In this article I think that using computers to read students facial expressions is a great idea for students in a classroom. It could solve alot of problem that need to be adressed. In chapter six it states Imagine a computers that know when you are sad or happy. That right there is something that could help teachers out becuase it could bring up a problem in the classroom they might not see right awayor to help them. The computer can also detect if a student is getting bored or confused, that is another thing that could help the staff go see what the problem is. This type of technology could help so many problems going on during school hours, like helping kids if they dont get a subject or dont understand how to do a assignment. This could also raise the understanding of facial expressions. In chapter nine in claims that moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also helps produces them. This ends my claim and this is a very productive way to help schools out and other place to.
It seems that almost everyone I know has a car.  However, cars are the creators of a large number of problems.  There are a number of reasons that less car usage would be beneficial to our society. This could include limiting pollution and congestion, improving health, as well as saving money. Cars are responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas and carbon emissions.  Cutting car usage would immensely help our environment, which is a goal that many people want to achieve.  In some cities in the United States of America, cars are responsible for as much as 50 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. Some cities, like Beijing, China are so polluted, that smog is abundant throughout much of the city, making walking and other outdoor physical activities very unpleasant. Limiting car usage would help narrow that pollution a lot.  Our environment has been negatively affected for a long time due to car usage, so it is time for that to change. While many people would say that cars are a necessary means of transportation, there are many other available sources to cut car usage.  These sources could include walking, bicycling, skating, taking a bus, carpooling, as well as many other activities. Not only do some of those activities not pollute our environment, but they are also healthy excercises.  Cars are also a large reason for accidents and injuries.  A large number of people die or get injured every day due to car crashes. While many people are safe drivers, car accidents are almost unavoidable. Limiting car usage is another way of saving money, which is something that just about everyone I know wants to do.  You end up spending a lot of hard earned money on gas or insurance rates because of cars.  I know that many of my teenage friends are always bugging their parents for gas money.  By using other means of transportation, that money could be saved and spent on something worthwhile to you. By now, you should see all the positive effects of limiting car usage.  While cars are a large part of transportation, there are a number of available sources of transportation that can be used instead.  I hope that next time you are planning on going somewhere, whether it be spending time with friends or going to work, you will think about another source of transportation besides a car.  
"Look Adrian, I know you might think that, that landform is a face carved in Mars by aliens but the facts are right here," Keilah says gesturing around the room. Adrian scoffs and chuckles saying, "I know a face when i see one, especially if it is up on Mars because none of our astronauts could have been able to make something like that and for what?" - he pauses then continues, "Of course it had to be aliens!" Keilah starts to explain, "First, us scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa. You know something common enough around the Planet Cydonia only this one had shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." As Adrian jumps right back in almost as he wanted to interrupt her but had waited, he gives his own reasons. He says excitedly, " Yeah but, after that a few days later we (NASA) unveiled the image with a caption saying that there was a huge rock form which resembles a human head, formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. Right after noticing all the features I had to believe it was real! Not only that, but that aliens had put it all together! KEILAH, DONT' YOU SEE IT?" "No I do not Adrian. I see the facts and what the picture actually shows. It's clearly the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- LANDFORMS COMMON AROUND THE AMERICAN WEST! hmm I seem to agree with 'Gavin' when he stated that it had reminded him of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Also when Michael Malin and his MOC team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos it revealed a natural landform and there was no alien monument after all. Sorry buddy I guess you'll have to do more research or look a little closer next time haha." Keilah says as she puts an end to the 'Face on Mars' argument.
I dont believe that the authors Justifications for visiting venus are great enough for us to risk losing human lives. As stated in the passage temperatures average around 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than that of earth's. This would mean absolute death for for any type of exploration around of venuses surface if something wrong were to happen. One way to manage survival on the planet was to use a blimp type vehicle to stay away from most of the venuses dangers. Even if it did manage to work very little insight of how the terrain of venus is like would be aquired do to light not being able to penetrate the dense atmosphere. So it is possible to survive but who knows that this theory would go seamlessly. What if a series of unfortunate events were to happen and innocent men were slaughtered because of venuses harsh envirenmont. Why should innocent men be killed just because of scientist wanting to satisfy they're curiosity. The final part of the passage states that our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edge of imagination and innovation. This means that they would do irrational things just to accomplish they're desires. I believe that this is dangerous and could have terrible results for our future. Why are we studying other planets when we have our own issues to deal with. It seems as though the government funds NASA to set out and accomplish things like this that doesn't benfit our lives or the future of this country. Lets say Everything goes perfectly and they study venuses until they're hearts content. Now the government has wasted an enormous amount of money on something idiotic that does not benefit society at all but hey at least now we can say we have been to Venus and thats it. Their is so much more ways they could put that money into good use but instead they want to find more about something floating in space. In conclusion my evaluation of the Author is that he stated how we could achieve having life on venus but poor reasons as to why it would benefit us.
Have you wanted a vacation from work but couldn't find a great place to go spend your time. Are you are looking for a great place to hang out with buds. Or, are you in need of a job. You should come on down to be a Seagoing cowboy. It is a great place of family fun. And is a good place for relaxation. Come down if your looking to have the time of your life. The clock is ticking down for this great time of fun. First of all, comming to be a Seagoing cowboy is a once in a life time event. Just think of Luke in the story. Luke had two jobs without no break. He worked at a bank and, Luke also worked at a local grocery store. It was just another day at work for luke until his friend stoopped by. Luke's friend "Don Riest" invited him to go on the Seagoing cowboy trip. Luke couldn't pass an opprotunity like that. So Luke decided to take the spot to go. When Luke left he was just looking for vacation. But instead Luke got a job as a Seagoing cowboy. Luke, again, could not pass up an opprotunity like that. So because Luke couldn't pass a job like that he accepted the offer of a life time. Luke felt very happy that day of an amazing job for himself. Because Luke knew he was in a great deal for himself and a great help for the Seagoing Cowboys on the boat. He was also a great help for animals. If you are looking for a place you and the whole family could enjoy. You should come on down to be a Seagoing Cowboy. On the ship we are very popular for fun. On board we have so much activities. We have activities such as volley ball, table tennis, boxing, fencing and many more. So are you going to pass up this once in a life time event you need to get tickets and come down. Are you looking for a good spot to relax and hang out with friends. You and whoever you want can come down. On this cruiz, you will have a blast. This boat is good for many celebrations. It's good for celebrations such as birthdays, New Year, Christmas and more holidays. So don't blow your only shot of having fun. You should get a ticket "NOW"! And, do you want your family to be sad. Or, do you want you family to have the biggest smile on their faces. Don't worry about space because we have tons of space for you and loved ones. And space for all of your family. Now do whatever you can for you not to not miss this event for you and your family. I hope after reading you have concidered making a great decision. No not a great decision. you can make the best decision of your LIFE! please consider making a family fun choice. Thank yoou for you kind hearted people for reading out there. And I hope you make the right decision. The decision for you and your family.
The facial acting coding system that is being used to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it can tell exsacaly how somone is feeling rather they are sad or happy just by their facial expressions . In the text its states that the whole process bgins when the computer contructs a 3-D computer mode of face;all 44 major muscles in the mode move like humans muscles. It also staes that six basic emotions was classidied happiness,suprised, anger,disgust,fear,and sadness. It associate with each characteristic movement of the facial muscles during the process your frontalis pars laterails muscles above your eyes raises your eyebrows when you are suprised ,and the orbicularis oris around your mouth tightens your lips to show that you are angery. The text also states that even though some people often show varying degrees of expression like smiling as broadly using video imargey the new emotion recognition software tracks the facial movements in a real face or in a painted face. They do this by weighting the different units,also the software can identify mixed emotions. It is hard trying to decribe each facial trait that conveys happy or mad so dr huang observed that artists like vindic studies human anatomy to help them piant facial muscles enough to convey specific emotions. His software stores anatiomical information like electronic code the technology can always reconize when a student is bored or confused it also can make computers animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery. The technology can also indicare the diffrents between a genine smile and a forced smile its just all about those muscular action units. I think this technology to read the emotional exspressions of students in your classroom is really valuable because we dont know or have any technology that can read every emotion that you are feeling and that others around you are feeling
I would like the Eletoral college to change, to let the people vote not the congress pick any president he wants. I get that theres going to be fights and drama but still the people has to have the rigth to vote for who they want. I would like to vote too but not for someone to get to pick whatever president he wants. Think of the people, what if you were the people and you wanted to pick your self as president but the congress picks another president just because hes close to winning like you. Were in the United States a place of freedom so let the people vote and let them be free. I think that the Electoral college should omly have one elector. Why? because there will be less fights and arguments it will be all up to one elector to pick a president plus all the people that voted. I think it should be a llitle diffrent the elector should vote like a regular person but hes vote costs 500 votes so it will be half fair and helps the president he wants a little. The bad things are that people wouldn't think it's fair and the elector will have alot of pressure. The good things is that there wont be arguments or fights and thats what its all about.  
One of the greatest means of transportation is the use of cars, especially in big cities such as Paris and suburban cities such as Scarsdale, New York. However, what is this doing to our atmosphere? Stress from driving is a serious hazard and sould not be taken lightly. In the past decade pollution has as risen tremendously. Limiting the use of cars can advange many for health reasons and for the planet. With all of the traveling and comontion comes the problem of stress. In the excerpt from "The End of Car Culture" by Elisabeth Rosenthal it is stated that many people have not even bothered to get their driver's licenses because it is easier to use public transportation or walk. Cellphone apps for car-pooling is also more of an option for people instead of the stress of driving themselves. Millions of people in Colombia participated in a "car-free day" in which they "hiked, biked, skated or took the buses to work" in the article "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" by Andrew Selsky. With this program traffic jams were likewise avoided in the captial city. A major problem is the greenhouse effect on our planet, especially in big cities such as Paris and New York City. As stated in the article, "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer, after record high pollution in Paris, the city banned driving to deduce the amount of smog that had been ecumaliated over a five day period. During this time, congestion went down 60 percent. Similarly, the Big Apple, New York City, has started a program were people can share bikes to get around instead of using cars and taxis (Rosenthal). In Europe, 12 percent of greenhouse gases
We are coming to a time in history where our knowledge of technology is at an all time high. We have new phones, computers, ipods, and a bunch of different devices that we use in our everyday lives that we depend on every single day. As technology advances we see many new inventions and usful things come into our lives. Some of these things can cause a harm to the people in different ways, but some are things that will change the way we look at life, one invention that will change all of peoples lives forever, in the good way, is the driverless car. These cars will change how we as a people go about our every day lives and how we handle ourselves. There are quite a few major benifits to the driverless car, for instance, the cars will be able to cut down on the amount of injurys and even deaths for texting and driving. Instead of having to try and drive while answering a text message people will be able to look down and talk on the phone while the car in driving itself. Another way this car will benifit us is how effective it will be at cutting down pollution. The driverless cars will cut the gas used in half in major areas where taxi's are one of the main sources of transportation. This will help the entire planet by cutting down the hurt on the ozone layer. This car has other benifits as well. Such as it's constantly updating 3-D sensors that make the car aware of what is around it. This improves safety and the reliablity of the cars giving the person in the car more confidence in what it is doing. The cars also contain a feature that would alert the person in the car if there was something coming up that the car may not be able to handle on its own. This improves safety and majorly brings down the amount of crashes. However, these cars are not perfect by any means. They are sitll a work in progess meaning they will have some difficulties, or things that would hold them back. One of those things being that even thought the cars dont have a driver needed most the time, they will still need the drivers to take over in some situations. These include times when they are approaching a car accident or road work. They will have to be driven by the driver to get around it. They also have a confusing part to them. If they do in fact get into an accident whose fault would it be? The human who owns the car or the manufacturer? This could cause for some long and dramatic legal cases no body wants to deal with. The advancment in technology in recent years has led to many ground greating discoveries. With the way we are headed we may be in store for a world full of technology. Will driverless cars be a factor in the future? If they can perfect it and get them up and running, then yes they can.
If Venus is so inhospiable, why are some scientist discussing visits to its surface? "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," is abut the risk and how hard it is for our technology to survive Venus' surface to explore. This is how the author supports his ideas of studying Venus. Here are some of the authors claims on why it is imortant and worth it to explore Venus. The author thinks that studying venus is a worthy persuit despite all of the dangers that come with exploring the planet. The author says that astronomers are facinated by Venus because it it could have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Also becuas Venus was porbably covered mostly in oceans meaning that life forms could have lived on the planet. The planet also has rocky sedement, valleys, mountains, and craters just like Earth. Venus can also be our nearest option because space travel takes such a long period of time. Because of these reasons the author thins that Venus is worth exploring eventho the risk is so high. In "The Challenge of Ecploring Venus," the author has supported his ideas. The author said that Venus is most Earth like and could have also suported life long ago. Also that it sometimes the closest option for exploration. I think that we should explore Venus more If our technology advances enough to allow us to explore safely.
Many people believe technology is becoming too advanced for our own good. Maybe they were right, technology is advancing at a rapid rate and can also invade one's privacy. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author describes a new technology that enables computers to identify human emotions such as happy, sad, disgust, surprised, and a few other basic emotions. There is debate whether this software should become avaible in classrooms for students and if it is valuable. It is not very valuable, it is an invasion of privacy to use this software to read a students' emotional responses to their work. Schools around the world are becoming more and more advanced everyday. Students, freshman through seniors, at Floyd Central High School along with hundreds of tother high schools have ipads that students carry around and use in their everyday classes. If they were to have this new software it would not change very many things. "For example, if you smile when a web as appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if your frown, the next ad will be different." What does web ads have to do with a student's education? This only shows that students will be recorded at all times through their ipads and/or computers while they do their school work. This is a huge invasion of privacy to students everywhere who might have to use this new emotional expression software. The article states, " "A classroom computer could regonize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr Huang predicts."Then it could modify the lesson, like the effective human instructor." " Though it sounds like a step towards the right direction in technology, students will be just as bored doing random classwork on a computer without emotion software watching their every move through a camera. Also, at least 60% of students do better with a teacher in front of them to help rather than learning things online. If this software acts as a effective human instructor, students will still grow confused because as the article states that " could probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.". A student will most likely do better just having a teacher because of the facial expressions or body language a teacher gives while teaching can help them better retain the information given rather than a screen teaching it to them, and if a teacher is doing a lecture in front of a class there is no need for a student to have out a laptop computer or an ipad unless it is called for that class and the teacher would be able to answer questions, not the computer. The Facial Action Coding System software should not be used in the classroom. It is not of value to a student's education, it would be a waste of money and time to install it onto student ipads or computers. It is a complete invasion of privacy to today's youth to be constantly looked at through a little camera just to see if they are confused or not when they could just simply raise their hand and ask a teacher. Though it has many benefits, it has more pros than cons. The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" is supposed to convince the audience reading it that Facial Action Coding System software should be put in schools, reading it would make one feel the opposite.
"Driverless Cars Are Coming," is an article about driverless cars that have been in development for a while, but have been becoming even more revalent in the recent years. Essentially the cars will be able to drive themselves, but have a human passenger who would take over just in case the car would notbe able to handle the road by itself. From retrospeck this could like a good idea but we have to understand what we would be getting ourselves into with these driverless cars. We can not be one hundred percent safe in these cars, humans will become more lazy, and we do not need them. I am against the delopment of these cars. No matter how hard we try with this new technolagy we can never be one hundred percent safe with the use of it. So we need to ask ourselves is it really worth it letting the car drive itself when you can just drive yourself? Many bad things could happen, such as: the car not knowing it can't handle a certain situation. If the car does not know, chances are you might not either because you were not the one driving and truly controlling it. The car can malfunction while it is driving you and you can get seriously injured. Let us not forget that there are other people on the road, and if one of the driverless cars can't control where it is going it can hurt somebody else that is on the road and that is not fair. Driving isn't that difficult once you learn how to do it. Even with the driverless cars I'm sure people are going to have to learn to drive if they have the chance to control it if it can not figure out a certain situation. Why be lazy and have someone else drive you if you've taken the time to learn yourself. We already have so much stuff that helps us in our cars we have today. This is just going to cause more people to text and drive, and if they do need to takeover they probably will not be ready. We do not need them. Instead of focusing on new cool driverless cars lets focus on other thinks like texting driving, how to improve our roads, how to be more safe, better rules to set in place when it comes to driving. We should not add something new and crazy to the mix when we already have a lot to deal with it and get under control. I am not totally against the idea of ever having driverless cars, but we really do not need them any time soon. They are not always safe, humans need to control the driving, and if we don't need them then why have them. It will be a lot of spent making a bunch of these cars. Let us improve the cars we have now and the rules we have now. Let's improve our behavior on the road. Then we should discuss whether or not we should be gettting driverless cars on the roads for regular people in a few years. Do we really know if the problems ahead with be solved? Not really, so we should not just come to that assumption. So for now I would have to polietly object to the idea of continuing to spend money devolpong the driverless cars and getting them on the road.
