky thing to do in the future. We have careless drivers, car crahes, glitches, and other things that need to be solved before we have a computer-driven car driving on our roads. It may be an interesting idea, but we want safety for our people. Driveless cars is really something to think about. | 3 |
0df2499 | I think it a good thing if technology could read students emotional becuesa if you were haveing a Bad day then it could hlep you have a lot more of a good day then what you haedded like let say you were geting pick on at school. Then it would show u how to take care of someone how been picking on or let say that you just did not have a good day. Then it put on viens or thing that make u laught into u cry or it put on some cat that are funny. I think it is a good thing then all you will have to do is say to your computers how do i feel today it will say to you like It say in fact, we humans perform this same impressive calculation every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial is feeling simply by the look on her face. | 1 |
0df2924 | Around twenty-five years ago something obscure was found. NASA's Viking 1 was circling Mars and taking photos, little did they know that the would discover the Face.
The Face is indeed a natural landform. The Face is a rock formation with the characteristics of a human face, on the red planet Mars. The article states that the face is located 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98-a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet.
NASA has been trying to prove the face is indeed a real life occurance. They have worked real hard to get pictures. Mars Global Surveyor is mapping a spacecraft that looks straight down to scan the panet in a narrow 2.5 km-wide strip. They often do not passover the face but when they do they make the most out of it.
Many people have gone crazy for the Face. The Face has appeared in Hollywood movies, novels, magazine articles, radio alk shows, and even grocery stores during halloween. I guess you can say the Face has become the Face for Mars.
Scientist has proven tha the Face is real. The Face represents wha has been or whose to come onto Mars. It has been twenty-five years since the discovery of the Face. Let's hope there is more to come. | 3 |
0dff325 | Dear state senator,
The Electoral College should be changed to election by popular vote. I say this because, as successful as the Electoral College has been, it has many flaws. In the first sentence of the eleventh paragraph, the article mentions something called the disaster factor. This is an alarming possiblity. State legislatures are, in a way, responsible for choosing electors who may ignore the will of the people.
During 1960, in the Louisiana legislature, people titled Segregationists almost succeeded in removing the Democratic electors and replacing them with new electors. These new electors were supposed to oppose John F. Kennedy so that any popular votes for Kennedy would not have really gone to him. If those Segregationists had succeeded in their plan, John F. Kennedy would not have won the popular vote. That was indeed a close call, and it could happen yet again in the near future without fail. On another similar topic, "faithless" electors have, from time to time, denied the option to vote for their party's candidate. Instead of voting for the candidate of their own party, they cast a vote for whomever they wish.
Also occuring in 1960, a state sent two slates of electors to Congress. Vice President Richard Nixon validated only his opponent's electors. Thankfully, he was presiding over the Senate at the time. He made sure to validate the slate of his choosing "without establishing a precedent.", as stated in paragraph eleven, sentence 9. Hopefully, this will not occur again anytime soon.
The most worrying occurance would be a tie. However, if a tie were to happen in an electoral vote, the election would be thrown towards the House of Representatives. There, the state delegations vote on the president. In 1976, a tie would have happened if 5,559 voters from Ohio and 3,687 voters from Hawaii had voted the other way. This is bad because the election is only a few voters away from a distaster. In conclusion, the Electoral College is not only unfair, but outdated and irrational. It should be shifted from the way it is now to total amount of popular votes for the president of the United States. | 4 |
0e00dde | The self driving car, it used to be a dream of the futre but is now a reality.
As new technology appears, new distractions rise as well.
The well beilng of people is important, especially while driving.
Therefore Cars that can drive themselves are safer and more reliable.
With the increase of self driving cars, it means the more they are tested and the safer they get.
Self driving cars are safer because they have sensors all around, that means that the car is fully aware of its surroundings and is constantly analizing what is going on around it, something most people don't do.
The sensors used are not new, "In the 1980s, automaker used speed sensors at the wheel in the creation of antilock brakes" (Driverless Cars Are Coming,5).
Since sensors are not new that means that there has been plenty of time to improve them and increase their safety. Like people the sensors in self driving cars can, "...cause the car to apply bakres on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine" (Driverless Cars Are Coming,5).
