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Nuclear Fuel Assembly (NFA) Inspection Videos

This repository contains inspection data from three nuclear fuel assemblies (NFAs) of varying ages and deformation levels. Each assembly is inspected on all six hexagonal faces, with corresponding videos and supplementary data files provided for each face. Dataset Contents.

This dataset was generated by a simulator described in the publication Simulating Nuclear Fuel Inspections: Enhancing Reliability through Synthetic Data.

Each NFA contains the following data per face:

  • Inspection video
  • Video Report Card: Human readable PDF document with summarizing inspection parameters
  • Shifts CSV: Frame-wise displacement data (x, y, z)
  • 3D Model and visualizations: PLY format 3D representation of the assembly and its visualizations
  • Simulation Parameters: JSON file containing input simulation settings
  • Results Parameters: JSON file containing result of some simulated features

Use Cases

This dataset was used for:

  • Validation/Evaluation of existing algorithms
  • Training models for detection/segmentation tasks

Folder Structure

Each NFA has one video for each of its 6 faces (F1, ..., F6).

├── NFA_1/
│   ├── F1/
│   │   ├── video.mp4
│   │   ├── video_report.pdf
|   |   ├── metadata/
|   |   |   ├── shifts.csv
|   |   |   ├── fa_model.ply
|   |   |   ├── results.json
|   |   |   ├── simulation_parameters.json
|   |   |   ├── bow_div.png
|   │   │   └── shrunk.png
│   ├── F2/ (same structure)
│   └── ... (remaining faces)
├── NFA_2/ (same structure as NFA_1)
└── NFA_3/ (same structure as NFA_1)

Detailed Input Simulation Parameters

The simulation_parameters.json file contains metadata describing the simulation and inspection setup. Below is a detailed breakdown of the keys:

  1. General Simulation Settings:

    • n_textures: Number of unique surface textures applied to the fuel rods during simulation.
    • seed: Random seed value for reproducibility of simulation results.
  2. Geometrical Properties of the Assembly:

    • rod_height_mm: Height of each fuel rod in millimeters.
    • rod_width_mm: Width (diameter) of each fuel rod in millimeters.
    • rod_gap_mm: Distance (gap) between adjacent fuel rods in millimeters.
    • grid_tops_mm: Array specifying the vertical positions of the grid spacers along the fuel rods in millimeters.
    • span_margin_mm: Area around grid unaffected by bow millimeters for assembly rod positioning.
    • rods_per_face: Number of rods on each face of the hexagonal assembly.
    • rod_centers: Array of coordinates representing the positions of rod centers (likely in a local reference frame).
  3. Deformation Parameters:

    • max_bow_mm: Maximum bowing (curvature) of FA in millimeters.
    • max_divergence_mm: Maximum bow of indivial rods in millimeters (final bow of each rod consists of rod bow added to NFA bow).
    • max_z_displacement_mm: Maximum axial displacement of the rods in millimeters. Used as a simulation of rod growth.
  4. Visual and Environmental Settings:

    • cloudiness: Level of homogenous surface oxidation.
    • cam_res_x: Horizontal resolution of the simulated inspection camera in pixels.
    • cam_res_y: Vertical resolution of the simulated inspection camera in pixels.

Detailed Output Parameters

The results.json contains parameters calculated by the simulator.

  • rod_growth_mm - An array of growth for each rod in millimeters.
  • cam_speed_mm_per_s - A speed of a camera mm/s.


For any questions or issues, please contact [email protected]

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