Dear State Senator, I would like to favor on changing to election by popular votes for the president of the United Sates because it's a more reliable way of voting who our president should be because everyone in the sate who votes know who they are voting for. We, the voters, are not voting for for our President, but for a slate of electors, people who may or may not vote for who we wanted to win. Its a very tricky method of voting and we believe we should'nt use that method anymore. Also, people who are voting may not have enough knowledge on electors and vote for the wrong electors. I would also like to address the 2000 fiasco, which is the biggest election crisis in the cenurty; the systen allows for much worse. consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. In 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy, so that those votes for Kennedy, would not go to him. It is a really unrealiable and unfair way for the citizans to vote for who they would want tto represent this country.
How well did the author of "The Chalenge of Exploring Venus" support and articulate their ideas? The paper was okay at best. I found there was a lack of supporting evidence in some instances, and that they didn't fully articulate the answer of "why are scientists even discussing furthur visits to its surface" in paragraph four. Lack of evidence. The author seemed to lack evidence for a few of their claims. In paragraph seven, the author stated that mechanical computers are more durable than electronic ones. They gave no sitation, or evidence. This lead me to question its authenticity, and this arose questions of why it is better or worse. Evidence of why mechanical computers are more durable would have helped to get an idea of what the author was tryig to explain. Understanding what makes them more resistant to heat, or acids, or other forces. Fully explaining your ideas is a fundimental piece of a good essay. In this passage the question kept coming up as to why scientists wanted to further explore Venus. In paragraph four the author beggs the same question, but it seems as though they got sidetracked in there responce, and compleatly forgot to explain it. The author states in responce to the question in paragraph four "Astronomers are facinated by Vens because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The author then goes on about the similarities between them, but never explain why exactly scientists are interested in further studies. Is it to see if Earth could become a hot sulferic planet like venus, or to figure out more about how life is created under specific conditions? If a question is proposed you need to answer it, otherwise it may discourage the reader from reading more of your work, and leave them confused. Together these two things can really effect the product of your essay in a negitive way. These may make your essay look amature, or even just make it a bad essay. Though I enjoyed reading this, and I found it interesting, these thimgs made this essay feel weaker, and had the author included more evidence, or fully articulated their ideas, this essay would have been much better.
Dear State Senator, This is a letter to you to discuss an issue that many people may have had problems with in the past. I would like to make a suggestion in trying to change the Electoral College system to popular vote. Changing the system to popular vote may be the best thing for the citizens who want to make their votes count. I think that it is also not fair that a big state gets more attention than smaller states. According to Richard A. Posner he states that bigger states gets more attetion from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. I think it should all be equal, all states should get as much attetion from presidential candidates no matter what size they are. According to Bradford Plumer, he states that that sometimes the electors decide no to vote for the party's candidate and vote for who ever they want. That is not fair for the citizens! Voters should be able to have contol on who they vote for because it's their vote, it shouldnt be depended on someone else who might even trick them and end up voting for someone that the people didnt want. Bradford also states that "500,000 voters would equal 55 representatives who represent 35 million voters, that amouint of voters vote one party for president and another for Congress." This shows how the House's selection doesn't need to be expected from the will of the people.  If we change the system then people shouldnt have to be depending on who their elector votes for, it would just be their vote that counts. The winner-take-all system is the worst thing about Electoral College, making it unfair for the voters. Since there are states that candidates know they dont have a chance of winning, they just dont spend time at that state, so they only go to the states they know they will get their votes on. Bradford Plumer also said that during the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't get to see the candidates at all, and that 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. which doesnt make fair for those states becasuse they wanted to see who they wanted to cast their vote on. The candidates should have to spend equal time in each state even if they know they aren't going to win it there might be people on those states that might like that candidate. These reasons should suggest that the Electoral College system should go away, and popular vote would be a better idea. The candidate shouldn't win cause of winner-take-all system, or cause some electors didn't listen to the voters. It should be on the people's hands and what they think of that candidate. The people's votes should what really count.                
Dear fellow citizens I think you should join the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administrarion. I think you should join becase it is a very nice thing to do. You also get to take care of animals and food on a boat. By doing this you can help countries in need. Many people say that this is a boring job or useless but if they would try it they might see actually how good of a job it is. If you have this job you get to travel the world. You also get to see many outstanding places around the world. You get to explore oceans. While on the boat when we don't have any animals we play games like baseball, boxing, and table-tennis. Doing this beats sitting in a chair behind a desk filling out papers but I guess some people would rather do that then explore. If you are looking for a helping and traveling job this is the one for you. Please go for this job traveling the world instead of sitting in an office building. Many people will say that this job is too much hard work. It does take some hard work but that is good for the body. I hope to see you on the next job.
The electoral college in many peoples eyes is a good thing but, there is a majority of other people who would much rather have a more direct vote because all though one president got the popular vote among the voters, the electoral votes count differently. One direct vote could count for ten votes or it could count for two votes and most people would rather have their vote count as just their vote. Electoral votes in a lot of peoples minds is just unfair all around. One president could be the favorite among the voters but the electors the president has to back him up with electoral votes could maybe not be as big as another presidents electors and its pretty much, in many peoples eyes, giving the least popular among the people president an easier way to become president. Adults that vote like knowing that their vote really counts for the person theyre voting for. That is why people would much rather have a direct way of voting than the electoral college, which is taking one vote from one person, and say there are thirty electors in that one slab for the person you voted for, and giving that person thirty votes for the person they want elected. People find this way of voting unfair because they dont like the fact that the person they voted for could get the most popular votes, but the number of electors there are for the person is not very many, so their votes count as less than others do. Many feel that they are being deprived of their right to vote because one person could be voting but they get 10 votes while another peson could be votin and only get 6 and its not equal for all people. People who vote for a president that gets the most popular votes, and they dont win the election, can start big disputes among the way the elections are carried out. When a president wins only the electoral votes and not the popular vote, many dont feel like they are actually their president. Most people would prefer direct voting because it actaully makes everybodys votes count equally and everybody has equality. Winning electoral votes doesnt show that you won because the majority of people wanted you to win, it shows you have many supporters to give you more votes through the electoral college. Direct voting would be a better way to vote so that everybody felt like their votes really counted towards who they voted for and that they arent getting cheated because one president has more electors supporting them. The electoral college is not based on equality because everybodys votes count differently due to supporters or electors who are pretty much the ones getting the votes. fixing the way people vote and how they vote can change the way some people feel towards the preident no matter who they are. Let the people vote for who they want and not the electors because it would make more people more open to vote than there are now.  
There is now a new technological software called the Facial Action Coding System that enables computers to identify human emotions. I personally believe that the use of this technology, to read the emotional expressions of students in the classroom is valuable. There are many details in the passage that support my argument. In paragrapgh 6 of the article, it proclaims, " " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts." "Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." In the real world today, students often begin to get bored during, or simply just very confused on the material they are working on. When students begin to get confused or bored, their engagement in learning declines. To have a technology software that could modify the lesson like a human instructor when students are confused, or bored is very valuable. The text also states, " To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." When teachers are finished teaching material, they often ask if anyone has any questions. Some students will lie and say they understand the material when they really don't, because they are too embarassed to be critisized if they don't know how to do a certain problem. With this new form of technology, teachers could actually see if everyone is grasping the imformation they are learning,and not just sayig they are when they are not. This is a major advandcemnt in leaing for all students. There are many reasons as to why the use of the Facial Action Coding System, which enables computers to identify human emotions, for stuents in the classrooms is valuable. Students often always have negative attitudes or emotions that affect their productive learning. Having this technological system will help teachers understand how students are feeling, and will better approach students. When teachers correctly know how to approach certain students, the students learning will prosper.
In the artical "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author describes how a new cumputer program able to identify humans emotions. I think program could be used in the class room. There are many benifets and some downsides to the program. It can tell if your bored with the lession. It could also help with telling if someone is lying. But can't pick up on nonverbal, and emotional communication. First one of the major benifets of using the program in a classroom is seeing how the students feel about a lesson. In paragraph 6 it satates,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored".This imformation could tell the teacher what to do and no too. Paragraph 6 also states,"Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." With the teacher swiching the lession students may become more active with the lesson infront of them. Secondly the program could have some improvements. In paragraph 6 it states,"most humans communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication" This shows that not all emotions can be detected by the program. Also in paragraph 6 it states," So comuters need to understand that ,too" With Dr. Huang stating this he is already aware of this problem. Him being aware can fix that and improve apon it. Finally the program can help dectect lies with curtain muscles in the face. It states in Pargraph 8," But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." This shows that key muscles in your face and give away when you lie. It also states that "To and expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a ''smiling'' politicain or celebrity isn't being truthful." When you can identify those muscles a lie will be easier to spot. To conclude i believe this computer program would be useful in the classroom. It could give the teachers direct feed back on the students feeling. Also when someone lies. But can't pick up on nonverbal, and emotional cummunication. The program has more positives than negitives.So I agree this would be vary benifital.
The Advantages to Limiting Car Usage Cars are a typical necessity for everyday life, not just in the United States, but worldwide. However, I propose a simple theory; are cars really a necessity? A question as simple as this, could possibly change the world. I believe that if we lived in a car-free world, we would have more advantages than disadvantages. That it would change the world as we know it. To begin, the elimination of personal motorized vehicles will save a magnanimous amount of money. As a flooring illustration, in source one paragraph 9, the Federal Transportation bill is called out. Ashtonishingly, 80% of appropriations have gone to the manitainance and construction of highways.  In addition, gas prices are at thier all time highest. On average, one of my parents spends eighty dollars a week on a single vehichle. A car free world will not only save an individual thousands of dollars each year, but will save our country millions of dollars which could be used in areas of more necessity. As a second example, land is a precious resource that is currently endangered. Source one paragraph six has started a community that is practically, car-free. It packed 5,500 residents within a square mile. One might wonder how this is possible. The answer is quite obvious, with the elimintation of vehicles, the need for parking, driveways, and garages was unnecessary, therfore making it a possibility for so many people to live in a single square mile. Finally, the elimination of vehicles will increase the healthiness of our enviorment. To illustrate, in Paris, the smog is so overwhelming, the decrease of car use was demanded. As a result of less use, the smog drastically decreased and on top of that, congestion was down 60% (Source 2 ¶14). It is also a common fact that transportation is the second largest source for America's emissions (Source 4 ¶34). Obviously, the elimination of vehicles will increase our enviroments stability drastically. In conclusion, cars are over used and relied on too heavily. The peak for motorized vehicles has ended and it is time to fix the damage we created. We will save our envoirment, our money, and our precious resource, land by simply eliminating cars. So, is it really a necessity?           
Dear Florida Sentator, It is in the interest of your state and your nation that you insist the keeping of the Electoral College system of voting. This is overwhelmingly clear because it allows the presidental canidates to focus on the country as a whole in their campaign trail instead of relying on a single region to win the presidency for them, it has been present in this nation  since out founding fathers, and the system also shows a clear winner in the end of the election. In order for the presidental canidate to have a reasonable chance at winning the presidency, he or she has to appeal to the country as a whole instead of just focusing on a particular region. This is all due to the Electoral College. A canidate who is practically assured to win in a region, such as the Northeast, would not campaign as much in those states. The article In Defense of the Electoral College highlights that if that canidate were to becaome president of the United States, "The residents of other regions are likely to feel disenfranchised...that their votes do not count...that he really isn't their president." Just think about that. Imagine having a president who got elected just because he won over the South. It would be as if he or she had only that region's interests at heart and did not care for the rest of the nation. The Presidnet is suppose to be the leader for the whole nation, not just a section of it. If this were to happen,the nation would be fractured, all because we got rid of the Electoral College. Some might argue that that probabably would never happen, and it might not, but we always have to keep in mind the worse scenarios to ensure the best decisions for the United States. The Electoral College is arguably an old method of voting. It was established by our founding fathers and has been quite realiable over the couple hundred years it has been in service. Admittably, there have been a few blips in the system, but what system doesnt have kinks that need to be rolled out once and a while? It was intended to be "...a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." as explained in What is the Electoral College? Why should this system be outed because of a fleeting feeling of anachronism? The intention of this system is meant to give equal votes to both the people and Congress. The Electoral College system of voting has been under scrutiny lately. It has been a controversial issue. The system has had its share fo faults, but no more than a new system of voting would have. The Electoral College has served its country well and has given voices to the small states, given canidates a broader spectrum on their campaign trail, has been around for over 200 years, and shows a clear winner when all the votes are counted. Don't listen to the people telling you to stop the Electoral system Senator, because it is a valuable part of out nation.      
venus is in a solar planet their is no life just a evening star they say its bright and you can look at it in the sky when you have the chance to see it. sometimes its right in the corner of outer space and the plane has no human life or vegtagion no trees no life nothing only brightnes and hot the red planet is very ordanary and very beutifull at the same time.not any human has steped inside venus. researchers say that the planet may not be possibli to be make human go theri since its very hot and coud just burn. they say that venus use too look like earth with oceans and trees maby life too. i think the planet might looked like earth and because we see dried up water in the planet they think the planet might have cause something with the water and might gone under the planet maby. nasa is working on venus for more studiyng they want to know how the water dried up and what caused it to dry up. chemicals might have gone in the water and done something to the water and messed it up. maby the preassure might have done something with it or other forces. we shoudl expand and visit other planets and go explore and see what they are like. i woul like to go to jupiter one day and visit it and just jump and play and just chek the planet out and see what thing might had happend to it i guess the planets in our solar sistem ares trange but the planest might be dangerous too but who knws maby the planet might hvae somehting new or maby life that just hides around and we dont know it .
Driveless Cars are being seen in the future. This is causing a conflict for people who agree and do not agree. Some people think that it will not be safe. I see where they are coming from. The people that do not want it make good points. There are also people who love the idea of driverless cars. Those people think it is a great idea and think it will be really helpful. I personally do not like the idea of driverless cars.There are a lot of things that can go wrong. It can also cause problems with transportation speed and also will hold people back from learning how to drive themselves around. The time from leaving to getting where you need to be will be really slow. People will take advantage of not having to drive and that might be a problem. A person could fall asleep while the car was driving itself. The car could alert them that it is there turn to takeover but they could be a heavy sleeper and not wake up. I feel like there will also be a lont more people under the influence in there cars trying to drive because they feel that they will be fine aslong as the car is driving by itself. Technology is not perfect. There can be glitches in the system and cause the car to not work properly. With technology there also comes hackers and someone other than the car itself could take control and cause someone to get hurt. It is a very dangerous idea. The idead of driveless cars is a really interesting idea. It is also really smart. We do have the technology to do it and make it work. I still think it can cause trouble and will cause trouble if carried out.
The auther gives out good examples for the reader why we should study Venus more, like he said in paragragh 4 "long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth." The auther wants venus to be a living planet so humans can live in Venus. Venus have some type of mountins, valleys and craters. The auther states "Futhermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearset option for a planetary visit, a crucial considering given the long time frames of space travel." This is probably why the title of this story is called "The challenge of exploring venus" because its going to be a challenge trying to make Venus a living planet. The auther does state some resons why its going to be a challeng living at Venus he states "On the planets surface, tempertures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." So its likely that this is going to be impossible to live in Venus but thats why this is a challenge for the people that are going to try and make this a livable place for humans. They have tried landing space ships but they where unsuccessful trying to land the space craft at Venus. But NASA wont give up they trying have study it even harder. In paragraph 7 it state" some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in shuch conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers." So NASA have some powerfull stuuf to study Venus even harder and there not going to stop studing Venus until they found a way to live there or there is no way to live on Venus.
Imagine your country baning driving because of pollution,countrys like Europe and Germany have banned people from driving and if they do it's a fine. In my belief I think its a positive and healthy way to get around town. My reasonings are that it's  healthy way to get around town. It's not polluting the air with harmful chemicals. Even young people driving decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009, if this gets to every state in America and people learn more about it, This can become the new culture in every culture. Vauban, Germany's residents gave up their cars and mst of them are soccer moms with jobs, they gave up cars to lower pollution in their country. To begin most people would find it stupid to give up their cars and ban them because of pollution. Other countrys including some parts of the United States have given up their cars and riding bikes instead, New york has a program called bike-sharing program, studies are suggesting that Americans are buying fewer cars and people are driving less and getting their licenses are decreasing as each year goes by, That's leading researchers to believe has America passed driving? Bogota Columbia has banned cars thats still lasting to this day,even in the rain they bike. 70% families do not own cars, and 57% of people sold their car to live in Vaundan, Germany. According to Heidrun Walters, a media trainer and a mother of two said "when i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier"(Heiden Walters, media trainer paragraph 3). Even this mother of two was happy to give up driving. Furthermore to validate my point on banning cars and riding bikes, every other country is doing it for their sake of pollution, paris banned driving do to its smog, 4,000 drivers were fined. Arent people geting sick of the traffic and the expensive gas to fuel the car, According to David Goldberg, an official Tranportation for America stated that "All of our development since world war 2 has been centered on the car, and that will have to change"(David Goldberg, an official Transpotation of America paragraph 7). Theres my other point some point america has to change their ways on cars. I know how much people love their cars, But isn't time to change our ways of transportation, I know riding a bike is less expensive then driving a car, which gas prices are increasing and so is our pollution. You can sit and complain about gas prices and how car insurance is riduliously high or you can give up your car, save money and ride a bike. America if you car so much about pollution and money then I suggest to you to ride a bike, and dont complain how much money your spending on gas. I'm putting my own thoughts to this essay and proof to you that we should change our ways, maybe even think of your own ideas and save money, while doing the next generation a favor and stop polluting the air with harmful gases that can effect us later in life.     