But sensors can do that much quicker than people, which makes the car and driving much safer.
Self driving cars are much more relaible than most people.
They are more reliable because the driverless cars are less likely to cause an accident.
With new technology rising today, like smart phones, tablets, and computers, the amount of distracted drivers increase as well.
But with the self driving cars people won't be as distracted and driving because the car itself would do most of the driving.
Also if there was a need for the driver to take over, there is plenty of ways to get the drivers attention like; "...flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays" (Driverless Cars Are Coming, 7).
The driverless cars are also reliable because the option of using cameras to make sure the driver is not distracted and focused on the rode is increasing, which is more reliable than just trusting that the person is paying attention to the road.
The self-driving cars can insure peoples safety with sensors.
They are also more reliable by decreasing accidents by making sure the driver is paying attention.
Therefore by being safe with sensors, and reliable for peoples well being, driverless cars are a positive mode of transportation. | 3 |
0e02ecd | For me a car is very important , because if you have a car you can move to other places that you want . But not only that , if you have an emergency you can go rapidly,or in time . But this is not a facility in all countries and exist much problems with that , for example in Germany the street parking ,driveways and home garages , this are generally forbidden ,new district on the outskirts of Freiburg, near the French and Swiss. but in Vauban's streets are completly car free , this is so good , but with a limit ,like except the main thoroughfare , where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs.
In conclucion:"As a result , 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars , and 57percent sold a car to move here". And this is in source 1.
In source 2, in some countries exist prblems with traffic in the strees. One example is Paris ," 4,000 drivers were fined , according to Reuters ,27peoplehad their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. But the traffic go down 60 percent in the capital of France , after 5 days of intensifying smog . But of course some countries have more that others , for example Paris typically has more smog than others europrean capitals , "Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter ,per cubir meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London , Reuters found .
In Bogota, Colombia one day is celebreted as Car free day , but in once year occur somthing different , millions of colombians hiked , biked , skated or took buses to work during this day , leaving the streets without traffic jams .
Paks and sports center also have bloomed throughout the city , uneven pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad , smooth sidewalks , and others , restrictions have dramatically cut traffic . In conclucion the day without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in Bogota in the mid 1990s . | 1 |
0e03564 | Are beeping horns accidents part of today's dreams for the future? Techology corporations such as Google and car companies dream of dangerous, driverless cars as a normal neccesity in the future transportation. However, there are many issues with the autonomous public transportation these companies dream of. The most important being; driverless cars are too dangerous for practical use.
While it is true that driverless cars may become a convenience, they may also be impractical for use in many dangrouse road conditions. The development of such cars show the have complications when, "dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork and accidents" (Unknown). With navigational issues like these, driverless cars should not be on public roadways.
Of course drivers could manouver these conditions manually, but if they are distracted maynot notice the alerts to take the wheel. In fact, distractions are another major issue with driverless cars. Driving laws require a full attention to the road. However, drivers may, "get bored waiting on thier turn to drive" (Unknown). If the driver is bored, then they may take their eyes off of the road or even drift off to sleep. When the time comes to take the wheel, they may not be prepared and accidents will happen.
The autonomous cars drempt by many corporations are not just dangerous for the owners of these machines, but other drivers as well. If an owner of a driverless car becomes distracted, other drivers will have to take action to avoid the misshaps of the automonous vehicle. More accidents could very well happen as a consecence of avoiding an accident. Attempting to avoid an accident may also cause not just one, but many as a result of a pile up.
The problems with these cars are very clear. While they may be fun toys for the rich, they should not be put on public streets. The dangers outweigh the convenience. These machines are just not safe enough for the public and should not be sold. | 4 |
0e0ef1b | In "The Challenge Of Exploring Venus" the author suggest that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents . Some key datails to support the authors claim are that the planets conditions are not survivable for humans to live on despite how earth like it is compared to any other planets in our solar system . " On the planet's surfave, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet" this shows how dangerous it would be to live on this planet and how hard it would be to try to land and get information of anything scientist could study .
