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2 versal exponent (see Fig. 1 and Eqs. (9)). The emer- gent continuous symmetry ensures that is the for a
at isotropic membrane [30]. Finally, we study the transition to a tubular phase (discussed ear- lier in Refs.[31{35]), where an anisotropic 2D membrane is crumpled along one direction. We demonstrate that for a generic anisotropic membrane such transition oc- curs inevitably with increase of temperature. However, for the realistic above-mentioned 2D materials it happens at unphysically high temperature (of the order of tens of eV). Model. | The free energy describing thermal
uctua- tions in the
at phase of a 2D membrane with orthorhom- bic crystal symmetry can be written as 4c66u2 xyi : where ris ad=dc+2 dimen- sional vector parametrizing the membrane. For physi- cal membranes, dc=1 while anharmonic eects can be eciently described in terms of an expansion in 1 =dc. The the elastic moduli of 2D crystalline material. In the case of the tetragonal crystal symmetry holds. For graphene which has the hexagonal symmetry, the bend- ing energy is isotropic, andc66=. For we allow for generic candc66. We choose the following parametrization of the such that u= (2
1)=2 + ~u, no summation over repeating indices is implied. The vectors for in-plane and out-of-plane displacements, low enough temperatures (see below), we can neglect the term @u@uin comparison with @h@hin Eq. (2). Then, following Ref. [13], we integrate over u and obtain the eective free energy written in terms of the out-of-plane phonons only we introduce We as- sume that the following inequalities hold They guarantee that the bending rigidity {0()>0 for all angles FIG. 2. (a) The RPA-type resummation for the Young's mod- ulus. (b) The self-energy correction to rst order in 1 =dc. The solid line represents the bare Green's function Gk. The thin (thick) dashed line denotes the (bare) screened interaction.
, such that the membrane is stable against transition into a tubular phase at zero temperature. The bare value of the Young modulus reads ( is fully [37] Y0(q) bending rigidity in Eq. (3) is subject to {0()!{(), and, consequently, shows anoma- lous scaling. This can be fully described by the coupling that 0 <
<1andjtj<1. The parameter
con- trols asymmetry between xandyaxes existing in the orthorhombic symmetry class. The case
=1 corre- sponds to the tetragonal symmetry, where t0describes the tetragonal distortion of the bending energy of the membrane. By rescaling of the ky7!kyp
: (6) one can represent the bending energy in Eq. (3) in a fashion formally similar to a system with the = ~{[1 +tcos(4)]=(1 +t): (7) We emphasize that after the rescaling (6) the free energy Fhas still a symmetry that is lower than the tetragonal one due to the quartic term in h. The modied Young's modulus ~Y0() still depends explicitly on
. However, the elastic properties of membranes in the universal region are independent of a particular form of ~Y0()[13, 14, | Fordc1 the eective free en- ergyFcan be analyzed by treating the quartic inter- action perturbatively. The necessary information can be extracted from the exact two-point Green's the average is taken with re- spect to the free energy F. The quadratic part of F determines the bare Green's function usual, the bare interaction, ~Y0(), between
ex- ural phonons is screened by RPA-type diagrams (see Fig. 2a). The screened interaction becomes indepen- dent of ~Y0() in the long wave limit, is the Ginzburg length. Here
denotes a typical value of the elastic moduli. There- fore, atqqthe theory (3) becomes independent of the coupling constant
as a consequence of emergent hidden symmetry. The screened interaction behaves as q2=dcat q!0. This facilitates construction of the regular pertur- bation theory in 1 =dcfor the self-energy diagram in Fig. 2b). The perturbation theory for
khas infrared logarithmic divergences as k!0. They can be used to extract the RG behavior of the bending rigidity ~ {()(see Supplemental Material [38]). The RG equations (to the lowest order in 1 =dc) can be written in the following form (= ln( q=k)), d
d= ~{(0)=~{0. We stress that the rst of these equations is a consequence of the hidden sym- metry and is not limited by 1 =dcexpansion. We note also thatg(t) is an odd function. RG functions gand
tend to constants as t!1 and have the expansions at (see Fig. 3). Fort! 1 the function g(t) tends to the constant There exists an infra-red stable line of xed points at t=0 at which the bending rigidity scales just like for isotropic membranes, ~ {(q=k), where
'2=dc. Eqs. (8) implies that the line of xed points can only be reached asymptotically, t(k=q) , with expo- nent 65=(27dc). This crossover exponent determines the rate at which the bending rigidity approaches the elliptical form; see Fig. 1. Beyond 1=dcexpansion. | The stable line of xed points att=0 emerges as the RG equations for tand ~{
in Eqs.(8) are independent of
(see Fig. 1). We reiter- ate that the existence of the line of the xed points is a direct consequence of the emergent hidden symmetry of the theory in the universal regime, qq, and, thus, goes beyond the lowest order expansion in 1 =dc. Hence, such line of xed points exists for physical membranes with dc=1. For arbitrary it is natural to assume that (i) the line of stable xed points remains stable ( >0), (ii) there are no higher harmonics in ~ {() are generated under the RG
ow, (iii) t=0 is the only xed point in the interval 0 6t<1. Then, the elasticity -- kh/(+kh) /(+)FIG. 3. The functions g(t) and(t), that enter the RG Eqs. (8), and the function f(t) that determines transition temper- ature to the tubular phase are shown. 2D membranes with the orthorhombic crystal symmetry in the universal regime can be deduced from of isotropic inverse rescaling to Eq. (6), we nd that in the original coordinate system the anomalous elasticity is described by the eective bending rigidity and rst glance, these equations obey only the of orthorhombic phase, which is simply the discrete symmetry of an ellipse. Remarkably, there is also a hidden continuous symmetry related to the above men- tioned rescaling. Indeed, after rescaling, the with {xxand{yyis reduced to the isotropic one. The hidden symmetry is just an arbitrary rotation of this eective isotropic model. The scaling of {eandYewith the absolute value of momentum is controlled by the critical exponent , known for the isotropic membrane. For dc1 it is [26], whereas fordc=1 the numerics predicts =0:7950:01 [39]. The change of the angular dependence of the bending rigidity upon the RG
ow is illustrated in Fig. 1. For independent of the angle. Thus a mem- brane with the tetragonal crystal symmetry is equivalent to an isotropic membrane in the universal regime. The mechanics of a membrane on the line of the xed points remains anisotropic. Under application of an uni- directional tension, x, along the xaxis the along the xandyaxes are the critical exponent , which controls law (10), is expressed via exactly in the same way as in an isotropic membrane, ==(2 ). As ex- pected, the membrane is deformed easier in the direc- tion for which the bending rigidity is smaller. For ex- ample, from Eq. (10) it follows that We note that the power-law behavior (10) holds The results for along the yaxis can be obtain from Eq. (10) under the following interchange x$yand
. The anomalous Hooke's law (10) results in absolute Poisson's ratio. In the anisotropic
at phase one nds for witha1:760:02 de- notes the absolute Poisson's ratio for the isotropic mem- brane [26]. We mention that the following relation holds,
4. Therefore, the measurement of the abso- lute Poisson's ratios in the regime of anomalous allows one to uniquely characterize the anisotropy in bending phase. | Usually, the crumpling transition is deduced from the equation of states that relates the stretching factor and the external tension. In the absence of the latter the equation of states, the dependence of 2
on temperature. Instead, fol- lowing Ref. [40], we introduce the factor, that includes contributions from the
exural phonons than a given momentum k. The can be cast in the form of the RG +t 1 t1=2 ; 2 x( = 0) = 1 :(12) The RG equation for 2 ycan be obtained from Eq. (12) by interchange xandy. At low temperatures the
at phase, in which 2
(k) is positive for all k<q, is with increase of temperature 2 x(k) vanishes at some nite value of k. At the same time 2 y(k) is still positive for all k<q. Therefore, the tubular phase exists above the transition temperature Tx=T(0) xf(t0) for the temperature of the crumpling transition at t0=0. We note that the crum- pling occurs along the direction, x, that corresponds to the smaller bare bending rigidity, {(0) xx<{(0) yy. The func- tionf(t) can be found from RG equations (8) and (12) [38]. We note that f(t) is a monotonously with and f(1)0:3. The function f(t) is shown in Fig. 3. With even more increase of temperature the tubular phase transition [32, 34]. For
<1 the tubular phaseatT>T ycorresponds to 2 y(k=0)=0. The transition be obtained from the expression for Tx upon interchange | As illustration of our theory we em- ploy it to 2D black phosphorus. We are not aware of di- rect measurements of elastic and bending moduli of phos- phorene. Recent numerical calculations reports the fol- lowing magnitudes: and c6622:4 (measured in N/m) [41] as well as {(0) xx8:0 eV [42]. This yields the inverse nm 1. Hence, anomalous elasticity should dominate elastic properties of available size samples. We remind that the Young's modu- lus and bending rigidity of graphene are 340 H/m and 1 :4 eV, respectively, such that the inverse Ginzburg length at the room temperature is of the order 1 nm 1. The anisotropy parameter can be estimated as
1:1, indicat- ing that the eective bending rigidity and Young's mod- ulus, Eqs. (9), are expected to be slightly anisotropic. For 2D black phosphorus our theory predicts that non- linear Hooke's law, Eq. (10), and negative absolute Pois- son's ratios, Eq. (11), should be observable for tensions smaller than 10 2N/m. Although we are not aware of measurements of strain{stress dependence of phospho- rene we believe that it can be performed in a way similar to graphene [43]. There are several computations of the Poisson's ratios for black phosphorus from rst princi- ples [44, 45]. While these results yield a negative Pois- son's ratios of phosphorene, the numerical computation of the Poisson's ratio in the regime of low applied may suer from a problem with proper boundary conditions in a nite size samples [25]. As in the case of graphene, a direct measurement of Pois- son's ratio of phosphorene is challenging. We estimate the transition temperature to the tubular phase, T(0) x, to be of the order of 50 eV making anisotropic
at phase of phosphorene to be absolutely stable from the experimen- tal point of view. We also note that results (9) for the eective bending rigidity and Young's modulus are important for an elec- tron transport in 2D materials. Recently, the anisotropy of the carrier mobility of 2D black phosphorus was stud- ied using an eective bending rigidity of precisely the asymptotic form of Eq. (9) [46, 47]. It is worthwhile to mention that recently, model which breaks the O(d) rotational in- variance in the embedded space has been studied [48]. It would be interesting to study the eect of discussed above in the model of Ref. [48]. To summarize, we developed the theory of in systems with orthorhombic crystal symme- try, relevant for a large number of recently studied 2D
exible materials. Our key nding is the hidden symme- try of the theory emerging in the universal regime that leads to existence of the innite number of anisotropic5
at phases in the long-wave limit. These
at phases have anisotropic bending rigidity and Young's modulus whereas the scaling with momentum is the same as in the isotropic case. They are uniquely labeled by the ra- tio of absolute Poisson's ratios in the two Our theory can easily be extended to even less symmetric 2D materials with triclinic and symmetries, e.g. monolayers ReS 2, ReSe 2, GaTe, GeP, GeAs, SiP, SiAs, etc. Also, one can extended our theory to include the eects of in-plane and The later was shown to be important for qual- itative explanation of nonlinear strain{stress relation in graphene [49]. We thank M. Glazov and V. Lebedev for useful com- ments and discussions. The work was funded in part by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, by the Rus- sian Ministry of Science and Higher Educations, the Ba- sic Research Program of HSE, by the Russian Founda- tion for Basic Research, grant No. 20-52-12019, and by the Deutsche (DFG, German Research Foundation) project SCHM 1031/12-1. [1] K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S. V. Dubonos, I. V. Grigorieva, and A. A. Firsov, Electric eld eect in atomically thin carbon lms, Science 306, 666 (2004). [2] K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang, M. I. Katsnelson, I. V. Grigorieva, S. V. Dubonos, and A. A. Firsov, Two-dimensional gas of massless dirac fermions in graphene, Nature 438, 197 (2005). [3] Y. Zhang, Y.-W. Tan, H. L. Stormer, and P. Kim, Ex- perimental observation of the quantum hall eect and berry's phase in graphene, Nature 438, 201 (2005). [4] K. S. Novoselov and A. H. Castro Neto, crystals-based materials with tailored properties, Phys. Scr. T146 , P. Avouris, T. F. Heinz, and T. Low, eds., D and devices, (Cambridge University X. Ling, H. Wang, S. Huang, F. Xia, and M.S. Dres- selhaus, The renaissance of black phosphorus, PNAS 112, 4523 (2015). [7] M. Galluzzi, Y. Zhang, and X.-F. Yu, Mechanical prop- erties and applications of 2d black phosphorus, J. Appl. Phys. 128, 230903 (2020). [8] G. Wang, A. Chernikov, M. M. Glazov, T. F. Heinz, X. Marie, Th. Amand, and B. Urbaszek, in atomically thin transition metal Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, 021001 (2018). [9] M. V. Durnev and M. M. Glazov, Excitons and trions in two-dimensional semiconductors based on transition metal Physics-Uspekhi 61, 825 (2018). [10] A. S. Sarkar and E. Stratakis, Recent advances in 2D metal Adv. Sci. 7, 2001655 (2020). [11] S. Barraza-Lopez, B. M. Fregoso, J. W. Villanova, S. S. P. Parkin, and K. Chang, Colloquium: Physical propertiesof group-IV monochalcogenide monolayers, Rev. Mod. Phys. 93, 011001 (2021). [12] L. Li, W. Han, L. Pi, P. Niu, J. Han, C. Wang, B. Su, H. Li, J. Xiong, Y. Bando, and T. Zhai, Emerging in- plane anisotropic two-dimensional materials, InfoMat. 1, 54 (2019). [13] D.R. Nelson and L. Peliti, Fluctuations in membranes with crystalline and hexatic order, J. Phys. (Paris) 48, 1085 (1987). [14] J. A. Aronovitz and T. C. Lubensky, Fluctuations of solid membranes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2634 (1988). [15] M. Paczuski, M. Kardar, and D. R. Nelson, Landau theory of the crumpling transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 2638 (1988). [16] F. David and E. Guitter, Crumpling transition in elas- tic membranes: Renormalization group treatment, Eu- rophysics Lett. (EPL) 5, 709 (1988). [17] J. Aronovitz, L. Golubovic, and T. C. Lubensky, Fluc- tuations and lower critical dimensions of crystalline mem- branes, J. Phys. (Paris) 50, 609 (1989). [18] E. Guitter, F. David, S. Leibler, and L. Peliti, behavior of polymerized membranes, J. Phys. (Paris) 50, 1787 (1989). [19] P. Le Doussal and L. Radzihovsky, Self-consistent the- ory of polymerized membranes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1209 (1992). [20] E. I. Kats and V. V. Lebedev, symptotic freedom at zero temperature in free-standing crystalline mem- branes, Phys. Rev. B 89, 125433 (2014). [21] E. I. Kats and V. V. Lebedev, Erratum: at zero temperature in free-standing [Phys. Rev. B 89, 125433 (2014)], Phys. Rev. B 89, 079904 (2016). [22] I. S. Burmistrov, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, M. I. Katsnelson, and A. D. Mirlin, Quantum elasticity of graphene: Thermal expansion coecient and specic heat, Phys. Rev. B 94, 195430 (2016). [23] A. Ko smrlj and D. R. Nelson, Statistical mechanics of thin spherical shells, Phys. Rev. X 7, 011002 (2017). [24] I. S. Burmistrov, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, I. V. Gornyi, and A. D. Mirlin, Dierential Poisson's ratio of a membrane, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 396, 119 (2018). [25] I. S. Burmistrov, I. V. Gornyi, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, M. I. Katsnelson, J. H. Los, and A. D. Mirlin, Poisson ratio of a crystalline membrane: Ap- plication to graphene, Phys. Rev. B 97, 125402 (2018). [26] D.R. Saykin, I.V. Gornyi, V.Yu. Kachorovskii, and I.S. Burmistrov, bsolute Poisson's ratio and the bending rigidity exponent of a crystalline two-dimensional mem- brane, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 414, 168108 (2020). [27] O. Coquand, D. Mouhanna, and S. Teber, The
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~Y(q) =~Y0(thq)/2 1 + 3 ~Y0(thq)Pq/2, (S1) where the bare Young's modulus depends on the parameter g,
~Y0(thq) = + sin2(2th) the polarization operator is given form of the screened interaction is justified to the lowest order in 1 /dc. Similar to the isotropic case, in the long wave vector limit, q/lessmuchq*, the effective interaction of flexural phonons (S4) We note that in the absence of the anisotropy, t0=0, the polarization operator is given as Renormalization group equation To the lowest order in 1 /dcthe self-energy is given by diagram shown in Fig. 2 of the main (S5) The expression (S5) is logarithmically divergent. Within logarithmic accuracy at k/lessmuchq*, we cos(2thk) cos(2thq) + cos(4thk) (S6) Here we used that is convenient to introduce the dimensionless functions ( m=0,1,2) F2m(t0) +t0) (S7) We note that the normalization is such that F0(t0=0)=1 and Moreover, the symmetry of
~k0(th) implies that the function F2is zero identically, F2(t0)0 whereasF0(t0) (F4(t0)) is the even (odd) function perturbative result (S6) into the renormalization group equations, we find (see Eq. (8) in the main g (t) ~k dL=2 dckh(t), kh (t) =F0(t) +F4(t)/3 1 +t,(S8) where L = ln( q*/k). C. Asymptotic expressions for integration in Eqs. (S3) and (S7), one finds the following asymptotic expressions at + 3 cos(8 F (S10) Using the above results one can derive the asymptotic results for the functions g(t) andkh(t) mentioned in the main text. For 1-t/lessmuch1, the integral over the angle thkin Eq. (S3) is dominated by vicinity of p/4 and 5p/4. At the same time the integral over absolute value of momentum is dominated by k~qsin(thq+p/4). Then, evaluating the integral overkin Eq. (S3), we (S11) In the one can obtain that p(th)~1/1-t. For 1-t/lessmuch1 the integrals over thin definitions of functions F0andF4, Eq. (S8), are dominated by the Hence, we find ( th=p/4 (1-t) (1-t+ + the functions F0(t) andF4(t) tend to a constant as t-1. S.II. TRANSITION TO THE TUBULAR PHASE Using (8) and (12) in the main text, we find x2 x(L) = (S13) | 2108.10325 | Joerg Schmalian | I. S. Burmistrov, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, M. J. Klug, and J. Schmalian | Emergent continuous symmetry in anisotropic flexible two-dimensional materials | 9 pages, 3 figures | null | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.096101 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We develop the theory of anomalous elasticity in two-dimensional with orthorhombic crystal symmetry. Remarkably, in the where characteristic length scales are larger than the rather small Ginzburg scale ${sim} 10, {
m nm}$, these materials possess an infinite set of flat phases which are connected by emergent continuous symmetry. This hidden symmetry leads to the formation of a stable line of fixed points corresponding to different phases. The same symmetry also enforces power law scaling with momentum of the anisotropic bending rigidity and Young's modulus, controlled by a single universal exponent -- the very same along the whole line of fixed points. These anisotropic flat phases are uniquely labeled by the ratio of absolute Poisson's ratios. We apply our theory to monolayer black | [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:00:02 GMT"
] | 2022-03-14T00:00:00 | [
"I. S.",
"V. Yu.",
"M. J.",
] |
2 Keywords: Nonequilibrium and irreversible thermodynamics, Self-or ganized systems, Rela- tivistic heavy-ion collisions, Other topics in statistical physics, ther modynamics, and non- linear dynamical systems I. Introduction A nonmonotonic horn-like structure of the K+/p+ratio was confirmed in various experi- ments, at AGS, SPS and low RHIC energies [1-5]. GeV, there is a monotonic rapid increase followed by a monotonic rapid decrease, i.e., a maximum a ppears, while GeV, the RHIC and LHC energies, the K+/p+ratio seems to be nearly i.e., a plateau is formed. Various interpretations have been given in literature [1, 6-12]. The thermal models which are either based on extensive ad ditive and/or on Tsallis-type nonextensive statistics [13] aren't well succeeded in reproducing the nonmonotonic horn-like structure of the K+/p+ratio, Fig. 4 and Fig. 3. Despite of this, various extensions to the thermal models are allegedly assumed to d eliver explanations for the underlying processes in the particle production [14-20]! To improve the capability of the thermal models; the ideal gas of iden tified hadronic reso- nances, one of the authors (AT) proposed i) a substantial chang e in the single-particle distri- bution function due to a dynamical change in the phase-space volum e, especially at the whose imprints seem to survive till the chemical freezeo ut, where the are detected [11], ii) integrating nonequilibrium light- and str ange-quark inthephase-space volume[8,21,22], iii)applying Tsallis-type nonex tensive statis- tics [13], and iv) deriving the ideal gas of hadron resonances away fr omequilibrium by to each of its constituents [23, 24]. Castorina et al.assumed a suppression in the strange-quark occupation factor, gs, that accounts for reducing the production rates of the strange particles in at different energies and found that the disappears with the onset of the color deconfinement and full-chemical nonequilib- rium is subsequently attained [25, 26]. The occupation factors, gq,s, introduce controllers over the numbers of light- and strange-quarks fitting within the phase- space element, i.e., a similar role as that of the chemical potentials. None of these ingratiates w as able to address: the various particle ratios, including K+/p+[21, 22, 27]. Hence, there is a conceptional reason. Imposing nonequilibrium (eit her as partial- or full- chemical nonequilibrium gq,sor as finite sizes of the constituents of the ideal gas, etc.) in an equilibrium ensemble of BG-type extensive additive statistics seem s conceptionally unsuc- cessful. Even if Tsallis-type nonextensivity is assumed, the matchin g of nonequilibrium would be improved, on one hand. On the other hand, the price to be paid in re- turn is huge. This isn't less than lose the meaning of the thermodynam ic quantities, such as the freezeout temperature [28-30]. With this regard, it should be highlig hted that the is limited to a one-dimensional line within the entire spac e of in present calculations, in which both BG and Tsallis statistics ar e merely special cases. The relativistic high-energy collisions are assumed to go through sev as deconfinement and hadronization. A radical change in prop erties, symmetries, and degrees of freedom (dof) of the QCD matter is obviously depending on the collision energy. The horn-like structure of the kaon-to-pion ratio, which normalizes st range to light quark flavors, likely signals onset of nonextensive particle production and nonequilib rium phase transition that might dynamically enhance the strange quark flavor or supres s the light quark flavor or vice versa. The present script suggests that the incapability of th eextensive additiove thermal models in reproducing the horn-like structure measured at AGS, SP S and low RHIC energies, Fig. 4 and Fig. 3, is due to inappropriate statistics. Generic (non)ex tensive statistics, section II, autonomously describes the equivalence classes of the generalized entropies in the [31]. At the chemical freezeout, where detection of the pr oduced particles takes place, the statistical ensemble is therefore dynamic and probably v iolates the fourth axiom [30]. Even if this wouldn't be the case and the produced p articles would be in full-chemical nonequilibrium, generic (non)extensive statistics isals owell applicable. Extensive or nonextensive ensemble and equilibrium or syste m are properly classes ( c,d)including extensive nonextensive are characterized by ( c,d) = (1,1) and (c,d) = (0,q), respectively. We first assume partial-chemical nonequilibrium in generic (non)exte nsive statistics, i.e., gq= 1, while gsis to be determined from the statistical fit of various particle ratios , in a wide range of energies, to the available experimental measurements. W e also assume i.e., both gqnegationslash= 1 1 are determined from the statistical fits, as well. In the same manner, the of the equivalence clas ses (c,d) is also determined, Fig. 1. In the present script, the occupation factors gq,s, the equivalence classes ( c,d), and the4 freezeout parameters; the temperature Tand the baryon chemical potential uB, aren't They are inputs varying with the collision energies. With the se inputs, the K+/p+
ratio calculated in generic (non)extensive statistics excellently rep roduces its measured result including the nonmonotonic horn-like structure, GeV; the AGS, SPS and low RHIC energies, Fig. 3. The present paper is organized as follows. The generic (non)exten sive approach is reviewed in section II. The of the equivalence classes ( c,d), the light- and strange- quark occupation factors gs,q, and the K+/p+ratio is presented in section IIIA, IIIB, Section IV is devoted to the conclusions. Appendices A, B and C details on probability distribution, entropy, and exponen tial and logarithm functions in Boltzmann, Tsallis, and generic (non)extensive statistics, The imp acts of the inclusion of very high-mass resonances and missing states in the hadron reson ance gas model, and the contour plots of the quality of fit for gq,s. The quality of the fit for the equivalence classes ( c,d) is depicted in Fig. 1. II. Generic (non)extensive statistical approach In generic (non)extensive statistics, the partition function can b e given as [27, 32] lnZ(T,u) (1) wherexi= the dispersion relation of i-th particle, uiis the chemical potential of that particle; withSiandBiare strangeness and baryon quantum numbers and uSanduBare the strangeness and baryon chemical potential, respectively. gis the degeneracy factor, Vis the volume of the fireball,pis the momentum, and +-represent fermions and bosons, respectively. The function ec,d,r(xi) is given as [31, 33] ec,d,r(xi) = (2) whereWkis the Lambert- Wkfunction which has real solutions, at k= 0 with d>=0, and at k= 1 with d (3) wherer= two critical exponents defining the equivalence classes for both types of extensive and nonoextensive statistical ensem bles. The latter are violating axiom; thegeneraliz ed es- pecially in their large size limit, in which two asymptotic properties of the generalized entropies are associated with one scaling function each. Each of the scaling fu nctions is characterized by one exponent defining equivalence relations of the entropic forms, i.e., two entropic forms are equivalent if their exponents are the same. The equivalence classes ( c,d) which are two exponents determining two scaling functions with two asymptotic properties, are intrinsic properties of all type s of the underlying statistics. For instance, extensive BG and Tsallis-type nonextensive statistic s assume ( c,d) = (1,1) and (0,q), respectively [33]. The remaining c-dspace is inhabited by varioustypes of superstatistics enabling us to reveal nonequilibrium phenomenon such as critical fluctuations, higher-order cumulants, etc. The pr esent script suggests that the horn of the kaon-to-pion ratio likely signals onset of nonextensive p article production and impact of nonequilibrium phase transition. The incapability of the equilibrium thermal models in reproducing the enhancement in both particle yields, the kaons an d the pions, Fig. 4 and Fig. 3, could be interpretted due to inappropriate statistics [11, 23 , 27, 30, 32], i.e., either extensive BG or Tsallis-type nonextensive statistics. With theoccupation factorsof light- gqandgs, respectively, the partition function reads lnZ(T,u) the number of light and strange quarks, respectively2. As BG extensivity, additivity, and equilibrium particle production, gqandgscould plainly be seen as additional variables imposed on BG statistics. But they ar e essential ingredients to (non)extensive statistics3. In generic (non)extensive statistics, the degree of nonextens 1, where i= 1,***,nandj= 1,***,mi, =
S1(p1,***,pn) Accordingly, Snis the Shannon entropy given by Sn(P) <0, i.e., the entropy of a system, which could be divided into sub-syste msAandB is given as SAand the expectation value of SBbut conditional on A;Snm(AB) =Sn(A)+Sm(B|A), where Sm(B|A) [32]. ( c,d) characterize the universality class of entropy of the system com pletely in the and also specifies its distribution functions. The fourth Shannon -Khinchin axiom is corresponding to Markovian processes, which are random processes, whose futur e is independent of the past, and the analogy of the deterministic processes described by diff erential weareinterested onthe QCDphase diagram, the contribution softhe be neglected. 3This should not necessarily be limited to the Tsallis-type. The entire c-dspace characterizes various types6 shall subjectively be determined by the changeable statistical nat ure of the system of interest, at various energies. With this regard, we recall that the statistical properties of an en semble consisting of indi- vidual objects is given by a single-particle distribution function. The probability of finding an object in infinitesimal region of the phase-space is proportional to the volume of the phase- space element and the single-particle distribution function. The latt er is assumed to fulfill (BV) master equation, which is the semi-classical limit of a theory through the Wigner transform of the one-b ody density matrix and can be used to study the dynamics of the constituents. At high energies, the phase-space volume and its configurations are apparently modified. So does the single-part icle distribution occupation factors gq,sact as controllers over the number of the quarks fitting within the phase-space element, i.e., similar to the chemical potentials a= lnE-lnT-lnN, where l= exp(-a) [34]. At gs=gq= 1, the statistical ensemble refers to a system in chemical and thermal equilibrium, but if gsorgqvaries from unity, while its counterpart remains equilibrium, the statistical system is modified to partial-chemical nonequilibrium. 1 and gqnegationslash= 1, the statistical ensemble is apparently . In the thermodynamic limit, the number density can then be deduced from the Eq. (4) [27, 35], n(T,u) the chemical freezeout, which in both extensive BG [6, 7, 36-38 ] and genertic [27] is conditioned along the entire QCD p hase diagram, the various hadron resonances decay either to stable particles, ndirect i, or to other resonances nj. In the final state, we take this into account so that a specific particle yield, such as pion and kaon, is determined (6) wherebj-iis the branching ratio for the decay of j-th resonance to i-th particle. In the present work, we first assume partial-chemical nonequilibriu m, i.e.,gq= 1, while gs is determined from the statistical fits of the generic (non)extens ive calculations of the K+/p+
of superstatistics including extensive and nonextensive ensembles .7 ratio, 2 panel (a). We also assume full-chemical nonequilibrium, i.e., both gqnegationslash= 1 1 are determined from the same statistical fits of the K+/p+ratio, Fig. 2 panels (b) and (c). The degree of (non)extensivity is autonomously determined by the sta tistical ensemble. The results shall be discussed in the next section. III. Results By statistical fits of various particle ratios, at the chemical freez eout4, whose well expressed as functions of the collision energies and thermo for example constant entropy density s/T3= 7, in either extensive BG [24, 36- 38] or genertic (non)extensive statistics [27], the energy depend ence of the equivalence classes (c,d), section IIIA, and that of the light- and strange-quark occupa tion factors gqandgs, section IIIB, have been determined in generic (non)extensive sta tistics, at various center-of- mass energiessNN. The three sets of parameters, the freezeout parameters, th e and the occupation factors, enter our calculations for K+/p+ratio as inputs. At a given sNN, which is related to uBand a freezeout temperature T, the corresponding (5), whicht ogetherwithEq. (6)determine the number density of a specific particle. A. Equivalence classes ( c,d) and Fig. 1, the resulting equivalence classes ( c,d), at various energies [27], are as squares and circles. These results could be well parame terized by the (7) d(sNN) (8) wherea1= 1.005+-0.01,b1= 3.242+-0.106,c1= 3.247+-0.24,d1= 3.493+-0.0739, and d2= 0.506+-0.019. Both expressions are respectively depicted as dashed and solid curves in Fig. 1. 4At which the various quantum numbers, including baryon, strangen ess, and electric charge, are conserved.8 0.92 0.96 1 1.04 1.08 1.12 1 10 100 1000 10000 sNN [GeV] 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Fig.1: Contour plot showing the equivalence classes ( c,d) as functions ofsNN. The dashed curve stands for c, Eq. (7), while the solid curve represents d, Eq. (8). The horizontal line refers to extensive BG statistics. The thin dashed line marks the well -defined equivalence classes of extensive BG statistics, ( c,d) = (1,1). The colored band to the left illustrates the correspondi ng AGS energies, we find that dseems to start from a large value (nearly unity) and while cstarts from ~0.94 and exponentially increases with increasing energy. At sNN4+-1 GeV, the values of both equivalence classes become equal, ( SPS and low RHIC energies, another remarkable conclusion can be drawn. While creaches a maximum value, atsNN10+-1 GeV,dcontinues its decrease and approaches its atsNN20+-2 GeV. At RHIC and LHC energies, csets on a wide to a nice exponential increase with to set on such an exponential increase, at LHC energies, wh ere both exceed the unity, i.e., the second Shannon-Khinchin axiom als o becomes violated. The degree of (non)extensivity is to be determined by the equivalen ce classes ( c,d), whose was best parameterized by Eqs. (7) and (8) , respectively, and depicted in Fig. 1. We notice that the resulting equivalence classes are positive a nd close to unity. This means that: 1. the underlying statistics isn't extensive BG, especially at AGS and S PS energies, but9 certainly not Tsallis-type nonextesnive statistics, 2. at AGS, SPS and RHIC energies, the statistical systems holds fir st5, second6and axioms but violates the fourth Shannon-Khinchin axiom, 3. at LHC energies, both second and fourth Shannon-Khinchin axio ms are violated, and d) the corresponding entropy is Lambert- W0exponential; exponentially generating function W0(x) the slight difference from unity depicted in Fig. 1, the resulting ( c,d) play an essen- tial role by deriving the entire statistical system from extensivity, additivity, and statistics is sharply located at ( c,d) = (1,1). Any deviation from ( c,d) = (1,1) apparently replaces Boltzmann distribution, entropy, exponentia l, and logarithm functions by their counterparts characterizing generic (non)extensive stat istics, Appendix A. The and Lambert- Woexponentially generating distribution function, are from the ordinary exponential and distribution functions . B. Nonequilibrium quark occupation factors In partial- and full-chemical nonequilibrium, various particles ratios m easured, at various sNN, are fitted to their calculations in generic (non)extensive statistic s. At a givensNN, the corresponding equivalence classes ( c,d), section IIIA, and freezeout parameters uBand Tare substituted in the expression for the number density of a spec ific particle yield. With the fitting parameters either gs, atgq= 1 for partial-chemical nonequilibrium or gsandgq for full-chemical nonequilibrium various particles ratios calculated in g eneric are fitted to the measured ones. The overall energy de pendence of both gqandgs, Fig. 2, is given as gs,q(sNN) =aexp(-bsNN) sin(nsNN+e)+z, (9) 5The Shannon entrpy Sn(p) where t <0, is continuous in n. i.e., the depends on p. 6For the uniform distribution Un= (1/n,***,1/n)n, the Shannon entropy is maximum, i.e., Sn(p)<=
Sn(Un) for any pn[32]. 7The Shannon entropy is expandable; for all ( the requirement that adding a zero-probability state to a syste m does not change the entropy.10 where the values of the parameters a, b, n, e, z distinguish between partial- ( gq= 1 while gs is the fitting variable) and full-chemical nonequilibrium, Tab. a b n e z partial at gq= Fitting parameters of the dependence of gs,qonsNN, Eq. (9). 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1 10 100 1000 10000gs sNN [GeV](a)Generic BG 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1 10 100 1000 10000gs sNN [GeV](b) Generic BG 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1 10 100 1000 10000gq sNN [GeV](c) Generic BG Fig.2: Top panel nonequilibrium): gsis given as a function ofsNN, wheregq= 1. Bottom panel (full-chemical nonequilibrium): both gs(left) and gs(right) are the fitting variables. Solid symbols with errors depict our results from the statis tical fits of the measured K+/p+with the generic (non)extensive calculations. Open symbols wit h errors represent the statistical fits of the measured K+/p+to the extensive BG statistics [22]. The solid and double-do tted curves show Eq. (9) of the present study and refs. [21, 22], dependence of gsandgqonsNNis presented in Fig. 2. The solid symbols refer to the present results from the statistical fits of the measured K+/p+ratio to the calculations, Eq. (5), while the open symbols repre sent the calculations from the extensive hadron resonance gas (HRG) model based on exten sive BG statistics [21, 22]. Top panel of Fig. 2 shows gsin dependence onsNNas calculated in generic , where gq= 1, i.e., partial-chemical nonequilibrium. Bottom panel of Fig. 2 depict s the dependence of gs(left panel) and gq(right panel) onsNN, i.e., full-chemical The proposed expression, Eq. (9), based on generic (non) extensive statistics for the dependence of depicted by solid curves. The double-dotted curves are the corresponding expressions deduced from the extensive H RG model, which is based on exensive BG statistics [21, 22]. In top panel of Fig. 2, at gq= 1 and partial-chemical nonequilibrium, we notice increases, GeV. The same behaviour was quantitatively ob- served in the extensive BG calculations [21]. The rate of increase in th e present (non)extensive statistics) is larger than in extensive BG s tatistics. At higher GeV), gsrapidly decreases. Also here, the rate of decreasing gsin statistics is larger than that in extensive BG statis tics. AtsNN>20 GeV, gs becomes energy independent. At this plateau, the resulting gsfrom both types of statistics is in goodagreement with each other, gs0.78+-0.01. We conclude that with theglobal 1, the resulting gsequally encodes the partial-chemical nonequilibrium in both atsNN>20GeV.At lower energies, bothtypes disa gree with each other, especially atsNN7 GeV. Here, the generic (non)extensive gsis~40%
larger than the extensive BG gs, i.e., the partial-chemical nonequilibrium in factor is ~40% larger. In other words, the signals for the strangeness enha nce- ment, for instance, at the peak (horn) of the kaon-to-pion ratio , are more than 40% when measurements, such as multiplicity of the produced particles, are restricted to extensive BG statistics. Hence, a recommendation to the fellow exp erimentalists can be now addressed. Applying generic (non)extensive statistics, especially in Run II of the STAR beam energy scan program [39, 40], and the future facilities, FAIR and NI CA, likely exposes signals. Bottom panel of Fig. 2 shows nonequilibrium gs(left) and gq(right). In bottom left panel, we notice that GeV and varying gq,gscalculated from generic exponentially increases with increasingsNN, whilegsdeduced from the extensive HRG calculations exponentially decreases [22]. It is apparent that th e rate of the increase in the earlier is more rapid than that of the decrease in the latter. Also here, we find that both12 maximum [generic (non)extensive statistics] and minimum (BG statist ics) are likely GeV. At 7 GeV, the generic (non)extensive gsrapidly decreases, while the extensive BG gsrapidly GeV, gsfrom both types of statistics becomes energy independent. Op- posite to the partial-chemical nonequilibrium (top panel), the corre sponding plateaus are not coincident. While the extensive BG gs0.98+-0.1, i.e., very close to equilibrium, the gs0.81+-0.01 referring to large nonequilibrium. To draw a conclusion about the degree of the resulting gqwhich is depicted in the bottom left panel should also be taken into consideration. Relative to the plateaus for med, at high energies, we notice that the height of the gscrest [generic (non)extensive] is larger than the depth of the gs trough [extensive BG], atsNN7 GeV. The bottom right panel of Fig. 2 depicts the energy dependence of gq, at varying gs. Here, we find that GeV, both generic (non)extensive gqand extensive BG gq(HRG model) exponentially decrease with increasing energy. The rate of t he earlier is larger than that of the latter. While both minima are nearly positioned, atsNN7 GeV, their depths aren't the same. The depth of the generic (non)extensive gqis larger than that of the extensive BG gq. Also,gqbecomes energy independent, atsNN>20 GeV. The heights of both plateaus aren't coincident. The generic (non)extensive are lower than the e xtensive BG results. We find that, both generic (non)extensive extensive BG gq>1. Both bottom panels illustrate that a) the resulting values of gqandgsobtained from statistics are lower than their values in extensive B G statistics, b) GeV, there is an exception that the generic (non)extensive gsreaches maximum, c) the span of the values that gqandgstake in extensive BG statistics is narrower than in statistics, and d) GeV, both generic (non)extensive nearly where gq>1 3 depicts the K+/p+ratio as a function ofsNN. Symbols refer to the at energies ranging from 5 GeV to 5 .44 TeV [2-5, 41-45]. The dotted curve shows the generic (non)extensive calculations, at partial-chemical none quilibrium, i.e., varying gs, whilegq= 1. The solid curve illustrates the results, at full-chemical nonequilib rium, The double-dashed curve gives the extensive BG calculations, at p nonequilibrium [21], while the dashed curve presents the ext ensive BG calculations, at full-chemical nonequilibrium [22]. The incapability of the equilibrium HR G model, i.e., gq=gs= 1, in reproducing both the horn-structure of the K+/p+ratio, at AGS, SPS, and low RHIC energies, and their measurements, at RHIC and LHC energ ies, is shown by the long-dashed curve. In the HRG model; an ideal gas of point-like hadrons characterized b y the Hagedorn mass spectrum which is consisting of a discrete (so-far measured) and a continuous (missing hadron states), various higher-order thermodynamic quantities have be en analyzed [46]. In a previous study [47], one of the authors (AT) concluded that the missing stat es aren't to the lower-order thermodynamic quantities, espec ially the first-order ones, the particle number or particle multiplicity. Thus, the inclusion of missing st ates wouldn't improve the thermal model incapability to reproduce the horn-structure of the K+/p+ratio, Appendix B. 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 1 10 100 1000 10000K+/p+
sNN [GeV]This work, gq=1, gs!=1 This work, gq!=1, HRG Fig.3: The experimental results of the K+/p+ratio are given in dependence onsNN[2-5, 41-45]. Thesolid and dotted curves depict the generic (non)extensi ve calculations, at full- ( gq 1) nonequilibrium ( gsnegationslash= 1), respectively. Double-dashed and dashed curves repres ent the extensive BG results, at full- [21] and partial-chemica l nonequilibrium [22]. The shows the HRG calculations, at equilibrium, i.e., gq=gs= with the experimental results. The horn-like structure of t he kaon-to-pion ratio is perfectly reproduced. Comparing to the other types of statistic s, the generic is well capable in describing the rapid increase, GeV and also the fast decrease, at 7 GeV. GeV, a fine structure of the plateau is predicted. Because of the wide gab between top RHIC and LHC ener gies, this is an Another finding is that both partial- and full-chemical no nequilibrium vary, especially +-1 GeV. This emphasizes that the light quark occupation factor, gqbecomes significant, +-1 GeV. As depicted in bottom right panel of Fig. 2, at this energy, gqbecomes minimum, while gsreaches a maximum. The span between both values increases when moving from partial- to full-che mical does the horn of the kaon-to-pion ratio. In light of this, we conc lude that the horn- structure of the kaon-to-pion ratio is likely due to a) Lambert- W0exponentially function [genenric (non)extensive statistics] and b) f ull-chemical occupation factors. The full-chemical nonequilibrium predicts a further enhancement in t he K+/p+ratio, espe- cially at 3 GeV. At these energies, a detailed beam energy scan by the STAR and the CBM experiments, for instance, is recommended to refine the c onclusion whether partial- or full-chemical nonequilibrium excellently reproduces the nonmonot onic horn-structure of the K+/p+ratio, at AGS, SPS and low RHIC energies. IV. paperintroduces generic (non)extensive statistics . Thephysical reproducing the nonmonotonic horn-like structure of the K+/p+ratio. The assumption that the particle production could be analyzed by extensive additive equilib rium statistics is the nature of the high-energy particle production. O n one hand, this could be tolerated as long as no other alternative existed. The nonextensiv e Tsallis approach is a very special case and seems to fail, as well. The present paper introduce s a first-principle solution based on proper statistical approach, namely statistics whose ex tensivity and well with the statistical nature of the particle ingrediants, such as modifying single-particle distribution fu nction [11], light- and strange-quark occupation in the phase-sp ace volume, i.e., 115 [8, 21, 22], and integrating an excluded volume in the pointlike ideal gas of hadron resonances [23, 24], have been introduced to improve the capability of the therm al approaches, which are either based on extensive additive BG statistics [1, 6-12] or on Tsallis-type [13]. These weren't fully succeeded in characterizing the p article ratios including structure oftheK+/p+ratio, which likely signals onset production and impacts of nonequilibrium phase transition. The present script assumes that the incapability of the thermal mo dels in reproducing the horn-like structure (long-dashed curve in Fig. 3) is due to inapprop riate statistics; either extensive additive BG or Tsallis-type nonextensive statistics or the ir extensions. ingredients such as modified single-particle distribution function or nonequilib- rium occupation factors gq,sor finite volume of the constituents of the ideal gas to BG statistics is conceptionally fruitless. But these are eligible in nonextensivity statis- tics. Relative to the entire c-dspace of the Tsallis-type nonextensivity is limited to a line, where c= 0 and d=q. On the other hand, generic (non)extensive the entire space of the two equivalence classes ( c,d). With this statistical approach, the ensemble itself determines its statistical extensivity and nonexten sivity. Even both extensive BG and Tsallis-type nonextensive statistics are included in. They are sharply characterized by (1,1) and (0 ,q), the partial- and full-chemical nonequilibrium, gqor/andgshave been determined, at different energies. Second, in the same manner, the energy-depe ndence of ( c,d) are estimated. In calculating the K+/p+ratio, the occupation factors gq,s, the equivalence classes ( c,d), and the freezeout parameters ( T,uB), are no longer fitting variables. They are inputs, at vari- ous energies. We found that the K+/p+ratio calculated in generic (non)extensive reproduces the experimental results, including the hor n-like structure. The non- monotonic of gq,sand that of ( c,d) together are essential. We conclude that the excellent reproduction of the K+/p+ratio requires: 1. Lambert- W0exponentially generated distribution rather than BG or Tsallis and 2. partial- or full-chemical nonequilibrium occupation factors. With this regard, we assure you that other ratios such proton-to -pion are also perfectly repro- duced, Appendix C. While both partial- and full-chemical nonequilibrium in generic (non)ext ensive statistics seem to excellently reproduce the measured K+/p+ratio, at all energies, the is likely significant, at 3 GeV. To refine the conclusion whether partial- or full-chemical nonequilibrium is essential for the nonmonot onic horn-structure of the K+/p+ratio, a detailed beam energy scan by the STAR and CBM experiments , for instance, is highly recommended. A. Probability distribution, entropy, exponential and logarithm functions in Boltzmann, Tsallis and generic (non)extensive statistics For a reliable comparison between Boltzmann, Tsallis, and generic (no n)extensive statistics, we first recall the corresponding probability BG :pi(x) Tsallis :p(q) i(x) :p(c,d,r) i(x) is the corresponding canonical partition function, Qn-1(q) := Pn i=0[iq-(i-1)] [48], and the asymptotic expansion of 0-th branch Lambert- Wkfunction is given as Wk=0(x) probability distribution function can be obtained from the integr al of the function determining the probability of an individual eventto take place in a given interval. Also, The probability distribution function can be derived fr om the maximization of the corresponding entropy under appropriate BG :s[p] Tsallis :s(q)[p] :s(c,d,r)[p] ohm is the number of micro-states or processes. k,A, andBare arbitrary parameters. The incomplete gamma-function is given as [49] G(a,x) = (A6) The differences between Boltzmann, Tsallis and generic (non)exten sive statistical statistics can be characterized by the mathematical meaning of the corresp onding exponential and log- arithm functions; namely for Boltzmann exp( x) and ln( x), for Tsallis exp(q)(x) and ln(q)(x), and for generic (non)exrensive functions exp(c,d,r)(x) and ln(c,d,r)(x). For example, the and logarithm functions, respectively read [50], exp(q)(-x) = generic (non)exrensive exponential and logarithm functions, generaltization of BG exp( x) and ln(x) gives = (A9) It is now in order to comment on the interpretations of the Tsallis non extensitivity param- eterq. First, the assumption that q >1 manifests fluctuations in 1 /lof the so-called Levy exponential distribution, exp( -x/l), is apparently superficial [52]. The nature of such fluctua- tions wasn't determined, yet. On the other hand, such fluctuation s should be also accompanied by a remarkable change in the phase space, itself [11]. Likewise, we as sess the the departure of qfrom its extensive value, the unity, from above and the large fluctu - ations of temperature. Second, the claim on the existence of fund amental differences between BG- and to an ad hocprerequisite that the thermodynamic tempera- ture, the one deduced from BG statistrics, differs from the one de termined in Tsallis where the parameter Kshould be modeled as a function of the energy transfer between the source and the surrounding [28]. This phenomenological interpretation is 8There is no fundamental difference between BG- and Tsallis-statist ics, unless the ealier is extensive and the latter is nonextensive statistical related to blind improper implementation of It is worthy highlight- ing that the reproduction of the transverse momentum distributio ns was misinterpreted and accordingly the resulting temperature [53]. The present script suggests that Boltzmann and Tsallis statistics a re subdomains of statistics. The Tsallis nonextensive parameter qis also included in BG; q= 1, as well asingeneric (non)extensive statistics; c= 0 andd=q. The equivalence classes ( properties of the entire statistical space, where ( c,d) = (1,1) characterize and ( c,d) = (0,q) represents the Tsallis type. The thermodynamic quantities entropy, pressur e, in the entire statistical space, i.e., they shouldn't be chang ing when moving from BG to Tsallis or to any other type of nonextensive statistics. The inter pretations of qand of (c,d) aren't just dummy fluctuations but rather nonextensive statistic al Their nature is related to the properties of the relevant statistical ens emble. B. Inclusion of very high-mass resonances and missing states in the hadron resonance gas model The authors of ref. [54] introduced two ingredients to the extens ive additive gasmodel. The first oneisvery high-mass reson ances (>2 GeV). The second one is the smeson or f0(600). The various decay channels are also taken into consideratio n. Thesmeson is characterized by energy-depending mass and varying dec ay constants. Its dominant decay channel produces pion pair. This might be the motiva tion of ref. [54]. Accord- ingly, it has been estimated that smeson comes up with about 3 .5% enhancement in the pion yields. The inclusion of very high-mass resonances also increase the pion yields, this time by about 13%. Enhancing pion yields against Kaon yields seems to reprod uce the on one hand. On the other, the standard of evidence prere quisites that the Kaon yields should be enhanced, similarly! Alternatively, the ensemble of th e hadron resonances is left biased unbalanced. Fig. 4 presents unbaised balanced reproduction of K+/p+ratio (solid curve), where all hadrons and resonances reported in recent PDG, including smeson and its heavier resonances [55], as well as 56 messing states are included in. Most if not all decay c hannels are also taken 9Replacing exp( x) with expq(x), Eq. (A7) and ln( x) with ln q(x), Eq. (A7)19 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 1 10 100 1000 10000K+/p+
sNN [GeV]Without Missing states With Missing Energy dependence of the relative production ratio K+/p+measured at various energies. With the dotted curve, we show the K+/p+ratio estimated in the hadron resonance gas model with extensive additive equilibrium BG statistics and dof deter mined by mass-truncated PDG compilation of hadrons and resonances. The solid curve shows the same but dof are the entire PDG compilation of hadron and resonances and up to 56 missing states. into consideration, so that the final number of any particle is summe d over that particle and all other decay channels producing it weighted with the corresponding decay width. The masses of the resonances can be as heavier as 12 GeV. We conclude that the in clusion of the very heavy- mass resonances would slightly enhance the respective particle yield s, on one hand. On the other hand, such an enhancement is faded away in the relative prod uction ratio. The K+/p+
ratio isn't well reproduced either with or without the inclusion of missin g states. The contributions of the missing states to the various thermodyna mic quantities [46] are depicted in Fig. 5. At 7 .7, 19.6, 39 and 200 GeV, the number density, energy density, and pressure calculated in the extensive additive equilibrium hadron reso nance gas model, are com- pared with (symbols) and without (curves) missing stated and when including (symbols) and excluding (curves) very-heavy mass resonances. We conclude th at the inclusion of the missing states and very-heavy mass resonances minimally contributes to t he particle yields. are apparently balanced in the relative particle produ ction ratios, Fig. 4. With this regard, we recall that the authors of ref. [46] also have draw n the same conclusion that20 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18n, e, p T [GeV]sNN=7.7 GeVn, without Missing states n, with Missing states e, without Missing states e, with Missing states p, without Missing states p, with Missing states 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18n, e, p T [GeV]sNN=19.6 GeVn, without Missing states n, with Missing states e, without Missing states e, with Missing states p, without Missing states p, with Missing states 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18n, e, p T [GeV]sNN=39 GeVn, without Missing states n, with Missing states e, without Missing states e, with Missing states p, without Missing states p, with Missing states 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18n, e, p T [GeV]sNN=200 GeVn, without Missing states n, with Missing states e, without Missing states e, with Missing states p, without Missing states p, with Missing states Fig.5: Temperature dependence of number density, energy densit y and pressure calculated in the extensive additive equilibrium hadron resonance gas model , at 7.7, 19.6, 39 and 200 GeV. The curves show the results with truncated hadron mass spectrum, <2 GeV. With the symbols, we show the results, where 56 missing states are included in and the hadr on mass can be as heavy as 12 of conserved charges, [...] can be attri buted to the missing resonances in the strange baryon sector. In other words, the missing states become first dominant in the high er- order moments of conserved charges, such as susceptibilities and cumulants. But they to lower-order moments, such as the number density. Even this slight contribution is faded away in the particle ratios. C. Contour plots of the quality of fits for gq,s A suppression in gswas assumed as a signature of onset of the color deconfinement [25 , 26]. The nonequilibrium quark occupation factors, 1, are conjectured to dictate the numbers oflight- respectively, accordingly the production rates of light and strange particle y ields [8, 21, 22]. In all these21 10 100 1000 10000 100000 sNN [GeV] 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1gq 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 sNN [GeV] 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1gs gq 1 10 100 1000 10000 sNN 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4gs Fig.6: Top left: contour plot of the quality of fit for gq, wheregs= 1, over different collision energies. Top left: the same as in top left but for gs, wheregq= 1. Bottom panel shows contour plot gqandgs, at different collision extensive additive equilibrium BG statistics was determined from the statistical fit of one particle ratio, the othe r particle ratios aren't well reproduced. Although various other particle ratioscan simutaneously be reproduced for nonequilibrium gq,s, the resulting values of gq,sare scattered, Table 1 of ref. [8]. Values of gq,smuch greater than unity are tough to incorporate with a nonequilibr ium approach. Figure 6 shows the contour plots of the quality of fits for gq(top left panel), gs(top right panel), and gq,s(bottom panel). The resulting of gq,sare parameterized in Eq. (9). When comparing with Table 1 of ref. [8], we conclude that the present est imations can be with anonequilibrium approach. With the same sets of equivalence classes given by Eqs. (7)-(8) and nonequilibrium factors gq,sgiven by Eq. (9), not only K+/p+ratio is well reproduced, but other particle ratios, as well, for example, P /p+and L/p-, Fig. 7. We like to highlight that at22
>4 TeV, the ensemble of the experimental results available so-far isn 't large enough to deduce the equivalent classes. Thus, we have assumed that their results, at lower LHC energies, There is a little overestimation, which can be improved wit h the release of LHC results in the near future. 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1 10 100 1000P/p+
sNN [GeV]This work, gq=1, gs!=1 This work, gq!=1, HRG 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 1 10 100 1000L/p- sNN [GeV](c) Fig.7: Energy dependence of P /p+(left panel) and L /p-(right panel), where the same sets of the equivalence classes are given by Eqs. (7)-(8) and gq,sby Eq. (9), as the ones for K+/p+are utilized. [1] M. Gazdzicki and M. I. Gorenstein, Acta Phys. Polon. B 30, 2705 (1999). [2] L. Ahle et al., Phys. Lett. B 476, 1 (2000). [3] I. G. Bearden et al., Phys. Rev. C 66, 044907 (2002). [4] S. V. Afanasiev et al., Phys. Rev. C 66, 054902 (2002). [5] M. Gazdzicki et al., J. Phys. G 30, S701 (2004). [6] J. Cleymans, H. Oeschler, K. Redlich, and S. Wheaton, Eur . Phys. J. A 29, 119 (2006). [7] A. Andronic, P. Braun-Munzinger, and J. Stachel, Nucl. P hys. A772, 167 (2006). [8] A. Tawfik, Fizika B 18, 141 (2009). [9] B. Tomasik and E. E. Kolomeitsev, Eur. Phys. J. C 49, 115 (2007). [10] S. Chatterjee, R. M. Godbole, and S. Gupta, Phys. Rev. C 81, 044907 (2010). [11] A. Tawfik, Prog. Theor. Phys. 126, 279 (2011). [12] J. K. Nayak, S. Banik, and J.-e. Alam, Phys. Rev. C 82, 024914 (2010). [13] A. N. Tawfik, H. Yassin, and E. R. A. Elyazeed, Extensive/ nonextensive statistics for of various charged particles produced in p+p and A+A collisions in a wide range of energies, 2019.23 [14] K. Shen, G. G. Barnaf oldi, and T. S. Bir' o, Universe 5, 122 (2019). [15] K. Shen, G. G. Barnaf oldi, and T. S. Bir' o, Eur. Phys. J. A55, 126 (2019). [16] K. Shen, T. S. Biro, and E. Wang, Physica A 492, 2353 (2018). [17] T. S. Biro, G. G. Barnafoldi, G. Biro, and K. M. Shen, J. Ph ys. Conf. Ser. 779, 012081 (2017). [18] A. S. Parvan and T. S. Biro, Phys. Lett. A 375, 372 (2011). [19] G. Wilk and Z. Wlodarczyk, Acta Phys. Polon. B 46, 1103 (2015). [20] M. Rybczynski, Z. Wlodarczyk, and G. Wilk, J. Phys. G 39, 095004 (2012). [21] A. N. Tawfik et al., EPL 116, 62001 (2016). [22] A. N. Tawfik, H. Yassin, and E. R. Abo Elyazeed, Phys. Part . Nucl. Lett. 14, 843 (2017). [23] A. N. Tawfik, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29, 1430021 (2014). [24] A. Tawfik, Phys. Rev. C 88, 035203 (2013). [25] P. Castorina, S. Plumari, and H. Satz, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E26, 1750081 (2017). [26] P. Castorina, S. Plumari, and H. Satz, (2018), [Addendu m: Int.J.Mod.Phys.E 27, A. N. Tawfik, H. Yassin, and E. R. Abo Elyazeed, Indian J. P hys.92, 1325 (2018). [28] A. Deppman, J. Phys. G 41, 055108 (2014). [29] G. B' ir' o, G. G. Barnaf oldi, T. S. Bir' o, and K. Urm ossy, AIP Conf. Proc. 1853, 080001 (2017). [30] A. Nasser Tawfik, Eur. Phys. J. A 52, 253 (2016). [31] R. Hanel and S. Thurner, EPL 93, 20006 (2011). [32] A. N. Tawfik, Phys. Part. Nucl. Lett. 15, 199 (2018). [33] R. Hanel and S. Thurner, EPL 936, 50003 (2011). [34] A. Tawfik, J. Phys. G 40, 055109 (2013). [35] J. Letessier and J. Rafelski, Hadrons and Quark-Gluon Plasma , UK:Cambridge University A. Tawfik, M. Y. El-Bakry, D. M. Habashy, M. T. Mohamed, an d E. Abbas, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E25, 1650018 (2016). [37] A. Tawfik, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2013, 574871 (2013). [38] A. Tawfik, Europhys. Lett. 75, 420 (2006). [39] T. Nonaka, JPS Conf. Proc. 26, 024007 (2019). [40] L. Adamczyk et al., Phys. Rev. C 93, 021903 (2016). [41] J. Adams et al., Nucl. Phys. A 757, 102 (2005). | 2108.10320 | Abdel Nasser Tawfik | Abdel Nasser Tawfik (FUE, Cairo and Egyptian Ctr. Theor. Phys., Cairo
and WLCAPP, Cairo), Eman R. Abou Elyazeed, Hayam Yassin (Ain Shams U., Cairo
and WLCAPP, Cairo) | K+/pi+ horn: appropriate statistics for nonextensive particle production and nonequilibrium phase transition | 24 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, submitted to JHEP | null | null | ECTP-2021-08, WLCAPP-2021-08 | hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We suggest that the long-standing problem with incapability of the thermal models in reproducing the horn-like structure of the kaon-to-pion ratio measured at AGS, SPS and low RHIC energies and confirmed in the beam energy scan program, was raised due to applying inappropriate statistics, additive Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG). The assumption that the the dynamical nonequilibrium process, is {it priori} to be analyzed by extensive BG or nonextensive Tsallis statistics, seems being a failed path followed over the past decades. With generic two equivalence classes $(c,d)$ belittle such an {it ad hoc}
assumption. Accordingly, the statistical ensemble itself determines its degree of including extensive BG and nonextensive which are characterized by $(1,1)$ and $(0,q)$, respectively. The energy dependence of light-, $gamma_q$, and strange-quark occupation indicates that the produced particles are best described as a nonequilibrium ensemble, where a remarkable nonmonotonic behavior associates the horn, for example. On other hand, the classes $(c,d)$ refer to a generic nonextensivity associated with extended exponential and Lambert-$W_0$ exponentially generating which obviously emerge from free, short- and long-range this generic statistical approach, the hadron resonance gas reproduces the ratio, including its nonmonotonic horn-like structure.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 17:20:18 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 16 Mar 2022 18:09:31 GMT"
] | 2022-03-18T00:00:00 | [
"Abdel Nasser",
"FUE, Cairo and Egyptian Ctr. Theor. Phys., Cairo\n and WLCAPP, Cairo"
"Eman R. Abou",
"Ain Shams U., Cairo\n and WLCAPP, Cairo"
"Ain Shams U., Cairo\n and WLCAPP, Cairo"
] |
2 operators that preserve a given microscopic symmetry (with coupling constant gSP) and other operators that explicitly break it (with coupling constant gSB). If the flow ofgSBclose to a critical point is always irrelevant, at long wavelengths, the explicit breaking of the micro- scopic symmetries is not seen. If gSPhappens to also be irrelevant in a given direction, a whole critical phase may develop (negative gSPplane in Fig. 1). Besides showing the emergence of scaling symmetry, critical phases par- ticipate in a large classes of exotic phenomena physics [4], topological effects [5], type phase transitions [3]. Here starts the discussion of our explicit physical sys- tems of interest. A well-known example of emergence critical phases happens in 1D (2) microscopic symmetry of this problem, the existence of an explicit SU (3)symmetric parameter point, aided by an RG analysis as described above, leads to the exis- tence of a critical phase described by an SU theory. The existence of this phase is well established, with clear signatures via both analyti- cal calculations and numerical simulations. A purposes. More recently, a surprising story has been reported in articles [8, 9] (henceforth referred to as Chen et al.). There, astudy was made of general effective models of 1D spin-2 indications of a gapless behavior on the regime were first reported. Subsequently, a case was made for the existence of an SU phase in the phase diagram of this system. This comes as a surprise: no point of explicit SU (3)symmetry is available in the spin-2 chain parameter space. If an extended SU (3)1critical phase exists in this model, some novel mechanism must be playing a role, motivating our interest in this problem. We performed extensive ana- lytical attempts at determining some possibility for such mechanism, to no avail. This prompted us to the results of this paper. Our purpose in this work is three-fold: (i) to revisit and (iii) to present new numerical results from exact diagonalization as well as from Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) char- acterizing the physics of this hypothetical spin-2 SU (3)1 phase, including a critique on whether the previous observe extreme difficulty in the convergence of our routines, rendering the gaplessness of the phase diffi- cult to determine. We identify static correlation func- tions of multipolar operators as ideal quantities whose behavior seems to be conclusive independently of finite- size effects. This way, we demonstrate that this hy- pothetical SU (3)spin-2 critical phase is dominated correlations, in striking contrast with quadrupolar correlations that dominate the physics of the SU theory after logarithmic corrections, as seen explicitly in the spin-1 version of the problem. In an attempt to determine an alternate -- to critical- ity -- origin of our numerical convergence difficulties, we perform a single-mode approximation (SMA) study to compare the challenges found in the spin-2 problem with those of a gapless phase proposed to exist close to chain [10, 11]. This comparison proved to still be inconclusive, so we pursued other signatures of Recent years have seen a trend in the use tools to study phases of matter. Following this trend, we further the analysis by presenting results on the entanglement spectrum in the phase, and comparing it with universal features expected of gapless systems. Besides finite-size scaling, is a paradigm in the analysis of spin chains. This led us to further consider if the phenomenology observed by Chen et al. was an isolated case. Remarkably, we dis- cover a family of models that displays the same tripled- period phenomenology of the spin-2 Hamiltonian but for arbitrary spin- S. We demonstrate how these systems are fully quantum and not possible to be described by simple spin-wave theory, and show that for spin-3 our model lies in a region of potential interest to explore G 2- symmetry physics in a spin lattice, for which a (G 2)1 critical point/phase could host Fibonacci review and a few complementing results for the spin- 1 SU (3)1phase. In Sec. III we review and extend the known spin-2 model and its phase diagram, including a discussion of the diverse phases and points, In Sec. IV, we provide most of our new results and analyses on the spin-2 SU (3)1problem, while in Sec. V we discuss larger spin- We conclude in Sec. VI, with also some suggestions for future research directions. II. SPIN-1 SU (3)1PHASE REVIEW For contrasting purposes, we begin with a short review of the bilinear plus biquadratic spin-1 chain phase di- agram. The Hamiltonian Siare spin-1 matrices on site i. By the zero-temperature quantum phase di- agram of this model can be built by varying the a circle, the radius providing an overall energy scale. Four phases exist in the JD-circle whose behaviors are well-established in the literature [12]. Starting at3 Figure 2. The spin-1 problem, Eq. (1). (a) The zero-temperature phase diagram with the marked in blue. The hashed region corresponds to a hypothetical nematic phase, and the green line is to be matched against the SO(5)-symmetric line in the spin-2 phase diagram below (Fig. 4). (b) Multiple equivalent ways of rep- resenting the SU(2) spin-1 Hamiltonian of Eq. (1), listed in Eq. (2). the Heisenberg model g= 0[c.f. Fig 2(a)] and moving clockwise we have a topologi- cal gapped phase (Haldane phase) [13, 14], a topologi- cally trivial gapped dimer phase [15-17], a and an extended critical phase with period-3 cor- relations, described by an SU conformal field theory (CFT) at low energies [6, 7]. The critical points separating these phases are all very well identified: three of them are points where the lat- tice problem displays an explicit enhanced SU (3)sym- metry (g=p/4, p/2,-3p/4) and one, the point [18, 19] (TKTB, g=-p/4), is integrable. Some debate has been raised regarding the existence of a spin-nematic state as one approaches the SU (3)- symmetric ferromagnetic critical point g=-3p/4 [hashed red area in Fig 2(a)] [6, 10, 11, 20-24]. A phase was originally proposed for this re- gion by Chubukov [10], but no evidence of gap clos- ing and reopening was found numerically [6]. An ob- served dramatic increase of spin-nematic correlations, as one approaches g=-3p/4from the dimerized phase, led to a new critical spin-nematic phase hypothesis for the region [11, 22, 23]. However, a scenario of a very large crossover, attributed to the influence of the ferroquadrupolar SU (3)-symmetric point on the ground state, has been pointed out as the most Wewillreturn to this point when re-evaluating the physics of the discussions on multiplets and symmetries above also suggest the relevance of the many different ways of interpreting and rewriting the Hamiltonian in Eq. (1). Despite its simplicity, this spin-1 Hamiltonian admits no less than five distinct representations; besides the in Eq. (1), we 4D)Pi 0+ (-J+D)Pi 1+ the first line, using the isomorphism of su(2)and so(3), we write down the Hamiltonian in term of Lab i, the three SO(3)generators in the vector 1,2,3). The second line expresses the Hamilto- nian in terms of multipolar operators, with Qithe five cartesian quadrupole operators. For the third equality, the Hamiltonian is written in terms of local projector operators of a Ssector. Finally, the SU(2)problem is cast as an anisotropic SU(3) problem, with La ithe eight generators of the fundamen- tal representation of SU(3), broken into two sub-sets of three purely imaginary and five real matrices, using the conventional Gell-Mann basis [25]. The matter of impor- tance is that each of these forms provides an opportunity for insight in the phase diagram and SU(3)physics of the spin-1 problem defined by Eq. (1). We thus remark: (i) as observed by [26] and discussed below, the phase diagram in Fig. 2(a), while naively de- fined for a of SU (2), actu- ally finds natural generalization when seen as a phase- diagram for SO (N)-symmetric problems ( N= 3for S= 1). This observation alone allows us to extrapolate the phase diagram of Chen et al., as shown below. (ii) By choosingJ=D, the spin-1 Hamil- tonian is tuned to the integrable point [27-29]. This allows a series of the spin-1 SU (3)1phase, which are relevant in what follows. Applying J=Dto the other of the Hamiltonian we the last and first lines, respectively, we remark that the SU (3)invariance is made quite explicit, and that this enlarged symmetry requires identical behavior of the4 dipolar and quadrupolar fluctuations. From the second line, the spin-2 problem, and will serve as base for in Section V. The establishment of an extended critical phase inher- iting properties from the SU (3)point at low energies is the result of a combination of numerical and analytical work [6, 11, 17, 30-33], and is ultimately explained by Itoi and Kato's work via RG [7]. A few more remarks on this region of the spin-1 phase diagram are worthy: it serves as a quintessential example of failure of 1/S expansion. As pointed out by Ref. [33], classically, the spin-wave theory predicts a spiral phase with a contin- uously varying pitch angle th*asD/Jis tuned through the ULS point. Averaging over the azimuthal degener- acy around the canting of successive spins implies that the classical spin-spin correlation functions are given peaking at momentum q=p for allg[0,p/2). If spins were restricted to spiral states in a fixed plane, the correlation functions with peaks following th*
and attaining incommensurate continuous values. This classical large- Sdescription does not correspond to the S= 1case of interest: comparing the full line and or- ange dots in Fig. 3(a), one sees that the spin-spin quan- tum correlation function, throughout all g[0,p/2), is better described by the classical spiral states with spins fixed in a plane. But quantum fluctuations do not only force the spins to remain in a plane, they also triple periodicity, so that spin-spin correlation func- tions peak at momentum q*= 2p/3. Overall, the quan- tum case is different from both possibilities of spin-wave and flavor-wave theories only pro- vide good starting points to study this Hamiltonian at specific points of the parameter space, like g= Heisenberg model) or and, still, a full coherent-state quantum treatment is needed to fully capture the physics in these cases. In Fig. 3(a), inspired by Ref. [11], we further extend the analyses of Ref. [33] and study the static be either a dipole ( k= 1, vector) or a quadrupole ( k= 2) operator, the result being indepen- dent ofmdue to SU (2)invariance. This symmetry is incorporated explicitly in our calculations via an SU (2) non-Abelian DMRG routine [35-38]. We evaluate Ck(q) to find the maximizing momentum q*, and compare it with the classical canting angle th*. Besides the peak at q*= 0before reaching the AKLT a ferroquadrupolar uniform behavior. Past the AKLT point, the peak of the quadrupolar fluctua- tions jumps discontinuously to q*=p, similar to the dipolar ones. As one moves towards the ULS point, both static structure factor peaks smoothly interpolate 0 p/8p/4 3. (a) The peak positions q*of the dipolar and quadrupolar static structure factors, compared to the clas- sical canting angle th*. The black arrows correspond to the cuts showed in (b) and (c). The red dot is the the ULS point, g=p/4, the SU (3)critical point at which the dipolar and quadrupolar correlation functions coincide. The peak of quadrupolar correlations changes at the AKLT point (dashed vertical line). (b,c) The static structure factors around the ULS point in the gapped and emergent SU(3) 1critical, respectively. While, in (c), the system is critical, the emergent nature of the SU(3) symme- try shows by means of finite-size log corrections leading to the dipolar one. towardsq*= 2p/3, in a crossover behavior associated with the of the transition (3)1phase. th*at the ULS point. While the spin-wave theory fails at this point, this degeneracy lies at the heart of the success of the flavor-wave theory in describing the low-energy the- ory of this exact SU (3)-symmetric point [39]. Finally, in Fig. 3(b) and (c), we display the full static structure factor around g=p/4; as pointed out by Ref. [11], in- side the critical SU (3)1phase, logarithmic corrections that are irrelevant, in the RG sense, in- duce an enhancement of the quadrupolar structure fac- tor, in contrast with the dipolar one. Besides that, we call attention to the vanishing tail as q-0, signature of behaviour, when g > p/ 4. For the Haldane phase, g < p/ 4, despite a gap, we 0) = 0 persists for the dipolar correla- tions, as demanded by conservation of the total angular momentum and a singlet ground state. It is from the quadrupolar correlations, in fact, that one actually sees5 the breakdown of Luttinger-liquid behavior via the finite values ofCasq-0[40]. As a final remark, we note that the enlarged symmetry of the spin-1 SU does not seem to happen by chance. An exists between su(3)1and the of su(2)4[41]; since only integer spin multiplets exist in integer spin chains, the SU extended SU (3)-symmetric critical phase close to the ULS point. This closes our review and analysis of the spin-1 problem, and of several of the characteristics of its critical SU (3)1phase. We now turn to describing the spin-2 version of the prob- lem and contrast what is known, and our new results on it, with the spin-1 observations above. Based on the uni- versality of critical theories, we draw conclusions regard- ing the likelihood of a critical SU (3)1phase emerging in the spin-2 system. III. SPIN-2 SU (3)1PHASE REVIEW We now move to the most general SU chain, described by the following Hamiltonian related sets of coupling by bosonic cold-atomic realizations of this model, Chen et al. considered the phase diagram within the subspace 0and/epsilon10, /epsilon12, /epsilon14<0. = where the de- nominator represents a global energy scale, the phase with their normal along (x0,x2,x4) = (1,1,1), see Fig. 4. The distance of a given plane from the origin is the global energy scale. As shown in Fig. 4, three phases were identified -- a ferromagnetic phase (FM), a dimerized gapped phase (dimer), and indications of a potentially gapless SU (3)1 phase. Associated with the latter, for finite-sized chains, a tendency towards trimerization was clearly observed via DMRG, together with indications of a gap closing as the system size increases [8]. Taking the top of the pyramid in Fig. 4 -- the blue star, henceforth referred to as the pyramidion -- as a representative point deep into the proposed SU (3)critical phase, subsequent exact and more DMRG analyses established that the spectrum in this phase has several similarities with the spectrum of the spin-1 chain with p/4< g < p/ 2. CFT-related quantities were computed including a cen- tral charge estimated at c2and conformal towers with scaling dimension 2/3, both in agreement with the hy- pothesis of an SU (3)1critical phase [9]. We emphasize that numerical convergence for large-enough system sizes Figure 4. The phase diagram proposed by Chen et al. [8] The grey and yellow phases are dimerized and ferromagnetic, re- spectively, and the red phases have enhanced symmetry [cer- tainly (uniform) or hypothetically (hashed)]. In the inset, the SU(5) analogue of the spin-1 point is located at tan-11 318.4*, and the ana- logue, known as the Reshetikhin point [42, 43], is located however, particularly difficult in this system, implying that these numbers are not necessarily final. The findings reviewed above come as a surprise: con- trasting with the spin-1 problem, no critical point of ex- act SU (3)symmetry exists here from which a critical phase could extend similarly to the arguments of Itoi and Kato [7]. As already observed by Chen et al., a critical point of larger explicit symmetry here is x0=x2=x4, in which the system is SU (5)-symmetric, but this is a large- symmetry point with uniform spin orientation, analo- gous to the g=-3p/4point of the spin-1 problem [c.f. Fig. 2(a)]. In fact, more parallels can be drawn with the spin-1 case. Noting that the (x0,x2,x4) = (1,0,0)point also has exact SU (5)symmetry [44], we see that the line SO (5). To prove so, it suffices to focus on a two- site system and the SO(5) generators at site used in Fig. 4). As observed6 by Tu et al. [26], the family of SO (N)spin chains with spins in the fundamental (vector) representation have similar phase diagrams. These phase diagrams are one- dimensional and can be arranged in a circle. They fol- low the pattern of phases and critical points illustrated by the spin-1 (or SO (3)) discussion of Section II. This means that, as promised last section, we can extend the regions where we understand the spin-2 phase diagram. We know, for example, that a critical SU (5)1phase ex- ists in the spin-2 phase space, albeit far from the region in question by Chen et al. (see the Fig. 4 inset for full details). Back on the ferromagnetic region of the phase space, we note how the green lines in Fig. 4 and its in- set match the one depicted in Fig. 2. In the spin-1 sys- tem, we already discussed how the presence of the SU critical point g=-3p/4induces a large cross-over scale in the dimer phase, leading to a behavior that appears gapless at small system sizes. It is highly suggestive that similar physics could be at play in the spin-2 case, also stretching into the to give the impression of that corresponding to a critical phase. Indeed, the role of the competition of ground states induced by adjacent ferromagnetic phase in complicating numerical analysis was observed by Chen et al. IV. SPIN-2 SU (3)1PHASE CRITIQUE A. Static structure factor To shed light on the hypothetical SU (3)1spin-2 phase, we draw inspiration from the spin-1 results above. We consider the multipolar static correlation functions Ck(q) at the spin-2 pyramidion point. Due to the not only dipolar ( k= 1) and quadrupo- lar (k= 2) correlations are available, but octupolar and hexadecapolar are too ( k= 3,4, we obtain our results by performing SU(2) non- Abelian DMRG calculations and the results are shown in Fig. 5(a). Remarkable differences are found between SU (3)1spin-1 phase and the spin-2 case. While for spin-2 dipole and quadrupole fluctuations are indeed dominated by i.e. q*= 2p/3, the quadrupole fluctuations do not vanish as q-0, as would have been expected for critical behavior. Fur- thermore, the dipole correlations are stronger than the quadrupolar ones, the opposite of what is argued to be expected from an SU (3)critical phase emerging of an SU(2)lattice problem [7, 11]. At last, we verify that oc- tupolarand hexadecapolar correlations aredominated by a uniform behavior, i.e. q*= 0, and these correlations are also stronger than the dipolar and quadrupolar ones. A ferro-octupolar phase is more aligned with the physics than a critical SU in- deed, the ordering of the lowest energy level for each spin multiplet in the spin-2 pyramidion point is not the same 0 24 36 S= 1,kh= 4000 S= 2,kh= 4000 S= 3,kh= 4000 S= 4,kh= 4000Figure 5. Numerical results on the spin-2 pyramidion Hamil- tonian (star point of Fig. 4). (a) The static structure a dominance of ferro-octupolar fluctuations, as well as dipole correlations stronger than the quadrupo- lar ones at q*= 2p/3, the opposite of what is expected for a critical phase of emergent SU (3)symmetry (compare with Fig. 3(b, c)). (b) Finite-size scaling of Ck(-q)at-q=
0 (dots),2p/3 (crosses) . (c) Finite-size scaling of the en- ergy differences between the lowest-energy spin multiplets S= 1,2,3,4and the singlet ground state. We chose Nto be multiples of six and spaced the values according to expected to scale as 1/N. as that of the emergent SU(3) spin-1 phase (in 0,3,1,4,2, for the former, S= 0,2,1,3,4, for the latter). They claimed that the order of these mul- tiplets was a result of finite-size effects together with the fact that the SU(3) invariance is emergent, not exact. To verify this hypothesis, we performed a finite-size scaling analysis of the correlation functions, following its values at-q= 0,2p/3, as well as of the energy of the ground state of each spin S= 1,2,3,4relative to the singlet ground state. We choose system sizes in multiples of 6 to avoid two- and three-fold frustration under conditions, with values between N= 12and N= 60. The results are shown in Fig. 5(b). Despite not going to system sizes as large as Chen et al., we push the limits on bond dimensions beyond what they con- sidered, favoring precision over system size (more details are given in Appendix A). Our findings indicate that correlations tend to increase with system size most intensely, followed by the The period-3 dipolar and quadrupolar the system size. As for the energy levels, we find, as shown in Fig. 5(c), that indeed a tendency towards an ex-7 024SMA k= 1 2 0 2p/3p q024SMA k= 3 0 2p/3p q k= 4 Figure 6. The single-mode approximation. We plot oqas well as the numerator the [see Eq. (9)] with the choice O(q) =Tk m(q). All calculations have system size N= 60and bond dimension kh= 4000. change of order of the lowest-energy multiplets cannot be discarded. We plot the energy differences for different N by scaling the x-axis as 1/Nas, in this way, the relation is expected to be linear [7]. Yet, we emphasize that, de- spite our efforts to push the limits of bond dimension in oursystem -- kh= 4000, correspondingto matrix-product states -- we cannot N&48[45](again, more details are shown in Appendix A). B. Single-mode unable to fully verify the signatures of a critical phase, we return to the problem of the apparent criti- cality in the region between spin-1 problem. Inspired by that, we contemplate the possibility of the a large crossover scale due to the closeness of the high-symmetry ferromagnetic region. To address that, we follow Ref. [11], which suggested the use of the single-mode approximation (SMA) as a venue to verify such a scenario. The SMA process consists in con- structing trial (7) for a given operator O(q)carrying quantum numbers of a sector of interest in the Hilbert space, and the ground state, which we find via DMRG. The mean value of the Hamiltonian in this state may be written serves, like any variational energy, as a strict up- per bound on the gap for the sector of interest [46]. The power of this method comes from the fact that this upper bound can be seen to vanish both from the perspective of (i) the divergence of the denominator, typical for critical phases or phase transitions, as well as from (ii) the van- ishing of the numerator, which requires a commutation of O(q)and the Hamiltonian. In the latter case, an anoma- lously small upper bound to a system gap can emerge, giving the impression of critical behavior. In the spin-1 chain study, the latter case was realized by noting that atq= 0the quadrupole operator T2 m(q)commuted with the Hamiltonian at g=-3p/4[11]. We thus ask ourselves if, along the lines of scenario (ii), the presence of the SU (5)point and the SO line in the phase diagram of the spin-2 chain (c.f. at the pyramidion. We compute oqfor the opera- torsO(q) =Tk m(q)to estimate the upper energy bounds for eachksector, corresponding to the total angular The results are presented in Fig. 6. We find that the vanishing of the numerator in Eq. (9) only happens for the dipolar k= 1sector, atq= 0. This result is trivial, as the total angular momentum is naturally preserved due to the exact SU (2)symmetry of the problem; the SMA loses predictive capacity in this angular and linear momentum sector. Another feature we remark happens in the case of k= 3, the octupo- lar sector, which displays oq-0asq-0due to the divergence of the structure factor in the denominator of Eq. (9). This, together with the other notable points of minima for oq(namely,q= 0fork= 4andq= 2p/3for k= 1and2), is more closely related to scenario (i) de- scribed above and cannot offer predictions beyond those of the finite-size scaling performed in the previous sub- section. In conclusion, the SMA analysis does not support nor contradict claims of critical behavior in the spin-2 prob- lem. If we moved away from the pyramidion towards phase, the SO (5)-symmetric phase bound- ary certainly leads to vanishing SMA upper bounds in all sectors we considered at q= 0, but the pyramidion point itself is far enough for the commutators in the numera- tor ofoqto be comfortably finite. Reversing the point of view, the opposite conclusion may bring some extra value: in Ref. [9], it was claimed that energy-level con- siderations were more trustworthy than scaling analyses when trying to extract albeit the latter being more typically Indeed, not capture entanglement effects, they do indicate no anomalous effects in the energy levels for the Hamilto- nian at the pyramidion point, so that energy-level scal- ing analyses seem to be limited just by regular convergence.8 C. Entanglement spectrum A further tool that has recently been used to classify phases of matter, as well as analyse criticality, is entan- glement. In 1D criticality, a commonly studied quantity is the entanglement entropy, known to be directly re- lated to a conformal field theory invariant, namely the central charge [47]. More recently, it has been shown by Calabrese and Lefevre that not only the central charge is a specific signature of critical points and phases, but the whole distribution of eigenmodes of the reduced den- sity matrix takes a special shape [48]. The predictions of Calabrese and Lefevre were verified in numerical simula- tions [49]. Chen et al. already extensively verified the en- tanglement entropy scaling, finding, as mentioned, that robust CFT information was hard to obtain. Here we extend the entanglement study of the pyramidion spin- 2 Hamiltonian and contemplate the entanglement spec- trum predictions of Calabrese and Lefevre in another at- tempt to solve the deadlock between presence or absence of criticality. One considers the reduced density matrix of a subsys- temA, decomposed in terms of eigenmodes (10) libeing the eigenvalues. From these, a probability theeigenvalues, P(l), forwhich the mean number of eigenvalues larger than a value oas- sume a very simple form in conformal invariant the zeroth order modified Bessel function of the first kind, omaxis the largest eigenvalue of rAand is also related to the parameter baccording (12) wherecis the conformal central charge, withNthe system size, and /lscriptAthe size of the sub-region A[48]. We always take /lscript=N/2, constructing n(o)is, at first sight, tantamount to measuring the central charge c, a quantity that has already been considered by Chen et al. via the entangle- ment entropy with several convergence limitations. Yet, n(o)goes beyond that and displays a very specific considered on its own as a potential signature Fig. 7(a) we display the numerical data for n(o)for a system sizes N= 12,36and60, and consider it against the right hand side of Eq. (11). We consider both fitting the data for the functional form of I0(full lines), as well as a fixed curves with the analytical form of 7. The cumulative distribution function of the en- tanglement spectrum n(o)of a subsystem of half the system size for (a) the spin-2 model and (b) the spin-1 model with tang= 1.1. We also show the functional form with fitted b(full) and the analytical As we see, as the system size increases, the func- tional form of I0fits numerical data better and better. Yet, discrepancies arise between the fitted band the an- alytical prediction of b. The discrepancies are smaller for small system and become more apparent as the system size increases from 12 to 24 (as we verified). As the consistently smaller than their analytical counter- parts and, from Eq. (12), result in estimates for the cen- tral charge cranging around 2.9to3.2. These estimates seem to be consistent with Chen et al. for similar sys- tem sizes (although, again, we pursue larger For contrasting purposes, we also perform the same calculation in the spin-1 SU(3) 1critical phase (Fig. 7(b)). We choose the point tang= 1.1slightly off the ULS point, where the symmetry is emergent in- stead of exact. In this case, the fitted bits value agree better, and both give an estimate of the central charge to the 2.9 V. SPIN- SAND BEYOND Our results cast doubt in the existence of the phase. Nevertheless, an interesting re- alization prompts us to further consider this the spin-2 pyramidion Hamiltonian in a pro- jector language, it As it turns out, for an arbitrarily chosen integerspinS, the ground state of a three-site problem with Hamiltonian
~ -(P1 S+P2 S)is always a singlet. For larger system sizes, quantum fluctuations scramble and entangle these 3-spin singlets, generating an SU (3)1critical phase for spin-1 and, as was hypothetically proposed, also for spin- 2. This observation leads to an irresistible idea: a family of SU (3)1critical phases exist for arbitrary integer spin-Ssystems? (Contrasting with the family of SU (2)1phases that exist for half-integer spin chains, driven by Haldane's topological arguments in the Heisenberg models.) We leverage our learning so far to explore this question. We consider an spin- SSU(2)-invariant chain (14) We start by studying the classical spin texture expected for this Hamiltonian. We write the projection so 1) S(S+ 1)-k(k+ 2Si*Si+1, (16) and substitute J2 i,i+1= 2S(S+ 1) + 2S2costh, with a uniform first-neighbor canting angle th. This results in a classical energy given by E(th) 1) + 2S2costh-k(k+ 1) S(S+ 1)-k(k+ 1),(17) and we search the favored ground state by finding the an- gleth*that minimizes the energy. The results are plotted in Fig. 8(a). As we know, for S= 1we haveth*= 2p/3 exactly. While for S= 2,th*is shifted from 2p/3only mildly, for larger spin Swe find strong deviations from this triply-periodic this serves as another demonstration of the failure of the classical description of spin waves in 1D systems. The scrambling of 3-site singlets indicate of arbitrary q*are not possible and will 8. (a) The classical energy E(th)associated with H=-PS, withPthe projector onto the multiplet of total angular momentum S, a possible extrap- olation of the spin-2 Hamiltonian. Inset: the angle the energy. We have rescaled E(th)to the interval -1to1to better present the trend. For S= 1,2, the peak is at 2p/3but for higher spins, the position shifts towards smaller values. (b-d) The static structure factor for the quan- tum Hamiltonian H=-PSforS= 3,4,5for different N= 12. but the meaning is distinct: each panel (b-d) corresponds to a different spin value, and the color code refers to the val- ues ofk. ForS>=4(a) ork>=4(b-d), the points are shown in ever lighter shades of grey. For S= 3, an reveled:k= 1(dipolar) and k= have the correlation, as well as k= 2,4,6. (e) A comparison of all the commonly available Ckfor chains with S= 2,3,4,5. We note that their behavior of correlations is also of finite-size the classical th*. To verify this is the case, we again use our non-Abelian DMRG code to compute extending the spin-1 and spin-2 results to S=
3,4,5. While the DMRG convergence gets penalized as Sincreases, our experience is that the position of the dominant momenta in Ck(q)is largely stable and well- fixed even at system sizes as small as N= 12. Figs. 8(b-d) display the results for S= 3,4and 5 and are representative of the trend we see for all larger S. Correlations peak sharply at either q*= 0or2p/3. As we find, uniform octupolar correlations are ones, and dipole and quadrupole peak together at 2p/3(with dipoles quadrupoles, just as in S= 2). Higher functions are also available for higher spin chains, but are not the center of our attention; they are displayed in grey in the figure. In Fig. 8(e), we 1,2,3,4for spinsS= 2to5, and note that, independently of finite-size effects, the behavior of the correlation functions are the same for all surprise can also be observed: for S= 3 (Fig. 8(b)), we observe an exact degeneracy between dipolar (k= 1) and triacontadipolar (32-polar) ( k= 5) operators (orange and shades of grey), as well as ( k= 2) , hexadecapolar ( k= 4) and (64-polar) ( k= 6) operators (green and shades of grey). These two sets, together with the dis- tinct octopolar correlations ( k= 3) (red), lead to mul- tiplets 7 + 14 + 27 . Combining with the k= 0singlet then reproduces the levels of the group G 2, hinting to an exact microscopic G 2symmetry of this model for S= 3. We list in Appendix B the generators of its correspond- ing Lie algebra, g2and an analysis of the a careful look, the degeneracies should not be a surprise at all: we demonstrate rigorously that a region of exact G 2symmetry exists inside the phase space of the S= Hamiltonians (also discussed in Appendix B). We thus conclude this section with a comment on future directions of inquiry: in a similar spirit to our previous searches of symmetry emergence, this observation makes the S= 3spin chain a relevant system to search for (G2)1critical points and phases, of importance in the search of Fibonacci anyons, in Whether one can find robust phases where the larger symmetry is manifest remains a problem for the future. VI. CONCLUSION We re-evaluated the signatures of SU (3)1criticality in integer-spin 1D chains, in particular in the spin-2 sys- tem of Refs. [8, 9]. Comparing with the well-known case of spin-1, we analyzed, via SU (2)-symmetric non- Abelian DMRG, the static structure factors of multipole tensor operators in the spin-2 problem as profoundly in the hypothetical SU (3)1phase as we could. Our results indicate domination of ferro-octupolar correlations, of long-range behavior in the quadrupolar correlations. We push the convergence of finite-size scale analysis in comparison with results and, despite the difficulty in attaining full convergence, trends indicate that the results above should not change in the thermodynamic limit but rather become more pronounced. By tracing parallels and performing symmetry anal- yses, we also extended our understanding of phases in the spin-2 parameter space, pointing to a phase of ex-tended SU (5)1symmetry, and showing that the problem proposed by Chen et al. lies in a similar place with As done previously in the case of spin-1 [11], we used a single-mode approximation to explore the proxim- ity of high-symmetry uniformly ordered critical lines and a ferromagnetic phase as explanations for the apparent spin-2 critical behavior. While we found little evidence that this is the actual origin of the problem, our results indicate that the energetics and correlation analysis per- formed are trustworthy and robust. We also explored the entanglement spectrum of Hamiltonian is indeed critical or not. The distribu- tion of eigenvalues is well fitted by analytical laws valid in conformal systems. Yet, we verify discrepancies in the fitting parameter and difficulty in estimating the central charge as previously reported in the literature. That the critical form for the distribution of eigenvalues of the en- tanglement spectrum is well respected is, perhaps, not surprising, as clearly any potential residual gap in this spin-2 system should be very small and difficult to verify in finite-sized systems. The challenge in explaining this anomalously with symmetry emergence motivated us to still explore higher-spin generalizations of this problem. We proposed a family of integer spin- SHamiltonians whose magnetic behaviors not only serve as examples for the limitations of the non-interacting spin-wave theory in 1D, but are all similarly related: they are all dominated by ferro-octupolar correlations and display dipolar and quadrupolar correlations with either peaking at vanishing momentum or display- ing period-three behavior. These results also signal how arbitrary spiral order is not favored in quantum mag- netism, an effect that we assign to simple properties summation for the generation of sin- glets. Amusingly, for spin S= 3, the Hamiltonian parameter space with exact G 2symmetry; this might be a promising starting point to search for G 2criticality, of relevance for quantum computing our results providing evidence against ground state in the spin-2 problem, an abnormal difficulty for DMRG convergence is the absence of one. If a gap exists, phase would be an important step: not many candi- dates seem to remain to explain this beyond a but a 1D trimerized phase in an isotropic system seems as exotic as the critical phase proposed by Chen et al. As far as we can tell, if the system is indeed gap- less, the SU (3)1state does seem to be the best candi- date. Still, an analytical explanation for the emergence of a critical phase resisted our best efforts. To say the minimum, our numerical results indicate that an controlling octupolar and hexadecapolar fluctu- ations decouple from the dipolar and quadrupolar ones, with the former being spatially uniform while the latter ones giving rise to a quasi-SU (3)1fluid. Therefore, im- portant questions remain. If the SU (3)1phase is there, how could it emerge? If it exists for spin-2, does it gen- eralize to arbitrary integer spin? If this phase is not there, why does this system look so critical, and what is the nature and origin of these gapped instead? Finally, recent advances in tensor net- work methods have introduced methods that are efficient for simulation of gapless phases [50]; would it be possi- ble to apply such methods to this present problem and improve the numerical data available, perhaps even in- cluding even including non-Abelian rotation invariance to these new methods? We leave these as questions for future acknowledge insightful conversations with Frederic Mila. For the SU(2) calculations we use an in-house cus- tom code utilizing the High-Performance Tensor Trans- pose library [51], the Tensor Contraction Library C. L. is supported by the QuEST scholorship at the University of British Columbia. For the early stages of this work, V.L.Q. acknowledges financial support from the High Magnetic Field Laboratory through the NSF Cooperative Agreement No. 1157490 and the State A: Other numerical results Here we present the finite bond dimension scaling of the energy gap to indicate the convergence of the The energy gap is obtained by subtract- ing the ground state energy in spin sectors of S= 1,..,4 from that of the singlet. The results with bond 1000 and 4000 are shown in Fig. 9. For a given fixed system size, a linear fit of against 1/kh on the last four data sets, i.e. kh= an estimate of the convergence. Indeed, denoting the fitted slope as a, we have a lower bound of ,
>=khM-a khM, (A1) wherekhM= 4000is the largest available bond dimension andis the infinite bond-dimension limit. We see resultingin a/khM&0.0025, or~5%
of the value. With these system sizes, and we cannot rule out the possibility of this system being gapped.Appendix B: G 2symmetry of the spin-3 model In this appendix we discuss the G 2symmetry of the spin-3 Hamiltonian, G 2is the semi-simple Lie group and also the automor- phism group of the octonion algebra [55]. We will focus on its corresponding Lie algebra g2. The Lie algebra has a two-dimensional Cartan subal- gebra, for which we can choose the are proportional to T1 0andT5 0, respectively. Then judiciously combining the eigenvectors of [Hi,*](a linear operator on sl(7,C)), we arrive at the generators. (-5 14,3 42). The root gener- ators 0-1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 , E2=
0 0 0 0 0 1 [E1,E112],E11122 = their transposes. The set of two Cartan generators and the twelve root operators can be chosen as the gen- erators of the group. With the matrix form of these gen- erators, one can readily check that they commute with the Hamiltonian H3(for that, checking for a pair of sites is enough). In fact, the Hamiltonian can be expressed in term of the quadratic Casimir invariant under group rotations, sum over Eis the sum over all the twelve 12,AE=deg0.0N= 18,AE=0.0N= 24,AE=0.0N= 30,AE=1.0N= 36,AE=2.0N= 42,AE=3.0N= 48,AE=5.0N= 54,AE=8.0N= 60,AE= 12,AE=deg0.0N= 18,AE=0.0N= 24,AE=0.0N= 30,AE=1.0N= 36,AE=3.0N= 42,AE=6.0N= 48,AE=9.0N= 54,AE= 13.0N= 60,AE= 12,AE=deg0.0N= 18,AE=0.0N= 24,AE=0.0N= 30,AE=1.0N= 36,AE=2.0N= 42,AE=4.0N= 48,AE=7.0N= 54,AE= 10.0N= 60,AE= 12,AE=deg0.0N= 18,AE=0.0N= 24,AE=0.0N= 30,AE=2.0N= 36,AE=4.0N= 42,AE=7.0N= 48,AE= 11.0N= 54,AE= 15.0N= 60,AE= 20.0 Figure 9. The energy gap as a function of bond dimension khbetween 1000 and 4000. 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Affleck and Pedro L. S. Lopes | The case of SU$(3)$ criticality in spin-2 chains | 13 pages, 9 figures | Phys. Rev. B 105, 085140 (2022) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.085140 | null | cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.stat-mech | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | It was proposed in et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. $mathbf{114}$, 145301 (2015)}] that spin-2 chains display an extended critical phase with enhanced SU$(3)$ symmetry. This hypothesis is highly unexpected for a spin-2 system and, as we argue, would imply an unconventional mechanism for symmetry emergence. Yet, the absence of convenient critical points for renormalization group perturbative with the usual difficulty in the convergence of numerical methods in critical or small-gapped phases, renders the verification of this phase a non-trivial matter. By tracing parallels with phase diagram of spin-1 chains and searching for against finite-size effects, we draw criticism on the existence of this phase. We perform non-Abelian density matrix renormalization group studies of multipolar static correlation function, energy spectrum scaling, and entanglement spectrum to shed light on the problem. We determine that the hypothetical SU$(3)$ spin-2 phase is, in fact, dominated correlations and also observe a lack of in correlation functions that suggests that is perhaps not critical. We further construct an infinite family of spin-$S$ systems with phenomenology; curiously, we note that the spin-3 version of the problem is located in a subspace of exact G$_2$
symmetry, making this a point of interest for search of Fibonacci in magnetic systems.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:00:03 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 24 Feb 2022 02:20:40 GMT"
] | 2022-02-25T00:00:00 | [
"Victor Luiz",
"Pedro L. S.",
] |
Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 K ahler moduli space 3 2.1 K ahler cones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2 Picard number two manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3 Flops for Picard number two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.4 Innite
op chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 Geometry on K ahler moduli space 9 3.1 Moduli space metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.2 Classication of intersection forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.3 M-theory on threefolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4 Calabi-Yau constructions 15 4.1 Theh1;1(X) = 2 CICYs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.2 Theh1;1(X) = 2 THCYs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5 Geodesics in K ahler moduli space 19 5.1 Generalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 5.2 Geodesics in very special geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5.3 Geodesics and K ahler cone walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5.4 Geodesics for h1;1(X) = 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6 Examples 25 6.1 Example for case 1 -
op to one isomorphic CY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 6.2 Example for case 1 - ambient space
op without CY
op . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.3 Example for case 2 -
op to a non-isomorphic CY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6.4 Example for case 3 - innitely many
ops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 7 Conclusion 31 A Picard number 2 CICYs and their eective cone structure 33 B Picard number 2 THCYs and their eective cone structure 36 21 change is an intriguing feature of string theory, and possibly of quantum gravity more generally, which was rst discovered and studied some time ago [1{7]. It is an interesting question how recent attempts to extract general features of low-energy theories from quantum gravity, in the context of the swampland programme [8{11] relate to topology change and whether topology change itself might perhaps give rise to such general features. In the present paper, we will study the extended K ahler moduli space of Calabi-Yau (CY) the boundary structure and the
op transitions connecting K ahler subcones, in relation to geodesic motion. Our main context is M-theory compactications on CY threefolds to ve- dimensional N= 1 supergravity, although some of our results can also be directly applied to type II To keep the discussion explicit we will focus on CY threefolds Xwith = 2, the simplest case where we can expect a non-trivial K ahler cone structure. We review the dierent types of K ahler cone walls, namely
op walls, walls along which a to a curve or a point, and eective cone walls on which the volume of the CY goes to zero, and show how they can be identied from basic topological CY data, as well as discuss the properties of the moduli space metric near these walls. Some emphasis is placed on isomorphic
ops, that is,
op transitions of a CY manifold to another version of the same topological type, which can give rise to innite sequences of
op transitions. A classication of intersection forms for h1;1(X) = 2 CY threefolds is presented which exhibits three dierent cases. To substantiate our discussion we have compiled a detailed dataset which contains the cone and wall structure of the extended and eective cones for all h1;1(X) = 2 manifolds within the CYs (CICYs) [12] and the CY hypersurfaces in toric fourfolds (THCYs) [13]. This data shows that the K ahler moduli space structure is quite rich, even at the level of Picard number two, and it should provide a useful resource for future studies of topology change in string theory. Our main goal is the study of geodesics and we will show that, thanks to the classication of intersection forms, the geodesic equation can be explicitly solved for all h1;1(X) = 2 CYs. This allows us to follow geodesic motion near K ahler cone walls and across
op transitions. Our results further substantiate a recent discussion of how geodesic motion across the extended K ahler moduli space relates to the distance conjecture [14]. In particular, we argue that the existence of innite- length geodesics for CYs with innite
op sequences does not contradict the distance conjecture. The plan of the paper is as follows. In the next section, we review the structure of the CY K ahler moduli space, its possible walls, isomorphic and non-isomorphic
op transitions as well as innite
op sequences. In Section 3, we introduce the metric and the geodesic equation on K ahler moduli space, discuss how it relates to the cone and wall structure and prepare the ground for solving the geodesic equation by carrying out a classication of intersection forms. The explicit CY data, covering the h1;1(X) = 2 manifolds from the CICY and THCY lists, will be introduced in Section 4, with the detailed information provided in Appendices A and B. In Section 5 we study the in detail and show that it can be explicitly solved for all h1;1(X) = 2 CYs. Several of these solutions will be presented in Section 6. We conclude in Section 7. 2 K ahler moduli space In this introductory section, we review a number of relevant features of the K ahler moduli space of Calabi-Yau (CY) threefolds, to prepare for our later study of geodesics. Some of these have 3been well-known for some time, but we will also discuss certain features emphasised more the possibility of isomorphic
op transitions and innite chains of
ops. We will focus on Picard number two manifolds and, in particular, present a classication of intersection forms for this case. 2.1 K ahler cones We are interested in CY threefolds Xand their K ahler cone K(X). The K ahler cone consists of all closed satisfy vol(C) :=Z CJ >0; vol(D) :=1 2Z DJ2>0; vol(X) :=1 6Z XJ3>0; (2.1) for all holomorphic curves CXand all eective divisors DX. Its dimension equals h=h1;1(X) and it is usually parametrised as J=tiJi, wheret= (t1;:::;th) are the K ahler moduli and (J1;:::;Jh) forms a suitably chosen basis of the second cohomology of X, with a Poincar e dual basis (D1;:::;Dh) of divisor classes. We also choose an integral basis ( C1;:::;Ch) of dual curve classes, so ti= vol(Ci) =Z CiJ : (2.2) and introduce the triple intersection numbers dijkand the pre-potential by dijk= (Di;Dj;Dk) =Z XJi^Jj^Jk; = 6 vol(X) =dijktitjtk; (2.3) where (;;) is the triple intersection form on X. At the boundary of the K ahler cone the volume of a sub-manifold vanishes and there are three qualitatively dierent scenarios of what can happen at a given boundary point, depending on which type of integral in Eq. (2.1) approaches zero (see for example Refs. [7, 15] for more wall: The volume of a curve in Xgoes to zero, while the volumes of divisors and the volume ofXremain wall: The volume of a divisor DinXgoes to zero, while the volume of Xremains nite. There are two sub-cases. (a) The divisor Dcollapses to a curve. (b) The divisor Dcollapses to a cone wall: The volume of Xgoes to zero, together with the volumes of some divisors and curves. A cartoon of these three possibilities is shown in Figure 1. When a
op wall is encountered, the geometric moduli space continues beyond the wall into an adjacent K ahler cone of another CY manifold X0, birationally equivalent to X. The volume of the collapsing curves becomes formally negative from the perspective of the original CY X, but they are replaced by a new set of holomorphic curves on X0. The manifolds XandX0can be isomorphic or non-isomorphic and we will refer to isomorphic and non-isomorphic
ops accordingly. We will see later that isomorphic
ops are, in fact, rather common. If the new CY X0allows for a
op 4Figure 1: (Top left:) Collapse of a curve. (Top right:) Collapse of a divisor to a curve. (Bottom left:) Collapse of a divisor to a point. (Bottom right:) Collapse of the CY. other than the one leading back to Xthe process can be continued. By exhausting all possible
ops in this way the extended K ahler cone, Kext(X), ofXis produced. It has been conjectured that the extended K ahler cone only contains a nite number of non-isomorphic CY manifolds, in a statement known as the conjecture [16, 17] (see also Ref. [14] for a with the innite distance conjecture). On the other hand, as we will see, the extended K ahler cone can contain a countably innite number of isomorphic CY manifolds. When a Zariski wall is encountered, a divisor collapses. While the CY volume stays nite, the theory cannot be continued (in the geometric regime) to a new CY. However, the Zariski wall does not mark the end of the eective cone of X, denoted by E( X). Rather, adjacent to the Zariski wall is a Zariski cone containing eective divisors, or equivalently line bundles with global when an eective cone wall is encountered, a divisor collapses in such a way that the CY volume goes to zero. In such cases, the geometric interpretation is lost and the CY cannot be continued beyond this wall in a geometric setup. In contrast to the Zariski wall, there are no line bundles with global holomorphic sections beyond this wall, so in this case the wall is both a bound- ary of the K ahler cone and a boundary of the eective cone of X. 2.2 Picard number two manifolds In this paper, we are primarily interested in CY manifolds with Picard number h1;1(X) = 2 and in this case we can be slightly more explicit about what happens at the K ahler cone boundaries. First, the K ahler cone is necessarily simplicial and we can choose an integral basis ( D1;D2) of K ahler cone generators so that the K ahler cone K(X) =fxD1+yD2jx;y > 0gis the positive quadrant in the coordinates t= (t1;t2) = (x;y). The eective cone E( X) is not xed but has generators which we can parametrise (2.4) 5so that E( X) and in the basis ( D1;D2) we can write these generators as v 2=v21 v22
: (2.5) Finally, the prepotential (2.3)
=d111x3+ 3d112x2y+ on four intersection numbers, and for convenience we group these into the two d 2=d111 d112
: (2.7) The main CY data which will enters the subsequent discussion consists of these vectors ( relative to the basis in which the K ahler cone is the positive quadrant. For the two most important classes of CY examples (complete intersections in products of projective spaces and hy- persurfaces in toric varieties), they will be explicitly determined in Section 4, but for now we proceed by analysing which conclusions can be drawn in general. We would like to understand to what extent the data ( d1;d2;v1;v2) encodes the behaviour of the CYXat its K ahler cone boundaries. Of course, the cycle volumes vol(C1) =x; vol(C2) =y; (2.8) vanish at the boundaries x= 0 andy= 0, respectively. To decide whether these correspond to
op boundaries we need to look at the volumes of eective divisors and the entire CY. For concreteness we will analyse this for the boundary at x= 0 on the understanding that the analogous statements for the boundary y= 0 are obtained by the index exchange 1 $2. First, for the volumes of D1andD2we have vol(D1) =1 2(d111x2+ 2d112xy+d122y2) vol(D2) =1 2(d211x2+ that the volume of an arbitrary divisor D=k1D1+k2D2is given by vol(D) =1 2
(kd2)x2+ 2(kd)xy+ (2.9) wherek= (k1;k2)Tandd= (d112;d122)T. For the total volume we have
= 6 vol(X) =d111x3+ 3d112x2y+ (2.10) From these expressions we can read o simple criteria, as summarised in Table 1, which allow us to determine the type of boundary wall in terms of the intersection numbers and the eective cone generators. It is worth noting that, while the intersection numbers are topological and, in independent, this is not necessarily the case for the eective cone E( X). New eective divisors can appear for specic complex structure choices and this can lead to a
op wall turning into a Zariski wall. We will later see an example of this at x= 0 condition event
op wall d1v1>0 andd1v2>0 wall d2226= 0 0 (a) kd6= 0 Dcollapses to curve type (b) kd= 0 Dcollapses to point eective cone wall d222= 0 1: Conditions for possible events at the x= 0 boundary of the K ahler cone. The anal- ogous statements at the y= 0 boundary are obtained by the index exchange 1 $2. Here d1= (d122;d222)T,d= intersection number data, v1;v2describe the gener- ators of the eective cone, k= (k1;k2)T, Flops for Picard number two Now suppose the wall at x= 0 is a
op transition to another, birationally equivalent CY K ahler cone K(X1 1) shares the boundary x= 0 withK(X). To be more precise, K(X1 1) is a cone in H2(X1 1), whileK(X) is a cone in H2(X). However, a
op induces an such thatK(X) and 1(K(X1 1)) share a common wall. To simplify notation, from now on we will say that K(X) andK(X1 1) share a common wall. At thex= 0 boundary of which n1have 2C1. The intersection forms ( ;;) and then related by (D;E;F )0= (D;E;F are divisors. This implies the triple intersection numbers dijk= (Di;Dj;Dk) and d0 ijk= 8n2. These two sets of triple intersection numbers can be into each other M 1= 1 0 m11
; (2.13) provided n = (2.14) Ifm1is fractional then XandX1 1are dierent CY manifolds and the above equation for nis typically not satised since nneeds to be integer. Hence, the triple intersection forms are not related by the matrix M1and we have a non-isomorphic
op. On the other hand, for m1integer M1is integral and XandX1 1may be isomorphic. In this case, the second Eq. (2.14) is a formula for a specic combination, n, of Gromov-Witten invariants in terms of the In either case, it can happen that X1 1has another
op boundary, dierent from the one it shares with X, which connects it to a further manifold X2 1and so forth. It is conjectured that 2: An isomorphic
op between K ahler cones K(X) andK(X1 1) with involution generated by M1(left) and an innite
op chain, generated by nite number of non-isomorphic manifolds can arise in this way. However, as we will see below, there exist innite chains of isomorphic non-isomorphic we are not aware of a general method to read o the K ahler cone of the
opped space X1 1from simple data on X. It seemsK(X1 1) has to be determined from an explicit construction of X1 1or from line bundle cohomology data on X. We will rely on the latter method for our example manifolds. The situation is much simpler if XandX1 1are isomorphic in which case the K ahler cone generators for the K ahler cones are given by K(X) =fxD1+yD2jx;y> 0g;K(X1 1) =fxD1+yD2jx<0; m1x+y>0g: (2.15) Then, the matrix M1in Eq. (2.13) generates an involution which exchanges K(X) withK(X1 1). The involution should be regarded as a map between CY threefolds of the same type, but with dierent K ahler classes and dierent complex structures [18]. Under this involution, a divisor (curve) onXand its equivalent onX0 1are related by i0=Mi 1jj;
0 i=M1ij
j: (2.16) All this is illustrated on the left in Fig. 2. It has been argued in Ref. [14] that the involution gen- erated byM1is gauged and that the Kahler cones K(X) andK(X1 1) should, hence, be identied. At rst sight, it might seem that
ops between isomorphic CYs are a somewhat exotic and rare phenomenon. On the other hand, the ratio of intersection numbers in Eq. (2.14) being integer does not appear to be a particularly strong constraint. Indeed, as we will see in the next section when we discuss examples, isomorphic
ops are quite common. 2.4 Innite
op chains The previous discussion about
ops of course applies equally to the boundary at y= 0, subject to the index exchange 1 $2. In particular, an isomorphic
op at y= 0 leads to an m 2=2d211 d111; (2.17) which exchanges the K ahler cone K(X) with K(X1 2) y< 0g: (2.18) The matrices M1andM2in Eqs. (2.13) and (2.17) do not commute and they generate a certain discrete group G. To determine this group we consider the product of the two +m1m2
; (2.19) which is of nite order, s, ifm1m2<4 and generates a group isomorphic to Zform1m24. The elements of Gcan be written in the unique form Mq 1Mk, whereq2f0;1gand ork2Zifm1m24. In the former case, Gis a nite group whose structure is indicated in the table below. (m1;m2) (1;1) (1;2) (1;3) G= Z2n Z3 Z2n Z4 Z2n Z6 Form1m24, on the other hand, Gis an innite group isomorphic to Z2nZ. The extended K ahler cone Kext(X) is generated by acting with GonK(X). For the nite cases with m1m2<4 the image ofK(X) underGcovers thex-yplane minus the negative quadrant and is, therefore, not actually a cone. The conclusion is that h1;1(X) = 2 CY manifolds with that would lead to m1m2<4 do not exist. Form1m24 the extended K ahler cone contains an innite number of cones, K(Xk 1) 1;2;:::, on either side of the original cone K(X), as indicated on the right in Fig. 2. These innite sequences of isomorphic
ops converge to limits which mark the boundary of the extended cone Kext(X) x+ ~m2y>0g +r 1 4 m1m2
: (2.21) This cone is rational for m1=m2= 2 and irrational for all other cases, and in particular for m1m2>4. Just as for the case of a single isomorphic
op, it has been argued [14] that Gis a gauge symmetry and should be divided out, so that all the cones K(Xk 1) andK(Xk 2) are identied with K(X). 3 Geometry on K ahler moduli space We will now introduce the metric on K ahler moduli space and discuss to what extent it about the wall and cone structure of this moduli space. Basic properties of the associ- ated geodesic equation will be discussed and we present a classication of intersection forms for the caseh1;1(X) = 2 which facilitates solving the geodesic equation. Finally, we review M-theory on threefolds to ve-dimensional N= 1 supergravity, the low-energy context within which we prefer to consider the geodesic equation. 93.1 Moduli space metric The K ahler cone K(X) is equipped with the moduli space (3.2) This metric is of course positive-denite on K(X). It can be used to dene the ti=Gijtjwhich satisfy the useful titi= 1: (3.3) The associated Levi-Civita connection reads i jk=Gil ljk: (3.4) Using that Gijis a homogeneous function of degree 2 in the coordinates tiand applying Euler's theorem, it follows that @iGjkti= 2Gjkor, i jktk= i j: (3.5) Given our focus on geodesics, we would like to understand to what extent the type of the K ahler cone wall, as classied in Table 1, is encoded in the behaviour of Gijat or near the wall1. As before, we focus on the boundary at x= 0, with the understanding that results for the y= 0 boundary are obtained by the index exchange 1 $2. At this boundary, the metric the metric diverges at x= 0 ifd222= 0 and this coincides with the condition for an eective cone wall in Table 1. Now assuming that d2226= 0, so that the metric does not diverge for x= 0, can we distinguish the other wall types? The above expression for the determinant shows that the metric becomes singular at x= 0 0: (3.7) If this condition is satised Gdevelops one zero eigenvalue, so its rank reduces to one. We will now show that such a singularity in the metric cannot arise in the case that x= 0 is a
op wall. To this end, we assume that Gis non-divergent but singular at x= 0, sod2226= 0 and assume that a
op to a manifold X0arises atx= 0. We will show that these assumptions lead to a contradiction by studying the behaviour of Gon either side of the boundary x= 0. Forx0, so inside the K ahler cone of X, the determinant to rst order in xis given by det(Gjx0) = = (3.8) 1See also Ref. [19] for a discussion of the regularity of the metric at boundaries of the K ahler cone. 10metric behaviour condition boundary non-singular d2226= 0
op or type (a) Zariski singular d2226= 0 type (b) Zariski wall divergent d222= 0 eective cone wall Table 2: Relation between metric behaviour at x= 0 and the type of K ahler cone boundary. The numerator be zero as this would imply the vanishing of two minors of the matrix in Eq. (3.12) below and, hence, a reduction in the rank of ', which as we will see is excluded. Hence since Gis positive denite for x>0 we require that Forx0 we can carry out the same calculation as above but we have to use the intersection numbers d0 ijkof X0given in Eq. (2.12). Since d111is, in fact, the only intersection number which changes, we have det(Gjx0) = = (3.9) Evidently, the numerator of this expression remains positive (as n0) but, since x0, it follows that det(Gjx<0)<0 near the wall which contradicts positive deniteness of the metric. This shows that the metric Gis necessarily non-singular at a
op boundary and, conversely, that a singular metric indicates a Zariski wall. We can be even more specic and decide which type of Zariski wall a singular metric corresponds to. From Table 1 the condition for a Zariski wall at x= 0 iskd1= 0 for some eective divisor k2E(X). For a type (b) Zariski wall (divisor collapses to a point) we need in addition that kd= 0. Together these imply that the matrix (d;d1) singular, which is the case i the determinant in Eq. (3.7) vanishes. Conversely, if this matrix is singular, so that d/d1, there must exist an eective ksatisfyingkd1= 0 andkd= 0, since we know from Table 1 that at a Zariski wall either d1v10 ord1v2<0, generators of the eective cone. The conclusion is that a non-divergent but singular metric indicates a type (b) Zariski wall, where a divisor collapses to a point. The above statements, relating the behaviour of the metric to the type of the boundary wall, are summarised in Table 2. The metric behaviour is apparently not sucient to distinguish between
op and type (a) Zariski walls. Indeed, one and the same K ahler cone boundary can switch between the two types, depending on complex structure choice, but without any change of the metric Gij. An example for this phenomenon will be presented in Section 4. 3.2 Classication of intersection forms The intersection form, together with the K ahler cone, are the main ingredients in For this reason it makes sense to discuss basis transformations of intersection forms and nd suitably simple normal forms. To this end, we call two intersection forms
(t) =dijktitjtkand ^(t) normal form ^ (cl(),rk(')) metric ^G K(X) contained 0 0 0;y> 3: Classication of intersection forms for CYs Xwithh1;1(X) = 2. The metric ^Ghas been computed from the prepotential ^ , using Eq. (3.1). The regions where ^ > 0 and ^Gis positive denite are given in the last column and are plotted in Figure 3. equivalent if there exists a basis transformation P2GL( Rh) such that ^(Pt) =(t) or, equivalently, if the intersection numbers are related by Evidently, this denes an equivalence relation and we are interested in nding the equivalence classes and a suitably simple normal form for each class. Class functions can be helpful to carry this out explicitly. One such class function is the rank, rk( '), of the map ':S2Rh!Rhdened by [ '(s)]i=dijksjk. However, by itself it is not sucient to distinguish all classes, as we will see below. For arbitrary Picard numberh, the classication is a complicated problem but for h= 2, our main case of interest, it is not too dicult to complete. First, we note that, for h= 2, the general intersection form (2.10) is determined by four so our classication is carried out in a space isomorphic to R4. The intersection form (2.10) also shows that the map ':S2R2!R2is represented by the rk(')2f0;1;2g: (3.12) As already mentioned, this rank by itself is not sucient to distinguish all classes. Another class function can be constructed as follows. Seen as a cubic in RP1,has either one, two, or three distinct zeros, and we dene the class of to be this number, that is cl() =
[x:y]2 RP1j(x;y) = 0 2 f1;2;3g: (3.13) Taken together, the rank, rk( '), and the class, cl( ), are sucient to characterise the of intersection forms, as can be shown by explicitly carrying out basis transformations. It turns out there are four classes (apart from the trivial class which consists of the zero are summarised in Table 3, together with suitable normal forms. The regions in the last column of Table 3 are the ones where ^ >0 and ^Gis positive denite, so they indicate the maximal K ahler cones possible in each case. For case 0 the set is empty since the metric ^Gis so this case is irrelevant for the discussion of CY intersection forms. For the remaining three cases, the maximal K ahler cones have been plotted in Fig. 3. The boundaries x= 0 andy= 0 of the grey region in case 1 are special in that the volume ^ remains nite (away from the origin) 2The notation of integrality is of course typically lost under this equivalence but this will not be essential for the purpose of solving the geodesic equations. 12-2 -1 0 1 2-2-1012 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6-6-4-20246 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 3: Shaded regions indicate where ^ > 0 and ^Gis positive denite, for case 1 (left), case 2 (middle) and case 3 (right) from Table 3. The coloured lines are isochores (taking ^ = 6) and the red dots indicate boundaries for which ^ vanishes at the boundary. The dashed line in case 1 indicates the isochore outside the consistent region. but the metric ^Gbecomes singular. On all other boundaries of the grey regions in Fig. 3 the does this classication of intersection forms relate to our previous discussion of the K ahler moduli space and its boundaries? For starters, throughout the K ahler cone K(X) of a CY threefold Xthe volume is positive and the metric is non-singular so such a moduli space must map to a cone within one of the maximal cones in Fig. 3. The price we pay for choosing coordinates where the intersection form becomes one of the normal forms is a more complicated K ahler cone in not necessarily equal to the positive quadrant. More precisely, if Ptransforms the intersection form (t) =dijktitjtkwith associated K ahler cone K(X) =fxD1+yD2jx;y> 0ginto one of the normal forms ^ from Table 3, so that ^ (Pt) =(t), then the K ahler cone ^K(X) in normal form coordinates is the image
^K(X) =P(f(x;y)jx;y> 0g) (3.14) of the positive quadrant under P. For cases 2 and 3 we can always choose Psuch that this cone is contained in the positive quadrant, but it may not take up the entire quadrant. For case 1 we can ensure it lies within the upper cone and, again, it may or may not ll out the entire region. There are three qualitatively dierent possibilities for how a boundary of the mapped K ahler cone
^K(X) can relate to the maximal cones in Fig. 3. First, if the boundary in question is in the interior of a maximal cone the metric is non-divergent and non-singular, so from Table 2 this must correspond to a
op or type (a) Zariski wall. If a boundary of ^K(X) coincides with one of the maximal cone boundaries where the volume vanishes (all but the x= 0 andy= 0 boundaries of case 1) this must be an eective cone wall. Finally, if a boundary of ^K(X) coincides with the x= 0 (ory= 0) boundary for case 1 then the volume remains nite and the metric is singular so that, from Table 2, we have a type (b) Zariski wall. This means that type (b) Zariski walls can only ever occur for case 1 intersection forms. The structure of the cones in Fig. 3 also shows that a type (b) Zariski wall can only arise for at most one of the two boundaries of the K ahler cone. 133.3 M-theory on threefolds The physics associated with the CY K ahler cone and its boundaries depends somewhat on the considered. In type II string compactications on a CY threefold Xthe K inh1;1(X) four-dimensional N= 2 vector multiplets but there are a number (i) The K ahler moduli tiare complexied by axions. (ii) Instanton eects correct the prepotential and, hence, the metric Gij. These eects become important for small curve volumes. (iii) Non-geometric phases, described by abstract conformal eld theories, may arise beyond of the K ahler cone. In this paper, we focus on M-theory compactications on CY threefolds instead, where these com- plications are largely absent. These compactications lead to ve-dimensional N= 1 with h1;1(X) 1 vector multiplets and h2;1(X) + 1 hypermultiplets. The vector are the shape moduli bi=ti a; a3:= vol(X) =
6; (3.15) while the overall volume modulus aresides in the hypermultiplet sector. Evidently, the a function of the shape moduli satises a constant volume ~= 6; (3.16) which accounts for the reduction from h1;1(X) toh1;1(X) 1, as required by the number of The metric and connection on the ve-dimensional vector moduli space are obtained from ~by the analogue of Eqs. (3.1) and (3.4) and these quantities will be denoted by homogeneity of these functions it follows that
~=a 3; ~Gij=a2Gij; ~ i jk=a i jk: (3.17) The detailed ve-dimensional eective action in the Einstein frame can, for example, be found in Ref. [20]. For our purposes it is sucient to know that geodesics in vector moduli space are governed by the metric ~Gijand that geodesic distances are measured in units of the ve-dimensional is clear from the above discussion, the vector multiplet scalars biare not complexied, so this type II complication is absent. Further, instanton eects are proportional to exp( R), whereRis the M-theory radius (or the radius between four- and ve-dimensional eective theories), so they vanish in the ve-dimensional limit R!1 . Hence, ~and ~Gijdo not receive instanton corrections. phases are absent in the ve-dimensional theory [7]. Having said this, our results can be applied to IIA, provided it can be argued that the above be neglected. Of course, the results only apply to the sub-sector of IIA where axion dynamics have been switched o (which can be done consistently). Further, we need to require that cycles either retain large volumes or, if they become small, they do not give rise to instanton corrections and that the evolution stays away from non-geometric phases. Of course these conditions have to be checked case by case. What is the physics of those M-theory compactications to ve-dimensions which correspond to the dierent types of K ahler cone boundaries listed in Table 1? At a
op wall, a number, N, of curves in the CY manifold Xshrink to zero size and the ve-dimensional eective theory acquires which become massless at the
op. They originate from membranes wrapping the collapsing cycles. These hypermultiplets can be explicitly incorporated into the [21]. As one passes through the
op wall, from Xto a birationally equivalent CY X0, one-loop corrections due to these hypermultiplets change the intersection numbers dijkofX which appear in the ve-dimensional theory to the intersection numbers d0 ijkofX0[7]. With this adjustment of intersection numbers understood we can think of the ve-dimensional theory as a theory on the extended K ahler moduli space of X. For a type (a) Zariski wall we have a divisor which shrinks to a curve. This marks the end of the ve-dimensional vector multiplet moduli space with an SU(2) gauge theory from the developing A1singularity appearing at the boundary [18].3For a type (b) Zariski wall a divisor collapses to a point and this is the end of the moduli space. An innite tower of states arises from membranes wrapping the curves within the shrinking divisor as well as from a ve-brane wrapping the entire divisor (leading to a tensionless string in ve an eective cone wall combines the collapse of a divisor and the entire CY and also marks the end of the vector moduli space. An innite tower of light states appears from the or from Kaluza-Klein modes. 4 Calabi-Yau constructions To add substance to the discussion, we now introduce two classes of CY manifolds with h1;1(X) = 2 and explicitly determine their K ahler cone structure. The rst set consists of the h1;1(X) = 2 manifolds from the list4of complete intersection CYs in product of projective spaces (CICYs) [12] and the second is the subset of manifolds with h1;1(X) = 2 among all CYs dened as hypersurfaces in toric ambient spaces5(THCYs) as captured in the Kreuzer-Skarke list [13]. As it happens, both of these data sets contains 36 topological types of CY manifolds each. The manifolds in either data set are constructed in an ambient space A. For the CICYs this is a product of projective spaces with the CY dened as the common zero locus of sections whose associated line bundles form a nef partition of the anti-canonical bundle of A. For THCYs the ambient space is a toric fourfold and the CY is dened as the zero locus of a section with associated rst Chern class equal to that of the anti-canonical bundle of A. While the K ahler cone of the ambient spaceAcan be easily determined in either case, nding the K ahler cone of the CY manifolds XA is, in general, not straightforward. First of all, the second cohomology of Xmight not entirely descend from the second cohomology of A. If it does the CY is called favourable . It turns out that all h1;1(X) = 2 manifolds in either data set are favourable in this sense. Secondly, even in a favourable case, the K ahler cone of Xcan be larger than the cone obtained from the K ahler cone of Aby restriction. When the two cones are equal the CY is called K ahler-favourable . It turns out that allh1;1(X) = 2 CICYs are K On the other hand, while many of the h1;1(X) = 2 THCYs are K ahler-favourable as well, this data set also contains some K ahler non-favourable cases. The overlap between the CICY and THCY lists for h1;1(X) = 2 consists of precisely two manifolds, which are the two h1;1(X) = 2 CICYs (with numbers 7884 and 7887 in the standard list of Ref. [12]) dened as hypersurfaces in the four-dimensional ambient spaces presenting our examples in more detail it is worth commenting on some general features of 3The ve-dimensional eective theory including this SU(2) gauge theory has been constructed in Ref. [22] for the special case that there are no massless charged CICY table is available at Kreuzer-Skarke list is available at multiple places, e.g. at kreuzer/CY/. We use the SAGE package polytopes db4d. 15the data in Appendices A and B. First, the structure of the extended and eective cones is typically quite rich, even for our relatively simple examples with h1;1(X) = 2. We note that most of the
op transitions (indeed all
op transitions in the CICY case) in our examples are dierent from the traditional type where a
op in a toric ambient space descends to a
op on the CY. For our examples, there is no ambient space
op and the topological transition only arises on the CY itself. Somewhat unexpectedly, isomorphic
ops are rather common and perhaps even more isomorphic
ops leading to an innite
op sequence are by no means rare. We also learn that the three non-trivial classes of intersection forms in Table 3 are all realised by CY the CICY examples fall either into case 2 or case 3. What happens to the class of the intersection form under
op transitions? Of course isomorphic
ops preserve the class but we do not have a general statement for non-isomorphic
ops. The examples show that typically do change the class, usually between 3 $1 and 2$1. This is often to account for a secondary cone with a type (b) Zariski wall which, as we know from our classication, can only arise for case 1 intersection forms. 4.1 The h1;1(X) = 2 CICYs Theh1;1(X) = 2 CICYs are embedded in an ambient space A=Pd1Pd2and are dened as the common zero locus of K=d1+d2 3 polynomials, homogeneous in coordinates of each projective space factor. The classication of CICYs in Ref. [12] lists 36 topological types, each specied by a conguration matrix which contains the bi-degrees of the dening polynomials. Since all of these manifolds are K ahler-favourable a suitable basis of K ahler cone generators is obtained by restricting the standard K ahler forms on the projective space factors to X[23]. This gives rise to formsJ1,J2and Poincar e dual divisor classes D1andD2. Below we will specify divisor classes numerical vectors relative to the basis ( D1;D2). Curve classes will be to the basis ( C1;C2) dual to (D1;D2). The triple intersection numbers can be computed by standard methods, and the intersection form case in Table 3 is determined by computing the class from Eq. (3.13). Finding the structure of the various cones and the nature of the cone boundaries is more dicult, but can be accomplished by computing line bundle cohomology on X, following Ref. [24]. The resulting information has been compiled in the table in Appendix A. As an example for how to read this information, we consider from the table in Appendix A the CICY #7885 with conguration matrix X2P11 1 P44 12;86
168: (4.1) This notation denotes a manifold dened in the ambient space A=P1P4as the common zero locus of two polynomials with bi-degrees (1 ;4) and (1;1). The Hodge numbers, attached as = 2 andh2;1(X) = 86 and the Euler number, attached as a subscript, is (X) = 168. The triple intersection numbers can be computed from this description to 5 0 0
)= 12xy2+ 5y3=y2(12x+ 5y): (4.2) This intersection form has two zeros, [1 ;0] and [ 5;12], inRP1and is, hence, a realisation of case 2 from Table 3. More generally, the table in Appendix A shows that CICYs realise case 2 and case 3 intersection forms, but there is no case 1 example6. As we will see in the next subsection, case 1 intersection forms can be obtained from THCYs. 6However, some of the CYs obtained from CICYs via non-isomorphic
ops have case 1 intersection to our example, one nds that the generators viof the eective cone, and the of this cone by
op walls and Zariski walls, as discussed in Section 2, are given by v1= 1 1
; v 1
1 4 0 1 1 (4.3) In the matrix on the right, the numerical rows in the middle provide the generators of the various cone boundaries. The rst and the last of these generators are evidently the eective cone boundaries and are, hence, marked by an Eon the right. The boundary generated by ( 1;4)Tis a Zariski boundary marked by a Zwhile the boundary generated by (0 ;1)Tis a non-isomorphic
op boundary, marked byF16;0. The subscripts are the Gromov-Witten invariants n1= 16,n2= 0 which determine the change in intersection numbers. The symbols on the left of the matrix indicate the nature of the cones. The a Zariski cone, marked as Z. The K ahler coneK(X0), marked by K1, where the subscript indicates that it has a case 1 Its intersection form 0can be determined from Eq. (2.12) with n=n1+ 8n2= 16, so that
0= 16x3+ 12xy2+ the cone the K ahler cone of the original CY, which is case 2 and accord- ingly denoted by K2. A plot of this cone structure is presented in Fig. 6 below. Of course a manifold X0obtained from a CICY Xvia a non-isomorphic
op does not need to have a CICY realisation but is, more generally, described by a complete intersection in a toric ambient space. The explicit construction of X0is not of immediate relevance for the study of geodesics and will be presented in a forthcoming paper [25]. As another example, consider CICY #7887 with conguration (x0;x1) y= the homogeneous coordinates of P1[x] andP3[y] are dened on the right. The phas the +x0x1p1(y) +x2 1p2(y); quartics in y. The intersection numbers give rise to a case 2 intersection 2 0 0
)= 12xy2+ 2y3=y2(12x+ 2y): (4.7) and the cone structure is specied by v1= 1 4
; v 4 0 1 1 0E I4 64;0 E1 A: (4.8) The matrix denotes that the primary K ahler cone connected by an iso- morphic
op along the boundary generated by (0 ;1)T, denotedI4 64;0, to the K ahler cone of an isomorphic CY X0. Here the subscripts are the Gromov-Witten invariants n1= 64,n2= 0 while 17the superscript m= 4 determines the generator for the involution of K ahler cones in Eq. (2.13). It is important to note that this result is valid for generic choices of complex structure, that is, for generic polynomials of the form (4.6). For non-generic choices, previously non-eective divisors can become eective. If these divisors collapse when the K ahler form reaches a wall, this can change the wall type as well as the type of the adjacent cone. To illustrate this, consider a special with p1= 0, so that p=x2 0p0(y) +x2 1p2(y): (4.9) For this choice the generically non-eective divisor D= 2D1+ 4D2becomes eective, as can be seen by computing h0(X;OX(D)). Comparison with Eq. (2.9) shows that its volume vanishes along thex= 0 boundary. Hence, this boundary, which is generically an isomorphic
op wall, turns into a Zariski wall for non-generic dening polynomials of the form (4.9). Since we are dealing with a case 2 intersection form this must necessarily be a type (a) Zariski wall, as type (b) Zariski walls can only arise for case 1 intersection forms. 4.2 The h1;1(X) = 2 THCYs A (generic) CY hypersurface in a four-dimensional toric variety is specied by a choice of a re
exive polytope and a triangulation of its faces. The toric variety is constructed from the fan over the chosen triangulation, while the monomials that contribute to the are in one-to-one correspondence with the lattice points of the dual polytope. The polytope can be specied either directly, through its vertices, or indirectly, using homo- geneous coordinates. It is the latter approach that we use in Appendix B. Thus if the homogeneous coordinates on a four-dimensional toric variety, these coordinates need to be identied under m 3 scaling relations specied as the rows of a weight system, also known as a charge matrix in GLSM language. Each homogeneous coordinate is associated with an divisor Didened by zi= 0 and the scaling relations translate into linear relations between the toric divisors with coecients given by the rows of the charge matrix. In order to construct the re
exive polytope and, subsequently, the fan of the toric variety, one associates a (ray) vito each toric divisor Disatisfying the same linear relations that hold between the toric divisors. The vectors vithen specify the vertices of the polytope. The triangulation of the surface of the polytope corresponds to the information about the vanishings of the homogeneous coordinates. The non-allowed simultaneous vanishings are to be taken away before quotienting the homogeneous coordinates by the scaling relations. If the generators corresponding to a number of coordinates share a common cone, then the coordinates are allowed to simultaneously vanish, otherwise they are not. The allowed vanishings are collected in the Stanley-Reisner ideal denoted in Appendix B as `SRI'. Finally, the rank of the Picard group of the toric variety is given by the number of rays minus the dimension of the fan, 4 in our case. Since we are interested in Picard number 2 compact toric varieties associated with re
exive polytopes, we will always have six rays. Changing the triangulation of the polytope dening the toric variety corresponds to
opping the ambient space. This might or might not descend to a
op on the CY hypersurface. If it does, the
op leads to a
op of the CY, and the K ahler cones of the two manifolds glue along a common wall to form (a part of) the extended K ahler cone. If it does not, the ambient space
op indicates a boundary of the ambient space K ahler cone which is not a boundary of the CY K ahler cone. This 18means that the two ambient space K ahler cones can be glued together to form (at least part of) the CY K ahler cone. In particular, nothing special happens on the CY at the ambient space
op locus. We will see examples illustrating both situations in Section 6. 5 Geodesics in K ahler moduli space In this chapter, we discuss general properties of the geodesic equation in K ahler moduli space, both in terms of the K ahler moduli ttand the shape moduli bi. Forh1;1(X) = 2 we show that the geodesic equations for bican be integrated and we carry this out explicitly for the three forms in Table 3. 5.1 Generalities The geodesic equation for a trajectory ti=ti(s) in K ahler moduli space reads
ti+ i jk_tj_tk= 0; (5.1) where the dot denotes the derivative with respect to the curve parameter s. Multiplying the with Gij_tjleads to a rst energy integral 0 (5.2) withE0 constant. The geodesic length between the points ti(s1) andti(s2) is =p 2Es: (5.3) We would now like to show that the geodesic equation implies a decoupled dierential equation for the overall volume modulus = 6a3. To do this we rst note that Eq. (3.5) implies the the derivative of the contravariant K ahler moduli and this leads to
_= 3ti_ti; = 3ti(ti+ i jk_tj_tk) +_2
: (5.4) Provided the geodesic equation (5.1) is satised, the rst term on the right-hand side vanishes and we nd the desired a=_a2 a; (5.5) for the volume modulus. The solution is a(s) =a0es; real constants. In particular, constant volume geodesics correspond to = 0, while>0 (<0) implies an exponentially expanding (contracting) volume. 195.2 Geodesics in very special geometry Given that the volume modulus acan be decoupled from the geodesic equation it is reasonable to ask if the same can be accomplished for the shape moduli bi=ti=a. A straightforward computation of the shape moduli derivatives lead (5.7) and combining these results it follows (5.8) Evidently, if the geodesic equation (5.1) for the K ahler moduli ti(and, hence, Eq. (5.5) for the volume modulus) is satised then the right-hand side of this equation vanishes and we nd that the shape moduli satisfy the geodesic 0; (5.9) where ~ i jkis the Levi-Civita connection in terms of the shape moduli, as in Eq. (3.17). the geodesic equation (5.9) for the shape moduli and for the overall volume modulus (5.5) implies the geodesic equation (5.1) for ti, as Eq. (5.8) shows. All this is consistent with the structure of ve-dimensional N= 1 supergravity, where the the vector multiplet moduli. As explained earlier, we will focus on M-theory to such ve-dimensional supergravity theories and, therefore, study the geodesic equa- tion (5.9) for bi. However, a solution bi(s) of this geodesic equation can be multiplied with a solution (5.6) for a(s) to produce a solution ti(s) =a(s)bi(s) of the geodesic equation (5.1) for the K ahler moduli ti. This can be interpreted as an M-theory solution with evolving vector mul- tiplet moduli and evolving volume modulus (which resides in the hypermultiplet sector) or as a IIA solution with the same properties. In the latter case we have to assume that the which arise in IIA, that is, possible axion dynamics, instanton eects and the presence of non-geometric phases, can be neglected. Of course the geodesic equation (5.9) also has a rst energy ; (5.10) where ~E0 is a constant. The constants ~EandEin Eq. (5.2) and the expansion coecient of the volume modulus in Eq. (5.6) are related (5.11) This means the geodesic length (5.3) (5.12) A solutionti(s) with varying volume is of the form ti(s) =a(s)bi(s) =a0esbi(s); is a solution to the geodesic equation (5.9). For constant volume, a= const, the case we focus on, we should set = 0 in this equation. More generally, in the context of M-theory, we can think of as the contribution of the entire hypermultiplet moduli sector. Then equation (5.12) shows that the = 0 case, where all hypermultiplet moduli are kept constant, provides a lower bound on the geodesic length. For our purposes it is important to note that geodesics bi(s) for the shape moduli satisfy the 6; dijkbi_bj_bk= ~E : (5.14) The rst of these is simply the constant volume constraint, ~ = 6, and the second one follows from the energy integral (5.10), given that ~ = 6 implies ~ i_bi= 0. In general, these two equations are of course not sucient to nd a solution, but they are for h1;1(X) = 2, our main case of interest. 5.3 Geodesics and K ahler cone walls Next we discuss how geodesics behave near walls of the K ahler cone, covering the dierent types of walls listed in Table 1. At
op walls of the K ahler cone K(X), the metric Gijremains nite and non-singular. Hence near a
op wall, geodesics behave regularly, qualitatively no dierent to how they behave in the interior of the K ahler cone, and
op walls appear at nite geodesic distance. What happens at the
op wall depends on the dynamics of the additional hypermultiplets which become massless. If do not evolve, as is plausible since they are massive away from the
op wall, the evolution continues through the wall and into the adjacent K ahler cone K(X0). We must how to match geodesics across a
op wall. Recall from Eq. (3.1) that the metric Gijon K(X) depends on the intersection numbers dijk. The metric G0 ijonK(X0) is given by the same general expression but now in terms of the intersection numbers d0 ijkofX0. From Eq. (2.12), we can formally incorporate this change into the ve-dimensional theory by thinking of the metric as a dijk(b) (5.15) of the shape moduli biand the moduli-dependent intersection numbers dijk(b). Here, we are as- suming that the
op arises at b1= 0, andb1>0 (b1<0) corresponds to the K ahler cone of X (X0). As we compute the Levi-Civita connection (3.4) from this metric we would expect additional terms proportional to (b1). However, these terms are always multiplied by factors of b1. Hence, the connection has a discontinuity (due to the theta function which arises in the rst term in Eq. (3.4)) across the
op wall but it does not have a delta function singularity. The conclusion is that geodesics should be matched across a
op wall such that biand_biare continuous. In particular this means a geodesic inK(X) uniquely determines its continuation into the adjacent K ahler cone K(X0). The above discussion has interesting implications for isomorphic
ops. Suppose a K ahler cone K(X) within the region b1>0 and an adjacent K ahler cone K(X0) within the region b1<0 are related by an isomorphic
op at b1= 0. Consider a geodesic bi(s) across both cones with bi(s)>0 fors >0, so that the
op arises for parameter value s= 0. The two K ahler cones are related by an involution, generated by M(see Eqs. (2.13)) which leaves the
op locus b1= 0 unchanged. We can use this involution to map the geodesic bi(s) fors >0 which is inside K(X0) back into the primary K ahler cone K(X), that is, onto Mijbj(s) fors0. This is of course in line 21with the idea that the involution is a gauge symmetry and that the K ahler cones K(X) andK(X0) should be identied. But the geodesics bi(s) fors0 andMijbj(s) fors0 have the same at the
op locus s= 0 so they represent the same =bi( s) (5.16) fors0. Hence, in a downstairs description where we identify the extended K ahler moduli space withK(X), geodesics ounce back from a
op wall and
e-trace their original path. If we have two isomorphic
op walls, giving rise to an innite
op sequence, then the geodesic motion in the downstairs picture corresponds to an oscillation between these two walls, along the a type (a) Zariski wall the metric also remains nite and non-singular just like for a
op, so in the naive eective theory they arise at nite geodesic distance. In fact, we have seen that it is possible to switch between
op and type (a) Zariski walls by a choice of complex structure, without changing the metric Gij. However, unlike
op walls, type (a) Zariski walls mark the end of the moduli space. This is not apparent from the naive eective theory, in which geodesic just as for a
op, that is through to the other side of the wall. Of course, for a of the physics near a type (a) Zariski wall the SU(2) gauge theory which appears there has to be included in the low-energy theory. We note that this modied geodesic evolution has been determined in a simplied setting in Ref. [22]. For type (b) Zariski walls the metric is non-divergent but singular at the wall. This means the wall can be reached at nite geodesic distance (at least within the naive eective theory) but one combination of elocities _biis not bounded by the energy condition (5.10) and can, hence, diverge. This is indeed what happens near a type (b) Zariski wall as our explicit solution in the next subsection will show. Of course, as the velocity grows beyond the string or the low-energy theory becomes invalidated. Hence, the naive low-energy theory retains some memory of the new physics which is expected at a type (b) Zariski wall, quite unlike for a type (a) Zariski wall. For a correct low-energy description the innite towers of light states expected at a type (b) Zariski wall have to be included and they will modify the geodesic evolution near the wall. Finally, for an eective cone wall the metric diverges, so the energy condition (5.10) implies that velocities _bigo to zero. This suggests eective cone walls are at innite geodesic distance and this is shown explicitly by our solutions in the next subsection. 5.4 Geodesics for h1;1(X) = 2 Forh1;1(X) = 2 CYs the two equations (5.14) completely determine the geodesic solutions. In fact, the actual geodesic curve is already determined by the rst equation, the constant ~= 6, but in order to nd the evolution and geodesic distance we have to solve both equations. In principle this is straightforward by solving the rst Eq. (5.14) for one of the shape moduli in terms of the other, inserting into the second Eq. (5.14) and solving the resulting dierential equation. In practice, this is dicult to carry out for a generic However, the classication of intersection forms in Section (3.2) shows that we only need to do this for the four normal forms in Table 3. In fact, case 0 is irrelevant since the metric is never positive denite, so only three interesting cases remain. We will now show that analytic solutions for the geodesics can be obtained for these three cases. As before, we denote the two shape moduli by (x;y) = (b1;b2). 22Case 1 The case 1 normal form from Table 3 (multiplied by a convenient overall factor of 6) is ^ = 6x3+6y3 and inserting this into Eqs. (5.14) gives x3+y3= 1; x _x2+y_y2= 1 6~E: (5.17) Solving the rst equation for yand inserting into the second gives y= (5.18) The dierential equation can be solved analytically which leads y rk(s) =r 3 8s+k; (5.19) wherekis an integration constant and we are choosing the branch such that the solution is real. This solution satises the rst K ahler cone condition ( x<0;y> x) in Table 3, so it resides in the upper cone in Fig. 3 on the left. The other solution, which resides in the lower cone, is obtained by exchanging xandy. Note that the constant volume constraint ^ = 6 is a result of the 1. Both branches of the geodesic have been plotted in the left Fig. 3. They are evidently equivalent and we can focus on the y>0 branch for simplicity. The maximal (upper) cone in the left Fig. (3) has two boundaries. We know that the to an eective cone wall while the boundary at x= 0 is a type (b) Zariski wall. Let us discuss the behaviour of the geodesic (5.19) at both of these boundaries. The to the boundary at x= yas!1 which shows that it is at innite geodesic distance, as expected. The type (b) Zariski wall at x= 0 is approached by the geodesic as rk(s)!0 and it is evident from Eq. (5.19) that _ xdiverges in this case. As discussed above, this will eventually lead to a break-down of the naive eective theory near the type (b) Zariski wall. Of course the K ahler cone ^K(X) of an actual CY with case 1 intersection form can ll out the entire maximal cone, only one of its boundaries may coincide with a maximal cone boundary, or it may be entirely in the interior of the maximal cone. Any boundary of ^K(X) in the interior must be either a
op or a type (a) Zariski wall. It is interesting to note that, from our classication, we can exclude certain combinations of K ahler cone wall types for CYs with case 1 intersection forms. For example, it is impossible for both K ahler cone boundaries to be type (b) Zariski walls or for both to be eective cone walls. Case 2 From Table 3, the case 2 normal form is given by ^ =x2y, so that the Eqs. (5.14) become x2y= 6; _x(y_x+ 2x_y) = 3~E : (5.20) Solving the rst equation for yand inserting into the second, the solution is easily found to be x=kes; y =6 k2e 2s; an integration constant and 2=~E=3. Depending on the choice for the sign of k, we get solutions which reside in either of the two maximal cones and both of these branches are shown in the middle Fig. 3. They are equivalent and we can focus on the maximal cone which coincides with the positive quadrant. Both boundaries of the maximal cone are eective cone walls. If >0, the geodesic (5.21) asymp- totes towards the x= 0 boundary as s! 1 and towards the y= 0 boundary as s!1 , so either of these walls is at innite geodesic distance, as expected. As before, the K ahler cone ^K(X) of an actual CY need not ll out the entire maximal cone, and
op and type (a) Zariski walls arise at boundaries of ^K(X) in the interior of the maximal cone. But just as for case 1, certain wall types are excluded for CYs with case 2 intersection forms. Specically, any combination of wall types which involves a type (b) Zariski wall is ruled out. Case 3 From Table 3, the case 3 normal form (with a convenient factor of 3) is ^ = 3x2y+ 3xy2, so that Eqs. (5.14) become x2y+xy2= 2; _x2y+ 2(x+y) _x_y+x_y2= ~E : (5.22) Solving the rst equation for yand inserting into the second equation +x3 x2(x3+ 8)_x2=~E 6=:2: (5.23) Note that both roots ylead to the same dierential equation for x. The square root (and hence y) is real for (i) x 2 or (ii)x0. In case (i), yis positive for either of the solutions, and hence satises the rst K ahler cone condition in Table 3. In case (ii), y+is negative and satises the second K ahler cone condition, while y is positive and satises the third K ahler cone condition. An analytic solution to (5.23) is given by x=3s
2 + 6 cosh(3 s) sin1 3arccos (tanh( 3s))
; (5.24) where we have xed the integration constant such that x(0) = 1. Note that w1= andw2= such that sin( w2=3)2(0;p 3=2). The three branches of the geodesic solution are shown in Fig. 3, on the right. In fact, the intersection form ^ = 3(x2y+xy2) has a symmetry group by h1= 1 1 0 1
; h 2=0 1 1 0
; (5.25) which is of order 6 and isomorphic to S3. This group permutes the three maximal cones in Fig. 3 along with the corresponding geodesic branches which are, hence, equivalent. We can, therefore, focus on the maximal cone which lls out the positive quadrant. This cone has two boundaries at x= 0 andy= 0, both of which are eective cone walls. They are approached asymptotically as s!1 and are, therefore, at innite geodesic distance, as expected. As before, the Kahler cone ^K(X) may not ll out the entire maximal cone and its boundaries in the interior of the maximal cone are
op or type (a) Zariski walls. Note that type (b) Zariski walls are excluded for CYs with case 3 intersection forms, just as they were for case 2. 24Let us summarise these results. We have obtained explicit geodesic solutions for the three non- trivial normal forms in Table 3. These solution prove that eective cone walls are always at Flop walls are reached in nite geodesic distance and the same is true for Zariski walls when considered within the naive eective theory as described by the standard geodesic for both type (a) and type (b) Zariski walls new massless states arise at the wall which can be expected to modify the geodesic evolution near the wall. We have also seen that type (b) Zariski walls are, in a certain sense, rare. They can only arise for CYs with a case 1 and then for at most one of the K ahler cone boundaries. 6 Examples In this section, we illustrate our general results with a number of examples taken from the = 2 CICYs and THCYs, whose data is presented in Appendices A and B. From this data we know the structure of the extended K ahler cone. We can work out the intersection form for each constituent K ahler cone, determine its case in the classication of Table 3 and the to the corresponding normal form. The geodesic solution for an intersection normal form is given by one of the explicit solutions given in the previous section. Transforming these back to the original eld basis for each K ahler cone and matching at all
op walls gives the geodesic in the entire extended K ahler cone. 6.1 Example for case 1 -
op to one isomorphic CY As an example for case 1, we consider a THCY X0with a
op to an isomorphic CY X1, listed as example number (4 ;) in the long table of Appendix B. This
op is inherited from a
op of the ambient toric variety, which is perhaps the most well-known situation. The two toric varieties A0 andA1are described by a GLSM charge matrix, and a Stanley-Reisner ideal which species the ne regular star 2 1 1 3 0 1 -1 0 0 -1 1; X 1A 1z0z1z2z3z4z5 2 -1 1 1 0 3 -1 1 0 0 1 -1: SRI 0:hz0z5; z1z2z3z4i SRI 1:hz1z4; K ahler cone generators are1 3(z4+z5) andz5orz4for the CYs X0andX1, respectively. For the following discussion, all coordinates are given relative to the basis ( the K ahler cone generators of X0. The structure of the eective cone is presented in Figure 4. There are two K ahler cones corresponding to isomorphic CYs, and two Zariski chambers with type (b) Zariski walls that bound the extended K ahler cone on either side. The K ahler cones of X0 andX1are given by K(X0) =fx0>0; y0>0g;K(X1) (6.2) The involution that maps these two K ahler cones onto one another is given by M1= 1 0 3 1
; (6.3) 7Here and below the two charge matrices are equivalent, but we choose them to match the two K ahler cone bases. 25-2 -1 0 1 2-2-101234Figure 4: Eective cone of the THCY example (4 ;), showing K ahler cones of CYs X0andX1, as well as two adjacent Zariski chambers, with a geodesic curve the intersection polynomials of X0andX1in the K ahler cone divisor basis of X0are given by
0= 3x3 0+ 9x2 0y0+ 9x0y2 0+ 2y3 0; 1= 3x3 1+ 9x2 1y1+ 9x1y2 1+ 2y3 1: (6.4) We see that the
op changes the triple intersection number d111by 6 and leaves all other invariant. These two intersection forms can be brought into the (rescaled) normal form 6x3+ 6y3of case 1 using the P 0=3p 6 11 3p 3
1 0! ; P 1=3p 6
1 1 3p 3 2 (3p 3)2! : (6.5) There are two choices for these maps, corresponding to the two maximal cones in the left Fig. 3 and we have selected the one which maps to the upper cone. The normal form solution in terms of the variables (x;y) is given in (5.19). Using the above maps P0andP1, we can transform this solution back to the original coordinates ( x0;y0) ofX0and (x1;y1) ofX1. We x the integration constants in Eq. (5.19) by demanding that the
op occurs at s= 0, explicitly and demand that the solutions are continuous and dierentiable across the
op, so that x0(0) =x1(0) = 0; y 0(0) =y1(0);_x0(0) = _x1(0);_y0(0) = _y1(0): (6.6) Setting ~E= 1,= 0 (i.e. xing the volume of the CY along the geodesic), and the geodesics 3q 2
3q 2 cosh2[rk1(s)] +3q 6 (coneK1)(6.7) We have plotted the solutions in Figure 4. We can see the high-speed escape/crash at the Zariski wall and the continuous smooth transition across the
op wall. Since X0andX1are equivalent we should identify the two cones K0andK1, dividing out by the involution. In the downstairs picture we can then describe the entire evolution within the cone K(X0). It amounts to a high-speed escape from the Zariski wall, a motion towards and a bounce back from the
op wall and retracing the same trajectory which ends in a high-speed crash at the Zariski wall. Since the
op arises at 0 and the Zariski wall at s= p 8=3 it takes a geodesic (6.8) to traverse the K ahler cone K(X0) along an isochore. The above discussion has focused on isochores, but solutions with varying volume are easily obtained from Eq. (5.13). For such solutions, with a volume expansion rate , the geodesic distance to traverse the K ahler coneK(X0) +2 221:52; (6.9) which is bounded from below by the isochore result (6.8). 6.2 Example for case 1 - ambient space
op without CY
op A
op in the toric ambient space does not always descend to the CY hypersurface. If it does not, the geodesic evolution across such an ambient
op locus takes place within a single CY K ahler cone and, hence, leaves the CY topology unchanged. An explicit example is realised by the the two four-dimensional toric varieties A0andA1given by the following two ne regular star 0z0z1z2z3z4z5 1 0 0 0 1 1 -1 1 1 1 -2 0; X 1A 1z0z1z2z3z4z5 1 -1 -1 -1 2 0 0 1 1 1 -1 1; SRI 0:hz0z4z5; z1z2z3i SRI 1:hz0z4; are related by a
op. This is example number (17 ;) in the long table of Appendix to triangulations 2 and 1 respectively. The K ahler cones of A0 andA1share a common generator z5, and the other generator is1 2(z5z4). We choose the of theA0K ahler cone generators to present our results. Then, we nd the K ahler cones of A0andA1are given by K(A0) =fx0>0; y0>0g;K(A1) =fx1<0; x1+y1>0g; (6.11) and the intersection forms 0=1= 9x2 0y0+ 27x0y2 0+ 21y3 0on the CY hypersurfaces are, in fact, equal. The fact that the intersection form does not change across the ambient space
op that the CY K ahler cone K(X0) is just given by the union of the K ahler cones K(A0) andK(A1). In particular, while there is an ambient space
op across x0= 0 the CY itself does not
op. The cone structure for this example is illustrated in Figure 5. There is a single K ahler 0; y0>0g, bounded at y0= 0 by an eective cone wall and at x0+y0= 0 by a type (b) Zariski wall. The transformation which converts the intersection form into the (rescaled) case 1 normal form is given P =3p 2 2 1 1 1
: (6.12) We can x the integration constants such that the ambient space
op is at s= 0, which implies k= arccosh(p 8=7) and the resulting solution is plotted in Fig. 5. There is a high-speed escape/crash at the Zariski wall and the geodesic asymptotes to the eective cone wall which is at innite As before, non-isochore solutions can be obtained from Eq. (5.13). 27-2 -1 0 1 5: Eective cone of THCY example (17 ;), showing K ahler cone of CY X0, which is a union of ambient space K ahler cones for two triangulations, as well as an adjacent Zariski chamber, with a geodesic curve superimposed. -1 0 1 2 6: Eective cone of CICY #7885, showing K ahler cones of CYs X0andX1, as well as an adjacent Zariski chamber, with a geodesic curve Example for case 2 -
op to a non-isomorphic CY As an example for a
op between two non-isomorphic CYs with case 1 and case 2 intersection forms, we consider CICY #7885 with conguration matrix X0P11 1 P44 1
: (6.13) As a basis we use the divisors ( D1;D2) which generate the K ahler cone of X0and are dual to the restrictions J1;J2of the standard ambient K ahler forms of the two projective space factors. The relevant data for this manifold is contained in the table in Appendix A and has already been discussed in Section 4.1. The K ahler cones of the CICY X0and the
opped CY X1are K(X0) =fx0>0; y0>0g;K(X1) (6.14) and they share a
op wall at x0= 0. The other boundaries of K(X0) andK(X1) are an eective cone wall and a type (b) Zariski wall, respectively, as shown in Figure 6. The two intersection forms
0= 12x0y2 0+ 5y3 0; 1= 16x3 1+ 12x1y2 1+ 5y3 1; (6.15) 28are case 2 and case 1, respectively, and can be related to the corresponding normal forms in Table 3 via the P 0
; P (6.16) wherecis a non-zero real constant. The choice of cdoes not aect the physics and it can, in fact, be absorbed into the integration constant kof the solution 5.21. Its choice also does not aect the image of the K ahler cone K(X1) in normal form coordinates. For the sake of being explicit, we set c= 12=5. We use these transformations to convert the case 2 and case 1 normal form solutions in Eqs. (5.21) and (5.19) back into the original coordinates.8We x integration constants such that the
op occurs at s= 0 and require that biand _biare continuous across the
op. For the integration constants ~E0,k0of the case 2 solution (5.21) and the integration constant ~E1,k1of the case 1 solution (5.19) this leads to
~E0=q 2~E1; k 0=1 25 62=3 ; k 1=1 2log5 3
: (6.17) The resulting geodesic is shown in Fig. 6. Again, solutions along non-isochores can be obtained from Eq. (5.13). 6.4 Example for case 3 - innitely many
ops Let us nally discuss an example which combines a case 3 intersection form with an innite
op chain. We choose CICY #7863, which is given by the conguration matrix XP32 1 1 P32 1 1
; (6.18) with K ahler cone and intersection form given by K(X0) =fx0>0; y0>0g; 0= 2x3 0+ 18x2 0y0+ 18x0y2 0+ 2y3 0: (6.19) The space has an isomorphic
op wall at both boundaries, y0= 0 andx0= 0, leading to an innite
op chain whose associated symmetry group is generated by M1= 1 0 6 1
; M 2=1 6 0 1
: (6.20) The cone structure is plotted in Fig. 7. There are innitely many K ahler cones on either side of the primary cone, as schematically indicated in Fig. 2 on the right, but those cones become so narrow that only one on each side can be resolved in Fig. 7. The boundaries of this innite
op sequence are along ( 1;3 + 2p 2) and (3 + 2p 2; 1) and these are the generators of the eective cone. There are several choices for the map which converts the intersection form 0into the case 3 normal form and for concreteness we will work P (6.21) 8We use here the case 1 solution in the fourth quadrant, since this allows for a more natural choice for the branch cuts used in 0 1 2 3 4-101234Figure 7: Eective cone of CICY #7863, showing K ahler cone of CY X, with innitely many adjacent K ahler cones of isomorphic CYs (only two of which can be resolved), with a geodesic The boundaries of the extended K ahler cone are generated by ( 1;3 + 2p 2) and (3 + +
0:21 : (6.22) The image ^K(X0) of the K ahler cone under the map P 1lies within the positive quadrant in Fig. 3 on the right. However, since the boundaries of ^K(X0) are
op walls this image cannot possibly take up the entire positive quadrant. In fact, the generators of ^K(X0) are (c+;c ) and (c ;c+). To obtain the geodesics we proceed as before and map the case 3 solution (5.24) to the ( using P. For our choice of P, the solution ( x;y+) will be mapped into the CY K ahler cone. The resulting geodesic is plotted in Figure 7. The geodesic length between the two
ops we can worked out in either the normal form or the CY coordinates ( x0;y0). Using the former, we nd that the intersections of the geodesic with the
op lines happens when x(s)=y(s) (6.23) This means the geodesic length between the two
ops along the geodesic is
= 2p 12s+'4:30 (6.24) in 5D Planck units. More generally, non-isochore geodesics can be obtained from Eq. (5.13) and the geodesic distance for such solutions, with volume expansion rate is
=r 1 +2 1224:30: (6.25) This provides us with the solution in the primary K ahler cone X0. The solution in all other K ahler cones is obtained9by acting with the elements of the symmetry group G=Z2n Z, generated by the matrices in Eq. (6.20). In this way we obtain the geodesic across the entire innite sequence of 9We note that, as described in Ref. [22], for the distinct case of a type (a) Zariski wall, at which an SU(2) gauge theory appears, there is also a notion of continuing the geodesic evolution into the K ahler cone of an isomorphic CY, based on the existence of an elementary transformation, which is discussed in Ref.
ops. Equivalently, we can describe the situation in the downstairs picture where we use the primary cone K(X0) only. In this case, we should think of the isochore geodesic as the same trajectory between the two
op-boundaries. Either way, if kK ahler cones have been crossed the corresponding isochore geodesic distance is of course '4:30kso the geodesic length is unbounded. On the other hand, the physical theory remains unchanged from cone to cone since all CYs involved are isomorphic. The apparent contradiction with the distance conjecture is a gauge symmetry and has to be divided out. Hence, all K ahler cones should be identied so that the shortest geodesic between a point and its equivalent in another cone is not, in fact, the above geodesic but the constant geodesic. For all our examples of innite
op sequences all CYs which appear are isomorphic. Even if a nite number of non-isomorphic CYs were involved there does not appear to be a con
ict with the distance conjecture. However, an innite
op sequence with an innite number of is likely to cause a problem10. However, such examples would be excluded by the conjecture, as discussed in more detail in Ref. [14]. 7 Conclusion In this paper, we have studied the K ahler moduli space of CY threefolds in relation to geodesic motion, focusing on h1;1(X) = 2 manifolds and compactications of M-theory to 5d supergravity. We have presented a classication of intersection forms for h1;1(X) = 2 CY threefolds which shows that they fall into three dierent cases (see Table 3). These cases constrain the possible wall types of the K ahler cone. For example, type (b) Zariski walls (where divisors collapse to a point) can only arise for case 1 intersection forms and even then for at most one of the two K ahler cone boundaries. We have compiled detailed data on the K ahler moduli space structure for all h1;1(X) = 2 CICY and THCY manifolds. This should be a valuable resource for studying topology change in string theory. While the manifolds under consideration are relatively simple and easily constructed they show a remarkably rich structure of walls and cones. For some of these examples, the
ops arise only on the CY itself but not on the ambient space which makes them dierent from the cases in string theory. Isomorphic
ops and innite
op sequences are much more common than perhaps naively expected. The data also shows that all three cases of intersection form are realised by actual CY manifolds, although CICY manifolds only realise two of the cases. Using the intersection normal forms (Table 3) we can nd explicit solutions for the geodesics of all h1;1(X) = 2 CYs. These can be used to study geodesic motion near walls and across
op cone walls are identied by a diverging moduli space metric and they are located at innite geodesic distance. However, geodesic evolution, as described by the simple geodesic equation, does not distinguish between
ops and type (a) Zariski walls - both are associated with a non-singular metric and are located at nite geodesic distance. Formally, the geodesic can be continued beyond the wall in either case, however, only in the
op case does this correspond to a physical evolution which takes place within the adjacent K ahler cone of a birationally equivalent CY manifold. Type (a) Zariski walls (where a divisor collapses to a curve) mark the end of the moduli space and the inclusion of states becoming light at the wall (in the form of an SU(2) gauge theory) is expected to curtail the evolution. The choice of complex structure can switch between
op and type (a) Zariski walls and we presented an explicit example for this phenomenon. It is, could perhaps be avoided if the intersection numbers conspire to keep the geodesic distance nite. However, this seems to require a somewhat contrived ne-tuning of intersection that simple geodesic motion in K ahler moduli space does not distinguish between those two cases. Finally, type (b) Zariski walls (where a divisor collapses to a point) are associated to non-divergent but singular metrics. They are reached within nite geodesic distance but the ef- fective theory breaks down close to the wall due to diverging modular velocities. As for type (a) Zariski walls, the inclusion of additional light states (indeed an innite tower of light states) near the wall is required for a correct low-energy description. We have constructed geodesics across
op walls for both isomorphic and non-isomorphic
ops as well as for innite
op sequences. In the latter case this leads to innite length geodesics theories. A contradiction with the distance conjecture is avoided thanks to an innite discrete gauge symmetry which identies all K ahler cones of the innite
op sequence. Flop se- quences which contain an innite number of inequivalent CYs would likely be a problem for the distance conjecture but they are excluded provided the conjecture holds. There are various extensions of the present work. First, we expect many of our results to generalise to CYs with h1;1(X)>2. Preliminary investigation shows that complicated cone structures, iso- morphic
ops and innite
op sequences are common features among CYs with h1;1(X) = 3;4. It would also be desirable to include the additional light states which appear at K ahler cone walls into the discussion of geodesics. This has been accomplished, to some extent, for
ops [21, 26, 27] where the additional light hypermultiplets can be shown not to signicantly aect the dynamics, at least under certain plausible assumptions. However, as we have argued, the additional light states must have a non-trivial eect on the geodesics near Zariski walls and it would be interesting to study this. Finally, it is desirable to have explicit constructions for the manifolds obtained from CICYs and THCYs via
ops and work in this direction is currently underway work of CRB is supported by the John Templeton Foundation grant 61149. AC would like to thank EPSRC for grant EP/T016280/1. The authors would like to thank Antonella Grassi for useful comments and for pointing us into the direction of the conjecture. 32A Picard number 2 CICYs and their eective cone structure The table below lists the 36 complete intersection CY manifolds (CICYs) with h1;1(X) = 2 and the structure of their eective cones. The meaning of the various entries is as follows. The rst column contains the CICY number, which indicates its position in the standard list of Ref. [12]. Column two provides the conguration each column of this matrix species the bi-degree of a dening polynomial in the and where the Hodge numbers and the Euler number
(X) are included as superscripts and subscript respectively. The standard K ahler forms of the two projective space factors, restricted to X, are denoted by J1andJ2, with Poincar e dual divisors D1 andD2. All generators in the table are given relative to the basis ( D1;D2). Column three lists the four intersection numbers of Xand column four indicates the case of the intersection form on X, as dened in Table 3. Column ve provides the two generators (v21;v22)Tof the eective cone. When these generators are irrational Xhas an innite
op sequence. The matrices in the last column summarise the information on the cone structure of X. Each numerical row in the centre of the matrix is the generator of a cone boundary. Note that the generators (0 ;1), (1;0) always appear as the generators of the K ahler cone of X. In case of an innite
op sequence, only the boundaries of the primary cone and the two adjacent cones are listed. The nature of each boundary is indicated to the right of the generator, with Efor an eective cone wall, Zfor a Zariski wall, Fn1;n2for a non-isomorphic
op wall, and Im n1;n2for an isomorphic
op wall. Here n1;n2are the Gromov-Witten invariants which determine the change in intersection numbers, as explained in Section 2.3. Further, mdetermines the generator of the involution for an isomorphic
op and equals m1in Eq. (2.13) if the boundary is above (1 ;0) and m2in Eq. (2.17) if it is below (0 ;1). Finally, to the left of the generators the nature of the cones is indicated, with Zfor a Zariski cone and Kcfor a K ahler cone with a case cintersection form. The information on eective cones and the nature of cones and cone boundaries in the table has been determined for generic complex structure by studying line bundle cohomology formulae, along the lines of Ref. [24] and the earlier Refs. [28{34]. Line bundle cohomology has been computed using the CICY package [35] (see also the pyCICY package [36]). For special choices of complex structure new eective divisors can appear, altering the structure of the eective cone. For two manifolds we were not able to obtain enough cohomology data to identify the full structure of the eective cone, and so we have left the corresponding entries empty.
# 0 2 1 2 2 1 12;46
8812 8 4 0
3 1 3 1 00
@K3 K3 1 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 12;46
8812 4 12 4
3 1 3 + 2p 2 3 + 6 0 1 1 2 1 3 1 12;47
909 6 3 0
3 1 3 1 00
@K3 K3 1 3 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 12;50
9612 12 4 0
3 1 2 1 00
@K3 K3 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 12;50
9612 8 8 + 3 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 22;52
10010 4 4 0
3 1 5 1 00
@K3 K3 1 5 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 12;52
10010 4 8 + 5 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12;52
10010 5 10 5
3 1 2 +p 3 2 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 12;55
1067 2 7 2
3 7 0 1 1 2 3 22;56
1086 6 0 0
2 1 2 1 00
@K2 K2 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 12;56
10810 8 4 0
3 1 2 1 00 BB@Z K1 K3 1 2
1 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 12;56
1089 9 3 0
3 1 2 1 00
@K3 K3 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 12;56
1089 5 7 2
3 1 3 ? ? 0 1 1 0 7 1 ? 1 1 2 2 22;58
1128 8 0 0
2 1 2 1 00
@K2 K2 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 12;58
1128 12 0 0
2 1 1 1 00 BB@Z K1 K2 1 1
1 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 12;58
1128 16 0 0
2 1 1 1 00
@K2 K2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 12;58
1128 5 4 0
3 3478220 0 2 2 2 22;58
1128 8 0 0
2 1 2 1 00
@K2 K2 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 12;58
1128 16 0 0
2 1 1 1 00
@K2 K2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 32;59
1147 2 3 0
3 1 7 1 00
@K3 K3 1 7 0 1 1 1 1 3 2 12;62
1206 9 0 0
2 1 1 1 00 BB@Z K1 K2 1 1
1 2 0 1 1 1 2 22;62
1206 2 4 0
3 1 6 1 00
@K3 K3 1 6 0 1 1 2 1 2 2 12;64
1248 4 4 0
3 1 4 1 00
@K3 K3 1 4 0 1 1 1 3 22;66
1286 5 0 0
2 1 2 1 00 BB@Z K1 K2 1 2
1 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 12;66
1286 2 6 2
3 1 3 + 2p 2 3 + 6 0 1 1 0 1 1 3 2 1 12;68
1326 12 0 0
2 1 1 1 00
@K2 K2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 12;68
1327 5 3 0
3 1 2 1 00 BB@Z K1 K3 1 2
1 4 0 1 1 0 2 3 2 12;68
1326 12 0 0
2 1 1 1 00
@K2 K2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 3 12;72
1406 8 0 0
2 1 1 1 00 BB@Z K1 K2 1 1
1 3 0 1 1 2 2 32;76
1486 4 0 0
2 1 3 1 00
@K2 K2 1 3 0 1 1 1 3 12;77
1505 2 3 0
3 1 5 1 00
@K3 K3 1 5 0 1 1 0 3 0
30 1 1 0
K30 1 1 0E E
78851 1 4 12;86
1684 5 0 0
2 1 1 1 00 BB@Z K1 K2 1 1
1 4 0 1 1 1 1 4 1 12;86
1684 8 0 0
2 1 1 1 00
@K2 K2 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 0
2 1 4 1 00
@K2 K2 1 4 0 1 1 2 4 12;86
1684 8 0 0
2 1 1 1 00
@K2 K2 1 1 0 1 1 the manifold 7809 we had insucient cohomology data to produce a complete description of the eective cone structure. The extended K ahler cone is there are two rigid divisor classes ( 1;3) and (20; 3). However, we are uncertain of how many cones (at least 2) lie between the rays (0 ;1) and ( 1;4) and between the rays (7 ; 1) and (27; 4).
For the manifold 7821 we were not able to identify one boundary of the eective cone, due to insucient cohomology data. B Picard number 2 THCYs and their eective cone structure The table below lists the Picard number 2 CYs constructed as hypersurfaces in toric associated with the 36 re
exive four-dimensional polytopes with six rays, and their We also provide the information describing the structure of the eective cones of these THCYs. The rst column of the table indicates rst the label of the polytope and second of the triangulation, and also includes the Hodge numbers and the Euler number (X) of the CY. Column two provides the toric variety data: the weight system (charge matrix)11, the Stanley- Reisner ideal (SRI), as well as the rays generating the ambient toric variety K ahler cone. The basis ofH2(X) is chosen such that the positive quadrant corresponds to the restriction of the ambient space K ahler cone to the CY threefold X. In many, but not all of the cases this is also the K ahler cone ofX. The K ahler cone of Xis denoted as Kcwherecis the case number included in the fourth column. Whenever the positive quadrant is a subcone of the eective cone appearing in the last column, it is also the K ahler cone of X. In all the other cases there is no danger of confusion. The meaning of the remaining columns remains unchanged from Appendix A. As for the case of CICYs, the structure of the eective cone has been determined for generic complex structure by studying line bundle cohomology formulae computed algorithmically using the CohomCalg pack- age [37] and SAGE. For several manifolds we were not able to obtain enough cohomology data to identify the structure of the eective cone. Nevertheless, we included these manifolds in the table, for the sake of completeness, while leaving the eective cone information empty. This table can be compared with Table 11 of Ref. [38] which identies K3-brations and mani- folds of Swiss cheese type amongst h1;1= 2 toric 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 SRI gen =fz5;z3g1 0 1 0
30 1 1 0
K30 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 3 SRI gen =f3z4+z5;z4g1 9 3 9
10 1 1 30
@K1 Z0 1 1 1 1 0 2 3 1 0 0 1 0 2 SRI gen 3 3 2
1 1 1 0 1 1 there are multiple triangulations, the charge matrices are equivalent, but we choose them to match the respective K ahler cone 2 1 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SRI gen 3 3 2
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 3
1 1 0 0 1 1 SRI gen 3 3 2
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 SRI gen =fz5;z4g3 0 3 0
30 1 1 0
K30 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 SRI gen 5 5 3
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 SRI gen 0 4 8
20 1 1 20
@K2 Z0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 SRI gen =fz5;z3g0 0 4 8
20 1 1 10
@K2 K20 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 0 0 SRI gen =fz5;z5 z3g0 0 4 8
20 1 1 10
@K2 K20 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 SRI gen =fz5;z4g4 2 0 0
2 1 4 1 00
@K2 K2 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 SRI gen =fz4+z5;z4g3 0 5 5
30 1 1 10
@K3 Z0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 SRI gen =fz4+z5;z5g3 0 7 11
30 1 1 10
@K3 K20 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 SRI gen 14 6 3
3 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 SRI gen =fz4+z5;z4g0 0 4 5
20 1 1 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 SRI gen 17 9 6
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 SRI gen =fz4+z5;z4g3 1 3 3
1 1 5
1 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 SRI gen =fz4+z5;z4g5 2 5 5
1 1 4
1 5 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 SRI gen 21 6 3
1 1 1 2 10
@K1 Z 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 2 0 SRI gen 0 9 21
10 1 1 20
@K1 Z0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 SRI gen =fz4+ 2z5;z5g3 0 7 14
10 1 1 20
@K1 Z0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 SRI gen =fz4+ 2z5;z5g6 2 12 24
1 1 4
1 6 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 8 0 0 0 1 1 2 SRI gen 36 4 1
1 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 SRI gen 36 4 1
1 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 3 1 SRI gen =fz4+ 3z5;z5g4 1 12 36
1 1 5
1 8 0 1 1 3 2 4 5 0 1 0 1 2 1 3 SRI gen 98 5 1
1 2 1 5 10
@K1 Z 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 2 3 2 4 5 0 SRI gen 0 16 1 2 0 3
1 4 1 5 3 0 SRI gen =fz5;z4g8 2 32 1 5 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 SRI gen 101 5 1
1 4 1
3 1 1 1 1 1 0 7 1 0 0 0 1 2 SRI gen 63 7 2
1 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 SRI gen 63 7 2
1 3 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 SRI gen =fz4+ 3z5;z5g7 2 21 63
1 2 7
1 7 0 1 1 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 SRI gen 0 2 4
20 1 1 20
@K2 Z0 1 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 SRI gen =fz5 3;z3g0 0 2 4
20 1 1 10
@K2 K20 1 1 0 0 1 1 3
1 1 1 1 0 0 SRI gen 0 2 4
20 1 1 10
@K2 K20 1 1 0 1 1 0 3
2 3 2 2 3 0 SRI gen =fz5;z4g0 0 18 1 0 0 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 0 SRI gen 0 24 2 0 1
2 3 3 5 1 0 SRI gen =fz5;z4g16 6 42 109
1 1 3 0 5 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 SRI gen =fz5 2z4;z5g25 109 5 1 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 SRI gen 108 8 2
2 3 1 4 10
@K2 Z 3 1 1 0 0 1 1 3
1 3 3 1 4 0 SRI gen 0 18 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 SRI gen 14 4 2
1 1 1 2 10
@K1 Z 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2
1 1 1 1 2 0 SRI gen 0 6 14
10 1 1 20
@K1 Z0 7 0 0 1 1 2 3 1 SRI gen 114 21 9
1 2 1 7 30
@K1 Z 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 2
1 2 2 4 7 0 SRI gen 0 16 5 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 SRI gen 124 20 8
1 2 1 5 20
@K1 Z 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 2
1 2 2 2 5 0 SRI gen 0 24 0 0 2 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 SRI gen 0 3 9
10 1 1 30
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$h^{1,1}=2$ threefolds from the CICY and Kreuzer-Skarke lists, providing a rich set of examples for studying topology change in string theory. These examples show that all three cases of intersection form are realised and suggest that isomorphic flops and infinite flop sequences are common phenomena.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:00:01 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 6 Mar 2022 15:26:06 GMT"
] | 2022-03-08T00:00:00 | [
"Callum R.",
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2 Total energy density of the Universe r(a)scalar fieldkination era evolution scale factor era3Hosc~V' ' scalar ends at after 1: Kination era generated by the dynamics of the Peccei- Quinn field. First, the energy density of the universe is dominated by the scalar field oscillations. Kination starts once the kinetic energy of the scalar field Eq. (1) leads to
GW/f;with 21 3! 1 + 3!
; (5) Therefore, modes entering the horizon during radiation ( !=
1=3), matter (!= 0) and kination ( != 1) eras have 0; 2, and 1, respectively. GW resulting from modes that enter during the radiation era have the standard flat = the temperature when a given mode re-enters the the inflationary energy scale. Therefore, even assuming the largest inflation energy scale allowed by CMB data [2], this GW background cannot be observed by the fu- ture GW observatories LISA [3] and Einstein Telescope [4, 5]. Only Big Bang Observer [6] may be sensitive to it. In this letter, we show how axion models produce a kination era pre- ceeded by a matter era inside the standard radiation era, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The transition between these eras pro- vides a sign change in the spectral index and leads to a peaked GW signature. The high-frequency slope -2 is associated to the matter era while the low-frequency slope +1 is associated to the kination era. The overall GW spectrum over frequency range can be written as
GW;0h2(f) = st GW(f)h2 (7) 8
>>>:1 ; f <f ; (f=f) ; f<f <f KD; (fKD=f) (fKD=f)2;fKD<f <fM; (fKD=f) the GW in standard cosmology st GWis given by Eq. (6), andf,fKD(peak frequency), fMare the corresponding to the modes re-entering the horizon right after the end of the kination era, at the beginning of the kination era, and at the beginning of the matter They are defined
1=4 KD 10 the e-folding of the kination era is This peak frequency fKDthus encodes infor- mation about the duration of the kination era. The peak am- plitude atfKDis
GW;KD= (10) where exp(10)22000 . (11) The amplitude difference between flat parts is
GW(f >fM)
GW(f <f no entropy dilution occurs after the matter domination the above ratio equals to unity. The re- sulting typical spectra are plotted in Fig. 2 for three bench- mark points reported in Fig. 3 and corresponding to of kination energy scales and kination duration. The shape of this spectrum is quite unique and very different from any other predictions of stochastic GW signals of cosmolog- ical origin. For instance, the peak that results from a cosmo- logical first-order phase transition is very narrow as the source is active at a specific temperature [7] while here the kination era responsible for the peak lasts for several efolds. Another main source is cosmic strings. In this case, the source is long- lasting. The spectrum has a very different shape. It may fea- ture a peak-like structure [8], depending on the precise cos- mological history. It can be close to scale-invariant over some frequency range, while the slope at low-frequency slope 2: The matter-kination scenario leads to a peaked GW spectrum from primordial inflation. The peak's height and position are determined by the inflationary scale Einf, the kination e-folding NKD, and the kination energy scale EKD. The shown spectra corre- spond to the benchmark points in Fig. 3. The dashed lines represent the positions of the peak generated in different models of QCD axion dark matter (according to Eq. 13). as/f3=2. The effect of a kination era on the GW spectrum from cosmic strings are presented in a sister publication [9]. If such cosmic string source is present, a multiple-peak struc- ture may arise. Finally, another source of stochastic GW may come from the couplings of the inflaton. A well-known exam- ple is axion inflation that may lead to an enhanced signal due to parametric resonance effects induced by the inflaton cou- pling to gauge fields [10]. The spectral shape of this signal is also very different from what we predict from a short ki- nation era. In this letter, we focus on the background from inflation. Fig. 3 shows which types of cosmological histories, characterised by the energy scale of kination and duration of kination, can be probed by LISA [3], BBO [6], ET [4, 5], CE [11] and SKA [12]. To derive these regions, we have used the integrated curves of [8]. Note that a kination era lasting is not viable as it would lead to a too large energy density in GW, violating theextra constraint from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) [1]. Having derived the GW smoking gun signature resulting from an intermediate matter era followed by the kination era inside the radiation era, we will next argue that such cosmo- logical history is a characteristic feature of axion field dynam- ics, that arises for instance in the Peccei-Quinn framework before the axion starts oscillating and relaxes the strong CP parameter to unobservably small values. Our discussion is very general and applies to any axion-like particle (ALP), the PQ axion being one particular example. We will discuss two possible implementations. The first implementation relies on the interplayed dynamics of the radial and angular modes of the PQ field. A large kinetic energy can be transferred to the axion by the dynamics of the radial mode at early times. The second one called trapped misalignment only involves the axion, the angular mode of the complex PQ field, and was in- troduced in Ref. [13, 14]. In this framework, the axion has a large massMaat early times. At some temperature Tc, 3: probes of a short kination era in the early universe by GW experiments. Coloured regions indicate ob- servable windows for each experiment. BBN constrains the energy scale at which kination ends (gray) and the amount of GW (red- hatched). Dashed lines indicate the temperature Twhen kination ends. Peaked signals exist in the white region but are not observable in planned experiments. Like in Fig. 2, this figure does not assume anything about axions, it just relies on a kination era as defined in Fig. 1. Only the three parallel solid lines refer to specific models where the kination era is triggered by a QCD axion. The black line denotes the scenario where kination is induced by the spinning of conventional QCD axion DM, the corresponding GW peaks would require new observatories sensitive to ultra-high frequencies. The lighter QCD axion DM with ZN-symmetry [13, 14] can induce a GW signal, from the shown benchmark points, e.g. at ET, BBO, and LISA for N ' 25;31;39, potential vanishes abruptly. In this process, the axion acquires a large kinetic energy that induces a kination era. In both cases, the kination era lasts a few efolds, until the energy density of the scalar field, which redshifts as a 6is overcome by radiation, and the standard evolution then takes over. Be- fore describing these two cases in turn, we investigate the gen- eral case where the axion makes all the dark matter (DM) of the universe, as this represents one of the golden scenario that has led to a large variety of experimental searches. GRA VITATIONAL WA VES AND AXION DARK the so-called kinetic misalignment mecha- nism [15, 16] or kinetic axion fragmentation [17] the ALP relic abundance today reads a;0=
DM; 0' 170:94 (ma=1eV) (Ya=40), where the comoving ax- ion number density is conserved after kination Eq. (9) can be re-written in terms of Ya,fKD = that we can relate the GW peak amplitude to the ALP abundance4 CE/uni2191 Kination ends after BBN/uni2191 Excluded by LIGO O2/uni2191 ET/uni2191 QCD axionstandard LISA/uni2191 LIGO QCD axion/uni212425- QCD 4: Ability of future GW experiments to probe a generic spin- ning ALP-DM as well as QCD axion-DM, whose abundance is set by kinetic misalignment. The peaked GW is observable on the left side of each of the colored lines. Hatched regions are excluded experi- mentally (LIGO O2 [18]) and theoretically (kination era after BBN). The BBN bound includes the case where axion is trapped before ki- nation ends. For larger faorma, the kinetic misalignment is not effective (below gray-dotted line). The QCD axion mass relations are shown in black lines for the canonical (solid) and the ZN-axion models this, we can deduce a bound on the axion mass for which a given GW experiment will be able to probe the GW peak from a kination era induced by the axion of a given relic abun- dance. We report these bounds in the case where the axion accounts for all the dark matter in the universe in Fig. 4. KINATION FROM A ROTATING COMPLEX SCALAR FIELD We consider a complex scalar field with a Lagrangian L= (14) whereVis a globally U(1)-symmetric potential breaking (SSB) vacuum, and VU(1)is an term. The complex scalar field can be written as two real fields describing the radial and =ei; (15) case II: phini=faAngular potential U(th)for T>=Tc case I: direction: th case II: phini=faAngular potential U(th)for T>=Tc case I: direction: thFigure 5: Field-space evolution generating a kination era in two classes of models: (I) rotating complex condensate, relying on the interplayed dynamics between the radial and angular modes of the PQ field and (II) trapped misalignment, that only involves the an- gular mode dynamics, controlled by an abrupt change in the axion mass at some temperature Tc. where theU(1)-symmetry acts as a shift symmetry of . In most of the literature on axion cosmology, the dynamics of the radial mode is not considered. One focuses on the oscil- lations of the axion at late times, once the radial mode has settled to its present value fa. On the other hand, the early dynamics of the axion's companion, the radial mode , can be of crucial importance to motivate the initial conditions for the axion oscillations. As first pointed out in [15, 16] and later exploited in [19, 20], the axion can indeed acquire a large ini- tial velocity due to the early dynamics of the radial mode of the Peccei-Quinn field. In this section, we strongly rely on such general framework and show how a kination era is natu- rally induced. In this case, the PQ symmetry is before or during inflation and acquires a large VEV during inflation due to a Hubble-size negative mass induced by operators [21-23]. From this large ini- tial VEV , it starts its evolution towards the minimum of the potential at =fa. Once it reaches the bottom, its kinetic energy dominates over the potential energy and allows the pe- riod of kination. The kinetic energy induced by VU(1)is stored by the field motion in this flat direction, which is crucial for kination. We consider only the homogeneous part of the field, the Lagrangian in the angular representation (16)5 where the first and second terms denote the kinetic energy in the radial and angular modes, respectively. In the absence of the explicit breaking, the angular equation of motion can be written as a constant of 0; (17) where2_is the comoving conserved charge corresponding to the restored this story, the kination era occurs when the rotating field that dominates the universe settles down to the SSB minimum. The rotation of the axion field is generated similarly to the Affleck-Dine mechanism [21] where the explicit breaking po- tential imparts a kick in the angular direction. In potential excites the radial motion. With kicks in both directions, the field behaves as a coherent con- densate with elliptic motion. For a nearly-quadratic poten- tial, the radial oscillation induces an equation of state close to!= 0. If this matter stage lasts long enough, the scalar field energy density can dominate the total energy density of the universe. We show the field trajectory in Fig. 5-top. A damping process is needed to suppress the oscillation along the radial direction _!0. This can happen from interac- tions between the condensate and the thermal bath or from parametric resonance effects. These effects are studied in [9]. Under these circumstances, the field accomplishes a circular orbit, where centrifugal force and curvature of the each others, and whose size decreases with time due to Hubble and/a 3=2: (18) When the circular orbit reaches the bottom of the potential
!fa, the energy density of the universe becomes dom- inated by the kinetic energy of the angular field, and starts evolving with a kination (19) In summary, the following conditions must be satisfied:
* aU(1)-conserving potential Vwith spontaneous break- ing which is nearly-quadratic in order to generate a mat- ter era,
* an explicit U(1)-breaking potential VU(1)to induce the angular motion at early time,
* a large initial radial field-value inifa, and a small angular displacement ini6= 0, forV(ini)to be be non negligible,
* a damping mechanism for the radial mode only in order to circularize the trajectory. The scalar field at inistarts to move when the Hubble friction becomes smaller than the potential curvature along the radialdirection, i.e., around the temperature (20) At the same time, the field gets kicked along the angular direc- tion by theU(1)-breaking term. If comparable, then the initial kick speed _is of order mr(ini). In this letter, we consider this case for simplicity. A smaller ratio suppresses the rotational speed and, hence, the following kination energy scale and duration. We leave further discussions to the companion paper [9]. After a few Hubble times of evolution, the explicit breaking term of order (=M pl)lforl >4decouples from the equations of motion and theU(1)charge conservation law in Eq. (17) is restored. The complex scalar field dominates the energy density of the universe and generates a era at the en- ergy (21) The matter era transits into a kination stage when complex scalar field reaches the flat direc- tion of the potential !fa, at the energy (22) The kination era ends when the radiation energy density takes over. For simplicity, we neglect the entropy injected into the radiation bath during radial damping, which is the case if damping occurs before domination. So the radiation energy density scales as a 4from the time the scalar starts rolling to the kination ending. The energy density at the end of the kination stage (23) and the number of e-folding of kination era reads exp(NKD) = order to allow for the presence of a kination era, the initial field value should satisfy We will give more details on the expected value for iniin [9]. In Fig. 6-top, we show the region of parameter space where the peak of the inflationary GW sig- nal induced by the kination era is observable by either SKA, BBO, ET, CE and LISA. We also indicate the contours where the QCD axion can lead to the correct DM abundance as dis- cussed FROM TRAPPED AXION is an alternative way to induce a kination era, that does not rely on the radial mode dynamics but only violation astrophysical QCD axion DM-QCD axion DM/uni212415-QCD axion DM/uni212431 before misalignment
/uni2191-QCD axion DM/uni212415-QCD axion QCD axion DMETCELIGO misalignment ends after BBNBBN-NeffNo EFT: Ma>fakination before domination violation astrophysical QCD axion DM-QCD axion DM/uni212415-QCD axion DM/uni212431 before misalignment
/uni2191-QCD axion DM/uni212415-QCD axion QCD axion DMETCELIGO misalignment ends after BBNBBN-NeffNo EFT: Ma>fakination before domination (Tc>Tdom) Figure 6: The kination GW-peak allows future observatories to probe the model of the rotating axion (top) and the trapped misalign- ment (bottom). Some regions of parameter space cannot kination era, e.g., by violating BBN bound, generating sec- ond period of inflation, or violating EFT bound. The black solid lines denote the conventional and the ZN-extension of the QCD axion. On the right of the black dashed line, the DM abundance is set by the standard misalignment mechanism. In case I, the size of () stabilising operators in the scalar potential. the axion [13, 14]. In this case, we do not need to assume that the symmetry was broken during inflation. We can just con- sider the dynamics of the axion alone once the radial mode has already reached its VEV fa. The extra assumption is that the axion mass acquires a large mass Maat early times and therefore starts oscillating well before the QCD scale. The scalar field is initially frozen with the energy the shift between the early-time and late-time minima and where we work in the limit. The field starts mov- ing when the Hubble rate drops to 3HMa, or equiva- lently when the energy density of the background As the field oscillates in the effec- tive quadratic potential and redshifts as pressure-less matter, it eventually dominates the Universe. At some lower temper- atureTc, the cosine potential vanishes. The field then moves freely and drives a kination era if the kinetic energy exceeds the vacuum potential, see Fig. 5-bottom. The energy density of the field at the scale factor when the thermal-bath temperature drops to Tc. On average over many oscillations, the kinetic energy of the field is half of the total energy, and the axion obtains a the cosine potential vanishes. The kination era starts with the energy era ends when the radiation becomes dominant again. This happens when the e-folding of kination 6-bottom shows the GW observability regions in the (fa;Tc)plane forMa= 1012GeV . We also indicate the con- tours where the QCD axion can lead to the correct DM abun- dance either from kinetic or standard misalignment mecha- nism [17]. There is potentially a domain wall problem or constraints from isocurvature perturbations, which can be ad- dressed in various ways showed that a short kination era in the generates a substantial enhancement of the gravitational wave background from inflation, with a characteristic peaked spectrum that can be observed at the next generation of GW interferometers. An intermediate kina- tion era cannot be obtained by any random scalar field dynam- ics in the early universe. It requires some very specific scalar field evolution, which we have argued to be symptomatic of axion-like particles. We illustrated the predictions for the generic ALP case as well as for the QCD axion. The observa- tion of the peaked GW signal we have discussed above would be a unique signature of ALP dynamics in the early universe as model parameters can be extracted from precise measure- ment of the GW spectrum. The signature from breaking on the other hand motivates the design of ultra-high frequency GW experiments [24]. | 2108.10328 | Geraldine Servant | Yann Gouttenoire, G\'eraldine Servant and Peera Simakachorn | Revealing the Primordial Irreducible Inflationary Background with a Spinning Peccei-Quinn Axion | 7 pages, 6 figures | null | null | DESY 21-126 | hep-ph astro-ph.CO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | The primordial irreducible background due to quantum vacuum tensor fluctuations produced during inflation spans a large range of frequencies with an almost scale-invariant spectrum but is too low to be detected by the next generation of interferometers. We show how this signal is enhanced by a short temporary kination era in the cosmological history (less than 10 e-folds), that can arise at any energy scale between a GeV and the inflationary scale $10^{16}$ GeV. We argue that such kination era is naturally generated by a spinning axion before it gets trapped by its potential. It is usually assumed that the axion starts its minimum from its initially frozen position. However, the early dynamics of the Peccei-Quinn field can induce a large kinetic energy in the axion field, triggering a kination era, either before or after the axion acquires its mass, leading to a characteristic peak in the primordial background. This represents a smoking-gun signature of axion physics as no other scalar field dynamics is expected to trigger such a sequence of equations of state in the early universe. We derive the resulting spectrum, and present the parameter space that leads to such a signal as well as the detectability prospects, in particular at LISA, Einstein Telescope, Cosmic Explorer and Big Bang Observer. We show predictions and present as well results for two UV completions for the QCD axion dark matter where this dynamics is built-in.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:00:03 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
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1. A schematic illustration of the reflected dark matter flux generated through solar or multiple) scattering by solar electrons allows the kinetic energy of a sub-component of the ambient dark matter in the halo to be lifted into the keV range, making such light dark visible above the detector energy thresholds. The scenario is illustrated in Fig. 1, where MeV-scale DM scattering off free electrons in the Sun generates a more energetic component of the flux. While the fraction of that flux impinging on the Earth is necessarily subject to a factor, it was shown in [13] that this more energetic component of the spectrum provides new sensitivity of multiple existing experiments to MeV-scale DM models. Denoting the reduced DM- emass uDM,e, a single scatter can result in the energy of the reflected DM being raised subject to the (1) which is much higher than Ehalo DMand comparable to the typical solar electron kinetic energy Ee~
kTe~O(keV). Thus Erefl DMcan be above the detection threshold of several existing direct In the limit of small scattering cross sections (and a nearly transparent Sun for DM), the signal of the reflected flux scales quadratically with the scattering cross section s2, as two scattering events, inside the Sun and inside the detector, are involved. The reflection mechanism is most effective for dark matter with a mass of O(MeV), e.g.com- parable to the electron mass. It is important to keep in mind that DM models with mass in the MeV or sub-MeV mass range are subject to a number of cosmological constraints from BBN and the CMB if they ever achieved thermal equilibrium with Standard Model degrees of freedom in the universe. In this paper, we extend the analysis of [13] to include benchmark sub-thermal MeV-scale models of dark matter interacting via a light vector mediator and with extremely small to electrons. Very small couplings may actually be responsible for the DM abundance via the so-called freeze-in mechanism. Calculation of the reflected flux in this case requires a somewhat different analysis of scattering inside the Sun, due to the longer-range interaction, which allows us to model DM scattering in using the model of a millicharge particle propagating through the solar electron-ion plasma. We assess the sensitivity of the Xenon1T experiment to the reflected DM component in such scenarios, and compare these results with experiments that have achieved the lowest energy thresholds for detection ( e.g.SENSEI of the experimental sensitivity to Reflected DM involves two primary steps that we will describe in this paper; (i) computation of the spectrum of reflected DM from the Sun, for which we use a simulation described in Sections II, III and IV to describe scattering mediated by both heavy and light mediators; and (ii) the computation of the experimental direct to DM-electron scattering, which is somewhat novel as the DM can be our approach is described in Section V. We present our final sensitivity results for DM models3 with both heavy and light mediators in Section 5, and finish with some concluding remarks in Section VI. II. OVERVIEW OF DM SCATTERING INSIDE THE SUN The thermal plasma inside the Sun is composed of electrons and ions, with temperatures from about 1 eV at the surface to about 1 keV at the center, and for the purpose of this study it will be safe to assume that it is known exactly. To fix our notation, we write the general scattering rate for DM inside the plasma as k1andk2are the four-momenta of the incoming and outgoing DM particle, p1andp2are the four-momenta of the incoming and outgoing electron or ion, fis the momentum distribution of the electrons or the ions, and Mis the scattering matrix element. The sum is over the final state spins, and the average is performed over the initial spins. We will assume that the electron and ion number densities at each value of the solar radius rare distributed classically according to r), r) (4) Here ne,ion(r) is the radius-dependent number density that is given by the standard solar model. We will suppress the explicit dependence on the radius below. Our goal is to obtain the differential scattering rate dGkh/dk2dcosthin the plasma frame as a function of the incoming DM momentum k1, where this the scattering angle, at each value of the solar radius. With this information, we can simulate the propagation of DM particles inside the Sun with the following strategy : we first assume that the plasma distribution inside the Sun is isotropic. We then discretize the radial direction into approximately Nshell= 2000 shells, and take the temperature and density in each shell as constant. We further assume that the shells are thin enough that the probability for DM to have one collision in each shell is much smaller than unity; this assumption is justified a posteriori for the cross sections of interest. The initial velocity of DM is a random variable that samples a truncated Gaussian distribution. The width of the is given approximately by v0~10-3xc, and the high-velocity truncation occurs at the nominal escape velocity of ~2x10-3c. The reflected spectrum is not sensitive to this assumption. The impact parameter is chosen randomly from 0 to 4 Rto incorporate the Sun, the effect of gravitation is accounted for through angular momentum and total energy conservation laws. Once inside the Sun, within each shell, we assume the DM is a straight line. Gravity is accounted for by calculating the change of velocity due to the force exerted by the inner shells. Within each shell, with the temperature and electron and ion densities taken from the solar model, we calculate the total and differential scattering rates. The total probability determines if scattering occurs in that shell. If scattering does not occur, the DM particle propagates to the next shell on a straight trajectory. Gravitational bending from the (height above 2. Left panel: temperature and electron density distributions inside the Sun taken from Ref. [24]. Right panel: temperature and electron density distributions in the Sun's corona reproduced from Ref. [25]. the trajectory is accounted for at the boundary with the next shell, where the DM velocity vkhis changed according to the gravitational influence of the inner shells. Once scattering occurs in a shell, according to the total probability, the differential scattering rate is used to randomly generate the the new angle and momentum. This new after-scattering velocity is used to propagate DM particle to the boundary of the next shell, and so forth. The simulation continues until the DM particle leaves the Sun with a positive total kinetic energy. If the total kinetic energy is negative, it will reenter the Sun and repeat the above procedure. Finally, after shooting a sufficient number of DM particles, we can statistically determine the energy distribution of the reflected DM flux. The final step in the simulation is to form the normalized distribution FArof the DM flux traversing the impact disc of area 1. The reflected flux observed at Earth's location is then determined [13] as Ph (5) where the Ar/(4p(A.U.)2) ratio contains the main geometric suppression of the reflected flux at the Earth. In addition, the kinetic energy of the reflected particle at the Earth's location is to the change in the potential energy. III. REFLECTED DM FLUX: SCATTERING VIA CONTACT INTERACTIONS In this section we describe in detail how to simulate the reflected energy spectrum in the case of contact ( s-wave) scattering. This treatment follows previous work [13, 22]. Taking as the example, we can write the scattering matrix element in terms of the total scattering cross section stot,
|M|2= (6) Defining the momentum transfer as q=k2-k1, and replacing d3k2byd3qwe out the angular part of p1first, we (9) Given the form of the distribution fe, the integral over p1can be carried out analytically so that the scattering rate takes the follows that the differential rate is given +q 22#
, (11) where Nis a factor that does not dependent on the kinematic variables of the process. The total scattering rate can then be calculated directly from Eq. (2p)1/2(1 (12) where The probability for a DM particle to scatter off an electron in an infinitesimal distance lcan then be written as P= (13) With the differential scattering rate (11) and total scattering probability (13) in hand, the reflected flux can be obtained following the strategy presented in Sec. II. In Fig. 3 we show the resulting normalized flux for mkh= 0.5 MeV. The DM-electron cross section is varied from 10-39 to 10-34cm2. As the cross section increases, the DM particles experience scattering with the electrons in the outer, more dilute layers of the Sun. Consequently, the spectrum becomes softer. In Fig. 4, we compare the reflected spectra for different values of mkh. In the non-relativistic limit, the energy reaches its maximum when the masses of the elastically are equal. As seen in Fig. 4, the spectra for mkh= 0.5 MeV are harder than for mkh= 0.1 and 2 .5 MeV. This conclusion applies to both large and small values of the cross section. A. The single scattering limit and the validation of the simulation It is clear that when the value of the cross section is sufficiently small, the probability of diminishes, and the single scattering limit adequately describes the reflected spectrum. In this subsection, we compare our simulations with a semi-analytic formula in the appropriate limit. We can estimate the relevant cross section for the approximation by considering the scattering probability in the solar core. The relevant mean free path is lfp= [ne<stotvr> ]-1-vkh where - vr~-veand -vkhare respectively the characteristic relative velocity (approximately the and the DM velocity in the core. We can then estimate the scattering probability (14)6 10 50 100 500 distribution per eV FIG. 3. Reflected DM energy spectrum for mkh= 0.5 MeV. The distributions result from cross sections ranging from stot= 10-39- 10-34cm2. 10 50 100 500 distribution per eV FIG. 4. Reflected DM energy spectrum when both DM mass and cross section are varied. The first number in paranthesis corresponds to mkhin MeV, and the second number to stotin cm2. where rcoreis approximately 150 gram /cm3. Inside the core, the typical ratio of electron to DM velocities - to the typical distance that a DM particle travels inside the core of the Sun, where the core size is about one quarter of the solar in the region where stot10-38cm2, the probability of scattering for each DM particle traversing the Sun is much smaller than one, and the reflected flux can be estimated by considering just single scattering events. For such events, the DM trajectory prior scattering is7 10 50 100 500 distribution per eV FIG. 5. Comparison of the approximation (heavy dots) with numerical simulations (scatter points) for mkh= 0.5 MeV and different values of the cross section in units of cm2. determined by gravity alone. As a result, the differential scattering probability simplifies T(r(l)), ne(r(l))), (15) where vkhis the speed of the DM particle at the moment of scattering. The trajectory of the integral is solely determined by the initial velocity and impact parameter; E2is the kinetic energy of the outgoing DM particle. In the region of interest, we have k2k1, and as a result qk2. In this limit, we may integrate dcosthin Eq. (11) and (16) One observes that in this limit, the differential rate is insensitive to k1. The normalized kinetic energy distribution of the reflected flux can then be written (17) In this expression, - v0is the average of v0,Rmaxis the maximum value of the impact parameter, which we choose to be 4 RSunso as to include the gravitationally focused component, and fkhis the initial DM velocity distribution. If the trajectory does not intersect with the Sun, the total kinetic energy does not change. In Fig. 5 we show the normalized distributions for mD= 0.5 MeV with stotvaried from 10-38.5cm2to 10-37cm2. The colored curves show the result using the in Sec. II. The big dots show the result obtained using the single scattering calculation. We observe that for stot10-37cm2, the single scattering results agree with the simulation. For larger values of stotone leaves the regime and the analytical approximation begins to over-estimate the reflected flux.8 10 50 100 500 distribution per eV FIG. 6. Reflected spectrum upon inclusion of ions for mkh=0.5 MeV. The first number in the legend is skh-ion tot /skh-e totand the second number is skh-e totin units of cm2. B. Including the effect of ions The DM particles may also interact with ions, and the strength of the corresponding cross section relative to the cross section on electrons is model-dependent. While it is fixed for scattering via a dark photon type mediator, it will be different for other mediators, in general. Since we , collisions with ions will only change the direction of DM. If the collision happens when the DM particle goes inward to core, the ions may shield DM from going into the core. However, if the collision happens when the DM particle is on an outward trajectory without having been accelerated the collision may turn DM back into the core and enlarge its probability for up-scattering. Without a detailed simulation it is therefore hard to discern whether ions enhance or diminish the reflected flux. The average velocity of ions inside the core of the Sun is about 10-3times of the speed of light, and about one order of magnitude smaller than the typical velocity of DM inside the core. Therefore, the scattering rate is determined by the velocity of DM. As a result, relative to kh-e scat- tering, kh-ion scattering suffers from an approximate suppression factor of vkh/ve~0.1. Therefore, when the total scattering probability on electrons is well below unity ( limit), ions cannot change the reflected flux. In Fig. 6, we show the energy distributions of the reflected flux for different choices of . For each curve, the first number in the legend shows the ratio the second number shows the value of skh-e tot;mkhis chosen to be 0 .5 MeV. We observe that when skh-e totis below roughly 10-38cm2, the ions do not have any noticeable impact. On increasing skh-e tot, ions suppress the high-energy tail of the reflected spectrum. Therefore, we conclude that the net effect of ions is to shield DM from the core. IV. REFLECTED DM FLUX: SCATTERING VIA LIGHT MEDIATORS For reasons that we will discuss at length, DM scattering via a very light mediator requires a more involved calculation of the reflected flux compared to the case of contact interactions. Here we assume that the dark mediator has a negligible mass compared to the momentum which in practice amounts to a sub-eV range.1There are two principal options to realize an almost massless dark mediator: one is through kinetic mixing with the photon and the other is through a new force, e.g. a vector boson coupled to the with a tiny coupling. In this section, we will discuss these two cases separately. A. Light mediator through kinetic mixing The Lagrangian in this case takes the (18) where Ju khis the dark sector current, and the corresponding charges are subsumed into the definitions of currents. Since in this paper the symbol eis reserved for the electric permittivity, we prefer to denote the dark photon and the kinetic mixing parameter as ( V, k) as opposed to the more common notation of ( A', e). We will refer to the charge of DM under the Vumediator as eD. In a general Feynman gauge, the propagator of the photon can be written (19) In this expression, eL(T)denotes the longitudinal (transverse) electromagnetic permittivity, q=|q|, and the summation is over transverse indices. The last term, the gauge-dependent part of the propagator, does not give a contribution to the scattering matrix element. In scattering, it is the 0-component of Juthat contributes the most. For scattering, the matrix element can be written as M=<J0 kh> 1 q2-m2 Vkq2 <J0> . (20) Given that in NR scattering the energy transfer is subdominant to the momentum transfer, q0 | q|, we have M k<J0 kh> <J0> eL(q2+m2 V). (21) It is therefore important to calculate the longitudinal permittivity eL. We will do so using linear response theory, the details of which are presented in Appendix A. To present the results, let us introduce a dimensionless quantity (22) in terms of which, the longitudinal permittivity is given by eL= 1 +e2ne Tq2F1(A) (23) 1In some models it might be important that we keep the mediator mass above a specific low threshold; for example, the propagation of millicharged particles is affected by magnetic fields, solar winds etc [26]. A small dark photon mass above 10-13eV, on the other hand, would suppress the effect of the magnetic field beyond distances of 1000 km regardless of the effective charge.10 where function F1is defined as F1(A) = (24) In the system of units used in this paper e2= 4pa. Not surprisingly, the main controlling the permittivity is the Debye length lDebye defined here as e/T. The corresponding result for the transverse permittivity is given by eT= 1 (25) As an explicit check of this result, one can take the limit where the photon is nearly on-shell (A1) to confirm that both permittivities have a common limit, with the usual non-relativistic expression for plasma frequency, o2 p= 4pam-1 ene. The above result can easily be generalized to include ions, leading to the general form, eL= 1 the charges, masses and number densities of the ions. As a result, the effect of plasma screening differs if the target in the collision is different, which is a signature of Furthermore, charged particles with different masses also have different Screening effects in kh-e and kh-ion collisions In the case of a kh-e collision, and for the hard collisions that we are interested in, q0~T, q~(Tme)1/2. (28) As a result, Aeis of order one. For the contribution from ions, since mi~GeV, we have Ai1, and as discussed in in the previous -1 A2 i1, (29) Therefore, for kh-ecollisions, the contribution from ions to eLis suppressed by a factor of O(103) relative to the contribution from electrons, and is therefore negligible. In the case of kh-ion collisions we have q0/q~vi, where viis the typical speed of the ions. Therefore, for the contribution from the electrons, we have Ae~vi/ve1. As a result, and as discussed above, F1(Ae)1, and the screening contribution from electrons can be described by regular Debye screening. For the contributions from the ions, it is easy to see that Aican be of order unity. Therefore we need to rely on the full result for F1as shown in Eq. (24).11 B. Scattering rates 1.kh-e scattering From Eqs. (2) and (21) the scattering rate can written (30) where the Debye screening parameter, and F(q0/q) =F1(Ae) +bpF1(Ap) + (31) where bp,He=np,He/ne, and F1(A) is defined as eL/e(0) L; its real and imaginary parts are shown in Fig. (12). Following the derivation in the contact interaction case, the e-khscattering rate can be (33) The rate G kh-ecan be simplified as (35) with cq= cos thqk1. 2.kh-ion scattering In the case of the kh-ion scattering, we (36)12 where in this case F(q0/q) =F1(Ae) +bpF1(Ap) + 4bHeF1(AHe)1 +bpF1(Ap) + 4bHeF1(AHe). (37) Therefore, one = 1 +X iF1(Ai). (39) Both rates, G kh-ionand G kh-e, exhibit a strong dependence on scattering angle/momentum transfer. 3. Numerical results in the small mVlimit ThemV-0 case is the most complex since Coulomb scattering is strongly enhanced in the forward region. Even with screening, the total scattering (40) is still too large. However, since we want the DM particle to be accelerated inside the Sun, we are more interested in large-angle scattering. Therefore, we can add an IR cutoff to xqthat (41) where, in the simulation, the value of v10is fixed to be 7 x10-4c= 210 km sec-1. One observes that the physical meaning of the cut-off is that for each scattering event, we neglect the case that the magnitude of the change of v1is smaller than zv10. Then, at each step of the simulation, just as in the case of contact interactions, we use the total rate (with the IR cut-off in place) to calculate the scattering probability. If scattering occurs, just as before, we use the differential rate dGkh-e/dcqdxqto generate the direction and the final momentum of the outgoing dark matter. With the IR cutoff in place, scattering events can be divided into two categories, namely, hard scattering with xq> xcut q, and soft scattering with xq< xcut q. Hard scattering events can accelerate the DM particles and generate a hard reflected spectrum, whereas soft scatterings will friction and soften the reflected spectrum. The smaller the value of xq, the more viscous effects are included in the simulation. In Fig. 7, we show the reflected spectrum with mV= 0, and eDk= 10-10for different choices of z, from z= 5 to 100. The total number of DM particles we shoot into Sun is 107, and the initial conditions are chosen as described in Sec. II. For z= 100 (as shown by the purple curve), only very hard scattering events remain, and the results are to the contact interaction case as discussed in the previous sections. One observes clearly that decreasing xqsoftens the spectrum and also enhances the soft spectrum overall. Furthermore, we can see that the curves for z= 5 and z= 10 completely coincide with each other. Therefore, we can conclude that a xqcut with z <10 is sufficiently accurate for us to capture the relevant soft scattering effects. In practice, our computational power allows us to use zas small as 0.5,13 10 50 100 500 DM Particles per eV FIG. 7. The dependence of simulated reflected spectrum on the IR cutoff (labeled by values of z). Small values for the cutoff lead to a migration of the hard tail of the reflected spectrum to softer values due to the effective viscosity. The similarity of the blue and red curves indicates that values of z <10 are adequate for obtaining realistic results. which should be able to capture all the soft scattering effects. Comparing the blue dotted curve with the reflected curves in contact scattering case, we observe that in the light mediator case, the spectrum is much softer, as expected. This suggests that the use of detectors with low thresholds would be advantageous in the search for the reflected flux in light mediator DM models. C. Scattering from the Solar Corona While the main focus of our work is a derivation of the sensitivity to the weakest couplings, it is also important to appreciate the limitations of our method when the couplings and the cross sections become large, and the mean free path for khbecomes so small that DM scatters too quickly to pass into the interior of the Sun. In such a situation, one can entertain the possibility of DM reflecting from the solar corona, that has a small column density, but rather large are indeed ~two order of magnitude larger than the temperature of the photosphere). The temperature and electron distributions in the solar atmosphere are shown in the lower panel of Fig. 2). We have also simulated the reflected flux from the corona, finding it to be very small, but more energetic than the flux reflected from the photosphere. We will consider the possibility of a signal in the SENSEI surface run, which will be discussed in detail in Sec. V B. In this case, the kinetic energy of the reflected DM needs to be above several eV. To obtain a qualitative estimate of the reflected spectrum, we can use the approximation described in Sec. III A. Then, similar to Eq. (16), one obtains the differential scattering (42) The Sun's corona extends to radii 106-107km with an electron density smaller than 109cm-3[25]. For example, from Eq. (42) one concludes that for keD~10-4, the probability for DM to be reflected with, say, E2>15 eV (leading to a multi-electron signal in a silicon detector) within the14 0.2 MeV 0.5 MeVkeD=10-5 10 50 100 500 8. Differential scattering probability for mkh= 0.5 MeV (red) and 0.2 MeV (blue) with keD= 10-5. corona is smaller than one percent. Therefore, we may use the single scattering approximation to estimate the reflected spectrum with the differential scattering probability given by Eq. (15). Due to the Sun's gravity, the trajectories of DM particles are hyperbolic. If the initial impact parameter is small enough the DM particle may hit the surface of the Sun. Once this happens, for a milli-charge keDas large as 10-5the DM particles can quickly achieve thermal equilibrium with the electrons at the surface of the Sun, and then escape with eV-scale kinetic energy in a random direction. The DM particles may also hit the surface of the Sun and lose their acquired kinetic energy. Such circumstances complicate the simulation of the As we are primarily interested in a first order estimation of the corona-reflected flux, we will neglect these complications. Concretely, we simply approximate the trajectories as straight lines, and neglect the change of the velocity due to gravity. The differential scattering probability then (43) where Rcis the radius enclosed by the corona; we choose Rc= 1.69x106km (the solar radius is 6.9x105km). The differential scattering probability for mkh= 0.2 and 0.5 MeV with keD= 10-5 is shown in Fig. 8. As shown in the lower panel of Fig. 2, the coronal temperature remains around 106kelvin at a height of 106km. The the index for the power law decay of the density neat this height is slower than -3. Therefore, we do not expect the contributions to dP/dE 2from the region beyond r= 1.69x106km to be entirely negligible. However, given limited data on the and density profiles at even larger radii, we limit Rc= 1.69x106km as our largest radius. In this sense, our sensitivity result is conservative. V. DIRECT DETECTION OF THE SOLAR REFLECTED FLUX In this section we shall use the solar reflected DM fluxes and spectrum obtained above to set constraints from direct detection experiments. We focus on the XENON1T experiment, and begin by introducing the standard components that go into the computation of these 1 10 100 1solar reflected DM RG SN1987a aD= 0.5 mV= 3mDM galactic 1-se -sion= 10-se -sion= 100- 1 10 100 1solar reflected DM RG SN1987a aD= 0.5 mV= 3mDM FIG. 9. Direct detection limits derived in this work from XENON1T S2 [27] and S1+S2 [28] data from solar reflected DM in the limit of point-like interactions FDM= 1 (orange shaded regions as labeled.) The blue shaded regions are previous direct detection limits using the galactic flux component from XENON1T [27], XENON10 [29], and SENSEI [6]. The gray shaded regions to the left are stellar cooling constraints from red giant (RG) stars [30] and from the proto-neutron star of SN1987a [31] for a dark photon-mediated model with aD= 0.5 and mV= 3mDM. The freeze-out curve is for a complex scalar DM model [13]. Left panel: only scattering with electrons is assumed; the solid orange line shows the data-driven limit on the charge yield where the lowest energy deposition is 0.19 keV [32]. Right panel: various values for the scattering cross section on ions, in relation to electrons are assumed as labeled. The additional scattering channel has the net effect of weakening the limits, because particles are reflected at larger, hence colder, solar radii. The DM-electron cross section is conventionally written in terms of a reference value, where the DM-electron three-momentum transfer is evaluated at the typical atomic scale where |M(q)|2is the squared matrix element for the scattering on a free electron and ueis the DM-electron reduced mass. When the interactions are mediated by a kinetically mixed vector (dark-photon), the cross section (44) where mVis the dark photon mass and aD=e2 D/4pwith eDthe gauge coupling in the dark sector. The actual dependence of the cross section on momentum transfer is shifted into a DM form med.. (45) Notably, in the limit mV-0 one recovers the millicharged DM model where Qeff=eDk/eis the fractional charge and FDM= 1 10 100 (am 1 10 100 (am 10. Direct detection limits from solar reflected DM as in Fig. 9 but for massless mediator interactions or millicharged DM, FDM= (ame/q)2. The standard galactic direct detection limits are from SENSEI [6], XENON10 [29], and DAMIC [7]. The astrophysical SN1987a [31] and RG [33] cooling constraints are shown as before. The freeze-in line is taken from [30]; see also [34]. Left panel: constraints in terms of the DM- electron reference cross section evaluated at a momentum transfer q0=ame.Right panel: constraints in terms of the millicharge measured in units of the elementary charge Qeff; in the dark photon model with negligible vector mass, Qeff=keD/eholds, where eDis the gauge coupling in the dark sector. A. Limits from XENON1T The velocity averaged electron recoil cross section for ionization from an initial atomic state with principal and angular quantum numbers nandlcan be written in a standard form [35], d<sn,l> (46) Here, |fion nl(pe, q)|2is an ionization form factor which depends on momentum transfer qand final state electron momentrum through Ee=p2 e/2me. The flux-average of the squared inverse speed is denoted by e(vmin).2In the non-relativistic limit it reads, e(Emin) (47) where Eminis the minimum incident DM energy required to produce an electron of recoil energy Eeafter lifting it into the continuum by an investment of the binding energy |En,l|. In (47) we normalize the integral to the halo flux Ph halo; the total ionization rate from the ( n, l) orbital is then given by /dlnEe, where NTis the target density. The energy deposition an ionization signal in xenon (S2), and, for E1 keVee, the scintillation signal (S1). In this work we use XENON1T S1+S2 data from [36] and the S2-only data from [37]. We follow our previous work in modeling the formation of the S1 and S2 signals and limit setting procedure [13]. For the ionization form factor |fion nl(pe, q)|2 2An additional factor 1 /vis introduced as (46) is for d<sn,l> instead of d<sn,lv> . A factor of vis contained in the overall solar flux that multiplies the ionization cross section in the evaluation of the event rate.17 we use the calculation described in [38]. It is based on numerical solutions of the for bound and continuum electrons, and hence yields appropriate results accross the regime. The direct detection limits from solar reflection for contact interactions ( FDM= 1) are shown in Fig. 9 with the orange shaded exclusion regions for XENON1T S2 [27] and S1+S2 [28] as labeled. As can be seen, they attain their maximum strength for to the point of most efficient energy transfer in the sun. A variety of complementary constraints are described in the figure caption. The limiting constraint (solid orange line) shows the data-driven limit on the charge yield where we demand an energy deposition of at least 0.19 keV congruent with available data [32]. As shown in the right panel, the additional scattering on ions has the net effect of weakening the limits, because particles are reflected at larger, hence colder, solar radii. It is instructive to compare the peak sensitivities of XENON1T to galactic dark matter (blue region) with the sensitivity to reflected dark matter (orange region). The strongest constraints on galactic dark matter scattering on electrons, s~10-40cm2, are derived for mkh~200-300 MeV. For the reflected dark matter flux, the best sensitivity is for S2 only at masses that are three orders of magnitude smaller, mkh~
100-300 keV. Notice that the lowering of sensitivity by a factor of 103is composed from the two main factors, large and small. The geometric loss, proportional to the inverse solid angle subtended by the Sun, 1 /ohm~106, is mitigated by the much larger number densities of dark matter at mkh~100-300 keV, leading to an overall loss in sensitivity by only a factor of 103. (This rough comparison is possible because the same experiment is used in both cases, for the millicharged case ( FDM= (ame/q)2) are shown in Fig. 10. are again described in the figure caption. In the left panel, constraints in terms of the DM-electron reference cross section is shown. In the right panel, the same constraints are shown in terms of the fractional elementary charge Qeff=keD/e. We observe that the limits of Qeffare strong, and relatively surpassing the SN bounds by a slim margin. It is easy to see that the best limits are imposed by the S2 only signal, and this is a direct consequence of the softness of the reflected spectrum in this case. Of course, for large enough couplings, the direct detection constraints will eventually disappear as one enters a regime where the to entering Earth--will approach a Maxwellian with a temperature resembling colder solar surface conditions. The precise location of this ceiling is difficult to estimate, but inconsequential as it finds itself in the region that is already excluded by the SN bound ( Qeff10-9). In the following section, however, we shall consider reflection from the solar corona as a potential bypass to those conclusions for the large-coupling limit. B. Detecting the reflected flux from the solar corona We close the exploration of direct detection sensitivity by commenting on the possibility of prob- ing larger cross sections. In particular, for millicharged DM there exists a currently above the SN1987a bound Qeff5x10-6[31]. This is due to the trapping of inside the supernova. The region has a ceiling at Qefffewx10-5due to the direct search at the SLAC millicharge experiment [39]. Both bounds are independent of the DM-nature ofkh. In this parameter region, reflected DM experiences re-scattering in the Earth's atmosphere and in any overburden of a direct detection experiment. In particular, we do not expect limits from the XENON1T experiment, as the diffusive process softens and diminishes the spectrum too much. Prospects for probing this region may nevertheless exist through the operation of detectors above ground. For example, the SENSEI semiconductor direct detection experiment had a surface 1 (surface run 5 e-) 1 kg-yr (100 dru bkg.) 1 kg-yr (no bkg.) FIG. 11. An extension of the right panel of Fig. 10 to larger effective couplings Qeff. The currently allowed white region for Qeff5x10-6opens up from below due to trapping of DM inside the SN, while it is bounded from above by the SLAC millicharge experiment [39]. A surface run by the SENSEI experiment with a small exposure of 0.019 g-days [40] and zero events in the 5 e-bin allows us to place a using DM reflected from the solar corona (solid orange line.) A projection to 1 kg-yr a background rate of 100/kg/day (zero) in the 5 e-bin gives the upper (lower) orange dashed curves. The lower curve can be regarded as the most optimal reach for a SENSEI-type surface detector; the actual sensitivity is likely to be limited significantly by backgrounds. The galactic DM constraints obtained with underground searches are the same as in Fig. 10, but disappear for values in excess of Qeff~10-5[41] as indicated by the hatching. ing run with a very small exposure of 0 .019 gram-days [40]. The threshold for ionizing an electron isEgap= 1.11 eV and it takes an average of e= 3.6 eV for the creation of an electron-hole pair (at least, as measured in high-energy recoils). For example, the corona-reflected flux is capable of creating a charge multiplicity of at least 5 e-in a scattering with Ee>=15.5 eV electron recoil energy, and for which the SENSEI run did not observe any events; (the integer charge multiplicity may be estimated as Q(Ee) = 1 + Fig. 11 we show the resulting limit for the SENSEI surface run using the 5 e-bin which had zero counts (orange solid line). As can be seen, it is superseded by the SLAC we also show the results of two projections for an effective exposure of 1 kg-day for a SENSEI-type experiment. For the upper dashed curve, we assume a background-rate in the 5 e- bin of 100 /kg/day (dru). This appears to be a reasonable ballpark figure based on a of the 2 ,3,and 4 electron rates for the SENSEI surface-run. The lower dashed curve assumes (an unrealistic) zero observed events in the 5 e-bin. This should therefore be regarded as the optimal reach for a SENSEI-type surface detector. We obtain these lines assuming no re-scattering in the Earth's atmosphere. We caution that this approximation may be subject to corrections, especially for the line of current sensitivity. The evaluation of semiconductor in a generalization of (46) to crystals, follows [42] from where we also take the ionization form factor. Complementary constraints from other sources are again described in the figure caption.19 VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS The fast flux of MeV-scale dark matter reflected from the Sun is an inevitable consequence of scattering on solar electrons. This sub-dominant, but highly energetic component of the total dark matter flux on Earth provides a novel pathway to study light dark matter scattering on electrons. While the viability of low mass DM motivates R&D involving new materials and new ways of registering ever lower recoil energies in direct detection relevant for lower values of mkh[4], the solar reflection mechanism provide a nontrivial level of sensitivity using data from the largest and cleanest dark matter detectors based on Xenon dual phase technology. As a consequence, dark matter electron scattering limits can be imposed now, without relying on the success of efforts. A galactic DM particle with mass in the 100 keV to 1 MeV range has sub-eV kinetic energy and falls below the experimental threshold of any existing experiment. The reflected flux provides a concrete means of probing this part of the parameter space, and current data from XENON1T imposes limits down to cross sections of 10-38cm2in the case of contact scattering the results for contact DM-electron scattering are an update to our earlier work [13] (see also [22]), the derivation of the reflected flux for DM interactions induced by an and the resulting limits from direct detection presented in this paper, represent a non- trivial extension. The method can now be applied to the most viable sub-MeV DM models, which achieve their sub-thermal relic abundance via freeze-in. The technical challenge to overcome was the strong enhancement of small angle scattering, which leads to the predominant occurrence of soft collisions. The forward singularity is of course regularized by Debye screening. In this paper, we have described a consistent derivation of this screening for the relevant range of energy and momentum transfers, q0, q, and implemented this approach in simulations to generate the The numerical treatment was made viable by introducing an artificial IR cutoff, which we varied to confirm that the final spectrum was independent of this parameter. The reflected spectrum for a nearly massless mediator is considerably softer than in the case of contact interaction. This is expected, given that frequent soft scatterings downgrade the of the spectrum. As a result, most of the reflected spectrum leads to ionization in XENON1T that falls below the threshold for registering the S1 signal, and the best constraints are imposed by examining the S2 only part of the signal. The resulting limits in the mass interval for mkhfrom 0.1-to-1 MeV vary from 6 x10-36cm2to 10-34cm2, when the cross sections are The corresponding limits on the effective charge are around the Qeff= and are slightly stronger than the conservative limits from analysis of SN cooling. These are the most sensitive constraints by some margin on DM in the sub-MeV mass range obtained using terrestrial probes. Despite the strength of these bounds, we find that the for Qeff(mkh) is beyond reach using the reflected flux with existing Added: As this paper was being finalized, we became aware of recent complementary work exploring cosmological constraints on millicharge DM [43, 44]. The resulting sensitivity to the electron scattering cross section of sub-MeV dark matter is quite similar. However, the results as the direct detection limits on reflected DM degrade rather weakly in the case of fractional DM abundance, i.e.even a sub-1% fraction of the total DM will have its scattering on electrons constrained via solar reflection, while cosmological bounds are fully relaxed. 3Note however, that this need not imply an overproduction of dark matter as the channel remains open, and with the right choice of edcan ensure correct DM relic abundance for the parameters at the current level of thank T. Emken, R. Essig and H. Xu for checking our published results which led to corrections in the calculation for the reflected flux and DM-electron recoil spectra. The limits have consequently become stronger. HA is supported by NSFC under Grant No. 11975134, the National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant No. the Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program. MP is supported in part by U.S. Department of Energy (Grant No. DE-SC0011842). JP is supported by the New of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Grant No. FG 1. AR is supported in part by NSERC, A: Momentum screening from electrons The Boltzmann equation for the distribution of non-relativistic electrons can be written 0, (A1) where we neglect collisions. The solution takes the form f=f(0)e-k2/2meT. We now place the system in a weak and slowly varying electromagnetic field, so (A2) To study the response, fcan be expanded as (A3) so the first order expansion of (A1) (A4) where we use the fact that f(0)is isotropic in k. We will also neglect the contribution from the magnetic field due to the small velocity. Then the solution of f(1)can be formally written as f(1)(x,k, t) (A5) where eis a positive infinitesimal number. The induced electric current is given by jind(t,x) = f(0)(k) dkvZt -dt'^k*E(t',x-v(t-t'))ee(t'- (A6)21 We will need the Fourier transform of jindwhich can be written as =Z dt we use the non-relativistic approximation in the last step. The number density of electrons and their phase space distribution function in the zeroth order are given f(0)(k) (A8) They determine the (A9) Therefore, the permittivity tensor can be written as (A10) To determine the Debye screening scale we extract the longitudinal part of e+ie), (A11) and perform the integration over cos (A13) Therefore, we obtain eL= 1 + -5 0 5 12. Dispersive (red) and absorptive (blue) parts of the longitudinal permittivity eLas a function of the parameter A. In the limit of vanishing energy transfer, q0= 0, we should recover the standard literature result. It turns out, that the correct procedure is to take the e-0 limit first. Then, as q0-0, all q0 factors cancel, and we are left with eL-1 1 +e2ne Tq2, (A15) which agrees with the standard electrostatic we first neglect all the e's outside the logarithm, and obtain eL= 1 +e2ne Tq2F1(A), = (A18) The real and imaginary parts of F1are shown in Fig. 12, which indicate that the correction from non-zero q0can be substantial and of order we may derive the correction to the transverse mode. We project eijonto the trans- verse polarization vector, and exploiting the fact that the plasma is isotropic and the average of the two polarizations. This way we obtain eT= dcosth (2p)21 2k2sin2th q0(q0-kqcosth/m e+ie). (A19) On computing the th-integral, we find eT= tanh-1[b] +b b3
= (A20) In the non-relativistic limit, for small q,eTshould have a zero at ( q0)2=o2 p, where o2 p=
e2ne/meis the plasma frequency. It is easy to see that this is indeed the case by taking the (A21) Therefore, one finds the expected pole in this (A22) Similarly, one can find the large Alimit of eL, which coincides with the expression above. Finally, we would like to comment on a numerical subtlety in implementing F1(A) in simulations. The real part of F1contains the error function with an imaginary argument, which is not defined in ROOT. Therefore, in order to have a feasible numerical scheme, we use the following (A23) A comparison between Re F1and Re F' 1indicating their similarity is shown in Fig. 13. [1] B. W. Lee and S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 165 (1977). [2] C. Boehm and P. Fayet, Nucl.Phys. B683 , 219 (2004), [hep-ph]. [3] M. Pospelov, A. Ritz, and M. B. Voloshin, Phys.Lett. B662 , 53 (2008), arXiv:0711.4866 [hep-ph]. [4] S. Knapen, T. Lin, and K. M. Zurek, Phys. Rev. D 96, 115021 (2017), arXiv:1709.07882 [hep-ph]. [5] M. Battaglieri et al. , (2017), arXiv:1707.04591 [hep-ph]. [6] L. Barak et al. (SENSEI), Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 171802 (2020), arXiv:2004.11378 A. Aguilar-Arevalo et al. (DAMIC), Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 181802 (2019), arXiv:1907.12628 R. Agnese et al. (SuperCDMSSoudan Collaboration), Phys.Rev.Lett. 112, 041302 E. Aprile et al. (XENON), Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 181301 (2017), arXiv:1705.06655 D. S. Akerib et al. (LUX), Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 021303 (2017), arXiv:1608.07648 1 2 3 4 1 FIG. 13. Comparison between Re F1and Re F' 1. [11] A. Tan et al. (PandaX), Phys. Rev. D93, 122009 (2016), arXiv:1602.06563 [hep-ex]. [12] C. Kouvaris, Phys. Rev. D 92, 075001 (2015), arXiv:1506.04316 [hep-ph]. [13] H. An, M. Pospelov, J. Pradler, and A. Ritz, (2017), arXiv:1708.03642 [hep-ph]. [14] T. Emken, C. Kouvaris, and N. G. Nielsen, Phys. Rev. D 97, 063007 (2018), arXiv:1709.06573 [hep-ph]. [15] T. Bringmann and M. Pospelov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 171801 (2019), arXiv:1810.10543 [hep-ph]. [16] Y. Ema, F. Sala, and R. Sato, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 181802 (2019), arXiv:1811.00520 [hep-ph]. [17] J. B. Dent, B. Dutta, J. L. Newstead, and I. M. Shoemaker, Phys. Rev. D 101, 116007 [hep-ph]. [18] C. Cappiello and J. F. Beacom, Phys. Rev. D 100, 103011 (2019), arXiv:1906.11283 [hep-ph]. [19] R. Harnik, R. Plestid, M. Pospelov, and H. Ramani, Phys. Rev. D 103, 075029 (2021), S.-F. Ge, J. Liu, Q. Yuan, and N. Zhou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 091804 (2021), Y. Chen, J. Shu, X. Xue, G. Yuan, and Q. Yuan, (2020), arXiv:2006.12447 [hep-ph]. [22] T. Emken, (2021), arXiv:2102.12483 [hep-ph]. [23] N. F. Bell, J. B. Dent, B. Dutta, S. Ghosh, J. Kumar, J. L. Newstead, and I. M. Shoemaker, [hep-ph]. [24] J. N. Bahcall, A. M. Serenelli, and S. Basu, Astrophys. J. 621, L85 (2005), V. De La Luz, A. Lara, E. Mendoza, and M. Shimojo, Geofisica Internacional 47, 197 (2008). [26] D. Dunsky, L. J. Hall, and K. Harigaya, JCAP 07, 015 (2019), arXiv:1812.11116 E. Aprile et al. (XENON), Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 251801 (2019), arXiv:1907.11485 [hep-ex]. [28] E. Aprile et al. (XENON), Phys. Rev. D 102, 072004 (2020), arXiv:2006.09721 [hep-ex]. [29] R. Essig, T. Volansky, and T.-T. Yu, Phys. Rev. D96, 043017 (2017), arXiv:1703.00910 [hep-ph]. [30] J. H. Chang, R. Essig, and A. Reinert, JHEP 03, 141 (2021), arXiv:1911.03389 [hep-ph]. [31] J. H. Chang, R. Essig, and S. D. McDermott, JHEP 09, 051 (2018), arXiv:1803.00993 [hep-ph]. [32] D. S. Akerib et al. (LUX), Phys. Rev. D 96, 112011 (2017), arXiv:1709.00800 H. Vogel and J. Redondo, JCAP 1402 , 029 (2014), arXiv:1311.2600 [hep-ph]. [34] C. Dvorkin, T. Lin, and K. Schutz, Phys. Rev. D 99, 115009 (2019), arXiv:1902.08623 [hep-ph]. [35] R. Essig, J. Mardon, and T. Volansky, Phys. Rev. D85, 076007 (2012), arXiv:1108.5383 [hep-ph]. [36] E. Aprile et al. (XENON), (2020), arXiv:2006.09721 [hep-ex]. [37] E. Aprile et al. (XENON), Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 251801 (2019), arXiv:1907.11485 [hep-ex]. [38] R. Essig, J. Pradler, M. Sholapurkar, and T.-T. Yu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 021801 (2020), | 2108.10332 | Josef Pradler | Haipeng An, Haoming Nie, Maxim Pospelov, Josef Pradler, Adam Ritz | Solar Reflection of Dark Matter | 24 pages, 13 figures; direct detection limits corrected, limits
become stronger; conclusions unchanged | null | 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.103026 | null | hep-ph astro-ph.SR hep-ex | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | The scattering of light dark matter off thermal electrons inside the Sun produces a fast sub-component of the dark matter flux that may be detectable in underground experiments. We update and extend previous work by analyzing the signatures of dark matter candidates which scatter via light mediators. Using numerical simulations of the dark matter-electron interaction in the solar interior, we determine the energy spectrum of the reflected flux, and calculate the expected rates for direct detection experiments. We find that experiments (such as XENON1T) provide the strongest direct limits for dark matter masses below a few MeV, reaching a sensitivity to the effective dark matter charge of better than $sim 10^{-9}e$.
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"version": "v2",
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Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Single-valued completion in the soft shadow limit 3 3 Conformal block decomposition 8 3.4 Channel decomposition of SU(2)group factors 10 4 Crossing symmetry and OPE 13 4.1 OPE at the leading order 13 4.2 Examples of non-leading OPE terms 16 5 Integral representations of the single-valued correlato r 18 5.1 Complex integrals in Dotsenko-Fateev form 19 5.2 Complex integrals as single-valued projections 21 6 Single-valued celestial amplitudes from inverted shadows 23 7 Summary and conclusions 27 A SU(2) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients in vector basis 30 B The single-valued projection 31 1 Introduction In a recent paper [ 1], here referred to as part I, we examined the conformal block content of celestial four-gluon amplitudes, that is Mellin transform s of standard amplitudes with re- spect to the energies of external particles [ 2]. Mellin transforms convert the plane wave basis of external wave functions into the boost basis character ized by conformal dimensions, the variables dual to energies [ 3].1After the amplitudes are converted to the boost basis, they transform under SL(2,C)Lorentz transformations as two-dimensional CFT correla- tors of primary fields. The goal of celestial holography [ 6] is to identify celestial conformal field theory (CCFT) underlying such correlators, and confor mal block decomposition is an important step in this direction. 1For recent reviews, see Refs.[ 4,5] - 1 -When viewed as CFT correlators, celestial amplitudes exhib it some unusual amplitudes vanish on-shell due to kinematic co nstraints [ 7]. On the other hand, three-point correlation functions are the basic buil ding blocks of CFT and should be determined by the operator product expansions (OPE) of pr imary fields. Four-point CFT correlators depend on one complex variable, z, the cross-ratio of four points. In celestial amplitudes, zis a kinematic variable determined by two angles which deter mine the direction of motion of one particle with respect to the plane spanned by the momenta of the other (three) particles. The scattering processes are plan ar, as reflected by the constraint I(z) = 0 implied by momentum conservation. This means that four-poi nt everywhere on the complex plane of z, with the exception of the real axis. In fact, four-gluon celestial amplitudes are asd(z--z), which is highly unusual. Having such a four-point function, on e has to make a choice whether to perform conformal block decomposition as it is [ 8-11] or to consider some extensions to the entire complex plane of z. In part I [ 1], we chose the latter route and replaced one conformal (boost) external wave function by its shadow tran sform. One reason for studying such shadowed celestial amplitudes is a possible connect ion between adjoint operators and shadow fields, which could relate four-dimensional (asympt otic) shadow wave functions of two-dimensional CFT [ 1,12-14]. We were able to identify conformal blocks of primary fields with dimensions =m+il, wherem>=2is an integer, with various integer spins and in various gauge group representa tions. There were no blocks withm= 1that could describe primary field operators associated with massless CFT correlators obtained from shadowed gluon am plitudes are not com- pletely satisfactory though. At the leading OPE order, in th e limit of the coinciding inser- tion points of two unshadowed gluon operators, the gluons fu se into a single gluon [ 15,16] and the four-gluon amplitude degenerates into a three-gluo n amplitude. As mentioned be- fore, the latter one is zero, therefore, as expected, one doe s not find any trace of the leading order OPE expansion term in the conformal block decompositi on of four-gluon amplitude. In other words, the block with = 1 + ilis missing. This is mathematically consis- tent but unsatisfactory because such four-point correlato rs seem to be disconnected from well-known OPE coefficients. Another salient feature of shad owed amplitudes is that in ad- dition to integer spin, they contain conformal blocks with c ontinuous complex spin. This is a manifestation of a serious problem that can be seen even pri or to conformal block decom- position: the four-point correlator derived in part I has no ntrivial monodromies therefore it is nota single-valued function of the cross-ratio z. In this work, we resolve both problems simultaneously by constructing a sin gle-valued correlation function that reproduces all known OPEs [ 15,16] of gluon operators. In the end, we invert the shadow transform and obtain a single-valued celestial am plitude. It has a form drasti- cally different from the original Mellin celestial amplitud e. It is defined over the entire complex plane and has correct crossing symmetry, OPE and boo tstrap properties. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we start from the four-point in part I and discuss its monodromy properties in the limit of soft shadow with = 1 . We show that it can be made single-valued by adding just one f unction, in a similar way as in minimal models. We perform conformal block decomposition of the - 2 -resultant correlator in Section 3. In Section 4, we discuss c rossing symmetry and We find complete agreement with all known OPEs [ 15,16]. We also display some typical contributions to two-gluon OPEs from blocks wi th =m+il,m >1. In Section 5, we discuss two integral representations of the si ngle-valued correlator: one in terms of integrals over the complex plane and one in terms of s ingle-valued projections of line integrals. In Section 6, we invert the shadow transform and obtain the to part I, this paper is heavily loaded with hypergeo metric functions and we use their properties in many places. Whenever possible, we l ist relevant identities, some omissions are unavoidable, therefore w e refer the reader to chapter 15 of Ref.[ 17] for a complete list of hypergeometric identities used in th is paper. 2 Single-valued completion in the soft shadow limit The conformal correlators discussed in part I were obtained from the celestial [ 2] in MHV helicity configuration (-,-,+,+), with gauge indices conformal dimensions (1,2,3,4),i= 0. The shadow transform was applied to the first gluon, changing its dimens ion and helicity: 1-~1=
1-il1,- -+. As pointed out in part I, such correlators acquire a simple f orm in the soft shadow limit of l1= 0. Here, we consider all correlators in this limit, leaving th e general case for future work. Our starting point is the correlator written in Eq.(I.4.14) of part I,2which can be expressed (2.1) where the common factor is given by -I1(-x) = = (2.3)
~S1(x) (2.4) Note that in the (2.5) z1is the position of the shadowed gluon operator.3We want to discuss the of the correlator ( 2.1). We begin with the term associated with the first group 2We add prefix I to equation numbers from part I. 3In a slight change of notation from part I, the shadow point is now denoted by z1instead of z' 1. We will revert to the original notation in Section 6, where we in vert the shadow transform. - 3 -factor, i.e. onS1(x)-I1(-x). It is single-valued, 0. In order to examine monodromy at x= 1, we analytically continue the hypergeometric function to x1: S1(x) = il3, -il4-1; (2.6) Note that the second term is a rational il3, -il4-1; the respective contribution to (2.8) which behaves as ~ 1and has a nontrivial monodromy. Note that the contribution of the first term of Eq.( 2.6) toS1(x)-I1(-x)is single-valued in this neighborhood. Hence, in order to construct a single-va lued correlator, we need to supplement ( 2.8) with some other contributions. At first glance, this looks l ike a vague, hopeless task, however an important hint comes from minimal models where a similar problem appears when combining insertions of charge-scre ening operators [ 18,19]. In a minimal model with a Verma module degenerating at level 2, su ch contributions involve a single conformal block and its shadow block [ 20]. In part I, we pointed out [ c.f. that the antiholomorphic part a single chiral conformal block with -h= 1 +il2 2. Its shadow block with given by -I2(-x) = analytically continued to x1, it becomes -I2(-x) see that the second term shares the -I1(-x)factor ( 2.2) with the unwanted term ( 2.8). Now it becomes clear how to cancel this term and construct a si ngle-valued combination. It 4 -Indeed, the term with a monodromy at x= 1is absent in this combination. Finally, by using well-known properties of hypergeometric function s, we can analytically continue (2.11) fromxto1/xto verify that, as expected, there is no monodromy at infinity . We conclude that this combination is single-valued on the enti re complex plane. We can repeat the same procedure for the coefficient of the seco nd group factor in Eq.(2.1), to find the following single-valued a result, we obtain the following single-valued correlat (2.15) It is remarkable that a single-valued correlation function can be constructed by adding just one term for each group factor. But this is just the beginning o f forthcoming miracles... 3 Conformal block correlator ( 2.1) was obtained in part I by taking a shadow transform of the cel estial amplitude describing incoming particles 1 and 2 scattering into outgoing particles 3 and 4. In such a process, Mandelstam variables are constrained b ys >0,t <0, u <0and the integration region of the shadow transform is subject to the respective constraint on the cross-ratio of celestial coordinates. Thus, the single -valued function ( 2.15) should be identified with the following four-gluon we used the same notation as in part I. In addition, we in troduced the indices
+-oto distinguish between outgoing and incoming particles, re spectively [ 16]. We should stress once again that this correlator describes four-dime nsional s-channel gluon this will remain unchanged throughout the present paper .5On the other hand, the choice of the shadow point z1is arbitrary, therefore the cross-ratio xof Eq.( 2.5) by kinematics - it can take any value on the compl ex plane. Thus, we are free to explore the regions of x0[(12=34)2CFT channel], x1[(14=32)2CFT channel] andx [(13=42)2CFT channel]. To that end, we will expand the correlator ( 3.1) in powers of x,1-xand1/x, and decompose it into the corresponding conformal blocks. 4As mentioned before, all correlators are considered in the l imit ofl1= 0. The shadow gluon field has (h1,-h1) = (1,0). 5While in part I, we also considered four-dimensional u- andt-channels. - 5 this channel, a conformal block of a primary field with chir al weights (h,-h)has the form [20] (see also = In our case h12= h 2+il3 2+il4 2= (3.3) where we used l2+l3+l4= 0. In part I, we performed conformal block decomposition of the original correlator ( 2.1) by using Gauss recursion relations and basic properties of hy pergeometric functions. In particular, we showed that its anti-holomorphic part is ass ociated with a single weight: in thes-channel -I1represents a chiral block with -h= 1 +il2/2. A similar procedure can be applied to the single-valued completion ( 2.15). We have already identified -I2as the shadow block with -h=-il2/2, therefore it remains to rewrite S2and~S2in terms of functions present in Eq.( 3.2). At the end, we the following (3.8) In this way, we identify two sets of conformal blocks. The ori ginal one has (h,-h) = (m+
il2 2,1 +il2 2), withm>=1. They have dimensions = 2 + J+il2, whereJ>=0is an integer spin. Its completion comes with (h,-h) = withm>=1. They have dimensions whereJ>=1is an integer spin. Note that the second, new set contains a block with spin J= 1and dimension = 1+ il3+il4. This is exactly what one expects from the leading term in the OPE of appears that the single-valued completion of the correla tor restores correct OPEs. This will be confirmed in Section 4 where we discuss crossing symme try and OPEs. - 6 this channel, a conformal block of a primary field with chir al weights (h,-h)has the = h 32= 1+il3 2+il2 2= 1-il4 2,-h3+-h2= 1+il3 2+il2 2= order to decompose the correlator ( 2.15) into the blocks ( 3.9), we need to rewrite it obtained from the single-valued combinations ( 2.11) and ( by analytic continuation to the region of x1, as described in the We in addition to the analytic continuation formulas, we used 2F1/parenleftbigga,b c;xc-a-b2F1/parenleftbiggc-a,c-b c; (3.14) - 7 -From this point, we can proceed with conformal block decompo sition in the same way as in At the end, we (3.17)
~cm= (3.18)
~dm= (3.19) Here again, we find two sets of conformal blocks. The first set c omes with (h,-h) = withm>=1. They have dimensions =J+il4, whereJ>=2is an integer spin. The second set has (h,-h) = withm>=1. They have dimensions =J+ 2-il4=J+ 2 +il2+il3, whereJ>= -1is an integer spin. The second set contains a block with = 1+ il2+il3andJ=-1, which represents the gluon in the product the leading order of OPE of as x-1. Recall that in part I, we also found blocks with continuous, c omplex spin. Due to the presence of such exotic states, we called this two-dimensio nal channel incompatible with the four-dimensional s-channel. Now we see that the single-valued completion elim inates such exotic states. Actually, all channels are perfectly co this channel, a conformal block of a primary field with chir al weights (h,-h)has the h 2+il3 2, -h3+-h1=il3 2. (3.21) - 8 -In order to decompose the correlator ( 2.15) into the blocks ( 3.20), we need to rewrite it (3.22) where the factor x2h3-x2-h3, with(h3,-h3) = (1 +il3 2,il3 2), originates from the of the respective operator when the coordin ate transforms from xto1/x [18]. The functions Gtand~Gtare obtained from the single-valued combinations ( 2.11) and (2.13), respectively, by analytic continuation to the region of x , using the between the hypergeometric functions at xand1/x. In this way, we repeating the same steps as in other channels, we obtai n the following conformal (3.29) - 9 -Here again, we find two sets of conformal blocks. The first set c omes with (h,-h) = withm>=1. They have dimensions =J+il3, whereJ>=2is an integer spin. The second set has (h,-h) = withm>=1. They have dimensions whereJ>= -1is an integer spin. Note that when the indices 3 and 4 are interchanged, the spectrum of blocks in Eq.( 3.25) becomes identical to the spectrum of (14=32)2blocks in Eq.( 3.15). As explained in Section 4, this is related to the crossing symmetry of CCFT. 3.4 Channel decomposition of SU(2)group factors The conformal block decomposition accomplished so far allo ws identifying dimensions and spins of primary operators created by gluon fusion. The info rmation about their group is contained in group factors that need to be de composed in the For a given channel (ij=kl)2, the goal is to rewrite the group factors in the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for the fusion of gluons with group indices aiandajinto all possible multiplets rcontained in the product of two adjoint representations. The coefficients arneed to be determined. For a general group, this can be done by using rather advanced tec hniques, which are beyond the scope of the present paper. Such a decomposition is very s imple, however, in the case ofSU(2). Then gluons are isospin I= 1triplets, therefore rcan beI= 0singlet,I= 1 triplet or I= 2quintuplet and we can use standard Clebsch-Gordan coefficien constants fabc=oabc, therefore the relevant group factors coefficients, which are usually tabulated in the angular momen- tum basis with the multiplet components In scattering amplitudes, however, gluons are labeled by a= 1,2,3vector indices. Therefore, in order to perform the desired channel decomposition, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients need to be converted from the 0,+-1)basis 1,2,3). This is done in Appendix A, where we give ex- plicit expressions for Note that Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are symmetric in grou p indices a,bforI= 0,2and antisymmetric for I= 1. Then, by using Eq.( 3.30), the group factors can be decomposed in the (12=34)2channel as fa1a2xfa3a4x= in the (3.34) - 10 -and (3.36) These expressions can be substituted into Eqs.( 3.4), (3.15) and ( 3.25), respectively, to obtain fully factorized forms of conformal block decomposi tions. The block coefficients in the (12=34)2channel, written in Eq.( 3.4), can be that the coefficient of blocks which are even under x- -xin the small xexpansion are even (symmetric) under 3-4, while odd blocks have odd (antisymmetric) property is necessary for 3=4crossing symmetry to hold. The block coefficients in the (14=32)2channel, written in Eq.( 3.15), can be (3.39) - 11 are notrelated in any obvious way to the coefficients of (12=34)2blocks. The crossing symmetry 2=4interchanges incoming ( -o) and outgoing ( +o) operators, therefore it is not surprising that it is not manifest at the level of con formal blocks. The block coefficients in the (13=42)2channel, written in Eq.( 3.25), can be mentioned before, upon interchanging 3 and 4, the blocks o f this channel match the blocks of (14=32)2. The coefficients have the same property: they can be obtained from Eq.(3.40) by3-4[modulo (-1)m]. Here again, these properties are necessary for 3=4 crossing symmetry - while 2=4is not manifest. - 12 -4 Crossing symmetry and OPE In the previous section, we used analytic continuation to ex tend the single-valued correlator (3.1) to the entire complex plane. The conformal block decomposi tion was based on the implicit assumption of crossing symmetry between the channels. Namely, by const and crossing symmetry are two pillars of CFT, th erefore they should be sub- jected to as many independent consistency checks as possibl e. A standard check is to prove the equivalence of OPEs extracted from distinct channels. S uch self-consistency require- ments are usually called the bootstrap conditions and often used for constructing CFT correlators. We can also compare OPEs with already known lea ding terms derived channel (12=34)2probes directly (in the limit of x-0) the product of two outgoing gluon operators, ph+oph+o, while the channels the limits of x-1andx- , respectively, probe, among other things, the OPEs ph+oph-oof one incoming gluon and one outgoing gluon. The fact that, a s pointed out in the previous section, 3=4crossing symetry is manifest in conformal block decomposit ion and that the blocks include gluon primary fields with = 1+ il,J=+-1indicate that we are starting off on the right foot. 4.1 OPE at the leading order We begin by extracting leading OPEs from the (12=34)2channel, that is from the conformal block decomposition given in Eq.( 3.4). The block with J= 1and dimension from the m= 1term in the second line. As x= it is the leading term with According to Eq.( 3.38), the coefficient 1 +ili. The constant [G(2-2-3-4)]-1= [G( 1-2)]-1is to be understood as is formally zero in this limit. It is present in all blocks and can be incorporated into the definition of the (sof t) shadow field. The block coefficient ( 4.2) can be factorized into the OPE coefficients in the following way. In the limit of x-0(z3-z4), the leading OPE term is [ that in Ref.[ 15], gluon operators are normalized in a different way than in Re f.[16]. Here, it is more convenient to use the normalization of Ref.[ 16]. - 13 -The coefficient of the above OPE accounts for the last factor on the r.h.s. of Eq.( 4.2), enclosed in square brackets. In the next step, we use the OPE o f the resultant operator with the remaining gluon, incoming at (4.4) where we omitted negative helicity gluon operators because their two-point functions with the (positive helicity) shadow field vanish due to conformal invariance. At this point, we are left with the correlator of the shadow field with one gluon operator. The of this correlator is fixed by conformal invarian ce,c.f. Eq.(I.2.8). Here, in order to produce the remaining factor in the block coefficient (4.2), we need to make one additional assumption, that non-vanishing correlators mu st involve one incoming and one outgoing 0, (4.6) Under this assumption, from the r.h.s. of Eq.( 4.4), only the first term contributes, and the product of the OPE coefficients yields the block coefficient ( 4.2). Indeed, after substitut- ing the sequence ( 4.3)-(4.6) into Eq.( 3.1), we obtain the leading 1/xterm with the ( 4.2). We now proceed to the (14=32)2channel, with the conformal block in Eq.( 3.15). Here, we encounter a gluon block with = 1+ originates from m= 1in the second line of Eq.( 3.15). As1-x= it is the leading term with According to Eq.( 3.40), the coefficient (4.7) The block coefficient ( 4.7) can be factorized into OPE coefficients in the following way. - 14 -In the limit of x-1(z2-z3), the leading OPE terms are [ that this OPE contains both while the latter ones are absent in the conformal blocks of Eq.( 3.15). Hence, we need to show two things: that the conformal block ~1/(1-x)emerging from the 1/z23terms in Eq.( 4.8) has the right coefficient and that the 1/-z23terms do not contribute to the four-point correlator. We begin with the 1/z23terms of Eq.( 4.8). The OPEs of the respective operators with the gluon outgoing at z4are (4.10) Here again, we omitted negative helicity operators on the r. h.s. because their with the shadow field are vanishing. Furthermore, the two-point correlator ( 4.6) contains the normalization constant [G(1-2)]-1, which is formally zero in the limit of l1= 0. Therefore, the second OPE ( 4.10), which is finite in this limit, will not contribute to the four-point function. Taking into account that the two-p oint correlator with an incoming field is zero, we conclude that the leading 1/(1-x)pole originates from the first terms of Eqs.(4.8) and ( 4.9). In this way, we obtain the coefficient ( 4.7). It remains to be proven that the 1/-z23pole terms of the OPE ( 4.8) do not contribute to the four-point function. The OPEs of the respective opera tors with the gluon outgoing atz4are (4.12) - 15 -All these OPEs are finite in the limit of l1= 0, therefore they do not contribute to the four-point function, for the same reason as ( 4.10). Finally, we turn to the (13=42)2channel, with the conformal block in Eq.( 3.25). Here, we encounter a gluon block with = 1+ originates from m= 1in the second line of Eq.( 3.25). As1/x= it is the leading term with According to Eq.( 3.42), the coefficient (4.13) We see that it is equal to ( 4.7) with3-4, therefore in order to factorize it into we can repeat the same sequence of steps as in the (14=32)2channel. We conclude that crossing symmetry is consistent with OPE at th e leading order. The leading OPE terms, derived in Refs.[ 15] and [ 16], yield the same coefficients of leading blocks as correlator. Therefore, the single-valued c ompletion restores agreement with OPE and crossing symmetry at the same time. 4.2 Examples of non-leading OPE terms In the first example, we consider = 2 + il3+il4,J= 2primaries that appear in The corresponding block to Eq.( 3.38), the coefficient (4.14) Note that the above expression is symmetric under 3-4becauseI= 1Clebsch-Gordan co- efficients are antisymmetric under this transposition, whil eI= 0andI= 2are symmetric. The conformal block coefficient of I= 0group 16 -[G(1-2)]-1, can be obtained from the following OPE an outgoing primary operator with I= 0,J= 2. The coefficient of J= 2, I= 2quintuplet follows from similar OPEs. On the other hand, the coefficient of J= 2, I= be obtained (4.20) Note that 3-4symmetry of the conformal block coefficient ( 4.14) is necessary for self- consistent OPE of the second example, we consider = 2 + il3+il4,J= 0primaries that appear in The corresponding block According to Eq.( 3.40), its coefficient (4.21) The conformal block coefficient of I= 0group 17 -can be factorized into OPE coefficients in a similar way as in th case of I= 1triplet, however, is more complicated because its coefficien (4.25) contains the factor (2+il3-il2), which cannot be written as a Beta function that could represent a single OPE coefficient, as it was in the case of all p revious examples. It can be written though as a sum of (at least three) Beta functions, e ach of them attributed to an OPE coefficient of a distinct primary with the same dimensio ns, spin, and isospin. The conformal block spectrum must contain a certain degree of de generacy in order to allow for the splitting of block coefficients into sums of products of OP E coefficients associated with distinct Verma modules, all with the same conformal dimensi on and spin and in the same group representation. This is an indication of another quan tum number that could between such modules. As pointed out in Ref.[ 16], the OPE coefficients of CCFT are constrained by invariance under which primary operators tr ansform (4.26) wherePis the supertranslation generator [ 21]. For an OPE of the (4.27) this constraint =+-C(1,2) (4.28) and must be respected when extracting OPEs from conformal bl ocks. It is easy to check that all OPE coefficients written above satisfy this constrai nt. 5 Integral representations of the single-valued correlato r In the Coulomb gas formulation of minimal models, the correl ators of primary fields can be represented as complex integrals [ 18,19] over the positions of vertices. The single-valued correlator ( 2.15) bears a striking resemblance to the four-point correlator in minimal models with Verma modu les degenerating at level 2. Therefore, we expect it to be represented by a single integ ral. In this section, we - 18 -construct this integral by following the classic approach o f Dotsenko and Fateev [ 19,23,24]. The integrand involves insertions of charged vertices on a ( celestial) sphere, therefore the correlator has a form similar to a Koba-Nielsen amplitude in closed string theory, with Coulomb charges (related to conformal dimensions) mapped t o momenta of external string states and a celestial sphere mapped to a string world-sheet .7It is well known that closed string amplitudes can be obtained from open string amplitud es - given by integrals iterated over the segments of R1- by the so-called single-valued projection. By following th is approach, we will rewrite the correlator ( 2.15) as a single-valued projection of a Complex integrals in Dotsenko-Fateev form Our goal is to express the correlator ( 2.15) in terms of single-valued complex integrals. The integrals considered by Dotsenko and Fateev [ 19,23,24] in the context of minimal models have the form I(x,-x) (5.1) with the parameters a,b,c,-a,-b,-cZ, whereZis the set of integers, and non-integer ^a,^b,^c /
Z. The integral ( 5.1) can be evaluated through analytic continuation by disenta and antiholomorphic parts [ (5.4) To get explicit relations, we restricted ourselves to 0< x <1. The general case is obtained by analytic mapping appears naturally in the large conformal dimen sion limit of [ 22]. 8This procedure is also known as the (KLT ) method [ 25]. Holomorphic and coordinates w,-wbecome independent coordinates x,e, respectively. The latter are to phase factors rendering the integrand single-va lued when the branch points wx= 0,x,1and-we= 0,-x,1are crossed. - 19 -In order to recast the correlator ( 2.15) in a form similar to ( 5.2), we observe that combination ( 2.11) derived in Section 2 can be written it becomes clear (5.6) with the following :
^a=-il4, a=-1,-a= 0,
^b=-il2, b= c= 0,-c= comparing this expression with Eq.( 5.2), we see (5.9) with the :
^a=-il4, a=-1,-a= 0,
^b=-il2, b= c=-1,-c= 0.(5.10) In this way, we obtain the following integral representatio correlator has a form of a heterotic Coulomb gas corre lator: the holomorphic factors have exponents differing by integers from the antiholomorph ic ones. - 20 -5.2 Complex integrals as single-valued projections The complex integral ( 5.1) can be expressed as a linear combination (with rational coe ffi- cients in ^a,^b,^c) of a basis of real (iterated) integrals subject to the singl e-valued a given choice of integers a,b,c,-a,-b,-c, this is achieved by first expressing ( 5.1) in terms of the four basis elements ( B.16) and then applying the relation ( B.14). For the two cases ( 5.7) and ( 5.10) (with-a,-c= 0,-b=-2), by partial integrating and partial fractioning in the anti-holomorphic part, we ma y first cast ( 5.1) into a of two complex (5.12) Now the rational anti-holomorphic parts of the two integral s assume either of the respectively, and match those of the basis elements ( similar manipulations in the holomorphic secto r allows expressing the complex integral ( 5.12) in terms of the four basis elements ( B.16) and to apply ( (5.13) The integrands in ( 5.13) can be expanded w.r.t. small ^a,^b,^c. According to Appendix B, thesvmap is then applied on each period integral in the expansion. For (5.6) witha=-1,b= 1,c= 0the two real integrals of ( 5.13) are related to S1(x) andS2(x)of Eqs.( 2.3) and ( 2.12). More precisely, we define the following two functions
^S1(x) :=x(1-x)S1(x) (5.14)
^S2(x) 1+^b+^cx , (5.15) which are related through the following latter follows from the monodromy relation (9.80) of [ 18] for~a= Appendix B for a short review and references. - 21 -subject to ~a+~b+ ~c=-2-^cwith the integrals ( 5.3) and ( 5.4). We may apply10 map on ( (5.17) to cast ( 5.13) into the form 1 pI(x,-x) with in ( 5.7) we can write ( 5.6) as -xl4) (5.19) On the other hand, for ( 5.10) witha=-1,b= 2,c=-1the two real integrals of (5.13) are related to Eqs.( 2.4) and ( 2.14). More precisely, we define the following two := (1-x)~S1(x) (5.20)
^S' 2(x) := (5.21) which are related through the same type of identity as ( we may repeat the steps from above to write ( 5.9) as -xl4) (5.23) In this way, we obtain the following sv integral representat -xl4) -xl4) (5.24) 10Note that, strictly speaking the sv-map is only defined for period integrals. Hence, Eq.( 5.17) may also be understood as defining equation for sv^S2(x). - 22 -6 Single-valued celestial amplitudes from inverted shadow s Recall that the correlator ( 3.1), now written as a complex integral in Eq.( 5.11), was con- structed by a single-valued completion of the shadow transf orm of a four-gluon with respect to gluon number 1. This prompts the im mediate question whether this integral can be interpreted as a shadow transform of cer tain single-valued . In this section, we construct such an amplitude, thus closing the loop and reaching another side of the starting point of part I. At this point, it is convenient to return to the notation of pa rt I, where the position of the shadow gluon operator was denoted by z' 1. Therefore, Eq.( 2.5) now (6.1) whilez1is reserved for the position of the original unshadowed gl uon operator, and (6.2) Up to this point, we have been considering the four-point sha dow we used conformal invariance in order to recover depen dence on individual points from the limit given in Eq.( 3.1). In order to rewrite the integrals ( 5.11) as shadow transforms with respect to z1, we need to find a relation between the integration variable wandz1. As a hint, we note that in the original celestial amplitude written in Eq.(I.3.3) of part I, there was a relative factor of z between the contributions associated with two color factor s. A comparison with Eq.( 5.11) indicates (6.6) We can substitute above relations into the integrals ( 5.11) and change the from wtoz1. The corresponding Jacobian is |dw/dz1|2, (6.7) - 23 -In this way, we (6.9) Now we see that indeed the correlator ( 6.3) has the form of a shadow the celestial single-valued amplitude given (6.11) Note that the above correlator is manifestly covariant unde r conformal correct weights of external gluon operators. We end up w ith a rather that in the l1= 0soft limit, the single-valued MHV amplitude is given by the so-called Parke-Taylor (PT) denominators dressed by con formal factors. The denominator part is the same as in the MHV amplitude [ 26] and in Nair's superamplitude [ CCFT correlator is given by G21 34(z,-z) = (6.12) 11This correlator has another interesting property. It satis fies the differential equation derived in Ref.[ 28] for MHV gluon amplitudes in Mellin space (see also Ref.[ 29]). This is rather unexpected because amplitude ( 6.11) does not seem to be related to the original Mellin amplitude in any simple way. - 24 -From this point, we will proceed in a similar way as in the earl ier part of the paper, by performing conformal block decompositions of the single-v alued amplitude and exhibiting the factorization chains from four-point to two-point corr elation functions. In conformal blocks have the same form as in Eq.( 3.2), but now h 2+il3 2+il4 2= (6.13) where we used l2+l3+l4= 0. In order to expand the correlator ( 6.11) in this channel, we formally rewrite it, first as G21 34(z,-z) then proceed in the same way as in Section 3. As a result, we (6.17) When compared with the block decomposition of the shadow cor relator ( 3.4), the present one contains only one subset of primaries, with (h,-h) = The spectrum starts at m= 1with a primary associated to a gluon with helicity +1and dimension = 1-il2= 1+il3+l4. Its coefficient corresponding operator appears at the leading order of t he OPE of outgoing gluons [15,16], as seen in Eq.( 4.3), which we repeat here for 25 -Still at the leading order, we can fuse the resultant operato r with the incoming gluon operator at (6.20) This factorization chain ends with a two-point function of the operators on the r.h.s. of the above OPE. By invoking the principle propo sed in Section 4, that a non- vanishing two-point function must necessarily involve one incoming and one outgoing oper- ator [see Eqs.( 4.5,4.6)], and conformal invariance, we conclude that the only non- comes from the first operator on the r.h.s. of Eq with 2+3+4-2 = 2-1= 1). (6.21) The normalization factor [pG(1-2)]-1= that its product with the OPE coefficient of ( 6.19) and the coefficient of the first term in ( 6.20) reproduces the conformal block coefficient ( 6.18). We conclude that the single-valued amplitude ( 6.11) and the corresponding CCFT correlator properly factorize i n at least at the leading OPE order. The analysis of other channels is very similar. In the (14=32)2channel, the conformal block expansion (6.24) Here, the expansion starts at m= 1with a primary associated with a gluon with helicity - 26 --1and dimension = 1-l4= 1+l2+l3. The corresponding coefficient this case, we can start factorizing by taking the limit of z2-z3, with the leading OPE terms given in Eq.( 4.8). This can be followed by z4-z2=z3, which is described by a similar OPE. One ends up with sixteen two-point correlators involving of the remaining operators, but by following the same arg uments as in Section 4, one finds that only one of them is non-vanishing. The product of th e corresponding OPE and two-point coefficients does indeed yield the conformal block coefficient ( 6.25). The conformal block expansion in the (13=42)2channel can be obtained in the same way, with the following (6.28) These conformal block spectrum and block coefficients match t Eqs.( 6.22)-(6.24), upon exchanging 3-4and using Jacobi identity. to (14=32)2, at the leading OPE order, this channel has correct factoriz summarize, the single-valued amplitude ( 6.11) and the corresponding CCFT cor- relator ( 6.12) enjoy crossing symmetry and satisfy all bootstrap conditi ons, at least at the leading order of the OPE. In addition to helicity +-1gluon operators with dimensions = 1+ il, the conformal block spectrum consists of primary field oper ators with dimen- sions =m+il, with integer m >1. At each level, two spin values, J=mandJ=m-2, are possible. For m >1, the primary fields appear in all group representations cont ained in the product of two adjoint representations. Extrapolati ng from the results of part I, we expect a larger, but always integer spin spectrum, to contri bute to the celestial amplitude beyond the soft limit of l1= 0. 7 Summary and conclusions In the last section, we closed the loop and returned to where w e started in part I - to the four- gluon celestial amplitude. Defined as the Mellin transform o f standard scattering amplitude, - 27 -it is ill-defined as a CFT correlator because the positions of primary field operators are constrained by four-dimensional kinematics. Four-partic le scattering events are the conformally invariant cross ratio of four com plex coordinates is real. Such Mellin amplitude has no crossing symmetry and disagrees wit h the OPE of gluon operators. On the other hand, the single-valued amplitude derived in th e last section is a good CFT correlator because it enjoys crossing symmetry and sati sfies bootstrap in agreement with all known OPEs. Let us outline i n more detail the path that led us to the end point so drastically different from the begin ning of part I. In part I, we extended the definition of Mellin amplitude to th e entire complex plane by performing a shadow transformation on one of gluon operat ors. The conformal of the shadow correlator revealed the presen ce of blocks with spin. This was a sign of a much deeper problem. In its o wn way, the inherits the problems of the original Mellin amp litude, by being a of the cross ratio. In general, it is given by one of A ppell's functions and has monodromy properties, therefore it is difficult to use it as a starting point for constructing a single-valued correlator. Some significant simplifications occur, however, in the limit of the soft shadow operator with conformal dimen sion = 1 . Then all pri- mary fields propagating in one of two-dimensional channels h ave the same (although an infinite spectrum of holomorphic weight s). The correlator reduces from Appell's to a hypergeometric function and bears a striking r esemblance to the correlators of minimal models with null states at level 2. By following a pr ocedure similar to minimal models, it is possible to construct a single-valued correla tor by adding just one compensat- ing function involving the shadow of the aniholomorphic blo ck. In this way here, in part II, we obtained a single-valued completion of the shadow transf orm of celestial amplitude. Its conformal block spectrum consists of primary field operator s with dimensions =m+il, with integer m>=1and various, but always integer spin. Starting from m= 2, the blocks appear in all group representations contained in the produc t of two adjoint is not surprising that the single-valued completion elim inates states with complex spin. What is the most surprising, however, and somehow mira culous result of this work, is that the single-valued correlator is perfectly compatib le with all known OPEs of gluon operators. It enjoys crossing symmetry and has correct fact orization properties in all two- dimensional channels, i.e. it is fully bootstrapped. In the special case of we also discussed some non-leading OPEs, with two glu ons fusing into and quintuplets and with the respective OPE coeffici ents including connection to minimal models facilitates one more step. In the Coulomb gas for- mulation of minimal models, the correlators of primary field s (vertex operators) can be represented as complex integrals over the positions of cha rge-screening vertices. In min- imal models with Verma modules degenerating at level 2, they can be represented by a single integral. We followed the approach of Dotsenko and Fa teev and constructed such in- tegral representation of the celestial correlator. We also made a connection to string theory, where complex, closed string world-sheet integrals can be r elated to open string integrals via so-called single-valued projection. In this way, we con structed another integral repre- - 28 -sentation of the celestial correlator, as a single-valued p rojection of a real-line integral. In this context, kinematic invariants (exponents of Koba-Nie lsen factors) are tied to of primary the beginning of part I, the shadow transform was c omputed by integrating the celestial amplitude over the complex position of one of t he gluon operators on a with an appropriate integration factor determined by conformal weights. Now this shadow correlator has been completed to a single-valued fun ction and further represented by a complex integral. By a suitable change of the integration variable, we brought it to a form of a shadow transform of a function with the conformal t ransformation for a four-gluon celestial amplitude. Undoing this shadow transform leads to a new correlation function, which we defined as the single-va lued celestial amplitude. It has a form drastically different from the original Mellin cele stial amplitude. It is defined over the entire complex plane and has correct crossing symmetry, OPE and bootstrap properties. The single-valued amplitude is given by a simple expression . It consists of PT denom- inators dressed by the factors ensuring correct conforma l transformation properties. The PT denominator part is the same as in the MHV amplitude [ 26] and in Nair's superam- plitude [ 27]. It is unlikely that the single-valued amplitude can be obt ained by a of the Mellin amplitude, in a more direct way t han our shadowy detour. The superamplitude appears, however, in a natural way in Wit ten's formulation of string theory in twistor space [ 30]. This indicates that twistor space may be helpful in constr ucting celestial conformal field theory underlying single-valued material is based in part upon work supported by the Nati onal Science Foundation under Grant Number PHY-1913328. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or expressed in this material are those of the authors a nd do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Wei Fan is support ed in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.1210512 1. - 29 -A SU(2) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients in vector coefficients are usually written in the angul ar momentum basis our case, gluons are in the adjoint (vector) representati on ofSU(2), withj1=j2= 1, therefore J= 0,1,2. On the other hand, in Feynman diagrams, gluon labelled by vector indices a= 1,2,3. The angular momentum and vector bases are related by a unitary 1,m= (A.2) The matrix Ucan be constructed by requiring that J3transforms from the diagonal the vector rotation matrix Jab 3=-ioab 3. It is given (A.3) In the vector basis, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are given by Cab J,M (A.4) By using Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, listed for example in ht 0 0 , C 0 0 , (A.5) C2,1=
0 01 2 0 0 -i 2 1 2-i 20 , C 2,0=
1 60 0 01 60 0 C2,-1=
0 0 -1 2 0 0 01 2 0 0-i 2 -1 2i 20 , 0 0 0 0 , C1,-1=
0 01 2 0 0 01 30 0 01 3 . (A.8) Note that C2,MandC0,Mare symmetric in vector indices a,b, whileC1,Mis C*ab J,M= 30 -B The single-valued projection In this appendix, we briefly review the single-valued map sv[31]. Based on [ 32], this map represents a direct relation between complex sphere and rea l iterated integrals [ 33]. For a review, we refer to [ 34] and for a rigorous mathematical proof to [ 35]. In particular, complex sphere integrals describing closed string amplitudes can b e written as some projection of iterated real integrals representing open string amplitud es [33]. The simplest example arises for four-point scattering yielding the (B.1) with parameters ^a,^bchosen such that both integrals converge. While the integra l on the l.h.s. of ( B.1) describes a four-point closed string amplitude, the integ ral on the r.h.s. de- scribes a four-point open string amplitude. The projection svis understood to act on the period integrals that arise after expanding both integrand s w.r.t. small ^a,^b, e.g. at the leading order in ^bwe = 0. (B.2) In fact, all periods appearing in ( B.1) are Riemann zeta n>=2, (B.3) on which the sv-map acts as: sv map represents the single-valued projection sv. It is called projection since, e.g. z2- terms are projected out. More generally, svrepresents a morphism acting on the space of multiple zeta values r) nlN+, nr>=2, (B.5) mapping the latter to a subspace of MZVs, namely the single-v alued multiple zeta values (SVMZVs) [ r)R. (B.6) The numbers ( B.6) can be obtained from the MZVs ( B.5) by generalizing the map ( B.4) to the full space of MZVs [ 31]: sv :z(n1,...,n r). (B.7) 12Such relations also arise in the world-sheet sigma-model co mparison of heterotic and type I open string gauge couplings [ 36]. - 31 -The map ( B.7) has been constructed13by Brown in Ref.[ 31], where also SVMZVs have been studied from a mathematical point of view. For instance , we have zsv(5,3) = = generalization of ( B.1) is the which reduces to ( B.1) forz=1. Again, the complex integral can be computed by the single-valued map svacting on the period integrals after expanding the integran d of the r.h.s. ( B.8) w.r.t. to small ^a,^b,^c. This expansion gives rise to Q-linear combinations of MZVs ( B.5) and (Goncharov) multiple polylogarithms (MPLs) Gdepending on w;t), njN, nr>1, = 1. The single-valued projection on MPLs has been constructed14by Brown in [37], e.g. svG(a1;z) , (B.10) withai {0,1}, i.e. svG(0;z) = svln z= ln|z|2,svG(1;z) = svln(1 -z) = ln|1-z|2, =G(0,1;z) -z),etc. (B.12) Thus, at leading orders in ^b(B.8) =-Lp(z), p>=1. To summarize, the single-valued map svprojects the MZVs onto the space of SVMZVs (via ( B.7)) and MPs onto single-valued MPs. It can be applied separately for each factor in the power series expan sion w.r.t. small ( B.1) leads to higher-point closed string amplitudes described by a ma- trixJof complex integrations. Then, the sing le-valued projection can be applied on a matrix Fof Euler integrals comprising a basis of real iterated integ open string amplitudes and leading to the foll owing matrix relation [ 33]: J= sv(F). speaking, the map svis defined in the Hopf algebra Hof motivic MZVs zm. In this algebra H the homomorphism sv :H-Hsv, withzm(n1,...,n r)andzm sv(2) = 0 can be for details. 14In fact, SMVZs can also be defined as single-valued MPLs at arg umentz=1. - 32 -Recently, the relation ( B.14) has been extended to also include unintegrated points z[38,39]. 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Zhu | Conformal Blocks from Celestial Gluon Amplitudes II: Single-valued Correlators | 35 pages | null | 10.1007/JHEP11(2021)179 | null | hep-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | In a recent paper, here referred to as part I, we considered the amplitude with one gluon represented by the shadow transform of primary field operator. This correlator is ill-defined because it contains branch points related to the presence of conformal blocks with complex spin. In this work, we adopt a procedure similar to minimal models and construct a single-valued completion of the shadow correlator, in the limit when the shadow is soft. By following the approach of Dotsenko and Fateev, we obtain an integral representation of such a single-valued correlator. This allows inverting the shadow transform and constructing a four-gluon amplitude. This amplitude is drastically different from the original Mellin amplitude. It is defined over the entire complex plane and has correct crossing symmetry, OPE and bootstrap properties. It agrees with all known OPEs of celestial gluon operators. The conformal block spectrum consists of primary fields with dimensions $Delta=m+i lambda$, with integer $mgeq 1$
and various, but always integer spin, in all group representations contained in the product of two adjoint | [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:01:09 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 7 Sep 2021 14:33:36 GMT"
] | 2021-12-08T00:00:00 | [
"Tomasz R.",
] |
2 9 6 3 0 -3 Intensity ( a. obs calc obs-calc Bragg (a. 1. (a) Room-temperature crystal structure of the Mo (space group P21/m). (b) Rietveld refinement of powder XRD pattern for Mo 1 xIrxTe2(x = 0.1) recorded at room temperature. (c) Room temperature single crystal XRD shows the orientation of crystal growth along (00n) direction whereas inset shows the crystal image. a higher percentage, but 10% was the highest successfully achieved. Single crystals of Mo1 xIrxTe2(x = 0.1) were grown by horizontal flux method with excess Te as flux [31]. Stoichiometric mix- tures of Mo, Ir, and Te powders were sealed together in an evacuated quartz tube with charge and flux ratio 1:18. Crystallization was carried out at 1100C for seven days in a box furnace, followed by the furnace switched off to avoid the hexagonal phase formation. Single crys- tals were trapped in the Te flux, which was taken x-ray diffraction (XRD) was carried out at room temperature on a PANalytical with Cu-K radiation ( = 1.54056 A)for the characterization of crystal structure and phase pu- rity. Rietveld refinement was performed using Full Prof Suite Software. Sample compositions were checked by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an X-ray (EDAX) spectrometer, Ir, were performed using a Linkam stage. To study the superconducting state, we measured DC and AC susceptibility by Superconducting Quantum Interfer- ence Device (SQUID MPMS, Quantum Design) at dif- ferent fields. Specific heat measurements were performed by the two tau time-relaxation method in zero fields. in the Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS, Quantum Design, Inc.), AC transport measure- ments were performed.III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION a. Sample sample was crushed in fine powder to perform XRD. The Rietveld refinement of XRD pat- terns confirms that the polycrystalline samples crystal- lized into single phase centrosymmetric monoclinic CdI 2 type structure having space group P21/m as shown in Fig. 1 (b). XRD pattern of Mo the crystal orientation in (00n) direction (Fig. 1 (c)) and inset shows the crystal image. Raman spec- tra further confirms the phase purity (see Appendix B). EDAX analysis shows the presence of Ir in the single crystal though the quantity of Ir is (4 %) lesser than the nominal one (see Appendix A). -8-6-4-20M (10-5emu/g) 5 4 3 2 T (K) ZFC FCTC = 2.32 K H = 1 (10-5emu/g) 5 4 3 2T (K)TC = 2.65 K H = 1 mT(b) ZFC FCSingle Crystal FIG. 2. (a) and (b) Temperature dependence of the dc magnetic moment on polycrystal and single crystal sample at H = 1 mT. b. crystal was further confirmed by Due to the small size of the crystals3 and less magnetic moments, a number of crystals were stacked together for magnetization measurements. The magnetic moment of the single crystal was checked in zero fields cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) with 1 mT applied field. Fig. 2 exhibits a clear signature of state with a diamagnetic signal. sample shows superconducting TCat 2.65(3) K. -4-3-2-10M (mT)1.8 K 1.9 K 2 K 2.1 K 2.3 K 2.4 K(a)4 3 2 1HC1 3. (a) The low-field magnetization curves crystal at different temperature. (b) Temperature dependence of the lower critical field H C1was fitted using Ginzburg-Landau relation. A sharp drop of electrical resistivity, (T) further confirms the at temperature, T C=
2.70(2) K (see Appendix C). An anomaly with hysteresis in the(T), which is associated with the phase transition (T S) from 1T0phase to Tdphase is observed for Mo crystal at 150 K, which is consistent with Raman study (see Appendix B). To find the lower and upper critical fields, were done on single crystal. We estimated the lower critical field H C1(0) from the low field mag- netization curves M(H) in the range of 0-5 mT took at different temperatures, as shown in (Fig. 3). The lower critical field, H C1(T), is determined from the first devia- tion from the linearity of the initial slope as the field is increased. H C1(0) was estimated to be 3.45(4) mT by fit- ting the data in accordance with Ginzburg-Landau temperature dependence of the magnetic moment under various magnetic fields was also measured to cal- culate the second-order transition field H C2(0), as shown in Fig. 4 (a). Since, in the case of a type- II material, the magnetic field can penetrate the sample and reduce the gap function, T Cshifts to lower temperature with the increment of the applied field. We estimated the value of the upper critical field by using Ginzburg-Landau where t = T/T C. The estimated value of H C2(0) is around 1.01(3) T as shown in Fig. 4(b). The Ginzburg Landau coherence length GL(0)is HC2 (10-6emu/g Oe) 2.52.0 T (K)2 mT70 mT (a)FIG. 4. (a) TheM Hcurves for various applied magnetic fields. (c) H C2(0) was calculated by Ginzburg-Landau fits. latedtoH 0 is the magnetic flux quantum having value 2.07 10 15 T m2[32]. The another superconducting parameter Penetration depth GL(0) associated with HC1(0) by the relation (1): HC1(0) 0:497
(1) The estimated values of GL(0)andGL(0) are 180.6 A and 2819 A respectively. GL parameter 21.2 (1p 2), indicating that Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2 is a type-II superconductor. Thermodynamic critical field HCis evaluated around 0.034(1) T using Breaking of Cooper pair depends on the combine consequence of Pauli paramagnetic and orbital diamagnetic effect. The Pauli limiting field within the BCS theory is given by Hp C2(0) = 1.83 T C, which gives Hp C2(0) = 4.85(1) T. In accordance to [33, 34] expression the upper critical field in orbital limit, Horbital C2(0) can be calculated by The ob- tained vale of Horbital C2(0) is 0.67(2) T using = 0.69 for dirty limit superconductors and the initial 0.37 calculated from The relative strengths of the orbital and Pauli limiting values of H C2is given by the Maki We obtain M= 0.20 indicating that orbital effect is negligible in breaking of Cooper pairs. We have further characterized the by angle-dependent resistivity 5(a) and (b) show the temperature dependence of resistivity for the magnetic fields H kc and H?c, which clearly indicates anisotropy in the upper critical field, HC2. Fig. 5(c) shows the field dependence of the resistiv- ity at different angles of H with c-axis at lowest T = 1.8 K ( '0.6 TC). The angular depen- dence of H C2() determined from the onset value of T = 1.8 (deg) data GL model(d) T = 1.8 (uO cm) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 T (K)th = 90deg c H(b)0.9 T 0.01 TT = 1.8 K100 99 98 97r (uO cm) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 T (K)th = 0deg c || H(a) 0.01 T0.4 T T = 1.8 K FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of electrical resistivity
(T) at different field angle, = (a) 0and (b) 90. (c) shows field dependence of electrical resistivity (T) at different
with fixed temperature, T = 1.8 K. (d) Angle dependent (T) at T = 1.8 K whereas solid red line is 3D GL-fit (Eq. (2)). curve. In order to clarify the origin of the characteris- tic angular dependence of H C2(), the experimental data were fitted with GL-model. According to the three di- mensional (3D) anisotropic mass GL model H C2() can be described by the following relation 1(2) The experimental data ware well fitted (red solid in Fig. 5(d)) with the relation Eq. (2) with low 2.1. The nature of H C2() is in sharp contrast to pressure-induced two-dimensional though the
value is comparable [40]. Similar type of feature in H C2() has observed superconductor 2H-NbSe 2[37-39], WTe 2 [41], and gated MoS 2[42]. Furthermore, the out-of-plane coherence lengths ? GLat T = 1.8 K can be extracted from the H C2data, giving 247 and 166 A. The coherence length along the c direction ( ? GL) is much larger than the lattice parameter along the same direction (13.7 A). Heat capacity measurements were performed at zero fields, a jump in the heat capacity data at 2.4 K (Fig. 6). The low temperature normal-state specific heat data was analyzed in the temperature range 1.9 K T8 K by using the Sommerfeld coefficient, 3is Debye constant and (mJ/mol K2) 20 15 10 5 0 T2 (102mJ/mol K) 8 6 4 2 T (K) Data Fitting(b)FIG. 6. (a) C/T vs T2at 0 Oe field. (b) shows the data fitted of normal state behavior below T C, to the T !0limits, mJ mol 1K 2,3= 1.220.01 mJ 0:9Ir0:1Te2. We calculated the Debye temperatures Dof the compounds using the formula N (= 3) is the number of atoms per formula unit, R is the molar gas constant (= 8.314 J mol 1K 1), which was based on the simple Debye model for the phonon contribution to the specific heat. The estimated Dvalue was 168.5 K. For non-interacting fermions, the Sommerfeld proportional to the density of states DC(EF)at the Fermi level which was calculated to be relation where k B'1.38
10 23J K 1. The strength of the attractive electron and phonon can be estimated by coupling constant, e phby [43] where
(= 0.13 for many superconductors) is the coulomb parameter. The calculated values of
e ph= 0.61 suggesting that Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2is a moder- ately coupled superconductor such as Mo and LaPtGe [45]. The estimated pa- rameters for Mo crystal are comparable to Mo 1 xRexTe2. We have summarized all the and normal state parameters in Table I. By substituting Ir for Mo in MoTe 2, facilitate the enhance- ment of the electron-phonon coupling and DOS at the Fermi energy similar to Re doped MoTe 2compound [19]. So, we may expect unusual physical property in this sys- tem like Mo More investigation on a single crystal upto very low temperature is needed to explore the effect of Ir doping and the actual nature of the superconducting gap in this interesting system. To explore the topological nature in the Ir-doped MoTe 2 compound, we have done AC transport I. Normal and superconducting parameters Unit Mo K 2.70(2) 4.1 HC1(0) mT 3.45(4) 5 HC2(0) T 1.01(3) 7.2 HC(0) T 0.034(1)
GL A 180.6 72.2
GL A 3819 kGL 21.2
n mJ/mol K25.05(6) 9 3 mJ/mol K41.22(1)
D K 165.5
e ph 0.61 0.64 DC(Ef) states/eV f.u. 2.14 3.83 c. Topological Semimetallic Property In transport experiments, WSMs usually the chiral anomaly-induced negative longitudi- nal (LMR) [46-49]. This feature in- dicates the nonconservation of chiral charge around the Weyl nodes due to the coplanar electric and magnetic fields (E:B=EBcos) [46, 47]. The experimental ob- servation of negative LMR is very critical in type-II jetting effect. Negative LMR has not been reported in the MoTe 2system so far within our knowledge [50, 51]. Planar Hall effect (PHE) is also a practical tool to probe the chiral charge pumping effect that directly correlates the physics of topological nature and the transport prop- erties. Experimentally PHE is observed in T d-MoTe 2 [52, 53] as well as other Dirac semimetals such as WTe 2 [54, 55], ZrTe 5[56] and Cd 3As2[57, 58]. We have measured planar Hall resistivity where the applied field is rotated with angle to the current direction. A schematic of planar Hall measurements is shown in the inset of Fig. 7. The obtained Hall resistivity has the total contribution of regular Hall and planar one. Normal Hall resistivity is antisymmetric under the opposite applied field, whereas the chiral-anomaly induced Hall resistivity is symmetric under the antisymmetric applied field [48, 49]. So pla- nar hall resistivity can be extracted by average data of opposite applied field:
PHE xy = [xy(B) +xy( B)]=2 (3) Fig. 7 (a) shows the angular dependence of planar (uO (deg) 5 K 20 K 30 KH = 9 (uO T(K)H = 9 (uO cm) 1086420 H (T)T = 5 (uO (deg) 9 T 8 T 7 T 5 T 3 TT = 5 K(a) FIG. 7. The extracted intrinsic planar Hall resistivity PHE xy (a) at T = 5 K under different fields (b) at H = 9 T under different temperatures. The variation of anisotropic field and temperature is shown in (c) at T = 5 K under different applied magnetic fields. Fig. 7 (b) shows the same at H = 9 T under dif- ferent temperatures. In WSMs, chiral anomaly induced planar Hall effect (PHE) can be expressed as [48, 49]
PHE xy = (4) Where chiral xyis the chiral anomaly resistivity that can be expressed as
chiral xy =? k. Where?andkare the resis- tivity corresponding to the magnetic field perpendicular to and along the direction of the current flow (I). Fig. 7 shows that angular dependence of PHE xyhas a period ofwith maximums appear at 45and 135sim- ilar to MoTe 2and several other topological semimetals. We have fitted the data at T = 5 K with Eq. (4) and plot- ted the field dependence of chiral xyin Fig. 7(c), which follows quadratic nature as expected for chiral anomaly induced PHE. Temperature dependence of chiral xyat H
= 9 T is also shown in Fig. 7(d) which decreases with increases temperature similar to the nature of DSMs (AMR), xxcan also be observed by the angular dependence ( ) of longitu- dinal resistivity xx. In WSMs, chiral anomaly related AMR can be expressed as [48, (5) Fig. 8(a) shows the the angular dependence ( ) ofxx at T = 5 K under different applied fields. The (uO cm) 160 120 80 40 0 T (K)H = 9 (uO cm) 1086420 H (T) T = 5 KDr - r (uO (deg) 5 K 50 K 100 K 150 KH = 9 (10-3O (deg)9 T 8 T 7 T 5 T 3 TT = 5 K (a) FIG. 8. (a) Angle dependent xxat T = 5 K under different fields whereas (b) shows the angle dependent ( xx ?) at H = 9 T under different temperatures. The solid curve is a fit to equation. The variation of anisotropic resistivity, xx with field and temperature extracted from fitting is shown in (c) and (d). were fitted by the Eq. (5), and chiral xxwas extracted for a different field. We have shown the field Fig. 8(c) that fitted well with ( chiral xx/H2). The nature of the curve is consistent to Fig. 7(c). The slight variation in value due to the sample dimensions used for the purpose of the 8(b) shows the temperature dependence of xx
?taken at various temperature at constant applied magnetic filed H = 9 T. The data were fitted with Eq. (5) which yields temperature dependence of chiral xx as shown in Fig. 8(d). Similar nature was observed in Fig. 8(d) validating our measurements and analysis. It is observed that nontrivial is prounced in Ir-doped T d-MoTe 2and still vis- ible upto 150 K. The quadratic field dependence the weak chiral anomaly induced cou- pling strength between electric and chiral charge whereas parent MoTe 2shows intermediate coupling strength with high field at T50 K [53]. The change in may be due to the small change in lattice con- stant or carrier concentration due to Ir-doping similar to the theoretically prediction [59, 60]. IV. CONCLUSION In summary, we have successfully prepared polycrystal and single crystal of Mo 1 xIrxTe2(x = 0 and 0.1) com- pound crystallized into a centrosymmetric having space group P21/m. reveal that Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2is a type-II su- perconductor with a transition temperature of 2.65(3) 2. Resistivity measurements indicate that structural transi- tion is decreased with Ir doping similar to the Re-doping effect in MoTe 2compound. Raman study confirms the phase purity and 1T0to Tdstructural phase transition at TS'150 K. Angle-dependent higher critical 3D anisotropic GL-model with factor 2.1. The enhanced density of states, electron-phonon cou- pling, and other estimated values of superconducting and normal state parameters make Mo to study further to explore unusual attrac- tive electronic state like Re-doped MoTe 2system. Above all, exotic chiral anomaly induced PHE is observed up to 150 K in Mo 1 xIrxTe2(x = 0.1). We can conclude this system as a possible topological superconductor with an exotic angle-dependent higher critical field. Further tunneling microscopy required to probe gap symmetry and ground state. V. P. S. acknowledges the Science and Engineering Re- search Board, Government of India for the Core Research Grant CRG/2019/001028. S. S. acknowledges the Sci- ence and Engineering Research Board, Government of India for the Research Grant ECR/2016/001376. Au- thors thank Mr. Devesh Negi [CSIR fellow, File for their help with the Raman A: (keV) 9 6 3 0 Intensity ( a. u.) 40 30 20 10 2th (deg) x = 0 x = 0.1(a)(b) FIG. 9. (a) Room temperature powder XRD pattern for x
= 0 and 0.1 (b) EDX pattern for x = 0.1. EDAX analysis is summarized in Table II.7 TABLE II. Average elemental concentration (average of 10 points) obtained from the EDS measurements = 0.1) samples. Nominal composition From EDS Polycrystal Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2 crystal Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2 B: Raman measurements are very effective in con- firming the phase purity of investigated samples down to micron length scales. The micro-Raman measure- ments reported here were performed at a laser spot size of 0.67m, thereby allowing the investigation of any impurity phase with a spatial resolution of <1m. Fig. 10(a) compares the room-temperature Raman spec- tra of MoTe 2and Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2. The Raman modes ob- served in pure MoTe 2are labelled as P 1-P9, which corre- spond to out-of-plane vibrations with symmetries A gor Bg[61-64]. We also observe that the spectrum obtained for Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2shows sim- ilar modes as in for the pure phase, thus, confirming the absence of any impure phases in the In addition to the confirmation of the phase pu- rity, our Raman evidence of the topological phase transition K from a crystallographic point of view. Fig. 10(b) shows the Raman spectra obtained for Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2at various temperatures. We clearly observe a splitting of the P6 mode into two bands (P 6A and P 6B) below'150 K. A similar observation of mode- splitting was previously reported for pure [11, 61-64] and Re-doped MoTe 2[11], attributed to the topologi- cal phase transition from the high-temperature T dphase. Importantly, the transition is associated with a structural order. The high-temperature phase (1T0) has a mon- oclinic structure possessing a center of inversion symme- try, while the low-temperature phase (T d) is orthorhom- bic without the inversion symmetry. Therefore, the topo- logical phase transition is associated with a breaking of inversion symmetry, which is also a fundamental require- ment for the appearance of the Weyl semimetallic Thesplit- ting of the P 6mode is a result of the renormalization of phonons induced by the breaking of inversion symmetry at'150 K. The observation also matches well with the AC transport measurements (Appendix C), which show a hysteretic change in (T) around'150 K (Fig. 11). 501 001 502 002 503 00P8P 1P 6P 4,5P2,3 M oTe2R aman shift (cm-1)Intensity K130 K150 K300 KFIG. 10. (a) A comparison of the room temperature Ra- man spectra of MoTe 2and Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2. (b) Raman spectra of Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2taken at different temperature revealing the splitting of the P 6mode to P 6Aand P 6Bat low (10-3O (K)Mo1-xIrxTe2 x = 0.1 150 K(b)10 8 6 4 2r (10-3O (K)MoTe2250 K (10-3O cm) 5432 T (K) FIG. 11. Normal state resistivity data (T) over the temper- ature range 1.9 K T300 K. A hysteresis in (T) observed under the cooling and warming modes indicates polar struc- tural transition temperature as shown by arrow symbol. Inset of (b) highlights the superconducting phase transition for x
= 0.1. Appendix C: AC Transport resistivity, (T) were measured on Mo 1 x IrxTe2(x = 0 and 0.1) single crystal samples over the temperature range 1.9 K T300 K in zero magnetic field in the cooling and warming modes. An anomaly with hysteresis in the (T), which is associated with the first-order structural phase transition (T S) from 1T0 phase to T dphase is observed for both the samples (x =
0 and 0.1). The polar structural transition temperature, TS, is found at around 240 K in parent MoTe 2whereas the same has decreased to 150 K for Mo 0:9Ir0:1Te2, which is consistent with Raman study. The structural tran- sition temperature is indicated by a arrow symbol in8 Fig. 11. Similar type behaviour of resisitivity was ob- served in Re-doped MoTe 2system [19]. A sharp drop of(T) is observed in Mo at temper- aute, TC= 2.70(2) K. This type of nature indicates phase (uO cm) 1086420 H (T)10 K 2 (uO cm) 1086420 H (T) 10 K 2 KMo1-xIrxTe2 x = 0.1(b) FIG. 12. Regular Hall measurements performed on Mo 1 x IrxTe2(x = 0 and 0.1) at 10 K and 2 K upto 9 Hall effect on the ab plane with the applied filed along the c-direction (Hall configuration is shown in Fig. 12). The linear field dependence of hall negative slope indicating the dominating electron carrier in Mo as shown in Fig. 12. Ir doping may enhance the electron concentration in the system similar to Re doping in Mo-site [19]. 9 6 3 0 MR (%) 9630-3-6-9 H (T) 0 90(b) 2 K8 6 4 2 0 MR (%) -9-6-30369 H (T) 5 K 0 45 90(a) FIG. 13. MR data taken at 5 K and 2 K on Mo at different angles, between the direction of c-axis and applied magnetic field. We have also measured (MR) on Ir-doped crystal at 5 K and 2 K at different angles,
between the c-axis and magnetic field direction, H. The the magnetic field dependence of the MR is defined As shown in Fig. 13(a) and (b), MR de- creases with increasing angle from 0to 90at 5 K and 2 K, suggesting an anisotropy of transport behav- ior. MR data at T = 2 K indicates the nature at low field region. MR data suggests that has been suppressed with Ir-doping in MoTe 2system which may be due to the emergence of [53].[1] X. L. Qi and S. C. Zhang, Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 1057 (2011). [2] C. Nayak, S. H. Simon, A. Stern, M. Freedman, and S. Das Sarma, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 1083 (2008). [3] N. Read and D. Green, Phys. Rev. B 61, 10267 (2000). [4] L. Fu and C. L. Kane, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, J. Wang, Natl. Sci. Rev. 6, 2 (2019). [6] A. Jahin, A. Tiwari, and Y. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Wu, Y. Yu, A. Chen, H. Li, W. Ren, S. Lu, S. Ding, H. Yang, Q.-K. Xue, F.-S. Li, and G. Wang, ACS Nano 14, 8299 (2020). [8] W. Wang, S. Kim, M. Liu, F. Cevallos, R. Cava, and N. Ong, Science 368, 534 (2020). [9] Y. Naidyuk, O. Kvitnitskaya, D. Bashlakov, S. Aswartham, I. Morozov, I. Chernyavskii, G. Fuchs, D. stefan Ludwig, R. Huhne, K. Nielsch, B. Buchner, and D. Efremov, 2D Mater. 5 (2018). [10] K. Deng, G. Wan, P. Deng, K. Zhang, S. Ding, E. Wang, M. Yan, H. Huang, H. Zhang, Z. Xu, J. Denlinger, A. Fedorov, H. Yang, W. Duan, H. Yao, Y. Wu, S. Fan, H. Zhang, X. Chen, and S. Zhou, Nat. Phys. 12, S. Paul, S. Karak, M. Mandal, A. Ram, S. Marik, R. P. Singh, and S. Saha, Phys. Rev. B 102, 054103 (2020). [12] J. Jiang, Z. K. Liu, Y. Sun, H. F. Yang, C. R. Rajamathi, Y. P. Qi, L. X. Yang, C. Chen, H. Peng, C. C. Hwang, S. Z. Sun, S. K. Mo, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, S. S. P. Parkin, C. Felser, B. H. Yan, and Y. L. Chen, Nat. Commun. 8, 13973 (2017). [13] P. Deng, Z. Xu, K. Deng, K. Zhang, Y. Wu, H. Zhang, S. Zhou, and X. Chen, Phys. Rev. B 95, 245110 (2017). [14] F. Chen, X. Luo, R. Xiao, W. Lu, B. Zhang, H. Yang, J. Li, Q. Pei, D.-F. Shao, R. Zhang, L. Ling, C. Xi, W. Song, and Y. Sun, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 162601 (2016). [15] H.Takahashi, T.Akiba, K.Imura, T.Shiino, K.Deguchi, N. K. Sato, H. Sakai, M. S. Bahramy, and S. Ishiwata, Phys. Rev. B 95, 100501 (2017). [16] P. Li, J. Cui, J. Zhou, D. Guo, Z. Zhao, J. Yi, J. Fan, Z. Ji, X. Jing, F. Qu, C. Yang, L. Lu, J. Lin, Z. Liu, and G. Liu, Adv. Mater. 31, e1904641 (2019). [17] Y. Lia, Q. Gua, C. Chend, J. Zhangd, Q. Liud, X. Hua, J. Liug, Y. Liua, L. Lingg, M. Tiang, Y. Wangh, N. Samarthc, S. Lid, T. Zhangd, J. Feng, and J. Wanga, PNAS 115, 9503 (2018). [18] P. Hosur, X. Dai, Z. Fang, and X.-L. Qi, Phys. Rev. B 90, 045130 (2014). [19] M. Mandal, S. Marik, K. P. Sajilesh, Arushi, D. Singh, J. Chakraborty, N. Ganguli, and R. P. Singh, Phys. Rev. Mater. 2, 094201 (2018). [20] S. Kamboj, P. S. Rana, A. Sirohi, A. Vasdev, M. Mandal, S. Marik, R. P. Singh, T. Das, and G. Sheet, Phys. Rev. B 100, 115105 (2019). [21] A. Vasdev, S. Kamboj1, A. Sirohi, M. Mandal, S. Marik, R. P. Singh, and G. Sheet, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 33, 255401 (2021). [22] R. P. Singh, A. D. Hillier, B. Mazidian, J. Quintanilla, J. F. Annett, D. M. Paul, G. Balakrishnan, and M. R. Lees, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 107002 (2014). [23] D. Singh, J. A. T. Barker, A. Thamizhavel, D. M. Paul, A. D. Hillier, and R. P. Singh, Phys. Rev. B 96, 180501 | 2108.10300 | Ravi Prakash Singh | Manasi Mandal, Chandan Patra, Anshu Kataria, Suvodeep Paul, Surajit
Saha, and R. P. Singh | in doped Weyl semimetal with broken inversion symmetry | 9 pages, 13 figures | null | 10.1088/1361-6668/ac3b38 | null | cond-mat.supr-con | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | This work presents the emergence of in Ir - doped Weyl semimetal T$_d$ - MoTe$_{2}$ with broken inversion symmetry. Chiral anomaly induced planar Hall effect and anisotropic confirm the topological semimetallic nature of Observation of weak anisotropic, moderately coupled type-II in makes it a promising candidate for | [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 17:26:17 GMT"
] | 2022-01-12T00:00:00 | [
"R. P.",
] |
2 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY product expansions (OPEs) in quantum field theory [ 63,64]. For us, a special role will be played by the principal subalgebras of lattice vertex algebras [ 16,47] which give of the so called free vertex algebras [ 57,58]. Operator product expansions A(z)B(w) have a regular to non-negative n) and a singular part. If one is only interested in the singular parts of OPEs, this leads to the notion of vertex Lie algebra s, also known as Lie conformal algebras [ 34,51]. By contrast to vertex algebras these structures for n>=0. The relationship between vertex Lie algebras and resembling thatbetween ive algebras. Notably, many important vertex algebras, and in particular free vertex alge bras mentioned earlier, arise as universal envelopes of vertex Lie algebras. These univers al enveloping alg structure) and are automatically universal enveloping a lgebras of Lie algebras. Thus they possess a Hopf algebra structure, and this is where the ir relationship to CoHAs manifests the relationship between CoHAs and vertex algebras is the main topic of this paper. This relationship is not entirely new and there seem to be some physical reasons for it [53]. For example, in [ 60, Theorem B] (see also [ 53]) a relationship between an equivariant spherical CoHA of a 3-loop quiver and the current algeb ra [1,SS3.11] of some vertex algebra was established. On the other hand, in [ 33] there was given a very of vertex algebra structures on homology groups o f various moduli stacks, which leads to a vertex algebra structure on the duals of cohomolog ical Hall algebras. In this paper, we traverse the path between CoHAs and vertex alg ebras in a Namely, given a symmetric quiver Q, we show that, for the principal free vertex algebra corresponding to the Euler form of Q, the shuffle product formula of CoHA emerges for free, since these free vertex algebras are univer sal envelopes of Lie mU(g), wheregis a graded Lie algebra. In physics terms, this Lie algebra should corr espond to the space of single-particle BPS states [ 30,53]. Of course, in view of one just needs to find a suitable cocommutative bialgebra structure on CoHA. A bialgebra structure for usual Hall algebras is guaranteed by Gre en's theorem [ 25] and appropriate twists from [ 65]. A cohomological incarnation of Green's theorem was proved in [8] for some localization of CoHAs for quivers with potential (see also [ 66] for a Itisunclear, however, wha this result for a bialgebra structure on the CoHA itself. For a diffe rent for usual Hall algebras see [ 56,32,5]. For a symmetric quiver Q, the algebra HQis supercommutative (once certain sign twists are implemented), and thus the required Lie algebra ghas to be abelian. In this case, it was conjectured in [ 36,SS2.6] and proved in [ 14] that there exists an abelian Lie algebragsuch that HQU(g) andgis of the form gprim[x] withxof 2. Further generalizations for quivers with potentials were obtained in [ 9].DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 3 In our approach to the above question we change the setting and w e argue that the graded dual H Q, which is a (super) cocommutative coalgebra, has a vertex bialgebr a structure and can be represented as the universal enveloping alg ebra of a canonical Lie algebra (non-abelian in general). More precisely, we establish the fo llowing result. Theorem 1.1 (Theorem 5.7).LetQbe a symmetric quiver, L=ZQ0andkhbe the Euler form of Q. Then the coalgebra H Qhas a canonical structure of a vertex bialgebra. The space of primitive element vertex Lie structure of a Lie algeb ra)such that H Qis isomorphic to the universal enveloping vertex algebra of C(as vertex bialgebras). The zero and cohomological degree -2, andCis a free Q[]- module such that the space of components Wdandkkh(d,d) (mod 2) 0. The coalgebra H Qis isomorphic to the universal enveloping algebra U(C), where we interpretCas a Lie algebra. Consequently, the refined Donaldson-Thomas inva riants ofQare the characters of the components of C/Cand are contained in N[q+-1 2], hence we obtain a new proof of positivity of DT invariants for symmetric quiver s, originally proved in [14]. Note that the quotient C/Chas a canonical Lie algebra structure, see SS4.2.3. The Lie algebra C/Cis different from the BPS Lie algebra introduced in [ 9] (although the characters of both algebras compute DT invariants), which is a Lie subalgebra of HQand has, in particular, the trivial bracket. We conjecture that ou r results can be generalized to CoHAs associated to (symmetric) quivers with poten tial. Our approach also allows one to re-interpret the CoHA-modules Mwarising from moduli spaces of stable framed representations (also known as no n-commutative In particular, we construct combinatorial spanning se ts for duals of those mod- ules; this result is a substantial generalisation (and a conceptual in terpretation) of the main theorem of [ 10]. Let us mention that all vertex Lie algebras that we consider natura lly lead to Lie algebras with quadratic relations. Moreover, principal free verte x algebras are modules with quadratic relations over these Lie algebras, so one may wish to s tudy them in the context of the Koszul duality theory. This approach is taken in the paper [11]. Structure of the paper. InSS2, we summarize various conventions used throughout the paper. form, we introduce in SS2.2a special braiding for the monoidal category of L- graded vector spaces; in this way we completely avoid any non-cano nical choices of sign twists needed both to ensure of CoHA [ 36,SS2.6] and mutual locality of vertex operators in lattice vertex algebras [ 34,SS5.4]. In SS3, we recall the and results of the theory of cohomological Hall algebras and their modules. InSS4, we recall the necessary definitions and results of the theory of v ertex algebras and conformal algebras, adapted to the symmetric monoidal cate gory ofL-graded vector4 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY spaces with the braiding arising from a symmetric bilinear form. In SS5, we prove the main result of this paper: a new interpretation of CoHA HQas the graded dual of the principal free vertex algebra PQ. To that end, we obtain a natural isomorphism of graded vector spaces 5.3), and then show that the canonical on PQleads to the shuffle product of CoHA (Theorem 5.6). As a consequence, we show that the dual of CoHA is identified with the universal envelop e of a Lie algebra with a freely acting derivation (Theorem 5.7), leading to a new proof of positivity of DT invariants (Corollary 5.10). InSS6, we give two new descriptions of the dual space of the CoHA-module Mw: as the kernel of the appropriate reduced coaction map (Theore m6.3) and via an explicit combinatorial spanning set inside PQ(Theorem 6.4). We also use those results to establish a surprising symmetry result for the pos itive and the negative halves of the coefficient Lie algebra, which may be interpreted as str ong evidence for the Koszulness conjecture of [ The first author is grateful to Boris Feigin for introducing him to the beauty of principal subalgebras of lattice vertex algebras, an d to Michael Finkelberg and Valery Lunts whose questions about a decade ago made him susp ect that his work in[10] Hilbert schemes. The second a Ben Davison, Hans Franzen, Boris Pioline, Markus Reineke, Olivier S chiffmann and Yan Soibelman for useful discussions. Both authors would like to tha nk Arkadij Bojko, Evgeny Feigin and Dominic Joyce for helpful feedback on a draft ver sion of the ofStr Study (USIAS) for the Fellowship USIAS-2021-061, with in the French national program Investment for the future (IdEx-Unistra), by the F rench national research agency project and by Institut Universitair e de specified otherwise, all vector spaces and (co)chain comple xes in this article Weusecohomolo gicaldegrees, graded complexes as cohomologically graded ones: for a chain complex C*, we consider the cochain complex Throughout the paper, Ldenotes a free abelian group equipped with an integer- valued symmetric bilinear form ( *,*). Our work brings together two different worlds: that of cohomologic al Hall algebras and that of vertex operator algebras. The former operates with in the derived category D(Vect) which we identify with VectZ, the latter uses half-integer conformal weights and thus operates within the category Vect1 2Z. Both traditions are well established, so we decided to not break either of them, but rather make the necessa ry effort to results from one language to homology. For an introduction to Borel-Moore homology see e.g. [7] and for an introduction to equivariant Borel-Moore homology see e .g. [13]. Given an algebraic variety XoverC, we define its Borel-Moore homology HBM(X) =Hn c(X),DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 5 whereHn c(X) denotes the cohomology with compact support and coefficients in Q. IfX is smooth and has dimension dX, then the Poincar' e duality implies GactingonX, =HBM([X/G]) cohomology with compact support and IfXis smooth and X,Ghave dimensions vector spaces. Let us consider the category VectLofL-graded with morphisms of degree zero. It has a structure of a closed monoidal category with tensor products and internal Hom-objec ts defined equip VectLwith a symmetric monoidal category structure, where the braiding mor- phism is defined using the symmetric bilinear form ( *,*) onL: (1)s:VW-WV, aVa, bWb. In what follows, we shall often use Cto denote VectLequipped with the thus closed monoidal category structure. We define associative algebras in Cas monoid objects in this category; in the object End (V) = Hom (V,V)Cis an associative algebra. Using the braiding s, one may also define commutative algebras and Lie algebras, and the ir modules. (Alternatively, one may note that the category Ccontains the category Vect as a full symmetric monoidal subcategory of objects of degree zero , and so one may consider objects in Cwhich are algebras over the classical operads Ass,Com, andLiein Vect.) In particular, as in the case of Vect, the free associative algebra gen erated by an object Xof Cis the tensor algebra T(X) and the free commutative algebra generated by an object XofCis the symmetric algebra S(X) an associative algebra AC, we may equip it with the defines a functor from the category of associative algebras in Cto the category of Lie algebras in C. This functor has a left adjoint functor, the functor of the unive rsal enveloping algebra U(g) of a Lie algebra g. We shall use two different versions of the Poincar' e-Birkhoff-Witt theorem for universal enveloping algebra s. First of them asserts that ifgis a Lie algebra and hgis a Lie subalgebra, the universal enveloping orphic toS(g/h); moreover, if there exists a Lie subalgebra h'such that g=hh', we may take U(h')U(g) as the space of generators. The second version uses the fact t hatU(g) has a canonical coproduct for which elements of gare primitive, and this coproduct makes6 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY U(g) a cocommutative coassociative coalgebra. The theorem asserts that as a coalgebra, U(g) isisomorphicto Sc(g), conilpotent by g(note that since we work over Q, the underlying object of Sc(X) is the same as that of S(X) for allXinC). To prove the Poincar' e-Birkhoff-Witt theorem in C, one may use the methods of [ 2] or [12] for the first version and the methods of [ 52, Appendix B] or [ 44] for the second version. We note that for an abelian group Lequipped with a homomorphism the parity Z-Z2), one normally thinks of the category of L-graded vector spaces with the braiding morphism (the Koszul sign rule ) (2)s:VW-WV, aVa, bWb. and refers to the corresponding commutative (or Lie) algebras as (or Lie superalgebras). In this paper we mostly encounte r the more general setting discussed above, and suppress the qualifier series. LetVbe a vector space. The vector space of doubly infinite Laurent series with coefficients in Vis denoted by V[[z+-1]], and its subspace of formal Laurent series (that is, series for which only finitely many negative c omponents are non- zero) is denoted by V((z))V[[z+-1]]. For a series we denote the coefficient v-1by Reszv. Formal Laurent series with coefficients in an algebra do themselves f orm an algebra. It is important to notethat doubly infinite Laurent series in several va riables contain subspaces of formal Laurent series in those variables: f or instance, the andQ((w))((z)) ofQ[[z+-1,w+-1]] are different. A lot of formulas in the theory of vertex algebras use the fact that rational functions like1 z-wcan be expanded as elements of both of these rings. To avoid unnecessarily heavy formulas, we s hall frequently use thebinomial expansion convention for such expansion, see e.g. [ 40,SS2.2]: fornZ, we define the formal Laurent series ( z+w)nby the plain words, we expand powers of binomials as power series in the se cond summand. Thus, forexample, ( z-w)n= butitisequalto( -1)n(w-z)n only forn>=0. An important doubly infinite Laurent series in Q[[z+-1]] is the infinite Laurent series cannot be multiplied, but in the instance s where we use the above series, we shall use the following version which can be multip lied by any formal Laurent series in useful formula involving this expression is Res INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 7 2.4.Characters and Poincar' e series. Given an object MVectZwith components, we define its character ch(M) by the formula (3) ch( M) number-1 2kwill be called the weightof the component Mk(it may be convenient to view-kas a homological degree). Note that ch(M[n]) =q1 2nch(M). In particular, for an algebraic variety X, we have ch(HBM(X)) e polynomial (with compact support) of X. More generally, given an object components Mk d, fordLandkZ, we define its Poincar' e series Z(M,x,q) by exponential. For more information on l-rings and plethystic exponen- tials see e.g. [ 24,48]. Consider the I={1,...,r}, and its maximal ideal m. We define plethystic exponential to be the group isomorphism Exp: on monomials by Exp(qkxd) us assume now that L=ZIis equipped with a symmetric bilinear form ( *,*) and just on L-degrees). We consider a subcategory thatMk dare and Mk d= 0 fork0. Then the Poincar' e series ( 4) induces a ring homomorphism is actually a l-ring homomorphism (with the l-ring structure on K0(A) induced by the symmetric monoidal category structure on Athat we defined earlier, see e.g. [ 24,31]). We will formulate this fact in the following way. Theorem 2.1. For any graded space MAwithM0= 0, we have Z(S(M)) = Exp(Z(M)).8 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY is enough to prove the statement for a one-dimensional space M=Mk d. If (d,d) is odd, then Z(M) =-q-1 2kxd. On the other hand, S(M) =QM, hence Z(S(M)) = 1-q-1 2kxd= Exp(Z(M)). If (d,d) is even, then Z(M) =q-1 2kxd. On the other hand, S(M) hence Z(S(M)) and a symmetric quiver with the set of vertices I. In this section, we consider the abelian group L=ZIequipped with the Euler form kh(d,e) is a symmetric bilinear of CoHA. For more details on the results of this section see [ 36]. For anydNI, we define the space of has the standard action of We define the cohomological with the underlying L-graded object in in this algebra is constructed as follows. Given d,eNI, letRd,eRd+ebe the subspace of representations that preserve Vd. It is equipped with an action of the parabolic subgroup of maps that preserve Vd. We have morphisms of -[Rd,e/Gd,e]p- These maps induce morphisms in the composition, we obtain the multiplication It was proved in [ 36] that this multiplication is associative.DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 9 3.2.Shuffle algebra description. For anyn>=0, define the graded degree 2 and S nis the symmetric group on nelements. Similarly, for any dNI, implies that (7) = L d[-kh(d,d)]. It was proved in [ 36] that the product given by the the sum runs over all ( d,e)-shuffles, meaning the kernel Kis a function in the localization of L dLedefined by (9)K(x,y) above formula for the shuffle product implies that (10) f*g= (-1)kh(d,e)g*f, fHQ,d, gHQ,e. This formula implies that HQis a commutative algebra in the symmetric monoidal cate- gory the braiding arising from the Euler form kh. Remark 3.1. It was observed in [ 36,SS2.6] that it is possible to modify to make it For that, one de fines the (mod 2) and chooses a group homomorphism that (11) e(d,e) = the product on HQdefined by (12) f g=e(d,e)f*g, fHQ,d, gHQ,e, is f g= allfHQ,d,gHQ,e. We shall avoid non-canonical choices and not use this sign twist. Instead we shall interpret HQ as a commutative algebra in VectLxZor VectLwith the symmetric monoidal arising from kh.10 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY over CoHA. 62,18]. LetwNIbe a vector, called a framing vector . We may consider a new (framed) quiver Qwby adding a new vertex andwiarrows-ifor alliI. For any dNI, let -d= the open subset of stable representations, consisting of repr by M. ThenGdacts freely on Rf,st d,wand we consider the the non-commutative Hilbert scheme . Using this moduli space, one can define a module over CoHA, denoted by Mw. Its underlying L-graded object in CoHA-action is defined as follows. Let the subspace of that preserve the open subset of stable representations. It is equipped with a free action of the g roupGd,eand we We have morphisms of stacks and algebraic -Hilbd,e,wp- dimension n=-kh(e,d)+w*d. These maps induce morphisms in the composition, we obtain the action compatibility with the product of CoHA is proved in the same way as the associativity of that product. The module Mwcan be also described using shuffle algebras [ 18,17]. Consider the forgetful map the corresponding map of stacks j: Hilb dimension w*d. It induces a induces a map of L-graded objects in D(Vect) (13) was proved in [ 17, Theorem 5.2.1] that this map is an epimorphism of HQ-modules and that its kernel is equal to (14) ker( j*) INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 11 where the last expression means the ideal with respect to the prod uct the product of appropriate powers of elementary symmetric fun ctions and ew dHQ,d means the product in L d(corresponding to the cup product in of CoHA and CoHA modules. Let us collect some formulas for the Poincar' e series ( 4) of our objects of interest. We begin with the Poincar' e series of C oHA. Proposition 3.2. We have Z(HQ,x,q) =AQ(x,q) L where deg xi= 2 and deg ei= 2i. Then ch(Ln) implies that ch(L d) =1 (q-1)dand therefore HQ,d= Ld[-kh(d,d)] has the 3.3. We also have AQ(x,q) we used the fact that Pc(Cn,q) =qn2(q-1)n. Let us now determine the Poincar' e series of the CoHA module Mw. Proposition 3.4. We have Z(Mw,x,q) follows from [ 15, Theorem 5.2] we obtain Z(Mw) VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY We define (refined) DT invariants ohmd(q) of the quiver Qby the formula (15) Z(HQ,x,q-1) =AQ(x,q-1) = a theorem of Efimov [ 14], we have ohm d(q)N[q+-1 2]. We shall give a new proof of this result in Theorem 5.7. The above formula for the Poincar' e series of the CoHA module can be written in the form (16) Z(Mw,x,q-1) = algebras and conformal algebras Our goal in this section is to offer a detailed recollection of necessary definitions and results from the theory of vertex algebras and vertex Lie algebra s, adapted to the closed symmetric monoidal category C= VectLofL-graded vector spaces with the braiding arising from a symmetric bilinear form, as defined in SS2.2. In particular, we define vertex Lie algebras as a particular case of the general framework of conformal algebras. We however choose to not use the terminology Lie conformal algeb ras since for some readers this would hint at the presence of important conformal sy mmetries (such as the Virasoro algebra) included as a subalgebra, which is not the case for algebras we consider. Our exposition merges material from many different sources, and in particular is inspired by the textbooks [ vertex algebras. In this section we will introduce L-graded vertex alge- bras. We start with recalling the classical definition of a vertex supe ralgebra, and then explain its generalization to the L-graded vertex (super)algebras. Let VectZ2be the category of Z2-graded vector spaces (also called super vector spaces), equipped with a symmetr ic monoidal using the Koszul sign rule ( 2). Given a Z2-graded vector space V=V0V1 andaVp, we callp(a) TheZ2-graded vector space End (V) =
Hom(V,V) is equipped with the Lie bracket (17) [ a,b] the space of fields F(V) a(n)v= 0 means that, for every a(z)F(V) andvV, we have a(z)vV((z)). We equip F(V) with the Z2-grading, where a(z) paritypifa(n) has parity p for allnZ. We say that two fields a(z),b(z)F(V) are(mutually) local if (18) ( z-w)n[a(z),b(w)] = 0, n0. Avertex (super)algebra is a triple ( V,Y, /BD), whereVis aZ2-graded vector space, Y:V-F(V) is a linear map, and /BDV0is an element called vacuum, such that, for the same parity as a. (2)Y( /BD,z) = idV, the identity operator.DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 13 (3)a(n) /BD= 0 forn>=0 anda(-1) /BD=a. (4) [T,Y(a,z)] =zY(a,z), whereTEnd(V) is defined by T(a) =a(-2) andY(b,z) are local. Remark 4.1. One can show that, for any aV, Y(Ta,z) = [T,Y(a,z)] =zY(a,z), Y(a,z) = vertex algebras. Intheremaining partofsection of SS4, we shall mostlywork in the category will be called weights). It has a symmetric monoidal category structure induced from tha t ofC(without Consideranobject meaning that Vn= 0 forn0. We define the space of fields F(V) = -1. k, thena(n) has weight k-n-1. This implies that, for any bV, we have a(n)b= 0, n0, by the assumption on V. Locality of fields is defined in the same way as in ( 18), using the bracket on End (V). We define an L-graded vertex algebra to be a triple ( V,Y, bounded below, Y:V-F(V) is a linear map, and /BDV0, such that, for degrees, meaning that, for Y(a,z) the operator a(n) has the same L-degree asaand the weight wt( a)-n-1. (2)Y( /BD,z) = idV. (3)a(n) /BD= 0 forn>=0 anda(-1) /BD=a. (4) [T,Y(a,z)] =zY(a,z), whereTEnd(V) is defined by T(a) =a(-2) /BD. (5)Y(a,z) andY(b,z) are local. Note that the map T:V-VhasL-degree zero and weight 1. Note also that the map Y:V-F(V) is encoded by the ab/mapso-a(n)b, nZ. By definition, a morphism f:V-Wbetween two graded vertex algebras is a degree zero linear map that preserves the vacuum and all these products . A module over a graded vertex algebra Vis a graded vector space Mequipped with a degree zero that preserves products, maps /BDto idMand mapsVto a subspace of mutually local fields. Remark 4.2. For a lattice Lequipped with a symmetric bilinear form ( *,*), it is con- ventional to use the braiding on VectLgiven by the Koszul signs ( -1)p(a)p(b), where p(a) = (a,a) (mod 2). This is justified by the desire to work in the familiar setting o f vertex (super)algebras. However, this convention requires one to introduce certain non- canonical sign twists [ 34,SS5.4] (needed to ensure mutual locality of vertex operators in14 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY lattice vertex algebras), very similar to the sign twists from Remark 3.1. Our convention for the braiding in VectL(seeSS2.2) allows one to avoid any non-canonical choices both in the case of CoHAs and in the case of vertex products. LetVC1 2Zbe bounded below, and let aF(V)a,bF(V)b be two fields (here a,bL). For anynZ, we define (19) [ a(z)xnb(w)] = consider the binary operation nonF(V) defined by (20) ( anb)(w) = have anbF(V) by [41, Lemma 3.1.4]. By Dong's lemma [ 41, Proposition anda,bare local with c, thenanbis local with c, for allnZ. The coefficients of the field ambcan be written explicitly as (21) (amb)(n) particular, for m>=0, we have (22) ( amb)(n) we obtain (a-1b)(n) 4.3. The field (23) ( a-1b)(z) the so called normally ordered product :a(z)b(z): of the fields aandb. Heref+(z) forf(z) 4.4. IfVis a vertex algebra, then the Jacobi identity [ 23, 8.8.30], for any a,bV, we have (24) [ Y(a,z)xnY(b,w)] = Res Res we = Res uunY(Y(a,u)b,w) implies the statement. /square For anyaF(V) andnZ, we obtain anEnd(F(V)) and we Y(a,u) idVEnd(V)F(V) be the identity operator and T=zEnd(F(V)). Then, for anyaF(V), we have [ 41, Lemmas INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 15 (3)Y(Ta,u) = [T,Y(a,u)] =uY(a,u). The last property implies ( Ta)nb=-nan-1b. In (Ta)-1idV=Ta. A subspace WF(V) is called a field algebra if it is closed under products nand contains id V. It is called a local field algebra if it consists of mutually local fields. In this case, consider the the locality assumption, we have [ a(z)xnb(w)] = 0, hence anb= 0, fora,bW andn0. Therefore Y(a,u) is a field and we obtain a linear map Y:W-F(W). The triple (W,Y,idV) is a vertex algebra by [ 41, Theorem 3.2.10]. For any subset of mutually local (homogeneous) fields, let the smallest subspace of F(V) containing S{idV}and closed under all products n. Then by Dong's a local field algebra, and we conclude that it is a vertex algebra. In particular, assume that ( V,Y, /BD) is a vertex algebra. The map Y:V-F(V) is injective as a(-1) /BD=a. LetW=Y(V)F(V). ThenWconsists of mutually local fields by the definition ofa vertex algebra. It isclosed withrespect t oproducts by Lemma 4.4and it contains id V=Y( /BD,z). Therefore Wis a vertex algebra and Y:V-Wis an isomorphism of vertex algebras. In this section we will introduce the notion of closely related to the notion of vertex algebras. For mor e details on this subject see e.g. of conformal algebras. We define a conformal algebra to be an with a linear map :C-C(ofL-degree zero and weight 1) and bilinear operations zero and weight -n-1), fornN, such that for all a,bCwe have (1)anb= 0 forn0. (2)(anb) = (a)nb+an(b). (3) us recall a fundamental class of examples of conformal algebr as obtained via a procedure reminiscent of the construction of external product sninSS4.1.3. an algebra, by which we mean a graded vector space equipped with a bilinear the suggestive notation, we do not assume this operation to satisfy any of the properties of a Lie bracket). We define external products non the space L[[z+-1]] zero and weight -1) by the formula (cf. ( 20)) (25) a(z)nb(z) = n>=0,16 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY fora(z) The coefficient of z-m-1in this series equals (cf. ( 22)) (26) ( anb)(m) also define so that the map and the products n satisfy the axioms (2) and (3) above. Note that the axiom (1) is sat isfied by the if they are (mutually) local , meaning = = 0, n0. In this case we have [ 34,SS2.2] (27) [ a(m),b(n)] see that if CL[[z+-1]] is a subspace consisting of pairwise mutually local elements which is closed under all external products and the map , thenCis a conformal algebras of conformal algebras. For a conformal algebra ( C,,n), we shall now define the coefficient algebra Coeff(C). Note that we have (a)0b= 0, a0(b) an ideal with respect to the product 0and we can equip C/Cwith the bracket (28) [ a,b] =a0b. In particular, we can apply this construction to the affinization ofC[34,SS2.7], which is defined to be ~C=C[t+-1] equipped with the derivation ~=1 + 1tand ( af)n(bg) a,bC, Now we define the algebra of coefficients L= Coeff(C) =~C/~~C with the bracket given by 0. More explicitly, let us write C(n) =Ctn~Cand a(n) =atnC(n), foraC,nZ. ThenLis equal to the quotient of the subspace generated by (30) ( a)(n)+na(n-1), aC, nZ. The operation [-,-] given by (cf. ( 27)) (31) [ a(m),b(n)] = (atm)0(btn) from ~CtoL. We will usually denote the image of a(n)~CinLbya(n). The map :L-L, (a(n)) = (a)(n) =-na(n-1)DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 17 is a derivation of the algebra L. Let L(n) = (30) we obtain that L(n-1) embeds into L(n) 0. Therefore we have increasing ...L(-2)L(-1) =:L-. All of these subspaces are preserved by the derivation . It is clear from ( 31) orm,n <0. In particular, L+-are subalgebras of L. Moreover, we have a direct sum decomposition [ 51,57] (32) L=L+L- of the vector space L, and an isomorphism of vector the isomorphism CL-, the bracket on Cis given by [ 51, 4.14] (33) [ a,b] that the map is a homomorphism of conformal algebras, hence it induces a morphism of algebras (34) a [57, Prop. 1.3], the map C-L(0), a/mapso-a(0),has the kernel hence C/C-L(0) isanisomorphism if isinjective. It isimportant to notethatthe not related. The a homomorphism of conformal algebras (meaning that it preserve s the products and the derivation). Since a/mapso-a(-1) is an isomorphism between CandL(-1), this map coefficient algebra L= Coeff(C) satisfies the following universal property: if Ais an algebra and ps:C-A[[z+-1]] is a morphism of conformal algebras, then there exists a unique algebra morphism :L-A(given such that A[[z+-1]]ph ps
is commutative.18 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY Lie algebras and their enveloping vertex algebras. Using coefficient algebras, one can define particular types of conformal algebras. In particu lar, a conformal algebra Cis called a vertex Lie algebra (or Lie conformal algebra) if the algebra Coeff( C) is a Lie algebra. Equivalently, this means that, for a,bCandm,nN, we have (1) [am,bn] identity), or these conditions, the bracket ( 28) defined on C/Cis a Lie bracket, see e.g. [ 34, Rem. 2.7a]. Let Cbe a vertex Lie algebra and L= Coeff(C) be its coefficient algebra. We define the Verma equipped with the trivial L+-module structure. Let /BDVbe the cyclic vector of this module. One can show that, for any aCandvV, we havea(n)v= 0 for n0. This implies that ph(a) induces a field ps(a)F(V). The mapps:C-F(V) is injective as the map CL--End(V) is injective. The image of ps:C-F(V) consists of mutually local fields and generates a By [57,SS2.4], the vertex algebra Whas a structure of an L-module and the map /BD, is an isomorphism of L-modules. We shall call the vertex algebra WVtheuniversal enveloping vertex algebra ofC, and denote it by U(C). Note that we have a commutative diagram of graded vector spac es C then map=T:V-Vis a vertex Lie algebra. By [ 51, Theorem 5.5], the a left adjoint functor which is precisely the universal enveloping algebra bialgebras. LetCbe a symmetric monoidal category and ( V,,e) be a (counital) coalgebra in C. We define the set of group-like elements (35) G(V) = Hom Coalg( /BD,V), where /BDCis the unit object equipped with the canonical structure of a counit al coalgebra. We say that Visconnected ifG(V) contains exactly one element. For example, let L=ZIbe equipped with a symmetric bilinear form and let C= VectL be the corresponding symmetric monoidal category. Let VCbe a coalgebra with degrees concentrated in NILand dimV0= 1. Then Vis [ 42,SS4], we define a (local) vertex bialgebra to bea vertex algebra Vequipped with a coalgebra structure ( V,,e) such that : V-VVande:V-Qare homo- morphisms of vertex algebras. We say that a vertex bialgebra Vis cocommutative if itsDT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 19 coproduct is cocommutative. We define the subspace of primitive elements (36) P(V) ={xV|(x) =x1+1x}. An important family of cocommutative connected vertex bialgebras arises from vertex Lie algebras [ 4.5. [42,SS4]LetCbe a vertex Lie algebra and V=U(C)be its vertex algebra. Then there exists vertex algebr a e:V-Q, uniquely determined by ( /BD) = /BD /BD, e( /BD) = 1, (x) =x /BD+ /BDx, e(x) = 0xC. The vertex algebra Vequipped with andeis a cocommutative vertex 4.6 ([29, Prop. 3.9]) .LetCbe a vertex Lie algebra, L=L-L+be its algebra of coefficients and V=U(C) =U(L)U(L+)Qbe its universal enveloping vertex algebra. Then the canonical isomorphism VU(L-)is an isomorphism of the coalgebra Vis connected and P(V) =C. Conversely, we can associate a vertex Lie algebra with a vertex bialg 4.7 ([29, Prop. 4.8]) .LetVbe a vertex bialgebra. Then P(V)is a vertex Lie subalgebra of V. The next result is an analogue of the Milnor-Moore theorem for vert ex 4.8 ([29, Theorem 4.13]) .LetVbe a cocommutative connected vertex bialgebra. Then there is a canonical isomorphism U(P(V))Vof vertex vertex algebras. As was observed already in [ 4,SS4], the locality axiom con- tains a quantifier that does not allow one to define the free vertex a lgebra on a given set of generators, but if one restricts to some specific orders of loca lity, it is possible to define such a universal object; this has been done in [ 57]. In this section we recall the definition of the locality order and explain how free vertex algebras of given no n-negative locality are 4.9. LetVC1 2Zbe a bounded below object. We say that two (mutually) local of order NZif (37) ( = 0, where the binomial expansion convention is used. We note that for N>=0 the binomial expansion is finite and the locality = 0, being in agreement with the definition of locality (of unspecified order ) inSS4.1.1.20 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY Lemma 4.10. LetVbe a vertex algebra and a,bV. local of orderNif and only if a(n)b= 0for =Y(a,z)andb(z) =Y(b,z). If[a(z)xNb(w)] = 0, then[ a(z)xnb(w)] =
0 for alln>=N. This implies that ( anb)(z) = 0. As Y:V-F(V) is injective and preserves products, we conclude that a(n)b= 0 for all n>=N. Conversely, assume that a(n)b= 0 for alln>=N. By the Jacobi identity ( 24) [a(z)xNb(w)] = Res our assumption, all powers of uon the right are non-negative and we conclude that [a(z)xNb(w)] = 0. one can obtain an equivalent collection of = 0 for allm,nZ. IfN>=0, then the locality conditions can be written in the = 0. 4.4.2.Free vertex algebras. LetIbeaset equipped withasymmetric function locality function = We consider the category Ver N,degof graded vertex algebras VC1 2Z= a map s:I-Vsuch that (1) The image of sgeneratesV(as a vertex algebra). (2) For each iI, the element sihas degree deg( i). (3) For all i,jI, the fields Y(si,z) andY(sj,z) are local of order N(i,j). 0 for to [ 58], one proves that the category Ver N,deghas an initial object, called thefree vertex algebra with respect to locality Nand degree deg. We shall now recall the construction of the free vertex algebra in the case of a non-nega tive locality vertex algebras of non-negative locality. Suppose that the locality function N is non-negative. We set X={i(n) :iI, nZ}. The vector space QXspanned by Xcan be viewed as an object of C1 2Z, where we set (40) degLi(n) = degL(i)L,wti(n) = the free associative algebra T(QX), we may consider the locality relations ( 39) These relations are manifestly homogeneous, so they generate a homogeneous ideal IT(QX). The quotient B=T(QX)/Iby that ideal is an associative algebra in C1 2Z. Let us consider the the left B-module P=B/BX+; we denote by /BDthe cyclic element of that module.DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 21 Lemma 4.11. The module Pis restricted, meaning that, for all iIandxP, we havei(n)x= be a monomial in T(QX), and suppose that there exists iIsuch thati(n)w /BX+for arbitrary large n. We can assume that pis Therefore we can assume that for any k>n1, we LetN=N(i,i1). Then we have a locality = 0 in the algebra B. This relation implies that i(n)wis contained in the left ideal generated by n'>=n-N, k>n n'>=n-N. By our assumption, these elements are contained in BX+forn0. /square This lemma implies that for every iI, we have a field i(z) fields are mutually local by construction. Let us define a deriv ationTofT(QX) by the formula Ti(n) =-ni(n-1). Lemma 4.12. The derivation Tpreserves the ideal I. In particular, Tinduces endomor- phisms of BandP. Proof.Let us consider i(z) an element of T(QX)[[z+-1]]. Using this notation, we see that the relations that generate Iare coefficients of ( SinceTi(z) =zi(z), we these equations, we means that locality relations are preserved by T. /square Applying the existence theorem [ 34, Theorem 4.5] to the fields i(z)F(P) and the endomorphism TEnd(P), we obtain a vertex algebra structure on /BD,z) vertex algebra Pis the free vertex algebra with respect to locality Nand degree function deg. We will sometimes denote the element i(-1) /BDPbyi.22 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY vertex algebras as universal enveloping algebras. Next we will show that the free vertex algebra Pof non-negative locality can be identified with the universal envelop- ing algebra of a vertex Lie algebra. Let Lbe the Lie algebra with generators i(n)X subject to the locality relations ( 39) and let L+Lbe the subalgebra generated by X+X. Then we everyiI, we consider i(z) These elements are mutually local by definition, therefore by Dong's Lemma [ 41, Prop. 3.2.7] they generate, external products and the derivation z, a conformal is a vertex Lie algebra as conditions from SS4.2.3are automatically 4.13. The free vertex algebra Pof non-negative locality is isomorphic to the universal enveloping vertex algebra of the vertex Lie al let us show that the algebra morphism : an isomorphism (cf. [ 57, Prop. 3.1]). (In fact, this vertex Lie algebra is the free vertex Lie algebra with respect to locality Nand degree function deg.) To construct the inverse map we need to show that elements i(z)(n) satisfy the locality relations. This means we = 0 in Coeff(C). Using the formula for the bracket in Coeff( C), this equation can be written in the = 0. Note that ilj= 0 forl>=Nby the locality relations. We claim that, on the other hand, for any 0<=l<N, we 0. This claim would imply the required statement. We particular, for x=-1, we has only powers of ythat are>=N. This proves the claim.DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 23 Thederivation TonLBfromLemma 4.12. Using the isomorphism , we obtain the direct sum both subalgebras are preserved by T. By [57,SS3.2], the algebra L+Lis exactly the algebra generated by we introduced earlier. This implies that P=B/BX+is isomorphic to the Verma module U(L)U(L+)Q as aB-module, and therefore the free vertex algebra Pis isomorphic to the vertex algebra U(C). vertex algebras. In this section, we recall an important class of vertex algebras called lattice vertex algebras. They play a prominent role in o ur work, for they can be used to construct convenient realisations of certain free v ertex spaces. We consider the Q-vector space h=LZQassociated to L, and define the Heisenberg Lie algebra ^has a one-dimensional central Kand [hm,h' n] and below, we define hn:=htn, forhhandnZ. If we set weight degrees wt(hn) =-n,wt(K) = 0, then^hbecomes a Lie algebra in Vect1 2Z. LetHbe the associative Heisenberg algebra which is the quotient of the un algebra of ^hmodulo the ideal generated by K-1. Consider the anylL= Hom(L,Z), letQlbe the 1-dimensional module over H+where, by multiplication with l(h) andhnwithn >0 acts trivially. We define the Fock space Vlto be the a vector space, it is isomorphic to S(ht-1C[t-1]). We denote the cyclic vector In particular, for any aL, we may consider the linear function ( a,*)L and by abuse of notation, we shall denote the corresponding Fock space byVaand its generator anyaL, we have a field a(z) One knows that V0has a vertex algebra structure with the vacuum particular, =a(z). Similarly, using id Vlin the above formula, we can equipVlwith a module structure over the vertex algebra V0.24 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY operators and lattice vertex algebras. Let us consider the total Fock space is automatically L-graded. We equip it with a weight grading for =1 2(b,b), so that (41) wt( be considered as an object in the unique linear map [hn,Sa] = 0 0 be the map that acts on Vbby multiplication with z(a,b). anyaL, we let G- a(z) = = these series, we now define the vertex operator (a field onVL) (42) G a(z) us check that the operators G a(z) are pairwise local. Lemma 4.14. For anya,bL, we = Ga(z),Gb(z)are local of order of all, we follows from the fact we obtain (43) Ga(z)Gb(w) similarly for G b(w)Ga(z). This implies the first claim of the lemma. For the sec- ond claim, it is enough to note that ( w-z)-(a,b)= 4.9. /squareDT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 25 Note that the weight of zis-1 and the weight of anis-n. Therefore anz-nhas weight zero and the same is true for G+- a(z). The element We conclude that the operator G a(z) has weight1 2(a,a) which is also the weight of The total Fock space VLhas a structure of an L-graded vertex algebra, called the lattice vertex algebra , that extends the vertex algebra structure on V0 and = free vertex algebras. Let (ei)iIbe a basis of the lattice L. Recall that, according to Lemma 4.14, the fields G i(z) := Gei(z) and Gj(z) := Gej(z) onVLare local of order-(ei,ej). We define the locality =-(ei,ej) and the degree the free vertex algebra with respect to locality Nand degree deg, which we shall also call the principal free vertex algebra . By the universality property of the free vertex algebra, there is a unique morphism of graded vertex algebras P-VL, [58, Theorem 2], this morphism is injective. Therefore the free vertex algebraPcan be identified with the vertex subalgebra of VLgenerated by elements This subalgebra was studied in [ 47] under the name principal subalgebra . 5.CoHA and the free vertex algebra From now onwards, we restrict ourselves to the situation consider ed in SS3, so thatQ is a symmetric quiver with the set of vertices I, andL=ZIis a lattice equipped with the Euler form khof the quiver Q. the standard basis of L, and we can consider the corresponding principal free vertex algebra PfromSS4.5.3, which we shall usually denote by PQ. The locality function of that free vertex algebra is given by N(i,j) we see that N(i,j)>=0 This property together that the construction of SS4.4.3for free vertex algebras of applies. In this section, we shall unravel a deep relationship between the pr incipal free the CoHA HQ. InSS5.2, we shall see that there is an isomorphism of vector spaces between the graded dual P QandHQ. InSS5.3, we shall show that this isomorphism allows one to recover the algebra structure of HQ. Finally, in SS5.4, we use our results to obtain a new proof of Efimov's positivity theorem for D VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY incarnations. In this section, we shall discuss three different incarnations of the same vertex algebra PQ: as a principal free algebra, as a free algebra of , and as the universal enveloping algebra of a vertex Lie algeb ra. From ( 39), we know that for N(i,j)>=0, the locality relation between Y(i,z) andY(j,z) is a collection of honest Lie algebra relations (finite combinations of Lie bracket s). In our situation, the only possible negative value of the locality function is N(i,j) =-1, in which = 1. Lemma 5.1. LetVbe a graded vertex algebra, and suppose that aF(V)ais a (mod 2) . Thenais local with itself of order -1if and only if it is local with itself of order 0. Proof.We already know that locality of order -1 implies locality of order 0, so we only need to prove the reverse implication. The locality of order -1 is equivalent to = 0 for allm,nZ. The locality of order 0 is equivalent to (45) [ a(m),a(n)] = 0, m,nZ. It remains to note that, assuming that m>=n, Condition ( 44) can be rewritten = 0, which vanishes whenever ( 45) holds. /square It follows from Lemma 5.1that ifN(i,i) =-1, then the field Y(i,z) is local of order 0 with itself, so the principal free vertex algebra PQcoincides with the free vertex algebra for the non-negative locality function N+:= max(N,0). In particular, even though some values of the locality function for PQcan be negative, Proposition 4.13implies that PQ is isomorphic to the universal enveloping vertex algebra U(C) of a vertex Lie algebra C. Let us recall some notation for future reference. We consider th e sets X={i(n)|iI, nZ}, X +={i(n)|iI, n>=0}, and define Lto be the Lie algebra generated by Xsubject to locality relations ( 39) andL+Lto be the subalgebra generated by X+X. For everyiI, we consider i(z) and we define CL[[z+-1]] to be the vertex Lie algebra generated by these series. We know fr om Proposition and that we have a direct sum L+-Lare Lie subalgebras closed under the derivation (46) :L-L, (i(n)) =-ni(n-1). We have an isomorphism of graded vector spaces (compatible with de rivations) (47) INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 27 Moreover the principal free vertex algebra PQis isomorphic to the universal algebra of the vertex Lie algebra C (48) PQU(C) =U(L)U(L+)Q. We also have an isomorphism of graded vector spaces (49) graded dual of the principal free vertex algebra. Our first goal is to exhibit a relationship between the underlying objects of PQandHQ. Recall from ( 40) thatPQis equipped with the L-degree as well as the /BD) we are aiming to relate vertex algebras to cohomological Hall algeb ras, we shall im- plement a relationship between half-integer weights and integer coh omological for uPQ, its (cohomological) degree to be deg(u) =-2wt(u)Z. If we superpose the L-degree and the degree we just defined, PQbecomes an object of VectLxZwith components Pn Q,d, fordNIandnZ; from the fact that the lattice realisation of free vertex alge bras allows us to view PQas a subspace of the total Fock space VL. We define the graded dual space of PQby the Hom(PQ,d,Q) us describe this graded dual directly. For a dimension vector dNI, letp=|d|
andj= (j1,...,jp) be any sequence of vertices with ej1+***+ejp=d. We shall associate to such sequence jandxP 0,dan element given by 5.2. For anyxP 0,d, the Laurent series completely symmetric under the action of Sppermuting simultaneously the vertices jpand the variables zp. Moreover, this Laurent series is a polynomial in the locality properties of the free vertex algebra PQ, we = i,jI. This shows that Fx,j(z1,...,zp) is fully symmetric under the action of S p. To prove that this expression is a polynomial, we shall argue as follows . We note that since the vector /BDofPQis annihilated by each generator i(n) withn>=0 (appearing in Y(i,z) as the coefficient of z-n-1), the expression Fx,j(z1,...,zp) does not contain any negative power of the last variable zp. Multiplying the effect of making the result symmetric, so it would be almost completing the pr oof, except that we may have vertices with N(i,i) =-1, which would create negative powers from the geometric series expansion. However, this would never create neg ative powers of the last28 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY corresponding to such vertex, and since the expression is fully symmetric, there are no negative powers at all. Finally, since we are dealing with the grad ed dual vector space, the linear functional xis supported at finitely many degrees, and so our Laurent series is in fact a polynomial. /square We shall now state and prove the main result of this section. For a dim ension vector dNI, we now make a choice of a concrete sequence of vertices i= (i1,...,ip) For that, we choose an order of I, use this order to identify Iwith
{1,...,r}, wherer=|I|, and jI,1<=k<=dj. We shall use formal variables to this sequence of vertices. Recall from a graded algebra with deg( xj,k) = 2 (corresponding to weight -1, 5.3. We have an isomorphism of graded vector spaces (50) for any dimension vector d, the isomorphism P Q,d-HQ,d= Ld[-kh(d,d)] is given by the begin with noticing that, according to Lemma 5.2, the polynomial Fxin symmetric with respect to the action of the group S action of a permutation on the vertices ipand the variables zpis the same as the action of a permutation on the variables zpif we consider a permutation which only permutes equal vertices). Thus, Fis a well-defined map into L d[-kh(d,d)]. Let us first check that Fis a map of degree zero. Recall that Y(i,z) has so by our convention deg( u) =-2wt(u), the degree of Y(i,z) is equal to -kh(ei,ei). Therefore Fxhas = = constant shift of degrees by -kh(d,d) means exactly that the degree zero. Let us show that Fis injective. Suppose that for some xP Q,dwe haveFx= 0. According to Lemma 5.2, this implies 0 for any sequence of vertices with ej1+***+ejp=d. SinceFxis a polynomial, its according to the binomial expansion convention) isDT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 29 well defined, so we may conclude 0. Extracting coefficients of individual monomials zm1 1***zmp p, we see that xvanishes on /BDP0,d, sox= Fissurjective. Forthat, replacing Y(ik,zk) by vertex operators G ik(zk) = Geik(zk) and Using (43), we can express Fxexplicitly note that the be written after expanding the exponential, is the formal infinite sum of all basis vectors of the Fock space Vdwith coefficients being scalar multiples of the corresponding monomials in the power sum S d-symmetric functions [ 46]. Thus, we may obtain all such monomials when take linear functions xobtained by restriction to PQof the basis of V ddual to the standard basis of Vd. Since the power sum symmetric functions generate L d, the surjectivity claim follows. /square Using our result, we can immediately recover the formula for the Poin car' e series Z(PQ,x,q) proved in [ 47, Theorem 5.3] using combinatorial bases for free vertex 5.4. We have Z(PQ,x,q) Proposition 3.2, we have Z(HQ,x,q) the other handby the established isomorphism we have Z(PQ,x,q) =Z(P Q,x,q-1) =
Z(HQ,x,q-1). /square 5.3.The coalgebra structure of the principal free vertex algebr a.Our next goal is to unravel a canonical coproduct on PQ(cf. Proposition 4.5) and to relate it to the product on HQ. The universal enveloping algebra U(L) is a bialgebra, with the . Because of this coproduct, the tensor product PQPQacquires 5.5. There exists a unique morphismof /BD) = /BD /BD. This morphism makes PQa cocommutative coassociative coalgebra.30 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY that PQmay also be described as U(L)/U(L)X+, morphism condition implies that d(i(n)w) = allwPQ, and so it is clear that if the morphism dexists, then it is unique, and is induced by . Thus, all we have to show is that descends to the quo tient by the left ideal generated by X+, which follows from the that we have an isomorphism of graded vector spaces ( above coproduct on PQcan be identified with the canonical coproduct on U(L-) (cf. Proposition 4.6). We are now ready to state and prove the main result of this sectio n. Theorem 5.6. The isomorphism F:P Q-HQof Proposition 5.3sends the product d of the commutative associative algebra P Qto the shuffle product of that (i1,...,ip) is a sequence of vertices According to the proof of Proposition 5.3, (51) mapdis completely defined alluPQ. Note /BD) /BD, wherek(A,B) forAB= [1,p] ={1,...,p}, and the products over A andBare taken in the increasing order. For the calculation of the symmet ric polynomial (51), we need to consider only A,Bwithdim(A) =e. Recalling that thepairing of anextra sign( to the braiding, we see that Fd(zx)is equal of the two elements kandlbelongs toAor toB. Note INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 31 is precisely Fz, precisely Fx, so we just need to investigate the factor by which their product is multi- plied, that the shuffle product formula ( 8), we see the isomorphism Frecovers precisely the shuffle product of CoHA. /square 5.4.A new proof of positivity of Donaldson-Thomas invariants. The above re- sults together with the isomorphism of graded vector spaces ( an interesting consequence: another proof of Efimov's posit ivity theorem for invariants [ 14, Theorem 1.1]. To see that, we shall study the Lie algebraL-in more detail. Recall from SS5.1thatL-is stable under the 5.7. LetQbe a symmetric quiver. Then the coalgebra H Qhas a of a cocommutative connected vertex bialgebra. T he space of primitive a vertex Lie algebra (also having a structure of a Lie algeb ra) such that H QU(C)as vertex bialgebras. The derivation onChasL-degree zero and cohomological degree -2, andCis a free Q[]-module such that the space of components Wdandkkh(d,d) (mod 2) 0. Proof.We have H QPQU(C) for the vertex Lie algebra C, seeSS5.1. Therefore H Qhas a structure of a cocommutative connected vertex bialgebra a 4.5and4.6. We can identify CwithL-and we will show that L-satisfies the required properties. Theorem 5.6implies that we have an isomorphism of us define another derivation of L, which we shall denote t; it acts on the generators ofLby the formula t(i(n)) =-i(n+ 1). By direct inspection, tpreserves all relations ofL, and thus acts on this algebra. Moreover, this derivation preserv es the subalgebra32 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY L+, and so acts on the vector space L/L+L-. We note that [ ,t] = id on the space of generators; it follows that [ ,t] =|d|*id on each graded component ( L-)d. Thus, each such component is a Z-graded module over the Weyl algebra A1=Q[t,] of operators on the line (on which acts by an endomorphism of weight 1 and tacts by an endomorphism of weight -1). Since we can embed ( space), weights of ( L-)dare bounded from below. Therefore by Lemma forWL-/L-. The Fock space Vdhas weight components and its weights are bounded below. Moreover, each vector of Vdis obtained action of elements of integer weights, hence all weights of Vdare of the for somenZ. degree is congruent to kh(d,d) (mod 2). The same applies to WdVdand we conclude that ch( Wd)N((q1 2)). It remains to establish that Wdis and for this we will show that ch( andL-WQ[], we = Exp(Z(L-,x,q)) = formula ( 15) for DT invariants, we obtain Z(W,x,q) Wd) = ohmd(q-1). According to (16), for any wNI, we have Z(Mw,x,q-1) = components Mw,dof the CoHA module Mware (as the cohomology of an algebraic variety), hence This implies that an element of Q[q+-1 2] (actually Z[q+-1 2], but we don't need this). We can choose wNI such that w*d>0. We have just shown that the product of the the series ch( Wd)N((q1 2)) is a Laurent polynomial. This implies that ch( Wd) N[q+-1 2], as required. /square Lemma 5.8. LetA1=Q[t,]be the Weyl algebra (with t-t= 1) equipped with the weight grading wt() = 1,wt(t) =-1, and a bounded Then Mis a free module over Q[]. More precisely, :M-M is injective and we have for any graded subspace VMsuch that v= 0 for some (homogeneous) vM. Then the anA1- submodule. It is as tnv= 0, forn0, by degree reasons. But there are no nonzero A1-modules, hence we con- clude thatv= 0.DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 33 LetVMbe a graded subspace such that M=Vim(). If the not direct, we can find vkVsuch = 0 0. Asis injective, we can assume that v0/e}aioslash= 0. But v0Vim() = 0, which is a contradiction. To show thatxMkis contained we proceed by induction on k. We can decompose x=v+(y), By induction We conclude that /square Remark 5.9. In the proof of [ 14, Theorem 1.1], the free action of the polynomial ring in onevariableon the multiplication can also be obtained as a byproduct of our argument. Recalling t he definition of the endomorphism tfrom the proof of Theorem 5.7, we see that this multiplication is precisely the action of the endomorphism tonP Q. In that theorem, we saw that PQis isomorphic to U(L-)Sc(WQ[]) asacoalgebra; can be implemented by doing the Fourier transform for differential oper ators), the us record a simple consequence of Theorem 5.7. Corollary 5.10. For any symmetric quiver Q, consider the graded vertex bialgebra H Q and its space of primitive elements C=P(H Q), which is a vertex Lie algebra. Then Donaldson-Thomas invariants = established that H QPQand that the principal free vertex algebra PQis isomorphic to universal enveloping vertex algebra of a vertex Lie alg ebraC. We have seen in the proof of Theorem 5.7that ohm d(q-1) = ch(Wd), where L-=WQ[], so that WL-/L-. Recall that for any vertex Lie algebra Cits coefficient algebra Lhas a decomposition L=L-L+such thatCL-(as a graded vector space). Moreover, we have (52) completes the proof. /square This statement is easily generalisable to the following appealing conjec ture suggesting a relationship between vertex algebras and more general DT invaria nts. Conjecture 5.11. For each CoHA Hassociated to a (symmetric) quiver with potential, its dualHcan be equipped with a vertex bialgebra algebra structure (c f.[33]) such that the corresponding perverse graded object is isomorphic to t he universal enveloping vertex algebra of some vertex Lie algebra C. The corresponding DT invariants are equal to the characters of the components of to the vertex algebras of Joyce. In this section we will briefly explain the relationship of our results to the geometric constructio n of vertex in [ 33] (see also [ 27,28,3,37]). In order to do this, we will need to formulate a minor generalization of that construction. Let us assume that we h ave the following data34 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY (1) A lattice Lequipped with a symmetric bilinear form kh. (2) An abelian category Aand a linear map cl: K0(A)-L. (3) A moduli stack Mof object in Asuch that the substack Mdof objectsEM with cl(E) =dis open and closed and there exist natural morphisms of stacks (a) Ph:MxM-Mthat maps ( Ps:BGmxM-Mthat maps for EA. (4) A perfect complex Th on MxMsuch that (a) Th is meaning that [s*Th] = [Th] in the Grothendieck group of MxM, wheres:MxM-MxMis the permutation of factors. (b) The restriction Th d,e= Th|MdxMehas constant rank kh(d,e) for alld,eL. (c) We the projection to the corresponding factors and Uis the universal line bundle over BGm. The proof of the following result goes through the same lines as in [ 33]. Theorem 5.12. Consider the LxZ-graded vector that the component of Vdof homological degree k(and weight1 2k) a structure of a graded vertex algebra (in the symmetric m onoidal the braiding induced by kh) defined by (1) /BD=e*(1)H0(M0), wheree:pt-Mis the inclusion of the zero object. (2)The operator T:V-Vof homological degree 2(and weight 1) is defined by T(v) = Ps*(tv), wheretH2(BGm) =H2(P)is the canonical we define Y(u,z)v= before, let Qbe a symmetric quiver with the set of vertices I. Euler form of Q. LetAbe the category of representations of QandMbe the stack of representations of Q. We have a linear map dim:K0(A)-L. We define the perfect complex Th = RHom over MxMsuch that its fiber over ( M,N)MxMis isomorphic to The rank of Th over MdxMeis equal tokh(d,e). Lemma 5.13. We have [s*Th] = [Th] in the Grothendieck group of MxM.DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS the path algebra of Q. For every iI, leteiAbe idempotent and P=Aeibe the corresponding projective A-module. For any representation M, we have the standard projective RHom( M,N) can be written as a RHom( N,M) can be written as a the fact that Qis symmetric and that Hom( we can rewrite this complex in the implies that [RHom( M,N)] = [RHom( N,M)]. The statement of the lemma is a global version of this observation. /square Applying the previous lemma and the construction of Theorem 5.12we obtain a ver- tex algebra structure on H Q(cf. Proposition 5.3where we proved that H QPQas vector spaces). Note that in the original version of Theorem 5.12proved in [ 33], one requires that Th is symmetric, meaning that s*ThTh[2n] for some nZ. Despite of the previous lemma, this condition is generally not satisfied by Th = RH om for sym- metric quivers (otherwise the category of quiver representation s would be of this technical difficulty, one considered in [ 33] only vertex algebras associ- ated to Th = RHom for Calabi-Yau categories or to the symmetrized pe rfect complex Th = RHoms*(RHom) for the category of quiver representations. The latter choice leads to vertex algebras not directly related to CoHAs. On the other hand, in [ 37] one associated quantum vertex algebras to Th which are not necessarily symmetric. Because of the previous lemma, in the case o f symmetric quivers and Th = RHom, the resulting quantum vertex algebra is actually a vert ex algebra (in an appropriate symmetric monoidal category). Theorem 5.7which states, in a structure of a vertex bialgebra should be compared to the re sult of [37] about the quantum vertex bialgebra structure on and free vertex algebras In this section, we shall use previously obtained identification H Q~=PQto give a of the CoHA in Section 3.3. Since Mwis a quotient of HQ, it is natural to seek for a description of M was a subspace of PQ. In this section, we give two such descriptions. In SS6.1, weinterpret thecoproduct earlier. In SS6.2, we exhibit a spanning set of M wPQ.36 VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY coproduct. For each wNI, let us consider the the set of generators of the Lie algebra L, and the corresponding U(L)-module /BDw. ForeachiI, theseries i(z) a field on Pw. These series can be used to equip Pwwith a structure of a module over the vertex algebra PQ; clearly, PQitself is a particular case of this construction for w= 0. Notethatsince wNI, wehaveX+Xw, We shall now see how the graded included in P Q. As before, we fix a dimension vector dNIand letp=|d|and j= (j1,...,jp) be any sequence of vertices with 6.1. For anyxP w,d, the Laurent completely symmetric under the action of Sppermuting simultaneously the vertices jp and the variables zp. Moreover, it is a polynomial divisible by the product proof is analogous to that of Lemma 5.2; the only difference is that X+is replaced by Xw, which has the effect of replacing the property of absence of nega tive powers by the property of absence of powers of zpthat are less than wjp. 6.2. For anydNI, we have an isomorphism of graded vector by the analogous to that of Proposition 5.3. oneofthevector spaces algebra description ( 14) of the module Mw. To use this observation, we consider the surjection p:PQ-Pwand define a U(L)-module map rw:= Explicitly, we /BD) /BDw,DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 37 wherek(A,B) Note that the projection of rw(v) toPQPw,0is equal tov /BDw. Since the description of the module Mwuses the spaces will be useful to consider the reduced the isomorphism we can write - rwin the form -rw(v) =rw(v)-v /BDw. Theorem 6.3. The kernel of the map -rwis isomorphic to the graded dual of the that we have an exact after passing to graded duals, the isomorphisms of Propositions 5.3,6.2, we obtain the diagram 0 ker(- rw)P Q P Q-P w 0 Mw HQ the bottom right map is the shuffle product by Theorem 5.6. Its cokernel is isomorphic to the CoHA module Mwby (14). Therefore we obtain an construction. We shall now exhibit an explicit combinatorial spanning set of the subspace ker(- r)PQ. LetQwbethe subspace of applying elements of the vacuum /BDPQ. We can also interpret this space as follows. Let Lw
+denote the Lie subalgebra of L generated by the set Xw. AsX+Xw, forwNI, we have L+Lw
+. ThenQwcan be identified equipped with the structure of the trivial L+-module. We can actually identify Qwwith the universal enveloping algebra of a certain Lie algebra as follows. Consider the Lie algebra isomorphism (54) tw:L-L, extends to the isomorphism U(L)-U(L). Note that we also define a new Lie algebra Lw -=tw(L-), leading to the direct L=Lw -Lw
+. AsL+Lw
+, we have direct sum a Lie algebra, being an intersection of two Lie algebras. We conclude that (56) VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY MOZGOVOY Theorem 6.4. For each wNI, we have a commutative diagram P Q HQ Q w to Theorem 6.3, we have M wker(-rw), so we need to show that ker(-rw) =Qw. Let us first remark that Qwker(-rw). Indeed, allk, then in Formula ( 53) we /BDw= 0 Therefore r(v) =v /BDwand -r(v) = 0. To establish that the inclusion Qwker(-rw) is an equality, it is sufficient to show that these two subspaces of PQhave the same Poincar' e series, that is, Z(Qw,x,q) shall now prove this equality. The left hand side computation will us e various re- sults about vertex Lie algebras. We have already seen that there is an The decomposition ( 55) implies, together with the Poincar' e-Birkhoff- Witt theorem, that we have an isomorphism of LxZ-graded vector to Corollary 5.4, we =Z(HQ,x,q-1) eseriesof U(Lw -) =tw(U(L-)). Indeed, we have wt( tw(i(n)) = wt(i(n)) +wi. Therefore, for any graded subspace MU(L)d, we have ch( tw(M)) =qw*dch(M) and, for any LxZ-graded subspace MU(L), =q1 2w*dxd. This =S2wZ(U(L-),x,q) so we may conclude that Z(Qw,x,q) =Z(U(Lw
*),x,q) the same time, according to Theorem 6.3, we Proposition 3.4asserts that Z(Mw,x,q) we completes the proof. /squareDT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS 39 Remark 6.5. Let us consider the quiver Qwith one vertex 1 and two loops. Its Euler form onZIZis given by kh(e1,e1) =-1, and the Lie algebra Lis the Lie by odd elements an,nZ, such that [am,an] = [am-1,an+1], m,nZ. This is precisely the algebra considered in [ 10], where it was proved that for w= 1 and d=n, the dimension of Qw,dis given by the n-th Catalan number, and weight leads to the q-analogue of the Catalan numbers introduced by Carlitz and Riordan [ 6]. We can recover this result using Theorem 6.4, which asserts that we should check the same for the dimension of Mw,d. The latter vector space is, up to a degree to the cohomology of the non-commutative Hilbert schem e H(2) n,1= to [ 54], its dimension is indeed the n-th Catalan number. Moreover, the Poincar' e polynomial of H(2) n,1computed in [ 54] is easily seen to produce the number. Recall that Qwis spanned by elements obtained by applying elements the vacuum /BDPQ. Extracting from these elements a basis of Qwis far from obvious; for example, it does not seem that either of the two known combinat orial descriptions of a basis in PQ(obtained in [ 58, Theorem 1] and in [ 47, Theorem 4.8]) is easy to use to describe a basis of Qw. If one is in the situation for which the locality relations form a Gr obner basis (for the most obvious order of monomials, such qu ivers are classified in [11]), such a description exists. For example, for each n>=1, if one considers the quiver onnvertices with two loops at each vertex and one arrow i-jfor the framing vector w= (1,1,...,1), the locality relations form a Gr obner basis and one recovers the result of [ 10, Theorem 1] stating that the space Qwhas an basis labeled by parking functions on {1,...,n}. On the other hand, one can describe an explicit basis of Mwparametrized by [ In the recent paper [ 19] a canonical basis of Mwwas constructed. Taking the dual basis of M wQw, we obtain a canonical combinatorial basis of Qw. 6.3.Poincar' e series of the Lie algebra L+.We shall now use our results on the Poincar' e series of CoHA-modules to establish a surprising symmetr y formula, showing that the Poincar' e series of Lie algebras L-andL+add up to zero. To the best of our knowledge, this result does not follow from the general principles. I t would be interesting to determine the class of vertex Lie algebras for which such symmet ry holds. Theorem 6.6. The Poincar' e series to the that subring, we have the have (55). VLADIMIR DOTSENKO AND SERGEY that Z(Lw -,x,q) =Z(twL-,x,q) =Z((twL+),x,q) Z(Lw
*,x,q) Z((Lw
*),x,q) Corollary 5.4, we =Z(U(L-),x,q) this series as well as Z(L-,x,q) are contained in Q(q1 2)[[xi:iI]] and we can interpret ( 57) as an equality in this ring and obtain (59) Z(Lw
*,x,q-1) 6.4and(56). Mware (degree shifted) cohomology of algebraic varieties, so they are fin ite-dimensional. There- fore components of Lw
*are also , meaning that the coefficients of the powerseries ( 59) and (58), we /square This result implies that there exists a version of Corollary 5.10where the action of on the Lie algebra L+is used to determine the refined Donaldson-Thomas invariants. As a consequence, one obtains a strong supporting evidence for the Koszulness conjecture of [11]. More precisely, in [ 11] one constructed some explicit quadratic algebra AQsuch that its Koszul dual algebra is isomorphic to U(L+) and (60) Z(AQ,q1 2x,q) =AQ(x,q). By Theorem 6.6, we have (61) Z(U(L+),x,q) = 1 which is the numerical Koszulness property of the algebra AQ.DT INVARIANTS FROM VERTEX ALGEBRAS Tomoyuki Arakawa, Representation theory of W-algebras , Invent. Math. 169(2007), no. 2, 219-320. [2] George M. Bergman, The diamond lemma for ring theory , Adv. in Math. 29(1978), no. 2, 178-218. 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Moreover, it is isomorphic to the universal enveloping vertex algebra of a certain vertex Lie algebra, which leads to a new interpretation of invariants of $Q$ (and, in particular, re-proves their positivity). Finally, it is possible to use that vertex algebra to give a new interpretation of CoHA modules made of cohomologies of non-commutative Hilbert schemes.