A thick Atmosphere containing 97% carbon dioxide, Venus is a dangerous planet. It's extremely high pressures and dangerouly scorching surface, it is beyond comparison to Earth's environment. Although its proximity to us is closer than that of mars, its reputation precedes it as a challenging planet. Despite the dangers, Venus is a worthy pursuit because it was once an Earth-like planet in our solar system. To start off with, it's geographic features are similar to that of Earth. In the article, on paragraph 4, it says, " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various life forms." On paragraph 4, further down, it says, " The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and inlcudes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." Based on these two evidence, Venus's features; which once included rocks and oceans, can be found on Earth. Next, the technologies provided by Sophisticated Organizations and companies can help through the exploration process. On parargraph 5, it says, " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions...would allow scientists to float above the fray." As we move further down the paragraph, it says," Solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed Earth levels." From these two evidence, NASA's solution can be benefical because the explorers wouldn't be exposed to the surface; they can avoid the unfriendly conditions, and they can gain acess to the solar power needed to power the machine, it's a win-win. Then finally, the studying process. On paragraph 7, it says, " Some simplied electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber stimulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditons." From the same paragraph, it says, " Systems that use mechanical parts can be more resistent to the pressure, heat, an other forces." From the simplied electronics to the mechanical parts; which both have been proven useful in the conditions of venus, can be used to collect data. the mechanical parts won't melt and 3 weeks for resisting the conditions is extremely useful, these are the solutions that can be used o study Venus. To end this essay, Venus is worthy due to the similarities it posesses. From all those planets, it was Venus's proximity and it's features that are analogous to that of Earth. Scientists can learn what happened to Venus through the technologies given. These technological solutions provides safe ways to travel and to collect data from Venus. Despite the dangers, it is the only planet that was Earth-like, it's time frame for space travel is much less than that of Mars. This is an opportunity of the time, and the author is trying to inform us that we should take the opportunity and explore. We have the technology, we know that venus is close to us, and the fact that it was once a twin of Earth, that's fascinatiing. Aren't you curious to find out what happened to Venus?
Although the idea of driverless cars sounds fantastic, it seems a little too good to be true. I have faith in the engineers who will be designing the cars, but I have less faith in the people who will be in these self-driving cars. As stated in the article "the Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over". That sounds easy enough, but what if the driver fell asleep? What if the driver had some kind of medical emergency and they fainted? What if the driver is paying too much attention to their phone to notice that there is an abstacle or accident ahead? What if? These are questions I don't want to answer from first hand experience. I do not trust other people to be responsible and ready to take action when the time comes for them to drive, perphaps in case of an emergency. At the same time, I do not want to put my life in the hands of a machine. Something could always malfunction. When I think about future generations and how they might not have to learn how to drive, I get a little sentimental. Ever since cars have been around, its been a major milestone in a young peron's life to get their drivers license. Its a right of passage to becoming an adult. Getting your driver's license signals that you're independent. If self-driving cars really do become a thing of the future, getting a license might not be necessary, and young adults will no longer have this important right of passage. Driving a car is a skill. Take NASCAR driving for example; its a sport based on skillful driving. Driving a car develops hand-eye coordination, quick reflexes, and problem solving abilities. If drivers make self-driving cars their main mode of transportation, they will no longer be developing these skills through driving. Driving your own car puts your life and others lives in your hands and forces you to think responsibily. Drivers will become careless and nonchalant about driving if they have driveless cars. Who's to say that driverless cars are going to be revolutionary or fatal? The bottom line is that I'm putting my life into the hands of the car, and I only have one life. Why would I risk it?
I think the value of using this technology to read students' emotional expressions would be a good idea because "imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions." You would be able to tell if the are mad, happy, or upset just by using the Facial Action Coding System. With this new technology you will always be able to tell how a person feels instead of assuming or them lying about it. Instead it's just one scan and there now u know their emotions. For example people have always wondered what Mona Lisas emotions were in her painting but according to computer soft wear she is "83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." With the Facial Action ACcording System you will always be able to tell by a person feels. Now the technology is able to calculate how you feel yes "calculate" emotions-like math." Just by using a computer of a 3-D model face it is able to move 44 major muscles similar to human muscles. According to Eckman each person has about six basic emotion happiness, surpised, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Dr. Huang says "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression". Another thing Dr. Huang said is "the facial expressions for each emotion are universal" in the painting of Mona Lisa the software was able to identify the mixed emotions. Do you know how you can just look at a friend and know how they are feeling? Well that's basically how the Facial Action Coding System works it is able to tell a person emotion just by scaning their face. It's a little strange to know that a computer is able to tell your emotions when your happy, mad, or upset. According to Dr. Huang the Facial Action Coding System could be a good thing because " a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Also that "most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." With this new technology I think it could be very usefull and helpfull for teachers and other jobs as well.
I think there  would be many advantages when i come to limiting car usage. People would get more exercise when they walk espacially if they are overweight. People wouldn't have to much money on gas that often. when we drive we let out chemicals into the air that causes people to get sick. Citizens should take advantage of limiting car usage. according to robert duffer, ''after days of near-record pollution, paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. this means, that by breathing in those fumes people can get vary ill or cause them to have a lung problem. also, it would cause a hazard if something were on fire. For example,''vauban, home to 5,000 residents within a rectangular square mile, may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life''. clearly, they have less space for parking. obviously people may start using public transportation. Citizens should take advantage of limiting car usage. additionally,Citizens should take advantage of  limiting  car usage. for instance, ''In previous bills, 80 percent of approprations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport''. this means, that people started taking the highway instead of the freeway. this also means, that they also took  public transportation. futhermore, ''on mondays motorists with even- numbered license plate were ordered to leave their cars at hom or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31)''.overall, if people brought their viechals the would have to suffer the consequences. clearly, they would have to pay out of their pockets if they bring their cars or motorcycle. Moreover,Citizens should take advantage of limiting car usage. In summation,people should decrease on driving. People may get sick from the the cars fumes. many people may have  to pay a fine if they bring their cars to a certain place if they dont leave them home .many people will probably start taking the city bus as transportation.
Driverless cars are coming. Driverless cars would not be a great addition to today's modern technology. Today's technology is still progressing and is not yet ready to support a driverless car. Some may believe that driverless cars would be an amazing addition to our modern world, but those who do are wrong. Driverless cars encourage the bad habit of lazyiness, that too many people already frequently engage in today. With the possiblity of driverless cars, that can do 90 percent of driving, people now have to do less than what they already have to do. Driving has already made life easier for people, it is unnessary to do away with the little work people have to do. Driverless cars will only encourage more projects that will attempt to minimize the work preformed by humans. Thus, creating this attitude of lazyiness and not wanting to have to ever do anything that requires that slightest amount of energy. The text states, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" This quote from the text is a prime example of even if technology is ready for driverless cars are people themselves ready for the responsbility that comes with driverless cars. Today, too many people already do not take responsiblity for their actions, so what is to happen if the technology fails and a car wrecks and kills the opposing driver? Should that person be tried for manslughter or should they get to get away with killing an innocent person? People today try to blame that wrong doings on anything or anybody, they are in no position to take on the responsiblity for any accidents involving diverless cars. Those who believe that driverless cars are a good thing for us would argue, "Now the driving experience can be alot less boring and more enterianing." Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW project manager driver, says "The psychological aspects of automation are reallly a challenge. We have to interpret the driving run in a new way." Some manufactures want to successfully bring in-car entertainment to driverless cars to prevent people from getting bored. Driving, wether it be in a driverless car or not, should not be a "fun and exciting experience". Do people realize that they are in a machine that holds the capability of taking the lives of many? That should not be something fun for you, you should take it with a great deal of seriousness. Scientist, that study the brain, say texting while driving turns off one of the parts of the brain that is used for focusing while driving. What do people think all of the in-car entertainment will affect your brain when it becomes that 10 percent of the time that you must take control and drive? Some would also argue that technology is up to par and is able to handle driverless cars. The text states, "Automakers are contining their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved." Technology is clearly not ready if automakers are just hoping that problems ahead will be solved. This mindset will get people killed once they decide to release the car to the public. Driverless car would not be a great addition to our modern day technology. Our already developed technology cannot support it. Automakers are hoping that problems will be solved. People are not mentally ready to take on the responsibility that comes with driverless cars. Driving should not be entertaing and the entertainment could affect our brains and the ability to focus when its the person turn to control the car. Driverless cars are not worth all of this trouble, so that people can be lazyier than they already are. Are driverless cars worth risking the safety or even the lives of innocent people?
I think you should do the seagoing program because, you get to ride waves. If I were you I would make my own choice not my friends choice or someone elses choice. When you are doing the seagoing cowboy program you get to go out and ride waves and play games at night time. Another reason you should go is because you can learn things about the sea and the animals in it. If you already know a lot of things about the animals in the sea and the sea you should still go, because you can learn more and have fun at the same time. In the story it said " Luke got to play games at night and he got a lot of time during the day to go wave riding". If you don't go on the Cowboys program I can't even tell you what your missing out on. I understand if you don't wan't to go, trust me I probably wouldn't it's not like I'm allowed to go anyway. I woud rather stay home than being homesick so I totally understand if you don't want to go. If you don't want to go, but one of your friends are going or you don't want to go and someone is convincing you to just take some time to think about it and then make your second decision. Just remember do what you want to do, not what someone else wants to do.
The authur supports the ides that studying venus is worthy pursuit because in the stroy the authur says"Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms density. They also say in the differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to venus. Astronomers are facinated by venus because it may well once have been the most earth like planet in our solar system because long ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life , just like the earth we live in now. also venus planets gots rocky sediment and includes familiar feature like mountains,craters and futhurmore. The Natinal Aeronatautics and Space Administration had an ides of making wants humans to study venus they also want some thing like a jet so they can fly over Venus to fly over many storms and also to look around planet venus. In the article it says the nasa are working on other approaches to studying venus because how alike this planet. these are the projects that they are working n is silicon carbon, also they have been mechanical computers these devices were first envisioned in the 1800's and played an important role in the 1940's during the world war 11.
Would you beleve there are faces on Mars mad of rocks or made by some living creature? Some would think the NASA's photos of the face is made by living creatures. The photo first came about from the viking1 from 1976. NASA has always had weird and unusal thing come from photos. But in 1976 the Viking 1 undescoverd a face on Mars Viking 1 was snaping landing sites for its sister ship. When it took a photo of a mound that looked like a face. A few days later they put the photo out in public and they went crazy. The MArs Global Surveyor in later years proved that it was just shoadows on a mound with a better camera it showed mor detail that it was just a mound of rock. There are people who still thing it is aleins. Even if there were objects with the camera you could see shack youcould see everything. What the photo really shows is a bette or mesa landforms its a lava dome that takes the form of aan isolated mesa. these are common in the American West. The "faces" are just showdows on a lava dome. The faces are just shadows on the lava dome. With the high reasolouton camera we proved that.
How amazing would it be if you were able to detect exactly how other people are feeling? It would be great, would it not? Well, with new software called the Facial Action Coding System, you are able to do just that. The use of this technology could be extremely valuable to students in a classroom. This software has classified six basic emotions-happiness,surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Having stated this, this software can inform teachers on how their students are feeling. In paragraph 6 of the article, it states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." If teachers know exactly how their students are feeling, they can provide better aid. This is only possible if the Facial Action Coding System is implemented in schools. Although, we can probably tell how a student is feeling simply by the look on their face, it is not as effective as using this software. Teachers do no have the time to be guessing how their students are feeling. It would waste too much time. If this technology would be implemented in schools, teachers would be able to help more students in a more efficient mannner. The implementation of this technology in schools would be amazing, hands down. Not adopting this technology would be an ignorant choice. Knowing what students are struggling in would be made easy. Also, teachers would be able to provide aid to more students than before. Its benefits outweigh any negatives that might be present.
These photo's that were taken by NASA are rock formations. These photos were taken in 1976, 1998, and in 2001. People thought that the formations were from other living things that are on Mars. Nasa took several pictures of these rock formations because they were shaped like humans. The rock formations starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows and even ended up in haunted grocery store checkot lines for 25 years. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landforms common around the American West. It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That’s a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. After taking several more photographs of these landforms people started to realize that they were natural landforms and not made by other living things. NASA put the photots on JPL web sites so that people could see these pictures up close. Few cientisct thought that these artifacts were made by aliens. When NASA first took a picture of these faces they said that the face was staring back at the camera. They looked like Egyptian Pharaoh's. There was no alien monument after all. The pictures actually show a butte or a mesa landforms comman aroiund the American West. These are natural landforms becuase scientitst say that there is no life on Mars. NASA took pictures in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. If there were objects in the pictures like an airplane on the ground or an Egyptain style pyramid or even a small shak you could see what they were.
In the article "Driveless Car Are Coming", the idea of a driverless car is brought to the world. This article can make you think about how cool it would be to have a car drive itselfs with out the help of a human. Also how advanced it has come over the years. While the article states many pros to having a driverless car we see many cons of the idea as well. In this essay I will tell you the cons of a driverless vehicles, for example, you would have to stay alert and attentive to everything around you, and it could cost alot of money to keep te car in good working condition. In the article we see that if you aren't alert and attentive it could cause alot of damage to you and your car. If you are in some type of "work zone" than you would have to be ready at a moments notice to take over the car. Some people might say that to help keep the driver alert the car could have types of sensor on to the car to vibrate or something of that nature to bring the drivers attention back to the road. I beileve that defeats the whole purpose of having a driverless car if you have to drive at certain points. Having a car that is so advanced can need lots of mantinence, sooner or later that would begin to add up and will cost alot of money. The article gives lots of examples of what would be in the car, but not the expenses of the car and all the materials. One example in the paragraph 4 is when it talks about the "Dubber Lidar." This is a laser beam on the top of the roof spinning constantly giving "3-D updates". While that could be really cool, the cost of that part alone could be thousands of dollars. If that part were to be damaged then the car owner would have to pay for that part to be fixed. That could cost just as much that it cost to buy it or maybe even more. The car would need constant updates,it would have to stay on top of all the new laws and traffic regulations that are created on a daily. This also could cost money and can become time consuming. In a way it could be benieficial to the economy because it could bring in more jobs. But it wouldn't be benificial to the owner of the car who would have to pay all the money. Overall, it is a bad idea to buy one of these cars. ou would have to stay alert and the cost of it would began to become overwhelming and ridiculous.
In the artical Making Mona Lisa Smile the autor tells you about a new type of technology called the Facial Action Codeing System. It helps computrers identify human emotions. Do you thinks the use of this technology to read the emotinal expressions of students in a classroom valuabel. My opinion is that all computers should get this system because like what the passage said "A classroom computer could recognizes when a student is becomeing confused or borad." I completly agree with this becaus most all schools now are useing computer. So if we are learning off of a comperter that can recogniz when i am confused i think that i would have better grades because the computer would adjust itself so that i can learn it another way that i might understand better. Also i think that this would just be cool to have because it could also detect when you are bored. so when and if you get bored during a lesson the computer could adjust itsef to make the activity or lesson more appeling to the eye. But the down side of this is that it can only recognize certain emotions such as happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. But what if you have a diffrent emotion than that then what will the computer do when that happens just keep going how it is or will it try something new. By this passage i have learned that every thing in this would is changeing and that new technology is comeing out. But will this Facial Action Coding System really help children and teans lean new way that they understand i don't know but for now I agree that all computers should get this system becaue i know that if it really works that the pasage says that it does then i know that i would understand lessons in school way better than what i do now because it will adjust to how i like to learn and waht i find boring in the lessons that i am learning. So i that the use of this technology to read emotional expressions of student in the classroom would be ver valuabe. And could chang the world of learning forever.
Wow! Can you imagine driving a car that you do not actually have to drive? When you think about this do you ever think about how complacted and dangourus these cars could be? I want tell you about the malfunctions, distractions, and the new laws that would make having driveless cars absolutly difficult. The drivless cars would reqiure a lot of sensors in the passage it list a few of these off ''sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and inertial motion sensors." What would happen though if one or two of these sensors broke while you were driving? A few possible things could happen car stops in the middle of the road, a serious injury, or mabey possible fatality. Some people might argue that it could be an easy fix or nothing too bad could happen, but that easy fix probably is not to cheap and unless you consider death not being not to bad then why take the risk? Crashes often happen due to distractions. We'll when people don't have to drive a car they probably wont be paying attention to the road. The drivless cars are not technally all the way driveless it says in the text that " They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills.." What if this so call notifaction does not do the job and the driver ramains distracted and crashes. Some people might argue that the notifaction would be to noticable to ignore, but the fact is this wouldnt always be the case, and the driver could remain distracted and crash. Driveless cars would put more work on investergators due to crashes and who to blame the driver or the manufacture? In the text it states this " new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault the diver or the manufacturer?" This question would be hard to answer and the law that would be needed for this could take forever to be approved. Not to metion all the money that would be needed in court if something like this were to happen. Someone might argue that after awhile that law would be just like any other law, but that statement is just not true the law that would be needed for something like this would be by far extreamly complacated and confusing. When you think about how cool it would be not having to drive your car to go places you should probably think agin. You should begin to question the malfunctions, distractions, and new laws that you would have to deal with. You should also think about the dangours you are making for yourself, family, friends, and your community.