"The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains,and craters. Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel " this shows how earth - like venus is despite how dangerous it is , and the authors claim of studying Venus despite the dangers it presents suggest that the author believes it would be good to gather information about the planet for scientist to study despite the bad conditions so maybe we can make and figure out better technologies to maybe habit this planet in the future .
The challenge of exploring venus is the bad conditions of weather and how it is nothing like our planet and right now at the time , it is not possible to survive in those conditions . Venus is the closing thing to our earth in apperance atleast in our solar system , and if scientist get infomation from landing despite the conditions , we might one day figure out a way to habit the planet in the future . | 2 |
0e222f1 | Driveless Cars are a great impact in the world and it can change the lives of others , also. Driveless cars are cars that can drive by it self without having help with a driver. Well, in certain occations. It depends on the condtions that are happening in the streets. For instance, backing up out of your drive way or trying to avoid a object in the street but that is all simple things drivers can do with their cars. In the article, "Driverless cars Are Coming", the author states alot of negative and positive things about driverless cars. However, Driverless cars are a positive aspect. In addition, these cars can help and impact many peoples lives. Going for driverless cars can change the way people drive and will make it easier for the drivers to drive.
Driverless cars can change the way how we see cars now, change the way of drving, and how it makes it easier for the drivers to drive in the streets. For instance, " The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheel and reduce power fro the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could ever manage alone",(p.5). Driveless cars have more potential in driving than humans do. They are more aware in whats going on in the streets than humans do drving on the streets. To add, they have better responses dealing with danger, such as, people crossing the street unexpectedly or cars turning out of nowhere whe there suppose to do so. Another example is, " The can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, suuch as navigating through work zones and around accidents. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over whe the situation requires",(p.7). Driverless cars have all the basic fundamentals in order to drive on the streets. In fact, they notify humans when they need help in certain situations. This car idea will help drivers pay more aware whats going on even though the car can drive by itself. This is like helping a baby to walk. The parent lets go as the baby starts to walk. Trying to catch its balance and the baby falls. The parent is aware that the baby falls and the parent picks the bay back up to continue on walking. Nothing is wrong will a little help even if the Driverless car is struggling to go around something or backing up for it to drive independently. The driver is aware and alerted and will guide the car to its direction and the driverless car will continue driving to where you want to go. There is always going to be problems with driverless cars. However it can make your life much easier, espcially, driving wise. The examples explain that driverless cars can have its ups and down but it will make people's lives much easier. These cars will help people become safer and alerted to whats going on around them and in result, there would be less car accidents
In summary, driverless cars can change the world deeply and will make it a saver place on the streets. It will make it easier for the drivers. Futhermore, driverless cars are more smarter, driving wise, when on the road than the drivers. That would create less stupidity of driving and more of boat smarts. | 3 |
0e22bc3 | We have been fascinated on driverless cars since the late 1950s.There is both pros and cons when it comes to the aspects of driverless cars. Sergey the google cofunder envisions a futeer with a public transportation sysytem theat would use half the fuel of a taxi .The car would even have more flexability than a bus .driverless cars could fundamerntally change the world. But there are roadblocks that lies ahead for driverless cars
The companies that are making driverless cars for example, General Motors created a special test track that has electrical cables in them that send radio signals to the front end to the car. The road systems worked really well surprisingly but was to exspensive to build .So google modified the toyota prius with sensors on the wheel ,the roof , and a gps receiver.and a internal motion sensor the car had ther skill of a human driver behind the wheel.
Even though, the car could basically drives itself it could not handle such things like work zones and around accidents.the car simply notifys the driver to take over but how would the driver remain focoused on the raod? Why would annyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? . The aspects of
automation is really challenging because wouldnt drivers get bored waiting for there turn to drive?
Safety is aslo a very big concern such as keeping drivers,passengers and pedestrians safe. We know safety is best when the driver is alert and in control at all times so how would that happen if they arent driving most of the time?There are not even any liability laws yet so if the technology fails who would be acccountable the driver or the manufactuar? In some states it is illegal to even test computer driven cars . so is it as safe as we thought it woul be?