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"created": "Tue, 30 Nov 2021 09:03:10 GMT"
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1 occupational segregation - the asymmetrical gender distribution of occupations - has been suggested as one of the most important determinants of the gender wage gap (Gauchat, Kelly, and Wallace, 2012; Blau and Kahn, 2017; Blau and Kahn, 2007; Hegewisch and Hartmann, 2014). Blau, Brummund, and Liu (2013) assessed gender-based segregation trends over the 1970-2009 period for the U.S. and found that this type of segregation was decreasing but at an increasingly slower rate. Based on the O. D. Duncan and B. Duncan (1955) index of occupational dissimilarity they found that between 1970 and the 1980s, when segregation decreased more signicantly, the reduction was mainly due to a movement of women into male dominated occupations, while the reverse did not happen. At the same time, this movement was further reinforced by the signicant increase of female participation in the labour market from 1970 to 2009. These factors led to a large decline of the share of men in occupations, but without of a corresponding and equivalent change of the share of women in over-represented female occupations. Additionally, the de- cline of male-employment in occupations over-represented by men occurred in simultaneous with an increase of the share of men in moderately male occupa- tions. This situation is what the authors refer to as a 'tipping' pattern where men
ee previously male-dominated occupations when these occupations become feminized to a certain tipping threshold (for a more detailed assessment of this pattern seePan, 2015). This phenomenon relates to the still small cultural changes in the devaluation of traditionally women activities that provide incentives for women to enter male dominated jobs while not providing enough for men to enter jobs dominated by women (England, 2010). In more recent work, Blau and Kahn (2017), for the period between 1980- 2010 in the U.S., nd that the conventional human capital variables, such as experience and education, explain little of the gender wage gap while in occupation and industry remain important. They claim that dif- ferences in gender roles and the gender division of labor are relevant to explain 2these dierences. Moreover, this trend is not only seen in the U.S.. In the Eu- ropean Union, the Duncan index of occupational dissimilarity, measuring the proportion of male workers that would have to change occupations in order to end gender-based segregation, stayed at around 50% both in 2011 and 2015 (OECD, despite some signs of a decreasing trend, there is evidence that points to persistence of gender-based occupational segregation even though gen- der dierences in human capital variables, such as educational attainment, have been disappearing (De Hauw, Grow, and Van Bavel, 2017; OECD, 2020). This is consistent with a patriarchal labour market, i.e. not only do indi- viduals prefer working in gender appropriate occupations but they also actively want occupations to stay gendered. In fact as stated in Hartmann (1976), it is the patriarchal structure of the labour market that creates gender-based occu- pational segregation, usually leaving women in lower paying occupations which encourages women to marry and perform domestic work. Not surprisingly, male workers played a crucial role in maintaining the occupational gender division. Walby (1986) narrates how patriarchy interacted with the labour market: rst by legally excluding women from the labour market and specic trades, then by force of the male-dominant unions and afterwards by inducing gender- based occupational segregation. An example in Walby (1986) is that of clerk work where she argues that to accommodate both the wants of employers, that wanted cheap labour, and male workers, that were afraid to be replaced, employ- ers used job segregation by assigning women to new occupational men do not have to directly compete with women while employers could still benet from cheap labour for similar work. This can be described as an important eect of patriarchy since neither of the two forces driving segrega- tion are in
uenced by women. In addition, as regards to rms, there are also incentives for occupational segregation related to the reproduction of labour power. Moreover, as women usually perform non-paid domestic work, which has a specic purpose in replenishing labour power of herself and her family as current and prospective workers. Therefore, it is important that women are 3kept in domestic-related paid jobs and also in part-time jobs that can accom- modate their second shift. Hartmann (1976) also argues that, as regards to employees, segmentation of the labour market plays an important role since it exacerbates existing divisions among workers which weakens their bargaining power for better working conditions. At the individual level, agents can also display gender-based or preferences that are reproduced from both sides of the labour mar- ket, i.e. from the supply and demand sides. On the supply side, workers can be active participants in creating a segre- gated market. As mentioned, there is some evidence that workers have gender- based preferences when choosing (or
eeing) an occupation. More specically, Pan (2015) documents a tipping pattern where men
ee an occupation when this becomes excessively feminized, which is consistent with the predictions from a Schelling model (Schelling, 1971)1. The ndings by Pan (2015), that occupa- tions tip in regions where men hold more sexist attitudes toward the appropriate role of women indicates that gender roles (and so a in-group gender preference), are important to explain persistence in gender-based occupational segregation. At the same time, England (2010) argues that men lose money and suer cul- tural disapproval if they choose to enter female-dominated occupations which translates into an incentive to perpetuate gender Cejka and Eagly (1999) look into the importance of of occupations in further reinforcing gender-based occupational seg- regation. They nd that common gender stereotypes are good predictors of the gender distribution among occupations: occupations over represented by women require feminine qualities while occupations over represented by men require male qualities. This prediction of the gender distribution among occu- pations made on the basis of gender stereotypes points to a supply-driven factor for the persistence of gender-based segregation. On the demand side, theories on individual-led discrimination practices point 1The Schelling model, based on the dynamics of two groups of individuals that have a preference in being neighbours of individuals of their own group, shows that even a small amount of in-group preference can form segregated societies. 4to two main sources: taste-based or statistical discrimination. Taste-based dis- crimination (Becker, 2010) happens when an employer has prejudice against a specic gender, for example women, and the disutility in employing women appears as a cost resulting in lower salary oers to discrimination (Phelps, 1972; Aigner and Cain, 1977) occurs when the employer, which is not able to assess the true productivity of the worker, uses the statistical information he has on the group the worker belongs to (for example gender) to estimate the workers' productivity. This last type of lead to occupational segregation as employers of already will have better information on the over-represented gender and therefore can show a preference for it. This paper applies an agent-based model to represent an articial labour market. In so doing, we are able to model preferences at both the individual and institutional levels and, simultaneously, represent the interplay between the demand and supply sides of that market. Such an agent-based approach allows for considering gender-based prefer- ences and discriminatory behaviour and, therefore, to isolate the dominant ef- fects that lead to the persistent of gender-based occupational segregation. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes the agent-based model, while in Section 3, the characteristics of the and corresponding results are presented. The last section concludes. 2 The model The model employed in this work is based on Ara ujo and Weisbuch (2008). This abstract model is easily adapted to any particular eld. Agents are described by bit-strings that represent positions. Each agent belongs to one out of two categories: individual workers orrms . In such a labour market, positions are oered by rms while workers look for positions. Workers and rms are then described by a set of kbinary characteristics standing for job requirements as, for instance: working conditions, required qualications, social advantages and any specic individual (or institutional) those preferences are easily coded by bits, agent-based modelling is particularly suited to explicitly display, rather than implicitly, of labour markets. And since bits can
ipped along the model dy- namics, preferences can change depending on the value of some global variables as, for instance, parameters calibrated from experimental data, our approach can be used to assess if current levels of gender-based occupational segregation arise from dierences regarding labour market determinants or if they are reliant on gender-based preferences and discriminatory behaviour. 2.1 Agents characteristics and requirements At the start, there are N1+N2agents in the model: N1workers and the N2 rms. Each workeriis dened by a set of characteristics (or job potential positions oered by rms. Each worker is coded by a string of ten bits ( k= 10) representing, for instance: ethnicity, salary level, specic skills, years of training or experience. We let eight of these characteristics to be abstractly represented and randomly set. To the other two bits we assign concrete attributes: i)gender, and ii)preference for an occupation by a specic rmjhas an equivalent set of ten characteristics, being two of them concretely dened: the preference for: i)a specic gender, and ii)a position over-represented by a specic gender. The remaining 8 bits stand for any characteristics or requirements as preference for an ethnicity, oered salary level, expected skills, required years of training or experience, etc. Bit coding of of occupations by a specic gender shall fol- low real life examples. According to Hegewisch and Hartmann (2014), women in the U.S. were the majority of the share of dental assistants between 1972-2012, while they were persistently as civil engineers, although it in- creased to close to 15% until 2012. Therefore, the binary option for occupations in our model can be thought as either dental assistant or civil engineer, which 6initially are over-represented by women or men, can change depending on the model dynamics. That means that gendered occupations can
ip and become the opposite gender. However, empirical evidence has showed that real life dynamics result in persistent gender segregation. By explicitly considering a gender-based preference of both workers and rms, it is possible to account for both choices by work- ers regarding occupation and statistical discrimination, by rms. Such an explicit coding of core versus adjustable features were included in this version of the model by keeping some bits xed and fuzzying a few others. However, we believe that the qualitative dynamical features of the model would not be very much aected by this change. 2.2 bit-string models have a process, where the prin- ciple of similarity plays the fundamental role. The matching is done at each time step, where workers look for the rms closest to their requirements, as in Ara ujo and Weisbuch (2008). For worker i the overlap of their characteristics with the requirements of rm the bit ( l= 1;:::;10) and = stands for the logical equivalence relation. At each time step, each worker chooses the most similar rm, being the least amount of required similarity given by a Payos Payo functions account for matching outcomes in the form of happiness for the worker and capital for the rms. The payos increase with the relative overlap between workers' requirements and the matched rm ( qi;j) and decrease with eort employed in working ( cwfor workers and cffor rms). Happiness is updated with the last period happiness plus the overlap of the worker with the chosen (most similar) rm. This function, for each worker iin 7t, is therefore represented (1) If happiness falls below zero the worker exits the market being replaced by a new one with the same gender and occupation preference (either dental assistant or civil engineer). This is to guarantee that the gender distribution stays the same throughout the exercises and so, the equilibrium result only depends on the dynamics of discrimination. In addition, to dene one occupation as by men and another by women we need to have 50% of the individuals belonging to each gender. The capital of each rm is updated with its previous value plus the over- lap between all workers that have the highest matching with that rm minus a constant cost ( cf) of running business. The general expression of capital accu- mulation is described indexj(i) runs over all the workers jthat are supplied by theirm. When capital of a rm falls below zero the position ends, being not renewed, and the rm relocates to other labour market. Of course, in each particular application the terms in these equations should be normalized by appropriately chosen units in order to represent commensu- rable or dimensionless quantities. At the initial time all workers and rms are assigned a xed value H=H0 andC=C0. Then, at each time step desired positions and oered positions are compared. The rm that supplies each worker is chosen at random among those with the larger matching. In all our simulations, we have chosen the initial number of workers N1=
1000 and rms N2= 30, (the bit-string length) k= 10, initial endowments H0= 5 andC0= 200 and the constant costs cw= 1 andcf= 4:5. Workers 8match with positions if the overlap is at least of 50% ( = 0:5). In the next subsections, the model is tested in several dierent scenar- ios, which are characterized by dierent combinations of the parameter Baseline: in this scenario, the initial conditions are set as above any gender-driven preferences or discriminatory practices. 2. Gender-driven occupation choice by workers and rms: here, we intro- duced the gender-driven preference for a specic occupation by the worker, and also the preference for a specic gender, by the rm depending on of the occupation. 3. Tipping pattern: in this last scenario, the baseline conditions are set with adisutility cost for male workers. Their happiness is decreased by a certain amount when the position they choose belongs to an by women. Therefore; the happiness function of given the worker is a man 0; the gender bit of the worker and oidenes if his matched position is over-represented by women or men. If there is a the gender of the male worker and the gender of the occupation then the cost is null, otherwise it is positive, leading to a negative impact on happiness. This means that dwi;tis high when men are in occupations women and decrease when they move to an occupation men. For example, initially, dental assistant is considered as the by women and so, when a male worker is matched with a 9dental assistant position he would gain happiness according to the overlap of his characteristics with the position but they would feel less happy than if they were in a male-dominated job, in this case as a civil engineer. In addition, this disutility variable can also be seen as a measure of seg- regation trends in male dominated occupations. The higher it is the less segregated they are while a decrease of the variable means that male work- ers are increasingly matching with male-dominated occupations which, all things constant, means an increase in segregation. We use the Ducan Index as dened in reference O. D. Duncan and B. Duncan (1955) to quantify the persistent pattern of gender-based occupation segregation. It women that are in occupation oandmorepresents men in occupation o. This gives the percentage of men that must change occupations (to a women dominated one) in order to achieve full integration. For example if the index has a value of 0 :5 then 50% of male workers need to change from a male dominated occupation to a female dominated one in order to avoid segregation. The value of the index is zero when there is perfect gender integration and one when the labour market is perfectly segregated by gender, meaning each occupation is only performed by workers of the same gender. 3 Simulation results All simulation times were 1000 and therefore the results presented in the next gures show average values obtained from such a large number of runs. They show the time evolution of happiness and capital as well as the same evolution of the disutility parameter dwi;t(Eq.4) and the index of segregation ist(Eq.5). Over the simulation results we will consider that workers can only get a dental assistant job or a civil engineering job which are, initially, jobs that belong to 10occupations over-represented by women or men, respectively. The objective of naming the over-represented occupations is to better exemplify how the model can be used, and not strictly to say that these jobs can not change throughout the simulations. 3.1 Baseline scenario In the baseline scenario, where there are no discriminatory preferences for a gender or for any gender-driven appropriate work, simulations show a low level of segregation as the lower right plot in Figure 1 shows. Most of rms survive and their business is protable from a very early stage. Workers average happiness stays under 4, since the cost of living (cw) is always grater or equal one. Therefore, workers do not increase their happiness by continuing to work, which means the average happiness increases just whit some workers renewal (and their corresponding renewed the disutility measure ( dwi;t) - aimed at incorporating a cost for men in being in an occupation over-represented by women (e.g. dental assistant) - it is not included in the payos of this rst scenario. As such, and since no gender-driven preference or discriminatory practice were considered here, this variable mimics the segregation index, being almost constant along the all time steps. 3.2 Gender-driven occupation choice When we introduce a dependence between gender and the preference for an occupation (for workers) and between the preference for a worker from a gender group and the type of occupation (for rms), the results in Figure 2 show that simulations properly replicate the empirical results of persistent segregation. The dependence is set in the initial conditions by ensuring that at least 50% of women would prefer to apply for a position that is in an occupation over-represented by women; this idea is replicated for male workers. At the same time we also consider that at least 50% of positions that belong 11Figure 1: Baseline scenario to an occupation over-represented by a gender (for example by men) want to employ the over-represented gender. In our model, where workers can only get a dental assistant job or a civil engineer one, at least 50% of women prefers, initially, a dental assistant job while the same percentage of men prefer the civil engineer occupation. As the simulation exercise develops, these occupations can change gender if so, the preference of each worker accompanies it i.e. if the dental becomes over-represented by men then men will prefer it over However, if gender-based occupational segregation is persistent this does not happen. The results are displayed in Figure 2 where happiness and capital behave as in the baseline but the segregation index and the disutility measure show 12great changes. Moreover, the last plot in Figure 2 shows that the displays a much higher value even in the very rst time steps showing a stabilization trend after some rms leave the the disutility measure and since it is not included in the pay- o functions of this scenario, its behavior keeps replicating the segregation in- dex. The higher gender-based occupational segregation exhibited in this scenario comes from the fact that men are lead to occupations that are men. Figure 2: Gender-driven occupation we conclude that introducing a bit dependence that gender-driven preferences, arising either from statistical discrimina- tion or gender stereotypes, is enough to induce the persistence of segregation similar to the one that empirical evidence provides. 133.3 The 'tipping' pattern In this scenario, men have a disutility in being in an occupation that is by women. Regarding segregation, results in Figure 3 are quite similar to those obtained from the gender-driven occupation choice. Figure 3: The 'tipping' pattern The time evolution of dwi;tshows that values are constantly segregation shows a slightly increase, meaning that men are increasingly concentrating in occupations over-represented by men. This can be seen as a situation where men that were in an occupation over-represented by women, in a dental assistant job, started to incorporate it as a disutility in their choice making and instead pursued a civil engineering job. It shall be noticed that while in the last scenario segregation was induced by gender preferences from the supply and demand sides of the labour market, 14here is the 'tipping' pattern that leads to the gender-driven segregation that has been empirically observed. Accordingly, shows a faster decline when compared with the gender-driven occupation choice. By introducing the disutility measure in mens' payos, we are able to repli- cate the eects of the 'tipping' pattern in sustaining gender-based This means that even if women and rms don't display gender pref- erences, the behaviour of male workers, by
eeing occupations women, are enough to lead to a persistent gender-based occupational segre- gation. 4 Conclusions An important mark of agent-based models is their ability to include arbitrary levels of heterogeneity and uncertainty into the description of a system of in- teracting agents. Moreover, computer simulations are often suited for making important dynamical trends of these models an agent-based model we provide a framework that introduces dis- criminatory behavior in the labour dynamics of matching workers to positions. The discriminatory behavior is based on labour market theories where workers and positions exhibit gendered preferences based on socialization, statistical and the 'tipping' pattern exhibited by men that
ee occupations when they become more feminized. The introduction of discriminatory behavior transforms the otherwise ran- dom dynamics of occupational choice into a persistent gender-based which is consistent with empirical evidence. The calibration of and requirements of workers and positions from empirical data provides a measure of segregation that is solely due to discriminatory behavior. Being aware of such an outcome is essential for policy design. Further enhancement of the model shall take into account the incentives women have for entering male-dominated occupations as well as changes in gen- der preferences at the employer level that can occur by interacting with employ- ers of the non-preferred gender and, by these means, diminishing the power of 15statistical the bit-string length that can be set to represent a larger (or smaller) number of individual characteristics, so does the our binary basis. One step to a more realistic agent description may be achieved by allowing the agents (workers and rms) to make n{ary choices. In so doing, any individual as gender, salary level and skills can be chosen from a larger set of options. Future work shall consider this possibility as the essential features of the model would remain ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa is nancially supported by FCT (Funda c~ ao para a Ci^ encia e a Tecnologia), Portugal. This article is part of the Strategic Project UIDB/05069/2020. The authors acknowledge nancial Support from FCT { Funda c~ ao para a Ci^ encia e Tecnologia Dennis J and Glen G Cain (1977). Statistical theories of labor markets. In: Ilr Review 302, pp. 175{187. Ara ujo, Tanya and G erard Weisbuch (2008). The labour market on the hy- percube. In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 3875-6, pp. Gary S (2010). The economics of discrimination . University of Francine D, Peter Brummund, and Albert Yung-Hsu Liu (2013). Trends in occupational segregation by gender 1970{2009: Adjusting for the impact of changes in the occupational coding system. In: Demography 502, pp. 471{
492. Blau, Francine D and Lawrence M Kahn (2007). The gender pay gap: Have women gone as far as they can? In: Academy of Management pp. 7{23. 16 | 2108.10343 | Tanya Araujo | Joana Passinhas and Tanya Ara\'ujo | Gender-based occupational segregation: a bit string approach | 17 pages, 3 figures | null | null | null | cs.SI cs.MA nlin.AO | http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ | The systematic differences of gender representation across occupational segregation, has been suggested as one of the most important determinants of the still existing gender wage gap. Despite some signs of a decreasing trend, there is evidence that occupational is persistent even though gender differences in human have been disappearing. Using an agent-based model we provide a framework that introduces discriminatory behavior based on labour market theories of discrimination where workers and firms can exhibit The introduction of discriminatory behavior transforms the otherwise random dynamics of occupational choice into a persistent segregation consistent with empirical evidence.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:07:28 GMT"
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Abstract Green bonds have been shown to be effective tool for sustainability however market growth is impeded by high issuance and transaction costs. The lack of appropriate frameworks raise fear of It offersGreen Bonds as a Service , increasing accessibility through automation. The solution has minimal associated costs and supports fractional asset ownership, both of which will help adoption especially in developing countries. A financial regulator must preapprove an investor and can freeze assets in the case of financial irregularities. Green bonds can be bought directly from an issuer or in the secondary market. We also introduce a novel mechanism whereby an issuer can upload proof of impact reports. A green verifier uses these to submit a green rating; poor green ratings result in reputational damage and economic would like to thank the following people:
*My project supervisors Professor William Knottenbelt and Dr Maria Vigliotti for our insightful meetings and discussions throughout the project.
*Dr. Arthur Gervais for his advice early on in the project and his course, Principles of Distributed Ledgers.
*Dr. Enrico Biffis for his recommendations and ideas relating to the financial side of the project.
*My personal tutor, Dr. Krysia Broda, for her continued support throughout my time at Imperial College Introduction 5 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 Background 8 2.1 Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2 Green Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2.1 Green Bond Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2.2 Green Bond Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2.3 Blockchain Green Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.3 Blockchain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.3.1 Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.3.2 Smart Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.3.3 Decentralised Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.3.4 Tokens and Stablecoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.4 Algorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.4.1 Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.4.2 Algorand Standard Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.4.3 Atomic Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.4.4 Smart Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.4.5 Stateless Smart Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.4.6 Stateful Smart Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.4.7 TEAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4.8 Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3 Requirements and Design 21 3.1 Stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.1.1 Issuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.1.2 Investor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.1.3 Green verifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.1.4 Financial regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.2 Bond Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.3 Green Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.4 Secondary Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4 Implementation 25 4.1 Algorand Blockchain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 24.1.1 Stablecoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.1.2 Green Bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.1.3 Linking Stateful and Stateless Smart Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.1.4 ASA Custom Transfer Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.1.5 Smart Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4.1.6 Green Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.1.7 Freeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.1.8 Buy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.1.9 Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.1.10 Coupon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4.1.11 Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.1.12 Default . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.1.13 InterPlanetary File System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4.1.14 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4.1.15 Alternative Implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.2 DApp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.2.1 Languages, Frameworks and Tools Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.2.2 Redux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.2.3 React Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 4.2.4 MyAlgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 4.2.5 Issuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.2.6 Investor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.2.7 Green Verifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.2.8 Financial Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5 Evaluation 43 5.1 Algorand Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5.2 Green Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.3 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 5.4 Contributions to The Algorand Ecosystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 5.5 Algorand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 5.6 Comparison With Existing Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5.6.1 Green Assets Wallet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 6 Legal and Ethical Issues 49 7 Conclusion 50 7.1 Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7.2 Summary of Achievements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 7.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.3.1 Blockchain Oracles For Impact Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.3.2 Green Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.3.3 Primary Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 7.3.4 Automated Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 A User Guide 52 A.1 Create An Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 A.2 Set Up My Algo Wallet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 A.3 Fund Algos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 A.4 Fund Stablecoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3A.5 Issuer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 A.6 Investor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 A.7 Green Verifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 A.8 Financial Regulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 4Chapter the Paris Agreement of keeping the increase in global average temperature to well below2 and can be a fundamental tool for climate the global green bond market represents approximately 2% of the overall bond market [1]. Growth is impaired by high issuance and transaction costs [2], in particular for emerging markets where the size of issuance tends to be smaller [3]. One has to look at the fundamentals of the green bond market to understand why a blockchain is an appropriate solution [4]. With the exception of treasury bonds, and sellers and may take advantage of the lack of price transparency by marking up prices. In addition, each trade typically has to go through a settlement period, where one has to wait a few days between the trade agreement and the date at which the trade is considered final. Specific to green bonds, there is an added relationship between the issuer and investor. An investor wants to avoid contributing to greenwashing , whereby the funds generated from the bond are not actually used for green projects. The issuer must produce data and outline the use of proceeds to satisfy investor distrust. At this time, there are no mechanisms to enforce issuer compliance settlement process of green bonds through [6]. Transparent smart contracts would automatically perform atomic transactions, reducing costs and counter- party risk. Blockchain also enables self-custody whereby issuers and investors alike can securely store and manage their assets. This not only eliminates custodian fees, but also helps democratise the green bond market as one does not need access to a financial inter- mediary service. Green bond issuance, irrespective of an issuers size, would face similar fees, opening up the retail market. Blockchain can also help automate green bond reporting and provide of proceeds and proof of impact has been receiving negative media attention regarding its energy consumption. The University of Cambridge Bitcoin Consumption Index [7] estimates Bitcoin uses similar amounts of energy per year compared to countries such as Argentina and the would argue this subsequently makes blockchain a bad candidate for green bond issuance, where green investors may be reluctant to use such a uses a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism whereas Bitcoin and Ethereum use Proof of Work (PoW). PoS consumes several orders of magnitude less energy than PoW [8]. Ethereum is working on switching to PoS but it remains to be seen when this will happen. This makes Algorand an ideal candidate for green bond issuance. Furthermore the Algorand team claim their blockchain is carbon neutral [9]. Whilst there has yet to be independent research on Algorand's energy consumption, many environmentally are leveraging Algorand [10]. The Algorand blockchain is a permissions blockchain so everyone can review the market and make informed investment decisions. It has a high transaction throughput and low transaction costs, making it accessible to smaller investors. Algorand also has native support for smart contracts and tokens which benefit from the same speed and cost as any other transaction. 1.2 Objectives The objectives for the project were: 1. Developing a solution to issue green bonds on the blockchain and assess benefits for all stakeholders (issuer, investor, green verifier and financial regulator). 2. Investigate the Algorand blockchain and assess how its unique features can benefit the project. As part of the first objective, it was important to develop a platform, as a proof of concept, that would support the green bond life cycle. This includes issuance, coupons, regulation and green is a relatively new technology and does not yet have a mature set of developer tools. Therefore the project serves the purpose of discovering if Algorand is ready to support such a product. 1.3 main contributions of the project are:
*Deploying the bond structure on the blockchain An issuer can specify the bond parameters and investors can receive coupons, and the principal at and secondary market Investors can purchase green bond directly from an issuer or trade them among themselves in the secondary market. The exchange of the bond and payment are implemented using atomically grouped transactions so if one fails then they both fail. The exchange is confirmed in less than five asset ownership An investor can buy and sell parts of a green bond. This opens up the market to smaller investors which may not have the funds to purchase a whole bond or would like to recoup some of their money. 6*Green verification and rating The issuer can upload reports regarding the rating to give. Bad ratings negatively impact the coupon payments the issuer pays which should help address regulation All issuers / investors must be preapproved by the before they can issue / invest in a green bond. The financial regulator also has the ability to freeze the green bond and prevent any associated payments whether for everyone or specified accounts. This functionality can be used to fulfil KYC and AML Algorand blockchain. One can take the role of an issuer, investor, green verifier or financial regulator and see how they interact with one 2 Background In this chapter, we will introduce green bonds and their regulatory frameworks. We will review the current state of the global green bond market, relating to both traditional and blockchain issuance. We will discuss the key concepts surrounding blockchain, some examples of blockchains and relevant considerations when selecting a blockchain to use. We will end by covering the Algorand blockchain in more detail. 2.1 Bonds A bond is an agreement to pay money according to the rules specified at issuance. The bond parameters Date The date of the last payment.
*Coupon An amount paid periodically up until An amount paid at maturity. Also known as face value or par value. Figure 2.1 shows the timeline, between issuance and maturity, for when the coupons and principal are payed out. Variations of bonds exist, for example a zero-coupon bond is a bond with no coupons. The coupon is typically expressed using the coupon rate, which is equal to the coupon amount divided by the principal amount. Let's say we have a bond that matures after 5 years with a face value of $100 and a coupon rate of 10% payed annually. At the end of each subsequent year, it pays $10 for the coupon and at maturity it pays $100 on top of the coupon. Figure 2.1: Bond Payout a coupon payment has just been made, the theoretical price of a bond can be 8determined using the following +r)t+F (1 +r)T
=C1 (1 +r) T r)
+F (1 +r)T where Cis the coupon payment at each time period, ris the discount rate (yield to maturity), Fis the face value of the bond and Tis the number of time periods Green Bonds Green bonds are structured in the same way as regular bonds. An issuer creates the bond to raise funds, and investors receive coupons and a principle when it matures. Like the name suggests, the proceeds of the bond must be used to benefit the environment and are therefore subject to additional checks and regulations. Typically, a second or third party approves the use of proceeds from the bond and all related expenditures. Often there is also ongoing reporting on the status of the project to ensure the green key are being met. It may seem unclear why companies would issue green bonds. They inherit the properties of conventional bonds but have the disadvantage of extra restrictions as well as needed to prove compliance. However green bonds do have several advantages over their generic bonds has been shown to attract impact investors and increase institutional owner- ship [11], with a stronger response for first time issues and bonds certified by third may also accept lower returns as they prioritise the environment over financial gain [12]. Green bonds are also an effective tool for sustainability which is reflected in higher share prices as companies credibly signal their commitment to the environment [13]. Follow- ing the issuance of green bonds, we observe improvements in a company's in terms of lower CO 2emissions and higher environmental ratings [11]. 2.2.1 Green Bond (ICMA) and the Climate Bond Standard (CBS) [15], developed by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI). The GBP are a set of voluntary guidelines that can be broken down to four core compo- nents: 1. Use of Proceeds: Outlines the eligible categories for green projects. These range from renewable energy to sustainable water and wastewater management. 92. Process for Project Evaluation and Selection: Encourages transparency regarding how the project falls within the eligible categories and any potential social risks associated with the project. Recommends an external review to supplement the review. 3. Management of Proceeds: Should track funds and inform investors the placement of unallocated net proceeds. Recommends the use of a third party to verify the of proceeds. 4. Reporting: Should continually update information surrounding the use of proceeds until full allocation. The report should be annual and in cases of material voluntary nature of GBP raises concerns of greenwashing, which has led to the de- velopment of CBS, a certification scheme based on the underlying principles of GBP. pre-issuance, there are mandatory requirements for the use of proceeds which must be independently verified by an approved body. For post-issuance, the issuer must annually report on the allocation and eligibility for the project however proof of impact is to the Climate Bonds Initiative [1], 86% of green bonds issued in 2019 have some form of external review, of which almost two-thirds used second party opinions and 17% used the CBS certification. The adoption levels can be partially explained by the cost of certification, which is estimated between USD 10 and 100 thousand [2]. 2.2.2 Green Bond Market The history of the green bond market begins in 2007 when the European Investment Bank issued the first green bond, then called Climate Awareness Bond . The bond proceeds were targeted to renewable energy and energy efficient projects. The following year, the World Bank issued the green bond as we know today. CICERO was used as second opinion provider to certify the greenness of the bond and the World Bank incorporated More recently in the UK, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced Britain will issue its first green government bond in 2021. At that time, 2019 became the largest year for the global green bond market [1]. USD 258.9 billion worth of bonds was issued, bringing the cumulative issuance since 2007 to USD 754 billion. Fig 2.2 shows the market size is growing, especially in Europe. Overall green bonds represent between 2-3% of the total bond market share, leaving room for significant 2.2: Green bond issuance by region [1] 2.2.3 Blockchain Green Bonds To date there has only been a handful of blockchain green bond, highlighting the need for further research in this area. In early 2019, BBVA Group became the first to issue a blockchain green bond. The bond was labelled green by DNV GL, a second party A permissioned blockchain (see section 2.3.1) was used to issue the bond, and a copy of the transaction was recorded in the permissionless Ethereum Testnet to the public. A report by HSBC and Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance outlined three areas where blockchain can be applied to green bonds [16]: 1. Structuring, issuance and distribution 2. Transfer of ownership, payment and settlement 3. Benchmarking and reporting The last area is specific to green bonds, whereas the first two also apply to We can therefore use the more explored regular blockchain bonds as a reference to how the technology could be used for green bonds. In September 2019, Santander issued the first end-to-end blockchain bond [17]. They used the public Ethereum blockchain however the bonds were only available to A smart contract was used ensure ownership eligibility as the Ethereum blockchain is is the underlying technology of Bitcoin and other The technology itself provides a secure mechanism for storing ordered data, and eliminates the need for a Instead of pointing to the location of a block, a hash pointer points to a block's data. These pointers refer back to the previous block in the chain such that there is a single genesis block which is the root and does not point to anything. Fig 2.3 shows the structure of a 2.3: Blockchain: A linked list using hash pointers A collision resistant cryptographic hash function is used to ensure it is infeasible to create two blocks with the same hash. If someone were to tamper with a block then its hash would change. The next block in the sequence's hash pointer would no longer match the hash of the block it is pointing to which would invalidate the chain. Therefore an adversary would also have to tamper the next blocks hash, and so on, all the way to the head of the list. Therefore a given block in the chain guarantees the integrity of the whole history of the blockchain up to that point. As long as the head of the blockchain is agreed upon, and the cryptographic hash function is collision resistant, then the blockchain is tamper proof. There are a variety of approaches to processing, authenticating and validating blockchains, where only trusted actors can participate in reading and writ- ing, can operate with much lower levels of protection. The disadvantage of this type of blockchain though is its closeness and centralisation, and for this reason, will not be the focus of this paper. Permissionless blockchains are open to the public and are fully trans- parent. Anyone can participate and read the on-chain data, which unlocks the green bond market to a wider investor population. Due to their openness, permissionless extra protection to prevent adversarial attacks on the integrity of the Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake There are a number of ways of achieving consensus in permissionless blockchains. Two of these are Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS). In PoW, miners race to solve a difficult cryptographic puzzle and the first one able to do uses PoW is Bitcoin. Included in the block header is an arbitrary number called a nonce. Miners change the nonce till they found one such that the hash of the block is less than or equal to the current target hash value set by the network. The puzzle is designed in such a way that once a solution has been found, it is easy for the other nodes to verify that it is indeed a correct solution and only then is it used to append a block to the end of the security of PoW relies on the difficulty of these puzzles. To achieve a fork in the chain, one would have to mine blocks faster than everyone else in the network. This would require large amounts of computing power which would be expensive and suffer from a cost. Even then, a fork may not succeed if the community decides not accept the longer chain. One problem with PoW is the energy inefficiency [18]. Green bond investors may be reluctant to use technologies that have such cost even if it may be fractional compared to the effect of the bond. For this reason, this paper will focus on blockchains that use PoS where little energy is needed to mine blocks. In PoS, the influence each node has is proportional to the number of tokens it has. A subset of nodes are chosen at random and together create and validate a proposed block. Algorand, the blockchain of choice for this project, achieves consensus through a pure PoS protocol [19] based upon a decentralized Byzantine Agreement protocol. Section 2.4 covers Algorand in more detail. With PoS, the users with the most influence also are the most invested in the This serves as a strong incentive for these users to be honest because they have the most to lose if trust is lost in the technology and the currency depreciates. In addition, PoS removes the need for wasteful energy consumption making it appropriate for green bond criticism leveraged at PoW that PoS addresses is its barrier to entry for mining. In PoW, miners often compete with each other using specialist hardware. This can lead as a few large mining centres control the market [20]. Comparatively, PoS enables more nodes to join the network and participate in the consensus protocol. One potential issue with PoS is known as the nothing at stake problem. In PoW mining, an attacker would have to consume a lot of resources attempting to create a fork in the chain. With naive PoS, at no extra cost one can continually try to create a fork mining on top of current longest chain. To solve this issue, PoS mechanisms that punish nodes that are building blocks on more than one chain. 2.3.2 Smart Contracts A smart contract is a computer program written to a blockchain that can be used to automatically enforce contracts. Smart contracts facilitate the transfer of digital assets between parties once predetermined conditions are met, without the need for a The code of the smart contract determines its functionality and often cannot be altered once added to the contracts have many interesting applications [21]. Specific to green bonds, they can facilitate issuance and settlements, as well as automate investors coupons and This presents opportunities to standardise the green bond offerings and provide bonds as a service [16] [22], where people can create their own green bonds at low costs. An important property of smart contracts is its openness. Since they are written to a blockchain, their contents can be viewed by everyone. Trust is very important in the Decentralised Applications (DApps) are applications with their backend code running on a decentralised peer-to-peer network. They typically have a frontend user interface and the backend utilises smart contract functionality. These applications benefit from its de- centralised properties, making them more trustworthy and secure. 2.3.4 Tokens and are assets that can be transferred using blockchain technology. Tokens can be fungible or non-fungible and can represent anything from a security to a voting right. Bitcoin is one such example of a fungible token. Tokens should not be used to store large amounts of data because storing data on a blockchain is very expensive. Instead this data should be stored externally, and its hash which acts as a fingerprint can be stored on the blockchain and tracked by tokens. Through this approach, tokens can be used for application of tokens is stablecoins, which address the problem of Bond issuers and investors are unlikely to want to expose themselves to the risk of rapid price changes. Stablecoins can be divided into a number of categories depending on what, if anything, it is collateralized against. These are: and The most common type and the type which provides the greatest stability, stablecoins, are digital assets that track fiat currency using smart contracts. A key difference between stablecoins and their corresponding fiat cur- rency is where there risk fall. Fiat currency is guaranteed by the Central Bank however a stablecoin is not. One well known stablecoin is Tether, which is tied to the US affiliated entities. Using Tether and similar stablecoins requires trusting them and the commercial banks that are holding their reserves. Table 2.1 summarises the different types of stablecoins and their respective risks. Issuer Examples Risks Central Bank There are currently no examples National currency Bank JPMCoinBank holding the Bank FnalityRisk spread across the banks National currency Finance CompanyTether (USDT) USD Coin (USDC)Finance company Bank holding the currency Table 2.1: stablecoin types 142.4 [24], founded in 2017 by Turing Award winner Silvio Micali, is an open source public blockchain that uses proof of stake to achieve consensus. The currency used in Algorand is Algos, and all online users with Algosare eligible to participate in selecting and writing a given block into the Inagivenround, written to the chain. We can use its property of finality to confirm transactions in under five seconds. When talking about blockchain, it is common to refer to layer-1 and layer-2. Layer-1 refers to the underlying main blockchain architecture and layer-2 the overlaying network that is built on top of the blockchain. Algorand anticipated many of its use cases and provided layer-1 features to solve them. In the subsequent sections, we will explain some of the features utilised in this project. 2.4.1 Accounts An account in Algorand is made up of a (unique) public address and a key. Each account has its own associated on-chain data, for example its Algo balance. A person can sign a transaction from their account using its' private key and submit it to the blockchain. There are various types of transactions that are supported, the most relevant of which are:
*Payment Transfer Algos to an Send ASAs (see section 2.4.2) to an Call a stateful smart contract (see section 2.4.6) 2.4.2 Algorand Standard Assets Algorand Standard Assets (ASAs) are assets built into layer-1 of the Algorand blockchain. They share the same properties as Algos in that they can be held by different addresses and can be transferred between parties. ASAs can represent stablecoins, digital art, securities etc. When creating an asset you specify its parameters like the total number you would like to mint. Each created ASA is given a unique identification number. Just like with any currency, you cannot instances of the same ASA. To receive an ASA, one must first opt into it. This is because otherwise someone could send an account many meaningless assets which would pollute their holdings and incur a fee (see section 2.4.8). ASAs also offer additional functionality, two of which we will make use of. The first is that the asset creator can specify an account which has the ability to freeze all assets or freeze asset holdings for a specific account. The second is that the asset creator can set a clawback account that is allowed to revoke assets from one account and send these to another account. We will later combine these features in our implementation, section 4.1.2. 152.4.3 Atomic money and assets traditionally requires a trusted intermediary which ensures protocol. In Algorand, you can group multiple transactions and submit them at one time. If any of the transactions within the group fail then they all do, and if they all succeed then the transactions are successful. A maximum of 16 transactions can be grouped together and these transactions can be of all different types. For example you can group a and an AssetTransfer transaction to exchange Algos for an asset. 2.4.4 Smart Contracts Smart contracts in Algorand can be split into two categories: stateless and stateful. They are both written in the Transaction Execution Approval Language (TEAL), see section 2.4.7. Often stateful and stateless contracts are linked together. This is done when you need to store some persistent data (stateful), whether global or local, which is paired with some type of spending transaction Stateless Smart smart contracts can be further divided into two models of use: contract accounts and delegated signatures. In both cases the contracts are not stored on the blockchain and their logic is evaluated at the time when a transaction is accounts are like any other Algorand account, they have an address, can send and receive Algos and ASAs and can call stateful smart contracts. The only difference is that instead of using a private key to approve transactions from itself, it uses its smart contract. This is known as a Logic Signature . Contract accounts can therefore be used as an escrow account. The address may own these holdings to another account. Fig 2.4 shows the process of sending a transaction from a contract account. Figure 2.4: Transaction from contract signatures is another way of using stateless smart contracts. An Algorand ac- count can sign a stateless smart contract with their private key. At this point then someone can use this stateless smart contract to sign transactions on behalf of the original account that signed the logic. This two stage process is outlined in Fig 2.5. 16Figure 2.5: Signing TEAL logic and submitting transaction from account using example use case for delegated signatures would be someone signing logic which can be used by their gas company to extract payment from them. The stateless smart contract can be written and signed to approve a monthly transfer of 100 Algos from their account to the gas company. 2.4.6 Stateful Smart alsoknownas applications , during block assembly time. Stateful smart contracts differ with stateless smart contracts in that they do not approve spending transactions from an account, but rather they approve logic that manipulates its stored state. If the application call false, any changes to its state triggered by the transaction will be cancelled. Fig 2.6 shows an overview of the stateful smart contract in smart contracts utilise on chain storage by storing additional values both in a global state and a local state. An application has a single global state which is accessible to any account that calls the smart contract. To access local state, one must first opt into the application. Each opted in account has its own local state. The global state of the contract is limited to 64 key-value pairs, and the local state is limited to 16 key-value pairs for each individual account that interacts with it. The cost of the contract is proportional to the amount of storage used. The creator account must fund the global state cost while each opted in account is responsible for its own local storage cost, see section 2.4.8 for more 2.6: Algorand Stateful Smart smart contracts are made up of two programs: the ApprovalProgram and . There are a set number of supported application calls; the type is handled by the and all others are handled by :
*OptInEnable local state application Update the TEAL program with new logic Delete the Opt out of application and its TEAL Like CloseOut but will always opt out of the application whether the transaction succeeds or fails A transaction can include arguments as well as the IDs of additional applications and accounts. The global state of the applications referenced can only be read, and the local state of caller and referenced accounts can both be read and written to. In addition, the local state of the five mentioned accounts can be read for any smart contract written to the blockchain. As seen above in the supported application calls list, Algorand has a unique allows you to update and delete a stateful smart contract. By default anyone can perform these actions so additional logic must be added to the ApprovalProgram to prevent this. State requirements for the contract must be specified at creation and is the one exception in that it cannot be altered once the contract has been written to the TEAL Algorand smart contracts are written in an assembly like language called Approval Language (TEAL) and is processed with a stack machine. TEAL contains a set of operators that interact with the values on the stack, for example popand bz. There is scratch space which allows you to store and retrieve values in a program. TEAL also supports passing byte array arguments to a program. Smart contracts can also be written in Python and compiled to TEAL using PyTeal. PyTeal introduces some basic control flow operations such as IfandCondbut still remains very primitive. The majority of its supported statements can be directly mapped TEAL performs no optimisations as well so one has to ensure they write efficient code. TEAL version 3 (TEAL3), the most recent update to TEAL, is not Turing-complete as it does not support backwards branching. Although this restricts its functionality, it makes smart contracts written in TEAL more secure and easier to validate. Currently TEAL3 does not support functions either. There are only two types: uint64 and []byte in and TealType.bytes in PyTeal. Fig 2.7 is an example of some code written in PyTeal and TEAL. The contract verifies that you are sending at least 50,000 microAlgos to a given address and the total spend including the transaction fee is less than 55,000 microAlgos. You can see the the two 2.1: *
defcontract (): to = Txn. receiver () == Addr (...) send = Txn.amount() > Int(50000) tot = Txn.amount() + Txn. fee () spend = tot < And( to , send , spend )Listing 2.2: TEAL txn Receiver addr ...
txn Amount int 50000
txn Amount txn Fee
int 2.7: Snippet of equivalent PyTeal and TEAL code Algorand does not use the concept of gas to restrict TEAL program computation; there are no additional costs (on top of the fee that every transaction has) when calling an application irrespective of what gets executed. However there are some hard limits which restricts the size and contents of the TEAL programs you can write. TEAL programs: stateless and stateful are limited to 1,000 bytes and 1,024 bytes respec- tively. Each TEAL opcode also has an associated numeric value representing its cost. For many opcodes such as >, the cost is 1, but for more computationally expensive opcodes, the cost is higher. To ensure a high transaction throughput there is a maximum opcode 19cost for TEAL programs. As stateless smart contracts live off-chain their total opcode cost limit is 20,000, whereas a stateful smart contract have a total opcode cost limit of 700. 2.4.8 Fees All fees in Algorand are paid using Algos. The lowest denomination of Algos is microAlgos in an Algo). Every account in Algorand must have a minimum balance of 100,000 microAlgos. If a transaction is sent that would result in a balance below 100,000 microAlgos, then the transaction will fail. The minimum balance to contract accounts as well. There are fees for: submitting a transaction, opting into an ASA, creating a stateful smart contract and opting into a stateful smart in Algorand have a 1,000 microAlgos fee regardless of the transaction type. If the number of transactions increase above the maximum supported 1,000 transactions per second (approximately) then these costs will increase as you compete with others to get your transaction recorded. However this has yet to happen for any sustained period of time. The minimum balance requirement increases for every opted into ASA, and for creating and opting into a stateful smart contract. For an ASA the increase is 100,000 microAlgos. For stateful smart contracts the increase is determined by the following formula: 100000 + 285000 schema:NumUint + 50000 the creator, the variables refer to the global state and for the account that is opting in, the variables refer to the local state. 20Chapter 3 Requirements and Design In this chapter we will outline the green bond life cycle and the functionality needed from the stakeholders involved. We will then see how the solution meets these requirements and how the components interact. 3.1 are a number of stakeholders to consider when it comes to green issuer is the entity that borrows money by selling the green bond. This could be a government, bank or The investor is the entity that lends money by purchasing the green bond. This could be institutional or retail verifier The agency that assesses the greenness of the bond.
*Financial regulator The agency that keeps track that the bond is compliant with financial Issuer The issuer must be able to issue the green bond to the market and in return payment. They would then be able to freely use these funds for their project. There must also be a mechanism for the issuer to fulfil the green bond requirements as per the green bond standards framework, and the ability to repay investors in the form of coupons and principal payments. 3.1.2 Investor The investor must be able to purchase the available green bonds either directly from the issuer at the time of issuance or in the secondary market. They must be able to make informed decisions regarding the credit worthiness of the issuer, and the greenness of the bond. Bond holders should also be able to receive regular coupon and principal payments using Green verifier The green verifier must be able to provide a green rating to a green bond initial use of proceeds proposal and also evaluate the ongoing green bond reporting of the issuer. To Financial regulator The financial regulator must be able to approve the green bond issuance, monitor the financial transactions of the bond, freeze the bond in the presence of financial also be able to prevent specific investors from benefiting from the bonds in cases such as AML violations. 3.2 Bond Life Cycle The design for the life cycle of the green bond is very similar to that of a regular bond as shown in Fig 3.1. Figure 3.1: The life cycle of a green bond 22The bond is initially issued and there is a set window where investors can buy the bond directly from the issuer at a fixed cost. After the buy period closes, the bond can be traded freely in the secondary market for the rest of its lifetime. There are periodic coupon payments specified according to the At maturity the bond can be exchanged for its' principal. At every payment event, there is a check to see whether the issuer has supplied enough funds to pay out all the money owed at that time. It is the responsibility of the issuer to transfer funds to an escrow account from which investors can claim their money from. For example if the coupon payments where $10 per bond and there was 1,000 bonds in circulation, then the total money owed at the first coupon payment will be $10,000. Similar checks are made for every coupon payment and the final principal payment. In the scenario where there is insufficient funds to pay the money owed then the bond defaults. At this point investors can claim a proportion of the remaining funds available that was from the issuer. For example, using the previous case where $10,000 is owed and there is 1,000 bonds in circulation: if an investor owns 5 bonds and there is $3,000 available then they would be able to claim $15 of the $50 owed, or 0.05% of $3,000. 3.3 Green Rating One of the key barriers to green bond adoption is a lack of green credit ratings [2]. Incor- porating a rating mechanism into the structure of the green bond should help solve this issue. The green verifier provides ratings for the following events:
*Use of Proceeds When the bond is first At a coupon payment period, typically annually or biannually. The rating is on a scale between one and five, one being the worst and five being the best. Figure 3.2 summarises the report-rating timeline. Figure 3.2: The timeline of green reports and ratings Between issuance and the date from which investors can purchase the bond, the issuer submits a report for the use of proceeds of the bond. The green verifier can use the uploaded document(s) to then assign a green rating which must also be done before the buy period. 23In addition, at every coupon period there is an opportunity for investors to add a green rating towards the end of the period based on this Social, and Governance (ESG) funds and more generally green investors are looking to place their money in green bonds which meet certain green standards . Low green ratings may result in reduced bond pricing in the secondary market and would reflect badly on the issuer and the ESG fund managers that have chosen to invest in a poorly rated green bond. To increase incentives for issuers to meet their green targets and achieve high green ratings, Dr Enrico Biffis, an Associate Professor of Actuarial Finance at Imperial College Business School, suggested linking the bond coupon rate to the green rating. Similar approaches have been suggested in the past for incorporating carbon pricing into green bonds [25]. The design is such that a most recent rating of 5 means that the coupon payment specified at issuance is used to determine the coupon payouts to investors. However the issuer is penalised for lower ratings, where each drop in rating increases the coupon payments by 10%. Table 3.1 provides an example of how this would work. Green Rating Penalty Coupon Payment Value (2dp) 5 0% $5.00 4 10% $5.50 3 21% $6.05 2 33.1% $6.66 1 46.4% $7.32 Table 3.1: Effect of green ratings on coupon payments 3.4 Secondary Market The bond can be freely traded among investors in the secondary market. Pricing is fully determined by market forces. Investors may use some of the following when making de- cisions regarding a specific green bond: the uploaded reports from the investor, the green ratings of the bond, the money in the bond's escrow account and the parameters of this chapter we will cover the implementation details for the project. We will talk about the interesting problems encountered when developing the smart contracts and implementations with the reasons why they were not chosen. Lastly we will give an overview of the DApp architecture, coupled with the main features of the Algorand Blockchain All the smart contracts and assets were deployed on the Algorand TestNet. The TestNet allows developers to test their applications with the latest protocol version before before deploying to the MainNet. There are faucets available so that one can fund their TestNet accounts with Algos to use for In particular: atomic transfers, ASAs, stateful smart contracts and stateless smart contracts (contract accounts and delegated Stablecoin In Algorand, stablecoins such as Tether USDt and USDC are simply ASAs. Therefore since we do not have a way of obtaining these for testing purposes, we created a new ASA on the blockchain with a total supply of and 6 decimals. By distributing this stablecoin ASA to accounts, we can replicate the scenario of stablecoin to issuers and other investors to purchase bonds, and also the as- sociated green bond coupon and principal stablecoin payments. 4.1.2 Green Bond For each green bond issuance, a new ASA is created with a unique identification number. Its supply is equal to the number of bonds the issuers would like to sell and has 6 decimals to support fractional bond ownership. For instance, an investor with 0.5 of this ASA can exchange their holdings for half the principal amount at Linking Stateful and Stateless Smart Contracts Before detailing the smart contracts involved, it is important to understand how stateful and stateless smart contracts can be linked. As explained in sections 2.4.5 and 2.4.6, stateless smart contracts are used to approve transactions spent from an account and stateful smart contracts are used to store and manage state. What happens then when you need to use on-chain data (stateful) to approve transactions from an account (stateless)? The answer is that you link together the two. Figure 4.1: Linking (stateless) contract account and stateful application When you deploy a stateful smart contract you get an an application identification num- ber. The stateless smart contract can incorporate this into its logic by declaring that all transactions from the account will fail unless they are grouped with an application call to the stateful smart contract. The stateless smart contract can be compiled and you get the escrow address for the contract account. If you similarly want to require an application call to the stateful smart contract state to also submit a transaction from the stateless smart contract then you can embed its escrow address into its TEAL. However this creates a cycle where the stateful and stateless depend on one another as shown in figure 4.1. To solve this issue you can add the escrow address to the already deployed application by either adding it to its state or using the transaction described in section 2.4.6. We made use of the second approach. 4.1.4 ASA Custom Transfer Logic As discussed in section 2.4.2 assets can be traded similar to how Algos are traded, by submitting an asset transfer transaction. However by utilising the freeze and one can require custom logic to be executed every time these assets are traded. This logic can track these assets as well as approve / reject any transactions which transfer them. The figure 4.2 outlines how this would work for example when trading a bond in the sec- ondary market. The ASA which represents the bond is frozen so they cannot be between two parties. Frozen assets can still be transferred though by the clawback account which has the ability to revoke the asset holding of an account and send them to another account. We can therefore utilise stateless smart contract functionality, and set the clawback account to be a contract account. At this point the only way for the bond to be transferred is for the logic of the contract account to approve the 4.2: Asset custom transfer using smart contract logic This solution provides the mechanism for the bond to be transferred from the issuer to the investor when they group the transaction atomically with a stablecoin payment and vice versa when the bond is exchanged for the principal at 4.2 shows how all of this comes together. Let's say Bob wants to transfer the green bond in the secondary market to Alice. Bob cannot submit an AssetTransfer transaction as the ASA representing the green bond is frozen. Bob must instead have the it is controlled by its TEAL logic. In this logic it outlines that Bob must call the stateful smart contract or otherwise it will reject the clawback transaction. At this point we finally have our solution: Bob calls the stateful smart contract, and groups that with a clawback transaction signed by the logic of the stateless smart Smart Contracts For each green bond issuance, a new set of smart contracts are created and smart contract that exposes mechanisms to buy green bonds, trade green bonds, claim coupons and claim Stateful smart contract that manages green ratings and bond Contract Account Stateless smart contract that issuer funds and whose logic approves stablecoin payments for coupons and principal. In sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 we outlined how stateless and stateful smart contracts can be linked together, and how to ensure all ASA transfers are approved / rejected by smart contract logic. In our case the Bond Contract Account is the stateless contract account that is set as the clawback account for the green bond ASA. To approve any bond transaction), it firsts checks that it is atomically grouped with an application call to the contains the following key value pairs in its storage:
*Local CouponsPaid The number of collected coupons by an investor and their green bonds.
*Local Trade The number of bonds owned by the account that are willing to be traded. This paired with a delegated signature, see section 4.1.9, is used to in the secondary market.
*Local Frozen Boolean for if an account is frozen. Determines if they can buy /
trade the green bonds and claim coupons / principal payments. Initially this is set to false (zero) such that only approved investors can purchase the green bond.
*Global CouponsPaid The maximum Local CouponsPaid across all investors. Used for bond Reserve The amount of stablecoin reserved in the stablecoin contract ac- count that will be used to fund coupon and principal payments. Used for bond Frozen Boolean for if all accounts are frozen. Determines if anyone can buy
/ trade the green bonds and claim coupons / principal payments. Initially this is set to false (zero) such that only approved issuers can sell their green contains the key value pairs for the green rating. Ideally we would like to store an array of length (No. Coupon Rounds + 1). Index 0 would contain the green rating for the use of proceeds and all the other postions will contain a green rating for the corresponding coupon round. However in PyTeal / TEAL there is no support we can use the key value map as an array. The key 0can contain the use of proceeds green rating, the key 1the first coupon green rating and so on. However this is costly as we would need one key value pair for every rating, and moreover the global state is limited to 64 key value pairs in total. Therefore because each value is 8 bytes in length, 28we store 8 ratings in each state value. Now we only need Math.ceil((No. Coupon Rounds
+ 1) / 8) key value pairs. For example a green bond which has ratings of 5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3 would have state:
*Global 0 base16
*Global 1 base16 One interesting implementation decision when writing the stateful smart contracts con- cerned when to hard code values in the TEAL smart contracts and when to rather store them in the global state. The advantage of hard coding the values is that there is no extra cost of having extra key value pairs in the global state. However this means that it is difficult to read these values from the blockchain as the smart contracts have to be decompiled and then parsed. In contrast, if the values are in the global state, they can be easily read from the blockchain but this incurs an added storage cost. The approach chosen was that any values that are updated during the bond life cycle is stored in the smart contract state and all other values that are set at issuance and hard coded into the logic. For example the number of coupon rounds paid in stored in the smart contract state whereas the maturity date is not. Mainis a stateful smart contract which coordinates everything together. A typical pattern one can use in an application in Algorand is to pass a string to a NoOpapplication call and execute different logic depending on the string. This gives the impression of an different methods an account can supports passing the following addition the Manage application supports passing the following will cover these in more detail in the following Green Rating Fig 3.2 gives an overview of the timeline for green verifier ratings. The green verifier is able to call the Manage application with the string rate. The transaction also requires a second argument for the rating which is an integer between one and five inclusive. The time that the transaction was submitted at will determine what the rating is for. TxType SignFrom AppArg0 Arg1 0NoOp App 4.1: Rate Freeze The financial regulator can call the Mainapplication with either the string freeze green bond is default frozen until the financial regulator approves the listing. They do this using freeze_all and passing a non-zero number as an argument, and can also later revoke this license by calling freeze_all with argument zero. TxType Sign From AppArg1 Arg2 0NoOp App <number>
Table 4.2: Freeze All Transaction The financial regulator can also freeze a specific account from interacting with the green bond, whether buying, trading or claiming money on their already owned bonds. Table 4.3 outlines the freeze account transaction. Accounts are set to frozen by default which allows the financial regulator to perform KYC and AML checks before approving an investor. TxType Sign From AppArg1 Arg2 0NoOp App 4.3: Freeze Account Buy You can buy the green bond between the start buy date and end buy date by submitting the transactions in Table 4.4 grouped together. The bond and stablecoin payment are exchanged using the asset custom transfer logic we spoke about earlier in section 4.1.4. 30TxType Sign - - N -Issuer N*Cost -- Table 4.4: Buy Atomic Transaction Group 4.1.9 Trade To trade the green bond, the owner must call the Mainapplication with trade. This must be coupled with the bond transfer, using the clawback functionality, and also a small fee for bond escrow that revoked the asset from investor 1 to investor 2. The trade verification makes no assumption about any further transactions in the group. For example one may decide to gift their green bond to a friend or sell it on the secondary market for Algos. Imagine an investor wants to sell their green bond on the secondary market in exchange for stablecoin. The blockchain can facilitate this transfer without the need for an both the bond holder and buyer can trust the transfer. The bond holder first sets the number of bonds they are willing to trade using the trans- action in table 4.5. Then a stateless smart contract can be generated which specifies the terms under which they would sell the bond - the stablecoin amount and an expiry date. This is then signed with the investor's private key and can now be used as a by the buyer. The buyer can submit the following group of transactions in table 4.6 to trigger the trade of the bond. TxType 1Mainset tradeN Table 4.5: Set number of bonds willing to trade The reason why the bond holder first sets in their local state how many bonds they would like to trade in total is because otherwise people can take advantage of their . For example if an investor were to encode in a stateless smart contract that they would like to sell 2 bonds then that delegated signature could be used multiple times until the investor no longer owns any green bonds. The stateless smart contract logic has no concept of on-chain data so cannot tell whether it has already been used before when approving future trades. Subsequently we use the bond holders local storage and if they 31are willing to sell 2 of their bonds at a cost of $1,000 per bond then a person can come along and buy 0.5 bonds for $500 which would update the state value to 1.5 bonds. Then a second buyer could purchase the remaining 1.5 bonds at $1,500 and then at that point all trades from that account will be blocked by the Mainapplication call (or Sign - -Maintrade 1Algo TransferLogic SignatureInvestor 1 2-Investor 1N*Price - Table 4.6: Trade Atomic Transaction Group Using Logic Signature 4.1.10 Coupon Green bond owners can claim coupons using the transactions in table 4.7. As explained in the requirements section 3.3, the amount of stablecoin paid is inversely proportional to the green rating of the bond. The smart contract calls verify that the correct payment is made based on this rating. TxType Sign From ToAmount App Args 0NoOp App - - Main coupon 1NoOp App - Tx3- N*Coupon - - Table 4.7: Claim Coupon Atomic Transaction Group One interesting consideration is checking if the green bond has defaulted. Each time someone tries to claim a coupon, we use the local number of coupon payments collected and compare that to the global maximum number of coupon payments across all investors. If the transactions are the first time a coupon has been claimed for that round, which we know when Local CouponsPaid exceedsGlobal CouponsPaid , then we need to check that 32the bond has not defaulted. This is done by incrementing Global Reserve by the coupon payment value multiplied by the number of bonds in circulation. We then assert in that there is enough funds in the stablecoin escrow amount to meet the entire Reserve amount. Table 4.8 is an example run through of how this works in practise. We are using a fixed
$100 coupon payment per bond to simplify the calculations here but in reality this will be dependant on the green 1 buys 5 green bonds5 0 0 0 0 0 yes Investor 2 buys 10 green bonds15 0 0 0 0 0 yes Issuer funds escrow $1,50015 0 0 0 0 1,500 yes Investor 2 claims coupon15 0 1 1 500 500 yes Investor 1 claims coupon15 1 1 1 0 0 yes Issuer funds escrow $1,00015 1 1 1 0 1000 yes Investor 1 claims coupon15 2 1 2 1500 1000 no Table 4.8: Default checks when investors claiming $100 coupons 4.1.11 the green bond principal is similar to claiming coupons with the addition of forfeiting all bonds owned. At maturity, the investor can submit the transactions in table 4.9 atomically grouped. In addition to verifying there is sufficient funds to pay all coupons owed, there is a check to ensure all principals can be payed. If there is not enough money to do so, then the grouped transactions will be Sign Amount App Args 0NoOp App - - - Main coupon 1NoOp App - - - - N*Principal - Tx2- Tx3- - Table 4.9: Claim Principal Atomic Transaction Group 4.1.12 Default To claim a default, there must be insufficient funds to pay all money owed to investors. The implementation first verifies that the bond owner has claimed all the coupon payments that they are entitled to up to and including the Global CouponsPayed , ensuring investors do not lose out on any money based on their delayed stablecoin payment application checks not whether a bond has been defaulted, but whether the one additional coupon payment (or principal) would cause the bond to default. That way investors are able to maximise the money they can recoup. TxType Sign Amount - - - Main - - - Default Proportion- Tx2- Tx3- - Table 4.10: Claim Default Atomic Transaction Group 34When a bond defaults there are a number of options available to the investor. They can wait in the hope that the issuer transfers more stablecoin into the escrow account, can trade the bond in the secondary market to distressed debt investors or exchange the bond for a proportion of the remaining funds in the escrow. For the last option, they submit the transaction group in table 4.10 and the stateful smart contracts together verify the stablecoin transfer is equal Global:Reserve InterPlanetary File System As part of the green verifier rating, the issuer uploads documents for the use of proceeds and green reporting. Blockchain is not designed to store large amounts of data and it would be very costly to do so. To overcome these limitations, we use the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to share the files uploaded by the issuer. IPFS is a protocol and peer-to-peer network for storing data in a distributed way. Each file is hashed to get a Content IDentifier (CID) which can be used to uniquely refer to the file. When a client want to look up a particular file, all they need to do is supply the CID and the distributed nodes cooperate to return the contents from the global namespace. To link this to the Algorand blockchain the issuer first uploads the file to IPFS and then submit a transaction from their Algorand account with the hash in the notefield. The issuer may be responsible for many bonds so the hash is prepended by the application identification number for the green bond. The structure is:
When we want to retrieve the files for a given green bond, the blockchain can be searched by looking up all transactions from the issuers address that has the noteprefix of . The suffix of the note for the transactions returned are the CIDs which can be used to query the distributed file system known as IPFS. 4.1.14 Testing As Algorand smart contract development is relatively recent, there are not many tools available when it comes to testing. One method of testing smart contracts is by creating a local private network, deploying them there and manually checking their is tedious and cumbersome as due to the time nature of the green bond life cycle, you have to wait until a certain coupon date or maturity. Furthermore all the setup takes several minutes. The main way the implementation was tested was using the Algo Builder framework [26]. It includes a runtime package which can simulate (most) Algorand transactions smart contract calls. This was combined with Mochafor the test framework and Chaifor assertions. Together these were able to automate testing of all different scenarios and edge cases that would otherwise be difficult to test Alternative number of different implementations were considered for the green bond. Section 4.1.2 outlined the decision to issue one ASA per green bond issuance with its supply equal to the number of bonds the issuer intends to sell. Two alternatives considered were: 1.ASA for every bond Issuer wants to sell n number of bonds. In total n number of ASA are created, each with a supply of 1. 2.ASA for each coupon round and the final principal Issuer wants to sell n number of bonds with p coupon payment periods (e.g. p=10 for 5 year bond with biannual coupons). In total p+1 ASAs are created, each with a supply of n. The benefits of the first approach is that you can distinguish between each bond using its unique identification number. Instead of storing in the application how many coupon payments were made to a particular account, you rather store how many coupon payments were made for a particular bond. You no longer need to track bond transfers in the secondary market as you will always be able to identify which bond is which. There are a few problems with the first approach however, the most severe of which is that it does not scale. There is a fixed cost per ASA creation, you must opt in to receive an ASA which incurs a transaction fee, and currently a single Algorand account can opt into a maximum of 1,000 different ASA. This would restrict an account from owning more than 1,000 bonds. You can get around this by each user having more than one Algorand account when necessary but the costs are still way too high. The second approach is a lot more viable than the first. Idea 2 enables investors to trade coupons independently of the bond. This is known as Coupon Bonds orBearer Bonds are no longer stored. One concern with this implementation is how the market will react to the new Pricing becomes different as you are not trading bonds but now a form of futures, which may deter some consideration one has to make is the cost of the solution. An investor who pur- chases the bond upfront would need to opt into every ASA. This is a significant upfront cost. In addition, there are opcode and size limitations for stateful smart contracts. One would need to store the asset identification numbers of many ASA which may breach these limits as the number of coupon payments grows. You could have one contract per ASA but this would be costly on the issuer. 4.2 DApp A DApp was created as a demo application for how users would interact with the platform as a whole. The DApp gives the users the ability to act as an issuer, investor, green verifier or financial regulator. In practise, a user would have to be approved before they can have these permissions. For example an investor would have some KYC checks and only a handful of accounts would be a green verifier or financial regulator. The DApp interacts with the Algorand blockchain using both a frontend user interface and backend server. The frontend allows users to sign transactions using their locally stored keys. The backend is used to interact with the blockchain using private keys which is used 36in issuance and the stablecoin dispenser. There is also a connected database for such as the addresses linked to a user account. The DApp architecture is shown in Figure 4.3. Figure 4.3: DApp Architecture A user guide on how interact with the web application is provided in Appendix A. 4.2.1 Languages, Frameworks and Tools Used Some of the technologies used to write more reliable and easier to refactor code.
*React[28] A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Used to build encap- sulated components, each with their own state, which can be combined to create complex Used to share state across [30] A React UI framework that provides components for faster and easier [31] An asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime. Used in the server to handle concurrent network connections and [32] Node.js web framework. Used for routing and authentication [33] Relational database system that uses the SQL language. Used to store off-chain data.
*Auth0[34] Authentication platform. Used for authorisation and account Labs Algorand Developer API [35] Used to interact with the needing to run our own MyAlgo wallet 4.2.2 Redux The Redux store holds the whole state tree of your application. To update the state inside it, you must dispatch an action. This triggers a call to the reducer which changes the state depending on the action and the previous state value. For the application, the state tree is split into two branches: one to store state about the logged in user and the other to store state about the green bonds. interface BondState {
apps: Map<number, ?: number; trades : Map<number, ?: UserState {
addresses : string ?: 4.4: React Redux interface contains two map data structures. The first links the main smart contract application identification number for a given green bond, to the application itself. The value contains information including the bond identification number, and like the stateful smart contracts' global state. The other map stores trade offers for a given application and will be discussed in more detail in section interface is used to store the Algorand addresses connected to the user account and also information regarding the selected Algorand address. This comprises of blockchain readings for the Algo balance, owned green bonds and stateful smart contracts' local state. 384.2.3 React Components The React components were divided into two categories: presentational components and container components. Presentational components control how the user interface looks and are often reusable, whereas container components manage state and the application logic. This design pattern helped separate to separate concerns, making it easier to refactor and reason about the code. An example of the pattern in use are the components . As the name suggest, is the It utilises the connect() function from Redux that allows the component to dispatch actions and read the global state. The component also contains the logic for submitting a green rating. passes props to its child which is the presentational component. is responsible for positioning the page components and does not contain any state. Figure 4.5: Simplified React Component Tree Figure 4.5 shows a simplified component tree, starting from App, the top level is shared across all pages so it is a direct child of App. The React Router is used to simulate multiple URLs in the web application. It is coupled with Auth0 React package which protects each page so that only authenticated users can access them. 39If a user tries to go to one of these paths they are automatically redirected to the login page. Subsequently there are an additional six ProtectedRoute children components for the dashboard, issuer, investor, green verifier, financial regulator and settings pages. The last component is Routewhich is for the home page and it catches all unknown paths. 4.2.4 MyAlgo To use the web application, a user must first create a MyAlgo Wallet account. They can then share their public Algorand addresses with the web application and make use of the MyAlgo Connect functionality to sign transactions securely, without having to expose their private keys. Figure 4.6 is a screenshot of a generated Algorand transaction from which the user can review and sign. Figure 4.6: Signing Transaction Using MyAlgo Connect Other than MyAlgo connect, the only other alternative for allowing users to sign trans- actions without having to store private keys is AlgoSigner [37]. AlgoSigner has the as MyAlgo Connect, however it is only available as a chrome extension so was not preferred. One limitation with MyAlgo Connect is that you cannot sign grouped atomic section 2.4.3. This provides a negative experience for the user as they have to sign 40each transaction separately and unless they look at the underlying code, they are unaware of any grouped atomic transactions. A malicious website could use this behaviour to steal funds from an account. For example, the user could sign a payment transaction expecting it to be grouped with a returned asset transfer. The website could then submit alone. Therefore the current implementation is not ideal and would not be suitable in a pro- duction environment. The MyAlgo team say that MyAlgo Connect will support in the next release so the problem should be resolved in the near future. 4.2.5 Issuer To issue a bond the issuer needs to fill in a form with the bond parameters: number of bonds to mint, number of coupon payments, start buy date, end buy date, maturity date, bond cost, bond coupon value and bond principal amount. For the purpose of the demo and allowing users to try out all the available interactions, they also specify the Algorand address for the green verifier and financial regulator. In practise, for the green verifier and financial regulator fields, there would either be a drop down option where the issuer can select from a few choices or they would have no say in the matter. When the issuer submits the form, the request is sent to the backend where the parameters are encoded into the smart contracts and are deployed. A new ASA is also created. The reason why these transactions are not created for the issuer to sign and submit is because of the current limitations in Algorand. Each address is only allowed to create up to 10 stateful smart contracts. There are two stateful smart contracts per issuance which would limit a single address to five green bond issuances in total. This can be handled by having the issuer generate and link new Algorand addresses but an easier solution is to just deploy the stateful smart contracts on behalf of the issuer. This is done in the backend by funding a new Algorand account which is used only ever once to both mint the green bond and create the applications. No additional keys have to be stored as the address will never need to be used again. The page also lists all the green bonds the account has issued. From there an issuer can upload the use of proceeds and periodic reports, fund the stablecoin escrow account, as well as review the ratings they have received. To upload a document, an issuer first chooses a locally stored PDF which is uploaded to IPFS. They are then asked to sign a zero Algo payment transaction which contains the content identifier for the file, as explained in section 4.1.13. 4.2.6 Investor The investor can view for sale, ongoing and expired green bonds. These are each listed in their own data table from which they are able to filter by cost, expiry date etc. To obtain the green bond offerings, a request is sent to the NodeJS server which retrieves the bond and stateful smart contracts identification numbers from the PostgreSQL database. The MyAlgo developer API is then queried to obtain blockchain readings concerning the green bonds. The number of minted bonds, the balance in the stablecoin escrow account, the number of coupons paid, among other values, are all returned. The user can enter into a particular green bond by clicking on an entry in the table. From the new view, the user can register for the green bond which enables them to purchase the bond. Registering is defined as opting into the green bond ASA so that their can hold them, and opting into one of the stateful smart contracts so that we can store information in their local state. All of this is hidden from the user in that they only need to click on the Register button and these transactions are automatically generated for them to asset ownership). Bond holders can then use the other exposed functionality to claim coupons, principal or default. The application will for example, verify they own some bonds, check that they have claimed all the coupons available and make sure their is insufficient funds in the stablecoin escrow account to pay all the remaining money owed, before allowing the investor to claim a default. If all these pass, then the investor can submit a default claim and the application will determine the amount of money owed to them which is embedded into the generated transactions. If the investor tries to get around the checks by creating these transactions themselves then the smart contract logic will reject them since they have their own similar checks. Another part of the DApp is the ability for investors to trade their bonds in the Green bond owners can set the number of bonds they are willing to sell and at which price. Other investors can then search and filter through all these trade offers and decide to accept them. Investors can use the interface to generate the delegated logic signatures which is stored in the PostgreSQL database so that when someone wants to use a particular trade offer, the signature is retrieved for the purpose of signing some of the transactions in the atomic transfer. Section 4.1.9 describes the blockchain part of the implementation in more detail. 4.2.7 Green Verifier The green verifier has a similar view to an issuer, except that instead of uploading PDF report and reviewing ratings, they review PDF reports and submit ratings. To do this, the green verifier first selects the green bond from a list of all the bonds they are a green verifier of. The uploaded PDFs are retrieved by searching the blockchain transactions of the issuer for the content identifiers which is used as a lookup into IPFS. The interface tells the green verifier the period for which they can add a rating for as demonstrated in Figure 3.2 and then they simply select the number of appropriate stars. A transaction is generated with these values for them to sign. 4.2.8 Financial Regulator The financial regulator can select from all the green bonds that they are the for. After selecting a particular green bond, the financial regulator can see the list of all registered investors for the bond and their respective balances, all obtained from reading the blockchain. By default both the issuer and all investors must be approved by the financial regula- tor. The financial regulator simply clicks on the button with their desired action and transaction is generated for them to sign. 42Chapter 5 Evaluation The evaluation of the project is determined by the extent to which the original objectives of the project were met, defined in section 1.2. The first objective can be evaluated can be evaluated by looking at the limitations of Algorand and areas which are lacking in its development. 5.1 Algorand Fees There are no currently available tools that estimate the cost values for you so all the costs were manually calculated using the Algorand documentation as a reference. To review the fees in Algorand, please see section 2.4.8. The exact cost is dependant on a number of factors. For example an issuer has to submit an additional transaction for every report they upload. Therefore the final values will be expressions from which we can substitute example values into. To issue the green bond there are fees to mint a new ASA, deploy the stateful smart contracts and supply the contract account with the minimum balance fee. The calculation can be seen in table 5.1, where n is the number of uploaded reports and c is equal + new ASA 0 100,000 1,000 101,000 Fund 0 1,000 203,000 Send green bond to escrow and configure0 0 2,000 2,000 Deploy Main App 0 184,000 1,000 185,000 Deploy Manage App 0 100,000 + 50,000c 1,000 101,000 + 50,000c Update Apps 0 0 2,000 2,000 Upload Report 0 0 1000n 1000n 594,000 + 50,000c + 1,000n Table 5.1: Issuance Cost The investor has a minimum balance to opt into receiving the green bond and storing local state in the main application. After that, the investor simply pays for transaction fees. The cost for each investor function is specified in table into ASA 0 100,000 1,000 101,000 Opt into App 0 184,000 1,000 185,000 Buy 1,000 0 3,000 4,000 Trade Sell 1,000 0 3,000 4,000 Trade Buy 0 0 1,000 1,000 Claim Coupon 1,000 0 3,000 4,000 Claim Principal 2,000 0 4,000 6,000 Claim Default 2,000 0 4,000 6,000 Table 5.2: Investor Costs The green verifier and financial regulator pay in total 1,000 microAlgos per would be to provide a green rating or to freeze the bond. For a green bond that has annual coupon payments for 10 years, assuming one report per period and ignoring trading (which has a very small fee), we have the following Algos or $1.13
*Investor 0.336 Algos or $0.34
*Green Verifier 0.011 Algos or $0.01
*Financial Regulator Negligible These costs are minimal; if Algorand's market cap reached Ethereum's market cap, the cost of issuance would be $103.60 and the investor would pay $30.84 in total. 445.2 Green Rating As we have seen, the green verifier submits green ratings for a bond before each coupon. For every rating dropped from 5 stars, the coupon payment values increase by 10% com- pounded, i.e. if the coupon rate is 2% (for 5 stars) then the coupon rate for 3 stars is 2.42%. Section 3.3 covers this in more details. We can use the bond price formula in section 2.1 to evaluate the effect the green ratings have on the theoretical price of the bond. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 plots the price of the green bond against the green rating. We assume that the green bond received the same green ratings for all its coupons. For figure 5.1: the bond pays an annual coupon rate of 5% (for 5 stars), has a face value of $100 and has a discount rate of 5%. Each colour represents a different length of time until maturity, and these range from 5 years to 20 years. The graph shows that bad green performance over increased time periods results in larger price increases. Investors receive higher coupon payments so the price of the bond is driven up. We can view green ratings similar to credit ratings where even though investors may get a higher return on their investments, there is an added risk where their funds may not be used for suitably green projects. Figure 5.1: Green bond price against green rating for various time periods For figure 5.2: the bond has a face value of $100, a discount rate of 5% and has 10 years until maturity. Each colour represents a different annual coupon rate (for 5 stars), and these range from 0% (zero coupon bond) to 8%. Green ratings have no effect on the price of a zero coupon bond as the ratings are tied to the coupon payments. This reflects are architecture where we expect the issuer to supply 45data and documentation at every coupon period regarding the green status of their project. If there are no coupons then there is no reporting (other than the use of we can see that as the coupon becomes less of a factor in the pricing of the bond, the green ratings have a smaller impact on the price as well. We could look into potentially reducing the penalties as the coupon rate in relation to the face value increases, and introducing a penalty for the principal which decreases as the face value in relation to the coupon rate 5.2: Green bond price against green rating for various coupon rates 5.3 Security The Algorand recommend guidelines were followed when writing the smart contracts. The contracts verify that there in never any rekeying which prevents a malicious actor There are also checks that the close-to property of a transaction is not set so funds cannot be stolen from the escrow accounts. Unit tests were written to verify the behaviour of the smart contracts and possible edge cases. These ensure that certain transactions fail and that malformed arguments are han- dled stateful smart contracts also disables the update functionality. A compromised issuer account would not have any impact on the security of their issued green bonds. Once the green bond is created and the funds are received, the issuer no longer interacts with concerns though are the green verifier and financial regulator. Through their rating, 46the green verifier directly impacts the money the issuer owes. The financial regulator has the ability to freeze the bond entirely. Both of these actors are assumed to be trustworthy but there should be additional safeguards in place to protect against malicious behaviour or leaked private keys. 5.4 Contributions to The Algorand Ecosystem Since Algorand is a relatively new technology, the ecosystem as a whole is of the most important ones in MyAlgo Wallet where you can spam an account with millions of assets. The attack goes as follows: let's say we have two new Algorand accounts, one controlled by Alice and the other controlled by Bob. Alice then sends Bob a zero amount of an ASA. The transaction fails on the blockchain since Bob never opted into the asset, however the MyAlgo displays the ASA in Bob's list of holdings. Alice can repeatedly do this at no cost since the transactions would never be approved.
*Major bug in Algo Builder [38], the only testing framework for Algorand smart contracts. The Txnopcode always referenced the first transaction in a as opposed to the current in Algo Builder [39] where you could opt out of an asset using a This behaviour is not allowed on the Algorand blockchain. As well as the above issues, an additional three issues were filed in the Algo detailing improvements that could be made that resulted in pull requests. There were also two minor bugs reported on the MyAlgo Connect signing tool that were also fixed. 5.5 Algorand There are many challenges to working with Algorand. As outlined above, there are few available tools for developers to work with and some of them have not been discussed in 4.2.4, there exists two signing tools that allow the user to sign their locally stored private keys. One is AlgoSigner but that can only be used as a chrome extension. Therefore the project uses My Algo Connect. My Algo Connect has a severe limitation in that it does not support grouped transactions (AlgoSigner does not support them either). This means that a user has to sign each transaction separately with- out having the guarantee that it is being grouped with another transaction. For Algorand to be a viable option, grouped transaction signing must be added. After reaching out to the MyAlgo team about this, they responded that they plan on adding this functionality in their next major release. There is also only one testing framework for Algorand smart contracts. At the moment, most developers are manually testing their smart contracts by using a private network and writing scripts. This methodology was used at the start of the project but became very tedious as the set up times are long and it is difficult to test smart contracts manually that are dependent on time. 47To solve this issue, the project made use of the Algo Builder tool. The project became the first open source project using Algo Builder. Algo Builder was difficult to work with at first as it lacked documentation and had a number of bugs. In late May 2021, version 1.0 of Algo Builder was released which included new documentation and fixed many of the reported bugs. Algo Builder still remains limited in that it only supports up to TEAL2. All TEAL3 code has to be commented out so portions of the smart contracts must be tested solely manually. There are also a number of problems with TEAL. Currently TEAL does not support looping which restricts what you can write. In addition there are size limitations on these contracts, see section 2.4.7, which were quickly exceeded. To combat this, argument names had to be shortened and the stateful smart contract code had to be split into two stateful smart contracts that referenced each other. The supported languages for smart contract development are very basic. In the case of PyTeal, it is a simple wrapper of the TEAL language in which you still have to with the stack. In addition, all debugging must be done by first compiling to TEAL and then stepping through the released on MainNet. Reach uses a subset of JavaScript and is much more expressive than TEAL. It has a compiler which is integrated with a theorem prover which verifies the correctness of the application. Since Reach came towards the end of the project, there was not enough time to test it out, however it looks like a great step to lowering the barrier to entry for Algorand. 5.6 Comparison With Existing Solutions There are few comparable solutions for green bond issuance on the blockchain. Some com- panies are working on blockchain bonds more generally, but they are still in presents a unique opportunity in the market for a platform like the one developed in this project. 5.6.1 Green Assets Wallet One platform that is aimed towards green bonds is Green Assets Wallet (GAW) [41]. GAW support green impact reporting using the Chromia blockchain. It uses the , whose role it is is to assess the documentation and data provided by an issuer. This is similar to the green verifier in our case. However the platform is limited; it only allows investors to view this information but all bond transfers and payments are done off-chain. Our proposed implementation supports the green bond in all aspects, from issuance to maturity, and thus benefits from immediate settlement and reduced 6 Legal and Ethical Issues One area to consider are the inconsistencies between blockchain and the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [42]. Article 17, right to be forgotten , states that a data subject can withdraw consent and the controller has an obligation to erase the personal data. Everything written to Algorand is permanent so one has to be careful when handling personal data. For our use case, there are privacy concerns where potentially the green bonds one owns can help identify the individual that controls that Algorand account. Green bond issuers also have Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) obligations. For this reason, blockchain bonds have in the past mainly been issued on permissioned blockchains with access to verified investors. In our smart contract the financial regulator must approve the green bond issuance and each account before they can purchase the green bond. This allows for off-chain KYC and AML checks. In addition, the financial regulator has the ability to freeze one's green bond assets. There are a number of risks in issuing green bonds using blockchain. To combat cryp- tocurrency price volatility, we used stablecoins however they have their own are vulnerable to a bank or other financial institution's risks (see section 2.3.4 for more details). There are also risks associated with the security of the used. Smart contracts often cannot be altered once written to the blockchain. Thorough anal- ysis must be done to ensure it is impossible for an attacker to exploit a vulnerability in the program. Blockchain green bonds will also lead to fewer intermediaries, important checks and balances [16]. All code developed and any associated intellectual property are licensed under the MIT license. This means that the project can benefit the wider community and help contribute to the green bond field. One possible unintended consequence is an increase in greenwash- ing. Regulatory frameworks should be established to ensure green bond proceeds are 7 Conclusion 7.1 Reflection The green bond market remains relatively small in comparison to the global bond market. The main obstacles to growth is: the perception of higher issuance costs, the risks of greenwashing for all stakeholders and lack of standardisation [43]. The work in this project demonstrates that blockchain can be used to substantially lower the costs and also provide transparency and accountability with regards to settlement period can be entirely eliminated through . We can also use a financial regulator to approve issuers and investors, thus complying with KYC /
AML legal has high throughput, low costs, and layer-1 support for assets and smart contracts. Its consensus mechanism also uses a lot less energy compared to other blockchains. However further development is needed around the Algorand ecosystem before it should be used in a production environment. 7.2 Summary of Achievements We have developed a proof of concept application for green bond issuance on blockchain that is cost effective. The implementation supports the life cycle of green bonds from issuance to maturity. Fractional asset ownership and low issuance fees opens the market to smaller investors and issuers. Issuers can receive stablecoin from the proceeding of the bond and investors can receive stablecoin through the coupons and principal. The green bonds can also be traded in the secondary market at virtually no cost. We created a novel system whereby an issuer can upload reports which are validated by a green verifier. The green ratings submitted has a direct impact on the issuer and the coupon amounts. The issuer not only suffers reputations damage, they are also hit with economic the financial regulator is able to freeze tokens to ensure the integrity of the market. An investor must first be preapproved before they are able to purchase the green bond, whether on the primary or secondary market. The blockchain also can be used to monitor 50the financial transactions of the green bond. Mechanisms are in place for investors to recover any remaining funds in the case of bond default. 7.3 Future Work We believe that there are a number of opportunities for extending the project. Below are a selection of the most important areas for future work. 7.3.1 Blockchain Oracles For Impact Reporting At the moment the issuer uploads reports detailing the green impact of their project. The green verifier must review this documentation and submit an appropriate green can be improved by shifting the validation from the green verifier to tokenised data [16]. The first stage of this is integrating blockchain oracles that provide data to the smart contracts. 7.3.2 Green Penalties The current formula for green penalties results in harsher penalties for green bonds with higher coupon rates. The most extreme case being zero coupon bonds, where the ratings have no impact. We can refine the formula to take into account the principal, and poten- tially scale the coupon and principal penalties according to their respective contribution to the price of the bond. One way we can do this for the coupon is by basing the penalty on the spread, the interest rate in excess of the risk free rate. 7.3.3 Primary Market Currently the issuer sets a price up front. An investor must either pay that price initially, or buy the bond from another investor. However to better reflect the primary the issuer should be able to select if they would like to issue the green bond using abought deal orauction. 7.3.4 Automated Transactions In Algorand, smart contracts cannot create transactions, only approve them. Therefore an Algorand account needs to submit the appropriate transactions to for example claim the coupon, and the smart contracts verify that the amount of money being claimed is correct and so on. Up to now each investor has been responsible for claiming their own coupons but it would be preferable if these were claimed on their behalf. A scheduling service can be deployed that does exactly this. An investor would sign logic detailing the transactions needed. A script would record the dates of the coupon payments and at each event, it would use the delegated signature to submit the transactions as if it came from the investor. A similar approach can be used in other areas including bond defaults and principal A User Guide This section will be a resource for how to get setup with the application and interact with it. You can access the site using the URL . Note that it may take some time for the page to initially load the website if there has not been any recent traffic. Similarly after logging in, it make take some time to retrieve the associated Algorand addresses linked to your account while the server is booting up. The recommended browser to use when accessing the website is Google Chrome. Other browsers have not been tested although they should still all work. The web application is designed so that you can try out all the different roles. You can be an issuer, investor, green verifier or financial regulator. A.1 Create An Account 1. Create an account by clicking on the Sign Up button in the top right corner of the page. 2. Sign up by typing in your email and a password, or by using Google account. After logging in, you will be directed to the dashboard page. The dashboard page shows the selected Algorand address, as well as its Algo and stablecoin balances. Figure A.1: Screenshot From Dashboard 52A.2 Set Up My Algo Wallet If this is your first time logging in, you will have to set up your account by connecting your Algorand addresses stored in your MyAlgo Wallet. 1. Click on Settings on the top right, next to Log Out. 2. Click on the CONNECT button, a popup should appear. If you already have a MyAlgo account then you can skip to step 7. Figure A.2: MyAlgo Set Up Wallet Pop Up 3. ClickSet Up Wallet in My Algo , a new tab for should be opened. 4. Click Access Now , accept the terms of service and type in a password. The MyAlgo Wallet will only be accessible in that browser as all the keys are privately stored and thus not accessible through the Internet. 5. On the top right, click on the drop down menu and select TESTNET . Figure A.3: Switch to TestNet in MyAlgo 536. New Wallet . new Algorand address. You can name the wallet whatever you like. 7. Return to the settings page and click CONNECT again. This time a pop should appear asking you to type in your MyAlgo password. Figure A.4: MyAlgo Connect Addresses Pop Up 8. Tick the addresses you would like like to connect to and press Continue . The ad- dresses should now be listed under Connected Account . From here you can select which address you would like to interact with the blockchain from. Figure A.5: MyAlgo Connect Addresses Pop Up A.3 Fund Algos Before you can interact with the Algorand blockchain, you first need to fund your account with Algos. 1. Click on Dashboard on the top left of the page. 2. Click on dispenser under the Algo Balance heading. This should open a new tab. 543. Fill in the form with the address you would like to add Algos to and click dispense. If you return to the dashboard page, you should see the updated Algo balance. 10 Algo should be plenty. A.4 Fund you can purchase a bond / fund an escrow account as an issuer, you need to have some stablecoin in your Algorand account. 1. Click on Dashboard on the top left of the page. 2. Click on FUNDunder the Stablecoin Balance heading. You should see the balance. Figure A.6: Issue Bond Form A.5 Issuer To take the role of an issuer, click on Issuerin the top navigation bar. The issuer has a number of functionalities: they can issue green bonds and manage their existing ones. This includes funding the account from which the coupon and principal payments will be taken from and uploading their green issue a new bond: 1. Click on ISSUE NEW BOND at the bottom of the page. 2. Fill in the form with the green bond parameters. If you would like to be the green verifier and financial regulator then you can give an Algorand account address that you control in these fields. In practise you would not have the ability to set the green verifier and financial A.7: Issue Bond Form 3. Click CREATE . This will take a few minutes to set up in the background. After everything has been created, you should be able to see the bond listed in your issuer page. 4. Before investors can purchase the new green bond, it must be first approved by the financial regulator by them unfreezing the bond, see section A.8 for how to do this. To upload reports for a green bond you have issued: 1. Click on the green bond you would like to upload a report on from the table. 2. If at the appropriate time (before the start buy date for the use of proceeds or in a coupon period for a report) then there will be a button enabled to upload a PDF. Click on Upload PDF For <X> and choose a PDF from your local file system. 3. Sign the generated transaction. You should see the uploaded report after refreshing the page. To fund the escrow account of a green bond you have issued: 1. Click on the green bond you would like to upload a report on from the table. 2. At the bottom of the page, enter the dollar amount you would like to transfer into the escrow account, and click the button to the right. 563. Sign the generated transaction. You should see the uploaded report after refreshing the page. A.6 Investor To take the role of an investor, click on Investor in the top navigation bar. You will have a number of options to select from depending on what you would like to do. To buy a bond in the primary market: 1. Click on Bonds For Sale and select the bond you would like to purchase. 2. You can review information about the bond, like its timeline, uploaded reports and green ratings. 3. Before you can own the green bond you must first register by clicking on REGISTER . You will then have to wait until your account has been approved by the . 4. After you have been approved, under the Purchase heading, specify the number of bonds you would like and click the buy button. 5. Sign the generated transactions. You should see that the number of bonds you own update. The buttons for claiming a coupon, principal or default are enabled when appropriate. If disabled, you can hover over the button to see the reason why. To sell a bond in the secondary market: 1. Navigate to the green bond page for the one you would like to trade. 2. Under the Tradeheading, specify how many bonds you would like to trade and click the button to the right. 3. Sign the generated transactions. You should see the number of bonds that can be traded update. 4. Generate a trade logic signature by filling in the fields below, specifying the price per bond and the expiry date of the trade offer and click the button to the right. 5. Sign the generated transactions. 6. If you return to the investor page and click My Trades , you should see your newly created trades there. To buy a bond in the secondary market: 1. Click on Live Trade Offers and select the trade offer you would like to take up. 2. If you have not already registered for the bond, you must first do so by clicking on REGISTER . You will then have to wait until your account has been approved by the financial regulator. 3. Specify the number of bonds you would like to buy, up to the maximum and click on the button to the right. 574. Sign the generated transactions. You should see that the number of bonds you own update. A.7 Green Verifier To take the role of a green verifier, click on Green Verifier in the top navigation bar. The page will list all the green bonds that you are a green verifier for. To add a green rating for a bond: 1. Click on the green bond you would like to upload a rating for from the table. 2. You can review the issuer's uploaded PDFs by opening a time period and clicking on the links. 3. If at the appropriate time (before the start buy date for the use of proceeds or in a coupon period for a report) then there will be a button enabled to submit a rating. Specify the number of stars to give and click on Add Rating For <X> . 4. Sign the generated transaction. You should see the page update with the Financial Regulator To take the role of an financial regulator, click on Financial Regulator in the top navigation bar. From there you can see all the accounts that have registered for the green bond. To freeze / unfreeze the green bond as a whole then click on the button at the top of the page and sign the generated transaction. When a green bond is first issued, it is created frozen so unfreezing it is the financial regulator approving the bond for sale. To freeze / unfreeze the green bond for a specific account, click on the switch next to the account you would like to perform the action to. When an account registers for a green bond, their account is frozen so unfreezing it is the financial regulator approving that account to own, claim money from and trade the green Miguel Almeida. Green bonds global state of the market 2019. Technical report, Climate Bonds Initiative, 2020. URL . [2] Sean Kidney Ma Jun, Christopher Kaminker and Nicholas Pfaff. Green bonds country experiences barriers and options. Technical report, G20 Green Finance Study Group, 2016. URL . [3] Josue Banga. The green bond market: a potential source of climate finance for de- veloping countries. Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment , 9(1):17-32, 2019. URL . [4] Karl Wust and Arthur Gervais. Do you need a blockchain? In 2018 Crypto on Blockchain Technology (CVCBT) , pages 45-54. IEEE, 2018. . [5] Florence Dafe Kathrin Berensmann and Nannette Lindenberg. Demystifying green bonds. In Research Handbook of Investing in the Triple Bottom Line , chapter 15, pages 333-352. 2018. URL . [6] The distributed ledger technology applied to securities markets. Technical report, European Securities and Markets Authority, 2016. URL . [7] Bitcoin consumption index, 2021. URL . [8] Gilbert Fridgen Johannes Sedlmeir, Hans Ulrich Buhl and Robert Keller. The en- ergy consumption of blockchain technology: Beyond myth. Business & Informa- tion Systems Engineering , 62:599 - 608, 2020. URL . [9] Algorand. Algorand's leadership in blockchain 2021. URL . [10] Planetwatch. URL . [11] Dragon Yongjun Tang and Yupu Zhang. Do shareholders benefit from green bonds? Journal of Corporate Finance , 61:101427, 2020. URL . 59[12] Olivier David Zerbib. The green bond premium. Technical report, Universite de Lyon, 2017. URL . [13] Caroline Flammer. Corporate green bonds. Technical report, Questrom School of Business, 2020. URL . [14] International Capital Market Association. Green Bond Principles , 2018. URL . [15] Climate Bonds Initiative. Climate Bonds Standard Version 3.0 , 2019. URL Marianne Haahr et al. Blockchain: Gateway for sustainability linked bonds. Technical report, HSBC and Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance, 2019. URL . [17] Jonas Etienne. Case study: Santander's latest bond issuance on ethereum. Tech- nical report, Binance Research, 2019. URL . [18] Harald Vranken. Sustainability of bitcoin and blockchains. Current Opinion in En- vironmental Sustainability , 28:1 - 9, 2017. URL . [19] Algorand. Algorand's pure proof-of-stake approach, 2021. URL . [20] Liuyang Ren and Paul A.S. Ward. Pooled mining is driving blockchains toward cen- tralized systems. In 2019 38th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Sys- tems Workshops (SRDSW) , pages 43-48, 2019. URL . [21] Cristian Cartofeanu Daniel Macrinici and Shang Gao. Smart contract blockchain technology: A systematic mapping study. Telematics and Infor- matics, 35(8):2337 - 2354, 2018. URL . [22] Yushi Chen and Ulrich Volz. Scaling up sustainable investment through project bonds. Technical report, SOAS Centre for Sustainable Finance, 2020. URL Alexandros Seretakis. Blockchain, securities markets and central banking. Trinity College Dublin, 2017. URL . [24] Jing Chen and Silvio Micali. Algorand. Technical report, 2017. URL . [25] Owen Sanderson. How to trust green bonds: Blockchain, climate, and the institu- tional bond markets. In Transforming Climate Finance and Green Investment with Blockchains , chapter 20, pages 273-288. 2018. URL . 60 | 2108.10344 | Gidon Katten | Gidon Katten | Issuing Green Bonds on the Algorand Blockchain | null | null | null | null | cs.CR | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Green bonds have been shown to be effective tool for sustainability however market growth is impeded by high issuance and transaction costs. The lack of appropriate standardisation and frameworks raise fear of greenwashing. In this paper, we propose a platform for green bond issuance on the It offers Green Bonds as a Service, increasing automation. The solution has minimal associated costs and asset ownership, both of which will help adoption especially in developing countries. A financial regulator must preapprove an investor and can freeze assets in the case of financial irregularities. Green bonds can be bought directly from an issuer or in the secondary market. We also introduce a novel mechanism whereby an issuer can upload proof of impact reports. A green verifier uses these to submit a green rating; poor green ratings result in reputational damage and economic penalties.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:08:23 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
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tion level (Li et al. 2020). Here, which is likely to be more repre- sentative of the bulk abundance than the Galileo probe value, with the other known measurements of elemental abundances in Jupiter, to derive blocks acquired by the growing planet, and that determined the composition of its enve- lope, in the framework of the core accretion model (Pollack et al. 1996; Inaba et al. 2003; Podolak et al. 2020). To do so, we also use the recent Juno N abundance measurement that is found correlated with the O abundance in Jupiter's envelope (Li et al. 2020), as well as the in Ar, Kr, Xe, C, N, and S by the Galileo probe (Mahaffy et al. 2000; Wong et al. 2004), and the P abundance inferred from infrared observations by the Cassini spacecraft (Fletcher et al. 2009) (see Table 1). We investigate several cases of icy solids the crystallization of mixtures of pure conden- sates and clathrates in various proportions. Each of these cases corresponds to a distinct solid com- position whose amount is adjusted in the envelope of Jupiter to match the O abundance measured by Juno. wide range of planetesimal compositions, from solids exclusively formed from pure condensates or from nearly pure clathrates, these latter provid- ing the best fits. Estimates of the and compared to interior models derived from Juno observations. 2. Building blocks composition model In our model, the volatile phase incorporated in planetesimals is composed of a mixture of pure ices, stoichiometric hydrates (such as NH 3-H2O hydrate), and clathrates that crystallized in the outer part of the disk. Solids accreted by the growing Jupiter are assumed to have preserved the volatile budget acquired during of the way they evolved in the PSN (ac- cretion of pebbles or large planetesimals, products of collisions, CO, CO 2, CH 3OH, CH 4, N2, NH 3, H2S, and PH3. These molecules are considered to be the dominant volatile species in the PSN, abundances for O, C, N, S, and P (As- plund et al. 2009). Half of the sulfur is assumed to be in the form of H 2S with the other half sulfide components (Pasek et al. 2005), and all C forms CO, CO 2, CH 3OH and CH 4, with the remaining O going into H 2O. We have set CO:CO 2:CH 3OH:CH 4= 10:30:1.67:1 in the gas phase of the disk. The CO:CO 2ratio comes from ROSINA observations of the coma of (hereafter 67P/C- G) (Lauter et al. 2019). The CO:CH 3OH:CH 4ra- tio is consistent with the production rates mea- sured in the southern hemisphere of 67P/C-G in October 2014 by the ROSINA instrument (Le Roy et al. 2015). We also assume N 2:NH 3= 1:1 in the nebula gas phase (Fegley 2000). The process of volatile trapping in grains crys- tallized in the outer regions of the PSN is deter- mined by using the equilibrium curve of NH 3hy- drate, as well as the thermodynamic path de- tailing the evolution of temperature and pressure at 5.2 AU (i.e., the current location of Jupiter) calculation method regarding the composition of the solids crystallized in the PSN. The equilib- rium curves of hydrates and clathrates derive from the compilation of published experimental work by Lunine & Stevenson (1985), in which data are available at relatively low temperatures and pres- sures. The equilibrium curves of pure condensates used in our calculations derive from the compila- tion of laboratory data from Lide (2002). The fits of the equilibrium data are taken from Hersant et al. (2004) and Mousis et al. (2008). The disk model employed is the one described in Aguichine et al. (2020) and Mousis et al. (2020), to which the reader is referred for details. In a few words, Pringle 1: Elemental abundances and ratios to protosolar values in the upper troposphere of Jupiter Elements Elemental abundances Jupiter ( Mahaffy et al. (2000) Kr/H ( Mahaffy et al. (2000) Xe/H ( Mahaffy et al. (2000) C/H ( Wong et al. (2004) N/H ( et al. (2017); Li et al. (2017, 2020) O/H ( Wong et al. Li et al. (2020) S/H ( Wong et al. (2004) P/H ( Fletcher et al. (2009) This equation describes the time evolution of a viscous accretion disk of surface density gof vis- cosity, assuming hydrostatic equilibrium in the zdirection. The viscosity is calculated in the framework of the -formalism (Shakura & Sun- yaev 1973). In our approach, the midplane tem- peratureTof the disk is expressed as the sum of viscous heating and star background 10 the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Kis the keplerian frequency, RandPare the Rosse- land and Planck optical depth, respectively (see Aguichine et al. (2020) and Mousis et al. (2020) for details). Only viscous heating is considered as an energy source in our model, allowing the disk temperature to decrease down to 10 K in the outer PSN. Here viscous means eddy that provided by eddies which transport mass and heat by bulk motions, since is very small (Stevenson 1990). This cor- responds to the case where the outer parts of the disk are protected from solar irradiation by shad- owing effect of the inner disk parts. The evolution of the disk starts with an initial profile given withp=3 2for an early & Pringle 1974). In our computa- tions, the initial disk mass is fixed to 0.1 M . box is set equal to 500 AU, Sun is set to et al. 1998), and the viscosity parameter is fixed equal to 310 3, which is well within the 10 4-10 2 range commonly adopted for PSN models (Mousis et al. 2020). In the following, we assume that condensate or clathrate grains quickly decouple from gas, due to growth and planetesimal formation. The enrich- ment of species Xwith respect to its is then given by: X=H 2(t) X=H (3) where iftXis the time at which species Xis trapped or condensed at given distance rin the PSN, This relation is valid for the determination of the volatile enrichments in Jupiter's feeding zone, and subsequently in its envelope. A set of volatile enrichments is simultaneously calculated in Jupiter when Eq. 3 is fitted to the of a given element in the envelope. Figure 1 represents the condensation sequence of the different volatiles at 5.2 AU in the PSN, for various initial H 2O abundances. The do- main of stability of each ice considered is the region located below its corresponding equilib- rium curve. In all panels, it is assumed that CO:CO 2:CH 3OH:CH 4= 10:30:1.67:1, H 2S/H 2=
0.5(S/H 2), and N 2:NH 3= 1:1 in the PSN gas phase, based on the aforementioned cases are investigated. Case 1 (panel (a)) corresponds to the case where the abundances of all elements are protosolar (Asplund et al. 2009), assuming volatile species form only pure conden- 3sates in the PSN. Case 2 (panel (b)) corresponds to the same assumptions as in case 1 regarding all available water is used to form hydrates in the PSN. In this situation, NH 3-H2O hydrate forms first with decreasing disk temperature, and then almost 75% of available H 2S is trapped in clathrates. The remaining species pure condensates at lower disk that CO 2and CH 3OH are both represented in their pure ice forms in all our condensation se- quences. Pure CO 2is the only condensate at higher temperature than its associ- ated clathrate in this pressure range and no exper- imental data concerning the equilibrium curve of CH3OH clathrate has been reported in the litera- ture. Case 3 (panel (c)) corresponds to the same assumptions as in case 2, except that O/H 2is 1.5
(O/H 2). Here, NH 3-H2O hydrate forms, and H2S, PH 3, Xe, CH 4, and CO are fully trapped in clathrates. No more than 67% of available N2in enclathrated because of the lack of avail- able free water, and the remaining volatile species form pure condensates at lower disk 4 (panel (d)) corresponds to the same as- sumptions as in case 3, except that O/H 2is 2
(O/H 2). Here, all volatiles except CH 3OH and CO2, form hydrates in the PSN. Note that we do not consider mixed clathrates, that is, incorpora- tion of species at temperatures other than where their pure clathrates form. This does not Jupiter data. Figure 2 shows the composition of the volatile phase embedded in solids formed in the PSN resulting from our model. Calculations repre- sented in panels (a-d) follow the cases 1-4 de- picted above, respectively. CO 2is by far the main volatile species in panels (a) and (b) while H 2O dominates in panels (c) and (d). The high abun- dance of H 2O in those panels results from the choice of a larger O abundance in the PSN. In panels (b-d), the icy part of planetary oxygen abundance.3. Results Figure 3 represents the fits of the volatile en- richments (relative to protosolar abundances) ob- served in Jupiter, and summarized in Table 1. Panels (a-d) are calculated following the condi- tions depicted in cases 1-4, respectively. All pan- els have been fitted to the oxygen abundance mea- sured by Juno in Jupiter's atmosphere. The fits consist in reproducing the mass range of oxy- gen measured in Jupiter by adjusting the amount of O-bearing solids (here H 2O, CO, CO 2, thePSNandthatis injectedin the envelope, in all cases of planetesimals compo- sitions. All our calculations assume the envelope is homogeneously mixed. Panels (a-d) show that C, N, P, Kr, and Xe elemental enrichments are al- ways fitted by our different compositions models of the building blocks accreted by Jupiter. S is fitted in panels (a-b), which both correspond to the assumption that all elements, including O, are in protosolar abundances in the initial gas phase of the PSN. Panels (c-d), which assume both su- persolar O abundances and clathrate formation in Jupiter's feeding zone, present calculations of S enrichments slightly lower than the measured value. However, an increase by 6-12%of the assumed H 2S abundance in the PSN, this latter being poorly assessed (Pasek et al. 2005), or the delivery to Jupiter of other S-bearing solids such as SO 2in the volatile phase or FeS in the mineral phase, would easily enable the matching between the measured and calculated enrichments. The Ar enrichment is only marginally fitted in panel (d), which corresponds to case 4 (full clathration and O/H 2= 2(O/H 2)in the PSN). Only the full trapping of Ar in clathrates at higher temperature than its condensation in the PSN (see Fig. 1) al- lows the matching of the observed enrichment. The fitted enrichments also translate into a mass range of icy solids incorporated in following the compositions shown in Fig. 2. Table 2 summarizes these mass ranges, assum- ing an average envelope mass of 301.8M(Wahl et al. 2017). The mass ranges calculated for cases 1-4 must be seen as minimums because the ac- creted solids should harbor a significant fraction of minerals and metals. Assuming a fraction of rocks (minerals + metals) half the total mass of condensed matter in the PSN for a gas of pro- 4tosolar composition (Lodders 2003), the mass of accreted solids should be then twice the values in- dicated for cases 1 and 2 in Table 2, giving a total mass range between 8.6 and 45.2 M. The same extra mass of rocks, i.e. between 4.3 and 22.6 Mshould be added to cases 3 and 4 since the extra oxygen added to the PSN gas in our model is assumed to go only with the volatiles. 4. Conclusion Our work shows that a wide range of observed in Jupiter's envelope, includ- ing the recent Juno O determination. Ices either formed from pure condensates or from clathrates can match the observed enrichments in a satisfy- ing manner. We find however that the fits of the volatile enrichments in the case of formed from clathrates is slightly more compelling since it allows marginally the matching of the Ar abundance in Jupiter, contrary to the case of pure condensates. The agglomeration of planetesimals from clathrates classically requires a supersolar abundance of oxygen at their forma- tion location (Gautier et al. 2001; Mousis et al. 2009). Such an effect in the PSN can occur at the location of the snowline, where the outward dif- fusion of vapor increases the local abundance of solid water (Stevenson & Lunine 1988; Cyr et al. 1999; Mousis et al. 2019). The mass range of volatiles needed to be in- jected in solid form in Jupiter's envelope is if one considers all These values are well within the mass range of heavy elements derived from Juno's of gravitational moments (Wahl et al. 2017). Based on the interior model of Militzer
& Hubbard (2013), Wahl et al. (2017) showed depending on the type of core, which can be diluted or compact. Using the model of Becker et al. (2013), these authors also derive a larger amount of heavy elements in the envelope, which is within the 14.5-40Mrange. Even if a substantial fraction of refractory component is taken into account in our calculations of planetesi- mal compositions, a wide range of masses of heavy elements derived from our fits is compatible with the envelope's metallicity calculated from currentinterior models. Our calculations of the volatile budget in the envelope of Jupiter assume the envelope is assome recent models suggest a composition gradient in the envelope (Leconte & Chabrier 2012; Debras
& Chabrier 2019). However, further theoretical and experimental studies of hydrogen-helium mix- tures are needed below 100 GPa to assess a region where the models are criti- cally sensitive to changes in the equation of state (Wahl et al. 2017). Also, one cannot exclude that the observed volatile enrichments correspond to a late planetesimal accretion which, coupled with a rapid infall of gas, could have led to a mix- ing of accreted material throughout the outer re- gions, which may explain the supersolar metallic- ity (Podolak et al. 2020). However, in this sce- nario, our results regarding the composition and structure of the volatile phase embedded in plan- etesimals would remain valid. Note that the Juno O determination in uncer- tainty. A2- 2Oabundance to be as low as 0.1 times the solar abundance (Li etal.2020), 0.5times solar) inferred by the Galileo probe (Wong et al. 2004). subsolar, this implies that the planet could belong to the category of carbon-rich planets, i.e. those with C/O1 in their envelopes (Mousis et al. 2012). This would imply that water ice distributed over several AU be- yond the snow line in the protosolar nebula and that the fraction of water contained in icy plan- etesimals was a strong function of their and for the sake of comparison, we have also used the compilation of protosolar Despite the important deviations noted for the C/O and Ar/O ratios in Lodders et al. (2009), which are
+15% and -17% compared with Asplund et al. (2009), respectively, the fits of the Jovian abun- dances with this database lead to similar should recall that the present study at the equator and that did not penetrate deeper than the30 bar region, without using the 5Table 2: Mass of volatiles needed in the envelope of Jupiter to match the observed enrichments Mass of H 2O ice (M) Mass of ices ( M) Case 1 0.4-1.9 4.3-22.6 Case 2 0.4-1.9 4.3-22.7 Case 3 2.3-12.2 5.9-30.7 Case 4 4.1-21.5 7.4-39.0 data from the longest wavelength, 0.6 GHz chan- nel. Future Juno measurements at other with updated interior structure models, should decrease the size of the O error bar and en- able our model to provide more stringent insights on Jupiter's formation conditions in the PSN. Fi- nally, our calculations assume that the of the disk is homogeneous in the for- mation region of Jupiter's building blocks beyond the snowline. This assumption does not al. 2020, 2021). Future models describing the composition of the solids formed in the PSN will have to consider these physical processes. O.M. acknowledges support from CNES. J.L. was supported by the Juno project through a contract with Southwest Research Institute. We thank the anonymous referee for the help- ful comments, and constructive remarks on A., Mousis, O., Devouard, B., et al. 2020, ApJ, 901, 97. M., Grevesse, N., Sauval, A. J., et al. 2009, ARA&A, 47, A., Nettelmann, N., Holst, B., et al. 2013, Phys. Rev. B, 88, S. J., Adriani, A., Adumitroaie, V., et al. 2017, Science, 356, K. E., Sharp, C. M., & Lunine,J. I. 1999, J. Geophys. Res., 104, F. & Chabrier, G. 2019, ApJ, 872, B. 2000, Space Sci. Rev., 92, L. N., Orton, G. S., Teanby, N. A., et al. 2009, Icarus, 202, D., Hersant, F., Mousis, O., et al. 2001, ApJ, 550, L227. L., Calvet, N., Gullbring, E., et al. 1998, ApJ, 495, 385 Hersant, F., Gautier, D., & Lunine, J. I. 2004, Planet. Space Sci., 52, S., Wetherill, G. W., &
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(O/H 2)in the PSN, implying that the number of entrapped species is more important. Panel (d): same as panels (b) and (c), except that O/H 2is 2(O/H 2)in the PSN, implying that all species clathrates become 2 58.3% CO 1% H2O 16%PH3 , Ar, Kr, and Xe NH 3 7.3%
N2 2.7%H2S 0.5%N2 1.5%
H2O 71.8%CO 2 17.7% CO 4.3% PH3 , Ar, Kr, and XeNH 3 2.2%
H2S 0.6%
(b) (c)CO 2 58.2% CO 1% H2O 15.9%PH3 , Ar, Kr, and Xe NH 3 7.3%
N2 2.7%H2S 2%
CH3OH 1.7%
CH4 0.8%PH3 , Ar, Kr, and Xe NH 3 3.4%
N2 1.8%H2S 0.9%
H2O 57.8%CO 2 26.8% CO 6.6%Fig. 2.-- Composition of the volatile phase incorporated in solids in the cases the volatile part of the building blocks is formed from pure condensates only (panel (a)), a mixture of pure condensates, NH 3hydrate and various clathrates (panels (b) and (c)), and from NH 3hydrate and clathrates only (panel (d)). Initial gas phase conditions in panels (a)-(d) are those depicted in the text and given in Fig. 1. 9 | 2108.10350 | Olivier Mousis | Olivier Mousis, Jonathan I. Lunine, and Artyom Aguichine | The nature and composition of Jupiter's building blocks derived from the water abundance measurements by the Juno spacecraft | Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters | null | 10.3847/2041-8213/ac1d50 | null | astro-ph.EP physics.space-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | The microwave radiometer aboard the Juno spacecraft provided a measurement of the water abundance found to range between 1 and 5.1 times the of oxygen in the near-equatorial region of Jupiter. Here, we aim to combine this up-to-date oxygen determination, which is likely to be of the bulk abundance than the Galileo probe subsolar value, with the other known measurements of elemental abundances in Jupiter, to derive the formation conditions and initial composition of the building by the growing planet, and that determine the heavy of its envelope. We investigate several cases of icy solids formation in the protosolar nebula, from the condensation of pure ices to of mixtures of pure condensates and clathrates in Each of these cases correspond to a distinct solid amount is adjusted in the envelope of Jupiter to match the O by Juno. The volatile enrichments can be matched by a wide range of planetesimal compositions, from solids exclusively formed from pure condensates or from nearly exclusively clathrates, the latter case providing a slightly better fit. The total mass of volatiles needed in the envelope of Jupiter to match the observed enrichments is within the 4.3-39 Mearth range, depending on the crystallization scenario considered in the protosolar nebula. A wide range of masses of heavy elements derived from our fits is found compatible with the envelope's metallicity calculated from current interior models.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:15:49 GMT"
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longest tributary to the longest tributary to the NileFigure 1: Overview of the proposed model. neural network with parameters to obtain:
= arg (2) where the summations are over all the phrases, utterances and time frames in the training set. 2.1. Model definition Our keyword search model, depicted in Figure 1, comprises a recurrent document encoder and a recurrent query encoder. We conduct the search via a matrix-vector multiplication of the en- coder outputs which results in a vector of logits for each time frame. The logistic sigmoid is then used to compute the poste- rior probabilities p(ynj:::)which we post-process to detect the locations of each keyword. 2.1.1. Query encoder The input to the query encoder is a sequence of grapheme in- dicesq= (q1;:::;qK)that constitute the query and the output is a fixed-length representation eq2RD. A trainable embed- ding layer converts the sequence of letters into a sequence of vectors which are input into a stack of bidirectional gated recur- rent unit (GRU) layers. The GRU outputs another sequence of vectors V= (v1;:::;vK). The final query representation is then computed from the sum of these GRU output vectors along the sequence axis +b1; (3) where W1andb1are the weight and bias of an affine transform that changes the dimensionality of the query representation to ensure it matches the output of the document encoder. We experimented with using the output of the GRU at fi- nal frame ( vK) instead of the summation in (3), but found that the summation performed better. We also experimented with having a unidirectional query encoder but we found the bidirec- tional encoder to be better. 2.1.2. Document encoder The input to the document encoder is the sequence of speech features Xof lengthN. First, Xis passed through a stack of BiLSTM layers which output U= (u1;:::;u^N)of length ^N. The final encoder output HX2R^NDis then: HX=W2U+b2; (4) where an affine transformation similar to that at the output of the query encoder, and the addition is done by broadcasting b2across the temporal axis. We down-sample the hidden representations between some of the BiLSTM layers (so that ^N=bN scfor somes). Thisdecreases the computational cost of the search, and we that it improves the search accuracy. 2.1.3. Search function The search output is computed by taking a matrix-vector prod- uct of the encoder outputs, followed by a logistic sigmoid to compute the desired vector of per-frame posterior = (z1;:::;z =(HXeq): (5) Note that the document and query representations only interact through this product and are otherwise independent. Therefore, we can amortize the cost of search by pre-computing the doc- ument representation. For each query, we can then compute and take the product. 2.2. Model training Our training procedure involves optimizing a modified form of (2). The first two summations (2) are over all phrases and ut- terances in the training set. For a corpus of Uutterances withW words each, there are O(UW2)elements in the double summa- tion. Therefore, we make the following modifications to reduce the training cost: 1. We limit training phrases to unigrams, bigrams and tri- grams. 2. At each training step, we sample a batch Qof such phrases for the first summation instead of the whole set. 3. For each training phrase q2Q, we sampleXq, a set of MU utterances, at least one of which contains q. When sampling, we consider different examples of the same phrase to be different tokens, so that more frequently are naturally sampled more often. The utterances Xq are re-sampled at each training step. For each query-utterance training pair (q;X), we define a loss function between the sigmoid outputs z(q;X)and labels y(q;X): Js(q;X) log(1 zn)
+ (6)
is a hyper-parameter that controls the relative weight of frames labeled 1to frames labeled 0.controls the sensitivity of the loss function to easily classified frames: frames labeled 1with sigmoid outputs already above and frames labeled 0 with sigmoid outputs already below 1 do not contribute to the loss function as they are considered good-enough. This pre- vents the model from learning to better classify frames that are already well classified at the expense of learning to classify dif- ficult frames. Observe that if we set = 1and= 1, then the loss function returns to the binary cross-entropy function. 2.3. Post-processing for search Having obtained the vector of probabilities from (5), we post- process them to perform various keyword search tasks. 2.3.1. Segment task is a simplified form of keyword search where it is enough to classify whether or not a speech segment containsFigure 2: System hypothesis calculation from network outputs. the given query. To do this, we simply compute a segment- wide score: p= maxnzn;and say that the segment contains the query ifpis larger than some threshold, which is tuned on a development set. The rationale for this method is that it is enough for a query to occur at any frame of a segment for it to have occurred in that segment. Therefore, we need only care about the frame with the highest Keyword search The task here is to return a location within the utterance hypoth- esized to contain the query along with a confidence score. The procedure, illustrated in Figure 2, is as follows: 1. We set the probabilities ( zn) below some threshold to zero. This threshold is tuned on the development set. 2. We pick the islands of non-zero elements as our sys- tem hypotheses. The confidence score is computed as the median probability of each interval. We also experi- mented with the mean and max operations but found me- dian to be better. The thresholding is a necessary first step because the sigmoid outputs strictly positive values. Additionally, we found that pruning out intervals which are shorter than each query led to slightly improved Keyword search rescoring In this task, we seek to improve the performance of another keyword search system by fusion of scores. Our approach en- tails rescoring the hypothesis list of a baseline system. Our proposed model is particularly well suited to this task since it outputs scores for each frame, and so we can readily obtain a score for any location with which we are presented. For a pair, if the baseline hypothesizes a start-end- score triplet (n1;n2;~p), we return a new triplet (n1;n2;p)at the same location with score given by a weighted sum of the original score and the average of the network's outputs in (z[n1:n2]), where
is a which we tune on the development set. We ex- perimented with using the median and max instead of the mean but found no significant improvements. 3. Experiments 3.1. Experiment setup 3.1.1. Data We experiment on the limited language pack (LLP) data from the IARPA Babel program [21]. For each language, this com- prises a 10-hour training set used to train a model with which we obtain word level a 10-hour development set to tune model hyper-Table 1: Number of dev and eval queries in each Assamese Bengali Pashto Turkish Zulu Dev-IV 1403 1295 1465 219 1194 Dev-OOV 597 705 600 88 806 Eval-IV 5286 4957 3233 1955 2199 Eval-OOV 2087 2368 970 1216 1111 parameters, a 5-hour evalpart1 set for evaluation, and key- word lists whose distributions are shown in Table 1. We consider two kinds of acoustic features as input to the document encoder: 80-dimensional filter-banks and 42- dimensional multilingual bottleneck features (BNF), each with frames of length 10ms. The BNF extractor is trained with 19 languages' LLPs (totaling about 190 hours) including Assamese and Bengali but not Pashto, Turkish and Zulu. 3.1.2. Network document encoder consists of 6 BiLSTM layers each with 512 dimensional output in each direction. Each BiLSTM layer (including the first) is preceded by a layer and followed by a dropout layer with dropout probability of 0.4. In addition, the outputs of the first and fourth BiLSTM layers are each down-sampled by a factor of 2 (i.e. ^N=bN 4c). The final affine projection has an output dimension of D= 400 . The query encoder is composed of a 32-dimensional em- bedding layer, two BiGRU layers each preceded by a layer and a final affine layer with 400-dimensional output. We train with Adam using an initial learning rate of 2
10 4. We use a batch size of jQj= 64 andjXjq= 4 utter- ances per training phrase. The training hyper-parameters in (6) are empirically chosen as = 5 and= 0:7. We select a ran- dom 10% of the training utterances for validation. We halve the learning rate whenever the validation loss stagnates for 4 epochs and halt training when it stagnates for 10 epochs. 3.2. Classification task Our first experiment involves classifying whether a given seg- ment of speech contains a keyword. This task serves as a benchmark for comparing our approach with recent search sytems [17, 20]. We use the evaluation setup from [20]. Each utterance is divided into one-second segments with 50% overlap. Any segment that contains even a portion of the keyword is considered a positive test for that keyword. For example, a query which occurs between the 0.4-1.2 sec- ond marks of some utterance will yield three positive tests (the ranges 0-1, 0.5-1.5 and 1-2). For each such positive test, a ran- dom negative test (3 in total for the given example) is generated from other locations (possibly other utterances) which do not contain the query. Each test returns a score which should be high for positive and low for negative tests. The performance is measured in terms of accuracy and area under the curve (AUC). We take the systems from [17] and [20] as baselines. In both cases, we directly take the results reported in [20]. For our system, we use the procedure described in Section 2.3.1 with threshold determined on the dev-set. Table 2 shows the results obtained. Across all languages, our system gives significant improvements in both accuracy and AUC over the baselines. We get still further improvements by switching from filter-banks to BNF. We report P-B results for Assamese and Bengali for completeness, but keep in mind that the BNF extractor training includes those languages.Table 2: Accuracy and AUC on the eval set. B1 and B2 refer to the baseline systems from [17] and [20] respectively. P-F and P-B refer to our system using filter-banks and AUC Language System IV OOV IV OOV Assamese B1 0.604 0.604 0.638 0.632 B2 0.626 0.619 0.724 0.724 P-F 0.713 0.677 0.797 0.778 P-B 0.824 0.811 0.909 0.896 Bengali B1 0.589 0.579 0.658 0.653 B2 0.639 0.637 0.743 0.742 P-F 0.744 0.696 0.840 0.769 P-B 0.836 0.784 0.912 0.871 Pashto B1 0.608 0.594 0.653 0.634 B2 0.674 0.665 0.797 0.786 P-F 0.857 0.830 0.927 0.909 P-B 0.881 0.855 0.946 0.925 Pashto Turkish fbank no-kst no-margin phoneme Figure 3: Eval-set ATWV of various ablations. Every other bar is obtained by changing one component from the base system. 3.3. Keyword search In this set of experiments, the task is to return the exact loca- tions of each query within utterances along with the Unlike the balanced classification task, here the problem is made more complex by the presence of more negative trials than positive ones. For instance, the Pashto dev-set contains 14451 examples and 72 million negative trials keeping the rate of one trial/second, which makes metrics like accuracy unsuit- able. Therefore, we use the term weighted value (TWV) metric proposed by NIST [22] for KWS evaluations [21, 23, 24, 25]. The TWV for a set of queries Qand a threshold is computed as follows: TWV (;Q) = the probabilities of misses and false alarms respectively, and controls the rela- tive costs of false alarms and misses. As in the NIST STD evaluations [23], we set = 999:9. On the dev-set, we re- port the maximum TWV (MTWV) which is the TWV at the threshold that maximizes it. This threshold is fixed and used to compute the actual TWV (ATWV) for the eval-set. Since TWV requires a single threshold, it is necessary to normalize the scores across keywords. We adopt keyword specific thresh- olding (KST) from [26] for score 3: Results of rescoring LVCSR output. L denotes the LVCSR baseline. L P denotes the result of System Dev MTWV Eval ATWV Pashto L 0.2754 0.3190 LP 0.3068 0.3464 Turkish L 0.4892 0.4051 LP 0.5080 0.4419 Zulu L 0.3716 0.3381 LP 0.3917 0.3620 As stated before, Assamese and Bengali are included in the BNF extractor training, so we elect not to report results for those. Instead we use Turkish and Zulu, which, along with Pashto, are not included in the BNF training. Figure 3 shows the performance of our system when used as a standalone KWS system by following the procedure described in Section 2.3.2 with KST normalization ( base ). For context, our of [17] (using BNF) achieved MTWV of 0 and negative ATWV . The figure also shows the impact of changing various components of our system. First, we find that, as expected in this low-resource setting, filter-banks ( fbank ) perform worse than BNF. We also observe deterioration in per- formance when we omit score normalization ( no-kst ). Next, we measured the impact of removing the margin term from our loss function by setting = 1 in (6) which results in a weighted binary cross-entropy objective ( no-margin ). For Turkish and Pashto, we find that the margin term helps signifi- cantly, whereas for Zulu, the impact is we considered the impact of using phonemic instead of graphemic query representation ( phoneme ). When using phonemes, we use the lexicon available with the Ba- bel data for training and for IV terms, and we train a G2P model [27] to obtain pronunciations for OOV terms. We find graphemes to be superior for Turkish and Zulu. This can be explained by the fact that when using phonemes, we only con- sider one pronunciation for each word, so the model learns a limited pronunciation model; whereas when we use graphemes, the model is allowed to implicitly learn pronunciation variabil- ity. However, for Pashto, phonemes work better. We hypothe- size that this is because the graphemic representation uses Pashto alphabet which omits vowels. Finally, we utilize our system (referred to as base in Fig- ure 3) to rescore the output of an LVCSR-based KWS pre-trained and finetuned on each target lan- guage, with words for IV and subwords for OOV search). We rescore using the procedure described in Section 2.3.3 followed by KST normalization. The results in Table 3 show that we are able to significantly improve on an already competitive system. 4. Conclusion In this work, we have proposed a model that is directly opti- mized for keyword search. By predicting frame-wise likeli- hoods of keyword occurrences, the proposed model keyword search and readily accommodates fusion with other systems. We showed that our method works well not only for ut- terance classification used as a proxy for search but also for the more difficult search problem - an encouraging result for the prospects of end-to-end approaches to keyword search. Moreover, we have shown that an applica- tion of our technique can already significantly improve LVCSR- based keyword search performance through rescoring. | 2108.10357 | Bolaji Yusuf | Bolaji Yusuf, Alican Gok, Batuhan Gundogdu, Murat Saraclar | End-to-End Open Vocabulary Keyword Search | Interspeech 2021 | null | null | null | eess.AS cs.CL cs.SD | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Recently, neural approaches to spoken content retrieval have become they tend to be restricted in their vocabulary or in their ability to deal with imbalanced test settings. These restrictions limit in keyword search, where the set of queries is not and where the system should return not just whether an a query but the exact location of any such occurrences. In this work, we propose a model directly optimized for keyword search. The model takes a query and an utterance as input and returns a sequence of probabilities for each frame of the utterance of the query having occurred in that show that the proposed model not only outperforms models on a task where the ratio of positive and negative trials is artificially balanced, but it is also able to deal with the far more challenging task of keyword search with its inherent imbalance. our system to rescore the outputs an LVCSR-based keyword search system leads to significant improvements on the latter.
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"version": "v1",
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5y-ification and tautological classes 20 5.1 Polynomial action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 5.2 Dot-sliding homotopies and y-ification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5.3 Tautological classes and symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.4 Geometric analogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 6 Algebraic links and affine Springer theory 27 6.1 Algebraic links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6.2 conjectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6.3 Affine Springer theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 6.4 Generalized affine Springer fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 7Hilbn(C2)and link homology 37 7.1 Hilbert scheme and its properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 7.2 Hilbert schemes and link homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 7.3 Procesi bundle and the identity braid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 7.5 Approaches to the proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 References 44 1 notes cover the lectures of the first named author at 202 1 IHES Summer School on Physics and Representation Theory with additio nal details and references. They cover the definition of triply graded homology, it s basic properties and recent advances, as well as three models for link homology: b raid varieties, Hilbert schemes on singular curves and affine Springer fibers, and Hilbert schemes of poin ts on the plane. The relations between these models are very subtle and parti ally conjectural, and yet to be fully un- derstood. Braid varieties can be defined for arbitrary posit ive braids, and their homology (with the weight filtration) is most clearly related to link homology. By the work of Mellit [84] they can be used as building blocks for character varieties over punctured s urfaces. On the other hand, braid open Richardson and positroid varieties [20, 32 , 33, 34] which are important for the study of cluster schemes on singular curves, compactified Jacobians and affine Springer fibers can be defined for algebraic links, or (more or less equivalently) for matrice s with entries in Laurent series. The character- istic polynomial of such a matrix defines a plane curve singul arity which intersects a small sphere at a link. The Hilbert schemes of points on a plane curve singular ity are closely related to the local version 2of the Hitchin fibration [86, 81], and local curve-countin g invariants [80]. On the other hand, they play an important role in the generalized Springer theory [62, 36 ] for Coulomb branch algebras defined by Braverman, Finkelberg, and Nakajima [14, 15]. A beautiful conjecture of Oblomkov, Rasmussen and Shende [9 1] relates the homology of Hilbert schemes of points on singular curves to the homol ogy of the corresponding links. By the above, one expects a direct relation between the homology of these Hilbert schemes and of the corre- sponding braid variety, similar in spirit to the non-abelia n Hodge correspondence between the and the Hitchin system [22]. This also remains a ta ntalizing conjecture. We review the and the state of the art for these conjectures bel ow. Finally, yet another model for link homology comes from the H ilbert scheme of points on the plane. Roughly speaking, to any braid on nstrands one associates a coherent sheaf on Hilbn(C2)whose coho- mology matches the homology of the link. Such a sheaf, or rather a complex of sheaves, was constructed by Oblomkov and Rozansky in a serie s of papers [92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]. Another approach [52] highlights the importance of the grad ed algebra generated by the homologies of the powers of the full twist braid. We describe this algebr a explicitly following [43] and explain its relation to the homogeneous coordinate ring of the Hilbert s cheme. This model is also closely related to the refined Chern-Simons invariants of Aganagic-Shakiro v and Cherednik [3, 24]. In the case of torus knots, all of the above models yield expli cit, yet very different combinatorial descrip- tions. The homology for torus knots was c omputed in [83], and the homology of the braid varieties (which in this case coincide with the ope n positroid strata in the Grassmannians) was computed in [32]. The homology of the Hilbert schemes on sing ular curves and affine Springer fibers was computed earlier in numerous papers, starting from [78] . Finally, the sheaves on Hilbn(C2)for torus knots were constructed in [51] using the elliptic Hall algeb ra. The comparison between all these answers is highly nontrivial, and is related to the rational Shuffle conjecture in combinatorics of proved in [82]. Throughout the notes, we track various structures and homol ogical operations in link homology, and describe their appearance in various models. In particular , we have an action of the polynomial algebra where the number of variables equals the number of link compo nents. From the topological point of view, this corresponds to the action of the homology of the un knot on the homology of an arbitrary link with a chosen marked point. Furthermore, link homology admi ts a deformation, or y-ification [43] where a polynomial algebra in an additional set of variables plays an important role. Finally, there is an action of the Lie algebra sl2in they-ified homology [44] which implies the symmetry exchanging the two sets of variables. All these structures indicate tha t the relation between link homology and the geometric models holds on a much deeper categorical level th an just isomorphisms of triply graded vector spaces. 1.1 Organization of the paper The notes are organized as follows. In Section 2 we remind the readers of the basics of knot theory, such as the braid group and theorems of Alexander and Markov on bra id closures. In Section 3 we define homology using Soer gel bimodules and Rouquier com- plexes. We describe a method to recursively compute the homo logy of torus (and other) links, and present many 4 is focused on braid varieties. We define braid varie ties, outline their basic properties, and explain their relation to link homology and positroid varie ties. In Section 5 we describe more subtle properties and homologi cal operations in link homology. In par- ticular, we define y-ified homology and compute it for all powers of the full twist . We also classes in homology and use them to outline the proof of the q-t symmetry in this homology. These abstract algebraic constr uctions are compared to the actual tautolog- ical classes in the homology of braid varieties. In Section 6 we define Hilbert schemes on singular curves, com pactified Jacobians, affine Springer fibers, and discuss the relations between them. We state the Oblomko conjecture and discuss the known evidence for it. A connection to geometric representation theory of Coulomb branch algebras is also discussed. In Section 7 we define the Hilbert scheme of points on the plane and describe its properties, in it as a symplectic resolution and construct the Proc esi bundle. We state an explicit braids to sheaves on the Hilbert scheme, and discus s some examples and approaches to the proof. 1.2 Further reading In these lectures we chose to focus on topics in link homology most closely related to and algebraic geometry. Unfortunately, this means that we had to skip many other topics of interest, which are also important for understanding the bi g picture. In defining link homology, we focus on Soergel bimodules and d o not discuss other approaches using webs, foams and categorified quantum groups, referring the r eader to [104, 110] for more details. We do not discuss Khovanov [68] or sl(N) homology [70] and their relation to HOMF LY homology, and refer to [105, 106] instead. We mostly avoid representation theory and categorification aspects. In particular, we do not define Hecke algebras or work with diagrammatics of Soergel bimodu les, and refer the reader to [30] for these instead. We refer to [53, 54] for the connections with the rat ional Cherednik algebra, and to [51, 82] for the connections with the DAHA and elliptic Hall algebra. We also do not discuss very rich combinatorics of q,t-Catalan numbers and Macdonald polynomials [4, 8, 37, 42, 51, 56, 57, 58, 59, 82] which deserves to be a subj ect of a separate course. Finally, we recommend several other surveys on link homolog y [89, 85, 90, would like to thank Andrei Negut ,, Francesco Sala and Olivier Schiffmann for organizing the I HES Summer School and creating a wonderful working environment despite the COVID-19 pandemic. We thank Mikhail Gorsky, Matt Hogancamp, Anton Mellit, Alexei Oblomkov, Jacob Rasmussen, Minh-Tam Trinh and Paul Wedrich for many discussions over the years an d helpful comments about the first draft of these notes. We thank all of the participants of the online seminar on homo logy of torus (and other) knots in Spring 2021, especially Anton Mellit and Pavel Galashin, for very h elpful comments and discussions. These lecture notes partly grew from the notes for that seminar [10 2]. The work of E. G. was partially supported by the NSF grant DMS- 1760329. The work of O.K. was partially supported by the Finnish Academy of Science and Le tters. J. S. is grateful for the hospitality and financial support of the Max Planck Institute for Mathema tics, where this work was carried out. 42 Background on link invariants In this section we record some basic facts on link invariants . The braid group onnstrands has n-1and (2.1) We will visualize the generators sias positive crossings, and s-1 ias negative crossings:
*** *** *** ***
si s-1 i The strands in a braid are labeled from 1ton, and the composition is given by vertical stacking. The following theorems [1, 7, 79] relate links and braids. Theorem 2.1 (Alexander) .Any link can be obtained as a closure of some braid. Theorem 2.2 (Markov) .Two braid closures represent the same link if and only if the b raids are related by a sequence of the following will refer to these moves as to conjugation and (respectiv ely positive and negative) stabilization, or collectively as Markov moves. Using these theorems, we can s ketch a possible strategy of invariants as follows:
* Assign some objects to crossings s+- i.
* Verify braid relations (2.1). This would yield a braid inva riant.
* Describe an operation for closing a braid. 5* Verify that the result is invariant under Markov moves (con jugation and of link invariants described in these lectures will fol low this strategy. Sometimes it will be helpful to consider slightly weaker invariants for braid closures, which do not change only under conjugation, or under conjugation and positive stabilization. 3 homology: definitions and computation s All link homologies and most of the computations in these not es can be defined with integer the interest of clarity and various technical simplifica tions, we work over Cinstead. 3.1 Soergel bimodules and Rouquier the ring R=C[x1,...,x n]with the action of the symmetric group Snwhich permutes the variables. We will consider various rings of invariants, mo st importantly the rings Rsiof polynomials that are invariant under the transposition xi-xi+1,i= 1,...,n-1. We will work with we alternatively interpret as modules over C[x1,...,x the left action of R corresponds to the action of xi, and the right action corresponds to the action of x' i. Given two R-R bimodules MandN, we can consider their tensor product MRN. The left action of RonM,N will be denoted by xi,x' i, respectively, and the right action will be denoted by x' i,x'' i, respectively. Note that this is consistent with the relations on the tensor product MRN. Remark 3.1. To ease the notation, we will sometimes write MN forMRN. If, on the other hand, we are taking the tensor product over a ring other than R, we will always indicate this in the notation. Note that the ring Ris graded, with deg(xi) = 2 for every i= 1,...,n . We will work with so we have a decomposition The tensor product of graded bimodules is naturally graded, and we will denote t he grading shift by (1), so that 3.2. Note that, under this convention for the grading shift, if th e graded dimension of Misgdim(M) thengdim(M(1)) =Q-1gdim(M). For us, the most important bimodules are Bi:=RRsiR(1) =C[x1,...,x (ii+1) andiruns from 1to(n-1). Note that, due to the grading shift, the degree of xjBi is1for every j. Likewise, the degree of 3.3. The category SBimnof Soergel bimodules is the smallest full subcategory of the category of containing RandBiand closed under direct sums, grading shifts, tensor produc ts and 3.4. We (3.1) Proof. Lets= (i i+1) . We have BiRBi= the s-alternating part. As graded Rs-bimodules, Ro~=Rs(-2) (the isomorphism divides pRobyxi-xi+1or more generally by as). Therefore, we = 3.5. One can also check the (3.2) Note that a subgroup in Snisomorphic to S3. Remark 3.6. The category of Soergel bimodules can be defined for any Coxet er group. The analogues of Bi correspond to simple reflections, the analogue of (3.1) holds on the nose and the analogue of (3.2) holds with certain modifications. We refer to [30] for more details and r eferences on Soergel bimodules. We will be working with the homotopy category of (bounded) co mplexes of Soergel bimodules which we denote by Kn:=Kb(SBim n). Remark 3.7. The category of Soergel bimodules is additive but not abelia n. This means that the homotopy category Kb(SBim n)still makes sense, but one cannot a priori define a derived cat egory of Soergel bimodules. In principle, one can consider a subcategory of the derived category of all R-Rbimodules generated by Soergel bimodules, but this would lead to lots of confusion and incorrect answers. F or example, in the derived category the complexes of (3.3) are isomorphic up to a grading shift. This situation might be compared to the construction of the d erived category as the homotopy category of Indeed, by the work of Soergel [114] the category of Soergel bimodules is closely related to the category O, and Soergel modules correspond to projective objects in th at category. Next, we describe some morphisms between Soergel bimodules . Lemma 3.8. (a) There is a natural projection from Bi(-1)toRwhich sends 1to1. (b) There is a well defined morphism of bimodules R-Bi(1)which sends AnyR-R-bimodule homomorphism Bi=RRsR-Rneeds to send the bimodule in R. After fixing this, bilinearity forces the map to be an R-multiple of since 1Bihas degree -1while1Rhas degree 0, we need the shift Bi(-1)to have a map of graded ignoring gradings for the time being, a map u:R-Bineeds to send u: For this to be a bimodule homomorphism, we need pu(1) =u(1)psinceRis p=ps+aspowe that For the W=Sncase, we have as= 2(xi-x' i+1). That multiples ofuare all the homomorphisms can be seen e.g. from the tensor-ho m adjunction for bimodules and the first let us prove that there is a map of bimodules R-Biwhich sends 1toxi-x' i+1. We need to check that it sends the defining ideal for Rinside the defining ideal for Bi. =(symmetric in x' i, x' i+1) = (xi-xi+1)(xi-xi) = = = 0. Note that 1as+as1 = 2(xi-x' i+1), so the two solutions agree up to a scalar. Finally, note that s incexi-x' i+1has degree 1inBi, we need to shift the degree on Biin order to make this a map of graded 3.9. Note that we have HomR-bimod(R,Bi) =R(-1), since the map 1-xi-x' i+1has degree 1. Using the above maps between BiandR, we can define Rouquier complexes as their cones: Ti:= [Bi(-1)-R], T-1 i= [R-Bi(1)]. (3.3) Here the underlined terms are in the homological degree zero and the maps are defined in Lemma 3.8 above. The following is the fundamental result of Rouquier [ 111]: Theorem 3.10 ([111]) .The complexes braid relations up to T proof of the first relation is sketched as a lemma below. Th e second equation can be proved similarly using (3.2), and the last equation is obvious. Lemma 3.11. The complex TiRT-1 iis homotopy equivalent to R. Proof. The tensor product of complexes is [Bi(-1)m- -R]R [R- -Bi(1)]
= [Bi(-1)md- -- -RBiBiu- -- -Bi(1)] ford= id*mandu=mid. Recall from Lemma 3.4 that This gives a subcomplex differentials as above) leaving us =R. Given a braid the braid group generators and oi=+-1, we can define Rouquier Theorem 3.10 this complex is a well defined object in the hom otopy category Kn. Example 3.12. We have T2 i= *** - if Tk-1 i is such then, decomposing Tk i=Tk-1 iTiwe the form of the differentials above, this simplifies to wh at we want. 83.2 homology Next, we define the operation corresponding to the braid clos ure. IfMis anR-Rbimodule, we define its Hochschild cohomology as Hi(M) := a complex M*= (in particular, of Soergel bimodules), we = the differential induced by d. In other words, we apply the functor Hi(-)separately for each i, and term-wise in M*. The output is a collection of complexes of R-modules, one for each 3.13. More abstractly, for each iHi(-)defines an additive functor on the category of hence an additive functor on the category of Soergel bimo dules. We extend this functor to the 3.14. The definition of Hi(-)might appear a bit unnatural from the viewpoint of Soergel ca tegory. This issue is resolved in [6] where it is proved that the functors Hi(-)are representable, that is, there are certain of Soergel bimodules Wisuch that particular, for i= 0we getH0(M) = Hom R-bimod(R,M)for a bimodule Mand H0(M*) = Hom a complex M*. Here we regard Hom between two complexes as a complex in a standard way. Definition 3.15. The homology of the braid bis defined as the homology of the of the Rouquier complex Tb: HHH(b) =H(H(Tb)). The homology is triply graded :
* TheQ-grading corresponds to the internal grading on Soergel bim odules where all xihave degree 2. Note that all morphisms in definitions of TiandT-1 iare homogeneous, and the equations (3.1) and (3.2) hold with appropriate grading shifts.
* TheT-grading is the homological grading in the Rouquier complex Tb.
* TheA-grading is the Hochschild degree which equals iforHi. Theorem 3.16 ([71, 69]) .The homology HHH(b)is a link invariant, up to an overall grad- ing shift. More precisely, HHH(b)is invariant under conjugation and positive stabilization , while negative stabi- lization shifts it up by one A-degree. Remark 3.17. It is possible to fix the ambiguity of grading shift and get an h onest link invariant, see e.g. [118]. For most of these notes, we will focus on the A= 0 part of homology, to H0. It is invariant under conjugation and positive stabilizat ion, but vanishes after a single negative 3.18. Continuing Example 3.12, we can apply H0= and *** - Remark 3.9. The differentials in Tk ialternate between = 0 as in Lemma 3.8), hence the differentials in between xi-xi= 0andxi-xi+1. For = [R(-4)0- -R(-2)xi-xi+1- ---- - = [R(-6)xi-xi+1- ---- - R(-4)0- -R(-2)xi-xi+1- ---- - R] One can easily compute the homology of the resulting complex and obtain that the Poincar' e polynomials of the A= 0part Recursions and parity As one can see from the definition, the complex Tbgrows exponentially in the number of crossings in a braid, which quickly makes the direct computation of Khovan ov-Rozansky homology, even with a help of a computer, unfeasible. This was a major stumbling block i n link homology for over a decade progress was obtained in a series of papers of Eli as, Hogancamp and Mellit [29, 64, 83, 65]. This culminates in the 3.19 ([65]) .The homology of all positive torus links T(m,n)is supported in even homological degrees and the corresponding Poincar' e polyn omial can be computed using an explicit 3.20. The Poincar' e polynomial for the A= 0 part ofHHH(T(n,n+1)) is given by the defined by Garsia and Haiman in [37]. Remark 3.21. Theorem 3.19 confirms a series of conjectures about the combi natorics of [41, 51, 53, 91]. Let us describe the idea behind the proof of this theorem. Hog ancamp in [63] observed that for each n there exists a complex of Soergel bimodules Knsatisfying the following relations: (1)K1 = (2)
***Kn (3)
Kn+1= Kn=t-nKn+1 qKn where throughout the notes we use the change of variables q=Q2, t=T2Q-2, pictures should be read in the following way: each pict to a (bounded) complex of Soergel bimodules, an d stacking crossings on top (resp. bot- tom) of this picture means tensoring by the corresponding Ro uquier complex on the right (resp. left). The closing of the last strand in (3) denotes taking HC[xn+1](Kn+1), which yields a complex of in one variable less, identified with a shifted sum of the complexes Kn. Example 3.22. Let us check that the complex K2= the in particular, eats crossings. Indeed, K2= [T-1(-4)-T], so thanks to Lemma 3.11 and Example 3.12 we have TK2= [R(-4)-T2] = =K2. One can check that the differentials agree with this computa one can check that K2, as a complex of vector spaces (or left R-modules) is acyclic. If we tensor it withB, we get an acyclic complex of free B-modules, so it must be contractible. Therefore 3.23. Continuing with Example 3.18, the Poincar' e polynomials of general, one can check that for two-stranded torus knots that (up to a power of twhich corresponds to an overall grading shift) the Poincar' e polynomials are given by rational functions where the numerator is symmetric in qandt, and the denominator is a power of (1-q). The symmetry between qandtis much less clear in variables QandT, which is one of the motivations behind the change of variables (3.4) . See also Theorem 5.17 below. In the following section we show how to use the properties of Knto recursively compute the link ho- mology. Note that any combination of a,q,t has even (homological) T-degree. The recursion would follow from the repeated simplification of the braid diagram using the above relations and the follow- ing standard lemma: Lemma 3.24. Suppose that we have an exact triple of the homology of both A*andC*is supported in even homological degrees. Then the homology ofB*is supported in even homological degrees and Hk(B*) =Hk(A*)Hk(C*)for allk. 11For the reader's convenience, we also write an explicit recu rsion from [65]. By a binary sequence we mean a (possibly empty) sequence of 0's and1's. Ifv=v1...vlis a binary sequence, we denote the number of 1's appearing in v. Theorem 3.25 ([65]) .Letvandwbe a pair of binary sequences with |v|=|w|. Letp(v,w)denote the unique family of polynomials, indexed by such pairs of binary seque nces, = (tl+a)p(v,w), the triply graded homology of T(m,n)is free over Zof graded rank p(0m,0n). 3.4 Examples Example 3.26. Let us use the recursion to compute the homology of two-stran d torus links. We can first term evaluates to the second term evaluates to t-1q(1+a)2. Since both of them have even homological shifts, the differential vanishes, a nd the Poincar' e polynomial can apply the same relation with T(2,m)braid added below. On the left we get T(2,m+2) while on the right we by K2(which is the same as K2since it eats crossings) and T(2,m). By induction in m, we conclude that for all positive mthe homology of T(2,m)is supported in even homological degrees, and the Poincar' e polynomial is given by HHH(T(2,m+2)) recursion is easy to solve with the initial can compare this with Example 3.18. 12Example 3.27. For a more complicated example, let us compute the homology o f the(3,3)torus link. Consider the braid L3=
It is easy to see that T(3,3) =T(2,2)*L3. By applying the recursion from Example 3.26 to T(2,2), we By the main recursion, K2L3is resolved by To resolveL3, we can write L3= =t-1K2 qt-1 Finally, we can use the recursion to write K2= (t+a)K1 which we already computed. As a result, we proved that HHH(T(3,3))is supported in even homological degrees, and refer the reader to [29, 65] for the final answer. Example 3.28. A similar computation yields the following Khovanov-Rozan sky homology of T(3,4)torus knot, first computed in [27]:
* * * * ** * * * **
QA 0 2 4 4 63 5 5 7 78 -6-4-20 2 4 6012 The homology is 11-dimensional (the generators correspond to the dots in the picture) and concentrated in three A-degrees. The Q-degree is marked on a horizontal axis, A-degree on the vertical axis and T-degree is marked next to the dots. 134 Braid varieties 4.1 Braid varieties and their properties In this lecture we describe a geometric model for Khovanov-R ozansky homology of positive we consider the matrix Bi(z) =
1 0 *** 0 0... ... 0 0 1
where the nontrivial 2x2block is at the i-th and(i+1) -st positions. Lemma 4.1. Without loss of generality we may work with 3x3-matrices, i= 1. The left hand side is
0 1 0 1z10 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1z2
0 1 0 1z30 0 0 1
0 0 1 1 0z1 0 1z2
0 1 0 1z30 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 1z1 1z3z2
and the right hand side is
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1z3
0 1 0 1z2-z1z30 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1z1
0 1 0 0 0 1 1z2-z1z3z3
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1z1
0 0 1 0 a positive define, following Mellit [84], the braid r) the braid variety X(b) ={(z1,...,z r) :Bb(z1,...,z r)is upper-triangular } Cr. It follows from Lemma 4.1 and the obvious equality Bi(z)Bj(w) thatBb satisfies the braid relations (2.1) up to a change of variable s, and the variety X(b)does not depend on the braid word for bup to isomorphism. Clearly, X(b)is an affine algebraic variety in Crcut out 4.2. To describe X(s3)we is upper triangular if and only if 1+z1z2= 0, equivalently z1/}aioslash= 0, soX(s3) 4.3. Similarly, X(s4)will be related to the is upper-triangular if z1+z3+z1z2z3= 0. This is a hypersurface in C3timesCz4. Note that we can rewrite this equation as z1+z3(1+z1z2) = 0 . If1+z1z2= 0thenz1= 0, contradiction. Therefore so that X(s4) ={ 0}xCz4 and hence it is smooth of dimension 3. Example 4.4. Similarly, X(s5)corresponds is upper-triangular = 0. Similarly to the previous case, one can check that this hyper surface is isomorphic to the open subset 0}and does not depend on z5, so that it is smooth of dimension 4. Note that in all these examples there is a torus action on X(sk)defined by the can be generalized as follows. Lemma 4.5. (a) We have =Bi(z')Dfor somez'and some diagonal matrix D. (b) Part (a) defines the action of the torus T:= (C*)n-1on the braid variety X(b)for anyn-strand braid b. (c) The torus action on X(b)is free ifbcloses up to a knot (with one component). In this case, we have X(b) = (a) It is clearly enough to verify for a single crossing, and h ere it is enough to work with 2x2- matrices. We on the left - moving everything to the right in Bb(/vector z)using (a) multiplies entries of
/vector permutes entries of tbyw(b). The condition doesn't change. So we get an action. (c) If the closure is a knot, the above dictates tit-1 w(i)= 1for alli. So the stabilizers are all trivial. Now assume that bcloses up to a knot, and let r:=l(b)be the length of the braid b. If we consider the subvariety X'(b)consisting of zX(b)such that Bb(z)has a fixed diagonal is straightforward to see that X'(b)~=X(b)/Tand that following theorem generalizes Examples 4.2-4.4 to an ar bitrary number of 4.6 ([19, 20]) .Suppose that b=gwhereis the positive half-twist braid and gis an braid. Then the following holds: (a)X(b)is non-empty if and only if gcontainsas a subword. In what follows we assume that this is the case. (b)X(b)is smooth of (expected) dimension The variety X(b)is an invariant of g-1under conjugation and positive a smooth compactification (depending on a braid word for b) where the complement to X(b)is a normal crossings divisor with stratification labeled by the subwords of gcontaining . Remark 4.7. Note that the braid g-1=b-2which appears in part (c) is not necessary positive. Remark 4.8. The combinatorics of the strata in the compactification in pa rt (d) is described by the subword complex ofgdefined by Knutson and Miller [75]. In fact, this compactifica tion coincides with the brick variety of the braid word b, studied by Escobar in [31]. It is sometimes more convenient to work with the following mo dification of the braid variety X(b;w0) :={(z1,...,z r) :Bb(z1,...,z r)w0is upper-triangular } Cr wherew0Snis the longest element, w0= is interpreted in the equation above as a permutation matrix. In fact, in the context of Theorem 4. 6 we have, see [19] X(b) =X(g) that this explains the appearance of the C-factor in Examples 4.2-4.4. Example 4.9. As in Example 4.3, we get X(s4) ={ ={ 0}. This compactifies to P1xP1, with the following strata of the complement: the hyperbola {1+z1z2= 0}, two lines at infinity, and three pairwise intersection points of these . The strata are in bijection with nonempty subwords of s3. Let us briefly comment on the ideas behind the proof of Theorem 4.6(c), following [20]. First, to the braid b=gone can associate a Legendrian link which has the smooth type of the closure of b-2=g-1. This is done using pigtail closure of b, see [21, 20]. Next, to any Legendrian link Chekanov [23] associated a dg algebra Cand proved that its cohomology is a Legendrian link invarian t. See also [21] for a construction of Cover the integers and more details. An important invariant of a dga Cis its augmentation variety defined as Aug(C) = Spec H0(C). By the work of K' alm' an [67] for a positive braid gthe dgaCcoincides with the Koszul complex for the X(g;w0), so that Aug(C) =X(g;w0). Ifgis not positive but is equivalent to a positive braid, one can still describe Aug(C)as the quotient of some explicit algebraic variety by a free a ction of some affine space Cwwith coordinates corresponding to the negative crossings i ng. See [20] for an explicit description of C,Aug(C)and their behaviour under braid moves, conjugation and positive Homology of braid varieties The following result has been discussed in e.g. [84, 113], bu t in this form it was stated and proved only recently in [115, Corollary 4]. Theorem 4.10. TheT= Borel-Moore homology of X(b)has a nontrivial weight filtration. The associated graded for this filtration is isomorphic the weight grading corresponds, up to an overall shift i nloc. cit. , to theq-grading, and the corresponds to the sum of the qandt-gradings. The action of the variables xion the right hand side corresponds to the equivariant parameters, that is, the gen erators of the T-equivariant homology of a point. Remark 4.11. Note that the variety used in [115, Corollary 4] slightly dif fers from our X(b)and loc. cit. homology instead of T-equivariant one. Nevertheless, by [115, Remark B.4.3] the are 4.12. Similar results in sheaf- and form appea r in [116, 117, 111]. Remark 4.13. Note that by the main result of [45] we have HHHn(b) = HHH0(b-2) = HHH0(g-1). As we discussed above, this is invariant under conjugation a nd positive stabilization of g-1in agreement with Theorem 4.6(c). Remark 4.14. In [115] Trinh has also extended Theorem 4.10 to all Hochschi ld degrees using Springer theory. Remark 4.15. SinceX(b)is smooth, on the level of triply graded vector spaces Theore m 4.10 may be also stated in terms of usual singular cohomology. Namely, the Ve rdier dualizing sheaf of X(b)is simply and the equivariant BM homology agrees as a doubly graded ve ctor space with the This is however not the case for the more general varieties appearing in the extension to degrees, and equivariant BM homology (or up to a l inear duality, cohomology with compact supports) seems to be the most natural choice also in view of Section 6.4 . Let us sketch some ideas in the proof of Theorem 4.10, referri ng the reader to [115] for more details. First, recall the bimodules Bi=RRsiR. To give a geometric interpretation to these, consider variety [17] BSi={(F,F') :F,F'complete flags have line bundles the corresponding Chern F' j+1/F' j-1 (4.1) is filtered both by Li,Li+1and byL' i,L' i+1, so the elementary symmetric functions in Chern classes of the rank two bundle (4.1) and hence agree with each other. These are precisely the defining equations for Bi. Given a tensor product Bi1 *** Bir, we can define the more general Bott-Samelson variety as the space of sequences of flags that the conditions for we associate some geometric objects to Rouquier compl exesTiassociated to positive braids. We say that two flags F,F'are in position This is an open subset to the diagonal. To a Rouquier complex Tb=Ti1***Tirwe associate the variety OBSbconsisting of sequences of flags that in position sit. The open Bott-Samelson variety was considered in the work o f Brou' e, Michel and Deligne [18, 25], and later in [113], it plays a prominent rol e in the Deligne-Lusztig theory [26]. In particular, Deligne proved in [25] that OBSbis an invariant of the braid band does not change under braid relations up to a (canonical) isomorphism. To compute the homology of OBSb, one can use the exact sequence in equivariant cohomology co ming from excision and Namely, the open Bo tt-Samelson variety has a natural embed- ding into the closed Bott-Samelson variety for the same brai d word. Its complement is a union of varieties corresponding to subwords of bwith one letter skipped, the intersections of which correspond to subwords of bwith two letters skipped and so on. As a result, we can compute the homology of OBSbusing the homologies of closed Bott-Samelson varieties for all possible subwords of b. This is parallel to the expansion of Tbas a complex built out of tensor products of Bifor all we need to compare the open Bott-Samelson variety OBSbto the braid variety X(b). This is given by the following Lemma 4.16 ([20]) .(a) The variety X(b;w0)is a subset of OBSbwhere the first flag F(1)is chosen to be standard, and the last flag F(r+1)is chosen to be antistandard: The variety X(b)is a subset of OBSbwhere both the first and the last flags are chosen to be standard . Here,bis the braid bread in the opposite of the first and last flag in (b) corresponds to c losing the braid and computing HHHn. The compactification of X(b)mentioned in Theorem 4.6 corresponds, up to replacing bbyb, to of OBSbbyBSb. Note that this compactification depends on the choice of a br aid word for b. Example 4.17. Let us compute the homology of the varieties Examples 4.2 and 4.3. Note that for b=s3by Lemma 4.5 the torus action is free, and the equivariant hom ology is related to the non- equivariant homology by a trivial factor. The homology of X(s3) =C*xCis clear. To compute the homology of X(s4) ={ 0}xCwe use the Alexander duality. The hyperbola {1 +z1z2= 0}is isomorphic to C*and has nontrivial H0andH1, nontrivial cohomology with compact support H2,candH1,c. Now
/tildewiderHi({ 0}) 0}) so we have nontrivial H1andH2. Since it is connected, we also have H0. To sum up, we have H0(X(s4)) =H1(X(s4)) =H2(X(s4)) =Z, and the other homologies vanish. Example 4.18. The computation for X(s5)from Example 4.4 is similar: by the Alexander duality we 0}) 0}) =H5-i,c({ 0}) while by the Poincar' e duality we have H5-i,c({ 0}) =Hi-1({ =H1(X(s5)) =H2(X(s5)) =H3(X(s5)) =Z, and the other homologies vanish. Note that s5closes up to a knot, so T=C*action on X(s5)is free and by Lemma 4.5(c) we have H*(X(s5)) that H0 T(X(s5)) =H2 T(X(s5)) =Z and other equivariant homology vanish. This agrees with the A= 0 homology of the trefoil T(2,3), see Example 3.18. Example 4.19. Consider the three strand braid b= (s1s2)7which corresponds to the (3,4)torus knot obtained as the closure of b-2. It has a free action of the torus T= (C*)2and the quotient X(b-1;w0)/Tis isomorphic to theE6cluster variety (see Example 4.25 below). Its = the weight filtration was computed by Lam and Speyer in [7 7] and is given by the following 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 k-p= 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 This matches the bottom row of the homolo gy ofT(3,4)in Example 3.28. 4.3 From braid varieties to positroid the recent work of Galashin and Lam [32, 33] and [20 ], we relate the braid varieties to positroid varieties in the Grassmannian defined in [74]. Recall that the Grassmannian k-dimensional subspaces in n-dimensional space, which can be presented as the row span of a kxnmatrix of maximal rank. Let v1,...,v nbe the columns of such matrix, extend these periodically by setting vi+n=vi. The open positroid stratum Pk,nis defined by the conditions that all the cyclically consecut det(vi,...,v i+k-1) are nonzero. Lemma 4.20 ([20]) .We have Pk,n= (s1***sk-1)n-kis the(k,n-k)torus braid on 4.21. Consider the open positroid variety P2,4. 0, we can use row operations to write the matrix as /parenleftbigg 1 0a b 0 1c conditions on minors 0,d/}aioslash= 0. By denoting x=b/a,y=-c/dwe 0which is the defining inequality of 4.22. Similarly, for P2,5we get the 0a b e 0 1c d that a/}aioslash= 0,f/}aioslash= 0. Without loss of generality, we can get rid of (C*)3and 1, thend= 1+bc. 0. If we denote z1=b,z2=c,z3=-e, we 0 which is the defining inequality of 4.23. Consider a pair of permutations w,uSnsuch that w>=uin the Bruhat order. =Rw,u is the open Richardson variety in the complete flag variety in Cn. positive braid lifts of permutations in addition wsatisfies the so-called k-Grassmannian condition, then by [74] the open Richardson v ari- etyRw,uis isomorphic to a more general positroid variety Pw,uGr(k,n), the variety the case when u= 1 andwis the maximal k-Grassmannian permutation. In [20] the variety Pw,uis proven to be isomorphic (up to C*factors) to braid varieties for four different braids, some onnstrands (like in Example 4.23) and some on kstrands (like in Lemma 4.20). We refer to [20] for more detail s. Finally, we would like to mention an emerging connection bet ween braid varieties and cluster varieties , although the latter are out of scope of these notes. In partic ular, by [112, 34] all positroid varieties Pw,u are cluster varieties, while by [35] certain braid varietie s also have the structure of cluster 4.24. The braid variety to the (2,k-1)torus link, is isomorphic (up to a certain torus) to the positroid variety P2,k+1, and to the cluster variety of type Ak-2. Example 4.25. The braid variety to the (3,4)torus knot, is isomorphic (up to a certain torus) to the positroid variety P3,7, and to the cluster variety of type E6. It is yet unclear how the cluster structure reveals itself in link homology. However, one piece of this structure already plays an important role: any cluster vari ety carries a canonical closed 2-form [38] (which is symplectic under nice circumstances) which has co nstant coefficients in all cluster charts. This form yields an interesting operator in link homology of homo logical degree 2, which is constructed for all (not necessary positive) braids in the next and tautological classes In this lecture we describe various homological operations in homology. 5.1 Polynomial action Recall that to any braid bwe associate the Rouquier complex Tbconsisting of R-Rbimodules, a complex of C[x1,...,x Let us describe the properties of this observe that for any symmetric function f(x1,...,x n)C[x1,...,x n]Snthe actions of f(x1,...,x n) and Indeed, this is true for Biand arbitrary products of Bi, and hence for any Soergel bimodule. More abstractly, we can consider a n) anyfC[x1,...,x n]Sn Note that the bimodule Bis also an algebra as a quotient of the polynomial algebra. By the above, we obtain the following Lemma 5.1. The action of C[x1,...,x the Rouquier complex Tbfactors through the action of B. Next, we can compare the actions of xiandx' i. More 5.2. The action of xionTbis homotopic to the action of x' w(i)wherewis the permutation corresponding to the braid b. Example 5.3. For example, consider the braid the corresponding Rouquier complex Tb. Note that after the braid closure we identify xiwithx' i, so thatx1becomes homotopic to x2,x2tox1andx3to itself. Theorem 5.2 has a very important consequence for the structu re of link 5.4. Suppose that a braid bcloses up to a link Then HHH(L)is naturally a module over a polynomial ring in rvariables, one variable per component of L. Note that the components of Lcorrespond to the cycles in the corresponding permutation w. 5.2 Dot-sliding homotopies and y-ification The following lemma outlines the proof of Theorem 5.2 for a si ngle crossing. The general case is obtained by combining these elementary dot-sliding 5.5. The actions of xiandx' i+1on the Rouquier complex Ti= [Bi-R]are We want to construct a map h:R-Bisatisfying hd(fRsig) = (xi-xi+1)f, whered=mis the unique bimodule bap Bi-Rsending 1Rsi1to1. it is clear that we must have h(1) This is exactly the map constructed in Lemma 3.8. Now it is straightforward to check thathindeed gives a homotopy R B 5.6. Let us describe an explicit homotopy between the left and rig htR-actions for the two-strand braid s2. Thanks to Lemma 5.5, we have a homotopy between x1andx' 2onT, so(x1-x' 2)1is null-homotopic on TT, such a homotopy is given by h1. Similarly, 1(x2-x' 1)is null-homotopic. But x' 21 = 1x2. Thus, h1-1hgives a homotopy between x11and1x' 1. It is easy to see that the same map h1-1h gives a homotopy between up to a scalar multiple). Alternatively, if we actu ally want to do computations, we have: B B R B B Rx1-x' 1 d 1 0 x1-x' 1 d The above complex works because, on 0 and, so the diagram shows that both null-homotopic, as wanted. Letxibe the homotopies between xiandx' wi, that is, [d,xi] =xi-x' w(i) We can choose xiso that they square to zero and anticommute (since this holds for a single crossing by Lemma 5.5). Now we can introduce formal variables y1,...,y nand consider the deformed (5.1) From the above discussion, we vanishes after closing the braid and identifying diff erentyion the same link component. This allows one to define a deformation (or y-ification) of homology: HY(b) has the following 5.7 ([43]) .They-ified link homology is invariant under conjugation and stab ilization and defines a topological link invariant. If a braid bcloses up to a link Lwithrcomponents then HY(L)is naturally a r,y1,...,y r]. Example 5.8. Let us compute the y-ified homology of s2. By Example 5.6, the y-fied complex for s2has the we apply Hom(R,-)(or, equivalently, compute y-ified homology in a-degree zero) to this, we homology of this complex is an R[y]-module with two generators (say, zandw) and one relation z(y1-y2) =
w(x1-x2). This module is isomorphic to an ideal in R[y]generated by 5.9. The complex with backward pointing arrows might look unusua l to the reader. We can rewrite it in a more conventional way by unrolling the variable y=y1-y2, which has homological degree 2, and writing R[y] R[y1+y2] yR[y1+y2] x1-x2 y 0 x1-x2 y 0 x1-x2 This example can be generalized as follows: Theorem 5.10 ([43]) .LetT(n,kn)be the(n,kn)torus link with ncomponents. The corresponding braid is the k-th power of the full twist on nstrands (k>=0). the ideal in HY(unlink) = C[x1,...,x n,y1,...,y n,th1,...,th n]. In Hochschild degree zero we n,y1,...,y n] is the ideal defining the union of all diagonals in (C2)n. (b) The ideals JandJare free over C[y1,...,y =Jk/(y)Jk. Note that in Theorem 5.10 it is much easier to first describe th ey-ified homology, and then obtain HHH as a quotient by the maximal ideal in yi. This seems to indicate that y-ified homology has better , as we see in the next section. 235.3 Tautological classes and the dg algebra Awhich is a free resolution of n,x1,...,x n], d(xi) =xi-x' i, d(uk) the complete symmetric function of degree k-1on the variables xi,x' i, and the grading on Ais given by deg(xi) = deg(x' i) = 0 ,deg(xi) = 1 , anddeg(ui) = 2 fori= 1,...,n . Lemma 5.11. We haved2= 0inA. Proof. First note that thanks to the graded Leibniz rule, it is enoug h to show that d2= 0on if bandcare homogeneous then d2(bc) the last equality follows since |b|=|d(b)| -1. Now, that d2(xi) =d2(x' i) =d2(xi) = 0 is obvious from the definition. As for ukwe have d2(uk) 0. Theorem 5.12 ([44]) .The algebra Aacts on the Rouquier complex Tbfor anyb, such that xiact as usual, the action ofx' iis twisted by the permutation wcorresponding to b, andxiact by the dot-sliding homotopies as above. Theorem 5.12 follows from two lemmas below. Indeed, by Lemma 5.14 the dg algebra Aacts on Rouquier complexes T+- i(such that uiact by 0), and by Lemma 5.13 there is a coproduct on Awhich allows to define the structure of A-module on the tensor product MRNof twoA-modules. Note that in general uiact nontrivially on Tb, see Example 5.15. Lemma 5.13. There is a chain map A - A RAdefined by the equations (xi) =xi1,(x' i) = 1x' i,(xi) =xi1+1xi (uk) We need to check that commutes with the differentials. This is clear for xi. Let us check for xi: d((xi)) =d(xi1+1xi) = just as before, x' i1 = 1xi, andx'' iis just a shorthand for 1x' i. So we see that d((xi)) =xi-x'' i= let us compute d((uk)): d((uk)) the last negative sign is due to the graded Leibniz rule . Recalling that x' i=x' i1 = 1xiand x'' i= 1x' iwe can rewrite we observe that similarly, =hk-1(xi,x'' i). Then, d((uk)) = (d(uk)). Lemma 5.14. The dg algebra Aacts on the Rouquier complex Ti. Proof. By degree considerations, all ukhave to act by 0onTi. The action of xiis given by the left action ofRonTi, while the action of x' iis given by the right action of Rtwisted by the automorphism si:R-R, so thatx' iis given by right multiplication by xi+1, for example. Finally, the action of xiis given by the homotopy hconstructed in Lemma 5.5, the action of xi+1is the negative of this homotopy, and Let us verify that this indeed gives an action of AonTi. Since all the maps appearing in the Rouquier complex are maps ofR-bimodules, they commute with both the left and right action of R, as needed. Any symmetric polynomial is, in particular, sym metric in theiandi+1-st variables, so the left and right actions of symmetric pol ynomials on Ticoincide. This verifies that we have an action of B=RRSnRwith trivial differential. By definition of the action and Lemma 5.5, we have dxi=xi-x' i, The twist si fixes every other variable, and the left and right actions of e very other variable on Tiand for getdxk= 0 =xk-x' k, as needed. Finally, we need to check by0. Sincexlacts by0unlessl=i,i+ 1, we simply get But the action is defined so that xi+1=-xi, and this further simplifies as OnBithis is zero because xi+1is already zero there. On R, we = 0. Example 5.15. Let us construct the action of the dg algebra Aon the Rouquier complex for s2. Thanks to Lemma 5.14, we get an action of AA onTT=s2. Composing with the coproduct map of Lemma 5.13 , this induces an action of AonTT=s2. Let us be more explicit. The action of u1has to be 0, because u1acts by zero on Tand(u1) =u11 + 1u1. The action of xi(resp.x' i) is given by left (resp. by xi. The action of x1is the homotopy of Example 5.6 and the action of x2the negative of this. Finally, by degree considerations u2can only be nonzero on R, and there it is the map R-Bconstructed in Lemma 3.8. B B 0 follows because all the maps involved in the complex homomorphisms. That essentially Example 5.6 above. So we only need to check the relation du2= Note that the right-hand side is zero, while the left-hand side is the composition of the maps R--Bx1-x' 1--B. To check that it is zero, it suffices to check that it is zero when evaluated at 1. Here, we = 0. Remark 5.16. Note that, similarly to Example 5.15, u1acts by zero on any Rouquier complex Tb. To sum up Theorem 5.12, there is an action of interesting oper atorsxi,ukon Rouquier complexes Tbbut these do not commute with the differential on Tb. To resolve this issue, we use the y-ified complex with the we get the 5.17 ([44]) .(a) We have [D,Fk] = 0,[Fk,Fl] = 0, [Fk,xi] = 0,[Fk,yi] particular, Fkdefine a family of commuting operators on HY(b). (b) The operator F2satisfies a hard Lefschetz condition and lifts to an action ofsl2onHY(b). As a symmetric. For knots, we have HY(b) = HHH( b)C[x,y], soHHH(b)is symmetric as well. This was conjectured by Dunfield, Gukov and Rasmussen in [27], see Example 3.28 for the visually symmetric and Examples 3.18 and 3.23 for that the curious hard Lefschetz property in the homol ogy of positroid varieties was established in [34, 77]. 5.4 Geometric analogue The construction of the operators ukandFkvia the coproduct on Ais similar to (and motivated by) the construction of the tautological classes on character vari eties [9, 11, 66, 83] which we briefly recall in this section. Let G=GL(n)and letQbe a symmetric function in nvariables of degree r. Then one can use the construction [66] to obtain the following differential forms and that dPh1(Q) = 0 (so a cohomology class on G) and dPh2(Q) the multiplication map. 26One can think of these classes as follows: first, recall that t he cohomology of BGis isomorphic to the G- equivariant cohomology of a point, and to C[g]GC[x1,...,x n]Sn, so a symmetric function a cohomology class Ph0(Q). In particular, the cohomology of BG=BGL(n)is a free generated in degrees we consider the Leray spectral =C associated to the universal fibration EG-G. The class characterized by the fact that it kills Ph0(Q)H2r(BG)in this spectral sequence. We refer to [66] for an explicit co nstruction of the differential form this cohomology class. In particular, the coh omology of GL(n) is a free polynomial algebra generated by anticommuting var iables in degrees form to the = 1[Ph1(Q)]+[Ph 1(Q)]1. (5.2) Although this equation holds in cohomology (where it does not hold for the actual differential forms Ph1(Q)on the nose. The difference between the left and right hand si des in (5.2) can be then written as dPh2(Q)and it turns out that such Ph2(Q)can be written explicitly. We refer to [11, 66, 83] for more details and explicit formulas for 5.18. = forms can be used for gluing various G-valued functions. Given assume that f*Ph1(Q) =doX, g*Ph1(Q) =doY, then we can define a new (5.3) It follows from the above that doXxY= (5.3) is similar to the construction of the coprodu ct onA. Mellit [84] used this cf. Example 5.18, to define a 2-form on an arbitrary braid var ietyX(b). Note that the2-form on X(b)is closed, since Ph2(Q)vanishes on upper-triangular matrices, but we cannot expec t it to be symplectic in general, since dim(X(b))is not necessarily even. However, Mellit takes a fixing the diagonal of the matrix Bb, and takes the quotient Y(b) the action of an appropriate torus /tildewideT, see [84, Definition 5.3.7] for details. Theorem 5.19 ([84]) .The above construction produces a symplectic form on Y(b)which satisfies curious hard Lefschetz with respect to the weight filtration in cohomolo gy. 6 Algebraic links and affine Springer theory 6.1 Algebraic a polynomial in two variables. Consider the plane curve C={f(x,y) = 0} C2. We assume that Cpasses through the origin and has a singular point there. Consider the intersection L=CS3 eofCwith a small three-sphere with center at the origin and radiu s e. It is a classical result of Milnor [87] that for esmall enough the intersection is transverse (so that Lis a smooth link in S3) and the topological type of Ldoes not depend on e. Such links are called algebraic links . 27Example 6.1. The node {xy= 0}corresponds to the Hopf link (that is, the (2,2)torus link). The cusp to the trefoil knot, that is, T(2,3). More generally, the singularity to link which has is known that (local) irreducible components of Cat the origin correspond to the connected compo- nents of the link L. In particular, if Cis irreducible (and reduced) then Lis an algebraic knot with one component. Such knots are classified in [28] and are all itera ted cables of torus knots. The cabling pa- rameters correspond to the Puiseux expansion of C. For links with more components, the more complicated, and we refer to [28] for all details. 6.2 Rasmussen and Shende proposed a remarkable conje cture relating the singular curves to homology. Recall that the Hilbert schem e ofnpoints on Cconsists of ideals I OCsuch that dimOC/I=n. We will also consider the local version of the Hilbert schem e where the ideals are contained in 6.2 ([91]) .One has HHH0(L) the right hand side is bigraded by the number of points kand the homological degree, and the two gradings are related to the gradings on the left hand side by an explici t change of 6.3. In [91] there is also a conjectural model for higher Hochschi ld degrees using slightly more compli- cated moduli spaces. In the next few examples, we will verify Conjecture 6.2 in som e special cases. Example 6.4. Let us describe the Hilbert schemes Hilbn(C,0)for the node {xy= 0}, which corresponds to the Hopf link L=T(2,2). First, we note that a (topological) basis of OC,0is given by the monomials Now we claim that a nonzero ideal I OC,0satisfies exactly one of the three following properties: (a) It is properly contained in C[[x]] OC,0. (b) It is properly contained in C[[y]] OC,0. (c) It has finite codimension. The ideals in (a) are precisely those of the form (xn)forn >0, they are properly contained in C[[x]]thanks to the relationyx= 0 and they do not have finite codimension, as C[[y]] OC,0/(xn). The ideals in (b) are Finally, if an ideal Iis not properly contained in C[[x]]nor inC[[y]], then there exist m,n such that xm,ynI. But then the quotient OC,0/Iis spanned by soIhas finite codimension. We will now focus on ideals satisfying (c). We claim that every ideal of finite codimension is either prin cipal, of the form 0,b/}aioslash= 0 or an ideal of the form (xi,yj). Assume first that Iis principal, so I= (f). We may also assume that finite codimension, f=g(x)+h(y), 0. Multiplying by a unit in C[[x]]and then by a unit in C[[y]], we see that fmay be assumed to be of the form axi+byj, the valuations of gandh, that is, the minimal power of x(resp.y) that appears with nonzero coefficient in g(resp.h). 28Now assume that Iis not principal, say I= (akxik+bkyjk)for some k >1. Note that < m andj < n . From here, we can see that every non-principal ideal is of th e basis On the other hand, both xi+1andyj+1. From here, we can see that since all the ideals of the form we see = = (xi,yj+1) so and we get that for n >1, Hilbn(C,0)is a chain of n-1projective lines P1, dual to the AnDynkin diagram, where each P1corresponds to a way of writing nas a sum of two positive integers. The remaining cases, clearly just points. Let us verify Conjecture 6.2 in this case. The generating fun ction for the Poincar' e polynomials of = 1+ agrees with the Poincar' e polynomial of HHH0(L), computed in Example 3.23, up to the change of the computation in Example 3.26 up to the change of variab 6.5. Let us describe the Hilbert schemes for the cusp {x3=y2}which we can parametrize by x=
t2,y=t3so we claim that a nonzero ideal IC[[t2,t3]]has finite codimension. Let Ibe such an ideal and Let g(t)C[[t]]be a unit such that gf=tk. Note that g(t)may not belong to Thus, tk+2I, and we have proved that every nonzero ideal contains a monomi al. It remains to observe that a basis, so every ideal generated by a monomial is finite cod imensional and the we claim that every proper ideal in C[[t2,t3]]is either principal, of the form (tk+ltk+1)for somelC, or of the form (tk,tk+1). Assume first that Iis principal, say I= (f). Letk=n(f). We have seen in the paragraph above that tk+2,tk+3,*** I, so we may assume fhas the form tk+ltk+1, as needed. Now > k+1. From here, it follows that the non-principal ideals have th e note that basis so we have that On the other hand, basis tk+1, conclude, we have that both points, while for k>=2 Hilbk(C,0) generating function has the again coincides with the Poincar' e polynomial of HHH0(T(2,3)), computed in Example 3.23 up to the change of variables 6.6. Similarly to Example 6.5, let us describe the Hilbert scheme s for the curve {x2k+1=y2}. Let us, first, classify the principal ideals in C[[t2,t2k+1]]. Just as in Example 6.5, we can see that if I= (f)is a then we may assume fhas the form Note, however, that we may multiplyfby powers of t2to get rid of the monomials of the form tm+2i. Thus, the principal ideals of the now that Iis not principal, say I= (fi)l i=1. We may assume that each fihas the form stated above, that Note that if m1:= min(mi), thenIalready contains all monomials of the form tm1+2m+j. So we may assume that m1<=mi<=m1+ 2k-1for alli. Moreover, if mi=mjthen we can replace we get rid of the tmjterm infj. In other words, we may assume that Moreover, if mj=mi+2p, then we can substitute rid of the tmjterm infj. So we may assume that all mi's have different parity. To recap: an ideal is generated by at most 2elements. We us briefly justify why we can assume the second generator, of higher degree, is simply a monomial. We do this in the caseI= (tm,tm+1), which is the most involved one. We will make heavy use of the f act priori, we have the can multiply subtract to get rid of the uk-1tm+2k-2term. This introduces a monomial of the form tm+2k-1 ing. But now we can multiply gby a scalar multiple of t2k-2to get rid of this term, too. We have substituted Note that the coefficients u1,u2,...,u k-2have not changed. Now we can do the same trick and multiply fby an appropriate scalar multiple of t2k-4to get rid of the t2k-4 term ing1. This will introduce As we have seen before, we can easily get rid of the tm+2k-1term. If we want to get rid of the tm+2k-3term, we will introduce a tm+2k-2term, without introducing any newtm+2k-4terms. But we have seen that we can get rid of the tm+2k-2term. We can then use recursion to reduce gto simply tm+1. Then use this monomial to simplify fto justtm. Thus, we get: both points, So we can pave Hilbm(C,0)by affine spaces, and the closure of each one of these affine spa ces equals the union of the affine spaces of smaller or equal dimension. T hus, we see that Hilb2,Hilb3are the homology of P2,...,Hilbmhave the homology of Pkform>=2k(and, in generating function has the to the change of variables t/mapso-1/qt2, this again coincides with the Poincar' e polynomial of computed in Example 3.23. In Examples 6.4-6.6 we have verified Conjecture 6.2 for the Ho pf link as well as for positive (2,2k+1) - torus knots. However, Conjecture 6.2 is wide open in general . Here we collect some facts and references for partial results: (a) By a remarkable result of Maulik [80], the generating fun ction for the Euler characteristics of the Hilbert schemes matches the HOMFLY-PT = HOMFLY -PT(L;q,a= 0). (b) For torus knots, both sides can be computed combinatoria lly and compared. The homology is computed by Theorem 3.25 above, while Hilbk(C,0)has an explicit paving by affine cells. The combinatorial formula for the dimension of these cells is given in [91] (see more details below), this yields an explicit formula for the Poin car' e polynomial of the homology. (c) Recall that for an r-component link Lits homology HHH0(L)has a natural action of the C[x1,...,x r]. Forr= 1, this action on the Hilbert scheme side was constructed in [8 6, 81, 107] and for r >1it was constructed in [72]. Roughly speaking, the operator xiadds a point on i-th component of the curve C, but one needs to use a versal deformation of Cto make it precise. We refer to [72] for more details. 6.3 Affine Springer theory Next, we would like to give yet another interpretation of Hilbn(C,0)using geometric Let us choose a projection of Cto some line, and let nbe the degree of this projection. We will regard the line as a local model for the base curve and Cas a spectral curve. Remark 6.7. The choice of the projection naturally splits the unit spher e inC2as a union of two solid tori. Indeed, the equation of the sphere is |x|2+|y|2=e2and the solid tori are Foresmall the intersection of Cwith a sphere defines a closed n-strand braid which is contained in one of the tori. This is known as a braid monodromy construction, see e. g. [2] and ref erences therein. 31We will use the following results. Lemma 6.8. LetCbe a germ of an arbitrary plane curve (possibly non-reduced) given by the equation {f(x,y) =
0}. (a) One can replace f(x,y)by a polynomial of some degree ninxwith coefficients given by power series in y. (b) A (topological) basis in OC,0is given by monomials of the form xayb,a<=n-1. In other words, OC,0is of rank nwith basis 1,...,xn-1. (c) The multiplication by xandyin this basis is given by the 0***0 0y0***0 0 0 0 ***y , X/mapso- 0 0 0 *** -f0(y) 1 0 0 *** -f1(y) 0 1 0 *** 0 0 *** -fn-1(y)
In particular, the characteristic polynomial of the second matrix equals det(X-x*I) =f(x,y). Proof. (a) We may assume that f(0,0) = 0 . The Weierstrass preparation theorem says that in the can write a unit and fn-1(y),...,f 0(y)C[[y]]. Thus, we can write the local ring The value nis the degree of the projection of the curve f(x,y) = 0 to the y-axis (i.e. the number of solutions of f(x,y0) = 0 for generic y0). (b) Thanks to part (a), we may replace fby a polynomial of the form the quotient of the algebra C[[x,y]]modulo the relation It is easy to see that this is a free C[[y]]-module with basis Clearly, y(xayb) =xayb+1, while x(xayb) < coincides with the formula in part (c). Remark 6.9. Note that in this presentation the roles of xandyare not symmetric, and the value of ndepends on the choice of the 6.10. For the cusp C={x2=y3}we that Y=
0 0x2 1 0 0 0 1 0 . On the other hand, we can choose a different projection and wr both cases the characteristic polynomial equals (up to si gn)x2-y3. 32We will use Lemma 6.8 to give a description of irreducible, see also Section 6.4 below. First, let us recall that for the group SLntheaffine Grassmannian is the affine Grassmannian GrSLnhas the following interpretation. A of rank nsuch that VC[[x]]C((x)) =Cn((x)). In other words, a lattice Vis the C[[x]]-span of a n)ofCn((x)). Let us say that a lattice Vis ofSLn-type if we can find such a basis so that the determinant of the matrix with col umnsv1,...,v nis1. It is known then that the affine Grassmannian parametrizes such :Vis a lattice of 6.11. Of course, one can do a similar construction with GLninstead of SLn, and obtain that the all lattices in Cn((x)). Using this description, if Yis annxn-matrix with coefficients in C((x))we can define the affine GrSLn. We will be interested in the case when the matrix Ycomes from a polynomial f(x,y)via the theorem, as in Lemma 6.8 (with the roles of and Example 6.10. In this case, the affine Springer fiber SpYhas the following properties: (a) If(C,0)is irreducible then SpYis isomorphic to the compactified Jacobian of C, that is, the moduli space of rank 1 torsion free sheaves of degree zero on C(see e.g. [81]). It is also isomorphic to the Hilbert scheme HilbN(C,0)forN0. In particular, SpYis a projective variety. (b) then there is an action of Zr-1onSpYby translations, and of (C*)r-1. In particular, SpYis an ind-variety with infinitely many irreducible componen ts, all of the same dimension, which are permuted by the action of Zr-1. Remark 6.12. In theGLn-case we drop the degree condition in part (a) above, and in (b ) we get an action of Springer fibers can be interpreted as the compactified Picard schemes of C, and in this generality are simply unions of Z=p1(GLn)copies of the SLn-affine Springer fibers. Remark 6.13. Alternatively, one can define compactified Jacobian of (C,0)by considering a parameterization of the curve (x(t),y(t))so In this case the compactified Jacobian is the moduli space of C[[t]]up to a shift by a power of t. IfCis irreducible and reduced, there is a deep cohomological re lationship between the affine Jacobian and the Hilbert schemes on (C,0), coming from the natural Abel-Jacobi map interpreting ideal sheaves as torsion-free sheaves. Theorem 6.14 ([81, 86]) .One = to the associated graded with respect to a certain pe rverse filtration on the cohomology of there is an action of curious hard Lefshetz property with respect t o the perverse 6.15. A slightly weaker version of the Theorem also holds for the re ducible case with appropriate mod- ifications, as shown in [81, Theorem 3.11]. A representation -theoretic proof in the irreducible case is given in [107]. 33The action of sl2is similar to the action on the cohomology of the braid variet y (with weight filtration) from Theorem 5.19 and to the action in link homology from Theo rem 5.17. Conjecture 6.16 (Shende [113]) .LetCbe an irreducible plane curve singularity, Lthe corresponding algebraic knot and bthe corresponding braid on nstrands. Then one has the isomorphism of the compactly suppo rted cohomology of the braid variety and the singular cohomology of the affine Springer the (halved) weight filtration on the left hand side mat ches the perverse filtration on the right. Remark 6.17. Conjecture 6.16 is closely related to the framework of so-ca of de [22] relating the weight filtration on th e cohomology of the character varieties and their cousins (such as braid varieties) and the perverse filtration on the c ohomology of the Hitchin moduli spaces and their cousins (such as affine Springer fibres). We refer to [22] for m ore context. Example 6.18. LetC={x2=y2}, corresponding affine Springer fiber is an infinite chain of P1, with the lattice Zacting by 6.19. Let us compute the homology of the compactified Jacobian of th e singularity {xm=yn}. As in Remark 6.13 we are classifying MC[[t]]. Any element of C[[t]]has an order , that is, minimal degree in twith a nonzero coefficient. Up to a shift by a power of t, we can assume that such a module M contains an element of order 0 in t. LetGm,ndenote the semigroup generated by mandn, then for each element of Gm,nthere is a corresponding element of Mand it is completely determined by the element of order 0. Als o,Gm,n contains all integers starting from (m-1)(n-1), We have the following cases: (a)(m,n) = (2,3). We have there are two types of =C[[t]]. The first family of modules forms an affine line, so altogether we = (2,2k+1) . We there are the following types of =C[[t]]. This yields a cell decomposition of the compactified Jacobia n with one cell of dimensions k,k-1,...,1,0. The reader should compare this with Example 6.6. (c)(m,n) = (3,4). We there are the following types of =C[[t]]. 34In the fourth case we can change basis we can assume l1= 0and there are two parameters u,l2. The compactified Jacobian then has one 3-cell (first case), two 2-cells (second and fourth cases), one 1-cell and one 0-cell. It is a singular 3-dimensional variety with homology given by the following 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 k-p= 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 The rows indicate the difference between the homological de gree and the perverse filtration, so that H4has rank 2 and nontrivial perverse filtration. This table matches the o ne in Example 4.19. For general coprime (m,n)the compactified Jacobian of C={xm=yn}is always paved by affine cells, and the dimensions of these cells can be computed by a combina torial formula which can be written in several different ways [61, 49, 47, 48, 78, 103]. We will no t write an explicit formula but mention 6.20. The Euler characteristic of the compactified Jacobian of C={xm=yn}equals the rational Catalan number The natural C*-action on the curve lifts to the C*action on the Hilbert scheme of points and on the compactified Jacobian. It is easy to see that (if m,n are coprime) the only fixed points of this action are ideals (resp. submodules) generated by monomials in t. The fixed points in the compactified Jacobian then correspond (up to translation by an integer) to the subs etsZ>=0which are invariant under both shifts by mandn, that is, +m, +n. There are several ways to enumerate such subsets, here is one. Since we are considering invariant subsets of Z>=0up to translation by an integer, we may assume that 0, so that the whole semigroup Gm,nis contained in . Consider the mxnrectangle and fill it with numbers mn-mx-nywhere we assume that the bottom left box has coordinates (x,y) = (1,1). Here is an example for (m,n) = (3,4): 5 2 can check that all nonnegative integers in Z>=0Gm,nappear exactly once in this rectangle in the cells strictly below the diagonal. It follows that the (m,n)-invariant subsets containing 0correspond to Young diagrams in this rectangle contained strictly belo w the diagonal, or, equivalently, the lattice paths from northwest to southeast corner which stay below th e diagonal. Here is an example for the subset we mark in bold the numbers added to number of such paths 6.21 ([50]) .The dimensions of the cells in the compactified Jacobians of {xm=yn},GCD(m,n) = 1 are given by a recursive formula, which matches the recursio n for homology of torus knots in Theorem 3.25 and in [65]. We refer to [50] for more details. Also, we have the following description of the cohomology ring of the compactified Jacobian in this case. Theorem 6.22 ([100, 101]) .The cohomology ring of the compactified Jacobian of {xm=yn},GCD(m,n) = 1 is generated by tautological classes of degrees certain explicit relations [101]. Remark 6.23. It is natural to expect that the tautological classes in Theo rem 6.22 are related to the ones in link homology, defined in Theorem 5.17. The precise relation betw een these is yet to be we consider curves with more components. Consider the corresponds link. The companion matrix of the polynomial xkn-ynis conjugate in GL(n,C((t))), or evenSLn(C((t))), to the nare distinct roots of unity of degree n. There is an action of the lattice as well as of the diagonal torus (C*)n-1, both coming from the natural centralizer action onSpY. In [73] the second author compared the equivariant Borel-M oore homology of SpYin this case with the homology of (n,kn)torus link following Theorem 5.10. Theorem 6.24 ([73]) .(a) One has H*,BM(SpY) = the action of xion the left hand side is given by the lattice Zn-1, and on the right hand side by = (C*)n-1and the equivariant parameters y1,...,y 0match the ones appearing in the y-ification on the right. One can avoid the restrictions to the codimension 1 subtori by considering the fibers instead. 36For more details on the geometry of the affine Springer fibers c orresponding to (n,kn)torus links, and its connections to quantum groups we refer the reader to [5, 1 0, 39]. The braid variety for is discussed in [60, 9]. 6.4 Generalized affine Springer fibers In [14, 15] Braverman, Finkelberg and Nakajima defined a rema rkable family of algebras, called Coulomb branch algebras, associated to a reductive group Gand its representation N. In fact, they defined both a commutative algebra AG,Nand its quantization In [40] defined a generalized affine Springer fiber by a vector in N((t))and in [62, 36] and Garner-Kivinen proved (under some mi ld assumptions), that AG,N acts on its Borel-Moore homology while on its loop Borel-Moore homolog y. It turns out that allHilbert schemes of points on singular curves are special cas es of this 6.25 ([36]) .(a) For any curve C(not necessarily reduced!) the union kHilbk(C,0)is isomorphic to a certain generalized affine Springer fiber for Heren, as above, denotes the degree of the projection of Conto some line. (b) There is an action of AG,N If the curve Cis then there is a C*-action on Hilbk(C,0)and in the correspond- ing equivariant 6.26. By the work of Kodera and Nakajima [76], the quantized BFN alg for (G,N) = isomorphic to the spherical rational Cherednik algebra of typeSn. We refer to [54] for more details and description of the action of the rational Che rednik algebra link homology 7.1 Hilbert scheme and its properties In this lecture we outline some results and conjectures rela ting the Hilbert scheme of points on the plane to link homology. First, we recall the definition and main pro perties of the Hilbert scheme, and refer to the book [88] for all details. The Hilbert scheme is defined as Hilbn(C2) :={IC[x,y]ideal: is a smooth algebraic symplectic variety of dimension 2n. It is also a conical symplectic resolution in the sense of [12, 13]: the natural map p: sends an ideal to its support is a resolution of singularities, and SnC2= SpecC[x1,...,x n,y1,...,y n]Sn is a singular affine Poisson variety in a way that is compatibl e with the map p. The two C*actions on C2which scale the coordinates lift to an action of (C*)2on the Hilbert scheme. Inside (C*)2, we have two distinguished one-dimensional tori. 37* The Hamiltonian torus The reason it is is that it preserves the symplectic form.
* The scaling torus Note that it scales the symplectic form by s2. It contracts the whole SnC2to the origin. Remark 7.1. Abusing the notation, let us denote by sandtthe gradings on a by the actions of SandT, respectively. Likewise, we denote by qandtthe to the left and right, respectively, C*-factors in C*xC*. Note that we have action of the torus Sis the reason why we have the adjective conical in conical symplectic resolution, for it contracts the affinization a single point. The Hamiltonian torus Hhas the following properties.
* The attracting : Lagrangian in Hilbn(C2)and coincides with Hilbn(C2,C) =p-1({y= if and only if y= 0).
* TheH-fixed points are isolated and correspond to monomial ideals . The monomial ideals in Hilbn(C2)are in correspondence with partitions of n, as follows. Given a Young diagram lof sizen(in French notation), the monomial ideal Ilis generated by all monomials outside xy x2y x3y x4y example, the diagram l= to the ideal Il= that there is a tautological rank nbundleTon the Hilbert scheme, whose fiber over an ideal I given by C[x,y]/I. We will need a line to connect to Section 6.4, in the terminology of [14 , the Higgs branch and the Coulomb branch for the 3d N= 4 gauge theory corresponding to (G,N) = with Theorem 6.25 and Remark 6.26 above) and to the q uiver 38n 1 of affine type /hatwiderA1. 7.2 Hilbert schemes and link homology We are ready to discuss the relation between the Hilbert sche me and link homology. The was formulated in [52] and mostly proved in a seri es of papers by Oblomkov and Rozansky [92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]. Conjecture 7.2. To a braid bonnstrands one can associate a coherent sheaf the following properties: (a) One triply graded vector spaces. The qandtgradings on the right hand side correspond to the C*xC*action, and thea-grading corresponds to the power of *T. The relation between the gradings (a,q,t)on the right and (A,Q,T)on the left is given by (3.4) . (b) The action of symmetric functions in xion the left corresponds to the action of C[x1,...,x n]SnC[x1,...,x n,y1,...,y the right hand side. In particular, the action of the support of Fb. (c) In particular, (b) implies that for bwhich closes up to a knot all xiact the same way, and Fbis Adding a full twist FT = (s1***sn-1)nto a braid bcorresponds to tensoring the sheaf FbbyO(1). (e) The sheaf Fbextends to a sheaf /tildewiderFbon the whole Hilbn(C2)which corresponds to the y-ified 7.3. The torus braid b=T(n,kn+ 1) corresponds to the line bundle O(k)on the punctual In particular, to =P1,T(2,2k+1) and it is easy to see that for k >0the bigraded space of sections of computed in Example 3.18 up to to is isomorphic to the (projective) cone over twisted cubic inP3. One can check = 5. More generally, by [57] one can compute and match it with the q,t-Catalan general torus braids b=T(m,n)the description of Fbis more complicated. Consider the flag Hilbert all Ikare ideals in C[x,y]of codimension ksupported at the origin. It is a very singular space, which can be equipped with the structure of a virtual complet e intersection (or of a dg scheme) [52]. It comes with the projection p: n)/mapso-In and a collection of line bundles 7.4 ([51, 52, 94]) .Suppose that GCD(m,n) = 1 . The sheaf to b=T(m,n)is given that here we consider p*as the derived pushforward for the morphism of dg schemes. We refer the reader to [51, 52, 94] for more details. Remark 7.5. One can consider the sheaves arbitrary exponents a1,...,a n. These correspond to the n) Jucys-Murphy braids. We refer to [52, 94] for more detail s on the relation between such sheaves and braids (called Coxeter braids in [94]) and to [42, 8] for the corresp onding combinatorial results and identities. 7.3 Procesi bundle and the identity braid Next, we would like to associate sheaves to the identity brai d and the powers of the full twist. For this, we will need the following constructions of Haiman [58, 59]. LetXndenote the reduced fiber 7.6 ([58]) .The space Xnsatisfies the following the blowup of (C2)nalong the the union of all diagonals {Pi=Pj}. (b)Xn= the ideal defining the union of diagonals. Also, Jkis free over C[y1,...,y n]. (c)q*OXn=Pis a vector bundle on Hilbn(C2)of rankn!. It is called the Procesi bundle. (d) We have the following (C2)n Hilbn(C2) the maps pandqare as above, and rsends a flag of ideals (I1,...,I n)to the ordered collection of supports of Ik-1/Ik. (d) of the theorem is implicit in [58] and proved in [52] i n more detail. Finally, the sheaf F1corresponding to the identity braid coincides with to Theorem 7.4) and hence is isomorphic to the Procesi bundle Prestricted to Hilbn(C2,C). to the vector bundle Fn,kn=P O(k). restricted to Hilbn(C2,C). Note that for k>=0by the projection formula we O(k)) =Jkis free over C[y1,...,y n]. This agrees with the homology of the full twist by Theorem and symmetry Many interesting structures in link homology become transp arent when considering Hilbn(C2). As we mentioned above, y-ification corresponds to the extension of the sheaf a the whole Hilbert scheme of points. More precisely, we hav e the following y-ified version of Conjecture 7.2: Conjecture 7.7. To a braid bonnstrands one can associate a coherent sheaf the following properties: (a) One triply graded vector spaces (with the same grading conven tions as in Conjecture 7.2). (b) The action of symmetric functions in xiandyuon the left corresponds to the action of C[x1,...,x n,y1,...,y the right hand side. (c) In particular, (b) implies that for bwhich closes up to a knot the sheaf /tildewiderFbis supported on and agrees with the trivial extension of Fb (d) Adding a full twist FT = (s1***sn-1)nto a braid bcorresponds to tensoring the sheaf The restriction of with Fb. For example, for the identity braid we get the Procesi bundle /tildewiderF1=P. Similarly, the vector O(k). As above, by Theorem 7.6 the space of sections of this bundle a gree with in Theorem 5.10. Finally, we can comment on the q-tsymmetry and sl2action in link homology which we saw in Theorems 5.17, 5.19 and 6.14. The group acts on C2by linear changes of coordinates, and this action extends to the action of then expects that the sheaf /tildewiderFbis equivariant with respect to this action. Since *Tis we get a natural action of the group SL(2)and its Lie algebra sl2on the corresponding link cohomology. Since the action extends to the action of GL(2), it is easy to see that the generators of sl2 interact with qandtgradings (corresponding to C*xC*GL(2)) correctly. The symmetry between q andtis then realized by the action of the Weyl group S2SL(2). Note that Hilbn(C2,C)is not preserved by the action of SL(2), so one cannot expect the action of arbitrary links. On the other hand, Hilbn(C2,0)is preserved by this action, so one indeed has an action of SL(2)in the reduced homology HHH(b)ifbcloses up to a knot. 7.5 Approaches to the proof In this subsection we outline some of the approaches to the pr oof of Conjecture 7.2. The first, and the only complete at the moment is realized by Oblomkov and Ro zansky [92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]. In short, they define a new link homology theory using mat rix factorizations on a variety related to the flag Hilbert scheme FHilbn(C2)(or rather a certain smooth ambient space where FHilbn(C2)is cut out by certain equations). In [92] Oblomkov and Rozans ky prove that their construction satisfies braid relations and is invaria nt under Markov moves, so it does indeed define a link invariant. In further papers, they formalize the rela tion between their invariant, and associate a sheaf on Hilbn(C2)to any braid. Finally, in [99] they construct a functor from their category of matrix factorizations to the categor y of Soergel bimodules, and prove that their invariant agrees with homology defined u sing the latter. We refer the reader to [90] for an introduction to theory. Another approach, due to the first author, Hogancamp and Wedr ich relates the derived category of the Hilbert scheme to the annular category of links in the soli d torus. The proper definition of the latter [46, 55] uses the machinery of derived categorical traces an d is out of scope of these notes. Still, we would like to note that by [16, 58, 59] the derived category of Hilbn(C2)is generated by the its direct summands, so it is essentially determined by t he endomorphism algebra End(P) =C[x1,...,x n,y1,...,y n]Sn. On the other hand, the annular category is generated by the ob jectTr(1) which is the closure of the identity braid. It is proved in [46] that End(Tr(1)) = C[x1,...,x n,th1,...,th odd variables while xiare, as above even. Experts in geometric representation the ory might recognise the connection with character sheaves following [108, 109]. The similarity of these results suggest a direct relation between the two categories, but th e detailed proofs are yet to be let us sketch the third approach, as outlined in [52 ]. Consider the graded = (s1***sn-1)nis the full twist as above. The multiplication is given by the natural product (coming from the invertibility of that by Theorem 5.10 we have Hom(R,FTk) =Jk/(y)Jk, in fact by Theorem 7.6(b) the graded algebra Gcoincides with the graded coordinate algebra of Xn(C2,C). Given an arbitrary braid b, we can consider a graded the graded algebra G, and hence a sheaf on ProjG=Xn(C2,C). By pushing forward along q, we obtain a sheaf on Hilbn(C2). In [52], this construction is expected to lift to a dg functo r Kb(SBim Conjecture 7.2. As with the previous approach, t here are significant homological that have to be overcome to complete the proof. Example 7.8. Let us compute the graded algebra Gforn= 2. Recall that to the of Soergel =R T(2,2) = [B-B-R] T(2,4) = =R Hom(R,T(2,2)) = [R0- -Rx1-x2- --- = [R0- -Rx1-x2- --- -R0- -Rx1-x2- --- -R] ... In particular, Hom(R,T(2,2))has two generators zandwand one relation w(x1-x2) = 0 . One can generators z2,zw,w2and no more new relations (that is, w(x1-x2) = 0 =w2(x1-x2) = 0 ). 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537-591 | null | null | math.AG math.CO math.GT math.RT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | These notes cover the lectures of the first named author at 2021 IHES Summer School on Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory with additional details and references. They cover the definition triply graded homology, its basic properties and recent advances, as well as three models for link homology: braid varieties, Hilbert schemes of singular curves and affine Springer fibers, and Hilbert schemes of points on the plane.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:32:29 GMT"
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iiTo mypiccola A mamma e papa A nonna e nonnoStatement of Originality I, Luigi Alfonsi, confirm that the research included within this thesis is my own work or that where it has been carried out in collaboration with, or supported by others, that this is duly acknowledged below and my contribution indicated. Previously is also acknowledged below. I attest that I have exercised reasonable care to ensure that the work is original, and does not to the best of my knowledge break any UK law, infringe any third party's copyright or other Intellectual Property Right, or contain any confidential material. I accept that the College has the right to use plagiarism detection software to check the electronic version of the thesis. I confirm that this thesis has not been previously submitted for the award of a degree by this or any other university. The copyright of this thesis rests with the author and no quotation from it or from it may be published without the prior written consent of the author. April 19, 2021 Details of collaborations and publications The work presented in this thesis is based on research carried out both in collaboration with my supervisor Professor David S. Berman. In particular, it is based on the material published in the following papers: [Alf20a] Luigi Alfonsi ,Global Double Field Theory is Higher Kaluza-Klein Theory , Fortsch. Phys. 68 (2020) 3-4, 2000010, arXiv:1912.07089 Luigi Alfonsi ,The puzzle of global Double Field Theory: open problems and the case for a Higher Kaluza-Klein perspective , Fortsch. Phys. 69 (2021) 7, [hep-th] [AB21] Luigi Alfonsi and David S. Berman ,Double Field Theory and , JHEP 06 (2021) 059, arXiv:2101.12155 [hep-th] [Alf21] Luigi Alfonsi ,Towards an extended/higher correspondence - Generalised geometry, bundle gerbes and global Double Field Theory chapter 7 is mostly based on unpublished material. Finally, the paper [AWW20] was published in JHEP 07 (2020) in collaboration with Chris D. White and Sam Wikeley, but the material therein has not been included in this Field Theories (ExFTs) include Double Field Theory (DFT) and Theory, which are respectively the T- and U-duality covariant formulations of the supergravity limit of String Theory and M-theory. Extended Field Theories do not live on spacetime, but on an extended spacetime, locally modelled on the space underlying the fundamental representation of the duality group. Despite its importance in the global understanding of Extended Field Theories is still an open problem. In this thesis we propose a global geometric formulation of Extended Field Theory. Recall that ordinary Kaluza-Klein theory unifies a metric with a gauge field on a We propose a generalisation of the Kaluza-Klein principle which unifies a metric and a higher gauge field on a principal infinity-bundle. This is achieved by introducing an atlas for the principal infinity-bundle, whose local charts can be naturally identified with the ones of Extended Field Theory. Thus, DFT is interpreted as a higher set on the total space of a bundle gerbe underlying Kalb-Ramond field. As first application, we define the higher Kaluza-Klein monopole by naturally generalising the ordinary Gross-Perry monopole. Then we show that this monopole is exactly the NS5-brane of String we show that our higher geometric formulation gives automatically rise to global abelian T-duality and global Poisson-Lie T-duality. In particular, we globally recover the abelian T-fold and we define the notion of Poisson-Lie we will investigate the global geometric formulation of tensor hierarchies and gauged supergravity. In particular, we will provide a global formulation of reductions and we will discuss the global non-geometric properties of tensor we explore the T-duality covariant geometric quantisation of DFT by underlying bundle gerbe to a U(1)-bundle on the loop space of its base would like, first, to express my gratitude to my supervisor Professor David S. Berman, without whose support and encouragement the work presented here could not exist. During my time as a Ph.D. student, I constantly benefited from his lively guidance, vast knowledge of the field and extraordinary intuition. I also had the pleasure to collaborate with Chris D. White and Sam Wikeley, whom I would like to thank especially. I would like to thank Christian Samann, Franco Pezzella, Emanuel Malek, Urs Sati, Francesco Genovese, Severin Bunk, Richard Szabo, David Svoboda, Daniel Thompson, Mark Bugden, Meer Ashwinkumar, Jeong-Hyuck Park, Vincenzo Marotta, Lennart Schmidt and Marco Zambon. I would like to thank the organisers Vicente Cortes, Liana David and Carlos Shahbazi of the workshop Generalized Geometry and Applications 2020 at University of Hamburg. I would also like to thank the organisers of the Exceptional Geometry Seminar Series . Finally, I want to thank my fellow Ph.D. students at Queen Mary University of London and all the academics at Centre for Research in String Theory for making it fun to work of Figures xii List of Tables xiii 1 Introduction 2 1.1 String Theory and duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1.1 T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1.2 Buscher's rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1.3 T-duality on the torus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.1.4 Topological T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.1.5 Extended Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Higher geometry and String Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2.1 Higher geometry and T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.3 Outline of this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2 Introduction to Extended Field Theories 12 2.1 Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.1.1 Coordinate representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.1.2 Generalised diffeomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.1.3 Generalised metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.4 Tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.5 Generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.2 Exceptional Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 The globalisation problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3 Elements of higher geometry 20 3.1 Category theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.2 Smooth-groupoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.2.1 Simplicial sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.2.3 Smooth stacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.2.4 Lie-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.2.5 Dold-Kan correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.2.6 Geometric stacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.3-Lie theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 viiviii Contents 3.3.3 dg-algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.3.4 Weil dg-algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.3.5 NQ-manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.3.6 Lie integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.4.1 Action-groupoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.4.2 Bundle gerbes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.4.3 with connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3.4.4 Bundle gerbes with connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.4.5 Global higher gauge fields and L-algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.5 Automorphisms of principal -bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3.5.1 Atiyah L-algebroids and generalised geometry . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.6 Twisted-bundles and G-structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3.6.1 Twisted-bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.6.2 Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.6.3 11d Supergravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3.6.5 Orthogonal structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.6.6 Cartan geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 3.7 Atlases and charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3.8 Higher geometric quantisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.8.1 Prequantum -bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.8.2 BRST complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3.8.3 quantisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 4 Review of proposals of doubled geometry 77 4.1 Non-associative proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.1.1 Modified exponential map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.1.2-product and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.2 Proposal with gerbe-like local transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.3 space proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.3.1 The coordinate gauge symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4.4 Finite gauge transformations proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 4.5 C-space proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.6 Pre-NQP manifold proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.6.1 Symplectic L-algebroids as NQP-manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.6.2 A pre-NQP-manifold for Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 4.6.3 An example of global pre-NQP manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 4.7 Tensor hierarchies proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 4.7.1 Embedding tensor and Leibniz-Loday algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 4.7.2 Tensor hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 4.7.3 The puzzle of the global tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4.8 Born Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 4.8.1 Para-Hermitian geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.8.2 Recovering generalised geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94Contents ix 4.8.3 Born geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.9 Can DFT actually recover bosonic supergravity? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 4.9.1 Recovering a string background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 4.9.2 Papadopoulos' puzzle revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 5 Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 100 5.1 Doubled/higher correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 5.2 Doubled space as atlas of a bundle gerbe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 5.3 Global generalised metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 5.4 Global strong constraint as higher cylindricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 5.5 Recovering generalised geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.5.1 Generalised tangent bundle on the atlas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.5.2 Finite symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.5.3 Courant algebroid as Atiyah L-algebroid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 5.5.4 A prequantum interpretation for the bundle gerbe . . . . . . . . . 123 5.6 NS5-brane as higher Kaluza-Klein monopole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 5.6.1 Higher Dirac monopole of the Kalb-Ramond field . . . . . . . . . . 126 5.6.2 Higher Kaluza-Klein monopole in 10d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 5.6.3 Berman-Rudolph DFT monopole in 9d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 5.6.4 Berman-Rudolph DFT monopole in 8d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 6 Global T-duality from higher geometry 135 6.1 Moduli stack of global string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 6.1.1 Moduli stack of generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions . . . . . . . 138 6.1.2 Toy example: electromagnetic flux . . . . . . . . 138 6.1.3 Moduli stack of Kalb-Ramond flux . . . . . . . . 140 6.1.4 Moduli stack of global tensor hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 6.2 Topology of a bundle gerbe on a Tn-bundle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 6.3 Geometrisation of T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 6.3.1 Correspondence space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 6.3.2 Atlas formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 6.3.3 Global tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 6.3.4 Relation with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 6.4 Geometrisation of non-geometric T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 6.4.1 Generalised correspondence space formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 6.4.2 Atlas formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 6.4.3 T-fold as global tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 6.5 Geometrisation of general abelian T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 6.6 Geometrisation of non-abelian T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 6.6.1 Non-abelian T-fold as global tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 6.7 Geometrisation of Poisson-Lie T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 6.7.1 Poisson-Lie T-folds as non-abelian global tensor hierarchies . . . . 177 6.8 Physical insights from global DFT . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 6.8.1 The puzzle of the T-dual fibre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 6.8.2 Application to holographic backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 6.8.3 Application to general brane configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185x Contents 7 Towards global Field Theory 187 7.1 Towards global heterotic Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 7.1.1 An atlas for heterotic Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 7.1.2 Atiyah L-algebroid for heterotic Double Field Theory . . . . . . 191 7.2 Towards global super-Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 7.2.1 An atlas for super-Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 7.2.2 T-duality on the doubled superspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 7.3 Towards global Exceptional Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 7.3.1 An atlas for Exceptional Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 7.3.2 Atiyah L-algebroid for Exceptional Field Theory . . . . . . . . . 197 7.3.3 U-duality from higher geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 7.4 Towards global Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 7.4.1 An atlas for Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 7.4.2 Relation with D'Auria-Fre algebra, M-algebra and osp(1|32). . . 199 8 Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 203 8.1 Quantum geometry of the closed string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 8.1.1 The phase space of the closed string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 8.1.2 Generalised coordinates and the Kalb-Ramond field . . . . . . . . 208 8.1.3 The algebra of operators of a closed string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 8.1.4 The phase space of the closed string on a torus . . . . . . . . . . . 210 8.1.5 T-duality and background independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 8.2 Quantum geometry of the doubled string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 8.2.1 The generalised boundary conditions of the doubled string . . . . . 215 8.2.2 The symplectic structure of the doubled string. . . . . . . . . . . . 217 8.2.3 Algebra of observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 8.3 Geometric quantisation on the doubled space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 8.3.1 The phase space of the zero-mode string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 8.3.2 Algebra of the observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 8.3.3 T-duality and the string deformed Fourier transform . . . . . . . . 228 8.3.4 Relation with induced by fluxes . . . . . . . . . 231 8.4 Non-commutative QM of the zero-mode string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 8.4.1 Non-commutative coherent states of zero-mode strings . . . . . . . 232 8.4.2 Free particles on the doubled space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 8.4.3 Minimal scale of the doubled space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 8.4.4 Polarisation of coherent states in a T-duality frame . . . . . . . . . 237 8.5 Metaplectic structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 8.5.1 The Maslov correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 9 Conclusion 242 9.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 9.2 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi A Fundamentals of generalised geometry 248 A.1 Generalised tangent bundle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 A.2 Courant algebroid structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 A.2.1 Review of Lie algebroids and bialgebroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 A.2.2 Courant algebroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 A.2.3 The double of a Lie bialgebroid as a Courant algebroid . . . . . . . 253 A.3 Generalised complex structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 B Fundamentals of supergeometry 256 B.1 Supermanifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 B.2 Super-Cartan geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 B.2.1 Super-Cartan geometry with dilaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 B.3 Type II super-Cartan geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 B.4 Super Yang-Mills theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 B.5 Heterotic Supergravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 B.6 Rheonomy principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 C Fundamentals of geometric quantisation 275 C.1 Classical physics as symplectic geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 C.1.1 Hamiltonian mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 C.1.2 Classical algebra of observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 C.2 Geometric quantisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 C.2.1 Prequantum geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 C.2.2 Quantum algebra of observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 C.2.3 Quantum geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 C.3 Polarisations and canonical transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 C.3.1 Canonical transformations as . . . . . . . . . 279 C.3.2 Lagrangian correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 C.3.3 Canonical transformation on the Hilbert space . . . . . . . . . . . 280 References 282List of Figures 1.1 Worldsheets in String Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Example of topology change under T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.1 Example of face inclusion iand degeneracy projection simaps for [2]. . . 24 3.2 Simplicial set K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.3 All the 2-horns L2 iof a2-simplex 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.4 Path-groupoid of a smooth manifold M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.5 Lie-integration of a Lie algebra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.6 Parallel transport on a principal G-bundle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3.8 Atlas of a smooth manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 5.1 Para-Hermitian geometry of the atlas of a bundle gerbe . . . . . . . . . . 103 5.2 Parallel transport along surfaces S, open and closed. . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 6.1 Field on a locally trivialised bundle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 6.2Relation between String Theory, Double Field Theory and gauged Super- gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 6.3 Gluing conditions of a T-fold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 6.4 Generalised correspondence space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 7.1 Relations between . . . . . . . . . 202 8.1 T-duality covariant geometric quantisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 8.2 Curves on a loop space LM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 8.3 The cut on the worldsheet at s=s0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 B.1 A picture of rheonomy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 xiiList of Tables 2.1 Classification of the U-duality groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3.1 Global and local gauge fields in higher geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 5.1 Phases and states in ordinary and higher prequantisation. . . . . . . . . . 126 6.1 A summary of the fields transforming under T-duality. . . . . . . . . . . . 163 6.2 A brief summary of the two descriptions for the T-fold. . . . . . . . . . . 164 6.3 A summary of the fields transforming under non-abelian T-duality. . . . . 186 B.1 Fields of Type II and Heterotic Supergravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 xiiiList of Tables 1The supreme task of the physicist is the discovery of the most general elementary laws from which the world- picture can be deduced logically. But there is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance, and this Einfuhlung [literally: 'feeling one's way in'] is developed by experience. -- Albert Einstein, Preface to Where is Science String Theory and duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.1.1 T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1.2 Buscher's rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1.3 T-duality on the torus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.1.4 Topological T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.1.5 Extended Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Higher geometry and String Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2.1 Higher geometry and T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.3 Outline of this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.1 String Theory and duality String Theory is our most promising theory of quantum gravity and, even more inter- estingly, of unification of the fundamental forces. The core idea of String Theory is to replace the worldlines of the various species of particles from particle physics by the worldsheets of spinning strings. Such a worldsheet is an Euclidean Riemann with a 2d superconformal field theory. The spectrum of excitations of the spinning string reproduces the properties of the ordinary particles. One of the most characteristic and fascinating features of String Theory is the of a particular kind of duality, T-duality , which follows from the extended nature of the string, in contrast to the infinitesimal size of a particle. This in fact, implies that different spacetimes, populated by seemingly different fields, are actually different faces of the same fundamental physics. We have barely scratched the surface, but what the existence of T-duality suggests is that our familiar notion 21. Introduction 3 Figure 1.1: Worldlines of particles are replaced by a worldsheets in String Theory. of spacetime must irredeemably break down close to the string scale. The is that the geometry on which our current understanding of spacetime is based needs to be revolutionised to take into account the quantum effects at the string scale. 1.1.1 T-duality In this subsection we will concretely introduce T-duality on the circle, with a by [Del+99]. Let us consider a s-model on a 2-dimensional worldsheet Sequipped with a which allows to define the Hodge operator . Let the target space be a circle S1. We define over this surface a scalar field ph: S--S1=R/2pZ (1.1.1) that represents the position of a string on the circle. The action of this s-model will be S[ph] (1.1.2) that determines the classical equations of motion ddph= 0. Now we want to define a more general theory that can be reduced to this one. Let us consider a trivial with a connection Aand define a covariant derivative DAph:= dph+A. For the new theory we start with the (1.1.3) but we note that there is not a mechanism that imposes A= 0to recover the original action. Since the bundle is trivial we can globally define a curvature as FA= dAand add another term to the action a new auxiliary S-S1. The action equivalent to S[ph]. This can by easily shown by integrating out the extra which plays the role of a4 1.1. String Theory and duality Lagrange multiplier. We would immediately obtain FA= 0, so that we can choose a gauge whereA= 0and recover the original s-model. However, we can make a different choice: we can integrate out the gauge fields first and then choose a gauge so that the original field vanishes, i.e. ph= 0. By following this prescription, we end up with the action (1.1.5) Thus, we end up with a s-model of the same form but with a new we have the following fixA=0integrate out A gauge quick inspection of the mass spectrum of our original string, together with the Level Matching Condition, reveals that it is of the respectively the quantum number of momentum and the winding number of the s-model on the circle, and the left-moving and Notice that the spectrum (1.1.7)is invariant under the symmetry group Z2of transformations given as this transformation maps the data of a string S[ph]to the data of its Buscher's rules Let our target space Mnow be a general smooth manifold equipped with a metric g and a Kalb-Ramond field, i.e. a local 2-formB. The Polyakov action which includes the background fields (g,B)is the following ] (1.1.9) whereX: an embedding of the worldsheet Sin the target space M andX*is its pullback. The second term of the action (1.1.9)is called Wess-Zumino action term, i.e. SWZ[B] (1.1.10)1. Introduction 5 The Kalb-Ramond field Bwill be defined up to a gauge transformation B/prime=B+ dl for any 1-forml, thus local 2-formBcannot generally be a globally-defined 2-form field. However, the 3-formH:= dB= dB/prime, known as the Kalb-Ramond field flux, is well-defined everywhere. Thus we can use Stoke's lemma and rewrite SWZ[B] a manifold such that its boundary is the worldsheet, i.e. V= S. Since there is not a unique manifold equipped with this property, this introduces an ambiguity. Let us consider two manifolds V,V/primewith opposite orientations such that V=V/prime= S. As observed by [Hul07c], we can define the functional [H] ambiguity in the definition of Vcannot influence the classical equations of motion, but we can investigate its effect on the quantum theory. In fact, if we consider the partition function + [H]), we must have that [H]2pZis an integer, because there cannot be dependence on the particular choice of 3-cycle. In other words we obtain a generalisation of the Dirac quantisation (1.1.13) for any choice of the target manifold M. Let us now consider a target space of the form M:=M0xS1, whereM0is a smooth manifold, and let us call X*: S--S1the coordinate on the circle. Just like in the case of the previous subsection, we can introduce the connection Aof gauge our s-model action (1.1.9). Thus we ] Asusual, to the previous subsection, let us integrate out the gauge field Aand then gauge fixX*= 0. Buscher [Bus87; Bus88] observed that we end up with the action (1.1.14) which is of the same form of (1.1.9), but the new target a different metric and Kalb-Ramond field. These new background fields will be given by so-called Buscher's rules [Bus87; Bus88], 1.1. String Theory and duality Notice that, under T-duality, metric and Kalb-Ramond field are mixed. This is an intriguing suggestion that these two objects can be two faces of the same medal. 1.1.3 T-duality on the torus Let us now consider a target space which is a torus M=Tn, with constant metric gand constant Kalb-Ramond field B. Now, we can pack the momentum puand the winding numbers wuin a single 2n-dimensional (1.1.16) We can also define the following matrices: GMN eMN 1 1 (1.1.17) where we arranged together the metric gand the Kalb-Ramond field B. The mass spectrum of our string and the Level Matching Condition can now be written us define the group O(n,n;Z)as the group of preserve the matrix eMN, i.e. such thatOTeO=e. Notice that the mass spectrum is invariant under the following Therefore, the T-duality symmetry group Z2of the circle is generalised to the bigger group O(n,n;Z)of an-toroidal that the Buscher's rules (1.1.15)can be recovered by the 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0dn u0 0 1 0 0 . (1.1.20) 1.1.4 Topological on the torus target space can be naturally generalised to a principal Tn-bundle target space. Crucially, T-duality is a global transformation of the string exchanges the first Chern class of the Tn-bundle with the cohomology class of the Kalb-Ramond field. The idea of topological T-duality [BEM04b; BEM04a; BHM04; BHM05] is to disregard both the metric and the connection of the Tn-bundle and look at the underlying topological1. Introduction 7 structure. A topological T-duality is, thus, a diagram of the following principal Tn-bundles on a common base manifold M0such =p*[H]H2(M,Z), c1(M) (1.1.22) where c1(-)denotes the first Chern class of a bundle, and the respectively of example, let us consider a 3-sphereS3, seen as a Hopf fibration S3S2with c1(S3) = 1, with a trivial Kalb-Ramond charge 0H3(S3,Z). Its T-dual will immediately be anS1-bundle with c1(/tildewiderM) = 0, i.e. a with 1H3(S2xS1,Z). h= 1 h= 0S3S2xS1 Figure 1.2: Example of topology change under T-duality, together with Kalb-Ramond charge. 1.1.5 Extended Field Theory An Extended Field Theory (ExFT) is a field theory which makes string symmetries. Such field theories do not live on spacetime, but on an which is, at least locally, the space underlying the fundamental the duality group. This framework includes Double Field Theory (DFT) and the Exceptional Field Theories, which are supergravity theories with respectively and Field Theory (DFT) was formulated by [HZ09] and seminal work can be traced back to [Sie93a; Sie93b]. DFT is the T-duality covariant formulation of the sector of the supergravity limit of closed String Theory. The T-duality covariant field content of DFT live on a coordinate chart, which one can8 1.2. Higher geometry and String Theory interpret as the fibre product of a spacetime chart with its T-dual. However, the fields of DFT are constrained to depend only on half of the coordinates, to avoid of freedom. This condition is usually known as strong on doubled charts, DFT geometrises automatically not just T-duality but also the local gauge transformations of the Kalb-Ramond field, two distinct and features of String Theory at once. The fact that doubling coordinates allows to describe the gauge transformations of the Kalb-Ramond field and T-duality at the same time is a strong hint of a bigger unification principle underlying. In this sense it has been suggested, e.g. see [JLP11; HLZ13; Ber+14], that the geometry underlying DFT should be thought as a new stringy geometry, which is for strings what is for usual recently, Exceptional Field Theory was defined by [HS13a] as a generalisation of the framework of DFT to the bosonic sector of 11d Supergravity and by embedding the T-duality group in the larger U-duality group of despite its importance in String Theory, the globalisation of Extended Geometry is still an open problem, both in Doubled Field Theory and in Exceptional Field Theory. Since T-duality is a global transformation, this poses a problem. 1.2 Higher geometry and String Theory Since the discovery of General Relativity, geometry has become a privileged means to the conceptual understanding of the fundamental structures underlying Nature, where the use of physical intuition becomes difficult. Over the last 15 years, the geometry underlying the Kalb-Ramond field has been clarified and identified with a bundle gerbe , a introduced by [Mur96; MS00], which generalises the idea of principal bundle. See [Mur07] for an introduction. The idea of bundle gerbe was reformulated by [Hit01] and recently generalised by [NSS15] to the notion of principal -bundle. A principal-bundle is a structure which generalised a principal bundle to the case -group, also symmetries of symmetries and so on. Thus, a Kalb-Ramond field can be as the connection of a principal -bundle. This means that the local patched by local 1-form gauge transformations are themselves patched by scalar gauge transformations the cocycle condition on four-fold overlaps of patches. Therefore the of the differential local data of the Kalb-Ramond field can be summed up by H= dL (ab), L(ab)+ L (bg)+ L (ga)= bundle gerbes can be equipped with a natural generalisation of parallel transport which will be along surfaces, instead of curves. This corresponds exactly to the Wess- Zumino action term, which is given by the coupling of the worldsheet of the string with the Kalb-Ramond field in the target space.1. Introduction 9 More generally, principal -bundles are the natural framework to deal with higher gauge theories [BH11], which are the globally-defined theories whose fields are locally given by differential n-forms. For example, higher gauge theory has been used by [SS18; Sae19; SS19a] to formulate a 6d superconformal field theory which is a promising step in developing a M5-brane worldvolume theory. Higher geometry has also been used to formulate higher prequantisation : the geometric quantisation from ordinary particles to string and branes. This field of research can be traced back to the idea of quantisation of n-plectic manifolds in [Rog11; SS11b; Rog13] and of loop spaces in [SS11a]. The powerful formalism of higher stacks allowed to further generalise the theory in [SS13; FSS15a; Sch16; FRS16; BSS17; BS17; BMS19]. Moreover, the L-algebras naturally appearing in higher geometry have been revealed to naturally encompass BV-BRST formalism for quantisation of field theories in [Pau14; Jur+19a; Jur+19b; DJP19; Jur+20b; Jur+20a]. Other properties of field theories related to higher Lie algebras have been explored by [HZ17; Hoh+18; BH19a; BH19b]. Higher geometry has been also successfully applied to the underlying geometry of M- theory by [FSS14a; FSS15c; FSS19a; FSS19b; BSS19; HSS19]. In these references the topological and differential structure of M-theory is investigated, until remarkably a proposal for the generalised cohomology theory that charge-quantises the is made (known as Hypothesis H ) by [FSS19d]. This idea was further explored by [BSS18; SS19b; FSS19c; FSS20b; SS20; the research in nonassociative physics, which emerges from open String Theory, has been linked not only to non-geometric fluxes [MSS14; MSS13; AS15], but also to higher geometry [BSS14; BSS16a; BSS16b; ADS18; Sza18]. Finally, higher geometry provides a natural framework for Algebraic Quantum Field Theory [BSW19; Mat+20; BBS19; BS19; Ben+21] 1.2.1 Higher geometry and higher geometry has been identified as the natural framework to study T-duality. This has been formalised by [BN15; FSS17a; FSS17b; FSS18a; FSS18b; NW19] in terms of an isomorphism of a pair bundle gerbes geometrically encoding a and its T-dual. Let us consider two principal Tn-bundle spacetimes Mp- -M0on a common base manifold M0. In the references, a couple of bundle gerbes GP- -/tildewiderM, formalising two Kalb-Ramond fields respectively on 1.3. Outline of this Thesis are T-dual if the following isomorphism p/tildewidep the references it is shown that this induces an isomorphism between the theory of D-branes of Type IIA and of Type IIB String Theory, which is closely connected with twisted notice that the diagram above can be seen as the finite version of the of Courant algebroids appearing in [CG11]. In fact, the Courant in generalised geometry [Gua11] has been understood as a higher Atiyah algebroid for the bundle gerbe [Col11; Rog13]. Supergravity can be naturally formulated in terms of generalised geometry by [Hul07b; PW08; Gra+09; CSW11; CSW14] and T-duality, as shown by [CG11], can be easily formalised. At this point, is not so surprising that research in DFT has been affected by these new geometric ideas. It was noticed by [BCP14] that the doubled metric of DFT, to actually geometrise the Kalb-Ramond field, must carry a bundle gerbe structure and have non-trivial local data three-fold overlaps. These arguments lead to the idea that a finite well-defined DFT geometry must be constructed in the context of higher geometry. Moreover, [DS18] proposed for DFT a formalism rooted in was generalised to Heterotic DFT by [DHS18] and, then, applied to the particular case of nilmanifolds by [DS19]. This successful idea was also translated to Theory by [Arv18; Arv21]. Independently, [HS19; BH19b] showed that the gauge structure of the infinitesimal generalised diffeomorphisms of DFT has a Moreover, many interesting works relate DFT in the worldvolume [Cha+19; GJ20c; GJ20a; GJ20b; Cha+19]. 1.3 Outline of this Thesis The main goal of this thesis is to develop a globally well-defined formalisation for Double Field Theory and to generalise it to the other Extended Field Theories. Secondly, we want to derive globally-defined of Double Field Theory from our particular, we will derive a global formulation of tensor hierarchies.1. Introduction 11 Chapter 2 briefly reviews the main features of Double Field Theory and Theory whose formalisation is the aim of this thesis. Particular focus will be given to the problem of the underlying global 3 will provide an introduction to higher geometry, which is aimed to make the thesis self-contained. In particular, we will introduce the notion of -groupoid and its relation to the notion of L-algebra via-Lie theory. We will also introduce stacks and a notion of atlas for stacks. Moreover, we will review the theory of and twisted -bundles, with particular focus on bundle gerbes. Finally, we will discuss some applications to String Theory. Chapter 4 we will review the main proposals of formalisation of the geometry Field Theory and we will interpret them in the light of higher 5 and 6 are the core of the thesis. In chapter 5 we develop a formalisation of Double Field Theory as a higher Kaluza-Klein theory, i.e. a generalisation of which lives on a principal -bundle, instead of an ordinary principal bundle. In the light of this formalisation, Double Field Theory can be seen as a field theory on the total space of a bundle gerbe. The usual coordinate description of Double Field Theory is naturally recovered by introducing an atlas for the bundle gerbe, which is naturally made up of doubled coordinate charts. Chapter 6 will derive T-duality from the proposed formalisation of Double Field Theory. This will include abelian T-duality, both geometric and non-geometric, non-abelian T- duality and Poisson-Lie T-duality. We will also use this formalisation to propose a global definition of non-abelian T-fold and Poisson-Lie T-fold. Moreover, we will derive notion of tensor hierarchy and we will discuss its topological 7 will make some steps in generalising or formalism for Double Field Theory to the general class of Extended Field Theories. In particular we will study the local of the extended spaces of heterotic Double Field Theory, Type II Theory, Exceptional Field Theory and Field Theory. In chapter 8 we will introduce a T-duality geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory. Moreover, we will study the relation between the bundle gerbe and the phase space of a closed string. This thesis is completed by three appendices which contain introductory material to facilitate the comprehension of the main body. In particular, appendix A we will geometry and the theory of Courant algebroids, including their relation with Lie bialgebroids. Appendix B will review the supergeometry underlying particular focus on the higher geometric structures formalising the field content of the Supergravity limit of String Theory. Finally, appendix C will provide a soft introduction to Hamiltonian mechanics and geometric quantisation.The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things which lifts human life a little above the level of farce and gives it some of the grace of tragedy. -- Steven Weinberg, The First Three to Extended Field Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.1.1 Coordinate representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.1.2 Generalised diffeomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.1.3 Generalised metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.4 Tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.5 Generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.2 Exceptional Field Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 The globalisation problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 In this chapter we will provide an introduction to the formalism of local Double Field Theory and Exceptional Field Theory. 2.1 Double Field Theory In this section we introduce the formalism of local Double Field Theory. Excellent reviews on the subject include [AMN13; Gei+13; BT14]. 2.1.1 Coordinate us consider an open simply connected 2d-dimensional open patch U. We can :U-R2d, which we will call collectively xM:= . Now, we want to equip the vector space R2dwith the fundamental representation of the group O(d,d). Since the action of O(d,d)-matrices on R2dpreserves the matrix eMN:=(0 1 1 0), we can define a metric signature (d,d). 122. Introduction to Extended Field Theories 13 2.1.2 Generalised want to define a generalised Lie X(U) (2.1.1) which preserves the e-tensor, i.e. such that LXe= 0for any vector XX(U). Thus, for any couple of vectors X,YX(U)we can (2.1.2) Here, we defined the adjoint -- ad(FU), the frame bundle of the tangent bundle TUand it can be regarded as This projection can be given in coordinates by the (2.1.4) which projects the GL(2d)-valued function LXNinto an o(d,d)-valued one. The generalised Lie derivative is also known as D-bracket JX,YKD:=LXY. The C-bracket is defined as the of the D-bracket, (2.1.5) Now, if we want to construct an algebra of generalised Lie derivatives, we immediately find out that it cannot be close, i.e. we generally KC(2.1.6) Thus, to assure the closure, we need to impose extra conditions. The weak and the (also known collectively as section condition) are respectively the 0, eMNMph1Nph2= 0 (2.1.7) for any couple of fields or parameters ph1,ph2. The immediate solution to the is obtained by considering only fields and parameters phwhich satisfy 0. Therefore, upon application of the strong constraint, all the fields and parameters will depend on the d-dimensional submanifold U:=U/~U, where~
is the relation identifying points with the same physical coordinates ~(xu,/tildewidex/prime u). In particular vectors XX(U)satisfying the strong constraint can be identified with sections of the generalised tangent bundle TUT*Uof generalised geometry. Moreover the C-bracket, when restricted to strong constrained vectors, reduces to the Courant bracket of generalised geometry, i.e. we [-,-]Cou (2.1.8) In this sense, the geometry underlying Double Field Theory, when strong reduces to generalised geometry.14 2.1. Double Field Theory 2.1.3 Generalised metric We can define the generalised metric G=GMNdxMdxNby requiring that it is symmetric and it satisfies the property GMLeLPGPN=eMN. Thus, the matrix GMN can be parametrised as GMN respectively a symmetric and an anti-symmetric matrix. Finally, we must impose the strong constraint on GMN, so that its components are allowed to depend only on the xucoordinates, and not on the Now, g:=gundxudxnis a symmetric tensor and an anti-symmetric tensor on the manifold U. These can be respectively interpreted as a metric and a Kalb- Ramond field on the d-dimensional patch U. If we consider a strong constrained The infinitesimal gauge transformation given by generalised Lie derivative dGMN=LVGMNis equivalent to the following gauge dB =LvB+ d/tildewidev the ordinary Lie derivative. This, then reproduces the gauge metric and Kalb-Ramond field. Therefore, the infinitesimal generalised the 2d-dimensional patch Uunify the infinitesimal diffeomorphisms of the the infinitesimal gauge transformations of the Kalb-Ramond field, in analogy with Kaluza-Klein theory. 2.1.4 Tensor hierarchy By following [HS13b], we can consider an extended space in which only an internal fibre is doubled, i.e. Rd-nxR2n, respectively the coordinates of the base space Rd-nand of the fibre spaceR2n. The field content of Double Field Theory will be Fields (2.1.12) where all the fields, in principle, can depend on all the coordinates {xu,yM}. First, the moduli field of the generalised metric will be a function valued in the following coset the tensor hierarchy is defined by the following subset of fields: Tensor hierarchy : {AM u,Bun}. (2.1.14) Now, letR1~=2nbe the fundamental representation of O(n,n)andR2~=1be the singlet representation of O(n,n). Notice that we can identify the former with the space2. Introduction to Extended Field Theories 15 of the latter with the space of functions R2=C(R2n)on the fibre. We can construct a chain complex R1D---R2 (2.1.15) by defining the following (2.1.16) for anyfR2, whereNis the partial derivative on the fibre R2nAt this point, we can naturally introduce the DFT exterior (2.1.17) which is defined by any couple of doubled vectors X,YR1. Finally, we obtain the expression known as the DFT magic formula (2.1.18) for any given couple of doubled vectors X,YR1. This generalises the magic formula of ordinary differential geometry. Now, we can identify the fields of the tensor hierarchy with the following forms on the base such class of fields, we can naturally define the following (2.1.20) for strengths [HS13b] of the tensor hierarchy are then naturally given by Fun= a form, we can rewrite the previous equation as follows: F= dA+JA,AKC+DB, H= even a more compact fashion, we can rewrite the field strengths by F= DA+DB, H= the covariant derivatives are defined by DA:= dA+JA,AKCfor the 1-form and DB:= the 2-form, and where the Chern-Simons differential 3-form is defined by CS3(A) We can easily calculate that the Bianchi identities of the tensor hierarchy 2.2. Exceptional Field Theory 2.1.5 Generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions Given a 2n-dimensional Lie group G, we can consider an extended space with a doubled fibre of the following form: Rd-nxG, (2.1.25) with split coordinates {xu,yM}. Thegeneralised Scherk-Schwarz reductions [DH03; Ber+12; BL14] are defined by the following ansatz on the fields of Double Field Theory: gun(x,y) =Bun(x), ph(x,y) the inverse of UM I, and such that the vectors UI:=UM IMcan be seen as generalised frame fields for the G-fibre, so that they satisfy the generalised Lie the structure constants of the Lie algebra g=Lie(G). We also require that the gauge parameters are factorised similarly. Now, the fields of the tensor hierarchy take the following is easy to verify that the field strengths of the reduced tensor hierarchy becomes F= dA+ [A,A]g, H= thatAIbecomes a non-abelian gauge field with gauge group G. The reduced theory the base space Rd-nis also known asgauged Double Field Theory . 2.2 Exceptional Field Theory In this section we will give a brief introduction to Exceptional Field Theory, which is the generalisation of Double Field Theory to U-duality. See table 2.1 for a list of the U-duality groups En(n)in any codimension n. A wide review of Theory can be found in [BB20]. Let us split the 11-dimensional Minkowski space as We can consider an extended space in which only the internal fibre is extended, i.e. R1,10-nxR1, (2.2.1)2. Introduction to Extended Field Theories 17 whereR1is the fundamental representation of the U-duality group En(n). The generalised Lie derivative of vectors on R1is defined a coefficient which depends on the codimension nandlYis the weight of the vector Y. Now, we can define the (2.2.3) where the tensor PMN adQPis the projection to the adjoint frame bundle and o:=-1/(n-2) is a special weight. By using the Y-tensor, we can recast the generalised Lie derivative [X,Y (lY+o)NXNYM. to Double Field Theory, the E-bracket of Exceptional Field Theory is defined as the of the generalised Lie derivative, (2.2.5) Now, the field content of Exceptional Field Theory is Fields ...}. (2.2.6) First, the moduli field of the generalised metric of Exceptional Field Theory will be a function valued in the following coset the maximal compact subgroup of the U-duality group. Field Theory, we can construct a chain complex of representations of the U-duality group (2.2.8) where, by combining the derivatives Mon the extended fibre with the Y-tensor, we defined the (2.2.9) By contraction with the Y-tensor, we can also introduce the EFT exterior (2.2.10) for anyp+q<=8-n. For a given vector XR1, we have the EFT magic formula 1<p< 8-n. The tensor hierarchy is defined by the following subset of fields: Tensor hierarchy : ...}, (2.2.12)18 2.3. The globalisation problem where the fields can be identified with the following Ri-valued differential forms on the base space: A ohm1(Rd-n)R1, B ohm2(Rd-n)R2, C ohm3(Rd-n)R3, D we have field strengths of the tensor hierarchy of the following form: F= dA+JA,AKE+DB, H= The globalisation problem However, the Kalb-Ramond field Bis geometrically the connection of a bundle gerbe and hence it is globalised by the patching conditions (1.2.1). Thus, it is not obvious how the local which we introduced here, can be consistently glued together? This is the substance of the globalisation problem of the doubled Double Field Theory. Seminal work in this direction was done by [BCP14]. The geometrisation of Double Field Theory which is the object of this thesis is a candidate to answer this question. We know how to globalise the local geometry of Double Field Theory for of examples, where the gerby nature of the Kalb-Ramond field is not manifest. In particular, global Double Field Theory on group manifolds [HR09; BHL15; Blu+15; Has18] is well-defined. Also, doubled torus bundles [Hul07a], which are globally on an undoubled base manifold [BHM07], are well-defined. However, there is no conclusive answer on how to globalise this geometry in the most general case. Moreover, it has been argued in [HS13a] that the doubled torus bundles should be recoverable by imposing a certain compactified topology to a general doubled space, whose remains an open problem. A problem which becomes even more obscure in the case of the geometry underlying Exceptional Field Theory.2. Introduction to Extended Field Theories 19 dim U-duality group Tensor hierarchy reps adjoint rep 11-nEn(n) Kn 3 211-220 11 10 212012 7 (3,2) (8,1)(1,3) 7 SL(5) SO(5) 14 10 5 5 10* 25 16 10 16* 45 5 E6(6) USp(8) 42 27 27* 78 4 E7(7) SU(8) 70 56* 133 Table 2.1: Classification of the U-duality groups G, their maximal compact subgroups KnEn(n), and their Rad~=R9-n. The symbol*denotes where the tensor hierarchy stops.M eUnai basilikn trapan apD gew uetrDan. There is no royal road to geometry. -- of higher Category theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.2 Smooth-groupoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.2.1 Simplicial sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.2.3 Smooth stacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.2.4 Lie-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.2.5 Dold-Kan correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.2.6 Geometric stacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.3-Lie theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.3.3 dg-algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.3.4 Weil dg-algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3.3.5 NQ-manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.3.6 Lie integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.4 Principal -bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.4.1 Action-groupoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3.4.2 Bundle gerbes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.4.3 with connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3.4.4 Bundle gerbes with connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.4.5 Global higher gauge fields and L-algebras . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.5 Automorphisms of principal -bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3.5.1 Atiyah L-algebroids and generalised geometry . . . . . . . . . 58 3.6 Twisted-bundles and G-structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3.6.1 Twisted-bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.6.2 Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3.6.3 11d Supergravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3.6.5 Orthogonal structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.6.6 Cartan geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 3.7 Atlases and charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 203. Elements of higher geometry 21 3.8 Higher geometric quantisation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.8.1 Prequantum -bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.8.2 BRST complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3.8.3 quantisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 In this chapter we will introduce all the needed mathematical notions for this thesis. The following introduction in higher geometry will make the thesis as self-contained as possible and it will be particularly directed to a reader in theoretical or The general theory reviewed in this chapter can be found mostly in [Lur06; Lur09; DCCT; Lur17; Jur+19d]. For a review of the latest development in the application of higher geometry to String Theory, see [JSW16]. Higher geometry is, essentially, differential geometry where the notion of equality has been replaced by the weaker notion of equivalence. Thus the question whether two geometric objects are equal is replaced by the question whether they are equivalent. in turn, can be related by an equivalence, and so on. ph ph/prime~=,ph way, higher geometry is a natural framework for theoretical physics, since equivalences can be interpreted as gauge transformations. Indeed, the natural and meaningful question in physics is whether two fields are In this specific sense, higher geometry can be seen as a generalisation of differential geometry which encompasses the gauge principle of physics. 3.1 Category theory A category can be thought as a labeled directed graph, whose labelled vertices are known as objects and whose labelled directed edges are known as morphisms. A category is equipped with two fundamental properties. Firstly, the composition of morphisms is any object is canonically equipped with an identity morphism to itself. The point of category theory is studying the properties of classes of mathematical 3.1.1 (Category) .A category Cis given by the following data:
*a class of objects, whose elements we will denote as AC,
*a class of morphisms , which are maps of the form f:A-Bfrom an object AC (known as source) to an object BC(known as target). For any couple of objects A,BC, we well denote as C(A,B)the class of all the morphisms from AtoB,
*a binary operation, known as composition which sends a couple of morphisms f:A-Bandg:B-Cto their The composition *satisfies the following properties:22 3.1. Category , i.e.h*(g*f) = i.e. for any object ACthere exists a morphism idA:A-A, known as identity morphism , satisfying idB*f=f*idAfor 3.1.2 (Category of sets) .LetSetbe thecategory of sets , whose objects SSet are sets and whose morphisms f:S-Tare functions between sets. Example 3.1.3 (Category of topological spaces) .LetTopbe thecategory of whose objects XTopare topological spaces and whose morphisms f:X-Y are continuous maps. Example 3.1.4 (Category of smooth manifolds) .LetDiffbe thecategory of smooth manifold, whoseobjects f:M-N are smooth maps. Example 3.1.5 (Category of sheaves) .LetShbe thecategory of sheaves , whose objects XShare sheaves over manifolds and whose morphisms f:X-Yare morphisms of sheaves over 3.1.6 (Category of Lie algebras) .LetLAlgbe thecategory of Lie algebras , whose objects gLAlgare Lie algebras and whose morphisms f:g-hare homomor- phisms of Lie 3.1.7 (Opposite category) .Given a category C, itsopposite category Copis a category whose objects are the same of Cand whose morphisms interchange the source and target of the morphisms of C. In other words, any morphism f:A-BinCgives 3.1.8 (Functor).Given two categories C,D, afunctor F:C--D (3.1.1) is a map which associates each object XCto an object F(X)Dand each a morphism F(f) :F(A)-F(B)D, such that
*F(idX) = idF(X)for any object XC,
*F(g*f) =F(g)*F(f)for any couple of morphisms 3.1.9 (Natural transformation) .Given two functors F,G :C-D, (3.1.2) is a map which associates to any object XCa morphism that the following diagram any morphism f:A-BinC.3. Elements of higher geometry 23 Definition 3.1.10 (Category of functors) .We call Func (C,D)thecategory of functors , whose objects are all the functors F:C-Dand whose morphisms are all the such 3.1.11 (Yoneda embedding) .TheYoneda embedding is defined as the is fully 3.1.12 (Terminal object) .A category Cis equipped with a terminal object 1Cif there exists exactly one morphism X-1for any object XC. Definition 3.1.13 (Group object) .Given a category Cequipped with a terminal object 1Cand finite products (i.e. for any A,BCthere exists AxBC), we define a group object GCas an object equipped with three multiplication ), 2.e: 1-G(inclusion of identity element operation ), such that they satisfy the following ),
*u(idG,e) = idGandu(e,idG) = idG(i.e.eis a unit of =eG, where diag :G-GxG is the diagonal map and eG:G-Gis the composition of the unique (-)-1is an inverse for u). We denote by Grp(C)the category of the group objects in C. Example 3.1.14 (Group).A group object GGrp(Set)is a group. Example 3.1.15 (Topological group) .A group object GGrp(Top)is a 3.1.16 (Lie group) .A group object GGrp(Diff)is a Lie group. 3.2 topos is, very informally, a category equipped with a structure which provides a generalisation of topology and which allows us to apply to it much of the intuition spaces. An (,1)-topos [Lur06] is a higher geometric generalisation of the notion of topos. We will not provide a definition of this idea, but we will limit ourselves to consider a particular example. In fact, the smooth -groupoids, together with the maps between them, make up an (,1)-topos. In a certain sense, this property a suitable generalisation of smooth manifold. Informally, this can be seen as generalised spaces. This section will be devoted to the introduction of smooth -groupoids and to the study of some of their properties.24 3.2. Smooth -groupoids 3.2.1 Simplicial sets For anynN, let us define the following linearly ordered set: [n] :={0,1,2,...,n}. (3.2.1) Such a set can be equivalently thought as an n-simplex. Let us explain how with some examples. To begin with, we have [0] =0(3.2.2) which is just a point. The next step is [1] =10(3.2.3) which is a line segment. Subsequently, we have [2] =
2 10 (3.2.4) which is a triangle. Finally, we have [3] andsoon for n>3. makeup acategory. 01 20 1 2 s0s1 s20 1 2 Figure 3.1: Example of face inclusion iand degeneracy projection simaps for [2]. Definition 3.2.1 (Simplex category) .Thesimplex category is the category such that
*objects are n-simplices [n]for are as follows: 1.face inclusion i: 0,...,n, is the only that misses i,3. Elements of higher geometry 25 2.degenerate projection si: [n+ 1]-[n]fori= 0,...,n, is the only surjection that hits itwice, which satisfy the following relations, also known as simplicial identities : i*j=j+1*i(i<j ), si*i= id [n] id [n] + byusing i, we obtaina 10 10 3.2.2 (Simplicial set) .LetSetbe the category of sets and the A simplicial set is defined as a (3.2.8) In other words, a simplicial set Kis given by the following the set of the set of n-morphisms for any natural n>0, which are equipped with the following maps: 1.face maps di:=K(i) to its i-th maps si:=K(si) to the identity (n+ 1)-morphisms on them, which satisfy the following relations, also known as simplicial identities : di*dj= dj-1*di(i<j ), di*si= id id + 3.2. Smooth that the collection of face maps didefines a diagram of the following (3.2.10) See figure 3.2 for an intuitive picture of an example of simplicial set. K0 K1 3.2: Simplicial set Kas a sequence of sets Kn, together with face maps di:KnKn-1 and degeneracy maps. Definition 3.2.3 (Category of simplicial sets) .We define the category of simplicial sets , sSet :=Func (op,Set), (3.2.11) whose objects KsSetare simplicial sets K:op-Setand whose morphisms are natural transformations 3.2.4 (n-simplex as simplicial set) .For anynN, we define the set nsSetas the following Yoneda embedding of the n-simplex [n]into the category of simplicial 3.2.5 (n-horns).For any 0<=i<=nandnN+, we define the the sub-simplicial n(3.2.13) which is the union of all faces of nexcept thei-th one. Definition 3.2.6 (Kan complex) .AKan complex is a simplicial set the Kan condition : for any image of a horn f: Ln i-Kwith 0<=i<=ninK, the missingi-th face must be in Ktoo, i.e. there must exist a map f/primegiven as (3.2.14) Remark 3.2.7 (Kan condition) .Notice that we can equivalently reformulate the Kan condition (3.2.14) by requiring that the (3.2.15) is 3.2.8 (Weak Kan complex) .Aweak Kan complex is a simplicial set KsSet that satisfies the Kan condition only for n-horns Ln iwith 0<i<n.3. Elements of higher geometry 27 0 1 20 1 2 0 1 20 1 2 0 1 20 1 3.3: All the 2-horns L2 iof a2-simplex Kan complex is a geometric model for the -groupoid. Similarly, the weak Kan complex is a geometric model for the 3.2.9 (-groupoid) .An-groupoidGis a Kan complex, i.e. XX3X2X1X (3.2.16) where we call the elements of X0theobjectsof the-groupoid and the elements of of 3.2.10 (Morphisms of-groupoids) .Amorphism a map of simplicial sets which respect all the face maps diand the degeneracy maps si. Definition 3.2.11 (Product of-groupoids) .TheproductXxYof an-groupoid defined by the Kan := := we called dX iandsX ithe face and degeneracy maps of Xand so on. Definition 3.2.12 (Internal hom of -groupoids) .Theinternal hom [X,Y]of two -groupoids XandYis an-groupoid defined by the Kan complex [X,Y ] : [n]--sSet(Xxn, Y), (3.2.18) where nsSetis then-simplex simplicial set.28 3.2. Smooth that the internal hom of -groupoids satisfies the fundamental 3.2.13 (Homotopy of-groupoids) .Letf,g:X--Ybe A homotopya:f=gis defined as a morphism of that the following diagram commutes: Y X there exists a simplicial set (in particular, a Kan complex) of any two -groupoids. Equivalently, for any couple of -groupoids, there of morphisms between them. This means that -groupoids make up a well-defined (,1)-category, which we will call Grpd. Definition 3.2.14 (Set of connected components of an -groupoid) .Given we define its set of connected components p0(X)Setby p0(X) :=X0/X1, (3.2.21) i.e. by the set of equivalence classes of elements of X0modulo the equivalence 3.2.15 (Geometric realisation of an -groupoid) .Thegeometric realisation is the functor
|-| :Grpd--Top (3.2.22) which is defined, for any -groupoidXGrpd, by the topological (3.2.23) where the equivalence relation glues Smooth stacks Since the dawn of geometry, with Euclid's Elements, the point of studying geometry has always been the investigation of the relations between geometric objects. The problems of synthetic geometry are usually about whether a point lies on a certain line, or whether a pair of lines meet, etc.. In this section we will introduce the notion of smooth stack, which can be intuitively understood as a geometric object which captures this aspect of geometry in the context of higher geometry. A smooth stack (or smooth -groupoid) can be understood as an -groupoid equipped with a smooth structure, similarly to how an ordinary Lie group is a group with Such a smooth structure is given by specifying how any manifold can be mapped onto our -groupoid. This concept originated in [SSS12].3. Elements of higher geometry (Smoothstack) of Lie-groupoids. A smooth stack defined as Grpd (3.2.24) which satisfies some higher gluing properties, known as descent. This can be though as a generalisation of the notion of sheaf which takes value in speaking an higher smooth stack Xis a sheaf of-groupoids over manifolds. Given a local patch U, we can picture it by an assignment of the X3(U) X2(U) X1(U) means that for a manifold Mwith good the higher groupoid X(M)can be described in local data by a collection of higher groupoids X(Ua1***
Uak)on anyk-fold overlap of patches, which are glued by their groupoid morphisms. For a formal exposition see 3.2.17 ((,1)-category of smooth stacks) .We call of smooth stacks on manifolds, such that
*objects are smooth for any of smooth stacks. Example 3.2.18 (Manifolds as smooth stacks) .Given any smooth manifold MDiff, we can easily construct a sheaf C(-,M)Hof smooth functions to M, which is in particular a stack. This is nothing but a Yoneda embedding the smooth manifolds into the (,1)-category of stacks. Remark 3.2.19 as generalised spaces) .Notice that we can naturally generalise the argument from the previous subsection and show that there exists a smooth-groupoid of morphisms between any couple of smooth smooth-groupoids make up a well-defined (,1)-category, which we will call H. We can regard such an (,1)-category as a generalisation of the category of smooth manifolds and, thus, a smooth -groupoid as a generalisation of a smooth manifold. Notice that we have the (3.2.25) Remark 3.2.20 (0-truncation of a smooth -groupoid) .The inclusion into smooth -groupoids has a left adjoint t0:H-Sh, which is called 0- truncation . This functor sends a smooth -groupoidXHto its underlying sheaf us now give simple examples of 0-truncated stacks, which are just ordinary sheaves.30 3.2. Smooth 3.2.21 (Some useful Diff(M)can be thought as a 0-stack sending a manifold Mto its group of diffeomorphisms, while ohmn(M)is the vector space of its n-forms. Analogously ohmn cl(M)is the 0-stack of closed n-forms. However we remark that a 0-stack of exact forms ohmn ex(M)does not exist, because it would not satisfy the gluing conditions on overlaps of patches us now introduce some useful notions in the context of smooth 3.2.22 (Hom-groupoid) .Given any couple of smooth stacks X,YH we can define the Grpd (3.2.26) as the-groupoid of morphisms from XtoY, i.e. such that
*objects are 1-morphisms are (k+ 1)-morphisms of stacks that, given an higher smooth stack Xover smooth manifolds, we have the natural equivalence H(M,X)~=X(M)for any smooth manifold M(regarded here as a smooth 3.2.23 (Internal hom stack) .Given any couple of smooth stacks X,YH, we can define the internal hom stack [X,Y]Has the smooth stack which satisfies the following (3.2.27) for any fixed smooth stack SH. Lemma 3.2.24 (Explicit form of internal hom stack) .Given any couple of smooth stacks X,YH, the internal hom stack [X,Y]His given by [X,Y] :U--H(UxX,Y), (3.2.28) for any smooth manifold a smooth manifold UDiff, we have [X,Y](U) =H(U,[X,Y]). By using definition 3.2.23, we immediately have that, if* His a point, we have the natural equivalence [*,X]~=X for any stack XH. Example 3.2.25 (Loop space of a manifold) .Theloop space of a manifold MDiffis the Frechet manifold LM:= 3.2.26 (Slice-category) .For any given object XH, according to [DCCT] we can define the slice-category H/Xas the-category such that
*objects are 1-morphisms f:Z-XinH,3. Elements of higher geometry 31
*1-morphisms homotopy commutative diagrams of the following form Z Z/prime XF f so on for k-morphisms with k>1. Definition 3.2.27 (Loop space object of an -category) .For any object XCin an -category C, we can define the loop space object ohmXCas the-category such that
*objects are 1-morphisms are (k+ 1)-morphisms f1Z=f2inC. This category must not be confused with the loop space of a manifold of example 3.2.25. Example 3.2.28 (Path-groupoid) is the-groupoid whose objects are points xM,1-morphisms g:x/mapsto-yare paths, 2-morphisms are homotopies of paths, 3-morphisms are homotopies of homotopies, etc... In other words it is the -groupoid given by the following simplicial object: P(M) Top(2 top,M) Top(1 top,M) here, n topis the standard n-simplex for nN, regarded as a topological space. x yP(M) Figure 3.4: Path-groupoid of a smooth manifold M. Definition 3.2.29 (Sheaf of connected components of a smooth -groupoid) .Given XH, we define its sheaf of connected components p0(X)Shby p0(X) :=X0/X1 (3.2.30) i.e. by the set of equivalence classes of elements of X0modulo the equivalence 3.2.30 (Set of connected components of the path -groupoid) .Given a smooth manifold M, the set of connected components of the path -groupoid i.e. the set of connected components of the manifold M.32 3.2. Smooth 3.2.31 (Cech groupoid) .Given a good open cover U:={Ua}of a itsCech groupoid is defined by the following simplicial set VC(U) all the arrows are embedding of open sets. Notice that in the Cech groupoid the gluing conditions of the manifold Mbetween been promoted to morphisms. 3.2.4 Lie-groups Now, our (,1)-topos of generalised spaces is H. Just like objects of groups and of Grp(Diff)are Lie groups, we may wonder if there exist a new notion of group Grp(H)on such generalised spaces. The definition of a GGrp(H) provided by [Lur17] is the 3.2.32 anA-algebra in Hsuch that the sheaf of its connected components p0(G)is a group object in the category of [NSS15; NSS14] for details. Since this definition is technically difficult, we will now provide an equivalent way to think about Lie -groups as simplicial objects. Remark 3.2.33 (Lie-groups as Lie-groupoids) .There exists an embedding H. (3.2.32) which identifies Lie -groupsGwith smooth-groupoids BGwhose space of objects is a point, i.e. BGG3G2G1*/parenrightBigg . (3.2.33) We will refer to the functor Basdelooping . Example 3.2.34 (Ordinary Lie group) .LetGbe an ordinary Lie group. The simplicial set corresponding to Gis given by [n]/mapsto-Gxn. More precisely, this is given by the following GxG G the projection of the i-th copy of Gin a product Gxnand(-)*(-)is the group product of G. Example 3.2.35 (Classifying space of a Lie group) .The geometric realisation of the delooping BGof an ordinary Lie group Gis exactly the usual classifying space
|BG|=BG. (3.2.34)3. Elements of higher geometry 33 Example 3.2.36 (Strict Lie 2-group).Astrict Lie 2-groupis defined as a Lie 2-group whose corresponding Kan complex is of the following form: BGKx3xHx2Kx2xHK*/parenrightBigg ,(3.2.35) whereK,Hare two ordinary Lie groups. Such a Kan complex is also known as of a Lie 2-group. This implies that the horizontal and vertical is given by the following Dold-Kan we will briefly present a correspondence which allows us to write abelian stacks in a very simple and immediate fashion. See [GJ99, ch.3] for a detailed 3.2.37 (Dold-Kan correspondence) .Dold-Kan correspondence exhibits an equivalence between abelian smooth higher stacks and chain complexes of abelian sheaves over manifolds. In our notation, an abelian smooth stack AHwill correspond a chain complex (A*,d*)of abelian sheaves, i.e. explicitly A= d2 (3.2.37) where theAiare all abelian sheaves. The stack BA, which is called delooping ofA, is exactly the stack corresponding to the shifted chain A*[1]of smooth sheaves, i.e. explicitly BA= 0d2 d1 (3.2.38) LetMbe a smooth manifold. An element of the -groupoid H(M,A)of sections of A is given under Dold-Kan correspondence by a such that a0 (a)A 0(Ua), a1 (ab)A 1(UaUb), a2 (abg)A 2(UaUbUg), ... (3.2.39) and whose patching conditions are given, on any k-fold overlap of patches UaofM, d d d 3a3 (abgd ), ...(3.2.40)34 3.2. Smooth -groupoids The following physically relevant applications of the Dold-Kan correspondence were introduced by (Abelian 1-stacks and 2-stacks).The following are the relevant examples of abelian 1-stacks and 2-stacks we are going to use in the next discussion. They are presented through Dold-Kan correspondence (remark 3.2.37) as chain complexes of abelian sheaves. Notice that in this form they are Deligne complexes: BU(1) = = = 0 00 = ohm1(-) 01 2pid*log B2U(1)conn = ohm1(-) generally, we can write the following abelian k-stack for any kN+by using the Dold-Kan = ohm1(-)*** 3.2.39 (Forgetful functor) .Notice we can naturally introduce a forgetful functor which forgets the 1-degree 1-form part of the chain complex and retains only the 0-degree sheaf for BU(1)conn we can define natural forgetful functors for the 2,1-degree sheaves of B(BU(1)conn) B2U(1).frgt 3.2.40 (BU(1)connis a group-stack) .The stack BU(1)connof circle bundles with connection is a group-stack , which means that it satisfies the ordinary of a group up to an isomorphism. First of all BU(1)connis naturally equipped with a tensor (3.2.44) which maps a couple of circle bundles P1-MandP2-Mto a new one the dual bundle P*-Mof any circle bundle P-Mplays the role of its inverse element , while the trivial circle bundle MxU(1)-Mwith trivial connection plays the role of the identity element id. It is easy to verify that ordinary group satisfied only up to gauge transformation of circle bundles. In local Cech data on a manifold Mwe have = Elements of higher geometry 35 3.2.6 Geometric a geometric stack is a smooth stack which is represented by a suitable notion of Kan complex in the category of smooth manifolds. Such stacks are in the context of -Lie theory (see section 3.3), when we deal with Lie integration of 3.2.41 (Kan simplicial manifold) .AKan simplicial manifold is defined as a simplicial manifold, i.e. an object of the category sDiff :=Func (op,Diff), (3.2.46) such that it satisfies a differential version of the Kan condition (3.2.15), i.e. the map Xn~=sDiff (n,K)--sDiff (Ln i,K) (3.2.47) is a surjective submersion for any 3.2.42 (Geometric stack) .Ageometric stack is defined as a smooth by a Kan simplicial manifold [Pri13], i.e. such that it is given by X(U) =sDiff (U,X)for some fixed Kan simplicial manifold X, on anyUDiff. Remark 3.2.43 (Technicalities on Kan simplicial manifolds) .We remark that a smooth stack is not represented, in general, by a Kan simplicial manifold. Moreover, geometric stacks do not constitute an (,1)-topos, For more details see [NSS15; NSS14]. 3.3-Lie theory -Lie theory, or higher Lie theory, is the refinement of Lie theory to higher geometry. It and, more generally, L-algebroids and their relation to Lie -groupoids by Lie L-algebras The reader will be probably familiar with the notion of L-algebra g. Roughly, this is a generalisation of Lie algebra whose underlying vector space is graded and which is equipped with a potentially infinite number of n-ary brackets Jacobi identities only holds up to a homotopy given by the (n+ 1)-ary 3.3.1 (Unshuffle) with 0<i<n is a (n)such 1)<***<s(n). (3.3.1) We will denote as Unsh (i,n-i)Perm (n)the set of 3.3.2 a vector space Vequipped with a collection of graded anti-symmetric brackets (3.3.2) for any positive integer nN+, such that they satisfy the following conditions36 3.3. -Lie theory 1.graded skew symmetry : for anyn-tuple (x1,...,xn)of homogeneously graded elements, we deg(xi)is the degree of the element xiV. 2.strong homotopy Jacobi identity : for anyn-tuple (x1,...,xn)of elements, we = 0 (n>1), (3.3.4) where Jacn(-,***,-)is defined ={+1,-1}, known as Koszul-signature , is the sign obtained by multiplying the sign (-1)|s|of the permutation with the sign (-1)deg(xi) deg(xj) that arises from the degrees of the permuted elements. We redirect to the reference [LS93] for details. Example 3.3.3 (Ordinary Lie algebra) .Anordinary Lie algebra is aL-algebra whose underlying graded vector space Vis trivial also at degree >1. Example 3.3.4 is aL-algebra whose vector space Vis trivial also at degree >n. 3.3.2 on a smooth manifold Mis a generalisation of L-algebra, defined by a graded vector bundle aMwhose graded space of its sections G(M,a)is equipped with aL-algebra structure. This concept was introduced by 3.3.5 (L-algebroid) .AnLalgebroid a a graded vector bundle EMequipped with an L-algebra structure on the G(M,E )of its sections and with a morphism of graded vector bundles /rho1:E-TM, calledanchor map , such that (a) the anchor induces a homomorphism of L-algebras (see remark 3.3.11)
/rho1: (G(M,E (3.3.5) (b) the brackets the following Leibniz any smooth function fC(M)and sections xiG(M,E ). Remark 3.3.6 (L-algebra asL-algebroid) the (,1)- categories respectively of L-algebras ans L-algebroids. We have an bg.(3.3.7) which maps a L-algebra gto aL-algebroid bg*whose base manifold is a point *.3. Elements of higher geometry 37 3.3.3 dg-algebras For simplicity, let us denote, from now on, the underlying graded vector space of a L-algebra gnot anymore as V, but just as g. Lemma 3.3.7 ( dg-algebra of an on gis equivalently a dg-algebra structure on *g*, which we will call dg-algebra ofg. Proof.Given anL-algebra g, let us define the following algebra: CE(g) (3.3.8) where the underlying graded vector space (3.3.9) and the +1-degree differential is defined by d :ta/mapsto-- a basis of gand{ta}is its dual basis of g*. Thus, the differential encodes then-ary brackets of the Lalgebra g. Now, we will show that the differential condition d2= 0on the dg-algebra CE(g)is equivalent to the condition Jacn= 0for the Jacobiator for anynN+on theL-algebra g. Thus, we can directly can be produced by summing over all the unshuffles sUnsh (n,m-1)weighted by the Koszul-sign of the permutation, i.e. 0 is exactly the Jacobiator Jackof anyk-ary bracket of the L-algebra g. Example 3.3.8 ( dg-algebra of an ordinary Lie algebra) .Let us explicitly consider the dg-algebra CE(g)of an ordinary Lie algebra g. Let{ta}be the 1-degree generators of g*. Then, CE(g)is identified the structure constants of the Lie algebra g. Example 3.3.9 ( dg-algebra of a Lie 2-algebra).Let us the dg-algebra CE(g)of a Lie 2-algebra g. the 1-degree and 2-degree generators of g*. Then, CE(g)is given the structure constants corresponding to the the Lie 2-algebra g.38 3.3. -Lie theory Example 3.3.10 (String 2-algebra string (g)).Following [FSS14a], we define the string 2-algebra string (g)of an ordinary Lie algebra gby dually defining the (g))as the structure constants of the ordinary Lie algebra g, wherekabis a Killing form on gand where{ta,b}are respectively the 1-degree generators of g*and a 3.3.11 (Homomorphisms of L-algebras) .Given a graded vector space V, the shift isomorphism of graded vector spaces an isomorphism Thus, we can equivalently write CE(g) there is an embedding (i.e. a fully faithful dgcAlg is the-category of the commutative algebras. Thus, the homomorphisms can be defined by LAlg(g1,g2) := (3.3.15) The definition of the dg-algebra of an L-algebra can be to 3.3.12 ( dg-algebra of an L-algebroid) .The dg-algebra of an L-algebroid aMis defined by CE(a) (3.3.16) where the underlying graded space is
*G(M,a*) where the differential, now, acts also on smooth the anchor map of the L-algebroid, in components. The differential of the generators in the higher degrees is given in analogy with the differential (3.3.10). Remark 3.3.13 (Homomorphisms of L-algebroids) .In analogy with L-algebra in remark 3.3.11, we can rewrite CE(a) Thus, we have an embedding (i.e. a fully faithful CE(a)(3.3.19)3. Elements of higher geometry 39 where dgcAlg is the-category of the commutative algebras. Now, the homomorphisms can be defined by LAlgbd (a1,a2) := (3.3.20) Notice that itself a algebra. This dg- algebra can be regarded as the L-algebroid of the homomorphisms from a1toa2, which we can denote as LAlgbd 3.3.14 (dg-algebra of flat L-algebra-valued differential forms) .For a given L-algebra g, the dg-algebra of flatg-valued differential forms is defined (3.3.21) whereis the covariant derivative of any 1-degree differential form. Example 3.3.15 (dg-algebra of flat Lie algebra-valued differential forms) .Given an ordinary Lie algebra g, a1-degree element ag-valued differential satisfies the differential 0, the structure constants of dg-algebra is also useful to define a cohomology the- ory for Lie 3.3.16 (Lie algebra cohomology) .TheLie algebra cohomology ofgis the cohomology of the differential dof the dg-algebra CE(g), i.e. Hn Lie(g) (3.3.23) In other words, we have the (3.3.24) 3.3.4 Weil 3.3.17 define the an L-algebra gis defined by the following algebra: CE(Tg) := d g*[1]is a degree-shifted copy of g*, the differential dCE(g)is the differential of CE(g)and the differential d:g*~=---g*[1]is an isomorphism of graded spaces such that [dCE(g),d] = 0. The tangent L-algebraTgis also known as L-algebra of inner derivations inn(g).40 3.3. -Lie 3.3.18 (Weil dg-algebra) .TheWeil dg-algebra W(g)of anL-algebra gis W(g) := CE(Tg). (3.3.26) Example 3.3.19 (Weil dg-algebra of an ordinary Lie algebra) .Let us explicitly consider the Weil dg-algebra W(g)of an ordinary Lie algebra g. Let{ta}be the 1-degree ones of g*[1]. Then, the Weil dg-algebra W(g)is identified the structure constants of the Lie algebra g. Example 3.3.20 (Weil dg-algebra of the string 2-algebra string (g)).The Weil dg-algebra of the string 2-algebra string (g)is given the structure constants of the ordinary Lie algebra g, wherekabis a Killing form on gand respectively the 1-degree generators generators {b,ra}and the 3-degree generator {h}. Definition 3.3.21 (dg-algebra of L-algebra-valued differential forms) .For a given L-algebra g, the dg-algebra of g-valued differential forms is defined (3.3.29) Remark 3.3.22 (Higher gauge theory) .The geometric meaning of this dg-algebra and its physical interpretation of as higher gauge theory will be explored in subsection 3.4.5. For the moment, notice that we can physically interpret the underlying graded space on some open set Uas follows:
*** -- of gauge param.-- parameters-- fields-- 1-degree elements Aohm1(U,g)are local higher gauge fields (given by a collection of local higher form fields) and 0-degree elements are gauge parameters of the form dlA= [l]1+ [l,A]2+ [l,A,A]3+.... 2-degree elements are curvatures of the form F= elements are Bianchi identities for higher gauge fields, i.e. 0 = [F]1+ [F,A]2+ [F,A,A]3+.... (3.3.32)3. Elements of higher geometry 41 Example 3.3.23 (dg-algebra of Lie algebra-valued differential forms) .Given an ordinary Lie algebra g, a1-degree element Aohm1(M,g)is ag-valued differential form A ohm1(M)gwhich satisfy the differential a2-degree element which encodes the curvature. Since Ais not constrained to be flat, we can regard ohm1(M,g)as the algebroid of general 3.3.24 (dg-algebra of string (g)-valued differential forms) .Given an ordinary Lie algebra g, a1-degree element a couple of satisfy the differential 0,(3.3.34) where a2-degree element which encodes the curvature. 3.3.5 NQ-manifolds The first definition of Q-manifold is due to [Ale+97]. See [Fai17] for a 3.3.25 (NQ-manifold) .AnNQ-manifold , also known as differential graded manifold or dg-manifold , is a coupleM= (|M|,C)of a topological space |M|and a sheaf of differential graded algebras Con|M|such that, for any open set a graded vector space and Qis a 3.3.26 (NQ-manifolds are L-algebroids) .there exists an L-algebroid (3.3.37) See [Arv21] for applications in String Theory. Example 3.3.27 (Shifted tangent bundle) .The NQ-manifold corresponding to the tangent algebroid TMis theshifted tangent bundle T[1]M, whose coordinates {xu,dxu}
are respectively of degree 0and1, and whose differential is Q= dxu xu. we have CE(TM) = ohm*(M) =C(T[1]M).42 3.3. -Lie theory Example 3.3.28 (Lie algebra) .The NQ-manifold corresponding to an ordinary Lie algebra gis the dg-manifold M=g[1], whose differential is given the 1-degree coordinates of g[1]andCi jkare the structure constants of the Lie algebra. Clearly, we have CE(g) =C(g[1]). Remark 3.3.29 (Shifted tangent bundle and tangent L-algebra).Given the to an L-algebra g, its shifted tangent bundle correspond to the tangent L-algebraTg. Thus, we will have the identity W(g) = CE(Tg) Lie 3.3.30 (Lie integration) .Given aL-algebroid a, we define its Lie integration as the Lie-groupoid exp(a)Hgiven by the simplicial presheaf exp(a) : (3.3.40) where kis, for anykN, the standard k-simplex regarded as a smooth manifold the dg-algebra of differential forms such that 1. they are vertical respect to the trivial bundle UxkU, 2.they have sitting instants along the boundary, i.e. for every p-face is an open neighbourhood Upkof the face psuch that the forms restricted to Upare constant in the directions perpendicular to the p-face on its value restricted to that face. For more details, see [FSS12; SS15]. Example 3.3.31 (Moduli stack BG).LetGbe an ordinary Lie group, whose Lie algebra isg. Then, we have the Lie integration exp(g)~=BG. Let us apply the definition:
*the set of objects is trivial, i.e. i.e. vertical flat g-valued 1-forms A=ldton the interval, where i.e. vertical flat g-valued 1-formsA*on the diskD2, which interpolates between two 1-morphisms are defined on the two semicircles (see figure 3.5). Now, 1-morpshisms can be interpreted as pullbacks where g,g/prime: [0,1]-Gare paths on the Lie group G, withg(0) =g/prime(1), the Maurer-Cartan form. Similarly, a 2-morphism can be regarded as a homotopy S two paths on G. This is equivalent to BG.3. Elements of higher geometry 43 0 x0 3.5: Lie-integration of a Lie algebra. Remark 3.3.32 (-Lie theory) .If we consider Lie integration exp : (3.3.41) and its natural inverse, Lie :H-LAlgbd (3.3.42) we have all the ingredients which make up -Lie theory. The Lie differentiation of Lie -groups was introduced in [Sev06]. 3.4 Principal -bundles In this section we will give a simple introduction to the theory of principal by [NSS15; NSS14]. Moreover, from the general theory, we will recover the local differential data of abelian bundle gerbes as presented by [Hit01; Joh03]. In ordinary differential geometry a principal G-bundle on a manifold Mis defined by an element of the first non-abelian G-cohomology group H1(M,G )~=GBund (M)/~=. These are equivalence the representatives are given by Cech the equivalence relation is given by We would like to refine this formalism to a stack description, where we consider G-bundles without slashing out gauge 3.4.1 (Ordinary principal bundle) .For a given manifold Mand ordinary Lie groupG, the groupoid H(M,BG)has as objects all the nonabelian Cech as morphisms all the couboundaries we geometric terms the objects are all the principal G-bundles over Mand the morphisms are all the isomorphisms (i.e. gauge transformations) between them. Thus we will operatively define a principal G-bundle as just an object of groupoid H(M,BG).44 3.4. Principal -bundles To recover the topological picture we only need to take the set of connected components of the groupoid of ordinary principal bundles: H1(M,G ) =p0H(M,BG). (3.4.2) To any cocycle M-BGis canonically associated a principal bundle p:PMgiven by P*
M we called p=:hofib (f)is the fibre projection of the bundle. The fundamental idea for defining principal -bundles is letting the formalism for Lie-groups too. Definition 3.4.2 ().Aprincipal-bundlePMis a fibration P*
M to a cocycle fH(M,BG), whereGGrp(H)is a Lie-group in H. Thus, we can define the -groupoid of principal G-bundles on Mby GBund(M) := H(M,BG). 3.4.3 defined as a on a base manifold M. The-groupoid of bundle n-gerbes is, thus, n-Gerb(M) := H(M,Bn+1G). (3.4.6) Remark 3.4.4 (Cohomology and bundle n-gerbes).Notice that bundle n-gerbes on a base manifold Mare topologically classified exactly by the n-th cohomology group of (3.4.7) In all the rest of this section we will explore several properties of the bundle gerbes. Remark 3.4.5 (Principal action) .Every naturally equipped with aprincipal action r:GxP--P, (3.4.8) whereGis the structure-group ofP. Definition 3.4.6 (Sections of an-bundle).Given any bundle p:PMwith P,MH, according to [NSS15] we can define its -groupoid of its sections onMby G(M,P ) := H/M(idM,p) (3.4.9) where H/M(-,-)is the internal hom -groupoid (definition 3.2.23) of the slice - category H/M(definition 3.2.26).3. Elements of higher geometry 45 3.4.1 3.4.7 .Given a Lie group GGrp(H)and a smooth stackVH, (also known as quotient stack )V//rGHis defined by a principal bundle of the following form: V*
V//rG we called r:GxV-Vthe principal action. See [Sha02] for more physical 3.4.8 (Universal principal -bundle).We define the universal principal - bundle EGover a Lie-group BGby the following action the natural action of Gon itself. Remark 3.4.9 (-group of inner automorphisms) .The universal principal -bundle EGhas a natural Lie -group structure. As a Lie -group, the universal is also known as Inn(G), i.e. as-group of inner automorphisms ofG. Remark 3.4.10 (Borel construction) .Given an a smooth manifold, we have the equivalence M//rG~=EGxGMand, thus, the geometric the (topological) universal principal G-bundle and where the fiber couples EGxGMis the bundle over the classifying space BGassociated with the universal bundle EGand with fibre M. Remark 3.4.11 (Equivariant cohomology) .Usually, the equivariant cohomology of a G-spaceMis defined as the ordinary cohomology of the space EGxGM, i.e. Hn G(M,Z) :=Hn(EGxGM,Z). (3.4.13) Notice that this can be equivalently given (3.4.14) i.e. by a bundle (n-2)-gerbe on the action 3.4. Principal -bundles 3.4.2 Bundle gerbes he abelian bundle gerbe is a categorification of the principal U(1)-bundle introduced by [Mur96; MS00]. More recently, in [NSS15], the bundle gerbe has been reformalised as a special case of principal -bundle, where the structure Lie 2-group isG=BU(1), i.e. the circle 2-group. For an introductory self-contained review, see [Bun21]. Example 3.4.12 (Bundle gerbe) .An abelian bundle gerbe is a principal a circle 3.4.13 (Dixmier-Douady class) .By taking the group of path-connected com- ponents of the groupoid H(M,B2U(1))of the abelian bundle gerbes we obtain the 3rd cohomology =H2(M,U (1))~=H3(M,Z). (3.4.15) Hence, bundle gerbes P-Mover a base manifold Mare topologically classified by their Dixmier-Douady class, i.e. by an element dd(P)H3(M,Z)of the third group of the base manifold. This is totally analogous to how the first Chern class ordinary circle bundles P-M. In general we have a sequence of circle ... whereS1Bund (M)/~andGerb (M)/~are respectively the group of isomorphism classes of circle bundles and abelian bundle gerbes over the base manifold M. Therefore, in this context, a global map in C(M,S1)can be seen as a circle 0-bundle. Remark 3.4.14 (Bundle gerbe in Cech picture) .An object of H(M,B2U(1))is given in Cech data for a good cover U={Ua}ofMby a collection (G(abg))of local scalars (3.4.16) i.e. an abelian bundle gerbe in Cech data. The 1-morphisms between these objects are Cech coboundaries (in physical words the gauge transformations of the bundle gerbe) given by collections (e(ab))of local scalars on overlaps UaUbso between 1-morphisms (in physical words the gauge-of-gauge of the bundle gerbe) are given by collections (/epsilon1(a))of local scalars on each (3.4.18)3. Elements of higher geometry 47 In terms of diagrams we can write this 2-groupoid of abelian bundle gerbes as 3.4.15 (Bundle gerbe in Murray picture) .There is an alternative but equivalent way to geometrically describe a bundle gerbe: the by [Mur96; MS00; Mur07]. A bundle gerbe will be given by a circle bundle overlap of patches and an isomorphism between each tensor product PabPbg andPagon every three-fold overlap of patches. The latter is a gauge so (3.4.20) and which satisfies the cocycle condition on four-fold overlaps of patches. This notation is reminiscent of the transition functions (G(ab))of an ordinary circle bundle P-M, which are indeed bundle U(1))and which satisfy 3.4.16 (Bundle gerbe in local data) .LetU:={Ua}be any good cover for the base manifold M. The Cech groupoid VC(U)is defined as the-groupoid corresponding to the following simplicial by using the natural equivalence between the Cech groupoid VC(U)and the manifold Min the (,1)-category of stacks, we can express the map between Mand the moduli stack B2U(1)as a functor of the form M~=VC(U) using the definition of the Cech groupoid, such a map can be presented as a collection of are glued by isomorphisms on three-fold overlaps of Since, as we have seen, any map U-BU(1)from an open48 3.4. Principal -bundles setUis equivalently a U(1)-bundlePU, we obtain the following in detail, we have a collection of circle bundles {PabUaUb}on each overlap that:
*there exists a bundle isomorphism Pab~=P-1 baon any two-fold overlap of exists a bundle isomorphism any of patches UaUbUg,
*this isomorphism satisfies 1on any four-fold overlaps of thus, recovered the Murray formulation [Mur96; MS00; Mur07] of the bundle gerbe P :G-M. 3.4.3 Principal -bundles with connection In this subsection we want to introduce the moduli stack of principal bundle with connection BGconn, which refines the moduli stack of principal bundles BG. We will have the following like a cocycle f:M-BGencodes the global geometric data of a principal bundle, a cocycle (A,f) :M-BGconnwill encode both the global geometric data of a principal bundle and the global differential data of a principal providing a full definition for the stack BGconnfor any given Lie -group, let us first construct a simple example. Example 3.4.17 (Ordinary principal G-bundle).LetGbe an ordinary Lie group and Ma smooth manifold. We can explicitly construct the stack BGconnHsuch that the global differential data of a principal3. Elements of higher geometry 49 G-bundle with connection on Mas follows: A(a)ohm(Ua,g)is a local 1-form, which is globally patched the Cech cocycle of a principal G-bundle, i.e. (3.4.26) A given by a local scalar e(a)C(Ua,G) such 3.4.18 (Underlying principal G-bundle).In general, there is a forgetful BG, (3.4.28) which forgets the connection of the G-bundles. Thus, it is important to remark that not contain only local connection data, but it remembers the underlying bundle structure M-BG. For example, if Gis an ordinary Lie group as in the example above, then cocycles are mapped frgt/mapsto----- (f(ab))H(M,BG), (3.4.29) so that the functor forgets the connection data, but retains the global geometric data. Once we have defined the stack BGconn, we immediately have the following 3.4.19 (-groupoid of G-bundles with connection) .Given a smooth manifold Mand a Lie-groupG, the-groupoid of G-bundles with connection onMis defined as follows: GBund conn(M) := H(M,BGconn). (3.4.30) Remark 3.4.20 (Differential cohomology) .Notice that we have the ), the differential cohomology. At this point, we must discuss how it is possible to construct, in general, the stack BGconn for a given general Lie -groupG. This issue was discussed e.g. in [SW08; Wal17]. Such a construction will have to generalise ordinary parallel transport to principal we could expect to define our wanted stack by the path-groupoid of the smooth manifold U. However, this definition works only for ordinary Lie groups. For a general Lie -groupG, the stack such a definition makes the cocycles valued in connections, i.e. 2-form component of the curvature is forced to vanish. This issue was in [BS05] and more recently in [SS19a]. We could attempt a definition of the form where Inn(G)is the-group of of G(see remark 3.4.9), but this still leads to fake-flatness for higher Lie groups. A proposed solution has been developed by [SS19a; KS20; BKS21]. To understand it, we must introduce the notion of adjusted tangent L-algebras [BKS21] first.50 3.4. Principal 3.4.21 (Adjusted tangent L-algebra).Given anL-algebra g, we can adjusted tangent L-algebraTadjgas deformation of the L-algebra structure of the tangent L-algebraTg, given as follows. Let {ti}and{ri}be respectively the generators of g*[2]andg*[1]. We can obtain CE(Tadjg)by a coordinate transformation of CE(Tg)the that the image of the resulting differential dCEon generators in g*[2]contains no generator in g*[1], except for at most one of degree 1. In analogy with definition 3.3.18, we can define the (firmly) adjusted Weil of an L-algebra gbyWadj(g) :=CE(Tadjg). Let us now look at an of such 3.4.22 (Adjusted Weil dg-algebra of the string 2-algebra string adjusted Weil dg-algebra [KS20] of the string 2-algebra string (g)is given the structure constants of the ordinary Lie algebra g, wherekabis a Killing form on gand respectively the 1-degree generators generators {b,ra}and the 3-degree generator {h}. It is not hard to check that this dg-algebra can be obtained from the usual Weil dg-algebra in example 3.3.20 by the change of coordinates we can construct the stack BGconnby defining an adjusted notion of which makes use of the idea of adjusted tangent 3.4.23 (Moduli stack of G-bundles with connection) .Given a Lie-group G, themoduli stack of G-bundles with connection BGconnHis defined by the the path-groupoid of the smooth manifold MandInnadj(G)is of inner automorphisms ofG, which can be defined by the adjusted tangent L-algebraTadjg, where g:= Lie(G). For more details and discussion, we redirect to [KS20; BKS21]. For an ordinary Lie group G, a functor be equivalently given by a functor P(M)--BG. For more details see [KS20].3. Elements of higher geometry 51 x *
Figure 3.6: Parallel transport on a principal G-bundle is given by a functor between the path -groupoid P(M)of the smooth manifold Mand the stack 3.4.24 (Ordinary parallel transport) .Given an ordinary Lie group Gand a smooth manifold M, a functor traA:P(M)--BGis calledparallel transport and it is given by the P any path on the base manifold a local 1-form, which is globally patched the Cech cocycle of a principal G-bundle, i.e. (3.4.37) Thus, a map traAis equivalently a encodes the global differential data of a principal G-bundle with connection. The functorial nature of the parallel transport is clear = traA(g/prime*g), the composition of paths. 3.4.4 Bundle gerbes with connection Let us now construct a bundle gerbe equipped with connection, which globally formalises a Kalb-Ramond field. This is mostly based on [Mur96; MS00; Mur07; DCCT]. For bundle gerbes, the construction of the stack B2U(1)connis particularly 3.4.25 (Bundle gerbe with connection) .An abelian bundle gerbe with connection is given by a cocycle we defined the stack B2U(1)conn in example 3.2.38. Remark 3.4.26 (Bundle gerbe with connection in Cech-Deligne picture) .An object of the-groupoid given in Cech-Deligne data for a good cover52 3.4. Principal a collection scalars G(abg)C(UaUbUg), patched by B(b)-B(a)= dL (ab), L(ab)+ L (bg)+ L (ga)= an abelian bundle gerbe with connection in Cech-Deligne data. The 1- these objects are Cech-Deligne coboundaries (in physical words the of the bundle gerbe), given by collections (ea,e(ab))of local local scalars e(ab)C(UaUb), so between 1-morphisms (in physical words the gauge-of-gauge of the bundle gerbe) are given by collections (/epsilon1(a))of local scalars on each terms of diagrams we can write this 2-groupoid of abelian bundle gerbes with connection as 3.4.27 (Flat and trivial bundle gerbe) .Aflat bundle gerbe is defined as a bundle gerbe vanishing curvature dB(a)= 0. We use the the moduli stack of flat bundle gerbes with connection. A trivial bundle gerbeis defined as a bundle gerbe with trivial Dixmier-Douady class. Remark 3.4.28 (Flat and trivial bundle gerbe in Cech-Deligne picture) .Let us express in local data a flat bundle gerbe SinceB(a) is closed on each patch Uawe can rewrite B(a)= Elements of higher geometry 53 Hence flat bundle gerbes are classified by holonomy classes [c(abg)]H2(M,U (1)discr). The Cech-Deligne local data of a trivial bundle gerbe will be exactly (3.4.43), but with trivial constants c(abg)= 0. Definition 3.4.29 (Flat holonomy class) .Flat bundle gerbes are classified by elements of the cohomology group H2(M,U circle equipped with discrete topology. Such class is called flat holonomy class of the bundle gerbe. Hence a class [c(abg)]H2(M,U (1)discr)encode the holonomy of the bundle gerbe, meaning that to any surface [S]H2(M)of the base manifold will be associated an angle 3.4.30 (Flat bundle gerbe has torsion Dixmier-Douady class) .There exists a natural map H2(M,U (1)discr)-H2(M,U a flat bundle gerbe to its Dixmier-Douady class. The Dixmier-Douady class of the flat bundle gerbe has not to be zero, but its image in the de Rham cohomology be zero, since dB(a)= 0. This implies that the Dixmier-Douady class is, in 3.4.31 (Sections of the bundle gerbe) .We can construct the :=H/M(idM,P)of sections of the bundle gerbe GP- -Maccording to They will be given by a collection ph (ab)C(UaUb) (3.4.44) are local 1-forms and scalars, such that they are patched on two-fold and s by using (L(ab),G(abg))as transition functions transformations between global sections are given by a collection of local functions on each patch that d/epsilon1(a), sections gauge transformations respectively the objects and the morphisms of the groupoid G(M,G)of sections of the bundle gerbe. Remark 3.4.32 (Sections of the bundle gerbe are twisted circle bundles) .As explained by [NSS15], sections of a principal be interpreted as bundles on Mtwisted by the cocycle f. Coherently with this, in the case of the bundle gerbe we can immediately interpret sections which are patched according to (3.4.45), asU(1)-bundles with connection on Mtwisted by the Cech-Deligne cocycle 3.4.33 (Principal action on the bundle gerbe in Cech-Deligne picture) .This principal action on the bundle gerbe is described in local Cech-Deligne data on follows:54 3.4. Principal transformations just gauge circle bundles and are given in local data by a collection of by e(a)Z=e(a)+ terms of diagrams we can rewrite the principal action on the bundle gerbe as 3.4.34 (Principal action gives global gauge transformations) .Let us consider 5.2.12) gives global gauge transformations connection of the bundle gerbe. From the expression of coboundaries (3.4.40)we de(ab) = L the (3.4.47)are the gauge transformations of these gauge transformations. The gerbe curvature H= dB(a)is clearly unaffected. Transformation be also understood as a change of local trivialisation (e.g. like in [Hit01]) for the cocycle Where, for a circle bundle, a change of local trivialisation is a global U(1)-valued function, for a bundle gerbe this is a curv whichsendsa U(1)- bundle the closed global de(a), we can rewrite this transformation as a global generalises ordinary Kaluza-Klein, where the principal U(1)-action on the circle bundle is given by global shifts in the angular coordinates it encodes global gauge transformations Elements of higher geometry 55 3.4.5 Global higher gauge fields and L-algebras In this subsection we will discuss the relation between the definition of a higher gauge field as a cocycle M-BGconnand the one that is more common in the literature, i.e. as a NQ-manifolds. In particular we will discuss their global aspects. In subsection 3.4.3 we learnt that a Cech the global data of a principal G-bundle with connection, where Gis an ordinary Lie group, can be expressed as a (3.4.50) The morphisms between such maps are nothing but global gauge transformations, d)l(a), (3.4.51) where the gauge parameter l(a)C(Ua,G)is a localG-valued function. Such cocycles and such gauge transformations are exactly the objects and the morphisms of the groupoid H(P(M),BG). The infinitesimal version of the map (3.4.50)is a homomorphisms of regarded as an algebroid with Lie bracket just as an L-algebroid. Let us now consider its dual map of dg-algebras. First of all, recall that CE(TM) we have the following map of CE(Tg) = W( g) :A. (3.4.53) Such a map is nothing but a g-valued differential form Aohm1(M,g) (3.4.54) with curvature F:= dA+ [A,A]ohm2(M,g), which can be non-vanishing. Notice in NQ-manifold notation, this map can be rewritten (3.4.55) which is a definition commonly adopted of gauge field in literature. The dg-algebra of such maps is nothing but Maps (T[1]M, T [1]g[1]) = definition 3.3.21. Its underlying graded space will be given by the cochain parameters-- fields-- identities. (3.4.56) It is important to notice that the space of such maps is itself an algebroid, whose whose morphisms are infinitesimal gauge dl+ [l,A]g, (3.4.57)56 3.4. Principal -bundles where the gauge parameter is a global g-valued function lC(M,g). For any have a Lie algebra of gauge parameters, i.e. a gauge algebra : this Lie algebra structure is given by the Lie bracket l12= [l1,l2]g (3.4.58) for any couple of gauge parameters l1,l2C(M,g). It is intuitively clear that such an algebroid is nothing but the infinitesimal version of the groupoid with fields Groupoid Maps(T[1]M, T [1]g[1]) Objects Cech Global gauge transformations Infinitesimal gauge lC(M,g) Table 3.1: Global aspects of the definition of ordinary gauge fields in higher notice that the infinitesimal definition of a gauge field as a not capture the global geometry of a general gauge field. In fact, we know that a topologically non-trivial gauge field (e.g. in presence of non- zero charges) cannot be defined as a global 1-form, but it must be given by a which allows non-trivial we said in this subsection can be immediately generalised to higher gauge fields by replacing the ordinary Lie group Gwith a 3.4.35 (Global vs infinitesimal higher gauge theory) .Given a in the literature a higher gauge field is defined as a map Since T[1]g[1]is the NQ-manifold corresponding to the tangent L-algebraTg, this map is equivalently a map of dg-algebras A: W(g)-CE(TM). However, in subsection 3.4.3 we learnt that we should replace the Weil dg-algebra with the adjusted Weil algebra Wadj(g) to avoid fake-flatness. The dg-algebra maps has the following underlying cochain complex
*** -- of gauge param.-- parameters-- fields-- 1-degree elements Aohm1(M,g)are local higher gauge fields; 0-degree elements are gauge parameters given by dlA= [l]1+ [l,A]2+ [l,A,A]3+..., (3.4.59)3. Elements of higher geometry 57 2-degree elements are curvatures given by F= [A]1+ [A,A]2+ [A,A,A]3+... elements are Bianchi identities for higher gauge fields, given by 0 = [F]1+ [F,A]2+ [F,A,A]3+.... to the case of the ordinary gauge field we previously discussed, by fixing an object in as a L-algebroid, we obtain the gauge L-algebra of the higher gauge field. However, as we explicitly worked out for the particular example of an ordinary Lie algebra, this definition does not capture at all the global geometry of the higher gauge field non-trivial higher gauge fields), which are encoded by with connection. 3.5 Automorphisms of principal -bundles In this section we will apply the definition of automorphism -groupoid from [FRS16] to obtain the-groupoid of finite symmetries of a principal -bundle. The of such an -groupoid will be closely related to generalised geometry. This is closely related to 3.5.1 .Given any object XCof an (,1)- category C, we define its AutC(X)as the sub--groupoid of C(X,X )of invertible morphisms. For a given morphism f:X-Y, the AutC/(f)is analogously defined as the sub- -groupoid of C/(f,f)of 3.5.2 (Automorphisms of principal a given by f:M-BG. The automorphism -group off(i.e. the-group of automorphisms of Ppreserving the principal structure) will sit at the center of a short exact sequence of (3.5.1) We will also, equivalently, use the semidirect product = (3.5.2) Example 3.5.3 (Automorphisms of ordinary an ordinary Lie group and letPbe an ordinary principal G-bundle given by the cocycle f:M-BG. Hence we have the isomorphism where the associated bundle Ad(P) :=PxGGwith the adjoint action Ad:GxG-Gis just the non-linear So we have the usual automorphism group of a principal (3.5.3) In other words, we have AutH/(f) = (3.5.4)58 3.5. Automorphisms of principal -bundles Example 3.5.4 (Automorphisms of circle bundles) .For the case of the ordinary struc- ture group G=U(1), we have (1))and hence the 1-group of a circle bundle 1--C(M,U (3.5.5) In other words, we have AutH/(f) = (3.5.6) Example 3.5.5 (Automorphisms of bundle gerbes) .It is possible to prove there exists an equivalence of 2-groups any Therefore global gauge transformations of this bundle gerbe are global circle bundles with connection on M. Thus the 2-group of sit at the center of the exact sequence of (3.5.7) Let us introduce the curvature map of stacks curv : (3.5.8) which maps a circle bundle (e(a),e(ab))over a manifold Minto a global closed thatb|Ua= de(a). Then gauge transformations can be expressed of the form Notice the gauge group proposed by [Hul15] for DFT. From remark 3.5.5 we know 1-morphisms between bundle gerbes over Mare circle bundles over Mand2-morphisms are gauge transformations between these circle bundles. This corresponds, in general, to the idea that global gauge transformations of bundle n-gerbes are bundle (n-1)-gerbes and so on. This is a clear categorical feature of these geometrical objects. 3.5.1 Atiyah L-algebroids and generalised geometry In this section we will deal with the infinitesimal automorphisms of a principal - bundles and we will show how they are related to the more familiar generalised ge- ometry (see [Gua11]). For an introduction to generalised geometry and Courant al- gebroids, see appendix A. Definition 3.5.6 .LetP-Mbe a principal-bundle corre- sponding to a map f:M-BG. The Atiyah L-algebroid of this principal -bundle was defined in [FRS16] as the Lie differentiation of its automorphism -groupoid at(P) := encodes the infinitesimal symmetries of the principal structure. sequence (3.5.1)we have that it will sit at the center of the short exact sequence of (3.5.10)3. Elements of higher geometry 59 Example 3.5.7 (Ordinary Atiyah algebroid) .IfP-Mis a principal G-bundle for some ordinary Lie group Gwe get the short exact sequence of ordinary (3.5.11) Here, the symbol ad(P) :=PxGg, where the G-action is the adjoint action ad:G-g, denotes the linear adjoint bundle ofP. Example 3.5.8 (Ordinary Atiyah algebroid of a circle bundle) .IfP-Mis a circle bundle we get the familiar short exact sequence of ordinary on any patch UM, this reduces to the familiar algebra infinitesimal gauge transformation of an abelian gauge field. Example 3.5.9 (Courant 2-algebroid) .IfP-Mis a bundle gerbe with connection data corresponding to a map M-B(BU(1)conn), as explained in [Col11; Rog11], we get that the Atiyah 2-algebroid is the so-called Courant 2-algebra sitting in the short exact sequence of on a patch UM, this reduces the familiar Courant 2-algebra of transformations of the bundle gerbe, whose underlying complex is (3.5.14) Notice that the definition of Courant 2-algebroid recovers the formalisation of in terms of symplectic geometry by [Roy02]. 3.6 Twisted-bundles and a smooth manifold MDiff, a smooth stack XHand we are interested in cocycles of the form ^f:M--X, where the new stackVis a principal G-bundle on the original stack X. In other words, we are interested in diagrams of the form P*
Q V *
M V//K c(3.6.1)60 3.6. Twisted -bundles and G-structures The new cocycle ^f:M--V//Kcan be thought as an object of the (3.6.2) As derived by [NSS15], there exists an isomorphism of QxKV), (3.6.3) which identifies such cocycles with sections of the V-associated bundle of the This equivalence will be useful to simplify 3.6.1 (Equivariance of the twisted -bundle).Notice that the of the diagram (3.6.1) V*
V//K BKc(3.6.4) is exactly an action -groupoid, as defined in definition 3.4.7. Notice, then, that Twisted -bundles A first interesting case of the diagram (3.6.1)is the one of twisted -bundles. This idea was introduced by [SSS12] and further developed by [NSS15; 3.6.2 define a a diagram of the following form P *
M BG//K itstwisting principal K-bundle. In analogy with (3.4.5), we define the -groupoid of twisted G-bundles with fixed twisting principal := G(M, QxKBG). (3.6.6)3. Elements of higher geometry 61 Remark 3.6.3 (Trivial twisting bundle) .From the definition, we immediately obtain that, if the twisting K-bundleM-BGis trivial, then a twisted G-bundle reduces to (3.6.7) Example 3.6.4 (Ramond-Ramond fields) .Let us define the (3.6.8) which is a moduli stack of a tower of abelian bundle 2k-gerbes for any kN. Now, let us consider the twisted bundle DMgiven as follows: D*
M KU//BU(1) the twisting principal bundle is a bundle gerbe GM. TheL-algebroid corre- sponding to the smooth -groupoid KU//BU(1)will be Lie(KU//BU(1)) = ku//BU(1) and its dg-algebra will twisted cocycle M--KU//BU(1)is then the Cech cocycle of a tower of bundle 2k-gerbes onM, twisted by the cocycle of the Kalb-Ramond field. Its curvature will be then the usual curvature of the Ramond-Ramond fields in Type IIA String Theory, i.e. dH= 0, dFD0= 0,dFD2+FD0H= 0, dFD4+FD2H= 0,dFD6+FD4H= 0,dFD8+FD6H= 0,(3.6.11) when truncated at k= 4. For more details, see [FSS18b, p.22]. Example 3.6.5 (Twisted K-theory) .Consider twisted U(n)-bundles for a given twisting62 3.6. Twisted -bundles and BU(1)-bundle (i.e. a bundle gerbe) with Dixmier-Douady class [H]H3(M,Z). K*
G BU(n)*
M that equivalence classes of such bundles are nothing but the objects studied by twisted K-theory. 3.6.2 Principal s are extremely relevant in String Theory, since they formalise the geometry underlying the gauge structure of the Supergravity limit of heterotic String Theory. This structure was introduced by [SSS12] and further developed by [FSS15b]. For an introductory review of s, see 3.6.6 (Stringa(G) 2-group).LetGbe an ordinary Lie group whose Lie algebra g=Lie(G)is equipped with a Killing form The defined by the following B3U(1),hofib( the map a=exp(a)is given by Lie exponentiating the map which is dually defined by the CE(g). (3.6.14) From de definition, follows that the dg-algebra of the Lie the Lie 2-group the Killing form and Cu nlare the structure constants of g. Its definition implies that the Stringa(G) 2-group can also be thought as a Lie -group extension of the form -G. Let us now consider a principal3. Elements of higher geometry 63 -bundle GhetMwhose structure group is the Lie 2-group Stringa(G). From the definition of the 2-group Stringa(G), we can obtain a diagram of the following form: Ghet *
P B2U(1) *
M BStringa(G) a principal G-bundle. We just proved the following corollary. Lemma 3.6.7 ( as bundle gerbe on a G-bundle).A GhetMis a bundle gerbe GhetPon a principal G-bundlePMsuch that class to the fibre GofPis a generator 3.6.8 (Connection of a ).Locally, the connection of a is given by a every open set UaM. The curvature of a is locally given by F(a)= dA(a)+ On every open set, by taking the differential of the curvature, we obtain the Bianchi that the bosonic fields of heterotic Supergravity are encoded by the connection of a with Lie group G= 11d Supergravity Let us now briefly discuss the twisted -bundle underlying the global geometry of See appendix B for a review of supergeometry.64 3.6. Twisted -bundles and G-structures We can define the super-Minkowski space of 11d Supergravity as a super-algebra R1,10|32 whose dg-algebra is CE(R1,10|32) the degree of the generators are deg(eu) = = 3.6.9 (m2brane 3-algebra).Let us define the Lie 3-algebra m2brane as the following a map which can be dually defined by a map of -- sends the generator t3to the Lie (3.6.21) which satisfies the equation dg4= 0. This implies that the Lie 3-algebra m2brane is ) 0, dc3=g4 . 3.6.10 (m5brane 6-algebra).Let us define the Lie 6-algebra m5brane as the following *
m2brane a map which can be dually defined by a map of dg-algebras/parenleftbigc3g4+1 2g7/parenrightbig*:R[t7]//angbracketleftdt7= -- CE(m2brane )which sends the generator t7to the Lie algebra satisfies the equation 0. This implies that the Lie is given by CE(m5brane ) (3.6.25)3. Elements of higher geometry 65 By putting everything together, we obtain the following fibration of super *
m2brane b6u(1) 3.6.11 (11d Supergravity) .LetMbe a can, then, integrate the diagram (3.6.26) to the following twisted -bundle: GM5 *
GM2 B6U(1) *
M B6U(1)//B2U(1) looking at equation (3.6.25), it is not hard to see that the curvature of this twisted -bundle recovers the bosonic fields of 11d Supergravity. In other words, we have G4= dC3(a), G7= taking the differential on any patch of the base manifold, we recover the of 11d Supergravity, i.e. dG4= geometric structure underlying 11d Supergravity was introduced by [FSS14b; FSS15c].66 3.6. Twisted -bundles and G-structures One can ask if a principal K-bundle with structure group Kcomes from a subgroup GofK. This is called reduction of the structure group to G. If we regard the aGL(d,R)-bundle with d=dim(M), then aG-structure can be seen as a reduction of the structure group 3.6.12 (G-structure) .LetMbe ad-dimensional smooth manifold. A G- structure onMis a twisted bundle of the following form: P*
FM GL(d)//G*
M BG BGL(d),hofib(N) hofib( Bi) N^N BGL(d)is the Cech cocycle corresponding to the frame bundle of M. The groupoid of all the G-structures on a smooth manifold Mis defined by GStruc(M) := (3.6.31) MUa 3.7: G-structure as a reduction of the structure group GL(d,R)of the frame bundle FMM, on ad-dimensional base manifold M.3. Elements of higher geometry 67 Examples of ordinary structure structure O(d) (almost) symplectic structure Sp(d,R) (almost) complex structure Hermitian structure U(d/2) (almost) para-complex structure para-Hermitian structure GL(d/2,R) Table 3.2: Some relevant ordinary G-structures on a smooth manifold Mwith dim(M) =d. 3.6.5 Orthogonal structure moduli stack is the stack which encodes a Riemannian metric structure on a smooth manifold M. First, notice that, given a smooth manifold MDiff, the frame bundle FMMof its tangent bundle can be seen as a principal GL(d)- bundle with coefficients MN---- BGL(d)given by its transition functions Now, the existence of a Riemannian metric gonMis equivalent to the fact that the structure group of the frame bundle FMMcan be reduced to O(d), along the inclusion of Lie groups Therefore, we are exactly in the situation of example 3.6.12. In particular, we BGL(d).hofib( want to determine the (M)of orthogonal structures on a d-dimensional smooth manifold M. Firstly, a O(d)Struc (3.6.33) is a collection (e,h)of patches and of overlaps of patches, such that they are patched 3.6. Twisted -bundles and G-structures on two-fold and on three-fold overlaps. The morphisms these maps M~=VC(U) (3.6.35) are collections of local each patch, such that that the GL the vielbein matrices of the Riemannian metric. Remark 3.6.13 (Trivialisable tangent bundle) .If the tangent bundle an orthogonal structure is not twisted by the frame bundle and it can be described by a simpler cocycle M--GL(d)//O(d). Indeed, for a trivial frame bundle we have G/parenleftbigM, GL 3.6.14 (Moduli space of the orthogonal structure) .Notice the moduli space of an orthogonal structure is locally given by GL globally by non- trivially gluing these spaces by involving the transition functions N(ab)of the Cartan geometry In this subsection we will formalise Cartan geometry with gauge group of the form G=Hn R1,d, so that the Klein coset space G/H~=R1,dis a (1 space. In particular, we will consider Cartan geometries with H:=SO(1,d). This approach will specialise some of the geometric ideas delineated by [HSS19]. We will formalise a Cartan geometry on Mas anH-structure on M, whose is equipped with a principal connection. Thus we will define the groupoid Cartan (M)of Cartan connections of the smooth manifold Mas a refinement of the groupoid HStruc on M. LetU:={Ua}be a good open cover of a smooth manifold M. A Cartan connection, i.e. an object of Cartan (M), is a map M it is locally given by the following differential connection Elements of higher geometry 69 which satisfy the patching following the group multiplication of ISO(1,d). A gauge (3.6.40) between two Cartan connections is given by a that the vielbein and the spin connection are notglobally defined 1-forms on the base manifold M. 3.7 Atlases and charts In this section we define a notion of atlas for geometric stacks, by generalising the atlas of a smooth manifold. Remark 3.7.1 (0-truncation of stacks) .LetH0be the ordinary category of sheaves on manifolds. Then, the inclusion a left adjoint t0:H-H0which is and which sends a higher stack XHto its restricted sheaf 3.7.2 (Atlas of a smooth stack) .The atlas of a smooth stack XHis defined by a smooth manifold UDiffequipped with a morphism of smooth stacks Ph :U -- X (3.7.1) which is, in particular, an effective epimorphism, i.e. whose 0-truncation t0Ph :U-t0X is an epimorphism of sheaves. See [Hei05] and [Lur06] for more detail. This formalizes the idea that to any geometric stack XHwe can associate an atlas which is made up of ordinary manifolds UDiff. This provides a remarkably handy tool to deal with higher geometric objects. Moreover, the notion of atlas will be a pivotal in establishing a correspondence between doubled and higher geometry.70 3.7. Atlases and charts Example 3.7.3 (Atlas for a smooth manifold) .If our geometric stack is an ordinary smooth manifold G:=M, we can choose an atlas given by by a surjective map - Mgiven by the local charts cover{U}aIof the manifold M. This formalizes the intuitive idea that any smooth manifold looks locally like a Cartesian space 3.8: Atlas of a smooth infact, M, Rd. Example 3.7.4 (Atlas for ordinary Kaluza-Klein theory) .In ordinary the space to consider is a circle bundle Pon the base manifold M. On an the base manifold Mthis is locally trivialised by a collection of local trivial From ordinary differential geometry we know that the total space Pof the bundle can be covered by local charts These charts define an atlas for the total space of the bundle Pof the - P. This corresponds to the well-known idea in differential geometry that the total space Plocally looks like a Cartesian space Rd+1. Any such map pha uniquely factorizes as pha:R1,d+1F--- -UaxU(1), where the first map is just the (3.7.2) which is the identity on R1,dand the quotient map RU(1) =R/2pZ. Crucially, the mapFis an atlas of ordinary Lie groups. The surjective - Pis an atlas for the total space P, in the stacky sense of the word. This corresponds to the intuitive idea that the total space of a circle bundle locally looks like the Lie group RdxU(1). Remark 3.7.5 (The Cech nerve of an atlas) .When we defined the atlas ph:U -Gfor the stack G, we said that it must be an effective epimorphism . An effective epimorphism is defined as the colimit of a certain simplicial object which is called Cech nerve . In other words we Elements of higher geometry 71 The Cech nerve of an atlas can be interpreted as a -groupoid, which we will call Cech groupoid. This groupoid encodes the global geometry of the stack in terms of the which makes it easier to deal with. Besides the original stack can always be recovered by the colimit of the nerve. How do we construct such a simplicial object? Let us firstly consider the kernel pair of the mapph, which is defined as the pullback (in the category theory meaning) of two copies of the mapph. Thecoequalizer diagram of this kernel pair will thus be of the following form: UxGUU G.ph(3.7.4) This was the first step. By iterating this construction we obtain all the rest of the 3.7.6 (Cech nerve of the atlas of a smooth manifold) .Let us consider, like in the first example, the case where our stack G=Mis just a smooth manifold with an - M. In this case the kernel pair, defined in (3.7.4), is the we called We notice that the kernel pair of the atlas encodes nothing but the information about how the charts are glued together over the manifold M. We intuitively have that the global geometry of a entirely encoded in its Cech physicists are actually very familiar with this perspective: in fact we usually describe our fields as functions on the local charts Rdof a manifold Mand, if we want to describe how they behave globally, we simply write how they transform on the overlaps RdphRd of these charts. In the next paragraph we will formalize exactly this perspective on fields. Remark 3.7.7 (Gluing morphisms of stacks) .Given a geometric stack XHequipped with an atlas Ph :U--X, we can write the Cech nerve of Phas the following X.Ph(3.7.6) For simplicity, let us now consider just a geometric 1-stackXH. A such as a morphism of stacks s:X--S, for some SH, can be on the atlas Uof the stack X. This can be done as the map induced by the atlas U X with an isomorphism of the two maps induced by the kernel pair of the atlas UxXU that it satisfies the cocycle condition on UxXUxXU. For more details, see [Hei05].72 3.8. Higher geometric quantisation The idea of gluing morphisms of stacks on the atlas will be useful in this section, when we will have to consider geometric structures on a bundle gerbe. Remark 3.7.8 (Gluing a field on a stack) .LetUph--- -Gbe an atlas for the stack Gand letFbe another stack, which we will interpret as the moduli-stack of some physical field. Now letA:G-Fbe a morphism of stacks (i.e. a physical field on G). We obtain an induced morphism A*ph:U-Ftogether with an isomorphism between the two Fwhich satisfies the cocycle condition on UxGUxGU. Example 3.7.9 (Gluing a gauge field on a smooth manifold.) -M be an atlas for the smooth manifold Mand let F:=BGconnbe the moduli-stack of Yang-Mills fields with gauge group G. Then a gauge field A:M-BGconnon the smooth manifold induces a local each chart of the atlas. Notice that these on local coordinates xRd, like we physicists are used. On overlaps of charts we must also have an isomorphism between G). Again, these h(ab)(x)are notG-valued functions directly on the manifold, but on the atlas. Finally, these isomorphisms must satisfy the cocycle condition h(ab)h(bg)h(ga)= 1. In this subsection we explained how geometric structures on smooth manifolds become the familiar and more treatable objects on local Rdcoordinates we physicists use. We will see in the next subsection that these intermediate steps become much less trivial if we want to glue local charts for DFT. 3.8 Higher geometric geometric quantisation generalises the method of canonical quantisation of to branes, by replacing the ordinary prequantum U(1)-bundle with a prequantum bundle n-gerbe on the phase space. See [Bun21] for an some physical systems, e.g. topological branes, the phase space is itself a symplectic manifold to a symplectic Lie -groupoid [Sev01]. Interestingly, this second form of higher geometric quantisation will be crucial for deriving the which can be thought as its infinitesimal version. 3.8.1 Prequantum -bundles A prequantum bundle on a symplectic manifold (M,o )is just a principal curvature is curv(P) =oohm2 cl(M). The prequantum Hilbert space is then defined by the vector space Hpre:= G(M,PxU(1)C) (3.8.1) where we defined the C-associated (3.8.2)3. Elements of higher geometry 73 The the prequantum Hilbert space are nothing but local are globally patched the transition functions of the prequantum bundle PM. Definition 3.8.1 space) .Let(M,o )be ann-plectic manifold [Rog11; Rog13], i.e. a smooth manifold Mequipped with a closed (n+ A on an n-plectic manifold (M,o )is a bundle n-gerbe GMwhose curvature is curv(G) =oohmn+1 cl(M). The prequantum n-Hilbert space is then defined by the stack Hpre:= we defined the any stack equipped with a 3.8.2 (Prequantum 2-Hilbert space) .Notice that there exist a of unitary (3.8.6) Let us define the moduli stack BUHof principal U(N)-bundles for any NN+by BU:= lim N-BU(N). (3.8.7) Given a prequantum bundle gerbe G, we can define its BU-associated (3.8.8) The prequantum 2-Hilbert space can thus be identified with the groupoid Hpre= (3.8.9) whose objects are U(N)-bundles twisted by Gon the base manifold Mand whose morphisms are coboundaries between them. For a detailed construction of such 2-Hilbert space (including a categorified notion of Hilbert product), we redirect to the seminal work by [BSS17; BS17] in higher geometric 3.8.3 (Transgression) .Given a prequantum bundle by the cocycle Mf--- Bn+1U(1), (3.8.10) can be transgressed to a cocycle on the mapping space [Sd,M], Bn-d+1U(1), (3.8.11) where Sdis ad-dimensional smooth manifold.74 3.8. Higher geometric 3.8.4 (Transgression of a prequantum bundle gerbe) .Let a prequantum given by a cocycle Mf--B2U(1). We can transgress this cocycle to a U(1)-bundlePon the loop space by LM= the BU-associated bundle GxBU(1)BUMgiven by a (3.8.13) is transgressed exactly to an ordinary C-associated bundle PxU(1)CLMgiven by the transgressed (3.8.14) on the loop space LM= [S1,M]of the smooth manifold M. See [SS11a; SS13] for discussion of higher geometric quantisation and loop space. Example 3.8.5 (Higher quantisation of stacks) .In many applications, e.g. [Sev01; FSS13a; FRS16], it is useful to consider a prequantum -bundle on a stack XH, (3.8.15) In particular, in quantum field theory, it is useful to consider prequantum bundle n-gerbes on the moduli stack of G-bundles [FRS13; FSS13a; FRS16], (3.8.16) For example, for n= 2, we can consider the smooth refinement of the 2nd Chern class, i.e. the map which sends a G-bundle with curvature Fto a bundle 2-gerbe whose curvature is the 4-form tr(FF). Recall that we can transgress the prequantum -bundle to an ordinary prequantum bundle of the (3.8.17) where S2is a smooth surface. This picture is closely related to the quantisation of 3d Chern-Simons theory. In fact, if we transgress the prequantum -bundle by using a 3-dimensional manifold S3, we obtain the (3.8.18) which sends a gauge field AonS3to the element BRST complex LetMbe a smooth manifold. Let F:= [M,BGconn]be the groupoid of gauge fields GonM. Inparticular, M=U, Fas F|U~=ohm1(U,g)//rC(U,G), (3.8.19)3. Elements of higher geometry 75 where the action given by a gauge d)lwith gauge parameter lC(U,G). Thus, its Lie :=Lie(F|U)is an action L-algebroid of the (3.8.20) where objects are gauge fields Aohm1(U)and the infinitesimal action is given by dlA= lC(g). The dg-algebra of the L-algebroid aBRSTis exactly the BRST complex CE(aBRST ) (3.8.21) Thus, we are interested in the cohomology Hn Lie(aBRST ) )/parenrightbig. Now, let us rename the Lie algebras V:= We have the where in the last cohomology group Vis regarded as a ^g-module. This way, we make contact with the more common definition in terms of cohomology of ^gvalued in the quantisation Let us define the NQ-manifold to the BRST-algebroid, i.e. C(MBRST ) := (3.8.22) We can encode the field equations by a closed ). Indeed, we can locally express the differential of this 1-form the functional derivative, S[Ph]is the action and the fields {Phi(x)}are the coordinates ofMBRST. We can also define Fshell:=ker(e)F, which is exactly of fields which satisfy the Euler-Lagrange 0. Now, we can define the phase space of the BV-BRST quantisation (3.8.24) i.e. as a (-1)-shifted cotangent bundle of MBRST. the of the phase space MBV, where Ph+(x)can be interpreted as antifields. We can introduce a vector (3.8.25) which maps the antifields (3.8.26)76 3.8. Higher geometric quantisation The dg-manifold MBVcomes canonically equipped with a symplectic (3.8.27) which satisfies the equation iQeoBV=dS. Now, we can define the (3.8.28) which satisfies the Hamilton the role of the Hamiltonian vector field and the action SBVthe one of the Hamiltonian. This is a functional the form SBV[Ph,Ph+] (3.8.30) Let us now focus on the concrete example of a Yang-Mills theory, so that we have the ghost antifield antighost c+ohmn(U,g). In this context, the symplectic form (3.8.31) The action will be of the notice that the dg-algebra of function on the phase space is given by C(MBV) a detailed discussion of BV-BRST quantisation in the context of higher geometry, we redirect to [BBS19].The history of science is the history of mankind's unity, of its sublime purpose, of its gradual redemption. -- George Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science 4 Review of proposals of doubled Non-associative proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.1.1 Modified exponential map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.1.2-product and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.2 Proposal with gerbe-like local transformations . . . . . . . . . 79 4.3 space proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.3.1 The coordinate gauge symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4.4 Finite gauge transformations proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 4.5 C-space proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.6 Pre-NQP manifold proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.6.1 Symplectic L-algebroids as NQP-manifolds . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.6.2 A pre-NQP-manifold for Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . 86 4.6.3 An example of global pre-NQP manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 4.7 Tensor hierarchies proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 4.7.1 Embedding tensor and Leibniz-Loday algebra . . . . . . . . . . 88 4.7.2 Tensor hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 4.7.3 The puzzle of the global tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4.8 Born Geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 4.8.1 Para-Hermitian geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.8.2 Recovering generalised geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4.8.3 Born geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.9 Can DFT actually recover bosonic supergravity? . . . . . . . 96 4.9.1 Recovering a string background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 4.9.2 Papadopoulos' puzzle revised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 In this chapter we will give a brief overview on the main proposals for a formulation of the doubled geometry underlying Double Field Theory. We will underline the the approaches and we will discuss some open problems. 7778 4.1. Non-associative proposal 4.1 Non-associative proposal The non-associative proposal was presented by [HZ13] and further developed by [HLZ13]. Its aim is to realise the group of gauge transformations of DFT by diffeomorphisms of the doubled space. However, since the C-bracket structure on doubled vectors does not satisfy the Jacobi identity, its exponentiation will not give us a Lie group, but a geometric object which does not satisfy the associativity property. In the proposal by [HLZ13] the doubled space Mis just a 2d-dimensional smooth manifold. This means that we can consider a cover {Ua}, so and glue the coordinate patches on each two-fold overlap UaUbof the doubled space Vectors of the tangent bundle TMwill be then glued on eachT(UaUb)by theGL(2d)-valued Jacobian matrix J(ab):=x(a)/x (b). However these transformations do not work for doubled vectors from DFT, thus [HLZ13] proposed that the doubled vectors should transform by the O(d,d)-valued matrix given (4.1.1) which indeed preserves the Now, if we go to the three-fold overlaps of patches UaUbUgwe realise that these transition functions do not satisfy the expected cocycle condition. In other words we generally 1. (4.1.2) Notice that for the first time we see something resembling a gerbe-like structure spon- taneously emerging in DFT geometry. 4.1.1 Modified exponential firstofall, expTh : X(U)-Diff(U). This will map any vector XX(U)in the diffeomorphism given functions on xdepending on the vector Xin a way which guarantees that Th(X)MM=XMMwhen applied to any field satisfying the strong constraint. This modified diffeomorphism crucially agrees with the gauge transformation V/prime(x) =eLXV(x) of DFT, where LXis the generalised Lie derivative defined by the D-bracket. 4.1.2 -product and In ordinary differential geometry the exponential map a vector X/mapsto-eXinto the diffeomorphism that it generates. The usual exponential map notoriously satisfies the property by series Z=X+Y+ [X,Y ]/2 +...for any couple of vectors X,YX(U). The idea by [HLZ13] consists in equipping the space of vector fields X(U) with another bracket where J-,-KCis the C-bracket of DFT.4. Review of proposals of doubled geometry 79 Now this algebra can be integrated by using the modified exponential map a (4.1.4) It is possible to check that this -product is not associative : in other words the inequality (f (gh), diffeomorphisms, generally holds. Now let us call by exponentiating Then the obstruction of the -product from being associative is controlled by an element Wwhich satisfies the equation (f g)h=W /parenleftbigf which is given by ) whereJ(-,-,-)is the Jacobiator of the C-bracket. Even if it is well-known that the Jacobiator is of the form JM=MNfor a functionNC(U), notice that the transformation Wis if we consider diffeomorphisms on doubled space which satisfy re-obtain the desired property doubled vectors. We know that the diffeomorphisms group of the doubled space is not homeomorphic to the groupGDFTof DFT gauge transformations eLX. But now, by replacing the composition of diffeomorphisms with the -product, we can define a (4.1.7) which therefore satisfies the property ph(f g) =ph(f)ph(g). (4.1.8) This property determines the -product up to trivial gauge transformation. In the logic of [HLZ13] this will allow to geometrically realise DFT gauge transformation of the doubled space. 4.2 Proposal with gerbe-like local first paper in the literature explicitly recognising the higher geometrical property of DFT is [BCP14]. In the reference it is argued that we can overcome many of the difficulties of the non-associative proposal by describing the geometry of DFT proposal starts from the same problem (4.1.2), but proposes a different solution. We can rewrite the C-bracket of doubled vectors by JX,YKC= we called lM(X,Y) :=XNMYN. This means that we can rewrite the algebra of DFT gauge transformations as [LX,LY] =L[X,Y]Lie+ (X,Y)where we defined (X,Y ) :=Ll(X,Y). In [BCP14] it is noticed that the extra -transformation appearing80 4.3. space proposal in the DFT gauge algebra is non-translating , i.e. it involves no translation term if acting on tensors satisfying the strong constraint. Thus the diffeomorphism eXand the eLXagree up to a local transformation e= 1 + . In fact, if we impose the strong constraint on fields and 0 [u~ln] (4.2.1) where ~lu=XNuYNdepends only on the d-dimensional physical subset UUof our doubled space patch. Hence the local -transformation is just an infinitesimal L~lB= d~lof the Kalb-Ramond field. Further discussion. As noticed by [Hul15], -transformations are integrated on a patchUto the group ohm1(U)of finite gauge transformations of the Kalb-Ramond field, while full gauge transformations generated by a strong constrained doubled vectors are integrated to Now we notice that the group of DFT gauge transformations effectively becomes the homotopy quotient thus a 2-group. The doubled space is still a 2d-dimensional manifold Mand then its coordinate patches on each two-fold overlap UaUbare still glued by by diffeomorphisms The doubled vectors are still glued by the O(d,d)-valued in (4.1.1), like in the non-associative proposal. Now, according to [BCP14], on three-fold overlaps of patchesUaUbUgthe transition functions of doubled vectors (4.2.2) i.e. they satisfy the desired transitive property up to a local -transformation. In a language we can say that doubled vectors would be sections of a stack manifold M. This is not surprising since the algebra of GDFTis of the which then must be glued on overlaps of patches by B-shifts d~l. Thus we could replace the concept of non-associative a gerbe-like structure. 4.3 space proposal The idea of space was proposed by [Par13] as a solution for the discrepancy between finite gauge transformations and diffeomorphisms of the doubled space, in alternative to the non-associative proposal. Then it was further explored in [LP14], where a covariant action was obtained, and in [Par16], where it was generalised to the super-string case. Very intriguingly this formalism led to novel in [MP17], [CMP19] and [CP20c]. Recently a BRST formulation for the action of a particle on the space has been proposed by [BJP20] and related to the NQP-geometry involved by other proposals.4. Review of proposals of doubled geometry 81 4.3.1 The coordinate gauge symmetry In space proposal the doubled space Mis, at least locally, a smooth manifold. A local 2d-dimensional coordinate patch Uis characterised by , i.e. there exists a canonical gauge action on its local coordinates expressed (4.3.1) for any choice of functions ri,khiC(U). This observation is motivated by the fact that any strong constrained tensor satisfies the identity we called any point xU. Let us choose coordinates for our doubled patch Usuch that the strong constraint is solved by letting all the fields and parameters depend only on the d-dimensional subpatch UU. Then the coordinate symmetry on the doubled space reduces (4.3.2) where This coordinate symmetry, similarly to the the previous proposal, can be identified with the local gauge symmetry of the Kalb- Ramond field by d~lB= d~l, where the parameter is exactly ~l:=~ludxu. We can thus identify the physical d-dimensional patches with the quotients Ua~=Ua/~. Thus, as argued by [Par13], physical spacetime points must be identified with gauge orbits of the space. The coordinate gauge symmetry is also the key to solve the discrepancy between DFT gauge transformations eLVand diffeomorphisms eV. Indeed, as argued by [Par13], the two exponentials induce two finite coordinate transformations ending points are coordinate gauge equivalent, i.e. Therefore, upon section constraint, they differ just by a Kalb-Ramond field gauge Now, the the local geometry of the doubled space. However in this review we are interested in the global aspects of DFT, so we may try to understand how these doubled patches can be glued together. Let us first try a naive approach, for pedagogical reasons: we will try to glue our doubled patches by diffeomorphisms that respect the , i.e. on two-fold overlaps of patches UaUbwe will ~x(b)= ~x(a)+ L (4.3.3) This would imply the patching conditions dL (ab)where the local 1-forms L(ab):= L (ab)udxu (b)are given by the gluing conditions (4.3.3). But then, with these assumptions, the doubled space Mwould become just the total space (Rd)*-bundle on the physical d-dimensional spacetime M. If we compose the transformations overlaps of patches UaUbUgwe immediately obtain the cocycle condition L(ab)+ L (bg)+ L (ga)= 0, which is the cocycle describing a topologically trivial gerbe bundle with [H] = 0H3(M,Z)and not a general string background. Therefore this naive attempt at gluing by using the coordinate gauge symmetry is not enough.82 4.4. Finite gauge transformations proposal The formalism gives us an unprecedented interpretation of the coordinates of DFT. Upon choice of coordinates which are compatible with the indeed, the coordinate gauge symmetry can be identified with the of the Kalb-Ramond field. This is a fundamental link between the geometry of the bundle gerbe formalising the Kalb-Ramond field and the geometry of the doubled space. This also provides an interesting link with ordinary Kaluza-Klein geometry, where the points of the base manifold of a G-bundle are in bijection with the gauge G-orbits of the bundle. As we will see in chapter 5, the local coordinate gauge symmetry which was discovered by [Par13] will be also recovered as fundamental property of the double space which arises from the Higher Kaluza-Klein perspective. We will see that the Higher Kaluza-Klein formalism recovers a globalised version of the space with gluing conditions which are a gerby version of the naive patching Therefore the Higher Kaluza-Klein proposal can be seen also as a proposal of globalization of the space approach. 4.4 Finite gauge transformations proposal In [Hul15, pag.23] it was proposed that, given a geometric background M, the group of gauge transformations of DFT should be just GDFT = (4.4.1) i.e. diffeomorphisms of the manifold MandB-shifts. In particular it was argued that any try of realising the group of gauge transformations of DFT as of a 2d-dimensional space should fail, because it is not homomorphic to the group of [Hul15, pag.20] it was then proposed that double vectors on a geometric background Mare just sections of a Courant algebroid EMtwisted by a bundle gerbe . In other words, on any patch Uaof the manifold M, a doubled vector would be of the (4.4.2) It was also shown by [Hul15, pag.23] that the double vectors under a finite gauge transformation of DFT, i.e. a diffeomorphism aB-shift dl(ab), reduces (4.4.3) where we called j(ab):=x(b)/x (a)the Jacobian matrix of the diffeomorphism. This way it is natural to recover equation (4.2.2), generally be a non-trivial local B-shift.4. Review of proposals of doubled geometry 83 Further discussion. This proposal clarifies the previous ones by prescribing that, whenever the strong constraint can be globally solved by letting the fields depend on a d- dimensional submanifold M, doubled vectors (which encode the infinitesimal symmetries of Double Field Theory) must be seen as sections of a Courant algebroid twisted by a bundle gerbe onM. For non-geometric backgrounds, however, this picture holds only locally. 4.5 C-space proposal The idea of C-spaces was born in [Pap14], matured in [Pap15] and further explored in [HP17] in relation to topological T-duality. This was the first proposal to suggest that a global double space should consist of the total space of a bundle gerbe, equipped with a particular notion of coordinates, which was renamed C-space. The notation C[H] Mfor a C-space makes explicit that it is topologically classified only by the base manifold Mand by the Dixmier-Douady class [H]H3(M,Z), i.e. the to [Pap15] we can introduce two sets of coordinates for a C-space C[H] M-M on some base manifold M. According to [Pap14; Pap15; HP17], we must consider new coordinates y1 (a)on each patch Uaandth(ab)on each two-fold overlap of patches UaUb ofM. Let us now recall that the differential data of a bundle gerbe on Mis specified by a Cech C(UaUbUg)which dL (ab), L(ab)+ L (bg)+ L (ga)= the extra according to [HP17], have the degree of a 1-form and of a scalar, and must be then glued on two-fold and three-fold overlaps of patches of Mby using the transition functions of the gerbe, i.e. dth(ab)= L 2pZ.(4.5.2) With this identification, a change of a gauge transformation for the Kalb-Ramond field given analogy with the extra coordinate of ordinary Kaluza-Klein if we take the differential of the first patching condition in (4.5.2), we obtain dy1 (b)= dL (ab)for the differentials. This means that if we rewrite in components we can also rewrite -dy1 (a)u+ dy1 (a)u= dL (ab)u. If we define84 4.6. Pre-NQP manifold proposal the dual vectors /y1 (a)uto the 1-forms dy1 (a)uas vectors we obtain doubled vector of the following (4.5.4) which are exactly the same as the ones in (4.4.2). Therefore the analogue of the tangent bundle of the C-space can be identified with a Courant algebroid EM twisted by the gerbe (4.5.1). Further discussion. The proposal seems to capture something quite fundamental of the geometry of DFT, by suggesting that the doubled space should be the total space of the gerbe itself. This looks consistent with the existing idea that doubled vectors should belong to a Courant algebroid twisted by a gerbe, which is the analogous to the tangent bundle for a gerbe. However this intuition is still waiting for a proper formalization: for example it is not clear how to construct coordinates that are 1-forms onM. Moreover it is still not clear what is the relation with the new extra coordinates and the T-dual spacetime. 4.6 Pre-NQP manifold proposal The pre-NQP manifold proposal was developed by [DS18], generalised to Heterotic DFT by [DHS18] and then applied to the particular example of nilmanifolds by [DS19]. This approach to DFT is based on the fact that n-algebroids can be equivalently described by manifolds, including the Courant algebroid, which describes the local symmetries of the bundle gerbe of the Kalb-Ramond field. The idea is thus that we can describe the geometry of DFT by considering the differential graded manifold the Courant algebroid and by relaxing some of the Symplectic L-algebroids as aL-algebroid aMon some base manifold M, we can always associate toaits algebra CE(a), which is essentially the differential graded algebra of its sections. This is defined by CE(a) (4.6.1) where the underlying complex is defined by
*) 2... (4.6.2) where the akfor anykNare the ordinary vector bundles underlying the L-algebroid. In the definition dCEis a degree 1differential operator on the graded complex *G(M,a*
*) which encodes the L-bracket structure of the original L-algebroid a. Now a NQ-manifold is defined as a graded manifold Mequipped with a degree 0. The fundamental feature of NQ-manifolds is that the algebra4. Review of proposals of doubled geometry 85 of functions of any NQ-manifold Mis itself a differential graded algebra (C(M), Q) where the role of the differential operator is played by the vector Q, which is thus . This terminology was introduced in there exists an equivalence between L-algebroids and NQ-manifolds given by CE(m) (4.6.3) so that any L-algebroid mcan be equivalently seen as a NQ-manifold M. In the particular case which is relevant for DFT we consider the 2-algebroid at(G)of transformation of the bundle gerbe of the Kalb-Ramond field on a manifold M. This is notoriously given by a NQ-manifold T*[2]T[1]Mby the usual the cohomological vector twisted by the curvature Hohm3 cl(M)of the gerbe. To show this, notice first that in this case the differential graded algebra of functions on our NQ-manifold will be truncated at degree <2. The degree 1sections will be sums of a vector and a the degree 0sections will be the base manifold. Now we can explicitly rewrite the underlying chain complexes of the two differential graded algebras the derived bracket structure (see [Roy02; DS18] for details) defined by vector exactly the bracket structure of the Courant 2-algebroid, = Y +e) = [X,Y ] Y [X+x, Y f) Y +e, Z +z) Z cycl., (4.6.6) where [-,-]Couis the Courant bracket and the bundle metric defined by Courant 2-algebroid is canonically a symplectic 2-algebroid (see [Roy02] for details), i.e. it can be equipped with a canonical symplectic form o, which can be easily expressed in local coordinates on the corresponding NQ-manifold. On each local patch of the can choose local coordinates (xu, eu,-eu, pu)where thexuare in degree 0, while the (eu,-eu)are both in degree 1and thepuare in degree 2. On the local patches we can express the symplectic form local coordinates by o= dxudpu+ deud-eu. (4.6.7)86 4.6. Pre-NQP manifold proposal We can also use Hamilton's equations iQHo=QHto express the vector QHby an Hamiltonian function QH. We a representative of the Dixmier-Douady class [H]H3(M,Z)of the original bundle gerbe GM. This class in the literature of differential graded manifolds changes name in Severa class [Sev01]. 4.6.2 A pre-NQP-manifold for Double Field Theory By following [DS18], we choose as 2d-dimensional base manifold M=T*Uthe cotangent bundle of some d-dimensional local patch. This is because we are interested in the local 2d-dimensional T*Umanifolds. Thus the Courant algebroid on T*Uwill be given by the NQP-manifold T*[2]T[1](T*U), as we have seen. This will have coordinates (xM, eM,-eM, pM)still respectively in degrees 0,1,1and2, but withM= 1,..., 2d. xM= canonically equipped with the tensor eMN, we can make a change of degree 1coordinates we must restrict ourselves to the submanifold M:={-EM= 0}of the It is not hard to check that this submanifold will be The degree 1functions onMwill then be doubled vectors of the the degree 0functions will be just ordinary functions of the form fC(T*U). The symplectic form restricted to the submanifold Mwill now be o|M= (4.6.11) The new Hamiltonian function will be whereHMNL now is the curvature of a bundle gerbe on the 2d-dimensional base T*U, which we should think as the extended fluxes of DFT. Crucially our Mwill still be a symplectic graded manifold, however it will not be a NQP-manifold since the new restricted vector Qis not nilpotent onM, i.e. we have that 0. This is exactly the reason why [DS18] named Mpre-NQP manifold and therefore this cannot be seen an this pre-NQP manifold satisfies a very interesting property: the has a number of sub-manifold which are proper NQP-manifolds and sub- 2-algebroids. Schematically we Q/parenrightbig, (4.6.12)4. Review of proposals of doubled geometry 87 where ais one of these sub- 2-algebroids. On any of these, the bracket of doubled vectors in degree 1will be exactly the D-bracket of DFT, which will be given by instance we can choose the differential graded algebra of functions which are pullbacks from the submanifold N:={~xu=~pu= 0}M, which is exactly the Courant This corresponds to choosing a sub- 2-algebroid which satisfies the strong constraint and therefore this restriction reduces the pre-NQP-geometry to bare Generalised Geometry on the manifold U. Any other solution of the strong constraint will correspond to a viable choice of sub- 2-algebroid. We can also introduce tensors of the form GMNEMENonMand use the Poisson bracket to define a natural notion of D- and C-bracket on tensors. This allows to define a notion of generalised metric, curvature and torsion in analogy with Riemannian geometry. 4.6.3 An example of global pre-NQP manifold It is well-known that higher geometry is the natural framework for geometric T-duality, see the formalization by [BN15; FSS17a; FSS17b; FSS18a; FSS18b; NW19]. Assume that we have two Tn-bundle spacetimes Mp- -M0over a common base manifold M0. A couple of bundle gerbes GP- two Kalb-Ramond fields respectively on are geometric T-dual if the following isomorphism ~p p ~P P p~p ~P p ~p(4.6.13) This picture is nothing but the finite version of T-duality between Courant by [CG11]. Now, in [DS19] it is proposed that we should consider the fiber product of the pull-back of both the gerbes the correspondence the T-duality, which will be itself a gerbe of the form P~P (4.6.14) Now, as previously explained, we can take the algebroid of infinitesimal gauge of this gerbe express it as a differential local coordinates indices u= 1,...,d-nandI= 1,...,n. Now, as we explained for the local doubled88 4.7. Tensor hierarchies proposal space, we can change coordinates to EI:= -EI:= set -EI= 0to zero so that we obtain a new differential graded manifold M. This new manifold will be locally isomorphic to each patchUM0of the base manifold, but which is globally well-defined. In [DS19] this machinery is applied for fiber dimension n= 1to the particular case where nilmanifolds on a common base torus M0=T2. Further discussion. This is the first proposal to interpret strong constrained doubled vectors as sections of the 2-algebroid of the local symmetries of a gerbe: the This suggests that it could be a complementary approach to the ones attempting to realise the doubled space as a geometrization the bundle gerbe itself. However there are still some open problems. The only non-trivial global case that was constructed in this framework was, as we saw, on the correspondence space with the pullback of both the gerbe Gand its dual/tildewideG. But, for this correspondence space of the T-duality is not derived from the pre-NQP manifold theory, but it must be assumed and prepared by using the machinery of Besides, the total gerbe (4.6.14)has repeated information: for example, if we start from a gerbe Gi,jwith Dixmier-Douady number ion a nilmanifold with 1st Chern numberj, its dual will be a a nilmanifold with inverted Chern number. Now the total gerbe each number twice: as 1st Chern number and as Dixmier-Douady number. Moreover, in literature, a globally defined pre-NQP manifold for a non-trivially fibrated spacetime Mwas proposed only for the case of geometric T-duality. Recently [Car+19] applied pre-NQP geometry to the case of DFT on group manifolds. However the extension of this formalism to backgrounds is not immediate. 4.7 Tensor hierarchies proposal The idea of tensor hierarchy was introduced in [HS13b] in the context of the of DFT, then further formalised in [HS19], [BH19a] and [BH19b] as a higher gauge structure. See also work by [CP20a] and [CP20b]. 4.7.1 Embedding tensor and Leibniz-Loday the fundamental representation of the Lie algebra o(d,d)of the Lie groupO(d,d). The vector space underlying the fundamental representation of O(d,d) is nothing but R~=R2d. Let us use the notation xY/mapsto-rxYR. DFT is defined as a linear map Th satisfies the following compatibility condition, usually called quadratic constraint : [Th(X),Th(Y)] = Th(rTh(X)Y), (4.7.1) where o(d,d). a vector field by XM/mapsto-(XM, Now the embedding4. Review of proposals of doubled geometry 89 tensor defines a natural action of X(R2d)on itself X(R2d) (4.7.2) (X,Y (4.7.3) This is exactly the D-bracket of DFT. Thus the anti-symmetric part will be the =JX,YKC. (4.7.4) On the other hand the symmetric part of the D-bracket is given by where defined by f/mapsto-Mfand the metric is defined by the contraction Therefore the D-bracket can be expressed in terms of these operators (4.7.5) An interesting consequence is that the not a Lie algebra, since the = any triple of vectors X,Y,ZX(R2n). Now something remarkable happens: the Leibniz-Loday in- finitesimal DFT gauge transformations naturally defines a Lie DFT gauge transformations. This is given by the underlying cochain complex D(R2n) (4.7.6) equipped with the following L-bracket = Df, ) =JX,YKC, ) cycl., (4.7.10) for Now notice that the quadratic is the condition controlling the closure of the Leibniz bracket X*Y, requires to impose an additional constraint: this condition is nothing but the strong constraint. This makes the underlying complex of sheaves reduce to the one of sections of the standard Courant (4.7.11) Hence if we want (X(R2n),*)to be a well-defined Leibniz-Loday algebra we need to restrict to Generalised Geometry and the D-bracket *must reduce to the Dorfman bracket of Generalised Geometry, not twisted by any flux. At the present time no ways to generalise this construction beyond the strong constraint have been found, despite the community expecting such generalisation to exist.90 4.7. Tensor hierarchies proposal 4.7.2 Tensor hierarchies Now that we have our well-defined we can ask ourselves what happens if we use it to construct an higher gauge field theory on a The answer is that the theory resulting from this gauging process is exactly a tensor hierarchy, which is supposed to describe DFT truncated at codimension n. Luckily for our gauging purposes, there exists a well-defined notion of the tensor product of a commutative differential graded algebra with an L-algebra. Thus we can define the prestack of local tensor hierarchies the tensor product of the algebra of the de Rham complex (ohm*(U),d)with the other words we define ohm*(U)D(R2n)for any contractible open setUM. Its underlying complex of sheaves of this prestack will the bracket structure is found by applying the definition by [Jur+19c]. Explicitly, for any elements we have the following bracket = (dA+DB) + = = 0,(4.7.12) where we introduced the following compact notation for D(R2n)-valued differential forms:
*J-,-KCis a wedge product on ohm*(U)and a C-bracket on X(R2n),
* a wedge product on ohm*(U)and a contraction prestack the local fields of a tensor hierarchy on a local doubled space of the form UxR2nwith base manifold dim(U) =d-n. In our degree convention the connection data of a tensor hierarchy is given by a degree we consider differential forms valued in a suitable adjusted Weil algebra in example 3.4.22, we can also introduce the curvature of the tensor hierarchy, which will be given by the degree Review of proposals of doubled geometry 91 Notice that all the fields of the hierarchy depend not just on the coordinates xof the base manifoldU, but also on the coordinates (y,~y)of the vector space R2n. The curvature of the tensor hierarchy can be expressed in terms of the connection, as it is found in [HS13b], by F= dA-JA,AKC+DB, H= we introduced the covariant derivative D := d-A* defined by the A, which acts explicitly by DA= dA+JA,AKCandDB= the characteristic C-bracket Chern-Simons term in the expression of We will call CS3(A), so we will be able to write the curvature of the tensor hierarchy in a compact fashion: F= DA+DB, H= calculating the differential of the field curvature multiplet, this immediately gives the Bianchi identities of the tensor infinitesimal gauge transformations of a tensor hierarchy are given by of the form lI that A /mapsto-- A + Dl+DKs, B /mapsto-- B + the covariant derivative acts by Dl= dl+JA,lKCandDKs = dKs the extraordinary similarity of these equations to the ones defining a This similarity will be discussed in chapter 6. Example 4.7.1 (Topological T-duality) .Notice that, in the particular case of a tensor hierarchy where none of the fields depend on the internal space R2n, the curvature reduces to the familiar equations of a doubled torus bundle, i.e. F= dA is exactly the curvature of the String (TnxTn)-bundle arising in the case of a globally geometric T-duality. Also the gauge transformations reduce to AI/mapsto- AI+ dlI, B /mapsto- B + 4.7. Tensor hierarchies proposal The local thus be globalised to the curvature of a doubled torus bundle with 1st Chern class [F]H2(M,Z2n). At this point topological T-duality is immediately encompassed by the the 1st Chern class of the doubled torus bundle. This particular example of tensor hierarchy allows a globalization to a principal 2-bundle with gauge 2-group String (TnxTn). Moreover, if we forget the higher form field, we stay with a well-defined T2n-bundle on the base manifold M. This leads to the question about how to geometrically globalise and interpret general tensor The puzzle of the global tensor hierarchy This proposal is the first to understand that the doubled connections AI u, which we have also for the doubled torus bundles, are just a part of the full connection of the prestack ohm(-,D(R2n)), including also Bun. Thus the doubled space is intrinsically a higher geometric object. In [BH19a] it was proposed that the global higher gauge theory of tensor hierarchies on a manifold Mshould consist in the L-algebra of forms on M. However this must be taken as a local statement, since we know that gauge and p-form fields are not generally global differential forms on M, unless their underlying principal bundles are topologically trivial. Exactly like gauge fields, the global stack of tensor hierarchies can be constructed by using the notion of parallel transport , as we have seen in chapters 3. This is true, at least, if we want to formalise tensor hierarchies as higher gauge theories. In chapter 6 we will discuss a different perspective. Let expD(R2n)Hbe the Lie integration of the Lie Now we can define the higher gauge theory TH the path-groupoid of the smooth manifold M. By construction this means that on any set UMof a good cover of our manifold Mwe will have the (4.7.23) This conveys the intuition that TH(-)is a globalization of the prestack of forms, but not necessarily a one. By construction TH(-) maps any smooth manifold Mto the 2-groupoid are tensor hierarchies and whose morphisms are gauge transformations of ten- sor hierarchies on M. In more concrete terms a global tensor hierarchy, which is an object of the can be expressed in a local trivialization by a Cech cocycle. Given any the manifold M, such a cocycle will be of the lI (ab),Ks(ab), (4.7.24)4. Review of proposals of doubled geometry 93 where the fields are of the following differential they are glued on two-fold, three-fold and four-fold overlap of patches as follows: F(a)= DA(a)+DB(a), H= (b)= DKs Ks (bg)+ Ks (ga)= the covariant derivatives are D = d-A (a)*. Notice the similarity, at least locally, of the the non-principal for instance in [KSM93, pag.77] for a general bundle. In chapter 6 we discuss the possibility of a more general definition of global which can be obtained by directly dimensionally reducing the bundle gerbe and not as a higher gauge theory. However, if we accept that the global picture of tensor hierarchies is a higher gauge algebra, we would still have some open questions. From [HS13b] we know that a tensor hierarchy is supposed to be a split version of DFT with a base manifold fibers for an arbitrary n. But since tensor hierarchies are higher gauge theories, this hints that the full 2d-dimensional doubled space should carry a bundle gerbe structure. Such structure, as we have seen for previous proposals, still needs to be clarified. 4.8 Born Geometry The first proposal of formalisation of the geometry underlying Double Field Theory as a para-Kahler manifold was developed by [Vai12a] and then generalised to a by [Vai13]. The para-Hermitian program was further developed by [FRS17; Svo18; MS18; FRS19; MS19; Shi19; HLR19; BPV20; BP20; IS20; Svo20].94 4.8. Born Geometry 4.8.1 Para-Hermitian geometry An almost para-complex manifold (M,J)is a2d-dimensional smooth manifold Mwhich is equipped with a (1,1)-tensor field JEnd(TM), called almost para-complex structure, such thatJ2=idTMand that L+-TMofJhave both rank(L+-) =
d. A para-complex structure is, then, equivalently given by a splitting of the form TM=L+L- the structure group of the tangent bundle TMof the almost is reduced to The para-complex structure also canonically defines the following projectors to its :TM-L+-. (4.8.2) An almost para-complex structure Jis said to be, respectively, +--integrable if L+-is closed under Lie bracket, i.e. if it satisfies the of Jimplies the existence a foliation F+-of the An almost para-complex manifold (M,J)is a para-complex manifold if and only if Jis both +-integrable and--integrable at the same time. An almost para-Hermitian manifold (M,J,e)is an almost para-complex manifold (M,J) equipped with a metric Lorentzian signature (d,d)which is compatible with the almost para-complex structure as =-e(-,-). (4.8.4) A para-Hermitian structure (J,e)canonically defines an almost symplectic structure o ohm2(M), called fundamental 2-form, byo(-,-) :=e(J-,-). An almost can be equivalently expressed as (M,J,o ), since the para-Hermitian metric can be uniquely determined by e(-,-) =o(J-,-). Notice that the subbundles L+-are both maximal isotropic subbundles respect to eand Lagrangian subbundles respect to o. 4.8.2 Recovering generalised geometry The para-Hermitian metric immediately induces an isomorphism In the case of a +-integrable para-Hermitian manifold, this implies the existence of an (4.8.5) given byX/mapsto-P+(X) +e/sharp(P-(X)), for any vector XTM. As shown by [FRS17; MS18], it is possible to define a bracket structure is compatible with the para-Hermitian metric, so that (TM,J-,-KD,e)is a metric algebroid, and which makes a generalised version of the Nijenhuis tensor of J4. Review of proposals of doubled geometry 95 vanish [MS18, p.13]. If we consider any couple of sections the bracket can be rewritten ] +LXz-iYdx/parenrightbig
/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright Dorfman bracket on TM. Therefore, ifwe restrict ourselves to couples of strongly foliated vectors, i.e. recover the usual Dorfman [X,Y ] +LXz-iYdx, (4.8.7) i.e. we recover generalised geometry. An almost para-Hermitian manifold (M,J,e)is, in particular, a para-Kahler manifold if the fundamental 2-form is symplectic, i.e. do= 0. In the general case, the byK:= do, which embodies the obstruction of ofrom is interpreted as the generalised fluxes of Double Field Theory. 4.8.3 Born geometry A Born geometry is the datum of an almost para-Hermitian manifold (M,J,o )equipped with a Riemannian metric is compatible with both the metric e and the fundamental 2-formoas (4.8.8) Such a Riemannian metric can be naturally identified with the generalised metric of Double Field Theory. The generalised diffeomorphisms of Double Field Theory can now be identified e, i.eisometries Iso(M,e). The push-forward of a generalised diffeomorphism fIso(M,e)is nothing but an O(d,d)- valued function f*C(M,O(d,d)). This group of symmetries can be further extended to the group of general bundle automorphisms of TMpreserving the A generalised diffeomorphism induces a morphism of Born geometries (M, J, o,G)/mapsto-- (M, f*J, f*o, f*G), (4.8.9) which is an isometry of the para-Hermitian metric, i.e. such that it preserves interesting is the case of b-shifts, which can be seen as a bundle the identity idMof the base manifold. This transforms the para-complex structure by J/mapsto-J+b, which also implies o/mapsto-o+b. Therefore, a b-shift maps the splitting TM=L+L-to a new one TM=L/prime
+L-, preserving the eigenbundle L-, but notL+. Therefore, it does not preserve discussion. We can notice that Born Geometry is not (at least to bundle gerbes, even if theory of foliations is closely related to higher structures as seen by [Vit14]. In the next subsection we will mostly discuss the relation between Born Geometry and the bundle gerbe of the Kalb-Ramond field, trying to clarify it.96 4.9. Can DFT actually recover bosonic Can DFT actually recover bosonic .1 Recovering a string background We will now try to recover a general bosonic string background, consisting in a manifold (M,g)equipped with a Kalb-Ramond field whose H-flux [H] H3(M,Z)is generally non-trivial, from Born Geometry as prescribed by [MS19] and [Svo20]. Let us start from the almost para-Hermitian manifold (M,K,e ). The the tangent bundle we want to recover a conventional supergravity background let us firstly assume thatL-is integrable (physically this corresponds to set the R-flux to zero, see [MS19]). This implies that there exists a foliation F-ofMsuch thatL-=TF-. Secondly, since we want to recover a conventional supergravity background, let us require that the leaf space M:=M/F-of this foliation is a smooth manifold. Indeed, according to [MS19] and [Svo20], physical spacetime must be identified with the leaf space M. Thus the foliationF-is simple and the canonical quotient map p:MM=M/F-is a surjective submersion, making Ma fibered manifold. Now we can use adapted (or fibered) coordinates (x(a),~x(a))on each patchUaof a good cover of the manifold Thus there exist a frame {Zu,~Zu}and a given on local patches Uaas dxu (a), ~e(a)u= that they diagonalise the tensor Kand such that{Zu}is a local completion of the holonomic frame for G(L-). Notice that the N(a)unC(Ua)are local functions. In this frame we can express the global the fundamental (4.9.2) Now, by following [MS19], we can define a local the second term of the 2-formo|Ua, (4.9.3) Now we must ask: what is the condition to make the local to a proper local 2-form on the leaf space M=M/F-(which is the physical spacetime)? By following [MS19] we can impose the condition that N(a)ulare basic functions, i.e. LX-N(a)ul= 0X-G(L-), (4.9.4) which assures exactly this. In local coordinates on Uathis condition can be rewritten 0, (4.9.5) which is solved by i.e. by asking that the N(a)unare local functions only of on each patch Ua. Therefore, if our local 2-form is of the will descend to a local Review of proposals of doubled geometry 97 4.9.2 Papadopoulos' puzzle revised In the adapted (or fibered) coordinates the transition functions of Mon two-fold overlaps of patchesUaUbwill have the simple following (4.9.6) An adapted atlas will be also provided with the property that the sets the quotient map, are patches of the leaf space M with local coordinates (q(a))defined by the equation xu (a)=qu (a)*p. These uniquely defined. The local 2-formB(a)will then descend to the a global 2-form, on each two-fold overlap of patches UaUbwe d~xu(b)dxu+B(b), (4.9.7) where we suppressed the patch indices on the 1-forms{dxu}: this is because {eu}are global 1-forms onMand thus we can slightly abuse the notation by calling eu dxu. Thus we (4.9.8) Since the local to local 2-forms on patches UaM=M/F-of the leaf space and these, according to [MS19] and [Svo20], must be physically identified with the local data of the Kalb-Ramond Field, we must have bundle gerbe local data of the following dL L (bg)+ L (ga)= from the patching relations (4.9.6)of the adapted coordinates we (4.9.10) This, combined with implies the following (4.9.11) We can immediately solve the first equation by decomposing where a new basic function of the x(b)-coordinates only. Now the second equation is equivalent to the new equation =-dL(ab)on UaUb, which is solved de(ab), (4.9.12)98 4.9. Can DFT actually recover bosonic local exact basic 1-forms on overlaps of patches. The cocycle condition for transition functions of a manifold on three-fold overlaps of patches implies = L (ab)+ L (bg)+ L (ga). (4.9.13) Since L(ab)+ L (bg)+ L (ga)= then we must have the local constants which must satisfy the following cocycle (4.9.15) on each four-fold overlaps of patches of the leaf space. This implies that the gerbe our physical spacetime M=M/F- isflat, i.e. that the curvature of the Kalb-Ramond field Hohm3 ex(M)is exact and that the topological Dixmier-Douady class [H]H3(M,Z)of the gerbe is torsion. To see this, it is enough to check that the equation (4.9.13)implies that L(ab)= some local But this implies that that, in other words, there exist a global 2-form on the leaf space M=M/F-given by gauge transformations of the Kalb-Ramond field and expressed on overlaps of patches by p*B(a)+ dt(a)=p*B(b)+ dt(b). (4.9.16) If we call dt(a)the gauge transformed Kalb-Ramond field, we immediately see that it satisfies H= dB/primeglobally on M=M/F-. Therefore in the de Rham cohomology we have the class [H] = 0H3 dR(M), which is mapped to a torsion element of the integral cohomology H3(M,Z). In this context the constants c(abg) are interpreted as a representative of the flat holonomy class the flat bundle made of a smooth manifold Mequipped with a non-trivial Kalb-Ramond And, since DFT was introduced to extend supergravity, the impossibility of recovering supergravity poses a problem. This means that the original argument by [Pap14] is still relevant whenever we try to construct the doubled space as a as we will see, Born geometry is still extremely efficient in dealing with doubled group manifold and, in particular, Drinfel'd doubles. Remarkable results from the application of para-Hermitian geometry to group manifolds can be found in [MS18], [HLR19] and [MS19]. These groups, where fluxes are constant, allow a of the gerbe with a group manifold which is not possible in the general case. Notice that a link between Drinfel'd doubles and bundle gerbes was firstly found by [Wil08]. The Higher Kaluza-Klein proposal is an attempt to attack this problem and allow of general bundle gerbes. In the Higher Kaluza-Klein perspective the4. Review of proposals of doubled geometry 99 doubled space would be identified with the total space of a gerbe GM. Thus reinterpreted as a local version of the projector of the gerbe as a principal -bundle, i.e. P :G-M~=G//BU(1), (4.9.17) which is the higher geometric version of the statement p:PM~=P/Gfor any G-bundleP. See the next section for an ut dicatur perfecta, debebit intimam essentiam rei explicare, et cavere, ne eius loco propria definition, if it is to be called perfect, must explain the inmost essence of a thing, and must take care not to substitute for this any of its properties. -- Spinoza, Tractatus de Intellectus Double Field Theory as Doubled/higher correspondence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 5.2 Doubled space as atlas of a bundle gerbe . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 5.3 Global generalised metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 5.4 Global strong constraint as higher cylindricity . . . . . . . . . 109 5.5 Recovering generalised geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.5.1 Generalised tangent bundle on the atlas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.5.2 Finite symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.5.3 Courant algebroid as Atiyah L-algebroid . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 5.5.4 A prequantum interpretation for the bundle gerbe . . . . . . . 123 5.6 NS5-brane as higher Kaluza-Klein monopole . . . . . . . . . . 125 5.6.1 Higher Dirac monopole of the Kalb-Ramond field . . . . . . . . 126 5.6.2 Higher Kaluza-Klein monopole in 10d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 5.6.3 Berman-Rudolph DFT monopole in 9d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 5.6.4 Berman-Rudolph DFT monopole in 8d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 In this chapter we will give a formal definition of higher Kaluza-Klein Theory and we will explain how this can be interpreted as a global version of Double Field Theory (DFT). In this chapter we will construct the correspondence between the doubled geometry of Double Field Theory and the higher geometry of bundle gerbes. We will define the atlas of a bundle gerbe and we will show that it can be identified with the doubled space of Double Field Theory. This will have the consequence that Double Field Theory can be globally interpreted as a field theory on the total space of a bundle gerbe, just like ordinary Kaluza-Klein theory lives on the total space of a principal bundle. This chapter is based on [Alf20a; Alf21] 1005. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 101 5.1 Doubled/higher aim of this section will be to prove the existence of a correspondence between doubled and higher geometry in a linearised form. Definition 5.1.1 us call string the abelian Lie 2-group RdxBU(1). It is well-understood that any L-algebra g is equivalently described in terms of its dg-algebra CE(g). In our particular case this is CE(string ) 0,dB= , generators in degree 1andBis a generator in degree 2. The Lie 2-algebra string =Rdbu(1)Rdcan be interpreted as a linearisation of a bundle gerbe, in the sense proposed by [FSS14b]. Thus, such a Lie 2-algebra can be thought as trivially made up of a flat Minkowski space and a trivial Kalb-Ramond field. Now, we want to introduce a notion of atlas for this 5.1.2 (Atlas of an L-algebra).By linearising the notion of atlas of a smooth stack [KS17], we obtain that the atlas of an L-algebra gcan be defined by an ordinary Lie algebra atlasequipped with a homomorphism of is surjective onto the 0-truncation of g. In this dissertation, we will also require the ph*: CE( dg-algebras to be injective. We will also need the following slight specialisation of the notion of atlas of an L-algebra, which will be useful to deal with our physically motivated 5.1.3 atlas) .LetgRdbe anL-algebra fibrated on a Minkowski space and equipped with an atlas ph:atlas-g. We say that the atlas ifatlascomes equipped with a SO(1,d-1)-action such that 1. it non-trivially extends the natural SO(1,d-1)-action on if dim(atlas)is the minimal dimension for which the above conditions are that, in a atlas, the images of the higher generators of g through the map non-zero elements which are invariant under Lorentz action. We are now ready to present the main result of this section. Lemma 5.1.4 .The atlas of the Lie 2-algebra stringis the para-Kahler vector J, o/parenrightbig, where
*Jis the para-complex structure corresponding to the canonical splitting Rd(Rd)*,
*ois the symplectic structure given by the transgression of the higher generator of stringto the space of the atlas Rd(Rd)*.102 5.1. Doubled/higher the definition 5.1.2 of atlas anL-algebra. The mapphcan be dually given as an embedding ph*:CE(string their dg-algebras. Thus, we want to identify an ordinary Lie algebra atlas such that its dg-algebra contains a 2-degree (5.1.2) which is the image of the 2-degree generator of CE(string )and which must satisfy the equation do= 0, (5.1.3) given by the fact that a homomorphism of dg-algebras maps ph*(0) = 0. Recall that atlas must be an ordinary Lie algebra, so its dg-algebra CE(atlas)will only have 1-degree generators. Since we want a atlas, omust also be a singlet under Lorentz transformations. Thus the generators of the atlas must consist not only in the images but also in an extra set (Rd)*. This way the image of the generator bCE(string (5.1.4) which is Indeed, the generators by while the generators by Now, the equation do= 0, combined with the equation dea= 0, implies that the differential of the new generator is zero, i.e. d/tildewideea= 0. Therefore, we found the ) 0,d/tildewideea= (5.1.5) where we renamed the Lie algebra atlastodouble. This ordinary Lie algebra is = 0/parenrightbig, i.e. the abelian Lie algebra whose underlying 2d- dimensional vector space is Rd(Rd)*. Now, recall that the dg- algebra CE(g)of any ordinary Lie algebra gis isomorphic to the left-invariant differential forms on the corresponding Lie group G=exp(g). Therefore, we have the we called Rd,dthe abelian Lie group integrating doublewhose underlying smooth manifold is still the linear space Rdx(Rd)*. Thus, the smooth functions by coordinate functions the basis of left-invariant 1-forms on Rd,dis simply given by ea= d/tildewidexa (5.1.7) Thus, the transgressed element oCE(double )is equivalently the symplectic form o= Moreover, the canonical splitting Rd(Rd)*induces a canonical para- complex structure J, which is compatible with the symplectic form o. Therefore, the atlas of stringis equivalently a para-Kahler vector J, Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory J, gerbe para-Hermitian manifold (i.e. doubled bundle gerbes. Remark 5.1.5 (Emergence of para-Hermitian geometry) .On one side of the the Lie 2-algebra string =Rdbu(1)is the linearisation of a bundle gerbe and, on the other side, the para-Kahler vector J, the linearisation of a para-Hermitian manifold. The latter is the atlas of the former. Notice that the subgroup of linear transformations GL(2d)preserving the given byGL(d)xGL(d). The subgroup preserving the fundamental while the one preserving para-hermitian metric eisO(d,d). The subgroup of linear transformations GL(2d)preserving the whole para-Kahler structure (J,o,e )is just the group of linear transformations of the base GL(d). Hence, we have the usual 5.1.6 (Kernel pair of the atlas of string).Now let us discuss the kernel pair of the atlas This is defined as the pullback (in the category theory sense) of two copies of the map phof the atlas. The coequalizer diagram of these maps double deal with it, we can consider the algebras of all the and look at the equalizer diagram of the cokernel pair which is dual to the starting kernel pair (5.1.9). This will be given by the following maps of differential )CE(double ) CE(double ) CE(string us describe this in more detail. When composed with ph*, the two maps at the centre of the diagram both send the generators eaCE(string )toeaCE(double ) CE(double ). However, they map the generator BCE(string )to two different such that they both satisfy the same equation d/tildewideea. This implies that they are related by a gauge This can be seen as a consequence of the gauge transformations parameter l:=laea.104 5.2. Doubled space as atlas of a bundle gerbe Remark 5.1.7 (T-duality on the ordinary Lie algebra doubleis not the atlas only of the Lie 2-algebra string, but of an entire class of Lie 2-algebras. For example, we ph(5.1.11) where we called ^stringthe Lie 2-algebra whose dg-algebra is 0,d/tildewideB= and the atlas mapping the generators by The Lie 2-algebra ^string = (Rd)*bu(1)can be immediately seen as the T-dualisation of stringalong all the ddirections of the More generally, doublewill be the atlas of any T-dual of the Lie this is nothing but a linearised version of T-duality of bundle gerbes. This remark can look quite trivial, but it will be important both in the next section and in chapter 7. 5.2 Doubled space as atlas of a bundle gerbe In the previous section, we established a correspondence between linearised and L-algebras, which interprets the former as the atlas description of the latter. In this section we will globalise this relation to construct a correspondence between doubled spaces and bundle gerbes based on the notion of atlas of a smooth stack. Remark 5.2.1 (On the nature of the extra coordinates) .The 2d-dimensional atlas of the bundle gerbe is the natural candidate for being an atlas for the doubled space where Double Field Theory lives. This way, we can completely avoid the conceptual issue of postulating many new extra dimensions in extended geometry, because the which appears in the extended charts describe the degrees of freedom of a bundle gerbe. In this sense, a flat doubled space Rd,dcan be seen as a of a trivial bundle gerbe. Remark 5.2.2 (Atlas for the Lie the Lie 2-group which integrates the Lie 2-algebra string :=Rdbu(1). Let us call again Rd,dthe ordinary Lie group which integrates the ordinary abelian Lie algebra Rd(Rd)*. Therefore, we have a homomorphism of Lie groups exp(ph) :Rd,d-RdxBU(1), (5.2.1) which exponentiates the homomorphism of Lie algebras the previous section. Consequently, this is also a well defined atlas for RdxBU(1), seen as a smooth 5.2.3 atlas of an -bundle).Let us define a atlas for an-bundle PP--- -Mas an atlas whose charts are in the sense of definition 5.1.3. Lemma 5.2.4 (Doubled space/bundle gerbe correspondence) .The atlas of a bundle gerbe GP--- -Mis a para-Hermitian manifold (M, J, o ), where5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 105
*Jis the para-complex structure corresponding to the splitting of TMinto horizontal and vertical bundle induced by the connection of the bundle gerbe,
*ois the fundamental 2-form given by the transgression of the connection of the bundle gerbe, i.e. which satisfies of the bundle a bundle gerbe on a base manifold M. Thus Gcan be as a collection of local trivial gerbes {UaxBU(1)}aIon a given the base manifold M. Thus, we have an effective epimorphism any chart. These can be combined in a single - G. Thus, we can cover the bundle gerbe with copies of the Lie 2-group RdxBU(1). Since this Lie 2-group comes equipped with the natural atlas (5.2.1), we can define the composition maps -UaxBU(1). By combining them we can construct an - G (5.2.2) From now on, let us call the total space of the atlas Notice that, in general, this is a disjoint union of Rd,d-charts. We can now use the map (5.2.2)to the Cech nerve of the atlas. What we obtain is the following simplicial tells us how the charts of the atlas are glued by morphisms. Let us describe this diagram in more detail in terms of its dual diagram of dg-algebras. Let us also Cech cocycle of the bundle gerbe. The two maps of the kernel pair send the local 1-degree generator to dxuand the local to a couple of local fiber product of the a-th andb-th charts. Now the local 1-forms required to be related by a gauge transformation dL (ab)uwhere the gauge parameters L(ab)uare given by the cocycle of the bundle gerbe. two 2-forms must be related by a gauge transformation dL (ab)with gauge parameter L(ab):= L (ab)udxu. The gauge parameters are required to satisfy the cocycle condition L(ab)+ L (bg)+ L (ga)= dG(abg)on three-fold overlaps of charts. On the atlasMof the bundle gerbe, we can define a 2-formoohm2(M)by taking the local the pullback of the local connection 2-formB(a)of the bundle gerbe from the base manifold on each chart Rd,d. This definition assures that o(a)=o(b)on overlaps of charts Rd,dxGRd,d. Therefore, this 2-form is globally well-defined and we can write it simply as o, by removing the a-index. In local coordinates we can 5.2. Doubled space as atlas of a bundle gerbe Notice that the form ois, more generally, invariant under gauge transformations of the bundle gerbe. From the definition of o, we obtain the relation with curvature of the bundle (5.2.4) Now, we want to show that Mis canonically para-Hermitian with fundamental 2-formo. The projection p:MMinduces a short exact sequence of vector -p*TM--- -0 (5.2.5) From the definition of the 2-formo, we can see that it is a projector to the vertical the 2-formodefines the splitting p*ointo horizontal and vertical (5.2.7) This splitting canonically defines a para-complex structure JAut(TM). If we split any vector in horizontal and vertical projection X=XH+XV, the defined such that J(X) =XH-XV. Notice that, since Jdefines the tangent bundle of M, as seen in chapter 4, this Therefore, theatlasofabundlegerbeisa (M, J, o )with para-complex structure Jand fundamental 2-formo, defined above. Thus, we have the conclusion of the we can now make the following 5.2.5 (Doubled space) .Adoubled spaceMis the atlas of a bundle gerbe G--Mwith connective structure (i.e. a principal BU(1)-bundle on a smooth introduced defines Cech sheaf of maps to the circle. It is a well-established result (e.g. see see [Hit01] for details) that there exists an isomorphism induced by the short exact sequence of sheaves The image such an isomorphism will be an element of the 3rd cohomology group of the base manifoldM, which we will call Dixmier-Douady class dd(G)H3(M,Z)of the bundle gerbe. Thus, bundle gerbes GHare topologically classified by a Dixmier-Douady 5.2.7 (Principal connection of the bundle gerbe) .Letohm2Hbe the usual sheaf of differential 2-forms over smooth manifolds. We can define a differential 2-formo on the bundle gerbe Gas a map Go--ohm2. Notice that, given the fundamental 2-formo in (5.2.3), we can construct a as follows: M G ohm2 Pha o(a)o,MxGM ohm2o(a) o(b).5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 107 Since ohm2is a0-truncated stack, the 2-morphism in the second diagram is just an identity. In other words we obtain that oohm2(G)is given on the atlas by a collection of any chart, which satisfy o(a)=o(b)on any overlap of charts. Thus, the fundamental 2-formoon the atlasMfrom the previous theorem can be interpreted as a 2-formoon the bundle gerbe G. Remark 5.2.8 (Analogy with a principal U(1)-bundle).The way of expressing the fundamental 2-form on our atlas as in remark 5.2.7 is, despite of the appearance, very natural and familiar. When we write the connection of a U(1)-bundle in local coordinates, we are exactly writing a 1-formo(a):= the local chartRd+1, the coordinate basis of ohm1(Rd+1). On the overlaps of charts we have o(a)=o(b), which assures that the 1-form we are writing in is equivalently the pullback o(a)=ph*
aoof a well-defined 1-formoon the total space of the U(1)-bundle. Notice that this is in perfect analogy with remark 5.2.7. Example 5.2.9 (Topologically trivial doubled space) .Let us consider a bundle gerbe G=MxBU(1)with connective structure. The space is a para-Kahler manifold (M,J,o ), whereM=T*Mis just the cotangent bundle of the base manifold, the para-complex structure Jcorresponds to the the connection o= the canonical symplectic form 5.2.10 (Doubled Minkowski space) .If, in the previous example, we choose as base manifold the Minkowski space M=Rd, the corresponding doubled space will be the para-Kahler vector space (Rd,d,J,o ). Remark 5.2.11 (Correspondence between sections of the bundle gerbe and the us consider again a topologically trivial bundle gerbe structure. Any section be any section -Mwill be an embedding These two objects are immediately related by i*o= curv(I) (5.2.8) where curv(-)is the curvature 2-form of aU(1)-bundle. Since any bundle gerbe can be locally trivialised, it is possible to generalise this relation to the general case. The correspondence between bundle gerbes and doubled spaces was firstly presented and studied in [Alf20a] by using this 5.2.12 (Principal action on the bundle gerbe) .By definition (see postulate 5.2.5) the doubled space is nothing but the atlas of a bundle gerbe Gwith which, therefore, will be canonically equipped with a higher principal This means that we will have not only transformations, but also isomorphisms between them. On the base manifold this is a G(M,G). (5.2.9) Since local sections of Mare local circle bundles Pa, for this action is locally given by the tensor product of BU(1)connfrom remark 3.2.40, i.e. by (Q, 5.3. Global generalised metric Notice this generalises the principal circle action of ordinary Kaluza-Klein Theory. Indeed a section of a circle bundle is in local data a collection of the U(1)-action is given by a global shift (g, wheregis a 5.2.13 (Basis of global forms) .In general it is also possible to express the principal connection terms of the globally defined dxaon the atlas. We pack both in a single global 1,..., 2dwhich is defined by In this basis, we have that the connection can be expressed by o=oABEAEB, whereoABis the symplectic matrix. 5.3 Global generalised metric In this subsection we will give a global definition of a generalised metric on our doubled space. This will clarify the fundamental intuition by [BCP14], that firstly discussed the intrinsic higher geometric nature of a generalised metric structure. Here, we will introduce a generalised metric structure as a structure reduction of the tangent bundle of the doubled space, in the spirit of [ 5.3.1 (Generalised metric) .A global generalised metric can be defined, in analogy with a Riemannian metric from example 3.6.5, as an orthogonal (5.3.1) on the bundle gerbe. On the atlas (M,J,o), this will be given by a collection of Riemannian metrics G(a) with the following patching conditions: M the tangent stack of the bundle gerbe Gis given by the short exact -p*TM--- -0. (5.3.2) This is nothing but the stack version of the short exact sequence (5.2.5). The connection of the bundle gerbe induces the isomorphism of (5.3.3) The bundle TGnaturally corresponds to a cocycle valued in Notice that this can be embedded in a cocycle valued in BO(d,d), (5.3.4)5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 109 Such a cocycle is given by the following O(d,d)-valued matrices on each overlap of the transition corresponding to the to the bundle gerbe. The cocycle N(ab)can be seen as the to TMappearing in the short exact sequence (5.2.5). Moreover, Therefore the inclusion a general orthogonal structure reduces to in local data, a generalised metric can be seen as locally given by matrices are patched The generalised metric from definition 5.3.1 can be recovered by (5.3.7) and patched by the condition the moduli space of a general generalised metric is locally given by a which is what we expect from a onM, in the spirit of definition 5.3.1. Remark 5.3.2 (Field content of Double Field Theory) .Thus, the field content of Double Field Theory is given by a bundle gerbe G(postulate 5.2.5) equipped with a G(definition 5.3.1) on it. 5.4 Global strong constraint as higher it can be used to formulate a higher Kaluza-Klein reduction of the generalised 5.4.1 (Global strong constraint) .The bundle gerbe Gwith generalised metric Gmust satisfy the strong constraint , i.e. the generalised metric structure GG- -O(2d)Struc must be equivariant under the principal action of G(remark 5.2.12). This is exactly an higher version of the cylindricity condition in Kaluza-Klein Theory, which forbids the dependence of the bundle metric on the extra coordinate by asking it is invariant under the principal U(1)-action. Since for a principal circle bundle the bundle metric will be actually a structure on the base manifold M. Analogously for the doubled space we have the following.110 5.4. Global strong constraint as higher 5.4.2 (Geometry of the global strong constraint) .From postulate 5.4.1 we can easily derived the familiar formulation of the strong constraint we know from DFT literature. Recall the principal action rfrom remark 5.2.12 on the doubled space. The equivariance implies that the generalised metric is actually not a structure on G, but on the (homotopy) quotient induced by the principal (5.4.1) i.e. on the base manifold. Thus, the generalised metric locally depends only on of the smooth manifold M. Remark 5.4.3 (A space) .The principal action of the bundle gerbe is transgressed to the atlas by a shift /mapsto-(xu,/tildewidexu+lu(x))in the which can be identified with a gauge transformation B/mapsto-B+ d(ludxu)of the Kalb-Ramond field. Moreover, the property G//BU(1)~=Mof bundle gerbes, to the atlas, can be identified with the idea that physical points correspond to gauge orbits of the doubled space [Par13]. This was further explored in [LP14; Par16; KPS17; ACP18]. Remarkably, this will provide a global geometric interpretation of the strong constraint of Double Field Theory in the next section. Therefore, the atlas M of the bundle gerbe is naturally a space, according to the definition given by [Par13]. Now we will introduce the powerful notion of higher Kaluza-Klein reduction [FSS18b; BSS19; 5.4.4 (Higher Kaluza-Klein reduction) .For any by the cocycle Mf---BGand any stack SH, there is an the reduction (which we will also call Kaluza-Klein reduction ) is given by the equivalence is also called double dimensional reduction in the 5.4.5 (Equivariant structure) .In this thesis we call if the morphism sisG-equivariant with respect to a G-action onM. Lemma 5.4.6 (Higher Kaluza-Klein reduction of equivariant structure) .When the structurePs- -Son a principal its higher (definition 5.4.4) will be a structure Ms/G---S//Gon the base manifold.5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory -Sis equivariant if there exists a map the bundle means that the reduction decomposes as where the last embedding comes immediately from the embedding ]. In the following discussion we will apply this abstract definition to the concrete cases of ordinary Kaluza-Klein theory and, finally, of the bundle gerbe with generalised metric. Example 5.4.7 (Ordinary Kaluza-Klein reduction of the circle bundle) .Before looking at what happens to doubled space let us reformulate ordinary Kaluza-Klein reduction. Let us consider a circle bundle P-Mand anU(1)-invariant Riemannian metric GonP. We have the following us now explain how this reduction is obtained. Firstly, let us recall that at(P) =
TP/U (1)is locally given by sections of TUaxRpatched on overlaps (5.4.5) Hence to have a U(1)-equivariant orthogonal structure we need to restrict the RdxRGL(d+ 1). Since isomorphic we can write the vielbein (5.4.6) But alsoO(d)O(d+ 1). Therefore we have alsoA(a)-A(b)= df(ab). This means that the cocycle P-O(d+ reduced to a cocycle the map frgtis just the forgetful functor forgets the connection data. Hence, if we we can rewrite our metric on each local patch two-fold overlaps of patches UaUb. This assures thatgis a global Riemannian metric on Mand the 1-form is aU(1)-gauge field df(ab). Thus, globally, we (5.4.8) Let us now higher Kaluza-Klein reduce our generalised metric structure in a totally analo- gous way.112 5.4. Global strong constraint as higher 5.4.8 (Higher Kaluza-Klein reduction of the doubled space) .A bundle gerbe Gequipped with generalised metric Gwhich satisfies global strong constraint reduces to a bosonic supergravity background Mwith a Riemannian metric gand a bundle gerbe structure with connection In diagrams we have the following seen in lemma 5.5.13, the local data of a Courant 2-algebroid given by a cocycle describes the the cocycle dL(ab):M--B2Rd. Hence, its sections GL exactly the so-called geometric group. Thus, we can rewrite the transition functions as O(d,d)-valued functions on overlaps of patches, up to gauge transformations of the cocycle (L(ab),G(abg)), we can write the vielbein as a local O(d,d)-valued function on each respectively a GL(d)-valued and a2Rd-valued function on patchesUa. SinceO(d,d)O(2d) =O(d)xO(d), the local O(2d)symmetry of the vielbein breaks to O(d)xO(d). Hence we can write the generalised metric we called the symmetric matrix On two-fold overlaps of patches UaUbthe generalised metric is hence patched by which assures thatgis a globally defined tensor on Mand thatB(a)is patched by B(b)-B(a)= dL (ab) and hence it is a gerbe connection. Therefore, the equivariant cocycle to a cocycle the map frgtis just the forgets the if we require the generalised metric structure to be invariant under the of the bundle gerbe, by using the differential forms of remark 5.2.13, this will have to be of the (5.4.13)5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 113 where we called the matrix GAB:= (gg-1)ABand whereg2ohm1(M)is a on the base manifold. In the coordinate basis find the (5.4.14) Notice the gerbe connection o= an analogous role of the connection 1-form of a circle bundle in a Kaluza-Klein metric. Therefore, we recover the usual matrix the connection of the bundle gerbe. The moduli space, which is locally given by is therefore bro- ken to glued by the transition functions N(ab)of the Courant 2-algebroid at(G). Hence we recovered generalised geometry by 5.4.9 (Check: invariance of generalised metric) .For any gauge circle bundle sections transform according to each patch, while the connection to Hence (5.4.14) is 5.4.10 (Recovering Born geometry) .The generalised metric we defined (see definition 5.3.1) can be reduced to the one introduced in para-Hermitian geometry by [Svo18] and further clarified by [MS18; MS19]. Recall that the atlas of the bundle gerbe is a para-Hermitian manifold. Our generalised metric Gon each patch Rd,dof the satisfy the o-1G=-G-1o. (5.4.16) It is immediate to check it by using the basis of remark 5.4.12, so that we 1 1 1 -1 GMN=/parenleftBigg g0 0g-1/parenrightBigg . (5.4.17) A linear transformation of Rd,dwhich preserves both the para-Hermitian structure and the generalised metric is then a linear isometry of the Riemannian metric gonRd. In terms of structure groups we have the familiar =O(d). (5.4.18) Remark 5.4.11 (Isometry 2-group of the generalised metric) .Given a bundle gerbe G with generalised metric Gwhich satisfies global strong constraint (postulate 5.4.1) there is a sub- 2-group Iso(G,G)Aut H/(G) automorphisms of the bundle gerbe which preserve the generalised metric structure: 1 H(M,BU(1)conn) Iso(G,G) Iso(M,g) 1.(5.4.19) i.e. the 2-group of automorphisms covering the group of isometries of the Riemannian base manifold (M,g).114 5.4. Global strong constraint as higher 5.4.12 (Generalised vielbein) .There are 2dglobal sections of 5.5.22) giving the generalised vielbein E(a)in terms of horizontal M =u (eu,0), M =d+u. thedvielbein 1-forms of the Riemannian metric g=duneuen on the base manifold M, while{eu}X(M)are their dual vielbein vectors. Let us now conclude this subsection by giving a quick example of a relevant reduction of some structure which is not the generalised metric. Example 5.4.13 (D-branes as objects in the doubled space) .Recall from chapter 3 the definition of the stack KUH, (5.4.21) which is the moduli stack of an abelian bundle 2k-gerbes for each kN. Let us consider a morphism G-KUfrom a bundle gerbe to this stack such that it fits in a twisted -bundle diagram of the form D*
M KU//BU(1) such morphism to this stack is immediately higher Kaluza-Klein reduced as reduced map M-KU//BU(1)is then the Cech cocycle of bundle 2k-gerbes onM twisted by the cocycle (G(ab))of the Kalb-Ramond field. Recall that we = R[o2,o4,o6,...,h is easy to see that the curvature of the structure M-KU//BU(1)will be given by the usual expression for the RR fields for Type IIA String Theory: dH= 0, dFD0= 0,dFD2+FD0H= 0, dFD4+FD2H= 0,dFD6+FD4H= 0,dFD8+FD6H= 0,(5.4.25)5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 115 as explained in a more general setting and formally by [FSS18b, p.22]. This means that RR fields are simpler if they are thought as fields on the bundle gerbe rather than on the base manifold. This appears consistent with the unified algebra description of spacetime and branes by Lie algebra extensions in [FSS18a]. 5.5 Recovering generalised geometry Here we will show that generalised geometry is naturally recovered from the bundle gerbe perspective upon imposition of the strong constraint, i.e. invariance under the principal Generalised tangent bundle on the atlas Remark 5.5.1 (Generalised geometry on the atlas) the TM. (M,J,o where the components VM (a)are locally defined. The fundamental 2-formowill project this into a vertical vector o(V) = if we call{DA}the basis of globally defined vectors on Mdual to the global 1-forms
{EA}, we can write a vector on the atlas by V=VADA, where now the components VA are globally defined. We can now express the isomorphism p*oin (5.2.7) that, if we restrict ourselves to strong constrained vectors, i.e. vectors whose components VM (a)only depend on the coordinates of the base manifold M, these are immediately sections of a Courant algebroid twisted by the bundle gerbe GMwith local potential B(a). We have already shown that strong constrained vectors on the atlas reduce to sections of a Courant algebroid. Now, we want to show that the bracket structure of the also comes from the bundle gerbe. To show this, we will need to start from the2-group of automorphisms of bundle gerbe and Lie differentiate it. 5.5.2 Finite symmetries In this subsection we will deal with finite symmetries of the bundle gerbe and we will prove they are the gauge transformations we expect for Double Field Theory. Remark 5.5.2 (2-group of gauge transformations) .The automorphisms 2-group of the principal structure (example 3.5.5) of the bundle gerbe G- -Mwith connective structure is exactly the 2-group extending the diffeomorphisms of the base Mthrough of the gerbe Aut H/(G) = (5.5.2) This 2-group is the refined version of the gauge group of DFT proposed by [Hul15], i.e. GNS= (5.5.3) which is obtained by taking the curvature of the circle bundle, as seen in example 5.5. Recovering generalised exactly the analogous to the familiar Diff(M)nC(M,U (1))Diff(P) of gauge transformations in ordinary Kaluza-Klein theory, where Pis a circle bundle. The map between just the curvature curv : maps de(a)on each patch, in accord with remark 3.4.34. This global closed usually called B-shift in DFT 5.5.3 (2-group of gauge transformations of DFT in Cech data) .The2-group of gauge transformations Aut H/(G) remark 5.5.2 will naturally define an action on the groupoid G(M,M)of sections of the bundle gerbe by the functor Aut H/(G)xG(M,M)-- G(M,M). (5.5.4) In local Cech data on the base manifold Mthis action will be given by the of Aut H/(G)are triples (f,e(a),e(ab)), made up of a diffeomorphism f Diff(M)and a circle bundle acting on e(ab)) : of Aut H/(G)between these objects are just ordinary gauge of circle bundles, made up of local functions : (f,e(a), e(ab))Z=(f,e(a)+ d/epsilon1(a), (5.5.6) In terms of diagrams, we can rewrite the 2-group of automorphisms of the bundle gerbe Gas follows: Aut H/(G)~=
G (5.5.7) Hence the action of the sub- 2-group H/(G)of cover the identity idMDiff(M)is exactly the principal action of the remark 5.2.12. This is directly analogous to Kaluza-Klein theory, where the translation along the compactified dimension coincides with the principal circle 5.5.4 (Generalised diffeomorphisms) .In the DFT literature the automor- phisms Aut H/(G)from remark 5.5.3 are usually called generalised diffeomorphisms (or large gauge transformations ). Notice that the research by [DS18] and by [HS19] already pointing in the direction of generalised diffeomorphisms having a higher group structure.5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 117 Now we can explain how automorphisms of definition 5.5.2 can be used to glue the doubled space in a way that is not affected by Papadopolous' puzzle (section 4.9.2). Remark 5.5.5 (Doubled space is glued in a (,1)-category) .Gluing local patches of the doubled space has always been a puzzle in DFT (which becomes even more problematic in Exceptional Field Theory). In our proposal the solution to this puzzle is given by the fact that our doubled space is not a manifold, but the atlas of a bundle gerbe: therefore it is glued not in the category of smooth manifolds, but in the (,1)-category of smooth stacks. Let us call These are trivial bundle gerbes on each patch Uaand their groupoid of sections just the groupoids of local The sub-spaces Ga,GbandGg. They are then patched by two-fold overlaps three-fold overlaps we have gauge transformations of automorphisms (see remark 5.5.3) which are given by = = = ==eag, or equivalently by the we can glue the local {Ga}by automorphisms to get the global bundle gerbe G. This idea of higher gluing the doubled space in a (2,1)-category, contrary to appearances, is not totally unprecedented. Let us mention some of its relevant progenitors in the 5.5.6 (Hints of higher gluing) .Notice that [BCP14] proposed for the first time non-trivial patching conditions on three-fold overlaps of patches of the doubled space. More recently the local patches [DS18] would need to be glued together in the 2-category of derived spaces to give a global picture. This is because manifolds are a simple model for derived spaces (see [Joy14]). But this is consistent with our proposal: we will see in chapter 6 that the formalism by [DS18] can be related to an infinitesimal version of our doubled space when there is the bundle gerbe are patched by condition (3.4.45). Notice that these are exactly of the same form of the coordinates of a C-space, defined by Papadopolous in [Pap14], [Pap15] and further developed by [HP17], which was prescribed in the references to accommodate DFT geometry. Hence our construction of Gmay be seen also as a formalisation of that intuition. 5.5.3 Courant algebroid as Atiyah L-algebroid In this subsection we will deal with infinitesimal symmetries of the bundle gerbe and we will prove they locally reduce to the one expected from DFT. Indeed we will show that the Courant 2-algebroid formalism can be recovered as infinitesimal descriptions of the118 5.5. Recovering generalised of the bundle gerbe. Finally, from the Courant 2-algebroid, we will ordinary generalised geometry. Recall that generalised geometry has been revealed by [Gra+09; CSW11; CSW14] to be the natural language to express Type II 5.5.8 (Infinitesimally thickened point) thickened point is defined (see [DCCT]) as the locally ringed space given by the spectrum of the ring of dual numbers D1:= (5.5.9) Hence, its underlying topological space is just a single point {*}, but its smooth algebra of functions isOD1({*}) 0, i.e. it is the ring of 5.5.9 (Technicalities about the infinitesimally thickened point) .Notice that D1is not a smooth stack, as we defined it. However, it is possible to define a Hformalby enlarging the category Diffof smooth manifolds (on which the objects of Hare sheaves) to the category Diff formalof formal smooth manifolds, i.e. smooth manifolds equipped with infinitesimal extension [KS17]. In this dissertation, we will commit a slight abuse of notation and we will denote Hformaljust by H. Example 5.5.10 (Tangent bundle of a manifold) .This idea is widely used in to define tangent spaces. For example a map D1X--Mis given on the spaces by sending {*}to a pointxin a manifold Mand on the algebras of smooth functions by a map which is given by f/mapsto-f(x) someXTxM. Thus vectors XonMcan equivalently be seen as maps D1X--M and therefore TM~=[D1, M]. This motivates the following definition for the tangent stack of a bundle gerbe G. Definition 5.5.11 (Tangent stack of a bundle gerbe) .We define the tangent bundle of a bundle gerbe Gas the internal hom stack (definition 3.2.23) of maps from thickened point 5.5.12 (Atiyah sequence of the bundle gerbe) .A calculation shows that [D1,M] where bu(1)connis the Lie2-algebra of the Lie 2-group BU(1)connand it can be seen as the stack of real line bundles with connection. From this result, given a bundle gerbe Gwith we obtain the short exact - -p*TM--- -0, the bundle projection. This sequence is nothing but the stack version of the short exact sequence (5.2.5). The connection of the bundle gerbe induces the isomorphism of (5.5.12) which is the stack version of the isomorphism (5.2.7).5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 119 Lemma 5.5.13 with connection structure On a patchUMof the base manifold we have the isomorphism G(U, (5.5.13) These local sections will be non-trivially glued on the whole smooth base manifold M and the patching conditions are the vectors XX(U)will be patched to global vectors XX(M)onM,
*local u(1)-bundles be patched by the Lie deriva- tives of the transition functions of the bundle gerbe that we can reparametrize the scalars sections X:= (X+xa,f(ab)), which are now patched by the familiar local sections of Gare local circle bundles with connection, we can find the 2-groupoid of sections of the tangent then by considering only the subgroupoid of maps covering the identity a local section in G(U, be given by (5.5.13). The transition functions of the tangent stack TGGare pullbacks of functions on the base manifoldM, because the transition functions functions on M. Since the bundlegerbeis patched by bundle automorphisms its tangent stack will be patched by their linearised version C/parenleftbigU, GL transition functions M-BGL(d)are just the ones of the frame bundle FM, while the cocycle M-bu(1)connis just the collection Thus, sections are patched as in equation analogous to the familiar idea that the tangent bundle TPof a circle bundlePis locally of the form TUxU(1)xRand patched by using the transi- tion functions of P. Hence, the Cech data of a doubled vector X= the data of an infinitesimal gauge transformation given by the base manifold and sections of the bundle gerbe. The only doubled vectors we are actually interested in are the ones which are invariant under the principal action of the bundle gerbe G, i.e. the doubled vectors which satisfies the strong constraint. These are also called strongly foliated by [Vai12b].120 5.5. Recovering generalised L- algebroid of our bundle gerbe with connective structure by at(G) perfect analogy with the Atiyah algebroid of a principal 5.5.15 (Courant 2-algebroid) .The2-algebra of sections of the Courant 2- algebroid over the base manifold Msits in the center of the following short exact 0,injection X(M)is the algebra of vector fields on the of line bundles with connection on M, i.e. of infinitesimal gauge the gerbe. This is obtained by differentiating the finite automorphisms sequence (3.5.7). Remark 5.5.16 (Analogy with Atiyah 1-algebroid) .Definition 5.5.15 is analogous to Atiyah algebroid in Kaluza-Klein, which encodes vectors on a circle bundle Pinvariant under principal action. As explained in [Col11] and [Rog13] exact sequence (5.5.23)is the higher version of the ordinary Atiyah sequence 0C(M,R) 0.injection 5.5.17 (Standard Courant 2-algebroid) .We define the standard by the semidirect sum of (5.5.19) Thus, the 2-algebra of its sections will be semidirect sum of (5.5.20) This means its sections will be of the form a global vector and (xa,f(ab))is a Cech 0.(5.5.21) The morphisms will be gauge transformations (e(a)) : line bundles, as usual. By slightly extending structure of this semidirect sum is isomorphic to the bracket structure given by the following bracket ] Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 121 Let us notice that the underlying groupoid of sections standard Courant 2-algebroid is nothing but the stackification (in other words of the familiar local patchesUMof the base (GeneralCourant 2-algebroid) (5.5.17), for any choice of splitting homomorphism 0 0.injection obtain the following results.