Many times we as humans study things that have been studied hundreds of times. Amost like we think the we might be able to prove the findings wrong or something. Why don't we study things that no has ever studied before? Why don't we try to strive for more. The only reason why Pluto is not a planet no longer is cause we know there is more planets beyond. Venus is one of the things that we really have never studied. Even though the odds are greatly against humans with a extremely hot 800 degree surface, and much more we should try to create a space craft that could reach and survive the elements. Spend time in the lab, andtry to find a new material that could with stand the elements. We had flew to the moon hundreds of times, and circled the sun many times to. Expand the possiblities, and raise the bar on what the human raise can do. Challlenge ourselves, and expand dreams and knowledge. Make another planet possible if we ever do need to leave planet Earth!
There are many reasons to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. Not only do you get to travel around the world you get to help others who countrie or town that has been detroyed. Many people liked the outcome from their trip and you probably will too. You dont have to do it every year but if you would like to you can. You might be gone from your family for a while. Can you just picture yourself traveling around and going places that you might only can go one chance out of a lifetime? In the passage in paragraph one it states how Luke felt about going on the trip, "He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime." Would you want to miss out? I sure wouldn't. All you have to do is join the UNRRA. The UNRRA stands for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administraction. The only bad thing about the trip is that you still have to work. The article includes some information in paragraph 2 that during the program you have to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Your probably thinking ew,no gross, but this is progress of helping the coutries that have been ruined. Keep in mind that this is a good cause, the animals need comfort too. Next, the good part about the trip is the unique place you would be going. In paragraph 5 it states, "Luke had made nine trips---the most of any Seagoing Cowboy." That can be one of your goals if you join the program. Not only did Luke and Don and others just travel they also had free time. They played baseball and volleyball games and many more but they also got to explore freely around the countrie they were in. Also, in paragraph 9 includes, "But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than a adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him. "I'm grateful for the opportunity" he says. "It made more aware of other people of other countries and their needes." In conclusion, let Luke's inspiring trip be a goal for you to be apart of the UNRRA program.
The Face of Mars was a historic discovery, and not because it was a new kind of land form. When the photo was first released, many thought it was an alien structure and that it proved there once was life on Mars. NASA then worked harder to understand the strange picture and to change the opinion of skeptics who tried to make it an ancient temple. The first photo that was released was a low quality picture and the strange shadows gave it the look of a face. NASA began to obsess about the face and they began to get better and better resolution photos. It became more apparent that the face was just a mesa, which were common in the area. Skeptics insisted that NASA proves that is just a hill and NASA continued finding out more about the mesa. as the resolution improved, nearly all second-guessers were silenced. This happened because scientists were convinced that this landform was much like the Middle Butte in Idaho, which was most definately not made by aliens. The Face did change how some people looked at the possibility of life on Mars. After the initial controversy, it was likely that the "alien" building was just a hill. Some still are skeptical even with the overwelming evidence, but they are also drowned out by those who know it was just an optical illusion. NASA proved that if there was ever life on Mars, it did not make the Face.
Do you like helping people while having fun? If you do then I've just the right job for you. This wonderful job is called the UNRRA. There are many reasons why you should join the UNRRA to be a seagoing Cowboys. Some in which include trips, hanging out, ETC. Today we are going to be going over or covering if you will some of the reasons that you should join the seagoing cowboys in the UNRRA. First of all many people say that you whould nothing out of this organization, but you really get a lot of things out of this organization. One reason you should join the seagoing cowboys is you get many trips around the world. For example, in " A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves" Luke said that he got to go all around the world like: China, Europe, Greece, ETC. You actuall get to go all over the world. Second is that you get to hang out with people you might not know, and who knows you might make a friend, meet your new best friend or even find that perfect someone for you. If you do meet someone then you would be able to hang out a lot. You could have your first date with that perfect someone in a different contry. How cool whould that be! If you don't believe me you can go back to thee text and look in paragraph 5. If I recall it says that he was able to go see many touring spots, and had a lot more free time then you think. Speaking of touring that brings me to my next point you are able to go sight seeing and touring. You can go to many places in China and Europe. For example, If you are in Europe and you are close or near Italy you can go and see the leaning tower of piza. For lunch you can go and get some delisous Italian pizza. Now to me that sounds like the perfect day. Others might argue by saying that all of this is too expensive and it cost a lot of money. What the people that say this don't see is that the organization pays for most of the cost. Sometimes I bet you that the people that go on this trip don't even spend a dime or a penny. In coclusion as you can see by all of the evidence I have showed that there is no doubt in the world that you should not join this organization UNRRA to become a seagoing cowboy. To me all of this kind of sounds fun like a vacation. It doesn't sound like a job at all it sounds refreshing to be able to be at work while doing soomething that seems like fun and a vacation. In conclusion judging by everything I have stated I think that you should join the seagoing cowboys. I know that I will join the seagoing cowboys, will you join?
Humans have taken extreme measures to achieve their goal of landing on the moon. At the time, many people did not believe that it was ever going to be possible. Today, many astronaut have successfully landed on the moon. The challenge of exploring Venus is another one of these cases that some humans believe is possible, but others do not. The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" explains how scientists today strive to meet this challenge and take it on, even after knowing the chaotic conditions of Venus, in order gain insight on the planet as well as to stifle their own curiosity. The "Evening Star", or the planet Venus has extremely dangerous surface and atmospheric conditions for humans to explore, but in many ways has similar features to Earth as well. One of the main reasons humans would not be able to survive a trip to Venus's surface without the proper equipment is because the average surface temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of this, Venus has the hottest surface temperature out of all of the other planets. Another aspect of the dangerous conditions of Venus's surface is that it has frequently-errupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and lightning strikes. Thes conditions would be dangerous for humans if they were on the surface for to long. These are some of the reasons why past attempts of exploration were unsuccessful. Even though Venus has many dangerous conditions on the surface, there are also many landforms that make it comparable to Earth. Some of these are a scatter of valleys, mountains, and craters. Scientists also believe that Venus used to be covered with vast oceans and potentially could have supported various forms of life. Even though there are so many components, surface conditions are not the only chaotic feature of the "Evening Star". The atmosphere of Venus is also extremely dangerous for humans to surpass. The clouds are filled with corrosive sulfuric acid and the atmosphere is dense with 97% carbon dioxide. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what is experienced on Earth. These extreme conditions make it far too dangerous for human to explore. To resolve this issue, scientists at NASA today have begun to innovate ideas to find a way to successfully send humans to observe the features of Venus. One of the approaches NASA is taking to the problem is to simulate Venus's surface conditions in order to test different engineered materials to see how well they withstand the constant heat and pressure. Another approach that the scientists have researched is flying a "blimp-like vehicle" about 30 miles about the surface of Venus to avoid having to land on the scorching surface. This method had many plusses because the "solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed Earth levels". Just like there are many plusses that come this idea, there are also a few negatives. Because flying higher than 30 miles above the surface is one of the only options in getting close enought to observe, the distance will cause "limited insight on ground conditions". The thick atmosphere would prevent photography to be clear and decipherable. Another negative is that the scientists have no way to collect any samples from the surface for evidence. Flying above the atmosphere would get the astronauts close, but it would be ineffective. Each day, scientist work hard to come up with new materials and ideas to achieve their goal to successsfully explore Venus. Even though there are many dangers because of the harsh atmospheric and surface conditions, scientists and astronauts work towards this goal because they are determined and believe it is possible to overcome these obstacles to get to what they've worked hard for.
I think Luke should convince people to join because you will be on a boat with other people. Plus, helping countries recover after world war 2. Help them recover food supplies, animals, and more". In the artical it says "44 nations joined together to form UNRRA to care of animals shiped over seas". SO, they hire people called "Seagoing Cowboys." They were people who had help feed and protect animals such as horses, young cows, and mules. Also, if you join not only will you help the animals but, you would have lots of fun. Thats why Luke should convince people. He got to see cool places like the Acroplis in Greece and he also Took a ride on the gondola ride in venice, Italy. Witch is a streets filled wth water. He also, went to a "excavated castle in crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China". He got to view beautiful places on his way to China and still cared for the animals. Luke has done fun things and been very helpful with the animals. So, to him feeding animals he also did more then you would imagine thats why people might not want to go because of they think you would only be on a ship for months with fifthy animals. But, he did so much more then clean, feed, and watch or guard the animals. I mean he went on trips to places people who could never afford, or who always dreamed to go! Luke got to see all that for Free only price he had to pay was to love and take care of the animals for countries that need them. All creatures are valueable and should never be treated in a way it dosn't diserve. Who cares if you think siting on a boat with mutiple other people and animals for a month is a waste of time. LUke was on a boat that had about 335 horses. I mean imagine if something had happen to the ship and it sunk! All those deaths of the people and animals that could have saved Millions gone in a flash. This is why I think its a good idea for Luke to convince others to join. It says that it was a " opportunity of a lifetime." It's not normal everyday that you would get a chance to go on ship and see places you never seen before. It's rare to happen but, thats why you should jump up and take it it's one opportuity you will probly never get again. So, don't take the chance thinking this kind of event would ever occur again so do what you want to do and what you think is right. He had visited nine trips on his trip on a boat in a certain amount of days. Maybe others could visit more places like ten. Even, see things on your journey see animals you have never seen before. Smell odd things you have never had smell before ever in your lifetime. Sure you might get home sick but, you will go back home wants it is over. Think of all the people you saved. Also, the countries too would recover and get stronger. So, let the others know what you have seen on this trip. Join and you too will start your quest to China. Today now start helping others. In conclusion, this is why Luke should convince others to join because all of these reasons to join for fun, and for helping animals get to were they need to go to help even more people. Theres no way he shoudn't convince others. Just tell them it's for a good cause. You even get to wonder places on way to your destination. This is why I think he should convice others to join.
The tecnolegy has been develope so far during the 21centre ,but to be the honest is that is a good things for us . l am totally disagrue to produce this kind of car in this unpropreate time. Driverless car is the car contain the high technology, but it's not means it's completly automatic .It's means still need the driver but you can pay less attension on it .i think if the car is half automatic ,it will be work .The reason is basic on two simple word "safe'and 'money'. For example .In the late 1950s, general motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. The track was embedded with an electical cable that sent radio signal s to a receiver on the front end of the car . Engineers at Berkeley tried someting similar, but they used magnets with alternating polarity. The car read the positive and negative polarity as messages in binary code . These smart-road system worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrages to existing roads ,something that was simly too expensice to be pratice .The car is not human, they are smart , but no that smart or we can say they can not choose the answer more sencitive .This can dirve on the normal road ,but if there are some assidence or trafic what will the car do ! The car may directly go a head and this will cause alot of danger .On the other hand ,the car should cause lot of money.The car need money , the car road need money ,the car system need money.The car is not like iphone and another technolgy ,it's relate to our life .Futher improvements in sensors and computer hand ware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more drinving task on it own .The internet developed so fast ,but the computer virus also increase .If their ways one day , someone have an bad idea , then he create an virus in to the car system .This will cause large area car assident and economic decrease .Who can take the responsible ,if that happens . The drivierless car is a great idea ,but it's not a great idea to start right now Because we don't have money and it's danger for human's life .
After reading the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I have come to the conslusion that driverless cars are not a good idea for public use. Sure it would be nice to call a car and have it take you to your destination while you sit in the back relaxing. However, technology is always flawed and I don't believe that this would be a particularly good thing for the future of the world. Not to mention if there ever was a malfuction and someone was killed in an accident or severely injured, who would be to blame? The author of the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" addresses this issue in Paragraph 9 where they state "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?" That's an issue that really needs to be adressed beforehand if such cars were ever made available for public use. I don't believe that such cars should be used by the public, too many incidents could happen. The only way it's truly safe to travel the roads is with a smart, safe, reliable, liscensed driver behind the wheel. No one will ever be truly satisfied with what they have. After driverless cars, someone will set out to make a flying car which is a completely different issue that is even more dangerous. Therefore, after stating my personal opinion about driverless cars after reading the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" and getting background information on such cars, I believe that these cars should not be made available for public use due to potentional safety concerns.
I would know if it was real or not if only i had seen it with my own eyes but, im against the fact that they're saying that it's a real face made by the aliens because nobody would really think that there are aliens living in space. I also would know that it's not a face of the pharoah because the text says that it's a "huge rock formation". Nobody would really think that aliens created a face that big, even if there were aliens living in space i would not think that those type of creatures have any clue of how to build big structure like that. Only if i were out there in space looking at the face then i would know my self that it's real or not. A humans eye could tell if anything is real or not. If the world had something to prove that it's not a face then i would be with them and i would agree to everything they say about it, cause the person who thought that it was a face built by the aliens then i bet the majority of the peoples would disagree. All im trying to say is that i dont't believe that the aliens would build a face like structure.
I think I would go with the idea of developing cars that are driverless because of how it functions, what it uses, and why we use it. How it works is that its just a normal car, but it drives all by itself. I think thats a good thing because if lets say if a family has a huge celebration and they forgot something at the store. Well, we can let the car go get the things that they need without leaving the house to miss anything. So, the car uses a huge amount of battery power and goes get the things from the store. The car also uses no fuel or half of the fuel that we use today. These cars thats going to be built in the future is going to save alot of money and it will not effect our ecosystem and not waste anything. What it uses is mainly under alot of wires but mainly runs to a big battery that charges all night and runs all day without having to stop at gas stations and refuel everytime. Plus, the car has to use a gps sensor to find out its surroundings of the car like in paragraph 4. It states that it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. Which is a smart idea because, if there is something nearby and it sensor it and warn the driver. The final thing that I want to talk about the driverless cars is why we use it. Back then, they made a special track that only a smart car can drive on and they wanted to put magnets in the road so, the car can track the positive and the negative so the car will not get into a crash. Whenever most people are driving, their hands start to weaken and they get tired so, whenever that person is tired they can rest in their seat and let the car do the rest but, they say that if something is wrong like a construction or a wreck is going on, then the car warns the driver and the driver has to get out of the way of what's going on in the road. So, my conclusion is that im wanting the driverless cars to be invented because it can cause a great effect on everybody and the economy. There are some flaws about it but there are many other things that is great about the driverless car that Google has made as well as some other manufactuares. This can change us, the economy, and the world in the future.
Think about it, driverless cars, are they really safe? Can we honestly depend on a machine that can't deviate from it's given instructions? Do we even want a machine that can think, and do things better than us? Driverless cars propose just that. Driverless cars, it's an idea long thought about, but have we really taken in all the considerations? Acoording to the passage, Gooogle has plans of making a driverless car taxi system where people won't even need to buy cars "the cars he foresees would use half the fuel of todays taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus". By the sound of this it seems like there would be quite of bit of technology co-operating with each other,and where there's technology there's hackers. The problem with this idea is for one, the current state of our country, and the world. With all of the terrorism going around, and the blood hungry fools with guns. How are we to stop one of them from hacking into the system, and causing complete mayhem? Plus, how can we even turst our government to not take control over it. The entire idea of us not being in control is what sould raise red flags in the minds of the people. Just as hollywood has shown us beautiful daydreams for driverless cars. We've also read about numerous all controling powers, and oppresive governments who used systems like this to thier advantage. Technology of driverless cars is not something i'm doubting, i'm certain that if the technology doesn't exist now it will in the very near future. Especially since the economy is demanding more and more technology, for more, and more reasons. In the passage, we're told how General Motors tried to develop "smart roads" instead of cars. While they did succed in making "smart roads", the cost for changing all the roads was beyond practical. Thus, the idea of "smart cars" is the main focus of now. While I don't support driverless cars, I do support what seems to be the main cause for doing so, safety. the whole point of the driverless car is to keep people from getting into accidents, and saving lives. But, most of the technology in order make a car drive safely isn't truly quite perfected yet. We know this because the passage gives us along grocery list of the bare minmum of what the car needs just to operate without traffic! For example cameras, and sensors, mapping data, and programing. Another question to be raised is what will the cost of these driverles cars be? I highly doubt they'd be very affordable. In the end, driverless cars aren't very reliable.Given all the gagets, and gizmoes they require to just barely operate, and the cost after all theses years of preparing can't be cheap. Not to mention that we'd slowly begin to forget how to drive ourselfs so that in the midsts of an emergency we might be stranded. The possibliliteis for this to go wrong is numerous, it's simply a bad idea.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy is one of the best expirences of my life. I'm Luke and I am a Seagoing and had made lots of trips to Europe to help people. Its really fun. I have seen so manny cool thing on my way to Europe and in Europe. Plus you get to help people. In the book "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves' it states,The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy,” he says. “Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special." I wouldn't have become one if my friend Don Reist hadn't talked me into going to Europe. It also says in the story "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves", "when his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn’t say no. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime." You should become one! You would get to help lots of people, see really cool things, and you would be a hero to some people! What do you say? Are you up for it? I'm not going to lie, there are some hard things to it. Once I even broke my ribs and almost died by going over bored on a boat. It says in the story, “A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves”, A small strip of metal along the edge stopped his slide, keeping him from flying overboard into the dark Atlantic. He was happy to be alive. But he couldn’t work for a couple of days because of cracked ribs." Even with that tramatic expirence I love doing what I do and I'm so happy I did and do it. Again I think you would like being one too, especialy if you like helping people. (I'm assuming most people do.) You would see and do so manny cool things. It's not all work eather. In paragraph 8 in the story it says, "The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. If you have some douts on if you should do it, takes some time and thing about it. It's a big commitment, but I hope you do it and I would love to see you in Europe or on a boat to Europe.