The devlopment of the driverless stretches ahead of us. we grow closer to finding the answers that we need to figure out if the autonomous is truly right for us .Even though,its some good points that need to be figured out about the driverless car.But it wouldnt be truly right until we get them all figured out.until then we get closer to that destination every day. | 4 |
0e233ca | In the years of 1976, a spacecraft snapped photographs for possible sites for the Viking 2 to land. In the photo that was taken, a fairly large head-looking object that was nearly 2 miles long was on the Red Planet. This caused many people to believe; What if there's life on Mars? It seems like a head but i strongly believe it is just a natural landform.
Scientists have proved that the theories of the object being a sign of life was highly unlikely. However when it comes to consipiracy theories, people are very stubborn to believe them without any proof. The scientists figured that it was simply a mesa which is pretty common around there except according to the text, "-this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." Later, the image was unveiled and it certainly caught a lot of attention!
Since it caught a lot of people's attention, it soon starred in a Hollywood film, was in books, magzines, and radio talk shows according to the text. This would obviously cause more people to believe it is a sign of life on Mars, since it went so viral. But the thing is is that it is not evidence of life, yet so many say it is. It has not been scientifically proven. NASA themsleves have said that it is just a natural landform. Also, movies, magazines, and books overexaggerate things so they really aren't evidence.
I believe it is a landform just like any other. Here on Earth, we have plenty of landforms. According to the text, scientists have said that landforms are very common around there, specifically Martian mesas. Coincidentally, this landform just so happened to be shaped like a head. There are plenty of landforms and other objects that look like other objects. Here on earth we could have a rock shaped like a heart or a pond shaped like a nose.
I also believe that it is just the people's imagination that leads them to believe this. Sometimes our imaginations and theories can't always be correct. There are plenty of conspiracy theories out there. I believe that if you do not have solid evidence for such theories, don't believe them.
On April 5, 1998, the object was proven to be a natural landform which proved some scientists wrong about their theories about it being an alien monument. It was proven by the Mars Global Surveyor which flew over Cydonia to check on the unusual object. This proves that there is no life on Mars and that the "face" is just a natural landform.
According to the text, it really is the Martian equivalent of a mesa or a butte which are common around the American West. So this concludes my argumentative essay on why I believe the Face is just a natural landform. | 4 |
0e277d7 | Have you ever wondered if anyone can tell how you are feeling? Well now someone or a computer actually can!
According to text the author states that this new source of technology (FACS) can be very helpful for students in school while using the computers. I highly agree. I agree that this technology can be very helpful towards us students because not all us have fun doing work , espically on the computers. The passage states that a computer can tell wether your happy , sad , or even bored . I think thats very helpful because it can help us students to not be bored or to not be upset while doing the work on the computers.
Many times when students go into the computer labs most of them end up on game sites playing games while doing the work or most of them end up falling asleep . The main reason students do that is because there either bored doing the work or either tired and dont want to do the work because they are confused. The technology as Dr. Huang states that " it could then modify the lesson, like a human instructor. I would love that a computer can help you and read the lesson for you because I had plenty of teachers who were either boring or always had me confused on the lesson.
Last but certainly not least the technology can feel your emotion so that way they understand you. Most teachers would not understand why you are having trouble or why you do not want to do the work. I think thats very helpful on us because the computer can then help you improve on getting the work done .
I strongly agree on this new source of technology because its finally helping us students and even the teachers in school .
In all i say this technology known as FACS will be very valuable in many schools , espically if teachers are having trouble with students who can not do the work or are feeling some type of way.
Whenever this source is available
im sure it will be very succesful around the world and i suggest my school to use this . | 3 |
0e289bb | Hi, I am Luke Bomberger. I am also known as a Seagoing Cowboy. I am here today to try to persuade you to join the Seagoing Cowboys. What you do as a Seagoing Cowboy is deliver supplies and food for the cattle of the people's homes that were distroyed in World War 2. I know that you think this might sound boring but it is actually really intresting because you get to go to alot of different places and see alot of sights. For example, '' I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and china. But seeing the Acropolis in greece was special. So was taking a gondola ride in Venice,Italy, a city with streets of water. I also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Pananama Canal on my way to China.'' Now I bet you see how fun it is to be a Seagoing Cowboy, so come and join! | 2 |
0e2b2aa | When my friend Don Reist offered me on a trip to go to Europe on a cattle boat. I had to say yes, I knew I would never be able to do ever again. It was really fun doing it and special at the same time because I got to help people in need and see Europe and China. I also played a lot off games and we got to just sit there and look at the Pacific Ocean.