*A section X:= (X+x(a), f(ab))consists of a global vector field XX(M), a collection of each patch UaofMand a collection each overlap UaUbofM, such that they are glued according 0.(5.5.24)
*A morphism between two sections is a gauge transformation (e(a))of line bundles, given in local data by a collection of local functions e(a)C(Ua)so that (e(a)) : (X+x(a), de(a), brackets of at(G)are induced by the one of the standard Courant algebroid by q (s(X)+x(a), f(ab)),(Y+e(a), analogously for the other brackets by using the remaining using the splitting sand the injection iin(5.5.23) we can construct an isomorphism of As explained in [Rog13], we have a splitting for any connection local data dL (ab). The isomorphism siis then given by the map (X+x/prime (a), f(ab))for objects and by the identity for gauge transformations. Recall that patched by 0. Now we only have to redefine get the wanted patching 5.5.19 (Twisted and untwisted generalised vectors) .The isomorphism of L-algebras X(M)H/parenleftbigM,bu(1)conn/parenrightbig
/bracehtipupleft gen. vectors~=G/parenleftbigM,at(G)/parenrightbig
/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright twisted gen. used in lemma 5.5.18 is exactly the isomorphism locally presented by [Hul15] generalised vectors, but globally defined. Indeed, in the reference,122 5.5. Recovering generalised geometry on a given patch UaM, an untwisted generalised vector, then its twisted form. This perfectly matches with our construction. Moreover, our construction gives to the notion of twisted generalised vectors a precise higher the connection B(a)splits the Courant 2-algebroid in a horizontal bundle is analogous to how the tangent bundle of an ordinary circle bundle P-Mis split in horizontal and vertical bundle TP~=TMRby a connection A(a). Remark 5.5.20 (Twisted bracket) .By explicitly writing the bracket structure (5.5.26), we recover the H-twisted bracket of generalised ] 5.5.21 (Pushforward of automorphisms as local .We will now see how the Courant 2-algebroid transforms under automorphisms of the bundle gerbe. Given an automorphism any section transform under its pushforward, which is its infinitesimal version, on each local patch UaMwe recover the following we have ph*C(M,GL we can interpret this as a Hence, we recover the local geometric of a Courant 5.5.22 (Recovering ordinary generalised geometry) .The2-algebra reduces to the one appearing in [DS18] and [Col11] for sections of the form (X+x(a)) := 0. Therefore these sections satisfy the overlaps of patches and their morphisms are given by global functions eC(M). These are exactly the sections which [Col11] calls horizontal lifts of a vector X. Moreover their brackets the 2-algebra structure which appears in [DS18]: q ey
= ] Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 123 We will denote this 2-algebra with the symbol Notice that these with the bracket be also seen as sections (X+x(a))G(M,E )of an ordinary Courant algebroid Eappearing in generalised geometry at the center of a short exact sequence T*M-E-TM. In other words the underlying chain complex of the 2-algebra be C(M)d- -G(M,E ). Hence if we restrict to horizontal sections we recover generalised geometry (see [Gua11] for details). Notice from remark 5.5.22 that dL(ab)satisfies the cocycle condition, even if L(ab)does not. This is why the transition functions of the Courant 2-algebroid define a global vector bundle, i.e. the vector bundle underlying the ordinary Courant algebroid. Now the reader may wonder why we considered sections from lemma 5.5.18 with transformations on two-fold overlaps of patches instead of just horizontal ones. The answer is that there are applications where these data cannot be neglected, such as in geometry of T-duality in the next section. Let us conclude this section by mentioning the relation between this stack perspective on generalised geometry and symplectic 5.5.23 (Relation with NQP-manifolds) .Let us recall that a manifold (or NQ-manifold) is a locally ringed space (N,C)whereNis a topological space and Ca sheaf of algebras on Nsatisfying some extra properties. It is well-understood that, given a L-algebroid aM, its dg-algebra CE(a)can be seen as the dg-algebra of functions on a known as NQ-manifold. The differential graded manifold local coordinates in degree 0,1,1,2and a sheaf differential QH. As shown by [Roy02], remarkably, its algebra of functions is exactly the dg-algebra of the at(G|U), (5.5.31) where the dg-manifold T*[2]T[1]M, called Vinogradov algebroid, is canonically symplectic, i.e. it is canonically a NQP-manifold. In other words T*[2]T[1]Uis just an alternative way to express at(G|U). Notice that this recovers Extended Riemannian Geometry by [DS18] in the simple case of generalised geometry. We will explain how we can to recover their geometry of doubled torus bundles in the section 4. Inspired by this relation, a purely dg-geometric approach to Double Field Theory was developed by [DS18; DHS18; Car+19; DS19]. 5.5.4 A prequantum interpretation for the bundle gerbe Let us now conclude this section with an interesting digression. In fact, higher Kaluza- Klein Theory is also able to explicitly link DFT with a distinct field of research: higher geometric quantisation for String Theory. See the following digression for a brief discussion.124 5.5. Recovering generalised 5.5.24 (A relation with higher geometric prequantisation) .Notice our is as closely related to higher geometric prequantisation as ordinary Kaluza- Klein is to ordinary geometric prequantisation. The parallel transport of a )along a vector flow =xof some Hamiltonian vector fieldXis given exp (5.5.32) which is a global gauge transformation in C(M,U (1))at anytR. Recall that the underlying vector space of an ordinary prequantisation Hilbert space is G(M, PxU(1)C), i.e. the space of sections of the associated bundle PxU(1)C. Hence parallel be immediately generalised to prequantum states (ps(a))G(M, in higher Geometric Prequantisation we can define a parallel transport of a section the bundle gerbe along a vector flow =xof a Hamiltonian vector field is a global gauge transformation in H(M,BU(1)conn)at anytR. In [FSS15a; FRS16; BMS19] is explained, and reviewed in chapter 3, that the prequantum defined by Hpre:= G(M,GxBU(1)BU), i.e. by the groupoid of sections of the asso- ciated 2-bundle GxBU(1)BUwhere the fiber stack is the direct limit parallel transport (5.5.33)can be immediately generalised to prequantum 2-states of the form These are principal U(N)-bundles on the base manifold Mfor anyNN+, twisted by the bundle gerbe G- -Mwith cocycle These twisted U(N)-bundles are given in Cech data by ps(a)ohm1/parenleftbigUa,u(N)/parenrightbigandps(ab)U(N)/parenrightbigpatched expi2pG(abg) and they can be interpreted as states of Ncoincident D-branes in a Kalb-Ramond In [BMS19] this was explicitly calculated, in an infinitesimal fashion, for M=Rdand its non-associative behaviour was pointed out. As explained by [Rog13] and [FSS15a] we recover an ordinary prequantisation on the loop space LM:= [S1,M]. Indeed, given any loop S1 0M, its evolution S1 0)withtRcan be seen both as a surface SMwithS as a path in the loop space LM. By surface Sand taking the trace we = Hol Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 125 where the holonomy of a twisted U(N)-bundle a loop S1Mand the holonomy of a gerbe a surface SMare respectively given by the usual := := exp 2 generally, for an open surface SMsuch that the boundary S =/unionsqiS1 iis a disjoint union of loops of any orientation, we recover Bohr-Sommerfeld condition for a surface with = 1 (5.5.34) Notice that this is nothing but the bosonic part of Freed-Witten anomaly cancellation of a string. Figure 5.2: Parallel transport along surfaces S, open and closed. Remark 5.5.25 (A prequantum interpretation of the sections) .It is suggestive to notice that in higher prequantisation (see digression 5.5.24) a section of the bundle the world-volume of Ncoincident D-branes plays the role of a higher phase for the U(N)-field (ps(a),ps(ab)). This is analogous to the well-known fact that a section (th(a))of the prequantum circle bundle plays the role of the phase of a This provides an evocative interpretation of the bundle gerbe underlying DFT in the context of NS5-brane as higher Kaluza-Klein monopole In this section we will present a new, globally defined monopole for higher , by directly generalising the ordinary Kaluza-Klein monopole by [GP83]. This can be interpreted as a globally defined monopole for DFT which does not need to be well-defined. We will show that this monopole is an NS5-brane with non-trivial H-charge by higher Kaluza-Klein reduction. Finally we will prove that by smearing it we recover the familiar Berman-Rudolph DFT monopole.126 5.6. NS5-brane as higher Kaluza-Klein Higher 2pZ Matter ps(a)*ps-1 (b)= 5.1: A comparison of phases and states between ordinary and higher .1 Higher Dirac monopole of the Kalb-Ramond field Let us give a quick review of the Dirac monopole in classical electromagnetism in this subsection. Then we will directly generalize this notion to a Kalb-Ramond field 5.6.1 (Dirac monopole) .A Dirac monopole is a circle bundle of the (5.6.1) with non-trivial first Chern class the transverse space R3-{0}
and trivial on the time line R1. Here R1can be seen as a magnetically charged 5.6.2 (Dirac .This spacetime can be alternatively the radial direction in the transversal space and S2embodies the Since R+xS2is homotopy equivalent to the 2-sphere, its cohomology groups will be clearly isomorphic to the ones of the 2-sphere. The underlying topological space of the stack BU(1)is the classifying space BU(1)of circle bundles, i.e. the =K(Z,2), the geometric realisation of an -groupoid. Circle bundles over the 2-sphere are then classified by maps S2-K(Z,2)whose group is just the second cohomology group of the 2-sphere isH2(S2,Z)~=Z. Hence the first Chern number of any such bundle will be an (5.6.4) and the curvature of the bundle will be a closed non-exact form F=mVol(S2)/2. The trivial fibration to m= 0and the Hopf fibration S3-S2to m= 1, while in general we will have a Lens space fibration L(1,m)-S2for anymZ.5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 127 Remark 5.6.3 (Local description of Dirac monopole) .Let us quickly look at what this means in terms of gauge fields. As very well known we can cover the 2-sphere with just two open that in spherical coordinates (ph,th)they are caps U= [0,2p)x[0,p/2 +u)andU/prime= curvature can be explicitly written as F=sinthdthdph. On the two charts the connection of the bundle S2-K(Z,2)will then be given respectively A/prime=-m 2(1 + costh)dph. (5.6.5) We can see that on the overlap UU/prime= (p/2-u,p/ 2 +u)xS1we integrated along the equator, gives 4pmand equivalently the Dirac 5.6.4 (Higher Dirac monopole) .Ahigher Dirac monopole is a bundle gerbe of the (5.6.7) with non-trivial Dixmier-Douady class [H]on the transverse space R4-{0}and Here R1,5can be seen as a magnetically H-charged 5.6.5 (Higher Dirac .This spacetime can be also the radial direction in the transversal space, while S3embodies the Since R+xS3is homotopy equivalent to the 3-sphere, the cohomology groups of the transversal space will be immediately isomorphic to the ones of the 3-sphere. The classifying space of abelian gerbes is the third =K(Z,3) (5.6.9) and the gerbes on the 3-spheres are given by maps S3-K(Z,3). The group of these maps is just the third homotopy group of the (5.6.10) which is isomorphic to the integers. Dually the third cohomology group of the 3-sphere is H3(S3,Z)~=Z. Hence the Dixmier-Douady number of any such bundle will be an (5.6.11) that we may call higher magnetic charge or justH-charge. Then the curvature of the gerbe will be in general a non-exact (5.6.12) in direct analogy with the ordinary Dirac monopole.128 5.6. NS5-brane as higher Kaluza-Klein monopole Remark 5.6.6 (Atlas for the be seen as the submanifold of C2defined by the condition w*
2w2= 1on the complex coordinates (w1,w2)C2. This condition can be solved w (5.6.13) where (kh,ps 1,ps2)with ranges are called Hopf coordinates . Topologically R3, thus we can give S3an open just two open sets, for example the ones of S3deprived respectively of north and 5.6.7 (Local description of higher Dirac monopole) .We can cover the 3-sphere with two open spherical caps U={U,U/prime}and solve the gerbe curvature 2kh) dps1dps2, B/prime=-m 2(1 + cos 2kh) overlap of the patches 2-u)xT2for to T2, so hence we (5.6.15) which is exactly the condition for String Theory with the 1. 5.6.2 Higher Kaluza-Klein monopole in 10d In this subsection we will define the higher Kaluza-Klein monopole and we will look at its properties. Moreover we will show that it physically reduces to the NS5-brane. First of all let us give a quick review of the ordinary Kaluza-Klein monopole that we are going to 5.6.8 (Kaluza-Klein monopole by [GP83]) .A Kaluza-Klein monopole is a spacetime (M,g)such whereL(1,m)is a Lens space, and the metric we called r2:=dijyiyjthe radius in the transverse space, tthe coordinate on coordinate of the transverse space and /tildewideythe coordinate of the fiber S1. This spacetime encompass a Dirac monopole on the base manifold gauge field Ais required to satisfy the following h (r) = 1 In other words the curvature of the bundle will be F=mVol(S2)/2with first Chern number m, representing the magnetic charge. If we cover the 2-sphere with two charts we can rewrite this metric in polar coordinates (r,th,ph )and we obtain on the Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 129 while on the second one the gauge field is A/prime=-m(1 + costh)dph/2, in agreement with remark 5.6.3. Now we can give a precise definition of a new monopole, which directly generalises the 5.6.9 (Higher Kaluza-Klein monopole) .A higher Kaluza-Klein monopole is a bundle gerbe Gwith generalised metric Gsuch that
*Gis a bundle gerbe on the base manifold is non-trivial only on S3,
*Gis a (global) generalised metric, which is given on the atlas Mof the bundle respectively the coordinates of R1,5andR+xS3and where the curvature of the gerbe and the harmonic function are respectively constraint to H=R4dh, h (r) = 1 anymZ, in the four-dimensional transverse space. This generalised metric encompasses a higher Dirac monopole from definition 5.6.4 on the base manifold, just as the Kaluza-Klein monopole does with an ordinary Dirac monopole. In other words the curvature of the gerbe will be 5.6.10 (Correspondence space of higher Kaluza-Klein monopole) .By using the fact thatS3is aU(1)-bundle (Hopf fibration) on S2we can apply the result of lemma 6.3.1. Thus, our bundle gerbe G|S3S3, restricted to the 3-sphere, is to a (S1xS1), whose underlying the correspondence 5.6.11 (NS5-brane is higher Kaluza-Klein monopole) .By higher of the generalised metric (5.6.19)to the base manifold the following metric and gerbe 5.6. NS5-brane as higher Kaluza-Klein monopole which satisfy the conditions (5.6.20)on the transversal space. If we rewrite this on a chart in spherical coordinates (r,kh,ps 1,ps2)we dps2 1+ dps2 2-2 cos are exactly the metric and Kalb-Ramond field of an NS5-brane with non-trivial Hence in our higher Kaluza-Klein framework is as natural as considering the direct higher version of a 5.6.12 (Geometric interpretation of the NS5-brane) .We know that the Kaluza- Klein brane appears when spacetime P-Mis a non-trivial circle bundle with some first Chern class [F]H2(M,Z). In perfect analogy, the NS5-brane appears when the bundle gerbe G-Munderlying the doubled space is a non-trivial bundle gerbe class 5.6.13 (Angular T-dual of the NS5-brane) .The3-sphere is nothing but the Lens spaceL(1,1) =S3corresponding to the Hopf fibration. As we have seen the transverse space of the NS5 brane with Let us perform a T-duality is again a supergravity solution, but it is not asymptotically flat: is not Hopf-fibered over the 2-sphere, but it is be fibered with first Chern number m, generally making the whole bundle a Lens space L(1,m). In other words the H-charge of the NS5-brane is mapped to a NUT charge munder T-duality. However this background is not actually Taub-NUT, because the harmonic function is h(r) = 1 + 1/r2. Digression 5.6.14 (Recovering angular T-dualities) .The previous is the solution appearing in [PV18]. The authors perform angular T-dualities of NS5- brane backgrounds and speculate about implementing them in DFT. In our formulation this is totally natural as long as the angular directions are isometries of the G. Remark 5.6.15 (Array of higher Kaluza-Klein monopoles) .Since higher do not interact, we can construct a multi-monopole solution. This will be a bundle gerbe Gon the base base manifold but non-trivial only on the transverse space R4-{yp}, which is equipped with the generalised metric Ggiven the h (y) = 1 the positions of the monopoles in the transverse space and mpare Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 131 5.6.3 Berman-Rudolph DFT monopole in 9d In this subsection we will give a global definition of the usual DFT monopole in our formalism. See [BR15a] for its original definition and [Jen11] for seminal work. Then we will show that it is immediately related to our higher Kaluza-Klein 5.6.16 (DFT monopole) .The Berman-Rudolph DFT monopole [BR15a] is a bundle gerbe Gequipped with generalised metric Gsuch that
*Gis a bundle gerbe on the base manifold is non-trivial only on S2xS1,
*Gis the (global) generalised metric given respectively coordinates for R1,5,R+xS2andS1, where we decomposed the connection by B(a)=A(a)idzi, and where the curvature of the connection and the harmonic function are respectively constraint to dA=R3dh, h (r) = 1 +m/prime r. (5.6.26) Remark 5.6.17 (Doubled space of the DFT monopole) .The global doubled space of the DFT monopole of definition 5.6.16 is similar, but simpler respect to the one of a general higher Kaluza-Klein monopole. The circle coordinate zR/Zis trivially fibered while its dual /tildewidez(a)is in general non-trivially fibered by a connection A(a) over it. Hence, by lemma 6.3.1, our bundle gerbe G|S3S3, is Kaluza-Klein reduced to a (S1xS1), whose underlying (S1xS1)-bundle is the following correspondence this case the original connection oBof the bundle gerbe has no o(2) Bcomponent, but, on the other hand, the component o(1) B= exactly the connection of 5.6.18 (Recovering the DFT monopole) .A Berman-Rudolph DFT 5.6.16) is a smeared higher Kaluza-Klein monopole (definition 5.6.9).132 5.6. NS5-brane as higher Kaluza-Klein transverse space is a trivial circle fibration (R3-{0})xS1with dz. As usual can decompose respectively a gerbe connection and a circle connection on R3-{0}. Now we can gauge away the component this space is homotopy equivalent to a2-sphere and H3(S2,Z) = 0implies that any gerbe over S2is trivial. Thus the only non-trivial contribution to the H-flux will come from the connection A(a):=B(1) (a)of the dual circle bundle and the gerbe curvature is dB(a)= dA(a)dz. h(r,z) = 1 1 modified charge m/prime:=m/2. Moreover we have R4dh= (R3dh)dzand thus the condition the equation (5.6.26). Remark 5.6.19 (DFT monopole is smeared NS5-brane) .By higher of get the metric and gerbe solution is unsurprisingly the smeared NS5-brane background. Notice the is the trivial Lens space L(1,0) =S2xS1. Remark 5.6.20 (KK5-brane is the T-dual of NS5-brane) .By higher of the generalised metric (5.6.25)to the dual get the metric and bundle gerbe 0.(5.6.30) The transverse space is a Taub-NUT space with asymptotic geometry L(1,m)and it This solution is exactly the KK5-brane with isometry along the 5.6.21 (Localisation of DFT monopole in the previous literature) .In [BR15a] we have a (local) definition of the DFT monopole and then a bottom-up generalisation to its non-smeared version on The winding mode corrections of this process are studied in [KS13]. The resulting generalised metric is a (locally defined) version of higher Kaluza-Klein monopole on this particular background. In [Ber19] it is argued that, in the case of an torus compactified spacetime we can write higher Dirac monopole in terms of an ordinary Dirac monopole by also that a full DFT monopole should require a geometrisation of the gerbe which is impossible to achieve with just manifolds: higher Kaluza-Klein geometry is hopefully an answer to this.5. Global Double Field Theory as higher Kaluza-Klein theory 133 5.6.4 Berman-Rudolph DFT monopole in 8d In this subsection we will take a quick look to a further dimensional reduction of 5.6.22 (Reduction to we compactify again spacetime to a trivial torus bundle we can further smear and our higher Kaluza-Klein monopole to recover the zoo of exotic branes by [BKM16]. By explicitly writing the T-dualities along the two directions we have the diagram NS5 12 KK52 1 NS51 2 (52 2)12T1 T2 NS5 12is the NS5-brane smeared along both the directions of the T2fiber, while NS5a bis the KK-brane with isometry along the a-th direction and smeared along the b-th direction, while (52 2)12is the 52 2-brane with isometry along both the coordinates of T2witha= 1,2and{yi}be coordinates of R2-{0}with i= 3,4. The generalised correspondence space Kof the transverse space will be a non-trivial T2-bundle on (R2-{0})xT2with 5.6.23 (Geometric interpretation of 52 2-brane).The NS5-brane is associated to a non-trivial Dixmier-Douady class the transverse space. If spacetime is a trivial T2-fibration and the NS5-brane is smeared along these will be a non-trivial flux compactification the reduced transverse space. A T-duality along the 1st direction gives a Indeed notice that H>1(R2-{0},Z) = 0so there are no non-trivial abelian gauge field on the transverse space. Now by performing a T-duality in the 2nd direction we get a flux Just like the Kaluza-Klein brane when spacetime is a circle fibration with non-trivial first Chern class, a when spacetime is T2-fibration with nontrivial Q-flux given by the cohomology class Notice that this class corresponds to an integer number which we can name Q-charge of the 5.6.24 (Reduction to recall that our spacetime Now translations along the two circles of the torus are legit isometries, while translations along any fixed direction in not. As explained by [BKM16], we can still perform a local 5.6. NS5-brane as higher Kaluza-Klein monopole along this direction on the patches R10,10of the doubled space M, even if it will not be a global T-duality. Hence we will recover the usual picture of exotic branes by the diagram NS5 123 KK51 23 KK53 12 (52 2)1 3 2 KK52 1 3 the superscript 3and the subscript 3this time do not mean like for1and2, but they respectively mean dependence either on the coordinate y3or 5.6.25 (Geometric interpretation of 53 2-brane).A geometric be adopted also for the hypothetical 53 2-brane, which will correspond to a carrying a non-trivial R-flux class we may callR-charge.Ci Liang Zhe Tong Chu Er Yi Ming , Tong Wei Zhi Xuan . Xuan Zhi You Xuan ,Zhong Miao Zhi Men . These two are one in origin, but they differ in name; their unity is said to be the mystery. Mystery of mysteries, the gateway to all Laozi, Tao Te Ching 6 Global T-duality from higher Moduli stack of global string . . . . . . . . 136 6.1.1 Moduli stack of generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions . . . . . 138 6.1.2 Toy example: electromagnetic flux . . . . . . 138 6.1.3 Moduli stack of Kalb-Ramond flux . . . . . . 140 6.1.4 Moduli stack of global tensor hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 6.2 Topology of a bundle gerbe on a Tn-bundle . . . . . . . . . . . 143 6.3 Geometrisation of T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 6.3.1 Correspondence space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 6.3.2 Atlas formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 6.3.3 Global tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 6.3.4 Relation with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 6.4 Geometrisation of non-geometric T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . 152 6.4.1 Generalised correspondence space formulation . . . . . . . . . . 152 6.4.2 Atlas formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 6.4.3 T-fold as global tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 6.5 Geometrisation of general abelian T-duality . . . . . . . . . . 164 6.6 Geometrisation of non-abelian T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 6.6.1 Non-abelian T-fold as global tensor hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . 172 6.7 Geometrisation of Poisson-Lie T-duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 6.7.1 Poisson-Lie T-folds as non-abelian global tensor hierarchies . . 177 6.8 Physical insights from global DFT . . . . . 182 6.8.1 The puzzle of the T-dual fibre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 6.8.2 Application to holographic backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 6.8.3 Application to general brane configurations . . . . . . . . . . . 185 This chapter will be devoted to the study of T-duality covariant string with non-trivial fluxes. The global moduli stack of such non-trivial will be derived by Kaluza-Klein reducing the total space of the bundle gerbe we introduced in chapter 5. This way, we will retain global geometric data on the base manifold, which will give the global geometry of the string Crucially, we will provide 135136 6.1. Moduli stack of global string e a unifying framework for defining tensor hierarchies and determining their topology and global properties. This chapter is based on [Alf20a; Alf20b; Alf21]. In section 6.3 and 6.4, from the reduction of the bundle gerbe we will recover the usual global geometry of abelian T-duality developed by [BEM04b; BEM04a; BHM04; BHM05; BP09], both geometric and non-geometric. In addition we will lift such T-duality to the doubled space, i.e. the atlas of the underlying bundle gerbe, and show it provides the familiar picture in a global fashion. Moreover, we will focus on the global geometry of the tensor hierarchies which the reduction provides. In section 6.5 we will generalise these results to the most general case of abelian T-duality. In section 6.6 we will widen the discussion to non-abelian T-duality. In particular, we will provide a global definition of non-abelian T-fold and we will discuss the topology of the corresponding global In section 6.7 we will generalise the previous results to Poisson-Lie T-duality. Thus, we will provide a global definition of Poisson-Lie T-fold and we will discuss the global geometry of generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions. 6.1 Moduli stack of global string The aim of this first section will be the introduction of the concept of moduli stack of global DFT , by starting from the idea of flux Let us consider a spacetime smooth manifold M. We require that the spacetime Mis compactified , i.e. that it is the total space of a G-bundle for some compact Lie group G. We have a diagram of the form GM M0,i p (6.1.1) whereiis the embedding of the fibre and pis the principal projection. Recall from chapter 3, that a G-bundle can be expressed by the pullback diagram M*
M0 the Cech cocycle which encodes the transition functions of let SHbe a stack encoding some higher structure. Let us consider a cocycle s:M-Son the total space Mof our fibration. As seen in chapter 5, there is an6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 137 isomorphism, known as Kaluza-Klein 0 sends a cocycle M-Son the total space Mto some cocycle M0-[G,S]//G on the base manifold M0. This resulting cocycle can be interpreted as the of the original higher structure. We stress that this definition of Kaluza-Klein reduction is global. Let Sbe the moduli stack of some field. By reducing a cocycle M-Sto a cocycle M0-[G,S]//G, we retain both the global geometric data of the structure M-Sand ofMM0as a generally non-trivial principal bundle on M0. In more concrete words, we must start from the local sections s(a):UaxG--Son a local trivialisation of Mand reduce them to sections then glue all the sections together by taking into account the transition functions g(ab)ofM. Ua Gx Figure 6.1: Field (represented as a vector field) on the local trivialisation UaxGof a with non-trivial flux on the fibre. Let us provide an algebraic topological sense of why taking into account these global data matters. It is relevant to notice that, if MM0is a non-trivial theorem does not hold, (6.1.4) and, thus, the identification of the fluxes, or charges, of the reduced theory on the complicated, even for abelian fields. Dimensionally reducing the cocycles as in (6.1.3)provides us all the global information of the reduced theory on M0.138 6.1. Moduli stack of global string 6.1.1 Moduli stack of generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions We are interested in globally-defined generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions of the field content of Double Field Theory of the following form:
/braceleftbigGMN/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright , ph/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright dilaton/bracerightbig~=----------- gSS reduction/braceleftbiggun/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright metric,GIJ/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright moduli ,AI u,Bun/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright ph/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright dilaton/bracerightbig.(6.1.5) The aim of this chapter will be exactly the global study and the classification of which are known as gauged Supergravities [Gei11; Gei+13]. String Theory 10d Sugra (10-n)d SugraStrong constraintLow energy gauging reductionwith fluxes and torsionwithout fluxes and of Closed String Field Theory Figure 6.2: Relation between String Theory, Double Field Theory, Supergravity and where T-duality is generally promoted to a gauge symmetry. Notice that, according to chapter 5, on the left hand side of the reduction we must have a bundle gerbe GMon a spacetime Mequipped with a generalised Thus, the moduli stack of the global generalised will be obtained by higher Kaluza-Klein reduction (6.1.3)of this higher structure to the base manifold M0of aG-bundleMM0, which formalises the idea that spacetime is compactified with fibre G. Let us put aside String Theory for a moment and first look at a simpler example of reduction, to gain some intuition about the problem: an electromagnetic field. 6.1.2 Toy example: electromagnetic flux Let us consider a spacetime Mwhich is a principal Tn-bundle on some manifold M0, i.e. M*
M0 BTnp (6.1.6)6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 139 Let us consider an electromagnetic field on M, which is globally given by a principal U(1)- bundlePM. Now, we want to study the dimensional reduction of this from the total space of the bundle Mto the base manifold M0. In local coordinates of M, the operation of dimensional reduction is nothing but the coordinate where the of the Tn-fibre. Notice that we are not truncating the dependence of field on the fibre coordinates {thi}. The stack formalism will allow us to deal with the global geometric picture of such a local coordinates not a principal (U(1)xTn)-bundle on the base manifold M0, since the principal Tn-action ofMcannot generally be lifted to a Tn-action onM. an electromagnetic field PMis not dimensional reduced to a M0. a principal Cech cocycle Mg(ab)----- BU(1)is given as BTn , (6.1.7) where [Tn,BU(1)]/Tnis, essentially by definition, the moduli stack of the circle bundles. The stack [G,-]/Gis a generalization of the cyclic loop space : in fact in the particular case where G=TnandNis a smooth manifold, this reduces to the space [Tn,N]/Tn=C(Tn, N)/Tn. However, there is a particular case where Pis a proper principal the base manifold M0. This happens when the U(1)-bundlePMis the principal Tn-action ofM, i.e. when the transition functions g(ab)of theU(1)- bundle are independent from the fibre coordinates {thi}. In this case, the has the simple U(1)-bundle on on other words, if we consider a Tn-equivariant cocycle this will be dimensionally reduced as BTn . (6.1.9) Thus, in this particular case, the electromagnetic field PMis dimensionally reduced to a globally well-defined electromagnetic field on the base manifold M0.140 6.1. Moduli stack of global string 6.1.3 Moduli stack of Kalb-Ramond flux Let us now generalise the previous subsection by investigating the Kaluza-Klein reduction the bundle gerbe underlying the Kalb-Ramond flux. Let us consider a bundle gerbe GP---Mdefined by a cocycle MG(abg)----- B2U(1), itself a principal Tn-bundle on a smooth base manifold M0, i.e. M*
M0 BTnp (6.1.10) Hence, we need to look at the following Kaluza-Klein a principal Tn-bundle over M0, we can choose a good cover V={Va}for Msuch a good cover for the base M0. Since we are not working with a good cover for M, we will consider differential forms which are allowed to have integral periods. We can use definition 5.4.4 to Higher the doubled space to the base B(1) (a), can split the curvature Hohm3 cl(M)of the doubled space in horizontal and vertical com- ponents globally defined 3-kRn-valued differential k-forms on the base manifold M0. Now on patches Vaand overlaps VaVbofMwe can use the connection of the torus bundle to split the connections of the gerbe in a horizontal and vertical L(1) (ab)+ and L(k) (ab)are all local horizontal differential forms on spacetime M. For the following calculations we will follow the ones in [BHM07]. The expression of the6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 141 curvature of the doubled space d : the exterior derivative on the base manifold M0. The patching conditions of the connection 2-form now dL(1) (ab)+ the curvature of the torus bundle Mp- -M0. Finally on three-fold overlaps we get L(0) (ab)i+ L(0) (bg)i+ L(1) (bg)+ L(1) (ga)= the adapted coordinates on the torus fibre and i:=/thi. Let us now focus on the most interesting part of the field content of Double Field Theory: the tensor hierarchy. 6.1.4 Moduli stack of global tensor hierarchies In this subsection we specialise our discussion to the tensor hierarchy and we show that our definition by the reduction (6.1.5)is more general than a higher gauge theory. This global definition will allow us to identify the field content of a T-fold (which is not a higher gauge theory) with a global tensor hierarchy, as we will see later. Recall that in literature tensor hierarchies are usually defined as higher gauge theories, as we have reviewed in chapter 4. Motivations for a slightly more general definition.
*In chapter 4, we reviewed the definition of tensor hierarchy as a higher gauge theory. This definition can be immediately globalised, since higher gauge theories are globally well-defined. Moreover, the fields of a higher gauge theories can be identified with the connection of some (non-abelian) bundle gerbe. This would suggest that any global tensor hierarchy is geometrised by a (non-abelian) bundle gerbe structure. However, in [HS13b], tensor hierarchies are introduced as the result of a general dimensional reduction (i.e. split of the coordinates) of a doubled space. As we have seen, the dimensional reduction of a geometric structure does not give,142 6.1. Moduli stack of global string in general, something as nice and regular as a globally well-defined bundle, but the split coordinates will be generally glued by monodromies. Therefore, generally, the dimensional reduction of the doubled space will not lead to a globally gauge theory.
*The doubled space encoding a T-fold can be obtained by dimensionally reducing a doubled space [BHM07]. Therefore, by following the idea by [HS13b], the doubled space underlying the T-fold should be considered a global tensor hierarchy. However, such doubled spaces cannot be obtained by gauging the local tensor of chapter 4, i.e. the local prestack because the fields are patched also by cocycles of monodromies. Therefore, they are not globally given by a higher gauge theory. These two points suggest that, even if the picture of tensor hierarchy as higher gauge theory holds locally, it could be not the most general global picture. Let us recall that tensor hierarchies require the strong constraint to be well-defined. We can thus replace the C-bracket with the anti-symmetrised Roytenberg bracket of Generalised Geometry, which is the direct generalisation of the Courant bracket where all the non-geometric fluxes are allowed. We can then solve the strong constraint and obtain locally the curvature as Dsc(R2n)-valued differential forms (see chapter 4 for details) F= now the bracket [-,-]Royis the anti-symmetrised Roytenberg bracket. In co- ordinates this corresponds to = 0on any field so we will also have (DB)i=iB, which implies DB= dB+AiiB. Analogously for all the differential forms. Global tensor hierarchies. The definition of global tensor hierarchy which we can extract from (6.1.3)is the following. A global DFT tensor hierarchy on M0is the result of the dimensional reduction of the connection of a bundle gerbe on a principal the 2-groupoid THG sc(M0)of global DFT tensor given as BG
. the moduli stack of dimensionally reduced bundle gerbes we already used in this chapter.6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 143 From the proposed definition of global tensor hierarchy (6.1.19)and from the definition of Kaluza-Klein reduction (6.1.3)we immediately have the natural isomorphism of (6.1.20) In other words, this means that a global strong constrained tensor hierarchy on M0is identified with a bundle gerbe on some Topology of a bundle gerbe on a Tn-bundle As seen in chapter 3, bundle gerbes Gover a base manifold Mare topologically classified by their Dixmier-Douady class dd(G)H3(M,Z), which physically encodes the H-flux. In this section we will follow [BHM05] to introduce the machinery which we will need to describe the topological data of a bundle gerbe on a torus bundle. This will be in dealing with abelian T-duality. Let us start from the trivial example. Example 6.2.1 (Bundle gerbe on a trivial torus bundle) .For trivial torus can just use Kunneth theorem to rewrite the 3rd cohomology group (6.2.1) The cohomology ring of the torus is of H1(S1,Z). Hence we have that ui:= [dthi]fori= 1,...,nare the while the cup products = [dthidthj]are the generators of H2(Tn,Z)and so on. Therefore we can expand the Dixmier-Douady class as [H] = [H(3)] differential forms on the base manifold just the contraction of all the indices of the exterior algebra Rn. Hence the topology of this doubled space is encoded by the cohomology classes 0,1,2,3. However this construction cannot be immediately extended to non-trivial torus 6.2.2 (Tn-invariant forms) .We define the Tn-invariant forms ohmp(M)Tnas the subset of thatLia= 0, withi:=/thiin Let us define the differential the connection 1-form of the torus bundle Mp- -M0. There is a natural isomorphism a(p-1),***, 6.2. Topology of a bundle gerbe on a Tn-bundle and we call D:=I*d*I-1the differential under the isomorphism. The a fixed qequipped with differential Ddefines a cochain complex, whose integer cohomology we call H*,q D(M0,Zn). Therefore we have the is also possible to prove that there is isomorphism Rn-valued 2-forms, which imply 6.2.3 (Tn-invariant representatives) .Any element of the cohomology group Hp(M,Z)of aTn-bundleMp- -M0can be represented by a closed Tn-invariant form, i.e. there is an isomorphism 6.2.4 (Dimensionally reduced Gysin sequence) .Any torus bundle Mp- -M0 comes with a long exact sequence, which is called dimensionally reduced Gysin sequence . This is given [F]is the first Chern class of the bundle, while p*on a given just the injection whilep*on a given representative ais the integration along each circle of the fibre S1 iTn, which depends only on the homology class [S1 i]H1(M,Z)of the circle and not on its particular representative. Hence map p*will be given on the representative by Dixmier-Douady class [H]H3(M,Z)of a bundle gerbe on Mp- to a cohomology class the following discussion, for clarity, we will always underline the differential forms on the total space Mof the bundle. Remark 6.2.5 (Closedness) .IfHohm3(M)Tnis closed on Mwe have dH= 0, which is translated under isomorphism = 0. Hence we get 0, (6.2.5) where dis the differential on the base the curvature of the Tn-bundleMp- -M0. Notice we recover the trivial case (6.2.1)forF= 0. Also always closed on M0, whileH(1)is closed on M0either if the torus bundle is trivial or if H(0)= 0. Remark 6.2.6 (Exactness) .IfHohm3(U)Tnis exact on UM, there exists a thatH= dBonU, which is translated under isomorphism (6.2.3) that we did not require Bto beTn-invariant here. This will be useful later.6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 145 6.3 Geometrisation of T-duality It was understood by [BHM07] that a gerbe structure over a principal torus Tn-bundle, if it is equivariant under its principal torus action, automatically defines a over its base manifold. This bundle is nothing but the correspondence space of a T-duality, also known as doubled torus bundle in DFT literature. In this section we will explain how the correspondence space can be recovered from our doubled space by higher Kaluza-Klein reduction and how T-duality is naturally encoded. 6.3.1 Correspondence space Lemma 6.3.1 (Topological T-duality) .LetGP-- -Mbe a bundle gerbe whose base manifold is itself a principal Tn-bundleMp- - -M0. Now, if the bundle gerbe G- -M is equivariant under the principal Tn-action ofM, then it is Kaluza-Klein reduced to on the Lie 2-group defined by the following the map which sends a curvature the bundle 2-gerbe with principal the base manifold M0underlying the String first Chern classes c1(M) = = [p*H] and is known in the literature as the correspondence space of a couple of T-dual We have the 6.3. Geometrisation of using the connection xohm1(M,Rn)of the torus bundle Mp- - -M0, we can split the gerbe connection in horizontal and vertical localk-forms on patches Ua. We can do the same for the Cech the bundle a local 1-form on two-fold overlaps of patches local functions respectively on two-fold and three-fold overlaps of patches. The patching condition B(b)-B(a)= dL(ab)on two-fold overlaps of patches dxis the curvature of M-M0, while the patching condition dG(abg)on three-fold overlaps of patches get that B(0)are globally defined scalar fields on the base manifold M0 and henceH(1)= dB(0)globally, which 0. a cocycle defining a torus connection on the base manifold M0. Together with the torus bundle Mgiven by the cocycle (A(a),f(ab)) we have the following two torus bundles (or equivalently a single T2n-bundle) on M0with local data A(b)-A(a)= df(ab), 0,(6.3.8) with first Chern classes given by c1(M) c1(/tildewiderM) coordinates on given by notice that the related to the connection by the equation H(3)= (6.3.10) which immediately leads to the Bianchi (6.3.11) By putting all together we obtain the g(abg)) defines a and, hence, the conclusion of the lemma.6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 147 Digression 6.3.2 (H-flux andF-flux).The Dixmier-Douady class first Chern class [Fi]H2(M0,Z)are respectively called H-flux andF-flux (or geometric flux) in String Theory literature. Moreover the first Chern class which is given by the integral of [H]on a basis of the torus fibre, represents a non-trivial flux compactification of class. Remark 6.3.3 (Geometrical interpretation of fluxes) .Notice that in our framework the H-flux and the F-flux are not something one puts on the doubled space by hand (for instance by defining some 3-form on a 2d-dimensional manifold like in the usual approach), but they are natural topological properties of the geometry itself of the doubled space M. Remark 6.3.4 (Bundle gerbe curvature) .The equation for the curvature H=dB(a) under isomorphism (6.2.3)becomes which is equivalent to H(0) ijk= 0, H(1) ij= can refine the lemma 6.3.1 by explicitly writing the higher Kaluza-Klein reduction of the generalised metric. Lemma 6.3.5 (T-duality) .In the hypothesis of lemma 6.3.1 the generalised metric structure GG--O(2d+ 2n)Strucis Kaluza-Klein as a Riemannian metric, M0-BString (TnxTn)connis the bundle of lemma 6.3.1 with connection and a moduli field. Proof.We can immediately split the generalised metric GofGin a Riemannian metric g and a gerbe connection B(a)onM. Now, by using the torus connection xohm1(M,Rn), we can split these metric and gerbe connection in horizontal and vertical 6.3. Geometrisation of respectively a metric and a set of moduli fields on M0, localk-forms on patches Ua. We can do the same for the Cech cocycle the bundle a local 1-form on two-fold overlaps of patches local functions respectively on two-fold and three-fold overlaps of patches. The patching conditions of the cocycle the bundle gerbe are the ones of lemma 6.3.1. Thus the generalised metric Greduces on the base M0to: a g(2), aString a set of global moduli fields Now, we can pack these fields again as are respectively the coordinates of the fibres of the the moduli field of the generalised metric on the base manifold M0and the principal on M0. Thus we have the 6.3.6 (Interpretation of T-duality) .Notice that the higher structure which we obtain by Kaluza-Klein reducing the bundle gerbe equipped with generalised metric contains an ambiguity. This structure, indeed, can be obtained both by reducing a its the base M0, up to a gauge transformation. The fact the same in both pictures implies that we can write both H(3)= the T-dual of B(2) (a). But this means that we recover the familiar (6.3.15) Now, there is a natural group action O(n,n;Z), whose elements Oact that we recover exactly the Buscher rules. Notice that the first Chern class of space is rotated by while the component Hence the doubled torus bundle introduced by [Hul07a] is nothing but the principal we obtain by higher Kaluza-Klein reduction of the bundle gerbe Gto the base manifold M0. Notice that the connection of the String recovers a global structure as defined by [KV09].6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 149 6.3.2 Atlas that the doubled space M, i.e. the atlas of the bundle gerbe is naturally a para-Hermitian manifold. Lemma 6.3.7 .LetGP--- -- -/tildewiderM be two topological T-dual bundle gerbes. Then their atlases, respectively are related by a para-Hermitian isometry, i.e. a change of polarisation as defined by us start from the T-duality diagram of two topologically T-dual bundle gerbes. The atlas will sit on top of the diagram as /tildewidePh P p/tildewidep us consider the atlas (M,J,o)of the bundle gerbe GM. Leteiohm1(M)be the connection of the Tn-bundleMM0. As shown in [Alf20a, p.46], we can expand the local 2-form potential of the bundle gerbe in the connection a globally defined scalar moduli field on Mand, therefore, we omitted the a-index. The corresponding fundamental 2-form on the atlas Mwill (6.3.19) where we patch-wise defined the following global 1-forms on the atlas: eu= dxuei= us explicitly construct the para-Hermitian metric eof the atlas. This will globally be e(-,-) 6.3. Geometrisation of a global 2-form, the moduli field be interpreted as a global B-shift. Thus, there exists an isometry of our [MS18, p.15] given (6.3.22) By using this isometry, we forgot the moduli field and we retained only the component of the connection. Now, let the atlas of the bundle Since we started from a couple of T-dual geometric backgrounds Gand/tildewideG, we already know that the potential 2-form of the latter a global moduli field (which can be explicitly obtained by using the Buscher rules) andAi (a)uis the 1-form potential of the Tn-bundleMM0. Therefore, the fundamental 2-form will to the first bundle a global 2-form and, thus, the an isometry of the para-Hermitian metric. Now, let us call corresponding to We need to find a morphism of sf: check that it is an isometry. This is immediately the map is given by the exchange of the torus coordinates each chart and is clearly an isometry. Therefore, by composition, we obtained an isometry 6.3.8 (Buscher rules) .It is not hard to see that the Buscher the moduli field of the metric and the Kalb-Ramond field follow directly from applying the isometry of the lemma to the generalised metric, Global tensor hierarchy In this subsection we will interpret the case (6.3.1)as a simple example of tensor hierarchy. For any Lie group Glet us (M)the groupoid of onMand, for any Lie-groupH, let us callHBund (M0)the groupoid of on M0. As we have seen, we have the Global T-duality from higher geometry 151 This reads as follows: any gerbe on the total space of a is equivariant under the principal Tn-action is equivalently a String on the base manifold M0. If we forget the higher form fields, we remain with a is nothing but the correspondence space a topological T-duality. Let us make the following field redefinitions in lemma Ks(ab):= the local 1-formsAi (a)and scalars li (ab)are respectively the local potential and the transition functions of the original torus bundle MM0. The Bianchi equation of the bundle gerbe curvature, together with the Bianchi equation dF= 0of the curvature of the torus bundle can now be equivalently rewritten as dF(a)= as usual, we defined the product These are a particular case of the Bianchi equations of a particularly simple abelian tensor hierarchy. We can now rewrite all the patching conditions in the following equivalent form: F= dA(a), H= (b)= dl(ab), B(a)-B (b)= dKs 0, Ks(ab)+ Ks (bg)+ Ks (ga)= way, we explicitly expressed the connection {AI u,Bun}of the String obtained by Kaluza-Klein reduction of the bundle gerbe as a global tensor hierarchy. 6.3.4 Relation with Let us now give a brief look to the relation between our proposal and the local geometry for DFT developed by [DS18] and [DS19], that is called Extended Riemannian Geometry.152 6.4. Geometrisation of non-geometric 6.3.9 (Recovering Extended Riemannian Geometry by [DS18]) .Given a patchUM0, we can write the local algebroids of the infinitesimal symmetries of the bundle gerbe Gpulled back to the correspondence space K, on the base reduced to G the dotted maps send a doubled space Nto the manifold Nwhich describes its local symmetries, i.e. which satisfies C(N) any patch a patch UxT2nof the correspondence space Kis the structure considered by [DS18] and [DS19]. Now notice that the 0-degree space of functions on this manifold are Hence it is isomorphic to the one this isomorphism defines the projection pin the diagram. Of course these local patches can be glued to give a fibration on K. What is indeed called doubled space by the references is exactly the but equipped with this graded bundle structure. Hence Geometry can be seen as an infinitesimal description of the doubled space Mpulled back to the correspondence space K. 6.4 Geometrisation of non-geometric T-duality In this section we will relax the hypothesis of lemma 6.3.1: this time the bundle gerbe G- -Mwill not be necessarily equivariant under the principal Tn-action ofM. In the literature the case where the gerbe connection is only required to satisfy LkiB(a)= 0on each patch is called (globally) non-geometric T-duality . In terms of transition functions, the differential forms allowed to depend on the coordinates of the fibres as long as LkiB(a)= 0is satisfied. From (6.2.6)we get that the class [H(0)]is still trivial, but [H(1)]generally is not. 6.4.1 Generalised correspondence space 6.4.1 (Globally non-geometric T-duality) .LetGbe a bundle gerbe -Mis itself a principal Tn-bundleMp- -M0. Now, if the automorphisms C(M0,Tn) ofMp- -M0are lifted to isometries of the generalised metric structure, by applying reduction 6.1.3 we have the following.6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 153 (a)If we forget the higher part of the bundle gerbe Gwith connective structure, we are left with an ordinary principal Tn-bundleKMon spacetime, with first Chern class c1(K) = [p*H] = by the H-flux. Thus, we have a can be equivalently seen as an affine T2n-bundle over the base manifold M0, known in the literature as the generalised correspondence space (see digression 6.4.2). (b)The generalised metric Greduces onM0to a metric g(0), a Kalb-Ramond field Ai (a)forM, a set of global 6.4.2 (T-fold).The generalised correspondence space Kis an affine over the base manifold M0. Recall that the affine group of the torus is Aff(T2n) =GL(2n,Z)nT2nand that an affine torus bundle is defined as the associated bundle some principal spaces are a special class of affine torus bundles where the structure group is restricted where2Znencodes the monodromy. Since K has monodromy there is no well-defined torus can be seen as the T-dual to the starting M-M0. In fact we could perform T-duality on each patch UaofM, but we would obtain a collection of patches which cannot be glued together. In DFT literature this object has been named T-fold. Morally speaking we would have a diagram generalising (6.3.3) of the form K M the dotted arrows are not actual maps between spaces, but only indicative ones. Since there is no well defined dual manifold, this T-duality has no underlying . We will explain what are the differential data of this kind of T-duality in remark 6.4.5. Proof of lemma 6.4.1. The assumption that the automorphisms of Mp- -M0are Iso(G,G) =C(M0,Tn), 0154 6.4. Geometrisation of non-geometric T-duality on the fundamental vectors. This assures a closed 2-form we can define on each patch the local connection 1-forms for this (6.4.4) We will closely follow [BHM07] for the next calculations. In the reference it is proven that these 1-forms are indeed patched like the connection of a Tn-bundle principal connection Ksohm1(K,Rn)of the generalised correspondence space K-M seen as aTn-bundle over Mis then Ksi:= (6.4.6) If in analogy with geometric T-duality we define the local differential this cannot clearly be globalised. Since we know that H(1)is a closed 1-form onM0, i.e. dH(1)= 0, this will define a Cech cocycle with patching conditions H(1)= On the other hand the principal connection x= onM. Therefore from get the patching the monodromy matrix of the dual torus fibres. Hence Kis equivalently an affine torus T2n-bundle on the base manifold M0. The affine transitions functions can be written as (6.4.9) It has been also proven by [BHM07] that the horizontal components of B(a)are Global T-duality from higher geometry 155 on two-fold overlaps, while on three-fold overlaps the on four-fold overlaps the local functions patched is clear that (l(ab),g(abg))is not the local data of a gerbe. Finally, a global the generalised correspondence space will be of the form patched as we have an affine we find the conclusion of the lemma. Notice that in the particular case of a trivial class [H(1)] = 0we haven(ab)= 0and hence we recover exactly the global geometric case discussed in the previous section. Remark 6.4.3 (H-flux and the F-flux are still respectively the Dixmier-Douady class [H]and the first Chern class [F]. However in this case the H-flux compactification on 1-cycles be seen as a first Chern class on the base manifold M0like in the previous section, but it is a cohomology Notice the geometric F-flux can be also seen as a class Moreover the integration of the Dixmier-Douady class [H]along 2-cycles the fibre is now non-trivial and it is given by the integral cohomology us now generalize our discussion to the less simple case (but still abelian) of spacetime being a torus bundle with 6.4.4 (Torus bundle with monodromy) .Let us now generalize our torus -M0to a torus bundle with monodromy given by the matrix nF (ab)2Zn. This can be seen as a cohomology class that we have the we can update the F-flux in remark 6.4.3 by adding the monodromy class to the curvature to obtain the class Now, by looking at (6.4.8), we can generalize the patching conditions of the generalised correspondence (6.4.12)156 6.4. Geometrisation of non-geometric the monodromy matrix given by the H-flux the one given by the F-flux Hence the space K-M0will be an affine torus bundle patched by in the overlaps UaUbM0, as found by [HR09]. Remark 6.4.5 to the previous section, we can still write our moduli fields of the Kaluza-Klein reduction by using the generalised metric as still have a natural O(n,n;Z)group action, whose elements Oact as now the O(n,n)-moduli fieldG(0) (a)is not globally defined on the base manifold M0. This means that by applying a general we obtain new differential in general cannot be interpreted anymore as a Tn-bundle with gerbe connection. Only a transformation belonging to the send a background consisting of gerbe connection to another one consisting of a gerbe notice that the transition functions (6.4.12)are not closed under O(n,n;Z)- action on the torus fibre, but only under its geometric subgroup. Hence if we want for the non-geometric T-duals need to introduce the Q-flux which encodes T- folds. Remark 6.4.6 (Q-flux).We can perform a general of the transition functions (6.4.8)to the correspondence space KM0to obtain the following new ones (6.4.13) Notice we have a new monodromy matrix nQij (ab), which patches the hence it is a cohomology class. Therefore the dual background has a new flux, which we call locally non-geometric flux or justQ-flux, given by the cohomology The Cech cocycle of the Q-flux is then by the moduli the dual of the original moduli field B(0) (a).6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 157 Let us resume everything in a familiar example. If we start from a background with only a H-flux we perform a T-duality along the i-th circleS1 iof the torus fibre we get a background with F-flux the dual If now we perform another T-duality along the j-th circleS1 jwe end up with non-trivial Q-flux the dual torus the fibre. This argument can be condensed in the following commuting anyB-shift, transformations which preserve the respective fluxes. Remark 6.4.7 (Geometrical interpretation of fluxes) .We remark again that the H-flux, the geometric flux and the locally non geometric flux are not put on the doubled space by hand like in the usual approaches, but they are topological properties of the bundle Atlas formulation We identified the isometries of our atlas (M,J,o )with changes of polarisation, i.e. with changes of T-duality frame. However, in general, it is not be possible to identify the image an isometry with the atlas of another bundle gerbe. In general, we can also obtain an almost para-complex is not integrable. In this case, the background described by the transformed atlas then, a non-geometric background. For example, consider a bundle gerbe GMsuch that (1) its base MM0is aTn- bundle with connection eiand (2) its 2-form potential satisfies the equation LkiB(a)= 0158 6.4. Geometrisation of non-geometric T-duality for vector fields kidual toei. Thus, we have a T-duality of the form M GxMK G the dotted arrows are not actual maps, but just qualitative relations. 6.4.3 T-fold as global tensor hierarchy In this subsection we will briefly explain the global geometry of a T-fold, which is obtained by dimensionally reducing a bundle gerbe on a torus bundle spacetime. Then we will explain how the geometric structure underlying the T-fold can be naturally interpreted as a particular case of the global tensor hierarchies we defined. Crucially, these cannot be obtained by gauging the algebra of local tensor hierarchies from chapter 4. This will give practical motivation to the definition of the previous subsection. The generalised correspondence space of T-duality. Let us start from the Tn- bundleMM0, whose total space Mis equipped with a Riemannian metric gand gerbe structure with curvature Hohm3 cl(M). In the following we will use the underlined notation for the fields living on the total space M. We can now use the principal the torus bundle to expand metric gand curvature Hin horizontal and vertical components respect to the fibration. We will (6.4.18) where we can choose globally defined differential forms which are pullbacks from base manifold M0, so that they do not depend on the torus that the differential data of a bundle gerbe on Mwith curvature Hohm3 cl(M)is em- bodied by a Cech the following patching conditions: H= dL(ab), L(ab)+ L(bg)+ L(ga)= Global T-duality from higher geometry 159 Now, on patches and two-fold overlaps of patches of a good cover of Mwe can use the connection of the torus bundle to split the differential local data of the connection of the gerbe in horizontal and vertical part too. We L(1) (ab)+ Bianchi identity of the gerbe on the total space Mreduces to the base M0as follows: dH= 0 ==
dH(0) ijk= 0,(6.4.21) where danddare respectively the exterior derivative on the total space Mand on the base manifold M0. Analogously, the expression of the curvature of bundle gerbe on local patches becomes H= (6.4.22) wherei=/thiis the derivative respect to the i-th coordinate of the torus fibre. The patching conditions of the connection 2-form on two-fold overlaps of patches are as dL(1) (ab)+ the patching conditions of the 1-forms on three-fold overlaps of patches become L(ab)+ L(bg)+ L(ga)= L(0) (bg)i+ L(1) (bg)+ L(1) (ga)= dg(abg). The tensor hierarchy of a T-fold. To show that this geometric structure we obtained from the reduction of the bundle gerbe is a particular case of global tensor hierarchy, let160 6.4. Geometrisation of non-geometric T-duality us make the following redefinitions to match with the notation we used in chapter 4: FI (a):=
di j Ks(ab):= the local 1-formsAi (a)and scalars li (ab)are respectively the local potential and the transition functions of the original torus bundle MM0. Since our fields are assumed to be strong constrained, we well have simply DI= (0, i)withi=/thion The Bianchi equation (6.4.21)of the gerbe curvature, together with the Bianchi equation dF= 0of the curvature of the torus bundle can now be equivalently rewritten as dF(a)= 0,(6.4.25) which are a particular case of the Bianchi equations of a tensor hierarchy. We can now rewrite all the patching conditions in the following equivalent form: F(a)= dA(a)+DB(a), H= (b)= (b)= dKs Ks (bg)+ Ks (ga)= at first look, appears a particular (and strong constrained) case of the global tensor hierarchy in (4.7.26). However we will see in the following that it is not completely the case. This will motivate more the identification of a T-fold with an element of THTn sc(M0). It is well-known that, to be T-dualizable, the string background we started with must satisfy the T-duality condition LiH= 0on the curvature of the bundle gerbe. From now on we will assume a simple solution for this equation: the invariance of under the torus action. In other words we will require LiB(a)= 0, but the data L(ab),g(abg)of the gerbe are still allowed to depend on the Notice that this immediately implies that F(a)= dA(a)in equation (6.4.26).6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 161 Topology of the tensor hierarchy of a T-fold. Now it is important to show that the not in general the curvature of a T2n-bundle on the base manifold M0. To see this let us split FI (a)= We can see that [(p*H)i] (6.4.27) Notice that the inequality (6.4.27)becomes an equality if and only if H(1)is an exact form on the base manifold M0, as we have seen. In this case we would have H(0)= 0 andH(1)= dB(0), whereB(0)would be a global 2Rn-valued scalar on M0, which indeed implies [dB(0) ijxj] =-[B(0) ijFj]. As explained in the previous section, this particular case corresponds to geometric T-duality , which is the case where the T-dual spacetime is a well-defined manifold and not a non-geometric T-fold. Thus geometric T-duality is exactly the special case where FI (a)is the curvature of a T2n-bundle on M0. But what is the geometric picture for a T-fold? In the T-fold case, as we have seen, we can think about [p*H]H2(M0,Zn)as the curvature of a Tn-bundleKMover the total spacetime M. The total space K is called generalised correspondence space . K c1(K) = [p*H], M = [F]. M0 BTnp(6.4.28) Now the picture of the doubled torus bundle holds only locally on UaxT2nfor each patchUaM0. Now, if we call collectively the fibre T2n, we can construct the Ehresmann connection of any local doubled torus bundle (6.4.29) The geometrical meaning of the curvature being at every patch the curvature of the local torus bundle UaxT2n, even if these ones are not globally glued to be a Tn-bundle on M0. This corresponds indeed to the well-known fact that a non-geometry is a global property . In fact we can always perform geometric T-duality if we restrict ourselves on any local patch: the problem is that all these will in general not glue together. As derived by [BHM07] and more recently by [NW19], T-folds are characterised by a monodromy matrix which is a collection of an anti-symmetric integer- valued matrix n(ab)at each two-fold overlap of patches, satisfying the cocycle 0on each three-fold overlap of patches. The monodromy matrix cocycle is nothing but the gluing data for the local B(0) (a)moduli fields, i.e. it encodes162 6.4. Geometrisation of non-geometric each two-fold overlap of patches. This arises from equation (6.4.23)combined with the T-dualizability condition LiB(a). The consequence of the presence of the monodromy matrix cocycle is that the local connections (6.4.29) are glued on two-fold overlaps of patches (6.4.30) This immediately comes from the definition of these connections in equation this immediately implies that the curvature is glued by the monodromy matrix cocycle too (6.4.31) In this sense, a T-fold is patched by a cocycle in the instead, we want to look at the T-fold as a globally defined Chern class [p*H]H2(M,Zn), we can easily construct its connection by noticing that the following 1-form is global on the total space Kof the (6.4.32) We can thus define the global (6.4.33) whose first ncomponents are just the pullback of connection Ksi=xiof whose last ncomponents Ksiare the wanted connection of the space KM. As desired, the differential dKsionKgives the pullback onKof the globally-defined curvature toF(a), the moduli field G(a)IJof the generalised metric is not a global O(n,n)- valued scalar on the base manifold M0, but it is glued on two-fold overlaps of patches Ua UbM0by the integer B-shifts encoded by the monodromy matrix n(ab)of the T-fold (6.4.34) Only the 3-form fieldHof the tensor hierarchy, as we have seen, is a globally defined (but not closed) differential form on the base manifold M0. T-duality on the tensor hierarchy of a T-fold. Given any element OO(n,n;Z) of the T-duality group, we can see that there is a natural action on the local 2ncoordinates of the torus by on the fields of the tensor hierarchy (6.4.35) If we include also the dimensionally reduced global metric gonM0, we can sum how the fields transform under T-duality in the table 6.1.6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 6.3: The gluing conditions on the T2nfibres and the fields F(a),G(a)for a simple T-fold. Fields under rep. Fundamental rep. Adjoint rep. g,B(a) 6.1: A summary of the fields transforming under together with the torus coordinates, this will transform our monodromy matrix cocycle (en(ab))I Jto a but, since the fields depend only on the physical coordinates, the global geometric interpretation in the space does not change. On the other hand, if we want an intrinsic and non-doubled description of the T-dual string backgrounds, as explained by [BP09], we obtain a non-commutative is classified by the its base manifold. We can finally summarize these two equivalent descriptions within the table 6.2.164 6.5. Geometrisation of general abelian T-duality T-fold Tensor hierarchy description of the spacetime of the tensor hierarchy are manifestTopology Related by a eB(0) (a)-twist on each patch Table 6.2: A brief summary of the two descriptions for the T-fold. T-fold as global tensor hierarchy. There is an important subtlety in this discussion: the most general tensor hierarchy of the T-fold does not arise by gauging the tensor hierarchy 2-algebra. This means that the tensor hierarchy of the T-fold is not a higher gauge theory on M0. This is due to the presence of the monodromy matrix cocycle n(ab), which glues the curvatures by which is not a of the connection. Thus the most general global formalisation of the tensor hierarchy of a T-fold must then be given by the dimensional reduction of a bundle gerbe, i.e. by a diagram of the form THTn sc(M0) BTn
. (6.4.36) 6.5 Geometrisation of general abelian T-duality Until now we investigated simple examples of T-dualities. In this section we want to give some insight of the general case by starting from a result by [BHM07]. In the we assumed the invariance of the gerbe connection under the principal torus action. This condition can be immediately relaxed by requiring just LkiH= 0and hence that the connection gauge transforms like LkiB(a)= de(a)for some local 1-forme(a)under it. Lemma 6.5.1 (Bundle gerbe with Tn-invariant curvature) .It was proven by [BHM07] that the principal Tn-action onMcan be lifted to a Tn-action on a gerbe with Tn-invariant6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 165 curvature. The local data of this action on a good cover {Ua}forMare given by a collection of patches, of functions two-fold overlaps of patches and of constants c(abg)Rnon three-fold overlaps of patches which satisfy LkiB(a)= can seeLkiH= 0as the curvature of a flat bundle gerbe on Mfor any i= 1,...,n. Therefore, we can obtain the gluing conditions for the differential equation (3.4.43). Notice that the cohomology class be interpreted as the flat holonomy class (definition 3.4.29) of this flat bundle gerbe. The case in which the bundle gerbe connection simply satisfies LkiB(a)= 0on each patch Uais clearly a particular case of the general case (6.5.1). Remark 6.5.2 (Underlying generalised vector) .If the holonomy class [c(abg)]is trivial, then the collection (ki, e(ab)i, e(a)i)is exactly the Cech data of a section of the stack TGof the form (5.5.14)from lemma 5.5.13. If we reparametrize the scalars by to lemma 5.5.13 we get the local data of a global this is an application where our global definition of doubled vector (see lemma 5.5.13), which is equipped with scalars ^ei (ab)on two-fold overlaps of patches, is indis- pensable. Indeed global differential T-duality is formalised in terms of our definition 5.5.15), but not of the usual from Generalised 6.5.3 (Fundamental generalised vector) .The principal torus action on M induces a Lie algebra homomorphism u(1)n-X(M)which maps an element of the algebra to a fundamental vector ki. Thus this can be lifted to a Lie 2-algebra maps an element of the algebra in a generalised vector ki:= where kiis the fundamental vector of the action u(1)n-X(M)and the local data defined by conditions (6.5.1)with redefinition remark 6.5.2. It is easy to check that Jki,kjK= 0fori,j= 6.5.4 (Killing generalised vector) .A generalised vector kis Killing if Jk,eIK=
0. We will use the symbol iso(G,G)at(M)for the sub- 2-algebra of Killing .166 6.5. Geometrisation of general abelian T-duality Lemma 6.5.5 (General T-duality on the doubled space) .There exists a first Chern class c1(K) = [p*H] = and only if the fundamental generalised vectors {ki}of the principal Tn-action on lemma 6.5.1 we get the patching conditions for the closed = + + are precisely the Cech data for a principal Tn-bundle on Mif and only if c(abg)i 2pZ. If the fundamental generalised vectors {ki}are Killing, then ordinary vectors {ki}
are Killing respect to the ordinary metric g, i.e.Lkig= 0. Also the flat gerbes defined by LkiH= 0in lemma 6.5.1 are trivial, which is equivalent to the fact that the flat holonomy classes [cabgi]are trivial. This means that the local data (6.5.3)define aTn-bundle and hence the 6.5.6 (Generalised correspondence space) .From the proof of lemma 6.5.5 we obtain the Cech data of a principal Tn-bundleK-M, which we call space . This has first Chern global by Ksi:= we called its local fibre coordinates we split and vertical components. Again the picture (6.4.2) holds: K TnM that generalised vectors are infinitesimal automorphisms of the doubled space. Notice that Killing generalised vectors iso(G,G)are infinitesimal isometries of the doubled space and therefore they can be integrated to finite isometries of the generalised metric structure (remark 5.4.11), i.e. to elements of Iso(G,G) integrating lemma 6.5.5 we get the following statement. Lemma 6.5.7 c1(K) = [p*H] = and only if any automorphism in C(M0, Tn)of spacetime Mp- -M0is lifted to an isometry in Iso(G,G)of the doubled space.6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 167 Figure 6.4: Generalised correspondence space Kis defined by Killing generalised vectors. More generally this suggests that the presence of finite isometries of the doubled space implies T-duality . Therefore again the generalised correspondence space Kis inside the total space of the doubled space, and it is well-defined whenever the bundle gerbe with generalised metric has an isometry. Remark 6.5.8 (Physical interpretation of general T-duality conditions) .The holonomy of the gerbe is nothing but a global expression for the action of 2piSWZ(S) := Hol (6.5.6) Then the holonomy of the gerbe of lemma 6.5.1 is the global variation of the 2pidjSWZ(S) := Hol (6.5.7) This needs to vanish for any closed surface SMto make the background even if para-Hermitian geometry cannot geometrize the whole gerbe data, it is enough to encode the data of the generalised correspondence space. Similarly to the previ- ous section the para-Hermitian T2n-fibre is non-trivially fibrated over the base manifold M. After digression 5.5.24 we will now highlight another analogy between doubled geometry and higher geometric quantisation, this time regarding the conditions for a general 6.5.9 (A formal similarity with 2-plectic geometry) .In [Rog11] and (M,o )ispresented, wherethe non-degenerate and closed. In the references the 2-algebra of -ohm1 Ham(U)on a patch UMis defined. Notice this is a sub- 2-algebra Hence the stackification on Mof this 2-algebra of Hamiltonian forms will be a sub- 2-algebra of H(M,BU(1)conn)of circle bundles curv(L) (6.5.8) for some vector XLX(M)that we will call Hamiltonian vector field of L. If we interpret our background (M,H )as a2-plectic manifold we can see that the T-duality condition ikiH= curv(K)i (6.5.9)168 6.6. Geometrisation of non-abelian T-duality is formally identical to (6.5.8), where the curvature of the space K-Mfrom remark 6.5.6. Therefore we can reformulate the conditions for T-duality in the language of Higher Prequantum Geometry as follows: to have T-duality the fundamental vector fields {ki}of the bundle Mp- -M0must be both Killing and Hamiltonian. 6.6 Geometrisation of non-abelian T-duality In this section we will briefly deal with non-abelian T-duality, to show that it is encompassed in our formalism. This means that in the following discussion we can drop at once the assumptions that [H(0)] = 0and that spacetime is an abelian principal bundle. Let us assume that the spacetime Mis a principal G-bundle over a smooth base BGp (6.6.1) The bundle gerbe G- -Mmust now be reduced by a composition of an Higher Kaluza- Klein reduction from Gto its baseMand an ordinary non-abelian Kaluza-Klein its base M0. See the following pullback diagram for the total BG , (6.6.2) The curvature 3-form of the doubled space can as usual be expanded in the xohm1(M,g)of we can define the usual 2-form dual curvature Therefore we obtain the following 2-form curvature on spacetime M Fi= assume that there is a non-abelian group of isometries of the generalised metric space Iso(G,G) = by the group of automorphisms of the G-bundle Mp- -M0. We will see that in this case the generalised correspondence space will spacetime, where we defined n:=dimG. Let us expand the differential data of the doubled dL(1) (ab)+ L(0)i (ab)Fi+ Global T-duality from higher geometry 169 where a new final vertical term appears respect to the abelian case. Now, to hugely simplify the discussion, let us assume that (L(ab), G(abg)) equivariant structure under the principal G-action on M. The patching dL(ab)-ek ij/tildewidefabk, B(1) (b)i-B(1) (a)i= the curvature of the principal G-bundle and where we called analogy with the abelian case. On three-fold overlaps we have the simple patching can define the spacetime, which must be patched by the 1-forms(6.6.5) dL(0) abi+ the simple case where the doubled space is equivariant under the principal G-action we only dL(0) (ab)+ [x,L(0) (ab)], which can be written Dxis the covariant derivative defined by the connection xohm1(M,g). The Ksohm1(K,R3)on the non-abelian generalised correspondence space KM, seen as a torus Tn-bundle on spacetime M, will be the usual 1-form Ks = Accordingto can be solved by scalars depending only on the base manifold Ua, whereth(a)is a local coordinate of the fibre Gand the coordinates of the linear Rnfibre of the local principal bundles UaxRnwith local Remark 6.6.1 (Non-abelian T-fold) .The concept of non-abelian T-fold was for S3in [Bug19]. We will directly generalize this idea to a G-bundle spacetime, in analogy with the abelian T-fold. The non-abelian T-dual space will necessarily have a170 6.6. Geometrisation of non-abelian locally non-geometric Q-flux, which implies it will be a T-fold. We then have a again, like for abelian T-fold, the arrows on the right side are not actual maps between actual spaces, but they are only indicative. This is because the similarly to its abelian version, can only be geometrised inside the 6.6.2 (Recovering the usual formulation of non-abelian T-duality) .We use local connections of respectively UaxGandUaxRn. In this basis we must then write the moduli field G(0) (a)of the generalised metric by using the moduli field of the Kalb-Ramond field B(0) (a)ij. Now we can express non-abelian T-duality as the following encodes the shift Therefore the non-abelian T-dual of the moduli field of the generalised metric in this basis will local components be the local data of the non-abelian T-fold. We will now explore a simple example of background which has non-abelian 6.6.3 (3-sphere bundle) .Let us consider an S3-bundle spacetime given by the sequence of manifolds Recall that H3(S3,Z)~=Z, by a single integer. For simplicity let us assume the doubled space is trivial with Dixmier-Douady class [H] = 0. Even if the gerbe structure is trivial on the 3-sphere fibre, in contrast with the abelian case, the moduli fields B(0) (a)are not globally the connections will be patched on two-fold overlaps the transition functions for the dual torus the monodromy matrix of these coordinates will be given 0 . (6.6.16)6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 171 Hence actually the R3fibres are not non-compact, but they are glued as a Differently from its abelian counterpart, notice that in the non-abelian T-fold the monodromy matrix is in general not constant. Now let us write the locally defined moduli fieldG(0) (a)of the reduction of the generalised metric to the base manifold M0. We will suppress few indices, by defining b:=S3B(0) (a), so we can 0-b3b2 -b1b2 1 0-b1 -b1b3-b2b3 1 +b2 1+b2 2-b2b1 0 0 b3-b2 1 0 0 -b3 0 b1 0 1 0 b2-b1 0 0 0 1 (6.6.17) where the metric is just the round metric of the 3-sphere. Let us call dual of the full B(0) (a)moduli field. Now we can perform the T-duality (0 1 1 0)to obtain the non-abelian T-dual generalised metric moduli 0 0 0 B3-B2 0 1 0 -B3 0 B1 0 0 1 B2-B1 0 0-B3B21 0-B1-B1B2 1 0-B1B3-B2B3 1 the non-abelian T-dual background takes the following familiar 0-B1 -B2B1 0 .(6.6.19) The new local metric and Kalb-Ramond field will be respectively and indeed they cannot be patched globally on the base 6.6.4 (Twisted torus bundle) .In the case of the twisted torus bundle whereGis a twisted torus with dim(G)>2, we recover the general commuting172 6.6. Geometrisation of non-abelian of T-dualities by [Bug19] along any circle of the fibre, us now give a quick final look to the general case. Remark 6.6.5 (General non-abelian case) .In the general case, where we require just dei (a), analogously to its abelian version, we obtain a connection a principal Tn-bundle over spacetime Mby Ksi= /parenleftbige(0) (a)ij-B(0) (a)ij/parenrightbigxj(6.6.21) wheree(a)i=e(1) (a)i+e(0) (a)ijxjis split in horizontal and vertical part. Again the (ki+e(a)i, e(ab)i)are Killing and hence therefore can be integrated to of the doubled space in Non-abelian T-fold as global tensor hierarchy In this subsection we will consider (1) a spacetime which is a general some base manifold M0and (2) a gerbe bundle MMwith satisfies the condition LeiB(a)= 0, whereB(a)is the gerbe connection and {ei}are a basis ofSU(2)-left invariant vectors on spacetime M. As seen in the previous subsection the dimensional reduction of these gerbe contains a global bundle K, the generalised correspondence space, defined by the following diagram: K M BT3 M0 Global T-duality from higher geometry 173 This case is often called semi-abelian , because spacetime is a principal fibration whose alge- bra has non-zero structure constants [ei, but the dual 0vanish. From calculations which are analogous to the ones for the abelian T-fold we find that the moduli of the flux are related to the moduli of the Kalb-Ramond field by Di=Lei. Also notice that the moduli of the is patched on overlaps of patches by This will be useful very soon. We must now apply all the machinery from the to this particular example.
*We can combine the pullback on Kof the global connection of the the global connection of the T3-bundleKMin a single object (6.6.23)
*Now we can consider a local patch UaM0of the base manifold. The total on this local patch will be isomorphic to local bundles can be equipped with local (6.6.24) As derived in [Alf20a, pag.61], these local connections are glued on two-fold overlaps of patches a cocycle of B-shifts of the we defined the matrix Notice that the we imposed on the gerbe implies that n(ab)ijis a2Z3-valued Cech to the monodromy matrix cocycle appearing in the abelian T-fold. As we will explain later, these are the local connection used in most of the non- abelian T-duality literature (before the introduction of Drinfel'd doubles). As noticed by [Bug19, pag.13] they look very similar to an abelian T-fold, but with the monodromy depending on the coordinates via the term However we will see that it is better to construct and use proper local D-connections to make the tensor hierarchy really manifest.
*Now we must use the fact that the adjoint action of by setting Thus we can construct the local connection for each local the local 6.6. Geometrisation of non-abelian this new 1-form is invariant under gauge transformation the original gerbe bundle on M, with gauge parameter this gives a proper local connection for the internal rising from the vertical part of the dimensional reduction of the bundle gerbe. To verify that the 1-form(6.6.26)is a proper connection we need to verify that the actually the pullback of a 1-form from the base Ua. Since for D=SU(2)nT3we havebij= 0, the first component Ai=Aiis just the local potential of theSU(2)-bundle. To check the second let us notice that the T- dualizability condition LeiB(a)= 0on the gerbe immediately implies Lei(B(1) (a)kxk) = 0. Now notice that, since the matrix the adjoint action of the inverse it must be equal to the exponential of the matrix Therefore Ua. The field strengths of these principal connections is then given by their covariant derivative F(a)= (6.6.27) In components of the generators of the algebra d, these assume the following form: Fi (a)= we need to find out now is how these local D-bundles are globally glued together. We can immediately see that the global connections of the generalised encoded in the global 1-form KsIare related to the local a local patch-wise B-shiftUI (a)Jof the following form: KsI=
di j crucially, depends both on the physical and on the extra coordinates. The geometric flux is here just given by the structure constants Thus from this expression we immediately get that the wanted patching condition on twofold overlaps of patches the abelian case, the monodromy cocycle en(ab)Aut(D;Z)is automorphism of the Drinfel'd double . The interesting point is that semi- abelian T-folds are still glued by integer B-shifts, similarly to the abelian ones, if we consider local D-bundles. Consequently the curvatures are glued the expected transition functions of the As usual, if we want to include also the higher form field of which characterizes a tensor hierarchy H= will be a globally defined, but not closed, 3-form on the base manifold.6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 175 Non-abelian T-duality in the literature. We will now explain how the conven- tional non-abelian T-duality picture we are used in the literature, see for and [Bug19, pag.13], emerges and is clarified. Usually, in the literature, (1) we start from the moduli field of the Kalb-Ramond field of Then (2) we perform a shift which depends on the dual Finally (3) we perform the proper inversion of the matrix of the moduli field (6.6.32) to obtain the non-abelian T-dual Kalb-Ramond the role of the connection is now played by the local which are nothing but the last three components of (6.6.24). As we know, these connections are not globally defined and hence, as already observed in [Bug19, pag.13], we obtain a particular T-fold. If we explicit the transition we consider the simplest case with n(ab)= 0, we indeed notice that the glue the to the transformations were firstly illustrated by [Bug19, pag.13] for S3. However these operations and their underlying geometry can be better understood in terms of local D-bundlesUaxD. This is because, as seen in equation (6.6.29), the effective moduli field of the Kalb-Ramond field is the sum T-duality is nothing but an automorphism of the fibre D. As we have shown, working by leads to the simpler patching conditions (6.6.26), than the ones (6.6.25) that are obtained by analogy with abelian T-folds. The geometric case: the global String When our equivariant under the principal SU(2)-action ofM, we get that the flux is just the monodromy matrix cocycle n(ab)= 0vanishes. This means that the local D-bundlesUaxDare glued together to form a global D- bundle on the base manifold M0. If we include also the higher form field H, we will have a global String (D)-bundle on the base manifold M0. In other words we have the following equivalence of we called (M)the2-groupoid of of String on the baseM0. For example, we can look at the case where both our spacetime M=M0xS3is a and our gerbe bundle MMis topologically trivial with vanishing Dixmier- Douady class [H] = 0H3(M,Z). In this case we obtain a trivially-fibred space K=M0xDwith doubled fibre D=SU(2)nT3. Consequently the global tensor hierarchy rising from the dimensional reduction of this trivial gerbe will be just the connection of the trivial principal -bundleM0xString (D)M0.176 6.7. Geometrisation of Poisson-Lie T-duality 6.7 Geometrisation of Poisson-Lie T-duality In this section we will briefly deal with the generalised correspondence space T-duality in our framework. See [Has17] for an introduction of in Double Field Theory. Let spacetime be a principal G-bundleMp- -M0. Let us assume that the funda- mental vector fields {ki} X(M)are Killing, i.e. Lkig= 0, but such that the gerbe connection a local g*-valued 1-form on the total spacetime the commutator of some Lie algebra /tildewidegwhose underlying vector space is g*. Notice that this implies that the automorphisms to the G-bundle are not lifted to isometries of the doubled space, i.e. However these transformations defy the isometry in a very controlled way. The equation (6.7.1)implies be seen as the curvature of a with Lie(/tildewideG) =/tildewideg, indeed we the generalised correspondence space K-Mwill be a Notice we the connection of the G-bundleM. Hence it can be interpreted as the a global 1-form connection a choice of local sections s(a). Remark 6.7.1 (Q-flux).Hence we have both the geometric flux F(0)k ij:=ek ij, given by the bracket [-,-]g, and locally non-geometric flux given by the We will see now that this means that we have a Manin triple of Lie can be integrated to a Drinfel'd double 6.7.2 (Poisson-Lie T-fold) .Now the generalised correspondence space Kwill be a on spacetime Mwith connection 1-form a canonical local trivialisation of given by s(a)and the left-invariant Maurer-Cartan form on/tildewideG. Locally the space Kwill be given by patches of the form UaxDwhereUais a patch ofM0and the group a Drinfel'd double. In the special case pull-back of a local 1-form on the base manifold M0, then we have a proper principal6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 177 D-bundle on M0, otherwise the patching conditions will be more complicated. We have the following the dotted arrows are again not actual maps, but they are only 6.7.3 (Recovering abelian and non-abelian T-duality) .Notice that in the particular case of a Drinfel'd double recover exactly abelian in the particular case of a Drinfel'd double D=T*G~=Gn RdimGwith recover exactly the non-abelian T-duality of the previous section. 6.7.1 Poisson-Lie T-folds as non-abelian global tensor T-duality is a generalisation of abelian T-duality for string backgrounds whose group of isometries is non-abelian. Poisson-Lie T-duality is a further generalisation of this concept where the string background is not even required to have isometries, but which relies on the existence of a more subtle rigid group structure. See [BPV20] for discussion of Poisson-Lie T-duality of a s-model in a group manifold and [Has17; HLR19; DHT19a] for discussion of Poisson-Lie T-duality in DFT. For recent applications concerning the Drinfel'd double SL(2,C) SB (2,C)see [Bas+19; Vit19; BP20]. In this subsection we will introduce the notion of Poisson-Lie T-fold and we will show that it can be formalised by our definition of global tensor hierarchy. The generalised correspondence space of Poisson-Lie T-duality. As we have just seen, a bundle gerbe on a Tn-bundle spacetime p:MM0is abelian so thatp*Hbecomes the curvature of a generalised correspondence space. In the simplest case we examined, we had (p*H)i= d(-ieiB(a)), which global connection 1-form of the bundle K. Now we want to study the generalisation of this from abelian T- duality to Poisson-Lie T-duality. We say that a bundle gerbe GMon aG-bundle spacetime p:MM0is if p*His the curvature of some Lie group with the same dimension Here, (p*)i=iei, a basis of vectors on M. In the simple case we examined, this implies that (p*H)i= d(-ieiB(a)) the structure constants of the Lie algebra Notice that the local 1-form-ieiB(a)is now the local potential of a non-abelian principal bundle. In178 6.7. Geometrisation of Poisson-Lie with abelian T-duality we call the total space Kthegeneralised of the Poisson-Lie T-duality. Therefore we have a diagram of the following form: K M B/tildewideG M0 the composition KM0is a fibre bundle on M0with but it is not a principal bundle. However, for any good cover {Ua}of the base manifold M0, the total space Kwill be still locally of the form hidden Drinfel'd double fibre. The generalised correspondence space K, on any patch Uaof the base manifold M0, can be restricted to a local trivial For the fibre Gx/tildewideGwe can introduced the parametrisation local coordinates on the group the identity element. Now, on each trivial local can construct the following local differential we called Here we used the vector notation for elements of g/tildewideg. Notice that this is a local 1-form for our local bundle the global connection data of the generalised correspondence space Kis given by the connection of the G-bundleMM0and the one of KM. We can combine them in a global 1-form on the total space Kas follows Ks :=
g-1 (a)dg(a)+ (6.7.8) The relation between the global 1-form Ksencoding the global connection data of the generalised correspondence space and the local s given by Ks (6.7.9) We can rewrite the relation by making the generators the algebra (6.7.10)6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 179 where the matrix defined by the adjoint action the its algebra /tildewidegand depends only on the local us not introduce the concept of Drinfel'd double A Drinfel'd double D is defined as an even-dimensional Lie group whose Lie algebra d=Lie(D)has we can write its Lie algebra in the split form where gis the by the generators the subalgebra generated by the We can also write whereGis the Lie group integrating the one integrating /tildewideg. Notice that the manifold underlying the Drinfel'd double groupD=G the same manifold underlying the direct product Gx/tildewideG, but it crucially comes equipped with a different Lie group structure. Now let us choose the Drinfel'd double D=G where we are still calling coordinates on the product manifold Gx/tildewideG. As explained by [Hul07b], the adjoint action of the the Lie algebra dof the full Drinfel'd double specified on the generators by the following (6.7.12) where the submatrices only on the local coordinates skew-symmetric. Similarly, the adjoint action of the subgroup Gon the Lie algebra dis given on generators (6.7.13) where this time the matrices only on the local coordinates of Gandb(a)is that we are parametrising the points of our local bundle was shown by [HR09] that on each Dfibre the Maurer-Cartan 1-form is given the Maurer-Cartan 1-form on the subgroup the one on/tildewideG. If we write the Maurer-Cartan 1-form in terms of the generators of the Drinfel'd double we (6.7.15)180 6.7. Geometrisation of Poisson-Lie T-duality Now, on our local bundle K|Ua~=UaxD, we can define the following local d-valued (6.7.16) by requiring the the local connections defined in (6.7.7). This 1-form can be seen as aD-connection (not necessarily principal) on each local bundle UaxD. In terms of generators of the Drinfel'd double we have the (6.7.18) From equation (6.7.17)combined with the identity can get an explicit expression for the local collectively the generators of d. We find that the relation between A(a)and the potential Ai (a)and the component B(1) (a)iof the Kalb-Ramond field the Drinfel'd double Dis an abelian group we immediately recover the usual abelian 1-form potentials the abelian T-fold. We can now combine equation (6.7.10)with equation (6.7.17)to find the relation 1-form KsI, encodingtheglobalconnectiondataofthegeneralised, and the local D-bundle connection in (6.7.19). The relation is thus given as (6.7.20) where we defined the following (6.7.21) which generally depends on both the local the fibres. Now we must calculate its inverse matrix and (6.7.22) Finally we can define a Cech cocycle which is given on two-fold overlaps of patches (6.7.23)6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 181 We can calculate this matrix and we can finally write the patching conditions for our local D-bundle connections the cocycle N(ab)represents the obstruction of the generalised Kfrom being a global D-bundle on the base manifold M0. In physical terms this means that, whenever the cocycle N(ab)is non-trivial, the Poisson-Lie T-dual spacetime is not a geometric background, but a T-fold . This is directly analogous to how the abelian T-fold rises from the generalised correspondence space not being (see previous if we include the higher form field, we have that the cocycle N(ab)is also the obstruction of the bundle gerbe Gfrom being equivalent to a global String onM0. This observation is the key to understand how the tensor hierarchy of the Poisson-Lie T-fold is globalised on the base manifold. In the next part of the subsection, like we did for the abelian T-fold, we will compare this structure with the one emerging by gauging the algebra of tensor hierarchies we defined in chapter 4. We will briefly show that they do not perfectly match, like in the abelian case. Tensor hierarchy of a Poisson-Lie T-fold. Let us define the 2-algebra of doubled vectors D(D)on the Drinfel'd double directly generalising the saw in (4.7.6). We can then consider the 2-algebra D(D) version ofthe 2-algebra G(G, whichimplies algebroid TGT*Gis then generally equipped with anti-symmetrised However notice that, for a frame generalised vectors, the anti-symmetrised Roytenberg bracket are (6.7.28) where theCK IJare the structure constants of the Drinfel'd double algebra means that for such generalised vectors the anti-symmetrised Roytenberg bracket reduces to the Lie bracket [-,-]Roy= [-,-]dof the Drinfel'd double algebra d.182 6.8. Physical insights from global DFT Remark 6.7.4 (Comparison with higher gauge theory formulation of tensor hierarchies) . Now let us briefly mention how our construction of tensor hierarchies based on reduction can be related to a more usual definition of tensor hierarchies as a higher gauge theory. Let expDsc(D)Hbe the Lie integration of the Lie As we have seen in chapters 3 and 4, we can define the higher gauge theory TH the path-groupoid of the smooth manifold M. The local data of the connection of such a higher gauge theory will be of the a frame of vertical D-left-invariant generalised vectors, and the local data of the curvature will be given by the forms F(a)= by higher Kaluza-Klein reduction we can obtain global tensor hierarchies which are not, strictly speaking, higher gauge theories. This is because the higher gauge theory formulation does not take into account the obstruction N(ab)cocycle, appearing in equation (6.7.25), which we get by dimensional reduction of the bundle T-fold as global tensor hierarchy. Thus this discussion motivates again the definition of global strong constrained tensor hierarchy by the reduction of a bundle BG
. (6.7.31) 6.8 Physical insights from global DFT Let us conclude this chapter with some remarks about applications to String Theory. 6.8.1 The puzzle of the T-dual fibre For simplicity, let us consider a bundle gerbe GMon a spacetime which is an As seen in subsection 6.6.1, this induces D-bundleonM0, withD=SU(2)n T3. We can now verify that the extended fibre is compact and, in particular, a 3-torusT3. Let us start from the patching equation Similarly to subsection 6.4.3, we can expand both the differential forms in the connection x6. Global T-duality from higher geometry As firstly worked out in [Alf20a, p.59], this leads to the patching dL(1) (ab)+ the patching condition to L(0) (ab)i+ L(0) (bg)i+ L(0) (ga)i= 0, L(1) (ab)+ L(1) (bg)+ L(1) (ga)= the Cech cocycle corresponding to the bundle gerbe GM. Notice that, with this assumptions, the the connection of a principal T3-bundle. A similar, but more complicated, statement will hold for a general T-dualizable bundle gerbe onM. In the rest of this subsection we will attempt to clarify other of non-abelian T-duality. 6.8.2 Application to holographic T-duality has been used a fundamental tool in studying the structure of AdS/CFT correspondence and in generating new solutions. See seminal work by Moreover, T-duality in AdS/CFT correspondence is also closely related to the fundamental notion of integrability e.g. see [Tho16; HT16; DHT19b]. We redirect to [Tho19] for a broad introduction to these topics. Let us consider the spacetime M=AdS 3xS3xT4, which underlies the geometry of a set of NS5-branes wrapped on a 4-torusT4and of fundamental strings smeared on the same T4such that they are all located at the same point in the transverse space. The S3-bundle AdS 3xS3xT4-AdS Therefore, non-abelian T-dual, we need to apply our semi-abelian T-fold construction to a In particular, we can focus on the 3-sphere and consider a S3-bundle over the pointS3*, i.e. where the base manifold M0={0}is just a point. In this particular case, the generalised correspondence space will be just the Lie group D=SU(2)nT3. Now, let us momentarily forget our geometric construction and follow the literature. This will help us to underline some new insights. As discussed in equation (6.6.32), in the literature on non-abelian T-duality, one commonly starts from a metric g=gijxixjand the Kalb-Ramond field B=BijxixjonS3, such that gijandBijare constant a basis of left SU(2)-invariant 1-forms. Then, one can T-dualize (6.8.3) So that we obtain the T-dual tensors simplicity, in the following discussion we can choose Bij= 0. Commonly, one184 6.8. Physical insights from global DFT defines a new set of that the T-dual metric and Kalb-Ramond field take the following simple dr2+r2 1 +r2(dth2+ fact would lead one to think that the new fibre is a non-compact space R3. However, as noticed by [Bug19], there is no diffeomorphism relating our tensors at (r,th,ph )and at (r+ r,th,ph )for any choice of radius r. Let us now naively combine these matrices We immediately recognize that we can recast T-duality =
d/lscript i (6.8.6) However, given any translation /tildewidethiin the coordinates one can calculate /tildewideth) =
d/lscript i (6.8.7) At this point, one can have intuition of the fact that we are dealing with a T-fold or, in other words, that the T-dual space is compactified, but in an exotic non-geometric way. Can our geometric construction from subsection 6.6.1 shed some light on this puzzle? The generalised correspondence space will be a bundle over the point D=SU(2)n T3*. Now, the basis of we were trying to use in the previous paragraph do not give a connection for this bundle, since they are not left D-invariant. If we try to use these forms as a basis for our doubled geometry, we obtain monodromies of the (6.8.9) This comes directly from equation (6.6.25), in our particular trivial case. On the (6.8.10)6. Global T-duality from higher geometry 185 is a leftD-invariant globally-defined 1-form onD=SU(2)nT3. Consequently, on the generalised correspondence space the monodromy disappears, (6.8.11) The T-dual of S3is a T-fold, hence there is no obvious undoubled description for it. In other words, since the T-dual background is non-geometric, we can only describe it in the generalised correspondence space D=SU(2)nT3. The total generalised will thus be the manifold K=AdS 3x(SU(2)nT3)xT4. A completely will hold for the manifold formalising the near horizon geometry of i.e. M=AdS 7xS3. In this case, the generalised correspondence space will be, immediately, K=AdS Application to general brane spacetime underlying the1 2BPS NS5-brane is, near horizon, M=AdS 7xS3, where the 7-dimensional Anti-de Sitter space AdS 7~=R1,5xR+is diffeomorphic to the product of a world-volume R1,5and a radial direction R+:= (0,+)R. However, a general spacetime Munderlying a fivebrane charged under the Kalb-Ramond field is only required to satisfy the condition M/W NS5~=R4-{0}, whereWNS5is a of an NS5-brane. Since R4-{0}~=S3xR+, our spacetime will be, in general, a fibration of the following form: M allows us to formalize the spacetime underlying more general fivebrane generalising the highly symmetric1 2BPS configuration AdS 7xS3. For example, we can consider the near horizon geometry of an NS5-brane wrapping a Riemannian surface Sgwith genus g. Such a spacetime will be M=AdS 5xwN, where the given by a fibration N*
Sg is, generally, a topologically non-trivial S3-bundle on the Riemannian manifold Sg. Now, if we consider a bundle gerbe GMon the manifold the186 6.8. Physical insights from global DFT T-dualisation condition, this will define a generalised correspondence space Kof the form K M the generalised correspondence space Kis not generally a principal As we have seen, it will be generally patched by a cocycle of the base manifold WNS5xR+, on the world-volume. In general, then, the tensor hierarchy, whose fields correspond respectively to the singlet and of the Drinfel'd double D. See table 6.3 for a sum. Now, the fields i.e. the moduli of the generalised metric G(a)IJand the fieldAI (a), will be globally patched by a cocycle monodromy the overlaps of patches of the base manifold WNS5xR+. Notice that, if the S3- fibration is trivial, e.g. the example M=AdS 3xS3xT4we previously discussed, the cocycle n(ab)is immediately trivial. In the context of holography, the global structure of the fields on the general base manifold WNS5xR+, which is given in equation 6.8.15, will be relevant for the understanding beyond the current known rep. Fundamental rep. Adjoint rep. g,B(a) 6.3: A summary of the fields transforming under non-abelian since the global geometry of the moduli space of the string is supposed to be related to non-perturbative effects in String Theory, the investiga- tion of the global properties of such geometric and non-geometric is likely to have some relevance in the study of the String Landscape, or in the un- derstanding the tarassetw& !xeic gr ap' aIt, an de su, ferwn tan aItan ligon A nUn prac t parinta qr. Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present. -- Marcus Aurelius, global Field Towards global heterotic Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . 188 7.1.1 An atlas for heterotic Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . 188 7.1.2 Atiyah L-algebroid for heterotic Double Field Theory . . . . 191 7.2 Towards global super-Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . 191 7.2.1 An atlas for super-Double Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 7.2.2 T-duality on the doubled superspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 7.3 Towards global Exceptional Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 7.3.1 An atlas for Exceptional Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 7.3.2 Atiyah L-algebroid for Exceptional Field Theory . . . . . . . 197 7.3.3 U-duality from higher geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 7.4 Towards global Field Theory . . . . . . . . 198 7.4.1 An atlas for Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . 198 7.4.2 Relation with D'Auria-Fre algebra, M-algebra and osp(1|32). 199 Higher Kaluza-Klein does not only provide a formal underlying explanation for the features of DFT (e.g. para-Hermitian geometry), but it can also overcome their difficulty in being directly generalised to M-theory. Indeed the higher Kaluza-Klein theory we presented in this dissertation has a large number of immediate natural principal-bundle has a structure n-group with n>2: this could allow us to formulate global ExFT.
*The principal-bundle has a non-abelian structure n-group: this can not only allow us to formulate global heterotic DFT, but also to go slightly beyond Theory to embody the global spin-twisted structures by [SSS12] and thus to geometrise the complicated interplay of gravity and bundle gerbe.
*The base manifold is a super-manifold: this can immediately allow us to we mentioned to their global super-space 7.1. Towards global heterotic Double Field Theory We are intrigued by the possibility that a super (non-abelian) higher Kaluza-Klein theory on the total space of the M2/M5-brane twisted -bundle on the this section we will take the first important steps in each of these directions Most of the content of this section was not previously published. 7.1 Towards global heterotic Double Field our discussion of Double Field Theory on bundle gerbes to a principal bundle with non-abelian structure 2-group can lead to a global formulation of heterotic Double Field Theory as introduced by [HK11]. 7.1.1 An atlas for heterotic Double Field Theory The heterotic doubled space will be identified with the total space of a principal string- bundle GhetMon spacetime M. Definition 7.1.1 (Heterotic string 2-group the higher gauge theory of heterotic Supergravity is defined by the the smooth refinement of the 1st class of the frame bundle FMMgiven by a non-abelian map c2:BG-B3U(1)is the smooth refinement of the second Chern class of a principal G-bundlePMgiven by a cocycle M-BG. and where we called moduli-stack of 7.1.2 (Heterotic Supergravity) .The choices of gauge group in heterotic String Theory are the (7.1.2)7. Towards global Field Theory 189 Thus, the GhetMwill be a twisted-bundle of the following form: Ghet *
FMxMP B2U(1) *
M BStringc2 het(d) on a patch UaM, the connection of the is given by a A(a), curvature of a will be given by Ra (a)b= cs the Chern-Simons super 3-forms of the two are defined by the tr tr 7.1.3 us consider the L-algebra Lie-group Stringc2 het(d). Let us define the L-algebra dg-algebra is the respectively the structure constants of spin(d)andg, while the degree of the generators are deg(eu) = 1,deg(ta) = 1,deg(ti) = 1anddeg(B) = 2. TheL-algebra stringhetcan be thought as a linearised version of a .190 7.1. Towards global heterotic Double Field Theory Remark 7.1.4 (Heterotic doubled space) .In perfect analogy with the abelian case, let us now find an atlas for the L-algebra stringhet. The underlying space of such atlas will be our local chart of heterotic doubled space. Thus, we have an atlas of the form: ph:double het--stringhet. (7.1.7) It is not difficult to derive that double hetmust have a dg-algebra of the following all the generators are in degree 1. As in the abelian case, we have a het)given (7.1.8) whose differential satisfies the same equation of the generator BCE(stringhet), the element oCE(double het)is the transgression of the generator the atlas double het. Remark 7.1.5 (Heterotic para-Hermitian geometry) .As in the abelian case, the atlas double hetis equipped with the following het) (7.1.10) Recall that there exists an isomorphism CE(double het)where Double het is the Lie group which exponentiates the Lie algebra double het. This isomorphism is given, in local coordinates, the element oCE(double het)can be interpreted as a left-invariant het)by o= (7.1.12) This is nothing but a heterotic generalisation of the fundamental form of means that the string-bundle Ghetcan be covered by a collection of manifolds Double These are glued such that the submanifolds up an atlas for the intuitively, patched with bundle gerbe 2-gauge transformations twisted by non-abelian Towards global Field Theory 191 7.1.2 Atiyah L-algebroid for heterotic Double Field Theory Remark 7.1.6 (Heterotic Courant algebroid) .The2-group of automorphisms of this het- erotic string-bundle will extend not only the group of diffeomorphisms of the base manifold M, but also the group of automorphisms of the principal example 3.5.3). Explicitly, for a string-bundle given by the 2-group of its automorphisms will be AutH/(f) (7.1.13) Let us consider the Atiyah L-algebroid at(Ghet) our that, on local patches UM, this will have the following underlying (7.1.14) This can be interpreted as a heterotic Courant 2- 7.1.7 (Heterotic strong constraint) .Notice that we will have a strong (7.1.15) which remarkably combines the abelian strong constraint with the cylindricity condition on the Spin(d)-bundle. Thus doubled metric will depend only on physical coordinates Towards global super-Double Field Theory See appendix B for an introduction to supergeometry and Type II An atlas for super-Double Field 7.2.1 (Type IIA string super Lie [FSS14b], let us the super L-algebra whose dg-algebra is the the degree of the generators are deg(eu) = = = 7.2.2 (Doubled superspace) .Let us define double IIas the ordinary Lie super- algebra whose dg-algebra is the II) (7.2.2) where deg(eu) = = = = (1,odd).192 7.2. Towards global super-Double Field Theory Lemma 7.2.3 (double .The atlas of the super Lie the super Lie-algebra double II, equipped with a fundamental given by the transgression of the higher generator of stringIIA, i.e. such us consider a homomorphism of L-algebras of the IIA-stringIIA. (7.2.4) Let us consider its dual homomorphism of dg-algebras, i.e. ph*
IIA: CE( IIA), (7.2.5) which maps the low-degree generators by Moreover, we must find an element oIIAwith degree deg(oIIA) = (2,even)such IIA). Let us (7.2.6) The the differential equation Since dps= 0, we = we have that it satisfies doIIA= we can check that the the property d2= 0of a algebra, 0. we have that phIIA:double IIA-stringIIAis a well-defined atlas. Remark 7.2.4 (Coordinates for the doubled superspace) .The underlying super vector space of the super Lie algebra double IIwill be and naturally equipped with the following II) (7.2.9) Now, let Double IIbe the super Lie group given by Lie integrating the super Lie algebra double II. Then, the dg-algebra of double IIcan be interpreted as the dg-algebra of the left-invariant differential forms on the super Lie group Double II, i.e. CE(double (7.2.10)7. Towards global Field Theory 193 This algebra is generated by the following 1-forms, expressed in the local coordinates as eu= d/tildewideth+ can be interpreted as super-vielbein for the flat doubled superspace. Notice with the literature, not only the bosonic coordinates are doubled, but also the fermionic ones. In coordinates, we can rewrite the transgression element by oIIA= (7.2.12) Remark 7.2.5 (Super para-Hermitian geometry) .Notice that the underlying super vector space of double IIis isomorphic to R10,10|64. Moreover, let Jbe the by the natural splitting Now, notice that the IIA)can be interpreted as a super-geometric generalisation of an vector space. Notice that, analogously to [Ced16], we can introduce a generalised metric as which restricts the natural 7.2.6 (Type IIB string super Lie 2-algebra).Let us define stringIIBas whose dg-algebra is the (7.2.13) where the degree of the generators are deg(eu) = = = (2,even). 7.2.2 T-duality on the doubled superspace Lemma 7.2.7 (T-duality on the doubled superspace) .The super Lie algebra double IIis an atlas for both the Type IIA and IIB string 2-algebras, i.e. there exists a span double II stringIIA stringIIB.phIIB phIIA us start from our definition double IIand let us split the bosonic part of the basis of left-invariant forms as These will the following differential (^u= 0,..., (^u= 0,..., (u= (u= 9), dps= 7.2. Towards global super-Double Field Theory where we used the GIIB 9. (7.2.16) Now, the algebra double IIcan be an atlas for stringIIAif there exists a II)such (7.2.17) Notice that, if we define the element oIIBCE(double (7.2.18) then it satisfies the required condition (7.2.17). both of the dg-algebra CE(double II)andoIIAis a(2,even)-degree element of the same dg-algebra, then we have that oIIBCE(double II). Notice that we can express the super Lie algebra double IIby choosing generators adapted to the super Lie 2-algebra stringIIBas II) (7.2.19) Remark 7.2.8 (T-duality of Type IIA/B string super Lie the double IIwe defined fits in following diagram: double for visual clarity, we used the symbol the fiber product of two super Lie algebras a base h.7. Towards global Field Theory 195 Similarly to the bosonic case, in principle, we can integrate this diagram to obtain the diagram of topological T-duality of super bundle 7.2.9 (Type IIA/B string super Lie the super Lie 2-groups which integrate respectively the super Lie 2-algebras 7.2.10 (T-duality of Type IIA/B string super Lie 2-groups).By Lie integrating the superL-algebras and the homomorphisms in lemma 7.2.7, we obtain the atlas Double II StringIIA StringIIB.PhIIB PhIIA (7.2.21) Notice that P be interpreted as the bundle gerbe encoding the Type IIA string background at the vacuum and analogously for StringIIB. Thus, the doubled superspace Double IIis the atlas of both these bundle gerbes. Remark 7.2.11 (T-duality of Type II of bundle super-gerbes) .By integrating the diagram (7.2.20)of superL-algebras to a diagram of super bundle gerbes, where we denote the atlas by M, we find the p/tildewidep two topologically T-dual super bundle gerbes. Remark 7.2.12 (Correspondence superspace) .The principal in the centre of the diagram (7.2.22)is, thus, the correspondence superspace of the topological T-duality between the Type IIA and IIB spacetimes 7.3. Towards global Exceptional Field Theory 7.3 Towards global Exceptional Field Theory The correspondence between doubled spaces and bundle gerbes we explored in sheds new light on the global geometry underlying Double Field it provides a higher geometric explanation for the appearance of the and for para-Hermitian geometry. These results are particularly important for the investigation of the other extended geometries, i.e. the exceptional Exceptional Field Theories, whose globalisation is significantly more obscure. In particular, the higher geometric perspective will allow to find a generalisation geometry for Exceptional Field Theory. Even if exceptional [PW08; CSW11; CSW14] is well-understood, such a generalisation is still quite unclear. A generalised para-Hermitian formalism would be extremely fruitful, for example, in the current research in exceptional Drinfel'd MT20; BTZ20; MS20; Sak20b; MST21]. 7.3.1 An atlas for Exceptional Field Theory Remark 7.3.1 (Twisted-bundle structure of 11d Supergravity) .The higher structure which encompasses the global geometry of the C-field of 11-dimensional supergravity can be seen as a bundle 5-gerbe twisted by a bundle 2-gerbe [FSS15c], which gives rise to the following diagram: GM5 *
GM2 B6U(1) *
M B6U(1)//B2U(1), the twisted cocycle fM2/5can be also generalised to a 4-cohomotopy where the 4-sphere can be given in terms of its minimal Sullivan dg- algebra by CE(S4) 0,dg7+g4g4= , respectively 4- and 7-degree 7.3.2 (Atlas for ExFT) .The total space of the twisted -bundle GM5-M can be locally trivialised by the Lie -group whoseL-algebra7. Towards global Field Theory 197 is immediately It is possible to define an atlas for this (7.3.3) whose underlying vector space is given (7.3.4) This can also be interpreted as the atlas of the linearised version of the bundle gerbe GM5M. In the context of super L-algebras, a notion of super exceptional been defined by [FSS18a; FSS19a; FSS20a]. Interestingly, the bosonic exactly R1,10 exfrom equation (7.3.4). If we split the base space in time and space by R1,10=R1 tR10, we obtain the decomposition R1,10 ex=R10
/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright pp-wave2(R10)*
/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright M2-brane2R10
/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright M9-brane5(R10)*
/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright M5-brane 6R10
/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright KK-monopole,(7.3.5) which agrees with the description of brane charges in M-theory [Hul98]. Notice that, if we split the base space in an internal and external space by R1,10=R1,3R7, we (7.3.6) where the terms we explicitly wrote correspond to the extended space underlying E7(7)Exceptional Field Theory [HS14b]. Moreover, the terms we omitted are mixed terms involving wedge products between R1,3andR7which correspond to [CCM19; HS19] at 0-degree. 7.3.2 Atiyah L-algebroid for Exceptional Field Theory Remark 7.3.3 (Exceptional generalised tangent bundle) .The5-group of the twisted bundle GM5Mwill be defined defined by the following short exact sequences 1 Diff(M) 1, 1 AutH/(fM2) 1.(7.3.7) These can be immediately recognised as the finite version of the short exact the Exceptional algebroid EM5-Mwhich appears in exceptional : 02T*MEM2TM 0, 05T*MEM5EM2 0.(7.3.8) See [PW08] for a comparison.198 7.4. Towards global Field Theory 7.3.3 U-duality from higher geometry Remark 7.3.4 (U-duality and tensor hierarchy) .The twisted-bundle GM5M, in analogy with doubled space in chapter 5, can be interpreted as the extended space of Exceptional Field Theory. The differential data of such a higher structure will be encoded by a particular Cech cocycle, which includes a collection of 2-forms two-fold overlaps of patches UaUb. By generalising section 6, we can obtain the field content of a general tensor hierarchy and its underlying manifold by the twisted -bundle GM5Mon a spacetime which is a torus bundle on some base manifold M0. Example 7.3.5 (ExFT in 5d).Now assume that spacetime Mis itself a torus T6-bundle over a 5dbase manifold M0with transition functions fi (ab)and that the gerbe is its torus action. Analogously to the DFT case the 2-forms will dimensionally reduce to a collection of 2,1,0-forms the base M0describing the winding modes of the M2-brane on the base. Similarly the 5-forms onMwill split in a collection of onM0describing the winded M5-brane on the base. Let us simplify the assumptions by requiring that the 5-gerbe is not twisted by the 2-gerbe. Hence transition functions fi (ab)will describe a T6-bundle, while on the base M0. In total this is a T27-bundle over the 5d manifold M0and can be interpreted as the extended manifold of ExFT in 5d (see [HS14a]) is the so-called internal space . We can then equip it with a mixes, topologically, the first Chern classes of the T27-bundle and, components of the moduli fields Hence the extended manifold (and generally a U-fold) will be possible to be understood through Higher . Moreover the 1,2,3,4,5,6-form components of the dimensional reduction of the connection of the gerbe and its n-gauge transformations can describe ExFT See [HS19] for remarkable hints in this direction, in infinitesimal fashion. If we drop the simplifying unphysical assumption that the 5-gerbe is not twisted, the will be a more complicated globalisation of UaxT27. Example 7.3.6 (ExFT in 7d).Let us make another simpler example. If we choose Mto be aT4-bundle over a 7d base manifold M0with transition functions fi (ab), the local data LM2 (ab)will include the transition functions LM2(0) (ab)ijof aT6-bundle over M0. On the other hand the local data LM5 (ab)will not. Hence, coherently with ExFT in 7d (see [BM15]), the transition functions define a just a T10-bundle over M0, which can be equipped with a SL(5,Z)-action mixing the components of the Towards global Field Theory 7.4.1 An atlas for Field Theory Recall, from chapter 3, that the higher structure which encodes the geometry of the fluxes of11d Supergravity can be linearised by the L-brane m5brane (3.6.25), which can be7. Towards global Field Theory 199 dually defined by its dg-algebra as ) like the previous cases, we want to find an atlas for this super L-algebra of the m5brane, (7.4.1) where R1,10|32 excis some super Lie algebra. In [FSS19a; FSS20a] the following super Lie algebra was (s+ (1 that the Lie algebra defined in (7.3.5)is exactly the of the super Lie algebra R1,10|32 exc. In [FSS19a] it was also shown that there exists a (3,even)-degree element transgresses the M2-brane cocycle to the atlas, i.e. such (7.4.2) In [FSS19a] it was shown that such an element will be of the following G
aea+k5(s) theki(s)are analytic functions of the parameter sR-{0}. 7.4.2 Relation with D'Auria-Fre algebra, M-algebra and osp(1|32) Now, we will briefly explain how the super algebra R1,10|32 exc, which underlies Theory, is related to the D'Auria-Fre super algebra, which was by studying 11d Supergravity, without U-duality.200 7.4. Towards global Field Theory Remark 7.4.1 (Relation with D'Auria-Fre super algebra) .TheL-algebra m5brane can be seen as a linearised version of twisted -bundle of 11d supergravity. However, the full field content of 11d supergravity includes a spin-connection oa b, whose curvature Ra b= be identified with the notion of curvature of general the full field content of 11d supergravity will be given by a sugra11-valued connection where theL-algebra sugra11is dually defined as the spin-covariant derivative. This super L-algebra underlying 11d Su- pergravity was introduced by [FSS14b]. Notice that there is a natural of superL-algebras given by the quotient (7.4.4) The D'Auria-Fre super algebra df-algebra, introduced in [DF82], can be dually defined by its (s+ (1 the spin-covariant derivative and sR-{0}is a constant. Notice that there is a natural projection super Lie algebras given by the the space proposed appearing in [FSS19a]. The results of [DF82] imply that there exists an (7.4.6) This atlas naturally extends the atlas (7.4.1) we constructed in the previous paragraph. Now, we will illustrate the interesting relation between these algebras and other indepen- dently studied super algebras in M-theory: the M-algebra and osp(1|32).7. Towards global Field Theory 201 Remark 7.4.2 (Relation with M-algebra and osp(1|32)).The M-algebra was defined in [Sez97] and it can be dually given by its 0 , whereDis the spin-covariant derivative. In terms of generators of m-algebra, where dual generators respectively of we obtain the usual commutation (7.4.7) Notice that the m-algebracan be immediately embedded in the df-algebra. In fact, be obtained by extension of the m-algebrawith the extra odd Now, the super Lie algebra osp(1|32), decomposed in terms of its subalgebra so(1,10), is dually given by its the spin-covariant derivative and sis a constant. The super Lie related to the M-algebra by a procedure known as S-expansion by [IRS06].202 7.4. Towards global Field ~ps atlas atlas 7.1: Web of relations between the main super Lie algebras and super M-theory. The L-algebra sugra11underlies the super-Cartan geometry of Its atlas is the super algebra which can be also obtained as of the The super algebra osp(1|32)is related to the m-algebra by S-expansion [IRS06]. By considering the df-algebraand forgetting the Lorentz generators oa b we obtain the super algebra R1,10|32 exc, which is the atlas of m5brane. By forgetting also the odd generators, we obtain the bosonic algebra R1,10 exc, which can be seen as a linearised extended space.<Odac nw ktw uDa kaE +-ut . The road up and the road down is one and the same. -- Heraclitus, quantisation of Double Field Quantum geometry of the closed string . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 8.1.1 The phase space of the closed string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 8.1.2 Generalised coordinates and the Kalb-Ramond field . . . . . . 208 8.1.3 The algebra of operators of a closed string . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 8.1.4 The phase space of the closed string on a torus . . . . . . . . . 210 8.1.5 T-duality and background independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 8.2 Quantum geometry of the doubled string . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 8.2.1 The generalised boundary conditions of the doubled string . . . 215 8.2.2 The symplectic structure of the doubled string. . . . . . . . . . 217 8.2.3 Algebra of observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 8.3 Geometric quantisation on the doubled space . . . . . . . . . 224 8.3.1 The phase space of the zero-mode string . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 8.3.2 Algebra of the observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 8.3.3 T-duality and the string deformed Fourier transform . . . . . . 228 8.3.4 Relation with induced by fluxes . . . . . . . 231 8.4 Non-commutative QM of the zero-mode string . . . . . . . . 231 8.4.1 Non-commutative coherent states of zero-mode strings . . . . . 232 8.4.2 Free particles on the doubled space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 8.4.3 Minimal scale of the doubled space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 8.4.4 Polarisation of coherent states in a T-duality frame . . . . . . . 237 8.5 Metaplectic structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 8.5.1 The Maslov correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 In this chapter we want to discuss the geometric quantisation of a string, its relation with the doubled space and with the bundle gerbe which underlies it. Recall from chapter 3 our discussion of higher geometric quantisation. Let a prequantum bundle gerbe GM be given by a cocycle Mf--B2U(1)on a phase space M. Let us focus on a closed string, whose worldsheet would be of the form S =RxS1. We can transgress this cocycle to 203204 8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field the loop space LMof the phase space by LM= the BU-associated bundle GxBU(1)BUMgiven by a (8.0.2) is transgressed exactly to an ordinary C-associated bundle the transgressed (8.0.3) on the loop space LM= [S1,M]of the smooth manifold M. Thus, we can use the machin- ery of ordinary geometric quantisation on the phase loop space LMof the closed string. Higher geometric phase space Geometric quantisation of loop phase spacetake the loop quantisation of double string s-models on loop doubled phase by generalised windings
& topological term Geometric quantisation on doubled phase spacetruncate to zero modes Figure 8.1: Concept map of the T-duality covariant geometric quantisation of a closed string. The zero modes of the phase loop space will give us the doubled phase space of DFT and the choice of polarisation in the quantisation will provide the T-duality frame. We will construct transformations between T-dual descriptions based on the Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 205 induced by different choices of polarisation. This will lead to the idea of a coherent state in the doubled space that saturates the uncertainty bound on distance in the doubled space. The geometric quantisation will result in a noncommutative algebra associated to the doubled phase space. As usual, the noncommutative nature of position and momentum is controlled by the parameter ~. In addition, we will also have a deformation controls the noncommutativity of coordinates xuand their T-duals ~xu. 8.1 Quantum geometry of the closed string 8.1.1 The phase space of the closed string The configuration space of s-models. The fieldsXu(s,t)are embeddings from a surface Sinto a target space M, i.e. smooth maps C(S,M), denoted by Xu: configuration space of the closed string. Consider a surface of the coordinates s[0,2p)andtR. The fields Xu(s,t)of thes-model can now be seen as curves C(R,LM)on thefree loop the original manifold M. This will be denoted as follows: Xu(s) a loop for any fixed tR. In other words we (8.1.3) This is why the configuration space for the closed string can be identified with the free loop spaceLMof the spacetime manifold M. M 8.2: A loopg1:S1-Mon the smooth manifold Mcorresponds to a point on the loop spaceLM. Similarly, a cylinder to a curve on LM. Fortunately, for any given smooth manifold M, the free loop space LMis a Frechet mani- fold and this assures that there will be a well-defined notion of differential geometry on it.206 8.1. Quantum geometry of the closed string For any loop X(s) :S1-MofLMwe can consider the space of sections G(S1,X*TM). This is homeomorphic to the loop space which, thus, plays the role analogous to a local patch. Since the points of the loop space are loops X(s)inM, a smooth function FC(LM) can be identified with a functional F[X(s)]. Similarly, a vector field VT(LM)will be given by a functional operator of the form V[X(s)] (8.1.4) For a wider and deeper exploration of use of loop spaces to formalise some kinds of path integrals in physics, see [Sza96]. The transgression functor. For dxun, given in local there exist a map, named transgression functor , from the com- plex of differential forms on Mto the one of the differential forms on the loop space LM: T: ohmn(M)-- it satisfies the following functorial property: dT=Td (8.1.6) The phase space of the closed string. Thus, the choice for phase space of a string on spacetime Mwill be the cotangent bundle T*(LM). By definition, the tangent bundle ofLMcan be identified with TLM=L(TM). (8.1.7) By considering the dual bundle of the tangent bundle TLM, we can define the This space comes equipped with a canonical symplectic form: ohm (8.1.8) In the next paragraph we will illustrate that the phase space of the closed string is exactly the symplectic manifold (T*LM,ohm)we just described. We can now define a Liouville potential Thsuch that its derivative is the form ohmohm2(T*LM). Thus we have Th (8.1.9) We can verify that ohm =dThby calculating: dTh = ohm.(8.1.10)8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 207 The closed string as classical system. Let us start from the action of the that the s-model of a closed be equivalently expressed as a path R-T*LMon the cotangent bundle of the loop space. Recall also that the Lagrangian density Lohm1(R)of a classical of a phase space (T*LM,ohm)and a Hamiltonian function HC(T*LM), is given by L= (iVHTh-H)dt, the Hamiltonian vector ofH. This means that the action will (8.1.12) where This the Liouville potential of the symplectic form ohm. Now we want to check that the symplectic structure ohmohm2(T*LM)of the phase space of the closed string is exactly the canonical symplectic structure (8.1.8)onT*LM. To do that, we can assume that putting together definition (8.1.13)and equation (8.1.12)we immediately get the equa- tion iVHTh (8.1.14) which is solved by the Liouville potential Th (8.1.15) Its differential is, indeed, exactly the canonical symplectic form (8.1.8), i.e. ohm by combining the equation (8.1.12)with the action (8.1.11), we can immediately find the Hamiltonian of a closed can formally pack together the momentum P(s)and the derivative X/prime(s)in the following doubled vector: PM(s) 8.1. Quantum geometry of the closed string withM= 1,..., 2n. Notice that PM(s)is uniquely defined at any given loop (X(s),P(s)) in the phase space. Thus, we can rewrite the Hamiltonian of the string as H[X(s),P(s)] (8.1.18) where the matrix HMNis defined by HMN (8.1.19) In conclusion, by putting everything together, we can see that a closed string is a classical system (T*LM,ohm,H), where ohmis the canonical symplectic form on T*LMand the Hamiltonian (8.1.18). Wenowseetheappearanceofthe, described by matrix (8.1.19). This metric is a representative of an and defines the generalised metric of generalised geometry. As such the Hamiltonian (8.1.18)has a manifest O(d,d)symmetry. This is of course the symmetries not present in the Lagrangian and T-duality is one of these Generalised coordinates and the Kalb-Ramond field Example 8.1.1 (Generalised coordinates for a charged particle) .In the of an ordinary particle we have, in local Darboux coordinates, a local Liouville potential given by th=pudxu, wherepuis the canonical momentum. In presence of an electromagnetic field with a minimally coupled 1-form potential A, the puwhich is defined from the Lagrangian perspective by pu=L .quis given by: pu=ku+eAu. (We have used kuto denote the naive non-canonical momentum, also sometimes called the kinetic momentum). Then the Liouville potential can be rewritten as th=kudxu+eA, withAis the pullback of the electromagnetic potential to the phase space. Consequently the symplectic form takes the form o= dkudxu+eF. Let us call the 2-formoA=0:= dkudxu. Thus, the geometric prequantisation condition [o] = [oA=0] +e[F]H2(T*M,Z)of the symplectic form on the phase space implies the Dirac quantisation condition e[F]H2(M,Z)of field on that, in canonical coordinates, we have a Hamiltonian the commutation = 0,[^pu,^xn] = 0. (8.1.20) On the other hand, in terms of the kinetic non-canonical coordinates, we have the Hamiltonian H=gunkuknand commutation = 0,[^ku,^xn] =i~eFun. (8.1.21) It is worth observing that the space coordinates do not commute anymore and the term is proportional to the field strength of the electromagnetic field. A similar picture will hold for strings.8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 209 Kinetic coordinates for a charged string. Similarly to the charged particle, for a string we require our ohmdefined by equation (8.1.8)to be quantised as will now see that this implies, similarly to the electromagnetic field, the quantisation of the Kalb-Ramond field flux [H]H3(M,Z). Let us recall that an abelian gerbe with Dixmier-Douady class [H]H3(M,Z)on the base manifold Mis encoded by the following patching conditions: H= dL L (bg)+ L (ga)= using the properties of the transgression functor from Mto its loop space LM, we immediately obtain the new patching Therefore, the transgression functor sends a gerbe on a manifold Mto a circle bundle on its loop space LM, i.e. in other words we have an (8.1.24) where the first Chern class of the circle bundle is THH2(LM,Z). Now we can decompose the canonical symplectic form of the phase space of the closed string (T*LM,ohm)by ohm = ohmB=0+TH. (8.1.25) We can write so we find that the symplectic form can be expressed by ohm thenon-canonical momentum of the its canonical momentum. The relevance of the transgression of gerbes to the loop space in dealing with T-duality and, more generally, with Double Field Theory was underlined by [BHM07]. For a clarification on the relation between the phase space of a closed string, seen as a loop space, and the Courant algebroids of supergravity, see [Ost20; Ost21]. 8.1.3 The algebra of operators of a closed (T*LM,ohm) of the closed string. See also [SS13] for a different quantisation approach on a loop space. Given our choice of gauge for the Liouville potential Th we can now determine the algebra heis(T*LM,ohm)of quantum observables defined by
^f=-i~Vf+f (8.1.27)210 8.1. Quantum geometry of the closed string for any classical observable fC(T*LM). For the classical observables corresponding to the canonical coordinates Xu(s),Pu(s)of the phase space of the closed string, we have the following quantum =-i~d dXu(s), ^Xu(s) (8.1.28) If we choose the polarisation determined by the Lagrangian subbundle L=TLMwith the corresponding we have the following operators acting Ps[X(s)] commutation relations of these operators will then as 0.(8.1.30) These define the Heisenberg algebra heis(T*LM,ohm)of quantum observables on the phase space of the closed string. On the other hand, if we use the non-canonical, kinetic coordinates (K(s),X(s)), we obtain commutation relations of the The phase space of the closed string on a torus Closed string on the torus. Let us consider a closed string propagating in the background M=Tnwith constant metric gunand constant Kalb-Ramond field Bun. As explained by [KZ92], the compactification condition xu=xu+ 2pof a torus target space is i.e. it does not depend on the bosonic background fields gun andBun. In fact, the coordinates xuare periodic with radius 2pand the physical radii of the compactification are given by the phase space T*LM~=L(TnxRn)of a closed string on a torus background. Let us call the matrix E:=g+B, so that its transpose is ET=g-B. Let us also define the generalised metric by the constant matrix HMN (8.1.32) We can, now, explicitly expand position and momentum in sas follows: Xu(s) Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 211 where we used the notation au n=au n(H)and -au n=-au n(H)to indicate that the higher- modes depend on the background, encoded by the generalised metric. The operators ^au n and ^-au nare the creation and annihilation operators for the excited states of the string, which depend on the background. However, ss pointed out by [KZ92], the ^Pu(s)must be thought as objects. From the we also immediately obtain that the zero-modes coordinate because of the periodicity of xi. The T-dual defined =Pu(s), (8.1.34) and so we must Therefore, we obtain the = that the T-dual also periodic with period 2p. Moreover the independent from the background. The commutation (8.1.36) become, on zero and higher modes, [^xu,^pn] we have seen in the first section, the action is given on the phase space by We can, thus, rewrite the action of the closed string on a torus (8.1.38) 8.1.5 T-duality and background We will now show that it is possible to as a of phase spaces of two closed strings of the form f: fact, in [AAL94], it was firstly argued that T-duality can be seen a canonical However, a canonical transformation with generating functional 8.1. Quantum geometry of the closed string is nothing but the fassociated to the following Lagrangian cor- respondence of the form satisfies the following trivialisation condition for Liouville =dF. (8.1.41) We can immediately check that, if we substitute the expression for the Liouville potentials, we get the hence we recover exactly the equations of the canonical (8.1.42) By considering the generating : was originally proposed by [AAL94; AAL94], we obtain exactly T-duality on the phase space: Pu(s) =X/primeu(s). (8.1.44) The Lagrangian correspondence space in (8.1.40)is then the loop space of the doubled space of DFT. We can notice that, in this simple case, the doubled space can be identified with the correspondence space of a topological T-duality [BEM04b; BEM04a; BHM04; BHM05; BP09] over a base point. A similar observation was made in with the symplectic form on the doubled space. Let us consider the symplectic 2-form/pi1:= the product space, where {xu,~xu}
are local coordinates on Mx/tildewiderM. Notice that, for such a symplectic form, we can choose a Liouville potential of the (This is like the choice in or when we construct a Fock space). Now, we can immediately recognise that the generating functional (8.1.43)is nothing but the transgression of this to the loop space i.e. we (8.1.45)8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 213 By using the functorial property dT=Tdof the transgression functor, we can rewrite the trivialisation condition (8.1.41)of T-duality = T(/pi1). T-duality on the phase space is associated to the symplectic space Mx/tildewiderM. Notice that this 2-form is a particular and simple case of the fundamental 2-form considered by [FRS17; Svo18; independence. Since the two loop phase spaces they can be effectively considered the same symplectic manifold. In this passive perspective, the T-duality be interpreted as a change of coordinates on the phase space of the closed string. The Hamiltonian formulation of the closed string on the phase space is thus T-duality as isomorphism of classical systems. T-duality, seen as a the phase space of the closed string, does also preserve the Hamiltonian of the closed string, i.e. we have f*H=H. (8.1.47) In other words a T-duality is not just a of our phase space (T*LM,ohm), but also an isomorphism of the classical system (T*LM,ohm,H)of the closed string. In general we can T-dualise the Hamiltonian of the closed string by applying a the doubled metric H. Notice that the Hamiltonian functional does not change under such transformations. We have, in as change of basis on the Hilbert space. The Lagrangian a diagram of quantum Hilbert spaces HTGf HL respectively polarised along the Lagrangian subbundles Now, as we have seen in (C.3.7), the map an isomorphism Hilbert spaces. Therefore we can use just the notation H for the abstract quantum Hilbert space. Any quantum state be expressed in the two basses defined by the two different 8.1. Quantum geometry of the closed string where we (8.1.50) The expansions in different basses will be then related by the Fourier-like string given (8.1.51) in accord with [AAL94]. We can also explicitly write the matrix of the change of basis on the Hilbert space this isomorphism is naturally defined by lifting the polarised wave wave-functionals Ps[X(s)]on the doubled space and by considering their Hermitian product in the Hilbert space of the doubled space. In double field theory solving the so called strong constraint provides the choice of the quantisation procedure itself demands a polarisation choice and the is solved automatically. It is interesting to consider the weak constraint from this perspective but this is beyond the goals of this invariant dynamics. The dynamics of the quantised closed string is encoded by the background independent 0. (8.1.53) Let us consider, for simplicity, that we are starting from a Minkowski flat 0. Then we will have a trivial doubled metric the equation of motion can be expressed in the = 0, (8.1.54) but immediately also in the T-dual = 0. as a for torus bundles. Let us conclude this two principal Tn-bundles on a common base manifold N. T-duality can be still seen as a between loop phase spaces T*LM-8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory we can still employ the machinery of Lagrangian correspondence (C.3.2). Now, the Lagrangian correspondence of the T-duality on the phase space of the closed string the fiber product be naturally seen as the doubled torus bundle of the duality. For the torus fibration, we have the following equation for the Liouville = T(/pi1), (8.1.57) where T(/pi1)is the transgression to the loop space of the fundamental which lives on the doubled torus bundle it is given by
/pi1= (8.1.58) If the bundle trivial, then we recover the symplectic form the previous paragraphs. Notice that, by moving to the we can easily recover the equation characterising topological T-duality by [BHM05], i.e. we (8.1.59) on the doubled torus bundle MxN/tildewiderM. In this class of cases, we notice that the doubled space can be identified with the correspondence space a topological BEM04a; BHM04; BHM05; BP09] over a base manifold M. 8.2 Quantum geometry of the doubled string 8.2.1 The generalised boundary conditions of the doubled string The phase space and the doubled space. To describe doubled strings, we introduce new satisfy the equation Pu(s) Let us define the following doubled loop-space vectors: XM(s) fora doubled string thedoubled momentum PM(s)coincides withthe derivative along the circle of the doubled position vector XM(s). Thus, instead of encoding the s-model of the closed string by an embedding (Xu(s), Pu(s))into the phase space, we can encode it by an embedding XM(s) = a doubled position space. Our objective is, then, be able to reformulate a string wave-functional terms of doubled fields as a wave-functional of the form 8.2. Quantum geometry of the doubled string However, notice that, since the new the integral of the momenta of the string, a stronger statement than specifying Pu(s) This observation is crucial when considering the possible boundary conditions of the doubled string s-model. Let us define the following zero-modes of the doubled loop-space (8.2.2) which, in components, (8.2.3) By using the new we can rewrite the action of a closed string us use the following notation for the :=X(s,t) s. (8.2.5) The generalised boundary conditions. Since in the action of the closed string appears, but only its derivatives X/primeM(s), we only need to require that the latter are periodic, i.e. X/primeM(s+ 2p) =X/primeM(s). (8.2.6) This implies that the generalised boundary conditions are XM(s+ 2p,t) =XM(s,t) + 2pa/primepM(t), (8.2.7) where the quasi-period pM(t)can, in general, be dynamical and depend on proper time. Let us define the quasi-loop space LQMof a manifoldMas = (8.2.8) where we used the simple identity X/primeM(s) ds= dXM(s). The phase space of the doubled string will be a symplectic manifold (LQM, )where the symplectic form ohm2(LQM)will be determined in the following subsection. A remark on the global geometry of the doubled space. Given local coordinates xMon the doubled space we can express the vector ds= dXM(s) (8.2.9) where the pullback of dxMto the quasi-loop space. Therefore, the requirement that X/prime(s)is periodic can be immediately recasted as the requirement that8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 217 the pullback of dxMis periodic. Chapter 5 explores the idea that the doubled space M is globally not a smooth manifold, but a the atlas of a bundle gerbe. In particular, in chapter 5, it is derived that the patching conditions for local coordinate patches U(a) andU(b)of the doubled space Mshould be of the form xM (b)=xM (a)+ we have an additional gauge-like transformation ph(ab)on the overlap of patches. Notice that this implies the patching conditions dxM (b)= dxM (a)+ dLM (ab)and therefore the gauge transformations ph(ab)do not appear for the differential. Since the Cech dLM (ab)+ dLM (bg)+ dLM (ga)= 0is satisfied, we do not encounter problems dX(s)being periodic. In other words, a doubled string can naturally live on 5 and 6) exactly because X(s)does not appear in the action, but only The symplectic structure of the doubled string. Recall that the Lagrangian density is related to the Liouville potential by LH= (iVH-H)dt. we can find the symplectic structure
=don the phase space of the doubled string from its full Lagrangian. One should also note here that the different choices of Liouville potential will give different results corresponding to either a particular choice of duality frame or a duality symmetric frame. The Tseytlin action. The doubled string s-model as first constructed by Tseytlin is by now well known [Tse90; Tse91] and there are many routes one might take to its construction. Here, since we already have the doubled perspective in place for the Hamiltonian, the immediate method is to take the action as given by (8.2.4)and then allow the dual variables to also be dynamical by augmenting the term .XuPuterm in the action with its dual This is like picking a duality symmetric choice for the Liouville potential. Once this term is included then one can simply substitute the expressions for the doubled vectors into the action. It is these .XPterms that produce the Legendre transformation between the Hamiltonian and the Lagrangian. They are sometimes called the abbreviated action and from now on we will adopt this duality augmented abbreviated action is (8.2.11) which, using the expressions for the doubled vectors, becomes (up to total derivative terms of which we will discuss more later) the O(d,d)manifestly symmetric this with the Hamiltonian to produce the total action Tseytlin action [Tse90; 8.2. Quantum geometry of the doubled string This action has been the subject of much study and we will return to the to the usual string action later. Let us first examine this action taking care with the important property that the fields are quasi-periodic in swith quasi-period pM whichimplies XM(s+2p,t) is periodic and has no boundary the total derivative terms of such quasi periodic fields can contribute to the action. These contributions to the Hamiltonian produce the important zero mode contributions to the Hamiltonian from the winding and momenta. What follows is an analysis of the doubled abbreviated action with quasi-periodic fields. The total derivative contributions to the Tseytlin action. When integrating with respect to swe may Then the integral of a total =f(2p+s0)-f(s0). For any periodic function f(s)this then vanishes as it should. However for a quasi-periodic function this integral will be non zero Note, that this is still independent of s0as it should be since s0is an entirely arbitrary choice of coordinate origin in the loop. Let us write the doubled abbreviated action explicitly with the manifest dependence on s0 as taking the derivative with respect to get to the second line we have used the periodicity of X/primeN(s+ 2p,t) of XN(s). We thus have an anomaly. The action now depends on on the arbitrary choice of s0when we allow quasi-periodic fields to encode the zero modes in the doubled space. The proposal in [Bla15] is then to add an explicit boundary term to the Tseytlin action to cancel this piece as full action, therefore, does not depend on the choice of s0, = 0, (8.2.17) and thus of the doubled string is together all these terms we obtain the action S[X(s,t)] (8.2.18) This doubled action is now world sheet diffeomorphism invariant for quasi-periodic fields but how does it relate to the original string action? Recall that the in writing down the Tseytlin action total derivative terms were neglected. We will now examine the relationship between the Tseytlin string and ordinary string with quasi-periodic fields.8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 219 s0 Figure 8.3: The cut on the worldsheet at s=s0. The Relation between Tseytlin string and ordinary string. Let us begin with the usual abbreviated action for the ordinary string, and then integrate by parts derivatives, we may neglect the total derivatives: in tsince there is no quasi periodicity in this we remark that we have also here made a choice in boundary total derivative term fors. We are free to exchange it (8.2.20) This choice is simply related by a neglected total derivative in t. A natural possibility is also the duality symmetric (8.2.21) Now, the of the fields is: XM(2p+s0) =XM(s0) + that we may evaluate the final term in (8.2.19)as = +p.X(s0) + this into (8.2.19) +1 2p.X(s0) .X(2p) = .X(2p) + 2pa/prime.~pis quasi-periodic, so the initial the same anomaly as we described in the previous section. We need to also add a220 8.2. Quantum geometry of the doubled string boundary term that there is no dependence on s0. This implies that the abbreviated action on the LHS of (8.2.19)must be changed (8.2.25) so there is no overall s0dependence. Then including the same term to the RHS of (8.2.19) will +1 2pu.Xu(s0) may now write this, using integration by parts and deleting total derivatives in t, or by using the duality symmetric choice of total derivative terms in s, to give a duality symmetric +1 2p.X(s0) we may write in a using doubled vectors in an doubled fashion, to may now identify as the boundary term earlier to make the Tseytlin action independent of s0. Thus when the dust settles we see that the abbreviated action of the string, including the boundary piece, produces the Tseytlin string (including the doubled boundary term) and a correction term from the final term in (8.2.2). Thus, the relation between Sabbof the usual string and the Tseytlin abbreviated action boundary pieces) (8.2.27) The dual picture. Let us define the abbreviated action of the T-dual string, including the boundary piece, as (8.2.28) Now, we can repeat all this procedure with this dual abbreviated action. Then the difference between the two duality related frames for the action will be the difference of these abbreviated actions (the Hamiltonian being invariant), (8.2.29) The implication is that ordinary string and its dual are related by a phase (8.2.30)8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 221 Let us make a sanity check. For an ordinary toroidal space pis constant in tso it is zero for ordinary strings on a torus. The reader at this point may feel frustrated that after some considerable care with total derivatives and quasi-periodic fields we have generated a term that vanishes. However, crucially this term will not vanish for strings in the winding number is not conserved. Such a situation is exactly where double field theory is most useful captures the dynamic nature of winding. For example this occurs with a string in a Kaluza-Klein monopole background; a set up that was first considered in [GHM97] and studied using double field theory in [Jen11]. This term will also make a contribution if there is no globally defined duality frame and so one needs to form a good cover over the space and choose a duality frame in each patch. Such spaces with no globally defined T-duality frame are called T-folds. The above phase shift will then be part of the transition function between different patches acting on the string the geometric quantisation perspective this is reminiscent of the Maslov correction. The Hull topological term and its role. In addition to the discussion above, Hull proposed the addition of a topological to Tseytlin action based on global requirements for a gauging procedure [Hul07a]. The importance of this term for the partition function was emphasised in [BC07; Tan14]. This term is given by: Stop[X(s,t)] (8.2.31) Now, we can use Stokes' theorem as +p.X(s0) + without any loss of generality, we have chosen the gauge the potential of the 2-form Just like for the Tseytlin action, we can define a boundary term for the topological (8.2.33) to remove the dependence on the cut s0. Recall the equation (8.2.24)relating the action of a doubled string with the By (8.2.24)with equation (8.2.32), we immediately obtain the this point, we can provide both sides of the equation with the boundary term, so that 8.2. Quantum geometry of the doubled string where we recall the definition (8.2.25)for the abbreviated action (including the boundary term) of the ordinary (8.2.36) This equation can be interpreted as the fact that we need to add the boundary the usual abbreviated an ordinary string to obtain the manifestly O(n,n)-covariant abbreviated action (8.2.35). The total action. Finally, putting all this together, the total action of the doubled string will be given as (8.2.37) Fourier expansion of the kinetic term. Now, recall that the Hamiltonian of the doubled string is the (8.2.38) We can now expand XM(s)insby XM(s) the identity M -n=-M nand it can be decomposed as M n= n> 0
+Eunan n, n< 0. (8.2.40) The coordinates of the phase space can be taken as Now we can explicitly express the kinetic part of the action of the doubled string in Firstly, we calculate the mode expansion of the abbreviated Tseytlin action together with the topological we expand the boundary Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 223 By adding these terms together, we obtain the the mode expansion of the of the doubled string, which is the symplectic structure of the doubled string. Now we can use the (8.2.43) to determine the Liouville potential on the phase space of the doubled string and, hence, the its symplectic structure. To solve the equation, we choose again the Hamiltonian to the time flow, which, in the new coordinates the phase space, takes the form VH=d dt
= .xM xM+ by solving the equation (8.2.43)we obtain the following Liouville (8.2.45) By calculating the differential
=d, we finally obtain the symplectic form
= is, therefore, the symplectic form of the phase space (LQM, )of the doubled string. Notice that we can also rewrite this symplectic form + dpMdXM(s0). (8.2.47) Notice that, if we ignore the second term encoding the boundary, the first term can be immediately given by a which is nothing but of a symplectic form dxud~xudefined on the doubled space. Notice that this is still a particular example of the fundamental Svo18; Algebra of observables We want to determine the algebra heis(LQM, )of quantum observables of the phase space of the doubled (8.2.48)224 8.3. Geometric quantisation on the doubled space We, thus, obtain the following commutation (8.2.49) where the function e(s)is the quasi-periodic function defined by e(s) it satisfies the following properties: firstly, its derivative e/prime(s) =d(s)is the Dirac comb; secondly, it satisfies the boundary condition e(s+ 2pn) =e(s) + 2pnand, finally, it is an odd function, i.e. e(-s) =-e(s). The fact that the operators associated with not commute by already observed as far as in [De +14]. However, the (8.2.49)contain a new term: the skew-symmetric constant matrix from the topological term (8.2.31)in the total action of the doubled string and totally analogous of the one recently observed by [FLM17a; FLM17b]. We can also easily derive the commutation relations for the higher (8.2.51) Limits of the algebra of observables It is worth remarking the role of the dimen- sionful constants ~anda/primein providing the deformation to the classical algebra. We are used to seeing ~as a quantum deformation parameter but here we also see quantum deformation parameter. This suggests interesting limits. The classical limit is the obvious limit given by ~-0. The particle limit is ~fixed algebra suggests a new limit:
~-0 ;a/prime- ;a/prime~fixed. (8.2.52) This would be a classical stringy limit where we keep the stringy deformation but remove the quantum deformation. It would be interesting to study the system further in this limit to identify the pure string deformation based effects. 8.3 Geometric quantisation on the doubled space 8.3.1 The phase space of the zero-mode string Recall that we can expand the fields XM(s)of our doubled string s-model by XM(s) (8.3.1) where the coordinates of the phase space of a doubled string are the the zero-modes of the string and the its higher-modes. A zero-mode truncated doubled string is8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 225 a doubled string where we are neglecting the higher-modes and it can be seen as a simple embedding of the form XM(s) =xM+a/primespM. (8.3.2) The zero-modes of a doubled string XM(s,t)can be thought as a particle in a doubled phase space (xM(t),pM(t)). Similarly we expect that the wave-functional Ps[X(s)]at zero modes is just a wave-function ps(x,p)on the doubled phase space of zero . (8.3.3) The phase space of the zero-modes of a doubled string is, therefore, a manifold (P,)with symplectic underlying smooth manifold P=R4n. Notice that this 2-form, obtained by a Hamiltonian treatment of the total action of a doubled string s-model, exactly agrees with the symplectic form found by [FLM17a; FLM17b] by starting from vertex algebra arguments. Now, we can apply the machinery of geometric quantisation to this symplectic manifold (P,)to quantise the zero-modes of a doubled string. Kinetic coordinates for the doubled phase space. Let us change the coordinates with the untwisted non-canonical momentum coordinates kM=
(e-B)M NpN. Given a doubled string s-model X(s,t), these will be related by ku(s,t) ~ku(s,t) (8.3.5) We can rotate the doubled coordinates, accordingly the untwisted frame. We can now rewrite the symplectic form in the kinetic coordinates we called the (8.3.7) Then, we can choose the following gauge for the Liouville (8.3.8)226 8.3. Geometric quantisation on the doubled space The action of the zero-mode string. As we remarked, in geometric quantisation the Lagrangian density Lohm1(g)of a particle is related to the Liouville the equation LH= (iVH-H)dt. (8.3.9) We can then immediately use it, in the find the action of the zero-mode doubled we called the (8.3.12) 8.3.2 Algebra of the that in geometric quantisation a quantum observable ^fAut(H)is a of the Hilbert space, obtained from the corresponding classic observable f C(P)by the following (8.3.13) where the vector VfX(P)is the Hamiltonian vector with Hamiltonian function f, i.e. the vector which solves the Hamilton equation iVf= df. (8.3.14) In this subsection we want to determine the Lie algebra of quantum observables heis(P,) on the doubled phase vector fields. Let us first solve the Hamilton equation (8.3.14) for a generic Hamiltonian function f C(P). We expand the vector VfX(P)in the kinetic (8.3.15) Hence, the Hamilton equation (8.3.14), in coordinates, the Hamiltonian vector field Vfwith Hamiltonian fis given we called In particular the Hamiltonian vector to the classical observables of the kinetic coordinates Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory Heisenberg algebra. By applying the definition (8.3.13)of quan- tum observable, we find that the operators associated to the kinetic coordinates are the the commutation relations between the coordinates operators are the =i~eMN,[^kM,^kN] = 0. (8.3.20) Thus, the 4n-dimensional Lie algebra heis(P,)can be regarded as a of the usual Heisenberg algebra, where the position operators do not generally in undoubled notation, we have the following commutation = 0, [^xu,^~xn] =pi~a/primedu n, [^~xu,^~xn] = 0, [^ku,^~kn] = 0, [^~ku,^~kn] = 0, [^xu,^~kn] = [^~xu,^kn] = 0, [^xu,^kn] =i~du n, [^~xu,^~kn] this algebra from the perspective of the limits we discussed earlier we the noncommutativity of the position with the momentum and ~a/prime the noncommutativity of the coordinates and their duals. Finally, a/primeBthe of the spacetime coordinates. Thus when the B-field is included we have three noncommutativity principle on the doubled space. Following standard text book tech- niques applied to the commutation relations (8.3.21), we can immediately show that any position coordinate xuand its dual ~xusatisfy the following uncertainty (8.3.22) This means that xuand ~xucannot be measured with absolute precision at the same time, but there will be always a minimum uncertainty proportional to the area ~a/prime. This provides support to the intuition of a minimal distance scale in string theory. The standard lore is that for small distances one goes to the T-dual frame and the distances will always be larger than the string scale. In addition, both the couples the usual uncertainty relation between position and ~x~p>=~
2. it is worth noticing that the momentum and its dual can be measured at the (8.3.24)228 8.3. Geometric quantisation on the doubled Notice that the Hamiltonian operator of the zero-mode doubled string will be given (8.3.25) where we called the matrix Heisenberg algebra in canonical coordinates. In the zero- mode string canonical coordinates {xM,pM}we obtain the following the commutation relations between the canonical coordinates observables are [^xM,^xN] = 0. with the symplectic structure of the doubled space. Let us now focus on the subalgebra generated by the operators ^xuand ^~xu. This will be given by the following commutation = 0,[^xu,^~xn] = 0. (8.3.28) Notice that this can be seen as an ordinary 2n-dimensional Heisenberg algebra h(2n). This means that such an algebra is immediately given by a symplectic manifold symplectic form This symplectic structure on the doubled space is exactly the one introduced by [Vai12b]. 8.3.3 T-duality and the string deformed Fourier transform In ordinary quantum mechanics we choose to represent the wavefunctions in either the position or the momentum basis and it is the Fourier transform that maps the wavefunction in one basis to the other basis. From the persepective of geometric quantisation this is the transformation between elements of the Hilbert spaces constructed with of Lagrangian submanifold i.e. different polarisations. T-duality is a change in our choice of polarisation. We can then follow the pairing construction used in [BW97; Vic84; Sou97; Woo80] to construct the transformation for the string between different duality frames. This will produce a string deformed (that reduces to the usual Fourier transform in the a/prime-0limit). From the geometric quantisation perspective these transformations are known as [BW97] kernel's.8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory In the geometric quantisation of a symplectic space (P,), a to a choice of an integrable Lagrangian subspace LP. SincePis a vector space, the first Chern class of the prequantum U(1)-bundle whose curvature is the symplectic form ohm2(P), is necessarily trivial. In geometric quantisation, this implies that the Hilbert space of the quantised system is defined by the space of the on the Lagrangian submanifold LP, i.e. by H:= L2(L,C). this does not depend on the choice of polarisation LPand it is possible to prove that, for any other Lagrangian subspace L/primeP, we would have an isomorphism of Hilbert spaces as a change of polarisation. Let us rewrite the symplectic form ohm2(P) in canonical coordinates (xM,pM), (8.3.30) and let us recall that the momenta doubled vector can be interpreted as the doubled vector of winding numbers pM= (wu,~wu). It is now immediate that the vector spaces L:= Span(~xu,~wu) (8.3.31) are Lagrangian subspaces of the symplectic space (P,). This means that we will have two polarisations corresponding to the two T-duality frames We can thus define two basis our Hilbert space H. If we consider a generic state our Hilbert space, we can now express it in the basis associated to both the T-duality frames by psw(x) (8.3.32) Now, we want to explicitly find the isomorphism wave- functions in the two T-duality frames. Let us expand our zero-mode truncated string byXu(s) call XM(s) A zero-mode truncated string XM(s) =xM+a/primespMis represented by a point (xM,pM)P of the phase space of the zero-mode doubled string. Now, notice that the symplectic form immediately satisfies the following identity:
= (8.3.33) where respectively the differentials on the Lagrangian subspaces L=
Span (~xu,pu). Thus, we can express the f:P -P encoding T-duality on the phase space of the zero-mode doubled string by the generating function F(x,p) = 8.3. Geometric quantisation on the doubled space which is nothing but the zero-mode truncation of the lift to the phase space of the doubled string of the action functional (8.1.43). Such a is of the doubled coordinates and momenta by eMNpN). Now, by applying the machinery of geometric quantisation, the matrix of the change of basis on the Hilbert space Hwill be given by the (8.3.34) as ~wupu. Therefore we can equivalently rewrite the (8.3.36) as the following, stringy Fourier transformation is the transformation between the wavefunctions in different duality frames. Mathe- matically it is the isomorphism In undoubled coordinates we can explicitly rewrite such a stringy Fourier transformation as follows (8.3.38) where we used the identities wu~puand ~wupu. Notice that, even if the form of the fis particularly simple, the transformation for wave-function is more complicated than just a Fourier transform. The difference from the usual ation is given by the This then will reduces to a standard Fourier transform in the limit a/prime-0. In terms of basis, this transformation can be also be expressed phase term in the change of polarisation. Finally, notice that, if we restrict our generalised winding to ordinary integer winding w,~wZn, we will obtain a change of polarisation of the (8.3.40) In this context, as firstly noticed with different arguments by [FLM17b], T-duality does not simply act as a double Fourier transformation of the wave-function of a string, because there will be an extra phase contribution given by any term 0. unit of momentum, we immediately conclude that the only possible phase depending on the product ~wuwupuwubeing even or odd. Notice that the presence of the topological term in the action induces a very similar phase term in the partition function of a string with an analogous role, as seen by [BC07].8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 231 Darboux coordinates for the zero-mode string. Let us find the Darboux coordi- nates on the manifold Pfor the symplectic form ohm2(P). If we define the new we pack them together as qM:= (qu,~qu), we can rewrite the symplectic form simply as
= (pu,~pu). Therefore the conjugate variable on the phase to the canonical momenta pMof the zero-mode string is the new coordinate qM. Notice that this variable is not the proper position xMon the doubled space, but a mix of position and momentum. This change of coordinates is intimately related to what is known as Bopp's shift in non-commutative quantum mechanics. 8.3.4 Relation with induced by fluxes The we are exploring follows that in [Bla15], but is different from (though close to) the one introduced by [Lus10] and further explored by [And+13], where theofthedoubledspaceisinducedbythepresenceoffluxes. Foramore recent account see [Sza18] (who also discusses the appearance of ) and [Ost20]. The notion of we are considering is completely independent by the presence of fluxes and characterises even flat and topologically trivial doubled spaces. As we will see in the next section, the between a and its T-dual is intrinsic and linked to the existence of a minimal the doubled space. The link between the two notions of is provided by [Bla15]. The presence of flux implies monodromies for the generalised metric of the form H(x+ 2p) monodromy matrix OO(n,n). Thus, as explained by [Bla15], we need to consider the further generalised boundary conditions XM(s+ 2p) =OM NXN(s) + 2ppM(8.3.44) for our doubled string s-model. When we write the Tseytlin action, we then have to generalise its boundary term accordingly. As seen by [Bla15], the new action produces the given by the fluxes on the doubled phase space. 8.4 Non-commutative QM of the zero-mode quantum mechanics was introduced as far as in 1947 by [Sny47]. The fundamental idea, at the time, was to quantize flat spacetime by introducing a minimal length and generalising the uncertainty principle to make it fuzzy.232 8.4. Non-commutative QM of the zero-mode string As we saw in the previous section, the zero-mode truncation of the pre-quantised wave- functional Ps[X(s)]of a doubled string can be seen as a conventional ps(x,p)of a particle in a doubled space. In other words, the zero-modes of strings behave like particles in a double space. However, such a doubled space is intrinsically non-commutative. As we derived, indeed, the commutation relations of the position operators are of the form [^xM,^xN] (8.4.1) This meansthatthe QuantumMechanics ofthe string zero-modes Let us choose units where we only require c= 1. This way the two physi- cal dimensions of length and energy are explicitly parametrised by the two as thus the string scale must be expressed as We notice that any couple of T-dual coordinates fails in commuting by an area which is proportional to the string scale, i.e. we (8.4.3) for any fixed u= 1,...,n. In this context p/lscript2 scan be interpreted as a minimal area of the doubled space. 8.4.1 Non-commutative coherent states of zero-mode strings Let us start from the non-commutative Heisenberg algebra heis(,P)of the phase space (,P)of the zero-modes truncated doubled = 0.(8.4.4) Notice that the subspace of P=R4nspanned by (xu,~xu)is not a Lagrangian ps(xu,~xu). terms, since T-dual coordinates 0do not generally commute, there exists no eigenstates of the doubled position states. However, we can define the following annihilation and creation (8.4.5) whose Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 233 satisfies the commutation relations of the Fock algebra. Thus the configuration space is a bosonic Fock by vectors of the form
|,^z+u|,1 2^z+u1^z+u2|,1 3!^z+u1^z+u2^z+u3|, ... (8.4.8) where the vacuum state |is defined by the equation ^zu|= 0for allu= 1,...,n. The important aspect of working with the creation and annihilation operators is that there exist all the operators ^zuwithu= 1,...,n. These satisfy the following defining eigenvalues (z1,***,zn)Cn. These states are called coherent states . Let us now use the compact notation coherent states. A state can be expressed exp/parenleftbigg -dun 2a/primezu-zn/parenrightbigg exp/parenleftbiggdun a/primezu^z+n/parenrightbigg
|, (8.4.10) where the vacuum state |Fcsis defined as previously. These states constitute an overcomplete basis on the Fock space space Fcs, since they satisfy the 1. (8.4.11) There is an isomorphism between the non-commutative quantum configuration space Fcsand the quantum Hilbert space H, i.e. Fcs~=H. (8.4.12) Such an isomorphism will be explicitly presented in equation (8.4.23). Mean position of a coherent state. The expectation value of the operators on a coherent state be found =: ~xu.(8.4.13) The doubled vector xM= (xu,~xu)is themean position of the coherent state the doubled space R2d, also known as quasi-coordinate vector. It is important to remark i.e. ^xM. Thus, xM, work with eigenstates of the position operators. In general, any operator ^f(^xM)can be expressed as a function of the mean positions of a coherent state by F(xM) 8.4. Non-commutative QM of the zero-mode string Minimal uncertainty. Coherent states minimize the uncertainty between a of the doubled space and its T-dual, (8.4.14) The coherent states of the quantum configuration space can then be interpreted as states which are approximately localised at a point xMof the doubled space, the mean position. 8.4.2 Free particles on the doubled space Plane waves. The mean value of a plane wave operator on a coherent state is given (8.4.15) This can be immediately proved by defining the complex momentum by applying the formula as Hilbert space of a free particle. The subspace Lp=Span (pM) Pis Lagrangian. This can be immediately understood by writing the symplectic form in Darboux coordinates as = dpMdqM. Therefore we can express our Hilbert space Has the space of complex L2-functions on Lp, i.e. as H~=L2(Lp;C) (8.4.18) Since the doubled momenta commute, i.e. [^pM,^pN] = 0, we can define a basis the doubled momentum operators ^pMwithout the with the doubled position operator. These satisfy 1,..., 2d. If we choose the basis of coherent states a doubled momentum eigenstate can then be expressed the mean position of the coherent state This can be interpreted as the expression of a free particle state on the doubled space, where we are using the mean position as a variable.8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 235 Strings are waves. Interestingly, if we choose the basis the commuting operators of the physical position ^xuand winding ^~pu, a doubled momentum eigenstate can be expressed just as a free particle in the wave- function on the physical nowxuare proper eigenvalues of the position operator. Analogously, in the ~wu=pu, we recover a free particle on the T-dual interpretation of this fact is that a free particle, i.e. a plane wave, on the doubled space with fixed doubled momentum pM= (pu,~pu)can be interpreted as
*a free string on the physical space with fixed momentum puand winding wu=~pu,
*a free string on the T-dual space with fixed momentum ~puand winding ~wu=pu. As classically derived in [BBR14], this implies that a plane wave with doubled momentum pM= space and one with pM= (0,~pu)reduces to a standing string with winding distribution. Let us calculate the probability distribution of the wave- function (8.4.19)of a free particle on the doubled (8.4.22) Hence, the probability of measuring the doubled momentum pM(or equivalently a string with momentum puand winding ~pu) is not uniform, but it exponentially decays far state as superposition of strings. Now, the eigenstate be inter- preted as a free string for which we know with certainty the momentum puand the winding number wu=~pu. The equation (8.4.19)can be immediately interpreted as the expansion of a coherent state the the mean doubled position of the coherent state Hamiltonian as number operator. Observe that the Hamiltonian operator is (8.4.24) Let us consider the simple case where the generalised metric is trivial, i.e. HMN=dMN. We can then define a number operator any fixed u= 1,...,nand the total number operator as a sum What we obtain is that the Hamiltonian is proportional to the number operator by ^H=2 p~^N.236 8.4. Non-commutative QM of the zero-mode string 8.4.3 Minimal scale of the doubled Fourier transform. Let us consider a general string state We can express this state as a wave function ps(p) the momentum space. Thus, if we want to express it in the coherent states basis we need to use equation (8.4.23) as (8.4.25) Now we can transform wave-functions ps(p) : the doubled momentum space to wavefunctions ps(x) in the basis of the coherent states. (Here xMdenotes the mean position of is not a coordinate.) This is effectively version of the Fourier transform. Let us now mention an example of this non-commutative Fourier transform which is useful to develop some intuition about the non-commutative nature of the doubled space. Let us choose a wave-function ps(p) = 1on the doubled momentum space, which, in some sense, means that the doubled momentum is maximally spread. The applied to ps(p) = 1, gives ps(x) is a Gaussian distribution on the doubled space and not a delta function. This, on an intuitive level, means that, even if the doubled momentum is maximally spread, the uncertainty on the doubled coordinates cannot be zero. This is because each couple of T-dual coordinates can shrink only to a minimal area proportional to This is an interesting manifestation of the fuzziness of doubled space between physical and T-dual coordinates, which is parametrised by between coherent states. Let us consider two coherent states respectively with mean position xM 1andxM 2. We want now to calculate the such states1. First, notice that the following identity ^zl+zl. (8.4.27) By combining this identity with the definition of coherent state, we get the exp/parenleftBigg -/vextendsingle/vextendsinglez2|2+|z1/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 2a/prime/parenrightBigg/angbracketleftBigg 0/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleexp/parenleftBigg dun a/prime-zu 2^zn 2/parenrightBigg exp/parenleftBigg dun a/primezu 1^z+n 1/parenrightBigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleBigg .(8.4.28) 1We thank Kevin T. Grosvenor for extremely helpful discussion, which led to the improvement of this section in the manuscript [Alf21]. In particular, the calculation of the amplitude between coherent states will follow the calculation proposed in [Gro21].8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 237 By using the formula, we this, we finally find the (8.4.29) Thus, we immediately get the result that the amplitude between two coherent states with different mean positions xM 1andxM 2is given (8.4.30) Thus, the ordinary Dirac delta function eigenstates of the coordinates operator of commutative Quantum Mechanics is replaced by the whose width is proportional to string length scale The between two coherent states is, then, the Gaussian this means that the probability is high if the distance between the mean positions x1andx2of the respective coherent states smaller we take the limit a/prime-0the fuzziness of the doubled The non-commutative Heisenberg algebra of quantum observables reduces to an ordinary commutative 4n-dimensional Heisenberg algebra, whose are given = = the minimal uncertainty in measuring a coordinate and its dual vanishes. The basis of coherent states to a basis of eigenstates the ^x, which are now well-defined. Moreover, the scattering amplitudes shrink (8.4.33) In the limit a/prime-0, the quantum mechanics on the doubled space becomes quantum mechanics on a 2n-dimensional spacetime. 8.4.4 Polarisation of coherent states in a T-duality frame Let us consider on our Hilbert space the basis which corresponds to the T-duality frame given by the Lagrangian subspace LPwith coordinates (xu,wu). Recall that, given a string state we can express it as a wave-function on the Lagrangian subspace LPbypsw(x) wherewu:=~puis the generalised238 8.4. Non-commutative QM of the zero-mode string winding number. Thus |psw(x)|2can be interpreted as the probability of measuring a string at the point xuon physical spacetime with winding number wu. Now, we want express a coherent state this basis. In other words we want to :=/angbracketleftx,w (8.4.34) To do that, we can use the fact that a complete basis for the Hilbert space (8.4.35) Let us now use the notation the mean position of a coherent sate again (xu,wu)for the coordinates of the Lagrangian subspace LPwhere the polarised wave-function lives. Let us use the expressions a free particle in the doubled space to calculate the intermediate the integral (8.4.35)becomes a Fourier transform in the physical momentum we obtain the following = (8.4.37) We notice that the first term of this wave-function is a Gaussian on the physical position space and that the second term contains an exponential cut-off for large winding distribution. The probability of measuring a string with position xu and winding number wu, for a given coherent state mean doubled will be immediately given (8.4.38) This probability distribution exponentially decays by going away from the mean the physical position space and from zero on the winding number is immediate to notice that, in the limit a/prime-0, the spreads in the winding space and localizes in the physical position space. In other words, our probability distribution shrinks to a Dirac Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory (8.4.37). To do so, we only need to express the same coherent state another basis of our Hilbert space, the basis to the complementary Lagrangian In other words we must :=/angbracketleft~x,~w We immediately obtain the following wave-function on the dual Lagrangian = (8.4.39) where the role of the physical and T-dual coordinates is exchanged. 8.5 Metaplectic structure Let us focus on the doubled space M. We observed that it comes, at least with a canonical symplectic form /pi1. Let now assume that (M,/pi1)is simply a 2n-dimensional symplectic manifold and LTMbe a Lagrangian subbundle. The metaplectic structure. Themetaplectic group Mp(2n,R)is the universal double cover of the symplectic group Sp(2n,R). It is, thus, given by a group extension of the form 0 0. structure on a symplectic manifold (M,/pi1)is defined as the lift of the is a lemma (see [BW97]) which states that TMadmits a metaplectic structure if and only if Ladmits a metalinear structure. Another result states [BW97] that the existence of a metalinear structure on a bundle Eis equivalent to the existence of the square root By putting these two lemmas together we obtain that TM admits a metaplectic structure if and only existence of a metaplectic structure is intimately linked to the definition of the canonical Spin(d,d)spinor (8.5.2) If the Lagrangian subbundle Lis integrable, there exists a submanifold MMsuch thatL=TM, i.e. the physical spacetime. In this case, the canonical is isomorphic to the spinor bundle of generalised geometry on M, which is defined in [Gua07]. Thus, the isomorphism LL*by a B-shift be immediately extended to an (8.5.3) given by the untwist polyforms Notice that this recovers a construction which is analogous to [Gra+09].240 8.5. Metaplectic structure The quantum Hilbert space. The physical necessity for the existence that it is this measure that is used to construct the quantum Hilbert space. In half- form quantisation, one thinks of a state as the combination of the wavefunction with the half-form used to construct its norm. Thus, the quantum Hilbert space of this symplectic manifold, which will (8.5.4) Let us now consider sections of the form where the top form is the Riemannian volume form dxnandphC(M) is just a function. Any section be uniquely written the polarisation on the bundle L, we have that sections of the square root bundle transform accordingly (8.5.6) Consider a state Let us call simply psthe corresponding wave-function. We, thus, have a Hilbert product given nothing but the string frame measure and it is T-duality invariant. By following the literature we can, define a T-duality invariant dilaton by d:=ph-1 2ln det(g), (8.5.8) so that we can rewrite the measure Now, notice that a not depend on the choice of polarisation and, therefore, it must be invariant under change of T-duality frame. Under the we have the volume half form transforming by e-d dx1*** d~xn (8.5.9) Thus, we can express the same state section the dual measure is d~xn. In this T-duality frame the Hilbert product will immediately have the following the dilaton transformation arises from the transformation of the measure in the half-form quantisation of the string.8. Geometric quantisation of Double Field Theory 241 The Metaplectic correction to observables There is one further effect associated to the Metaplectic structure of quantisation. When we move to the representation of observables the operators now act on states in just on ps. Practically that means there may be in additional contribution to an operator given by the Lie derivative generated by the vector field associated to the observable acting on the half form. Contributions of this type occur with in which case the Hamiltonian operator is shifted by 1/2. For the simple harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics this is just the usual zero-point energy shift. In this context, the Hamiltonian constructed in section 5.24 would receive a zero-point shift. This would be relevant for T-fold type configurations where the space time moves Of course, we have only dealt with the bosonic string, it is a open question as to whether fermionic contributions might cancel this shift for the full The Maslov correction A related effect is the Maslov quantisation condition [Arn67] (also known as quantisation) the Maslov index of the loop g. Notice that the []H2(P,Z)alone implies only some integer nZ. The Maslov quantisation condition adds an explicit correction to the quantisation on the Maslov index of the loop. These type corrections really only appear when the polarisation is non-trivial by which we mean in the double field theory context a spacetime that moves between xand~xspaces. One expects such a description is needed for a T-fold where no global T-duality frame exists. These subtle quantum effects will then change the string spectrum in the T-fold background. We leave the detailed study of the corrections for T-folds for future work.No book can ever be finished. While working on it we learn just enough to find it immature the moment we turn away from it. -- Karl Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 9.2 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 9.1 Conclusion From a small set of assumptions we developed a global formulation of the Double Field Theory by directly generalising Kaluza-Klein principle to higher gauge fields. We posit that the total space of the bundle gerbe should be understood as the extended spacetime where Double Field Theory lives. In chapter 5, the hypothesis found an extremely interesting confirmation in the fact that a bundle gerbe can be covered by an atlas whose charts can be naturally identified with the coordinate charts of Double Field Theory. Crucially, this construction both the Kalb-Ramond flux and T-duality from a single principle. From our formalism, we recovered many previous relevant proposals of geometry of Double Field Theory and we clarified how they fit in a global geometric picture. Both in chapter 5 and 6 we illustrated that this proposal of doubled space naturally recovers [Vai12b; Vai13], including the para-Hermitian structure of Drinfel'd doubles [MS18; MS19]. We also showed that the infinitesimal symmetries of such doubled space are given by a symplectic Lie 2-algebroid, which is equivalently a NQP-manifold, and it can be related to the construction by [DS18; DHS18; DS19]. These geometric results are also able to shed new light on the nature of physical objects in String Theory. In ordinary Kaluza-Klein theory, a magnetic monopole of the gauge field can be embedded in a gravitational monopole on the extended spacetime: the Gross-Perry monopole. In chapter 5 we showed that the NS5-brane of String Theory is 2429. Conclusion 243 nothing but the direct generalisation of the Gross-Perry monopole to the bundle gerbe. This provides a new and clear geometric meaning to the NS5-brane and completes the idea initially proposed by [BR15a]. In chapter 6, we showed that the dimensional reduction of the bundle gerbe recovers exactly Hull's doubled torus bundles [Hul07b], with their wanted topologies, and T-dualities [BHM07]. Moreover, in chapter 6 we derived the notion of T-fold by dimensionally reducing the bundle gerbe and we applied it to the underlying geometry of tensor hierarchies [HS13b], i.e. the gauge field content of where duality generally appears promoted to a local symmetry. From this global version of the generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions, for the very first time, it was possible to study the topology of some simple examples of tensor hierarchies. In chapter 7 we moved some first steps in generalising our proposal to other Extended Field Theories. In particular, we defined a chart of the heterotic doubled space, the Type II super-double space, the exceptional space and, finally, of the space. Finally, in chapter 8 we apply geometric quantisation to a closed string and we link it to the doubled space of Double Field Theory. A key result is the identification of the stringy effects linked to the noncommutativity of the doubled space controlled by the string length. The choice of polarisation in quantisation then becomes the choice of duality frame. Transformations between frames is then given geometrically by and constructing the non-local transforms acting on wavefunctions. The construction of a double coherent state gives a minimal distance state which we can examine from the point of view of traditional polarisations. Finally, the subtle may have important consequences for quantising strings on T-folds. 9.2 Discussion We showed that the current understanding of Extended Field Theory and, in particular for what it concerns its global properties, is far from complete. Moreover, interesting results deserve to be investigated further. Global Exceptional Geometry. Recall the definition of the atlas chapter 7, which we identified with a local chart of exceptional space. As already argued by [AB18, sec.9.2], the naturally expected structure generalising the para-Hermitian geometry to the exceptional case would generally be an almost n-plectic structure. Recently, [SU20] proposed a local generalisation of the Born s-model of the string to the M-branes. These are equipped with 3- and 6-forms which appear to be closely related to the transgression of the higher field whose curvature comes from the dg-algebra (7.3.2). All these are strong hints that the correspondence between and higher geometry via atlases can be well-defined for the exceptional cases too. Relation with representation theory. In [CP18; CP19a; CP19b], extended geom- etry has been studied in algebraic terms, in the light of representation theory. correspondence will then provide a complementary global geometric244 9.2. to extended geometry, as well as new connections between higher geometry and representation Drinfel'd Algebras. It would be interesting to clarify the global picture of the exceptional Drinfel'd algebras [Sak20a; MT20; BTZ20; MS20; Sak20b; MST21], which are Leibniz algebras generalising the Drinfel'd algebras of Double Field Theory to Exceptional Field Theory. Since the fluxes of M-theory appear to be formalised in the context of cohomotopy, it would be interesting to investigate the relation Drinfel'd algebras and U-duality and moduli stack of global U-folds. A future natural direction will be extending the global formalisation of T-duality we proposed in chapter 6 to global U-duality, including Poisson-Lie U-duality, its underlying globally-defined and generalised correspondence spaces. This can be achieved by by globalising the local chart of exceptional space to a complete atlas of the higher structure of M-theory and, then, by developing a global notion of generalised Scherk-Schwarz reductions. of this construction could lead to the definition of a cohomology theory for global Poisson-Lie U-folds, or, in other words a global classification of such spaces and their fluxes, geometric and non-geometric. Finally, once the characteristic classes which classify the fluxes of M-theory are established, this procedure could lead to the definition of a notion of topological U-duality, which prescribes how such are mixed under quantisation of M-theory. Since the non-perturbative quantisa- tion of strings and branes can be achieved by higher geometric quantisation [SS11b; BSS17; BS17; FRS16] on prequantum bundle n-gerbes, the close relation we established the global properties of the geometric involved structures play a fundamental role in higher geometric quantisation, just like in ordinary geometric quantisation. In our proposal of global geometry of Extended Field Theory and duality will likely have an interesting role to play in this kind of non-perturbative results of chapter 8 lead to some further questions far outside the scope of this thesis. Usually the properties of double field theory are shared with exceptional field theory. Here though seems a mystery. If double field theory is just phase space and its then what is exceptional field theory. Is there some sense in which it can be thought of as a more general quantisation with the generalised phase space being related to the extended space. Spacetime would no longer be a Lagrangian submanifold of the extended space. Perhaps some clue is available in the construction of the basic states of theory as given in [BR15b] where the branes were again momentum states in the extended space but now also combined with a type of generalised monopole to give a self-dual configuration. Other mysterious properties of M-theory phase space have been noticed in [LMS18]. Other exotica that would be curious to explain from the phase space perspective would be the recently discovered non-Riemannian phase to Double and Exceptional Field Theory as discussed in [MP17; CMP19; BBO19; PS20; BOP20;9. Conclusion 245 Gal+20]; this is also somewhat of a mystery from the quantisation perspective. Any insight into such exotic backgrounds from the geometric quantisation approach proposed here would be very interesting and we leave it for future taujhua gn,sewc eneka apithdeui uenon. The knowledge at which geometry aims is knowledge of the eternal. -- Plato, of generalised Generalised tangent bundle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 A.2 Courant algebroid structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 A.2.1 Review of Lie algebroids and bialgebroids . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 A.2.2 Courant algebroids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 A.2.3 The double of a Lie bialgebroid as a Courant algebroid . . . . . 253 A.3 Generalised complex structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 In this appendix we introduce fundamental notions in generalised complex geometry and theory of Courant algebroids. For information about exceptional generalised geometry, which is not included in this brief discussion, we redirect to the seminal works [Hul07b; Gra+09; PW08; CSW11; CSW14] and [Bug+21] for a recent Generalised tangent A.1.1 (Generalised tangent bundle) .Ageneralised tangent bundle EM is a vector bundle which sits at the center of the following short exact known as A.1.2 (Splitting map) .Asplitting map is a bundle that we have the isomorphism of vector (A.1.3) 248A. Fundamentals of generalised geometry 249 Definition A.1.3 (Generalised vector) .A generalised vector is a section VG(M,E ). Remark A.1.4 (Components of a generalised vector) .Given a local patch U(a)M, we can locally express a generalised vector VG(M,E their patching conditions are given any overlap of patches U(a)U(b)M. From the first patching condition, a globally defined vector field on M. By using the we can express a generalised vector as as respectively a globally defined vector and a local 2-form corresponding to oand patched by the dL (ab). Definition A.1.5 (Metriceand generalised vielbein) .A metriceis a symmetric bilinear form e: G(M,E )xG(M,E )-- C(M) (A.1.7) defined as follows. Let us first define the generalised vielbein EAG(M,E the e-metric can be defined by the generalised e 1 1 A.1.6 (Generalised frame bundle) .The generalised frame bundle Fr(E)of a generalised tangent bundle Eis the principal O(d,d)-bundle defined by Fr(E) e (EA,EB) the base manifold M. Remark A.1.7 (Structure group) .The metric etogether with a choice of the structure group O(d,d)of the generalised tangent bundle EMtoSO(d,d).250 A.2. Courant algebroid structure Remark A.1.8 (Automorphisms of the generalised tangent bundle) .The structure group preserving the e-metric on EMand the orientation is SO(d,d)~=SO(E). Its Lie algebra will be so(E) +e(-,A-) = 0/bracerightbig. (A.1.11) This Lie algebra is isomorphic (A.1.12) Thus, an element can be expressed by the block as B-shift) A.1.9 (Isotropic subbundle) .LetEMbe a generalised tangent bundle. A subbundle LEis called isotropic subbundle if it is isotropic under the form e. A.2 Courant algebroid structure Let us start this section by recalling the definitions and some useful facts about Lie algebroids and Lie Review of Lie algebroids and A.2.1. ALie algebroid ais a a vector bundle on a smooth manifold M, (b) [-,-]a: G(M,E )xG(M,E )-G(M,E )is a skew-symmetric a vector bundle morphism, known as anchor map , such that the following properties ]a(Leibniz rule), where [-,-]Lieis the usual Lie bracket on TM, for anyX,YG(M,E A.2.2 (Lie algebra) .Notice that a Lie algebroid g= (E,[-,-]g,0)over a pointM:={0}is exactly a Lie algebra g, whose underlying vector space is Eand Lie bracket is (Tangentbundle) (TM, Fundamentals of generalised geometry 251 Definition A.2.4. Theexterior derivative on a Lie algebroid the map that (a)(daf)(X) =r(X)(f)for anyfC(M), (b) A.2.5. TheLie derivative on the Lie )is defined as the operator by La X:= d aiX+iXda, the inner A.2.6 (Lie bialgebroid) .ALie bialgebroid is the datum of two Lie algebroids a= (E*,[-,-]a*,r*), whose underlying vector bundles EM andE*Mare dual and such that the following compatibility condition holds da*[-,-]a= [d a*-,-]a+ [-,da*-]a, (A.2.2) where daandda*are respectively the differentials of the algebroids aanda*. Example A.2.7 (Lie bialgebra) .Notice that a Lie bialgebroid over a point M:={0}is exactly a Lie bialgebra. A.2.2 Courant algebroids Let us start this section from the general definition of a Courant A.2.8. ACourant algebroid cis a a vector bundle over a manifold M, (b)e: G(M,E )xG(M,E )-C(M)is a non-degenerate symmetric pairing, (c)*: G(M,E )xG(M,E )-G(M,E )is a pairing ( Dorfman bracket ), (d)r:ETMis a vector bundle morphism ( anchor map ), such that the following properties hold: (i)X*(Y*Z) +Y*(Z*X) +Z*(X*Y) = 0(Leibniz ) any section X,Y,ZG(M,E ).252 A.2. Courant algebroid A.2.9 (Standard Courant algebroid) .The simplest example of is the standard Courant algebroid , which is given := the bracket are called standard Dorfman bracket . Let us now generalise this simple example. Example A.2.10 (Courant algebroid from a given Lie algebroid) .Given a Lie we can directly define a Courant algebroid the pairings are canonically given by e(v+l,w+u) := that the standard Courant algebroid is exactly an example of this kind, where the chosen Lie algebroid is the tangent bundle (TM, A.2.11 (Courant bracket) .Given a Courant algebroid we can define the Courant bracket as the of the Dorfman bracket *, i.e. [X,Y (A.2.5) for any couple of sections X,YG(M,E ). Example A.2.12 (Standard Courant bracket) .For the standard Courant we obtain the standard Courant (A.2.6) for any couple of sections A.2.13 (Integrable subbundle) .Given a Courant algebroid a subbundle LEis anintegrable subbundle ifG(M,L )is closed under the Courant bracket A.2.14 (Dirac structure) .Given a Courant algebroid aDirac structure is a subbundle LEwhich is both maximally isotropic and A.2.15 (Polarisation of a Courant algebroid) .LetLbe a Dirac structure of a Courant algebroid Then a Lie A.2.16 (Generalised tangent bundle as Courant algebroid) .Given a bundle Er--- -TMand a splitting map o:TM the isomorphism (A.1.3) of vector (A.2.7) can be refined to an isomorphism of Courant algebroids from some standard Courant Let us now rename theA. Fundamentals of generalised geometry (or*)-1. On generalised vectors VG(M,E ), the isomorphism of vector bundles can be given as Consequently, the Courant algebroid structure can be defined as pullback of the standard Courant algebroid structure, we obtain that the Courant bracket on the generalised tangent bundle is [V,W ]Cou= )is any couple of generalised vectors and H= dB(a)is the curvature of the corresponding bundle gerbe. Notice that the Dorfman bracket on a generalised tangent bundle can be rewritten (A.2.11) where we called M:= (u,0)and we defined the ad(Fr(E)), (A.2.12) where ad(Fr(E)) := Fr(E)xado(d,d)is the adjoint bundle of the generalised frame bundle Fr(E)-M, regarded as an The double of a Lie bialgebroid as a Courant algebroid This subsection will be devolved to the intimate relation between Courant algebroids and Lie bialgebroids. For more details about this topic, see A.2.17 (Double of Lie bialgebroid) .Thedouble of a Lie bialgebroid , where a Courant algebroid whose underlying vector bundle is EE*M, whose anchor map isrr*:EE*TMand which is equipped with e(v+l,w+u) := as symmetric and skew-symmetric pairing. Here, the operators da*andLa*
are the algebroid exterior derivative and Lie derivative of the dual Lie algebroid. This last example of Courant algebroid puts on the same footing both Lie algebroids which make up a Lie algebroid and it will be important in Double Field Theory.254 A.3. Generalised complex A.2.18 (Manin triple of a Lie bialgebroid) .If the Courant algebroid cis the double of the Lie algebroid given by two Lie algebroid structures aanda*, then we triple of the Lie bialgebroid . Lemma A.2.19 (Polarisation of a Courant algebroid II) .Let,*,r/parenrightbigbe a . Let Dirac structures which are transversal to each other, i.e. Then, the couple the datum of a Lie bialgebroid, interpreted as the dual bundle of Lunder the pairing e. A.3 Generalised complex A.3.1 (Generalised complex structure) .Ageneralised complex structure on a generalised tangent bundle Er-- -TMis a bundle automorphism I:E-Esuch that
*it is an isometry, i.e. e(I-,I-) =e(-,-),
*it satisfies the equation I2=-idE. Remark A.3.2 (Structure group) .The existence of a generalised complex structure I onEr--- -TMimplies that the dimension of the base manifold is even. Moreover, it reduces the structure group O(d,d)of the generalised tangent bundle to U(d/2,d/2). This is analogous to how an ordinary complex structure on TMreduces the structure can use the isomorphism ro:E~=---TMT*Mto express a generalised blocks b b In this terms, the defining equation of the generalised complex structure becomes I2=-idE 0, -bj+jTb= A.3.3 (Complex structure) .The generalised complex structure defined equivalently, a complex structure jAut(TM)on the base A.3.4 (Symplectic structure) .The generalised complex structure defined equivalently, a symplectic structure oohm2(M)on the base manifold.A. Fundamentals of generalised geometry 255 Remark A.3.5 .Let us define the complexification of the bundle by EC:=EC. Then, the generalised complex structure has two eigenbundles with eigenvalues +iand-i, i.e. EC~=L+iL-i A.3.6 are maximally isotropic) .The eigenbundles isotropic subbundles of E, i.e.e|L+-i= 0andrank(L+-i) =d. Proof.For any couple of generalised vectors V,WG(M,L+-i), we havee(V,W ) =
e(IV,IW ) =e(+-iV,+-iW) = (+-i)2e(V,W ) =-e(V,W ). The integrability of an ordinary complex structure jis equivalent to the involutivity of TMCrespect to the Lie bracket of the algebroid (TM, [-,-]Lie). If this condition is satisfied, we can call the couple (M,j)complex manifold. In geometry, this statement is generalised as A.3.7 (Integrable generalised complex structure) .A generalised integrable if and if the i-eigenbundle L+iofEC=ECis closed under the Courant bracket, +i),G(M,L +i). (A.3.6) A smooth manifold Mequipped with an integrable generalised complex structure I Aut(E)can be called generalised complex manifold (M,I). Remark A.3.8 (Dirac structures and integrability) .Notice that, if IAut(E)is an integrable generalised complex structure, then L+-iare transversal Dirac structures.At ubi materia, ibi Geometria. Where there is matter, there is geometry. -- Johannes Kepler, De Fundamentis Astrologiae of Supermanifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 B.2 Super-Cartan geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 B.2.1 Super-Cartan geometry with dilaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 B.3 Type II super-Cartan geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 B.4 Super Yang-Mills theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 B.5 Heterotic Supergravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 B.6 Rheonomy principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 In this appendix we provide an introduction to supergeometry, which underlies Super- gravity. The focus will be given on the global higher structures which characterise the Supergravity limit of the 10-dimensional string theories. The main species of fields we find in Supergravity are collected in the following table. Type II and Heterotic Supergravity fields Field Meaning Curvature rGravitino field connection Ra b Ricci curvature ph Dilaton Fdil Dilaton field r
dil Dilatino field field ri gau Gaugino field field H H-flux Table B.1: A sum of the fields of Type II and Heterotic Supergravity, with their Fundamentals of supergeometry 257 B.1 B.1.1 (Type II Dirac representations) .There are two Dirac the vector space C16C16which we will call 1616for Type IIA supergravity and 1616for Type IIB supergravity. These are given by the on 1 -1 GIIB 9=/parenleftBigg 0 1 1 G10=/parenleftBigg i0 0-i/parenrightBigg ,(B.1.1) where{ga}witha= 0,..., 8are the gamma-matrices of a Dirac representation 16of Spin(1,8)on the vector space C16. Let us also B.1.2 (Identities) .Notice that we have the following useful B.1.3 (Super-Minkowski space) .A(1 super with a real spinor representation NofSpin(1,d), the Grassmann (or exterior) algebra of RN. This means that any the super Minkowski space can be expressed by f(x,th) =f(x) functions on supergroup) .The super-Minkowski space is equipped with a supergroup structure
+ th) + (x/primeu, th/prime) = B.1.5 (Supersymmetry) .In theoretical physics we call supersymmetry in the odd coordinates of the form (xu, th) + (0, /epsilon1) = th+/epsilon1). (B.1.7)258 B.1. B.1.6 (Supermanifold) .A(d+ 1|N)-dimensional supermanifold Mis defined as a locally ringed space a topological space and C(-)is a sheaf on|M|which is given on open subsets |U||M|by C(U) (B.1.8) where the space RNis spanned by the odd coordinates B.1.7 map M-Nof super- manifolds is a homomorphisms of locally ringed spaces. The set of all be denoted by SDiff(M,N ) := (B.1.9) In particular, a of supermanifolds is an isomorphism of locally ringed space. The supergroup of all s of a supermanifold Mwill be simply denoted by B.1.8 maps of super-Minkowski spaces) super-Minkowski spaces are given by the of B.1.9 (Gluing a supermanifold) .The local coordinate patches (Ua,z(a))of a supermanifold Mare glued (B.1.11) where s. In coordinates, such maps can be expanded as M, itsreduced manifold Mis an ordinary manifold defined by M=(|M|,C/I), where the presheaf Iis the nilpotent ideal of Cwhich is given on local patches by functions of the odd coordinates I(U) C(U). (B.1.13)B. Fundamentals of supergeometry 259 Lemma B.1.11 (Canonical embedding of reduced manifold) .Given a supermanifold M, its reduced manifold Mis a canonically embedded in the former by a M is a canonical morphism of ringed spaces a id|M|:|M|~=- -|M|is the identity map on the a quotient map of sheaves on is a Minkowski space, i.e. B.1.13 (Reduced differentiable map) .Given a map f: M-N, we define its reduced differentiable map f: M- Nas the map which makes the following diagram commute M N M N.i B.1.14 (Reduced differential maps of Minkowski spaces) .Given a map its reduced differentiable map is is given by the first term x/primeu=fu(x)of equation (B.1.10) Lemma B.1.15 (Gluing the reduced manifold) a cover for a supermanifold M, U(a)is a cover for its reduced manifold M. By looking at the (B.1.12) of M, the reduced manifold Mwill be glued by the (B.1.16) Notice that the kernel of the quotient map a by the odd coordinates. This implies that the ring C(R1,d|N) is aninfinitesimal extension B.1.16 (Superpoint is infinitesimally thickened point) .Notice that we have C(R0|1) (B.1.17) Hence the superpoint is the ringed space whose space is a single but equipped with a smooth algebra of function given by the ring of dual numbers. As pointed out by [HS18], a scalar field on the superpoint (i.e. a differentiable map R0|1-R) is equivalently a map of smooth algebras of functions C(R)-C(R0|1) =
RRthwhich can be interpreted as sending f/mapsto-f(0) +f/prime(0)thfor any function f260 B.2. Super-Cartan geometry C(R). Crucially this map well-behaves respect to the product of scalars, indeed we + (f/prime(0)g(0) (fg)(0) + any couple of functions f,gC(R). More generally, a R0|1-Mto any ordinary manifold Mis equivalently a morphism of ringed spaces (x,X) : the embedding of the underlying point |R0|1|={0}in the manifold Mand where a morphisms of smooth algebras +Xuuf(x)thfor any function fC(M). In other words (x,X)is the datum of a pointxMand a vector XTxM. Therefore the space of all s R0|1(x,X)-----Mis exactly the tangent bundle of M, i.e. [R0|1, M]~=TM (B.1.18) This gives an important insight in the nature of the geometry of B.1.17 (Supermanifolds as infinitesimally thickened manifolds) (B.1.19) Notice that its underlying topological space is just a Thus, a supermanifold can be interpreted as an ordinary manifold with See [HS18] for more details. B.2 Super-Cartan B.2.1 (Super-Poincare group) .We can define the super Poincare where Nis a spin representation, by extending the Poincare algebra iso(1,d) with new odd generators {q}such that they appear in the following : [pa,q] = 0, [mab,q] paare the generators of R1,d,mabare the generators of so(1,d)and Ga
are the gamma-matrices of the spin representation N. Finally, the super Poincare group ISO(1,d|N) given by the Lie-integration of that a (1 super-Minkowski space is thus recovered B.2.2 (Super-Cartan geometry) .A super-Cartan geometry on a (1 supermanifold Mis the datum of a principal bundle , equipped with a connection , which satisfies the following properties:B. Fundamentals of supergeometry an isomorphism of vector spaces for any EFM,
*(E,o)maps vertical vectors in in particular, orestricts to the Maurer-Cartan form = Adh-1(E,o), whereRhis the right multiplication hSO(1,d). Remark B.2.3 (Spin connection) .Notice that oohm1(FM, so(1,d))is exactly an Ehresmann connection for the principal We will call it spin connection . Remark B.2.4 (Coframe field) .Notice that exactly a coframe fieldor, in other words, the vielbein. Remark B.2.5 (Local trivialisation of a super-Cartan geometry) .LetU:={Ua}be a good open cover of a supermanifold M. A Cartan connection is given in local data by o(a)ohm1/parenleftbigUa,so(1,d)/parenrightbig, E(a)ohm1/parenleftbigUa,R1,d|N/parenrightbig, h(ab) that they satisfy the following patching gauge transformation between two Cartan connections is defined as a coboundary SO(1,d)/parenrightbigof the Cech SO(1,d)-cocycle, that we can define a groupoid Cartan (M)whose objects are Cartan whose morphisms are gauge transformations between Cartan connections. In other words, we (B.2.7) Notice that the vielbein and the spin connection are notglobally defined 1-forms on the base manifold M.262 B.2. Super-Cartan geometry Remark B.2.6 (Supervielbein in local coordinates) .Given a local patch index M= (u,), we can express the supervielbein in local coordinates by EA=EA MdzMwith index A= (a,). We can then split in bosonic-valued component We have then the further split in local more physical terms, we can identify eawith the graviton andpswith the rule of the supervielbein are equivalently the B.2.8 (Patching conditions in terms of graviton and gravitino) .The (B.2.5) become o(b)= B.2.9 (Curvature of a super-Cartan geometry) .The curvature of a super- Cartan connection is defined by (T,R) := d(E,o) + dhere is the differential on the manifold FM. Notice that the curvature satisfies the property (Rh)*(T,R) = Adh-1(T,R)for B.2.10 (Local trivialisation of curvature of a super-Cartan geometry) .By rewriting (B.2.11) in components (and by suppressing the patch index aofUa) and by splittingTA= (Ta,r)we get Ra b= Fundamentals of supergeometry 263 By following the physics convention we can identify Ra bwith the Riemannian curvature , Tawith the (super-)torsion andrwith the field strength of the gravitino . The of the curvature on overlaps of patches UaUbMare then given by R(b)= Adh-1 (ab)R(a) T(b)=h-1 (ab)*T(a) r(b)=h-1 (ab)*r(a)(B.2.13) whereh(ab) the Cech cocycle of the frame bundle FM. Digression B.2.11 (Spin connection convention in literature) .Let us consider a spin connection of the following form, on the the usual (bosonic) spin (Spin-covariant derivative) .Let us define the spin-covariant derivative: Dz:= dz+ [o,z], differential form. By using the spin-covariant derivative we can rewrite the curvature in a simple B.2.13 (Supervielbein of a flat superspace) .On a flat super-Minkowski space R1,d|Nwith coordinates (xu,th)we can solve the zero curvature equations R=T=r= 0 and find eu= dth(B.2.17) We notice that even in a flat superspace, e.g. a super-Minkowski space, the differential of the vielbein deu=-psGupsis not zero. Definition B.2.14 (Bianchi identities of a super-Cartan geometry) .The curvature of a super-Cartan geometry satisfies the Bianchi identities, i.e. d(T,R) + [(T,R),(T,R)] = here, dis the differential on the manifold FM. Remark B.2.15 (Local trivialisation of Bianchi identities of a super-Cartan geometry) . DRa b= 0 B.2. Super-Cartan geometry Remark B.2.16 (Super-Cartan geometry as a .By equations supervielbein, locally given by can be seen locally as aGL(1 +d|N)-valued we have the usual picture of non-coordinate basis for differential forms on (B.2.21) By applying the theory of G-structures from chapter 3, we can easily see that can be obtained by reduction of the structure group +d|N), whereGL(1 +d|N)is the structure group of the frame bundle FMprior of the reduction. In other words, we have a structure group reduction of the following form: BSO(1,d) M BGL(1 +d|N).f^f (B.2.22) Remark B.2.17 (Field equations from supergeometry) .Interestingly, the equations of motion of supergravity are typically implied by the Bianchi identities together with , i.e. an extra constraint on the field strenghts. In other words, we identities & superconstraint ==field equations . The superconstraint often takes the form of a Supergravity Torsion Constraints [How97]. B.2.1 Super-Cartan geometry with dilaton Now, we want to add a super-dilaton to our formalisation of Cartan geometry. We will consider the following extension of the moduli stack of the general linear R1|N. (B.2.23) The super-dilaton (ph,kh)will thus be scalar field encoded by a section of the The bosonic component, i.e. the dilaton, will be then a global scalar field ph C(M), while the fermionic component, i.e. the ), will not. Remark B.2.18 (Local trivialisation of a super-Cartan geometry with dilaton) .Given a good open cover U:={Ua}of the supermanifold M, a Cartan connection with super- dilaton onMwill be given by the following differential data o(a)ohm1/parenleftbigUa,so(1,d)/parenrightbig, e(a)ohm1/parenleftbigUa,R1,d/parenrightbig, ps(a)ohm1/parenleftbigUa,R0|N/parenrightbig, phC(M), kh(a)R0|N/parenrightbig, h(ab) Fundamentals of supergeometry 265 The patching conditions are the same as (B.2.10) with the addition of the following the dilaton and dilatino. Similarly, dilaton and dilatino transform under of the Cartan connection as B.2.19 (Curvature of a super-Cartan geometry with dilaton) .On any patch UM, the curvature of our Cartan geometry will be given by the respectively the curvature of the dilaton and the dilatino. Remark B.2.20 (Bianchi identities of a super-Cartan geometry with dilaton) .On any patchUM, the Bianchi identities of our Cartan geometry will be given by the equations DRa b= 0 0 the supervielbein of a (1 + B.2.22 (Dilatino or gravitello) .This dissertation has been following the that the spinor khis named dilatino, even if this nomenclature is not the superpartner of the dilaton field (which is instead ph), but a field coming from the dimensional reduction of the gravitino of Type II super-Cartan geometry Type II super-Cartan geometry was developed by [DAu+08]. Remark B.3.1 (Fierz identities) .The following identities are called Fierz identities 0 0 B.3. Type II super-Cartan geometry These Fierz identities identify super-algebra 3-cocycles on the Type IIA and IIB super- Minkowski spaces. Recall that a 3-cocycle on a Lie algebra gcan be dually interpreted as a map to the dg-algebra CE(g)from the dg-algebra = 0). By Lie integration, we can use such cocycles to define super Lie group extensions of the supertranslation group (i.e. of the super-Minkowski 2-group).TheType IIA string 2-group StringIIA is defined by the following group extension of the Type IIA super-Minkowski [FSS14b] for details. The Type IIA supergravity 2-group SugraIIAis now defined by: SugraIIA:= on the subgroup R1,9|1616. Notice that we have the coset B.3.3 (Type IIB supergravity 2-group).TheType IIB string 2-group SugraIIB is defined by the following group extension of the Type IIB super-Minkowski IIB supergravity 2-group SugraIIBis now defined by: SugraIIA:= on the subgroup R1,9|1616. Notice that we have the coset Fundamentals of supergeometry 267 Remark B.3.4 (Local trivialisation of a Type IIA Supergravity) .On any local patch UaMand overlaps of patches, the connection of Type IIA Supergravity is given by the following differential data: o(a)ohm1/parenleftbigUa,so(1,9)/parenrightbig, e(a)ohm1/parenleftbigUa,R1,9/parenrightbig, ps(a)ohm1/parenleftbigUa,R0|1616/parenrightbig B(a)ohm2/parenleftbigUa/parenrightbig, phC(M), kh(a)R0|1616/parenrightbig, h(ab) conditions on n-fold overlaps of patches are the following: o(b)= dL 1, L(ab)+ L (bg)+ L (ga)= B.3.5 (Curvature of Type IIA Supergravity) .On any patch UM Ra b=Doa b dph B.4. Super Yang-Mills theory Remark B.3.6 (Bianchi identities of Type IIA Supergravity) .On any patch UM DRa b= 0 0 frame is defined by the following equations Ta= some function Habc. Remark B.3.7 (Supervectors) .Consider the push-forward of the canonical M This will induce a short exact sequence 0 Ker(i*)T M TM 0.i*(B.3.13) Let us call S:= Ker(i*). We can construct the isomorphism TM| U~=T U. (B.3.14) Thus, we can write a supervector in components by If we consider a pure spinorial vector we consider on a super-Cartan geometry, we find the local 0, L/epsilon1kh= 0.(B.3.15) B.4 Super Yang-Mills theory Letgabe the gamma-matrices of the spin representation 16and letMbe a (1 supermanifold. A Super Yang-Mills theory on Mis encoded by aG-bundle of the following form: PSYM*
M BGp h(B.4.1)B. Fundamentals of supergeometry 269 The maphH(M,BG)is given in local data by a G-valued function 1 (B.4.2) on each three-fold overlap of B.4.1 (Connection and curvature) .A connection for Mh- -BGis defined by a collection of local g-valued together by A(b)= (B.4.3) on two-fold overlaps of patches. The curvature the bundle is defined as F(a)= it is patched in the adjoint representation of the transition functions by F(b)= Adh-1 (ab)F(a). (B.4.5) The Bianchi identity of the curvature is given by F(a)= 0. (B.4.6) An infinitesimal gauge transformation of the connection is given by [A(a),z(a)], an infinitesimal gauge B.4.2 (Gauge transformation) .A gauge transformation is a coboundary of the cocycle hH(M,BG), i.e. a morphism in local data by local functions z(a)C(Ua,G)on each patch such B.4.3 (Covariant derivative) .The covariant derivative of the connection A(a) of the principal G-bundlePSYMis defined on any g-valued differential form zby z:= dz+ [A(a),z]g (B.4.8) This is given in components as follows: az=az+ [A(a)a, we decomposed as d =eaa+psthe differential on the supermanifold M.270 B.4. Super Yang-Mills theory Remark B.4.4 (Connection and curvature in bosonic and fermionic components) .Notice that the following expansion we also rewrite (B.4.4) in bosonic and fermionic components we obtain the the superderivative is given by B.4.5 .The superconstraint of Super Yang-Mills theory is the equation F(a)= 0. See [HS86] for more details. Let us explicitly show that the differential data of a principal G-bundle which satisfies the superconstraint are exactly given by a super Yang-Mills theory. Lemma B.4.6 (Super Yang-Mills theory =G-bundle with superconstraint) .The con- nection of a G-bundle on a (1 + supermanifold Msatisfying is equivalently given by a gauge field Aand a gaugino field Xon the (1 + 9)-dimensional manifold Mminimizing the super Yang-Mills action S[A,X] [Aa,Ab]gis the strength of the gauge field. Sketch of the proof. The superconstraint F= 0can be rewritten on any patch UaM by using equation (B.4.11) 0 (B.4.13) and, more compactly, as 0. This immediately implies the bosonic and fermionic components of the connection. Now we can define a g-valued scalar by If we plug this definition in (B.4.11) we can explicit the components of the curvature of the bundle 0.(B.4.14) Thus the superconstraint implies that the curvature of the bundle is of the (B.4.15)B. Fundamentals of supergeometry 271 Sketchily, we can expand Aandkhon each patch UMof the base local coordinates (x,th)in the fermionic coordinates as follows. First, the s can be expanded as Aa(x,th) =Aa(x) +-thgaX(x) +O(th2). (B.4.16) From this, by applying equation Aa=-1 8g
aA, we can obtain A(x,th) = 0 + ( -thga)Aa(x) +1 2th2X(x). by applying equation kh=A, we can obtain kh(x,th) =Xa(x) + ( -thgab)Fab(x) +O(th2). (B.4.18) Now notice that we can recover the gauge and gaugino field of super Yang-Mills kh U, clear compatibility with rheonomy principle. Here Acan be interpreted as the connection of the bosonic principal G-bundle PSYM- M. We can now rewrite the Bianchi identityF= 0in terms of the fields AandXby aFab= [X, gbX]g,/X= 0, These are the super Yang-Mills equations coming from (B.4.12). For a more detailed discussion see [HS86]. B.5 Heterotic a (1 + supermanifold. As firstly delineated by Supergravity is encoded by a principal Stringc2-bundle of the following form: Ghet *
FMxMP B2U(1) *
M BStringc2(1,9) B.6. Rheonomy the gamma-matrices of the spin representation 16. The curvature of such a bundle must be, on any patch UaM, of the form Ra (a)b= cs the Chern-Simons super 3-forms of the two by the tr tr following can be seen as a global closed 3-form on the total space of the G-bundleP: p*H+ cs so(1,9))are the global Ehresmann of the bundles given by the equations Ta (a)= 0,F(a)= 0andH(a)
= 0. Remark B.5.2 (Topology of Heterotic doubled space) .Topologically, principal bundles PMare classified by the 2nd Chern class c2(P)H4(M,Z), while the frame bundle FMMby and 1st fractional Pontryagin However, we need to impose the Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation on the topology of the = anomaly ). (B.5.5) Thus, the Heterotic doubled spaces will be topologically classified by the following data: 1 2p1(FM) cs Rheonomy principle Remark B.6.1 (Pullback of the canonical embedding) .The pullback of the of a reduced manifold i: M a ohm*( M,g)i*(B.6.1)B. Fundamentals of supergeometry 273 for forms valued in any super Lie algebra g. Locally, let the open set UaMis equipped with local coordinates (x,th). Thus, in the pullback is given (B.6.2) More in general, we can patch-wise apply this pullback of forms to define a map of Cartan Cartang( Cartang(M)is a super-Cartan geometry locally modelled on the super L-algebra g(e.g. g=sugraIIAfor Type IIA Supergravity) and Cartang( M)is its bosonic Cartan geometry on the reduced manifold M. Example B.6.2 (Pullback of supergravity fields) .Explicitly, on a patch Uawith {xu,th}, we have that the supergravity fields are mapped by the pullback i*
as /mapsto-- /mapsto-- /mapsto-- B.6.3 (Rheonomy) .Let us define the groupoid of rheonomic as a subgroupoid Cartan M). (B.6.5) We can now define the rheonomy extension mapping by the inverse of i*
Rh: Cartang( M)-- Cartang Rh(M). (B.6.6) A sufficient condition for the subgroupoid Cartan Rh(M)to be rheonomic is that the components of the curvature with at least one odd-graded index are linear combinations of the components of the curvature with all even-graded B.6.4 (Metric).Given a super-Cartan geometry which satisfies rheonomy, we can define a metric by g=e*
(a)e(a), just the local Lorentzian metric B.6. Rheonomy with spinor B.1: A picture of rheonomy.We must be clear that when it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. -- Niels of geometric Classical physics as symplectic geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 C.1.1 Hamiltonian mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 C.1.2 Classical algebra of observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 C.2 Geometric quantisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 C.2.1 Prequantum geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 C.2.2 Quantum algebra of observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 C.2.3 Quantum geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 C.3 Polarisations and canonical transformations . . . . . . . . . . 279 C.3.1 Canonical transformations as . . . . . . . 279 C.3.2 Lagrangian correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 C.3.3 Canonical transformation on the Hilbert space . . . . . . . . . 280 In this appendix we provide an introduction to geometric quantisation, an approach to quantisation that is underpinned by the symplectic geometry of phase space. Its emergence in the 1970s from the work of Kostant and Souriau has produced a to quantisation that provides numerous insights into the quantisation procedure. In particular, it showed how the -invariance of phase space is broken in naive quantisation methods, even though the physics is left invariant, and how the underlying -invariance may be restored. In more mundane language, classical Hamiltonian physics is invariant under and yet the wavefunctions of quantum mechanics are functions of just half the coordinates of phase space and, thus, they break such invariance. A key part of quantum mechanics is that physics cannot depend on the choice of basis of can transform between the coordinate and momentum basis and the physics is invariant. In fact, the coordinate and momentum representations are mutually non- local and to move between different bases requires a non-local transformation (this is the Fourier transform, in a free theory). 275276 C.1. Classical physics as symplectic geometry Much of this can be found in any one of the books by [BW97; Vic84; Sou97; Woo80] or the recent review by [Nai16]. C.1 Classical physics as symplectic geometry C.1.1 Hamiltonian mechanics Let us recall that a symplectic manifold (P,o)is defined as a smooth manifold P equipped with a closed non-degenerate 2-formoohm2(M), called the symplectic form. In Hamiltonian mechanics, a classical system (P,o,H )is defined by a symplectic manifold (P,o), describing the phase space of the system, and a smooth function HC(P), called the Hamiltonian . In Newtonian terms, the phase space and the Hamiltonian the kinematics and the dynamics of a classical system. The equations of motion are described Hamilton's equation as follows: iXHo= dH. (C.1.1) A vector field XHX(P)which solves the Hamilton equation is called Hamiltonian vector for the Hamiltonian H. The flow of a Hamiltonian vector fields describes the motion of the classical system on the phase space. This means if we choose a starting point g0M in phase space, the motion of the classical system will be given by the path g:R-- P t/mapsto--g(t) a 1-dimensional on an simply connected open subset UP, we can apply Poincare lemma to the symplectic form and find o= dth, where the local called . The definition of the Liouville potential is gauge dependent, meaning that any other choice of potential th/prime=th+ satisfies o= dth/prime. Now, given a path g:R-Pon the phase space, we define the Lagrangian (C.1.3) Where we denote the pull-back of the Liouville one-form thto the curve gbyg*th. to such a Lagrangian will be given by SH[g(t)] R(g*th-Hdt). (C.1.4) For future use, let us notice that we can rewrite g*th=iXHthdt, when restricted on the pathg. Thus note that the choice of Liouville potential effects the Lagrangian Classical algebra of observables An observable is defined as a smooth function fC(P)of the phase space. Crucially, a symplectic manifold (P,o)is canonically also a Poisson manifold (P,{-,-}), where the Poisson bracket is given as (C.1.5)C. Fundamentals of geometric quantisation 277 for any pair of observables f,gC(P). In other words, this means that the observables of a symplectic manifold (M,o )constitute a Poisson algebra: [Xf,Xg] =X{f,g}. (C.1.6) Thus, the Hamiltonian vector field on a symplectic manifold (P,o)constitute a Lie algebra, which we will denote as ham(P,o). C.2 Geometric Prequantum geometry Let us consider the Lie group U(1)~:=R/2p~Z. Theprequantum bundle QPis defined as the principal U(1)~-bundle, whose first Chern class c1(Q)H2(M,Z)is the image of the element [o]H2(M,R)of the de Rham cohomology group. We can now define the associated bundle EPto the prequantum bundle with fibre C, (C.2.1) where the natural action U(1)~xC-Cis given by the map Now, the prequantum Hilbert space of the system is defined by Hpre:= L2(P,E), (C.2.2) i.e. the Hilbert space of L2-integrable sections of the bundle Eon the base manifold P. Whenever the first Chern class of Qis trivial, then the bundle E=PxCis trivial and the prequantum Hilbert space reduces to Hpre= L2(P;C), i.e. the Hilbert complex functions. C.2.2 Quantum algebra of observables In geometric quantisation, given a classical observable fC(P), we define a ^fAut(Hpre)by the the Hamiltonian vector of the Hamiltonian function fC(P) andis the connection on TPgiven by the Liouville potential th. By using we find that the commutator of two quantum observables closes. In particular, given ^fand ^g, we obtain the =i~{f,g} (C.2.4) where the classical observable of {f,g}is the Poisson bracket {f,g}of the fandg. Thus, we can use this fact to define the Heisenberg Lie quantum observables on our phase space (P,o).278 C.2. Geometric Quantum geometry Denote the tangent bundle of phase space by TP. Apolarisation of the phase space (P,o)is an involutive Lagrangian subbundle LTP, i.e. ann-dimensional subbundle of TPsuch thato|L= 0and[V,W ]Lfor any pair of vectors V,WL. Thesquare root bundle of a line bundleBMis defined as a complex line bundle, which we will denote as BM, equipped with a bundle B which sends us consider the determinant bundle det(L) :=nL*
Cof a Lagrangian subbundle LTPof our phase space, where n=rank(L). We need now to consider the square the determinant bundle, which comes equipped with the det(L) (C.2.5) The choice of square root also related to the metaplectic leads to the quantum theory forming a representation of the rather than the symplectic group. The quantum Hilbert space is defined by the following space of (C.2.6) If the Lagrangian subbundle Lis integrable, we can write L=TMfor P of the phase space. Then, quantum states Hcan be uniquely chosen of the form
=ps/radicalbig volM, a polarised section the half- form whose square is a fixed volume form volMohmn(M). The inner product of the Hilbert space is given by the integral
1ps2volM (C.2.8) for any couple of quantum states the Hilbert space defined in (C.2.6)does not depend on the choice of If we call HLthe quantum Hilbert space polarised along the one along another Lagrangian subbundle L/prime, we have a HL~=HL/prime. At the end of this section we will explain why this is the simple example with (M,o ) = (R2n,dpudxu), where{pu,xu}are Darboux We can now choose the gauge th=pudxufor the Liouville potential. We have two perpendicular polarisations defined by the Lagrangian fibrations Recall that the covariant derivative is related to the byV=V-i
~iVth. In our case, this Fundamentals of geometric quantisation 279 Therefore, for the polarisation LpandLx, we obtain respectively the sections
=ps(p)e-ipuxu/radicalbig dnp
=ps(x) dnx,(C.2.10) wherednpis the half form such thatdnpdnp= dnpand analogously for dnx. C.3 Polarisations and canonical Canonical transformations as Let us recall that a between two manifolds a diffeomorphism f:P-P/primewhich maps the symplectic form of the first manifold into the symplectic form of the second one, i.e. such that it satisfies o=f*o/prime. According to [Arn89], what in Hamiltonian physics is known under the name of canonical generating function Fis equivalently a f: that the Liouville potential is by th-f*th/prime= dF. However, this first formalisation can be significantly refined. C.3.2 Lagrangian [Wei77], there exists a powerful way to formalise a canonical transformation by using the notion of Lagrangian correspondence . To define a Lagrangian first need to introduce the graphof a f: which is the submanifold of the product space PxP/primegiven (C.3.1) Let us call i: inclusion in the product space. Now, a is defined a correspondence diagram of the form (PxP/prime, o) (P/prime, a and p,p/primeare the canonical projections of The submanifold GfPxP/primecan be immediately recognised as a Lagrangian submanifold of (PxP/prime, i.e. the total symplectic form vanishes when restricted on Gf. In other words, we 0. (C.3.3) To formalise a canonical transformation, we need to add another condition: the cor- respondence space (PxP/prime, be symplectomorphic to a (T*M, ocan)for some manifold M, just the form of the cotangent bundle.280 C.3. Polarisations and canonical implies that we can write the combination of Liouville potentials the Liouville 1-form on PxP/prime~=TM. Since Gfis Lagrangian, the Liouville potential can be trivialised on TGf. In other words, we have the d(F*P)onTGf, (C.3.4) where P :T*MMis the canonical projection and where the function FC(M)can be interpreted as the generating function of the canonical transformation associated to the f. ExampleC.3.1 .Forclarity, us start from symplectic manifolds which are cotangent bundles of Thus we can write the Liouville potential dF (C.3.5) in local coordinates on the correspondence space We that, in the notation of the previous paragraph, we have M:=MxM/prime. Now the generating function F=F(x,x/prime)of a canonical transformation can be properly seen as the pullback of a function of the product manifold MxM/prime. Equation (C.3.5)can be equivalently written as pu=F xu, (C.3.6) In particular, If we choose =dunxux/primen, we recover the transformation = (p,-x). C.3.3 Canonical transformation on the Hilbert space So far we formalised canonical transformations as . Now, we need to show how these give rise to isomorphisms of the Hilbert spaces. First of all, we must fix a f:P - P/prime, then we must choose two polarisations satisfy L=f*(L/prime). Let us quantum Hilbert spaces corresponding respectively to the of the phase space. Now, notice that a Lagrangian submanifold of the space (PxP/prime, As observed by [BW97], The space HTGfof the correspondence space (PxP/prime, isomorphic to the topological tensor product which is nothing but the space operators HL/prime--HL. Then, we will obtain the following diagram: HTGf HL Fundamentals of geometric quantisation 281 Now we can lift sections the Hilbert space HTGfand consider their this space. This, then, naturally defines a pairing ( (*,*) ) the two polarised Hilbert spaces given by ( (*,*) ) any such pairing is equivalently a linear isomorphism that ( (*,*) ) (C.3.9) where this time the product on the right hand side is the hermitian product of the first Hilbert space HL. Let us workout what this means in coordinates. Recall that on have the gauge transformation the of the . Therefore, wave-functions ps(x)ofHLwill be =ps(x)and wave-functions be lifted by wave-functions of HTGf. Thus, the pairing will be given by ( (ps,ps/prime) ) Mdnxdnx/primeps+(x)ps/prime(x/prime)e-i
~F(x,x/prime)(C.3.10) where we called Mthe manifold such that T*M~=PxP. Finally the by the diffeomorphism fwill be given in coordinates M/primednxps/prime(x/prime)e-i
~F(x,x/prime)(C.3.11) where we called M/primethe manifold such that Therefore we have a HL~=HL/primeany time there is a canonical transformation mapping the Lagrangian subbundle LintoL/primeand thus we are allowed to write just Hfor the Hilbert space of a quantum system, without specifying the polarisation. We will write just H (C.3.12) for an abstract element of the Hilbert space, independent from the C.3.2 (Quantum canonical transformations) .To give some intuition for this idea, Choose M,M/prime=Rnandletthe f: the linear transformation f(x,p) = (p,-x). This is generated by generating function F(x,x/prime) =dunxux/primen. Thus, if we =f(x,p) = (p,-x), we recover that (f*)-1is exactly the Fourier M/primednpps/prime(p)e-i
/parenleftBig (f*)-1ps/parenrightBig (p) Mdnxps(x)ei
~puxu(C.3.13) Thusthesamequantumstate berepresentedasawave-function /angbracketleftx=ps(x) or as its Fourier transform /angbracketleftp=ps(p)in the two the Lagrangian Gerardo Aldazabal, Diego Marques, and Carmen Nunez. Double Field Theory: A Pedagogical Review. In: Class. Quant. Grav. 30 (2013), p. 163001. arXiv: 1305.1907 [hep-th] . [Ale+97] M. Alexandrov et al. The Geometry of the master equation and field theory. In: Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 12 (1997), pp. 1405-1429. . [Alf20a] Luigi Alfonsi. Global Double Field Theory is Higher Kaluza-Klein Theory. In: Fortschritte der Physik 68.3-4 (Feb. 2020), p. 2000010. arXiv: 1912.07089 [hep-th] . [Alf20b] Luigi Alfonsi. The puzzle of global Double Field Theory: open problems and the case for a Higher Kaluza-Klein perspective. In: Fortsch. Phys. 2021 (July 2020), p. 2000102. arXiv: 2007.04969 [hep-th] . [Alf21] Luigi Alfonsi. Towards an extended/higher correspondence - Generalised geometry, bundle gerbes and global Double Field Theory. 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Recall that theory unifies a metric with a gauge field on a principal bundle. We propose a generalisation of the Kaluza-Klein principle which unifies a metric and a higher gauge field on a principal infinity-bundle. This is achieved by introducing an atlas for the principal infinity-bundle, whose local charts can be naturally identified with the ones of Extended Field Theory. Thus, DFT is interpreted as a higher Kaluza-Klein theory set on the total space of a bundle gerbe underlying Kalb-Ramond field. As first application, we define the higher Kaluza-Klein monopole by naturally generalising the monopole. Then we show that this monopole is exactly the NS5-brane of String Theory. Secondly, we show that our higher geometric formulation rise to global abelian T-duality and global In particular, we globally recover the abelian T-fold and we define the notion of Poisson-Lie T-fold. Crucially, we will investigate the global geometric formulation of tensor hierarchies and gauged supergravity. In particular, we will provide a global formulation of generalised and we will discuss their global non-geometric properties. Finally, we explore the T-duality covariant geometric quantisation of DFT.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 17:14:43 GMT"
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fusion rule at the FC [6]-[8]. To reduce energy consump- tion, researchers have further explored optimal power cont rol strategies [9], [10] that allow sensors to adapt their trans mit powers based on the states of their propagation channels and the local sensor statistics. In particular, the authors in [ 9], [10] have designed the optimal power control strategies tha t maximize a J-divergence based detection metric for and distributed detectio n prob- lems, respectively. We note that [9], [10] assume that the CSI is perfectly available at the sensors for power CSI acquisition at the sensors in WSNs is difficult. In time division duplexing systems, sensors need to channel estimation to acquire CSI [11]-[13 ]. In frequency division duplexing systems, sensors can acqui re quantized CSI via a limited feedback channel from the FC [14]. We note that signal adaptation at the sensors accordin g to the quantized CSI received from a limited feedback channe l has been considered before for data communications [15] and distributed estimation of a signal source [16], [17]. It is worth pointing out that, while the studies in [9]-[14] o n optimal power control strategies can be applied to WSNs battery-powered sensors, they cannot be appl ied to EH-enabled WSNs. None of these works have considered the new challenges related to power/energy management im- posed by the random nature of the energy arrival and the harvested energy. In the context of distributed detection, there are only few studies that consider EH-powered sensors [18]-[20], among which [18] is the closest work to ours. Modeling the battery state as a two-state Markov chain and choosing as the detection performance metric, the authors i n [18] have investigated the optimal local decision threshol ds at the sensors, such that the detection performance is opti- mized. Considering an EH-powered node, that is deployed to monitor the change in its environment, the authors in [19] formulated a quickest change detection problem, where the goal is to detect the time at which the underlying distributi on of sensor observation changes. Choosing error probability as the detection performance metric, the authors in [20] propo sed ordered transmission schemes, that can lead to a smaller av- erage number of transmitting sensors, without comprising t he detection performance. None of the works in [18]-[20] have addressed transmit power control problem. Energy harvesti ng has been also considered in the contexts of cooperative [21], [22], distributed estimation of a sign al source [23], [24], and cognitive radio systems [25], [26]. To the best of our knowledge, adaptive control strategies in an EH-enabled WSN, where sen- sors can adapt their transmit powers based on their quantize d CSI, with the goal of optimizing a detection metric, have not been explored. Hence, this is the focus of our work. B. Our our adopted WSN model (see Fig. 1), we aim at developing a transmit power control strategy for sensors that strikes a balance between energy harvesting and en- ergy consumption for data transmission, and optimizes thedetection performance. We choose the J-divergence between the distributions of the detection statistics at the FC unde r two hypotheses, as the detection performance metric. Our choice is motivated by the facts that (i) it is a widely used metric for evaluating detection performance [9], [10], [13 ], [14], since it provides a lower bound on the detection Indeed, maximizing the J-divergence is equivalent to minimizing the lower bound on the error it allows us to provide a more tractable analysis. Our proposed power control strategy is parametrized in terms of the channel gain quantization thresholds and the scale fact to the quantization intervals). The scale f actors play key roles in balancing the rates of energy harvesting and energy consumption for transmission. We seek the jointl y optimal scale factors and and the quantization thresholds such that the J-divergence at the FC is maximized, subject to an average transmit power per sensor constraint. problem can be solved offline at the FC, given the statistical information of fading channels and the ener gy arrival. The solutions to this optimization problem is avai lable a priori at the sensors, such that each sensor can adapt its transmit power according to its battery state and its quanti zed CSI that is received from the FC via the feedback channel. Our main contributions can be summarized as follow:
*Our system model encompasses the stochastic energy arrival model for harvesting energy, and the storage model for the finite-size battery. We model the randomly arriving energy units during a time slot as a Poisson process, and the dynamics of the battery as a finite state Markov chain.
*We propose a novel parametrized power control strategy and formulate problem (P1) to optimize the parameters such that the J-divergence at the FC is maximized, sub- ject to an average transmit power per sensor constraint.
*We derive an approximate expression for the detection error probability, relying on Lindeberg Central Limit Theorem (CLT) for large number of sensors.
*Since (P1) is not concave with respect to the and the objective function and the constraints i n (P1) are not differentiable with respect to these variables , we resort to grid-based search methods. In particular, we consider deterministic, random, and hybrid search meth- ods, and explore the trade-offs in their performance complexity. We show that the proposed hybrid search methods have the lowest and provide a close-to-optimal performance.
*We show that the optimized transmit power level is not a monotonic function of the channel gain (given the battery state), and explore the trade-off between transmit power and detection performance. C. Paper Organization The paper organization follows: Section II describes our system and observation models and introduces our constrain ed optimization problem (P1). Section III derives a closed-fo rm expression for the total J-divergence and an approximate ex- pression for the error probability corresponding to the opt imalBayesian fusion rule at the FC. Sections IV and V formulate and solve problem (P1), respectively. Section VI illustrat es our numerical results. Section VII concludes our work. II. S YSTEM MODEL A. Observation Model at Sensors To describe our signal processing blocks at sensors and the FC as well as energy harvesting model, we divide time horizon into slots of equal length Ts. Each time slot is indexed by an integertfort= 1,2,...,. We model the underlying time slot tas a binary random variable Ht {0,1}with a-priori probabilities P0= Pr(Ht= 0) andP1= Pr(Ht= 1) = 1 -P0. We assume that over time slots in an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) manner. Let xn,tdenote the local observation at sensor nin time slot t. We assume that sensors' observations given each hypothesis with conditio nal distribution {0,1}are sensors. This model is relevant for WSNs that are task ed with detection of a known signal in uncorrelated Gaussian noises with the following signal model Ht= 1 0 :xn,t=vn,t,forn= 1,...,N, (1) where Gaussian observation noises inde- pendent over time slots and across sensors. Given observati local log-likelihood ratio 1) f(xn,t|ht= (2) and uses its value to choose its non-negative be sent to the FC. In particular, when LLR is below a given local threshold thn, sensorndoes not transmit and letan,t= 0. When LLR exceeds the given local threshold thn, to its battery state and the feedback information about its communication channel. Choice ofan,twill be explained later in Section II-B. B. Battery State, Harvesting and Transmission Models We assume sensors are equipped with identical batteries of finite sizeKcells (units), where each cell corresponds to bu Joules of stored energy. Therefore, each battery is capable of storing at most KbuJoules of harvested energy. Let the discrete random process indicating the battery state of sensor nat the beginning slot t. Note that Bn,t= 0 the empty battery and full battery levels, respectively. Also, Bn,t=kimplies that the battery is at state k, i.e.,kcells of the battery is charged and the amount of stored energy in the battery is the randomly arriving energy slottat sensorn. We assume En,t's are i.i.d. over time slots and across sensors. We model En,tas a Poisson random variable with parameter r, and probability mass function =erre/e!fore= 0,1,...,. Note the average number of arriving energy units 2Suppose each arriving energy unit measured in Joules is buJoules.during one time slot at each sensor. Let Sn,tbe the number of stored (harvested) energy units in the battery at sensor n during time slot t. Note that the harvested energy Sn,tcannot be used during slot t. Since the battery has a finite we have Sn,t {0,1,...,K}. Also,Sn,tare i.i.d. over time slots and across sensors. We can find the pmf of Sn,tin terms of the pmf of En,t. 0,1,...,K . We the fading channel gain between sensor n and the FC during time slot t. We assume block fading model andgn,t's are i.i.d. over time slots and independent across sensors. We assume there is a limited feedback channel from the FC to the sensors [14], through which sensor nis informed of the quantization interval to which gn,tbelongs. In the positive real line is partitioned into In,l= 0,...,L-1, using the quantization thresholds {un,l}L l=0, where0=un,0< be optimized). The quantization mapping rule follows: if the quantizer input gn,tlies in the interval In,l then the quantizer output is un,l. Letpn,l= Pr(gn,t In,l) be the probability that gn,tlies in the interval In,l. This probability depends on the distribution of fading model. Fo r instance, for Rayleigh fading model g2 n,thas with the mean E{g2 n,t}=ggnand we have pn,l= the transmit power of sensor nin time slot t. When LLR is below a given local threshold thn, sensorndoes not transmit, i.e., Pn,t= 0. When LLR exceeds thn, to its battery state kand the In particular, we choose a transmit power cont rol strategy where Pn,tis proportional to the amount of stored energy in the battery, i.e., kbuJoules, and the scale factor depends on the feedback information. Mathematically, we expressPn,tas the gn,t gn,t the floor function and the scale factors between zero and one. The number of scale factors is equal to the number of quantization levels and scale factor cn,l corresponds to the quantization interval In,l= the problem of optimizing transmit power control strategy reduces to finding the best scale factors (3) assumes that the energy storage process is loss less. For a lossy storage process, one needs to model such loss via establishi ng a between Sn,tandEn,t, where the be approximated using the battery type and specification s. Knowing fn(.)and the pmf of En,t, one can find the pmf of Sn,tusing K-1 *** 1 2: Schematics of Markov chain corresponding to the batt ery state random quantization thresholds that a metric is optimized. We let the transmit Considering the power control strategy in (5), we note that the number of energy units consumed for transmitting symbol an,tiscn,lk, which is an integer between zero and Kand is always smaller than k. In other words, the energy consumption for transmission cannot exce ed the stored energy in the battery, and the battery cannot be fully depleted after a transmission. It also implies that wh en cn,lk= 0 the sensor will not transmit. Note that the (5) play key roles in balancing the rates of energy harvesting and energy consumption for transmissi on. Given the quantization thresholds un,l's, whencn,l's are closer to one, such that the rate of energy consumption for trans- mission is greater than the rate of energy harvesting, senso rs may stop functioning, due to energy outage. When cn,l's are closer to zero, such that the rate of energy consumption for transmission is smaller than the rate of energy may fail to utilize the excess energy, due to energy overflow, leading into a performance degradation. The battery state at the beginning of slot t+ 1 depends on the battery state at the beginning of slot t, the harvested energy during slot t, and the number of stored energy units that is consumed for transmitting symbol an,t, we express Bn,t+1as the max{0,x}. Considering the dynamic battery state model in (6) we note that, conditioned on Sn,tandPn,t the value of Bn,t+1only depends on the value of Bn,t(and not the battery states of time slots before t). Hence, the process Bn,tcan be modeled as a Markov chain. Fig. 2 is the of this (K+ 1) -state Markov chain. Let Phn,t be the probability vector of battery state in slot (7) where the superscript Tindicates transposition. We note (7) depends on that the Markov chain is we letPsnbe the corresponding (K+ 1)x(K+ 1) transi- tion probability matrix of this chain with its (i,j)-th 0,...,K . Defining the indicator function (8). We below 4A Markov chain is time-homogeneous (stationary) if and only if its transition probability matrix is time-invariant. Adoptin g homogeneous Markov chain model for studying EH-enabled communication systems is widely common (9) The (9) refer to the probabilities of eventsPn,t= 0 0, respectively. In particular, Pr(Pn,t=0) = P = P 0Pfn+P1Pdn, (10) where the probabilities PfnandPdncan be determined using our signal model in required to be fixed at a given value Pdn=
Pd,n. Then the false alarm probability can be written Going back to the transi- tion probability matrix Psn, since the Markov chain character- ized byPsnis irreducible and aperiodic, there exists a unique steady state distribution, regardless of the initial state [27]. Let Phn= the unique steady state prob- ability vector with the entries phn,k= that this vector satisfies the following eigenvalue equ (12) In particular, we let Phnbe the normalized eigenvector of to the unit eigenvalue, such that the sum of it s entries is one [18]. The closed-form expression for Phncan be written as (13) where Bis an all-ones matrix, Iis the identity matrix, and 1is an all-ones column vector. From this point forward, we assume that the battery operates at its steady state and we dr op the superscript t. For clarity of the presentation and to illustrate our transm it power control strategy in (5), we consider the following simple example consisting of one sensor, i.e., N= 1, and letL= 4, K= 6, r= 2 andgg1= 1 . To examine the effect of variations of the scale factors and the quan- tization thresholds on PsnandPhnand transmit power, we consider two sets of values c(a) 1= The corresponding 7x7 transition matrices, denoted as as well as 7x1steady state probability vectors, 0.27 0.27 0.17 0.09 0.03 0.04 0 0.13 0.27 0.27 0.18 0.09 0.06 0 0.02 0.15 0.27 0.25 0.16 0.15 0 0 0 .02 0.15 0.27 0.26 0.30 0 0 0 .02 0.09 0.21 0.25 0.43 0 0 0 0 .02 0.09 0.21 0.68 0 0 0 0 .02 0.04 0.09 0.28 0.28 0.16 0.07 0.04 0.03 0 0.14 0.28 0.28 0.16 0.09 0.05 0 0.06 0.19 0.27 0.22 0.13 0.13 0 0 0 .07 0.20 0.27 0.22 0.24 0 0 0 .06 0.15 0.22 0.22 0.35 0 0 0 0 .07 0.15 0.21 0.57 0 0 0 0 .07 0.12 0.14 0.67 . Ph(a) n= these two sets of values, Fig. 3 illustrates the transmit power maps assuming bu= 10 mJ andTs=10 sec. The transmit power maps in (5) show how much power the sensor should spend for its data transmission , given its battery state kand the feedback information (i.e., the quantization interval to which the channel gain instance, for the parameters in Fig. (3a), when g1,t I1,2 andB1,t= 3, thenP1,t= 1 mW, whereas for the parameters in Fig. 3b, when g1,t I1,2andB1,t= 3, thenP1,t= 2mW. C. Received Signals at FC and Optimal Bayesian Fusion Rule In each time slot sensors send their data symbols to the FC over orthogonal fading channels. The received signal at the FC from sensor ncorresponding to time slot 1,...,N (14) wherewn,t~ N(0,s2 wn)is the additive Gaussian noise We assume wn,t's are i.i.d. over time slots and independent across sensors. Let yt= the vector that includes the received signals at the F C from all sensors in time slot t. The FC applies the optimal Bayesian fusion rule G0(.)to the received vector ytand obtains a global decision u0,t= G0(yt), whereu0,t {0,1}
[7]. In particular, we have u0,t= G0(yt) the decision threshold t= log(P0 P1)and t= 1) f(yt|ht= the conditional probability density function (pdf) of the received vector ytat the FC. (a)u(a) 1= [0,0.2,1.4,3.6], c(a) 1= [0,0.3,2.5,4.7], c(b) 1= 3: This example shows how much power P1,tthe single sensor should spend for its data transmission, given its battery state and the feedb ack information. D. Our Proposed Constrained Optimization Problem From Bayesian perspective, the natural choice to measure the detection performance corresponding to the global deci sion u0,tat the FC is the error probability, defined as Pe= P0Pr(u0,t= 1|ht= 0)+P 1Pr(u0,t= 0|ht= 1)
= P0Pr(t>t|ht= 0)+P 1Pr(t<t|ht= finding a closed form expression for Peis intractable. Instead, we choose the total J- divergence between the distributions of the detection stat istics at the FC under different hypotheses (will be defined in Secti on III), as our detection performance metric. This choice allo ws us to provide a more tractable analysis. Our goal is to find the scale factors {cn,l}L-1 l=0and the quan- tization thresholds {un,l}L-1 l=1in the transmit power control strategy (5) for all sensors such that the total J-divergence at the FC is maximized, subject to an average transmit power per sensor constraint. We assume that this optimization proble m is solved offline at the FC, given (i) the statistical informa- tion of fading channels and noises (including communicatio nchannel noise and observation noise) and randomly arriving energy units, and (ii) the battery parameter K, the number of quantization levels L, and the given Pdfor local detectors at the sensors. The solutions to this optimization problem is available a a priori at the FC and the sensors, to be utilized for controlling and adapting transmit power accor ding to (5). The idea of offline power control optimization with a limited feedback channel has been used before for distribut ed detection systems in WSNs [14]. III. C HARACTERIZATION OF TOTAL J-DIVERGENCE AND ERROR PROBABILITY In this section, first we define the total J-divergence and then derive a closed-form expression for it in Section III.A , using Gaussian distribution approximation. Next, conside ring Pein (17) we provide a closed-form approximate expression for it in Section III.B, using the same Gaussian distributio n approximation and Lindeberg central limit theorem (CLT). A. Total J-Divergence Derivation We start with the definition of J-divergence. Consider two pdfs of a continuous random variable x, denoted as e1(x)and e2(x). By definition [9], [13], the J-divergence between e1(x) ande0(x), denoted as J(e1,e0), is J(e1,e0) the non-symmetric Kullback-Leibler (KL) distance between ei(x)andej(x). The KL distance D(ei||ej) is defined as D(ei||ej) (19) into (18) we obtain J(e1,e0) (20) In our problem setup, the two conditional pdfs f(y|h= 1) and f(y|h= 0) play the role of e1(x)ande0(x), theJ-divergence between f(y|h= 1) and f(y|h= 0) . The pdf of vector forh= (a) in (21) holds since the received signals from sensors at the FC, given h, are conditionally (b) in (21) is obtained from Bayes' rule, and equality (c) in (21) is found noting that H,an,ynsatisfy the Markov property, i.e., H-an-yn[9], [13] and hence ynandH, givenan, are conditionally independent. Let Jnrepresent theJ-divergence between the two conditional pdfs f(yn|h= 1) andf(yn|h= 0) . Using (20) we can express 1)-f(yn|h= 1) f(yn|h= on (21) we have calculate Jn, we need to find the conditional pdf f(yn|h). Considering (14) we realize thatyn, givenan, is Gaussian. In particular, we have f(yn|an= 0) 0) considering (11) and noting that an=Pnwe 0|h= 0) 0|h= 1) =Pdn,(24) Pr(an= 0|h= 0) = 1 -Pfn,Pr(an= 0|h= 1) = 1 (23) and (24) in (21), the conditional pdfs f(yn|h= 0) andf(yn|h= 1) become f(yn|h= 0) 0)Pfn+f(yn|an= 1) 0)Pdn+f(yn|an= 0) 0) in (25) 0) andf(yn|h= 1) are due to PdnandPfn. Unfortunately, the two Gaussian mixture densities does not have a general closed-form expression. Similar to [9], [13] we ap- proximate the J-divergence between two Gaussian by the J-divergence between two Gaussian N(mn,h,U2 n,h), where the mean mn,hand the variance U2 n,hof the approximate distributions are obtained from matching the first and second order moments of the actual and the approximate distributions. For our problem setup, o ne can verify that the parameters between two Gaussian densities, 1),fG(yn|h= in terms of their means and variances is 1),fG(yn|h= (27) we approximate Jnas the Dn=Pfn(1-Pfn).B. Error Probability Approximation In this section, we provide a closed-form for Pein (17). To find the approximate we approximate in (16) using a similar approximation as we conducted in Section III- A. In Section III-A we approximated the conditional =N(mn,h,U2 n,h), where the mean mn,hand the variance U2 n,hof the approximate distribution are provided in (26). Relying on this Gaussian we can also approximate the conditional pdf f(y|h). In particular, since the received signals at the FC, con- ditioned on h, are independent across sensors (see (21-a)), we can approximate =N(phh,Lh), the mean vector and the diagonal with elements mn,handU2 n,h, respectively. Using this Gaussian distribution approximation, we can approximate in (16) 1) fG(y|h= Since the covariance matrices L0 andL1are diagonal, the approximate expression for in (29) can be rewritten (30) With the Gaussian distribution approximation, the optimal fusion rule in (15) can be approximated given in (30) and t'= 2(t-R). The corresponding to the fusion rule in (31) is Pe= P0Pr(' N>t'|h= 0)+P 1Pr(' N<t'|h= 1). (32) To findPein (32) we need the pdf of ' Ngivenh. We note thatznin (30) can be rewritten as a quadratic function of denote the mean and variance of znin (33) givenh, respectively. To find uzn|h,s2 zn,hwe recall the following fact. Fact : Letx~N(u,s2)be a Gaussian random variable with the mean E{x}=uand the variance s2=E{x2}-u2.Then we have this fact, we (36) s2 zn|h= are given in (33) and mn,h,U2 n,hare given in (26). Relying on the Gaussian distribution approximation o f yngivenh, we can derive the pdf of zngivenh, where the pdf expression is provided in (34). Since given h,zn's are independent, the pdf of ' Ngivenh, is convolution of theseNindividual pdfs, which does not have a closed- form expression. This indicates that, even with the Gaussia n distribution approximation, finding a closed-form express ion ofPein (32) for finite Nremains elusive . Hence, we resort to theasymptotic regime whenNgrows very large and invoke the central limit theorem (CLT) to approximate Pein (32). Lindeberg CLT is a variant of CLT, where the random variables are independent, but not necessarily identicall y distributed [29]. Let the mean and variance of ' Nin (30) given h. We have Assuming Linde- berg's condition, given below, is 0, (37) then, as N goes to infinity, the normalized in the standard normal N(0,1), convergence in distribution. Using (38) we can approximate Pein (32) using Q-function Pe= F ORMULATING OUROPTIMIZATION PROBLEM As we stated before, our objective is to find the scale the quantization thresholds {un,l}L-1 l=1in the transmit power control strategy (5) for all sensors such tha t the at the FC is maximized, subject to an average transmit power per sensor constraint. We formulate the optimization problem, via writing the cost function and the constraints in terms of the optimization variables. Rec all at the FC is whereJn in given in (28), and transmit power per sensor Pnis given in (5). We note that Jndepends on gnvalue, whereas Pn depends on the quantization interval to which gnbelongs. The dependency of Jnongnstems from the fact that thef(zn|h) (34) FC has full knowledge of all channel gains gn's, and the optimal Bayesian fusion rule utilizes this full informatio n. Hence, the error probability Peand its bound Jtotdepend on this full information. On the other hand, sensor nonly knows the quantization interval to which gnbelongs, and adapts its transmit power Pnaccording to this partial knowledge as well as its battery state. We seek the best such that the solutions we obtain that do not depend on the specific channel gain realizations. Hence, we take the average of JnandPnovergn, conditioned By taking such a conditional average over gn, the solutions we obtain do not depend on the specific channel gain realizations and are valid, as long as the chann el gain statistics remain unchanged. The problem can be solved offline and its solutions can become available a a priori at the FC and the sensors. Let respectively, denote the expectations of In the following, we compute the two conditional expectations in terms of the optimization variables. To compute -J(i) nwe use the : Suppose random variable xhas an exponential distri- bution with parameter l, i.e., the pdf of xisf(x) =le-lx. Consider the function h(x) =a+bx c+dx, with given constants a, b,candd. Then, the average of h(x), conditioned on xbeing in the interval this fact and letting given in (28), we reach the two dimensional function ohm(x,y)in (40) the two dimensional functions can compute -P(i) nusing (5) as the (42) We formulate our problem, denoted as (P1), as the l= l= the implementation of (P1) a remark follows. Remark: We note that cost function and the constraints in (P1) are decoupled across sensors. Hence, (P1) can be decomposed into nsub-problems, denoted as (P2), as l= l= implies that solving (P1) is equivalent to solving (P2) Ntimes forn= 1,...,N . It also implies that solving (P1)can lend itself to a distributed implementation, where sensor n solves its corresponding (P2) independent of the other sens ors. For implementing our proposed power control strategy, we assume that the FC solves (P1) once. Based on the in each time slot tthe FC quantizes gn,t's and informs sensor nof the quantization interval to which gn,t belongs, via a limited feedback channel. Sensor nsolves (P2) once, and based on the obtained solution it sets its transmit power control strategy in (5) once. Then , in each time slot tsensornchooses its transmit to (5), considering its battery state and the received feedback information. It is worth mentioning the difference between optimizing the total J-divergence and the approximate Peexpression in (39). Different from (P1), the approximate Peexpression in (39) cannot be decoupled across sensors. Therefore, constrained minimization of Pedoes not render itself to a distributed implementation, i.e. each se nsor needs to solve (P1), with Pein (39) being the cost function, which ensues a much higher computational complexity. V. S OLVING PROBLEM (P1) Since solving (P1) is equivalent to solving (P2) Ntimes, in this section we focus on solving (P2). Let examine how the cost function and the constraints in (P2) depend on the optimization of -J(i) n: Considering (40), its explicit depen- dency on {cn,l,un,l}'s is clear. It also depends implicitly on
{cn,l,un,l}'s through the probabilities pn,l's and the Recall that phn,k's are the entries of vector Phn given in (13). This vector depends on the matrix Psn, whose entries are given in (9) and depend on of -P(i) n: Considering (42), its explicit de- pendency on cn,l's is clear. It also depends implicitly on
{cn,l,un,l}'s throughpn,l's of Phn: It depends implicitly on note that problem (P2) is not concave with respect to the optimization variables. Moreover, the objective function and the constraints in (P2) are not differentiable with respect to the optimization variables. Hence, existing gradient-bas ed al- gorithms for solving non-convex optimization problems can not be used to solve (P2). A. Deterministic Search Method We resort to a grid-based search method, which search over the search To curb the computational com- plexity of this grid-based search, we can limit un,l's to a maximum value, denoted as umax. We refer to the from solving (P2) using this method the in the sense that it is the best attainable solution for (P2). Clearly, the accuracy of this solution depends on the resolution of the grid-based search. Suppose the divided into respectively. Therefore, the search space of (P 2), denoted as D, consists of points in the original search space. To find complexity of obtaining the optimal solutionfor (P2), we note that the solver unit (either FC or sensor n) needs to perform two tasks for each point in D: task solving (13) to find Phn, task (ii) Our numerical results show that for a computational complexity of task (i) and task (ii) are the computational complexity of finding the optimal solution for (P2) is SinceK1.1 order is dominated by K3.2, the computational complexity of finding the optimal solution for (P2) can be simplified Random Search Method Finding the optimal solution of (P2) using the as described above, requires searching search spac . In contrast, in a random search algorithm, only a randomly chosen subset of the points in Dis searched to find a solution. The size of this subset can be chosen to be smaller than (Nc)L(Nu)L-1, and hence, the of finding a solution using a random search algo- rithm can be significantly lowered. We refer to the from solving (P2) using a random search solution, in the sense that it is a the random search algorithms in the literature, we choose the so-called Recursive Random Search (RRS) algorithm [30]. Our reason for this choice is that the autho rs in [30] showed that RRS algorithm outperforms traditional search algorithms (e.g., genetic algorith ms, multi-start hill climbing algorithms, and simulated annea ling algorithm) for most optimization problems. RRS of two phases: exploration (global) phase and ex- ploitation (local) phase. In exploration phase, the algori thm performs random sampling from the entire sample space D, to inspect the overall form of the objective function, and to identify promising areas in D[30]. In exploitation phase, the algorithm continues to search only within the areas, using recursive random sampling. As the search continues, the sample space is shrunk gradually (ac- cording to the previously drawn samples), and the algorithm learns more details of the objective function, until it final ly converges to a local optimum, which will be considered as the solution of the optimization problem in hand [30]. For ou r work to be self-contained, in the following we overview RRS algorithm, with reference to the lines in the pseudo-code of Algorithm 1.
*Exploration Phase : To describe this phase and to illustrate the efficiency of RRS algorithm in finding the solution of (P2) , we need to first introduce the following notations and concep a sample (point) in D, andJmin,Jmax indicate the minimum and the maximum values of the objective function, respectively. We define the distribution function of the objective function v forr[0,1], wherem(.)denotes the cardinality of the set. Given rvalue, setAD(r) D with the cardinality m(AD(r)) =rxm(D)is the set of points inDwhose values of the objective function exceed a this reason AD(r)is called the r-percentile set inD[30]. We note that AD(1) to the global optimum of the problem [30]. Now, consider the r- percentile setAD(r)inDand its corresponding Jtr(r)value. The goal in exploration phase is to reach a point in via random sampling. The question is: how many random samples of Dshould we draw, such that we reach a point inAD(r)with probability p? To answer this question, let X={xj}Q1 j=1be the set of randomly drawn samples from Dthat satisfy the average transmit power constraint in (P2), and x*
jXprovides the largest value of the objective function. We have p= reach at r= 1-(1-p)1/Q1. Solvingp forQ1we For any probability value to the global maximum of (P2). Lines 2,3,4 of the pseudo-code correspond to this phase. We takeQ1random samples from D, each denoted as xq1, and put them in initialize X={}. For each sample xq1Xt, we check whether the average transmit power constraint is held. If the constraint is sati sfied, xq1is added to X. If the constraint is not satisfied, we take another sample from the set DXtand add this new sample to Xt. We repeat this procedure until m(X)reachesQ1. Using the samples in X={xj}Q1 j=1, the algorithm computes Having the set X, whose elements represent the promising areas in D, the algorithm enters Any future sample we encounter in the next phase that has a greater value of the objective function than Phase : Consider X={xj}Q1 j=1. For each samplexjXwe first determine several 1,...,r0, such that Given the parameter6Q2, the description of the recursive random search in these neighborhoods to find the solution of (P2) follows. For each sample xjX, we start by letting the search space be S=Nr0(xj), and search Shoping to to find a better sample than xj. In particular, we take Q2random samples from Nr0(xj), each denoted as xq2, and put initialize Yj={}. For each sample xq2Yt, we check two conditions: (i) whether the average transmit power constraint is held, (ii) whether the objecti ve 5The neighborhood Nr(xj), forr= 1,...,r0, is the set of samples that are neighbors of xj. Its on the dimensionality of and the resolution of the grid (parameters Nc,Nu here). To identify different neighborhoods of xj, we have used neighbourND . For instance, for L=2 andNc=10,Nu=100 ,m(N2(xj))=60 ,m(N3(xj))=139 . 6To enable efficient random search even in the smallest neighb orhood we chooseQ2< evaluated at xq2provides a lager value than Jtr. If both constraints are satisfied, xq2is added to Yj. After checking all samples in Ytwe examine Yj. Depending meaning there exists at least one better sample than xjinS, orYj={}, meaning no better sample thanxjis found in S, we take two different select the sample in Yjthat provides the largest value of the objective function, denoted as x*
i, and replace xjXwithx*
i, and change and continue with searching the new S. This procedure of changing the center of S(without shrinking it) in exploitation phase is called re-align sub-phase [30]. How- ever, ifYj={}we shrink Sby changing procedure of shrinking S(without changing its center) in exploitation phase is called shrink sub-phase [30]. Wh if we find a better sample than xj, we replace xjXwith this better sample. Otherwise, we further shrink Sby changing StoNr0-2(xj). We re-align and shrink sub-phases for xj, until we get to search the smallest neighborhood N1(.)of a sample. Note that we limit the number of times we perform re-align sub- phase during the exploitation procedure for xjtoQ1, relying on the fact that after drawing Q1samples from Dwe reach a point in AD(r)with probability p. At this point, the exploitation procedure for xjends, andxjXis either kept unchanged orreplaced with a better sample that is found during its exploitation procedure. We repeat the exploitat ion procedure for all samples in X, and at the end we obtain a refined and fully exploited X. We let the solution of (P2) find the computational complexity of obtaining the c- optimal solution for (P2), we note that during the the solver unit needs to perform repeatedly the same two tasks, task (i) and task (ii) in Section V-A, with computatio nal complexity respectively. To find out the number of repetition of tasks, we focus on the exploitati on procedure for xjX. After each performance of re-aligning S or shrinking S, we randomly search S. i.e., we evaluate the ob- jective function Q2times. Hence, the number of repetition of tasks for each xjXis equal re-align )x
#(performing shrink ). re-align shrink )<=r0, the computational to the exploitation procedure for xjXis upper bounded by Therefore, complexity of finding the c-optimal solution for (P2) is upper bounded by which can be simplified to Hybrid Search Method In this section we propose a hybrid method to find the op- timization variable {cn,l,un,l}'s. In particular, we first obtain the quantization thresholds {un,l}'s using a different Then given the optimized {un,l}'s, we solve (P3),Algorithm 1: pseudo-code of RSS algorithm 1: Initialization phase:
*Set parameter space exploration parameters (p,r)and let Q1= exploitation parameter Q2based on ( Nc,Nu,L); 2: Start exploration phase, take Q1uniform random samples from Dand put them in another sample from DXtand add it =Q1; 4: Calculate the threshold using the samples Start exploitation phase, determine the neighborhoods o Yj={},I= 0, TakeQ2uniform random samples from Nr(xj)and put them in < Q change the search space the search space from below, using RSS l= refer to the solution we obtain using this hybrid solution, in the sense that it is worse than the optimal solution. The sub-optimal solution is also worse than c-optimal solution for two reasons: (i) we detangle and{cn,l}'s, (ii) we use a different objective function to optimize {un,l}'s. The main advantage of using this hybrid method is that finding the sub-optimal solution has a complexity than that of the c-optimal solution. Our numerical results in Section VI show that the values at the c-optimal and the sub-optimal solutions are very close to each other and also very close to that of the optimal solution. In the following, we consider two different objective functions that we use to obtain the opti mal
{un,l}'s. To motivate these objective functions, we consider the input-output relationship of the quantizer in Section I I-B -gn=Q(gn). If the quantizer input gnlies in the interval In,l then the quantizer output is -gn=un,l. The quantization Finding {un,l}'s via Minimizing Mean Absolute Error (MMAE): The first objective function we consider is mean of absolute quantization error (MAE), denoted as E{|gn--gn|}. We can express MAE as (43) To find{un,l}'s that minimize MAE, we take the first deriva- tive of MAE with respect to un,land set the derivative equal to zero. We reach at Fgn(un,l+1) 0 andun,L=, and hence Fgn(0) = 0 and Fgn() = 1 . We initiate un,1and findun,2using (44). we findun,3using (44). We repeat this until we find all{un,l}'s. At this point, we check whether the condition Fgn() = 1 is met. IfFgn()is less (greater) than one, we increase (decrease) the initial value of un,1and find a new set of values for {un,l}'s. We continue changing the initial value ofun,1and finding new values for {un,l}'s, until = 1 is satisfied. 2) Finding {un,l}'s via Maximizing output Entropy (MOE): The second objective function we consider is the between gnand-gn, denoted as I(gn;-gn). We haveI(gn;-gn) entropy of discrete random variable x. To find {un,l}'s that maximize I(gn;-gn), we note that H(-gn|gn)is zero, hence, given gn,-gnis also known. maximized when -gnfollows a uniform distri- bution, i.e., we set and the threshold un,lcan be obtained as computational complexity of finding the for (P2) is the sum of two terms. The first term is the computational complexity of finding {cn,l}'s using RRS algorithm in Section V-B, and is upper bounded We note that Q2in this section is chosen according to m(N1(.)), which depends on Section V-B is chosen according to m(N1(.)), which Hence,Q2here is smaller thanQ2in Section V-B. The second term is the computa- tional complexity of finding {un,l}'s optimizing one of the two objective functions in this section. The of finding {un,l}'s via MMAE is negligible, due to the simplicity of solving (44). Our simulations show that for different Lvalues, solving (44) takes only several msec. 7For instance, for , we choose Q2<17in Section V-B and we choose Q2<5here.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.10 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 37 6.5 6 5.5 5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 (b)c1,1= 0.5 Fig. 4:K= 5, c1,0= 0.3, gg1= 1. Pr(B1= 0) Pr(B1= 50) -B1 (a)u1,l= [0.3,0.4,0.2]0 0.0451 31.97 (b)u1,l= 0.0023 14.33 (c)u1,l= [0,0.1,2,] c1,l= 0.0039 15.32 (d)u1,l= [0.4,0.6,0.3]0 0.0357 28.32 TABLE I: The values of r=10, gg1=
1. The computational complexity of finding {un,l}'s via MOE is almost zero, due to the available closed-form solutions. VI. S IMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We corroborate our analysis with MATLAB simulations and investigate: (i) the effect of the optimization variabl es on the objective function and the entries of Phin (12), (ii) the accuracy of different search methods in Section V in solving (P2) as well as the existing trade-off between detec tion performance and average transmit power, (iii) the behavior of the optimized scale factors {cl}'s with respect to the fading channel gain gn, (iv) the accuracy of the Peapproximate in (39). (v) the dependency of the system error with the optimized variables) on K,r,L , and the SNR corresponding to observation channel defined of optimization variables : Considering one sensor andL= 2, the optimization variables are 4a illustrates the objective the scale factor c1,1. We observe that the objective function is not a concave function of c1,1. Still there exists a point, denoted as c*
1,1, at which the function attains its maximum. Starting from small values of c1,1, asc1,1increases (until it reaches c*
1,1), the function value increases, because the harvested energy can recharge the battery and can yield more power for However, when the harvested and stored energy cannot support the data transmission and t he function value decreases. Fig. 4b shows the objective funct ion versus the quantization threshold u1,1. We observe that the objective function is not a concave function of u1,1. Still there exists a point, denoted as u*
1,1, at which the function achieves its maximum. To accentuate the effect of the optimization variables on the entries of Phwe define the average energy stored at the battery of sensor phn,k,0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 5:Pevs.P0forN= 3, K=5, L= 2,r=2, s2 wn=1, ggn=2, P dn=
0.9,n, SNRs=3dB. where the largest possible value for BnisK. Table I shows Pr(B1= 0),Pr(B1= 50),B1for four choices (a), (b), (c), (d). Going from (a) to (b), we note that given ul's, as cl's increase data transmit power in (5) increases. Due to larg e energy energy consumption for data transmission B1decreases and the chance of energy outage increases. Going from (c) to (d), we note that given cl's, asul's decrease, Pr(B1= 50) increases and Pr(B1= 0) decreases, and B1increases. Due to small energy consumption for data transmission, the chance of having near full battery increases, indicating that sensor has failed to utilize the excess energy. Both energy outage and energy overflow inevitably impact transmission and detecti on performance, leading to a reduction in the objective functi on.
*Accuracy of different search methods in solving (P2) and detection power trade-off : First, we compare the accuracy of deterministic, random, and hybri d search methods in Section V in solving (P2). Fig. 5 2. To plot the curve labeled as first we obtain the optimal solution, set transmit power control strategy in (5) accordingly, and run Monte- Carlo simulation to find Pe. Similarly, we plot the curves labeled as random, hybrid MMAE, hybrid MOE solution, the sub-optimal solution corresponding to MMAE, and the sub-optimal solution corresponding to MOE, respectively. When using RRS algorithm we choose the parameters of exploration phase p=0.99,r=0.1, leading toQ1= 44 . For exploitation phase, we choose Q2= 10 for random and Q2=3 for hybrid MMAE and hybrid MOE. Note that for all curves, as is expected. Also, random, hybrid MMAE and hybrid MOE perform very close to determistic. Fig. 5 als o allows us to examine the existing trade-off between the aver age transmit power and the detection performance. Consider the curve labeled Pe-power trade-off in Fig. 5, which shows how much average transmit power is required to provide a certain Pevalue. This curve is obtained from examining the points and checking whether the power constraint in (P2) is active or inactive. At a given point, when this constr aint is active (inactive), the average transmit power is equal to (less than)P0. Note that as P0increases and Pereaches an error floor, the average transmit power is less than P0.0 0.36 0.81 1.38 2.19 MOE (a) sub-optimal solution corresponding to hybrid MOE0 0.62 1.37 2.31 3.57 MMAE (b) sub-optimal solution corresponding to hybrid MMAE Fig. 6:K= 5, L= 6, r= 2, s2 w1= 1, gg1= 2, P d1= 0.9,P0= 2mW, SNRs=2 dB. 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 7:Pevs.P0forN=5, K=5, L=3,r=2, s2 wn=1ggn=2, Pdn=
0.9,n, SNRs= 3 dB. Since finding the sub-optimal solution has the lowest com- putational complexity, and its performance is very close to the optimal solution, from this point forward, we focus on hybrid MMAE and hybrid MOE.
*Behavior of the optimized scale factors : Consider- ing one sensor and L= 6, the optimization variables Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b depict the corresponding to hybrid MMAE and hybrid MOE. We note that, as lincreases (i.e., channel gain gn,t increases), the length of quantization interval larger. Also, c1,lfirst increases and then (5) this implies that, given the battery state k, as gn,tincreases Pn,tfirst increases and then of Peapproximate in (39): To examine the accuracy of Peapproximate in (39), we focus on hybrid MMAE and hybrid MOE. Fig. 7 plots PeversusP0, in whichPevalues obtained from Monte-Carlo simulations are denoted as Monte-Carlo, and Pevalues obtained from (39) are denoted as approx. This figure suggests that the Pe approximate in (39) is reasonably accurate. Henceforth, fr om this point forward, we use (39) to plot Pe.
*Dependency of Peon different parameters : Fig. 8- 10 to hybrid MMAE and hybrid MOE in terms of different system parameters. Fig. 8 As it reaches an error floor. This is because for large K, powerPn,tin (5) is no longer restricted by K, and instead it is restricted by r. Also, the communication channel dominant and leads to an error floor. Clearly,5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1510-3 Fig. 8:Pevs.KforN= 5, L= 3, r= 5, s2 wn=1, P 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 610-310-2 Fig. 9:Pevs.rforN=5, K=5, L=3, s2 wn=1, dB. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 10:Pevs. SNR sforK=5, r=2, s2 wn=1, ggn=2, P error floor becomes smaller when ggnincreases. Also, hybrid MOE outperforms hybrid MMAE. Fig. 9 As until it reaches an error floor. This is because for large r, power Pn,tis no longer limited by the amount of harvested the dominant factor and leads to an error floor. Also, increasing Pdlowers the error floor. Fig. 10 showsPeversus SNR sasN,L vary. Given N,L as Increasing NandLreducePe. the gap between hybrid MMAE and hybrid | 2108.10358 | Ghazaleh Ardeshiri | Ghazaleh Ardeshiri, Azadeh Vosoughi | On Adaptive Transmission for Distributed Detection in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks with Limited Fusion Center Feedback | arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2103.02742 | null | null | null | eess.SP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We consider a wireless sensor network, consisting of N heterogeneous sensors and a fusion center (FC), tasked with solving a binary distributed Sensors communicate directly with the FC over orthogonal fading channels. Each sensor can harvest randomly arriving energy and store it in a battery. Also, it knows its quantized channel state information (CSI), acquired via a limited feedback channel from the FC. We propose a transmit power control strategy such that the J-divergence based detection metric is to an average transmit power per sensor constraint. The is parametrized in terms of the channel gain quantization thresholds and the scale factors corresponding to the quantization intervals, to strike a balance between the rates of energy harvesting and energy consumption for This strategy allows each sensor to adapt its transmit power based on its battery state and its qunatized CSI. Finding the optimal solving a non-convex optimization problem that is not respect to the optimization variables.We propose near-optimal strategy based on hybrid search methods that have a complexity.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:44:40 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
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2 Rice et al. sucient number of high-resolution spectroscopic obser- vations across a single transit with any but the largest existing ground-based telescopes. The vast majority of spin-orbit angle consequently, been made for planets on tight or- bits witha=R.12. However, the obliquities of stars hosting wider-separation giant planets may provide the evidence necessary to distinguish between the various proposed formation mechanisms for hot Jupiters (Winn
& Fabrycky 2015; Dawson & Johnson 2018). Further- more, in the classical quiescent formation framework for hot and warm Jupiters, the long tidal of these systems enable a direct measurement of the primordial dispersion in protoplanetary disk present a the transit of K2-140 b with the High Spectrometer (HIRES; Vogt et al. 1994) on the 10-meter Keck I telescope. K2-140 (EPIC 228735255) is aV= 12:6 G5 star hosting a 1.019 +-0.070M Jplanet, K2-140 b, with a P= 6:57 day orbital period (Giles et al. 2018). With a=R= 12:88, K2-140 b is one of tidally detached planets to date with a measured spin-orbit angle. This is the rst measurement in our Stellar Obliquities in Long-period Exoplanet Sys- tems (SOLES) survey designed to expand the sample of measurements for b was rst characterized using photometry from the K2mission (Howell et al. 2014), a of the Kepler mission (Borucki et al. 2010), after two of its reaction wheels failed. Giles et al. (2018) used radial velocity (RV) observations from CORALIE (Queloz et al. 2000) and the High Accuracy Radial ve- locity Planet Searcher (HARPS; Pepe et al. 2000) to conrm the planetary nature of K2-140 b and to con- strain its physical and orbital properties. The planet was independently characterized in Ko- rth et al. (2019), which incorporated RV data from the FIbre-fed Echelle Spectrograph (FIES) (Telting et al. 2014) within their analysis. While Giles et al. (2018) found a low but nonzero eccentricity for the planet (e= Korth et al. (2019) found that the planet was consistent with e= 0:Data from both of these past studies is incorporated within our joint obtained 18 radial velocity measurements of K2- 140 with the Keck/HIRES instrument from 9:25-15:40 UT on Feb 24, spanning a full transit of K2-140 b. Con- ditions were favorable throughout most of the observingperiod, with typical seeing ranging from 1 :000 1:300. A spike in humidity during the post-transit baseline ob- servations led to a telescope dome closure at 14:40 UT, resulting in a40-minute gap in data before the last radial velocity measurement. All RV observations were obtained using the C2 60;000) and an iodine absorption cell, which imprints a dense forest of molecular iodine features onto each spectrum to enable high Doppler pre- cision (Butler et al. 1996). The 1400length of the C2 decker allows for direct sky subtraction, improving RV precision for faint stars such as K2-140. The median exposure time was 1 ;119 seconds, with 34k exposure meter counts per spectrum. Our dataset was reduced using the California Planet Search pipeline outlined in Howard et al. (2010), and we obtained a typical signal-to-noise ratio of 71 per pixel from the reduced spectra. The HIRES radial velocity results and uncertainties can be found in Table 1 and are shown in the rightmost panel of Figure 1. We include the S-index and associated uncertainty at each observation in Table 1 for reference. We also obtained a 45-minute iodine-free HIRES exposure of K2-140 using the B3 decker (14 :000
0:57400;R= 72;000) two nights after the measurement of the eect, during UT Feb 26. This template observation was used to calibrate our RVs and to precisely determine stellar parameters (see Sec- tion 4). Conditions were favorable during this measure- ment, and seeing was 1 :200. Our reduced template had a signal-to-noise ratio of 123 per pixel (106k exposure meter MODELING To determine the sky-projected spin-orbit angle for K2-140 b, we used the allesfitter Python package (G unther & Daylan 2020) to jointly model the in-transit HIRES radial velocity data together with and archival radial velocity datasets available from the FIES, CORALIE, and HARPS tted parameters listed in Table 2 were allowed to vary, and each parameter was initialized with uni- form priors. Initial guesses for P,T0, andpesin!were obtained using values from Giles et al. (2018). The two limb dark- ening coecients q1andq2were each initialized with values of 0.5. We accounted for potential radial velocity osets between each separate spectrograph, with priors bounded by1000 m/s. Jitter terms were modeled sep- arately for each instrument and added in quadrature toSOLES I: The Spin-Orbit Alignment of K2-140 b 3 Figure 1. Joint t to photometry, out-of-transit RV data, and the in-transit RV data obtained for K2-140 b. The model is shown in gray, while data is provided in color with modeled constant osets and jitter terms included. The associated residuals are provided below each panel. Table 1. HIRES radial velocities for the K2-140 sys- tem. Time (BJD) RV (m/s) RV(m/s) S-index 17.62 2.48 0.165 1.43 2.59 0.166 17.18 2.55 0.160 23.36 2.58 0.168 23.63 2.38 0.161 22.22 2.47 0.166 14.54 2.35 0.159 11.66 2.34 0.160 -2.85 2.31 0.165 -15.76 2.19 0.167 -14.19 2.41 0.163 -18.89 2.45 0.160 -23.71 2.41 0.159 -10.01 2.63 0.161 2.645 2.96 0.155 -20.13 2.85 0.152 -14.47 3.08 0.147 -14.61 2.71 0.155 0.001 the instrumental uncertainties. was allowed to +180. We ran an ane-invariant Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis with 100 walkers to sample the poste- rior distributions of all model parameters. The best-t model parameters and their associated 1 extracted after obtaining 500,000 accepted steps per walker. Our results are listed in Table 2 and are in good agreement with the associated values obtained by Giles et al. (2018) and Korth et al. (2019).The best-t joint model is shown in Figure 1 together with each dataset included in the analysis, as well as the residuals of each t. The tted and derived to this model are provided in Table 2. We obtain a low but nonzero eccentricity e= b, in agreement with the value derived by Giles et al. (2018). K2-140 is consistent with alignment, with
= 2:510:38 km/s. 4.STELLAR PARAMETERS An understanding of host star properties can help to contextualize the evolutionary pathways through which a system may have reached its current state. We ex- tracted stellar parameters from our Keck/HIRES tem- plate spectrum of K2-140 using the data-driven spec- troscopic modeling program The Cannon (Ness et al. 2015; Casey et al. 2016), following the methods of Rice
& Brewer (2020). Given a set of uniformly processed input training spec- tra and associated stellar labels { that is, stellar pa- rameters and elemental abundances { The Cannon con- structs a generative model describing the function of
ux at each wavelength as a func- tion of the labels. The model can then be applied to a new set of spectra, uniformly processed in the same man- ner as the training set, to obtain the associated trained The Cannon using the uniformly Properties of Cool Stars (SPOCS) et al. 2016) of 18 stellar labels, including 34 Rice et al. Table 2. System properties derived for Description Priors Value +1 -1
Fitted . . . . . . . . . . . . Planet-to-star radius ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U(0; 1)0:1163 0.0012 . . . . . . Sum of radii divided by the orbital semimajor axis U(0; 1) 0 :0960 0.0043 0.0039 cosi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cosine of the orbital inclination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U(0; 1) 0 :0518 0.0053 0.0048 T0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mid-transit epoch (BJD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2458435 0.0015 0.0015 P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orbital period (days). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U(5:569188; 7:569188) 6 :569199 1.2e-05 1.2e-05 K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radial velocity semi-amplitude (m =s). . . . . . . . . . . . . U(0; 1000) 106 :5 4.7 4.7pecos!. . . . . . . . . . . . Eccentricity parameter 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U( 1:0; 1:0) 0:156 0 :067 0:053pesin!. . . . . . . . . . . . Eccentricity parameter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U( 1:0; 1:0) 0 :189 0 :098 0:15 q1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quadratic limb darkening coecient 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . U(0:0; 1:0) 0 :74 0 :15 0:14 q2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quadratic limb darkening coecient 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . U(0:0; 1:0) 0 :175 0 :072 0:055
RV;FIES . . . . . . . . . . RV oset, FIES (m/s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U( 1000:0; 1000:0) 1:1287 0.0044 . . . . . . RV oset, CORALIE (m/s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U( 1000:0; 1000:0) 1:2141 0.0083 0.0083
RV;HARPS . . . . . . . . RV oset, HARPS (m/s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U( 1000:0; 1000:0) 1:2459 0.0053 0.0053
RV;HIRES . . . . . . . . . RV oset, HIRES (m/s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U( 1000:0; 1000:0) 0:0051 0.0034 0.0034
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sky-projected spin-orbit angle () . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U( 180:0; 180:0) 0:5 9 :7 9:7 vsini. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sky-projected stellar rotational velocity (km/s) . . . U(0:0; 20:0) 2 :51 0 :38 0:38 Derived Parameters: Rp Planetary radius (R J) ... 1 :203 0 :076 0:076 Mp Planetary mass (M J) ... 1 :13 0 :12 0:11 b Impact parameter ... 0 :574 0 :022 0:022 T14 Transit duration (h) ... 3 :946 0 :016 0:016
Transit depth ... 0 :015490 4 :2e 05 4:2e 05 a Semimajor axis (au) ... 0.0575 0.0046 0.0043 i Inclination () ... 87 :03 0 :27 0:30 e Eccentricity ... 0 :069 0 :042 0:028 ! Argument of periastron () ... 131 38 20 u1 Limb darkening parameter 1 ... 0 :300 0 :088 0:080 u2 Limb darkening parameter 2 ... 0 :56 0 :15 0:16
*U(a;b) is a uniform prior with lower and upper limits aandb, provided a reference value for T0. During the t, allesfitter can shift epochs to the data center to derive an optimal T0. global stellar parameters ( Te, logg,vsini), and 15 el- emental abundances: C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, and Y. The sample of 1202 vetted in Rice & Brewer (2020) was applied as our training/test set. The continuum baseline of each spectrum was uni- formly t and divided out using the iterative procedure outlined in Valenti & Fischer (2005). Then, we split the SPOCS sample into an split, applied the telluric mask from Rice
& Brewer (2020) to all spectra, and trained the model, using the scatter of the test set results to determine of each extracted parameter. Finally, the trained model was applied to the newly acquired template spectrum. A segment of the ob- tained model spectrum is shown in comparison with the HIRES template data in Figure 2. Our results are provided in Table 3 together with es- timates from previous works for reference. Our values Figure 2. Sample segment of the model spectrum returned byThe Cannon , shown alongside the K2-140 HIRES tem- plate spectrum in the vicinity of the Mg Ib triplet (lines at 5167, 5172, and 5183 A). forTe, logg, and [Fe/H] are in agreement with those acquired in previous studies. The vsinivalue obtained using The Cannon is lower than previous estimates butSOLES I: The Spin-Orbit Alignment of K2-140 b 5 is in agreement with the RM joint t results and Korth et al. (2019) within 1 . We nd that K2-140 is metal- enriched relative to solar abundances, consistent with past evidence showing that short-period giant planets are more common around metal-rich stars (Fischer &
Valenti Implications of the Low of K2-140 b AtTe= 5585 K, K2-140 should have a In the framework of equilibrium tides, the planet's timescale for realignment from turbulent fric- tion would thus (1) whereCEis the realignment timescale for host stars with convective envelopes, and Mp=Mis the planet-to- star mass ratio (Zahn 1977; Albrecht et al. 2012). For K2-140 b,CE= 1:21013yr, longer than the age of the Universe. As a result, we conclude that K2-140 b was likely aligned at the time of protoplanetary theory of equilibrium tides presented in Equa- tion 1 is employed as a simplied heuristic for a framework that has substantially advanced over recent years (Ogilvie 2014). A key problem in the equilibrium tides framework is that, under standard as- sumptions, hot Jupiters should experience rapid orbital decay. Lai (2012) demonstrated that one component of the tidal potential (the obliquity tide) can excite in- ertial waves in the convective envelopes of cool stars, which, when damped, can enhance dissipation of the stellar obliquity without shrinking the companion's or- bit. Obliquity tides have been further explored in ad- ditional work (Ogilvie 2013; Lin & Ogilvie 2017; An- derson et al. 2021). While obliquity tides are not in- cluded in our analysis, previous work has Equation 1 is a useful heuristic revealing that low- obliquity systems tend to have shorter tidal timescales than high-obliquity systems (Albrecht et al. 2012). K2-140 b is one of only 13 giant planets with a mea- sured spin-orbit angle at a=R>12, as shown in the left panel of Figure 3. Of these planets, it is one of only a few with an aligned orbit despite its long tidal The alignment of K2-140 b suggests that at least some hot Jupiters form through quiescent path- ways, such as in-situ formation or disk migration in an initially aligned disk. The highly misaligned planets at large a=Reach have high eccentricities (right panel of Figure 3), indicative ofstrong dynamical interactions that may have produced both elevated obliquities and eccentricities. The coexis- tence of this population with the dynamically quiescent K2-140 system at large a=Rsuggests that there are multiple hot Jupiter formation channels. No neighboring planets have yet been found in the K2-140 system, despite previous observations showing that inner, coplanar companions are common for warm Jupiters (10 < P < 200 days; Huang et al. 2016) and predictions that outer, companions with P.100 days should be regu- larly produced by in-situ hot Jupiter formation via core accretion (Batygin et al. 2016). However, or distant planets in the system cannot be ruled out by the existing observations, with radial ve- locity residuals of tens of m/s and an observing baseline of only4 years. 5.2. Motivation for Additional Obliquity Measurements in Tidally Detached Systems through SOLES Existing measurements of wide- orbiting planets suggest that this population may have an intrinsically dierent spin-orbit angle the shorter-period hot Jupiter population. In par- ticular, the trend of systematically lower obliquities ob- served for stars at temperatures below the Kraft break ( Te6100 K; Kraft 1967; Winn et al. 2010; which may result from tidal damping (e.g. Wang et al. 2021), is not immediately evident at longer orbital periods, as shown in Figure 4. Conversely, Figure 4 reveals tentative (2 :79) evidence that relatively long-period planets ( P > 5 days) around hot stars are preferentially less misaligned than counterparts. Furthermore, the most misalignedP > 5 day planet in the middle panel, KELT- 6 b (P= 7:8 days,jj= 3611; Damasso et al. 2015), orbits a star directly bordering the nominal Kraft break (Te= 6102 K; Collins et al. 2014), making it an am- biguous member of its group. We note that hot stars typically have larger radii and thus stronger tidal dis- sipation at a given orbital period; however, a similar trend has also been previously suggested for a of planets at large a=R(Yu et al. planets have comparatively long tidal alignment timescales, especially around hot stars. The small spin-orbit angles observed for exoplanets around hot stars, therefore, may suggest that tend to be aligned at the time of gas dispersal (in contrast with a primordial spin-orbit misalignment from a tilted disk; Batygin 2012; Spalding & Batygin 2015). In this case, hot Jupiters would need to obtain their mis- alignments after the protoplanetary disk has dispersed,6 Rice et al. Table 3. Stellar parameters for Unit The Cannon (this work)RM joint t (this work)Giles+ 2019 Korth+ 2019 Teff K 5610 59 - 5654 55 5585120 logg cm/s24:40:1 - km/s 2 :311:07 2:510:38 3:80:2 3:61:0 [Fe=H] dex 0.18 0:04 - 0 :120:045 0:100:10 [C=H] dex 0 :140:08 - - - [N=H] dex 0 :050:09 - - - [O=H] dex 0 :060:09 - - - [Na=H] dex 0 :130:07 - - 0 :120:10 [Mg=H] dex 0 :120:04 - - 0 :270:10 [Al=H] dex 0 :220:13 - - - [Si=H] dex 0 :180:05 - - - [Ca=H] dex 0 :240:04 - - 0 :120:10 [Ti=H] dex 0 :240:05 - - - [V=H] dex 0 :170:06 - - - [Cr=H] dex 0 :190:05 - - - [Mn=H] dex 0 :180:06 - - - [Ni=H] dex 0 :180:05 - - 0 :200:10 [Y=H] dex 0 :230:12 - - - Giant planets only, with exoplanet.eu values: Larger spread in || with increasing le Figure 3. Left: K2-140 b relative to other measurements of giant planets ( M > 0:3MJ) in the TEPCat catalogue (Southworth 2011), with aandRobtained through cross-matching with the NASA Exoplanet Archive and missing values lled in from the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. In a=Rspace, K2-140 b lies just exterior to most planets with measured spin-orbit angles. This makes it one of only a handful of planets with a tidal realignment timescale >> stellar age, such that it would not have had time to realign if it had been misaligned at the time of protoplanetary disk dispersal. of measured obliquities as a function of eccentricity for planets with e>0. The range of measured values is larger at highefor planets orbiting stars both above and below the Kraft break. Planets with jj>40ande>0:01 are outlined in red in both panels. Among the planets with e6= 0, the spread in misalignments is larger at higher migration as an important for- mation mechanism (e.g. Wu & Murray 2003; Fabrycky
& Tremaine 2007). Most of the misaligned planets at P > 5 days are on eccentric orbits, suggesting that in- teractions with stellar or planetary companions in the systems may have induced both elevated obliquities a growing sample of spin-orbit angles at P > 5 days reveals that cool stars below the Kraft break more misaligned than hotter stars abovethe Kraft break, this may also be suggestive of inter- actions with additional companions. In the presence of an external, inclined Jovian-mass companion, can be excited preferentially in cool star systems due to a secular resonance between the host star's spin axis precession frequency and nodal preces- sion induced by interactions with the companion (An- derson & Lai 2018). Cool stars spin down over time due to magnetic braking, enabling this resonant excitation. Hot stars, by contrast, lack a convective envelope andSOLES I: The Spin-Orbit Alignment of K2-140 b 7 After referee report, K2-140 Above Kraft breakP > 5 dayP < 5 day P = 5 dayBelow Kraft > 5 day Figure 4. Obliquity distribution of all stars below (top panel) and above (middle panel) the Kraft break with in the TEPCat catalogue, provided as a func- tion of the companion planet's orbital period. Measurements for companion planets with e >0:1 are bordered in for companion planets with M < 0:3MJare shown at lower opacity. The cumulative sums in the bottom panel include only planets above the Kraft break, comparing theP > 5 day population (purple) with 5000 P < 5 day sam- ples (gray), randomly sampled without replacement. The histogram on the bottom right shows a vertical cut through the nal cumulative sum distribution. The P > 5 day cu- mulative sum is a 2.79 outlier from the random draw to rapidly rotate over their lifetimes. As a re- sult, irrespective of the external giant planet companion rate around hot stars, this mechanism should occur only in cool star systems. The substantially inclined companions necessary to in- duce this mechanism would also be capable of exciting the inner planet's orbital eccentricity. This may be re-
ected by the apparent increase in both eccentricities for long-period planets around cool stars, shown in the top panel of Figure 4. Conversely, the alignment of K2-140 b and similar planets on orbits indicates that they should not havenearby giant planet companions with large ( >10) mu- tual inclinations within 2 au. If the trend of large misalignments for cool stars host- ing tidally detached planets persists, while misalign- ments remain small for their hot star counterparts, fur- ther monitoring would be warranted to constrain the long-period giant planet companion rate for misaligned cool star systems. Additional observations are needed to parse the emerging relationship between stellar tem- perature, eccentricity, and obliquity for thank Konstantin Batygin and Kassandra Ander- son for helpful discussions that have rened this work. We also thank the anonymous referee for their help- ful suggestions that have improved the quality of this manuscript. M.R. is supported by the National Graduate Research Fellowship Program un- der Grant Number DGE-1752134. The data presented herein were obtained at the W. M. Keck is operated as a scientic partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of Cal- ifornia and the National Aeronautics and Space The Observatory was made possible by the generous nancial support of the W. M. Keck Foun- dation. This work is supported by Astronomical Big Data Joint Research Center, co-founded by National As- tronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Alibaba Cloud. This research has made use of the Keck Observatory Archive (KOA), which is operated by the W. M. Keck Observatory and the NASA Institute (NExScI), under contract with the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. This re- search has made use of the NASA Exoplanet Archive, which is operated by the California Institute of Technol- ogy, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Exoplanet numpy (Oliphant 2006; Walt et al. 2011; Harris et al. 2020), matplotlib (Hunter 2007), pandas (McKinney et al. 2010), scipy (Virtanen et al. 2020), allesfitter (G unther & Daylan 2020), et al. 2013) Facility: Keck: I (HIRES), Exoplanet Archive, Ex- trasolar Planets S., Winn, J. N., Johnson, J. A., et al. 2012, Journal, 757, 18Anderson, K. R., & Lai, D. 2018, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480, 1402 | 2108.10362 | Malena Rice | Malena Rice, Songhu Wang, Andrew W. Howard, Howard Isaacson, Fei Dai,
Xian-Yu Wang, Corey Beard, Aida Behmard, Casey Brinkman, Ryan A. Rubenzahl,
Gregory Laughlin | Stellar Obliquities in Long-period Exoplanet Systems (SOLES) I: The Spin-Orbit Alignment of K2-140 b | Accepted for publication in AJ; 8 pages, 4 figures | null | 10.3847/1538-3881/ac1f8f | null | astro-ph.EP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Obliquity measurements for stars hosting relatively long-period giant planets with weak star-planet tidal interactions may play a key role in formation theories for shorter-period hot Jupiters. Few such have been made to date due to the relatively small sample of transiting Jovian-mass planets and the challenging nature of these targets, which tend to have long transit durations and orbit faint stars. We report a measurement of the effect across the transit of K2-140 b, a Jupiter-mass planet with period $P=6.57$ days orbiting a $V=12.6$
star. We find that K2-140 is an aligned system with projected spin-orbit degrees, suggesting a dynamically cool formation history. This observation builds towards a population of tidally detached giant angles that will enable a direct comparison with the distribution hot Jupiter orbital configurations, elucidating the mechanisms of each group.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:59:54 GMT"
] | 2021-11-24T00:00:00 | [
"Andrew W.",
"Ryan A.",
] |
the depth of an object in the image after detecting it using Yolo. (Leira et al., 2017) Developed a solution for UA Vs with computational power and an onboard camera to detect, recognize, and track multiple ob- jects in a maritime environment. The system was able to automatically detect and track the position and the velocity of a boat with an accuracy of 5-15 meters, being at the height of 400 meters. Furthermore, the tracking could be done even when a boat was outside the FOV (field of view) for extended periods of time. In summary, several applications have been im- plemented to detect and track objects present in view of the camera, but not much work has been done on developing solutions that could run at the edge, lever- aging low-powered IoT commercial off-the-shelf de- vices, which this work presents. 3 METHODS The data consists of videos, a time series of GPS po- sitions of the vessel, and the GPS position of the cam- era. First, the relation between the world position of the vessel and the on-screen position is an object detector is trained to track the vessel on the image. Post-processing is applied to and precision. 3.1 Converting World / the latitude and longitude in arc of the ship, and similarly (ph0,l0)be the position of the camera. The camera is at the origin at the world coordinate system, while the ship is at (xw,yw). The distance in meters can be obtained with an equi-rectangular projection (Snyder, (2) with r=6371km being the earth ra- dius (Moritz, 2000). The ship is always at sea level, so zw=0 can be omitted. The equation has to be (3) (xp,yp)are the projected coordinates. zpis the dis- tance from the camera to the vessel. His a matrix that projects the world coordinates to the screen. The cam- era has significant lens distortion. This means that the final coordinate (x,y)of the ship on screen and theprojected coordinates (xp,yp)have the the center of the image and r2the distance from the center of the (6) K1and Hare parameters that have to be learned. We created a dataset containing 11 hand-labeled pairs of screen positions GPS The GPS data was reconstructed from the video and frame index using a linear interpolation of the timestamps provided and a linear interpolation of the GPS data for that timeframe. The least-squares so- lution for equation 3 for Hcan be easily computed. K1 introduces a non-linearity; hence it was result is shown in figure 5b. Different values forK1were used for calculating (xp,lab,yp,lab)from solving equation 3 for H, and mea- suring the MSE between the estimated screen the hand-labeled screen position for all labeled points Object detection The recent advancements of Deep Learning-based ob- ject detection models were state-of-art in in terms of both inference time and re- liability of the predictions (Jiao et al., 2019). Deal- ing with the hardware constraints present in edge devices brings additional attention to the need for smaller models performing fast inference while keep- ing the accuracy of predictions as high as possi- ble. We found two architectures and YoloV5 (Jocher et al., 2020) and Efficient- Det (Tan et al., 2020) playing a key role in object detection model scenarios, offering different model sizes. We tested both models on a standard NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit, a small, device for AI embedded with 4GB of LPDDR4 RAM, 128-core Maxwell GPU, and a Quad-core ARM A57 CPU. As presented in table 1, YoloV5s was the best solution for devices like the NVIDIA Jetson Nano regarding the trade-off between mAP (mean Average Precision) and FPS (Frames per Second) processed when using 320x320px images. Once camera calibration and HandK1are known, they can be used to predict the Bounding the vessel. Let (cx,cy)be the loca- tion of the ship. The dimensions of the bounding boxModel Image resolution mAP (mean Average Precision) Processed FPS YoloV5x 416x416px 0.451 1.25 YoloV5l 416x416px 0.328 2.48 YoloV5m 416x416px 0.402 3.11 YoloV5s 416x416px 0.333 8.70 YoloV5s 320x320px 0.299 256x256px 0.336 256x256px 0.394 5 Table 1: Comparison of different YoloV5 and EfficientDet con figurations, with mean Average Precision evaluated on a NVIDIA JetsonNano on COCO (Lin et al., 2015) validation data set and FPS performance reported on a 720p video. Models are sorted by type (Yolo, EfficientDet), size of the model, an d adapted image set on half image resolution (9) zpis the distance from the vessel to the camera in project space, as obtained by equation 3. The scale factors were empirically chosen to include the ves- sel and have a minimum size of 25. An example is shown in figure 1. The image is scaled down by 2 and cropped to the upper (640,192)pixels to not pro- cess unnecessary data. Besides the in table 2, the default hyper-parameters of YoloV5s were used. Epochs 20 Batch size 16 Image size 352 Table 2: Training hyper-parameters that differ from the de- fault values. 3.3 of the networks tend to be noisy. They might detect no ship, a slightly off position, multiple bound- ing boxes for the same ship, or multiple ships. First, the trajectories for every ship have to be obtained. Each trajectory uses a Kalman fil- ter (Kalman, 1960) to predict the location in the next frame. All detected ships in the next frame are ac- counted to the closest trajectory if they are within 80 pixels of the radius. Each trajectory is updated with the closest point that was accounted for it. A trajec- tory is finished if it is not updated for more than 10 frames. In case no trajectory is found for a point, it is considered new. Out of all trajectories, the correct one has to be found. The trajectory score is defined (10) cis the sorted confidence values that YoloV5s issued to the trajectory positions, with lbeing the trajectorylength for all data points iof the the 80th percentile of c. It was as- sumed that the trajectory with the highest score was the vessel we were looking for. When the trajectory got cut in the middle, other trajectories were pre- or appended to the current trajectory by looking at be obtained directly from the object detector and camera calibration. The bounding box size is an additional indicator for dis- tance zpand vertical position be obtained from equation (12) The different predictors are shown in figure 2. The fi- nal estimate of the y position is the weighted (13) The parameters were empirically chosen since predictor is less noisy than the bound- ing box size-based predictors, as shown in figure 2. Finally, a Kalman filter is used to smooth the com- posed trajectory and estimate missing values. Points with a vertical difference of more than 5 pixels to the smoothed trajectory are considered outliers and masked out. Then the algorithm runs again, 5 times in total. A masked out point may become unmasked if the smoothed trajectory moved closer to it. The ef- fect is shown in figure 3. Then, the GPS coordinate of the vessel can be obtained by reversing the equa- tions in section 3.1. If the point is above the horizon (zphas the wrong sign), or very far, it is data points may be obtained using a of the data. The output is clipped safety. All Kalman filters use the following Fk, observation Rk, transition co-varianceQkand observation co-variance Rk, with being the time in seconds between frames: Fk=
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 0 0 1 (17) 4 RESULTS All methods were validated on the dataset of the AI tracks at sea Challenge (Tall, 2020). This 11 videos, each 3 minutes in time, and ground truth GPS positions for the ship. 4.1 Camera Parameters The learner for inferring the camera parameters dis- covered the following K1 and H results are visualized in figure 4. The orange line in figure 4a is characterized by the vanishing points of the (20) It matches the actual horizon within 5 pixels. The difference between our hand-labeled points and the project points is shown in figure b. The loss is visi- ble as the mean squared error between the orange and blue points, indicated by the green lines. The cam- era orientation can also be obtained. With xp,hor=xc being in the middle of the image and 20, the horizon point can be deprojected (21) The heading of the camera (22) This allows for the adjustment of the camera's orien- tation by multiplying (xw,yw)with a 2D rotation ma- trix.4.2 Object detection 14 videos that contained recorded camera imagery of sea vessel traffic and the recorded GPS track of the vessel of interest were used for this work. The net- work was trained on 6 Videos (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12). 5 videos (13, 14, 15, 16, and 17) were used for validation. Videos 18, 19, and 20 did not have GPS data, so they could only be used for testing. For fi- nal results, the network was trained for one additional epoch on the training and validation dataset. The re- sults shown in this paper are without training on the validation set. Two situations occurred depending on the train- ing length. If YoloV5s was trained for 50 epochs, it distinguished the vessel from other ships like sail- boats and jet skis on the training data, but it performed poorly on validation due to overfitting, which started after epoch 20. After 20 training epochs, YoloV5s not only detected the ship well but also other ships like sailboats and jet skis. Filtering the correct ship out of all the generated trajectories turned out to be a major source of error. 4.3 infers a position that is 2 pixels (on half res- olution) above the actual on-screen position this was added as a fixed offset to the po- sitions that the network inferred. This could be at- tributed to the fact that the pre-trained YoloV5s used a different center point on objects. The Kalman fil- ters can remember the velocity of each vessel. When two vessels cross each other, they can keep track of both trajectories, as shown in figure 6. In video 18, the model can interpolate the out-of-screen position of the vessel with the information of how the vessel left and reentered the frame. The result of the final pipeline is shown in fig- ure 7 and figure 8. The error for 4 out of 5 videos is less than 20m. The error is also proportional to the distance. At a distance of 150m, if the roughly 10m away from the cam- era this equates to a vertical change of roughly 0.276 pixels on the half resolution the network is working on. This approach is working with sub-pixel accuracy. 4.4 Performance On the NVIDIA Jetson Nano used for testing, 5.31 FPS was reached for the whole pipeline. YoloV5s took 72% of that time, while the other 28% can be mostly attributed to video decoding. Considering that1 FPS is enough for the algorithm to produce a stable output, this algorithm can easily run in real-time on low-powered embedded devices. 4.5 Validation The main objective is to validate performance by cal- culating the inference error of the model, which rep- resents the distance in meters from the ground truth position against the distance in meters from the video source. A correlation between these two factors is valuable for understanding how the model the output will be enriched with the ex- pected error, a great improvement of the pipeline, both from a technical and user-end section explains how to perform the of the vessel from the camera. The dis- tance of the predicted point from the ground truth will also be presented, ending with a brief explanation of possible error prediction methods. As mentioned in the Object Detection section, the validation has been performed on five different videos (videos 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17) for a total amount of 713 data points. 4.5.1 Distance estimation In order to calculate the distance from the camera and the actual error from the predicted point, the Haver- sine formula (M, 2010) is used. The formula calcu- lates the shortest distance between two points on a sphere using their latitude and longitude, and is ex- pressed as the radius of the earth in meters, ph1,ph2is the lati- tude of the two points, and l1,l2 is the longitude. 4.5.2 Considerations about the validation set The distance from the camera of the target vessel is approximately between 86 and 200 meters for 75% of the data points, with peaks of 2500 meters. However, one of the videos represents a particular issue for the validation process, as its frames show the vessel from the back and at a close distance, a point of view that is unique in this dataset. A possible solution could con- sist of shrinking the testing set by including the video in the training process. Although this work aims to get the best performance possible in terms of infer- ence and generalization with a limited amount of data points, we found that the model cannot generalize to that level in this constrained scenario.4.5.3 Validation results As shown in Figures 8 and 9, the error performed by the model is below 20 meters for 80% of the valida- tion data points. The only outlying points are the ones belonging to Video 17, reaching important errors at high distances. Some of these points represent the model detecting another vessel, which was mislead- ing these predictions. However, it can be noted that the model can predict positions around 500 and 1000 meters with a small amount of error. Predictions in the testing dataset have the highest density well below 20 meters, even reaching a precision below a single me- ter at the highest distances [Figures 8, 9]. It is now possible to use all the extrapolated information to per- form error prediction at the end of the pipeline. The first stage of the work predicts the position of the ves- sel performing on the validation set. After that, the Haversine distance between both the predicted dis- tance and ground truth, as well as the ground truth and camera position, are computed. These two pa- rameters are used to feed the error prediction models and are respectively called prediction error anddis- tance from camera . The first concern is, once again, the dataset. A plausible solution is to split the previous validation set according to Videos, excluding video 17. By includ- ing video 17, the predicted distance from the model would only be uncontrolled noise to our dataset, with- out adding any value to the scope. The training set comprises 429 data points belonging to Videos 14, 15, and 16, while the testing set has 143 points from Video 13. SVR adopts an approach similar to Support Vector Machines as Large Margin Clas- sifiers (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995), with the usage of kernel tricks (Aizerman et al., 1964) to create Non- linear classifiers. The quality of the hyperplane is determined by the points falling inside the The results presented by Table 4 show that a simple network, with only two hidden layers and trained for 5 epochs, can reach a Root Mean Squared Error between 4 and 5 meters, using a batch size of 32 data points. The Neural Network performance is also shown by Figure 9. The SVR, using the Radial Basis Function kernel to approximate the was initially prone to overfitting, achieving worse results than the Linear kernel on the testing set. To overcome this undesirable situation, the allowed margin error was increased in the training set. This allowed us to generalize better than the Linear Re- gression and SVR models. The final linear is:
~e=0.0555 d. (24) This means that the accuracy of the pipeline is 5 .55mPaper Method Target Object Image resolution Avg. error (Ali and Hussein, 2016) Hough Transform Cars 480x360 9.71%
(Hu et al., 2019) Faster R-CNN and 3D box prediction Cars 1392x512 7.40%
(Dhall, 2018) YoloV2 and keypoint prediction Cone Not stated 6.25%
Ours YoloV5s Vessel 640x360 5.55%
Table 3: Comparison of tracking accuracy with others. The av erage error is measured in meters per 100 meters cameras, angle of views, target objects, and imag e resolution make a direct comparison hard to value. Method RMSE DNN 4.95 Linear Regression 6.88 SVR(Linear) 8.35 SVR(RBF) 6.04 Table 4: The Root Mean Squared Error - RMSE - in meters from the actual predicted point per 100m distance. More data points and further would, of course, strengthen the infer- ence capabilities of these models. Error prediction can play a significant role in the pipeline depending on the use case where this methodology could be ap- plied. In fact, external decision-making systems could opt for a certain action or verification, depending on the detected distance of the object. 5 DISCUSSION AND FUTURE WORK The results in table 3 show that our model precision when compared with However, comparisons are of many factors like the angle of view, res- olution, camera position, or target object that could influence the result. Our approach efficiently exploits GPS data with a fast and reliable inference for can figure different applications in both small and large scenarios. For example, tracking a car in a parking lot where the camera is close and the ac- curacy should be high. A larger use-case might be keeping track of traffic in a container ship port or air- port, where the camera is further away, but the ob- jects are larger, and in this way, this approach main- tains the same relative accuracy. This method could also be easily extended for cases with as long as there is a clear mapping from stated, the average error is 5.55m per 100m distance, and the network can track the ship within a sub-pixel resolution, which is crucial for distance re- liability. The accuracy could be further improved by using a steeper camera angle and more training data.The performance in terms of FPS could be improved by adopting TensorRT network definition APIs and 8- bit inference (Migacz, 2017). A particular challenge for the network is to learn to distinguish the vessel from other ships like jet-skis or sailboats. This leads to the problem that multiple ships may be detected. A style detector, as presented in (Wojke et al., 2017), could be used to differentiate between different ships. When the object moves quickly, or the data point res- olution is poor, the algorithm struggles with inferring the trajectories. For ships, one data point every sec- ond is recommended. In edge cases, for example, when the ship leaves the frame, the whole pipeline is susceptible to chosen, for example, how long a trajectory lasts without new positions. When the ship is at a reasonable distance and well visible in more standard situations, the algorithm is stable and pre- cise. Since our approach requires a single frame every second, it can easily be run on devices at the edge achieving a low inference time while being able to track a specific vessel as well as multiple different ones, depending on the needs and training data M. A., Braverman, E. A., and Rozonoer, L. (1964). Theoretical foundations of the potential func- tion method in pattern recognition learning. Automa- tion and Remote Control , 25:821-837. Ali, A. A. and Hussein, H. A. (2016). Distance estima- tion and vehicle position detection based on monoc- ular camera. In 2016 Al-Sadeq International Confer- ence on in IT and and Applications (AIC-MITCSA) , pages 1-4. Bhoi, A. (2019). 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It is empirically cho sen to fit the boat. 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Time Y positionFrom Position From BBWidth From BBHeight Figure 2: The ypby the two estimators as in equati on 12 and the pre- dictor. 0 50 100 150 Time X position 0 50 100 150 Time Y position (a) Effect of the Kalman filter for smoothing the trajectory in screen coordinates.0 50 100 150 Time X position 0 50 100 150 Time Y position (b) Effect of the Kalman filter for smoothing the trajectory in world 3: The Kalman filters are a crucial step in obtaining a s mooth trajectory, particularly for lateral movement.0 200 400 600 800 1000 Visualization of the learned camera parameters. The gri d shows 10 meter squares, with 100 >xw>10 and 100>yw>0. Note the effect of the lens distortion, and how the orange l ine matches the horizon. The blue vanishing point is exactly east. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 labeled (b) The difference between our hand labeled points and the pr ojected GPS 4: Evaluation of the Camera Parameters0 200 400 600 800 1000 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 T owards east owards north (meters) (a) An example of a GPS track mapped into the video. Note that t he camera is facing eastwards and not The green lines indicate the rectangle -4 -2 0 2 4 6 k Brute force evaluation of the lens distortion parameter K1 Figure 5: Evaluation of the Camera Parameters0 100 200 300 400 500 0.340.15 0 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 6: Green is the smoothed trajectory of the vessel. Whi te/Grey is the trajectory of a ship in general (white when it g ot detected in this frame, grey if it has not been detected in the current frame and position is guessed). Red are detected poi nts in the image. They may be obscured by the white points. When th e vessel is behind the sailboat, the grey and green point estimate the position. 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 T owards east owards north truth Figure 7: Validation of the complete pipeline using Video 15 . Showing the Ground Truth track of the vessel (orange line) against the predicted one (blue line).0 20 40 60 80 100 Error in 8: Distribution of the error in meters, output of our p ipeline. 80% of the predictions have an error below 20 meters . Linear Regression Deep Neural Network Target distance from cameraError in metersTraining Data Testing Data 0 0 50 100 150 200 9: Visualization of the error prediction performanc e on the error prediction validation set. The linear regress ion show the average error is 5.55m per 100m distance from camera. The distance of the target vessel from the camera, against the er ror in meters produced by the predictions is plotted, with the tr aining data points in blue and validation in orange. The lear ned regression from the Linear Regression modelling (light-bl ue) and the Deep Neural Network (red) is showed. | 2108.10367 | Raffaele Galliera | Tobias Jacob, Raffaele Galliera, Muddasar Ali, Sikha Bagui | Marine vessel tracking using a monocular camera | 12 pages, 9 figures, the paper is based on the submission for the AI
Tracks at Sea challenge made by the same team taking to a 3rd place in the
competition, included in DeLTA 2021 conference proceedings, published on
SCITEPRESS Digital Library and available at
https://www.scitepress.org/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=yzZS+b/VkZ4=&t=1 | null | 10.5220/0010516000170028 | null | cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG cs.RO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ | In this paper, a new technique for camera calibration using only GPS data is presented. A new way of tracking objects that move on a plane in a video is achieved by using the location and size of the bounding box to estimate the distance, achieving an average prediction error of 5.55m per 100m distance from the camera. This solution can be run in real-time at the edge, inference in a low-powered IoT environment while also being able to track multiple different vessels.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 19:08:20 GMT"
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I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, computer simulations have considerably advanced our knowledge on and molecular assembly processes by shedding light on the microscopic mecha- nisms underlying these phenomena1{34. Simulations have allowed to identify key parameters for these activated processes, which allow to measure and analyze the progress of the system towards the formation of a new phase. These parameters, which are often complex func- tions of e.g. the coordinates of the atoms or of some features of their collective behavior, are known as order parameters or reaction coordinates (RCs)35{47. RCs are generally tailored to a type of system or to a type of phenomenon under study. This is the case, for instance, for vapor-liquid nucleation, a process of great interest for many applications such as for atmospheric nucleation. Possible choices of RCs are e. g. the radius of the incipient droplet or its size (in terms of numbers of atoms within the and the analysis of the underlying pathway is generally made through the determination of the free energy barrier of nucleation and of the critical size of the nucleus beyond which spontaneous growth occurs. The entropy of the system Sis an especially appealing choice for a RC since it is, by denition, directly connected to the onset of order (i.e. Sdecreases as order increases). It also has the additional advantage of being very general and, as such, can be used for a wide range of systems and phenomena, regardless of the geometry, structure and phases involved. In the rst part of this series, our goal is to establish the use of Sas a RC for the homogeneous vapor-liquid nucleation of atomic and molecular systems. For this purpose, we develop a simulation method that allows to vary the entropy of the system and, as a result, to drive the formation of the liquid droplet. We then calculate the free energy with this process. The simulations carried out in this work therefore allow us to identify the entropic pathway underlying the nucleation process, which starts with the metastable supersaturated vapor and ends at the top of the free energy barrier, when a liquid droplet of a critical size has formed. By varying the conditions of nucleation, we are also able to analyze the impact of the supersaturation on the nucleation process and to rationalize the interplay between the free energy of nucleation, the size of the liquid droplet and the range of entropies spanned during the nucleation process. The validity of the results is assessed through a comparison with the predictions from the classical nucleation theory54,55, which provides a relation between the free energy of nucleation and the supersaturation, and with 2prior simulation work35,56. Results are presented for both atomic ( Ar) as well as 2) systems to demonstrate the versatility and the transferability of the method to molecular systems. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we present the simulation method and discuss how the entropy of the system is used as a RC. We also explain how we calculate the free energy prole for the the nucleation process. We then present the molecular force elds used to model the three systems studied in this work, before discussing the In particular, we give an account of how we obtain and choose the input parameters for the simulations to control the extent of supersaturation during the nucleation process. Then, we discuss the results obtained here on the three systems considered in this work, Ar,N2andCO 2and focus on quantifying the impact of supersaturation on the height of the free energy barrier, as well as on the size of the liquid droplet and on the entropy of the system at the top of the free energy barrier. We nally draw the min conclusions from this work in the last section. II. SIMULATION METHOD A. Sampling entropic is based on the grand-canonical ensemble, where is the volume, Tthe temperature and Sthe entropy of the system. Having
as an input parameter for the simulations leads to a direct comparison with the from the classical nucleation theory (CNT)54,55. CNT analyzes the and the free energy barrier that the system has to overcome during this process, as a competition between two contributions, which cancel out when a droplet of a critical size has formed, i.e. when the system has reached the top of the free energy barrier. The the surface term, is energetically unfavorable and is the predominant term for small droplets. It results from the cost of creating the interface between the liquid droplet and the vapor and can be evaluated as the product of the area of the incipient by the surface tension. The second contribution, the volume term, is and becomes predominant for larger droplets. The volume term corresponds to the energetic gain in 'converting' the parent phase, the metastable supersaturated vapor, into a 3droplet of the stable phase, the liquid phase. In the CNT approach54,55, the volume term, and hence the free energy of nucleation, is proportional to the supersaturation = v, which is the dierence between the chemical potential of the liquid ( ) and the chemical potential of the supersaturated vapor vat the same pressure as the liquid. Carrying out simulations in the grand-canonical ensemble allows us to choose and hence the supersaturation
for the nucleation event. Working in the grand-canonical ensemble also has additional advantages. Since the num- ber of atoms/molecules is allowed to
uctuate, this ensemble provides a direct acces to thermodynamic quantities that are dicult to calculate in other ensembles, as e.g. in the NVT orNPT ensemble. This is the case, for instance, for the entropy Sof the system. In the grand-canonical ensemble, in which the chemical potential , the temperature Tand volumeVare xed during the simulations, it is straightforward to evaluate Sduring the simulations Uis the internal energy per atom/molecule, obtained by calculating the potential energy due to the interactions between atoms/molecules and by adding the kinetic (ideal gas) contribution to the internal energy of kBT=2 per degree of freedom. This means that, in the grand-canonical ensemble, Scan be used as the reaction coordi- nate to measure the onset of order in the system and, in the case of nucleation, its progress towards the formation of a liquid droplet of a critical size. To achieve this, we carry by taking advantage of the well-known umbrella sampling method57 to allow the system to follow the RC, in this case S. From a practical standpoint, we add a bias potential energy, function of the entropy of the system, Ubias(S), to the total potential energy of the system. In this work, we use the following harmonic function of Sas the bias potential a spring constant and S0is the target value for the entropy of the are carried out within the Monte Carlo (MC) framework, with the usual Metropolis criteria used to accept/reject the dierent types of MC moves attempted on the atoms/molecules of the system. More specically, since these simulations are rooted in the grand-canonical ensemble, the conventional Metropolis criteria, as obtained e.g. by 4Allen and Tildesley58in the grand-canonical ensemble, are used in instance, for the MC steps involving the translation of single atom/molecule, as well as for the rotation of a molecule, we use the following Metropolis =min[1;exp( U] (3) with Udenoting the change in the total potential energy (interaction energy+bias poten- tial) corresponding to the move from the old ( o) conguration to the new ( n) for the MC moves involving the insertion of a new atom/molecule, we use the following + the activity z= exp()=3, where is the de Broglie wavelength and Nis the current number of atoms/molecules in the system. In the case of molecular
uids, one also needs to take into account the terms related to the other degrees of freedom. For linear molecules like N2andCO 2, we include for the rotation a factor of 8 IkBT=2h2, whereIis the moment of inertia of the linear molecule, kBis the Boltzmann constant and his all systems ( Ar,CO 2andN2), we carry out VT Ssimulations in cubic cells with an edge of 100 A and apply the usual 3 Dperiodic boundary conditions. To simulate the entire nucleation process, we carry out a series of umbrella sampling simulations with decreasing values for the target entropy S0. This allows us to sample the underlying which goes from the high entropy parent phase (supersaturated vapor) to the low entropy phase (liquid). During the course of the simulation, we collect histograms for the number of times each entropy interval is visited. These histograms are then used to build the free energy prole of nucleation using the techniques developed to analyze the results from umbrella sampling simulations (more details can be found in previous work57{61). For each value of the target entropy S0, simulations are rst run for 100 106MC steps to allow the system to relax. Then, a second run, the production run, is performed for 200 106 MC steps during which the data are collected and the calculation of average properties is carried out. The dierent types of MC steps are attempted with the following rates. In the case of of Ar, 75 % of the MC steps consist in the translation of a single atom, while the 25 % remaining moves are equally split between the MC steps corresponding to 5the insertion and deletion of Ar atoms. In terms of computational eciency, working in the grand-canonical ensemble allows the number of atoms to vary, which means that the simulations for the higher Svalues will be performed on systems with few atoms. This is advantageous when compared to methods based on the NPT ensemble, which simulate systems with a constant number of atoms. Furthermore, calculating the reaction Eq. 1 after every time step is very fast. The CPU time for a VT Srun is therefore very close to a conventional grand-canonical run. For instance, a production run carried out on systems containing an Ar droplet of a critical size (i.e. the largest systems sizes during nucleation) takes 30 CPU hours (CPU time given for a single Intel Xeon at 3.2 GHz). For CO 2andN2, we take into account the MC steps for the rotation of a single molecule (37 :5 %), in addition to the translation (37 :5 %) and the %). Throughout the simulations, we check that we have suciently large acceptance rates for the steps to ensure an ecient sampling. For all systems and all target entropies S0, we obtain acceptance rates greater than 40 % for the steps. B. Models We model Argon with a Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential
(r) = 117:05Kis the depth of the potential well, = 3:4A is the atom diameter andris the distance between two interacting atoms. The interactions between Aratoms are calculated for all distances up to 13 :6A and neglected beyond that cuto distance. We use this large cuto distance (4 ) and do not apply tail corrections, as in previous work on vapor-liquid nucleation35. We add that an alternative approach, relying on the calculation of long-range corrections as a function of the local density, has been developed in recent years for inhomogeneous 2, we consider both molecules to be rigid and model the interactions with a distribution of point charges to account for the molecular quadrupole and with a distribution of LJ sites to model the interactions. For N2, we consider two LJ (one on each atom) and three point charges (one negative charge on each 6atom and one positive charge at the center of the N Nbond) to model the quadrupole We use the following parameters63for the LJ sites, NN=kB= 36 K and
NN= 3:30A, and for the point charges, qcenter = is set to 0 :549A, and use a spherical cuto set to 4 NN= 13:2A for the LJ part of the potential and to 15 A for the 2, we use the TraPPE force eld64which is based on a distribution of three LJ sites (located on the atoms of the molecule) and of three atomic charges, with the CC=kB= 27K,OO=kB= 79K,CC= 2:80A andOO= 3:05A,qc= The parameters for the LJ interactions between unlike atoms are given by the mixing rules. The bondlength is set to 1 :16A as in the We use a spherical cuto set to 4 OO= 12:2A for the LJ part of the potential and to 14:6A for the interactions. C. Setting up the simulations 1. for Arare carried out at T= 128:76 K. We present in Table I the conditions for the three supersaturations studied in this work. They are obtained through the Expanded Wang-Landau (EWL) simulation method we recently can also be used to determine this EWL simulations provide the grand-canonical partition function and the probability distribution for the number of Ar atoms in the system for any value of . From there, the value of the chemical potential at the vapor-liquid coexistence can be directly obtained by nding the value of leading to for the vapor and liquid phases (more details are provided in previous work65). The EWL simulations also give access to all other thermodynamic properties, including the pressurePand entropies at coexistence, SlandSv, also given in Table I. This provides an estimate for the range of entropies that needs to be sampled during the cover the entire vapor !liquid transition. We also give in Table I the supersaturation
that we apply to obtain the supersaturated vapors, which serve as parent phases for the nucleation processes. Increasing the value of the chemical potential by (>0) pushes the system further into the domain of the phase diagram where the liquid phase is stable. 7We add that vthat appears in the denition of the supersaturation is very close to
coexfor the low pressures studied here (of the order of 10 3kJ/kg). Here, we consider 3 dierent supersaturations and label each set of conditions as system 1, 2 and 3. TABLE I:Arat 128:76 K: Input parameters for the three supersaturations studied in this work (systems 1, 2 and 3).