I am against the idea of having driveless cars.There are many flaws to the idea of driveless cars. Although the idea of driveless cars sound exciting, there are also many things that could go wrong with them. It is better to be safe than sorry because you can not go back. Driveless cars can be a great danger to many people. They can always malfunction or go out of control. Technology does not always work the way we plan for it to. In the article it was mentioned that the cars can cause crashes but it would be hard to determine who was responsible for the crash. Can you blame the manufacturer or the driver? The driveless cars are illegal in the following states: Califonria, Nevada, and Florida. The cars are illegal in those states until the cars are proven to be more safe. The lawmakers of these states believe that safety is at best with alert drivers rather than driveless cars. The cars can not fully drive on their own and still need help to navigate through traffic or construction. Driveless car be harmful to many people. The are mostly useless because they still need humans to control them through certain situtations. They can also malfuntion and lose control. They are not proven to work one-hundred percent of the time. If one of the cars were to cause an accident it would be hard to determine who is at fault. It would be much safer to wait until we know for sure that the cars will not malfuntion and figure out all of the flaws of the cars to increase the safety of other drivers on the roads and pedestrians.
I think that getting told how you feel by a computer is fucked. computers shouldnt knoiw how we feel that some pedofile shit right there. fuck that dude i dont need a computer telling me how i feel. But right now in really hungry. You guys should tell NN to get better food it would help out alot if we ate food that wasnt moldy. if we really need to be here in this shit hole at least let us have so damn WIFI because this is bs. last year we were all good when we got the WIFI. but now they done did takeded that away from us. It juat all depends on how we look at it. Like this school is stiraght garbage. i would rather go to hell then to be in here. Even people that are in jail dont have to pay for there meals that shits free to them. but i cant say shit because there food sucks dick too. if the state can see this send me a letter to the school so i can know that you can really see my shit. i think that i could do good on this test id=f i really tried but im not a pussy try hard i just do the most that i can do. usualy thats nit alot tho because fuck 12 nigga i hope if you can see this your black in sorry. but what is uo with the purple koolaid you thinkin that you sippin on kean or some shit. and the watermelon yall niggas can eat a damn watermelom. you can go back to africa ill go back to mexico. this test is boo boo {fucking garbage}. get us better food and ill find a way to pay you guys back with the money from my taxes your fucking cunt. The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. Imagine a computer that knows when you’re happy or sad. this shits taking to long i just wanna go home and beat my meat to some fire my dude. if your a girls grading my shit do you have fat boobs and a fat ass. if you do you know where to find me. but if your ugly get fucked. im sorry but thats just how its suppose to be no ugly bitches. if your a dude and you have a daughter my age ill pound if you want. By the way, did making a happy face in this experiment also make you feel slightly happy? According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. (“Putting on a happy face” actually works!) A renowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. Empathy (feeling someone else’s emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person’s
can autonomous cars be trusted? thats the question being brung up from this article because of the precariousness of how the car operates with no regulations to distinguish liability between consumers and the maufacturers. regulations on the smart cars autonomous functions are not even in the works yet as smart cars arent allowed and many states progress is a good thing and these new features for smart cars is what progress looks like, making driving easier and hassle free is what it seems to be aiming for, and while that can be seen the only problem is current traffic laws, what i mean by that is if the there are no current traffic laws that cover who would be liable in an event like if car malfunctions and causes an accident. it would be hard to decide if the problems with the car were caused by lack of care for car maintenace on the consumers side or rushed assembling on the manufacturers side but whie what i said is true it is also a small issue that can be remedied within a couple years with new breakthroughs in how the new features operate to be much more reliable in an event when they're needed and also when updated traffic laws are put into place to accomodate the new smart cars in conclusion while it could be dangerous to allow these cars to go in to a more widely public use i believe it should be put into developement as it is the next step for innovation in the automobile industry
The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus. There are different ways Venus can despite the dangers. Firstly, Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet. Can provide limits on ground conditiond because of the dense atmosphere. In the passage says " Researches cannnot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." Venus would get up close and personal despite the risks. Researchers are working on that would help us know more about Venus. Secondly, NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. Some simplified electronics made of silicorn carbide have been simulating on Venus surface. In the passage said " Chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and gave lasted for three weeks in such condition." (P.7) Now they use modern computers to help them understand things better then the old computers. Now modern things are more resistant to perssure, heat, and other forces. Thirdly, striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus. Not only because of it's gained on the planet but also in human curiosity. This lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. In the passage said " Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts." (P.8) This saying expanded to meet very edges of imagination and innovation. In conculsion, Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. We learn new things everyday. We also learn from our past and that's what we are doing with Venus. We are learning how it's not dangers unless you think it is. New things happen everyday we will always want more to learn.
With all of the advances that car companys are making there is no doubt that driverless cars are on their way to Americas roadways. The author of this article makes some good points supporting driverless cars, but they also makes some good points that lead me to be against them. I have not seen enough evidence to prove them safe. Right now we get some comfort when we see a large SUV barreling down the road, at least there is a human in charge of the vehicle that is hopfully paying attention to the driving task ahead of them. I just don't believe that a computer would be able to make all of the logical descisions neccasary for safe travel. Lets take interstate driving for example. When driving on the interstate you have to be able to quickly make decisions when someone darts in front of you, or when to pass somebody. Computers wouldn't be able to make these decisions on thier own. Now lets look at it from a legal view. The author covers some of the legal issues in paragraph nine. In the very last sentence of paragraph nine the author asks "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- The driver or the manufacturer?" Thinking logically I have arrived at the conclusion that it would be the manufacturers fault. The driver isn't the one driving, it's the manufacturors system that is in control. This can only lead me to believe that if the manufacturer is the one that made the system, if it fails the manufacturer is to be held responsible for the failure. In closing there just isn't enough evidence to show beyond a resonable doubt that these cars are safe for the general public. Without the proof that they are safe it would be a terrible mistake to put them on the roads. I also dont think the manufacturers are ready for the responsibility of being held accountable if one of their systems fail. Maybe as new advances are made, and new evidence is shown it would help ease my concerns with driverless cars, but for right now I am strongly apposed to it. Besides driverless cars would take the fun out of getting behind the wheel of a sports car, and who would want to do that?
Ever since their invention, cars have been a very important part of the modern society. Everywhere you look there is someone driving to work, or shopping, or going to a doctor's appointment. These are all advantages to  having a car, but if you look closer you can see how these cars may be doing more harm than help. Air pollution is the problem most people see, however cars also keep people from face to face contact when you pass someone on the road, and you can't overlook the extravagant cost of having a car. These are the points of intrest for many scientists, sociologists, and general people all over the world. Air pollution, the bane of existance for every health and nature lover, is a massive problem that is getting way out of control. In an article by Elisabeth Rosenthal, she explains that passenger  cars are responsible for twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to fifty percent in some parts of the United States! If you reduce the amount of cars on the roads, it would lower those numbers drastically. For example, in Paris, they banned certain cars from driving on certain days. The result was astonishing! Street congestion alone went down by seventy percent. While the pollution goes up, the amount of face to face contact of people goes down. Someone in a car could pass someone else on the highway without knowing that that was someone that they haven't seen in months or even years! Without cars the main way of transportation would be walking and/or biking. When walking and biking you have the ability to talk to people . That person you haven't seen in forever can see you and strike up a conversation. Someone who has had a bad morning can have the opportunity to let out some steam instead of  going to work angry and upset. Something you absolutely can't avoid about cars is the cost. Between the car's cost itself, the insurance every month, the cost of repairs, and the constantly rising gas prices, many people can barely afford it. Without all of those costs, most people could have more money for their home, groceries, education, and many other things. You can already see the improvements. In 2012, a study showed that driving by younger people decreased by twenty-three percent between 2001 and 2009. Another study showed that there has been a large drop in the percentage of sixteen to thirty nine year olds  getting a license. These are the steps we need to take, this is the path to a better, healthier planet as well as the people on that planet.     
The Value of Emotions "Many teachers cannot tell when a student has something emotionally wrong with them," my mom, OTHER_PII, stated. My mom is friends with many teachers and talks to them about their students and how they can tell when something is wrong with a student. In today's society many teachers throughout school corporations struggle with knowing if their is something wrong with their students. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) is valuable in the classroom because it can help the teachers understand the students, help know when a student is emotionally not stable, and help the students not get too bored or confused during a lesson. The FACS is valuable in the classroom for many reasons, including the fact that it will help the teacher understand their students. From a student point of view, many teachers do not understand their students fully when something is wrong. While many kids come to school and look fine, there may be more going on in their home life than a teacher knows about. If the Facial Action Coding System was in place in schools, teachers would be able to find out what emotion the students are feeling and see if they can help them in any way. In Paragraph 4, Dr. Huang states, "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." This explains how the computer will recognize any emotion that the student may have, even if it is not the same as everyone else. The computer system can read your emotions and come up with different advertisements on the screen to make a person happier which would also benefit many people. In paragraph 6, the author states, "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." These computers can read your emotions and change the content on your screen just based on how you reacted to it. The FACS would be valuable in schools because it would help the student be happier while in school and help the teacher recognize what is going on with the student and understand them more. The Facial Action Coding System would be valuable in the schools because it can help the teacher know when a student is not emotionally stable. Many teachers do not realize when their is something wrong with a student and the FACS could help with that. Thousands of students throughout all the schools in America have issues at home and show that at school with how much work they do not participate in and how they treat others at school. There is an underlying issue within the school system because many teachers are not able to recognize when these students have problems and issues like this could lead to more school violence acts. In paragraph 4, the author says, "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements--in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa." The FACS can track any emotion in any person which can be helpful in school because there are many different kids throughout the schools that have different emotions. The computer system can recognize these emotions with the facial movements of a student. In Paragraph 3, D'alto states, " Eckamn has classified six basic emotions--happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness--and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." Depending on what emotions the students have and how they convey that with facial muslces, the computer can read this and help the student get on the right track and fix that emotion if it is a negative emotion. The Facial Action Coding System can help recognize if the students are bcoming confused or bored. Many student get distracted, confused, or bored when they are working in class. In Paragraph 6, Huang says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This would help the student and teacher because when a student gets bored they automatically stop paying attention and do their own thing, but with the FACS the computer could help them not be confused or catch their attention so they are not bored. In Paragraph 6, the author states, "It could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The computer system could act as a teacher and help the students if maybe the teacher is busy which would be an advantage to both the teacher and the student. While many people think this would not be valuable because it has no place in the school and would not help anyone, the Facial Action Coding System would not only help many students, but many teachers as well, while not being too invasive. The Facial Action Coding System would be valuable in schools because it could help the teachers understand their students, it could also help the teacher know when a student is not emotionally stable, and it could help the student with not getting too bored or confused with a lesson. This would be very valuable in schools because of the daily emotions students go through in a school day!
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students is valuable. It is valuable because in this passage "Making Mona Lisa Smile" in paragraph six it gives the example of computers more specefically classroom computers and what could be possible for education some years down the road to improve students learning. In paragraph six we get evidence from "Dr. Huang" telling us how this could possibly be like a good human instructor like a teacher. The evidence proving this comes from "Dr. Huang" himself he says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." basically "Dr. Huang" is saying of course down the road in the future a classroom computer can recognize students emotion and make constant changes to the students lesson on the computer to make a effective lesson like an actual human teacher. Thus proving that this technology to read a students expressions in a classroom is valuable. Another example proving that the use of this technology to read a students expressions in the classroom is valuable because in education there is alot of classes and alot of technology classes you can chose from one of the many technology based classes is Web Design. Again in paragraph six we could see a huge increase in technology more specfically animated faces. For instance in paragraph six we get evidence of how the same technology can make computer animated faces alot more expressive. Here is evidence "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive-" again proving how this technology to read the emotions of students in class is actually valuable. Another piece of evidence proving this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because in fact there are colleges out there that do offer video game based classes this could be another advantage. It is an advantage because video games are technology and since colleges are offering classes based on videogames this could really increase the learning atmosphere for each and everyone of those students who take that course. A piece of evidence would also again be found in paragraph six where it states "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for videogames". This is proving that this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom or a videogame course in this case is valuable. Another piece of evidence is how we first found this technology back in paragraph one the very end of it we get some background information on how this technology was found. We get the evidence that this sofware is the latest discovery from "Prof. Thomas Huang" of "Beckman Institute for Advanced Science" at the "University of Amsterdam". Just knowing that Professor Thomas Huang may not be a student but is teaching this software to his students in classroom is for sure valuable. We even get this really nice piece of evidence "Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate". This is saying Huang and his colleague are making this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in classrooms is valuable. In conclusion the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is super valuable from videogames, professors to classroom computers and even just improving being able to read facial expressions is important because after all most of the human communication is nonverbal meaning not talking it is just simply "emotional communication". Also it says in the very begining that this new revolutionary software has promising applications for a good ammount of industries. Proving that the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable thus improving the already flourshing education of all the students who take grasp of this. Leading on to a brighter and better future for everyone in the world.
Three words, self driving cars. Just the idea sounds amazing. This could lead to even better inventions and help keep the world more safe. Without the chance of human error, self driving cars could help change the world. Someone might bring the point up, "What about if someone had a wreck? Or if the driverless car ran into construction?" That seems to be a relatively easy fix. At first the driverless cars may be a little scary, in the way that there will still be driving themselves, but as the driverless car begins to expand, there would hardly be any accidents or problems at all. If the world designed a perfect system as to where cars could drive all by themselves, they can make timing very efficient and keep all the cars on the right path. As the article states, "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. No one likes to get on a crowded bus with a bunch of sweaty and creepy strangers. The cars of the future could change this though. With how technology is rising, and how much money we put into researching more, these cars could go a very long way. If we can fit a computer into our pocket, what's going to stop us from making a super computer out of a car? Now while so many roads will have to be redone, it could save a lot of money. There are so many car wrecks a year, because of human error. The cars of the future would limit this though, as they control themselves and can be much more alert than a normal human driver. In the long run, we would be saving much more money if we just redo all the roads, and allow smart cars drive for us. In hindsight, smart cars are a very good idea. Just the fact that you would have to pay half as much for gas than you do right now, is a great point. Also, the cars will be more alert than a human could ever be, with all the sensors and gadgets it could use to keep you safe. These cars will change the world.
What is the point of driving a car now and days anyways? In VAUBAN, Germany even soccer moms gave up their car. Paris even bans car driving Due the smog. In BOGOTA, Colombia has a program that they wants to go worldwide. Let talk about Vauban, Germany you can't park on the street, in your own driveway nor your home garages are forbidden. Vanban is completely "Car Free". At first I really thought that was a joke but its not. Downtown they are allowed to have car ownership. What sense does that make. If the car owner buys a space for $40,000, and plus the new home. 70 precent of Vauban familes do not own cars. But 57 percent sold their car to move to Vauban. Vanban completed in 2006. 5,500 residents in Vauban. Think about it most people in Vauban dont have cars. Now lets get on to Paris... Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday's motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars home or pay a fine of $31 dollars, same thing goes for the odd numbered plates. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined. 27 people  had their car inpounded for the reaction to how much the fine was. Car traffic was down too 60% . 5 days after intensifying the smog. Diesel fuel was blammed. Diesel makes 67% of vehicles in France.  
I don't think the use of technoloy to read emotional expressions of students in aclassroom is a valuable. I don't think that is fair to students because some people want to keep their emotions to theirselves. There are many reasons people want to keep their emotions to themselves. They don't want any one knowing their emotions. I think if there was technology reading your emotional expressions,it would distract students from learning and getting good grades. Some kids might think it really cool that a computer can read your emotions,others might not think it is so cool. Some kids might get to focused on the computer reading their emotions or get too worried that the computer is going to share their emotions to other people on the internet. I think your emotions are private and should be kept to yourselve. I think kids should not be distracted by learning because a computer thet can read your emotional expressions should not be put in a classroom. I don't think having technology that reads your emotional expressions is right. Some people might think that is cool,but others might not because maybe they don't want their expression read. I think parents might not agreee with a computer that can read your emotions in a classroom,because they want their child to succeed and not be distracting from learning by technology. I don't think we should allow technology that reads your emotions in a classroom so kids can learn and not be distracted and get a good education,so they can graduate school.
there are many types of transportation but I'm sure all of us can agree cars are the most used type. evey home has one or two cars at least in their driveway. Imagine a world where there are no cars though. everyone takes public transportation or walks to where they need to be. Vauban, Germany is trying soemthing like this. In source one: "In german Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars." the writer Elizabeth Rosenthal states that they got rid of street parking, driveway and home garages are forbiden. The streets a re completely car-free except the main thoroughfare. Now, seventy percent of families do not own cars anymore and fifty-sevem percent sold a car to move there. People consider this "smart planning" i would too actually there are manty other cities who are trying to be "car-free." Most people like it and are enjoying it. They believe it could be a very good important serious change. In the second source: "Paris bans driving due to smog"  it not only helps pollution but also lives. if someone is driving with smog on their windows its just an accident waiting to happen because you can't see the cars or people around you. It also, get ready its a big one saves coffe! Don't drink it just smell.