First off the best part was that I got to help people in need. I mean these people had nothing everything they had got like wipped out. I got to go all over the place just helping people. All the places we got to see were all so pretty and delightful. By the time i go discharged i had alredy made nine trips that is the most of any Seagoing Cowboy.
Next getting to see all over Europe and China was also really fun. I got to take a gondola ride in Vencice,Italy, that is the city with streets of water. A fun part was after the animals got unloaded. We played games like baseball, volleyball, table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whitting in the empty holds were the animals used to be.
Finally all in all the trip made me understand there are people in other countries that need help. If you were everable to do this and you did I bet you really enjoyed yourself. Hopefully by all of these details you will want to sign up for a trip to go to Europe on a cattle boat. It is not all fun and games, your really have to do stuff like feed the animals. If it wasn't for my friend Don Reist I would have never got to witness this amazingness. | 2 |
0e2b7d1 | "Pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety." Owning a vehicle helps get people from one place to another faster then just walking but some people really don't understand that there are advantages to not owning a vehicle. In the excerpts "In German Suburb, life goes on without cars", "The end of car culture" both by Elizbath Rosenthal and "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer, all explain how limiting car usage can help lower emission and conserve resources.
In the excerpt "In German Suburb, life goes on without cars" by Elizabeth Rosenthal explains why limiting car usuage would help lower emissions. For example, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. Cars are polluting the eniviroment that we all live in and are destroying the atomosphere because of all these greenhouse gases swirling through the air because of the use of cars. Furthermore, referring to another excerpt "The end of car culture" from Elizabeth Rosenthal also, proves why limiting car usuage will lower emission rates. For instance, "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down to two to three years before the will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants." As you can see owning a car can be a advantage to your personal life but the enviroment is suffering because of the fumes from the vehicles everyone own but if less people start to walk more, ride bikes or even hike the enviroment wouldn't be suffering from so many emissions.
Likewise, in the excerpt "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer highlights how limiting car usage can help conserve resources. For example, "After days of near-record polution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city...[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world...Cold night and warm days caused the layer of air to trap car emissions." Going back to what Rosental was pointing out emissions are still triggering the atmosphere. But, that is not the only thing that is being blamed for pollution. "Diesel fuel was blamed, since France has...[a] tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in Western Europe, accoring to Reuters." Without any gasoline nobody will be traveling from one place to another so to conserve resources people are better off limiting the usage of their cars.
In conclusion, using cars less would help to lower emissions and conserve resources such as in this case gasoline. If everyone keeps driving aroud in cars the air is going to be full of Greenhouse gases and eventually resources to run cars will soon run out. Then without a car to take people where they need to go people will have no choice but to walk, ride a bike, or take public transportaton because everything id worn and ran out. This is why limiting car usage is a advantage for fellow citizens because it helps lower emissions and conserves resources. | 3 |
0e3c6eb | I am one of the many scientist of NASA and what i'd like for people to understand is that the "face on mars" is really just a natural landform of the moon and not any ancient civilization on Mars. Although our defenders of our budget and some of us certainly wish there was a form of life on Mars.
What it is that your seeing that you call a face on mars is a Mesa. The mesa or the huge rock formation,you all have seen has ended up unlike some other mesas,ended up resembeling a human head. Formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose,and mouth. This very well did draw all of your attention to Mars which is somewhat good for your knownledge,but with you all thinking there is aliens of some sort it is hard to come by whats true or not to some that have not picked a side of whos right or wrong.
We had to roll the space craft 25 degrees to center the Face in the feild of view and it was a clear photo we took from that so if they're were any objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptain-style pyramids or even small shacks,you could see what they were! So again but lastly What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American west. It also reminded Jim Garvin of most of middle Butte in Snake River Plain of Idaho. Thats a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa that is somewhat the same height as the Face in Mars. | 3 |
0e426b4 | Have you ever had a dream about a car driving itself while you just layed back and relaxed? So have many other people. Companies have been working on developing a self driving car. There have been hopes and stories about this since as early as the 1950's, but now we have the technology to actually do this wonderful thing.