PP=P coexSlSv (kJ=kg )(kJ=kg )(bar) (kJ=kg=K )(kJ=kg=K ) coex -300.19 0.00 21.58 1.0 1.856 2.701 system 1 -298.12 2.07 43.16 2.0 1.834 - system 2 -297.72 2.47 47.48 2.2 1.831 - system 3 -297.35 2.84 51.80 2.4 1.830 are initiated from a very low density vapor, obtained e.g. by placing anAratom in the simulation cell. We then carry out a series of umbrella for decreasing values of the target entropy S0;i, whereiis an index sampling simulation. A reasonable estimate for the starting value for the target entropy is provided by Sv, the value of the vapor at coexistence. We show in Fig. 1 the histograms pi(S) for the number of times a given entropy interval is visited during for system 2. For each umbrella sampling simulation, comparing the relative values of Smax;i, the entropy for which the histogram pi(S) reaches its maximum, to the target entropy S0;i, imposed during the ithumbrella sampling simulation, provides a great deal of insight into the nucleation process. For instance, at the beginning of the the system tries to overcome the free energy barrier of nucleation. This means that increasing the size of the liquid droplet (achieved here by decreasing the entropy of the system) is associated with the large cost, in terms of free energy, due to the term. As a result, the histogram pi(S) for the entropy of the system lags behind the target value for the entropy and that Smax;i>S 0;i. On the other hand, when the system is past the top of the free energy barrier, the droplet has a larger probability to keep growing and we have the reverse situation with Smax;i<S 0;i. The same applies to very low density vapors, when the target value for the entropy is greater than the entropy of the vapor. Therefore, the entropies Smax;i andS0;ionly coincide when the system 8FIG. 1:AratT= 128:76K. Entropy histograms pi(S) for successive sampling windows for a point corresponding to an extremum of the free energy prole, This extremum can be either a maximum (i.e. the top of the free energy barrier, when a liquid droplet of a critical size has formed) or a minimum (i.e. the metastable supersaturated vapor or the stable liquid). Looking at the rst umbrella sampling window, starting from the right of Fig. 1, we nd thatSmax; 1(2:494 kJ/kg/K) is lower than S0;1(2:5 kJ/kg/K). This shows that, at this stage, the entropy of the system is greater than the entropy of the metastable or, in other words, that the density of the system has not yet reached the density of the supersaturated vapor. Decreasing the target entropy allows us to identify the rst value of the entropy for which Smax;i =S0;i, where we have the metastable for an entropy of 2 :49 kJ/kg/K. Then, during the next umbrella sampling simulations for decreasing S0;i, the system climbs up the free energy barrier of nucleation and we have Smax;i< S 0;i, until we observe again the coincidence of Smax;i withS0;ifor an entropy of 2:3 kJ/kg/K. This occurs when the system reaches the top of the free energy barrier and a liquid droplet of a critical size has formed. These results show that the us to explore the entropic pathway underlying the nucleation process and identify the extrema of the free energy prole. We also show in Fig. 2 the impact of changing the 9FIG. 2:AratT= 128:76K. Potential energy (top) and number of atoms (bottom) for system 2 and target entropies of 2 :43 kJ/kg/K (black) and 2 :38 kJ/kg/K (red). target entropy on the properties of the system. Comparing the results for target entropies of 2:43 kJ/kg/K and 2 :38 kJ/kg/K shows a decrease in the potential energy of the system by close to 30 % and an increase in the number of Aratoms in the system by about 10 %. Both results can be accounted for by the increase in the density of the system, triggered by the decrease in target entropy, which leads to an increased number of attractive This shows that the decrease in entropy achieved through the results in a transition towards the liquid phase. We leave the detailed discussion of the energetics and characteristics of the liquid droplet to the 'Results' section. 2. Nitrogen The formation of a liquid droplet of N2from a supersaturated vapor is studied at T=
100K. As forAr, we use the EWL simulation method to obtain the properties at and at three supersaturations (systems 4, 5 and 6), which are increasingly deeper inside the liquid domain of the phase diagram of N2. We list in Table II the data for these points, from which we simulate the nucleation process. 10TABLE II: N2at 100 K: Conditions for vapor-liquid coexistence (coex) and for three (systems 4, 5 and 6).
PP=P coexSlSv (kJ=kg )(kJ=kg )(bar) (kJ=kg=K )(kJ=kg=K ) coex -403.97 0.00 10.12 1.0 3.374 4.912 system 4 -402.16 1.81 21.84 2.2 3.352 - system 5 -401.86 2.11 23.85 2.4 3.349 - system 6 -401.57 2.40 25.86 2.6 3.345 - 3. Carbon dioxide In line with the two previous systems, we start from the conditions for (coex) provided by the EWL simulations. We then dene three increasing , leading to systems 7, 8 and 9. The thermodynamic data at coexistence and for the three supersaturations are given in Table III. TABLE III: CO2at 260 K: Thermodynamic data at the vapor-liquid coexistence (coex) and for (systems 7, 8 and 9).
PP=P coexSlSv (kJ=kg )(kJ=kg )(bar) (kJ=kg=K )(kJ=kg=K ) coex -894.03 0.00 30.22 1.0 2.962 3.946 system 7 -890.84 3.19 60.28 2.0 2.944 - system 8 -890.20 3.83 66.53 2.2 2.940 - system 9 -889.61 4.42 72.31 2.4 2.937 - III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Argon We start by discussing the results obtained for the free energy proles of nucleation for Argon atT= 128:76 K. We show in Fig. 3 the free energy barriers obtained from the 11FIG. 3:AratT= 128:76 K: Free energy proles of nucleation for system 1 (black), system 2 (red) and system 3 for systems 1, 2 and 3 against the entropy of the system, which serves as the reaction coordinate for the nucleation process. Two main trends appear in this plot. First, the height of the free energy barrier increases as the supersaturation
decreases. When = 2:84 kJ/kg (system 3), we obtain a free energy barrier of nucleation of 262kBT, while for = 2:47 kJ/kg (system 2), we have a free energy barrier of 41 3kBT. Moreover, as the supersaturation further decreases to = 2:04 kJ/kg (system 1), the free energy barrier becomes 62 5kBT. This behavior is consistent with the predictions from classical nucleation theory and with the ndings from previous simulation work. Changing the supersaturation has a direct impact on the volume term, which is the gain, in free energy, resulting from the formation of the stable liquid phase from the metastable vapor phase. This volume term is proportional to and it therefore follows that for a small (system 1), the top of the free energy barrier is reached later, for a larger liquid droplet, leading to a higher free energy barrier. The values obtained in this work for the free energy barriers of nucleation are also in good agreement with those predicted by the classical nucleation theory54,55and with those found for the Lennard-Jones system35. For instance, CNT leads to the following free energy of the surface tension for a
at interface and lis the density of the (bulk) this to e.g. System 1 with
= from the andl= 1:0882g=cm3leads to a free energy barrier of 70 kBT, in reasonably good agreement with the barrier found here of 62 5kBT. Our results are also consistent with ten Wolde and Frenkel35who reported free energy barriers of nucleation 5 15kBT lower than the CNT predictions for the Lennard-Jones system. The second main trend is the following. The entropic pathway spanned during nucleation covers a range of entropy that depends on the supersaturation. More specically, for a large supersaturation, the entropy range becomes narrower. This is due to the fact that for a low supersaturation (i.e. not too deep into the liquid domain of the phase diagram), the metastable supersaturated vapor is less dense. This means that the starting point for the nucleation process is associated with a larger entropy. Furthermore, at low supersaturation, the size of the critical nucleus is larger. This implies that, when the supersaturation is low, the entropy of the system at the top of the free energy barrier is smaller. Both factors account for the extended range of entropy spanned during the nucleation process at low supersaturation. We nally add that the range of entropy spanned during nucleation is, for all well within the interval dened by the entropies of the vapor (2 :701 kJ/kg/K) and liquid (1 :856 kJ/kg/K) at coexistence. This is the expected behavior, since the metastable supersaturated vapors are more dense, with a smaller entropy, than the vapor at coexistence, and since a critical liquid droplet are considerably less dense, with a larger entropy, than a uniform liquid phase like the liquid at coexistence. The plots in Fig. 3 also allow us to characterize the state of the system at the top of the free energy barrier of nucleation in terms of the critical entropy associated with the formation of a critical nucleus. This critical entropy Scis shown to depend on supersaturation, with the largest value for Scbeing obtained for the lowest supersaturation Sc= 2:210:02 kJ/kg (system 1) and the smallest value Sc= 2:350:01 kJ/kg for the highest 3). To analyze further the characteristics of the liquid droplet, we examine the relation between the entropy and the size of the liquid droplet. Starting from the by ten Wolde and Frenkel35, we rst determine the distribution for the number of neighbors in the vapor and in the liquid. Here, neighboring particles are dened as particles that are less than 1 :6apart. This distance of 1 :6corresponds to the rst minimum of the radial pair distribution function of the liquid. Fig 4(a) shows the distribution so obtained for the vapor and for the liquid phases. The two distributions show little overlap, with the 13(a) (b) FIG. 4:AratT= 128:76 K: (a) Distribution for the number of neighbors in the vapor (dashed line) and in the liquid (solid line) and (b) Correspondence between the entropy and the number of liquid-like atoms along the nucleation (system 2). vast majority of the liquid atoms having at least 6 neighbors, while atoms in the vapor phase very rarely have more than 5 neighbors. This allows us to dene liquid-like atoms as having at least 6 neighbors and vapor-like atoms having fewer than 6 neighbors and to follow the variations of the number of liquid-like atoms during nucleation. Applying this analysis during the VT Ssimulations leads us to draw a correspondence between the value of the entropy and the number of liquid-like atoms of the system as nucleation proceeds. We present in Fig. 4(b) the result for this correspondence for system 2. The number of liquid- like atoms increases steadily with entropy as the nucleation process advances, implying that the size of the liquid droplet steadily increases as the entropy of the system decreases. This can best be seen by examining snapshots of the congurations of the system during the nucleation process. Fig. 5 shows the formation and development of the liquid droplet along the entropic pathway. As can be seen on the snapshots, the droplet size steadily increases with entropy and reaches a critical size of 1715 50 atoms for system 1. The snapshots for the other 2 supersaturations reveal a similar behavior, and critical sizes of 980 25 and 64915 atoms are found for the two other supersaturations systems 2 and 3, respectively. We obtain the expected correlation between the height of the free energy barrier of nucleation and the size of the critical nucleus, as the size of the critical droplet decreases with the free energy 14(a) (b) (c) FIG. 5:AratT= 128:76 K: Snapshots for system 1 during the nucleation process for of the entropy: (a) S= 2:43 kJ/kg/K, (b) S= 2:38 kJ/kg/K, (c) S= 2:31 kJ/kg/K of nucleation as we go from system 1 to system 2 and nally to system 3. B. Nitrogen We now turn to the assessment of the versatility of the method and test it on a molecular
uid. We apply the VT Sapproach to study the nucleation of a liquid droplet of N2at 100 K. We follow the same procedure as for Arand perform a series of simulations spanning the entropic pathway underlying the formation of the droplet. We present in Fig. 6 the free energy proles of nucleation of N2atT= 100 for (systems 4, 5 and 6). The results show features that are to those found for Ar. In terms of entropy range, the entropies sampled during the 15FIG. 6:N2atT= 100 K: Free energy proles of nucleation along Sfor system 4 (black), system 5 (red) and system 6 (green). process lie within the wider interval dened by the entropy of the liquid and of the vapor at coexistence (from Sliq= 3:374 kJ/kg/K to Svap= 4:912 kJ/kg/K). For instance, for the lowest supersaturation (system 4), the nucleation starts from a supersaturated vapor with S= 4:6 kJ/kg/K (lower than the entropy of the coexisting vapor, that has a lower density) and ends with congurations containing a critical nucleus at S= 4:08 kJ/kg/K (higher than the entropy of the liquid at coexistence, which has a much a higher density). The same reasoning applied to systems 5 and 6, for which the nucleation process is associated to an even narrower entropy range due to the higher supersaturations involved for these systems. In particular, the entropy Scfor which a liquid droplet of a critical size has formed is shown to increase as the supersaturation decreases, starting from Sc= 4:080:02 kJ/kg/k (system 4) and increasing to Sc= 4:160:02 kJ/kg/K (system 5) and nally to Sc= 4:200:02 kJ/kg/K (system 6) for the highest supersaturation. The free energy barriers of nucleation for N2 are also shown to decrease gradually as the supersaturation is increased. The free energy barrier of nucleation reaches 73 5kBTfor system 4 (lowest 60 4kBT for system 5 and 52 4kBTfor system 6 (highest further rene our analysis by determining the size of the droplet during the For this purpose, we adopt a similar procedure to that followed for Argon. We 16(a) (b) FIG. 7:N2atT= 100 K: (a) Distribution for the number of neighbors in the vapor (dashed line) and in the liquid (solid line) and (b) Correspondence between the entropy and the number of liquid-like molecules during the nucleation process (system 6). compute the distributions for the number of neighbors for N2molecules in the and in the liquid, using the rst minimum of the pair distribution function (based on the distance between the centers-of-mass of 2 N2molecules) at 5 :7A as a cuto distance used to dene neighbors. The results plotted in Fig. 7(a) show that these distributions allow us to identify vapor-like molecules (with less than 6 neighbors) and liquid-like molecules (with 6 or more neighbors). The variation of the number of liquid-like molecules in the system as a function of entropy during the nucleation process is shown in Fig. 7(b). As with Ar,the number of liquid-like molecules exhibits a steady increase with entropy, corresponding to the increase in the size of the droplet as nucleation proceeds. An examination of the snapshots (see Fig. 8) obtained during the VT Ssimulations sheds light on the formation of the liquid droplet as the entropy of the system decreases. This allows us to identify the size of the critical droplet, which contains 1006 30N2molecules for system 4, 735 25 molecules for system 5 and 63820 molecules for system 6. We observe the expected correlation between the size of the critical droplet and the height of the free energy barrier of nucleation, with the lowest supersaturation of system 4 leading to the largest free energy of nucleation and to the biggest critical droplet, that are reached for the lowest critical entropy. This set of results show that Scan be used as the reaction coordinate for the nucleation process in a 17(a) (b) (c) FIG. 8:N2atT= 100 K: Snapshots of system 6 during the nucleation process for of the entropy: (a) S= 4:5 kJ/kg/K, (b) S= 4:36 kJ/kg/K, (c) S= 4:2
uid, and that no adjustment or redenition of the RC is necessary. C. Carbon dioxide We now apply the VT Smethod to a second molecular
uid and study the nucleation of a liquid droplet in CO 2at 260K.CO 2is similar to N2in many respects, having a similar shape and exhibiting similar types of intermolecular interactions (with a quadrupole moment forCO 2more than 6 times greater than for N2). Carrying out the VT Ssimulations for the formation of the liquid droplet at 260 K allows us to draw a comparison with the results onN2. This is because the conditions of temperature for N2andCO 2can be considered as similar, if one considers reduced temperatures, with respect to the critical 9:CO2atT= 260 K: Free energy proles of nucleation along Sfor system 7 (black), system 8 (red) and system 9 (green). for each compounds (0 :85 forCO 2and 0:83 forN2). As forArandN2, we perform a to sample the entropic pathway leading towards the formation of a liquid droplet of CO 2of a critical size for 3 We show in Fig. 9 the free energy proles of nucleation so obtained. Similarly to the nucleation of liquid droplet in N2, the proles show that decreasing the entropy of the system during the the system to overcome the free energy barrier and that Scan be reliably used to drive the nucleation process in the molecular
uid of CO 2. The range of entropies sampled along the entropic pathway is shown to depend on the ex- tent of supersaturation. As for ArandN2, the entropy for the starting point, the vapor, decreases at high supersaturations as the supersaturated vapor be- comes more dense. The entropy for which the top of the free energy barrier is reached also decreases as the supersaturation becomes high, as a result of the smaller size of the critical droplet. Both factors account for the reduced range of entropies sampled for sys- tem 9 (high supersaturation) when compared to system 7 (low This leads to the following values for the entropies Sccorresponding to systems containing a liquid droplet of a critical size, with Sc= 3:550:02 kJ/kg/k (system 7) and decreasing to Sc= 3:590:02 kJ/kg/K (system 8) and nally to Sc= 3:610:02 kJ/kg/K (system 9) for 19(a) (b) FIG. 10:CO2atT= 260 K: (a) Distribution for the number of neighbors in the vapor (dashed line) and in the liquid (solid line) and (b) Correspondence between the entropy and the number of liquid-like molecules during nucleation (system 7). the highest supersaturation. This increase in Scat high supersaturations is correlated with a decrease in the height of the free energy barrier of nucleation which reaches 26 3kBT for system 7 (lowest 21 4kBTfor system 8 and 14 2kBTfor system 9 (highest Since the reduced temperatures and the supersaturations for the nucleations of N2andCO 2are similar, we attribute the much smaller free energy barriers of nucleation, when compared to those found for N2, to the stronger intermolecular 2. We now analyze the nucleation process in terms of the number of liquid-like molecules in the system. Closely following the process used to dene this order parameter for the other systems, we determine the distributions for the number of neighbors in the supersat- urated vapor and in the liquid using a cuto distance of 5 :85A to characterize The distributions plotted in Fig. 10(a) allow us to distinguish between (6 neighbors or less) and liquid-like molecules (7 neighbors or more). Using this criterion, we determine the number of liquid-like molecules during the nucleation process as the entropy changes along the nucleation pathway. The results are plotted in Fig. 10(b) for system 7 and show a smooth increase in the number of liquid-like molecules as a func- tion of the entropy during the formation of the liquid droplet. The formation of the liquid 20(a) (b) (c) FIG. 11:CO2atT= 260 K: Snapshots of the system during the nucleation process for of the entropy: (a) S= 3:66 kJ/kg/K, (b) S= 3:6 kJ/kg/K, (c) S= 3:54 kJ/kg/K droplet can be best captured by looking at the snapshots of Fig. 11, which show the sys- tem for ddecreasing values of the entropy during the nucleation process. These snapshots show the increase in the size of the nucleus and reveal that the critical droplet contains 39533 molecules for system 7. The critical sizes obtained for the other systems are the following: 29028 molecules for system 8 and 242 20 molecules for system 9. As for ArandN2, the critical sizes are correlated with the free energy barriers of nucleation, with the highest barrier of system 7 corresponding to the biggest critical droplet and the CONCLUSION In this work, we develop the VT Ssimulation method to calculate the free energy of nucleation of atomic and molecular
uids along entropic pathways. We achieve this by working in the grand-canonical ensemble, which allows for the direct evaluation of entropy during the simulations and for the study of the nucleation process at a given thereby providing a direct connection with the predictions from the classical The simulation protocol for VT Sconsists of performing a series of simulations that use Sas the reaction coordinate for the nucleation process. The results presented here show that the method provides a picture of the nucleation process that is consistent with the classical nucleation theory and with that found in previous work, including e.g. the dependence of the height of the free energy barrier and of the size of the critical nucleus on supersaturation. They also establish that the VT Sapproach can be applied to atomic as well as molecular systems without any modication. Furthermore, our simulations reveal the correlation between the entropy of the system and the droplet size, and show how supersaturation impacts the entropic pathway visited during the with a narrowing of the range of entropy visited at high supersaturation. Our nd- ings also allow us to identify the critical value for the entropy associated with the formation of a nucleus of a critical size. Further work presented in the next two papers of the series will focus on the development of the method for multi-component systems and for Partial funding for this research was provided by NSF through CAREER award DMR-1052808. 1K. Yasuoka and M. Matsumoto, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 8451 (1998). 2D. W. Oxtoby, J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 4, 7627 (1992). 3V. K. Shen and P. G. Debenedetti, J. Chem. Phys. 111, 3581 (1999). 4C. L. Weakliem and H. Reiss, J. Chem. Phys. 99, 5374 (1993). 5G. K. Schenter, S. M. Kathmann, and B. C. Garrett, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3484 (1999). 6X. C. Zeng and D. W. Oxtoby, J. Chem. 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Phys. 127, 144509 (2007). 24 | 2108.10368 | Jerome Delhommelle | Caroline Desgranges and Jerome Delhommelle | Free energy calculations along entropic pathways: I. Homogeneous vapor-liquid nucleation for atomic and molecular systems | null | J. Chem. Phys. 145.20 (2016): 204112 | 10.1063/1.4968231 | null | cond-mat.stat-mech | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Using the entropy $S$ as a reaction coordinate, we determine the free energy barrier associated with the formation of a liquid droplet from a for atomic and molecular fluids. For this purpose, we develop the $mu VT-S$ simulation method that combines the advantages of the that allows for a direct evaluation of the entropy, and of the umbrella sampling method, that is well suited to the study of an like nucleation. Applying this approach to an atomic system such as
$Ar$ allows us to test the method. The results show that the $mu VT-S$ method gives the correct dependence on supersaturation of the height of the free energy barrier and of the size of the critical droplet, when compared to predictions from classical nucleation theory and to previous In addition, it provides insight into the relation between entropy and droplet formation throughout this process. An additional advantage of the $mu VT-S$ approach is its direct transferability to molecular systems, since it uses the entropy of the system as the reaction coordinate. Applications of the
$mu VT-S$ simulation method to $N_2$ and $CO_2$ are presented and discussed in this work, showing the versatility of the $mu VT-S$ approach.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 19:08:46 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
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I. INTRODUCTION The nucleation of liquid droplets is a ubiquitous phenomenon, central to many applica- tions in chemistry, physics and atmospheric sciences1{49. Nucleation from a single component system can be rationalized in terms of a change in a single intrinsic variable, such as e.g. the chemical potential or pressure. In this case, the supersaturation of the parent vapor phase is simply characterized by a given value of the equivalently of the that departs from the pressure at coexistence. On the other hand, nucleation from a mixture involves a myriad of pathways arising from the larger dimension of the system, with as additional intrinsic variables, the mole fractions for each of the also makes the denition of an appropriate reaction coordinate for the system espe- cially challenging since, for instance, the total number of particles in the cluster is not the only signicant variable, as the numbers of particles of each type also need to be taken into account to fully characterize the nucleation process. Here, we propose and implement a new approach that uses the entropy S, which captures the interplay between size increase and molecular selectivity during nucleation, as the reaction coordinate for the process. The aim of this work is to shed light on the entropic pathways followed during the nucleation of two binary mixtures. The rst example we consider is a binary mixture of two highly miscible gases, specically the Ar Krmixture. The second example involves a mixture of carbon dioxide with an alkane (here, as an example we consider C2H6) that is of technological relevance for the oil industry and for separation applications. We develop where 1and2are the chemical potentials for the two components of the mixture and VandTare the volume and temperature of the system, to simulate the nucleation of a liquid droplet for these two binary mixtures. In the rst paper of the series71, we discussed how, in the case of a single component system, the a direct connection with classical nucleation theory72, as any arbitrary value of
(or, equivalently, of the supersaturation ) could be applied, and allowed the system to overcome the free energy barrier of nucleation. In practice, this was achieved by using the entropy of the system, which can be readily calculated in the grand-canonical ensemble, as the reaction coordinate and by driving the system along an entropic pathway using the umbrella sampling simulation technique. Extending this approach to the case of mixtures is especially appealing since the grand-canonical ensemble naturally allows the number of 2molecules of each component to vary as nucleation proceeds. It is therefore very well suited to shed light on the impact of the choice of a given supersaturation (i.e. 1and 2for a binary mixture) on the free energy barrier of nucleation as well as on the interplay between the size of the droplet and its composition as nucleation takes place. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we present the simulation method as well as the molecular models used in this work. We explain how we set up the detailing how we proceed with the choice of chemical potentials, range of entropies to be sampled and the relation between the conditions of nucleation and the composition of the bulk. We then discuss the results obtained during the simulations of the nucleation process from supersaturated vapor phases of Ar KrandCO 2 C2H6. For all systems, we determine the free energy prole of nucleation and show how the choice of the conditions of nucleation impacts the height of the free energy barrier. We also focus on the analysis of the nucleation mechanism and on unraveling the interplay between size and composition during the formation of the liquid droplet, before nally drawing the main conclusions from this work in the last section. II. SIMULATION METHOD A. Spanning entropic pathways We extend to the case of mixtures the simulation method developed in the rst paper in this series71. The approach proposed is termed as VT Sand consists in of the system around a value of the entropy S0in the grand-canonical ( VT ) ensemble. As discussed in the rst part of this series, the VT Ssimulation method pro- vides a direct connexion with classical nucleation theory72, since simulations of the can be carried out for any value of the supersaturation . Another advantage of this method is that it allows the calculation of the entropy of the system S. In the case of binary mixtures, we therefore dene the method as 12VT Sand evaluate the entropy during the simulations the chemical potentials for the binary mixture, N1andN2are the 3number of atoms/molecules for each of the two components and Uis the internal energy for the entire system given by, in the case of a binary mixture of (2) whereUpotis the potential energy for the system. In the case of linear molecules, we add a contribution of kBTper molecule to account for the rotational degrees of relies on gradually decreasing the entropy of the system through the application of a bias potential. This bias potential is dened within the frame- work of the umbrella sampling technique whichS0is the target value for the entropy, Sis the current value of the entropy of the system and kis a spring constant. This bias potential is then added to the potential energy of the system, and the total potential energy is used in the conventional Metropolis criteria for the acceptance of the dierent types of Monte-Carlo ( MC) steps. For the Ar Kr mixture,MC steps include the insertion (12 :5 % of the attempted MC steps) or deletion (12:5 % of the attempted MC steps) of atoms as well as the translation of a single atom (75 % of the attempted MC steps). In the case of the C2H6 CO 2mixture, we have the following rates: rotation (37 :5 % of the attempted MC steps), translation (37 :5 %), insertion (12:5 %) and deletion (12 :5 %). Successive umbrella simulations with decreasing values for the target entropy ( S0) are carried out to achieve the formation of a liquid droplet of a critical size. During each of these simulations, histograms for the number of times a given entropy interval is visited are collected, allowing for the calculation of the free energy prole associated with the 70,73{76. B. Simulation models The simulation models used in this work for ArandKrare based on the with the following parameters for Ar:Ar=3:3952 K. 4For theCO 2 C2H6, we use a force eld that models the an exp-6 functional form78{81. u(r) (r<rmax) (4) In Eq. 4,rmis the distance for which the potential reaches a minimum, rmaxis the smallest positive distance for which du(r)=dr= 0 andandare two potential parameters. As discussed by Errington et al.79, it is convenient to discuss the potential parameters in terms of(i.e. the distance for which u(r) = 0, obtained numerically by solving the equation u() = 0) rather than in terms of rm. In the case of C2H6, we use an united atom-type force eld and model the molecule with two exp 6 sites, each site standing for a CH 3group. We use the following set of parameters: CH3=kB= 129:64 K,CH3= 3:679A andCH3= 16. In the case of CO 2, in addition to the the interactions, a Coloumbic term is added to account for the quadrupolar nature of CO 2. TheCO 2molecule is modeled with a distribution of three exp 6 sites and three point charges located on each of the atoms. We use the following parameters for the exp 6 sites:C=kB= 29:07 K,C= 2:753A and
C= 14,O=kB= 83:20 K,O= 3:029A andO= 14. We also have qC= 0:6466 e andqO= 03233 e. Both molecules are considered to be rigid, with a distance between the twoCH 3exp 6 sites set to 1 :839A for ethane and a length of the C Obond xed to 1:1433 A forCO 2. The calculation of the interaction energy is performed for distances up to 13:5A for both systems with, electrostatic interactions calculated with the Ewald sum method beyond that distance using the parameters given in previous work82. In line with previous simulation work on nucleation35, we do not include any tail corrections for the interactions beyond the cuto distance. C. Setting up the carry out for the Ar Krmixture at T= 148:15 K in cubic cells with an edge of 100 A (the usual periodic boundary conditions are applied). We take advantage of the Expanded Wang-Landau (EWL) method we recently obtain very accurate estimates for 1and2both at the vapor-liquid coexistence and vapor phases, which will be the parent phase for the nucleation events. The values are presented in Table I TABLE I:Ar Krmixture at 148 :15 K: chemical potentials for Ar(1) andKr(2), mole fractions in Krfor the vapor ( yKr) and for the liquid ( xKr), pressure and entropies for the two coexistence points (coex I and coex II) and for the supersaturated vapors considered in this work (system 1 to 4).
12 1 Sv (kJ=mol )(kJ=mol )(kJ=mol )(kJ=mol ) bar (kJ=mol=K )(kJ=mol=K ) coex I -14.077 -17.571 - - 0.440 0.190 28.68 1.0 0.0848 0.1074 system 1 -13.951 -17.463 0.049 0.108 0.440 -57.27 2.0 0.0831 - system 2 -13.930 -17.439 0.070 0.132 0.440 -63.09 2.2 0.0828 - coex II -13.720 -18.165 - - 0.250 0.108 36.92 1.0 0.0845 0.1021 system 3 -13.548 -18.057 0.172 0.108 0.250 -73.83 2.0 0.0817 - system 4 -13.514 -18.039 0.206 0.126 0.250 -81.28 2.2 0.0813 - We start by determining the conditions for the vapor-liquid coexistence at the coex I point. In practice, this is done using the EWL method by nding numerically the lead to equal probabilities for the vapor and the liquid phase (see more details in previous work82). The EWL method also allows to obtain all for the mixture including the mole fractions, pressure as well as the entropies for the two coexisting phases. These entropies, which are also given in Table I, provide an idea of the range of entropies that need to be sampled for the system to undergo the vapor ! liquid transition. From the coexistence point, we can increase the value of the two in other words, create a supersaturated vapor that will serve as a starting point for the nucleation process. We list in Table I the two sets of 1 and system 2) generated from the coexistence point coex I. As can be seen from Table I, increasing brings the supersaturated vapor more deeply into the liquid domain of the phase diagram, resulting in a larger value for the pressure and a lower value for the entropy of the liquid. We proceed along the same lines from the second coexistence point (coex II) to dene two supersaturated vapors (system 3 and system 4), this time with a 6mole fraction in the liquid ( xKrset to 0:250). We nally add that there are other ways of determining the chemical potential at the vapor-liquid coexistence and for plot in Fig. 1 the successive umbrella sampling windows carried out during the on system 1. Fig. 1 shows the histograms corresponding to the probability according to which a given entropy interval is visited during the Each of the umbrella sampling windows (labeled with an index i) is obtained by imposing through Eq 3 a dierent value of the target entropy S0;i. During the nucleation of a liquid droplet, the system goes from a supersaturated vapor with a low density, and thus of high entropy, to a system containing a liquid droplet of a critical size, i.e. to a much more dense system of lower entropy. To observe the formation of the liquid droplet, we therefore carry out successive umbrella sampling windows for decreasing values of the target entropy S0;iand obtain the histograms, shown in Fig. 1, that cover the entire nucle- ation process. The progress of the system towards the formation of a liquid droplet can be followed by monitoring the relative location of Smax;i, the entropy for which the histogram pi(S) reaches its maximum, and of S0;i, the target entropy for the ithumbrella sampling window. We start with the window located to the right of Fig. 1, associated with the largest value ofS0;1which corresponds to a very dilute vapor ( S0;1= 0:11 kJ/mol/K). As shown in Fig. 1, for the rst window (starting from the right), we have Smax; 1= 0:1097 kJ/kg/K, which is less than the target value S0;1= 0:11 kJ/kg/K. This means that the target value S0;1is greater than the entropy of the metastable supersaturated vapor for the choice of (1;2) made for system 1. Gradually decreasing the target entropy for the next windows allows us to nd the value S0;iwhich coincides with the maximum for pi(S). This occurs here forSmax;i =S0;i= 0:1091 kJ/kg/K. At this point, we have the metastable supersatu- rated vapor. Then, during the next few umbrella sampling windows, we observe a change in behavior as the histograms pi(S) now lag behind the target value for the entropy with Smax;i>S 0;i. This corresponds to the fact that the system has to overcome the free energy cost in forming the liquid droplet. Later on, for S0;i= 0:103 kJ/kg/K, we nd again that the maximum for pi(S) coincides with S0;i, indicating that we have reached the top of the free energy barrier of nucleation and that a liquid droplet of a critical size has formed. For target values of the entropy greater than 0 :103 kJ/kg/K, we observe again a change in behavior as the histograms pi(S) run ahead of the target value for the entropy with Smax;i< S 0;i, 7FIG. 1:Ar Krmixture (system 1). Histograms p(S) collected during the umbrella for decreasing values for the to the spontaneous growth of the liquid droplet. To provide additional insight in the evolution of the average properties of the system for dierent umbrella sampling windows, we show in Fig 2 the potential energy and the number of atoms for dierent values of the target entropy S0;i= 0:107 kJ/mol/K and S0;i= 0:104 kJ/mol/K during a production run. These plots show the impact of decreasing the target value for the entropy on the system. For example, comparing the results for two dierent umbrella sampling windows, 0 :107 kJ/mol/K and 0 :104 kJ/mol/K, we observe a decrease in the potential energy by about 60 %. This happens simultaneously with an increase in the number of atoms of each component in the mixture by about 15 % for Ar and by 20 % for Kr. This conrms that the decrease in the target value for the entropy occurs with a greater organization and density of the system, that we will analyze in depth in the 'Results' section. We nally add that, for each umbrella sampling window, we run an equilibration run of 100 106MC steps, followed by a production run of 200 106 MC steps. Throughout the , we also check that the acceptance rate for the steps remains high enough to ensure an accurate sampling of the congurations of the systems. For instance, in the case of system 1 and for of highest density (umbrella sampling window with a critical liquid droplet forS0;i= 0:103 kJ/mol/K), the acceptance rates for the steps are of 8FIG. 2:Ar Krmixture for a supersaturation of 2 at xAr= 0:56 and atT= 148:15 K. (Top) Potential energy of the system during a simulation at entropy xed to S0= 0:107 kJ/mol/K (black) and S0= 0:104 kJ/mol/K (red). (Bottom) Number of atoms during the simulation at S0= 0:107 kJ/mol/K ( NAr: light green and NKr: dark green) and at S0= 0:104 kJ/mol/K ( NAr: cyan andNKr: blue). 45:8 of droplet nucleation for the C2H6 CO 2mixture are performed at T=
263:15 K in cubic cells, with an edge of 100 A, and with the usual periodic We use EWL simulations to determine the other input parameters for the and list in Table II the sets of chemical potentials ( 1;2) used for these simulations. We identify a rst state point, coex III, leading to vapor-liquid coexistence for the C2H6
CO 2mixture. As previously discussed, this is achieved by nding numerically 1and2 such that the liquid and the vapor phases are equally probable. The EWL simulations also yield the mole fractions as well as the entropies of the two coexisting phases, bracketing the range of entropies needed to sample the nucleation of the liquid droplet. From coex 9TABLE II: C2H6 CO2mixture at 263 :15 K: chemical potentials for C2H6(1) mole fractions in CO2for the vapor ( yCO2) and for the liquid ( xCO2), pressure and entropies for the two coexistence points (Coex III and Coex IV) and for the considered in this work (system 5 to 8).
12 1 Sv (kJ=mol )(kJ=mol )(kJ=mol )(kJ=mol ) bar (kJ=mol=K )(kJ=mol=K ) coex III -38.186 -44.397 - - 0.053 0.124 27.37 1.0 0.1397 0.1556 system 5 -38.055 -44.268 0.131 0.129 0.053 -43.80 1.6 0.1318 - system 6 -38.036 -44.250 0.150 0.147 0.053 -46.53 1.7 0.1316 - coex IV -38.261 -43.216 - - 0.097 0.201 29.60 1.0 0.1409 0.1566 system 7 -38.121 -43.076 0.140 0.140 0.097 -47.35 1.6 0.1333 - system 8 -38.099 -43.061 0.162 0.155 0.097 -50.32 1.7 0.1331 - III, we increase the chemical potentials of the two mixture components by 1and 2to obtain thermodynamic conditions located in the domain of the liquid in the phase diagram and, for which, we can observe a supersatured vapor. We repeat this step for two leading to system 5 and 6 in Table II (as for Ar Kr, the choices for 1 and 2are made such that the liquid mole fraction in the second component, here CO 2, remains constant). We choose another coexistence point, coex IV, and two vapors, system 7 and system 8. For each umbrella sampling window, an equilibration run of 50 106MC steps is run, followed by a production run of 100 106 MC steps. As with the Ar Krmixture, we check that the acceptance rates for the steps remains high enough to ensure an accurate sampling. This is the case here for all umbrella sampling windows. For instance, in the case of system 5 and for the window associated with the highest density (umbrella sampling window with a critical liquid droplet for S0;i= 0:155 kJ/mol/K), the acceptance rates for the steps are of 36 :9 % forC2H6and of 46:6 % forCO 2. 10III. RESULTS AND start by analyzing the free energy barriers obtained for the Ar Krmixture at T= 148:15 K. The left panel of Fig. 3 shows the free energy proles for two , system 1 and system 2, at xKr= 0:44. The supersaturation has a direct eect on the height of the free energy barrier, with a barrier of 25 2kBTfor system 1 and of 152kBTfor a system 2. 1and 2are greater for system 2, which means that the parent supersaturated vapor of system 2 is located more deeply into the domain of the liquid in the phase diagram, and, as such, that the nucleation of a liquid droplet occurs more easily. This also leads to a lower free energy of nucleation than for system 1. We nd that the range of entropies spanned during the nucleation process is also impacted by the amount of supersaturation. For instance, looking at system 2 in Fig. 3, we nd that, for the the passage from the supersaturated vapor to a system containing a droplet of a critical size occurs over entropies between 0 :1085 kJ/mol/K, for which the free energy reaches a minimum for the entropy of the metastable parent phase, and 0 :1055 kJ/mol/K, for which the free energy reaches a maximum corresponding to the formation of a droplet of a critical size. On the other hand, for system 1 (lower we nd that takes place over a much broader entropy range, with the entropic pathway ranging from 0:1091 kJ/mol/K to 0 :103 kJ/mol/K. This can be attributed to the combination of two eects. For a higher supersaturation, the density for the parent supersaturated vapor is larger and, therefore, its entropy is lower. Furthermore, at high supersaturation, conditions lie further inside the liquid domain. Thus, the critical size for the liquid droplet becomes smaller, resulting in a system at the top of the free energy barrier that has a higher entropy. Both eects account for the narrowing, at high the entropy range spanned during the droplet nucleation along the entropic pathway. We now turn to the second set of simulations carried out for system 3 and system 4 at xKr= 0:25. The free energy proles obtained for the two supersaturations are shown in the right panel of Fig. 3. The behavior observed for xKr= 0:25 exhibits similar as for xKr= 0:44. We nd that the height of the free energy barrier of as we go from system 4 to system 3 (as the supersaturation decreases), with the free 11energy of nucleation increasing from 7 1kBTto 212kBT. The range of entropies spanned during nucleation is also found to increase as the supersaturation decreases. For system 4, we observe that the entropy of the parent phase is of 0 :1047 kJ/mol/K while the entropy at the top of the free energy barrier is of 0 :103 kJ/mol/K. For a lower supersaturation (system 3), the entropy of the supersaturated vapor is 0 :1055 kJ/mol/K while it is of 0 :100 kJ/mol/K at the top of the free energy barrier. This means that a signicantly broader range of entropies is sampled during the nucleation process. There are, however, notable dierences between the two plots, which result from the interplay between pressure and the chemical composition of the system. Considering the results at xed supersaturation, we nd that the free energy of nucleation decreases by 16 % (going from system 1 to system 3), while it decreases by 53 % between system 2 and system 4. Similarly, the dependence of the height of the free energy barrier upon supersaturation is also shown to be impacted, with a decrease by 40 %
from system 1 to system 2 at xAr= 0:56 and a much larger decrease by 66 % from system 3 to system 4 at xAr= 0:75. Both ndings can be attributed to the fact that liquid mixtures with a lower fraction of Krare obtained for higher pressures. This, in turn, implies that parent phases will be supersaturated vapors of larger densities and, in lower free energy barriers of nucleation. The plot shown in Fig. 3 for the free energy prole of nucleation is a projection of free energy surface, as discussed in prior work on the nucleation in Here, we do not take into account any nonisothermal eect during interpret further the results obtained for the free energy of nucleation as a function of S, we now focus on the interdependence between the entropy S, the droplet size and its composition. As we have seen from Fig. 2, the number of atoms steadily increases as the target entropy S0;iis decreased. To check that the decrease in entropy undergone by the system leads to an increased organization within the system and to the formation of a liquid droplet, we show in Fig. 4 snapshots of the system, obtained during umbrella for decreasing values for the target entropy. As S0;idecreases, the droplet size increases, with a larger number of atoms being incorporated to the droplet as the target entropy decreases from 0 :1075 kJ/mol/K, to 0 :105 kJ/mol/K, and nally to 0 :103 kJ/mol/K. To assess further this point, we perform a detailed analysis of the size and composition of the droplet along the entropic pathway. The atoms belonging to the incipient droplet are identied through a commonly used geometric criterion35. For this purpose, we determine 12FIG. 3: Free energy barriers of nucleation for the Ar Krmixture at T= 148:15 K. (Left panel) system 1 (black) and system 2 (red) for xAr= 0:56. (Right panel) system 3 (black) and system 4 (red) forxAr= 0:75 FIG. 4:Ar Krmixture: Snapshots of system 1 during the nucleation process for a target entropy of 0:1075 kJ/mol/K (left), 0 :105 kJ/mol/K (middle) and 0 :103 kJ/mol/K (right). Atoms with a liquid-like environment are shown with larger spheres, with Arin red andKrin blue. the distribution for the number of neighbors within a distance of 5 :4A of a central atom in the vapor and the liquid mixture. We show in Fig. 5 these distributions. Both sharply peaked around Nnab= 1 for the vapor and around Nnab= 10 for the liquid. As shown in Fig. 5, atoms belonging to the vapor always have less than 6 neighbors within a distance of 5 :4A. This allows us to introduce the following condition to identify a 5:Ar Krmixture: Distributions for the number of neighbors within a distance of 5 :4A for the liquid (solid line) and for the vapor (dashed line) at coexistence for T= 148:15 K. atom, or equivalently an atom belonging to the developing droplet, as an atom with at least 6 nearest neighbors within 5 :4A. Applying this analysis to the congurations generated during the umbrella leads to the determination of the evolution of the size of the droplet during the nucleation process. Furthermore, by keeping track of the identity (either ArorKr) of the atoms belonging to the droplet, we can also shed light on the chemical selectivity during the formation of the cluster. This means that the interplay between droplet size and composi- tion during the nucleation process can be directly accessed during the simulations, and, in turn, shed light on the departure in composition of the critical droplet from the bulk the possible onset of phase separation in partially miscible show on the left of Fig. 6, the results obtained for the two supersaturations of systems 1 and 2. In both cases, throughout the nucleation process, the overall size of the droplet is shown to gradually increase as the entropy of the system decreases. The critical size of the droplet is found to be larger at low supersaturation ( Nc= 71360 for system 1 and Nc= 32330 for system 2). It is also reached for a lower value of the entropy at ( Sc= 0:103 kJ/mol/K for system 1) than at high supersaturation ( Sc=
0:1055 kJ/mol/K for system 2), in line with the results obtained for the free energy barrier 14FIG. 6:Ar Krmixture. (Left panel) Variation of the total number of atoms in the cluster and of the number of atoms for ArandKratxAr= 0:56 for system 1 (top) and system 2 (bottom). (Right panel) Total number of atoms in the cluster, number of atoms for 0:75 for system 3 (top) and system 4 (bottom). in Fig. 3. A closer inspection of the variation for the number of each type of atoms show that the composition of the droplet does not remain the same during the entire . For small sizes (high entropy), the droplet is richer in Arwith 555 % of Ar atoms in the droplet at S= 0:1073 kJ/mol/K for system 1. There is then a crossover at S= 0:1067 kJ/mol/K for which the two types of atoms are equally present. As the entropy further decreases, the droplet becomes richer in Kratoms (with a fraction of 48 4 %
inArfor a droplet of a critical size). Looking at the composition of the droplet past the critical size, we nd that the fraction of Aratoms in the droplet increases again and reaches 494 % forS= 0:102 kJ/mol/K. The same mechanism is observed for system 2, with a crossover point located at S= 0:1068 kJ/mol/K and a fraction of Aratoms of 474 % in the critical droplet. These
uctuations in the nucleus composition through the , as well as the departure of the composition of the droplet from the composition of the liquid phase, are consistent with prior work on nucleation, based on a revision of 15the classical nucleation theory101, on classical density functional theory calculations55, on molecular or on approaches based on macroscopic kinetics68. Our results indicate that the mole fraction in Arin the nucleus to be less than for the bulk by 0 :08 for System 1 and of 0 :03 for System 2 with respect to the bulk composition. These are moderate due the almost ideal nature of the Ar Krmixture as noted by Zeng and Oxtoby55, did not give rise to a signicant phase separation eect as reported in simulations of more strongly asymmetric now at the evolution of the size of the droplet as a function of entropy for the other set of conditions ( xAr= 0:75), we see that the size of the droplet steadily increases as the entropy of the system decreases. The droplet reaches a size of 629 90 atoms for the critical droplet in the case of system 3, and a size of 273 50 for system 4. As for the previous system, the critical droplet has formed once the entropy has reached a 0:100 kJ/mol/K for system 3, a value that is notably lower than its counterpart of 0:103 for system 4. This re
ects the fact that the range for the entropies spanned during the nucleation event becomes narrower and narrower as the supersaturation is for systems 1 and 2, we do not observe any crossover between the mole fractions in ArandKrin the droplet, given the very large fraction of Arin systems 3 and 4. As for systems 1 and 2, we observe, however,
uctuations in the composition of the droplet with the fraction of Aratoms in the droplet varying between 60 % and 80 % during to the results obtained for the CO 2 C2H6mixture, we plot in Fig. 7, the free energy barrier of nucleation obtained for systems 5 and 6. For a liquid fraction of xCO2= 0:053 (left panel of Fig. 7), we observe that increasing the supersaturation leads to a decrease in the height of the free energy barrier of nucleation from 21 2kBT(system 5) to 121kBT(system 6). Similarly, for a mole fraction of xCO2= 0:097, a results in a barrier of 12 1kBT(system 7), while a higher a free energy of nucleation of 7 1kBT(system 8). The range of entropies spanned along the nucleation pathway is also found to depend strongly on supersaturation, and becomes broader at lower For instance, for system 5, we obtain an entropy for the parent (supersaturated vapor) phase of 0 :161 kJ/mol/K and an entropy of the system 16FIG. 7: Free energy barriers of nucleation for the CO2 C2H6mixture at T= 263:15 K. (Left panel) System 5 (black) and system 6 (red) for xCO2= 0:053. (Right panel) System 7 (black) and system 8 (red) for xCO2= 0:097 ofSc= 0:151 kJ/mol/K, when a droplet of a critical size has formed. Increasing (system 6) leads to a narrower entropy range, most notably as a result of a decrease in the entropy Sc= 0:154 kJ/mol/K for which the critical size of the droplet is reached. Similar conclusions apply for systems 7 and 8. We nd a narrowing of the entropy range spanned during nucleation at high supersaturation, with the top of the free energy barrier droplet reached for a higher entropy ( Sc= 0:157 kJ/mol/K) than at ( Sc= 0:155 kJ/mol/K). The higher entropy required to form a droplet of a critical size at high supersaturation, together with the lower free energy barrier of at high supersaturation, are most likely due to the smaller size of the critical droplet at high supersaturation, a point that we discuss in the next section in our analysis of the relation between size, selectivity and entropy during the nucleation process. We show in Fig. 8 snapshots of congurations of system 5, obtained throughout the nucleation process. As for the Ar Krsystem, we start from a metastable and carry out umbrella sampling windows with decreasing values for the target entropy. During the rst few umbrella sampling windows, the target entropy is high enough, so that the droplet is fairly small (see on the left of Fig. 8 for S0;i= 0:157 kJ/kg/K). Then, as S0;i 17FIG. Snapshots of system 5 during the nucleation process for a target entropy of 0 :157 kJ/mol/K (left), 0 :154 kJ/mol/K (middle) and 0 :151 kJ/mol/K (right). Molecules with a liquid-like environment are shown with larger spheres, with the CO2molecules their Oatoms shown in red. is decreased further, the droplet starts to become larger and larger, and eventually reaches its critical size for S0;i= 0:151 kJ/kg/K. This shows that decreasing the value for the target entropy not only increases the density of the system, but also results in an increased level of organization with the formation of the liquid droplet. As for the Ar-Kr mixture, Fig. 7 shows a projection of the free energy surface in the (entropy, free energy) plane. We pursue our analysis by characterizing between the entropy S, the droplet size and its composition. We start by determining which molecules in the system have a liquid-like environment and, as such, belong to the droplet. We determine, for each molecule, the distributions, shown in Fig. 9, for the number of neighbors for the vapor and the liquid. Neighboring molecules are dened as being separated by a distance (between the centers of mass of the 2 neighboring molecules) less than 6:4A. The distributions obtained for the vapor and liquid reach their maxima for very dierent numbers of neighbors (for, on average, a single neighbor in the case of the vapor and for 9 neighbors in the case of the liquid). This allows us to dene a molecule as having a liquid-like environment. and thus belonging to the droplet, if it has 6 or more neighbors within a spherical shell of 6 :4A. We now move on to the analysis of the size of the droplet as a function of the entropy of the system throughout the nucleation process. Fig. 10 shows that, for all systems, the total number of molecules within the cluster increases smoothly as the entropy of the system 18FIG. Distributions for the number of neighbors within a distance of 6:4A for the liquid (solid line) and for the vapor (dashed line) at coexistence for T= 263:15 K. FIG. (Left panel) Variation of the total number of molecules in the cluster and of the number of molecules for 0:053 for system 5 (top) and system 6 (bottom). (Right panel) Total number of molecules in the cluster, number of 0:097 for system 7 (top) and system 8 Furthermore, we nd that the size of the critical droplet decreases as is increased. For a liquid mole fraction of xCO2= 0:053, the critical size for the droplet is ofNc= 71535 molecules for system 5 and of Nc= 42230 molecules for system 6. The smaller size of the critical droplet at high supersaturation (system 6) accounts for the higher value of the entropy for which the system reaches the top of the free energy when the liquid mole fraction xCO2= 0:097, the critical size is of Nc= 49428 molecules for a low supersaturation (system 7) and of Nc= 30321 molecules for a (system 8). The smaller critical size and higher critical entropy obtained at the higher supersaturation are, once again, found to be consistent with the free energy plot of Fig. 7. Turning to the composition of the droplet, we nd that C2H6remains the nucleation process for all systems (see Fig. 10). We also nd, however, that the composition of the nucleus depends on its size, as nucleation starts with the formation of a droplet that has a higher CO 2mole fraction than the bulk. It is around 8 % for systems 5 and 6 for droplets containing a total of 50 100 molecules. Similarly, considering the same droplet sizes, it is of about 17 % for systems 7 and 8. The fraction of CO 2then decreases as the size of the droplet increases. For droplets of a critical size, the fraction of CO 2is of 6 %
for systems 5 and 6, while it is of 13 % for systems 7 and 8. Despite the small sizes of the critical droplets, which contain only a few hundred of molecules, the fractions in the are reasonably close to the CO 2mole fraction of the liquid, and the departure from the bulk compositions (5 :3 % ofCO 2for systems 5 and 6, and 9 :7 % ofCO 2for systems 7 and 8) is small. As for binary mixtures of atoms, the departures in the droplet composition with respect to that of the bulk are consistent with prior simulations of droplet nucleation in binary molecular systems (see e.g. recent simulations of the methane-nonane system64). IV. CONCLUSION In this work, we propose a new simulation method to study the nucleation process in binary mixtures of atomic
uids ( Ar Kr) and of molecular
uids ( C2H6 CO 2). The method is based on driving the formation of a liquid droplet through a series of simulations where the bias potential is a function of the entropy Sof the system. The resulting approach is implemented within the grand-canonical ensemble and, since the entropy serves as the reaction coordinate for the nucleation process, is called 12VT S. 20The application of the method to the formation of liquid droplets in binary mixtures sheds light on the interplay between the size of the droplet, its composition and the which the nucleation process occurs. Our ndings show that, at low supersaturation, the range of entropies spanned by the nucleation process becomes broader, as a result of the combined eect of the larger entropy of the metastable supersaturated vapor (parent phase) and of the lower entropy associated with the congurations of the system that contain a liquid droplet of a critical size. These simulations allow us to characterize the critical droplet in terms of a critical value reached by the entropy at the top of the free energy barrier of nucleation. We are also able to obtain the free energy prole along the entropic pathway underlying the formation of the liquid droplet and to calculate the free energy of nucleation as a function of the supersaturation and chemical composition of the system. The analysis of the composition of the droplet shows that the mole fractions
uctuate throughout the nucleation process and depart from the composition of the bulk. This departure is however found to become less and less signicant as the size of the droplet increases and its composition starts to conform more and more to that predicted by while the 12VT Sdoes not yield directly the nucleation rate, the method allows to generate and stabilize congurations of the system close to the top of the free energy barrier. However, as discussed in previous work19, the nucleation rate can be obtained by carrying out additional molecular molecular dynamics simulations, using congurations close to the top of the free energy barrier as a starting point, and following the determine the kinetics of the process. Alternatively, the thereshold method of Yasuoka and Matsumoto can also be used to determine the nucleation Partial funding for this research was provided by NSF through CAREER award DMR-1052808. 1K. Yasuoka and M. Matsumoto, J. Chem. Phys. 109, 8451 (1998). 2D. W. 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Desgranges and J. Delhommelle, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 184108 (2012). 85C. Desgranges and J. Delhommelle, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 124510 (2016). 24 | 2108.10377 | Jerome Delhommelle | Caroline Desgranges and Jerome Delhommelle | Free energy calculations along entropic pathways: II. Droplet nucleation in binary mixtures | null | J. Chem. Phys. 145 (2016): 234505 | 10.1063/1.4972011 | null | cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Using molecular simulation, we study the nucleation of liquid droplets from binary mixtures and determine the free energy of nucleation along To this aim, we develop the $mu_1 mu_2 VT-S$ method, based on ensemble modeling the binary mixture, and use the entropy of the system $S$ as the reaction coordinate to drive the formation of the liquid droplet. This approach builds on the advantages of the which allows for the direct calculation of the entropy of the system and lets the composition of the system free to vary throughout the Starting from a metastable supersaturated vapor, we are able to form a liquid droplet by gradually decreasing the value of $S$, through a series of umbrella sampling simulations, until a liquid droplet of a critical size has formed. The $mu_1 mu_2 VT-S$ method also allows us to calculate the free energy barrier associated with the nucleation process, to shed light on the relation between supersaturation and free energy of nucleation, and to analyze the interplay between the size of the droplet and its composition during the nucleation process.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 19:22:53 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
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I. INTRODUCTION The stability of liquid bridges between solid surfaces, as well as the mechanism by which they form, is a central phenomenon in interface science and adhesion1{7. The formation of these bridges, as well as the nucleation of bubbles, actually occurs in a wide range of systems that span many length scales, from colloidal systems to nanosized capillaries8{10. This has been shown e.g. by atomic force microscopy and surface force apparatus experiments, which have revealed how liquid contacts can form and snap o, paving the way for applications in nanotribology and In recent years, the use of molecular modeling and simulation to provide a molecular level understanding of this phenomenon has interest21{28. Density functional theory as well as Monte Carlo started to shed light on the formation of solid-like and liquid-like junctions in nanopores and on the dynamics of cavitation be- tween solid surfaces. In particular, Neimark and examined the process in cylindrical nanopores and have shown that the scenario proposed by Everett and Haynes58for a macroscopic capillary could also extend to nanosized capil- laries. This suggested a very complex and intriguing pathway for the capillary involving a series of structural changes in the adsorbed
uid and the formation of a liquid bridge across the pore section as an intermediate towards the high density and evaporation processes are challenging processes to model and simulate. This is due to the large free energy barrier of nucleation that the system has to overcome to complete the phase transition59{66. Simulating the pathways underlying condensation and evaporation in nanoscale capillaries requires suitable simulation techniques that allow for the sampling of these rare events by driving the formation of the new phase. In this work, we focus on elucidating both the capillary condensation and evaporation pathways and on shedding light on the relation between the structure of the nanoconned
uid and its entropy. For this purpose, we extend the recently developed VT Ssimulation method67,68 to study these two phenomena. The VT Sapproach is implemented within the grand- canonical ensemble, in which the chemical potential , the temperature Tand the volume Vof the system are held xed. As shown in the case of the nucleation of liquid droplets for single component systems67and binary mixtures68, this method provides a direct way 2to calculate the entropy of the system throughout the nucleation process and, therefore, to use it as a reaction coordinate for such activated processes. In this work, we carry outVT Ssimulations with the aim of (i) simulating the adsorption and desorption of the
uid in the grand-canonical statistical ensemble, that is especially suited to study adsorption phenomena, and (ii) using the entropy of the conned
uid as the to elucidate the two pathways underlying nanoscale capillary condensation and evaporation. To achieve this, we impose a target value for the entropy of the system, through an umbrella sampling bias potential69. Then, by varying the value of the entropy of the system, we are able to sample the entire pathway connecting the two nanoconned phases, starting from the metastable conned vapor and ending with the nanoconned liquid in the case of capillary condensation. Doing so, we are able to identify the dierent specically bridges and bubbles, that form in the nanopores during the and evaporation processes. The paper is organized as follows. We start by discussing how we extend the VT S approach to study the condensation and evaporation processes of Argon in MCM-41 molecular sieves. We also present the potential models used for the adsorbate and its interaction with the cylindrical nanopore, and provide the technical details for the simulations. We then examine the capillary condensation process for Argon in the nanopore and determine the free energy barrier associated with the process. We carry out a analysis to identify the formation of the liquid bridge along this pathway. We also discuss the capillary evaporation process that occurs during the desorption of the conned
uid and apply the same analyses as for the reverse pathway. We nally draw our main conclusions in the last section. II. MODELS We study the capillary condensation and evaporation of Argon in a cylindrical pore of 10 atomic diameters. The geometry is dened as follows. The cylindrical pore is aligned with thez-axis, and we dene the length, or lateral dimension, as Lz. Simulations are carried out at the boiling point for Argon ( T= 87:3 K) within a nanopore found in MCM-41 silica mesoporous molecular sieves54. We model Argon with a Lennard-Jones potential and take the following parameters for the exclusion diameter = 3:4A and for the =kB= 119:8 K. The interactions between the adsorbed Argon atoms and the nanopore are modeled with the following functional whichris the radial coordinate of the Ar atom adsorbed in the pore, Ris the pore radius (here 5),sis the surface density of adsorption centers and F(;;
;) is the hypergeomet- ric series. The parameters for the solid-
uid interactions were taken as ssf= 2253 K/nm2 andsf= 3:17A. This functional form accurately models the interaction between adsorbate and the structureless cylindrical layer of adsorption centers on the pore wall as shown by Ravikovitch et al.70. Following Vishnyakov and Neimark54, we carry out simulations of cap- illary condensation and evaporation in nanopores with a long lateral dimension Lz= 30to allow for the sampling of symmetry breaking congurations containing bubbles and liquid bridges. Periodic boundary conditions are applied along this lateral direction z. We also calculate explicitly the interactions between Argon atoms up to a distance of 5 and neglect the
uid interactions beyond that cuto distance. Finally, in the rest of this work, we use the conventional set of reduced units71, with respect to the Lennard-Jones parameters of the
uid. III. SIMULATION METHOD To span the entire pathway underlying the capillary condensation and evaporation pro- cesses, we carry out a series of VT Ssimulations and gradually vary the entropy of the system to drive the phase transition within the conned
uid. We brie
y outline here the principles of the VT Smethod (more details may be found in previous work67,68).
VT Ssimulations are carried out in the grand-canonical ensemble ( ;V;T ), i.e. at constant chemical potential , temperature Tand volume V. This statistical ensemble is es- pecially well suited to study adsorption phenomena, since the number of atoms Nadsorbed in the nanopore is allowed to vary in the ( ;V;T ) ensemble. Thus, this ensemble mimics what is observed experimentally during the processes. This ensemble has also the advantage of providing a direct way of estimating the entropy of the conned
uid. Taking the total Helmoltz free energy A=U TSof the conned
uid to be equal 4toN, we obtain the following equation for the entropy of the adsorbed
uid =U N T(2) In this equation, Sloading denotes the total entropy of the system and, as such, increases with the total number of atoms Nadsorbed in the nanopore. We add that the pVterm is omitted in Eq. 2 since it is negligible when compared to the other terms ( pVactually accounts for less than 0:5 % of the lowest values sampled for TSloading ). This approximation is similar to the one made by Waghe, Rasaiah and Hummer in their calculation of the entropy of water adsorbed in carbon nanotubes72. To sample the transition pathway, we use Sloading as the reaction coordinate and drive the nucleation event through an umbrella For this purpose, we dene the following bias S0)2(3) in whichS0is the target value for the total entropy. This bias energy is added to the total potential energy of the system, which appears in the Metropolis criteria used in the Monte Carlo simulations. In practice, for capillary condensation, we perform a series of VT S simulations with increasing values for the target entropy S0. This promotes the uptake of additional Ar atoms since the total entropy of the system is a function of N. Similarly, the pathway for the desorption process is sampled by carrying out successive VT S simulations, with decreasing values for the target entropies S0. Previous work73has shown that the conditions for liquid-vapor equilibrium in the pore are obtained for = 10:53. To observe the capillary processes, the chemical potential must be close enough to the chemical potential at equilibrium. to simulate the capillary condensation process, we carry out a chemical potential of = 10:48, while for the evaporation process, we use a of = 10:54. These two values for show that our ndings are consistent with the results from Peterson and Gubbins73. As expected, these two values of bracket the estimate of Peterson and Gubbins for the chemical potential at the liquid-vapor the capillary condensation process being slightly above the chemical potential at coexistence and for the capillary evaporation process being slightly below. A total of 35 umbrella sampling windows are performed to connect the vapor and liquid phases for the conned
uid and to sample the entire condensation and evaporation pathways. For each 5window, we rst carry out an equilibration run of 1 108MC steps to allow the system to relax towards the target value for the entropy. We then perform a production run of 2 108 MC steps, during which averages are collected collect and structural analyses are run. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We start by discussing the results obtained for the capillary condensation process. To sample the entropic pathway for this process, we carry out a series of VT We gradually increase the value for the target entropy, as we go from one umbrella sampling window to another, and, as a result, increase Sloading for the conned
uid. We show in Fig. 1 how the system responds to this increase in the entropy of the adsorbed
uid. The top panel of Fig. 1 consists of a plot of the number of Argon atoms Nadsorbed in the nanopore as a function of the reduced entropy of the adsorbed
uid (noted asS
loading ). We observe the following trends. First, we nd that Nincreases with S
loading , starting from about 900 Ar atoms adsorbed for S
loading = 3300, and reaches a value of about 1600 Ar atoms for S
loading = 6800. This plot shows that the successive VT S simulations, with increasing values for the total entropy of the system, allow to simulate the phase transition process from a metastable phase of low density to the stable phase of high density. The bottom panel of Fig. 1 shows the corresponding variation of the within the conned
uid during the VT Ssimulations. Overall, we observe a decrease in the interaction energy as S
loading increases. This behavior is consistent with the increase in the amount of Aradsorbed in the cylindrical nanopore observed when plot in Fig. 2 the free energy prole obtained for the capillary condensation process. The starting point for the VT Ssimulations is a metastable phase of low density adsorbed in the nanopore, with a reduced entropy of S
loading = 3300. As shown on the left of Fig. 2, the free energy prole exhibits a local minimum for this metastable phase. For convenience, we have chosen to assign the origin for the free energy to this local minimum. Several regimes can be identied in this plot of the free energy as a function of the entropy of the adsorbed phase. First, the free energy prole exhibits a steep increase, over from S
loading = 3300 toS
loading = 4800. This increase in free energy corresponds to the steady increase in N, and accordingly to the steady decrease of U
interaction , over the 6FIG. 1: Capillary condensation ( = 10:48): variation of the number of atoms adsorbed N(top) and of the interaction energy for the conned
uid as a function of the total entropy of the adsorbed
uid S
loading. FIG. 2: Free energy prole for the capillary condensation at = 10:48. The origin for the energy is set to 0 for the starting point (metastable phase of low density - see the local minimum on the left of the plot). After condensation, the system reaches a free energy minimum corresponding to the stable phase of high density (see the minimum on the right of the plot). 7FIG. 3: Capillary condensation ( = 10:48): density proles across the nanopore ( r= 0 denotes the center of the pore) for increasing values of S
loading. The prole in black ( S
loading= 3364) is for the metastable phase of low density, while the prole in cyan ( S
loading= 6859) corresponds to the stable phase of high density. same range of entropies. Then, for S
loading = 4800 toS
loading = 6000, the free energy prole exhibits a second regime which can be characterized as an almost
at top, that very slowly decreases with S
loading . This second regime is associated with changes in both the slopes for the variations of in Fig. 1. Then, for S
loading = 6000 toS
loading = 6850, we observe a third regime for the free energy prole and a steady decrease in free energy. During this stage, the system completes the phase transition towards the stable phase of high density. As expected, we obtain a free energy for the stable phase that is below, by 11kBT, the free energy of the metastable phase of low density. This establishes that the end point for the VT Ssimulations is indeed the stable phase. As for the previous two regimes in the free energy prole, we nd that the decrease for the free energy, observed during the third regime, is connected to sharp changes in the variations of both for the adsorbed phase. This indicates that signicant structural changes take place within the
uid conned in the nanopore. To elucidate the mechanism underlying capillary condensation, we carry out a series of structural analyses. We begin by determining the density proles for the adsorbed
uid 8across the nanopore. The results obtained during several of the VT Ssimulations are shown in Fig. 3. At the start of the capillary condensation process, i.e. for the metastable phase of low density, the adsorbed
uid mostly consists of two layers close to the wall, as shown by the two peaks on the density prole for radii of about 4 (
uid layer closest to the wall) and 3 (second layer). As S
loading start to populate the center of the nanopore, and a third peak for a radius around 2 develops (see the density prole in red forS
loading = 4290). We detect the formation of a fourth and then of a fth peak when the system reaches the top of the free energy barrier (see density prole in green). Then, as S
loading further increases, the height of the peaks associated with the innermost
uid layers continue to increase, until the nanopore has completely lled and the system reaches the stable phase of high density. We now more closely look at the radial density proles of Fig. 3 to determine why, for intermediate values of S
loading , we nd lower peaks found for the innermost
uid layers. This prompts the following question. Are these lower peaks associated with a uniform distribution of Ar atoms along the side of the tube (along the zdirection)? Alternatively, do these lower peaks signal the formation of a liquid contact within the nanotube? To answer this question, we need to determine how the distribution of atoms evolves along the side of the i.e. along the zaxis. For this purpose, we rene our structural analysis by computing the density proles against both the radius and the zcoordinate and show how the radial density varies along the nanopore. We show in Fig. 4(a) the results obtained for the metastable phase of low density. The plot for the density prole shows that the atoms adsorbed are very predominantly located close to the wall. More specically, the
uid is organized into two layers close to the wall as shown by the two bright lines (i.e. regions of high density) on the density prole of Fig. 4(a). This is consistent with the proles of Fig. 3 that showed the formation of two layers close to the wall. The additional by Fig. 4(a) is the fact that Aratoms in these two layers are distributed We also show in Fig. 4(a) a snapshot of a conguration of the system for the metastable phase of low density and highlight in cyan the region where the void dominates (we dene void any region of space for which the reduced density is below a threshold value). We carry out the same analysis along the rest of the capillary condensation pathway. At the top of the free energy barrier, we obtain the density prole and snapshot shown in Fig. 4(b). Both show that, at this stage, the Aratoms located in the inner part of 4: Mechanism underlying capillary condensation. Radial density prole along the side ( z) of the nanopore for increasing values of the entropy S
loading= 3364 in (a), S
loading= 4929 in (b) and S
loading= 6859 in (c), together with the corresponding snapshots. In the snapshots, Aratoms are shown as orange spheres, while the regions of low density are highlighted in cyan. The bright spots on the left of the density prole around z= 25 indicate the formation of the liquid bridge in (b), as shown by the discontinuity of the cyan region in the corresponding snapshot. 10FIG. 5: Free energy prole for the capillary evaporation at = 10:54. The origin for the energy is set to 0 for the starting point (metastable phase of high density). After evaporation, the system reaches a free energy minimum corresponding to the stable phase of low are not uniformly distributed along z and that a liquid-like region has developed for a value of zaround 20on the density prole. This can best be seen on the density prole with the onset, for z= 20, of 3 bright spots for raround 0, 1 and 2, that indicate the formation of 3 partial liquid layers. The snapshot of a conguration of the system at the top of the free energy barrier (see Fig. 4(b)) conrms that a liquid bridge has developed across the nanopore for this value of z= 20. As the capillary condensation further proceeds, the liquid bridge becomes wider and wider along the nanopore, resulting in a recess of the void region. Finally, as the system reaches the stable high density phase, we see that the structure of the adsorbed
uid exhibits a uniform structure with multiple layers (see Fig. 4(c)). The mechanism observed for capillary condensation is thus consistent with the scenario proposed by Everett and Haynes58for a macroscopic capillary and the results from gauge cell Monte Carlo simulations from Neimark et al.54, which both pointed to a capillary condensation process. We add that the free energy barriers are of the same order as those previously obtained for the capillary condensation process by Vishnyakov and Neimark54using the gauge cell method. We now turn to the results obtained for the capillary evaporation process ( = 10:54). 11We show in Fig. 5 the free energy prole obtained as the system moves from a metastable phase of high density to the stable phase of low density. In line with our results for the capillary condensation process, we set the origin for the free energy axis to the free energy of the metastable phase. The main dierence with the case of the condensation process, studied in the rst part of the paper, is that we now carry out a series of VT Ssimulations with decreasing values for the total entropy of the system. Therefore, S
loading now varies in the opposite sense to the one followed for the condensation process. Looking at the free energy prole as a function of S
loading , we nd three successive regimes for the variations of the free energy of the system. First, for S
loading varying from 7000 (metastable phase of high density) to 6500 (top of the free energy barrier), we observe a steep increase in free energy. between 6500 and 4800, the free energy prole exhibits a much more as the free energy slowly decreases with the entropy of the system, in an almost linear fashion. The third regime is observed for lower values of S
loading (between 4800 and 2900). For this range of entropies, the free energy decreases more rapidly with entropy, until the system reaches the stable phase of low density. At this point, the free energy of the system is 55 kBTlower than the metastable state from which the evaporation pathway started. This conrms that the system has reached a stable phase at the end of the VT now analyze the structure of the adsorbed
uid along the evaporation pathway. Fig. 6 shows the density proles across the cylindrical nanopore for dierent values of the entropy. The starting point for the VT Ssimulations displays the expected multi-peaked density prole. This density prole is consistent with the organization of the metastable phase of high density in multiple
uid layers within the nanopore ( S
loading = 6980). Close to the top of the free energy barrier ( S
loading = 4761), we observe a small, but noticeable, increase in the number of Aratoms adsorbed in the nanopore. This indicates that the process starts with the adsorption of a few extra Aratoms, amounting to about 1 2% of the overall number of Aratoms within the system. These extra Aratoms destabilize the organization within the nanopore and trigger the desorption process, as shown by the decrease in the amplitude of the peaks in the density prole that follows (see e.g. the density prole obtained for S
loading = 5750). This leads to a decrease in the free energy as decreases. Then, at the end of the second regime found in the free energy plot, we observe that the density prole exhibits two main peaks, the third inner most layer showing 12FIG. 6: Capillary evaporation ( = 10:54): density proles across the nanopore ( r= 0 denotes the center of the pore) for decreasing values of S
loading. The prole in black ( S
loading= 6980) is for the metastable phase of high density, while the prole in cyan ( S
loading= 2887) corresponds to the stable phase of low density. a reduced
uid density ( S
loading = 4761). Finally, we recover the structure of the metastable phase of low density (see the density prole for at S
loading = 2887), for which the Aratoms are very predominantly adsorbed close to the wall of the cylindrical nanopore. We nally comment on the local structure within the
uid along the side of the nanopore. We observe that once the organization of the high density phase has been evaporation proceeds through the formation of a bubble within the nanopore. This can best be seen in Fig. 7 for S
loading = 5750. The density prole of Fig. 7 shows that a dark spot develops for values of zaround 15 and that the innermost layers of the adsorbed
uid start to be depleted. Furthermore, this plot establishes that a non-uniform has formed along the side of the nanopore. In this case, the dark spots on the density prole on the left of Fig. 7, as well as the reduction in the height of the peaks for the innermost layers in Fig. 6, are due to the formation of a bubble, as shown through the low density region indicated on the snapshot on the right of Fig. 7. 13FIG. 7: Bubble formation during capillary evaporation. Radial density prole along the side ( z) of the nanopore for S
loading= 5750 and its corresponding snapshot. The darker spots on the left of the density prole around z= 15 indicate the formation of the bubble, which is highlighted in cyan in the snapshot. V. CONCLUSIONS In this work, we carry out VT Ssimulations to elucidate the capillary condensation and evaporation processes. Using the total entropy for the adsorbate, we are able to drive these processes along the entropic pathways underlying these processes. This allows us to shed light on the structural changes that occur within the conned
uid and give rise to the phase transition. Considering the example of Argon adsorbed in a nanopore typical of the MCM-41 silica adsorbent, we start by focusing on capillary condensation. Our simulations allow us to identify a complex free energy to the successive stages in the condensation process. Our results show that capillary condensation from a metastable phase of low density starts with the nucleation of a liquid bridge within the nanopore. This liquid bridge then expands, becomes wider and wider, as the total entropy of the system increases, and nally takes over the system to yield the stable phase of high density. Applying this approach to the phenomenon of capillary evaporation similarly uncovers a multi-stage process. In this case, the of the metastable phase of high density is rst destabilized by the adsorption of a few extra atoms. This is then followed by the nucleation of a bubble within the nanopore. Overall, the mechanism identied for capillary condensation is consistent with the scenario of Everett and Haynes58for a macroscopic system and with gauge cell Monte Carlo simulations by Neimark et al.54. The results obtained here further establish the 14key role played by the nucleation of liquid bridges in the capillary condensation process, and of the nucleation of bubbles during capillary evaporation, and shed light on the inter- play between the entropy and the structure of the adsorbed
uid throughout these Partial funding for this research was provided by NSF through CAREER award DMR-1052808. Acknowledgement is made to the Donors of the Society Petroleum Research Fund for partial support of this research through grant 548002-ND10. 1B. Derjaguin, Prog. Surf. Sci. 40, 46 (1992). 2B. Coasne and R.-M. Pellenq, J. Chem. Phys. (2004). 3A. Saugey, L. Bocquet, and J. Barrat, J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 6520 (2005). 4R. Major, J. Houston, M. McGrath, J. Siepmann, and X.-Y. Zhu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, Casanova, C. E. Chiang, C.-P. Li, and I. K. Schuller, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 243103 (2007). 6J. Puibasset, Langmuir 25, 903 (2008). 7J. R. Edison and P. A. Monson, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 234709 (2013). 8R. Szoszkiewicz and E. Riedo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 135502 (2005). 9L. Bruschi, G. Mistura, L. Liu, W. Lee, U. Gsele, and B. Coasne, Langmuir 26, 11894 (2010). 10C. Greiner, J. R. Felts, Z. Dai, W. P. King, and R. W. Carpick, Nano Lett. 10, 4640 (2010). 11M. Lin, S. Sinha, J. Drake, X.-l. Wu, P. Thiyagarajan, and H. Stanley, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2207 (1994). 12C. D. Willett, M. J. Adams, S. A. Johnson, and J. P. Seville, Langmuir 16, 9396 (2000). 13Y. Gogotsi, J. A. Libera, A. G uven c-Yazicioglu, and C. M. Megaridis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 1021 (2001). 14M. He, A. Szuchmacher Blum, D. E. Aston, C. Buenviaje, R. M. Overney, and R. Luginb uhl, J. Chem. Phys. 114, 1355 (2001). 15M. Heuberger, M. Z ach, and N. Spencer, Science 292, 905 (2001). 16N. M. Patel, M. R. Dodge, J. I. D. Alexander, L. A. Slobozhanin, P. Taylor, and C. Rev. E 65, 026306 (2002). 17N. Maeda and J. N. Israelachvili, J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 3534 (2002). 18J. Jang, G. C. Schatz, and M. A. Ratner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 156104 (2003). 19B. L. Weeks, M. W. Vaughn, and J. J. DeYoreo, Langmuir 21, 8096 (2005). 20G. O. Berim and E. Ruckenstein, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 014708 (2008). 21M. Thommes, B. Smarsly, M. Groenewolt, P. I. Ravikovitch, and A. V. Neimark, Langmuir 22, 756 (2006). 22A. Fortini and M. Dijkstra, J. Phys. Condens. Matt. 18, L371 (2006). 23T. Horikawa, D. Do, and D. Nicholson, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 169, 40 (2011). 24P. Monson, Microporous Mater. 160, 47 (2012). 25C. J. Gommes, Langmuir 28, 5101 (2012). 26Z. E. Mszr, G. Hantal, S. Picaud, and P. Jedlovszky, J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 6719 (2013). 27Y. Zeng, C. Fan, D. Do, and D. Nicholson, J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 3172 (2014). 28T. Hiratsuka, H. Tanaka, and M. T. Miyahara, ACS Nano (2016). 29F. Restagno, L. Bocquet, and T. Biben, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2433 (2000). 30V. Talanquer and D. Oxtoby, J. Chem. Phys. 114, 2793 (2001). 31E. Ustinov and D. Do, J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 11653 (2005). 32Y. Men, Q. Yan, G. Jiang, X. Zhang, and W. Wang, Phys. Rev. E 79, 051602 (2009). 33Z. Zhang and A. Chakrabarti, Phys. Rev. E 50, R4290 (1994). 34L. D. Gelb and K. Gubbins, Phys. Rev. E 56, 3185 (1997). 35U. Landman, Solid State Commun. 107, 693 (1998). 36K. Leung and A. Luzar, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 5845 (2000). 37K. Yasuoka, G. Gao, and X. C. Zeng, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 4279 (2000). 38A. J. Liu and G. S. Grest, Phys. Rev. A 44, R7894 (1991). 39W. Gac, A. Patrykiejew, and S. Soko lowski, Surf. Sci. 306, 434 (1994). 40L. D. Gelb, K. Gubbins, R. Radhakrishnan, and M. Rep. Prog. Phys. 62, 1573 (1999). 41H. Bock and M. Schoen, Phys. Rev. E 59, 4122 (1999). 42P. G. Bolhuis and D. Chandler, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 8154 (2000). 43W. J. Stroud, J. E. Curry, and J. H. Cushman, Langmuir 17, 688 (2001). 44J.-C. Liu and P. Monson, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 45, 5649 (2006). 16 | 2108.10383 | Jerome Delhommelle | Caroline Desgranges and Jerome Delhommelle | Free energy calculations along entropic pathways III. Nucleation of capillary bridges and bubbles | null | J. Chem. Phys. 146 (2017): 184104 | 10.1063/1.4982943 | null | cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Using molecular simulation, we analyze the capillary condensation and evaporation processes for Argon confined in a cylindrical nanopore. For this purpose, we define the entropy of the adsorbed fluid as a reaction coordinate and determine the free energy associated with both processes along For capillary condensation, we identify a complex free energy from the multi-stage nature of this phenomenon. We find to proceed through the nucleation of a liquid bridge across the nanopore, followed by its expansion throughout the pore to give rise to the stable phase of high density. In the case of capillary evaporation, the free energy profile along the entropy pathway also exhibits different to the initial destabilization of the layered structure of the fluid followed by the formation, and subsequent expansion, of a bubble across the nanopore.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 19:56:18 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 m E (32 2)C2 m Re OO Re (b) (c) (meV / atom) Rss distance 1. (a) Energy landscape of Cd 2Re2O7. The space groups of the three phases observed in experiments are shown on the energy surface. The solid arrows indicate the path of the phase transition during cooling and the dash arrow indicates the Goldstone mode
uctuating between phases II and III. (b-c) Distortions of neighbouring Re 4tetrahedra and O 6oc- tahedra in (b) phase II and (c) phase III. The Re and O ions are represented by the green and red vertices displacement of each O ion is indicated by the arrow at- tached to the ion. The subtle dierences between edge length of Re 4tetrahedra responding to O ion movement are distin- guished by the colors. The shaded area shows the dihedral mirror plane falling along the indigo and purple edge of Re4tetrahedra and the curved arrow shows the twofold axis through the connecting Re ion. (d) Saddle points on the en- ergy surface from phase II to III as a function of root sum squared (rss) distance of atoms, where the energy of phase II has set to zero. urally satisfy the prerequisites for non-magnetic Weyl semimetals, providing an ideal platform to study the movement of Weyl nodes constrained by changes. This inspires us to consider a smooth path connecting phases II and III. The crystal struc- tures of phases II and III are obtained through a rst- principles phonon calculation performed spin-orbital coupling) with a revised GGA functional for solids (PBEsol) [51] on phase I (see details in SM), and the intermediate struc- tures are obtained using the nudged elastic band (NEB) algorithm [52] to optimize a number of linear between phases II and III. The results showthat all fully optimized intermediate structures belong to the same space group, constituting a smooth transi- tion path of F222 symmetry. Including the start and end of the path (namely phases II and III), any crystal struc- ture on the path can be interpreted as a consequence of structural distortions of phase I, which is dominated by Cd and O ion displacements. Figs. 1(b-c) visualize the distortions of O ions occurring in phases II and III. It is worth noting that two neighbouring O 6octahedra have displacements with opposite directions, thus the in- version symmetry of the system is broken. the distortion does not have a Jahn-Teller ori- gin but instead is very likely driven by strong [53], it exhibits extremely similar behavior com- pared to the Jahn-Teller eect occurring among complexes in which Egelectronic states are coupled toEgvibrational modes. In phase II, the distor- tion conserves the symmetry of the horizontal square of the O 6octahedra and gives half of the O 6octahedra an elongation along the vertical direction whereas the other half a compression. In phase III, the horizontal square is distorted to a rhombus, which breaks the vertical mirror planes that fall along the indigo and purple edges of Re4tetrahedra shown in Fig. 1(b). It is also worth noting that in phase II the two neighbouring Re 4tetrahedra however when it comes to phase III, they become congruent via losing the mirror plane in phase II and adding a twofold axis through the connecting Re ion, as shown in Fig. 1(c)). Such a change in symmetry results in the conversion of the point group of the system from D 2dto D 4. We show later that this transition from a fourfold rotoinversion symmetry ( S4=IC 1 4zin D 2d) to a proper fourfold rotation symmetry ( C4zin D 4) drives a major topological transformation of the band structure in reciprocal space. As a nal remark, we emphasize that the path pro- posed in this work is not just a ctitious Its existence is strongly supported by group theory analysis [54] and by the latest magnetic performed with extremely small [49]. The phenomenological order parameter char- acterizing the phase transitions to a twofold degenerate of the cubic point group, so it makes sense that the NEB calculation has found a series of phases of space group F222 (the maximal common subgroup of phases II and III) which are in- duced by a mixture of the two components of the The result from the NEB calculation shows that the energy dierence of intermediate phases on the path is anomalously small ( E0:3 meV=atom, see Fig 1(d)), that is of the order of T=0:4 K for a struc- ture traversing the whole path. This extremely
at path leads to a quasi-continuous U(1) symmetry of the en- ergy landscape of Cd 2Re2O7. Breaking this symmetry was predicted to yield a Goldstone mode manifesting as a structural
uctuation between phase II and III with vanishing frequency and excitation energy, and this (b) (c) 1 23 1 2 312 12 1 2 1 2. (a) Weyl nodes in the Brillouin zone of phase II. The chirality of the Weyl nodes is distinguished by the red and blue colors of the balls/dots. The three C2T-invariant planes are highlighted. The Brillouin zone polyhedron is shown in the lower left corner for reference. (b-c) The movement of the red and the blue Weyl nodes as the phase transition from phase II to phase III. The thick arrows indi- cate the movement of the Weyl nodes of interest, and the dash arrows indicate the movement of their symmetry-related part- ners. The bars below show the imelines of the movement. See text for more details. been observed by polarized Raman scattering and X-ray diraction experiments [55, 56]. In particular, we have found an energy local minimum on the path which has the same energy as phase II, and we propose it as a can- didate structure for the newly discovered in Ref. [49]. Mechanism of Weyl node movement. | Since the path connecting phases II and III preserves the symmetry of space group F222, the key symmetry elements con- straining the phase transition are three twofold rotation axes along the andC2z. Time-reversal symmetry Tis also preserved along the transition path as no magnetic or- dering has been observed in experiments [57] or in calculations. Hence, there are three mu- tually perpendicular C2T-invariant planes dividing the Brillouin zone polyhedron into eight equivalent regions, on which statej kican be mapped to itself by a com- bination of symmetry operators Fig.2(a) shows the distribution of the Weyl nodes of phase II formed by the two partially occupied bands closest to the Fermi energy EF, whose main contribu- tions are Re t2gorbitals (see the band structure in SM). There are a total of twenty pairs of Weyl nodes in the whole Brillouin zone located within the energy window ofEF100 meV. Considering the symmetry of the sys- tem, there are four independent octets and two indepen- dent quartets of Weyl points. All of them are pinned ex- actly on the C2T-invariant planes, which is in line with the previous theoretical prediction that C2Tsymmetry is able to stabilize Weyl nodes [6, 21, 58]. Addition- ally, due to the presence of two dihedral mirror the Weyl nodes
ip chiral- ity when mapped from one vertical C2T-invariant plane to another, thus forming quartets of Weyl points at xed kzwith alternating chirality. C2zTsymmetry then maps each quartet of Weyl points at kzto a quartet at kzwith no change of chirality, thus giving rise to each indepen- dent octet of nodes in Fig. 2(a) where the S4symmetry maps each Weyl node at a xed kzto a Weyl node of opposite chirality at kz. In contrast, the symmetries of phase III require that each quartet of nodes at a xed kzhas a unique chirality as imposed by C4zsymmetry, and similarly for the quartet mapped to kzbyC2zT, thus giving rise to octets of nodes of the same chirality. While the transition from one phase to another requires the splitting of the octets into D 2symmetric quartets of the same chirality (each contained in one of the two the intrinsic incompatibility between octets of alternating chirality and the D 4- symmetric octets of the same chirality enforces a qualita- tive rearrangement of the Weyl nodes through the Bril- louin zone across the structural phase transition. It is worth noting that unlike the situation in real space where each atom can move along three independent degrees of freedom, Weyl nodes pinned on the C2T-invariant planes in reciprocal space only have two degrees of freedom, as a single Weyl node on a given C2T-invariant plane cannot get out of that plane unless it recombines with another Weyl node. Therefore, the Weyl nodes are forced to move a large distance across the Brillouin zone as the structural phase transition occurs, despite the very small temper- ature change and associated small atomic displacements in real space. The trajectory of the Weyl nodes with `red' chiral- ity on the C2xT-invariant plane (shown in Fig.2(b)) is a typical example re
ecting the above scenario. In the initial conguration the Weyl nodes on the two planes ( i=x;y) are mirror images of each other. When the mirror symmetry breaks and the system gradually approaches phase III with symmetry, the `red' chirality Weyl nodes on4 (a) 3. k-dependent local density of states (LDOS) for phases (a) II and (b) III on the [001] surface, where gold (olive) colour represents high (low) LDOS. The diagonal dash lines highlight the projections of C2xT- planes on the [001] plane with ky>0 rst move towards each other and meet at the C2zT-invariant plane. After the collision, they get out of the C2xT-invariant plane and continue moving on the C2zT-invariant plane in op- posite directions, until each of them meets its symmetry partner with ky<0 at the in- tersection of the C2yT- planes. Then they leave the horizontal C2zT-invariant plane and stop somewhere on the C2yT-invariant plane. To summarize, in order to migrate from one vertical C2T-invariant plane to another, the `red' Weyl nodes have to travel nearly a quarter of the Brillouin zone. Fig.2(c) shows another two examples of signicant motion of Weyl nodes. The two `blue' chirality Weyl nodes located near the bound- ary of plane meet at the kyaxis and nally stop somewhere on the C2xT-invariant plane (in- dicated by the light blue arrows). The two `blue' chirality Weyl nodes that are located on the C2zT-invariant plane and initially very close to each other rst slowly meet at thekxaxis, then shift over an arc on the approaching the kzaxis (indicated by the dark to the bulk-boundary correspondence, the move- ment of bulk Weyl nodes can also be traced in terms of the surface Fermi arcs. Figs.3 (a-b) show the surface states of phases II and III on the [001] surface. We note that phase II exhibits an ideal Weyl semimetal feature |
two thick and straight Fermi arcs connecting the projec- tion ofC2xT- planes, which should be easily detected by angle-resolved photoemission spec- troscopy. To reach the fourfold rotational symmetry in phase III, the Fermi arcs in phase II must be the Fermi arcs in phase III are more local and not as obvious as in phase II. C2-indicated locking of Weyl nodes and braiding. | Crucially, we nd that a subset of pairs of Weyl nodes are locked on their C2Tplane as a consequence of non-trivial Euler class topology [27, 29, 59]. This implies that the braiding with adjacentnodes, that is, nodes within the next energy gap below or above, must take place before their transfer to Calling the Weyl nodes considered so far the principal nodes, we take as an example the C2x- symmetric pair of Weyl nodes with the same (`blue') chi- rality located within the horizontal C2zTplane atkx>0 (whose trajectories are indicated by the dark blue ar- rows in Fig. 2(c)). We have computed the Euler class
C2zTon a patch containing this pair of principal Weyl nodes in phase II, and nd C2zT= 1 (see details in SM). The non-trivial Euler class indicates an equal frame charge of the two nodes [27{29, 58, 59], which implies a topological obstruction to nodes to the vertical C2yTplane. During the struc- tural phase transition, we observe a band inversion hap- pening in the adjacent gap below, which creates a new pair of adjacent nodes on the X-line that crosses the patch of the principal nodes (see the snapshots in SM), that is, the principal nodes are braided with the adjacent ones. This leads to the trivialization of the C2zT-Euler class for the principal nodes on the patch, which then allows them to move to the vertical C2yTplane after their merging on the C2x-symmetric X-line. It is re- markable that the non-vanishing of the C2zT-Euler class in phase II readily follows from the opposite nature of the bands forming the principal nodes, see also Ref. [60]. In this regard, the unlocking of the nodes from the C2zTplane is indicated by the ex- change of the C2x-eigenvalue of the lower band, which is induced by the braiding through an adjacent band inver- sion, so that both bands now have equal conclude that on top of inducing large trajectories of the Weyl nodes across the Brillouin zone, the struc- tural phase transition in Cd 2Re2O7also requires multi- ple interesting braiding processes of Weyl nodes that are necessary to unlock their transfer from one C2Tplane | We emphasize that the addressed in this work are controlled by symmetry, and not by the details of the specic ma- terial involved. Other materials have also been shown to undergo a structural phase transition mediated by a Goldstone mode, such as the manganites [61{64]. A common feature of these systems is the breaking of the U(1) symmetry of their energy landscape (as an ef- fect the discrete point group symmetry of the crystal) with discrete minima separated by small potential bar- riers. While in our case this facilitates an unconven- tional phase transition between two isomorphic but dis- tinct crystal structures, in the case of the manganites, the high-temperature phase P63=mmc (D6h) gives rise to two non-isomorphic phases P63cm (C6v) andP3c1 (D3d), that both exhibit a sixfold degen- erate ground state. Focusing on the (P63cm) which is the only one permitting Weyl nodes from a symmetry perspective, each discrete min- imum corresponds to a distinct polar lattice three and two ferroelec-5 tric polarizations) [61, 62, 65, 66]. This suggests that our framework would also apply in the case of a two distinct polar phases. These questions, as well as studies into other symmetry groups and intriguing future research and discussion. | In conclusion, we have shown that phase transitions in the materials science sense can result in relatively large movements of Weyl nodes due to symmetry changes across the transition. This oers an interesting route to signicantly manipu- late Weyl nodes and their associated Fermi arcs using only moderate temperature changes. Although the principles behind the mechanism are generic, we have also discussed a specic material example in the form of Cd2Re2O7. We note a recent high-throughput screening for Weyl semimetals with fourfold rotoinversion symme- try [67], and based on our ndings it is worthwhile to explore whether these candidates may have any phase transition from S4toC4, which would suggest similar physics to that reported here. Overall, our work sets the stage for the practical manipulation Weyl nodes, aprerequisite for their ultimate technological | S.C. acknowledges nancial sup- port from the Cambridge Trust and from the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability. R.-J. S. acknowledges funding from the Marie Sk under EC Grant No. 842901, the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability, and Trinity College at the University of Cambridge. B.M. acknowl- edges support from the Gianna Angelopoulos Programme for Science, Technology, and Innovation and from the Winton Programme for the Physics of calculations in this work have been performed us- ing resources provided by the Cambridge Tier-2 system (operated by the University of Cambridge Research Com- puting Service and funded by EPSRC well as by the UK Materials and Molecular Mod- elling Hub (partially funded by EPSRC and by the UK National Supercomputing Ser- vice, ARCHER. 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The results taking SOC into account (blue curves in Fig. S1(a)) show two soft modes at the center of the Brillouin zone, a twofold degenerate Eumode and a T1umode. Following the soft phonons, we have found that the two-fold degenerate Euphonon mode drives the structure to the I 4m2 and I4 122 phases (which are phases II and III observed in experiments), and the three-fold degenerate T1umode drives the structure to R3m, Ima2, and Cm phases, which have relatively higher energy compared to phases II and III (see Fig. S1(b)). Also, by comparing the phonon dispersions calculated with and without SOC, we have noticed that SOC suppresses the distortions caused by the soft modes to a certain extent. The mechanism behind this is the same as what has been found in In 5Bi3, where the SOC interaction reduces the density of states near the Fermi energy and stabilizes the structure [5]. II. BAND STRUCTURE OF PHASE II The band structure of phase II is shown in Fig. S2, where four partially occupied bands closest to the Fermi energy (which has been set to zero) are highlighted. The red and blue solid (dashed) bands are the B1(B2) bands dened in the main text. Since bands B1have opposite C2xeigenvalues on the X-line, their crossings (marked in Fig. S2), which correspond the pair of the Weyl node of opposite chirality located on the kxaxis shown in Fig. 2(a)), are protected by symmetry. III. LOCKING AND UNLOCKING OF WEYL NODES THROUGH BRAIDING We further elaborate on the Weyl node locking on C2T-planes. As stated in the main text, we nd that a subset of Weyl node pairs are locked on their C2Tplane as a consequence of non-trivial Euler class topology [6{8]. We call the Weyl nodes discussed in the main text the principal nodes ( i.e.formed by bands B 1andB+1, where we label nodes FIG. S2. Band structure of phase II of Cd 2Re2O7with SOC. The shaded region is zoomed in to show the details of the band crossings, where the `+' sign and ` ' sign mark the C2xeigenvalues of the bands. The corresponding high-symmetry path is shown in the Brillouin zone 0 at the Fermi energy), and the nodes between bands the lower adjacent nodes (the higher adjacent nodes). Taking as an example the same (blue) chirality and C2x-symmetric pair of principal Weyl nodes located within the horizontal C2zTplane atkx>0 whose trajectories are indicated by the dark blue arrows in Fig. 2(c) of the main text, we nd that a braiding with Weyl nodes of one of the adjacent gaps is necessary to allow their transfer to the C2yTvertical plane. We show below that this is a consequence of the opposite N G M S N G M S N G M S N G M S N G M S N G M S S3. (a-f) Snapshots of the band structure along the X-line during the structural phase transition. The `+' sign and ` ' sign mark the C2xeigenvalues of the bands with the same color as the symbol. of the bands forming the two principal nodes. Let us rst consider what would happen without braiding. In phase II, the bands forming the principal nodes with C2x[B 1] = 1 andC2x[B+1] = 1, see Fig. S3(a). In the absence of braiding, the merging of the principal nodes on the X-line would induce a band inversion along the C2x-axis between two bands of opposite C2x-eigenvalues, forming two unavoided band crossings on the X-line that are protected by C2x, see also Ref. [9]. As a consequence, the two principal nodes would scatter on the X-line, thus remaining on the C2zTplane after their merging. Such a scattering of node pairs conned on a C2iTplane indicates a non-trivial C2iT-Euler class topology [7]. We have computed the Euler class on a patch of the C2zTplane that contains the two principal nodes under consideration while avoiding all other nodes, see Fig. S4, for which we obtain C2zT= 1 (see below for details). This conrms the prediction based on the thus conclude that a braiding with adjacent nodes must take place [7] in order to unlock the pair of principal nodes from the C2zT-plane, thus allowing its transfer on the vertical C2yTplane. Indeed, as shown in Fig. S3(a-f) with successive snapshots of the band structure during the phase transition, we nd that a band inversion within the lower adjacent gap is taking place along the X-line, leading to the exchange of the C2x-eigenvalue of band B 1and giving rise to two lower adjacent nodes along the C2x-line. We then observe that the two principal nodes merge on the X-line, which now involves two bands of equal C2x-eigenvalue, i.e.C2x[B 1] =C2x[B+1] = 1. As a result, the band inversion in the principal gap along the X-axis now induces avoided band crossings, indicating that the two principal nodes have moved from the horizontal C2zTplane to the vertical C2yTplane. This implies that their classes on patches that avoid the adjacent nodes are both zero. IV. REAL BLOCH the Wannierization of the bands around the Fermi energy over a 24-orbital-spin basis with wan- nier90 [10] and symmetrizing the tight-binding Hamiltonian [11], we obtain the Bloch eigenvectors of the two bands forming the two principal nodes over a discrete mesh of the patch (highlighted in Fig. S4) in momentum space. We compute the Euler class using the code provided in Ref. [12], for which the Bloch eigenvectors must be rotated into the basis that makes them real [7]. To accomplish this, we rst need to specify the eective atomic degrees of freedom of the wannierized tight-binding model, and then perform a Takagi factorization of the C2Toperator acting on these. Let us write the primitive cell lattice vectors for space group I 4m2 as a1=1 2( a;a;c pair of Weyl nodes R S0 FIG. S4. Patch (marked in gray shade) of the C2zT-invariant plane over which we compute the Euler class C2zTin phase II. The inset zooms in on the details around the C2x-symmetric pair of Weyl nodes. Using the Bloch eigenvectors obtained through the symmetrized Wannierization, we get C2zT= 1, in agreement with the C2x-eigenvalues indicator. See text for more details. We obtain a Wannierized tight-binding model in the Wannier basis that spans four Re inequivalent atomic sites at the Wycko position 8i, with the three the two spin-1 =2 components. The position vectors for four inequivalent Re sites at Wycko position 8i are given through (the other four equivalent sites of Wycko
position 8i are obtained through a shift by =1 2(a;a;c )) r1= (x;0; z); (S2) with the fourfold rotoinversion S4z=C 1 4zI. We write the Wannier-L owdin type basis of the tight-binding model 1;2;3;4; (S3) from which we obtain the Bloch basis per inequivalent lattice 1;2;3;4; (S4) with the tetragonal body-centered Bravais lattice The total Bloch basis is (S5) The representation of C2zTon the total Bloch basis is (S6) with the mirror operation mz(kx;ky;kz) = (kx;ky; kz), the complex conjugation Kand theUC2zTunitary matrix given by UC2zT= (S7) | 2108.10330 | Robert-Jan Slager | Siyu Chen, Adrien Bouhon, Robert-Jan Slager, Bartomeu Monserrat | Manipulation and braiding of Weyl nodes using phase transitions | 7+4 pages; 3+4 figures | null | 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.L081117 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Weyl semimetals are arguably the most paradigmatic form of a phase. While the stability of Weyl nodes, as quantified by charge, has been extensively investigated, recent interest has shifted to the manipulation of the location of these Weyl nodes for To accomplish this braiding it is necessary to drive significant Weyl node motion using realistic experimental parameter changes. We show that a family of phase transitions characterized by certain symmetry that the Weyl nodes have to reorganise by a large amount, shifting from one high symmetry plane to another. Additionally, for a subset of pairs of nodes with nontrivial Euler class topology, this reorganization can only occur through a braiding process with adjacent nodes. As a result, the Weyl nodes are forced to move a large distance across the Brillouin zone and to braid, all driven by small temperature changes, a process we illustrate Our work opens up routes to readily manipulate Weyl nodes using only slight external parameter changes, paving the way for the of reciprocal space braiding.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 18:00:04 GMT"
"version": "v2",
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by cosmic rays and radioactive sources in the environment (14, 15) are considered as another possible decoherence mechanism. It has been previously discovered in bulk niobium SRF cavities (16-19) that the formation of the niobium nano-hydrides upon cooldown from room temperature to cryogenic temperatures (<~150K) introduces a major dissipation mechanism, which limits achievable quality factors (18). This process is enabled by the fact that Nb can absorb a significant amount of hydrogen (H) even at room temperature - whenever it is not passivated by a layer of native niobium oxide (Nb2O5) - which then can easily form Nb hydride compounds at suitable temperatures and concentrations (20, 21). Hydrogen atoms can occupy 12 tetrahedral sites of a bcc Nb lattice, and depending on H concentration, can form a variety of different Nb hydrides in the Nb matrix (20). The additional microwave dissipation emerges due to Nb hydrides being poor or (22), gaining only by the proximity effect within the superconducting niobium matrix (18). The possible presence and dissipation due to niobium hydrides, well-studied in bulk niobium SRF cavities, has not been so far considered for the 2D superconducting qubits. In this study, we apply the same techniques used to reveal the niobium hydrides in bulk SRF cavities, to niobium film regions in superconducting qubit test chips fabricated by Rigetti Computing. We combine room and cryogenic temperature atomic force microscopy (AFM), atomic scale high-resolution and scanning transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM and STEM) on focused ion beam (FIB) prepared lamellae, and the time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS) to reveal the existence of the niobium hydrides directly in the Rigetti superconducting qubits. Results In the inset of Fig. 1(A), a schematic of the superconducting qubit chip analyzed in this study is displayed with the Si substrate, Al/AlOx/Al Josephson junction area, and Nb film pads labeled accordingly. The surface morphology of the Nb film is first analyzed using atomic force microscopy (AFM) at room and cryogenic temperatures, as shown in Fig. 1(A-D). At room temperature (RT), the surface of Nb is smooth, displaying root-mean-square (RMS) roughness values < 1 nm. However, we observe two distinct morphological features that arise during cooling down to 2 K and warming up back to 300 K. Irregularly shaped structures of ~500 nm lateral diameter and 10-20 nm of height appear on the surface of the Nb films as the temperature approaches 200 K from the first cooling down to 2 K and persist throughout warming up to 250 K as shown in Fig. 1(A,B). These features completely disappear at 300K. Additional topographical features with the size on the order of ~2 nm are observed to emerge in some of the Nb grains as well from initial cooldown below 50 K, Fig. 1(C,D). In the case of bulk Nb SRF cavities, similar surface features have been previously detected at cryogenic temperatures and have been shown to result from the precipitation of Nb hydrides (17, 23). TOF-SIMS was used to probe the chemical identity of these surface features. Specifically, we detect an appreciable level of hydrogen at the surface from room temperature depth profile measurements directly performed on several Nb contact pad regions from the same qubit device, Fig. 2(A). We find that the H-/Nb- signal, which represents a measure of the free hydrogen concentration present in the parent Nb matrix, is maximum immediately beneath the niobium oxide, and then decays to a much lower level within the first ~10 nm from the surface. The presence of this hydrogen at the surface corroborates with previous findings in bulk Nb cavities and can potentially drive Nb hydride formation in Nb thin film geometries as well. Specifically, compared to a bulk Nb cavity, we observe that the H-/Nb- signal in the top 25 nm closest to the surface is larger in the contact pad (Fig. 2(B)). In addition to hydrogen, a significant concentration of other impurities is observed - examples of the observed O-/Nb- and C-/Nb- signals, which are also decaying on a longer length scale than the H-/Nb- signal, are shown in Fig. 2(A). To investigate these features further, we employed electron microscopy. An annular dark-field (ADF)-STEM image in Fig. 3 displays the cross-section of the Nb film on Si and reveals columnar structures of Nb grains. In order to understand the hydride formation process better, Nb thin films from superconducting qubits were analyzed both before and after cooling down to 103 K and warming back to RT. HR-TEM image and their associated fast Fourier transforms (FFT) in Fig. 4(A, B) show that the typical lattice structures of bcc Nb on [110] zone axis before cooling down. The schematic of atomic structure of bcc Nb with hydrogen impurities are illustrated in Fig. 4(C), and shows that the hydrogen atoms are randomly distributed in Nb lattice and form a bcc Nb solid solution with hydrogen impurities. Subsequently, the TEM sample is cooled down to 103 K for 5 hrs and then warmed up to 300 K. After warming up, Nb thin films are analyzed using HR-TEM and we observe that b-NbH precipitates are present within some of the Nb grains. We estimate the concentration of these hydride precipitates to be roughly 0.1-0.5 vol.%. Assuming the hydrogen concentration in top 10 nm of the film closest to the surface is ~2 at.% and other regions are negligible, the average hydrogen concentration in ~170 nm thick Nb film is ~0.1 at.%. If the entirety of these free hydrogen atoms participate in the formation of Nb hydride precipitates, the volume fraction of b-NbH precipitates in Nb is ~0.2 vol.%, which is in qualitative agreement with our observations. The HR-TEM image and corresponding FFT pattern of the Nb grain with hydride precipitates are shown in Fig. 4(D, E). The lattice structure of bcc Nb on [110] zone axis with b-NbH precipitates in Nb matrix is presented in the HRTEM image and reflections from b-NbH in the FFT are indicated by yellow arrows. The inset in Fig. 4(E) presents the magnified HR-TEM image of b-NbH precipitates, showing the superlattice structure caused by the periodic arrangement of hydrogen in b-NbH within the Nb matrix. The atomic structure of b-NbH is illustrated in the schematic of Fig. 4(F). The distribution of the b-NbH precipitates in Nb is analyzed and displayed in Fig. 5. Specifically, an inverse FFT image provides a map of the b-NbH precipitates in the Nb matrix of Fig. 5 (A, B). This image was constructed by selectively filtering signal associated with the reflections from b-NbH in the FFT image indicated by yellow arrows in Fig. 4 (D). We find that the shapes of b-NbH precipitates are irregular and the interface between b-NbH precipitates and bcc Nb is not well-defined. This may imply that b-NbHx precipitates have compositional variation (0.5 < x < 1) and/or defects such as hydrogen vacancies. Magnified images of the boundary between bcc Nb matrix and b-NbH precipitates are seen in Fig. 5 (C, D). Discussion There are several possibilities for the causes of the hydrogen incorporation and subsequent hydride formation in the qubit Nb films. Firstly, hydrogen atoms may be incorporated during the deposition process due to residual hydrogen in the sputter chamber (31, 33). Furthermore, as studied in detail for bulk niobium, any chemical (24), annealing (25, 26), or mechanical polishing (27) steps in the manufacturing process performed in a environment, which eliminates the protective Nb2O5 layer on top of Nb, can lead to hydrogen incorporation in the underlying Nb. Further investigation is necessary to pinpoint the particular fabrication steps introducing the hydrogen incorporation into niobium films. Oxygen, nitrogen and other impurities serve as effective hydrogen trapping centers (28), e.g. preventing formation of the large hydrides (17) responsible for the hydrogen Q disease in low RRR bulk niobium SRF cavities (29). Similarly, diffusion of oxygen during the 120degC heat treatments have been found to trap hydrogen and inhibit the nanohydride formation upon cavity cooldown, eliminating the high field Q-slope in high RRR SRF cavities (30). Given high concentrations of non-hydrogen impurities revealed by our TOF-SIMS results, the formation of the Nb hydrides in Nb film parts of the qubit chip is somewhat unexpected. One possible explanation is the presence of a much larger concentration of crystalline defects - e.g. dislocations, vacancies, grain boundaries - in the films as compared to bulk niobium in SRF cavities. This can both make the hydrogen distribution highly non-uniform, enabling local higher concentration areas, and provide plenty of hydride nucleation sites to facilitate precipitation. It is important to note that the hydride morphology may change with subsequent cooling cycles, as studied in detail in bulk Nb (17). This can provide a potential explanation for observations relating to changes in the qubit coherence times following each cooldown, as well as the effect of aging from the accumulated number of cooldowns. In the case of superconducting RF Nb cavities, for instance, incorporation of hydrogen within interstitial sites leads to the so-called Q slope where the NbH proximity coupled to the surrounding Nb matrix leads to a strong degradation of the quality factor at high fields (16, 18). Additionally, because this proximity exhibits a smaller superconducting gap than the surrounding Nb, it may also serve as a sink for quasiparticles and in turn, diminish energy relaxation coherence times near the operating temperature. Additionally, the presence of these precipitates throughout the entirety of the film suggests that simply increasing or decreasing film thickness is insufficient for reducing the impact of this decoherence source. While the volume fraction of hydride in Nb thin film superconducting qubits of the current study is limited (0.1-0.5 vol.%), we note that the volume fraction of hydride precipitates could increase substantially if the hydrogen impurity in the Nb thin film is not well controlled. For comparison, cryo-TEM analysis is performed on mechanically polished bulk Nb sample for RF cavities with ~2 order of magnitude higher hydrogen concentration based on SIMS analysis, Fig. 2(B). In this Nb sample, we observe more significant hydride precipitation during cooling down along the whole Nb grains, which is roughly estimated to be 3-6 vol.% of z-NbH0.5 assuming the average hydrogen concentration in the bulk Nb sample is 1-2 at.%, Fig. S1. This indicates that the concentration of free hydrogen in Nb plays a key role in the hydride precipitation in Nb and controlling the hydrogen impurities in Nb during film growth and fabrication is important to suppress the hydride formation in Nb thin film superconducting qubits. We have also investigated the possible effect of Ga ion beam on the formation of hydrides in Nb during the sample preparation process using bulk Nb samples. There have been reports that Ga ion beam introduces hydrogen and large distinct shaped hydride phases could form in Ti (32) and Zr (33) during the TEM sample preparation using FIB. However, Ti and Zr have a higher affinity to hydrogen than Nb and we could not observe hydride formation in the TEM foils of bulk Nb after TEM sample preparation using FIB with the same parameters. Therefore, we conclude that Ga ion beam effect is not significant in Nb foils and Nb hydride phases we observed in the current study are formed during or after the film growth or subsequent chip patterning and fabrication process. There could be several strategies to mitigate the formation of Nb hydride precipitates in Nb films. Post-annealing of Nb films at above around 600degC, similar to bulk niobium standard processing steps, may degas hydrogen atoms from Nb and reduce the formation of Nb hydride domains (34, 35). One potential challenge is that at these higher temperatures Nb silicide can be formed at the Nb/Si interfaces, thus using a sapphire substrate instead may enable a more suitable temperature range of heat treatments. The structure of GBs may also play a role in the formation of Nb hydrides near GBs of Nb (36, 37). Further optimization of the microstructure of Nb films such as grain size and impurities may provide an additional pathway to mitigate the hydride formation and suppress the hydride-induced decoherence in Nb superconducting planar resonators and superconducting qubits. Such an optimization may be performed by exploring various state-of-the-art niobium film deposition techniques, including those leading to much higher RRR values. In summary, our findings suggest that the existence of the Nb hydride precipitates in Nb thin films could be a widespread and so far unaccounted for source of the decoherence in superconducting qubits and planar Nb resonators. Niobium hydrides may contribute to both TLS and quasiparticle dissipation, as well as serve as a source of the variability and aging. Acknowledgments: We thank Rigetti Computing and, in particular, Cameron Kopas and the Rigetti chip design and fabrication teams for the development and manufacturing of the qubit devices used in the reported experimental study. We also thank Charlene Wilke and Dr. Xiaobing Hu for the valuable support and advice for the cryo-TEM experiments. We also acknowledge helpful discussions with Carlos Gerardo Torres Castanedo, Drs. Paul Chandrica Masih Das, Dominic Pascal Goronzy, Profs. Mark Hersam and David N Seidman. Funding: This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, National Quantum Information Science Research Centers, Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center (SQMS) under contract number This work made use of the EPIC, Keck-II, and/or SPID facilities of Northwestern University's NUANCE Center, which received support from the Soft and Hybrid Nanotechnology Experimental (SHyNE) Resource (NSF ECCS-1542205); the MRSEC program (NSF DMR-1121262) at the Materials Research Center; the International Institute for Nanotechnology (IIN); the Keck Foundation; and the State of Illinois, through the IIN. Author contributions: A. R. and A. G. designed and guided the experiments and data analysis. M. J. R. provided superconducting qubit chips. Z. S. performed cryo-AFM investigations, J. L. performed FIB/TEM investigations, and A. A. M. performed TOF-SIMS investigations. J. L., Z. S., A. A. M., and A.R. wrote the manuscript with input from all authors. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data are available in the main text or the supplementary materials. Fig. 1 (A) Inset - schematic of the Nb qubit pads area, cryo-AFM area of analysis is shown by dashed rectangle; AFM surface images of Nb films and Nb/Si boundary at room temperature, and (B) at T=200 K (from initial cooling down to 2 K), with the formation of the unknown structures on the surface of Nb clearly observed; the line profile through the structures at the white arrow is shown in the inset on the right, indicating the height of the order of 15 nm. The higher magnification surface topology of Nb films from the dashed rectangles in (A) and (B) is shown in respectively (C) RT and (D) 50 K (during initial cooldown to 2 K) - with further smaller scale formations apparent. Fig. 2 (A) SIMS depth profiles of O, H, C impurities and the Nb2O5 surface oxide layer in Nb film in the superconducting qubit after the fabrication process. (B) The comparison of hydrogen impurity in transmon qubit and bulk Nb. Fig. 3 Annular dark-field (ADF)-STEM image of Nb/Si cross-section of Nb resonator on Si. Fig. 4 HR-TEM image and corresponding FFT images of Nb thin films before and after cooling down to 103 K and warming back to room temperature (298 K) are displayed. (A-B) Before cooling down, HR-TEM and corresponding FFT images show the lattice structure of bcc Nb on [110] zone axis. (C) Atomic structures of bcc Nb and b-NbH are illustrated on bcc Nb [110] zone. In bcc Nb, hydrogen atoms are randomly distributed in the lattice. (D-E) After cooling down to 103 K and warming up, superlattice reflections from b-NbH appear, which are denoted by yellow arrows in the FFT image, Fig. 4(D). Inset in Fig.4(E) reveals the superlattice structure of b-NbH in HR-TEM image caused by the periodic array of hydrogen in Nb lattice. The HR-TEM image is taken around the center of the Nb film between the surface and Nb/Si interface. (F) The schematic of the atomic structure of b-NbH illustrates that when hydrogen atoms are sitting in the Nb lattice in order, b-NbH precipitates are formed. Fig. 5 Distributions of b-NbH in bcc Nb are illustrated in HR-TEM and inverse FFT images. (A) HR-TEM image displays the lattice structure of b-NbH embedded in a bcc Nb grain. FFT image of the corresponding HR-TEM image reveals the superlattice reflection caused by b-NbH, denoted by yellow circles. (B) Inverse FFT from the b-NbH reflections illustrate the distribution of b-NbH in the Nb grain in nanoscale. (C) The magnified HR-TEM and (D) inverse FFT images from red squares in (A, B) illustrate the boundary between bcc Nb rich region and b-NbH rich region. Supplementary Materials Materials and Methods Superconducting qubit test devices with Nb resonators and Al/AlOx/Al Josephson junctions have been fabricated on a Si (100) substrate at Rigetti Computing based on the published nanofabrication procedure (38). The chip containing five superconducting qubits, readout resonators, and connecting lines has been used for the studies. To search for niobium hydride formation, several complementary approaches were used. Firstly, to study the internal niobium structure throughout the films, focused ion beam has been used to prepare several TEM lamellae for subsequent room and cryogenic temperatures studies. Electron diffraction has been used to search for and confirm the presence of niobium hydride phases in the niobium matrix. Secondly, the atomic force microscopy (AFM) using the attoCube system, incorporated with Quantum Design 9T (tesla) PPMS (physical property measurement system) has been performed to directly look at various areas of the superconducting qubit chip at the range of temperature from room to 2 K, in helium gas environment. AFM scanning in standard contact mode with a nanoseonsors PPP (pointprobe plus) tip allows a plan view of about 18x18 um to be observed throughout the changing temperatures to search for morphological changes on the surface caused by the niobium hydride formation, similar to refs. (16, 19, 39). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging of the superconducting qubit and TEM sample preparation were carried out with Helios Nanolab 650. TEM lamellae were prepared using 30 kV Ga ion beam and finely polished by 5 kV and 2 kV Ga ion beams in order to obtain high electron transparent imaging as well as to remove the damaged surface on the Nb foils. Annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (ADF-STEM) and HR-TEM were performed on JEOL ARM200CF electron microscope operated at 200 kV. The microscope was equipped with a Cold FEG source and probe aberration corrector. ADF images were acquired using a convergence semi-angle of 21 mrad and collection angles of 68-260 mrad. Gatan LN2 single-tilt TEM cold stage was used to cool the foils down to cryogenic temperature (106 K), which is confirmed to be sufficient for b, e, z, l-NbH phase (19). To provide further insight into the origin of the niobium hydride emergence, we have used a dual beam time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) - IONTOF 5 - to analyze the concentration and depth distribution of hydrogen in Nb parts of the chip. Secondary ion measurements were performed using a liquid bismuth ion beam (Bi+) and a cesium ion gun with an energy of 500 eV was used for sputtering the surface for depth profile measurements. Supplementary text For comparison, we also analyzed hydride precipitation in bulk Nb sample of the same kind used for superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities. Heavy hydrogen loading of the sample was performed using the conventional mechanical surface polishing, followed by water-solution based colloidal silica VibroMet polishing. About two orders of magnitude higher hydrogen concentration is achieved this way, as compared to the concentrations within Nb thin films in the superconducting qubits we studied. TEM sample has been prepared from the surface of such a mechanically polished Nb by FIB lift-out and BF-TEM image in Fig. S1(A) display bi-crystal Nb grain structure. We observe the b-NbH precipitation already present in the mechanically polished bulk Nb at room temperature, as seen in the electron diffraction pattern of Fig. S1(B, C). After cooling down to 103 K, the electron diffraction pattern indicates that another type of hydride precipitates with lower hydrogen concentration - z-NbH0.5. It is formed along the Nb foils, Fig. S1(D). The TEM sample is warmed up and left in the air at RT for 6 months. Then, we analyze the Nb grain with HR-TEM and still observe b-NbH precipitate at RT, but z-NbH0.5 precipitates disappeared, Fig. S1(E). In the bulk Nb with ~2 order of magnitude higher hydrogen concentration, we observe much higher volume fraction of hydride precipitations and their systematic discrepancies on during cooling down and warming up cycle. Fig. S1 (A) BF-TEM image of hydrogen-loaded bulk Nb coupon is shown. It contains ~2 order of magnitude higher hydrogen concentration than Nb thin film in superconducting qubits. (B) Dark-field image from the reflections of the b-NbH phase show the irregular shape b-NbH in Nb at RT. 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Grassellino, and Alexander Romanenko | Discovery of Nb hydride precipitates in superconducting qubits | null | null | null | null | quant-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.app-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We report the first evidence of the formation of niobium hydrides within niobium films on silicon substrates in superconducting qubits fabricated at Rigetti Computing. We combine complementary techniques including room and cryogenic temperature atomic scale high-resolution and scanning microscopy (HR-TEM and STEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and secondary ion mass spectroscopy (TOF-SIMS) to reveal the existence of the niobium hydride precipitates directly in the Rigetti chip areas. Electron diffraction and high-resolution transmission (HR-TEM) analyses are performed at room and cryogenic K) on superconducting qubit niobium film areas, and reveal the formation of three types of Nb hydride domains with different crystalline orientations and atomic structures. There is also variation in their size and morphology from small (~5 nm) irregular shape domains within the Nb grains to large (~10-100 nm) Nb grains fully converted to niobium hydride. As niobium hydrides are and can easily change in size and location upon different cooldowns to cryogenic temperatures, our findings highlight a new previously unknown source of decoherence in superconducting to both quasiparticle and two-level system (TLS) losses, and offering a potential explanation for qubit performance changes upon cooldowns. A pathway to mitigate the formation of the Nb hydrides for applications is also discussed.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:01:38 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 26 Sep 2023 19:42:11 GMT"
] | 2023-09-28T00:00:00 | [
"Akshay A.",
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Abstract The determination of the critical parameters of metals has remained particularly challeng- ing both experimentally, because of the very large temperatures involved, and of the many-body interactions that take place in metals. Moreover, experiments have shown that these systems exhibit an unusually strong asymmetry of their binodal. Recent the- oretical work has led to new similarity laws, based on the calculation of the Zeno line and of the underlying Boyle parameters, which provided results for the critical properties of atomic and molecular systems in excellent agreement with experiments. Using the recently Wang-Landau (EWL) simulation method, we evaluate the grand-canonical over a wide range of conditions, for 11 FCC andHCP metals ( modeled with a many-body interaction potential. This allows us to calculate the binodal, Zeno line, Boyle parameters and, in turn, obtain the critical properties for these systems. We also propose two scaling laws for the enthalpy and entropy of identify critical exponents of 0 :4 and 1 :22 for these two laws, determination of the critical properties often relies on the low using e.g., for the critical density, the law of rectilinear diameter.9This law is based on the observation of the linearity of the diameter rmof the liquid-vapor coexistence curve as a function of temperature, with rlandrvare the liquid density and vapor density at coexistence, respectively. Although this law seems to hold for a wide range of have been notably in the case of metals.15-17For instance, for alkali metals like CsandRb, experiments showed that the two branches of the coexistence curves were strongly asymmetric and the law of rectilinear diameter was found to break down over a range.15The exceptional nature of metals was attributed to the existence of many- body effects in these systems,16which have been shown to play a major role close to the knowledge of the critical properties of metals is of key importance for many applications at the nanoscale1,19and for high temperature g. in aerospace and in the nu- clear industry. However, there is generally a lack of experimental data on metallic systems. This is due to the large temperatures involved in the determination of the critical parameters of met- als (the liquid range of metals can cover temperatures which may go above 10000 K17). These are particularly challenging to investigate and require special experimental techniques like a result, the extrapolations from the experimental data exhibit large instance, estimates for the critical temperature of Alvary from around Tc=5500 KtoTc=9600 K.25Similarly for Cu, the estimated critical temperatures range from 5100 Kto 8900 K.26,27To bridge this gap in knowledge, recent work has led to the determination of the critical properties from low temperature liquid data. These studies either used a power series law for the diameter17or a new symmetrized equation for the vapor liquid coexistence curve.28-35 The aim of this work is to use molecular simulation to determine the critical properties of a series of FCC andHCP metals modeled with a many-body force field known as the Sutton-Chen potential.36This model was shown to accurately model the properties of liquid metals,36-44as well as the boiling points of metals45and the vapor-liquid equilibrium prop- erties of Cu.46,47To determine the vapor-liquid properties, as well as the locus of the Zeno line, we use the recently developed Expanded Wang-Landau simulation method.48-51This method leads to an accurate determination of the grand-canonical partition function of a system, and in turn, to all thermodynamic properties, including the vapor and liquid densities at coexistence and factor. This allows us to determine the Zeno line, the Boyle parameters and the critical point for all metallic systems studied in this work. The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we present the simulation methods as well as the many-body force field used in this work. We show the results obtained for 11 FCC and HCP metals and explain how we determine the critical properties of these systems. We then discuss and compare our results to those obtained by extrapolating experimental data at low temperature. We finally draw the main conclusions from this work in the last methods The fluid properties at coexistence are determined using the recently developed Expanded Wang- Landau simulations (EWL).48-51We give here an outline of the method. The EWL relies on a combination of a Wang-Landau sampling an approach61-73to provide an accurate value of the grand-canonical partition function for a given system. The use of a Wang-Landau sampling allows to determine iteratively the bi- asing function (hence the partition function), while the use of an expanded ensemble approach, which consists in dividing the of an atom into Mstages, ensures that the grand- canonical ensemble is accurately sampled over the whole range of conditions. This is especially key for high density liquids48like liquid metals. The output from the simulation are the grand- canonical partition function Q(m;V;T)and the Q(N;V;T)function which are related as mN) (1) with Q(N;V;T)defined as Q(N;V;T) (2) where mdenotes the chemical potential, Vthe volume, Tthe temperature, Nthe number of atoms in the system, Lthe De Broglie wavelength, Uis the potential energy of the system at a given point Gof the configuration space. Once the partition function is known, all thermodynamic properties of the system can be cal- culated through the statistical mechanics formalism74and the number distribution p(N)can be calculated as: p(N) =Q(N;V;T)exp(b allows to determine the densities at coexistence as well as the other thermodynamic prop- 4erties at pressure P, enthalpies HliqandHvapas well as entropies Sliq andSvap. From there, the location of the Zeno line, i.e. the points for which the Z=PV=RT=1 can be readily determined. The many-body interactions in metals are often taken into account using embedded-atom po- tentials (EAM).75-78EAM potentials are potentials that were initially intro- duced to model the properties of the solid phases of metals. In this work, we use the atoms (qSC-EAM) potential. The qSC-EAM potential has been shown to accurately describe thermodynamic properties of liquid metals,36-44as well as the boiling points of metals45and the vapor-liquid equilibrium properties of Copper.46,47In the qSC- EAM potential, the potential energy Uof a system containing Natoms is written as the sum of a contribution of two-body term and a contribution of a many-body which ri jis the distance between two atoms iandjand the density term riis given jm (5) We use the parameters of Luo et al.36for the 11 FCC andHCP metals ( studied in this work. The interaction between a fractional atom and a full atom is given by Eqs. 4 and 5 using the scaled paramters of of Cwhere lis the current stage value of the fractional particle (0<l<M 1). Fig. 1 shows the dependence of the potential for the full-fractional interaction as a function of the stage value for the fractional particle. From a practical standpoint, EWL simulations are carried out within the framework of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. To sample the configurations of the system, we perform MC steps corresponding to the translation of a single atom (75% of the MC steps) or to a change in (N;l)for the system (25% of the MC steps). The EWL method yields accurate results, with error bars48typically of the order of 0.1% for the density and of 0.02 % for 5the enthalpy and entropy. The technical details regarding the Wang-Landau scheme are exactly the same as previously the final value of the convergence factor set to f=10 8 and a number of intermediate stages set to M=100. Figure 1: Interaction between a fractional atom and a full atom. Results are shown for different values of xl=l=Mfor the 2-body contribution (left), the local density (top right) and the many- body contribution (bottom right). Results and discussion We start by presenting, on the example of Ir, the results obtained using the EWL approach. Fig. 2 shows the density distributions p(r=N=V)obtained at coexistence for three temperatures, T=
4400 K,T=4800 KandT=5200 K. In the left panel of Fig. 2, we plot the density the vapor phase while the right panel of Fig. 2 shows the density distribution for the liquid phase. These plots exhibit the expected behavior for the distributions, i.e. a shift towards the higher densities for the vapor peak as temperature increases and a shift towards the lower densities for the liquid peak as Tincreases. We now turn to the density distributions obtained for Iralong the Zeno line. We recall that this is obtained, for each temperature, by identifying the value of the chemical potential that ensures that the ratio Z=PV=RTis equal to 1. The density distribution corresponding to the so obtained is plotted, for each temperature, in Fig. 3. We see that in this case we obtain a 6Figure 2: Ir: density distribution p(r)for the vapor (left) and for the liquid (right) along the coexistence line. single peak (corresponding to a single phase system) which gets shifted towards the lower 3: Ir: density distribution p(r)along the Zeno line. The phase diagram in the T rplane, as well as the location of the Zeno line in that plane can be readily determined from the density distributions. The complete results for Irare indicated in Fig. 4 with the densities at coexistence and the locus of the Zeno line. The results confirm that the Zeno line is straight over the range of liquid densities considered in this work.79This plot also shows the Boyle parameters for Iras well as the critical point. The Boyle parameters are determined by performing a linear fit to the EWL results along the Zeno line. The are then determined from the EWL results as follows. First, the critical temperature is extrapolated from the densities of the two coexisting phases through the following AandTcare two fitting parameters, rlandrvare the densities for the liquid and vapor phases at a given temperature Tand the 3D-Ising critical exponent, adjusted for real substances, of 0:326 is used. Second, the critical density rcis obtained using the following similarly (7) where Tcis the critical temperature determined using the previous equation, TBandrBare the Boyle temperature and density, S1is a parameter equal to 0 :67 (as established by Apfelbaum et al. for several Be,CuandAl), and rcis a fitting parameter. Using this similarity law alleviates the need to use the law of rectilinear diameter, that has been shown to break down for metals,15to determine the critical density of metals Figure 4: Ir: EWL results for the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve (open triangles) and for the Zeno line (open circles). The critical point is shown as a filled triangle while the Boyle parameters are shown with filled circles. We apply the same approach to all 11 FCC andHCP metals considered in this work. Table 1 8summarizes the results obtained in this work both for the Boyle and critical parameters. In addition to the critical temperatures and densities, we also provide an estimate for the critical pressure. The critical pressure is obtained by fitting an Antoine law to the results obtained for the pressure. The fit to the Antoine law is carried out according A,BandCare fitting parameters and Pis the vapor pressure for a given temperature T. The critical pressure is calculated from this law using the value for the critical obtained from Eq. 6. Table 1: Boyle and critical parameters obtained in this work for FCC andHCP metals. TB rB Tc rc Pc (K) ) Ag 11488 9:97 4260 2:98 34:3 Al 15316 2:56 5412 0:81 37:9 Au 12627 18:02 4286 5:96 18:6 Be 12534 1:71 4623 0:52 88:6 Cu 15688 8:36 5430 3:33 57:8 Ir 25974 21:15 9484 6:45 91:7 Ni 19502 8:35 6700 2:72 62:1 Pb 8287 10:16 2663 3:54 7:2 Pd 14888 11:29 5444 3:44 50:1 Pt 21472 20:00 7375 6:53 44:5 Rh 21691 11:72 8106 3:47 62:1 We first discuss the results obtained for Be. We start by comparing the EWL results for the Boyle parameters to those obtained in previous work by Apfelbaum29using an effective to model liquid Be. We obtain a very good agreement for the Boyle density between the EWL results on the qSC-EAM potential (1 :714g=cm3) and the previous estimate (1 :697g=cm3), and a reasonable agreement for the Boyle temperature with a EWL value of 12534 Kcompared to 10500 K. The critical temperature (see Table 2) we estimate from our EWL results ( Tc=4623 K) is in reasonable agreement with the predicted value of 5400 Kby by ana- lyzing the low temperature liquid data for Be. Using the similarity law based on the Zeno line, we 9find a critical density of 0 :516g=cm3. From the fit to an Antoine law, we obtain the following esti- mate for the critical pressure Pc=886bar, which is comparable to the results obtained in now on the case of Al, we obtain results for the Boyle parameters that share the same features as for Be. The Boyle density we obtain from the EWL simulations (2 :56g=cm3) is once again in very good agreement with the results from Apfelbaum and V we obtain a larger Boyle temperature (with a EWL value of 15316 Kcompared to 12888 K). For the critical parameters, we have a critical temperature estimated at Tc=5412 K, which is approximately a thousand Kbelow the previous estimate Tc=6318 K, made on the basis of the liquid data, and a critical density that is larger than the previous estimate (0 this work). The deviation for the critical density can be accounted for the use of a lower value for the critical temperature in the similarity law (Eq. 7). More specifically, the EWL results give a Tc:TBratio of 0 :35, below the ratio of 0 :49 found in previous work,80resulting in a greater value for the rc:rBratio as fixed by the similarity law. Comparing now our results to those obtained using Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo simulations on a different EAM potential1and the law of rectilinear diameter, we find that our estimate for the critical density is much closer to that from previous simulation work (0 :707g=cm3) and that our estimate for the critical temperature is 14% below those results. In the case of Cu, the Boyle parameters we obtain from the EWL simulations on the are in very good agreement with the findings from previous work80both for the Boyle density to 8 :36g=cm3in this work) and for the Boyle temperature (15593 K compared to 15688 Kin this work). In line with the results for Al, the EWL critical K) is below the value extrapolated from the liquid data ( Tc=7093 K), leading to a larger critical density, since the same similarity law, with different input values for Tc, is used. We finally compare the critical parameters obtained in this work for PbandAuto those esti- mated from the experimental data on liquid densities by Schroer and rely on averaging the results obtained using either 3 D-Ising scaling law or a mean-field scaling law. For 10Pb, the critical temperature we estimate is Tc=2663 K(as compared to 4636 Kin prior work17), while the critical density we estimate is rc=3:54g=cm3is above the critical density from For Au, we estimate the critical temperature to be Tc=4286 K(as compared to 7217 Kin prior work17) while the critical density we estimate is rc=5:96g=cm3 is above the critical density from previous The critical temperatures we estimate are therefore below those extrapolated in previous work,17while the critical densities we estimate are larger. This is due to two notable differences between the scaling laws used for the critical temperature. First, in our case, we are able to obtain EWL results for high and get an accurate estimate for the variations of the density order parameter ( rl rv), over a wide temperature range while the extrapolation from the low temperature data only takes into account the variation of rlover a limited temperature range. Second, we use, for the density order parameter, a scaling law with an exponent of 0 :326, while the extrapolation from the the average result for two scaling laws applied to the liquid density rl, one with a 3 D-Ising exponent and one with a mean-field exponent of 0 :5. Table 2: Comparison of the critical parameters for selected metals (a: this work,b: Apfel- baum,29c: Apfelbaum and Vorob'ev,80d: Schroer and Pottlacher,17e: et al.1 Tc rc Pc (K) (g=cm3)(MPa ) Be provide in Fig. 5 a comparison between the EWL result for the vapor pressure and the experimental data. These results show that there is generally a good agreement between the sim- ulation results obtained with the qSC-EAM potential as can be seen most notably in the case of AgandCu. As previously discussed,45the qSC-EAM potential leads to reliable results for the boiling points in most cases (see e.g. Ag,CuandPton the plot), with a few exceptions (e.g. with deviations of up to 10% for NiandIrfor the boiling temperatures in Fig. 5). Figure 5: Vapor pressure of selected metals. EWL results are shown as open squares ( Agin black, Cuin green, Pdin blue, Niin red, Ptin magenta and Irin brown) while experimental data are shown with open circles81and filled circles.82 The EWL results for the variations of the other thermodynamic properties at coexistence are plotted against temperature in Fig. 6. All metals exhibit the same qualitative behavior with the linear variation of mas a function of T(see bottom of Fig. 6), and the expected decrease of DHvap (see top of Fig. 6) and of DSvap(see middle of Fig. 6) towards 0 as the temperature approaches the critical temperature. To further analyze the results, we fit the simulation results for the enthalpy of vaporization with the following Aandaare two fitting parameters and Tcis the critical temperature previously deter- mined. Carrying out this fit over the set of metals considered here, we find an average for DHvapof 0:4. The value for this exponent is very close to the value of 0.38 found in prior work on apply the same analysis to the results for DSvapwith the following Bandbare two fitting parameters and Tcis the critical temperature previously de- termined. The exponent we find in this case is 1 :22. To our knowledge, this provides the in the case of metals, of the critical exponents for these two scaling laws. Figure 6: Thermodynamic properties at coexistence for selected metals: DHvapagainst DSvapagainst T(middle) and magainst T(bottom). Same legend as in Fig. this work, we carry out EWL simulations to determine the binodal and the Zeno line of 11 FCC andHCP metals ( modeled with a many- body potential known as the qSC-EAM model. We estimate the critical parameters according to a three-step procedure with (i) the calculation of the critical temperature from a scaling law for the density (with a critical exponent of 0 :326), (ii) the determination of the critical density using a similarity law and the Boyle parameters defining the Zeno line, and (iii) the evaluation of 13the critical pressure from an Antoine law fitted to the simulation results for the vapor pressure. We compare our results to estimates made in prior work on the basis of the experimental data for liquid densities and, when available, to previous simulation work that relied on the law of rectilinear diameters. The results obtained with our EWL simulations cover a wider range of temperatures than that covered in the extrapolations from the liquid densities data. They also take into account the variations of the density order parameter ( rl rv) at high temperature, which are not included when the extrapolation from low temperature liquid data only is carried out. Applying the three-step procedure to the 11 FCC andHCP metals studied in this work allows us to provide an estimate for the critical parameters for all systems. These estimates generally lead to lower and, as a result, to larger critical densities than those obtained from on low temperature liquid data only. Our results also allow us to propose two scaling laws for the enthalpy of vaporization and the entropy of vaporization with the corresponding of 0 :4 and 1 :22 respectively. 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Recent theoretical work has led to new similarity laws, based on the calculation of the Zeno line and of the underlying Boyle parameters, which provided results for the of atomic and molecular systems in excellent agreement Using the recently developed Expanded Wang-Landau (EWL) we evaluate the grand-canonical partition function, over a wide range of conditions, for $11$ $FCC$ and $HCP$ metals ($Ag$, $Al$, $Au$, $Be$, $Cu$,
$Ir$, $Ni$, $Pb$, $Pd$, $Pt$ and $Rh$), modeled with a many-body This allows us to calculate the binodal, Zeno line, Boyle parameters and, in turn, obtain the critical properties for these systems. We also propose two scaling laws for the enthalpy and entropy of vaporization, and exponents of $0.4$ and $1.22$ for these two laws, respectively.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:20:41 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
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2 FIG. 2. magnetic shift, K, versus temperature (a) and versus angle (b). The dotted lines are ts as described in the text. nied by an orthorhombic lattice distortion of the same symmetry [14]. The low-temperature behavior of the Tm quadrupoles can be well-described by the transverse eld Ising model, in which pseudospins ( ~S= 1=2) ferroquadrupolar Ising couplings and couple to a transverse magnetic eld along the z-axis [11]. These elds will enhance the
uctuations of the pseudospins and can tune the system to an Ising-nematic quantum This material thus oers an important plat- form to investigate quantum critical nematic
uctuations in an insulator. In order to better understand the nature of these
uc- tuations we have investigated51V (I= 7=2,Q= 52 mb, 99.75% abundant) NMR in a single crystal of TmVO 4 in a magnetic eld H0= 11:72 T oriented perpendicu- lar to thec-axis. We nd that the magnetic shift rate are strongly angular depen- dent (rotating the eld in the a cplane) below80 K, re
ecting the anisotropy of the ground state doublet. rate is non-monotonic, exhibiting a large enhancement at low temperature that may be associated with critical nematic
uctuations. The spec- trum exhibits a strong at low temperatures caused by inhomoge- neous magnetic demagnetization elds. II. NMR SPECTRA AND MAGNETIC SHIFT TmVO 4crystals were grown from a Pb 2V2O7
ux using 4 mole percent of Tm 2O3, following the meth- ods described in [15, 16]. The crystals have a with the the c-axis along the long axis. A single crystal of approximate dimension 1mm 1mm
4mm was selected and mounted on a cryogenic go- niometer NMR probe. The magnetic susceptibility is strongly anisotropic, re
ecting that of the unusual g- factor (gc= 10:2,g?0) of the ground state a crystal mounted with torque, it is an unstable equilibrium and there is a large torque for innitesimal deviations from 90. To al-leviate this issue we secured the crystal with epoxy to a mounting plate that itself is rotated. Spin echoes were acquired at several dierent frequencies, and the were summed to measure the full spectra in- cluding all nuclear spin transitions. Fig. 1(a) shows sev- eral representative spectra of the51V as a function of temperature. There are seven peaks separated by the quadrupolar interaction. Because the V has axial sym- metry, the peaks frequencies are given by:
H 0(1 +K()) +nq(); (1) where the magnetic, K(), and quadrupolar, q(), shifts vary with the angle between the c-axis and H0: K() (2)
q() =zz
3 cos2 1
=2: (3) Here
= 11:193 MHz/T, the electric eld gradient at the V site. We measured the spectra for several angles 86
90and t the spectra to a sum of Lorentzians. The temperature and angular dependence of the linewidths, EFG, and magnetic shifts are shown in Figs. 1(b, c) and 2(a). We nd that the EFG is similar to previous measure- ments, [12, 17] however the spectra are broad. For the quadrupolar splitting is zz=2, which is comparable to the FWHM of each resonance. As a re- sult, the individual peaks become dicult to resolve at low temperatures. Each of the satellite resonances has the same linewidth, implying that that the broadening is due to magnetic eld inhomogeneity within the sam- ple. Moreover, we nd that the spectra are narrower at lower applied elds and that the FWHM varies ap- proximately linear with eld. Since the strongly anisotropic, distortions of the internal eld Bdue to demagnetization eects within the of the crystal can create a large distribution of lo- cal resonance frequencies [18]. The spectra also display a suppression of intensity for the inner satellites, partic- ularly at low temperature. This phenomenon arises due to fast spin-spin decoherence rates ( T 1 2) with high spin nuclei [19]. The magnetic shift shown in Fig. 2 is negative and strongly angular dependent at low temperature. We t the angular dependence to extract the tensor shown as dotted lines in Fig. 2(b). This approach enables us to extract the magnetic shift for the c direction without needing to fully align the crystal in albeit the error bars for Kccare larger than forKaa. The temperature dependence of KaaandKcc are shown in Fig. 3(a). Kccis large and positive. Fig. 3(b) shows these shift components plotted versus the aa;cc, which was measured independently in a SQUID magnetometer. The shift varies linearly as whereAare the components of the hyperne coupling tensor. We kOe/BandAcc= 1:290:05 kOe/B.3 FIG. temperature (a) and versus (b). The solid lines are ts as described in the text. These values of the hyperne couplings are consistent with a direct dipolar coupling mechanism between the Tm moments and the V nuclear spins. The direct dipo- lar coupling is given by: the vector potential of a dipole mo- ment,, located at lattice site rirelative to a central nucleus. For the TmVO 4lattice, we estimate 0:671 kOe/Bat the V site. The theoretical value for the perpendicular direc- tion is the same as the measured value within the error limits. For the caxis, the theoretical value is within a factor of two of the measured values, and it is likely there are larger systematic measurement errors involved in ex- tracting this value. Thus the anisotropic magnetic shift tensor can be fully explained via direct dipolar interac- tions, as expected for an insulator. III. SPIN LATTICE RELAXATION RATE The rate, T 1 1, was measured by applying inversion pulses at the central transition (n= 0) and measuring the echo intensity as a func- tion of recovery time. The magnetization recovery was t to the standard expression for magnetic =M0(1 2f(t=T 1)), whereM0is the fis the inversion fraction, and
(t) expression ts the data well without the need for a stretching exponent. Fig. 4 shows the temperature and angular dependence of T 1 1. For= below 80K as the excited crystal eld levels are thermally depopulated. In this temperature range T 1 1 become strongly angular dependent, increasing by more than a factor of 30 as the eld H0rotates by only 4
away from the perpendicular conguration. This behav- ior likely re
ects the anisotropy of the gfactor of the ground state doublet, however the anisotropy of T 1 1is FIG. 4. (a) T 1 1vs temperature for multiple angles. (b) Calculated T 1 1versusfor magnetic
uctuations (solid lines) and for quadrupole
uctuations (dashed lines). (c) temperature and angle using Eq. 5, where the angle is increased in 5increments between 0 and 90. puzzling. If the relaxation is driven by magnetic
uctu- ations of the Tm ground state, then T 1 1should exhibit amaximum at= 90rather than a minimum of the non-Kramers doublet should lie ex- clusively along the c-axis. Therefore T 1 1(0) should be much smaller than T 1 1(90), in contrast to our Magnetic
uctuations On the other hand, the hyperne couplings can give rise to a more complicated relationship between the di- rection of the Tm moments and the direction of the hy- perne elds. To properly account for these couplings we use the Moriya the form factors F(q) (see Appendix A for de- tails) depend on the local dipolar hyperne is the dynamical magnetic the Tm moments. For simplicity we only include the two nearest neighbor and four next-nearest neighbor Tm atoms in the form factors. Because the Tm system ex- hibits ferroquadrupolar order at TQ, we assume that the structure of the dynamical susceptibility can be a correlation length, is a characteristic
uc- tuation energy, f(q) a dimension- less parameter that re
ects the tetragonal nature, and
(T) is the static ( q= 0) susceptibility. andare unknown parameters, but we compute the temperature and angular dependence using = 2 and= 1=2. Fig. 4(b) shows the expected angular dependence of 10 (red), close to the experimental value, and forcc=aa= 0:1 (blue). The former clearly exhibits a maximum of T 1 1mat= 90, in contrast to our obser- vations. The latter exhibits a shallow minimum at 90, but the susceptibility anisotropy does not agree with ex- periment. Fig. 4(c) shows the temperature dependence using the measured values of the static susceptibility. Al- though there is an overall decrease in T 1 1mat lower tem- peratures, the detailed temperature dependence does not match experiment, and the calculated T 1 1still exhibits a maximum for = 90at all temperatures. Despite the complex form factors for the direct dipolar couplings, the expected magnetic
uctuations of the Tm ground state cannot explain the observed increase in T 1 1as the eld rotates out of the plane. B. Quadrupolar
uctuations An alternative explanation is that the rate is dominated quadrupolar than magnetic. The Tm quadrupole moments couple to the EFG at the V site, giving rise to a sec- ond nuclear quadrupolar relaxation channel [8]. The en- hancement of T 1 1below 20K for = 90may represent the growth of critical
uctuations near TQ. Note that changingby only alters T 1 1, which is close to the limit of precision of our goniometer. Thus it is possible that the enhancement below 20K may van- ish or become smaller for better alignment. In the pres- ence of both magnetic and quadrupolar relaxation, the expression for (t) (Eq. 4) changes, and includes rates: where the lat- ter two are associated with m=1 and relaxation. We are unable, however, to in- dependently extract these parameters with sucient res- olution. Moreover, the line broadening observed in Fig. 1 also means that the magnetization relaxation at the central transition may also include contributions from nearby satellite transitions, further complicating any at- tempts to extract the independent relaxation it is instructive to consider the case where quadrupole
uctuations dominate and magnetic
uctua- tions can be relaxation is driven by
uctuations of the spherical tensor components of the EFG: where the Vare FIG. 5. The shear elastic stiness coecient c66(solid line, reproduced from [21]) and the quantity 1 =(1 + (aT1T) 1) as as a function of temperature. INSET: 1 =(c66;0=c66 1) versus T1T, with temperature implicit. The solid black line is the best linear t, giving a= 18:50:4 sec 1K 1. the EFG tensor components relative to the direction of H0. These give rise to nuclear spin relaxation rates: WQ1;Q2= the Larmor frequency [20]. The nematic order in this system has B2gsymmetry, so Vxx Vyy6=
0, to the c-direction and xandy are along the principal axes of the EFG tensor, which are rotated 45relative to the tetragonal a-axes. of V2should dominate those of V1, and as a result we anticipate that WQ1(= 0) can be neglected. As the eld is rotated towards the plane, the EFG tensor components change, and the relaxation rates become angular dependent (see Appendix B for =
cos4+ 6 cos2+ 1
=8 = sin2(cos(2) + 3)=4: (9) These quantities are shown in Fig. 4(b) as dashed a minimum for = 90, independent of at this angle. This behavior agrees qualitatively with our observations, but the in- creases we observe are in fact a much stronger function of angle than expected for quadrupolar relaxation. Ro- tatingby 1-2out of the plane enhances T 1 1by an or- der of magnitude, whereas WQ2exhibits only a at this angle. The interpretation that relaxation is driven by quadrupole
uctuations is supported by comparisons of the temperature dependence of T 1 1with that of the shear elastic stiness coecient, c66, which softens with5 decreasing temperature and vanishes at TQ[21]. This behavior is driven by the nematic susceptibility: whereis the coupling between the lattice and the Tm 4f orbitals, and c66;0is the sti- ness coecient in the absence of the coupling [22]. If T 1 1 is also determined by the Tm orbital
uctuations, Appendix C for details) [8, 23, 24]. We thus expect which is demon- strated in Fig. 5. The main panel compares the temper- ature dependence of c66with the measured T 1 1values, and the inset shows the scaling between the shear modu- lus andT 1 1with temperature as an implicit parameter. The scaling evident in Fig. 5 suggests that the spin is driven primarily by quadrupole are re
ected in the softening of c66. IV. DISCUSSION A slightly dierent scaling relationship was found in the iron pnictide superconductors via a that assumes that the nematicity arises in the magnetic susceptibility, which in turn aects the nu- clei through a magnetic hyperne interaction [22]. In TmVO 4, the nematicity arises from the Tm electronic or- bitals, and the coupling to the nuclei may be through the quadrupolar interaction. Moreover, the pnictide model assumed the presence of Landau damping by a Fermi surface of quasiparticles, which is not the case for in- sulating TmVO 4. The relaxation in TmVO 4must also involve a damping term, but the origin of this term is unknown. The fact that the scaling relationship in Fig. 4 holds suggests that this damping term is the eld away from 90can
uctuations. A rotation of H0by 4cor- responds to a eld of 0 :82 T along the c-axis. This is greater than the critical eld of Hc= 0:52 T to suppress the long-range nematic order, which naturally of both V2andV1. However, these are not likely to persist to higher tempera- tures beyond10TQ, thus are unlikely to be responsible for the large anisotropy observed up to 80K. An alter- native scenario is that the higher CEF levels cannot be ignored. Indeed, even though the in-plane g-factor of the non-Kramers doublet vanishes in zero applied eld, the excited CEF levels can be mixed into the ground by an in-plane eld. As a result, there can be an induced magnetic moment in the plane, which may also contribute to the relaxation [21]. It is likely that the spin lattice relaxation is dominated by both magnetic and quadrupolar
uctuations, however it is dicult to disentangle these two relaxation channels without more detailed measurements of the relaxation at the higher satellite transitions [20]. However, as illus- trated in Fig. 1, the satellites are magnetically broadened and cannot be well resolved, especially at lower temper- atures. This broadening is due to the inhomogeneity of our crystal. In principle, it is pos- sible to improve the spectral resolution by removing the sharp edges and corners of the sample and/or operat- ing at lower applied elds, in order to better discern the individual satellite spin lattice relaxation rates have also been studied in both PrAlO 3and CsCuCl 3, materials that ex- hibit structural distortions due to the cooperative Jahn- Teller eect with non-magnetic ground states [25{27]. In contrast to our observations in TmVO 4,T 1 1did not exhibit any enhancement above the phase transition in these cases, even though the EFG changed below. On the other hand, unlike TmVO 4, the phase transitions in these cases are rst order, thus T 1 1should not re
ect any critical slowing down. The rate in the disordered state was analyzed in terms of
uctuations, although the nuclei in 5=2 and133Cs,I= 7=2) are quadrupolar and should be sensitive to
uctuations of the EFG. In summary, we have measured the spectra and re- laxation rates in TmVO 4as a function of eld perpendicular to the c-axis. We nd that the magnetic shift tensor agrees quantitatively with direct dipolar coupling between the V nuclear moments and the Tm 4f moments. The spin lattice relaxation rate exhibits a steep minimum for eld oriented 90to thec axis, which is inconsistent with purely magnetic
uctua- tions. We nd that T1scales with the lattice constant for shear strain, c66, which softens and vanishes at the ne- matic transition. It is likely that both quadrupolar and magnetic
uctuations are present and drive spin . However, the origin of the the steep of T 1 1remains an open question. V. acknowledge helpful discussions with R. Fernan- des. Work at UC Davis was supported by the NSF un- der Grants No. DMR-1807889 and PHY-1852581, as well as the UC Davis Seed Grant program. Crystal growth performed at Stanford University was supported by the Air Force Oce of Scientic Research under award num- ber P. M. was partially supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Emergent Phe- nomena in Quantum Systems Initiative through A: Magnetic Relaxation Form Factors We assume that the dominant hyperne elds at the V site arise from the two nearest neighbor and four next- nearest Tm moments, whose positions are given in Table I. We dene: A(q) dened in the main text. For an at angles andrelative to the crys- talline axes, the form factors are [28]: F(q) theRare elements of the 3D rotation sin2 cos2+ cossin2 sinsin cos1 A: (A3) TABLE I. Position vectors for six nearest neighbor Tm sites to V, in spherical coordinates. ri r(A) () () 1 3.13030 0 0 2 3.13030 180 0 3 3.86654 66.1218 0 4 3.86654 113.8782 90 5 3.86654 66.1218 180 6 3.86654 113.8782 270 Appendix B: Quadrupolar Relaxation 7 gives the expression for quadrupolar relax- ation in terms of the spherical tensor components of theEFG tensor. The quadrupolar interaction is only on-site, so there are no form factors. However, the EFG tensor must be rotated properly as the eld direction changes. Under a rotation the tensor operators Vm() ) (B2) are the Wigner Dmatrices, and the Euler angles are (=; =;
= 0). The correlation thus given (B3) We assume 0 for all 2 andm=m0= 1. Moreover, we hV1()V 1(0)i, sincehV2i 6= 0 andhV1i= 0 in the nematic phase. We thus expect WQ1(= 0)0, =
cos4+ 6 cos2+ 1
=8 = sin2(cos(2) + 3)=4: (B5) as given in the main text in Eqs. 8 and Eqs. 9.Appendix C: Relaxation driven by note that Eq. 7 can be expressed in terms of the dynamical nematic susceptibility [8]: WQ2(0) dynamical susceptibility can be expressed as: nem(q;!) where nemis the static nematic susceptibility and !nis a damping term [23, 24]. In this case WQ2(0) R. M. Fernandes, A. V. Chubukov, and J. Schmalian, What drives nematic order in iron-based Nat. Phys. 10, 97 (2014). | 2108.10393 | Nicholas J. Curro | Z. Wang, I. Vinograd, Z. Mei, P. Menegasso, D. Garcia, P. Massat, I.
R. Fisher, and N. J. Curro | Anisotropic nematic fluctuations above the ferroquadrupolar transition in TmVO$_4$ | 7 pages, 5 figures | Phys. Rev. B 104, 205137 (2021) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.205137 | null | cond-mat.str-el | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | TmVO$_4$ exhibits ferroquadrupolar order below 2.15 K with a ground state doublet, and is a model system to understand Ising nematic order. We present $^{51}$V nuclear magnetic resonance data as a function of field orientation in a single crystal. Although the spectra are well understood in terms of direct dipolar hyperfine couplings, the spin lattice relaxation rate exhibits strong anisotropy that cannot be understood in terms of magnetic fluctuations. We find that the spin lattice relaxation rate scales with the shear elastic constant associated with the transition, suggesting that quadrupole (nematic) fluctuations dominate the spin lattice relaxation for in-plane fields.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:22:00 GMT"
] | 2021-12-02T00:00:00 | [
"I. R.",
"N. J.",
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of a single deep recognition network into various without additional storage or computation cost. To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a simple end-to-end differentiable approach to learn a decision policy that selects optimal precision conditioned on the input, while taking both accuracy and efficiency into account in rec- ognizing complex actions. We achieve this by sampling the policy from a discrete distribution parameterized by the out- put of a lightweight policy network, which decides on-the-fly what precision should be used on a per frame basis. Since these decision functions are discrete and train the policy network using standard Gumbel Softmax sampling [ 24], without resorting to complex reinforcement learning, as in [ 61,9,64]. More- over, instead of storing separate models, we train a single deep neural network for action joint training, which enables us to directly adjust the numerical precision by simply truncating the least signifi- cant bits, without performance degradation. Our provides not only high computational efficiency but also significant savings in memory-a practical require- ment of many real-world applications which has been largely ignored by prior works [34, 60, 35, 61]. We conduct extensive experiments on four standard datasets [ 3], FCVID [ [ 28] and Mini-Kinetics [ 5]) to demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approach over methods. Our results show that VideoIQ can savings in computation and memory (e.g., GFLOPS and 55:8%less memory), while achieving better recognition performance, over the most competitive SOTA baseline [ 34]. We also discover that the decision policies learned using our method are transferable to unseen classes and videos across different datasets. Fur- thermore, qualitative results suggest that our learned with the distinct visual patterns in video frames, i.e., our method utilizes 32-bit full precision only for rele- vant video frames and process non-informative frames at low precision or skip them for computation efficiency. 2. Related Work Video Recognition. Much progress has been made in de- veloping a variety of ways to recognize videos, by either applying 2D-CNNs [ 28,52,45,46] or 3D-CNNs [ promising results, there is a significant interest in developing more efficient models with reasonable perfor- mance [ 41,49]. SlowFast network [ 12] employs two path- ways for recognizing actions by processing a video at both slow and fast frame rates. Many works utilize 2D-CNNs for efficient recognition by modeling temporal causality using different aggregation modules [ 52,68,10,32]. Expansion of 2D architectures across frame rate, spatial resolution, net-work width, is proposed in [ 11]. While these approaches bring reasonable efficiency improvements, all of them pro- cess the video frames using same 32-bit precision, regardless of information content in each input frame, which varies in most real-world long videos. In contrast, our approach dy- namically selects bit-width per input, to strategically at test time for efficient Computation. Dynamic computation to im- prove efficiency has been studied from multiple perspec- tives [ Representative meth- ods for image classification, dynamically adjust network depth [ 13,33,59,21,63], width [ 66,7,20], perform rout- ing [ 26,33] or switch resolutions [ 62]. Similar in spirit, dynamic methods for efficient video recognition salient frames/clips [ utilize au- dio [ 14], reduce feature redundancy [ 38], or select [ 60,34]. Recently, AdaFuse [ 35] proposes adap- tive fusion of channels from current and past feature maps on a per instance basis, for recognizing video actions. Our ap- proach is closely related yet orthogonal to these approaches as it focuses on network quantization to dynamically select the optimal bit-width conditioned on inputs, in pursuit of computational efficiency without sacrificing accuracy. More- over, unlike existing works, our framework requires neither complex RL policy gradients [ 61,58,64] nor such as audio [14, 30] to learn dynamic Quantization. Low-precision networks [ 16,69, 8], have attracted intense attention in recent years. Early works such as [ 16,31,69] mainly focus on while using 32-bit activations. Recent both weights and activations through using uni- form quantization that uses identical bit-width for all layers [ 67,8,39], or mixed precision quantization that uses different bit-widths for different layers or even chan- nels [ 51,4,57]. Binary networks [ 22,42] constrain both weights and activations to binary values, which brings great benefits to specialized hardware devices. Designing effi- cient strategies for training low-precision [ 71,29,70] or any- precision networks [ 27,65] that can flexibly adjust the preci- sion during inference is also another recent trend in quantiza- tion. Despite recent progress, the problem of quantization for video recognition models is rarely explored. Moreover, ex- isting methods perform quantization in a static manner with a fixed computational cost, leaving adaptive on inputs an open problem. 3. Proposed frames from a video V the action label yand a set ofncandi- date bit-widths (precisions) our goal is to seek (1) a policy automatically decides the optimal1: 4-bit 2: 32-bit 3: Skip ... ... T: 2-bit 32-bit 4-bit 2-bit Recognition Network Policy Policy Network Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame T ... ... Long Jump 32-bit Long Jump KD CE Ef ficiency Skip supervision back-propagation CE cross-entropy loss KD knowledge distillation loss Knowledge Transfer Figure 2: Illustration of our proposed approach .VideoIQ consists of a very lightweight policy network and a single backbone network for recognition which can be simply quantized to lower precisions by truncating the least significant bits. The policy network decides precision to use on a per frame basis, in pursuit of a reduced overall computational cost without sacrificing recognition accuracy. We train both networks using back-propagation with a combined loss of standard cross-entropy and efficiency for video recognition. We additionally distill knowledge from a pre-trained full-precision model to guide the training of lower precisions. During inference, each frame is sequentially fed into the policy network to select optimal precision for processing the current frame through the recognition network and then the network averages all the frame-level predictions to obtain the video-level prediction. Best viewed in the frame xifor processing in the (2) a single recognition network f:V!ywhich can be quantized to different precisions in Bwithout addi- tional storage or computation cost. With the desired recognition network f, our main objective is to improve accuracy, while taking the resource efficiency into account for video action recognition. Note that given the optimal bit-width bfor the frame xi, we quantize all the network weights and activations to the same bit-width b, which is well supported by existing hardwares. 3.1. Preliminaries We denote the full-precision network weights by Wand activations by A. Given a certain precision with bit-width b and a quantization function Q, we denote the =cWbandQ(A;b) =bAb. In this paper, we use DoReFa [ 69] for weight quantization and PACT [8] for activation Quantization. DoReFa [ 69] normalizes Winto [ 1;1]and then rounds it to the nearest quantization levels: cWb= (2) whereb:eis the rounding Quantization. PACT [ 8] introduces a value for activations in each layer. More specif- ically, the activation Ais first clipped into [0;]and then rounded to the nearest quantization Approach Overview Figure 2 shows an overview of our approach. In general, we learn a policy aithat decides on-the- fly which precision to use (or even skip) for processing the current frame xi, and a video classifier fwhich can be flexi- bly quantized to the desired precision of the current frame by simply truncating the least significant bits without any extra computation or memory cost. To this end, VideoIQ consists of a lightweight policy network gand a video recog- nition network f. The policy network gcontains a and an LSTM module to learn the discrete decisions of which precision to use, per input frame (see Section 3.3). Moreover, it is often unnecessary and inefficient to process every frame in a video due to large redundancy resulting from static scenes or frame quality being very low. Thus, we skip frames (i.e., precision set to zero) in addition to of precisions in an unified framework to in video recognition. To further enable flexible and scalable quantization, we learn the video classifier as an any-precision network and design a simple yet scheme to ensure that the single set of network weights get executed with multiple precisions without addi- tional storage and computation cost (see Section 3.4). During the training, we first learn the any-precision recog- nition network and then optimize the policy network Sampling [ 24] through standard We design the loss to achieve both compet- itive performance and computational efficiency (measured by FLOPS [ 55]) required for video recognition. We addi- tionally distill knowledge from a pre-trained to guide training of the lower precisions. During the inference, each video frame is sequentially fed into the pol- icy network whose output decides the right precision to usefor the given frame and then the frame is processed through the recognition network with the predicted precision to gen- erate a frame-level prediction. Finally, the network of all the frames as the final video-level predic- tion. It is worth noting that the policy network is designed to be very lightweight so that its computational overhead is negligible (e.g., MobileNetv2 [43] in our work). 3.3. Learning Dynamic Quantization Policy VideoIQ learns the frame-wise policy aito decide which precision to process the frame xior directly skip it where skipping can be viewed as processing the frame with0-bit. So our entire action space is =B[f 0g. We generate decision the policy We compose the policy network with a feature extractor followed by an LSTM hidden state and outputs of LSTM at the time stepi. We further compute the distribution i2Rj j over our action space (fc(hi)): (4) However, sampling policy aifrom the discrete which makes direct One way to solve this is to model the optimiza- tion problem as a reinforcement learning problem and then derive the optimal parameters of the policy network using policy gradient methods [ 56]. However, policy gradient is often complex, unwieldy to train and requires techniques to reduce variance during training as well as carefully selected reward functions. In contrast, we use Gumbel-Softmax Sam- pling [ 24] to circumvent this and make our framework fully differentiable, as in [60, Sampling. The Gumbel Softmax trick [ 24] substitutes the original sam- ple from a discrete distribution with a differentiable sample from a corresponding Gumbel-Softmax instead of directly sampling aifrom its we generate it as, ai= arg +Gi(j)
; a standard Gumbel distribu- tion withUisampled from a uniform distribution Unif(0;1). To remove the argmax operation in Eq. 5, the Gumbel Softmax trick relaxes one-hot one-hot encoding of ai) topi2Rj jwith the trick [24]: pi(j) =exp
(logi(j) +Gi(k))=; the temperature of the softmax. Clearly, when >0, the Gumbel-Softmax distribution piis smooth soican be directly optimized by gradient descent, 0, the soft decision pibecomes the same asone-hot (ai). Following [ 15,47], we set= 5as the ini- tial value and gradually anneal it down to 0 during training. 3.4. Any-Precision Video frame-specific precisions, quantizing weights and activations of a single network while recognizing videos is a major challenge. A naive strategy is to manually train different models tailored for the different precision and then route frames to the corresponding models to generate pre- dictions. However such a strategy requires for each of the models and also increases the mem- ory storage cost, making it inefficient for many To tackle this problem, we adopt [ 27,65] that makes a single model be flexible to any numerical precision during the inference. Specifi- cally, we first modify the weight quantizer to enable the network parameters to get quantized to lower precision with low computation cost after the training. Then, we propose a simple and effective learning scheme for training of video recognition network. With the original DoReFa quantization [ 69] (Eq. 1 and 2), all numerical precisions need to be quantized down from value. Thus, the repeated weight redundant computation when the recognition switches across different precisions. To cost of switching operation, we quantize full precision weight Wto the largest bit-width b1and then truncate least significant b1 bbits to get quantized weight cWb. We save the quantized b1-bit network weights after the training. Benefiting from this modified quantization, we only need to discard the extra bits to switch to lower inference. Furthermore, we align minimize the mean discrepancy caused by discarded bits. Inspired by [ 66,27], we jointly train a single network under different bit-widths with shared weights for any- precision video recognition. Specifically, we gather losses of all precisions with same input batch and then update the net- work. To get the loss of a precision with bit-width b, we feed the input video and quantize network weights and for every frame. To resolve mismatch in statistics of activations with different precisions, we use a separate set of Batch Normalization layers and clipping level parameters for different precisions [ 66]. Moreover, following the success of knowledge distillation [ 19], we transfer knowledge from a pretrained full-precision recognition network to guide train- ing of lower precisions because the full-precision weights is expected to give confident predictions, and provide in its soft logits, while the low-precision student gains the knowledge by mimicking the teacher.3.5. Losses For video action recognition, we minimize standard cross- entropy loss between predicted label and ground truth action: Lce(VjA) precisions to use for the sampled Tframes, which can be either predicted by the lightweight policy network ( A=g(V)) or set manually. To better guide the optimization of the model with lower capacity, e.g. the recognition network with lower precision, we utilize a distillation loss Lkdto transfer knowledge from a pretrained full-precision video recognition network (teacher) by taking Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between soft- logits of our model yAand of the teacher network ytas Lkd(VjA) =KL(ytjjyA) (8) wheremis the number of video categories and element of the vector. Thus, given the input video V, the overall lossLfto optimize the any-precision network fis defined as Lf(V) +Lkd(VjA): (9) To address computational efficiency, we [ 55] needed for one frame to get processed in the recognition network with different candidate precisions in B. We directly minimize FLOPs usage per video with the generated policy A, to reduce the computational cost as Le(A) =TX i=1(FLOP (ai)): we introduce two additional regularizers to better optimize the policy network. First, we enforce a bal- anced policy usage over the entire action space to avoid the policy network learning some sub-optimal solutions where some actions are totally ignored. More formally, we define the balanced policy usage loss Lbas Lb(A) (11) Second, we minimize the entropy of the learned prob- ability distribution over the action space of each frame. It forces the policy network to avoid randomness during the inference by generating deterministic prediction for the precision to use for each video frame: Ld() =TX i=1H(i); (12)whereH()is the entropy function. Finally, the overall loss Lgto optimize the policy network gis defined as Lg(V) =Lce(VjA) +w2Lb(A) andw1,w2andw3are balance loss terms. In summary, we first jointly train recognition network fwith all precisions in B (using Eq. 9), and then train policy network g(using Eq. 13) to generate policy over the action space per input frame. 4. Experiments 4.1. Experimental Setup Datasets. We evaluate our approach using four datasets, namely ActivityNet-v1.3 [ 3], FCVID [ 25], Mini- Sports1M [ 28] and Mini-Kinetics [ 5]. ActivityNet for training and 4;926videos for 200categories. FCVID consists of 45;611videos for training and 45;612videos for testing across [ 14] is a subset of full Sports1M dataset [ 28] containing 30videos per class in training and 10videos per class in testing over 487classes. Mini-Kinetics [ 6] is a sub- set of full Kinetics400 [ 5] dataset containing training and 9;867videos for testing across Details. We adopt temporal segment net- work (TSN) [ 52] to aggregate the predictions over T= 16 uniformly sampled frames from each video. We use ResNet- 18 and ResNet-50 [ 18] for the recognition network [ 43] combined with a single-layer LSTM (with 512 hidden units) to serve as policy network in all our ex- periments. To save computation, we use lower ( 8484) in policy network. We set the action space
=f32;4;2;0gin all experiments, i.e., the policy net- work can choose either one out of or skip frame for efficient recognition. We first train the any- precision recognition network (pretrained from for 100 epochs to provide a good starting point for policy learning and then train the policy network for 50 epochs on all datasets. We use separate sets of learning pa- rameters (learning rate, weight decay) for clipping values of each precision. Following [ 69,8], we do not quantize input, first layer and last layer of the network. More implementa- tion details are included in the Appendix B. Baselines. We compare our approach with the and existing approaches. First, we consider a 2D- CNN based Uniform baseline that uses 32-bit precision to process all the sampled frames and then averages the frame- level results as the video-level prediction. We also compare with two more variants of uniform baseline that uses lower precisions such as 4-bit and 2-bit respectively to process the video frames. Second, we compare with Ensemble base- line that gathers all the frame-level predictions by FCVID Mem. (MB) mAP (%) GFLOPs mAP (%) (32-bit) 69.7 29.1 77.6 29.1 43.1 Uniform (4-bit) 68.0 7.3 76.5 7.3 5.4 Uniform (2-bit) 65.2 1.8 74.3 1.8 2.7 Ensemble 70.7 38.2 78.8 38.2 51.2 VideoIQ 70.9 9.5 79.1 9.4 (32-bit) 72.5 65.8 81.0 65.8 91.4 Uniform (4-bit) 71.7 16.5 79.3 16.5 11.4 Uniform (2-bit) 69.3 4.1 78.5 4.1 5.7 Ensemble 74.7 86.4 83.0 86.4 108.5 VideoIQ 74.8 28.1 82.7 27.0 98.6 Table 1: Video recognition results on ActivityNet and FCVID . Our approach VideoIQ outperforms all the simple baselines. them at different precision (instead of selecting an per frame). This serves as a very strong baseline for classification, at the cost of heavy computation. Finally, we compare our method with existing efficient video recog- nition approaches, including LiteEval [ 60] [ 30] (ICCV'19), AR-Net [ 34] (ECCV'20), and AdaFuse [ 35] (ICLR'21). We directly quote the numbers re- ported in the published papers when possible or use authors provided source codes [ 60,35] using the same backbone and experimental settings for a fair We compute either mAP (mean average precision) or Top-1 accuracy depending on datasets to measure per- formance of different methods. We follow [ 55,40,44] and measure computational cost with giga floating-point oper- ations (GFLOPs), which is a hardware independent given FLOPs of a full-precision layer by a, the FLOPs ofm-bit weight and n-bit activation quantized layer ismn 64a. We also measure memory usage (MB) represented by the storage for parameters of the network, as in [55]. 4.2. Results and with Traditional Uniform Baselines. We first compare VideoIQ using different backbones (ResNet- 18 and ResNet-50) to show how much performance our dy- namic approach VideoIQ can achieve compared to simple 2D-CNN based baselines on both ActivityNet and FCVID datasets. As shown in Table 1, our approach consistently out- performs the full-precision uniform baseline (32-bit) in both mAP and GFLOPS, with minimal increase in memory on both datasets. Using ResNet-18 as the backbone, VideoIQ obtains an mAP of 70:9%and79:1%, requiring 9:5and9:4 GFLOPS on ActivityNet and FCVID respectively. with low bit-widths leads to a significant re- duction in computation and memory but they suffer from a noticeable degradation in recognition performance, e.g., the 2-bit performance is 4:5%and3:3%lower than the on ActivityNet and FCVID with ResNet-50, VideoIQ offers and savings in GFLOPS FCVID Mem. (MB) mAP (%) GFLOPs mAP (%) GFLOPs LiteEval 72.7 95.1 80.0 94.3 177.2 SCSampler 72.9 42.0 81.0 42.0 98.6 AR-Net 73.8 33.5 81.3 35.1 223.4 AdaFuse 73.1 61.4 81.6 45.0 151.2 VideoIQ 74.8 28.1 82.7 27.0 98.6 Table 2: Comparison with state-of-the-art methods on Activi- tyNet and FCVID .VideoIQ achieves the best mAP while offer- ing significant savings in both GFLOPS and Memory Mini-Kinetics Mem. (MB) mAP (%) GFLOPs Tops-1 (%) GFLOPs LiteEval 44.7 66.2 61.0 99.0 177.2 SCSampler 44.3 42.0 70.8 42.0 98.6 AR-Net 45.0 37.6 71.7 32.0 223.4 AdaFuse 44.1 60.3 72.3 23.0 151.2 VideoIQ 46.4 26.8 72.3 20.4 98.6 Table 3: Comparison with state-of-the-art methods on Mini-Sports1M and Mini-Kinetics . Our approach VideoIQ (w/ ResNet-50) obtains the best performance with great savings in computation (GFLOPS) and memory the Uniform (32-bit) baseline by 2:1%and 2:7%in mAP on ActivityNet and FCVID, respectively. We further compare with 8-bit Uniform Baseline that uses same percentage of random skipping as VideoIQ (i.e.8%ran- dom skipping on ActivityNet). With ResNet-50, our ap- proach outperforms this baseline by effectiveness of learned policy in selecting precision per frame while recognizing videos. As shown in Table 1, Ensemble achieves performance because it is a very strong base- line that gathers all the predictions by processing frames through multiple backbones. However, VideoIQ savings including a 10%
savings in memory over the Ensemble baseline on Activ- ityNet and FCVID respectively, showing the importance of instance-aware dynamic quantization for efficient . Moreover, we also compare with a baseline, where weights are assigned based on entropy of softmax scores to reflect prediction confidence of different predictions. We observe that it only achieves 0:3%
higher mAP while requiring 67:4%more computation than our method on ActivityNet ( 75:1%vs74:8%). Note that VideoIQ requires less computation on average on FCVID than ActivityNet as FCVID contains more static videos with high redundancy compared to ActivityNet that consists videos with rich temporal with State-of-the-Art Methods. Tables 2-3 summarize the results and comparisons with existing dy- namic inference methods on all four datasets. Our approach is clearly better than all the compared methods in terms of both accuracy and resource efficiency (computation and memory), making it suitable for efficient video recognition.0 25 50 75 100 Average Precision (ours)Figure 3: Computational cost (GFLOPS) vs mean (%) on ActivityNet dataset .VideoIQ (red points) achieves the best trade-off when compared to existing methods. VideoIQ obtains an mAP (accuracy for while requiring on ActivityNet, FCVID, Mini- Sports1M and Mini-Kinetics, respectively. Note that while most of the compared methods reduce computation at the cost of significant increase in memory, our approach im- proves computational efficiency by using a model whose memory size is just slightly larger than the 32-bit model. Among the compared methods, AR-Net is the most com- petitive in terms of computational efficiency. However, VideoIQ consistently outperforms AR-Net in while providing 26:0%savings on average in computation and 55:8%savings in memory. This is because of our two introduced components working in concert: dy- namic quantization for computational efficiency and use of a single any-precision recognition network instead of separate models for memory efficiency. Likewise when compared with the recent method AdaFuse, our approach offers an average in computation and storage memory while improving the recognition perfor- mance (maximum 2:3%on Mini-Sports1M) across all the datasets. AdaFuse obtains the best performance compared to other existing methods on Mini-Kinetics but it fails to achieve similar performance on untrimmed video datasets. We suspect that being a method that relies on efficient reuse of history feature maps, it fails to aggregate the informa- tion of all time stamps when the video gets very long, as in untrimmed datasets. In summary, VideoIQ establishes new state-of-the-art for the task of efficient video recognition on four datasets, improving previous best result in terms of accuracy, computational efficiency and memory 3 compares our approach to the existing meth- ods by varying computational budgets on ActivityNet. Our method consistently outperforms all the compared methods and achieves the best trade-off between computational cost and accuracy, which once again shows that VideoIQ is an effective and efficient design for video FCVID Mini-Sports1M 74.8 82.7 46.3 71.6 FCVID 74.4 82.8 45.8 74.6 82.6 46.4 74.7 82.7 46.3 72.3 Table 4: Transferring learned policies . Diagonal numbers refer to training and testing the quantization policy on the same dataset while non-diagonal numbers refer to learning the policy on one dataset (rows) and testing on others Learned Policies. We analyze our learned policy by performing cross-dataset experi- ments, i.e., learning policy on one dataset while testing on the other. Specifically, we take the policy network trained on one dataset and utilize it directly for testing along with a trained any-precision recognition network on another dataset. Table 4 summarizes the results. As expected, training and testing on the same dataset provides the best performance on all cases (marked in blue). However, the negligible dif- ference among the values across each column clearly shows that policies learned using our method are transferable to unseen classes and videos across different Analysis. To better understand the learned pol- icy, we visualize selected precision per input frame in Fig- ure 4. Videos are uniformly sampled in 8 frames. Overall, our approach VideoIQ focuses on the right to use per frame for correctly classifying videos while taking efficiency into account. VideoIQ processes the most indicative frames in 32-bit precision while it uses lower precision (or skips) for frames that irrelevant to the action (e.g., Playing saxophone and Snow Tubing). Sim- ilarly in the case of Playing violin and Mixing drinks, after being confident about the prediction, it using the 32-bit precision even if informative content appear later in the video. More qualitative examples are included in the Appendix D. Figure 5 shows the overall policy distribution on differ- ent datasets. Our approach leads to distinctive policy pat- terns representing different characteristics of datasets. For example, while only few frames on ActivityNet use 2-bit precision, about 30% of the frames on the other datasets can be processed using 2-bit precision, leading to different amount of computational savings across datasets. VideoIQ skips very few frames on Mini-Kinetics ( 2%), which is be- cause Mini-Kinetics dataset contains short trimmed while the remaining datasets consists of long untrimmed videos, lasting up to 5minutes. 4.3. Ablation Studies We present the following ablation experiments using ResNet-50 on ActivityNet dataset to show the effectiveness of different components in our proposed method. Effect of Different Losses. Table 5 summarizes the effect32-bit 32-bit 32-bit 2-bit 2-bit Skip 32-bit 4-bit Playing saxophone Skip 2-bit 32-bit 4-bit Skip 4-bit Skip 4-bit Playing violin 4-bit 2-bit 32-bit 2-bit 4-bit Skip 4-bit Skip Mixing drinks 4-bit 2-bit Skip 32-bit 2-bit Skip 2-bit 32-bit Snow tubing Figure 4: Qualitative examples from ActivityNet dataset. Our approach VideoIQ processes more informative frames with high precision and less informative ones with lower precision or skip them when irrelevant, for efficient video recognition. Best viewed in FCVID Mini-Sports1M Mini-Kinetics Figure 5: Dataset-specific policy distribution (%) GFLOPs X X X X 73.5 29.0 X X 75.1 56.4 X X X 74.5 34.6 X X X X 74.3 32.0 X X X X X 74.8 28.1 Table 5: Effect of different losses on ActivityNet . of different losses on ActivityNet. Training without knowl- edge transfer from the 32-bit model (top row: by turning off Lkd) only obtains a mAP of 73:5%with similar GFLOPS as ours, which shows that it is important to utilize soft targets of the full-precision model as the teacher to guide lower precisions in learning. As expected, training by setting Le to0achieves the highest mAP of 75:1%while GFLOPS compared to the one that uses effi- cient loss in training ( 2ndvs3rdrow). Finally, adding (LbandLd) during the policy learning leads to the best performance with least computation showing of different losses in our of Decision Space. We investigate the effect of decision space by using different combinations of pre- cision and skipping. As shown in Table 6, only skipping frames (i.e., =f32;0g) leads to an mAP of the decision space to choose only precisions (i.e.,
=f32;4;2g) leads to an mAP of 74:5%on Activi- tyNet. Compared to all the alternatives, the best strategy is to combine the set of precisions with skipping by setting
=f32;4;2;0gfor achieving top performance of 74:8%
in mAP with 28:1GFLOPS on ActivityNet with Random Policy. We compare with ran- dom policy that uses the same backbone framework but randomly samples policy actions from uniform distribution and observe that our approach outperforms it by 2%in mAPDecision Space mAP (%) GFLOPs f32, 0g 72.9 31.6 f32, 4, 2g 74.5 31.4 f32, 4, 0g 74.7 32.8 f32, 2, 0g 74.0 31.2 f32, 4, 2, 0g 74.8 28.1 Table 6: Effect of different decision space on ActivityNet . skipping the frame for processing by the on ActivityNet, which demonstrates effec- tiveness of learned policy in selecting optimal per frame while recognizing videos. We also ob- serve similar improvements ( 2% 3%) on other of Any-Precision Recognition Network. We use three separate precision specific quantized models as part of the classifier and route frames to the based on the policy to generate predictions. Our ap- proach using separate models on ActivityNet (with ResNet- 50) achieves an mAP of 74:9%(an improvement of only 0:1%) while requiring 34:0GFLOPS and 115:6MB of mem- ory, in contrast to 28:1GFLOPS and 50:2MB of memory with a single any-precision network. Similarly, use of sep- arate models on Mini-Sports1M yields only in mAP with 7:1%more computation and memory, compared to an any-precision network. This clearly shows the effectiveness of our over individual quantized models in obtaining very competitive performance with less computation and memory. 5. Conclusion In this paper, we introduce video instance-aware quanti- zation that decides what precision should be used on a per frame basis for efficient video recognition. Specifically, we utilize a lightweight policy network to predict these decisions and train it in parallel with an any-precision recognition net- work with the goal of achieving both competitive accuracy and resource efficiency. 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Below we provide more details on each of the We use the v1.3 split of ActivityNet dataset which consists of more than 648 hours of untrimmed videos from a total of 20K videos. Specifically, this dataset has 10,024 videos for training, 4926 videos for validation and 5044 videos for testing with an average duration of 117 seconds. It contains 200 different daily activities such as: walking the dog, long jump, and vacuuming floor. We use the training videos to train our network, and the validation set for testing as labels in the testing set are withheld by the authors. The dataset is publicly available to download . FCVID. Fudan-Columbia Video Dataset (FCVID) contains total 91,223 Web videos annotated manually according to 239 categories (45,611 videos for training and 45,612 videos for testing). The categories cover a wide range of topics like social events, procedural events, objects, scenes, etc. that form in a hierarchy of 11 high-level groups (183 classes are related to events and 56 are objects, scenes, etc.). The total duration of FCVID is 4,232 hours with an average video duration of 167 seconds. The dataset is available to . Mini-Sports1M. Mini-Sports1M is a subset of Sports- 1M [ 28] dataset with 1.1M videos of 487 different fine- grained sports. It is assembled by [ 14] using videos of length 2-5 mins, and randomly sample 30 videos for each class for training, and 10 videos for each class for test- ing. The classes are arranged in a manually-curated tax- onomy that contains internal nodes such as Aquatic Sports, Team Sports, Winter Sports, Ball Sports, etc, and gener- ally becomes fine-grained by the leaf level. We obtain the training and testing splits from the authors of [ 14] to per- form our experiments. Both training and testing videos in this dataset are untrimmed. This dataset is available to download at . Mini-Kinetics. Kinetics-400 is a large-scale dataset con- taining 400 action classes and 240K training videos that are collected from YouTube. Since the full Kinetics dataset is quite large and the original version is no longer avail- able from official site (about 15% videos are missing), we use the Mini-Kinetics dataset that contains 121K videos for training and 10K videos for testing, with each video lasting 6-10 seconds. We use official splits of Mini-Kinetics released by authors [ 34] in our 4-bit 4 0.01 5e-4 0.01 5e-4 0.01 5e-3 ResNet-50 2 0.1 5e-4 0.1 5e-4 0.01 6e-2 Table 7: Hyperparameters for training the network . We use separate sets of learning rate, weight decay) for clipping values of each 0.21 0.5 0.1 FCVID 0.11 1.0 0.21 0.5 0.21 0.3 0.1 Table 8: Hyperparameters to train the policy network . B. Implementation Details In this section, we provide more details regarding We train the any-precision recognition net- work from the full-precision recognition network pretrained on the same dataset for 100 epochs. Then we optimize the policy network accompanied with the well-trained recognition network for 50 epochs and the policy network is initialized with the weight pretrained on the same dataset as well. For our experiments, we use 12 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs for training the network and 6 GPUSs for training the policy network. All our models were implemented and trained via PyTorch. In Table 7 and 8, we provide the initial value (init), learning rate ( lr) and weight decay ( wd) for each precision to train the any-precision recognition network, as well as hyperparameters w1,w2andw3(in Eq. (13) in the main paper) to train the policy network. The data augmen- tations in our approach are based on the practices in [ 53]. We first randomly resize the shorter side of an image to a range of [256, 320) while keeping aspect ratio and then ran- domly crop a 224224region and normalize it with the ImageNet's mean and standard deviation to form the The training time depends on the size of datasets and the task. We will make our code after the acceptance. C. Additional Ablation of LSTM. We investigate the effectiveness of LSTM for modeling video causality in the policy network by comparing with a variant of VideoIQ without LSTM (see Table 9). On ActivityNet and Mini-Sports1M datasets, the variant without LSTM yields 0:7%and0:3%lower mAP with similar GFLOPs than VideoIQ respectively. that LSTM is critical for good performance as it makes the policy network aware of all useful information seen so far by aggregating the sequence history.Model mAP (%) LSTM 74.1 28.8 LSTM 74.8 LSTM 46.1 26.4 LSTM 46.4 26.8 Table 9: Effect of LSTM on ActivityNet and Mini-Sports1M (%) GFLOPs X X X X 44.6 26.5 X X 46.6 58.5 X X X 46.3 28.5 X X X X 46.2 26.9 X X X X X 46.4 26.8 Table 10: Effect of different losses on Mini-Sports1M . Decision Space mAP (%) GFLOPs f32, 0g 43.9 28.7 f32, 4, 2g 46.1 29.3 f32, 4, 0g 43.9 33.5 f32, 2, 0g 46.0 32.9 f32, 4, 2, 0g 46.4 26.8 Table 11: Effect of different decision space on Mini-Sports1M . Effect of Different Losses. Similar to Table 5 of the main paper, we further ablate different losses on Table 10) and observe that without knowledge transfer from a pretrained full-precision model, our method only achieves 44:6%with similar amount of GFLOPs. It once again demonstrates the importance of using the as the teacher for effective training of lower precisions. When training without efficiency loss (by setting Le= 0), it achieves 46:6%mAP ( 0:2%improvement) but with 118%
more FLOPs. Furthermore, LbandLdboth improve the performance with similar computational cost. Effect of Decision Space. Similar to Table 6 in main paper, we show the effect of decision space on Mini- Sports1M (see Table 11). We adjust the training loss to keep their GFLOPS at the same level and we only com- pare the differences in recognition performances. Only skipping frames yields 43:9%in mAP ( 0:5%lower than
=f32;4;2;0g). Among all the alternatives, the best strat- egy is to set =f32;4;2;0gfor achieving top mAP with 26:8GFLOPs. D. Qualitative Results In this section, we provide additional qualitative exam- ples to visualize the learnt policy (see Figure 6). Videos are uniformly sampled in 8 frames. VideoIQ processes most informative frames with 32-bit precision while it skips or uses lower precision for the less informative frames accuracy (see top 4 examples in Figure 6: Swim- ming, Tractor Pulling, Bujinkan and Using it uses 2-bit precision instead of 32-bit precision (see bottom 2 examples in Figure 6: Riding Camel and Freestyle Football) after being confident about the action. | 2108.10394 | Ximeng Sun | Ximeng Sun, Rameswar Panda, Chun-Fu Chen, Aude Oliva, Rogerio Feris,
Kate Saenko | Dynamic Network Quantization for Efficient Video Inference | ICCV 2021 Camera Ready Version | null | null | null | cs.CV | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Deep convolutional networks have recently achieved great success in yet their practical realization remains a challenge due to the large amount of computational resources required to achieve robust by the effectiveness of quantization for boosting efficiency, in this paper, we propose a dynamic network quantization framework, that selects optimal precision for each frame conditioned on the input for efficient Specifically, given a video clip, we train a very in parallel with the recognition network, to produce a dynamic which numerical precision to be used per frame in We train both networks effectively using standard backpropagation with a loss to achieve both competitive performance and resource efficiency required for video recognition. Extensive experiments on four challenging datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach provides in computation and memory usage while outperforming the methods.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:23:57 GMT"
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2 J. HOM with the opposite orientation. The Rokhlin invariant [Roh52] gives a that 3 Zis nontrivial. Manolescu [Man16c] showed that if (Y) = 1, then Yis not of order two in 3 Z. By work of Galewski-Stern [GS80] and this leads to a disproof of the triangulation conjecture in dimensions 5. See [Man16b, Man18] for an overview of this work. The triangulation conjecture is also false in dimension 4, by work of Casson; see [FS85] used gauge theory to show that 3 Zis innite, and Furuta [Fur90] and Fintushel-Stern [FS90] improved this result to show that 3 Zcontains a subgroup isomorphic to Z1. Fryshov [Fr02] used Yang-Mills theory to dene a surjective homomorphism 3 Z!Z, showing that 3 Zhas a direct summand iso- morphic to Z. (This is stronger than having a Zsubgroup, since, for example, Z is a subgroup of Qbut not a summand.) In joint work with Dai, Storegen, and Truong, we use involutive Heegaard Floer homology [HM17] to prove the 1.1 ([DHST18]) .The homology cobordism group 3 Zcontains a direct summand isomorphic to Z1. Fundamental questions about the structure of 3 Zremain open: Question 1.2. Does 3 Zcontain any torsion? Modulo torsion, is 3 Zfree abelian? If there is any torsion in 3 Z, two-torsion seems the most likely. Indeed, any integer homology sphere Yadmitting an of order at most two in 3 Z. However, as far as we are aware, all known examples of suchYbound integer homology balls, and hence are trivial in 3 Z. In a dierent direction, it is natural to ask which types of manifolds can represent a given class [ Y]23 Z. The rst answers to this question were in the [Liv81] showed that every class in 3 Zcan be represented by an homology sphere and Myers [Mye83] improved this to show that every class has a hyperbolic the negative direction, Fryshov (in unpublished work), F. Lin [Lin17], and Storegen [Sto17] showed that there are classes in 3 Zthat do not admit Seifert bered representatives. [NST19] improved this result to show that there are classes that do not admit a Seifert bered representative nor a representative that is surgery on a knot in S3. However, none of these results were sucient to obstruct 3 Zfrom being generated by Seifert bered spaces. In joint work with Hendricks, Storegen, and Zemke, we prove the 1.3 ([HHSZ20, HHSZ21]) .The homology cobordism group 3 Zis not gen- erated by Seifert bered spaces. More specically, let SFdenote the subgroup gen- erated by Seifert bered spaces. The quotient 3 Z=SFis innitely generated. In light of the aforementioned result, it is natural to ask: Question 1.4. Do surgeries on knots in S3generate 3 Z? The expectation is that surgeries on knots in S3are not suciently generic to generate 3 Z, but such a result seems beyond the capabilities of current tools.HOMOLOGY COBORDISM, KNOT CONCORDANCE, AND HF HOMOLOGY 3 1.2.Knot concordance. Two knots if there exists a smooth, properly embedded annulus AinS3[0;1] such that Ki=A(S3fig) for i= 0;1. The knot concordance group Cconsists of knots in S3modulo the operation induced by connected sum. The inverse of [ K] inCis given by [ K], where Kdenotes the reverse of the mirror image of K. A if it bounds a smoothly embedded disk in B4. Fox-Milnor [FM66] and Murasugi [Mur65] showed that Cis nontrivial, and J. Levine [Lev69] used the Seifert form to dene a surjective homomorphism that Cis in fact highly nontrivial. In higher odd dimensions (that Levine's homomorphism is an isomorphism, while in the classical dimension, the kernel is nontrivial [CG86]. See [Liv05] for a survey of knot concordance. We can consider various generalizations of the knot concordance group. For ex- ample, rather than considering annuli in S3[0;1], we may consider annuli in homology cobordisms. Two knots concordant if they cobound a smooth, properly embedded annulus in a homology the group of knots in S3, modulo homology concordance. A the identity in CZif and only if Kbounds a smoothly embedded disk in some homology 4-ball. Since B4is of course a homology 4-ball, there is naturally a surjection from CtoCZ. A natural question is whether or not this map is injective; in other words: Question 1.5. If a knotKS3bounds a disk in a homology 4-ball, must Kalso bound a disk in B4? One reason why the question above is challenging is that many obstructions to a knotKbounding a disk in B4also obstruct Kfrom bounding a disk in a even more dicult question is the 1.6. If a knotKS3bounds a disk in a homotopy 4-ball, must Kalso bound a disk in B4? Recall the smooth 4-dimensional Poincar e conjecture which by work of Freedman [Fre82] may be stated as 1.7 (Smooth 4-dimensional Poincar e conjecture) .If a smooth 4-manifold Xis homeomorphic to S4, thenXis actually dieomorphic to S4. A negative answer to Question 1.6 provides one possible strategy for 1.7. Indeed, by Freedman [Fre82], any homotopy 4-sphere is home- omorphic to S4. Now suppose we found a homotopy 4-sphere Xand a such that Kbounds a smoothly embedded disk in XnB4. If we could obstruct Kfrom bounding a smoothly embedded disk in B4, then it follows that Xcannot be dieomorphic to S4. This approach was attempted in [FGMW10, MP21], but has yet to lead to a disproof of the conjecture. We now return to the group CZ. This group is naturally a subgroup of bCZ, the group of manifold-knot pairs ( Y;K), whereYis a homology sphere bounding a homology ball and Kis a knot in Y, modulo homology concordance. One can ask4 J. HOM whether the injection from CZtobCZis a surjection. Adam Levine [Lev16] answered this question in the negative, showing that there exist knots in a homology fact, his example bounds a contractible 4-manifold) that are not concordant to any knot in S3. Expanding on this result, in joint work with Levine and Lidman, we prove the 1.8 ([HLL18]) .The subgroupCZbCZis of innite index. More the quotient bCZ=CZis innitely generated, and (2) contains a subgroup isomorphic to Z. This result demonstrates the vast dierence between knots in S3and knots in arbi- trary homology spheres bounding homology balls, up to concordance. The examples in the innite generation part of the theorem bound contractible 4-manifolds; it's unknown whether the examples in the Zsubgroup do. Zhou [Zho20] proved that the quotient bCZ=CZhas a subgroup isomorphic to Z1. (It's unknown whether his exam- ples bound contractible 4-manifolds.) Forthcoming joint work with Dai, Storegen, and Truong [DHST21a] improves Zhou's result to a Z1-summand. One can also consider concordance in more general 4-manifolds. Let Rbe a ring. Two closed, oriented, connected 3-manifolds cobordant if there exists a smooth, compact, oriented 4-manifold Wsuch the inclusions :Yi!Winduce 0;1. We have already discussed the case R=Z. The rational group 3 Qcontains elements of order two, for example, [ RP3]; in contrast, as asked in Question 1.2, it remains open whether there is any torsion in the integer homology cobordism group 3 Z. We can consider concordances in other R-homology cobordisms, such as Q-s. A knot KS3isrationally slice if it is Q-homology concordant to the unknot, or equivalently, if Kbounds a smoothly embedded disk in a the subgroup of Cconsisting of rationally slice knots. Cochran, based on work of Fintushel-Stern [FS84], showed that the gure-eight knot is ra- tionally slice. Hence Z=2Zis a subgroup of CQS, since the gure-eight is and not slice. Cha [Cha07] extended this result to show that CQShas a subgroup isomorphic to ( Z=2Z)1. A natural question to ask is whether CQScon- tains elements of innite order (see, for example, [Ush11, Problem 1.11]). Joint work with Kang, Park, and Storegen uses the involutive knot Floer package [HM17] to prove: Theorem 1.9 ([HKPS20]) .The group of rationally slice knots CQScontains a sub- group isomorphic to Z1. The gure-eight is slice in a rational homology 4-ball WwithH1(W;Z) =Z=2Z (see, for example, [AL18, Section 3]), as are Cha's examples 1.10. Does there exist a knot KS3that is not slice in B4but is slice in a rational homology 4-ball COBORDISM, KNOT CONCORDANCE, AND HF HOMOLOGY 5 Compare this question to Question 1.5, which asks whether there is a knot KS3 that is not slice in B4but is slice in a integer homology 4-ball W. Indeed, both Questions 1.5 and 1.10 can be viewed as incremental steps towards Question 1.6, a negative answer to which would in turn disprove the smooth 4-dimensional Poincar concordance. We conclude the introduction with a discussion of ribbon knots, ribbon concordances, and ribbon homology cobordisms. A knot K
S3isribbon if it bounds an immersed disk in S3with only ribbon singularities. A ribbon singularity is a closed arc consisting of intersection points of the disk with itself such that the preimage of this arc is two disjoint arcs in the disk with one arc a1being contained entirely in the interior of the disk and the other arc a2having its endpoints on the boundary of the disk. See Figure 1. Note that ribbon knots are slice, since ribbon singularities can be resolved in the 4-ball (namely, by pushing the arca1farther into the 4-ball). Figure 1. An example of a ribbon disk. Conjecture 1.11 (Slice-ribbon conjecture [Fox62]) .Every slice knot is ribbon. The slice-ribbon conjecture is true for two-bridge knots [Lis07] and many innite families of pretzel knots [GJ11, Lec15]. On the other hand, potential exist; see, for example, [GST10, a ribbon knot can be dened as a knot KS3that bounds a ribbon disk inB4, that is, a smoothly embedded disk DB4such that the radial Morse function on B4restricted to Dhas no interior local maxima. There is a ribbon concordance fromK0toK1if there is a concordance from with no interior local maxima (with respect to the natural height or equivalently if projection to [0 ;1] is Morse with only index 0 and index 1 critical points. Note that, unlike ordinary concordance, ribbon concordance is not symmetric (and that the convention regarding the direction of the varies in the 1.12 ([Gor81]) .Ribbon concordance is a partial order. That is, if there exists a ribbon concordance from K0toK1and a ribbon concordance from K1to K0, [Gor81] proved that Conjecture 1.12 holds for bered knots and and more generally for the class of knots generated by such knots under6 J. HOM the operations of connected sum and cabling. He also proved that if Sis a from K0toK1, is injective and is surjective, where Xdenotes the exterior of SinS3[0;1]. The notion of a ribbon concordance can also be generalized to homology cobor- disms. A ribbon cobordism between two 3-manifolds is a cobordism admitting a handle decomposition with only 1- and 2-handles. Observe that the complement of a ribbon concordance from one knot to another is naturally a ribbon their knot complements. We have the following 3-manifold analog of Con- jecture 1.12: Conjecture 1.13 ([DLVVW19]) .Ribbon Q-homology cobordism is a partial order on closed, oriented, connected 3-manifolds. That is, if there exists a ribbon Q- homology cobordism from Y0toY1and a ribbon Q-homology cobordism from Y1to Y0, thenY0andY1are results in [DLVVW19] provide evidence in support of Conjecture The remainder of this article is devoted to discussing applica- tions of Heegaard Floer homology to the theorems and problems discussed above. We will describe various Heegaard Floer chain complexes associated to 3-manifolds and knots inside of them. As we progress, our chain complexes will have more and more structure; we will sketch how this additional structure leads to the in the introduction. In Section 2, we discuss properties of the Heegaard Floer 3-manifold invariant of [OS04c, OS04d] and applications to homology cobordism. In Section 3, we move on to knot Floer homology [OS04b, Ras03] and applications to concordance. With the advent of involutive Heegaard Floer homology [HM17], these invariants can be endowed with additional structure; in Section 4, we describe involutive Heegaard Floer homology, and in Section 5, we delve into involutive knot Floer in Section 6, we discuss the potential (or lack thereof) for Heegaard Floer homology to answer the questions posed in the Section 1. For an introduction to many of the tools described in this article, we refer the reader to Sections 1{3 of would like to thank my collaborators Irving Dai, Kristen Hendricks, Sungkyung Kang, Adam Levine, Tye Lidman, JungHwan Park, Matthew Storegen, Linh Truong, and Ian Zemke for the privilege of working with them and for their patience in working with me. The questions posed in this article are generally well-known in the eld; I learned of most of them through problems sessions and discussions over the years. I am grateful to all of my colleagues who have generously given their time and energy to conference organization and conversation. I would also like to thank Robert Lipshitz, Chuck Livingston, Ciprian Manolescu, and Andr as Stipsicz for helpful comments on an earlier draft.HOMOLOGY COBORDISM, KNOT CONCORDANCE, AND HF HOMOLOGY 7 2.Heegaard Floer homology: the 3-manifold invariant In this section, we consider the Heegaard Floer 3-manifold invariant and maps induced by 4-dimensional cobordisms. For expository overviews of Heegaard Floer homology, see, for example, [OS06b], [Juh15], and [Hom20, Section and examples. Given a closed, oriented 3-manifold Y, its Hee- gaard Floer homology HF (Y) is a nitely generated, graded module over F[U], where F=Z=2ZandUis a formal variable in degree 2. (There are other of Heegaard Floer homology, but for the purposes of this article, we will focus on the minus version.) More precisely, every closed, oriented 3-manifold Ycan be described as a union of two handlebodies; such a decomposition is called a Heegaard splitting . In turn, a Heegaard splitting can be described via a Heegaard diagram H, consisting of a closed, oriented surface of genus g, together with g-circles and g-circles, which describe how the handlebodies ll in the surface on either side. (These circles are required to satisfy a certain homological condition.) For technical reasons, we also x a basepoint zin the complement of the - and-circles. Any two the same 3-manifold can be related by a sequence of Heegaard moves , as described in [OS06b, Section 2.6]; see also [Hom20, Section 1]. From this data, Ozsv ath-Szab o [OS04c] construct CF (H), a free, nitely gener- ated, graded chain complex over F[U]. The variable Ukeeps track of the basepoint z. The chain homotopy type of CF (H) is an invariant of Y; that is, it does not depend on the choice of Heegaard diagram, nor on any other choices made in the construction. We often write CF (Y) to denote this chain homotopy class, or a representative thereof. Juh [JTZ12] prove something even stronger: Heegaard Floer homology is natural, in the sense that it assigns a concrete module, rather than an isomorphism class of modules, to a 2.1.The Heegaard Floer homology of S3isHF (S3) =F(0)[U], where the subscript (0) denotes that 1 2F[U] is in grading 0. (This can easily be computed using the denition of the Heegaard Floer chain 2.2.The Heegaard Floer homology of the Brieskorn homology sphere
(2;3;7) is HF ((2;3;7)) = F(0)[U]F(0). (This is not so easy to compute directly from the denition of Heegaard Floer homology; however, it is a consequence of some of the formal properties of Heegaard Floer 2.3.The Heegaard Floer homology of the Brieskorn homology sphere
(2;3;5) is HF ((2;3;5)) = F( 2)[U]. (This can be computed using some of the formal properties of Heegaard Floer 2.4.In this article, we take the slightly unconventional grading which simplies the formula for gradings in, for example, HF of connected sums. Many other sources use the convention that HF (S3) =F( 2)[U], which simplies calculations in HF+. Remark 2.5.For rational homology spheres, the gradings in Heegaard Floer ho- mology take values in Q. For integer homology spheres, the gradings take values in 2Z. For 3-manifolds YwithH1(Y;Z) innite, the gradings are slightly see [OS03b, Section 4.2].8 J. HOM Since the degree of Uis 2, any homogenously graded polynomial in F[U] is of the formUnfor somen2N. Thus, by the fundamental theorem of nitely generated graded modules over a PID, we have that HF (Y) is of the rational homology sphere; that is, HF (Y) is a direct sum of a free part and aU-torsion part. Ozsv ath-Szab o [OS04d, Theorem 10.1] show that when Yis an integer homology sphere, N= 1, that is, HF (Y) is of the form HF (Y) number dabove is called the d-invariant ofY, denotedd(Y). More a rational homology sphere with jH1(Y;Z)j=k, there are exactly kfree summands in HF (Y), in which case one obtains a k-tuple ofd-invariants of Y. Heegaard Floer homology satises a K unneth-type formula under connected sums [OS04d, Theorem 1.5]. That is, CF (Y1#Y2) is chain homotopy equivalent particular, if Y1andY2are integer homology spheres, then the d-invariant is additive under connected sum. (An analogous statement also holds for more maps. Heegaard Floer homology is a topolog- ical quantum eld theory (TQFT) [OS06a, Theorem 1.1]. That is, to a Floer homology associates a module, and to a 4-manifold cobordism W fromY0toY1, it associates a chain a homology cobordism, FWinduces an [OS03b, Proof of Theorem 9.1]. A straightforward algebra calculation then implies that d-invariants are invariants of homology cobordism. In particular, we have a homomorphism d: 3 Z!2Z; and this homomorphism is surjective, since d((2;3;5)) = 2. In light of the discussion above, and motivated by the desire to study the ho- mology cobordism group 3 Z, one could dene an equivalence relation , called local equivalence , on Heegaard Floer chain complexes, where there exist F[U]-module chain and isomorphisms on U 1HF (Yi). We can now consider the integer homology sphere g=HOMOLOGY COBORDISM, KNOT CONCORDANCE, AND HF HOMOLOGY 9 under the operation induced by tensor product. This construction yields a by sending [ Y] to [ CF (Y)]. However, it turns out that Dis isomorphic toZ, with the isomorphism being given by [ homology cobordisms. Ribbon homology cobordisms induce par- ticularly nice maps on Heegaard Floer 2.6 ([DLVVW19, Theorem 1.19]) .LetWbe a ribbon homology injective, and includes HF (Y0)into HF (Y1)as a direct summand. The proof of Theorem 2.6 relies on considering the doubleD(W) ofW, formed they also prove that the analogous statement holds for ribbon Z=2Z-homology cobordisms. Their approach was inspired by [Zem19b]. 3.Knot Floer homology In this section, we will discuss the Heegaard Floer knot invariant, maps induced by concordances, and various concordance invariants arising from the knot Floer complex. For expository overviews of knot Floer homology, see [OS06b, Section 10], [Man16a], [Hom17], [HW18, Section 2], and [Hom20, Section 3]. Note that [Hom20] uses the same notation and conventions used here (i.e., viewing the knot Floer complex as a module over a two-variable polynomial ring), while the others use a dierent but equivalent formulation in terms of ltered chain and examples. For simplicity, we will focus on knots in integer homology spheres. Let Kbe a knot in an integer homology sphere Y. We can describe the pair ( Y;K) via a doubly pointed Heegaard diagram H, which consists of a Heegaard diagram for Ywith an extra basepoint w. The knot Kis the union of two arcs, specied by connecting the basepoint wto the basepoint zin the complement of the -arcs, pushed slightly into one handlebody, and connecting zto win the complement of the -arcs, pushed slightly into the other handlebody. See, for example, [Hom20, Section 1] for more details. From this data, Ozsv ath-Szabo [OS04c] and independently J. Rasmussen a chain complex CFK (H). One way of constructing this chain complex (see, for example, [Zem19c, Section 1.5]) is as a free, nitely generated, bigraded chain complex over F[U;V], the second formal variable Vcorresponding to the sec- ond basepoint w. As one would hope, the chain homotopy type of CFK (H) is an invariant of the pair ( Y;K), and does not depend on the choice of diagram, nor on any of the other choices made in the construction. We often write CFK (Y;K), or simply CFK (K) whenY=S3, to denote this chain homotopy class, or a rep- resentative thereof. Moreover, like the 3-manifold version, knot Floer homology is natural [JTZ12]. Example 3.1.The knot Floer complex of the unknot in S3is generated over F[U;V] by a single generator xin bigrading (0 ;0) with trivial dierential. (This can be computed directly from the denition of the knot Floer chain complex.)10 J. HOM Example 3.2.The knot Floer complex of the right handed trefoil is generated over F[U;V] bya;b;andcwith the following dierentials and bigradings:
@ gr a 0 (0 ; 2) b Ua +Vc ( 1; 1) c 0 ( 2;0) (This can be computed directly from the denition of the knot Floer chain complex.) There is not a simple characterization of graded modules over F[U;V], since F[U;V] is not a PID. One way to obtain a module over a PID is to setV= 0 on the chain level. (There is a symmetry between UandV, so one could instead choose to set U= 0.) Taking homology of the resulting chain complex, we obtain a version of knot Floer homology, namely =H(CFK (Y;K)=(V= 0)): If we prefer an even simpler algebraic structure, we can set both UandVequal to zero on the chain level. Taking homology of the resulting chain complex, we obtain another version of knot Floer homology, denoted [HFK (Y;K): [HFK (Y;K) =H(CFK (Y;K)=(U=V= 0)): Using a suitable renormalized bigrading, this is the version of knot Floer homology whose graded Euler characteristic is the Alexander polynomial. Like the 3-manifold invariant, the knot Floer complex satises a K unneth-type for- mula under connected sums [OS04d, Theorem 1.5]. That is, CFK (Y1#Y2;K1#K2) is chain homotopy equivalent to CFK induced by concordances. Knot Floer homology also behaves nicely under cobordisms. Consider a cobordism ( W;S) from (Y0;K0) to (Y1;K1); that is,Wis a 4-manifold cobordism from Y1toY2andSWa properly surface with boundary K0tK1. The pair ( W;S) induces a (Y0;K0)!CFK (Y1;K1): WhenWis a homology cobordism and Sis an annnulus, FW;Sinduces an (U;V) 1HFK (Y0;K0)= !(U;V) 1HFK (Y1;K1); where (U;V) 1HFK (Y0;K0) =H(CFK [Zem19c, Theorem 1.7]. When W=S3[0;1], we may simply write FSinstead ofFW;S. Using this additional structure, we dene an equivalence relation on these chain complexes that is well-suited to studying the knot concordance group, and more generally, concordances in homology 3.3. Two knot Floer complexes, CFK (Y0;K0) and CFK (Y1;K1) are locally equivalent , denoted CFK (Y0;K0)CFK (Y1;K1), if there exist F[U;V]- module chain maps f:CFK (Y0;K0)!CFK (Y1;K1) and g:CFK (Y1;K1)!CFK (Y0;K0)HOMOLOGY COBORDISM, KNOT CONCORDANCE, AND HF HOMOLOGY 11 inducing isomorphisms on ( U;V) 1HFK (Yi;Ki). Remark 3.4.In the literature, this equivalence relation is also referred to as +- equivalence [KP18] and stable equivalence [Hom17]. As in the 3-manifold case above, we can now consider the group C=fCFK a ZHB4,Ka knot inYg=
under the operation induced by tensor product, giving us a by sending [( Y;K)] to [ CFK (Y;K)]. (We require Yto bound a ZHB4to parallel the denition of bCZ.) By precomposing with the map C!bCZ, we obtain group Cis not easy to study. One way to obtain a simpler algebraic structure is to setV= 0, in which case we can run the analogous construction; that is, we can consider the group C0=fCFK (Y;K)=(V= a ZHB4,Ka knot inYg=
where CFK (Y0;K0)=(V= 0)CFK (Y1;K1)=(V= 0) if there exist maps f:CFK (Y0;K0)=(V= 0)!CFK (Y1;K1)=(V= 0) g:CFK (Y1;K1)=(V= 0)!CFK (Y0;K0)=(V= 0) inducing isomorphisms on U 1HFK (Yi;Ki); we call this equivalence relation mod V. As in the 3-manifold case, this group C0is isomorphic to Z; in- deed, up to renormalization, this construction yields the Ozsv ath-Szab o (see also [OST08, Appendix A]). In a case of mathematical Goldilocks, working over the full ring F[U;V] yields a group that is too complicated to study, while working over the ring F[U] =
F[U;V]=(V= 0) yields a group that is too simple. Somewhat miraculously, it turns out that working over the ring F[U;V]=(UV= 0) is just right, at least for knots inS3. The main idea is that although F[U;V]=(UV= 0) has zero-divisors, it is somehow closer to being a PID than F[U;V] is. Furthermore, for knots in S3, the local equivalence group mod UVis totally ordered, as we now 3.5. We say that CFK (K1)CFK (K2) if there exists an F[U;V]=(UV= 0)-module chain map f:CFK (K1)!CFK (K2) such thatfinduces an isomorphism on H(CFK If CFK (K1)CFK (K2) and CFK (K2)CFK (K1); then we say that CFK (K1) and CFK (K2) are locally equivalent mod UV. Remark 3.6.Note that since UandVare both zero-divisors in F[U;V]=(UV), we cannot invert them directly. Also note that requiring fto induce an isomorphism on H(CFK is ever so slightly stronger than requiring fto induce an isomorphism on V 1H(CFK (Ki)=U).12 J. HOM This is the same total order as the one induced by in [Hom14b]. Indeed, one way to dene the f 1;0;1g-valued concordance invariant [Hom14a] (see also [DHST21b, Section 3]) is as follows:
(K)0 if and only if CFK if and only if CFK (K)F[U;V]. In particular, (K) = 0 if and only if F[U;V]CFK (K)F[U;V]. For knots in S3, we are able to characterize their knot Floer complexes, up to local equivalence mod UV: Theorem 3.7 ([DHST21b, Theorem 1.3]) .LetKbe a knot in S3. The knot Floer complex of Kis locally equivalent mod UV to a standard complex, which can be represented by a nite sequence of nonzero integers. Moreover, if we endow the integers with the following unusual local equivalence classes mod UV are ordered with respect to their standard Section 4 of [DHST21b] for the denition of a standard complex. This of knot Floer complexes up to local equivalence mod UVis a key step in the denition of the linearly independent family of concordance i2N from [DHST21b]. The main idea is that 'i(K) is the signed count of the number of times thatiappears in the sequence of integers parametrizing the local modUVofCFK (K). (For symmetry reasons, we actually only consider every other term in the sequence; see [DHST21b, Section 7] for more details.) For knots in S3, we have the following relationships between ;, and'i: Theorem 3.8 ([DHST21b, Proposition 1.2], [Hom14b, Proposition 3.2]) .LetKbe a knot inS3. (1) If(K) = 0 , then'i(K) = 0 for alli. (2) The invariant is equal to
(K) particular, if (K) = 0 , then(K) = 0 . The invariant can be generalized to a homology concordance invariant [HLL18, Section 4], which behaves like a sign under connected sum, in the sense that
if(Y1;K1) =(Y2;K2), =(Y1;K1), and
if(Y1;K1) = 0, then (Y1#Y2;K1#K2) =(Y2;K2). The proof of Theorem 1.8(2) relies on using the ltered mapping cone of [HL19] to produce a manifold-knot pair ( Y;K) with(Y;K) = 0 and (Y;K) = 1. By Theorem 3.8, we know that if a knot Kin a manifold Yis homology concordant to any = 0, then (Y;K) = 0. Hence KYis not to any knot in S3. Moreover, since is a concordance homomorphism, it follows that any nonzero multiple of ( Y;K) has= 0 andnonzero, hence cannot be homology concordant to any knot in S3.HOMOLOGY COBORDISM, KNOT CONCORDANCE, AND HF HOMOLOGY 13 Remark 3.9.Note and more generally the local equiva- lence class of CFK (K) are all invariant under concordances in rational s. In particular, they all vanish for rationally slice knots. Thus, in order to studyCQS, the group of rationally slice knots, we will need additional structure, as discussed in Section 5. 3.3.Ribbon concordances. As in the case for 3-manifolds, ribbon particularly nice maps on the knot Floer complex: Theorem 3.10 ([Zem19b, Theorem 1.7]) .LetSbe a ribbon concordance from and letS0denote the concordance obtained by reversing S. Then FS0FS:CFK (K0)!CFK (K0) is chain homotopic to the identiy, via an chain homotopy. In particular, if Sis a ribbon concordance from K0toK1, then [HFK (K0)is a direct summand of [HFK (K1)and HFK (K0)is a direct summand of HFK (K1). Since knot Floer homology detects the knot genus g(K) [OS04a], an of the above theorem is that if there is a ribbon concordance from [Zem19b, Theorem Heegaard Floer homology We would like to use the Heegaard Floer package to study homology cobordism. In light of Theorem 3.7, we see that a richer algebraic structure, namely, chain com- plexes over a more complicated ring than F[U], can give us richer invariants. Fortu- nately for us, Hendricks and Manolescu [HM17] endowed the Heegaard Floer chain complex with the additional structure of a homotopy involution . Very roughly, this additional data lets us think of the Heegaard Floer chain complex as a mod- ule over (a quotient of) a two variable polynomial ring, allowing us to employ the techniques used in the proof of Theorem 3.7 to dene an innite family of cobordism homomorphisms. These homomorphisms lead to the proof of Theorem 1.1. Furthermore, the characterization of such chain complexes up to a suitable notion of local equivalence is a key ingredient in the proof of Theorem and examples. Recall that in the construction of Heegaard Floer homology, we specify our 3-manifold Yvia a pointed Heegaard diagram H=
(;;;z), where is a closed, oriented surface of genus g, and andare each a collection of gdisjoint embedded circles in . Reversing the orientation of
reverses the orientation of Y, as does reversing the roles of the - and-circles. In particular, the Heegaard diagram H= ( ;;;z) describes the same manifold as H, namelyY. Thus, there is a sequence of Heegaard moves taking HtoH, chain chain map is well-dened since Heegaard Floer homology is natural [JTZ12]. There is also a canonical F[U]-equivariant chain complex J. HOM given by the obvious identication of the generators of the two chain and Manolescu show that = H;His a homotopy involution (that is, that2'id) and prove that for a homology sphere Y, the chain homotopy type of the pair ( CF (H);) is an invariant of Y[HM17, Proof of Proposotion 2.7]; we will write ( CF (Y);), called the -complex of Y, to denote a representative of this equivalence class. (An analogous statement holds for a general 3-manifold equipped with a self-conjugate spinc-structure; for ease of exposition, we have chosen to focus on homology spheres to eliminate the need to discuss 4.1.The-complex of S3is (F[U];id). (The map is uniquely determined by the fact that 2'id.) Example 4.2.The-complex of (2 ;3;7) is generated over F[U] and gradings as follows:
@ gr a 0c 0 b Ua +Uc b 1 c 0a 0 (The map can be computed by realizing (2;3;7) as +1-surgery on the left handed trefoil. See [HM17, Section 6.8].) We have the following K unneth-type formula for -complexes of connected sums [HMZ18, Theorem 2) denotes the homotopy involution on Y1(respectively the homotopy involution on maps. The mapbehaves nicely with respect to cobordism maps. For expositional simplicity, we will focus on homology cobordisms. (One can also consider general cobordisms with a conjugacy class of A WfromY0toY1induces a chain commutes with , up to homotopy [HM17, Proof of Proposition particular, we can dene a rened version of local equivalence as 4.3. Two-complexes ( C1;1) and (C2;2) are-locally equivalent , de- noted (C1;1)(C2;2), if there exist F[U]-module chain and isomorphisms on U 1HF (Yi), such that f1'2f andg2'1g: We can now consider the integer homology sphere g=HOMOLOGY COBORDISM, KNOT CONCORDANCE, AND HF HOMOLOGY 15 under the operation induced by tensor product. This construction yields a by sending [ Y] to [( CF (Y);)]. The additional requirement, that the local equivalences homotopy commute with , makes this group more interesting than before. However, this group is almost too interesting, in the sense that it is very dicult to understand. As in the knot case above, a certain algebraic simplication allows us to charac- terize elements in this group, up to an ever so slightly weaker notion of equivalence. The main idea is to append mod U to every statement in Denition 4.3 4.4. Two-complexes ( C1;1) and (C2;2) are almost-locally equiva- lent, if there exist F[U]-module chain and isomorphisms on U 1HF (Yi), such we can relax the denition of an -complex so as to only require that
2'id modU; we will call such a complex an almost-complex .2Almost- classes of almost -complexes are totally ordered, there exists an F[U]-module chain map f:C1!C2inducing an isomorphism such that 4.5 ([DHST18, Theorem 6.2]) .Every-complex is almost -locally equiv- alent to a standard complex, which can be represented by a nite sequence of the 1gandbi2Znf0g. Moreover, if we endow the integers with the following unusual almost -local equivalence classes are ordered with respect to their standard astute reader may notice that Theorem 4.5 looks very similar to Theorem 3.7. Indeed, the idea is that -complexes can roughly be thought of as chain which are then very similar to chain complexes over we can dene a linearly independent family of homology 3 Z!Z; i2N: These homomorphisms can be used to show that the Brieskorn homology span a free innite rank subgroup of 3 Z, proving Theorem 1.1. Rostovtsev [Ros20] gives an alternate proof of Theorem 4.5 and extends our result 2Here, we use the word lmost to denote that any statement regarding should be taken mod U. In the next section, we use the word lmost to denote that any statement regarding Kshould be taken mod ( U;V).16 J. HOM to dene an additional, linearly independent integer-valued homology the group of almost -complexes up to almost -local equivalence. We have the homomorphism
^h: 3 Z!^I dened by sending [ Y] to [( CF (Y);)]. We now describe the main ideas behind the proof of Theorem 1.3, which states that Seifert bered spaces do not generate
3 Z. Let SFdenote the subgroup of 3 Zgenerated by Seifert bered spaces. In [DHST18, Section 8.1], we determine ^h(SF), the image of SFin^I. Recall that elements of ^Iare nite sequences. Elements in ^h(SF) are exactly the a certain monotonicity condition on their terms; see [DHST18, Theorem 8.1] for the precise statement. We then use the involutive surgery formula [HHSZ20, Theorem 1.6] to determine the -complexes of surgeries on a family of connected sums of torus knots and iterated cables. The sequences associated to these surgeries do not satisfy the monotonicity condition of ^h(SF). A similar statement applies to linear combinations of these surgeries, giving Theorem knot Floer homology In the previous section, we put additional structure, namely the homotopy in- volution, on the Heegaard Floer chain complex CF (Y). In this section, we put additional structure, namely a skew-graded, skew-equivariant (i.e., interchanges the actions ofUandV) chain map K, on the knot Floer chain complex CFK (K). The mapKis not a homotopy involution; rather, [HM17, Section 6.2] show that Ksquares to be homotopic to the Sarkar map [Sar15], which is in- duced by moving the basepoints wandzonce around the knot K. The map Kis the additional structure alluded to in Remark and examples. The mapKis dened in a similar way to . Consider a doubly pointed Heegaard diagram H= (;;;z;w ) for a knot Kin an integer homology sphere Y. (With minor modications, these constructions also work for null-homologous knots in any 3-manifold.) The doubly pointed ( ;;;w;z ) also describes KY, and thus there is a sequence of Heegaard moves from HtoHinducing a chain map
H;H:CFK (H)!CFK (H): (Care should be taken with regards to the basepoints; see [HM17, Section 6.2] for details.) There is also a canonical skew-equivariant (H)!CFK (H); given by the obvious identication of the generators of the two chain dened to be H;HK. The chain homotopy type of the pair ( CFK (H);K) is an invariant of the knot KinY[HM17, Proposition 6.3]. As usual, we write (CFK (K);K) to denote a representative of this chain homotopy equivalence class, and we call the pair ( CFK (K);K) anK-complex . Example of the unknot in S3is (F[U;V];id). (The map Kis uniquely determined by the fact that it squares to be homotopic to the Sarkar map.)HOMOLOGY COBORDISM, KNOT CONCORDANCE, AND HF HOMOLOGY 17 Example of the right handed trefoil is described by:
@ K gr a 0c (0; 2) b Ua +Vc b ( 1; 1) c 0a ( 2;0) (The mapKis uniquely determined by the fact that it is skew-graded and squares to be homotopic to the Sarkar map.) There is a K unneth-type formula for K-complexes [Zem19a, Theorem 1.1]: (CFK (K1) CFK [Zem19a, Section 4.2] for the denitions of and ; for an expository overview, see [HKPS20, Section 2]. 5.2.Maps induced by concordances. Let (W;S) be a Z=2Z-homology cobor- dism (Y0;K0) to (Y1;K1); that is,Wis aZ=2Z-homology cobordism from Y0to Y1andSis a concordance from K0toK1. (More generally, one can consider spin cobordisms; see [HM17].) As one would hope, the module homomorphism FW;S induced by ( W;S) behaves nicely with respect to K[Zem19a, Theorem 1.3] in the sense on previous sections, it may now be apparent to the reader what we do next. We jump straight to the denition of almost K-local equivalence; the denition of
K-local equivalence can be obtained by striking out both instances of mod ( U;V) in the denition below. Denition 5.3. TwoK-complexes ( C1;1) and (C2;2) are almostK-locally equiv- alent if there exist F[U;V]-module chain maps f:CFK (Y0;K0)!CFK (Y1;K1) andg:CFK (Y1;K1)!CFK (Y0;K0) inducing isomorphisms on ( U;V) 1HFK (Yi;Ki) such (U;V) skew-equivariant homotopy equivalence. We can now consider ^IK, the group of K-complexes modulo almost K-, with the operation induced by tensor product. Note that this group has 2-torsion, generated by, for example, the gure-eight knot, and hence this group is not totally ordered. In particular, there are rationally slice knots, such as the gure-eight, with nontrivial image in ^IK; this is possible because the (almost) class of a knot is an invariant of concordances in Z=2Z-homology cobor- disms, rather than Q-homology cobordisms, as is the case in the Thus, this toolkit is particularly well-equipped for studying rationally slice knots. The proof of Theorem 1.9 relies on nding a linearly independent family of ra- tionally slice knots. The knots under consideration are Kn, the (2n+ 1;1)-cable of the gure-eight; these knots are rationally slice because the gure-eight is and thus its (2 n+ 1;1)-cable is rationally concordant (i.e., concordant in a rational homology cobordism) to the (2 n+ 1;1)-torus knot, which is the unknot.18 J. HOM We compute the almost K-local equivalence class of ( CFK (Kn);K) using bor- dered Floer homology [LOT18, HRW16], in particular, its applications to cables [HW19, Pet13], together with formal properties of K, such as the fact that it squares to be homotopic to the Sarkar map. With this computation in hand, we observe that there is certain structure in ( CFK (Kn);K) (roughly, a particular F[U]=Unsum- mand in HFK (Kn)) which, using the formula for connected sums of K-complexes and properties of almost K-local equivalences, allows us to determine that the Kn are linearly next? As we've demonstrated, the Heegaard Floer package can answer a range of ques- tions in low-dimensional topology. Do these techniques have the potential to answer any of the open questions from Section 1? Question 1.2 asks whether 3 Zcontains any torsion. The most likely torsion is order two, generated by a homology sphere admitting an There are many constructions for building homology spheres with (for example, the double-branched cover of an amphichiral knot with determinant one, or the splice of a knot complement with that of its mirror), but so far, there has been no success in obstructing such an example from being homology cobordant to S3. One can consider an of the local equivalence group I, by considering all -complexes (not just those known to be realized by a 3-manifold) modulo local equivalence. This algebraic group is known to have two-torsion; the diculty lies in nding a 3-manifold that realizes such an algebraic example. At present, computations of -complexes are limited to certain special families of manifolds (e.g., Seifert bered spaces, surgeries on knots in S3); we hope to improve this shortcoming in the future. Question 1.4 asks whether surgeries on knots in S3generate 3 Z. This seems like a hard question to answer with Heegaard Floer homology, as the question can be realized by surgery on a knot in S3then reduces to the question of which K-complexes can be realized by knots in S3. Even without the additional structure of K, this is a dicult question; for some partial answers, see [HW18], as well as more recent progress in [BVV18], [Krc15], and [Ni21]. As for Questions 1.5 and 1.6, which ask for knots that are not slice in B4but are slice in a homology B4or a homotopy B4, respectively, it seems unlikely that Heegaard Floer homology will be able to provide an answer. Indeed, with the if the Heegaard Floer package obstructs a knot from being slice in B4, then it also obstructs the knot from being slice in a homology or homotopy B4. There are other invariants which may be able to shed light on this question. For example, at present, it remains open whether or not the Rasmussen s-invariant [Ras10], dened using the Lee [Lee05] deformation of Khovanov homology [Kho00] (see [BN02] for an expository overview), vanishes for knots that are slice in a homology or homotopy B4. We now turn to Question 1.10, which asks whether there exists a knot KS3that is not slice in B4but is slice in a rational homology 4-ball seems unlikely that Heegaard Floer homology, in its present form, can address this condition. Note that involutive Heegaard Floer homology gives obstructions to being slice in a Z=2Z-homology 4-ball; if Wis a rational homology 4-ball withHOMOLOGY COBORDISM, KNOT CONCORDANCE, AND HF HOMOLOGY 19 jH1(W;Z)jodd, then it is a Z=2Z-homology ball. However, recall that prior to the advent of involutive Heegaard Floer homology, there was no way to use Heegaard Floer homology to obstruct a knot (such as the gure-eight) from being slice in any rational homology 4-ball. Perhaps there is some other additional structure that we can add to the Heegaard Floer package, yielding new obstructions. Alternatively, it remains possible that the s-invariant may have something to say about this 1.12 posits that ribbon concordance is a partial order. Zemke [Zem19b, Theorem 1.7] proved that if there is a ribbon concordance from K0toK1, then [HFK (K0) injects into [HFK (K1). Thus, if there is also a ribbon concordance from K1toK0, then [HFK (K0)=[HFK (K1). Note that there are innite families of knots with the same knot Floer homology [HW18, Theorem 1]. However, as far as the author knows, there are no known ribbon concordances between distinct knots in any of those families. Further investigation is needed before we rule out knot Floer homology as a tool for resolving Conjecture 1.12. Closely related is Conjecture 1.13, which posits that ribbon Q-homology cobor- dism is a partial order on 3-manifolds. There is a ribbon homology cobordism from S3toY# Yfor any homology sphere Y. TakingY= (2;3;5), and noting we see that we have two dis- tinct 3-manifolds with the same Heegaard Floer homology and a ribbon in one direction. (As alluded to above, we do not know of an in the knot case.) However, since (2 ;3;5)# (2;3;5) does not bound a simply-connected homology 4-ball [Tau87, Proposition 1.7], it follows that there is no ribbon homology cobordism from (2 ;3;5)# (2;3;5) toS3(for if there were, we could glue a 4-ball to the S3end and obtain a simply-connected homology ball with boundary (2 ;3;5)# (2;3;5) ). We refer the reader to [DLVVW19] for further evidence, some of it coming from various Floer homologies, in support of Conjecture 1.13. As we have seen, advances in Heegaard Floer homology have answered many questions about homology cobordism and knot concordance. These successes were not immediate; they began in 2003, when Ozsv ath-Szab o [OS03b, OS03a] dened the homomorphisms d: 3 Z!2Z and:C!Z: The next major step in extracting concordance information from the knot Floer complex was the denition of in 2014 [Hom14b], which in turn led to two innite families of concordance t2[0;2] and 'i:C!Z; i2N; the former dened by Ozsv o's [OSS17], and the latter by Dai, Storegen, Truong, and the author [DHST21b]. The algebraic framework neces- sary to dene tand'iexisted since the inception of knot Floer homology in the early 2000s, yet it took over a decade for anyone to exploit this structure to dene these new homomorphisms. 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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:48:43 GMT"
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2 Will J. Percival et al. be experiments performed in parallel universes that are independent and identically distributed realisations of the same data (so the universal constants are considered the same). are clearly dependent on the prior, while maximum like- lihood estimates are not. In other words: the fraction of times the credible intervals contain the trueparameters for repeated analyses (the frequentist coverage probability) is not necessary equal to the posterior probability enclosed within these intervals. The difference has previously been used in astrophysics to search for during data analysis (Sellentin & Starck so that we can define credible regions that have the property that, for a given parametrisation, the x% credible regions contain the true parameter values in approximately x% of repeated (the Bayesian mechanism) as providing confidence regions with a frequentist coverage probability that matches the associated with interpreting the same regions as cred- ible regions. This match always holds in the asymptotic limit a perfect covariance matrix estimate; here our prior ensures match at the level of equal parameter covariances, for Gaussian linear models and approximately for nonlinear distributions (Sun & Berger 2006), and they are not in- variant to Note also that the differences between the different priors diminish, as expected, when the number of sim- ulations is large and the posterior is dominated by solution, we introduce the notation adopted: x0are the distributed around the true model. From the nssimulations, we construct an unbiased estimate of the covariance matrix (1) where -xisthemeanof fitting a model with nparameters , such that our model for the data is 1o, while the covariance matrix used to form the posterior remains of dimension nd. Without loss of generality we shall assume that the expected values of andare zero, such that they can be ignored in our equations and we can, for example, write the covariance for estimates of ^ash^^Ti. Errors in the covariance matrix used to determine the likelihood have a number of effects on the inferences we make from the et al. (2007) was the first to point out in the whereas1hSo 1is not, commonly (by astronomers) called the Hartlap factor of this effect reaches at least as far back as Kaufman 1967). We discuss the application of the Hartlap factor further in Section 8. Taking a frequentist stance, Dodelson & Schneider (2013) and Taylor & Joachimi (2014) showed that the nature of Shas a a posteriori probability (MAP) model parameters (com- monly called the best-fit parameters). In fact, we will show later that for the priors and linear models that we consider, the this distribution as the distribution of maximum However, as most analyses only work with the posterior, we simply refer to these as the MAP model parameters. Dodelson
& Schneider (2013) provided a second order calculation deriving the distribution of MAP model parameters recovered after averaging over a set of estimated covariance matrices. This derivation is reviewed in Section 3.3. Percival et al. (2014) pointed out that the offset found by Dodelson & Schneider from a set of repeated experiments itself depends on the distribution of S, and they provided a factor by which the match the confidence intervals obtained from the distribution 7. The Bayesian solution was introduced in the astronomical liter- ature by Sellentin & Heavens (2016) based on the prior and marginalising over the unknown covariance follows from Bayes theorem, starting from the joint the independence of x0andS, the likelihood can be (4) To make model inferences, we wish to know the distribution of S, which we can calculate by marginalising over the true (5) The key question in a Bayesian analysis performed under Sun & Berger (2006) listed a number of options for prior choices, including the Jeffreys (6) and independence Jeffreys prior (adopted by Sellentin & (7) Giesser & Cornfield (1963) consider a range of been introduced (e.g. Haar prior, right-Haar prior, left-Haar prior, Chang & Eaves 1990 reference prior) with more 000, 1-15 (2021)Matching Bayesian and frequentist coverage probabilities 3 The prior that we introduce is a member of the class of frequen- tist matching priors (Lindley 1958; Welch & Peers 1963; Reid et al. 2003), designed to match a posterior to frequentist expectations. predictive probabilities with the corresponding are attractive when constructing credible / In general, matching priors can be constructed only for particular models and matching is determined by the order of ap- proximation to the integrated probability. The selection of a match- ing prior is usually accompanied by a discussion of the degree of matching, with various definitions of matching available (e.g. Reid et al. 2003). Although matching is usually considered between cu- mulative probabilities, we match on the expected model This second moment is commonly used as the basis priors are candidates for non-informative priors in Bayesian inference, in that it is often assumed (explicitly or not) that the determination of confidence intervals in- corporates no information from a prior. Really, there is simply no such thing as a non-informative prior. The frequentist philosophy is different from the Bayesian approach and provides different of errors is often interpreted according to the priors (and frequentist analyses) violate the by using priors that vary with the sampling distribution of the experiment to be performed and the dimension of the model parameter space onto which the data distribution is projected. How- ever, in general they only rely on the performance characteristics a choice of prior distributions, in order to draw an inference. Thus, while there is debate about their validity and usage, it is clear that there are situations where they are useful. In this paper, we argue that the analyses presented in frequentist based confidence intervals for model param- eters, and we show that these can be matched to credible (2016). A similar calculation was performed by Percival et al. (2014) but we now use the methodology and resulting form for the different assumptions being (sometimes implicitly) made when adopting one of these procedures for determining and quoting the coverage probability associated with an interval. The with previously used priors, and hence this matching can also be considered conservative for inferences made from experiments. The layout of our paper is as follows: Section 2 introduces the Bayesian problem that we want to solve, and considers how the posterior depends on the prior chosen, extending the Sellentin under the posterior and relates them to the distribution of the truth after repeated trials, allowing us to define a prior in Section 4. Section 5 demonstrates this approach using the simple problem of fitting a mean to correlated data, using both analytic derivations and Monte Carlo simulations. We tomographic cosmic shear data vector including auto- the expected frequentist confidence intervals. We summarise our proposed method in Section 7, and conclude in Section 8. 2 CHOICE OF PRIOR TO USE IN A MODEL FIT In this section we consider a full Bayesian analysis of the different choices for the prior. 2.1 Posterior with an independence Jeffreys prior The uninformative nature of the independence Jeffreys prior in gen- eral was introduced at the very start of Bayesian statistics (Jeffreys 1939) and is discussed in this specific situation in Sun & Berger (2006). It assumes for Gaussian data a uniform prior for the means, and a Jeffreys prior for the covariance matrix with means given (Berger & Sun 2008). The derivation of the posterior using this choice of prior, and application to astronomical situations was pre- sented in Sellentin & Heavens required posterior using Eq. 3, we first note that Sfollows a Wishart distribution, fW, and we can write f1SjSo (11) which shows how, with this prior, the posterior for Shas an inverse Wishart distribution, fW 1. The definitions of the multivariate dis- tributions used in our work are included in Appendix A. We now multiply by the Gaussian likelihood fN1x0jSo, find (13) This is an integral over the unnormalised inverse Wishart distribu- tion (with parameter ns), so we can read off the result from constant in Eq. see (15) which has mean x0and (16) The use of the multivariate t-distribution as a replacement for the Gaussian assumption is often advocated on the grounds of robust- ness to outliers (Lange et al. 1989), with the parameter , which in our context is ns ndused as a robustness tuning factor. In itself a random variable. It is also interesting to see that, with an MNRAS 000, 1-15 (2021)4 Will J. Percival et covariance, which could be considered natural given that using this prior brings in no further information on the posterior, and the inclusion of the Hartlap factor in some sense unbiases the However, inferences made from the posterior about the covariance on model parameters are biased by the inclusion of 8 for further discussion of this). We also note that a agrees with that derived here, but has tail probabilities that in tension are discussed and compared (see Appendix the posterior follows from any prior that is a power-law in Posterior with a general power-law prior Let us now consider a more general joint prior on the mean and covariance (17) The independence Jeffreys prior of Sellentin & Heavens (2016) cor- responds to m=ns. Both priors are uniform in the mean, which makes sense for a location parameter. The exact linear form for the exponent is chosen to simplify the downstream analysis, but is not important. It changes our conditional (18) and we now have (19) whereQis given by Eq. 13. The form of this equation still parameters, so we now (20) Following through the x0and (22) As expected, setting m=nsgets us back to Eq. 16, and an of hS. The covariance recovered from the distribution is directly related to the prior through m- as is natural in a MODEL PARAMETER COVARIANCES FROM POSTERIORS AND FROM THE now consider different methods for characterising our uncer- tainty about model parameters by comparing the model calculated using different a set of data 1x0Soand a prior parameterised by m, we first determine the Fisher matrix (Section 3.1) and then consider the model parameter covariance derived by computing probabilities probabilities estimated using the Fisher matrix and under the posterior, we need to determine the for constructing frequentist confidence intervals, and gives the proportion of repeated trials for which the interval contains as x% confidence intervals, we need to calculate the aver- age size of the credible intervals of fixed probability over repeated trials. Finding the prior for which this is equal to the probability that we could interpret Bayesian credible intervals the posterior around the MAP model parameters depends on x0 in addition to S. Consequently, the distribution assumed for the data is important as we demonstrate by contrasting results assuming the data is drawn from a t-distribution, or from a Gaussian as is affects data compression as we show in Appendix C. We contrast the covariance estimated by integrating under the posterior with that calculated for the distribution of MAP are very different for most choices of prior. In Section 4 we present the prior that matches these results. 3.1 Using the Fisher a function of the likelihood. In Bayesian inference, the Bernstein- von Mises theorem provides the basis for using the Fisher matrix to provide confidence statements on parametric models, and the Cramer-Rao theorem shows that it forms a lower bound for the covariance of unbiased estimators of . In our case, we work from the posterior, as given in Eq. 21, and convert this to a a uniform prior (albeit possibly improper) on the Thus, in this section, we are not calculating the Fisher matrix from the true likelihood of the data (remember that x0are drawn from a Gaussian distribution with covariance S), but instead we use the Fisher matrix to estimate the expected information given the form of the posterior assumed. We start by assuming that, around the peak of the posterior, to Eq. 21 with a uniform prior on . For this patch the likelihood for 000, 1-15 (2021)Matching Bayesian and frequentist coverage probabilities andcovariance Heavens 2017) (25) We see an extra term compared with the true Fisher if the covariance matrix were (26) For completeness, the Gaussian Fisher Information matrix with co- variance matrix Sis FS=
T S 1 a so we (28) This is the t-distribution Fisher matrix given the approximate discussed at the start this section, we also want to determine the average credible interval that would be recovered given a set parallel universes). To calculate this, we note that a property of the Wishart distribution is that mean of the Wishart distribution, we have (31) This equation can also be approximated by writing 1hSo 1as a perturbation around S 1and considering the second order terms, as discussed in Appendix B, and used in Percival et al. (2014). For the t-distribution Fisher matrix, from Eq. 28, we have (32) This shows that the error in the covariance matrix has an set of realisations of the scale matrix. 3.2 Computing probabilities under the the Fisher matrix gives the form of the likelihood around the expected value, calculating probabilities under the posterior is the more common approach used for model parameter credible We consider the case where we have a linear E.UsingEq.21 the posterior can be can be manipulated to describe the posterior as a E1. The same derivation can be seen in Appendix E2 for the case of fitting the mean using a t-distribution posterior. finish the derivation, we needto complete the square, noting that if we now the posterior reduces to the simple (37) This shows that yis distributed with a multivariate of freedom, such that the mean hyi=0, intheform the distribution of has mean ^=hi=F 1 Sg. The this for any value of the posterior for any realisation of the data 1x0So. the equivalent calculation for the Gaussian distribution (see Appendix E1 for this calculation in the special case of fitting Thus, the size of the credible intervals we derive from our fit will change if we change the data. We now consider the model parameter covariance recovered by integrating under the posterior, averaged over a set of values of x0 andS. We start by considering x0distributed according to the that has multivariate t-distribution form, the data itself case Data distributed according to the can now calculate the expected covariance recovered for the model parameters, averaging over multiple realisations of the data MNRAS 000, 1-15 (2021)6 Will J. Percival et al. 1x0So. We start by assuming that the same covariance matrix ap- proximation Sis used for all realisations. In this case, F 1 Sis fixed, and we need to replace the terms the rel- evant expected values. To calculate these, we make use of the (40) Putting these values in to Eq. 38, the covariance for reduces (41) The expectation over multiple Smatrices drawn from a can easily be calculated using Eq. (42) 3.2.2 Gaussian distributed we 1/4 allowing for multiple Smatrices drawn from a , we now need to find expressions for the expectation of all of the terms in Eq. 38. We have Eq. 31 for hF 1 SiS, given in Eq. B2. To get these expressions, we have used the perturbative expressions as described in Appendix B. The end result is that we should expect the average model pa- rameter covariance recovered integrating under the posterior after repeated trials where the data is drawn from a Gaussian true covariance S, andSis drawn from a Wishart distribution to (47) to second order. The difference between this expression and that of Eq. 42 shows the importance of the distribution of x0in calculating the average model parameter covariance recovered. The situation with Gaussian distributed data matches the setup of our problem: that of considering observers in multiple universes. 3.3 The distribution of the difference between MAP estimate and the truth We now contrast these estimates of the model parameter the distribution of recovered maximum a posteriori model parameter values recovered from reruns of the experiment being performed. A linear model is assumed, so we have the symmetry that the distribution of MAP solutions about the truth is the same as the distribution of the truth around a particular MAP solution(when the truth is sampled from a uniform prior). By comparing the results in Section 3.2 to those from a Gaussian posterior, we between these choices. We therefore start assuming a Gaussian posterior distribution as in Dodelson & Schneider (2013). As discussed in Section 3.2, the MAP estimate for a linear model can be (48) which can also be recovered as the first order solution for more general models by Taylor expanding the posterior around the MAP estimates of the model parameters. Here we have assumed, without loss of generality, that the true values are by different experiments, where we consider different the true model h^T^ixS. To do this, we use the fact so (49) This can be solved to second order, using the expression in Eq. B1, considering an expansion of 1hSo 1aroundS 1. As described in Appendix B, the second order solution 1/4F 1 S (50) which is the distribution of MAP estimates made from a set of sim- ulations that is independent of those used to estimate the This was the primary result of Dodelson & is also that of the distribution of the truth around the MAP solution, assuming a uniform prior on the model parameters. It is therefore the covariance of the distribution from which intervals on model parameters are derived. 4 FREQUENTIST MATCHING PRIOR We now consider how to derive a matching prior that will allow the average model parameter covariance derived from the described above to match the recovered covariance of the truth around the MAP estimate. To do this, we compare and match Eqns. 47 & 50, to derive a Bayesian posterior parameterised assumes that, for these repeated trials, x0is drawn from a Gaussian distribution around the true cosmological model. In this case, the equation for (51) The resulting values of mmatchare compared in Fig. 1 for a range of values of ns,nd, andn. As can be seen, mmatchtends towards the Sellentin & Heavens (2016) solution m=nsfor large values of ns. However there are differences, especially when nsndand and non-linear model dependence. In particular, we caution MNRAS 000, 1-15 (2021)Matching Bayesian and frequentist coverage probabilities 7 0 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 1. Variation of the power law exponent mmatchrequired for a prior that, on average over repeated trials gives a posterior with covariance that matches that expected for the distribution of MAP values (solid lines as given in Eq. 51). We show how mmatchnsvaries lines) and n (different panels). that the moment-matching prior is not invariant to We find that the exponent for nd=2n=1is very close to that derived from the right-Haar prior (based on Cholesky decom- position of the covariance matrix), which has some exact for Gaussian variables (Sun & Berger 2006). 5 TESTING WITH A SIMPLE MEAN FITTING MODEL The resulting covariance matrix for the model parameters is tested and explored by considering a simple model - that of fitting a different realisations of the data (Gaussian distributed chosen for convenience to be the identity matrix) the derived estimates of the model parameter covariances ethos behind the derivation in Section 3.2. We also record the MAP estimates for the model, and consider the distribution of these MAP estimates around the true values and measure the variance of this then fit to each assuming different expressions for the posterior. For each covariance matrix S, we of x0, and we create 100 000different covariance matrices. To speed up these calculations we use analytic marginalisation over the posterior for each S, as outlined in Appendix E, rather than nu- merically integrating under the posterior for each, and use library routines to calculate realisations of Wishart matrices. We still use Monte Carlo results for different values of S, and the distribution of MAP parameters. Results are shown in Fig. 2, which shows that, as expected, we can choose a prior to match the model recovered from the posterior to that calculated in a fre- quentist style approach where we look at the spread of Monte Carlo simulations, using mmatchprovides an excellent fit to the numerical results. 6 TESTING AGAINST A NON-LINEAR MODEL To test the performance of the different posterior distributions mock experiment as also considered by Friedrich & Eifler (2018). They simulated a tomographic cosmic shear data vector including auto- and of in 5 source redshift bins on a sur- vey area of 5000 deg2(hence mimicking 5-year data of the Dark MNRAS 000, 1-15 (2021)8 Will J. Percival et al. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 true cov known Hartlap, Gauss t-dist posterior MAP t-dist posteriornd=2 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 true cov known Hartlap, Gauss t-dist posterior MAP t-dist posteriornd=8 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 true cov known Hartlap, Gauss t-dist posterior MAP t-dist when fitting the mean -, to a set of correlated Gaussian data. The grey solid line shows the result that would have been obtained from the posterior if we had known the data covariance matrix perfectly, taking the Green and orange lines and symbols show that we recover calculated with an independence Jeffreys prior as advocated in Sellentin & Heavens (2016). This can easily be understood as the posteriors have the same variance. The blue dashed lines and triangles show the result of using a t-distribution posterior with mmatch, corresponding to Eq. 51. As can be seen, this prior is able to match the variance recovered by the posterior averaged over our realisations, with the scatter recovered from MAP estimates.Energy Survey, cf. their table 1 for details). Overall this data vector contains 450data points. Around a true data vector computed at a cosmology draw derived using the halo model to describe non-linear the present day cosmological matter density, 8is and subsequent analyses of the mock data vectors are carried out with the CosmoLike toolkit (Krause & Eifler Om-8 plane obtained from the first three of our random realisations using different posteriors. The grey shaded contours were obtained using the true analytic covariance that was also used to draw our mock data vectors. The orange contours assume that there is a from 650simulations (i.e. 200 more than data points) and that this estimate is used in the posterior of Sellentin & Heavens (2016) to obtain the constraints (we draw a new covariance estimate for each data vector from a Wishart distribution). Note that all between the two sets of contours - this is exactly the effect of additional scatter of MAP estimates due to noisy covariance the modified version of the posterior with a mmatchprior chosen to to match this additional run our Markov Chain Monte Carlo routine to explore the poste- riors around all 1000 random realisations of our data vector. Fig. regions of the full 3-dimensional parameter space when using different covariance matrices and different posterior distribu- tions. Here we are considering the credible intervals derived from our Bayesian analysis work as frequentist confidence intervals. The grey band in each panel assumes that the true covariance is different numbers of simulations (x-axis in both panels). The orange dots use the independence Jeffreys prior advocated by Gaussian likelihood. The blue triangles show the coverage achieved with a matched prior that uses Eq. 51 to close to 68% and 95% respectively. The dash-dotted line show the coverage that is expected for the standard Gaussian likelihood based on the calculations of Dodelson & Schneider (2013). 7 matrix Sfor Gaussian data is itself a random variable drawn from a Wishart distribution with ns 1degrees of freedom, for example when it is constructed from nsmock samples, then anddepends MNRAS 000, 1-15 (2021)Matching Bayesian and frequentist coverage probabilities realisation realisation 2If true cov known IJ-prior, t-dist t-dist realisation 3 Figure3. posterior in the Om-8plane, obtained from realizations of x0 andcovariance Contours are shown calculated using the true covariance prior derived for linear models (blue). The dashed lines mark the expected values of both leading to a (53)The power law index mis given by Eq. 51, and repeated here Note that this expression does not require any extra factors of S 1 its inverse. This enables a Bayesian analysis, with a matching increases the model parameter credible intervals compared with those derived from the more usual independence Jeffreys prior on the true data covariance, and therefore can be considered a choice for making deductions from then rather than inverting SorhS, the used when calculating 2should be the inverse 1/4 ns nd,n 1S one of the approximations used there with an exact integrating under the posterior with that from the distribution of MAP solutions. Both the Gaussian approximation and our preferred give model parameter covariances that are very similar to the suggestion of Friedrich & Eifler (2018) when nis small. They proposed multiplying the Sellentin & Heavens (2016) posterior by the Dodelson & Schneider (2013) factor of 1,B1nd no. To see the empirical similarity, note that the Sellentin & Heavens (2016) posterior gives a covariance for the distribution of around x0of hS, and compare Eq. 56 to hS>>1,B1nd no 1/4. 8 CONCLUSIONS The primary result in our paper is presented in Section 7, which provides a prior: i.e. the exponent in a power law prior on the determinant of the true data covariance matrix of true parameter values with respect to maximum like- lihood estimates (and vice-versa for the linear models we consider). Our analysis lies at the interface between Bayesian and the same parameter intervals with the same probability. In broader applicability using a realistic non-linear model fit. Note that, in general, our results will not be valid for arbitrary non- linear models or The use of this formalism construct (which is often simpler for practical matrix, as advocated in Sellentin & Heavens (2016). We showed that this leads to a posterior with covariance around the MNRAS 000, 1-15 (2021)10 Will J. Percival et al. 500 850 1250 850 1250 true cov known IJ-prior, t-dist Gauss t-dist Gauss. posterior Figure 4. Comparing how often the true cosmology underlying our numerical experiment of Sec. 6 is found inside the 68% (left panel) and 95% (right confidence interval, and hence this test is not fair. The grey band in each panel assumes that the true covariance is known, in which case, with the problem being considered the credible interval also works as a confidence interval. The width of the band indicates the expected credible interval containing a expected value does not have to lie in the middle of this band. The green crosses represent the common approach of a Gaussian likelihood with precision matrix for different numbers of simulations used to estimate the covariance matrix (x-axis in both panels). The vertical dotted line marks ns=nd. The orange dots use the independence Jeffreys prior advocated by Sellentin & Heavens (2016) and the resulting t-distribution instead of the Gaussian likelihood. The blue triangles show the coverage achieved with a matched prior that uses Eq. 51 to compute the exponent m, and the red squares show the coverage obtained from simply rescaling the Gaussian log-likelihood in the manner advocated by Percival et al. (2014), as in Eq. 56. The dash-dotted line show the coverage that is expected for the t-distribution posterior calculated using the independence Jeffreys prior. model parameters that matches that assuming a Gaussian posterior after scaling the data covariance matrix by the Hartlap factor. We have considered alternative priors that are powers of the determinant of the true covariance matrix and which yield pos- teriors with frequentist coverage, at least at the level of covariance of the distributions. Using this allows the interpretation of as confidence intervals with approximately the same prob- ability. Because of the choice of a power-law prior, the posteriors of interest have the form of a multivariate t-distribution. For this form, the distribution of the posterior around the MAP estimate depends on the specific data realisation - this can clearly be seen in Eq. 38. In comparison, for a Gaussian posterior, the distribution around the MAP estimates is independent of the data and depends only on the data covariance matrix S. This complicates the matching. We there- fore consider the recovered model parameter covariance averaged overasetofdata:herethedistributionofthatdatamatters.Formally, wecalculatethefrequentistcoverageprobabilityforasetof, with a view to matching this probability to that from the distribution of MAP Gaussian, and so we cannot directly use either the matrix (this led to expected covariance on model parameters as in Eq. 32), or integrate under the posterior assuming the data is distributed according to a multivariate t-distribution (leading to Eq. 42). Instead, we have to consider the Gaussian distribution be recovered from the posterior after repeated trials (giving Eq. 47). We also note that this dependence on the data linear models where the compression is optimally performed to give the same MAP estimates (see Appendix C). The prior that we advocate depends on the properties of the data and the problem, particularly ns,ndandn. Having priors that in the objective Bayesian approach (see Heavens & Sellentin 2018 for an application to cosmology), so we do not see this as a fundamental problem, although it does conflict with the Bayesian notion of the prior as an expression of the state of knowledge before the experiment is performed. One might also worry that our matching criterion is, in a sense, linking the posterior and properties of the data that depend on the likelihood. But the posterior should answer the question of what truth. These are fundamentally different things, and so why distributions, then we might consider an approximate This would be exact if all Gaussian, or we were working in the Gaussian limit. In this limit, the standard prior on the covariance used in the posterior di- rectly adds to the covariance we assume for our experimental result. MNRAS 000, 1-15 (2021)Matching Bayesian and frequentist coverage probabilities 11 Translating through to model parameters, both contributions So we see that the prior choice is related to the quoted for experimental measurements and forms the uninformative prior for the model the multivariate t-distribution posterior makes the in a Bayesian sense, as it matches the problem with a relatively small effect on the posterior surface for 1and2 intervals, and in the examples we have considered less so than t-distribution with the revised prior as this represents a consistent Bayesian approach. Moreover, the tail probabilities can be much greater than those of the equivalent gaussian, which can be in error when tensions between datasets are considered. In a posterior with a form other than Gaussian, we have included the alternative correction to use instead of the Hartlap factor for an approximate Gaussian posterior in Section 7. Whenn=nd, Eq. 51 gives that m=ns,nd,1, and the prior reduces tojSj 1nd,1o. For this prior, the covariance of the as given in Eq. 22 reduces to S. From the properties of the Wishart distribution, this has expected value Smatching the covariance of the frequentist distribution from which the data were assumed to be drawn. Note that no factor of his required in the posterior, or in the Gaussian approximation to get this result. is that the inverse matrix S 1is a biased estimate of S 1, and this is corrected by using hSrather thanS. Thus the argument the model parameter covariance derived from the posterior is biased in the opposite way requiring an extra factor Swithexpectation S,matching that we would expect given the Gaussian distribution of the have biased our errors compared to this expected value. Thus, explicitly including the Hartlap factor in a posterior posterior consistently corrects for any potential biases due to having skewed distributions without any need for extra posterior distribution for model parameters offers a simple results for a power-law prior where we only have one to this work would be to consider varying the form of the standard matching criterion used in statistics. We could also have directly compared credible intervals and confidence intervals - i.e. averaged over rather than the model parameter covariance where necessary, but we do not expect that this would change ourresults significantly compared with our chosen matching criterion based on acknowledges useful conversations with Michael Matesic thank Daniel Farewell for helpful comments on an early version of the draft and Tim Eifler for useful comments on the draft and for providing the CosmoLike toolkit. 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(B2) First, we consider a perturbative expansion of withDFdefined as a standard Gaussian Fisher matrix with inverse covariance DS 1as required in Section 3.1. Expanding this, and taking the expected value, the first order terms in DFtend in the second order term in DF, which can be (B3) Putting the relationships given in Eq. B1 into Eq. B3, we find 1/4F 1 S 32, this expression does not have to be solved perturbatively as an exact solution is possible. The non-perturbative solution is given in Eq. 31. The next expression that we wish to understand perturbatively 1/4iS, as required in Section 3.2.2 and given in Eq. 1/4o=>>F 1 S 1/4S 1 abSab (B5) The second order term from F 1 Sis given by Eq. B4, leading a which gives >>ndA,2B 1/4. Adding these together, we find the result in Eq. 45. To approximate the expression in Eq. 46, note that there are eight possible ways that we can have pairs of DS 1in
>>F 1 S 1/400 (B6) with one at second order from each F 1 S, the cross pair between the twoF 1 Sand the cross pair from the two S 1, and four cross Treating each in turn and expanding using Eq. B1 leads to the result in Eq. 46. Finally, we note that the expression in Eq. 50 can be To see this, note that there are eight possible ways that we can have pairs of 1/40(B7) similar to the expansion of Eq. B6. These expressions are differ- ent - for example in the limit as hS!S, Eq. B6 tends eight possible combinations of two DS 1separately, the primary result of Dodelson & Schneider (2013). APPENDIX C: COMPRESSING THE DATA The effect of a linear compression of the data on model can be considered using a property of the 000, 1-15 (2021)Matching Bayesian and frequentist coverage probabilities For some ncndmatrixM, assuming (C1) then a property of the multivariate t-distribution is consider an analysis of the compressed data, where we apply a compression with (C3) such that the MAP estimate ^=Mx0, (C4) For data analysed with a Gaussian posterior and linear model, such a compression is sufficient in that the analysis of the reduced data gives the same inferences as those from the full data set, including the covariance on . Assuming a t-distribution posterior for x0, we find that the posterior for the reduced data (C6) This gives that the covariance for (C7) This is the covariance recovered from the compressed data as given by Eq. C3, for a measurement of the MAP estimates ^. This does not match the expression in Eq. 38, but does match the solution assuming that this was drawn from a multivariate of the data. Without this extra information, compressing the data means that the model parameter covariance recovered cor- responds to the average for a distribution of x0, rather than that for aparticular covariance corresponds to that recovered on average for data distributed according to a multivariate t-distribution. We there- fore conclude that data compression works differently than shown in Eq. 38. This will be considered further in future work. APPENDIX D: INTERPRETATION OF BASED ON We now consider how the use of a multivariate t-distribution affects the interpretation of confidence intervals. Where credible intervals 20 40 60 80 of tail probabilities D1. The ratio of tail probabilities for t-distribution and outside of Ncredible intervals, where N=1...5. 20 40 60 80 intervals containing a fixed probability for t-distribution and . Intervals are defined using the Gaussian probability within the
Ninterval, where N=1...5. So, for example, tracing the 5curve (solid black line), we see that for =100, to match the Gaussian 5 coverage probability, we would need to consider a 529interval for derived directly from the posterior, for example, by considering the fraction of points within a given interval for a MCMC chain exploring a posterior volume, then the interpretation of results is correct whatever the form of the posterior. However, if one wants be careful when interpreting a posterior with t-distribution form, as explored in this Appendix. As our favoured solution assumes a power law prior, the poste- rior, when written in terms of the model parameters for linear mod- els, has a multivariate t-distribution form with degrees of for each model parameter has a form matching the !1. The variance of the standard t-distribution is 1 2o, and so we need a broader range of integration to determine a thanNas with a Gaussian MNRAS 000, 1-15 (2021)14 Will J. Percival et intervals based on Nare compared in Fig. D1: the 1 credible interval is more probable for the t-distribution forN2. Fig. D2 instead shows the change in N required to match tail probabilities from the t-distribution to those from the Gaussian distribution. For example, with a with =100, one would need to define an interval need to integrate to larger intervals for the t-distribution N2. For smallerwe need to integrate to larger intervals in . APPENDIX E: ANALYTIC MARGINALISATION FOR ESTIMATING THE MEAN OF DATA In this Appendix we outline the derivations that allow us to signif- icantly speed up our Monte Carlo simulations fitting a single mean value -tondcorrelated data values x0, and ultimately would make them superfluous as we could perform all of the necessary calcula- tions analytically. These are a special case of the derivation given as we feel that it gives insight into the problem being solved. Fitting the mean with a multivariate Gaussian posterior We start with the simple case of a Gaussian posterior. For this, we can use the standard definition of 2= 2 lnLfor fitting a mean - to data x0with inverse covariance matrix (E1) Expanding, we can (E5) To align with the notation used elsewherein this paper, we note that for this problem, the parameter =-, the model is i=-, and the unit vector Uis a vector of 1's, and C2=UTS 1x0. We now complete the square for the model dependent part of (E7)The mean, as derived from the posterior therefore has a and the expected value for -and the variance can then be read off,h-ix=C2C3, and2=hC3. As expected for a Gaussian posterior and a linear model, the MAP estimate under the posterior matches the inverse of the the results from the full distribution. E2 Fitting the mean with multivariate t-distribution posterior This section replicates Section 3.2.2, but now for the special case of fitting the mean to a set of data, as considered in Section 5. We do this as we used these equations to speed-up the Monte Carlo understanding the derivation in Section 3.2.2. Consequently, We only present the derivation for Gaussian degrees of freedom =m nd, as in Eq. 22 we can write the posterior where the model is a constant mean value as in the Gaussian case, we (E9) and completing the square now (E12) We see thatyis distributed with a t-distribution with m 1degrees of freedom, such that the mean hyi=0, and the variance can write -in the form -=ay,b, which has the and this, we see that the distribution of -has C1 C2 2 C3!#
(E14) MNRAS 000, 1-15 (2021) | 2108.10402 | William Percival | Will J. Percival, Oliver Friedrich, Elena Sellentin, Alan Heavens | Matching Bayesian and frequentist coverage probabilities when using an approximate data covariance matrix | 15 pages, 6 figures, version accepted by MNRAS | null | 10.1093/mnras/stab3540 | null | astro-ph.IM astro-ph.CO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Observational astrophysics consists of making inferences about the Universe by comparing data and models. The credible intervals placed on model parameters are often as important as the maximum a posteriori probability values, as the intervals indicate concordance or discordance between models and from other data. Intermediate statistics (e.g. the power spectrum) are usually measured and inferences made by fitting models to these rather than the raw data, assuming that the likelihood for these statistics has multivariate Gaussian form. The covariance matrix used to calculate the likelihood is often estimated from simulations, such that it is itself a random variable. This is a standard problem in Bayesian statistics, which requires a prior to be placed on the true model parameters and covariance the joint posterior distribution. As an alternative to prior, we introduce a prior that leads to a posterior that has approximately frequentist matching coverage. This is achieved by matching the covariance of the posterior to that of the distribution of true values of the parameters around the maximum in repeated trials, under certain assumptions. Using this prior, credible intervals derived from a Bayesian analysis can be as confidence intervals, containing the truth a of the time for repeated trials. Linking frequentist and that have previously appeared in the astronomical literature, this offers a consistent and conservative approach for credible intervals quoted on model parameters for problems where the covariance matrix is itself an estimate.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:56:21 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 1 Dec 2021 13:56:08 GMT"
] | 2021-12-15T00:00:00 | [
"Will J.",
] |
2 BEN a homogeneous quadratic form with and let NZ. We will study solutions to Q(x1,...,x 8) =
Nwith the paper, it is convenient to split Z8=Z4xZ4and to write Q(x,y) = that bis invertible. An important role will be played by the 4-by-4 matrix := 4b-1ab-Tc-I. (1.1) This formally resembles the discriminant (of a form in two variables), only it is turn now to the main theorem of the paper. Here, L is the von Mangoldt function. For qa positive integer, L the value q/ph(q) when (x,q) = 1, and 0 otherwise. As the notation suggests, this is the natural local variant of the von Man goldt function. The normalisation is chosen so that the average value of LZ/qZis 1. We abuse notation by writing L Z/pZinstead of L Z/pnZ(the domain will always be clear from context). Finally, we write L4(x) forxZ4, and L4 Z/qZis defined 1.1. Suppose that Qis a quadratic form for which 0 andhas four distinct eigenvalues which lie in Q{-1,0}. Then we have the expected local-global estimate for the number of so lutions to Q(x,y) =Nin primes, namely for any real (1.2) wherebp(N) = lim n-bp,n(N)is thep-adic density of solutions, where bp,n(N) FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 3 and b:= an archimedean measure of the density of (positive, real in the statements is the fact that the limit in the de finition of thep-adic density the paper, we will say that a form Qisgenericif it satisfies that istosayif det 0andif hasfour distinct eigenvalues in Q, andthat neither 0 nor -1 isoneof these eigenvalues. The word generic is appropriate, since this cond ition holds for a Zariski-dense set of ( a,b,c) in the 36-dimensional a,caresymmetric. Toseethis, has distinct eigenvalues is by considering th e resultant of the characteristic polynomial r(l) := det( -lI) and its derivative r' (l). The conditions that det ab= 0, and that has an eigenvalue 0 or -1, are evidently closed conditions. Finally, these conditions are nontrivial (i.e. not always satisfied) as one can see by takingato be a diagonal matrix with distinct rational eigenvalues (not 0 or1 4) andb=c=I. Note that is not canonically associated to Q, being dependent on the splitting of variables into two sets of four. However, one may observe that if ais invertible and so detQ:= is also true without the assumption that ais invertible by a con- tinuity argument.) Therefore the requirement that 0 is not an eigen - value of is essentially an invariant of Q, more-or-less equivalent 0 (called the regular case in previous works such as [ 29]). We do not expect any variant of our methods to handle the irregular case detQ= 0, which essentially corresponds to forms in 7 or results. Jianya Liu [ 12] handled generic quadratic forms in 10 prime variables. Lilu Zhao [ 29] subsequently handled all forms in 9 variables. These works use fairly classical form s of the Hardy-Littlewood circle method. For reasons we will go into later, 9 variables appears to be the limit of what any such method can4 BEN GREEN give, and so far as I am aware results in 8 or fewer variables are know n only for particular types of form with some degenerate and/or diag onal behaviour. For diagonal forms, 5 variables suffice by work of Hua [ 9]. If one is content with almost-primes instead of primes, the number o f variables can be reduced to 3: see [ 3] and subsequent works. Future work. In our main theorem we imposed conditions on Q, namely that det 0 and the matrix has four distinct eigenvalues inQ {0,-1}. Whilst these are not especially severe restrictions, it nonetheless seems to be of interest to weaken them as far as poss ible, and we intend to address this in future work. There areat least threepaths to pursue inthis direction. First, th different ways tosplit 8 variables into two groupsof properties. Secon d, many of the arguments of the paper can be modified to work in more degenerate situations. Finally, in some highly degenerate 1.1can be established by classical methods such as those in [29]. One would expect this to be the case when det b= 0 for all splittings of the 8 variables (the case of low off-diagonal rank). W e anticipate this to be a somewhat tedious endeavour, with all the main ideas already present in this paper and [ 29]. On a different matter, allowing linear terms in Q(that is, nonhomo- geneous quadratics) is probably possible but seems to require a fair ly significant modification of the method, and we will not attempt Most of our notation is fairly standard. We write e(t) =
e2pit, and forqa positive integer we write eq(x) :=e2pix/q. IfSis a finite set and F:S-Ca function, we write ExSF(x) to mean the average of FoverS. We write T=R/Z, and we write distance from xto the nearest integer. We write [ X] to denote the discrete interval {1,...,X}, and [0,X] for the continuous interval
{x: R. IfGis a finite group then we write l2(G) for the vector space of all functions f:G-Ctogether with the inner product and the associated norm Later on in the paper we will also define norms of probability measures, and we caution the reader that there we will use a different Hermitianinner product space (such as l2(G))then we write U(V) for the group of unitary transformations of V.QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 5 Forpa prime, we will freqently encounter the group Z/pZ. When this arises as a group or a ring, we will write it Z/pZ, but when it is important that it is a field, we will write Fp. This may seems but it does not seem stylistically correct to talk about ho - momorphisms from and nor does it seem right to discuss the field ( Z/pZ)(th) or the algebraic closure Z/pZ. At times the distinction is somewhat the paper we abuse notation in certain standard ways which should not cause any confusion. For example, we also write Q(x,y) for the quadratic form by which we mean that to be Slightly more subtly, we also consider (defined in ( 1.1) as an element of Mat 4(Q)) as an element of Mat 4(Z/pZ), which makes sense provided pdetb. Similarly, we consider a certain 8-by-8 sym- plectic matrix g(defined in ( 2.3) below) as an element of Sp8(Z/qZ) for squarefree q, which again will make sense provided no prime det b. Finally, we regard the quadratic form Qas fixed throughout the paper and will not explicitly indicate dependence on Qin such as It is a pleasure to thank Emmanuel Tom Fisher andBal' azs Szendr oi forhelpful cor respon- dence related to this work and earlier versions of it, and Roger Bake r and James Maynard for discussions which introduced me to the prob - lem in around 2014. The author is a Simons Investigator and is very grateful to the Simons Foundation for their continued of the argument The initial steps of the argument proceed in the classical fashion using the circle method, which we set up in Section 3. We introduce the exponential sum S(th) L4(x) is shorthand for L( and of course L denotes the von Mangoldt function. Then by orthogonality we BEN GREEN Wedivide a and the minor arcs m. The major arcs give the main term in the asymptotic, and the analysis ofthem isentirely classical. We give thisanalysis inSection 4, referring to [29] for the details when possible. For the minor arcs, the fact that we are discussing primes is es- sentially irrelevant and the same arguments work with by F1(x)F2(y) for any reasonably bounded functions F1,F2. Weinfact divide theminor arcsinto two sets m1andm2, not too close to a rational and m2being the points very close to a rational (but with moderately large denominator). The are given at the start of Section 3. The treatment of the integral over m1uses diophantine approximation arguments standard in the area, and is given in Section 5. The treatment of the minor arcs m2is the heart of the paper. One may reduce to considering actual rational pointsr q, withq large, and one is then led naturally led to look at exponen- tial sums of the form Tf1,f2(r) here r(Z/qZ)*. There is a trivial upper bound of 1 for such sums when which turns out to be (just) not good enough for the purposes of bounding the integral over m2. However, any improvement of it by a factor q-dwould there is no such improvement: the trivial bound is best possible. However, by a less wasteful reduction we can arran ge things so that we consider instead the (2.2) Again, a saving of q-dover the trivial bound of 1 would be enough. We incorporate some additional tricks which allow us to restrict at- tention to the case qsquarefree and without very small prime factors, two features which are vital in our later arguments. The details of these reductions are given in Section 6. The remainder of the paper is devoted to establishing a nontrivial bound of the required strength for averages ( 2.2). To make progress on this problem, we interpret the exponential sums Tf1,f2(r) as matrix co- efficients where here r: is a certain unitary representation of the symplectic group FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 7 called the Weil representation. After a brief introduction to the sy m- plectic groupandtheWeil representation, wegive thisinterpretat ion in Section7. Whilst the theory of the Weil representation is somewhat well-known over finite fields, we do not know of a good source for the theory we need over Z/qZ, so we must develop some of this ourselves. This is fairly straightforward given the finite field statements, and is done in Appendix B. The elements g(r)Sp8(Z/qZ) are what we call dilates of a by the B C r-1B rC this is in fact an action of ( Z/qZ)*by automorphisms, as may be is therefore led to the question of bounding anaverage of matr ix coefficients whererranges over ( Z/qZ)*. In Section 8we supply a general tool forbounding averages of in principle applicable to any unitary representation psof any finite group G. This allows one to bound an a probability measure on G, when two conditions are satis- fied: (1) (convergence to uniform measure) Some symmetrised convolu - tion power u**u*u**u***of bounded order should be close to the uniform measure on a subgroup wish to apply this tool with G= the and ubeing the uniform measure on the ph(q) To do this we need to establish the convergence properties. The task (1) of showing that (symmetrised) convolution powers of u converge to a uniform measure ona subgroup suggests the literat ure on the affine sieve, expanders and general measure convolutions in gr oups of Lie type, in particular the work of Varj' u [ 27] which provides results in the appropriate generality. Some variant of this can probably be made to work in our context. However, our particular measure uhas8 BEN GREEN a rather algebraic definition, being parametrised by (very simple) ra - tional functions and we are able to offer an alternative approach us ing the Lang-Weil estimate. This is inspired by a blog post of Tao [ 25], giving an alternative proof (inspired by model-theoretic work of Pillay and Starchenko [ 15] and unpublished notes of Hrushovski) of his own algebraic regularity lemma [ 24]. This may be of independent interest, though we only develop it in the specific setting of interest to us here . This allows one to demonstrate rapid convergence of (symmetrised ) powers ofuto the uniform measure on the group G qgenerated by without knowing a priori what this group is. The arguments may be found in Section 9. The remaining task (2) is to establish the quasirandomness propert y forr|Gq. It is easy to see that G and so by using the basic theory of tensor product representations it turns out to be eno ugh to understand the case q=pprime. First, we identify G pexplicitly. I was initially under the impression that the elements g-(r)g(s)might gener- ically generate the whole of Sp8(Z/pZ) (which has size ~p36), on the grounds that there is no immediately evident reason why they should not, and for the analogous situation in Sp2(Z/pZ) this is true. How- ever, it turns out that this is not the case, and that G pis (generically) a group of size ~p12, a conjugate (in GL 8(Z/pZ)) of SL 2(Fp[]), given in( 1.1). Establishing thistakes some work, involving calculations in SL 2together with applications of lemmas of Goursat and Ribet on subgroups of direct products. A nu m- ber of facts about SL 2of a finite field are required here, and these are collated in Appendix A. These tasks are accomplished in Section 10. With G pidentified explicitly, we turn to the quasirandomness prop- erty itself. It is essentially automatic from the representation the ory of SL2(Fpn) that ifr|Gphas an irreducible component of small degree, then this component must be the trivial representation: that is, G p, acting via the Weil representation on l2((Z/pZ)4), would have a non- trivial fixed vector. The final task of the paper, then, is to rule th is out. We do this in Section 11using rather direct and explicit (that is, not using any representation theory) arguments. 3.The circle method In this section we describe the basic setup of the circle method. As is typical in problems of this type we will be aiming for error terms in our main theorem of OA(X6log-AX), for an arbitrary positive realQUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 9 numberA. Fix such an A, without loss of generality and set M:= logC1X, M':= logC2X, (3.1) whereC1:= 10AandC2:= 105Ad-1, wheredis the exponent appear- ing in Proposition 6.2below (these choices are by no means optimal, but this is 8max ij|bij|, (3.2) where the bijare the entries of the 4-by-4 matrix b. ThusKis a constant depending only on the quadratic form Q. ForqNand for r(Z/qZ)*, (3.4) Define the major (3.5) and 3.1. We have Dirichlet's theorem on diophantine result then follows immediately. (3.7)10 BEN GREEN where, recall, L4(x) is a convenient shorthand Then by orthogonality we (3.8) We evaluate this by considering the contributions to the The major arcs Mgive the main term in the asymptotic, as the following result 3.2 (Major arcs) .Suppose that Qis regular, that is nonsingular. Then we the singular series S(N)is as described in Theorem 1.1. We will prove this in the next section using classical methods, refer- ring to [29] for most of the details. Now we turn to the minor arcs m1andm2. Here, as previously re- marked, thefact that we are dealing with primes andthevon Mangold t function is essentially irrelevant. For any functions F1,F2: [X]-C we introduce the sums SF1,F2(th) 3.3 (Minor arcs m1).Suppose that 0. Then for all 1-bounded functions F1,F2. We will prove this in Section 5, using diophantine typical of the circle 3.4 (Minor arcs m2).Suppose that Qis generic (that is, has four distinct eigenvalues in Q{0,-1}). Then we for all 1-bounded functions F1,F2.QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 11 This proof of this, which is a substantial undertaking, contains the new ideas of the paper and occupies the remaining sections. Let us conclude this section by remarking that Propositions combine to establish Theorem 1.1. Indeed, by ( 3.8) and Proposition 3.2we and Lemma 3.1, thesecond termon theright is bounded above Propositions (logX)-4L4), both of these terms are bounded by major arcs In this section we establish Proposition 3.2. The argument is very classical and in fact large portions of it may be simply quoted from [29]. For this part of the argument, similar results hold with as few as 5 variables. Define C(q,r) (4.1) BQ,N(q) (4.3) I(t) (4.5) These arethesame definitions as those in[ 29, Section 3], with some no- tational substitutions (Zhao's f,t,b,S(f,t) become our Also, we notate our quadratic forms using two varia bles12 BEN GREEN x,y. Definitions like these will be familiar to anyone with knowledge of the circle method. The following is [ 29, Lemma 3.6]. Lemma 4.1 (Major arcs) .We Our choice of C1andC2in the definition ( 3.1) ofM,M' ensures that our major arcs are amply wide enough that the error term in [29, Lemma 3.6] is OA(X6log-AX). The only consequence of taking themajor arcsthis wide isthat thechoice of exponent in the error t erm of the Siegel-Walfisz theorem towards the end of [ 29, Section 3] (which is, in any case, not made explicit there) must be larger. There is one further inconsequential difference between our setu p and that in [ 29]. In [29] the major arc aboutr qhas widthM qX2, whereas we have taken the width to beM X2. The only other tiny change required is in (3.17), (3.19) of [ 29] where the integrals should be taken over our slightly longer range actually helps slightly). To reconcile this with Proposition 3.2we must express BQ.Nand JQ,N(X) in terms of the local densities bp,b, whose definitions are given in the statement of Theorem 1.1. This is again a standard en- deavour, but it is not done in Zhao's paper so we give brief the definition ( 1.3) ofbp,n(N). By orthogonality, we have bp,n(N) the sum over r, (r',p) = 1. One may check that the contribution from a particular jisBQ,N(pj), and so bp,n(N) the limit as n- gives bp(N) since BQ,N(q) is a multiplicative function of q(see [29, Lemma 3.1]) we =BQ,N. (4.7)QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 13 There are, of course, convergence issues to be dealt with here, b ut these are fully fleshed out in [ 29, Lemma 3.4]. To handle the archimedean factor b, we proceed is as follows (we leave detailed analytic justifications to the reader). For e>0, set fe(w) inversion then gives fe(N) = limits as e-0 (and substituting the homogeneity of Q) gives JQ,N(X) =bX6. ( 4.7) and (4.8) into Lemma 4.1gives Proposition 3.2. 5.Minor arcs: the integral over m1 In this section we prove Proposition 3.3. The reader may wish to recall the definitions of Ir,q,~Ir,qandm1, which are ( 3.3), (3.4) and of Proposition 3.3.Observethat , and By the standard BEN GREEN and since it follows the image of [ X]4x[X]4under the map ( is contained in the box [ the fibres are of size at most X4(sincebis nonsingular; recall also from the definition ( 3.2) that K= 8max ij|bij|). It follows from ( 5.3) (5.4) Suppose now that th~Ir,qIr,q, into progression modulo qwe evaluate the contributions from b= 0 0 separately. 0,hb(modq) here that so the number of terms in the sum over his indeedX/q.) Now asbranges over ( Z/qZ){0}, so doesrb. into ( 5.6), we see that the contribution to the right-hand side of (5.5) from the terms with b/e}atioslash= 0 FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 15 Now we look at the contribution to the right-hand side of ( 5.5) from b= 0. Making the substitution h=kq, this (5.7) We Therefore ( 5.7) these bounds for b/e}atioslash= 0 andb= 0 into ( 5.5), we into ( 5.4) gives, for complete the proof of Proposition 3.3, we need to integrate this estimate over thm1, that is to say over all The contribution from the first term X6log2Xis (5.1). The contribution from the second that M= logC1XwithC1= 10A, this completes the integral over m2- first reductions We now begin the lengthy task of establishing Proposition 3.4. Once again, the reader may wish to begin by recalling the pertinent defini- tions, which are those of Ir,q(see (3.3)),m2(see (3.6)) in ( 3.9)).16 BEN s Tf1,f2. Letqbe a positive integer, and suppose that f1,f2: (Z/qZ)4- C. Define Tf1,f2(r) this from the notation. There should not be any danger of confu sion. For fixedrand general f1,f2we have the following bound. Lemma 6.1. Suppose that f1,f2: (Z/qZ)4-C. Suppose that 0. Then for any r(Z/qZ)*we tof1(x)eq(rxTax) andf2(y) suffices to show Cauchy-Schwarz, it suffices to show orthogonality, and since ( r,q) = 1, the left-hand side Cauchy-Schwarz this is at so it is enough to show ifbh0(modq) then, multiplying on the left by adj( b), we i.e. ifh= (h1,h2,h3,h4) thenq|(detb)hi. The number of choices of each hiis therefore ( q,detb) and so ( 6.3) follows. This concludes the proof of ( 6.2). atleastwhen( q,detb) = 1. To see this, let ps: (Z/qZ)4-Cbe any function with 1, and take f1(x) f2(x) :=ps(x). Then one may check using the orthogonality relations 1. (6.4)QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 17 A more conceptual explanation of this is as follows. First note that Tf1,f2(r) (6.5) where the map Ph : is given by Phf(x) may then make the key observation that Ph is unitary (being a composition of invertible dilations, quadratic modulations and Then we have f1:=Phps,f2=ps, and the relations ( 6.4) are clear from ( 6.5) and the unitary nature of Ph. This also allows a very short (albeit ultimately equivalent) proof of Lemma6.1in the case ( q,detb) = 1. Indeed, by Cauchy-Schwarz and unitarity we may, using arguments similar to those below, use the bound obtained in Lemma 6.1to show that (roughly the sum over qdoes not converge and so this (just) fails to give the desired estimate Proposition 3.4. It is this, and the sharpness of Lemma 6.1, which ultimately explain the failure of the classical circle method to handle the problem of quadratic forms in 8 prime variables. To get around this issue we introduce the following improvement on (6.1) when an average over ris included (at least when qis squarefree and has no small prime factors, and Qis 6.2. There is an absolute constant d >0with the follow- ing property. Suppose that Qis generic. Then there is p0(Q)such that ifqis squarefree and with all prime factors greater than p0(Q), then we proof of this proposition occupies most of the rest of the pape r. The remainder of this section is devoted to deriving Proposition 3.4 from it.18 BEN GREEN First we observe that Lemma 6.1and Proposition 6.2have a application to the sums SF1,F2(th) forth=r q, which we record now. Corollary 6.3. Suppose that F1,F2: Sup- pose that 0. Then we have the pointwise X8q-2. (6.6) Suppose additionally that qis squarefree and has no prime factors and thatQis generic. Suppose that X8q-1-d. Zbydefining themto be0outside of [X]. Fixx0,y0qZ4. both multiples of qwe and therefore, recalling the definition ( =q6Tf1,f2(r) :=F1(x0+x') andf2(y') :=F2(y0+y'). By Lemma 6.1we therefore the range [ of the form gives (6.6). To obtain ( 6.7), we instead apply Proposition 6.2to (6.8), into O(X8q-8) boxes as before gives ( 6.7). /squareQUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 19 Proof of Proposition 3.4, assuming Proposition 6.2.Recall defined in ( 3.3),M'= logC2X(withC2as described in (3.1)), andK= 8max ij|bij|being a constant associated to the the bound we are trying to prove begin by using some Fourier analysis to handle the inner integral overe. Recall the definition ( 3.9) ofSF1,F2, that is to say SF1,F2(th) Letw:R2-Rbe some fixed smooth = 1 for (u,v)[0,1]2and set, for any real parameter l, Wl(u,v) by integration by parts and Leibniz's rule we have
|^Wl(x,x')| we also have the trivial follows (6.12) By Fourier into ( 6.11) :=F1(x)e(xx/X), F2,x'(y) BEN claim the for all 1-bounded F' 1,F' 2, wheredis the exponent appearing in Proposition 6.2. Assuming this claim, ( 6.12) and (6.13) then integrating over the last step, we recall that we chose M= logC1X,M'= logC2X with the particular choice of C1,C2specified at the start of Section 3. This completes the proof of Proposition 3.4, assuming the claim ( 6.14). Now we must establish ( 6.14). The pointwise bound ( 6.6) is not good enough, but we do have the improved average bound ( 6.7), albeit only for squarefree qwith no small prime factors. Most qdo not have this form, and so we need the following lemma to allow us to reduce matters to the consideration of to those that do. Lemma 6.4. Suppose that = 1. in both cases the supis over1-bounded functions F1,F2: the Chinese remainder theorem we FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 21 Foliating into residue classes modulo q1, we so by lemma follows. /square Let us turn to the actual proof of ( 6.14). Letp0=p0(Q) be the threshold appearing in Proposition 6.2. For any q, writeq0for the product of all primes p > p 0which divide qprecisely once, and set q1:=q/q0, thusq1is the product of all prime powers Note that q0,q1are coprime. By Lemma 6.4and (6.6), (6.7) we therefore suffices to prove (6.16) The contribution from qwithq1<qd/22is acceptable (using the second term in the suppose Thenq2 2|q. Moreover, if depending only on p0). Thus the contribution of theseqto (6.16) can be bounded concludes the proof. /square22 BEN sums as matrix coefficients on Sp8(Z/qZ) The remainder of the paper is occupied with the proof of Proposition 6.2, the statement of which the reader may wish to recall at this point. We remarked after the proof of Lemma 6.1that we can write Tf1,f2(r) unitary. The crucial observation which drives our whole argument generated by operators Ph of this type (over all Q) is rather small. Indeed, as we shall shortly see, it has size q36+o(1). This means that the specific operators Ph r(withQfixed butrallowed to vary over ( Z/qZ)*) already occupy a reasonable portion of this group. This group turns out to be the symplectic group Sp8(Z/qZ). Let us recall what these groups are, in a very concrete way. Let R=Z/qZ withqodd. Then Sp8(R) is a group of 8 x8 matrices over R, which we will write in 2 x2 block form with each block being a 4 x4 7.1. We define the symplectic group Sp8(R) to be the group consisting of all 8 x8 block matrices g=/parenleftbigA B C entries (7.2) It is an simple exercise to check that gSp8(R) if and only if gTJg=J. In fact, this is the more usual definition of the sympletic group, but it suits us to be more explicit. Note that if g=/parenleftbigA B C thengis left-invertible with This is then, of course, also a right-inverse for g, and this gives us the additional any symplectic matrix. We will also need the fact that ( Z/qZ)*acts on Sp8(Z/qZ) by di- lation automorphisms. If g=/parenleftbigA B C ifr(Z/qZ)*then r-1B rC (7.3)QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 23 It is then easy to see that this gives an action of ( Z/qZ)*on Sp8(Z/qZ) by we note for future reference (see, for example, [ 16]) = asPh rin (7.1), which stems from [ 28] and is thus known as the Weil depending on the context, the Segal-Shale-Weil represe ntation or the oscillator 7.2 (Weil representation) .Letqbe squarefree and odd. Then there is a unitary and a function x: Sp8(Z/qZ)- {zC:|z|= 1}satisfying then r(g)f(x) transform) modulations) then r(g)f(x) 1. There is nothing special about Sp8here; similar re- sults hold for Sp2mfor any positive integer m. The Weil represen- tation is well-known over R(where one needs to pass to the double cover of the symplectic group), but in finite situations it seems to me that it is only at all widely discussed over finite fields. In this case, the construction is given in detail in (for example) the paper [ 16] of Neuhauser. The analogue of this in the setting of Sp2(Z/pZ) = SL 2(Z/pZ) already contains the key ideas, and a very nice description of this may be found in the notes of Charlotte Chan [5], which I found helpful in preparing this material. It is not difficult to derive the case qsquarefree from the prime case, and we do this in Appendix B. 2.The phasexcan be given explicitly if desired. When q=pis an oddprime, wecantake x(l(W)) =x(J) = 1andx(s(E)) and the general squarefree case can then be deduced from the argu ments24 BEN GREEN in Appendix B. For details of these calculations (which are see [ 16]. In this paper, we will not need explicit values of x, and the mere existence is a much easier statement to prove, this be ing [16, Theorem 4.3]. 3.If desired one can also add in the translations the linear modulations getting an action by the Jacobi group where H 8is the Heisenberg group on ( is not really correct to call rthe Weil representation. In the caseq=pa prime, further representations ~ rof the same dimension can be obtained by twisting with the dilation s(g) =g(r), that is to say ~r(g) :=r(g(r)). Whenris not a square in F*
p, the dilation is an outer automorphism and it is known that ~ (In the literature this would be described in terms of different central characters on the Heisenberg group giving different Weil representations, see [ 16, Section 7] or [23, Proposition 4]). Thus there are two Weil representations of Sp8(Z/pZ), and the one we are considering is a concrete realisation of one of one may obtain 2nnon-isomorphic of Sp8(Z/qZ) by taking tensor products. The existence we assert in Proposition 7.2is one of these. However, it turns out notto be simply the tensor product of the rs associated to eachpi: we must first apply some twists. The details are given in Appendix B. 5.Even when q=p, the Weil representation is not irreducible. It splits into its actions on odd and even functions, which of We will not need this fact here. Now that we have defined the Weil representation, we can interpre t the exponential sums Tf1,f2(r) as matrix coefficients. We begin with an important definition which will be relevant for the rest of the 7.3 (Symplectic element) .Suppose that Q(x,y) a quadratic form and that det b/e}atioslash= 0. Then we associate toQthe element g=g(Q)Sp8(Q) defined We call this the symplectic element associated to Q. As mentioned in the introduction, we will abuse notation by regard- inggas anelement of Sp8(Z/qZ) for squarefree odd q, coprime to det b.QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 25 Here is the promised interpretation of exponential sums as matrix c 7.4. Suppose that qis odd, squarefree and coprime to detb. Then for any have
whereg(r)is the dilate of g(regarded as an element of Sp8(Z/qZ)) byras defined in (7.3)andris the Weil representation described in Proposition 7.2. Proof.It suffices to establish the case r= 1, since then the formula by applying that case with Qreplaced by rQ(or, to be pedantic, rQfor somerZprojecting to r(modq)). To handle the case r= 1, note that may be built up as a composition of four (unitary) operations, as follows: (1) A quadratic modulation Fourier transform Dilation Quadratic modulation the Weil representation these four operations correspond, u p to scalar multiplication by unit complex numbers, respectively, to the fo l- lowing elements of andl(-2a). Therefore by Proposition 7.2(sinceris a homomorphism!) we have =zr(g)f(x) for some unit complex number z=z(Q) the product of the four elements just written down. A short com - putation confirms that gis the symplectic element of Qas defined in Definition 7.3. Finally, we have Tf1,f2(1) completes the proof. /square The following definition will play a key role in what follows.26 BEN GREEN Definition 7.5. FixQ(x,y) =xTax+xTby+yTcy, a quadratic form overZwith 0. Letgbe the symplectic element of Q(see Definition 7.3). Then for every odd squarefree qcoprime to det bwe associate a probability measure uqon Sp8(Z/qZ), which puts weight 1 ph(q)on each of the points are now in a position to rephrase Proposition 6.2in terms of matrix 7.6. Suppose that Qis generic. Then there is p0(Q)such that the following is true. Suppose that qis squarefree with all prime factors greater than p0(Q). Then/integraldisplay
|/a}bracketle{tf1,r(x)f2/a}bracketri}ht|duq(x) For a discussion of the integral notation, see the start of the next section. By taking p0(Q) larger than any prime factor of det b, we can ensure that the conditions of Proposition 7.4are satisfied. For notational simplicity we switched f1tof1, which makes no difference since these functions have the same of matrix coefficients In this section we give a general bound for averages of matrix co- efficients. Whilst we do not know of a reference for quite this result, the first part of the argument is related to earlier work, particular ly Bourgain [ 1] and Skhredov [ 20, Section 4]. The second idea, of (no representations apart fr om the trivial one), is also by no means new. It is exploited in related ways in many works starting with Sarnak-Xue [ 18] and continuing with, for instance, Bourgain-Gamburd [ 2] and Gowers [ measures on (finite) groups. Let Gbe a finite group. A probability measure uonGis simply a function u:G-[0,1] = 1. u*isdefined by u*(x) we say that uissymmetric . Ifu1,u2are two then their convolution u1*u2is defined by u1*u2(x) This is also a probability measure. If uis a probability measure and 2 ma positive even integer, we write u(2m) for the convolution power u**u*u** *** *u. This is slightly non-standard, but very convenient as these are the onlyQUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 27 types of convolution power we will consider in this paper. At one place in Section 9we will use a similar notation with an odd power, thus u(2m-1)(x) =u**u*u** ****u*. This, of course, is not necessarily a symmetric measure. We have u(2m)=u(2m-1)*u. a subgroup then we write uHfor the uniform probability measure on H, that is to say uH(x) =|H|-11xH. Ifuis a probability measure on a finite group Gthen we Note that this is normalised differently to sections: tored uce the potential for confusion, we omit any subscript from the norm. We extend this notion to differences of measures in the obvious way, th we will adopt the fairly standard convention in this context of instead will need the following consequence of Schur's lemma which is standard but cannot be reliably found in every textbook. Lemma 8.1. Letps:G-U(V)be an irreducible representation of a finite group G. Suppose that v,wV. Then we [14, Proposition 4.3.5]. Note that here dim psis defined to be dimV. 8.2. LetGbe a finite group, and let r:G-U(V)be unitary representation of G. Letube a on G. the group generated by Supp(u(2)) =
Supp(u**u). Suppose that
*(Almost uniform distribution of convolution powers) For some real number for some power of two mwe a sum of irreducible alli. Then we have the 1.28 BEN GREEN Remark. Note that the trivial bound is 1 (by the unitary nature of rand Cauchy-Schwarz). If K1 andDis somewhat large, ( 8.2) is therefore an appreciable improvement of the trivial eachxG, letx(x) sox(x) is a unit complex number =e. By and expanding out a unitary representation, this in other may now apply the same argument again repeatedly, noting symmetric, to m. this implies (with mas in (8.1)) (8.3) Now decompose a sum of orthogonal irreducible for r|H. Letwibe the projection of wtoVi, soQUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 1. (8.4) By Lemma 8.1we have for i= by Cauchy-Schwarz and the quasirandomness (8.5) Since (by allxH, it follows from ( 8.4) and (8.5) this with ( 8.3) gives the claimed bound. /square We now outline the rest of the paper. Recall that we have reduced the proof of our main theorem to the task of proving Proposition 7.6. We now have a tool, Proposition 8.2, to use on this problem. However, we must verify the two requirements, the uniform distribution prop erty (8.1) and the quasirandomness property, in our setting. The formal statements are Propositions 8.4and8.5below. First, we give a definition which will play an important role in the rest of the 8.3. Supposethat qisodd, b. Let be the group generated by the elements or equivalently by the support of Supp( LetQbe a quadratic form. Thenthere is some p0(Q) such that the following is true. Suppose that qis squarefree and has all prime factors greater than p0(Q). Letuqbe the measure described in Definition 7.5. Then there is power of two m=O(1)such with the implied constant being absolute. We will prove this in Section 9. It does not require any on the form Q.30 BEN 8.5. LetQbe a generic quadratic form. Then there is somep0(Q)such that the following is true. Let rbe the Weil repre- sentation on Sp8(Z/qZ) (as given in Proposition 7.2). Suppose that q is squarefree and has all prime factors greater than p0(Q). Thenr|Gq splits into irreducible of dimensions will prove this in Sections 8.4and8.5are precisely what is needed in order to apply Proposition 8.2, and the conclusion is precisely Proposition 7.6. Therefore we have, as the remaining outstanding tasks, the proo fs of these two distribution of convolution powers In this section we establish Proposition 8.4. Our proof of this state- ment has a hint of model theory about it, though we will not use that language. As remarked in the introduction, it is somewhat related to Tao's argument in [ 25]. Here is a rough plan of the proof. (1) (Step 1) Consider first the case q=pa sufficiently large prime. We argue that the sequence 0,1,2,...(which by Young's inequality) stabilises at some time t=O(1), in the sense that (1 uses the Lang-Weil bound from algebraic geometry. (2) (Step 2) By standard arguments from additive in Appendix C), this implies that for some subgroup (Step 3) By some group-theoretic arguments, Hmust in fact be Gp. (4) (Step 4) Taking a few further convolution powers, we upgrade the estimate to a much stronger bound (Step 5) We deduce the general squarefree case of Proposit estimate. We keep terminology to an absolute minimum. A good down-to-earth account of what we need may be found in [ 26, Chapter 9]. Let Mbe a real parameter. Then for the purposes of this paper, by a variety of complexity mean a set of points of the =***=Pm(x) = 0},QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 31 whereP1,...,P mFp[X1,...,X n] are polynomials all of degree Denote by V(Fp) theFp-points ofV, that is to say the points ofVall of whose coordinates lie in Fp. Proposition 9.1 (Lang-Weil) .We have
|V(Fp)|= some integer c(V) =OM(1). Remark. In fact,c(V) is the number of top-dimensional aredefinable over Fp, but we shall not needthis we need toreally knowwhat dimension means, other thanthat it is an integer in the range 0 All we need is the fact that the quantities |V(Fp)|are restricted to a rather discretised set of values. This kind of application of Lang-Weil has appeared in works and is related to the concept of stability. The Lang-Weil estimate has the following consequence for convolu- tion powers of our measures up. Lemma 9.2. There are functions a,b:Nx {primes} functions that for for all primes pwe integers with 0< we =b(j,p).(9.4)32 BEN GREEN Proof.The key point is to interpret terms of the number of Fp-points on a variety of bounded complexity. To this end, we /summationdisplay xu(2j) p(x)2
= 1, some variety of complexity Oj(1), defined over Fp. Note here that, although (for instance) nota priorigiven by polynomials, we can r this isgiven by polynomials. (Alternatively, one could talk varieties, but the trick of introducing y,y'avoids the need to do that.) This immediately implies, by the Lang-Weil bound, the first state- ment (9.1) (withb(j,p) = 2j+1-dimVj). We now proceed to derive the additional statements ( 9.2), (9.3) and (9.4), which we do by com- binatorial means (with reference to ( 9.1)). For (9.2), note that anyprobability measure non a finite group thelower one point). Since (see ( (1 +o(1))p36, (9.2) follows ifpis large enough. For items ( 9.3) and (9.4) we use Young's inequality (Lemma C.1), which implies that a non-increasing function of j. Therefore we have, by ( 1,p),a(j,p) are positive integers of size Oj(1) and so large in terms of jboth (9.3) and (9.4) follow. Finally, note that a(j,p) is bounded above by OMj(1), whereMj=
Oj(1) is an upper bound for the complexity of Vj. FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES replace it by For the same reasons, we may also assume that p0is a non-decreasing function. /square Remark. There should probably be a more purely way to see the inequalities ( 9.3), (9.4) in terms of the number of con- nected components and dimensions of the relevant Vs, but this would certainly take much longer to set up than the argument we gave abo ve. We now turn to the realisation of Step 1 of the 9.3. Suppose that pis sufficiently large. Then there that use Lemma 9.2and the notation there. It clearly suffices to show that, for some t=O(1), we have a(t+1,p) =a(t,p) andb(t+1,p) a sequence T1,T2,...,T 37as follows. Set T1:=a*(1), and then inductively define Ti+1:=Ti+a*(Ti) fori= 1,2,3,...,36. we have the bounds ( 9.2), (9.3) and (9.4), for claim that there is some that ( 9.5) holds. Suppose not. Then, by ( 9.3), (9.4) we have that for all or (2)b(j+1,p) =b(j,p) (9.2), there are at most 36 values of jfor which (1) occurs; suppose they 1 =T1-T' 1+ 1. Since a(j,p) is always positive, this implies that we must also have (2), which is always positive, this implies that in this manner we see inductively that now with j=T' m+i,i= 1,2,..., only (2) can occur, (yet again) a(j,p) is always positive, this can only continue as far asi=a*(T36)-1 before we get a contradiction. Note that then34 BEN so all the appeals we made to ( 9.2), (9.3) and (9.4) were indeed valid. This contradiction shows that we were wrong to assume that there is which ( 9.5) holds. /square Step 2. The conclusion of Step 1 (Proposition 9.3) is that for some t, we have, for the symmetic measure n:=u(2t)the very strong is well-known that any probability measure satisfying this kind of property is close to uniform on a subgroup. The precise statement we need is Corollary C.3in Appendix C, from which we conclude that there is some subgroup Hsuch that (9.8) whereuHis the uniform measure on H. It follows from ( 9.7) = there is some coset xHsuch (9.9) Step 3. In this step we use a group-theoretic argument, making use of some slightly specific features of the problem, to upgrade th e statement ( 9.9) tou(xH) = 1, or in other words (recalling to show that all g(r),r(Z/pZ)*, lie Thus, by ( (9.10) Perform the following algorithm to generate distinct elements r1,r2,... ofRas long as possible. Write EachSjis a coset (of some subgroup of Sp8(Z/pZ)) and, no matter how we choose the ri, we have the nesting S1S2 ***
If, at stepjof the construction, it is possible to choose apropersubset ofSjthen do so; otherwise, stop.QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 35 Note that, as long as the algorithm continues, we have theSjare all cosets of subgroups). Therefore, the algorithm stops in at most O(logp) steps. When the algorithm finishes, we have r1,...,r a coset some subgroup). Note that, sinceriR, we sog(xH)(ri), and suppose that rR'. Since the algorithm we described stopped at themth stage, we 1,...,m, since otherwise we could take rm+1:=rir(which would be an element ofRby the definition of R'). It follows is, ifrR'thenS=S(r). It follows that Sis invariant under the entire subgroup of ( Z/pZ)*generated by R'. (9.10) and the fact that m=O(logp). Therefore the group gener- ated byR'is the whole of ( Z/pZ)*, and so we have that showed earlier that gS. It now follows that In particular, g(rr1)(xH)(r1), which implies that g(r)xHfor allr(Z/pZ)*, which is what we wanted to all the elements g-(r)g(s)lie inH. By definition we have G follows that Supp( u(2t) p)H. However, we showed in ( 9.8) and therefore the group gen- erated by Supp( u(2t) p) is all ofH. However, the group generated u(2) p)which, is precisely G p. Finally, we may conclude that H= Gp. There- fore (9.6) may be rewritten (9.11)36 BEN GREEN Step 4. In this step of the argument we upgrade ( 9.11) to a ByCauc hy- Schwarz we (9.12) However, if nis some probability measure on a finite group G of size Nand is to this stimes to ( 9.12) so, taking a suitably large s, there is some power of two m=
2t+1+s=O(1) such (9.13) provided (as always) pis sufficiently large. Since we are free to choose any sufficiently large s=O(1), we can make the choice so that mis independent of p. Note that ( 9.13) is a much stronger version of Proposition 8.4in the caseq=pa sufficiently large p36it follows from ( 9.13) This one-sided estimate is the only one we will need 5. Finally, we turn to the deduction of Proposition 8.4itself. That is, we pass from the case q=pa prime to the general case. Suppose then that qis squarefree, and that all its prime factors areQUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 37 sufficiently large (larger than p0(T37), the quantity appearing in Step 1, is enough). We have a natural homomorphism p: the Chinese remainder theorem, the measure uqpushes forward underpto the product xp|qup: we havep(g(r)) = (g(r(modp)))p|q, and the tuple all values that G qis the group generated by the groups also behave nicely under projection, as the following lemma shows. Lemma 9.4. Suppose that qis squarefree, and let p: the natural isomorphism. Then p(Gq) is easy to see that To see that the two are in fact equal, suppose we have elements gpGp. For some N, we may write elements that is to say as a word consisting of a product of Nof the generators. Note that we can use the same Nfor eachpby padding with exponents ri,p=si,p, if necessary, each of which con- tributes the identity, and we have also taken advantage of the fac t which means we do not need to worry about including inverses separately. By the Chinese remainder theorem th thatri(modp) =ri,p, and similarly for the si. we see that p(g) = (gp)p|q, as desired. /square Remark. We caution that this lemma is a rather specific result. If, for example, we defined ~Gqto be the group generated by the g(r),r (Z/qZ)*, the same argument would not work (consider, for example, the question of how to find an element whose projection to Sp8(Z/pZ) isg, and whose projection to Sp8(Z/p'Z) isg-1). With these facts in hand, we may now complete the proof. Let m, a power of two, be as in ( 9.14). BEN GREEN This bound, coupled with the fact that Supp( u(m) q)Gq, Gq We turn now to the task of proving Proposition 8.5. The first stage is to actually identify the group G qthat is to say the subgroup of Sp8(Z/qZ) generated by the in an form. Recall that the symplectic element gis a of Sp8(Q) associated to the quadratic form Q(see Definition 7.3). In view of Lemma 9.4, it is enough to consider the prime case G p. To itseems best 8(Z/pZ) (intheobvious way). Itthenturns out that G pis a conjugate (in GL 8(Z/pZ)) of the group SL where (recall) = 4 b-1ab-Tc-Iis the matrix discrim- inant of our form Q. We will discuss such groups at much greater length in due course. For now, note that Fp[] is an algebra over Fpof dimension at most 4 (by the Cayley-Hamilton theorem). algebra will have dimension exactly 4 and in this case SL 2(Fp[]) (and hence G p) will be a group of of size ~p12. The precise structure of SL 2(Fp[]) will depend on how the char- acteristic polynomial rfor splits over Fp, but it will be a direct product of some groups SL 2(Fpn) for various n. Suppose henceforth that Qis generic, and that pis large enough thata,b, are invertible over Fp. In order to examine the by definition, generate G p), one eventually hits upon theidea oflookingat what might becalled ablock Namely, there is an invertible Aand symmetric B,C(all 4-by-4 matrices) such (10.1) To see that such a factorisation exists is simple: writing g=/parenleftbigP Q R we can take A=S-T, B=STQ, C=S-1R. (10.2) Note thatSis well-defined and invertible (over Qand over Fp) FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 39 The matrices BandChere will be somewhat important in their own right. We C=-2c+1 2bTa-1b, BC= .(10.3) We note that the appearance of here is the reason for its definitio n. Since is assumed invertible over Fp, bothBandCare purpose of looking at the DUL factorisation ( 10.1) is that it renders the action of dilation easy to understand. (10.4) Now (10.5) This is invertible over Fpand so may considered as an element of GL8(Z/pZ). Now observe that for lF*
pwe It is important to note that neither tnor SL 2(Fp[]) are contained in Sp8(Z/pZ) in general, although of course the It turns out that (assuming Qis generic, and for sufficiently large p) this is the group G p. This is the first key result of the 10.1. Suppose that Qis generic and that pis in terms of Q. turning to the proof, we assemble some lemmas. We will need the following two facts about 10.2. Lete >0. Suppose that FFp[X,Y]has total degree Dand thatp>2D/e. Then (1)IfF(x,y) = 0for at least a proportion eof all pairs (x,y) FpxFp, thenFis identically values in some subfield k0<Fp, for at least a proportioneof all pairs (x,y)FpxFp, then all the ink0.40 BEN GREEN Proof.(i) This is an immediate consequence of the which states that if Fis not identically zero then the number of solutions to F(x,y) = 0 with x,yFpis at mostDp, which is the assumptions of the lemma. (ii) We begin with a 1-variable version. If f(x) is a polynomial of degreeDwhich takes values in k0forD+1 different values of xFp then it follows from Lagrange interpolation that all the coefficients o f flie ink0. Turning to the 2-variable statement we actually want, write F(X) where deg LetSFpxFpbe the set of pairs (x,y) for which F(x,y)k0. For each x, letSx:={y: (x,y)S}. Then there is a set such that for all xA. IfxA, the 1-variable result implies (since p>2D/e) that all thefi(x) lie ink0. A second application of the 1-variable result then implies that all the coefficients of each filie ink0. We remark that the proof technique for (ii) can also be used for (i) (in fact this is essentially the usual proof of Schwartz-Zippel by induction). /square We will also need a couple of lemmas about subgroups of direct products. Both may be found in [ 19, Chapter 1]. The first result 10.3 (Goursat's lemma) .LetG1,G2be groups. Consider the direct product G1xG2and letpi:G1xG2-Gibe the two projection maps. a subgroup, and suppose that pi(H) =Gifor i= 1,2. Then there are normal subgroups NiGiand an thatHhas the form =g2}, wheregiis the image of for example, [ 19, Proposition 1.6]. /square The second result is somewhat less well-known and is called Ribet's lemma by Serre [ 19]. Lemma 10.4 (Ribet's Lemma) .LetG1,...,G nbe perfect groups, that is to say equal to their own commutator subgroups. Let such that the projection pijofHtoGixGjis surjective for every pair (i,j). ThenHis the whole of [19, Proposition 1.8]. /square The next lemma, which looks a little ad hoc, is in some sense the scalar version of Proposition 10.1, and is the heart of the proof of it.QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 41 Lemma 10.5. Suppose that thatthFp {0,-1}. Then the over F*
p, generate We use the fact that any proper subgroup of SL2(k) has a subgroup of index C=O(1) which is conjugate to a subgroup of one of (1) the group of upper triangular matrices or (2) SL 2(k0) for some proper subfield k0<k. See Appendix Afor further comments on this fact. Suppose, then, that the Mth(r,s) generate a proper subgroup G <
SL2(Fp(th)). Let [G : be a subgroup conjugate to a group of type (1) or (2) above. By the pigeonhole principle there is some coset G'xcontaining the elements g-(r)g,rR, for some setRF*
pof size at least1 C(p-1). Then G'contains the allr,sR, that is to say for (r,s), wheree= (2C2)-1. Now we may explicitly compute that if P=/parenleftbiga b c (here a,b,care local to the proof of Lemma 10.5, not the coefficients of Q) then the bottom-left entry of the bracketed expression as a polynomial in rands. If this is to be zero for at least ep2pairs the first part that (if pis sufficiently large) all the coefficients of this polynomial vanish, and so c2=cdth=d2th(1 +th) = 0. We cannot have c=d= 0 (sincePis invertible) and so, since (1) is to the subfield case (2), we proceed similarly, but now using the second part of Lemma 10.2. This implies that all of lie ink0. 0, it follows sothk0. This, however, is impossible since k=Fp(th) andk0is assumed to be a propersubfield ofk.42 BEN GREEN Ifc= 0, we consider additionally the top-left entry of (when c= 0) thatad= detP= 1. Therefore, by the second part of Lemma 10.2,thk0. This is again a ifd= 0, the top-left entry of thatbc= detP=-1, and so again we get thk0. /square Proof of Proposition 10.1.We must show that the elements g(r,s) SL 2(Fp[]). From ( 10.4), (10.6) we have g(r,s) s-1I 0I/parenrightbigg/parenleftbigg I0 s(10.7) Thisshouldbecomparedwiththedefinitionof Mth(r,s)inLemma 10.5. Now we are assuming that Qis generic which, by definition, means that the characteristic polynomial r(l) = det( -lI) has four dis- tinct roots in Q{0,-1}. Consequently, it will also be the of over Q. LetrFp[X] be the reduction of rmodulop. Ifpis ,rwill have four distinct roots in Fp{-1,0}. (The is not the zero polynomial, by assumption, and so it is also not the zero polynomial when reduced mod p, forp; 0 inQ, and hence in Fpforp.) Since it has distinct roots, rwill be the minimal polynomial of over Fp. Henceforth, suppose that Suppose that the irreducibles polynomials over Fpisf1***fn. Then, since r has distinct roots in Fp, thefiwill be coprime. For each i, letaiFp be a root of fiand consider the map Ph by Ph(F()) = anyFFp[X]. This is a well-defined ring homomorphism: if F1() =F2() the minimal polyomial of ) and hence fi|F1-F2for eachi, whenceF1(ai) =F2(ai). WeQUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 43 claim that Ph is injective. If Ph( F()) = 0 then for i= 1,...,nwe have F(ai) = 0 which implies fi|F. Since the fiare coprime, r|Fand so F() = 0. Both the domain and range of Ph have size p4and so it is in fact a ring there are five possible isomorphism types for the ring Fp[], namely Fp4(ifris irreducible over completely over Fp.) Note that by standard algebraic number theory we can expect all o f these possibilities to occur as pvaries over primes. The map Ph induces a group isomorphism Ph : SL view of ( 10.7), we have Ph(g(r,s)) = theMai(r,s) are as defined in Lemma 10.5. It follows from this and Lemma 10.5that, if G = the group generated by the g(r,s), then the projection of Ph(G) on to each is surjective. When n= 1, this is the end of the proof, but we must work a little harder in the other cases. Let us begin by looking at H, the projection of Ph(G) to the prod- uct SL of two of the factors (without loss of generality, the first two). Write pi,i= 1,2 for projection onto each factor. As we have remarked, pi(H) = SL 2(Fp(ai)). This allows us to apply Goursat's lemma (Lemma 10.3). We conclude that and an isomorphism ph: thatH={(g1,g2)SL : ph(g1) =g2}, wheregidenotes reduction mod Ni. Now the SL 2(Fp(ai)) are almost simple: each Nimust be either SL2(Fp(ai)). See Appendix A. Moreover, the fact that phis an isomorphism, and the fact that SL 2(Fp(ai)) is not isomorphic to PSL 2(Fp(aj)) (consider cardinalities), means that up to are only three essentially different cases, which we consider s ep- arately below. Case 1.N1= SL2(Fp(a1)). ThenN2= SL2(Fp(a2)), andHis the whole of the product SL . Case 2.N1=N2={I}. ThenH={(x,ph(x)) is some isomorphism. Note that Hcontains the elements ( so in this44 BEN GREEN scenario we must =Ma2(r,s) (10.8) for allr,s. By looking at cardinalities, the fields Fp(a1) andFp(a2) must be isomorphic, so to ease notation we may suppose that a2 Fp(a1). Now it is known (see Appendix A) that the automorphism group of SL2(k) is generated by conjugation by elements of GL 2(k) and Therefore for some PGL2(Fp(a1)) and for some field automorphism sofFp(a1) we with ( 10.8) =Ma2(r,s)P (10.9) for allr,s. b c comparing top left entries allr,sF*
p. By Lemma 10.2(and since 0,-1) we have b=c= 0, 0 andth=th'. That is,s(a1) =a2, and soa1,a2 have the same minimal polynomial over Fp. This is a we assumed that the minimal polynomials of that is to say the factors of the minimal polynomial of over Fp) are coprime. Case 3.Ni=Nj={+-I}. We reprise the argument from Case 2, only now we must allow a sign error. Included in the classification of automorphisms of PSL 2(Fp(a1)) (see Appendix A) is the fact that lift to automorphisms of SL 2(Fp(a1)). Therefore +-I}for some isomorphism ph: . We may now proceed as before but with an additional sign error, thus ( 10.9) =er,sMa2(r,s)P (10.11) for allr,sF*
pand for some choice of signs er,s {+-1}. Ifer,s= 1 for at least half of all pairs ( we are done, exactly as before (taking e=1 4in Lemma 10.2). Ifer,s=-1 for at least half of all pairs (10.10) is modified FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 45 for half of all pairs ( r,s)F*
p. From this we conclude that b=c= 0, hence a/e}atioslash= 0 and so both th=-th'and 1 +th=-(1 +th'). This is since we can replace {1,2}by any pair {i,j}), we have now shown that the projection of Ph(G) to the product SL any pair of factors is surjective. Proposition 10.1now follows from Lemma10.4, together with the fact (see Appendix A) that all the factors SL 2(Fp(ai)) are perfect. of r|Gq. We turn now to the proof of Proposition 8.5itself. Let us begin by recalling the 11.1 (Proposition 8.5).LetQbe a generic quadratic form. Then there is some p0(Q)such that the following is true. Let rbe the Weil representation on Sp8(Z/qZ) (as given in Suppose that qis squarefree and has all prime factors Thenr|Gqsplits into irreducible of di- mensions begin by reducing to the prime case. Write q=p1***pn. ris constructed in Appendix Bas a tensor where ~ri: is a twisted version of the mod piWeil representation ri, given by ~ri(g) =ri(gsi) This tensor product may be realised on l2((Z/qZ)4) for wherefifactors through the projection pi: Appendix Bfor a discussion of the notation here). Consider the restriction to G The decom- position of r|Gqinto irreducibles is then given by decomposing into irreducible ~ ri|Gpi-invariant subspaces Viand taking tensor products. (Here we use the fact that if Viis an irreducible an irreducible is a standard fact of representation theory. See for instan ce [10, Theorem 19.18].) Now each G piis a direct product of groups SL 2(Fpj i), and there- fore by Appendix Aany irreducible representation of G piis either triv- ial, or has dimension at least1 2(pi-1). That is, if dim 1 Consequently, if for all ithe representation ~ ri|Gpi46 BEN GREEN has no invariant vector (that is, 1-dimensional invariant subspace ) =q1-o(1), as desired. This reduces the task of proving Proposition 8.5to the following, which is the final task for the main part of the 11.2. Suppose that Qis generic and that pis in terms of Q. Letr: the mod pWeil representation. Let r(Z/pZ)*, and let ~rbe the twist of rby dilation by r, that is to say ~r(x) =r(x(r)). Then~r|Gphas no vector. Proof.We will show that the conclusion holds under the assumption that has distinct eigenvalues and is invertible over Fp. This includes all sufficiently large primes p. IndeedQis generic, so by definition has distinct eigenvalues and is invertible over Q. Therefore the same is true over Fp,psufficiently large, for the reasons detailed at the start of the proof of Proposition Since G pis invariant under the dilation g/mapsto-g(r), it suffices to consider the case ~ r=r. Suppose, then, that r(g)f=f Ouraimistoshow that fisidentically zero. To examine the condition ( 11.1) we will look at the following particular elements are the specific symmetric matrices described in (10.3): (1) the upper triangular elements u(MB) =/parenleftbigI whereM Fp[]; (2) the lower triangular elements l(CM) whereM Fp[]; (3) the diagonal elements s(lI) =/parenleftbiglI0 0l-1lF*
p. Now that we know from Proposition 10.1that G defined in ( 10.5)), so one may easily check using ( 10.6) that all of these elements do lie in G p. Now we already have formulae for the actions of the elements in (2) and (3), directly from Proposition 7.2. (11.2) for some unit complex number xM=x(l(CM)) (we do not care exactly what this is) and r(s(lI))f(x) =x' lf(l-1x) (11.3)QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 47 for some unit complex number x' l. If (11.1) holds, it follows from ( 11.2) that for each M Supp(f) ep(-1 2tM) =xM). Now(11.3) tells us that Supp( f(x)) = Supp( f(l-1x)) for alllF*
p, we see that in fact all the tMmust be zero, that is Supp(f) {x:xTCMx= 0}for get a formula for the upper triangular action, we note the identit y u(W) =J-1l(-W)J for any matrix W, where as usual Thus iffis invari- ant underr(u(MB)) thenr(J)fis invariant under r(l(-MB)). As above, this implies that Supp( r(J)f) {x:xTMBx=t' M}. we see that r(J)fis invariant (up to multiplica- tion by a scalar) by dilation x/mapsto-l-1x. Therefore all of the t' Mare in fact zero. Moreover, from Proposition 7.2we know that r(J)fis the (normalised) Fourier transform of ftimes a scalar, and so we come to the conclusion that Supp(^f) {x:xTMBx= 0}for ( 11.4) and (11.5) seem highly incompatible and ump- tions. However, a proof seems not to be completely straightforwa rd (and indeed the statement fails in sufficiently degenerate situations , for example if we were to allow = 0). Let us begin the argument. Consider the bilinear form ph(x,y) SinceBC= and is invertible over over Fpand so this is a non-degenerate form. We note that is self-adjoint with respect to ph: ph(x,y) =xTCBCy, ph(x,y) that B,Care both symmetric). By the usual argument, this means that eigenvectors of with distinct eigenvalues are orthogo nal with respect to ph. Indeed, if v1=l1v1and =ph(v1,v2) =ph(v1,v2) =l1ph(v1,v2).48 BEN GREEN Now since has distinct eigenvalues, it is diagonalisable over Fp. with(distinct) eigenvalues li,i= 1,2,3,4. These are a basis for F4 p. (11.6) Note 0 (if it was, viwould be orthogonal with respect tophto all ofv1,v2,v3,v4and hence to all of F4 p, contrary to the fact thatphis the matrix with ( is non-singular, its determinant being a non-zero of a certain Vandermonde determinant. It follows from (11.6) that ifxTCjx= 0 forj= 0,1,2,3 thenx= 0, and so any f satisfying ( 11.4) is supported only at zero. Notingthat xTj+1Bx= (Bx)TCj(Bx), that ifxTj+1Bx= 0 forj= 0,1,2,3 thenx= 0, and so any has^fsupported only at zero. These two facts about fare completely incompatible, unless fis identically zero: if fis supported at zero, ^fis in fact constant on (Z/pZ)4. This completes the proof of Proposition 11.2, and hence that of Proposition 8.5. /square All of the main results in the paper are now It is in fact possible to show (under the assumptions on in force throughout this section) that r|Gpis isomorphic to a of SL 2(Fp[]) onl2(Fp[]), by giving an explicit inter- twining map. This fact can be used to give an alternative proof of Proposition 11.2which, while more natural than the ad here, requires quite a bit more setting up. We intend to g ive a full account in future work. Appendix A.Facts about SL2(k) We collect various well-known facts about SL 2(k),ka finite field, which we used in the main text. For our purposes, rough versions of these facts (passing to subgroups of index O(1), etc) would be quite sufficient but we use the precise versions when sufficiently clean resu lts are relatively FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 49 Proposition A.1. Letkbe a finite field of odd characteristic. Then (1)The smallest nontrivial complex representation of at order at least 5thenSL2(k)is perfect. (3)Any proper subgroup of SL2(k)has a subgroup of index at most Cwhich is conjugate to a subgroup of one of (i)the group of up- per triangular matrices or (ii) SL 2(k0)for some proper automorphism of a composition of GL2(k), anda powerof the of k. Proof.(1) goes back well over a century, to Jordan and Schur. For a nice and easy-to-access discussion, see Prasad's notes [ 17]. (2) See Lang [ 11, Chapter XIII, Theorem 8.3]. (3) The rough statement given here, which suffices for our purpos es is [26, Theorem 5.2.7]. As one would expect, a detailed classification of maximal subgroups of SL 2(k) has been known for more than a century. It is somewhat complicated; the details, as well as references to th e original papers, may be found in [ 13]. (4) This is certainly well-known. A standard reference is [ 21, 3.2]. See also [ 22]. The MathOverflow post [ 30] is helpful in navigating B.Weil representation of Sp8(Z/qZ) In the section we construct the representation of r: which we have been using throughout the paper, and whose properties are detailed in Proposition 7.2. Suppose that q=
p1***pnis squarefree and odd. We assume the existence, for each i, of the Weil representations ri: ), the construction of which is given in detail in [ 16] and shown to satisfy the properties of Proposition 7.2(and in fact that paper gives details of the multiplier x, whose precise properties are unimportant in this paper). Since one thinks of looking at the (exterior) tensor product r=n i=1ri. However, this turns out to need a small eachi, denote by si: the automor- phism defined that this is, in fact, one of the dilates we considered earlier (se e50 BEN GREEN (7.3)), but with parameter r=l-1 i. It may not be an inner automor- phism (this depends on whether or not liis a square mod pi). Each rimay be twisted by sito give a representation ~ ri: defined by ~ ri(g)f:=r(gsi)f. This will be a square mod pi, but not otherwise. However, we will not need this last fact. We now construct ras the tensor which we l2((Z/qZ)4). Fromhereon, we will abuse notation by omitting explicit notation for projection maps from from Sp8(Z/qZ) to Sp8(Z/piZ), or from Mat4(Z/qZ) to Mat 4(Z/piZ) when the domain is clear from context. Thus, for example, for functions fil2((Z/piZ)4) we define the : but it would be more correct, though cum- bersome, to wherepi: the natural projection. For a pure tensor fas above define r(g)f(x) (B.1) This is well-defined by the universal property of tensor products. We now turn to the verification of the properties stated in Recall that the properties to be established are as follows (for some unit complex numbers =x(s(E))f(E-1x) (B.2) fors(E) (B.4) forl(W) . We will also, of course, be using the corresponding properties for t he prime case ri. To avoid confusion, we write xi(*) for the complex numbers. It is enough to check ( B.2), (B.3) and (B.4) for pure tensors f.QUADRATIC FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 51 Proof of (B.2).We have r(s(E))f(x) This establishes ( B.2). For the remaining two parts, we will need the relation eq(lt) of (B.3).We have r(J)f(x) Applying ( B.5) toyiin (Z/piZ)4, and the claim follows. Proof of (B.4).We have r(l(W))f(x) The claim again follows measures We invite the reader to recall the notation concerning on finite groups Gas described at the start of Section 8. In52 BEN the 2-norm with respect to the counting We extend the notation uHfor the uniform measure on a subgroup Hto arbitrary sets: thus if AGis a finite set then we write uAfor the uniform measure on A, that is to say the measure which puts weight |A|-1on each point of A. We have the following instance of Young's C.1 (Young's inequality) .Letu,nbe two probability measures onG. Then we have have u*n(x) Cauchy-Schwarz and the fact that nis a probability summing over xGgives the result. /square In the main text we required a statement about almost equality here in the case that u=nand both are symmetric. The actual statement we quoted in the main text is Corollary C.3below, but the heart of it is Lemma C.2. This result should be thought of as well-known, but it is hard to give a precise reference. The basic idea of the proof goe s back to Fournier [ 7]; see [6, Proposition 5.4] for the abelian case or [ 4, Appendix A] for a closely related result. Lemma C.2. Letube a symmetric probability measure on a finite groupG. Letebe sufficiently small positive constant. Suppose Then there is a subgroup assume throughout the proof that eis sufficiently small. (C.1) ThenAis a symmetric set, and we have (using the pointwise FORMS IN 8 PRIME VARIABLES 53 Writingu*u(A) = 1-d, so thatu*u(Ac) =d, this rearranges to that is to say Since u*u(A) Since uis symmetric, Therefore, setting S:=BB-1, we see that Sis symmetric and From (C.1) we we (C.2) Note that this (uS-u) and expanding and using the triangle in- equality, we Young's inequality, ( C.2), (C.3) and the assumption of the lemma it follows this point we have essentially reduced the proof of the lemma to th e case of a uniform measure on a set. Equation ( C.4) is equivalent to the statement that the number of multiplicative quadruples s1s2=s3s4in Sis (1-O(e1/4)|S|3. This is a well-known situation and (for [ 7] implies that there is a subgroup Hsuch that result follows from this, ( C.2) and the triangle inequality. /square Finally we give the result actually quoted in the main text. Corollary C.3. Letube a symmetric probability measure on a finite groupG. Letebe a sufficiently small constant. Suppose that Then there is a subgroup that BEN C.2. just the conclusion of Lemma C.2. From it we particular,
/a}bracketle{tu,uH/a}bracketri}ht=1 2/parenleftbig
/bardblu/bardbl2+/bardbluH/bardbl2-2) = we have and so the second statement fol- lows. For the third statement, write A:= Supp(u)H. By Cauchy- Schwarz we required bound now follows by comparing this with ( C.5) and (C.6). J. Bourgain, A modular Szemer' edi-Trotter theorem for hyperbolas, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 350(2012), no. 17-18, 793-796. [2] J. Bourgain and A. Gamburd, Uniform expansion bounds for Cayley graphs of SL2(Fp), Ann. Math. 167(2008), no. 2, 625-642. [3] J. Bourgain, A. Gamburd and P. Sarnak, Affine linear sieve, expanders, and sum-product , Invent. Math. 179(2010), no. 3, 559-644. [4] E. Breuillard, B. J. Green, R. Guralnickand T. Tao, Expansion in finite simple groups of Lie type , J. Eur. Math. Soc 17(2015), no. 6, 1367-1434. [5] C. Chan, The Weil Representation , Stanford Senior Honors Thesis available at ation.pdf [6] T. Eisner and T. Tao, Large values of the Gowers-Host-Kra seminorms , J. Anal. Math. 117(2012), 133-186. [7] J.J.Fournier, Sharpness in Young's inequality for convolution , 383-397. [8] W. T. Gowers, Quasirandom groups, Comb. Prob. Comp. 17(2008), no. 3, 363-387. [9] L. K. Hua, Some results in additive prime number theory, Quart. J. Math 9 (19838), 60-80. [10] G. James and M. Liebeck, Representations and characters of groups, 2nd edi- tion, Cambridge University Press 2001. [11] Serge Lang, Algebra, 3rd edition, Springer 2002 [12] J. Liu, Integral points on quadrics with prime coordinates , Monatsh. Math. 164(2011), 439-465. [13] O. King, The subgroup structure of finite classical groups in terms of , in Surveys in Combinatorics 2005, London Math. Soc. 29-56. | 2108.10401 | Ben Green | Ben Green | Quadratic forms in 8 prime variables | 55 pages | null | null | null | math.NT math.RT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We give an asymptotic for the number of prime solutions to $Q(x_1,dots, x_8)
= N$, subject to a mild non-degeneracy condition on the homogeneous quadratic form $Q$. The argument initially proceeds via the circle method, but this does not suffice by itself. To obtain a nontrivial bound on certain averages of exponential sums, we interpret these sums as matrix coefficients for the of the symplectic Averages of such are then bounded using an amplification argument and a for convolutions of measures, which reduces matters to understanding the action of certain 12-dimensional subgroups in the Weil understanding can be gained by using the basic represention theory of $k$ a finite field.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:49:55 GMT"
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Successively, the upper bound for extremal number of the tetrahedron has been improved by de Caen [13], Giraud (unpublished, see [11]), Chung and Lu [11], and finally Razborov [46] and Baber [2], both making use of Razborov's flag algebra approach [45] (see also Baber and Talbot [3]). Another relevant result towards solving Tur' an's tetrahedron problem is by Pikhurko [43]. Building on a result by Razborov [46], Pikhurko [43] determined the exact extre- mal hypergraph when the induced 4-vertex graph with one edge is forbidden in addition to this paper we study a different notion of extremality and solve the tetrahedron for this notion. It is interesting that the extremal K3 4-free hypergraphs in /lscript2- norm have approximately the same structure as one of the conjectured extremal hypergraphs for Tur' an's conjecture. For an integer n, denote by [ n] the set of the first nintegers. Given a set Aand an integer k, we the set of all subsets of Aof sizek. LetGbe hypergraph. For TV(G) with|T|=k-1 we denote by dG(T) the codegree ofT, i.e., the number of edges in GcontainingT. If the choice of Gis obvious, we will drop the index and just write d(T). The codegree vector ofGis the of the codegree vector, or to put it in other words, the sum of codegrees, is ktimes the number of edges. Thus, Tur' an's problem for k- graphs is equivalent to the question of finding the maximum /lscript1-norm for the codegree vector We propose to study this maximum with respect to other norms. A case seems to be the /lscript2-norm of the codegree vector. We will refer to the square of the codegree vector as the codegree squared sum denoted by co 2(G), co2(G) 1.1. Given ak-uniform hypergraph H, what is the maximum codegree squared hypergraph Gcan have? Many different types of extremality in hypergraphs have been studied: The most related one is the minimum For a given k-graph, the mini- mum is the largest minimum codegree an n-vertexk-graph can have a copy of H. This problem has not even been solved for Hbeing the tetrahedron. For a collection of results on the minimum see R odl and Schacht [49,50] introduced new variants of the Tur' an density, which ask for the maximum density for which an H-free hypergraph with a certain quasirandomness property exists. Roughly speaking, a quasirandomness property is a property which holds for the with high probability. Reiher, R odl and Schacht [49] determined such a variant for the tetrahedron. In this paper we solve asymptotically Question 1.1 for the tetrahedron. For a family F ofk-uniform hypergraphs, we define exco 2(n,F) to be the maximum codegree squared sum hypergraph can have, and the codegree squared density s(F) to be its scaled limit, i.e., exco 2(n,F) = max Gis hypergraphco2(G) and s(F) = lim n-exco 1)2.(1) We will observe in Proposition 1.8 that the limit in (1) exists. Denote by K3
/lscriptthe hypergraph on Our main result is that we determine the codegree squared density asymptotically for K3 4andK3 5, V2 V3 CnA B Bn Figure 1: Illustration of CnandBn. Theorem 1.2. We have s(K3 4) =1 3ands(K3 5) =5 8. Denote byCnthe 3-uniform with vertex set V(Cn) =V1V2V3 such fori,jand edge set E(Cn) denote by Bnthe balanced, complete, bipartite 3-uniform hypergraph on nvertices, that is the hypergraph where the vertex set is partitioned into two sets A,B such and the edge set is the set of triples intersecting both AandB. See Figure 1 for an The 3-graphs CnandBnare among the asymptotically extremal We conjecture that CnandBnare the unique in 1.3. There exists n0such that for all n>=n0 exco 2(n,K3 4) = co 2(Cn), andCnis the unique 3-uniform hypergraph with codegree squared sum equal to exco 2(n,K3 4). Note that Kostochka's [35] result suggests that in the /lscript1-norm there are exponentially many extremal graphs, Cnis one of them. Conjecture 1.4. There exists n0such that for all n>=n0 exco 2(n,K3 5) = co 2(Bn), andBnis the unique 3-uniform hypergraph with codegree squared sum equal to exco 2(n,K3 5). We believe that existing methods could prove these conjectures, though the potential proofs might be long and technical. In Section 3.3 we observe that giving upper bounds on s(H) for some 3-graph His equivalent to giving upper bounds on a certain linear combination of densities of 4-vertex subgraphs in 1This hypergraph is often referred to as Tur' an's A2 A3 2: Left: The complement of H5. Right: A sketch of F3,3, which has 6 vertices and edge graphs, see (2). By now it is a standard technique in the field to use the method of flag algebras to prove such bounds. If one gets an asymptotically tight upper bound from a flag algebra computation, it is typically the case that there is an essentially unique stable extremal example and that one can extract a stability result from the flag algebra proof. This also happens for K3 4andK3 5. Fore >0, we say a given n-vertex 3-graph Hise-near to ann-vertex 3-graph Gif there exists a bijection ph:V(G)-V(H) such that the number is at 1.5. For everye>0there exists d>0andn0such that for every n>n 0, ifGis a K3 4-free 3-uniform hypergraph on nvertices toCn. Theorem 1.6. For everye>0there exists d>0andn0such that for every n>n 0, ifGis a K3 5-free 3-uniform hypergraph on nvertices toBn. There is another K3 5-free 3-graph [52] with the same edge density as Bn, namelyH5. The vertex set of H5is divided into 4 parts for all 1<=i<=j<=4 and say a triple eis not an edge of H5iff there is some j(1<=j<=4) such that|eAj|>=2 3, where A5=A1, see Figure 2 for an illustration of the complement of H5. WhileH5is conjectured to be one of the asymptotically extremal hypergraphs in is not an extremal hypergraph in /lscript2-norm, because Bnhas an asymptotically higher codegree squared sum. Besides giving asymptotic result for cliques, we prove an exact result for F3,3. Denote by F3,3the 3-graph on 6 vertices with edge set see Figure 2. We prove that the codegree squared extremal hypergraph of F3,3is the bipartite hypergraph Bn. Keevash and Mubayi [33] and independently Goldwasser and Hansen [27] proved that Bnis also extremal for the 1.7. There exists n0such that for all n>=n0 exco 2(n,F3,3) = co Bnis the unique F3,3-free 3-uniform hypergraph Gonnvertices = exco 2(n,F3,3). We also prove some general results for s. First, we prove that the limit in (1) 1.8. LetFbe a family of k-graphs. Then,exco non-increasing as n increases. In particular, it tends to a limit s(F)asn- . A classical result in extremal combinatorics is the supersaturation phenomenon, discovered by Erd os and Simonovits [16]. For hypergraphs it states, that when the edge density of a hypergraph Hexceeds the Tur' an density of a hypergraph G, thenHcontains many copies of G. Proposition 1.9 shows that the same phenomenon holds for s. Proposition 1.9. LetFbe ak-graph onfvertices. For every e>0, there exists that every hypergraph Gwithn > n 0andco2(G)>(s(F) at least has been used to show that blowing-up a k-graph does not change its Tur' an density [16]. We will use our Supersaturation result, Proposition 1.9, to show the same conclusion holds fors: Blowing-up a k-graph also does not change the codegree squared density. For ak-graphHandtN, the blow-upH(t) ofHis defined by replacing each vertex x V(H) each edge x1***xkE(H) by 1.10. LetHbe ak-uniform hypergraph and tN. Then, s(H) to the Tur' an density [14], the codegree squared density has a jump at 0, i.e. it is strictly bounded away from 0. Note that this phenomenon does not happen for the minimum codegree threshold 1.11. LetHbe ak-uniform hypergraph. = 0 paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, as a warm up, we determine the of which is an analogue of a classical result of Bollob' as [8]. Next, in Section 3 we introduce terminology and give an overview of the tools we will be using. In Section 4 we present our general results on maximal codegree squared sums. Section 5 is dedicated to proving our main results on cliques, i.e., proving Theorems 1.5 and 1.6. In Section 6 we present the proof of our exact result, Theorem 1.7. In a follow-up paper [4], we systematically study the codegree squared densities of including a longer discussion of related open problems. 2A hypergraph is called cancellative if it is {F4, F5}-free. See Section 2 for the definition of F4andF5. 512 3 4 F412 3 45 F5 Figure 3: The hypergraphs F4andF5. 2 Forbidding F4andF5 In this section we will provide an example of how a classical Tur' an-type result on the /lscript1-norm can imply a result for the /lscript2-norm. Denote by F4the 4-vertex 3-graph3with edge 5-vertex 3-graph with edge set {123,124,345}, see Figure 3. The 3-graphs which areF4- andF5-free are called cancellative hypergraphs . Denote by Snthe complete 3-graph on nvertices. This is the 3-graph with vertex partition ABCwith where triples abcare edges iff a,band care each from a different class. Bollob' as [8] proved that the n-vertex cancellative hypergraph with the most edges is Sn. Using his result and a double counting argument we show that Sn is also the largest cancellative hypergraph in the 2.1. LetnN. We have exco 2(n,{F4,F5}) = co 2(Sn), and therefore also s({F4,F5}) =2 27. The unique extremal hypergraph is Sn. Proof. LetGbe anF4- andF5-free hypergraph with nvertices. For an edge e=xyzE(G), we define its weight w(e) =d(x,y) +d(x,z) +d(y,z). Then,w(e)<=n; otherwise Gcontains anF4. Bollob' as [8] proved that equality iff G=Sn. This allows us co 2(Sn).
Frankl and F uredi [24] proved that for F5-free 3-graphs, Snis also the extremal example in when n>=3000. In a follow-up paper [4] we prove that for F5-free 3-graphs, Snis also the extremal example in the /lscript2-norm provided nis sufficiently large. However, this requires more work than the proof of Theorem 2.1 and it is not derived by just applying Tur' an result. 3This hypergraph is also knows as K3- 4. 63 Terminology and notation LetHbe a 3-uniform hypergraph, xV(H) andA,BV(H) be disjoint sets. 1.L(x) denotes the link graph of x, i.e., the graph on =L(x)[A] denotes the induced link graph on A. 3.LA,B(x) denotes the subgraph of the link graph of xcontaining only edges between Aand B. This means V(LA,B(x)) denotes the subgraph of the link graph of xcontaining only non-edges between A andB. This means V(LA,B(x)) denotes the number of cross-edges between AandB, this means e(A,B) :=|{xyzE(H) denotes the number of missing cross-edges between AandB, this means ec(A,B) For an edge e=xyzE(H), we define its weight as wH(e) =d(x,y) +d(x,z) +d(y,z). 3.2 Tool 1: Induced hypergraph removal Lemma We will use the induced hypergraph removal lemma of R odl and Schacht [51]. Definition 3.1. LetFbe an arbitrary family of k-graphs andPbe a familiy of k-graphs closed under relabeling of the denotes the family of all k-graphsHwhich contain no induced copy of any member ofF.
*For a constant u>=0 we say a given everyk-graphGon the same vertex set V(H) the symmetric difference of the edge sets of GandH. Otherwise we call H u-near toP. Theorem 3.2 (R odl, Schacht [51]) .For every (possibly infinite) family Fofk-graphs and every u>0there exist constants c>0,C > 0, andn0Nsuch that the following holds. Suppose H is ak-graph onn>=n0vertices. If for every /lscript= 1,...,C and everyFF at most copies of F, thenHisu-near to Forb ind(F). 3.3 Tool 2: Flag Algebras In this section we give an insight on how we apply Razborov's flag algebra machinery [45] for calculating the codegree squared density. The main power of the machinery comes from the possibility of formulating a problem as a semidefinite program and using a computer to solve it. The method can be applied in various settings such as graphs [28, 44], hypergraphs [3, 19], oriented graphs [29,37], edge-coloured graphs [5,12], permutations [6,55], discrete geometry [7, 36], or phylogenetic trees [1]. For a detailed explanation of the flag algebra method in the setting 7of 3-uniform hypergraphs see [22]. Further, we recommend looking at the survey [47] and the expository note [48], both by Razborov. Here, we will focus on the problem formulation rather than a formal explanation of the general method. LetFbe a fixed 3-graph. Let Fdenote the set of all F-free 3-graphs up to byF/lscriptall 3-graphs inFon For two 3-graphs F1andF2, denote by P(F1,F2) the probability that |V(F1)|vertices chosen uniformly at random from V(F2) induce a copy ofF1. A sequence of 3-graphs ( Gn)n>=1of increasing orders is convergent , if for every HF. Notice that if this limit exists, it is in [0 ,1]. For readers familiar with flag algebras and its usual notation, for a convergent 3-graphs Gn, we J*Kdenotes the averaging operator and the terms on the right are interpreted +1 2P(K3- 4,Gn) the 3-graph with 4 vertices and 2 edges and K3- 4the 3-graph with 4 vertices and 3 edges, also known as F4. It is a routine application of flag algebras to find an upper bound on the right-hand side of (2). For readers less familiar with flag algebras, the following paragraphs give a slightly less of the problem formulation. Let Gbe a 3-graph. Let thbe an injective In other words, thlabels two distinct vertices in G. We call the pair ( G,th) a labelled 3-graph although only two vertices in Gare labelled by th. Let (H,th/prime) and (G,th) be two labelled 3-graphs. Let Xbe a subset of V(G)Imthof size
|V(H)|-2 chosen uniformly at random. By we denote the probability that the labelled subgraph of Ginduced by Xand the two labelled vertices, i.e., ( G[XImth],th), is isomorphic to ( H,th/prime), where the isomorphism maps th(i) toth/prime(i) a labelled 3-graph consisting of three vertices, two of them labelled, and one edge containing all three vertices. Notice that P(E,(G,th))(n-2) is the codegree of th(1) andth(2) in a 3-graphG. The square of the codegree of th(1) andth(2) is One of the tricks in flag algebras is that calculating orderncan be done within error O(1/n) by selecting two distinct vertices in addition to th(1) andth(2) and examining subgraphs on four vertices instead. In our case, it looks like the following, where P(H,(G,th)) is depicted simply asH.
1 2 2
1 2+
1 2+
1 2+
1 2+o(1) (3) The next step is to sum over all possible choices for th, there aren(n-1) of them, and divide by 2 since the codegree squared sum is over unordered pairs of vertices, unlike th. When summing over all possible th, one could look at all subsets of vertices of size 4 of Gand see what the probability is that randomly labelling two vertices among these four by thgives one of the labelled 3-graphs from the right hand side of (3). This gives the coefficients on the right-hand side of (2). We use flag algebras to prove Lemmas 5.1, 6.1, and 5.3. The calculations are We use CSDP [9] for finding numerical solutions of semidefinite programs and Sage- Math [56] for rounding the numerical solutions to exact ones. The files needed to perform calculations are available at . 84 General results: Proofs of Propositions 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10 4.1 The limit exists Proof of Proposition 1.8. Letn>=kbe a positive integer and let Gbe anF-freek-graph on vertex set [ n] satisfying co 2(G) = exco 2(n,F). TakeSto be a randomly chosen ( Now, we calculate the expectation of co used that dG[S](T) conditioned on TShas hypergeometric distribution. By averaging, we conclude that there exists an ( n-1)-vertex subset S/primeV(G) with co we conclude that G[S/prime] is an since G[S/prime] isF-free, exco 1)2=exco 1)2.
4.2 this section we prove Proposition 1.9. We will make use of the following tail bound on 4.1 (e.g. [30] p.29) .Letb,l > 0withb+l < 1. Suppose that and Zhao [41] used Lemma 4.1 to prove a supersaturation result for the minimum codegree threshold. We adapt their proof to our setting. Lemma 4.2. Then there exists m0such that the following ak-graph on [n]with 1)2, then the number 1)2is at Given a (k-1)-element set T[n], we call an 1). Anm-set is badif it is bad for some T. Otherwise, it isgood. We will show that there are only few bad sets. Denote by Ph the number of bad m-sets, 9and let Ph Tbe the number of m-sets that are bad for T. Then, by applying Lemma 4.1 we 1 m-k+ 1 m-k+ 1) 147/parenrightbigg
=/parenleftbiggn m/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggm k- the last inequality holds for mlarge enough. So the number of bad m-sets is at Now the number of 1)2. (4) On one 1 m-k+ 1 m-k+ 1)2(a+e). On the other this double counting argument, we conclude /lscript>=e/2. Since the number of bad m-sets is there are at satisfying (4). All of these m-sets 1)2 (n-k+ 1)2 (n-k+ 1)2 (n-k+ 1)2, proving the statement of this lemma.
10Proof of Proposition 1.9. This proof follows Erd os and Simonovits's proof [16] of the result for the Tur' an density. LetFbe ak-graph onfvertices,e>0 andGbe satisfying co 2(G)>
(s(F) enough. By Lemma 4.2, there exists an m0such that for m>=m0 the number of co 2(G[S])>(s(F) 1)2is at exists some fixed m1>=m0such that exco 2(m1,F)<=(s(F) 1)2. Thus, there are at thatG[S] containsF. Each copy of Fmay be counted at Therefore, the number of copies for Fis at
4.3 Proof of Corollary 1.10 and Proposition 1.11 Now we use a standard argument to show that blowing-up a k-graph does not change the codegree squared density. We will follow the proof of the analogous Tur' an result given in [31]. Proof of Corollary 1.10. SinceHH(t), exco 2(n,H(t))<=exco 2(n,H) holds trivially. the other direction, let e > 0 andGbe an hypergraph /(/parenleftbign k-1/parenrightbig (n-k+ 1)2)>s(H) +e. Then, by Proposition 1.9, Gcontains at least We create an auxiliary v(H)-graphFon the vertex set is an edge in FiffG[A] contains a copy of H. The auxiliary hypergraph Fhas density at least d/v(H)!. Thus, as it is well-known [14], for any t/prime>0 as long as nis a copy of the complete with each part. We choose t/primelarge enough such that the following is true. We colour each edge by one of v(H)! colours, depending on which of the v(H)! orders the vertices of Hare mapped to in the corresponding copy of HinG. By a classical result in Ramsey theory (for a density version see [14]), there is a monochromatic copy of Kv(H) v(H)(t), which contains a copy of H(t) inG. We conclude s(H(t))<=s(H) +efor alle>0.
Proof of Proposition 1.11. LetHbe ak-graph. For any k-graphG, we have by the Cauchy- Schwarz this for an H-free hypergraph G, and scaling, we obtain s(H)>=p(H)2. For s(H)<=p(H) we use co2(G) After scaling this implies s(H)<=p(H), completing the proof of part (i). Erd os [14] proved that the Tur' an density of a k-partitek-graph is 0. In this case, the codegree squared density is also 0 by part (i). If His notk-partite, then the complete is H-free providing a construction for lower bounds. Hence, as it was observed by Erd os [14], the Tur' an density of His at leastk!/kk. Similarly, we get Cliques In this section we will prove Theorems 1.5 and 1.6. 5.1 Proof of Theorem 1.5 Flag algebras give us the following results for K3 4. Lemma 5.1. For alle>0there exists d>0andn0such that for all n>=n0: ifGis graph on nvertices with then the densities of all 3-graphs inGthat are not contained in Cnare at most e. =1 3. The flag algebra calculation proving Lemma 5.1 is computer assisted. The calculation is available at . For proving Theorem 1.5 we will make use of the following stability result due to Pikhurko [43]. Theorem 5.2 (Pikhurko [43]) .For everye >0there exists d >0andn0such that for every n>n 0, ifGis aK3 4-free 3-uniform hypergraph on nvertices not spanning exactly one edge on four vertices and toCn. Proof of Theorem 1.5. Lete>0 be fixed. We choose n0sufficiently large for the following proof to work. We will choose order from left to right where each constant is a sufficiently small positive number depending only on the previous ones. Let Gbe aK3 4-free 3-uniform hypergraph on n>=n0vertices applying Lemma 5.1, we get that the density of the 4-vertex 3-graph with exactly one edge inGis at mostd1. Now, we apply the induced hypergraph removal lemma, Theorem 3.2, toG, and does not induce exactly one edge on four vertices. We the first inequality holds because when one edge is removed from a 3-uniform hypergraph, then the codegree squared sum can go down by at most 6 n. By a result of Falgas-Ravry and Vaughan [21, Theorem 4], +o(1). Letx[0,1] such that P(K3- 4,G/prime) =
16/27(1-x) +o(1). By (2) and the fact that we +8 27(1-x) + 16x 9-80d2. not contain a 4-set spanning exactly 1 or 4 edges, a result of Razborov [46] (6) The edge density can also expressed +o(1). (7) By combining (5) and (7) we -d2>=5 + 4x 9-41d2. This implies that x<=100d2. Thus, by Pikhurko's stability theorem (Theorem 5.2), toG, we conclude that Gise-near toCn.
5.2 Proof of Theorem 1.6 Flag algebras give us the following for K3 5. Lemma 5.3. For alle>0there exists d>0andn0such that for all n>=n0: ifGis graph on nvertices with then the densities of all 3-graphs inGthat are not contained in Bnare at most e. In =5 8. Again, the flag algebra calculation proving Lemma 5.3 is computer assisted and available at . We use this result to prove Theorem 1.6. Proof of Theorem 1.6. Lete>0. During the proof we will use the following constants are chosen in this order and each constant is a sufficiently small positive number depending only on the previous ones. Apply Lemma 5.3 and get d=d(d1)>0 such that for all nlarge enough: If Gis aK3 5-free 3-uniform graph on nvertices with co the densities of all 3-graphs on 4 ,5 and 6 vertices in Gthat are not contained in Bnare at mostd1. Now, apply the induced hypergraph removal lemma Theorem 3.2 to obtain toG, only those induced subgraphs on 4 ,5 or 6 vertices which appear as induced subgraphs in Bn. Note when one edge is removed the codegree squared sum can go down by at most 6 n. Next we show that G/primehas to have the same structure as Bn. We say that a 3-graph His 2-colourable , if there is a partition of the vertex set V(H) =V1V2such thatV1andV2are independent sets inH. 13Claim 5.4. Take an arbitrary non-edge abcinG/prime. For 0<=i<=4, defineAito be the set of on{a,b,c,v}. 4 vertices there are either 0 ,3 or 4 edges in Bn, hence in G/primeas well. Further a non-edge. Clearly, A0is an independent set, because if there is an edge then the induced graph of 1,v2,v3}spans a forbidden subgraph, i.e., a hypergraph which is not an induced subhypergraph of Bn. Similarly, A3is an independent set, otherwise G/primewere to contain a copy of F3,3, which is not an induced subhypergraph of Bn. ThenV(G/prime) forms an independent set. To observe the second statement, let v1,v2,v3be three vertices in A0. The number of edges induced at most nine, because every edge needs to be incident to exactly two vertices of{a,b,c}by the definition of A0. However, 6-vertex induced subgraphs of Bnhave either 0,10,16, or 18 edges. We conclude that no edge in G/prime. Thus, A/primeis also an independent set in G/primeand therefore G/primeis 2-colourable.
Claim 5.5. We By Claim 5.4, G/primeis 2-colourable and we can partition the vertex set V(G/prime) independent sets. Let a[0,1] such (1-a)n. 4a(1-a)>=1-20d2. We conclude 1 /2-3d2<=a<=1/2 + 3d2, 1-36d2, a contradiction. For every edge eE(G/prime), we + 3-graph Gisd2-near toG/prime. By Claims 5.4 and 5.5, toBn. Therefore we can conclude that toBn.
5.3 Discussion on Cliques Keevash and Mubayi [31] constructed the following family of 3-graphs obtaining the best-known lower bound for the Tur' an density of cliques. Denote by Dkthe family of directed graphs on k-1 vertices that are unions of vertex-disjoint directed cycles. Cycles of length two are allowed, but loops are not. Let DDkandV= [n] =V1...Vk-1be a vertex partition with class sizes as balanced as possible, that is ||Vi|-|Vj||<=1 for alli,j. Denote by G(D) the 3-graph onVwhere a triple is a non-edge iff it is contained in some Vior if it has two vertices in Vi and one vertex in Vjwhere (i,j) is an arc of D. The 3-graph G(D) isK3 k-free and has edge 14density 1-(2/t)2+o(1). While all directed graphs DDkgive the same edge density for G(D), up to isomorphism there is only one Dmaximising the codegree squared sum co 2(G(D)). Let D*
kDkbe the directed graph on k-1 that if kodd, for all odd i, and ifkeven, for all odd i<=k-5 and thatD*
kis maximising the number of directed cycles. The 3-graph G(D*
4) is isomorphic to CnandG(D*
5) is isomorphic to Bn. See Figure 4 for a drawing of D*
8and the andG(D*
8) ofG(D*
7) andG(D*
8), respectively. Next, we observe that among all the codegree squared sum of G(D*
7) D*
8 4: Representations of D*
8and the complements G(D*
7) andG(D*
8) ofG(D*
7) a function f:X-R, andSX, define arg max xSf(x) :={xS:f(s)<=f(x) for allsS}. Lemma 5.6. Letk>=4. Fornsufficiently large, D*
kis isomorphic to any directed graph in arg LetDarg maxDDco2(G(D)). Suppose for contradiction that Dcontains a Construct a directed graph D/primeby replacing that an a 2-cycle v2,v3. the inG. The only pairs of vertices x,yfor which the codegree changes by more than O(1) are described in the increased from n-n/(k-1) +O(1) increased from n-n/(k-1) +O(1) decreased from n-n/(k-1) +O(1) ton-2n/(k-1) decreased from n-n/(k-1) +O(1) ton-2n/(k-1) 4 or from n+O(1) ton-n/(k-1) +O(1) if/lscript= if/lscript> contradiction. Therefore, Dcontains no cycle of length at least 4. Next, towards a contradic- tion, suppose that Dcontains at least two cycles of length 3. Let the vertices of two 3-cycles. Let D/primebe the directed graph constructed from Dby replacing those two 3-cycles with three 2-cycles Performing a similar analysis to the one above, we get =O(1) + contradiction. Thus, we can conclude that Dcontains at most one 3-cycle. Hence, Dis isomorphic to D*
The directed graph D*
kcontains a 3-cycle iff kis odd. Based on Lemma 5.6 it seems reasonable to conjecture that in the case when kis odd the hypergraph G(D*
k) could be an example in the 5.7. Letk>=7odd and/lscript= (k-1)/2. Is s(K3 k) = situation is slightly different for even k. In this case, it is better to consider an ofG(D*
k) with parts of G(D*
k) corresponding to the unique 3-cycle receiving to the parts involved in 2-cycles. Denote by G*(D*
k) the 3-graph with the largest codegree squared sum among the following 3-graphs G. Partition the vertex set of Ginto [n] =V1...Vk-1, where the class sizes are balanced as for for a triple is a non-edge in G*(D*
k) iff it is contained in some Vior if it has two vertices in Viand one vertex in Vjwhere (i,j) is an arc of D*
k. Question 5.8. Letk>=6even. Is s(K3 k) = Proof of Theorem 1.7 In this section we prove Theorem 1.7, i.e., we determine the codegree squared extremal number ofF3,3. Flag algebras give us the following corresponding asymptotical result and also a weak stability version. Lemma 6.1. For alle > 0there exists d > 0andn0such that for all n>=n0: ifGis an F3,3-free 3-uniform graph on nvertices with then the densities of all 3-graphs on 4,5and6vertices inGthat are not contained in Bnare at most e. =5 8. This result implies the following stability theorem. Theorem 6.2. For everye>0there isd >0andn0such that if Gis anF3,3-free on n>=n0vertices with then we can partition V(G)asAB such thate(A) The proof is the same as the proof of Theorem 1.6, except instead of applying Lemma 5.3 we apply Lemma 6.1.
We now determine the exact extremal number by using the stability result, Theorem 6.2, and a standard cleaning technique, see for example [26, 32, 34, 43]. To do so we will first prove the statement under an additional universal 6.3. There exists n0such that for all n>=n0the following holds. Let Gbe 3-graph such that q(x) (8) for allxV(G). Bnis the unique such co2(G) = exco LetGbe a 3-uniform F3,3-free hypergraph which has a codegree squared sum at and satisfies (8). Choose e= 10-10and apply Theorem 6.2. We get a Among all such partitions choose one which minimises e(A) +e(B). We can assume that allxB, as otherwise we could switch a vertex from one class to the other class and strictly decrease both e(A) +e(B) andec(A,B), a contradiction. This is not possible, because we chose AandBminimising e(A)+e(B). We start by making an the class sizes. Claim 6.4. We Assume that|A|<n/ 2-2en. Then, we contradiction. Thus, |A|>=n/2-2en. Similarly, we get |B|>=n/2-2en.
Define junk setsJA,JBto be the sets of vertices which are not typical, junk sets need to be small. Claim 6.5. We Towards contradiction assume that |JA|>5en. Then the number of vertices at least 2enor the number of vertices at least 3en. If the first case holds, then we get ec(A,B)> en3. In the second case we have e(A)> en3. Both are in contradiction with the choice of the partition AB. Thus,|JA|<=5en. The second statement of this claim, |JB|<=5en, follows by a similar argument.
Claim 6.6. AJAandBJBare independent sets. Proof. If there is an edge since all its vertices satisfy |Lc B(ai)|<=en2, we can find a triangle in call its vertices b1,b2,b3. anF3,3inG, a contradiction. A similar proof gives that BJB is an independent set.