Although driverless cars present some benefits they also bring up big issues. Such as driveless car aren't entirely driverless, they are not reliable and create legal problems. A driverless car is not driverless which means that the driver will have to be alert to still be able to take over the wheel when pulling in and out of driveways or overseeing traffic problems like work zones and accidents. Another issue driverless cars present is that it is illegal to test computer driven cars in some states. How can anyone be sure that driverless cars are safe if they can't be tested. What if the car's technology were to fail and someone getting injured. This also ties in with Legal issues that will produce more conflict, for example who would cover liablility if there were to be an accident. In additon to that who's fault would it be the "driver" or the manufacurer? So as you see driverless cars present issues of not being entirely driverless, they can not be totally reliable and safe, and create legal issues.
Dear Senator, The Electoral College was created many, many years ago in the Constitution by our founding fathers, and now it is finally its time to retire. The Electoral College should be taken away and replaced by election by popular vote, in order to determine the president of the United States. The Electoral college should be abolished, because citizens are not correctly represented, and states are not treated fairly in this process. The United States strives to be a place of freedom and equality, but we as a country can not achieve this goals with this proccess in place. The United States of America, is all about people protecting their rights, but how can that be if citizens are not even allowed to represent themselves with thier own votes. According to the Office of the Federal Register's article,"What is the Electoral College?,"you help choose your state's electors when you vote for President because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors." Which means that our votes just choose people to represent our state and vote for us. So whats the whole point of voting in the first place? Is it just to make citizens feel like they are actually choosing the president. This proccess would not be a problem if the electors actually represented us correctly. According to,"The Indefensible Electoral College:Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong," by Bradford Plumer, "in 2000...Al Gore... won the popular vote but lost the presidencey," because of the electoral college. Plumer went on to quote a Gallop poll recorded after Al Gore lost which reported," over 60 percent of voters would perfer a direct election to kind we have now." Thats over half of the people voting! But the incident with Al Gore was not the only one, also according to Bradford Plumer's article," in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy." In other words, they were trying to cheat and make sure the out come of the vote was what they wanted. People may argue that there have only been few instances of the Electoral College making mistakes, but how many more mistakes are they going to make in the future. Will there be so many, that our entire political system becomes corrupt. The citizens of the United States should be allowed to represent themselves with their own vote, and choose their own leaders. How can the U.S. strive for equality, if states are not treated fairly through the process of the electoral college? The Electoral College process, is a winner-takes-all system, because of this, candidates spend their time only focused on specific states. States that are most populated, or that they think will be a "swing" state, basically any state that has a specific insterest to them and that will help their campaign. According to,"The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong," written by Bradford Plumer,"during the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all." This is a result of the faulty system, how are people suppossed to know who they want to vote for, if candidates won't even take the time to make a pitch to them? If the United States really wants equality, they need to start by having a equal state voting process. At the end of it all, the Electoral College should be abolished because citizens are not correctly represented, and states are treated unfairly in the process. Help the United States continue to reach its goal of freedom and equality by abolishing the Electoral College. Sincerely, United States Citizen.
The Face on Mars was not made by aliens because, Earth has land formations as well that have unusual forms because of the way our techtonic plates move. Also if there are any aliens on the planet that could have made the Face form on the planet don't you think they would still be there after all they made the Face form there so they should have been able to survive on the planet. The strange land form, commenly remind people of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho because it have the same height of the Face on Mars. Plus, if it were made by aliens we wouldn't have found out about it NASA is really good at hiding things from us because they work for the government. Plus it is scientifically proven that nothng can survive in space because of the lack of oxygen and the coldness in space. Scientist have also found out that some planets have many features of the Earths inner layers, Plus in space there are many things such as metiorites thst could have hit the planet mars and amde that strange land form. The conspiracy theore is not true.
The government claims they are for the people. In which the electoral colledge is cerrupt considering that every state doesent have the same amount of votes. Even thoe a presedent can get majority vote it wont matter because the other presedent has more votes according to the electoral colledge. Your not even voting for the presedent your voting for,a state of electors then they elect the presedent, how do you know that they are going to vote for your spacific presedent. This shows that a simple system can be rigged for failure. Sorce 2 paragraph 11 shoes that certain electors refused to vote for there partys presedent. Popular vote is a simpler less fool proof system and should be considered if the government is trully for the people. The electoral colledge it is a very sensitive system and alot can go rong vary easyly,knowing that your vote might not actually matter can be frusturating because your relying on a nother person to vote for that presedent. We the people should change the system from electoral colledge to popular vote its only fair to the citizens that actually vote, and its more fool proof. Sure they say that curruption happens vary rarly in this system but you cant simply trust somebodys word like that expessualy now in days. Its scary how you have to vote for a state to vote for you chosen presedent its just a longer more complicated system that can get messed up easyly. Election for the presedent is a big deal our presedent has the biggest role in the country and if we cant rely on electoral colledge because it can easyly be currupt or damaged than that could screw the whole country over. I think we should change to popular vote because it stands more for the people and is more fool proof and can work better for a number of reasons. I hope the state senitor wold be able to take this idea in and make it work.
My first aspect on driverless cars, well they are what the future holds in driving. They are told to be held up on automatic stopping, the car drives itself and lastly it has touch screen everything in the car. They are doing this because, they want better things to come for the United States of America. They want the atmosphere to get better and save the earth in many of ways because, of the burning of fossial fuels. Which are killing the earth as we speak. Some details from the article that supports are "Antilock brakes and driver assistance", "Speed sensors", and "The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on each wheel and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could do on his or her own". In conclusion cars that drive by themselves can be good and also bad at the same time because, of the types of people that drive and that are new to driving. So in the future their will be accidents in the future do to these types of cars not only because they are smart cars but, because they are smart cars without, humn development. These cars are going to change the world and we are going to be put in a mighty different and diffcult situtation. My reason are listes why these cars are good and why they are bad for us (humans). These cars are also going to be put in a price range where not the regular people can buy them only the rich and wealthy people could.
In the artical "Making Mona Lisa Smile" it talks about how a new form of technology that can read human emotions was used to read the emotions of the Mona Lisa could be used to read other human emotions. Dr. Huang, from Beckman institute worked on the computer with other scientis. the computer was programed to read the expresions of humans by first making a 3D model of the face, along with all 44 major muscels in the face too. How this would be valuable in the classroom. well it argues in ther artical how if this technology was available in all classrooms that this would ba able to help students learn in their own way or how the computer would be able to recognize the emotions that the student is expressing and would be able to change or modify the lesson for the sudent. if this sort of technology was available it would change the whole outlook on how we learn and change the whole outlook on the classroom. it would give students a better chance of learning and help how they learn,it would make each lesson personal to each student. If this form of technology was made available then they major impact that it would have on schools and on students would be so grand that it would cahnge the face of learning. so therefor i do belive that the use of this technology is valuable in a classroom.
Computers are something of the present, and man-kind is hoping for more efficient computers in the future. More and more lately students are being assigned a computer of their own supplied by the school. Sometimes these computers are used for bad but mostly good. The Facial Action Coding System could be helpful for furthering academics in school corporations and could be used to help state testing which has just recently been switched to online. The Facial Action Coding System is something that school should invest in. It should not become something that everyone needs to have because some schools cannot even afford books! For the schools that can afford this program it could be made beneficial many different ways. For example, many students become tired using their computers, so if the computer reads the child is becoming tired it could offer an academic game or a brain teaser to make the child more lively. The article states, " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr Huang predicts.' Then is could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.' " This program can also read happiness and sadness. Some students suffer from depression and have thoughts of suicide. This program could notify the teacher or counselor if the student is continuously sad or angry. This could help prevent things such as school shootings, self mutilation, or even suicide. Some people may argue this program is taking away from a teachers job or is could be used for the wrong things. Technology has taken the load off of teachers in the last ten years, but it has also caused some harm. With technology comes the problems of students not having their computers charged, money shortages, and things breaking. Those things have distracted from students learning. In the big picture, do the pros outweigh the cons? In the overall outlook on furthering a student's computer's capability using this program is the better option. Everything comes with problems. It does add something more to a teachers plate, but it also helps a teacher make a connection with the student. The Facial Action Coding system is beneficial and should be considered by school corporations around the world.
My argument of this aspects of the driverless cars i'm against it. The future cars may not always work or do come out right with the parts. When no one has to buy cars anymore can become a huge problem. That means that they don't have to pay car payments or anything on the car. How do they work right or how do they get around? The future with public tansportation system where it has fleets of the driverless cars that form a public-tansport taxi system. The cars take half fo the fuel of the each day taxis and they offer more flexability than a bus. I wouldn't want to pay half of fuel taxis each day. He beleives that it's going to change the world. When it changes the world. People are going to complain because of the issuses that they are going to have with the future driverless cars. When people watch televison or movies for how long they want with these care that could drive themsevles. How would the car know that movie is over and you want to go home and the car isn't back on time? Google cars shouldn;t have to drive indepently because it just makes people lazy all the time. There is pretty much a robot that you have to take care of everyday like a child. The driverless cars may not know what they are dealing with when they leave the house with the person. People are just putting their life in danger with these driverless cars. Most people would be late to work, apportiments, etc. It can cause traffic issues, such as navigating through the roadwork or cause accidents. They should not send the future with driverless cars because it will cause way too many issuses for everybody.
The Electoral College is not a fair system for voting and shouldn't be continued because of a few major flaws. There is no guarentee that the president with the highest votes will be elected. Also, the system isn't balanced among all of the states. Because some people know these things, potential voters have decided it isn't worth it if who they elected isn't gaurenteed to win. People vote because they want to be able to choose who will be their president, however the Electoral College doesn't allow the elective with the highest votes to become the president. "Voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." Also, just because the people vote for electors for a certain president, the elector can still vote for whoever they want to. "'Faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please." The system also is not fair to different states. "The popular vote was very close in Florida [in 2012]; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. A victory by the same margin in Wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes." The larger states give more votes so they are usually given more attention by presidential candidates. Lastly, the people who know that their votes are just suggestions have been turned off from voting. Maybe they know they have a candidate "who has no hope of carrying their state." I have noticed that some citizens are not qualified to vote because there are some who vote carelessly and do not carefully construct all of the things the electives are saying and how it could benefit or harm our country. However, there are some people, like the one's in the "toss-up states", who, in turn, "are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign--to really listen to the competing candidates--knowing that they are going to decide the election." Just because some people choose not to take it seriously does not mean you should take the right away from everyone. These three reasons are key points as to why I think we should take out the Electoral College and begin letting the people decide who will be the president. It's not a fair, balanced system. There's no guarantee that the person with the highest number of votes will be elected, and, because of that, it can turn off potential voters from having their say on who the president should be.
Dear, State Senator, I think that we should not change the way we vote we should keep the Electoral College. Maybe instead of changing everything we should keep what we have. Most likely everthing will be a total disaster. If we change everything it will all fall under the pressure. We really dont need change in the world today as it is. It will be hard to get up after this big of a fall. Well what is bad about the Electoral College is that it is unfair for the voters that is doing the voting. Because it is all about the system of winners taking all. Some candidates dont spend time in the states. If they really know that they do not have the chance of winning. They say that this stuff is outdated and irrational. They are thinking of abolishing the Electoral College instead of keeping it. But on the other hand what is good about it is that it is widely regarded as an anachronism. It is a non-democratic method of selecting a president. But it is not a democratic in a modern sense. But it is good because the people vote for a trusted slate of electors. But the trusted electors vote for the party`s nominee. Even though the Electoral College has a lack of most everything. Everyone has that one good argument. Everyone calls the Electoral College a disaster factor. It says that the people in America should consider themselves lucky. Well because in the year 2000 a election called fiasco was one of the biggest election crisis in the century. The legislature`s are technically responsible for picking the electors. Well also the electors can defy the will of the people. Also this thing can be argued. Well about changing and also maybe keeping the Electoral College. Because there is some pro`s and con`s to this situation. There is going to be up`s and down`s when it comes to this topic. There might be many more to come in the near future. This topic is one topic that everyone is arguing about this day in time. Well thank you for taking your time and reading my essay. This was a good topic to argue about. I hope my responce will help to understand my point of view of things. I really do hope that we do keep what we have going on with the voting thing. I really do not think we should not change anything. So have a good day and once again thank you for taking the time and reading this.        
I am strongly against driverless cars. I feel that whoever came up with the idea must have had some bad food or something. I wonder what encouraged them to even have the thought of a car driving itself. Having driverless cars will most likely end the human population. I am saying this because it makes me think of the movie Wall-e. In the movie Wall-e there is a robot named Wall-e and earth is deserted or so wall-e thinks. One day Wall-e was doing his normal routine when he stumbled upon a pretty robot named Eve. Wall-e and Eve go on a journey to find her home/ ship, and when they do it is filled with humans. Wall-e is suprised to see the humans he thought they all were dead. Every human that he sees is sitting in a chair that can move them aournd to where ever they want, and get them whatever they want. They don have to get up for anything or physically move their musles. All of the people are obese. People die from obesity, obesity can cause heart problems which can cause a heart attack. Which can make you die. This is only a chair, imagine what it would be like if it was a car. It would be pointless for adults and teenagers to get lisence. It would be pointless to have rules of the road. Everything that has restriictions, or policies on drivers and their driving would be pointless and useless. As of now we our try to stop drinking and driving. If a car drove itself few crashes but the number lives that are taken will be the same. Peopel can die from alcohol poisoning. Even now cars have malfunctions, what if the driverless car runs into another car because it couldnt stop. A few years ago a lady was on the interstate and her breaks weren't working. The emergency break wasn't even working, and she was going aroung 70 miles per hour. She only had control over the steering wheel. People wont have control over the steering wheel of the driverless car descides to malfunction. Many lives could be taken because of it. This is why i am against driverless cars.
Dear senator, I think that the presidential election should be settled by popular vote.  We people are being run as a country by the president, and we should be able to have more of an impact choosing who our president will be. The president currently gets chosen in the Electoral College, a process in which the electors vote for President and Vice President after they are selected.  This process flows very well and the president is chosen easily, so its good.  The Electoral Collage consists of 538 electors.  The majority being 270 electoral votes and the first president to get to this number in the race wins.  We the people are separated into states and the states get however many electoral votes based on population.  So the bigger states get more say on who's President, but I mean that makes sence because more citizens live there.  There are also many flaws with this process though, and thats why I think it should be settled by popular vote. You may think that the people are mainly voting for the President in the Electoral Collage process, but we're not.  The people just vote for electors who in turn elect the President.  Some of the slates of electors may even vote for who they want to and forget about what the majority of the state wants.  At the most basic level, the Electoral college is unfair to voters because of the winner-takes-all system in each state.  This means that if say Florida has twenty-nine electoral votes, then all twenty-nine go to the candidate who wins that state.  "So normaly candidates don't spend time in states they know they have know chance of winning, focusing only on the "swing states" and the larger populated states."  "Swing states" are states that pay close attention to the campaign and really listen to the competing cadnidates.  This means that the states may pick the republican or democrat.  Some states pick the same way every election.  During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina.  I mean what kind of madness is that, how are they supposed to know who to choose.  Thats not fair and it shouldn't be settled that way.  This all just proves that "The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational." Therefore the Electoral Collage shouldn't be the way to elect the President and Vice-President and should be either altered or in my opinion scratched.  So then they should be elected by popular vote, so we have more control on who runs the country. Sincerely, Luke
Have you ever been curious to visit any other planet than Earth? Have you ever actually took your time out of your day to think about it? What If I were to tell you that it could be become true but in order to know how you have to read my story. The author is saying if Us as humans can be sure Venus is for sure safe itll be game changing and claming its worth figuring out because a number of new material and items. As us humans alll know earth Is our home but cant forever be our home and as the author has said "The thought of having humans at another planet is a scary thought but it could forsure work if having studies correct. The more we know about the planets around us the more safier well feel knowing we have options If anything were to ever happen to planet earth. Us humuns figuring out Mars had water on it made everybody curious and want to go there just inmagine Venus. Yes it is the hottest planet but if we can cool the surface down and do something to make the weather there a little more cooler than who knows what could happen.