At the beginning of this experimentation for the self driving car, lots of people trying to get it to work were using "smart" roads. Roads that had electrical cables or magnets in it, but the cost for "smart" roads would not be worth it. "Smart" cars though are cheaper than fixing and replacing all of the roads in the world. "Smart" cars had many sensors, video cameras, and a GPS receiver. They have a sensor on top of the car that is constantly making a three-dimentional model of the cars surrounding so the car can react to what is going on around it.
The Google "smart" cars have been in progress since the year 2009. Their cars have driven a bit over half a million miles, and the cars have yet to get into an accident. So by logical conclusion, the "smart" cars reduce the accidents that happen or at least reduce the frequency. Then cars are still not fully done. Yet some places are allowing companies to test the cars out on open roads, such as: California, Florida, District of Columbia, and Nevada. Sadly these cars are not fully complete so some still need the assistance of humans when it comes to accidents or moving to avoid the work zones.
"Smart" cars are very useful and have alot of wonderful benifits to them. These cars will very much likely use less fuel than the average car or taxi. They are less pron to get into accidents than human driven cars. They will take a bit more supplies to make these cars be able to do everything the need to be able to do to handle the real roads, but with all the money saved on fuel and all the money saved on not having as many accidents, it will all be worth it.
These "smart" cars are revolutionary and are changing the world, and as science continues to change and evolve each day, I'm sure we will soon aceive the goal of a car that con completely drive on its own with no human help. They take less gas and reduce the number of accidents. Who can complain with that. What do you say? Are you for or against self driving cars? | 2 |
0e46514 | Transportation has been a part of society for as long as the worlds been turning. It all depends what mode of transport you are willing to take on a daily basis. Cars are becoming fewer and fewer in some places of the past few years. People are less dependant on personal transportation which in turn creates a safer, healthier enviroment for ourselves and the others around us.
By limiting car usage the main reaction would be less pollution and less smog in largeer cities. Places like New York, Paris, Berlin, London, or Beijing could look so much better. Everywhere you look you see and hear about pollution and Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming. All this is caused mainly by humans hand and the cars we drive spitting out toxic Carbon Dioxide wastes. In Paris they had a one day ban of half the cars in the city and the smog went away in that amount fo time.(Source 2) If we limited cars we could unlimit our world to a new, longer lifespan, because cars are truly ripping our planet to pieces.
The chance of finding public transportation in America is very slim. Most places you go don't have subways or things like "der U-Bahn" in Deutschland. Our counrty is made for cars and we throw money at them every year which will eventually come to bite America in the butt. 80 percent of appropriations have gone to higways and the rest goes to other types of transport in America.(Source 1) By creating more viable public tansportation methods we could cut the spending on highways and put the money back into public transportation. By doing so we could limit accidents at the wheel and reduce pollution which I mentioned earlier. We already know that this system works in Vauban, Deutschland where residents rarely own cars and they live happier, quainter lives. (Source 1)
The time to by a car is not now. Recent studies show that car purchases, licenses, and driving has become fewer as each year goes on.(Source 4) Either from high vehicle and gas prices or an actual social spectical, driving is slowly decreasing all over the world. Hopefully within the next 25 years, public transportation will be a MUST in cities all over the globe, and I'm not just talking about buses. People are more reliant on planes and trains in Europe than any other continent. And we could benefit highly from what we learn elsewhere.
If we just join together and stop driving alltogether for just one day, the results would be both extraordianry and frightening. We have neglected to see that by not limiting our car usage we have limited our time on this planet. Hopefully our generation will correct the wronging of past generations and improve transportation so it isn't such a loud and obnoxtious hinderence. | 4 |
0e47da5 | Imagen the streets with no cars empty with only people on bikes and scootrers. The air is cleaner and every one can breath easier. If we stop useing cars this could be a realitly there would be less CO² Emissons. A lot of the deaths and major injeoreys would be decreased on a daily basis. Every one would be more fit and active. These are just a few reasons that giving up your car is a good idea.