Claim 6.7. There is no edge Leta1a2a3be an edge with a1JA,a2,a3AJA. We show that q(a1)<d(n), to get a contradiction with (8). Let Mi, fori= 2,3, be the set of non-edges in LB(ai) we Let the maximum size of a neighbourhood in the graph KinBof a vertex in A, scaled byn. We have that|NK(z)B)|= n. an independent set in K, otherwise if 1,a2,a3}spans anF3,3inG. (9) 18because for each edge removed from the link graph L(a1) the degree squared sum can go down by at most 4 n. Now, we bound the sum on the right hand side of (9) from above. For nand Thus, we n)2+ n(n-n)2+ 2en+ 3+ we can give an upper bound for the second summand in (11) where we used that for each edge removed from G, the sum on the left hand side in (11) is lowered by at most n. Now, we will give an upper bound for the right hand side of (11). not incident to JAwe by Claim 6.6 they have no neighbour in AJA. Similarly, for edges xyE(K[B]) not incident to JBwe all other edges xyE(K), we will use the trivial bound dG(x,y)<=n. We (12) By the choice of our partition we have +
4en2. Therefore, by upper bounding the right hand side in (12) we /parenleftbigg|B|
+1 4/parenleftbigg|B|
n- /parenleftbigg1 2-/parenrightbigg
+1 4/parenleftbigg1 2- +1 8+ (13) where we used that becauseK[B] contains an independent set of size nand is triangle-free. Now, we can combine (10) and (13) to upper bound 3+ +1 8+ 2 +3 4+ (8). In the second-to-last inequality we used that the polynomial 3-32+ 2 has its maximum in [0 ,1] at = 1-1 3.
Now, we can make use of Claim 6.7 to show that there is no edge inside A, 6.8. AandBare independent sets. Proof. an edge. Again, is triangle-free. Thus,||<=|B|2/4. By the pigeonhole principle, we may assume without loss of generality that by Claims 6.6 and 6.7, Again, our strategy will be to give an upper bound on q(a1). LetLbe the graph obtained from L(a1) by removing all edges inside + (15) Thus, by combining (14) and (15), we give an upper bound on (8). Therefore Ais an independent set. By a similar argument Bis also an independent set.
By Claim 6.8, Gis 2-colourable. Since among all 2-colourable 3-graphs Bnhas the largest codegree squared sum, we conclude co 2(G)<=co2(Bn). This completes the proof of Theorem 6.3.
We now complete the proof of Theorem 6.3 by showing that imposing the additional as- sumption (8) is not more of Theorem 1.7. LetGbe ann-vertex 3-uniform F3,3-free hypergraph which has a code- gree squared sum at least co 2(G)>=co2(Bn). Setd(n) = 5/4n3-6n2and note that co d(n) + 1. We claim that we can assume that every vertex xV(G) satisfies (8). Otherwise, we can remove a vertex xwithq(x)< d(n) to getGn-1with co + 1.By repeating this process as long as possible, we obtain a se- quence of hypergraphs Gmonmvertices with co whereGmis the hy- pergraph obtained from Gm+1by deleting a vertex We cannot continue until we reach a hypergraph on n0=n1/4vertices, as then co is impossible. Therefore, the process stops at some we obtain the corresponding hypergraph for allxV(Gn/prime) (with strict inequality if n > n/prime). Hence, we can assume that for allxV(Gn/prime). 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The codegree squared sum, $ ext{co}_2(G)$, of a $3$-uniform hypergraph $G$
is the sum of codegrees squared $d(x,y)^2$ over all pairs of vertices $xy$, or in other words, the square of the $ell_2$-norm of the codegree vector of the pairs of vertices. We define to be the over all $H$-free $n$-vertex $3$-uniform hypergraphs $G$. We use flag algebra computations to determine asymptotically the codegree squared extremal number for $K_4^3$ and $K_5^3$ and additionally prove In particular, we prove that the extremal $K_4^3$-free hypergraphs in
$ell_2$-norm have approximately the same structure as one of the hypergraphs for Tur'an's conjecture. Further, we prove several general properties about including the existence of a scaled limit, blow-up invariance and a supersaturation result.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:59:46 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 11 Nov 2021 15:55:57 GMT"
] | 2022-05-03T00:00:00 | [
"Felix Christian",
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Tur' an density for graphs with chromatic number at least three. For hypergraphs, determining the Tur' an density is notoriously difficult; very few exact results are known. For example, the Tur' an density of the innocent looking tetrahedron K3 4, the complete 3-uniform hypergraph on 4 vertices, is unknown. In order to get a better understanding of these problems, various different kinds of extremali- ty such as the generalized Tur' an function or the minimum codegree threshold have been studied. We [3] recently introduced a new type of extremality for hypergraphs and solved the asymptotically for this notion. Here, we will systematically study extremal this function. LetGbe hypergraph. For a vertex set TV(G), the codegree of T, denoted by dG(T), is the number of edges in Gcontaining T. We drop the index if Gis clear from the context. The codegree vector ofGis the vector XZ(V(G) k-1), k-1) =dG(v1,v2,...,v k-1) for all{v1,v2,...,v Finding ex( n,H) is equivalent to determining the maximum l1-norm of the codegree vector of an hypergraph. Here, we study maximality with respect to the l2-norm of the codegree vector. The codegree squared sum co2(G) is the sum of codegrees squared over all k-1 other words, the codegree squared sum is the square of the l2-norm of the codegree vector. Question 1.1. [3]Given ak-uniform hypergraph H, what is the maximum l2-norm of the codegree vector of a hypergraph G? We follow the notation introduced in [3]. Let Fbe a family of k-uniform by exco 2(n,F) the maximum codegree squared sum among all hypergraphs, and let the codegree squared density s(F) be its scaled limit, i.e., exco 2(n,F) = and s(F) = lim sup n-exco 1)2. (1) We [3] proved general properties of sincluding the existency of the limit in (1). In Table 1 we present bounds and exact values for the codegree squared density of various 2 provides the definitions with pictures of all hypergraphs included in Table 1. Unless otherwise mentioned, all upper bounds on sin this table were obtained using Razborov's flag algebra machinery [60]. It is a standard application of flag algebras to obtain these results; we give a short explanation of it in Section 2.3. Table 1 also gives an overview of known results for the Tur' an density, the minimum codegree threshold and the uniform Tur' an density. Denote by d(G) the minimum ( k-1)-codegree of a k-graphG. For a family of k-graphsF, the minimum codegree Tur' an number exk-1(n,F) is the maximum d(G) over The minimum codegree threshold , pk-1(F) = its scaled limit. Reiher, R odl and Schacht [63] recently introduced a variant of the Tur' an density, where we want to maximize the density of every linear sized subsets of H-free hypergraphs. For real numbers d[0,1], ande>0 a 3-graph G= (V,E) is (d,e,1)-dense if for allUVthe where U(3)denotes the set of all three element subsets of U. The uniform Tur' an density pu(H) of a 3-graph His defined to be pu(H) : = sup{d[0,1] : for every e>0 andnNthere exists an hypergraph 1.2. All bounds presented in Table 1 hold. Here we collect many known results, and when known results are lacking, we at least mention the 'trivial' bounds. Most upper bounds were obtained by a simple application of flag algebras. In addition to the bounds presented in Table 1, we asymptotically determine the maximum l2-norm of 3-graphs not containing a loose cycle, loose path, matching or star. These problems are not approachable with flag algebra methods due to the fact that their codegree squared extremal number is o(n4). We use non-computer assisted methods to obtain these results. The discussion about the history of these problems will be deferred to the corresponding we provide a non-computer assisted proof determining the exact codegree squared extremal number of F5. Denote bySnthe complete 3-partite 3-graph on nvertices with part sizes n/3,(n+1)/3, (n+ 2)/3. We [3] showed that Snis the 3-graph in l2-norm using a simple double counting argument and the corresponding l1-norm result by Bollob' as [5]. Here, we will expand this result for F5-free 3-graphs, which requires more work than just applying l1-norm result. 3H 5/9 [72] 0.5615 [1] 1/3 [3] 1/3 [3] 1/2 [58] 0.529 1/2 0.529 K3 5 3/4 [67,72] 0.7696 [73] 5/8 [3] 5/8 [3] 2/3 [25,51] 0.74 2/3 0.758 K3 6 0.84 [67,72] 0.8584 [73] 0.7348 [3] 0.7536 3/4 [25,51] 0.838 3/4 0.853 F3,2 4/9 [56] 4/9 [36] 1/4 1/4 + 10-91/3 [26] 1/3 [26] 0 0 [63] F3,3 3/4 [56] 3/4 [56] 5/8 [3] 5/8 [3] 1/2 0.604 1/4 1/4 [66] F5 2/9 [5] 2/9 [31] 2/27 2/27 0 0 0 0 [63] F 3/4 [70] 3/4 [17] 5/8 3/4 1/2 [55] 1/2 [55] 0 0 [63] K3- 4 2/7 [32] 0.28689 [73] 4/43 0.09307 1/4 [58] 1/4 [27] 1/4 [40] 1/4 [28] 12/49 [28] 2/27 2/27 1/12 0.186 0 0 [63] K3- 4,F3,2 5/18 [28] 5/18 [28] 5/54 5/54 1/12 0.202 0 0 [63] K3- 4,C5 1/4 [28] 0.25108 [28] 1/13 0.07695 1/12 0.204 1/27 4/27 [10] F3,2,J4 3/8 [28] 3/8 [28] 3/16 3/16 1/12 0.274 0 0 [63] F3,2,J5 3/8 [28] 3/8 [28] 3/16 3/16 1/12 0.28 0 0 [63] J4 1/2 [6] 0.50409 [73] 0.28 0.2808 1/4 0.473 1/3 [64] 4/9 [64] J5 1/2 [6] 0.64475 0.28 0.44275 1/4 0.613 7/16 [64] 9/16 [64] C5 2 3-3 [56] 0.46829 [73] 0.25194 0.25311 1/3 0.3993 4/27 [62] 4/27 [10] C- 5 1/4 [56] 0.25074 [73] 1/13 0.07726 0 0 [59] 0 0 [63] K=
5 0.58656 0.60962 0.35794 0.38873 1/2 0.569 1/2 0.567 K<
5 5/9 0.57705 1/3 0.34022 1/2 0.560 1/2 0.568 K- 5 0.58656 0.64209 0.35794 0.41962 1/2 0.621 1/2 0.626 Table 1: This table shows upper and lower bounds on sand displays the known results for p,p 2andpufor various hypergraphs. For the definition of the hypergraphs see Table 2. 2 /70.285714, 2 3-30.4641016, 1/130.0769230, Edges Visual 1 Visual 2 K3 4 123, 124, 134, 234 K3- 4=F4 123, 124, 134 F3,2 123, 145, 245, 345 4J4 123, 124, 125, 134, 135, 145 J5 123, 124, 125, 126, 134, 135, 136, 145, 146, 156 F3,3 123, 145, 146, 156, 245, 246, 256, 345, 346, 356 F5 123, 124, 345 F 123, 345, 156, 246, 147, 257, 367 C5 123, 234, 345, 145, 125 C- 5 123, 234, 345, 145 K- 5 123 K=
5 123, 345 5K<
5 123, 234 Table 2: Description of some 3-uniform 1.3. There exists a number n0such that for all n>=n0 exco 2(n,F 5) = co Snis the unique F5-free satisfying co2(G) = exco 2(n,F 5). The thek-graph with sedges{e1,...,e s}such that|eiej|= 1 if
|i-j|= 1 The thek-uniform hypergraph with s edges{e1,...,e s}obtained from an ( s-1}by adding an edge esthat shares one vertex with e1, another vertex with es-1and is disjoint from the other edges. Theorem 1.4. Lets>=4. Then, exco 2(n,C3 s) +o(1)) and exco 2(n,P3 s) +o(1)). Denote byM3 sthe 3 -uniform matching of sizes, i.e., the 3-uniform hypergraph on 3 disjoint edges. Theorem 1.5. Lets>=2. Then, exco 2(n,M3 s) = (s-1)n3(1 +o(1)). Denote such that the intersection of any pair of edges is exactly the same vertex. Theorem 1.6. Lets>=3. Ifsis odd, then exco 2(n,S3 s) =s(s-1)n2(1 +o(1)). Ifsis even, then exco 2(n,S3 s) +o(1)). In this work, we are not intending to duplicate or replace the excellent survey [45] by Keevash; our aim is to supplement it with new results and directions. Our paper is organized as follows; in Section 2 we explain our notation and explain the flag algebra technique briefly. In Section 3 we present the constructions leading to the bounds on s,p,p u,p2in Table 1 and state conjectures on some of the non-sharp results. In Section 4 we present the proof of Theorem 1.3. In Sections 5, 6 and 7 we prove Theorems 1.4, 1.5 and Finally, we present related questions for higher uniformities in Section 8. 62 Terminology and notation LetHbe a 3-uniform hypergraph, x,y,zV(H) andA,B,CV(H) be pairwise disjoint sets. We will use the following notation throughout the paper.
*For an edge e={x,y,z}E(H) we writexyzfor by L(x) the link graph of x, i.e., the graph on byLA(x) =L(x)[A] the induced link graph on A.
*Denote byLA,B(x) the subgraph of the link graph of xonly containing edges between Aand B, i.e.,V(LA,B(x)) byLc A,B(x) the subgraph of the link graph of xonly containing non-edges between A andB, i.e.,V(LA,B(x)) denotes the number of cross-edges between AandB, this means e(A,B) :=|{xyzE(H) ) the number of cross-edges between A,B andC, i.e., e(A,B,C ) :=|{abcE(H) be an edge. Define the weight of eto be wH(e) =d(x,y) +d(x,z) +d(y,z). We drop the index if the hypergraph His clear from the context.
*The shadow graph dHis the subset of all two element subsets of V(H) that contains all pairs contained in some 2.1. LetHbe ak-graph and tN. The blow-upH(t) ofHis thek-graph obtained by replacing each vertex xV(H) each edge x1***xkE(H) 1<=a1,...,a k<=t. 2.2 The uniform Tur' an Reiher, R odl and Schacht [63] introduced the uniform Tur' an density. They charac- terised 3-graphs Hsatisfyingpu(H) = 0. Theorem 2.2 (Reiher, R odl and Schacht [63]) .For a 3-uniform hypergraph H, the following are = 0 . (b) There is a labeling of the vertex set V(H) ={v1,...,v f}and there is a blue, green}of the pairs of vertices covered by hyperedges of Hsuch that every hyperedge <k =red, ph(vi,vk) =blue, ph(vj,vk) =green. We will use their result to observe that pu(H) = 0 Section 3. Reiher, R odl and Schacht [63] also observed that the uniform Tur' an density has a jump from 0 to 1/27. Corollary 2.3 (Reiher, R odl and Schacht [63]) .If a surprisingly, it was not easy to prove that 1 /27 is best possible, which was done by Garbe, Kr' al and Lamaison [38]. 72.3 Flag Algebras We use flag algebras to obtain upper bounds on p,s,p 2andpufor Table 1. The of flag algebras was developed by Razborov [61]. Flag algebras has been applied to variety of problems, including problems on 3-graphs [1,2,61]. By now, it is a standard application to obtain some upper bounds on p. Fors,p2andpuwe give a short explanation how upper bounds can be obtained. For readers familiar with flag algebras, the function counting scaled codegree squared sum can be expressed using flag algebras as (Gn)n>=1is a convergent sequence with Gnbeing ann-vertex 3-graph. For a of the flag algebra method in the setting of 3-uniform hypergraphs see [28] and for the particular application and an explanation of (2) see [3]. For the minimum codegree threshold p2, we use the formulation from [27]. Suppose we want to show that p2(H)<=zfor some 3-graph Handz(0,1). We do this by arguing that there is no convergent sequence ( Gn)n>=1ofH-free graphs with minimum codegree z. Suppose there is such a sequence. Then for any flag Fwith two labeled vertices u wv
1 (3) By combining these inequalities and sum of squares inequalities, one gets a contradiction with the existence of ( Gn)n>=1. It is not obvious to us how to express in the flag algebras language the conditions for uniform Tur' an density. Instead of a direct expression, Glebov, Kr' al', and Volec [40] of the conditions that can be expressed using flag algebras. Suppose graphs in a convergent sequence ( Gn)n>=1are (d,e,1)-dense. The simplest instance is to take two labeled vertices and look at their co-neighborhood N. InN, the relative density of edges must be at leastdifNis sufficiently large. If it is not sufficiently large, then the values in the equation below become all 0 anyway. In flag algebras, this can be done 2-d 1 (4) where edges with exactly one labeled vertex are not depicted for the sake of readability and F is any flag with two labeled vertices. An analogous equation can be obtained by More generally, for more labeled vertices, we can decide for each pair if we want to take co-neighborhood or The approach by Glebov, Kr' al', and Volec [40] continues by getting an exact solution on the threshold that has density of a 0. Then to a hypothetical counterexample, one can apply sparsification to obtain an example on the threshold density, which in turn shows that the hypothetical has zero edge density, which is a contradiction. Since the full method from [40] is more involved and uniform Tur' an density is not the main focus of this paper, we opted for a We use (4) and its analogue for and obtain an upper bound on 8the global edge density that is strictly less than d, leading to a contradiction. This is not as strong. For K3- 4it gives only 0 .259 while a sharp result 0.25 is known [40]. The calculations which lead to the results in Table 1 are computer assisted; we use CSDP [8] to calculate numerical solutions of semidefinite programs and then use SageMath [71] for round- ing these numerical solutions to exact ones. The data files and programs to reproduce the calculations we developed are available at . Next, we will present the constructions which give the lower bounds from Table 1. 3 Bounds from Table 1 3.1 K3 4 Tur' an's tetrahedron problem asks to determine the Tur' an density of K3 4. The best lower is obtained by Cn, see Figure 1, the 3-graph on nvertices with vertex set V(Cn) fori,jand edge set E(Cn) [9], Kostochka [50], Fon-der-Flaass [29] and Frohmader [33] constructed families of K3 4- free 3-graphs with the same number of edges. A series of papers [11, 16, 61] have improved on the upper bound of p(K3 4) culminating in the current best-known bound by Baber [3] solved Tur' an's tetrahedron problem for the codegree squared density by showing s(K3 4) =
1/3, where the lower bound is achieved by Cn. For the minimum codegree threshold Czygrinow and Nagle [14] provided a construction LetTbe a uniformly at random chosen tournament on nvertices. Define a by setting the triple ijkwithi < j < k to be an edge of GTif the ordered pairs ( i,j) and (i,k) receive opposite directions in T. This 3-graph is K3 4-free, and has minimum codegree n/2-o(n) with high probability. Using flag algebras we can prove previous construction was used by R odl [65] to show that for the uniform Tur' an Erd os [20] suggested that this might be best possible, also see Reiher [62]. Using flag algebras as described in Section 2.3, we obtain K3 5 For the Tur' an density of K3 5it is known the upper bound is obtained via flag algebras [73] and the lower bound is obtained by the balanced complete bipartite 3-graph Bn(see Figure 1) as observed by Tur' an [72]. The 3-graph H5(presented in [67], see Figure 1) also achieves the lower bound. The vertex set ofH5is divided into 4 parts 1 for all 1<=i<=j<=4 and a triple eis not an edge of H5iff there is some j(1<=j<=4) such that|eAj|>=2 3, where A5=A1. We [3] proved that s(K3 5) = 5/8, where the lower bound is obtained by the complete 3-graph Bn. Notice that H5does not achieve this lower bound. 9V1 V2 V3 CnA B BnA1 A2 A3 A4 H5 Figure 1: Illustration of Cn,Bnand the complement of H5. For the minimum codegree threshold, we we obtained the upper bound via flag algebras and the lower bound is due to Falgas- Ravry [25] and Lo and Markstr om [51] who constructed lower bounds on the codegree threshold for cliques of arbitrary size s. Here we present the construction due to Falgas-Ravry. Let c:E(Kn)-[s] be a uniformly at random chosen colouring of the edges of the complete with scolours. Consider the 3-graph Gbased on this colouring in the following way: A triple i,j,k withi < j < k forms an edge in Gif and only if c(ij),c(ik). This 3-graph isKs+2-free and has minimum codegree (1 -1/s)n-o(n) with high probability. can be seen as a generalization of the Czygrinow and Nagle construction from the previous section. For the uniform Tur' an density, we the lower bound is obtained from the previously described 3-graph Gand the upper bound from flag algebras. 3.3 K3 6 For the Tur' an density of K3 6we the upper bound was obtained via flag algebras [73] and the lower bound (see [67]) is obtained by the following 3-graph H6(see Figure 2). Divide the vertex set [ n] ofH6into 5 parts A1,...,A for all 1<=i<=j<=5 and let a triple enot form an edge of H6 iff there is some j(1<=j<=5) such that
|eAj|>=2 3, whereA6=A1. For the codegree squared density we we obtained the upper bound by flag algebras and the lower bound is achieved by the following construction from [3]. Let G6(see Figure 2) be a 3-graph with a vertex whereaandbare optimized later. The 3-graph G6forms aC3bn(see Subsection 3.1) on B1B2B3and further contains all edges intersecting Awith exactly 1 or 2 vertices. It has codegree squared sum co2(G6) 3ab+ 3b2 2(a+b)2+ 3b2(a+ +o(1)). The optimum is one of the roots of 22 a3-27a2-12a+ 8 = 0. The root is approximately a= 0.412498, which gives co 2(G6) = 0.3674n4(1 +o(1)). Note that this 3-graph with a= 2/5 is an instance of a family of constructions due to Keevash and Mubayi [45] that achieves the best-known lower bound for the Tur' an density of K3 6. For the minimum codegree threshold of K3 6we the upper bound is obtained via flag algebras and the lower bound is due to Falgas- Ravry [25] and Lo and Markstr om [51], see the previous section for the construction by the uniform Tur' an density, we the lower bound is obtained by the Falgas-Ravry's construction stated in the previous section and the upper bound from flag algebras. 3.4 Kk t Denote byKk tthe complete k-graph ontvertices. Large cliques are studied intensively for all notions of extremality. For an overview of results in l1-norm see [68], in l2-norm see [3], and for the minimum codegree threshold see [52] and [69]. The best-known bounds for the Tur' an density the lower bound is due to Sidorenko [67] and the upper bound is due to de Caen [15]. Fork= 3, Keevash and Mubayi [45] constructed a family of 3-graphs obtaining this lower bound. Their construction for K3 t-free graphs goes as follows. Take a directed graph Gon t-1 vertices with both in-degree and out-degree equal to one, i.e. Gis a vertex disjoint union of directed cycles. Note that cycles of length 2 in Gare allowed but loops are not. Now we construct a K3 t-free hypergraph Hon (t-1)nvertices. Partition V(H) intoA1,...,A t-1of equal sizes corresponding to vertices v1,...,v t-1ofG. A triplexyzis not an edge in Hif and only if there exists Aisuch thatx,y,zAi, or there exists vivjE(G) with|{x,y,z}Ai|= 1. Notice that H5from Figure 1 is a case of this construction with Gbeing a directed cycle on four vertices with edges Other examples are Cn,Bn andH6. The best-known extremal constructions in l2-norm for small tare possibly unbalanced ver- sions of this 4,Cnis the resulting 3-graph when Gis a directed B1 B3A G6 Figure 2: Illustration of the complement of H6andG6. 1 2 3 45 F3,21 2 3 45 F51 2 3 3: Colorings for Theorem 2.2(b).
*Fort= 5,Bnis the resulting 3-graph when Gis the union of two cycles of length 2.
*Fort= 6,G6is the resulting 3-graph when Gis formed by the union of a directed triangle with a directed cycle of length 2, up to balancing of the class sizes. This suggests [3] that when Gis maximizing the number of directed cycles, the resulting 3-graph Hcould be extremal in l2-norm. For the minimum codegree threshold of cliques of large size, the best-known bounds, obtained by Lo and Zhao [52], are constants depending on k. 3.5 F3,2 F uredi, Pikhurko and Simonovits [36] proved that the Tur' an density of F3,2is 4/9 which is achieved by the 3-graph with vertex set V=V1V2, where all edges have two vertices in V1 and one vertex in graph Gwhich we conjecture to maximize the codegree square sum has but different class sizes: Clearly, changing the class sizes will not create an F3,2, and co 2(G) = 1/8n4(1 +o(1)). Thus, s(F3,2)>=1/4. Flag algebras Here we note that flag algebras give a numerical result of 1 /4 but obtaining 12an exact solution is tricky since it in addition to rational numbers. Likely, using the stability method one could prove an exact result, however we have not attempted to do it. The minimum codegree threshold of F3,2was determined exactly by Falgas-Ravry, and Vaughan [26] who proved that for large enough n ex2(n,F 3,2) ifnis congruent to 1 modulo lower bound is obtained by the hypergraph with vertex partition A1A2A3, 1 fori,j[3], and edges 1,2,3, uniform Tur' an density of F3,2ispu(F3,2) = 0 by Theorem 2.2, because the edges of the shadow graph can be colored in the following way. Color the edges 12 ,34 red, the blue, and the edges 23 ,24,25,45 green; see Figure 3, and recall that the edges of F3,2are F3,3 Keevash and Mubayi [47] and independently Goldwasser and Hansen [41] proved that the ba- lanced, complete, bipartite 3-graph is extremal in the l1-norm forn>=6. Thus,p(F3,3) = 3/4. In [3] we proved that it is also extremal in the l2-norm fornlarge enough, i.e. s(F3,3) = 5/8. For the minimum codegree threshold we have 1 where the lower bound comes from the balanced, complete, bipartite 3-graph Bnand the upper bound is obtained via flag algebras. For the uniform Tur' an density, we Forpu(K3- 4) see Section 3.9. The upper bound in (5) was observed by Schulke [66]. Observe that F3,3can be obtained from K3- 4as a blow-up of one vertex and inserting an edge inside the blow-up. At 1 /4 threshold, there exists a blow-up of K3- 4and by uniformity, there is an edge inside one of the parts giving a copy of F3,3. 3.7 F5 Frankl and F uredi [31] proved that for n>=3000 theF5-free 3-graph with the largest number of edges is Sn, thus,p(F5) = 2/9. The codegree squared density of F5iss(F5) = 2/27 which follows from Theorem 1.3, see Section 4 for more details. The minimum codegree threshold of F5isp2(F5) = 0. To be more precise, we have ex2(n,F 5)<=2, because if there exists an F5-free 3-graph Gwithd(x,y)>=3 for all pairs xy, then take any pair aband two vertices c,dN(a,b). Now there exists e,a,b,c,d with eN(c,d). Thusa,b,c,d,e spans anF5, a uniform Tur' an density of F5ispu(F5) = 0 by Theorem 2.2, because the edges of the shadow graph can be colored in the following way. Color the edges 12 ,34 red, the edges 13 ,14,35 blue, and the edges 23 ,24,45 green; see Figure 3. 3.8 Fano plane F Denote by Fthe Fano plane, i.e., the unique 3-uniform hypergraph with seven edges on seven vertices in which every pair of vertices is contained in a unique edge. S' os [70] proposed to study the Tur' an number for the Fano plane and conjectured the complete balanced be extremal. This problem was solved asymptotically by Caen and F uredi [17]. Later, F uredi and Simonovits [37] and, independently, Keevash and Sudakov [48] determined 13the extremal hypergraph for large n. Recently, Bellmann and Reiher [4] solved the question for alln. We conjecture that the extremal example in the codegree squared sense also is the 3.1. There exists n0, such that for all n>=n0 exco 2(n,F) = co Bnis the unique F-free satisfying co2(H) = exco 2(n,F). We have 5/8<=s(F)<=3/4 as trivial bounds using the complete bipartite 3-graph as a lower bound and the fact that minimum codegree threshold was asymptotically determined to be p2(F) = 1/2 by Mubayi [55]. He conjectured that ex 2(n,F 3,2) =n/2for large enough n. This conjecture was solved by Keevash [44] using an involved quasi-randomness argument. Later, DeBiasio and Jiang [18] gave a simplified proof. We did not use flag algebras for Fbecause our computers cannot handle the number of F-free 3-graphs on 7 vertices. The uniform Tur' an density of Fispu(F) = 0 by Theorem 2.2, because the edges of the shadow graph can be colored in the following way. Color the edges 12 red, the edges 13 blue, and the edges 23 green, where the edges of the Fano plane are are 123 K3- 4 Denote byS6the 3-graph on six vertices with edge set E(S6) that in S6the link graph of every vertex is a cycle of length 5. Let n= 6kbe a power of 6 and let Gbe the iterated blow-up of S6. This 3-graph Gwas constructed by Frankl and F uredi [32] to give a lower bound on the Tur' an density of K3- 4. The best know upper bound is by Vaughan [73] using flag algebras. The 3-graph Ghas codegree squared sum co2(G) +o(1)) =2 43n4(1 We conjecture that Gis the extremal example in 3.2. s(K3- 4) . Flag algebras only give The minimum codegree threshold of to be p2(K3- 4) = 1/4 by Falgas-Ravry, Pikhurko, Vaughan and Volec [27] solving a conjecture by Nagle [58]. The lower bound is obtained by a construction originally due to Erd os and Hajnal [22]. Given a tournament Ton the vertex set [ n], define a 3-graph C(T) on [n] by taking the edge set to be all triples of vertices inducing a cyclically oriented triangle in T. No tournament on 4 vertices can contain more than two cyclically oriented triangles, hence 14C(T) isK3- 4-free. IfTis chosen uniformly at random, then the minimum codegree of C(T) is n/4-o(n) with high probability. The uniform Tur' an density of K3- 4was determined to be pu(K3- 4) = 1/4 by Glebov, Kr' al' and Volec [40] using flag algebras. The same result was also obtained by Reiher, R odl, and Schacht [64] via regularity method of hypergraphs without flag algebras. The lower bound is also achieved by C(T). 3.10 {K3- 4, F3,2, C5}
Denote byH7the 3-graph on seven vertices with edge set E(H7) and Vaughan [28] proved that s(K3- 4,F3,2,C5) = 12/49, where the lower bound is achieved by the blow-up of H7onnvertices. However, the codegree squared density is achieved by a different 3-graph, namely the complete balanced 3-partite 3-graph Sn. The 3-graph andC5-free and it has codegree squared sum co 2(Sn) = 1/27n4. Flag algebras give =2 27. For the minimum codegree threshold we the upper bound is obtained by flag algebras and the lower bound by the following con- struction. Consider the intersection of the Erd os-Hajnal [22] random tournament with the 3-graph having vertex partition A1A2A3, fori,j[3], and edges 1,2,3, whereA4=A1. This 3-graph has with high probability, and is the uniform Tur' an density we = 0. 3.11 {K3- 4, F3,2}
LetGbe the blow-up of S6onnvertices, recall S6was defined in Section 3.9. This Falgas-Ravry and Vaughan [28] proved that p(K3- 4,F3,2) = 5/18 with the lower bound obtained by G. The codegree squared sum of Gis co2(G) Flag algebras give =5 54. For the minimum codegree threshold we the upper bound comes from flag algebras. For the uniform Tur' an density we = 0. 153.12 {K3- 4, C5}
Denote by Gbe the iterated blow-up of an edge on nvertices. In other words, it is obtained from a complete balanced 3-partite 3-graph by inserting a complete balanced 3-partite 3-graph in each of the parts iteratively. The 3-graph This construction gives the current best lower bound on the Tur' an density of {K3- 4,C5}, see [28]. For the codegree squared density, it gives We conjecture it to be the extremal example in . Flag algebras give for the codegree squared density. For the minimum codegree threshold we the upper bound comes from flag algebras. For the uniform Tur' an density, we the upper bound was obtained by Buci' c, Cooper, Kr' al', Mohr and Munh' a Correia [10]. The lower bound is obtained by the following construction. Color pairs of vertices with colors red, blue, green uniformly at random, independently from each other. For a triple u < v < w place an edge if vwis green and one of uv,uw blue and the other red. 3.13 {F3,2, J4}
LetGbe the blow-up of K3 4onnvertices. This graph GisF3,2-free andJ4-free. Falgas-Ravry and Vaughan [28] proved that p({F3,2,J4}) = 3/8, where the lower bound is achieved by G. The 3-graphGhas codegree squared sum co 2(G) = 3/32n4(1 +o(1)), thus, algebras give hence s(F3,2,J4) =3 16. For the minimum codegree threshold we a subhypergraph of J4. For the uniform Tur' an density we = 0. 3.14 {F3,2, J5}
Falgas-Ravry and Vaughan [28] proved that p({F3,2,J5}) = 3/8, where the blow-up of K3 4onn vertices achieves the lower bound. Since J4J5, we flag algebras we have for the codegree squared density thuss({F3,2,J5}) =
3/16, and for the minimum codegree threshold For the uniform Tur' an density we = 0. 163.15 J4 LetGbe the iterated blow-up of the complement of the Fano plane on nvertices. This and conjectured to be an asymptotically sharp example in l1-norm, see [6]. It has codegree squared sum of co2(G) We conjecture it to be the extremal example in 3.4. s(J4) = 0.28. Flag algebras only give For the minimum codegree threshold and the uniform Tur' an density of J4we the upper bound on p2was obtained using flag algebras and the lower bound bound The uniform Tur' an density bounds are from Theorem 5.6 in [64]. 3.16 J5 SinceJ4J5, we get the following lower algebras give us the following upper s (J5)<=0.4427457, p 2(J5)<=0.613. It would be interesting, if one could separate the parameters of J4andJ5from each other. For the uniform Tur' an density, Reiher, R odl and Schacht [64] proved 7 C5 Denote by G(n) the 3-graph on nvertices where the vertex set is partitioned into two sets A andBof sizesbnand (1-b)n, whereb(0,1) andE(G(n)) consists of all triples xyz, where x,yBandzA. This 3-graph is C5-free. LetGitbe the 3-graph constructed from G(n) by iteratively adding G(bn) inside the class B. The 3-graph Gitis alsoC5-free. This the current best-known lower bound on the Tur' an density of C5, see [56]. It's codegree squared sum can be lower bounded as size about 0 .7, Flag algebras give For the minimum codegree threshold of C5we the upper bound comes from flag algebras and the lower bound from the graph with fori,j[3], and edges 1,2,3, whereA4=A1. The uniform Tur' an density of C5iss(C5) = 4/27. The lower bound construction was presented by Reiher in [62] and the upper bound proof by Buci' c, Cooper, Kr' al', Mohr and Munh' a Correia [10]. We note that a standard application of the method of flag algebras only gives an upper bound of C- 5 Denote byGbe the iterated blow-up of an edge on nvertices. The 3-graph GisC- 5-free. gives the current best-known lower bound on the Tur' an density of C- 5, see [56]. For the codegree squared density, it gives s(C- 5)>=1/13. We conjecture it to be the extremal example in 3.5. s(C- 5) . Flag algebras give for the codegree squared density and p2(C- 5)<=
0.136 for the minimum codegree threshold. Recently, Piga, Sales and Sch ulke [59] proved that p2(C- 5) = 0. The uniform Tur' an density of C- 5ispu(C- 5) = 0. This was observed by Reiher, R odl and Schacht [63] using Theorem 2.2. For the sake of completeness, we repeat the proof here. aC- 5, that edges. Consider the ordering v3< v2< v1< v5< v4of the vertices. The edges of the shadow graph can be colored in the following way. Color the edges the edges and the see Figure 3. Thus, property (b) of Theorem 2.2 holds. 3.19 K=
5 LetK=
5be the 3-graph on 5 vertices with 8 edges, where the two missing edges intersect in exactly one vertex. We and 0 hypergraph providing both lower bounds is the following. Take the 3-uniform hyper with vertex set V1V2V3such fori,jand edge place in each of the three classes an iterated blowup of S6, recallS6was defined in Section 3.9. This 3-graph has 5 54n3+ =227 2322n3(1 +o(1)) edges, codegree squared sum of 4 27n4+ isK=
5-free. We conjecture the lower bounds to be asymptotically 3.6. p(K=
5) =2909 8127. For the minimum codegree threshold and uniform Tur' an density of K=
5, we the upper bound is obtained via flag algebras. It would be interesting to decide if those parameters are equal to each other. 3.20 K<
5 LetK<
5be the 3-graph on 5 vertices with 8 edges, where the two missing edges intersect in exactly two vertices. Since K3 4is a subgraph of K<
5, we flag algebras we p 2(K<
5)<=0.560 and conjecture the lower bounds to be 3.7. p(K<
5) =5 9, s (K<
5) =1 3, p 2(K<
5) =1 2andpu(K<
5) =1 2. 3.21 K- 5 LetK- 5be the 3-graph on 5 vertices with 9 edges. Markstr om [54] presented a We flag algebras we p 2(K- 5)<=0.621 and would be interesting to decide if those parameters are equal to each other. 4 Proof of Theorem 1.3 Bollob' as [5] proved that the {F4,F5}-free 3-graph with the largest number of edges is Sn, the complete balanced 3-partite 3-graph. His idea was to construct an almost partition of three pairwise disjoint sets with the property that every edge has at most one point from each and then use a counting argument to show that the number of edges is maximized when the classes form a partition and have equal size. This result of Bollob' as [5] was extended by Frankl and 19F uredi [31] who proved that for n>=3000 theF5-free 3-graph with the largest number of edges is Sn. Keevash and Mubayi [46] proved a stability result for F5-free graphs in the l1-norm using a different method from the one in [5]. There is a straightforward modification of Bollob' as' result which we will use to get a stability result for F5-free graphs in the l2-norm. Theorem 4.1. For everye >0there exists d > 0andn0Nsuch that if Gis hypergraph on n>=n0vertices with then we can partition V(H) =ABCsuch that e(A) +e(B) +e(C) +e(A,B) +e(B,C) )>=1 27n3-en3. (7) Note that, unlike the l1-norm case, here it is not instantly obvious why (6) and (7) are the same conditions, as having high codegree square sum does not imply the existence of Lete>0 and choose a constant d=d(e) such that the following argument holds. Let G be 3-graph satisfying co Choosev1,v2V(G) is maximum among all pairs of vertices. Denote A'=N(v1,v2) and note that there is no hyperedge with two vertices from A'and one vertex from see Figure 4 for an illustration. Choose such that d(v3,v4) is maximum and denote We have A'B'=, because an edge with two vertices in A'and one in V(G){v1,v2}. Again, there are no edges with two vertices from B'and one vertex from Next, choose v5A'{v3}, thatd(v5,v6) is We otherwise there is an edge with two vertices in either A'orB'and one which would give a copy ofF5. There is no edge with two vertices in C'and one inV(G)E, because if c1c2xis such an edge, then an F5. Set A:=A'E, B :=B'E, D =V(G)(ABC'), C note that V(G) =ABC'D=ABC. Thus,a+b+c'+d= 1. Claim 4.2. We d<=e 10. Proof. Assume, toward a contradiction, that the claim is false. The only triples with two vertices from either A,BorC'which can be edges are those with one vertex in E. Therefore, we get d(x,y)<=6 forx,yA, d (x,y)<=6 forx,yC'. By the choices of the vertices in E, we further 6 forxA, yB, d (x,y)<=bn+ 6 forxA, v6 Figure the proof of Theorem 6)2n2+an(c'n+dn+ 6)(bn+ 100n3, ) ) :w,x,y,z>=0, w+x+y+z= 1}R4. The polynomial fhas a maximum on Rof 1/27 attained at unique point w,x,y = 1/3, z= 0. This can be checked with a tedious calculation or using a computer, we omit the details. Define the open ) regions RandRre closed and bounded, thus also compact on R4. Therefore, the polynomial fattains a maximum on R. Set d:= max (w,x,y,z )R(w,x,y,z note that d=d(e)>0, since the unique maximum of fonRis also inU. The assumption and therefore Combining this observation with inequality (8), we enough. This is a contradiction and thus Claim 4.2 holds. the number of edges incident to Dis at most ( e/10)n3by Claim 4.2 and the codegree squared sum of a 3-graph decreases by at most 6 nwhen one edge is removed. The 3-graph H is 3-partite. Thus, for each edge eE(H),wH(e)<=n. By double-counting, we get a lower bound on the size of the vertex partition V(G) =ABC. For the number of cross-edges, we have e(A,B,C )>=e(A,B,C') thus the partition V(G) =ABCsatisfies (7). Since there is no edge in Gwith two vertices in one of the classes A,B orC'and because there are at most ( e/10)n3+ to DEby Claim 4.2, the partition V(G) =ABCalso satisfies e(A) +e(B) +e(C) +e(A,B) +e(B,C) +e(A,C)
=e(C) +e(B,C) +e(A,C)<=e 10n3+ 6n2<=en3. Hence, (6) holds, completing the proof of Theorem 4.1. #
Now, we will prove the exact result for F5-free 3-graphs under an additional assumption. Afterwards we will deal with the additional 4.3. There exists n0Nsuch that for all n>=n0the following holds. If Gis an F5-free 3-graph (9) for allxV(G), thenGSn. Proof. LetGbe anF5-free 3-graph on n>=n0vertices satisfying co 2(G)>=co2(Sn). Choose e= 10-20. Apply Theorem 4.1 to Gand get a partition ABCof the vertex set such that e(A,B,C )>=1 27n3-en3. Among all such partitions we choose one which maximizes e(A,B,C ). We start by making an observation about the class sizes. Claim 4.4. We Without loss of generality, let |A|<=|B|<=|C|. Assume for contradiction that Claim 4.4 is false, so|A|<n/ 3-e1/4 2n. We have e(A,B,C (10) where the second-to-last inequality holds, because the function x-(n-x)(x/2)2is for x > 2n/3. Inequality (10) is in contradiction with e(A,B,C the claim is true. #
Define junk sets JA,JB,JCto be the sets of vertices which are not typical. To be We otherwise e(A,B,C 4.5. There is no edge Letxyzbe an edge with zV(G),x,yAJA. We an F5, a contradiction. The remaining parts of the statement follows similarly. #
Claim 4.6. ForvV(G), we we we we LetvV(G). We because by Claim 4.5 every edge in the link graph LA(v) needs to be incident to a vertex in JA. Similarly, we get letaAJA. We because by Claim 4.5 every edge in the link graph LA,B(a) needs to be incident to a vertex in JA. Similarly, we Further, the other two statements follow by the same 4.7. Letxyz be an edge with xAJA, yA, yC, yB, Letxyzbe an edge with Without loss of generality, let zBJB. we otherwise allowing us to find an F5. Also, we the same reasoning. Since we chose the thate(A,B,C ) is maximized, we have moving ytoCincreases the number of those edges having one vertex in each set A,B,C . The other two statements follow by a similar argument. #
Claim 4.8. There is no edge xyz with xAJA, yA, yC, yB, LetxyzE(G) be an edge with By Claim by Claim 4.7, Our strategy for proving this claim is to upper bound q(y) violating (9). We (11) The number of vertices vV(G) satisfying d(y,v)>=9e1/4nis at most 2 e1/4nas Using this fact, we (12) Combining (11) and (12), we upper (9). Hence, there cannot exist an edge The remaining two statements of this claim follow by a similar argument. #
Claim 4.9. The following three statements hold.
*ForaAwe LetaA. We because by Claim 4.8 every edge in both link graphs need to have one vertex in a junk set. The other two statements follow by a similar argument. #
Claim 4.10. There is no edge Without loss of generality, let x1x2vbe an edge where x1,x2A, vV(G). as otherwise thus there are two vertices bB,cC,b,c,vsuch an F5in G. Without loss of generality let By Claim 4.6 and Claim 4.9, we strategy for proving this claim is to upper bound q(x1) again violating (9). For all b BJB,cCJCwe +e1/4nby Claim 4.8 and Claim 4.4. +e1/4nfor all but at Thus, combining this fact with Claim 4.6, we (13)
<=16en3+ we used Claim 4.4 in the last inequality. The number of vertices at most 10 e1/4nas otherwise one of the following three inequalities Claim 4.6 or Claim 4.9. Further, the number of vertices 3e1/4nis at most 4 e1/4nas Claim 4.6 or Claim 4.9. Similarly, we can conclude that the number of 3e1/4nis at most 4 e1/4n. Combining these three facts, we (14) where we used Claim 4.4 in the last inequality. Combining (13) and (14), we can upper (9). Thus, there is no edge The remaining part of this claim follows by a similar argument. #
Now, by Claim 4.10 we have that Gonly has edges with vertices in all three sets A,B,C (15) However, Thus, equality must hold in (15). Equality only holds all triples with one vertex from each set A,B,C form edges in G. ThusGSn.
25We complete the proof of Theorem 1.3 by inductively showing that the additional minimum degree type assumption (9) is not more restrictive. The proof follows the idea of [3, Theo- rem 1.7.]. We repeat the argument here for of Theorem 1.3. LetHbe a 3-uniform F5-free hypergraph with codegree squared sum at least co 2(H)>=co2(Sn). Setd(n) = 4/27n3-10n2and note all vertices xV(G) satisfy (9), Theorem 4.3 gives the result. Therefore, we can assume there exists a vertex xV(G) not satisfying (9). Remove xwithq(x)<d(n) to + 1. Repeat this process as long as such a vertex exists. This gives us a sequence of hypergraphs Gm onmvertices with co This process stops before we reach a because co 2(Gn0)> is not possible. Let n'be the index of the hypergraph where this process stops. for all xV(Gn') and co 2(Gn')>=co2(Sn') where the last inequality is strict if n > n'. Applying Theorem 4.3 leads to a Loose Path and Cycle Tur' an problems for loose paths and loose cycles have been studied intensively. In the graph setting, the Erd os-Gallai Theorem = (s-1)n For uniformity k>=4, F uredi, Jiang and Seiver [35] determined ex( n,Pk s) exactly, for nlarge enough. Kostochka, Mubayi and Verstra ete [49] extended this result to the casek= 3. Cs' ak' any and Kahn [13] determined ex( n,C3 3); and fors>=3,k>=5, F uredi and Jiang [34] deter- mined the extremal function for Ck sand large enough n. Kostochka, Mubayi and Vestra ete [49] extended this result for k= 3,4. In this section we will determine the codegree squared extre- mal number of We will make use of the asymptotic version of the previously mentioned results for these 5.1 (see e.g. [49]) .Lets>=4. Then, ex(n,C3 s) +o(1)) and ex(n,P3 s) 3-graph containing all 3-sets intersecting a fixed vertex set of lower bound in Theorem 1.4 and Theorem 5.1. In order to prove the upper bound in Theorem 1.4 we will also use some of the Mubayi and Vestra ete needed to prove their result. Let Hbe a 3-uniform hyper. The hypergraph Hisd-full if for every pair x,ywithdH(x,y)>0 we have dH(x,y)> d. Denote by Htheshadow graph ofH, i.e., the graph on V(H) where a pair
{x,y}forms an edge if dH(x,y)>0. Lemma 5.2 (Lemma 3.1. in [49]) .Ford>=1, everyn-vertex 3-uniform hypergraph Hhas a (d+ 1)-full subhypergraph 5.3 (Lemma 3.2. in [49]) .Lets>=3and letHbe a nonempty 3s-full Then 5.4 (Lemma 5.1. in [49]) .Lete>0ands>=4. LetHbe a3-uniform hypergraph, Suppose that dH(f)>=s-1 2+ 1for everyfFand, ifsis odd, then in addition, for every f=xyFthere isef=xyaHsuch that 1. Then, for large enough a 3-uniform hypergraph. Recall that wH(e) =dH(x,y) +dH(y,z) We denote by H2sthe subhypergraph of Honly consisting of edges 2s. Note that every edge xyin the shadow graph H2shas 5.5. Lets>=4. LetHbe a3-uniform hypergraph on nvertices. If HisP3 s- We will first show that shadow graph H2sdoes not contain a copy of P2 s, because every edge of this path has codegree at least 2 sinHand thus one could find a P3 sinH. By the Erd os-Gallai Theorem, =o(n2). Case 2:HisC3 s-free andsis even. The shadow graph H2sdoes not contain a copy of C2 s, because every edge of this s-cycle has codegree at least 2 sinHand thus one could find a C3 sinH. Bondy and Simonovits' even cycle theorem [7] states that an n-vertex graph with no copy of C2 scontains at most O(n1+2/s) edges. =o(n2). Case 3:HisC3 s-free andsis somee>0. Apply Lemma 5.4 on that the conditions of Lemma 5.4 are satisfied: We have 1 for f=xyF. SincefE(H2s), there exists ef=xyaE(H2s). SowH(ef)>=2n+ 2sand 2s 2>=3s+ 1. We conclude that there is a copy of C3 sinH, a contradiction. Thus, |H2s|=o(n2). We obtained in all three cases |H2s|=o(n2). By Lemma 5.2, H2shas a 3(s+ 1)-full Lemma 5.3, H'=and of Theorem 1.4. LetHbe aP3 s- orC3 s-free 3-uniform hypergraph on nvertices. By Lemma Therefore, we + (2n+ +o(1)), where in the last inequality we used Theorem 5.1 #
27We raise the problem of determining for 5.6. Lets>=3. Determine exco 2(n,P3 s)andexco 2(n,C3 s)as a function of nands. ForC3 3, we solve this problem. Theorem 5.7. Letn>=6. Then, exco 2(n,C3 3) LetHbe aC3 3-free 3-graph on nvertices. Cs' ak' any and Kahn [13] proved that Assume that there is an edge so one can find withaN(x,y), bN(x,z) andcN(y,z). aC3 3. Thus, we can assume that w(e)<=2n-3 for all edges. This allows us to conclude co2(H) proves the upper bound. Now, for the lower bound, consider the 3-graph Hcontaining all 3-sets intersecting in one fixed vertex. This 3-graph is C3-free and has codegree squared sum co2(H) Matchings In this section we prove Theorem 1.5. Denote by Mk sthek-uniform matching of size s, i.e., the k-uniform hypergraph on ksvertices with sdisjoint edges. For graphs, Erd os and Gallai [21] proved that the extremal number for = 1) (18) Erd os [19] also determined the extremal number in the hypergraph case when the number of vertices is sufficiently large. Theorem 6.1 (Erd os [19]) .Letk>=2,s>=1be integers. Then there exists a constant c=c(s) such that for all n>=ck ex(n,Mk s) thek-uniform hypergraph with vertices x1,...,x nand all edges containing at least one of the vertices x1,...,x s-1. We will use the extremal result for matchings in graphs to determine the codegree squared extremal number for the matching of Theorem 1.5. The lower bound is achieved by G(n; 3,s-1). co2(G(n; 3,s-1)) (s-1)(n-s+ (s-1)n3(1 +o(1)). 28For the upper bound, let Hbe anM3 s-free 3-uniform hypergraph. We construct an the same vertex set V(H). A pairxyis an edge in because if there is a matching of size sinG, then it can be extended to a of size sinH. By (18) we have |E(G)|<=n(s-1)(1 +o(1)). Now, we can upper bound the codegree squared sum: co2(H) (s-1)n3(1 2(n,M3 s) = (s-1)n3(1 +o(1)).
7 Star Chung and Frankl [12] determined the Tur' an number of a star. Theorem 7.1 (Chung, Frankl [12]) .Lets>=3. Ifsis odd andn>=s(s-1)(5s+ 2)/2, then ex(n,S3 s) = (n-2s)s(s-1) + even and n>=2s3-9s+ 7, then ex(n,S3 s) 6). They also determined the extremal example, which depends on the parity of s. Example 7.2 (Chung, Frankl [12]) .Their extremal example in the case when sis odd is the following hypergraph Fo. The vertex set is the disjoint union of the sets A,B,C with The edge set is E(Fo) 7.3 (Chung, Frankl [12]) .Their extremal example in the even case is constructed as follows. First, consider the auxiliary graph Gon 2s-1 verticesx1,...,x s-1,y1,...,y s-1,zwith edges being all pairs 2i>s . with edges being all 3-sets intersecting V(G) in one edge or containing two edges of G. The extremal example in the even case is the hypergraph Feconstructed by adding the edges of the form x1yiztoF. We will determine the codegree squared extremal number of the star asymptotically by using their result. Proof of Theorem 1.6. The lower bound is achieved by the two extremal examples presented above. We have co2(Fo) = +o(1)). 29For the proof of the upper bound let Hbe 3-graph. Recall that the weight of an edgee=xyzE(H) is defined to be wH(e) =d(x,y) +d(x,z) the subgraph H'Honly consisting of the edges eE(H) withwH(e)>=n+ 4s. SinceH'is a subgraph of H,H'is Further, we claim that H'isM3 3s-free 7.4. AssumeH'contains a copy MofM3 3s. some eMd(x,y)>=(n+ 4s)3s, and therefore there exists a vertex vV(H) which is contained in at least 3 sedges of somefM. Thus,vis contained in at least sedges only having vas a pairwise intersection and therefore is the center of a copy of S3 s, a contradiction. We conclude that H'isM3 3s-free. #
Claim 7.5. Assume that there exists x,yV(H') such that dH'(x,y)>=2s. Letv1,...,v 2sbe vertices such that vixyE(H'). For each 4sfor alleE(H'). Thus the number of indices i[2s] such that dH(x,vi)>2sor the number of indices i[2s] such that dH(y,vi)>2sis at leasts. This contradicts that His S3 s-free (see e.g. [12, Lemma 2.1]). We conclude that dH'(x,y)<2sfor allx,yV(H). #
Next, we bound the number of edges of H'. Claim 6s+ 1)3s. Proof. LeteE(H') be an arbitrary edge. By Claim 7.5, the number of edges in exactly two elements is at most 6 s. Furthermore, the number of edges in exactly one element is at most 12 s2. To verify this, let veand consider the link graph L(v) inH'. By Claim 7.5, L(v) has maximum degree at most 2 s. Further,L(v) cannot have a matching of size s, as otherwise it forms a star in H'withvbeing the center. A graph with maximum degree at most 2 sand no matching of size shas at most 4 s2edges. Thus, eis incident to at most 4 s2edges inH'intersecting einv. This allows us to conclude that eis incident to at most 12 s2+ 6sedges inH'. it can have at most (12 s2+ 6s+ 1)3s edges. #
Using the bounds on the edges in H'andH, we can get an upper bound for the codegree squared sum of H: co2(H) 4s)<=(12s2+ 6s+ 1)3s(3n) +|E(H)|(n+ 4s). Thus, by using Theorem 7.1, if sis odd, +o(1)) 30and ifsis even, then co2(H)< +o(1)).
8 Further Discussion 8.1 Positive minimum codegree There are more notions of extremality which could be studied. An interesting variant of the minimum codegree threshold is the positive minimum codegree which very recently was intro- duced by Halfpap, Lemons and Palmer [43]. Given a 3-graph G, the positive codegree co+(G) is the minimum of d(x,y) over all pairs x,ywith positive codegree, i.e. d(x,y)>0. Given a 3- graphH, the positive minimum codegree ofH, denoted by co+ex(n,H), is the largest minimum positive co-degree in an F-freen-vertex graph. Question 8.1 (Halfpap, Lemons and Palmer [43]) .Given a 3-graphH, what is the positive minimum codegree ofH. The positive minimum codegree of K3- 4andF5is obtained by Sn, = co+ex(n,F 5) shows that the positive minimum codegree behaves significantly different than the minimum codegree threshold. An interesting property Halfpap, Lemons and Palmer [43] proved is that co+ex(n,H) =o(n) if and only if His 3-partite. This implies that if Hsatisfies co+ex(n,H) =
Th(n), then in fact +o(1)). This means that the scaled positive minimum codegree jumps from 0 to 1 /3. 8.2 Higher Uniformities We propose to study s(H) fork-uniform hypergraphs with k>=4. In particular it would be interesting to determine the codegree squared density for K4 5, the 4-uniform hypergraph on five vertices with five edges. For the Tur' an density, Giraud [39] proved p(K4 5)>=11/16 using the following construction. Let Abe Define the 4-graph H(A) onn vertices corresponding to the rows and columns of A. The edge set consists of two types of edges: any four vertices with exactly three rows or three columns; and any four vertices of two rows and two columns forming a 2 x2 submatrix with an odd sum. The best-known upper bound is due to Markstr om [53]. For the codegree squared density, we get 0.484375 the lower bound comes from the same construction and the upper bound from flag algeb- ras. We conjecture the lower bound to be 8.2. We have s(K4 5) =31 64. Another 4-graph where we can determine the codegree squared density is K4=
5, the unique 4-uniform hypergraph on five vertices with exactly three edges. 31Theorem 8.3. Letnbe an integer divisible by 4. Then, exco 2(n,K4=
5) and Semeraro [42] presented a construction of a 4-uniform hypergraph on n vertices, where nis divisible by 4: every 3-subset is contained in exactly n/4 hyperedges and every 5 vertices span 0 or 2 edges. Denote by Gthis 4-uniform hypergraph. Then, e(G) and co 2(G) Furthermore, they proved that ex(n,K4=
5) by 4 by modifying a double counting idea by de Caen [15]. Note that Gunderson and Semeraros' result [42] also implies the codegree threshold result ex 3(n,K4=
5) by 4. Here, we will modify de Caen's argument [15] to prove Theorem 8.3. Proof of Theorem 8.3. LetHbe a 4-uniform hypergraph. Denote Nthe number of pairs ( e,f) with|e|=|f|= 4,|ef|= 3,eE(H) andf<E(H). Then, on = 3e(H)(n-4), (20) where the inequality holds because HisK4=
5-free. On the other = = (20) and (21), we in the last inequality we used (19). #
We remark that K4=
5is the only non-trivial hypergraph we are aware of which has the property that there is a construction (presented in [42]) that is extremal in each of l1-norm, l2-norm and for the codegree threshold. 8.3 Big the 2k-graph obtained by having three disjoint sets A,B,C of sizekand the three edgesAB, AC, CA. Frankl [30] proved that p(T(2k)) = 1/2. The lower bound comes from the 2k-graphGwhere the vertex set is partitioned into two equal sized parts and edges are those 2k-sets which intersect each part in an odd number of elements. The minimum codegree of this extremal example is n/2-o(n). Mubayi and Zhao [57] observed that in fact p2k-1(T(2k)) = 1/2. The maximum sum of k-codegrees squared an n-vertex graph can have, can be easily calculated. Let Hbe aT(2k)-free 2k-graph. +o(1)) +o(1)). 32On the other side the 2 k-graphGsatisfies
/summationdisplay AV(G)
|A|=kdG(A)2>=/parenleftbiggn k/parenrightbigg/parenleftigg/parenleftbign-k k-1/parenrightbig (n 2-2k) k/parenrightigg2 +o(1)). This determines asymptotically the maximum k-codegree squared sum of an n-vertex hypergraph. We wonder whether the asymptotic extremal example for the codegree squared sum is also G. Question 8.4. What iss(T(2k))? 8.4 Induced Problems We propose to study induced 8.5. Given a family of k-graphsF, what is the maximum l2-norm hypergraph Gcan have without containing any HF as an induced a family of k-uniform hypergraphs. Denote by excoind 2(n,F) the maximum codegree squared sum among all hypergraphs not containing any FFas an Here, we will present two examples where we can determine by K4- 5the 4-uniform hypergraph with exactly 4 edges on 5 vertices and hypergraph with exactly one edge on five vertices. Observe that the proof of Theo- rem 8.3 actually gives the stronger by 4. 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is defined to be the sum of codegrees squared $d(x,y)^2$ over all pairs of vertices $x,y$. In other words, this is the square of the $ell_2$-norm of the codegree vector. We are interested in how large can be if we require $G$ to be $H$-free for some $3$-uniform hypergraph $H$. This maximum value of over all $H$-free $n$-vertex $G$ is called the codegree squared extremal function, which we denote by We systemically study the extremal codegree squared sum of various $3$-uniform hypergraphs using various proof techniques. Some of our proofs rely on the flag algebra method while others use more classical tools such as the stability method. In particular, determine the codegree squared extremal numbers of paths, cycles, and $F_5$, the $5$-vertex hypergraph with edge Additionally, our paper has a survey format, as we state several conjectures and give an overview of Tur'an densities, minimum codegree thresholds and codegree squared extremal numbers of popular hypergraphs. We intend to update the arXiv version of this paper regularly.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:57:23 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 23 Oct 2023 21:01:07 GMT"
] | 2023-10-25T00:00:00 | [
"Felix Christian",
] |
1 1 Introduction The mass of the top quark, mt, is an important parameter of the standard model (SM) of Its precise measurement is of profound importance, both for theory and experiment. On the theory side, it constitutes a major input to global electroweak (EW) fits [1, 2], used to verify the self-consistency of the SM. It is also directly related to the stability of the EW vacuum, because among all known elementary particles it has the largest contribution in terms of radiative corrections to the Higgs boson mass [3, 4]. From the experimental perspective, it also provides a benchmark for the identification and calibration of heavy-flavor jets [5] arising from bottom or charm quarks, both in resolved and boosted topologies [6]. The majority of LHC results on mt[7-14] have been obtained with top quark pair (t t) events. Such events are predominantly produced via gluon-gluon fusion (90%) along with a subdomi- nant contribution from quark-antiquark annihilation (10%). The most precise 172.080.48 and 172.440.49 GeV are reported by the ATLAS and CMS experiments, re- spectively, in t t events by combining results based on data recorded atps=7 and 8 TeV [7, 8]. Current models for color reconnection (CR) [15, 16] indicate that it can have a potentially large impact on the measured mtvalues [9, 10]. Measurements based on complementary event topologies are important to better understand such systematic effects, as well as to possibly reduce the impact of dominant sources of uncertainty via a combination of results. Top quarks can be singly produced at the LHC through charged-current EW interactions via the exchange of a W boson. At leading order (LO) in the SM, single top quark production can be realized in three modes, depending on the virtuality of the W boson involved in the pro- cess, namely the tchannel (spacelike), the tW channel (on-shell), and the schannel (timelike). The t-channel diagram shown in Fig. 1 constitutes the dominant process for single top quark production in proton-proton (pp) collisions at the LHC, with a total cross section of 217+9
8pb atps=13 TeV calculated at next-to-LO (NLO) [17, 18] in perturbative quantum Within uncertainties, the measured cross section [19] agrees with this 1: Feynman diagrams of the t-channel single top quark production at LO corresponding to four- (left) and five-flavor (right) schemes. At NLO in perturbative QCD, the left diagram is also part of the five-flavor scheme. The t-channel single top quark production occurs at a lower energy scale ( 170 GeV) com- pared to t t (340 GeV), offering a partially independent event sample for measurement in a complementary region of phase space. Furthermore, it enhances the range of available mea- surements with systematic sources that are partially uncorrelated from those for t t events. The t-channel process involves CR only between the top quark and the proton from which the b quark or the gluon in the initial state arises, not to the whole event, unlike in the case of t t [16]. Such alternative measurements provide an important validation for the modeling of QCD processes in Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, which could be a source of large systematic effects. The unique production mode and event topology may also shed light on2 the interpretation of the mtparameter [20], since, as opposed to t t events, the single top quark process probes energy scales down to the production threshold of about 170 GeV. The signature of t-channel single top quark production comprises an isolated lepton, a neutrino, which results in an overall transverse momentum pTimbalance, a light-quark jet, often produced in the forward direction, and a jet arising from the hadron- ization of a bottom quark (b jet) from the top quark decay. The second b jet, arising in the production process via gluon splitting, as shown in Fig. 1 (left), has a softer pTspectrum and a broader pseudorapidity hdistribution compared to the b jet originating from the top quark, and thus frequently escapes detection. Hence, candidate events are required to contain one muon or electron and exactly two jets, of which one is b tagged, in the final state. In this paper, a measurement of mtis reported based on data recorded atps=13 TeV by the CMS experiment in 2016 and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb 1[21]. The study uses a sample enriched in t-channel single top quark events selected via a multi- variate analysis (MVA) technique, and supersedes the earlier CMS measurement at 8 TeV [22]. The masses of the top quark and antiquark are also measured separately using events with positively and negatively charged leptons in the final state, respectively. The mass ratio and difference from these measurements are used to test CPT invariance. Violation of CPT sym- metry would imply a nonlocal field theory [23], signaling physics beyond the SM. are provided in HEPData [24]. The paper is organized as follows. The CMS detector is briefly discussed in Section 2. Sec- tion 3 describes the simulation samples used to model signal and background events. Section 4 provides an overview of the reconstruction and identification of physics objects, as well as of the selection of candidate events. A method relying on sideband (SB) data used to estimate the QCD multijet background is described in Section 5. Section 6 discusses the MVA tech- nique designed to distinguish the t-channel single top quark signal from the t t, EW, and QCD backgrounds. The (ML) fit used to extract the value of mtfrom its re- constructed distribution is explained in Section 7. In Section 8 we describe various affecting the measurement and their individual contributions. Results and overall im- pact are explained in Section 9, and Section 10 summarizes the main findings. 2 The CMS detector The central feature of the CMS apparatus is a superconducting solenoid of 6 m diameter, pro- viding an axial magnetic field of 3.8 T. Within the solenoid volume lie a silicon pixel and mi- crostrip tracker, a lead tungstate crystal electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL), and a brass and plastic scintillator hadron calorimeter, each composed of a barrel and two endcap calorimeters, based on steel absorbers with quartz fibers, extend the fiducial by the barrel and endcap detectors up to jhj=5. Muons are measured in the range jhj<2.4, with detection planes made using three technologies: drift tubes, cathode strip cham- bers, and resistive plate chambers, embedded in the steel flux-return yoke outside the solenoid. A detailed description of the CMS detector, together with a definition of the coordinate system used and relevant kinematic variables, can be found in Ref. [25]. Events of interest are selected with a two-tiered trigger system [26]. The first level [27], com- posed of custom hardware processors, uses information from the calorimeters and muon de- tectors to select events at a rate of 100 kHz. The second level, known as the high-level a farm of processors running a version of the full event reconstruction software op- timized for fast processing at a rate of about 1 kHz.3 3 Simulation of events We simulate signal and background events to NLO QCD accuracy using either the POWHEG [28- 30] or M ADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 [31] generator. The signal process [32] is simulated with POWHEG 2.0 in the four-flavor scheme (4FS), where b quarks are produced via gluon splitting as shown in Fig. 1 (left). This scheme is expected to yield a more accurate description of the kinematic distributions of t-channel events than the five-flavor scheme (5FS) [33-35] indicated in Fig. 1 (right). For the normalization of signal samples, we employ the 5FS predictions calcu- lated using HATHOR 2.1 [17, 18] at NLO in perturbative QCD. This is because with the inclusion of both gluon- and diagrams, the 5FS cross section calculation yields a more accurate value than that of 4FS, which is based on the gluon-initiated diagram only. The t t background [36] is simulated using POWHEG 2.0 and is normalized to the cross with TOP++ 2.0 [37] at next-to-NLO (NNLO) in perturbative QCD, including soft gluon resummation at (NNLL) accuracy. We use POWHEG 1.0 to simulate the production of single top quarks in association with W bosons (tW) in the 5FS [38], and normalize the events to a prediction providing approximate NNLO accuracy [39, 40]. The s-channel contribution is modeled using M ADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 in the 4FS with up to one additional parton and with the FxFx merging scheme [41] and normalized to a cross at NLO QCD accuracy in 5FS by HATHOR 2.1 [17, 18]. While the mtvalue is set to 172.5 GeV in the nominal simulation samples of signal and top quark background events, a number of such samples generated with alternate mthypotheses ranging between 169.5 and 178.5 GeV are considered for the purpose of mass calibration (Section 7). In all these samples the top quark width is set to its nominal value of 1.31 GeV. Events with W and Z bosons produced in association with jets (referred to as V +jets) are sim- ulated at NLO accuracy using M ADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 and the FxFx merging calculated with FEWZ 3.1 [42-44] are employed for the normalization of these two processes. The W +jets events are simulated with zero, one, and two additional partons ex- clusively, in order to retain a sufficient number of events surviving the selection criteria, while the Z +jets events are generated with up to two additional partons inclusively. WW, WZ, and ZZ (collectively referred to as VV) processes are simulated at NLO with MADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 with the FxFx merging scheme. For all samples, PYTHIA 8.212 [45] is used to simulate parton showering and hadronization. We model the underlying event (UE) activities with the tune CUETP8M1 [46] for all samples except for t t, where we use the tune CUETP8M2T4 [47], as it provides a more accurate description of the kinematic distributions of the top quark pair and jets in t t events. The parton distribu- tion functions (PDFs) predicted by NNPDF3.0 NLO [48] are used in all simulations. The cross sections of simulated signal and background processes are listed in Table 1. All generated events undergo a full simulation of the detector response using a model of the CMS detector implemented in G EANT 4 [49]. Additional pp interactions within the same or nearby bunch crossings (pileup) included in the simulation are reweighted such that the corre- sponding multiplicity distribution agrees with that observed in data. 4 Event Event selection Events in the muon final state are selected using a trigger that requires at least one isolated muon with pT>24 GeV andjhj<2.4. For the electron final state, the trigger requires the4 Table 1: Summary of signal and background simulations discussed in Section 3 with their re- spective cross Simulation Cross section ( pb) Accuracy Single top t-channel, t POWHEG 2.0 4FS 136 NLO, estimated using HATHOR 2.1 [17, 18] in 5FS Single top t-channel, t POWHEG 2.0 4FS 81 NLO, estimated using HATHOR 2.1 [17, 18] in 5FS Single top s-channel, t +t MADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 4FS 10 NLO, estimated using HATHOR 2.1 [17, 18] in 5FS tW ( tW) POWHEG 1.0 5FS 36 (36) Approximate NNLO [50] tt POWHEG 2.0 832 NNLO + NNLL, estimated using TOP++ 2.0 [37] W(!ln)+ 0 jet MADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 50132 NNLO, estimated using FEWZ 3.1 [42-44] W(!ln)+ 1 jet MADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 8426 NNLO, estimated using FEWZ 3.1 [42-44] W(!ln)+ 2 jets MADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 3173 NNLO, estimated using FEWZ 3.1 [42-44] Z(!ll)+ jets, ( mll>50 GeV) MADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 5765 NNLO, estimated using FEWZ 3.1 [42-44] WW!lnqq MADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 46 NLO WZ!lnqq MADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 11 NLO ZZ!llqq MADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO 2.2.2 3 NLO presence of at least one isolated electron with pT>32 GeV with at least one reconstructed pp interaction vertex are retained for further analysis. The vertex must be reconstructed from at least four tracks that have a longitudinal distance jdzj<24 cm and a radial distance jdxyj<2 cm from the nominal interaction point. If are found in an event, the one with the largest value of summed p2 Tof physics objects is taken as the primary pp interaction vertex. The objects are the jets, clustered with the tracks assigned to the vertex as inputs, and the associated missing transverse momentum ~pmiss T, taken as the negative of the ~pTsum of those jets. The particle-flow algorithm [51], which combines information from various subdetectors, is used to reconstruct the individual particles. Muon candidates must have at least one hit in the muon detector and a minimum of five hits in the silicon microstrip tracker. They are by a global fit to the combined information from the tracker and muon detec- tor. Selected muons must have pT>26 GeV andjhj<2.4. Electron candidates are recon- structed [52] from good quality tracks in the tracker, matched to clusters in the ECAL. They are identified by applying dedicated selection criteria on nine variables related to tracking and shower shape. Electrons are required to pass the tight identification criteria [53] corresponding to an average efficiency of approximately 70% and have pT>35 GeV andjhj<2.1, while those falling into the gap between the ECAL barrel and endcap regions (1.44 <jhj<1.57) are rejected. The relative isolation ( Irel) for a muon (electron) candidate is calculated by summing the transverse energy deposited by photons and charged and neutral hadrons within a cone its direction, corrected for contributions from pileup [54], divided by its pT. The transverse energy is defined as Esinq, where Eis the energy andqis the polar angle of the energy deposit. The muon and electron candidates are required to pass the criterion containing additional muons (electrons) with pT>10 (15) GeV andjhj<2.4 (2.5) are rejected. In such cases, the criteria on lepton isolation are relaxed to Irel<0.2 for muons and Irel<0.18 (0.16) for electrons in the barrel (endcap) ECAL. We apply pT- and h-dependent scale factors in simulation for both selected and vetoed leptons to correct for observed differences in the lepton reconstruction efficiencies with data. Jets are reconstructed using the anti- kTclustering algorithm [55] with a distance parameter of 0.4, as implemented in the F ASTJETpackage [56]. The effect of additional tracks and calori- metric energy deposits from pileup on the jet momentum is mitigated by discarding to be originating from pileup vertices, as well as by applying an offset correction to account for residual neutral pileup contributions [57, 58]. Loose identification criteria [57] are applied to suppress jets arising from spurious sources, such as electronics noise in the calorime-4.2 Event categories 5 ters. Energy corrections are derived from simulation to bring the measured average response of jets to that of particle-level jets. In-situ measurements of the momentum balance in dijet, g+jets, Z +jets, and QCD multijet events are used to account for any residual differences in the jet energy scale (JES) between data and simulation [59]. In this analysis, jets are required to have pT>40 GeV andjhj<4.7. A combined MVA tagging algorithm [5] is used to identify b jets, which are required to have pT>40 GeV andjhj<2.4. The efficiency to correctly identify b jets is about 55% at the chosen working point, while the probability is 0.1% for light-quark or gluon jets and 6% for charm jets. Simulated events are corrected using dedicated scale factors that account for the differences in the b tagging efficiencies and probabilities when compared to data. Candidate events must contain exactly two jets. For the signal sample selection, one of these jets is required to be b-tagged and the other must not satisfy the b tagging to as the untagged jet in the following discussion). To suppress the background from QCD multijet processes, we require the transverse mass of the charged lepton plus neutrino system, defined (1) to exceed 50 GeV. Here, pmiss Tis the magnitude of ~pmiss T, which is the negative of the ~pTsum of all reconstructed particle-flow objects in an event. The energy scale corrections applied to jets are propagated to ~pmiss T[60]. The variables pmiss xand pmiss ydenote the xand ycomponents of
~pmiss T, respectively. The symbol pT,lrepresents the magnitude of ~pTof the charged lepton and px,l(py,l) is its x(y) component. 4.2 Event categories The selected events are divided into two categories, depending on the number of jets, n, and number of b-tagged jets, m, (labeled nJmT). The 2J1T category has the largest contribution from signal events and is referred to as the signal category. Besides this, we use the 2J0T category, where both the jets do not satisfy the b tagging criterion, to validate the estimation of the QCD multijet background contribution in data. A similar approach was used in earlier CMS measurements of the inclusive and differential t-channel single top quark cross sections [19, 35]. The event yields in the 2J1T category after applying all selection criteria are shown in Fig. 2 for the muon (left) and electron (right) final states. The yields are shown separately for events with positively and negatively charged leptons. The contribution from the QCD is determined from data as described in Section 5. For other processes, the event yields are obtained from simulation. 4.3 Reconstruction of the top quark The four-momentum of the top quark (and hence its mass) is reconstructed from the momenta of its decay products: the charged lepton, the reconstructed neutrino, and the b-tagged jet. The momenta of the lepton and b-tagged jet are measured, while the transverse momentum of the neutrino pT,nis inferred from ~pmiss T. Assuming energy-momentum conservation at the W !ln vertex and setting the W boson mass mWto 80.4 GeV [61], the longitudinal momentum of the neutrino pz,ncan be calculated from the following / bin (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T
+-uData-ch. t-ch. s, tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 1 -0 1 / bin (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T
+-eData-ch. t-ch. s, tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 1 -0 1 e 2: Event yields corresponding to positively and negatively charged muons (left) and electrons (right) in the final states obtained for the 2J1T category from data (points) and from simulated signal and background processes (colored histograms). The vertical bars on the points show the statistical uncertainty in the data, and the cross-hatched bands denote the quadrature sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the predictions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the Elis the lepton energy and pz,lis the zcomponent of its momentum. The above leads to two possible solutions for pz,n, given (3) where, L= (m2 W/2) +~pT,l~pmiss T. If both solutions have real values, the one with the is retained [62, 63]. This choice yields a better consistency between the inferred and true values of pz,nin simulation. In the case of complex solutions, the pT,nvalues are modified so that the radical in Eq. (3) becomes zero, while still fulfilling Eq. (2). Setting the radical equal to zero, we get two pairs of possible solutions for px,nand py,n. Out of the two pairs, the one resulting in a ~pT,nwith a lowerjDfjvalue with respect to ~pmiss Tin the event is chosen. The reconstructed mtdistribution after event selection for the signal and background is shown in Section 6. Potential inadequacy in the determination of pz,nleads to a softer compared to the true spectrum in simulation. This in turn leads to a mismatch of the reconstructed mtwith the true value used in simulation. A calibration is applied to mtvalue in order to compensate for this difference, and the related uncertainty is considered as a source of systematic uncertainty, as discussed in Sections 7 and 8, respectively. 5 Estimation of the QCD multijet background The QCD multijet production has a large cross section in pp collisions but a tiny acceptance in the phase space used in this analysis. Therefore, a very large sample of simulated QCD mul- tijet events would be needed in order to retain a sufficient event yield surviving our to ensure a reliable description of this background. In the absence of simulated event samples of the required size, an alternative approach is followed by defining an SB in data enriched in QCD multijet events. The SB is obtained by requiring the selected muon to and the selected electron to fail the tight identification criteria. The here is that the description of kinematic variables for QCD multijet events in the SB is similar to that in the signal region. We have verified this assumption using Shapes for QCD multijet events are derived by subtracting the total non-QCD con-7 tribution from data in this SB. As such, the SB data contain 93 (70)% QCD multijet events for the muon (electron) final state. The QCD multijet contribution in the signal region is estimated by means of a binned ML fit to the mTdistribution with two components: QCD and non-QCD. As the QCD multijet background has a larger contribution in the 2J0T category, this category is used to validate the above method. The procedure is then applied in the signal-enriched 2J1T category where the background estimation is performed separately for positively and nega- tively charged leptons, as well as inclusive of the lepton charge in the final / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , unc. 0 50 100 150 200 / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , unc. 0 50 100 150 200 / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , unc. 0 50 100 150 200 / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , unc. 0 50 100 150 200 3: Projections of the fit results onto the mTdistributions for the muon (left) and electron (right) final states in the 2J0T (upper) and 2J1T (lower) categories for the data (points) and the various components of the fit (colored lines). The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the fit predictions. The bands represent the uncertainty in the mTdistribution predicted by the fit. Figure 3 shows the projections of the fit results onto the mTdistributions in the 2J0T (upper) and 2J1T (lower) categories for the muon (left) and electron (right) final states. To account for possible differences between QCD multijet mTshapes obtained from the SB and that in the signal region, a separate 50% systematic uncertainty is assigned to that background rate and shape (see Section 8.1). This propagated uncertainty is twice the maximum difference between the data and the prediction found in the tail of the Multivariate analysis A number of variables are combined into an MVA discriminant to separate t-channel single top quark events as the signal from the rest as the background. The latter is the sum total of top quark (t t, tW, and s-channel), EW (V +jets and VV), and QCD multijet events selected in the 2J1T category. All background contributions are obtained with simulation samples except for the QCD multijet where the SB data are used, as described in Section 5. We develop two8 boosted decision trees (BDTs) using the TMVA package [64] with the variables listed in Table 2 as inputs for the muon and electron final states in the 2J1T category, 4 shows a comparison of the data and simulation for the two highest-ranked variables in Table 2. The correlations among the variables are also taken into account by using the decor- relation method available in TMVA during evaluation of the BDT response. The modeling of the other input variables in data and simulation, along with their correlations in signal and background events before and after applying the decorrelation, are presented in Appendix A. The input variables to the BDTs are chosen keeping in mind the following aspects:
good separation power to discriminate signal from background;
low correlation with the reconstructed mt. The variables listed in Table 2 constitute a minimal set satisfying the above conditions in the muon and electron final states, and are selected as the BDT input variables. They are ranked in decreasing order of their separation power ( SP) in the respective final states. The SPof a given variable xis defined + ^XB(x)dx, (4) where ^XS(^XB) denotes the probability density of xin the signal (background) event category. Table 2: BDT input variables ranked in decreasing order of their SPvalues for the muon and electron final states in the 2J1T Muon Electron 1 1 Angular separation in ( h,f) space between the b-tagged and untagged jets Untagged jetjhj(jhj0j) 2 2 Absolute pseudorapidity of the untagged jet mbj0 3 3 Invariant mass of the system comprising the b-tagged and untagged jets cosq4 4Cosine of the angle between the lepton and untagged jet in the rest frame of the top quark mT 5 5 Transverse mass as defined in Eq. (1) FW1 -- 6 First-order Fox-Wolfram moment [65, 66] (electron final state) jDhlbj 6 7 Absolute pseudorapidity difference between the lepton and b-tagged jet pb T+pj0 T7 8 Scalar sum of the pTof the b-tagged and untagged jets jhlj 8 -- Absolute pseudorapidity of the lepton (muon final state) During training, signal and background events are weighted according to their relative con- tribution in the 2J1T category. In total, 400 decision trees with a depth of three layers per tree are combined into a forest. The adaptive boosting algorithm [67] implemented in TMVA is used with the learning rate and minimum node size set to 40% and 1%, respectively. The BDT setup is checked for overtraining by dividing the MC samples into two independent sub- samples of equal size, one for training and the other to validate its performance. Signal and background events are picked randomly to set up the training and validation subsamples in order to avoid bias. We perform (KS) tests to compare the BDT between the two subsamples, and obtain KS probabilities ranging between 57 and 93% for the signal and background events. These results confirm no significant we combine the training and validation subsamples for further studies and evaluate the BDT responses for all signal and background events according to the probabilities obtained from training in the respective final states. The comparisons of the BDT response distributions are shown in Fig. 4, separately for the muon (left) and electron (right) final states in the 2J1T category. The performance of the BDTs is quantified via a (ROC) curve, as shown in Fig. 5 (upper left). The area between the ROC curve and the horizontal axis is 0.16. A smaller area indicates a better / 0.2 (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 0 123456/
/ 0.2 (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 0 123456/
/ 0.5 (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat jet | / 0.5 (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat jet | / 0.1 (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 1 -0.5 -0 0.5 1 BDT / 0.1 (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 1 -0.5 -0 0.5 1 BDT 4: Data and simulation comparison for DRbj0(upper row), untagged jet jhj(middle row), and BDT response (lower row) in the 2J1T category for the muon (left) and electron (right) final states. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to simulation predictions. The bands indicate the statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. The last bin in each of the upper-row plots includes the the signal and background. The correlation between the reconstructed mtand BDT response is about 13% in simulated signal events. To obtain an event sample enriched in t-channel single top quark events, selection thresholds on the BDT responses are optimized by studying the signal and background efficiencies, together with the signal purity after selection, as shown in Fig. 5 (upper right). Ideally, high signal pu- rity with high yield or efficiency is desirable for a precise mtmeasurement in t-channel single top quark events. In reality, however, the signal efficiency and purity have opposite trends with increasing selection thresholds. The optimal working point is determined by studying the combined contribution of the statistical and profiled systematic uncertainties (Section 8) along with that of the mass calibration, in the mtvalue as a function of the BDT thresholds (%)BkgeROC curveCMS, 2J1T
+-l (13 TeV)-135.9 fb 1 -0.5 -0 0.5 1 BDT selection (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 0.750.8 0.85BDT selection (GeV) (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T
+-lStat + profMass of events (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T
+-lNo selectionBDT > 0.6 BDT > 0.75 BDT > 0.8 BDT > 5: Combined BDT performance in terms of the ROC curve (upper left), and the sig- nal and background efficiencies and signal purity as functions of the BDT selection threshold (upper right) in the muon and electron final states. The uncertainty in mtfrom the and profiled systematic components (red curve), and from the mass calibration (blue curve) as a function of the BDT selection threshold (lower left). Arrows on the plots indicate the region of better separation (upper left) and optimized selection criteria (upper right and lower left). A comparison of the reconstructed mtshapes from simulated signal events for thresholds on the BDT response is shown on the lower right. The lower panel shows the ratio relative to the case where no selection (red) is applied, with the grey band denoting the normalization uncertainty around the red curve.11 to both muon and electron final states in simulated events. These uncertainties are evaluated by means of an ML fit discussed in Section 7, based on derived from sim- ulated events. The result of this study is presented in Fig. 5 (lower left). The starting point for the optimization is chosen to be 0.6, where about 50% signal purity is observed for both final states. The mass calibration uncertainty reaches its minimum when the selection threshold is at 0.8 and thus offers an optimum point where the relative impact of background contamina- tion is at its lowest. Beyond this point, both uncertainties start to increase rapidly with higher threshold values due to the depletion of the signal events. The criterion BDT response >0.8 is chosen, which yields about 65 (60)% signal purity in the muon (electron) final state. Because of the low correlation between the BDT response and the reconstructed mtin the sig- nal events, a selection on the former does not alter the mtdistribution significantly, as shown in Fig. 5 (lower right). The differences in signal mtshapes, obtained with various selection cri- teria on the BDT responses, are mostly covered by the normalization uncertainty around the peak. This is evident in the lower panel of the plot where a comparison of shape ratios ob- tained with different selection thresholds relative to the one without any selection on the BDT response is shown. The differences, observed in the higher tails of the mtdistributions with and without the optimized BDT selection, are covered by the signal shape variation discussed in Section 8.2. The mtdistribution in data and the simulated signal and background before and after the application of the BDT selection criteria are compared in Fig. 6. 7 Extraction of the top quark mass The high skewness of the mtdistribution, coupled with the low background rate after the BDT selection, poses a considerable challenge in obtaining appropriate analytic shapes for both the signal and background. Instead, a suitable alternative is found using the 1 GeV ). The natural logarithm significantly reduces the skewness of the mtdistri- bution since more extreme values to the right of the peak are pulled in, and those to the left are stretched further away [68]. The transformed probability density functions are this is a monotonic one-to-one obtained from the muon and electron final states are considered in a simul- taneous ML fit [69]. The fit is separately performed on events with a positively charged lepton (l+), negatively charged lepton ( l ), and inclusive of the lepton charge ( l) in the final state. The inclusion of the QCD multijet background as an additional component in the fit would require a reliable which turns out to be challenging in our case. Instead, this background contribution is subtracted from data before the fit. The QCD-subtracted binned z distribution is described by a analytic model F(z)for each final state ( l=mor e). The total likelihood is given (5) where iis the bin index, z0is the peak position of the the probability of the analytic model, Fl(z;z0,fj)to describe the observed zdistribution, and Qis the penalty term to account for the nuisance parameters fj. These parameters are defined for the rates of various event components j, namely signal, t t, and EW backgrounds, t t, EWg, / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat / bin (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat BDT > 0.8 / bin (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T
+-lData-ch. t-ch. s, tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat BDT > 0.81 -0 1 / 0.09 (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat BDT > 0.85 5.5 6: Reconstructed mtdistributions before (upper-left) and after (upper-right) applying the optimized BDT selection from data (points) and simulation (colored histograms) are shown in the upper row. The lower-left plot shows the event yields per lepton charge in data and simulation after optimized BDT selection. comparison of the fit 1 GeV )inclusive of lepton charge after optimized BDT selection is presented in the lower right plot. The horizontal bars in the upper-right plot indicate the variable bin width. The first and last bins include the underflow and overflow, respectively, for each plot. The bands denote a quadrature sum of the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the prediction. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the prediction. The deviation from unity seen in the first bins of the upper-right and lower-right ratio plots arises because of significantly less underflow events in the data compared to the Nobs j(Nexp j) is the observed (expected) yield for the event component j. We = fsigFsig(z;z0) + fttFtt(z;z0) + fEWFEW(z), (7) where Fsig,Ftt, and FEWrepresent the analytic shapes for the signal, t t, and EW Small contributions (6%) from the tW and s-channel single top quark processes are absorbed into the significantly larger (94%) t t component in forming what we call the t t background above. The Fsigshape is parameterized with a sum of an asymmetric Gaussian ( z0) function as the core and a Landau [70] function to model the higher tail. The Fttshape is described by a Crystal Ball ( z0) function [71]. The FEWshape describes contributions from the V +jets and It is modeled with a Novosibirsk function [72]. The parameter z0of the combined signal and t t background shapes is the parameter of interest (POI), and is allowed to float in the fit. We extract mtfrom the best-fit z0value. for the POI, that alter the signal and background shapes are fixed to their estimated values during the fit. These are obtained by fitting individual models to the respective dis- tributions of simulated signal and background events in the muon and electron final states. Out of the shape parameters, the ones having large correlations with the POI are varied up to three standard deviations about their estimated values. The resulting uncertainty is con- sidered as a separate systematic uncertainty in the measured mass. The nuisance and fEWare constrained in the fit using log-normal priors with 15, 6, and 10% The constraint on fsigtakes into account the uncertainty in the cross section of the inclusive t-channel single top quark production measured atps=13 TeV [19]. The driven by the uncertainty in the predicted t t production cross section [73]. The con- straint on fEWis relaxed to around three times the uncertainty in the measured V +jets cross sections [74, 75] in order to account for mismodeling of heavy-flavor jet production in simula- tion, as well as to cover the uncertainties due to the renormalization ( mR) and factorization ( mF) scales and PDF in the EW background. A similar approach was used in the measurement of the inclusive t-channel single top quark production cross section of the fit results onto the zdistributions for the l+,l , and lcases are shown in Fig. 7. The lower panels in Fig. 7 show the normalized residuals or pulls, which are defined as the difference between the distribution in data and the one predicted by the fit, divided by the uncertainty Here, Ddatais the Poisson uncertainty in the data and Dfitis the uncertainty in the fit that includes both the statistical and profiled systematic components. Most of the pull values lie within 2 for all three cases, with the maximum deviations occurring in the first zbin because of significantly less underflow events in the data than in the simulation. We validate the fit model given in Eq. (7) by applying it to a control sample defined by 0.2<
BDT <0.8, which is dominated by t t events. The resulting best-fit values of mtand the nui- sance parameters are found to agree within the uncertainties with that obtained from the signal- enriched region (BDT >0.8). The scan of the profile likelihood ratio with the POI, together with the correlation among the fit parameters in the signal-enriched region for the lcase, are pre- sented in Appendix B. The fit consistency is checked by performing based on the F(z)model with profiled systematic uncertainties only. We do not observe any bias in the fit parameters, and find the corresponding pulls follow a Gaussian distribution having a mean and width consistent with 0 and 1.0, respectively, within their linearity of the best-fit mass ( mfit) is checked against different true mass ( mtrue) hypotheses using dedicated simulation samples for signal and t t processes. A calibration is performed / 0.09 Data (QCD tW, ttV + jets, VV , 2J1T+lCMS (13 TeV)-135.9 fb5 5.5 z5-05D Fit-Data / 0.09Data (QCD tW, ttV + jets, VV , 2J1T-lCMS (13 TeV)-135.9 fb5 5.5 z5-05D Fit-Data 0 246310xEvents / 0.09Data (QCD tW, ttV + jets, VV , 2J1T+-lCMS (13 TeV)-135.9 fb5 5.5 z5-05D Fit-Data Figure 7: Projections of fit results onto the z=ln(mt/ 1 GeV )distributions for the l+(upper left), l (upper right), and l(lower row) final states for signal and background processes com- pared to data in the 2J1T category with the optimized BDT selection applied. The lower panels show the pulls that are determined using the bin contents of the data distributions (after QCD subtraction) and the F(z)values evaluated at the center of the bins. The fitted each final state are combined in these plots for a comparison with data for the three different cases based on the lepton charge. applying a suitable offset to mfitto account for the differences relative to mtrue. The mfitand mtruecan be attributed to the inadequacy in the determination of pz,nin the signal process discussed in Section 4.3. Details about the associated systematic uncertainty due to the mass calibration are discussed in Section 8.1. 8 Systematic uncertainties We consider several sources of systematic uncertainties. They can be broadly classified into two categories as (prof) : The signal and background normalizations are profiled by including them as nuisance parameters in the ML fit. The impacts of the profiled systematic sources are obtained directly from the fit via correlations between the POI and the nuisance (ext) : All other uncertainty sources are externalized, i.e., the ML fit is repeated with varied zshapes. Thus, full variations of the shapes are considered due to these sources. The impacts of these sources are calculated by taking the difference between the offset corrected best-fit values of mtcorresponding to the nominal and varied shapes.8.1 Experimental uncertainties 15 The largest shift relative to the nominal result is quoted as the uncertainty for a partic- ular systematic source in a conservative approach, unless otherwise specified. The due to the externalized systematic sources in the central value is obtained by separately combining the positive and negative shifts. The externalized systematic sources can be further divided into two subcategories, and modeling. 8.1 Experimental The energies of all reconstructed jets in simulated events are up and down according to their pT- and h-dependent uncertainties [76], split into correlation groups, namely MPFInSitu, and uncorrelated ac- cording to the procedure described in Ref. [77]. A similar approach to JES uncertainties was used in Ref. [9] for the mtmeasurement with t t events in thel+jets final state.
Jet energy resolution (JER): To account for the difference in JER between data and sim- ulation, a dedicated smearing is applied [76] in simulation that improves or worsens the resolutions within their energy: The contributions of unclustered particles to pmiss Tare varied within their respective energy resolutions [78].
Muon and electron efficiencies: The lepton identification, isolation, and trigger effi- ciencies are determined with a tag-and-probe method [79] from Drell-Yan events falling in the Z boson mass window. The efficiency correction factors are applied to simulated events in order to match with data. The uncertainties in these are varied in bins of The uncertainty in the expected distribution of pileup is propagated as a sys- tematic uncertainty by varying the total inelastic cross section by 4.6% [80] about its central value of 69.2 mb by reweighting the simulated events.
b tagging: The scale factors used to calculate the efficiency corrections for the b tag- ging algorithm are varied up and down within their uncertainties. The found from these variations are then applied to the simulation to esti- mate the corresponding systematic multijet background: The contribution of the QCD multijet background is esti- mated based on data as discussed in Section 5. Its contribution is first subtracted from data before the final fit using the parametric model given in Eq. (7). Each bin of the QCD multijet shape derived from SB data is varied independently by an un- certainty of 50% and a new set of shapes is obtained. The resulting new shapes are subtracted from data in the signal region one at a time and the fit is repeated. In this method, a maximal variation in the rate and shape of the QCD multijet background is considered. The resulting uncertainty is obtained from the difference in the mean value of the offset-corrected fit results relative to the nominal case.
Mass calibration: The mass calibration ( Dmcal), i.e., the difference between mfitand mtrue, is obtained as a function of mfit, using dedicated MC samples with (Fig. 8). The linear behavior between mfitand mtruedictates that Dmcalalso has a linear dependence on mfit. The band about the central line repre- sents the1 standard deviation owing to statistical fluctuations of the signal and t t samples with different mtruehypotheses. The mass calibration is obtained from the16 central value, while its uncertainty is determined from the band and considered as an independent source of uncertainty. This procedure has been implemented sepa- rately for the l+,l , and The relative uncertainty in the integrated luminosity is 2.5% [81]. This is propagated to the uncertainties in the expected rates of the signal and except for the QCD multijet, which is determined from data. 8.2 Modeling and early resonance decay (ERD): The uncertainties due to ambiguities in mod- eling CR effects are estimated by comparing the default model in PYTHIA 8 with two alternative CR models, one with string formation beyond leading color (QCD inspired) [15], and the other in which the gluons can be moved to another string (gluon move) [16]. In addition, CR effects due to the top quark decay products are assessed by switching off (default) and on ERD [16] in PYTHIA 8. In the first case, the lifetime of the top quark is assumed to be long enough to shield its decay products from color reconnecting with the rest of the event, whereas this restriction is lifted when we enable the ERD option. All models are tuned to the UE measure- ments in Ref. [82], and simultaneous variations of different CR models in signal and tt simulations are considered. The largest observed shift is quoted as the JES: The Lund string fragmentation model of PYTHIA 8 [45] is com- pared with the cluster fragmentation of HERWIG ++ [83]. Each model relies on a large set of tuning parameters that allows one to modify the individual fragmentation of jets initiated from gluons and light, charm, and bottom quarks. Therefore, the dif- ference in JES between PYTHIA and HERWIG is determined for each jet flavor [76]. The flavor uncertainties for jets from gluons and light, charm, and bottom quarks are evaluated separately and added linearly [9] since these individual treated to be fully correlated. This method ensures that the relevant are varied simultaneously for all jet flavors.
b quark hadronization: This term accounts for flavor-dependent uncertainties arising from the simulation of parton fragmentation. The fragmentation of b quarks into b hadrons is varied in simulation within uncertainties in the Bowler-Lund fragmenta- tion function tuned to the ALEPH [84], DELPHI [85], and SLD [86] data. In addition, the difference between the Bowler-Lund [87] and Peterson [88] fragmentation func- tions is included in the uncertainty. Lastly, the uncertainty due to the semileptonic b hadron branching fraction is obtained by varying it by 0.45% and +0.77%, which is the range of measurements from B0/Bdecays and their uncertainties [61].
Signal modeling: To determine the influence of possible mismodeling of the t-channel single top quark process, several sources are considered as listed below. 1.Parton shower (PS) scale: We compare the nominal signal shape with obtained by using per-event weights corresponding to independent vari- ations of initial- and final-state radiation (ISR and FSR) scales by a factor of 2 and 1/2, respectively. During estimation of the related uncertainties, the ISR scale is kept fixed at the nominal value while the FSR scale is varied and vice- versa. The uncertainty is estimated from the difference in the fit results using reweighted shapes relative to the nominal The impacts of varying the mRandmFscales up and down by8.2 Modeling uncertainties 17 170 175 (GeV)fitm (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T
+l = 168 170 (GeV) fitm468 (GeV)calmD (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T
+l = (GeV)fitm (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T -l = 170 (GeV) fitm468 (GeV)calmD (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T -l = (GeV)fitm (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T
+-l = 168 170 (GeV) fitm468 (GeV)calmD (13 TeV)-135.9 fbCMS , 2J1T
+-l = 2.1dof2kh Figure 8: Test of the linearity of the mfitfor different values of true mass mtrue(left), and the resulting mass calibration Dmcalas a function of mfit(right) for events in the 2J1T category l (middle), and l(lower) cases. The shaded regions indicate 1 about the central values defined by the red line. The value of the c2per degrees of freedom (dof) from the linear fit is shown in each plot.18 a factor of 2 relative to their respective nominal values (both set to 172.5 GeV) are considered by applying per-event weights [89] on the zdistributions. Two cases are considered for the evaluation of related uncertainties. In the first case, one scale is varied while the other is kept fixed to its nominal value; in the other case, both scales are varied together in the same direction with respect to their nominal values. The resulting uncertainties from each case are added in quadrature and quoted as the uncertainty due to the aS:The impact due to the choice of PDFs is studied using that are derived from replicas of the NNPDF 3.0 NLO ( aS=0.118) PDF set [48]. In addition, NNPDF3.0 sets with aS=0.117 and 0.119 are evaluated and the observed difference is added in quadrature.
tt modeling: The impacts due to variation of the ISR and FSR scales, the hdamp pa- rameter responsible for ME-PS matching [47] (where ME is the acronym for matrix element), the mRand mFscales, and PDF+ aSin the t t process are considered. due to the ISR and FSR scales, mRand mFscales, and PDF+ aSvaria- tions in t t events are estimated by following exactly the same method as for the signal events. Additionally, variation of aSin the UE tune for the t t simulation sam- ple is considered in order to cover the difference between the UE models used for simulated t t and all other processes, as discussed in Section 3. We also take into account the mismodeling of the top quark pTspectrum, which is harder in simu- lated t t events than in the data [90]. The uncertainties due to the are determined from the difference in fit results obtained from the varied or reweighted t t shapes corresponding to each source relative to the nominal one. from individual sources are then added in quadrature to obtain the total uncertainty due to t t shapes: The impact from varying the shape parameters of the signal and background models is considered as a separate systematic uncertainty. The shape parameters are varied by three standard deviations about their estimated values, derived using simulation. The impacts due to individual sources are summed in quadrature to obtain the total uncertainty due to the parametric modeling of the signal and 3 summarizes the aforementioned sources of systematic uncertainty and their contribu- tions. The impacts due to alternative ME (M ADGRAPH 5aMC@NLO ), FS (5FS), PS ( HERWIG ++), and UE (CUETP8M2T4) modeling of the signal process are also evaluated for the lfinal state using dedicated simulated event samples. Their individual contributions range between 0.36 and+0.16 GeV. As these values are covered by the total systematic uncertainty listed in Table 3, no additional uncertainty is assigned to the measured mtvalue due to these sources. In the case of the signal process, top quarks are produced more abundantly relative to their antiquark partners due to the charge asymmetry of the W boson radiated from the in pp collisions at the LHC. This leads to a higher relative background contamination in thel final state arising from top antiquark decay compared to the l+final state from top quark decay, as shown in Fig. 7. As a result, the measurement in the l final state is more sensitive to the sources that significantly alter the background contributions along with the signal, com- pared to the ones that impact the signal contribution only. This is reflected in Table 3 where from the signal modeling are lower for the l case; whereas other sources, except for the ones listed under flavor-dependent JES, that alter the background contributions along with the signal have a larger impact on the total uncertainty. In the case of the Modeling uncertainties 19 Table 3: Summary of the mtuncertainties in GeV for each final-state lepton charge configura- tion. The statistical uncertainties are obtained by performing the fits again in each case while fixing the nuisance parameters to their estimated values from data. With the exception of JES sources, the total systematic uncertainty is obtained from the quadra- ture sum of the individual systematic sources. The amount of statistical fluctuations in the systematic shifts are quoted within parentheses whenever alternative simulated samples with systematic variations have been used. These are determined from 1000 in each case. Entries with <0.01 denote that the magnitude of the systematic bias is less than 0.01. Source dml dml+ dml
Statistical + profiled systematic group intercalibration group MPFInSitu group uncorrelated (quadrature sum) <0.01 <0.01 energy <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Muon efficiencies <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Electron efficiencies tagging multijet background calibration luminosity <0.01 <0.010.01 CR model and ERD JESGluon +0.52 +0.75 0.03 Light quark (uds) 0.18 +0.18 0.23 Charm +0.01 +0.08 +0.11 Bottom (linear sum) 0.13 +0.72 0.46 b quark hadronization modelb frag. Bowler-Lund frag. Peterson +0.14 +0.11 b hadron decays (quadrature sum) +0.23 0.18 +0.21 0.18 modelingISR 0.010.01 <0.01 FSR aS (quadrature sum) modelingISR matching scale aS <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Top quark pTreweighting (quadrature sum) 0.20 shapesSignal shape bkg. shape bkg. shape (quadrature sum) externalized systematic +0.69 0.71 +0.97 0.65 +1.32 1.39 Grand total +0.76 0.77 +1.04 0.75 +1.44 1.5120 JES uncertainty sources, the uncertainty is primarily dictated by the untagged jet. The presence of a light quark in the final state is a salient feature of the signal process. This light quark, or the FSR gluon radiated from it, is often detected as the untagged jet in the endcap region. The untagged-jet kinematic properties are heavily exploited by the BDTs in order to achieve a bet- ter separation between the signal and backgrounds. Hence, it has a large impact on the as well as on the zshapes obtained after the BDT selection. The energy calibration of the endcap detector is known to have larger uncertainties compared to the barrel and hence it has a larger impact on the untagged jet found in the endcap region. In the l final state, the relative contribution of the flavor-dependent JES uncertainty is smaller owing to a ratio. 9 Results The mtvalue is measured with events dominated by t-channel single top quark process, inclu- sive of the lepton charge in the final state, (8) The masses of the top quark and antiquark are determined separately by requiring positively and negatively charged leptons in the final state, respectively. We (10) The first uncertainty is the combination of the statistical and profiled systematic the second denotes the uncertainty due to the externalized systematic sources. The total uncertainty is obtained by adding the two values in quadrature. The measured masses of the top quark and antiquark are consistent with each other, as well as with the lresult, The measured value corresponding to the charge-inclusive final states agrees with previous measurements by the ATLAS [7] and CMS [8-10, 14, 22] Collaborations at differ- ent center-of-mass energies using various final states, within the uncertainties. Comparisons of the previous measurements and the result from this analysis are shown in Fig. 9. The mass ratio of the top antiquark to quark is determined to (11) and the mass difference between the top quark and antiquark (12) The uncertainties in the mass ratio and difference are obtained by combining the the individual measurements, as indicated in Eqs. (9) and (10). Here, it is assumed that the combined statistical and profiled systematic uncertainties in the top quark and antiquark masses are uncorrelated, while the externalized systematic uncertainties are fully by source. The estimated values of RmtandDmtare consistent with unity and within uncertainties, showing no evidence for violation of CPT invariance. Fig- ure 10 compares Dmtfrom this analysis with the previous measurements by the ATLAS [91] and CMS [92] Collaborations in t t events atps=7 and 8 TeV, respectively. All results agree with each other and are consistent with zero, within the 172 174 (GeV) tmStat + profTotal unc. CMS, single t (13 TeV) all jets (13 TeV) tCMS, t dilepton (13 TeV) tCMS, t + jets (13 TeV) l tCMS, tATLAS, comb. (8 TeV) CMS, comb. (8 TeV) CMS, single t (8 TeV) Figure 9: A comparison of measured mtvalues from this analysis (black circle), from pre- vious CMS results in t t events atps=13 TeV for fully hadronic [10], dileptonic [14], and semileptonic [9] final states, and from ATLAS [7] and CMS [8, 22] analyses atps=8 TeV. The horizontal bars on the points show the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in each measurement. The vertical dashed black line indicates the central value obtained from this measurement in the lfinal state. The green band represents the combined statistical and profiled systematic uncertainties in the present result, whereas the yellow band shows the . 4 -2 -0 2 (GeV) tmDStat + profTotal unc. SM prediction CMS, single t (13 TeV) + jets (8 TeV) l tCMS, t + jets (7 TeV) l tATLAS, t Figure 10: A comparison of the Dmtmeasurement from this analysis (black circle) with the previous ATLAS [91] and CMS [92] results in t t events at 7 and 8 TeV, respectively. The hor- izontal bars on the points show the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in The vertical dashed black line indicates the central value obtained from and the vertical dash-dotted magenta line is the SM prediction. The green band represents the combined statistical and profiled systematic uncertainties in the present result, whereas the yellow band shows the total precision of the mtmeasurement presented here shows about a 30% improvement over the previous CMS result [22] from single top quark events. The inclusion of the electron final state improves the overall signal yield, thus reducing the statistical component of the . The MVA discriminant and the nuisance parameters in the ML fit constrain the background contamination to a level where the impact of dominant systematic including JES can be brought under control. These improved strategies are responsible for reducing the overall uncertainty in the measured mass. The statistical uncertainty plays a minor role in the achieved precision, which is limited by the systematic uncertainties due to JES, CR, and FSR modeling in the signal process. A deeper understanding of these effects would be needed to further improve the precision. 10 of the top quark and antiquark masses, as well as their ratio and difference, are performed using a data sample enriched with single top quark events produced in proton- proton collisions atps=13 TeV. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb 1recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC. Events containing an isolated muon or electron and two jets, of which one is b tagged, in the final state are used in the study. From the inclusive measurement the top quark mass is found to be where the un- certainty includes both the statistical and systematic components. The masses of the top quark and antiquark are separately determined as respectively. These quantities are used to determine the mass ratio of the top antiquark to top quark of with the difference between the top quark and antiquark masses of both for the first time in single top quark production. The obtained mass ratio and difference agree with unity and zero, respectively, within the uncertainties, and are consistent with the conser- vation of CPT symmetry. This is the first measurement of the top quark mass in this particular final state to achieve a sub-GeV congratulate our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent perfor- mance of the LHC and thank the technical and administrative staffs at CERN and at other CMS institutes for their contributions to the success of the CMS effort. In addition, we the computing centers and personnel of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid and other centers for delivering so effectively the computing infrastructure essential to our analyses. Finally, we acknowledge the enduring support for the construction and operation of the LHC, the CMS detector, and the supporting computing infrastructure provided by the following funding agencies: BMBWF and FWF (Austria); FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, FAPERGS, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); MINCIENCIAS (Colombia); MSES and CSF (Croatia); RIF (Cyprus); MoER, ERC PUT and ERDF (Estonia); Academy of Finland, MEC, and HIP (Fin- land); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRI (Greece); NK- FIA (Hungary); DAE and DST (India); IPM (Iran); SFI (Ireland); INFN (Italy); MSIP and NRF (Republic of Korea); MES (Latvia); LAS (Lithuania); MOE and UM (Malaysia); BUAP , CIN- VESTAV , CONACYT, LNS, SEP , and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); MOS (Montenegro); MBIE (New Zealand); PAEC (Pakistan); MSHE and NSC (Poland); FCT (Portugal); JINR (Dubna); MON, RosAtom, RAS, RFBR, and NRC KI (Russia); MESTD (Serbia); SEIDI, CPAN, PCTI, and FEDER (Spain); MOSTR (Sri Lanka); Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland); MST (Taipei); 23 ter, IPST, STAR, and NSTDA (Thailand); TUBITAK and TAEK (Turkey); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE and NSF have received support from the Marie-Curie program and the European Re- search Council and Horizon 2020 Grant, contract Nos. 675440, 724704, 752730, 758316, 765710, 824093, 884104, and COST Action CA16108 (European Union); the Leventis Foundation; the Alfred P . Sloan Foundation; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office; the Fonds pour la Formation `a la Recherche dans l'Industrie et (FRIA-Belgium); the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technolo- gie (IWT-Belgium); the F.R.S.-FNRS and FWO (Belgium) under the Excellence of Science - EOS - be.h project n. 30820817; the Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission, No. the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic; the Deutsche (DFG), under Germany's Excellence Strat- egy - EXC 2121 Quantum Universe - 390833306, and under project number 400140256 - GRK2497; the Lend ulet (Momentum) Program and the J 'anos Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the New National Excellence Program 'UNKP , the NK- FIA research grants 123842, 123959, 124845, 124850, 125105, 128713, 128786, and 129058 (Hun- gary); the Council of Science and Industrial Research, India; the Latvian Council of Science; the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the National Science Center, contracts and (Poland); the Fundac , ~ao para a Ci ^encia e a Tecnologia, grant (Portugal); the National Priorities Research Pro- gram by Qatar National Research Fund; the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, project no. 14.W03.31.0026 (Russia); the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigaci 'on Cient 'ifica y T'ecnica de Excelencia Mar 'ia de Maeztu, grant MDM-2015-0509 and the Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias; the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (Greece); the Rachada- pisek Sompot Fund for Postdoctoral Fellowship, Chulalongkorn University and the Chula- longkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project (Thailand); the the Nvidia Corporation; the SuperMicro Corporation; the Welch Foundation, con- tract C-1845; and the Weston Havens Foundation J. 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As expected, the correlations are significantly reduced after / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat (GeV)
/ / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat (GeV)
/ bjm / 0.1 (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 1 -0.5 -0 0.5 1 *
thcos / 0.1 (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 1 -0.5 -0 0.5 1 *
thcos / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 50 100 150 200 / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 50 100 150 200 A.1: Distributions of mbj0(upper row), cos q(middle row), and mT(lower row) for the muon (left) and electron (right) final states in the 2J1T category for data (points) and histograms). The lower panel in each plot shows the ratio of the data to the predictions. The bands indicate the statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. The last bin in each of the upper- and lower-row plots includes the / 0.2 (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 0 1 2 3 4 / 0.2 (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 0 1 2 3 4 / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 450500 (GeV)
/ jT + pbT p / 10 GeV (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 450500 (GeV)
/ jT + pbT p / 0.1 (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 0 0.51 1.52 2.5|
ue| / 0.05 (13 TeV)-135.9 , tW, ttV + jets, VV QCD syst Stat 0 0.20.4 0.6 0.8 1 A.2: Distributions of jDhlbj(upper row) and row) for the muon (left) and electron (right) final states in the 2J1T category for data (points) and simulation The lower row shows the similar comparison for jhlj(left) and FW1 (right) for the muon (left) and electron (right) final states in the 2J1T category. The lower panel in each plot shows the ratio of the data to the predictions. The bands indicate the statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. The last bin in each plot except for the lower-right one includes the je|/
jT + pbT p/
th cos/
je|/ jT + pbT p/ bjm*th cos/ (13 TeV) -135.9 fb, Signal je|/
jT + pbT p/
th cos/
je|/ jT + pbT p/ bjm*th cos/ (13 TeV) -135.9 fb, Signal je|/
jT + pbT p/
th cos/
je|/ jT + pbT p/ bjm*th cos/ (13 TeV) -135.9 fb, Background je|/
jT + pbT p/
th cos/
je|/ jT + pbT p/ bjm*th cos/ (13 TeV) -135.9 fb, Background (13 TeV) -135.9 fb, Signal (13 TeV) -135.9 fb, Signal (13 TeV) -135.9 fb, Background (13 TeV) -135.9 fb, Background +-e Figure A.3: Correlations in % among the BDT input variables used for the muon (left) and electron (right) final states in the signal and background events of the 2J1T category rows) and after (lower-two rows) Likelihood scan and correlations among fit B.1 (left) shows the scan of the profile likelihood ratio as a function of the POI for the ML fit model used to determine the mtvalue in the charge-inclusive muon and electron final states. The scan results are presented both for data and simulation. Figure B.1 (right) among the POI and three nuisance parameters corresponding to the ML fit applied to data in the same final states. 5.1 5.15 5.2 0 z00.51310x ln L D- 2 (13 TeV)-135.9 , , 2J1T +-l (13 TeV) -135.9 fb Figure B.1: Scan of the profile likelihood ratio as a function of the POI for the parametric fit model used in the lfinal state of the 2J1T category in data and simulated events in % among the POI and nuisance parameters corresponding to the fit to data for thelfinal state of the 2J1T category (right).3435 C The CMS Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia A. f ur Wien, Austria W. Adam, J.W. Andrejkovic, T. Bergauer, S. Chatterjee, M. Dragicevic, A. Escalante Del Valle, R. Fr uhwirth1, M. Jeitler1, N. Krammer, L. Lechner, D. Liko, I. Mikulec, P . Paulitsch, F.M. Pitters, J. Schieck1, R. Sch ofbeck, M. Spanring, S. Templ, W. Waltenberger, C.-E. Wulz1 Institute for Nuclear Problems, Minsk, Belarus V . Chekhovsky, A. Litomin, V . Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium M.R. Darwish2, E.A. De Wolf, X. Janssen, T. Kello3, A. Lelek, H. Rejeb Sfar, P . Van Mechelen, S. Van Putte, N. Van Remortel Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium F. Blekman, E.S. Bols, J. D'Hondt, J. De Clercq, M. Delcourt, H. El Faham, S. Lowette, S. Moortgat, A. Morton, D. M uller, A.R. Sahasransu, S. Tavernier, W. Van Doninck, P . Van e Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium D. Beghin, B. Bilin, B. Clerbaux, G. De Lentdecker, L. Favart, A. Grebenyuk, A.K. Kalsi, K. Lee, M. Mahdavikhorrami, I. Makarenko, L. Moureaux, L. P 'etr'e, A. Popov, N. Postiau, E. Starling, L. Thomas, M. Vanden Bemden, C. Vander Velde, P . Vanlaer, D. Vannerom, L. Wezenbeek Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium T. Cornelis, D. Dobur, J. Knolle, L. Lambrecht, G. Mestdach, M. Niedziela, C. Roskas, A. Samalan, K. Skovpen, M. Tytgat, W. Verbeke, B. Vermassen, M. Vit Universit' e Catholique de Louvain, Belgium A. Bethani, G. Bruno, F. Bury, C. Caputo, P . David, C. Delaere, I.S. Donertas, A. Giammanco, K. Jaffel, Sa. Jain, V . Lemaitre, K. Mondal, J. Prisciandaro, A. Taliercio, M. Teklishyn, T.T. Tran, P . Vischia, S. Wertz Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil G.A. Alves, C. Hensel, A. do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil W.L. Ald 'a J'unior, M. Alves Gallo Pereira, M. Barroso Ferreira Filho, H. BRANDAO MAL- BOUISSON, W. Carvalho, J. Chinellato4, E.M. Da Costa, G.G. Da Silveira5, D. De Jesus Damiao, S. Fonseca De Souza, D. Matos Figueiredo, C. Mora Herrera, K. Mota Amarilo, L. Mundim, H. Nogima, P . Rebello Teles, A. Santoro, S.M. Silva Do Amaral, A. Sznajder, M. Thiel, F. Torres Da Silva De Araujo, A. Vilela Estadual Paulistaa, Universidade Federal do ABCb, S~ ao Paulo, Brazil C.A. Bernardesa,a,5, L. Calligarisa, T.R. Fernandez Perez Tomeia, E.M. Gregoresa,b, D.S. Lemosa, P .G. Mercadantea,b, S.F. Novaesa, Sandra S. for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Aleksandrov, G. Antchev, R. Hadjiiska, P . Iaydjiev, M. Misheva, M. Rodozov, M. Shopova, G. of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria A. Dimitrov, T. Ivanov, L. Litov, B. Pavlov, P . Petkov, A. Petrov Beihang University, Beijing, China T. Cheng, Q. Guo, T. Javaid6, M. Mittal, H. Wang, L. Yuan Department of Physics, Tsinghua University M. Ahmad, G. Bauer, C. Dozen7, Z. Hu, J. Martins8, Y. Wang, K. Yi9,10 Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China E. Chapon, G.M. Chen6, H.S. Chen6, M. Chen, F. Iemmi, A. Kapoor, D. Leggat, H. Liao, Z.- A. LIU6, V . Milosevic, F. Monti, R. Sharma, J. Tao, J. Thomas-wilsker, J. Wang, H. Zhang, S. Zhang6, J. Zhao State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing, China A. Agapitos, Y. An, Y. Ban, C. Chen, A. Levin, Q. Li, X. Lyu, Y. Mao, S.J. Qian, D. Wang, Q. Wang, J. Xiao Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China M. Lu, Z. You Institute of Modern Physics and Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and (MOE) - Fudan University, Shanghai, China X. Gao3, H. Okawa Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Z. Lin, M. Xiao Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia C. Avila, A. Cabrera, C. Florez, J. Fraga, A. Sarkar, M.A. Segura de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia J. Mejia Guisao, F. Ramirez, J.D. Ruiz Alvarez, C.A. Salazar Gonz 'alez University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Split, Croatia D. Giljanovic, N. Godinovic, D. Lelas, I. of Split, Faculty of Science, Split, Croatia Z. Antunovic, M. Kovac, T. Sculac Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb, Croatia V . Brigljevic, D. Ferencek, D. Majumder, M. Roguljic, A. Starodumov11, T. Susa University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus A. Attikis, K. Christoforou, E. Erodotou, A. Ioannou, G. Kole, M. Kolosova, S. Konstantinou, J. Mousa, C. Nicolaou, F. Ptochos, P .A. Razis, H. Rykaczewski, H. Saka Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic M. Finger12, M. Finger Jr.12, A. Kveton Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador E. San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador E. Carrera Jarrin37 Academy of Scientific Research and Technology of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Egyptian Network of High Energy Physics, Cairo, Egypt S. Abu Zeid13, S. for High Energy Physics (CHEP-FU), Fayoum University, El-Fayoum, Egypt A. Lotfy, M.A. Mahmoud National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia S. Bhowmik, R.K. Dewanjee, K. Ehataht, M. Kadastik, S. Nandan, C. Nielsen, J. Pata, M. Raidal, L. Tani, C. of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland P . Eerola, L. Forthomme, H. Kirschenmann, K. Osterberg, M. Institute of Physics, Helsinki, Finland S. Bharthuar, E. Br ucken, F. Garcia, J. Havukainen, M.S. Kim, R. Kinnunen, T. Lamp 'en, K. Lassila-Perini, S. Lehti, T. Lind 'en, M. Lotti, L. Martikainen, M. Myllym aki, J. Ott, H. Siikonen, E. Tuominen, J. University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland P . Luukka, H. Petrow, T. Tuuva IRFU, CEA, Universit' e Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France C. Amendola, M. Besancon, F. Couderc, M. Dejardin, D. Denegri, J.L. Faure, F. Ferri, S. Ganjour, A. Givernaud, P . Gras, G. Hamel de Monchenault, P . Jarry, B. Lenzi, E. Locci, J. Malcles, J. Rander, A. Rosowsky, M. O. Sahin, A. Savoy-Navarro15, M. Titov, G.B. Yu Laboratoire CNRS/IN2P3, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Palaiseau, France S. Ahuja, F. Beaudette, M. Bonanomi, A. Buchot Perraguin, P . Busson, A. Cappati, C. Charlot, O. Davignon, B. Diab, G. Falmagne, S. Ghosh, R. Granier de Cassagnac, A. Hakimi, I. Kucher, J. Motta, M. Nguyen, C. Ochando, P . Paganini, J. Rembser, R. Salerno, J.B. Sauvan, Y. Sirois, A. Tarabini, A. Zabi, A. e de Strasbourg, CNRS, IPHC UMR 7178, Strasbourg, France J.-L. Agram16, J. Andrea, D. Apparu, D. Bloch, G. Bourgatte, J.-M. Brom, E.C. Chabert, C. Collard, D. Darej, J.-C. Fontaine16, U. Goerlach, C. Grimault, A.-C. Le Bihan, E. Nibigira, P . Van Hove Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon (IP2I ), Villeurbanne, France E. Asilar, S. Beauceron, C. Bernet, G. Boudoul, C. Camen, A. Carle, N. Chanon, D. Contardo, P . Depasse, H. El Mamouni, J. Fay, S. Gascon, M. Gouzevitch, B. Ille, I.B. Laktineh, H. Lattaud, A. Lesauvage, M. Lethuillier, L. Mirabito, S. Perries, K. Shchablo, V . Sordini, L. Torterotot, G. Touquet, M. Vander Donckt, S. Viret Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi, Georgia A. Khvedelidze12, I. Lomidze, Z. Aachen University, I. Physikalisches Institut, Aachen, Germany L. Feld, K. Klein, M. Lipinski, D. Meuser, A. Pauls, M.P . Rauch, N. R owert, J. Schulz, M. Teroerde RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut A, Aachen, Germany A. Dodonova, D. Eliseev, M. Erdmann, P . Fackeldey, B. Fischer, S. Ghosh, T. Hebbeker, K. Hoepfner, F. Ivone, H. Keller, L. Mastrolorenzo, M. Merschmeyer, A. Meyer, G. Mocellin,38 S. Mondal, S. Mukherjee, D. Noll, A. Novak, T. Pook, A. Pozdnyakov, Y. Rath, H. Reithler, J. Roemer, A. Schmidt, S.C. Schuler, A. Sharma, L. Vigilante, S. Wiedenbeck, S. Zaleski RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut B, Aachen, Germany C. Dziwok, G. Fl ugge, W. Haj Ahmad17, O. Hlushchenko, T. Kress, A. Nowack, C. Pistone, O. Pooth, D. Roy, H. Sert, A. Stahl18, T. Hamburg, Germany H. Aarup Petersen, M. Aldaya Martin, P . Asmuss, I. Babounikau, S. Baxter, O. Behnke, A. Berm 'udez Mart 'inez, S. Bhattacharya, A.A. Bin Anuar, K. Borras19, V . Botta, D. Brunner, A. Campbell, A. Cardini, C. Cheng, F. Colombina, S. Consuegra Rodr 'iguez, G. Correia Silva, V . Danilov, L. Didukh, G. Eckerlin, D. Eckstein, L.I. Estevez Banos, O. Filatov, E. Gallo20, A. Geiser, A. Giraldi, A. Grohsjean, M. Guthoff, A. Jafari21, N.Z. Jomhari, H. Jung, A. Kasem19, M. Kasemann, H. Kaveh, C. Kleinwort, D. Kr ucker, W. Lange, J. Lidrych, K. Lipka, W. Lohmann22, R. Mankel, I.-A. Melzer-Pellmann, M. Mendizabal Morentin, J. Metwally, A.B. Meyer, M. Meyer, J. Mnich, A. Mussgiller, Y. Otarid, D. P 'erez Ad 'an, D. Pitzl, A. Raspereza, B. Ribeiro Lopes, J. R ubenach, A. Saggio, A. Saibel, M. Savitskyi, M. Scham, V . Scheurer, P . Sch utze, C. A. Singh, R.E. Sosa Ricardo, D. Stafford, N. Tonon, O. Turkot, M. Van De Klundert, R. Walsh, D. Walter, Y. Wen, K. Wichmann, L. Wiens, C. Wissing, S. of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany R. Aggleton, S. Albrecht, S. Bein, L. Benato, A. Benecke, P . Connor, K. De Leo, M. Eich, F. Feindt, A. Fr ohlich, C. Garbers, E. Garutti, P . Gunnellini, J. Haller, A. Hinzmann, G. Kasieczka, R. Klanner, R. Kogler, T. Kramer, V . Kutzner, J. Lange, T. Lange, A. Lobanov, A. Malara, A. Nigamova, K.J. Pena Rodriguez, O. Rieger, P . Schleper, M. Schr oder, J. Schwandt, D. Schwarz, J. Sonneveld, H. Stadie, G. Steinbr uck, A. Tews, B. Vormwald, I. Zoi Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany J. Bechtel, T. Berger, E. Butz, R. Caspart, T. Chwalek, W. De Boer+, A. Dierlamm, A. Droll, K. El Morabit, N. Faltermann, M. Giffels, J.o. Gosewisch, A. Gottmann, F. Hartmann18, C. Heidecker, U. Husemann, I. Katkov23, P . Keicher, R. Koppenh ofer, S. Maier, M. Metzler, S. Mitra, Th. M uller, M. Neukum, A. N urnberg, G. Quast, K. Rabbertz, J. Rauser, D. Savoiu, M. Schnepf, D. Seith, I. Shvetsov, H.J. Simonis, R. Ulrich, J. Van Der Linden, R.F. Von Cube, M. Wassmer, M. Weber, S. Wieland, R. Wolf, S. Wozniewski, S. Wunsch Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (INPP), NCSR Demokritos, Aghia Anagnostou, G. Daskalakis, T. Geralis, A. Kyriakis, D. Loukas, A. Stakia National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece M. Diamantopoulou, D. Karasavvas, G. Karathanasis, P . Kontaxakis, C.K. Koraka, A. A. Panagiotou, I. Papavergou, N. Saoulidou, K. Theofilatos, E. Tziaferi, K. Vellidis, E. Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece G. Bakas, K. Kousouris, I. Papakrivopoulos, G. Tsipolitis, A. of Io' annina, Io' annina, Greece I. Evangelou, C. Foudas, P . Gianneios, P . Katsoulis, P . Kokkas, N. Manthos, I. Papadopoulos, J. Lend ulet CMS Particle and Nuclear Physics Group, E otv os Lor' and University39 M. Csanad, K. Farkas, M.M.A. Gadallah24, S. L okos25, P . Major, K. Mandal, A. Mehta, G. Pasztor, A.J. R 'adl, O. Sur 'anyi, G.I. Veres Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary M. Bart 'ok26, G. Bencze, C. Hajdu, D. Horvath27, F. Sikler, V . Veszpremi, G. of Nuclear Research ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary S. Czellar, J. Karancsi26, J. Molnar, Z. Szillasi, D. of Physics, University of Debrecen P . Raics, Z.L. Trocsanyi28, B. Ujvari Karoly Robert Campus, MATE Institute of Technology T. Csorgo29, F. Nemes29, T. Novak Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India J.R. Komaragiri, D. Kumar, L. Panwar, P .C. Tiwari National Institute of Science Education and Research, HBNI, Bhubaneswar, India S. Bahinipati30, C. Kar, P . Mal, T. Mishra, V .K. Muraleedharan Nair Bindhu31, A. Nayak31, P . Saha, N. Sur, S.K. Swain, D. Vats31 Panjab University, Chandigarh, India S. Bansal, S.B. Beri, V . Bhatnagar, G. Chaudhary, S. Chauhan, N. Dhingra32, R. Gupta, A. Kaur, M. Kaur, S. Kaur, P . Kumari, M. Meena, K. Sandeep, J.B. Singh, A.K. Virdi University of Delhi, Delhi, India A. Ahmed, A. Bhardwaj, B.C. Choudhary, M. Gola, S. Keshri, A. Kumar, M. Naimuddin, P . Priyanka, K. Ranjan, A. Shah Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, HBNI, Kolkata, India M. Bharti33, R. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya, D. Bhowmik, S. Dutta, S. Dutta, B. Gomber34, M. Maity35, P . Palit, P .K. Rout, G. Saha, B. Sahu, S. Sarkar, M. Sharan, B. Singh33, S. Thakur33 Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Madras, India P .K. Behera, S.C. Behera, P . Kalbhor, A. Muhammad, R. Pradhan, P .R. Pujahari, A. Sharma, A.K. Sikdar Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India D. Dutta, V . Jha, V . Kumar, D.K. Mishra, K. Naskar36, P .K. Netrakanti, L.M. Pant, P . Shukla Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-A, Mumbai, India T. Aziz, S. Dugad, R. Karnam, M. Kumar, G.B. Mohanty, U. Sarkar Tata Institute of Fundamental Research-B, Mumbai, India S. Banerjee, R. Chudasama, M. Guchait, S. Karmakar, S. Kumar, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, S. Mukherjee Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune, India K. Alpana, S. Dube, B. Kansal, A. Laha, S. Pandey, A. Rane, A. Rastogi, S. of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology H. Bakhshiansohi37, M. for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran S. Chenarani39, S.M. Etesami, M. Khakzad, M. Mohammadi College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland M. Grunewald INFN Sezione di Baria, Universit` a di Barib, Politecnico di Baric, Bari, Italy M. Abbresciaa,b, R. Alya,b,40, C. Arutaa,b, A. Colaleoa, D. Creanzaa,c, N. De Filippisa,c, M. De Palmaa,b, A. Di Florioa,b, A. Di Pilatoa,b, W. Elmetenaweea,b, L. Fiorea, A. Gelmia,b, M. Gula, G. Iasellia,c, M. Incea,b, S. Lezkia,b, G. Maggia,c, M. Maggia, I. Margjekaa,b, V . Mastrapasquaa,b, J.A. Merlina, S. Mya,b, S. Nuzzoa,b, A. Pellecchiaa,b, A. Pompilia,b, G. Pugliesea,c, A. Ranieria, G. Selvaggia,b, L. Silvestrisa, F.M. Simonea,b, R. Vendittia, P . Sezione di Bolognaa, Universit` a di Bolognab, Bologna, Italy G. Abbiendia, C. Battilanaa,b, D. Bonacorsia,b, L. Borgonovia, L. Brigliadoria, R. Campaninia,b, P . Capiluppia,b, A. Castroa,b, F.R. Cavalloa, M. Cuffiania,b, G.M. Dallavallea, T. Diotalevia,b, F. Fabbria, A. Fanfania,b, P . Giacomellia, L. Giommia,b, C. Grandia, L. Guiduccia,b, S. Lo Meoa,41, L. Lunertia,b, S. Marcellinia, G. Masettia, F.L. Navarriaa,b, A. Perrottaa, F. Rossia,b, T. Rovellia,b, G.P . Sirolia,b INFN Sezione di Cataniaa, Universit` a di Cataniab, Catania, Italy S. Albergoa,b,42, S. Costaa,b,42, A. Di Mattiaa, R. Potenzaa,b, A. Tricomia,b,42, C. Tuvea,b INFN Sezione di Firenzea, Universit` a di Firenzeb, Firenze, Italy G. Barbaglia, A. Cassesea, R. Ceccarellia,b, V . Ciullia,b, C. Civininia, R. Focardia,b, G. Latinoa,b, P . Lenzia,b, M. Lizzoa,b, M. Meschinia, S. Paolettia, R. Seiditaa,b, G. Sguazzonia, L. Viliania INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, Italy L. Benussi, S. Bianco, D. Piccolo INFN Sezione di Genovaa, Universit` a di Genovab, Genova, Italy M. Bozzoa,b, F. Ferroa, R. Mulargiaa,b, E. Robuttia, S. Tosia,b INFN Sezione di Milano-Bicoccaa, Universit` a di Milano-Bicoccab, Milano, Italy A. Benagliaa, F. Brivioa,b, F. Cetorellia,b, V . Cirioloa,b,18, F. De Guioa,b, M.E. Dinardoa,b, P . Dinia, S. Gennaia, A. Ghezzia,b, P . Govonia,b, L. Guzzia,b, M. Malbertia, S. Malvezzia, A. Massironia, D. Menascea, L. Moronia, M. Paganonia,b, D. Pedrinia, S. Ragazzia,b, N. Redaellia, T. Tabarelli de Fatisa,b, D. Valsecchia,b,18, D. Zuoloa,b INFN Sezione di Napolia, Universit` a di Napoli 'Federico II'b, Napoli, Italy, Universit` a Potenza, Italy, Universit` a G. Marconid, Roma, Italy S. Buontempoa, F. Carnevalia,b, N. Cavalloa,c, A. De Iorioa,b, F. Fabozzia,c, A.O.M. Iorioa,b, L. Listaa,b, S. Meolaa,d,18, P . Paoluccia,18, B. Rossia, C. Sciaccaa,b INFN Sezione di Padovaa, Universit` a di Padovab, Padova, Italy, Universit` a di Trentoc, Trento, Italy P . Azzia, N. Bacchettaa, D. Biselloa,b, P . Bortignona, A. Bragagnoloa,b, R. Carlina,b, P . Checchiaa, T. Dorigoa, U. Dossellia, F. Gasparinia,b, U. Gasparinia,b, S.Y. Hoha,b, L. Layera,43, M. Margonia,b, A.T. Meneguzzoa,b, J. Pazzinia,b, M. Presillaa,b, P . Ronchesea,b, R. Rossina,b, F. Simonettoa,b, G. Stronga, M. Tosia,b, H. YARARa,b, M. Zanettia,b, P . Zottoa,b, A. Zucchettaa,b, G. Zumerlea,b INFN Sezione di Paviaa, Universit` a di Paviab C. Aime'a,b, A. Braghieria, S. Calzaferria,b, D. Fiorinaa,b, P . Montagnaa,b, S.P . Rattia,b, V . Rea, C. Riccardia,b, P . Salvinia, I. Vaia, P . Vituloa,b41 INFN Sezione di Perugiaa, Universit` a di Perugiab, Perugia, Italy P . Asenova,44, G.M. Bileia, D. Ciangottinia,b, L. Fan `oa,b, P . Laricciaa,b, M. Magherinib, G. Mantovania,b, V . Mariania,b, M. Menichellia, F. Moscatellia,44, A. Piccinellia,b, A. Rossia,b, A. Santocchiaa,b, D. Spigaa, T. Tedeschia,b INFN Sezione di Pisaa, Universit` a di Pisab, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisac, Pisa a di Sienad, Siena, Italy P . Azzurria, G. Bagliesia, V . Bertacchia,c, L. Bianchinia, T. Boccalia, E. Bossinia,b, R. Castaldia, M.A. Cioccia,b, V . D'Amantea,d, R. Dell'Orsoa, M.R. Di Domenicoa,d, S. Donatoa, A. Giassia, F. Ligabuea,c, E. Mancaa,c, G. Mandorlia,c, A. Messineoa,b, F. Pallaa, S. Paroliaa,b, G. A. Rizzia,b, G. Rolandia,c, S. Roy Chowdhurya,c, A. Scribanoa, N. Shafieia,b, P . Spagnoloa, R. Tenchinia, G. Tonellia,b, N. Turinia,d, A. Venturia, P .G. Verdinia INFN Sezione di Romaa, Sapienza Universit` a di Romab, Rome, Italy M. Campanaa,b, F. Cavallaria, D. Del Rea,b, E. Di Marcoa, M. Diemoza, E. Longoa,b, P . Meridiania, G. Organtinia,b, F. Pandolfia, R. Paramattia,b, C. Quarantaa,b, S. Rahatloua,b, C. Rovellia, F. L. Soffia, R. Sezione di Torinoa, Universit` a di Torinob, Torino, Italy, Universit` a del Novara, Italy N. Amapanea,b, R. Arcidiaconoa,c, S. Argiroa,b, M. Arneodoa,c, N. Bartosika, R. Bellana,b, A. Belloraa,b, J. Berenguer Antequeraa,b, C. Biinoa, N. Cartigliaa, S. Comettia, M. Costaa,b, R. Covarellia,b, N. Demariaa, B. Kiania,b, F. Leggera, C. Mariottia, S. Masellia, E. Migliorea,b, E. Monteila,b, M. Montenoa, M.M. Obertinoa,b, G. Ortonaa, L. Pachera,b, N. Pastronea, M. Pelliccionia, G.L. Pinna Angionia,b, M. Ruspaa,c, K. Shchelinaa,b, F. Sivieroa,b, V . Solaa, A. Solanoa,b, D. Soldia,b, A. Staianoa, M. Tornagoa,b, D. Trocinoa,b, A. Vagnerini INFN Sezione di Triestea, Universit` a di Triesteb, Trieste, Italy S. Belfortea, V . Candelisea,b, M. Casarsaa, F. Cossuttia, A. Da Rolda,b, G. Della Riccaa,b, G. Sorrentinoa,b, F. National University, Daegu, Korea S. Dogra, C. Huh, B. Kim, D.H. Kim, G.N. Kim, J. Kim, J. Lee, S.W. Lee, C.S. Moon, Y.D. Oh, S.I. Pak, B.C. Radburn-Smith, S. Sekmen, Y.C. Yang Chonnam National University, Institute for Universe and Elementary Particles, Kim, D.H. Moon Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea B. Francois, T.J. Kim, J. Park Korea University, Seoul, Korea S. Cho, S. Choi, Y. Go, B. Hong, K. Lee, K.S. Lee, J. Lim, J. Park, S.K. Park, J. Yoo Kyung Hee University, Department of Physics, Seoul, Republic of Korea J. Goh, A. Gurtu Sejong University, Seoul, Korea H.S. Kim, Y. Kim Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea J. Almond, J.H. Bhyun, J. Choi, S. Jeon, J. Kim, J.S. Kim, S. Ko, H. Kwon, H. Lee, S. Lee, B.H. Oh, M. Oh, S.B. Oh, H. Seo, U.K. Yang, I. of Seoul, Seoul, Korea W. Jang, D. Jeon, D.Y. Kang, Y. Kang, J.H. Kim, S. Kim, B. Ko, J.S.H. Lee, Y. Lee, I.C. Park, Y. Roh, M.S. Ryu, D. Song, I.J. Watson, S. Yang Yonsei University, Department of Physics, Seoul, Korea S. Ha, H.D. Yoo Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea M. Choi, Y. Jeong, H. Lee, Y. Lee, I. Yu College of Engineering and Technology, American University of the Middle East (AUM), Egaila, Kuwait T. Beyrouthy, Y. Maghrbi Riga Technical University T. Torims, V . University, Vilnius, Lithuania M. Ambrozas, A. Carvalho Antunes De Oliveira, A. Juodagalvis, A. Rinkevicius, G. Centre for Particle Physics, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia N. Bin Norjoharuddeen, W.A.T. Wan Abdullah, M.N. Yusli, Z. de Sonora (UNISON), Hermosillo, Mexico J.F. Benitez, A. Castaneda Hernandez, M. Le 'on Coello, J.A. Murillo Quijada, A. Sehrawat, L. Valencia Palomo Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, Mexico City, Mexico G. Ayala, H. Castilla-Valdez, E. De La Cruz-Burelo, I. Heredia-De La Cruz46, R. C.A. Mondragon Herrera, D.A. Perez Navarro, A. Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico S. Carrillo Moreno, C. Oropeza Barrera, M. Ramirez-Garcia, F. Vazquez Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico I. Pedraza, H.A. Salazar Ibarguen, C. Uribe of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro J. Mijuskovic47, N. of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand D. of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand S. Bheesette, P .H. Butler National Centre for Physics, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan A. Ahmad, M.I. Asghar, A. Awais, M.I.M. Awan, H.R. Hoorani, W.A. Khan, M.A. Shah, M. Shoaib, M. Waqas AGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Computer Science, Electronics Krakow, Poland V . Avati, L. Grzanka, M. Centre for Nuclear Research, Swierk, Poland H. Bialkowska, M. Bluj, B. Boimska, M. G 'orski, M. Kazana, M. Szleper, P . of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland K. Bunkowski, K. Doroba, A. Kalinowski, M. Konecki, J. Krolikowski, M. Walczak Laborat' orio de Instrumenta, c~ ao e F' isica Experimental de Part' iculas, Lisboa, Portugal M. Araujo, P . Bargassa, D. Bastos, A. Boletti, P . Faccioli, M. Gallinaro, J. Hollar, N. Leonardo, T. Niknejad, M. Pisano, J. Seixas, O. Toldaiev, J. Varela Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia S. Afanasiev, D. Budkouski, I. Golutvin, I. Gorbunov, V . Karjavine, V . Korenkov, A. Lanev, A. Malakhov, V . Matveev48,49, V . Palichik, V . Perelygin, M. Savina, D. Seitova, V . Shalaev, S. Shmatov, S. Shulha, V . Smirnov, O. Teryaev, N. Voytishin, B.S. Yuldashev50, A. Zarubin, I. Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina (St. Petersburg), Russia G. Gavrilov, V . Golovtcov, Y. Ivanov, V . Kim51, E. Kuznetsova52, V . Murzin, V . Oreshkin, I. Smirnov, D. Sosnov, V . Sulimov, L. Uvarov, S. Volkov, A. for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia Yu. Andreev, A. Dermenev, S. Gninenko, N. Golubev, A. Karneyeu, D. Kirpichnikov, M. Kirsanov, N. Krasnikov, A. Pashenkov, G. Pivovarov, D. Tlisov+, A. for Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I. Alikhanov of NRC 'Kurchatov Institute', Moscow, Russia V . Epshteyn, V . Gavrilov, N. Lychkovskaya, A. Nikitenko53, V . Popov, A. Spiridonov, A. Stepennov, M. Toms, E. Vlasov, A. Zhokin Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia T. Aushev National Research Nuclear University 'Moscow Engineering Physics Institute' (MEPhI), Moscow, Russia R. Chistov54, M. Danilov55, A. Oskin, P . Parygin, S. Polikarpov54 P .N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia V . Andreev, M. Azarkin, I. Dremin, M. Kirakosyan, A. Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Belyaev, E. Boos, V . Bunichev, M. Dubinin56, L. Dudko, V . Klyukhin, O. Kodolova, N. Korneeva, I. Lokhtin, S. Obraztsov, M. Perfilov, V . Savrin, P . State University (NSU), Novosibirsk, Russia V . Blinov57, T. Dimova57, L. Kardapoltsev57, A. Kozyrev57, I. Ovtin57, Y. for High Energy Physics of National Research Centre 'Kurchatov Russia I. Azhgirey, I. Bayshev, D. Elumakhov, V . Kachanov, D. Konstantinov, P . Mandrik, V . Petrov, R. Ryutin, S. Slabospitskii, A. Sobol, S. Troshin, N. Tyurin, A. Uzunian, A. Volkov National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia A. Babaev, V . Okhotnikov Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia V . Borshch, V . Ivanchenko, E. of Belgrade: Faculty of Physics and VINCA Institute of Nuclear Serbia P . Adzic58, M. Dordevic, P . Milenovic, J. Milosevic Centro de Investigaciones Energ' eticas Medioambientales y Tecnol' ogicas Spain M. Aguilar-Benitez, J. Alcaraz Maestre, A. 'Alvarez Fern 'andez, I. Bachiller, M. Barrio Luna, Cristina F. Bedoya, C.A. Carrillo Montoya, M. Cepeda, M. Cerrada, N. Colino, B. De La Cruz, A. Delgado Peris, J.P . Fern 'andez Ramos, J. Flix, M.C. Fouz, O. Gonzalez Lopez, S. Goy Lopez, J.M. Hernandez, M.I. Josa, J. Le 'on Holgado, D. Moran, 'A. Navarro Tobar, C. Perez Dengra, A. P 'erez-Calero Yzquierdo, J. Puerta Pelayo, I. Redondo, L. Romero, S. S 'anchez Navas, L. Urda G 'omez, C. Aut' onoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain J.F. de Troc 'oniz, R. de Oviedo, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias y Tecnolog' ias Espaciales de Asturias (ICTEA), Oviedo, Spain B. Alvarez Gonzalez, J. Cuevas, C. Erice, J. Fernandez Menendez, S. Folgueras, I. Gonza- lez Caballero, J.R. Gonz 'alez Fern 'andez, E. Palencia Cortezon, C. Ram 'on'Alvarez, J. Ripoll Sau, V . Rodr 'iguez Bouza, A. Trapote, N. de F' isica de Cantabria (IFCA), CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain J.A. Brochero Cifuentes, I.J. Cabrillo, A. Calderon, J. Duarte Campderros, M. Fernandez, C. Fer- nandez Madrazo, P .J. Fern 'andez Manteca, A. Garc 'ia Alonso, G. Gomez, C. Martinez Rivero, P . Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, F. Matorras, P . Matorras Cuevas, J. Piedra Gomez, C. Prieels, T. Rodrigo, A. Ruiz-Jimeno, L. Scodellaro, I. Vila, J.M. Vizan of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka MK Jayananda, B. Kailasapathy59, D.U.J. Sonnadara, DDC of Ruhuna, Department of Physics, Matara, Sri Lanka W.G.D. Dharmaratna, K. Liyanage, N. Perera, N. Wickramage CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland T.K. Aarrestad, D. Abbaneo, J. Alimena, E. Auffray, G. Auzinger, J. Baechler, P . Baillon+, D. Barney, J. Bendavid, M. Bianco, A. Bocci, T. Camporesi, M. Capeans Garrido, G. Cerminara, S.S. Chhibra, M. Cipriani, L. Cristella, D. d'Enterria, A. Dabrowski, N. Daci, A. David, A. De Roeck, M.M. Defranchis, M. Deile, M. Dobson, M. D unser, N. Dupont, A. Emriskova, F. Fallavollita60, D. Fasanella, A. Florent, G. Franzoni, W. Funk, S. Giani, D. Gigi, K. Gill, F. Glege, L. Gouskos, M. Haranko, J. Hegeman, Y. Iiyama, V . Innocente, T. James, P . Janot, J. Kaspar, J. Kieseler, M. Komm, N. Kratochwil, C. Lange, S. Laurila, P . Lecoq, K. Long, C. Lourenc ,o, L. Malgeri, S. Mallios, M. Mannelli, A.C. Marini, F. Meijers, S. Mersi, E. Meschi, F. Moortgat, M. Mulders, S. Orfanelli, L. Orsini, F. Pantaleo, L. Pape, E. Perez, M. Peruzzi, A. Petrilli, G. Petrucciani, A. Pfeiffer, M. Pierini, D. Piparo, M. Pitt, H. Qu, T. Quast, D. Rabady, A. Racz, G. Reales Guti 'errez, M. Rieger, M. Rovere, H. Sakulin, J. Salfeld-Nebgen, S. Scarfi, C. Sch afer, C. Schwick, M. Selvaggi, A. Sharma, P . Silva, W. Snoeys, P . Sphicas61, S. Summers, K. Tatar, V .R. Tavolaro, D. Treille, A. Tsirou, G.P . Van Onsem, M. Verzetti, J. Wanczyk62, K.A. Wozniak, W.D. Zeuner Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland L. Caminada63, A. Ebrahimi, W. Erdmann, R. Horisberger, Q. Ingram, H.C. Kaestli, D. Kotlinski, U. Langenegger, M. Missiroli, T. Rohe45 ETH Zurich - Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics (IPA), Zurich, Switzerland K. Androsov62, M. Backhaus, P . Berger, A. Calandri, N. Chernyavskaya, A. De Cosa, G. Dissertori, M. Dittmar, M. Doneg `a, C. Dorfer, F. Eble, K. Gedia, F. Glessgen, T.A. G 'omez Espinosa, C. Grab, D. Hits, W. Lustermann, A.-M. Lyon, R.A. Manzoni, C. Martin Perez, M.T. Meinhard, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. Niedziela, F. Pauss, V . Perovic, S. Pigazzini, M.G. Ratti, M. Reichmann, C. Reissel, T. Reitenspiess, B. Ristic, D. Ruini, D.A. Sanz Becerra, M. Sch onenberger, V . Stampf, J. Steggemann62, R. Wallny, D.H. Zhu Universit at Z urich, Zurich, Switzerland C. Amsler64, P . B artschi, C. Botta, D. Brzhechko, M.F. Canelli, K. Cormier, A. De Wit, R. Del Burgo, J.K. Heikkil a, M. Huwiler, W. Jin, A. Jofrehei, B. Kilminster, S. Leontsinis, S.P . Liechti, A. Macchiolo, P . Meiring, V .M. Mikuni, U. Molinatti, I. Neutelings, A. Reimers, P . Robmann, S. Sanchez Cruz, K. Schweiger, Y. Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan C. Adloff65, C.M. Kuo, W. Lin, A. Roy, T. Sarkar35, S.S. Yu National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan L. Ceard, Y. Chao, K.F. Chen, P .H. Chen, W.-S. Hou, Y.y. Li, R.-S. Lu, E. Paganis, A. Psallidas, A. Steen, H.y. Wu, E. Yazgan, P .r. Yu Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Bangkok, Thailand B. Asavapibhop, C. N. Srimanobhas C , ukurova University, Physics Department, Science and Art Faculty, Adana, T urkey F. Boran, S. Damarseckin66, Z.S. Demiroglu, F. Dolek, I. Dumanoglu67, E. Eskut, Y. Guler, E. Gurpinar Guler68, I. Hos69, C. Isik, O. Kara, A. Kayis Topaksu, U. Kiminsu, G. Onengut, K. Ozdemir70, A. Polatoz, A.E. Simsek, B. Tali71, U.G. Tok, S. Turkcapar, I.S. Zorbakir, C. Zorbilmez Middle East Technical University, Physics Department, Ankara, T urkey B. Isildak72, G. Karapinar73, K. Ocalan74, M. University, Istanbul, T urkey B. Akgun, I.O. Atakisi, E. G ulmez, M. Kaya76, O. Kaya77,O.Ozc ,elik, S. Tekten78, E.A. Technical University, Istanbul, T urkey A. Cakir, K. Cankocak67, Y. Komurcu, S. Sen80 Istanbul University, Istanbul, T urkey S. Cerci71, B. Kaynak, S. Ozkorucuklu, D. Sunar for Scintillation Materials of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Grynyov National Scientific Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine L. of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom D. Anthony, E. Bhal, S. Bologna, J.J. Brooke, A. Bundock, E. Clement, D. Cussans, H. Flacher, J. Goldstein, G.P . Heath, H.F. Heath, M.l. Holmberg81, L. Kreczko, B. Krikler, S. Paramesvaran, S. Seif El Nasr-Storey, V .J. Smith, N. Stylianou82, K. Walkingshaw Pass, R. White Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United Kingdom K.W. Bell, A. Belyaev83, C. Brew, R.M. Brown, D.J.A. Cockerill, C. Cooke, K.V . Ellis, K. Harder,46 S. Harper, J. Linacre, K. Manolopoulos, D.M. Newbold, E. Olaiya, D. Petyt, T. Reis, T. Schuh, C.H. I.R. Tomalin, T. College, London, United Kingdom R. Bainbridge, P . Bloch, S. Bonomally, J. Borg, S. Breeze, O. Buchmuller, V . Cepaitis, G.S. Chahal84, D. Colling, P . Dauncey, G. Davies, M. Della Negra, S. Fayer, G. Fedi, G. Hall, M.H. Hassanshahi, G. Iles, J. Langford, L. Lyons, A.-M. Magnan, S. Malik, A. Martelli, D.G. Monk, J. Nash85, M. Pesaresi, D.M. Raymond, A. Richards, A. Rose, E. Scott, C. Seez, A. Shtipliyski, A. Tapper, K. Uchida, T. Virdee18, M. Vojinovic, N. Wardle, S.N. Webb, D. Winterbottom, A.G. University, Uxbridge, United Kingdom K. Coldham, J.E. Cole, A. Khan, P . Kyberd, I.D. Reid, L. Teodorescu, S. Zahid Baylor University, Waco, USA S. Abdullin, A. Brinkerhoff, B. Caraway, J. Dittmann, K. Hatakeyama, A.R. Kanuganti, B. McMaster, N. Pastika, M. Saunders, S. Sawant, C. Sutantawibul, J. Wilson Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, USA R. Bartek, A. Dominguez, R. Uniyal, A.M. Vargas Hernandez The University of Alabama, T uscaloosa, USA A. Buccilli, S.I. Cooper, D. Di Croce, S.V . Gleyzer, C. Henderson, C.U. Perez, P . Rumerio86, C. West Boston University, Boston, USA A. Akpinar, A. Albert, D. Arcaro, C. Cosby, Z. Demiragli, E. Fontanesi, D. Gastler, J. Rohlf, K. Salyer, D. Sperka, D. Spitzbart, I. Suarez, A. Tsatsos, S. Yuan, D. Zou Brown University, Providence, USA G. Benelli, B. Burkle, X. Coubez19, D. Cutts, M. Hadley, U. Heintz, J.M. Hogan87, G. Landsberg, K.T. Lau, M. Lukasik, J. Luo, M. Narain, S. Sagir88, E. Usai, W.Y. Wong, X. Yan, D. Yu, W. Zhang University of California, Davis, Davis, USA J. Bonilla, C. Brainerd, R. Breedon, M. Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M. Chertok, J. Conway, P .T. Cox, R. Erbacher, G. Haza, F. Jensen, O. Kukral, R. Lander, M. Mulhearn, D. Pellett, B. Regnery, D. Taylor, Y. Yao, F. Zhang University of California, Los Angeles, USA M. Bachtis, R. Cousins, A. Datta, D. Hamilton, J. Hauser, M. Ignatenko, M.A. Iqbal, T. Lam, W.A. Nash, S. Regnard, D. Saltzberg, B. Stone, V . of California, Riverside, Riverside, USA K. Burt, Y. Chen, R. Clare, J.W. Gary, M. Gordon, G. Hanson, G. Karapostoli, O.R. Long, N. Manganelli, M. Olmedo Negrete, W. Si, S. Wimpenny, Y. Zhang University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, USA J.G. Branson, P . Chang, S. Cittolin, S. Cooperstein, N. Deelen, D. Diaz, J. Duarte, R. Gerosa, L. Giannini, D. Gilbert, J. Guiang, R. Kansal, V . Krutelyov, R. Lee, J. Letts, M. May, M. Pieri, B.V . Sathia Narayanan, V . Sharma, M. Tadel, A. Vartak, F. W urthwein, Y. Xiang, A. Yagil University of California, Santa Barbara - Department of Physics, Santa Barbara, USA N. Amin, C. Campagnari, M. Citron, A. Dorsett, V . Dutta, J. Incandela, M. Kilpatrick, J. Kim,47 B. Marsh, H. Mei, M. Oshiro, M. Quinnan, J. Richman, U. Sarica, F. Setti, J. Sheplock, D. Stuart, S. Wang California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA A. Bornheim, O. Cerri, I. Dutta, J.M. Lawhorn, N. Lu, J. Mao, H.B. Newman, T.Q. Nguyen, M. Spiropulu, J.R. Vlimant, C. Wang, S. Xie, Z. Zhang, R.Y. Zhu Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA J. Alison, S. An, M.B. Andrews, P . Bryant, T. Ferguson, A. Harilal, C. Liu, T. Mudholkar, M. Paulini, A. Sanchez, W. of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, USA J.P . Cumalat, W.T. Ford, A. Hassani, E. MacDonald, R. Patel, A. Perloff, C. Savard, K. Stenson, K.A. Ulmer, S.R. Wagner Cornell University, Ithaca, USA J. Alexander, S. Bright-thonney, Y. Cheng, D.J. Cranshaw, S. Hogan, J. Monroy, J.R. Patterson, D. Quach, J. Reichert, M. Reid, A. Ryd, W. Sun, J. Thom, P . Wittich, R. Zou Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, USA M. Albrow, M. Alyari, G. Apollinari, A. Apresyan, A. Apyan, S. Banerjee, L.A.T. Bauerdick, D. Berry, J. Berryhill, P .C. Bhat, K. Burkett, J.N. Butler, A. Canepa, G.B. Cerati, H.W.K. Cheung, F. Chlebana, M. Cremonesi, K.F. Di Petrillo, V .D. Elvira, Y. Feng, J. Freeman, Z. Gecse, L. Gray, D. Green, S. Gr unendahl, O. Gutsche, R.M. Harris, R. Heller, T.C. Herwig, J. Hirschauer, B. Jayatilaka, S. Jindariani, M. Johnson, U. Joshi, T. Klijnsma, B. Klima, K.H.M. Kwok, S. Lammel, D. Lincoln, R. Lipton, T. Liu, C. Madrid, K. Maeshima, C. Mantilla, D. Mason, P . McBride, P . Merkel, S. Mrenna, S. Nahn, J. Ngadiuba, V . O'Dell, V . Papadimitriou, K. Pedro, C. Pena56, O. Prokofyev, F. Ravera, A. Reinsvold Hall, L. Ristori, B. Schneider, E. Sexton- Kennedy, N. Smith, A. Soha, W.J. Spalding, L. Spiegel, S. Stoynev, J. Strait, L. Taylor, S. Tkaczyk, N.V . Tran, L. Uplegger, E.W. Vaandering, H.A. Weber University of Florida, Gainesville, USA D. Acosta, P . Avery, D. Bourilkov, L. Cadamuro, V . Cherepanov, F. Errico, R.D. Field, D. Guerrero, B.M. Joshi, M. Kim, E. Koenig, J. Konigsberg, A. Korytov, K.H. Lo, K. Matchev, N. Menendez, G. Mitselmakher, A. Muthirakalayil Madhu, N. Rawal, D. Rosenzweig, S. Rosenzweig, K. Shi, J. Sturdy, J. Wang, E. Yigitbasi, X. Zuo Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA T. Adams, A. Askew, R. Habibullah, V . Hagopian, K.F. Johnson, R. Khurana, T. Kolberg, G. Martinez, H. Prosper, C. Schiber, O. Viazlo, R. Yohay, J. Zhang Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, USA M.M. Baarmand, S. Butalla, T. Elkafrawy13, M. Hohlmann, R. Kumar Verma, D. Noonan, M. Rahmani, F. of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, USA M.R. Adams, H. Becerril Gonzalez, R. Cavanaugh, X. Chen, S. Dittmer, O. Evdokimov, C.E. Gerber, D.A. Hangal, D.J. Hofman, A.H. Merrit, C. Mills, G. Oh, T. Roy, S. Tonjes, N. Varelas, J. Viinikainen, X. Wang, Z. Wu, Z. Ye The University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA M. Alhusseini, K. Dilsiz89, R.P . Gandrajula, O.K. K oseyan, J.-P . Merlo, A. Nachtman, H. Ogul91, Y. Onel, A. Penzo, C. Snyder, E. Tiras9248 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA O. Amram, B. Blumenfeld, L. Corcodilos, J. Davis, M. Eminizer, A.V . Gritsan, S. Kyriacou, P . Maksimovic, J. Roskes, M. Swartz, T. 'A. V 'ami The University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA A. Abreu, J. Anguiano, C. Baldenegro Barrera, P . Baringer, A. Bean, A. Bylinkin, Z. Flowers, T. Isidori, S. Khalil, J. King, G. Krintiras, A. Kropivnitskaya, M. Lazarovits, C. Lindsey, J. Marquez, N. Minafra, M. Murray, M. Nickel, C. Rogan, C. Royon, R. Salvatico, S. Sanders, E. Schmitz, C. Smith, J.D. Tapia Takaki, Q. Wang, Z. Warner, J. Williams, G. Wilson Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA S. Duric, A. Ivanov, K. Kaadze, D. Kim, Y. Maravin, T. Mitchell, A. Modak, K. Nam Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA F. Rebassoo, D. of Maryland, College Park, USA E. Adams, A. Baden, O. Baron, A. Belloni, S.C. Eno, N.J. Hadley, S. Jabeen, R.G. Kellogg, T. Koeth, A.C. Mignerey, S. Nabili, C. Palmer, M. Seidel, A. Skuja, L. Wang, K. Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA D. Abercrombie, G. Andreassi, R. Bi, S. Brandt, W. Busza, I.A. Cali, Y. Chen, M. D'Alfonso, J. Eysermans, C. Freer, G. Gomez Ceballos, M. Goncharov, P . Harris, M. Hu, M. Klute, D. Kovalskyi, J. Krupa, Y.-J. Lee, B. Maier, C. Mironov, C. Paus, D. Rankin, C. Roland, G. Roland, Z. Shi, G.S.F. Stephans, J. Wang, Z. Wang, B. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA R.M. Chatterjee, A. Evans, P . Hansen, J. Hiltbrand, Sh. Jain, M. Krohn, Y. Kubota, J. Mans, M. Revering, R. Rusack, R. Saradhy, N. Schroeder, N. Strobbe, M.A. Wadud University of Lincoln, USA K. Bloom, M. Bryson, S. Chauhan, D.R. Claes, C. Fangmeier, L. Finco, F. Golf, C. Joo, I. Kravchenko, M. Musich, I. Reed, J.E. Siado, G.R. Snow+, W. Tabb, F. Yan State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, USA G. Agarwal, H. Bandyopadhyay, L. Hay, I. Iashvili, A. Kharchilava, C. McLean, D. Nguyen, J. Pekkanen, S. Rappoccio, A. University, Boston, USA G. Alverson, E. Barberis, Y. Haddad, A. Hortiangtham, J. Li, G. Madigan, B. Marzocchi, D.M. Morse, V . Nguyen, T. Orimoto, A. Parker, L. Skinnari, A. T. Wamorkar, B. Wang, A. Wisecarver, D. University, Evanston, USA S. Bhattacharya, J. Bueghly, Z. Chen, A. Gilbert, T. Gunter, K.A. Hahn, Y. Liu, N. Odell, M.H. Schmitt, M. of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, USA R. Band, R. Bucci, A. Das, N. Dev, R. Goldouzian, M. Hildreth, K. Hurtado Anampa, C. Jessop, K. Lannon, J. Lawrence, N. Loukas, D. Lutton, N. Marinelli, I. Mcalister, T. McCauley, C. Mcgrady, F. Meng, K. Mohrman, Y. Musienko48, R. Ruchti, P . Siddireddy, A. Townsend, M. Wayne, A. Wightman, M. Wolf, M. Zarucki, L. Zygala49 The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA B. Bylsma, B. Cardwell, L.S. Durkin, B. Francis, C. Hill, M. Nunez Ornelas, K. Wei, B.L. Winer, B.R. Yates Princeton University, Princeton, USA F.M. Addesa, B. Bonham, P . Das, G. Dezoort, P . Elmer, A. Frankenthal, B. Greenberg, N. Haubrich, S. Higginbotham, A. Kalogeropoulos, G. Kopp, S. Kwan, D. Lange, M.T. Lucchini, D. Marlow, K. Mei, I. Ojalvo, J. Olsen, D. Stickland, C. Tully University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, USA S. Malik, S. Norberg Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA A.S. Bakshi, V .E. Barnes, R. Chawla, S. Das, L. Gutay, M. Jones, A.W. Jung, S. Karmarkar, M. Liu, G. Negro, N. Neumeister, G. Paspalaki, C.C. Peng, S. Piperov, A. Purohit, J.F. Schulte, M. Stojanovic15, J. Thieman, F. Wang, R. Xiao, W. Xie Purdue University Northwest, Hammond, USA J. Dolen, N. Parashar Rice University, Houston, USA A. Baty, M. Decaro, S. Dildick, K.M. Ecklund, S. Freed, P . Gardner, F.J.M. Geurts, A. Kumar, W. Li, B.P . Padley, R. Redjimi, W. Shi, A.G. Stahl Leiton, S. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang University of Rochester, Rochester, USA A. Bodek, P . de Barbaro, R. Demina, J.L. Dulemba, C. Fallon, T. Ferbel, M. Galanti, A. Garcia- Bellido, O. Hindrichs, A. Khukhunaishvili, E. Ranken, R. Taus Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, USA B. Chiarito, J.P . Chou, A. Gandrakota, Y. Gershtein, E. Halkiadakis, A. Hart, M. Heindl, O. Karacheban22, I. Laflotte, A. Lath, R. Montalvo, K. Nash, M. Osherson, S. Salur, S. Schnetzer, S. Somalwar, R. Stone, S.A. Thayil, S. Thomas, H. Wang University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA H. Acharya, A.G. Delannoy, S. Fiorendi, S. Spanier Texas A&M University, College Station, USA O. Bouhali93, M. Dalchenko, A. Delgado, R. Eusebi, J. Gilmore, T. Huang, T. Kamon94, H. Kim, S. Luo, S. Malhotra, R. Mueller, D. Overton, D. Rathjens, A. Safonov Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA N. Akchurin, J. Damgov, V . Hegde, S. Kunori, K. Lamichhane, S.W. Lee, T. Mengke, S. Muthumuni, T. Peltola, I. Volobouev, Z. Wang, A. University, Nashville, USA E. Appelt, S. Greene, A. Gurrola, W. Johns, A. Melo, H. Ni, K. Padeken, F. Romeo, P . Sheldon, S. Tuo, J. of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA M.W. Arenton, B. Cox, G. Cummings, J. Hakala, R. Hirosky, M. Joyce, A. Ledovskoy, A. Li, C. Neu, B. Tannenwald, S. White, E. Wolfe Wayne State University, Detroit, USA N. of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, USA K. Black, T. Bose, J. Buchanan, C. Caillol, S. Dasu, I. De Bruyn, P . Everaerts, F. Fienga, C. Galloni, H. He, M. Herndon, A. Herv 'e, U. Hussain, A. Lanaro, A. Loeliger, R. Loveless, J. Madhusudanan Sreekala, A. Mallampalli, A. Mohammadi, D. Pinna, A. Savin, V . Shang, V . Sharma, W.H. Smith, D. Teague, S. W. Vetens
+: Deceased 1: Also at TU Wien, Wien, Austria 2: Also at Institute of Basic and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt 3: Also at Universit 'e Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium 4: Also at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil 5: Also at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil 6: Also at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 7: Also at Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 8: Also at UFMS, Nova Andradina, Brazil 9: Also at Nanjing Normal University Department of Physics, Nanjing, China 10: Now at The University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA 11: Also at Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I. Alikhanov of NRC 'Kurchatov Institute', Moscow, Russia 12: Also at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia 13: Also at Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 14: Now at British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt 15: Also at Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA 16: Also at Universit 'e de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France 17: Also at Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, Erzincan, Turkey 18: Also at CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland 19: Also at RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut A, Aachen, Germany 20: Also at University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 21: Also at Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran 22: Also at Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany 23: Also at Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State Russia 24: Also at Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt 25: Also at Karoly Robert Campus, MATE Institute of Technology, Gyongyos, Hungary 26: Also at Institute of Physics, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary 27: Also at Institute of Nuclear Research ATOMKI, Debrecen, Hungary 28: Also at MTA-ELTE Lend ulet CMS Particle and Nuclear Physics Group, E otvos Lor 'and University, Budapest, Hungary 29: Also at Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary 30: Also at IIT Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, India 31: Also at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India 32: Also at G.H.G. Khalsa College, Punjab, India 33: Also at Shoolini University, Solan, India 34: Also at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India 35: Also at University of Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, India 36: Also at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai, India 37: Also at Deutsches Hamburg, Germany 38: Also at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 39: Also at Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of Iran 40: Now at INFN Sezione di Baria, Universit `a di Barib, Politecnico di Baric, Bari, Italy 41: Also at Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Bologna, Italy 42: Also at Centro Siciliano di Fisica Nucleare e di Struttura Della Materia, Catania, Italy 43: Also at Universit `a di Napoli 'Federico II', Napoli, Italy 44: Also at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto Officina dei Materiali, PERUGIA, Italy 45: Also at Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia 46: Also at Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog 'ia, Mexico City, Mexico 47: Also at IRFU, CEA, Universit 'e Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France 48: Also at Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia 49: Now at National Research Nuclear University 'Moscow Engineering Physics Moscow, Russia 50: Also at Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Also at St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, St. Petersburg, Russia 52: Also at University of Florida, Gainesville, USA 53: Also at Imperial College, London, United Kingdom 54: Also at P .N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia 55: Also at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia, Moscow, Russia 56: Also at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA 57: Also at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia 58: Also at Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 59: Also at Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Nilaveli, Sri Lanka 60: Also at INFN Sezione di Paviaa, Universit `a di Paviab, Pavia, Italy 61: Also at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece 62: Also at Ecole Polytechnique F 'ed'erale Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland 63: Also at Universit at Z urich, Zurich, Switzerland 64: Also at Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, Vienna, Austria 65: Also at Laboratoire de Physique des Particules, IN2P3-CNRS, France 66: Also at S ,irnak University, Sirnak, Turkey 67: Also at Near East University, Research Center of Experimental Health Science, Also at Konya Technical University, Konya, Turkey 69: Also at Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa, Faculty of Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey 70: Also at Piri Reis University, Istanbul, Turkey 71: Also at Adiyaman University, Adiyaman, Turkey 72: Also at Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey 73: Also at Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir, Turkey 74: Also at Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, Turkey 75: Also at Bozok Universitetesi Rekt orlugu, Yozgat, Turkey 76: Also at Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey 77: Also at Milli Savunma University, Istanbul, Turkey 78: Also at Kafkas University, Kars, Turkey 79: Also at Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey 80: Also at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey 81: Also at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United Kingdom 82: Also at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium | 2108.10407 | The CMS Collaboration | CMS Collaboration | Measurement of the top quark mass using events with a single reconstructed top quark in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV | Replaced with the published version. Added the journal reference and
the DOI. All the figures and tables can be found at
(CMS Public Pages) | JHEP 12 (2021) 161 | 10.1007/JHEP12(2021)161 | CMS-TOP-19-009, CERN-EP-2021-124 | hep-ex | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | A measurement of the top quark mass is performed using a data sample enriched with single top quark events produced in the $t$ channel. The study is based on proton-proton collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$, recorded at $sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016. Candidate events are selected by requiring an isolated (muon or electron) and exactly two jets, of which one is identified as originating from a bottom quark. Multivariate discriminants are designed to separate the signal from the background. Optimized thresholds are placed on the discriminant outputs to obtain an event sample with high signal purity. The top quark mass is found to be 172.13 GeV, where the both the statistical and systematic components, reaching for the first time in this event topology. The masses of the top quark and antiquark are also determined separately using the lepton charge in the final state, from which the mass ratio and difference are determined to be 0.9952 and 0.83 GeV, results are consistent with $CPT$ invariance.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:57:36 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:34:11 GMT"
] | 2021-12-30T00:00:00 | [
"CMS Collaboration",
] |
more blocks simply and build a closed parameters chain are the main strategies in our will be described in detail in Section 4. To reduce the model parameters, we choose to share parameters in different recursive moments as well.
* The proposed approach is efficient and easy to implement, and it is superior to the baseline models with fewer model parameters.
* Our work is among the few studies (Wu et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019) which prove that the idea of training deeper model can have promising applications on natural tasks. We evaluate our approach on WMT16 and WMT14 translation tasks, and we employ the (Vaswani et al., 2017) and deep et al., 2019) as the strong baseline models. Experimental results show that our to train deeper model for different translation tasks. For En-De translation task, it outperforms the model by 0:34;1:45BLEU points with 23:27% model parameters. In addtion to, our model has similar model performance and infer speed, but its model parameters are 54:72% of the deep encoder, 6-layer decoder). For En-Fr translation task, it outperforms the model by 0:34;1:45BLEU points with 23:27% model parameters as well. 2 Related Work deeper model Training deeper model with multiple stacked layers is challenging. Concerning nature language processing tasks, (Wang et al., 2019) have shown that the deep Transformer model can be easily optimized by proper use of layer normalization, they use pre-LN strategy to train a deeper model with 20-layer encoder and 6-layer decoder, which outperforms the Transformer-Big model and has speed. (Zhang et al., 2019) propose depth-scaled initialization to train a deeper model, which decreases parameter variance at the initialization stage and reduces output variance of In the work of (Bapna et al., ), they point out that vanilla Transformer is hard to train if the depth of the model is beyond12, they successfully train a 16-layer Transformer by attending the combination of all encoder layers to the Although existing works have achieved remarkable progress in training more deeper models, while the number of model parameters increases as the model deepens. To reduce the number of model parameters, is an efficient and simple strategy. In the work of (Lan et al., ), they reduce the number of model parameters and increase the training speed of BERT(Devlin et al., ) with cross-layer , their best model outperforms the BERT in many and it has fewer parameters compared to BERT-large. In the work of (He et al., 2018), they design a layer-wise attention mechanism and further share the parameters of each layer between the encoder and decoder to regularize and coordinate the learning, strategy is contributing to training a deeper model with the number of model parameters unchanged. In our work, we propose to integrate the strategy to the recurrent mechanism, which can train a deeper model with fewer model parameters. 3 Background 3.1 Neural Machine Translation The encoder-decoder framework has noticeable effect on neural machine translation tasks (Sutskever et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2016). Generally, multi-layer encoder and decoder are employed to perform the translation task through a series of nonlinear transformations. The encoder reads the source sentence denoted byX= (x1;x2;:::;x M)and maps it to a continuous representation Z= (z1;z2;:::;z M). Given Z, the decoder generates the target translation Y= (y1;y2;:::;y N)conditioned on the sequence of generated. The encoder-decoder framework model learns its parameter by maximizing p(YjX;), which is usually decomposed into the product of the conditional probabilityof each target word. p(YjX;) t 1;X;) (1) whereNis the length of target sentence. Both the encoder and decoder can be implemented by of neural models, such as RNN (Cho et al., 2014), CNN (Gehring et al., 2017) and et al., 2017). 3.2 Self-attention based networks (Shaw et al., 2018; So et al., 2019) have attracted increasing attention due to in parallel computation and dependency modeling. Self-attention networks calculate between each pair of tokens in a single sequence, and then a position-wise feed-forward network to increase the non-linearity. The self-attention is formulated as: Attention (Q;K;V ) =softmax (QKT pdmodel)V (2) whereQ;K;V denotes the query, key and value vectors, dmodel is the dimension of hidden The position-wise feed-forward network consists of a two-layer linear transformation with ReLU activation in between: FFN (x) =max(0;xW 1+b1)W2+b2 (3) Instead of performing a single attention function, it is beneficial to capture different context features with multiple individual attention functions, namely multi-head attention. Specifically, multi-head attention model first transforms Q;K with different linear respectively the query, key and value representation of the parameter matrices associated with the hhead.Hattention functions are applied in parallel to produce the output states (o1;o2;:::;o H), then theHoutput states are concatenated and linearly trans- formed to produce the final state. The process is formulated as: oh=Attention (Qh;Kh;Vh) (5) O= [o1;o2;:::;o H]Wo(6) whereOis the final output states, and Wois a trainable matrix. 4 Approach In this section, we first introduce the idea of stacking multiple shared layers, and then present the idea of closed parameters chain in detail. 4.1 Stacking multiple shared layers For vanilla Transformer, the encoder and decoder are both composed of a stack of 6 layers, and a stack of 6 layers is considered to be a block. each layer in the encoder consists of two sublayers and each layer in the decoder consists of three sublayers. We focus on the encoder to deepen the model, deepening the encoder requires fewer computational cost compared to the decoder. As figure 1 shows, we choose to loop the encoder and decoder blocks to train a deeper model. At the same time, we reuse the as auxiliary information at the beginning of each block. The process is formulated as: BInput t =BOutput t 1+x =St N(7)Figure 1: The architecture of Transformer model variants. We assume that the size of recurrent Tis 2, the number of layers in the encoder is 8 and the number of layers in the decoder is 4. The a layer in the encoder or decoder, and widenotes the weight matrix of i-th layer. The output of the last layer in the encoder is also used as the input of each layer in the decoder, the output of the last layer in the decoder is used to generate the output the source/target input, BInput t is the input of t-th block and BOutput t 1 is the output of the hidden state of (i+ 1) -th position in t-th block,Nis the number of layers in each block. Function F()consists of multi-head self-attention and feedforward neural network and dropout(Ott et al., 2019; Srivastava et al., 2014) are also used in each operation. As the model deepens, the model parameters continue to increase. To reduce the model parameters, we share parameters in each block as well. In principle, our proposed approach can be applied to neural models for training deeper model, such as Convs2s (Gehring et al., 2017) and Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017). In this work, we directly focus on Transformer considering that it achieves excellent performance on many translation tasks. 4.2 closed parameters chain As figure 1 shows, we design the parameters of each layer in the encoder and decoder to be a closed chain, we call it the closed parameters chain. Weight matrices of different layers can influence each other with the closed parameters chain strategy, we take the forward and backward process of the decoder as an example to present the idea of closed parameters chain, the detail is shown in figure 2. The forward process is formulated as =lossFunc (softmax we assume the number of layers in the decoder to be 4 (N= 4) , the total layer of the decoder is 7,Sndenotes the hidden state of n-th layer. we use lossFunc ()to calculate the final loss, and PgtisFigure 2: The architecture of Tramsformer decoder variant. the green arrow denotes the forward process and the red arrow denotes the backward process. the real distribution. For the backward operation, we take the parameter W1andW2as an example, the update process is formulated as 1W2=W2 a@L
@W 2
@W 2@S3
@W we set F(x) =WxandWdenotes the weight matrix. Loss denotes the loss function and ais the learning rate. Under the constraints of the closed parameter chain strategy, the gradient of W1and W2are Experiment 5.1 Setup 5.1.1 Datasets and the previous works, we evaluate our proposed model on WMT16 WMT14 translation tasks. For the En-De translation task, we use the same data set with (Ott et al., 2018)'s work. The dataset contains about 4.5 million sentence pairs, with 116 million English words and 110 million German works. we validate on newstest2013 and test on newstest2014. The vocabulary is a 32k joint source and target byte pair et al., 2015). For the En-Fr translation task, we use larger dataset consisting of 36 million sentence pairs, validate on and test on newstest2014. The 40K vocabulary is also based on a joint source and target BPE evaluation, we use beam search with a beam size of 4 and length penalty = 0:6. At the same time, we also average checkpoints for all the models, and meansure the case-sensitive tokenized BLEU for all the translation tasks.System Architecture Param BLEU
(Wu et al., 2016) GNMT - 26.30 - (Gehring et al., 2017) ConvS2S - 26.36 - (Vaswani et al., 65M 27.3 213M 28.4 - (He et al., 2018)Layer-wise - 28.3 +1.0 Layer-wise Coordination-Big y210M 29.0 +0.6 (Wang et al., 2019)Deep 106M 28.9 +1.8 137M 29.3 +2.2 z (Zhang et al., + DS-Init 72.3M 27.50 +0.3 z DS-Init + 20 layers + MAtt 154.3M 28.7 +1.5 z Our 62M 27.1 211M 28.45 -
+Stack multiple shared layers 58M 28.8 +1.7
+Stack multiple shared layers 96M 29.3 +2.2
+Closed parameters chain 58M 28.7 +1.6 Table 1: Comparing with existing NMT systems on WMT16 translation task. enc=8 denotes the layers of the encoder is 8 and dec=4 denotes the layers of the decoder is 4, T denotes the times of loop. ydenotes an estimate value. zdenotes that this model has another baseline model. Param denotes the trainable parameter size of each Model and models were trained on the Fairseq (Ott et al., 2019) with 8 NVIDIA P100 GPUs, where each was allocated with a batch size of 8196 tokens. We employ the deep Transformer (Wang et al., 2019) as the baseline model, which consists of a 20-layers Encoder and 6-layers Decoder. For our base model, the hidden dimension dx= 512 , the number of attention heads are 8, and the dimension of is 2048. For our proposed model, we keep the configuration the same with the baseline model, except that we adjust the number of layers in the Encoder and Decoder to 8 and 4. Unless otherwise noted, we set the number of loops in the Encoder and Decoder to be 5 and 2. All models were optimized by Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with 1= 0:9;2= 0:98and= 10 9, the label smoothing ls= 0:1was used as regularization. We increase the learning rate for the training steps and decrease it thereafter proportionally to the inverse square root of the step number, we used warmupsteps = 16000 . In generally, we followed the configure as suggested in Fairseq. 5.2 Results 5.2.1 Results on the En-De task In table 1, we first show the results of the En-De translation task, which we compare to the existing systems based on self-attention. Obviously, most of the model variants outperform the although they have a larger amount of parameters. At the same time, the big-model usually has better model performance than the base-model, and it also requires more computational cost. As for our approach, we first verify the idea of stacking multiple shared layers and closed parame- ters chain based on the where the encoder is composed of stack of 8 layers and the decoder is composed of stack of 4 layers. The results show that our proposed approaches outperform the Transformer-Base model significantly by over 1:7;1:6BLEU points, and they have a similar size of model parameters compared with the Transformer-Base model. At the same time, our proposed ap- proaches outperform the Transformer-Big model by over 0:35;0:25with a 27:49% of parameters. Compared to the work of (Wang et al., 2019), our proposed approaches based on model have 54:72% model parameters and similar BLEU points.System Architecture Param BLEU
(Vaswani et al., 65M 38.1 299M 41.0 - Our workDeep transformer (enc=20,dec=6) 109M 41.0 +2.9
+Stack multiple shared layers 62M 41.2 +3.1
+Closed parameters chain 62M 41.0 +3.1 Table 2: Experimental results on WMT17 translation task. the Transformer-Base model. denotes the Transformer-Big model. To obtain a better model performance, we also apply the strategy of stacking multiple shared layers to the deep transformer, which has a 20-layer encoder and 6-layer decoder. Compared to (Wang et al., 2019)'s DLCL model, our model has equal BLEU points with only 70:1%of model Results on the En-Fr task Seen from the En-De task, the RTAL based on the Transformer is more effective, where both the encoder and decoder have stack of 6 layers. Therefore, we evaluate our approach with the same structure on the En-Fr task. As seen in table 2, we retrain the Transformer-Base and Transformer-Big models, and our approach outperforms the baseline models by 0.38 and 0.35 BLEU points. It confirms that our approach is a promising strategy for fusing information across layers in Transformer. 5.3 Analysis We conducted extensive analysis from different perspectives to better understand our model. All results are reported on the En-De translation task with Base-Model parameters, where the encoder and decoder are both composed of stack of 6 layers. 5.3.1 Effect on Encoder and Decoder Both the encoder and decoder are multiple stacked layers, which may benefit from our proposed ap- proach. In this experiment, we investigate the effects of RTAL on the encoder and decoder. System Aggregation position BLEU T-Base + RTAL(6L)+encoder 27.77
+decoder 27.82
+both 28.46 Table 3: Experimental results of applying RTAL to different components on En-De test set. that RTAL is applied to the encoder. +both denotes that RTAL is applied to the encoder and decoder. As shown in table 3, RTAL used in the encoder or decoder individually consistently outperforms the Transformer baseline model, and it further improves the model performance when using RTAL simulta- neously in the encoder and decoder. These results claim that fusing information across layers is useful for both encoding the input sequence and generating output sequence. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we propose a novel approach to fuse information across layers, which consists of a post- order binary tree and residual connection. To get better model performance, we also try many kinds of aggregation formulas. Our proposed approach is efficient and easy to implement. The show that our proposed approach outperforms the baseline model Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Bengio. 2014. Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0473 . Ankur Bapna, Mia Xu Chen, Orhan Firat, Yuan Cao, and Yonghui Wu. Training deeper neural machine with transparent Cho, Bart Van Merri enboer, Caglar Gulcehre, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Fethi Bougares, Holger Schwenk, and Yoshua Bengio. 2014. Learning phrase representations using rnn encoder-decoder for statistical arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.1078 . Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. Bert: Pre-training of deep for language Dou, Zhaopeng Tu, Xing Wang, Shuming Shi, and Tong Zhang. 2018. Exploiting deep representations for neural machine translation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.10181 . Jonas Gehring, Michael Auli, David Grangier, Denis Yarats, and Yann N Dauphin. 2017. Convolutional sequence to sequence learning. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning-Volume 70 , pages 1243-1252. JMLR. org. Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Sun Jian. 2015. Delving deep into rectifiers: Surpassing human- level performance on imagenet He, Xu Tan, Yingce Xia, Di He, Tao Qin, Zhibo Chen, and Tie-Yan Liu. 2018. Layer-wise encoder and decoder for neural machine translation. In Advances in Neural Information , pages P Kingma and Jimmy Ba. 2014. Adam: A method for stochastic optimization. arXiv . Zhenzhong Lan, Mingda Chen, Sebastian Goodman, Kevin Gimpel, Piyush Sharma, and Radu Soricut. Albert: A lite bert for self-supervised learning of language Luong, Hieu Pham, and Christopher D Manning. 2015. Effective approaches to machine translation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.04025 . Myle Ott, Sergey Edunov, David Grangier, and Michael Auli. 2018. Scaling neural machine translation. and Language . Myle Ott, Sergey Edunov, Alexei Baevski, Angela Fan, Sam Gross, Nathan Ng, David Grangier, and Michael Auli. 2019. fairseq: A fast, extensible toolkit for sequence modeling. In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT . Rico Sennrich, Barry Haddow, and Alexandra Birch. 2015. Neural machine translation of rare words with subword units. arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.07909 . Peter Shaw, Jakob Uszkoreit, and Ashish Vaswani. 2018. Self-attention with relative position preprint arXiv:1803.02155 . Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman. 2014. Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image R So, Chen Liang, and Quoc V Le. 2019. The evolved transformer. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.11117 . Nitish Srivastava, Geoffrey Hinton, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. 2014. Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting. The journal of machine learning research , Sutskever, Oriol Vinyals, and Quoc V Le. 2014. Sequence to sequence learning with neural networks. In Advances in neural information processing systems , pages Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, and Illia Polosukhin. 2017. Attention is all you need. In Advances in neural information processing systems , pages 5998-6008. | 2108.10417 | Yiyang Li | GuoLiang Li and Yiyang Li | Recurrent multiple shared layers in Depth for Neural Machine Translation | 8 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
arXiv:2107.14590 | null | null | null | cs.CL cs.LG | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ | Learning deeper models is usually a simple and effective approach to improve model performance, but deeper models have larger model parameters and are more difficult to train. To get a deeper model, simply stacking more layers of the model seems to work well, but previous works have claimed that it cannot benefit the model. We propose to train a deeper model with recurrent mechanism, which loops the encoder and decoder blocks of Transformer in the depth direction. To address the increasing of model parameters, we choose to share parameters in different recursive moments. We conduct our experiments on and WMT14 translation tasks, our the shallow baseline by 0.35, 1.45 BLEU points, which is 27.23% of Transformer-Big model parameters. Compared to the deep encoder, 6-layer decoder), our model has similar model performance and infer speed, but our model parameters are 54.72% of the former.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 21:21:45 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2021 13:32:50 GMT"
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Jointly Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P techniques using Siamese networks learn representations that benefit from (perturba- tion) Zbontar et al .(2021), and devising suitable augmentation techniques is one of the main challenges. Although there are well established techniques (e.g., for images), there are no standard techniques for such as text and graph data. As a result, existing methods depend on different heuristics and/or trial and error You et al. (2021). In a Siamese framework, there are two networks, commonly referred to as a student andteacher network, and their inputs are differently augmented views of the same object. Learning is carried out by maximizing the the outputs of the two networks. However, a contrastive term (negative samples) is required to prevent a trivial solution (e.g., constant output, collapse) Chen et al .(2020); Zhu et al .(2020); He et al .(2019); Sun et al .(2021); Zhu et al.(2021); Hassani and Ahmadi (2020); You et al .(2021); Caron et al .(2020). On the other hand, because it is to sample truly contrastive (negative) terms, techniques were proposed without the need for explicit These methods rely on engineering tricks (e.g., asymmetry) to avoid a trivial solution Grill et al .(2020); Chen and He (2020); Caron et al .(2021); Kefato and Girdzijauskas (2021); Thakoor et al .(2021). Three strategies are commonly used, which are asymmetry in the (1) architecture (2) weights, and (3) update rules Grill et al. (2020). In this study, we propose an SSL model for GNNs based on the Siamese architecture called GRAPH SURGEON GNN that jointly l earns t oaugme nt). Unlike most existing methods, GRAPH SURGEON requires neither data augmentation using heuristics nor explicit negative samples. We design an SSL architecture in such a way that is jointly learned with the graph representation. Moreover, by using a principled constrained we avoid the need for explicit negative samples. To augment a given node v, we simply use two augmentation heads parameterized by two separate sets of weights 1and2, which produce two views v1andv2ofv. For example, simple MLP heads. v1andv2are fed to a shared GNN, h(), parameterized by a set of weights . Here, the key idea is that the parameters of the augmentation heads, 1and2, are jointly learned with . Because the two networks are symmetric and equivalent, we use the terms leftandright , instead of student and because of the flexibility of the learnable augmenters, we introduce an alternative new strategy . applies augmentation in a latent space. That is, we first encode (e.g., using a GNN, CNN, or Transformer) and augment the encoded representations. This is in contrast to the standard practice which we refer to as pre-augmentation , where we first augment the input features and then encode them. Compared to the pre-augmentation strategy, we show that significantly decreases memory use and Fig. 1 shows the pre and post architectures. Note that is difficult, if not impossible, when using predefined augmentation SURGEON is trained based on a loss function that draws inspiration from Laplacian Eigenmaps Belkin and Niyogi (2003). Just like any Siamese network, it has a term to maximize the agreement between the outputs of the left and right networks. To avoid trivial solutions, instead of engineering tricks, we use an orthonormality constraint similar to Laplacian Eigenmaps. The constraint encourages positive pairs to be similar while preventing trivial we perform an empirical evaluation using publicly available datasets and compare GRAPH SURGEON with strong SOTA baselines on three types of node classification tasks. The results show that GRAPH SURGEON is comparable methods, on average just 2 percentage points away from the best performing ones. However, it is on par with the SSL-GNN baselines. Our contributions are summarised as follows:
* We propose a SSL-GNN called G RAPH SURGEON that jointly learns to embed and augment graph data.
*We introduce an alternative new augmentation strategy that happens in the latent space as opposed to the input space and it leads to a significant improvement in resource usage, regarding GPU memory and run-time.
*GRAPH SURGEON learns meaningful representations based on a constrained optimization objective that has theoretical motivation as opposed to engineering tricks to prevent trivial solutions.
*We carried out extensive experiments using 14 publicly available datasets ranging from small to large, spanning a number of domains and we show that GRAPH SURGEON is comparable to six SOTA supervised GNNs and on par with five SOTA SSL-GNN the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt towards SSL-GNN that jointly learns data augmentation and also does not require explicit contrastive terms. In addition, one can easily adopt the techniques for other domains, such as CV . 2Jointly Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P Pre (B) Post Figure 1 : The architecture of GRAPH SURGEON , (A) first generates two augmented views of an input signal from two learned functions f1andf2and then passes them to a shared GNN encoder h. Meanwhile, (B) first encodes the input signal and passes it to the two learned augmenters, f1 andf2. 2 Related Work We briefly discuss SSL-GNN methods based on Siamese networks in terms of their strategies and their architecture choices. Then we give an overview of GNNs. Data Augmentation Although there are well-established data augmentation techniques in the CV domain, this is not the case for the graph domain Hassani and Ahmadi (2020); You et al .(2021). Different heuristics, based on perturbation of topology and attributes have been proposed Veli Vckovi 'c et al .(2018b); Hassani and Ahmadi (2020); You et al .(2020); Kefato and Girdzijauskas (2021); Bielak et al .(2021). It is not clear what the relative benefit of these augmentation strategies is, and little is known regarding the relevance of each strategy with respect to tasks. There are also conflicting observations regarding the composition of more than two Hassani and Ahmadi (2020); You et al .(2021). A recent study You et al .(2021) proposes a different strategy that dynamically chooses augmentation techniques while learning the graph representation through a joint study differs from this line of research, first as there are no predefined data augmentations whatsoever, and second, the augmentation is jointly learned ( not chosen ) with the graph The key difference between existing architectures arises from the need to prevent trivial solutions. To this end, existing studies Veli Vckovi 'c et al .(2018b); Hassani and Ahmadi (2020); You et al .(2020); Zhu et al .(2021); You et al.(2021); Sun et al .(2021); Wang et al .(2021); Zhu et al .(2020) often rely on contrastive architectures. However, as sampling truly contrastive terms is a difficult task, other studies have used asymmetric architectures to prevent Originally proposed for CV Grill et al .(2020); Chen and He (2020), asymmetric methods Thakoor et al . (2021); Kefato and Girdzijauskas (2021); Caron et al .(2021) have empirically shown that having different student and teacher networks and a stop gradient operation is sufficient to prevent collapse. Though there are three possibilities for asymmetry, not all of them are necessary to prevent trivial solutions Chen and He (2020); Caron et al. (2021) In a similar line of research, a recent study Zbontar et al .(2021); Bielak et al .(2021) has introduced the notion of redundancy reduction to prevent collapse without requiring the asymmetry trick. Our study advocates a similar notion as Zbontar et al .(2021); Bardes et al .(2021), in the sense that it has no explicit contrastive terms and does not use the asymmetry trick. On the other hand, we maximize agreement between positive pairs (as opposed to redundancy reduction), and to avoid collapse we capitalize on a constrained optimization objective motivated by Laplacian Eigenmaps Belkin and Niyogi (2003). Graph Neural Network (GNN) Because there is a plethora of GNN architectures, our discussion focuses on a of the essentials of GNNs. Unlike previous neural network architectures, such as RNNs and CNNs, GNNs are highly flexible in terms of the type of data structure they can accommodate. The GNN formulation allows us to of objects for a multitude of data structure, such as grids, graphs, groups, geodesics and gauges Bronstein et al.(2021); Hamilton (2020). Contrary to the rigid computational graphs of RNN and CNN, in a GNN it is the input data that determines the computation graph. A GNN can be viewed as a message passing framework Gilmer et al . (2017), where the messages are vectors that are updated by a neural network head Hamilton (2020), which is commonly shared by all nodes. The propagation rule for the vanilla GNN (GCN) Kipf and Welling (2017) is defined (1) 3Jointly Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P REPRINT whereis an activation function, e.g., ReLU ,~Ais a symmetrically normalized adjacency matrix, Xis node feature matrix ( X(0)=X),X(l)is the node feature at the lthlayer, and W(l)is the weight of the of the limitations of the above GNN model, such as scalability and oversmoothing, several extensions have been proposed Hamilton et al .(2018); Chiang et al .(2019); Zeng et al .(2020); Wu et al .(2019); Chen et al .(2018); Xu et al.(2018); Chen et al .(2019); Zhou et al .(2020); Oono and Suzuki (2021); Bojchevski et al .(2020); Gilmer et al . (2017). Of particular interest to this study are architectures for large scale graphs. The popular ones are Hamilton et al .(2018); Chen et al .(2018) and subgraph sampling Chiang et al .(2019); Zeng et al .(2020). Instead of a full-batch training, which is used in the vanilla architecture, a neighborhood (layer) sampling uses a sampled set of neighbors for message passing. On the other hand, subgraph sampling techniques in a nutshell build sub-graphs as batches and apply a full-batch GNN over subgraphs (using clustering Chiang et al .(2019) or Zeng et al. (2020)). 3 G RAPH SURGEON We consider an undirected graph Gwith a set of nodes Vand edgesE, The adjacency matrix representation of Gis given by A2[0;1]NN; and the adjacency matrix. Where Di;i=P jAi;j+ 1is the degree matrix and INis and Identity matrix of N diagonal entries. Each node uis associated with an attribute signal xu2RF, and the set of signals for all the nodes in the graph is given by X2RNF. Though the proposed method is agnostic to the type of GNN architecture, we assume a kind of GNN, 1;:::;Lgis given. For example, the GCN model by Kipf and Welling Kipf and Welling (2017) with the propagation rule in Eq. 1. Hence, we consider a generic L-layer message passing GNN, by . Similar to Eq. 1, at every layer linh, each node propagates messages to its neighbors using a particular materialization of G, e.g., ~A. To add expressivity, the propagation is followed by a linear then a non-linearity using ReLU . Given a GNN h, a certain materialization of G, and a node feature matrix X, we propose, GRAPH SURGEON , a novel SSL-GNN model based on the Siamese network Bromley et al .(1993). The overview of the model is shown in Fig. 1. For ease of discussion, we consider Aas the materialization of G. We express the GNN encoder using two equivalent formulations, h(A;X)andh(G), Learning Data Augmentation The core component behind SSL models based on a Siamese network is data augmentation, without it, such models have poor empirical performance Zhu et al .(2020). However, existing augmentation strategies are often based on heuristics and/or trial and error You et al .(2021). That is, given a graph G, two augmented views generated by applying augmentation techniques t1T andt2T, sampled from a set of learning augmentations has not been well explored yet. In this study, we propose a simple yet novel technique that is learned based on the signal encoded in the graph. Therefore, we replace t1andt2, with trainable functions by 1and2. One can model fto learn either a different view of the topology A, or attribute signal X. In this study, we address the latter, and the former will be covered in future work. Therefore, we model fas an MLP, i.e., two augmented views are generated as where 1;:::L 1;:::L 2g, whereL1andL2are the number of layers of f1andf2. In order for the graph signal to govern the learned augmentations X1andX2, the key design choice in GRAPH SURGEON is to jointly standard SSL-GNN technique follows a pre-augmentation architecture (in short, pre), i.e. first the input is augmented and then fed to a GNN encoder, Fig 1 (A). Our design, however, gives us the flexibility to change the order of augmentation to (in short, post), such that we first encode and then augment, Fig. 1 (B). The is motivated by efficiency in terms of run time and memory footprint. While both architectures have the same number of parameters, post requires less computation time and memory during training. This is the case since with pre, the GNN encoder processes two separate representations for each node, leading to twice as many computations for the encoder. In post, the encoder only processes one representation for each node 4Jointly Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P REPRINT and the augmentation happens afterwards. With the GNN encoder making up the largest part of the architecture, this means that preneeds almost two times more resources than post. 3.2 Joint Training of the Parameters The following discussion assumes the pre-augmentation architecture. The high-level overview for the training function ofGRAPH SURGEON is given in Listing 1. GRAPH SURGEON first generates augmented views G1= (A;X1) =f1(G) andG2= (A;X2) andf_2(data.x) in the pseudocode. Then it encodes the views using a shared GNN, h, to generate the corresponding latent representations x1) andh(data.adj, x2) in the listing). Our goal in an SSL-GNN framework is to maximize the agreement between these two representations. To this end, we closely follow Laplacian Eigenmaps Belkin and Niyogi (2003) and minimize the mean squared error between the normalized representations (unit vectors) of two data points. Though in Laplacian Eigenmaps the two data to different objects (e.g., two different nodes, images), in our case, these are just the unit embedding vectors of the two augmented views, which are andz2_unit in the pseudocode). Therefore, we define the objective based on these unit vectors (2) However, Eq. 2 admits a trivial solution, that is, collapse into a single point or a subspace Belkin and Niyogi (2003). For this reason, we modify E.q. 2 and incorporate an orthonormality constraint inspired by the Laplacian we want to jointly optimize the parameters of the augmenters. To achieve these goals we update E.q. 2 and formulate it as a constrained optimization objective as in Eq. (3) s:t: Z1Z1T=INand Z2Z2T=IN Eq. 3 encourages positive pairs across Z1andZ2to be similar to each other, and the orthonormality constraint ensures that each row in Z1orZ2is similar to itself and orthonormal to other rows. Consequently, a trivial solution is avoided Belkin and Niyogi (2003). As stated earlier, existing methods often rely on contrastive terms or the asymmetry trick to achieve this. By using the Lagrangian, we can relax the constrained optimization problem using Eq. 4, to obtain a which we call Laplacian Eigenmaps E.q. 4 addresses the aforementioned concerns, the matrix multiplications, Z1Z1Tand Z2Z2T, produce NNdense matrices. This is not desirable for full-batch GNNs, since storing the resulting matrix in a GPU memory is not feasible. For this reason, we improve the regularization by making a simple change and replacing the row orthonormality regularization with column orthogonality regularization. That is, replacing Z2Z2T INwith Z1TZ1 IFL. SinceFLN, is usually in the orders of hundreds, we can easily store an FLFLmatrix in the GPU's memory. Finally, when training GRAPH SURGEON , gradients are back propagated on both the left and right networks. As a result, all the parameters are updated according to the loss incurred with respect to the signal from the graph. This in turn, allows the parameters of both the encoder, h, and the augmenters, f1andf2, to be governed by the graph signal. The fact that we have jointly trainable augmenters gives us the flexibility to use Fig. 1 (A) and (B) without compromising the qualitative performance. This is difficult, if not impossible, when using predefined augmentation techniques. 3.3 Scalability The flexibility of GRAPH SURGEON 's architecture allows us to seamlessly integrate it into virtually any kind of For large-scale graphs with hundreds of millions of edges, one can integrate GRAPH SURGEON with existing methods for large-scale graphs. For example, with methods based on neighborhood (layer) sampling Hamilton et al.(2018) and subgraph sampling Chiang et al .(2019); Zeng et al .(2020). For small graphs, we use full-batch GCN Kipf and Welling (2017), while for large-scale graphs we use neighborhood sampling unless stated Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P REPRINT
# h: GNN Encoder
# f_1: First augmenter
# f_2: Second augmenter
# gamma: weight for the regularization
# B: Number of nodes in a batch
# D: Number of features after augmentation
# F_l: The final size of the embedding dimension for data in loader:
# data contains the graph data, that is, adj: a sparse adjacency
# matrix and x: the node features. It could be a full-batch data
# or a block-diagonal of b batches of subgraphs with the
# corresponding node features. if pre_augment:
# data.x.shape = BxF
# data.adj.shape = BxB x1 = f_1(data.x) # x1.shape = BxD x2 = f_2(data.x) # x2.shape = BxD z1 = h(data.adj, x1) # z1.shape = BxF_l z2 = h(data.adj, x2) # z2.shape = BxF_l else: z = h(data.adj, data.x) # z.shape = BxD z1 = f_1(z) # z1.shape = BxF_l z2 = f_2(z) # z2.shape = BxF_l
# Transforming embedding vectors to unit vectors z1_unit = dim=1, p=2) z2_unit = dim=1, p=2) mse = z2_unit) # Equation 2 if = = - I).norm(p= 'fro') - I).norm(p= 'fro') )# Column orthonormality = = - I).norm(p= 'fro') - I).norm(p= 'fro') )# Row orthonormality = mse + gamma * constraint # Equation 1: A PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric based pseudo code for training G RAPH SURGEON 6Jointly Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P REPRINT Dataset NM FC Task Cora Full 19,793 126,842 8,710 70MCC DBLP 17,716 105,734 1,639 4MCC PubMed 19,717 88,648 500 3MCC Physics 34,493 495,924 8,415 5MCC CS 18,333 163,788 6,805 15MCC Computers 13,752 491,722 467 10MCC Photo 7,650 238,162 745 8MCC Facebook 22,470 342,004 128 4MCC Flickr 89,250 899,756 500 7MCC GitHub 37,700 578,006 128 2BC WikiCS 11,701 297,110 300 10MCC Actor 7,600 30,019 932 5MCC Yelp 716,847 13,954,819 300 100MLC Reddit 232,965 114,615,892 602 41MCCTable 1 : Summary of the datasets, and N=jVj, M=jEj,Fis the number of features, and C is the number of classes. BC,MCC andMLC represent binary, multi-class and multi-label respectively 4 Experiments We validate the practical use of GRAPH SURGEON using 14 publicly available datasets, ranging from small to All of the datasets are collected from PyTorch Geometric (PyG)1, and grouped as
*Citation Networks ( Cora ,DBLP , and PubMed ): Paper to paper citation networks, and we classify papers into different subjects Hamilton et al. Networks (Computer Science ( CS) anPhysics ): Author collaboration network from Graph, and the task is to predict the active field of authors Shchur et al. Products Network ( Computers andPhoto ): Co-purchased products from the respective categories on Amazon, and the task is to predict the refined categories Shchur et al. ( Actor andWikiCS ): WikiCS contains Wikipedia hyperlinks between Computer Science articles, and we classify articles into branches of CS Shchur et al .(2019), and Actor contains actors co-occurrence on the same Wikipedia article and we classify actors into groups based word of actors' Wikipedia Pei et al ( Facebook ,Flickr ,GitHub ,Reddit , and Yelp): Facebook contains a page to page graph of sites, and we want to classify pages into their categories Rozemberczki et al .(2021). Flickr contains a network of images based on common properties (e.g., geo-location) along with their description, and the task is to predict a unique tag of an image Zeng et al .(2020). GitHub contains the social network of developers, and we want to classify developers as web or machine learning developers Rozemberczki et al .(2021). Yelp is also the social network of Yelp users, and we predict business categories each user has reviewed. For Reddit, we predict the subreddits (communities) of user posts Hamilton et al. (2018); Zeng et al. (2020). A brief summary of the datasets is provided in Table 1. We also group them into two, as large (Yelp and Reddit) and small (the rest). We compare G RAPH SURGEON against 11 state-of-the-art baselines grouped into : Six of the baselines are methods that use a fraction of the node labels during training, three of which ( GCN Kipf and Welling (2017), GAT VeliVckovi 'c et al .(2018a), GRAPH SAGE Hamilton et al.(2018)) are used for small and medium-size graphs and the rest ( CLUSTER GCN Chiang et al .(2019), GRAPH SAINT Zeng et al. (2020), and PPRGO Bojchevski et al. (2020)) for large-scale : There are five methods under this group, three of which ( DGI VeliVckovi 'c et al .(2018b), MVGRL Hassani and Ahmadi (2020), and GCA Zhu et al .(2021)) use a contrastive architecture to prevent a trivial solution and the other two SELFGNN Kefato and Girdzijauskas (2021) and BGRL Thakoor et al . (2021) use asymmetry. Because these two techniques extend the same method, BYOL Grill et al .(2020), for visual representation to graph representation and use the same code base, we present them as one. ForGCN ,GAT ,GRAPH SAGE,CLUSTER GCN ,GRAPH SAINT , and DGI we use the implementation from PyG. For the rest we use the official implementation provided by the Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P REPRINT 4.1 Experimental Protocol For all the datasets we have three splits, training, validation and test. For some of them, we use the splits provided by PyTorch Geometric, and for the rest, we randomly split them into 5% training, 15% validation and 80% test sets. We tune the hyperparameters of all the algorithms using Bayesian optimization2, however for a fair comparison, we fix dimension to 128. In addition, we run all the models for 500 epochs and take the epoch with the best validation score. We train the semi-supervised methods using the training split and tune their hyperparaters using the validation set. Finally, we use the test set to infer the labels and report their performance. For the self-supervised methods, we train them without any label and tune them using the validation set. Following standard practice, they are evaluated under the linear protocol. This means that we freeze the models and add a logistic regression (linear) classifier on top. The linear classifier is trained using only the training split for 100 and 500 epochs, for small and large datasets, to the semi-supervised setting, we use the test set to simply predict the labels and report prediction quality. We have three types of node classification tasks, which are binary, multi-class, and multi-label classifications. Similar to existing studies, for the binary and multi-class tasks, we use accuracy, and for the multi-label, the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve a different setting is stated, we assume the aforementioned protocol. 4.2 Contrastive AsymmetricGRAPH SURGEON GCN GAT GRAPH SAGE DGI MVGRL 60.1.001 58.27.003 57.45.003 50.66.001 39.42.193 37.64.014 54.61.135 56.33.07 DBLP 82.7.002 82.88.002 81.39.005 78.87.002 69.2.052 81.16.007 81.32.071 81.48.09 PubMed 85.62.001 84.98.002 84.73.001 84.28.001 77.99.315 82.76.005 84.6.076 95.4.001 95.02.002y 94.92.001 91.18.024y 95.11.07 95.110.025 CS 91.87.001 91.07.002 91.44.001 91.72.001 87.18.095 88.01.005 92.23.01 88.54.003 88.3.006 87.93.004 80.28.004 78.57.14 74.04.005 86.23.139 85.16.133 Photo 93.02.003 93.18002 93.64.002 92.36.06 86.04.12 84.93.009 92.87.08 92.27.05 Actor 28.38.008 28.62.01 33.88.007 29.93.007 63.3.03 27.39.01 29.411.46 30.19.34 WikiCS 76.87.006 77.38.005 77.41.006 70.01.007 61.7.52 75.25.006 75.34.528 89.5.002 89.3.01 89.25.002 82.42.001 78.880.045 86.290.004 86.38.084 51.66.001 42.35.001 52.11.001 45.94.001yy 51.26.528 86.14.001 86.16.001 85.77.001 83.84.001 83.930.032y 85.58.053 85.7.028 Table 2: The classification accuracy results along with the standard deviation. The bold highlight indicates the best performing algorithms from both the semi-supervised and self-supervised methods. yindicates that the algorithm has crashed because of an out-of-memory (ROC-AUC) Reddit GCN (semi) 78.21 95.33 GRAPH SAINT (semi) 75.62 95.73 PPRGO (semi) 77.7 91.8 GRAPH SURGEON 77.44 91.22Table 3 : The prediction quality for the large scale datasets. For this experiment, we and scalable GNN architec- tures as the full-batch ones do not fit in GPU memory. In addition, all the SSL-GNN baselines throw an out of memory error. The node classification results are reported in Tables 2 and 3. Overall, GRAPH SURGEON is comparable to the semi- supervised baselines and in-par (sometimes marginally better and at times marginally lower than) the expected, the semi-supervised models are consistently better than the self-supervised ones, except for Actor. MVGRL gives the best result, with more than 90% improvement over the best performing method. This comes as a result of using higher-order augmentation that happens to be beneficial for the Actor dataset. A similar performance is not observed for MVGRL on the other datasets. This provides a motivation for automatically learning signals that benefit some datasets. As stated earlier, this will be covered in future work. 2We use OPTUNA for this purpose: Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P REPRINT Accuracy Avg. Time (in Sec) GPU Memory Improved Original Figure 2 : Comparison of the original and improved loss function in terms of accuracy, memory usage and run time (time to finish an 500 750 1000 1250 Batch 3 : Effect of batch size on GRAPH SUR- GEON 's our finding showcases that just using the learned attribute augmentations and without requiring samples, one can achieve a performance consistently close to semi-supervised models across a number of datasets and classification tasks. On average, our model is at most 2 percentage points away from the best method. Moreover, it scales to large networks with hundreds of millions of edges, where the other SSL- GNN methods failed to handle. 4.3 Ablation studies In the following, we investigate the impact of different aspects of G RAPH SURGEON . 4.3.1 Loss Function We have seen the constrained optimization objective in Section 3.2 and also shown a way to improve it. In the following, we analyze the effect of using the original vs. the improved loss function with respect to prediction accuracy and resource usage. For the qualitative experiment, we train both flavors for 100 epochs and just 1 epoch otherwise. The results of this experiment are reported in Fig 2. As expected, both flavors achieve similar qualitative the improved version is significantly better than the original one in terms of memory usage and run time. 4.3.2 Batch Size As contrastive signals are indirectly injected because of the orthogonality constraint of Eq. 4, it is important to analyze the impact of batch size to see if a large batch size is needed to effectively avoid trivial solutions. For this reason, we train the model using sampled neighborhood subgraphs Hamilton et al .(2018) instead of full-batch, and both the model and the linear head are trained for 100 epochs. The results are reported in Fig. 3, and in general performance is directly proportional to batch size until a certain point. For small datasets, there is improvement up to 1024. The are for the GitHub and Physics datasets, which are 7.57 (from 75.38% to 82.95%) and 7.66 of accuracy (from 74.35% to 82.01%), respectively. However, that is not the case for the larger ones (Reddit and Yelp), where both smaller and larger batch sizes give comparable performance. Overall, we have not differences for batch sizes bigger than 1024. In our experiments, batch size greater than 1024 is only related to faster training, not improved Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P REPRINT CS DBLP Facebook Photo DGI GCA GraphSurgeon MVGRL 4: Effect of embedding size on G RAPH SURGEON and the SSL-GNN baselines. D Dropout g 0.0000.0020.0040.006 0100200300400 Dataset Augmentation Post Pre Figure 5: Tuned values of the hyperparameters of GRAPH SURGEON for the pre and post augmentation techniques. D is the number of features after augmentation and the GNN encoder for pre and post augmentations, respectively.
the weight of the constraint in Eq. 4, and is the learning rate. 4.3.3 Embedding Size To provide a perspective, for this analysis we include the baselines. We use the same setting as the first 2 and 3), and we examine embedding sizes in .GRAPH SURGEON andDGI have the tendency to improve as we increase the embedding size. On the other hand, GCA andSELFGNN /BGRL , stay the same or decrease. For MVGRL , it seems that it has the tendency to improve proportional to the embedding size. However, we were able to observe only for 256 and 512, as it throws an out of memory error for larger values. 4.3.4 Pre vs. Post Augmentation In terms of performance, both augmentation techniques give equivalent results. The only difference is that the need to be tuned separately for each one. In Fig. 5 we show the final configuration of the hyperparameters that maximize prediction accuracy on the validation set, which are obtained using Bayesian optimization. As can be seen from the figure, they converge to different values. Since the main motivation for introducing the is efficiency, in Fig. 6 we show the memory usage and run time (to finish an epoch) required by these variants. As anticipated, the is significantly faster and has a lot less memory overhead. 4.3.5 Symmetry vs. Asymmetry GRAPH SURGEON 's architecture can easily be replaced by an asymmetric one. For this reason, we create asymmetry just by adding a prediction head on the left-network and inserting batch norm in the GNN encoder Kefato and Zbontar et al .(2021); Thakoor et al .(2021). We update the parameters of both the left and right networks using 10Jointly Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P REPRINT Avg. Time (in Sec) Memory (in MB) Reddit Yelp Reddit 6 : Analysis of Pre and Post Augmentation tech- niques in terms of memory usage and run time complexity (time to finish an DBLPFacebook Photo Asymmetric Symmetric Figure 7 : Comparison between GRAPH SUR- GEON 's architecture (Symmetric) and an Asymmetric gradient descent. As shown in Fig. 7, the performance of the asymmetric architecture is slightly lower than the symmetric one. 4.3.6 studies Zhu et al .(2021); Zbontar et al .(2021) have shown that SSL-GNN methods usually require a large number of epochs (several thousand) to achieve a performance comparable to semi-supervised methods. In Fig. 8 we show GRAPH SURGEON 's convergence, and usually, 50 epochs are sufficient to achieve comparable performance methods. 4.4 Implementation Details GRAPH SURGEON is implemented using PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric libraries. For each augmentation head, we use a simple one-layer linear head. To avoid overfitting, we use dropout in both heads. For the GNN encoder we use two types of architectures, which are GCN Kipf and Welling (2017) and GRAPH - SAGE Hamilton et al .(2018). A full-batch GCN is used for the small datasets, and a mini-batch GNN based on GRAPH SAGE with neighborhood sampling Hamilton et al .(2018) is used for the larger ones. As stated earlier, one can substitute these with any other architecture as necessary. A dropout is also added, and finally, we use a for the GNN of Training 8 : Analysis of the convergence of GRAPH Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs A P REPRINT As indicated using the shape of the matrices in Listing 1, we use the output of the GNN encoder as the embedding of nodes for the pre-augmentation architecture and the output of the augmentation head for the case. Although existing SSL-GNN methods Zbontar et al .(2021); Thakoor et al .(2021,?); Kefato and Girdzijauskas (2021) re- quire different normalization strategies, such as Batch Norm and Layer Norm that is not necessary for GRAPH SURGEON ; as a result, no such normalization is used. 5 Discussion and Conclusion In this paper, we propose a self-supervised graph representation learning method called GRAPH SURGEON based on the Siamese network. Unlike prior methods that rely on heuristics for data augmentation, our method jointly learns the data augmentation with the representation (embedding) guided by the signal encoded in the graph. By capitalizing on the flexibility of the learnable augmentations, we propose an alternative new strategy for augmentation, , which happens after an encoding. This is in contrast to the standard pre-augmentation strategy that happens before the encoding. We also show that the alternative strategy significantly improves the scalability and efficiency of our the method does not require explicit contrastive terms or negative sampling. However, contrary to related studies with no contrastive terms, we employ a scalable principled constrained optimization inspired by as opposed to engineering tricks to prevent trivial solutions. We perform an extensive empirical evaluation of the proposed method using 14 publicly available datasets on three types of node classification tasks. Besides, we compare the method with strong SOTA baselines, six and five self-supervised GNNs. Our finding shows that GRAPH SURGEON is comparable to the and on-par with the self-supervised ones. In this study, we focus on learning augmentations for attribute signals. However, one can also consider and we shall explore this in future work. 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Kefato and Sarunas Girdzijauskas and Hannes St\"ark | Jointly Learnable Data Augmentations for Self-Supervised GNNs | Under Review | null | null | null | cs.LG cs.SI | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Self-supervised Learning (SSL) aims at learning representations of objects without relying on manual labeling. Recently, a number of SSL methods for learning have achieved performance comparable to GNNs. A Siamese network, which relies on data augmentation, is the popular architecture used in these methods. However, these methods rely on heuristically crafted data augmentation techniques. Furthermore, they use either contrastive terms or other tricks (e.g., asymmetry) to avoid that can occur in Siamese networks. In this study, we a novel SSL method for GNNs with the following features. First, instead of heuristics we propose a learnable data augmentation method that is jointly learned with the embeddings by leveraging the inherent signal encoded in the graph. In addition, we take advantage of the flexibility of the learnable data augmentation and introduce a new strategy that augments in the embedding space, called post augmentation. This strategy has a memory overhead and run-time cost. Second, as it is difficult to sample truly contrastive terms, we avoid explicit negative sampling. Third, instead of relying on engineering tricks, we use a scalable constrained motivated by Laplacian Eigenmaps to avoid trivial solutions. To validate the practical use of GraphSurgeon, we perform empirical evaluation using 14 public datasets across a number of domains and ranging from small to large scale graphs with hundreds of millions of edges. Our finding shows is comparable to six SOTA semi-supervised and on par with five SOTA self-supervised baselines in node classification tasks. The source code is available at | [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 21:33:12 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
"Zekarias T.",
] |
2 Tricarico et al. The small (500 m diameter) near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu was explored in detail by the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identication, and Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) mission (Lauretta et al. 2019a). The surface presents a wide range of particle sizes and craters (DellaGiustina et al. 2019; Walsh et al. 2019) The top-like shape of Bennu indicates a rubble-pile structure (Barnouin et al. 2019) | that is, loosely bound fragments of rock that gravitationally reaccumu- lated following the destruction of a larger parent body | providing initial evidence for some degree of internal mass density heterogeneity (Scheeres et al. 2019). The discovery of particle ejection events on Bennu's surface (Lauretta et al. 2019b) and the reconstruction of the particles' trajectories (Chesley et al. 2020) has led to a very accurate measurement of the gravity eld of Bennu, allowing us to study in detail its interior properties in terms of mass density distribution. Scheeres et al. (2020) presented the results of a rst analysis, employing analytical as well as showing that the deviation of Bennu's interior from a homogeneous mass density distribution is consistent with lower density at the center of the asteroid and along its equatorial bulge. Here we combine gravity inversion methods with a statistical rubble-pile model to determine the density and size-frequency distribution (SFD) index of the rubble that constitutes we return to study the interior density distribution of Bennu, we need to remem- ber that in general the inverse gravity problem is intrinsically under-determined and admits an innite family of solutions (Tricarico 2013). In this context, the properties of the solution are typically used to focus on certain properties of the density distribution. The observed gravity of Bennu is close to that generated by a homogeneous density distribution (inhomogeneities detected through degree 3) (Chesley et al. 2020). Therefore, the natural question that we aim to answer here is how close to homogeneous can the density distribution be and still generate the observed gravity eld. Studying density solutions as close as possible to the simplest possible assumption that we can make about the solutions. This approach has several advantages. First, because the nominal homogeneous so- lution is unique, we restrict the innite family of solutions to a corner of the solution space, where we would not normally nd any solutions unless the data allow them there. Second, any features and deviations that we observe in the solutions descend directly from the shape and gravity data and are not the results of specic made. The approach followed here has two main components. The rst consists of a technique where the interior is modeled using a smooth density gradient. This technique is applied to the shape and gravity data of Bennu to search for as close as possible to homogeneous, allowing us to determine the of Bennu 3 from homogeneous of the interior of Bennu at dierent scales. The second component is statistical modeling of a rubble pile to determine how the rubble particle SFD and density determine the deviation from homogeneous at dierent scales. By combining these two techniques, we can determine the rubble properties that are compatible with the observed gravity and shape of Bennu. 2.1. Global Gravity Inversion The gravitational potential of an arbitrary body is typically described by an expan- sion in spherical harmonics (Kaula 1966; Yoder (Clmcos(m) +Slmsin(m)) (1) whereGis the gravitational constant, Mis the mass of the body, fr;;gare the body-xed barycentric spherical coordinates, r0is the radius of a sphere the body, and Plmis the associate Legendre function. The Stokes the gravitational potential outside the r0sphere and depend on the shape and mass density distribution of the body; they can be determined by integrating over the volume Vof the body (Yoder cos(m) dV sin(m) dV (3) where the volume element in spherical coordinates is d V=r2sin() drdd. The Jl= Cl0terms are referred to as zonal coecients, while the generic ClmandSlm terms with l >0 are referred to as the tesseral coecients. Typically in the inverse problem the shape is known, and we aim to determine the range of mass generate the observed gravitational eld. The global gravity inversion (GGI) approach (Tricarico 2013, 2018) is used here to determine the range of interior density models that are compatible with the observed shape and gravity eld. The density is modeled using smooth density functions, with a half-wavelength resolution of approximately 2 r0=l, and the solutions found depend not only on the input data, but also on the assumptions we make. As the evidence is that the interior of Bennu is close to homogeneous (Chesley et al. 2020), we fo- cus on exploring solutions that are as close as possible to homogeneous, while the observed gravity eld, by targeting solutions that minimize the the standard deviation of the density over the average den- sity. The covariance of the gravity coecients is included in the GGI computations by repeatedly sampling ClmandSlmin agreement with their covariance matrix (Chesley et al. 2020), and then solving each time for the GGI density distribution closest to homogeneous.4 Tricarico et al. When targeting solutions close to homogeneous, most of the density variations are concentrated near the surface of a body, especially for higher degree l. This is due to the (r=r0)lterm in Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), that progressively suppresses the contribution of regions near the center of a body as lincreases. So in order to estimate the from homogeneous at a given degree, we need to sample regions close to the surface and progressively avoid regions in the deep interior. The volume average of the (r=r0)lterm 3(4) so we only include a fraction 3 =(l+ 3) of the total body volume closest to the surface at each degree lwhen computing the statistics and. The relevant volume of the body corresponds to points with radius larger than eective sensitivity 3)]1=3, wherer
0is the radius of a sphere with the same volume as the body. This also allows us to dene an average eective sensitivity depth Rubble Size-Frequency Distribution and Sampling As we model the interior of a rubble pile, we have several free parameters. The rubble has a nominal bulk density and a cumulative SFD index (negative). The densityis constrained to be larger than the body bulk density b, with the ratio Vr= (B=)Vbsetting the fraction of the body volume Vboccupied by rubble, and the remaining volume of voids between rubble particles. The rubble population is divided into Nbins, each bin j2[1;N] corresponding to rubble with the smallest size and sNis the largest size. The cumulative SFD of the population thatPN= 1, and the number of rubble particles with size sjisPj Pj+1. Typically in simulations we x s1to be suciently small compared to the scales we are testing, and then determine sNiteratively in order to conserve the total volume occupied by rubble. The rubble population volume (7) wheres3 jis the volume of each rubble particle, and the iterative correction to the largest rubble particle is sN sN3p Vr=VP, which typically converges very quickly. The construction for the void population is equivalent to that of the rubble.Interior of Bennu 5 Once the rubble and void populations are built, we can use the multivariate hy- pergeometric distribution (MHD) to sample a total of nelements from the rubble and void populations without replacement, where ncan go up to the total number of rubble particles and voids. An ecient way to perform this sampling is to use the Dirichlet distribution to approximate the MHD, see Childs & Balakrishnan (2000). To each random sample nwe can then associate a total volume, mass, and density, and the distribution of these densities, with mean and standard deviation , can then be compared to what we observe from the GGI modeling. The variance is small when large volumes are considered, and then increases for smaller volumes. To esti- mate the nominal volume corresponding to a given degree l, we have the the (r=r0)lterm producing a factor 3 =(l+3), and if we consider that most of signal is typically concentrated in the zonal coecients, especially for even degrees (Chesley et al. 2020), then the Pl0term with its lzeros further subdivides the volume into ( l+ 1) parts. The two contributions produce an eective volume: Vl=3 (l+ 1)(l+ 3)V0 (8) whereV0is the body volume. Typically when sampling the MHD, we obtain a range of possible volumes and include only the volumes that are within
5% ofVlin the statistical we look at the GGI solutions closest to homogeneous at degrees 2 to 7 (Fig- ures 1, 2, and 3). For each degree, the solution displayed is selected automatically as having a deviation from homogeneous that is as close as possible to the mean devia- tion from homogeneous for all the solutions generated at that degree. The solutions can come very close to homogeneous at low degrees, and then larger deviations ap- pear at higher degrees. As expected, the largest deviations are concentrated near the surface, where the spherical harmonics expansion of the gravitational eld is more sensitive. Although at low degrees (approximately 2 to 5), there is a coherence in how each additional degree increases the detail of the density gradient, at higher degrees (6 and above), the solution has much larger
uctuations, and some features appear that are not present in lower-degree solutions. This is most likely due to the fact that at higher degrees, the gravity coecients are determined with less than one order of magnitude accuracy (Scheeres et al. 2020), and this can aect the GGI technique, which is sensitive to the accuracy of the input gravity coecients. Note that the calculations use the image-based shape model v42 of Bennu (updated from v20 presented in Barnouin et al. (2019) and available via the Small Body Tricarico et al. A quantitative analysis of this eect is displayed in Figure 4, where for each degree we measure the deviation from homogeneous. Up to degree 5, there is a nearly linear trend, which breaks at degrees 6 and higher. The curves tting degrees 2 to 5 are obtained by statistically modeling the rubble pile. The limited number of data points that can be used for the t requires us to keep the number of free parameters as low as possible, leading to a model with only three: the rubble density , the SFD index r, and the void cumulative SFD index v. The minimum size is set tos1= 10 3m, suciently small to avoid any possible eects on the modeling, and the number of bins N= 200. For the void SFD, we use the same s1andNas for the rubble population. With 4 data points and 3 free parameters, we have 4 3 = 1 degrees of freedom that we use to estimate 2probabilities and condence intervals. In particular, we refer to 1 uncertainty for results with 2<1, corresponding to a probability of 0 :683, and 2uncertainty for results with 2<4, corresponding to a probability of 0 :955. In Figure 5, we show the range of parameters tting the deviation from Solutions with low 2tend to have low rubble bulk density, between about 1:35 g/cm3and 1:36 g/cm3(1) (Figure 5, top panel), compared to the bulk density of Bennu of approximately 1 :19 g/cm3(Barnouin et al. 2019; Scheeres et al. 2019) that includes all rubble particles and voids within Bennu. The cumulative SFD index of the rubble is between about 2:89 and 2:88 (1) (Figure 5), in excellent agreement with the SFD index of 2:90:3 observed on the surface (DellaGiustina et al. 2019). This validates the common assumption that the SFD observed on the surface can be used to model the interior. The size of the largest rubble particle inside Bennu is approximately between 143 m and 145 m (1 ) (Figure 5, middle panel). Note that we have ltered out all possible solutions where the largest rubble particle would be smaller than 50 m, as boulders of this size have been observed on the surface of Bennu (DellaGiustina et al. 2019). The cumulative SFD index of the voids is between about 4:6 and 3:8 (1) (Fig- ure 5, bottom panel), much steeper than for the rubble, indicating that the number of small voids grows at a faster pace than the number of small rubble particles. The largest voids are about 2 m to 10 m (1 rubble bulk density of 1 :35 g/cm3to 1:36 g/cm3is lower than typical values for the carbonaceous chondrite types CI and CM (Macke et al. 2011), which have been spectrally associated with Bennu (Clark et al. 2011). This may indicate a within each particle compared to what is typically observed in mete- orite samples, at least down to the smaller scale included in the modeling of the order of a millimeter. A material with higher micro-porosity would be more likely to be destroyed during Earth atmospheric entry, thus explaining the lack of on Earth. This is consistent with the results of Rozitis et al. (2020), whoInterior of Bennu 7 show that the dominant, low-re
ectance population of boulders on Bennu (DellaG- iustina et al. 2020) has lower thermal inertia and higher porosity than expected from the meteorite record. Our estimated macro-porosity of Bennu of approximately 12%
indicates relatively tight packing, and may also support the idea of fragile rubble blocks that tend to fragment when in contact with other blocks, helping to ll the inter-rubble voids. The nding of relatively wide voids is a conrmation of Scheeres et al. (2020), and is in agreement with earlier modeling by Britt & Consolmagno S. J. (2001). Some modeling choices can also aect the results, as is the case for the small- est rubble scale used of the order of a millimeter, that if increased or decreased would cause a proportional correction in the estimated size of the largest rubble particle, with a proportionality factor approximately equal to 0 :003, while the same correction for the size of the largest void has a proportionality factor of approximately 0 :1. Such an eect is suciently small for the rubble to be negligible, while for the voids it is larger, due at least in part to the much steeper void SFD. The nature of the rela- tively wide range of void SFD index is open to speculation, and may be dicult to interpret as voids can connect in many dierent ways and form complex structures. This could simply suggest a limitation in modeling voids using an SFD, but it indicate the presence of voids originating in the rotational history of Bennu, superposed to a baseline of voids following a power-law SFD. The analysis presented here is relatively simple and avoids assumptions about spe- cic interior density distributions or properties of the rubble or the voids, beyond what is strictly necessary. This can be compared directly with Scheeres et al. (2020), where we tested mass distributions with an under-dense center and equatorial bulge, and these additional assumptions cause signicantly larger deviations from a homo- geneous mass strong agreement between the cumulative SFD index of the interior with the in- dex determined by observing the surface suggests that the methods used are adequate for this class of studies and oer the possibility to analyse other rubble-pile by space missions. Although we mainly discuss 1 uncertainty values, at 2 , the ranges of rubble and void properties tend to be considerably wider, see Figure 5. Both the rubble SFD and the void SFD are assumed to apply globally, a imposed on us principally by the limited data available, preventing us from testing for possible eects such as size sorting or segregation mechanisms (Britt
& Consolmagno S. J. 2001). A similar analysis of rubble-pile asteroid Ryugu is presented by Grott et al. (2020), who report a macro-porosity of (16 3)% using the surface SFD from Michikami et al. (2019). Their analysis relies on detailed modeling of the rubble eects from rubble size and shape distribution. Compared to our approach, they do not use input from detailed gravity modeling, they x the SFD index to the value observed on the surface, and they x the minimum rubble size to 0 :02 m and the maximum rubble size to 140 m. As Ryugu has a bulk density of approximately8 Tricarico et al. 1:19 g/cm3, the same as Bennu (Barnouin et al. 2019; Scheeres et al. 2019), it is interesting to note that our estimated macro-porosity of Bennu of is also close to the macro-porosity estimated for Ryugu, even if the cumulative SFD index for Ryugu is approximately deviations from homogeneous of the interior mass density distribution of Bennu are consistent with the density
uctuations of a rubble pile with the same SFD in- dex as the surface, that is, {2.9. The bulk density of the rubble is g/cm3, indicating a moderate macro-porosity of approximately 12% and imply- ing signicant micro-porosity within the constituent particles of the are grateful to the entire OSIRIS-REx Team for making the encounter with Bennu possible. This material is based upon work supported by NASA under Con- tract NNM10AA11C issued through the New Frontiers Program. This research is supported by the NASA OSIRIS-REx Participating Scientists Program, to the Planetary Science Institute. Part of the research was car- ried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration O. S., Daly, M. G., Palmer, E. E., et al. 2019, Nature Geoscience, 12, 247, doi: D. T., & Consolmagno S. J., G. J. 2001, Icarus, 152, 134, doi: S. R., French, A. S., Davis, A. B., et al. 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 125, e06363, doi: A., & Balakrishnan, N. 2000, Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 35, 137{154, doi: B. E., Binzel, R. P., Howell, E. S., et al. 2011, Icarus, 216, 462, doi: D. N., Emery, J. P., Golish, D. R., et al. 2019, 3, 341, doi: D. N., Burke, K. N., Walsh, K. J., et al. 2020, Science, 370, eabc3660, doi: M., Biele, J., Michel, P., et al. 2020, Journal of Geophysical 125, W. M. 1966, Theory of Applications of satellites to geodesy D. S., DellaGiustina, D. N., Bennett, C. A., et al. 2019a, Nature, 568, 55, doi: D. S., Hergenrother, C. W., Chesley, S. R., et al. 2019b, Science, 366, 3544, doi: R. J., Consolmagno, G. J., &
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Brack, J. M. Leonard, P. Antreasian, S. R. Chesley, D. Farnocchia, Y.
Takahashi, E. M. Mazarico, D. Rowlands, D. Highsmith, K. Getzandanner, M.
Moreau, C. L. Johnson, L. Philpott, E. B. Bierhaus, K. J. Walsh, O. S.
Barnouin, E. E. Palmer, J. R. Weirich, R. W. Gaskell, M. G. Daly, J. A.
Seabrook, M. C. Nolan, and D. S. Lauretta | Internal rubble properties of asteroid (101955) Bennu | 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Icarus | null | 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114665 | null | astro-ph.EP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Exploration of asteroid (101955) Bennu by the OSIRIS-REx mission has provided an in-depth look at this rubble-pile near-Earth asteroid. In particular, the measured gravity field and the detailed shape model of Bennu heterogeneities in its interior structure, compatible with a lower density at its center. Here we combine gravity inversion methods with a statistical rubble-pile model to determine the density and (SFD) index of the rubble that constitutes Bennu. The indicate that the SFD of the interior is consistent with that observed on the surface, with a cumulative SFD index of approximately $-2.9$. The rubble bulk density is approximately $1.35$ g/cm$^3$, corresponding to a We find the largest rubble particle to be approximately $145$
m, whereas the largest void is approximately $10$ m.
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"D. J.",
"A. S.",
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"D. N.",
"J. M.",
"S. R.",
"E. M.",
"C. L.",
"E. B.",
"K. J.",
"O. S.",
"E. E.",
"J. R.",
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"M. G.",
"J. A.",
"M. C.",
"D. S.",
] |
2 On the other hand, to enable undersampling beyond the sampling theorem restriction, roughly speaking, there are two main relaxation directions. One is to make proper assumptio ns on the signal form, say standard complex waveforms, the signal is instance-based and equivalen t to determining the unknown parameters, such as frequency and phase. The other is to use multiple undersampling samplers with a finer grained coordination. On the algorithmic level, there are two successful examples emerged during last two decades, the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) based pa- rameter estimation, short for CRT method in the by Xia [16], [17], and the co-prime pioneering by Pal and Vaidyanathan [18], [19]. CRT Based Reconstruction: CRT method is spectrum based. A complex waveform x(t) =ej2pft, with an f, is sampled uniformly at a rate m,m < f , and Fourier transform is applied to the discrete sequence. It is well known that undersampling will result in a spectrum aliasing : the location of the spectrum peak is indeed the by the following. Said another way, when m < f , the residue, is of ambiguity to truef, unless the folding number f/mcan be determined. On the other hand, CRT characterizes the relationship betwe en a number and its residues modulo multiple smaller numbers, termed as moduli. Mathematically, CRT states that given L moduli, the set of residues can uniquely determine a positiv e numberfonce the least common multiple (lcm) of the moduli is larger than f. Therefore, with a careful selection of sampling rates, say pairwise co-prime, a frequency fcan be reconstructed via exponentially small sampling rates O(f1 L). This idea is further generalized to other parameter estimat ions, such as phase unwrapping [20] with applications in syntheti c aperture radar (SAR) [21], [22]. However, in practice, CRT method encounters two main challenges. One is robustness , where the residue system is non- weighted and conventional CRT is very sensitive to small err or. The follow-up works [23], [24], [25] addressed the problem b y adding redundancy to the moduli (sampling rate) by setting a ll moduli to share a sufficiently large common divisor. The othe r challenge is the correspondence relation ambiguity between multiple numbers and their residues. Though a single object ive can be elegantly estimated in the above model, things become s trickier when handling multiple objectives simultaneousl y. In general, for a signal x(t) multiple the correspondence between the spectrum peaks and the frequencies is without any further assumptions. Therefore, this problem cannot be sim - plified to Nindependent single-frequency estimations. One strategy is to sacrifice the encoding dynamic range, i.e., th e range offican be uniquely determined, to produce to enable decoding. Such tradeoff between the dynamic range and Nis studied in [26], [27], [28], whereas the tight bound is only known when N= 2 [29]. To tackle both robustness and correspondence ambiguity simultaneously, (statistical) robust multi-objective es timation is only known recently in [30], [31], [32], [33]. Co-prime Sampling (Array): Different from CRT method, which handles the spectrum directly, co-prime sampling es-timates the auto-correlation on the temporal domain. Techn i- cally, the foundation of co-prime sampling is Bezout Theore m, another fundamental number theory theorem, which states th at for arbitrary two numbers PandQ, there exist the greatest common divisor of P andQ. Especially, if PandQare co-prime, i.e., gcd(P,Q) =
1, as a straightforward corollary, there exists 1, and multiplying lon both sides, we =l, for arbitrary l. With the above preparation, now we can give a of co-prime sampling. Assume that the time to Nyquist rate is Tand two samplers with un- dersampling rates PandQ, respectively, produce two discrete sample sequences {x[PTn],n N} and{x[QTn],n N}
of a continuous signal x(t). From Bezout theorem, once P andQare co-prime, there always exist alandblsuch correspondingly the pair an estimation of the auto-correlation lagl. Since auto-correlation and signal spectrum are a pair of Fourier transform, the frequencies contained in a signal can be estimated from the signal to the spatial case, where Tis replaced by the half of wavelength, the spatial sampling becomes to determine th e physical location of sensors and such construction is terme d as co-prime array [19]. Though both CRT method and co-prime sampling are rooted in number theory, or more precisely, the Diophantine equati on theory, they were separately studied over last decade. As fa r as we know, our paper is the first work to connect them together and take them as the foundation of the study on spars e sensing. In short, our conclusion is somewhat surprising: The underlying model in CRT method is closer to characterize the necessary and sufficient condition that a signal can be uniquely represented in sparse sensing, while indeed gives a more efficient start with these two representatives of sparse sensing to give some intuition that the two fundamental questions we se t out to address. 1) First, theoretically, how sparse, regarding both the temporal and spatial sampling rate, can we expect to be? Or equivalently, given the sparsity restriction on the sampling, what kind of signal can be uniquely represented by the attained samples. 2The high probability here is either with respect to natural d istribution of the parameter to be estimated, or a random undersampling rat e selection for any given parameters to be estimated, which will be specified later.3 2) Second, under sparsity restriction, algorithmically, h ow efficient, regarding both the freedom degree of pa- rameters to be estimated and the time complexity with associated performance, can the reconstruction scheme be? Also, can the efficiency be significantly improved by resorting to a small failure probability, relaxed from a deterministic paper mainly focuses on the first encoding to give a systematical study on the necessary and sufficient conditions of sparse sampling theory. Concrete s am- pling algorithms (decoding) will be presented in the seco nd paper, where interestingly we show given sufficiently it could be sparse enough, i.e., arbitrar ily low sampling frequency in temporal domain and arbitrarily larg e spacing between sensors, with a linear sampling and Contributions : We summarize the orga- nization of rest contents as follows. In Section II, we take frequency and DoA estimation as two concrete examples and give the necessary and sufficient conditions of the signal th at can be represented given sampling sparsity restrictions. I n Section III, we give a complete analysis of co-prime samplin g in Theorem 3, which indicates that co-prime sampling is indeed a high-probability reconstruction. In Section IV, w e consider the more general case where sampling with noise and we study this problem from a view of We provide a characterization of encoding dynamic range and error tolerance of complex waveforms in Theorem 4. In Section V, we provide further generalization to the scena rio of real waveforms. We conclude in Section VI. II. N ECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITIONS In general, sampling can be viewed as a encoding procedure, where the objective continuous signal is transformed to a di s- crete sample sequence. Therefore, the necessary and suffici ent conditions of sampling are equivalent to determining if the re is a bijection between the objective signal and the encoded sample sequence. With the specification on the assumptions o f signals and restrictions on the samplers, such conditions a at least theoretically in the noiseless sce nario. In the following, we take frequency and DoA estimation as two concrete examples in the temporal and spatial Frequency and Phase loss of generality, we consider a complex waveform x(t) (1) whereAiis the amplitude, fiis the frequency and thiis the phase of the i-th source. The continuous signal x(t)is sampled by a group of samples with sampling rates Accordingly, Lsequences are obtained in a form, xl[n] (2)wherethl iis the phase of the the i-th source at the l-th sampler. Since Fourier Transform (FT) is an invertible transformati on, applying FT to (2), we have, Fl(k) =FT(xl[n]) the indicator, which equals 0iffk= 0. Without any prior assumptions on the rest parameters thl iand Ai, the sequence xl[n]at thel-th sampler is uniquely character- ized by an unordered 1,2,...,N}. The necessary and sufficient conditions that the set be uniquely recon- structed with the Lsequences together are that, the dynamic range, are bijective to the encoded Lunordered residue sets R[1:L]. It is worth mentioning that the above statement relies on the fact that no additional prior knowledge is assumed. If Aiorthl i can be distinguished, Rlbecomes an ordered set, where between each rilandfiis determined. Given the correspondence, the necessary and sufficient condition s becomeD < lcm (m1,m2,...,mL), characterized by regular CRT. We summarize the conclusion as the following theorem. Theorem 1. Without additional prior assumptions, the nec- essary and sufficient conditions that Nfrequencies in (1) can be re- constructed given a set of samplers with rates that there exists bijective correspon- dence between fandR[1:L], an unordered residue set. Especially, if Aiorthl i are assumed to be distinct and distinguishable, the necessa ry and sufficient conditions become D < lcm to the frequency estimation, it is not hard to see that the necessary and sufficient conditions of the phase - difference based distance measurement share a similar form , wherefwill correspond to the distance(s) between the target and the sensors to be estimated. We will specify the dynamic rangeDin Section IV and generalize the above analysis to real waveforms in Section V. B. DoA Estimation With a similar reasoning, we can also formulate the DoA es- timation as an encoding and decoding problem. Analogous to undersampling a signal in time domain, spatial undersampli ng indeed also exists when the distance between adjacent array sensors is larger than a half of wavelength. In general, assu me there areNindependent signals {si(t),i= 1,2,...,N}, whose DoAs are respectively. Consider an linear array of Lsensors, which are placed at without loss of generality, pi>=0andp1is set to be 0 as the reference. Thus, the sample sequence at the l-th sensor can be written as xl[n] (4)4 Therefore, let x[n] = and (4) can be rewritten in a matrix form, x[n] =As[n], (5) whereA= =
(s1[n],...,s N[n])T.Ais usually called array manifold ma- trix, where a(thi) = called the steering vector . Here,lrepresents the wavelength. Moreover, if each sensor takes Ksnapshots for n= 1,2,...,K , the samples set x[1 :K] =AS, where S= We assume K > N in the following to guarantee sufficient samples. Without any restriction, th[1:N] are distributed within [-p/2,p/2)N. Generally, the distance between any adjacent sensors is set to be l/2for most uniform arrays. When the distance between adjacent sensors is large r thanl/2, there is an ambiguous range for the l-th sensor [34] Psthi= thi. In the following, we present a generic on the condition that NDoAs can be uniquely encoded given an arbitrary array. Theorem 2. WhenSis a full-rank matrix, the necessary and sufficient conditions that NDoAs,th[1:N], can be by sample sequences from an array of Lsensors with locations specified as {p1= 0,p2,...,pL}are thatC >=2, where C= (6) is the least common multiple (lcm) of the SinceSis assumed to be of full-rank, the between AandKsnapshots x[1 :K]is it is equivalent to considering the condition that the mapping between th[1:N]andAis bijection, which means for arbitrary On the other hand, if a(th) =
a(th'), it is equivalent to that, there exist klZ,l= = (7) Rewriting (7) into a modulo form, we modl pl,l= 1,2,...,L. (8) Here, we use the generalized modulo operation where for any two real numbers, Thus, a bijection is equiv- alent to that arbitrary a unique modulol pl,l= 2,3,...,L. Hence, the rest of the proof is indeed to describe a generalized CRT with real modul i: Indeed, CRT for real numbers is analogous to the integer case, where the largest representability is still determin ed by a generalized least common multiple of {l pl,l= by C= proof is straightforward. On one hand, it is trivial to verify that the residues of a= 0 2,3,...,L}are identical. On the other hand, for any two real numbers a,b[0,C), if they share exactly the same residues, which implies a-b0 modl pl, forl= 2,3,...,L , a contradiction to the minimization assump- tion ofC. Finally, it is noted that sin(th)[-1,1), therefore we needCto be at least 2and the claim to the DoA estimation, in the case of phase unwrapping (Doppler shift) in multi-frequency antenna arr ay synthetic aperture radar (SAR), the condition is also simil ar to Theorem 2. Throughout the two examples, we have shown that the fundamental problems to characterize the frequency and DoA estimation under sparse sampling are closely related to the remainder model. This is not surprising due to the cycle property of waveform, where sampling itself can be viewed as somewhat modulo operation on the signal. Though the necessary and sufficient conditions describe a that when a signal can be perfectly samplers with specific sparsity restriction, there ar e two important generalizations worth further exploring: 1) How could restrictions in Theorem 1 and 2 be further relaxed resorting to some failure probability? Beyond perfect reconstruction on all signals, compressed sensing provides a successful example to produce high but much sharpened sample complexity via random sampling. 2) Theorem 1 and 2 only characterize the noiseless case while the noise and quantification error are almost in- evitable in practice. With further robustness considerati on, how should Theorem 1 and 2 be modified. We address the above two questions in the following. III. A C OMPLETE ANALYSIS OF CO-PRIME SAMPLING In the Introduction, we briefly mentioned the key idea of co-prime sampling [18], [35]. The elegant construction by selecting two co-prime under-sampling rates, PandQ, gives a unified approach to estimate the auto-correlation of the sample sequence attained by Nyqiust rate. Due to Bezout theorem, one can properly select infinitely many pairs from two undersampled sequences such that their to be any multiple of the time interval sampled by Nyquist rate. Once one can exactly recover the of the sequence sampled at Nyquist rate, accord ing to Wiener-Khinchin theorem, the power spectrum can be reconstructed by applying Fourier transform on the . Co-prime sampling theory seems to violate the necessary and sufficient condition described in Theorem 1, since Pand Qcan be arbitrarily large, i.e., one can use two sampling rates to recover the spectrum of a signal with a arbitrarily large bandwidth. As shown below, we will5 rigorously prove co-prime sampling is indeed an reconstruction but a failure could hap pen. Assuming that two samplers whose sampling rates are m1=
1/PT andm2= 1/QT , respectively, where the Nyquist rate is 1/T. With the same setup described in Section II-A, x(t) where we normalize the phase and loss of generality, is sampled and two sequences are attained as x1[n1] x2[n2] co-prime integers, the two sequences indeed form a cycle of time PQT . In the k-th cycle, i.e., we consider the sampling time at and denote the sample vectors by andx2 k= 2],...,x2[P(k+ 1)]) . Following [18], [35], let
~xk= (x1 k,x2 k), be the Cartesian product of the two vectors x1 k andx2 k, and consider which ideally is expected to be the auto-correlation estimation. Here, aT anda*denotes the transpose and conjugate of a vector 1, the co-prime sampling theory is indeed a special case of Theorem 1. It is noted (10) where the quality holds when c1=Pandc2=Qdue to the co-prime assumption on PandQ. However, when N >1, co-prime sampling comes with a failure, where the estimation Rcould be biased. which is took as an estimation of auto-correlation at lag (uP-vQ), With some simple (11) Similarly, if the estimation is from the cross product from o ne sample sequence, say x1[*], where we expect the auto-correlation at lag (u-v)P, it (12) Thus, co-prime sampling forms an unbiased estimation if and only if the underlying terms in (11) and (12) should equal 0. With a bit more calculation, a sufficient condition is 0 (13) which requires that PQ(fi-fl)Tcannot be an integer. Theorem 3. WhenN >2, the co-prime sampler defined in (9) can perfectly reconstruct the Nfrequencies for any be divided by the Nyquist rate 1/T.3 Theorem 3 characterizes a failure set, within which the signal cannot be uniquely reconstructed. However, it is wor th noting that such set is very sparse (indeed has zero mea- sure) across the whole domain [0,1/T]N. Compared to the best known dynamic range in CRT decoding method [36], which states that given Lsamplers with co-prime one can uniquely recover f[0,D]N forD= Theorem 3 is inspiring and gives a positive example that, resorting to a negligible fai lure probability (when fis assumed to be uniformly distributed, or a random selection of PandQ), it is possible that one can use much sharpened undersampling rate to almost reconstruc t the signal, compared to the deterministic decoding bound. IV. R OBUST RECONSTRUCTION FOR OF COMPLEX the previous sections, we have derived the neces - sary and sufficient reconstruction condition in the noiseless case. In the rest of this paper, we set out to advance of robust reconstruction and stick to the mor e complicated (multiple) frequency estimation model. We ado pt the noise model considered in [20], [23], [24], [37], [31] and study the robustness from an error-correcting described in Theorem 1, under Lsampling rates m[1:L], the frequency set f= (f1,f2,...,fN)to be estimated is es- sentially encoded into Lunordered residue sets R[1:L], 1,2,...,N}. To formally study the robust decoding condition, we introduce the robust as 1 (Robust Remaindering Problem) what is the relationship between the dynamic range Dand the maximal error bound dsuch that for arbitrary X= provided Lnoisy un- ordered residue sets R[1:L], arbitrary noise |il|< d,Xcan be by the estimation anyi. Before we proceed to study the tradeoff between Danddin general, we first provide the following results on the sampli ng rate selection. We first move our attention to a single number case, i.e., N= 1. In the following, we prove the optimal modulus selection in terms of the error tolerance capacity. A. Sampling Rate Selection In [36], it is shown that when N= 1, the maximal error bound is, d= min takeaway from the above analysis is that, in general by applying the co-prime sampling idea on generic continuous signal, th e assumption that the components are independent is not sufficient since a fter the independence may not hold.6 Here, xdenotes the residue representation of a number Xand
/arlx/arlis the largest coordinate. In the following, we show a corollary concerning the lower bound of d. Corollary 1. Let us consider a class of residue vectors, in which the residues modulo ml, forlS, are set to be 0 and the others are set to be some a <minml. If such a residue vector exists, Xcan be represented by X=k1lcm(ml,l S) =k2lcm(ml,l-S) +a. the existence of such Xmeans that the following Diophantine equation has a =a. (16) It is further equivalent to Therefore, our claims hold. Clearly, when Ml=ml/Gare relatively co-prime to each other, the error bound is d= G/4. Correspondingly, On the other hand, consider that the moduli are not in such form, while we still expect to achieve a same error bound d= G/4. From Corollary 1, for any two of M=m[1:L], the lcm of each part must share a factor no less than G = 4d. Now, we select Sto contain only a single modulus, which from Corollary 1 indicates that each modulus mlmust share a common factor no less than G with the lcm of the rest moduli. With the consideration if such a common factor is not the same, more redundancy is needed compared with the Error Tolerance Bound and Reconstruction Scheme In this section, we study the relationship between robustne ss and the encoding dynamic range via a reconstruction of a ro- bust decoding algorithm. Assume that real numbers within the dynamic range [0,D)to be determined. Suppose a modulus set given, where ml= GMlwith and without loss of generality M[1:L]are assumed to be in an ascending order, i.e., M1< M2< ... < M L. 1,2,...,N}to denote the noisy observations (encoding) in each modulus ml M . Moreover, a noisy observation of the common residue 4. For if the satisfy maxil|il|< d=G 4, there exists a robust decoding algorithm returning an estimation eachi. We present a sketch of the proof, where the details can be found in Appendix A. The decoding algorithm can be found in Algorithm 1. Roughly speaking, the main procedure can be summarized into two steps: hypothesis and test. As mentione d before, one key challenge in decoding is the unknown Therefore, given an arbitrary clustering propo sal bydividing the residues into Nsubsets, a verification should exist to check whether any residue is misclassified4. To complete the whole reconstruction, besides a correct guess of cluste ring, another statistic needs to be recovered is the order of errors : the ascending order of il. It is noted that modulo in non-weighted residues with ambiguity. For example, under noise perturbation, when we observe a noisy residue 11 modulo 12, it can either be 13-2or9 + 2 . This raises another key challenge in the robust decoding that the of residues is not robust. However, the ascending order of noises ilenables us to remove the modulo operation and simply represent the noisy residue over the real axis instea d. Continued to the earlier example, for some number Xwith a true residue 1modulo 12, where we have two observations 11 A simple average of 2and 11, which gives an estimate 6.5, produces an estimation error larger than a quarter of the modulus 12and we will show such trivial estimation cannot give a satisfied error control at t he given the order of errors, where we represent t he noisy observation in the following equivalent form then a trivial CRT is indeed robust already. In Algorithm 1, the proposed verification is formed by two subroutines and we show that if the proposal passes through the two validity tests, then it can produce desired error con trol. With the above understanding, when d= G/4, a correct proposal on both clustering and the order of noise can be essentially modeled by Si={~r(il),l= {0,1}, where(il)denotes the index given the clus- tering, such that Siare the residues of Xiand 1,2,...,L}in an ascending to that of {(il),l= 1,2,...,L}. The proof heavily relies on the following two facts: 1) Given the correct proposal of clustering and t(il), the shifted common residues Based on the pigeonhole principle, for any proposal of clustering, there exist at least L Nfrom the Lresidues are all from one integer Xi0. The first criterion is stemmed from the assumption that the magnitude of error is smaller than G/4, and thus the distance between any two noisy observations of the common residue should not be larger than G/2, after they have been sorted according to the order of errors. Before the end of this section, we give an interesting corol- lary that, excluding a negligible failure set, the reconstr uction error bound can be further improved from 2. For with the errors introduced in residues satisfy maxil|il|< d=G 4, for l= i1<=N,Xican be recovered robustly with error bounded byG 4. 4It is possible that different XiandXj, or their folding numbers Xi/G andXj/G, share the same residue. We will take those residues interch ange- able in our 1 Robust Remaindering Decoding of : modulus set: M={ml=MlG|l= sorted in ascending order; Residue Sets: 1,2,...,N},l= 1,2,...,L . 1:Repeat : Propose a clustering the proposed clustering by selecting correspond - ing residue from each Rlto obtain a L-residue 1,2,...,L},i= 1,2,...,N . the index of the residues assigned to Si. 3:Assign a binary parameter t(il) {0,1}to each the shifted common residues to each fori= 1,2,...,N . 5:For each Si, calculate CRT. 6:Until : Eachqisatisfies that each residue in Sisatisfies equation (23) fori= 1,2,...,N . Output G ENERALIZATION TO REAL WAVEFORMS A. Necessary and Sufficient different from the complex waveform, a sinusoidal real waveform has two complex components, x(t) =Aicos(2pfit) (17) which results in two symmetric peaks over the spectrum domain, i.e., with an additional negative duplicate compar ed to the complex waveform case. With a same reasoning, the sufficient and necessary condition to robustly recover the f re- quency(ies) in a real waveform can be similarly modeled as th e encoding of Nreal numbers {X1,X2,...,X 1,2,...,L , the error. We still assume that m[1:L]are in an ascending order, whereml= GMlwith co-prime M[1:L]. To make the it is assumed that ml<2maxXi. We first consider the noiseless real waveform model with a single frequency, i.e., Rl(X) is given for each sampling rate ml. For a set its maximum dynamic range is the maximum Dsuch that any X[0,D)has a unique residue set representation Rl(X). In this section, we provide a closed- form equation for the maximum dynamic range under the errorless real waveform model. Let us suppose that Dis the maximum dynamic By definition, there must that Rl(D) =Rl(Y)forl[1 :L]. Therefore, for each ml,Dmust satisfy at least one of the following equations, D+Y0 mod ml (18) or D-Y0 mod ml (19)LetU1andU2be two subsets of {m1,m2,...,mL}, the set of the moduli satisfying (18) and The two sets might have an intersection and th eir union yields mod lcm(mlU1) D-Y0 mod > Y > 0,D+YandD-Yare both non-zero. which implies (20) If we let exactly the same as Rl(Y). It means that equation (20) is satisfied with a tight lower bound of D. Notice that U1andU2can be arbitrary two sets that the union of both is {m1,m2,...,mL}. Thus, finding the maximum dynamic range is equivalent to finding a proper subset U {m1,m2,...,mL}to minimize D= the following, we give the robustness bound for the single frequency 5. If the error introduced in residues such that max|+- l|< d=G 4,Xcan be recovered robustly error bounded by3G 4for anyX[0,D), robust decoding algorithm and proof can be found in Appendix C and D, respectively. We have to emphasize that Algorithm 2 proposed can be further improved to be of linear decoding time with the trick from Generalized CRT [38], [36] with a slight compromise in dynamic range, where Multiple Frequencies Estimation from Real Waveforms In this section, we will present a generic the robustness and encoding dynamic range in the real waveform model with Nfrequencies. With a similar reasoning, the corresponding model can be described as follows. Given the modulus set M={ml=MlG|l= 1,2,...,L}, whereMl are pairwise coprime and sorted in ascending order, we aim to recover Ndistinct real numbers we assume that the common residue 0 orG 2, the maximum dynamic range is equivalent to Such claim is based on the fact that for all Xsatisfying our assumptions, its positive and negative resi not the same, i.e., allows us to distinguish easily recover X. When the errors exist in our model, if the magnitudes of errors are smaller still be the dynamic range sets captures the noises the robust decoding problem in the real waveform case can be analogously addressed with the similar idea applied in the complex waveform case. Once the noisy residue s can be correctly clustered, the N-number robust decoding problem can be reduced to Nindependent which has been solved in Section V-A. The essentia l challenge is that now each objective number is encoded by two symmetrically positive and negative residues with nois es in each sampler, which makes decoding more complicated. We still apply the framework pro- posed in Section IV, but in the real waveform case we view theNreal numbers with positive and negative copies as 2N numbers. Thus, the residues are clustered into 2Nsubsets, still denoted by 1,2,...,L}, fori= 1,2,...,2N. The two criteria can be similarly derived. Theorem 6. In the real waveform case, if the errors introduced in residues satisfy maxi,l|+- i,l|< d=G 4,Xican be reconstructed error bounded by3G 4for C ONCLUSION From a (robust) viewpoint, this pa per advances the understanding of sampling theory from a new perspective: given the sparsity restriction of a set of samp lers temporally or spatially, what is the necessary and sufficien t condition of the signal reconstruction from acquired sampl es? We characterize and prove such conditions in several common parameter estimation tasks such as frequency, phase differ ence, DoA and Doppler shift. One main takeaway is that, with a random selection of sampling parameter and a probability, it is possible that one can asymptotic ally sharpen the deterministic necessary sampling constraint. We leave a systematical study on such improvement to our H. Nyquist, Abridgment of certain topics in telegraph t Journal of the A.I.E.E. , vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 214-217, 1928. [2] C. 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With the fact that Xi G to estimate the folding number Xi G, we when when when the three mentioned cases cannot But case 1) and 2), or case 1) and 3), can happen at the same time, which means there could exist l1,l2 {1,2,...,L}such that rc i+ Therefore, residues of either one of {Xi G,Xi G+ 1,Xi G -1}. Simply aggregating them via CRT will bring errors. Without loss of generality, we only consider that case 1) and 2) occur in the following. To this end, following [31], we consider figuring out the order oflsuch that ilare sorted in an ascending order. Said another way, it is equivalent to determining a binary parame ter til {0,1}such that the order of l, ascending order, is the same as that where ilare If so, residues of one integer, one of with proper til, the problem can be addressed by the generalized CRT [26]. Furthermore, the minimum distance between the ring of length G. Thus, for any (23), called the first criterion in the following, is one of the keys in the rest of the proof, which is also overlooked in previous works. Now, we prove the following fact: Given a selection of
{til}, if they satisfy the first criterion, the shifted 1,2,...,L}are all residues of one an arbitrary selection of tilassigned, let U1
{1,2,...,L}, where case 1) occurs for l1U1. where case 2) happens for we also specify the indices of Ml, where tilare set to 0or1, respectively. We use U11U1to denote those l11U11such that til11= 0 . 1;l21U21U2, where til22= 0, 1. Then, we have the following observations for the four subcases, respecti those we assume that there exists a solution of the dynamic range, i.e., Here,kl(i)is a permutation on {1,2,...,N}, indicating the eachMl. We elaborate on the wrong residue classifications below.
*There exists i {1,2,...,N}such that kl11(i) =i0and kl12(i) =i0. exists i {1,2,...,N}such that kl11(i) =i0and kl21(i) =i0. exists i {1,2,...,N}such that kl21(i) =i0and kl22(i) =i0. exists i {1,2,...,N}such that kl12(i) =i0and kl22(i) =i0. exists i {1,2,...,N}such that kl12(i) =i0and kl21(i) =i0. any incorrect selection of tilinSiwill result in a contradiction to the first criterion . Next, we state the second criterion that the N}should be within the dynamic range the following, we prove that a proper selection of tiland clustering satisfying both criteria are sufficient for a robust we obtain the residues of qiare from one integer, we have We assume that there exists another solution Then, for the residue classification of q' 1, there must be at least L N residues of q' 1are from one of {Xi G,Xi G+ 1,Xi G -1}. On the other hand, q' 1cannot share the residues of Xi0 G, Xi0 G+ 1 andXi0 G Otherwise, the first criterion is violated. Thus, without loss of generalit y, we assume there exist L Nresidues of q' 1are from Xi0 G, i.e., q' 1 where|U'|=L N. +Xi0 G, wherek>=0. With our assumption of Dq, ifk= 0,q' 1=Xi0 G. Otherwise, k>=1,10 q' 1> Dq, a contradiction. Now, after determining the folding numbers qi, we (24) Finally, we determine the worst-case reconstruction error . From the above discussions, with a correct selection of such that Siare all residues of Xi, which clearly satisfy the two criteria, and then the reconstruction error is upper bounded by the maximal magnitude of il. However, there is a special case that the folding number of share the same residues: there exist some that i/n}ationslash=j are essentially interchangeable, which will not lead t o the failure to recover qi, but we have to quantify the carefully.Since ^rc jlis assigned as a common residue to Xi, i.e., the common residues assigned to Xiare a Without loss of generality, we assume which means there are at least are from Xi0. It must fall into case 2) and ti0l=
0. Sincerc i0+ i0l+ G. The rest common residues satisfy equal the reconstruction is error-bounded by3G 4. APPENDIX B PROOF OF COROLLARY 2 Proof. Likewise, let qidenote the folding number {Xi G,Xi G+ 1,Xi G -1}. It is noted the minimum distance between ri0landri1lon the circle of length MlG. Then, we have the following facts and at least one of the three cases happens: 1). whenqi=Xi G+ 1; 2) and 3) respectively, replacing ri0landri1lwith the right hand of 2) and 3), we thus which results in The same conclusion can be derived when any two equations of 1), 2) and 3), i.e., for If clustered into one setSi, the estimated folding number on the pigeonhole principle, at least L Nresidues in Si are from one integer. Without loss of generality, we assume that|Ui0| >= L N. Therefore, qi=klcm(MlUi0) +qi0. Because we have >0, which leads to a contradiction to the second criterion . That is to say, if for each l, clustering residues from different integers violates the second criterion . So, for eachqi, the residues must be all from Xi, which provides a sharpened robust reconstruction error bounded byG 4.6 APPENDIX C CLOSED -FORM ROBUST RECONSTRUCTION FOR SINGLE TONE REAL WAVEFORMS To be self-contained, we first introduce the setup and no- tations. Assume that the moduli are in a form {ml=
GMl|l= 1,2,...,L}, where{Ml}are relatively in an ascending order. The dynamic range of X is represented by D, i.e.,X[0,D), where The residue where
|+- l|< d=G 4. With a similar idea, we consider selecting a residue to obtain a L-residue clustering S, which possibly contains residues from To recover the folding number X Grobustly, we apply (28) and (29) on residues respectively. At least one of the operation s leads to residues sorted in ascending order, i.e., residues are sorted in the same order as that of +- l. Clearly, there exists an efficient solution when all residues in Sare from Xand are properly sorted. Otherwise, as proved in the next sectio n, one can distinguish that, where at least one of the two criter ia, (30) and (31), will not hold. Algorithm 2 Robust Remaindering Decoding of Single Tone Real Waveform Input : Moduli set: M={ml=MlG|l= Sets: 1,2,...,L . 1:Repeat : Propose a clustering the proposed clustering by selecting one residue from each Rlto obtain a L-residue clustering 1,2,...,L}, where(l)denotes the index of the residues assigned to S. 3:For each calculate the corresponding shifted common residues ^rc,(l)based on (28) and (29) respectively. We obtain the shifted common residue set calculate : ForSc1orSc2, if each shifted common residue satisfies (30) and the that q[0,Dq), where we output the one that passes the two tests. Output assumed to be uniformly distributed across [0,MlG), we have Pr(min D PROOF OF THEOREM 5 Proof. With the fact that, r- c= G-r+
c, it is clear that {r+
c,r- c}
must fall into one of the following four (22), to ensure robustness, we consider applying t+
{0,1}to determine the order of lsuch that +
lare in ascend- ing order, i.e., sorted in the order of +
l. Here, we use the noisy observation of common residue from the l-th sampler. Similarly, sorted based on the same idea. To this end, we consider the following operations on the residues if we can distingui sh cases (1,2) and arrange an ascending order in cases we will apply operation 1, defined in where +- l. residues of whereYdenotes the folding number X G. Similarly, to sort in case 3), since by applying operation 2, shown in (29), residues case 4), which is the dual circumstance of case 3), residues of (Y+ sorted ^r+- c,l, sinced=G 4, we the shifted common residues derive from one integer. Similar to the complex waveform case, (30) behaves as a criterion for a valid test. However, t he main obstacle is the misuse of operation 1 or 2, i.e., applyin g operation 1 on cases (3,4) or operation 2 on cases (1,2). For example, if operation 1 is applied in case 3, either be which could produce an error. Indeed, it is impossible to distingu ish the four cases just from the locations of But anyway, applying the two operations on at least one of them can The rest proof is developed by two parts. First, if one happens to apply the proper operation, a robust estimati on can be achieved. Second, if a wrong operation is applied, one can distinguish that.Now, we prove that with correct operation, X[0,D)is a sufficient condition that the folding number has a by residues attained, i.e., be uniquely determined. Based on the conclusion from Section V-A, for {Y,-Y}, the largest dynamic range of the residue representation of {Y+1,-Y-1}
is unique once Y Similarly, for {Y,-Y-1}, the largest dynamic range As a summary, the folding number Yhas a unique residue representation when Y < D q= , it's clear that Y < D q, satisfying (31). In the following, we switch to the second part and take a closer look at the scenario when a wrong operation is applied . To avoid tedious discussion, we only elaborate on case 2) in the following proof. We list all the possible situations bel ow. LetU11denote those l11U11such that r+
c+ when l12U12,r+
c+ +
l12<G 2; The wrong residue classifications violating (30) are elaborated belo clustered together, clustered together, clustered together, since under the restriction of (30), the estimated fol ding numberqmust be in one of the following forms in case 2) applied with operation 2. 1qY+ 1 mod lcm(MlU11)andq 1 mod lcm(MlU11)andq the above understanding, finally, we show ^Xcan be recovered error-bounded by3G 4. Obviously, qmust be in the form under operation lower bound of min U{M1,M2,...,M which is bigger than Dq. Without loss of generality, we assume -Y-1 exceeds Dq, a contradiction. Only when Y canqbe within the dynamic range, i.e., k= 0 andq=Y. Thus, the shifted common residues assigned to It is worth pointing out that U2=may hold, i.e.,12 the shifted common residues assigned to qare all in a form
c,l1. For^r+- c,l= we have on (30). Since we apply operation 2 to case 2), qwill be one of the three kinds. 1qY+ 1 mod lcm(MlU11)andq 1 mod lcm(MlU11)andq start with the first situation, where G> r+
c+ +
l11>=G 2 andG> r- c+ - l21>=G 2. Likewise, under the be in a form > o withk >0, i.e.,q=Y+ 1 is the only solution. If Y+ 1 the shifted common residues assigned to For
^X= proof is similar for the rest situations, which is omitte d for 3. for eachl,Xcan be recovered robustly error bounded Similarly, we only elaborate on case 2) for the closest the circle of length replacing right hand of (34) and (35) respectively, we /n}ationslash= 0, i.e., for each l,Y/n}ationslash -Y-1 modMl. Analogously, -Y-1 modMl. Whenqis in the form (32), since Y/n}ationslash -Y-1 modMl, only ifU2=,willqbe within the range, i.e., the shifted common to qare in a form ^r+
c,l. can similarly verify the claim in other situations, whic h is omitted for it is distinguishable if we classify residues of both Xand-Xinto one clustering when for each l. Ifr+- lis uniformly distributed over the ring with a circumference of MlG, Pr( can be close to 1given sufficiently large Ml. APPENDIX E PROOF OF THEOREM 6 Proof. With a similar reasoning, the proof is organized into two parts. First, we prove that when Xi[0,D), their folding numbers have a unique residue representation. Second, with proper residue classifications and sorting, one can uniquel y derive a robust estimation for each Xi. The proof for the first part is straightforward, where the residue representation of the folding number Xi Gis unique. In the following, we denote Xi GbyYi. Clearly, since Xi< D , we have Yi< L N}/producttext lUMl+/producttext lUMl 2-1 satisfying (31). Randomly selecting a residue from each we obtain a L-residue cluster the index of the to Si.Simay contain residues from different pairs
{Xi,-Xi}. Anyway, based on the pigeonhole principle, are from some {Xi0,-Xi0}inSi. The estimated folding number obtained from Siis denoted by qi. To avoid tedious discussion, we only consider the Then, considering the tuple of it must be the residue of one of the four integer-pairs modulo whenr+
ic,l+ +
i,l[0,G), r- ic,l+ whenr+
ic,l+ +
i,l(-G,0), by errors, be the residue of To test that whether all residues of one integer, similarly, we introduce a bi {0,1}to Then, the shifted common residues are | 2108.10423 | Hanshen Xiao | Hanshen Xiao, Yaowen Zhang, and Guoqiang Xiao | On the Foundation of Sparse Sensing (Part I): Necessary and Sufficient Sampling Theory and Robust Remaindering Problem | null | null | null | null | cs.IT math.IT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | In the first part of the series papers, we set out to answer the given specific restrictions on a set of samplers, what kind of signal can be uniquely represented by the corresponding samples attained, as the foundation of sparse sensing. It is different from compressed sensing, which exploits the sparse representation of a signal to reduce sample sampling or acquisition). We use sparse sensing to denote a board concept of methods whose main focus is to improve the efficiency and cost of sampling implementation itself. The sparse here is referred to sampling at a low temporal or spatial rate (sparsity constrained sampling or in practice models cheaper hardware such as lower power, less memory and throughput. We take frequency and direction of arrival (DoA) estimation as and give the necessary and sufficient requirements of the Interestingly, we prove that these problems can be reduced to some (multiple) remainder model. As a straightforward corollary, we supplement and complete the theory of co-prime sampling, which receives considerable attention over last decade. On the other hand, we advance the understanding of the robust problem, which models the case when sampling with noise. A between the parameter dynamic range and the error bound is derived. We prove that, for N-frequency estimation in either complex or real waveforms, once the least common multiple (lcm) of the sampling rates selected is sufficiently large, one may approach an error tolerance bound independent of N.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 21:41:04 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
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1. the years, the integration of renewable Distributed En ergy Resources (DER) to Low Grids (LVDG) has gained high prominence due to technological advancements, increased demand in sustainable energy resources and the advent of de- carbonisation programs by many In light of the increase in DER, photovoltaic (PV) g eneration systems are shown to be the most effective DER prospective for LVDGs [4]. However, since the c onventional LVDG was designed based on the assumption that power flow would be from the primary subst ation to the loads [5], high PV rise to unforeseen problems [6]. The high penetration of rooftop-PV in LVDGs can result in reverse power flows [7] and an increase in the neutral current, leadin g to distribution and transformer losses due to overheating of the conductor [5],[8]-[11]. A major problem of reverse power flow is the occurrence of upper limit voltage violations, where the busbar voltage at speci fic points of LVDGs is greater than the specified limit [12]. Further, studies reveal that voltage violation s can occur at a penetration level as low as 2.5% due to integration of rooftop PV panels at prosumers will [13]. I f such voltage violations occur over of time it will cause severe damages to loads connect ed to LVDGs. These detrimental effects of voltage violations compel the utility providers to limit the usable PV capacity for LVDGs. Therefore, there exists a crucial need for an effective solution to encou rage the future integration of PV to LVDGs by attempting to mitigate the ramification s. How to mitigate the voltage violations in LVDGs is a long-standing question to which much time and study has b een methods have been proposed in the literature to ove rcome this problem of voltage violations in LVDGs. Feeder enhancement is one such method based on changi ng the feeder cable with a larger cable or changing the characteristics of the feeder, such as changin g the values of multi-grounded resistances [14]. While this improves the voltage limits while decreasing neu tral current, the approach is highly given the future consumption and PV penetration p ossibilities, this is not the most A more viable solution is the use of On Load Tap Chan ging (OLTC) transformers to change author Email (A.S. Jameel Hassan), (G.W. Kasun Prabhath), (W.G. Chaminda Bandara), (Parakrama B. (Roshan I. Godaliyadda), (Janaka B. contributing authors 2tap positions to control the voltage levels [15]-[18]. But, since frequent tap changes can increase the stress on the transformer, hence reducing its lifespan; a novel opt imization algorithm is proposed for resource sharing in [19] to reduce the tap changing operations. Howev er, the drawback of slow response speed in OLTC switching persists. In order to remedy this issue, fa st response devices such as Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and STATCOMs can be installed [20]-[ 24]. A piece-wise droop control using BESS for rapid changes in voltage profiles is presented in [25 ]. More recently, a reinforcement learning based management technique of BESSs is introduced in [26]. A more promising control method is the use of Active Power Cur tailment (APC) during high PV penetration [27]-[30]. Due to the higher impact on voltage p rofiles by nodes at the farther end of the feeder, most APC operations are performed on distant customers. Sin ce this is not equitable, a fair prosumer based APC approach is proposed in [31]. A novel approach incorpora ting the Self-Consumption Ratio (SCR) of the customer to determine the allowable PV injection is deve loped in [32]. Despite the effectiveness, the spilling of solar power is not an economically attractive so lution. Moreover, it is a waste and also detrimental to the whole purpose of renewable energy usage which is to imp rove the energy mix such that the a larger chunk. A more comprehensive solution to thi s problem is to utilize the capability of the PV inverters to the fullest to supply reactive power in order to mitigate voltage violations. Whilst this is a cost effective method requiring no additional installatio ns, mitigating voltage violations in the system using only Reactive Power Control (RPC) i s a challenging problem [33, 34]. Due to the large R/X ratios of distribution networks, the effect of r eactive power control is limited. Therefore to completely remove the violations in the upper limit, the APC is required. Recent studies have vastly explored the APC and RPC mechanis ms to minimize voltage violations. These studies can be categorised into two; c ontrol and centralized control methods. Control actions of decentralized control methods rely completely o n local measurements [35]-[39]. A of RPC and APC as a droop control mechanism to mitiga te the voltage violations is proposed in [34]. A Volt-Var control (VVC) using two methods to determ ine the reactive power equation slope is given in [40]. It presents a method with the robust minimizat ion of absolute voltage deviation, and a close formed solution inspired from chance constraints. In [41] a rule based decentralized RPC is performed taking into account the most sensitive nodes in the network. An optimization technique is developed in 3[42] to coordinate fast dispatch of PV inverters with OLTCs i n a decentralized manner due to in centralized systems. Meanwhile, a two-level cont rol algorithm incorporating OLTCs and BESSs with decentralized RPC is proposed in [43]. Multiple works i n the literature have also developed based on droop control [44]-[45]. Nevertheless , the lack of information about the entire network status in decentralized control prevents the optimal use of reactive power capacity in controlling the provided that sufficient information about the netw ork can be retained, centralized control is more efficient compared to decentralized control [46]. Suc h network state observability is achieved by means of solar predictions [47] and state estimation [48] en abling a control at the tertiary level of the as shown in Fig.1. To overcome the lack of infor mation of the network, a global solution is attained by the centralized control method which determine s the power means of an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem [49]. In [50], a comprehensive PV control strategy is proposed to improve the operational performance of signific antly unbalanced 3 phase 4 wire LVDG with high residential PV penetration, by converting a multi-obj ective OPF problem into a single objective OPF problem. A control algorithm is introduced for maintaining the average customer voltage profile obtained before introducing the PV into the circuit using the control of automatic devices, such as voltage regulation and switched capacitor banks along with PV inverter reactiv e power [51]. Here, the PV inverter control settings are determined by the circuit loading, time of day a nd PV location in the network. A combination of centralized and decentralized control strategies utilisi ng OLTCs and Capacitor Banks (CB) is also proposed in [52, 53]. It further analyses the impact on the substation end and the effect of unbalance in phases in these methods suffer from high computation time due to varying reasons such as the need to solve load flows within the optimization algorithm and the in tegration of VAR compensation equipment. Most of the referred centralized methods related to power sy stems control use load flow analysis to variation [54] -[56]. Since these methods achieve a ccurate results at the expense of time, a voltage and PV-power sensitivity approach is used to calculate the volt age variations [57]-[61]. The different used in the literature are discussed in Table 1. In order to find the optimum solution to the centralized contr ol method in mitigating voltage 1: Hierarchical control optimization techniques have been experimented. Amon g these SQP[50], Non-Linear 63], Evolutionary Algorithm [64], Langrangian m ultipliers [65], Multi-Objective (MOEA) [66] and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO ) [54],[67] algorithms were widely used. In order to act as a viable near real-time system, the accuracy a nd the computational time of the algorithm plays a key role. Given the vast solution space of LVDG networks, i. e: high complexity of the network due to the number of PV connections in the power system, the computatio nal time for convergence grows optimization techniques need to be tailored for LVDG power systems such that the is minimal whilst maintaining robustness in terms of co nvergence to the optimal solution. In this paper, we propose a Centralized Active Reactive Powe r Management System (CARPMS) which uses the combination of both RPC and APC to mitigate the volta ge violations in LVDGs in the tertiary control level. A sensitivity matrix derivation for voltage with respect to the PV power changes and a modified two-stage optimization process with a Feasible Reg ion Search (FRS) and PSO, to find the optimal power settings were developed. The incorporation of the sen sitivity matrix vastly reduced the as compared to traditional load flow based optimization in centralized control. In addition, the FRS step in the two-stage optimization process was able to great ly reduce the search space for the solution by narrowing the solution towards the optimum and decreasing t he time, thereby enabling a real-time application of the proposed solution. The PSO algorithm was used as the se cond step to drive the solution to its best solution to prevent frequent violations in the network. 5Table 1: Sensitivity matrices existing in the literature How the sensitivity matrix was Disadvantages of the method Inverse from Jacobian of Newton Rhap- ston power flow equations[57, 58]Repetitive computation of the inverse of the Jacobian which is computationally expen- sive with the increase in matrix size. Surface fitting technique and using sim- ulations of multiple load flow analysis[59, 60]An extensive simulation needs to be run in case of a change in the network parame- ters to be able to develop a new that will fit the network. Using the topological structure of the net- work[61]The derivation is done for a MV assuming constant voltage for the slack bus. However, the secondary voltage of the LV network will fluctuate, which needs to be accounted for. The proposed CARPMS was simulated on a network belonging to a n existing housing complex named 'Lotus Grove', located in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The case study network was chosen from the same region of the authors whilst being similar to the IEEE European low vol tage test feeder [68, 69] in network size and topology. Specifically, the following contributions are ma de in this paper:
*A novel PV-power to voltage Sensitivity Matrix (SM) for LVDG s is developed using line for the voltage variations in the secondary side of the transformer.
*A Centralized Active Reactive Power Management System (CAR PMS) using this SM for in LVDGs is proposed.
*A modified two-stage optimization process with the Feasible Region Search (FRS) as the first step is developed to reduce the search space and decrease the comput ational time. The PSO is used as the second step to find the optimal solution using the FRS solutio n. 2. Methodology 2.1. Centralized Active Reactive Power Management System ( CARPMS) In this section, the proposed Centralized Active Reactive P ower Management System (CARPMS) which eliminates the voltage limit violations at each node is desc ribed. Fig.2 shows the operating mechanism of 6Figure 2: Schematic overview of the CARPMS information flow the CARPMS. The CARPMS is equipped with smart meters at each P V panel in the network, ensuring the access to active, reactive power and voltage readings at eac h PV panel node. Due to delays incurred in communication and algorithm processing time [70] real-tim e data will not reach the CARPMS. Therefore it acts as a real time management system with control actions relying on estimations of the network states predicted using historical data [48]. The proposed algorit hm described in Section 4 is then used by the CARPMS to detect and correct any voltage violations in the no des. The proposed algorithm will encounter voltage violations o f two-fold: upper limit and lower Due to the low X/R ratio, the violations cannot b e entirely removed by RPC alone. In this case, the algorithm utilises an optimized combination of RP C and APC. A detailed flow of the algorithm steps is highlighted in Fig.3. The derivation of the SM used i s given in Sections 2.2-2.4 and the in the control algorithm is described in Secti ons 3 and 4. 7Figure 3: Proposed algorithm steps 82.2. Voltage sensitivity derivation for distribution line The SM is derived for a network without sparse line connectio ns. This assumption is made for the ease of proof which can be easily extended for a network with spars e if 4: A distribution line Consider a phase of a distribution line shown in Figure 4. Due to the negligible effect of the by neglecting the power losses, the voltage drop between the is given the complex voltages at s respectively, /u1D445/u1D458is the resistance of the reactance of the line, /u1D443/u1D458is the active power flow through the line and /u1D444/u1D458is the reactive power flow through the line. The equation above expresses the difference in the magnitude of the voltage between two This equation was extended to calculate the voltag es of all the busbars in the network. To generalise, a radial LVDG network with ( /u1D441+ 1) number of busbars was considered. Considering the power flow from the LV transformer in the network as positive power fl ow and using (1), the voltage drop up to from the transformer end is given the secondary voltage of the transformer for one of the thr ee phases which is also the zerothbusbar of the network. The power flow of the transmission line is a collective functi on of domestic loads, PV generations and power transmission losses. However, the power transmis sion losses are negligible compared to other variables. Thus, the power transmitted through the transmi ssion line was derived as follows, which can be substituted in (2) network parameters in (4) are constant, unique and attainable for every LV DG network. Whilst the load power and PV power generation param eters are not easily obtainable in of these parameters are possible [71]-[75]. The derivation of voltage of with respect to the reactive power of the PV system in the was derived < /u1D45B ) voltage sensitivity of the with respect to the reactive power variation of the PV panel at the and /u1D4490is the voltage of the busbar connected at the secondary side o f the transformer. A schematic LVDG network showing the busbar no tations is shown in Fig. 5. PPV,n QPV,n V0VnVr 0th busbar nth busbar rth busbar Figure 5: A schematic LVDG the voltage sensitivity of busbars with respect to the active power of the PV system in the can be derived. 2.3. Voltage sensitivity derivation at the transformer end In order to similarly LV transformer of the residential network was modeled as shown in Figure 6. 10Figure 6: Equivalent circuit of the Delta-Wye the secondary side of the transformer, the expr ession for current and power flow in the secondary side were derived in terms of voltages and impedan ces using the transformer model matrix in [76]. The power flow in the secondary side of the transformer w as obtained the primary side voltages of the LV transformer, by /u1D4490in previous section) are the secondary side voltages of the L V transformer and the secondary side currents of the LV transformer of respectively. the primary and secondary side impedance of the LV transformer a nd/u1D441is the secondary to primary ratio. order to calculate the voltage sensitivity of the transfo rmer end with respect to reactive power changes, the derivative of the imaginary component of (7) with respec t obtained (8) Since the active and reactive power of loads can be assumed to be constant during a control using (3) the variation of reactive power for a gi ven phase with respect to the transformer end voltage is only the variation of PV power in that phase. 11Then by obtaining the reciprocals, the variation of transfo rmer end voltage with respect to PV reactive power connected to the given phase was computed using equati on using the real part of (7), the variation of trans former end voltage with respect to PV active power can be obtained. 2.4. Combined Sensitiviy Matrix model The combined sensitivity model was derived based on the resu lts from Sections 2.2 and 2.3. Considering the number of PV panels in the system as /u1D440and the number of busbars in the system as /u1D441, using Equations (5), (6), (9) and their analogous equations for active power , the combined SM model of the network with respect to the power generation of PV systems was derived the voltage change at the LV transformer end the combined at each busbar due to the PV power variations (at ea ch iteration). The system has been that the variation in the PV system power within the control sequence algorithm to be Problem formulation The aim of this work is to determine an optimum setting to prev ent voltage violations in LV networks. An RPC mechanism followed by APC is carried out if RPC alone is unable to rectify the voltage two optimization functions defined in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 were proposed to converge on the point. The objective functions of the optimizati on algorithms intend to minimize the active and reactive power settings whilst satisfying the voltage limi t constraints and the inverter constraints. The 12voltage limits pertain to the lower and upper limits of the ac ceptable voltages in LVDG networks, whereas the inverter constraints depend on the power ratings of the i nverters. Active Power (P) Reactive Power (Q) XPRA TED QRA TED Y Reactive Power (Q) PRA TED Y Qabs, max Active Power (P) Qabs, max QRA TED ,Qinj, max Q-absorption Q-absorption + P-curtailment Q-injection Inverter constraint curve (a) (b) (c) Reactive Power (Q) XPRA TED QRA TED Y Active Power (P) Figure 7: PV inverter status change for control using (a) Q-a bsorption, (b) Q-absorption and P-curtailment and (c) Q-in jection. The state of the PV inverter being varied by the algorithm dep ending on the 3 control methods Q- absorption, P-curtailment and Q-injection is depicted in F ig. 7. The X mark shows an instance of an initial state of the inverter during the day. During RPC Q-absorptio n, the state moves vertically downwards upto a given optimum point. If it reaches the inverter constraint /capability curve, it implies that be performed under the given conditions. Then, P-cur tailment is performed during which the state of the inverter moves along the capability curve, reducing the amount of active power injected to the network. It can also be noted that the maximum allowable value of Q-abs , varies depending on the active power state of the inverter. The inverter state du ring night-time is marked Y. Here, RPC (Q injection) is carried out and the inverter state moves upwar ds along the Q-axis (injecting reactive power to the network) till it reaches an optimal point, or its full Q in jection capacity: . 3.1. Optimization of Reactive Power Control The objective function of the optimization of RPC was expres sed as a function of the total deviation of busbar voltages from 1 p.u and the neutral voltage as given by the total deviation of voltages of busbar /u1D456from 1 p.u, the neutral voltage of busbar scaling to the constraints: 1. The voltage of the busbar should be within the specified upp er and lower limits given by,
/u1D449lower limit limit and/u1D449upper limit are the accepted lower(0.95 p.u) and upper limit(1.05 p.u) v oltages in LVDG systems respectively, /u1D449busesis the calculated voltage of the busbars using optimization the estimated voltage change due to changes in the PV systems. 2. The inverter constraints given below should be variables of the optimization problem were the reactive power setting at each busbar with a PV panel in the network which can be expressed as, Optim. Variable (OV) order to formulate this optimization problem to minimize (11) whilst satisfying the above were introduced to ensure that the optimal soluti on satisfies the constraint of voltage violations to the best case possible by penalising the cost function when c onstraints are violated. Hence, the is reformulated as a minimisation of the penalised o bjective function /u1D43D1given by (14).
/u1D43D1= the sum of the number of violations in each phase and a scaling constant. 3.2. Optimization of Active Power Curtailment The objective function of the optimization of the APC includ ed the amount of active power curtailed and was expressed the amount of curtailed active power, the total deviation of voltage of busbar /u1D456from 1 p.u, the neutral voltage of busbar /u1D456, scaling to the constraints: 1. The voltage of the buses should be within the specified uppe r and lower limits as in (12). 2. The inverter constraint given below should be variables of the optimization problem here were the acti ve power setting at each busbar in the network which can be expressed as, Optimization variable (OV) = to the RPC case, the optimization problem is reformu lated by including the same penalties such that the penalty is applied when the constraint is violated. This ensures the optimal solution of the satisfies all constraints. 4. Two-stage section outlines the proposed modified optimization al gorithm consisting of two processes Region Search (FRS)
*Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) The aim of FRS is to drive the elements in the Optimization Var iable (/u1D442/u1D449) towards the feasible region, where upper or lower limit voltage violations are non-exist ent. This is followed by a PSO algorithm, where these variables in the feasible region are then optimized ac cording to a predefined cost function, to find the best possible solution. 4.1. Feasible Region Search The number of elements in the with the number of PV panels connected to a given ne twork, which results in a large search space. At the initial violate d conditions, the existence of the away from the feasible region and the high dimensionality of the s earch space may result in poor performance of 15a standard PSO algorithm. This is because the first step of the PSO is an initialisation procedure (discussed in Section 4.2) being a random scattering of /u1D442/u1D449s in the neighbourhood of the current the FRS, we determine a new initial point for the PSO b y moving the present the feasible region. The driving function of the /u1D442/u1D449is given /u1D457] /u1D457] (17) for all/u1D457= number of elements in where /u1D457], is the initial value of the in the /u1D442/u1D449, driven towards the feasible region by is the driving parameter which is a monotonically increasing function from 0 to 1. is the maximum possible change of /u1D457]. This results in /u1D457], the calculated position of the of the /u1D442/u1D449at a PV integrated network, the vector :] is the power settings of each inverter connected to the network at any given iteration /u1D456. is the maximum Q-absorption, Q-injection or P-curtailmen t capacity of the This also determines the driving direction of ele ments of /u1D442/u1D449, as the sign of is dependent on the current nature of voltage violation. In the instance of an upper limit violation, will be negative, as the P and Q setting of the which corresponds to the maximum P-curtailment and Q-absorption capacity is negati ve. will be positive for lower as the inverter state travels in the direction o f positive Q for Q-injection, as discussed in Section 3. solution space driving path initial position of optimisation variables feasible region (no violations) final position of optimisation variables (a1< a2<a3) driving parameter a1 a2 a3a Figure 8: Effect of /u1D6FCon FRS During each iteration, /u1D457] was computed such that it moves closer to the feasible regio n. As the sign of ensures the current :] move towards the feasible region, the driving parameter /u1D6FC serves to gradually increase the change in /u1D457]. If this change happens to be very large, there exists a possibility of towards unwarranted solutions, as illustrat ed in Fig. 8. For example, lower 16limit violations may occur if Q-absorption takes place to it s maximum capacity to mitigate an upper limit violation. This problem was overcome by the use of /u1D6FC, which gradually increases with each iteration FRS to terminate as soon as /u1D457] reaches the feasible region. Upon the termination of FRS, the system is devoid of any upper or lower limit violations. Although it is possible to complete the control process using only FRS, i t does not fully optimize the network as it does not consider parameters relative to the cost function given by (14) and (15). Instead it only accounts for the existence of violations in the system. Also, FRS acts as a dec oupled control algorithm, where the inverter power settings in the are independent of each other, where each element in:] is being modified by the same value of /u1D6FC. In contrast, although slower than FRS, the PSO algorithm per forms as a collective control algorithm. This implies that, the factor /u1D6FCat which Q-absorption, Q-injection or P-curtailment is per formed relative to the capacity of the inverter, will be optimized. For instanc e, in the absence of solar power, PSO will ensure more Q is injected to the network by inverters furthest from t he secondary transformer, where the drop is high. Due to properties of the cost function p roposed in Section 3, PSO will further push the optimal point much more towards the centre of the feasible re gion. This allows for higher margins of errors in state estimation of the PV integrated network, as a small d eviation in the not drift the solution towards unfeasible regions. 4.2. Particle Swarm Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a heuristic algorithm used in problems with high domains. It is a nature inspired algorithm which is ba sed on the foraging technique of flocks of birds and schools of fish. There are six steps in standard PSO [67],[ 77], as shown in Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1: Steps of PSO Step 1: Initialize swarm of particles (ie: population) Step 2: Compute the cost of each particle using fitness function Step 3: Record personal best of each particle and global best of enti re population Step 4: Update velocity of each particle using personal and global b est and other parameters Step 5: Calculate new position of each particle Step 6: Repeat steps 2-5 until the each particle converges to their s olution or iteration count is completed, extract global best of the entire population as t he optimal solution 17Due to the large search space in this problem, the standard PS O is unable to converge to a As discussed previously in Section 4.1, FRS is car ried out, and the initial population is created by randomly scattering particles in the neighborhood of the is now located in the feasible region. 4.3. Primary steps of Particle Swarm Optimization The steps involved in PSO are shown in Algorithm 1. The update equation for the position and velocity of the particles is given 1] 1] denotes the position of the at the 1] 1] are the position and velocity of that particle for the next iteration. The vel ocity at which the particle travels is expressed 1] is velocity of the particle at denote the current personal and global best of the the confidence factors for the personal and global notion of the velocity is to set the direction of search an d the extent of exploration by the particle. This depends on where in the search space the current particl e exists, the recorded best position of that particle (personal best), and the recorded best position of all particles (global best) since the start of the algorithm. The dependency of the personal or global best on t he velocity is governed by confidence by the two variables These variables were manipulated such that the particles f ollow their own local optima, for the amount of observed local opti ma may be high, thus giving a better chance for the global optimum to exist within the observed local opt ima. 5. Test Network The network belonging to an existing housing complex 'Lotus Grove' located in Colombo, Sri Lanka was used as the test network for simulations. Its topology wi th 63 busbars is shown in Fig. 9. The number 0 node is the root node and connected to the secondary side of t he MV-LV transformer. The rated capacity of the transformer is 400 kVA delta/wye and the input/output voltage rating is 11 kV/415 V. The solid lines 18SECTION 1 SECTION 3 SECTION 2 SECTION 8 SECTION 7 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 SECTION 6 DM 027 400 kVA134567910 211 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 57 58 59 60 61 62 51 52 53 54 55 56 0824 Figure 9: Single line diagram of test LVDG network (Lotus Gro ve, Sri Lanka) used for simulations in Fig. 9 represent the three-phase feeders where three-pha se or single-phase loads and PV systems are connected. The transmission cable used is the Aluminium aer ial bundle cable (ABC-Al/XLPE of 3x70 +
N54.6 + 1x16). There are 286 single-phase or three-phase cus tomers and 50 PV panels connected to the network. The PV panel locations are uniformly distributed a cross the network with assigned ratings ranging from 2-7 kW and customer peak loads assigned in the range of 0. 5-1 kW through a uniformly process. The daily operation curves for the PV sy stems and the daily load profile of customer loads are shown in Fig. 10. 19Normalized Active Power 4 8 12 16 20 24 0.2 00.4 0.6 0.8 1 Hour of day Normalized Active Power 4 8 12 16 20 24 0.2 00.4 0.6 0.8 1 Hour of day (a) (b) Figure 10: Daily (a)Load profile (b)PV profile 6. Results and Discussion To simulate occurrences of upper and lower limit voltage vio lations, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations were run for three instances. Table 2 describes the three instanc es in terms of the hour of simulation, the network settings (PV and load setting), the number of simulations an d the number of control instances that power control or active power control (RPC or APC) o r both, to mitigate voltage 2: Monte Carlo simulations Time of day PV load Base loadNumber of simulation runsControl instances RPC Q-abs APC RPC Q-inj 10:00 76% 30% 1000 403 7 0 11:00 93% 50% 2000 325 102 0 21:00 0% 100% 500 0 0 500 As observed in Table 2, voltages at simulations carried out a t 10:00 violated more often, due to the low base loading. However, they tend to have a higher possibi lity of mitigating the upper limit violations using only RPC Q-absorption. Comparatively, at 11:00, when PV penetration increases, the be solely done via Q-absorption as shown in Table 2, he nce a higher number of APC followed by APC) have taken place. For the sim ulation at 21:00 (night-time), every lower limit violations only, which is caused by fu ll base loading. With a large number of simulations using randomly generated individual base loads, PV loads, and PV 20positions in the network for each simulation, robustness of the control algorithm under extreme circumstances is ensured. The remaining results of the Monte Carlo simulat ions have been presented in Section Validation of Sensitivity Matrix This section demonstrates the validity of the SM that has bee n developed for the voltage for reactive power and a ctive power curtailment. The validity of the SM is analysed in terms of the accuracy and deviation of voltage sensitivity calculations for power and curtailment in the range 0-0.1 kW/kVar . Since the power variations within the during optimization takes place in very small val ues below 0.1 kW/kVar, analysis is performed in this range. 6.1.1. Deviation of Sensitivity Matrix result from load flow result In this section, the maximum deviation out of all busbars in t he network while using the SM to the load flow method is analysed. It can be observe d from Fig. 11 that maximum error for the given range of power variations is in the range of 10-3p.u for APC and 10-5 p.u for RPC, which 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 power /(kW/kVar) 10 -7 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 Voltage deviation /pu Max error for APC Max error for RPC Figure 11: Deviation of voltage profile of proposed sensitiv ity method from load flow method 216.1.2. Change in voltage after APC The change in voltage after active power curtailment for inc reasing APC amounts for the load flow approach and the SM approach are shown in Fig. 12. While there exists a deviation of the curve from the load flow results for the SM approach, this deviation between the curves is in the range of 10-3p.u and hence negligible. In addition, the cost function governing the optimization problem has a higher weightage for the amount of active power curtailed compared to the volt age deviation, yielding the same final voltage profile as discussed in Section 6.2. 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Active power curtailed /kW 10 -8 10 -7 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 Voltage change /pu Mean change after load flow approach Mean change after proposed sensitivity approach Figure 12: Change in voltage after active power control. Mean change after load flow approach Mean change after proposed sensitivity approach 10 -5 change /pu Reactive power absorbed /kVar 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0.09 1 Figure 13: Change in voltage after reactive power control 226.1.3. Change in voltage after RPC The change in voltage after reactive power control for both m ethods is shown in Fig. 13. Here it can be noted that the deviation is minimal since it is in the range of 10-5p.u. Hence the SM approach yields a voltage profile which is very much close to the load flow metho d. It is also interesting to note that the deviation between the two methods increases with the amount of reactive power Hence, if control is performed pre-emptively to mitigate large dev iations from the regulatory bounds as magnitude of required RPC or APC would be lower the voltage deviation wo uld be even more lower. 6.1.4. Computational time comparison Fig. 14 shows the distribution of computational time of a sin gle iteration in both load flow and SM approaches obtained using all 3500 MC simulations specified in Table 2. It can be observed that the SM approach computes the voltage almost twice as fast compared to the computational time of the load flow method. The increase in speed is validated by computing the m ean computational times as in Table 3, with the SM calculation having a 48.3% increase in speed compared to load flow. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 time/ms density load flow: mean load flow: distribution sensitivity matrix: mean sensitivity matrix: distribution Figure 14: Comparison of computational time of a single iter ation for load flow and SM approach Table 3: Elapsed computational time for sensitivity matrix and load flow time /ms Mean Std. deviation Minimum Maximum Load Flow 24.5 0.58 23.7 35.0 Sensitivity Matrix 12.6 0.60 12.0 24.1 236.2. Proposed Sensitivity Matrix and Two-stage Optimizati on In order to create a considerable number of violations to emu late a possible worst case scenario of the proposed SM method and to demonstrate its r obustness, PV panel positions were such that a relatively higher number of panels wer e connected to phase 3, increasing the number of violations in that phase. Therefore, the initial and final voltages in the worst possible phase, phase 3, after control using SM approach and load flow method, both usi ng the two-stage optimization, is shown in Fig. 15 for one particular simulation for each case at 10:00, 11:00 and 21:00. bus: 1 bus: 10 bus: 20 bus: 30 bus: 40 bus: 50 bus: 60 v = 0.95 pu v = 1.05 pu initial bus voltages bus voltages after load flow control bus voltages after sensitivity matrix control bus: 1 bus: 10 bus: 20 bus: 30 bus: 40 bus: 50 bus: 60 v = 0.95 pu v = 1.05 pu bus: 1 bus: 10 bus: 20 bus: 30 bus: 40 bus: 50 bus: 60 v = 0.95 pu v = 1.05 pu (a) (b) (c) Figure 15: Voltage profiles of phase 3 before and after contro l at (a)10:00 using Q-absorption (b)11:00 using Q-absorpti on and (c)21:00 using Q-injection. The distribution of the minimum voltage of the set of busbars after RPC using Q-injection obtained using the 500 MC simulations conducted at 21:00 as per Table 2 is sho wn in Fig. 16. Similarly, the distribution of the maximum voltage after Q-absorption obtained using 41 0 MC simulations (violated simulations) out of the 1000 simulations conducted at 10:00 as per Table 2 is sh own in Fig. 17. It can be observed that the lower limit violations and upper limit violations have been successfully eliminated by the control sequences. There is a slight incremental shift of 6 .5x10-3p.u of the mean voltage in the minimum voltage distribution of the sensitivity matrix approach compared to the load flow a pproach after Q-injection (Fig. 16). Similarly, the maximum voltage distribution of the sensitivity matrix method is slightly lower with a 1 of the mean voltage compared to the load flow method (Fig. 17). This is due to the deviations in the sensitivity matrix approach calculated voltages for th e same change in reactive power, as described in Section 6.1.1. However, the optimization ensures that both methods successfully mitigate voltage minimising the voltage deviations in each phase. 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 voltage /pu 020 40 60 80 density initial voltage: mean min. voltage initial voltage: distribution load flow: mean min. voltage load flow: distribution sensitivity matrix: min max. voltage sensitivity matrix: distribution non-violated (feasible) region Figure 16: Distribution of minimum controlled voltages aft er Q injection obtained using MC simulations at 21:00 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 voltage /pu 010 20 30 40 50 60 probability density initial voltage: mean max. voltage initial voltage: distribution load flow: mean max. voltage load flow: distribution sensitivity matrix: mean max. voltage sensitivity matrix: distribution non-violated (feasible) region Figure 17: Distribution of maximum controlled voltages aft er Q absorption obtained using MC simulations at 10:00 Finally, the APC algorithm is heavily dependent on the amoun t of active power curtailed rather than the voltage deviations in each phase. Hence, when the Q-absorpt ion is not sufficient to remove the violations, APC is performed, which attempts to justremove the violation. Therefore, the maximum voltage of the set of busbars is always at 1.05 p.u (the upper limit). This is see n in Fig. 18 which shows the distribution of the voltage profile obtained after APC, using the 102 MC simul ations (violated simulations) out of conducted at 11:00 as per Table 2. Hence in the AP C case, both the sensitivity matrix approach and the load flow approach yield the exact same result. 1 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.1 voltage /pu density initial voltage: mean max. voltage initial voltage: distribution load flow: mean max. voltage load flow: distribution sensitivity matrix: mean max. voltage sensitivity matrix: distribution non-violated (feasible) region Figure 18: Distribution of maximum controlled voltages aft er P curtailment obtained using MC simulations at this paper, a novel Sensitivity Matrix (SM) and a Centrali zed Active Reactive Power (CARPMS) using inverter control to eliminate volta ge limit violations are introduced. The optimum PV power settings for the control sequence are determined by a novel modified two-stage The two-stage optimization algorithm takes the predicted PV power and the estimated busbar voltages as inputs to determine the PV inverter active and re active power settings to eliminate the whilst minimising the unbalance in the network. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SM approach and the two-stage optimization algorithm, a simulation study is performed on an existing LV network. Th e PSO algorithm performance is using load flows and then using the SM for the volt age profile generation. The results show that the SM is able to successfully assimilate the performan ce of the state-of-the-art solution: the load flow; in all cases of reactive power injection, reactive power absor ption and active power curtailment. The the mean voltages of the proposed methodology and th e load flow methods were 6 .5x10-3p.u for RPC using Q-injection, 1 .02x10-2p.u for RPC using Q-absorption. It is noteworthy that the vol tage after APC is exactly the same for both methods (0 p.u mean voltage difference), which reaffirms the SM approach. Furthermore, the SM reduces the time consum ed for the voltage profile generation by 48% when compared to the load flow method. This faster inverte r control will mitigate voltage violations in LVDGs thereby allowing utility providers to accommodate hi gher rooftop solar panels into LV networks. The main advantage of the proposed two-stage optimization u sing the SM is the reduction in time to generate the voltage profiles during the control sequence. S ince the SM approach is able to perform the network voltage estimation with a 48% reduction in time with negligible accuracy loss, this will speed up the control of voltage violations in LVDGs. Furthermore, the CA RPMS implementation initial cost is minimal due to the use of existing PV inverters without the need for ad ditional device installation for the though the proposed CARPMS focuses on the mitigation of voltage violations, it is unable to completely eliminate all violations all the time. The react ive power injection scenario is one situation, where too much reactive power injection will eliminate the lower v oltage violations but give rise to upper limit violations at the other end of the network. Therefore, addit ional research is required to resolve this two fold issue and also to incorporate the reactive power usage into t he cost function of the two-stage Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the financial support provided b y the National Science Sri Lanka (research grant no. RG/2018/EA & ICT/01) an d the Peradeniya Engineering Faculty Alumni Association U.S. Energy Information Administration, Annual energy outlook 2020, last accessed on 2020-11-06 D. 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Balachandran, W.G. Chaminda Bandara, Parakrama B. Ekanayake, Roshan I.
Godaliyadda, Janaka B. Ekanayake | A Sensitivity Matrix Approach Using Two-Stage Optimization for Voltage Regulation of LV Networks with High PV Penetration | null | null | null | null | eess.SY cs.SY eess.SP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | The occurrence of voltage violations are a major deterrent for absorbing more roof-top solar power to smart Low Voltage Distribution Grids (LVDG). Recent studies have focused on decentralized control methods to solve this problem due to the high computational time in performing load flows in centralized To address this issue a novel sensitivity matrix is developed to estimate voltages of the network by replacing load flow simulations. In this paper, a Centralized Active, Reactive Power Management System (CARPMS) is proposed to optimally utilize the reactive power capability of inverters with minimal active power curtailment to mitigate the voltage violation problem. The developed sensitivity matrix is able to reduce the time consumed by 48% compared to load flow simulations, enabling near real-time control optimization. Given the large solution space of power systems, a novel two-stage optimization is proposed, where the solution space is narrowed down by a Feasible Region Search (FRS) step, followed by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The performance of the proposed methodology is analyzed in comparison to the load flow method to demonstrate the accuracy and the capability of the optimization algorithm to mitigate voltage violations in near real-time. The deviation of mean voltages of the proposed methodology from load flow method was; 6.5*10^-3 p.u for reactive power control 1.02*10^-2 p.u for reactive power control using Q-absorption, and 0 p.u for active power curtailment case.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 20:11:24 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
"A. S. Jameel",
"G. W. Kasun",
"W. G. Chaminda",
"Parakrama B.",
"Roshan I.",
"Janaka B.",
] |
2 as many as possible consecutive numbers.1Indeed, this is a classic combinatorics problem, which can be dated back to 1949 by Erdos and Gal [33], formally known as sparse ruler . Sparse ruler poses the following interesting question that, if we want a ruler to measure any distance between 1 toK, what is the least number of marks required? Clearly, it is not necessary to keep every mark varying from 0 to K, like a regular ruler. For example, when K= 10 , a mark selection exists, such as asymptotic properties on the least number of marks in a sparse ruler have been studied in [33], [35], and so far, the b est known concrete construction is shown in [28], which is close to be optimal. With the above understanding, many with respect to the sampling and estimation perfor - mance can be mathematically characterized within the spars e ruler model. Besides the number of consecutive which usually determines the DoF and resolution, the other two challenges mentioned earlier regarding sampl ing time and sparsity can be equivalently described Time : In temporal sampling, it is expected that the points sampled (marks placed) are within a relatively small range, of which the maximal the sampling time Sparsity : For spatial sampling (array it is expected that the minimal spacing between any two sensors (marks placed) to be as large as possible, which determines the coupling effect and the hardware requirement (chip size and circuit architecture) in and Origination : To tackle the above- mentioned problems, we switch to consider ruler and apply generic Diophantine equation theory to provide concrete constructions. We provide two ways of such generalization. Our first result is on complex waveform s. In Section II, we take frequency estimation as an example and introduce the generic model of Diophantine sampling. Fo r complex waveforms, we propose a novel idea to apply the third order statistics to estimate the second order auto-correla tion. Such idea can be generalized to any highe r orders. Applying three samplers, Theorem 2 suggests that th e proposed sampling scheme only requires the number of consecutive lags required and Lis the number of snapshots required. This matches the optimal sampling time asymptotically. We also describe a generic Diophantine sampling strategy with arbitrarily ma ny samplers, concluded in Theorem 3. Following that, in Sectio n III, still restricted to complex waveform, we propose a thir d- order Diophantine array, which produces Th(N3)DoF and the minimal distance between sensors is Th(N), specified in Theorem 4. 1Strictly speaking, distinct numbers, which are not necessa rily are usually sufficient. Intuitively, the numb er of distinct correspond to that of independent equations one c an list regarding the parameters to be estimated. However, one may have to reso rt to more com- plicated compressed sensing methods for reconstruction [3 1], [32], compared to the consecutive difference case. 2With different motivations, there are also some other varia nts of sparse ruler, for example, Golomb ruler, dated back to 1930s [34], w hich requires that the differences between any marks have to be distinct.From the beginning of Section IV, we consider of generalization, which follows the 2q-th order cumulant based method [36], [37]. We formally introduce the background and the concept of 2q-th symmetric difference in Section IV. In Section V, we present a key architecture, term ed shifted array , as the building block of higher-order Following that, in Section VI-A and Section VI-B, we provide two concrete construction frameworks for the forth-order and sixth-order scenario, respectively, whic h is also close to be optimal. Besides augmented DoF, such constructi on also strengthens the sparsity that the minimal spacing betw een any two sensors is Th(N2)andTh(N3), respectively. Taking those constructions as building blocks, we give a generic 2q- th-order construction, which provides O(17q/3N2q)DoF. The simulation can be found in Section VIII. A summary of the results can be found in Table I. II. D IOPHANTINE EQUATION BASED SAMPLING A. Review of Co-prime Sampling We first flesh out the main idea of co-prime sampling. Let us consider a complex waveform formed by Dsources, x(t) 2pfiTsis the digital frequency and Tsis the Nyquist sampling interval. w(t)represents a Gaussian noise underlying of power the amplitude, the frequency and the phase of the i-th source, phases phiare assumed to be random variables in the interval [0,2p]and uncorrelated from each other. The two sampled sequences with sampling respectively, are expressed as x1[n] zero mean Gaussian white noise with power s2. With B' ezout's identity, there exist the residue of Xmodulo Y, such that a1M1-b1M2= 1. Thus, we can always find some solutions to the following equation by selecting (3) Especially, in [9], [10], it is shown that for rZ, there existmr 1k (4) fork 1M2}. Furthermore, the of x[n], which is a sampling sequence of x(t) with a Nyquist sampling interval Ts, can be expressed as Rx[k] (5)3 TABLE I: Summary of Diophantine Sampling and Array Algorithm Undersampling Rate Selection Sampling Time Description and Sampling M1= 2+G,M2= 3+G,M3= 5+G (2K+3L)(5 +G)Ts Theorem 2 N-sampler Sampling Mi=i+G,i= 1,2,...,N Theorem 3 Diophantine Array Array Configuration Minimal Adjacent Sensor Spacing DoF Description and Array Nl/12 N3/27-1 Theorem 4 Fourth-order Array VI-A Sixth-order Array VI-B 2q-th-order Array O((N/2q)3) O(17q 3(N/2q)2q) Section VII In Diophantine sampling, Gcan be arbitrary positive integer. KandLrepresent the number of snapshot and lags required, respect ively. Ts= 1/fs, wherefsis the Nyquist sampling rate. In Diophantine array, Nrepresents the number of sensors and ldenotes the to equation (4), Rx[k]can be also estimated by using the average of the products of those [39]. To this end, by the context of we have Equation (6) below. (6) will be an unbiased autocorrelation estimation if the underline term is zero. In Part I (Theorem 3), we specify the are used to estimate each delay of co-prime sampling is Diophantine Equation and Sampling In the Introduction section, we briefly mention the sparse ru ler problem. Throughout the previous section, we have seen that the B' ezout Theorem provides a concrete construction of the mark selection . The original sparse ruler problem and are both second-order based. A natural idea is to consider the higher-order difference . (Linear) Diophantine equation, which can be dated back to the 3rd century, yields the seed for the framework we conside r here. In general, a linear Diophantine equation is in a (7) for arbitrary tintegersM[1:t]. The following lemma gives a necessary and sufficient condition that (7) has a solution, which our following analysis will heavily rely on. Lemma 1 ([41]) .The Diophantine equation (7) has a solution if and only if kis divided by gcd(M1,M2,...,M t). There are many ways to view (7). In the context of M[1:t]can represent the undersampling rates of t samplers while M[1:t]can be the locations of sensors selected in an array. (7) provides a formal way to consider the t-th order difference but also raises two natural questions, 1) How to find solutions of (7), where Lemma 1 only captures the existence of solutions. 2) How to use those generic difference for parameter So far, only the relationship between the second-order difference and auto-correlation is clear. Our first result is to still rely on the auto-correlation re- construction but via the higher-order difference (7). We st art by an auto-correlation reconstruction example with carefu lly designed third-order three samplers with undersampling respectively, and we = 1 .3. We first present a form of solutions {m1,m2,m3}in (8). According to Lemma 1, there should exist two groups of such 1(9) and the signs of {ai}are not the same, nor are the signs of
{bi}. This is because M[1:3] are all positive numbers larger than 1. Then, according to equation (9) for k= 1,2,...,K andl= 1,2,...,L , we loss of generality, supposing be positive and (kb2+la2)to be negative, we construct the following estimate the autocorrelation Rx[k]at lagk, wherexi[n] =
x(MinTs) +wi(n)denotes the sample sequence with a downsampling rate Mi. It is noted that, once {1,2,...,D}, a set, an unbiased estimation of the autocorrelation at lag k,Rx[k], is produced as shown in (11). Thereby, (10) provides a generic solution to find proper sampling instants to estimate autocorrelation at arbitrar y the time delay of the proposed sampling schem e is determined by the maximal magnitude of the solution mi in (8), i.e., which can be O((K+L)M) as proved in the following theorem with an arbitrarily rate M= 2. Whena1M1(oi-ov) {1,2,...,D}, there exist constants c1and c2such that the time delay of the proposed scheme is upper bounded by (c1K+c2L)MTs, whereKis the number of consecutive lags and Lis the number of snapshots required 3Please note we do not require those three integers to be pairw ise estimate Consider a set of integers, say, {2,3,5}, which = 1 . Now, we try to find out two integer 0 a1+a2+a3= 0 2b1+3b2+5b3= 1 b1+b2+b3= 0(12) We choose {a1= 2,b1= 1}as solutions of (11). Due clearly they are also solutions kb2+la2)(3+G)+( kb3+la3)(5+G) = k (13) for anyGZ. Based on (12), we can get the lags to estimate the autocorrelation. Because k {1,2,...,K}and l {1,2,...,L}, we have <=2K+ always positive, while (kb2+la2), i.e.,(-2k-3l), is negative. Thus, the total time delay is upper bounded by
*maxiMiTs<=(2K+3L)(5+G)Ts. The proof of Theorem 2 is developed with a where M[1:3]are selected as {M1= 2+G,M2=
3+G,M3= 5+G}. Such a sampling strategy allows arbitrary large undersampling rates (with a sufficiently large G), while the number of sampling instants is independent of Gbut only determined by KandL, the number of lags and respectively, which suggests a linear sampling t Generalization to Multiple Samplers In the following, we extend the above idea to a provided multiple samplers. Given Nsamplers, of which the sampling rates are denoted by M1,M2,...,M N, re- spectively, a distributed Diophantine sampling can be natu by selecting any three of them and applying the scheme presented in Section II-B as a building block.With a similar reasoning, for a subgroup of triple {1,2,...,N}, we still first consider constructing two sets of solutions, such 0 ai1+ai2+ai3= 1 bi1+bi2+bi3= 0(14) which can be simplified to find out = = 1(15) In the following, we set to figure out how many can be selected from {M1,M2,...,M N}such that the solutions of (15) exist. We select M1,M2,...,M Nas the sequence of consecutive numbers starting from 1toNshifted by some integer G, i.e,Mi=i+G. For any Mi, we consider the following N-Mi (16) and try to estimate the number of co-prime pairs among them. Since the sequence in (16) are still consecutive numbe rs ranging from (-N,N), the number of primes among the sequence is upper bounded by p(N), number of primes no bigger than N. Thus, by randomly picking any two of them, the probability that the two picked numbers are co-prime is lower bounded thej-th prime in the natural order and the above inequality follows from the density of primes [41]. Here, we use the fact that if we randomly select two numbers from Z, the probability that they both share a prime factor pj is1 p2 j. Therefore, we can totally find at triplet sets such that co-prime. Consequently, there exist (15), which is equivalent to that there are solut ions5 to (14). Without loss of generality, we assume Mi1> Mi2>
Mi3, which implies (15). Hence, we can specifically set which are all positive. Thus, both ai2andbi2should be negative due to the restric- tions in (14). Therefore, from (15), it is clear that both |ai|
and|bi|, if exist, are upper bounded by 2(N-1). Moreover, fork= 1,2,...,K andl= 1,2,...,L ,(kbi2+lai2)are positive. We conclude the above by the following theorem. Theorem 3. For arbitrary Nsamplers, there exists a dis- tributed Diophantine sampling scheme which can provide snapshots to delay upper bounded by 2(N-1)(K+L)MTs. Here M= max i{Mi}
Proof. As shown above, by selecting the undersampling rates in a form Mi= G +i, with an arbitrary G, one can find triplet subsets such that (15) has solutions, where especially the largest value of the solution is upper bounded by 2(N-1). Therefore, applying Theorem 2, for any triplet set that (15) has solutions, with a time delay at most can find Lsnapshots for each of Kconsecutive lags. With totally at least such triplet sets, the claims follow the end of this section, we have two remarks. First, it is worthwhile to mention that the proposed selection is close to be optimal. For any given Nunder- sampling rates, the number of triple subsets such that (14) h as solutions, is upper bounded the number of even numbers among Nintegers. This is because if M1,M2andM3are all even or odd integers, (15) is not throughout this section, we give a third-order base d Diophantine sampling construction but it can be straightfo r- wardly generalized to any higher order, once the solutions t o (7) can be efficiently found. We leave a systematical study to our future work. III. D IOPHANTINE ARRAY FOR COMPLEX WAVEFORM In this section, we proceed to generalize the idea in Diophan - tine sampling to array configuration for DoA estimation. As mentioned earlier, another important application of co-pr ime sensing is to provide enhanced freedoms for DoA estimation [42], [43], [44]. To be self-contained, we still first review the co-prime array and related sparse array construction. A. Review of Co-prime and Nested Array A co-prime array consists of two uniform linear arrays respectively. The positions of in the first ULA are given by 1-1}and the positions of the other 2M2sensors are given by {M1m1d,m1= 0,1,...,2M2-1}. to the wavelength. As indicated by B' ezout theorem, the difference set cover all consecutive integers from can further provide (2M1M2-1)DoF. In general, there are two primary concerns in DoA estimation. The first is the number of consecutive lags to estimate autocorrelation. As shown in [9], both the resolution and DoF are proportional to the number of the longest consecutive lags generated by the difference set4. Second, a larger spacing amongst sensors is always desirable to reduce coupling effect. Besides co-prime array, another important coarray con- struction is nested array , which is also formed by two ULAs. As a special case of co-prime array, the underlying idea is still based on B' ezout theorem that any number k varying from be represented where m2 {0,1,...,M 1}and m1 {0,1,...,M 2}.In general, given the same number of sensors, nested array can produce about one time more DoF compared to the co-prime array. However, nested array also bears heavier coupling effect, since it has a much denser sub ULA with sensors consecutively located as {0,d,...,M 2d}
[29]. Variants of Nested array with improvements can be foun d in [25], [30] and references therein. However, as the least pairwise sensor distance in existing spa rse array is always set to be no bigger than a half of A Third-order based Diophantine Array In the following, we propose the first construction of Diopha n- tine array. Analogous to Section II, we consider estimating the spatial auto-correlation with the third-order difference . Consider a DoA estimation of Dsignal sources with a linear array of Nsensors, where the position of each sensor is represented N*d}. Letal(thi) the element of the steering vector corresponding to direction thi. Assuming fcto be the center frequency of the band of interest, for centered at fi+fc,i= 1,2,...,D , the received signal being down-converted to baseband at the l-th sensor is expressed by xl(t) a narrow-band source. When a is considered, we assume si(t)as some constant si in a coherence time block [45]. With the similar idea we use in frequency estimation, when discussions on the holes of the co-prime array can be fou nd in independent zero-mean noise wli(n). the above observation, we can now describe the Dio- phantine array configuration based on the following theorem . Theorem 4. that p1,p2andp3are positive integers. Let sensors be located which form three sub ULAs, respectively. Then, the difference all consecutive num- bers starting from The proof is developed by applying B' ezout theorem twice. We first consider the difference set between the first a nd the second sub ULA, where wherem1 {0,1,...,p1- 1}. Based on B' ezout theorem, the difference set Now, applying B' ezout theorem again on the difference between th e difference set of the first two sub ULAs and the third sub which essentially are the multiples of p3andp1p2, respectively, the triple covers each integer at least starting from 4 shows that with can be provided. Compared co-prime array based DoA estimation, the corresponding DoF the minimal distance between any two adjacent sensors is min{q,p1,p2}, since the positions of any two sensors share at least one common divisor from {q,p1,p2}. Thus, the minimal distance of sensor is Th(Nd). On the other hand, to estimate the autocorrelation at lag k, we will find the snapshots at time n1,n2andn3, where n1+n3=n2, from the three uniform subarrays, refore, assuming that each sensor has collected Lsam- ples, we can find for for each lag by the proposed strategy, instead of Lsnapshots in co-prime arrays, though the may slightly increase to construct those snapsh ots. Thus, those additional samples can compensate for the heavi er noise compromise in the third-order estimation (20), which is less robust than the second-order based estimation in co-pr ime arrays. IV. B ACKGROUND OF 2q-TH-CUMULANT BASED the start of this section, we present our second results of sparse array construction by connecting Diophantine equat ion and Based DoA a linear array with Nsensors, whose location set SS is denoted N*d}, (21) with the spacing parameter d=l/2, andlis the wavelength of the signal. Suppose that there are Dindependent narrow- band signals {si(n)|i= 1,2,...,D}whose respective 1,2,...,D}. Then, the array model for the received signal can be expressed by a vector, x(n) the steering vector with a(thi) = aNxDsteering matrix with A(th) the signal vector s(n) andw(n)is independent white Gaussian. According to [46], the 2q-th order circular can be calculated as C2q,x(k) as an index for the matrix arrangement the2q-th order circular autocumulant of a particular signal si, i.e., c2q,si= the Kronecker product, {*}*represents the conjugacy matrix, and {*}His the Hermitian transpose. {*}k is defined as the Nkx1matrix cumulant matrix is related to the 2q-th order For the vector a(thi)k, its elements are expressed some permutation of of these elements corresponds to a steering vector of a higher-order difference co-array that could estimate a sig Symmetric Difference set From the previous subsection, estimation with the 2q-th- cumulant can also be described within the sparse ruler frame - work. Essentially, the difference set is defined by a weighte d sum of2qelements from SS, of which a half weights are all set to 1 and the rest are -1, termed as 2q-th set in the 5 (2q-th symmetric difference set) difference set C2q(SS)ofSSis defined as C2q(SS) a permutation across [1 :N]andPis the set of all addition, to lighten the notations, for any two sets SS andSS', we use C(SS,SS') denote the cross sum of elements from SSandSS'. In general, we can similarly define the cross sum m) if one can write any selection of b[1:2q] {1,-1}2qsuch that a the rest half are -1. From a view of Diophantine equation (7), the 2q-th symmetric difference set puts a specific restriction on the solution whose Hamming weight is fixed to 2qand formed by biwithq1s and the otherq-1s. When we take each SSias a subarray of SS, the2q-th symmetric difference set generated by SScan be made up of all possible combinations of those mutual sums with predetermined signs of its subarrays, and there such combinations in total. C. Existing Works Reviews The fourth-order cumulant based DoA estimation has been proposed and studied dated back to 1990s [47],[48], moment statistics offer straightforward enh anced DoF and resolution. Such algorithms were later extended to t he arbitrary 2q-th cumulant based MUSIC [46]. By arrays, [36] gives the first concrete provided Nsensors, one can produce to the best known O(Nq)results in previous works. The underlying idea can be essentially summarized as the following. For 2qgiven numbers, {M1,M2,...,M 2q}, one can construct a number representation system by 0,1,...,2q-1}as bases This gives a natural embedding of 2qsubarray, each of which is formed by sensors at a spacing being multiple Most existing works follow this line: [49] and [50] proposed SAFOE-NA and SAFOE-CPA, which are extensions of nested arrays and co- prime arrays into the fourth-order cumulant structure. Rec ent improvements in their results include the EAS-NA-NA, EAS- NA-CPA in [51], and an extension of the co-prime array in[52]. Various efforts have also been devoted to further gene r- alize these structures to fit the arbitrary 2q-th cumulant such as [53], which improves the DoF in [36] by a factor O(2q). However, we have to point out that following this idea to simply embed nested or co-prime arrays in a recursion manner may encounter two main obstacles. First, with nested array a s the building block, a dense subarrary is unavoidable. Secon d, it is noted that the cross sum amongst the 2qsubarrays is exploited in a limited way. As mentioned before, ideally the re will while only at most utilized in existing works [37]. To be formal, given N sensors, the upper bound of such 2qsymmetric difference we focus on the coefficient of the highest order, with N2q= (2q-N)2q, we (22) V. S HIFTED ARRAY In this section, we will present a key building block of our second results on Diophantine array based on as shifted array . One can apply this structure either in a nested or co-prime array by uniformly shift each subarray. A carefully designed shift, as shown later, can increase the spacing amongst sensors to reduce the mutual coupling, and on the other hand, it enables us to efficiently embed to enhance the DoF. In the following, we first take nested and co-prime array as two concrete examples and study their shifted versions in Section V-A and V-B, respectively . Then, in Section V-C, we present a new framework by embed- ding shifted nested arrays into shifted co-prime arrays, wh ich exploits the permutation invariant property of the cumulan t method to achieve larger DoF. A. Shifted Nested Array Definition 6. LetSS=SS1SS2be a linear array. Then, it is a shifted nested array if it has the 0,1,2,...N2}
We say that SSis shifted by factors of d1,d2. This shifted nested array has the following 7. LetSS=SS1SS2be a shifted nested array shifted by factors of d1,d2. Then C(SS1,-SS2) ={ud| ={ud| {ud| -N1N2-d1+d2<=u<= the n1-th position of the subarray SS1andSS2n, SS1(n1)-SS2(n2) = the same idea for the regular nested array [29], the claim follows . Lemma 7 characterizes the consecutive co-difference in a shifted nested array, which is helpful when we handle the embedding in later sections. B. Shifted Co-prime 8. LetSS=SS1SS2be a linear array. Then, it is a shifted co-prime array if it has the 0,1,2,...N2}
We say that SSis shifted by factors of d1,d2. The following lemma characterizes a property of the con- secutive second-order difference produced in shifted co-p 9. two co-prime arrays shifted by integer distances some integer k, respectively. = 1 . They can be expressed by the Because of the symmetry between similarly for we only consider one of them without loss of 1,2,...N1,n2= 1,2,...N1,n2= proves the lemma. C. Embedding of Shifted Nested and Co-prime Arrays In this section, we give a high-level picture of nested arrays into a shifted co-prime array to produ ce 2q-th symmetric difference. First, we split an array SSinto two sets denoted by M1andM2. We use L1andL2to denote theq-th order difference set ofM1andM2, respectively. To be formal, Llis in a 1,2, which include all the possible combinations of q- element sum or difference from M1and andM2, respectively. As shown later, shifted nested array is a good candidate to construct those q-th order difference desired. Second, we attempt to transform L1andL2to fit a co- prime array structure. We multiply each element in M1by M1and those in M2byM2, with the greatest common = 1 .M1andM2could be separately formed by multiple nested subarrays and for each pair of they could be properly shifted according to Lemma 7. Finally, we set out to aggregate multiple co-prime arrays formed by each M1iM2j. By Lemma 9, we could then further shift such co-prime structures to maximize the symmetric difference set. To this end, we introduce the following lemma. Lemma 10. LetSS1andSS2be subarrays of a co-prime array, 0,1,2,...,N Then, the cross difference is in a form,
{ud| Without lost of generality, we only consider all the positive lags generated by C+(SS1,-SS2) the B' ezout theorem, we can find a solution (x0,y0)to the equation this equation has a general we can find a pair of solution (x1,y1)such Here, we have x1< N1+ 1 since Thus, we have found proper L OWER -ORDER SHIFT ARRAY MODELS A. The Fourth Order Array We construct a fourth order difference co-array. Choose two co-prime integers M1,M2,gcd(M1,M2) = 1 , such that with parameters N[1:4] which will be specified below. Consider an array in a form 0,1,2,...,N 0,1,2,...,N 0,1,2,...,N 0,1,2,...,N 4}
Then, the set of consecutive lags C4(SS) ={ud| prove the above claim in the following. Due to the symmetry of the 2q-th symmetric difference, we still only consider positive lags. First, we look at the combinations o f the sum and the difference sets of sets of shifted nested arrays. Applying Lemma 7, = still due to symmetry, we consider the following three virtual co-prime arrays which produce fourth order symmetric difference in a respectively. To be clear, let Then, virtually, any (SSi,SSj)fori {1,2}andj {3,4}forms a co-prime array and (23) characterizes their respective sh ift factor. Since by Lemma 9, those three virtual co-prime arrays indeed together produc e an extended coprime array in a form AB, Lemma 10, therefore, the number of total positive lags generated by ABis at equality is reached if and only if when qis even. The claim then follows clearly. The fourth order shifted array proposed successfully of the signs in the difference it yields a DoF bound of O(5 2n4)for its consecutive lag generation. B. The Sixth Order Array We construct a sixth order difference co-array as follows. Choose integers M1,M2such that gcd(M1,M2) = 1 N4N5N6. Consider the set of 0,1,2,...,N 0,1,2,...,N 0,1,2,...,N 0,1,2,...,N 0,1,2,...,N 0,1,2,...,N 6}
Then, the set of consecutive lags C6(SS) ={ud| Due to the symmetry, we still only consider the positive lags. First, we look at the following combinations of the sum10 and the difference sets of of shifted nested arrays. Applying Lemma 1, we get C(M12,-M13) +
d(M13) we further embed one more additional subarray into the above cross sums. Applying Lemma 7, we we construct the sixth order symmetric difference by considering the cross sum amongst SS[1:6]. For no- tion simplicity, we denote CCP(da,db)as the lags of a coprime array generated by two subarrays, two coprime subarrays shifted by factors If we consider the cross sum between SS1and-SS4, it is not hard to find that C(SS1,-SS4) virtually SS1and-SS4, as two sub arrays, form a co- prime array shifted by respectively. Now, by Lemma 9, we have the the nine sets produced in (25) together virtually form an extended co-pri me array. The lags generate by all nine arrays is contained in th e lags generated by AB, Lemma 3, Therefore, the number of total positive lags generated by ABis C(AB) equality is achieved if and only if general, the sixth order NECP reaches an efficiency of 17(N/6)6/2for lag generation. It utilizes 9out = 15 number of sign SHIFTED DIOPHATINE ARRAY We first introduce the proposed layering technique. For any two arrays which can generate consecutive integer lags, we can manipulate them to form a higher-order difference co- array as follows. Suppose we have two arrays SS1andSS2 in a form, N2*d}, which produce 2q1-th order and 2q2-th order consecutive symmetric difference, ={-u1<=u<=u1} (26) C2q2(SS2) ={-u2<=u<=u2} (27) Then, we take the 2(q1+q2)-th order difference co-array new co-array can generate consecutive Without lost of generality, we only consider positive lags. Consider any integer have the fact that ucan be uniquely expressed as u= 2k*u1+r for some integers k[0,u2]andr[-u1+ 1,u1]. integer expressed in (26) and (27). Let Therefore, there we have applying the layering technique shown above, we break up the 2q-th order co-array structure into a couple of sixth-order shifted Diophantine array proposed in Secti on VI-B . In the cases when 2q4or2q2 (mod 6) , we can then layer a fourth-order shifted array, shown in Sectio n VI-A, or a regular nested array, respectively. This method i s efficient. In the case when 2q0 (mod 6) , the such produce DoF in an order 1: Third-order Diophantine Sampling and Array with Noise -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 SNR Frequency Estimation -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 SNR DoA when 2q2or2q4 (mod 6) , it respec- tively. As mentioned before, in comparison, the best known DoF bound of 2q-th order array [32] in exisitng works S IMULATION A. Robustness The first set of experiments we conduct is to measure the robustness of proposed schemes. We mainly focus on the based Diophantine sampling and array proposed in Section II and III, while the performance of method has been extensively tested in previous works such as [36], [37]. We present the results of two in Fig. 1, which compare their performances in the applications of frequency and DoA estimation with those of classic co-prime sensing. For frequency estimation, we randomly generate respectively and set K=L. The proposed method is used to estimate the frequencies with three samplers of down-sampling rates M1= 2 + 106,M2= 3 + 106and M3= 5 + 106. We average the root mean square error (RMSE) on 100 independent Monte-carlo runs with signal- to-noise ratio (SNR) ranged from -10 to 10dB. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we perform with Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) on attained virtual samples to estimate frequencies and the results are shown in Fig. 1(a). As expected, a small compromise in accuracy exists for proposed strategy since we use a higher third-ord er statistics. However, the time delay of co-prime sampling longer than that of the Diophantine sampling. In the case of DoA estimation, we randomly generate sources, respectively. For the third array proposed, we select p1= 4,p2= 3 and12 p3= 5, and thus totally 13sensors are used. We still apply MUSIC algorithm with L= 18 andL= 50 snapshots. As analyzed before, we can find O(L2)samples to estimate for each lag k. The simulations are run 100 times and the averaged RMSEs are shown in Fig. 1(b). We can see that the proposed strategy in some cases is even with better performance than classic coprime array. Furthermor e, our method provides up to 159 DoF comparing to 57in the co-prime array. Also, the minimal spacing between sensors i s 3d, comparing to din all existing arrays. B. Array second set of experiments we conduct is about the with a comprehensive comparison to existing sparse arrays. In the following, we use t(j)to denote the number of adjacent sensor pairs whose corresponding spacin g equalsjd. First, we consider a third-order array shown in Section III, where we select p1= 13 ,p2= 7,p3= 11 with N= 36 sensors in total. Such construction provides 2337 DoF, of which associated histogram of tis shown in Fig. 2. In comparison, we consider the regular nested array shown in Fig. 3 and augmented nested array [28], with 36sensors shown in Fig. 4, which provide 687 and 865 DoF, respectively. Besides enhanced DoF, the Diophantine array is also of a greater sparsity with minimal spacing equaling 7dcompared to din existing arrays. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 1500246 (7)=2 Fig. 2: Third-order Diophantine Array 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1805101520 (1)=18 Fig. 3: Regular Nested Array [29] In the following, we consider the higher order cases. By uniformly selecting Ni= 5,i= 1,2,3,4,M1= 25 and M2= 24 , we have a fourth-order shifted array defined in Section VI-A with N= 22 sensors. It provides 3445 DoF while the minimal sensor spacing equals 12d. Similarly, by uniformly selecting Ni= 5, fori= 1,2,...,6,M1= 125 andM2= 124 , we have a sixth-order shifted array defined in Section VI-A with N= 36 sensors and 271497 DoF. It is noted that the proposed fourth-order and sixth-order shi fted Diophantine arrays are of spacing.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24051015 (1)=2 Fig. 4: Augmented Nested Array II [28] 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180012345 (12)=1 Fig. 5: Fourth-order Shifted Array 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 104 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1040246 (125)=6 Fig. 6: Sixth-order Shifted Array 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 4500246 (1)=5 Fig. 7: Fourth-order Improved Nested Array [37] As a comparison, we include the improved fourth-order neste d array proposed in [30], shown in Fig. 7. IX. C ONCLUSION AND FUTURE DIRECTION From a viewpoint of Diophantine equation and sparse ruler model, we present two sparse sensing frameworks to statistics with stronger sampling efficiency . The techniques proposed in this paper shed light on how to efficiently coordinate multiple samplers either in tempora l or spatial domain. Besides enhanced DoF, the and array proposed asymptotically match the op- timal sampling delay and, especially for the array configu- ration design, it allows arbitrary sparsity given sufficien tly many sensors. Meanwhile, we also leave several interesting open questions. For example on the minimal sensor spacing, whether for arbitrary 2q-th order array, it can match O(Nq).13 We only showed the possibility for the fourth and sixth L. Xiao and X.-G. Xia, Error correction in polynomial re mainder codes with non-pairwise coprime moduli and robust chinese remain der theorem for polynomials, IEEE Transactions on Communications , vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 605-616, 2015. 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First, on we prove that given arbitrarily large down-sampling rates, there exist sampling schemes where the number of samples needed is only proportional to the sum of DoF and the number of snapshots required, which implies a linear sampling time. Second, on (DoA) estimation, we propose two generic array constructions such that given N sensors, the minimal distance between sensors can be as large as a polynomial of N, O(N^q), which indicates that an arbitrarily sparse array (with arbitrarily small mutual coupling) exists given sufficiently many sensors. In addition, asymptotically, the proposed array configurations produce the best known DoF bound compared to existing sparse array designs.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 21:50:07 GMT"
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2 to this process [27] are not currently known1it is therefore useful to have a quantitative estimate of coherent energy loss effects on the dihadron azimuthal angular correlations. In this exploratory work we study dihadron (quark anti-quark) azimuthal angular correlations in the in DIS at small xwhere both gluon saturation and coherent cold matter energy loss are included using the same formalism. First, we re-derive the cross section for production of a quark, anti-quark and a gluon in DIS which was already done in [29, 30]. We then take the soft gluon limit and integrate over the final state gluon and compare the soft gluon radiation spectra, normalized to no radiation, between a nucleus and a proton target. Gaussian approximation is used to calculate the correlation functions of Wilson lines appearing as dipoles and quadrupoles which efficiently contain all the target information. We show that medium-induced coherent energy loss is most significant at the back to back limit and drops off as one goes away from this limit, and as one considers higher photon virtualities. We then consider the contribution of coherent energy loss to the away side peak in in the back-to-back kinematics and show that it is significant. We then define a double ratio of and show that this double ratio is very robust against NLO corrections. We finish by outlining the steps needed for a more realistic study of medium-induced energy loss effects in dihadron angular COHERENT ENERGY LOSS IN DIS AT SMALL xFROM CGC The leading order process for in DIS at small xis the splitting of the virtual photon into a quark anti-quark pair which then multiply scatters on the target proton or nucleus. In the eikonal at small xit is assumed that the energy of the photon, and hence of the quark anti-quark pair, is so large that their recoil can be neglected and the pair stays on straight line trajectories while passing through the target. The scattering amplitude contains two Wilson lines [31] (multiple scatterings of each parton from the target is re- summed into a Wilson line) so that dihadron production cross section involves not only dipoles but also functions of two and four Wilson lines. These dipoles and quadrupoles satisfy the BK/JIMWLK [32-39] which governs their energy (rapidity or x) dependence [40-42]. In the Color Glass multiple scatterings and rapidity evolution result in the broadening and reduction of the away side peak in dihadron azimuthal angular correlations. As either quark or anti-quark radiates a gluon, the energy carried away by the not-measured soft gluon will look as if it is lost in the process. Following Munier, Peigne and Petreska [43] we define the medium-induced rapidities of the quark, anti-quark and radiated gluon respectively while p;qare the of the quark and anti-quark and the transverse momentum of the gluon is integrated over. Here z3is the radiated gluon's fraction of the photon's plus momentum. We note that the three-parton production cross section in DIS at small xis already computed in [29, 30]. Integrating over the gluon momentum gives the contribution of the real corrections in the Next to Leading Order corrections to the Leading Order quark anti-quark production in DIS at smallx. The medium-induced coherent energy loss is then defined [43] as the difference in radiation spectra between a nucleus and a proton (2) where an integration over the transverse momentum of the radiated gluon is implied in the of the away side peak in two-particle correlations as a function of the azimuthal angle between the two outgoing particles in forward rapidity deuteron-nucleus collisions was predicted in [12] using leading of the coincidence probability CP (), here defined as [13], 1As this manuscript was being finalized we became aware of a very recent NLO calculation of dijet production in this paper we will consider partons rather than hadrons in the final state.3 CP() N pair() N dihadron production in DIS. CP ()is a commonly studied observable which represents the probability per unit angle for correlated production of two hadrons; a leading (trigger) hadron with transverse momentum by an away side hadron with transverse momentum an azimuthal angular separation of . We will explore the contribution of fully coherent cold matter energy loss to CP()by adding radiative corrections to Npairwhile using the leading order result for Ntrig. In this we will assume fixed rapidities to simplify our calculations. We use the spinor helicity methods to calculate the quark anti-quark and quark anti-quark gluon In the latter case there are four diagrams corresponding to the four possibilities when the gluon is radiated from either the quark or anti-quark and before or after the scattering from the target (see [30] for 1: The four diagrams for three parton production
A!qqgX. The solid vertical line represents from the target. which can be evaluated to shown and hence the reason for denoting the amplitude as iMrather than iAas in the figure). We have fractions of the virtual photon energy carried by the quark, anti-quark and gluon a Wilson line in the fundamental representation, while U(xi)bais a Wilson line in the adjoint numerators Nicontain the spinor structures of the amplitude and are defined N N numerators for a given parton helicity. The integrals over k1andk2can then be performed. Here we show the4 amplitudes for the specific case of a positive helicity quark (so that anti-quark has negative helicity) and gluon, and a longitudinally polarized (6) iMaL;+;+
2 (7) iMaL;+;+
3 (8) iMaL;+;+
4 we have defined some shorthand Qi=Qp zi(1 zi); next step is to square a given helicity amplitude and then to add up all the squared helicity amplitudes to get the un-polarized cross section. For example, the first helicity amplitude (6) squared and summed over final labeled as d8xdenotes To proceed further we take the soft gluon limit ( z3z1;z2) and perform the integrals over the transverse momentum k. We also define the two and four point functions of shorthand shorthand Sijkl(dipoles and quadrupoles) (12) which can be evaluated explicitly in the Gaussian approximation [10, 44-47] and are given is an infrared regulator. The presence of the logarithm in ijis essential for the correct power-law behavior of the cross sections at high transverse momenta. However it does make the analytic evaluation of these As we will be exploring the more interesting (and experimentally accessible) region of low to [48] of the dipole profile. With these approximations our full amplitude squared for production of a and a gluon with the transverse momentum of the gluon integrated can be written 2ML 12+ 2ML 13+ 2ML 14+ 2ML 23+ 2ML 24+ 1]
(3) 110+ (3) 220
+ 1]
(3) 110+ 1] 2(3) 120
+ (14) with the radiation kernel (3) ijgiven (15) While this result looks very compact it is still not very amenable to phenomenological studies of importance to experiments. Therefore we consider the more interesting limit of back-to-back azimuthal angular THE BACK-TO-BACK LIMIT OF AZIMUTHAL ANGULAR CORRELATIONS To make a quantitative estimate of the role of coherent energy loss and gluon saturation we will focus on the back-to-back kinematics region in dihadron production in DIS at small x. To this end we define the total and (16) and take the back-to-back correlation limit [45, 49] defined (17) We define new coordinate-space variables, (18) in terms of which the back-to-back limit corresponds to taking jujju0j1. Taking this limit in (14) and expanding to lowest nonzero order in uandu0we the transverse area of the target arising from integration over x3(after a substitution). The now be evaluated explicitly and the remaining integrals over vandv0integrals can be written in polar coordinates to [2 cos( 0) cos() cos(0) cos( 0) 4 cos2(0) + 1#
(20) where we have defined new dimensionless variables randr0 r= jvj; r0= jvj0(21) andis a constant parameter with units of mass. All angles are measured relative to the Kvector so that Pis the angle between PandK, and (,0) are the angles of ( v,v0) with respect to K. We calculate the medium-induced, coherent energy loss as defined in (2). The induced radiation spectrum can be written the integrand in Eq. 20 and the Leading Order result [4] is used in the denominator. The only difference between the first and second terms is the different saturation scale Qsof a nucleus and a proton. It should be noted that we have taken the same back-to-back limit in the denominators above which describe the Leading Order quark anti-quark production cross sections. Furthermore, we use a cut off on the integration variables randr0in order to impose color neutrality at scales comparable to confinement scale QCD(i.e. we choose = QCD = 200MeV and ther;r0integrals then go from 0to1). Finally, to get an estimate of the energy loss effects we consider some specific values for the final state partons; we will consider the case when both partons have similar rapidities so that z1= 0:55;z2= 0:45and their transverse momenta are of the order of the photon virtuality Q, 0:1GeV; Q2 s;p= 1GeV2; (23) We show our results for the medium-induced coherent energy loss (22) in Fig.(2) for various values of and two different values of nuclear saturation scale which mimics changing centrality, rapidity seen the induced radiation is largest at the back to back kinematics and drops off sharply as one goes away from this limit. Also at the exact back to back limit the induced radiation is independent of photon virtuality, this is so since we have taken the quark and anti-quark momenta equal to photon virtuality. Furthermore the size of induced radiation increases with nuclear size as expected. This is also indicative of the size of the Next to Leading Order corrections, however keeping in mind that contributions of some of the Next to Leading terms cancel between a proton and a nucleus target in our definition of energy loss radiation spectrum in (2). This clearly shows the importance of the full Next to Leading Order corrections to dihadron production cross section in DIS at small x. This is work in progress and will be reported elsewhere [27]. Another effect that is known to be important is the Sudakov effect [18, 50], however this is beyond the scope of this work and will not be considered here. To implement the cold matter energy loss effects in dihadron angular correlations, we calculate the (3) using numerical methods to evaluate the remaining integrals. Following [13], we choose similar 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4A= 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4A= 1GeV Q= 2GeV Q= 3GeV Q= 4GeV
Q= 1GeV Q= 2GeV Q= 3GeV Q= 4GeV FIG. 2: The induced radiation spectrum plotted for A= 2andA= 200at four different values of Q. Note that 0:1GeV and that the vertical scales in the two graphs are different. for the external momentum windows, we choose pmin= 2GeV;pmax= 10GeV;qmin= 1GeV;qmax=p:We also impose color neutrality at lengths beyond 1fm by using a cutoff on the r;r0integrals by choosing = QCD = 0:2GeV and settingrmax= 1. We fix the rapidities by choosing z1= 0:55;z2= 0:45. We use the back-to-back limit in both Npair and in the single inclusive 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 4GeV CP()A=1 LO A=200 LO A=1 LO+NLO A=200 LO+NLO CP()
FIG. 3: The effect of Next to Leading order corrections on the coincidence probability CP (), shown for four different values of photon virtuality Qfor a proton target ( A= 1) and a large nuclear target ( A= 200). 3We are grateful to C. Marquet for emphasizing this point to us.8 Clearly the induced radiation which is lost has a significant effect on the away side peak of dihadron correlations. Note that we have restricted ourselves to angles in a very narrow window around the away side hadron. This is due to our strict back to back approximation which is expected to break down when going away from the away side hadron by a large angle. A proper quantitative estimate of the size of these corrections to the back to back approximation requires a detailed quantitative study using the various improved Transverse (TMD) distributions as advocated in [51, 52] and in [53-58] for proton-nucleus collisions. Nevertheless for the sake of comparison we show our results for a much wider range in once in Fig. (4) and limit the rest of our analysis to the range we expect that the back-to-back approximation will still provide 2:3 2:5 2:7 2:9 3:1 3:3 3:5 3:7 3:9 4:1Q= 3GeV CP()
A= 1LO A= 200LO FIG. 4: CP ()calculated at leading order using the back-to-back approximation in both a wider angle window 2[ 1;+ 1]for the case Q= 3GeV. To see the effect of the lost radiation more clearly we show the ratio of coincidence probabilities with the to that of no radiation in Fig.(5) where an enhancement factor of order 3is seen with a weak . 01234 2:9 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 1GeV 01234 2:9 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 2GeV 01234 2:9 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 3GeV 01234 2:9 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 1 A=
FIG. 5: Here we show the ratio of CP ()at next-to-leading order versus at leading order calculated for a proton and a large nucleus target. A very weak dependence of next to leading order corrections on target size and angle is observed for small angles away from 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q= 3 3 :1 3:2 3:3 3:4Q=
FIG. 6: The double ratio of CP ()for a large nucleus over the CP ()for a proton, calculated at leading order and at next-to-leading order. To investigate the medium dependence of the coincidence probability we define the double ratio of for a nucleus vs a proton in analogy with the medium modification factor RpAin proton-nucleus collisions and show this double ratio in Fig.(6). A significant reduction of the coincidence probability for a nucleus target is seen which is again very robust against next to leading order corrections. A clear increase in the magnitude of this double ratio is see with the increasing photon virtuality, reminiscent of the behavior of RpAin proton-nucleus are several ways in which our exploratory study can be improved; we have used the GBW model of dipole profile which is known to miss the high pttail of the production spectra. One can improve the calculation by using more realistic dipole profiles which have become available recently. It will also be important to go beyond the strict back to back limit so that one can extend the present analysis to larger angles away from . This will also shed light on the domain of applicability of back to back approximation. Furthermore, we have only considered in a more realistic analysis one will need to include transverse photons as well. However we do not expect our results to change much by this. Lastly, we have considered the effect of radiated soft gluon on the quark by integrating out the radiated gluon. In a more realistic approach to dihadron production one will need to consider integrating out any of the three outgoing partons. This will be done when we compute the full next to leading order corrections to dihadron production and express (some of) the final state singularities into functions. This is work in progress and will be reported elsewhere [27]. In summary we have performed an exploratory study of the contribution of coherent, medium-induced radiative energy loss to the away-side peak in dihadron azimuthal angular correlations in DIS at small x. We observe a to the coincidence probability from the induced radiation which indicates the significance of next to leading order corrections to dihadron azimuthal angular correlations. We have defined a double ratio of and have shown that it is very stable against higher order corrections and thus may be a more robust signature of saturation gratefully acknowledge support from the DOE Office of Nuclear Physics through Grant No. DE-SC0002307 and by PSC-CUNY through grant No. 63158-0051. We would like to thank F. Arleo, E. Aschenauer, G. Beuf, F. Gelis, K. Fukushima, T. Lappi, R. Venugopalan, B. Xiao and especially C. Marquet, S. Munier and S. Peigne for F. D. Aaron et al. (H1), Eur. Phys. J. C 64, 561 (2009), 0904.3513. | 2108.10428 | Filip Bergabo | Filip Bergabo, Jamal Jalilian-Marian | Coherent energy loss effects in dihadron azimuthal angular correlations in Deep Inelastic Scattering at small $x$ | 10 pages, 6 figures | null | 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2021.122358 | null | hep-ph nucl-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We perform an exploratory study of the role of coherent, loss in azimuthal angular correlations in dihadron production in Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) at small $x$ where the target proton/nucleus is modeled as a Color Glass Condensate. In this approach coherent radiative energy loss is part of the higher order corrections to the leading order cross section. We include the effects of both gluon saturation and coherent radiative energy loss and show that radiative cold-matter energy loss has a significant effect on the so-called coincidence probability for the back to back production of dihadrons in DIS. We also define a double ratio of coincidence probabilities for a nucleus and proton targets and show that it is very robust against higher order radiative corrections.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 21:55:53 GMT"
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2 II. MIRROR BENCHMARKING a mirror benchmarking protocol, a sequence of uni- taries g1, . . . , g L, followed by their inverses g-1 L, . . . , g-1 1, is applied to a noisy initial state, given by density matrix r. For the present discussion, the gimay be individ- ual gates, or more complicated sequences of gates, but we assume that they are sampled uniformly at random from a group Gthat forms a unitary 2-design [10]. Let Ebe a constant error channel associated with each uni- tary in the sequence. We assume that Eis unital, that is, E(I) =I, but we discuss how to relax this assumption in the appendix. We also assume that the error channel per unitary during the inversion half of the circuit is given byE+, the dual of E, which is defined by <<E+(M)|N> > =
<<M|E(N)> > , where <<M|N> > := Tr
. We postpone a discussion of this assumption to the end of this section. At the end of the circuit a measurement is performed that is described by a noisy POVM with elements {E, I- E}. The average survival probability for a sequence of length Lis then given by p(L) > , (1) where by abuse of notation we use gto denote both a unitary and its corresponding superoperator. We can absorb the final E+into the noisy POVM element E, and after defining gi'=gi***g2g1and relabling gi'7-gi, the survival probability can be written as p(L) |r> > .(2) An important quantity is the twirl of EoverG, which is defined (3) A useful fact is that ETcommutes with gfor all gG, which can be shown as (4) where in the third line we set h'=hg-1, and used the group transitivity property to change the index of sum- mation from htoh'.Summing over gLin Eq. (2), and using Eq. (4), the central terms in the product in Eq. (2) are the right hand side of Eq. (5) over (E+ETE)T. (6) Continuing in this way, the general pattern for the sur- vival probability at sequence length Lcan be as follows. Let Tlforl= 1,2, . . . be the sequence of operators defined by Then p(L) =<<E|TL|r> > . (7) We will derive an expression for TL. First we recall some facts about twirls over 2-designs [10]. Let B(H) denote the vector space of linear operators on Hilbert space H=Cd. Let V1= span {I}andV2={A B(H) : Tr(A) = 0}, and note that B(H) =V1LV2. Let M: B(H)- B(H) and suppose that Gis a 2-design. Then the twirl of Mover Gis a linear combination of (8) where P 1and P 2are the projectors onto V1andV2, re- spectively (A proof of this fact that does not rely theory is found in [11]). If Mis (TP), then MTis also TP, and therefore Tr(I) = Tr( MT(I)) =aTr(P 1I) implies that a= 1. Let D= dim( V2) =d2-1. The quantity bis given by b=1 DTr(P 2M), (10) where in the last equality we used the fact that P 2com- mutes with the action of G. Given an error channel E, define f(E) =1 DTr(P 2E). (11) The quantity f(E) is related to F(E), the process fidelity (also called entanglement fidelity) with respect to the identity [11], according to 1-f(E) =d2 D
. (12)3 We will simply write fwhen the channel Eis clear from context. By Eqs. (7)-(10), we have ET= P 1+fP2. (13) The unitarity of E, which was introduced in [9], is (14) We are now ready to prove a formula for the 1. LetTlforl= 1,2, . . . be a sequence of op- erators defined by T1=ET, and Tl+1= (E+TlE)T. Then for all l, Tl= P We proceed by induction. The base case is given by Eq. (13). Suppose the statement is true for a partic- ularl. Then Tl+1= P in the second equality we used Eqs. (8) and Since Eis trace preserv- ing, P 1EP2= 0, from which it follows Tr
= 0. P P 1+fulP2. (17) Theorem 1. The survival probability for mirror bench- marking is given by p(L) =AfuL-1+B, (18) for constants AandBthat depend only on the state prep and This follows directly from Lemma 1 and Eq. (7) with A=<<E|P2|r> > andB=<<E|P1|r> > . A few comments are in order. The assumption that the error channel during the inversion half of the that a unitary error Uongiwill correspond to error U-1ong-1 i. This may not always hold but often can be enforced by a suitable compilation procedure. For example, if gi=e-iZZthis subject to a control error in th, then g-1 imay be implemented by Pe-iZZthP, for any Pauli Pthat anticommutes with ZZ. If we relax this assumption, and allow for an arbitrary error channel Einvon the inverse gates, then the unitarity uin Th. 1 is replaced with1 DTr(P 2EinvP2E). In the limit of perfectly coherent errors, that is u=
1, the survival probability does not decay at all, since the coherent errors during the second half of the circuit under these assumptions exactly cancel those from the first half. At the other extreme, when the error is a depolarizing channel, E= P 1+fP2and therefore u=
f2andp(L) =Af2L-1+B. It is only in this special case that the decay parameter also extracts the fidelity ofE. IfEis a stochastic Pauli channel, which we assume in our experimental implementation by the use of in the protocol, then E=E+is diagonal in the Pauli basis of the superoperator representation. In this case, the unitarity is no longer a measure of coherent errors, but is still defined by Eq. (14). The process fidelity then is bounded in terms of the unitarity according to 1 d2
1 +D +Du
. (19) A derivation of this bound is given in the appendix. III. DIRECT CIRCUIT SAMPLING Theorem 1 of the previous section assumed that the group Gis a 2-design. However, in the experiment de- scribed in the next section, each layer unitary giis sam- pled from a generating set for the n-qubit Clifford group Cn, rather than from the full group. This is done to avoid the need to compile a random Clifford group element, and so that the sequence lengths of the decay curve more directly correspond to two-qubit gate depth. Thus, of mirror benchmarking is analogous to the direct benchmarking protocol of [5]. Here, we justify the claim that Th. 1 should still approximately apply. The problem of RB using a generating set for the Clif- ford group was studied in [12] as a Markov process on the Cayley graph of the Clifford group. The i-th element of the sequence, gi, approximately samples from the group if an initial distribution over the generating set diffuses to an approximately uniform distribution over the full graph. We take a different approach, and simulate the distribution of unitaries by sequences of length L, with the gate set used in our exper- iment and described in Sec. IV. A set of unitaries {Ui}i is at-design if and only (20) where the quantity on the left hand side is called the t-th frame potential [13]. We numerically estimate the 2ndframe potential Ph 2for the set mirror benchmarking circuits of sequence length L=
2,4, . . . , 16 and qubit numbers n= 4,6,8. The results are shown in Fig. 1. For each data point, we generated 10,000 random circuits and computed the quantity in Eq. (20), using the standard error for the error bars.4 The plot shows convergence to the 2-design value, with faster convergence for smaller qubit number. For short sequence lengths, typically L < n , the gate set for direct mirror benchmarking circuits fails to approximate a 2- design, and therefore fitting p(L) to a single should be understood as a heuristic than an unbiased estimate of the unitarity. An interesting and probably challenging open problem would be to bound the error in p(L) given by Th. 1 as a function of the deviation from 2-design as measured by Ph 2. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Sequence 2-Frame 1. Plot of Ph 2defined by Eq. (20) versus sequence length Lforn= 4,6,8. For a 2-design, Ph 2= 2. Each data point is estimated as the average over 10,000 random unitaries gener- ated by the direct gate set described in Sec. IV. IV. EXPERIMENT We implement mirror benchmarking on the Honeywell System Model H1 quantum computer. This system con- tains 10 trapped-ion qubits in a linear QCCD architec- ture described in [14, 15]. The native two-qubit gate is the Molmer-Sorenson gate [16, 17], given by Uzz=e-iZZp/ 4. (21) A circuit diagram of our implementation is shown in Fig. 2. Each giis a circuit layer with a random single- qubit Clifford gate applied to each qubit followed by a native two-qubit gate applied to each qubit pair in a random fully-connected pairing of qubits. Finally, we include Pauli randomization to prevent coherent errors from systematically producing higher survival probabil- ities. Random Pauli gates that multiply to the identity are inserted between each layer. The second Pauli gate in each product is pushed through the subsequent layer using the commutation relations and combined with the next single-qubit gate. The results of our experiment are shown in Fig. 3. The figure shows the average p(L) versus L= 4,8,12,16 and with qubit number n= 6,8,10. We only use an even g1 gLgL-1g1-1 gi 2. Mirror benchmarking circuit diagram. a)General form for mirror benchmarking with Llayers, shown for n= 6. b)Thei-th layer unitary used in our implmentation. Ran- dom single-qubit Clifford gates Ci,jare applied to qubit j. A random permutation siSnis applied, and the native UZZ gate is then applied to each qubit pair. Random Paulis Pi,j are inserted before and pushed through the UZZgates to leave the circuit unitary unchanged. The Paulis P' i,jare combined with the subsequent round of Cliffords before execution on actual hardware. number of qubits, since increasing to odd n+ 1 does not increase the number of two-qubit gates in our circuits, which are the leading source of circuit error. For each se- quence length, we sample 10 circuits, and repeat each cir- cuit for 100 shots. We insert random Pauli gates before the measurement, so that the constant Bcan be fixed to 1/2n, as described in [18]. The error bars are com- puted by a bootstrapping procedure adapted from [12]. For each sequence length, the random circuits are re- sampled with replacement and then a parametric boot- strap is performed on the observed probability distribu- tion for each circuit. The unitarity estimate at n= 10 is u= 0.938(4), corresponding to process fidelity bounds of 0.938(4) <=F(E)<=0.969(2) per random with 5 two-qubit gates. To study the accuracy and precision of the we simulate 100 different mirror for n= 6,8,10 with depolarizing error on the two-qubit gates. For each simulated experiment, the depolarizing parameter was chosen uniformly at random between 0 .0 and 1 .0x10-2. Figure 4 shows a scatter plot of the estimated unitarity versus depolarizing parameter, with the true unitarity plotted for comparison. The true unitarity for circuit layers consisting of n/2 two-qubit gates with uniform depolarizing error is given by a for- mula that we derive in the appendix. For a single point, the estimation error is the difference between the esti- mated and true unitarities. The mean of the of the simulated data points is less than 2 x10-4, and the standard deviations are 1 6,8,10, respectively. This indicates that for this error model, mirror benchmarking gives an unbiased es- timate of the unitarity, to within the numerical precision5 4 8 12 16 Sequence 6 8 10 Unitarity 0.962(3) 0.949(5) 0.938(4) Flower 0.962(3) 0.949(5) 0.938(4) Fupper 0.981(2) 0.974(3) 0.969(2) FIG. 3. Mirror benchmarking data plotting p(L) versus L for qubit numbers n= 6,8,10, with 10 circuits per sequence length, and 100 shots per circuit. The data was taken on the Honeywell System Model H1. The table gives the obtained by best-fitting to p(L) =AuL-1+ 1/2n, as well as the lower and upper bounds on the process fidelity given by Eq. (19). of the 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 Estimation Error n 6 8 10 Mean 4. Scatter plot of unitarity estimates from 100 simu- lated mirror benchmarking experiments versus two-qubit de- polarizing parameter. The solid lines plot the true unitarity. Each experiment used sequence lengths L= 4,8,12,16 and 10 circuits per sequence length.V. DISCUSSION We have shown that for mirror benchmarking with ran- dom circuits, under some assumptions the survival prob- ability decays exponentially according to the unitarity of the average error channel per layer. This justifies the use of mirror benchmarking as a system-level test of quantum computer performance and leads to a number of appli- cations. It is well known that coherent errors can cause large quantum circuits to perform worse than would be predicted from the fidelities of single and two-qubits gates alone [19]. A mirror benchmarking experiment could be performed with and without the use of randomized com- piling. If the noise is partially coherent, then the and extracted unitarity will be higher with- out randomized compiling, indicating that should be used for real quantum circuits of in- terest. Apart from providing a system-level benchmarking also reduces to a protocol for esti- mating the unitarity of gate errors, when performed on just one or two qubits. This is an alternative to the pro- tocol in [9], which relies on repeating circuits over mul- tiple measurement settings. We leave an exploration of the ability for mirror benchmarking to diagnose coherent errors to a future work. We conclude by pointing out some limitations of our present work and open problems. First, we proved our main result under the uniform noise assumption, that is, thatEis the same error channel for every layer gi. This assumption is unrealistic but is commonly made in the research on RB, and often works well in practice. We speculate that this assumption can be relaxed, as was shown for RB in [20]. Also, we do not present a statisti- cal analysis for the unitarity estimate (i.e. a as a function of sample and circuit complexity) in this work. We believe that methods from [21] and [18] can be adapted to our setting, but this is an open prob- lem. Finally, we remark that the layer unitaries in in general can be chosen to be whatever one wants. 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u. That is, the error channel has the same non-unital part but has a unital part that is dual to the unital part of E. The motivation for this assumption is that we expect control errors on gates (such as over-rotations) to be inverse to the control errors on the corresponding inverse gates. Non-unital errors (such as amplitude however, are expected to be constant between the front half and back half of the mirrored circuit. By replacing E+withE'in Sec. II we recover Th. 1. Appendix B: Bounds on process fidelity from be the matrix elements of the error channel in the Pauli basis of the superoperator with the convention that P0=I. The uni- tarity is given (B1) The latter inequality is saturated when Eis a stochastic Pauli channel. Meanwhile, the process fidelity is F(E) =1 d2
1 +X i>0Eii
. (B2) From the previous two equations, upper and lower bounds on F(E) for stochastic Pauli channels can be ob- tained. On one hand, since each (B3) | 2108.10431 | Karl Mayer | Karl Mayer, Alex Hall, Thomas Gatterman, Si Khadir Halit, Kenny Lee,
Justin Bohnet, Dan Gresh, Aaron Hankin, Kevin Gilmore, Justin Gerber and John
Gaebler | Theory of mirror benchmarking and demonstration on a quantum computer | null | null | null | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | A new class of protocols called mirror benchmarking was recently proposed to measure the system-level performance of quantum computers. These circuits with random sequences of gates followed by mirroring, that is, inverting each gate in the sequence. We give a simple proof that leads to an exponential decay of the survival probability with sequence length, under the uniform noise assumption, provided the twirling group forms a 2-design. The decay rate is determined by a quantity that is a quadratic function of the error channel, and for certain types of errors is equal to the unitarity. This result yields a new method for estimating the coherence of noise. We present data from mirror benchmarking experiments run on the Honeywell System Model H1. This data constitutes a set of indicating the success probability for random circuits as a function of qubit number and circuit depth.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 22:14:57 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 1 Jun 2023 20:53:24 GMT"
] | 2023-06-05T00:00:00 | [
"Si Khadir",
] |
2 Weber et al. [14] were able to transfer the accuracy of a CNN into CBR for full was done by applying the feature attribution approach DeepLift [30]. Both instance and feature attribution methods suer strong criticisms. DeepLift [30] demonstrated good performance when used in the investigation reported in [14]. However, feature attribution methods have been shown to be insensitive to changes in models and in data [1]. In addition, they do not work in deep learning (DL) models that use a memory [18]. One important limitation of feature at- tribution is how to evaluate them because of how the data distribution changes when a feature is removed [13,2]. If we extend the analysis beyond interpretability and explainability and con- sider accountability, then feature attribution methods pose more challenges. An accountable decision-making process should demonstrate its processes align with legal and policy standards [19,25]. This notion is expanded in the two goals. The rst is to generate a fully reproducible [19] audit of the system generating the decision ( the second is to change the sys- tem when its decision is unwarranted ( e.g., [11,25]). The additional challenge to feature attribution lies therefore on the diculty to change the behavior of a system that produces unwanted decisions based on simply knowing the role of features in each decision. Notwithstanding, it seems plausible to make changes when the instances responsible for each decision are known. Instance attribution methods are also target of criticisms. One criticism has been directed to instances attributed when using in
uence functions [17] by Brashan et al. [8]. It refers to the fact that the selected instances are mostly outliers, a problem they overcome with relative in
uence [8]. Another criticism is how time and processing consuming it is to compute in
uence functions [15]. A third criticism is that selected sets of instances have substantial overlap across multiple test instances to be classied. Consequently, there seems there is still much to gain from further examining instance paper proposes a new instance attribution method. It is intuitive and thus simple to explain to users. It is also simple to compute. It has limitations as well. It shares with in
uence functions the overlap between sets of instances at- tributed to multiple test instance. It shares with ROAR [13] and HYDRA [10] the requirement to retrain the model. It is a step into a dierent direction that may spur further research. The proposed method is based on a new pseudo-metric we call Longitudinal Distance (LD). This paper focuses exclusively on For simplicity, we henceforth refer to solutions as classications and the NN structures as classiers. In the next sections, we describe the pseudo-metric LD and a variant and how they can be used for explanation. We then present some preliminary studies. We conclude with a discussion and future steps. 2 Introducing Longitudinal distances are a class of distances based on a heuristic that an itera- tive learning model such as NN can be used as an oracle for instance Distance: Towards Accountable Instance Attribution 3 Longitudinal distances operate in the metric space of instance elements that are used to train and to be solved by NN methods through a series of iterations a classication model trained with neural networks (NN) on a instances mapped by features f2F,Xtrain2Xare and hence include labels y2Yto indicate the class they testing instances. The classier Ce(xi) is a NN classier that learns to assign labels yusing a set of ntraining instances 1;:::;k ,xi= 1;:::;n . We assume that the ability of a classier to solve a previously unseen instance is represented in the weights learned through a sequence of learning iterations from a set of training instances. We that there is at least one (or more) training instance(s) responsible for the classication of an unseen instance, be it correct or incorrect, and that the relation between the training and unseen instances are somehow the sequence of learning iterations. We justify the proposed hypothesis based on the fact that when a previously known solution, i.e., a known class, is selected to classify an unseen problem, that both the training instance and the unseen instance, now both labeled as members of the same class, meet some condition that causes their solutions to be interchangeable, that is, their labels are the same. This condition is an abstract concept that we wish to represent, let us call it the oracle condition . We know that two instances together met this oracle condition when they are members of the same class. Consequently, a trained classier can be perceived as a function that indicates that two instances meet said oracle condition. However a trained classier may not be ideal to distinguish, among all instances that meet the oracle condition, which ones are responsible for the classication of an unknown instance. We consider, for example, the problem known as [23] to possibly degrade the quality of a classier with respect to some classes as it continues to learn new classes. Because some abilities may be forgotten as an NN method moves through new epochs, we contend that the complete experience learned by a classier is better represented by every weight matrix learned in all epochs of its learning cycle. The last weight the learned classier that has rened its ability to classify all generalization. Therefore, to successfully generalize, it is reasonable to assume that particular abilities with respect to some instances or labels were sacriced. Hence, we propose to use the sequence of all intermediary classiers, the weight matrices resultant at the end of each learning iteration, to measure the relationship between an unknown instance and all the training instances and identify the one(s) responsible for the rst propose the pseudometric Longitudinal Distance, dLto produce the ratio of incorrect classications to the total number of epochs. dL(xi;x) = (1)4 Weber et al. Now we propose the non-pseudometric Strict Longitudinal = 1 dene the distance space as ( d;X) for the distance pseudo-metric dL(xi;x), along with dSL(xi;x) wherexi;x2Xare instances mapped by features f2F that are classied by a classier Ceat epocheand receive a label y2Yto indicate their outcome class. In the above = 1 Ce(xi)=Ce(x) (3) the 1 Ce(xi)=Ce(x)in Equation 3 is the indicator function taking the value of 1 when they are equal and 0 otherwise. For assigning relevance, we incorporate we(xi) as a binary weight to Equation 2 that indicates whether the classier Ce(xi) is correct or wrong. When we(xi) =
1, this means the label ypredicted by the classier Ce(xi) forxiis equal to the label of the instance and thus it is correct, otherwise we(xi) = 0. We observe that Equation 1 assumes xias a training instance and therefore there is a as its class and thus we(xi) can be computed. Note that only the correctness of the classication of the training instance is veried as the correct label of unseen instances is unknown. Consequently Equation 2 is suited for computing the distances between a training instance xi2Xtrain and a which is the goal of this paper. Note that we can rewrite dL(xi;x) 6=Ce(x) (4) which is the mean number of classier mismatches over all the epochs. Next we demonstrate that dLa pseudo-metric. Recall the = 0 2.d(x;y) +d(z;y) What makes da pseudo-metric and not necessarily a metric is that in order to be a metric, if d(x;y) = 0, then x=y. Because of mapping into feature space to evaluate the classier, there may exist predictors, xiandx, for which = = 0: (5)Longitudinal Distance: Towards Accountable Instance Attribution 5 The symmetry property is also obvious. For the triangle property, given x,y, andz, supposeCe(x) =Ce(y). Then, 1Ce(x) 6=Ce(y)= 01Ce(x) 6=Ce(z)+ 1Ce(z) 6=Ce(y); (6) regardless of what the two terms on the right are. If, instead, 6=Ce(y)= 1 (7) Now we argue by contradiction. Suppose for some choice of z, 1Ce(x) 6=Ce(z)+ 1Ce(z) 6=Ce(y)= 0 (8) For this to be true, each of these two terms must be zero, so Ce(x) =Ce(z) =Ce(y) (9) But this contradicts the assumption that Ce(x)6=Ce(y). Thus, 1 Ce(x) 6=Ce(z)+
1Ce(z) 6=Ce(y)1, and 1Ce(x) 6=Ce(y)1Ce(x) 6=Ce(z)+ 1Ce(z) 6=Ce(y) the triangle equality holds for each epoch, and it must then hold over any nite sum of epochs: dL(x;y) 6=Ce(z)+1Ce(z) this is a Strict Longitudinal Distance The variant Strict Longitudinal Distance considers a relevance weight based on how correct the classier Ce(x) is throughout its life cycle. If thewewere independent of the xiandxarguments, then the would demonstrate dSL, Equation 2, to also be a because of dSL's dependence on the binary weights, we(xi), on the rst argument, xi, it fails to be a pseudo-metric when x2Xtestis an element of the training set. It does, however, satisfy the properties that dSL(x;y)0 and dSL(x;x) = 0, so it provides some weaker notion of distance between points. 3 Explaining with Longitudinal Distances To use the proposed metrics dLanddSLfor explaining decisions of an NN, it is necessary that the weight matrices produced at every epoch are preserved. If those have not been preserved, then it is necessary to retrain the NN preserving6 Weber et al. its weight matrices. Due to its nature, the instance to be ex- plained has to be solved again by the trained classier for an explanation to be provided. To explain a given target instance, we propose to compute the distance between the target instance and all training instances using the longitudinal dis- tance or the strict longitudinal distance. With the results of distances, it is then possible to determine the minimum ( i.e., shortest) distance observed between the target and training instances. Now note that multiple training instances can be equidistant to the target, and this is exactly why longitudinal distances fail the axioms for being 1 The shortest distance observed between a given target instance and all training instances computed through longitudinal distances is dened as theexplainer distance . Denition 2 The set of instances that are equidistant to the target instance at theexplainer distance constitute the positive explainer set . Thepositive explainer set and the negative explainer set are further specied in that the explainer set computed via longitudinal instances is, by nature of equations (1) and (2), the positive explainer set . The premise of the may be reversed to compute the negative explainer set by (3) as = 1 Ce(xi) 6=Ce(x) (12) the 1 Ce(xi)=Ce(x)in Equation 12 is the indicator function taking the value of 1 when they are not equal and 0 3 The negative explainer set is the set of instances computed via longitudinal distances that represent negative instances in classifying a given target 4 The explainer set results from the combination of the set and the negative explainer set . The instances belonging to the explainer set we theorize are responsible for producing the solution to the target instance and consequently can explain its so- lution. Once the explainer set is known, some considerations are needed. distance needs to be dened based on a precision value E. The value forEdepends on the domain given that explanations tend to be Second, a training instance may produce a direct or indirect expla- nation. A direct explanation would be one that does not require any as in all contents of the training instance(s) suces to explain the target instance. An indirect explanation may require further processing such as comparing whether all features of the target instance match the instances of the training instance chosen to explain the target. Third, the explainer set mayLongitudinal Distance: Towards Accountable Instance Attribution 7 include one or more training instances. When cardinality is greater than one, then a process to select the most loyal explanation may be needed. As a result of this process, it may be that no explanation is given. Fourth, if the explanation is meant to foster human trust, the explainer set may need to be the set is meant to produce accountability, then it has to be logical. We note that the negative explainer set is needed to demonstrate positive and negative instances that could be potentially used to train a classier. When used to select the best candidate for explanation, the positive explainer set suces. 4 Studies Fig. 1. Image of 9 on the left is the target instance, the set circled in red is the set with all members at dL= 0, the explainer distance for the positive set. The set circled in blue is a sample of a 3,569 (0.04%) image instances at the distance dL= 1 4.1 Visual Inspection We used the MNIST data set consisting of 55k training instances, and 10k We implemented a convolutional neural network design consisting of 1 convolutional layer with 28 3x3 kernels, 1 max pool layer of size 2x2 and stride of 1. The resultant layer is
attened and then connected to 1 hidden layer with 128 nodes with ReLU activation function for every node. A dropout of 20% is introduced following the hidden layer. The resultant output is passed to the output layer with 10 nodes (each corresponding to the label) with the function. This entire network is trained with 55,000 28x28 MNIST8 Weber et al. images in batches of 64 over 10 epochs. This training reached an accuracy of 83.9%1. Fig. 1 shows the images of the entire positive explainer set for one of the testing instances from MNIST labeled as a number nine. This positive explainer set was selected for illustration because its cardinality is 12 and thus we can show all the 12 images that are at distance zero from the target testing by dL. The negative explainer set contains 3,569 images. Figure set shown circled in blue is a 0.4% sample of the complete set of images at distance 1, which included 3,569 images. Although not a validation of accuracy, images are often presented to attribution methods. In Fig. 1 the negative explainer set is a random selection of the large overall set. In that sample, the types of nines are still nines but they are of a dierent category from those in the positive explainer set and the target instance. 4.2 Fidelity of explanations with longitudinal of an explanation is a metric that aims to determine how well an expla- nation generated by an XAI method aligns with ground-truth [4].This concept has been discussed from multiple perspectives ( e.g., and also related to gold features [29]. In this study, we use the data and method from [4]. Their approach is to create articial data sets by populating with values based on a given interval so that each instance can be ex- plained by the equation used to create it. This way, an explanation is loyal to the data when it approximates the relationship between the variables in the In this section, we use a data set created from seven equations. The equations have three variables, which were randomly populated. The result of these equations, the numeric value produced when applying the values and exe- cuting the equation, is the fourth feature of the data set. The label corresponds to the equation, hence there are seven labels, The data set consists of 503,200 instances. The experiment is as follows. Data set and deep neural network classier. We selected 403,200 instances for training and 100,000 for testing and validation. We trained a deep with 1 hidden layer and 8 nodes. The activation for the input and hidden layers was done using ReLU functions and for the output layer using the Softmax activation function. The loss calculated was categorical cross entropy. The 403,200 training instances were trained in batches of 128 over 15 epochs and reached an accuracy of 95% in the testing set. As required to implement the longitudinal distances, we preserved the classiers at each epoch. Accuracy metric and hypothesis. As earlier described, the data in this experiment was designed with equations that are known and are used to des- ignate the class of the instances. This way, an XAI method produces a correct 1Code and results are available Distance: Towards Accountable Instance Attribution 9 explanation if it selects to explain a target instance with a training instance that implements the same equation with which the instance being explained was built. The explanation will be given by an existing training instance, which has a label. Consequently, correctness is observed when the class label of the selected to explain the target instance has the same label as the target instance being explained. With the denition of a correct explanation, we can dene accuracy as the ratio of correct explanations to the total explanations pro- duced by the proposed approach. Our hypothesis is that the proposed method using both longitudinal distances will select instances to explain the classica- tions produced by the deep NN architecture with average accuracy above With the classier trained, we randomly selected 1,000 from the 100,000 testing instances to measure the accuracy of the proposed approach. This evaluation, as the metric describes, only seeks the selection of the class of explanations, and thus it does not use the negative explainer set. For each instance, we followed these steps: 1.Compute the positive explainer set using dLanddSL. 2.Use the label of each instance to create subsets of instances for each the largest subset and use its label as whether label is average Of the 1,000 testing instances, there were 978 and 980 correct expla- nations for the approach when using dLanddSL, respectively. Both average accuracy levels are above 95%, which is consistent with our hypothesis. The classier is correct for 968 instances out of 1,000 (96.8%), being wrong in 32 in- stances. Both distances led to the selection of the wrong explanation only when the classier's predictions were wrong. However, the distances do not indicate the wrong explanations whenever the classier is wrong. Interestingly, both correct, respectively, in 10 and 12 instances for which the classier was It is curious that the distances led to the selection of the in instances when the classier was wrong because the distances are based on the results of the classier. We examined whether there was anything else unusual about those instances. We found that when dLwas able to select cor- rect explanations while the classier was wrong, the cardinality of the explainer sets was much smaller than in other instances. Considering when the classier was wrong, the average size of the explainer set was 274 instances when the cor- rect explanation was selected in comparison to 23,239 when the explanation was not correct. We then examined the predictions of the classier throughout the 15 epochs and computed two values, namely, the number of distinct predictions and the number of times the prediction changed. Table 1 shows the values for all instances where dLselected the correct explanation when the classier was10 Weber et al. Table 1. Analysis of the predictions when dLselected the correct explanation when the classier was wrong. The correlation between the explainer set (1st column) and the respective number of distinct predictions (4th column) and changes (5th column) is 0.60 and set size15 Predictions 787 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 2 1 527 480 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4 2 2 527 480 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4 2 2 321 321 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4 2 2 321 321 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4 2 2 120 120 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 2 2 32 32 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4 3 6 29 29 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4, 4, 4 3 4 15 15 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4 3 4 5 5 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 2 3 wrong. The correlation between the explainer set and the respective number of distinct predictions and changes is 0.60 and 0.74. We also computed the correla- tion between the explainer set and the respective number of distinct predictions and changes for when dLwas not correct, and the results are 0.82 and 0.72. These correlations suggest that the more changes in labels the classier makes as it is learning, the more demanding the distances become causing the explainer sets to be more ecient. There is a lot to investigate further on this nding. 5 Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we introduced longitudinal distances to be computed between an unseen target instance classied by an NN and all training instances used to train it. The training instances at the shortest distance from the target its explainer set. The training instances that are members of the explainer set are hypothesized to have contributed to classify the target instance. As such, they can be potentially used to explain the target instances are inspired by the similarity heuristics and the prin- ciple that similar problems have similar solutions. Although not instance attribution methods have the potential to bring to particularly when implemented with CBR, the facet of attribution, cur- rently missing in those approaches. In this paper, the positive explainer set was used to select the best candidate for explanation. We did not use the negative explainer set. It is obvious that, if we are interested in accountability, as this paper described in its motivation, then we rst need to demonstrate that the explainer set produces the this is when we will use the negative explainer set. Ultimately, we also need to determine how to modify the set to change its Distance: Towards Accountable Instance Attribution 11 New XAI and IML approaches should demonstrate how they address any criticisms. Demonstrating how they perform in presence of noise, the proportion of outliers in the explainer set, and the proportion of overlap across explainer sets for multiple instances are future work for longitudinal Support for the preparation of this paper to Rosina O We- ber and Prateek Goel was provided by NCATS, through the Biomedical Data Translator program (NIH award Gideon Simpson is sup- ported by NSF Grant Adebayo, J., Gilmer, J., Muelly, M., Goodfellow, I., Hardt, M., Kim, B.: Sanity checks for saliency maps. In: 32nd NeurIPS. pp. 9525{9536 (2018) 2. Adler, P., Falk, C., Friedler, S.A., Nix, T., Rybeck, G., Scheidegger, C., Smith, S.: Auditing black-box models for indirect in
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"Rosina O.",
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PL, 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. Tatlock match e { | const => const | var (v) => lookup (v) | e1 + e2 => eval (e1) + eval(e2) | e1 * e2 => eval (e1) * eval(e2) ...}x + 0 = xx * 1 = xx - 0 = xx / 1 = xx + y = y + xx + (y + z) = (x + y) + zx * (y * z) = (x * y) * zRuler FrameworkTerm Enumeration Modulo SMT / model check / fuzzValidator Candidate Rule GenerationRule Selectione x, 0, e + e, e * e, ...<latexit 1. Ruler Workflow . Given a grammar and interpreter for a target domain, Ruler uses e-graphs and equality saturation to efficiently enumerate potential rewrite rules and iteratively select a small set of rules. Ruler supports various validation strategies to ensure soundness and speed up constraint solving (e.g., SMT), model checking, and fuzzing (Section 6). To address these challenges, we propose a simple, domain-general approach that uses [Tate et al .2009; Willsey et al .2021] as a rewrite system on the domain of rewrite rules themselves to quickly synthesize effective rulesets. In the past, tool-specific techniques to iteratively infer rewrite rules have implicitly adopted a common three-step approach, each constructing or maintaining a set: (1) Enumerate terms from the given domain to build the term setT. (2) Select candidate rules from TxTto build the candidate set C. (3) FilterCto select a sound set of useful rules to build the rule setR. We identify and abstract this workflow to provide generic rule inference for user-specified domains. Our key insight is that what makes equality saturation successful in rewrite rule application is also useful for rule inference . Equality saturation can simultaneously prove many pairs of terms equivalent with respect to a given ruleset. Our approach uses equality saturation to shrink the set Tof enumerated terms (lowering candidate generation cost) by merging terms equivalent under R, and to shrink the set Cof candidate rules (lowering candidate selection cost) by removing rules derivable by R. Thus, it uses the set Rof rewrite rules to rewrite the next batch of candidate rewrite rules even asRis being synthesized . We prototyped these insights in a tool dubbed Ruler (Figure 1). Compared to a synthesizer [Notzli et al .2019] built into the CVC4 theorem prover [Barrett et al .2011], smaller rulesets in less time without reducing the set of derivable equivalences. We demonstrate how Ruler can generate expert-quality rulesets by using it to replace all of Herbie's rules for rational numbers, uncovering missing rules that resolved a known bug in Herbie. In summary, this paper's contributions include:
*A novel rule synthesis algorithm that uses e-graphs [Nelson 1980] to compactly encode large sets of terms and equality saturation to efficiently filter and minimize rulesets (Section 3).