Dear Senator, As you know every four years a president is elected. In order for that to happen the candidates go through the process of an Electoral College or the people vote. An Electoral College is when the congress gets to vote to pick who the president and vice president will be. And the other way is when the people of that state get to vote. First, some disavantages of doing an Electoral College is if the president is bad the congress will get blammed. Vandalism, riots, breaking laws. Who knows how far people will go to get their way. And there are many more mistakes that happen. As said in the article What's wrong with the electoral college , the voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate. Now there are some disavantages for the people voting but not as many and not as bad. Yes people can still get angery and do bad things, but due to the privacy when we vote there is no one to speicficly blame. There are way more of us then the congress, so mistakes won't always affect things as bad. Next, even though there are many many disavantages and mistakes about the Electoral College there are a few advantages. Like it takes less time for the congress to vote. But to be honest why rush to fail. But by letting the people vote it gives everybody a fair chance to say their oppinion and it has so much less conflict. I admit the congress does know alot but the decesion on the president is going to mostly affect us, the people. Everybody has the right to have their own oppinion. But sometimes some make more sense then others. In my oppinion I think the people should vote. Yes, we live in a free state but there are very few things we can do to change things. The congress has power over so much and it it feels like the most people can do is say what we think, even when we know it can't change anything. We the people don't have the power to change much but by letting the people vote it can make a big differnce. Lastly, the United States is a great place and no one wants to see it go down hill from one wrong mistake. And the solution is very simple, let the people vote. The people's oppinion are very important and need to be heard! Thank you for your consideration, PROPER_NAME                      
The Mona lisa demostration is relly intended to bring a simile to your face wihile . People are trying to do new ssttuf with new tecnology but some of this peoiple dont know that some times they do need to have or use tecnology they want to just do things as there way but some times they do need to use tecnology and do what they have to do so they can fix the old stuff and new stuff the monalisa just a little simle but they can fixii it withtecnology and try to do some thinh new they have to look for more tecnology and expressions to be sure that they are doing whta they have to do in expression of the wghat they have and maind. The doctor said that they dcan fix the or modify the expression or lesson from what they are talking about . They are trying to said that they want to invent a computer that knows when are you happy and when you are sad or angry and other caind of emottions. each they there are trying to have new tecnology and new stuff they have to see whats goin on in that they have to do what they have to do. Other peopl;e dont like to see other people expressions because they get enoy from seeintg them. They are seeing video games and trying to see what can they do to modofy them . Seeing you in the miriror each they its like you are trying to see something diffirent that you can see becuse alreddy has the face that you have to see even tho they are not in the same expression ecah day becuse some times your actitud your face your simile arte the ones that can change with aout let you know each day you will hav a expressions that will change your face
Facial recognition, a thing of the future, at least that's what people thought. With the new age of innovative technology, a special field of new technology has come to the public, facial recognition software. One of the most prominent softwares in the facial recognition field is the FACS, or facial action coding system, which is what was used to figure out exactly what emotion Mona Lisa was feeling in her painting. However, this software could be used in many other fields. The ability to read and detect what emotion some are feeling is very powerful and could be implimented into certain areas such as the classroom. The usage of FACS could be very beneficial to schools for reading students emtions so teachers could see how their learning plan affects the students, organize and figure out which subjects students may enjoy more, and also allow schools to see what areas of the school may need to be improved on the most. By using facial recognition, teachers would be ablel to read the expressions on students' faces and see what their learning plan make the students feel. A prime example of how this could be used in the classroom would be in paragraph four, where the author states " 'The facial expressions for each emotion are are universal,' observes Dr. Huang, 'even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression' (like not smiling broadly). Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements." This specific example is important because by using this software, the facial movements of every student could be tracked, without worry of missing something, and could therefore help teachers distinguish how all their students feel about their lesson plan. Along with that, in paragraph six the author states something similar to this main point "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This is exactly what the point is, the computer could tell what needed to be changed and why. Along with seeing how the teacher's plan affects the students, FACS could also potentially allow students to be organized and grouped up by what subject they appear to enjoy the most. Computers and computer programs are used most often for the usage and organiztion of data, that is what defines computer code, sets of data being used in certain ways. Well, the same type of usage could be had in a classrooom for organizing which subject students liked more. In paragraph five the author writes "Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specfic emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical informatino as electronic code." This points out that code already stores the data that it takes in and knows how to use it. That takes out a step in the process of using it in the class. By having it store data, the computer could then organize it into sections based on what students appeared more happy in certain classes and help with finding interests. Also, in paraghraph four the author states "By weighing the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions." This is especially important due to the fact that sometimes students can feel mixed about the class they are in, which means the computer can help figure out how they may feel truly about the subject. Above the learning aspect, schools could see where students physically feel the best or worst in the school or class. While the majority of use would be for the learning portion of the class, FACS could also be used quite often to help discern what physical things may need to change in the school. Maybe a student in a poor chair shows discomfort and the school learns it needs better chairs. In paragraph five, the author writes "In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." While this is true, many people are able to easily figure out what a face may mean, the computer would have an even easier time doing it with lighting quick judgement and fast calculations to back it up. The usage of these quick calculations could be beneficial and allow the school to have a better input system and see exactly how the school feels, rather than relying on teahcers to figure out how the students may feel. Another good example of how the FACS could help improve school's physical aspects would be in paragraph six where the author uses and example of improvement themself by stating "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This example shows very well how the computer recognition could really tend to one's needs and how one feels, therefore helping improve the quality of the school. Overall, facial recognition software is a very promising and prominent idea for the future of classrooms. The computer's ability to see how the learning plan affects the students and change the plan based on the response to the FACS being able to organize and find which subject the students like more in their school is extremely crucial to the new innovative learning process. Also by helping improve the overall quality of the school, the software is something that certain schools should look into. Hopefully this idea of facial recognition software in schools can become a reality and eventually become a nationally recognized function to aid in the learning process. Once an idea of the future brought into the modern day, the Facial Action Coding System truly has an eye for all things emotion.
"Just be fair" quotes many people everyday. In the article "Does the Electoral College Work?" Source 1: "What Is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Rgister, Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, and Source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President." I think that the Electoral College should be abolished and to elect a president by popular vote. The first thing to remember, is that the Electoral College is unfair and needs to be changed to the popular vote because the people should be able to vote who they want to be president. The author mentions in Source: 3 paragraph 18 that "A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000-but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." This proves that with the Electoral College in place that there may be a big contreversy about who should be the next president. Arguments would also break out between the political parties that are trying to elect their canidate president. With popualar vote you could avoid all these conflicts and disputes by letting the people elect the president outright with no questions. With this in mind, there should be no Electoral College because the author suggests in Source 3: paragraph 19 that "The Electoral College requires a presidential canidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his pularity in states that he knows he will win." A presidential canidate should be able to gain votes from his region because that is the states the canidate are more familiar with so, he will be able to campaign better in those states and if he becomes president he will be equal to all the other regions. You could avoid this with the fair method of popular vote. Another key point, is that the number of votes coming from each state should be equal in the amount of votes. The author claims in Source 2: paragraph 10 that "If you lived in Texas for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you would vote for a slate of 34 electors pledged to Kerry. With popular vote you would not have to worry about all of the votes that each state gives from the Electoral College. Popular vote lets the people deside no the Electoral College deside. If two canidates were running for president and one was from Florida and the other one was from Alaska, their state could be the deciding factor which the one from Florida will win because it has more votes than Alaska which is not fair. Truly, the Electoral College should be replaced by popular vote because there is a winner-take-all system. The author shadows in Source 1: paragraph 7 that "Most states have a "winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of "proportional representation." The thing is that with a popular vote system you would not have to worry about a winner-take-all and states that have a different system than the other states. Just let the people decide and everything will be easy and fair. On the flip side, the Electoral College should not be replaced because it avoids any type of run-off election that may occur. The author argues in Source 3: paragraph 22 that "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in wich no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast." This shows that with the Electoral College it would relieve all of the stress that is put on a canidate when they are running and the stress could also complicate the process of electing the president. With the Electoral College their will be a winner no matter what happens which will clearly the most fair way to complete the process of electing the president. To conclude, after analyzing the article "Does the Electoral College Work?" Source 1: "What Is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Register, Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, and Source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral Collge: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner I think that the Electoral College should be replaced by a popular vote system.
I do not think that there should be driverless cars. Driverless cars still need a driver in them. They also can drive around or know if a road is getting fixed. The cars could also be dangerous. These are reason why i think we should no have driverless cars. First reason why we should have driverless cars, is because they cars still need to have a driver in them. The car should not be conicered driverless if they still need a driver to take over just in case of an accident ahead. The cars also do not have eyes can not see, how will it work at night. Also during the winter the driverless cars would have a lot of accidents because of snow and ice. Second reason, is the cars would not know when there is a dead end or the roads are getting fixed. These cars could run off the road if a bridge was not complete. The computer hardware could go down in the middle of driving and people could died. These cars are not humans, and could kill lots of people because of simple mistakes. My final reason is these cars can be dangerous because how would they know when children are running through the streets. These cars would not be safe around children or eldery people. In the article its says "If the technology fails and someone was injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufactuer?". How will the law handle situtations like these, who would be at fault they would not know. I do not think they should be driverless cars for many reasons. There are also, some good reason why we could have them. A couple reason are they dont use as much gas, they do thing that humans can not do, but these cars can be dangerous to the community. i think that there should not be driverless cars, and cars should say how they are.
This technology that can read students' emotional expression is good. Because it can read student's behavior. For example if a student is becoming confused or bored,then the teacher will know it, by looking in the technology. Then the teacher will help the student for her or his problem. Student can also use this technology for their family,friends and the people arround them,to know what their emotion or what they gonna do. For example if there's a man in your back and he's trying to hurt you,you can act quickly because the technology will tell you and you can run away from that man. I support my claim by this evidence from the article in paragraph four,the facial expressions for each emotion are universal observes Dr. huang, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression (like not smiling as broadly).Using video imagery,the newemotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements. Yeah, this technology will work really good for student. Also for teachers' and people who needed it. Becaus they can see what their friends expression or emotion if they gonna say somethin on them. If the technology tell you that your friends is sad you can tell them something to make them happy. This technology is really helpful for student and not just student,it can also help teacher and many people.
Exploring Venus may be dangerous but very interesting. It is dangerous because Venus is the second planet closest to the sun. So it is really hot in Venus. Venus is sometimes called, "The Evening Star." While Venus is very simple to see from a good distant but a safe point of Earth, it is proved that is very challenging to study more closely. I think studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because we should travel and study more planets to see what else lives beyond us, dangers shouldn't hold us back from meeting the very edges of imagination and innovation, and Venus has value and us humans are curious. The first reason why we should study Venus is because we should travel and study more planets to see what else lives beyond us. Venus is often referred to as "Earth's twin," because of the size and density. Earth, Venus, and Mars our other plantary neighbors. Venus may be scary to travel too. But people should study Venus first and if they would want to risk their lives to see what is up there and how Venus is, then they could. They could also try making special suits so that you could survive if you go to Venus. In the text it says,"Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." Well if that is a issue then they need to study Venus more and then make suits that can prevent the heat from coming towards them so they could survive the travel and come back with pictures, information. etc. This is one reason why we should study Venus because it is a worthy pursuit. The second reason why we should study Venus is because dangers shouldn't hold us back from meeting the very edges of imagination and innovation. They say in the text, "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." Once people hear this type of information, they get scared because they don't want to die from heat. But you got to realize how Venus may look or how interesting it might be. Venus once was a Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was covered largely with oceans and supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Maybe if we study Venus you could find fossils or things that were left there. It use to be beautiful but you never know what was left. In my opinion, astronomers should start investigating and try making suits that prevent heat and things like that so people could travel to Venus and see how it actually looks now and see if they find anything. That is my second reaoson why we should study Venus because it is a worthy pursuit. The third reason why we should study Venus is because Venus has value and us humans are curious. In the text it states, "Striving t meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally initimidating endeavors." Really, it means most people are scared to travel to Venus because of the heat issues. But really, people are wondering how Venus actually looks. People are going to start making things up about how Venus looks or false information because going to Venus is like a death sentence. That is why astronomers should make heat prevetion and life protection suits so people could travel to Venus and see the values and views and beauty. The travels on Earth shouldn't be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet our thoughts and ideas. This is the third reason why we should study Venus because of the worthy pursuit. I think studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because we should travel and study more planets to see what else lives beyond us, dangers shouldn't hold us back from meeting the very edges of imagination and innovation, and Venus has value and us humans are curious. Venus seems like a very interesting planet to visit and i would love to see how it actually looks. I hope one days astronomers makes those suits. People would love to see how Venus looks. Even if it is very risky, let's take the risk and try. These are my reasons why we should study Venus because it is a worthy pursuit, even if it is dangerous.
The Electoral college is a very important part in the constitution allowing the citizens of the United states as well as congress voting as well. This usally would seem fair but to some it seems like it does not matter what the people vote but what congress and the electoral college vote on. Im going to side with the keeping on the college. The reasons i want to keep the college is the simple fact that it lets states electors decide on whom they want to vote for. The college itself has 538 electors and in order for a memeber of the republicans or democrates to become president they would need more then half those votes 270 to be exact. You do have a word in this say when you vote for your canidate your actually voting for its electors not the person whos gonna be president. For me i believe that those who want to remove the electoral college possibly look at is as it being unfair. But its actually a fair voting system. Consider how many people are in the United states. If every single persons vote would be tallyed it would take a massive longer time to tally up the votes. Also another reason why they think its not fair is each state might have a higher percentage of one party like more republicans and less democrats. I think that in a way most people dont really have a party so their vote goes unjudged and they choose who they want in the office. Lets take a more indepth look on why people want the electoral college being removed.  They say that under the electoral college system voters vote not for the president but for a state of electors, who in turn elect the president. They believe that over 60 percent of voters prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. Apparently this years voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could lose the presidency. Heres the peoples best argument against the electoral college is what they might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy.(So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.) In the same vein, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate. This Mr Senator may seem like alot of words to you but this is actually talking about changing the electoral college so that the people word would seem more important to them instead of voting for electors. So i believe we need to keep the college and avoid the possibilty of the peoples word going it a bit higher then what it already is.
People have their own opinions about the Electoral College; whether it should be taken away or kept. They have good reasons, but honestly do they really need the electors to vote for our people? The Electoral College should be abolished. Why do people still defend the electoral college? The voters don't even vote for a president. They vote for a slate of electors. Why can't us voters control the electors. You're not really voting for the president, you're basically voting for electors who are pledged to the specific candidate. The electoral college isnt needed. Let the voters vote for who they want. They know what that candidate is gonna do for their people when they become president. We don't need people who are pledged to that candidate to keep debating over them. It states that when you vote for a presidential candidate, you are actually voting for a slate of electors. The Electoral College stays with us, only to keep the voting in balance. They should just do the winner-take-all. Everyone despises the electoral college. It has no purpose to be retained, but only to keep the voting balanced.
The face on the plante of Mars was not created by aliens. Scientist have been studying this object for many years and with the new high-tech cameras and the new gear they have they are able to look at the picture very much more clear. The scientist have been studying and have recently just found out that it was just to be a mesa. The mesa is very common in Cydonia as it states in the article. It would make a tlot of sense if it would just be found out that it actually was. The huge face was studied by Jim Garvin. He traveled to Cydoia to take a look at the face for his self. When he arrived by the huge mesa he took a very good picture to prove it was only a mesa and nothing more. Many people were not happy when they found out what Jim had to say. They were making statements that it was a winter day in that part of "The Red Planet" so it was very cloudy and so he probably just didn't see any of the symbols or signs that the aliens must have made. The surveyor then went to Mars again in 2001 when it was all summer time by the huge mesa and he then took another photo. " The photo was an extraordinary photo that was taken." says Garvin himself. They eventually found out that it actually wasn't anything that the aliens have made but only a mesa. Many other people or scientist might say that it is part of alien life because of where it was placed and how it actually looks. People say it is a sign from the aliens or martians. It is impossible for it to be from the aliens because it has been studied for years and years and photos have been taken multiple times to show that it was nothing more than only a mesa. Aliens don't have the knowledge to know how to make a human face because they have never seen one before. How would an alien or a martian know what a human face looks like. They don't lnow so it couldn't have been from any alien activity My ruling stands in what in know about the mesa that was found on Mars. People cant argue because it was scientifically proven that it is not a face on the face of the planet it is only a mesa. The mesa on the planet is only a natural landform that happens to look like a face. Nothing more and nothing less.
I would type the more thorough answer, but being timed prevents me from doing that, so I'll make it quick. The main advantage I noticed is the decrease in air pollution. Being able to produce smog across an entire city like Paris is impressive alone, but...after reading Paragraph 17 in Source 2 ("Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals..."), I'm not all too surprised. Another thing I'm not surprised about are French delivery companies whining about not getting paid enough during the ban ( Paragraph 18, Source 2 ). Guess what: It's just money, green sheets of decorated paper. Deal with it! Also, I noticed that Bogota holds a "Car-Free Day" once a year. Honestly, I say "Well played." Treating it as an annual tradition is the right move to get a group of people, regardless of amount, to do something. It's been getting positive comments ( Paragraph 24, Source 3 ), as well, which is a sign that it will last a long time. To sum it up, the second advantage is that it gives people the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. That's basically the most brief explanation I can give that makes sense.