if most people were to give up there car then there would be less CO² Emmissons andn the air would be cleaner. the cleaner the air the easier everyone can breath. if the CO
² went down the the green house gasses would go down and the trees that absorbe in the gasses would have a easier time and globle warming would slowdown.
every day people die or are injerored in car accadents the loss affects the families to so if we get rid of cars then less people would die and there would be less greiving families. imagen how you would feel if any of your families died in a car crash.
if everyone had to walk or bike to work then everyone would be more fit and healthy. alot of americans are obeies i know i am to but if every one had to walk or bike insted of sit in a car and drive then every one would be more fit making a better labor force.
so if every one were to stop driiving and give up therer cars then everyone could breath better. there would be less death and less greaving familys. there would also be a more fit labor force for the jobs that needed to be done. i think that is a world i would want to live in dont you.
| 3 |
0e4855c | Luke's point of view is that other people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. One reason is because you get to go to different places. Another reason is because Luke was already for this because he worked on a farm with Katie.
You get to go to different places like Greece, and by time he got to Greece he was 18 years old that meant that he could draft for military service. Then he could see Europe and China. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Caring for the animals during the crossing kept luke busy. They had to feed and water them two to three times a day. The stalls had to be cleaned.
Luke was already for this because he worked on a farm with aunt Katie's farm as a boy had perpared Luke for hard work but not the dangers at the sea. He had different jobs each time. The second time he was a watchman. And his job was to check the animals every hour.
But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke. It had opened the world to him. But he was greatful for the opportunity. It made him more aware of of people of other countries and their needs. And the awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.
That is why Luke's point of view for people to participate in the Seagoing Cow boys. And I think that it would be good for people to do what he did that way you get to go to different places that you may of not been to before. And that way you get to see what it's like on the sea taking care of all the animals and all of the jobs that you have to do.
It would be cool if people would do what Luke did that way you get a learning time where you get to see what it was like for Luke and do what he did I think that it would be cool I we did that. And If we did what he did I think that it would be fun takeing care of the animals and on a sea ride and going to different places that are in different countries to see what there life is like and how they eat and things like that would be cool. | 2 |
0e495a2 | According to the Articles fellow citizens about the advantages of limiting car usage are going out for controll because the article indacties 70 percemt of Vauban's familes do not own cars, and 57 percant sold a car to move here. Also the Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in france , compared to a 5.3 percant average of the diesel engimes in the rest of western Europe , according to reuters. Still however indicates The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog and the Violators faced $25 fines. The Article also states As April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below th peak and equal to where the country was in januart 1995.
One Reason, Fellow citizens about the advantages of limiting car usage are going out of controll because in the article Ingerman Suburb,Life Goes On Without Cars states Automoblies are the linchpin of suburbs, where middle- class familes From chicago to shanghai tens to make their homes and that , experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpies for the passenger car are responsibe for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe and up to 50 percent in sime car intensive areas in the united states. But in paris bans driving dur to smog takes about while exceptions were made for plug in cars,hybrids, and carrying three or more passengers.
Another Reason,fellow citizens about the advantages of limiting car usage are going out of control because it incates President obamas ambitions goals to curb the united staes greenhouse gas emissons, unveiled lastweek, will get a fortuitios assist from an incipient shoft in american behavior also recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each years goes by. the days without cars is part of an improvement campaign that began in bogotoa in the mid 1990s.
However,Fellow citizens about the advantages of limiting car usage are going out of control because parks and spotys center also have bloomed throughout the city, uneven , pitted sidewalk have been replaced by broad, smoth sidewalks, rush hours restrictions have dramatically cut traffic and new testaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up and it counties that cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions.
Finally, these are the reason why fellow citizens should advantages of limting car usage are going out of control though out the untied states and different cities with the diesel fuel, car usages, and using there car all the times. | 2 |
0e51031 | The author suggest that studying Venus is worth it despite the risk,probably because he thinks that Venus and Earth are similar.Or because he thinks we may find life on Venus then Mars also because Venus is closer to Earth then Mars is.
According to the passage the author states that "Long ago,Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,just like Earth."The texts also states that"Today Venus still has some features that are analogous to those of Earth.The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains,and craters.The text also states that "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus.For example some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's Surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions."