*A generic implementation of this algorithm within the Ruler1rewrite rule inference frame- work that synthesizes rules for user-specified domains given a grammar and its interpreter.
*A comparison against a recent CVC4-based rule synthesizer that shows Ruler rulesets 25xfaster without compromising the deriving power of the rulesets. 1Ruler will be made open-source and publicly available at [link redacted for review] . 2Ruler PL, 2021, USA
*A case study demonstrating that, in an end-to-end application of a real world tool, generated rulesets are as good as manually-crafted expert rules (Section 5). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides background on rewrite and equality saturation. Section 3 presents Ruler's core algorithm, Section 4 evaluates our implementation of Ruler against a CVC4-based rule synthesizer. Section 5 presents a case study where Ruler-generated rules can competitively replace expert-crafted rules in the Herbie numerical program synthesizer. Section 6 provides several empirical analyses of Ruler's algorithm and compares different instantiations, verification back-ends, and rule discovery strategies. Section 7 discusses limitations of our approach and opportunities for future work. Section 8 presents related work, and Section 9 concludes. 2 BACKGROUND To build a rewrite system for a target domain, programmers must develop a set of rewrite rules and then use a rewrite engine to apply them, e.g., for optimization, synthesis, or verification. Ruler helps automate this process using e-graphs to compactly represent sets of terms and using to filter and minimize candidate rules. 2.1 Implementing Rewrite Rewrite Rules. Within a given domain D, a rewrite rule l-ris a first-order of a single equation, where landrare terms in Dand all free variables are rules must be sound: for any substitution of their free variables, landrmust have the same semantics, i.e., many cases, rewrite rules must also be engineered to meet of the rewrite engine responsible for applying them. For example, classic term rewriting approaches often require special considerations for cyclic (e.g., (x+y)~(y+x)) or expansive (e.g., x~(x+0)) rules [Baader and Nipkow 1998]. The choice of rules and their ordering can also affect the quality and performance of the resulting rewrite system [Whitfield and Soffa 1997]. Different ruleset variations may cause a rewrite system to be faster or slower and may be able to derive different sets of equivalences. To a first approximation, smaller rulesets of more general, less redundant rules are fewer rules speeds up rule-based search since there are fewer patterns to repeatedly match against. Having more general, orthogonal rules also increases a rewrite system's proving power by expanding the set of equivalences derivable after a smaller number of rule applications. also aids debugging, making it possible to diagnose a misbehaving rule-based search or optimization by eliminating one rule at a time. Automatic synthesis aims to generate rulesets that are sound and that include rules that even domain experts may overlook for years.2Ideally, ruleset synthesis itself should also be fast; rapid rule inference can help programmers explore the design space for rewrite systems in new domains. It can also help with rewrite system maintenance since rulesets must be rechecked and potentially extended whenever any operator for a domain is added, removed, or updated, i.e., when the semantics for the domain Rules with Rewrite Engines. Given a set of rewrite rules, a rewrite engine is tasked with either optimizing a given term into a better equivalent term (e.g., for peepholes [McKeeman 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. Tatlock or [Massalin 1987]) or proving two given terms equivalent, i.e., solving the word problem [Bezem et al. 2003]. Classic term rewriting systems destructively update terms as they are rewritten. This approach is generally fast, but complicates support for cyclic or expansive rules, and makes both rewrit- ing performance and output quality dependent on fine-grained rule orderings. Past work has extensively investigated how to mitigate these challenges by scheduling rules [Barendregt et al . 1987; Borovansk `y et al. 1998; Dershowitz 1982; Knuth and Bendix 1983], special casing cyclic and expansive rules [Bachmair et al .2000; Dershowitz 1987; Eker 2003; Lucas 2001], and rewrite rule-based search [Clavel et al .2007; Kirchner 2015; Visser 2001a,b]. Many systems still rely on ad hoc rule orderings and heuristic mitigations developed through trial and error, though recent work [Newcomb et al .2020] has demonstrated how reduction orders [Baader and Nipkow 1998] can be automatically synthesized and then used to effectively guide destructive term rewriting systems. 2.2 graph (e-graph ) is a data structure commonly used in theorem provers [Detlefs et al . 2005; Joshi et al .2002; Nelson 1980] to efficiently compute a congruence relation over a set of terms. E-graph implementations are backed by union-find data structures [Tarjan 1975]. An e-graph consists of a set of e-classes (equivalence classes) where each e-class contains one or more e-nodes , and each e-node is a tuple of a function symbol and a list of children compactly stores an equivalence (more specifically, congruence) relation over terms. We say that an e-graph represents the terms in its equivalence relation, recursively defined as:
*An e-graph represents all terms represented by any of its e-classes.
*An e-class represents all terms represented by any of its e-nodes. Terms represented by the same e-class are considered equivalent.
*An a term f(t1,t2,...)iff the function symbols match and term ti. Terms represented by the same e-node are equivalent and have the same top-level function symbol. E-graphs use hashconsing [Ershov 1958] to ensure e-nodes are never duplicated in an e-graph . This sharing helps keep e-graphs compact even when representing exponentially many terms. E-graphs may even contain cycles, in which case they represent an infinite set of terms. Figure 2 shows two small e-graphs. In the left example, each e-node is in its own e-class. This e-graph represents only the term a+a. In the right example, the top e-class contains two the e-node with the function symbol +represents the term a+a, and the e-node with the function the term a*2. 2.3 Equality saturation [Tate et al .2009] is a promising technique that repurposes e-graphs to rewrite engines. Starting from a term t, equality saturation builds an initial t, and then repetedly applies rules to expand Einto a large set of equivalent terms. For optimization or synthesis, a user-provided cost function determines the best term by t's e-class;tbis then extracted and returned as the optimized result. For proving an equivalence t1=t2, botht1andt2are initially added to Eand the equality saturation engine tests whether their e-classes ever merge. A major advantage of equality saturation engines is that they are non-destructive: information is never lost when applying a rule. This enables support for cyclic and expansive rules and mitigates many scheduling challenges: rule ordering generally does not affect the quality of the final result. 4Ruler PL, 2021, USA a+
Fig. 2. Initially, the e-graph (left) represent only the term a+a. The rewrite applied to the initial e-graph which merges the term ax2into the same e-class that contains a+a. The dotted boxes show e-classes and the solid boxes show = make_egraph( t) 3saturated = false 4 && ( nottimeout()): 5 saturated = true 6 forl~rinR: 7 l): 8 cr= egraph.add( (r)) 9 if cl,cr) 10 egraph.union( cl,cr) 11 saturated = false 12 3. Equality Saturation. Initially, the e-graph only represents the AST of the original input term. rewrite rules are applied until the e-graph saturates or a timeout is reached. A cost function guides the extraction of the best program from the e-graph. Recent work has applied high performance equality saturation libraries [Willsey et al .2021] to produce state-of-the-art synthesizers and optimizers across several diverse domains [Nandi et al . 2020; Panchekha et al .2015; Premtoon et al .2020; VanHattum et al .2021; Wang et al .2020; Wu et al. 2019; Yang et al. 2021]. Figure 3 shows the core equality saturation algorithm. Given a term tand a set of rewrite rules R, the eq_sat procedure first makes an initial e-graph corresponding to t's abstract syntax tree (AST); each e-class initially contains a single e-node. Rewrite rules are then repeatedly applied to all in the e-graph . To apply a rule l~r, the algorithm first uses a procedure [Detlefs et al. 2005] to search all represented terms for those matching l. This returns a list of pairs ( ,cl) of substitutions and the corresponding e-class where the rule matched some term(l). Each substitution is then applied tor, yielding a new term (r)equivalent to (l). If (r)is not already represented by the same e-class (l)is, then(r)is added to a fresh e-class cr, andcris unioned (merged) with cl, the e-class where (l)was matched. This process illustrates how rewriting in an e-graph is non-destructive: applying rules only adds 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. # add new terms directly to the e -graph representing T 6add_terms( T,i) 7 loop: 8 # combine e -classes in the e -graph representing TthatRproves equivalent 9 run_rewrites( T,R) 10C= cvec_match( T) 11 ifC={}: 12 break 13 # choose_eqs only returns valid candidates by using 'is_valid 'internally 14 # and it filters out all invalid candidates from R,C) 16 returnR Fig. 4. Ruler's Core Algorithm. The iterations parameter determines the maximum number of connectives in the terms Ruler will enumerate. The second e-graph in Figure 2 shows an example of e-graph rewrite rule application. Upon applying the rewrite rule (a+a)~(ax2)to the e-graph on the left, a new term is added to the e-graph . This new term is in the same e-class as the original term, indicating they are equivalent. One edge from this new e-node points to the e-class containing x, while the other points to a freshly-added e-class containing the e-node for 2. When applying rules no longer adds new information (i.e., all terms and equalities were we say the e-graph hassaturated . Upon saturation (or timeout), a user-provided cost function determines which represented term to extract from the e-graph . Equality various extraction procedures, from simply minimizing AST size to more based on integer linear programming or genetic algorithms [Willsey et al. 2021]. 3 RULER This section describes Ruler, a new equality saturation-based rewrite rule synthesis technique. Like other rule synthesis approaches, Ruler iteratively performs three steps: (1) Enumerate terms into a set T. (2) SearchTxTfor a set of candidate equalities C. (3) Choose a useful, valid subset of Cto add to the ruleset R. Ruler's core insight is that e-graphs and equality saturation can help compactly represent the sets T,C, andR, leading to a faster synthesis procedure that produces smaller rulesets Rwith greater proving power (Section 4.1.2). 3.1 Ruler Overview Figure 4 shows Ruler's core synthesis algorithm, which is parameterized by the following:
*The number of iterations to perform the search for (line 4); 6Ruler PL, 2021, USA
*The language grammar, given in the form of a term enumerator ( add_terms , line 6), which takes the number of variables or constants to enumerate over;
*The procedure for validating candidate rules, is_valid (called inside choose_eqs , Figure 5 line 20). These parameters provide flexibility for supporting different domains, making Ruler a rule synthesis framework rather than a single tool. Ruler uses an e-graph to the set of terms T. In each iteration, Ruler first extends the set Twith additional terms from the target language. Each term tTis tagged with a characteristic vector (cvec) that stores the result of evaluating tgiven many different assignments of values to variables. After enumerating terms, Ruler uses equality saturation ( run_rewrites ) to merge terms in Tthat can be proved equivalent by the rewrite rules already discovered (in the set R); Next, Ruler computes a setCof candidate rules ( cvec_match ). It finds from but have matching cvecs and thus are likely to be equivalent. Thanks to run_rewrites , no candidate in Cshould be derivable from R. However, Cis often still large and contains many redundant or invalid candidate rules. Finally, Ruler's choose_eqs procedure picks a valid subset of Cto add toR, ideally finding the smallest extension which can establish all equivalences implied by RC. Ruler tests candidate rules for validity using a domain-specific is_valid function. This process is repeated until there are no more equivalences to learn between terms in T, at which point Ruler begins another iteration. We detail each of these phases in the rest of this section. 3.2 Enumeration Modulo rules encode equivalences between terms, often as relatively small find and Thus, a straightforward strategy for finding candidate rules is to find all equivalent pairs of terms up to some maximum size. Unfortunately, the set of terms up to a given size making complete enumeration impractical for many languages. This challenge may be mitigated by biasing enumeration towards interesting terms, e.g. drawn from or by avoiding bias and using sampling techniques to explore larger, more diverse terms. Ruler can support both domain-specific prioritization and random sampling via the While these heuristics can be very effective, they often risk missing profitable candidates for new classes of inputs or use cases. Term space explosion can also be mitigated by partitioning terms into equivalence classes and only considering a single, canonical representative from each class. Similar to partial order in model checking [Peled 1998] this can make otherwise intractable enumeration feasible. Ruler defaults to this complete enumeration strategy, using an e-graph to compactly represent T and equality saturation to keep Tpartitioned with respect to equivalences derivable from the rules inReven as they are being Terms in an E-graph .E-graphs are designed to represent large sets of terms effi- ciently by exploiting sharing and equivalence. For sharing, e-graphs maintain deduplication and maximal reuse of subexpressions via hash-consing. If some term ais already represented in an e-graph , checking membership is constant time and adding it again has no effect. The first time (a+a)is added, a new e-class is introduced with only a single e-node, representing the +with both operands pointing to a's e-class. then added, a new e-class is introduced with only a single e-node, representing the *with both operands pointing to (a+a)'s e-class. Thus as Ruler adds expressions to T, only the new parts of each added expression increase the size of T in memory. On iteration i, calling add_terms(T, i)adds all (exponentially many) terms with iconnectives to thee-graph . The first iteration calls add_terms with an empty e-graph to add terms with i=0 7PL, 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. thus specifying how many variables and which constants (if any) will be included in the search space. Since these terms are added to an e-graph , deduplication and sharing efficient representation, but they do not, by themselves, provide an equivalence reduction to help avoid enumerating over many equivalent T using R. Ruler's e-graph not only stores the set of terms T, but also an (more specifically, a congruence relation) over those terms. Since the children of an e-node are e-classes, a single e-node can represent exponentially many equivalent terms. Initially, the e-graph stores no equivalences, i.e., each term is in its own equivalence class. As the algorithm proceeds, Ruler learns rules and places them in the set Rof accepted rules.3At the beginning of its inner loop (line 9), Ruler performs equality saturation with the rules from R. Equality saturation will unify classes of terms in the e-graph that can be proven equivalent with rules fromR. To ensure that run_rewrites only shrinks the term e-graph , Ruler performs this on a copy of the e-graph , and then copies the newly learned equalities (e-class merges) back to the original e-graph . This avoids polluting the e-graph with terms added during , i.e., it prevents enumeration of new terms based on intermediate terms equality inner loop only terminates once there are no more rules to learn, so the next , line 6) only enumerates over the canonical representatives from the equivalence classes of terms with respect to Rthat have been represented up to that point. This compaction of the term space makes complete enumeration possible for non-trivial depths and makes Ruler much more efficient in finding a small set of powerful rules. Section 6 demonstrates how compaction of Tis essential to Ruler's contain rules that use partial operators, Ruler's equality saturation merges e-classes whose cvecs agree in at least one non-null way (see the definition of match in Section 3.3). For example, consider that x/x-1R, and The pattern x/x matches both terms, but equality saturation will not mergea-a a-awith 1, sincea-a a-ais never defined. On the other hand,a+a a+acan merge with 1since the cvecs match. Prior work [Notzli et al .2019] on rule inference applies multiple filtering passes to minimize rule setsafter they are generated. These filters include subsumption order, variable ordering, filtering modulo alpha-renaming, and removing rules in the congruence closure of previously found rules. Ruler eliminates the need for such filtering using equality saturation on the e-graph representing T. Since enumeration takes place over e-classes in T, equivalent terms are pre-filtered Candidate Rules Given a set (or in Ruler's case, an e-graph ) of termsT, rewrite rule synthesis searches TxTfor pairs of equivalent terms that could potentially be a rule to add to R. The set of candidate rules is denotedC. The naive procedure for producing candidate rules simply considers every distinct is prohibitively expensive for two main reasons. First, it will produce many rules that are either in or can be proven by the existing ruleset R. In fact, the naive approach should always produce supersets of Cfrom previous iterations; accepting a candidate rule from CintoRwould not prevent it from being generated in Rin the following iteration. Second, most of the candidates will be unsound, and sending too many unsound candidates to choose_eqs burdens it unnecessarily, since it must search Cfor valid candidates by invoking the user-supplied is_valid procedure. Ruler's use of 3While Figure 4 shows Rstarting empty, the user may instead initialize Rwith trusted axioms if they choose. 8Ruler PL, 2021, USA ane-graph to represent the term set Taddresses both of the these inefficiencies with canonical representation vectors . Canonical Representation. Consider a situation where (x+y)-(y+x)Rand inT. When selecting terms from which to build a candidate rule, considering be redundant; any rules derived from one could be derived from the other by composing it with commutativity of +. In some rewriting systems, this composition of rewrites cannot be achieved since cyclic rules like commutativity are not permitted. Equality handles and in many cases prefers such compositional rules, since it results in fewer rules to search over the e-graph. To prevent generating candidate rules which are already derivable by the rules in R, Ruler only considers a single term from each e-class when building candidate rules. When searching for candidate rules, Ruler considers only term pairs (l,r)wherelrand both are of e-classes in T. This ensures candidate rules cannot be derived from R; if they could have been, then landrwould have been in the same e-class after the call to run_rewrites . Characteristic Vectors. Canonical representation reduces the set of canonical terms from T, but it does not prevent a full O(n2)search ofT'xT'for valid candidate rules. Ruler employs a technique called characteristic vectors (cvecs) to prevent this quadratic search by only considering pairs that are likely valid. Ruler associates a characteristic vector viwith each e-classi. The cvec is the result of evaluating ti, the canonical term in e-class i, over a set of inputs that serves as a the value of that e-class. Stated precisely, let jforj[1,m]be a predetermined family of mmappings from variables in Tto concrete values, and let eval be the evaluator for the given language. The cvec for e-class computes cvecs incrementally and without redundancy during enumeration using an e-class analysis [Willsey et al .2021] to associate a cvec with each e-class; let ibe an e-class, tiits canonical term, and viits a constant n,viis populated by copies of somen-ary operator ffrom the given language, viis computed by mapping fover the cvecs of the subterms: a variable x,viis populated by values from the target domain; choosing values to populate the cvecs of variables can be done randomly or with a (Section 6 compares two approaches). To support partial operators (e.g., division), cvecs may have a null value in them to indicate failure to evaluate. We say that cvecs match if their non-null values agree in every (and at least one) position, i.e., cvecs e-classes in the e-graph representing Tmerge, they will have matching cvecs, because they have been proven equivalent by valid rules. Ruler aborts if cvecs of merging e-classes do not match; empirically, this helps avoid learning unsound rules even when is_valid is not sound (Section 6.2). Section 4 and Section 5 discuss how cvecs are generated for different domains. serve as a filter for validity: if i,jare e-classes and vidoes not match vj, (using the 8 discusses prior work [Bansal and Aiken 2006; Jia et al .2019] that uses fingerprints for synthesizing and graph 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. Tatlock of match from Section 3.1) then ti-tjis not valid. This allows Ruler to not consider those pairs when building of cvec_match procedure (called at Figure 4, line 10) constructs Cby grouping e-classes from T based on their cvecs and then taking pairs of canonical terms from each of those The candidate set Ccontains rules that are likely, but not guaranteed, to be valid. The choose_eqs function (discussed in Section 3.4) must validate these before returning them by using is_valid function. The soundness of Ruler's output, i.e., whether every rule in Ris valid, depends on the soundness of the provided is_valid procedure. Many rule synthesis et al .2019; Singh and Solar-Lezama 2016] use SMT solvers to perform this validation. Ruler supports arbitrary validation procedures: small domains may use model checking, larger domains may use SMT, and undecidable domains may decide to give up a guarantee of soundness and use a sampling-based validation. Section 6.2 compares validation techniques for different domains. 3.4 Choosing Rules After finding a set of candidate rules C, Ruler selects a valid subset of rules from Cto add to the rule setRusing the choose_eqs procedure (Figure 4, line 15). As long as choose_eqs returns a valid, non-empty subset of C, Ruler's inner loop will terminate: the number of e-classes with matching cvecs (i.e., the subset of Tused to compute C) decreases in each iteration since Ris with rules that will cause new merges in run_rewrites . Ideally, choose_eqs quickly finds a minimal extension of Rthat enables deriving all equivalences implied by RC'whereC'is the valid subset of C.choose_eqs also removes invalid candidates from C; if it returns the empty set (i.e., none of the candidates in Care valid), then Ruler's inner loop will terminate in the next iteration due to line 11 in Figure 4. The candidate rules in Care not derivable by R, but many of the candidate rules may be able to derive each other, especially in the context of R. For example, the following candidate set is composed of three rules from the boolean domain,5and any two can derive the third: (^ x x) = false (& x false) = false (& x false) = (^ x x) An implementation of choose_eqs that only returns a single rule cCavoids this issue, those rules derivable by R{c}from being candidates in the next iteration of the inner loop. However, a single-rule implementation will be slow to learn rules, since it can only learn one at a time (Table 1 of our evaluation shows there are sometimes thousands of rules to learn). Additionally, such an implementation has to decide which rule to select, ideally picking the strongest rules first. For example, if a,bCandR{a}can not derive a, then selecting bbeforeawould be a mistake, causing the algorithm to incur an additional loop. Ruler's implementation of choose_eqs , shown in Figure 5, is parameterized by a value nwith default of. Atn=1,choose_eqs simply returns a single valid candidate from C. For higher n, choose_eqs attempts to return a list of up to nvalid rules all at once. This can speed up Ruler by requiring fewer trips around its inner loop, but risks returning many rules that can derive each other. To mitigate this, choose_eqs tries to not choose rules that can derive each other. In its main loop (line 14), choose_eqs uses the select function to pick the stepbest rules from Caccording to a syntactic heuristic.6Ruler then validates the selected rules and adds them to a set Kof keeper rules which it will ultimately return. It then employs the shrink procedure (line 34) to eliminate 5^here represents XOR 6Ruler's syntactic heuristic prefers candidates with the following characteristics more distinct variables, fewer constants, shorter larger side (between the two terms forming the candidate), shorter smaller side, and fewer PL, 2021, USA 1#Ris the accepted ruleset so far, Cis the candidate ruleset. 2# Ruler 's implementation of choose_eqs is based on a more flexible R,C,n=): 4 for ifstep<=n: 6 C= choose_eqs_n( R,C,n,step) 7 returnC 8 9#nis the number of rules to choose from C, and step is a granularity parameter. 10 # A larger step size allows you to eliminate redundant rules faster. 11 defchoose_eqs_n( R,C,n,step): 12 # letKbe the list of keepers which we will return 13K=[] 14 whileC: 15 # pick the best step candidate rules from Caccording to a heuristic 16 # that approximates rule generality, including C= select( step,C) 18 19 # add the valid ones to # remember all the invalid candidates in a global variable bad; 23 # Ruler uses this to prevent known -invalid candidates from entering Cagain (not shown) 24 # stop if we have enough rules 27 if|K|>=n: 28 # try to prove terms remaining in Cequivalent using rules from RK 31C= shrink(RK,C) 32 returnK 33 34 for(l-r)C: 37E= add_term( E,l) 38E= add_term( E,r) 39E= run_rewrites( E,R) 40 # return the extracted versions of rules from C, leaving out anything that was proven equivalent 41 5. Ruler's implementation of choose_eqs , which aims to minimize the candidate set Cby that the remainder can from Cthat can be derived be RK. This works similarly to run_rewrites in the Ruler algorithm, but shrink works over the remaining candidate set Cinstead ofT. Ruler's choose_eqs invokes the inner choose_eqs_n procedure with increasingly small step sizes ( step is defined on line 4). Larger step sizes allow shrink to quickly trim down Cwhen it contains many 11PL, 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. However, a large step also means that choose_eqs may admit steprules intoKat once, some of which may be able to prove each other. Decreasing the step size to 1 eliminates this issue. Ruler usesn=by default for maximum performance, and Section 6 measures the effects of this choice on Ruler's performance and output. 3.5 implemented Ruler in Rust using the egg[Willsey et al .2021] e-graph library for . By default Ruler uses Z3 [De Moura and Bjorner 2008] for SMT-based using other validation backends is simple (Section 6). Ruler's core consists of under 1,000 lines of code, allowing it to be simple, extensible, and generic over domains. Compared to the rewrite synthesis tool inside the CVC4 solver [Barrett et al .2011; Notzli et al .2019], Ruler is an order of magnitude smaller. Since Ruler's core algorithm does not rely on SMT, Ruler can learn rewrite rules over domains unsupported by SMT-LIB [Barrett et al . 2016], or for alternative semantics for those domains7(Section 6.3). In the following sections, we provide various evaluations of three representative domains on top of Ruler's core. Each domain highlights a verification back-end and cvec generation strategy and bitvector-4: these are small domains which Ruler can efficiently model check and generate sound rules by construction -- the cvecs are demonstrates that Ruler supports SMT-based verification for large, demonstrates that random sampling is adequate for larger but continuous domains. This domain also showcases Ruler's support for partial operators like division. The implementation of booleans, bitvectors, and rationals are in approximately 100, 400, and 300 lines, respectively. 4 EVALUATION In evaluating Ruler, we are interested in the following research . Does Ruler synthesize rewrite rules quickly compared to similar . Does Ruler synthesize small . Do Ruler's rulesets derive the rules produced by similar . How well do Ruler's synthesized rules perform compared to rules generated by experts in real Analysis . How do the different components of Ruler's core algorithm and the size of the synthesized Analysis . How do different validation strategies affect Ruler's output? We first evaluate performance, compactness, and derivability (Section 4.1) by comparing Ruler against recent work [Notzli et al .2019] that added rewrite rule synthesis to the CVC4 SMT solver [Barrett et al .2011]. We compose Ruler's rules with Herbie [Panchekha et al .2015] to show an end-to-end evaluation (Section 5). We then study the effects of different choices in Ruler's search algorithm and the different validation and cvec generation strategies (Section 6). 7For example, the Halide [Ragan-Kelley et al .2013] tool uses division semantics where x/0=0; this is different from the SMT-LIB semantics, but it can easily be encoded using the PL, 2021, USA Parameters Ruler CVC4 Ruler / CVC4 Domain # Conn Time (s) # Rules Drv Time (s) # Rules Drv Time Rules bool 2 0.01 20 1 0.13 53 1 0.06 0.38 bool 3 0.06 28 1 0.82 293 1 0.07 0.10 bv4 2 0.14 49 1 4.47 135 0.98 0.03 0.36 bv4 3 4.30 272 1 372.26 1978 1 0.01 0.14 bv32 2 13.00 46 0.97 18.53 126 0.93 0.70 0.37 bv32 3 630.09 188 0.98 1199.53 1782 0.91 0.53 0.11 0.04 0.17 Harmonic Mean Table 1. Ruler tends to synthesize smaller, more powerful rulesets in less time than CVC4. The table shows synthesis results across domains and maximum term size (in number of connectives, # Conn). The domains are booleans, bitvector-4, and bitvector-32 each of which is evaluated for # Conn = 2 and # Conn = 3. Ruler uses model checking for booleans and bitvector-4 and Z3 for bitvector-32. The Drv column shows the fraction that tool's synthesized ruleset can derive of the other's ruleset; for example, the final row indicates that Ruler's 188 rules derived 98% of CVC4's 1,782 rules, and CVC's rules derived 91% of Ruler's. The final two columns show the ratios of synthesis times and ruleset sizes between the two tools.
<var> ::= x | y | z
<expr> ::=<literal> |<var>
|<expr> &<expr>
|<expr> ^<expr>
| (<expr> |<expr> ) (a) Boolean (bool) grammar.<var> ::= x | y | z
<expr> ::=<literal> |<var>
|~<expr> |-<expr> |
|<expr> +< expr> |<expr> -< expr> |<expr> x< expr>
|<expr> < expr> |<expr> < expr>
|<expr> &<expr> | (<expr> |<expr> ) (b) Bitvector grammar used for both bv4 and bv32. ~is bit- wise negation; unary -is We use shift semantics where . Fig. 6. The grammars used by both Ruler and CVC4 in our evaluation. 4.1 Comparison with CVC4 Both Ruler and the CVC4 synthesizer are written in systems programming languages (Rust and C++, respectively), and both take a similar approach to synthesizing rewrite rules: enumerate terms, find valid candidates, select rules, and repeat. At the developers' suggestion, we used CVC4 version 1.8 with -sygus-rr-synth to We enabled their rule filtering techniques ( ). We enabled their rule checker ( ) to verify all synthesized rules. Additionally, we also disabled use of any pre-existing rules from CVC4 to guide the rule synthesis (using ,-dynamic ). Table 1 shows the results of the comparison. The following text discusses the results in detail, but, in short, Ruler synthesizes smaller rulesets in less time that have more proving power (Section 4.1.2). 4.1.1 Benchmark Suite. We compare Ruler against CVC4 for booleans, bitvector-4, and 6 shows the grammars. Both Ruler and CVC4 are parameterized by the domain (bool, bv4, 13PL, 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. Tatlock or bv32), the number of distinct variables in the grammar, and the size of the synthesized term.8 All benchmarks were single-threaded and run on an AMD 3900X 3.6GHz processor with 32GB of RAM. Both Ruler and CVC4 were given 3 variables and no constants to start the Derivability. A bigger ruleset is not necessarily a better ruleset. We designed Ruler to mini- mize ruleset size while not compromising on its capability to prove equalities. We define a metric called the deriving ratio to compare two rulesets. Ruleset Ahas deriving ratio pwith respect to rulesetBif setAcan derive a fraction pof the rules in B(Abmeans rule set Acan prove rule deriving ratio of 1 with respect to each other, then they can each derive all of the other's rules. We useegg's equality saturation procedure to test derivability. To test whether we addblandbrto an empty e-graph , run equality saturation using A, and check to see if the e-classes of blandbrmerged. We run eggwith 5 iterations of equality saturation. Since this style of proof is bidirectional ( eggis trying to rewrite both sides at the same time), be as long as 10 rules from A. 4.1.3 Bitvector and Boolean Implementation. Ruler supports different implementations of the is_- valid procedure (Section 3.3) for different domains. When the domain is small enough, Ruler can use efficient model checking. For example, there are only (24)3=4096 assignments of bitvector-4 to three variables. By using cvecs of that length to capture all possibilities, Ruler can guarantee that the cvec_match procedure returns only valid candidate rules, and is_valid need not perform any additional checking. Ruler uses model checking for booleans and bitvector-4, and it uses for Results. Table 1 shows the results of our comparison with CVC4's rewrite rule synthesis. On average (harmonic mean), Ruler produces 5.8xsmaller rulesets 25xfaster than CVC4. Ruler and CVC4's results can derive most of each other. On the harder benchmarks (in terms of Ruler's results have a higher derivability ratio; they can prove more of CVC4 rules END-TO-END EVALUATION OF RULER: A RATIONAL CASE STUDY How good are Ruler's rewrite rules? Can they be used with existing rewrite-based tools with effort? This section demonstrates how Ruler's output can be plugged directly into an existing rewrite-driven synthesis tool, Herbie. Herbie [Panchekha et al .2015] is a widely-used, open-source tool for automatically improving the accuracy of floating point expressions, with thousands of users and regular yearly releases. Herbie takes as input a numerical expression and returns a more accurate expression. It is implemented in Racket [Racket 2021]. Herbie has separate phases for error localization (by sampling), regime inference, and simplification, which work together to increase accuracy of numerical programs. The simplification phase uses algebraic rewrites to simplify thereby also enabling further accuracy improvements. These are applied using an equality saturation engine. In the past, the set of algebraic rewrites has been the cause of many bugs; of 8 open bugs at the time of this writing, six have been tagged rules by the developers [Herbie 2021b]. Ruler was able to find rules that addressed one of these issues. 8Size is measured in number of connectives, e.g., ahas 0,(a+b)has 1, and(a+(b+c))has 2. In CVC4, this is set with flag. 14Ruler PL, 2021, USA None Herbie Ruler Both Rules used for bits of error improved (a) Improvement in average error, Herbie's metric for measuring ac- curacy (higher is better). None Herbie Ruler Both Rules used for Size(b) Size of the output AST pro- duced by Herbie (lower is better). None Herbie Ruler Both Rules used for (s) (c) Herbie's running time (lower is better). Fig. 7. Comparing Herbie results between four configurations. Each boxplot represents the results from 30 seeds, where each data point is obtained by summing the value (average error, AST size, time) over all 51 benchmarks. The columns dictate what rational rules Herbie has access to: either none, its default rules, only Ruler's rules, or both. Herbie's rational rules reduce AST size and speed up simplification without and Ruler's rules perform similarly (with or without Herbie's rules). 5.1 Experimental Setup We implemented rationals in Ruler using rational and bigint libraries in Rust [Rust 2021a,b]. We then synthesized rewrite rules over rational arithmetic and ran Herbie with the resulting ruleset. The Herbie benchmark suite has 155 benchmarks; 55 of those are over rationals -- i.e., all expressions in these benchmarks consist only of operators: +,-,x,/,abs,neg . At the we filtered out 4 of the 55 benchmarks because they repeatedly timed out. We ran all our experiments on the remaining 51 benchmarks under four different remove all the rational rewrite rules from Herbie's simplification phase. Rational rules are those which consist only of rational operators and no others. Note that all other compo- nents of Herbie are left intact, including rules over rational operators combined with other operators, and rules entirely over other operators. None is the : no changes to Herbie, simply run it on the 51 replace Herbie's rational rules with output of Ruler.
*Both: run Herbie with both Ruler's rational rules and the original Herbie rational rules. Herbie has a default timeout of 180 seconds for each benchmark. It has a node limit of 5000 in its underlying equality saturation engine, i.e., it stops applying the simplification rules once the e-graph has 5000 e-nodes. We ran our experiments with three settings -- (1) using the defaults, (2) increasing the timeout to 1000 seconds, and the node-limit to 10,000 to account for the addition of extra rules to Herbie's ruleset, and (3) decreasing the node limit to 2500 -- we found that our results were stable and robust across all three settings. Figure 7 shows the results for the default setting. 15PL, 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. Tatlock For all four configuration ( None, Herbie, Ruler, Both ), we ran Herbie for 30 seeds (because Herbie's error localization relies on random sampling). We used Ruler to synthesize rational rules of depth 2 with 3 variables using random testing for validation (rational under Table 2).9Ruler learned 50 rules in 18 seconds, all of which were proven sound with an SMT post-pass. Four rules were expansive -- i.e., rules like (a-(ax1))whose LHS is only a variable. We removed these expansive rules from the ruleset as per the the Herbie developers. Herbie's rules are uni-directional -- we therefore expanded our rules ultimately leading to 76 uni-directional Ruler rules. 5.2 Discussion The Herbie simplifier uses equality saturation to find smaller, equivalent programs. The does not directly improve accuracy; rather, it generates more candidates that are then used in the other accuracy improving components of Herbie. While ideally, Herbie would return a more accurate andsmaller output, Herbie's ultimate goal is to find more accurate expressions, even if it sacrifices AST size. Herbie's original ruleset has been developed over the past 6 years by experts to effectively accomplish this goal. Any change to these rules must therefore ensure that it does not make Herbie's result less accurate. Figure 7 shows the results of running Herbie with rules synthesized by Ruler. Each to one of the four configurations. The baseline ( None) and Herbie in Figure 7's accuracy and AST size plots highlight the significance of rational rewrites in Herbie -- these reduce AST size without reducing accuracy. The plots for Ruler show that running Herbie with only Ruler's rational rules has almost the same effect on accuracy and AST size as expert written ruleset. The plot for Bothshows that running Herbie together with Ruler's rules further reduces AST size, still without affecting accuracy. The timing plots show that adding Ruler's rules to Herbie does not make it slower. The baseline timing is slower than the rest because removing all rational simplification rules causes Herbie's other components take much longer to find the same results. In summary, Ruler's rational rewrite rules can be easily integrated into Herbie, and they perform as well as expert-written rules without incurring any additional Herbie's original rational ruleset consisted of 52 rational rules. Ruler synthesized rational rules (50 bidirectional rules). We compared the two rulesets for proving power, by deriving each with the other using the approach described in Section 4.1.2. We found that Herbie's ruleset was able to derive 42 out of the 50 Ruler rules. It failed to derive the remaining 8. Ruler on the other hand, was able to derive all 52 rules from Herbie. We highlight two of the 8 Ruler rules that Herbie's ruleset failed to derive that concern multiplications interaction with absolute a Herbie Bug. The above two rules found by Ruler helped the Herbie team address a GitHub issue [Herbie 2021a]. In many cases, Herbie may generate large, complex outputs without which makes the program unreadable and hard to debug. This is often due to lack of appropriate rules for expression simplification. The issue raised by a user ([Herbie 2021a]) was in fact due to the missing rule (|x|x|x|-xxx). The two rules above, can together, accomplish the effect of this rule, thereby solving the issue. We submitted these two rules to the Herbie developers and they added them to their ruleset. 9For rationals, the add_terms implementation enumerates terms by depth rather than number connectives, since that matches the structure of Herbie's existing rules. 16Ruler PL, 2021, USA bv4 bv32 8. Search Profile. Time spent (in log scale) by Ruler in the various phases of its algorithm for and rationals. Most of the time is spent in rule validation (when applicable), then that bitvector-4 does not have an explicit validation time because the rules are correct by construction -- the cvecs are complete. 6 SENSITIVITY STUDIES: ANALYZING RULER FRAMEWORK PARAMETERS As a rewrite rule inference framework , Ruler provides parameters that can be varied to user-specified domains. In particular, the learning rate parameter nforchoose_eqs and the choice of validation method present potential tradeoffs in terms of synthesis time, ruleset quality, and soundness. In this section we evaluate how varying these parameters affects three representative (1) small domains like bitvector-4 where exhaustive model checking by complete cvecs is feasible, (2) large domains like bitvector-32 with non-uniform behavior that typically solving for validation, and (3) infinite domains like rationals with uniform behavior where fuzzing may be sufficient for validation. We additionally profile Ruler's search to see the impact of run_rewrites and compare cvec generation strategies. 6.1 Profiling Ruler Search, Varying choose_eqs , and Ablating run_rewrites To help guide our study of Ruler's search, we first profiled how much time Ruler spent in each phase across our representative domains. Figure 8 plots the results using model checking for bitvector-4 and SMT for both bitvector-32 and rationals. run_rewrites (Figure 4) shows time compacting the term space with learned rules, rule_discovery (cvec_match , Figure 4) shows time discovering candidate (choose_eqs , Figure 5) shows time selecting and minimizing rules, and , Figure 5) shows time validating rules. We ran each experiment in this section 10 times, for two iterations of Ruler, and plot mean values.10 10For rationals, Ruler iterations correspond to expression depth, while for bitvector-4 and bitvector-32 it corresponds to number of connectives. Relative standard deviation across all experiments was always below 0.033. 17PL, 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. LearnedRules LearnedRules LearnedRules Comparison of choose_eqs across values of to n=, Ruler's default config- uration. Larger nvalues are generally faster but produce slightly more rules. No RR RR05101520Time (s) No RR RR E-classesbv4 No RR (s) No RR RR E-classesbv32 No RR (s) No RR RR For choose_eqs is essen- tial for both speed and synthesizing small rulesets. No RR is Ruler without run_rewrites . For rationals, with No RR did not complete in 24 hours; with RR, it completed in 350 seconds. Fig. 9. Comparison of Ruler's performance across variations of the search algorithm. After validation (for applicable domains), Ruler spends most of its search time rules. This is expected because choose_eqs minimizes the set of candidates Cby saturation and |C|can reach roughly 106. Ruler uses a learning rate parameter nin choose_eqs to control how aggressively it tries to minimize rules (line 27, Figure 5). When n=1, Ruler selects only a single best rule, requiring more rounds of selecting and shrinking PL, 2021, USA cvec random: 0 random: 10 random: 100 random: 1000 SMT 4-bit Bitvector C 343 -- -- 49/2 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 1.1s C1331 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 1.0s C4096 49/- 0.2s 49/- 0.2s 49/- 0.2s 49/- 0.2s 49/- 1.1s R 343 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 1.0s R1331 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 0.1s 49/- 1.0s R4096 49/- 0.2s 49/- 0.2s 49/- 0.2s 49/- 0.2s 49/- 1.1s 32-bit Bitvector C 343 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 46/- 13.6s C1331 46/- 0.1s 46/- 0.1s 46/- 0.1s 46/- 0.1s 47/- 13.2s C6859 46/- 0.2s 46/- 0.2s 46/- 0.2s 46/- 0.2s 47/- 13.3s R 343 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37/- 7.6s R1331 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37/- 7.7s R6859 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 37/- 7.8s Rational cell format: #sound/#unsound time C 27 -- -- 50/- 16.8s 50/- 20.6s 47/- 55.3s 50/- 122.4s C 125 46/- 33.3s 46/- 32.7s 46/- 32.8s 46/- 34.3s 46/- 38.2s C 729 52/- 342.3s 52/- 341.6s 52/- 357.2s 49/- 341.3s 52/- 349.5s R 27 50/- 16.4s 50/- 16.5s 46/- 16.0s 48/- 17.4s 50/- 19.5s R 125 49/- 64.0s 49/- 65.2s 48/- 65.1s 48/- 64.2s 49/- 68.5s R 729 50/- 413.6s 49/- 311.5s 49/- 308.4s 50/- 414.0s 49/- 316.7s Table 2. Comparing cvec generation and validation strategies. First column shows cvec generation approach and length: C=Cartesian product of hand-picked values, R=randomly sampled values. Middle to validation by random testing over varying number of samples, and the last column is for SMT based validation. We check the rules for soundness with a separate, SMT-based post-pass and report the number of sound/unsound rules and the synthesis time in seconds. A dashed cell indicates that Ruler and crashed. rules. By default, n=, which causes Ruler to select a minimized version of that iteration's entire candidate ruleset. Figure 9a shows how varying naffects overall search time and the resulting ruleset size: more aggressive minimization at n=1is slower but produces smaller rulesets relative to the default n=. This is expected: since the set of candidate rules Cis typically small compared to the entire term e-graphT, it is more efficient to iteratively shrink Cthan to repeatedly shrink Twith only a few additional rules each time. These rulesets all generally had equivalent 4), with the minimum ratio of 0.92due to heuristics. To understand how much shrinking the term e-graphTimpacts search, we also compared running Ruler with and without run_rewrites . We setn=1for minimization as that setting relies the most on run_rewrites .11As Figure 9b shows, run_rewrites significantly improves search time and ruleset size while simultaneously requiring less space to store T. 11We also conducted this experiment with the default n=and found less pronounced results as expected. 19PL, 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. Tatlock 6.2 Sensitivity Analysis for Validation Methods Figure 8 shows that Ruler spends most of its search time in rule validation when using SMT. To investigate the relative performance and soundness of other validation methods, we compared various strategies for constructing cvecs and applying increasing levels of fuzzing during rule synthesis across our representative domains. Table 2 shows that fuzzing can be used to synthesize surprisingly sound rulesets, with only a single configuration (bitvector-4, C = 343, random = 10) producing any unsound rules. This is because equality saturation tends to amplify the unsoundness of invalid rules. Similar to inadvertently proving False in an SMT solver, unsound rules in equality saturation quickly lead to attempted merges of distinct constants or e-classes with incompatible cvecs. Ruler detects such unsound merge attempts and exits immediately after reporting an error to the user along with the rule that triggered the bogus merge (which may or may not be the rule ultimately responsible for introducing unsoundness in the e-graph ). These equality saturation soundiness crashes are indicated by -- entries in Table 2. For the sole configuration that found unsound results we reran the experiment with modestly increased resource limits and Ruler was able to detect the unsoundness without SMT. Despite this encouraging result, we emphasize that fuzzing alone cannot guarantee soundness in general. For small domains like bitvector-4 with 3 variables, Ruler can employ exhaustive cvecs to small, sound rulesets. For larger domains like bitvector-32, exhaustive cvecs are infeasible: even for 2 variables they would require cvecs of length (232)2. Larger domains like subtly non-uniform behavior especially require verification or good input sampling since, e.g., even ifx>0it is possible to have x*x=0. To mitigate this challenge, Ruler allows cvecs to be randomly sampled ( R), or populated by taking the Cartesian product ( C) of sets of user-specified interesting values.For example, the Ruler bitvector domains use values around 0, 1, MIN,MAX, rationals uses 0, 1, 2, -1, -2,1 2, . . . . We found that for uniform domains like rationals, using small cvecs with some random testing is sufficient for generating sound rules. For rationals, the low variability in the number of rules learned across the different configurations is an artifact of Ruler's minimization heuristics and cvec_matching -- grouping e-classes based on cvecs (Section 3.3) to determine which terms are matched to become potential rewrite rule candidates. For bitvector-32, we found that seeding cvecs with interesting constants was more effective than random cvecs-- due to the nonuniform nature of larger bitvectors, naively sampling random cvec values was insufficient for uncovering all the edge cases during rule validation, but when unsound rules were added, Ruler crashed due to equality saturation soundiness violations. 6.3 Handling Domain Updates An important potential application of automatic rewrite rule synthesis is in helping the design space for rewrite systems in new domains or during maintenance of existing systems to handle updates when a domain's semantics evolves. To simulate such a scenario, we took inspiration from the recent change in Halide's semantics12to definex/0=0, and the implementation of division for the rationals domain to make the operator total. Under the original rationals semantics where division by zero is undefined, Ruler learns 50 rules in roughly 123 seconds with SMT validation and 47 equivalent rules in roughly 21 seconds fuzzing 100 random values for validation (Table 2). Making division total for the rationals domain in Ruler required changing a single line in the rationals interpreter. After this change, we used fuzzing with 100 random values to PL, 2021, USA 47 rules in 18 seconds. Since fuzzing is potentially unsound, we also extended SMT support in our modified version of rationals with an additional 12 line change. We then synthesized 47 rules in 59 seconds using SMT validation and checked that both the new fuzzing-inferred and new SMT-inferred rulesets could each completely derive the other (the rulesets were the rulesets between the original and updated division semantics revealed e.g., only the original rulesets contained x/x- 1and only the updated Checking derivability between the old and new rulesets identified 5 additional rules that were incompatible between the semantics, shedding additional light on the consequences of the change to division semantics. 7 LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE WORK Like any synthesis tool, Ruler uses limits, caps, and heuristics to achieve practical performance. Of particular note are the heuristics in choose_eqs --select for scoring candidate rules, and the step size used to determine the number of rules to process at a time. select uses syntactic, to approximate richer concepts like subsumption. As Section 6 showed, these heuristics can affect the size of the ruleset, though not Ruler's equality saturation approach eliminates -equivalent rules, it does not eliminate - equivalent terms from the enumeration set T. Doing so could significantly reduce the and increase admits other implementations of term enumeration via add_terms (Section 3), but our implementation only explores complete enumeration. Stochastic enumeration, on characteristics of a workload, could further improve scalability. Ruler could also seed the initial term e-graph used for enumeration with expressions drawn from interesting workloads, e.g., benchmark suites or traces from users. This seeding could both speed up rule inference and improve the effectiveness of generated rules. Enumeration could also be limited to a language subset; for example, it is possible to learn a subset of rules over reals by learning rules over rationals -- the latter should be faster (as rationals have fewer operators), and the rational rules learned should remain sound when lifted to operating over reals. Ruler already provides limited support for partial operators like divby allowing the interpreter to return a null value (Section 3). Ruler does not, however, infer the conditions that ensure that succeed. Furthermore, some rewrites are total but still depend on some condition being met: for example|x|-xonly whenxis non-negative. An extension to Ruler could possibly to infer such side conditions based on near cvec matches where only a few entries differ between two e-classes's cvecs, building on prior work [Menendez and Nagarakatte 2017] that infers peephole optimizations. 8 RELATED WORK This section discusses prior work on rewrite rule synthesis. Most of the work in this area focuses on domain-specific rewrite synthesis tools, unlike Ruler, which is a domain-general framework for synthesizing rules, given a grammar and interpreter. We also focus on other for rule synthesis and compare Ruler against them. 8.1 Rule synthesis for SMT for SMT solvers and related tools often involves term rewriting. Past work has attempted to automatically generate rules for such rewrites. Recent work from Notzli et al .[2019] is the most relevant to Ruler. They present a approach for enumerating rewrite rules for SMT solvers. We provide a comparison with Ruler in Section 4. The main our work and theirs is the use of sampling to detect new equivalences; this is similar to 21PL, 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. Tatlock cvec matching in Ruler. Ruler's approach is unique in its use of equality saturation to shrink both the candidate rules and the set of enumerated terms. Notzli et al .[2019] apply filtering strategies like subsumption, canonical variable ordering, and semantic equivalence; their term enumeration is based on Syntax-Guided Synthesis (SyGuS). Their tool can be configured to use an initial set of rules from cvc4 [Barrett et al .2011] to help guide their search for new rules. Ruler generalized rules from scratch. Like Notzli et al .[2019], Ruler generates rules that do not guarantee a reduction order, since it synthesizes rules like commutativity and mitigate exponential blowups when using such rules, one approach is limiting the application of these rules [Willsey 2021]. Prior work [Nandi et al .2020] has also demonstrated the use of inverse transformations to mitigate the AC-matching problem. Newcomb et al .[2020] have how to infer termination orders for non-terminating rules, which could be work for Ruler as well. SWAPPER [Singh and Solar-Lezama 2016] is a tool for automatically generating formula simpli- fiers using machine learning and constraint-based synthesis. SWAPPER finds candidate patterns for rules by applying machine learning on a corpus of formulae. Conditions in SWAPPER are inferred by first enumerating all possible expressions from a predicate language. Then, the right hand side of the rule is synthesized by fixing the predicate and using Sketch [Solar-Lezama 2008]. Romano and Engler [2013] infer reduction rules to simplify expressions before passing them to a solver, thereby reducing the number of queries sent to, and subsequently time spent, in the solver. The rules are generated by symbolic program evaluation, and validated using a theorem prover. Nadel [2014] used a combination of constant propagation and equivalence propagation to speed up bit-vector rewriting in various solvers. Several other papers [Hansen 2012; Niemetz et al .2018] propose algorithms and tools for automatically generating rules for bit-vectors. Newcomb et al . [2020] recently used program synthesis and formal verification to improve the rules in Halide. They focus only on integer rules and rely on mining specific workloads to identify candidates for rewrites. Preliminary experiments in Ruler indicate that supporting integers and even floats is achievable with random sampling or other validation approaches. 8.2 Instruction Selection and Graph tools have been proposed to automatically synthesize rewrite rules for instruction et al .[2018] propose a hybrid approach called iterative CEGIS, combining enumeration with counter-example guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS) to speed up the synthesis of a rule library. As the authors describe in the paper, their tool does not support division, and they also do not infer any rules over floats, since the SMT solvers they rely on are not suitable for these domains. Ruler can be used to infer rules for domains not supported by SMT or that have different its core algorithm does not rely on SMT -- it uses SMT for verifying rules for domains that are supported, but Section 6 shows that it is straightforward to use other validation techniques, or even change the semantics of the language and get a new set of rewrites. Dias and Ramsey [2010] proposed a heuristic search technique for automatic generation of instruction selectors given a machine description. Their work uses algebraic laws to rewrite expressions to expand the space of expressions computable in a machine. TASO [Jia et al .2019] is a recent tool that automatically infers graph substitutions for deep learning computations. TASO automatically generates rules and verifies them using Z3 [De Moura and Bjorner 2008]. To generate the candidates, TASO enumerates expressions from a grammar up to a certain depth and applies random testing to find equivalences, similar to Ruler. To verify the rules, TASO uses a set of axioms that express operator properties in first order logic. The axioms are used to prove that the generated rules for graph substitution are correct. TASO uses subsumption to eliminate rules that are direct special cases of other rules. 22Ruler PL, 2021, USA 8.3 Theory [Claessen et al .2010] is a tool that automatically infers specifications for Haskell programs from tests in the form of algebraic equations. Their approach is similar to Ruler in the sense that they too use tests to find potential equivalences between enumerated terms and filter out equations that are derivable from generated by QuickSpec have been used in an inductive theorem prover called Hip- Spec [Claessen et al .2013] to prove other properties about Haskell programs and also integrated with Isabelle/HOL [Johansson et al .2014]. TheSy [Singher and Itzhaky 2021] uses a technique for theory exploration to generate valid axioms for algebraic data types (ADTs). TheSy also uses e-graphs (specifically the egglibrary) to find equivalences and filter out redundant axioms via term rewriting. Compared to other tools [Johansson et al .2014], TheSy typically found fewer, more powerful axioms. Using Ruler for theory exploration [Johansson et al . 2010], especially for ADTs would be an interesting experiment in the future. 8.4 Peephole Denali [Joshi et al .2002] superoptimizer first showed how to use e-graphs for by applying rewrite rules. Tate et al .[2009] first introduced equality saturation, general- izing some of the ideas in Denali to optimize programs with complex constructs like loops, Since then, multiple tools have used and further generalized equality saturation as a technique for program synthesis, optimization, and verification [Nandi et al .2020; Panchekha et al . 2015; Premtoon et al .2020; Stepp et al .2011; Wang et al .2020; Wu et al .2019]. All these tools rely on the implicit assumption that the rewrite rules will be provided to the tool. These rulesets are typically written by a programmer and therefore can have errors or may not be complete. Several tools have automated peephole optimization generation [Bansal and Aiken 2006; Davidson and Fraser 2004; Menendez and Nagarakatte 2017]. Bansal and Aiken [2006] presented a tool for auto- matically inferring peephole optimizations using , using exhaustive enumeration to generate terms up to a certain depth, and leveraging canonicalization to reduce the search space. They use fingerprints to detect equivalences by grouping possibly equivalent terms together based on their evaluation on a few assignments. Grouping likely equivalent terms can eliminate many invalid candidate rules from even being generated in the first place. Ruler's use of cvecs is similar to the idea of other papers [Schkufza et al .2014; Sharma et al .2015] have extended and/or use STOKE for synthesizing s. Alive-Infer [Menendez and Nagarakatte 2017] is a tool generating pre-conditions for peephole optimizations for LLVM. Alive-Infer works in three stages: first, it generates positive and negative examples whose validity is checked using an SMT solver. It then uses a predicate enumeration technique to learn predicates, which are used Finally, it uses a boolean formula learner to generate a precondition. Menendez et al . [2016] also developed Alive-FP, a tool that automatically verifies peephole optimizations point computations. Recently, Lopes et al .[2021] published Alive2 which provides bounded, fully automatic translation validation, while handling undefined behaviour. 9 CONCLUSION This paper presented a new technique for automatic rewrite rule inference using equality saturation. We identified three key steps in rule inference and proposed Ruler, an equality that can be used to infer rule-based optimizations for diverse domains. Ruler's key insight is that equality saturation makes each of the three steps of rule inference more efficient. We implemented rule synthesis in Ruler for booleans, bitvectors, and rationals. We 23PL, 2021, USA C.Nandi, M. Willsey, A. Zhu, Y. R. Wang, B. Saiki, A. Anderson, A. Schulz, D. Grossman, Z. Tatlock compared Ruler against a state-of-the-art rule inference tool in CVC4; Ruler generates rulesets much faster. We presented a case study showing how Ruler infers rules for complex domains like rationals. Our end-to-end results show that rules can replace and even surpass those generated by domain experts over several years. We hope that this work energizes the community around equality saturation and incites further exciting research into equality saturation for rewrite rule thank the anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful feedback. We are grateful to Andrew Reynolds for answering our questions about CVC4's rule synthesis component, to Pavel Panchekha and Oliver Flatt for helping us run Herbie with Ruler's rules, and to Sorawee Jacob Van Geffen for helping with Rosette. Thanks to Steven S. 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Adam Anderson, Adriana Schulz, Dan Grossman, Zachary Tatlock | Rewrite Rule Inference Using Equality Saturation | null | null | null | null | cs.PL | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Many compilers, synthesizers, and theorem provers rely on rewrite rules to simplify expressions or prove equivalences. Developing rewrite rules can be difficult: rules may be subtly incorrect, profitable rules are easy to miss, and rulesets must be rechecked or extended whenever semantics are tweaked. Large rulesets can also be challenging to apply: redundant rules slow down rule-based search and frustrate debugging. This paper explores how a promising technique that uses e-graphs to apply rewrite rules, can also be used to infer rewrite rules. E-graphs can compactly represent large sets of enumerated terms and potential rewrite rules. We show that equality saturation efficiently shrinks both sets, leading to faster synthesis of smaller, more general rulesets. We prototyped these strategies in a tool dubbed ruler. Compared to a similar tool built on CVC4, ruler synthesizes 5.8X smaller rulesets 25X faster on proving power. In an end-to-end case study, we rules which perform as well as those crafted by domain experts, and addressed a longstanding issue in a popular open source tool.
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"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 22:49:42 GMT"
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2 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI 4.2. G' al-Koksma Theorem 19 5. Bounds of Gauss sums and Weyl sums 20 5.1. Structure of large Gauss sums 20 5.2. Frequency of large Gauss sums 22 5.3. Bounds of Weyl sums 23 6. Proof of the upper bound of Theorem 2.1 31 6.1. Mean values of Gauss sums 31 6.2. Concluding the proof 32 7. Proof of the lower bound of Theorem 2.1 32 7.1. Large values of Gauss sums 32 7.2. Simultaneous Diophantine approximations 34 8. Proof of Theorem 2.2 35 8.1. Mean values of Weyl sums 35 8.2. Concluding the proof 36 9. Proof of Theorem 2.3 37 9.1. One-dimensional mean values of Weyl sums 37 9.2. Concluding the proof 38 10. Proofs of Theorems 38 10.1. Mean values of exponential polynomials 38 10.2. Continuity of exponential polynomials 42 10.3. Mean values and Hausdorff dimension for sequences 43 10.4. Concluding the proofs 44 11. Proofs of Theorems 3.7and3.8 44 11.1. Proof of Theorem 3.7 44 11.2. Proof of Theorem 3.8 45 12. Proof of Theorem 3.9 46 12.1. Preliminaries 46 12.2. Concluding the proof 49 References and motivation. Forx= (x1,...,x d)Tdwhere Td= [0,1]d is thed-dimensional unit cube, we define the Weyl sums of WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 3 wheree(z) = exp(2piz). These sums were originally introduced by Weyl to study equidistribution of fractional parts of polynomials an d later find their applications to the circle method and Riemann many applications of Weyl sums, the key problem is to estimate the size of the sum Sd(x;N). There are often three kinds of estimates of Weyl sums, namely individual bounds, mean value bounds and al- most all bounds. Despite more than a century since these sums wer e introduced, their behaviour for individual values of xis not well un- derstood, see [ 10,11,32]. Much more is known about the average behaviour of Sd(x;N). The recent advances of Bourgain, Demeter and Guth [ 9] and Wooley [39] (ford= 3) (see also [ 40]) towards the optimal form Vino- gradov mean value theorem imply the =d(d+1)/2 and is best possible up to o(1) in the exponent of N. We study exceptional sets of xTd, which generate abnormally large Weyl sums Sd(x;N). The first results concerning the almost all behaviour of Weyl sums are due to Hardy and Littlewood [ 27] who have estimated the sums G(x,N) terms of the continued fraction expansion of x. Among other things Hardy and Littlewood [ 27] proved that for almost all . Their idea has been expanded upon by Fiedler, Jurkat and K orner [ 25, Theorem 2] who give the following optimal lower and upper bounds. Suppose that {f(n)}
n=1is a non-decreasing sequence of positive num- bers. Then for almost all xTone has (1.1) R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI For the sums S2(x;N),xT2, Fedotov and Klopp [ 24] have given a similar result, however adding the term e(x1n) leads to more can- cellations in the sums S2(x;N). Suppose that {g(n)}
n=1is a non- decreasing sequence of positive numbers. Then for almost all xT2 one has (1.2) is natural to expect that analogues of ( 1.1), (1.2) hold for Weyl sumsSd(x;N) with any however this question seems to be still open. However, we have the following nearly sharp bounds. For Chen and Shparlinski [ 14,16] have shown in two different ways in [14, Appendix A], and [ 16, Theorem 2.1] that for almost all xTd one has (1.3) . Recently, Chen, Kerr, Maynard and Shparlinski [ 13, Theorem 2.3] have shown that the exponent 1 /2 is optimal, that is, there exists a constant c>0 such that for almost all xTd, the inequality (1.4) for infinitely many N. This motivates our study of the the exceptional sets of Weyl su ms. Precisely, for 1 /2<a<1 infinitely many NN}. Chen and Shparlinski [ 14, Theorem 1.3] show that for any and 1/2< a <1 the set Ed,ais of second category in the sense of Baire, and the proof of [ 14, Theorem 1.3] implies that the set Ed,ais a dense subset of Td. Therefore, the Minkowski dimension (or box See [23] for more details on the Minkowski dimension. The above results ( 1.2) and (1.3) imply that Ed,ais of zero Lebesgue measure for all and any a(1/2,1). For sets of Lebesgue measure zero, it is common to use the Hausdorff dimension to describe their size and structure, and we are going to estimate the Hausdor ff dimension of the set Ed,afor any and any a(1/2,1). We first recall the formal definition of Hausdorff dimension, and we ref er to [23,33] for more details.LARGE WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 5 Definition 1.1. The Hausdorff dimension of a set F Rdis defined as dimF= that F the Euclidean norm in Rd. We remark that we could also define the set by ( 1.4) the set Ed,ais of full Lebesgue measure. This, by [17, Theorem 2.5] and the definition of the Hausdorff dimension, is enough to conclude an integer and real a(1/2,1) some explicit upper and lower bounds on dim Ed,ahave been given in [ 14-16]. In particular, for anya(1/2,1), there are explicit functions l(d,a),u(d,a) such show more details in the following. For , let kd= each 1/2< a <1 and any cube QTdwe have the following lower bounds of dim Ed,a: (i) ford= for dimEd,aQ/greaterorequalslant2kd(1-a). For the upper bound of dim Ed,awith and 1/2< a <1, = is not hard to show u(d,a)<dfor anya(1/2,1).6 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI In fact fora-1 the behaviour of dim Ed,ais understood reasonably well as a combination of the above mentioned lower and upper bounds , implies that there are positive constants c1(d),c2(d) such some heuristic arguments have been given in [ 13] towards the 1.2. For anya(1/2,1), the set Ed,ais of i= 1,...,d. 1.2.New results and methods. In this paper, we confirm the 2, and we obtain new upper bounds of dim Ed,a when andais close to 1. Moreover, we also consider the fol- lowing one parametric family of exponential sums. Namely, for a denote (1.5) Vf(x;N) and Shparlinski [ 16, Corollary 2.2] shows that for any with we have for almost all . Similarly to the definition of Ed,a, fora(1/2,1) we define the infinitely many NN}. Perhaps the most interesting sums of this type are sums with monom i- alsxnd, in which case we denote this special quantity by Fd,a, infinitely many lower bounds of dim Fd,ahave been obtained in [ 14, Theo- rem 1.7]. In particular, [ 14, Theorem 1.7] implies that for a(1/2,1) (1.6) dim WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 7 and for dim heuristic arguments have been given in [ 13, Section 8], sug- gesting that in a certain range of awe may have dimFd,a= 4(1-a)/d, which is consistent with ( 1.6) and (1.7) ford= 2 andd= 3. Moreover, for a(0,1/2) the set Fd,ais of positive Lebesgue mea- sure (see [ 13] for more details), and hence, dimFd,a= 1. It is very likely that for fZ[X] the bounds ( 1.6) and (1.7) can be extended to the sets Ff,a. To obtain these results we develop two different to 1, we employ the classification of Baker [ 4,5] in the form given in [ 6].
*For smaller values of a(which means that ais close to 1 Vf(x;N) above classification is not available, we link Hausdorff di- mension of the sets Ed,aandFf,ato various mean value theo- rems. The above arguments are complemented by the use of the Frostma n Lemma (see [ 23, Corollary 4.12]) and the G' al-Koksma Theorem [ 26, Theorem to constant c, which throughout the paper may depend on the degree d, the growth ratetand occasionally on the small real positive parameter eand the real parameter t. For any quantity V >1 we ) to Vwhichsatisfies provided thatVis large enough. One additional advantage of using Vo(1)is that it absorbs log Vand other similar quantities without changing the whole we write [ m] to denote the set for sets of very large families of Gauss sums and Weyl sums. Here we confirm the Conjecture 1.2ford= 2, that is, for the Gauss8 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. improve the previous upper and lower bounds of [ 14-16], andobtain the exact value of the Hausdorff dimension of E2,a. Theorem 2.1. For anya(1/2,1)we have dimE2,a=/braceleftBigg 7/2-3aif5/6/greaterorequalslanta>1/2, 6(1-a)if1>a>5/6. For by applying the same idea as in the proof of Theorem 2.1 and combining some other new ideas, we obtain the following upper bound, which improves the previous bound of [ 15, Theorem 1.1] when ais close to 1. For we always write (2.1) D= 2.2. Forand anya(1-1/D,1), whereDis given by (2.1), we parametric families of Weyl sums with real polyno- mials.We now obtain upper bounds on dim Ff,a, which in the case of monomial sums and large values of amatches the lower bounds ( 1.6) and (1.7). Depending on using different methods, we divide the results on dimFf,ainto two 2.3. LetfR[X]be a polynomial of degree d. For any a(1-1/D,1), whereDis given by ( 2.1), we ifd= 2, (1+1/d)(1-a)if. Combining Theorem 2.3with (1.6) and (1.7) and noticing that for , d d+2/lessorequalslant1-1 D, we obtain the following exact values in the case of monomial sums. Corollary 2.4. For anya(1-1/D,1), whereDis given by ( 2.1), we ifd= 2, (1+1/d)(1-a)if.LARGE WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 9 As we have mentioned, we believe that in the case fZ[X] the lower bounds ( 1.6) and (1.7) and thus Corollary 2.4, can be extended to dimFf,a. We observe that Theorem 2.3can be applied to estimate dim Ed,aL whereLis a straight line in Rdpassing through the origin. Precisely, letv= (v1,...,v Lvfor somelTwe have Sd(x;N) =v1n+...+vdnd. It follows that dim( by Theorem 2.3we derive the following explicit bound. Corollary 2.5. Letv= (v1,...,v 0and vj= Let Dk= for any a(1-1/Dk,1)we ifk= remark that Corollary 2.4implies that the bounds of Corol- lary2.5is sharp in general when ais close to 1. This follows by choosing v= (v1,...,v d) such that vk= 1 andvj= 0 motivated from the research on Diophantine approxima tion on manifolds (see, for instance [ 28, Chapter 9]), we pose the Given GRd, forexample, an algebraic hypersurface or a smooth analytic surface of give n the Hausdorff dimension of the intersection Ed,aG. We note that upper bounds on the means values of Weyl sums along various surfaces have been given in [ We observe that Theorem 2.2improves the dim R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI of [15, Theorem 1.1] for the range a(1-1/D,1). Indeed, consider the functions F(h,b) G(k,b) note that it is enough to verify that for b(0,1/D) andh=
1,...,dwe have (2.3) the inequality ( 2.3) is equivalent we obtain an equivalent finally 2(d2+1)b <1/Dandtheright hand side of above inequality it is only enough to check can be numerically verified for 3 and established via elementary calculus for This shows that ( 2.3) holds and thus Theorem 2.2is stronger than ( 2.2) for any and all ofa. Clearly, when aisclose to 1 thenthechoice of h= 1 inTheorem 2.2 is optimal. However sometimes other choices of hgive better result. For example, if than then choice of h= 2 is better than h= 1. The above range is non-empty provided that d2+ and this happens when 3 only. Moreover, anda(1-1/D,1) the value ais quite near the value 1, thus we may take h= 1 only in Theorem for our applications here the values are never used, we present the argument in full generality as we believe it can be used to study Weyl sums with other WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 11 2.4.Ideas behind the proofs. We concentrate on the ideas in the proof of Theorem 2.1. Before doing this, we remark that a similar argument to the proof of the upper bound on dim E2,aalso implies an upper bound on dim Ed,aand dim Ff,ain Theorems the idea for obtaining the lower bound on dim E2,adoes not work for. The main reason is that we do not have a version of Lemma7.1when and in fact for a prime p2 (mod 3) there are many vectors ( a,b,c)[p]3such = 0, see [14, Remark 2.8] for more details. Upper bound: (see [ 23, Corollary 4.12]) and the G' al-Koksma Theorem [ 26, Theorem 4], which are presented in Section 4. For anyt <dimE2,a, by the Frostman Lemma (see [23, Corollary 4.12] or Lemma 4.1below), there exists a Radon measure allxandr>0. Applying the description of Baker [ 4, Theorem 3] of the structure of large Gauss sums, we obtain the following type Lr bound: for any M,NNwe the exponents s1ands2depend on randt. By a result of G' al andKoksma [ 26, Theorem 4], we obtain that for almost all x= (x1,x2) with respect to N- there is a set of ( x1,x2) of positive u-measure infinitely many NN. It follows R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI By taking the concrete parameters we that this inequality holds for any t<dimE2,a. Thus we yields the desired upper bound. Proofs of Theorems 2.2and2.3follow a similar idea, albeit in a more technically involved way. Lower bound: we make the heuristic argument of [ 13, Section 8] rig- orous for the case d= 2. In brief, Gauss sums are large at rational points and their small neighbourhood, and we know the size of them from Diophantine analysis. Indeed, first note that the Gauss sums are large at rational points, for instance for any a,b,pwherepis a prime number, (p,b) = 1 we = exp(2piz/p), and hence, by periodicity, for that some absolute By the continuity of the Gauss sums, we follows that if ( x,y) satisfies ( 2.4) for infinitely many a,b,pthen (x,y) E2,a, and we denote the collection of these ( x,y) byWa. Thus Wa E2,a. By Rynne [ 36, Theorem 1], for a(1/2,1) we have dimWa= thus yields the desired lower bound.LARGE WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 13 3.Results for sets of exponential sums of arbitrary size 3.1.One parametric families of Weyl sums with integer poly- nomials. Theorem 2.3says nothing for dim Our next result fills that gap, and in particular for any with degree and anya(1/2,1) we have (3.1) dim Ff,a<1. In fact, Theorem 3.5below implies that for any real polynomial f R[X] with degree the nontrivial bound ( 3.1) still holds. Theorem 3.1. LetfZ[x]be a polynomial with degree . For any reala(1/2,1), we = = we extract some easier upper bounds for dim Ff,a. Taking r= 2 andr=din the definition of U1(d,a), we taking r=din the definition of U2(d,a) we formulate the following 3.2. LetfZ[x]be a polynomial with degree . For any reala(1/2,1), we 3.2implies that for any fZ[x] be a polynomial with degree and anya(1/2,1) we for monomials we have yet abother bound.14 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. 3.3. Let. For any real a(1/2,1), we for sequences, such in the special case sequencesf(n) =ntwe have the 3.4. Letf(n) =ntfor For anya(1/2,1), we a(1/2,1) Theorem that is, dim Ff,a<1, in a wide range of parameters aandt, for instance, when 2 >t >4-4a. 3.2.One parametric families of exponential sums with arbi- trary sequences. Letf(n) be a real sequence. We extend the def- inition of exponential sums Vf(x;N) in (1.5) and of the sets sums with an arbitrary real sequence f(n),n= 1,2,.... First we consider sequences with a given rate of their growth on average. Namely, we assume that there exists a real number t >0 such that for all large enough Nwe Nt. Theorem 3.5. Letf(n)be a real sequence such that |f(n)-f(m)| 1 for the sequence f(n)satisfies ( 3.2) for some t >0. For any real a(1/2,1), we for any a(1/2,1) andt >0 we WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 15 Theorem 3.6. Letf(n)Zbe a strictly convex integer sequence that satisfies ( 3.2) for some t >0. Then we = we consider sequences with a restriction on the growth of indi- vidual terms rather than on average as in ( 3.2). Theorem 3.7. Letf(n)be a sequence of strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers with f(n) =O(nt)for For any a(1/2,1), we note that that the upper bound of Theorem 3.7is nearly sharp whena-1. In fact we consider the following set of exponential sums with an even more stringent condition. Namely, for c >0, we define the infinitely many NN}. Here we mention some related work on Gf,c. Suppose further that f(n)Nfor allnwithf(n) =O(nt) for First Salem [ 37] and then Erd os and Taylor [ 22] have shown that the set of xTsuch that the sequence xf(n), n= 1,2,...,is not uniformly distributed (mod atmost 1 -1/t. arbitrary real sequences f(n) =O(nt) by Baker [ 1]. Moreover, Ruzsa [ 35] exhibits an integer sequence f(n) =O(nt) 1 -1/tisattained. related to the set Gf,cby using the Weyl criterion (see [20, Sec- tion 1.2.1]) and the countable stability of Hausdorff dimension (see [ 23, Section 2.2]). More precisely, we recall that the countable stability o f Hausdorff dimension asserts that for any sequence of sets Fiwe sup iNdimFi.16 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI It follows from the above result of Baker [ 1], Erd os and Taylor [ 22] and Salem [ 37] that for a sequence f(n) =O(nt) and any c>0 we have (3.4) dim the result of Ruzsa [ 35] implies that for any and any e>0 there exists a sequence f(n) =O(nt) such that (3.5) dim combining with other ideas, we could remove the eof (3.5), and obtain the 3.8. For anythere exits a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers f(n)withf(n) =O(nt)such that for some c>0, we have dimGf,c= 1-1/t. Letf(n) =O(nt), be a monotone increasing real sequence such thatf(n+ 1)-f(n)1. Baker, Coatney and Harman [ 7, Theorem 1] show that the set of xTdsuch that the sequence f(n)x, n= 1,2,...,is not uniformly distributed (mod 1) is of Hausdorff dimension at most d-1/t. Moreover, [ 7, Theorem 2] shows that the bound d-1/tis sharp. By adapting the method of the proof of Theorem 3.1(which is same as in the proofs of we obtain the following result where f(n) is a sequence of matrices. For adxdmatrixAwe use/ardlA/ardlto denote its opetator norm , as before, the Euclidean norm in Rd. Theorem 3.9. LetS= (An)nNbe a sequence of dxdinteger matrices such that for some /dand for all NNwe Nt. Moreover for any matrix An-Amis invertible. Let ESbe the collection of point xTdsuch that the sequence xAn, n= 1,2,...,is not uniformly distributed (mod 1). Then we WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 17 We remark that the reason of taking /dis making the esti- mate (12.1) meaningful. Moreover, we claim that the bound of The- orem3.9is sharp in general, and this follows by using the aforemen- tioned [7, Theorem 2]. More precisely, [ 7, Theorem 2] shows that for any, there exists an integer sequence f(n) =O(nt) such that the set of xTdfor which xf(n), n= 1,2,...,is not uniformly distributed (mod 1) is of Hausdorff dimension d-1/t. For example, for each nNletAn be a diagonal matrix with the same diagonal elements f(n), then the above upper bound d-1/twhich implies the claim Clearly Theorem 3.7applies to polynomials f R[X] witht=dand thus complements Theorem 2.3. In particular, as we have mentioned we see that for any real polynomial fR[X] with degree the nontrivial bound ( 3.1) still holds. We remark that Theorem 3.5still hold under a relaxed condition, that is|f(n)-f(m)| 1 for any constant N0, and thus also applies to polynomials fR[X] witht=d, however upper bounds implied by Theorems the lower bound in Theorem 3.8is based on an idea of Ruzsa [35]. 3.4.Ideas behind the proofs. Results of Section 3are all based on various mean values theorems, continuity of exponential sums and on the completion technique in the style used in [ 15,16,18]. We roughly show that how their arguments imply the upper bounds of dim Ff,a. For obtaining the upper bound of dim Ff,a, we find some intervals to cover the set Ff,a. We collect these intervals by using the continuity of the sums Vf(x;N) is if whenybelongs to some small neighbourhood of x. Moreover, the mean value bounds ofVf(x;N) control the cardinality of above chosen intervals, which yields the desired upper bounds. Thus for obtaining better bounds , we have to know how small neighbourhood of above xexplicitly, and we need various mean values theorems as well. For technical reason s18 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. technique), we in fact use an auxiliary exponential sums Wf(x;N), which is given by ( 10.1) to 'control' the size of Vf(x;N). More precisely, to establish Theorem 3.1,3.5and3.6, we mean values theorems collected in Section 10.1. To prove Theorem 3.7we use the mean value bound from Lemma 11.1, which comes from [ 2], and, as for results in Section 2, on the Frostman Lemma and G' al-Koksma Theorem, see Lemmas 4.1and4.3, Lemma and G 'al-Koksma Lemma. For a and a set F Rddenote Hs d(F) = diam( thes-dimensional Hausdorff measure of the set Fis defined as Hs(F) = alternatively the Hausdorff dimension of Fcan also be de- fined as dimF= :Hs(F) = 0}= :Hs(F) =}. We also need the following result, which is known as the Frostman Lemma, see, for instance, [ 23, Corollary 4.12]. Lemma 4.1. LetF Rdbe a Borel set with Then there exists a compact set E Fsuch that 0<Hs(E)<and Hs(E B(x,r))rs for allxandr>0. We remark that for our application of Lemma 4.1we takeuto be the restriction of the s-Hausdorff measure HsonE, that is for any A Rd, u(A) =Hs(E A). It follows that uis a Radon measure such that u(E)>0 allxandr>0.LARGE WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 19 4.2.G' al-Koksma Theorem. We first recall the following result of G' alandKoksma [ 26,Theorem 4], which shows thatmeanvalue bounds imply almost all bounds with respect to the same measure. Note that [26] treats the case of the Lebesgue measure on a set Srather than an arbitrary Radon measure u, however the proof goes through without change. Lemma 4.2. Letube a Radon measure on Tdand a sequence of Borel measurable function on Rd. Suppose that we have the bound, for some r>0and for all an absolutely constant, some pos- itive functions, and Ps(N)/N1+gis nondecreasing for some positive g. Letps(N)>0be nondecreasing <g is a constant. Let kh(N)be a positive for almost all xwith respect to u, we N- . For convenience of our application, we formulate the following par- ticular case of Lemma 4.2. Lemma 4.3. Letube a Radon measure on Tdand a sequence of Borel measurable function on Rd. Suppose that we have the bound, for some r>0and for all R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI for some constants s1>1ands2>0. Then for almost all xRd with respect to uwe N- . Proof.We show that ps(N) =CNs2satisfies ( 4.1) whenCis some large constant. To see this, we note that for 1 we for some small b for any e >0 the function kh(N) =Nesatisfies ( 4.2). By Lemma4.2we obtain that for almost all xRdwith respect to uwe have N- . By the arbitrary choice of e>0 we obtain the desired bound. 5.Bounds of Gauss sums and Weyl sums. 4, Theorem 3] and [ 5, Theorem 4] describes the structure of large Gauss sums. For eachmNrecalling that [ m] 5.1. We fix some e>0, and suppose that for a have some (x1,x2)R2. Then there fori= 1,2we now use Lemma 5.1to descrbite the structure of large WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 21 Lemma 5.2. We fix some e>0, and suppose that for a have some (x1,x2)T2. Then there exist integers q,b1,b2such arithmetic shows Lemma 5.1there exist q,a1,a2such we conclude that 0 and we From( 5.1) we that ( then by ( 5.2) we conclude we take b1=a1-2Ma2. Suppose to the contrary trivially there exists b1with such finishes the proof. 22 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. 5.3. For large enough Mthe Lemma 5.1would be trivial. Thus we may add 1/qterm, that the bound sufficient for our applica- tions, and hence we use this bound of large Gauss sums. Letube a Radon measure onT2such that (5.3) for some t >0 and for all xT2andr >0. LetRbe a rectangle with side length a<b, then we we can either include Rin a ball of radius O(b) or cover it by O(b/a) balls of radius a. Lemma 5.4. Letube a Radon measure satisfying ( 5.3) andAbe a real number with For fixed we Lemma 5.1we conclude a rectangle with side we write z~Zto denote that WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 23 Taking a dyadic partition of the interval [1 ,Q], we see that there is a number 1 finishes the proof. 5.3.Bounds of Weyl sums. Corresponding to the bounds of Gauss sums, we have the following estimation for Weyl sums which is needed for the proof of Theorem 2.2. An integer number nis called
*r-th power free if any prime number power full if any prime number note that 1 is both cube free and cube full. For any integer it is convenient to power full }and Qi(x) =Qi[1,x]. The classical result of Erd os and Szekeres [ 21] gives an for the cardinality of Qi(x) which we present here in a very relaxed form as the upper bound (5.4) # Qi(x)x1/i. The following Lemma 5.5comes from [ 6, Lemma 2.7]. Lemma 5.5. We fix somee>0, and suppose that for a given by ( 2.1), we have some xRd. Then there exist positive integers q2,...,q dwithgcd(qi,qj) = and such that (i)q2is cube power full but (i+1)-th power free when power full,24 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. integers b1,...,b dsuch j= 1,...,d. We now need a version of Lemma 5.5for the sums Sd(x;M,N) arbitrary intervals. Lemma 5.6. We fixand somee>0. given by ( 2.1). Then there exists = and such that (i)q2is cube power full but (i+1)-th power free when power there are a1,...,a d[q]such k= coefficient of nkin WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 25 Note thatyd=xd. It follows we have the following Lemma 5.5there exist positive integers q2...qdwith the above mentioned properties ( i),(ii),(iii) integers b1,...,b dsuch j= given by ( 5.6). We now going to show ( 5.5) holds by induction. First note that since xd=yd, we have the that ( 5.5) hold for any that is, there exist aj, such ( 5.7), (5.8), we derive with ( 5.9) we conclude that there exists aksuch which we obtain ( 5.5) by induction.26 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. similar argument as in the proof of Lemma 5.2, we can always find such that the desired property hold. Suppose that Ris a rectangle with side some constants >0. Then, by elementary for any integer 1 can cover Kd-hd. Furthermore, supposethat satisfying ( 5.3), then we conclude that (5.10) 5.7. We fixand somee>0. Letube a Radon ( 5.3) and letBbe a real number with given by ( 2.1). For fixed for any integer hwith1 Q= (NB-1)d, and fix some e >0. By Lemma 5.6, we conclude that (5.12) slightly relaxing the conditions of Lemma 5.6, we can take ohm a rectangle with side WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 27 Let an integer. Combining ( 5.12) with the bound ( 5.10), we ohm by boxes, we see that that there are some integers Q2,...,Q ( 5.4) we derive (5.15) that for j= 2,...,d, we have (5.16) is obvious forj= 2 from 2a2= R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI since. Therefore, in view of ( 5.16), recalling ( 5.14), we combining this with ( 5.15) we the choice of Qin (5.11), sincee>0 is arbitrary we obtain the desired bound. We need the following analogue of Lemma 5.7. Lemma 5.8. We fix some e >0. LetfR[X]be a polynomial of degreed. Letube a Radon measure satisfying ( 5.3) and letBbe a real number with whereDis given by ( 2.1). 2, Nd+1-dtB-d-1if. Proof.We proceed as in the proof of Lemma 5.7. In particular, we fix somee >0 and define Qby (5.11). Suppose that f(n) 0. Since the leading coefficient of f(n+M) coincides with that of f(n), that isbd, we see on M,xand in particular yd=xbd. It follows that if By Lemma 5.5there areq2,q3,...,q d, which satisfy the conditions of Lemma 5.5and some integer bsuch WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 29 which is equivalent to (5.17) we derive thus (5.18) that Nis large enough. It follows that for large enough N we have (5.19) as in the proof of Lemma 5.7, the set ohm is given by ( 5.13) an interval of we derive from ( 5.3), (5.17), (5.18) and (5.19), as in the proof of Lemma 5.7, covering ohm by boxes, we see that that there are some integers Q2,...,Q 30 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI with (5.14) such by ( 5.4), we have (5.20) we can rewrite ( 5.20) as (5.21) 2 thenQ2=R2and (5.21) recalling the definition of Qin (5.11) let then we derive from ( 5.21) WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION we haved-dt+1>0. Therefore, using arbitrary, from ( 5.22) and (5.23) we derive the desired result. 6.Proof of the upper bound of Theorem 2.1 6.1.Mean values of Gauss sums. for Gauss sums with respect to an arbitrary Radon measu re, which is interesting in its own right. Lemma 6.1. Letube a Radon measure on T2such that for some t>0and for all xT2andr>0. Then for all M,N we us fix some e>0. a dyadic partition argument, there exits B[K,N] such Lemma 5.4we after substitution in ( 6.1) andeis arbitrary, the result now follows. 32 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. the proof. We now turn to the proof of the upper bound of Theorem 2.1. Lett(0,dimE2,a). Then E2,ahas By Lemma 4.1, there exists a Radon measure allxT2andr>0. Taking the =e(x1n+x2n2) and applying Lemmas 4.3and6.1, we immediately derive that for al- most all (x1,x2)T2with respect to u, (6.2) |G(x1,x2;N)|/lessorequalslantN1-t/3+min{1/6,t/6}+o(1) there is a set of ( x1,x2)T2of positive u-measure such infinitely many NN. Combining with ( 6.2) we this holds for any t<dimE2,a, we conclude yields the desired upper bound. 7.Proof of the lower bound of Theorem 2.1 7.1.Large values of Gauss sums. The main purpose of this sub- section is to show Lemma 7.4. We start from recalling the of Gaussian sums, see [ 31, Equation (1.55)]. Lemma 7.1. 0, the Gauss bound together with the standard completion tech - nique, see [ 31, Sections 11.11 and 12.2] we also immediately obtain: Lemma 7.2. For any prime pand anyaFp{0}we continuity of Gauss sums yields the following result.LARGE WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 33 Lemma 7.3. ForNplogpwe use the following version of summation by parts. Let anbe a sequence and for each denote A(t) [1,N]-Cbe a continuously differentiable function. Then define Mwith we split thesum complete sums and at most one incomplete sum, applying Lemmas 7.1and7.2, we applying to the sum in ( 7.1) summation by parts with andps(t) =e(d1t+d2t2)-1, we derive finishes the proof. From Lemma 7.1and Lemma 7.3we obtain the following, which is the main purpose of this 7.4. We fixa(1/2,1). 0. LetNbe the smallest number such that R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI Then there exists a sufficiently small number e >0such that for that zZmeans some constant C. First note that the choice of Lemma 7.3we Therefore, we obtain the desired bound by choosing a sufficiently small e. Diophantine approximations. Letth= (th1,...,th d) be a vector of positive real numbers and let Qan arbitrary set of pos- itive integers. Without losing generality, assuming that denote by WQ,thbe the collection of points ( x1,...,x d)Tdfor which there are infinitely many qQsuch i= min{|x-n|:nZ}. Denote n(Q) = need the following result of Rynne [ 36, Theorem 1]. Lemma 7.5. Suppose that we have dimWQ,th= 2 andn(Q) = 1 we have the now turn to the proof of the lower bound of Theorem 2.1. In- deed this follows by combining Lemma 7.4and Lemma 7.5. LetQ be the collection of prime numbers. Clearly we have n(Q) = 1. By Lemma7.4, for anye>0 we obtain WQ,th E2,a-eLARGE WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION and we have Thus by Lemma 7.5we obtain dimWQ,th= follows is arbitrary, we obtain the desired bound. 8.Proof of Theorem 2.2 8.1.Mean values of Weyl sums. We need the following mean value estimate of Weyl sums with respect to a general measure. Lemma 8.1. Letube a Radon measure on Td,such that for some t >0and for all xTdandr >0. Then for any integerhwith1 given by ( 2.1). Proof.Let us fix some e>0. to the proof of Lemma 6.1, taking a dyadic partition of the interval [K,N], there exists a number B[K,N] such with Lemma 5.7we the arbitrary choice of e>0 we obtain the desired bound. 36 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. the proof. We now turn to the proof of Theo- rem2.2. Lett(0,dimEd,a). Then we see that Ed,ahas By Lemma 4.1, there exists a Radon measure an integer. There are two cases to consider. Case 1. Suppose that the 'total the second term in the bound of Lemma 8.1is at least as large as the exponent of the first term, that we haved2+1-dt>1, andthus by Lemma 4.3 we derive that for almost all xTdwith respect to u, (8.1) there is a set of xTdof positive u-measure infinitely many NN. Combining with ( 8.1) we derive (8.2) implies (8.3) 2. Suppose that Lemma 8.1implies Lemma 4.3we conclude that for almost all xTwith respect applying the similar argument to Case 1, we obtain (8.4) contradicts our assumption that a(1-1/D,1). Thus we are inCase 1and we have ( 8.3) for any integer 1 Since ( 8.3) holds for any t<dimEd,a, we obtain the desired upper bound.LARGE WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 37 9.Proof of Theorem mean values of Weyl sums. For the proof of Theorem 2.3, similarly to the proofs of the upper bounds of we see from Lemma 4.1that it is sufficient to prove the following mean value bounds. We start with quadratic 9.1. LetfR[X]be a polynomial of degree d= 2. Letube a Radon measure on Tsuch that for some t(0,1)and for all xTandr >0. Then for all M,Nwe us fix some e>0. to the proofs of Lemmas 6.1and8.1, taking a dyadic partition of the interval [ K,N], there exists a number B[K,N] such by Lemma 5.8applied with d= 2, we andeis arbitrary, the result now follows. For polynomials of higher degree we have a similar bound. Lemma 9.2. LetfR[X]be a polynomial of degree . Letube a Radon measure on Tsuch that for some t(0,1)and for all xTandr >0. Then for all M,Nwe given by ( 2.1).38 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. us fix some e>0. similarly to the above, by Lemma 5.8with there Lemma 5.8, we arbitrary, the result now follows. 9.2.Concluding the proof. Similarly to the proofs of the upper bounds of Theorems 2.1and2.2, Lemmas the desired upper bound of Theorem 2.3. In particular, for d= 2 the proof is a full analogue of that of instead of Lemma 6.1. For as in the proofs of Theorem 2.2, we consider two by Lemma 4.3, in the first case, similarly to ( 8.2), we gives thedesired bound, while inthesecond case we obtain( 8.4), which contradicts the assumption of Theorems 10.1.Mean values of exponential polynomials. For a real se- quencesf(n) we define the sums (10.1) Wf(x;N) a special form of [ 16, Lemma 3.2] implies for xTand have (10.2) is given by ( Wf(x;N). However our next result shows that for integer-valued sequence s theLARGE WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 39 mean value of Wf(x;N) is controlled by the mean value of Vf(x;N) provided that the exponent is some even integer. It follows by using a similar argument to the proof of [ 18, Lemma 2.4]. We give a proof here for 10.1. LetfZ[x]be an integer sequence such that for some even number s>0and some real t>0one we the H older inequality, we s, orthogonal property of e(x), we #
(n1,...,n s) : = with ( 10.3) we obtain the desired bound. 40 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. that Lemma 10.1implies that for integer-values sequences, we only need to estimate the moments of the sums Vf(x;N) rather than ofWf(x;N). We now recall some mean value estimates on the sums Vf(x;N) in (1.5) whenfZ[x] is a polynomial. We first recall the following result of Hua [ 29], see also [ 40, Section 14]. Lemma 10.2. LetfZ[x]be a polynomial with degree , then for each natural number [ 40, Corollary 14.2] (see also [ 8, Theorem 10]) obtains the following better bound when ris large. Lemma 10.3. LetfZ[x]be a polynomial with degree , then for each natural number for the case of monomials Wooley [ 40, Corollary 14.7] gives a stronger result. Lemma 10.4. Letand s0=d(d-1)+ now turn to mean value theorems for sums with arbitrary se- quences. In particular, we have the following simple bound on the second moment of the sums Wf(x;N), defined by ( 1.5) with well-spaced 10.5. Letf(n)be a real sequence such that f(n)-f(m)1 for Then for any interval Iwe given by ( 10.1).LARGE WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 41 Proof.By the Cauchy inequality, we |f(n)-f(m)| 1 separated from each by a unit interval, and thus so are the valu any real z. In with ( 10.1) we obtain the desired bound. Suppose that f(n)Nis a strictly convex sequence, Rudnev, and Ten [ 30, Equation (1.13)] (general even num- bers) and Shkredov [ 38, Theorem 1.1] ( s= 4) gives the 10.6. Suppose that f(n)Nis a strictly convex sequence, then for any even number note that for sequences satisfying stronger conditions than c on- vexity stronger versions of Lemma 10.6are known, see [ 12]. We nowobserve that theresult ofRobert andSargos[ 34,Theorem 2] implies the following bound.42 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. 10.7. Letf(n) =ntfor /integraldisplay T|Vf(x;N)|4dxN2+o(1)+N4-t+o(1). 10.2.Continuity of exponential polynomials. The following is a special form of [ 15, Lemma 2.4]. Lemma 10.8. Letf(n)be a real sequnce that satisfies ( 3.2) for some constantt >0. Let0<a <1and lete>0be sufficiently small. somexT, for any that Nis large enough that for any x,yRand anyh,Nwe we yields the desired result. Lemma 10.9. Letf(n)be a real sequnce that satisfies ( 3.2) for some constantt >0. Suppose a collection of intervals with equal length such that eachI INand of that Nis sufficiently divide of the type [ kz,(k+ 1)z] LetDNbe the collection of these intervals and IN={I DN:xIsuch WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION that for each I follows gives the desired result. 10.3.Mean values and Hausdorff dimension for sequences. We have the following general result about the upper bound on dim Ff,a. Lemma 10.10. Letf(n)be a real sequence that satisfies ( 3.2) for some constant t >0. Suppose that there are positive constants s,t such that 2i,iNande >0. Applying ( 10.2) we let x Ff,a+eand suppose to the contrary that x for all large Ni. For anyNthere exists a numberiNsuch <N i+1, and for large enough Nby Lemma10.9we contradicts our assumption. For eachNiby Lemma 10.9we eachI INiand .44 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI From the definition of the Hausdorff dimension, using the above no- tation, we have the following dim >0 to make the series convergent it is sufficient to have n with ( 10.4) and the arbitrary choice of e>0 we this holds for any e >0, we obtain the desired bound. 10.4.Concluding the proofs. Combining Lemma 10.10(and taking t=dfor polynomial sequneces) with
*Lemmas we obtain Theorem 3.1;
*Lemmas 10.1and10.4, we obtain Theorem 3.3;
*Lemmas 10.1and10.7, we obtain Theorem 3.4;
*Lemma10.5, we obtain Theorem 3.5;
*Lemmas 10.1and10.6, we obtain Theorem 3.6. 11.Proofs of Theorems of Theorem 3.7.The upper bound of Theorem 3.7fol- lows by applying Lemmas 4.1and4.3and the following mean value bound of Baker [ 2, Equation (18)]. Lemma 11.1. Letf(n)be a sequence of natural numbers with f(n) =
O(nt)for some real number t >0. Letube a Radon measure on T such that for some t(0,1)and for all xTandr >0. Then for all M,Nwe WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 45 11.2.Proof of Theorem hence we now prove the lower bound. For any , Ruzsa [ 35] defines a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers g(n) with g(n) =O(nt), a constant 0 < l0<1 (depending on t) and a set GTwith dim G= 1-1/t, having the following there are infinitely many Nand corresponding lengthl0such as usual {u}denotes the fractional part of a real u. Fix an integer (11.2) H >4/l0. By [3, Lemma 2.7], there is a trigonometric on Nandxwith (11.3) C0=l0+1 H+1 and such that (11.4) ify I(N,x), 0 otherwise . Note that since for 0 we have
|Ck(N,x) hence (11.5) Then by ( 11.1) and (11.4) we R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. ( 11.2) and (11.3) we see that 2 together with ( 11.5) implies that there exists a number note that the number kdepends on xandN). Since for any xGandNsuch that ( 11.1) holds there are finite choices ofk, we conclude that for any xGthere exists a number k that for infinitely many Nwe is, with fk(n) =|k|g(n) we and Gf,cis given by ( 3.3). Therefore, for some k {1,...,H}we with the upper bound ( 3.4) this finishes the proof. 12.Proof of Theorem LetS= (An)nNbe a sequence of dxdmatrix. For anyhRd(which treat as a column vector) and NNlet VS,h(x;N) the standard scalar product. Lemma 12.1. LetS= (An)nNbe a sequence of dxdinteger matrix such that (An-Am)is invertible if Then for any hZd{0}
andNNwe WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 47 Proof.Opening the square we our condition that An-Amis invertible when we conclude that (An-Am)his a non-zero integer vector, and hence for 0, which yields the desired identity. We have the following analogy of Lemma 10.8. Lemma 12.2. LetS= (An)nNbe a sequence of dxdmatrices that satisfies ( 3.6) for some /dand lethRd,c(0,1). Then that if some for any yB(x,eN-t), the ball of Td centered at xand of radius r. Proof.For follows yields the desired bound. Lemma 12.3. LetS= (An)nNbe a sequence of dxdmatrix that satisfies ( 3.6) for some /dand lethRd,c(0,1). Then a certain collection of equal cubes with the side # QNNdt-1,48 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. the implied constant depends on disjoint equal cubes in a natural way such that each cube has side length z= 1/Nte-1, and let Dn be a collection of these cubes. Let QN={Q Dn:xQ,such that is sufficient to show that QNsatisfies ( 12.1). For any Q QNby Lemma12.2we have for all xQ. with the mean value bound Theorem 12.1we implies the desired bound. We remark that the condition /din Lemma 12.3comes from the inequality ( the proof. We now turn to the proof of Theo- rem3.9. LetS= (An)nNsatisfy the condition of Theorem 3.9. For c>0 andhRddefine GS,h,c={xTd: infinitely many NN}. By using the Weyl criterion (see [20, Section 1.2.1]) and the of Hausdorff dimension (see [ 23, Section 2.2]), it is sufficient to prove that for any c>0 and any non-zero vector hZdone >1 andNi=ib. Then we let x GS,h,cand suppose to the contrary that for all large enoughNiwe any large Nthere isiNsuch < N i+1. for alliN, WEYL SUMS AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSION 49 provided that Nis large enough, which contradicts our assumption thatx GS,h,c. Lete >0 be the same on as in Lemma 12.3. For each Niby Lemma12.3we each Q QNihas side length 1 /Nte-1and the definition of Hausdorff dimension we obtain (12.2) dim >0 the series is convergent is equivalent to n with ( 12.2) we by the arbitrary choice of b >1 we obtain the desired preparation of this work, I.S. was supported by ARC R. C. Baker, 'Slowly growing sequences and discrepancy modulo on 279-293. 15,16 [2] R. C. Baker, 'Metric number theory and the large sieve', J. London 34-40. 18,44 [3] R. C. Baker, Diophantine inequalities , Oxford Univ. Press, 1986. 45 [4] R. C. Baker, 'Weyl sums and Diophantine approximation', J. London 25-34; Correction, ibid.46(1992), 202-204. 7,11,20 [5] R. C. Baker, 'Small fractional parts of polynomials', Funct. et Approx. 55 (2016), 131-137. 7,2050 R. C. BAKER, C. CHEN, AND I. E. SHPARLINSKI [6] R. Baker, C. Chen and I. E. Shparlinski, 'Bounds on the norms of maximal operators on Weyl sums', Preprint, 2021 (available ).7,23 [7] R. C. Baker, R. Coatney, and G. 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For Weyl sums with polynomials of degree $dge 3$ we obtain a new upper bound on the Hausdorff dimension of the set of polynomial coefficients corresponding to large values of Weyl sums. Our methods also work for monomial sums, match the previously known lower bounds, just giving exact value for the dimension when $lpha$ is close to $1$. We also obtain a nearly tight bound in a similar question with arbitrary integer sequences of polynomial growth.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 23:15:44 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
"Roger C.",
"Igor E.",
] |
2 though the findings apply to all TMDs. Monolayer MoS 2 has two valley minima at KandK0and the symmetry point group at the K-point isC3h. In order to activate the DC non-linear optical response one needs to apply strain, breaking the three-fold symmetry [79]. We demon- strate that the static non-linear response of the to circularly polarized light is dominated by unidirectional current due to the inter- play of topological properties - the Berry connection and valence band topology influenced by trigonal warping - and scattering processes, and is enhanced by We refer to this response as a photo-current (UVCP). The theory in- corporates the inter-band and inter-valley optical transi- tions in the presence of short-range impurity also couples the valleys. The results show a large non-linear response with non-trivial features at optical light frequencies. The UVCP is driven by scattering processes between the two valleys. Two additional factors enhance the effect and its utility, as shown in Fig. 1. Firstly a bias voltage DC response. Secondly the doped MoS 2is placed on a magnetic substrate which breaks the valley degener- acy, and this enables one to resolve the contributions of the two individual valleys. Consequently the effect could provide a method of monitoring intervalley transitions in transition metal connection to the above, as part of this calculation we examine the intrinsic shift current for MoS 2following the theory reported in [42]. The extremely small optical current does not indicate any feature in terms of optical light frequency (Appendix: Fig 9). This is not surpris- ing: For almost non-polar materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), phosphorus, and gapped graphene, the shift is expected to be small. The delo- calized states with more mobile charge carriers give a high shift current response whereas states with less mo- bile carriers yield a low shift current. Transition monolayers are non-polar and the conduc- tion and valence bands are made effectively by d-orbitals. We stress, however, that our formalism is completely gen- eral and we calculate the totalsecond order DC and any present asymmetries in the Fermi surface are built into our formalism from the start. Having com- pleted the evaluation of the full non-linear DC response, we identify the UVCP term as the main physical process. This paper is organized as follows. First we discuss the low-energy model Hamiltonian describing strained MoS 2 monolayer system in Sec. II. The quantum kinetic theory and density matrix approach generalized for two valleys system and excitons physics for the MoS 2with and solving the Bethe-Salpeter equations for density matrix elements are discussed in Sec. II as well. Our main results are given in Sec. III and finally we wrap up our discussions in Sec. IV.II. MODEL AND THEORY A low-energy kpcontinuum model the K and K' points which describes a two- dimensional strained TMD system is provided by trigonal warping Hwcontribution is given v= wave functions, bm=e
}mwith1= a diagonal matrix with elements 15:95,a2= 2:2eV. The for uniaxial strain is given by A= (1 ;0)and the elastic potential Vel= (1 +)Iwith Poisson strain. Herev=is the valley index, s=is the spin index and the modified band gap is v. For the sake of simplicity, the spin-orbit effect in the con- duction band is neglected. We consider a system on top of a ferromagnetic substrate with a finite Notice that in the presence of the mag- netization, the interacting Hamiltonian is the spin and mis the magnetization. In the top valence band in valleys, spins are different, there- fore, we have vmz. Subsequently, a magnetization is induced by a proper substrate to break valley degener- acy and the band gap is modified as v= vmwith
= 1:82eV. The detail of the strain and bias voltage on the low-energy Hamiltonian are provided in Appendix A. Trigonal warping causes the valence band dispersion to be strongly anisotropic, unlike that in the conduction band. The effective-mass approximation restricts our the- ory to a small energy range in the vicinity of the band edge, though the large effective masses ensure its appli- cability to high excitations. It is known that uniaxial and shear strain induces a shift of the band edges from the K points [79], similar to the strained graphene. Both conduction and valence band edges shift in phase towards the point for whereas they move in the for tensile strain. The position of the conduc- tion band minimum and the valence band maximum are given respec- tively, where
= Quantum kinetic theory The quantum kinetic theory based on the density ma- trix [82-84] successfully describes inter-band transitions3 in the presence of scattering terms. For a system with H=H0+HE, the single particle density matrix obeys the quantum Liouville the scattering term Jis expressed in the [83] and we assume the correlation the im- purity density disorder and Uis a disorder poten- tial. The interaction with the time dependent exter- nal field is represented by HE=eE(t)r. The scat- tering term is given by J(hi) time-evolution the electric field term. not contribute to the scatter- ing termJ(hi)ifH0is a single-component scalar scattering, however, the electric field contribution is important for spin and scattering. To account for the two valleys we divide the Brillouinzone into 3 sectors: 1) K k1K+, 3) intervalley or interme- diate region. The density matrix is accordingly divided into three sectors: h1i,h2iaround K and K' point and an intermediate, unoccupied region of large wave vectors which is outside our interest. Here hii,i= in the conduction and valence band and we are selecting two sectors in k-space. All the dynamics between these sectors, i. e. all the inter- valley dynamics, are contained in the scattering scattering is quantified by U0, where we set
= can also divide the scattering term into two can also write for J2(hi)) = isP k0 12sector 1which is the usual both scattering term for one valley, andP k0 22sector 2which scattering. There is an equivalent term for J2(hki)with proper momentum dependence. Now and J1andJ2allow all relevant interband so: J=J0+JE; (6) whereJ0is the bare scattering term the time integral. The matrix element ofJ0is then given = sum over inner index m0andm00are taken. In to the sectors 1 and 2, respectively. To work out JE, we define g= hiand express thequantum Liouville equation the Born approximation, we can ignore the last two4 terms on the left hand side of above equation and what remains is a leading order in time inhomogeneous equation for gwhich can be integrated gives the scattering term J0(hi)and next term is given by = i
~[HE;g0] (10) Therefore, the solution of gEis given the scattering term due to gEis given that optical inter-valley transition in the theory goes beyond the Fermi golden rule transition since the Fermi golden rule does not possess the matrix element for two different states [85] and its matrix is in our theory, off-diagonal elements of the scat- tering terms defined in JE, are nonzero. The density matrix can be expanded in the powers of the electric field [84], and thus the quantum kinetic equa- tion at K point for diagonal fn d=hn 1diand can be simplified (13) where relaxation times are given by Eqs. Eq. (A16), and Eq. (A19). The time 1describes the relaxation of an arbitrary initial distribution func- tion to a non-equilibrium Fermi function, and 1=2is be a function of the frequency and external fields. The frequency dependence might affect the non- linear optics in low-frequency or intra-band process [23]. Since we are interested in the optical transition, for the sake of simplicity, we assume a constant =2=1and hence the theory is valid when the electron-doped Fermi energy. In the system studied here the recombination rate is smaller than the excitation rate. The reasons lie in the fact that first in crystals the prin- ciple of detailed balancing is broken for carriers [30]. Second, the electron mobility is greater than the hole mobility implying different band masses. Finally, a separation between the center of the electron wave-packet and hole packet in real space occurs, which becomes larger when trigonal warping is Eq. (13), the DC part of the optical current (summing over valleys) is the velocity tensor andD=Dkis the covariant derivative. The Berry connection Rmm0 kk0=
ih m kjrk0j m0 k0ifor each valley and Rm0m k =1refers to the conduction or valence band. Explicitly, v= energy, thus the interplay between the Berry connection and band topology plays essential role in the UVCP. It is important to note that a naive application of DC current to second order in the electric field de- spite the system possessing C 3hsymmetry. This is be- cause the model is restricted to two valleys, whereas the system has six valleys, which all contribute to the second- order current. When considering the contribution of all six valleys it is evident that the second-order DC current will vanish, as is expected for C 3hsymmetry. However, the addition of uniaxial strain causes the contribution of the two valleys parallel to the strain direction to be differ- ent from that of the remaining valleys. Hence a nonlinear DC signal survives. In order to obtain the correct optical current, we calculate (2)= [J() J(= the intensity of the incident light and is the strain. It should be noted that due to the deformation of the crystal lattice, there is a possibility that a small difference remains between separate pairs of valleys when strain is applied. However, this difference between pairs should be tiny since the strain and Poisson's ratio are small and so we ignore these Excitons and the Bethe-Salpeter equation Since an absorbed photon results in the creation of an electron-hole pair a coupled electron-hole state emerges owing to the Coulomb interaction, which can be viewed as a non-charged exciton. This new state leads to ad- ditional absorption peaks shifted from the edge by the coupling energies [86]. MoS are confined to a single atomic layer. Accordingly the electron-hole interactions are much stronger than excitons are optically inactive but can play an important role in valley dynamics. Exciton states can be obtained by solving a two-body problem with between one conduction band electron and5 one valence band hole. We use an interaction potential of the Keldysh form 0) Y0(R=r 0)] (15) to account for the finite width of the system and the spatial inhomogeneity of the dielectric screening environ- ment. The Bessel function of the second kind is defined by Yn(x) =Jn(x) the Bessel function of the first kind. The Struve function, Hn(x)solves the inhomogeneous Bessel equation. Here r0= 33:87=, the averaged constant is and the Fourier transform of the bare potential is given by =1 1+r0q. We are interested in the response of the system near the absorption edge when the effective optical band gap vfor an electron doped system. In the Hartree-Fock approximation, the first order interactive approximation yields (see in Appendix B) f(1) od(k) (17) where K(k)is given by K(k) =Z k0dk0[(1 + cosk)(1 + cosk0)g(0) + 2 sinksink0g(s) + cos(m)(19) here cosk= =k, and first order density matrix, the second density matrix element can be obtained. The spectral function and the optical linear suscepti- bility are given by the real-space Green's function for which we define the Sommerfeld factor [90]. In be obtained from the k space Green's func- tion. The Sommerfeld factor implies a peak around the optical transition in the density of states, hence we ex- pect a jump in the current near the optical indicates the large density of states i.e. the exis- tence of the Sommerfeld factor. The latter is given by j n k(r= the effective Bohr This expression in- creases asm=and the energy is }2k2=2m. The peak in optical absorption near the band edge originates from the Sommerfeld factor [91] and its amplitude depends on material parameters. III. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION MoS 2exhibits circular dichroism [92-95]. Carriers in different valleys are associated with different angular mo- menta suggesting the possibility of controlling and pump- ing different valleys by controlling the circular polariza- tion of the incident light. This means that the orbital an-
<latexit 2. (Color online) The interband transition in the same valley and intervalley transition between various valleys 2, the coupling is allowed between real spin and valley pseu- dospin and gives rise to valley-dependent optical to the total angular momentum of the lc= v.The spin and valley (K and K') degrees of freedom are locked. As shown in Fig. 2, the band gap is v= vm, where is the MoS 2optical band gap, mis the magneti- zation andv=refers to valleys. Bands are labeled by 1, 2, 3, and 4. For spin-up, the direct band gap between 1 and 2 is 1.72 eV however the indirect band gap between 4 and 1 is (1:92 + 1:72)=2 = 1:82eV at given m= 0:02 eV andUele= 0:02eV as illustrated in Fig. 2 for small strain values. Notice that those values change for spin down since the band gap changes. This will be seen in the second UVCP peak in Fig. 4. We focus on all possi- ble transitions to the conduction band at K. Notice that optical transitions between the conduction bands in (eV)s(2) xx (pA (eV)s(2) xx (pA 3. Second-order DC photo-current at the K-point as a function of energy }!for circularly polarized light, with a relaxation time = 0:005 and magnetization m= 0:02eV, showing the (a) spin-up ( for excitons. The inter-band transition in the same valley (I) and inter-valley transition (II) are shown. The lines represent UVCP with [90] (without) the Coulomb interaction. Notice that the band gap is smaller than the Fermi energy, }!F, thus there is a finite current associated with this scattering term at low energies. To satisfy momentum conservation, potential due to defects or impurity is needed. Since we are interested in energies exceeding the band gap, we do not consider this term. The central result of our work is presented in Fig. 3. The non-linear DC current bumps emerge at the inter- band absorption threshold in the same valley and at a transition point between the valence and conduction bands of different valleys in the electron doped system. The conventional intrinsic shift current is negligible, and the resonant photovoltaic effect [84] is also negligible ow- ing to a strong particle-hole asymmetry. To capture current the electric field needs to be in- corporated into the time evolution operator leading to the scattering term. In addition to intrinsic and extrin- sic contributions, our theory accounts for exciton effects such as the electron-hole interaction, band gap and the Sommerfeld factor [90, 91]. To emphasize this Fig. 3 shows the UVCP found using two namely the quantum kinetic theory and a re- lated method incorporating the Bethe-Salpeter equation for excitons. Once again, the first order of density ma- trix can be evaluated by using the Bethe-Salpeter equa- tion incorporating the electron-hole Coulomb interaction in the level of Hartree-Fock approximation and then the second-order of density matrix components Although it is known that the optical edge will be shifted by electron-hole interactions [96] as obtained by Eq. B6, for the sake of comparison, we ignore the posi- tion of the shift to show the strength of the optical peak due to the many-body interaction. Our numerical in Fig. 3, illustrate the current is greater in this approach with respect to those results obtained without the attractive Coulomb interaction. The location of the optical band edges vary by imposing external electric and there is a noticeable bumps in J() J(= 0) at the band edges. Two bumps are associated with opti- cal transitions from the inter-band and inter-valley tran- sitions, respectively, while the current is visibly enhanced by many-body effects [97]. Such interplay between non- linear optics and inter-valley scattering enables monitor- ing of non-equilibrium inter-valley dynamics and probing their strength, opening new directions in non-linear light- matter engineering (eV)s(2) xx (pA m/W)spin up spin (eV)s(2) xx (pA m/W)t=3 ps t=2 ps t=1 (eV)s(2) xx (pA m/W)n=1x1013 cm-2 n=5x1012 cm-2 n=1x1012 cm-2(d) Figure 4. (Color online) (Top panel) (a): Second-order optical response (in units of pA m/W) as a function of }!(in units of eV) for circularly polarized light, p==4. The 0:005andm= 0:02eV for spin-up and down and without Coulomb interaction. (b): Contour plot of the energy dis- persion of the valence and conduction bands in the presence of strain= 0:005around K point for spin-up effective masses cause a discrepancy between the va- lence and conduction band dispersions. The energy step of the isoenergy is 0.05 eV. (Bottom panel) Same as a (a) for varying
in ps (c) and electron density, n(d). We consider spin-up in this example. The magnitude of the bump is insensitive to the electron density, although the self energy is renormalised interactions, while the band-gap experiences a large, nonlinear renormalization upon adding free carriers to the conduction band. Therefore, the position of the peak jump is renormalized by quantum many-body effects. The second order steady-state current as a function of photon energy is shown in Fig. 4(a). The UVCP the vicinity of the band edge as simi- lar to the optical absorption coefficient. For spin-up, and the conduction band at the K point, while the second peak originates from the inter-valley transition be- tween the valence band at K' to the conduction band at K. However, for spin-down, the inter-valley transition be- tween the valence band at K' and the conduction band at K takes place first and then the inter-band transition oc- curs. By increasing the light frequency, electrons deeper7 in valence band, with stronger warping, are excited to the conduction band, and finite value of the UVCP is observed. Moreover, intervalley scattering processes are proportional to 2. The UVCP is the result of two factors of the electric fieldE. The first comes from the non-equilibrium distri- bution function f(1) od, the off-diagonal density matrix in the conduction band. The second factor of E comes when we consider e rkEin second order. This rep- resents the acceleration of excited carriers the action of the time-dependent electric field E. The non-equilibrium distribution to second order in E has some time dependence, and part of this time de- pendence is in phase with E, so that their product has a nonzero time average, resulting in a DC term. Even though the acceleration oscillates in time, the distribu- tion of excited carriers also oscillates in time so that the time average of the total acceleration is nonzero. This nonzero time average represents a net, constant acceler- ation. Thanks to the anisotropy of the excitation, which comes from warping, the angular average of this acceler- ation is nonzero as well. So there is a net acceleration of excited carriers, and this needs to be halted by The presence of can also be viewed as a reflec- tion of Kramers symmetry breaking by the warping term, which causes the excited carrier distribution to be applies for inter-valley excitation as well, since the warping is the same in the two valleys. Thus the UVCP is a result of: (i) topological effects through the Berry con- nections (ii) band mass discrepancy between the electron and hole, which leads to a change in the electron wave packet with respect to the hole wave packet (iii) than in the conduction band and (iv) the band off- set due to strain at the optical band edges. Based on our formalism, the intraband transition primarily origi- nates from an expression given by Eq. (A56), and the term the Pauli blocking factor, is principally respon- sible for the inter-valley transition, where fiis the Fermi- Dirac distribution function and R44represents the we discussed earlier, the contribution of the shift current in our formalism is negligible. Our results show that injection current [63], which is proportional to 1 and 4, contributes to the nonlinear DC optical response in the system, but it is not a dominant contributor as wediscussed previously. We explore the effect of varying the relaxation time,
and the electron density n. The current changes sig- nificantly by changing the relaxation time and when
is large the UVCP can be large, which is advanta- geous for photovoltaic solar cell applications. Terms of the form (fi fj)are always present in f(2) od, wheref(2) od is the off-diagonal element of the density matrix. How- ever, the denominator contains expressions of the which tend to a smaller value integrating over k, a larger current emerges owing to the stronger peak. Interestingly, the current does point owing to v. IV. CONCLUSION To summarize we have studied the static non-linear op- tical response of monolayer strained MoS 2with broken inversion symmetry. The theory incorporates the inter- band and inter-valley optical transitions in the presence of short-range impurity scattering, which also couples the valleys. In addition to intrinsic and extrinsic contri- butions, our theory includes exciton effects such as interaction and the Sommerfeld factor. The results show a large non-linear response with meaning- ful features at optical light frequencies and identified a new, unidirectional response termed non-reciprocal val- ley photo-current , with no equivalent in single-valley sys- tems. Its direction is set by trigonal warping and strain, and it increases with the mobility and trigonal warp- ing coefficient. Two bumps were associated with from the inter-band and inter-valley transi- tions, respectively, while the current is visibly enhanced by many-body effects. We have shown that the optical current changes significantly by changing the relaxation time and the UVCP can be large when the relaxation time is large, which is advantageous for photovoltaic so- lar cell the intrinsic shift current suppressed, our ap- proach predicts a large UVCP, which is accessible in ex- periment and can monitor inter-valley transitions. 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A magnetization is induced by a proper substrate in order to break valley degeneracy and thus v= vmwheremis The contribution to the band dispersion owing to trigonal warping has the character form Zcos to the conduction and valence bands, respectively. Note that the conduction band is nearly isotropic while the valence band is strongly warped due to the trigonal warping term. In the case of monolayer MoS 2, all parameters are: a0=a=p 3,a= = 1:82eV,0= Hamiltonian can be written (A4) hz= 3. The dispersion relations are given by jH j= 0and thus s(k) Hj si=s(k)j si can be easily obtained as j si=
1 In order to calculate the Berry connection, we do need to calculate the rkj si. To do so, we make use of cylindrical coordinate 3t2a3 0v0k2cos 3t2a3 0v0k2cos + + 2t1a2 0k2(ivcos 2 sin 2);11 finally, it leads to rkj si=@kj si^k+1 k@j si^ we define fs(k) Notice that ^k= cos^i+ cos^j. We can generalize the formalism by considering inter valley process. To do so, we should consider j i=j s;=+i j s;= i. Therefore, by making use of all derivatives, the Berry connection part for different band indices s;
kjrk0j s00 k0i; tells that each quantity might be evaluated in its own valley. We also consider the disorder as U(r) define matrix elements of s
kjU(r)j s00 k0i External gate potential It is also important to investigate the effect of a perpendicular external electric field on the optical response. The vertical bias breaks the mirror symmetry, hand thus modifies the on-site energies of atoms in three sublayers of TMDs. We assume a single-gate device in which the induced potentials take the values Ub= 0andUt= 2Uelefor layers. Using simple electronic arguments, the induced potentials for an applied vertical bias Vcan be the dielectric constants and thickness of ML-MDS and the Based on Ref. [77] we do have
= 0:1 + 0:2(Uele+ 0:5); t 0= 0:055 0:1(Uele+ 0:55); = 0:15Uele=eV; effect of the applied vertical voltage has been discussed in Ref. [77]. 2. The effect of strained MoS 2 More often, there is a crystal lattice mismatch between substrate and the system and hence strain is inevitably exist and it leads to change hopping terms and also breaks three-fold symmetry. Having approximated the around K point [79], up to second order in strain and momentum can be written 00.05 E 00.05 E (eV)(b) Figure 5. (Color online) The energy dispersion of the system for (a) = 0and different vertical voltage in units of eV and (b) Uele= 0:02eV and varies strain for given m= 0:02eV. wherea1= 15:95,a2= 2:2eV and1= 1:633. The pseudovector filed for uniaxial strain is given by A= (1 ;0)and the elastic potential Velastic = (1 +)with Poisson ration The effect of the voltage and strain appear in the eigenvalue and eigenvector of strained system and thus the Berry connection and matrix elements of impurity might be calculated accordingly. Figure 5 shows the of the conduction and valence bands for various vertical voltage and strain. Based on the DM equation, the density matrix is given by =j ih j. The dynamic of the density matrix obeys quantum Liouville + [U;] = i
~[HE;] the scattering term which takes the form with in the Born approximation and we assume the impurity density. The scattering term, in general form, is given by J(hi) (A12) whereU(t0) time-evolution operator the electric field not contribute to the scattering term J(hi)ifH0is the single component Hamiltonian and U represents scaler scattering, however, this is important for spin, scattering. Two scattering terms will have contributions from HE, so: J=J0+JE; (A13) whereJ0is the bare scattering term is given are at this stage to define relaxation-time of the system where we =i~hk1i11
1+ the off-diagonal component of J0is given = i~hk1i12
2+ relaxation-times are defined us consider the generic formula for the external field as E(t) (A23) and us calculate the matrix element of gEwhich gives now calculate the matrix elements of the position more simplification, we an infinitesimal number, I expect terms be the matrix element of that, we can solve the equation of = i
~h[U;g 0+gE]i finally the (A35) We look at the matrix elements of JEin explicit we look at closely to we should perceive which intervalley effects add, and which ones cancel out between bands 1 and 3. Thus, to calculate JEwe do need to evaluate gEfirst. All terms of gEwhich contains regular expression in denominator can be ignored. We also need to evaluate together can simplify the above expression by making use of some assumptions for which R13=R14= 0. contain x(x) = 0. Therefore, the diagonal part of JEis given 32 terms by making use of the same manner we can calculate the off-diagonal 32 terms by making use of density matrix for two valleys are written Let us begin with considering one valley with all in- and out-scattering processes to that valley. The density matrix can be expanded in the powers of the electric field, and thus the quantum kinetic equation can be simplified relaxation-times are given by Eq. (A21) and Eq. (A16)), and equally Eq. (A19). Meanwhile we can also use the covariant derivative (A43)22 Note 0. In this stage we follow the perturbation recipe to calculate first order density matrices, They are given by f(1) d;k(t) an equilibrium Fermi-Dirac distribution function. Note that we first solve the kinetic equation for first order in k1andk2refer to valley I and II, respectively. This solution of in J00 0(t0)in Eq. (A45). To do so, we start by looking at more dominate terms in use them we also have J0 0;k(hi) the case of Jd Ewe = +i~g
+likewise terms by making use of forJod Ewe will +i~g
+likewise terms by making use of refore, all terms can be given by f(1) d;k(t) substituting all quantities in integrands, we would calculate the +F0( !)] where we define Fg(!) the time-independent contributions of second order density matrix would be given +J0 0(t0)] we define F0 g(!) = Meanwhile, to calculate have to operate rk on all quantities and also include terms contain sinpcosp. All details are carefully considered in numerics although25 I drop some terms in the note for +i~]2g
+other terms Now we would like to mention that there are some terms which are more dominate term when rkoperates on Two terms play important role expression in denominators, +i~]2g
+other terms On the other define 1=and calculate the off-diagonal parts. Therefore, we then find
i (eV)s(2) xx (pA (eV) Figure 6. (Color online) (2) xx= (Jx() Jx(= 0))=I0(in units of pA m/W) as a function of ~!(in units of eV) for a light, and m= 0:02eV for different value of strain for 51012cm 2and= 2ps. 3. Numerical Scaling In order to carry our the numerical calculation of Jwe perform some standard scaling, the average electron density 1012cm 2. (8ea 0
0)jI0 (A63) when Jis in units of pA/m and I0is intensity of light in units of W/m2. We make use of be in units of pA m/W. Notice that the vector current is defined by vector Rkk0therefore by assuming the electric field along the x-direction, we do have Note that we also use
1=niU2 0, then the results would depend on . Actually the intervalley scattering process is proportional to 2. Figure 6 shows the second-order DC photocurrent at the the K-point as a function of energy for circularly polarized light and various strain values. Furthermore, Fig. 7 shows the optical response for various trigonal warping. 4. Photovoltaic (eV)s(2) xx (pA m/W)t 1=-0.54 eV t 1=-0.34 eV t 1=-0.14 eV Figure 7. (Color online) The effect of the trigonal warping, through strain, on (2) xx(in units of pA m/W). The relaxation time is= 2ps,m= the strain = 0:005andn= 51012cm 2. By considering t1=t2= 0, theJ=I 0 from off diagonal part is totally small. Appendix B: Bethe-Salpeter equation and Exciton band structure Since in an absorption photon a pari of the electron and hole are created thus a new state is emerged owing to Coulomb interaction. This coupled electron-phonon state can be viewed as a non-charged exiton excitation. This new state leads to additional absorption peaks shifted from the fundamental absorption edge by the coupling energies. It is common believed that the exciton physics of 2D-TMD is controlled by mirror, three-fold rotational and time- reversal symmetries. Finite-momentum excitons are optically inactive. Low-energy exciton states appear both near the Brillouin-zone center and near the Brillouin zone center excitons. Here we are just interested in the BZ corner excitons close to (K, K'). The interacting Hamiltonian (B1) whereH0is the noninteracting part and the second part is the Coulomb interaction. ay Ris the electron for orbital at Mo site R. The Coulomb interaction is given by the Keldysh form to account for the finite width of the TMD layer. Exciton states with center of mass momentum Qcan be expanded in terms of electron-hole states si quasiparticle operator for band nat momentum k. In order to calculate the exciton, we do need to equation where its solution determines the exciton eigenvalue and wave functions. The the unitary matrix which diagonalizes the quasiparticle Hamiltonian H0. Notice that in the case Q= 0, the last term of RHS, (exchange term) vanishes due to the orthogonality property (Uy kUk)cv= 0. To calculate the RHS of above equation, we have j si=
1 band gap exciton Figure 8. The renormalized bandgap exciton, , based on the Bethe-Salpeter equation as a function of averaged constant, . The bare band gap is 1.82 eV. whereAis area of 2D system. The Bethe-Salpeter equation now eigenvalues and eigenvectors might be used to solve Eq. (B6) to calculate the impact of the exciton effects on the DC optical current. Figure 8 shows the renormalized band gap exciton in terms of the dielectric constant, calculated from Eq. (B6). 1. Exciton Absorption in density matrix approach The interband transitions excited by a homogenous electric field are described by a single-particle operator of perturbation the basis where eigenvalues and the interband velocity. From now on, the conduction and valence bands are defined in exciton states. We are interested in the response of the system near the absorption edge when j~! j with the effective bandgap . Making use of the eigenstate of noninteracting system, we can obtain the linearized kinetic equation = 0 (B7) where Notice that f(1) od(k) =h12(k)i. We consider an electron doped system where f= after some straightforward algebra, the density matrix describing the interband polarization is given + = 0 (B8) To solve this equation, we do first order integrative approximation and hence f(1) od(k) we are considering the trigonal warping, the last term of the RHS is a complex expression. If we perform and set t0==0==0= 0only inK(k)and therefore, the trigonal warping carries out by the first term. Within this simplification, we can have K(k) =Z k0dk0[(1 + cosk)(1 + cosk0)g(0) + 2 sinksink0g(s) + cos(m) (B12) cosk= =k, and Again note that f(1) od(k)can be obtained by Green's function in k space. The spectral function is given by the Green's function in real space for which we define the Sommerfeld factor [90]. Sommerfeld factor implies a peak around the optical transition in the spectral function or density of states. Based on that we expect to possess a jump in the current near the optical transition. Put differently, the jump at the optical transition indicates the large density of states or the existence of the Sommerfeld factor. Let's write down the exciton problem in the relative coordinate with reduced mass n k(r) =n k n k(r) (B13) where the negative of the potential accounts the electron and hole attraction and we use the bare Coulomb potential. In the system we define the effective Bohr radius The spectral function of the system is defined as
((!)) = =mX nj n k(r= n k(r= 0)j2(n (!)) (B14) where(!) =~! (c )andj n k(r= 0)j2called the Sommerfeld factor. The solution of Eq. (B13) for negative energy can be written as a MoS 2wave function (plan wave times to the spinor) and spherical waves. The normalized wave functions are n k(r) =1p Ae kr MoS 2( n;1; 2kr) (B15) whereAis the areal of the system, the confluent hypergeometric function. MoS 2 y MoS 2= 1, hence the Sommerfeld factor is given by j n k(r= expression increases as m2at a small energy value. Note that the energy is ~2k2=2m.32 In order to calculate the optical current, we de need to evaluate the following (B17) In this stage, we can pluck the above expressions in Eq. (13) and calculate second order of the density matrix component. Before that notice ei!thas no physical meaning in the expressions and we should drop that term off. Appendix C: Intrinsic electron and hole wave functions [42]. This is an intrinsic effect of the shift current. A two-band model Hamiltonian was considered to explore the interband optical transition. The Floquet Hamiltonian is coupled by The non-linear optical response, is given cartesian coordinates and the gauge invariant. The interband velocity is also defined as Figure 9 shows the shift current response as a function of energy for a light calculated from Eq. (C1). | 2108.10438 | Reza Asgari | Reza Asgari, Dimitrie Culcer | Unidirectional photo-current in strained transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers | Main text: 33 pages, 9 figures | Phys. Rev. B 105, 195418 (2022) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.195418 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We examine the full static non-linear optical response of uniaxially metal dichalcogenide monolayers doped with a finite carrier density in the conduction band, in the presence of disorder. We find that the customary shift current is suppressed, yet we identify a strong, response, which we term a photo-current} (UVCP). This DC current originates from the combined effect of strain and Kramers symmetry breaking by trigonal warping, while the contributions due to individual valleys can be separated by introducing an energy offset between them by means of a magnetization. This latter fact enables one to monitor inter-valley transitions. The UVCP is proportional to the mobility and is enhanced by the excitonic and inter-valley scattering, as well as by a top gate bias. We discuss detection strategies in state-of-the-art experiments.
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2 Hatsukade et al. duced by a pair-instability SN (e.g., Woosley et al. 2007), spin-down of a newborn strongly magnetized neutron star (magnetar; e.g., Kasen & Bildsten 2010; Woosley 2010), fallback accretion onto a compact remnant (e.g., Dexter & Kasen 2013), and interaction with dense CSM (e.g., Smith & McCray 2007; Chevalier & Irwin 2011). Radio observations can probe synchrotron emission arising from shock interaction of SN ejecta or jet with surrounding material, providing useful constraints on the models of SLSNe. It is expected that late-time radio emission may be caused by initially o-axis jets that decelerate and spread into the line of sight. It is also predicted that quasistate synchrotron emission may arise from pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) powered by a newly born magnetar (Metzger & Bower 2014; Murase et al. 2016; Kashiyama & Murase 2017; Metzger et al. 2017). The radio emission is initially absorbed in the PWNe and SN ejecta, but the system can be transparent on timescales of decades. These central engine models are also a possible model for long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) (e.g., Metzger et al. 2015; Margalit et al. 2018b), suggesting a connection between SLSNe-I and LGRBs. It is interesting that the magnetar model is also one of the plausible models for fast radio bursts (FRBs), which are mysterious radio transients with bright
ashes (Cordes & Chatterjee 2019, for a re- view). Magnetar models have been applied to the origin of FRB 121102 (e.g., Murase et al. 2016; Kashiyama &
Murase 2017; Metzger et al. 2017; Margalit et al. 2018a; Margalit & Metzger 2018). Recently, FRB 200428 was identied as a Galactic magnetar, SGR 1935+2154 (An- dersen et al. 2020; Bochenek et al. 2020), showing a mag- netar origin of at least one FRB. Previous radio observations of SLSNe resulted in non- detections in most cases, providing constraints on phys- ical properties (such as energies, mass-loss rates, and CSM densities) and models for SLSNe-I (e.g., Nicholl et al. 2016, 2018; Margalit et al. 2018b; Bose et al. 2018; Coppejans et al. 2018; Law et al. 2019; Eftekhari et al. 2021). Eftekhari et al. (2019) found an unresolved radio source coincident with the position of SLSN-I PTF10hgi. They argued that the radio emission is consistent with an o-axis jet or wind nebula powered by a magnetar born in the SLSN, suggesting the presence of a central engine. Law et al. (2019) and Mondal et al. (2020) also supported the model of magnetar-powered SLSN based on the observations at 0.6{15 GHz. Hatsukade et al. (2021) found a variability in late-time radio emission in PTF10hgi for the rst time among SLSNe. They con- strained both the rise and decay phases of the radio light curve over three years, peaking at yr after the explosion. They concluded that plausi-ble scenarios are a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (AGN) in the host galaxy or a magnetar wind nebula by considering the radio light curve and spectrum. In order to constrain the models, it is also impor- tant to understand the properties of their host galax- ies. Previous studies have shown that SLSN-I hosts are typically dwarf galaxies with low-luminosity, low stellar mass, low star-formation rate (SFR), and high specic SFR (sSFR) compared to local star-forming galaxies and the hosts of core-collapse SNe, while SLSN-II hosts show a wider range of those parameters (e.g., Lunnan et al. 2014; Leloudas et al. 2015a; Angus et al. 2016; Per- ley et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2017; Schulze et al. 2018; Taggart & Perley 2021). The observations of SLSN hosts have been conducted mainly in the (NIR) wavelengths, which are subject to dust extinction in contrast to longer wavelengths, and it is possible that we are missing dust-obscured star forma- tion. Radio observations are important to probe the properties of star formation in the SLSN host without the eect of dust extinction (Schulze et al. 2018; Hat- sukade et al. 2018; Arabsalmani et al. 2019; Hatsukade et al. 2020; Eftekhari et al. 2021). Schulze et al. (2018) searched radio emission for a sample of SLSN hosts by using the survey data of Faint Images of the Ra- dio Sky at (FIRST; Becker et al. 1995), the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS; Condon et al. 1998), and the Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS; Bock et al. 1999), and did not nd radio detection. They also obtained upper limits on three SLSN hosts based on deep 1.5 GHz the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). Hat- sukade et al. (2018) performed 3 GHz radio observations of the host galaxies of 8 SLSNe (5 Type I and 3 Type II) at 0:1< z < 0:3 with VLA. They found the ex- cess of radio-based SFRs over op- tically based SFRs (UV-based SFRs from SED tting or H-based SFRs) in three hosts, suggesting the exis- tence of dust-obscured star formation that were missed in previous observations. This indicates the necessity observations in order to understand true star-forming activity in SLSN hosts. They also found that three hosts, which were located within the range of the main sequence based on previous optical ob- servations, are actually above the main sequence in our radio observations, suggesting that they have a Eftekhari et al. (2021) observed 15 SLSNe-I at 6 GHz with VLA and 29 SLSNe-I at 100 GHz with the At- acama Large Array (ALMA), seven of which overlapped. They did not detect emission from any of the SLSNe except for a 6 GHz detection of PTF10hgi. Only the host of PTF12dam was detectedVLA Survey of Late-time Radio Emission from SLSNe and the Host Galaxies 3 at 6 GHz, concluding that there is no signicant dust obscuration in the SLSNe hosts. In this paper, we present the results of VLA 3 GHz continuum observations of 23 SLSNe (15 Type I and 8 Type II) and their host galaxies, oering one of the largest sample of SLSNe with radio data. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 VLA observations, and data reduction. The re- sults are shown in Section 3. In Section 4, we discuss a magnetar model for the SLSNe and obscured star forma- tion in the host galaxies. Conclusions are presented in Section 5. Throughout the paper, we adopt a Chabrier (2003) initial mass function and cosmological parame- ters ofH0= 67:7 km s 1Mpc 1and M= 0:310 based on the Planck 2018 results (Planck Collaboration et al. 2020). 2.VLA Targets In order to understand the general properties of SLSNe and their hosts, it is essential to conduct an un- biased search for radio emission by using a complete sample. The targets of VLA observations were selected from the list of SLSNe compiled by Schulze et al. (2018). They made a list of 69 SLSNe discovered before the end of 2014 among all SLSNe reported in the the largest and complete catalog of SLSNe. The redshifts of the sample are z= 0:1{2 with a sin- gular object at z= 3:899, and the median redshifts are z= 0:46 and 0.21 for SLSNe-I and SLSNe-II, respec- tively. From the list, we selected SLSNe well observ- able with VLA (declination > 25 deg) and located at z<0:3 to ensure signicant constraint on obscured star formation. In order to avoid the contamination from AGN to radio emission, we excluded CSS100217, whose host is known to have possible AGN features (Leloudas et al. 2015a; Perley et al. 2016; Schulze et al. 2018). We also excluded six SLSNe (PTF10aagc, SN2008am, SN2008fz, and SN2010gx) that already have deep radio upper limits as reported in Hat- sukade et al. (2018) and Schulze et al. (2018). This re- sults in 23 targets that consists of 15 Type I and 8 Type II SLSNe (Table 1). This is one of the largest samples of SLSNe with radio observations. All of them were observed in the VLA 1.4 GHz surveys of FIRST and NVSS, and none was detected in relatively shallow ob- servations (0.15 and0.45 mJy beam 1, et al. 2018). In order to examine the time vari- ability of the radio emission, four SLSNe PTF10uhf, PTF12dam) with radio detectionby Hatsukade et al. (2018) were included. Four SLSNe (SN1999bd, PTF10qaf, PTF10uhf, PTF12dam) whose hosts were detected in previous observations (Hatsukade et al. 2018) were included in the targets in order to ex- amine the time variability of the radio emission. Our observations of these radio-detected sources were con- ducted &2 yr after the rst observations, allowing us to examine the time variability. Detections of radio emis- sion from PTF10hgi were reported by Eftekhari et al. (2019), Law et al. (2019), and Mondal et al. (2020) after the target selection of this work. Our VLA observations of PTF10hgi were reported in detail in a separate paper (Hatsukade et al. 2021). We note previous radio observations of the targets at1{10 GHz. Existing radio observations of SLSNe and their hosts are compiled by Coppejans et al. (2018), Schulze et al. (2018), and Eftekhari et al. (2021). Of our targets, PTF09cnd, SN 2012il, and SN 2015bn were observed within a year after the ex- plosions, yielding nondetections (Chandra et al. 2009, 2010; Chomiuk et al. 2012; Nicholl et al. 2016; Alexan- der et al. 2016). Late-time radio observations ( &a few years after the explosions) by Law et al. (2019) and Eftekhari et al. (2021) covered a fraction of the SLSNe- I in our sample; PTF09cnd, PTF10hgi, SN 2007bi, SN 2010kd, and SN 2011ke at 3 GHz by Law et al. (2019); LSQ12dlf, PTF09cnd, PTF12dam, SN 1999as, SN 2007bi, SN 2010kd, SN 2011ke, SN 2011kf, SN 2012il at 6 GHz by Eftekhari et al. (2021). 2.2. Observations and Data Reduction The VLA S-band 3 GHz (13 cm) observations were performed from November 2018 to February 2019 in semester 18B (Project ID: 18B-077) and from April to June 2020 in semester 20A (Project ID: 20A-133). The observing dates are 5{21 yr after the discovery of the SLSNe. Observations were done in the array congu- ration C except for six targets (SN2007bw, SN2010kd, SN2011ep, and SN2012il) that were observed during a transition period from cong- uration C to B. The number of antennae used in the observations was 24{28. The WIDAR correlator was used with 8-bit samplers. We used two basebands with 1 GHz bandwidth centered at 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz, which provided a total bandwidth of 2 GHz. The eld of view was 7 :04 (full width at half power). The posi- tions of the SNe were used as phase centers. Bandpass and amplitude calibrations were conducted with 3C147 or 3C286, and phase calibrations were conducted with nearby quasars. The total observing time of each target4 Hatsukade et al. Table 1. Targets SLSN Discovery DateaTypez log II 0.286 0:52+0 :38
0:29 8:15+0 2012-07-10 I 0.255 1:36+0 :54
0:43 7:56+0 2014-01-30 I 0.2561 0:84+0 :42
0:34 7:89+0 2009-08-07 I 0.258 0:64+0 :21
0:18 7:87+0 I 0.0987 1:02+0 :44
0:52 7:58+0 2010-08-05 IIn 0.284 0 :11+0 :50
0:50 8:73+0 2010-08-25 I 0.2882 0 :834+0 :122
0:263 11:23+0 2012-04-10 I 0.107 0:00+0 :27
0:26 8:89+0 :15
0:30 SN 1999as 1999-02-18 I 0.127 0 :14+0 :37
0:35 8:94+0 :20
0:17 SN 1999bd 1999-02-19 IIn 0.151 0 :037+0 :118
0:162 9:10+0 :22
0:11 SN 2006gy 2006-09-18 IIn 0.019 1:12+0 :08
0:0811:70+0 :06
0:21 SN IIn 0.074 1:25+0 :48
0:37 7:54+0 :47
0:20 SN I 0.128 1:71+0 :53
0:52 7:92+0 :20
0:21 SN IIn 0.140 0:24+0 :47
0:37 9:39+0 :19
0:09 SN II 0.205 1:99+0 :28
0:27 6:19+0 :33
0:36 SN IIn 0.210 0:60+0 :65
0:62 8:65+0 :33
0:34 SN 2010kd 2010-11-14 I 0.101 0:98+0 :44
0:31 7:30+0 :25
0:29 SN I 0.280 0 :05+0 :41
0:30 7:79+0 :42
0:36 SN I 0.143 0:82+0 :24
0:23 7:50+0 :20
0:18 SN I 0.245 0:86+0 :18
0:20 7:58+0 :19
0:22 SN I 0.175 0:74+0 :22
0:36 8:20+0 :18
0:17 SN I 0.265 1:43+0 :80
0:52 7:09+0 :82
0:70 SN I 0.110 1:06+0 :69
0:50 7:50+0 date (maximum date for PTF10qaf) taken from Open et al. 2017). bSFR and stellar mass of host galaxies derived from SED modeling by Schulze et al. (2018). cAlias: SN 2010md, PSO SNF20070406 008. gAlias: SNF20070418 020. hAlias: ROTSE3 PS1-11xk, CSS130530:131841 070443, MLS130517:131841 Survey of Late-time Radio Emission from SLSNe and the Host Galaxies 5 Table 2. VLA 3 GHz Obs. Date Time Since Expl.aTonNant Baseline Beam Size P.A. RMS S3GHz (yr) (min) (m) (00) () (Jy beam 1) (Jy) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) CSS121015 2019-01-02 4.8 91 27 45{3400 8 :45:4 1:6 5.7 <17 LSQ12dlf 2019-01-03 5.2 91 26 45{3400 13 :05:2 4:7 6.4 <19 ... 2020-04-01 6.2 103 27 45{3400 11 :75:7 12:6 6.1 <18 ... combined ... ... ... ... 12 :15:5 8:4 5.3 <16 LSQ14mo 2020-04-19 4.9 103 27 45{3400 10 :45:7 11:2 7.0 <21 PTF09cnd 2018-11-27 7.4 91 24 78{3400 8 :24:9 15:8 5.4 <16 PTF10hgi 2018-12-02 7.8 91 26 45{3400 8 :95:8 42:7 5.3 85 7b ... 2020-04-25 9.1 103 28 45{3400 7 :86:3 43:5 5.8 51 6b PTF10qaf 2017-05-29 1.9 91 27 45{3400 8 :16:1 49:1 5.4 58 6c ... 2020-04-06 4.1 103 27 45{3400 8 :16:1 49:6 6.9 57 8c ... combined ... ... ... ... 6 :96:7 86:4 4.9 57 6c PTF10uhf 2017-05-29 5.2 91 27 45{3400 6 :75:5 73:5 5.4 82 7d ... 2020-06-08 7.6 103 27 45{3400 7 :75:7 89:7 5.4 77 7d ... combined ... ... ... ... 7 :05:6 82:8 4.0 77 6d PTF12dam 2017-05-28 4.6 91 27 45{3400 6 :55:6 68:8 4.5 139 8e ... 2020-06-06 7.4 103 26 45{3200 7 :05:4 67:2 4.6 131 8e ... combined ... ... ... ... 6 :55:6 82:8 3.5 133 8e SN 1999as 2019-01-14 17.7 91 24 45{3400 6 :95:8 50:3 5.5 <17 SN 1999bd 2017-05-28 15.9 91 27 45{3400 6 :25:3 2:8 5.2 43 6f ... 2020-04-14 18.4 103 26 45{3400 6 :25:6 22:4 5.4 37 6f ... combined ... ... ... ... 6 :05:4 11:7 4.0 41 5f SN 2006gy 2019-01-01 12.1 91 25 45{3400 6 :25:3 63:0 44 838 61g ... 2020-03-16 13.2 103 27 45{3400 5 :85:2 74:7 43 859 61g ... combined ... ... ... ... 6 :05:3 69:8 38 859 57g SN 2006tf 2020-06-04 12.5 103 26 45{3400 6 :75:8 0:8 5.0 <15 SN 2007bi 2020-05-22 11.6 103 27 45{3400 8 :85:9 52:5 7.1 <21 SN 2007bw 2019-02-19 10.4 91 27 45{11100 3 :22:2 14:9 4.6 <14 SN 2008es 2019-02-17 9.0 91 27 45{11100 3 :61:9 49:2 4.2 <12 SN 2009nm 2019-02-19 7.6 91 27 45{11100 3 :41:8 21:6 4.1 <12 SN 2010kd 2019-02-19 7.5 91 27 45{11100 3 :31:8 21:4 3.9 <12 SN 2011ep 2019-02-22 6.1 91 26 80{11100 3 :42:2 42:2 4.3 <13 SN 2011ke 2020-04-24 7.9 109 28 45{3400 6 :76:4 69:6 4.3 <13 SN 2011kf 2020-06-05 6.8 103 27 45{3400 9 :85:8 58:4 6.1 <18 SN 2012il 2019-02-22 6.0 91 26 80{11100 3 :41:7 2:3 4.0 <12 SN 2013dg 2020-06-06 5.6 103 27 45{3400 8 :96:0 8:3 24 <72 SN 2015bn 2020-06-07 4.9 103 27 45{3400 11 :26:5 51:9 15 <45 Note | (1) SLSN name. (2) VLA observing date. combined is for the combined results of two observations. (3) Time since explosion (rest frame). (4) On-source integration time. (5) Number of antennas. (6) Range of baseline lengths. (7) Synthesized beam size. (8) Position angle of synthesized beam. (9) RMS noise level of the map. (10) Flux density at 3 GHz. Limits are 3 . aExplosion rest frame. bLikely to be from both SN and host; Hatsukade et al. (2021) cLikely to be from intensity measured with the CASA imfit task. Likely to be from host. eLikely to be from host (SDSS to be from host to be from host (NGC 1260).6 Hatsukade et al. was 91{109 min. Details of the observations appear in Table 2. The data were reduced with Common Applications (CASA; McMullin et al. 2007) re- lease 5.6.2. About 10%{15% of the data were
agged by the pipeline processing. The maps were produced with the task tclean . The Briggs weighting with robust 0.5 was adopted. The absolute
ux accuracy was estimated by comparing the measured
ux density of the ampli- tude calibrators and the
ux density scale of Perley &
Butler (2017), and the dierence was found to be <2%. For detected sources, we conducted a 2D Gaussian t to the radio emission in the image plane. PTF10uhf was spatially resolved, and we measured an integrated
ux density by using the imfit task. The others were not spatially resolved or only marginally resolved and we adopted the peak intensity as a source
ux density. The
ux uncertainty reported here is a combination of the map rms and a 5% absolute
ux calibration also reanalyzed the VLA data of Hatsukade et al. (2018) of four SLSNe (PTF10qaf, and SN 1999bd) that were included in the sample of this study by using the same version of CASA as used in this work. Although Hatsukade et al. (2018) reported that PTF10qaf is spatially resolved, we found that the emission is only marginally resolved, and we adopted a peak intensity as a source
ux density in this work. In order to create deeper images, we combined the data of Hatsukade et al. (2018) with the newly ob- tained data except for PTF10hgi, which showed a The results are included in Table 2. 3.RESULTS The VLA 3 GHz continuum maps are shown in Figure 1. We detected radio emission in six sources (PTF10hgi, PTF10qaf, PTF10uhf, PTF12dam, SN 1999bd, SN 2006gy) with a peak signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) above 5, and tentatively detected in two sources (SN 2007bw and SN 2012il) with S/N 3.6. Five of them (PTF10hgi, PTF10qaf, PTF10uhf, PTF12dam, and SN 1999bd) were detected in the previous 3 and 6 GHz observations (Hatsukade et al. 2018; Law et al. 2019; Eftekhari et al. 2021), and the peak positions are consistent. SN 2006gy and PTF10hgi were detected in both semesters (18B and 20A) in our the radio emission detected in the map of LSQ12dlf was300away from the SN position, which is larger than the positional uncertainty of the radio (200), we consider that the emission is not associated with the SN or its host galaxy (Table 3). Fig- ure 2 shows the radio contours for the six overlaid on the optical/NIR images taken from the Hubble Legacy Archive2and the public data of the Dark Energy Survey (DES; Abbott et al. 2018; Morgan- son et al. 2018; Flaugher et al. 2015). The radio emission of PTF10qaf, PTF10uhf, and SN 2006gy are dominated by the galaxy center rather than the SN positions. The radio peak position of PTF12dam is also slightly o- set from the SN position and close to the galaxy cen- ter. This is supported by the higher angular observations at 6 GHz by Eftekhari et al. (2021), who claimed that the emission was most likely related to star formation in the host. The peak radio po- sition of SN 1999bd appears to be associated with a of the SN position. While the between the radio peak and the SN position is still within the uncertainty of the radio observations, it is not clear whether the emission comes from the SN or its host galaxy. It is possible that the radio emission arose from an unassociated galaxy. To see whether the sources show a time variabil- ity, we plot the observed
ux densities as a function of time in Figure 3 including previous 3 GHz obser- vations by Eftekhari et al. (2019) and Mondal et al. (2020) for PTF10hgi. A signicant variability is found in PTF10hgi, which was reported by Hatsukade et al. (2021). The
ux densities of SN 1999bd appear to be decreasing with time but are still consistent within The other sources do not show a signif- icant variability in the timescale of years, suggesting the emission arise from activity in the hosts. This is supported by the fact that the emission of and SN 2006gy are dominated by the galaxy center rather than the SN positions. In the following discussions, we adopt the 3 GHz
ux densities for the six >5sources and 3 upper limits for the remaining sources. We consider that the origin of the radio emission is likely to be activities in the hosts for PTF10qaf, PTF10uhf, PTF12dam, SN 1999bd, and SN 2006gy, and the SN and/or the host for et al. radio observations provide useful implica- tions for the obscured star formation in the host galaxies and power source of SLSNe. By using the radio Survey of Late-time Radio Emission from SLSNe and the Host Galaxies 7 CSS121015 LSQ12dlf LSQ14mo PTF09cnd PTF10uhf PTF12dam SN1999as SN2006tf SN2007bi SN2007bw SN2010kd SN2011ep SN2011ke SN2013dg SN2015bn Figure 1. VLA 3 GHz continuum maps centered at SN positions. Image size is 30003000. North is up, and east is to left. Crosses represent SN positions. Contours are 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 5steps subsequently (negative contours as dashed). Synthesized beam size is shown at lower left corners. Image of SN 2006gy is based on combined data of two observations in this study, and images of PTF10qaf, PTF10uhf, PTF12dam, and SN 1999bd are based on combined data of this study and Hatsukade et al. (2018). Image of PTF10hgi is based on data taken in 2018. we constrain radio emission arising from in the hosts (Section 4.1), o-axis 4.2), and pulsar/magnetar wind nebulae (Sec- tion 4.3). 4.1. Obscured Star Formation in Host Galaxies In the (BPT; Baldwin et al. 1981) diagram, the hosts of PTF09cnd, and SN 1999bd lie at the location of star-forming galaxies (Leloudas et al. 2015a; Perley et al. 2016). Because the radio emission in PTF10hgi may arise from an AGN in the host or wind nebula powered by a magnetar (Hatsukade et al. 2021), the
ux density is treated as an upper limit for star-forming activity in the host. Assuming that the radio emission of detected hosts is dominated by star-forming activity, we derive SFRs by using the 3 GHz
ux densities. SFRs are de- rived by adopting the calibraions of Murphy et al. (2011,8 Hatsukade et 2. VLA 3 GHz contours overlaid on for radio-detected ( >5) sources centered at radio peak positions. Image size is 20002000. North is up, and east is to left. Crosses represent SN positions. Contour levels are same as in Figure 1. 1 10 Time since explosion (Jy) PTF10uhf PTF12dam Figure 3. Observed 3 GHz
ux densities as function of time since explosion (rest frame) for radio-detected sources. Open and lled symbols represent SLSNe-I and Data points of PTF10hgi include results of Law et al. (2019), Mondal et al. (2020), and Hatsukade et 2017) normalized to the Chabrier (2003) IMF as follows (Jim enez-Andrade et al. 2021): SFR = 4:8710 29L1:4 GHz; (1) L1:4 GHz =4D2 L (1 (2) whereL1:4 GHz is the 1.4 GHz luminosity in erg s 1Hz 1,DLis the luminosity distance in cm, Table 3. Oset between radio peak and SN 0.7 PTF10qaf 4.0 PTF10uhf 3.6 PTF12dam 0.0 SN 1999bd 3.0 SN 2006gy 2.3 is the spectral index (dened as S/),obsis the observed frequency in GHz, and Sobsis the observed
ux density in erg s 1cm 2Hz 1. If a source was ob- served twice, then the
ux density of combined analysis (Table 2) is used. The spectral index is known to lie between around 0:8 and 0:7 for star-forming galaxies (e.g., Condon 1992). Smol ci c et al. (2017a) and Delhaize et al. (2017) found that the median spectral index be- tween 1.4 and 3 GHz for z <2 star-forming galaxies is consistent with 3GHz 1:4GHz = 0:7 with a standard devi- ation of= 0:35 based on the VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz data taking into account the lower limits for sources un- detected at 1.4 GHz. In this study we assume = 0:7 following these studies. The derived 1.4 GHz luminosi- ties and SFRs are listed in Table 4. Note that the SFRs would increase by about 10% if we assume = 0:8. We employed a stacking analysis on the 3 GHz maps of the undetected sources to obtain veraged proper- ties of the hosts. No signicant emission was detected for the samples of all 15 nondetections, 11 SLSNe-I, and 4 SLSNe-II. The obtained rms noise levels were 1.4, 1.8, and 2.3Jy beam 1for the samples of all and SLSNe-II , respectively. In order to con- strain obscured star formation, we derived SFRs from stacking analysis. Because the sample of a wide redshift range ( z= 0:074{0.287), where luminosity distances largely dier among the samples, we divided the sample into two groups: 6 SLSNe with z= 0:074{0.143 ( zmedian = 0:12) and 9 SLSNe with z= 0:205{0.287 ( zmedian = 0:26). The stacked images show no signicant emission with rms noise levels of 2.2 and 1.8Jy beam 1, respectively. The limits on SFRs are <0.20 which were calculated in the same manner as for individual hosts assuming the median redshifts (Table 5).VLA Survey of Late-time Radio Emission from SLSNe and the Host Galaxies 9 In Figure 4, we compare the SFRs derived from the radio observations with those from the SED modeling based on multi-wavelength data from rest-frame UV to NIR by Schulze et al. (2018). Because of the complex- ity of star-formation histories of the hosts of SN 1999bd and SN 2006gy, Schulze et al. (2018) adopted the H
of Leloudas et al. (2015b) and the IR luminosity of Smith et al. (2007) as an SFR indicator instead of us- ing the results of SED analysis. The hosts of PTF12dam, and SN 1999bd have an excess of radio-based SFRs over SED-based SFRs by a factor of 3{12. The radio excess in the hosts of SN and PTF10uhf are consistent with the re- sults by (Hatsukade et al. 2018). On the other hand, Hatsukade et al. (2018) and Eftekhari et al. (2021) did not nd a radio excess in the PTF12dam host. This is due to the dierence in comparison SFRs adopted by Hatsukade et al. (2018) and Eftekhari et al. (2021), where they used the results of Perley et al. (2016). The H-based SFR of 3{5 Myr 1(Leloudas et al. 2015a; Th one et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2015; Perley et al. 2016) is consistent with our radio SFR of 3 same is true of PTF10uhf, where the radio SFR of 171Myr 1is consistent with the H SFR of et al. 2016). Schulze et al. (2018) noted that a systematic un- certainty of 0.3 dex is expected in the SED-based SFRs. Therefore, the existence of obscured star formation in the hosts of PTF10uhf and PTF12dam is observations show that a dwarf galaxy hosting PTF10qaf is likely to be interacting with a large spi- ral galaxy (Perley et al. 2016). The optical image of the PTF10uhf host is also likely to represent a merger (Perley et al. 2016). The interaction or merger may cause dusty star formation in the hosts. The stellar masses of the hosts of SN 1999bd, SN 2006gy, PTF10qaf, and PTF10uhf are in the largest range among the sample of SLSNe (Leloudas et al. 2015a; Perley et al. 2016; Schulze et al. 2018). In particular, the hosts of SN 2006gy and PTF10uhf have the largest stellar mass with logM=M>11 (Perley et al. 2016; Schulze et al. 2018). It is known that larger stellar mass galaxies have higher fraction of obscured star formation (e.g., Whitaker et al. 2017). Whitaker et al. (2017) found that more than 90% of star formation is obscured for galaxies with log M=M>10:5. Although the host of SN 2006gy, NGC 1260, is a S0/Sa galaxy, it shows signa- tures of current star formation with a far-IR luminosity of logLFIR=L= 9:85 (Meusinger et al. 2000; Smith et al. 2007) The IR-based SFR is 0.9 Myr 1, which is comparable to the radio-based SFR.For the other SLSN hosts, we do not nd a signi- cant excess of the radio-based SFRs over the SED-based SFRs, although many of them have upper limits. The fact that there is no signicant dust-obscured star for- mation in SLSN hosts is consistent with the radio ob- servations by Schulze et al. (2018) and Eftekhari et al. (2021) for individual galaxies or stacked results. In Figure 5, we plot radio-based SFRs as a func- tion of stellar mass. It is known that follow a tight correlation between stellar mass and SFR, referred to as a galaxy main sequence. The hosts of PTF10qaf and PTF12dam are located above the main sequence, suggesting that they have a star- burst nature (e.g., Rodighiero et al. 2011; Elbaz et al. 2011). We note that if we adopt the stellar mass of logM=M= PTF10qaf derived from the SED analysis by Leloudas et al. (2015a), the host is on the main sequence. The high sSFR and starburst nature of the PTF12dam host are consistent with the results of optical spectroscopic observations (Th one et al. 2015; Chen et al. 2015). The SN 2006gy host is below the main sequence, suggesting a quenched property. This is con- sistent with its classication of S0/Sa, but at the same time the host has ongoing star formation as found in this work and previous studies (Smith et al. 2007). The other radio-detected hosts of SN 1999bd and PTF10uhf are within the range of the main sequence. The hosts of SLSNe are argued to have higher sSFR than main- sequence galaxies (e.g., Leloudas et al. 2015a; Schulze et al. 2018). Our results are consistent with these previ- ous studies overall but are not stringent because of the limited sensitivity of the radio Afterglows from O-axis Jet A shock interaction between SN ejecta and CSM pro- duces synchrotron radio emission. It is possible that radio afterglows arise from initially o-axis jets that de- celerated and spread into the line of sight at late times. Coppejans et al. (2018) compiled all radio observations of SLSNe-I (9 SLSNe-I at that time) and and mass-loss rates or CSM densities for an o-axis jet model. Eftekhari et al. (2021) generated a grid of afterglow models for a range of jet energies and CSM densities for the sample of 15 SLSNe-I and com- pared them with the upper limits at 6 and 100 GHz. They ruled out the presence of jets with an energy Eiso&1054erg and CSM observing angles obs= 30 and 60.10 Hatsukade et al. Table 4. 1.4 GHz luminosities and radio-based SFRs of the hosts SLSN z L 1:4GHzaSFR (erg s 1Hz 1) 0.286 0.255 0.2561 0.258 0.0987 0.284 (2 0.2882 (3 0.107 (6 1999as 0.127 <1:21028<0:6 SN 1999bd 0.151 (4 2006gy 0.019 (1 2006tf 0.074 2007bi 0.128 2007bw 0.140 2008es 0.205 <2:61028<1:3 SN 2009nm 0.210 <2:71028<1:3 SN 2010kd 0.101 2011ep 0.280 <5:41028<2:6 SN 2011ke 0.143 2011kf 0.245 <5:71028<2:8 SN 2012il 0.175 2013dg 0.265 <2:71029<13 SN 2015bn 0.110 | Errors only take into account
ux (1 ). Limits are 3 (except for PTF10hgi, where radio emission observed in April 2020 was used as an upper limit. aAssuming a spectral index of 3GHz 1:4GHz = 0:7. Table 5. Results for stacking analysis of hosts Sample Number zmed RMS SFRa (Jy beam 1) (Myr 1) z<0:2 6 0.12 2.2 <0:20 z>0:2 9 0.26 1.8 <0:88 a3upper limits on SFRs assuming spectral index of
3GHz 1:4GHz = 0:7 and median redshift zmed. 2 1 0 1 2 logSFR(SED) (yr1) x1 SFR(SED)x5 SFR(SED)PTF10qafPTF10uhf PTF12dam Stacked SLSNe (z<0.2) Stacked SLSNe (z>0.2) Stacked SLSNe-I (S18) Stacked SLSNe-II (S18) Stacked SLSNe-I 4. Comparison of SFRs derived from radio obser- vations and SED analysis. Results on individual host and stacked results for radio-undetected SLSNe hosts are pre- sented. SED-based SFRs are taken from Schulze et al. (2018) except for SN 1999bd and SN 2006gy, where H -based SFR of Leloudas et al. (2015b) and IR-based SFR of Smith et al. (2007) are adopted. Triangles represent 3 upper limits Stacked results on sample of nondetections (6 SLSNe at z < 0:2 as a green triangle and 9 SLSNe at z >0:2 as an orange triangle) are plotted, where horizontal value and range are median and standard deviation of SFRs for sample (Schulze et al. 2018), respectively. We also plot stacked results by Schulze et al. (2018) (17 SLSNe-I and 13 SLSNe-II at z<0:5) and Eftekhari et al. (2021) (13 SLSNe- I atz < 0:4). For comparison, star-forming galaxies with- out AGN feature from VLA-COSMOS survey source catalog (Smol ci c et al. 2017a,b) at z <0:3 (dots). Dashed and dot- dashed lines represent SFR(radio) equals to and ve times SFR(SED), respectively. By using our 3 GHz radio upper limits, we constrain the parameters for an afterglow model. We utilize the publicly available afterglowpy code (Ryan et al. 2020), which generates afterglow light curves using semi- analytic approximations of the jet evolution and syn- chrotron emission. The afterglowpy code has been cal- ibrated to the BoxFit code (van Eerten et al. 2012) and produces similar light curves for on- and o-axis top hat jets. We adopted a top hat jet with following xed parameters: jet opening angle of 10, electron index of p= 2:5, thermal energy fraction in electrons of e= 0:1, and thermal energy fraction in magnetic eld of B= 0:01, which are typical values for GRBs (e.g., Wang et al. 2015); these values wereVLA Survey of Late-time Radio Emission from SLSNe and the Host Galaxies 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 log* (yr1) PTF10qafPTF10uhf PTF12dam Stacked (z<0.2) Stacked (z>0.2) MS at z=0.1 MS at z=0.3 Figure 5. Radio-based SFRs as a function of stellar mass. Results on individual host and stacked results hosts are presented. Horizontal value and range for stacked results are median and standard deviation for sample, respectively. Triangles represent 3 upper limits. Dashed and dot-dashed curves show main-sequence of star- forming galaxies at z= 0:1 and 0.3, respectively, with 0.3 dex uncertainty (Schreiber et al. 2015). also assumed in previous studies (Eftekhari et al. 2019, 2021). We generated light curves with isotropic equiva- lent energies ranging from 1053to 1055erg, CSM densi- ties ranging from 10 3to 102cm 3, and viewing angles of 30, 60, and 90. Figure 6 compares the VLA 3 GHz data with the model light curves with Eiso= 1054erg andn= 10, 1, 0.1, and 0.01 cm 3. Figure 7 shows allowed parameters in n Eisoplots estimated for in- dividual SLSN. We found that the radio upper limits exclude the models with i) with lower energies or lower CSM densities are not excluded with the current data. The results are consistent with previous studies overall (Nicholl et al. 2016; Coppejans et al. 2018; Eftekhari et al. 2021). Fur- ther observations are required to constrain the afterglow models or parameters. 4.3. Pulsar/Magnetar Wind Nebulae It is predicted that late-time radio emission may arise from PWNe caused by SLSNe- I (e.g., Metzger & Bower 2014; Murase et al. 2016; Kashiyama & Murase 2017; Metzger et al. 2017). Based on the model of Murase et al. (2015) and Murase et al. (2016), Omand et al. (2018) and Law et al. (2019) cal- culated radio light curves for samples of SLSNe-I withmaximum absorption and with no absorption processes in the PWN and SN ejecta. The initial parameters of a magnetar (spin period Pi, magnetic eld B, and ejecta massMej) were obtained by tting the early optical light curves by eye. They dened two parameter sets for re- producing the optical light curves with P= 1 ms (Pmin) and with the largest spin period ( Pmax). The radio emis- sion can be absorbed in the PWN and the SN ejecta, but the system can be transparent in the timescale of years and reaches its peak at 10{30 yr after the explo- sions. Eftekhari et al. (2021) considered two scenarios for PWNe: an ion-electron wind based on the prescrip- tion for FRB 121102 from Margalit & Metzger (2018), and an wind following the methods of Murase et al. (2016), Omand et al. (2018), and Murase et al. (2021). The inferred magnetar parameters (ejecta mass and velocity, magnetar magnetic eld and spin pe- riod) are derived via Markov chain Monte Carlo ts to the multi-color light curves using MOSFiT . Our sample of SLSNe-I (except for PTF10uhf, SN 1999as, and SN 2011ep) are covered by these stud- ies (Omand et al. 2018; Law et al. 2019; Eftekhari et al. 2021), and we compare our VLA results with their pre- dictions based on wind models. The 3 GHz upper limits on SN 2011ke and SN 2012il exclude the predictions by Omand et al. (2018) and Law et al. (2019) with or without absorption processes. The pre- dictions without absorption for PTF09cnd by Law et al. (2019) and Eftekhari et al. (2021) and for SN 2010kd by Law et al. (2019) are also excluded. While the predic- tions for SN 2007bi by Eftekhari et al. (2021) both with or without absorption are excluded, the Pminmodel with absorption by Law et al. (2019) is still viable. The pre- dictions for the remaining SLSNe-I cannot be ruled out in the current data. The outcomes are summarized in Table 6. Finally, we constrain the model for SN 2015bn by Murase et al. (2021). They found that the ALMA observations disfavors a PWN model motivated by the Crab nebula and argued that this tension can be resolved if the nebular magnetiza- tion is very high or very low. We found that at least the model without ejecta absorption is ruled out by our VLA 3 GHz upper reported the results of VLA 3 GHz of 23 SLSNe and their host galaxies 5{21 yr after the explosions. The sample consisted of 15 SLSNe-I and 8 SLSNe-II at z < 0:3. This study pro- vided one of the largest samples of SLSNe with late-12 Hatsukade et erg, =10 erg, =1 erg, =0.1 erg, =0.01 cm3 Time since explosion (yr)3GHz (erg s1 Hz1) Figure 6. 3 GHz luminosities of SLSNe as a function of time since explosion (rest frame) in comparison with afterglow models generated using the afterglowpy code (Ryan et al. 2020) assuming a median redshift of the sample of z= 0:19 with Eiso= 1054erg andn= 10 cm 3(top left),n= 1 cm 3(top right), n= 0:1 cm 3(bottom left), and n= 0:01 Solid, dashed, and dotted curves represent light curves with viewing angles of obs= 30, 60, and 90, represent 3 upper limits. Open and lled symbols represent SLSNe-I and SLSNe-II, respectively. SLSNe whose hosts are radio-detected are not plotted. Same source with dierent observing epochs is connected with a solid 7. Pairs of isotropic equivalent energies ( Eiso) and CSM densities ( n) which reach the observed 3 GHz
ux density (or upper upper limit) for each SLSN calculated with the afterglowpy code (Ryan et al. 2020) with viewing angles of obs= 30, 60, and 90. A lower left (lower energy and density) region of each line represents the allow parameters for each SLSN.VLA Survey of Late-time Radio Emission from SLSNe and the Host Galaxies 13 Table 6. Score sheet for magnetar wind nebular models con- strained by this study SLSN with absorption without absorption Model of Omand et al. 2011ke Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded SN 2012il Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Model of Law et al. Excluded Excluded SN 2007bi Excluded Excluded Excluded SN 2010kd Excluded Excluded SN 2011ke Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Model of Eftekhari et al. (2021) PTF09cnd Excluded SN 2007bi Excluded Excluded time radio data. We detected radio emission in six sources (PTF10hgi, PTF10qaf, PTF10uhf, PTF12dam, SN 1999bd, SN 2006gy) with S/N >5, and in two sources (SN 2007bw and SN 2012il) with S/N3.6. The key ndings are as follows: 1. The radio-detected sources were observed more than once, and we examined the time variabil- ity. No signicant variability was found in the
>5sources except for PTF10hgi, which was re- ported to have a variability in the literature. This suggests that the emission arise from activity in the hosts for PTF10qaf, PTF10uhf, PTF12dam, SN 1999bd, and SN 2006gy, coupled with the fact that the radio peak positions are consistent with the galaxy centers. 2. We compared SFRs derived from the 3 GHz
ux densities with SFRs from the SED modelling based on rest-frame UV to NIR data. We found that four hosts (PTF10qaf, PTF10uhf, PTF12dam, and SN 1999bd) have an excess of radio-based SFRs over SED-based SFRs, suggesting that there ex- ists obscured star formation that cannot be traced by UV{NIR data. The obscured star formation is consistent with their starburst nature and/or large stellar masses. The upper limits for the undetected hosts and stacked results show that the majority of the SLSN hosts do not have a signicant obscured star formation. 3. We compared radio-based SFRs and stellar masses and found that the hosts of PTF10qaf andPTF12dam are located above the galaxy main se- quence, the hosts of SN 1999bd and PTF10uhf are within the range of the main sequence, and the SN 2006gy host is below the main sequence. Our results are consistent overall with the fact that the hosts of SLSNe have higher sSFR compared to main-sequence galaxies reported in the litera- ture, but are not stringent because of the of the radio observations. 4. By using our 3 GHz radio upper limits, we con- strained the parameters for afterglows arising from o-axis jets. We found that the radio upper limits excluded the models with a higher energy ( and higher CSM cm 3), but lower energies or lower CSM densities were not excluded with the current data. 5. We constrained the models of caused by SLSNe by comparing the 3 GHz upper limits with the pre- dictions in the literature. The models for some of the SLSNe in our sample (PTF09cnd, SN 2007bi, SN 2010kd, SN 2011ke, SN 2012il, and SN 2015bn) were constrained, but the predictions for the re- maining SLSNe-I were not ruled out in the current data. So far, about 30 SLSNe were observed in radio and only a few SLSNe had radio detections. In addition, the current sensitivity is insucient to constrain parame- ters of models for SLSNe or obscured star formation in their hosts. long-term monitoring ob- servations of a large sample will allow us to examine the physical nature of SLSNe. Observations with fu- ture radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometer Ar- ray (SKA)3and the Next Generation VLA (ngVLA)4 will open a new window toward understanding events. We thank the referee for helpful comments and sug- gestions which signicantly improved the paper. We are grateful to Masao Hayashi and the PDJ fruitful discussions. We would like to acknowledge NRAO stas for their help in preparation of observa- tions. BH is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Num- ber 19K03925. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facil- ity of the National Science Foundation operated agreement by Associated Universities, Hatsukade et al. Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, and obtained from the Hubble Legacy Archive, which is a collaboration between the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI/NASA), the Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility (ST- ECF/ESA) and the Canadian Astronomy Data project used public archival data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). Funding for the DES Projects has been provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Ministry of Sci- ence and Education of Spain, the Science and Technol- ogy of the United Kingdom, the Higher Education Funding Council for England, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the Univer- sity of Illinois at the Kavli Institute of Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago, the Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics at the Ohio State University, the Mitchell Institute for Fun- damental Physics and Astronomy at Texas A&M Uni- versity, Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos, Funda c~ ao Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de co e Tecnol ogico and the Minist erio da Ci^ e Inova c~ ao, the Deutsche and the Collaborating Institutions in the Dark Energy Survey. The Collaborating Institutions are Argonne the University of California at Santa Cruz,the University of Cambridge, Centro de eticas, Medioambientales y Tecnol University of Chicago, University College Lon- don, the DES-Brazil Consortium, the University of Edinburgh, the Eidgen ossische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Z urich, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the University of Illinois at the In- stitut de Ci encies de l'Espai (IEEC/CSIC), the Insti- tut de F sica d'Altes Energies, Lawrence Berkeley Na- tional Laboratory, the Universit at M unchen and the associated Excellence Cluster Uni- verse, the University of Michigan, the National Opti- cal Astronomy Observatory, the University of Notting- ham, The Ohio State University, the OzDES Member- ship Consortium, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Portsmouth, SLAC National Stanford University, the University of Sus- sex, and Texas A&M in part on observations at Cerro Tololo Inter- American Observatory, National Optical which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Karl G. 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Morokuma-Matsui, Yuichi Matsuda, Yoichi Tamura, Kotaro Niinuma, Kazuhiro
Motogi | A VLA Survey of Late-time Radio Emission from Superluminous Supernovae and the Host Galaxies | Accepted for publication in ApJ, 16 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables | null | 10.3847/1538-4357/ac20d5 | null | astro-ph.HE | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We present the results of 3 GHz radio continuum observations of 23 superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) and their host galaxies by using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array conducted 5-21 years after the explosions. The sample consists of 15 Type I and 8 Type II SLSNe at z < 0.3, providing one of the largest sample of SLSNe with late-time radio data. We detected radio emission from one SLSN (PTF10hgi) and 5 hosts with a significance of >5$sigma$. No time variability is found in late-time radio light curves of the in a timescale of years except for PTF10hgi, whose variability is reported in a separate study. Comparison of star-formation rates (SFRs) derived from the 3 GHz flux densities with those derived from SED modeling based on UV-NIR data shows that four hosts have an excess of radio SFRs, star formation. Upper limits for undetected hosts and stacked results show that the majority of the SLSN hosts do not have a significant obscured star formation. By using the 3 GHz upper limits, we constrain the parameters for afterglows arising from interaction between initially off-axis jets medium (CSM). We found that the models with higher energies ($E_{
m iso} gtrsim$ several $ imes 10^{53}$ erg) and CSM densities ($n
gtrsim 0.01$ cm$^{-3}$) are excluded, but lower energies or CSM densities are not excluded with the current data. We also constrained the models of pulsar wind nebulae powered by a newly born magnetar for a subsample of SLSNe with model predictions in the literature.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 23:43:28 GMT"
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*L2 Feature Map tFigure 1. Complex filterbank learning module. The real (black) and imaginary (purple) part of each filter are The real and imaginary responses are combined channel-wise using L2pooling to obtain a feature map. community [6, 7], replacing the more widely used Mel- Frequency Cepstral Coefficients. This eventually led to powerful models for tasks such as speech separation learning has also been applied as a frontend for music data. However, this has mainly been for high- level tasks such as music auto-tagging [10-12] or problems [13]. For lower-level tasks, such as AMT, filterbank learning has received only some atten- tion [14, 15]. Music data has rich characteristics, patterns, and relationships at many layers of abstraction, including the note-level, the etc. As such, filter- bank learning carries significant potential for and leveraging task-specific filterbank learning approaches learn strictly real- valued filters, and attain shift-invariance by pooling the re- sponse at small hops across time [6]. These filterbanks are analogous to standard 1D convolutional blocks in deep networks. In contrast, the filters used in fixed TFR calcula- tions, e.g., CQT, are typically complex and analytic, which means that they implicitly encode phase. As such, they are stable with relatively large hop sizes, and there is no need to apply further temporal pooling on their responses. Some filterbank learning approaches have extended the 1D convolutional approach to implement complex filters with grouped real-valued filters representing the real and imaginary part of the complex filter [16-18]. While the fil- ters in these examples are complex, if their analytic prop- erty is not preserved, they will have an asymmetric fre- quency response about 0 Hz and no longer exhibit in the magnitude response. Moreover, the 1D convolutional layer approach sometimes suffers from too little constraints, leading to noisy filters with no distinct or localized frequency response. One way to address this is to add soft constraints, e.g., initializing the filterbank with the weights approximating a standard transform [6]. Recently, there has been a trend to further constrain fil- terbank learning [19, 20], by learning a small number of parameters which define fixed-shape filters. While these approaches may exhibit more stability, they can only really model simple bandpass filters and thus, lower the potential for discovering meaningful patterns in data at the signallevel. Other approaches learn frequency-domain filters on top of spectrograms [21, 22], initializing them with har- monic relationships. We wish to discover these relation- ships naturally, rather than imposing them as a constraint. Many approaches to piano transcription have attempted to realize a framework which can learn task-specific Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) has been proposed to learn properties such as the temporal evolution, attack, and decay of pi- ano notes from a TFR [23, 24]. Convolutional sparse cod- ing is a similar approach which operates in the time-domain, and was proposed as a way to estimate the activation of pre-acquired note impulse responses [3, 25]. More recently, deep neural networks (DNNs) have demon- strated success in learning to estimate discrete pitch activ- ity from TFRs [2, 5, 26, 27]. Some approaches have at- tempted to design DNNs such that they naturally lever- age information about note characteristics [28-31]. Since they are very powerful and efficient at learning features for many tasks, we hypothesize that DNNs can be utilized to learn better input features for acoustic models. Further- more, we believe the proposed frontend will naturally learn to model note characteristics for piano METHOD The complex filterbank learning module is implemented as a 1D convolutional layer. It accepts a 1D signal as input and produces a real and imaginary feature map, which are combined using L2pooling, a simple mechanism for com- puting the magnitude. The output of the module is sub- sequently converted to log-amplitude and fed into a layer. The filterbank is formulated such that an inner product is taken between a time-domain indexed by , of respective lengths l
with weights at discrete hops kspacedlhsamples apart: X[k;] (1) Note that this operation is equivalent to convolution, or more precisely correlation, using a stride of lh. The way to represent complex filters in this type of framework is to allocate two adjacent filters for the real and imaginary weights, and to combine their respective re- sponses channel-wise using L2pooling (xI())2: (2) Note that with this representation, there are actually 2
nbins filters to learn, and they are only implicitly associ- ated via the subsequent pooling mechanism. Fig. 1 illus- trates this filterbank architecture. While this approach can model complex filters, the filters are rarely analytic, unless they are initialized as analytic filters. This means that they may have non-zero responses to negative frequencies and may not be shift-invariant with respect to time. Another way to model complex filters is to learn only the real part and to infer the imaginary part such that the complex filter is analytic [32]. This can be done using the Hilbert Transform, which computes the imaginary counter- part to a real signal, such that the resulting complex signal is analytic2. This can be expressed (xH(R()))2; the Hilbert transform. This variation learns shift-invariant filters with frequency responses con- taining energy only in the positive frequency range. 3.1 Initialization Strategy Within the framework presented above, the weights randomly by default. Without inserting any prior knowledge into the filterbank, it must learn to generate fea- ture maps from scratch. This strategy has the potential to discover new filter shapes and characteristics that are not present in standard it is possible to insert weights into the fil- terbank such that it implements a time-domain (VQT) if left untrained. The complex for filter can be computed in the time-domain by making the weights complex basis functions with center frequency f, sampling rate fs, and smoothly var- ied Q-factor n = 0;:::;l: (4) The filter length l=l Qfs fm is set such that the whether constant or smoothly varied, is main- tained across all filters. The windowing function wis cho- sen as a Hanning window and matches the filter length l
for each filter. We avoid normalizing the response of each basis by filter length lso that the weights of each filter are all comparable and responsive to a single learning rate. The center frequency of each filter in the VQT initializa- tion is defined by selecting fmin, and (5) 2Note that the filters represented with this variation may only be ap- proximately analytic, due to the limitations of discrete the number of bins or per octave. The bandwidth of each respective filter is determined by B=f+1 f+
. In a CQT, the ratio between the center frequency fand the bandwidth B, or the Q-factor, is constant, meaning that
= 0. However, for large nbpo, this can lead to filters with extremely tight bands, requiring long impulse responses. Modestly utilizing the offset
relaxes the constancy constraint in the lower frequency range and provides direct control over the size of the filter receptive fields, which must all be zero- padded to the largest filter in order to be stored in a 1D convolutional layer. We also use the VQT parameters to determine the receptive field size for random the filterbank with the VQT weights provides a foundation to improve upon, and could even be thought of as pre-training the filterbank. Although there are mul- tiple transforms one could utilize, the VQT is chosen be- cause it is intuitively a better starting point for modeling note characteristics. is already locked onto a pitch in the Western music scale. Since we are primarily concerned with relationships between pitch and temporal characteristics for the AMT problem, we believe this is an appropriate initialization strategy. An additional initialization strategy is the harmonic comb, where a set of harmonics His defined, and separate filters with center frequency f=hfare constructed for each h2H . All filters associated with a given are summed and collapsed into a single set of normalized weights for insertion into the 1D convolutional layer. In this way, each filter responds directly to the harmonics of its correspond- ing pitch, and characteristics such as inharmonicity or rel- ative harmonic strength (timbre) can be fine-tuned. 3.2 Variational dropout [33] is a regularization technique which allows for the learning of sparse frontend filters with long receptive fields. It is similar to Gaussian dropout, except the dropout rate, or variance, corresponding to each weight is learned. During training we treat the weights as ran- dom variables, with their true values being the mean, and an additional set of learned parameters 2being their variance. By learning the variance of each weight, vari- ational dropout induces sparsity, as it pushes less impor- tant weights to have higher variance, and more to have lower variance. This leads to more sparse and interpretable filters, and can deal with very long recep- tive fields effectively. The stochasticity can also stimulate the filterbank to take interesting and unexpected shapes as it is being trained. During each forward pass, noise is sam- pled from the variance of the filterbank response and added to the mean (6) The parameters 2
are jointly trained with the and their gradient is calculated using a very close approximation to the KL-divergence [33]. In prac- tice, we iterate upon log2for improved stability. It should be noted that we only add noise to the real part of the fea- ture map when using the Hilbert filterbank variant.MAESTRO MAPS Experiment Frame F1Note-On F1Note-Off F1 Frame F1Note-On F1Note-Off F1 mel 91.80* 95.95* 83.44* 81.40* 81.42* 59.15*
mel 90.91 95.82 83.14 81.26 83.86 59.07 cqt 90.79 95.29 82.30 77.46 82.35 52.18 vqt 90.18 94.74 80.51 80.26 83.42 55.34 fixed comb 87.59 92.19 75.09 80.30 84.64 57.22 cl+rnd 86.70 91.22 73.72 70.03 78.77 43.92 cl+vqt 87.53 92.24 75.64 72.90 80.90 48.06 hb+rnd 86.50 91.30 73.19 76.13 80.00 51.88 hb+vqt 87.81 92.63 76.01 75.11 80.71 50.66 hb+rnd+brn 85.23 90.19 70.75 74.81 79.48 50.57 hb+rnd+gau 85.63 90.41 71.81 75.58 80.44 51.28 hb+rnd+var 86.04 90.61 72.27 73.59 80.09 47.99 hb+vqt+var 87.45 92.39 74.92 75.62 80.80 87.52 92.27 75.69 76.74 80.98 52.57 Table 1. Evaluation results for all baseline and filterbank experiments (separated by break). Filterbank learning experiment names are formatted in terms of variant (classic ( cl) / Hilbert ( (random ( rnd) /vqt/comb )+dropout (none / Bernoulli ( brn) / Gaussian ( gau) / variational ( var)). Results obtained using MAESTRO V1are indicated by *. 4. EXPERIMENTS 4.1 Model The filterbank learning module is used as a frontend re- placement for the feature extraction stage of the Onsets &
Frames model [2,5] and jointly trained for the task of While there have been more recent models with improved performance, e.g.[31, 34], we stick with Onsets & Frames as a baseline due to its simplicity for the purposes of filterbank analysis. The original model takes as input a Mel spectrogram and produces a estimate for all note pitches, independently. Note predictions are generated using the simple proposed in the original paper, except we do not use the note predictions to refine the salience estimate, nor do we perform the additional velocity estimation. Our exper- imental setup is the same as the original paper [5] with the subsequent improvements proposed in [2]. We utilize the same hyperparameters, running each experiment for 2000 iterations, where each music piece is accessed once per it- eration to sample a sequence of frames for a batch. 4.2 Datasets MAESTRO [2] is used for training, validation, and we use version 3 ( V3) of the dataset for all but one experiment, which is run on version 1 ( V1). We follow the suggested partitioning for both versions. We also eval- uate on the acoustic partitions MAPS [35], to inspect the generalization potential of our method. We downsample all audio to fs= 16 kHz, and use a hop length of Lh= 512 samples. 4.3 Metrics We evaluate experiments using the same transcription met- rics as in [5], which include frame-wise, note-wise, and note-wise with offset scores. Precision, recall, and f1-score are calculated for each of these metrics using mireval[36]. For frame-wise evaluation, detected pitches are comparedto the ground-truth at the frame-level. For note-wise eval- uation, note estimates for an entire piece are compared to the ground-truth. A note is considered correct if its pitch is within half a semitone of the true value, and if its onset is within 50 ms of the true value. The note-wise with off- set metric additionally compares the estimated offset to the true value, a correct estimate being within 50 ms or 20%
of the ground truth duration, whichever is larger. 4.4 Results We conduct several experiments to verify our implemen- tation of Onsets & Frames, and to assess the strength of various features. We use nbins= 229 and HTK for Mel spectrogram, as in [2]. We choose 252 andnbpo= 36 , or 3 bins per semi- tone for CQT and VQT. We calculate
=24:7 0:108Q, such that all filters have a bandwidth proportional to the ERB scale by a constant factor [37] for the VQT experiment. We also experiment with an untrained filterbank initialized us- ing the harmonic comb strategy ( H=f1;:::;5g). Results for these experiments are provided at the top of Table 1. We observe that Mel spectrogram performs best in every metric besides note-onsets for MAPS, where the untrained comb filterbank slightly outperforms it. Interestingly, the comb filterbank is inferior in all other metrics. Next we conduct several filterbank learning the output of the filterbank is fed to the model in- stead of a TFR. The same VQT parameters used in the baseline experiments are used to initialize the filterbanks. We vary the filterbank variant, initialization, and regular- ization method across all experiments. For Gaussian and variational dropout, we initialize all log2
;n= 10, and for Bernoulli dropout we use a dropout rate of 10%. For variational dropout, the KL-divergence term is scaled by a factor of 0.01, such that the implicit sparsity objective does not dominate the training process. Results for these filter- bank experiments are provided at the bottom of Table 1. The Hilbert transform-based architecture performs simi- larly to the classic framework for random initialization, Weights Weights Weights (=185) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=31) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=167) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=185) Figure 2. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+var experiment which exhibit a high degree of sparsity. These filters have small weights and as such their responses likely have little relevance to the downstream Weights Weights Weights (=197) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=105) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=189) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=197) Figure 3. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+var experiment which are well-localized within the receptive field and exhibit coherent shapes in both the time- and slightly better for VQT initialization, which tends to slightly outperform the random initialization. The vari- ational dropout regularization method performs the best among regularization methods on MAESTRO, though still worse than experiments with no regularization. None of the learned filterbanks outperform the fixed TFRs. Nonethe- less, they demonstrate reasonable performance, even when initialized randomly. The learned filterbanks, however, do not seem to generalize very well to the MAPS dataset. In terms of generalization to MAPS, the harmonic comb ini- tialization does the best, and variational dropout other regularization methods. 5. DISCUSSION We provide visualization of a few examples from the fil- terbank learning experiment corresponding to the Hilbertvariant with random initialization and variational ), which we consider to have produced the most interesting filters. These are presented in Fig. 2- 6. In each figure, the time-domain visualization for three filters is displayed in the top row, with the visualization for each respective filter in the bottom row. The specific examples are chosen because they appear to belong to the same category of learned filter. In general, the filters learned for the hb+rnd+var experi- ment tend to exhibit a high degree of sparsity, with coher- ent shapes in both the time- and Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 illustrate these properties, respectively. The non-zero filter weights tend to be well-localized within the receptive field, with weights closer to zero being closer to the edges and more prominent weights being closer to the center. The tendency of the filters to be sparse is as it encourages more modular filters and Weights Weights Weights (=61) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=33) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=43) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=61) Figure 4. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+var experiment which support multiple Weights Weights Weights (=242) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=153) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=169) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=242) Figure 5. Examples of near-symmetric filters from the hb+rnd+var experiment comprising two impulse lobes. to more interpretable shapes in time and frequency. In- deed, it appears that the relevance of a filter can be from its amplitude, with less important or even unused filters consisting of mostly near-zero weights rather than random noise. Furthermore, all of the Hilbert variant filters remain approximately analytic throughout the train- ing process. We do not view the artifacts in the range to be problematic, and believe they had a negligible effect on the outcome of additional interesting qualities of the filters are ob- served, which are presumably related to the modeling characteristics for piano transcription. The spectrum of the filters in Fig. 4 include multiple promi- nent fundamental frequencies in clusters, which suggests the filters may be modeling harmony or polyphonic piano sounds. The filters in Fig. 5 are nearly symmetric, with two lobes in the impulse response that have overlapping or very close frequency peaks. These filters may be modeling the attack and decay of a piano note with the same pitch.Some of these filters, in addition to the filters in Fig. 6, exhibit harmonic patterns in the frequency spectrum. In particular, odd harmonics tend to be emphasized in these filters. These observations suggest that the proposed fil- terbank learning approach is capable of capturing lower- level features which are relevant for music that the approach is likely extensible to similar tasks where this type of information is valuable. The reduced performance of the filterbank learning mod- els can potentially be attributed to too little training or inad- equate tuning of hyperparameters. We also speculate that the consistency of piano data, coupled with large may have led to overfitting, as evidenced by the lack of generalization to the MAPS dataset. methods with no filterbank learning already per- form piano transcription with reasonable proficiency. As such, it may be that a similar filterbank learning approach would show much more promise in areas with less data and less consistency, such as drum or guitar Weights Weights Weights (=182) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=117) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=155) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=182) Figure 6. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+var experiment which exhibit harmonic we stress that the filterbank learning method de- scribed in this paper is not presented as a competitive al- ternative to state-of-the-art piano transcription methodolo- gies. We do not offer a comprehensive comparison to such approaches for this reason, but do acknowledge that there are many better methods for the purpose of piano transcrip- tion. One may question the utility or validity of the filter- bank learning methods due to their reduced superior performance would have been a nice out- come, we are still quite impressed with the performance of the filterbank learning models, especially the ones initial- ized randomly. From this perspective, it is clear the pro- posed methods, i.e., filterbank learning, are successful for piano transcription, albeit not at the same level of perfor- mance as standard TFRs like CQT or CONCLUSION A filterbank learning module and various techniques were analyzed for the task of piano transcription. There are sev- eral reasons to suggest that the learned filters model such as attack and decay, harmonic struc- ture and relative strength, or inharmonicity. Given these are just hypotheses, a more objective explanation and anal- ysis of the characteristics of the filters learned with our methods is left to future work. We showed it is possible to learn sparse filters from scratch, and that resulting fil- ters differ significantly from those of the fixed the learned filterbanks did not surpass the perfor- mance of the fixed transforms, our method shows promise in learning to model time-domain note characteristics, and demonstrates that randomly initialized filterbanks can per- form comparably to standard TFR work has been funded by the National Science Foun- dation grants IIS-1846184 and DGE-1922591. We would also like to thank Dr. Juan Cockburn and Dr. Andres Kwasinski for their guidance during preliminary work [4].7. REFERENCES [1] E. Benetos, S. Dixon, Z. Duan, and S. Ewert, Auto- matic music transcription: An overview, IEEE Magazine , vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 20-30, 2019. [2] C. Hawthorne, A. Stasyuk, A. Roberts, I. Simon, C.- Z. A. Huang, S. Dieleman, E. Elsen, J. Engel, and D. Eck, Enabling factorized piano music modeling and generation with the MAESTRO dataset, in Pro- ceedings of ICLR , 2019. 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The visualization is by no means exhaustive. However, the exemplified filters should be sufficient as representatives for each respective experiment. 8.1 Hilbert + Random + Variational Index (Hz)FFT Response Filters -80 dB-70 dB-60 dB-50 dB-40 dB-30 dB-20 dB-10 dB+0 dB Figure 7. Frequency response for all filters of the hb+rnd+var (main) experiment, ordered by spectral centroid.8.2 Classic + Random (cl+rnd) Filter Index (Hz)FFT Response Filters -80 dB-70 dB-60 dB-50 dB-40 dB-30 dB-20 dB-10 dB+0 dB Figure 8. Frequency response for all filters of the cl+rnd experiment, ordered by spectral Weights Weights Weights (=141) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=14) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=75) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=141) Figure 9. Examples of noisy filters from the cl+rnd Weights Weights Weights (=190) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=78) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=116) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=190) Figure 10. Examples of filters from the cl+rnd experiment with a single prominent fundamental Weights Weights Weights (=164) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=61) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=110) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=164) Figure 11. Examples of filters from the cl+rnd experiment with multiple prominent fundamental Weights Weights Weights (=250) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=19) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=133) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=250) Figure 12. Examples of filters from the cl+rnd experiment with two main lobes in the impulse response.8.3 Classic + VQT (cl+vqt) Filter Index (Hz)FFT Response Filters -80 dB-70 dB-60 dB-50 dB-40 dB-30 dB-20 dB-10 dB+0 dB Figure 13. Frequency response for all filters of the cl+vqt experiment, ordered by spectral Weights Weights Weights (=135) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=38) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=83) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=135) Figure 14. Examples of filters from the cl+vqt experiment which remain mostly intact w.r.t. Weights Weights Weights (=146) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=104) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=122) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=146) Figure 15. Examples of filters from the cl+vqt experiment with impulse responses distorted w.r.t. Weights Weights Weights (=191) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=170) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=188) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=191) Figure 16. Examples of filters from the cl+vqt experiment where side-lobes were introduced to the impulse Weights Weights Weights (=247) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=219) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=228) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=247) Figure 17. Examples of high-frequency filters from the cl+vqt experiment.8.4 Hilbert + Random (hb+rnd) Filter Index (Hz)FFT Response Filters -80 dB-70 dB-60 dB-50 dB-40 dB-30 dB-20 dB-10 dB+0 dB Figure 18. Frequency response for all filters of the hb+rnd experiment, ordered by spectral Weights Weights Weights (=172) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=18) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=76) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=172) Figure 19. Examples of noisy filters from the hb+rnd Weights Weights Weights (=202) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=17) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=45) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=202) Figure 20. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd experiment with a single prominent fundamental Weights Weights Weights (=246) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=137) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=237) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=246) Figure 21. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd experiment with multiple prominent fundamental Weights Weights Weights (=179) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=42) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=55) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=179) Figure 22. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd experiment with two main lobes in the impulse response.8.5 Hilbert + VQT (hb+vqt) Filter Index (Hz)FFT Response Filters -80 dB-70 dB-60 dB-50 dB-40 dB-30 dB-20 dB-10 dB+0 dB Figure 23. Frequency response for all filters of the hb+vqt experiment, ordered by spectral Weights Weights Weights (=136) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=38) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=80) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=136) Figure 24. Examples of filters from the hb+vqt experiment which remain mostly intact w.r.t. Weights Weights Weights (=131) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=75) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=107) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=131) Figure 25. Examples of filters from the hb+vqt experiment with impulse responses distorted w.r.t. Weights Weights Weights (=197) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=191) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=194) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=197) Figure 26. Examples of filters from the hb+vqt experiment where side-lobes were introduced to the impulse Weights Weights Weights (=248) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=210) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=232) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=248) Figure 27. Examples of high-frequency filters from the hb+vqt experiment.8.6 Hilbert + Random + Bernoulli Index (Hz)FFT Response Filters -80 dB-70 dB-60 dB-50 dB-40 dB-30 dB-20 dB-10 dB+0 dB Figure 28. Frequency response for all filters of the hb+rnd+brn experiment, ordered by spectral Weights Weights Weights (=217) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=13) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=81) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=217) Figure 29. Examples of noisy filters from the hb+rnd+brn Weights Weights Weights (=214) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=122) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=210) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=214) Figure 30. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+brn experiment with a single prominent fundamental Weights Weights Weights (=198) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=87) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=182) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=198) Figure 31. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+brn experiment with multiple prominent fundamental Weights Weights Weights (=230) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=70) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=164) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=230) Figure 32. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+brn experiment with two main lobes in the impulse response.8.7 Hilbert + Random + Gaussian Index (Hz)FFT Response Filters -80 dB-70 dB-60 dB-50 dB-40 dB-30 dB-20 dB-10 dB+0 dB Figure 33. Frequency response for all filters of the hb+rnd+gau experiment, ordered by spectral Weights Weights Weights (=177) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=22) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=93) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=177) Figure 34. Examples of sparse filters from the hb+rnd+gau Weights Weights Weights (=188) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=3) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=42) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=188) Figure 35. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+gau experiment with a single prominent fundamental Weights Weights Weights (=136) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=20) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=46) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=136) Figure 36. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+gau experiment with multiple prominent fundamental Weights Weights Weights (=205) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=126) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=155) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=205) Figure 37. Examples of filters from the hb+rnd+gau experiment with two main lobes in the impulse response.8.8 Hilbert + VQT + Variational Index (Hz)FFT Response Filters -80 dB-70 dB-60 dB-50 dB-40 dB-30 dB-20 dB-10 dB+0 dB Figure 38. Frequency response for all filters of the hb+vqt+var experiment, ordered by spectral Weights Weights Weights (=193) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=172) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=177) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=193) Figure 39. Examples of filters from the hb+vqt+var experiment where harmonics were Weights Weights Weights (=75) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=32) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=47) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response Weights Weights Weights (=139) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=107) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=135) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=139) Figure 40. Examples of low- and mid-frequency filters from the hb+vqt+var Weights Weights Weights (=250) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=226) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=241) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=250) Figure 41. Examples of high-frequency filters from the hb+vqt+var experiment.8.9 Hilbert + Comb + Variational Index (Hz)FFT Response Filters -80 dB-70 dB-60 dB-50 dB-40 dB-30 dB-20 dB-10 dB+0 dB Figure 42. Frequency response for all filters of the hb+comb+var experiment, ordered by spectral Weights Weights Weights (=84) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=0) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=35) 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Frequency Response (=84) Figure 43. Examples of filters from the hb+comb+var experiment which retain most of the comb initialization. | 2108.10382 | Frank Cwitkowitz Jr | Frank Cwitkowitz, Mojtaba Heydari and Zhiyao Duan | Learning Sparse Analytic Filters for Piano Transcription | Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC) 2022 | null | null | null | eess.AS cs.LG cs.SD eess.SP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | In recent years, filterbank learning has become an increasingly popular strategy for various audio-related machine learning tasks. This is partly due to its ability to discover task-specific audio characteristics which can be leveraged in downstream processing. It is also a natural extension of the nearly ubiquitous deep learning methods employed to tackle a diverse array of audio applications. In this work, several variations of a frontend module are investigated for piano transcription, a music information retrieval task. We build upon a standard model, modifying only the feature extraction stage. The filterbank module is designed such that its complex filters are unconstrained 1D convolutional kernels with long receptive fields. Additional the Hilbert transform to render the filters intrinsically analytic and apply variational dropout to promote filterbank sparsity. Transcription results are compared across all experiments, and we offer visualization and analysis of the filterbanks.
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some rationale behind attempting to formulate some type of e quation that mimics a very com- plex, intricate play in reversible concentrations, as the c hemical reaction progresses to home- ostasis [8]. Nevertheless, to formulate or reduce such a com plex process to one, all encom- passing equation may or may not be suitable, adequate or advi sable, for the process is truly an interplay of many reaction chemical kinetic equations, int eracting over time and space, with an intricate dance in concentrations diminishing and evolvin g in time. Complex systems, require a milieu of equations, each formulated sp ecifically, to properly model involved in the overall process [9]. In thi s manner, a researcher adequately ac- counts for each kinetic species in the reaction and does not a ttempt to 'cut corners' by reducing the entire system to some modified nonlinear system, which is often forced, in some manner, into a one-dimensional system; this done in hopes it will mim ic the system in question and admit ease in solving. There are many reasons the simple addition of some multiplic ative medium response is not advisable nor should be considered physically correct. Of t he many reasons, concerning mechanics stands tall [10]. The theorem shows why no system with higher order derivatives than second order are physically accepta ble or seen in mechanics, furthermore, it proves third order and higher systems are unstable in time and space, therefore, describe un- realistic physical processes, or, in the least, doomed proc esses. All systems are bounded from above by energy and by material properties (strengths); but , to say a system's Hamiltonian is unbounded from below envisions a system which allows a parti cle at rest to suddenly jump from rest to some unbounded state of energy, moreover, a negative state of energy, which is improper, to say the least. All energy is positive, although, in a relat ive system or coordinate system, neg- ative energies are possible, even though, such formulation s are sloppy, at best, but improper, equations admit special solutions, usually, inv olving hyperbolic which are typically periodic functions and suff er from branch points, singularities and other non-analytic properties. The fact poles exist within the domain of the solution should indi- cate to the wary that the domain is not entire, therefore, the solution is hemmed in or restricted in some way or another. A typical path for solving nonlinear equ ations involves the traveling which assumes any deflection in the solution is small enough and smooth enough to allow for equivalence under D'Alembert's principle, the reby, enabling reduction of an equa- tion of some dimension to a one-dimensional canonical equat ion, whose behavior is [11, 12]. Nonlinear equations, in general, are n ot smooth and this fact brings any solution obtained via the traveling wave approximation und er serious scrutiny, as will be seen for the Fisher-KPP equation, shortly. The additional multi plicative medium response restraints upon the system and any solution. 2 Fisher-KPP the general Fisher-KPP equation with real coeffici ents ( D, b, r ), where Ddescribes the diffusivity of the material under question, bthe linear response of the medium (if nonlinear coefficient, u(x,t)+r (1) Assume a solution in the form of where G(x,t)represents Green's function which solves the linear equation, inept (2) where symbol is borrowed from Bracewell, indicating the Fourier transfo rm of the given function [13]. 2Since Green's function is a solution to the linear partial di fferential equation with linear medium response already included, then the task at hand is to reduce the main equation to some residual equation involving only the nonlinearity. Employ ing Green's solution realizes immediately, cancelling several terms afte r applying the time derivative, where partial derivatives distribute across convolution integr als, see Theorem 3. Moreover, one retains the choice onto which function a derivative is acted upon, if the convolution integral involves the same variable, to wit, the choice has been made to apply bo th spatial derivatives to (3) where prime indicates derivative with respect to time. Since all terms are removed except the nonlinear term and the corresponding time to cancel this term, the residual equation, (4) No immediate solution comes to mind for the above equation, s o, a sequence of approxima- tions for the convolution integral will be employed, namely , Theorem 1 (Convolution integral theorem) .The convolution integral is greater than or equal to the product of both functions involved in the convolution in tegral f*g>=f g (5) Theorem 1 is true in general because the convolution integra l sums an area either larger than or equal to the area of both functions multiplied together. T his approximation enables bypassing the convolution integral and solving the resulting ordinar y differential equation. 3 Zeroth the aid of the approximation for a convolution integral , theorem 1, the residual can be transformed into a Bernoulli equation, whic h has an exact solution. Applying the approximation once will yield interesting results and t hey will be equation (4) will be brought to bear in the frequenc y domain to yield a zeroth approx- imation. In the original domain, the approximation must be a pplied to two convolution in the codomain, the approximation is only for one c onvolution integral, therefore, the overall approximation should be closer. In the transform do main, the residual nonlinear equation takes on the following form, plus, the approximation, after applying theorem 1, is to the right of the inequality, approximation initiates a set of applications to yield a solution, C(s)is a constant of integration. The solution states the following, in the frequency domain, viz.: u(s,t)=gF (7) 3Figure 1: Zeroth approximation after binomial expansion (g ray area is clipped by software [14]) for D=1,b=1,r=0.1 and domain solution, as it stands now, is quite acceptable, for it do es reduce to the solution to the linear equation for nonlinear coefficient requal to zero; assuming the constant of equals unity. A general inverse Fourier transform to the original domain i s prohibitive, given the nature of the solution, but an expansion around small nonlinear coe fficient ryields an that satisfies what many researchers yearn for from the Fisher-KPP equation; since most applications of the Fisher-KPP equation involve small nonlinear coefficient r. Since the denominator of the function Finvolves the integral of the Green's function in the transfo rm domain, this function's maximum is unity and declines as eit her the frequency increases or time increases, therefore, for small nonlinear coefficient r, the requirements for a binomial expansion are expanding, it is advisable to define what the constant of integration is, and, for the purposes of this monograph, the property that the solution a pproach the Dirac Delta function in space as time approaches zero ensures the solution is norm alized on the domain. To that end, setting time equal to zero in the finction Fyields a constant of integration equal to which will effectively cancel the contribution from the al gebraic term in the limit of time to zero, yet enable a bounded together all functions under the symbol zeta, z, the following relationship holds for the binomial inverse Fourier transform of the first term of the expansi on is shown for small ( order terms (9) 4All relevant inverse Fourier transforms are shown th(x)is Heaviside's step function. The zeroth approximation, under the binomial expansion, mi mics the linear solution, hence, the modification is slight, indeed. The surface shown in Figu re 1 is slightly depressed from the linear surface, hence, the effect of the nonlinear coeiffien t is to compress and spread the energy faster than under normal circumstances. The solution still approaches a Dirac Delta in space in the limit of time to zero, ensuring a solution satisfying all requirements for a Green's the solution shown is entire and analytic throug hout the domain D. In addition, the solution satisfies all releavant boundary conditions, spec ifically, the solution is zero along the outer boundary of the domain D. 4 Successive approximations A single application of the approximation for convolution i ntegrals, theorem 5, provided a mean- ingful solution to the nonlinear equat ion, equation (1); nonetheless, it is only one application of the approximation and successive applic ations will reveal a more that end, assume the following solution for equation (14) Applying the time derivative and maintaining all spacial de rivatives upon Green's function yields the following residual function in the frequency dom ain: g f' 1f2+g f1f' 2=r(g f1f2*g f1f2)(s)>=g f' 1f2+g (15) where, similarly, the approximation has been applied to the right of the inequality, also, prime represents derivation with respect to time. The prime of f1is known, it is simply the zeroth order approximation, after applying the derivative, f' 1=-rg f2 1, which will aid in resolving the subsequent Bernoulli ordin ary where function f2is the unknown functional [15], viz.: 5Another application of the approximation g f' 1f2+g (16) Evaluating the prime against function f1yields: -rg f2 1f2+f1f' 2=rg f2 1f2 2, (17) Then substituting yields: -rg f1hm+mhm-1h'=rg f1f2m 2 (18) With m, Bernoulli's free parameter, equal to minus unity, the equa - tion resuces to the following: rg f1h+h'=-rg f1 (19) Solving for the integrating f1dt(20) which yields the following as a solution for the unknown func iterations, as above, reveal the following sequen ce of g f g f 1e/integraltextr g f g f g f g f g f g f g f reasoning reveals the fn+1functional, whose limit to infinity approaches a func- tional fs/;{fsD} (23) The functional fsis a product functional and has the property of equaling zero for all values of time and frequency variable greater than zero, otherwise , the functional equals unity in the limit of time to zero, hence, the functional behaves as a Dira c Delta functional in time, Concluding remarks Much has been written on the subject of Fisher's equation in t he literature, primarily, traveling wave solutions; albeit, such solutions, whether analytic o r numeric solutions, if based upon the traveling wave approximation, are completely invalid. Thi s conclusion was suspected by this author, given the Ostrogradsky theorem concerning mechani cs. The analysis shows the solution is not smooth and irregular, therefore, the traveling should not be applied. Besides the serious im plications for this particular the Fisher-KPP equation, there are a host of nonlin ear equation where the traveling has been historically employed, placing sol utions on shaky ground, to say the least. In fact, after analysis, a whole class of apparent pub lished solutions have been placed under disbelief. As mentioned in the introduction, the very viability of a nonlinear diffusion is under scrutiny, for mechanical and rational reasons; but, a nalysis proves these functions are illustrates an empirical truth called the BERS principl e: GOD watches over applied mathematicians. Let us hope he continues to do so [16 ]. 6 Theorems Theorem 2 (DERIV ATIVE OF A CONVOLUTION INTEGRAL) .The derivative of a convolution integral is equivalent to the derivative of either function involved in the convolution; said differently, one may selectively a pply the derivative to either function of prime indicates the derivative with respect to the var iable of integration. See R.N. Bracewell [13]. Theorem 3 (DERIV ATIVE OF A CONVOLUTION INTEGRAL) .The derivative of a convolution integral by any variable not involved in the integral each function involve in the R.N. Bracewell [13]. Theorem 4 (CONVOLUTION THEOREM) .The convolution of two in the multiplication of each Fourier transform of t he functions, viz.: f*g=FG See R.N. Bracewell R. A. FISHER. The wave of advance of advantageous genes. Annals of Eugenics , 7(4):355-369, 1937. [2] A. Kolmogorov, I. Petrovskii, and N. Piscunov. A study of the equation of diffusion with increase in the quantity of matter, and its application to a biological problem. Byul. Moskovskogo Gos. Univ. , 1(6):1-25, 1937. [3] L. R. Ahuja and D. Swartzendruber. An improved form of soi l-water diffu- sivity function. Soil Science Society of America Journal , 36(1):9-14, 1972. 7 | 2108.10450 | Luisiana Cundin | Luisiana Cundin | A Novel Solution for the General Diffusion | 8 pages, 1 figure | null | null | null | math-ph math.MP physics.comp-ph | http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ | The Fisher-KPP equation is a equation originally proposed by Fisher to represent allele propagation in genetic hosts or population. It was also proposed by Kolmogorov for more general applications. A novel method for solving nonlinear partial differential equations is applied to produce a unique, approximate solution for the Fisher-KPP equation. Analysis proves the solution is Although still satisfying the maximum principle, time dependence collapses for all time greater than zero, therefore, the solution is highly irregular and not smooth, invalidating the traveling so often employed.
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2 focus here is on the representation of music specifically for use with LSTM -based models. Music encoding is done using a novel method that is based on musical intervals rather than individual pitches. I will train a model and generate results using the new encoding system and will discuss the benefits and flaws of it compared to the existing 2 Background 2.1 Recurrent Models Using recurrent neural networks (RNN s) for music composition is at least as old as the research by Todd (1989) where he trained a small RNN with 15 hidden units to compose monophonic music . These networks suffer from a problem known as vanishing gradients which prevents them from learning long -term dependencies (Hochreiter et al. 2001 ). LSTM is a special type of recurrent network that perform s better in learning temporal dependencies (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber 1997 ) which makes them more suitable for musi c composition than the original RNN . The LSTM can learn long -term structure in music, resulting in better formal coherence in the composition. This was shown by Eck and Schmidhuber (2002) for the first time by training an LSTM model to compose blues music. Since then , many have designed and implemented successful music generation models using recurrent neural networks. Transformers (Vaswani et al. 2017 ) are another type of recurrent networ ks that vastly outperform LSTMs at learning long -term dependencies in sequential data. OpenAI's MuseNet (Payne 2019 ) which uses an optimized version of Transformers called Sparse Transformers (Child et al. 2019 ), and Music Transformer (Huang et al. 2018 ) developed at Google under the Magenta Project both accomplished state -of-the-art music generation using Transformer -based models. I use LSTM because of its better accessibility but am positive that the encoding proposed in this paper can improve resu lts of Transformer -based models as well. 2.2 Existing Representations To properly represent music for machine -learning tasks one must account for the following: At what moment is the onset of each note in the music , and h ow long each note last s. Though s ome authors such as Oore et al. (2020), Zhao et al. (2019 ), Payne (2019 ) and Huang et al. (2018) have also included dynamics and/or rubato information in the representation to give the results human expressivity , that is not the focus in this pape r. A common approach to address the mentioned questions is to quantize time into small timesteps and allocate a pitch vector for each timestep that contains information on the 3 active notes in that timestep. This vector commonly has one node per note in the pitch range of the music that is either 1 indicating that the note is sounding in that particular timestep, or 0 indicating otherwise. In machine -learning jargon a vector where one node is 1 and the rest a re 0 is called a one -hot vector. In case there are multiple 1's the vector can be called multi -hot. The current encoding is an ordered collection of one -hot or multi -hot vectors (depending on the number of voices) and can be seen as a matrix view of th e piano -roll representation , as seen in Figure 1. It has proven successful in works by Oore et al. (2020), Kumar and Ravindran (2019 ), Zhao et al. (2019 ), Eck and Lapamle (2008 ), and Boulanger -Lewandowski, Bengio, and Vincent (2012 ) among others. Figure 1. Conversion of piano -roll to matrix representation using one -hot vectors for monophonic music. For polyphonic music, the vectors will be multi -hot with a 1 for each active note in the timestep. Another popular approach is text -based representation where notes are indicated by a sequence of characters typically separated by a delimiter , e.g. , C4|D4|B3. BachBot (Liang et al. 2017 ), DeepBach (Hadjeres, Pachet, and Nielsen 2017 ) and work by Choi, Fazekas, and Sandler (2016 ) are a few examples. ABC n otation is another text -based convention as seen in work by Sturm et al. (2016 ). In terms of rhythm, the problem with quantizing time into equal slices is that re - articulation of the same note in a row becomes ambiguous. For instance, four successive sixteenth notes of the same pitch, say A5, are encoded the same as one quarter -note at A5. Assuming time is quantized into sixteenth -note timesteps, i n both cases the representation is four vectors with a 1 at the index corresponding to A5 and zeros everywhere else. This is one reason why s ome authors such as Kumar and Ravindran time pitch timestep pitch 4 (2019 ) and Liang et al. (2017 ) prefer to handle rhythm differently and encode note durations in a separate vector or as appendix of the pitch vector. I choose to employ the time -quantization approach since the chorale music used for training seldom contains repeated notes, therefore the benefit of simplicity in the repre sentation outweighs the mentioned disadvantage . 3 Absolute vs. Relative Pitch 3.1 Problem Even though t ransposing the entirety of a piece could affect our listening experience and how we perceive the music, it does not affect our recognition of it. Two pieces that are transpositions of each other will be recognized as the same piece but in different key s or register s. In that regard t he matrix representation of piano -roll described earlier is not efficient. If similar musical patterns appear in different keys in the training set, this representation encodes them differently because the patterns are formed by different sets of pitches. As a result the model fails to learn from that pattern un less it appears enough times in various keys in the training set. There are two common ways around this problem within the existing work s. Some authors transpose all the pieces in the training set to the same key. We see this in works by Choi, Fazekas, and Sandler (2016 ), Liang et al. (2017 ), Mozer and Soukup (1990 ), Boulanger -Lewandowski, Bengio, and Vincent (2012 ), Eck and Lapamle (2008 ), and Kumar and Ravindran (2019 ). This will improve the correlation between musical similarity and encoding similarity, thus helping the model learn the temporal patterns better. But this improvement is very limited since even in the same piece of music similar patterns can appear in dif ferent octave s or in different keys , e.g., in case there is tonicization or modulation in the piece. Even in the same key and octave, a melodic pattern can appear several times in a row, each time from a different starting point. This structure is known as sequence in music and is a common compositional technique (Benward and Saker 2003 ). Another workaround is to augment the data by transposing the pieces to various keys and include them in the training set. Authors who chose this approach include Oore et al. (2020), Hadjeres, Pachet, and Nielsen (2017 ), and Eck and Lapamle (2008 ). This method will mitigate the problem to some extent by introducing the model to musical patterns in different keys , improving the chance for the model to see similar pat terns in the same key that would otherwise appear only in different keys . But this approach comes at the cost of enlarging the training set enormously . It is typical that only a handful of transpositions are added since it is quite impractical to add a version of each piece in all possible keys in every octave . 5 3.2 Solution Using relative pitch instead of absolute pitch solves the problem entirely, which is the central proposition of this paper. In monophonic music, g iven the initial note, any melodic line can be seen as a sequence of intervals rather than a sequence of pitches. For instance, a melodic sequence of notes designated by the MIDI pitches [67, 70, 69, 67] would be denoted by [3, -1, -2], and later for reconstruction the cumulative sums of the numbers from the latter vector would be appended to [67], or to any other desired opening note. The choice of the opening note only specifies the key and register in which we would like to hear the music. We lose this information with this encoding , which is nothing unfortunate , quite on the contrary. Now all the melodic patterns that are similar or identical would be encoded similarly or ident ically. Our vector [67, 70, 69, 67] denotes the same melody as [40, 43, 42, 40] though in a different key and register , but it is comprised of totally different numbers. But in the new encoding both vectors are represented by [3, -1, -2]. This is advantage ous in many ways . The training data is more informative for the model since patterns in the training data are m ore visible. There is no more need for the data to be transpos ed to the same key or be augmented, and even though the training set is smaller t he learning potential for the model is higher. The proposed encoding can be viewed as a lossless compression by a large factor. Imagine how many different vectors obtained using the original encoding would all be encoded as [3, -1, -2] in the new encoding. This tremendously reduces the size of the training set yet maintains the same amount of information . It is common approach to convert the sparse vectors to one -hot vectors as the model seems to learn significantly better (see Representation section for implementation details). By employing the new encoding, after the conversion the dimensionality of the input space will also be smaller compared to the original encoding, which adds to the factor of data compression. The length of the encoding vector for melodic lines would not need to exceed the largest leap in the melody which is almost never greater than one octave , whereas in the original encoding the length must at leas t span the range of pitches from the lowest note to the highest note in all the training data. 3.3 Polyphony To progress from monophonic to polyphonic music where multiple notes can sound simultaneously, we can apply the same idea to chords. Since the chord quality does not change with transposition, we can encode chords by specifying the interval that each chord note makes with the root or an y other desired note . Similar to what was discussed for melodic lines, the choice of the origin note does not change the quality or spacing of the chord, only the height of the sound . With the original encoding it is less complex to 6 allow polyphony. It onl y suffices to use multi -hot vectors instead of one -hot vectors, accounting for all the notes that sound simultaneously at each timestep. But in the new encoding the melody and chord vectors are obtained separately and must be concatenated . See the next section for details. 4 Representation A common way of measuring intervals in music is to count the number of half -steps that the interval contains. I make two vectors for each timestep of the music. The first is a one - hot vector that encodes melodic mot ion of the soprano by specifying the number of half - steps it moved from the previous timestep . The second is a multi -hot vector that encodes the rest of the active notes in the timestep in terms of their relative distance, in half -steps, to the soprano. Let's call the former melody vector and the latter chord vector . In melody vector the index of the active node indicates the number of half -steps in the melodic interval . I allow a maximum of 11 half -steps (just short of one octave) for leaps in melody in each direction. Any melodic interval larger than 11 half-steps will be brought within the octave using a mod -12 operation . We also need one node whose activation indicates interval of zero , meaning the melody has not moved from the previous timestep. This sums the size of the melody vector to 11+11+1 =23. A quick analysis of the dataset showed that among the total of 22,688 melodic motions of sopra no in all the chorales only 51 are octave leaps or larger . Modifying such a small fraction of training data is not detrimental to the learning process. This makes the mod -12 operation a logical choice since it greatly reduces the size of the input vectors for melody , which consequently reduce s training time and increase s the performance of the model. Figure 2 illustrates the structure of the melody vector. Pauses in the music are not encoded ; all silent timesteps are omitted prior to encoding . Incor porating pauses will be a potential addition of future work. 7 Figure 2. The melody one -hot vector has the length of 23 . It can specify melodic motion of up to 11 half -steps up or down. Activation of the node in the center ind icates that the previous note has sustained. In chord vector the index of each active node represents the number of half -steps the corresponding chord note makes against the soprano. The length of this vector (denoted maxSpace ) is determined by the largest distance between the soprano and the bass note in all the training data. If the melody is unaccompanied at a timestep, the chord vector corresponding to that timestep will contain all zeros. Figure 3 shows an example of the chord vector corresponding to a second -inversion B -diminishe d triad. The D in the soprano is accounted for in the melody vector. The chord vector has two active nodes at indices 3 and 9, indicating the harmonic intervals between the two bottom notes and the soprano. Finally, the two vectors are concatenated into on e with size 23+ maxSpace which will be a single timestep for the input of the LSTM. Figure 3. Obtaining the chord vector that correspond s to three notes sounding simultaneously. The length is determined by the largest harmonic interval in the training data. index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 interval 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 down up 3 9 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ... 8 5 Data Preparation The set of training examples used for this experiment was JSB Chorales (Boulanger - Lewandowski, Bengio, and Vincent 2012 ) which contains 382 chorales composed by Bach and is available for download in MIDI format from Papers With Code at the following URL: -chorales . The Matlab library MIDI Toolbox (Toiviainen and Eerola 2017 ) was used for the initial conversion of the MIDI files to Matlab arrays and from there to Python for encoding. maxSpace turned out to be 64 so the length of the encoded vectors is 64+23=87. The dataset had to be corrected first since the temporal positioning of musical beats in the dataset are not aligned with the MIDI beats. But because the error is consistent , the fix was The choice of t ime quantization in this experiment is that e ach timestep of the encoded data represents an eighth -note in the music. The optimal quantization could vary among different datasets, but since the chorales rarely contain shorter than eighth notes, this quantization works best for ou r purpose. I used the first 350 chorales for training and reserved the rest to be used as prompts for generation step (see the section Model Training and Prediction for generation details). The melody vector for the first timestep of each piece needs to be tackled since the soprano in the first timestep does not have a previous note to make a melodic interval with. We can either assume that this note is sustained from an imaginary previous timestep and zero out all the nodes of the vector , or we can entir ely skip the first timestep of each piece. Neither approach would make a considerable impact on the training because among a total of 307,960 timesteps in the training examples there are only 3 50 that mark the beginning of a chorale. I took the second opti on for ease of coding . A moving window is then used to slice up the encoded matrices into fixed -length training examples. The size of the window must be chosen carefully . If it is too long the number of training examples might be come too small since many of the chorales are shorter than the window size and will be skipped. If the window size is too short the LSTM will not learn long -term structure in the music. In this work after some experimentation the window size was chosen to be 40 which re sulted in a total of 7,699 training examples. 9 6 The Experiment 6.1 Model Architecture The function of the model is to receive 40 successive timesteps of encoded music as input and generate a single timestep as output. The output is the prediction of the model as to what the next timestep would have been had Bach written it . If the model is trained properly and working as intended, the prediction should be correct with respect to stylistic characteristics of chorale music. The input goes to a two-layer stacked LSTM with 300 and 200 hidden units and tanh activation , which is connected sequen tially to a dense layer with 200 units and from there to another dense layer with 100 units. Both dense layers have ReLU activation. The output is connected separately to a dense layer with 23 units and another dense layer with maxSpace (=64) units . These two will generate the melody and chord vector outputs of the network respectively. The former has Softmax activation since only one node is active in the melody vector. The latter has Sigmoid activat ion which predicts the chord notes in terms of their distance from the soprano. The model's output is simply the concatenation of the outputs from the last two dense layers . The input shape of the network is {batchSize x timesteps x features }, which in our case becomes {7,699 x 40 x 87 (=23+64)} . The model is compiled with Adam optimizer and binary cross -entropy as loss function. Figure 4 demonstrates the model structure . 10 Figure 4. Model architecture . The input is a musical prompt with 40 timesteps. The output is a single timestep generated as the prediction of the next timestep. For melody output, the node with highest value (argmax) is activated. For cho rd output, the three highest nodes are activated on the condition that their value is > 0.5. LSTM 300, tanh LSTM 200, tanh Dense 200, ReLU Dense 100, ReLU Dense 23, Softmax Dense 64, Sigmoid top-3 w. p>0.5 argmax 0 1 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ... 0 1 0 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ... 1 0 0 40 timesteps 23 nodes for melody 64 nodes for chord 0 1 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 ... 0 0 0 melody vector (23 nodes) chord vector (64 nodes) predicted timestep INPUT MODEL OUTPUT 11 The output of the model must be converted from a probability distribution to a vector of zeros and ones . In the melody vector the index with the maximum probability (argmax) is set to 1 and all other nodes are set to 0. In the chord vector the top three nodes with probability > 0.5 are set to 1 and all other nodes to 0. It is best to pick three nodes in the chord vector because in Bach chorales there are predominantly four notes sounding together ; the soprano is predicted by the melody vector which leaves the remaining three voices. It is also possible that the output has fewer than three nodes with p > 0.5, which means the predicted timestep has fewer than four voices sounding simultaneously. This is okay and is consistent with chorale music . 6.2 Model Training and Prediction Various experiments showed that for the model to generate musically acceptable output , the training loss must reach below 0.001. Using batch gradient descent (batch size is equal to the size of the training set ) it took around 30 minutes and 4000 epochs to reach training loss of ~0.0002 on a GeForce GTX 1070 GPU. To generate music, a sample unseen by the model during training with 40 timesteps is given as input and the singl e timestep predict ed by the model is appended at t = 41 . Subsequently, timesteps 2 -41 are given and the prediction is appended at t = 42. This routine can continue in a loop for an arbitrary number of steps where the prediction at each timestep is always a function of the last 40 timesteps. This is a common approach for music generation systems that require a prompt before they can start the generation process. For decoding the result into MIDI, first a desired soprano note must be specified as the opening . Then for each timestep the actual pitch of the soprano is obtained by adding the interval specified by the melody vector to the soprano pitch at the previous timestep. The rest of the pitches at each timestep are obtained by adding the intervals s pecified by the chord vector to the soprano from the same timestep. 6.3 Results and Discussion Some generated outputs are available on SoundCloud for listening at -samples . The results are musically convincing even though there are occasional dissonances that Bach would not write . Nevertheless, it is evident that the model learned contrapuntal voice -leading, tonal harmonic progression, cadences , fermatas, and musical phrasi ng quite well. 12 An interesting observation is the existence of frequent but smooth modulations in the generated music. This behavior was expected from the model from the start , and stems from the differential nature of the new data representation. A strong element in tonality is the musical key, which is largely specified by a certain set of pitches that the music is predominantly comprised of. Deviation from this set without performing a modulation has hard rules , especially i n older genres such as Baroque music , and is typically temporary. After such deviations the music would normally reinforce the key by using a strong cadence on the tonic , otherwise the tonality would be lost. The model has no perception of a set of notes t o adhere to. It only understands movements and intervals and as such, it will not necessarily return to the original key after each deviation. This results in compositions that contain noticeably more modulations than one would expect from chorale music. Be that as it may, since the model does learn the rules of counterpoint and voice -leading quite well, its transitions from one key to another are generally smooth and pleasant. By increasing the number of timesteps per training sample the problem of excessi ve modulations can be alleviated ; but since our c horale dataset only contains short excerpts this experiment must be postponed for later endeavors . Another issue to be addressed is the problem of register , i.e., how high or low the music is. The g enerated melody only contains a sequence of intervals, and the actual notes will be determined by the cumulative sums of this sequence. But the model has never been punished for creating a sequence whose cumulative sum exceeds to o high or too low . Thus it is possible , especially in longer sequences , that the generated music spans an unacceptable range of notes. This problem can also to be mitigated by using longer samples during training and warrants future experimentation . 7 Conclusion and Future Work I devised a new representation of music for training an LSTM -based AI model to compose music in the style of J. S. Bach. The idea is to learn the motion in melody and interval structure for chords instead of learning pitches. Thi s approach will remove the need for data augmentation without loss of information, which significantly reduces the size of the training data . Another benefit offered by the new representation is the greater similarity between repeated patterns in music and their corresponding entries in the representation. These two advantages greatly facilitate the learning process. The model successfully learned to write tonal music in the style of Bach's chorales, respect ing the rules of counterpoint and harmonic progres sions as well as musical phrasing. In the future I hope to improve the model by solving the problems of register and tonality : to make sure the music would stay in an acceptable range of pitches and does not 13 modulate exceedingly to different keys . I also hope to use this encoding with a Transformer -based model in the future . 8 References Benward, Bruce, and Marilyn Saker. 2003. Music in Theory and Practice . 7th ed. Vol. 1. McGraw -Hill Education. Boulanger -Lewandowski, Nicolas, Yoshua Bengio, and Pascal Vincent. 2012. Modeling Temporal Dependencies in High -Dimensional Sequences: Application to Polyphonic Music Generation and Transcription. ArXiv:1206.6392 [Cs, Stat] , June. 06.6392. Child, Rewon, Scott Gray, Alec Radford, and Ilya Sutskever. 2019. Generating Long Sequences with Sparse Transformers. ArXiv:1904.10509 [Cs, Stat] , April. Choi, Keunwoo, George Fazekas, and Mark Sandler. 2016. Te xt-Based LSTM Networks for Automatic Music Composition. ArXiv:1604.05358 [Cs] , April. Eck, Douglas, and Jasmin Lapamle. 2008. Learning Musical Structure Directly from Sequences of Music. University of Montreal, Departmen t of Computer Science, CP 6128: 48. Eck, Douglas, and Juergen Schmidhuber. 2002. A First Look at Music Composition Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks. Technical Report. Istituto Dalle Molle Di Studi Sull Intelligenza Artificiale. Hadjeres, Gaetan, Fran cois Pachet, and Frank Nielsen. 2017. DeepBach: A Steerable Model for Bach Chorales Generation. ArXiv:1612.01010 [Cs] , June. Hochreiter, Sepp, Yoshua Bengio, Paolo Frasconi, and Jurgen Schmidhuber. 2001. Gradient Flow in Recurrent Nets: The Difficulty of Learning Long -Term Dependencies. In A Field Guide to Dynamical Recurrent Networks , 237-43. Wiley - IEEE Press. Hochreiter, Sepp, and Jurgen Schmidhuber. 1997. Long Short -Term Memory. Neural Computation 9 (8): 1735 -80. ht Huang, Cheng -Zhi Anna, Ashish Vaswani, Jakob Uszkoreit, Noam Shazeer, Ian Simon, Curtis Hawthorne, Andrew M. Dai, Matthew D. Hoffman, Monica Dinculescu, and Douglas Eck. 2018. Music Transformer. ArXiv:1809.04281 [Cs, Eess, Stat] , December. | 2108.10449 | Hooman Rafraf | Hooman Rafraf | Differential Music: Automated Music Generation Using LSTM Networks with Representation Based on Melodic and Harmonic Intervals | null | null | null | null | cs.SD cs.AI eess.AS | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | This paper presents a generative AI model for automated music composition with LSTM networks that takes a novel approach at encoding musical is based on movement in music rather than absolute pitch. Melodies are encoded as a series of intervals rather than a series of pitches, and chords are encoded as the set of intervals that each chord note makes with the melody at each timestep. Experimental results show promise as they sound musical and tonal. There are also weaknesses to this method, mainly excessive modulations in the compositions, but that is expected from the nature of the encoding. This issue is discussed later in the paper and is a potential topic for future work.
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CIKM '21, November 1-5, 2021, Virtual Event, QLD, Australia Wenjie Ruan, Xinping Yi, and Xiaowei attacks : this part will detail some famous adversar- ial attack methods with an aim to provide some insights of why adversarial examples exit and how to generate adversarial per- turbation effectively and efficiently. Specifically, we will present six typical adversarial attacks, including L-BFGS [ 30], FGSM [ 8], C&W [ 3], ZeroAttack [ 31], attacks [ 38], univer- sal attacks [ 44]. In the end of this part, we will also briefly introduce some adversarial attacks on other domains, including attacks on sen- timent analysis systems [ 13], attacks on 3D point cloud models [ 9], attacks on audio recognition systems defense : this part will present an overview of robust optimisation techniques for adversarial training [18], with emphasis on distributional robustness and the robustness and generalisation. In particular, with Fast Gradient Method (FGM) [ 8], Projected Gradient Method (PGM) [ 16] will be introduced briefly, followed by the ad- vanced methods promoting distributional robustness [ 27] from the viewpoints of robustness versus accuracy [ 42], supervised learning [ 20], and the exploitation of local and global data information [ 22,41]. In addition, the interplay and generalisation will be discussed with respect to generalisable robustness and robust generalisation. A variety of reg- ularisation techniques such as spectral normalisation [ 19], [ 32], and weight correlation regularisation [ 14] to promote generalisable robustness will be discussed, together with some recent advances to improve robust generalisation [ and validation : this part will review the on the verification techniques for checking whether a deep learning model is dependable. First, we will discuss verification tech- niques for checking whether a convolutional neural network is ro- bust against an input, including constraint solving based Reluplex [ 15]), approximation techniques (MaxSens [ 37], AI2[6], DeepSymbol [ 17]), and global optimisation based techniques (DLV [ 12], DeepGO [ 23,24], DeepGame [ 33,36]). Second, we will discuss some software testing based methods which generate a large set of test cases according to coverage metrics, including e.g., Deep- Xplore [ 21], and DeepConcolic [ 2,28,29], and their extension to recurrent neural networks [ 10]. The dependability of a learning model can then be estimated through the test cases. Third, we will discuss how to extend these above techniques to work with a relia- bility notion which considers all possible inputs in an [ 46]. This requires the consideration of robustness and gen- eralisation in a holistic way [ 14,47]. Finally, we will summarize and outlook current state of this research field and future perspectives. 3 TARGET AUDIENCE AND tutorial motivates and explains a topic of emerging importance for AI, and it is particularly devoted to anyone who is concerning the safety and robustness of deep learning models. The target audience would be data mining and AI researchers and engineers who wish to learn how the techniques of adversarial attacks and verification as well as adversarial training can be effectively used in evaluating and improving the robustness of deep learning models. No knowledge of the tutorial topics is assumed. A basic knowledge of deep learning and statistical pattern classification is requested. 4 BENEFITS Deep learning techniques now is not only pervasive in the community of computer vision and machine learning, but also widely appliedon data analytical systems. For researchers and industrial practition- ers who are developing safety-critical systems such as health data analytics, malware detection, and automatic disease diagnosis, the robustness and reliability of deep learning models are profoundly im- portant. CIKM, as a flagship conference in data mining and has attracted huge amount of data scientists and en- gineers and many of them are using deep learning techniques. We envision, by presenting a tutorial concerning the robustness of deep learning at CIKM'21, the community can i) be aware the vulnerability of deep learning models ,ii) understand why such vulnerability exits in deep learning and how to evaluate its adversarial robustness , and iii) know how to train a robust deep learning model . We believe, those mentioned goals are appealing to the audience in CIKM'21. In the meantime, similar topic already appeared in SIGKDD'19 and ICDM 2020, two flagship conferences in data mining. As such, we believe it is necessary and urgent to propose a more concentrating this topic in CIKM'21 as well. 5 DIFFERENCE TO SIMILAR Verification and Explanation of ML Models, in AAAI 2020. Link: overlapping will be on the verification part, where the above tutorial only considers from the logic/binary perspective, while we will cover comprehensively based methods, and global optimisation methods. The other two topics of this tutorial, i.e., adversarial attack (Part-I) and defense (Part-III), are not covered in the above Machine Learning, in AAAI 2019, AAAI 2018. above tutorial focuses on adversarial attacks of and poisoning as well as the corresponding defense tech- niques, while this tutorial places the emphasis on the fundamen- tals of adversarial examples (Part I) and generalisable robust opti- misation techniques for defense (Part III), which are not covered by the above tutorial. In addition, the topic of verification of this tutorial (Part II) is not covered at all in the above Machine Learning, in IJCAI 2018, ECCV 2018, ICCV 2017. Link: above tutorial concentrates on demonstrating vulnerability of various machine learning models and the design of learning- based pattern classifiers in adversarial environments. Our is primarily about adversarial robustness of deep neural networks, especially the safety verification (Part-II) and adver- sarial defense (Part-III) on DNNs are not covered by the above tutorial. The only overlapping will be the part of adversarial at- tacks, but ours is more comprehensive and deep Robustness: Theory and Practice, in NIPS 2018 Link: above tutorial was given two years ago, concentrating on approaches to establishing formal guarantees for adversarial robustness. Then it presents adversarial training and methods for improving robustness. Our tutorial will be more up-to-date. The major differences are: 1) in adversarial attacks, we present more recent and advanced ad- versarial examples, such as universal and one; 2) in verification, we are more comprehensive, except for 5Recent Progress in Zeroth Order Optimization and Its Applications to Adversarial Ro- bustness in Data Mining and Machine Learning, in CVPR2020, KDD 2019.Adversarial Robustness of Deep Algorithms, and Applications CIKM '21, November 1-5, 2021, Virtual Event, QLD, Australia the based methods, we also cover the approxi- mation and global optimisation methods; and (3) in our focus is on generalisable adversarial training via advanced spectral Progress in Zeroth Order Optimization and Its Applications to Adversarial Robustness in Data Mining and Machine Learning, in CVPR 2020, KDD 2019. Link: above tutorial concentrates on Zero-order optimization meth- ods with a particular focus on black-box adversarial attacks to DNNs. Our tutorial is more comprehensive, which not only covers a wider range of adversarial attacks, but also presents that can establish formal guarantees on as well as review state-of-the-art adversarial training methods that can defence adversarial attacks and improve RELEVANT EXPERIENCE ON THE TOPIC 6.1 Relevant Tutorial Experience
*W. Ruan, X. Yi, X. Huang, Tutorial Adversarial Robustness of Deep Learning Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, The 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2020), 17-20 Nov 2020, Sorrento, Italy Link: Ruan, E. Botoeva, X. Yi, X. Huang, Tutorial Towards Robust Deep Learning Models: Verification, Falsification, and The 30th International Joint Conference on (IJCAI 2021), 21-26 Aug 2021, Canada Link: Ruan, X. Yi, X. Huang, Tutorial Adversarial Robustness of Deep Learning Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, The 2021 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases 13-17 Sep 2021, Virtual Link: Citations of Relevant Works The following are the selected papers published by the presenters which are related to this verification of deep neural networks, CAV 2017, Citation
= Test Coverage Criteria for Deep Neural Networks, in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 2018, Citation = 196 (3)Concolic Testing for Deep Neural Networks, in ASE 2018, Cita- tion = black-box safety testing of deep neural net- works, in TACAS 2018, Citation = Analysis of Deep Neural Networks with in IJCAI 2018, Citation = 163 (6)A survey of safety and trustworthiness of deep neural testing, adversarial attack and defence, and in Computer Science Review, 2020. Citation = 111 (7)A game-based approximate verification of deep neural networks with provable guarantees, in Theoretical Computer Science, 2020. Citation = 61 6The citation numbers are from Google Scholar on 22 August 2021(8)Global Robustness Evaluation of Deep Neural Networks with Provable Guarantees for the Hamming Distance, in IJCAI 2019, Citation = 53 The overall citations of the above papers that are closely related to this tutorial are over 1,200 since 2017. The details are as below:
*A seminal paper (1), on the safety verification of deep learning, has attracted 600+ Google Scholar citations, which is one of the first papers on the verification of deep learning.
*A few papers including (5) (7) (8), on the verification of neu- ral networks through global optimisation algorithms, have at- tracted 250+ citations.
*A few papers including (2) (3) (4) (5), on the adversarial at- tacks of the robustness of neural networks, have attracted recent survey paper (6), closely aligned with the topic of this tutorial, has attracted 100+ Google scholar citations since its publication in 2020. 7 BRIEF RESUMES OF PRESENTERS 7.0.1 Dr Wenjie Ruan. Dr Wenjie Ruan is a Senior Lecturer of Data Science at University of Exeter, UK. Previously, he has worked at Lancaster University as a lecturer, and University of Oxford as a post- doctoral researcher. Dr Ruan got his PhD from University of His series of research works on Device-free Human Localiza- tion and Activity Recognition for Supporting the Independent Living of the Elderly have received Doctoral Thesis Excellence from The Univer- sity of Adelaide. He was also the recipient of the prestigious DECRA fellowship from ARC (Australian Research Council). Dr Ruan has pub- lished 30+ top-tier papers in top venues such as AAAI, IJCAI, ICDM, UbiComp, CIKM, ASE, etc. His recent work on reachability analysis on deep learning is one of the most citable papers in IJCAI'18 (150+
citations since 2018), and his work on testing-based falsification on deep learning is also one of the most citable papers in ASE'18 (150+ citations since 2018). Dr. Ruan has served as Senior PC, or PC member for over 10 conferences including IJCAI, AAAI, ICML, NeurlPS, CVPR, ICCV, AAMAS, ECML-PKDD, etc. His homepage is: . 7.0.2 Dr Xinping Yi. Dr Xinping Yi is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of Electrical Engineering at the University of Liverpool, UK. He re- ceived his Ph.D. degree from Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France. Prior to Liverpool, he worked at Technische Universitat Berlin, France, UC Irvine, US, and Huawei Technologies, China. Dr Yi's recent research lies in deep learning theory with emphasis on generalisation and adversarial robustness. Dr Yi has published 40+ papers in IEEE transactions such as IEEE Transactions on In- formation Theory (TIT), and machine learning conferences such as ICML, NeurIPS. He has served as programme committee members and reviewers at a number of international conferences and jour- nals, such as ICML, ICLR, IJCAI, CVPR, ICCV, ISIT, ICC, TIT, Pro- ceedings of IEEE, JSAC, TWC, Machine Learning. His homepage Dr Xiaowei Huang. Dr Xiaowei Huang is Reader of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool, UK. Prior to Liverpool, he worked at Oxford and UNSW Sydney. Dr Huang's research concerns the safety and trustworthiness of autonomous intelligent systems. He is now leading a research group working on the verification, validation, and interpretability of deep neural networks. Dr Huang is the prin- ciple investigator of several Dstl projects concerning the safety and assurance of artificial intelligence, and the Liverpool lead on a H2020 | 2108.10451 | Wenjie Ruan | Wenjie Ruan and Xinping Yi and Xiaowei Huang | Adversarial Robustness of Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | Accepted as Tutorial in CIKM 2021 | null | null | null | cs.LG cs.AI | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | This tutorial aims to introduce the fundamentals of adversarial robustness of deep learning, presenting a well-structured review of up-to-date techniques to assess the vulnerability of various types of deep learning models to adversarial examples. This tutorial will particularly techniques in adversarial attacks and robustness verification of deep neural networks (DNNs). We will also introduce some to improve the robustness of deep learning models, with a particular focus on adversarial training. We aim to provide a picture about this emerging direction and enable the community to be aware of the urgency and importance of designing robust deep learning models data analytical applications, ultimately enabling the end-users to trust deep learning classifiers. We will also summarize potential concerning the adversarial robustness of deep learning, and its potential benefits to enable accountable and trustworthy deep analytical systems and applications.
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problem of image SR becomes both more interesting and more challenging given extreme performance of SR . Standard upscaler algorithms, such as linear or bicubic upscalers, apply a low-pass filter on a high resolution image created by inserting zeros between adja- cent pixels in the low resolution [32, 23]. Modern frameworks (e.g. Pytorch, Tensorflow, etc.) im- plement this process using a so-called strided layer with a single filter per input channel. More advanced upscalers have followed geometric princi- ples to improve image quality. For example, uses adaptive filters to improve edge smooth- ness [2, 18], or bandlet methods use both adaptive upsam- pling and filtering [24]. Later on, machine learning has been able to use examples of pristine high-resolution im- ages to learn a mapping from low-resolution [30]. The rise of deep-learning and convolutional networks in tasks [15] quickly saw a series of Many of these improvements followed the progress in network architectures for image seen for example with CNNs applied in SRCNN [5], ResNets [8] applied in EDSR [20], DenseNets [10] applied in RDN [46], attention [9] applied in RCAN [43], [37] applied in RNAN [44], and swin transform- ers [22] applied in SwinIR [19]. Real-time SR . The first deep learning system proposed for image SR, namely SRCNN [5], used a relatively small number of parameters ( 60k) and became a suitable can- didate for edge devices. Soon after, FSRCNN [6] real- ized that significant improvements in quality and perfor- mance can be achieved by performing computations at low resolution. They proposed a short configuration using 4k parameters in a sequence of 4convolutional layers, plus a final strided transposed convolution to perform upscal- ing, reaching real-time performance for small resolutions. The next major progress towards real-time applications was made by ESPCN [34] that made popular the application of pixel-shuffle layers, multiplexing several network chan- nels to form higher resolution outputs [29, 27]. They pro- posed a configuration using 20kparameters and 3convolu- tional layers with all computations performed at low reso- lution. Both FSRCNN and ESPCN left a strong mark on future image SR research that very often performs compu- tations at low resolution and use pixel-shuffle layers. Nev- ertheless, the research clearly shifted to networks of larger sizes that can achieve much better quality. But large net- works that contain several million parameters, for example EDSR [20] (combining ResNets and pixel-shuffle), are cur- rently unable to reach the throughput needed for on edge devices. Several so-called have been proposed for middle ground applica- tions [41, 16, 21, 38, 3, 12]. Typical lightweight networks use hundred of thousands parameters and are still beyondthe capabilities of real-time applications on edge devices. The Problem . Despite the promising advances in tech- nology, the challenge of image SR for edge devices remains largely unresolved. One might expect Edge-AI chips to get faster and cheaper but standards also evolve to make prob- lems more difficult (e.g. BT.2020 [35]) with more pixels, higher bit depths, higher framerates, etc.. Thus, the success of AI chips to deploy image SR technologies and reach mas- sive markets strongly depends on better algorithm solutions. The major challenge is how to simplify network structures all the way down to reach performance levels comparable to those of classic non-adaptive upscalers. A classic 2xbicu- bic, doubling the horizontal and vertical resolution, can be implemented using a transposed convolutional layer with a single filter using 121parameters. We can think of this as the simplest possible network configuration for image SR. A configuration that is interpretable in the sense that we un- derstand what the interpolation filter values represent. Our main task here is to explore the landscape between on one hand, and small deep-learning systems on the other hand, in order to provide practical solutions for the current state of applications in edge devices. Towards a solution . Exploring different existing networks, such as FSRCNN and ESPCN, is and necessary task to undertake. But we propose to move a step further, introducing a minimal set of architectures, edge-SR (eSR) , that can perform image SR even with a single convolutional layer. We explore both a straightforward 1-layer Maxout network (eSR-MAX) as well as self-attention strategies (eSR-TM and eSR-TR) that provide a semi-classical interpretation. The latter ap- proaches use a single layer both to detect local patterns (e.g. edges or textures) as well as to generate candidate Generally speaking, the detection mechanism es- timates the probability of the best upscale solution and it is used to compute a weighted average of the candidate out- put images that gives the final output. We will show how to implement this solution efficiently using standard deep learning modules that can run on AI . Our major contributions include:
* The proposal of several one-layer architectures that strive for simplicity to fill the gap between classic and deep learning upscalers.
* An exhaustive search among 1,185network models, in- cluding different configurations of eSR, FSRCNN, and ESPCN. Each architecture was trained under and tested for speed, power consumption and image quality. The results allows us to visualize the trade-off between image quality and runtime perfor- mance that is critical for our purpose. Figure 1 shows the general pattern observed in our results. We found that different architectures show very different balance in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 2. Classic sxsimage upscaling is performed by a trans- posed convolutional layer. An efficient implementation splits the filter into s2smaller filters that work at LR. The final output is ob- tained by multiplexing the s2channels using a pixel-shuffle layer. trade-off between speed and image quality. (deep learning) show a strong advantage at low speed and high quality, and our proposed one-layer solu- tions show a clear advantage at high speed requirements.
* The interpretation and analysis of strategies learned by self-attention in one-layer architectures. We provide a novel interpretation of the self-attention mechanism based on the simple principles of template matching and classic upscaling. Here, training results indicate that one- layer networks do not use smooth upscaling kernels and rely mostly on independent sub-pixel solutions. These results may bring about the following future im- pact: 1) the possibility of image SR systems that can be massively deployed on edge devices, 2) a better understand- ing of the internal learning mechanisms of small and 3) a better appreciation of the image quality and runtime performance for and research. 2. Super-Resolution for Edge Image upscaling anddownscaling refer to the conversion of low resolution (LR) images to high resolu- tion (HR) and vice versa. These two processes are closely related. The simplest way to downscale an image from HR to LR is known as pooling ordownsample . The process of downsample uniformly drops pixels in both horizontal and vertical directions. The problem with such downscalers is that groups of high and low frequency components of the HR image can end up in the same low frequency component at LR, leading to well known aliasing artifacts [32, 23]. To avoid this problem a classic linear downscaler first removes high frequencies using an anti-aliasing low-pass filter and input image MAXoutput 3. Diagram of edge-SR Maximum. Uses one followed by a pixel-shuffle multiplexer and a that chooses the maximum pixel value among all filters. then downsamples the image. This process is implemented in tensor processing frameworks with strided s where the kernel or weight parameters correspond to the low-pass filter coefficients. The process of classic linear upscaling corresponds to the transposed of the transformation and it is illustrated in Figure 2. reverts the oper- ation into an operation where the upsampling increases the resolution of an image by insert- ing zeros between LR pixels. The upsampling introduces high frequencies that are removed by a so-called interpo- lation filter with coefficients w. The interpolation filter is the transposed of the anti-aliasing filter, typically identi- cal because most upscalers are symmetric. Tensor process- ing frameworks implement this process using strided trans- posed convolutional layers . The upscaling definition in Figure 2 is clearly inefficient as the upsampling introduces many zeros that will waste re- sources when multiplied by filter coefficients. A very well know optimization, widely used in practical of classic upscalers is to split or demultiplex the in- terpolation filter from size skxskin Figure 2 to s2so- called efficient filters of size kxkworking at LR [32, 23]. The outputs of the s2filters are then multiplexed by a pixel- shuffle operation to obtain the upscaled image, as illustrated in Figure 2. Let ~wiRkxk, with i= 1, . . . , s2, be the co- efficients of the efficient filters. The interpolation filter can then be recovered by multiplexing the efficient to their original place. This sxs( ~wi, i= 1. . . , s2). (1) In our experiments we will compare different architec- tures including a bicubic upscaler. In order to remove im- plementation advantages we implemented the upscaler us- ing the efficient implementation in Figure 2. We used stan- dard bicubic interpolation filter coefficients and verified that we obtain the same outputs as other software up to floating point Our first proposal is edge-SR Maximum (eSR- MAX). This is an attempt to obtain the fastest solution from a single convolutional layer that outputs several A quick decision is made by choosing the max- imum value across all channels as shown in Figure 3. This 3input CONV CONVeSR-TM eSR-TR eSR-CNNFigure 4. Diagrams of edge-SR architectures using self-attention: a) edge-SR Template Matching (esR-TM) runs both template and upscaling modules ( Vfilters) using a single convolutional layer (see Figures 5 and 10 for details on this interpretation), b) edge-SR TRansformer (eSR-TR) uses two sets of query (Q) and key(K) filters to estimate the best upscaler model, and c) edge-SR CNN (eSR-CNN) starts with a multilayer network following ESPCN and ends with a eSR-TM 1 edge Super-Resolution (eSR). Input : y(1-channel). Output : (y, C, k, s ): eSR-TM (y, C, k, s ): Parameters: Integer C > 1, k > 1, s > 1. 1:Y=Max 1-CPixel-Shuffle Integer C > 1, k > 1, s > (f1-C)
eSR-TR (y, C, k, s ): eSR-CNN (y, C, D, S, s ): Parameters: Integer C > 1, k > 1, s > Integer C > 1, D > 1, S > 1, s > to a particular case of a Maxout network Our second proposal is edge-SR Tem- plate Matching (eSR-TM) that follows a The basic idea is explained in Figure 5. First, a template matching module detects patterns (e.g. edge di- rections) and gives us the probability for each pattern. This is achieved by: first, use matching filter coefficients that resemble the pattern, and second, normalize pixel values across channels to represent the probability of each tem- plate. A set of upscale images are computed at the same time for each one of the patterns. Since both the matching and the upscaling filters follow the same patterns, we expect the filter coefficients to look similar as displayed in Figure 5 for the case of edge patters. Thus, we can verify if an eSR-TM configuration learned to perform template match- ing by checking the correlations between filter optimal prediction for the output image is the expected value over all templates. Thus, the probabilities are used to compute the expected value by weighing the solution of dif- ferent upscalers that when combined give the final output. Figure 4.a shows the diagram of the efficient implemen- tation of this idea using CN+templates. In this of a transposed convolution the Ksplit into Cs2efficient filters ~K, before multiplex- ing with pixel-shuffle. We can always get the Kfrom ~Kusing equation (1). The outputs of the x x+output imageinput 5. Interpretation of edge-SR Template Matching. A tem- plate matching module computes the probability of finding one of the template image features learned from examples. The input image is upscaled using a set of different upscalers also learned by examples. The output is the expected value computed by the weighted average of upscale images and template are then normalized among all the channels using a softmax module. This gives us the pixel-wise (2) where i= 1, . . . , C ,is the convolution operator, |refers to the upsampling operation defined in Figure 2. The layer in Figure 4.a runs Cs2efficient filters ~V 4PReLU CONV PReLU PReLU PReLU TRANSPOSED CONVOLUTIONCONV CONV S channelsD channels PReLU CONV M mesD channelsS channels ESPCNFigure 6. Deep-learning architectures selected for experiments: a) FSRCNN from [6], and b) ESPCN from [34]. to get Chigh resolution candidates after pixel-suffle. The final luminance HR output image Yis given by: Y=E[Vi(y|s)] represent a Hadamard (or pixel-wise) product. The eSR-TM system is essentially a self-attention mod- ule, except for the pixel-shuffle layer and the sum over all channels in the last stage. These two differences are signif- icant since: first, they embed the upscaling process within the attention module, and second, they make explicit use of probabilities to compute an expected value thus providing a clear interpretation of this module. Our third proposal is edge-SR TRansformer (eSR-TR) that uses the popular transformer self-attention module from [36]. Figure 4.b shows the efficient this system. Here, the matching filters from eSR-TM are replaced by two sets of query (Q) and key(K) filters to esti- mate the probabilities. This changes the template of eSR-TM, using a rank-1 quadratic instead of a single template matching filter. The purpose of this arquitecture is to test any ad- vantage that this change could bring given the and success of this module in recent research. The code for all eSR systems is given in Algorithm We consider FSRCNN [6] and ES- PCN [34] as candidate deep learning architectures for im- age SR on edge devices. Figure 6 shows the detail struc- ture of FSRCNN and ESPCN network architectures. In comparison, FSRCNN uses more layers (at least 5) and smaller number of channels per layer than ESPCN. is the upscaling strategy, with FSRCNN using a strided transposed convolution and ESPCN using pixel- shuffle. According to classic interpolation theory these two approaches are equivalent as shown in Figure 2 (see also [32, 23]), but implementations can be different. Tensor pro- cessing frameworks typically implement transposed convo- lution using the gradient of a convolutional layer[31], based on the vector calculus property for gradients of linear x(Ax+b)y=ATy. This very different ap- proach might lead to differences in we also propose the edge-SR CNN in Figure 4.c and Algorithm 1. This is sim-Table 1. Set of hyper-parameters used to create a pool of 1,185 models that were trained and tested in our Total : 1 model per scale factor. eSRC: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. k: 3, 5, 7. Type : Maximum (MAX), Template Matching (TM), Transformer (TR). Total : 144 models per scale 2, 4, 6, 8. D: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. S: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15. Total : 100 models per scale factor. FSRCNND: 6, 19, 32, 44, 56. S: 1, 3, 6, 9, 12. M: 1, 4 Total : 50 models per scale factor. ESPCND: 0, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64. S: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 32. Total : 100 models per scale factor. Factors : 2x,3x,4x. Total : 1,185 models. ply an extension of the single convolutional layer in eSR- TM into a multi-layer structure identical to ESPCN. Here, the purpose is to test if ESPCN, that achieves better results compared to FSRCNN in our tests, can be improved by us- ing a self-attention module to upscale. 3. Candidate models for test evaluations in- clude: bicubic, FSRCNN, ESPCN and eSR. From these, the bicubic classic upscaler is the only one without and fixed configuration that do not require train- ing. For other architectures we need to train a model for each set of Table 1 shows the list chosen for our experiments. These in- clude default settings of FSRCNN and ESPCN as well with very small number of parameters. Our model pool includes a total of 1,185models to We need to train a total of 1,185 mod- els that include different scaling factors, network architec- tures and model We trained all these models independently using an identical procedure. We used the General-100 dataset [6] combined with 91-image dataset [39] to extract training patches. For each image in the dataset we randomly cut a HR patch of size factors, and The images were converted to grayscale using BT.609 color ma- trix and downscaled using a standard Bicubic algorithm. We used minibatch size 16and trained each model for 25,000 epochs using a standard (MSE) loss. We started with a learning rate of 10-3and reduce it to half once every 3,000epochs. We used Adam optimizer [14] withb1= 0.9,b2= 0.999and= 10-8. We used seven Tesla M40 GPUs for training with the whole process com- pleted in about two To test our final models we consid- ered two inference devices: 1) Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier, an embedded system-on-module (SoM) from the Pi AGX Xavier PSNR [dB] PSNR [dB] PSNR [dB] PSNR [dB] PSNR 7. Scatter plot to compare speed, in number of Full-HD pixels per second, with respect to quality, measured as PSNR for the BSDS- 100 dataset. A total of 1,185models were identically trained considering different upscaling factors ( 2x,3xand4x) and ESPCN and FSRCNN). We run all models on edge devices: Jetson AGX Xavier (GPU with 16-bit floating point precision) and Raspberry Pi 400 (CPU with 32-bit floating point precision). Magnified plots with model annotations are provided in Appendix A. AGX Systems family, including an integrated V olta GPU with tensor cores, and 2) a Raspberry Pi 400, an embedded device featuring a quad-core 1.8GHz, 64-bit ARM Cortex CPU processor. The power consumption of the Jetson AGX is set to a 30 Watt profile, while the Raspberry Pi 400 nom- inal consumption is 15 Watt. We run each model to output a set of 14Full-HD appropriately from randomly selected images of the DIV2K dataset [1]. We use 16-bit floating point pre- cision during inference. For each image we run the model 10times to avoid warm-up effects, measuring the minimum CPU and GPU processing time from profiler's data. We computed the speed of a model using the total number of pixels processed (considering only one run per image) di- vided by the processing time (using the minimum time over each one of the 10runs). To make the measurement of speed easier to read we use units of [FHD/s] , this is, number of Full-HD pixels ( 1920x1080 ) per second. Image quality was measured separately using the stan- dard datasets: Set-5, Set-14[40], BSDS-100[25], Urban- 100[11] and Manga-109[26]. We also measured maximum power consumption for the Jetson AGX and CPU usage for the Raspberry Pi that does not include power Figure 7 shows scatter plots to compare speed with respect to image quality, measured as PSNR for theBSDS-100 dataset. Results for other datasets, metrics (SSIM) and devices (GTX 1080 Max-Q) are shown in Ap- pendix A with similar conclusions. The size of the circles are proportional to the power consumption and CPU usage for the AGX and Raspberry Pi devices, respectively. Fi- nally, Table 2 shows detailed results per dataset for a subset of the models selected according to different criteria. 4. The results displayed in Figure 7 allow us to fully appreciate the trade-off between image quality and runtime performance. The bicubic upscaler sets the target as we know that it can be massively deployed in display de- vices at large scale. Between the bicubic upscaler and deep- learning configurations using FSRCNN, ESPCN or eSR- CNN we observe a large empty region. Our proposed edge- SR (eSR) architectures succeeds to fill this gap in edge GPU devices (AGX and also GTX 1080 MaxQ available in Ap- pendix A) and improve bicubic upscaler both in speed and image quality. In the Raspberry Pi CPU device succeeds to fill this gap for and fails at 4xfactor where bicubic reaches a The best results of edge-SR is observed for 2xupscaling factor. The distribution of scatter points in Figure 7 for 2xupscaling shows that deep-learning meth- 6Table 2. Image quality and performance metrics for selected methods among all 1,185models trained in our experiments. Values of speed, measured in number of Full-HD pixels per second, and power, in units of Milliwatts, are specific of a Jetson AGX Xavier GPU. Methods are selected based on best speed, PSNR in BSDS-100 dataset, and default configurations. Best results are shown in bold (ignoring s Selection Power Set5 Set14 BSDS100 Urban100 Manga109 [FHD/s] [mWatts] PSNR SSIM PSNR SSIM PSNR SSIM PSNR SSIM PSNR SSIM Bicubic 2 - - 19 1550 33.73 0.928 30.29 0.869 29.57 0.842 26.89 0.841 30.85 0.934 eSR 2 PSNR CNN: C= 6,D= 3,S= 15 8 3868 36.58 0.953 32.38 0.905 31.25 0.885 29.26 0.891 35.33 0.965 eSR 2 speed MAX: k= 3,C= 1 34 1859 33.15 0.928 30.16 0.882 29.66 0.862 26.94 0.857 30.46 0.937 ESPCN 2 default [34] D= 64 ,S= 32 6 6800 36.64 0.953 32.46 0.907 31.32 0.887 29.37 0.893 35.76 0.967 ESPCN 2 PSNR D= 22 ,S= 32 8 4945 36.70 0.953 32.47 0.907 31.35 0.887 29.44 0.894 35.79 0.967 ESPCN 2 speed D= 0,S= 3 17 2324 29.76 0.919 28.96 0.881 28.69 0.865 26.38 0.853 27.66 0.938 FSRCNN 2 default [6] D= 32 ,S= 6,M= 1 4 4793 36.29 0.951 32.20 0.904 31.10 0.884 28.91 0.886 35.03 0.963 FSRCNN 2 PSNR D= 56 ,S= 12 ,M= 4 2 5566 36.74 0.954 32.45 0.907 31.34 0.887 29.42 0.895 35.87 0.967 FSRCNN 2 speed D= 6,S= 3,M= 1 5 3560 35.36 0.943 31.52 0.898 30.64 0.878 28.01 0.870 33.13 0.951 Bicubic 3 - - 38 1705 29.24 0.849 26.73 0.757 26.64 0.720 23.84 0.717 25.87 0.838 eSR 3 PSNR CNN: C= 8,D= 3,S= 15 11 5873 32.75 0.906 29.27 0.820 28.36 0.782 26.14 0.796 30.16 0.907 eSR 3 speed TM: k= 3,C= 1 60 2632 29.77 0.853 27.31 0.780 27.08 0.748 24.31 0.742 26.56 0.851 ESPCN 3 default [34] D= 64 ,S= 32 13 6027 32.73 0.905 29.26 0.821 28.36 0.783 26.12 0.795 30.36 0.908 ESPCN 3 PSNR D= 22 ,S= 32 16 4945 32.77 0.906 29.30 0.821 28.38 0.784 26.15 0.797 30.37 0.909 ESPCN 3 speed D= 0,S= 21 26 4176 31.30 0.889 28.51 0.808 27.82 0.772 25.41 0.774 28.29 0.887 FSRCNN 3 default [6] D= 32 ,S= 6,M= 1 8 4640 32.43 0.901 29.07 0.816 28.22 0.780 25.82 0.787 29.61 0.899 FSRCNN 3 PSNR D= 56 ,S= 12 ,M= 4 5 5566 32.74 0.906 29.25 0.820 28.35 0.784 26.10 0.797 30.13 0.907 FSRCNN 3 speed D= 6,S= 1,M= 1 9 3560 31.30 0.879 28.31 0.803 27.75 0.768 25.06 0.761 27.98 0.870 Bicubic 4 - - 74 2170 28.60 0.808 26.09 0.705 26.02 0.672 23.17 0.660 24.96 0.787 eSR 4 PSNR CNN: C= 8,D= 9,S= 6 13 7100 30.62 0.860 27.48 0.751 26.93 0.714 24.42 0.718 27.27 0.845 eSR 4 speed MAX: k= 3,C= 2 94 3867 28.64 0.806 26.12 0.712 26.13 0.684 23.28 0.668 25.08 0.789 ESPCN 4 default [34] D= 64 ,S= 32 23 6952 30.57 0.858 27.50 0.752 26.92 0.715 24.42 0.718 27.44 0.848 ESPCN 4 PSNR D= 16 ,S= 32 29 4640 30.59 0.859 27.53 0.753 26.95 0.715 24.43 0.719 27.46 0.849 ESPCN 4 speed D= 1,S= 3 45 3096 28.93 0.820 26.49 0.725 26.25 0.694 23.56 0.680 25.49 0.804 FSRCNN 4 default [6] D= 32 ,S= 6,M= 1 12 4795 30.16 0.845 27.19 0.742 26.74 0.707 24.09 0.702 26.63 0.826 FSRCNN 4 PSNR D= 44 ,S= 12 ,M= 4 9 5257 30.61 0.861 27.52 0.753 26.94 0.716 24.44 0.721 27.40 0.849 FSRCNN 4 speed D= 6,S= 1,M= 1 14 3715 29.31 0.823 26.62 0.730 26.41 0.699 23.62 0.683 25.72 0.802 ods are better at image quality, with ESPCN achieving the best speed in the high quality range. Interestingly, eSR- CNN does not improve ESPCN at high quality and barely improves it at high speed, despite using the same multi- layer configuration. eSR-MAX shows the best performance at high speeds but it is unable to make significant improve- ments in image quality. eSR-TM and eSR-TR show the best performance at intermediate speed and image quality. They perform very similar with a slight but not of eSR-TR on GPU devices. FSRCNN shows the worst performance at 2xfactor with no improvements in speed as image quality decreases. One possible reason for this result is that the higher network depth of FSRCNN might become a disadvantage at 2xwhere large receptive fields are unnecessary. The bold values in Table 2 highlight the best metrics for different columns, ignoring bicubic. edge-SR systems reach the best speed and lowest power consumption ESPCN gets better. They also succeed to im- prove bicubic's image quality for small upscaling In Figure 10 we display the step by step process- ing of 2xupscaling using eSR-TM with kernel size k= 7 andC= 4number of filters. Here, we used equation (1) to reconstruct the from the efficient implementation containing 4*22=
16filters. In addition to the filter coefficients we also dis- play the FFT computed using a Kaiser-Bessel window for UPSCALING FILTERS MATCHING FILTERSFigure 8. Correlations between upscaling andmatching filters in eSR-TM k= 7, C= 16 . Higher correlations along the diag- onal mean that the model is performing template matching, with upscaling and matching filters that resemble a common template. better frequency visualization [32]. The output for this par- ticular image is about 1.5dB better than the bicubic output and it is displayed next to the outputs of ESPCN and FS- RCNN models with similar image quality. Here, eSR-TM achieves roughly the same speed of bicubic upscaler. The efficient filters use kernel size kxk, and after mul- tiplexing them with a pixel-shuffle layer we can recover the original filters of size skxsk. Thus, the filter sizes of eSR models grows with the upscaling factors as seen in Figure 9. The filter coefficients in frequency domain show that each filter is processing different frequency bands. Although the filters are not smooth, they do show a level of different Space MATCHING FILTERS UPSCALING FILTERSFrequency SpaceFigure 9. Matching and upscaling filters obtained after training a one-layer architecture eSR-TM with kernel size k= 7 andC= 18 number of filters for factors. Filters are displayed in the original spatial format as well as in frequency domain by using FFT visualization. The filters do not change smoothly within a single filter but show diverse directionality among different : 34.10 dB Speed : 18.72 FHD/sSSIM : 0.948 Power : 1.55 W FSRCNN PSNR : 35.47 dB Speed : 3.67 FHD/sSSIM : 0.959 Power : 2.48 W ESPCN PSNR : 35.48 dB Speed : 9.20 FHD/sSSIM : 0.958 Power : 2.17 W eSR-TM PSNR : 35.63 dB Speed : 19.04 FHD/sSSIM : 0.960 Power : 3.87 W INPUT (LR) INPUT (LR) Figure 10. Inspection of all intermediate outputs and filter coefficients for the eSR-TM 2xarchitecture with kernel size k= 7andC= 4 number of filters. The diagram follows the interpretation in Figure 5. Filters are displayed both in the original spatial format as well as in frequency domain by using FFT visualization. Each of the 4branches is focusing on a particular sub-pixel array. Now, moving one step inside the network from the out- put in Figure 10, we observe that the 4components of the sum are clearly focusing on different sub-pixel images. This pattern is also visible in the outputs of upscaling fil- ters and template matching modules. Both matching and upscaling filters are not smooth and also show signs of dif- ferent sub-pixel processing with some degree of This indicates that the different branches of the sin- gle convolutional layer used in eSR-TM are solving the up- scaling problem independently for each sub-pixel image. This is in contrast with the smooth scaling filters used in the classical edge-directed interpolation[2, 18] and also com- pared to smooth directional filters observed in CNNs interpretations in [28]. Next, in Figure 8 we com- pute the Pearson correlation between upscaling and match- ing filters for eSR-TM with k= 7andC= 16 . The results show dominant correlations along the diagonal, stronger for 2xfactor and reducing strength towards 4xfactor. along the diagonal indicate a template match- ing strategy where upscaling and matching filters are simi-lar for the same pattern and different to other patterns (see Figure 5). Thus, we confirm that the training process has a tendency to converge towards a template matching strategy that is particularly strong for small upscaling factors. 5. Conclusions The current trend in Edge-AI chips offers the chance to deploy efficient AI solutions at massive scale. But there is a vast range of performance requirements for which these so- lutions are unavailable for image SR. We propose the edge- SR architectures with the aim to fill the gap between classic and deep learning upscalers. We performed an among more than a thousand different models iden- tically trained, revealing the gap between classic upscalers and deep-learning solutions. Our edge-SR a single convolutional layer showed promising results to fill this gap for small upscaling factors. The simplicity of the model also makes it interpretable and allows to visualize and understand all the intermediate steps of the process. 81 import numpy as np 2 import as profiler 3 4 *1e-3 7 *1e-6 9 defspeed(mode, input): 12 dt = np.inf 13 use_cuda=True 16 )asprof: 17 ): 20 output = model(input) 21 dt1 = str_to_time( 22 row_limit=10 24 ).split( 25 'CPU time total: ' 26 )[1].split(' ')[0] 27 ) 28 dt2 = str_to_time( 29 row_limit=10 31 ).split( 32 'CUDA time total: ' 33 )[1][:-1] 34 ) 35 dt = min(dt1+dt2, dt) 36 37 pix = returnpix / (dt 11. Python function used to measure the speed of models in Pytorch v1.8. It runs a model 10times to avoid warm-up effects. Then, it parses the output of Pytorch profiler to get both CPU and GPU runtime. The speed is the number of output pixels divided by the minimum runtime in the 10runs. 6. Appendix A. Evaluation Metrics Image quality. Quantitative evaluations in our exper- iments include objective metrics PSNR and SSIM. These are reference-based metrics that measure the difference be- tween an impaired image and ground truth. Higher values are better in both cases. The PSNR (range 0to) is a log-scale version of and SSIM (range 0to1) uses image statistics to better correlate with Full expressions are as follows: PSNR (X, Y ) = 10 (4) SSIM (X, Y ) AGX 12. Example of the change in speed of the models with re- spect to their number of parameters for experiments on the Jetson AGX Xavier device. Models become faster at an exponential rate as the number of parameter reduces. where MSE =E
is the mean square error of the difference between XandY;uXanduYare the aver- ages of XandY, respectively; s2 Xands2 Yare the respectively; sXYis the covariance of X and Y;c1= 6.5025 andc2= 58.5225 . Benchmark in the literature can show big differences in PSNR and SSIM metrics due to different ways to evaluate color. For real-time applications it is common to process color images in YUV space, and the super-resolution task applies only to the luminance channel Y. Color in UandV channels can use a faster bicubic upscaler with small impact in perceptual quality. We follow the implementation in [45] using a conversion of RGB to YUV color-spaces following the BT.709 standard, including offsets that are often Pi AGX Xavier PSNR [dB] PSNR [dB] PSNR [dB] PSNR [dB] PSNR 1080 MaxQ PSNR [dB] PSNR [dB] PSNR 13. Scatter plot to compare speed, in number of Full-HD pixels per second, with respect to quality, measured as PSNR for the BSDS- 100 dataset. A total of 1,185models were identically trained considering different upscaling factors ( 2x,3xand4x) and ESPCN and FSRCNN). We run all models on edge devices: GTX-1080 Max-Q (GPU with 16-bit floating point precision), Jetson AGX Xavier (GPU with 16-bit floating point precision) and Raspberry Pi 400 (CPU with 32-bit floating point precision). Magnified plots with model annotations are provided in the Figures 30, 31, 32, 24, 25 and LPIPS AGX beer beer Figure 14. Scatter plot to compare speed, in number of Full-HD pixels per second, with respect to quality, measured as LPIPS for the BSDS-100 dataset. Lower values of LPIPS mean better quality as opposed to PSNR where larger values are better. Compared with the same case but using PSNR quality measure in Figure 13, eSR-TM performs much better and Bicubic shows the worst quality. 10in other Appendix A and C we also provide measurements of the perceptual quality metric LPIPS defined in [42] and im- plemented using the PIQA library [33]. Speed. We run each model to output a set of downscaling appropriately from randomly selected images of the DIV2K dataset [1]. We use 16-bit floating point precision during inference. For each image we run the model 10times to avoid warm-up effects, measuring: the minimum CPU and GPU processing time from profiler's data. We computed the speed of a model using the total number of pixels processed (considering only one run per image) divided by the processing time (using the minimum time over each one of the 10runs). To make the measure- ment of speed easier to read we use units of [FHD/s] , this is, number of Full-HD pixels ( 1920x1080 ) per second. Figure 11 shows the code used to parse Pytorch's profiler output to obtain the CPU and GPU processing time. Power and CPU usage. We run each model to output a set of 14Full-HD images, downscaling appropriately from randomly selected images of the DIV2K dataset [1]. We use 16-bit floating point precision during inference. Dur- ing this process we monitor the maximum power consump- tion usingnvidia-smi for GTX 1080 Max-Q GPU, and tegrastats for Jetson AGX Xavier. We register the maximum power measured in this process. The power data provided by Max-Q driver is in units of watts, whereas the AGX device uses units of milliwatts. The AGX device al- lows different profiles for power consumption and in our experiments we used 30 Watts. The Raspberry Pi 400 device does not include power sen- sors and in this case we replace the power measurement by CPU usage, monitor by parsing the top command with delay-time of 0.05sand registering the average CPU read- ing during the inference process. B. Extended Analysis Speed vs parameters. In Figure 12 we show the rela- tionship between the size of the model, given by the num- ber of parameters, and the execution speed when running the models on GPU devices. We observe that smaller mod- els run faster, and the speed increases exponentially. The non-linear relation between speed and number of parame- ters becomes critical under: 5,000parameters for 2xup- scaling factor, 10,000parameters for 3xupscaling for 4xupscaling factor. This shows the importance of focusing on speed compared to number of parameters in our study. Research on lightweight SR ar- chitectures often focuses on number of parameters and typ- ically use several hundred thousand parameters where is still not device. In Figure 13 we show scatter plots including Nvidia GeForce GTX-1080 Max-Q GPU. This1>>> import pickle 2>>> test = 'rb')) 3>>> 'psnr_BSDS100': 'ssim_BSDS100': 'lpips_BSDS100': 'psnr_Urban100': 'ssim_Urban100': 'psnr_Manga109': 'ssim_Manga109': 'parameters': 104, 20 'speed_AGX': 'power_AGX': 1550, 22 'speed_MaxQ': 'power_MaxQ': 50, 24 76, 25 'memory_MaxQ': 2961, 26 'speed_RPI': 'usage_RPI': 15. Example of how to read our test data from the file tests.pkl . 1 import torch 2 from torch import nn 3 4 class edgeSR_MAX (nn.Module): 5 C, k, s): 6 = self.filter = nn.Conv2d( 10 out_channels=s *s*C, 12 stride=1, 14 bias=False, 16 ) 17 18 defforward(self, input): 19 return( 20 ).max(dim=1, 16. Pytorch v1.8 implementation of edge-SR single-layer architecture. is a mobile high-end GPU from the Pascal series typi- cally used for laptop computers. The power consumption of the Max-Q design ranges between 90 and 110 Watt, compared to 30 Watt used in the Jetson AGX Xavier. Al- though much more powerful than a Raspberry Pi and Jet- son AGX devices, the GTX 1080 Max-Q device can fit in high-end display TV panels and thus serve a different range of applications for edge devices. Consequently, Figure 13 111 import torch 2 from torch import nn 3 4 class edgeSR_TM (nn.Module): 5 C, k, s): 6 = self.softmax = self.filter = nn.Conv2d( 11 out_channels=2 *s*s*C, 13 stride=1, 15 bias=False, 17 ) 18 19 defforward(self, input): 20 filtered = ( 21 ) 23 B, C, H, W = filtered = filtered.view(B, 2, C, H, W) 26 upscaling = filtered[:, 0] 27 matching = filtered[:, 1] 28 upscaling dim=1, keepdim=True 31 ) Figure 17. Pytorch v1.8 implementation of edge-SR (eSR-TM) single-layer a performance that can deliver 8K videos in real- time (even with 16-bit floating point precision). We also observe that ESPCN performance improves for factors, indicating the important effect of the in- creased number of cores in GPU architectures as well as a significant increase in power evaluation. In Figures 21, 22 and 23 we show example output images for different models. These models were selected by moving in an approximately op- timal trajectory in the Speed vs Quality (SQ) plane for the Jetson AGX Xavier device. As mentioned before, the best advantage of edge-SR models is observed for This is both the most difficult and important factor for applications due to the high input throughput in high resolution displays (e.g. HD to FHD). The classic offers over-smooth outputs that are somehow ef- fective to reduce jaggy artifacts. edge-MAX models improve sharpness with limited control over jaggies. Next, edge-TM and edge-TR models show the best trade-off with very similar performance. These models are more effective at reducing jaggies before multi-layer net- works like edge-CNN and ESPCN become better with both sharp and smooth edges. In Figure 14 we show a few scatter plots of the trade- off between image quality and runtime performance using the perceptual quality metric LPIPS [42] for the BSDS-1001 import torch 2 from torch import nn 3 4 class edgeSR_TR (nn.Module): 5 C, k, s): 6 = self.softmax = self.filter = nn.Conv2d( 11 out_channels=3 *s*s*C, 13 stride=1, 15 bias=False, 17 ) 18 19 defforward(self, input): 20 filtered = ( 21 ) 23 B, C, H, W = filtered = filtered.view(B, 3, C, H, W) 26 value = filtered[:, 0] 27 query = filtered[:, 1] 28 key = filtered[:, 2] 29 *key), 31 dim=1, keepdim=True 32 ) Figure 18. Pytorch v1.8 implementation of edge-SR single-layer Here, lower values of LPIPS mean better quality as opposed to PSNR where larger values are better. Compared with the same case but using PSNR quality measure in Fig- ure 13, eSR-TM performs much better and Bicubic shows the worst factor the pattern is similar but it becomes more difficult for single-layer models to effec- tively reduce jaggy artifacts. Results get worsen and we observe an increased gap between bicubic and other archi- tectures. ESPCN becomes better at high quality ranges and overcomes edge-SR models for the most part. Finally we note that trade-off evaluations at 3xand4xupscaling fac- tors could be misleading, as flickering video artifacts are likely to become visible at this point and video SR solu- tions might be needed. For this reason, the results at 2xare arguably the most important for practical of datasets and metrics. Scatter plots in the main text use only PSNR metric measured in the In Figure 20 we show the effect of changing both the metric, from PSNR to SSIM, and dataset, among Set5, Set14, BSDS-100, Urban-100 and Manga-109. The range of values and relative position of scatter points changes. For example, SSIM shows a larger margin in image quality be- tween bicubic and other models. PSNR values show signif- icant changes depending on the dataset. Nevertheless, the 121 import torch 2 from torch import nn 3 4 class edgeSR_CNN (nn.Module): 5 C, D, S, s): 6 self.softmax = ifD == 0: 10 self.filter = nn.Conv2d(D, S, 3, 1, 1), 12 nn.Tanh(), 13 nn.Conv2d( 14 out_channels=2 *s*s*C, 16 stride=1, 18 padding=1, 19 bias=False, 20 ), 21 ) 23 else: 24 self.filter = nn.Conv2d(1, D, 5, 1, 2), 26 nn.Tanh(), 27 nn.Conv2d(D, S, 3, 1, 1), 28 nn.Tanh(), 29 nn.Conv2d( 30 out_channels=2 *s*s*C, 32 stride=1, 34 padding=1, 35 bias=False, 36 ), 37 ) 39 40 defforward(self, input): 41 filtered = B, C, H, W = filtered = filtered.view(B, 2, C, H, W) 45 upscaling = filtered[:, 0] 46 matching = filtered[:, 1] 47 upscaling dim=1, keepdim=True 50 ) Figure 19. Pytorch v1.8 implementation of edge-SR CNN (eSR- CNN) multi-layer trajectory and the advantage shown by remains the same. Magnified scatter plots. It is useful to identify of each specific model in scatter plots. Figures 30, 31, 32, 24, 25 and 26 show magnified plots us- ing all the page width and include annotations with model The annotations are useful at middle and high speed ranges where data is more sparse. In the high image quality range the performance of different models be- come clustered and the annotations are not readable. Here, we recommend to look at Figures 21, 22 and 23 to identify the best models. Finally, we make all test data available in a Python dictionary file (see Appendix C).C. results. Test results are provided in the Python dic- tionary file tests.pkl using the native pickle module. A sample code to read the file is provided in Figure 15. The keys of the dictionary identify the name of each model and its hyper-parameters using the following s#',
*'eSR-MAX or
*'FSRCNN an integer number with the value of hyper-parameter. For each model the data of the dictionary contains a second dictionary with the infor- mation displayed in Figure 15. This includes: number of model parameters; image quality metrics PSNR, SSIM and LPIPS measured in 5different datasets; as well as power, speed, CPU usage, temperature and memory usage for de- vicesAGX (Jetson AGX Xavier), MaxQ (GTX 1080 MaxQ) andRPI (Raspberry Pi 400). Pytorch implementations. Figures 16, 17, 18 and 19 show the Python code to implement all proposed edge-SR models using the Pytorch tensor processing framework ver- sion 1.8. Model files and sample code are also available Eirikur Agustsson and Radu Timofte. NTIRE 2017 chal- lenge on single image Dataset and study. InThe IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and (CVPR) Workshops , July 2017. [2] V . R. Algazi, G. E. Ford, and R. Potharlanka. of images based on visual properties and rank order filtering. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. 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Example output images in the trajectory through the trade-off between image quality and runtime performance for 2xupscaling on a Jetson AGX Xavier edge AGX 22. Example output images in the trajectory through the trade-off between image quality and runtime performance for 3xupscaling on a Jetson AGX Xavier edge AGX 23. Example output images in the trajectory through the trade-off between image quality and runtime performance for 4xupscaling on a Jetson AGX Xavier edge AGX 24. Speed of 2ximage SR models, measured in Full-HD pixels per second on a Jetson AGX Xavier GPU using 16-bit floating point precision, with respect to image quality, measure as PSNR in the BSDS-100 AGX 25. Speed of 3ximage SR models, measured in Full-HD pixels per second on a Jetson AGX Xavier GPU using 16-bit floating point precision, with respect to image quality, measure as PSNR in the BSDS-100 AGX XavierFigure 26. Speed of 4ximage SR models, measured in Full-HD pixels per second on a Jetson AGX Xavier GPU using 16-bit floating point precision, with respect to image quality, measure as PSNR in the BSDS-100 Pi 27. Speed of 2ximage SR models, measured in Full-HD pixels per second on a Raspberry Pi 400 CPU using 32-bit floating point precision, with respect to image quality, measure as PSNR in the BSDS-100 Pi 28. Speed of 3ximage SR models, measured in Full-HD pixels per second on a Raspberry Pi 400 CPU using 32-bit floating point precision, with respect to image quality, measure as PSNR in the BSDS-100 Pi 29. Speed of 4ximage SR models, measured in Full-HD pixels per second on a Raspberry Pi 400 CPU using 32-bit floating point precision, with respect to image quality, measure as PSNR in the BSDS-100 1080 30. Speed of 2ximage SR models, measured in Full-HD pixels per second on a GTX 1080 Max-Q GPU using 16-bit floating point precision, with respect to image quality, measure as PSNR in the BSDS-100 1080 31. Speed of 3ximage SR models, measured in Full-HD pixels per second on a GTX 1080 Max-Q GPU using 16-bit floating point precision, with respect to image quality, measure as PSNR in the BSDS-100 dataset. 27 | 2108.10335 | Pablo Navarrete Michelini | Pablo Navarrete Michelini, Yunhua Lu, Xingqun Jiang | edge-SR: Super-Resolution For The Masses | In WACV 2022. Code available in https://github.com/pnavarre/eSR | null | null | null | cs.CV cs.LG eess.IV eess.SP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ | Classic image scaling (e.g. bicubic) can be seen as one convolutional layer and a single upscaling filter. Its implementation is ubiquitous in all display devices and image processing software. In the last decade deep learning systems have been introduced for the task of image super-resolution (SR), using layers and numerous filters. These methods have taken over the benchmarks of image quality for upscaling tasks. Would it be possible to replace classic upscalers with deep learning architectures on edge devices such as display panels, tablets, laptop computers, etc.? On one hand, the current trend in Edge-AI chips shows a promising future in this direction, with of hardware that can run deep-learning tasks efficiently. On the other hand, in image SR only few architectures have pushed the limit to extreme small sizes that can actually run on edge devices at real-time. We explore possible solutions to this problem with the aim to fill the gap between and small deep learning configurations. As a transition from classic to deep-learning upscaling we propose edge-SR (eSR), a set of that use interpretable mechanisms to upscale images. Certainly, a one-layer architecture cannot reach the quality of deep learning we find that for high speed requirements, eSR becomes better at trading-off image quality and runtime performance. Filling the gap between classic and deep-learning architectures for image upscaling is critical for massive adoption of this technology. It is equally important to have an interpretable system that can reveal the inner strategies to solve this problem and guide us to future improvements and better understanding of | [
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"Pablo Navarrete",
] |
2 ergies. While the methods are described in greater de- tail in Sec. II 2, here we give an overview. Metadynam- ics involves constructing a bias potential by Gaussian kernels along the chosen bi- asing coordinate, which is typically low-dimensional, to encourage state-to-state transitions. SGOOP helps con- struct such a biasing coordinate as a linear combination of several order parameters (OPs). The central idea be- hind SGOOP is that the optimal RC will maximize the spectral gap of the dynamics projected along it, and the spectral gap itself can be learnt eciently from runs along trial coordinates, through a maximum path entropy or caliber order to construct the RC as a combination thereof, we have many possible OPs at our these fall into two classes. The rst type of OPs require pre-knowledge of the target crystal structure, and are based upon comparing the instantaneous congu- ration of a system with a specic reference structure. These include the Steinhardt bond order compare systems with dierent spherical example is the SMAC order parameter intro- duced by Giberti et al.35which describes the systems by selected angles between feature vectors. The second type of OPs are more generic and involve observables such as mean distance, mean dihedrals, and such as entropy and enthalpy. The rst class of OPs is not very well suited for the study of polymor- phism because of the loss in generality when Thus in this work, we mainly focus on the second type and the detailed denitions are given in Sec. II 1. An optimized RC is constructed as a function of those order parameters through SGOOP.25 We illustrate the framework by studying urea poly- morph nucleation from the melt. The urea system has been widely studied both consistency, we used the same notations of polymorphs of urea as in Ref. 44. In particular, form I and IV have been synthesized in lab and studied in detailed, whereas form A and B have been found only in simulations so far.35,44,45Ref. 45 suggests that order parameters such as orientational entropy play an important role in urea nucleation and in exploring the conguration space relevant to the processes at work. We apply SGOOP to build a 1-d RC as a function of these entropy variables as well as other OPs that we describe in Sec.II 1. By performing well-tempered this optimized 1-d RC, we obtain correct ranking of thermodynamic stabilities of dierent polymorphs. The use of such an optimized 1-d RC for enhanced sampling lowers the computational cost relative to non-optimized or biasing variables. Finally, by ex- trapolating on the basis of the free energy dierence ob- tained from our simulations, we obtain good agreement with experiments regarding the pressure at which one of the metastable polymorph becomes the more stable form.II METHODS II.1 Order parameters for nucleation Many order parameters have been developed to study the nucleation we consider four types of order parameters. which are then used to con- struct an optimized 1-d RC as a function thereof. These are (i) pair orientational enthalpy, (iii) averaged intermolecular angles, and (iv) mean coordina- tion number. We now describe them Pair orientational entropy: Piaggi et al.45recently in- troduced an approximation to the pair entropy as a biasing variable for metadynamics. Referring to liq- uid state theory,53the excess entropy with respect to the entropy of ideal gas can be expressed in an innite sum of correlation functions, and has been shown as a successful variable for analysis by considering only the rst term.54{57The excess pair orientational entropy is then dened lng(r;)
g(r;) + 1]r2sindrd (1) whereis the density of the system, kBis the intermolecular distance, is the an- gle formed between characteristic vectors, and g(r;) is a mollied correlation function45to ensure its for enhanced sampling methods. Given the polarity of urea molecules, two characteristic vectors are introduced (Fig. 1 upper panel.). The rst vector v1is along the direction of the carbonyl group, which is also the direction of its dipole moment. The second vector v2connects the two nitrogen atoms. Angles that are formed between a pair of two v1vectors on two adjacent urea molecules are denoted 1while those between v2are denoted as 2. Using these two angles in Eq. 1, we dene two representations of entropy de- noting them S1andS2. 2. Enthalpy: To complete the picture of thermodynam- ics related variables, enthalpy was introduced as an order parameter in Ref. 52. Unlike entropy which re- quires approximations to be calculated, enthalpy can be computed directly from its (2) whereEis the instantaneous total potential energy, V is the volume and Pis the pressure. Given the sim- ulation is performed at is a constant. 3. Mean coordination number: We consider the mean co- ordination number for urea molecules in light of several studies on gas/liquid we calcu-3 Figure 1. Denition of characteristic vectors, v1andv2in the upper panel (a and b, respectively). Congurations of forms I (P421m) and IV (P21212) with 2angle along [001] in the lower panel (c and d). v1is dened as the dipole moment of urea molecules and v2connects the two nitrogen atoms. Direct measure of 2order parameter allows us to distinguish these two forms. Crystallographic data of forms I and IV were obtained from Cambridge Structural Database (CCDC 731958, were gerenated with Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD)46and CrystalExplorer 17.5.47 late this n is the total number of molecules, rcis a cut- o andjdenotes molecules besides molecule i. For molecules with distance rijwithin this threshold dis- tance, they are identied as neighbors. Similarly, we dened the cuto distance as the radius of rst shell, 0.64nm. While we do not expect that Nwill be able to distinguish dierent polymorphs from each other, it is well-documented to be useful for from solid phases and thus we consider it here as one of the possible constituents of the reaction co- ordinate. 4. Averaged intermolecular angles: To further distin- guish polymorphs from each other, here we order parameter that is based on the aver- aged values of the angles earlier (Fig. 1 upper panel). For either of the two angles, this variable is dened as is a smooth switching function of inter- molecular distance rij, andf() =1 2[( 2) tanh(5
9:25) +] is a step function of angle in a form ofhyperbolic tangent that ensures continuous This converts to its supplementary angle when such angle is larger than a cuto ij. Consider- ing theC2vsymmetry of urea molecule, unavoidable by directly calculating average angles. One alternative is to dene a step function to introduce rotational invariance as achieved through the function f. This order parameter is developed for the purpose of dierentiating form I and form IV along the direction of v2, where form IV ( P21212) is known to be a high-pressure product of urea in experi- ment and form I ( P421m) is the most stable structure found at ambient main dif- ference of these two polymorphs are illustrated by 2, as it equals 50 degfor form IV and 90 degfor form I (shown in Fig. 1 lower panel).39In this work, the threshold of the step function of measured angles is set to be 100 deg, which shows better performance than a cuto of 90 form I from its collapsed version, and a cuto of distance is set to be 0.64 the range of rst neighbor shell. II.2 Spectral gap optimization of order the dierent order parameters (OPs) described in Sec. II 1 can collectively dierentiate polymorphs from4 each other, it is not obvious how to use these OPs to per- form enhanced sampling of polymorph nucleation. Con- sidering all 6 OPs collectively as biasing or progress co- ordinates in a protocol such as metadynamics9, forward
ux possi- ble in principle, but not in practice.62Thus, our next ob- jective is to compress these OPs into a reaction coordinate (RC) which best encap- sulates the relevant slow degrees of freedom. In this work, we use the method Spectral Gap Optimization of order parameters (SGOOP)25to nd such an opti- mal 1-d RC as a linear combination of the OPs we de- ned in Sec. II 1. SGOOP utilizes the principle of Max- imum caliber construct estimates of transition probability matrices along several trial RCs. This is done by combining stationary density informa- tion from biased simulations along trial RCs and dynam- ical information from short unbiased simulations. Ref. 65 illustrated through numerical examples how the RC learnt from SGOOP provides a very good approximation to those from more accurate but expensive methods. We now summarize the key concepts behind SGOOP. Let m denote the stationary distribution along a spatially dis- cretized trial RC with mdenoting the grid index. This can be obtained from reweighting a biased along any preliminary RC addition to m, we also introduce hNias the average number of nearest-neighbor transitions along any spa- tially discretized trial RC per unit time, which constraints to be used in the MaxCal be estimated by directly counting from short unbiased MD trajectories. With these two pieces of stationary and dynamical information, MaxCal provides a tractable approximation for the transition matrix K along any trial any putative RC, one can construct such a transi- tion probability matrix and diagonalize it to get eigen- values0= 1> 1> 2> ::: > 0. These eigenval- ues directly provide information about the timescales of dierent transition processes when projected on the cor- responding RC along which the matrix was built. We can then nd an optimal RC by selecting from the trial RCs the one with maximal spectral gap which is de- ned as the maximal dierence between the visible slow and hidden fast processes. Such dierences can be easily quantied as n n+1wherenis the number of visible slow processes that we really care about. Note that here we restrict ourselves to a 1-d RC as a trade-o accurate description of the slow processes while staying computationally ecient. For more recent developments using SGOOP allow us quantify if more dimensions need to be added to the RC.67II.3 Simulation setup The system consists of 108 urea molecules described us- ing generalized Amber force eld (GAFF).68The partial charges of urea were adopted from Amber03 and unbiased MD simulations were performed with a modied version of PLUMED 2.6.171,72in constant number, pressure and temperature (NPT) ensemble with an integration time step of 2 fs. The system was coupled with a thermo- stat using stochastic velocity rescaling method73at 450 K with 0.1 ps relaxation time. The pressure was controlled using the barostat74at 1 bar with 10 ps relaxation time. The long-range electrostatic inter- action in reciprocal space was calculated with Particle- mesh Ewald method.75The cutos for both Van der Waals interactions in real space were set to 0.9 nm. The hydrogen bonds were constrained with LINCS algorithm.76We used well-tempered metadynam- ics (WTmetaD)77,78to enhance the sampling, where Gaussian kernels with width and height equal to 0.2 RC units and 7.48 kJ=mol (2kBT) were deposited every 1ps. The bias factor for the tempering was 50 and the production runs were performed for 400 ns. III RESULTS III.1 Landmarks for locating polymorphs In order to locate existing polymorphs during our en- hanced sampling simulations, we rst establish their cor- responding landmarks in the order parameter space. The landmark for each polymorph can be found by the aver- age of each of the 6 order parameters obtained in 2 ns long unbiased simulation initiated from their These landmark values in CV space are then used as the ngerprints for tracing the formations of dierent polymorphs. Our primary interest in this work is in the polymorphs I and IV which have been synthesized in forms can be iden- tied most cleanly simply using the two averaged angles (1;2) introduced in Sec. II 1. We have also shown the landmark values for forms A and B in Table I even though they have not been seen in experiments yet, but were re- Table I. Landmarks for stable congurations of -2.12 0.257 1.22 11.609 -766.93 IV -4.95 -3.57 0.248 0.428 11.516 -764.61 A-4.20 -5.79 0.389 0.411 12.288 -763.25 B-1.76 -3.39 1.272 0.666 11.543 -762.99 Liquid -1.13 -1.14 1.040 0.936 11.650 not seen when biasing 6or in experiments but were seen in Ref.45.5 Figure 2. Bar plots of a) coecients of 1-d reaction by SGOOP and b) same coecients, but scaled by their relative standard deviations. The weights in (b) are rescaled properly with respect to corresponding deviations observed in the dierent OPs of 9 indi- vidual 100 nslong WTmetaD simulations for SGOOP op- timization (details can be found in SI) and thus importance of each order parameters involved in the 1-d reaction in past computational work.45Forms A and B can be easily identied by using ( S1;S2). III.2 Reaction coordinate, sampling and converged free energies By maximizing the spectral gap value using SGOOP (Sec. II 2) using a basin-hopping algorithm79, we nd the optimized RC as 6= 0:885S1+ 0:330S2+ See SI for further analysis of SGOOP results. By directly looking at the coecients of the dierent OPs in this RC (Fig. 2 (a)), it can be seen that all 4 OPs except the mean coordination number N and the enthalpy Hcontribute to the RC. Yet another way to compare the contributions of dierent OPs is after accounting for their dierent scales, which can be done by dividing out their respective standard deviations from the coecients in Fig. 2 (a). These standard deviations were computed from reweighting 9 individual 100 nslong bi-ased MD simulations along from the melt, which are the same input trajectories for SGOOP algorithm (details given in SI). The subsequent weights are shown in Fig. 2(b). Here we can see that NandH still have minimal contributions to the RC, but the entropy ( S1;S2), especially S1, now has the most dominant weight. This is reminiscent of nucleation where second moment of coor- dination numbers have signicantly higher even though the weight for His small, the SGOOP RC 6captures a negative correlation be- tween entropy and enthalpy in agreement with the the free energy. The mean co- ordination number Nwhich is a measure of number of neighboring molecules, useful primarily for driving from liquid to solid, does not necessarily have the ability to classify dierent polymorphs as solid urea are mainly face center cubic (FCC). As such it is not en- tirely surprising that it does not have a high weight in the SGOOP derived RC. In the SI we also report another RC found as a local maximum solution to the spectral gap optimization procedure but with lower spectral gap than the RC reported here. As shown in SI, the accu- racy of the sampling performed using this sub-optimal RC is found to be poorer than the one shown here, re-
ecting the predictive power of the spectral gap metric of SGOOP. Finally, given the very low weights for HandN in6, we performed SGOOP to obtain a RC composed of only the other 4 OPs, namely S1,S2,1, and 2. Enhanced sampling performed along this RC also shows slightly worse than with 6but still relatively decent con- vergence, consistent with our observation that NandH are relatively, though not entirely, unimportant for poly- morph nucleation. Once we have the optimized RC 6described in the previous two paragraphs, we perform (WTmetaD) simulation biasing this RC starting from liquid state. The time series of the RC
6obtained from WTmetad is shown in Fig.3(a), where frequent state-to-state transitions occur and no evidence of substantial hysteresis, i.e. system getting trapped in a state is found suggesting 6as a good approximation to the RC. Fig. 3(b) shows the free energy prole along
6obtained from averaging over four independent WT- metaD simulations. Fig.3(b) shows a distinctive barrier of height 45 kBT(i.e. 168kJ=mol ) between liquid (black dotted line in Fig. 3(a)) and solid states. It is interesting to note that this 1-d prole along 6does not show a dis- cernible barrier between forms I and IV, even though our simulations did not get trapped in these states. However this is evidence that even for urea nucleation in vacuum one should be able to improve the RC further most likely by considering further order parameters that could con- tribute to the RC.6 Figure 3. The time series of WTMetaD simulation biasing 1- d SGOOP optimized RC 6(a) and its associated reweighted free energy surface averaged over four individual 1-d WT- metaD simulations. (b) Forms I (in yellow) and IV (in green) were frequently visited in the trajectory and have been labeled in free energy prole. Error bars for the free energy are shown through shaded blue color. An unstable structure in which all dipoles are along the same di- rection is also sampled once throughout the simulation at 42 ns. III.3 Comparison with experimental measurements We now evaluate the quality of our RC and of the sampling so obtained by comparing with While it is dicult to make to experiments due to nite-size eects,59,80 we expect that the stable polymorph will have lower free energy than the unstable polymorphs. Here we dene the free energy dierence between any 2 phases the inverse temperture and pandpare of the system being in phase We obtain these probabilities by reweighting the biased metadynamics 4 shows the free energy dierences for the dierent phases through the use of Eq. 6 by averaging Figure 4. The free energy dierence Gof forms I (in orange) and IV (in green) with respect to liquid phase over time from 2-d WTmetaD simulation biasing S1andS1(dotted lines) and 1-d WTmetaD biasing 6(solid lines). A 400 nstrajec- tory of 2-d WTmetaD was reproduced from Ref. 45. Four independent simulations were collected and averaged over for the computation of free energy dierences and error bars are shaded with corresponding colors. Form I has much lower free energy than that of form IV from both simulations and this agrees with experimental four independent WTmetaD simulations biasing 6. Fig. 4 also shows the results from 2-dimensional WT- metaD biasing both S1andS2as reported in Ref. 45. The free energy of each polymorph was estimated in a range of ( 1;2) centered around the landmarks dened in Table. I which allows us to account for thermal
uctu- ations. It can be seen in Fig. 4 that our 1-d RC performs as well if not better in terms of accuracy and relative to the 2-d simulations biasing 6, the free energy liquid state and phase I is 63 15kJ=mol , while the dierence between liquid state and phase IV is and 31790kJ=mol . This is qualitatively consistent to ex- perimental observations that form I is the most of urea molecules relative to the high pres- sure product form IV. The other polymorphs which we do not nd biasing 6have to the best of our knowl- edge never been synthesized experimentally, thus re
ect- ing their extremely low probabilities. We further tested the experimental reliability of the obtained Gibbs free energy dierences by doing a calcu- lation of the approximate pressure at which urea under- goes a phase transition, and the form IV becomes more stable relative to form I.81To do so we assume a linear model G(p;T)G(p0;T) + (p p0)V. This gives us the phase transition pressure is approximated to be 1.270.58GPa for I-IV transition, which is in with the value of 0.69 GPa at 433K reported from experimental need to point out congurations sampled in meta- dynamics simulation performed may have defects such as vacancies or even edge dislocations. These phenom-7 ena come from the dierence in commensurate ratio in periodic lattice and simulation box.35Seemingly good or- der parameters may not well represent a state when the underlying structure is distorted, and therefore, aect the extrapolation of thermodynamic and kinetic informa- tion. Another challenge is that of nite size eects. The size of simulation box (864 atoms) utilized in this work is much smaller than typical system size, of around particles82, used for study nucleation pro- cess, and denitely much smaller than experimentally rel- evant sizes. Many for dealing with this which could be useful for making more quantitative comparisons of free energies and eventually experiments, which was not the objective of the present work. IV CONCLUSION In summary, in this work we have demonstrated how one can learn a 1-dimensional approximate reaction co- ordinate for urea polymorph nucleation through the SGOOP approach.25The RC is expressed as a of six order parameters which take into ac- count various thermodynamic and structural informa- tion. In addition to previously used order parameters such as entropy, enthalpy, coordination number and oth- ers, we also introduced averaged angles ( 1;2) as order parameters which can be used to distinguish experimen- tally observed forms I and IV. Entropy was found to have the highest weight in the reaction coordinate, while coor- dination number, not surprisingly, had the lowest weight as it can only distinguish liquid from solid but not poly- morphs from each other. Biasing along our 1-d RC metadynamics, we could obtain transitions between liquid to those experi- mentally observed polymorphs within shorter simulation time compared to previous work, and not visiting the polymorphs not reported in experiments. We also per- formed free energy analysis and showed that form I has lower free energy than form IV. This is also in agree- ment with the experiment fact where form I was seen in the ambient condition while form IV can only be seen in high pressure condition. Our calculations lead to an accurate estimate of the pressure at which phase transi- tion between these forms happens. We thus believe that this work represents a step forward towards more auto- mated all-atom resolution sampling and understanding of polymorph nucleation in generic, complex authors thank Pablo M. Piaggi for providing source codes for the entropy order parameter and as- sociated WTmetaD setups. We also thank John D. Weeks, Yihang Wang, Dedi Wang, Zachary Smith, andRenjie Zhao for discussions and Luke Evans, Yihang Wang, Dedi Wang for proofreading the manuscript. This research was entirely supported by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy, Oce of Science, Basic Energy Sci- ences, CPIMS Program, under Award DE-SC0021009. We also thank Deepthought2, MARCC and XSEDE (projects CHE180007P and CHE180027P) for compu- tational resources used in this work. Averaged inter- molecular angles order parameter code is available Mondal and Deepak Chopra. Role of polymorphism in materials science. Material Science Research India , 11:43{50, 08 2014. Gentili, Massimo Gazzano, Manuela Melucci, Derek Jones, and Massimiliano Cavallini. Polymorphism as an of materials for technological applications at sur- faces and interfaces. Chem. Soc. Rev. , 48:2502{2517, 2019. Llin as and Jonathan M. Goodman. Polymorph control: past, present and future. Drug Discovery Today , G Brittain. Polymorphism in pharmaceutical solids . CRC Press, 2018. 5Jie Lu, Zhen Li, and Xiaolin Jiang. Polymorphism of pharmaceu- tical molecules: perspectives on nucleation. Frontiers of Chemi- cal Engineering in China , 4(1):37{44, 2010. 6S. Karthika, T. K. Radhakrishnan, and P. Kalaichelvi. A review of classical and nonclassical nucleation theories. Crystal Growth
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uctuations to drive crystallization in | 2108.10459 | Pratyush Tiwary | Ziyue Zou, Sun-Ting Tsai and Pratyush Tiwary | Towards automated sampling of polymorph nucleation and free energies with SGOOP and metadynamics | null | null | null | null | cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech physics.chem-ph physics.comp-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Understanding the driving forces behind the nucleation of is of great importance for material sciences and the This includes understanding the reaction coordinate that governs the nucleation process as well as correctly calculating the relative free energies of different polymorphs. Here we demonstrate, for the prototypical case of urea nucleation from melt, how one can learn such a 1-dimensional as a function of pre-specified order parameters, and use it to perform efficient biased all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. The is learnt as a function of generic thermodynamic and structural order parameters using the Spectral Gap Optimization of Order approach [P. Tiwary and B. J. Berne, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (2016)], and is biased using well-tempered metadynamics simulations. The gives insight into the role played by different structural order parameters, and the biased simulations obtain free energies for different polymorphs. This includes of the approximate pressure at which urea undergoes a phase transition and one of the metastable polymorphs becomes the most We believe the ideas demonstrated in thus work will sampling of nucleation in complex, generic systems.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 00:52:36 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
] |
Figure 1: The honeycomb code. The layout is a straightened-out hexagonal tiling of the torus with faces 3-colored red (Pauli X), green (Pauli Y), and blue (Pauli Z). Edges are assigned the color of the faces they span between. There is a data qubit at each vertex and, optionally, a measurement ancilla qubit at the center of each edge. Each edge represents a 2-body measurement and each face represents a 6-body parity Note that the parity checks commute with all of the edge operators, and so are preserved when measuring them. As a static subsystem code, this construction protects no degrees of freedom. The code progresses in repeating rounds, with each round made up of three sub-rounds. In each sub-round, all the edge parities of one type are measured: first red (X), then green (Y), then blue (Z). The 6-body parity checks are assembled as the product of the six edges that form their perimeter (measured in consecutive sub-rounds). The logical qubit's two anti-commuting observables travel along paths highlighted in black and orange. As the edges along each observable's path are measured, those measurement results are multiplied into the observable to prevent it from anti-commuting with the next sub-round's edge measurements. Consequently, the along each path change from sub-round to sub-round, cycling with a period of six sub-rounds (two full rounds). Note that there is a second pair of nonequivalent anti-commuting logical observables, defined along the same paths but offset by three sub-rounds, making for a total of two encoded logical qubits. For simplicity, in our analysis, we only consider preserving one of these as several authors have previously noted, a subsystem code defined directly from these constraints encodes no protected logical qubits [37, recent work by Hastings & Haah has alleviated this issue [24]. Rather than defin- ing a static subsystem code from the honeycomb model, their construction manifests qubits. These qubits are encoded into pairs of macroscopic anticommuting observables that necessarily change in time. Paired with fault-tolerant initialization and measurement, this con- struction - which Hastings & Haah call the honeycomb code - serves as an exciting new candidate for a robust error-corrected quantum memory. A locally equivalent description of this dynamic memory is summarized in Figure 1. In that layout, a distance- dhoneycomb code can be realized as a1.5dxdperiodic lattice of data qubits for ddivisible by four. 1.1 Summary of Results While it is helpful to focus on thresholds - the qualityof physical qubit required to scale a quantum code - we are increasingly interested in the precise quantity of physical qubits required to hit target 2Figure 2: Teraquop plots showing the physical qubits per logical qubit required to reach the teraquop error rates) using both standard (uncorrelated) and correlated and EM3 is a circuit error-model with primitive two-body measurements (see Section 2). These values are extrapolated from the line fits in Figure 6. Highlighted regions correspond to values that the underlying line fit can be forced to imply while increasing its sum of squares error by at most one (in the natural basis). effects are visible due to the gaps between achievable code Inthiswork, for finite-sized calculations at scale using the honeycomb memory (and for comparison, the surface of 0.1%-0.3%, depending on the specifics of the error model. This typically represents ap- proximately half the threshold of the surface code, which we run in the same model (see Figure 5). We emphasize that, while two-local codes can be desirable in hardware (e.g. to reduce crosstalk [8]), two-locality often greatly diminishes the quality of error-correction [2, 43]. By comparison, our results show that the honeycomb memory remains surprisingly robust, and further, embeds in a lattice of average degree 12/5. We study its teraquop regime - informally, the ratio of physical qubits to logical qubits required to implement trillions of logical (see Section 2.1). Without considering its potential hardware advantages, the honey- comb memory requires between a 5x-10xqubit overhead to reach the teraquop regime compared to the surface code at 10-3error rates. However, this gap widens in a in which the measurement channel is the dominant error, as each parity check is assembled as the product of twelve measurements (compared with two in the surface code). The picture changes qualitatively if entanglement is instead generated using native - a context for which this code is optimized [24]. Direct two-body been proposed and demonstrated experimentally in circuit QED [10-15, 22, 27, 29, 35, 38- 41, 44], and are expected to be the native operation in Majorana-based architectures [9, 24, 32]. In this setting, we observe a honeycomb code threshold between 1.5%and2.0%- by work reported a surface code threshold of 0.237%in the same error model [9] (but using a less accurate union-find decoder). Because of the proximity to the surface code's threshold, the comparative physical qubit savings of a teraquop honeycomb memory at a 10-3error rate is several orders of magnitude. The reason for this reversal of relative performance is that the two-locality of the honeycomb code allows us to jointly measure the data qubits directly. This significantly reduces the number of noisy operations in a syndrome cycle compared with decomposing the four-body measurements of the surface code, and gracefully eliminates the need for ancilla qubits. As a result, with at a physical error rate of 10-3, we project that a teraquop honeycomb memory requires only 600qubits (see Figure 2). In Section 5, we remark on even further reductions to the teraquop qubit count of the honeycomb code that we did not consider. 3Noisy Gate 2-qubit Clifford gate, followed by a 2-qubit depolarizing channel of strength 1-qubit Clifford gate, followed by a 1-qubit depolarizing channel of strength the qubit as followed by a bitflip channel of strength p. MZ(p) Precede with a bitflip channel of strength p, and measure the qubit in the Z-basis. Measure a Pauli product PPon a pair of qubits and, with probability p, choose an from the set {I, X, Y, Z}2x{flip, no flip}. The flip error component causes the wrong result to be reported. The Pauli error components are applied to the target qubits after the If the qubit is not used in this time step, apply a 1-qubit depolarizing channel of strength p. ResonatorIdle (p)If the qubit is not measured or reset in a time step during which other qubits are being measured or reset, apply a 1-qubit depolarizing channel of strength p. Tables 1: Noise channels and the rules used to apply them. Noisy rules stack with each other - for example, Idle(p) and ResonatorIdle( p) can both apply depolarizing channels in the same time step. Note that our error model is not phenomenological - correlated errors are applied according to the support of each two-qubit measurement, coinciding with the error model in [9]. 2 Error Models We consider three noisy gate sets, each with an associated circuit-level error model controlled by a single error parameter p. The syndrome extraction sub-cycles are summarized Figure 3. Figure 3: Pipelining in honeycomb circuits. Left: 3 rounds (9 sub-rounds) of the EM3 honeycomb circuit, which does not require pipelining. Vertical flat red/green/blue rectangles are XX/Y Y/ZZparity black poles represent data qubits. Right: 3 rounds (9 sub-rounds) of the SD6 honeycomb circuit, which is pipelined (meaning operations from different rounds and sub-rounds occur during the same time step) to reduce depth. Vertical flat red/green/blue rectangles are CNOT gates targeting the measurement ancilla at the center of an edge, with the color indicating the current transformed basis of the data qubit. Vertical black poles are data qubits. White, yellow, and black boxes are reset operations, measurement operations, and CZY X operations (the Clifford operation that rotates -120 degrees around X+Y+Z) respectively. A sketchup file containing this 3d model is attached to the paper as an ancillary file named 3d_order.skp . The standard depolarizing model was chosen to compare to the wider quantum The entangling measurements model was chosen to represent hardware in which the primitive entangling operation is a measurement, as is expected e.g. in Majoranas [24, 32]. model was chosen to be representative of how we conceive of error con- tributions on Google's superconducting quantum chip, where measurement and reset take an order of magnitude longer than other gates [1]. 2.1 Figures of merit For each of these error models, we consider three figures of merit - the threshold, the lambda factor, and the teraquop qubit count - each of which depend on the code, decoder, and error model. Of these three, the threshold is the least indicative of overall performance. It is the physical error parameter pthrbelow which, for any target logical error rate, there is some (potentially very large) number of qubits we can use to hit that SD6 SI1000 Yes Length6 time steps 7 time steps (1000ns)3 time steps Table 2: The three noisy gate sets investigated in this paper. See Table 1 for the exact definitions of the noisy gates. The acronym refers to an expected cycle time of about 1000nanoseconds [1]. Note that we still call SD6 SD6 when applying it to the surface code, even though for this model the surface code cycle takes 8 time steps instead of 6. A better metric is the lambda factor, which additionally depends on a physical error rate p. The lambda factor, L(p), is the (roughly error suppression obtained by increasing the code distance by two, namely L(p) The lambda factor is related to the threshold as L(pthr)1. The lambda factor in a superconducting quantum repetition code was carefully studied in [1]. Finally, The teraquop qubit count can be extrapolated from the lambda factor, and takes into account the total number of qubits required to realize a particular code. In particular, at a physical error rate p, the teraquop qubit count T(p)is the number of physical qubits required to successfully realize one trillion logical idle gates in expectation (where the idle gate is treated as d rounds, the fundamental building block of a topological spacetime circuit). Put another way, this metric sets a target physical qubit to logical qubit ratio for realizing a 1012gate circuit volume. For example, with qubits, we could reliably implement a ~103logical qubit quantum circuit with ~109layers. We choose this particular size simply because we believe that it is representative of the computational difficulty of solving important problems such as [36] and cryptography [21, 28] using a quantum computer. 3 Methods In order to simulate the honeycomb code, we combine two pieces of software. The first is Stim, a high performance stabilizer simulator that supports additional error-correction features [18]. The second is an in-house minimum-weight perfect-matching decoder that uses correlations to [17]. For each code and error model, we generate a Stim circuit file [19] describing the realizing a memory experiment. The circuit file contains annotations asserting that ), as well as annotations stating which measurements are combined to retrieve the final values of logical observables. Error channels are also annotated into the circuit, with is capable of converting a circuit file into a detector error model file [20], which is easier for decoders to consume. Stim does this by analyzing each error mechanism in the circuit, detectors the error violates and which logical observables the error flips. We refer to the detectors violated by a single error as the error's detection event set or as the error's symptoms , and to the logical observables flipped by an error as the error's frame changes . To get a model, Stim uses automated heuristics to split each error's symptoms into a combination of single symptoms and paired symptoms that appear on their own elsewhere in the model. Stim 5declares failure if it cannot perform the decomposition step, or if any annotated detector or is not actually deterministic under noiseless execution. The decoder takes the graph-like detector error model and converts it into a weighted matching graph with edges and boundary edges corresponding to the decomposed two- and one-element de- tection event sets. See Figure 4 for an example of a honeycomb code matching graph. The notes how errors with more than two symptoms have been decomposed into (edge-like) errors, and derives reweighting rules between the edges corresponding to the graph-like pieces. These reweighting rules are used for correlated decoding. Stim is also capable of sampling the circuit at a high rate, producing detection events which are passed to the decoder. Having initialized into the +1-eigenspace of an observable, we declare success when the decoder correctly guesses the logical observable's measurement outcome based on the detection event data provided to it. Figure 4: The matching graph, computed automatically by Stim, for the 10-round 4x6-data-qubit SD6 honey- comb code circuit initializing and measuring the vertical observable. Nodes correspond to detectors events) declared in the circuit. Edges correspond to error mechanisms that set off two Edges wrapping around due to the periodic boundary conditions are shown terminating in empty space. Nodes flipped by an error mechanism that sets off exactly one detection event are indicated by showing the associated node as a large black box. Due to the periodic spatial boundaries, these only occur at the time boundaries of the matching graph that's missing initialization and terminal measurement detectors. Note that for an error to wrap around the lattice yielding a logical failure, at least four edges must be traversed, consis- tent with the expected effective distance of 4. Left: The connected component of the matching graph that corrects errors that commute with the observable we're preserving. Center: The connected component of the matching graph that corrects errors that anti-commute with the observable we're preserving. Edges highlighted in green correspond to errors that flip the specific logical observable annotated in the circuit. Right: The complete matching graph. The graph has degree at most 12, similar to the surface code. By contrast, the EM3 honeycomb circuits produce matching graphs with nodes of degree 18 due to additional correlated errors. 4 Results and error rates are presented in Figure 5 and Figure 6. Note that we report the logical error rate per distance- d-round block, which can depress the threshold and lambda estimate relative to reporting the logical error rate per cycle [42]. In the standard circuit model SD6, we observe a threshold within 0.2%-0.3%for the honeycomb code, which compares with a surface code threshold within 0.5%-0.7%. The relative performance of the honeycomb code is reduced in the SI1000model, This lower relative performance may be attributed to the proportionally channel. Within the honeycomb code, detectors are assembled as products of measurements. When measurements are the dominant error channel in the circuit, detectors carry significant noise compared to the two-measurement detectors in the surface code. The EM3 error model flips the story. There, we observe a threshold of within 1.5%-2%for the honeycomb code. Unlike SD6 and SI1000, we elected not to simulate the surface code in this model, as there are several avenues for optimization already explored in previous work [9]. In an identical error model, they report a threshold of 0.237%, significantly below the honeycomb the two numbers are notdirectly comparable - in [9], a union-find decoder was used, which can result in lower thresholds. However, as the union-find decoder is moderately accurate by comparison [26], we do not expect this difference to change 5: Threshold plots showing failure rates per code cell for one of the observables in the honeycomb code and the surface code under various error models. For more cases, see Figure 10 in the appendix. By code cell, we mean a spacetime region with a spacelike extent that realizes a code distance of d, and a timelike extent of drounds. We simulate 3drounds (but report the error rate per drounds) to minimize time-boundary effects. Our honeycomb code description on a torus only realizes distances that are multiples of four. Highlighted areas correspond to hypotheses whose likelihoods are within a factor of 1000 of the maximum likelihood estimate. The large highlighted areas above threshold are due to aggressive termination of sampling when logical error rates near 50% are detected, resulting in less samples. The very high EM3 honeycomb code threshold stems from three factors. First, two-local codes benefit greatly from a two-body measurement circuit architecture. Because of their two-locality, we can measure the data qubits directly without decomposing the effective measurement into a product of noisy gates. The result is a circuit with significantly less overall noise. Second, the particular error model we adopted from [9] is somewhat atypical. The collective failure rate of the two-body measurement includes both the noise it introduces to data qubits as well as the accuracy of its measurement - a demanding metric. While this does induce a richer correlated error model, it introduces less overall noise than two error channels applied independently to the qubit support and measurement outcome (see Figure 8 in the appendix). However, we can still infer the excellent performance of the honeycomb code by comparing it to the surface code - we 7make such comparisons to avoid differences in absolute performance that depend on error model details [42]. Third, the honeycomb code is simply an excellent two-local code. While many other two-local codes involve high-weight parity checks [2, 43], the honeycomb supports parity checks of weight six. As a result, these checks are less noisy and the resulting code is more robust. Figure 6: Line fit plots projecting logical error rate as a function of code distance at various error rates. For more cases, see Figure 9 in the appendix. This plot combines the logical error rates of both observables by assuming an error occurs if either fails independently, leading to a slight upper bound on the error. When a noise rate is above threshold (i.e. the logical error rate increases with code distance), no line fit is shown. The line fits in this figure are used to generate the lambda plot (Figure 7) and the teraquop plot (Figure 2). It is worth noting that both codes appear to achieve the full effective code distance in both the SD6 and SI1000 models. However, the honeycomb code does not achieve the full distance in the EM3 model. This is because many of the two-body measurements fully overlap with the observable, and so the effective distance of the code is halved due to correlated errors arising from these direct the inclusion of ancilla qubits in the EM3 model would create two deleterious effects. First, it multiplies the total number of qubits at a particular code distance by 2.5x. Consequently, we only require 1.6xmore qubits to achieve a particular effective distance without ancilla, rather than the 4xoverhead required when only counting data qubits. Second, the inclusion of ancilla qubits generates significant overhead in syndrome circuit complexity. While increasing the is guaranteed to be more efficient in the low- plimit, it appears that entropic more in the error regime. This can also be inferred from the curve of the logical error rates, as p-10-4shows the relative contribution of these low-weight beginning to dominate the more numerous higher-weight failure mechanisms. Overall, it appears the trade-off is well worth it. Figure 7 presents the error suppression factor lambda using both correlated and decoding. Here, it is clear that the surface code offers greater error suppression in SD6 and SI1000, and that including correlations in the decoder boosts this error 7: Lambda plots showing the average factor by which the error rate is suppressed when increasing the code distance by 2 (extrapolated from line fits in Figure 6). Because we increase the honeycomb's code distance in jumps of 4, these values are the square roots of the minimum increase in that case. Highlighted regions correspond to values that the underlying line fit can be forced to imply while increasing its sum of squares error by at most one (in the natural basis). This latter point is important because including correlations does notsignificantly augment the threshold - however, it is this below-threshold error suppression that we are most interested in. Finally, Figure 2 presents the teraquop regime for each code. This combines the lambda an independent depolarizing model, the rotated surface code requires 2d2-1data qubits in total. This compares with either 1.5d2qubits without ancillae, or 3.75d2qubit with ancillae in the honeycomb code - although it is worth noting that, while we protect only one logical qubit, two are qubit efficient in SD6 and SI1000 at all error rates. However, we observe that in EM3, at a physical error rate of 10-3, we can achieve a teraquop memory using only 600qubits. It is important to note the shape of these curves. In particular, there is a large savings in teraquop qubit count as the error rate diminishes near threshold . However, far below threshold, these gains taper off. Phrased in terms of lambda, it is extremely beneficial to operate at an error rate with a lambda factor of 10rather than 2, but achieving a lambda factor of 50rather than 10 is far less important. 5 Conclusions In this work, we numerically tested the robustness of the honeycomb code and compared it with the surface code. We found that the honeycomb code is exceptionally robust among two-local codes in entangling unitary circuit models, and exceptionally robust among all codes when two-body measurements. In presenting these results, we introduced the notion of the teraquop qubit count, which we believe is a good quantification of a code's overall For comparison, we tested the surface code in two of the three models to provide baseline estimates for its teraquop regime as well. Very recently, a planar version of the honeycomb code withboundary was proposed [23]. Tech- nical differences including modifications to the gate sequence, new error paths terminating at boundaries, and performance during logical gates more make this planar variant worthy of ad- ditional study. Note that the honeycomb code's estimated teraquop qubit count is sensitive to changes in the boundary conditions. For example, the periodic boundaries currently allow for two 9logical qubits to be stored instead of one.1However, in this work we did not count the second logical qubit, as we are unsure how viable using both logical qubits would be in the context of a complete fault-tolerant computational system. Also, shortly before completing this work, we realized that the periodic lay- out [4] would use 25%fewer physical qubits to achieve the same code distance. However, we have not simulated this layout, and this change may affect the lambda factor of the code. Of the estimated teraquop qubit count (at a 10-3physical error rate) of 600by1/2(for the second logical qubit) and 3/4(for the rotated/sheared layout) yields an encouraging number, but because of the preceding caveats, we do not do so here. 6 Author Gidney wrote code defining, verifying, simulating, and plotting results from the code circuits. Michael Newman reviewed the implementation of the code and the simulation results, generated the surface code circuits to compare against, and handled most of the paper writing. Austin Fowler wrote the high performance minimum-weight used by the simulations and helped check simulation results. Michael Broughton helped scale the simulations over many machines. 7 thank Jimmy Chen for consulting on reasonable parameters to use for the error model. We thank Rui Chao for helping us understand the details of the EM3 error model, and for helpful discussions on the gap in performance between the surface code and the honeycomb code in this model. 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Notably, the EM3 error model has a detection fraction significantly lower than the other models in the honeycomb code. We compared a tweaked EM3 variant that separates the error due to the projective action of the measurement on the data qubits from the error on the measurement outcome. The tweaked EM3 model replaces the 32-case correlated error that occurs with probability pduring a with two independent errors: a error which occurs with probability pand a two qubit depolarizing error with strength papplied to the qubits before the measurement. This tweaked model gives a detection fraction that appears closer to other error models, and was in fact used in [6]. This suggests that grouping the measurement and data er- rors into a combined error budget may be overoptimistic. In particular, if these errors they would each have to have probability p/2to match the entropy in the EM3 model (although the EM3 model produces more correlated errors). With that said, we expect that even in the EM3 model, the detection event fraction for the surface code remains quite high [9]. Of course, the various error models are coarse approximations of quantum noise under different (and sometimes projected) architectures. Consequently, we do not have the context to set the scale of the parameters used in the EM3 model, and so we caution against comparing different 8: Detection fraction plots showing the average probability of a detector producing a detection event during simulated runs for various circuits, sizes, and noise parameters. Note that there is a slight initial uptick in detection event fraction, which quickly stabilizes at higher distances. This is due to nearby initialization and terminal measurement phases, which tend to be less noisy. B Converting Disjoint Error Mechanisms into Independent Error Mech- anisms The parity measurement error mechanism used for the EM3 error model is defined in terms of disjoint errors. Error models produced by Stim can only use independent error mechanisms. This mismatch is handled by converting the disjoint cases into independent cases, using the nis the number of basis errors (e.g. we use n= 5because our basis errors are X1, Z1,X2,Z2, flip), pmixis the probability of choosing to apply one of the component errors in a maximally mixing channel, and pindis the probability of applying each error independently so 13that the concatenation of the independent channels produces the same error distribution as channel [9]. C Additional Data To avoid overloading the reader, figures in the main text of the paper show representative cases for the data that we collected. For example, some figures show data from runs protecting one observable but not from runs protecting the other, and some figures show error rates when using correlated matching but not when using standard matching. This appendix section includes more exhaustive figures, showing data on all of the cases we tried. We have also made the data we collected available in CSV format, attached to this paper as an ancillary file named . Each row in the CSV file summarizes how many shots were taken and how many errors were seen for a particular code distance, error model, decoding strategy, etc. For each case we considered, we took shots until reaching 100 million shots or 1000 errors, or seeing clear evidence of being above threshold (logical error rate near 50%); whichever came first. Often we took slightly more shots than needed because runs were batched and distributed over multiple machines. In total, we spent roughly 10 CPU core years on the simulations. All of the data and figures in the paper were generated using python code available online . The python code is also attached to the paper as ancillary files with paths beginning with matching was performed with an internal tool that is not part of the repository. This makes it more difficult to reproduce the data in this paper that is based on correlated correlated matching involves hand-tuned heuristics (although implementing the decoder in [17] would be a good start). It is more feasible to reproduce the data based on standard matching since the minimum-weight perfect-matching problem has well-defined solutions that other decoders should agree on up to degeneracy (e.g. our code includes functionality for using PyMatching [25] to 9: Exhaustive line fit plots projecting logical error rates as code distance is increased at different error rates for the honeycomb code and the surface code using various noisy gate sets and either standard or 10: Exhaustive threshold plots showing error rates per code cell for both observables of the honeycomb code and the surface code using various noisy gate sets and either standard or correlated decoding. 16 | 2108.10457 | Craig Gidney | Craig Gidney, Michael Newman, Austin Fowler, Michael Broughton | A Fault-Tolerant Honeycomb Memory | 17 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables | Quantum 5, 605 (2021) | 10.22331/q-2021-12-20-605 | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Recently, Hastings & Haah introduced a quantum memory defined on the honeycomb lattice. Remarkably, this honeycomb code assembles weight-six parity checks using only two-local measurements. The sparse connectivity and are desirable features for certain hardware, while the checks enable robust performance in the circuit model. In this work, we quantify the robustness of logical qubits preserved by the honeycomb code using a correlated minimum-weight perfect-matching decoder. Using Monte Carlo sampling, we estimate the honeycomb code's threshold in different error models, and project how efficiently it can reach the where trillions of quantum logical operations can be executed reliably. We perform the same estimates for the rotated surface code, and find a threshold of $0.2%-0.3%$ for the honeycomb code compared to a threshold of
$0.5%-0.7%$ for the surface code in a controlled-not circuit model. In a circuit model with native two-body measurements, the honeycomb code achieves a threshold of $1.5% < p <2.0%$, where $p$ is the collective error rate of the two-body measurement gate - including both measurement and correlated error processes. With such gates at a physical error rate of
$10^{-3}$, we project that the honeycomb code can reach the teraquop regime with only $600$ physical qubits.