Reading this article on "Making Mona Lisa Smile" there would have to be an agreement on technology to read the emotional expressions of students. Well technology to begin with now adays is so advanced almost anything is possible. The reasoning behind how computers can read peoples emotions is proven by The Facial Action Coding System. The sensors in a computer can decode how you are feeling just by the movement in a persons face called the "action unit." Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS, has already classified the six basic emotions-happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. This is based off the movement of our facial muscles. There are different muscles in your face that help our cheeks, eyes, mouth and forehead to move different ways when we make different facial expressions. When we are angry, we squint our forehead together and our mouth tightens. When we are happy, the eyes squint and rise, along with our cheeks and mouth. it opens wide and the corners of our mouth also rise. along with our other emotions, FACS detects the movement of these muscles and determines whether we are happy or just faking it. Even by the slightest different movement, when a smile is on your face but isnt't real. Everyday, its seen on someones face normally their true emotion. If a person is smiling but not a big, and you are surrounded by this person, you may be able to tell if it's real or not. FACS proved that it van detect emotion through videos, images, or even in a mona lisa painting. Yes, I agree with the article that was written becuase not only from the evidence that was supported in the article, everyone has put on a face that wasn't real and had been called out on it. Even the expressions a person makes are instinctual. When you get angry, sad, or happy, you make a face unintentionally before you even think about it. A person doesn't put on a front when they stub there toe. That persons face will cringe and they may cry or scream. FACS is accurate and even without it, it's sort of a given how someone is feeling by their facial expressions.
I do think this could be helpful in many ways, and could help in many ways. It's crazy what some technology can do now days. I think this could be used in a lot of mental and health situations if people are wanting help. This could help the doctor with these problems. But if they start using this in schools and things like that it might not work out as well. Thats just because some kids may not want that or parents. I don't think this would be very helpful in a classroom. I don't see how it would work and help the school out or anyhing. Unless they are trying to track kids mental and emotional health. And this program is proabably a lot of money to have on computers. Some schools they can spend their money on better things for the kids of the school. Personal I just don't think it could help schools unless they have the program and are using this program for learning perposes. Yes some schools and collages will use this for learning topics and other things for the kids to learn off of. But other than schools then school the only people I could see having this is like doctors or hospitals. It would be cool in the future if this could turn into a thing for animals and we could see their emotional and mental health. We would be able to see what like dogs or cats are thiking if they are happy or sad. But this could be bigger in the near future and maybe could help a lot of people. I just don't see how it could help with anything that much. But everything usally has a reason why it's made and it will be used by some people with certain jobs with stuff like this. The big thing on it is it really could help with people that have emotional problems or i guess mental problems too. Or if someone is depressed real bad or something like that.
In the article the author talks about machines and computers that can tell what a person is feeling like. The author does make very valid points in the article, explaining and giving well thought out details about the process as it helps us readers understand. The author claims that this machine can tell what you are feeling by ur facial structure in the moment and how your cheek bones and eyebrows and other parts of your face affect that. This is very valuable because the author has plenty of evidence behind it all. An example is the Mona LIsa. They inspected all of her bones in her face with one of these machines and results came back and seemed very valuable with reasoning. This also could easily help students like us in the future, students are very well off task a lot of tines and makes it very boring for us to learn things. So machines like this can keep us and teachers on track when we are not focused or even learning. Students very often get bored of learning the same way and same pace as others. The students get very eager to learn a new way and not the same all the time. These machines can recognize when we arent learning properley by telling that we are bored or not focused. For an example in the article it states that, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is confused or bored", "Then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." This explains how we could be getting a new way to learn just by a machine guiding us by itself to do so. This could very much help students everywhere out, because we know that all student dont learn as affective and the some pace. So the students who need it all slowed down a little can have a much better learning experience because it can tell when you need this kind of help. This technology would definitley help out students now and in the future, it gives them a more wide and better learning experience. This FACS is very intelligent telling what and how people are feeling in any type of moment and situation, just by bones in your face. Now affording these in classrooms might be a big issue because they will be overpriced for schools to even have some if any. Low income schools will be in a very tough situation with this because unfortunatley lower income schools are the ones that need these machines the most, to help the chidren get the type of education that they want, and need. So as long as prices arent varied by place and can stay low, all schoold should have these types of learning tools because it really does help these children, and could have a better success rate in lower schools.
The Beginning Of A Car-Free World Cars are an integral part of society today, from the hustling bustling cities to far out in the countryside, these machines can be found everywhere, but lately there has been a new trend spreading across the modern world: The limitations on cars. The use of cars is steadily decreasing throughout the Americas and Western Europe. Germany home to the most advanced car-free suburban community VAUBAN. VAUBAN is the pinnacle of modern car-free suburban living, the new area lies just outside of Freiburg, providing a near complete self sufficient way of living, without relying on the use of cars. As the case with most suburban residences, getting to and from the urban cities is nessessary due to the need to restock food and get to work. In the case of this city it has significantly reduced the emitions from vehicles via public transport and the erection of several shops, just walking distance from the community. Due to the smog caused by the rise of pollution by the emitions of vehicles, Paris made an attempt to ban cars from its streets, alternating between even numbered and odd numbered liscense plates. The ban sparked outrage among the citizens over the strictness of the ban, but the effects were worthwhile as the smog had cleared up enough for the ban to be lifted. The limitations on carsare not just restricted to Europe, the Americas have also taken an intrest in reducing the pollution caused by cars. In 2002 BOGOTA, Colombia, for the third year in a row had a day completely devoid of cars. The participants, all of Bogota's 7 million citzens, used seperate means of transportation to cut the emitions released by cars, only permitting the use of buses and taxis as vehicular transportation. In the U.S. the use of cars is on the decline, with the number of miles driven per person dropping 9% as of April 2013 to record lows scince January 1995. This decrease is caused in part by the recovering economy and the arrival of new methods of keeping in touch. The executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company, Bill Ford, has proposed a plan to create a world where the personal ownership of a vehicle would be in his words "impractical and undesirable." In this new age of awareness to the effects of pollution and the means to fight against them, these limitations may be the first steps on a long journey to the restoration of our planet.
Many places in Europe, Paris, Colombia, and The United States have all had a "car-free day" or less driving each year. These changes have showed such a drastic change in lower air pollution and smog in the atmospher. As well as less pollution there has been a drastic change in amount of crowed areas, and less driving. These are all advantages, as well as the less amount spent on car and license plates in each of these cities. Limiting car usage has such a drastic change on the enviorment as well as the citzens pockets. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe.."  (Source 1) Paris enforced a partial driving ban to have cleaner air after almost reaching a new record for polluted air. Paris has much more smog and polluted areas than Europeans capitals which are known as the most conjested areas. In Bogota, Colombia many people rode on buses and bikes and even walked to there destination on car-free days to reduce smog. Those who did not follow the rule where fined up to 25$.  A businessman Carlos, rode a two- seat bike for him and his wife and stated, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower aur pollution." After this huge event other Colombian cities joined this event for advantages of low pollution. In the United State, "Has America passed peak driving?" (Source 4) In 2005 there was a show in less driving and since it has decreased. If this decreasing of driving continues to change there will be such a huge advantage on the air pollution from cars. As well as less air pollution, the change in driving cars and "car-free days" has lead to less overloading areas and conjestion.                              
I fell that people should enter the Seagoing Cowboys program for a number of reason so lets get going. So when people hear these bad things about what is going on in the world. Then many people want to see what they have to do to help. Also you have your lazy people in this world that don't even give two cares. So how about letting me do some persausion on this subject. I think that if people participate than there will be a lot less world hunger. So for instants there are people in a different country right now starving, and just waiting for people to show up and help them. And the people that join the Seagoing Cow boys program have a great opportunity to help these other people. They also have a great opportunity to go out and explore many, many countries. If I were a grown man and a friend of mine ask me if I would want to go on an expidition to help another country I would probly say yes just to get to help people around the world. So well I think that is all and I hope my essay would help people think about this if it ever got published. Also to the lazy people who don't care imagin itf your mom was in one of those countries starving to death. But I guess that is just some people like that I would hope. So well I think I covered every thing on my mind untill the next essay goodbye.
The face is fake. there is a lot of evadence that the face is fake. for one,in all three pictures it looks different. also the" face" it not even simular to a face. it also says that the camra had to look close to get a pic. Also another reasion I think that it is fake is because it says that the face looked like an egyotian pharaoh and it has no resemblence what so ever. I also think tghat maby the face was made by somone from earth so that thay could make people beleve that there are ailens and that thay are probaly were verrry upset because thay thought that ailens were real and that thay were dangerions. in the paragraph it says that there spacecraft was circling the earth and that they got photos, i dont think that is true because thay also said that thay were trying to havew it get better pics because it was all cloudy. I think that if it was cloudy than thay would not have as good as picturs. I also think that thay are verry unedicated about the alian subject and that thay think thay are real and even might say that thay dont have any proof. the proof might scare people so much thay might beleve them and thay actully will care abouth if thay are righy.
Limiting car usage is one of the best things people can do in their everyday lives. Do something different for once! Life shouldn't be a dragging repeating cycle every day. Leaving your car at home and riding public transportation, or carpooling with friends, or walking, or biking; the options are endless! There are a ton of excellent and viable options that also happen to help reduce carbon emissions and let you feel good about yourself by helping the environment. Just some reasons are happiness, excercise, and reducing carbon emissions. It's not everyday I get to ride in a car with my friends to school. Just imagine, if every four people drove to school everyday instead of driving by themselves, think of all the emissions that would stop. Heck, even riding the school bus lowers carbon emissions. This is all reality. If cities slowly started removing cars and making shops and food more within easy transportation distance, It would definitely make a difference on the looming threat of the ozone layer holes and carbon pollution. Even having one-day events, such as Bogota, Colombia's Car Free Day as seen in Source 3, would let people realize how big this is and the difference it would make to everyday life (in a good way) Happiness is something people that live in modern United States may experience scarcely, or not as often as they think. Present life consists of a huge amount of stress to humans. Having a car may seem like it facilitates life at first, but it just becomes a burden that most people feel forced to carry. Putting things in the trunk and later forgetting them, paying for expensive gasoline, driving back and forth to places, how tiring it is to drive for long times, and the biggest car polluters, traffic congestion, are just some of the reasons why I definitely don't look forward to getting a car in my future, if I ever do. I would rather ride my bike and take a bus while exercising and transporting myself to get to places at the same time, and laughing at the people in traffic jams.  
the facial action coding system that enables computer to identify human emotion. i think its a good idea because you can tell if someone is upset. we should intall this technology because see can see if any of your sudents understand the lessionn or the homework that you give them. its six basic emotions happiness,surpise,anger,disgust fear,and sadness- and than associted each with characteristic moveements of the facial muscles like raies your eyebrows when your are surpised your obicularis oris ariund the mouth tigtens your lip to show your anger you can prbably tell how a friend is feeing base on ther face. most people would have trouble know for face expressing. in the mona lisa demonsttration is really inteded to bring a smile to your face while the computercsn do so much better. the computer can show your mood of you at the time say if you were lokking at something like a video and you like some eles would pop up on the computer and bring another one if you were to studied human anatomy would help them paint facial muscle precisely enough to convery specific emotions. is all about those muscular action units in the face. emotion moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but also may even help produce them
If you want to be a helpful person who also wants to have a fun and hard working experience, come and sign up for Seagoing Cowboys. I have had a great experience on the cattle boat and it also felt great helping others in need. When you are on the cattle boat you will experience an oppertunity of a lifetime. I think that the cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable oppertunity for a small town boy like me. I also think that besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. One time, I took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. I also toured an excavated castle in Crete an marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. I also found to have some fun aboard, espeacially on return trips when the animals had been unloaded. We played baseball and voleyball game in the empty holds where animals had been housed. We also played table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. So as you can see, being a Seagoing Cowboy is fun and hard, but it is worth a shot.
The Face Have you ever heard of a planet having a face? Neither have I. Even though there seems to be eyes, a nose, and a mouth, on a planet, does not mean that this sighting can't be a natural landform, and it also doesn't prove that there is life in space.That is why "The Face", is just a natural landform. "The Face", is just a natural landform because they can't prove that aliens are real. People think that they have seen UFO'S in the sky, but how can they prove that it was not just a shooting star? They can not prove it. Not even the smartest scientist or astronaut can prove that UFO'S are real, because they have no physical evidence, Just like Aliens. Out side of Earth is a completely different system. there is very little ways for aliens and life forms to live there. Yet again, they only have weird sightings like "The Face" to explain their reasoning for life in outer space and on other planets. There is not life in outerspace, or on any planet, even though, the other side would bring up UFO'S, and bring movies like "E.T" to state their proposition, how do we know that these "UFO'S" are not just shooting stars or helicoptors, and movies like "E.T" are fiction, even though they seem so real and so believable, it is quite obvious that its just not possible. NASA has never had any sighting or any true proof that life does exist outside of our world, and even when they get the slightest and silliest ideas that there is life, they get the worlds hopes up and then when people ask for evidence, they say something like "there is currently no physical evidence, however research says "...". " You get the picture. it just cant be proved, and most likely wont ever be able to be proved. finally, "The Face", people are obsessed with, is really just a landform, a very cool landform indeed. There were no aliens responsible for this landform, or any other landform. it was most likely, just created by the draft, or by the seasons of the planets, maybe even created by the gases that are in outerspace. That is why the face on the planet is just a natural landform and in no way related to other life.
We don't realize it, but pollution has gotten worse. Although, with the help from Columbia and Germany's bans on cars, we can change that. Why drive someplace that's down the street, when you could save the gas and money and walk, or maybe even ride a bike? All around the world people use cars to their advantage and even though it seems like just a little ride around the block, it's really making more pollution spread out into the air. Vauban,Germany has made the decision to ban all cars. There are two ways to keep your car: by buying a parking lot space down town, $40,000, along with a home; or large car garages at the edge of the development. Taking away stress is another advantage for giving up your car. Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two says, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." Walking doesn't add pollution to the air. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gases emissions in Europe; and up to 50  percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. Bikes and scooters have the same effect as a car, just with less pollution. Just by riding a bike you are not only not sending out pollution, you are getting a free workout. Just by even car pooling you are saving your country from being overthrown by polluted air. "All of our development since the World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change," said David Golberg, an official of Transportation for America, "How much you drive is as important as whether you have a hybrid." Many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a new six-year federal transportation bill to be apporved this year. In previous bills, 80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport. The car is one way to get around town, to travel, to car pool. However, with one less car we could change the way we live in the future. Imagine, less smog, more people walking and riding bikes to get to places, and less people being stressed. We could be setting a forever-lasting trend.
I, think for one of my that we should keep, the old methods are founding fathers have created. The Electoral college has work for hundreds of years. Sure it has some flukes in the system but many can be buffered. Some problems can be fix, but we deffinitaly don't need to switch it up. for the Electoral College each party is eqaul in the race for president. Each candidate running for president in our state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are chosen from by the candidates political party, the states vary on how they are to be selected. You help choose your stat's elector when you vote for president,  really because you vote for your candidate you really are actually voting for your candidate selected electors. After these few steps in the Electorical College once all the voting is settled a Certifcate of Ascertainment also declares the winning predsidential candidate in your state at a meeting in December of election year. The certificate is sent to the Congress and the National Archives as part of offical records to the presidential election, then you wait. Now, some people disagree with me on not keeping the old method. Some people thing now is a good time to start a new way, or tradition. many people of the US also thing that there are many flukes in the Electorial College. quoted " At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters ". I strongly disagree with that quote because the voter no matter what is voting for there side. Weather they are voting for democrate, or republican the vote goes to an elector and then brought to state, which goes in as a vote for presidence. another quote released " It's offical: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational". Now how is that qouted true when for years the Electorial College has worked everytime. Finally, the reasons on why we should keep the same method. The reasons on why we should keep these methods in general. These reasons are Certainty of Outcome, Swinging States, Big States, and the Avoidence  of Run-Off elections. All these reasons are valid reasons on why we should keep the sam method. Certainty of outcome we always have and outcome and rarly a problem. We have swinging states which gives each candidate a equal fight. Also big states in which can cause can great break through for a candidate if they win the state over. These are all valid reasons on for why we should keep the electorial college going.
Driveless Cars are the future? Many may think so but some may oppose them. The're people whom think they should be the ones controlling the car not the other way around. But why not let the people who want them have it, yes some maybe be lazy not wanting to drive. Others would just like to relax while being in their cars. Yes I do believe this cars should be continued to be developed, but people should still have some kind of control of those cars. Many just think that just because those cars are selfdrive that people dont have to worry about driving. They are wrong they still should be able to take over in cast of en emergancy or if they just want too drive instead. They would also have to stay awake and watch if the car is going the right way or something. Meaning that you would still have control over your car and tell it what to do. So that way if there happen to be en accident they cant blame you for it. Also in many cases you or the manufacturer would be blame but I believe the police should dig deep and see whos fault really was and not just blame someone for believing it was them. Driveless Cars should be continued to be developed as technology is the future. Yes many may believe that people are just letting others do the working for them. But its the 21th centery. We should be able to keep expanding our technology to everything and everywhere. Including cars as it could help to not have as many accidents as we now have. It would be a win for everyone as they also use half the gas taxis use now days. Plus you'll still have control over your cars but you can also just relax whenever you want.