There are also many differences in our planet compared to Venus. For example"On the planet Venus the surface tempeatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit,and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.The texts also states that "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet ir our solar system,even though Mercury is closer to the sun,Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes,frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface."The text also states that"the conditions are far more extreme that anything else humans have encountered on Earth,Such an enviornment would crush even a submarine accustomed to driving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals."
In conclusion I personally dont think that its a good idea risking lifes to explore Venus even if it may be Earth's "Twin" it's too dangerous and to risk to send people to explore life forms up there,It will also be way to risk if they dont find any kind of life on Venus while they're risking there lifes. | 3 |
0e54b40 | Venus is one of the planetary system, and the second closest planet to the sun, which makes it dangerous for stargazers to explore. The author believed we should explore Venus no matter how dangerous it is because, Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideraton given the long time frames of space travel.
Venus is one of the hottest and dangerous planet, but the author believed that we should still explore the planet becuase it is Earth's twin in terms of size and density, and also in distance too. The author explained that Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth making NASA intriguing to study more about Venus. The author also came up with ideas on how to visit Venus to avoid the dangers of the planet, according to the text, "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." The author gave a possible solutions to NASA that might make them avoid exploring Venus, by getting a vehicle that act just like the jets airplanes on Earth to stay up and out of the way of Venus unfriendly ground conditions.
In the story, the author supports the idea of Venus being a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author believed we should think of it as a challenge, because Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. | 3 |
0e54efc | Many people have different oppinions over driverless cars. Some may think that driverless cars are dangerous or just outright wrong. While some people may think that driverless car is a big step for this world, and could be very helpful. Now both groups are neither right or wrong but there are pros and cons to driverless cars. One pro is that nowadays out technology is very advanced so in driverless cars they're putting the best sensors and technology in the cars to make them as safe as possible. One
con is that these cars can handle normal driving functions but when it comes to workzones, traffic jams, or backing out of driveways they need a human to assist. I believe that driverless cars could very well help this country. Even though there are cons i think the pros out number them. So in conclusion, driverless cars may scare some but in the future these cars will be perfected and the accident rate will decrese. | 2 |
0e5feb0 | The autthor of the passage The Challenge of Exploring Venus has used some substanital evidence to try and coax us twoards believing that Venus a a planet that has not been studied as much as it should be but i think other wise. Venus is a risky investment with the technology that we have a availble. I belive we waste time and money on Venus where it could be used on existing problems and studies on a planet where it will be moost effective.
One portion of the passage that the author tried to push in your face was the fact that Venus had/has a great deal of geographical similarities to Earth. He said thisngs such as " Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size"
which appeal to a certain group of individuals who are afcinated by the thought of there being somewhere else like earth. The author also says " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This also would appeal to that same group of pepole giving them the thought that they are going to be able to live on Venus but still there are the harsh living conditions that contrdict that thinking.
In opposition to what the author says about Venus and its geographical similarites we also need to talk about the differences that cause problems not only for living on the planet but also studying it. Venus has an atmosphere that is "97 percent carbondioxide"
which alone has ended the thought that Venus can any longer sustain life as they think i could before. Also the atmosphere makes it hard to even get any documentation on how the planet looks. In paragraph 7 the author uses the substance silicon carbide as an example of a way to get around the crazy atmoshpere but this leads me to my next point that the author failed to even mention in the passage, all of this study and exploration costs money.
The author forgot to mention one of the most cruccial pecies to the equation which is where is funding coming from and where could the money be used more effectivly. Or economy at the moment is not stable and be are in great need of help but that does'nt mater to some. They are more focused on the future how we are going to advance but without a good present situation there is no way we could proceed. The money could be given to the city of Flint, Michigan so that they are able to drink and bathe themselves with clean water. Im sure that it costs way less to fix the pipelines in city that to take years and fly to Venus.
Venus and the other planets are cool specticals but we were given our own plant that we have beaten and mistreated for years but we don't to go back and fix the problem search for somewhere else to destroy. I think that we should at least try to better the situaton with the money that we have for the planet that we have not to spend on the expoloration of the others. | 4 |
Subsets and Splits