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"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 00:44:23 GMT"
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"created": "Mon, 13 Dec 2021 22:33:20 GMT"
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2 Wu et al. operate on smaller scales at the formation sites of galax- ies (Katz & Gunn 1991; Katz 1992; Katz et al. 1992; Springel et al. 2005; Somerville & Dav e 2015). The in- terplay between the gravitational eld of the and the baryonic physics on smaller scales gov- erns the formation and evolution of galaxies over cosmic time. To decipher the galaxy formation process, cosmologi- cal hydrodynamical simulations start from initial condi- tions near the beginning of the Universe, incorporate a large number of physical mechanisms based on eective models, and collectively produce a galaxy population that is in reasonable agreement with a selected set of observational constraints (e.g., Somerville & Dav e 2015; Schaye et al. 2015; Pillepich et al. 2018). Properties that are not used for calibrating the input parameters are thus predictive in nature and can either further vali- date the simulation or guide observational work. projects have had great success and demon- strated that large volume hydrodynamical simulations with kilo-parsec resolution are able to reproduce not only the observational constraints that they are tuned for, but also several other scaling relations and fun- damental properties of observed galaxies (e.g., Dubois et al. 2014; Vogelsberger et al. 2014; Schaye et al. 2015; Khandai et al. 2015; Dav e et al. 2016). One of the important achievements is recovering the color distribution of local galaxies, which is a funda- mental observable and a proxy to access the popula- tion of constituent stars of galaxies. Both the EAGLE (Schaye et al. 2015) and the IllustrisTNG et al. 2018) produce a bimodal and approximately correct fractions of red and blue galaxies (Trayford et al. 2015, 2017; Nelson et al. 2018). Going beyond colors, Trayford et al. (2017) showed a similarity between the D4000 distributions of observed and EAGLE galaxies. These successes in matching the colors and features of the local galaxy population give us condence that the constituent stellar populations in simulated galaxies resemble the observed galaxies. The formation histories of simulated galaxies inform us about the formation of galaxies in the real Universe. Mean- while, the level of agreement between observed and sim- ulated populations among the red sequence, blue cloud, and green valley can indicate ways to improve the phys- ical models that drive the formation histories of galaxies in simulations (Trayford et al. 2015, 2017; Nelson et al. 2018; Angthopo et al. the aforementioned validation has pri- marily been undertaken for local galaxies. Even if the simulated populations resemble the observed onesatz0, they may have taken dierent Of particular interest are whether simulated galaxy populations beyond the local Universe contain enough massive quiescent galaxies (Donnari et al. 2019, 2021b) or lack the reddest galaxies (Akins et al. some apparent inconsistencies with models, e.g., in the specic SFRs (Kaviraj et al. 2017; Donnari et al. 2019) of galaxies at z&1, appear to be resolved by the careful stellar population modeling of the obser- vational data (Nelson et al. 2021). Comparing the constituent stellar populations of sim- ulated galaxies to observations of galaxies in the ear- lier Universe is an essential milestone towards validat- ing and further tuning the physical models of cosmolog- ical hydrodynamical simulations. As a step towards the goal, we aim to access the stellar population of galax- ies in the IllustrisTNG simulation at a large look-back time through the two most widely used spectral fea- tures, Dn4000 (Balogh et al. 1999) and EW(H ) (Ha in Worthey & Ottaviani 1997). The recently nished Large Early Galaxy Astrophysics Census (LEGA-C) (van der Wel et al. 2016) provides observations of both high signal-to-noise (S/N) spectra and enough to accurately quantify the distributions of spec- tra features of ancient galaxy populations. The massive galaxies at 0 :6< z < 1:0, cor- responding to a look-back time of 6 8 Gyrs, when the Universe was half of its current age. The quality and the quantity of the spectra obtained by the LEGA-C survey puts an extra anchor point on the stellar populations of galaxies at large look-back times. In Section 2 we describe the simulated and the obser- vation data, and the construction of the mock spectra to link the two together. Section 3 presents the comparison to observations and Section 4 discusses the implications. We then summarize the paper in Section 5. 2.DATA AND ANALYSIS 2.1. Observations: LEGA-C survey The LEGA-C survey uses the Visible (VIMOS, Le F evre et al. 2003) mounted on the 8{m Very Large Telescope to obtain spectra of galaxies, mainly with M&1010Mat 0:6< z < 1:0 (van der Wel et al. 2016). Each galaxy receives 20 hr of on-source exposure time at a spectral resolution of R3500, achieving a typical continuum S=N of 20 A 1 (Straatman et al. 2018). From the nal LEGA-C data release (van der Wel et al. submitted), we start from the 2915 galaxies with 0:6<z < 1:0 that are LEGA-C primary targets, which have estimated volume completeness correction factorsTNG v.s. LEGA-C 3 (Straatman et al. 2018). We then select 2319 galax- ies with stellar mass 10 The lower mass limit ensures that the magnitude limit of the survey does not introduce a strong bias against low- mass red galaxies. We also require that the spectra cover the wavelength range for measuring the D n4000 and EW(H) features and are thus left with 1963 galax- ies. We nally exclude 76 galaxies whose photometry is contaminated by near neighbors, making the inferred stellar masses unreliable. This is <4% of the sample and we expect a negligible eect on the nal statistics. In total, 1887 galaxies fulll the selection criteria. We derive galaxy stellar masses by tting the energy distributions (SEDs) from the UltraV- ISTA catalog (Muzzin et al. 2013). We take from B, V, r', i', z', Y, and J lters. Based on our own recalibration (van der Wel et al. submit- ted), we add 0.12, 0.05, 0.04, 0.04, 0.05, 0.07, and 0.07 magnitudes to each band, respectively. The new zero- points are determined by matching the colors of stars in the COSMOS eld, contrary to the comparison with the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) model templates used by Muzzin et al. (2013). We generate the SED templates using the Flexible Stellar Population Synthesis (FSPS) code (Conroy et al. 2009; Conroy & Gunn 2010; Foreman-Mackey et al. 2014) with the Padova isochrones (Marigo & Girardi 2007; Marigo et al. 2008) and a Chabrier IMF (Chabrier 2003). We use the code Prospector (Johnson et al. 2021) for the SED tting and follow the setup in Leja et al. (2019b). We summarize the salient points of the setup here. We model the SFH with a nonparametric approach. The SFH is divided into 7 time bins, within each bin the SFR is constant. For the SFH priors, we adopt the continuity prior described in Leja et al. (2019b), which is tuned to allow similar transitions in SFR to those in hydrodynamical simulations. We adopt the Calzetti et al. (2000) dust attenuation curve with extra freedom to alter the overall slope. The optical depths of the dif- fuse dust and the birth-cloud dust are allowed to dier. For further details on the priors and the model, we refer readers to Leja et al. (2019b). The stellar masses derived from SED tting are sub- ject to a systematic uncertainty up to 0:2 dex (Leja et al. 2019b). The comparison of galaxies in bins of stellar masses in Section 3 thus carries this We have cross-checked the stellar masses of the same set of galaxies derived from dierent BAGPIPES, MAGPHYS, Carnall et al. 2018; Leja et al. 2017; da Cunha et al. 2008) with var- ious settings including SED templates, dust laws, andphotometric lters and nd scatters of 0:1 dex with a small systematic oset ( <0:1 dex) among dierent sets of measurements (Appendix A). To measure the absorption line indices, we rst model the emission lines using the Penalized Python routine (Cappellari & Emsellem 2004; Cappellari 2017) and subtract these model ts from the observed spectra (see Bezanson et al. 2018). Absorp- tion line indices are then measured from the spectra. To estimate the uncertainties on the line indices, we rst measure the formal on the noise spectra. However, the noise spectra may not fully capture the full error due to, for instance,
ux calibration uncertainties and template mismatches. To estimate the total error budget, for each index, we compare the variances in the dierences between galax- ies that are observed twice by the LEGA-C survey and have duplicate spectra with S=N > 5. The scatter be- tween the duplicate measurements is compared to the error estimated from the formal noise spectra. We nd that the uncertainties of D n4000 and EW(H ) from the noise spectra are underestimated by 1.3 and 2.0 We estimate the true typical uncertainties of our Dn4000 and EW(H ) measurements are Simulation: IllustrisTNG The IllustrisTNG project is a series of cosmologi- cal simulations incorporating a comprehensive model for galaxy-formation et al. 2018; Naiman et al. 2018; Nelson et al. 2018; Pillepich et al. 2018; Springel et al. 2018). The details of the physical processes and implementation are described in Weinberger et al. (2017) and Pillepich et al. (2018). We use the ducial TNG100 simulation, which has a100 comoving Mpc box and a baryon mass res- olution of 1 :4106M. We generate mock spectra of galaxies (subhalos) in TNG100 using the methodology of Nelson et al. (2018). Namely, we use the FSPS code with the Padova isochrones (Marigo & Girardi 2007; Marigo et al. 2008), MILES stellar library (S anchez-Bl azquez et al. 2006; Falc on-Barroso et al. 2011), and a Chabrier IMF (Chabrier 2003). We have also repeated the analysis with a Salpeter IMF (Salpeter 1955) and the conclu- sions of this paper are unchanged. Each stellar particle is modeled as a simple stellar population (SSP), such that all star formed at the same time with the same metallicity as recorded in the simulation. We use the foreground gas cells within 30 physical kpc of simulated galaxies to model the dust attenuation, In brief, for each stellar particle, we use gas cells in the4 Wu et al. 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 520001020TNG100, snapshot 59, Subhalo 7129 z=0.7, log(M/M)=10.53 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 520001020Flux (1019 erg s1 cm2 A1) TNG100 + instrument + velocity dispersion + error Dn4000 = 1.74+-0.04 EW(H) = 0.26+-0.56 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200050LEGA-C, mask 11, ID 247826 z=0.667, = 1.75+-0.05 EW(H) = -0.44+-0.62 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 Restframe Wavelength (A)05error 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 520002040TNG100, snapshot 59, Subhalo 16124 z=0.7, log(M/M)=10.98 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 520002040Flux (1019 erg s1 cm2 A1) TNG100 + instrument + velocity dispersion + error Dn4000 = 1.63+-0.01 EW(H) = 1.32+-0.12 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 mask 3, ID 121595 z=0.657, = 1.39+-0.01 EW(H) = 1.65+-0.19 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 Restframe Wavelength (A)05error 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 52000100TNG100, snapshot 59, Subhalo 64036 z=0.7, log(M/M)=11.41 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 52000100Flux (1019 erg s1 cm2 A1) TNG100 + instrument + velocity dispersion + error Dn4000 = 1.42+-0.01 EW(H) = 3.29+-0.18 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 52000200LEGA-C, mask 7, ID 144078 z=0.735, = 1.85+-0.02 EW(H) = -0.45+-0.31 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 Restframe Wavelength 1. Three examples of TNG100 mock spectra with observational eects matching to the LEGA-C observations. The rst row is the original, noise-free mock spectra of a simulated galaxy. We then smooth the spectrum and add noise to produce the spectra of the TNG100 galaxy as if it were observed by the LEGA-C survey (the second row). The width of the smoothing kernel and the noise are based on the stellar velocity dispersion and the noise spectrum of a randomly selected LEGA-C galaxy with similar stellar mass and redshift (see Section 2.2). The S/N ratio is set to be the same as the selected LEGA-C galaxy. The third and the fourth rows are the spectrum and the uncertainty of a selected LEGA-C galaxy.TNG v.s. LEGA-C 5 line-of-sight to calculate the column density of the fore- ground neutral hydrogen and its mean gas metallicity from the metallicity of each foreground gas cell, weighted by the netrual hydrogen mass. We estimate the amount of dust using a metallicity and dust- to-gas ratio (see McKinnon et al. 2016). The attenua- tion of that stellar particle is then calculated following the prescription of Calzetti et al. (1994). Since we only investigate absorption line indices from stellar light, we do not add line emission to the mock spectra. Summing the attenuated light from all constituent stellar particles makes the mock galaxy spectrum. To mimic the observations, we rst choose a random viewing angle and project the light from each stellar particle over a 2D Gaussian with FWHM of 7.5 kpc on the plane perpendicular to the line of sight, corre- sponding to the typical seeing of the observations ( 100 atz0:8). We then apply a rectangular aperture of 7:5 kpc30 kpc centered at the gravitational center of each subhalo. The apertures are randomly to the major axis of the galaxy, mimicking the LEGA-C slit orientations. We sum all of the light within this aperture as the noise-free spectrum (see Fig. 1). Next, we match the observed spectral resolution by convolving each mock spectrum with a Gaussian ker- nel with a standard deviation (in unit of km s 1) We set the instrument 40 km s 1and the resolution of the spectral template model = 70 km s 1(Falc on-Barroso et al. 2011). The velocity dispersion of the galaxy, gal, is taken from a random LEGA-C galaxy with similar stellar mass (jMj<0:1 dex) and similar we add realistic noise to the mock spectra. The noise at each wavelength pixel iis drawn from a Gaussian distribution whose standard deviation wherefi;mock is the
ux of the mock spectrum and ( S=N)i;obsis the S/N of the LEGA-C spectrum at pixel i. Therefore, the mock spectrum has the same S/N as the spectrum of the matched LEGA-C galaxy at every wavelength. The ab- sorption line indices are measured from the mock spec- trum as with the real LEGA-C spectra. We calculate the stellar masses of TNG100 galaxies by summing up the masses of stellar particles within 30 physical kpc in a 3D spherical aperture. Such an aperture is shown to yield similar stellar masses to a Petrosian aperture (Schaye et al. 2015). stellar masses could be derived by tting mock SEDs to mimic observations. Previous works found small sys- tematic osets (overall <0:1 dex) between the stellar masses from SED modeling and directly summing 11.0 11.0 11.0 2. The stellar-mass and redshift distributions of the LEGA-C and the TNG100 sample. Blue histograms are of the LEGA-C sample before (a,b) and after (e,f) correcting for the completeness of the survey. White histograms in panel (c) and (d) are the total number of galax- ies and the stellar mass distribution in each snapshot of the TNG100 simulation. White histograms in Panel (e) and (f) are the redshift and stellar-mass distributions of the TNG100 sample used in this paper. stellar particles (Lower et al. 2020; Abdurro'uf et al. 2021), and we use the latter for simplicity. 2.3. Constructing samples for comparison Our aim is to construct samples of galaxies that have similar stellar mass and redshift distributions for the simulation and observation. For the LEGA-C sample, each galaxy is rst weighted by the total factor Tcor(Straatman et al. 2018) to account for the sampling rate and the standard cosmological vol- ume correction. Next, not every observed spectrum cov- ers the wavelength range needed to measure D n4000 and EW(H). We thus need an additional correction to ac- count for the probability that an observed spectrum can be included for our a spectrum covers the necessary on the redshifts and the position of the galaxy in the slit mask. The position is independent of galaxy6 Wu et al. properties, therefore, we only apply a statistical correc- tion for the redshift =( 1; z< 0:8(1) We calculate the fractions of LEGA-C spectra with Dn4000 and EW(H ) at given redshift bins. All spectra atz0:8 cover the D n4000 and EW(H ). Atz <0:8, the probability that D n4000 and EW(H ) are observed is a linear function of redshift and the reciprocal is the correction factor. With the weighting TcorIcor, we obtain a volumn-complete statistics for the observation. For TNG100, we use snapshots 63, 59, 56, 53, and to z= 0:6;0:7;0:8;0:9, and 1:0, respec- tively. For each LEGA-C galaxy, we randomly galaxies with similar stellar masses (jMj<0:1 dex) from the snapshot with the closest redshift. In this way, we ensure that the LEGA- C and TNG100 samples have similar stellar-mass and redshift distributions. Fig. 2 shows the stellar mass and redshift distributions of the LEGA-C and the TNG100 before and after correcting for the completeness of the survey and matching the distributions of stellar masses and redshifts (Fig. 2). We use the samples with correction for analysis in this paper. The LEGA-C sample contains galaxies in a at z'0:73 (see Fig. 2a, and Guzzo et al. 2007). In this paper, we do not try to match the local densities of simulated and observed galaxies. We ensure that our results are not severely aected by this high- density region by excluding the member galaxies and repeating our analysis. We nd our conclusion in this paper unchanged. We have also repeated the analysis with two subsamples of galaxies with z<0:8 andz>0:8 and the conclusion is unchanged. 3.THE ABSORPTION INDICES The blue histograms in Fig. 3 are the distributions of Dn4000 and EW(H ) of the LEGA-C sample in each 0.25 dex mass bin. The LEGA-C sample exhibits clear bimodal distributions in most of mass bins. The central troughs fall at Dn4000'1:55 and EW(H )'2A, which separate the `young' and `old' galaxies (Kaumann et al. 2003; Wu et al. 2018). Visually, TNG100 (hatched histograms) reproduces the LEGA-C distributions (blue histograms) reasonably well. This is an important nding, in that it shows that the TNG model returns galaxies at z1 whose average age and spread in ages are in reasonably good agreement with observations, also as a function of galaxy stellar mass. However, noticeable dierences between the sim- ulation output and the observational results are also inplace. In the TNG100 simulation, a bimodality is only present at log( M=M)<11 and vanishes at higher masses. The distributions of TNG100 peak at values of Dn4000 smaller than the data at log( M=M)>11, while the EW(H ) is larger in the most massive bin. Taking a heuristic cut at the trough of the LEGA- C population, the EW(H ) of TNG100 reproduces the observed ratios between the `young' and `old' galaxies for all but the highest stellar masses (Fig. 4a). The fraction of old galaxies increases from 30% in the lowest mass bin to over 50% at log( M=M)'11:1 and reaches 60% in the highest mass bin. On the other hand, the old fraction from D n4000 of LEGA-C is higher. The errorbars in Fig. 4b and Fig. 4c show the 2.5, 16, 50, 84, and 97.5 percentiles of indices binned ev- ery 0.1 dex in stellar mass. As stellar mass galaxies have on average larger D n4000 and smaller EW(H ), qualitatively the same as the LEGA- C sample and as expected; more massive galaxies on average consist of older and more metal-rich stars (Gal- lazzi et al. 2014). However, D n4000 for the TNG100 sample is systematically 0:1 smaller. The uncertain- ties of the percentiles estimated by jackknife resampling are vanishingly small. The oset should re
ect a true dierence between the mock and observed spectra. On the other hand, the EW(H ) distributions match relatively well. We discuss the details of this in Section 4.2.3. Fig. 5 shows the distributions of the LEGA-C and the TNG100 samples on the D n4000-EW(H ) plane. There is an overall good agreement, with a small but signicant oset between the two samples for old galax- ies. For galaxies with large D n4000 and small EW(H ), the TNG100 sample has on average smaller EW(H ) than the LEGA-C sample at xed D n4000, or equiva- lently, the TNG100 sample has smaller D n4000 at xed EW(H), as can be expected from Fig. 4. The locus of old TNG100 galaxies (large D n4000 and small EW(H )) is closer to the dust-free SSP model tracks, while the LEGA-C sample is o. We discuss the possible implica- tions of these mismatches in the next spectral indices measured from the TNG100 mock spectra reproduce the overall distributions of those of the LEGA-C sample in its qualitative features as well as some of its quantitative aspects (Fig. 3 and 4). The overall agreement implies that TNG100 approx- imately reproduces star-formation histories of individ- ual galaxy, and their dependence on stellar mass over the rst 7 Gyr. On the other hand, the mismatch inTNG v.s. LEGA-C <log(M/M)< <log(M/M)< <log(M/M)< <log(M/M)< 3. The distributions of D n4000 and EW(H ) of LEGA-C (blue) and TNG100 (hatched) galaxies in each 0.25 dex stellar mass bin. The dashed curves are best-t two-Gaussian models for illustrative purposes. A bimodal distribution presents in most of the bins in the LEGA-C sample but only for galaxies with log( M=M)<11 in the TNG100 sample. 10.5 11.0 Dn4000 TNG, Dn4000 LEGA-C, EW(H) TNG, EW(H) 10.5 11.0 TNG 10.5 11.0 4. (a)The fraction of galaxies with D n4000>1:55 or EW(H )<2A in each 0.1 dex mass bin. The error bars represent the old fractions adopting dierent boundaries: a 0.05 shift in D n4000 or a 0.5 A shift in EW(H ). At than half of galaxies belong to the old population. (b,c) The D n4000 and EW(H ) as a function of stellar masses. The errorbars represent the 2.5, 16, 50, 84, and 97.5 percentiles of the distributions in each bin. The D n4000 of TNG100 galaxies 0:1 smaller than LEGA-C galaxies at xed mass. The EW(H ) distributions are overall reasonably is statistically signicant given the sample size and precision of the measurements, and since the spectra of galaxies evolve slowly at high D n4000, small osets may imply large dierences in star-formation histories. A few potential issues need to be noted before dis- cussing the similarities and dierences of stellar pop- ulations in the simulated and the observed imperfect data reduction, including
ux cal- ibration and sky subtraction, could potentially bias or add extra systematics to the index measurements. Thedata reduction algorithms were notably improved from the second to the nal data release, yet the distribu- tion of D n4000 has not changed in a systematic sense. Our extensive, multi-year analysis of the data leads us to believe that systematic uncertainties do not play a signicant role in explaining the D n4000 oset between TNG100 and LEGA-C. That said, this possibility cannot be excluded with 100% certainty and needs to be kept in mind.8 Wu et al. 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 123 TNG LEGA-C 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 5. The distributions on the D n4000{EW(H ) plane. The contours represent 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 times of the peak density for the LEGA-C (blue) and TNG100 (black) samples. The upper and right panels are the distributions of Dn4000 and EW(H ). Solid lines are dust-free model evolu- tionary tracks of SSPs generated by FSPS. Lines with dark to light colors represent 2.5, 1.0, and 0.4 times of solar metal- licity, respectively. At the large D n4000 end, the LEGA-C sample is located above the TNG100 sample and the SSP model tracks. Second, converting from physical quantities of the sim- ulation (ages and metallicities of stellar particles) to spectral observables depends on the adopted models. This systematic uncertainty has to be taken into ac- count. A full exploration of the dierences among mod- els is obviously beyond the scope of this paper. In this section, we rst point out a few common assumptions in the SPS modeling that are relevant to the results in Sec. 3 then proceed to the implications on the galaxy formation history from the index Conversion between observables and an example, Fig. 6 shows the conversion between the ages and indices of SSPs from commonly used mod- els: FSPS, BC03 (the Chevallard & Charlot 2016 up- date), and BPASS v2.2 model (Eldridge et al. 2017; Stanway & Eldridge 2018). All model tracks are with Chabrier IMF, and without dust attenuation. We plot models with solar and 0.4 solar metallicities. For the BPASS model, we plot the models with binary stars and an upper stellar mass cut-o of 300 M. These models dier in many aspects, including the stellar evolution after main sequence, stellar spectral templates, and the inclusion of binary stars, etc. The mapping from stellar ages to spectral indices is the combination of all these factors. The indices from the three sets of models dif-fer noticeably at older ages. For instance, a 3-Gyr-old SSP of solar metallicity would have D n4000 = 1:67 with FSPS, Dn4000 = 1:74 with BC03, and D n4000 = 1:93 with BPASS. The dierences among models are larger than the typical uncertainty of the LEGA-C spectra. There are also noticeable dierences in EW(H ). Osets among models also present on the D n4000- EW(H) plane at all stellar ages (Fig. 6c). We note that at large D n4000, the locus of the dust-free BPASS model is drastically dierent from the FSPS and BC03 and more consistent with the LEGA-C sample (Fig. 5). However, we should not conclude that the BPASS model is overall superior. Firstly, the FSPS models match the distribution of old galaxies in the nearby Universe well on the D n4000-EW(H ) plane (Conroy & Gunn 2010), which means that the BPASS model would be o. Moreover, we will show in Sec. 4.2 that histories also can shift the distribution on the Dn4000-EW(H ) plane. The abundance ratio is another factor often not taken into account. In this paper and many others, we use scaled solar abundances as our ducial choice. However, the LEGA-C sample likely spans a wide range of /Fe ratios (Straatman et al. 2018), and massive may be -enhanced at intermediate redshifts (Choi et al. 2014; Onodera et al. 2015; Jrgensen et al. 2017; Kriek et al. 2019). Fig. 7 shows the evolutionary tracks of SSPs with [=Fe ] = 0:0 and [=Fe ] = 0:4. Both tracks use the same isochrone (BaSTI, Pietrinferni et al. 2004; Cordier et al. 2007; Pietrinferni et al. 2014), metallic- ity (Z=Z= 0:06), IMF (Chabrier 2003), and MILES stellar library1. The-enhanced model is located above the scaled-solar model at large D n4000. For old pop- ulations, the dierence is '0:05 in Dn4000 or'0:5A in EW(H). We produce the TNG100 mock spectra with scaled-solar abundance ratios. Qualitatively, the oset between the LEGA-C and the TNG100 samples on the Dn4000{EW(H ) may indicate that old quiescent LEGA-C galaxies have -enhanced stellar 6 and Fig. 7 encourage further development in stellar evolution and population synthesis models to im- prove the accuracy of conversion between observables and physical quantities (ages and metallicities) of stars and galaxies. Full spectral tting algorithms have im- proved signicantly and now show great successes (e.g., Carnall et al. 2018; Leja et al. 2017; Robotham et al. 2020; Abdurro'uf et al. 2021). When the data qual- ity is improved, e.g., the typical uncertainties of the 1Obtained from v.s. LEGA-C (A) 0.10.515Age (A) FSPS, Z 0.4Z BC03, Z 0.4Z BPASS, Z 0.4Z (c) Figure 6. The conversion between spectral indices and stel- lar ages with dierent models. Black solid lines are the du- cial FSPS model. Red dotted lines are the BC03 model. Green dashed lines are the BPASS model. Thick lines are with solar metallicity and thin lines are with 0.4 solar metal- licity. The errorbars are the typical uncertainties of the LEGA-C sample. With the S/N of the LEGA-C survey, the choice of models can be the dominating source of uncertainty when converting spectral features to stellar ages and sample are 0:03 for D n4000 and0:4 for EW(H), the dierences among models become the dominant source of uncertainties, limiting the accuracy of the recovered star-formation histories of galaxies. 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 7. Comparison of evolutionary track of solid line, [ =Fe ] = 0:0) and-enhanced (black dashed line, [=Fe ] = 0:4) abundance ratio. Both model tracks are produced with the BasTI isochron Z=Z= 0:06, Chabrier (2003) IMF, and MILES stellar library. 4.2. The star-formation histories Let us now assume that systematic errors in the data analysis and the SPS models are not responsible for the Dn4000 discrepancies between TNG100 and LEGA-C, and explore potential dierences in star-formation his- tory or dust Simple stellar population While galaxies consist of stars of multiple ages and a single absorption feature is clearly not sucient to infer the underlying age and the overall agreement of the EW(H ) dis- tributions of the TNG100 and the LEGA-C samples is promising, suggesting that the `average' ages and metal- licities of TNG100 galaxies should be close to the ob- served galaxies. On the other hand, a naive interpretation for the smaller D n4000 of the TNG100 sample would indicate an overall younger or more metal-poor stellar popula- tion. However, if the mismatch is truly from the average ages or metallicity, the EW(H ) of the TNG100 sample should also be overall larger than the LEGA-C sample, which is not a dierent amount of dust attenuation can in principle explain the shift in D n4000 without af- fecting the EW(H )signicantly. The D n4000 of the LEGA-C sample is on average 0:1 larger than the TNG100 sample at xed stellar masses (Fig. 4b) and at xed EW(H ) (Fig. 5). At large D n4000, the loci of the TNG100 sample is close to dust-free SSPs (Fig. 5), which is consistent with the fact that old quiescent galaxies10 Wu et al. 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 (A) SSP burst
+5% burst
+10% 8. Model tracks with additional bursts on top of an old population (see text). Lines show the evolution from 0.1 Gyr to 1 Gyr after the burst happened. Markers label 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 Gyr after the burst for the 1%, 5%, and 10%
burst models. The solid line is the SSP, equivalent to a 100%
burst event. Whereas the old galaxies in the TNG100 sample (gray) are overall consistent with the SSP model, the LEGA- C galaxies (blue) are more consistent with models with an additional burst that adds a few percent of stellar masses in the last 1 Gyr. For clarity, only contours of 0.5 times of the peak densities of the simulation and observational galaxy samples are shown { see Fig. 5 for the full low dust attenuation. On the other hand, it re- quires that the galaxies in the LEGA-C sample have AV>2 mag to explain the 0:1 dierence in D n4000. Such an amount of attenuation is not impossible for star- forming galaxies, but unlikely for quiescent galaxies. A few estimates of the dust attenuation of quiescent galax- ies at similar redshifts suggest an AV.0:5 (Gallazzi et al. 2014; Carnall et al. 2019; Belli et al. 2019). We constrain the dust attenuation curve and the eect on Dn4000 from a joint t of LEGA-C spectrum and broad- band SEDs (following the method in Bari si c et al. 2020). We nd that only 15% of quiescent galaxies have their Dn4000 increased by 0.1 or larger due to dust attenua- tion. Therefore, the dierence in D n4000 is challenging to explain by either the dust attenuation or mismatches in the average age and Complex star-formation that a simple stellar population cannot ex- plain the D n4000-EW(H ) distribution, we explore the eect of more complex star-formation histories. While the Balmer absorption is mainly contributed from A- type stars, the relatively strong H absorption of the LEGA-C old quiescent galaxies may indicate an excess of relatively young ( .1 Gyr) stars.For illustration, we plot the evolutionary tracks on the Dn4000-EW(H ) plane after new stars formed on top of an existing old population (Fig. 8). The mod- els are composed of two SSPs, where the second one is 5 Gyr younger and produces 10% of the stellar mass. All models are generated with solar metallicity and no dust. The extra weak (a few %) burst galaxies with larger EW(H ) at xed D n4000 relative to the SSP and match the distribution of the LEGA-C old by the illustrative toy models, we then use a more complex spectral library presented in Zibetti et al. (2017) to explore the eect of bursts on the evo- lution on the D n4000-EW(H ) plane. The library con- sists of galaxies with parametric smooth (SFH plus multiple increasing stellar metallicities, and vari- ous amounts of dust attenuation. We refer the readers to Zibetti et al. (2017) for a detailed description of the spectral library. Here we limit our analysis to the mod- els whose time elapsed since the beginning of the SFH is<7:5 Gyr, corresponding to the age of the Universe atz= 0:7. The library is constructed based on the MILES spec- tral libraries and Chabrier (2003) IMF, which are the same as this paper, but the SPS model is the updated BC03 model (Chevallard & Charlot 2016). Since the loci of FSPS and BC03 models on the D n4000-EW(H ) plane are similar (Fig. 6), we consider the analysis is Zibetti et al. (2017) library allows
exible com- binations of formation times, burst strengths, ages, and dust attenuation thus spans a wide area on the D n4000{
EW(H) plane (Fig. 9a). The loci of LEGA-C galaxies are well covered by the Zibetti et al. (2017) library. The other 3 panels show the coverage of the library 1) excluding galaxies with AV>0:2 mag (Fig. 9b), 2) excluding bursts within the last 1 Gyr (Fig. 9c), and 3) excluding both high attenuation and recent bursts (Fig. 9d). Models without dust nor recent bursts cannot match most of the LEGA-C galaxies with high D n4000 in the wedge in Fig. 9d. While dust could be a viable solution to match these galaxies, in principle, by shifting the Dn4000 to larger values at xed EW(H ), we do not expect such old galaxies to have signicant dust atten- uation. Therefore, we conclude that recent bursts are likely the cause of the high EW(H ) at given D n4000. Assuming negligible dust attenuation ( AV<
0:2 mag), we investigate quantitatively what ages and strengths of the bursts are needed to reproduce the high EW(H) of old galaxies in the LEGA-C sample. We thus select models that are in the wedge marked by the redTNG v.s. LEGA-C 9. Comparison between the LEGA-C sample and SPS spectral library of Zibetti et al. (2017). Blue dots in each panel are the LEGA-C sample. The errorbars are the typical uncertainties of the LEGA-C spectra. Each model galaxy in the Zibetti et al. (2017) library is plotted as a small dot in the background. Galaxies being located outside the colored area be matched by any model in the library. (a): The entire library. (b): Models with low attenuation, with AV0:2 and no burst happened in the past 1 Gyr. (d): Models with AV<0:2 and without recent burst. More than half of the LEGA-C galaxies with large D n4000 cannot be matched by models with low attenuation and no recent burst. Either recent bursts or more dust is required. While galaxies with old stellar populations generally have low dust attenuation, the mismatch in panel (d) suggests recent burst events in old galaxies may be common. The slant red line roughly goes through the ridge of the LEGA-C distribution and the upper boundary of the model coverage in panel (d). The star-formation histories of the Zibetti et al. (2017) models in the red wedge will be analyzed in Fig. 10. lines in Fig. 9d and plot in Fig. 10 the of their bursts in the last 1 Gyr versus the mass- weighted ages of the remaining stars (i.e., the smooth part of the star-formation histories). The symbol sizes represent the percentage of mass in recent bursts relative to the total stellar mass. The star-formation histories of models in the wedge are characterized by an old bulk of stars with mean ages &2 Gyr up to the age of the Universe (median 3.8 Gyr) with superimposed bursts with an age between 250 Myr and 800 Myr (median 470 Myr), and a mass fraction between a few percentsfor the youngest bursts up to 20% for the oldest ones (median 3.1%)2. We note that accurate quantitative statements about the ages and the burst strengths, as well as the ages of the galaxies, may be hindered by the SPS models. Nev- ertheless, Zibetti et al. (2017) libraries and the models in Fig. 8 tell a consistent story that recent ( .1 Gyr), weak (a few percent of total stellar 2We have veried that models including bursts older than 1 Gyr do not fall in the wedge. On the other hand, Fig. 10 shows that bursts as old as 1 Gyr can reproduce models in the wedge. Therefore a cut on burst age at 1 Gyr is justied.12 Wu et al. Figure 10. The age and strengths of recent bursts of model galaxies located within the wedge in Fig. 9b. These are the models with low dust attenuation and match the LEGA-C distribution on the D n4000{EW(H ) plane. The vertical axis shows the burst ages and the sizes of the circles represent the fractional masses produced in the bursts relative to the continuous (see main text). When there is more than 1 recent burst ( <1 Gyr), the ages and the strengths are with 1 and 2 recent bursts are in black and blue, respectively. No model has 3 or more recent bursts. The models have a median burst age of 450 Myr and median burst strength of 3%. The mass-weighted ages of the model galaxies range from
2 Gyr to 7 Gyr. mass) bursts on top of old (a few Gyr) stellar popu- lations can explain the spectral indices of the massive old galaxies in the LEGA-C sample. We have also per- formed full-spectral tting on the LEGA-C spectra to constrain the star-formation histories and found 15%
of massive quiescent galaxies had at least one rejuve- nation event adding 10% of stellar masses (Chauke et al. 2018). Here we further demonstrate that events may be even more common. Al- though these young stars consist of a small fraction of the total stellar mass budget, their contribution at the rest-frame UV may be detectable (e.g. Costantin et al. 2019; Salvador-Rusi~ nol et al. 2020; Akhshik et al. 2021).4.2.3. Formation histories of TNG100 events and their frequency have been in- vestigated in the TNG100 galaxies at z= 0. In Nelson et al. (2018), it was found that 10% of TNG100 red mas- sive (M>1011M) galaxies at z= 0 have undergone a rejuvenation event. Here we investigate the 0:8. We rst dene `quiescent' galaxies as those whose sSFR drops below 10 10:2Myr 1, averaging over the past 100 Myrs, roughly 0.5 dex below the sequence. A rejuvenation event is dened as a pe- riod of star-formation activity that brings a quiescent galaxy back to `star-forming' and forms stellar masses above certain thresholds (5.0% and 1.0%) of the totalTNG v.s. LEGA-C 13 stellar mass. In observations, galaxy spectra inform us of the constituent stellar populations but cannot distin- guish whether stars form in-situ or ex-situ. Therefore, here we also do not dierentiate in- or ex-situ formation for TNG100 galaxies. We nd that only 2% of old (D n4000>1:6) galax- ies in the TNG100 sample had rejuvenation events in the past 1 Gyr that formed more than 1% of the total stellar masses and none of them formed more than 5%
of the total mass (Fig. 11a). For illustration, Fig. 11b shows the age distributions of all old TNG100 galaxies atz= 0:8 with and re- cent rejuvenation events. The dashed lines are the 16th and 84th percentiles of stellar masses in all galaxies at a given look-back time. Taken at face value, the rarity of weak recurring star- formation activities may suggest that the feedback pre- scription implemented in the simulation is too eective: once it kicks in, insucient further star-formation activ- ity is allowed (also see Terrazas et al. 2020, for discus- sion on black hole feedback in TNG100). may miss some weak star-formation events that can only take place when the gas is better resolved (Don- nari et al. 2021a,b). If small bursts are related to gas de- livered by minor mergers, the gas evolution of satellites could also be involved. The TNG50 simulation (Nelson et al. 2019; Pillepich et al. 2019) will be useful for investigating the eect of the resolution. If a small fraction of young ( <1 Gyr) stars are added to the old TNG100 galaxies, D n4000 will become smaller and EW(H) will become larger (see the model tracks in Fig. 8), while the total stellar mass is nearly un- changed. The young stellar population will bring the indices of TNG100 galaxies away from the distributions of the LEGA-C sample (see Fig. 3). This thought ex- periment suggests that the bulk of the stars in TNG100 galaxies may be overall younger than those in LEGA-C galaxies, i.e. the quenching mechanism in the simula- tion may kick in somewhat too late and be too quiescent galaxies with overall younger stars and fewer weak rejuvenation events (see also Tacchella et al. 2021) 5.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION We present an analysis of D n4000 and EW(H ) in- dices, the two most frequently used spectral absorp- tion features in galaxy evolution studies, of galaxies at 0:6z1:0 in the TNG100 simulation. We use the FSPS code to generate the mock spectra and the line- of-sight gas column density to infer the dust attenua- tion. The sizes of spectroscopic apertures, instrumen- tal resolution, and realistic noise in observations areall taken into account, enabling a detailed comparison of the mock and observed spectra (Fig. 1). We com- pare the simulated indices of TNG100 galaxies against galaxies observed by the LEGA-C survey in the same redshift and stellar mass ranges (Fig. 2). TNG100 reproduces the overall distributions of Dn4000 and EW(H ) of the observed galaxy population at xed stellar mass at z0:8 (Figs. 3 and 5): this implies that the simulation approximately reproduces the star formation histories of galaxies and their depen- dence on stellar mass in the rst 7 billion years of However, noticeable dierences are also in place. The simulated indices present strongly at log( M=M)<11, while this bimodal- ity becomes weaker than the data at higher masses. The simulated D n4000 is systematically 0:1 smaller than in LEGA-C at the same stellar mass, while the EW(H ) distributions dier only at the high-mass end (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). Moreover, LEGA-C galaxies have larger EW(H ) at xed Dn4000 than the TNG100 galaxies, where this dif- ference is more pronounced for galaxies with old (D n4000&1:6, Fig. 5). On the one hand, this tension may be at least partially attributed to the imperfect knowledge in converting from stellar ages to spectral indices (e.g. Fig. 6). Dierent models treat stellar evolution, stellar spectral templates, and population synthesis dierently and result in dier- ent mappings from physical quantities to observables. In addition, non-solar abundance ratios are not taken into account. On the other hand, the dierences we nd may also suggest that the simulation may need to be rened. The mismatch on the D n4000-EW(H ) plane could be at- tributed to recent weak rejuvenation events in galaxies. Galaxies with bursts that add a few (3%) of new stars in the recent past ( 500 Myrs) on top of an aged stellar population ( 4 Gyr) can elevate the EW(H) at xed D n4000 and match the locus of the observed galaxy population (Fig. 8). Weak rejuve- nation events may be common in quiescent galaxies at z'0:8. Comparing to the observed galaxies, TNG100 galaxies may turn o star formation relatively late, and once they become quiescent, rejuvenation events are too rare. In conclusion, current large observation projects pro- vide high precision measurements of stellar populations for statistical samples of galaxies at large look-back times. Quantitative comparison to state-of-the-art cos- mological hydrodynamical simulations is now possible, and allows us to simultaneously test current SPS models,14 Wu et al. 10.0 10.5 11.0 -0.18
= 0.17 10.0 10.5 11.0 -0.02
= 0.11 10.0 10.5 11.0 -0.09
= 0.12 Figure 12. Comparison among stellar masses of LEGA-C galaxies from dierent SED tting codes. The stellar masses from FAST (left), BAGPIPES (middel), and MAGPHYS (right) are plotted against the Prospector stellar masses. Red solid lines are the one-to-one relation and red dashed lines show 0:1 dex osets. The median oset and scatter are given in the top-left corner. FAST masses are systematically 0:2 dex smaller than Prospector masses, with 0:2 dex scatter, as in Leja et al. (2019b). On the other hand, the BAGPIPES masses agree with Prospector, and the MAGPHYS masses are dex smaller. The latter two sets have a small scatter of 0:1 dex in comparison to Prospector. 10.6 10.8 11.0 11.2 / 1 2 3 4 5 6 Look-back-time = 2TNG100 snapshot 56, z=0.8, 11. (a) The fraction of old TNG100 galaxies at z= 0:8 that had a rejuvenation event in the last 1 Gyr as a function of stellar masses. The dash-dotted lines represent the fractions of galaxies with D n4000>1:6 that had rejuvenated masses above certain mass thresholds. Only a few percent of old TNG100 galaxies have more than 1% of their stellar mass formed in a recent rejuvenation event, and none of these events form more than 5% of the total stellar mass. (b) Age distributions of old TNG100 galaxies at z= 0:8. The y-axis shows the fractions of stellar mass in each 100 Myr bin compared to the total stellar mass. The thick sold line shows the average age distribution of the constituent stars in TNG100 galaxies with D n4000>1:6 and . The dotted lines are the 16th and 84th percentiles. Two galaxies had rejuvenation events that formed>1% of stellar masses in the last 1 Gyr (thin solid orange and blue lines). The rejuvenation events are indicated by of galaxy formation, and the implementation of physical processes in simulations, ultimately leading us towards more accurate galaxy evolution MASSES WITH DIFFERENT SED FITTING METHODS In Figure 3 and Figure 4, we show the comparison between the indices of LEGA-C and TNG100 galaxies of similar masses. As the indices depend on stellar masses, the accuracy of the stellar masses from SED tting may play a role.TNG v.s. LEGA-C 15 In this paper, we use Prospector code for broadband SED tting and follow the prescription of Leja et al. (2019b). Using the 3D-HST catalog (Skelton et al. 2014), Leja et al. (2019b) showed that their stellar masses are dex larger than the stellar masses derived from the FAST code (Kriek et al. 2009). Leja et al. (2019b) argued that the exponentially declining SFH models adopted by FAST is oversimplied, which leads to poor SFHs and inaccurate mass-to-light ratios (see also Pforr et al. 2012; Carnall et al. 2019; Leja et al. 2019a; Lower et al. 2020). Besides the ducial Prospector mass, we also derive the stellar masses of LEGA-C galaxies with various SED tting codes and settings (Figure 12) using the UltraVista catalog. The rst set is the FAST stellar masses, where SED templates are built with Bruzual & Charlot (2003) stellar population libraries, adopting a Chabrier (2003) IMF, Calzetti et al. (2000) dust law, and exponentially declining SFHs. All available photometry from GALEX UV to Spitzer /IRAC bands are used in the ts. The second set is derived with the BAGPIPES code (Carnall et al. 2018). While the SPS models, IMF, and the dust law are the same as the FAST setup, there are two major dierences. Firstly, we use only BtoJbroadband lters and the same new photometric zeropoints as for our ducial Prospector masses (see Section 2). We allow the SFR to rise with time by assuming a double-power-law SFH: SFR the falling and rising slopes and is related to the time of peak star formation. The third set is derived with MAGPHYS (da Cunha et al. 2008), presented in de Graa et al. (2021). It uses all available broadbands from utoSpitzer /IRAC and Spitzer /MIPS 24m, the new photometric zeropoints, Bruzual &
Charlot (2003) with a Chabrier (2003) IMF, and the two-component dust model from Charlot & Fall (2000). The SFHs are exponentially declining with additional random bursts. There is a0:2 dex oset between the Prospector and FAST masses, similar to Leja et al. (2019b), despite that we use fewer broadband lters than Leja et al. (2019b). The BAGPIPES and Prospector masses, while based on dierent SPS models and assumptions of SFHs, agree with each other very well. The MAGPHYS masses is on the other hand slightly smaller. We nd that the 3 sets of stellar masses from more complex SFHs (Prospector, BAGPIPES, MAGPHYS) show a high degree of consistency: <0:1 dex oset and0:1 dex scatter. On the contrary, the FAST stellar masses, based on exponentially declining SFHs, are systematically smaller by 0:2 dex and have larger scatter ( 0:2 dex) when compared to the Prospector masses. Deriving physical parameters from broadband SED ttings is a complex, problem. The simple comparison here is not meant to be a thorough analysis but serves as an The overall result is consistent with previous investigations, which in general suggest that complex SFH models improve SED ttings (Pforr et al. 2012; Carnall et al. 2019; Leja et al. 2019a; Lower et al. 2020). We thus adopt the Prospector stellar masses, which are based on the same population synthesis model as our mock Astropy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013; The Astropy Collaboration et al. 2018), BAGPIPES (Carnall et al. 2018), FSPS (Conroy et al. 2009; Conroy & Gunn 2010), MAGPHYS (da Cunha et al. 2008), pPXF (Cappellari
& Emsellem 2004; Cappellari 2017), pyFSPS (Johnson et al. thank the referee for the valuable comments. This work is based on observations made with ESO Telescopes at the La Silla Paranal Observatory under programme ID 194-A.2005 and 1100.A-0949 (The LEGA-C Public This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No. 683184). P.F.W. acknowledges the support of the fellowship by the East Asian Core Observatories Association. A.G. acknowledges support by the INAF KEW gratefully acknowledges funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Lin, Y.-T., Wu, P.-F., & Akiyama, M. 2021, arXiv e-prints, M., Whitaker, K. E., Leja, J., et al. 2021, ApJL, 907, L8, doi: Wu et al. Akins, H. B., Narayanan, D., Whitaker, K. E., et al. 2021, arXiv e-prints, J., Negri, A., Ferreras, I., et al. 2021, MNRAS, 502, 3685, doi: Collaboration, Robitaille, T. P., Tollerud, E. J., et al. 2013, A&A, 558, A33, doi: M. L., Morris, S. L., Yee, H. K. C., Carlberg, R. G.,
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Stefano Zibetti, Rachel Bezanson, Francesco D'Eugenio, Anna Gallazzi, Camilla
Pacifici, Caroline M. S. Straatman, Ivana Bari\v{s}i\'c, Eric F. Bell,
Michael V. Maseda, Adam Muzzin, David Sobral, Katherine E. Whitaker | Towards precise galaxy evolution: a comparison between spectral indices of $zsim1$ galaxies in the IllustrisTNG simulation and the LEGA-C survey | 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted by AJ | null | 10.3847/1538-3881/ac20d6 | null | astro-ph.GA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We present the first comparison of observed stellar continuum spectra of high-redshift galaxies and mock galaxy spectra generated from The mock spectra are produced from the IllustrisTNG combined with stellar population models and take into account dust attenuation and realistic observational effects (aperture effects and noise). We compare the simulated $D_n4000$ and EW(H$delta$) of galaxies with $10.5
leq leq 11.5$ at $0.6 leq z leq 1.0$ to the from the LEGA-C survey. TNG100 globally reproduces the of spectral indices, implying that the age distribution of galaxies in TNG100 is generally realistic. Yet there are small but For old galaxies, TNG100 shows small $D_n4000$ when compared to LEGA-C, while LEGA-C galaxies have larger EW(H$delta$) at fixed $D_n4000$. There are several possible explanations: 1) LEGA-C galaxies have overall older ages combined with small contributions (a few percent in mass) from stars, while TNG100 galaxies may not have such 2) the spectral mismatch could be due to in the stellar population models used to convert stellar ages to observables. In conclusion, the latest cosmological galaxy formation simulations broadly reproduce the global age distribution of galaxies at $zsim1$ and, at the same time, the high quality of the latest observed and simulated datasets help constrain stellar population synthesis models as well as the physical models underlying the simulations.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 00:34:53 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 26 Sep 2021 07:51:31 GMT"
] | 2021-10-27T00:00:00 | [
"van der Wel",
"Caroline M. S.",
"Eric F.",
"Michael V.",
"Katherine E.",
] |
v0 v6v1 v5 v3v2 v4 G Figure 1: An illustration of a graph Gwith a rich-club marked in red for j= 4. LetG0be the graph Gwith an additional dashed edge and G00be the graph Gwith the addition of the green edges. The rich-club coecient for G,G0andG00are 0,1 3and 1 0(G)1. The rich-club coecient (G;j) can be dened as the density of the by the vertices of degree greater than jin the graph G. This coecient measures to what extent these vertices form a rich-club. The concept of the rich-club was rst introduced by Zhou and Mondragon [43] and has been applied on various networks [8, 11, 40] (i.e., social classroom networks). In recent years, there has been interest in elucidating these rich-clubs in the brain; as they may reveal information about the connectedness or indeed the importance, of specic brain regions [4, 16, 18, 37, 36]. This coecient [8, 27, 43] is given by:
(G;j) =E>j N>j 2 (2) whereE>jis the number of edges and N>jis the number of vertices in the induced subgraph H respectively. There are multiple variations of the weighted rich-club coecient for weighted graphs [1]. The vertices belonging to the rich-club are selected based on the degree of the vertices, for degree
>j. These vertices are known as the rich-club members . In Figure 1, the members of a rich-club are highlighted in red. We illustrate dierent rich-club coecients by the addition of the dashed edge and green edges respectively. Here G0= (V;E0) whereE0(G) (V;E00) Thus, we have (G;4) = 0,(G0;4) =1 3and(G00;4) = 1. Importantly, a rich-club with a coecient close to 1 is a set of high degree vertices that induces a dense subgraph. In the rich-club, the membership is dictated by a ranking based on the degree of the vertices. In computing the rich-club coecient, only the edges joining members of the rich-club are included. We introduce concepts that focus on vertices and edges that appear in many small dense subgraphs. Our aim is to identify the set of vertices that belong to many dense communities, rather than vertices with many connections. 1.2 Generalisation of the by the idea of counting vertices and edges that appear in many dense subgraphs, we dene two new concepts. The rst concept focuses on the number of small dense subgraphs that contain a given vertex v. We use the notation G0iGifG0is an induced subgraph ofG, . In this paper, we are only interested in subgraphs G0that are isomorphic to a complete graph Kk. 2We formally dene the vertex participation number of a vertex vin complete subgraphs of order k as:
(v;k) (3) Observe that, when k= 2, the vertex participation number is the degree of the vertex. The rich-club members are the vertices with vertex participation number (v;2)> j. Thus, the concept of vertex participation can be used to generalise the notion of a rich-club. The generalised are the vertices with vertex participation number (v;k)>j. The vertices that are members of this generalised rich-club are called Super rich-club members . The generalised rich-club is called the Super rich-club . Our second concept focuses on the number of dense subgraphs that contain a given edge e=fu;vg. We focus on complete subgraphs of order k. We formally dene the edge participation number of a pair of verticesfu;vgin complete subgraphs of order kas:
(fu;vg;k) (4) The rich edge-club members are the set of vertices incident to edges with high edge Contributions and Paper Structure. In Section 2, we will discuss the two new concepts used in this paper. Note that the graphs used throughout this paper are simple graphs. We will compare the concepts of vertex participation and edge participation with the rich-club using examples. We build upon these concepts and dene the generalised rich-club coecient, which also further extends to a weighted variant. The coecient of the rich edge-club is also introduced. We demonstrate both concepts on a healthy human brain in real-world data collection, data is often noisy or incomplete, resulting in some missing edges in a network. To address this, we consider subgraphs that are very dense and are near complete which we call pseudo -Kks. First, in Section 3 we look at the generalised rich-club and compare it to that of the known rich-club in brain networks. We also experiment the concept of vertex participation on randomised Erd os R enyi and Watts-Strogatz small-world networks. Results from the experiments show that the concept can identify vertices that do not appear in the rich-club. This indicates that our generalised rich-club concept could identify entities that could potentially be important in in Section 4, we build upon the concept of edge participation and demonstrate this concept on a brain network. Results show that this concept identies a special subset of the rich-club vertices termed SUpernodes . A general algorithm used in identifying the set of SUpernodes is given in Section 4, showing interesting similarities to that of the rich-club in the brain that were studied by van den Heuvel and Sporns [35] and Verhelst et al. [41]. 2 Vertex and Edge Participation A complete subgraph represents a cohesive set of vertices in a graph, and can be thought of as a most tight-knit community. Counting complete subgraphs gives a measure on the cohesiveness of a graph, or on the cliquishness of communities in a network. Hence, there has been a lot of research done on counting complete subgraphs [12, 13, 20, 19, 31, 42]. However, little work has been done in counting vertices and edges that belong to one or more complete subgraphs. Instead of subgraphs of order kinG, we count the number of times a vertex or an edge appear in complete subgraphs of G. We call these numbers the vertex participation (v;k) and edge 2, our notion of the super rich-club coincides with the members of the rich-club which are selected based on the ranking of the degrees of the vertices (i.e., the number of K2s they are incident to). We will consider and discuss both the vertex and the edge participation numbers for k>2. First, we will develop the notion of a generalised rich-club based on the concept of vertex participation. We will then introduce the notion of a rich edge-club based on the concept of edge participation. Both concepts will be further demonstrated on the brain network to illustrate the dierence between the rich club and the super rich-club. 32.1 Vertex vertex participation (v;k) generalise the notion of a rich-club. Membership of the Super rich-club is based on (v;k). The rich-club is equivalent to the Super rich-club when k= 2, as(v;k) is the degree of the vertex v. Thus, the Super rich-club is the set of vertices of high vertex with the edges weighted by the number of Kks a given pair of vertices are incident to, or number 2: An example illustrating the dierence between the notion of a rich-club for and the . Rich-club members are the red vertices, while the Super rich-club is circled in blue 2 illustrates the dierence between the notion of a rich-club ( j >3) and the ((v;3)>2). In the graph G, the rich-club members (red) In contrast, the Super rich-club are the vertices (circled in blue dotted lines) =(v3;3) =(v4;3) =(v5;3) =
(v7;3) =(v8;3) =(v9;3) =(v10;3) = 3. In this example, not all rich-club members are Super rich-club members. The rich-club coecient is the density of the subgraph induced by the rich-club vertices. We generalise the rich-club coecient to give us a density measure for the generalised rich-club. We coecient c(G;k;j ) as: c(G;k;j ) the number of edges and vertices in the Super rich-club 2,(G;j) =cw(G;2;j) is the rich-club coecient (G;j). We also dene a weighted version of this participation coecient cw(G;k;j ) forw>j . This measures the proportion of the edge weights of the Super rich-club to the maximal weights in a given graph G. This coecient is dened as: cw(G;k;j ) the weights of the edges of the Super rich-club and w>jare the edge weights
>jin a given graph G. 2.2 Edge Participation In this section, we look at the number of Kks and edgefu;vga part of | we call this edge In the case of the rich-club, each edge has a participation number (fu;vg;2) of 1, since each edge participates in exactly one K2. Whenk >2, an edge can participate in multiple Kks. The edges that have high edge participation number (fu;vg;k)> jare called rich-edge club . The resulting edges form a weighted subgraph, where the edges are weighted by the edge 3: An example illustrating the dierence between the notion of a rich-club for and our rich edge-club. Rich-club members are the red vertices, while the rich edge-club are circled in blue 3 compares the rich club and the rich edge-club. In this example, we set k= 3 andj >2. In graphG2, the rich-club members (red) have degree at least 3, and the rich-club is the induced subgraph shown in red. However, the edges the rich in blue dotted lines) since each of these edges are incident to at least 3 K3s. The the rich edge-club members of G2. Similar to the weighted rich-club coecient, we determined a measure for the rich-edge club, we call this the edge-club coecient ce(G;k;j ). In the rich edge-club, we measure the proportion of the sum of edge club weights to the total weights with respect to the edge participation. We compute this measure using the edge weights that are the edge participation of Kks inG. This coecient is the edge participations >jand #G0=Kkis the number of subgraphs Kkin a given graph G. A summary of the similarities and dierences between the dierent rich-club concepts and coecients are given in Table 1. 2.3 of the rich-club, Super rich-club and rich edge-club are selected based on a threshold. Each of the club memberships is determined based on a dierent ranking or selection criteria. In the are ranked by vertex degree. When thresholding on the vertex degree, we retain only vertices of degree>jand disregard all vertices of lower degree. The resulting set of vertices induce a subgraph of the graph G. In the super rich-club, we rank vertices by the vertex participation number (v;k). We retain only vertices that have high vertex participation numbers. The threshold jneed not be the same for the rich-club and the vertex participation. The resulting club is a weighted subgraph where the edges are weighted by the edge participation number. In the rich-edge club, edges are ranked by the edge participation number (fu;vg;k). Each edge is weighted by the edge participation number. We retain edges which have weight greater than wto create the graph Gw. This method of thresholding will result in a graph with the same set of vertices and a subset of the edges. This new graph Gwmay be a disconnected graph containing components, or just a single connected graph. This graph Gwrepresents a community of pairs each pair being heavily aliated in multiple mutual small clubs. 3 Super Rich-Club The notion of the rich-club focuses on the degree of the vertices in a graph G. We generalise the notion of the rich-club and focus on vertices that belong to many complete subgraphs. One of our 5Rich-club Generalised Rich-club Rich are ranked by vertex degree (i.e. vertex are ranked by the in Kks.Edges are ranked by edge partic- ipation inKks. The vertices with degree >jare rich-club members.The vertices with vertex partic- ipation> jare the Super rich- club members.The edges with edge are members of the rich-club graph is the graph induced by the rich-club mem- bers.The generalised rich-club graph is the graph induced by the su- per rich-club members but with the edges assigned weights repre- senting rich edge-club graph is the subgraph that has the same ver- tex set as the original graph but the edges are the rich weighted by their coecient: c(G;j): Weighted participation 1: A comparison between the dierent rich-club in this paper is the introduction of the concept of vertex participation (v;k), fork2. Recall that when k= 2, this is the degree of a vertex vsince(v;2) = 1. In real world data, some connections may be missing or incorrectly recorded due to the data being noisy or incomplete. It is possible that some subgraphs are in fact complete graphs with some missing edges and could potentially be signicant. Thus, it is important to also consider subgraphs that are
`almost' a complete graph or pseudo -Kks. In this paper, we will consider the vertex participation in pseudo-Kks to identify the super rich-club in a given graph G. We demonstrate the concept of vertex participation on real human brain data with dierent res- olutions (details on data collection can be found in Section 6). We demonstrate the case for k= 5 and compute the vertex participation number in pseudo- K5s inG. Recall that any vertex vinGcan belong to multiple K5s at once. We denote the members of the rich-club as the set Rand the members of the Super rich-club as the set S. First, we collect the subset Rof vertices with degree > j. We then order and collect the subset Sof vertices with vertex participation (v;5)>j0. We select jand j0such thatjRjandjSjare as close as possible for comparison between elements. The concept of vertex participation is also demonstrated on randomised Erd os R enyi and Watts- Strogatz small-world graphs. The Erd os R enyi graphs were generated based on the dierent brain graph resolutions and density. The orders of the Watts-Strogatz graphs were chosen to be similar to the brain data but with varying densities. The subset RandSwere found in each graph and elements within each set were compared. Again, we select jandj0to makejRjandjSjas close as possible to compare the elements between each set. 3.1 Results Results from each of the experiments are presented as follows: 6Brain 68 Brain 114 Brain 219 Rich-club R d(v) >65 >105 >177 Number of members 10 19 34 Super rich-club S
(v;k) >2000000 >14900000 of members 10 19 34 Proportion of elements in bothRandS0.79 0:77 0:94 Proportion of elements inRand not in S0.21 0:23 0:06 Proportion of elements inSand not in R0.21 0:23 0:06 Table 2: Result comparison between the rich-club (set R) and the Super rich-club (set S) of dierent brain 68 Random 114 Random 219 Rich-club R d(v) >61 >95 >147 Number of members 17 32 57 Generalised >970000 >3979700 >8840000 Number of members 17 32 57 Proportion of elements 0:92 0:93 Proportion of elements in Sand not in R0:09 0:08 0:07 Proportion of elements in Rand not in S0:09 0:08 0:07 Table 3: Result comparison between the rich-club (set R) and the Super rich-club (set S) of generated random graphs with similar properties to the brain data. Table 2 compares the rich-club (set R) and Super-rich club (set S) in graphs from the same brain data with three dierent resolutions (68, 114 and 219 respectively). The dierent brain resolutions is equivalent to the order of a graph. In each graph, some vertices belonged to both the rich-club and super rich-club, but there were also vertices that only belonged to the rich-club or super rich-club. This demonstrates that our generalised rich-club gives new insights into highly connected Table 3 also shows the comparison in random graphs that have the same density as the brain graph for each (G)=0.50 (G)=0.75 () of 41.8 35.2 31.6 standard deviation () of swap distance1.509 1.989 1.989 () of 88.3 81.3 81 standard deviation () of swap distance2.068 2.584 4.620 () of 184.6 176.6 185.5 standard deviation () of swap distance2.201 2.459 3.406 4.673 Table 4: Result comparison between the rich-club (set R) and the Super rich-club (set S) in small-world random networks using edit distance between elements (members) of each set. To further test the concept of vertex participation, we generated the Watts-Strogatz graphs of order jGj= 50;100 and 200 with dierent densities (G) = 0:25, 0.5, 0.75 and 0.9. We generated a sample of N= 10 for each order with dierent densities and compared both sets Rand S. The ordering of the vertices dier when ranked by degree (for R) and by the vertex Thus, we compared the ordering of the vertices using the swap distance between the The mean and standard deviation of the swap distance was computed and presented in Table 4. 3.2 Discussion We have demonstrated the dierence between both the rich-club and Super rich-club based on the human brain data of dierent resolutions ( n= 68;114;219). We ordered the degree of the vertices d(v) for each resolution and selected the rich-club members based on degree >j. The results show that not all high degree vertices belong in many cliques. This could potentially reveal vertices (regions) that play important local roles in the brain. (a) Proportion of elements in S that are also in R. (b) Proportion of elements in R that are also in S. Figure 4: Boxplots showing the proportion of common elements between SandR. The results from Table 2 show the similarity and dierences in elements between both sets. Notice 8that no two sets from either resolution contain the exact same elements. In each resolution, there are at least6% of the elements that are not the same. This suggests that not all vertices of high degree belong in the set S, similarly not all vertices with high vertex participation belong in the set R. The result was also consistent when demonstrated on the Erd os R enyi random graphs generated with the same density as each of the dierent brain resolution. The results from the random graphs are also shown in Table 3. Figure 5: Example of a Watts-Strogatz small world graph Gof order 50 and (G) = 0:25. The set R is shown in red, the set Sis shown blue and the common elements are shown in yellow. The concept of vertex participation was further demonstrated on the Watts-Strogatz small world graphs. The results that follow were consistent with the results from Table 3 and Table 4. Figure 4 shows the proportion of common elements (members) between the rich-club and Super rich-club. An interesting observation that emerged from Figure 4 is that the greatest dierence between elements of the rich-club and Super rich-club occurs in low density graphs. An example illustrating this scenario is shown in Figure 5. The results also show that even at a high density of (G) = 0:9, the proportion of common elements between rich-club and the Super rich-club falls below 1. Further, at a low density of (G) = 0:25, the mean swap distance was greater compared to the higher density graphs. The results also suggest that the concept of was able to identify vertices that may have local importance in a network. 4 Rich Edge-Club We investigate edge participation in brain networks and show the thresholding technique on the number (fu;vg;k). This thresholding is based on the edge ordering by edge partici- pation, where we only consider the subset of edges that contain edge weights > w. Recall that a pseudo -Kkis an almost complete graph with some edges missing. We introduce a weighted pseudo- Kk such that each edge is assigned a numeric value. Due to the possible presence of noise in real life data collection which may result in missing edges in the data, we will consider the edge participation of 9pseudo-Kks inG. First, we present a general idea of the algorithm used in counting pseudo- Kks including exact Kks for any given graph G. The general idea is as follows: Suppose we are given a weighted graph G= (V;E), we rst compute the edge participation numbers in small dense subgraphs of G. We then create a new graph Giwith the same set of vertices of Gbut each edge is weighted by the number of subgraphs the edge participates in. Edges with weight < w are discarded ( wchanges with each iteration). This process is applied iteratively until the resulting graphs consists of isolated vertices and highly weighted (connected) component(s). The non-isolated vertices are the set of rich MRI Data and Connectivity matrices Graphs were obtained from human brain data as follows. We utilised structural connectivity data derived from diusion mri provided by the Human Connectome Project ( ) from the Washington of Minnesota ( wuminn ) 484 healthy participants from the Q4 release. The pre-processing of this data is described by Lim et al. [24], Parsons et al. [30]. Structural connectivity ( sc) adjacency matrix edge weights were dened as the number of reconstructed streamlines between two regions of interest derived from diusion mrideterministic tractography [24]. This measurement re
ects the number of tracts con- necting two brain regions, and was chosen for maximum comparability with existing diusion mri studies [21]. scconnectomes were constructed for each individual subject and used for A group-average weighted scmatrix was then computed using the sum of all matrix val- ues across individuals divided by 484. All post-processing of adjacency matrices was completed using Matlab 2018a ( ) and Python (version 3.0). A detailed description of mri data acquisition parameters can be found in supplementary material. 4.1.1 Parcellation The nodes (vertices) of the brain graph are determined by the brain parcellation (atlas). were parcellated using a multi-resolution (68, 114, 219) atlas derived from the atlas (excluding sub-cortical areas) as proposed by Cammoun et al. [6]. Each iterative analysis was repeated at all parcellation resolutions to ensure that eects were independent of spatial scale. 4.2 Algorithm The algorithm used to identifying the set of SUpernodes in the brain data for the case k= 5 is as follows. We rst count the number of pseudo- K5s including the number of K5s in a given graph G which we denoted G0. These counts give a pseudo- edge participation number for each edge in G0. The edges are ordered by the edge participation (fu;vg;k) with respect to the current graph. An example of a pseudo- K5is given in Figure 6. Figure 6: [Left to right]: Exact K5and pseudo- K5-s which have median weight w>1, assuming each edge hasw= 1, while dotted lines represent non-edges with edge weight w= 0. We consider all possible 5-vertex subsets in the graph. For a 5-vertex subgraph to be a pseudo- K5, it must be connected and the median edge weight must be greater than the threshold wi. A non-edge is considered as an edge with weight w= 0. In Figure 7, the top gure is an example of a A weight wiis assigned as a threshold at each iteration. This weight is selected such that the topPpercent of edges in the order of the edge participation in Giare retained. The sequence of percentilePis illustrated in Table 5. 100 0120 1000 300 0 0400 0 0 120 400 0 0200 1000 0 0 0225 300 0200 225 b c d e a b c d ea b c de 0 5 0:5100 0 5 0 70 6:99 0 0:570 0 500 111:22 100 6:99 500 0 98 0 0111:2298 v x y z u v x y zu v x yz Figure 7: [Top to bottom] Fix median edge weight to be w= 200. An example illustrating a pseudo- K5 with median edge weight w200 and a graph with median edge weight w<200 which does not meet the threshold requirements to be considered as a pseudo- K5. At each iteration, a new graph Gi+1is created using the edge participation of the current graph Gi as edge weights. This process is repeated until convergence, and we are left with some highly component(s) and isolated vertices. The non-isolated set of vertices are the rich (Old) (New) Gi G0(Original data) 0 50 (median) G1 G1 1 50 (median) G2 G2 2 75 G3 G3 3 87.5 G4 G4 4 93.75 G5 G5 5 96.875 9 99.8046875 G10 Table 5: Table illustrating list Pof percentiles and the process of obtaining the new graphs Gi. Notice that iterations i= 0 and 1 both use the 50th percentile (median). The initial iteration works with the original graph, where the edge weights represent the number of streamlines between each pair of nodes in the network. The subsequent graphs formed are graphs with edge weights that are the edge participation number (fu;vg;k). Thus, the rst iteration is the graph G1. The series of iterations comes to a halt when the algorithm returns the same number of pseudo- K5s as the Each iteration eliminates `weaker' connections that do not meet the percentile threshold. Thus, the presence of a pseudo- K5inGidoes not necessarily mean it is also a pseudo- K5inGi+1. 4.3 Results and Discussion The set of SUpernodes identied using our algorithm is given in Figure 8. Thresholded edge partici- pation yielded a set of eight SUpernodes from the original 219 nodes. Seven of the eight SUpernodes have been previously identied as the members of the rich-club, but by using the at a dierent resolution [35]. The remaining SUpernode is the left insula node that was not previously identied as a member of the known rich-club of the brain by van den Heuvel and Sporns [35]. This demonstrates that the rich-club and SUpernodes are not necessarily the same set of nodes. The set of SUpernodes also include the bilateral superior frontal nodes, left precuneus nodes and the right superior parietal nodes. 11Figure 8: A glass-brain plot of the spatial location of SUpernodes at a 219 resolution as identied using our concept of edge participation. This set of SUpernodes comprises bilateral superior frontal nodes 3, left insula node 2, left precuneus node 3, right superior parietal node 4, left precuneus node 4 and right superior parietal node 5. 12Figure 9 shows the reduction in the number of non-isolated nodes at each iteration using the thresholding technique on the concept of edge participation. Notice that the vertex with each iteration as edges with low edge weights are discarded. The vertices that are connected to the remaining edges are members of the SUpernodes in the graph with 219 nodes. Figure 9: Graph showing the reduction of the vertex participation (v;5) of each vertex vin pseudo-K5s after each the rich-club as identied in healthy individuals using the Desikan-Killiany atlas has included the bilateral superior frontal, putamen, thalamus, precuneus and superior parietal nodes [35]. Our ndings align with this group of nodes, albeit with the addition of the left insula (at 219 res- olution). This vertex has degree d(v) = 197 and vertex participation but was not identied using vertex degree, or largest edge-weight. This nding opens to the possibility for our novel measurement to characterise the importance of specic nodes above and beyond node degree, or edge-weight alone. As can be seen, the concept of edge participation has was able to identify regions in the brain that could not be identied using the rich-club concept. Using this concept, we were able to show between pairs of regions that appear in smaller communities together. This in fact be adapted to identify nodes (regions) that play an important role in certain networks. 5 Conclusions and Future Work In this paper, we introduced two new concepts, vertex participation andedge participation . These relate to subgraph counting and the rich-club concept. Existing literature has shown that the identication of the rich-club reveals important network information, for example in the brain network and also in social networks. The vertex participation number (v;k) focused on the frequency of which a vertex vappears in a subgraph Hof orderk. The vertex participation is a generalisation of the concept of the rich-club . We introduced the concept of a Super rich-club , which is the graph induced by the vertices with high vertex participation number. 13We demonstrated the concept of vertex participation on the human brain data, randomised Erd os- R enyi and Watts-Strogatz small world networks. Our results have shown that the Super rich-club may contain vertices not included in the rich-club, and focuses on direct relationships between than relationships between two people. The edge participation number (fu;vg;k) is the frequency of which an edge fu;vgbelongs to orderk. The rich edge-club is the resulting set of edges and vertices. Edges in the rich edge-club represent pairs of vertices that participate in many dense subgraphs (clubs). Our algorithm used to identify the set of Supernodes in the brain utilises the edge this process, we identied the set of SUpernodes in a brain network. The rich-club was identied by van den Heuvel and Sporns [35]. Our results on brain data with a parcellation scheme of 219 regions, identied 8 SUpernodes one of which was not a member of the rich-club. This node although not the highest degree, participates in many pseudo- K5s. We note that van den Heuvel and Sporns [35] used a dierent resolution with 82 regions of interest (vertices), while our data which comprises of 219 regions. We generalised the rich-club coecient for the Super rich-club and also a coecient for the . The vertex participation coecient measures the density of the Super rich-club. A weighted version was dened to measure the proportion of Super rich-club weights to the maximal weights of the graph. The rich-edge club coecient measures the proportion of the highly ranked weights to the total weights in the graph. Future work will include the investigation of the generalised rich-club in social networks. Another area of future work is to investigate communities in large complex networks using the vertex- and the edge participation. 6 Supplementary information 6.1 Sample The dataset was provided by the Human Connectome Project ( ) from the Washington of Minnesota ( wuminn ) consortium, including 484 healthy participants from the Q4 (500 subject) release (272 females, 212 males; age = 29.15 +-3.47). 6.2 MRI data mridata acquisition were acquired using a modied 3T Siemens Skyra scanner with a 32-channel head coil. T1- weighted structural images ( mprage ) were acquired using the following parameters: TR =
2,400 ms, TE = 2.14 ms,
ip angle = 8 ,voxel size = 0.7 mm isotropic, FOV = 224 x224 mm2and 320 slices. images ( dwi) were acquired with 270 gradient directions (multi-shell) with b-values 1000, 2000, 3000 s/mm2. TR = 5520 ms, TE = 89.5 ms,
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 00:50:32 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
"Su Yuan",
] |
2 jri rjjis the distance between the i-th andj-th quarks.
c i(c= 1;:::;8) are the Gell-Mann matrices acting on the color space of the i-th quark, and iare the Pauli matrices on the spin space of the i-th quark. The chromo- magnetic interaction corresponds to the and is given (2) while the chromoelectric interaction (3) If we focus on the S-wave states, the spin-orbit interac- tions can be neglected. The improved model (ICMI) can be obtained by integrat- ing over the spatial wave function. The Hamiltonian of a four-body system composed of four quarks in the ICMI model can be expressed as (4) where the chromomagnetic interaction term is given (5) and the chromoelectric interaction term (6) Furthermore, if the subscript i(orj) denotes an be replaced by c
i. The formally derived by integrating over the spatial wave function. They incorporate the eects of the spatial conguration, eective quark masses, and the coupling constant. In the ICMI model, they are regarded as model parameters that are usually obtained by tting the known hadron spectra. Introducing the 16cij=3 [67, 76], we can rewrite the Hamiltonian as H=H0+Hcm; (8) We note that the parameter mijis related to the eec- tive masses of the constituent quarks and the the chromoelectric interaction. For the doubly heavy tetraquark state a heavy quark and qa light quark ( uord quark) or a strange quark, there are two types of decom- position of the wave function in color space based on theSU(3) group theory. They physically correspond to two dierent congurations in color space, the conguration labeled as the meson-meson conguration labeled as In each decomposition, there are states. For the meson-meson are given (9) or the equivalent states with the permutation 1 $2 or 3$4. For the conguration, they are given (10) The superscripts here denote the color channels of the subsystems q3q4) and the whole tetraquark system. These two sets of color- singlet basis are connected with each other through a unitary transformation. The corresponding matrix ele- ments of the transformation can be obtained by acting the Casimir operator on the above color-singlet states. Since the Pauli exclusion principle requires that the wave function should be antisymmetric, it is convenient to use the conguration, i.e., the the direct product decomposition in spin space shows that the total spin of all possible states can be 0, 1, and 2. Using the conguration, we can construct the spin states as follows. There are two spin-zero (11) three spin-one (12) and one spin-two (13) where the subscripts denote the spin channels of the q3q4and the whole tetraquark system. Now, we can construct all possible basis wave functions in the color and spin spaces for the tetraquark systems with given quantum numbers JP= 0+, 1+, and 2+. For the scalar tetraquark states with JP= 0+, the color-spin basis can be built (14)3 where the superscripts and subscripts again denote the color and spin channels of the subsystems Q1Q2and For the axial vector tetraquark states with quantum number JP= 1+, the color-spin basis is (15) For theJP= 2+states, the color-spin basis (16) In the above basis wave functions, the symbol introduced to ensure the Pauli exclusion principle, i.e., the exchange symmetry between the i-th andj-th quarks or antiquarks. If Q1andQ2are the same heavy
avor, the
avor wave function is symmetric. Because the total wave function of the Q1Q2sector should we need to set S 12= 0 andA 12= 1. IfQ1 andQ2are dierent heavy
avors, we simply set S 12=
A 12= 1. On the other hand, if q3and q4are both light antiquarks (anti- uand -dquarks), the symmetry of
avor wave function of the q3q4sector depends on the isospin. For the isospin singlet state, we set S 34= 1 andA 34= 0. For the isospin triplet state, we set S 34= 0 andA 34= 1. Finally, if q3and q4are a pair of a light antiquark and a strange antiquark, we have S 34=A 34= 1. Having constructed a representation based on the above basis wave functions, we can obtain the matrix form of the Hamiltonian (7). The mass spectra of all pos- sible tetraquark states can be obtained by matrix. Finally, when we analyze the decay channels of the tetraquark states, it is convenient to convert the conguration to the via a transformation of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Model parameters To calculate the mass spectra of the doubly heavy tetraquark states QQqqwithin the ICMI model, we rst need to determine the model parameters mijandvij. Most of them can be obtained by tting the the masses of the ground-state mesons and baryons determined in previous experiments [10]. The parameters for the quark- antiquark systems has been be extracted [77] and are displayed in Table I. Note that the symbol nis used to denote the light quarks ( uanddquarks) in the following.TABLE I: Parameters mijandvij(in MeV) for quark- antiquark systems. mij n s c b
n 616.34
s 792.17 963 :43
c 1975.11 2076.24 3068.67
b 5313.36 5403.28 6327 :40 9444 :91 vij n s c b
n 29.798
s 18.656 10 :506
c 6.591 6.743 5.298
b 2.126 2.273 3 :281 2 :888 TABLE II: Parameters mijandvij(in MeV) for systems. mij n s c b n 723.86 s 904.83 1080.59 c 2085.58 2185.99 3182.67 30 b 5413.07 5510.83 6441.40 30 9558.91 60 vij n s c b n 18.277 s 12.824 6.445 c 4.063 4.148 3.354 0:5 b 1.235 1.304 2.077 0:5 1.448 0:5 Since thessmeson state with JP= 0 and with JP= 1 haven't yet been observed the parameters vssandvcbare obtained via a similar strategy as shown in Ref. [78]. It is worth not- ing that the parameter matrices are symmetric, Therefore, only half of the are listed in Table I. The parameters for the quark-quark systems can be ex- tracted from known baryon mass spectra. Detailed anal- ysis and procedure are demonstrated in Ref. [77]. For light and strange quarks, the values of the model displayed in Table II. Note that for the systems, we have to the charge conjugate sym- metry. However, for heavy quark pairs, it is dicult to extract the parameters mQQandvQQ, not only for the lack of the experimental data on doubly and triply heavy baryons but also for the theoretical challenges. In the ICMI model, the masses of the S-wave baryons with two identical heavy quarks and total spin S= 1=2 are 2mQq) III: Mass spectra of doubly and triply heavy baryons (in GeV) from lattice QCD, QCD sum rules, potential models, and the ICMI model (this work). States JPLattice [18, 79, 80] Lattice [17] QCD sum rules [19, 81] Potential [20, 82, 83] Potential [21] This work
cc 1/2 3.603 3.610 3.48 3.620 3.510 3.627 3.657
cc 3/2 3.706 3.692 3.61 3.727 3.548 3.692 3.722
ccc 3/2 4.789 4.796 4.81 3.784 4.803 4.756 4.846
bb 1/2 10.127 10.143 10.09 10.202 10.130 10.153 10.213
bb 3/2 10.151 10.178 10.13 10.237 10.144 10.173 10.233
bbb 3/2 14.371 14.366 14.43 14.499 14.569 14.260 14.440
bcc 1/2 - 8.007 8.02 8.143 8.018 7.989 8.049
bcc 3/2 - 8.037 8.03 8.207 8.025 8.022 8.082
bbc 1/2 - 11.195 11.22 10.920 11.280 11.172 11.232
bbc 3/2 - 11.229 11.23 10.953 11.287 11.205 11.265 While for total spin S= 3=2, the masses 2mQq) +8 3(vQQ+ 2vQq):(18) On the other hand, for triply heavy baryons with three identical heavy quarks, the total spin can only be S= 3=2 and the mass is given by MQQQ =3 2mQQ+ 8vQQ: (19) According to the above mass formulae, we nd that it is impossible to extract the model parameters from dierent doubly (or triply) heavy baryons. However, the combination of mQQand vQQ, 3mQQ=2 + 8vQQ, is ascertainable and can be given directly by the mass of the QQQ baryon. Lattice QCD [17, 18, 79, 80], QCD sum rules [19, 81], and poten- tial models [16, 20{22, 82, 85, 86] predict the masses of
cccand bbbto be around 4800 MeV and 14000 If the coupling strength vQQis determined, we can obtain the value of mQQby using the mass of the
QQQ baryon. In this work, we determine the parameter vQQvia the relation We also take into account the uncertainties of the masses of triply heavy baryons and the coupling strength vQQ, which give rise to error bars for the parameters mQQandvQQ. The central values and the errors of mQQandvQQare shown in Table II. The parameters mQqandvQqcan be deter- mined via the mass formulae (17) and (18) with known baryon mass spectra. For the parameters mcbandvcb, we extract them from the mass spectra of triply heavy baryons (e.g. ccband bbc) with the same strategy. Us- ing the parameters shown in Table II, we recalculate the masses of the doubly and triply heavy baryons. The re- sults are shown in Table III. The baryon masses from the present ICMI model are in a range due to the consid- eration of the errors of the model parameters. We nd that the baryon masses obtained from the present ICMI model are consistent with the results from other theoret- ical approaches.B. Mass spectra of tetraquark states QQqq With the model parameters listed in Table I and Ta- ble II, now we can calculate the mass spectra and wave functions of the S-wave doubly heavy tetraquark quantum numbers JP= 0+, 1+, and 2+. The mass spectra of the tetraquark states ) are plotted in Fig.1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3, respectively. The corresponding meson-meson thresh- olds are also shown in these plots for comparison. In the calculations, we have taken into account the errors of the model parameters mQQandvQQ, which are ob- tained by covering the mass spectra of doubly and triply heavy baryons predicted by lattice QCD, QCD sum rules, and potential models. The calculated masses of the tetraquark states QQqqtherefore acquire error bars as shown in Fig.1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3. In the following, we focus on the tetraquark state ccnnand brie
y discuss other tetraquark states. We use nto denote the light quarks (uanddquarks) from now on. The mass spectra of the tetraquark system in Fig. 1(a). The relevant meson-meson also displayed for We nd two S-wave tetraquark states with 0+. The lowest state has a mass 3836.7 MeV, which is above the D0D0threshold but below Thus the decay into the allowed. The other state has a larger mass, 4126.7MeV, which allows the decay into the two- meson states We nd three S-wave tetraquark states with quan- tum number JP= 1+. While all three states are the decay into the two-meson state D0+D0is only allowed through the P-wave process due to the parity (or angular momentum) a scalar meson, while the quantum number of the tetraquark state ccnnisJP= 1+). The lowest state is an isospin singlet, i.e., an isoscalar tetraquark state. It has a mass 3761.6 MeV and is lower than the 1: Mass spectra of S-wave tetraquark states ccnn,ccns, and ccsswith quantum numbers JP= 0+, 1+, and 2+. The thin black (thick red) solid lines in (a) denote the isospin triplet (singlet) states. The bands represent the uncertainties of the masses. The black dashed lines are the corresponding meson-meson 2: Mass spectra of S-wave tetraquark states bbnn,bbns, and bbsswith quantum numbers JP= 0+, 1+, and 2+. The thin black (thick red) solid lines in (a) denote the isospin triplet (singlet) states. The bands represent the uncertainties of the masses. The black dashed lines are the corresponding meson-meson B/s42D/s42/s43 B/s42Ds/s42/s45 Bs/s42Ds/s42/s45 3: Mass spectra of S-wave tetraquark states bcnn,bcns, and bcsswith quantum numbers JP= 0+, 1+, and 2+. The thin black (thick red) solid lines in (a) denote the isospin triplet (singlet) states. The bands represent the uncertainties of the masses. The black dashed lines are the corresponding meson-meson Therefore, this state could be a narrow resonance under the strong interactions. Apart from the value of the mass (which replies on the model parameters), the quantum number ( JP= 1+) and the isospin are consistent the recently observed narrow exotic tetraquark state, the doubly charmed 29]. The color-spin wave function, i.e., the amplitudes corresponding to the bases (15) (20) In this conguration, we nd that the tetraquark state is dominated by the It can be transformed to the , by using the basis wave (21) The corresponding amplitudes are given rst two coecients are relatively large, indicat- ing that the D+D0is the dominant decay channel for this tetraquark state. In the classical point of view, the decay into the two meson state D++D0is im- possible due to the energy conservation. However, since the mass of this state is larger than the total mass the decay process allowed through the quantum the decay Since this state is close to the D+D0 threshold, the decay width could be small. This picture is consistent with the fact that the observed exotic state T+
ccis rather narrow (the width is measured to be a few hundred keV). The masses of other two partner states are 3950.9 MeV and 3979.7 MeV, which are both For the quantum number JP= 2+, we nd only one tetraquark state. The central value of its mass is 4021.2 MeV, which is very close to the D+D+threshold but well above the mass spectra of the S-wave tetraquark states shown in Fig. 1(b) and Fig. 1(c). The mass spectra of the doubly bottomed tetraquark states ( bbnn, bbns, andbbss) and the mixed charm-bottom (bcnn,bcns, andbcss) can also be computed in the ICMI model. The results are shown in Fig. 2(a)-(c) and Fig. 3(a)-(c). Comparing with the corresponding meson- meson thresholds, we nd several candidates for states. The masses and quantum numbers of these tetraquark states are listed in Table IV. In real world, these tetraquarks could be narrow states that can be observed in future IV: Masses and quantum numbers of the predicted stable S-wave tetraquark states in the ICMI model. system IJPmass (MeV) bbnn JPmass (MeV) bbns 0+10708.3 bcns SUMMARY We have performed a systematic study of the S-wave doubly heavy tetraquark states QQqq(q=u;d;s and Q=c;b) in the ICMI model. The parameters in the ICMI model are obtained by tting the known hadron spectra and are used directly to predict the mass spec- tra of the doubly heavy tetraquark states. For heavy quarks, the uncertainties of the parameters ( mQQand vQQ) are taken into account by covering the doubly and triply heavy baryon masses predicted by lattice QCD, QCD sum rules, and potential models. The mass spec- tra of theS-wave doubly heavy tetraquark states with quantum numbers JP= 0+, 1+, and 2+are presented and analyzed. The results indicate that there may exist several exotic bound states in the doubly charmed, dou- bly bottomed, and mixed charm-bottom sectors. For the doubly charmed system, we nd a stable tetraquark with quantum number IJP= 01+. The properties of this state are consistent with the recently observed narrow exotic state, the dou- bly charmed tetraquark state T+
cc[28, 29]. Our prediction of other exotic tetraquark states can be examined in fu- ture Added : During the preparation of this manuscript, we became aware of the work [65], in which the same doubly heavy tetraquark state was also studied within the chromomagnetic interaction work is supported by the NSFC under grant Nos. 11775123, 11890712, and 12047535.7 [1] V. Mathieu, N. Kochelev, and V. Vento, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 18, 1 (2009). [2] A. Celi, P. Massignan, J. Ruseckas, N. Goldman, I. B. Spielman, G. Juzeli uunas, and M. Lewenstein, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 043001 (2014). [3] C. A. Meyer and E. S. Swanson, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 82, 21 (2015). [4] M. S. Chanowitz and S. R. Sharpe, Nucl. Phys. B 222, 211 (1983), [Erratum: Nucl.Phys.B 228, 588-588 (1983)]. [5] A. Esposito, A. Pilloni, and A. D. Polosa, Phys. Rept. 668, 1 (2017). [6] M. Karliner, J. L. Rosner, and T. Skwarnicki, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 68, 17 (2018). [7] A. De Rujula, H. Georgi, and S. L. Glashow, Phys. Rev. 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$S$-wave doubly heavy tetraquark states $QQar{q}ar{q}$ ($q=u, d, s$ and
$Q=c, b$) with different quantum numbers $J^P=0^+$, $1^+$, and $2^+$ in the framework of the improved chromomagnetic interaction (ICMI) model. The parameters in the ICMI model are obtained by fitting the conventional hadron spectra and are used directly to predict the masses of the tetraquark states. For heavy quarks, the uncertainties of the parameters are obtained by comparing the masses of doubly and triply heavy baryons with those given by lattice QCD, QCD sum rules, and potential models. Several compact and stable bound states are found in both the doubly charmed and doubly bottomed tetraquark systems. The predicted mass of the $ccar uar d$ state is consistent with the from the LHCb collaboration.
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"version": "v2",
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2 put ofthe 0 or a 1). For this purpose, it is better to com- pare the relative output of the target SET with that of the reference SET. In our application of the SRAM cell, the relative voltage difference between the target SET and the reference SET is found to be quickly latched to 0 or 1. This is in contrast to the measurements in Refs.14-16, wherein the results were obtained after the analysis of a series of time-dependent SET currents. Our CMOS circuits are assumed to be close to the SETs. In addition, thetargetandthe and amplifiers. Then, the circuit using the pairs of SETs becomes more compact than the amplifying circuit of a single SET. Accordingly, our proposal is suitable for an array of sensing SETs. In this study, we implement the current of the orthodox theory of the SET24into the Program with Integrated Circuit simulator based on the BSIM4 (Berkeley Short- channel transistor Model, level=54) by using the stan- dard modeling language of the Verilog-A. We considered two types of SETs one of which is operated at low (4.2 K), and the other is operated at high temperatures (- 30*C). At low temperatures, such as 4.2 K, the of the MOS transistors becomes higher because of the incomplete ionizations. Many studies been conducted to determine the model parameters at low temperatures. However, the general compact model is not available for such low tem- perature. In addition, the basic CMOS operations are basically the same as that at room temperature (RT). Thus, we applied the CMOS parameters that are avail- able in the conventional SPICE models to the CMOS parts for both types of the SETs. In the following, cir- cuit calculations are mainly conducted at T=-30*C, which is in the range of the conventional models. We consider CMOSs with gate lengths of L=90 nm andL=65 nm, whose drain voltages VDare 1.2 V and 1.0 V, respectively. We also consider the effects of small variations in the SETs and CMOS transistors. The pur- pose of the comparison of pairs of SETs is to detect the changes in the Coulomb oscillations of the target SET. Thus, given that the voltage difference between the peak and trough currents of the Coulomb oscillations can we will be able to detect the SET even if there are variations in the devices. Herein, we consider four SETs, as listed in Table I. The LT-SET t(target) and LT-SET r(reference) are op- erated at 4.2 K, and RT-SET tand RT-SET rcan operate at -30*C. The parametersof the LT-SET t(RT-SET t) t (RT-SET r). The calculated current-voltage (ID-VD) are listed in the appendix. The charging energy is given by The magnitude between the peak and trough currents is x 25.9 kohm = 25.9 uV is very small (25.9 kohm is a On the other hand, the variations in theTABLE I: The four SETs we use Resistance(ohm) Temp(K) Ec(meV) SET 4.2 4.2 6.51 RT-SET 243 72.8 RT-SET 243 Wp=0.5um -0.5 0 0.5 1 FIG. 2: First-stage amplification circuits, where the LT- SETt(see table I) and pMOS are directly connected. Voutis amplified dependingon thegate voltage VGpof the pMOS. Depending on the width of the pMOS (Wp= 0.5um andWp= 1um), the optimal points change. The Coulomb oscillation is amplified up to approximately 10 mV (VD= 1.2 V). Hereafter we use Wp= 0.5um pMOS at the 1st stage. threshold voltage Vthof conventional CMOSs are gen- erally on the order of millivolts. Therefore, we need to amplify the SET outputs before connecting the SETs to conventional CMOS circuits. We start from the first amplification stagein which the SET is directly connected to the CMOS transistors, as shown in Fig. 2(a). By a series connection, the low SET current value increases with CMOS8. Figure 2(b) shows that the amplification of the SET signal becomes promi- nent atVGp>~0.9 V. The distortions of the with the original Coulomb oscillations origi- nate from the nonlinearity of the the pMOS transistors. We analyze the based on the standard long-channel CMOS transistors depends on the the saturation At present, amplification is 1.05 V (saturation region). We did not observe a suffi- ciently large amplification in the triode region. The large source-drain voltage is approx- imately described by ISETVSET(see appendix). More explicitly we assume that ISETVSET/RD. Thus, we can write the in the saturation re-3 gion; further, the SET given (2) The solution of these equations is given Because ID0RD<
VD, the SET output is enhanced Note thatlis conspicuous in both the L=90 nm and second-stage amplification is conducted using standard amplifier circuits. Figure 3 shows the results obtained from a basic DA circuit. Note that the gate voltages the shifted electrical the Fig. 1. Con- ventional DAs amplify two inputs with opposite phases. In the case of SETs, two different phases of are input. We consider that the two SET sig- nals possessing different current peaks mimic the two in- put signals of the conventional DA with different phases. In Figs. 3(b), we show the results for the output VG1= 0. 90nm (the resultsfor L= 65nmareshownin the appendix), and can be detected by conventional CMOS amplifier circuits (the following circuits after not shown). This enhancement of the is the result of the two-stage amplification of SET signals. The magnitude of the enhancement of the in Fig 3(b) changes depending on the thresh- old voltage variations of the eight MOS transistors. In Fig.3(c), we provide the distribution of the difference in the peak and trough of through over 300 Monte Carlo simulations of the threshold varia- tions with LT-SET tand LT-SET ratVG1= 0 andVG2=
0.2 V. The number of small amplitudes of meV) is nine out of 300 samples. Small be avoided by applying different volt- ages such as VGpiandWLion each part of the DA. We now consider the application of the standard SRAM cell containing six MOS transistors30to detect a pair of SETs, as shown in Fig. 4(a). Figure 4(b) shows the simulation results of the time-dependent SRAM the two LT-SET ts. We can see thatVout1< Vout2forVG2= 0.1 V, but Vout1> Vout2for 0.15 V<=VG2<=0.4V forL= 90 nm devices. This implies that the shift in the electric potential of the sensing QD fromVG2= 0.1 V toVG2= 0.15 V changes the of the target SET island, resulting in a change in the relative magnitude between Vout1andVout2. Fig- ure 4(c) replots Vout2-Vout1in Fig. 4(b) as a the results for L= 65 nm at time 10-8s. Thus, we can detect the change in the target SET repre- sented by VG2by measuring the relative outputs of theSRAM cell. Herein, the initial voltage at the SRAM cell input is set to VD/2, and stray capacitances of 0.2 pF are included at the input nodes of the SRAM cell (Figures not shown). As the stray capacitance increases, the time to split increases. In general, SRAM cells undergo initial threshold and we have to consider these vari- ations in the MOS transistors as well as the two SETs. Here, we extend the SRAM cell circuit to a memory (DRAM)-like 5(a), where it is considered that the equalizer the voltage difference of the wordlines between the two SETs. Figures 5(b)(c) show two types of read- outs for the two types of SETs. The equalizer voltage is switched on at 1 ns and stopped after 2 ns. The SAN and SAP voltages are switched on after the equalizer at t= 6 ns andt= 8.5 ns. The wordlines are switched on at 4 ns. We can see that the change in the gate voltage VG2, which corresponds to the existence of the charge sensor QD, causes the outputs Vout1andVout2to change from Vout1> Vout2toVout1< Vout2. In a realistic situation, it is possible that the tempera- ture changes. Therefore, we also calculated the tempera- ture dependence of the amplifier response. It is desirable that the relative magnitude of Vout1toVout2does not change even when the operating temperature changes. The temperature dependencies of the characteristics of the DA (Fig. 3) and DRAM (Fig. 5) are robust changes as long as the temperature change is sufficiently small on the order of severaltens of degrees (see that there are variations in SETs and MOS transistors, we may have to check and record the basic each device at the first of the chip. The of each SET should be clarified before using the charge-sensing SET. This information is stored in the extra SRAM or other memories, and becomes the overhead of the system. An effective method for determining the optimal is a future issue. It is possible that the the SET chargestates. However, Hence, the assessmentofthe future issue. In conclusion, we proposed cir- cuits for SETs. Based on serial connections with MOS transistors and a comparison with the reference SET, we numerically show that the readout of the is greatly enhanced. We also considered the effects of variations in the MOS transistors and SETs, and show that aslong asthe the twoSETs can be compared AVAILABILITY The data that supports the findings of this study are available within the are grateful to T. Mori and H. Fuketa for the fruit- ful discussions. We are also grateful to Y. Yamamoto for his technical support in using SmartSpice. This work was partly supported by MEXT Quantum Leap Flagship Program (MEXT Q-LEAP) Grant Number Japan.VD VGp1 SETVG1 VG2 Target SET(a)1ststage 1ststage 2ndstage Vin1 -0.5 0 0.5 [V] andVin2-Vin1 /g882/g115
VG2[V] 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 variations 300 samplesNum. of samples [Peak of(Vout2-Vout1)] -[trough of( Vout2-Vout1)] [mV](c) FIG. 3: (a) The differential amplifier (DA) is applied at the 2nd stage amplification of Fig.1. (b) Numerical Coulomb oscillations) for L=90 nm atVG1= 0.VGp1=VGp2=VGp. The pMOS and nMOS widths of the DA are given by Wpa= 1um, andWna=10 um, respectively. The widths of the wordline nMOS and 1st stage pMOS are given by Wn= 5um andWp= VD= 1.2 V. We can see that the amplitude of Vout2-Vout1is approximately 40 mV, which is larger than the amplitude of the input Vin2-Vin1. (c) Histogram of the Monte Carlo simulation of the output difference when the Vth of all CMOS transistors varies by 10% over 300 Vout1 Ref. SETVGp1 VGp2WL1 VG1 VG2 Target SET(a)1ststage 1ststage & 4: (a) Six transistor static random-access memory (SRAM) cell applied in the 2nd-stage amplification of Fig. 1. (b) Time dependent voltage behaviors of the SRAM setup of L=90 nm for widths Wn= 0.5um andWp= 1.2Wn. The width of the WLtransistor is 0.4 um.VGp= 0.55 V and VG1= 0.0 V using the LT-SET ts. The change in Vout1and Vout2is in the range of VG2={0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5 }V. (c) Replotting of (b) as a function of VG2of (b) and the result for L=65 SAN SRAM t& LT-SET r (c) RT-SET t& RT-SET 0V VG2= 0V VG2= 5: (a) Dynamic RAM(DRAM)-like detection circuits are applied at the 2nd stage amplification of Fig. 1. The of 1 pF is added to the nodes Vout1,Vout2, inputs of the SETs, and equalizer circuits. (b)(c) of the different SET pairs (the LT-SET pair in (b) and RT-SET pair in (c)) in Fig. (a) with 10% thresh- old voltage variations in the MOS transistors. The pulse se- quence is constituted following the standard DRAM sequence of Ref.32,33.VG1= 0 is fixed and VG2changes. Depending on whether VG1> VG2orVG1< VG2, the outputs from Vout1> Vout2toVout1< Vout2. The widths of the nMOS and pMOS are 0.5 um and 0.6 um. The width of the equalizer nMOS is 20 um. The width of the WLtransistor is 0.6um. (VGp1=VGp2= 0.87 V,L=90 nm).6 I -0.5 0 0.5 1T=0.1K T=4.2K T=10K T=20K VG[V]I [nA]I [nA]I -1 0 1 2T=-50 /g933 T=-40 /g933 T=-30 /g933 T=-20 /g933 T=-10 -0.5 0 0.5 1T=0.1K T=4.2K T=10K -1 0 1 2T=-50 /g933 T=-40 /g933 T=-30 /g933 T=-20 /g933 T=-10 /g933 T=0/g933I [nA]RT-SETr VG[V]VD[V](f) (h) (g)/g1009
/g882/g1006/g882/g1005/g1005 /g1004
/g882/g1004/g856/g1004/g1009/g1004 I [nA] FIG. 6: Current-voltage characteristics of SETs calculate d based on the orthodox theory. (a)(c)(e)(g) Temperature de- pendence of the at VD= 0.01 V. (b)(d) (3D) view of ISETforT= 0.1 K. (f)(g) 3D view of ISETforT=-30*C. (a)(b) Cup= 1 aF, Cdn= 10 aF, Cg= 2 aF, Rup= 100 kohm, Rdn= 1 Mohm (LT-SET tin Table I). (c)(d) Cup= 1.1 aF,Cdn= 9 aF, Cg= 2.2 aF,Rup= 110 kohm, Rdn= 0.9 Mohm.(LT-SET rin Ta- ble I). As the asymmetry of the two junctions becomes larger, the Coulomb staircase becomes clearer. (e)(f) Cup= 0.1 aF, Cdn= 0.5 aF,Cg= 0.5 aF,Rup= 100 kohm, Rdn= 500 kohm (RT-SET tin Table I). (g)(h) Cup= 0.11 aF,Cdn= 0.45 aF, Cg= 0.45 aF,Rup= 90 kohm, Rdn= 450 kohm (RT-SET rin Table I). Appendix A: SET characteristics determined by the orthodox theory Figure 6 shows the current-gate voltage of the four SETs used in the main text, calculated based on the orthodox theory24. The Coulomb clearer for a large asymmetry between the two tunnel junctions; however, the amplitude of the oscilla- tion becomes smaller. Therefore, we consider the case of a smaller asymmetry. The wide-range view of ( ID-VD) characteristics o f the SET shown in Figs. 6(b)(d)(f)(h) enables the Eq.(2) in the main text. Appendix B: Additional results for the transistors and amplification circuits Figure 7 shows the basic of the pMOS transistors used herein (Berkeley model BSIM-4), and Fig. 8 shows the of the DA circuits of Fig. 3 (b) for L= 65 nm. Although amplification is not observed in the triode re- gion, herein, we show that amplification can be -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 L=65nm (a) VDS[V] FIG. 7: of the pMOS transistors at -30*C. (a)L=90 nm and (b) L=65 /g1004 [mV] and Vin2-Vin1 V VGp=0.87 V VGp=0.86 /g882/g115
FIG. 8: Numerical results of the two outputs Vout1andVout2 of the differential amplifier circuit for L=65 nm for a fixed VG2= 0. The transistor sizes are the same as those in Fig. 3 in the main text. even in the triode region. In the triode region, Eq. (1) is replaced are the channel length modulation coefficients ( L,W,Cox, andupare the length, width, gate capacitance and mobility of the pMOS, respectively). The solution to the equations is given Eq. (B2) shows that the SET output changes the rate of When we take up= 0.025 3.9 andtox= 4 nm for L=90 nm andWp= 0.5um, we have bp= 0.0002397 AV-2and bpRD= 1 Mohm. Then the change rate RDVout/RD4.17 mV. Whether the tri- ode region or the saturation region is better for the am- plification depends on the current characteristics of the MOS C: Temperature dependence We calculated the temperature dependence of the am- plifier response. It is desirable that the relative -0.5 0 0.5 1 VG1[V]T=-50 /g933T=-40 /g933T=-30 /g933 T=-20 /g933T=-10 /g933T=0/g933 RT-SETt
&RT-SETr 9: Temperature dependence of Vout1-Vout2in Fig. 3(a) ofL=90 nm MOS transistors for different SETs as a V. The left SET is the RT-SET tand the right SET is the RT-SET RT-SET r T=-50 /g933 T=-45 /g933 T=-40 /g933 T=-35 /g933 T=-30 /g933Voltages [V] FIG. 10: characteristics for VG2=
0.2 V(L=90 nm). The widths of the nMOS and pMOS in the circuits are 0.5 um and 0.6 um. The width of the equalizer nMOS is 20 um.VGp1=VGp2= 0.87 V. tude oper- ating temperature changes in the range of Figures 9 and 10 show the temperature de- pendence of the characteristics of the DA (Fig. 3), and DRAM (Fig. 5). For example, depending on the value of VGp, we can observethe relativechangein the Vout1andVout2. We alsoobservethat evenwhen there are variations, the two SETs can be changing the gate voltage VG1orVG2. The strength to the change of temperature depends on each D: Detection by cross-coupled circuit Figure 11(a) shows our other proposal based on type. In this case, two SETs are series-connected to cross-coupled MOS transistors, where the changes in the SET signals are directly transferred to the MOS transistors. Herein, the 10% variations between the SETs and among the MOS transistors are consid- ered. To observe the change in VG2to the fixed VG1, we have to adjust the wordline voltages. In Figs. 11(b) and 11(c), the wordline voltage of the left SET is reduced to WL10.84 V, and WL11.08 V, respectively. In Fig. 11(b)((c)), Vout2becomes higher than SETVG1 VG2 Target t
& LT-SET r(c) RT-SET t
& RT-SET 0.1V FIG. 11: (a) Cross-coupled type readout of two pairs of SETs. (b)(c) Time-dependent output characteristics of type assuming 10 % variations in the thresh- old voltage of the MOS transistors (the LT-SET pair in (b) and RT-SET pair in (c)). The two wordline voltages are ad- justed to change the relation between The wordline voltages are switched on at 10 ps with a rising time of 10 ps. Wn= 5um,Wp= 0.1um and VG1=0 V. VG2=-0.55 V and VG2=-0.5 V (VG2=-0.3 V and VG2=-0.2 V). When there are no variations, the left and right hand circuits are exactly the same, and clearly split depending on the gate voltages of the two SETs. Temperature changes are not to the case with the SRAMs mentioned above (Figures not address: Grabert and M. H. Devoret, Single Charge Blockade Phenomena In Nanostructures (Nato Science Series B:)(Springer, New York, 1992). 2K. K. Likharev, Proc. IEEE, 87, 606 (1999). 3J. R. Tucker, J. Appl. Phys. 72, 4399 (1992).4R. H. Chen, A. N. Korotkov, and K. K. Likharev, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 1954 (1996). 5S. Tiwari et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 1377 (1996). 6K. Uchida et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 38, 4027 (1999). 7S. Mahapatra and A. M. Ionescu, 4th IEEE Conference p.287 (2004). | 2108.10467 | Tetsufumi Tanamoto | Tetsufumi Tanamoto and Keiji Ono | Simulations of hybrid charge-sensing and CMOS circuits | 8 pages, 16 figures | null | 10.1063/5.0068555 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Single-electron transistors (SETs) have been extensively used as charge sensors in many areas such as quantum computations. In general, the signals of SETs are smaller than those of complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices, and many amplifying circuits are required to enlarge these signals. Instead of amplifying a single small output, we theoretically consider of pairs of SETs, such that one of the SETs is used as a reference. We simulate the two-stage amplification process of SETs and CMOS devices using a conventional SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated circuit simulator. Implementing the pairs of SETs into CMOS circuits makes the integration of SETs more feasible because of direct signal transfer from the SET to the CMOS circuits.
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] |
2 neutral atom ion(a) (b) (c)45P 3/2 45P 1/2 V3 V2 V1n = 01234 ABC X FIG. 1. (a) Sketch of Rydberg-atom-ion molecule (RAIM). (b) PECs of rubidium RAIMs for mJ= 1/2 and 3/2 as a function of internuclear distance R. Energies are relative to the field-free atomic 45 P3/2state. The wells in the regions A, B and C are expected to support RAIMs. (c) Magnified view of the regio n A with the three mJ= 1/2-PECs used in our calculation of non-adiabatic decay, and wave-function densities of the five lowest RAIM vibrational states in the PEC labeled V3. The vertical offsets of the wave-function densities are for clar ity and are not related with vibrational energy. The X mark s the most relevant anti-crossing. The imaginary absorbing-wal l in the computational approach is also shown. III. NON-ADIABATIC DYNAMICS A. Time-dependent Schr odinger equation In the Born-Oppenheimer approximation (BOA) [ 59], electronic and nuclear wave-functions are to facilitate the calculation of states. However, the BOA can break down when vibrational and electronic time scales asis the casewhen PECsexhibit leading to non-adiabatic coupling of PECs and to molecular decay. In Fig. 1(c), non-adiabatic the unbound PECs may contribute signifi- cantly to RAIM decay. A common method to model non-adiabatic effects is to write the TDSE in BHR [ 57] (see [58] and for a recent overview of BHR theory and applica- tions). Here, we consider the vibrational degree of free- dom of a diatomic RAIM along its internuclear axis, ^R. The TDSE in BHR is written is the adiabatic vibrational RAIM wave- function on Vi(R),uis the reduced mass, and the Fij(R) are the non-adiabatic couplings between the ViandonVj. of the BHR, Fij(R), couple nuclear and (3)whereAij(R) is referred to as the first-order non- adiabatic coupling and is defined as (in one theR-dependent electronic states of the Rydberg atom, with wave-functions phi(re;R) The inner product in Eq. 4is evaluated in the Rydberg-electron state space, i. e.it involves, in principle, an integral over re. In practice, the Rydberg state is represented in the diabatic Rydberg-state ba- sis{|n,l,J,m with the shorthand afor quantum numbers. The electronic wave- function on PEC ithen reads phi(re;R) coefficient functions ci,a(R). Because of the R- independence and the orthonormality of the in Eq. 3is referred to as the coupling and is Bij(R) =-Aji(R), it isAii(R) = 0. The are often combined with the into
~Vi(R) =Vi(R)+Bii(R). (7)3 We may then re-write Eqs. refer to ~Vi(R) as adiabatic potentials, i.e.poten- tials in which all diagonal non-adiabatic energy shifts of the adiabaticstates havebeen added to the PECs, Vi(R). We also note that for Bit the step size in R. It is apparent from Eqs. 4-6that the follow from the R-dependencies of the adia- batic Rydberg states phi(re;R), which are critically af- fected by the avoided crossings between the PECs. As the general shapes of the PECs are the same for all cases studied here, in Sec. IVwe find a general trend for RAIM decay times. However, detailed dif- ferences in the non-adiabatic A- andB-terms and in dynamics on the dissociative PECs lead to peculiar quantum effects that are also discussed. B. Simulation method We first numerically calculate PECs for selected Ryd- berg states nPJof87Rb (see, for instance, Fig. 1(b) for 45PJ). We investigate bound RAIM vibrational states on PECs that asymptotically connect with the nP1/2 levels. The corresponding PEC for n= 45 is labeled V3in Fig.1(c). This PEC, and equivalent PECs exhibit non-adiabatic couplings mostly to a pair of lower, dissociating PECs labeled V1and V2in Fig.1(c). The PEC calculation yields the PECs, the associated adiabatic Rydberg states and terms Aij(R) andBij(R) according to the equations in Sec. IIIA. In view of the structure of the PEC anti-crossings evident in Fig. 1, the effect of non- adiabatic couplings of V3to PECs other than V1andV2 is deemed negligible. The Rydberg-state basis sets used in the PEC calculations include all Rydberg levels with mJ= 1/2 and effective principal quantum number dif- fering by less than 5 from that of the molecular RAIM states of interest. The computational method to solve the TDSE in Eq. 8 on the three relevant PECs V1,V2andV3is a Crank- Nicolson (CN) algorithm [ 60]. The simulation is initial- ized with a RAIM vibrational state on the adiabatic differs slightly from the PEC V3, ac- cording to Eq. 7). Over the course of the evolution, the norm of the wave-function de- cays due to the non-adiabatic couplings, allowing us toextract the molecular lifetimes. In the following, we de- scribe additional details of the method. The potential ~V3(R), constructed according to Eq. 7, is used to calculate the initial vibrational RAIM state, Psn(R), with vibrational quantum number n. The ini- tial state for the CN simulation then is ps1(R,t= 0) =
ps2(R,t= 0) = 0 and ps3(R,t= 0) = Ps n(R). is propagated in time for a duration of ttotal= 50us with a step size t= 20 ps. In or- der to reduce transients from sudden turn-on of terms, We still find minor initial transients in the psi(R,t), which cease at times t0~10 ns. The dissociating potentials, V1andV2, are unbound. As our CN simulation employs a spatial box with psi(R) = thepo- tentials must be modified such that wave-functions prop- agating outward on V1andV2are absorbed rather than reflected. To terminate the outgoing wave-function, we add an imaginary part, Im[Vi] =Wi,abs(R), on the un- bound potentials V1andV2, as depicted by the dashed line in Fig. 1(c). The domain over which Wi,abs(R) dif- fers from zero is placed far enough out in Rthat it does not affect the non-adiabatic dynamics of interest, which is restricted to regions within which the differ from zero. The absorbing wall a smooth turn-on, so as to avoid reflections. We have checked the effectiveness of the absorbing wall as well as the absence of wall reflections by calculating the quantum flux as a function of R(outside and inside the wall), and by verifying the absence of standing-wave pat- ters onps1andps2near the absorbing wall. The absorbed outgoing flux leads to a decay of the overall wave-function norm [ 61], allowing us to extract the RAIM lifetime. The population in ps3,p3(t) is determined as a function of propaga- tion time and fitted to the function: p3(t) (9) with fitting parameters p3(t0) andtnad. reflects the population after ramping up the non- adiabatic terms and after allowing transients to lifetime for the most tnad-values are longer than ttotal, as seen in Fig. 2, the decrease of p3(t) during the for an accurate determination of tnadin We havecheckedthat loweringthe compu- tation time step tdoes not significantly alter the tnad. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We obtain the tnad, ofthe low- est ten vibrational states of RAIMs below the asymptotes for n results are listed in Table Iand visualized in4 (a) (b)xx xx x x x x xx x x x x x x x FIG. 2. (a) Calculated non-adiabatic lifetimes, tnad, of rubid- ium RAIMs below the nP1/2asymptotes vs vibrational and principal quantum numbers, nandn, displayed on the indi- cated logarithmic color scale. The X-marksanddashed circl es mark cases in which tnadis less than ten times the radiative decay time at 1.2 K and 300 K, respectively. (b) The the ground vibrational state, n= 0, corresponding to the first column in (a). The insets show the computed popu- lation decrease, p3(t), of the ground RAIM states for n= 35 (inset (A)) and n= 65 (inset (B)) as a function of time. The tnad-values follow from the slopes according to Eq. 9. Fig.2(a). lifetimes of nPRydbergstates, tr, which 32us forn= 25 and 680 us forn= 65 in a 1.2-K black-body radiation field. In 300 K thetr-values are between 17 us and 160 us for n= 25 and 65, respectively, because upward and down- ward bound-bound transitions as well as thermal ion- ization reduce the lifetime [ 62]. Ourtr-values, obtained in context with work involving dif- fusion in thermal radiation fields [ 63,64], are roughly in-line with values of ~20us atn= 25 [65] and~150us atn= 65 [66] reported elsewhere. Under the absence of other decay channels, the net RAIM decay time t= (1/tnad+ 1/tr)-1. The sym- bols on the color map in Fig. 2(a) mark cases in 1.2 K and 300 K black-body fields. Fig- ure2(a) shows that non-adiabatic RAIM decay, while not being the dominant decay mechanism, should have a noticeable effect at higher n-values and vibrational quan- tum numbers n. We note that the values for trassumed in Fig.2(a) are fornPRydberg states, whereas the elec- tronic states of RAIMs states carry up to about 50%
admixture of longer-lived high- lRydberg levels. This means non-adiabatic decay might be slightly more rele-TABLE I. Calculated non-adiabatic lifetimes tnadin seconds. n n= 25n= 35n= 45n= 55n= 65 0 4.99 1.91 0.129 2.180 0.0595 1 1.67 0.116 0.0627 0.0175 0.0724 2 0.123 0.0393 0.0105 0.0425 0.00570 3 0.238 0.0216 0.0167 0.00297 0.00659 4 0.0367 0.00773 0.00324 0.00855 0.00259 5 0.103 0.00685 0.00631 0.00122 0.00103 6 0.0151 0.00320 0.00219 0.00135 0.00426 7 0.0295 0.00221 0.00132 0.00162 0.000475 8 0.00920 0.00262 0.0143 0.000411 0.000534 9 0.00702 0.000851 0.000572 0.00120 0.00139 vant, on a relative scale, than suggested in Fig. 2(a). To illustrate the inadequacy of LZ estimates for non- adiabatic RAIM decay, we consider the RAIM PJ, s (see Fig. 2(b) and Table I). From the PECs in Fig.1and the vibrational energy levels we estimate a vibration frequency of f0= 18.2 MHz, corresponding to a LZ decay attempt rate of R= 2f0= 36.4 MHz. The main avoided crossing has a gap size of Ghx350 MHz (see gap markedX in Fig. 1(c)). For a LZ RAIM decay estimate, we assume a fixed particle velocity given by the vibration velocity, vmax, at the minimum of V3. with effective mass u= 43.5 amu for87Rb, we obtain vmax= 0.41 m/s. The of the level crossing, estimated from Fig. 1(b), is s=hx49 GHz/um. The LZ tunneling probability then isPLZ= = 7x10-27, and the LZ RAIM lifetime t= 1/(RPLZ) = 4x1018s. This estimate is about 20 orders of magnitude too 1|2 x 105|ps couplings
|ps 1|2 x 107delay FIG. 3. Wave-function densities the respec- tive potentials V1andV3after reaching a quasi steady-state for 55P1/2. The inset shows an enlarged view of |ps1|2. From Fig. 2and Table Iit is seen that the non- adiabatic lifetimes follow a downwardtrend with increas- ingnand increasing n. This isexpected becausethe increasing n, andbecause occurs in combination with the A- terms, exacerbates the non-adiabatic coupling at higher n-values, where the vibrational wave-function gradients become Fig. 2and Table I, we further note substan- tial deviations of tnadfrom the overall trend. E.g.,tnad forn= 0 has an outlier at n= 55, for which tnadis larger than even for n= 35. We believe that the irregu- larities originate in a effect in the RAIM decay. To illustrate this, in Fig. 3we show PECs V1andV3and their adiabatic wave-function densities. The non-adiabatic couplings set up a quasi-stationary ps1 andanassociatedprobability-densityflowthatcauses RAIM decay. The density |ps1|2relative to
|ps3|2is small, but non-zero (even at the right margin of the plot), and it exhibits a standing wave in a shallow well inV1centered around 2.20um. The standing wave is due to a 100-% reflection on the rising side of V1near 2.18um, and a partial quantum reflection at the three-level crossing near 2.23 um. The net outward flow onV1to the right of the anti-crossing is a superposition of a contribution due to direct non-adiabatic and a contribution that proceeds coupling from V3into the shallow poten- tial well in V1and time-delayed escape, as visualized by the delay loop in Fig. 3. The superposition on the phase difference between the contribu- tions, which varies as a function of nandn, causing seen in Fig. 2. A few combinations of nand nappear to exhibit substantial destructive to lifetimes that are much longer than the overall trend would suggest. The situation portrayed in Fig. 3applies to all Our interpretation of the lifetime irregular- ities in Fig. 2in terms of a quantum interference effect has been supported in additional test calculations, notshown, in which an absorbing potential has been placed within the shallow potential well in V1. The test calcu- lations show a smooth dependence of tnadwithout CONCLUSION In summary, we have presented results of calculations of non-adiabatic decay of Rydberg-atom-ion molecules of Rb. The lifetimes, extracted for five ofnand for the lowest ten vibrational states, fol- low an overall trend that is in-line with the behavior sizes and the structure of the vibra- tional wave-functions. Deviations from the trend were attributed to a quantum interference effect. Our results confirm that the RAIM states are quite stable decay, and that their lifetimes are mainly limited by radiative decay of the Rydberg valence elec- tron. Future experimental work may reveal the existence and the lifetimes of RAIM molecules. Future computa- tional work could be devoted to non-adiabatic decay of RAIMs in other potential wells evident in Fig. 1(b), as well as a more detailed study of quantum interference ef- fects in RAIM decay. The be applied to study non-adiabatic processes in other types of Rydberg thank Bineet Kumar Dash and Ansh Shah for use- ful discussions. This work was supported by NSF grant No. PHY-1806809 and in part through and services provided by Advanced at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. [1]J. P. Shaffer, S. T. Rittenhouse, and H. R. Sadeghpour, Ultracold Rydberg molecules, Nat. Comm. 9, 1965 (2018) . [2]C. Fey, F. Hummel, andP.Schmelcher, molecules, Mol. Phys. 118, e1679401 (2020) . [3]C. H. Greene, A. S. Dickinson, and H. R. of polar and nonpolar ultra-long-range Ryd- berg molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2458-2461 (2000) . [4]V. Bendkowsky, B. Butscher, J. Nipper, J. P. Shaffer, R. L ow, and T. 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A 105, 012810 (2022) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.012810 | null | physics.atom-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | The decay of Rydberg-atom-ion molecules (RAIMs) due to between electronic potential energy surfaces is investigated. We employ the Born-Huang representation and perform numerical simulations using a Crank-Nicolson algorithm. The non-adiabatic lifetimes of rubidium RAIMs for the lowest ten vibrational states, $
u$, are computed for selected quantum numbers, $n$. The non-adiabatic lifetimes are found to generally exceed the radiative Rydberg-atom lifetimes. We observe and explain a trend of the lifetimes as a function of $
u$ and $n$, and to quantum interference arising from a shallow potential well in an inner potential surface. Our results will be useful for future of RAIMs.
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appeal of kernel methods lies in their strong theoretical foundation [1, 16], as well as their ability to map complex problems to a linear space without requiring an explicit mapping. A common class of kernels are radial kernels k(x;~x) = (kx ~xk=r) for x;~x2X RDandr >0 [17]. An example is a Gaussian kernel, for which the shape parameter ris referred to as the kernel bandwidth. What is more, radial kernels are universal kernels (with a few exceptions [18]), meaning that they can approximate any bounded continuous function on Xarbitrarily well. However, in high dimensions kernel methods suer from the curse of dimensionality and require large amounts of training data to converge. Furthermore, the computational complexity, memory requirement, and the number of parameters to learn grow un- bounded with the number of training samples, a drawback known as the curse of kernelization [19]. In the context of streaming, the prospect of unbounded data streams makes this shortcoming even kernel-based learning schemes are typically formulated as convex optimization problems, which do not require tuning hyper-parameters such as learning rate etc., there is still a need to determine the optimal kernel. For the Gaussian kernel, this amounts to selecting the bandwidth. Classically, an optimal kernel is chosen through batch techniques such as leave-one-out and k-fold 21, 22]. However, these approaches are inecient as they spend signicant time evaluating bad kernel hypotheses and often use multiple runs over the data, which is impossible in a streaming setting. Despite the universality of radial kernels on X 2RD, this only guarantees the convergence of the model in the asymptotic regime and does not provide nite sample bounds. As a reaction, several works have shown the benet of combining multiple kernels from a dictionary of kernel hypotheses. These strategies include multi-kernel learning (MKL) [4, 23, 24, 25, 26], multi-scale analysis [27, 28], and the Laplacian pyramid (LP) [29, 30]. Combining these strategies with a localized kernel gives a frequency and location-based discretization similar to multi-resolution analysis, a well-established concept in and functional approximation through concepts such as wavelets [31, 32], diusion wavelets [33, 34], and graph wavelets [35, 36, 37]. To meet a need for non-linear non-parametric algorithms for streaming data, we propose the stream- ing multi-resolution adaptive kernel algorithm (StreaMRAK ) - a computationally and variation of KRR. StreaMRAK is a streaming algorithm that combines a streaming sub- sampling scheme with a multi-resolution kernel selection strategy and adapts the kernel bandwidth r and the sub-sample density to each other over several levels of resolution. Furthermore, StreaMRAK ad- dresses the curse of dimensionality in a novel way, through the sub-sampling scheme and Setting We consider a nite sample data-cloud X,jXj=n, that is sampled i.i.d. according to a xed but unknown distribution PoverRD. The target is a bounded and continuous function f:RD!R. We assume that the points in Xare placed in a sequence and that their order is random.2Each instance xi2X, fori2[n], paired with a label yiwhereyi=f(xi) +iandiN(0;) represents noise. The task of learning is to train a model bfthat is a good approximation of the target function f. In this work, we think about the intrinsic dimension of Xas a local quantity, meaning it depends on the regionA X and the radius rat which we consider the point cloud. Rooted in this way of thinking about the intrinsic dimension, StreaMRAK is designed to handle domains where the local intrinsic dimension changes across dierent regions and resolutions. To estimate the local intrinsic dimension in a location and resolution sensitive manner, we use the concept of the doubling dimension of a set, dened in Def. 1.2. We note that our denition of the doubling dimension is related to the denition used in [38, 39]. Denition 1.1 (Covering number) .Consider a setAand a ballB(x;r), withr>0andx2A. We say that a nite setSB (x;r)is a covering ofB(x;r)inAifAB (x;r)[ xi2SB(xi;r=2). We dene the covering number (A;x;r)as the minimum cardinality of any covering of 1.2. (Doubling dimension) The doubling dimension ddim (A;r)of a setAis dened as ddim (A;r) =dlog(A;x;r)e. For an interval IR>0we dene the doubling dimension as the least upper bound over r2I, that is ddim (A;I) = maxr2Iddim (A;r). 2The assumption that the sequence is randomly ordered allows us to draw statistical conclusions from prexes. 2Using Def. 1.2 we say that the intrinsic dimension of Xchanges with the location if there exist A1;A2X such that ddim (A1;r)6=ddim (A2;r) for some r >0. Similarly, we say that the of Xchanges with the resolution, if there exist r16=r2such that the doubling dimension ddim (A;r1)6=ddim (A;r2) forAX . In Fig. 1 we consider three examples to provide further insight for the doubling dimension. In Fig. 1a we see a domain shaped like a dumbbell, where the spheres are high dimensional, and the bar connecting them is showing how the dimension can change with the Fig. 1b illustrates a manifold, embedded in R3, with manifold noise
m. We see that when the resolution is suciently small, so that rm, the doubling towards the dimension of the ambient space RD. Furthermore, Fig. 1c shows a point cloud that is locally 2-dimensional, but is embedded in a 3-dimensional space. By reducing rwe can resolve this lower dimensionality, but if it is reduced further, we would eventually resolve the noise level, and the doubling dimension increases again. We also mention two special cases. First, for large enough rany set in RDhas a doubling dimension of at most D. Second, ifAis a nite set of points in RDandris smaller than the minimal distance between two points, then the number of balls of radius r0<rrequired to cover Ais at most the number of points. Therefore the doubling dimension of Aat the range (0 ;r] is zero. In other words, anyactual (and therefore nite) training set has dimension zero for a small enough r, as illustrated in Fig. 1c. (a) Intrinsic with location. (b) Noise has high Intrinsic with the 1: Three examples of variation in the intrinsic dimension. The coloring of the point depth. As an example of how the intrinsic dimension might change with respect to regions and resolutions, we consider a double pendulum system, a well-known chaotic system that depends heavily on its [40]. Systems with multiple pendulum elements are well known in engineering as mechanical and robotic systems with several joints and are studied for their chaotic fori= 1;2, be angular velocities. We initialize 500 pendulums with 1;2= 180, !1= 10 2and!2= 10 1, measured in degrees, and perturb the angular velocities by iterate the system for T= 500 time steps and let s(i) t= [1(t); 2(t); !1(t); !2(t)]2R4be the state of pendulum iatt2N. We think of each state as a training point in a point cloud XR4, where for instance the target function can be with 2N. In Fig. 2b we visualize the trajectory of four pendulums P0;P1;P2;P3, for which the trajectories are until a bifurcation occurs around T= 300 time steps, and the trajectories start to diverge. In Fig. 2c and Fig. 2d we zoom in on the trajectory of all 500 pendulums in regions before and after the bifurcation. These two regions, A1andA2, are indicated by a blue and red circle, respectively, in Fig. 2b. From the gures, it is clear that learning the trajectory in A1is signicantly easier than in A2, where learning the trajectory is more aected by the curse of also note that the trajectories that remain close after the bifurcation will remain so until a new bifurcation occurs. The take-home message is that predicting the trajectory of a double pendulum is a hard problem because of a few regions where the intrinsic dimension blows up and makes the prediction hard. However, between these regions, the trajectory is easier to describe. The spirit of this work aims to reduce the eort in such regions A2where the training data exhibit high intrinsic dimension and focus more on those regions A1where the data has a lower intrinsic dimension, i.e. is more well behaved. 1.2 Contribution and comparison to related of this work can be divided into three components. 3(a) Double pendulum 0 1500 Start th1-coord (Degrees) (b) 2-dim projection of the pendulum 1700300 1900 -100600(c) 3-dim projection of the training data in the blue circle in 4000 2200 200 0 2400500(d) 3-dim projection of the training data in the red circle in (b). Figure 2: (a) Illustration of a double pendulum. Here landmare the length and mass of the pendulum rods, and1;2are the angles. Furthermore, ( x1;y1) and (x2; y2) are the positions of the point masses of the two pendulums. (b) Phase diagram of four double pendulums P0;P1;P2;P3, iterated for T= 500 time steps. The bifurcation point at step T= 300 is indicated with a black solid circle. (c) and (d) includes the !1axis and zoom in on respectively the blue and red circles in (b). (C1) A multi-resolution variation of the state-of-the-art KRR solver FALKON [2], using the LP, which renes the predictions at each level of resolution by regressing on the errors from the previous level. (C2) A novel sub-sampling scheme for kernel methods, tailored for use in combination with the LP, that can handle the curse of dimensionality and does not require the data to be in-memory . (C3) Development of a streaming variation of FALKON , where the time and memory on the doubling dimensionality and the level of resolution, instead of the number of training points. see Props. 5.1-5.3. In the following, we give further details on these contributions and compare them to related work. The computational backbone of StreaMRAK is based on the state-of-the-art KRR solver FALKON [2], which among other things combines sub-sampling and preconditioning to process large data sets eciently. However, FALKON relies on selecting an optimal kernel bandwidth, which can be inecient and hard within a streaming by the success of existing multi-resolution approaches [4, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27], our rst contribu- tion (C1) addresses the issue of selecting an optimal kernel bandwidth by introducing a of FALKON using a variation of the LP. The LP scheme originated in image representation [42] and was introduced to machine learning by [29] for ecient data representation. The LP renes the prediction at several levels of resolution, and at each level, reduces the bandwidth used at the previous level by a constant factor. In doing so, the selection of a single optimal bandwidth is avoided, and the resulting approach has greater
exibility. The LP is similar to ideas in wavelet analysis that have shown great success in numerous typical wavelet architectures [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36] require upfront construction of a wavelet basis, which is not compatible with a data-adaptive kernel. In this work, we aim to show that the LP is a viable multi-resolution scheme and can be modied to the streaming setting. Furthermore, we experimentally show that it signicantly improves the estimation accuracy, and inspired by [30] we provide convergence bounds for the LP in the context of radial kernels and KRR. Let us now discuss our second contribution (C2). FALKON addresses the curse of kernelization by combining Nystr om sub-sampling, conjugate gradient, and preconditioning, and achieves time and memory requirements of O(npn) andO(n) respectively, where nis the number of samples. In recent years there have been several eorts to address the curse of kernelization in similar ways through sub- sampling techniques such as sketching [3, 5], randomized features [43, 44, 45, 46] and Nystr om sub- sampling [47, 48, 49, 50, 51]. However, despite their successes, these techniques are in principle in- memory type algorithms since they require access to the training data in advance of the training and are not optimized for FALKON selects the sub-samples uniformly over the input domain X, and the LP uses the same training set for each level. However, when learning with a radial kernel, the density of samples should be related to the bandwidth of the kernel. Otherwise, a too-small bandwidth will lead to properties, while a too-large bandwidth gives an ill-conditioned system [27]. Since the LP 4scheme reduces the kernel bandwidth at each level of resolution, it would be problematic to use the same sub-sample density. Furthermore, due to the curse of dimensionality, the covering number with the doubling dimension. Therefore, if doubling dimensionality varies across dierent regions of the domain X, as illustrated by Fig. 1a, then the number of sub-samples necessary to maintain the density for a given bandwidth will also vary. Our second contribution (C2) provides an alternative sub-sampling strategy, which adapts the sub- sampling density to the kernel bandwidth. This strategy is similar to tuning the kernel bandwidth to the data, which is used in online algorithms to avoid the use of cross-validation [52, 53, 54]. to calculate, especially in high dimensions, a similar strategy is used in graph-based methods, where the kernel bandwidth is adapted to the k-nearest neighbor distance of each training point [55]. The sub-sampling strategy we propose is based on a damped cover-tree (DCT), which is a modied version of the cover-tree (CT) [39]. The CT is a tree-based data structure originally intended for nearest neighbor search in metric spaces. It is closely related to navigation nets [38], but with improved in memory and O(c6nlogn) in time. In this work, we show how the CT structure can be used to organize the samples hierarchically with increasing density for each new level in the tree and how it can adapt the sub-sample density to kernel bandwidths in the LP. However, the problem with an adaptive sub-sampling strategy is its vulnerability to the curse In regions of high doubling dimensions, the number of samples to achieve a certain density increases exponentially, as quantied by Def. 1.2. This means that the number of sub-samples from the CT will quickly grow too large for ecient computing. The danger is to waste resources on samples from subsets and levels where the doubling dimension is so large that good interpolation cannot be achieved for any viable sample sizes. This would only serve to slow down the computation and not increase the precision. Due to this, the DCT introduces a damping property, which gradually suppresses the selection of sub-samples where the doubling dimensionality is large. This has the additional advantage of allowing to choose more sub-samples from regions where the doubling dimensionality is small. Thus, the DCT can diminish the impact of the curse of dimensionality. Furthermore, the DCT can be built continuously as new samples come in, making it ideal for a streaming computational model. Our third contribution (C3), relies on the changes implemented with (C1) and (C2). In can operate as a streaming algorithm and eciently organizes the sub-samples as it builds kernel. Furthermore, the sub-sampling and kernel construction allows for of new training points into the kernel matrix. Moreover, the DCT, the and the KRR solver can all be multi-threaded and Organization of the paper The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces kernel methods and the FALKON algorithm, as well as the LP. Section 3 introduces the adaptive sub-sampling scheme and the DCT. StreaMRAK is described in Section 4 and an analysis of the algorithm is given in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 presents several numerical experiments and Section 7 gives an outlook for further work. The Appendix includes further mathematical background and the proofs. 1.4 Notation We denote vectors a2RDwith boldface and matrices A2Rnmwith bold uppercase, and A>denotes the matrix transpose. We use Knmfor kernel matrices, where the dimensionality is indicated by the subscripts. We reserve nfor the number of training samples and mfor the number of sub-samples. The ij-th element of a kernel matrix is denoted [ Knm]ij, while for other matrices we use Aij. The element of a vector a. Furthermore, we use f([xn]) to denote ( f(x1);:::;f (xn))>2Rn, and [m] to denotefigm i=1. The notation xiindicates the i-th training example. We use to a specic level in the LP and the DCT. We take kk to be theL2norm andkkH to be the RKHS norm. We denote the intrinsic dimension of a manifold with dand the dimension of the embedding with D. By 1S(x) we denote the indicator function, which evaluates to 1 if x2Sand 0 otherwise, of a set SRD. 52 Kernel methods Consider a positive denite kernel k:XX ! R, dened on an input space X RD. Given data f(xi;yi) :i2[n]gof samples fromXRD, kernel ridge regression computes an estimator by the Hilbert space induced by the kernel. This allows to reduce the problem to a linear (y1;:::;yn)>: (2.1) Coecients = the estimator by f(x) However, solving (2.1) using traditional methods has a time complexity of O(n2), which can be costly for large n[2]. FALKON [2] addresses this issue by sub-sampling the columns of Knn, which reduces the while maintaining accuracy. Namely, denote n=fx1;:::; xngand Nystr om centers (i.e. a randomly selected subset of n). = :j2[m]g, leads to a linear [ the matrix and the estimator is given by bfn;m; (x) To further reduce the time complexity FALKON uses a suitable precondi- tioner to reduce the condition number. The preconditioner is dened as BB>= is a natural (lower complexity) approximation of the ideal preconditioner AA>= We now solve for efrom the system of (2.3) This is solved iteratively, using the conjugate gradients with early stopping. Choosing m=O(pn) still ensures optimal generalisation (i.e. same as KRR), while reducing the computational complexity to O(npn). 2.1 Streaming adaptation of FALKON Matrices and vectors involved in the linear system in (2.3) can be separated into two classes: those that depend only on sub-samples in e m; and those ( K>
nmKnmandz) that also depend on all the training points n. Critically, terms in both groups are all of size m, which allows to reduce the now the set of sub-samples e mto be xed, and assume new training points, in the form f(xq;yq) :q=n+ 1;:::;n +t)g, are coming in a stream. We can then update the second class of terms according (2.5) Thus, only sub-samples e m, need to be stored. However, in order to continuously incorporate new training points into Eqs. (2.4) and (2.5), sub-samples e mmust be determined in advance. Whereas this works if all the data is provided beforehand, it cannot be done if the data arrives sequentially. In this work, we address this through a multi-resolution framework. The overall estimator is composed of a sequence of estimators dened at dierent resolution levels of the 6domain. Correspondingly, the set of sub-samples e mconsists of smaller sets e (l) m(l)that correspond to individual levels of resolution. The sets e (l) m(l)are lled as the data streams in, and once a set for a given level is deemed complete, we proceed with updating (2.4) and (2.5). Further details of how the sets e (l) m(l)are constructed, and the corresponding criteria, are provided in Sections 3 and 4. We begin by describing the multi-resolution framework of estimators. 2.2 The Laplacian pyramid The LP [42, 29] is a multi-resolution regression method for extending a model bfto out-of-sample data points x2X= n. The LP can be formulated for radial kernels in the form k(xi;xj) = kxi xjk r
; (2.6) wherer >0 is a shape parameter that determines the decay of with respect to kxi xjk, see [17]. The idea underpinning the LP is to approximate the target function sequentially, where at each stage we regress on the errors from the previous stage. In other words, we begin with a rough a large shape parameter for which decays slowly and then improve the approximation by tting the resulting error and reducing the shape parameter. In the LP, the estimator at level L2Nis as bf(L)(x) =LX l=0s(l)(x) =s(L)(x) +bf(L)(x); (2.7) where ^f(0)=s(0), ands(l)(x) is a correction term dened by s(l)(x) (2.8) The coecients (l)= computed by conducting KRR on the residuals, i.e. errors, from the estimator at the previous level. Namely, (l)= where d(l)=( y; ifl= (2.9) For a FALKON adaption of this scheme, we only need to modify how per-level coecients are com- puted. Following (2.3) we iteratively (2.10) where B(l)is the corresponding preconditioner, and H(l)= and 2.1. In this paper, we construct the kernel matrices K(l)on a particular class of radial kernels, namely the Gaussian = the shape parameter (the kernel bandwidth) at level l. 3 The damped cover tree This work introduces a data-driven sub-sampling method that we call the damped cover-tree (DCT). The DCT is a modication of the cover-tree (CT) [39], a data structure based on partitioning a metric space, initially designed to facilitate nearest neighbor search. The goal of the DCT is to modify and simplify the CT to allow a viable sub-sampling scheme. Let (X;kk) be a normed space where the input domain XRDis bounded, such that the diameter r0= diam(X) is nite. The DCT is a tree structure where each node pof the tree is associated with a 7point xp2X, and which is built sequentially as data points arrive. Furthermore, let Qlbe a set (herein called a cover-set) containing all the nodes at a level l0 in the given tree. A level is associated with an integerland a radius rl= 2 lr0, wherel= 0 denotes the root level containing only one node and l increases as we descend deeper into the tree. DCT has three invariants, of which the rst two are also invariants of the CT. (I1) ( Covering invariant ) For allp2Ql+1there exists q2Qlsuch ( Separation invariant ) For allq;p2Qlwhere xq6=xp, we add that the standard CT includes a third invariant, the so-called nesting invariant, which but this is not desired for our purpose. To introduce the last invariant of the DCT, we rst need the following 3.1 (The covering fraction) .Letp2Qlbe a node, and xpthe associated point in X. Furthermore, let eCp=fcigk i=1be the children of p, and xcithe corresponding points in X. The of a node pis dened as cf(p) : The covering fraction is the proportion of the volume of B(xp;rl) that is covered by balls around its children of half the radius. This quantity is directly related to (I2), which enforces the radius rlto reduce by a factor of 2 for each new level, starting from an initial radius r0>0. The covering fraction allows us to capture the vulnerability of the standard CT to the curse of example, consider two regions A1;A2X , for which the doubling dimension at radius rlis ddim (A1;rl)>ddim (A2;rl). A node p2A 1at levellwill then need exponentially more children to be covered, than a node q2A 2at the same level l. This exacerbates the deeper we go into the tree. Therefore, the CT would have signicantly more nodes from regions where the doubling dimension is large. We recall now that sub-sampling is in kernel methods intended to reduce the computational com- plexity. For this purpose, it is desirable to keep the number of sub-samples from each level within a budget of reasonable size. On the other hand, a too low sub-sample density will lead to poor interpola- tion performance. Due to the exponential growth of the number of nodes with respect to the it would be desirable to avoid wasting our budget on sub-samples from regions and radii with a large doubling dimension, as this would require dedicating an (exponentially) large number of points to achieve good interpolation, which is not feasible. Moreover, in high dimensional regions, we likely cannot learn anything more than a simple function, for which a lower sampling density would suce. To reduce the number of sub-samples from regions of large doubling dimensionality, we introduce the following damping invariant as the third invariant of the DCT. (I3) ( Damping invariant ) LetDcf2(0;1) be some threshold and let eCpand cf(p) be as in Def. 3.1. Then any nodeqwhose parent node pdoes not satisfy cf(p)D cfdoes not have children of its own. The damping invariant forces the tree to devote more resources to regions of lower doubling dimension by making it harder for nodes in regions with higher doubling dimensions to have children. In other words, the practical eect of the damping invariant is to stop the vertical growth of the DCT if the doubling dimension becomes large. This is because the covering number grows exponentially with ensuring cf(p)D cfgets correspondingly harder to achieve. Remark 3.2. In Section 5.1, we analyze the damping invariant in more detail and show how the vertical growth of the DCT more for regions of high doubling dimension than for regions of lower doubling Construction of the DCT We now discuss how the DCT is constructed and updated as the data streams in. First, it is important to restate that we use the DCT to replace the Nystr om sampling, which was in FALKON used to reduce the complexity of the ridge regressor. Consequently, not all of the streamed data (that is, not every training point) will be added to the tree, but only those whose inclusion into the tree would not violate the invariants (I1)-(I3). In other words, the tree consists of only those training points that help resolve the data space at the relevant resolution level. Thus, each node pin the DCT is associated with a unique training sample xp, but not every training sample will be represented by a node in the tree. Note that this is dierent from the standard CT, which aims to organize all of the training data into a data structure. The construction of the DCT consists of a series of checks which examine whether adding a given data point to the DCT would, or would not, violate invariants (I1)- (I3). When a new point xqarrives from the data stream the goal is to identify the deepest level lfor which there exists a node psuch that kxq xpkrl. This corresponds to nding the nearest node in the tree that could serve as a parent. We achieve this in the following way. The rst training point is identied as the root node to which we associate the radius r0. For each new point, we proceed in a top-down manner, starting from the root node3. We then check whether xqwould violate the separation invariant at the next level. In other words, if there exists a node psuch thatkxq xpk<rl. If such a node does not exist, then xqis added to the set of children of the root node, and we update the covering fraction estimate for the root node. Otherwise, if such a node does exist, we repeat the process, checking the separation invariant among the children of the corresponding node, and proceed further down the tree. Assume we arrived to a node pat levell1, and we havekxq xpk rl. We then check if pis allowed to have children, that is if the damping invariant is satised. If it is not satised, the point xqis dismissed (it is not added to the tree). On the other hand, if pis allowed to have children, we check whether the separation invariant holds, i.e., if there exists a child cof the node psuch that kxq xck< rl+1. If that were the case, the separation invariant would be violated, and the recursion is applied again by considering cas the potential parent node. However, if such a child does not exist, that is, if the separation invariant is not violated, then xqis added to the set of children of the node p. More details are given in Alg. A.1. Some comments are needed to elucidate how are the steps described above applied in practice. First, note that the covering fraction from Def. 3.1 cannot be calculated explicitly, since the volume terms require knowing the intrinsic dimensionality. Therefore, it is necessary to use an estimator instead. For this purpose, we interpret cf(p) as the probability that a sample xUni(B(xp;r)) will be whereeCpare the children of p. This probability can be estimated by considering the checks of the separation invariant (I2), conducted on the last Npoints that were inside B(xp;r), as a series of independent random trials. We use the following running average as an estimator of the covering 1Bc(xt); (3.1) where 1Bc(xt) is the indicator function, and > 0 is a weighting parameter. This approximates a weighted average of the outcome of the Nlast draws (cf. Appendix 8). Note that this reduces the memory requirements, since instead of storing Ntrial outcomes for each node in the tree, as required had we used an average of the last Ntrials, we store only a single value for each node in the tree. Second, the separation invariant is in practice too strict since it results in too few points added to the tree, and thus a worse kernel estimator. Moreover, checking the separation invariant adds to complexity. Therefore, we introduce the following relaxation. Assume we have a new point xqand arrived at a node pat levell. We then rst conduct a random Bernoulli trial, with the failure + (3.2) wherehis the hardness of the threshold. In other words, the probability of failure is proportional to the distance between xqandxp- the larger the distance, the more likely the failure. If the trial's outcome is a failure, then the check for the separation invariant is ignored, and the algorithm continues. If it is a 3We assume that all new points xqare within a ball of radius r0around this node, which holds for a large enough r0 9success, we proceed by rst checking the separation invariant. This means that the probability to ignore the separation invariant increases as xqgets farther from xp. 3.2 Sub-sampling from the DCT We now discuss how the DCT is used for sub-sampling the training points. By organizing the training points into cover-sets Qlthe DCT allows a hierarchical sub-sampling. Even though cover-sets reduce the number of training points, they are for practical purposes still too large for Due to this, we restrict ourselves to a subset e (l)Qlof candidate sub-samples 3.3 (Landmarks) .LetQlbe the cover-set at level lin a DCT. We dene the set of at level cf(p)D cfg, and the set of landmarks (of size m) as sizem. Some remarks are in order. First, by Def. 3.3, candidates for landmarks at level lare only those nodes allowed to have children (according to the damping invariant (I3)). This design choice implies that the set of candidate landmarks will contain more points from regions with a lower doubling dimension than points from regions with a higher doubling dimension. This is because the larger the is, the more children nodes are needed to cover a given parent node. Second, Def. 3.3 suggests using only a subset of candidate landmarks as sub-samples. We refer to a result from [2] which states that good statistical accuracy of the estimator is achieved if the number of sub-samples is proportional to the square root of the number of samples. At level lwe therefore use a set of landmarks which is of size m(l)=0p jQlj, where0>0 is a constant. The third point that requires attention concerns the question of when the landmarks should be selected. To that end, we use the covering fraction of a level, which, with a slight abuse of notation, we denote as cf(Ql). Moreover, we compute cf(Ql) as (cf(Ql))t= 1Blevel(xt); Moreover, analogously to the damping invariant, let Dlevel2(0;1) be some threshold. We then say that a level lis suciently covered when 3.4. We note that as the level increases, our estimate of cf(Ql)through Eq. (3.3) will be increasingly more sensitive to subsets AX of low doubling dimension than to subsets of large . This is because the damping invariant (I3) makes it harder for nodes in high dimensions to have children. Consequently, we will have fewer points in deeper levels that belong to high Because of this, the estimator in Eq. (3.3) is biased towards using more sub-samples from from a level lgoes as follows. As training points arrive, we build the tree and con- tinuously update the covering fraction of a level. Once that level is suciently covered, that is, we extract the set of landmarks by sub-sampling m(l)points from the pool of e (l). 4 StreaMRAK In this section, we present StreaMRAK and clarify how it synthesizes concepts from Sections 2 and 3, and utilizes them in a streaming context. The work
ow of StreaMRAK can be divided into three threads that can run in parallel, subject to some These are the sub-sampling thread, the training thread, and the prediction thread. Overviews of these threads are given next, and the reader is referred to Algorithm A.2 in the Appendix for further details. 4.1 Sub-sampling thread In the sub-sampling thread StreaMRAK collects and organizes the training data into a DCT. Namely, as new training pairs are collected, the covering (I1) and separation (I2) are checked, and the is updated as described in Section 3.1. Moreover, the set of landmarks for each level is updated, as described in Section 3.2. Once the set of landmarks for a given level e (l) mis completed, the landmarks and the estimator for the corresponding level can be used in the remaining two threads. 4.2 Training thread The model is trained at level lwhen two conditions are met. First, coecients of the previous level l 1 in the LP must have been calculated, i.e. previous training thread must nish. Second, landmarks e (l) m(l) at levellmust be ready. In the rst step, we dene the kernel matrix on the landmarks (4.1) In the second step we in addition to landmarks depend on the training points. They are updated continuously as new training points come in, according to Eq. (2.4) and Eq. (2.5). However, they are not updated indenitely, but only until new training points do not signicantly alter the matrices according to the following 4.1. (Sucient training points) Let An:= and Let
1;2;3>0be three constants. We consider the number of training points at a level lsucient 1
2: After enough training samples are collected according to Def. 4.1, the correction term s(l)is obtained by solving for the coecients Eq. (2.10). The new prediction model bf(L)is obtained by addings(l)to the previous model, according to Eq. (2.7). 4.3 Prediction thread In this thread StreaMRAK makes provides the latest version of the trained LP model in Eq. (2.7). This means that if Lis currently the highest level that has been trained, the prediction for new points xis made using the model bf(L)(x). 5 Analysis In this section, we rst analyze the damping invariant of the DCT. We then oer theoretical results on the convergence properties of the LP in the context of KRR. Finally, we oer estimates of the time and memory requirements of StreaMRAK . 5.1 Analysis of the DCT As discussed in Section 3, the DCT adds a given training point to the set of nodes of the tree if conditions (I2) and (I3) are satised, and the points are otherwise discarded. In particular, the damping invariant (I3) makes it harder for a node to have children. The guiding idea is that damping should reduce the impact of the curse of dimensionality by making it harder for nodes in regions of higher to have children, and in doing so it should eectively stop the vertical growth of the tree in corresponding regions. Therefore, it is critical to understand how and to what degree the damping aects high dimensional regions more than low dimensional ones. In a statistical sense, the damping should treat all nodes in regions of the same doubling Therefore, to gain insight into the damping, it suces to analyze its eects concerning the doubling dimension on a single node p. In this case, the eect of damping can be measured by analyzing how many training points must pass through p, in the sense of Alg. A.1, before children of pare allowed to have children of their own. This can be modeled by considering the expected number of training points to cover B(xp;r) with balls of radius r=2 around points xi. 11Consider and let a setSpbe built in a succession of trials i= 1;:::;Ntso all x2Sp: In other words, a newly sampled point xiwill only be added to the set Spif it its pairwise distances from all the points that are already in Spare at least r=2. Problem 1. LeteCpdenote the set of children of the node p, constructed from the above-described trials. What is the expected number of trials Ntneeded to ensure cf(p) = 1 ? Since there is no unique set Spsuch that the corresponding set of children eCpensures cf(p) = 1, the sample space for Problem 1 corresponds to all admissible sets Sp, which vary in both the number and the location of points they contain. Characterizing all such sets corresponds to a disordered sphere packing problem [56], which is an NP-hard combinatorial problem [57]. For a theoretical analysis of this problem, dening a probability measure over the sample space is necessary. However, in this level of the sample space nor the probability measure admit a workable denition, with currently tools [56]. Although some theoretical insights are possible under simplications on the sample space, this analysis is restrained to a limited number of spheres and to these diculties, we consider a simplied setting where we instead consider an average case. If the setSpis such which corresponds to cf(p) = 1, then each of occupies on average1 jSpjof the total volume of B(xp;r), assuming none of the balls are covered by a union of other balls. Therefore, as Spis being built, adding a point to Spwill, on average, reduce the unoccupied volume of B(xp;r) by1 jSpj. Moreover, it can be shown that the number of elements in such a set satises see Lemma C.1, where ddim :=ddim (Sp;r) is the ofSp. Based on these considerations we introduce a simplied setting for the average case of Problem 1. Assumption 1. Problem 1 can be approximated by dividing the ball B(xp;r)into a union of cdxed (and known) disjoint bins Biof size (1=cd) that the bins referred to in Assumption 1 correspond to regions around the children of the node p. Assumption 1 reduces the average case of Problem 1 to a form of the classical coupons [58], which considers ncoupons with the same probability of being drawn. Through a series of randomized trials with replacement, the goal is to obtain a copy of each coupon. Relevant for Problem 1 is estimating the stopping time T, which counts the number of trials before all coupons are collected, and which satises E[T] =nHn, wherendenotes the number of coupons and Hnis then-th harmonic number [58]. In terms of Problem 1, and under Assumption 1, we can therefore identify =jSpjHjSpj. Combining the bound ln( n) +1 2Hnln(n) + 1 (from [59]), with the bound onjSpjfrom Lemma C.1 we ln 2 + ln 5 + 1): (5.1) With the same strategy, we can bound the number of trials until the cover-fraction of a level reaches ln 2 + ln 5 + 1): (5.2) From Eq. (5.1) we see that the number of training points E[Ntjnodep] grows exponentially with the doubling dimensionallity d. In other words, signicantly more trials are needed to achieve cf(p) =Dcf for nodes in regions with a large doubling dimension than it is for nodes in regions with a lower . Consequently, through the damping invariant, the DCT restricts the vertical growth of the tree comparatively more the higher the doubling dimension of the local region. 5.2 Time and memory section analyzes the memory requirements of StreaMRAK , which involve storing the DCT and the linear system components used to update the coecients. Furthermore, we consider the which consist in solving the coecient equations. Both the memory and need to be analyzed per level lof the tree due to the multi-resolution nature of the estimator and the tree organization of the data. For the analysis, we consider a simplied setting where we assume that the doubling dimension is constant for all levels and all subsets of X, and that the number of children cdis the same for all nodes. At the end of the section we describe a more general setting. In the following, we assume that the growth of the DCT stops at a level L. In other words, level Lis the last level at which there are nodes. In practice, the growth of the DCT slows down exponentially fast with the product of the doubling dimension ddim :=ddim (X;rL) and the level l. This can be seen from Eq. (5.2), which shows that the number of training points necessary to ll up a level grows . Therefore, in practice, no new levels will be added to the DCT when lddim is large enough, which eectively makes the last level Lindependent of the number of training points. Furthermore, from Lemma C.1 we know that cdis bounded by which shows that also cdis independent of the number of training 5.1. The memory requirement of StreaMRAK The memory requirement of the DCT is determined by the number of nodes in the tree. Given that the number of children is the same for all nodes. If the number of children per node is cd, then the total number of nodes at level liscl d. Thus, the memory needed to store the DCT with Llevels store the linear system on level lwe need the the vector z2Rm(l). The number of landmarks m(l)at levellis chosen as m(l)=0p jQlj, where jQljis the number of nodes at level l. it follows that m(l)m(l)is alsoO(cl d) per level, and the desired conclusion follows. Note that with a xed Landnlarger then the memory requirement is independent ofn. We also note that if the deepest level satises L!1 , then the number of nodes is determined by the number of training points, and the memory requirement would thus, in the worst case, become O(n), the same as for the standard we discuss the construction of the DCT, where adding a new point to the set of nodes requires a search through the 5.2. Inserting a new point into the DCT, cf. Algorithm A.1, requires For a point xq2X to be analyzed at level L, we need to have analyzed it at the previous l<L levels. At each level, we must, in the worst case, check the separation invariant with all children of the current potential parent p(l), before nding a node csuch that would serve as the next potential parent. This requires at most cdoperations per level, giving Lcdtotal operations over theLlevels. The same number of operations is necessary if a node is discarded at level L. Lastly, we analyze the computational requirements for solving the linear 5.3. The time requirement for solving the linear system in Eq. (2.3) level, where 3is given in Def. 4.1, Proof. The time requirement of FALKON isO(nmt+m3) wherenis the number of training points, m the number of landmarks and tthe number of iterations of the conjugate gradient (which has an upper bound). By Def. 4.1, StreaMRAK uses at most 3training samples at each level. Since m(l)is the number of landmarks at level l, the result follows. Assume that the domain Xcan be divided into disjoint subsets A1;:::;AtX for which the ddim (Ai;rl) diers based on Aiand radiusrl. Let the number of children of a node In this scenario, the growth of the DCT will stop at dierent levels Lifor dierent subsets Ai. The nal time and memory requirements would therefore be the sum of the contribution from each subsetAi. In other words, the memory would be and similarly the time requirement per point insertion would be We note that on the the data, but are independent of n. Therefore, so are the time and memory Convergence of the LP formulation of the KRR This section analyzes the conditions for which the LP approximates the training data yi=f(xi), with respect to the number of levels. A similar analysis was previously done for the LP in the context of kernel smoothers [30]. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the rst time the LP formulation of KRR has been analyzed in this way. Consider the LP estimator bf(l)as dened in Eq. (2.7), but without sub-sampling. From the for the residuals d(l)in Eq. (2.9) by induction it = (5.3) where cf. Lemma C.2. Theorem 5.4. Letbf(l)be the LP estimator dened in Eq. (2.7) and letbe a regularization let the eigenvalues of K(l) nn. ForL>0we then Thm. 5.4 it follows that the LP estimator will converge as l!1 , sincel;n>0 and for alll. In Thm. 5.5 we characterise how (l) depends on the level lto give insight on the nature of this 5.5. The LP estimator bf(l)from Eq. (2.7) converges with increasing level Lto the cf. Thm. 5.4, with the where 1 (l)
1 + 1152 2(D=2 + 1) 9 is the gamma for have the tighter bound 1 (l)<
1 +
1 21+1 ln (5.5) whereg(l) = (ln (1 + 1 =4) + 2 ln 2) . We note that the bound in Eq. (5.4) underestimates the rate of convergence for lower levels but improves as the levels increase. Furthermore, Thm. 5.5 shows that the convergence rate increases with the levell. In fact, the bound in Eq. (5.4) can be simplied with an a fortiori bound of the same which ensures that 1 (l) decreases monotonically for + log2(25:52p 2). see Remark C.3 and Corollary C.4. On the other hand, when the tighter bound from Eq. (5.5) ensures that 1 (l) continues to decreases monotonically. Moreover, as l!1 each new level reduces the residual error by (1+1=n) 1. We can also observe that the convergence rate is reduced by the number of training points n, but this eect can be mitigated by reducing the regularization parameter . We also note that Thm. 5.4 and Thm. 5.5 are derived for a vector of numbers on the training data nX, without assumptions on the target function. In other words, the LP estimator can approximate the training data for any functionf: n!R, to arbitrary precision, by including suciently many 5.6. If the residual d(l)= levellonly projects non-trivially onto the eigenvectors with eigenvalue l;ncut-o , then we say the residual is spectrally band-limited with respect to the kernel. If the residual d(l)is spectrally band-limited, then 1 (l)<n= (n+cut-o ). 146 Experiments This section presents comparative numerical experiments of the proposed estimator on three problems. In Section 6.1 we consider a one-dimensional regression problem, and in Section 6.2 we consider domain that consists of two 5-dimensional spheres connected by a 2-dimensional plane. Lastly, in Section 6.3, we forecast the trajectory of a double pendulum, which is a well-known chaotic system [40]. We compare StreaMRAK with FALKON [2] and an LP modication of KRR ( LP-KRR ). Both FALKON and LP-KRR rely on the standard Nystr om sub-sampling [47, 48]. Furthermore, FALKON does not rely on a multi-resolution scheme but uses instead a single bandwidth, found by the experiments, we set the threshold for the number of sub-samples (landmarks) in StreaMRAK to be 10p jQlj, whereQlis the set of nodes at level lin the DCT. We note that to choose the sub-sample size, FALKON and LP-KRR requirento be known beforehand. For FALKON we let the number of Nystr om landmarks be 10pn, wherenis the number of training samples. Meanwhile, for LP-KRR we om landmarks, which are then used for all levels. We also need to pre-select the number of training points for LP-KRR andFALKON . For FALKON we use the entire training set, as in [2]. Similarly, it is also common for the LP to use the entire training set at each level [29, 30]. However, for large data sets, it might be better to include fewer data we also use a version of the LP-KRR where we divide the total training data equally between the the experiments, we measure the performance of StreaMRAK ,FALKON , and LP-KRR by estimating the mean square error MSE (y;ypred) = (6.1) where is the number of test runs we average over, nkis the number of test points at test run k, the target values and predictions respectively, and is the normalisation factor. 6.1 Multi-resolution benchmark We consider the function, f(x) = sin1 x+ (6.2) In the experiment we use a training set of n= 2:2106samples and a test set of 1 :3105samples. We use the non-uniform gamma distribution ( ;) with= 1; = 2 to sample the training data. The number of training points used at each level in StreaMRAK is determined by setting 1and2 from Def. 4.1 to 10 3. With this choice, StreaMRAK selects between 30 244 and 40 100 training points for each level. For comparison, FALKON uses all the 2 :2106training points. Furthermore, for LP-KRR we run two experiments: LP-KRR (1) using 1:1105training points at each level and LP-KRR (2) points at each Level (b) Level (c) Level (d) Single level Figure 3: (a)-(d) shows the target function f(x) from Eq. (6.2) as a grey dotted line. The indicates the predicted values made by StreaMRAK . Similarly the red triangles indicates the predictions made by LP-KRR and the dark blue squares the predictions made by FALKON . Results are presented in Table 1, and the prediction results are illustrated in Fig. 3a-3d. The results show that StreaMRAK and both LP-KRR schemes perform much better than FALKON . The reason is that 15Table 1: Comparison of StreaMRAK ,LP-KRR and FALKON for the target in Eq. (6.2). For each level lwe show the number of landmarks, the mean square error (MSE), and the accumulated time to train the prediction model (Time). In parenthesis, in the time column of the FALKON row, is the time to nd the optimal bandwidth through # Landmarks MSE Time StreaMRAK5 47 2:5510 177 s 10 392 3:6910 2116 s 15 1525 8:6310 6497 s 16 2302 6:1810 61194 s LP-KRR (1) nl= 1:11055 1483 2:5610 1143 s 10 1483 3:6510 2413 s 15 1483 8:7210 6825 s 16 1483 6:8510 6922 s 18 1483 6:5510 61136 s LP-KRR (2) nl= 2:21065 1483 2:5610 12963 s 10 1483 3:6410 28704 s 18 1483 8:9110 623 113 s StreaMRAK { 14 830 5:710 34642 s+(27 930 s) 0 5 10 15 (y, y (1) LP-KRR (2) (a) Mean square 300 600 900 (b) Training time Figure 4: Comparison of StreaMRAK andLP-KRR . (a) shows the mean square error calculated according to Eq. (6.1) with the target function from Eq. (6.2). Along the x-axis is the number of levels included in the model. (b) The x-axis shows the accumulated training time until a level in the LP is completed. The y-axis shows the MSE of the prediction using the currently available model. The blue circles indicate the prediction error of StreaMRAK and the red triangles indicate the prediction error of LP-KRR (1). FALKON uses only one bandwidth r, while the multi-resolution schemes StreaMRAK andLP-KRR , utilize a bandwidth regime rl= 2 lr0that varies with the level l. The consequence is that StreaMRAK and LP-KRR approximate the low-frequency components of fwhen the bandwidth is large, and then target the high-frequency components of f(x) gradually as the bandwidth decreases. These results illustrate the benets of a multi-resolution scheme over a single bandwidth scheme. From Table 1, we also observe that LP-KRR (2) is signicantly slower than StreaMRAK andLP-KRR (1). This is because it uses the entire training set at each level. Therefore, since LP-KRR (1) and LP-KRR (2) achieve comparable precision, we see that including all training points at each level is not closer comparison of StreaMRAK and LP-KRR is given in Fig. 4. In particular, in Fig. 4a we see that the two algorithms achieve very similar precision. However, comparing the training times in Fig. 4b, we see that StreaMRAK trains each level faster and therefore achieves better precision earlier than LP-KRR (1). In Fig. 5 we show the average distance of each landmark to their 2 nearest neighbors (2-NN distance to 0.125(a) Level 0.0312 (b) Level 1.53e-05 (c) Level 16 Figure 5: (a)-(c) shows the landmarks with their position along the x1axis and the average distance to their 2 nearest neighbors along the y-axis. Here the red triangles are the Nystr om landmarks of LP-KRR and the light-blue circles the landmarks of StreaMRAK . The grey dotted line is the bandwidth at the given level. Two aspects of the selection require attention. As opposed to LP-KRR ,StreaMRAK selects landmarks such that the 2-NN distance is comparable to the bandwidth used at a specic level. In saves computational power by not choosing landmarks in regions where the 2-NN distance is too low compared to the bandwidth. In Fig. 5c this can be observed for level l= 16 for Due to the non-uniform sample distribution with a higher density around x= 0, the adaptive sub-sampling is able to select more landmarks in the region close to x= 0, where foscillates with high frequency. Furthermore, StreaMRAK stops predicting at level 16 because level 17 is not yet covered with a high enough density of landmarks. Meanwhile, LP-KRR continues, but as seen from Fig. 4a the improvements after level 15 are not signicant because the density of Nystr om samples is too low compared to the bandwidth. 6.2 Adaptive sub-sampling benchmark We consider a dumbbell-shaped domain embedded in R5, consisting of two 5-dimensional spheres con- nected by a 2-dimensional plane. A projection of the input domain in R3is shown in Fig. 7 as target we consider the following function, f(x) =( Asin(Bx1+) + (x1+ 2);1<x 1<3 1; (6.3) whereA;B andare chosen so that For the experiments, we consider a training set of 1 :9106samples and a test set of 6 105samples, all sampled uniformly at random from the input domain. We note that we purposefully chose a simple function in the high because complicated functions in high dimensions require far too many points to be determine the number of training points for StreaMRAK , we let1= 110 3and2= 110 4, cf. Def. 4.1. With this choice StreaMRAK selects between 30 100 and 40 100 training points for each level. FALKON again uses all the 1 :9106training points and for LP-KRR we consider two settings: LP-KRR (1) using 1:8105training points at each level, and LP-KRR (2) using 1:9106training points at each level. The results for StreaMRAK ,LP-KRR , and FALKON are presented in Table 2. We observe that StreaMRAK achieves a better prediction than both FALKON and LP-KRR because it adapts the sub- sampling density to the level of resolution. To understand the improvement in prediction accuracy, we need to discuss the eects of In Fig. 7a-7c we show the projections of landmarks for StreaMRAK and LP-KRR onR3, and in Fig. 7d-7f the average distance of each landmark to its 7 nearest neighbors. These distances are compared with the bandwidth rlselected for the given level l. We see that StreaMRAK selects landmarks in regions where the average distance to nearest neighbors is comparable to the bandwidth. This means that in high dimensional regions, which correspond to x12[ 1;1][[3;5], the algorithm eectively stops collecting landmarks since it cannot maintain high enough density. On the other hand, LP-KRR uses 17Table 2: Comparison of StreaMRAK ,LP-KRR , and FALKON predictions of the target function in Eq. (6.3). For each level lwe show the number of landmarks, the mean square error (MSE), and the accumulated time to train the prediction model (Time). In parenthesis, in the time column of the FALKON row, is the time to nd the optimal bandwidth through # Landmarks MSE Time StreaMRAK4 352 1:2910 364 s 5 2667 1:2710 31398 s 6 1858 8:3110 41462 s 8 1329 2:7510 52307 s LP-KRR (1) nl= 1:81054 1375 1:2810 3386 s 5 1375 1:2610 3520 s 6 1375 9:1010 4671 s 8 1375 3:3010 41064 s 9 1375 3:1010 41287 s LP-KRR (2) nl= 1:91064 1375 1:3410 34160 s 5 1375 1:3010 35570 s 6 1375 9:4410 47168 s 8 1375 3:1610 411 125 s 9 1375 3:0110 413 334 s FALKON { 14 830 6:810 46590 s+(37 561 s) Nystrom sub-sampling, which imposes a uniform selection of landmarks. Consequently, a of landmarks come from high-dimensional regions. 0 2 4 6 of d = 2 StreaMRAK, d = 5 LP-KRR, d = 2 LP-KRR, d = 5 (a) Landmarks distribution 0 2 4 6 (y, y pred) (b) Mean square error Figure 6: Comparison of StreaMRAK and LP-KRR (1) in the 2-dim and 5-dim regions of the Dumbbell domain. The solid blue line is StreaMRAK for dimension d= 2 while the solid red line is LP-KRR (1) for dimensiond= 2. The grey dotted line is StreaMRAK for dimension d= 5 and the dark-grey dashed line isLP-KRR (1) for dimension d= 5 (a) shows the mean square error calculated according to Eq. (6.1). (b) shows the number of landmarks in the 2-dimensional and the 5- dimensional Fig. 7 shows that in the case of LP-KRR , the average distance between the landmarks in high dimensional regions is larger than the bandwidth rlwhenl5. As a knock-on eect, LP-KRR makes only small improvements in high dimensional regions for l5, as seen from Fig. 6b. can be observed for StreaMRAK . However, since StreaMRAK devotes fewer resources to high dimensional regions, it sub-samples more from the low dimensional region, as illustrated in Fig. 6a. The consequence is that StreaMRAK makes bigger improvements in the low dimensional region than LP-KRR , as seen from Fig. 6b. Note that this was not the case in Section 6.1, where the two methods had similar behavior, but unlike here, the input domain in Section 6.1 did not consist of regions with dierent -10 -1 0 2 41(a) Level 4 1 0 -10 -1 0 2 41 (b) Level 5 1 0 -10 -1 0 2 41 (c) Level distance to 0.625 (d) Level 0.312 (e) Level 0.156 (f) Level 6 Figure 7: In the gure, red triangles correspond to LP-KRR and light-blue circles to StreaMRAK . (a)-(c) shows the landmark distributions projected on R3at levell= 4;5;6 respectively. (d)-(f) shows the average distance between the 7 nearest neighbors; bandwidth rlis indicated with a dotted line. 6.3 Forecasting the trajectory of a double pendulum We consider the double pendulum, illustrated in Fig. 2a, which we model by the Lagrangian +ml2!1!2cos (1 2) +mgl(2 cos1+ cos2); (6.4) under the assumption that the pendulums are massless rods of length l1=l2=lwith masses m1=
m2=mcentered at the end of each rod. Here gis the standard gravity, the angular velocities, and the angles 1,2are as indicated in Fig. 2a. For the experiments we let m= 1, l= 1 andg= 10. The learning task is to forecast the trajectory of the pendulum, given only its initial conditions. We letst= [1(t); 2(t); !1(t); !2(t)]2R4be the state of the system at step t2Nand train StreaMRAK , LP-KRR and FALKON to learn how stmaps to a later state st+, for 2N. The trained model bfis used to forecast the state sTforT >> 0 by recursively predicting st+=bf(st) from the initial state s0 untilt=T. For the experiments we consider two settings: a low energy system slow 0= and a high energy system shigh 0= For these systems, we initialize 8000 for where (s) = Each pendulum is iterated for 500 steps, which results in 5 106training points distributed in R4. Furthermore, for the test data we consider 100 pendulums s0N(s;0:01jsj) for iterated for 500 steps. To determine the number of training points for StreaMRAK , we let1;2= 10 4, cf. Def. 4.1. With this choice StreaMRAK selects between 30 219 and 70 282 training points for each level for the low energy system, and between 36 300 and 130 200 for the high energy system. Meanwhile, FALKON uses all 5:0106training points and LP-KRR use 3:9105training points at each level. Results are presented in Table 3 and 4. Furthermore, to illustrate the prediction results we consider the center of mass Mx(st) =1 2(x1(t) +x2(t))2Rat state st, wherex1; x22Rare the positions of the two pendulum masses as seen in Fig. 2a. The prediction results are illustrated in Fig. 8 and 9 for the low and high energy pendulums respectively. We calculate the MSE at each step tseparately, such that for a given twe use Eq. 6.1 with and = 100. For the low energy system, we see from Fig. 8c how StreaMRAK is trained signicantly faster than LP- KRR, although at a cost of reduced precision. The reduced training time of StreaMRAK is a 3: Comparison of StreaMRAK ,LP-KRR , and FALKON for the low energy system. For each level lwe show the number of landmarks, the MSE at step T=50, and the accumulated time to train the prediction model (Time). In parenthesis, in the time column of the FALKON row, is the time to nd the optimal bandwidth through # Landmarks MSE(T=50) Time StreaMRAK2 1 1:1210 131 s 5 66 3:3910 5498 s 7 659 1:4410 6534 s 9 4085 3:0110 7812 s LP-KRR2 1979 5:9310 2490 s 5 1979 2:7310 51463 s 7 1979 2:1610 72395 s 9 1979 1:1610 83550 s FALKON { 19 790 51062934 s+(1498 s) Table 4: Comparison of the StreaMRAK ,LP-KRR , and FALKON for the high energy system. For each levellwe show the number of landmarks, the MSE at step T=50, and the accumulated time to train the prediction model (Time). In parenthesis, in the time column of the FALKON row, is the time to nd the optimal bandwidth through # Landmarks MSE(T=50) Time StreaMRAK2 1 2:7010 149 s 5 1106 8:5310 3915 s 7 6376 2:1610 41999 s LP-KRR2 1979 1:7210 2522 s 5 1979 5:0910 31474 s 7 1979 1:3910 42431 s FALKON { 19 790 510623 830 s+(11 050 s) of the low doubling dimension of the training data, which allows the selection of far fewer landmarks for StreaMRAK than what is used at each level in LP-KRR . For the high-energy pendulum, we see from Fig. 9c that StreaMRAK is again able to achieve good precision faster than LP-KRR . Furthermore, we see that the number of landmarks selected for abruptly with the levels, re
ecting the high doubling dimension of the training data. Due to this StreaMRAK stops the training after level 7, as the next levels require too many landmarks. By continuing for 2 more levels LP-KRR is able to achieve marginally better precision but at an cost. As seen in Fig. 9b, the forecasting of StreaMRAK andLP-KRR breaks down after T200 steps. In Fig. 10b we observe the trajectory of a pendulum with initial condition shigh 0, as well as four pendulums with a 0:5% perturbation on the angles We observe that after roughly T= 205 time steps the trajectory of the ve pendulums diverge signicantly from each other. Therefore, it seems that a bifurcation point occurs around this time, which may explain why all the algorithms are unable to make good forecasting beyond this 100 200 300 StepsMSE Mean square error 0 100 200 of mass Mx (b) Forecasting 1000 2000 3000 Time(s)MSE (Mx,Mpred x) (c) Training time Figure 8: Comparison of StreaMRAK (light blue lines and circles), LP-KRR (red lines and triangles), and FALKON (dark blue dotted lines and squares) for the low energy pendulum. (a) Shows the mean square error of the center of mass Mx(st) for the level 7 prediction, with step Talong the x-axis. (b) shows the true center of mass trajectory as a grey dotted line and the predictions of StreaMRAK ,LP-KRR , and FALKON at level 9. (c) The x-axis shows the accumulated training time until a level in the LP is completed. The y-axis shows the MSE of the predicted system state after T= 50 steps. We note that StreaMRAK includes 7 levels, while LP-KRR includes 100 200 300 StepsMSE Mean square error 0 100 200 of mass Mx (b) Forecasting 2000 3000 4000 Time(s)MSE (Mx,Mpred x) (c) Training time Figure 9: Comparison of StreaMRAK (light blue lines and circles), LP-KRR (red lines and triangles), and FALKON (dark blue dotted lines and squares) for the high-energy pendulum. (a) Shows the mean square error of the center of mass Mx(st) for the level 7 prediction, with step Talong the x-axis. (b) shows the true center of mass trajectory as a grey dotted line and the predictions of StreaMRAK ,LP-KRR , and FALKON at level 9. (c) The x-axis shows the accumulated training time until a level in the LP is completed. The y-axis shows the MSE of the predicted system state after T= 50 StepT= 200. -100-50 0 50 (Degrees) (b) Projection of the pendulum trajectories on StepT= 210. Figure 10: (a) Pendulum positions at T= 200 and ( c) The positions at T= 210. In (a) and (c), PM is the main pendulum with initial conditions shigh 0, whilePFis the StreaMRAK forecast of the Similarly, P0-P3are four training pendulums with a perturbation of 0 :5% on the initial angles
1and2of the main pendulum. (b) Projection of the training data on the 12-plane. The thick red line is the main pendulum corresponding to PMand the four grey dotted lines are the test pendulums P0-P3, where the X indicates the time T= 205. 217 Outlook Further development of StreaMRAK is intended with focus on four objectives. (O1) Augmentation of the DCT to track the error at each node (O2) Improve the estimator in Def. 4.1 and Eq. 3.1. (O3) Renement of previously tted levels in the LP as new data arrives. (O4) Further theoretical analysis of the LP. Considering objective (O1) we intend to develop the DCT to track the error at each node. This way the growth can be restricted in regions where the error is small, which allows for more focus on regions where the error is large. The intention is that this will reduce the problem complexity even further, while also increasing the precision. Regarding objective (O2), a drawback with the estimator in Eq. 3.1 was already mentioned in Remark B.1. Furthermore, for the estimator in Def. 4.1, we intend to implement and evaluate alternative ways to estimate the convergence of the matrices. Another focus area will be objective (O3), as we believe new information may be revealed as new training data arrive, and renement of previously tted levels can therefore be benecial. Finally, the theoretical analysis in objective (O4) will focus on analyzing the generalization error for the LP, particularly in combination with the adaptive sub-sampling scheme. 8 especially would like to thank Prof. Pieter Abeel at UC Berkeley and Asst. Prof. Sicun Gao at UC San Diego for their input on the double pendulum system, and for providing a code example for this system. We would also like to thank Sami Ortoleva at UC San Diego for his discussion on the analysis of the damped cover-tree. AO is part of the Simula-UCSD-UiO Research and Ph.D. training program (SUURPh), an international collaboration in computational biology and medicine funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, ZK is funded by UK EPSRC grant EP/T000864/1, AC is funded by NSF DMS 1819222, 2012266, and Russell Sage Foundation grant 2196 and YF is funded by the NIH grant NINDS (PHS) U19NS107466 Reverse Engineering the Brain Stem Circuits that Bernhard Sch olkopf and Alexander J Smola. Learning with Kernels: Support Vector Optimization, and Beyond . MIT press, 1 edition, 2002. [2] Alessandro Rudi, Luigi Carratino, and Lorenzo Rosasco. FALKON: An optimal large scale kernel method. In I. Guyon, U. V. Luxburg, S. Bengio, H. Wallach, R. Fergus, S. Vishwanathan, and R. Garnett, editors, Proc. 31th Int. Conf. Neural Inf. Process. Syst. , volume 30, pages Ahmed El Alaoui and Michael W. Mahoney. Fast randomized kernel ridge regression with In Proc. 28th Int. Conf. Neural Inf. Process. 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5:end if Appendix B. Preparatory material We oer preparatory material on the damped cover-tree and kernel methods. B.1 Preparatory material on the damped cover-tree This section shows how the recursive formula in Eq. 3.1 approximates the weighted average of the outcome of the last Nrandom trails. Where the trails are as described in Section 3.1. By expanding Eq. 3.1 we have ( cf(p))t= Since (1 1 N)N1=e, the rst term becomes negligible when tN. Similarly, all terms i>N in the sum becomes negligible. This is a weighted average of the outcome of the Nlast draws as claimed. Remark B.1. We mention a weakness of the estimator in Eq. (3.1) . As follows from Algorithm A.1, every time a new point xis not covered by the existing children, a new child is added. This leading to the posterior distribution Prob ( 1Bc(x) = 0jx)to changed every time 1Bc(x) = 0 . B.2 Preparatory material on Kernel methods Kernel methods in the context of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) oer a powerful approach to machine learning with a well-established mathematical foundation [60, 1]. In this paper we consider an input spaceXRD, a corresponding target space YRand letbe the probability distribution on XY . Furthermore, we assume an RKHS Hkgenerated by a positive denite kernel k:XX! R. In other words, the eigenvalues i;:::;nof the corresponding kernel matrix Knn= for alli2n. In this setting the inner product between two feature vectors the property that This relation, known as the kernel trick [61, 62], eectively circumvents the need for explicit construction of non-linear mappings . Given a training set f(xi;yi) :i2[n]gsampled according to with n=fxi:i2[n]g, we formulate the kernel ridge regression (KRR) problem as bfn;= (B.1) where > 0 is a regularisation parameter and bHn=spanfk(;xi) :i2[n]gis a ofHk. What is more, for all f2bHnthe Representer theorem [63, 64] guarantees that there exists coecients 1;:::;nsuch that the solution to Eq. (B.1) is on the form f(x) the KRR estimator is therefore reduced to solving the linear y= (y1;:::;yn)>,= (1;:::;n)>, and [ C. Proofs and denitions Lemma C.1. Consider a domain X2RD, a ballB(xp;r)X and Furthermore, let the doubling dimension of the set Sbeddim :=ddim (S;r). We letcd:=jSj when cf(p) = 1 . We then have The upper bound on cdfollows from Lemma C.5 with r=r0and=r0=2. The lower bound follows from the denition of the doubling dimension 1.2. Lemma C.2. Letd(l)be the residual at level las dened in Eq. (2.9) . We then have, d(l+1)= Denote s(l)=s(l)([xn]), and note that Forl= 1, we proceed by induction. Assume the statement holds for an l2. We now Proof of Thm. By denition of d(l)and Lemma C.2 it =d(l+1)= (I P(l) nn)d(l)= (C.1) We then (C.2) Consider the SVD = diag (l;i) We then 1 (l);(C.3) and Thm. 5.4 follows recursively from Eq. (C.2) and Eq. (C.3). C.2 Proof of Thm. 5.5 To bound the smallest eigenvalue of the kernel matrix [ K(l) nn]ij= (kxi xjk), namelyl;n, we will assume that there exists a lower bound on the minimal distance between any two points Consider the Gaussian ( x) = exp( kxk2 2), >0, with the = From [65, Corollary 12.4] we have the 12 2(D=2 + + (p 22 lr0) 2we then we + 1152 2(D=2 + 1) 9 rst bound in Thm. 5.5 follows from this result. Remark C.3. In [65, Thm. 12.3] they also oer an a fortiori bound corresponding to MD= C.4. We note that B(l)has a maximum 4 Dlog 2
= is monotonically increasing with lon the interval l2(0;l). Furthermore, with the a for MDfrom Remark C.3 we have l= the level lbecomes suciently large, the kernel matrix K(l) nnbecomes diagonally dominant, and we can therefore bound the eigenvalues using Garschgorins Theorem [66, Thm. 1.1], which (C.4) To nd a more explicit bound, we analyze the sum on the right-hand side using Lemma C.5. Lemma C.5. Consider a ballB(x;r)2RDand let >0. The number of points in any (discrete) set of points withinB(x;r)that are at least is bounded by jSj
+ 1D . Proof. Since the points in Sare at least apart, it follows that the balls B(xi;=2) are disjoint. Consider now the ballB(x;r+=2). All of the balls B(xi;=2) are entirely contained within B(x;r+=2). Since the ballsB(xi;=2) are disjoint, it follows 1D : Consider a family of annuli Inspired by [30], we can interpret the right hand side of Eq. (C.4) as a sum over fRtg1 t=0. The entries of K(l) nnare dened as [K(l) nn]ij= 2 lr0forr0>0. It in the rst term on the right-hand side we bound the number of summands using Lemma C.5, and in the second we use Note now that for all T1 there exists CT>0 29 | 2108.10411 | Andreas Oslandsbotn | Andreas Oslandsbotn, Zeljko Kereta, Valeriya Naumova, Yoav Freund,
Alexander Cloninger | StreaMRAK a Streaming Multi-Resolution Adaptive Kernel Algorithm | null | null | null | null | cs.LG cs.NA math.NA stat.ML | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Kernel ridge regression (KRR) is a popular scheme for learning. However, existing implementations of KRR require that all the data is stored in the main memory, which severely limits the use of KRR in contexts where data size far exceeds the memory size. Such applications are increasingly common in data mining, bioinformatics, and control. A for computing on data sets that are too large for memory is the streaming model of computation, where we process one data sample at a time, discarding each sample before moving on to the next one. In this paper, we propose StreaMRAK - a streaming version of KRR. StreaMRAK improves on existing KRR schemes by dividing the problem into several levels of resolution, which allows continual refinement to the predictions. The algorithm reduces the memory requirement by continuously and efficiently integrating new samples into the training model. With a novel sub-sampling scheme, StreaMRAK reduces memory and computational complexities by creating a sketch of the original data, where the sub-sampling density is adapted to the bandwidth of the kernel and the local dimensionality of the data. We present a showcase study on two and the prediction of the trajectory of a double pendulum. The results show that the proposed algorithm is fast and accurate.
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2 Xu & Bai Particles with a broad range of sizes interact with gaseous protoplanetary disks (PPDs) via gas drag, char- acterized by the stopping time tstop. It is conven- tional to cast the stopping time in dimensionless where is the local orbital frequency of the disk. Particles are considered strongly coupled to the gas for s1, and the coupling is marginal for
s1. Such interactions lead to the drift, where an outward radial gas pressure gradi- ent typically present in PPDs is felt by the gas but not dust. The gas thus rotates at sub-Keplerian velocity, while particles feel a head wind and hence drift radially inward. More generically, particles always drift towards higher pressure, and the eect is the most prominent for marginally coupled particles with s1. Particles with mm-cm sizes are typically marginally coupled with
s0:1 1 in the outer PPDs (a few tens of AU), and more strongly coupled in the inner disks ( 10 3in the inner few AU). Therefore, mutual interaction between dust and gas is the key piece of physics in any theory of planetesimal planetesimal formation mechanisms have been proposed. Early studies focused on (GI) of a thin dust layer (Safronov & Zvjag- ina 1969; Goldreich & Ward 1973). However, it requires extreme level of settling, and the dust layer itself can be subject to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability 1980). Triggering the GI requires high dust-to-gas ratio (Sekiya 1998; Youdin
& Shu 2002), although it can be mitigated to less ex- treme conditions (Chiang 2008; Barranco 2009; Lee et al. 2010a,b). For strongly-coupled dust, concentra- tion may be achieved through secular GI (e.g., Youdin 2011; Takahashi & Inutsuka 2014; Tominaga et al. 2018) and two-component viscous GI (Tominaga et al. 2019), resulting from gas drag and self-gravity over with the latter further involving the action of gas viscosity. They generally require very low level of external turbulence (viscosity) to operate. On the other hand, turbulence contains eddies of dierent sizes which themselves may selectively concentrate particles whose stopping time is comparable to eddy turnover time (e.g., Cuzzi et al. 2001; Pan et al. 2011; Hopkins 2016; Hartlep
& Cuzzi 2020). In addition, specic hydrodynamic in- stabilities can also result in strong vortices that act as dust traps (e.g., Raettig et al. 2021). Over the past decade, perhaps the most popular and promising scenario for planetesimal formation is the streaming instability (SI, Goodman & Pindor 2000; Youdin & Goodman 2005). The key ingredient behind the SI is the incorporation of backreaction from dust to gas, leading to a two-
uid type instability. It arises atthe cost of the free energy from relative drift between dust and gas (which ultimately arises from the in the disk) rather than orbital shear. It is com- monly interpreted as dust pile up causing trac jams (Youdin & Johansen 2007; Johansen & Youdin 2007), more recent investigations have revealed the richness of the instability in its linear behaviors (Jacquet et al. 2011; Lin & Youdin 2017; Jaupart & Laibe 2020; Pan & Yu 2020; Pan 2020; Lin 2021), and can be considered as a special case of the resonant drag instability (Squire &
Hopkins 2018, simulations particle-gas dynamics PPDs have revealed that dust backreaction, the SI leads to the formation of dense dust clumps with suciently high density to drive gravitational collapse (Johansen et al. 2009b, 2014; Simon et al. 2016; Sch afer et al. 2017; Abod et al. 2019). The strength of particle concen- tration depends on physical conditions in PPDs, par- ticularly particle stopping time, the solid abundance, and the background gas pressure gradient in the disk (Bai & Stone 2010a,c; Carrera et al. 2015; Yang et al. 2017). With these simulation results, the SI scenario has been widely applied to model planetesimal formation in global disk context (e.g. Dra_ zkowska & Dullemond & Ormel 2017). 1.2. The issue with disk turbulence The aforementioned studies of the SI typically con- sider dust dynamics without external turbulence. How- ever, recent studies have shown that the linear growth of the SI can be damped or fully suppressed by even moderate level (Shakura-Sunyaev &10 4, Shakura &
Sunyaev 1973) of disk viscosity (Umurhan et al. 2020; Chen & Lin 2020), a result that has been from non-linear SI simulations with external driven turbulence (Gole et al. 2020). This is a serious problem that endangers the applicability of the SI to planetesimal inference of disk turbulence have where there is evidence for both strong and weak turbulence. Direct measurements of turbu- lent line broadening have yielded either strong (Flaherty et al. 2020) or non-detectable (Flaherty et al. 2017, 2018; Teague et al. 2018) level of turbulence. Level of tur- bulence can also be inferred from measuring dust dis- tributions. In particular, dust layer thickness is deter- mined by a balance of dust settling from vertical gravity and turbulent diusion. In the case of the HL Tau disk (ALMA Partnership et al. 2015), the sharpness of dust rings indicates a geometrically thin dusty disk corre- sponding to weak turbulence with a few times 10 4Dust Settling and Clumping 3 (Pinte et al. 2016). Recent disk observations have also revealed rich substructures dominated by dust rings (e.g. Andrews et al. 2018; Long et al. 2018), where the width of dust rings result from dust trapping balancing tur- bulent diusion. Modeling and measuring dust and gas ring width have led to a conclusion of relatively with =s&10 2, at least in disk outer re- gions (Dullemond et al. 2018; Rosotti et al. 2020). De- spite some controversies, the inferred turbulence levels are typically weak, but still well above 10 4, which would have suppressed the SI. An important caveat behind the conundrum above is that turbulence may not be simply approximated as a viscosity, nor mimicked by articial turbulence on the source of turbulence driving, it may share substantially dierent properties. For instance, it was found that the SI can coexist with the vertical shear instability (VSI, Nelson et al. 2013) which, de- spite yielding a turbulence level of 10 3, can con- structively act with the SI to promote dust clumping (Sch afer et al. 2020). Therefore, it is of crucial impor- tance to study the interplay of the SI with more This work In this work, we focus on the outer regions of PPDs, which are accessible to most widely invoked mechanism for generating tur- bulence is the instability (MRI, Bal- bus & Hawley (1991)), whereas long as gas and magnetic elds are well coupled, or in the ideal (MHD) regime, it generates vigorous turbulence that eciently transports angular momentum and drives disk accretion. However, PPDs are weakly ionized, mak- ing gas and magnetic elds poorly coupled, resulting in three non-ideal MHD eects, namely, Ohmic resistivity, the Hall eect, and ambipolar diusion (AD) (e.g. War- dle 2007; Bai 2011a; Armitage 2015; Lesur 2020). The three eects dominate in progressively lower density re- gions, where the outer disk is largely dominated by AD. Simulations have revealed that the MRI is damped by AD (Bai & Stone 2011), but not fully suppressed given the expected level of ionization in the outer disk (Simon et al. 2013b,a; Bai 2015), with on the order of 10 3. It is our goal to study the interplay of the SI with the MRI in this regime. We note that there are several similar studies in the literature considering particle concentration in MRI tur- bulence. Majority of the studies considered the MRI in ideal MHD, with low resolution (typically .16 cells per scale height), well below typical resolutions needed to properly resolve the SI (e.g. Balsara et al. 2009; Tilleyet al. 2010). Exceptions include Johansen et al. (2007, 2011), who conducted high-resolution local MRI simula- tions in ideal MHD and found particle concentration in local pressure bumps (known as zonal
ows, Johansen et al. (2009a)), leading to planetesimal formation. Such zonal
ows can be long-lived and likely play a signi- cant role in concentrating particles (Dittrich et al. 2013). Yang et al. (2018) conducted large-box (but relatively low resolution) simulations with Ohmic resistivity in the midplane region (and hence modest turbulent damping), and also reported particle clumping despite that parti- cles do not strongly settle to the midplane region. How- ever, we anticipate the properties of the MRI turbulence to be very dierent in outer PPDs in the presence of AD. Here, we perform very high resolution 3D simulations of particle-gas mixture in the local shearing-box frame- work. Both hydrodynamic and non-ideal MHD with AD are considered. Our simulations have both reasonable box size to accommodate the MRI turbulence and su- cient resolution to reasonably resolve the SI, if present, which allow us to study the interplay between realistic MRI turbulence and dust dynamics in the outer PPDs. We are particularly interested in particle settling and diusion in vertical direction, as well as particle clump- ing. By comparison between runs with and without magnetic eld, as well as with and without dust back- reaction, we aim to decipher the potential mechanisms that control dust diusion, settling and whether the SI still operates to form paper is organized as follows. In SS2, we de- scribe basic formulations and simulation setup. In SS3, we overview the simulation results. In SS4,SS5, and SS6, we analyze the simulation results, focusing on settling and clumping respectively. The results are further analyzed and discussed in SS7 to address the physics behind particle settling behaviour and as well as implications in realistic disks. We summarize and discuss future prospects in SS8. 2.METHOD AND SIMULATIONS 2.1. Formulation and simulation framework We use the Athena MHD code (Stone et al. 2008), a higher-order Godunov code with constrained trans- port to preserve the divergence-free property for mag- netic elds (Gardiner & Stone 2005, 2008) to perform 3D local MHD simulations in the shearing sheet ap- proximation (Goldreich & Lynden-Bell 1965). We use a local reference frame located at a ducial radius coro- tating with Keplerian frequency K. The are written in Cartesian coordinates, with ^x,
^yand ^zdenoting unit vectors pointing to the and vertical directions, and Kis along the4 Xu & Bai Figure 1. A snapshot of 3D visualization of the dust spa- tial distribution in our non-ideal MHD shearing-box simula- tion (run ADZ2) at the time of T= 120
1 Kafter inserting dust particles, with projections in three orthogonal direc- tions. Dust density is mapped to brightness, where brighter region indicates higher dust The gas density and velocity are in this non-inertial frame. The HLLD Riemann solver (Miyoshi & Kusano 2005) with third order reconstruction, combined with the CTU in- tegrator are used in all MHD simulations. Dust is im- plemented as Lagrangian particles coupled with gas via aerodynamic drag, and the backreaction from the parti- cles to gas is included, as implemented in (Bai & Stone 2010b). The drag force between gas and dust particles is characterized by particle stopping time tstop. For a par- ticleiwith velocity of vi, the drag force on the particle is (u vi)=tstopper particle unit mass. With magnetic eld denoted by B, the MHD equations are written = 0; (3) where Tdenotes the total stress tensor: T= (P+B2=2)I BTB; (4)withIbeing the identity tensor and Pis the gas pressure. We assume an isothermal equation of state for the gas so thatP=gc2 s, wherecsis the isothermal sound speed. The disk scale height is given by Hg=cs=
K. The units for magnetic eld is chosen such that magnetic perme- ability= 1, and hence magnetic pressure is given by B2=2, and current density is given by J=rB. The rst and second terms on the right side of equa- tion (2) represent Coriolis force and radial tidal The third term on the right side of (2) is the backreaction from dust particles to gas where andvare the local particle mass density and mean particle veloc- ity, obtained by interpolation. The disk vertical gravity in the gas is ignored in our simulations and hence the gas is unstratied (but dust is stratied, see later). This is justied as we are mainly interested in regions within one gas scale height about the midplane. In the induction Equation (3), the last term corre- sponds to ambipolar diusion (AD), where
is the co- ecient of momentum exchange in ion-neutral the ion density. AD is paraterized by Els asser (5) withAm!1 corresponds to ideal MHD regime, where the magnetic eld is frozen to the gas. The gas dynamics in the disk is signicantly aected by AD with Am.10 (Bai & Stone 2011). Bai (2011a,b) found that Am1 is widely applicable at the outer PPDs ( &30 AU) where AD is the dominant non-ideal MHD eect. Without stratication, initial gas density 0is uni- form. We thus set cs= K=Hg=0= 1 in code units. Periodic boundary conditions are used in both vertical and azimuthal directions, while in the radial di- rection, we use shearing periodic boundary et al. 1995). An orbital advection scheme is used which improves the accuracy of the & Gardiner 2010), in which we subtract Kep- lerian shear uK (3=2) Kx^yand only evolve the deviation we impose a net vertical magnetic eld B0 in our MHD simulations. The strength of B0is charac- terized plasma to the ratio of gas pressure 0c2 sto the magnetic pressure of the net vertical eld. The net ver- tical magnetic eld is needed for the MRI turbulence to be sustained under strong AD in outer disk regions (Bai & Stone 2011; Simon et al. 2013b), and 0104Dust Settling and Clumping 5 Table 1. List of simulation runs. Run name Z N xNyNz Am hydZ2 0.1 0.02 480 4804801 - hydZ4 0.1 0.04 480 4804801 - ADZ0 0.1 10 5256256256 12800 2 ADZ05 0.1 0.005 256 256256 12800 2 ADZ1 0.1 0.01 256 256256 12800 2 ADZ2 0.1 0.02 256 256256 12800 2 ADZ4 0.1 0.04 256 256256 12800 2 ADZ1H 0.1 0.01 384 384384 12800 2 ADZ2H 0.1 0.02 384 384384 12800 2 ADZ2P0 0 0.02 256 256256 12800 2 ADZ2P005 0.05 0.02 256 256256 12800 2 ADZ2P02 0.2 0.02 256 256256 12800 2 All simulations have a particle number of 1 per cell on average, with particle stopping time s= 0:1. The simulation box size is H2HHfor MHD runs, and hydrodynamic runs. is required for achieving accretion rates consistent (Simon et al. 2013a; Bai 2015). The equation of motion for particle ican then be writ- ten the above, the rst term on the right side a force pointing inward in order to mimic the outward gas radial pressure gradient (see Bai & Stone (2010b)), which is equivalent to but more convenient than directly implementing the pressure gradient to the gas in Equation (2). The parameter the deviation from Keplerian rotation due to radial pressure gradient, which is characterized by vK=cs (Bai & Stone 2010c). In the absence of gas drag, vK gives the relative velocity between gas and dust, i.e., the headwind. With our treatment, gas would stay at Keplerian while dust would travel at maintaining the relative drift between the second and third terms on the right side of equa- tion (7) again represent Coriolis force and radial tidal gravity, separately. Unlike for the gas, vertical grav- ity for dust particles is included in the simulation thus allowing particles to settle towards the midplane. The last term represents the drag force on in- dividual particles, where gas velocities are interpolated to individual particle positions. It is convenient to use a dimensionless stopping time dened as particles with s1 are strongly coupled to thegas while particles with s1 are loosely coupled to the gas. We use the second-order semi-implicit solver to inte- grate particles, with the triangular shaped cloud (TSC) scheme for interpolation (for dust integrator) and de- posits (for dust backreaction), as described in Bai &
Stone (2010b). 2.2. Simulation setup and parameters The list of our simulation runs is shown in Table 1. Fiducially, we perform non-ideal MHD simulations (la- beled by AD) with particle feedback included, and an additional MHD run with suciently low solid abun- dance so that the dust feedback is negligible. We refer to the latter simulation as o feedback (ADZ0), and rescale the particle density as appropriate when compar- ing with other runs with dust feedback. We also perform pure hydrodynamic simulations (labeled by hyd) with particle feedback (i.e. the standard SI simulations) for reference. In addition, we explore dierent levels of solid abundance, pressure gradient, turbulence levels and sim- ulation resolutions. The simulation setup and parame- ters are described as follows. As a rst study, our simulations consider a single par- ticle species with xed stopping time s= 0:1 for all our simulations. At outer disk regions, gas drag is in the Epstein regime with the solid density and physical size of dust particles. Fixing sis justied because gas den- sity undergoes very little variation in unstratied MRI simulation box with AD (Bai & Stone 2011). In stan- dard disk models, s= 0:1 corresponds to mm-cm size particles in the midplane regions of the outer disk (e.g., Chiang & Youdin 2010), which are also the most active in driving the SI (e.g., Bai & Stone 2010a). We consider a range of particle abundances, measured by the dust-to-gas mass ratio Z, rang- ing fromZ= 0:005 toZ= 0:04. We also consider a run withZ= 10 5where there is essentially no These runs are labeled by Z followed by a number indicating the Zvalues. Note that in in- terpretingZ, we assume the gas surface density is given by g=p 20Hgas if the gas is vertically stratied. The dust mean surface density is thus
d=Zg. This particle abundance is then evenly di- vided to individual particle mass density in the gas radial pressure gradient, we choose = 0 :1 by default, which is generally applicable at outer disk ( &6 Xu & Bai 30 AU)1. We further consider simulations with dierent values of = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 for comparison. These runs are labeled by P followed by a number indicating the values. In our MRI simulations, we x Am= 2 for our sim- ulations. This makes turbulence slightly stronger than that withAm = 1 so that we can better resolve the dust particle layer, while still maintaining a realistic tur- bulence level. We also x the net vertical eld with 0= 1:28104. This yields a most unstable MRI wave- length to be about 0:12H(Bai & Stone (2011), see their Equation 22). We choose simulation box size to be respectively, with a ducial grid size of 2563. Thus, we can well resolve the MRI with
30 cells per most unstable wavelengths. Note that the resolution in the y axis is half of that in other dimensions due to the anisotropic nature of the MRI turbulence (e.g., Hawley et al. 2011). Such resolution is also sucient to resolve the SI given = 0 :1, with
26 cells in a characteristic length of Hfor the SI. To our knowledge, this resolution is also higher (if not much higher) than all previous MRI simulations with to ours is Johansen et al. (2011), where run resolves the length of Hwith20 cells). We also consider a higher resolution run with a grid size of 3843for comparison. For reference, we also conduct two pure hydrodynamic simulations, with smaller simulation box size of 0 resolution with 4803grid points. The main reason for using even higher resolution is to properly resolve the thinner dust layer in this case. For MHD simulations, we rst run simulations with- out particles for a time of t0= 120
1 Kwith initially seeded small-amplitude random velocity perturbations in order for the MRI to grow and fully saturate into turbulence. Particles are then inserted into the simula- tion box with random positions but with vertical distri- bution following a Gaussian prole 0:02Hg. The particle velocity is to (NSH) equilib- rium (Nakagawa et al. 1986). For pure standard minimum-mass solar nebular (MMSN, 1977) model with ( R) = 1700(R=AU) 3=2g cm 2and T(R) = 280(R=AU) 1=2K, we have (e.g., Xu et al. (8) The observationally inferred disk surface distribution in the main body of the disk is shallower ( R 1instead ofR 3=2, e.g., Andrews et al. (2009, 2010), which lowers vK=csto0:1 at we use the same procedure except that par- ticles are injected at the beginning. For the remaining of this paper, we use the time Tafter particle injection to denote simulation time. In all simulations, there are on average one particle per cell. As particles settle towards the midplane, allowing us to build up sucient in the simulations to study the dynamics and clumping in the particle OF presenting more detailed analysis and discus- sions of our simulation results, an overview of our sim- ulations is shown in Figure 1, with a 3D visualization of the dust spatial distribution in our ducial non-ideal MHD simulation (ADZ2) at the time of T= 120
1 K after particle injection. The gure highlights that dust settles to the midplane, maintaining a layer with to a balance between vertical gravity and turbulent diusion. The dust layer is also radially seg- regated, which is due to the formation of zonal
ows, as will be discussed later. Dust Settling |The upper panel of Figure 2 shows the evolution of the normalized particle scale height Hp=H over time, for all the runs with pressure gradient of =
0:1, whereHpis measured using the rms value of the vertical coordinate for all the particles. For the MRI turbulent run without particle feedback, the particle layer is pued up from the initial setup and saturates within the time of 30
1 K. The comparable with that from the non-ideal MHD simulation with AD for s= 0:1 in Zhu et al. (2015) and Xu et al. (2017). With particle in the simulations, the particle scale height in the steady state is lower than that without from by16 cells) to Hp0:06H. This reduction of dust layer that particle feedback enhances dust settling in MRI turbulent disks. For comparison, our pure hydrodynamic runs saturate at the time of150
1 K, hydZ2 and hydZ4, separately. The Hpin the no-feedback (pure MRI) run is 3 times higher than in the hydrodynamic (pure SI) runs, while with ,Hpin AD case is only higher than in the hydrodynamic case. We will further discuss the vertical transport of dust particles and the role of dust feedback in dust settling in SS4. Dust Concentration |In addition to the formation of dust lament seen in Figure 1, we further show in the lower panel of Figure 2 the particle maximum density in the simulations as a function of time.Dust Settling and Clumping 7 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time / Z=0.02 Hydro No 2. Time evolution of particle scale height (upper panel) and particle maximum density (lower panel) for simulation runs with = 0 :1 and ducial resolution, namely, runs ADZ0, ADZ05, ADZ1, ADZ2, ADZ4, hydZ2, and hydZ4. o FB stands for no feedback. The particle maximum density for run ADZ0 (shown with black lines) is scaled to Z= 0:02. The horizontal axis represents time after inserting particles. With dust feedback included, particle maximum den- sity is signicantly enhanced in our MHD when the solid abundance reaches Z&0:02 (ADZ2 and ADZ4), with local particle density reach- ing up to 1000 times background gas density at the midplane, sucient to trigger planetesimal formation if self-gravity is included. For comparison, particle clump- ing with similar particle maximum density is seen at Z= 0:04 for the pure hydrodynamic case, but not for theZ= 0:02 case. For AD runs with lower solid abun- dances (ADZ1 and ADZ05), particle concentration is much weaker and the maximum particle local density is rarely exceed a hundred times of the midplane gas density. We will further analyze particle concentration in SS5, and discuss the role of pressure variations induced by zonal
ows on particle of turbulence |Both the dust layer thickness and the concentration of dust particles can be largely af-fected by the turbulence level in the disk. The level of MRI turbulence in our simulation can be for disk angular momentum & Sunyaev 1973), which is obtained by evalu- ating the time- and volume-averaged sum of the Maxwell stress and Reynolds stress, normalized by thermal (9) Our non-ideal MHD simulation without feedback (ADZ0) gives = 8:310 4, which is consistent with previous studies (Zhu et al. 2015; Xu et al. 2017). On the other hand, more direct characterization of level of tur- bulence arises from simply computing the rms velocities for each velocity components. We nd from the ADZ0 run thathv2 x=c2 si= 6:210 4, comparable with the results from Zhu et al. (2015). Simulations with dust feedback8 Xu & Bai included generally give such rms velocities that are close to that from run ADZ0. 4.PARTICLE VERTICAL TRANSPORT One important nding from our simulations is the re- duction of particle scale height when considering par- ticle feedback. More quantitatively, here we list the Hpmeasured in our simulations, time-averaged from T= 60
1 Kto the end of each run, being 0.082 H, 0.055H, 0.051H, 0.037Hand 0.034Hfor runs ADZ0 (no feedback), ADZ05, ADZ1, ADZ2 and ADZ4, respec- tively. In this section, we diagnose in more detail about the cause of this reduction, from two separate perspec- tives, discussed in the following two subsections. As a preliminary, we expect particle scale height Hp to be related to both the turbulence properties and the particle stopping time s, and can be written as (Youdin
& Lithwick (10) where the dimensionless eddy time e
Kteddyis de- ned for the convenience of characterizing the turbu- lence eddy time teddy (formally dened in SS4.2). The turbulence properties control particle scale height with both the gas vertical rms velocity hvziand the eddy timeteddy. The gas vertical diusion coecient can be written (11) For dust particles with Stokes number Sts=e
1 andse1, the second term of Equation (10) is approximately unity, and Equation (10) is reduced is a dimensionless parameter dened for characterizing vertical turbulent diusion. 4.1. Vertical proles If the dust vertical prole is Gaussian, it is by Hp. However, this is not necessarily the case. In Figure 3, we show the vertical proles of particle density (upper panel) and the gas vertical rms velocity (lower panel), in order to further study transport. For MHD simulation without particle feedback (ADZ0), the particle density prole generally agrees with the Gaussian prole, especially close to the disk midplane. For run ADZ05, Where particle feedback is included but no particle clumping is seen (max( p)=0always lower than 100), the dust density prole is over- all Gaussian (except for more extended wings), but becomes narrower than that for run ADZ0. Despite this reduction in particle scale height, the lower panel of Figure 3 shows that the gas vertical non-ideal MHD simulations with and without dust feedback is highly consistent throughout the disk, This indicates that dust feedback is not controlling the particle layer thick- ness in MRI turbulent disks by aecting the hv2 zi. Re- calling Equation (10), we thus need to further examine eect of the turbulence eddy time (see next subsection). For run ADZ2 (and similarly ADZ4 but not shown), there is further reduction in Hp, but more vertical density prole of particles is clearly non- Gaussian, as seen in Figure 2. A cusp is present at the midplane in the density vertical prole, and be- sides the cusp, the density prole is roughly exponen- tial rather than Gaussian. Note that this density prole is measured over time T= where strong dust clumping is present, and such deviations are likely the direct consequence of dust clumping. However, dust clumping and additional set- tling does not react back to the gas strong enough to af- fect the vertical rms velocity of the gas, and we see vertically uniform throughout the disk. The results obtained above are in contrast with our pure hydrodynamic simulations. In run hydZ2, the ver- tical dust diusion is generated by the SI We see that the vertical rms velocity peaks at the midplane, which is natural as most particles that drive the SI reside in the midplane region, slightly lower than that of the MHD runs. It then falls o away from the midplane2. As a re- sult, the particle vertical prole becomes more extended than the Gaussian prole at the midplane, but rapidly drops away from the midplane. This result is similar to those from previous SI simulations (e.g. Bai & Stone 2010a). Overall, comparison of our hydrodynamic and MRI runs shows that the presence of external turbulence has a strong eect on dust dynamics. 4.2. The eect of teddy The fact that dust settles more strongly when turn- ing on feedback, while hv2 ziremains largely unchanged raises further question to the origin of the reduced par- ticle vertical diusion. In addition to the mean square 2Away from the midplane, the increase of hv2 ziis likely at- tributed to the numerical artifact from periodic vertical as discussed in Li et al. (2018), but as very few particles reside at larger vertical heights, its impact on particle dynamics is minimum.Dust Settling and Clumping Z=0.02 No 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 z / 3. Vertical proles of particle density (upper panel) and gas vertical rms velocity (lower panel) for runs hydZ2, ADZ0, ADZ05, and ADZ2. Solid lines are time and hori- zontally averaged vertical proles in the saturate states of the runs. Dashed lines in the upper panel are the Gaussian proles assuming time-averaged particle scale heights from each run. gas vertical velocity hv2 zi, particle diusion in turbulent gas disk is also determined by the correlation time of turbulent
uctuations, dened hvz()vz(0)iis the auto for vzat a timescale of . Although conven- tional ideal MHD simulations suggest & Papaloizou 2006; Carballido et al. 2011), Zhu et al. (2015) found that the correlation time in the verti- cal direction is increased in non-ideal MHD simulations with AD. In order to investigate the eect of particle feedback on the turbulent correlation time, we calculate the functions for vzin our simulations. We rst output our simulation data with time intervals down to 0.1
1 K, and shift the data along the azimuthal direc- tion with a distance of 1.5 Kxtto correct for Keplerian shear. The auto-correlation function Rzz(t) is then de- rived by averaging vz(t)vz(t+ t) over time and space. The results are shown in Figure 4. For pure hydrodynamic simulations, the integration of the auto correlation function gives is consistent with the conventional For non-ideal MHD simulation with- out particle feedback, the auto correlation function ex- tends to longer timescales and the correlation time is increased to to the ambipolar dif- fusion, overall consistent with Zhu et al. (2015). When particle is included in the non-ideal MHD simulation, we nd that the auto correlation function drops rapidly at t >2
1 K, and the resulting teddy1:5
1 K, close to the measured eddy time in the pure With the measured teddyandhvzi2, the ver- tical diusion coecients can be calculated with Equa- tion (11). Our calculation gives Dg;z0:003 for ADZ2. For pure hydrody- namic case, turbulent diusion is inhomogeneous and is strongest at midplane with corre- sponding to Dg;z4:510 4. Following equation (12), our inferred Dg;zwould give Hp0:17Hfor ADZ2. Both of these are in the simulation by a factor of 2, which may re
ect the complex nature of realistic tur- bulence, but the values are consistent with the fact that the particle layer thickness is reduced by half in ADZ2 compared to ADZ0. We conclude that in MRI turbulent disks under AD, particle feedback likely enhances particle settling by re- ducing turbulence correlation time, instead of control- ling the gas rms velocity. We emphasize that our re- sults are applicable only in the MRI turbulence with AD, where teddy is increased compared to ideal MHD case (Zhu et al. 2015). We have also tested (but not presented) simulations with ideal MHD, and such reduc- tion in eddy time is not observed when dust feedback is included. This comparison further indicates that dust feedback reduces the turbulence correlation time by can- celing out the enhancement of correlation time due Particle clumping While our simulations do not include self-gravity, we expect that gravitational collapse can be triggered to form planetesimals when dust particles are in high-density clumps. The standard cri- terion for gravitational collapse is that self-gravity of the dust clump must overcome the stellar tidal shear, i.e., dust density in the clump must exceed the (14)10 Xu & Z=0.02 Figure 4. Auto-correlation functions of gas vertical ve- locity
uctuations for runs ADZ0, ADZ2, and hydZ2 as a function of time scale. Without dust feedback, the eddy time for run ADZ0 is teddy5
1 K. With dust feedback in ADZ2, the eddy time is reduced and is comparable to the pure hydrodynamic case ( the mass of the central star, and ais the distance from the central star. Assuming a standard MMSN disk, the gas density at the midplane is given by (Hayashi 1981)
0= 1:410 9(a=AU ) 2:75g cm 3: (15) Combining Equations (14) and (15), the dust-to-gas ratio for a solar-mass star is
0= 3:03102(a=AU ) 0:25g cm 3; (16) At 1 AU,R=0is approximately 300, and R=0130 at outer disk around 30 AU. In the lower panel of Figure 2, the evolution of parti- cle maximum density indicates strong clumping for solid abundances of Z= 0:02 and 0:04 in the presence of MRI turbulence and dust feedback, as max( p) reaches 103 larger than the gas density at midplane, well exceeding the estimated Roche density. For lower solid abundances of Z=0.01 and Z=0.005, particle concentration is much weaker and the maximum solid density is generally lower than the Roche density. Also note that in run ADZ2, the particle maximum density temporarily drops indicating that the clump is disrupted. This may be attributed to the fact that dust self-gravity is not included in our simulations, and that Z= 0:02 is very close to the threshold solid abundance for dust clumping (see next subsection for more clues). We will further discuss the survival of dust clumps and in SS7.3. It is useful to compare the results of particle clump- ing in our MHD simulations with those in pure hydro-dynamic simulations. In our pure hydrodynamic sim- ulation, particle clumping is seen in for Z= 0:04, but not seen for Z= 0:02. Surprisingly, this critical Zfor clumping is higher than that in our MHD simulations. In general, dust abundance Zabove solar is needed to trigger clumping from the SI (Johansen et al. 2009b; Bai
& Stone 2010a). Assuming a background gas of = 0 :05, the clumping threshold for parti- cles withs0:1 is aboutZ&0:02 (Carrera et al. 2015, Yang et al. 2017, but see Li & Youdin 2021 who found a lowerZthreshold with improved numerics). How- ever, our simulation adopts a higher pressure gradient of
= 0:1 that is likely more applicable to the outer disk, and our result of dust clumping threshold at Z= 0:04 is generally consistent with the study of pressure gradi- ent versus critical solid abundance (Bai & Stone 2010c; Sekiya & Onishi 2018). Overall, our simulations show that under more realis- tic MRI turbulence at the outer disk, particle requires lower solid abundance (i.e., to conventional SI studies in pure hydrody- namic case, and the trend that clumping favors higher Z still holds in our MHD Clumping vs. pressure our nding on particle clumping chal- lenges results from recent studies (e.g. Umurhan et al. 2020; Chen & Lin 2020; Gole et al. 2020) that turbu- lence damp the SI and thus suppress dust clumping. To further diagnose the reason why MRI turbulence pro- motes clumping, and the clumping process in general, we present in Figure 5 the time evolution of azimuthally and vertically averaged radial proles of gas density, gas azimuthal velocity, and dust density for run ADZ0 and ADZ2. The formation and evolution of the dust clumps in ADZ2 are seen in the lower-right panel at T= 80180
1 KandT= 330380
1 K, correspond- ing to the periods of dust maximum density reaching
1000 in Figure 2. One important feature in the MRI turbulence is the spontaneous formation of long-lived (tens of or- bits) zonal
ows, corresponding to large-scale, density (and hence pressure) & Nelson 2005; Johansen et al. 2006, 2009a). These large-scale gas pressure variations can be seen in the left panels of Figure 5. The pressure the pressure gradient prole, alter particle radial drift and potentially trap particles at the local pressure maxima. Note that because we implement gradient by a radial force, the actual local pressure maximum, if present, will appear slightly to the negative- x(left) side of the density maximum.Dust Settling and Clumping 11 Figure 5. Time evolution of the azimuthally and vertically averaged radial proles of gas density (left), azimuthal velocity (middle), and dust density (right) at the midplane ( 1 cell from z= 0), for the simulation run ADZ0 (upper panels) and ADZ2 (lower panels). Dust densities for ADZ0 run is scaled to Z=0.02 for easy comparison. Note that T= 0 stands for the time of particle injection, and our rst particle output is at T= 10
1 K. A more straightforward way to examine the correspon- dence of particle clumping and pressure variations is by analyzing the gas azimuthal velocity. A positive pres- sure gradient leads to super-Keplerian rotation, corre- sponding to vy>0 in our simulation with Keplerian shear subtracted. A negative pressure gradient corre- sponds tovy<0. Hence, the local pressure maximum is marked by vy= 0 regions, with vy>0 on the left sideandvy<0 on the right. The gas azimuthal velocity vy versus time is shown in the middle panels of Figure 53. In ADZ0 where no clumping is present, we see that pressure variation from the zonal
ow is not strong enough to overcome the background pressure gradient, and gas azimuthal velocity vyis always negative (indi- 3Our formulation mimics the outward pressure gradient in the gas by an inward radial force on the particles (see SS2.1), making gas azimuthal velocity vK= cslarger than the actual case. In Figure 5, we have subtracted this component to show vyin the actual situation.12 Xu & Bai cating sub-Keplerian rotation) throughout the simula- tion box. With dust feedback included in ADZ2, on the other hand, pressure variation is enhanced. It success- fully overcomes the background gradient to generate a pressure maximum ( vy= 0 region) to the left of the den- sity peak, and particle clumping is seen in regions with vy= 0. Although it is less clear why this is the case, our results indicate that dust feedback can promote clump- ing by enhancing the gas pressure bump in the zonal
ow. Moreover, we can infer that the disruption of the clump around T= 200
1 Kis associated with the weak- ening of the zonal
ow, where a pressure maxima is no longer we have identied that the formation of pres- sure maxima and dust feedback are the two for dust clumping, and that dust feedback ap- pears to enhance zonal
ows and promote the formation of pressure maxima. Dust clumping and thus follow a two-stage process with in pressure maxima followed by clumping due dust feedback. What is yet to be claried is the interpretation on the role of dust feedback. It is commonly taken into granted that incorporation of dust feedback leads to clumping by the SI. However, dust feedback does not necessarily lead to clumping (solid abundance must exceed some thresh- old), and on the other hand, the SI is not supposed to operate at pressure maxima (its free energy comes from the pressure gradient). While small pressure gra- dient promotes dust clumping for pure SI (Bai & Stone 2010c), we do not observe dust clumping when pres- sure variation from the zonal
ow is close but not yet to overcome background pressure gradient (e.g., run ADZ2 where maxplunges, also seeSS7.1 and Figure 9). Alternatively, one may also ar- gue that our results are in line with the notion that the SI is suppressed by modest-to-strong level of turbulence (Gole et al. 2020). Yet, the requirement of dust feedback for clumping remains to be results were obtained in ideal MHD simula- tions of Johansen et al. (2011), where they attribute the clumping to dust trapping in pressure umps gener- ated by the zonal
ow with the SI being a secondary eect. Nevertheless, zonal
ows in their ideal MHD simulations appear more intermittent with lower ampli- tudes than ours, and they did not address whether pres- sure variations in their simulations actually pressure gradient to become bumps. Our analysis from more realistic setting with AD-dominated MRI turbulence in the outer PPDs allows us to clearly identify the occurrence of clumping with pressure max-ima, and we will present further study in SS7.1 which will strengthen our Properties of particle clumps In the lower panel of Figure 2, we identify clumping events by the maximum local dust density. In order to further analyze the properties in the particle clumps, we show in Figure 6 the distribution function of dust density. The local dust density pis uniformly divided into 1000 bins in logarithmic space between 0 :010and 10000, and the distribution function is measured by counting the number of dust particles located in a region with localpin each bin. We take the rst clumping period in ADZ2 ( T=
0 210
1 K) for analysis, and measure the every 40
1 K(except that the rst measurement is taken at T= 10
1 Kto avoid numerical artifacts at the beginning of inserting particles). Each is time-averaged within 10
1 K, in order to rea- sonably reduce the noise level. For comparison, we also present a distribution function of run ADZ0 measured atT= 11 20
1 K, same time period as the rst func- tion measured in ADZ2. Due to the absence of dust clumping, the distribution function for ADZ0 is gener- ally consistent throughout simulation time. The whole process of clump formation and evolution in ADZ2 is well illustrated by the pdistribution func- tion. The run starts with a smooth Poisson-like distri- bution prior to clumping ( T= 11 20
1 K), with width re
ecting the density
uctuations in turbulence. The distribution function peaks at p0, consistent with the expected dust density at midplane that we initially set up in the simulation, p0Z0H=Hp00, where Hp0= 0:02 is the initial particle scale height set in the simulation. The distribution maximizes at with the max(p)=0value shown in Figure 2. The prole then
attens and shifts towards higher density as the clumping starts ( T= the time of steady, maximum clumping (e.g. T= 121 130
1 K), the density distribution peaks at
p1000, and maximizes at p10000, again consistent with Figure 2. After the period of clump- ing, the particle density distribution shifts back after T= 161 170
1 K, with the distribution prole similar to that before clumping. This prole before and after clumping is also consistent with the density in ADZ0, indicating that dust feedback itself has little eect on particle density distribution properties, and the prole/shape of distribution function is by the presence of strong clumping events.Dust Settling and Clumping CountsNo FB T=11 - 20 T=41 - 50 T=81 - 90 T=121 - 130 T=161 - 170 T=201 - 210 Figure 6. Distribution function of dust density in runs ADZ0 (no feedback) and ADZ2 ( Z= 0:02). For run ADZ2, the distribution function is measured at dierent the unit of
1 K, and marked in dierent colors (see legend). Each distribution function is time-averaged within 10
1 K. For run ADZ0, the distribution function is measured and time-averaged between T= during the clumping event, the bulk of the dust density distribution shifts towards higher values, deviates from Poisson prole, and peaks at close to the high-density end of the distribution. This further indi- cates that in addition to forming the densest clumps of
p10000, a large fraction of particles also reside in relatively dense clumping regions ( TRANSPORT OF DUST PARTICLES In this section, we analyze the radial transport of dust particles, including the role of dust clumping on dust transport. In doing so, we track the radial trajectory xi(t) of a sample of particles in the simulation. From the time of particles injection t0, we trace the of particles xi(t0+ t) xi(t0), and reset particle positions when they cross radial boundaries in order to maintain continuous particle left and middle panels of Figure 7 show the dis- tribution of particle radial displacement over time of T= 180
1 Kafter injecting particles for ADZ0 and ADZ2 runs respectively, corresponding to the rst round of particle clumping in run ADZ2 (see the lower panel of Figure 2). Without dust feedback, the bulk of parti- cles drift radially inward, and diuse to exhibit broader radial width over time. In the following subsections, we analyze particle radial drift and diusion separately. 6.1. Radial drift In laminar disks, for a sub-Keplerian speed vK, dust particles suer from radial drift. For particles stopping time of s, and ignore the radial and azimuthal drift velocity rel- ative to the local Keplerian velocity is given by (Naka- gawa et al. 1vK; v= 1
2s+ 1vK:(17) For our choice of vK= 0:1cs, dust particles are ex- pected to drift inward with vr= 0:02cs. We measure the mean particle radial a function of time for ADZ0 and ADZ2 runs, shown in the lower right panel of Figure 7. For ADZ0, the particle displacement increases almost linearly with time, and a linear regression t estimates the averaged radial drift velocity of vr= 0:017cs, very close to the theoretical expectation of 0:02cs. We also see that the drift speed also slightly deviate from the linear t, likely owing to weak zonal
ows that slightly alter the radial pressure prole. For run ADZ2, when dust feedback is considered, the hxi Tcurve does not closely follow the anymore. Around T50 150
1 K, cor- responding to the time period with strongest clumping and particle trapping in zonal
ows in the simulation, the radial drift is strongly suppressed. Before and after this period, the slope of the hxi Tcurve remains similar to that of ADZ0. This reduction in dust radial drift in run ADZ2 is also seen in the middle panel of Figure 7. Comparing to the smooth shift of particle distributions in run ADZ0, the particle radial distribution in run ADZ2 shows substan- tial overlap around T= 60 150
1 K, indicating the bulk of the particles are trapped and the radial drift is halted. 6.2. Radial diusion Under the assumption of random walk, the dust radial diusion coecient Dxcan be measured (18) wherexis the rms of particle radial displacement dis- tribution. We measure the 2 xas a function of time for runs ADZ0 and ADZ2, presented in the upper right panel of Figure 7. For ADZ0, the 2 x Tcurve closely follows the lin- ear relation, and by tting the slope, we obtain Dx
1:210 3. Assuming the gas diusion coecient on the radial direction Dg;xis largely the same (given s1), the value is lower than Dg;z= 0:003 that we measured for ADZ0. This is overall consistent with the result of14 Xu & Bai 5 4 3 2 1 0 x / DensityNo Feedback 5 4 3 2 1 0 x / H102 101 100Z = 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 FB ADZ2 0 100 200 Time / 7. Left/middle: probability distribution for particle radial displacements in run ADZ0 (no feedback)/run ADZ2 (Z=0.02). The probability distributions are measured at dierent simulation times Tin the unit of
1 K, and marked in dierent colors (see legend). Upper right: time evolution of the variance of the particle radial displacement. Lower right: time evolution of the mean particle radial displacement. The black dashed lines in the right panels show the linear t to the results from run ADZ0. Zhu et al. (2015), where Dg;xis generally lower (by a factor of2) thanDg;zin the MRI turbulence with AD. But we also note with the reduction of turbulent eddy time in run AD2 ( SS4.2), the value of comparable. When dust feedback is included, with the presence of dust clumping, particles no longer follow normal diu- sion. The2 x Tcurve thus depends on the starting time of measuring the displacement, and is no longer by a diusion coecient. In run is largely consistent with that of prior to strong particle clumping. During the clumping period ( T= 50 150
1 K), the
2 x Tcurve is
atter, mainly due to the bulk of parti- cles trapped in the clump and pressure maxima in the zonal
ow, similar to our nding in particle radial drift inSS6.1. At the end of clumping, 2 xis strongly enhanced. As zonal
ow weakens, many particles leak from the left side of the pressure bump, re-enter the box from the right side of the bump, and immediately experience a stronger pressure gradient to gain a faster radial drift velocity than the background, which enlarges 2 x. This can also be seen in the middle panel of Figure 7, where particles with largest radial displacement in run ADZ02 start to catch up with those in run ADZ0 at the nal time ofT= 180
1 K. This enhancement of particle drift also contributes to the dust radial drift velocity that is slightly faster than the ADZ0 case before and after dust clumping period of lower right panel of Figure 7).Overall, our analysis of dust radial transport indicates that pressure maxima from zonal
ows, even being tem- poral, can eciently trap particles and overcome turbu- lent The eect of background pressure gradient InSS5, we show that the particle clumping mechanism in our simulation is dierent from the conventional SI studies. Particle clumping under the conventional SI scenario is expected to be triggered in the presence of a weak background pressure gradient, while dust clump- ing under MRI turbulence occurs in the presence of a local pressure maximum, where the pressure by zonal
ow overcomes the background pres- sure gradient. In order to further examine this we perform runs with dierent gradients for comparison. The lower panel of Figure 8 shows the time evolution of the local maximum particle density in simulations with pressure gradients of = 0, 0 :05, 0:1, and 0:2, separately. No particle clumping is seen under = 0 :2, the strongest background pressure gradient that we test, and clumping is stronger towards lower pressure gradi- ent. Especially, the strongest particle clumping is seen in our simulation in the absence of a background pres- sure gradient. We note that the overall trend is similar to that with the SI: the critical Zrequired for clump- ing increases monotonically with the background pres- sure gradient (Bai & Stone 2010c). Nevertheless, the SI does not directly operate in pressure bumps as itsDust Settling and Clumping 15 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Time / No FB Z=0.02 Z=0.02 High Reso 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Time / No FB Z=0.01 Z=0.01 High Reso 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Time / No FB Z=0.02 pgrad0 Z=0.02 pgrad0.05 Z=0.02 pgrad0.1 Z=0.02 pgrad0.2 Figure 8. Time evolution of particle maximum density since particle injection, similar to the lower panel of Figure 2, but for additional simulation runs. Upper panel: simula- tions forZ= 0:02, compared with the higher resolution run (ADZ2H). Middle panel: simulations for Z= 0:01, compared with higher resolution run (ADZ1H). Lower panel: simula- tions with dierent background pressure gradients. o FB stands for no feedback. free energy arises from background pressure gradient. Thus, particle clumping seen in our = 0 run the dierent clumping mechanism in our case under MRI we illustrated from Figure 5 that the clump- ing occurs at the local gas pressure maxima, or regions where gas rotation is Keplerian (i.e. vy= 0). Similar to Figure 5, the upper and middle panels of Figure 9further show the relation between dust clumping and the local pressure maxima, for our runs with pressure gradients. For run ADZ2P0 without background pressure gradi- ent, a pressure variation is formed at T= an amplitude of 0:030, strong enough to generate a pressure maximum (see the 0 region in the middle panel). Although this pressure variation evolves and disappears at later time, it triggers particle clumping, and the clump stays relatively steadily even after the pressure maxima dis- appeared at later time. Similarly, a second weak par- ticle concentration is seen at x0:1H 0:2H, gas pressure maximum and Keplerian ro- tation (vy= 0) region seen in the simulation box. A thirdvy= 0 region is seen at x0:4H. However, this region does not correspond to local pressure maximum, but instead a pressure minimum, as the gas rotates at a sub-Keplerian velocity at left side and the right. Thus, this vy= 0 region does not lead to particle clumping. In our simulation run with higher pressure gradient
= 0:2, a pressure bump that is largely similar to that in the ADZ2P0 run is formed, also at T= 0 30
1 K, x 0:25H, with the same amplitude of no robust particle clumping is seen in the right panel, simply because the pressure bump does not over- come the stronger background pressure gradient, and vy is overall sub-Keplerian throughout the simulation. The only region with vyrelatively close to Keplerian velocity at later stage of the simulation. It leads to a weak par- ticle concentration, as is seen in a small particle shown in the right middle panel of Figure 9. This exploration of pressure gradients again illustrates that the key reason for dust clumping is the presence of the pressure maxima. The change of background pres- sure gradient aects particle clumping by altering the overall radial prole of gas pressure and hence the pres- ence of the pressure maxima. 7.2. The eect of resolution Our ducial resolution of 256/H fairly well resolves the particle layer ( Hp0:03Hfor ADZ2) with16 cells, as well as the width of the particle clumping region (.0:1H, see e.g. Figure 5) with 25 cells. In our sim- ulations with higher resolution of 384/H, dust can be slightly dierent. The upper panel of Figure 8 shows that for Z=0.02, higher resolution may lead to weaker clumping, where particles reach a maxi- mum density similar to the ducial resolution, but the clumping lasts for a shorter time. For Z=0.01 (middle16 Xu & Bai Figure 9. Similar to Figure 5, but for simulation runs of ADZ2P0 (top), ADZ2P02 (middle), and ADZ2H (bottom).Dust Settling and Clumping 17 panel), particle clumping is not seen in the simulation with resolution of 384/H, whereas in ducial occurs brie
y. The eect of resolution on particle clumping is further shown in the lower panel of Figure 9, the space-time plot for run ADZ2H. Similar to previously demonstrated (see 5.2 and 7.1), dust clumping is coincident both in time and space with the presence of local pressure maxima (vy= 0 regions). Compared to run ADZ2, zonal
ow in the high resolution ADZ2H run is overall weaker, and the resulting amplitude of the pressure variation is on average lower. As a result, the dierent outcomes in dust clumping we observe in runs with dierent reso- lutions likely primarily re
ect the non-convergence of zonal
ow properties with resolution. We note that in reality, zonal
ows properties are tied to disk evolution at global scale, and are not necessarily well character- ized in local simulations (see further discussion in we do not pursue further discussion about this non-convergence, but mainly highlight the connec- tion between dust clumping and presence of a Further collapsing criterion and the eect of turbulence diusion Without external turbulent diusion, SI simulations with self-gravity show that clumping is followed by grav- itational collapse into planetesimals (e.g., Simon et al. 2016; Abod et al. 2019; Li et al. 2019). Our simulations lack self-gravity. However, with external turbulence, collapse of dust clumps may also be sup- pressed by turbulent diusion. Gerbig et al. (2020) investigated the collapsing cri- terion considering the competition between self-gravity and turbulent diusion by both KHI and SI, in addition to the conventional criterion of self-gravity overcoming the stellar tidal shear (i.e., the Roche criterion). In or- der to overcome the tidal shear, the dust clump radius rclump must not exceed the Hill length scale, given by their equation (19) where d;cis the surface density of the dust clump. In order to overcome the turbulent diusion, the clump radius rclump must be large enough so that the timescale for particles to be diused over rclump is longer than the gravitational collapsing timescale. diusion coecient is characterized by , their equation (9) (20)Combining equations (19) and (20) leads (21) By adopting Toomre Qparameter (Toomre (22) and the local metallicity (23) their equation (70) gives a collapsing criterion (24) In our simulations, the maximum particle density in runs with particle clumping (e.g. ADZ2) is on the order of 103, around 100 times higher than the runs without clumping (e.g. ADZ05, see the lower panel of Figure 2). Adopting this enhancement in particle maximum density of= 100, together with Z= 0:02, andH=Hp
20, analytical prediction by Gerbig et al. (2020) gives a critical collapsing value of Qcrit27, comparable to the Toomre Q30 in MMSN (Weidenschilling 1977, Hayashi the fact that the diusion
in equation (24) is expected to be measured within the dust clump, which could largely deviate from the from Hp=H, our estimation here gives an lower limit of Qcrit. Under SI-induced turbulence, Klahr & Schreiber (2020, 2021) tested the collapsing criterion using sim- ulation with box size comparable to the size of a dust clump, measuring particle diusivity in the clumping re- gion. They suggested that the level of turbulence within the SI-clumps sets the size of planetesimals. However, as clumping occurs in pressure bumps in our simula- tions without much free energy to drive the SI, source of turbulence in our (unresolved) clumps is likely domi- nated by MRI. Though we are not in a position to infer the exact turbulence level at this moment, our study may open up a new avenue for understanding the of Towards planetesimal formation in realistic disks (and rings) 4The surface density slope in MMSN is steep, with R 3=2, reaching 10g cm 2at 30AU. More realistic disk surface den- sity proles are shallower, e.g., Andrews et al. 2009, leading to higher at 30 AU and hence smaller Qvalues.18 Xu & Bai InSS1.2, we raised the conundrum where external tur- bulence is disfavored by conventional understanding of planetesimal formation by the SI, yet observations indi- cate modest level of turbulence by modeling the width of ALMA rings. Our simulations represent the rst step towards resolving this conundrum: we have found strong evidence that particle clumping occurs in pressure max- ima formed by the MRI zonal
ows. To some extent, our results are consistent with the suppression of SI by external turbulence, as we do not nd particle clump- ing occuring in regions with nite pressure gradient. It remains to identify the precise mechanism for in pressure maxima, where the SI is not ex- pected to operate, but at least we observe that dust feed- back does play a role in enhancing zonal
ows and pro- mote clumping (see also analysis by Aunger & Laibe 2018). Our results highlight the importance of investigat- ing planetesimal formation in turbulent pressure bumps. The recent work of Carrera et al. (2021), who simulations of the SI, is towards this di- rection. However, most of their imposed pressure vari- ations were insucient to overcome background pres- sure gradient, and planetesimal formation in their sim- ulations mostly occurs by the SI in regions with low pressure gradient, instead of at the point of pressure maximum (if present). This is no longer the case in our simulations with external MRI turbulence, where clumping occurs just at the pressure maxima. We also note that in the presence of a real pressure bump but without external turbulence, while dust can drive some turbulence and form planetesimals by the SI as they drift towards the pressure maximum, as also found in Carrera et al. (2021), such processes are transient and remain- ing dust particles would eventually settle and concen- trate indenitely towards the midplane of the bump cen- ter as free energy from radial drift is exhausted. Such a state is inconsistent with the nite width of ALMA rings. Therefore, we anticipate that in reality, plan- etesimal formation likely occurs in turbulent pressure bumps. While we do not impose pressure bumps on our own, the MRI zonal
ows provides a natural mechanism to create the pressure variations, potentially overcom- ing the background pressure gradient to form pressure bumps, serving as an initial step towards more major caveat in our simulations is the use of framework without vertical the zonal
ow properties subject to large un- certainties. Recent global simulations of the MRI with AD conrmed the ubiquity of zonal
ows in more real- istic disk setting (Cui & Bai 2021). The zonal
ows areof modest amplitudes (but higher than ours) with pres- sure bumps separated by a few disk scale heights, with some ALMA ring systems that show ner substructures (e.g. Jennings et al. 2021). There- fore, zonal
ows from in our simulations are likely not far from more realistic ones, while future dust dynamics in more realistic pressure bumps are needed to gain further AND PERSPECTIVES In this paper, we conduct high-resolution simulations of hybrid particle-gas MHD to study dust dynamics in weakly turbulent PPDs. We target disk outer regions with turbulence driven by the MRI, incorporating AD as the dominant non- ideal MHD eect, which provides a relatively low but realistic turbulent environment. Dust backreaction is included, which is believed to be the key ingredient for dust concentration and planetesimal formation in con- ventional SI theory without external turbulence. One of the main motivations is to resolve the recently raised conundrum that while the SI is widely believed to be the most promising mechanism for planetesimal formation, it can be damped or suppressed by external turbulence, as recent theoretical and numerical studies have shown (Umurhan et al. 2020; Chen & Lin 2020; Gole et al. 2020). Such turbulence is likely present in PPDs from both observational (Dullemond et al. 2018; Rosotti et al. 2020) and theoretical (e.g., Simon et al. 2013a; Cui &
Bai 2021) perspectives, which fundamentally challenges our understandings of planetesimal formation. This conundrum is resolved based on our which are summarized below: 1. Dust feedback promotes dust settling towards the midplane in MRI turbulent disks with AD. This enhancement of settling is due to dust the turbulence correlation time. 2. Dust clumping under AD-dominated MRI turbu- lence is generally easier compared to the conven- tional SI case under pure hydrodynamics. Dust clumping favors higher solid abundance Zin the disk, similar to the case of pure SI, but the thresh- oldZis lower in AD-dominated MRI turbulence. 3. The necessary conditions for dust clumping un- der MRI turbulence include dust feedback and the presence of gas pressure maxima. 4. In the AD-dominated MRI turbulence, pressure maxima is achieved by the MRI zonal
ow that is strong enough to overcome background . Dust feedback enhances the amplitudes of the zonal
ow and promotes clumping.Dust Settling and Clumping 19 Our results suggest that dust clumping and planetesi- mal formation is a two-stage process, where dust concen- tration by pressure maxima followed by clumping due to dust feedback. Nevertheless, how dust feedback leads to clumping is debatable. While it is commonly assumed to be due to the SI, the SI is not expected to operate at the pressure maxima, nor under modest-to-strong level of turbulence. The exact role of dust feedback, and po- tentially the SI, on particle clumping in the MRI turbu- lence, remains open for future a rst study towards dust dynamics under more realistic disk environments, our work is subject to sev- eral limitations. First, the properties of the zonal
ows are not necessarily well captured in local simulations (e.g., Bai & Stone 2014). For- tunately, recent full 3D global simulations conrm the existence of such zonal
ows that do form pressure bumps (Cui & Bai 2021), with bump separation of a fewH. While incorporating dust to such global simu- lations with similar resolution can be extremely costly, this can be mitigated by conducting local simulations and drive a pressure bump by forcing, to be shown in our immediate follow up paper. Second, our simulations have neglected self-gravity and hence cannot directly follow the collapse of dust clumps to-wards planetesimals. Introducing self-gravity is another natural next step, which would break the scale-free na- ture of our simulations, and we defer for future we consider single particle species with xed stopping time in this work. Further explorations should include a dust size distribution, where dust of dier- ent sizes likely act and feedback dierently in turbulent MRI disks with/without pressure bumps. Including a dust size distribution will also allow us to compare and contrast with results of multi-species streaming instabil- ity without external turbulence (e.g., Krapp et al. 2019; Schaer et al. 2021; Zhu & Yang 2021). We thank Chao-Chin Yang, Min-Kai Lin, and Guil- laume Laibe for constructive conversations and discus- sions, and Greg Herczeg for overseeing the completion of this work. We thank the referee, Daniel Carrera, for a detailed and constructive report and helpful discus- sions. This project is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China ZX ac- knowledges the support of NSFC project 11773002. Nu- merical simulations are conducted on TianHe-1 (A) at National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin, China, and on the Orion cluster at Department of Astronomy, Ts- inghua C. P., Simon, J. B., Li, R., et al. 2019, ApJ, 883, 192 ALMA Partnership, Brogan, C. L., P erez, L. M., et al. 2015, ApJL, 808, L3 Andrews, S. M., Terrell, M., Tripathi, A., et al. 2018, ApJ, 865, 157 Andrews, S. M., Wilner, D. J., Hughes, A. M., Qi, C., &
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|. 2020, MNRAS, 498, 1239 Stone, J. M., & Gardiner, T. A. 2010, ApJS, 189, 142 | 2108.10486 | Ziyan Xu | Ziyan Xu and Xue-Ning Bai | Dust Settling and Clumping in MRI Turbulent Outer Protoplanetary Disks | 21 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ | null | 10.3847/1538-4357/ac31a7 | null | astro-ph.EP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Planetesimal formation is a crucial yet poorly understood process in It is widely believed that planetesimal formation is the outcome of dust clumping by the streaming instability (SI). However, recent analytical and numerical studies have shown that the SI can be damped or suppressed by external turbulence, and at least the outer regions of protoplanetary disks are likely weakly turbulent due to instability (MRI). We local shearing-box simulations of hybrid (MHD), incorporating ambipolar diffusion as the MHD effect, applicable to outer disk regions. We first show that enhances dust settling towards the midplane by reducing time. Under modest level of MRI turbulence, we find that dust clumping is in fact easier than the conventional SI case, in the sense that the threshold of solid abundance for clumping is lower. The key to dust dust backreaction and the presence of local pressure maxima, which in our work is formed by the MRI zonal flows overcoming background Overall, our results support planetesimal formation in outer protoplanetary disks, especially in | [
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Jan Friso Groote 3 some unknown mechanism that determines which ais chosen. It could be that they are chosen with a certain probability, but it is also possible that in every od d round the left ais chosen, and in every even round the right ais selected. Nondeterminism is a more liberal way of modelli ng than probabilities. We come back on probabilities later. When modelling realistic systems, it is necessary to be able to use data. Here, the four ways data is added to processes in mCRL2 are explained. Data is specified using a pplicative equational datatypes [6]. The details are not relevant for us at the moment, although the re lationship between abstract datatypes and measurable functions requires further clarification. For t he moment it is enough to know that all relevant data types such as natural numbers, integers, reals, lists, messages, functions, etc. can be specified easily. The first two ways of extending processes with data is by using data in actions and in process equa- tions. Actions can be extended with data as arguments, as in a(3,[]), which is the action awith value 3 and an empty list. Actions with arguments behave as ordinary atomic actions, and the only difference is in essence the extended name. Process variables can be param eterised with one or more parameters, for instance as in Counter(n:N) which models a simple counter. Strictly spoken, the variable Counter is a higher order variable ranging over functions from natur al numbers to processes. If process variables have parameters, behaviour should be c ontrollable by the provided data. For this the if-then-else construct is used, which we denote as c-pq. The idea is that if condition cis true, the behaviour of pis executed, and otherwise the behaviour of q. Receiving data from some external party is modelled by writi ng all possible actions representing the receipt of some data. Concretely, reading either true or fal se can be denoted X(b:B)represents some process that expresses what will be done wit h the received boolean. The outside world indicates whether take place, indicating which boolean is the input. This can be generalised to data types with an infinite number o f elements, such as NorR, for which we introduce the generalised sum operator d:Dp. The process the uncountably infinite sum over real numbers. E xternal processes can indicate take place, indicating that this r'is the input. Note that the generalised sum operator is a fundamental operator and not an abbreviation. It acts as a binder for the variable r. The combination of the generalised sum and the if-then-else construct is very expressive, both theo- retically [12] and practically. It is for instance easily po ssible to express that a number smaller than 100 must be read and the language presented above is concise, it is more than adequate to model realistic be- haviour. It forms the essence of the mCRL2 process specificat ion language. This language has been used to model and study many protocols and distributed algor ithms. It is for instance also in use as the verification backend of design tools for high quality contro l software [4, 3].4 Infinite Choice and Probability Distributions 2 Process algebra with probability distributions An interesting question is how to extend this process langua ge with the possibility to express reason about them. There are a number of languages availa ble where processes have been combined with probabilities, such as Modest [9] and Prism [11]. We fol low the approach as outlined in [5]. This approach is partly implemented in the mCRL2 toolset, where s tate space exploration and reduction for finite probability distributions is possible. The essential extension is to that a value from a domain Dis chosen with probability distribution fand this value is assigned to variable d. This is a concise but flexible notation both allowing for dis crete and not restrained to for instance only exponen tial distributions as is not uncommon in process algebras. The distribution fhas the property that the sum of f(d)over all 1. The notation in the mCRL2 toolset for this construc t is pretty straightforward to describe probabilistic beh aviour. We give a number of simple examples. The process throwing a head or tail repeatedly and with equal probability can be characterised by (1) One may wonder whether this process is behaviourally equiva lent to a process where it is a priori de- termined that head will be thrown kNtimes, before tail shows up, where the probability of a seque nce ofkheads is1 2k+1. This latter behaviour is described by the following two pro cess . An example taken from [5] shows how timed behaviour can be exp tanduare distributed according to the normal distribution to the that action ahappens at exactly time t. In the mCRL2 tool this is expressed as a@t. This formalism is also suitable for more complex probabilis tic processes. For instance in [8] a description is provided of a game of chance call ed 'The game of the Goose', including an analysis of probabilities of the various geese to win the gam e. In [7] an intriguing puzzle called the 'Lost boarding pass' is modelled. Tools can easily provide the req uested probability that the last passenger that enters the plane will sit on his own seat, even for planes with hundreds of thousands of passengers. 3 Semantics of probabilistic processes based on measurable sets In [5] the semantics of probabilistic processes has been des cribed but the generalised sum operator has been omitted. In order to understand the semantics of probab ilistic processes, we first explain a common approach to probabilistic processes with distributions ov er finite domains.Jan Friso Groote 5 s 1 21 2 head tail Figure 2: The transition a fair coinThe essential idea is that transitions go from states to dist ributions. These distributions indicate the probability to end up in a p articular state after doing the transition. Consider the behaviour of the process Throw defined in process equation (1). It is depicted in Figure 2. Th e behaviour of Throw is a distribution swhere with of the left state, corresponding to doing the acti onhead , and with the same probability the behaviour belonging to the rig ht state is selected. Via the actions head ortailthe system ends up in the s, determining which action will take place next. Note that if the number of states is finite, it is fine if sis a function that for each state provides the probability that that particular state i s taken. Now consider the following probabilistic a single ais done, after which the process ends in an exponential distr ibution determining the distribution of values assigned to the variable r, which is an argument of the subsequent action b. Now the probability of ending up in a state where for some concret er'Rthe action b(r')can be done is of course 0. As this is not particularly useful, we provide a d ensity function which provides for sets of states the probability that one of these states can be reache d. For our concrete example the probability of ending up in a state where an action b(r'')can be done with the distribution sis a measurable function in a sigma algebra. Measurable func tions have a number of pleasant properties, one of them being that t he product of two measurable functions is again a measurable function. This allows us to give semantic s to most process operators, in particular the choice operator. Consider a process a*(p+q). Processes pandqinduce measurable functions sp andsqthat tell the probabilities of the various behaviours that c an be done by pandq. The distribution of the process p+qis the function Sis the set of all states and Xranges over measurable sets of states. In [5] a semantics for full mCRL2 with distributions is given , including a notion of strong bisimu- lation, which is shown to be a congruence. The only operator t hat was omitted is the generalised sum operator d:Dp(d), with Dan infinite, not necessarily countable domain. The natural w ay to define a distribution for this process is to formulate it as the infini te product of all distributions, aka belonging to the processes p(d). Concretely, if sdis a measurable function indicating the probability density function for process p(d), the natural definition for the probability density functio is however unclear what such a product is, or even whether, or under which circumstances, it actually exists. But in order to work safely with process languages wi th infinite choice and probability we require an answer. 4 The real hotel In order to make the problem of the previous section accessib le, we reformulated its essence as a simply looking puzzle formulated as the real hotel . The puzzle is an analogy of Hilbert's hotel. Hilbert's hote l6 Infinite Choice and Probability a countably infinite number of rooms, numbered from 0 upwa rds. Although the hotel is full, it can still accommodate any additional countable number of perso ns, for instance, by moving each guest from room nto room 2 nfreeing up all odd numbered 3: The real hotelIn the real hotel there are an uncountable number of rooms, nu m- bered with a real number ranging from 0 up to and including 1. A ll rooms are occupied by the participants of a very successful c onference. In the evening they all arrive at their rooms in the hotel wher e they find a box from which they uniformly draw a real number between 0 an d 1. If the drawn number matches the room number, the participant presses a big red button, marked a. If one of the participants presses this button a big letter aon the roof of the hotel is lit. The question is to determine the probability that the light on the roof of the hotel will sw itch on. As a process this can be modelled as follows, where for brevit y we useR01as the set of real numbers in the interval the uniform distribution in the interval (2) In words, the participant who resides in room rdraws a number sand if sequals rthe light on the hotel will switch on, represented by the action a. Of course, the probability that a particular guest presses this button is 0. But as this experiment is repeated uncountably o ften, it is conceivable that the probability that the light on the roof switches on is larger than 0. Actually, I believe that the behaviour in (2) is exactly bisi milar to the following simpler process, where the value of pis can get confidence that p=1-1/eby finitely approximating the hotel. Divide the guests in n groups occupying rooms with numbers n-1. The probability that a guest in group idraws a number in group iis 1/n. The probability that the light stays off is equal to the prob ability that no participant draws a number in his own group. So, the probab ility that the light goes on is given by the following formula, where we take question is whether this calculation is indeed appropri ate. Asking mathematicians with a back- ground in probability theory invariably led to the answer th at the puzzle of the real hotel cannot be answered due to the fact that it is not well posed. The real cha llenge is to set up a theory in which the puzzle of the real hotel can be solved convincingly, or more i n general to set up a theory in which process algebra expressions as in (2) have a well defined and understo od semantical meaning. As pointed out in [5], the essential step is to define a density function [ [p] ]which maps the that occur in pto their probability of occurrence. For a process p+q, this typically is the prod- uct of the density functions for pmultiplied by the one for q, which is well defined. For the generalised sum operator d:Dp(d)this is the potentially unbounded product of the density fun ctions for p(d). Only a few papers could be found that provide leads to an understan ding of such unbounded products [1, 16].Jan Friso Groote 7 Ignoring the crucial aspect of being well-defined, it is stil l intriguing to write down examples of probabilistic processes to get an impression of the behavio ur that one can describe and want to study. For instance a slot machine has software initialising its ra ndom generator. The random the payout xbut it is influenced by the time t. The process . An interesting question is to determine the maximal amount o f profit that can be obtained by are other conceivable combinations of choice and prob ability. In a store there are kemployees for some fixed number k. The management, not knowing the employees' personalities , uniformly selects one of the employees. Each employee has its own nondetermini stic view on how effective he should work with an average output between of l1tol2outputs per hour. We can describe this (p,s). Although we have a clear feeling that this expression is natu ral, the core question is how to make sure that it has a well defined meaning. 5 Conclusion We outlined a process algebra with a generalised sum operato r and probability distributions. We argued that the semantics of the combination of these two very impor tant modelling notions is not at the moment. This lack of understanding hamper s progress in the field of behaviour with continuous distributions. When the semantics is properly u nderstood, we may open up a whole new field with probabilistic behavioural equivalences, axioms, rul es of calculations and verification tools. But most importantly, we will be able to describe and analyse sys tems with uncountable nondeterminism I like to thank Jan Lanik, Pedro D'Argenio and Pedro S' anchez Terraf for the useful discussions we had regarding this R.J. Aumann (1961): Borel Structures for function Spaces .Illinois Journal of Mathematics 5(4), pp. . [2] J.C.M. Baeten & W.P. Weijland (1990): Process algebra .Cambridge tracts in theoretical computer sci- ence 18, Cambridge University Press, doi: . [3] R. van Beusekom, B. de Jonge, P. Hoogendijk & J. Nieuwenhu izen (2021): Dezyne: Paving the Way to Practical Formal Software Engineering .EPTCS 338, pp. 19-30, doi: . Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Formal Integrated Development, F-IDE 2021. [4] Guy H. Broadfoot (2005): ASD Case Notes: Costs and Benefits of Applying Formal Methods to Software . In John S. Fitzgerald, Ian J. Hayes & Andrzej Tarlecki, edit ors:FM 2005: Formal Meth- ods, International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, New castle, UK, July 18-22, 2005, Proceedings , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3582, Springer, pp. 548-551, doi: . | 2108.10489 | EPTCS | Jan Friso Groote (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) | Infinite Choice and Probability Distributions. An Open Problem: The Real Hotel | In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2021, arXiv:2108.09624 | EPTCS 339, 2021, pp. 2-8 | 10.4204/EPTCS.339.2 | null | cs.LO cs.FL | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We sketch a process algebra with data and probability distributions. This allows to combine two very powerful abstraction mechanisms choice and probabilities. However, it is not clear how to define an appropriate semantics for the generalised choice over data in combination with probability density functions. The real hotel is a puzzle that exemplifies the core of the problem.
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] |
E. Alsmann, F. Bruse & M. Lange 11 more expressive than any of them. Example properties witnes sing the strictness are also well-known, and their inexpressibility in one of these logics is typical ly not difficult to prove formally:
* PDL can only combine eventuality properties with existent ial path quantification; hence, it can- not express the CTL-property AFqstating q holds on all paths at some point (which is also expressible in LTL);
* LTL can only quantify over all paths on the top-level, hence it cannot state is a successor satisfying q and one that does not satisf y q (which is also expressible in q;
* CTL cannot state q holds only finitely often on all paths which is possible in LTL, and it cannot say q holds after every even number of steps which is expressed by the PDL formula [(SS)*]q over LTS with edge labels from S. Non-Regular Program Logics. The fact that Luembeds them all means that their expressiveness is limited by regularity in the sense that each property definable in these logics can a lso be specified by a finite tree automaton or a formu la of Monadic Second-Order Logic. While regular expressiveness is sufficient for many program speci fication and verification tasks in the form of safety, liveness, fairness properties, there are situat ions in formal verification where regularity is required. This has led to the design of s pecification logics beyond Luor PDL.
* A non-regular PDL-like specification logic is easily obtai ned by extending the Kleene algebra of accessibility relations, resp. the class of regular langua ges in modal operators, to larger language classes like the context-free ones, resulting in PDL[CFL] [ 11]. It can state properties like there is a path of the form anbnfor some n >=1.
* Fixpoint Logic with Chop (FLC) [19] extends Luwith an operator for sequential enables it to express context-free properties like the only mentioned above for PDL[CFL] but also other non-regular ones like all paths end after the same number of steps . In fact, FLC embeds PDL[CFL] [15].
* Assume-guarantee properties like every execution of program P by n steps, can be matched by an execution of program Q by n +1steps are not-regular and have led to invention of Logic (HFL) [25], an extension of Luby a typed l-calculus. This captures FLC on a very low type level and stretches far beyond that. A common feature of such extensions - at least when not done ca refully - is the loss of decidability of the satisfiability problem: PDL[CFL] is highly undecidable [11], and this transfers to FLC and HFL. On the other hand, their model checking problems over finite LTS remains decidable, making them suitable for automatic program verification. For PDL[CFL] it is even p olynomial [13], whereas for FLC is [14], and for general HFL it is non-elemen tary [4]. Decidable Non-Regular Program Logics. A discovery in formal language theory has opened up some interesting possibilities in the realm of non-regular prog ram logics: the class of visibly pushdown lan- guages (VPL) over some visibly pushdown alphabet partitioning alp habet symbols into those that cause push-, pop- and internal state changes in a corresponding pu shdown automaton, forms a subset of CFL that enjoys almost the same closure and decidability proper ties as the class REG [2]. This is even robust in the sense that the corresponding PDL over this class, PDL[ VPL], is a genuinely non-regular program logic whose satisfiability problem is actually decidable, n amely [16].12 Separating the Expressive Power of PDL and Modal Fixpoint Lo gics This comprised the state-of-the-art until recently: the la rgest (w.r.t. expressiveness) that was still known to be decidable was Lu, as known extensions thereof were logics in the form of propositi onal dynamic ones, it was possible to push the decidability frontier genuinely into the realm of non-regu lar logics by the definition of PDL[VPL]. A similar construction was possible for a temporal logic call edRecursive CTL (RecCTL) [5] which can be seen as a CTL-like variant of FLC: it was possible to define a (non-regular) fragment which could be shown to be decidable by a simple translation into PDL[VPL] [5]. A common feature of these decidable logics is the modular use of visibly-pushdown effects. This is best seen in PDL[VPL] where VPL can either be used inside an ex istential or a universal modality, but no mixing of modalities across visibly pushdown languages i s possible. Hence, PDL[VPL] can like but cannot state there is an a-path of length n for some n, such that all followi ng b-paths of length n for the same n end in a state satisfying p because this requires a change of modality within the VPL anbn. We will write denote this property succinctly, even though this is no well-formed formula of any (PDL-like) logic. Since decidability of VPL-based logics can be obtained by a r eduction to visibly pushdown games [17], there is little reason to believe that the strict use of VPLwithin a single modality is actually required for decidability. In fact, very recently a fragment of FLC, c alled vpFLC, has been constructed which allows free use of modality changes within VPLs, and whose sa tisfiability problem is still decidable The aim of this paper is to investigate the expressive power o f program logics, specif- ically those around the decidability border, and to show tha t the existing inclusions between them are strict. This is already known for a few of them, either becaus e of long-standing results like the between regular logics and their non-regular ex tensions, or because of rather trivial observa- tions. Note for instance that it has been known for a long time that PDL[CFL] and Luare expressiveness. Hence, FLC, which subsumes them bot h, must subsume both of them strictly. This is fair enough, but also slightly when on e considers examples witnessing the strictness that result from this kind of reasoning.
* PDL[CFL] is designed to express some non-regular properti es, whereas Lucan only express reg- ular ones. Hence, any genuinely non-regular property in FLC witnesses the strictness of the inclu- sion of Luin FLC.
* On the other hand, PDL-based logics cannot express propert ies that involve unbounded like the winning region for one of the players in a turn-based two-player game). Hence, any such formula al so witnesses the strict inclusion of PDL[CFL] in FLC. This is not very satisfactory, as this does n ot shed light onto the true of these genuinely non-regular program logics. In this paper we complete the study into the (non-expressive ness) of properties expressible in program logics around the decidability border. The hierarchy forme d by them is shown in Fig. 1, naming witnessing the strictness of the corresponding inclusion as well as pointing to their origin. The picture is made complete by results in this paper, provid ing new separation results as well as results in the form of witnessing properties whi ch genuinely do not rely on fairly trivial results between the regular and non-regular w orld. To denote these properties we use a fairly intuitive notation like In the end, we can see that all the inclusions in Fig. 1 are strict. In particular,
* . . . propositional dynamic logics and modal fixpoint logics can be separated using using properties of unbounded modality alternation (e.g. or, further up in the hierarchy, those in whichE. Alsmann, F. Bruse & M. Lange 11 regular expressiveness, expressiveness, expressiveness, 1: The (strict) hierarchy of propositional dynamic a nd modal fixpoint logics betwen PDL and FLC. modal alternation and limited counting is intertwined (e.g As a result, vpFLC is not only strictly more expressive than PDL[VPL] and Lu(which was known before), but even strictly more expressive than their union.
* . . . the visibly pushdown based logics (middle band) can be s eparated from the general non-regular ones (top band) using properties based on visibly pushdown l anguages. This may not sound sur- prising but is not a triviality as program properties using n languages could, in theory, be composable by complex formulas using visibly p ushdown languages only. Here we show that this is indeed not the In Sect. 2 we recall necessary preliminaries from formal lan guages, propositional dy- namic and modal fixpoint logics. In Sect. 3 we provide the miss ing results that separate the logics from the modal fixpoint logics, i.e. the left c olumn from the right column in Fig. 1. This concerns the non-regular parts, as the separation of Lufrom PDL is well-known. In Sect. 4 we then show how to leverage the undecidability of t he satisfiability problem for such logics into an expressiveness gap, thus separating the top r ow from the middle row in Fig. 1. Again, the separation of the middle row from the bottom row was known alr eady, with proofs relying for instance on the finite model properties of the regular logics PDL and Lu. We conclude with remarks on further work in Sect. 2 is a finite, nonempty set of letters . A word over some alphabet Sis a finite letters from S. The empty word is denoted by e. The length Separating the Expressive Power of PDL and Modal Fixpoint Lo gics The set of all S-words is denoted by S*, the set of all non-empty words is denoted by S+. AS-language is a subset of S*. We denote concatenation of words and languages by juxtapos ition as usual. Avisibly pushdown alphabet is an alphabet Sthat is partitioned into three sets andinternal symbols. Finite Automata. A finite automaton (NFA) is a tuple Qis a finite, nonempty set of states, Sis an alphabet, qIQis the initial state ,FQis the set of accepting states and dQxSxQis the transition relation. Arunof some NFA Aon a word w=a1***anS*is a sequence q0,..., qnQ*such that, for all 0<=i<n, we have that (qi,ai,qi+1)d. We also say that Ahas a run from q0toqnover w. Such a run is called accepting if q0=qIandqnF. A word wis accepted by Aif there is an accepting run of A onw. We write L(A)for the set of words accepted by A. A finite automaton (Q,S,d,qi,F)is , if for all qQ,aS, there is exactly one q'Qsuch that (q,a,q')d. It is well-known that, for each NFA, there is a DFA that accepts exactly the sam e language, and has at most states. A language is called regular if there is a finite automaton that accepts it. We write REG for the class of regular languages (over a given Automata. Apushdown automaton is a tuple Q,S,qI,Fare as in the case of finite automata, Gis the stack alphabet such that GS=/ 0,/GSis the stack bottom symbol, G*xQ)is the transition relation. Arunof some pushdown automaton (PDA) Aon a word w=a1***anS*is a finite states and stack contents such that, for all 0 <=i<neither and A run is accepting A word wis accepted by Aif there is an accepting run of A onw. We write L(A)for the language of words accepted by A. A language is called context-free if it is accepted by some PDA. We write CFL for the class of context- free languages. Note that every NFA can be extended to a PDA by ignoring the stack, hence every reg ular language is context-free. languages over a unary (size 1) alphabet are kn own to be regular [20]. Avisibly pushdown automaton (VPA) [18, 2] is a pushdown automaton such that its alphabet Sis a visibly pushdown alphabet and, moreover, for (q,a,g,g',q')d, we have that finally, a run is only accepting if the final configuration has an empty stack. A language over some visibly pushdown alphabet is called visibly pushdown if it is accepted by some VPA. We write VPL for the class of visibly pushdown languages (over a given vis ibly pushdown alphabet), Clearly every visibly pushdown language is context-free. Moreover, ever y regular language is visibly-pushdown over the alphabet that regards all letters as internal. Note that this definition introduces visibly pushdown langu ages without so-called pending calls and returns, i.e. such that only words are accepted that are bala nced and well-nested w.r.t. symbols from Sc andSr. This is done to make the definition of vpFLC (see Sec. 2.3 belo w) more LetLbe a S-language and let aS. The a-derivative of Lis the set It is easy to see that derivatives of regular languages are regular again by manipulating theE. Alsmann, F. Bruse & M. Lange 15 associated deterministic finite automaton, i.e. making the a-successor of the initial state the new initial state, cf. [8]. We now argue that the a-derivative of a context-free language is context-free aga in. Lemma 1. Let LCFL over some alphabet Sand aS. Then a(L)CFL. Proof. Suppose a PDA with L(A) =L. Let the set of transitions available to Aupon reaching an aas the first letter of a word. For each t=(qi,a,,g,q)T, ifg=e, define the automaton if define the automaton Atsimulates the case of Areading an aand taking tas its first transition, and then on the rest of the word. Hence, Ataccepts only words in each word in a(L(A))is accepted by at least one of the At. Using the of context-free languages under union, we obtain th e desired statement. 2.2 Propositional Dynamic Logic Labelled Transition Systems. LetPbe a set of atomic propositions and let Sbe an alphabet, in the context of propositional dynamic logics often referred to a s the set of atomic programs . Alabelled transition system (LTS) is a tuple T= (S,- -,l)where Sis a, potentially infinite, set ofstates ,- - SxSxSis the transition relation, and l:S-2Plabels each state with the set of propositions that hold at it. Given an LTS, we write sa- -tto denote that (s,a,t)- - . This extends to S-words via sw1w2---- tiff there is s'with sw1- - - s'ands'w2- - - t, and se- -tiffs=t. We write sL- -tif there iswLsuch that sw- -t. Sometimes we consider labelled transition systems with a d esignated initial state. In a drawing, this will be marked by an ingoing edge wit h no source. A (finite) path pin an LTS is a sequence s1,..., snof states such that, for all 1 <=i<n, there is aiS such that siai- - -si+1. In this case, the path is said to be labelled by w=a1***an-1. Note that sw- -tiff there is a w-labelled path from stot. Syntax. LetPandSbe as before. Let Cbe a, not necessarily finite, set of S-languages. The syntax of Propositional Dynamic Logic over C(PDL[ C]) is defined by the following grammar: ph ::= pPandLC. The auxiliary formulas ttandffare defined as usual via p!p, resp. p!p for arbitrary pP. We are particularly interested in those logics in which C=REG,VPL or CFL, resulting in the Dynamic Logic of Regular Programs (PDL[REG]) [10], sometimes only called Dynamic Logic of Context-Free [11], and 1Originally it was called Propositional Dynamic Logic of Non-Regular Programs which is of course slightly misleading as it hardly comprises allnon-regular programs.16 Separating the Expressive Power of PDL and Modal Fixpoint Lo Dynamic Logic of Recursive Programs (PDL[VPL]) [16]. Themodal depth md (ph)of a formula phmeasures the nesting depth of modal operators and is Given an LTS T=(S,- -,l), any PDL[ C]-formula over matching PandSdefines a inductively defined -t} -t,then write T,s|=phto denote that We say that Tis a model of phto denote that the initial state of Tis Fixpoint Logic with Chop We assume some familiarity with the modal u-calculus Lu. The yardstick in the world of modal fixpoint logics to measure the expressive power of propositional dyn amic logics against has turned out to be Fixpoint Logic with Chop [19], the extension of Luby a sequential composition operator. This is since some kind of sequential composition operator is needed in ma ny language classes beyond the and FLC is, in some sense, a minimal extension of Luby such an operator. As FLC is by far less known than Lu, we include its definition here. It is also needed to explain i ts fragment the largest currently known modal fixpoint logic with a decidable satisfiability problem [6]. Syntax. LetPandSbe as above. Let Vbe a countably infinite set of variable names. Formulas of FLC over P,SandVare given by the following grammar. ph ::= qP,aSandXV. Note that FLC does not have a negation LetT=(S,- -,l)be an LTS. An environment to each variable a function from sets of states to sets of states in T. We write e[X/mapso-f]for the function that maps Xto fand agrees with eon all other arguments. The semantics 2S-2Sof an FLC formula, relative to an LTS Tand an environment, is such a function. It is monotone with respect to the inclusion orde ring on 2S. Such functions together with the partial order given a complete lattice with joins and meets - defined as the pointwise union, resp. intersection. By the Knaster-Tarski Theorem [23] the least and greatest fix points of monotone functionals F:(2S-E. Alsmann, F. Bruse & M. Lange They are used to interpret fixpoint formulas of FLC. Th e semantics is then inductively defined as 2S-2S|fmon., 2S-2S|fmon., function composition. For any FLC formula ph, any LTS T= (S,- -,l)with initial state s0and any environment We call this the set of positions in t defined byphande. We also write resp. Ifphis closed we may omit ein both kinds of notation. We say thatTis amodel of a closed formula phifT|=ph. A formula is satisfiable if it has a model. Two formulas , written phps, iff their semantics are the same, i.e. for every environment eand every LTS Two formulas phandpsareweakly equivalent , written phps, iff they define the same set of states in an LTS, i.e. for every eand every Twe Hence, we have phph;ttfor any ph. Visibly Pushdown FLC. Definition 2. LetS=ScSrSibe a visibly pushdown alphabet. The syntax of the fragment vp FLC of FLC is given by the following grammar. ph be either Furthermore, we postulate that the sequential composition operator is right-associa tive; parentheses are not shown explicitly here for the sake of better readability. The definition alongside the visibly pushdown alphabet ensu res that sequential composition, in par- ticular when involving multiple composition operators, ap pears only guarded by modal when exploring several formulas at the same time, e.g . in a tableau or a satisfiability game (cf. [6]), unfolding modal operators in lockstep will ensur e that these formulas always have similar amounts of nested chop operators, and, hence, are of similar size. This makes such a satisfiability game a stair-parity game and, hence decidable. It is open whether the definition of vpFLC can be relaxed to all ow pending calls and returns. 2.4 Separating Properties The properties witnessing the separation results discusse d in this paper have - to some degree - been mentioned in the introduction already, and are also shown in Fig. 1. Here we defined them formally as formulas of the corresponding logics.18 Separating the Expressive Power of PDL and Modal Fixpoint Lo This property simply states there is a path labelled with n a's, followed by n b's, for some n>=1, ending in a state where p holds . It should be clear that this can be expressed in PDL[CFL] si a CFL. Hence, a formula doing so. Note that Lanbnis in fact a VPL over the visibly pushdown alphabet with abeing a call and ba return symbol. Hence FLC formula formalising this property is It is best understood by unfolding the fixpoint formula /bracehtipupright psZ;p(/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;psZ;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h);p/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h;p/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;psZ;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h;p
/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h;p/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h;p/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;psZ;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h;p ...
/logicalordisplay n>=1/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h;...,/a}brackele{a/a}brackeri}h/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright ntimes;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h;...;/a}brackele{b/a}brackeri}h/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipupright ntimes;p. Clearly, this property cannot be expressed in PDL[REG] [11] This is very similar to the previous property with the CFL is a PDL[CFL] property. By the standard translation into F LC, it is also express- ible there, for instance as Using fixpoint unfolding as before, one can see that it is equivalent that Lanbanis not a VPL since awould need to be both a call and a return symbol in order to be recognisable using a pushdown automaton. Likewise, phanbanis not a vpFLC formula as both in front of and behind a recursion variable. Agai n, this would require ato be both a call and a return symbol. We formally show this in Thm. This property is supposed to state something occurring in t he definition of winning regions in alternating two-player reachability games of unbounded iteration, namely that there is some number n>=1 of moves such that player 1 can make a move such that no matter how player 2 responds, player 1 can make another move, etc. until after 2 nmoves a states satisfying pis reached. This is expressed by the Luformula using the standard translation into FLC [19], as is also a vpFLC formula. However, this property cannot be expressed in PDL[REG] This is similar to the property here the second part of the path is i.e. it asks for the existing of an a-path of some length n>=1 such that all b-paths of length nfollowing it end in a state satisfying p. This is easily expressed in FLC by changing the corresponding a[b]in the formula for resulting in the original formula was already vpFLC, so is this one, as vpFLC treats existential and universal modalities equally. However, we show in Thm. 8 tha t this property cannot be expressed in This asks for the existence of an apath of length n, such that all b-successors of the target state have an emerging a-path of length nagain to some state satisfying p. Again, an FLC formula for this property is easily obtained from one for changing a corresponding modality,E. Alsmann, F. Bruse & M. Lange 19 resulting in This is also no vpFLC formula for the same have two roles in a visibly pushdown alphabet. We use t his property to and FLC in Thm. 9 by showing that it cannot be express ed in the former. 3 Separating Propositional Dynamic and Modal Fixpoint Logi cs In this section we prove that particular properties separat e the expressive power of the modal fixpoint logics in the middle and upper band of Fig. 1 from the proposit ional dynamic logics in these bands, namely the properties defined in the previous section. The proofs use a special case of the well-known Pumping Lemma for regular lan guages [22]. Note that this is used in the context of propositional dynamic logics over context-free languages in the setting where the alphabet is only unary so that context-free languages boil down to regul ar ones anyway. 3.1 The Pumping Lemma for Unary Languages The Pumping Lemma for regular languages states that, for any regular language L, there is nsuch that any word wLwith|w|>=ncan be partitioned into such that uvixL for all iN. This follows from the fact that there must be a finite automat on for L, a DFA Ain fact, that accepts it. Any run that over a word that is longer that th e number of states of A, some state must be visited more than once, and the section of the word between these occurrences can be pumped (up or down). However, the partition depends on the word in quest ion. Moreover, given several the partitions can differ even for words that are in the intersection of all the languages. The situation becomes more predictable in the setting of unary a lphabets, i.e. those of the form {a}, in which case pumping constants can be found that work for all languag es simultaneously. Before we show this, we need the following 3. LetL1,..., Lnbe regular languages over the same alphabet S, and for 1 <=i<=n, finite automata for Li, respectively. A simultaneous transition profile forA1,...,An is a relation Each word wS*defines such a simultaneous transition profile and that if q,q'are states in Qi, then(q,q')twiff there is a run of Aifrom qtoq'over w. Lemma 4. Let L 1,..., Lnbe regular S-languages, and let a S. Then there are m and k >0such that, for any l>=m+k and for all 1<=i<=n,jNwe have that alLiiff al+j*kLi. Proof. LetA1,...,Anbe finite automata for L1,..., Lnas in Def. 3. By cardinality reasons, no more than transition profiles exist. Hence, if one enumerates the transition profiles for a,a2,a3etc., upon reaching a word of the length one transition profile tmust have occurred twice. Note that, if a transition profile occurs twi ce, the entire sequence of profiles between the two occurrences will occur again, i.e. the sequence of trans ition profiles is ultimately periodic. Let mbe such that t=tmis the first occurrence of this profile, and ksuch that tm+kis the second occurrence of this profile. Then mandkare as in the lemma: let l>=m+kand let wlLi. Then Aihas an accepting run over wl, i.e. a run from qi ItoqFi. Let q'be the state in the run after reading am. By definition of q', there is a run of Aiover al-mfrom q'toq. Since tm=tm+k, there is also a run of Aifrom qi Itoq' over am+k. By combining these two runs, we obtain a run from qi Itoq'over am+k, and then a run from q'toqover al-m, which is an accepting run over am+k+l-m=al+k. The rest of the claim is by of the previous argument.20 Separating the Expressive Power of PDL and Modal Fixpoint Lo gics l . . . 0p l+k . . . l . . . 0p b b b b b 2: Transition Systems . . . 04 u l1 . . . 01p l5 . . . 05 dl2 . . . 02p l' 3. . . l3 . . . 03pa a a b b b l=(m+k)*d l=(m+k)*d a a ab bb b b ba b 3: Transition Systems the following lemma, let for lN, letTb lbe defined as Tb l=
({0,..., l},- -,l)with- ={p}iffs=0. See Fig. 2 for a graphical 5. Let C={L1,..., Ln}where L 1,..., Lnare regular S-languages, m and k >0be their combined pumping indices according to Lemma 4, d N,0<d'<=d and l>=(m+k)*d. Then, for all l >=j>=
(m+k)*d', the states j in Tb land j+k inTb l+ksatisfy the same PDL[ C]formulas of modal depth at most d'. Proof. The proof is by induction over d'. Assume that the result has been proven for all 0 <d''<=d'. Let j>=(m+k)*d'. Let md(ps)<=d'-1 and 1<=i<=n. Assume that state jinTlsatisfies ph. Then there is that wLiand the state j-|w|satisfies ps. There are two then Ifd'=1, the result is immediate, since l(s)=/ 0 unless s=0 in either LTS. If d'>1, we can use the induction hypothesis to infer that also stat ps. If|w| >=m+k, then, by Lemma 4, also b|w|+kLi, whence state j+kalso let at state j+kinTb l+k. Then there is w {b}*with|w| <=j+k such that wLiand the state j+k-|w|satisfies ps. Again, there are two cases. If |w|<m+k, Ifd'=1 we again refer to the fact that l(s)=/ 0 unless s=0. If d'>1 we can use the induction hypothesis to infer that also state j-|w|satisfies psinTb l. If|w|>=m+k, then, by Lem. 4, also b|w|-kLi, whence state jalso satisfies Alsmann, F. Bruse & M. Lange 21 Definition 6. The LTS defined as in Fig. 3. LetS={a,b}. Our aim is to show that the property be expressed in PDL[CFL]. Lemma 7. Let C={L1,..., Ln}be a collection of context-free languages and, for 1<=i<=n, let L' i=
LiL(b*)be the (regular) intersection of L iwith{b}*. Let m and k be their combined pumping indices as per Lemma 4 applied to L' 1,..., L' n. Let d>=1, l=(m+k)*d and l'=l+k. Suppose T1andT2are the LTS Tm,k,d 1 , respectively Tm,k,d 2 as per Def. 6. Then no PDL[ C]formula of modal depth d or less distinguishes T1andT2. Proof. Clearly, for 0 <=j<=l, the states j1,j2and j3on the right halves of T1andT2satisfy the same formula of any modal depth due to the natural isomorphism of t he associated structures. Moreover, by Lemma 5, the states the same PDL[ L' 1,..., L' n]-formulas of modal depth and, since the associated sub-LTS contain only b-transitions, also the same PDL[ C] formulas of modal depth at most d'. By another application of Lemma 5, we obtain that the states uand dalso satisfy the same PDL[ C] formulas of modal depth at most dsince they satisfy the same formulas of the form the claim of the lemma, it remains to show that, for al l 0<=j<=l, the states same formulas of the form where 1 Let 0<=j<=land assume that this has been shown for all j'<j. Let Consider In order for it to hold at state j4, respectively j5, there must be wLiand some other state reachable via wsuch that psholds at that state. In case that w {a}*, this state is either u, respectively d, for which the result follows immediately, or the state is j' 4, respectively j' 5with j'>=j. In this case, the result follows from the induction hypothesis. Hence, the remaining case is that where w{a+b+}and the witness for psis one of the j' 1,j' 2,j' 3. For the latter two cases, note that any j' 2orj' 3is reachable from j4and j5via the exact same word, whence the claim immediately follows. Hence, the interesting case is that where at j4due to psholding at j' 1with wLilabelling the path from j4toj' 1. However, note that walso labels the path from j5toj' 2, at which psalso holds due to the sub-structures reachable from j' 1andj' 2being isomorphic. Hence, j4andj5satisfy exactly the same PDL[ C] formulas of the form depth at most d, and, hence exactly the same PDL[ C] formulas of modal depth d. In particular, this holds for l4andl5, which is the claim of the lemma. Theorem 8. Property be expressed in PDL[CFL] . Hence, . Proof. Assume to the contrary that there is phPDL[CFL] that expresses i.e. phholds in exactly those LTS that satisfy it. Let dbe the modal depth of phand let C=L1,..., Lnbe a list of the languages used in ph. By Lemma 7, phcannot distinguish the transition systems T1andT2in Fig. 3. However, clearly T1satisfies while T2does not. Hence, be expressed in be expressed in vpFLC as seen in Sec. 2.4. Note that, in fact, the result can be strengthened to the Bool ean closure of context-free languages, since the intersection of a language in the boolean closure o f CFL with a unary alphabet remains reg- ular. Moreover, the theorem also separates PDL[VPL] from vp FLC since the former is a fragment of PDL[CFL]. The previous theorem already supports the intuition that th e reason for the ineffability of not to be found in reasons, but in the a lternation of the modal operators, which in some sense insulates the front part and the back part of the property, i.e. respectively [bn]from22 Separating the Expressive Power of PDL and Modal Fixpoint Lo gics l4 . . . 04 u l1 . . . 01p l5 . . . 05 dl2 . . . 02p l' 3. . . l3 . . . 03pa a a b a a (m+k)*d-1 (m+k)*d a a ab ba a a aa a 4: Transition Systems other, preventing the constraint on the joint number of letters nto be remembered in the rest of the formula. In order to underline this point we now sketch th at the property also not be expressed in 9. Property not be expressed in PDL[CFL] . Hence, . Proof. (sketch) Consider the structures Ta 1andTa 2in Fig. 4 for m,k,dto be given later. Clearly Ta 1 satisfies/a}brackele{an/a}brackeri}h[b] while Ta 2does not. The proof that the two structures cannot be distinguished in PDL[CFL] proceeds via the same pattern as the proof of Thm. 8, i.e. the structures are built dependin g on the context-free languages L1,..., Ln used in the hypothetical formula that expressed /a}brackele{an/a}brackeri}h[b] and its modal depth d. In particular, in the proof that the states the same formulas of a given modal depth over L1,..., Ln proceeds in the same pattern by invoking Lemma 5 over the (reg ular) intersections of L1,..., Lnwith
{a}*. Also, after establishing that this holds, and that the stat esuanddsatisfy the same PDL[ L1,..., Ln] formulas of modal depth d, the proof for the left part of the structures is the same. However, it is not as straightforward to establish that uanddsatisfy the same PDL[ L1,..., Ln]- formulas of modal depth d, since the paths leading out of uanddare not over a unary alphabet. On the other hand, all these paths are labelled by a word starting wi th exactly one b, followed by a number of a's. Hence, we can equivalently replace any b(Li)is the b-derivative of Li. Note that, by Lemma 1, b(Li)is context-free again and, hence, can now be replaced by its ( with {a}*, since it is interpreted over paths that contain only a's. Of course, this has to be taken into account when defining mandkvia Lemma 4. It is not hard to see that the proof succeeds by defining mandkover the set of languages L' 1,..., L' n,L'b 1,..., L'b nwhere L' iis the intersection of Liwith
{a}*, and L'b iis the intersection of the other hand, we have seen in Sec. 2.4 that be expressed in FLC by the formula E. Alsmann, F. Bruse & M. Lange 23 4 Separating Decidable and Undecidable Logics We now show that the inclusions of decidable program logics i n Fig. 1 in the undecidable ones are strict. More precisely, we show that PDL[VPL] is strictly less expre ssive than PDL[CFL], and that vpFLC is strictly less expressive than FLC, which separates the top b and in Fig. 1 from the middle band. It is tempting to conclude an expressivity gap from the decid ability gap; however, only a follows: there can be no computable translation from FLC to vpFLC, resp. from PDL[CFL] to PDL[VPL]. This does not preclude the e xistence of equivalent formulas in the smaller logic for each of the larger, though. It merely says t hat they could not be constructed effectively if they exist. However, with a little bit more observation it is possible to extend this to an expressiveness gap, too. Lemma 10. Let p be an atomic proposition. Suppose was expressible in vpFLC . Then problem would be Harel et al. present a reduction from Post's Correspondence Problem (PCP) to the for PDL[ anban] [11]. They show how to construct, for every input PCP, a formula phIof PDL[ anban] which is satisfiable iff Ihas a solution (in the sense of PCP). Now suppose there was a vpFLC-formula to . Since any ordinay PDL[-] formula can easily be expressed in vpFLC, we immediately get a similar reduction from PCP to problem: for any instance Iofphwe can construct a vpFLC-formula ph' Iin the same way as the PDL[ anban]-formula phIwith the only difference that we use phIuses s. Clearly, ph' Iis equivalent to phIfor any I, and so it is satisfiable iff Iis solvable. Note that this argument relies only on the existence of a form ula equivalent to , not its effective In fact, the question after th e effective constructibility of phanbanis meaningless as it is a fixed formula and is therefore trivially constructible whenever it exists, as for every fixed formula there is clearly an algorithm which can write it down. Instea d, it is the modularity of vpFLC, i.e. the possibility to build formulas by replacing subformulas, wh ich is used in order to handle arbitrary PCP inputs I. Theorem 11. We have andPDL[CFL] . Proof. Clearly,can be expressed in PDL[CFL]. By [15], it is expressible in FL C. On the other hand, if it was expressible in vpFLC then, by Lemma 10, v pFLC's satisfiability problem would be undecidable contradicting its decidability result from [6 ]. Likewise cannot be expressible in PDL[VPL] either, as it would then be expressible in vpFLC, too, by the generic embedding of PDL[CFL] into FLC [15 ] which produces formulas from vpFLC when applied to formulas from PDL[VPL]. Equally, the c ontradiction can be obtained using the decidability result for PDL[VPL] [16]. So the different status of decidability between program log ics does not immediately yield a gap but it can be used to construct one by embedd ing presumably inexpressible properties in a set of formulas such that its subset of satisfiable ones is de cidable in one case and undecidable in the other.24 Separating the Expressive Power of PDL and Modal Fixpoint Lo gics 5 We have completely mapped the structures in the hierarchy of expressiveness amongst pro- gram logics for non-regular properties up to context-free o nes. The two main strands of logics for such purposes found in the literature are propositional dynamic ones which incorporate formal languages into modal operators, and modal fixpoint logics which can, to some extent, mimic the generation of formal languages through least and greatest fixpoint construction s. We have provided formal proofs of what one may expect, namely that the bounded modality alternatio n inherent in propositional dynamic logics cannot be overcome by subtle constructions: there are prope rties which require some - even the minimal - amount of alternation amongst modal operators which canno t be expressed in these propositional dy- namic logics. Note that features one swap from an existential to a universal mod ality, the smallest possible amount of one kind of operato r: only a single Work. One can, surely, devote an arbitrary amount of time to find fur ther properties that witness the separation of logics presented here. For instan ce, with the developments leading to Thm. 8 it should not be too difficult to show that be expressed in PDL[CFL] either. Far more interesting, though, would be to investigate wheth er such separation techniques could be applied even further up the hierarchy of program logics. Not e that PDL is a very generic formalism that is formally defined for anylanguage class. Thus, any hierarchy of language classes imp oses a hierarchy of PDL-logics, but strictness amongst languages does not imme diately transfer to the logics. Instead, more or less sophisticated arguments are needed. As shown here, t he argument based on the Pumping Lemma can be used up to the context-free languages, in fact even the ir Boolean closure. Beyond, for instance for the class CSL of languages, it is uncl ear whether there are separation results to be discovered in a similar style. So a separation of PDL[CSL] fr om PDL[CFL] for instance has, as far as we know, not been shown yet. One may argue that beyond PDL[CFL] and FLC, the question of th e strictness of the hierarchy be- comes less interesting as these logics are undecidable alre ady. There is, however, still a vast space of program logics with potential applications in formal verifi cation despite undecidability of their satisfia- bility problems, as decidability of their model checking pr oblems reaches far beyond that. On the modal fixpoint logic strand, even full HFL - which lifts Lunot only to predicate transformers as FLC does, but also to higher-order predicate transformers of arbitrary a rity - retains model checking decidability, albeit of complexity that is k-fold exponential in the size of the underlying LTS [4] when kequals the maximal type order of such complexity of model checking propositional dynamic log ics is well grounded in formal language theory, as it is polynomially linked to the complexity of the emptiness problem for intersections with regular languages [3], yielding, for instance exponential -time model checking for PDL over [1], and doubly exponential-time model checking for PDL over multi-stack visibly [24]. A natural question that arises from the lifting of the decida bility gap in satisfiability checking to the expressiveness gap, as done in the previous section, is w hether gaps can be used for such purposes as well. The answer is of course yes: if the data complexity of two logics is separated by provably different complexity classes then so is their expressivity. This has been used for instance to establish that each HFLk+1is more expressive than HFLkfork>=1 [4], making use of the time hierarchy theorem. Likewise, the space hierarchy theo rem can be used to separate the fragments of each HFLk[7]. It remains to be seen, though, if such results can be used to obtain separations from highly expressive PDL-based logic s.E. Alsmann, F. Bruse & M. Lange A. V . Aho (1968): Indexed Grammars - An Extension of Context-Free Grammars .J. ACM 15(4), pp. 647- 671, R. Alur & P. Madhusudan (2004): Visibly pushdown languages . In: Proc. 36th Ann. ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, STOC'04 , ACM Press, New York, pp. 202-211, 07390. [3] R. Axelsson & M. Lange (2011): Formal Language Constrained Reachability and Model Checki ng Propo- sitional Dynamic Logics . In: Proc. 5th Workshop on Reachability Problems, RP'11 ,LNCS 6945, Springer, pp. 45-57, 6. [4] R. Axelsson, M. Lange & R. Somla (2007): The Complexity of Model Checking Higher-Order Fixpoint Log ic. Logical Methods in Computer Science 3, pp. 1-33, F. Bruse & M. Lange (2020): Temporal Logic with Recursion . In: Proc. 27th Int. Symp. on and Reasoning, TIME'20 ,LIPIcs 178, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f ur Informatik, pp. 6:1-6:14, F. Bruse & M. Lange (2021): A Decidable Non-Regular Modal Fixpoint Logic . In: Proc. 32nd Int. Conf. on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR'21 ,LIPIcs 203, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f ur Informatik, p p. 23:1-23:18, F. Bruse, M. Lange & 'E. Lozes (2021): The Complexity of Model Checking Tail-Recursive Higher-Or der Fixpoint Logic .Fundamenta Informaticae 178(1-2), pp. 1-30, J. A. Brzozowski (1964): Derivatives of Regular Expressions .J. of the ACM 11(4), pp. E. M. Clarke & E. A. Emerson (1981): Design and Synthesis of Synchronization Skeletons using Br anching Time Temporal Logic . In D. Kozen, editor: Proc. Workshop on Logics of Programs ,LNCS 131, Heights, New York, pp. 52-71, 5774. [10] M. J. Fischer & R. E. Ladner (1979): Propositional Dynamic Logic of Regular Programs .Journal of Com- puter and System Sciences 18(2), pp. 194-211, D. Harel, A. Pnueli & J. Stavi (1983): Propositional Dynamic Logic of Nonregular Programs .Journal of Computer and System Sciences 26(2), pp. 222-243, D. Kozen (1983): Results on the Propositional u-calculus . TCS 27, pp. M. Lange (2005): Model Checking Propositional Dynamic Logic with All Extras .Journal of Applied Logic 4(1), pp. 39-49, M. Lange (2007): Three Notes on the Complexity of Model Checking Fixpoint Log ic with Chop .R.A.I.R.O. - Theoretical Informatics and Applications 41, pp. 177-190, M. Lange & R. Somla (2006): Propositional Dynamic Logic of Context-Free Programs and F ixpoint Logic with Chop .Information Processing Letters 100(2), pp. 72-75, C. L oding, C. Lutz & O. Serre (2007): Propositional dynamic logic with recursive programs .J. Log. Algebr. Program 73(1-2), pp. 51-69, C. L oding, P. Madhusudan & O. Serre (2004): Visibly Pushdown Games . In: Proc. 24th Int. Conf. on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Comput er Science, FSTTCS'04 ,LNCS 3328, Springer, pp. 408-420, 34. [18] K. Mehlhorn (1980): Pebbling mountain ranges and its application to DCFL-recog nition . In: Proc. 7th Int. Coll. on Automata, Languages and Programming, ICAL P'80 ,LNCS 85, Springer, pp. 89. [19] M. M uller-Olm (1999): A Modal Fixpoint Logic with Chop . In: Proc. 16th Symp. on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS'99 ,LNCS 1563, Springer, pp. 510-520, 48. | 2108.10490 | EPTCS | Eric Alsmann (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Kassel, Germany), Florian Bruse (School of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, University of Kassel, Germany), Martin
Lange (School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of
Kassel, Germany) | Separating the Expressive Power of Propositional Dynamic and Modal Fixpoint Logics | In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2021, arXiv:2108.09624 | EPTCS 339, 2021, pp. 10-26 | 10.4204/EPTCS.339.4 | null | cs.LO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We investigate the expressive power of the two main kinds of program logics for complex, non-regular program properties found in the literature: those extending propositional dynamic logic (PDL), and those extending the This is inspired by the recent discovery of a decidable program logic called Visibly Pushdown Fixpoint Logic with Chop which extends both the modal mu-calculus and PDL over visibly pushdown languages, which, so far, constituted the ends of two pillars of decidable program logics. Here we show that this logic is not only more expressive than either of its two fragments, but in fact even more expressive than their union. Hence, the decidability border amongst program logics has been properly pushed up. We complete the picture by providing results separating all the PDL-based and modal fixpoint logics with regular, visibly pushdown and arbitrary | [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 02:39:21 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
"School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,\n University of Kassel, Germany"
"School of Electrical\n Engineering and Computer Science, University of Kassel, Germany"
"School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of\n Kassel, Germany"
] |
one method to design a controller ensuring the closed loop remains in the safe set C. In particular, the function his a control barrier function if there exists >0such the Lie respect to fandg. Ifhis a CBF and x(t)2@C then there exists u(t)2U such that _h(x(t))0. Thus if the state reaches the boundary of Cthen the control can prevent the state from crossing out of the safe set. This is formalized in Theorem 1 below. The CBF constraint (4) ensures that the following set of control inputs is non-empty for all x2Rnx: Ucbf(x) :=fu2U : [Lfh(x) existence of a control barrier function can be used to design a controller that yields safety for the 1. [1], [2] Consider the nominal plant dynamics in(1). LetCRnxbe the superlevel set of a function h:Rnx!Ras defined in (4)for some>0. Then any controller ksafe the setCforward This is a special case of Proposition 1 and Corollary 2 in [1]. The trajectories x(t)of the closed-loop with plant (1) and controller ksafe(x)satisfy It follows from the Gr onwall-Bellman lemma [18] that as long as the solutions exist. Thus the setCis forward invariant. This summary has simplified some technical details. For example, the CBF condition (4) has the term a constant. The more general formulation in [1], [2] an extended class- Kfunction. The simplifying assumptions here allow for a proof using lemma. This proof will be adapted later for the case with unmodeled dynamics. The more general results in [1], [2] follow from Nagumo's theorem [19]. Theorem 1 provides flexibility in the choice of the It is useful to design a safe controller that: (i) ensures the closed loop remains in C, and (ii) minimally alters the control command from the baseline is achieved by solving an optimization in := arg (5) has a quadratic cost with one There is an explicit solution for this special case. IfUis a polytope then (5) is a quadratic program and can be efficiently solved. Finally, note that ksafe is not continuous (and the proof of Theorem 1 does not require Lipschitz continuity.) B. Impact of Unmodeled Dynamics This section presents a simple example to illustrate the impact of unmodeled dynamics. Consider a mass with position p2R2and velocity _p2R2. model for the planar motion is given by:
_x(t) =0I 0 0
x(t) +0 I
u(t) (6) wherex(t) the state and u(t)2R2 contains the forces. A baseline state-feedback controller is designed using linear quadratic regulator with cost This was imple- mented to track a position reference command 0 1:94 0 0 1 0 1 :94
This baseline corresponds to independent controllers along each dimension. This differs slightly from the feedback diagram in Figure 1 due to the inclusion of the reference command, i.e. the is of the form u0=k(x;r). A stationary obstacle of radius r= 1:5is assumed to be at the position c=2
. The safe setCis defined by Equation 2 with h(x) := The time derivatives of halong a state trajectory xare given by:
_h(x(t)) = 2(p(t) c)T_p(t) = 2(p(t) c)Tu(t) + 2 _p(t)T_p(t) (8) The function his not a CBF as defined in the previous section as the control input appears in the second time derivative, i.e. it has relative degree 2. Exponential CBFs [20], [2] can be used to design safe controllers for barrier functions with relative degree greater than 1. The basic idea can be summarized as follows. Safety is ensured if we can design a controller that achieves _h(t)
h(t). Specifically, appropriate technical conditions, that h(t)0for as long as the solution exists. However, the control input u does not appear in _h(t)in (7). Instead, define a new note that the desired condition is Hence the control input appears in_~hdue to (8), i.e. ~his relative degree 1. Thus safety is ensured, under appropriate technical conditions, chosen so chosen conditions (ii) and (iii) ensure that with condition (i), ensures h(t)0. The safe controller from the exponential CBF is obtained by solving the following optimization in := arg the expressions in (7) and (8). Additional details on exponential CBFs, including a more rigorous derivation, can be found in [20], [2].Figure 2 shows a simulation of the two-dimensional point mass with the exponential CBF controller for = 5 . The unsafe region due to the obstacle is shaded cyan. The initial conditions are p(0) = [ 10;0]Tand_p(0) = [0;0]T. The reference transitions linearly in time from this to a final desired position of [+10;0]Tat time t= 45sec. The simulation with the nominal plant model (black line) follows the reference and avoids the obstacle as expected. The figure also shows a simulation (red dashed) with the same controller but on a plant with an input delay
= 0:13sec. The zoomed plot on the right of Figure 2 shows that the simulation with delay has small safety delays cause even greater safety violations. -10 -5 0 5 10 px [ft]-6-4-20246py [ft]Unsafe [ft] Fig. 2. Position for exponential CBF controller on nominal point mass (black) and with additional delay (red dashed) of = 0:13sec. The left plot shows full trajectory from ( 10;0)to(10;0). The right plot zooms in on trajectories near boundary of the unsafe region. Figure 3 shows the the control inputs for the two simu- lations. The unmodeled delays cause the inputs to oscillate when the exponential CBF is activated (i.e. betweent= 25sectot= 32sec. Similar issues arise due to unmodeled, first-order actuator dynamics. 010 20 30 40 50-2-10ux 010 20 30 40 50 Time, 3. Control inputs for exponential CBF controller on nominal point mass (black) and with delay (red dashed) of = 0:13sec. III. P ROBLEM FORMULATION : ROBUST CBF S The safety controllers designed using CBFs or exponen- tial CBFs are often designed using low-order, This can cause issues as indicated by the examplein the previous subsection. A method to design CBFs for systems with a known delay is given in [17]. The rest of this paper provides a method to deal with unmodeled (unknown) delays and/or unmodeled dynamics. In particular, we focus on the effect of unmodeled dynamics at the plant input. The plant with uncertainty at the input is:
_x(t) =f(x(t)) +g(x(t)) (u(t) +w(t)); x(0) =x0 w(t) = (u)(t)(10) The uncertainty enters due to the additional input w= (u). If = 0 then this corresponds to the nominal (known) model in Equation 1. However, can have dynamics and account for deviations from the nominal dynamics due to This is demonstrated through two 1 (Delay) .Assume that the actual plant input a delay of seconds. to v(t) = 0 otherwise. The effect of a delay at the plant input is modeled in Equation 10 by setting w(t) this case the perturbation is :=D 1. Example 2 (Actuator Dynamics) .Assume that the actual plant input is V(s) the transfer function for neglected actuator dynamics. The effect of the neglected actuator dynamics at the plant input is modeled in (10) by setting W(s) :=V(s) U(s) = (A(s)
1)U(s). In this case the perturbation is (s) :=A(s) 1. For example, A(s) to a simple for the actuator dynamics yielding (s) = s s+p. In both examples, the signal wrepresents the deviation from the nominal behavior. Note that wis not simply an exogenous disturbance as it depends on the control signal through the dynamics of . The objective is to design a safe controller that is robust to these unmodeled dynamics. To make this precise, assume the unmodeled dynamics are restricted to be within a known set . This set is described more formally in the next section. For now it is sufficient to state that provides some bounds on the uncertainty. The objective is to find a condition on the control input u that ensures that the system remains safe for any uncertainty in the uncertainty set . Formally, the goal is to that the x(0)2C impliesx(t)2C for allt0and for all 2. We will use a CBFs to ensure safety. First note that the nominal CBF constraint in Equation 4 depends only on the state xand the functions (f;g;h ). This is an algebraic condition that can be enforced at each time instant as part of the optimization (5). It is important to emphasize that the uncertainty w= (u) has dynamics so that w(t0)depends, in general, on u(t)for tt0. Our notion of robust CBF, defined in Section IV, will account for these dynamic couplings. IV. R OBUST CBF S WITH UNMODELED DYNAMICS A. Integral Quadratic Constraints (IQCs) Our approach relies on IQCs to bound the effect of the unmodeled dynamics. We use a time-domain formulationwith an exponential weighting factor. This is based on a discrete-time formulation introduced in [6] for the analysis of optimization algorithms. A similar formulation has also been used in [8], [7] to analyze convergence rates and in [9] to design robust model-predictive controllers. A special case of a continuous-time -IQC is defined 1. LetF(s)be annunustable, LTI system. A causal operator time-domain -IQC defined by F(s)if the holds for all u2Lnu 2e[0;1),w= (11) wherezis the output of F(s)started from zero s and driven by input u. Definition 1 is a special case of a more general class of
-IQCs. This special case is used for exposition and can be incorporated with CBFs using the method in Section IV-B. The notation 2IQC (F;) indicates that satisfies the -IQC defined by F(s). The
-IQC is a constraint on the input/output pairs of and IQC (F;)is the set of uncertainties bounded by the -IQC. As a special case, if is SISO,= 0, andF(s) = 1 then (11) simplifies This represents a constraint that the output of has less energy (in the L2 norm) than the input. The dynamics in F(s)can be used to bound the effect of the uncertainty as a function of frequency. This is demonstrated in the next example. Example 3. The uncertainty due to a delay is given by w= (u)with :=D 1as shown in Example 1. The - IQC is derived using frequency-domain relations. Let U(s), W(s), andZ(s)denote the Laplace Transforms of u(t), w(t), andz(t), respectively. Thus W(s) = (s)U(s)and Z(s) =F(s)U(s)where (s) = (e s 1). If= 0, we can rewrite the time-domain constraint (11) in the frequency domain using Parseval's theorem (12) This condition must hold for all inputs and hence we This is done by: (i) generating the frequency response of (j!)for the given, and (ii) computing a stable, minimum-phase Step (ii) can be performed via convex optimization, e.g. as done in fitmagfrd in Matlab. A similar process can be used if the delay is unknown but restricted to [0;]for some given . In this case, F(s) is constructed to bound the frequency responses of (j!) generated for many delay values 2[0;]. This can again be solved by convex more general case >0is handled as follows. 1 uses an exponential factor et. Continuous-time -IQCs have been previously defined using the factor e2t[7]. Either form can be converted to the other by accounting for the additional factor of 2. The version used here with etaligns closely with their use later for CBFs.~w(t) :=e
2tw(t)and similarly for ~uand~z. the time domain causes a shift in the ~W(s) =W(s
2). In addition, define ~(s) =F(s
2). Thus the shifted signals satisfy ~W(s) = ~(s)~U(s)and ~Z(s) = ~F(s)~U(s). The shifted filter ~F(s)can be constructed to bound the of ~(s)as described above. The filter for the - IQC is obtained by shifting back: F(s) =~F(s+
2). These steps ensure that F(s)defines a valid -IQC for the delay. B. CBFs with IQCs The effect of the uncertainty can be the CBF condition using the -IQC and a To elaborate on this point, assume the filter F(s) has the following state-space =AFxF(t) +BFu(t); xF(0) = 0 z(t) =CFxF(t) the state of F(s). The integrand in (11) ) := function his arobust CBF for2IQC (F;)if there exists a Lagrange multiplier >0such a robust CBF then there exists u(t)2U such that
_h I h. The following technical lemma verifies that this is sufficient to ensure safety, i.e. all time. The lemma is stated for functions of time and is a variation of the Gr onwall-Bellman lemma [18]. Lemma 1. Assumeh:R0!Ris continuously differen- tiable andI:R0!Ris Lebesgue integrable. In addition, assume the following two conditions hold for some allt0. Proof. First, use assumption (a) to show the (15) Integrate this inequality from t= 0 tot=Tand apply (16) This allT0. The robust CBF constraint (14) ensures that the following set is non-empty for all :=fu2U :Lfh(x) is emphasized that there is no a-priori bound on w(t)at any point in time. Instead, the -IQC provides a bound onthe energy ( L2-norm) ofw. Thus the robust CBF condition in the definition of Urcbf holds for all possible values of w. The next theorem states that the existence of a robust control barrier function can be used to design a controller that yields safety for all possible uncertainties in IQC (F;). Theorem 2. Consider the uncertain plant dynamics in (10) with 2IQC (F;)for some stable, LTI system F. Let CRnxbe the superlevel set of a continuously defined in (2). for some, > 0. Then any Lipschitz the setC forward invariant for all 2IQC (F;). Proof. The closed-loop with plant (10), and any 2IQC (F;)has trajectories that satisfy the conditions (a) and (b) of Lemma 1. It follows from this Lemma that as long as the solutions exist. The next optimization attempts to match a baseline satisfying the condition in Theorem 2: ksafe(x;xF) := arg to: Lfh(x) constraint is quadratic in w. The worst-case value of w is obtained by minimizing the left side to optimization can be equivalently re-written using w: ksafe(x;xF) := arg to: (18) Lfh(x) real-time implementation requires a measurement of the statex. This can be used to form w. In addition, the filter F(s)must be simulated with input ufrom initial condition xF(0) = 0 to obtainxF(t). Given (x;xF), the has a convex quadratic constraint on uand a quadratic cost. This is a convex optimization (assuming u2U is a convex constraint) and can be efficiently solved in the special case with the following assumptions: (i) the filter is constant with no states, i.e. F(s) =DF, (ii)!1 , and (iii)DT FDF!0. It follows from (17) and (ii) that to zero. Moreover, (iii) implies that to zero. Thus the robust CBF condition in (18) converges, under to the nominal CBF condition in (5). In other words, we approximately recover the nominal CBF condition by choosing a small (constant) uncertainty level for Fand a large value for the Lagrange multiplier >0. This provides one pragmatic approach to handle unmodeled dynamics with CBFs: Simply use a large Lagrange multiplier and a (heuristically) provide some robustness to unmodeled dynamics. A more formal approach is to bound the unmodeled dynamics using F(s)as done in Example 3.Note that the optimization (18) is not necessarily feasible even ifU=Rnudue to the quadratic term This is difficult to analyze precisely as past values of uimpact the state xFof the filter F. Smaller values of tend to improve feasibility but lead to more conservative paths around the unsafe set. values of tend to degrade feasibility but more the performance of the nominal CBF controller. V. E XAMPLE We will again consider the two-dimensional point mass dynamics introduced in Section II-B. Recall that we designed an exponential CBF with = 5and explored the effect of an unmodeled delay of = 0:13sec. In this section we will use a adapt the results in Section IV to derive a robust exponential CBF for the two-dimensional point mass. The first step is to derive a frequency domain bound on the perturbation due to the unmodeled delay. We assume the true delayis unknown but restricted to [0;]with= 0:13. perturbation (s) = (e s 1)is bounded using the process described in Example 3 in Section IV-A. Figure 4 shows frequency responses (red-dashed) for ~(s) =
2)with ten values of delay evenly spaced The first-order system ~F(s) j ~(j!)j8!and for each delay sample. This choice of ~F(s)was computed using fitmagfrd in Matlab. Next, the-IQC filter is obtained by shifting the frequency: F(s) =~F(s+
2). The state-space data for the resulting = (dB)Bode (rad/s) Fig. 4. The delay perturbation is (s) = (e s 1). The figure shows frequency responses of (shifted) perturbation ~(s) = (s
2)with ten samples of delay (red dashed) and a bound 9 gives the optimization for safe control of point mass using an exponential CBF. This can be adapted to include the -IQC using the approach in Section IV. This leads to the following optimization that merges the exponential CBF with the := arg | 2108.10491 | Peter Seiler | Peter Seiler and Mrdjan Jankovic and Erik Hellstrom | Control Barrier Functions With Unmodeled Dynamics Using Integral Quadratic Constraints | null | null | null | null | eess.SY cs.SY | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | This paper presents a control design method that achieves safety for systems with unmodeled dynamics at the plant input. The proposed method combines control barrier functions (CBFs) and integral quadratic constraints low-order models are often used in the design of the unmodeled dynamics (e.g. actuator dynamics, time delays, etc) can lead to safety violations. The proposed method bounds the input-output behavior of these unmodeled dynamics in the time-domain using an alpha-IQC. The alpha-IQC is then incorporated into the CBF constraint to ensure safety. The approach is demonstrated with a simple example.
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"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 02:39:35 GMT"
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2 Yang and Bai microphysics by taking into account the disk and the resulting non-ideal (MHD) eects, both in local (Bai & Stone 2013; Bai 2013; Simon et al. 2013) and global (Gressel et al. 2015; B ethune et al. 2017) simulations. Further stud- ies incorporating more realistic thermodynamics reveal that the wind is magneto-thermal in nature (Bai et al. 2016), and mass loss rate from PPD disk winds is comparable to wind-driven accretion rates (Bai 2017; Wang et al. 2019; Gressel et al. 2020). Despite studies that focus on disk microphysics, atten- tion has rarely been paid to global boundary conditions. PPDs have nite size, as set by initial conditions from star formation. In previous global simulations, disks are usually taken to be innitely extended, usually leading to wind structure. However, as PPD is truncated beyond certain outer radius, the drop in disk density and hence pressure would likely in
uence the global distribution of magnetic
ux and hence the en- tire wind solution. Consequently, we anticipate that in- corporating disk outer truncation would likely alter our views on two most fundamental problems in the theory of disk evolution, stated below. First, the evolution of the bulk disk mass most of the disk mass is distributed in the outer disk around and beyond truncation radius, and it is such regions that largely sets the disk The conventional wisdom is that for viscous disk evolution, the outer disk receives angular momen- tum from the inner disk and expands, known as (e.g., Lynden-Bell & Pringle 1974; Hartmann et al. 1998). On the other hand, for wind-driven accre- tion, as the disk directly loses angular momentum to the wind, it is anticipated that the disk size should decrease over time. This distinction has been considered in the recent literature to broadly distinguish the two mech- anisms by statistical studies of observed disk sizes over age, with tentative evidence in favor of viscous et al. 2017; Najita & Bergin 2018; Trapman et al. 2020).1However, as we shall see, truncation complicates the process of wind-driven disk evolution and it is premature to draw based on trends in disk size the evolution of poloidal magnetic
ux. Typ- ically, the rate of wind-driven disk accretion and mass loss rates directly scales as the amount of magnetic
ux 1We also note the complications of tracing disk size from gas (mainly CO, rather than dust mm continuum) et al. 2017; Ansdell et al. 2018), which are subject to optical depth eect linked to eect of CO- depletion (e.g., Facchini et al. 2017; Trapman et al. 2019).threading the disks (e.g., Bai & Stone 2013; Bai et al. 2016; Lesur 2021). Therefore, the more for global disk evolution is how magnetic
ux evolves. Early works of magnetic
ux transport gener- ally belong to the framework (Lubow et al. 1994), where inward advection of magnetic
ux due to viscously-driven accretion competes with outward dif- fusion from disk (turbulent) resistivity, with later semi- analytical studies that incorporate disk vertical struc- ture (Rothstein & Lovelace 2008; Guilet & Ogilvie 2012, 2013), and radial resistivity prole (Okuzumi et al. 2014; Takeuchi & Okuzumi 2014), though these works largely ignored the wind-driven accretion process and MHD eects (other than resistivity). More re- cently, magnetic
ux transport is studied from more re- alistic global disk simulations (Bai & Stone 2017), semi- analytical local calculations (Leung & Ogilvie 2019), and self-similar numerical solutions (Lesur 2021), which gen- erally nd outward
ux transport whose rates increases with disk magnetization, in addition to other dependen- cies. It remains to study, however, how the results are aected by the presence of disk outer truncation, which will likely yield dierent eld geometries with to global
ux transport. In this paper, we carry out long-term global non- ideal MHD simulations of PPDs with outer truncation. Our simulations are two-dimensional (2D), and incor- porate ambipolar diuison (AD) as the dominant non- ideal MHD eect for outer PPDs (e.g., Wardle 2007; Bai 2011). As the rst study, and due to the high the compu- tational demand for long-term evolution, we do not aim to accurately capture the key disk microphysics, but in- stead parameterize the main physical ingredients behind the microphysical processes. It will oer better intuition for interpreting simulation outcomes and us to systematically address the two outstand- ing questions mentioned above. The structure of this paper is as follows. We describe our 2D global MHD simulations of a truncated disk with prescribed ambipolar diusion and thermodynamics in Section 2. We start with the discussion of the ducial run and the general evolution picture of the simulations in Section 3, followed by the parameter study focusing on their impacts on the
ux transport rate in Section 4. In Section 5, we discuss our major contributions and caveats. We summarized and conclude in Section 6. 2.METHOD 2.1. Dynamical Equations We use Athena++, a newly developed scheme MHD code that uses to enforce divergence free of magnetic eldsTruncated PPDs 3 (Stone et al. 2020). It is a successor of the widely used Athena MHD code with much more
exible coordinate and grid options in addition to signicantly and scalability. We carry out global simu- lations of PPDs and solve the MHD equations in con- servation = 0; gas density, velocity and pressure re- spectively, Bis the magnetic eld, EP=(
1) +
v2=2 +B2=2 with
as the adiabatic index, Iis the identity matrix, = GM=r is the gravitational po- tential of the protostar, and is the cooling rate. Note that in code unites and the above equations, factors of 4are absorbed so that magnetic permeability is 1. In addition, we have the induction equation with non-ideal MHD theOandAare Ohmic and ambipolar diu- sivities, respectively, bB=Bis the unit vector for the magnetic eld direction, J=rBis the current density and J?= (Jb)bis the component per- pendicular to the magnetic eld. Note that we mainly consider AD that dominates the outer disk, and ignore the Hall eect which is more important towards higher- density inner disk regions. We retain Ohmic resistivity for numerical reasons, to be described in Section 2.2.3. 2.2. Simulation Setup We perform 2D global simulations in ( r;) assuming axisymmetry. In our data analysis, we also use cylindrical radius R=rsin. Our code units are chosen such that GM = 1,r=r0= 1 at the inner boundary. This yields a natural unit of time to be
1 0, where 0p GM=r3 0is the at the inner boundary. With these, we as the ratio of pressure to the density, T
P=, with a code unit of GM=r 0. We further take the density at disk midplane at the inner boundary 0= 1. For the initial condition, we adopt a a truncated disk component and a envelope component, to be elaborated be- low.2.2.1. Disk component For the truncated disk component, we adopt a power- law midplane density distribution with a Gaussian cut- o:
mid(r) (5) wherercis the truncation radius, and is the power-law index of the radial density prole. The form of density cuto is not well known observationally, and we choose a Gaussian cuto is numerically convenient for its rapid fall-o so that substantial density drop occurs over a rea- sonable radial range. This prole is also subject to and will be modied once disk winds are launched. The truncation radius rcis associated with a Keplerian rotation period Pc= 2p r3c=GM , the dynamical timescale of the outer disk and we will normalize time to Pcwhen we later evolution. The temperature prole for the disk component is prescribed with a midplane temperature, Tmid =
T0(r=r0) 1, while being constant in cylindrical zdirec- tion. In code unite, we take T0= 0:01GM=r 0, which, together with the power law index 1, grants a con- stant aspect ratio of H=R = 0:1 for simplicity. The cor- responding vertical structure of the disk in the disk component density. The initial velocity has zero randcomponents. In order to bal- ance the radial pressure gradient and the gravity with- out magnetic elds in this truncated disk setup, the
component of velocity takes the following that due to the existence of the third term, v2
can be negative in some atmosphere regions. We set v= 0 in such cases. For our ducial run, we choose rc= 30r0, cor- responding to Pc1032
1 0, and= 9=4, cor- responding to a surface density prole of ( r) magnetic eld in the disk component is initialized to be purely poloidal with constant plasma 0parame- ter, dened as 0P=PB,PB=B2=2, in the midplane. To do so, we rst calculate the midplane magnetic
ux through a numerical integral:
(r) Yang and Bai whererB;min= 0:1r0is the smallest radius in the mid- plane with penetration of magnetic eld lines2. With this denition, the midplane vector potential is given by A;m(r) = (r)=(2r), and it can be easily veried that the poloidal eld given by B=r (A^) equals top 2T= 0at midplane. The dependence of the vector potential on is taken to be (Zanni et al. 2007): A(r;) =A;m(r)[1 + (mtan) 2] 5=8; (9) wheremis a parameter that determines how much the elds bend and we set m= 1 throughout this work. For pure poloidal magnetic elds, Ais sucient to recon- struct the magnetic elds. Given Equation 8 and the density and the total magnetic
ux in the disk can be inte- grated as:
d= 2r2 cs
0T0 0 (x) is the special Gamma function. Note that here we have set rB;min= 0 to make the As most magnetic
ux resides in the outer disk, the choice of rB;minis unimportant for this purpose. This
ux serves as a normalization factor for magnetic
ux in our diagnostics later. 2.2.2. Combination with Envelope component For the envelope component, we adopt a simple power- law model. The density has the same power-law prole as the disk component, except for the Gaussian while being constant in the direc- tion. The envelope density at the inner boundary e0is taken as 10 9in our ducial run. The envelope compo- nent is completely at rest, with all three components of velocity being zero throughout the simulation do- main. The density is summed up to obtain the total density of our model, while the velocities are set as values. The initial density prole can be viewed in the upper left panel of Figure 1. The envelope temperature has the same power law in- dex as the disk component at small radii, but with a larger leading gure, We call this corona temperature whose meaning will become obvi- ous soon. At large radii, the temperature transitions to 2In the midplane, this is inside the disk inner boundary, and eld lines originating from this location will enter the simulation do- main through the upper/lower parts of the inner boundary. Figure 1. Upper left: the initial density prole for the ducial run. The poloidal magnetic eld lines are overlaid as contours. Upper right: the initial temperature prole for the ducial run. Lower left: the prole of the dimensionless AD Els asser number Am for the ducial run. Lower right: the prole of the articial reistivity, in unit of csH, for the ducial run. a constant plataeu value is where these two proles meet. These two temperature proles are connected smoothly through a circular arc in the (log( r);T) plane3. We take Te0= 0:001 in the ducial run. The nal temperature of our model is the temperature of these two components. At large radii, the temperature is determined by the en- velope component. At small radii, the system transi- tions from midplane temperature Tmidto the Tcor(> T mid) in polar regions. In reality, 3Note that both power-law temperature prole at inner radius and the constant temperature at large radius are straight lines when plotted in the (log( r);T) plane. These two lines can be an arc of a circle that is tangent to both of these two lines. The exact form of transition will be set once the center of the circle is given. The center of the circle is chosen to be located at 1:1 log(rk) in the (log( r);T) plane.Truncated PPDs 5 the of the disk is heated to by absorbing the stellar far-UV et al. 2004; Walsh et al. 2012). Since we aim to set up a disk with constant aspect ratio, we en- force the temperature of the disk component to transi- tion from midplane value Tmidto the corona value Tcor. This transition occurs around a transition width of 0 :14. The far-UV photons heating the corona will also ionize the atmosphere re- gion leading to weaker non-ideal MHD eects. Because of this, we also use the same transition height for the AD, which will be discussed in more detail in Section 2.2.3. The transition height is ztrans = 4 in the ducial run. The full initial temperature prole can be viewed in the upper right panel of Figure 1. Note that this combination of disk and envelope com- ponents makes the initial disk component not in hydro- static equilibrium. Without rotation, the envelope com- ponent will also tend to fall towards the central object. However, it does not matter much since no once we introduce magnetic elds, driving accre- tion and out
ows. The prescriptions above simply serve to provide an educated guess for initial density and tem- perature structure, and the system will relax towards a new steady state. Also, the enevelope component will soon be pushed outside of the simulation domain, as we will see in Section 3. The magnetic eld in the envelope is in zdirection if converted to a cylindrical coordinate with a of Bz;e= 310 10in the ducial run. This value is chosen such at around r= 100r0, the enve- lope has plasma 105. The envelope magnetic eld strength is also modied when we change the plasma 0 for the disk component to ensure similar plasma in the outer region. The vector potential for this uniform magnetic eld is simply A= We have experimented with dierent choices of the enve- lope component and the results are largely independent of any specic choice because, as we shall see, the enve- lope component is quickly blown away after The vector potential Aof the disk and are add up to set up the total initial mag- netic eld in our simulation. The initial poloidal eld lines are overlaid in the upper left panel of Figure 1. 4The transition in this work is prescribed as following. Let f(x) be the function in question, which transitions between two width x. We then adopt: f(x) 1
: In what follows, we will adopt this formula for transition, unless noted otherwise.As the system evolves, we relax the temperature to the initial temperature at the rate of local Keperian fre- quency at the midplane. This corresponds to a cooling rate of:
1 (Tint T); (12) whereTintis the initial temperature, and =p GM=r3 is the local Keplerian angular speed. We also require the ratio with initial temperature to be no larger than 5. 2.2.3. Non-ideal MHD coecients For the non-ideal MHD eects, we mainly diusion (AD), which is the dominant ef- fect in the outer regions of PPDs. In this work the AD diusivity is prescribed through the dimensionless AD Els asser number Amv2 A=A , with being the disk Keplerian frequency in terms of spherical r, and vA=B=pis the Alv en velocity. We note that un- less charged grains become the dominant charge hence Am is independent of eld strength, and its value is typically on the order of unity in the outer disk (Bai 2011). We set Am= 0:3 in the bulk disk, which gradually transitions to and toAm = 100 in the disk atmo- sphere. The latter ( Am= 100) mimics a strong boost in the level of ionization due to far-UV (FUV) & Chiang 2011), which has become stan- dard practice in recent disk simulations. This around with a transition width of 1( H=r). This transition of Am resembles that in the temperature prole given their similar The value of Amoutis more uncertain, and likely depends on the interstellar environment, and we choose Amout= 1 as ducial value. In practice, the Amtransi- tion from its inner value to Amoutaround the and the transition width is 20 r0. The Am prole can be viewed in the lower left panel of Figure 1. Besides AD, we also articially introduces Ohmic re- sistivity near the inner boundary as well as the mid- plane region which solely serves the purpose to better stabilize the simulations (e.g., Cui & Bai 2020). In the midplane region, adding such articial resistivity helps suppress the MRI turbulence and stabilize the current sheet that inevitably develops where Bchanges sign5. The midplane resistivity is prescribed as the sound speed. We take f;M= 0:02 as ducial value. It gradually transitions to 0 We have tested that the exact strength 5It is not needed in 3D which can properly capture the MRI tur- bulence (e.g., see Cui & Bai 2021, which we will consider in the future.6 Yang and Bai of the articial resistivity has virtually no eect on our results (see Figure 4). We also introduced articial re- sistivity near the inner boundary within 1 :5r0, which is on order of 0 :1csH. The strength of the articial resis- tivity, in unit of csH, can be viewed in the lower right panel of Figure 1. 2.2.4. Grid setting and boundary we run simulations over very long time, it generally leads to substantial changes to the overall sur- face density prole, which may destabilize regions near the disk inner boundary. We consider our simulations as numerical experiments under well-controlled condi- tions, and such changes would undermine the nature of our simulations. To remedy its negative in
uence, we relax the density within the truncation radius r<rcto the initial value over a timescale of 200 times the local Keperian period. This approach has little in
uence to the overall gas dynamics, but allows us to smoothly run the simulations for dozens of orbits at r=rcto the results. We use re
ecting boundary conditions in the direc- tion and there is a 2 degree cone near both poles. For condition, we set the in the ghost zones to our initial condition. In addition, the vis capped by a rigid body rotation which has the same velocity at r0with a Keplerian rotation. At the outer boundary in rdirection, the density is ex- trapolated assuming a power law index , the same as the initial density prole. The temperature is ex- trapolated as Tr 1. Thevrandvare copied to ghost zones but only allows out
ow ( vr0). Thev
is extrapolated according to Keplerian rotation prole. The magnetic elds are extrapolated with Brr 2, Br0, andBr 1, for both the inner and outer boundary conditions. The ducial run has 448 cells along rdirection with logrithmic spacing, and 160 cells along direction. The
grid is designed such that the ratio between adjacent cells is constant, with decreasing cell size towards the midplane, where the cell size match with the radial grid. The ratio between the sizes of adjacent cells in direc- tion is 1:01 in the ducial run. This grid gives about 7 :8 cells per scale height in the ducial run and most other runs. 2.3. Simulation runs We list all our simulation runs in Table 1. Our du- cial run is labeled Fid. Because we have resistivity, we test whether the results are sen- sitive to it by conducting two more runs etaM1 and etaM4 , which have half and twice the ducial mid- plane resistivity, respectively. Run hiresdoubles theresolution for convergence study. In Run Rc10 and Rc20 , we change rcto 10r0and 20r0, (andrmaxto 100 and 200, accordingly), to examine how our simu- lation results scales with outer truncation radius. To test the impact of the envelope component, we set up Run dblRhoe /hlfRhoe with double/half the ducial en- velope density, and Run Te1e2 /Te2e2 with higher en- velope temperature ( Te0= 0:01 and 0:02) to make unbound within our simulation domain. Run alpha1.5 ,alpha2.0 and alpha2.5 have index for the density prole of the disk component, while Run HoR05 and HoR15 modies the H=R of the disk component by changing its To examine the impact of the ionization level in external environment, we set up Run AMout0.3 , AMout10 andAMout100 with Am out= 0:3;10;and Through Run zt3.5 andzt4.5 , we study the role of transition heights in the disk for temperature and AD, with ztrans = 3:5 and 4:5, respectively. Finally, we modify disk magnetization in Run beta3 andbeta5 by changing the initial poloidal plasma 0to 103and 105, respectively. The envelope magnetic eld Bz;eis also changed in proportion. For all simulations, we rst run without magnetic eld to 10
1 0before imposing magnetic eld. All simula- tions are run to a time of at least 20 times the Keperian period at the rc(roughly 2104
1 0in the ducial run), allowing us to achieve quasi-steady state. 2.4. Diagnostics In this section, we present several diagnostics that will aid our interpretation. The rst diagnostic is the rate, which is very important in under- standing the dynamics in the disk. Its dependence can be derived from the momentum conservation (2). In cylindrical coordinates, the compo- nent of this equation the total stress tensor the both sides of Equation (13) with R2, taking the azimuthal average and ignoring the time derivative since we focus on quasi-steady states, we get:
@R(R2MR) the azimuthal average of quantity X. Plugging in the total stress tensor, we PPDs 7 Run Resolution 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0034 hires 896320 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0038 etaM1 448160 0:01 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0026 etaM4 448160 0:04 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0042 Te1e2 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.01 0.1 -0.0030 Te2e2 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.02 0.1 -0.0028 dblRhoe 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 2 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0033 hlfRhoe 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 5 10 100.001 0.1 -0.0036 Rc10 448160 0:02 10410;100 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0035 Rc20 448160 0:02 10420;200 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0036 alpha1.5 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 1:5 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0027 alpha2.0 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:0 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0028 alpha2.5 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:5 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0057 AMout0.3 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 0:3 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0073 AMout10 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 10 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0022 AMout100 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 100 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0025 zt3.5 448160 0:02 10430;300 3:5 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0089 zt4.5 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:5 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0018 beta3 448160 0:02 10330;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.030 beta5 448160 0:02 10530;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.1 -0.0022 HoR05 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.05 -0.0045 HoR15 448160 0:02 10430;300 4:0 2:25 1:0 10 90.001 0.15 -0.0085 Table 1. List of Simulation Runs. In the above table, f;Mis the parameter to control the strength of the articial resistivity in the midplane; 0is the initial plasma of poloidal eld; rcis the truncation radius; rmaxis the maximum radius in the simulation domain; ztrans denes the transition height for both Ambipolar diusion and the temperature; is the power-law index for the density prole; Am outis the AD Els asser number at large radius; eis the density at r0for the envelope component; Te0is the temperature plateau at large radius for the envelope component. In the last column, we also list the measured rate of
ux transport dmax=dt, in unit of d=Pc. See Section 3.2 and 4 for more details. Note that in our non-ideal MHD simulations in 2D, the gas is largely laminar, we can pull vout of the az- imuthal average, so that, e.g., vRvvRv. In ad- dition, we have = 0 in steady stage due to mass conservation (Equation 1). With these, general, the rst two terms in the numerator domi- nate, resulting from magnetic stresses, whereas the third term provides a correction at higher altitude where the out
ow mass
ux becomes signicant. This result will help us interpret the
ow structure seen in our simulations are scale-free, with mass accre- tion/mass loss rates measured in code units. For consider a typical T Tauri disk with
0:01Mand truncation radius rc90 AU, the massaccretion rate in physical units above, subscript phys and code denote quanti- ties in physical and code units, respectively. Note that this units conversion formula applies mainly to our du- cial run, and other simulations with same resolution and disk aspect ratio. Under the same assumption, the tem- perature conversion is simply GM=r 0300 (km=s)2. The sound speed in the envelope with a 0:001 is roughly 0 :5 km=s, which K. Units conversion for other runs should but not shown here. Finally, we present the diagnostics for magnetic
ux transport. The rate of
ux transport is set by the 8 Yang and Bai component of the electric eld as (Bai & Stone can be further decomposed + contributions from the ideal MHD and on-ideal MHD terms, respectively, vdve v
vADis the ion-neutral drift velocity due to the (note that we have ignored Hall eect, so that ions and electrons have the same velocity), given (18) This decomposition will help us interpret the microphys- ical mechanism of magnetic
ux transport. 3.THE FIDUCIAL RUN In this section, we focus on the ducial simulation run and its high-resolution counterpart. The results are di- agnosed in great detail, as they are representative and contain all major aspects of the conclusions of this pa- per. 3.1. General evolutionary the initial condition shown in Figure 1, snapshots of subsequent evolution of the ducial run are shown in Figure 2. We chose to show only the simulation with high resolution ( hires) because the results show no dierences in snapshots, aside from higher columns represent snapshots of the simulation at dierent time. The three rows, from top to bottom, show the density, mass
ow in rdirection, and magnetic eld structure, respectively. The magnetic eld lines are shown as contours of constant magnetic
ux surface in the third row. We emphasize that the initial con- dition is unrealistic and we are primarily interested in the quasi-steady state after evolving the simulations for suciently long time where the system largely forgets its initial conditions. Accordingly, the progress of the simulations can be roughly divided into three stages. At the rst stage, magnetic disk winds are upwards, then radially outwards. At the same time, the toroidal component of the magnetic eld B
starts to build up due to the dierential rotation in thesystem. Gradually, the disk wind pushes all the enve- lope away and dominates the simulation domain. Af- ter about one orbital period at the truncation radius rc (t&1000), represented by the third column, the whole envelope material is pushed away and all the initial mag- netic
uxes in the envelope are lost through the outer boundary. During this process, the material lifted by the disk wind falls down to the midplane carrying magnetic
uxes with it. This results in magnetic reconnection at the outer region of the simulation domain, which breaks the open eld lines and forms loops of poloidal mag- netic elds enclosing the outer disk (see rst two panels of Figure 2). After the rapid relaxation in the rst stage, the sec- ond stage is a slower relaxation process where we observe the adjustments and
uctuations of density, gas
ow and magnetic eld structures beyond the truncation radius (not shown in Figure 2). These variations are still a re
ection of initial conditions, which are again not the focus of this study. Towards the end of this stage, cor- responding to about 10 orbits at rc, all eld loops encir- cling the outer disk region are smooth and round, with stable
ow structure (e.g., see Figures 4, 11), marking that we have reached quasi-steady state. We choose the third, quasi-steady stage to start from t= 14000
1 0. During this stage, the magnetic loops gradually shrink and eventually reconnect and disappear from the loop center, which is around r= 50. It is this stage that likely re
ects the reality and will be the focus of our study. While we have run the simulation to much longer time (e.g., see Figure 4), we note that the loss of magnetic
ux (through dissipation of poloidal eld loops) also changes the dynamics. We thus only consider time intervals after reaching this third stage, while the system still keeps most of its magnetic
ux. For most of the discussions, we average all dynamical 14000
1 0tot= 20000
1 0for noted explicitly otherwise. There are several important characteristic radii that are important in the diagnostics of the disk dynamics. In addition to the truncation radius rc, there exist a transition radius Rt;vin the midplane where the radial
ow changes direction. The net motion of disk material atR > Rt;vis outward, while for R < Rt;vmatter is accreting, as can be seen in Figures 3 and 5. The hydro- dynamics is closely related to the poloidal magnetic eld structure, which forms loops beyond the truncation ra- dius. The center of the loop is dened as Rt;, which is the location where the 2D magnetic
ux function ( r;) is maximized, dened as:
(r;) (19)Truncated PPDs 9 Figure 2. Snapshots of the simulation with ducial parameters hires. The three rows are, from top to bottom, density , radial mass
ux vr, andBwith magnetic eld lines. Factors of some powers of rare applied to enhance visibility at large radii. Dierent columns shows snapshots at dierent time, in unit of
1 0. The poloidal magnetic eld lines are shown as contours of constant magnetic
ux surface in the third row. We will see that Rt;vandRt;are closely related later in Section 3.4. Across all three stages in our simulations, we observe a steady transport of magnetic
uxes, angular momen- tum, and mass in the disk region within the If we zoom in to just this part of the simu-lation, we nd similar results as those discussed in Bai
& Stone (2017), at qualitative level. This disk region mainly serves as a sanity check and will not be the fo- cus of our discussion in this paper, but measurements of some fundamental quantities will be presented later in this section for more quantitative comparison.10 Yang and Bai 3.2. Accretion rate and mass loss We start by analyzing accretion and mass loss rates in our ducial simulation. The presence of disk outer trun- cation presents some ambiguity regarding where the disk boundary is when calculating the disk mass loss rates. In Figure 3, we show the mean density and velocity vec- tors in stage three in the upper left panel, where the velocity vectors are in unit length to enhance the visi- bility. In this gure, we dene a contour to calculate the accretion rate and mass loss quantitatively. This con- tour consists of three parts: two constant lines 3:5(H=r) = 0:35, and one arc withr= 100. Here, we dene the contour with 3:5(H=r) lines instead of ztrans(H=r), withztrans = 4. This is partly because our diagnostics, written in cylin- drical coordinates, are more accurate for disks. Also, our transition for temperature and Am has nite transition width of 1( H=r), and we nd choos- ing 3:5(H=r) above/below the midplane as the wind base helps us better diagnose disk accretion. As seen in the upper right panel of Figure 3, and will be clear in later discussions in this section, important
ow struc- tures develop well beyond the disk truncation radius, and hence we choose r= 100 to properly enclose such
ow structures. The choice of the arc shape is mainly for simplicity. We have also tried some other contours and found qualitatively similar results. The total accretion rate in the disk region is , radial velocity in cylindrical coordinates. The radial prole of _Maccis shown in Figure 3. We note that the accretion rate plunges within 15 r0. This is because as the disk has evolved for very long time, most magnetic
ux threading this region has already migrated outwards (see Figure 2), leaving little magnetic
ux to drive accre- tion. Nevertheless, this region could also be aected by the inner boundary conditions after long-term evolution and is not the focus of our work. The mass loss through the disk region, dened as the mass out
ow across the contour, is calculated as a func- tion of cylindrical radius Ras (20) where the cos baccounts for a geometric correction in surface area, as we measure mass loss rate per logarith- mic cylindrical radius. This dierential mass loss rate is measure up to the truncation radius rc. We can see from the bottom panel of Figure 3 that the dM=d logR through the disk wind is smaller than the accretion rate by a factor of a few, but the integrated mass loss over radius is usually larger in the wind (by a factor of 2 3 inthe ducial run). We comment that the strong mass loss is a typical outcome when conducting simulations with simplied thermodynamics around the wind launching region (e.g., Bai & Stone 2017; Cui & Bai 2020; Ro- denkirch et al. 2020). Simulations with more of thermal physics tend to yield milder mass loss rates (Wang et al. 2019; Gressel et al. 2020). We thus do not pursue further discussions on disk mass loss in this work. 3.2.1. Mass loss beyond truncation radius Beyond the truncation radius, the wind base as well as the bulk disk are not well dened. The magnetic eld also starts to form loops, the
ow direction be- comes more horizontal. We will discuss the dynamics and mass
ow in this region beyond the truncation ra- dius more carefully in Section 3.4. For the purpose of measuring mass loss rates beyond truncation radius, we simply quote a single value, by integrating the mass
ux through the remaining parts of the contour (from rcto radius 100 and the arc). The result is shown in the green horizontal line in the bottom panel of Figure 3. Note that the value that we quote is the net mass loss rate, where only mass loss from the region is counted, whereas mass
ux through the region cancels out. Again, we see appreciable mass loss rate beyond rc is comparable to the accretion rates in the bulk disk. Note that such mass loss is usually attributed to as a result of (primarily) UV heating from nearby massive stars (e.g. Hollenbach et al. 1994; Clarke 2007). Despite that our simulations treat external to the disk in a very rough manner by prescribing the temperature, we emphasize that the temperature that we prescribe is insucient for the gas beyond disk truncation radius to drive an out
ow on its own (at least up to a radius of 1000 forTe0= 0:001). Therefore, the out
ow seen in our simulations is likely of magnetic origin. We have conducted some further analysis to probe the origin of the mass loss beyond rc(but typically within rt), discussed in Appendix A, and conclude that about 70% of this mass loss rate can be attributed to the con- tinuation of magnetized disk wind launched beyond rc, which is unbound, and about 20% can be attributed to a decretion
ow to be discussed in Section 3.4. These
ows can be further seen in the streamline plot in Figure 5, and are smoothly joined at large disk radii. 3.3. Magnetic
ux evolution In the scenario of wind-driven accretion, long-term disk evolution is largely governed by how magnetic
ux evolves in disks. We have already seen from about the evolution of the magnetic
uxes.Truncated PPDs 11 Figure 3. The diagnostics for mass
ow, averaged 20000
1 0for the hiresrun. The upper left panel shows the density, multiplied with r, over plotted with the unit-length vectors showing poloidal velocity directions. The upper right panel is the radial mass
ux (red for out-
ow). The contour in these two panels is dened with lines and an arc at r= 100. The lower panel shows the mean accretion and mass loss rates from the bulk disk within rc= 30, and a single integrated mass loss rate from beyond rc. See Section 3.2 for quantitatively, in Figure 4, we show the
ux evo- lution curve, which is the maximum value of the mag- netic
ux dened as Equation (19) across the simu- lation domain plotted against time. Note that the time unit here is the orbital period at rc(Pc), and the max is normalized with the total
ux in the disk d, dened in Equation (10). Where the maximum magnetic
ux maxis achieved depends on the evolutionary stage. At the beginning 0 10 20 30 40 Time (in period at 4. Evolution of maximum magnetic
ux maxfor dierent runs, where maxis normalized by d, the initial magnetic
ux threading the disk, and time is in unit of the or- bital period at the truncation radius rc,Pc. We t a straight line of the curve between 10 Pcand 20Pc, shown as the dot- ted line (for hiresrun). The slope of this line represents the rate of magnetic
ux loss through reconnection at loop center. The two vertical dashed lines at t=Pcandt= 13Pc separate three stages in the simulation, as discussed in Sec- tion 3.1. (the rst stage), maxis always achieved at the disk outer boundary rmax. As disk wind pushes the envelope away, magnetic
uxes originally threading through the envelope component are quickly lost through the outer boundary. This process is exhibited as a sudden drop in Figure 4. After all the envelope
uxes are pushed away forming magnetic eld loops (second and third stages),
maxis always achieved at the loop center, and decreases as the eld loop dissipates and shrinks. Therefore, this
ux evolution curve is a good diagnostic on how fast the
ux is lost through this dissipation process. We see that maxdecays over time, and upon entering stage 3, the rate at which
ux is lost is largely steady. To quantify this
ux loss rate in the quasi-steady stage, we t the curve between 10 Pcand 20Pcwith a straight line, shown as the dotted line in Figure 4. We do not use data beyond about 20 Pcbecause the dynamics will be aected by the loss of
ux towards later time. The slope of this line for the ducial run is to a
ux loss timescale of 300Pc. Also plotted are the results for runs with resistivity ( etaM1 and etaM4 ), higher resolu- tion ( hires), higher envelope temperature ( Te1e2 and Te2e2 ) and dierent initial envelope density ( ). For these simulations, the
ux evolution curves are generally similar to each other. The rate of
ux loss (dmax=dt) is also tabulated in Table 1. We12 Yang and Bai verify that the introduction of articial resistivity does not aect our results much other than stabilizing the simulations. We also nd that the initial parameters in the envelope component, either density or little impact on the end result. This is the entire envelope is quickly pushed away during the rst stage. Parameters that do aect the loss rate of magnetic
ux will be discussed in Section 4. 3.4. Flow structure beyond truncation radius In this subsection, we focus on the
ow structure beyond the disk truncation radius. In Figure 5, we show a streamline plot averaged between We can see that in the midplane region, there exists a transition point (marked with a cyan star at Rt;v= 49:7). Inside this radius, gas
ows inward, which is essentially the wind-driven accretion
ow. Outside of this radius, however, the gas
ows outward, indicative of a decretion
ow. In other words, the outer disk ex- pands. This is contrary to the conventional wisdom that the entire disk shrinks under wind-driven disk as we study in further detail below. Figure 5. The streamline plot averaged between 14000
1 0 and 20000
1 0for Run hires. The colormap represents r. The streamlines are velocity streamlines. The cyan star at Rt;v= 49:7 marks the location where vRchanges sign in the midplane. It largely coincides with Rt;= 49:4 where the magnetic
ux is maximized and it denes the center of the magnetic
ux loops. This transition point closely follows the location of the loop center (at Rt;= 49:4), as we shall see more clearly in Figure 11. The reason can be qualitative understood. We see that toroidal eld conguration is largely un- changed within and beyond the loop center. On the other hand, vertical eld changes sign across the loopcenter. As a result, the Maxwell stress exerted to specically, the sign of the Lorentz force), changes sign when moving beyond the loop cen- ter. This sign change leads to a reversal of the magnetic torque, and hence a transition from accretion to decre- tion
ow. In Figure 6, we show the vertical proles of radial from 14000
1 0to 20000
1 0as solid lines, as well as the prediction based on the right hand side of Equation (14) as dotted lines. We choose R= 30 as a representative location inside the transition point andR= 65 as a representative location outside. We see that Equation (14) reasonably well reproduces the ob- served
ow structure loop center. While there are deviations near the midplane, the agreement is reasonable given the approx- imate nature of the equation. As discussed in Section 3.2 and Appendix A, the out
ow mass
ux beyond 2His connected to wind launched from beyond rc. As seen in Figure 6, the ra- dial velocity increase rapidly beyond 2Hand can shown) and continues to be accelerated towards larger radii to exceed vK. This
ow is essentially unbound, similar to a standard disk wind. This
ow is analogous to but physically dierent from external where recent 2D simulations of Haworth & Clarke (2019) illustrates that a substan- tial fraction of the mass loss arises from the surface of the outer disk. We will further discuss this analogy in Section 5.2. The bump in Figure 6 near z= 0, on the other hand, best exhibits the decretion
ow. The
ow speed is about 0 :014vK(remain bounded), which can give appreciable mass
ux given higher gas density at the midplane. With a thickness of 0:5H, we nd the outward mass
ux it carries is about 20%
(210 6) of the total mass loss rate beyond rc. This is exactly analogous to conventional scenario of , implying that wind-driven evolution of PPDs can expand over time. 3.4.1. Density dispersion With mass out
owing beyond the loop center analo- gous to viscous spreading, here we analyze the disper- sion of gas surface density. In Figure 7, we show a time sequence of the disk surface density prole (the inte- gral of gas density along the direction). We choose to plot only the part beyond the truncation radius (r > rc= 30), which is the focus of this work, and this region is not aected by the density inside rc.Truncated PPDs 30 Prediction;r= 30 rvR;r= 65 Prediction;r= 65 -3-2-1 0 1 2 30 r= 65 Figure 6. Vertical proles of radial mass
ux (upper) and radial velocity (lower) at two representative radii for Run hires. The two radii are chosen to be within (blue, R= 35) and outside of (red, R= 65) the transition radius Rt50). The data are averaged from 14000
1 0to 20000
1 0. In the upper panel, measured values from data are shown in solid lines, while dotted lines show theoretical expectations from Equation (14). The upper four snapshots corresponds to stage 1 where the envelope is pushed away, establishing the den- sity prole beyond the truncation radius. The last of them at time t= 1300 (about one Keplerian period at rc= 30) sets a baseline for our further analysis. After t= 1300
1 0, the column density prole evolves very slowly. To better visualize the evolution, we plot the ra- tio of the surface density prole to that at t= 1300
1 0 in linear scale. We can see that the surface density inside ofr= 50 is gradually depleted due to the steady accre- tion
ow. At the same time, an excess appears around t= 60 70. This excess in surface density is comparable to the local surface density (on the orders of several tens of percent). The development of this excess is directly related to the decretion
ow discussed earlier. Over time, the excess gradually
attens, as mass is towards larger radii. Overall, the we observe is indeed qualitatively analogous to expectations of viscous expansion. We with conduct a more quantitative comparison in Section 5.1. 3.5. Detailed analysis on
ux evolution 50100 150t=120 50100 150t=1000 50100 150t=1300 50 100 100 150t=8000 50 100 150t=15000Figure 7. Upper panals: Column density from left to right. Lower panals: The ratio of the surface density to that of the ref- erence time ( t= 1300
1 0). From left to right we have t= 3000;8000;15000
1 0, respectively. We show only re- sults beyond rc= 30 to focus on the part of the disk be- yond the truncation radius, where our density has little impact. To better understand magnetic
ux evolution in our simulations, in Figure 8, we show both the total E;tot (left panel) and its non-ideal contribution E;NI, nor- malized by the product of the local Keplerian veloc- ityvKand the poloidal magnetic eld strength Bpolp B2r+B2
. Positive and negative Eare colored red and blue, correspondingly, and the color value thus marks the rate at which the eld line is transported rel- ative tovK. We rst see from the left panel of Figure 8 that the to- talEis largely positive throughout the system. In the disk region, up to disk radii within the loop center where the poloidal magnetic eld has a positive z component, a translates to the loss of magnetic
ux with outward
ux transport. Similarly, beyond the loop center where Bzis negative, a positive Eleads to inward transport of magnetic
ux. Combining the above, a positive Eessentially describes the shrinking of the eld loop, and hence the dissipation and loss of magnetic
ux. More generally, a positive (negative) E
means the shrinking and dissipation of eld loops if mag- netic elds go clockwise (anti-clockwise) in the ( R;z) plane. We see from the right panel of Figure 8 that in the bulk disk, as well as regions beyond the loop Therefore, the shrinking of magnetic
ux loops are mainly due to the non-ideal MHD eects, i.e. ambipolar diusion. In the following, we analyze
ux transport more Yang and Bai Figure 8. Thecomponent of the electric eld, averaged overt= 14000 20000
1 0for Run hires. The left panel shows the total E, whereas the right panel shows the con- tribution from non-ideal MHD eects. They are Figure 9, we show the proles of mean gas ve- locity, ambipolar drift velocity (left panels) and the E
normalized by vKBpol(right panels). The upper panels show the results at r= 20, i.e. the disk region. The poloidal eld is dominated by vertical component in the bulk disk, and the results are qualitatively similar to those reported by Bai & Stone (2017) in their Figure 5. We can see that the Ecurve is vertically-
at in the disk region, meaning a steady transport of magnetic
uxes across dierent heights. The exact value of
ux transport rate, on the other hand, is smaller than that in Bai & Stone (2017) by roughly a factor of 3. This dierence likely results from the dierent treatment in the wind launching region, where we use ztrans = 4 for our ducial run as opposed to ztrans = 3 in their work, with more discussions to follow in Section 4. The lower panels show the results at r= 50, which is about the center of the magnetic
ux loops. We can see that the gas poloidal velocity is close to zero near the midplane, thus transport is mainly mediated by am- bipolar drift. The ambipolar drift velocities show with those at r= 20, largely due to the fact that the vertical prole of toroidal eld remains simi- lar. However, the poloidal eld near this region becomes largely horizontal, rather than vertical. As a result,
ux transport is mainly mediated by vd;zthat brings radial eld towards the loop center. This process is rapid, as exhibited in the bottom right panel, with a central spikeinE=Bpol. We note that if we simply plot E, vertical prole becomes largely
at (i.e., steady dissipation of magnetic
ux towards loop rapid transport is compensated by the weak poloidal eld near loop center. In other words, poloidal eld is weakened or diluted, which can also be seen from the emptiness of the constant- contours near loop center from Figures 2 and 8. Finally, we note that the
ux transport rate at the innermost region is initially very fast, leading to rapid depletion of magnetic
uxes near the inner boundary, as can be seen in Figure 2. This maybe physical because of the shorter dynamical timescale, but it is also aected by the inner boundary condition. This phenomenon is interesting on its own right, but also demands more re- alistic simulations (with better treatment of ionization and thermodynamics) for further study. In this paper, we restrict ourselves mainly on
ux transport and dissi- pation beyond rc. -0.4-0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 9. Theproles of various diagnostics that con- tribute to magnetic
ux transport measured at spherical ra- diusr= 20 (upper row) and r= 50 (lower row), averaged overt= 14000 20000
1 0for Run hires. Left column: the ambipolar drift velocity vADand the
ow velocity v, normal- ized by the local Keplerian velocity. Shown are the radial and vertical components of these column: the ideal and non-ideal terms in E, normal- ized byvKBpol. The inset in the upper right panel is to enhance the visibility near the disk STUDYTruncated PPDs 15 0 10 20 30 40 Time (Period at = 3.5 ztrans = 4.0 ztrans = 4.53.5 4.0 10 20 30 40 Time (Period at 0.3 AMout= 1 AMout= 10 AMout= 10 20 30 40 Time (Period at (normalized) rc= 10 rc= 20 rc= 3010 20 10 20 30 40 Time (Period at (normalized)a= 1.5 a= 2.0 a= 2.25 a= 2.51.50 10 20 30 40 Time (Period at (normalized) b0= 103 b0= 104 b0= 10 20 30 40 Time (Period at (normalized) H/R = 0.05 H/R = 0.10 H/R = 0.1510-11.5x10-1 10. The same as Figure 4 but for runs with varying parameters. The upper left panel compares runs with heights ztrans. The upper right panel compares runs with dierent levels of AD coecients at large radius. The middle left panel compares runs with dierent truncation radii rc. The middle right panel compares runs with dierent power- law indices for the density prole. The lower left panel compares runs with dierent levels of magnetization (initial plasma 0). The lower right panel compares runs with dierent aspect ratios of the disk. In all panels, the ducial run is plotted as solid black curves. The insets in all panels show the rate of magnetic
ux loss dmax=dtversus the parameter of interest in that panel. The scale in all insets are the same, except for the lower left panel comparing dierent runs with varying plasma 0.16 Yang and Bai In this section, we conduct a parameter study by vary- ing one parameter at a time while xing other parame- ters. The sets of simulations include: 1. The transition height for the AD Els asser = 3:5;4:5 (zt3.5 andzt4.5 in Ta- ble 1); 2. The value of Ambeyond disk truncation radius, AMout= 0:3;10;100 ( AMout0.3 ,AMout10 , and AMout100 in Table 1); 3. The truncation radius rc= 10;20 (Rc10 andRc20 in Table 1), note that the maximum radius rmaxis also modied accordingly to ensure rmax= 10rc; 4. The power-law index for the disk density pro- le,= 1:5;2:0;2:5 (alpha1.5 ,alpha2.0 , and alpha2.5 in Table 1); 5. The initial disk magnetization 0= 103;105 (beta1e3 andbeta1e5 , in Table 1); 6. The disk aspect ratio H=R = 0:05;0:15 (HoR05 andHoR15 , in Table 1). Overall, we nd that all of simulations show similar evo- lutionary trend as depicted in Figure 2, and we dierences below. The long-term system evolution is better character- ized by the evolution of magnetic
ux. We show in Fig- ure 10 the evolution of the maxfor these by the d, from Equation 10), grouped by dierent sets of parameters mentioned above. We can see that almost all of the runs, upon entering stage 3, lose magnetic
ux linearly over time. We measure the slope of this linear relation, corresponding to the rate of
ux losses, and show results in the insets, from which we can identify important trends in parameter dependence. Note that the scale for the y-axis is the same for all ve insets except for that in the lower left panel comparing runs with dierent initial plasma 0. First, we verify from simulations with dierent rcthat the rate of
ux transport, when measured in Pc(Keple- rian period at rc), is independent of the specic choice ofrc. This result indicates that the overall rate of
ux transport in disks is largely set by disk truncation ra- dius, or simply disk size. Together with our other simu- lations with varying O,Te0ande0, they establish the robustness of our results against numerical all parameters, the rate of
ux transport de- pends most sensitively to ztrans and initial plasma 0. Stronger disk magnetization (smaller 0) leads to faster rate of transport. This trend was seen in recent wind simulations of full disks (Bai & Stone 2017; Lesur 2021),and it remains to hold in truncated disks. In magnetization from 0= 104to 103leads to a dramatic increase in the rate by a factor of 10, whereas lower magnetization to 0= 105leads to a modest reduction by 40%. Lower/higher disk wind base (smaller ztrans) enhances/reduces the loss rate of disk magnetic
ux. A slight reduction of ztrans from our ducial value of 4 :0 to 3:5 increases the rate of
ux loss by more than a factor of 2.5, whereas increasing ztrans to 4.5 reduces the transport rate by a factor of 2. This new trend that we identify here strengthens the importance to properly capture the physics of disk wind launching. It also helps explain the discrepancies in the absolute
ux loss rate measured from the recent litera- ture. For instance, the rate of
ux loss in Bai & Stone (2017) is about a factor 3 faster than that obtained in our simulations, who adopted ztrans = 3.6. The Els asser number at large radius (AM out) has mod- erate eects. In general, except for the last data point with AM out= 100, larger Amnumber results in slower loss rate of magnetic
ux. This result also exemplies the in
uence of outer boundary conditions to the rate of
ux transport. By varying the density prole in the disk, parameter- ized by, we also vary the radial distribution of mag- netic
ux (since initial radial prole of net poloidal eld has constant plasma 0). Our parameter study shows that it has minor impact on the rate at which
uxes are lost. The main trend is that a steeper outward gradi- ent of radial
ux prole (larger ) leads to faster rate of
ux loss, which is in line with
ux transport medi- ated by diusion. The rate of
ux transport appears to be insensitive to the disk aspect ratio for H=R.0:1. This rate is modestly enhanced when the disk becomes thicker (H=R = 0:15), although for ztrans = 4, the loca- tion of the wind base can no longer be considered as in a geometrically thin are three major aspects of our simulation results that merit further discussion, as we detail in Sections 5.1 - 5.3. As a pilot study, our simulations are also subject to a number of caveats that will be discussed in Analogy with viscous spreading 6On the other hand, Lesur (2021) found much smaller transport rate though it is not straightforward to dene an = 3 in his calculations: his Amprole varies in a dierent manner as exp ( z=h )4with= 3, and he assumes the gas to be isothermal, and hence there is no temperature PPDs 17 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 Time 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 Time = 0.3 Am_out = 1.0 Am_out = 10.0 Am_out = 100.0 Figure 11. Left: The evolution of transition radius Rtfor Run hires. Two transition radii are dened: Rt;vis dened as the location where radial velocity changes its sign, and Rt;is the location where the magnetic
ux is maximized. The time is in unit ofPcand the radius is in code unit. Right: The evolution of transition radius ( Rt;) for runs with dierent Am out, taken from runs AMout0.3 ,Fid,AMout10 and AMout100 , models of long-term disk evolution as- sume outward transport of disk angular mediated by viscosity. As a result, most ma- terials accrete, transferring their angular momentum to the outer disk, which expands. There is a separating accreting and expanding region, and this transition radius itself increases with time. Here we compare the outcome of our simulation results to that of the viscous evolution model to show the analogy and potential Expectations from viscous spreading For a disk with viscosity prole of /R
, the equation of surface density has a with transition radius evolving as (Lynden-Bell
& Pringle 1974; Hartmann et al. (21) whereR1is a radial scale factor, T=t=ts+ 1 is a nondimensional time with ts= the viscous scaling time, and 1is the viscosity at R1. Taking the derivative of Equation (21), one gets the expansion rate of the transition radius (22) For simplicity, we will assume
= 1. Results generally not very dierent. In this case, For a typical
disk with1=csH, we nd: dRt dt= 3H R2 vK: (23)This rate of spreading is directly linked to the radial
ow velocity. Using Equations (17) and (21) from Hart- mann et al. (1998), one can derive the radial prole of the radial velocity, for
= 1 case, Expansion of transition radius Rt A magnetized disk wind is expected, extract angular momentum from the disk, driving the entire disk to accrete. Our simulations show that this is not the case due to the formation of magnetic eld loops beyond truncation radius. Instead, there exists a similar transition radius, which separates accretion and decretion
ows analogous to viscous spreading. We have also seen that the mass
ux beyond the transition radius is a sizable fraction of the accretion
ow. It remains to examine how the transition radius itself evolves. In the left panel of Figure 11, we plot the evolution of the transition radius Rt;v, dened by the location where radial velocity changes sign in the midplane, and the evolution of the location where the magnetic
ux is maximized ( Rt;, i.e., loop center) from run hires. We see thatRt;closely tracks the center of the magnetic
ux loops. Following some relaxation processes in stage 2 where the eld loop center oscillates, the two closely match each other in stage 3 (which is one main reason we choose t14Pcas the starting time of stage in stage 3, we observe that the also moves outward. This is again analogous to the scenario of viscous the linear part in the left panel of the Fig- ure 11, we get where the Ke-18 Yang and Bai plerian velocity was taken at r= 50. If this expansion rate were due to viscous spreading, we nd an examining our other simulation runs, we nd that the evolution trend of Rt;is mainly sensitive to the value ofAmout, re
ecting the ionization fraction in the envelope. The rate of dRt;=dtcan be modied by other parameters at some modest level but without sign change. Here we will focus on the role of Amout, and the results are shown in the right panel of Figure 11. We can see that runs with relatively small Am out.1 10 (and hence lower ionization level) tend to have Rt;expand over time, whereas runs with large Am out= 100 (and hence higher ionization level) tend to have time. Given the importance of Am out, here we give a rough estimate of the correspondence between the value of Am and the ionization fraction. At the transition radius of r= 50, we nd = 8:510 6in code units, averaged over the hiresrun. Using the same unit conversion method discussed in Section 2.4, we nd0= 9:210 12g=cm3. Assuming HCO+ as the dominant ion with we obtain the ionization fraction xe310 9Am. The real in the outer regions of PPDs is largely uncer- tain. Calculations from Cleeves et al. (2015) for the IM Lup disk suggests that xeto be between 10 11to to Am= 0:0040:1, thus the disk evolu- tion likely follows an overall expanding path. Note that they have adopted a substantially reduced rate with CR<10 19s 1, whereas the value ofAmcould be brought to order unity for more stan- dard ionization rates. Nevertheless, the exact ionization rate and hence ionization level is still highly uncertain and likely depend on external environment, and higher Amvalue is likely when the disk is in the vicinity of some massive stars (see next subsection). In such cases, despite having a decretion
ow beyond Rt;, the disk itself still likely shrinks over time due to the Radial
ow speed beyond Rt To compare our radial velocity with the 1D viscous model, we conduct density-weighted average on radial velocity vertically between 3Hto 3HatR= 65r0. We getvR(R= 65r0) = 8:710 3vK. nd that = 1:88 if this radial
ow velocity were due to viscous spreading. This value is apparently too large for any reasonable viscous disk models, partly be- cause the mass out
ow is dominated by
ows (which is analogous to external If we limit ourselves to only the mass
ux 40 60 80 0.047 Viscousa= 1.9 Viscousa= 0.58Figure 12. The radial velocity proles for the ducial run, averaged between t= 14000
1 0and 20000
1 0. See the Section 5.1.3 for the denition of vRandvR;mid. Also plotted are the radial velocity prole for a viscous disk with dierent
. We have assumed density power law index
= 1 for simplicity (Hartmann et al. 1998). in the midplane region between ==20:05 but still average over the entire disk column density, we nd vR;mid= 2:710 3, which translates to = 0:58. This is still more than one order of magnitude larger than the value inferred from dRt=dt. The large apparent equivalent value here re
ects nature of magnetic torques exerted to the outer disk. As it is analogous to (but reversed) the wind- torque that transports angular momentum vertically, it is more ecient by a factor of R=H than the equiva- lent viscous torque assuming similar eld strengths (e.g., Wardle 2007; Bai & Goodman 2009). In Figure 12, we show the three dierent radial ve- locity proles, vRat midplane, vR, Also plotted are the radial velocity proles for a viscous spreading disk with = 0:047, 1:9, and 0:58. The dierence in radial velocity proles between disk wind driven
ow and viscous spreading is clearly shown. We see that mean radial velocity not only requires a large eective , they also increase rapidly over radius than that of a typical viscous model. This may oer clues to disentangle the decretion
ow found in wind- driven disk evolution from that of standard viscous evo- lution, although more systematic modeling is beyond the scope of this work. Based on the discussions above, we can that the overall gas disk size, under likely expand over time, and this is accom- panied by a decretion
ow. The overall scenario qualita- tively matches all aspects of viscous spreading in canon-Truncated PPDs 19 ical models of disk evolution, except that the mass
ux of the decretion
ow well exceeds the viscous counter- part. Given that our simulation settings are highly sim- plied, we are not yet in a position to develop a long- term disk evolutionary model for quantitative compar- ison. On the other hand, our results suggest that it is premature to distinguish the mechanisms that drive disk angular momentum transport by searching for sig- nature of disk expansion. By comparing gas disk sizes at dierent disk evolution stages, there is tentative ev- idence of a trend of larger disk size (Najita & Bergin 2018; Trapman et al. 2020). We therefore argue that such signatures are equally likely to be the outcome of wind-driven disk evolution, based on our ndings. 5.2. Relation to external photoevaporation has been considered as an- other important mechanism that drives disk dispersal. This occurs when stars are strongly irradiated by the UV photons from nearby massive stars, which can be a common situation as stars form in clusters. This leads to strong mass loss beyond the gravitational radius rg, where gas is heated such that its sound speed approaches the escape velocity (Hollenbach et al. 1994; Johnstone et al. 1998), while later studies found that it can be re- laxed to small radii of &0:1 0:2rg(Adams et al. 2004; Facchini et al. 2016). It is anticipated that external can be important in disk dispersal even for very mild environment with GFUV= 10 30 G 0(Fac- chini et al. 2016; Haworth et al. 2018), where G0is the Habing unit of UV radiation (Habing 1968) radiation eld, though most previous studies were based on simple 1D calculations. More recent 2D hydrodynamic simulations with extensive physics have found modest increase of mass loss rate (Haworth & Clarke 2019). In our ducial run, the temperature of the ambient medium is set to constant at Te0= 0:001(GM=r 0). radius is roughly 1000 r0, which is well be- yond our simulation domain and about 20 times our transition radius. Therefore, external not expected to operate. We have seen that we still have strong mass out
ow emanating from beyond the truncation radius. These
ows can be interpreted as an extension of the disk winds, but launched beyond trun- cation radius. They reside above a couple disk scale heights, typically having much higher speeds than the midplane decretion
ow, but their
ow properties are strongly aected by non-ideal MHD eects (e.g., gas does not
ow along eld lines). Such
ows are to the external photoevaporation yet it is me- diated by magnetic elds. It is conceivable that in re-ality, both magnetic and thermal eects matter, similar to the picture of magneto-thermal disk winds (Bai et al. 2016), but the non-ideal MHD nature of this outer re- gion may preclude developing a semi-analytical theory. It is interesting to note that strong external usually implies higher ionization fraction in the disk surroundings, or larger Amout. From our re- sults, we see that transition radius Rtwill shrink over time, suggestive of shrinking disk size. This adds to an- other layer of analogy with the picture of external which also reduces disk size despite of vis- cous spreading in action (Clarke 2007; Anderson et al. 2013). Nevertheless, our rather rough treatment of ther- modynamics restrain us from drawing more and we will defer more detailed comparisons for future studies. 5.3. Global transport of magnetic
uxes The transport of magnetic
ux governs long-term disk evolution, and is intrinsically a global problem. Our work lls an important gap in the study of
ux transport by providing more realistic outer boundary conditions. We have shown that the formation of magnetic
ux loops is inevitable beyond truncation radius, and
ux trans- port at global scale is governed by the shrinking of such eld loops. We have identied several interesting trends as discussed earlier. These trends indicate that con- ditions both in the disk (e.g., ztrans) and beyond the truncation radius (e.g., Am out) matter for global rate of
ux transport, thus exemplies the notion that
ux transport is intrinsically a global problem. This situation is very dierent from conventional the- oretical models of
ux transport, where the disk is typ- ically assumed to be innitely extended radially to per- mit solutions. Under such as- sumptions, recent works start to incorporate more de- tailed disk vertical structure, as well as the role of disk winds (Leung & Ogilvie 2019; Lesur 2021). We antici- pate that such approaches may still be applicable well within the truncation radius rc, but new theories are needed for regions beyond disk truncation to determine the global rate of
ux transport. While developing a new theory of
ux transport is beyond the scope of this work, we here make a sim- ple attempt by comparing the rate of
ux loss and rate of magnetic dissipation by . When considering a characteristic length scale ofRpat loop center, the latter is given )2 AmP 1 c: (25) When considering H=R0:1,100 in the midplane, Am1, we obtain a rate of 1:310 3P 1 c, which is20 Yang and Bai smaller but comparable to the rate obtained in our simu- lations However, if we replace R2 pby H2at radiusRp, relevant to dissipation near loop center, the rate becomes much higher and is inconsistent with our measured
ux dissipation rate. This disparity is al- ready hinted in Section 3.5, where we nd rapid dragging of poloidal eld towards the loop center from above and below thanks to ambipolar drift, leading to a dilution of eld lines. If
ux transport is mainly mediated by diu- sion, we see that the characteristic length scale is better chosen to be close to Rc. Nevertheless, while the sce- nario of diusive transport is consistent with the trend that enhancing AD in the otuer disk (smaller Am out) leads to faster transport, this trend does not scale lin- early as Am outbased on our simulations. It is likely that a combination of diusive and advective transport is needed to account for the observed results, which con- tribute dierently at dierent radii and heights, as seen in Figure 9. Using the same conversion method as discussed in Sec- tion. 2.4, we have r0= 3 AU, which corresponds to a transition radius of 150 AU and a truncation radius of 90 AU. The Keplerian period at rcis thusPc= 850 yr. The rate of
ux dissipation measured above be directly translate to a
ux dissipation timescale of 286 Pc= 0:24 Myr. This is a lot shorter than typical disk lifetime of 2 3 Myr (Haisch et al. 2001; Mamajek 2009). On the one hand, owing to a number of caveats (see next subsection), and similar to previous work (Bai & Stone 2017), we here mainly focus on the trends, and do not anticipate the absolute rate of
ux transport to be realistic. On the other hand, if the real rate of
ux loss in disks is not far from what we have measured, the rapid
ux loss might imply an early transition from evo- lution to primarily evolution, and would have major implications to the long-term disk evolution theory and planet formation. 5.4. Caveats As a rst study, we made several simplications to the problem to ease the computational eort. While we expect our simulations to capture the most some caution should be exercised as we our treatment of disk chemistry and thermo- dynamics is highly simplied, leading to several free pa- rameters. Some of the parameters that we vary sys- tematically (such as ztrans, Am out), can be considered as reasonable proxy for physical conditions around the disk, while it is less certain about a few other xed parameters, especially with respect to the and the Am prole. In reality, tempera- ture in the outer disk is mainly determined by irradia- tion both from the central object and from the Coupled with it involves photo-chemistry and ionization chemistry, which determine cooling in the disk atmosphere as well as the ionization level in the system (e.g., Haworth et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2019; Gressel et al. 2020). We thus anticipate that our calculations are subject to such systematics that demand more incorporating such microphysical processes, but the trends identied in our work are likely robust. Another important caveat is that our simulations assuming axisymmetry. In the level of Am value in the disk region and be- yond, the disk is expected to be MRI turbulent, as has recently been demonstrated in full 3D global simulations (Cui & Bai 2021). Besides being turbulent, another main dierence is that unlike our 2D case where toroidal eld changes sign exactly at the midplane, toroidal eld changes sign at random heights which which aects the global
ow structures. More- over, magnetic
ux is found to concentrate to sheets, which may reduce the global rate of
ux transport. It is yet to be seen how the MRI tur- bulence beyond truncation radius aect the dissipation of large-scale poloidal magnetic
ux loops encircling the outer disk, which we leave for future this work, we performed the rst global non-ideal MHD simulations of PPDs with outer truncation. Our simulations follow the recently established paradigm of disk evolution driven by magnetized disk winds, yet compliment previous studies by incorporating more re- alistic boundary conditions to mimic disk outer trunca- tion. As the disk outer regions typically contain most of the disk mass and largely govern the disk evolution- ary timescale, we aim to clarify issues related to the long-term evolution of PPDs and their interplay environment. Given that wind-driven accre- tion is largely controlled by the amount of poloidal mag- netic
ux threading disks, we pay special attention to the global transport of magnetic
ux. Starting from hour-glass shaped eld threading the disk, we nd that as the disk launches a magnetized disk wind, which quickly pushes away the surrounding mate- rials, yet because loss of disk pressure support, poloidal eld lines collapse beyond truncation radius, reconnect, and form eld loops. The loops gradually relax towards a quasi-steady state that is largely independent of ini- tial conditions, and it is such state that best PPDs. We have conducted a large PPDs 21 survey on top of a detailed study under a ducial set of parameters, and our main ndings are as follows.
*The center of the poloidal eld loop encircling the outer disk separates the disk into accretion (inside loop center) and decretion (outside loop center)
ow regions, as a natural consequence of magnetic eld geometry around the loop.
*Unless the disk outer region is well ionized, the loop center migrates outward over time, and the overall outer disk evolution is directly analogous to viscous spreading even in the absence of of disk winds extends to beyond trun- cation radius despite non-ideal coupling of gas with magnetic eld, leading to signicant mass loss analogous to external photoevaporation but with- out thermal driving.
*Global evolution of poloidal magnetic
ux is largely governed by dissipation within poloidal eld loops. The rate of dissipation is sensitive to both disk conditions and outer boundary condi- tions from disk truncation. Our results imply that in the wind-driven disk sizes will likely grow, rather than shrink assumed, in time, similar to the scenario of viscously-driven disk accretion. The results are qual- itatively consistent with recent observational inference of larger disk sizes towards older disks, and such obser- vational evidence is insucient to distinguish between the two driving mechanisms of disk angular We do note, however, that the gas velocity in the decretion
ow is much faster than the viscous coun- terpart, which may oer a way to distinguish from the viscous evolution scenario. Our results also imply that mass loss through disk outer boundary does not necessarily be but can equally well be . In reality, it is likely that both thermal and magnetic ef- fects matter, which jointly drive the disk out
ows in a manner analogous to magneto-thermal disk winds. Our study highlights the importance of outer bound- ary conditions, besides disk microphysics, in determin- ing the global magnetic
ux transport in disks, calling for improved, more global theory of
ux transport. As
ux evolution and disk evolution are coupled, a global picture of disk evolution would be incomplete without a solid understanding of magnetic
ux our simulations are in 2D, with of thermodynamics and chemistry. While we anticipate the trends identied in our study are to 3D as well as incorporating more realis- tic radiative physics and chemistry are needed to yield more quantitative and realistic thank the anonymous referee for a prompt report with useful suggestions, and Can Cui for kindly shar- ing her problem setup with us and for fruitful discus- sion. This work is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China are conducted on TianHe-1 (A) at Center in Tianjin, China, and on the Orion cluster at Department of Astronomy, F. C., Hollenbach, D., Laughlin, G., & Gorti, U. 2004, ApJ, 611, 360, doi: K. R., Adams, F. C., & Calvet, N. 2013, ApJ, 774, 9, doi: M., Williams, J. P., Trapman, L., et al. 2018, ApJ, 859, 21, doi: X.-N. 2011, ApJ, 739, 50, doi: X.-N. 2011, The Astrophysical Journal, 739, 51, doi: 2013, The Astrophysical Journal, 772, 96, doi: X.-N. 2017, ApJ, 845, 75, doi: X.-N., & Goodman, J. 2009, ApJ, 701, 737, doi: X.-N., & Stone, J. M. 2013, The 769, 76, doi: X.-N., & Stone, J. M. 2017, ApJ, 836, 46, doi: X.-N., Ye, J., Goodman, J., & Yuan, F. 2016, ApJ, 818, 152, doi: S. A., & Hawley, J. F. 1991, ApJ, 376, 214 Barenfeld, S. A., Carpenter, J. M., Sargent, A. I., Isella, A.,
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"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 02:19:39 GMT"
"version": "v2",
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28 A Game Characterization for The Weakest of equivalence formalize when two process models can be considered given a certain model of communication or observation. The most famous such notion is bisimilarity, which holds if two processes can match each other's transitions repeatedly. Contrasimilarity is a reformulation of this, saying that every transition sequence by one process can be matched by the other process in such a way that they could continue with their roles swapping each time. This section explains systems with internal behavior (Subsection 2.1) and gives a formal definition of contrasimilarity (Subsection 2.2). We then show that contrasimilarity and bisimilarity actually are the same concept unless there is (Subsection 2.3) and briefly look at systems that are not contrasimilar (Subsection 2.4). For this section, we omit the proofs; the Isabelle proofs can be found via the footnotes. 2.1 Systems with Internal Steps In order to illustrate what kinds of systems contrasimilarity equates, we start with an example of two systems with internal communication behavior that are equivalent with respect to but not with respect to weak bisimilarity. (The example behaves similarly to the one in [2]. Its will be given in Figure 1.) Example 1 (Dining Hall Philosophers) .Two philosophers AandBwant to eat pasta. They can get their spaghetti ( sp) once the dining hall counter opens ( op). However, there is only one plate ( pl), which must be taken before picking up the spaghetti (regardless of whether the counter has opened). We are waiting for them in the dining area outside; so we only observe whether the counter has opened and who eats, whereas the plate and spaghetti grabbing are invisible to us. The following CCS structure models the situation of the philosophers waiting at the counter Pcin the notation of Milner [15]. The resources correspond to sending actions like sp(which can be consumed only once) and obtaining the resources corresponds to receiving actions like sp. The subprocesses run in parallel ( :::j:::) and internal communication is hidden from the outside ( spbeing hidden: Does it make a difference to the observer if it is not the spaghetti counter waiting for the opening event before handing out pasta, but rather the philosophers waiting for the event before grabbing the pasta? This would amount to the following model of patient philosophers one's application needs to abstract over where exactly internal waiting is happening, and thus equate PcandPp, one has to pick contrasimilarity (or a weaker equivalence) for the semantics.B. Bisping & L. Montanari 29 Pc tt tRcp Figure 1: The reflexive closure of Rcpis a contrasimulation on the philosopher system from Example 1. Definition 1. Alabeled transition system , orLTS for short, (S;Actt; !)consists of a set of states S, of a set Actt=Act[ftgof visible actions Actand a special internal action t=2Act, and of a ! SActtS. The transition system for Example 1 is depicted as the black part in Figure 1. All deadlocks are combined into the state 0. The transitions where communication internal to the system happens are labeled by t, which denotes internal behavior. Where there are multiple internal transitions originating from the same process state, the system performs an internal choice . In process Pp, the internal choice happens at the start, whereas in Pc, the choice is interleaved with the observable occurrence of op. Definition 2. We employ the following notation for transitions in the system (with Strong steps: pa !p0iff(p;a;p0)2 ! .
* Internal steps: p=)p0iffpt !p0.
* Delay steps: pa= =.p0iffa=twith p=)p0ora2Actwith p=)a !p0.
* Weak steps: p^a=)p0iffpa= =.=)p0.
* Weak word steps: p# the empty word# w=e.
* Absence of steps: p6a !,p6^a=)andp6# w=)to denote that certain transitions are not possible from p. pis called stable iffp6t !.
* Lifting of steps to sets: Pa !p0g, and Pa !p0iff there is a p2P with pa !p0; analogously for =),a= =.,^a=), and# w=). Note that delay stepsa= =.differ from the more common weak steps^a=)(a2Act) in that the step ends in the stronga !-transition with no trailing internal behavior. Also note that Pa !f p0gis stronger than Pa !p0in that it rules out possible othera !-transitions.30 A Game Characterization for simulationweak simulation weak simulation futures weak traces Figure 2: Hierarchy of equivalences. Arrows denote implications of preordering. Thinner arrows col- lapse into bi-implication for systems without internal steps. 2.2 Defining is common to define notions of behavioral equivalence and behavioral preorders in terms of process states that fulfill certain properties. For instance, weak similarity is defined in terms of weak simulation relations, which also induce a weak simulation preorder. Contrasimilarity is obtained by making a subtle change to the weak simulation 3. Aweak simulation is a relation Rwhere, for all (p;q)2Rwith pa !p0, there is a We say that pisweakly simulated by q , written pWSq, iff there is a weak simulation Rwith(p;q)2R. IfpWSqWSp, the two are weakly similar, written pWSq. IfRis a symmetric weak simulation, the processes are called weakly bisimilar (WB), which implies all of the above. On the processes of Example 1, a weak simulation, because the steps from Ppare a subset of the steps from Pc. This implies there is no weak simulation in the opposite direction, because Pccanop-step to a state where aEats andbEats are weakly enabled, while Ppcannot. Thus, weak similarity and hence also distinguish the two systems. Due to its inherent recursiveness, Definition 3 can also be rephrased in terms of words instead of single actions: Lemma 1. Ris a weak simulation precisely if, for all (p;q)2Rwith# w2Actand p# w=)p0, there is a q0with q# observation motivates why the following definition with p0andq0swapping sides at the end has been named contra- Bisping & L. Montanari 31 Definition 4. is a relation Rwhere, for all (p;q)2Rwith# w2Actandp# w=)p0, there is a q0with q# The contrasimulation preorder Cand contrasimilarity C are defined analogously to Definition 3. The reflexive closure of the relation in Figure 1, Rcp[f(p;p)jp2Sg, is a Hence, Pc andPpare contrasimilar, PcCPp. Let us quickly stress that the contrasimulation preorder indeed isa sensible behavioral preorder (which is not true for its intransitive neighbors eventual simulation [2] and simula- tion [16]): Lemma 2. Properties ofC:
*Cis transitive,2as the interleaved concatenation R1R2[R2R1of two R1 andR2is itself a 3
*Cis reflexive.4(More generally: p =)p0implies p0Cp.5)
*Cis itself a thus the greatest Relationship of Contra- and the weak simulation preorder, the contrasimulation preorder is not symmetric for most systems. Like with weak simulation, the contrasimulation property can be used to characterize weak 3 (Bisimulation .If a contrasimulation Ris symmetric, then Rmoreover is a weak simulation. (Meaning that, in this case, (p;q)2Rimplies pWBq.)8 Unlike weak simulations, are symmetric up to internal steps. We call this , as it differentiates coupled simulations from weak simulations [6]: Lemma 4 (Coupling) .IfRis a then (p;q)2Rimplies there is a q0such that q stable states, coupling equates to local symmetry. This is nice for systems without internal behavior: Lemma 5 .If !contains no t-steps, and Ris a then Ris symmetric and thus a systems without internal steps. In this sense, contrasimilarity is closer to bisimilarity than weak similarity: A weak simulation on a t-free system is just a strong simulation but does not need to be a bi-simulation. The hierarchy is depicted in Figure 2. 2 lemma A Game Characterization for top (a) The philosopher system from Example Transitions of Example 3 with a de-committing Generalization of Example 3 to fool 3-step Figure 3: Processes that are not No Shortcuts We already mentioned that contrasimilarity grants the equality a:(t:X+t:Y) =a:X+a:Y. However, this does not mean that internal choice may commute over actions: The equality a:(t:X+t:Y) sound for as the following example 2 (Locked-out Philosophers) .Consider this slight modification of Pc, where already the scarce plate plis guarded by the opening depicted in Figure 3a, the result of this change is that the decision between philosophers AandBcan happen only after op. The change is noticed by i.e. Pc6CPl. The reason is that PcCPlwith the left process resolving its choice would imply PlCop:t:aEats . But this does not hold because Plop;bEats= = = = =)0 but not = = = =)0. It is also worthwhile to observe that, in general, the definition of contrasimulation (Definition 4) be simplified to use single steps^a=)instead of words# a=), as is the case with its finer siblings like weak bisimulation. Such a simplification is used by de Hoop [13]. However, this is not sound for general systems due to the alternating sides in the 3 (Instable choice) .Consider Pabdef=op:(aEats +t:bEats whose transi- tions can be found in Figure 3b. The processes are clearly not even weakly trace equivalent. But single- step cannot tell them apart, as neither Pab^op=)aEats +t:bEats by Pb^op=)bEats ) lead to a situation that would not bEats . The counter-example can be generalized as hinted at in Figure 3c, which would need at least a word length of four to distinguish the named processes.B. Bisping & L. Montanari 33 (p;q)a (# w;p0;q)d (q0;p0)a[p# w=)p0] [q# w=)q0] Figure 4: Schematic basic contrasimulation game. Boxes denote attacker positions, circles denote de- fender positions and arrows denote game moves. Each game move is only possible if the condition in square brackets is satisfied. Dashed boxes are attacker positions with a new variable assignment and admit analogous moves to the solid boxes. 3 The Contrasimulation Game The contrasimulation preorder can be characterized by a game between two opposing players, the at- tacker and the defender . For a given p;q2S, the attacker seeks to disprove pCq, while the defender seeks to maintain pCq. We first introduce some general thoughts about such games in Subsection 3.1, and then present the contrasimulation game at the core of our contribution in Subsection 3.2. 3.1 this paper, we use games in the tradition of Stirling [19] where the attacker wins by getting the defender stuck, and the defender wins by not getting 5 (Games) .Asimple reachability game G[g0] = ( of
* a set of game positions G , partitioned into -a set of defender positions G dG -andattacker positions G a:=GnGd,
* a graph of game moves GG, and
* an initial position g 02G. Definition 6 (Plays and wins) .We call the infinite and finite paths g0g1:::2GY=with gigi+1plays of G[g0]. The defender wins infinite plays. If a finite play g0:::gn6is stuck, the stuck player loses: The defender wins if gn2Ga, and the attacker wins if gn2Gd. Equivalently, the defender wins precisely those plays in which the defender is not 7 (Strategies and winning strategies) .Adefender strategy is a partial mapping from initial play fragments to next moves A play gis consistent with a defender strategy fiff, for each move gigi+1with gi2Gdwhere f(g0:::gi)is defined, we We denote the set of plays gconsistent with fbyGY=
f[g0]for the initial game position g0. If every stuck or infinite play g2GY=
f[g0]is won by the defender, then fis a winning strategy for the defender. The player with a winning strategy for G[g0]is said to winG[g0]. All simple games are determined , that is, either the defender or the attacker wins. The winning regions of finite simple games can be computed in linear time in the number of game moves (cf. [12]). Therefore, it is desirable to find finite game of equivalences. For many weak equivalences, such can be obtained directly from their standard coinductive this direct route is less helpful due to its word-based definition. That is why we only briefly discuss it here, and then move on to a different approach in the next subsection.34 A Game Characterization for 5: Schematic contrasimulation set game (Definition 8). If we directly transfer Definition 4 into a game, we arrive at the following game alternating between attacker and defender: The attacker may challenge pCqby selecting a word# w2Actand a p02S with p# w=)p0, to which the defender has to name a q02Swith q# w=)q0. The sides of the game then swap, and the attacker can go on to question q0Cp0. The attacker wins if the defender is unable to answer with an appropriate q0, and the defender wins if the play goes on forever. A schematic model of the basic contrasimulation game is given in Figure 4. We proved its correctness in the Isabelle in finite-state processes with cycles, the attacker can challenge with infinitely many words. So, such games will have an infinite number of game positions, even for finite systems. Therefore, we decided not to devote more space to this game in this paper and rather move on to a different game in the following subsection. 3.2 The Game Let us now turn to the contrasimulation game that is the core contribution of this paper. The idea is to restrict the players' moves to single actions a2Actt. This means breaking the attacker's word a simulation phase and a swap request. During the simulation phase, the defender plays aset of states : Definition 8 (Cgame) .For a transition system (S;Actt; !), the contrasimulation set game GC[g0] =
( of
* attacker positions (p;Q)a2Ga with p2S;QS,
* defender simulation positions Sim(a;p;Q)d2Gd with a2Act;p2S;QS, and
* defender swapping positions Swap(p;Q)d2Gd with p2S;QS and the following game moves
* simulation challenges ifpa= =.p0,
* swap challenges ifp=)p0,
* simulation answers =.Q0, and
* swap answers Bisping & L. Montanari 35 To check whether pCqholds we play the contrasimulation set game from the initial attacker A schematic model of the game is given in Figure 5. In each simulation phase, the attacker challenges the defender to successively simulate the actions wi of a word# w=w0:::wn. Here, the defender does not play a single state, but rather the by the known prefix w0:::wkof# w. When the attacker is done choosing# winp# w=)p0, they request a swap. The defender must then select a specific state q0with q# w=)q0from their state set. The players then change sides and the attacker may now challenge q0Cp0. Hence, the defender postpones the decision of how exactly to simulate the challenged word until a swap is 4 game on Pc,Pp).A possible play of GCfor the philosopher from Example 1 would be: ;ft:aEats The play ends in an infinite loop of swaps and is thus won by the defender. The crucial point of this game is the defender move highlighted in blue, where the defender answers a swap challenge by matching the processes on both sides. After this, it becomes impossible for the attacker to win. If the defender picked t:bEats instead, they would lose. However, the defender has a winning strategy no matter which moves the attacker chooses for are no easy ways of switching to single-action moves without using the subset construction: The defender does not know the full word# wthat the attacker will choose, but only the word prefix thus far up to a point kn. Deciding for single states early would thus put the defender at a disadvantage: There might be several states q0with q# w0:::wk= = = =)q0for every such k, of which only some also satisfy q# w0:::wk= = = =)q0# wk+1:::wn= = = = =)q00for any q002S. Dually, forcing early swapping would be the attacker when the attack has to pass through instable states as seen in Example 3. Crucially, this construction yields a finite game for any finite-state process. As with the construction when transforming nondeterministic into deterministic finite automata, the game size is exponential in the size of the state space S. We chose to present the game as an alternating game where attacker and defender take turns. could be made to simplify some aspects of the game: Note, for example, that the are not strictly necessary, as the defender has exactly one move originating from each such position. Additionally, parts of the game moves could be broken up into smaller steps on !instead of = =.. However, both changes would make the game non-alternating. For the purpose of this paper, especially for intuitive proofs like in the following section, we consider the alternating formulation superior. 4 Correctness of the Contrasimulation Game Let us now demonstrate that the Cgame does indeed correspond to the contrasimulation preorder in the sense that the defender wins the game if pCq. In Subsection 4.1, we first establish soundness of the that is, defender winning strategies in the game imply on the LTS. Subsection 4.2 then shows completeness of the characterization by constructing a defender winning strategy from the greatest Our proofs must bridge the gap between the single-action game and the word-transition definition of the contrasimulation property. While transition relations on single actions usually are transitions lifted to sets of states In order to exploit this in proofs, we first define the word successor function from delay steps:36 A Game Characterization for 9. We define the word successor function succs as = Q succs(# wa;Q) =fq0jsuccs(# w;Q)a= succs computes the set of states reachable with a given word# wfrom a starting set Q. Thus, we can use succs to compute the state set of defender simulation positions in the contrasimulation set game. Note that succs(# w;Q)will return the empty set if no state in Qadmits a# 6. Let# w2Actbe a word and let q ;q0be states in S. Then q# w=)q0implies succs (# w;fqg) q02succs(# w;fqg)implies q# w=)q0.15 4.1 Soundness of the Contrasimulation Game Let us first prove that the Cgame is sound with respect to the contrasimulation preorder, that is, pCq holds if the defender wins GC[(p;fqg)a]. To this end, we first prove an intermediate result stating that the defender is always able to answer simulation challenges over the prefix# vof a nonempty word# w=# v wn inp# w=)p0. Lemma 7 (Word challenge building) .Let f be a defender strategy on GC[g0]for some g 02G and let (p;fqg)abe an attacker position in a play consistent with f . Let# w=# v wn2Actbe a nonempty word and assume p# w=)p0for some p02S. Then there exist p 0;p12S with p# v=)p0wn= = =.p1=)p0such that the defender position v;fqg))dcan be reached in some play consistent with f .16 Proof. We will prove this by nonempty induction on# w=# v wn2Act:
*Base Case:# w=wn=ewn. From pwn=)p0we know there exists a p1such that pwn= = =.p1=)p0. Hence, the attacker can move from This play is still consistent with fasfis only defined for defender step:# w=# v wnfor some nonempty word# v2Act. Then there exists a# u2Actsuch that# v=# u wn 1andp# u=)p0wn 1= = =)p1wn=)p0for some p0;p12S. We assume the lemma holds for# v, i.e. there exists a p012Swith p0wn 1= = = =.p01=)p1such that the position u;fqg))dcan be reached in some play consistent with f. Because there always exists a (potentially empty) set Q0with succs(# u;fqg)wn 1= = = =.Q0, the defender is not stuck at u;fqg))d. There must therefore exist a position (p01;Q0)a=
f(g0::: u;fqg))dthat the defender can move to. For Q0we u;fqg)wn 1= = = =.q0g=succs(# u wn 1;fqg) =succs(# v;fqg): From our assumptions p01=)p1and p1wn=)p0we can infer the existence of a p0 1with p01=) p1wn= = =.p0 1=)p0, which we can shorten to p01wn= = =.p0 1=)p0. Hence, the attacker can move v;fqg))d, and therefore the defender Bisping & L. Montanari v;fqg))dis reachable in a play consistent with f. Furthermore, the p# v=)p01wn= = immediately from p# u=)p0wn 1= = = =.p01wn= = =.p0 1=)p0 and# v=# u wn 1. With this result, we are now able to prove the soundness of the Cgame. Lemma 8 (Soundness) .Let f be a winning strategy for the defender on some p 0;q02 S. Then we have p 0Cq0.17 Proof. We construct a relation Rcontains the states p0;q0of the initial position (p0;fq0g)aand the states of all following a defender swap position in any play consistent with f. We aim to prove that Ris states and assume (p;q)2Randp# w=)p0for some# w2Act. We shall prove that a state q02Sexists such that q# Since (p;q)2R, there exists a a k2N[f 1gsuch that gk+1= (p;fqg)a is an attacker position in g. We will distinguish between empty and nonempty words# w:
* Case 1:# w=e. By assumption, we have pe=)p0and thus p=)p0. Hence, the attacker can move from (p;fqg)a to a defender position Swap(p0;fqg)d. Because fis a winning strategy, the defender is not there must therefore exist a state q02Ssuch that the defender can move to the position = ( q0;fp0g)a. It follows that q=)q0and that there exists a play which (q0;fp0g)acan be reached. Since the last position played is we therefore have (q0;p0)2Rby our construction of R.
* Case 2:# w=# v wnfor some# application of Lemma 7, we know there exist p0;p1with p# v=)p0wn= = =.p1=)p0such that the position v;fqg))dcan be reached in some play Because f is a winning strategy, the defender is not stuck at v;fqg)d; there must therefore exist a set Q1allowing the defender to move to a position f(g0::: v;fqg))d) =
(p1;Q1)a. For Q1we v;fqg)wn= = =.q1g=succs(# v wn;fqg) =succs(# w;fqg): By our assumption p1=)p0, the attacker can keep moving to a defender position the defender is not stuck, and there exists a q02Sallowing the defender to move to the position = ( q0;fp0g)a. It follows that Q1=)q0. For q0we w;fqg):q# w=)q1^q1=)q0g (Lemma 6)
fq0jq# A Game Characterization for there exists a q0satisfying q# w=)q0. Because the defender moves according to ffrom a position (p;fqg)ain a play the position (q0;fp0g)amust also be reachable in a play consistent with f. Then we also have (q0;p0)2R, since the last played position was a contrasimulation by Definition 4. From (p0;q0)2Rthen follows p0Cq0. 4.2 Completeness of the Contrasimulation Game Let us now prove that the Cgame is complete with respect to the contrasimulation preorder, that is, the defender wins To this end, we define an auxiliary function Fwith which we are able to construct a defender strategy fCfrom the contrasimulation preorder C. We will prove that if pCq, then fCis a winning strategy for the defender on GC[(p;fqg)a]. We define the function F: 2S2S!2S2Sas follows:18 F(R) =f(p0;succs(# we define a type-congruent relation CS2Sfrom the contrasimulation preorder yields a relation F(C)S2Swhich we will use extensively in the following proofs. The motivation behind CandF(C)becomes clear when we consider a play in the game p0Cq0: Here, Ccontains tuples (p;fqg)of attacker positions after the word challenge has been completed, i.e. positions a Swap(:::)dnode. The relation F(C)then expands C to also include attacker positions in the simulation phase of the word challenge, i.e. positions (p;Q)a following a Sim(:::)dnode. Thus, using F(C)we can construct a defender strategy that is well-defined for both 9. We have RF(R)for all RS2S.19 Lemma 10. Let a2Act and let p ;p02S be states and QS be a set of states such that (p;Q)2F(C).
*If pa= =.p0, then there exists a set Q0S such that Qa= p=)p0, then there exists a state q02S such that Q By construction of Fand our assumption (p;Q)2F(C), we know there exist states p0;q02S such that (p0;fq0g)2C,p0# w;fq0g)for some# w2Act. Hence, we also have p0Cq0. We will distinguish between t-steps and delay steps:
* For pa= =.p0, we have p0# w=)pa= =.p0and thus p0# w a= =)p0. With p0Cq0, there must then exist a q02Ssuch that q0# w a= =)q0. It follows from Lemma 6 that succs(# wa;fq0g) =)q0. For Q0:=succs(# wa;fq0g), we then have (p0;Q0)2F(C)by our construction of FandQa= 9.
* For p=)p0, we have p0# w=)p=)p0and thus p0# w=)p0. With p0Cq0, there must then exist a q02S such that q0# w=)q0andq0Cp0. Thus, we have w;fq0g) =Q by application of Lemma 6. It follows immediately that Bisping & L. Montanari 39 We can now construct a positional defender strategy fCusing F(C). Definition 10 (Defender strategy fConGC).Wherever possible, a defender strategy fCderived from F(C)maps the current play fragment g0:::gkto next positions as follows:
* If the last played position gkis a swap node Swap(p0;Q)d, move to some attacker position and
* if the last played position gkis a simulation node Sim(a;p0;Q)d, move to the attacker Qa= =.Q0.22 Where there are no applicable moves, we leave fCundefined. Note that there may exist several strate- gies satisfying these conditions. In the following, fCis one of these defender strategies--it makes no difference which one.23 Lemma 11 (Finvariant) .Let p 0;q02S be states and let g be a play of with fC. If p 0Cq0, then we have (p;Q)2F(C)for all attacker positions (p;Q)ain g.24 Proof. This follows immediately from CF(C)for the initial position (p0;fq0g)a. All other can only be reached if the defender moves to them, and, following fC, the defender always moves in accordance with F(C). Lemma 12 (Completeness) .Let p 0;q02S be states with p 0Cq0. Then f Cis a winning strategy We show by induction on the defender is never stuck. Let g=g0g1:::gk be the current play fragment on the initial position g0= (p0;fq0g)a, the defender cannot be stuck, since g0is an attacker position. We will assume the lemma holds for the current play fragment g0:::gk. For gk+1we have the cases:
*gk+1is an attacker position. Then the defender cannot be stuck by the same reasoning as for the base case.
*gk+1is a defender position. Then there exists a position gk= (p;Q)afrom which the attacker has moved to gk+1, therefore ( p;Q)2F(C)must hold by Lemma 11. We will distinguish between types of defender positions for a simulation position. Then we have pa= =.p0. It follows Lemma 10 that there is a set Q0Ssuch that Qa= the defender can move to (p0;Q0)awith fCand is therefore not a swapping position. Then we have p=)p0. From 10, it follows that there exists a state q02Ssuch that the defender can move to (q0;fp0g)awith fCand is therefore not stuck. Hence, the defender is never stuck in a play consistent with fC, and thus fCis a winning strategy for Lemma 8 and Lemma 12, we get: Theorem 13. The defender wins if our Isabelle/HOL formalization, we used its Hilbert's choice operator SOME . 24 lemma A Game Characterization for Discussion and Related Work The presented game closes the last interesting gap in the landscape of game for equiv- alences in the spectrum with internal steps [10]. De Frutos Escrig et al.'s games for branching, delay, hand weak bisimulation [8] and ours for coupled simulation [6] are poly- nomial in the size of the system state space. Due to the subset construction, the presented game needs exponentially many game positions. Compared to defining the equivalence games on words as Chen and Deng [7], the subset construction is still preferable, as it yields finite games for finite-state systems. Our group has used the same subset approach in [5]. There, the virtue of the single- action construction lay in making attacker strategies correspond closely with all relevant logic formulas. A side-effect of our work is that we have formalized contrasimilarity (and its characterizing , based on our prior work in [3]. This is not the first such formalization. Peters and van Glabbeek [17, 18] provided an Isabelle theory of contrasimilarity tailored to reduction semantics and to the analysis of encodings between formalisms. Moreover, Bell [2] developed a Coq formalization to support the verification of compilers using still available at . V oorhoeve and Mauw [20] examined a modal-logical characterization of contrasimilarity consist- ing of>,?, conjunction j^y, disjunction j_yand a special necessity operator on paths with immediate negation W:j, which is true at piffjis true at all p0with p# w=)p0and~w2W. Al- though this paper has not been about modal logic, there is a strong link between games and modal logic. One can read our game in Figure 5 as a way of enumerating possible distinguishing Hennessy- Milner logic (HML) formulas (with heidenoting points of possible internal behavior). Then, the Sim- branch corresponds to a delayed observation heihaijand the Swap -branch to a delayed logical instance, a distinguishing formula for the systems of Exam- ple 2 would logical a functionally complete set of operators for HML and thus characterize (strong) bisimilarity. So it is aesthetically pleasing that weakening this observation language by alternating its constructs and hei, thereby allowing internal behavior in between the connectives leads precisely to This view provides further evidence is a quite sensible way of generalizing bisimilarity to systems with internal steps as discussed in Section is an only slightly coarser sibling of coupled similarity [16]. For coupled similarity, our group has been able to prove that it can be decided in cubic time, and cannot be cheaper than deciding weak similarity [4]. The exponential game of the present paper induces an exponential algorithm for de- ciding We have integrated the contrasimilarity algorithm into our prototypical checker on . So, a side effect of the work presented here is to provide the first tool support for checking It seems strange that deciding which coincides with coupled similarity in many cases, should be so much more expensive. We have not yet thought of a decisive argument for the com- plexity of contrasimilarity checking. Due to the results for the spectrum without internal steps [14], one may presume the coarser siblings of contrasimilarity from weak impossible futures down to weak to all be PSPACE-hard. But while deciding weak possible futures and nestings of possible 27For more on why focusing the defender on one position is conjunction and swapping sides is negation (which together amounts to NOR), see our group's recent paper on spectroscopy [5].B. Bisping & L. Montanari 41 futures equivalence is PSPACE, deciding its arbitrarily nested limit, weak bisimilarity, is PTIME. So how come that the arbitrarily nested limit of impossible futures equivalence, seems to be beyond PTIME? The possibility of fooling depth-restricted approximations of contrasimilarity using instable external choice points as in Example 3 suggests that one indeed must cater for the complexity of handling words. We would very much like to be proven wrong with regard to this. Also, not every formalism is to raise this issue. In order to avoid the problem, it might suffice to ensure that all observations are committed, which would rule out Example 3. Fournet and Gonthier [9] showed that parts of the hierarchy of equivalences around contrasimilarity collapse for reduction semantics if transient barbs are excluded. Then, however, cheaper algorithms for easier predicates such as coupled simulation should also be applicable right away. More research would be needed in order to pinpoint where exactly one cannot do without arbitrary-length word For this, and all the other nice things one could do using everyone is welcome to use our Isabelle/HOL We are thankful to the members of the TU Berlin research group Modelle und Theorie Verteil- ter Systeme, especially Uwe Nestmann, for supporting us in the preparation of this paper. Many thanks also to the EXPRESS/SOS J. C. M. Baeten, P. J. L. Cuijpers & P. J. A. van Tilburg (2008): A Context-Free Process as a . In Franck van Breugel & Marsha Chechik, editors: CONCUR 2008 - Concurrency Theory , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 98-113, 11. [2] Christian J. Bell (2013): Certifiably sound parallelizing transformations . In Georges Gonthier & Michael Norrish, editors: Certified Programs and Proofs , 8307, Springer International Publishing, pp. 15. [3] Benjamin Bisping (2019): Isabelle/HOL proof and Apache Flink program for TACAS 2019 paper: Comput- ing Coupled Similarity , Benjamin Bisping & Uwe Nestmann (2019): Computing coupled similarity . In: Proceedings of TACAS , LNCS, Springer, pp. 244-261, 14. [5] Benjamin Bisping & Uwe Nestmann (2021): A Game for Spectroscopy . In Jan Friso Groote & Kim Guldstrand Larsen, editors: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems , Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 3-19, 1. [6] Benjamin Bisping, Uwe Nestmann & Kirstin Peters (2020): Coupled similarity: the first 32 years 57(3), pp. 439-463, Xin Chen & Yuxin Deng (2008): Game of process equivalences . In G. Ramalingam, Languages and Systems , 5356, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 107-121, 8. [8] David De Frutos Escrig, Jeroen J. A. Keiren & Tim A. C. Willemse (2017): Games for bisimulations and abstraction .Logical Methods in Computer Science 13(4), pp. 1-40, C 'edric Fournet & Georges Gonthier (2005): A hierarchy of equivalences for asynchronous calculi .The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 63(1), pp. 131-173, Rob J. van Glabbeek (1993): The linear time-branching time spectrum II . In: International Conference on Concurrency Theory , Springer, pp. 66-81, 6. 28Available from . | 2108.10492 | EPTCS | Benjamin Bisping (Technische Universit\"at Berlin), Luisa Montanari
(Technische Universit\"at Berlin) | A Game Characterization for Contrasimilarity | In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2021, arXiv:2108.09624 | EPTCS 339, 2021, pp. 27-42 | 10.4204/EPTCS.339.5 | null | cs.GT cs.LO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | We present the first game characterization of the weakest form of bisimilarity. The game is finite for finite-state processes and can thus be used for contrasimulation equivalence checking, of which no tool has been capable to date. A machine-checked Isabelle/HOL formalization backs our work and enables further use of contrasimilarity in verification contexts.
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"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 02:39:37 GMT"
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44 Language Transformations in the Classroom domain of the function e1, needs to be the exact same type T1of the argument e2. If we were to add subtyping, such a parameter passing would be accepted by the type system. The first modification that ( T-APP') makes of ( T-APP) is to let the domain of the function and the argument have different types. To do so, ( T-APP') assigns two different variables to the two that is, T11for the domain of the function, and T12for the type of the argument. Next, ( T-APP') needs to understand how T11andT12are related by subtyping. As T11appears in contravariant it means that T11describes the type of an input. The argument e2will be provided as a value. Therefore, it is the type T12of the argument that must be a subtype of T11, rather than the other way around, for example. Hence, the subtyping premise T12<:T11is added to ( T-APP'). We can describe these modifications with an algorithm that ta kes ( T-APP), and automatically trans- forms it into ( T-APP'). To summarize, such an algorithm must perform two steps:
*Step 1 : Split equal types into fresh, distinct variables, and
*Step 2 : Relate these new variables by subtyping according to the va riance of types. This type of algorithm can be formulated over a formal data ty pe for language specifications. In other words, we can devise a procedure that takes a language s pecification in input (as a data type), and returns another language specification (with subtyping add ed). These algorithms are called [18]. One of the benefits of language transformations is that they do not apply just to one language. Instead, they can apply to several languages. For example, the two steps above can add subtyping for types other than the function type, such as pai rs, lists, option types, and other simple types. Our Thesis Another benefit of language transformations is that they hig hlight the central insights be- hind a feature being added. For example, Step 1 andStep 2 are key aspects of subtyping. the algorithms that automatically apply Step 1 andStep 2 to languages can provide them with a firmer grasp of the concept of subtyping overall. The approach is not limited to subtyping. The adding of other PL features can be formulated as language transformations, and taught to students in class a s well. We think that exposing students to the language transformations for adding PL features may consti tute a good addition in the classroom. In this regard, however, we point out that we do not advocate f or teaching PL features exclusively with the sole help of language transformations. For example , we teach subtyping using the material in the TAPL textbook [19], and we are skeptical that it would b e a good idea to skip this material before introducing language transformations. This is beca use language transformations constitute quite a technical deep dive, and students could benefit from a gentl er introduction of PL in this paper we set forth the thesis that using language transformations for teaching PL features, in addition to the planned material, can be benefic ial for students to deepen their understanding of the features being of this Paper We have experimented with teaching the language transforma tions for adding subtyping and deriving CK abstract machines [14]. We have conducted our study on two instances of an undergraduate course on programming languages. In class, we first have introduced subtyping with material fr om TAPL [19], as mentioned above, and then we have taught the language transformations for adding subtyping (which we describe in Section 2.1). To evaluate whether our students gained a good underst anding of subtyping, the final exam pre- sented them with a language with operators that are not stand ard. Then, the exam asked students to add subtyping to these operators based on the language transfor mations that they have learned.M. Cimini & B. Mourad 45 In the context of this study, we have collected information a bout students' success in providing a correct answer to such a task. We describe the final exam in det ail in Section 2.3, and we report on the results of this study in Section 3. We have taught the topic of CK machines following the notes of Felleisen and Flatt [14]. We then have taught the language transformations for deriving CK ma chines (which we describe in Section to subtyping, the final exam asked our students t o derive the CK machine for a language with operators that are not standard. We then have collected information about students' exam answers for this task, and we report on this data in Section 3. In total , the study involved 55 summarize our contributions, in this paper:
* We set forth the thesis that language transformations can b e a beneficial addition in PL courses, as formulated above.
* We describe the study that we have conducted, which include s the material that we have taught, and the exam submitted to the students.
* We present the results from our study. Although we explicit ly say that we should not consider our results conclusive, the data that we present is encouraging .
* We offer this paper to inspire similar studies towards gath ering evidence for, or against, our thesis. Roadmap of the Paper Section 2 describes the study that we have conducted, Sectio n 3 presents our results, Section 4 describes our future work, and Section 5 c oncludes the paper. 2 Language Transformations in Class General Details about the Course The course is at the undergraduate level, and is based on the T APL textbook [19]. The course covers the typical topics of PL the ory on defining syntax (BNF semantics, and type systems of PLs. The course a lso covers several other topics such as parameter passing, scoping mechanisms, subtyping, abstra ct machines, recursion, exceptions, dynamic typing, memory management, concurrency, and logic program ming. Students are then familiar with the formalisms of operational semantics and type systems when t he course covers the topics of subtyping and abstract machines. The evaluations of the course include a long-term programmi ng project in which students develop an interpreter for a functional language with references in OCaml, and a final exam with questions and open answers at the end of the course. The final exam tests our s tudents on the topics of subtyping and abstract machines. We will describe our exam in Section 2.3. Algorithms in Pseudo-Code Language transformations are algorithms, which begs the qu estion on what syntax we should use to describe them. We took inspirati on from courses in Algorithms and Data Structures, and from textbooks such as [10], where algorith ms are described in pseudo-code. Therefore, we have used a pseudo-code that, to our estimation, was alway s intuitive to students, even though we did not thoroughly and precisely define it (as in [10]).46 Language Transformations in the Specifications During the course, students acquire familiarity with forma l definitions of programming languages, which they learn through TAPL. To re cap, languages are defined with a BNF grammar and a set of inference rules. Inference rules are use d to define a type system, a and auxiliary relations, if any. To make an exampl e, we repeat the typical formulation of the simply-typed l-calculus. We use a small-step operational semantics and ev aluation Bis some base type.) Type e::=x|lx:T.e|e e Value Context E::= [*]|E e|v E Type Environment G::=/ allow our pseudo-code to refer to parts of a language speci fication. For example, if the language Lis the formulation of the simply-typed l-calculus, then it contains both the grammar and the set of inference rules above. L.rules retrieves the set of inference rules. Given a rule r, say ( the set of premises of ( T-APP), which are the formulae above the horizontal line. the formula below the horizontal line. To our esti mation, these references in the pseudo-code, as well as all other references, are rather intuitive, and th ey will be clear when we use them. (This is also the take on pseudo-code that [10] has, where a number of opera tions are not defined of this Section Below, we describe our experiment on teaching subtyping (Se ction 2.1) and CK machines (Section 2.2). We also describe the final exam given to students (Section 2.3). Our pseudo-code for adding subtyping is based on an algorithm ex pressed in a domain-specific language in [18]. We are not aware of any analogous algorithm that corres ponds to our pseudo-code for deriving CK machines. The next sections describe the algorithms that we have taught in class, of which we do not claim any theoretical results of correctness. 2.1 Language Transformation for Subtyping In class, we have taught subtyping based on the correspondin g chapters in the TAPL textbook [19]. Then, we have taught language transformation algorithms fo r adding subtyping to simple The task of adding subtyping has been divided int o the two steps that we have discussed in the introduction: 1) Split equal types, and 2) Relate new var iables by subtyping according to the variance of types. Split Equal Types This step modifies the typing rules of a language so that the va riables that occur more than once in their premises are given different variabl e names. As we have seen in the intro- duction, this is the first step to let different expressions h ave different types. We define the procedureM. Cimini & B. Mourad 47 SPLIT-EQUAL -TYPES to perform this step. The pseudo-code of S PLIT-EQUAL -TYPES is given below, which we explain =/ 0,varmap=/ 0 2foreach pP 3 ifpis of the form Ge:someType 4 foreach TsomeType s.t.Tappears more than once in P 5 T'=FRESH(P) 6 p=pwhere T'replaces TinsomeType 7 varmap(T) =varmap(T){T'}
8 newPremises =newPremises -TYPES takes a set of premises Pin input, and returns a pair with two components: a set of premises newPremises , and a map varmap . Here, newPremises is the same set of premises Pin which each variable has been given fresh, distinct names, if occurring multiple times. varmap maps each of the variables that have been replaced to the set of new vari ables that replaced them. The reason for collecting these new variables in varmap is because we need to relate them by subtyping. (This is of the second step, which works based on the i nformation in varmap .) To make an example, when S PLIT-EQUAL -TYPES is applied to the premises of ( T-APP), we have Input: = (newPremises -TYPES produces this output in the following way. Line 1 initialize snewPremises to the empty set, and varmap to the empty map. The loop at lines 2-8 is executed for each pre mise pof the set of premises P. For example, with ( T-APP) we have two iterations; the first is with p=Ge1:T1-T2, and the second is with p=Ge2:T1. Line 3 extracts the components of the typing premise. It doe s so in a style that is reminiscent of The co mponent that is relevant for the algorithm is someType , which is the output type of the typing premise. The loop at li nes 4-7 applies to each variable T insomeType that appears more than once in the premises of P. We focus on variables that have because variables that occur only once do not ne ed to be replaced with new names. For each of these variables T, we generate a fresh variable that is not used in P. We do so with F RESH(P)at line 5. Line 6 modifies the premise pby rewriting it to use the fresh variable in lieu of T. Line 7 also updates varmap to add the fresh variable to the set of new variables mapped by T. Line 8 adds ptonewPremises . At that point, pmay have been modified with line 6, or may have remained unchan ged. Finally, line 9 returns the pair (newPremises ,varmap). Relate New Variables by Subtyping This second step is performed in the context of the . This is our general procedure that takes a language specific ation in input, and adds subtyping to it. To do so, A DD-SUBTYPING calls S PLIT-EQUAL -TYPES , and then works on the rules modified by S PLIT-EQUAL -TYPES to relate the new variables by subtyping. The pseudo-code of A DD-SUBTYPING is the following.48 Language Transformations in the (L) 1foreach rule rL.rules s.t.r.conclusion is of the form ,varmap) =SPLIT-EQUAL foreach mapping )invarmap 4 ifthere exists a type in setOfNewVars that is invariant in newPremises 5 foreach newPremises =newPremises {T1=T2}
7 elseif there is exactly one type T'insetOfNewVars that is contravariant in newPremises 8 foreach T') 9 newPremises =newPremises {Tnew<:T'}
10 elseif none in setOfNewVars is contravariant or invariant in newPremises 11 say that setOfNewVars ={T1,T2,..., Tn}
12 newPremises =newPremises {T=T1T2...Tn}
13 elseerror 14 r.premises =newPremises The argument Lis the language specification in input. The procedure modifie s the rules of Lin- place. Line 1 selects only the typing rules of L(leaving out reduction rules, for example). It does so by selecting only the rules whose conclusion has the form of a typing formula. Lines 2-14 constitute the body of the loop, and apply for each of these rules. Line 2 c alls S PLIT-EQUAL -TYPES , passing the premises of the typing rule as argument. This call return s the new premises and the map previ- ously described. Lines 3-13 iterate over the key-value pair s of the map. Key-value pairs are of the form , where Tis the variable that occurred in the original typing rule bef ore call- ing S PLIT-EQUAL -TYPES . We dub Tas the original variable . Also, setOfNewVars contains the new variables generated by S PLIT-EQUAL -TYPES forT. Lines 4-6 cover the case for when the original variable appea red in invariant position. In that case, there exists a variable in setOfNewVars that is in invariant position in newPremises , which we check with line 4. As the original variable appeared in invariant p osition, all the new variables must be related by equality. (We make an example shortly). Therefore, lines 5-6 add an equality premise for every two variables in setOfNewVars . This case covers operators such as the assignment in a langu age with references, as Tis invariant in a reference type Ref T. Consider the typing rule for the on the left, and its version with subtyping on the ri ght. (T-ASSIGN ) Ge1:RefT ') Ge1:RefT1 Ge2:T2 S PLIT-EQUAL -TYPES replaces Twith two new variables T1andT2, but as Tis invariant in (T-ASSIGN ), we generate the premise T1=T2, which is the correct outcome. Lines 7-9 cover the case for when the original variable appea red in a contravariant position. In that case, there exists a type T'insetOfNewVars that is contravariant in newPremises . We detect such a case with line 7. Notice that line 7 also checks that the original v ariable appeared only once in We address this aspect later when we discuss line 1 3. As T'appears in contravariant position, this is an input that is waiting to receive values. Therefore , we generate the subtyping premises that set all the other new variables in setOfNewVars as subtypes of T'(lines 8-9). This case covers operators suchM. Cimini & B. Mourad 49 as the function application, which we have discussed previo usly. Thanks to lines 7-9, A the typing rule ( T-APP') from ( T-APP), which is the correct outcome. Lines 10-12 cover the case in which variance does not play a ro le. In this case, all the newly are peers. (We will make an example shortly). Ther efore, we compute the join for them [19]. This case applies to operators such as if-then-else. Consid er the typing rule of if-then-else below on the left, and its version with subtyping on the Ge2:T Ge3:T G(if Ge2:T1 e1e2e3):T Here, S PLIT-EQUAL -TYPES replaces Twith two new variables T1andT2. Then, line 10 detects that variance does not play a role for these new variables. Indeed , the two branches of the if-then-else are peers. Therefore, lines 11 and 12 generate the premise that c omputes the join of all the new variables, and assign it to T. Thanks to lines 10-12, ( T-IF') is precisely the typing rule that A , which is the correct outcome. Another example wh ere variables are peers is with the case operator of the sum type. Line 13 throws an error if none of the previous cases apply. Th is happens, for example, if a variable appears in contravariant position multiple times in the typ ing rule. Consider the following typing Ge2:TxT Gapp2 e1e2:Bool Here, Tappears in contravariant position twice in the type of e1. However, the typing rule of app2 cannot distinguish how the components of the pair e2are going to be used. Consider two rules for app2 : app2 orapp2 reduction rule on the left entails that the first componen t of the pair e2must be subtype of and that the second component of the pair e2must be subtype of the Conversely, the reduction rule on the right entails that th e second component of the pair e2must be subtype of the first TofT-(T-Bool), and that the first component of the pair e2 must be subtype of the second A DD-SUBTYPING only analyzes the typing rule of app2 , which alone is not to tell about the parameter passing to e1. Therefore, we do not know what subtyping premises to generate. In this case, A DD-SUBTYPING throws an error. To solve this problem, we could extend A DD-SUBTYPING to analyze the reduction semantics of app2 , but we observe that language designers may specify such sem antics in a way that is as complex as they wish. Reduction rules may not use parameter passing imm ediately and evidently, in favor of jumping from operator to operator several times, which makes the ana lysis hard to do. For these reasons, we have not investigated this path, also because we may be speaking a bout cases that are quite uncommon, and not strictly necessary to cover in detail in our undergradua te class.50 Language Transformations in the line 14 replaces the premises of rwith newPremises . The relations and<: can be generated with an algorithm, too, but we omit showing these procedures here. In this paper, we simply want to illustrate the approach rather than strive for completenes s. 2.2 Language Transformation for CK We have taught abstract machines following the notes of Fell eisen and Flatt [14]. To recap, the CK machine remedies an inefficiency aspect of the reduction sem antics. Consider the following the head of a list, tandfare the constants for the true and false boolean, respective perform the step at the top, the reduction semantics trave rses the term and seeks for the first context, which points to the highlighted subter m. At the second step, the reduction semantics must seek again for an available evaluation context, and doe s so by traversing the term again from the top levelifoperator, which is inefficient. To improve on this aspect, and avoid these recomputations, t he CK machine carries a structure at run-time. The grammar for continuations, and the CK reduction rules for are the following. (mtis the empty continuation, which denotes machine terminati k::=mt|(app1e k)|(app2v k) (appe Start v,(app1e k)--e,(app2v k) Computation The reduction relation has the form e,k--e,k, where kis built with continuation operators There is a continuation operator for each evaluation conte xt. Each continuation operator has always an argument k, which is the next continuation, and one expression argumen t less than the operator because one of the expressions is currently out to be the focu s of the evaluation. For example, (app2v k) means that the current expression being evaluated returns a s the second argument of the application, and vis the function waiting for such argument. Below, we show the language transformations for generating the CK machine, except for the proce- dure that generates the Computation rule above, because that procedure is the Grammar for Continuations The following pseudo-code generates the . CK-GENERATE -GRAMMAR (EvalCtx) 1 create grammar category Continuation , and add grammar item mtto ifti=E 4 add grammar item each evaluation context, the index where the Eappears determines the index of the The arguments of this operator are all the argumen ts that are not E. Indeed, the argument at that position will currently be the focus of the evaluation. Also , the next continuation kis the last argument.M. Cimini & B. Mourad 51 Generating the Start rule The following pseudo-code generates the reduction rule Start , which brings the computation of an operator into using continuati on ) 1 with no v 2 add reduction rule eappears at position iinop. If a continuation contains some vas arguments, it means that those arguments must have been the subject of some other evaluatio n context that evaluated them to a that cannot be the starting point. Our starting p oint, instead, is a continuation that contains nov. The reduction rule that we add takes the operator into using the continuation operator that we have just Order rules The following pseudo-code generates the reduction rules Order . These rules evaluate the arguments of the operator by jumping from one co ntinuation operator to another in the by the evaluation find all k) 3 ift' j=E 4 add reduction rule vappears at position iinopj. After finishing an evaluation in the contexts of the continu ation opi, we need to find the next continuation operator opj. To do so, we find a match between the arguments of the continuation opiwith arguments of an evaluation context. This is because arg uments that are values in the continuation then need to be values, too, in the next ev aluation context. Arguments that are ein the continuation then need to be expressions e, too, in the next evaluation context. The evaluation context will have, however, an argument E(and only one argument E) at some position j, which identifies the index of the next continuation operator . The reduction rule that we add starts from a point where a value has been computed, and we are in the contex t of the continuation opi. In one step, we extract the j-th argument of the continuation opibecause that is the expression that now needs to be in the focus of the evaluator. The next continuation is then opj, where we placed the value vjust computed among the arguments of opj, and specifically at position i. Generating Computation rules is rather straightforward, hence we omit showing that simple proce- dure. 2.3 Final Exam At the end of the course, students have been evaluated with a fi nal exam. The final exam included ques- tions about subtyping and CK machines1. The goal is not to test students on the language transformat ions per se, but rather on their understanding of subtyping and th e CK machine. We therefore tested whether students would be able to use their understanding in practic e. Our questions tested students on whether, 1The final exam also contained questions about other topics of the course. For example, the final exam of the second iteratio n contained questions about garbage collection. However, he re we focus only on the parts of the exam that concern .52 Language Transformations in the Classroom if presented with a language with unusual operators, they wo uld be able to add subtyping to it, and derive its CK machine. We have delivered two iterations of the course. The final exam took place online on both iterations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first iteration of the cou rse, we have shared a link to a text file that contained the content of the exam, and students submitt ed an updated text file via email. In the second iteration, the text of the exam was uploaded in the Bla ckboard system2. Students could insert their answers on the webpage as text, and submit them with the submit button. The text of the final exam had two parts:
* The description of a toy language called langFunny .
* The questions that students were asked to answer, which ref erred to the language langFunny . Below, we describe these two parts. The Toy Language langFunny The text of the exam contained a description of langFunny . The text told the students that langFunny is al-calculus with pairs lists[e1,..., en], equipped with two operators called doublyApply , which we describe below. The text of the exam did not repeat the typing rules and reduction rules of th el-calculus with pairs and lists because we have seen them extensively in class, and because they did not play a role in the questions of the exam. On the contrary, the text of the exam provided the students wi th the formal semantics of doublyApply , which we will show shortly. Below, we describe the operators doublyApply .
*doublyApply : The text of the final exam contained the following descripti on of doublyApply . doublyApply takes two functions f1and f2in input, and two arguments a1anda2, and creates the That is, the first component of the pair calls f1with a1and passes the result to f2, and the second component calls f2with a2and passes the result to f1. The text of the exam also provided the students with the follo wing syntax, evaluation contexts, typing rule, and reduction rule for doublyApply . Expression e e e e) Evaluation Context E e e e)|(doublyApply v E e e)
|(doublyApply v v E e)|(doublyApply v v v E) Ge1:T1-T2 Ge2:T2-T1 Ge3:T1 : The text of the exam contained the following description of addToPairAsList takes an element a1and a pair p, and strives to add the element to the pair. As pairs contain only two elements, it creates a list with thr ee elements: the element a1, the first component of p, and the second component of p. To make a concrete example, we Cimini & B. Mourad 53 The text of the exam also provided the students with the follo wing syntax, evaluation contexts, typing rule, and reduction rule for addToPairAsList . Expression e e) Evaluation Context E v E) Ge1:T e1e2):List these operators are not extremely bizarre, it is un usual to see them as primitive and their Challenges After the description of the language langFunny , the text of the exam gave the students three questions that they were asked to ans wer. We dub these questions Subtyping of doublyApply , Subtyping of addToPairAsList , and CK for doublyApply , question Subtyping of doublyApply asked the students to show the version of the typing with subtyping. This task is not trivial because the typing r ule of doublyApply has three occurrences of T1, and one of them is in contravariant position, which is the in put of a the other two occurrences of T1must be subtypes of that. The same scenario occurs for T2. The correct answer to this question is the following: (The output type of this typing rule is more restrictive than necessary. The output type could be adjusted by applying another procedure, but we have omitted this part ). Ge1:T1-T' 2 T'' 1<:T1 T' 2<:T2 question Subtyping of addToPairAsList asked the students to show the typing rule of the operator addToPairAsList with subtyping added. This task is also non-trivial because there are of Tthat are peers. Therefore, the correct solution is to comput e a join type. The correct answer to this question is the e1e2):List T The question CK for doublyApply asked the students to derive the CK machine for as the reduction rules for doublyApply are concerned. This operator is challenging because it has a high number of arguments (four). To complete the task, stud ents must understand well the continuations and the evaluation order of argument s. The correct answer to this question is the following:54 Language Transformations in the exam could also ask for the CK reduction rules of addToPairAsList . However, this task is slightly simpler than doublyApply , and we therefore were not interested in requesting those ru les. 3 Evaluation As we have previously said, we have run two iterations of the u ndergraduate PL course that we have described. To evaluate the merits of our thesis, we have coll ected information about students' success with the final exam, and more specifically, with their success in answering the questions Subtyping of doublyApply , Subtyping of addToPairAsList , and CK for doublyApply . For each question, we have evaluated the answer of each stude nt as Correct, Partially Incorrect, and Student s' answers were classified as Correct only if they matched the solution given in the previous section. Ans wers were classified as they were missing, or they were completely incorrect. Wha t constitutes a completely incorrect, a partially incorrect, and a partially correct answer is subj ective by nature, therefore we have to draw a line in the sand, somehow subjectively. Our rationale is the foll owing. A Partially Correct answer does not match the solution but shows that the student was on the way to wards a correct solution. A answer contains some elements that demonstrate s that the student is applying some principles. A completely incorrect answer (Inc orrect/Missing) provides no indication that the student is applying correct reasoning principles. In total, we have conducted the study on 55 students. The rati ng of students' answers is shown in the following of doublyApply 15 11 15 14 Subtyping of addToPairAsList 22 10 11 12 CK for doublyApply 18 13 10 14 The question Subtyping of doublyApply seems to be the most difficult among the three, as shown by the lowest number of completely correct answers. Subtypi ng of doublyApply is indeed a task, as it involves contravariance. Furtherm ore, many variables are around, and a good number of them need to be subtype of a same variable. It is not s urprising that 29 out of 55 did not provide a good answer (and were Partially Incorrect or In On the contrary, it is rather encouraging to see that 26 out of 55 students could pro vide a good answer (Correct or Cimini & B. Mourad 55 The question Subtyping of addToPairAsList seems to be the easiest among the three, as the high- est number of students could provide a completely correct an swer. Students could detect more easily that types are treated as peers in the typing rule of addToPairAsList , and perhaps this signals that this case is simpler to grasp than the contravariant case of doublyApply . We are surprised by the results of the question CK for doublyApply , as such a machine seems to be rather involved. Regardless, a good number of students (18) could provide a completely correct answer, and a high number of them could give a good answer (Co rrect or Partially Correct). This is indicative that students could grasp the mechanics of the ev aluation order, and translate it well as a CK machine. It is safe to imagine that most students have not been exposed to formal semantics until this very course, and these questions are generally hard for them. It i s encouraging to see that a good number of students could provide good answers. It may be an indication that, by and large, students could gain an understanding of subtyping and CK machines. However, we wou ld like to explicitly say that we do not draw any general conclusion from this data. A Note on Correctness As we have previously said, we do not claim any theoretical re sults of correct- ness of the algorithms that we have taught in class. However, we have implemented them as tools ([17]) that take a language specification in input written as a textu al representation of operational semantics (with syntax similar to that of Ott [20]), and output the modi fied language specification (in the same textual format). We have applied these tools to several func tional languages in order to add subtyping to them and derive their CK machines, and we have confirmed by ins pecting the output languages that we have obtained the correct Threats to Validity The following observations keep this paper from drawing gen eral conclusions about the thesis that lan- guage transformations are beneficial in class. Further Studies While 55 students is a decent number, we would like to conduct more iterations of the same course, and have a larger pool of participants. When more data will be gathered, we plan to report on such data in a journal version of this paper. Negative Experiments? It would be interesting to run instances of the course with la nguage and also run instances without language transformations, while keeping the same syllabus and the final exam. The goal is to see whether there is a signific ant improvement in the success rate of exams in those courses that have used language transformati ons. However, we find pedagogical issues in implementing this plan. We think that adopting the final ex am of Section 2.3 without having taught language transformations may not be a sensible choice. For e xample, simply covering subtyping with TAPL may not provide students with sufficient knowledge to co mplete the exam, and we may put un- realistic expectations on students' ability to generalize and extrapolate general programming at the undergraduate level. Perceived Effectiveness? We have made an attempt to evaluate whether students perceiv ed that using language transformations was helpful for their learning. A t the end of the course, we have given a survey for them to fill in. The survey contained six statements which , as typical in surveys, required a rating.56 Language Transformations in the Classroom For example, to evaluate the task for Subtyping of doublyApply , the survey had the statements: The language transformation algorithm for adding subtyping to languages helped me understand and The language transformation algorithm for ad ding subtyping to languages helped me add subtyping to the language at hand during the exam. Students could assign a grade among Somewhat Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, S omewhat Disagree or Strongly Dis- agree to the statement. The survey requested students to ra te the equivalent statements for and CK for doublyApply the survey did not receive participation. O ur courses have taken place virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, which may have been the cause of the ex perienced lack in participation. 4 Future Work In this section, we discuss our plans. Our first goal is to eval uate the perceived effectiveness of with the survey that we have just described . Hopefully, participation to the survey will improve in the future. Other venues for future work are the fo our Current Language Transformations The procedures of Section 2.2 produce CK ma- chines without environments, which is not typical. Our next step is to extend our procedures to capture the full Felleisen and Friedman's CEK machine. Similarly, w e plan on developing language to automatically derive other popular abstract machi nes such as Landin's SECD [16], and Krivine's KAM [15] machines. The language transformation that we have used for subtyping works only on simple types (sums, products, options, etcetera). We would like to extend the al gorithm to capture also constructors that carry maps, such as records and objects. Maps can associate fi eld names to values, and method names to functions. Maps come with their own subtyping properties such as width-subtyping, and and we plan on extending our algorithm to cover them. Si milarly, we would like to develop for automatically adding bounded polymor phism [6, 1], recursive subtyping [2], and mixins [4, 5] to languages, to make a few exam ples. Language Transformations for Other Features Subtyping and abstract machines are not the only features that can be taught in a course in the principles of pr ogramming languages. We plan on addressing other features with language transformations, and using th em in class. In teaching the formalism of operational semantics, instru ctors may begin with a small-step or with a big-step semantics style. Whichever style has been chosen , it could be beneficial to explain the other style with language transformations (in addition to the pla nned material) that turn small-step into big- step, or big-step into small-step, respectively. Much work has been done to translate one style into the other [9, 11, 12, 13]3, and we plan on building upon this work. It is worth noting tha t converting from one style to the other may come with limitations. For exa mple, it may not be possible to derive an equivalent big-step semantics from a small-step semantics formulation when parallelism is involved. The mentioned translation methods are subject to these limitat ions, and so will our corresponding . We would like to develop a language transformation for autom atically generating Milner-style type inference procedures. Also, we would like to devise a langua ge transformation for adding generic types 3Among these works, [9] seems to be the most suitable for langu age Cimini & B. Mourad 57 to languages. Some courses teach dynamic typing and run-tim e checking in some detail. We would like to explore the idea of automatically generating the dynamic semantics of dynamically typed languages based on a given type system. That is, a language transformat ion which relies on the type system to inform how the dynamic semantics should be modified in order t o perform run-time type checking. We are not aware of any work that automates the adding of the la tter three examples. Developing such language transformations may be challenging research questions on their own. Advanced Tasks Language transformations may be integrated in graduate lev el courses, as well. Some of these courses have a flavour. In such co urses, instructors may assign advanced tasks with language transformations. For example, instruc tors may ask students to study the work of Danvy et al. [11, 12, 13] to derive reduction semantics. The a pproach is rather elaborate, and such as refocusing and transition compression. Instructors may ask students to develop a series of language transformations that capture this metho d. Similarly, instructors may ask students to model the language transformation for generating the pre tty-big-step semantics from a [3]. Another idea is to target the Gradualizer pap ers [7, 8], for automatically adding gradual typing to languages. 5 can integrate language transformations into t heir undergraduate PL courses. We do not ad- vocate replacing material, but to use language transformat ions in addition to the planned material. Our thesis is that language transformations are beneficial for s tudents to help them deepen their understanding of the PL features being taught. In this paper, we have presen ted the study that we have conducted, and the results from this study. Although we refrain from declar ing language transformations our numbers are encouraging, and we also offer th is paper to open a conversation on the topic, and to inspire similar studies towards gathering evidence f or, or against, our We would like to thank our EXPRESS/SOS 2021 reviewers for the ir feedback, which helped improve this Mart' in Abadi & Luca Cardelli (1996): A Theory of Objects , 2nd edition. Monographs in Computer doi: . [2] Roberto M. Amadio & Luca Cardelli (1993): Subtyping Recursive Types .ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 15(4), pp. 575-631, doi: . [3] Casper Bach Poulsen & Peter D. Mosses (2014): Deriving Pretty-Big-Step Semantics from Small-Step Se- mantics . In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Symposium on Programming L anguages and Systems , Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 270-289, doi: . [4] Gilad Bracha & William Cook (1990): Mixin-Based Inheritance . In: Proceedings of the European Confer- ence on Object-Oriented Programming on Object-Oriented Pr ogramming Systems, Languages, and Appli- cations , OOPSLA/ECOOP '90, Association for Computing Machinery, N ew York, NY , USA, pp. . [5] Luca Cardelli (1988): A Semantics of Multiple Inheritance .Information and Computation 76(2/3), pp. 138- 164, . | 2108.10493 | EPTCS | Matteo Cimini (University of Massachusetts Lowell), Benjamin Mourad
(University of Massachusetts Lowell) | Language Transformations in the Classroom | In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2021, arXiv:2108.09624 | EPTCS 339, 2021, pp. 43-58 | 10.4204/EPTCS.339.6 | null | cs.PL | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Language transformations are algorithms that take a language specification in input, and return the language specification modified. Language useful for automatically adding features such as subtyping to (PLs), and for automatically deriving abstract machines. In this paper, we set forth the thesis that teaching programming with the help of language transformations, in addition to the can be beneficial for students to help them deepen of the features being taught. We have conducted a study on integrating language transformations into an undergraduate PL course. We describe our study, the material that we have taught, and the exam submitted to students, and we present the results from this study. Although we refrain from drawing general conclusions on of language transformations, this paper offers encouraging data. We also offer this paper to inspire similar studies.
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"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 02:39:55 GMT"
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Xian Xu & Wenbo Zhan 77 To this day, the best known result of bisimilarity checking for higher-order processes is reported in [15], to our knowledge. In that work, Lanese et al. show that the strong bisimilarity checking of HOcore processes is decidable. As a matter of fact, they show that all known strong bisimilarities in HOcore are decidable. HOcore is a minimal higher-order process model that only has the input, and the concurrency operator (i.e., the parallel composition). HOcore is also proven to be Turing complete, and this result is somehow refined toward a more implementable interpretation [3], in the manner of encoding lambda-calculus in HOcore through abstract machines. That HOcore is Turing complete renders its problem undecidable. This fact adds to the contrast that the strong bisimilarity is decidable, which in turn implies the decidability of the barbed congruence. Technically, the decidability is achieved by showing all the strong be coincident with a very special strong bisimilarity, called IO-bisimilarity, which is decidable by its definition in the first place. On the basis of this decidability outcome, a complete axiom system is as well as an algorithm with acceptable complexity. It is then possible to implement the algorithm for bisimilarity checking HOcore processes in software systems [1]. Intuitively, the making the strong bisimilarity decidable is that HOcore does not have the restriction operator, and thus the capability of expressing recursion is weakened. It is also shown that if restriction is recov- ered, i.e., if at least four static (i.e., top concurrency level) restrictions are included in HOcore, then the strong bisimilarity immediately becomes undecidable. The undecidability is proven through a reduction from the PCP; similar reductions are also used in other settings, e.g., the Ambient calculus [8]. Building upon [10, 15] further studies the possibility of making the termination decidable, in the setting of a frag- ment of HOcore where nested higher-order outputs are disabled. Specifically, it is shown that in such a setting the termination of processes becomes decidable (though convergence is still undecidable), due to the reason that the Minsky machines are no longer expressible. Technically, such decidability is achieved using the well-structured transition systems employed in [7]. Following [10, 18] shows that back to be undecidable if such a fragment of HOcore is enriched with a passivation operator [22], because Turing completeness is retained with the help of passivation. In [6], Bundgaard et al. study the decidable fragments of Homer [5], a higher order process model with the capacity of expressing locations. They show that two subcalculi of Homer have decidable in both the strong and weak forms. Intuitively, Homer supports certain kind of pattern match- ing of name sequences that model the locations of resources, and this plays a central role in enhancing the expressiveness. For this reason, Homer can encode first-order processes and is computationally com- plete, leaving little hope for the decidability of bisimilarities. Therefore, to obtain decidability, some constraints have to be devised. Technically, such constraints are imposed through a finite control prop- erty. That is, some finite reachability criterion is excerpted on the semantics of Homer processes. Such a criterion is the key reason for the decidability of barbed bisimilarities. The approach of [6] provides a valuable reference for acquiring decidability sub-models from a more powerful full model. However, there is still much space one can exploit concerning bisimilarity checking for as mentioned in [15]. HOcore is a minimal model, with somewhat low modelling capacity. It would be interesting to quest for a more expressive model by adding certain constructs, while the decidability result. Parameterization has been known to be an effective approach of promoting the expressiveness of higher-order processes, that is, is strictly more ex- pressive than mere process-passing [14]. In this work, we focus on the minimal higher-order processes with notation Pmp, basically HOcore extended with This minimal model contains solely the most elementary parts to formalize higher-order concurrency, with extension of the abstraction and application, two operations originating from the lambda-calculus [2]. We will show that in such a calculus, the strong bisimilarity remains decidable. Similar result is only conjectured78 On Decidability of the Bisimilarity on Higher-order Processes with [15]. To this point, we go beyond that conjecture in two respects. Firstly, although our general ap- proach resembles that of [15], the technical route has some key lemmas with essentially different due to the complication brought by the Secondly, we consider two kinds of i.e., both on names and on processes themselves, rather than only one kind. Thus we are working on a potentially more expressive model. This is evidenced by the following two facts. (1) in particular process brings strictly more expressiveness to the higher-order process model [14]. (2) Moreover, name parameterization is more expressive than [27]. Intuitively, this is true because we can somehow encode process name using an idea akin to that of encoding process-passing into name-passing. To the best of our knowledge, there has been little work about the decidability of bisimilarities in such a model. The decidability result of this work not only pushes outward the boundary of with decidable bisimilarity, but also digs more into the realm of bisimilarity checking more challenging behavioural equalities, such as weak or branching Now we summarize the main contribution of this paper.
We show that in the minimal higher-order process model with the strong including the standard context bisimilarity together with other well-known bisimulation equalities, are all decidable. We borrow and revamp the ideas from [15], i.e., defining a bisimilarity decidable from the very beginning and then showing that the bisimilarities of interest coincide with it. The major novel parts are those tackling the Due to the presence of the we have a completely new design of the key bisimilarities, particularly those defined directly over open processes (i.e., those processes carrying free variables), as well as the normal bisimulation that needs new forms of triggers for the two kinds of In turn, the congruence proofs must take these changes into consideration. Moreover, some crucial properties for establishing the coincidence of the bisimilar- ities have entirely new proof methods, in particular, among others, the preservation of substitution that claims the closure of variable substitutions with respect to the strong bisimilarity (since now a variable can take an abstraction). Indeed, the discussion of the mutual inclusion of various bisimilarities calls for more rigorous and fine-grained investigation in the setting of More explanation is given in Sections 2, 3.
With the decidability in place, we design an axiom system and a checking algorithm, in roughly the same vein as those in [15], with the following differences. (1) For the axiom system, the core part amounts to reducing the deduction of the strong bisimilarity to the extended structural congruence. Pre- viously, such extension includes a distribution law. Now with parameterization in the game, we have to further extend the structural congruence with the laws for the application operation. (2) For algorithm, the core is to transform a term (possibly with into certain normal form with the help of a tree representation of the process, and then the bisimilarity check- ing can be readily done almost syntactically on the normal form. In presence of we extend the tree to accommodate abstractions and applications, as well as the normalization procedure. In such an extended procedure, we execute applications as many times any possible, and operate the tree in a bottom-up fashion so as to improve on performance. The algorithm has linear space complexity and polynomial time complexity slightly better than available ones. More details are given in Sections 4, 5. An extended version of this paper with more details is available The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives the definitions of the process model and the strong bisimilarities. Section 3 presents the decidability of the strong with detailed proofs. Section 4 does the axiomatization and proves its correctness. In Section 5, we demonstrate an algorithm for the bisimilarity checking, and analyses its complexity. Section 6 concludes this paper and points to some future work.Xian Xu & Wenbo Zhan 79 2 Preliminary In this section, we first define Pmp, the minimal higher-order process model extended with Then we introduce the strong bisimilarities to be Calculus Pmphas the following (or terms, processes) are represented by capital letters. For the sake of convenience, we divide names (ranged over by m;n;u;v:::) into two groups: one for name constants (ranged over by a;b;c;d;e:::) and the other for name variables (ranged over by x;y;z:::). The elements of the calculus have their standard meaning. One notices that the output is non-blocking, i.e., asynchronous. Sometimes we write m[Q]for output. Input m(X):Pand process abstraction hXiPbind the process variable X, and name the name variable x. Otherwise, a process or name variable is free. Bound variables can be replaced subject to a-conversion, and the resulting term is deemed as the same. A term is closed if it does not have free process variables. Otherwise it is open. Operations fpv( ), bpv(), pv(), fnv(), bnv(), nv(), nc(), n() respectively return the free process variables, bound process variables, free name variables, bound name variables, name variables, name constants, and names of a set of terms. A variable or name is fresh if it does not appear in the terms under examination. We useefor a tuple, for example, a tuple of terms ePand a tuple of names em. Process substitution name substitution Pfm=xg) denotes the replacement of process variable variable x) with the process Q(respectively name m). Substitutions can be extended to tuples in the expected way, i.e., pairwise refers to abstraction and application, and sometimes parameterization and abstrac- tion are used interchangeably. Intuitively the process abstraction name inPthe process variable X(respectively name variable x), which is supposed to be instantiated by a concrete process Q(respectively name d) in the application then in turn the application gives rise to an applied form Pfd=xg). The constructs of abstract and application stem from the counterpart in the lambda-calculus, and somehow extend the domain of the lambda-calculus to a concurrent setting. To ensure correct use of abstraction and application, a type system was designed by Sangiorgi in his seminal thesis [19]. The typing rules in the type system effect to exclude badly formed expressions, such as which Ais a (non- variable) term, PjhXiQ(dangling abstraction), and so on. That type system is important but not essential for our work here, so we do not present it and always assume that terms are well-formed subject to typ- ing; interested readers can refer to [19,21] and reference thereof for more details. Term P1jP2jj Pkis abbreviated as Pk i=1Pi. We also have some CCS-like operations defined as follows: A context C[]is an expression with some sub-expression replaced by the hole[], and C[A]means substituting the hole with A. Semantics We denote bythe standard structural congruence extended by the rules for application, i.e., the smallest congruence meeting the following laws among which the last two formulate the Pmphas the following operational semantics on open terms, with symmetric rules skipped. In the third rule, we assume bpv( l)pv(Q)=/ PmQm(Q) ! 0Pl !P0 PjQl !P0jQPm(A) ! P0Qm(X) ! Q0 PjQt !P0jQ0fA=XgQP Pl !P0P0Q0 Ql !Q080 On Decidability of the Bisimilarity on Higher-order Processes with semantics grant a term three kinds of actions: input Pa(X) ! P0means that Pcan receive a term on channel ato replace the variable Xacting as a place-holder in P(here we have a late instantiation style); output Pa(Q) ! P0means that Pcan send a term Q(which could be an abstraction) on channel ain an asynchronous fashion; interaction Pt !P0means that Pmakes a communication of some term components. Actions are ranged over by a;l. Operations fpv(), bpv(), pv(), fnv(), bnv(), nv(), nc(), n() and also substitutions can be extended to actions in the expected way accordingly. We sometimes write Pl !to represent the transition Pl !P0for some P0ifP0is not important. as part of the structural congruence follows the line of reduction in lambda-calculus, though there are other options (see [19, 21]). Thus up-to , a term can be somehow turned into an equivalent one by applying applications as many times as possible, ending up with a term containing only of the form XhAi. As in [19], we ensure that applications (substitutions) are bound to end (i.e., normalized), so as to avoid W-like terms such as OhOiin which Odef=hXi(XhXi). Said another way, in the sense of order, we focus on abstractions with finite order, not worder. See [19, 21] for more discussion about this. We further notice that if infinite application were to be admitted (though this is a bit strange), then essentially one would retrieve replication, e.g., ! Pdef=O0hO0iin which would probably lead to a drastically different situation, which we do not tackle in this work. Before moving on, we give an example to illustrate the modelling capability of Pmp. We define two processes P andQexecuting a simple protocol, making good use of the Pdef=aAjb(X):(XhBijO); ! ! ! RfB=YgjO The protocol goes as follows: (1) Psends Qan abstraction Aover channel a(which is agreed (2) Qinstantiates the name abstraction carried by Awith a name cchosen by Qalone (not necessarily negotiated with Pbefore starting the protocol); (3) Part of the code of A, i.e.,hZicZis sent back to Pover channel bchosen by Palone; (4) Process B, e.g., some computational resource or data, is sent to Qover channel c, so as to be used in R. In the entire protocol, PandQonly agree on the channel name a, and initially do not disclose on which channel the resource is to be we give the notion of guarded and some relevant 1. A variable Xis guarded in PifXmerely occurs in the following two situations. (1) Xoccurs in P's subexpressions of the form m(Y):P0(in which Ycould be the same as X), or YhP0i(in which Yis not X). (2) Xoccurs free in P's subexpressions of the form mP0. A term Pis guarded if any free variable of it is guarded. In what follows, we have the abbreviations: Tr mdef=m, TrD mdef=hZimZ, The proofs of the coming two lemmas are by transition induction. Lemma 2. We have the following transition Pl !P0, then P0fR=Xgfor every R with =/ 0. (2)If PfR=Xgl0
!P1with X guarded in P and =/ 0, then Pl !P0, fpv(R)pv(l)=/ 0. (3)If PfTrm=Xgl0
!P1with m fresh and not in l0, then Pl !P0, P1P0fTrm=Xg, and Xu & Wenbo Zhan 81 (4)If PfTrD m=Xgl0
!P1with m fresh and not in l0, then Pl !P0, P1P0fTrD m=Xg, and PfTrD;d m=Xgl0
!P1with m fresh and not in l0, then Pl !P0, and Pl !P0, then P0fg=mg. (7)If Pfg=mgl0
!P1andl0is not t, then Pl !P0in which l0islfg=mg, and P 1P0fg=mg. (8)If Pfg=mgt !P1, then there are several possibilities: (a)Pt !P0and P and Pg(Y) ! . That is, PmAjg(Y):P2jP3, and P and Pm(Y) ! . That and P 3. Assume that P is a term and X is a process variable. There are P0in which X is guarded and natural number k>0such that one of the following cases is true. (1)PP0jPk i=1X, and for every R. and R. and every R. The strong bisimilarities In the following, we first present a provably decidable strong strong HO-IO bisimilarity. Then we go head to define the various strong bisimilarities, including the strong context bisimilarity and other strong bisimilarities of concern. These strong bisimilarities turn out to be equal. Strong HO-IO bisimilarity We define a bisimulation called strong HO-IO bisimulation, with equality called strong HO-IO bisimilarity. As will be seen, the most desirable properties we want from this bisimilarity is that it is decidable. The definition needs to take into account because the terms transmitted to be compared may be abstractions. Jumping ahead, the other strong bisimulations to be defined also have this requirement for 4 (Strong HO-IO bisimilarity) .A symmetric binary relation RoverPmpterms is a strong HO-IO bisimulation, if whenever PRQthe following properties hold. (1)IfPis a non-abstraction, then so is Q.(2)IfPis a hYiA, then Qis a and ARB.(3)IfPis a name-abstraction hyiA, then Qis a name-abstraction then QaB !Q0with P0, then Qa(X) ! then QXjQ0andP0RQ0. (7)IfPXhAijP0, then (8)IfPXhdijP0, then The strong notation
hoio, is the largest strong HO-IO HO bisimilarity The concept of strong HO bisimilarity is due to Thomsen [24]. Definition 5 (Strong HO bisimilarity) .A symmetric binary relation Rover closed Pmpterms is a strong HO bisimulation, if whenever PRQthe following properties hold. (1)IfPis a non-abstraction, then so is Q.(2)IfPis a hYiP0, then Qis a and every closed A.(3)IfPis a name-abstraction hyiA, then Qis a name-abstraction hyiB, and then QaB !Q0with P0, then Qa(X) ! Q0and for every closed A, it holds that !P0, then Qt !Q0andP0RQ0. The strong HO bisimilarity, notation ho, is the largest strong HO context bisimilarity We denote by E(X)a process Epossibly with Xappearing free in it, Accordingly, E(A)denotes E(X)fA=Xg. As a nearly standard version of the bisimilarity for higher-order processes, the context bisimulation was proposed by Sangiorgi [19].82 On Decidability of the Bisimilarity on Higher-order Processes with 6 (Strong context bisimilarity) .A symmetric binary relation Rover closed Pmpterms is a strong context bisimulation, if whenever PRQthe following properties hold. (1)IfPis a then so is Q.(2)IfPis a hYiP0, then Qis a hYiQ0, and every closed A.(3)IfPis a name-abstraction hyiA, then Qis a and ARB. (4)IfPa(X) ! P0, then Qa(X) ! Q0and for every closed A, it holds which Ais a non-abstraction, , or then QaB !Q0for some Bthat is respectively a non-abstraction, , and for every E(X), it holds that !P0, then Qt !Q0 andP0RQ0. The strong context bisimilarity, notation ctx, is the largest strong context bisimulation. We note thatctxcan be extended to open process terms, similar for ho. That is, for open terms P andQwith fpv( P;Q)=eX,PctxQif and only if PfeR=eXg ctxQfeR=eXgfor any closed eR: Strong normal bisimilarity Higher-order process expressions here may be parameterized over pro- cesses themselves or names. Accordingly, abstractions can be transmitted in communications, and thus process variables have three types: non-abstraction, , and We refer the reader to [19] for the detailed formalization of types. To cater for our need, knowing which of the three types a process variable belongs to is sufficient for our work. For convenience, we may simply say that a process variable is a non-abstraction, , or Before presenting the definition of the strong normal bisimilarity, we give the definition of TrD mdef=hZimZ, These triggers correspond to the three types of represented above, and will be used to handle abstractions bound to instantiate these . The concept of triggers was proposed by Sangiorgi and plays a prevalent role in the manipu- lation of higher-order processes; see [19] [25]. We stress that the design of the normal bisimulation in this work requires new forms of triggers due to the presence of The work in [15] only needs the simplest form of triggers acting as synchronizers sending handshaking signals, i.e., m. How- ever in contrast, in the setting of triggers should bear the responsibility of relocating the parameters for an abstraction. This design is non-trivial in general, and we harness the results in the previous work [25] to devise different forms of triggers used by the It is not hard to prove that the strong normal bisimilarity is a congruence [19]. Definition 7 (Strong normal bisimilarity) .A symmetric binary relation Rover closed Pmpterms is a strong normal bisimulation, if whenever PRQthe following properties hold. (1)IfPis a non-abstraction, then so is Q.(2)IfPis a hYiP0, then Qis a and for every closed Ait holds for fresh ifYis a non-abstraction. ifYis a ifYis a (3)IfPis a name-abstraction hyiA, then Qis a name-abstraction hyiB, and P0, then Qa(X) ! Q0and for every closed A, it holds for fresh ifXis a non-abstraction. ifXis a ifXis a (5)IfPaA !P0, there are three possibilities: (a)IfAis not an abstraction, then QaB !Q0for and it holds for fresh a hYiA1, then QaB !Q0 for Bthat ishYiB1, and it holds for fresh a name-abstraction hyiA1, then QaB !Q0for name-abstraction Bthat ishyiB1, and it holds for Xu & Wenbo Zhan 83 (6)IfPt !P0, then Qt !Q0andP0RQ0. The strong normal bisimilarity, notation nr, is the largest strong normal bisimulation. We can also extend nrto open terms. For open terms PandQwith fpv( and only if where each variable respectively a non-abstraction, and and is replaced with the corresponding trigger for that variable type. The corresponding tuples of triggers are respectively denoted by where the names of all the triggers are fresh. Open strong normal bisimilarity The following bisimilarity is a variant of the strong normal bisimi- larity on open terms. It is basically an extension of the same bisimilarity in [15]. Definition 8 (Open strong normal bisimilarity) .A symmetric binary relation RoverPmpterms is an open strong normal bisimulation, if whenever PRQthe following properties hold. (1)IfPis a non-abstraction, then so is Q.(2)IfPis a hYiA, then Qis a and ARB.(3)IfPis a name-abstraction hyiA, then Qis a name-abstraction hyiB, !P0, then Qmatches Pin the same way as in strong normal bisimilarity. (5) IfPa(X) ! P0, then Qa(X) ! then then QXhBijQ0and moreover the following is valid for fresh m. (a)IfAis not an abstraction, then so is a , then so is a then so is then The open strong normal bisimilarity, notation
nr, is the largest open strong normal bisimulation. 3 Deciding the strong bisimilarity for Pmp In this section, we first establish the decidability of the strong HO-IO bisimilarity. This is the cor- nerstone of the decidability for other bisimilarities. Then we discuss the relationship between the and eventually obtain the coincidence between them. As such, all of the strong bisimilari- ties are decidable. 3.1 The decidability and properties of
hoio To facilitate discussion on decidability, we need a metric of the syntactical structure of a term. Definition 9 (Depth of a term) .The depth depth (P)of a term Pis a mapping from terms to natural numbers defined as follows. depth (0) =0;depth (X) =1;depth (m(X):P1) =depth (P1)+1;depth (m(P1)) = depth (P1)+1; depth (P1jP2) =depth (P1)+depth (P2);depth (hXiP1) =depth (P1)+1;depth (XhP1i) =depth (P1)+1; depth (P1hP2i) =depth (P3fP2=Yg)(where P1ishYiP3);depth (hxiP1) =depth (P1)+1; depth (Xhni) =1;depth (P1hni) =depth (P3fn=yg)(where P1ishyiP3) An immediate property is that both of depth (P) =depth (Q). The proof of this property is by induction over the depth of P. The details can be found in [26]. Lemma 10. If PQ or P
hoioQ, then depth (P) =depth (Q). Strong HO-IO bisimulation up-to Bisimulation up-to is a useful technique to establish bisim- ulations. Its definition is obtained by replacing RwithRin every clause of Definition 4. The84 On Decidability of the Bisimilarity on Higher-order Processes with of the up-to technique is that if Ris a strong HO-IO bisimulation up-to , [16, 21] for a thorough introduction and Through standard argument, one can prove that
hoiois an equiva- lence relation. It is also a congruence, as the follow-up lemma reveals. See [15, 19] for a reference of proof; we also provide a proof in [26]. . Lemma 11 (Congruence) congruence. That is, suppose P and Q are Pmpterms, then P
hoioQ implies: We now establish the decidability of
hoio. As a premise, we have the following whose proof is a simple induction over the semantic rules. Lemma 12. Suppose P is a Pmpterm. Then: (1)If Pa(A) ! P0, then Pa(A)jP0.(2)If Pa(X) ! P0, P0P1jP2. Lemma 13 (Decidability) decidable. Proof of Lemma 13. We decide whether P
hoioQby induction on depth (P). Induction basis. In this case depth (P)is 0 or 1. The case depth (P)is 0, i.e., Pis 0, is trivial because no action is possible from Pand it has no free variables. If depth (P)is 1, i.e., PisXorXhdi, then no action is possible from P. One simply checks that Qis also step. We perform a (finite) check of each clause of
hoioin an inductive way. (1)IfPis a non-abstraction, then check that Qis also a a hXiA, then check that Qis also a hXiB(up-to a- conversion), and continue with checking A
hoioBusing induction hypothesis since the depth of Ade- creases with respect to P, i.e., depth (A)<depth (P). (3)IfPis a name-abstraction hxiA, then check that Qis also a name-abstraction hxiB(up-to continue with checking A
hoioBusing induction hypothesis since the depth of Adecreases with re- spect to P, i.e., depth (A)<depth P0, we check that Qa(X) ! There might be a few (but finite) Q0. If all such checks fail, then we conclude that PandQare not strong HO-IO bisimilar. For each possible check, we know by Lemma 12 that Since the depth of the terms decrease, i.e., depth (P0)<depth (P), we use induction hypothesis to continue checking P0, we check that Qa(B) ! Q0with There might be a few (but concerning BandQ0. If all such checks fail, then we conclude that PandQare not strong HO-IO bisimilar. For each possible check, we know by Lemma 12 that Pa(A)jP0. Since the depth of the terms decrease, i.e., depth (P0)<depth (P)and depth (A)<depth (P), we use induction hypothesis to continue checking (6)IfPXjP0, we check that QXj There might be a few (but finite) Q0. If all such checks fail, then we conclude that PandQare not strong HO-IO bisimilar. For each possible check, since the depth of the terms decrease, i.e., depth (P0)<depth (P), we use to continue checking we check that QXhBijQ0with There might be a few (but finite) possibilities concerning BandQ0. If all such checks fail, then we conclude that Pand Qare not strong HO-IO bisimilar. For each possible check, since the depth of the terms decrease, i.e., depth (P0)<depth (P)and depth (A)<depth (P), we use induction hypothesis to continue checking Xian Xu & Wenbo Zhan we check that QXhdij There might be a few (but concerning Q0. If all such checks fail, then we conclude that PandQare not strong HO-IO bisimilar. For each possible check, since the depth of the terms decrease, i.e., depth (P0)<depth (P), we use induction hypothesis to continue checking Preservation To connect the strong HO-IO bisimilarity with the strong context bisimilarity and other bisimilarities, we need some preparation. In what follows, we show that the strong preserves substitutions and tsimulation, as stated in the following two lemmas in a sequel. Lemma 14 .Assume P
hoioQ. Then all g ;m. We note that to keep well-formed, substitutions should not (and are always assumed not to) break the legality of the terms under operation. The following lemma states that
hoiois invariant with respect to process substitution. As mentioned, the proof of this lemma (i.e., the process substitution is entirely different from the counterpart in [15], in that we are obliged to conduct an induction on the sizes of the terms because a term in the position of application, say the term AinXhAi, may introduce extra structures. That is, the proof of the preservation of process substitution becomes much more involved due to the process In the current setting, a process variable can be instantiated by a process abstraction which is in turn fed with a process from the context. This would give rise to certain circular arguments, so the original proof method of [15] no longer works. To work around this difficulty, one has to use induction based approach. This approach somewhat reminds one of the difficulty in proving the congruence properties for higher-order processes. Lemma 15 .Let P
hoioQ. Then all R ;X. The proofs of Lemmas 14 and 15 are referred to [26]. An observation as a corollary from these two lemmas is that
hoiois closed under abstraction, both name abstraction and . Corollary 16. Assume P
hoioQ. It holds following lemma is important and directly attributed to the open-style nature of
hoio. Lemma 17 (t-preserving) .Assume P
hoioQ. If Pt !P0, then Qt !Q0and of Lemma 17. The proof is by induction on the derivation of Pt !P0. (1)Pt !P0comes from the interaction of components of P. That is, Pa(A) ! ,Pa(X) ! , and Pt !P0. One can assume Xto be fresh as it is bound. So this can be rewritten as Pa(A) !a(X) ! P1where P
hoioQ,Qcan simulate by Qa(B) !a(X) ! A
hoioB;and since the higher-order output is non-blocking, the two consecutive actions can contribute to i.e., Qt !Q0, and we are left with showing P0
hoioQ0. From P1
hoioQ1, Lemma 15, we the congruence properties, we can derive due to we conclude !P0comes from a component of Palone. That is, PP1jP2,P1t !P0 1, and P0P0 1jP2. Then we conclude by induction hypothesis. 3.2 Relating the strong represent detailed relationship between the strong bisimilarities defined so far. Such be established step by step. Eventually, as our ultimate goal, it will be demonstrated that all these strong bisimilarities coincide with each other. This coincidence immediately entails that every and each86 On Decidability of the Bisimilarity on Higher-order Processes with them is decidable, and moreover paves way for further discussion on the axiomatization and algorithm. We first establish the coincidence between hoand
hoio, and then move on to the remainder The following lemma gives a characteristic of the strong HO bisimilarity. Its proof is a standard bisimulation deduction, with details in [26]. Lemma 18. Suppose For fresh h and any closed eR, it holds that PfeR=eXg ho QfeR=eXgif and only if h Lemma 19 states, the strong HO bisimilarity and the strong HO-IO bisimilarity are With the help of Lemma 18, and Lemmas 14, 15, 17 as well, we can prove the mutual inclusion of the two strong bisimilarities. The details are provided in [26]. Lemma 19. the other strong bisimilarities We now tackle the relationship between the strong HO bisimilarity and other strong bisimilarities, including the strong context bisimilarity ( ctx), strong normal bisimilarity ( nr), and open strong normal bisimilarity (
nr), as well as the remaining part of the overall picture of coincidence. To do this, we need some preparation. The following lemma will be useful. The proof employs the usual method. The details can be found in [26]. Lemma 20. Assume that m is fresh with respect to P 1, Q1, P and Q, said otherwise m then P 1
nrQ1and P
nrQ.(2)If P
nrQ.(3)If then P 1
nrQ1and P
nrQ. Using a similar proof strategy as Lemma 20, one can prove similarly the result for nr. Corollary 21. The result of Lemma 20 also holds if one replaces
nrwithnrin the statement. Next in Lemma 22, we present the first two implications about the strong bisimilarities. Basically, the proof of Lemma 22(1) utilizes the congruence of hoand the proof of Lemma 22(2) uses the fact that the requirements of nrare actually special cases of ctx. The details can be found in [26]. Lemma 22. now demonstrate, in Lemma 23, the two last inclusions about the strong bisimilarities, so as to finalize the jigsaw. The proofs of them use the usual bisimulation construction approach, by 2,20 and Corollary 21. The details are referred to [26]. Lemma 23. follow-up lemma essentially fills what is left in the relationship between the strong 24.ho,
nr, andctxcoincide on open and closed of Lemma 24. The following circular implications prove this 19//ii Lemma 23(2)hoLemma 22(1)//ctxLemma 22(2)//nrLemma 23(1)//
nr The main theorem From Lemma 24 and Lemma 13, we now have the main result of this section. Theorem 25. All the strong bisimilarities, that is, and
nr, coincide on open and closed Pmpprocesses, and are all decidable.Xian Xu & Wenbo Zhan 87 4 this section, we make an axiom system for the strong bisimilarities based on the decidability re- sult. For simplicity, we denote by the strong bisimilarity, since all the strong bisimilarities the equation set of the axiom system is composed of the extended structural congruence. Com- pared with the setting without parameterization [15], we have extra equations describing the We use a similar approach to prove the correctness of the axiom system. The axiom system of [15] consists of the basic structural congruence laws and an extended distribu- tion law Recall that the rules for application are modeled as a part of the structural congruence. To admit we introduce the following two more laws APP1 and We will show that the basic laws for the structural congruence, together with law DISand moreover laws APP1 and APP2, are sufficient for a complete axiom system. More specifically, we first prove that any term Phas a unique prime decompo- sition Ok i=1Pi, and then that any term can be simplified to a normal form (denoted as nf (P)) by the laws above. By the soundness of the laws, we infer Pnf(P). Finally we prove that for any PandQ,PQ if and only if nf the axiom system containing DIS,APP1,APP2 and the commutative monoid laws for parallel composition. We will prove the completeness of Ain the remainder of this section. We start by the cancellation property. The point of proving this property is to deem as
hoio[15], and the most involved cases are those concerning the abstractions. We provide the details in 26 (Cancellation) .For all P ;Q and R, if PjRQjR then PQ. The notion of prime processes is due to [15,17]. A process Pisprime ifP60 and or P20. If POn i=1Piwhere each Piis prime, we call On i=1Piis aprime decomposition ofP. The following proposition states that for any process, there is a unique prime decomposition up to the strong bisimilarity and permutation of indices. Instantiating as
hoio, one can prove this proposition by induction on the size of the given process. We give the proof in 27 (Unique prime decomposition) .Given a process P, if there are two prime POm j=1Qj, then n =m and there is a permutation s:f1;2;:::; ng!f 1;2;:::; ng, such that P iQs(i)for each i2f1;2;:::; ng. We write P Qif there are P0andQ0such that PP0,QQ0, and Q0can be obtained from P0by rewriting a subterm of P0by laws DIS,APP1,APP2 from left to right. A process Pis in normal form if it cannot be simplified by using . Any process Phas a unique normal form up to , denoted as nf (P). It is not hard to derive the following property. Lemma 28. If P Q, then PQ. For any P, Pnf(P). Next we give a lemma crucial for the completeness proof. Its counterpart in was first presented in [15]. The proof of Lemma 29 can be found in [26]. Lemma 29. If then a (k>1) with a (X):A in normal form. Now we can prove the completeness of the axiom system A. Basically, the proof of the complete- ness uses a similar approach as that of [15]. The main novelty here is to accommodate the in the equation system and the corresponding parts in the induction, i.e., those parts concerning the abstraction and application for names and processes. Lemma 30 (Completeness) .For any P ;Q, if PQ then nf(P)nf(Q).88 On Decidability of the Bisimilarity on Higher-order Processes with of Lemma 30. We first show the following two properties simultaneously: 1.IfAis a prefixed process in normal form, then Ais prime; 2.For any A;Bin normal form, ABimplies AB. We proceed by induction on depth (A). The case depth (A) =0 is immediate as the only term of this size is 0. Suppose the property holds for all depth (A)<nwith n1. (1)Assume Ais of the form a(X):A0. Suppose Ais not prime, AP1jP2. By Lemma 29, k>1 and a(X):Bin normal form. Then By ind. hyp. for 2, we Then a contradiction to that Ais in normal form. (2)Suppose AB, we proceed by a case analysis on the structure of A.
AisX. We have that Bshould be the same variable X.
Aism(X):P. Assume Bis not prime, BP1jP2. By Lemma 29, we know k>1 anda(X):Qin normal form. But according to property 1, Ais prime, a contradiction. We thus have Bis m(X):Qwith PQ. By ind. hyp., PQ. We thus have AB.
Aism(Q). We have that Bism(Q0)with QQ0. By ind. hyp., QQ0. We thus have AB.
AishXiP. We have that BishXiQandPQ. By ind. hyp., PQ. We thus have AB.
AisXhQi. We have that BisXhQ0iandQQ0. By ind. hyp., QQ0. We thus have AB.
AishxiP. We have that BishxiQandPQ. By ind. hyp., PQ. We thus have AB.
AisXhni. We have that BisXhni, and then k>1 and Piis not a parallel composition. We discuss over the possible shape of Pi. -If there exists js.t.Pj=X, then BXjB0. Thus ABfollows by ind. hyp. on there exists js.t.Pj=XhQi, then BXhQ0ijB0with By ind. hyp., AB. -If there exists js.t.Pj=Xhni, then BXhnijB0with By ind. hyp., AB. -If there exists js.t.Pj=m(Q), then Bmust contain an output component on the same channel. We thus have B=m(Q0)jB0with By ind. hyp., implies AB. -The last case is According to property 1, each component mi(Xi):Piis each component ni(Yi):Qiis prime. By Proposition 27, 1ik(up to a permutation of indices). By ind. hyp. PiQifor all i, which finally implies AB. Now for P;Q, assume PQ. Let By Lemma 28, APQB. As A;Bare in normal form, have AB, and then nf (P)nf(Q), as needed. 5 Algorithm for the bisimilarity checking In this section, based on the results in the previous sections, we develop an algorithm for checking the strong bisimilarity. We utilize the tree approach proposed in [15], i.e., encoding a Pmpprocess as a tree, normalizing this tree to be compared up-to syntax. Differently now, the tree and the parameterization into consideration. We define a function dbthat assigns De Bruijn indices to variables [4, 15]. Here the variables include the ones introduced by input prefixed processes, name abstraction and process abstraction. Following [15], we introduce the representation of a term by a tree. We write t[m1;:::; mk]for a tree with label tand subtrees m1;:::; mk. Definition 31 (Tree representation) .The tree representation of Pis defined inductively as =0[ ],(2)Tree(X) =db(X)[ = = Tree(hxiP) Tree(hPin) =app[Tree(P);n[ ]].Xian Xu & Wenbo Zhan 89 The algorithm deciding the strong bisimilarity depends on the following 3 normalization :(1) In the first step, the term is rewritten by the application rules APP1,APP2 if possible. (2)The second step focuses on the normalization of parallel composition. W.l.o.g., we can assume that the children of parallel composition nodes are not parallel composition nodes. After this step, every parallel composition node has at least two sorted child nodes, and none of them is 0. (3)The last step aims to apply DISfrom left to right if possible. Now we explain the detailed algorithms given as pseudocodes below. A tree node nhas the n:type for the type of corresponding process, the values can be for the label of the tree node; n:numChildren for the number of children nodes; n:children for the lists of all child nodes. The algorithm App realizes the application operation. It requires nraw,ind, and neval. The tree is traversed top-down and all variables from term nraware replaced with process nevalif the De Bruijn index matches ind. In the process of application, if there are more than one occurrence of an abstracted variable, say X, to be replaced, there will be more than one duplications of neval. The nests of application may result in an exponential explosion on the number of tree nodes. However, we can make optimization by reusing neval, that is, each occurrence of Xpoints to the same tree of neval. Then it is guaranteed that the space cost for normalized terms is still linear, leading to acceptable time complexity of the NS1 deals with terms for application. The tree is traversed bottom-up. Every term in the form rewritten as Terms in the unchanged. Algorithm NS2 deals with parallel composition. First all zero processes are removed. Then, if attribute numChildren is 0, the tree is collapsed to a zero node. If attribute numChildren is 1, the tree is collapsed to its single child. After this, all children nodes are sorted. In algorithm NS3, the tree is traversed bottom-up to find subtrees which can apply DISfrom left to right. Lines 11-24 decides if node nmatches the pattern with the left-hand side of DIS. It harnesses the property that all children nodes have been sorted in normalization step 2. If it fails to match the pattern, the node nremains unchanged and the function returns in line 18 or 22. Otherwise, the term is rewritten at lines 25-26. As a consequence of Lemma 30, the following lemma shows that, if two terms are strongly bisimilar, they can be normalized to the same tree by the three normalization steps. By checking the equalities of the two trees, we can decide the strong bisimilarity between Pmpterms. Lemma 32. Let P ;Q be two terms. Let T P, TQbe the tree representations of P ;Q respectively. Assume that T0 P, T0 Qare the normalized trees after the normalization steps 1-3. Then PQ if and only if T0 P=T0 Q. We now analyze the complexity of the algorithm. Given processes PandQ, letnbe the sum of the number of nodes in the tree representations of PandQ. The algorithm App andNS1 traverse the tree for one time and can be done in O(n)time. The most time-consuming part of NS2 is sorting, which can be done in O(nlog(n))time. The algorithm NS3 can be performed in O(n)time. Therefore, takes in O(nlog(n))time in total. As explained above, the space complexity is App( Tree nodes nraw,neval, an integer == 'var' ornraw.type == 'inp') and nraw.label == indthen 2: nraw=neval 3:end if 4:ifnraw.type == 'out' andnraw.label == indOthen 5: nraw=neval 6: nraw.label = ( if 8:ifnraw.type == 'inp' ornraw.type == 'abs' then 9: ind=ind+1 10:end if 11:fori= 1ton.numChildren do 12: App( nraw.children[ for90 On Decidability of the Bisimilarity on Higher-order Processes with Step 1 NS1( n) Require: A tree node n 1:fori= 1ton.numChildren do 2: NS1( n.children[ i]) 3:end for 4:ifn.type == 'app' then5: == 'abs' then 6: App( 1, end if 8:end if Normalization Step 2 NS2( n) Require: A tree node n 1:fori= 1ton.numChildren do 2: NS2( n.children[ i]) 3:end for 4:ifn.type == 'par' then 5: j= 1 6: fori= 1ton.numChildren do 7: ifn.children[ i].type6='zero' then 8: n.children[ j] =n.children[ i] 9: j=j+ 1 10: end if11: end for 12: n.numChildren = j- 1 13: ifn.numChildren == 0 then 14: n.type = 'zero' 15: end if 16: ifn.numChildren == 1 then 17: end if 19:end if 20: sortChildren( n) Normalization Step 3 NS3( n) Require: A tree node n 1:fori= 1ton.numChildren do 2: NS3( n.children[ i]) 3:end for 4:ifn.type == 'inp' then 5: ifp.type == 'par' then 7: smallIndex =-1 8: small ,big=null 9: pc2=p.children[ ifpc1.type == 'inp' and pc1.label == n.label == pc2then 12: small smallIndex else if pc2.type=='inp' and pc2.label == n.label pc1then 15: small =pc1,big=pc2 16: smallIndex = 1 17: else 18: return 19: end if 20: fori= do 21: ifp.children[ i]6=bigthen 22: return 23: end if 24: end for 25: p.children[ smallIndex ] =big 26: end if 28:end if 6 Conclusion In this paper, we have exhibited that even in presence of which can increase of higher-order processes, the strong bisimilarity is still decidable for Pmp. The proving approach extends the previous one for HOcore, with several significant distinctions due to . This decidability result comes with the more powerful modelling capability of the process model, and is thus of both fundamental and practical importance to some extent. Besides, an axiom system and an algorithm are provided. They can be used as an intermediate prototype for potential application of the higher-order process model, in particular the bisimilarity checking. A further work is to try expanding the model to allow more convenient modelling capability, e.g., locations, while maintaining the A far more challenging job is to consider the decidability of the weak We are grateful to the anonymous referees for their useful comments on this paper.Xian Xu & Wenbo Zhan G. Ambal, S. Lenglet & A. Schmitt (2021): HOpin Coq .Journal of Automated Reasoning 65, pp. H. P. Barendregt (1984): The Lambda Calculus--Its Syntax and Semantics . M. Biernacka, D. Biernacki, S. Lenglet, P. 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(Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing) | On Decidability of the Bisimilarity on Higher-order Processes with Parameterization | In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2021, arXiv:2108.09624 | EPTCS 339, 2021, pp. 76-92 | 10.4204/EPTCS.339.8 | null | cs.LO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Higher-order processes with parameterization are capable of abstraction and application (migrated from the and thus are expressive. For the minimal higher-order concurrency, it is well-known that the strong bisimilarity (i.e., the strong bisimulation equality) is decidable in absence of By contrast, whether the is still decidable for parameterized higher-order unclear. In this paper, we focus on this issue. There are basically two kinds of one on names and the other on processes. We show that the strong bisimilarity is indeed decidable for higher-order with both kinds of Then we demonstrate how to adapt the decision approach to build an axiom system for the strong bisimilarity. On top of these results, we provide an algorithm for the bisimilarity checking.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 02:40:24 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
"East China University of Science and Technology"
"Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing"
] |
a) Sequential transfers (S3Fs) b) Prefetch Read S3 Compute Read local Write local Tcloud Tcomp Time Fig. 1. Prefetching vs sequential transfers (S3Fs) files located on Amazon S3. To offset the cost of latency on S3, S3Fs leverages the on-demand caching mechanisms provided by FSSpec. Unlike S3Fs which has distinct data transfer and compute phases, prefetched data transfers happen concurrently with compute (Figure 1). In both cases, data is transferred from cloud storage in blocks of configurable size. While local I/O overheads occur during prefetch, the resulting overhead is in general minimal since memory disks are expected to be used for this purpose. Most importantly, prefetching of the application's data access pattern, such that transfers can be correctly anticipated. In our case, we assume that data is read sequentially, as is commonly the case data. A. Prefetch combines prefetching with data eviction. By evicting data post application processing, it ensures a reduced footprint on local storage. Rolling Prefetch consists of three threads: (1) the reading thread loads data blocks from local storage and marks them for eviction, (2) the prefetching thread transfers data blocks from cloud storage to local storage, and (3) the eviction threads deletes the blocks that have been marked for eviction. 1) Reading: The reading thread is triggered by the appli- cation to read data directly from cache or to wait until it is prefetched, if not found in the cache. By waiting for the data to be cached, we ensure that performance is comparable to S3Fs in a worst case scenario. Furthermore, as all data reads are considered to be sequential, if the current block is not in memory then it is the current block being a prefetched block has been read fully, it is up to the read function to flag it for deletion. 2) Prefetching: Throughout the lifetime of the application, the prefetching thread continuously requests blocks from cloud storage, so long as there remain blocks that have not been prefetched (Algorithm 1). Each block will be written to an appropriate cache location while not exceeding the used variable for all cache locations is set to zero and the file_index variable is set to point to the first file index in the sequential ordering. The algorithm thenenters a while loop whose termination is dictated by the main program. If all files have been prefetched, the terminates regardless of the status of the main thread. Within the loop, the algorithm iterates between all available cache locations in priority order. The amount of space remaining is computed, and if it is insufficient to write the next block, the algorithm iterates through the file listtotal files (verify used()) and queries the filesystem to determine which blocks have been evicted. Based on how many blocks have been removed, we can update the amount of used space, and by extension, the amount of available space. Should sufficient space be released, the next block is fetched from cloud storage and is written to local storage. If there is insufficient space, the next local storage location is tried. Algorithm 1: fetch a shared variable indicating whether the main thread has terminated or not total files the list of all the files to prefetch; cache location list of paths to cache locations; total total space available on prefetch cache; total size cumulative sum of all size of a block used 0; fileindex 0; while fetch do foreach cache location do available total used ; ifavailable < blocksize then available verify then fetch next block (); used used +blocksize sizeoffset or fileindex + 1< total files then fileindex fileindex + 1; total size sizeof (total files [fileindex ]); end else if total sizeoffset Eviction: Similar to prefetching, the eviction thread only terminates when the main thread has completed processing. To avoid additional costs caused by continuously querying the filesystem to determine which files can be evicted, we determine the names of all the blocks that should be ), and verify whether they exist in the filesys- tem at time of removal. We then update the list to ensure thatwe do not attempt to remove this file more than once. Between each loop, we sleep for 5 seconds to ensure that sufficient time has elapsed between evictions. The eviction thread ensures deletion of all remaining files prior to terminating. B. Performance analysis We consider the cost of processing a file using (S3Fs) to be the sum of three components (Equa- tion 1): 1) costs, 2) and 3) application compute time. The cost of latency is experienced every time a chunk of data is requested from cloud storage. That is, if we read a full file in a single call to cloud storage, we will only pay for latency once. If we issue multiple calls to obtain file data on cloud storage, we will pay latency for each call. In contrast, bandwidth is not affected by the number of calls. Whether we request all the data at once or in chunks, bandwidth remains fixed, and time to transfer the data is the quotient between the total amount of data transferred and the bandwidth. Compute time is assumed to be proportional to data size, as is frequently the case (1) where nbis the number of data blocks, fis the total size of the file to transfer, lcis the cloud latency, bcris the cloud read bandwidth, and cis the compute time per byte Prefetch contrasts Equation 1 in that the com- pute and data transfer times mask one another (Equation 2). However, Rolling Prefetch has a slightly higher than that of sequential transfers when there is no compute, due to reading and writing the data to local we must consider the initial read from cloud storage, where no compute can occur concurrently, and the last compute, where no data transfer can occur + (nb 1) max ( Tcloud; Tcomp) +Tcomp (2) where Tcloud is the time to download a block from the cloud and write it to local storage, and Tcomp is the time to read a block from local storage and process it: Tcloud =cloud llis the latency of local storage, blwis the write bandwidth to local storage, and blris the read bandwidth to local storage. This simple model provides several insights. First, if we neglect local transfers ( a reasonable as- sumption when local storage is in-memory, then we have: Tseq=Tpf+ (nb 1) min ( Tcloud; Tcomp);and therefore the speed-up provided by Rolling to sequential transfers is: S=Tseq Tpf= 1 + ( nb 1)min (Tcloud; Tcomp) Tpf<2 (3) Rolling Prefetch is therefore expected to provide a speed-up of at most 2x. This upper bound is approached when Tcloud
Tcomp , which requires that cloud transfer and compute times are of similar magnitude. In sequential transfers, using a single block ( nb= 1) leads to the shortest transfer time. In practice, block size is of by available memory. In contrast, with an optimal block size ^nbexists under the that suggests that on a given cloud infrastructure, the number of blocks should increase when the application compute time or the total data size as the number of blocks increases, equivalent to respectively, resulting in parallel asymptote lines. C. Data To demonstrate the utility of Rolling Prefetch in neu- roimaging, we analyzed data derived from a dMRI in a single subject. These data are special, in that a Super-Resolution Hybrid Diffusion Imaging (HYDI) method was used to achieve an effective spatial resolution of 0.625 mm3, much higher than the typical 2 The details of the HYDI method and parameters of data acquisition were previously described [5]. The source MRI data were 14.94 GB. The data were processed using a probabilistic tractography algorithm [2], implemented as part of DIPY [6] and accelerated using CUDA to work on GPU [3]. This generated 498 GB of streamline data. are usually stored in the file format. In this case, streamlines were sharded into 464 .trk files stored in an S3 bucket using the Standard storage class. Each .trk file is comprised of a 1,000-byte header and a body of variable length consisting of a series of streamline section contains 4 Bthat denote the number of points in the streamline, followed by a series of floating point values detailing each coordinate and ends with a series of values representing properties of the streamline. We used Nibabel, a Python library that reads and writes data formats, to read these files. For .trk files, Nibabel can return individual data points via a generator. This is known as lazy loading and can be turned on or off prior to reading the file. As a result of the data representation format in.trk files, Nibabel reads may incur significant it issues a total of three read calls for each streamline in the file. In addition, an affine transform is stored together with the data, and used to bring coordinates from into register. For example, when Nibabel reads .trk files it automatically applies an affine the coordinates of each streamline stored in the file. This means that some amount of compute is always executed when data is read from file. D. Experiments To evaluate the performance Rolling Prefetch, we conducted 4 experiments: 1) varying the number of files; 2) varying the blocksize; 3) parallel processing of files; and 4) For experiments 1-3, the pipeline consisted of reading the file with Nibabel. As Nibabel performs a minimal amount of computing, Rolling Prefetch is believed to have an effect even here. Additional compute required by real analysis should only increase the benefit of using prefetching. 1) Varying the number of files: We vary the number of .trk files read to determine when Rolling Prefetch will be favourable relative to S3Fs. We expected that for small amount of data, there should be no significant between S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch. This is because compute time is expected to be minimal and the blocksize large compared to the total dataset size. In other words, there will be less opportunities to prefetch data with very small datasets, unless the block size is proportionally smaller, in which case latency will be penalizing both reads from S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch, extending processing time. With larger files, there will be more computation occurring during the reads, and therefore, more opportunities to mask the data transfers within the compute. We benchmarked the time it took to lazily read 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 files and extract the streamlines in Nibabel. The total data size for each of the file increments are 1.1, 5.8, 11.9, 18.0, 24.2 and 31:2 GiB , respectively. The blocksize was set to 64 MiB and the prefetch storage was located on tmpfs with a limit of 2 GiB of storage space. We performed 10 repetitions. 2) Varying the blocksize: In this experiment, we aimed to quantify the effect of the number of blocks ( nb) on Rolling Prefetch and S3Fs. According to our previous analysis, we expect that S3Fs will reach its best performance with a single block, and that the runtime will linearly increase with nbfrom that point on. For Rolling Prefetch, we expect the runtime to decrease to a minimum, and then increase linearly with nb. Block sizes of 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, and 2048 MiB were used to load the files into Nibabel and extract the streamlines. We use the largest-sized block ( 2048 MiB ) to determine the overhead of using the Rolling Prefetch algo- rithm, as no file in the HYDI dataset is larger than 1:7 GiB , and therefore, there are no opportunities to prefetch. Five files pertaining to the HYDI dataset were used to generate the results. These files ranged from 793 MiB to 1:5 GiB in size each. Since only Rolling Prefetch is capable of treating a list of files as a single file, a new Nibabel object needed to be created for each file in the case of S3Fs. The experiment was executed on both S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch for each block and repeated 10 times. Tmpfs was excluded from this experiment as the S3Fs blocksize wouldhave no effect on its performance. Prefetched storage was set to be tmpfs and configured to have 2 GiB of available space such that the largest block size could fit in prefetch storage. 3) Parallel processing: Since perceived throughput may be affected by the number of threads used, we aimed to determine if the performance difference between S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch remains proportional to the amount of data being processed per thread. If throughput is reduced by the number of active threads, it is expected that the cost of data transfers will outweigh the cost of computing, such that the difference between S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch will be very small. Furthermore, since S3 is a scalable distributed file system and local storage may not be (or may be more limited in terms of scalability), local is expected to be reduced significantly with the addition of multiple threads. We used a total of four parallel processes to evaluate the effects of parallel processing. We increased the number of files per thread between each condition from 1-20, with the last condition loading a total of 108 GiB into Nibabel. The blocksize was set to 64 MiB and we set the prefetch storage location to be on tmpfs , with a limit of 1 GiB of storage per process. 10 repetitions were performed. 4) Neuroimaging use cases: Our previous the value of Rolling Prefetch when the the most basic and necessary action: converting the data from binary to array representation. We expect that the benefits of Rolling Prefetch can be maximized with an in- creased compute time, due to greater opportunities to prefetch data during compute. However, we also expect that there is a peak ratio between data transfer time and compute ratio), where the benefits of Rolling Prefetch will be highest. If compute time is significantly greater than data transfer, regardless of all the time saved by the total runtime will predominantly be compute. This motivates further profiling to determine how to shard large datasets, like the HYDI dataset, such that the benefits of Rolling Prefetch can be maximized. Since the benefits of Rolling Prefetch may vary according to the ratio between data transfer and compute time, we have selected two use cases with varying computation times: 1) histogram distribution of streamline lengths; and 2) distribution of streamline lengths is used in order to assess the performance of tractography algorithms. It may also aid in determining if the files are good candidates for compression. The histogram computation consists of loading each streamline within the dataset lazily, gathering the lengths of each individual streamline and generating a histogram of 20 bins from their lengths. The human brain is composed of multiple different func- tional regions, and these regions are connected through major anatomical pathways. One of the first steps in the analysis of streamline data from human brain dMRI data is to classify the streamlines according to their trajectory into these different pathways. This is referred to as bundle recog-nition [7]. To demonstrate the benefits of Rolling Prefetch in this use-case, we ran a software pipeline that streamlines within the tractography file belong to either of two different bundles (the corticospinal tract, CST and the arcuate fasciculus, ARC), or to neither [10]. Currently, the pipeline loads the data all at once (i.e. no lazy loading) and then performs the bundle recognition task. Thus, it is not possible to read only fragments of a large file which does not fit in memory, in this case, and as a consequence of the separation of data loading and processing, there will be no opportunities to keep the prefetched data transfers masked within compute operations. We chose not to modify the pipeline, in order to determine what is the speedup provided by Rolling Prefetch optimization, and in order to be able to speculate on the possible benefits of adapting existing pipelines to files and allowing reads and computations to occur parameters were used for the bundle recognition and histogram application. For instance, recognition was ex- ecuted on two different compute instances (c5.9xlarge and r5.4xlarge). The experiment executed on the c5.9xlarge in- stance consisted of a 1 GiB file with a 64 MiB blocksize. The histogram experiment executed on the r5.4xlarge instance used 10 files totalling 12 GiB and used a 32 MiB blocksize. We also considered the speedups obtained from in smaller files. We split up the previous 1 GiB file and split it up into 9 shards containing the same number of streamlines. File sizes ranged from 73 GiB to165 MiB . We compared the speedup provided by Rolling Prefetch on a165 MiB shard to the processing of all 9 shards. were run exclusively on the r5.4xlarge instance with 10 repetitions. To compare the benefits of Rolling Prefetch with ratios, we executed the histogram computa- tion and the bundle recognition algorithm on an using the 1 GiB file. Blocksize in both cases was fixed at 32 MiB . 5 repetitions were performed. In all cases, 2 GiB of cache storage was allocated to the first three experiments, we used an Amazon EC2 t2.xlarge instance with 4 vCPUs and 16 GiB of RAM with a maximum of 7:8 GiB of RAM of tmpfs space. The compute instance was configured to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3 with kernel version 4.18.0. This instance was hosted in availability zone us-west-2a . The experiments all used Python version 3.9.0 with version 0.5.2 of S3Fs and Nibabel version 3.2.1. The scientific applications required significantly more mem- ory than available on t2.xlarge instances. As a result, the sci- entific applications were executed on a c5.9xlarge instance and an r5.4xlarge configured identically to the t2.xlarge instance, but located in the us-west-2d availability zone. consist of 64 vCPUs and have 72 GiB of availableTABLE I MEASURED LATENCY AND BANDWIDTH OBTAINED FROM READING FILES RANGING FROM 1 KiB TO4 GiB ON A T 2.XLARGE INSTANCE READING FROM AN S3BUCKET IN THE SAME REGION . S3 memory bandwidth (MB/s) 91 2221 latency (s) 0.1 1:610 6 memory, whereas the r5.4xlarge instance consists of 16 vCPUs and128 GiB of available memory. The data used for all experiments originated from the dataset stored on the Amazon S3 object store. This dataset is broken down into 464 files ranging from 700 MiB to1:7 GiB each. This dataset was also located in theus-west-2 region. To get an idea of the cost of data transfers, we measured the time it would take to read data sequentially from S3 to the t2.xLarge instance. We varied the filesize from 1 KiB to4 GiB and measure the time it took to read the files from a us-west-2 S3 bucket and from tmpfs. This method was favoured over more standard benchmarking libraries to ensure the two filesystems were benchmarked in the same way. Results were then compared to benchmarking results produced by the s3-benchmark library to ensure validity of our benchmarking method. The results can be seen in Table I. III. R ESULTS A. Varying the file size As we increase the file size we observe that the S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch increases (Figure 2), with Rolling Prefetch significantly outpacing ( 1.7x faster) S3Fs at31:2 GiB (25 files). This is expected as per our With a large amount of blocks, the pipeline dura- tion is determined by the maximum between the time it takes to compute the data Tcomp and the time it takes to transfer the dataTcloud . On the other hand, S3Fs runtime is the sum of the time it takes to transfer the data and the compute. In this case, the compute time is large enough such that using Rolling Prefetch significantly reduces runtime with large amounts of data. As the size of the data decreases, the benefit of using Rolling Prefetch also decreases. In this particular use case, S3 data transfer time is much larger than that of compute time, thus the only time we can save is that of Tcomp .Tcomp likeTcloud is proportional to the number of blocks used, and thus the amount of time saved increases with file size. In the worst case, Rolling Prefetch performance equals that of S3Fs. B. Varying the block size At a very large number of blocks, the performance of both S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch is degraded due to of both S3 storage latency and additionally, in the case of Rolling Prefetch, local storage latency (Figure 4). S3Fs starts to surpass the speed of Rolling Prefetch, although not substantially (approx. 1.03 X) at 748 blocks. we read from S3 at certain blocksizes, the block size onlocal storage is dictated by filesystem and kernel readahead size. In our specific case, the data would be read from tmpfs, and thus we do not see a significant added cost to It could be inferred that the overhead of Rolling Prefetch may be more significant with a large number of blocks due to Nibabel's access patterns, which consist of many small when decreasing the number of blocks we start to see an increase in performance in both S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch. This is because both benefit from to access data on S3, by generally making fewer read calls to it. Rolling Prefetch is found to be faster than S3Fs with a peak speedup of 1.24 X at 187 blocks (i.e. 32 MiB blocks). The speedup obtained from Rolling Prefetch did not vary significantly between 24 and 187 blocks, averaging at a speedup of approximately 1.2 X. Rolling Prefetch outpaces S3Fs at less than 748 blocks as the cost of local latency has diminished sufficiently with the larger blocks. As the Rolling Prefetch is able to begin masking S3 latency and bandwidth within its compute. S3Fs and Rolling converges again when the blocks reach a certain size, placing more weight disk bandwidth than latency. S3Fs exceeds the performance of Rolling Prefetch at a single block, where no actual prefetching can take place and we pay the cost of implementation overheads, such as writing the data to local storage and reading it from local storage rather than directly from speaking, variations in blocksize did not lead to major speedups between Rolling Prefetch and S3Fs. Since the total files size and compute time was fixed, there was a fixed upper bound to how many data transfers could be masked by compute time. By minimizing the amount of latency through a reduction in the number of blocks, the overall application time was shortened, in both S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch, and thus a larger percentage of the total runtime could be masked by compute. C. Parallelized workloads When we parallelize the reads up to four concurrent pro- cesses (Figure 3), we notice that the trends are still increased contention on local filesystems. This is likely due to the fact that tmpfs speeds would remain even with the increased contention caused by having at minimum 4 and potentially even up to 8 concurrent the filesystem at the same time. We speculate that the same pipeline running with data read from a single disk would have had worse performance due to its lack of scalability. The maximum speedup achieved, on average, during this experiment was 1.86 at 24.2 GiB. The average speedup was around 1.52 x altogether, with the minimum average speedup being 1.37 at 80.6 GB. Due to the high variability in results within both Rolling Prefetch and S3Fs, we expect that these speedup differences may be a result of bandwidth and latency variability across runs. We do not expect that conditions are more favourable for reading the data with four threads processing 24.2 GiB; since they are processing thesame amount of data concurrently, the overall speedup should be constant. D. Neuroimaging use-cases The results obtained from our neuroimaging use cases indicate that, in all cases, the use of Rolling Prefetch can speed up analyses (Figure 5). The extent of this speedup is, however, dependent on a number of factors, such as instance type, application and number of shards. The greatest observed speedup with Rolling Prefetch was found when executing the bundle recognition application with a greater number of shards (1.64 faster). This result echoes what was observed in Figure 2 with even a more application like bundle recognition. We do not, however, observe a speedup with a single shard, as the size of the shard was so small it did not incur many reads from S3. Due to the nature of the bundle recog- nition pipeline, it comes as no surprise that overall speedup in the unsharded case is minimal (1.14 ). The ratio of data- to-compute was found to be approximately 1/7, where the compute took, on average around 9000s. Thus, even if Rolling Prefetch significantly speeds up reads, the data transfer time is minimal to the overall compute time of the a highly data-intensive workflow, such as a we observe that the speedup is more significant with a speedup of 1.5 . Although our model dictates that the upper bound of speedup that can be obtained with Rolling Prefetch is 2, the observed speedups obtained by these two applications never reach that boundary. A possible explanation may be that the data-to-compute ratio of histogram compu- tation was too large to mask many of the reads within the compute, whereas the data-to-compute ratio was too small in the segmentation application, such that any speedup obtained through the Rolling Prefetch algorithm was offset by the computation time. The ideal algorithm for Rolling Prefetch would lie somewhere between the data and of the histogram and segmentation the execution parameters differed between the two instance types thus not making them directly comparable, we observed a greater speedup on the c5.9xlarge (1.6 ) than on the r5.4xlarge (1.1 ) instance. We suspect that the speedup obtained on the c5.9xlarge instance was relatively high as a result of the increased parallelism obtained from the increased number of CPUs, resulting in a more While the r5.4xlarge instance did process a larger number of files, suggesting that speedup should be greater, the actual file sizes varied, and with it, the streamline resulting in a more exacerbated by the decrease in available vCPUs. IV. D ISCUSSION Our theoretical analysis and experimental results demon- strate that there is a substantial processing time gain to be obtained from using Rolling Prefetch, particularly in the case of mixed workloads, where there is a significant cost associ- ated with time spent on compute and data transfers. This works0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Size 2. Runtime performance of reading subsets of the HYDI dataset stored on Amazon S3 into Nibabel using S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch on an Amazon EC2 t2.xlarge instance. Blocksize was set to 64 MiB on both S3Fs and Prefetch cache consisted of 2 GiB tmpfs storage. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Size 3. Runtime performance of reading subsets of the HYDI dataset stored on Amazon S3 into Nibabel in parallel using 4 S3Fs and Rolling Blocksize was set to 64 MiB on both S3Fs and Rolling cache consisted of 1 GiB tmpfs storage. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Number of 4. Runtime performance of reading a 6 GiB subset of the HYDI dataset stored on Amazon S3 into Nibabel using S3Fs and Rolling Prefetch with various block size configurations on an Amazon EC2 t2.xlarge cache consisted of 2 GiB tmpfs storage. c5.9 r5.4 1 9 hist. bundle r. Instance type Num of files Application SpeedupFig. 5. Rolling prefetch speedup of the neuroimaging use-cases (histogram and bundle recognition) in various conditions. Experiments varying instance type and number of files were only performed with the bundle with typical use cases in neuroimaging, where tasks vary widely ranging from very short tasks to long ones to complete and where datasets are large enough to incur transfers of similar magnitudes. Moreover, to save time with data transfers, researchers may opt to transfer their data over the compute instance, and perform the computation exclusively with data stored locally. While this does effectively give the optimal performance during processing, researchers are left to manage the data themselves. Since local storage on compute can become quite costly, researchers must decide between processing only a subset of the data, paying hefty fees related to storing large amounts of data or management logic directly into their workflows. There are also natural limitations to Rolling Prefetch. For instance, in the case of parallel workloads, in certain instances S3 would be preferred to the available local storage. This is a consequence of the fact that S3 is designed to be scalable and is capable of processing many requests unless configured to do so, local storage will not scale adequately to increased contention. A. Benefits of Rolling Prefetch Rolling Prefetch is an added layer on top of S3Fs that re- places its built-in cache strategies to intercept application read calls and ensure that data is preloaded. The that filesystem space requirements are not exceeded during prefetching through limits set by the user. With the built-in eviction mechanism, users are not required to do any form of data management should they be larger than available storage. Furthermore, the library allows configuration of multiple storage device as cache for prefetching. Currently, files are written to specific storage devices based on available space and storage priority in the list. With just a simple implementation performed on a computa- tion based on reading, we have observed up to a 1.8 speedup | 2108.10496 | Val\'erie Hayot-Sasson | Valerie Hayot-Sasson, Tristan Glatard and Ariel Rokem | The benefits of prefetching for large-scale cloud-based neuroimaging analysis workflows | null | null | null | null | cs.DC | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | To support the growing demands of neuroscience applications, researchers to cloud computing for its scalable, robust and Nevertheless, large datasets residing in object stores may result in significant data transfer overheads during workflow a method to mitigate the cost of reading in mixed workloads, masks data transfer costs within processing time of prior tasks. We present of Rolling Prefetch, a Python library that implements a particular form of prefetching from AWS S3 object store, and we quantify its benefits. Rolling Prefetch extends S3Fs, a Python library exposing AWS S3 a file object, to add prefetch capabilities. In measured of a 500 GB brain connectivity dataset stored on S3, we found that prefetching provides significant speed-ups of up to 1.86x, even in entirely of data loading. The observed speed-up values are consistent with our theoretical analysis. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of prefetching for scientific data processing on and provide an implementation applicable to various | [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 02:52:15 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
] |
August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 2 2 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim tific disciplines, e.g., synchronization and swarming behaviors in decentralized control in engineering [54 ,61,65], non- convex stochastic optimization algorithms in machine learning commun etc. Mathematical modeling of such collective ]andVic- sek [70] whose works have established milestones of collective dynam ics as major research subjects in applied mathematics, control theory , etc. Since then, several phenomenological models have b een matrix aggregation models [12 We also refer the reader to survey articles [1 a brief introduction to collective dynamics. In what follows, we are mainly interested in the Lohe type aggrega- tion models (the LT model and the SL model). The LT model is a aggregation model on the space of tensors with the sa me rank and size, and it encompasses previously introduced first-order ag whereas the SL model is an toy model de scrib- ing synchronous behaviors in a quantum regime. In fact, Lohe first focused on the similarity between classical and quantum synchronizations an d pro- posed a merely phenomenological model to capture common proper ties be- tween two emergent behaviorsin different regimes. However, when we focus on the dissimilarity between classical and quantum systems, one enc ounters several limitations of the SL model due to its quantum nature, name lyen- tanglement which is a genuine quantum feature and is not observed in the classical world. We here omit detailed descriptions on the relation bet ween quantum synchronization and entanglement which is beyond our sco pe. In this paper, we briefly review state-of-the-art results on the c of the aforementioned two Lohe type aggregation models from a universal platform for collective behaviors, Lyapunov functional approach and dynamical systems theory approach. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introd uce twoLohe type namelythe LT model and the SL m odel. In Section 3, we review state-of-the-art results on the emergen t dynamics of the LT model for homogeneous and heterogeneous ensembles by p roviding several sufficient frameworks for the complete state aggregatio n and prac- tical aggregation. In Section 4, we review parallel results for the S L model compared to the LT model in Section 3. Finally, Section 5 is devoted to a brief summary and discussion on some remaining interesting issues f or a future direction.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 3 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 3 Notation : Throughout the paper, we will see several models. As long as there are no confusion, we use handy acronyms for such models: LT: Lohe tensor ,SL: Schr odinger-Lohe ,LM: Lohe matrix, LHS: Lohe hermitian sphere ,SDS: swarm double sphere , SDM: swarm double matrix . Moreover, we use |*|to denotel2-norm of vectors in RdorCd, Preliminaries In this section, we briefly introduce two first-order aggregation m odels whose emergent dynamics will be discussed in the following two section s, namelythe Lohe tensor model andthe Schr odinger-Lohe model , Lohe tensor can be visualized as a array of complex numbers with multi-indices. The rank (ororder) of a tensor is the number of indices, say a rank- mtensor with size d1x***xdmis an For example, scalars, vectors and matrices correspond to rank-0, 1 and 2 tensors, a rank-mtensor with a size d1x*** xdm. Then, we component of Tby [T]a1***am, and we also set Tby the rank-mtensor whose components are simply the complex conjugate of elements in other words, each component of Tis defined as the complex conjugate of the corresponding element of T. be the collection of all rank-mtensors with size d1x***xdm. For notational simplicity, it is a complex vector space. Several well-known first-order aggre- gation models, for instance, the Kuramoto model [53], the swarm sp here model [59] and the Lohe matrix model [57] can be regarded as aggre ga- tion models on the subsets of R,CdandCdxd, respectively. 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 4 4 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim we also introduce the following handy notation: for we set [T]a*:= we can associate inner product namely Frobenius inner product and its induced norm ablock skew-hermitian rank-2mtensor with size ( such other words, if two blocks with the first m-indices are interchanged with the restm-indices, then its sign is changed. Now, we are ready to introduce the LT model on the finite are coupling strengths, the f average s in the R.H.S. of (2.1). Although the LT model (2.1) looks so complicated , interaction terms inside the parenthesis of (2.1) are designed to inc the swarmspheremodel and the Lohe matrix model, and they certainly have gain term -loss term structure and are cubic in nature. These careful designs of interactions lead to the existence of a constant of 2.1: [45]Let{Tj}be a solution to (2.1). Then, for each a first integral for t>=0.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 5 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 5 2.2.The Schr odinger-Lohe model Consider a network consisting of Nnodes denoted by 1 ,***,N,and we assume that the network topology is registered by an adjacent we ighted matrix (aij). For eachj= 1,***,N, letpsj=psj(x,t) be the wave-function of the quantum subsystem lying on the j-th node. Then, we assume that dynamics of psjis governed by the Cauchy problem to the SL model: for ( 1, j= a coupling strength, and we have taken mass and constant to be unity for the simplicity of presentation. Like the classical Schr odinger equation, system (2.2) satisfies 2.2: Let{psj}be a solution to (2.2). a and standard energy estimates yield a global exis- tence of unique weak solutions to (2.2). Theorem 2.3: [4,47]Suppose initial data satisfy ps0 jL2(Rd)for each j= 1,***,N. Then, the Cauchy problem (2.2)admits a unique global-in- time weak solution j= if we assume ps0 jH1(Rd), then the corresponding global weak solution satisfies we close this section, we show that the SL model (2.2) reduc es to the Kuramoto model as a special case. For this, we assume Vj(x) =:nj: constant, psj(x,t) substitute the above ansatz into the SL model (2.2) to 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 6 6 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim Then, we multiply psjto the above relation, use |psj(t)|2= 1, and compare the real part of the resulting relation to obtain the Kuramoto mode l 2k. In the following two sections, we review emergent dynamics of the LT model and the SL model, separately.Most presented results in the will be provided without detailed proofs, but we may discuss b rief ideas or key ingredients to give a feeling to see how proofs go. 3. The Lohe tensor model In this section, we review the emergent dynamics of the LT model an d two explicit low-rank LT models which can be related to the swarm sphe re model and the Lohe matrix dynamics In this subsection, we review emergent dynamics of the Lohe tenso r model (2.1). First, we recall two concepts of aggregations (or synchro nizations) 3.1: [41,43] Let{Tj}be a finite ensemble of rank-m tensors whose dynamics is governed by (2.1). (1) The ensemble exhibits complete state aggregation (synchroniz a- tion) if relative states tend to zero 0. (2) The ensemble exhibits practical aggregation (synchronization ) if magnitudes of relative states can be controlled by the strength k0***0as 0, for somei* {0,1}m. Remark 3.2: The jargon synchronization is often used in control theory and physics communities instead of aggregation. In fact, synchro an adjustment of rhythms in In c 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 7 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 7 systems under not be the au thorsfeel more comfortable to use aggregation instead of a given state ensemble {Tj}and free flow ensemble {Aj}, we define diameters for both ensembles: D(T) := := that D(T) is time-varying and Lipschitz continuous. Thus, it is differ- entiable a.e. and D(A) is constant, since Ajis a constant a solution to (2.1) with /badblTj/badblF= 1.Then, after tedious and delicate analysis, one can derive a differential inequality for D(T) (see Proposition 4.2 in [45]): for a.e. ^k0are defined as k on whether the ensemble {Tj}has the same free flows or het- erogeneous free flows, we have the following two cases: D(A) = 0 : homogeneous ensemble ,D(A)>0 : heterogeneous ensemble . Then, the emergent dynamics of (2.1) can be summarized as follows. Theorem 3.3: [45]The following assertions hold. (1) (Emergence of complete state aggregation): Suppose sys tem param- eters and initial data = 1, j= 1,***,N, k let{Tj}be a global solution to (2.1). Then, there exist on ki*and{T0 j}such t>=0.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 8 8 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim (2) (Emergence of practical aggregation): Suppose system p arameters and initial data 1, j= 1,***,N, k 0>0, 0<= in (3.3)is the largest positive root of the fol- lowing quadratic a global solution to system (2.1). Then, practical ag- gregation emerges = 0. (3.4) Proof:For a detailed proof, we refer the reader to [41]. Below, we instead provide a brief sketch on the key ingredient of proofs. (i) Suppose that D(A) = 0.
*Case A (Upper bound estimate): It follows from (3.1) that d dtD(T)<= the assumptions (3.2), coefficients appearing in the R.H.S. of ( we directly solve the differential inequality (3.5) to derive desire d up- per bound estimates.
*Case B (Lower bound estimate): Again, it follows from (3.1) that d dtD(T)>= to Case A, we integrate (3.6) to find the desired lower bound es ti- mate. (ii) Suppose that D(A)>0. Then, it follows from (3.1) 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 9 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 9 In order to use a comparison principle, we introduce a quadratic fun ction fdefined by f(x) (3.8) Since we are interested in the regime k0- , the positive. Thus, it follows from (3.7) and (3.8) that d dtD(T)<= the geometry of the graph of f, one can see that the =D(A) has two positive roots one can claim: (see Lemma 5.3 in almost every t>0 :={D(T(t))< e2}is a positively invariant set for the LT flow generated by (2.1). (3) There exist te>=0 such that D(T(t))<e1, t>=te. In fact, the smaller positive root e1can be calculated it follows from the claim above lettingk0- , one has the desired estimate LT models In the previous subsection, we have reviewed the emergent dynam ics of the LT model in a general setting. In this subsection, we study two low- rank LT models which can be derived from the LT model on 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 10 10 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim 3.2.1.The generalized Lohe matrix model In this part, we first derive a matrix aggregation model on Cd1xd2that can be reduced from the LT model. In the case of a square matrix d1=d2, the Lohe matrix model serves as a first-order aggregation model on the subset of Cd1xd2which is a unitary group. Thus, the LT model can provide an aggregation model on the space of nonsquare matrices. More p the Lohe tensor model (2.1) with m= a hermitian conjugate of Tjand the free flow term AjTjis defined as a rank-2 tensor via tensor contraction between a rank -4 tensor and a rank-2 [Tj]ba,[AjTj]ab= simplicity, we set k00=k11= 0, k1:=k01, k2:=k10. Then, system (3.9) reduces to the following simplified model, namely the generalized Lohe matrix model t>0, Tj(0) =T0 jCd1xd2, j= nonnegative coupling strengths, and we have used Einstein summation we define a functional measuring deviations from the centro id of configuration for (3.10): V[T(t)] t>=0. Then, we show that V[T] converges to a nonnegative constant V. Theorem 3.4: [42]Let{Tj}be a global solution to 1. Then, the following assertions hold. (1) There exists a nonnegative constant Vsuch that lim t-V[T] =V.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 11 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 11 (2) The orbital derivative of V(T)tends to zero = 0 0. In what follows, we consider the reduced Lohe matrix model to the generalized Lohe matrix model (3.10) with k2= t>0, Tj(0) =T0 j, j= to the initial a solution to (3.11) with a specific natural frequency tensor Aj: [Aj]abgd:= by singularvalue decompositionof Tj(t), one has Tj(t) SjandVjare time-independent constant matrices, whereas Uj=
Uj(t) is a time-dependent unitary matrix t>0, Uj(0) =U0 j, j= a diagonal matrix and BjUjis a usual matrix multiplication Moreover, if complete state for (3.11), then it also occurs for (3.12), and vice versa. By algebraic manipulat ion, one can find a differential inequality for the diameter of {Uj}: D(U) := := notational simplicity, we denote D:= := we are ready to provide the emergent dynamics of (3.12) as fo llows. Theorem 3.5: [42]The following assertions hold.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 12 12 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim (1) (Complete state aggregation): Suppose system paramete rs and ini- tial data satisfy D(B) = 0,A>0,B>0, for any solution {Uj}to(3.12), we have lim t-D(U) = 0. Moreover, the convergence rate is exponential. (2) (Practical aggregation): Suppose system parameters an d initial a largest positive root of g(x) and let {Uj}be a solution to (3.1). Then, one has = 0. Proof:The first statement for the complete state aggregation is based o n the following differential constants determined by the diagonal matrix D. This implies the desired upper and lower bound estimates for D(U). In contrast, the proof of the second statement will be done by similar arguments as in Theorem 3.3. For details, we refer the reader to [42]. 3.2.2.The Lohe hermitian sphere model In this part, we consider a reduction of the LT model on the hermitia 1}. In this case, the LT model reduces to .zj= ohmjare standard inner product in Cdand a 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 13 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 13 Here we used the Einstein summation convention. We refer the read er to [14,15,32] for the emergent dynamics of (3.13). Note that for a real-valued rank-1tensor zjRd, the coupling terms identically zerothanks to the symmetry ofinner product inRd. Hence, we can recover the swarm sphere model on Sd-1: .xj= (3.14) The emergent dynamics of (3.14) has been extensively studied in a se ries of papers In what follows,to investigate the nonlineareffect on the (3.13)due to twoc oupling terms, we consider for a while the following two special cases: (i) ohmj= ohm, k1= 0; (ii) ohm j= ohm, k0= 0, j= 1,***,N. Then, the corresponding models for each case read as follows: (i) .zj= .zj= the models in (3.15), we define a functional for {zj}: D(Z) := the following proposition, we summarize results on the emergent d ynam- ics of the models in (3.15) without 3.6: [44]The following assertions hold. (1) Suppose system parameters and initial data let{zj}be a global solution to (3.15)1with the initial data
{z0 j}. Then, there exists a positive constant Ldepending on the initial data such that D(Z(t))<= D(Z0)e-k0Lt, t>=0. (2) Suppose system parameters and initial data 1, and let{zj}be a global solution to (3.15)2with the initial data
{z0 j}. Then, there exist a time-dependent phase function thj=thj(t) such that zj(t) =eithj(t)z0 j, j= 1,***,N,August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 14 14 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim andthjis a solution to the Kuramoto-type model with t>0, thj(0) = 0, j= determined by initial 3.7: (i) In symmetry properties, a0 jk=-a0 kj, j,k = 1,***,N. (ii) System (3.16) can be rewritten as a gradient flow with the =-ThV[Th], t>0, V[Th] now return to the full model (3.13) with the same free flows. Not e that the term involving k0corresponds to the swarm sphere model and the the complex nature of underlying phase space. For an ensemble {zj}, we define the norm of the centroid: r(t) 3.8: [44]Suppose system parameters and initial data satisfy ohmj= ohm, j= let{zj}be a solution to (3.13). Then for each i,j= 1,***,N, function to 1 exponentially fast, i.e., complete state aggregation emerges give a brief sketch for a proof. Details can be found in Theorem 4.1 [44]. First, note 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 15 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 15 Thus, once we can show that to zero exponentially fast, then it directly follows that D(Z) tends to zero exponentially fast. Thus, we introduce a functional L(Z) := detailed and straightforward calculation, one can derive differen tial in- equality for L(Z): d dtL(Z)<= extremal indices such that L(Z) the other hand, one can show that under the assumption (3.17) onr0, the quantity to 1 asymptotically. Again, by the assumption on the coupling strengths, there exist positive constants Tandesuch t>T. This -k0eL(Z), t>T. Hence, one gets the exponential decay of L(Z). Before we close this subsection, we discuss the swarm double spher e (SDS) model on Sd1-1xSd2-1which was recently introduced by Lohe [55]:
.ui= t>0, .vi= = ohmiRd1xd1and LiRd2xd2are real skew-symmetric and kdenotes the (uniform) nonnegative coupling strength. For homogeneous zero free i= 1,***,N,August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 16 16 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim system (3.18) can be represented as a gradient flow. More precise ly, we set an analytical potential Esas Es(U,V) := system (3.18) can recast as a gradient system on the compa ct state space projection operators onto the tangent spaces of respectively, are defined by the following explicit formula: the standard convergence result on a gradient system with ana on a compact space, one can derive the following converg ence result for all initial 3.9: The following assertions hold. (1) Let{(ui,vi)}be a solution to (3.19). Then, there exists a state = (U,V). (2) Suppose initial data let{(ui,vi)}be a solution to system (3.19). Then, one has complete state 0. Remark 3.10: 1. We give some comments on the results in Proposition 3.9. In the first statement, the asymptotic state ( U,V) may depend on initial data. Thus, the result does not tell us whether the complete occurs or not as it is.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 17 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 17 2. The second result says that relative states ifwecombineboth results(1)and (2), wec anshow that the initial data satisfying (3.20) lead to complete state aggreg ation. So far, we have considered sufficient conditions for the emergence of complete state aggregation and practical aggregation. However , this emer- gent dynamics does not tell us on the solution structure of the LT m odel. In the following subsection, we consider a special set of solutions, n amely tensor product states which can be expressed as tensor produc ts of lower rank product states In this subsection, we review tensor product states for the LT mo del which can be written as a tensor product of rank-1 tensors or rank-2 t ensors. In the following definition, we provide concepts of two special tensor p 3.11: [38,39] (1) Let{Ti}be a completely separable state if it is a solution to (2.1), and it is the tensor product of only rank-1 tensors with unit modulus: for 1 <=i<=Nand uk iCdk,|uk i|= 1, where|*|is the standard l2-norm in Cd. (2) Let{Ti}be a quadratically separable state if it is a solution to (2.1). and it is the tensor product of only rank-2 tensors (or matrices) with unit Frobenius norm: for 1 <=i<=Nand 1, where/badbl * /badblFis the Frobenius norm induced by Frobenius separable state To motivate our discussion, we begin with rank-2 tensors that can b e de- composed into two rank-1 tensors for all time. Then, since its exte nsion to the case of a rank- mtensor will be straightforward, it suffices to focusAugust 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 18 18 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim on rank-2 tensors, and we refer the reader to [38 ,39] for details. In we show that (3.10) and (3.18) are equivalent in the follo 3.12: [39]The following assertions hold. (1) (Construction of a completely separable state): Suppos e{(ui,vi)}
is a global solution to (3.18). Then, a real rank-2 tensor a completely separable state to (3.10)with a well-prepared free flow tensor Aiand coupling ohmiTi+TiL i, k1=k2=:k. (2) (Propagation of complete separability): Suppose Tiis a solution to (3.10)with completely separable initial real rank-1 tensors Then, there exist two unit vectors that Ti(t) =ui(t)vi(t), a solution to = in order the investigate the emergent dynamics of some class es of solutions to (3.10), it suffices to study the dynamics of (3.18). Theorem 3.13: a completely separable state to (3.10)with the initial data and we have complete state 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 19 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 19 By the result of Proposition 3.12, one has complete state aggregat ion of (3.10) under suitable conditions on initial data and coupling strength s, and the desired estimates follow. Remark 3.14: Extension to rank-mtensors of the results in Theorem 3.13 can be found in Section 6 and Section 7 of separable state Similar to the previous part, we consider only a finite ensemble of rank -4 tensorsthat can be decomposedinto atensor productoftworan k-2tensors, and extension to rank-2 mtensors will be we introduce the swarm double matrix (SDM) model induced from the LT model whose elements have rank-4 with a specific condition on natural frequencies BjandCjin the same spirit of the SDS model tensors, respectively. Similar to the SDS model in Section 3.2 .2, the SDM model (3.21) with homogeneous zero free flows can be rewritte n as a gradient system for the following analytical := refer the reader to [38] for details. Next, we consider a special case for the SDM model: d1=d2=n, d3=d4=m, U0 jU(n), V0 jU(m),August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 20 20 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim whereU(n) andU(m) this case, one can easily show that unitary properties of along Vj(t)U(m), j= 1,***,N, t> 0.(3.22) Note that natural frequency tensors BjandCjare rank-4tensors onian, we associate two hermitian matrices, namely, the setting (3.22) and (3.23), system (3.21) reduces to the model now usual matrix products. We recall two con- cepts of definitions for emergent 3.15: [46] Let ( U,V) :={Uj,Vj}N j=1be a solution to (3.24). (1) System (3.24) exhibits complete state aggregation if the followin g estimate 0. (2) System (3.24) exhibits state-locking if the following relations hold the emergent dynamics of (3.24), we introduce several funct ionals measuring the degree of := := := := using the unitarity of UiandVi, we 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 21 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 21 Thus, one the relation above, we = 0==complete state aggregation , and for given positive integers nandm, we the estimate can be verifiedby derivinga su differential inequality for Ldefined in (3.25). Theorem 3.16: [38]Suppose system parameters and initial data satisfy Hj=On, Gj=Om, j= 1,***,N, let{(Uj,Vj)}be a global solution to (3.24). Then, complete state ag- gregation emerges tedious calculation, one can derive for a.e. t>0, .L <= a quadratic polynomial defined by f(s) assumption on nandm, the coefficient -2(m-4n)<0 andf= 0 admit a unique positive root an,m. Moreover, one can show that the set
{L(t)< an,m}is positively invariant under the flow (3.24). Thus, by the phase line analysis for (3.26), one can see that lim t-L(t) = 0. We refer the reader to [38] for details. Remark 3.17: For heterogeneous free flows, we can also find a leading to state-locking (see Definition 3.15) in terms of s ystem parameters with a large coupling strength and initial data in [38].August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 22 22 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim Finally, we consider a special ansatz for a solution Tiwith rank-4 to (2.1) as a solution to (3.21). Parallel to Proposition 3.12, we show the propagation of the tensor product structure along (3.2 1). Proposition 3.18: [38]The following assertions hold. (1) (Construction of a quadratically separable state): Sup pose
{(Ui,Vi)}is a solution to (3.21). Then, a rank-4 tensor a quadratically separable state to (2.1)with a well-prepared free flow tensor (Propagation of quadratic separability): Suppose a ran k-4 tensorTi is a solution to quadratically separable rank-2 tensors unit Frobe- nius norms. Then, there exist two matrices with unit Frobeni that Ti(t) =Ui(t)Vi(t), a solution to = (U0 i,V0 i). As we have seen in Theorem 3.13, complete state aggregation of a qu adrat- ically separable state to the LT model will be completely determined by Proposition 3.18. 4. The Schr odinger-Lohe model In this section, we review emergent dynamics, standing wave solutio ns, and numerical simulations for the SL model on a network.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 23 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 23 4.1.Emergent dynamics In this subsection, we study sufficient frameworks leading to the em tersand initial data, as we have seen in previous section. First, we recall defi nitions of aggregation for the SL 4.1: [4,22,35,47,48] Let Ps = {psj}be a global solution to (2.2). (1) Ps exhibits complete state aggregation if the following 0. (2) Ps exhibits practical aggregation if the following estimate 0. (3) Ps exhibits state-locking if the following relation mo delwill be different whether the corresponding linear free flows are homog eneous or heterogeneous. Precisely, we define diameter for external po tentials: D(V) := we have the following two cases: D(V) = 0 : homogeneous ensemble ,D(V)>0 : heterogeneous ensemble network In this part, we list up sufficient frameworks for the emergent dyna mics of (2.2) without detailed proofs. First, we consider identical one-bod y poten- tials over all-to-all network: Vi=Vj, i,j= = 0 and aik1. For a given ensemble Ps = {psj}, we set several Lyapunov functionals mea- suring the degree of := 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 24 24 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun product and its associated L2-norm, 4.2: ensemble) Suppose and initial data satisfy k>0, ajk1,D(V) = 1,1<=j,k<=N, and letPs ={psj}be a global solution to (2.2)with the initial data Ps0. Then, the following assertions hold: (1) (Emergence of dichotomy): one of the following holds: ei ther com- plete state 1 for all i,j= 1,***,N, or bi-polar aggregation: there exists a single index l0 {1,***,N}
such 1 If initial data satisfy D(Ps0)<1 2, then complete state exponentially If initial data satisfy alli,j, then complete occurs in H1-framework as 0,for alli,j= we provide some ingredients without technical details. (i) By direct calculation, we can see that that complete state aggregation emerges if and only if r(t) converges to 1 ast- . By (4.1)1and boundedness of r, the order parameter in time, and hence it converges to a definite value r. AfterAugust 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 25 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 25 careful analysis of r, one can see that the disired dichotomy holds (see [48]). (ii) By direct calculation, one can derive Gronwall's inequality for D(Ps) (see t>0. This that the condition D(Ps0)<1 2is needed to exclude the of D(Ps(t)). (iii) In [4,47], the authors provided finite dimensional approach based on the two-point correlation function the degree of aggregation. Then, the correlation function hijwithaik1 applying dynamical systems theory, we can obtain the desired re sult. Next, we consider a heterogenous ensemble with distinct one-body po- tentials. In the aforementioned work [47], the authors considere d the case of a two-oscillator system whose external potentials are assumed to be the vertical translation of a common potential: Vj(x) =V(x)+nj, xRd, njR, j= 1,2. Then for the system, they exactly find the critical coupling streng th for the bifurcation where the system undergoes a transition from the eme rgence of periodic motion to the existence of equilibrium. More is a periodic function with the lim t-h(t) =-i. (iii)k>n: lim t-h(t) emergent dynamics of the SL model with N>=3 can be studied sim- ilarly as in previous section for some restricted class of initial data an d system 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 26 26 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim Proposition 4.3: ensemble). The following asser- tions hold. (1) Suppose system parameters and initial data a larger positive root of f(x) := 2x3-x2+2D(V) k= 0, and let{psj}be a solution to (2.2). Then, practical = 0. (2) Suppose system parameters and initial data satisfy k>4D(n) =: 4 let{psj}be a global solution to (2.2). Then for each i,j, there exist a complex number a ijCsuch =a ij,|a ij| <=1. In other words, state-locking occurs. Moreover, the conver gence rate is Consider the equation: f(x) := 2x3-x2+2D(V) k= 0, x[0,), k> 54D(V). Then, the cubic equation f= 0 has a positive local a negative local 0 and1 3, respectively. Moreover, it has two positive real roots the roots depend continuously on kandD(V), and lim k-a1= flow issued from the initial data satisfying D(Ps0)<a2tends to the set
{Ps :D(Ps)<a1}in finite-time. Moreover, this set is positively t1.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 27 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 27 On the other hand one has lim k-a1(k) = 0. This yields the Detailed argument can be found in [19]. (ii) In order to show that the limit of we consider any two solutions to (2.2) denoted by {psj}and{~psj}, and we define the diameter measuring the dissimilarity of two correlation := we find a differential inequality for t>0. Under the assumption (4.2), we show that d(H,~H) tends to zero. Once we establish the zero convergence of d(H,~H), since our system is autonomous, we can choose ~hijas~hij(t) =hij(t+T) for anyT >0. By discretizing the timetR+asnZ+, one can deduce that a Cauchy sequence in the complete space {zC:|z| <=1}. Thus, we find the desired complex number structure For the interplay between emergent behaviors and network struc tures, the authors in [48] considered the following three types of network str competitive and networks depending on their signs: (i) Cooperative: aik>0 for alli,k= 1,***,N. (ii) Competitive: aik<0 for alli,k= 1,***,N. (iii) aik= the cooperative network aik, all values of aikhave positive values for the cooperative network {aik}: d(A) := ac m:= aM:= the other hand, for the competitive network, all values of aikare as- sumed to be negative and they considered the simplest case aik -1. InAugust 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 28 28 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim this case, each oscillator would exhibit repulsive behaviors. Lastly fo r the network, some of aikare positive and some are negative. Hence, we expect interesting dynamical patterns othe r than ag- gregation, such as periodic orbit or bi-polar aggregation. The argu ments above are summarized in the following theorem. Theorem 4.4: [48]Let{psj}be a global solution to (2.2). (1) Suppose that aikand initial data satisfy aik>0, system (2.2)exhibits complete state aggregation. (2) Suppose that aikand initial data satisfy aik -1, r0>0. Then, a solution to (2.2)tends to the splay state. (3) Suppose for N= 4thataikand initial data satisfy aik= we = wave solution In this subsection, we consider a specific type of a solution whose sh ape is invariant under the flow, namely, a standing wave solution. We begin w ith the ansatz for psi: psj(x,t) 1, j= 1,***,N, (4.3) whereEis a real number. We substitute the ansatz (4.3) into (2.2) with an identical harmonic potential Vi(x) =|x|2to xRd. (4.4) In what follows, we consider the one-dimensional d= 1 case and general- ization to the case can be constructed from the t ensor product of a one-dimensional solution. For the one-dimensional ca se, equa- tion (4.4) xR. (4.5)August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 29 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 29 Then, it is well known that the equation (4.5) has eigenvalues eigenfunctions (or constant multiple of the Hermite f 2k+1, uk(x) k= thek-th Hermite polynomial defined by Hk(x) = k= 0,1,***. We now consider the following Cauchy xR, t>0, u(x,0) =u0(x) it can be easily seen that the solution u(x,t) of the Cauchy problem (4.7) is given as follows: u(x,t) we study the stability issue for the two types of the standing wave solutions whose existence is guaranteed by the previous argument : (I)psj(x,t) 1, whereukis given by the formula (4.6). Note that the family (I) correspondsto the completely aggregate family(II) correspondsto bi-polarstate. Asin Theor mplete state aggregation occurs, the SL model becomes stable. Theorem 4.5: [49]The family (I)is stable in the following sense: for all e>0, there exists d>0such 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 30 30 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim Remark 4.6: Note that we cannot expect an asymptotic stability In fact, we consider the following form of = 1. Then, it is easy to check that the above psjis a solution to (2.2) scheme In [11], the authors consider nonlinearly coupled Schr odinger-Lo he type system by employingcubic nonlinearityso that the model wouldbe red uced to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation when the coupling is turned j= we discuss an efficient and accurate numerical method for dis cretiz- ing (4.8). Several numerical examples will be carried out and compar ed with corresponding analytical results shown in previous section. Du e to the external trapping potential Vj(x) (j= 1,***,N), the wave functions psj(j= 1,***,N) decay exponentially fast as |x| - . Therefore, it suf- fices to truncate the problem (4.8) into a sufficiently large bounded d omain D Rdwith periodic boundary condition (BC). The bounded domain D is chosen as a box [ a,b]x[c,d]x[e,f] in 3D, a rectangle [ a,b]x[c,d] in 2D, and an interval [ a,b] in 1D. 4.3.1.A time splitting Crank-Nicolson spectral method First, we begin with the description of (4.8) combining a time method and the Crank-Nicolson method. Choose t >0 as the time step size and denote time steps tn:=ntforn>=0. From time t=tn tot=tn+1, the GPL is solved in three splitting steps. One solves x D, j= 1,***,N, (4.9)August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 31 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 31 with periodic BC on the boundary Dfor the time step of length t, j= 1,***,N, (4.10) for the same time step, and finally j= 1,***,N, (4.11) for the same time-step. The linear subproblem (4.9) is discretized in s pace by the Fourier pseudospectral method and integrated in time analy tically in the phase space [5 ,7,6,10]. For the nonlinear subproblem (4.10), it |psk(x,t)|2 Thus it collapses to a linear subproblem and can be integrated in time analytically [5 ,7,6,10]. For the nonlinear sub- problem (4.11), due to the presence of the Lohe term involving k, it cannot be integrated analytically (or explicitly) in the way for the standard G PE [5,7]. Therefore, we will apply a Crank-Nicolson scheme [8] to further dis- cretize the temporal derivate of (4.11). To simplify the presentation, we will only provide the scheme for to d>1 is straightforward for tensor grids. To this end, we choose the spatial mesh size as x=b-a MwithMa even positive integer, and let the grid points be xl=a+lx, l= 0,***,M. For the approximation of psj(xl,tn) (0<=l<=
M) andpsn jas the solution vector with component psn j,l. Combining the time splitting (4.9)-(4.11) via the Strang splitting and the Crank-Nico lson scheme for (4.11), a second order Time Splitting Crank-Nicolson FourierAugust 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 32 32 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun (TSCN-FP) method to solve GPL on Dreads j= are the discrete Fourier transform coefficients of the vectors the Crank-Nicolson step (4.12) is fully implicit, it can be either solved efficiently by Krylov subspace iteration method with proper pr e- conditioner [3] or the fixed-point iteration method with a stabilization pa- rameter [9]. In addition, TSCN-FP is of spectral accuracy in space a nd second-order accuracy in time. By following the standard procedu re, it to show that the TSCN-FP conserve mass of eac h compo- nent in discrete level, i.e., and j= 1,2,...,N. We omit the details here for to simulate some interesting dynamics. For our simulation , we choose b= 1,t=2x10-4,D= [-12,12]d, d= 1,2.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 33 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 33 The potentials and initial data are chosen as follows: Vj(x) =p2a2 j|x|2, real constants to be given later. In fact, complete and practical aggregation estimates do not depend o n the form of the initial data and the relative L2-distances of the initial data play a crucial role. However,when we deal with the center-of-mass xc, we used the Gaussian initial data so that they have the symmetric form (see Rem ntities (see [11] for details): R(t) := (bij)1<=i,j<=N, xj c(t) 4.7: Here, we consider the two-component system in 1D, i.e., we takeN= 2andd= 1in(2.2). To this end, we take (x0 1,x0 2) = (2.5,-5) and consider the following two cases: for j= 1,2, Case 1. fixaj=bjl= 1(l= 1,2) and vary k=0,2,20. Case 2. fixaj=j,b12=b21= 1,b11= 4b22= 2and 1 and Figure 2 depict the time evolution of the quantit the real part of the correlation function h12(t)), the center of massxj c(t), the component mass the total energy 2, respectively. From these figures and other numerical exper - iments not shown here for brevity, we can see the following ob servations: (i). For all cases, we observe that the mass is conserved alon g time. (ii). If the Lohe coupling is off, i.e., k= 0, both the mass and energy are conserved well, and the center of mass ( periodic in time with the same period. In addition, for the identical case, i. e.,B=J2and V1(x) =V2(x),R(t)is conserved for identical case. (iii). If the Lohe coupling is on, i.e., k >0, the phenomena become com- plicated. The energy is no longer conserved, indeed it decay s to some valueAugust 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 34 34 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim for largekwhile it oscillates for small k. (iv). Moreover, for the identical case, R(t)converges exponentially to 1, which coincides with the theoretical results.Thus, comple te state in this case. After complete state aggregation, converge to zero and the center of mass become the same and swing periodically along the line connecting Furthermore, for the non-identical case, i.e., B not converge to 1, i.e., complete state aggregation can not occur. However, for large k,R(t)indeed converges to some definite constant R<1. The larger k, the smaller value 1-R. Meanwhile, converges to zero, which could be also justified in a simi lar process as shown in Corollary 4.1 of [11]. (a)0 2 4-0.500.5 0 2 4-5-2.502.55 0 2 40.9911.01 0 2 6 6 6 120.9911.01 0 6 0.68 2 4-5-3.5-2023.5 0 2 40.9911.01 0 2 1. Time evolution of the quantity 1 -R(t) (left), the center of mass xj c(t) (middle), and the component mass the total energy E(t) (right) for Case 1 in Example 4.7 fork= 0,2,20(top to bottom). Example 4.8: Here, we consider the six-component system in 2D, i.e., weAugust 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 35 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 35 (a)0 1.2 2.4-20210-3 0 4 4 80.9911.01 0 4 1.2 2.4-0.100.1 0 4 4 80.9911.01 0 4 8206208210 (c)0 5 10-0.20.41 0 5 5 100.9911.01 0 5 100100200 (d)0 5 1000.51 0 5 5 100.9911.01 0 5 100100200 Fig. 2. Time evolution of the quantity 1 -R(t) (left), the center of mass xj c(t) (middle), and the component mass the total energy E(t) (right) for Case 2 in Example 4.7 fork= 0,2,10,20(top to bottom). takeN= 6andd= 2in(2.2). To this end, we here only consider the identical case, i.e., we choose aj= 1 =bjl= 1(j,l= 1,***,6). Let k= 20, we consider four cases of initial setups: Case cos((j-1)p/3),6 1,***,6. Case + 4 cos(jp/3-p/12),2 + 4 1,***,6. Case cos((j-1)p/5),6 1,***,6.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 36 36 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun Kim Case 6. Random location: x1 0= (3.4707,2.7526), x2 0= x4 0= x6 0= 3-Case 6 , Figure 3 illustrates the trajectory and time evo- lution of the center of mass xj c(t) =: (xj c1(t), xj c2(t)), Figure 4 depicts the time evolution of |R1256(t)- R3456(0)|,and Figure 5 shows the contour plots of |ps1(x,t)|2 at different times. From these figures and other numerical exp eriments not shown here for brevity, we can see the following observation s. (i). Complete state aggregation occurs for all cases. (ii). All the center of mass xj c(t)(j= 1,***,6) will converge to the same periodic function -xc(t), which swings exactly along the line connecting the points and are defined as the average of the initial center of mass of the six when -x0 c1= -x0 c2= 0, the center of mass will stay steady at the origin (cf. Figure 3 (a)), which also agrees with the conclusion in R emark 4.2 of [11]. (iii) Before complete state aggregation, all density profil will evolve similarly, i.e., the same dynamical pattern as those shown in Figure 5 for |ps1|2(only differ from the 'color', i.e., the more blurred humps imply the centers of the other five component, w hile the lighter one shows the one of the current component). While af ter complete state aggregation (around t= 0.4, which corresponds to the moment the center of mass xj c(j= 1,***,6) meet together in Figure 3), all psj(x,t) (hence also for all density profiles) will converge to the sam e function, whose density changes periodically in time (as shown in colu mns 4-6 in Figure 5, which also indicate the periodic dynamics for the c enter of mass that illustrated in Figure 3). In addition, before complete state numerical schemes cannot conserve the cross-rati o like discretized level, the difference of those quan- tities from their initial ones are still small (cf. Figure 4) .August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 37 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 37 (a)-6 -3 0 3 6-6-3036 -3 -1.5 0 1.5 3-3-1.501.53 0 1 2 3-505 0 1 2 3-505 (b)-2 0 2 4 6-20246 -2 -1 0 1 2-2-1012 0 1 2 3 4 5-20246 0 1 2 3 4 5-20246 (c)-6 -3 0 3 6-20246 -3 -1.5 0 1.5 3-3-1.501.53 0 1 2 3 4 5 6-6-3036 0 1 2 3 4 5 6-3036 (d)-5 -2.5 0 2.5 5-6-3036 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1-2-1012 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-4-2024 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-6-303 Fig. 3. First two columns: trajectory of center of mass xj c(t) int[0,tc] andt[tc,10] (tc= 1.5 for first row while 0.5 for the others). The third column: tim e evolution of xj c1(t) andxj c2(t)) (right). *denotes location of xj c(0), while denotes the one of xj c(tc). 0 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 4. Time evolution of |R1256(t)-R2456(0)|and|R3456(t)- R3456(0)|forCase3-6 (Left to right).August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 38 38 Seung-Yeal Ha and Dohyun 5. Contour plots of |ps1(x,t)|2at different time tforCases 3-5 in Example 4.8 (the top 4 rows) and color bars of the contour plots at t= 0.5 (bottom left) and right). 5. Conclusion In this survey paper, we have reviewed state-of-the-art result s on the col- lective behaviors for two Lohe type aggregation models (the Lohe t ensor model and the Schr odinger-Lohe model). The former deals with th e aggre- gation dynamics of tensors with the same rank and size, and it turns out to be a generalized model for previously known first-order aggregat ionmodels such as the Kuramoto model, the swarm sphere model and the Lohe ma- trix model. Of course, the Lohe tensor model can be reduced to ag gregation models on the hermitian sphere and nonsquare matrix group which ar e not known in previous literature. For the collective dynamics, we adopt t wo concepts of aggregation (complete state aggregation and pract ical aggrega- tion). When all state aggregates to the same state, we call it as co mplete state aggregation. This phenomenon occurs for a homogeneous e nsemble in which all particles follow the same free flow. In contrast, when stat es are governed by different free flows, complete state aggregation can not occur.August 25, 2021 Lecture Note Series, IMS, NUS -- Review Vol. 9in x 6in HK-QS page 39 Collective dynamics of Lohe type aggregation models 39 Of course, the rate of state change (we call it velocity) can aggre gate to the same value. At present, this strong estimate is not available for models yet. The latter describes the collective aggregation of the coupled Schr odinger equations for wave functions. For a special case, it can be reduced to the swarm sphere and Kuramoto models. For this model, we can also adopt the same universal approaches (Lyapunov functio nal ap- proach and dynamical systems theory approach for two-point co Similar to the Lohe tensor model, this model exhibits the same aggregation phenomena for homogeneous and heterogeneous en sembles. As we have already mentioned, we do not have a complete theory for de al- ing with a heterogeneous ensemble except for a weak aggregation e aggregation). Thus, we would say that our reviewed re sults for a heterogeneous ensemble are still far from completeness. This will be an interesting research direction for those who are interested in colle ctive content of this paper is based on a lecture given by the first aut hor at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of National University of S ingapore in December 2019. 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Collective behaviors of classical and quantum many-body systems have received lots of attention from disciplines such as applied mathematics, control theory in engineering, nonlinear dynamics of statistical physics, etc. To model such collective dynamics, several phenomenological models were proposed in literature and their emergent dynamics were extensively studied in recent years. Among them, we present two Lohe type models: the Lohe tensor (LT) model and the Schrodinger-Lohe mode}, and present several sufficient conditions in unified frameworks via the Lyapunov functional approach for state diameters and dynamical systems theory approach for two-point correlation functions. We also present several numerical simulation results for the SL model.
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2Z. J. Zheng et al. tional measurements over the entire sky with and magnitude completeness. Many must benet from the catalog to achieve far higher precision astrometry. For deep, ground- or space-based tele- scopes, the potential of using Gaia DR2 as a calibration tool is also tremendous, especially for many projects such as satellite or asteroid orbit determination. Uncertainties in the positioning for a high signal-to-noise (SNR) star image is usually 1% pixel (2 mas, see Table.1 in Libralato et al. 2014), and it is not superior to the typical precision in Gaia's faint end, 0.7 mas at G=20 mag. So in addition to using only pixel coordinates of stars, large tele- scopes can also use Gaia reference stars with high SNR im- ages to directly link the pixel positions with the celestial po- sitions. For the forthcoming wide-fast-deep survey by Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), which is dedicated to carrying out high-quality astrometry, Gaia would also serve as a synergy to improve its measurement for proper motion of sources fainter than 21 Gmag (Libralato, Bellini, Bedin, Piotto, Platais, Kissler-Patig & Milone Cas). For both types of astrometry mentioned above (photo- graphic astrometry and dierential astrometry), pixel po- sitional measurement (Point Spread Function centering Gaussian centering) and calibrating for op- tical eld-angle distortion are important for reaching the intrinsic error
oor of the observations. In this paper, the optical eld-angle distortion, also called geometric distor- tion (GD) is focused on. Although GD can be expressed by a high-order polynomial if there are sucient Gaia stars in the eld of view (FOV), a GD pattern of the CCD camera in a certain time is still desirable. For example, when per- forming Synthetic Tracking (Zhai et al. 2018) for detecting and tracking near-Earth objects (NEO), it is convenient and timesaving to transform the pixel positions to the distortion- free positions by utilizing GD solution, instead of building a high order distortion model (Equations 3 and 4 in Zhai et al. 2018). For both types of astrometry, there are corresponding GD solutions. For dierential astrometry, a frame called the master frame is constructed by the observations themselves in pixel coordinate and taken as a reference to derive the GD solution (Anderson et al. 2006). The solution has been successfully applied for the astrome- try of HST and several ground-based telescopes (Anderson et al. 2006; Bellini & Bedin 2010; Libralato et al. 2014). For photographic astrometry, we proposed an alternative GD solution, taking an astrometric catalog as reference (Peng et al. 2012) and the solution is also successfully applied for the astrometry of some natural satellites (Peng et al. 2015, 2017; Wang et al. 2017). However, if derived from the are the two GD solutions in agreement with each other? Further, are the positions after GD correction in agreement with the ones of an astrometric
at eld? In this paper, we compare the GD solution based on photographic astrometry (hereafter GD1), which takes po- sitions from Gaia DR2 as a reference, with the GD solu- tion based on dierential astrometry (hereafter GD2), which takes positions from the master frame as a reference. And further analysis is made for the two GD patterns paper is organized as follows: in Sect.2, we brie
y describe the instrument and the observations. In Sect.3, weTable 1. Specications of the telescope and CCD camera. Focal length 13.3 m Diameter of primary mirror 1 m FOV 160160 Size of pixel 15 15m2 Size of CCD array 4096 pixel scale 0 :00234/pix Table 2. Specications of the Date Exp-time Mean Seeing Airmass (arcsec) (sec z) 1 2018.11.11 55 60s 1.90 1 :01 1:10 2 2018.11.12 43 60s 1.85 1 :00 1:05 3 2018.11.13 52 60s 1.68 1 :00 1:04 derive the two GD solutions and compare their patterns. In Sect.4, we compare the measurement in terms of preci- sion and accuracy. In Sect.5, through simulation, we the non-linear terms of the two GD solutions. We also discuss if the positions of the master frame are in agreement with the International Celestial Reference Sys- tem (ICRS). The nal section summarizes our results. 2 INSTRUMENT AND OBSERVATIONS The open cluster M35 was observed near the zenith to mini- mize atmosphere refraction eects with the 1-m telescope at Yunnan Observatory (YNAO). To derive the GD solution, a dithering strategy was arranged by a set of pointings with a step of 10and covered a sky region of 230230. The observations were obtained in I lter with Andor's iKon-XL 231 CCD camera. Details of the telescope and CCD cam- era are shown in Table 1, and observations are shown in Table 2. For simplicity, the three observation-sets are called Obs1 (2018.11.11), Obs2 (2018.11.12) and Obs3 DERIVING THE GD SOLUTION The most straightforward way to solve for GD should be to compare the observations with a distortion-free reference frame (DFF). The residuals would be the direct depiction of the GD eect in the observation. DFF is dened as a coordinate system that any observed frame after GD cor- rection can be transformed to, by just a 4-parameter con- formal transformation (i.e. considering translation, rotation and scaling). However, the actual DFF does not exist but we could build an approximate one, based on the astromet- ric catalog or the observations themselves. For we can take the tangential standard the standard frame for each exposure as a reference, which is calculated from an astrometric catalog, consider- ing general astrometric eects (parallax, aberration, atmo- sphere refraction, etc). And for dierential astrometry, the reference frame called the master frame is combined by a set of average positions from the observations (Anderson &
MNRAS 000, 1{10 (2020)Systematic Comparison between Two GD Solutions 3 Obs small GD StopCorrect pix in Obs framesMid GD NoMid 1. Diagram of GD1 small GD StopCorrect pix in Obs framesMid GD NoCombine Mid GD=^GD Figure 2. Diagram of GD2 procedure. King 2003). The procedures of the two GD solutions are vi- sualized on Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 respectively. The procedure is interpreted in the following and Standard frame: GD1 is modeled based on the standard frame, i.e. the tangential standard by gnomonic projection from the astrometric cat- alog | Gaia DR2. For each observed frame, we calculate its corresponding standard frame, considering general astro- metric eects.
Master frame: GD2 is modeled based on the master frame, of which the positions are constructed from observed frames, to maintain the accuracy and precision of the The master frames are constructed for In the following, the construction of the master frame is given in detail. To build the master frame, we nd a conformal transfor- mation from each observed frame to the centermost frame by the least square method, determined from their common stars' pixel positions. The position of each star on the mas- ter frame is calculated from the -clipped average of all the transform positions from the same stars of dierent frames. And the RMS (marked as ) of each position of the master frame is served as a weight for transformation in the next iteration. At the same time, a star on the frame would be
agged if it has a transform outlier during the estimation for the master frame's position, so that it would not be used in the next iteration. Also, new stars are added to the master frame, and nally, the master frame covers all the observed stars. The primitive master frame is then used to improve the transformation, with the weights and
ags determined by the previous iteration. The procedure iterates by several times until the positions on the master frame converge to 0.001 pixel ( 0.2 mas) in each The observed frame's positions would be com- pared with the DFF's, using a 4-parameter conformal The transformation residuals of each star would reveal the GD eects to some extent, though mixing up with other errors (catalog error for GD1, transformation model error and centering error for both). Thanks to the the same star is imaged in various positions of the CCD, and the transformation residual discloses the GD ef- fect as a function of pixel position. Specically, the catalog error can be canceled out when relating with the error of the same star observed in dierent frames (refer to Peng et al. 2012 in detail).
GD modeling and Correction: both GD solutions are pre- sented simply by a look-up table which is constituted by 1616 bins (each bin is made up of 256 257 pixels) over the CCD chip. This setting proves to be the best compro- mise between the need for an adequate number of bins to model the GD solution and adequate sampling of stars in each bin. The GD eect in the center of each bin is estimated from residuals of all the stars in the bin, average solution. After the rst iteration, a tem- porary le, Mid GD is used to store the current GD solution and the positions of stars on each frame are corrected by the bi-linear interpolation of GD estimations of four closest bins. In the next iteration of the GD solution, the remanent GD eects of each bin are solved again and they are added to Mid GD le. The GD solution iterates until the adjustment in each bin is less than 0.001 pixel. It should be noted that, for GD2 solution, the master frame would be on the corrected positions in each iteration. The above reduction would be performed after the stan- dard procedures including de-bias and
at elding. And the pixel positions of stars are achieved by a centering. We derive two types of GD solutions for and perform the correction. The have been smoothed with a 5 5 Gaussian smooth- ing kernel, and we have veried that the smoothing did not compromise our solution. For simplicity, we show the pat- terns of the two GD solutions and the transformation resid- MNRAS 000, 1{10 (2020)4Z. J. Zheng et al. uals of bright stars (Gmag <16) after GD correction in Fig. 3. For each observation-set, two GD patterns are dierent from each other. GD1 exhibits a considerable linear skew while GD2 little. And the magni- tude of GD1 is much larger than GD2. The GD pattern of Obs3 is very dierent from Obs1 and Obs2. It may result from the maintenance during the day since the CCD is just put into operation for only one month. We test the stability of the solution in the next section. 4 COMPARISON IN TERMS OF AND SYSTEMATIC ERRORS In this section, we compare the two GD solutions in terms of the measurement precision and systematic errors by between datasets. 4.1 Comparison of precision After GD correction, a conformal transformation is used to bring each star's position into the standard frame or the master frame. We consider pho- tographic astrometry andp
2x+2yfor dierential astrom- etry) of the transformation residuals of the same star, to evaluate the accuracy of the GD solutions. To facilitate the comparison, for GD2 is converted to arcsecond unit with an average pixel scale 0 :00234/pix. For all the pixel scale is very stable at the mas level. The nal results are shown as function of Gaia's Gmag in the top two subgures of Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 for three observation-sets respectively. A dashed red line indi- cates the median precisions of stars brighter than 14 Gmag. It is found that two GD solutions enable the precision to achieve a comparable level. It should be noted that the derived solution is an av- erage GD solution for the telescope during the observation run. The linear terms of distortion are easily changed by insucient correction of atmosphere refraction for GD1, or dierential atmosphere refraction for GD2 (though near the zenith), and variation of telescope's
exure. Taking into ac- count these errors, a 6-parameter linear transformation is applied instead and the results are shown in the bottom two subgures of Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. Similar GD are found for the two solutions. To test the GD stability, we also look into the pre- cisions after applying cross-correction to the is, for each observation-set, we also adopt the GD so- lution which is derived from other observation-set. Only the median values of the precision for the stars brighter than 14 Gmag after correction is listed in Table 3. The loss is 2 mas for Obs2 when GD solution is de- rived from Obs3 and the transformation model is a The other precision losses are within 1 mas. For high-precision astrometry, we suggest deriving the GD solution from the observation-set itself, as it is External and internal check for the accuracy As a relative self-calibration technique, GD2 solution pro- vides the master frame, which can be presented as a pro-Table 3. The median values of the precision in arcsecond for the stars brighter than 14 Gmag after applying GD solutions derived from dierent The rst column indicates the cor- rected observation-set and the referred GD solution. The last four columns are the precisions after applying GD1 and GD2 through dierent transformation Linear GD1 GD2 GD1 GD2 Obs1/Obs1 0.016 0.016 0.012 0.013 Obs1/Obs2 0.016 0.016 0.013 0.013 Obs1/Obs3 0.016 0.016 0.013 0.013 Obs2/Obs2 0.015 0.015 0.011 0.011 Obs2/Obs1 0.015 0.015 0.011 0.012 Obs2/Obs3 0.015 0.015 0.013 0.013 Obs3/Obs3 0.011 0.012 0.008 0.009 Obs3/Obs1 0.012 0.012 0.009 0.009 Obs3/Obs2 0.012 0.012 0.009 0.009 visional reference frame, not only demanding high-accuracy as well. The internal precision is a metric for relative measurement, however, it is an internal estimate for the errors. In case of missing out hidden systematic er- rors, we would compare the master frames derived from dif- ferent observation-sets for an external check. For compari- son, an internal check is also done for the GD1 solution. It should be noted that we only considered stars brighter than 16 Gmag, which are observed at least 5 times. Since the variation of thermal-induced or
exure- induced in telescope's optics and dierential refraction, the linear terms would easily change during the observation. As a result, we just explore non-linear terms between the mas- ter frames. Ignoring the proper motion eects of stars in one or two days, a linear transformation is applied to re- late two master frames. The transform residuals along X orYaxes are shown in Fig. 7. Note that the results have been converted to arcsecond unit with the approximate The is stable within about 6 mas at average in each direction. For the GD1 solution, we compare the average (O-C) of the same stars when a 6-parameter plate model is used (see the section above), ignoring the proper motion eects of stars in one or two days. The variations of (O-C) are shown in Fig. 8. It seems that the measurement from photographic astrometry has a small advantage ( 4 mas at average in one direction). The dierential astrom- etry's measurement might be more vulnerable to environ- mental variations, and a higher-order polynomial is needed when cross-matching the master frame from various epochs. Based on the derived GD1 solution, we generate data for further investigation in the next section. 5 ANALYSIS USING SYNTHETIC DISTORTED DATA In this section, we generate synthetic distorted data based on Obs3 and derive GD solutions. The use of simulation allows for the two GD solutions to be investigated free from the in
uence of the instrument or weather environment. And the synthetic data are generated in an imitation of the process of photographic astrometry since it is generally accepted. And MNRAS 000, 1{10 (2020)Systematic Comparison between Two GD Solutions 5 Figure 3. GD1 (left) and GD2 (right) patterns for Obs1 (top), Obs2 (middle) and Obs3 (bottom) and residual trends along X and Y axes for stars brighter than 16 Gmag. Unit is expressed in pixel. Maximums and medians are shown at top of each panel. And the vectors are magnied by a factor of 2000. MNRAS 000, 1{10 (2020)6Z. J. Zheng et al. Figure 4. Top left: After GD1 correction for Obs1, RMS as a function of Gmag by a four-parameter conformal transfor- mation to the standard frames. Top right: After GD2 correction for Obs1, RMS (q
2x+2y) as a function of Gmag by a transformation to the master frame. Bottom left: After GD1 correction, RMS of using a six-parameter linear right: After GD2 correction, RMS of using a six-parameter linear transformation. The red dashed line marks the median values of the stars brighter than 14 Gmag. Figure 5. Similar to Fig. 4 but for Obs2. what is more, the high accuracy and precision of Gaia DR2 provide a robust calculation for them. 5.1 The generation of synthetic data and analysis of we take the standard frame calculated from Gaia for each observation as ideal positions. Then each standard frame is aligned with the GD calibrated frame by confor- mal transformation and added with systematic uncertain- ties. The systematic uncertainties are based on the source's Gmag (m) and presented as the following sigmoidal formulain arcsecond:
(m) = (A1 A2)=(1 +e(m m0)=dm) the initial and nal values of the sig- moidal curve respectively, m0is themvalue of the curve's midpoint and dmis the growth rate of the curve. We adopt the values of and dm(0.911) which have been derived by Lin (Lin et al. 2019). For Obs3,A10.025 pixel (about 6 mas), serves as the sys- tematic error
oor to be expected from the synthetic data, i.e. for the positional measurement of high SNR star images. We choose two GD1 models to be introduced into the simulation data, which are derived from the 000, 1{10 (2020)Systematic Comparison between Two GD Solutions 7 Figure 6. Similar to Fig. 4 but for Obs3. 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05DX (arcsec)s= 0.005MF1 vs MF2 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05 s= 0.005MF1 vs MF3 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05 s= 0.005MF2 vs MF3 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05DY (arcsec)s= 0.005 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05 s= 0.006 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05 s= 0.007 Figure 7. The residuals along XorYaxes when two master frames (MF for short) relate with each others. Left: MF of Obs1 relates with MF of Obs2. Middle: MF of Obs1 relates with MF of Obs3. Right: MF of Obs2 relates with MF of Obs3. The red dashed line is marked atof the residuals and the solid line is marked at average value. 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05Dacosd (arcsec) s= 0.004(O-C)1 vs (O-C)2 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05 s= 0.003(O-C)1 vs (O-C)3 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05 s= 0.003(O-C)2 vs (O-C)3 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05Dd (arcsec) s= 0.004 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05 s= 0.004 8 10 12 14 0.00 0.03 0.05 s= 0.003 Figure 8. The (O-C) values change between two observation sets. Left: (O-C) values of Obs1 compare with (O-C) values of Obs2. Middle: (O-C) values of Obs1 compare with (O-C) values of Obs3. Right: (O-C) values of Obs2 compare with (O-C) values of Obs3. The red dashed line is marked at of the residuals and the solid line is marked at average value. MNRAS 000, 1{10 (2020)8Z. J. Zheng et al. take at YNAO 1-m telescope (Peng et al. 2012) and 2.4-m telescope (Zheng & Peng 2017) respectively. The models are expressed with quadratic and quartic polynomials respec- tively (Ndis 2 or the input xandyhave been normalized within [-1 ;1] across the FOV:
~x= normalized positions make it easier to recognize the magnitude of the contribution of each term at the edge of FOV. For the GD eects introduced into the synthetic data, we only consider the non-linear distortion terms instead of the linear ones. That is, the 0- and 1-order coecients of the introduced GD models are set as zero. The linear dis- tortion can be absorbed by a six-parameter is easy to meet the requirement for three in practice while the gravitational
exure eect is apt to introduce a time-variable non-linear instrumental dis- tortion (Trippe et al. 2010). Therefore, to fully exploit the astrometry potentials, the non-linear distortion terms of sev- eral large telescopes are paid close attention to (Patti &
Fiorentino 2019; Plewa et al. 2015; Trippe et al. 2010). Also for FITS Image's WCS (World Coordinate System) SIP (Simple Imaging Polynomial, Shupe et al. 2005), which is used in SAOImage DS9 (Joye & Mandel 2003), Astrometry.net (Lang et al. 2010), Drizzle (Fruchter
& Hook 2002), adopts only the quadratic and of a polynomial to represent the distortion instead of the linear terms. As a distortion-free system can have arbitrary orientation and scaling, we have the freedom to choose the linear terms of our system. And the GD solu- tion, which calibrates the observations and enables them to be transformed into the distortion-free system using only a conformal transformation, is also allowed to have and scaling. Thus, the linear terms would not be unique. Anderson & King (2003) have used constraints as a10= 0 anda01= 0 when they solve the distortion, which means the solution has its Xscale equal to that of the chip and itsYaxis is aligned with that of the chip. We would not plan to make constraints for the linear terms, after all, they would deviate from the original GD model. We show the non-linear coecients of the introduced GD models and the derived ones by virtue of two solutions in Table 4. For sim- plicity, the synthetic datasets introduced by two GD models are called Syn1 and Syn2 respectively. We set a threshold of 0 :00005 (0.02 pixel) to evaluate the derived coecients. The results derived by GD1 solution seem to have a nice agreement with the synthetic GD eect, although for Syn2, b11has the largest coecient dierence, 0.027 pixel. For GD2, quite big discrepancies are found in most quadratic coecients especially for Syn2 data, but the cubic and quartic coecients approximate the real values. As indicated by Anderson & King (2003), the linear terms of GD2 solutions can be derived correctly from obser- vations at various orientations. Inspired by this idea, addi-tional synthetic data are generated, which are perpendicu- lar to the original observations, while the original is kept without losing the accuracy and precision of the master frame. Note that each exposure of the newly added data is rotated anticlockwise by 90 degree with re- spect to the original observation. It is found that all of the quadratic coecients are close to the real values within the threshold (the last two columns in Table 4). Therefore we come to the conclusion that the quadratic terms of GD2 solution are degenerated with the solution for if the observations are at the same orientation. We think it is similar to the situation of the linear terms, which are easily coupled with DFF's positions. As mentioned above, DFF is allowed to have arbitrary orienta- tion and scaling. Therefore it is not necessarily the same as the real location. The supposed ideal positions must aect the GD solution, especially for the low-order coecients. For a ground-based telescope that has many high SNR sources to work with, most of which are fainter than Gaia's limit, GD2 solution might be a better option. But more overlapping frames at dierent orientations may be required to ensure the accuracy of the linear and quadratic terms of GD2 solution. And many ground-based telescopes with rigid mounting of the telescope itself and of its de- tectors, are unable to achieve observations at various orien- tations (Anderson & King 2003). In this case, at least six reference stars are needed to construct a second-order poly- nomial after GD2 solution, in order to absorb the The relation between the standard frame and the master frame In this section, we discuss the relationship between the stan- dard frame and the master frame. The best the master frame should be the HST astrometric refer- ence catalogs, due to their extremely high precisions. Among them, yearly observations of 47 Tuc have been taken over the lifetime of the HST to characterize and correct its dis- tortion to provide high precision astrometric reference cata- logs (Borncamp et al. 2015). However, the astrometric refer- ence catalog is found to have measurable dierences in rota- tion and scale with respect to Gaia DR1 al. 2018). Since the observations' XandYdirections are not nec- essarily aligned with R.A. and Decl. directions rotation between the master frame and ICRS is allowed. But the variations of the scale across the FOV will bias rela- tive positioning such as the determination for relative proper motions of cluster members. The cause for the variation of the scale is that, observations for construction of the master frame have dierent tangential points. If they are bonded to each other directly in the pixel coordinate without consid- ering a gnomonic projection, the plate scale of the master frame will vary across the in the time before the release of Gaia, HST astrometric reference catalogs still serve as useful references for many cutting edge examples of research in astronomy. For example, the HST observations of M92 are taken as reference frame to improve the GD solution of Keck II 10-m telescope's near-infrared camera (NIRC2) in its narrow eld mode, which is a major limitation for the MNRAS 000, 1{10 (2020)Systematic Comparison between Two GD Solutions 9 Table 4. Non-linear coecients of the two introduced GD models and the corresponding derived GD eects by two GD solutions. GD solution derived from data including two perpendicular orientations. The values in red indicate that they are dierent from the real value up to the threshold (0 :00005,0.02 GD1 GD2 GD2 ? aijbij aij bij aij bij aij bij Syn120 -0.034 -0.018 -0.034 0.002 -0.0190:002 -0.0080:002 0.0080:002 -0.0420:001 -0.0110:001 11 0.023 -0.091 0.024 0:002 -0.0990:002 -0.0110:002 -0.0490:002 0.0240:001 -0.0940:001 02 -0.057 0.005 -0.051 0:002 0.0050:002 -0.0650:002 -0.0040:002 -0.0590:001 0.382 0.029 0.382 0:007 0.0130:006 0.2270:007 -0.1870:006 0.3730:005 0.0350:005 11 -0.312 0.264 -0.303 0:006 0.2370:005 0.1080:005 -0.0150:005 -0.3090:004 0.2750:004 02 0.132 -0.294 0.141 0:007 -0.3040:006 0.2650:007 -0.0670:007 0.1160:005 -0.2830:005 30 -0.784 0.013 -0.778 0:004 0.0180:003 -0.7730:004 0.0160:003 -0.7910:002 0.0150:002 21 -0.017 -0.724 -0.023 0:003 -0.7270:003 -0.0160:003 -0.7250:003 -0.0210:002 -0.7260:002 12 -0.724 -0.009 -0.738 0:003 -0.0100:003 -0.7300:003 -0.0130:003 -0.7230:002 -0.0060:002 03 -0.002 -0.736 0.001 0:004 -0.7320:003 0.0010:004 -0.7290:003 -0.0040:002 -0.7410:003 40 -0.015 -0.012 -0.012 0:008 -0.0020:007 -0.0110:007 -0.0060:007 -0.0160:005 -0.0080:005 31 -0.100 0.001 -0.100 0:006 0.0140:006 -0.1060:006 -0.0010:006 -0.1030:004 -0.0080:004 22 0.035 0.141 0.035 0:006 0.1600:006 0.0320:006 0.1540:006 0.0370:004 0.1360:004 13 -0.118 0.005 -0.126 0:007 0.0170:006 -0.1190:006 0.0140:006 -0.1190:004 -0.0090:004 04 -0.013 -0.077 -0.016 0:008 -0.0740:007 -0.0120:007 -0.0760:007 0.0020:005 motion measurements of Galactic central stellar clus- ter (Yelda et al. 2010). And recently, based on Gaia DR2's positions, not only the GD solution of HST but the astro- metric reference catalog of 47 Tuc are improved in terms of precision and accuracy (Homann et al. 2020). 6 the second release of Gaia catalog, will be expected to become more that, most of the large telescopes perform only using coordinates of the image since few sources in the FOV would have the from the catalog. Both types of astrometry need careful calibration especially for GD eects in the FOV. For two types of astrometry, GD solution can be derived based on either the positions calculated from an astrometric cata- log or the positions of the master frame, which is constructed from observations advantage of Gaia DR2, we perform the two GD solutions for the observations taken with 1-m telescope at YNAO to study their discrepancies. For the same obser- vations, the GD patterns derived from the two solutions are dierent. Further analysis is done for the two solutions in terms of measurement precision and accuracy. The (inter- nal) precisions after the two GD corrections agree well with each other. However, when we compare positions of dierent dates, derived from photographic astrometry or , it is found that photographic astrometry pro- vides more reliable positions. To avoid the in
uence of the instrument and weather en- vironment, a simulation is performed from the sight of pho- tographic astrometry for further investigation. After two GD models are derived from practical observations, the eects of their non-linear terms are added to the synthetic pixel posi- tions of the standard frame calculated from Gaia DR2 and then the two GD solutions are performed. The results of the GD1 solution have a nice agreement with the introduced GDmodels. For the GD2 solution, the quadratic terms can not be solved for if the observations are at the same higher-order terms approach the real values. This indi- cates that a second-order polynomial is needed to absorb the residual distortion when the observations are in the same ori- entation. In practice, more optimally dithered, at dierent orientations may be required to ensure the success of However, many with rigid mounting of the telescope itself and of its detectors, are unable to achieve them (Anderson & King 2003). For wide-eld projects such as surveys or proper mo- tion solution, it might be a better option to implement as- trometric GD calibration since the Gaia catalog oers high- accuracy positions and proper motions in this decade. Al- though still awaiting the nal Gaia catalog, now Gaia DR2 suces to act as a concrete reference frame for the calibration for new generation telescopes such as the Dark Energy Camera (Bernstein et al. 2017). And as in the golden age of space astrometry, in the near future space missions will become active and ambitious, driving the suc- cessive advent of high-accuracy catalogs, and reduction will play a role as a touchstone for the project quality for large imaging work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11873026, 11703008, 11273014), by the Joint Re- search Fund in Astronomy (Grant No. U1431227) agreement between the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and Chinese Academy Sciences (CAS), and partly by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities. We thank the referee for the insightful review of our manuscript. We also thank Dr. Nick Cooper in Queen Mary University of London for his linguistic assistance during the preparation of this MNRAS 000, 1{10 (2020) | 2108.10478 | Zhongjie Zheng | Z.J.Zheng, Q.Y.Peng and F.R.Lin | Using Gaia DR2 to make a systematic comparison between two geometric distortion solutions | null | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 502,
Issue 4, April 2021, Pages 6216-6224 | 10.1093/mnras/stab406 | null | astro-ph.IM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Gaia Data Release 2 (Gaia DR2) provides high accuracy and parameters (position, parallax, and proper motion) for more than 1 billion sources and is revolutionizing astrometry. For a fast-moving target such as an asteroid, with many stars in the field of view that are brighter than the faint limit magnitude of Gaia (21 Gmag), its measurement accuracy and precision can be greatly improved by taking advantage of Gaia reference stars. However, if we want to study the relative motions of cluster members, we them in different epochs based on pixel positions. For both types of targets, the determination of optical field-angle distortion or called geometric distortion (GD) in this paper is important for image when there are few reference stars to build a high-order plate model. For the former, the GD solution can be derived based on the position, while for the latter, a reference system called 'master frame' is constructed from these observations in pixel coordinates, and then the GD solution is derived. But, are the two GD solutions in agreement with each other? In this paper, two types of GD solutions, which are derived either from the Gaia DR2 catalogue or from the self-constructed master frame, are applied respectively for the observations taken by 1-m telescope at It is found that two GD solutions enable the precision to achieve a comparable level (~10 mas) but their GD patterns are different. positions are generated for further investigation into the discrepancy between the two GD solutions. We aim to find the correlation and distinction between the two types of GD solutions and their applicability in high precision astrometry.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 01:53:00 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
"Z. J.",
"Q. Y.",
"F. R.",
] |
surrounding background and noise, so as to cause false detection or missed detection. These are the reasons for the low performance of small target detection. In addition, with the in - depth study of convolutional neural networks, the number of layers of the network is increasing. Although the deep neural network improves the accuracy of object detection, it also increases the complexity and computational cost of the model. In the convolutional neural network, the features extracted by the deeper network has a smaller size, a larger receptive field, and richer high -level semantic information, which is more conducive t o the detection of large objects. The feature map extracted by the shallower network is generally larger in size, smaller in the receptive field, and has low -level detailed semantic information, which is more helpful for the detection of small objects. Ins pired of the idea of FPN [ 20], FSSD integrates the features of Conv4_3, FC7 and Conv7_2 layers to improve the detection performance of small objects to a certain extent. However, we found that the retained semantic information of the feature map correspond ing to the Conv7_2 layer after up - sampling by bilinear interpolation is not friendly to small objects. In contrast, the Conv5_3 layer retains more characteristic information. The features acquired by this layer are more conducive to the detection of small objects, and will not bring more noise [1 8]. In response to the above -mentioned small object detection problems and in order to make the algorithm better applied to embedded mobile devices, we proposed a small object detection algorithm based on FSSD [1 6] and model compression. The main ideas are as follows: 1) Feature fusion with different convolutional layers is utilized to make full use of the semantic information of different layers to obtain more small target information; 2) in the training strategy, t he batch normalization is used to improve the performance of target detection training, and then L1 regularization is added to the BN layer for sparse training to better perform model pruning; 3) The net slimming algorithm is used to prune the network, and the pruned model is fine-tuned to obtain the final model. The experimental results show that the improved network greatly improves the detection ability of small objects. The model after pruning maintains accuracy while also greatly improving the detectio n speed. II. THE PROPORSED METHOD As shown in Fig.1, we proposed a modified FSSD (MFSSD) by converting the original feature fusion layer into new feature layers for the better detection performance for small objects. Moreover, in order to further improve the detection ability of small objects, we increase the proportion of the feature number of features for small objects after fusion. To accelerate to training of the proposed model, BN and large batch size are utilized. Using BN and large batch siz e in the object detection model can significantly improve the detection performance of the model without affecting the model inference speed. A. Feature Fusion Instead of using the multi -scale features independently in SSD [1 3], FSSD combined the multi -scale features from Conv4_3, FC7 and additional Conv7_2 to improve the detection performance. However, the integrated layers have been demonstrated that they will bring external noise into the fused features [1 8]. Thus, we combine the features from the original Conv4_3, Conv5_3 and FC7 layers from VGG -16 [2 1] to get better and robust features for small object detection. The feature fusion process can be expressed as 4 _ 3 5 _ 37{ , , }f Conv Conv FCX C X X X= () where fX represents the fused features, and
_X are the features from Conv4_3, Conv5_3 and FC7 layers, respectively. Moreover, the features from the shallow layer Conv4_3 are response for the small objects. Thus, we increase the channel number of shallow layer, and we set the channel number of Conv4_3 layer to 512, and the ratio among the fused features becomes 2 : 1 : 1. Fig. 1. The proposed MFSSD model for small object detection. B. Batch Normalization Batch Normalization [2 2] (BN) is a method used to accelerate neural network training. Neural network training usually adopts gradient descent method. Although its training is simple and efficient, it requires manual selection of parameters, such as parameter initialization, learning rate, weight attenuat ion coefficient, dropout ratio, etc., and the selection of these parameters will directly affect the training results. Using the BN layer during training can achieve: 1) Use a larger learning rate to speed up the training of the network and make the networ k converge quickly; 2) Leave out Dropout or L2 regularization; 3) Remove the local response normalization layer; 4 ) Shuffle the training data to prevent samples from being repeatedly selected in a batch. C. Model Compression In this paper, an effective struc tural pruning method [2 2] is adopted, which is a regular channel pruning strategy. The BN layer has been introduced in the previous article to accelerate neural network training and improve the generalization ability of the model. In addition, the BN layer has channel scaling parameters, and each scaling factor corresponds to a fixed convolution channel. When the scaling factor approaches 0, it can be considered that the corresponding channel is of lower importance. In this way, can be used as a factor of c hannel pruning, and it will not bring additional overhead to the network. In the process of model training, applying regular constraints on the parameters of the BN layer can make the model adjust the parameters in the direction of structural sparseness, a nd the value of a large number of channel scaling factors will continue to decrease. The role of the coefficient of the BN layer is similar Input Image 1x1Conv the switching coefficient of the information flow channel, which controls the opening and closing of the information flow channel. After completing sparse training or regularization, many of the values of will tend to 0, so that a suitable compression ratio (or pruning rate) can be selected to tailor the model to generate a streamlined model with low storage rate and increase a certain speedup. This method can be used in combination with other model compression methods (quantization, low -rank decomposition) to further improve the compression ratio. Combined with other optimization acceleration methods (TensorR T, etc.), it can increase the inference speed. If the loss of inference accuracy is too large, knowledge distillation can also be combined to effectively restore the lost accuracy As shown in Fig.2, After the BN layer, each channel of the feature map will correspond to a scaling factor, and the size of the scaling factor represents the importance of the channel. During training, the network weights and scaling factors are jointly trained, and finally the channels with smaller scaling factors are removed to achieve network pruning. As shown in the following formula: W is the network weight, g is the set scaling factor, and l is a hyper -parameter used to balance the loss caused by the network weight and the loss introduced by the scaling factor : ( , )( ( , ), ) ( ) x y fL l f x W y g
=+ () Fig. 2. Net Slimming . The general process of model pruning is shown in Fig.3. First initialize the network, and then train the network using the channel sparse normalization method. After the network training is completed, cut out the channel with the smaller scaling factor, and then fine -tune the network. The fine -tuned network is used as a compressed network if it meets the requirements. If it does not meet the requirements, you can continue the above process. Fig. 3. The procedure of model compression through net slimming. III. EXPERIMENTS A. Datasets and Parameter Settings The experimental data in this paper uses PSACAL VOC 2007 [2 3] and MS COCO [1 9] data sets: VOC 2007 training set data 07+12 train -val (16551 images), test set data 07test (4952 images); MS COCO training set data trainval35k (118,278 TABLE I. PARAMETERS COMPARISION BEFORE /AFTER PRUNING Model Parameters Size (MB) After pruning FSSD[15] 34,132,960 130.21 - MFSSD 33,709,664 128.59 - MFSSD -BN 33,713,888 128.61 - MFSSD -Pruned 22,785,625 86.92 66.7% images), test set data test-dev (20,288 images). All experiments of the algorithm in the article are based on the deep learning framework PyTorch [2 4], which is deployed on the Ubuntu 16.04 operating system. The PASCAL VOC training process uses two GPU models of GTX1080Ti (11GB video me mory), CPU model is Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E5 -2618Lv3, memory is 44GB; MS COCO training process uses 2 GPU of Titan V (12GB memory), CPU The model is Intel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E5 - 2628 v3, and the memory is 64GB. The GPU used in the test is GTX 1080Ti, the CPU model is In tel(r) Xeon(r) CPU E3 -1230 V2 @3.30GHz, and the memory is 33GB. The model is trained with an initial learning rate of 0 .4 by the SGD optimizer with momentum and weight decay of 0.9 and 0.0005, respectively, and the learning rate is multiplied by 0.1 in the 150th, 200 th, and 250 th epochs. Moreover, the warmup strategy is adopted for the first 5 epochs [2 5]. Conv4_3 layer adopts 6 kinds of size preset frames to improve the detection ability of small objects. B. Experiment results The results of this algorithm and al gorithm in the VOC2007 test set are shown in Table II. In order to make the results more convincing, we trained SSD [1 3] and FSSD [1 6] in the same environment, with 11; 620 preset frames using the same settings as in this article. The results showed that t he average accuracy of SSD and FSSD reached 77 .7% and 78 .6% respectively, while the detection performance of FSSDv2 reached 80 .4%. After adding the BN layer, MFSSD -BN reached 81 .2%, and the detection accuracy was further improved. After pruning, when the p arameter amount is reduced by 33 .3%, MFSSD -Prune still achieves a detection effect of 79 .9%, which is higher than the detection accuracy of the original algorithm. In addition, for small objects, such as bottle and plant, MFSSD and its pruned model have shown good detection results. In order to further verify the effect of the MFSSD proposed in this paper for small object detection, we retrained the model on MS COCO, and obtained the results as shown in Table IV. The average accur acy of MFSSD in this paper is 29 .4%, which is lower than the current best one -step detection method RFB - Net (30 .3%) [2 5], but the performance on small objects reaches the best accuracy of 12 .1%. In addition, it surpasses RFB -Net (49.8% vs. 49 .3%) under IoU =0.5, but the effect is not as good as RFB -Net under IoU=0 .75, which shows that the model proposed in this paper still has shortcomings in the positioning of the target detection frame. The RFB -Net adopting the receptive field module can select the object frame with higher accuracy. ( .........Channel scaling factor Initial network Compressed iChannel scaling factor Layer ( i+1)=j Initial networkChannel sparse normalization trainingCut out channels with small scaling the compressed networkTABLE II. ACCURACY COMPARISON ON PASCAL VOC2007 model bone mAP aero bike bird boat bott bus car cat chai cow tab dog hors e mbi ke pers on plan t shee p sofa trai n tv SSD VGG 77.7 79.9 85.1 76 71.5 54.4 85.8 85.8 87.6 58.5 83.5 76.6 85.1 87.2 86 79 51 78.8 77.9 87.6 77.3 SSD ResNet 77.1 76.3 84.6 79.3 64.6 47.2 85.4 84 88.8 60.1 82.6 76.9 86.7 87.2 85.4 79.1 50.8 77.2 82.6 87.3 76.6 DSSD ResNet 78.6 81.9 84.9 80.5 68.4 53.9 85.6 86.2 88.9 61.1 83.5 78.7 86.7 88.7 86.7 79.7 51 78 80.9 87.2 79.4 MDSSD VGG 78.6 86.5 87.6 78.9 70.6 55 869 870 88.1 58.5 84.8 73.4 84.8 89.2 88.1 78 52.3 78.6 74.5 86.8 80.7 FSSD VGG 78.6 81.4 86.3 77.1 71.7 57.2 85.8 87.1 88.4 61.5 85.6 75.9 86.8 87.5 87.3 79.5 50.5 75 78.5 88.3 79.8 MFSSD VGG 80.4 83.1 88 79.8 74.9 60.1 87.6 87.7 88.1 66 85.4 77.5 87 88.3 88 82.1 57.7 79.2 78 88 80.7 MFSSD -B VGG 81.2 85.5 87.9 80 74.6 63.7 88.3 87.9 88.8 67.3 87.6 76.4 87.3 89.1 86.8 82.3 58.8 82.9 79.9 88.3 80.8 MFSSD -P VGG 79.9 82 85.8 78.4 73.8 61.5 85.8 87.8 88.3 65.9 85.8 77 85.9 88 87.8 81.6 55.6 78.9 80.7 85.7 80.7 TABLE III. ACCURACY COMPARISON ON MS COCO model bone Avg. Precision, IoU Avg. Precision, Area: Avg. Recall, #Dets: Avg. Recall, Area: 0.5:0.95 0.5 0.75 S M L 1 10 100 S M L FSSD VGG 27.1 47.7 27.8 8.7 29.2 42.2 24.6 37.4 40 15.9 44.2 58.6 MDSSD VGG 26.8 45.9 27.7 10.8 27.5 40.8 24.3 36.6 38.8 15.8 42.3 56.3 DSSD ResNet 28 46.1 29.2 7.4 28.1 47.6 25.5 37.1 39.4 12.7 42 62.6 RefineDet VGG 29.4 49.2 31.3 10 32 44 - - - - - - RFB -Net VGG 30.3 49.3 31.8 11.8 31.9 45.9 - - - - - - MFSD VGG 29.4 49.8 30.6 12.1 33.5 44.1 26 39.3 41.9 18.7 48.1 59.7 Fig. 4. The detection result of the proposed MFSSD. TABLE IV. COMPARISION OF SPPED N PASCAL VOC2007 Model bone mAP FPS #Proposals SSD VGG 77.4 72 8732 MDSSD VGG 78.6 38.5 8732 FSSD VGG 78.8 65.8 8732 SSD VGG 77.7 70.8 11620 FFSSD VGG 78.6 60.8 11620 RFB -Net VGG 80.5 49 11620 MFFSD VGG 80.4 59.5 11620 Model bone mAP FPS #Proposals MFSSD -P VGG 79.9 79.5 11620 In order to verify the efficiency of the algorithm proposed in this article, it is compared with SSD, FSSD, and RFB -Net in the same hardware environment. The image input resolution is 300x 300, and the GPU model is GTX 1080Ti. The results are shown in Table III. The running speed of the pruning model MFSSD -Prune can reach 79.5FPS. Although the accuracy is slightly lower than that of RFB -Net, it has an absolute advanta ge in speed. In the end, accuracy and speed are well balanced. In order to more intuitively show the effect of the algorithm proposed in this article on small object detection, Fig.4 visualizes some of the test results on MS COCO test -dev. IV. CONCLUSION Small objects have relatively low resolution, the unobvious visual features which are difficult to extract, so the existing object detection methods can't effectively detect small objects, and the detection speed and stability are po or. So, this paper proposes a small object detection algorithm MFSSD based on FSSD, meanwhile, in order to reduce the computational cost and storage space, pruning is carried out to achieve model compression, namely FSSDv2 -Prune. Firstly, the semantic information contained in the features of different layers can be used to detect different scale objects, and the feature fusion method is improved to obtain more information beneficial to small objects; secondly, batch normalization layer is introduced to acce lerate the training of neural network and make the model sparse; finally, the model is pruned by scaling factor to get the
| 2108.10503 | Hao Zhang | Qingcai Wang, Hao Zhang, Xianggong Hong, and Qinqin Zhou | Small Object Detection Based on Modified FSSD and Model Compression | null | IEEE ICSIP,2021 | null | null | cs.CV cs.MM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Small objects have relatively low resolution, the unobvious visual features which are difficult to be extracted, so the existing object detection methods cannot effectively detect small objects, and the detection speed and stability are poor. Thus, this paper proposes a small object detection algorithm based on FSSD, meanwhile, in order to reduce the computational cost and storage space, pruning is carried out to achieve model compression. Firstly, the contained in the features of different layers can be used to detect different scale objects, and the feature fusion method is improved to obtain more information beneficial to small objects; secondly, batch is introduced to accelerate the training of neural network and make the model sparse; finally, the model is pruned by scaling factor to get compressed model. The experimental results show that the average accuracy (mAP) of the algorithm can reach 80.4% on PASCAL VOC and the speed is 59.5 FPS on GTX1080ti. After pruning, the compressed model can reach 79.9% mAP, and 79.5 FPS in detection speed. On MS COCO, the best detection accuracy (APs) is 12.1%, and the overall detection accuracy is 49.8% AP when IoU is 0.5. The algorithm can not only improve the detection accuracy of small objects, but also greatly improves the detection speed, which reaches a balance between speed and accuracy.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 03:20:32 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
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the crucial semantic data. Our pipeline utilizes MobileNetV1 [19] and Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) [20] as the encoder, while the decoder is composed of convolutions and upsampling modules. Further- more, two branches, one for depth prediction and another for semantic segmentation, are proposed for the final es- timation. A network structure optimization is employed as well as the TensorRT optimizer [21] to improve the speed. An example containing results produced by our network is illustrated in Fig. 1. Various approaches [11], [22], [12], [18], [23] have been developed on the NYU Depth v2 dataset [24], which is an indoor humans, while the KITTI vision suite collection [25] is selected for the outdoor cases [8], [22], [13]. Thus, no suitable data-sequence was available for our Therefore, to test the proposed framework, we generated three datasets based on the Cornell Activity [26] and the EPFL RGBD Pedestrian [27] the provided depth information and through the well-known segmentation method MaskRCNN [28], we au- tomatically predicted the people masks, which used as ground truth for the segmentation branch. Finally, the proposed method is tested on these environments and compared against state-of-the-art approaches showing its improved performance. An implementation of the presented work is available, under the title HDES-Net1(Human Depth Estimation and Segmentation Network). The remainder of this work is structured as follows. A literature review is presented in Section II. In Section III, we describe our network design, whereas Section IV evaluates and discusses the experimental results. Finally, the last section is devoted to conclusions and future plans. II. R ELATED WORK A. Monocular depth depth estimation methods use deep learning tech- niques trained over large-scale datasets. Following the pop- ular encoder-decoder structure, the authors in [12] propose a network with multi-scale feature fusion and refinement to produce accurate object boundaries. A fast monocular depth estimation method is proposed by D. Wofk et al. , which utilizes MobileNet as the encoder and depthwise decompo- sition in the decoder [18]. This approach also utilizes the TVM compiler stack [29] intending to address the while NetAdapt [30] is adopted for post- training network pruning. Low complexity and low-latency are achieved, performing improved accuracy at 178 Frames Per Second (FPS) on an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Unit (GPU). Except for the per-pixel depth, a pipeline can infer a distribution over possible depths through discrete binary classifications [22]. A double uses iterative pixel shuffle for upsampling [31]. In this method, the authors aim to replace the interpolation and propose to guide the branch using auxiliary losses. A geometric network in [13] to capture various structures of a scene, which is trained on uncalibrated videos. B. Semantic segmentation refers to the process that labels each pixel of an image with a corresponding class of what is represented. Transferring and fine-tuning to Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) [32] show that improved performance can be achieved without Object interaction information is aggregated and fused to improve semantic segmentation performances [33]. Based on the common encoder-decoder architecture, U-Net [34] and SegNet [35] are widely used for semantic segmenta- tion on medical [34] or satellite images [36]. The DeepLab series proposed Atrous convolution for dense feature extraction [37], [38], ASPP [37] to encode objects, and a combination of CNN and random fields for accurate object boundary ex- traction [39]. DFANet [40] utilizes a lightweight backbone and multi-scale feature propagation to reduce parameters. This method exhibits sufficient performance and high infer- ence speed. Similarly, LEDNet [41] proposes an for real-time semantic segmentation, while LiteSeg [42] explores ASPP to improve the segmentation results. An Efficient Spatial Pyramid (ESP) module is proposed by ESPNet [43], which uses a point-wise convolution and a pyramid of dilated convolutions to compose the final system. In a later work, the same authors proposed ESPNetv2 [44], where depthwise dilated separable convolutions are utilized to improve accuracy with fewer FLOPS. III. P ROPOSED METHOD In this section, we describe our network's design, which is a fully convolutional encoder-decoder network. The encoder extracts low-resolution, high-level abstract features from the provided visual sensory information, while through the decoder, a sufficiently high-resolution output is generated. An outline of the proposed pipeline is depicted in Fig. 2. A. The encoder Commonly used networks, initially trained for such as VGG16 [45] and ResNet-50 [46], have shown their improved capability to extract features with high accuracy. As a result, they are usually selected as despite their high performances, these approaches have two major disadvantages. The first one is related to a large number of required computations, while the second one concerns the increased time of forward as we aim for a real-time application which is able to work on embedded platforms, they are incompatible with our system. MobileNetV1 [19] is selected as the backbone of the encoder to achieve a balanced ratio between accuracy and processing time. Furthermore, as the ASPP [20] module has different sizes of receptive fields, making it capable of extracting features at different scales, we add it after the backbone in our network. The depthwise separable convolu- tions are utilized to achieve lower execution times. We useDepth branch Semantic = 1 Rate = 9Rate = 5Concat3x3 ConvUpsample x8Concat 3x3 Conv3x3 Conv 3x3 ConvConcat3x3 Conv 3x3 ConvUpsample x2 Upsample x2Fig. 2: An overview of the proposed pipeline. MobileNetV1 [19] is used as the network's backbone and combined with the Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) [20] module to form the encoder. This way, high-level features with are extracted. In contrast, the decoder fuses the high-level features with the low-level details in order to predict the final estimation results through the depth and semantic branches. Aiming to intuitively understand and analyze the of each stage of the network, the input size is 224224. dilated convolutions [47] with a rate of [1;3;6;9]in ASPP to increase the receptive field while maintaining the The decoder As the encoder extracts features, the role of the decoder is to fuse and upsample them. The ones that come from ASPP are merged with a stride of 4. This way, more detailed in- formation is contained, which subsequently is used for depth estimation and semantic segmentation. Our decoder consists of two upsampling layers, which upsample the feature maps eight times and twice, respectively. Also, several layers perform 33convolutions, reducing the number of output channels to 96. For the prediction step, two branches are proposed, i.e., one for depth estimation and another for semantic segmentation. Both are composed of depthwise separable convolutions, standard convolutions, and upsampling layers. More specifically, the merged features are fed into the depthwise layer using a kernel size of 3, stride length of 1, and 96filters. The output of this layer is upsampled twice to obtain the image's depth result, the size of which is half of the input frame. Aiming to improve the performance, we add the features extracted from the depthwise separable convolutional layer of the semantic branch into the depth branch, as depicted in Fig. 2. Finally, a similar structure is adopted for the semantic where the output classes come from the layer. The loss of the semantic is smooth L1loss, while the depth estimation branch utilizes cross-entropy loss.C. Network structure optimization and acceleration A network structure optimization strategy is performed over ASPP branches to improve the forward inference speed. Our main goal is to predict the depth and segment any human presenting in the input image within a distance of 10meters, which is the maximum depth of our datasets. Therefore, the scale is relatively fixed, excluding the cases where the target is too large, exceeding the frame's covers. Nevertheless, we retain the two parallel branches with dilation rates of 1and 9, while we replace the remaining two with one presenting a dilation rate of 5, as shown in Fig. 2. Moreover, the global average pooling is removed and replaced with a of rate 5, which is more suitable for the human's scale in the image. In addition to the above strategy, we also use TensorRT SDK [21], a deep learning inference optimizer, for further E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this section, extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed architecture. At first, we introduce our benchmark, the training settings, and the evaluation metrics. Then, we provide ablation stud- ies showing the effect of using the ASPP module, fusing the semantic information and network optimization. Finally, through quantitative and qualitative experimentation, we measure the method's overall performance. A. Experimental settings 1) Benchmark introduction: As there is no proper data- sequence related to simultaneous human depth estimationTABLE I: Properties of the used datasets. A ratio of 9 : 1 is selected in order to divide the training and test set. Dataset Description Image resolution # Training set # Test set Cornell Activity [26] CAD-60 Indoor, only one individual 240320 74575 5737 CAD-120 480640 60480 4653 EPFL RGBD [27] Lab and corridor, multiple pedestrians 424512 4560 507 and segmentation in indoor scene, we generate three datasets based on the Cornell Activity [26] and EPFL RGBD [27]. The former is composed of CAD-60 and CAD-120 which both contain RGB-D visual information of humans performing activities. More specifically, CAD- 60 has 60videos involving 4subjects with 12activities on 5different environments. Regarding CAD-120, it consists of120 video of long daily activities involving activities, 10sub-activity, and 12object af- fordance labels. The camera measurements are recorded via the Microsoft Kinect sensor. The EPFL RGBD which contains over 4000 RGB-D images, offers highly accurate depth maps thanks to a Kinect V2 module. Table I provides a brief description of each dataset used. We divide the data into the training set and the test set with a ratio of 9 : 1 . Subsequently, MaskRCNN [28] trained on COCO dataset [48] was utilized to generate masks. We sample the annotations and verify them manually to ensure the correctness. 2) Training: For CAD-60 and CAD-120 we used the SGD optimizer with 10 4weight decay and 0:9momentum. The initial learning rate was set to 10 2and decayed to one- tenth of the previous one, while performed every the EPFL RGBD Pedestrian data-sequence, we adopted the Adam optimizer with 510 4as weight decay. The initial learning rate was set to 510 4, while the decays to the half of the previous one as conducted every 100 epochs. The maximum number of iterations was 300 epochs. Network's implementation was made through the Pytorch framework [49] utilizing a batch size of 64, while an NVIDIA Tesla P40 GPU was used for the During network's training and testing, the images were not resized. Source code and some demo videos of the presented work can be found at . 3) Evaluation metrics: Three metrics are selected for evaluating the overall performance. The RMSE (stands for Root Mean Squared Error in meters), 1(the percentage of predicted pixels where the relative error is within 25%), and the People IoU (Intersection over Union). The first two are chosen to evaluate the accuracy of human depth the latter measures the semantic segmentation quality. B. Ablation studies The ASPP module uses multiple dilated with different rates to extract features at various scales. This way, it can provide a better representation of humans in the image. As shown in Table II, where we com-TABLE II: The network's performance when Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) [20] is applied. Dataset Metric w/o ASPP with ASPP CAD-60 [26] RMSE# 0.1529 0.1526
1 98.71% 98.72%
People IoU 96.80% 96.82%
CAD-120 [26] RMSE 0.3147 0.3140
1 99.97% 97.98%
People IoU 96.10% 96.17%
EPFL RGBD [27] RMSE# 0.1484 0.1461
1 98.47% 98.53%
People IoU 96.08% 95.97%
TABLE III: The network's performance when the features of the semantic branch are added into the depth branch. Dataset Metric w/o fuse fuse CAD-60 [26] RMSE# 0.1545 0.1526
1 98.69% 98.72%
People IoU 96.70% 96.82%
CAD-120 [26] RMSE 0.3168 0.3140
1 97.90% 97.98%
People IoU 95.89% 96.17%
EPFL RGBD [27] RMSE# 0.3185 0.1461
1 97.91% 98.53%
People IoU 95.91% 95.97%
TABLE IV: The network's performance through the utiliza- tion of the network structure optimization Metric w/o optimization with [26] RMSE# 0.1524 0.1526
1 98.72% 98.72%
People IoU 96.85% 96.82%
CAD-120 [26] RMSE 0.3133 0.3140
1 97.98% 97.98%
People IoU 96.14% 96.17%
EPFL RGBD [27] RMSE# 0.1483 0.1461
1 98.50% 98.53%
People IoU 96.13% 95.97%
pare our network's performance under the ASPP inclusion, an improvement is observed in almost every metric. Recall that we propose to incorporate the features from the semantic branch into the depth branch, the effect of this feature fusion operation is shown in Table III. The results show that feature fusion indeed brings performance(a) NVIDIA P40 GPU (b) NVIDIA Jetson Nano GPU Fig. 3: The accuracy ( 1) and the runtime (measured in frames per second) when applied on NVIDIA P40 GPU (left) and NVIDIA Jetson Nano GPU (right) for various depth estimation frameworks. The EPFL [27] dataset is selected for evaluation. The input images are resized to 224224. TABLE V: Measuring the inference runtime when the network structure optimization is employed. Device w/o optimization with Xeon E5-2640 2.40GHz CPU 9.34 FPS 13.80 FPS NVIDIA Tesla P40 GPU 179.21 FPS 199.93 FPS NVIDIA Jetson Nano GPU 13.56 FPS 17.23 FPS gains on all three benchmarks. One can draw that information can lead to more precise Especially in the EPFL dataset with in each image, the incorporation of information helps the depth estimation branch to better distinguish the depth of each pedestrian, boost the depth estimation performance. In Table IV, a performance comparison is presented, aim- ing to show the impact of the network structure if some of the three metrics are reduced, the is not decreased. The network with shows a improved performance. Also, we compare the network's forward processing speed for both cases, i.e., when the network structure optimization is employed and without it. As shown in Table V, timings, measured in FPS, on different devices are significantly improved Finally, Table VI compares the proposed net- work when different backbones are applied. As we can see, MobileNetV1 is the fastest one achieving nearly 200 FPS on a Tesla P40 GPU and 17.23 FPS on a Jetson Nano GPU. C. Comparison with the baseline techniques This section compares our method against other repre- sentative pipelines, which are: LEDNet [41], LiteSeg [42], ESPNet [43], FastDepth [18] and DFANet [40]. Each of the methods mentioned above add a depth estimation branch for the joint prediction. In Table VII, we list the results obtained for each baseline method and the proposed network. Green values indicate the highest scores, while the blue ones denote the second highest. Since we aim to humans as the main object, People IoU is selected as a metric to demonstratethe performance regarding the semantic segmentation. By examining Table VII, one can observe the significantly high scores achieved by our method in every evaluated dataset. We succeed to excel among every other approach concerning the depth estimation on EPFL RGBD. However, our unfavourably against other pipelines when com- pared on CAD-120. The reason is that each dataset has a different maximum value of depth, which is 9.757, 12.4, and 8, for CAD-60, CAD-120, and EPFL RGBD, algorithm is mainly developed to estimate depth in indoor scenes. As a result, the accuracy of this value in a small range is relatively high. Compared to EPFL RGBD, CAD-120 has a broader depth range, so our framework does not have a significant advantage over CAD-120. Table VIII compares the execution times needed for the proposed network and the baseline approaches when em- ployed on different devices. Notice the increased by our network reaching a score of 199.93 FPS and 17.23 FPS on a Tesla P40 GPU and a Jetson Nano GPU, respectively. As a final note, in Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b, our system is measured against other contemporary solutions on the EPFL RGBD dataset through the processing speed (FPS). It is notewor- thy that our method outperforms each baseline approach. ESPNet [43] and LiteSeg [42] achieve similar high scores regarding accuracy. Nevertheless, they are much slower. We also test our network optimized with TensorRT on a Jetson Nano GPU. The inference runtime comparison is shown in Table IX. We can see that the model achieves 114.16 FPS, which far exceeds the real-time results of the proposed network are illustrated in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, where illustrative results show that our method can accurately segment humans and estimate their depth. There are some pixels with ignored depth values in images of the datasets. We check the ground truth informa- tion and get these pixels and, then, we assign these pixels to zero to generate the refined depth prediction results. In this way, it can be visually compared with ground truths VI: Comparing the inference runtime of our network when different backbones are used. Device MobileNetV2 [50] Resnet-18 [46] Resnet-50 [46] VGG16 [45] MobileNetV1 [19] Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.40GHz CPU 11.24 FPS 8.11 FPS 6.49 FPS 8.89 FPS 13.80 FPS NVIDIA Tesla P40 GPU 120.22 FPS 169.90 FPS 112.91 FPS 170.64 FPS 199.93 FPS NVIDIA Jetson Nano GPU 14.30 FPS 4.39 FPS 3.46 FPS 2.56 FPS 17.23 FPS TABLE VII: Comparative results of the baseline methods against the proposed method. Green denotes the best, while blue is second best. Dataset Metric LEDNet [41] LiteSeg [42] ESPNet [43] FastDepth [18] DFANet [40] Our Proposed CAD-60 [26] RMSE# 0.2300 0.1823 0.1513 0.1559 0.2833 0.1526
1 96.28% 98.25% 98.77% 98.66% 94.39% 98.72%
People IoU 97.31% 94.35% 95.06% 94.50% 90.17% 96.82%
CAD-120 [26] RMSE# 0.4076 0.2982 0.3249 0.3323 0.5259 0.3140
1 95.15% 98.12% 98.29% 98.31% 88.78% 97.98%
People IoU 96.64% 96.51% 94.18% 94.48% 87.19% 96.17%
EPFL RGBD [27] RMSE# 0.3882 0.2206 0.1804 0.2663 0.8427 0.1461
1 90.25% 96.33% 97.70% 94.07% 50.92% 98.53%
People IoU 96.50% 93.96% 90.75% 92.12% 58.13% 95.97%
TABLE VIII: Inference runtime comparison between the baseline and the proposed network. Device LEDNet [41] LiteSeg [42] ESPNet [43] FastDepth [18] DFANet [40] Our Proposed Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.40GHz CPU 13.66 FPS 7.79 FPS 17.65 FPS 19.67 FPS 6.79 FPS 13.80 FPS NVIDIA Tesla P40 GPU 70.73 FPS 119.37 FPS 133.09 FPS 189.87 FPS 39.56 FPS 199.93 FPS NVIDIA Jetson Nano GPU 4.39 FPS 12.38 FPS 11.42 FPS 8.69 FPS 7.18 FPS 17.23 FPS Input Depth GT Refined Depth PredictionDepth GTSemantic and Depth Prediction Fig. 4: Qualitative results of CAD-60 dataset [26] (top) and CAD-120 dataset [26] (bottom). TABLE IX: Measuring the inference runtime when TensorRT [21] is applied. Device w/o TensorRT with TensorRT NVIDIA Jetson Nano GPU 17.23 FPS 114.16 FPS V. C ONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK As dense metric data allow a mobile robot to tasks, such as obstacle avoidance and metric plan- ning, to achieve a fully autonomous mission, in this paper, a real-time human depth estimation and segmentation net-work is proposed. Our approach relies on the by a monocular camera, while adopts compu- tational low deep learning techniques to execute in real- time. MobileNetV1, along with ASPP, is used to extract features at different scales, then fused and upsampled. This way, we ensure high accuracy scores, while the processing speed is accelerated through network structure optimization and TensorRT optimizer reaching 114.16 FPS on a Jetson Nano GPU. Our network is evaluated on three demonstrating an improved performance compared to several state-of-the-art methods. 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Computer Vision (ECCV) , 2018, pp. 285-300. | 2108.10506 | Shan An | Shan An, Fangru Zhou, Mei Yang, Haogang Zhu, Changhong Fu, and
Konstantinos A. Tsintotas | Real-Time Monocular Human Depth Estimation and Segmentation on Embedded Systems | Accepted by IROS 2021 | null | null | null | cs.CV cs.RO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Estimating a scene's depth to achieve collision avoidance against is a crucial and fundamental problem in the robotic field. This paper proposes a novel, low complexity network architecture for fast and accurate human depth estimation and segmentation in indoor environments, aiming to applications for platforms (including micro-aerial, and ground vehicles) with a monocular camera being the primary perception module. Following the encoder-decoder structure, the proposed framework consists of two branches, one for depth prediction and another for semantic segmentation. Moreover, network structure optimization is employed to improve its forward inference speed. Exhaustive experiments on three self-generated datasets prove our pipeline's capability to execute in real-time, achieving higher frame rates than contemporary (114.6 frames per second on an NVIDIA Jetson Nano GPU with TensorRT) while maintaining comparable accuracy.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 03:26:08 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
"Konstantinos A.",
] |
2 Index intelligent surface (RIS), RIS-assisted multi-user MIMO, active and passive beam- forming, modulation, data encoding, backscatter communication, modulating intelligent surface (MIS) I. I NTRODUCTION A. intelligent surfaces (RISs) have recently emerged as a promising technology for beyond-5G/6G wireless communications as it can improve both the spectral and of wireless systems. RISs also offer the benefits of low-cost and easy integration into the currently deployed wireless systems [1]-[4]. Specifically, a RIS consists of an array passive reflective elements which enable one to control the wireless RIS is an energy-efficient technology since it allows to passively beamform the incoming signals without the need for a power amplifier as required in traditional multiple- input multiple-output (MIMO) base stations (BSs) [4]-[7]. It does so by suitably optimizing the phase shifts applied by each reflective element to constructively combine the incoming signals so as to achieve improved received power at the end users. The active transmit precoding at the BS together with the RIS phase shifts (for passive beamforming) can be jointly optimized in order to maximize the [7]-[11] or the of the system [12], [13]. Moreover, a RIS can also be utilized to simultaneously perform passive beamforming and physical information transfer [14], [15] (e.g., synchronization data or the channel [CSI] estimated at the RIS). In [16], the authors presented a massive communication (MBWC) scheme to encode information on Wi-Fi signals reflected by the RIS. So far, the vast majority of the work has focused on utilizing the RIS for and the idea of using it also to embed information in a multi-user cellular network has not been explored . In this paper, by leveraging the idea of backscatter communication [16]- [18], we propose a general framework in which the RIS is used for data embedding on the reflected or re-emitted signals by changing the imdepence of each RIS reflective element. In the proposed framework, the RIS can be used to either: i)perform passive beamforming for users served by a BS, or ii)embed information through backscatter communication, or iii)do both simultaneously. In this setting, the RIS phase shifts vary with the inevitable changes in the propagation medium to perform passive beamforming for one set of users, and also with every3 transmit symbol vector in order to modulate the carrier by data for another set of users. We name the smart surface with such capability as modulating intelligent surface (MIS)1. B. Motivation The benefits of MISs, that can beamform and modulate signals at the same time, are three-fold: 1) In traditional purely reflective RIS-based schemes, the users' received signals are subject to severe attenuations stemming from the product path-loss of the BS-RIS and RIS-user links since both links are used for data communication. Using a MIS, however, allows the BS to focus all of the transmit power (of a reference signal) towards the strongest path in the BS-MIS link and the modulated signals are passively generated at the MIS by its phase shifts. In this way, the signals undergo the path-loss of the MIS-user link only before reaching the intended users. ii. The total number of users which can be served is not limited by the number of channel paths that are available in the BS-MIS link, but rather by the number of reflective elements in the MIS. Therefore, more users than the number of BS antennas can be served by allocating power towards a MIS having a high number of antenna elements and then serving the users through the MIS. iii. The MIS can serve users by recycling the incoming signals transmitted by the BS without any RF chains, thus making the entire approach very practical implementation of the proposed MIS-based scheme requires the BS in part to: i) convey the optimized phase shifts to the MIS through a high speed communication link, and ii) radiate a carrier RF signal to provide the MIS with the required power for passively embedding the data of a predefined set of users. Ideally, the MIS must be installed at a location that is in line-of-sight (LOS) to the BS to minimize the power loss. There are two possible ways to transmit the optimized phase shifts to the MIS: i)through an optical fibre link between the BS and the MIS, ii)through a high-speed reliable wireless link (e.g., Terahertz wireless links) between the BS and the MIS, if they are in close proximity to each other. C. Contributions We consider a single-cell downlink MIMO system assisted by a single MIS which is equipped with a large number of passive phase shifter elements. The MIS helps the BS in better serving 1Such type of antenna surfaces is also known as digital metasurfaces in the antenna literature [19].4 one portion of the users through passive beamforming and also embeds the data for the remaining users on a separate carrier signal that it receives from the BS. In this regard, we build on our recent work in [8] and propose a general method to jointly optimize:
the active BS precoder,
the receive scaling factors for the BS- and MIS-served users,
the MIS phase shifts used for passive beamforming towards the BS-served users, and
the data embedding on the reflected signal (i.e., modulation of the reflected signal) for the MIS-served users. The major contributions embodied by this paper are summarized as follows.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that studies the use of RISs for and data embedding at the same time in a multi-user setup. We solve the problem of maximizing the users' by jointly optimizing the matrix at the BS, the receive scaling factor for the BS- and MIS-served users, and the MIS phase shifts. By building on our recent work in [8], we formulate the problem under the sum minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criterion in order to minimize the mean-square error (MSE) of the received symbols for all users at the same time.
To solve the underlying joint optimization problem, we first split it using alternating op- timization [20] into two simpler sub-optimization tasks, one for finding the optimum MIS phase shifts and the other for jointly optimizing the active BS precoder and the receive scaling factors for both the BS- and MIS-served users. The solution to the latter task is found in closed form.
We apply the OOV AMP algorithm to optimize the MIS phase shifts under two namely, i)the unimodular constraint, and ii)assuming each MIS element to be terminated by a tunable reactive load.
We present various numerical results to compare the proposed scheme against the in which a RIS is used for passive beamforming only while active MMSE precoding is used at the BS for all users. In this context, we consider two baseline techniques that rely on i)semi-definite relaxation (SDR) [9], [21], and ii)OOV AMP-based [8] to find the adequate RIS phase shifts. The latter approach boils down to a special case of the herein proposed scheme when the number of MIS-served users is5 equal to zero. The simulation results show that using MISs for joint beamforming and information embedding significantly outperforms the classical schemes in which RISs are used for passively beamforming the signals they receive from the BS. We also study the resilience of the proposed scheme under CSI mismatches stemming from imperfect CSI acquisition in practice. D. Paper Organization and Notations The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The system model along with the for jointly optimizing the active BS precoder and the MIS phase-shifts are discussed in Section II. Section III discusses the OOV AMP algorithm and its constituent modules. In Section IV, we solve the optimization problem at hand under multiple constraints using the underlying OOV AMP algorithm. Lastly, numerical results are presented in Section V before drawing out the conclusion in Section VI. Notations : Lowercase letters (e.g., r) denote scalar variables. Vectors are denoted by small boldface letters (e.g., z) and thek-th element of zis denoted as zk. Exponent on a vector (e.g., zn) denotes component-wise exponentiation on every element of the vector. Capital boldface letters (e.g., A) are used to denote matrices, while aikandaistand, respectively, for the (i;k)- th entry and the i-th column of A. The zero matrix of size MNis denoted as 0MN. CMNstands for the set of matrices of size MNwith complex elements and A kmeans (A 1)k. Rank (A)and Tr (A), return, respectively, the rank and the trace of any matrix A. We also denote theL2norm, Frobenius norm, the conjugate, the transpose, and the conjugate transpose operators, respectively. The operator < : > returns the empirical average of all the elements/entries of any vector or matrix. Moreover, vec (:)and unvec (:)denote vectorization of a matrix and unvectorization of a vector back to its original matrix form, respectively. Diag (:)operates on a vector and generates a diagonal matrix by placing that vector in the diagonal whereas diag (:)operates on a matrix and returns its main diagonal in a vector. The statistical expectation is denoted as Ef:g. A random vector with complex is represented by xCN (x;u;R), where uandRdenote its mean and respectively. Similarly, a random matrix with complex normal distribution is (X;M;U;V), where M,UandVdenote its mean and covariance matrices among its rows and columns, respectively. The imaginary unit is represented by j =p 1and the (:)operator returns the angle of any complex number. The proportional relationship between6 any two entities (functions or variables) is denoted by _. Lastly, the operators ,andstand for the Kronecker, the Hadamard, and the column-wise Khatri-Rao products, S YSTEM MODEL , ASSUMPTIONS ,AND PROBLEM a BS that is equipped with Nantenna elements that is serving a total of Msingle- antenna users (in the downlink) with the help of a MIS that has K >M reflective elements. Also consider a scheme in which the data for Bout of the total Musers are directly the BS (in baseband). Those Busers (B < N ) are referred to as the BS-served users. For the remaining R=M Busers, the BS will simply send a known/reference signal which will then be modulated by appropriately phase-shifting it using the MIS reflective elements. For this reason, we call those Rusers as the MIS-served users although, strictly speaking, both types of users are being served by the BS2. The goal is to optimally design the MIS phase shifts not only to modulate the data for the MIS-served users but also to passively beamform the signals for the BS-served users. As illustrated by Fig. 1, each b-th BS-served user has a direct link to the BS which is expressed by a channel vector hb-ub;b2CN. The BS-user channel vector for each r-th MIS-served user3is denoted by hb-us;r2CN. The for the b-th BS-served user and the r-th MIS-served user are denoted, Let Hb-s2CKNdenote the channel matrix of the MIMO MIS-BS link with Rank (Hb-s)B. The signal received at the MIS is phase-shifted by a diagonal matrix Diag ()2CKK, where2CKis the phase-shift vector that might be subject to various constraints in practice. In particular, under the unimodular constraint, we havejkj= 1 fork= 1;;K, or equivalently, k=ejkfor some phase shift and Hs-us= mathematical convenience, we gather the channels between the BS (resp. MIS) and all users 2Indeed, although being applied at the MIS, the phase shifts are designed centrally at the BS as function of the users' data. 3Although the MIS-served users do not receive data transmitted by the BS, they will experience interference from the direct BS-user link of the BS-served 1: MIS-assisted multi-user MIMO system in which the MIS is concurrently used for beamforming and data embedding. in a single matrix Hb-u(resp. Hs-u): Hb-u= (1) Hs-u= (2) Letymbe the noiseless signal received by the m-th user and define In the sequel, without loss of generality, we assume that to the BS-served and MIS-served users, respectively. Then, ycan be decomposed yb(resp. ys) is the signal intended to the BS-served (resp. MIS-served) users which are given (4) In (3), sbCN (s;0;IB)is the unknown symbol vector being transmitted by the BS (to the B- served users), and = a vector that gathers all the phase shifts used by the MIS. Moreover, F2CNBis the active precoding matrix that is used for at the BS, which satisfies kFk2 F=Pb, wherePbis the fraction of power being allocated to the BS-served users. In (4),pPsvbis a separate reference (which is constant and known) by the BS towards the MIS with kvbk2 2= 1andPsis the fraction of transmit power being allocated to the MIS-served users. The total transmit power is denoted by P=Pb+Ps. Now, let wbCN (w;0; 2 wIB)andwsCN (w;0; 2 wIR)denote the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) vectors pertaining to the BS-served and MIS-served users, respectively. received signal at all the users, y, is given swT sT; some real-valued receive scaling factors4. They are only utilized to facilitate the optimization of the other variables (i.e., the BS precoder and the MIS phase shifts) since the receivers can blindly estimate these scalars based on the received symbol sequence [22], [23]. Remark. The system model in (5) is an approximation of the exact system model which is expressed as follows: (6) The approximation will allow better tractability for the receive scaling factors, bands, and the precoding matrix, F, by decoupling sfrom the other two variables in the joint solved in Section IV-B. Therefore, we use the approximate model in (5) to optimize the variables and then use those optimized variables together with the exact system model in (6) to compute the performance metrics such as sum-rate in Section V. Consequently, by using (3) and (4) in (5), it follows to the reference signal vb, the optimized MIS phase-shift vector varies in space (with changes in the channel) and in time (with every transmit symbol vector). We now extend the system model in (7) for a transmit block of length, L, as is a common practice in the precoding optimization literature [22], [23].9 We further gather the information symbols for the BS-served (resp. MIS-served) users in one matrix denoted as Ss2CRL) and we define also stack the phase-shift vectors being used at all time indices l= 1;;Lin one single matrix = The goal is to maximize each user's ratio (SINR) by minimizing the error in its received symbols under the sum MMSE criterion. A lower bound on the spectral efficiency for user mcan be expressed in terms of the MMSE of its received symbol error [24] as follows: CMMSE m = log21 MMSEm
: (9) The MSE of the received symbol for user mand time index lis given by forMusers and a transmit block of length L, the sum symbol MSE is given (10) Thus, our optimization problem under the sum MMSE criterion can be formulated as follows: arg (11a) subject tokFk2 F=Pb; (11b) jklj= 1; k = 1;2;;K; l = 1;2;;L: (11c) We take the expectation involved in (11a) with respect to (w.r.t.) the random matrices S,Wb, andWsto further simplify the objective function (see Appendix A ) thereby resulting in the following optimization problem: arg (12b) jklj= 1; k = 1;2;;K; l = 1;2;;L: (12c) We shall denote the objective function in (12a) by the rest of the paper. The optimization problem in (12) is non-convex due to the unimodular constraint on the10 MIS phase-shifts in (12c). We aim to solve the problem by utilizing the OOV AMP algorithm in the same way as done in [8]. The OOV AMP [8] is a low-complexity algorithm which is designed to solve s involving a linear objective function and non-linear constraints [8], [25]. The of OOV AMP decouples the constraint from the objective function. This favorable prop- erty allows OOV AMP to optimize the same objective function under different constraints by mod- ifying the OOV AMP module that satisfies the constraint (simple scalar functions). OOV AMP has better convergence properties than other iterative algorithms (e.g., alternating direction method of multipliers [ADMM]) [26] because of its automatic calculation of the optimal stepsize in every iteration. III. O PTIMIZATION ORIENTED VAMP FOR MATRICES OOV AMP is a recently developed extension [8] of the standard max-sum V AMP algorithm [25] which solves constrained optimization problems involving linear objective functions under both linear and non-linear constraints. Moreover, asymptotic optimality can be claimed for the computed solution under certain mild conditions using state evolution arguments. In this section, we present an extended version of the OOV AMP algorithm to optimize matrices involving linear mixing. Given the knowledge of two matrices, A2CMNandZ2CMK, the OOV AMP algorithm solves the following optimization problem: arg = 0i= 1;;N; k = 1;;K: (13b) The algorithm consists of the following two modules. 1) Linear MAP Estimator: At iteration t, the linear MAP (LMAP) estimator receives (message) from the separable (i.e., entry-wise) MAP projector of Xin the form of a mean matrix, Rt 1, and a common scalar precision,
t 1. Then, under the Gaussian it computes the LMAP estimate, Xt, along with the precision,
t, as (15)11 The extrinsic information on Xis updated as: CMN then sent back in the form of a mean matrix, and a scalar precision, e
t 1, to the separable MAP projector of X. 2) Separable MAP Projector: Because the constraint on Xis component-wise, the constraint on its entries, xik, is modeled as a prior with some precision,
p, , which results in the following prior distribution on X: pX(X) (16) This module computes the MAP estimate, bXt, ofXfrom the joint The MAP estimate can be computed through a component- wise projector function as (17) or = arg (18) The parameter
pin (18) accounts for the weight given to the prior on xiinside the scalar Therefore, taking
p!1 enforces the constraint. The derivative of the scalar MAP projector w.r.t. erik;tis given by (19) whereb
tis the posterior precision. The matrix-valued projector function and its derivative are defined as (21)12 Similar to the LMAP module, the MAP projector module computes an extrinsic mean and a scalar precision,
t e
t, and sends them back to the LMAP module for the next iteration. The process is repeated until convergence. It is worth mentioning that the extrinsic parameters, i.e., the extrinsic mean matrix and the scalar precision, calculated by each module act as a Gaussian prior on the subsequent estimate of the adjacent module, thus making OOV AMP parameter-free. Another major advantage of OOV AMP is that it decouples the constraint from the objective function and also allows the projector function to be separable. While the LMAP module optimizes the objective function with no constraints, the latter are enforced by the projector function. This modular property makes OOV AMP an attractive algorithm for solving optimization problems involving linear mixing and under various component-wise constraints. The algorithmic steps of OOV AMP are shown in Algorithm 1 . Algorithm 1 max-sum matrix V a precision tolerance ()and a maximum number of iterations (TMAX ) 1:Initialize R0,
00andt 1 2:repeat 3: // LMAP. 4: // Separable MAP t+ OOVAMP-B ASED SOLUTION FOR THE OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM In this section, we apply the OOV AMP algorithm, introduced in Section III, to the matrix of phase shifters, , the optimal precoding matrix F, and the scaling to solve the optimization problem in (12)). We follow the optimization in [8], and decouple the joint optimization problem into two sub-problems optimization. In one side, we optimize by utilizing OOV AMP and, on the other side, we find the optimal transmit precoding, F, and scalars bands. It is a simple that optimizes a subset of all variables at a time while fixing the other set of variables and the process is repeated until convergence. More specifically, we divide the in (11) into the following two sub-optimization problems: 1) b= arg (22a) s.t.jklj= 1; k= 1;2;;K; l = 1;2;;L: (22b) 2) arg (23b) A. Optimizing the MIS Phase Shifts Here, we derive the OOV AMP modules (i.e., LMAP estimator and separable projector function) to solve the sub-optimization problem in (22) which is restated explicitly as follows: arg 1; k= 1;2;;K; l = 1;2;;L: (24b)14 Next, we re-express the objective function in (24a) in a form that is similar to the general OOV AMP objective function in (13a). In fact, by introducing the following (MK);(25) B= (Hb-sF)T; (BK);(26) D= (ML);(30) we show in Appendix B that the optimization problem in (24) can be rewritten as follows: arg (31a) s.t.jklj= 1; k= 1;2;;K; l = 1;2;;L: (31b) The steps to derive both OOV AMP modules are detailed in the sequel. 1) LMAP Estimator: The LMAP module performs the minimization of the objection function in (31a) under the Gaussian prior, by solving the optimization problem: arg (32) The solution (i.e., the LMAP estimate and the associated posterior precision) to the in (32) is given as (34) 2) Scalar MAP Projector: In this section, we introduce two projector functions defined in [8] to satisfy the two types of constraint on the MIS reflection coefficients, i.e., i)the and ii)a practical constraint on the MIS phase shifts in which each antenna element is terminated by a variable reactive load. We refer the reader to [8] for more details on the derivation15 and differences in the two projector functions. The projector function and its derivative for the unimodular constraint is given as =erkljerklj 1; =1 2jerklj 1; (36) where the derivative is taken according to (19). To optimize the MIS phase shifts under a practical constraint, we consider a reflective el- ement that is combined with a tunable reactive load5instead of an ideal phase-shifter6, i.e.,
kl= (1 + jkl) 1, wherekl2Ris a scalar reactance value that must be optimized for each reflection coefficient. Under the unimodular constraint, the idealistic MIS has a full field of view (FOV) and the reflection coefficients correspond to ideal phase-shifters and are of the form
kl=ejkl, whereas under the practical constraint we have a restriction on the possible values of the MIS phase-shifts, i.e., (1 + Moreover, the magnitude of each phase-shift under this constraint is always less than 1for any6= 0. Practically, this introduces the phase-dependent amplitude attenuation in the incident wave. The projector function under this new constraint is defined + jopt kl2#
; + jkl2 : (38) The solution to the optimization problem in (38), the projector function, and its derivative are given by: g3(erkl) =1 2=ferklg
1 + 2<ferklg+q (1 + 2<ferklg)2+ 4=ferklg2
; (39) g2;kl(erkl) = (1 + jg3(erkl)) 1; =jg0 3(erkl) (1 + jg3(erkl)) 2: (41) 5This can be implemented for instance by an antenna array composed of omni-directional dipole elements loaded with the reactive elements in the absence of a ground plane to allow for bidirectional beamforming and not just hemispherical coverage. 6The value 1is the normalized resistive part of the element impedance whereas klis the normalized reactive part of the antenna plus reactive termination. Accordingly klrepresents the induced current flowing across the antenna. We assume the antenna elements to be uncoupled which holds approximately for half-wavelength element spacing. 7From a practical standpoint, this assumption is difficult to realize. With the reactive-loading constraint, the assumption of a MIS with full field of view (FOV) becomes more X ZeR;e
2: Block diagram of the proposed algorithm. The calculation of extrinsic information is performed by the ext blocks. The matrix valued projector functions, and their derivatives, are obtained according to (20) and (21). Lastly, the constant transmitted vector by the BS, vb, is set to the right singular vector of the matrix Hb-sthat corresponds to the Optimal Precoding and Scaling Factors The receive scaling factor, s, is decoupled from the other optimization variables, i.e., Fand
b, in the objective function (23a). Therefore, it can be optimized independently of the other two variables as follows: arg defining the (43) we rewrite (42) as: arg (44) From (44), we establish the closed-form solution to the optimization problem in (42) as (45)17 Now, the optimal precoding matrix, F, and receive scaling factor, b, are obtained as a solution to the following optimization problem: arg (46b) By defining the (48) the optimization problem in (46) becomes a constrained MMSE transmit precoding optimization for MIMO systems. The problem can be solved jointly by Lagrange optimization. We construct the Lagrangian function for the optimization problem in (46) as the Lagrange multiplier. The closed-form solutions for optimal bandFare given below and we refer the reader to [22] for more (51) Since we have now found the solution to both optimization problems in (22) and (23), we can combine their solutions together into one algorithm. We define the MSE at iteration (52) The algorithm stops when jEt Et 1j< Et 1, where2R+is some precision tolerance. The overall block diagram and the algorithmic steps are shown, respectively, in Fig. 2 and Algorithm 2 . The convergence and complexity of the OOV AMP-based approach are 2 OOV AMP-based joint optimization a precision tolerance (), and a maximum number of iterations (TMAX 1, and obtain substituting b0into (43), (47) and // LMAP Estimator 8: Compute matrices A;B;D;M;XandZby substituting to (30). 9: // Separable MAP //Finds; bandFthrough their closed-form solutions. 19: substituting btinto (43), (47) and t+ [8]. Because of the monotone convergence theorem in real analysis [27], Algorithm 2 is guaranteed to converge since the MSE is minimized in every step and the objective is lower bounded by zero. The algorithm can be efficiently implemented by exploiting matrix structures, and by using the singular value decomposition (SVD) form of OOV AMP so that the computational complexity is of O(MNL (K+N)). V. N UMERICAL RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS A. Simulation Model and Parameters We present Monte-Carlo simulation results to assess the performance of the proposed MIS- based communication scheme. We assume that the MIS is located at a fixed distance of 500 m from the BS and the users are spread uniformly at a radial distance of 10m to 50m from the MIS. A path-based propagation channel model, also known as parametric channel model [24], is used. Such a model is more appropriate for systems with large antenna arrays. One key parameter of such a channel model is the number of multi-path components of the BS-MIS channel which governs the effect of channel I: Simulation parameters with their notations and values Parameter Notation, Value Parameter Notation, Value Number of channel paths in the MIS-BS link QMIS= 10 MIS-BS distance dMIS= 500 m Number of channel paths in the BS-user link Qb-u= 2 User-BS distance d= 500 m Number of channel paths in the MIS-user link Qs-u= 2 User-MIS distance exponent for the MIS-BS, MIS-user link = 2:5 Noise variance 2 w= 100 dBm Path-loss exponent for the BS-user link = 3:7 Channel path gains distribution cqCN (0;1) Reference distance d0= 1 m Path-loss at the reference distance a uniform linear array with Nantennas at the BS and a square uniform planar elements at the MIS, the channel between the MIS and the BS is q)aBS(q)T: (53)20 The channel vectors for the link between each single antenna m-th user and the MIS, and each m-th user and the BS are modeled, respectively, as m;q); m = 1;;M; m = 1;;M: (55) The termL(d) =C0(d=d 0)in (53), (55), (54) is the path-loss factor, where C0denotes the path-loss at a reference distance d0= 1 m, andis the path-loss exponent. To account for channel correlation effects, we set the number of multi-path components lower than the number of BS antennas and the MIS antenna elements for the BS-MIS channel, thereby making the channel matrix rank-deficient. Therefore, in the simulations, we set the number of BS-served users lower than the rank of the BS-MIS channel matrix Hb-s. For brevity, the details on the array steering vectors, aMISandaBS, are omitted, and interested readers are referred to [8] for complete information on the channel model. Table I describes the various along with their values used in the simulations. Moreover, we split the total between the BS- and MIS-served users according to the share of each type of The results are averaged over 1000 independent use the sum-rate ,bC, for performance evaluation which is defined as (56) where MMSE mrefers to the MSE of each m-th user's received symbol. Since the of using the RIS as a modulating surface (i.e., MIS) is novel, we benchmark it against the following two traditional schemes wherein the RIS is merely used for passive in combination with MMSE precoding at the BS: i. S CHEME 1: a multi-user MIMO system assisted by one RIS where the optimization of the phase matrix is solved through alternating optimization and OOV AMP. ii. S CHEME 2: a multi-user MIMO system assisted by one RIS where the optimization of the phase matrix is performed using the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) 8; N= 32 , and K= 256 . (b)M= 8; N= 32 , and P= 25 dBm. Fig. 3: (a) Sum-rate versus transmit power, and (b) Sum-rate versus the number of Performance Results With Perfect CSI We consider a typical urban or suburban environment where the BS is located faraway from the users and has no LOS to them. However, the MIS is installed at a location where an LOS component is present in the BS-MIS link but not in the user-MIS link. We also set the number of BS antennas to N= 32 and the number of MIS reflective elements to K= 256 . Fig. 3(a), depicts the achievable sum-rate versus the transmit power, P, for the different considered The total number of users is equal to M= 8. Here we consider two the proposed approach: i)when all the users are served by the MIS, and ii)a hybrid case wherein the MIS and the BS both serve 4users each. The configuration in which all the users are served by the MIS significantly outperforms the scheme in which the RIS is only used for beamforming (i.e., S CHEME 1). This is because, the MIS-served users do not suffer from the path-loss between the BS and the MIS. Moreover, at low transmit power (e.g., P= 20 dBm), the sum-rate for the users solely served by the MIS is, respectively, two and four times the sum-rate of the BS-served users for the beamforming-only RIS-assisted OOV AMP-based and For the hybrid configuration, the resulting sum-rate edges S CHEME 1 but, it is lower than the case when all users are served by the MIS. This confirms that it is more beneficial to serve the users by the MIS.22 (a)N= 32; K= 256 and P= 30 dBm. (b)M= 8; N= 32 , and K= 256 . Fig. 4: (a) Sum-rate versus the number of users, and (b) Sum-rate versus transmit power under imperfect CSI. Fig. 3(b) shows a plot of the sum-rate against the share of MIS-served users among the total number of users. It is observed that the combined sum-rate first decreases and then with the number of MIS-served users. This is because of the presence of among the MIS-served and the BS-served users since the MIS is performing both tasks, i.e., beamforming to assist the BS and also data embedding to serve another set of users. This implies that there is more loss than gain when the ratio of the MIS-served users to the total number of users becomes small. Fig. 4(a) illustrates the sum-rate versus the total number of users being served. The users are solely served by the BS for one plot and by the MIS for the other. Here we show the benefits of the approach of using the MIS as a modulating surface to directly serve users. Although the sum-rate of the BS-served users is higher when the number of users becomes small, the sum-rate of the MIS-served users keeps increasing with the number of users while the sum-rate of the BS-served users only increases up to the number of available channel paths which is set to 10. This is because, the number of users that can be served by the MIS is independent of the number of BS antennas and the correlation in the MIS-BS channel. The upper limit for the number of MIS-served users is equal to the number of MIS antenna elements K.23 C. Performance Results With Imperfect CSI In this section, we asses the performance of the proposed scheme in the presence of errors. Specifically, we consider a scenario where pilot training followed by MMSE estimation algorithms are used to estimate the cascaded BS-MIS-users and the direct [28], [29]. We model the estimated channel matrix and vectors using the statistical CSI error model proposed in [30]-[32] as m = 1;;M; m = 1;;M; the channel estimation accuracy and the cir- cularly symmetric complex Gaussian (CSCG) distribution, i.e., vec (b-s)CN (0;IK). We first optimize the variables s; b;Fand
under imperfect CSI and then use the exact CSI matrices to calculate the sum rate. Fig. 4(b) plots the sum-rate versus transmit power for different values of the channel parameter . We also include plots for the other schemes (i.e., S CHEMES 1AND 2) which use the RIS as a purely reflective surface) under perfect CSI for reference. The results show the resilience of the proposed MIS-based approach against small channel estimation errors. At low SNR, it is observed that the proposed design with a low channel estimation accuracy of= 0:90performs better than the baseline schemes even under perfect CSIs. Moreover, the performance loss is negligible with a high channel estimation accuracy value of = 0:99. VI. C ONCLUSION We have presented a novel approach of employing the MIS for performing passive beamform- ing and data embedding for the BS-served and the MIS-served users, respectively, in a multi- user MIS-assisted downlink MIMO system. The associated joint convex optimization problem has been formulated under the sum MMSE criterion in order to maximize the users' Alternating minimization has been used to split the original optimization problem into two tasks, i.e., separately optimizing the MIS phase shifts and jointly optimizing the BS precoding and the receive scaling factors for the BS- and MIS-served users. The optimal solution to the joint optimization problem for precoding is found in closed form. We have optimized the24 MIS phase shifts using OOV AMP by deriving the problem-specific modules of the OOV AMP algorithm. Moreover, the original joint problem has been solved under both the ideal and a practical constraint on the MIS phase shifts. Simulation results illustrate highly superior performance of the proposed MIS-based scheme over two baseline schemes in which the MIS is used for beamforming purposes only. Moreover, the proposed approach can support more number of users simultaneously than existing beamforming approaches wherein the users are served by the BS only. Finally, the results under imperfect CSI confirm that the nearly unchanged in the presence of small channel estimation errors. Three possible extensions to the proposed framework for MIS-assisted networks are outlined as power allocation: In the present work, the power split between the BS- and MIS- served users was not optimized. In fact, we simply split the power between the BS- and MIS-served users according to the share of each type of users. To utilize the transmit power efficiently, the joint optimization problem can be extended to optimally allocate power between the BS- and MIS-served users.
Optimal user assignment: Instead of splitting the users arbitrarily between the BS and the MIS, the decision must be taken on the basis of CSI. The users for which the direct BS- user link is strong enough to provide higher data rate than if they were served by the MIS, can be served and beamformed by the BS and the MIS, respectively. Similarly, the users that have a weak direct BS-user link can be served through modulation by the MIS. User assignment can be optimized to maximize system optimized reference carrier signal: Presently, we assign the strongest path in the BS-MIS link to transmit the reference carrier signal pertaining to the MIS-served users. The remaining paths are used to serve the BS-served users which results in lower sum-rate for BS-served users. To mitigate this problem, the reference transmitted vector, vb, can also be jointly optimized with the other variables to enhance the overall throughput of A We have the following (62) We explicitly write the function in (60) and then expand it as defining the (67) W=h
bWT b; sWT siT ; (68) we expand the terms in (64) and take expectation w.r.t. the random matrices remaining two terms in (64) can be computed by following (70) and (71). Finally, by substituting (69) (72) into (64) and expressing the function in the form of norms we B We have the following two (75) By defining the matrices, (Hb-sF)T2CBK, we rewrite (74) then define a column-wise Khatri-Rao matrix, D2CMBKand another matrix, X2CMBL, as follows: D= (78) Through vectorization, we have the following relation for the norm of a (79) By using the relation in (79) and substituting the matrices DandXinto (76), we (80) or (81) Similarly, by defining the (83) and then substituting them into (75) one T. S. Rappaport, Y . Xing, O. Kanhere, S. Ju, A. Madanayake, S. Mandal, A. Alkhateeb, and G. C. Trichopoulos, and applications above 100 GHz: Opportunities and challenges for 6G and beyond, IEEE Access , vol. 7, pp. 78 729-78 757, 2019. [2] Q. Wu and R. 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To maximize each user's spectral efficiency, a joint problem is formulated under the sum minimum mean-square error (MMSE) criterion. Alternating optimization is used to divide the original joint problem into two tasks of: i) separately optimizing the MIS phase-shifts for passive beamforming along with data embedding for the BS- and MIS-served and ii) jointly optimizing the active precoder and the receive scaling factor for the BS- and MIS-served users, respectively. While the solution to the latter joint problem is found in closed-form using techniques, the optimal phase-shifts at the MIS are obtained by deriving the appropriate vector approximate message passing (OOVAMP) algorithm. Moreover, the original joint problem is solved under both ideal and practical constraints on the MIS phase shifts, namely, the unimodular constraint and assuming each MIS element to be terminated by a variable reactive load. The proposed MIS-assisted scheme is compared RIS-assisted wireless communication schemes and reveal that it brings substantial improvements in terms of while supporting a much higher number of users.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 03:24:19 GMT"
] | 2021-08-25T00:00:00 | [
"Haseeb Ur",
] |
sarily convex. But different from the classical stochastic co ntrol problem, when the diffusion term contains the control variable, first-order expansion i s not enough to formulate the varia- tional equation for the state process xuwhich generally is the adapted solution to the stochastic differential equation (SDE for a Brownian motion. Themain reason is the It^ o's only of orderO(o1 2). In 1990, Peng [24] first introduced the second-order term i n the Taylor's expan- sion of the variation and completely obtained the global max imum principle for the the following controlled backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE for short), which is coupled with the above controlled and Peng [23] first obtained its existence and unique ness result under the assumption that the generator gis linear growth and Lipschitz continuous in ( y,z). Independently, Duffie and Epstein [5] introduced the notion of recursive utilitie s in continuous time which is a type of BSDE where gis independent of z. In El Karoui et al. [13], a general stochastic control problem with recursive utilities by the solutions to BSDEs, where the generator gcontains z, is studied. When the control domain is convex, the global max imum principle reduces to the so-called localmaximum principle which is derived by the classical convex v ariation instead of the spike variation. Peng [25] first established a local maxi mum principle for the optimal control problem, where the state equatio n of the problem is a stochastic differential equation (FBSDE for short). Wu [53] proved a local maximum principle for the optimal control problem of fully c oupled FBSDEs. Wu [49] and Yong [66] obtained global maximum principles for optimal co ntrol problems of decoupled and fully coupled FBSDEs, consider the following backward stochastic differential equation with random jump s (BSDEP for Understandardass first proved their existence and uniqueness results for general BSDEPs, which are derived as 2adjoint equations when they studied the global maximum prin ciple for the controlled equation with random jumps (SDEP for short). Wu [51] studied the existence and uniqueness result of the solutions to fully coupled forward-backward SDEP (FBSDEP for short). Situ [35] first obtained the global maximum principle for the controlled SDEP where the control variable is not included in the jump coefficient. Tang and Li [4 1] completely proved the global maximum principle where the control variable enters into bo th diffusion and jump and Wu [33] extended the result of Peng [25] to discontinu ous case, and proved a local maximum principle for a kind of controlled FBSDEPs. Recentl y, Song et al. [38] found that, in the work of [41], the third estimate in (2.10) is not correct, which was also put forward by Situ [37] in the early, and the subsequent variational calculus t hen underestimated the influence of jumps. In [38], they overcome the deficiencies with a new spik e variation technique and obtained a new global maximum principle for controlled SDEPs. An inspiring thought appearing in the nonlinear expectatio n theory motivates us to study the optimal control problem of FBSDEP. We consider an SDEP as the cost functional can be formulated as: Jgp(u) is a nonlinear expectation called gp-expectation , which is related to the we set g(t,0,0)0, then we can define a gp-expectation in the 1.1. For any xL2 FT, we setEgp[x] =e0. It is known that in 1997, Peng [26] introduced the notion of g-expectation, for a it is defined as the initial value of a classical BSDE driven b y a generator gand with a terminal value x. More precisely, when we consider the following BSDE withou t we denote g-expectation by the operator Eg[*] and define Eg[x] =y0. More properties can be seen in [27]. In 2006, Royer [31] general ized the notion of introduced f-expectation related to some BSDEP driven by a generator fand with terminal valuex, under which the filtration is generated by both Brownian mot ion and Poisson random measure. Under some conditions, f-expectation, like g-expectation, preserve most properties of the classical expectation except the linearity. Here, in (1 .3) of this paper, we put a superscript p ong, i.e.gp, torepresentsome f-expectation jumps. Moreover, Egp[*] andEg[*] can be reduced to classical expectation E[*] provided thatg= 0. Then the aim is to find an optimal control - u Uadsuch that Jgp(-u) = inf uUadJgp(u), set. Next, weconsider that we (1.7) and (1.8) where (yu,zu,~zu) satisfies the following BSDEP coupled with t[0,T], yu T= to the discussion above, we can transform the orig inal optimal control problem into a problem of FBSDEP with classical expect ation. In this case, the state equation t[0,T], xu 0=x0, yu T= the cost =yu 0, (1.11) and the aim is transformed to minimize the cost functional (1 .11) subject to (1.10), which can be regarded as a special recursive optimal control problem. In the literature, whenthe control domain in nonconvex, it i s difficultto derive the first-order and second-order Taylor's expansions for BSDE (1.1), which is proposed as an open problem 4in Peng [28]. Recently, Hu [8] solved this open problem and ob tained a novel global In [8], the relationship among the terms of the fir st-order Taylor expansions, built, where ( p,q) is the solution to the first-order adjoint equation which po ssesses a More importantly, a novel feature is that the var iation of ztcontains an Another novel idea is to apply Taylor's expansion to - then to derive the global maximum principle. Motivated b y these ideas, Hu et al. [9] further extended the global maximum principle to the fully c oupled controlled FBSDE. In [9], they decoupled the fully coupled linear first-order and seco nd-order forward-backward by establishing the following z1 t= = and ( t) satisfies an algebra equation (t) (p,q) is the solution to the adjoint equation with a quadratic gen erator. They also applied Taylor's expansion to - zt+(t)IEo(t) and derived the global maximum principle by assuming q is bounded and unbounded, in the above, the controlled systems are all consid ered under complete information. In practice, the state equation usually could not be observe d directly. There are two kinds of incomplete information forms. The first one is that one could only observe a related usually satisfies an t[0,T], Y0= 0. Thesecond one is that the known information is generated by a standard Brownian noise, which, in fact, can be regarded as a special case of the first situatio n. For stochastic control problems with partial information, there has been considerable lit- erature about forward-backward stochastic controlled sys tems. Wang and Wu [43] obtained a global maximum principle for partially observed stochasti c recursive optimal control problem, under the assumption that control domain is not necessarily convex and the forward does not contain control variable. Wu [50] studie d a partially observed stochastic con- trol problem of FBSDEs and a local maximum principle was prov ed. Shi and Wu [34] obtained a partially observed maximum principle of controlled fully coupled FBSDEs on the assumption that the forward diffusion coefficient does not contain the cont rol variable and the control do- main is not necessarily convex. Wang et al. [44] studied a par tial observed stochastic control 5problem of FBSDEs with correlated noises between the system and the observation. Three versions of maximum principle were established by using a di rect method, an and a Malliavin derivative method, respectively. By introducing a state backward separation approach, Wang et al. [45] studied a (LQ for control problem of FBSDEs, where the drift coeffic ient of the observation equation is linear with respect to state x, and the observation noise is correlated with the state nois e. Some recent progress for partially observed problems, has been m ade in mean-field type controls (see [20], [47], [7]), differential games (see [48], [11], [54], [6 1], [68]), random jumps (see [22], [40], [55], [56], [57], [67]), time delay (see [17]) and applications in finance (see [60], [62]). The stochastic control problem is usually associated with the state filtering and and we only list some main references such as [19] , [2], [59], [42], [57], [46], [37]. The motivation of our work in this paper comes from two aspect s. The first one is Hu [8], in which a global maximum principle for optimal control problem with recursive utilities has been obtained completely. The second one is Song et al. [3 8], in which a new global maximum principle for stochastic control problem of SDEPs, where the control variable enters into both the coefficients of diffusion and jump, has been derive d by using a novel spike which modifies a critical incorrectness in Tang a nd Li [41], which has been pointed out in the book of Situ [37] for over sixteen years. Combining the two aspects above with the partially observed feature, in this paper, we aim to stud y a global maximum principle for partially observed controlled forward-backward stochast ic system with random jumps, where all the coefficients contain the control variable. We note tha t, very recently, Hao and Meng [7] obtained a global maximum principle for optimal control of the general mean-field stochastic system with jumps. However, the jump te rm in the SDEP of their paper does not contain the control variable and the cost functiona l is a special recursive case. To our best knowledge, there are rare literature on the parti ally observed optimal control problem with random jumps. In th is paper, we initiate to prove the partially observed global maximum principle with rando m jumps, where the state noise is correlated with the observation noise. Our work distinguis hes itself from the existing literatures in the following aspects: (1) We extend the work in [8] into the partially observed case with random jumps. There exist correlated noises between the state equation and the o bservation equation, which make the original decoupled forward-backward stochastic system be come a kind of fully-coupled one. We first prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution to fu lly coupled FBSDEPs in L2-space on small interval. However, due to some technical difficultie s, we only obtain the existence iveitsestimate under (A4), (A6) inLb(b >2)-space, which, motivated by the recent work of Meng and Yan g [21] in which they proved that an adapted L2-solution is an Lb-solution for some b >2, extends to a general case for any given terminal time T. For further resolving the difficulties, we relax the Assumpt ion 6(A6), and obtain the Lb(b >2)-solution to fully coupled FBSDEPs and give its estimate u nder (A4), (A5) by defined a new space ~F2,b[0,T] for any given T. (2) Then we derive the partially observed global maximum pri nciple. Compared to [41] and [40], our result is both a correction and an extension. To our best knowledge, in the optimal control problems, we initiate to consider that the observat ion equation is not only driven by the Brownian motion, but also by the Poisson random measure. Mor eover, the correlated noises between state and the observation equation not only come fro m the Brownian motion, but from the Poisson random measure. It is an extension of the case in [ 57], in which an LQ problem with special Poisson process and convex control domain is co nsidered. (3) Similarto[8], wealsoguessthat form, 1(t) z2,1 t= 2(t) /BDO+ /BDO+ are four Ft-adapted processes, and estimates similarly as x1. However, different from the results in [8] or [9], we find
~1(*) =~2(*) = 0. The main reason is that we subtract the jump part in the ra ndom in- tervalO. There is no need for such a term ~1(t) /BDO,~2(t) /BDOin the third and fourth equality in (1.12), which is in accordance with the variational equat ion ofxin Section 3.1. Therefore, we mainly do Taylor expansions at - Compared to the work in [8], we extend the cost functional into a general case, which is similar to the LQ part in [9]. However, two new adjoint equa tions are introduced. The variational inequality is firstly derived. Compared to the w ork in [8], besides the vital equation with Poisson measure, we can obtain four ne w adjoint equations, however, the second-order adjoint equation is a new BSDEP. Then we der ive a new partially observed global maximum principle. More importantly, the maximum pr inciple can reduce to the work [18] when the forward-backward system with random jumps deg enerate into the forward one without random jumps. Different from the framework in Li and Ta ng [18] (or Tang [39]) where the observed process Yis viewed as a Brownian motion at the beginning, we not only co nsider a more natural framework(Hu et al. [10], Zhang et al. [67]), b ut also prove the the two frameworks. More details can be seen in Remar k 2.2, Remark 3.2, Remark 3.3. (5) We consider a special partially observed LQ forward-bac kward stochastic optimal control problem with random jumps. By the method of [37], we first dedu ce a non-linear filtering equa- tion for partially observed stochastic system with random j umps, which extends the case with Poisson process into the case with Poisson martingale measu re. And we obtain the state esti- mate feedback of the optimal control in a closed-loop form. M oreover, an explicit the optimal control is given by some ordinary differential equations (ODEs for short). 7The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, w e formulate a general par- tially observed progressive optimal control problem of for ward-backward stochastic system with random jumps, and prove the existence and uniqueness of the s olution to the fully coupled FB- SDEPs and its Lb-estimate under some assumptions and different spaces, for an yb>=2. In Section 3, we derive the partially observed global maximum p rinciple of FBSDEPs with general cost functional. In Section 4, as an application, our theore tical results are applied to study a partially observed LQ optimal control problem of FBSDEPs. I n a special case, we first give the maximum condition for the optimal control and verify its suffi ciency. We then represent the optimal control as a state estimate feedback form. Moreover , we obtain a more explicit opti- mal control with some ODEs. Section 5 gives some concluding r emarks. In the Appendix, we give some results about non-linear filtering equation of sig nal-observation system with measure that will be used in the LQ problem in Sect ion 4. 2 Problem Formulation and >0 be fixed. Consider a complete filtered probability space (ohm and two one-dimensional independent standard Brownian motion sW1and~W2defined in 0. Let ( E,B(E)) be a Polish space with the s-finite measure E,E2 E. Supposethat N1(de,dt) for any E1 B(E1),n1(E1)<, then the compensated Poisson random measure is given by ~N1(de,dt) LetN2(de,dt) be an integer-valued random measure and its predictable compensator is given by where the l <1, and for any E2 B(E2),n2(E2)<, then its compensated random measure is given by ~N' 2(de,dt) Moreover, W1,~W2,N1,N2 are mutually independent under -P, and let the-P-completed generated by W1,~W2,N1,N2, respectively. Set whereNdenotes the totality of -P-null sets. -Edenotes the expectation under the probability measure -P. Different from [41] and [40], the integrand of the stochastic i ntegral in our paper is E- progressive measurable rather than E-predictable, which is referred to [38]. We first introduce some preliminaries from [38]. Definition 2.1. Suppose that His an Euclidean space, and B(H)is the Borel s-field on H. GivenT >0, a process x: [0,T]xohm- His called progressive measurable where G(P)is the corresponding progressive s-field on [0,T]xohm, and a process x: [0,T]xohmxE - H is called ( E-predictable) ifxisG xB(E)/B(H)(P given a process xwhich has RCLL paths, x0-:= 0 and xt:=xt-xt-,t>=0, for 8i= 1,2, letmidenote the measure on F B([0,T]) B(Ei) generated by Nithatmi(A) For any F B([0,T]) B(Ei)/B(R) measurable integrable process x, we setEi[x] denote by Ei[x|P B(Ei)] the Radon-Nikodym derivatives w.r.t. P B(Ei). In fact, Eiis not an expectation (for miis not a probability measure), but it owns similar properties to expectation. A more general definitio n of stochastic integral of random measure has been introduced by [38] where the theory of dual p redictable projection is we omit the details here and give the following le mma directly. Lemma 2.1. Ifgis a positive Ei-progressive measurable process i= 1,2, then we have the following the dual predictable projection of x. Consider the following state equation which is a controlled t[0,T], xu 0=x0, as we concluded in the following Remark 2.2, the first f ramework where probability mea- surePis given originally is equivalent to the second framework (a s presented in our paper) 9where probability measure -Pis given originally. Therefore, by the following Girsanov' s theorem method, W1,W2are mutually independent Brownian motions and ~N1,~N2are mutually inde- pendent Poisson martingale measures under PandW1,~W2are mutually independent Brownian motions and ~N1,~N' 2are mutually independent Poisson martingale measures unde r-P. Then we give the fact that the stochastic process W2and Poisson random measure ~N2under-Pis stan- dard Brownian motion and Poisson martingale measure under P, respectively. Equivalently, we also have the understanding that stochastic process ~W2and Poisson random measure ~N' 2under Pis standard Brownian motion and Poisson martingale measure under-Pas presented exactly in our paper, which is accordance with the non-jumps framewo rk in [44]. Moreover, we have explicit representations of are defined in the that the state process ( cannot be observed directly. In- deed, we can observe a related process Ywhich is governed by the following t[0,T], Yu 0= 0,(2.3) and consider the cost functional as follows: J(u) we suppose that ( b1,s1,s2)(t,x,u) : [0,T]xRxR-R, (f1,f2)(t,x,u,e) : and : :R-R,s3(t) : [0,T]-R,f3(t,e) : [0,T]x E2-R, Ph(x) :R-R, G(y) :R-Rare suitable maps. The following assumptions are B(R)B(R)/B(R) measurable, f1,f2areG B(R) measurable, phisB(R)/B(R) twice continuously differentiable in xwith bounded first and second order derivatives, s2is also bounded and there is a constant Csuch twice continuous differentiable in xwith bounded second order derivatives and there is a constant Csuch that
|ph(x)| Forb>=2, the following and are twice continuously differentiable with respect to ( in ( bounded, and |s-1 3(t)|is bounded by some constant C, For any ( t,x,e)[0,T]xRx E2, there exists a constant Csuch that <=C. (A2)l,Ph,G are twice continuous differentiable in ( with bounded second order derivatives and there is a constant Csuch that
/vextendsingle/vextendsinglel((t,x,y,z1,z2,~z1,~z2,u)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle<=C/parenleftbig 1+|x|+|y|+|z1|+|z2|+||~z1||+||~z2||+|u|/parenrightbig ,
/vextendsingle/vextendsinglel(t,x,y,z1,z2,~z1,~z2,u)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle<=C/parenleftbig 1+|x|2+|y|2+|z1|2+|z2|2+||~z1||2+||~z2||2+|u|2/parenrightbig ,
|Ph(x)| 2.1. We consider the deterministic coefficient in our paper, that i s, deterministic function from [0,T]x E1(E2)toR. In fact, we can regard [0,T]as a kind of cylinder set [0,T]xohmin a binary form, and here, G(P)is the corresponding progressive measurable (predictable) s-field on [0,T]which can be viewed as a special case on [0,T]xohm. The only difference is that the coefficients contain oexactly. In our paper, for notational simplicity, we define Thu(t) := := ~g=g,b2,land (t,[0,T]xRxRxRxRxL2(E1,B(E1),n1;R)x L2(E2,B(E2),n2;R). Here, the space 1,2 are defined in the (A4), (3) in the define ForUR, the admissible control set is defined as U-valued process, such that anyb >1 aim in this paper, is to select an optimal control - u Uad[0,T] such that J(-u) = 2.2. In our setting, for overcoming the circular dependence betwe en the FY tand the control u, we have adopted the Girsanov measure transformation metho d. We point out that our framework is different from that most use d in ([18], [43], [50], [34], [44]), but similar as ([10], [67]). The obvious difference between th ese two kinds of frameworks depends on the original probability measure, that is, Por-P, which is given first. In the first framework, for a given original probability measure P, the observation process Yis given as a motion. However, in the second framework which is u sed in our paper, under a given original probability measure -P, the observation process Yis a stochastic process which becomes a standard Brownian motion under the new probability measur ePby Girsanov's theorem. In fact, by analyzing, we could obtain an important conclusio n that these two kinds of frame- works are equivalent in some sense. First, no matter which ki nd of framework is considered in the existing literature, as a goal, the observation process Yshould be a stan- dard Brownian motion under the probability measure P. Indeed, this goal is the key to deal with partially observed problems. More precisely, in the first fr amework, Wand observation process Yare two uncontrolled Brownian motions, and the cost functio nal is usually defined under the new controlled probability measure -P. However, for obtaining necessary and sufficient a controlled -Pwould bring the obstacle when using variation technique and It^ o's for- mula. Therefore, the given uncontrolled Pand uncontrolled Brownian motion Yby the can be regarded as a bridge to fill in this ga p. In the second framework, P is a new probability measure under which the original contro lled stochastic process Ybecomes a uncontrolled Brownian motion, which is more natural than th e given Brownian motion Yat the beginning in the first framework. Moreover, the nature mainl y shows that, it is usual that the Brownian motion can not be observed directly, but the role of Girsanov transformation shows that there exists another probability measure Psuch that the observation process Ycan be turned into certain Brownian motion. So we think that considering Yas a Brownian motion at first, although it is unnatural, is a technical demanding. Moreove r, it means that the original P(the new-P) in the first framework and the new P(the original -P) in the second framework play the same roles and actually have the same effects. So these two kin ds of frameworks are equivalent in some sense. We will show its equivalence in general mathem atical sense in Remark 3.3. 12As analyzed above, in order to solve the problem, we first following assumption is necessary to guarantee the Girs anov measure define M(t) is a locally square integrable martingale. Moreover, continuous and purely discontinuous martingale parts o fM, it follows that Gu t, the Dol' eans-Dade exponential of M, is a martingale (Protter and Shimbo [29]). Then we can define a probability measure the following t[0,T],
~Gu 0= under the new probability measure Pand denoting the expectation with mutually independent Brownian motions and ~N1,~N2are Poisson martingale measures, (2.8) Observing ~N2and~N' 2, then their relationship can be built as (2.2). We introduce the following spaces: Sb[0,T] adapted and norm predictable and i= 1,2, with norm and i= 1,2, with norm Specially, for b= 2, we set defined similarly, for i= 1,2, as the above. For simplicity, we set Mb[0,T] andNb[0,T] forb>=2. Then substituting (2.2) into the state equation (2.1), we ge t[0,T], xu 0=x0, 2.3. We note that, although we aim to study the decoupled forward- backward originally, the system becomes a fully coupled one d ue to the partially observed we need existence and uniqueness of the solutions and the corresponding for a series of variations needed in the deduction o f the global maximum principle. For theLp-estimate and existence and uniqueness of solutions to SDE( P)s, BSDE(P)s and FBSDE(P)s, let us mention a few results. Tang and Li [41] stud ied the existence and uniqueness of solution to BSDEP in L2space (see also Barles et. al. [1]). Situ [36] derived an exis tence and uniqueness result for the L2-adapted solution to BSDEP, where he considered that its ter minal time is a bounded random stopping time and the coefficients are Wu [51] obtained the existence and uniqueness results of solution t o fully coupled FBSDEP in L2-space under the monotonicity condition. Then Wu [52] gave the exis tence and uniqueness result and a comparison theorem for such equation in stopping time ( unbounded) duration. Yin and Mao [64] dealt with a class of BSDEP with random terminal time s and proved the existence 14and uniqueness result of adapted solution under the assumpt ion of non-Lipschitzian and Sulem [30] studied some properties of linear BSDE P and also gave the existence and uniqueness of solution to such a BSDEP with general drive r inLp-space (p>=2) and its L2-estimate. Li and Wei [16] studied some Lp(p>=2) estimates for fully coupled FBSDEP which were proved under the monotonicity assumption for arb itrary time intervals and in a small time intervals by assuming that some Lipschitz consta nts are sufficiently small. Kruse and Popier [14] gave the existence and uniqueness of solutio n to a BSDE with Brownian and Poisson noises in a general filtration in Lp-spaces ( p >1), especially for the case of p(1,2) which has to be handled carefully, and some mistake was point ed out when p <2, which was corrected by themselves in [15]. Yao [63] studied Lp-solution ( p(1,2)) of a whosegenerator may not in ( y,z) andobtained its existence and uniqueness of solution with p-integrable terminal data. Geiss and Steinicke [6] proved e xistence and uniqueness of BSDEP allowing the coefficients in the linea r growth- and forthegenerator to . IntheL2-case with linear growth, this also generalized the results in [14]. Confortola [3] ob tained the existence and >1) of solution to a BSDE driven by a marked point process on a bo unded it is also necessary to mention the following rece nt works about Lp-theory of FBSDE. By firstly establishing a measurable global implicit functi on theorem, then, under the and monotonicity assumption, Xie and Yu [58] obta ined anLp(p >1)-solution and its relatedp-th power estimates for coupled FBSDE with random coefficient s on small durations. It is worth noting that Yong [65] investigated the problem of when an adapted L2-solution of an FBSDE is an adapted Lp(p >2)-solution. For giving an affirmative answer, several impor tant cases were explored, which is but is far f rom having a satisfactory some open questions worthy of studying are posed to construct a better theory of FBSDEs. For giving a positive answer to the problem proposed by Yong [65], Meng and Yang [21] proved that a unique L2-solution of fully coupled FBSDEs is an Lp-solution under on the coefficients for any given terminal time T, based on a key observation of the relation between of FBSDEs, by which we have developed a Lp(p >2)- theory, including Lp-solution and its p-th power estimation, of fully coupled FBSDEPs for any given terminal time Tas an extension to the case with Poisson jumps. 152.1 The existence and uniqueness of the solution and the following fully coupled t[0,T], x0=x0, t) := Let (ohm ,F,{Ft}t>=0,P) be a complete probability space, on which standrad Brow- nian motions Poisson random measures Niwith the =ni(de)dt, fori= 1,2,are mutually independent. Here niis assumed to be a s-finite L' evy measure on ( Ei,B(Ei)) with the property fori= 1,2. (2) Define the space measurable, f1(f2) isG measurable, and phisFTB(R)/B(R) uniformly Lipschitz with respect to ( , andph(x) is uni- formly Lipschitz with respect to xR. (5) Forb>=2, we For any t[0,T], there exists a measurable function r:Ei( such that, for any t[0,T], ThR6ande Ei,|fi(t,Th,e)| Fori= 1,2, the Lipschitz constant Lsi>=0 of diffusion siwith respect to ( sufficient small. That is, there exists some Lsi>=0 small enough such that, for all t[0,T], 16Thj= the Lipschitz coefficient Lfioffiwith respect to ( z1,z2,~z1,~z2) is sufficient small, i.e., there exists a function sufficient small, and for all t[0,T], (Th1,Th2)R12ande we first prove the existence and uniqueness of the solut ion to (2.10). Theorem 2.1. Suppose that (A4)holds, then there exists a constant ~T >0only depending that, for every 0< T <~T, the fully coupled FBSDEP (2.10)has a unique solution in any ( N2[0,T], it is classical that there exists a unique N2[0,T] to the following decoupled t[0,T], x0=x0, Let( N2[0,T] and(yi,z1 i,z2 i,~z1 i,~z2 i)
=I1(,i= 1,2 and we get (We omit some time variables if there is no ambiguity. B-D-G's inequality and H older's inequality, we o we there exists T0such that we have, for 0 <
18T < standard estimates for solutions to BSDEPs (see [1], [14] , [30] and its derivative under our assumptions, which can be regarded as a special case of Theor em 2.3 in the following), we with (2.16), we take Lipschitz coefficients sufficient, Cis a constant not related toTbut changed every step, therefore we can choose 0 <~T<=T0such <1.(2.20) Then, for any 0 <=T<=~T,I1is a contraction mapping on [0 ,T] which has a unique = Furthermore, FBSDEP (2.10) has a unique solution ( on small interval [0 ,T]. The proof is complete. Remark 2.4. Theorem 2.1 only gives the existence and uniqueness of soluti ons to fully coupled FBSDEP when b= 2. In fact, we encounter some difficulties in obtaining the count erpart in Mb[0,T]forb >2. However, a special fully coupled FBSDEP, where the jump coe fficients do not contain (z1,z2,~z1,~z2), can be proved to admit a unique solution (in Mb[0,T]forb>=2, and the proof is similar, we only list the main theorem in the following and omit the details. Theorem 2.2. Suppose that (A4)holds, for any b>=2, then there exists a constant ~T >0 depending on K,Ls1,Ls2,rsuch that, for every 0<=T<=~T, the fully coupled FBSDEP (2.10), in which the jump coefficients do not contain (z1,z2,~z1,~z2), has a unique solution in Mb[0,T]. Remark 2.5. As we mentioned before, we fail to obtain the unique solvabil ity of in Mb[0,T]forb >2, especially for jump coefficient ficontaining specificly, the critical obstacle appears in the norm de fined in F2,b i[0,T], which is not supportive enough for us to get the Lb-estimate for BSDEP for b >2. Therefore, for obtaining a better result for a more general fully-coupled FBSDEP ( fican contain ~z1,~z2but is we should change the space F2,b i[0,T]with an another norm. Next, we introduce an another kind of necessary solution spa ce as follows to replace the original space and i= 1,2, with norm set~Mb[0,T] and
~Nb[0,T] Specially, for b= 2, it is easy to find that ~F2,b i[0,T] =Mb[0,T] and~Nb[0,T] anyt[0,T], (R6, the jump coefficient fiis independent of (z1,z2) fori= 1,2. 20Theorem 2.3. Suppose that (A4), (A5) hold, then there exists a constant ~T that, for every 0<=T<=~Tandb>=2, the fully coupled FBSDEP (2.10)has a unique solution in ~Mb[0,T]. Before we prove the Theorem 2.3, we should give the following necessary lemmas about the existence and uniqueness of solution and a priori estimate o f BSDEP. Lemma 2.2. Suppose that (A4)hold, then for b>=2, the following a unique solution in first prove the case that gdose not contain ( thenyis given by the right-continuous version of Thus, for b>=2, the theorem for locally square integrable mart ingale in [41] implies that there exist unique predictable, E1-predictable and E2-predictable ( P-a.s. (2.22) Next, we have and using martingale inequality (Ikeda and Watan- abe [12]), we (2.23) whereCbis a positive constant which depends only on the number band not related to T. Due to(A4), we continue to deduce by B-D-G's inequality, we every step. Then we define a mapping and maps ( into the solution ( y,z1,z2,~z1,~z2) of the BSDEP associated with the gener- atorg(t,. Given ( define( and the terminal value is equal to zero. For fixed ( by the above estimate, we get E/bracketleftbigg sup 0<=t<=T|~yt|b+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0|~zi s|2ds/parenrightbiggb 2
+/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei|~~zi|2Ni(de,ds)/parenrightbiggb 2/parenrightbigg/bracketrightbigg
<=CbE/bracketleftbigg/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0/vextendsingle/vextendsingleg(t,-g(t,y2,',z1,2,',z2,2,',~z1,2,',~z2,2,')/vextendsingle/vextendsingleds/parenrightbiggb/bracketrightbigg
<=CbE/bracketleftbigg/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0Cg(|~y'|+|~z1,'|+|~z2,'|+||~~z1,'||+||~~z2,'||)ds/parenrightbiggb/bracketrightbigg
<=Tb 2CbE/bracketleftbigg/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0C2 g(|~y'|2+|~z1,'|2+|~z2,'|2+||~~z1,'||2+||~~z2,'||2)ds/parenrightbiggb 2/bracketrightbigg
<=Tb 2Cb gCbE/bracketleftbigg Tb 2sup 0<=t<=T|~y'|b+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0|~zi,'|2dt/parenrightbiggb 2
+/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei|~~zi,'|2Ni(de,dt)/parenrightbiggb 2/parenrightbigg/bracketrightbigg . (2.27) Choosing Tsuch that CbCb gTb 2<1 andCbCb gTb<1, then the mapping, from ~Nb[0,T] to itself, is a contraction, and admits a fixed point which corre sponds to the solution to For arbitrary T, we can obtain the unique solution ( y,z1,z2,~z1,~z2) by [0 ,T] into finite number of pieces. The proof is we need the following a priori estimate. Lemma 2.3. LetT let( and(y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)be the solutions to the BSDEP (2.21)associated with the x1,x2and the generators g1,g2, respectively. Then for b>=2, there exist some constant on b,T,dand Lipschitz constants Cgsuch is easy to derive that (~ satisfies:
-d~yt=/bracketleftbig g1(t,-g2(t,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)/bracketrightbig dt -2/summationdisplay i=1~zidWi t-2/summationdisplay i=1/integraldisplay Ei~~zi~Ni(de,dt), It^ o's formula to |~y|2, we have
|~y0|2+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0|~zi|2dt+/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei|~~zi|2Ni(de,dt)/parenrightbigg
=|~yT|2+/integraldisplayT 02~y/bracketleftbig g1(t,-g2(t,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)/bracketrightbig dt -2/summationdisplay i=1/integraldisplayT 02~y~zidWi t-2/summationdisplay i=1/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei2~y~~zi~Ni(de,dt),(2.30) and 2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0|~zi|2dt+/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei|~~zi|2Ni(de,dt)/parenrightbigg
<= |x1-x2|2+/integraldisplayT 02~y/bracketleftbig g1(t,-g1(t,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)
+g1(t,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)-g2(t,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)/bracketrightbig dt -2/summationdisplay i=1/integraldisplayT 02~y~zidWi t-2/summationdisplay i=1/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei2~y~~zi~Ni(de,dt)
<= we the inequality (2.32) we can obtain from the integral form of (2.29) tha t
|x1-x2|b+/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/integraldisplayT t[g1(s,-g2(t,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)]ds/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleb
+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/integraldisplayT t~zidWi s/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleb
+/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/integraldisplayT t/integraldisplay Ei~~zi~Ni(de,ds)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleb/parenrightbigg/bracerightbigg . (2.36) By B-D-G's inequality, we have E/bracketleftbigg sup 0<=t<=T|~yt|b/bracketrightbigg
<=Cb/braceleftbigg E|x1-x2|b+E/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/integraldisplayT 0[g1(s, -g2(t,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)]ds/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleb
+E2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0|~zi|2ds/parenrightbiggb 2
+E2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei|~~zi|2Ni(de,ds)/parenrightbiggb 2/bracerightbigg
<=Cb/braceleftbigg E|x1-x2|b+E/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0Cg(|~y|+|~z1|+|~z2|+||~~z1||+||~~z2||)ds/parenrightbiggb
+E/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0|g1(s,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)-g2(t,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)|ds/parenrightbiggb
+E2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0|~zi|2ds/parenrightbiggb 2
+E2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei|~~zi|2Ni(de,ds)/parenrightbiggb 2/bracerightbigg .(2.37) Substituting (2.35), we can rearrange the above inequality as 1-Cb,g,T,d>0 and we the a priori estimate is given in the proof is complete. We now back to the proof of Theorem ~Nb[0,T], to the decoupled FBSDEP as t[0,T], x0=x0, solving forward SDEP firstin Sb[0,T] and then solving BSDEP in ~Nb[0,T], sequentially. De- fineamap Let( ~Nb[0,T]and(yi,z1 i,z2 i,~z1 i,~z2 i) =
X1(,i= 1,2 and we there exists a ^Tsuch that 1 then we have, for we can get the BSDEP of (^ in the the a priori estimate (2.28) in Lemma 2.3, we substituting (2.45) into (2.47), we can take Lipschitz coefficients enough, Cis a constant not related toTbut changed every step. Thus, there exists a ~T<=^Tsmall enough such <1. (2.49) Then for any 0 <=T<=~T,X1is a contraction on [0 ,T], which has a unique fixed = Moreover, FBSDEP (2.10) admits a unique solution ( on small interval [0 ,T]. The proof is complete. The following assumption is needed. (A6)For anyt[0,T], (R6, the jump coefficient fiis independent fori= 1,2. If we consider (2.10) in a parameterized form by initial cond ition Tht,x s= Then, similar to Theorem 3.4 in Li and Wei [16], we can also obtain the following estimate with respect to the initial value in a form. Lemma 2.4. Let assumption (A4),(A6) hold. Then, for every b>=2, there exists a constant ~ddepending on constant Cb,K,r,s that for every by the Theorem 2.1 in the recent result in [21], by the critical and technique in their paper, we give an extension res ult to the case with Poisson jumps. Then we introduce the first main theorem in our paper. Theorem 2.4. Let(A4),(A6) hold, and assume that, for every of FBSDEP (2.50)are given as constant K1is positive and independent of t[0,T]. Then FBSDEP (2.50)admits a unique Lb(b >2)-solution with t= 0and any given terminal timeT, the given L2-estimations (i) ,(ii) come to show the existence and uniqueness of L2- solution to FBSDE (2.50) on [ t,T] for any given initial time and its corresponding initial va we investigate the FBSDEP (2.50) at the initial time t= the estimation (2.53), a key derivation we (2.58) which implies the uniformly Lipschitz condition of y0,x twith respect to x0,x tfor t[0,T]. (2.59) Then, for any given T, we divide the whole interval [0 ,T] into several small intervals with same interval length d, i.e., and without loss of generality, we positive integer. For the first small interval [0 ,d], under assumption (A4),(A6) and uniformly Lipschitz condition (2.59) with terminal tim ed, then, by Lemma 2.4, there exists a constant d >0 such constant K1,Land Lipschitz constants ( K,r,L Note that the coefficients of FBSDEP (2.50) satisfy the same assumption in the interval [0 ,T]. Therefore, by the induction for the following interval [( the uniformly Lipschitz condition (2.59) for ter minal time 2 d,3d,***,kd, respectively, we have, for 1 by (2.59), we have obtained these Lb-estimates by Lemma 2.4 for small intervals [( then we show that how to connect them together. When considering the case of j= 1,2, respectively, we conditional expectation E[*|F0] on both sides of (2.63), then adding it to (2.62), utilizing the a,b>=0, k>=1. (2.67) Then we have, for i= it follows we continue to consider the case of j= we induction for j>=4, we by taking then we prove the Lb-estimation (2.54) and can also obtain (2.55) similarly, which guarantee the existence and uniqueness of Lb-solution to FBSDEP (2.50) with t= 0, we can give the Lb(b >2)-solution and its estimate for FBSDEP (2.50) in ~Mb[0,T]. The following lemma can be obtained similar to Lemma 2.4 by re ferring to the result in [16]. Lemma 2.5. Let assumption (A4),(A5) hold. Then, for every b>=2, there exists a constant ~ddepending on constant Cb,K,r,s that for every we can also obtain the following important theor em based on Theorem 2.1 in [21], which shows that, for any given terminal time T, under some L2-estimate, the L2-solution are theLb-solution in ~Mb[0,T](b >2). So we omit the detailed proof. Theorem 2.5. Let(A4),(A5) hold, and assume that, for every of FBSDEP (2.50)are given as constant K1is positive and independent of t[0,T]. 33Then FBSDEP (2.50)admits a unique Lb(b >2)-solution with t= 0and any given terminal timeT, we give the for fully-coupled FBSDEP. Theorem 2.6. Suppose that (A4), (A6) hold. Then, for any b>=2, suppose that the solution to (2.10), there exist a sufficiently small constant~~T >0depending some constant Cb,K,r,s 1,s2depending on band Lipschitz constants K,r,L s1, Ls2, such that, for every Let (x1,,(x2,y2,z1,2,z2,2,~z1,2,~z2,2)be two solutions with differ- ent initial values x1 0,x2 0, respectively. Then we also give an estimate with respect to t he initial value in the second estimate (2.79) are the direct result of (2.78), s o we mainly prove the first estimate. We should note that, as we analyzed in Remark 2.3, u nder(A6), we have obtained the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the fully cou pled FBSDEP (2.10), which can guarantee the b-integrability in the following. From the backward equatio n in (2.10), yis given by the right-continuous version of yt=E/bracketleftbig ph(xT)+/integraltextT tg(t,ds|Ft/bracketrightbig . Since 34b>=2, by the martingale representation theorem in [41] for loca l square integrable corresponds to the unique pair of processes satisfying E/bracketleftBig ph(xT)+/integraldisplayT 0g(t,ds/vextendsingle/vextendsingleFt/bracketrightBig
=y0+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayt 0zi sdWi s+/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ei~zi (s,e)~Ni(de,ds)/parenrightbigg , P-a.s., we have|yt| <=E/bracketleftbig
|ph(xT)|+/integraltextT 0|g(t,|ds|Ft/bracketrightbig . Using martingale inequality, we need the following lemma ([16], Lemma 3.1). Lemma 2.6. For any b>=2, we i= by Lemma 2.2 and B-D-G's inequality, we can get the esti (2.80), we T1small enough such that Tb 1Cb<1, and for every 0 <=T<=T1, we (2.82), we also combining with the estimate (2.83), we 0 <=T2<=T1small enough such that Cb,T2Tb 2 2<1, and for every 0 <=T<=T2, we the constant Cb,Tchanged every step. Next, we begin to deal with the forward eq uation in (2.10). First, B-D-G's inequality and H older's inequality, we we have used the fact that, for i= we i= Gronwall's inequality, we (2.87) Then we can manage (2.85) as (2.83) and (2.84), we then we have (1-Cb,K,r,s 0 enough such that Cb,K,r,s 1,s2,T3<1, and for every 0 <=T<=
T3, we from (2.83), (2.84) and (2.88), we can choose -T= min{T1,T2,T3}, and for every 0 <=
T<=-Tsuch (2.89) where the positive constant Cb,K,r,s 1,s2depends on band Lipschitz constants K,r,L s1,Ls2. The proof is complete. Remark 2.6. Similar to Theorem 2.6, under (A4), (A5) , we can also obtain the for fully-coupled FBSDEP we immediately give the similar result which is more general than Theorem 2.6 as follows. Theorem 2.7. Suppose that (A4), (A5) hold. Then, for any b>=2, suppose that the solution to (2.10), there exists asufficiently small constant~~T >0depending on some constant Cb,K,r,s on band Lipschitz constants K,r,L that, for every fact, due to Lemma 2.6, Theorem 2.7 deduces to Theorem 2.6 w hen changing 2.7. Theorem 2.3 and Theorem 2.7 are better and more general results compared to Theorem 2.2 and Theorem 2.6, when extending the stronger Assum ption(A6)into a weaker one(A5). Moreover, they are nice results for studying the stochasti c control problem of fully coupled FBSDEPs in the future. However, in our setting of thi s paper, the partially control problem involves a special fully couple d FBSDEP, and it is enough to solve them by Theorem 2.2 and Theorem 2.6. Therefore, we still use the space Mb[0,T]in the following discussion. 2.2 Decoupling random field method for solvability of FBSDEP s In the following, under (A1), for any u Uad[0,T], we show that the state equation (2.9) admits a unique solution ( for any given time that (2.9) is a kind of special fully coupled FBSDE P in which si,fido not then we can give the following theorem which is similar to t he main result of [32] Theorem 2.8. Let(A4)hold or(A1)hold without control u, then there exists an L2-solution (to t[0,T], x0=x0, that xsatisfies the following under some suitable conditions (see [32]), th(t,x)is the unique with bounded xthandxxthto the following partial equation (PID E for 0, th(T,x) everywhere evaluated at (t,x)(here, we omit the arguments Moreover, explicitly expressed via the solution thto PIDE (2.93) by the i= 1,2,(2.94) and theL2-solution (is unique in the assumption (A4)(or(A1)) and boundedness of xth,xxthcan guarantee the Lipschitz condition w.r.t <.(2.95) Then (2.92) admits a unique solution x. Next, by applying time-dependent It^ o's formula (Lemma 6 , [32]) to th(t,x) and combining (2.93) satisfied by th(t,x), we can prove the exis- tence of solution by (2.94) of BSDEP in (2.91). Finally, the proof of uniqueness is similar to that of [32], so we omit the details. The idea above mainly motivates us to consider the decouplin g function th, so we study the 43following FBSDEP with random coefficients and initial value coefficients random, and s1,s2,f1,f2are independent of
Let 0<=t1< t2<=T,ebe anFt1-measurable square integrable random variable, and ph(o,x) be a random field such that for any fixed xand uniformly in xwith a Lipschitz constant -K. Consider the following FBSDEP over [ that, by applying Theorem 2.1, there exists a constant ~T(-K) depending on the in (A4)and Lipschitz constant -Kofphsuch that whenever t2-t1<=~T(-K), FBSDEP (2.97) admits a unique we give the following result, whose non-jump case is int roduced by Cvitani' c and Zhang [4](see also Lemma 4.1 [21]). Theorem 2.9. Let(A4)hold, and there exists a random field th(t,o,x)such =ph(o,x); (ii) For each For any 0<=t1< t2<=Tsuch that |t2-t1| <=~T(-K), where ~T(-K), depending on the Lipschitz constants in (A4)and Lipschitz constant -K, is a sufficient small constant, the to FBSDEP terminal condition ph(o,x) for any given T >0, FBSDEP (2.96)admits a unique L2-solution on Let 0 =t0<***< tn=Tbe a partition of [0 ,T] such that 1,...,n. Denote x0,x,0 0:=x. Fork= 1,...,n, let be the unique solution to the following FBSDEP over [ i= i= 1,2.(2.99) Note that we should consider a necessary situation that the j umps occur at the time tk,k=
1,...,n. Without loss of generality, we consider that the jump appea rs attkand for x0,x,k tis an adapted RCLL process on [ tk-1,tk],k= 1,...,n. Due to the appearance of jump at tk, it can be understood by the following equation from be regarded as the initial value of x0,x,k+1 ton [tk,tk+1]. In (ii), x0,x,k tkcan be regraded as the terminal value of x0,x,k ton thereexists ajumpat tk, theintegrals, especially in (i), are equal to 0. However, the integrals, in (ii), are not equal to 0. Inparticular, when =~Ni(Ei,tk) = 0, i.e., thequantity of jumpat tk which is the initial time of [ tk,tk+1], is 0 for (i). = 1, i.e., the quantity of jump on time interval [ tk-1,tk] is 1 for (ii), and the jump just occur at tk which is the terminal time of [ tk-1,tk]. We have similar analysis for y0,x,k tof the on the above analysis, we have for any two adjacent intervals, [ tk-1,tk] and [tk,tk+1],k= 1,...,n-1, the initial value of ( at initial tkof current interval [ tk,tk+1] is equal to the terminal value of (x0,x,k,y0,x,k) at terminal tkof previous interval [ tk-1,tk]. Moreover, we can connect these small pieces naturally and can check tha t The proof is similar to that in [4]. Finally, for any t[tk-1,tk], consider the FBSDEP on [ t,tk], we see that proof is complete. Now, we give a sufficient condition for the existence of the ran dom field thin Theorem 2.9. Theorem 2.10. continuously differentiable in assume = 0. (2.102) Then there exists a random field thsatisfying the conditions in Theorem 2.9, and (2.96)admits a unique 1. LetKdenote the Lipschitz constant of respect to ( andK0the Lipschitz constant of phwith respect to x. let~T(-K) be the constant introduced in Theorem 2.9. Fix a partition 0 = t0<***< tn=Tsuch that 1,...,n. For consider the following FBSDEP on [ Theorem 2.1, FBSDEP (2.104) admits a unique solution. Defi neth(t,x) 2. denote x:=x1-x2, Th := Tht,x1-Tht,x2. Then Th satisfies the following FBSDEP:
xs= 1,2,have similar definition. Moreover, |ab(r,e)| <=
K, and|ph' x(tn)| <=K0. Then, FBSDEP (2.105) also satisfies (A4). Here, we note that FBSDEP (2.105) is on time interval [ t,tn], and all the arguments in Theorem 2.1 and Theorem 2.6 hold by repla cing the expectation with conditional expectation. By Theorem 2.6, we the precise form of constant Cwill be considered later. In particular, this <=
C|x1-x2|. (2.108) That is, for is uniformly Lipschitz continuous in x. Step 3. Ftform a partition of ohm. One can check that FBSDEP (2.104) with initial value xt,e t:=e. In particular, this implies =th(t,o,e). for general Ft-measurable square integrable e, there exist {em,m>=1}taking the above form such that lim m-E[|em-e|2] = 0. Denote again by Tht,ethe unique solution to FBSDEP (2.104) with initial value xt,e t=e. By the previous analysis, we obtain is Lipschitz continuous in x, we get yt,e t= lim m-yt,em t= lim m-th(t,o,em) 4. Cin(2.108). Since continuously differentiable, by standard arguments, one can see that th(t,x) is differ- entiable in xwiththx(t,x) and other terms are defined = i= It^ o's formula, we that - zi s= ^ysfix,i= 1,2, we note that ^ ys=thx(s,xs) and is bounded for Denote d^P: = introduce Gs= we (2.118) Note that <=K0and combine with condition we have G s<=e^K(s-t). implies that
|thx(t,x)| t[tn-1,tn]. (2.121) Step 5. Wenotethat ~K<=-K. Assumethat thisdefinedon[ tk,tn] with|thx(tk,x)| the analysis in Step 4, we can (2.123) By induction, note that Kn=K0, we k= 1,...,n. the backward induction can continue until k= 1, and thus we may define thon [0,T] and|thx(t,x)| Finally, it isclear that thsatisfies theother requirements of Theorem 2.9 and the existence of this proved. Then next lemma shows the L2-estimation of FBSDEP (2.96). Lemma 2.7. Let(A4)hold, and th(t,x)satisfies the conditions in Theorem 2.9. Then we of FBSDEP constant Cdepends on on the idea in the proof of Theorem 2.4, it is easy to prov e the two for any u Uad[0,T] and any given terminal time T, under(A1)and the condi- tions in Theorem 2.9, and combining Theorem 2.9, Lemma 2.7 an d Theorem 2.4, there exists a uniqueLb(b >2)-solution ( to state equation (2.9) on [0 ,T]. 513 Global Maximum Principle for Partially Observed Optimal Control Problem of FBSDEPs In this section, we study the partially observed global maxi mum principe for the optimal control problem of FBSDEPs. The main result is an extension of the wor k in [8] and [38]. 3.1 Spike variation We consider the state equation (2.1), observation t[0,T], Yu 0= 0,(3.1) and the cost functional (2.4). Noting that b2is independent of ( here, com- paring with (2.3). The general b2case will not be considered in this section, which is our futu re research topic. According to Section 2, we can transfer the partially observ ed optimal control problem into the complete information case with the controlled t[0,T], xu 0=x0, (2.7), where ~b1does not contain ( , which admits a unique underPby(A1). Moreover, the cost functional (2.4) becomes J(u) not necessarily convex, we apply the new spike variation t echnique [38]. Suppose that -u Uadis an optimal control, for any -t[0,T], define uoas follows. For (s,o) , where which is the graph of stopping time Tnwhen the jump of the observable process appears, is a progressive set , anduis a bounded taking values in U. The big difference is that the value of uo satTn(o) is equal to - us 52rather than uwhen some jump appears in ( -t,-t+o], that is, some Tn(o) is in (-t,-t+o]. from completely observed case and due to technical d ifficulties, we also assume that there is no jumps of the unobservable process appearing in ( -t,-t+o]. It is easy to show that uo Uad[0,T] defined in (2.5). Denoting by (- the trajectory of - uand by the tra- jectory of uo. For simplicity, for i= 1,2, denote fi(t,e) fix(t,e) dfi(t,e) ph(t) phk(t) dphk(t) 1(*),2(*) areFt-adapted processes, to be determined := and Tho(t) := and li,1,o (t,e):= i= 1,2,(3.3) we t[0,T], x1,o 0= 0, and~pho x(T),i= 1,2 have similar by of FBSDEPs in Section 2, we 2/BD[-t,-t+o]dt/parenrightbiggb 2
+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei|dfi(t,e) we have used that, under (A1), by Theorem that the estimate is derived by subtracting the jum p part on O, which means the jump 54term does not influence the order of variation. If not, the par t with i= 1,2, is always of order O(o), no matter how large bis. Indeed, we thenJitis a pure jump process and so is Jb 2 it. Moreover, the jump time of Jb 2 iis also a jump time of Niand the jump size of Ni is always equal to 1. Therefore we the predictability of Ji*-andI, we Gronwall's inequality, we we to the estimate (3.6) in the above, we could ~zi,1 (t,e)+ i= Variational equations Then, we introduce the first and second order variational equ ations for the SDEP as 0. Inspired by [8] (or [9]), we guess that 1,2 have the following forms, i(t) /BDO+ ~zi,1' (t,e), i= 1,2, (3.10) where areFt-adapted processes, to be determined later, and 1,2 have good estimates similarly as x1 t. /BDO+ ~z1,1' (t,e)+ /BDO+ ~z2,1' (t,e)+ Ks( t) simplicity. So we can obtain the following equation for the we need derive the corresponding first and second order variational equations for the BSDEP. Noticing that the terminal value in (3.11), we guess that satisfies the following adjoint the Ft-adapted process F(*) is to be It^ o's formula to ptx1 t, we can Nb[0,T] is the unique solution to the following first order the deduction above, it is not hard to get the following r i= :=six(t)pt+qi t, ki 2(t,e) :=fix(t,e)pt-+ i= (3.10), we =ptdsi(t),~i(t) = 0, i= 3.1. We notice that, different from the continuous martingale dWi terms zi,1 t,
~i(t) = 0,i= 1,2, that is ~zi,1 (t,e)= ~zi,1' (t,e),i= 1,2,which means the jump term in the first order variation has no change. Indeed, inspired by [8] (or [9] ), the diffusion term of the first order variational equation of xshould include the term dsi(t) /BD[-t,-t+o], so it is natural to guess another form of zi,1 tin(3.10). However, considering the first order variational equation ofxin our paper, motivated by the new variation technique in [38], the jump term does not include the similar term dfi(t,e) /BDO. Therefore, the form of ~zi,1 (t,e)has no need to change like derivation, which has been checked in the above di scussion. From (3.11) and(3.12), ational equations of theBSDEP 58as t[0,T], It is easy to check that the first and second order variational equations ( 3.8), (3.17) admit unique solutions x1,x2, ( and 3.1. Let(A1)hold, then we i= 1,2, (3.13), 1,2,are given by (3.15). Proof.We introduce the following t[0,T],
^x1 0= 0, which admits a unique solution ^ x1 t, and i= 1,2. Applying It^ o's formula to pt^x1 t, we can is easy to check that (^ solves (3.8) and (3.17), and by Theorem 2.6, (^ = (x1,. The proof is complete. 593.3 First-order and second-order expansions The following standard estimates of FBSDEPs are needed. Lemma 3.2. Suppose that (A1)holds, for b>=2, we have the following for any b>=2, we first estimate in (3.19) holds. We continue to use the nota (3.3) and i= 1,2,Th(t,1(t) /BD[-t,-t+o]) := t[0,T], x2,o 0= 0, and~pho x(T) are defined in (3.5), and Ao 1(t) :=dg(t) theLb-estimate in Section 2, we we give the estimate of In fact, by (A1), we first fora=x, defined similarly. More- over, we have, for i= 1 2
<=O(o2), i= 1,2, and we only have, for we get the second estimate in (3.19). The third estimat e in (3.19) can be proved similarly. The proof is complete. Lemma 3.3. Suppose that (A1)holds, then for b>=2, we have the following can use the same technique in Lemma 3.2, to obtain the first e stimate. How- ever, we should note that we fail to make the order reach O(o2) due to the appearance and so does the second estimate. Then, we give the proof of the third estimate directly. li,3,o (t,e):= i= 1,2,(3.22) 64and recall that 1,2 are defined in (3.20). Fur- ther, we define
~Uo xx(t) := U := := then we have the following t[0,T], x3,o 0= 0, /BDO, Ao 2(t) theLb-estimate of FBSDEP in Section 2, we we need to give the estimate of In divide the right hand of (3.25) into several parts to get th e following /BD[-t,-t+o]) i= 1,2. Then we consider the last part of (3.25) as follows. In which, we similarly, we i= 1,2, and the other cross terms have the same estimate. Then, we give the estimates of respectively. In fact, we from (3.24), the third estimate in (3.21) holds. The pr oof is complete. Then we give the variation equation for ~G and its estimates. For simplicity, we (2.7) as t[0,T],
~Gu 0= we first have the following results. Lemma 3.4. For the solution ~Gto(3.26), we u Uad[0,T], and for any E/bracketleftbigg2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0|zi,u t|2dt/parenrightbiggb 2
+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg/integraldisplayT 0/integraldisplay Ei|~zi,u t|2ni(de)dt/parenrightbiggb 2/bracketrightbigg
<=C/parenleftBig 1+ this, the expansions for ~b2,f4are given as we t[0,T],
~G1 0= 0,~G2 0= 0, and the following result holds. 70Lemma 3.5. Forb>=2, by(A1), we Adjoint equations and the maximum :=~Gu TPh(xu T), and the cost functional (3.2) can be rewritten as J(u) the expansion of ~l,~Ph and G can be given = Then the expansion of cost functional (3.27) is given by J(uo)-J(-u) we introduce the new adjoint equations for Gy(-y0), unique solution ( Mb[0,T]xNb[0,T]. Applying It^ o's formula to and by (3.28), we have J(uo)-J(-u) we apply It^ o's formula to x1 t~G1 tto continue to give its adjoint equation as admits a unique solution ( a,b1,b2,~b1,~b2) Nb[0,T]. Then applying It^ o's formula to atx1 t~G1 t, and combining with (3.31), we get J(uo)-J(-u) B(E2)/bracketrightBig
~s2 (t,e)n2(de)(x1 t)2+1 2(x1 t)2Ps0(t)D2~l(t)Ps0(t)
+1 2(x1 t)2htPs(t)D2g(t)Ps(t)+s2x(t)~b2x(t)at(x1 t)2+s2x(t)atx1 td~b2
+~b2xatx1 tds2
/BD[-t,-t+o]+~b2~Gat~G1 tds2
/BD[-t,-t+o]+ds2(t)d~b2at t) the above equation, we apply It^ o's formula to ( x1 t)2to we introduce the adjoint equation for ( x1 t)2as P,Q1,Q2,~Q1,~Q2) Nb[0,T]. ApplyingIt^ o's formulato Pt(x1 t)2 and combining (3.33), we have J(uo)-J(-u) can check we have J(uo)-J(-u) a.e. t[0,T], the Hamiltonian maximum conditions (3.37) is equivalent t[0,T], main result in this paper is the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. Let(A1)-(A3) hold, and -ube an optimal control, corresponding solution to the FBSDEP (2.1)and(3.26). Then the maximum where (3.13), (satisfies (3.29),(3.30), (3.32) and (3.34). Remark 3.2. Theorem 3.1 is a new partially observed maximum principle whi ch, in fact, can not be covered by any other results in the existing literatur e but can cover many existing results in some special cases. In fact, in (2.1), (2.3) and (2.4) of our problem, (1) considering the LQ case, if ~z1= ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 4.1 of [9] if b,sare independent of backward components we could find some new and important relations hips when making comparisons with the existing literature. (2) Ph0,G(y) =y,gis independent of ~z1= ~z20, and the Hamiltonian function (3.38)reduces to
~H(t,x,y,z1; ~p,h,m,n1,~P,u) = avoiding confusion, we reset the solutions to Then Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 2 of Hu [8], the global maximum pr inciple of completely observed case for decoupled FBSDEs with the following relations hold : pt= ~pt, qt= ~q1 t, ptht=mt, maximum condition have the the generator And (15), (16) and His defined in (44) in [8]. 76(3) l,gare ~z1= ~z20, and the corresponding Hamiltonian function (with convex control domain) reduces = our paper, adjoint equation (p,q)is deduced by the relation between y1andx1due to its coupling at TwithyT=ph(xT). However, when we degenerate to the case it is natural that pdisappears. Then Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 4.4 of Peng [25], the local maximum principle of completely observed ca se for decoupled FBSDEs with the following mt=pt, (4.12) and His defined in the [25]. Noting the backward state equation, we can ensure that the re lation can be built the generators gbetween our setting and [25] exist a minus sign. (4) G0,lis independent of ~z1= ~z20, and the corresponding Hamiltonian function Hreduces Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 5.2 of Song et al. [38], the gl obal maximum principle of completely observed case for SDEPs with the following relat ion (m,n1,~n1) = = (P,Q,K), (3.46) where, for avoiding confusion, we reset (~P,Q1,~Q1)as the solution to the reduced second adjoint equation the redecued equation (3.30), in [38], If the control domain is convex, ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 2.1 of Shi and Wu [33], the local maximum principle of completely observed case for FBS DEPs with h=-p,(m,n1,~n1) =
(q,k,R), (7) in [33]. Remark 3.3. As mentioned in Remark 2.2, for the partially observed case, we can also de- generate and cover the following cases and obtain its equiva lence under two different kinds of frameworks. In fact, in (2.1), (2.3) and (2.4) of our problem, 77(1) if the control domain is convex, independent independent of ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 2.1 of Wang et al. [44], the local maximum principle of partially observed case for FBSDEs with correlated Brownian noises with the following i mportant b2(*,*) =h(*,*), = n1 t=ktZt, the reduced maximum conditions also have the following e quivalent the Radon-Nikodym derivative in the second framework (fo r our setting), and Zis derivative in the first framework ([44]). (2.3), (2.4) in [44] in which the Hamiltonian functi on His defined. Therefore, in the non-Poisson case, the equivalen ce between the two kinds of frameworks can be proved with the relations above. (2) Iff1=f2=f3=g=ph= G0,s31,l,b2are independent of ~z1= ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 2.1 of Tang [39], the global maximum principle of partially observed case for SDEs with c orrelated Brownian noises with the following n1 t=rtkt, s1 t=Rt, s2 t=~Rt, at=qt, b1 t=kt, re- spectively and (2.23), (2.24) and (2.25) in [39], due to the equivalent transformation between th ese two kinds of frameworks, we can direct give the following reduced cases: (3) ifs1is independent of independent of (gis independent of ~z1= ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 2.1 of Wang and Wu [43], the global maximum principle o f partially observed case for FBSDEs; (4) if the control domain is convex, s2= independent of (l,gare independent of ~z1= ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 2.3 of Wu [50], the local maximum principle of parti ally observed case for FBSDEs; (5) if the control domain is convex, independent of (z2,~z2),b2is independent of ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 781 of Xiao [55] with hindependent of (y,z,r), the local maximum principle for FBSDEPs observation; (6) if the control domain is convex, f2=f3=g=ph= G0,s31,l,b2are ~z1= ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 2 of Xiao [56], the local maximum principle for SDEPs with correlated Brownian noise; (7) G0,s31,l,b2are independent of ~z1= ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 2.1 of Li and Tang [18], the global maximum principle of partially observed case for SDE s; (8) G0,s31,l,b2are independent of ~z1= ~z20, Theorem 3.1 reduces to Theorem 2.1 of Tang and Hou [40], the global maximum principle for point processes with Brownian -noised 3.4. However, Theorem 3.1 could not cover results in Shi and Wu [33] or Hu et al. [9], since their controlled systems are fully coupled FBSDE s. Moreover, results in Wu [49] and Yong [66] could not be covered either, since unknown paramet ers have to be involved. 4 Partially Observed Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Prob - lem of FBSDEPs In this section, as applications, we study a partially obser ved LQ optimal control problem of FBSDEPs, and obtain the state estimate feedback form of the o ptimal control with the with random jumps. 4.1 Problem Formulation and Verification Theorem Consider the following linear state t[0,T], xu 0=x0, observation t[0,T], Y0= 0,(4.2) where we set b2(t,x,u) =b22(t), which is independent of xandu. The cost functional is given as a quadratic form: J(u) and we set U= (-,-1][1,+). We assume that all the coefficients functions, and are bounded. As Section 3, under the new probability measure P, the state equation (4.1) t[0,T], xu 0=x0, themaximumco as a.e. t[0,T], we only consider that l(t,x,e) =l11(t,e), which is independent of x. Moreover, we know that the candidate optimal control - ushould a.e. t [0,T], P-a.s.(4.6) Then we have -ut=
ut, ^kt:=E[kt|FY t] are optimal estimates for k=h,m,n1,n2, and satis- fies the following linear t[0,T], h0= 2-y0, we represent the optimal control - uas a form of state estimate feedback based on the known information filtration FY t, we should verify that the candidate control is indeed optim al. Proposition 4.1. The-utdefined by (4.7)is an optimal is easy to check the optimality of (4.7) by common techniqu e, and we omit the details. 814.2 State Filtering Estimate In this section, we aim to obtain the state estimate feedback of the optimal control - uin the filtering form. Moreover, we wish to get a more explicit form b y introducing some ODEs. First, assuming that mt= P1 tht,t[0,T], with P1 T=ph11, and applying It^ o's formula to P1 tht, where P is deterministic function, we this with the coefficients in the second equation of (4.9), we have n1 t= P1 tg13(t)ht, n2 t= = 0, (4.11) into (4.12), we 0, t[0,T].(4.13) If we introduce the following = 0, (4.7), (4.8), then the optimal control in U= (-,-1][1,+) a.e. t [0,T], P-a.s., (4.15) where we set L(P1 t) := (4.15) into (4.4), we the observation equation t[0,T], Y0= 0.(4.18) We conjecture that -yt= (4.19) with P2 T=ph11,P3 T= 0,eT=ph12. Applying It^ o's formula, we (4.20) Comparing this with the second equation in (4.17), we = 0, on both sides of (4.19), (4.21) and (4.22), we have
^-yt= = 0, Theorem A.2 in the Appendix to (4.16),(4.17) and (4 .9), we get the stochastic differential filtering equations (FBSDFEs for short) of ( that the innovation process -W2W2. Moreover, P2,P3andeare the solutions to the 85following ODEs, = 0, = 0, t[0,T], P3 T= = 0, (4.14) and (4.26), we find that P1 t= P2 t, fort[0,T]. Therefore, we have
^-y0= (4.30) And it is not hard to get the explicit form of the optimal control (4.15) in U= (-,-1][1,+) has an explicit t[0,T], P1,P3,eare the solutions to (4.14), (4.27), (4.28), respectively, and P1 0,P3 0,e0are values at initial time t= 0. 5 Concluding remarks In this paper, we have derived a global maximum principle for progressive optimal control of partially observed forward-backward stochastic systems w ith random jumps. Compared to [8], we extend it to the case with partial information and random j umps. Compared to [38], we extend it to the partially observed forward-backward stoch astic system. Compared to [18], we extend it to the forward-backward system with random jumps. Compared to [40], we extend it to the forward-backward system with both Brownian motion an d Poisson martingale measure. We should notice that, different from [18] and [40], we extend t he continuous observation equa- tion into discontinuous case, in which Brownian motion and P oisson random measure are both considered. Meanwhile, by using the technique introduced b y [21], and extending it into the case with jumps, then combining with the random field method, theLb-solution to fully coupled FBSDEPs and its under some assumptions are given to preparefor the max- imum principle, and the non-linear filtering equation for pa rtially observed stochastic system with random jumps, Theorem A.2, is derived for obtaining the optimal control's state for the LQ case. Also, different from the work in [57], we extend it to the general non- linear forward-backward system and observation equation w ith Poisson random measure, where the control domain is non-convex, instead of the LQ stochast ic system with Poisson we have given an explicit form of the optimal contr ol by introducing some ODEs. Global control offullycoup led FBSDEPsandof FBSDEs are very challenging and interesting to researc h. We will work on these topics in the near Non-linear Filtering Equation of SDEPs Consider the following a one-dimensional RCLL square integrable martingale wit hy0= 0 and b1,s(o)(b2,s(o)) measurable, : [0,T]xohmx E1(E2)-RisG measurable. On a given filtered probability space (ohm ,F,(Ft),P), (W1 t,W2 t) is a two-dimensional motion and ( is a standard Poisson martingale measure with
~Ni(de,dt) Ei, whereNi(de,dt) is Poisson random measure with ENi(de,dt) =ni(de)dt, i=1,2. We need the following : measurable, Bt(Y) :=B(t,Yr,r<=t) : andforeach Ct(Y,e) :=C(t,Yr,e,r<=t) : E2-RisG We set Ct-(Y,e) :=C(t,Yr,e,r < t), where Yis an Ft-adapted RCLL process, then Ct-(Y,e) where we define D([0,T];R) as the totality of RCLL maps from [0 ,T] toR. The following result belongs to Situ [37]. Theorem A.1. Assume that (h,Y)is anFt-adapted solution to (A.1)and for all T <, <, and is bounded. a locally square integrable martingale on the probabilit the observation equation of (A.1)can be rewritten (A.3) (2) Furthermore, where ps(A) a Brownian motion on and~N2(de,dt) is anFY t-adapted standard Poisson martingale we call innovation processes for There- fore, the observation equation (A.4) Before giving our main theorem, we need the following lemmas , similar to [37]. Lemma anFY t-adapted square integrable anFY t-adapted square integrable A.3. There exists an the space of FY t-predictable stochastic processes satisfying that of stochastic processes satisfying <. Next, we give the non-linear filtering equation of partially observed SDEP system as follows. Theorem A.2. Assume that (1) constant c0, andC-1exists. For any T <. (2)B-1exists and is bounded. for allT <. Then the optimal filter pt(h) satisfy the following non-linear filtering equation: pt(h) and is a scalar-valued bounded FY t-adapted stochastic process and l2 s(Y,e) is any stochastic process. Then zis It^ o's formula to ~ ytzt, we have E[~ytzt] (A.8) 89On the other hand, since ~ FY t, then we have E[~ytzt] we get zt= (A.10) where Then (A.9) becomes E[~ytzt] we should note that ~ zis anFt-adapted square integrable martingale w.r.t. P. Note that E[~zth0] = 0, we that then we (A.15) with (A.16), we (A.14) and (A.17) into (A.11), we have E[~ytzt] this to (A.8), we get f(s,Y) Lemma A.3, we can derive (A.7). 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For preparation, we first derive the existence and uniqueness of the solutions to the fully coupled forward-backward stochastic system with random jumps and its estimation in under some assumptions, and the non-linear filtering equation of partially observed stochastic system with random jumps. Then we derive the partially observed global maximum principle with random jumps. To show its applications, a partially observed linear quadratic progressive optimal control problem with random jumps is investigated, by the maximum principle and stochastic filtering. State representation of the optimal control is given in a more explicit form by introducing some ordinary differential equations.
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2 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. Schneider of pollutants and play critical roles in the transport of reactants and products to and from active reaction sites. Dynamics of small inertial particles, such as sand particles, through porous media is of importance in oil and gas production (Carlson et al. 1992). Sand production is considered one of the most important issues facing hydrocarbon wells as it can erode hardware, plug tubulars, cease
ow, create downhole cavities, and needs separation and disposal at surface. Variations in the reservoir pressure and completion to high velocity in the perforation tunnels, signicant inertial and and kinetic energy losses in the completion region (Cook et al. 2004), and onset of sanding triggered by rock failure (Yi et al. 2005). Minimizing pressure drop means that the gravel bed porosity should be as large as possible. However, to act as an eective lter for sand grains, the gravel also has to be small enough to restrain formation sand (Saucier 1974; Mahmud et al. 2019). Particle rentention, bridge formation, jamming, and deposition has been studied experimentally in simplied congurations such as microchannels (Valdes & Santamarina 2006; Dai & Grace 2010; Agbangla et al. 2012) and packed beds (Ramachandran & Fogler 1999; Pandya et al. 1998) to show that rate of plugging by bridging has a nonlinear dependence on particle concentration. This bridging eect depends on
ow velocity, particle diameter-to-pore size ratio, and
ow geometry. The goal of the present work is to investigate and understand the clustering dynamics of inertial particles in a turbulent
ow through conned geometries representative of porous medium. Specically, how does the interaction of particles with the solid walls aect the clustering and deposition and how this changes with particle Stokes number is of critical importance. In addition, with high Reynolds number
ows through porous media, the pore-scale
ow structure can change signicantly owing to the inertial and unsteady
ow features. Previous work (He et al. 2019) explored, using direct numerical how this change of
ow structure impacts the turbulence (i.e. the energy distribution and transport mechanisms) in a face-centered cubic (FCC) lattice with very low porosity. The
ow geometry gives rise to rapid acceleration and deceleration of the mean
ow in dierent regions with presence of (3D) helical motions, weak wake-like structures behind the bead spheres, stagnation and
ows together with merging and spreading jets in the main pore space. The jet-impingement and weak wake-like
ow structures give rise to regions with of total turbulent kinetic energy, a feature observed in jet-impingement Unlike
ows in complex shaped ducts, the turbulence intensity levels in the cross-stream directions were found to be larger than those in the Furthermore, due to the compact nature and conned geometry of the FCC packing, the turbulent integral length scales were estimated to be less than 10% of the bead diameter even for the lowest, transitional Reynolds number, indicating the absence of macroscale turbulence structures for this conguration. This nding suggests that even for the highly anisotropic
ow within the pore, the upscaled
ow statistics are captured well by the representative volumes dened by the unit cell. In the present work, the previous analysis of turbulence in porous geometry is extended to investigate dynamics and transport of inertial particles and quantify the eect of geometric connement on particle of inertial particles in turbulent
ows has been well studied in turbulence and wall-bounded channel
ows (Maxey 1987; Eaton & Fessler 1994; Toschi & Bodenschatz 2009; Monchaux et al. 2012). The divergence of particle velocity, which diers from the divergence-free
uid velocity in an incompressible
ow, plays a crucial role in clustering of inertial particles. The divergence of particle velocity has been shown to be proportional to the second invariant of
ow velocity gradient tensor forInertial Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 3 suciently small Stokes numbers, which is dened as the ratio of the particle to the Kolmogorov time, . Particles tend to concentrate in low vorticity and high strain regions in turbulence resulting in the preferential concentration. Divergence of particle velocity has been used to quantify clustering mechanisms Mani 2016; Bec et al. 2007). An inherent diculty for determining the divergence of the particle velocity is its discrete nature, i.e. it is only dened at particle Oujia et al. (2020) computed the particle velocity divergence from the position and velocity of a large number of particles, using a Voronoi tessellation technique. They proposed a model for quantifying the divergence using tessellation of the The corresponding time change of the volume is shown to yield a measure of the particle velocity divergence. Pair correlation function (PCF) has also been widely used to analyze clustering as it is directly related to the particle collision rates (Sundaram & Collins 1997; Wang et al. 2000). The PCF typically shows a power-law behavior at sub-Kolmogorov scales and the slope is dependent on the Stokes number. Scale similarity of particle distribution has been explained by the sweep-stick mechanism proposed by Goto & Vassilicos (2006) in which particles are swept by large-scale
ow motion while sticking to stagnation points of Lagrangian
uid acceleration (Coleman & Vassilicos 2009). Probability (PDF) of particle mass density and coarse graining techniques have been used to investigate scale dependence of particle distribution (Bec et al. 2007). Bassenne et al. (2017) proposed a wavelet-based method to extract coherent clusters of inertial particles in fully developed turbulence. Wavelets decompose turbulent
ow, scalar and vector valued elds, in scale, position, and possibly direction, complementary to Fourier tech- niques which yield insight into wave number contributions of turbulent
ow elds. The wavelet representation can be used to analyze spatial intermittency and quantify at dierent scales. This is not easily possible with Fourier transform, owing to the global character of the basis functions. For a review on wavelets and turbulence refer to Farge (1992); Schneider & Vasilyev (2010) and more particularly on wavelet- based statistics to Farge & Schneider (2015). Recently, Matsuda et al. (2021) statistics of the particle distribution and insights into the of clusters and voids in particle-laden, homogeneous isotropic turbulent
ow using orthogonal wavelet decomposition of the Eulerian particle density eld at high Reynolds particle clustering has been observed and studied in several
ows, dynamics and clustering of small, inertial particles in complex and conned congurations of densely packed porous beads has not been explored. Whether the commonly observed heavy particle clustering mechanisms at unit particle Stokes numbers also appear in a conned geometry, and how collisional interactions of these particles with the bead surfaces aect such clustering has not been studied. To address these issues, DNS is used to investigate eect of turbulent
ow in the conned geometry of a face-centered cubic porous unit cell on the transport of ne, inertial particles at dierent Stokes numbers ( St= and at a pore Reynolds number of 500. Particles are advanced using one-way coupling and collision of particles with pore walls is modeled as perfectly elastic specular re
ection. Detailed analysis of clustering and void formation statistics is then conducted based on (i) Voronoi tessellation, and (ii) wavelet analysis of particle number density eld in the porous geometry. The clustering statistics are compared and contrasted against those in a homogeneous, isotropic turbulence
ow (Oujia et al. 2020; Matsuda et al. 2021). Specically, the impact of on particle clustering and void formation at dierent Stokes numbers is evaluated.4 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. flow (b) Figure 1: (a) Schematic of a face-centered porous unit cubic cell showing the bead arrangement and surface geometry, (b) the isosurface of swirling strength at = 0:25max forReH= 500. The rest of the paper is arranged in the following way. Section 2 provides the details of the porous geometry, simulation parameters, the numerical approach, as well as Lagrangian tracking and motion of inertial particles. Mean velocity eld, TKE distri- butions, integral scales are described in Section 3. Analysis of particle clusters and voids is then conducted using Voronoi tessellation and wavelet-based multiscale, scale dependent statistics of particle number density. Finally, summary and conclusions are given in Section 4. 2.Simulation setup Several dierent denitions of Reynolds numbers have been used in porous media literature (He et al. 2019; Wood et al. 2020) based on dierent length scales such as the particle diameter ( DB), the hydraulic diameter ( DH), or the permeability. In this work, Reynolds number ( ReH) based on DHis used. The hydraulic diameter is related to the particle diameter (2.1) Then,ReHis dened as (dropping the factor the kinematic viscosity of
uid, is the porosity of the medium dened as the ratio of the void volume (which corresponds to the
uid volume) to the total volume, huxifis the time-averaged interstitial (intrinsic average) velocity of
ow in porous media, anduxis the instantaneous velocity component in x-(streamwise) direction. The operation is denoted by hi, the superscript or subscript findicates the
uid phase, andis the time averaging operator. For clarity, note that the intrinsic average velocity is dened (2.3)Inertial Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 5 whereVfis the volume of the
uid phase within the unit cell and fdenotes the
uid domain. The overbar represents traditional time averaging of a quantity qdened as, q(t) (2.4) 2.1. Porous geometry A porous face-centered cubic (FCC) unit cell (Fig. 1) is used based on our prior work on turbulence in porous media (He et al. 2018, 2019). It has a half sphere entering at each face of the cube, and a half quarter sphere at each corner. The arrangement creates the lowest possible porosity ( ) to be 0.26 for the Due to this extreme compactness, the
ow through the unit cell expansion and contraction. A pressure gradient is imposed to drive the
ow through the bed and a triply periodic boundary condition is applied for the unit cell. Majority of the
ow enters the cubic cell through the upstream open corners, converges into the center pore resulting in strong accelerations and decelerations, and then leaving the unit cell along downstream corners. In this work, the
ow at one pore Reynolds numbers, ReH= 500 is simulated using direct numerical simulation, resulting in a turbulent
ow within the pore. Emphasis is placed on dynamics of inertial particles at dierent Stokes numbers (0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2), the denition is given below. 2.2. Numerical Approach and Grid Convergence The numerical approach is based on a ctitious domain method to handle immersed objects without requiring the need for body-tted grids (Ref. Apte et al. (2009)). Uniform Cartesian grids are used in the entire simulation domain, including both
uid and solid phases. An additional body force is imposed on the solid part to enforce the rigidity constraint and satisfy the no-slip boundary condition. The absence of highly skewed unstructured mesh at the bead surface has been shown to accelerate the convergence and lower the uncertainty (Ref. Finn & Apte (2013)). The equations are solved over the entire domain, including the region within the solid bed, and a rigidity constraint force, f, is applied that is non-zero only in the governing equations read as: ru= 0; (2.5)
@t+ (2.6) where uis the velocity vector (with components given by u= (ux;uy;uz),fthe
uid dynamic viscosity, and pthe pressure. A fully parallel, grid solver has been developed and thoroughly veried and validated for a range of test cases including
ow over a cylinder and sphere for dierent
ow over touching spheres at dierent orientations,
ow developed by an oscillating cylinder, among others. The details of the algorithm as well as very and validation studies have been published elsewhere (Ref. Apte et al. (2009)). In addition, the solver was also used to perform direct one-to-one comparison with a body- tted solver with known second-order accuracy for steady inertial, unsteady inertial and turbulent
ow through porous media (Ref. Finn & Apte (2013); He et al. (2018, 2019)). For the present studies, the
ow is driven by a pressure drop as a body force in a triply6 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. domain. According to Hill & Koch (2002), a constant pressure gradient rPin the main direction of the
ow ( xdirection), proportional to the body force F, is used to drive the ; (2.7) where,fis the dynamic viscosity of the
uid and cthe solid volume fraction, the length of the unit cube). The body force Fchanges with the pore Reynolds number according to the linear t obtained by Hill & Koch (2002) and is given as, F= 462 + (2.8) A posteriori calculation of body force needed to balance the shear stress on the sphere surfaces for dierent Reynolds numbers exhibits a good agreement with the and has been published elsewhere (He et al. 2019). A uniform, cubic grid is used with resolution chosen such that the rst grid point is at y+<1 (i.e., in the viscous sub-layer) to accurately capture the wall-layers, where the normalized distance from the sphere surface, the and !is the estimated wall shear stress. To obtain a more direct estimate on grid resolution requirements in the present DNS simulations, 3D DNS studies were performed atReH= 500 in a unit cell of face-centered cubic (FCC) spheres with systematic grid renement study using 48, 64, 96, 112, 128 and 144 grid points per bead diameter DB. A grid converged solution was obtained for rst-order (mean
ow) as well as (turbulent kinetic energy, TKE) for ReH= 500 at a resolution of DB=96. For ReH= 500, the mean
ow converged at DB=96, whereas, TKE showed small changes compared to coarser mesh indicating that a grid converged solution can be expected with a resolution of around DB=100. However, in order to obtain a high resolution DNS study and provide sucient resolution in the bead contact region, a rened grid based on DB== 250 (is the grid resolution in one direction) was used to resolve the pore-scale
ow structures (He et al. 2019). 2.3. Particle tracking algorithm A point-particle approach is used to model the motion of small, heavy inertial particles in a Lagrangian frame. In this approach, the particle size is assumed to be much smaller than the Kolmogorov scale, and the forces acting on them are modeled using simple closure models. In the present work, the particle motion is assumed to be governed by a simple, linear drag force. For dierent Stokes numbers ( St), the particle motion is (2.9) where xpandupare particle position and velocity, is Kolmogorov time scale, uf;pis the instantaneous
uid velocity interpolated to the particle location, i.e., is the particle relaxation time. The particles are advanced using the instantaneous
uid velocity interpolated to the particle location. The eect of inhomogeneity in the
uid velocity and the connement of the bead walls on motion can thus be quantied by qualitatively comparing results to s in homogeneous isotropic turbulence (Matsuda et al. 2021; Oujia et al. 2020). Particles with ve dierent Stokes numbers, St= 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2 are Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 7 One-way coupling, wherein the inertial particles do not aect the
ow, is used by assuming that the particle size and concentration is small. After a stationary turbulent
ow is achieved within the porous cell, inertial particles are injected into the
uid domain. One particle is added at the center of each control volume in the
uid region, giving for each Stokes number. The
uid velocity interpolated to the particle location is obtained from tri-linear interpolation, and a fourth-order scheme is implemented to advance the particle locations in time. Interactions of particles with the bead walls in the unit cell are modeled using Snell's law of assuming perfectly elastic collisions. The direction of particle re
ection, ^sr, is determined from the incident direction, ^si, and the inward face normal at the spherical bead surface, ^nas,
^sr=^si+ 2j^si^nj^n: (2.10) The particle velocity after re
ection is also modied according to the above equation. The inward normal to the sphere surface can be easily obtained by knowing the location on the spherical bead surface that the particle crossed and the center of the bead. 3.Results and discussion In this section, the mean and turbulent
ow structure is described brie
y using the the mean and rms (root mean square) velocity elds inside the pore, and the integral length and time scales are estimated based on the Eulerian and Lagrangian respectively. Next, the probability distribution functions of volumes and the divergence of particle velocity eld are evaluated and dis- cussed. In addition, the characteristics of inertial particle clustering in the porous media at various Stokes numbers are discussed using the multiscale, wavelet analyses of the particle number density, wavelet spectra, higher-order statistics of
atness and skewness. The Voronoi tesselation and wavelet analysis results for inertial particle statistics in the FCC unit cell are contrasted with those from isotropic turbulence to identify eects of geometric connement. 3.1. Turbulent
ow statistics As described earlier in the simulation setup, the
ow through the triply periodic domain is driven by a body force in the
ow direction based on the correlations given by Eq. (2.8). After an initial transient, a stationary state is reached and the computation is continued for several
ow through times, the length of the unit cube. For each case, the
ow was rst computed for several
ow through times to ensure that a stationary state has been reached. This is conrmed by monitoring the total kinetic energy in the domain, which starts out to be a large value and then decreases and remains more or less constant after an initial transient period. This initial transient period was about 100 TfforReH= 500. After a stationary state has been established, the computations were performed for additional 80 Tffor each Reynolds number to collect
ow statistics which was found to be large enough to obtain converged statistics. In order to get a good understanding of the simulated
ow topology, distributions of the mean velocity magnitude Umand the turbulent kinetic energy are presented rst (see gure 2). The mean velocity Umis calculated normalized by the mean interstitial velocity huxif. Two center slices are chosen as representative sections for visualizations. One is the center xy plane, where the mean
ow is going from left to right; the other the center yz plane, where the mean
ow in going into the slice.8 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. (b) (c) (d) Figure 2: Visualization of the mean velocity magnitude (top) and turbulent kinetic energy (bottom) at ReH= 500: (a{c) xy plane, and (b{d) yz plane. The mean
ow enters the center pore from the left-hand side corners (regions labeled by (i1) and (i 2) in gure 2a) and accelerates to region (ii) due to the geometric the mean
ow at the center starts to decelerate as it encounters the particle at region (iii), similar to an impinging jet. The
ow then accelerates in the spanwise directions and leaves the pore through the right-hand side corners (regions (iv 1) and (iv 2)). The pattern of mean velocity distribution indicates how the mean
ow in the pore is aected by the geometry. High Reynolds number
ow features such as wake and large scale vortex shedding in an external
ow behind a spherical particle, are not observed in this low porosity bed. A weak wake-like structure (small negative mean velocity just behind the left-hand side sphere near region (ii) in gure 2a) is present, but is conned to a small region. The closely packed solid beads in the low porosity FCC conguration tend to break down large scale
ow structures and prevent the generation of a signicant wake region. Figure 2b shows the distributions of the mean velocity magnitude on the center yz plane. On this slice, the mean
ow is moving perpendicularly into the page and there is a distinguished region with high velocity magnitude near each corner of the center pore. The turbulent kinetic energy k, dened is normalized by theInertial Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 9 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3: Contours of turbulence intensity components normalized by the square of interstitial velocity on the center xy plane: (a)x-component, (b) y-component, Mean
ow is from left to right. square of the mean interstitial velocity ( huxif)2. Here the temporal
uctuation velocity u0 xis dened as ux ux. Figure 2c and 2d illustrate the distribution of normalized TKE on the center xy andyz planes, respectively. The overall magnitude of the TKE in the center pore region remains substantially high. It also suggests that the
ow through the pore, although bounded by curved particle walls, is dierent from simple even with complex boundaries (Orlandi et al. 2018) wherein the TKE reaches a peak value near the boundaries and then decreases in the center region. The normalized TKE distributions on the center yz plane presented in gure 2d shows some
ow through a duct. Away from the wall, the TKE increases and reaches a peak value; and then decreases as the core region of the pore is approached. The packing involving four particles aligned together seem to form a locally duct-like
ow pattern in this section. However, it disappears in other sections away from the center yz plane, owing to the nature of the spherical particles. The turbulence intensity components in streamwise and spanwise directions are esti- mated to illustrate the anisotropy caused by the conned geometry, they are shown in thexy plane in gure 3. The x-component rms velocity, u0 x rmsis computed (3.1) likewise for Thex-component turbulence intensity is only in the region close to the right-hand-side particle (region (i) in gure 3a), which is mostly attributed to the impingement-like
ow in this region. In this center xy plane, the x-component of turbulence intensity, corresponding to the main
ow direction, is weaker compared to the other two components. The maximum value of x- component turbulence intensity is about 80% and 50% of that for y- by Patil & Liburdy (2013). On the center xy plane, these two components are distributed in various patterns. The y-component mostly concentrates near the left- hand-side particle in gure 3b. However for the z-component, the distribution is sub- stantially dierent. There are two distinct regions with high magnitude of intensity in gure 3c near the left-hand-side of the pore. More importantly, the shape of such regions is almost identical to the high TKE regions illustrated in gures 2c, indicating that the z-component turbulence intensity has the most to total TKE at this particular plane. Although not shown here, it is noteworthy that, the distributions of y- andz-components of turbulence intensity on10 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. Schneider the centerxy plane are interchanged on the center xz plane, due to the homogeneous and symmetric geometry of the FCC packing; and the x-component distribution remains the same. To investigate the overall characteristics of both the streamwise and spanwise compo- nents of turbulence intensity and for purposes of comparison, intrinsic spatial average of these rms velocities (normalized by the square of intrinsic averaged velocity) was computed. Because of the periodicity and symmetry in the computational domain, rms velocity in z-direction is similar to that in y-direction and hence not included here. The turbulence intensity in both streamwise ( x-) and spanwise ( y- )directions are increasing with Reynolds number, as expected. However, the rms velocity in the spanwise direction ( y- orz-) has a larger magnitude (0.288) than that in the x- direction (0.222). This behavior is quite dierent from the well-studied turbulent channel or duct
ows even with complex boundary shapes (Orlandi et al. 2018), wherein the rms velocities in the wall normal directions are much smaller than the streamwise component. This again is caused by the eect of the complex conguration of the packed spheres, and the tortuous mean
ow patterns within the pore. Qualitatively, a similar behavior that larger values of turbulence intensities in non-streamwise direction has also been observed experimentally in randomly-packed porous media (Patil & the Eulerian and Lagrangian are used to compute the integral length and time scales, respectively. To compute the Lagrangian ,
uid tracer particles are tracked to obtain the Lagrangian trajectories. The Lagrangian are then computed according to Eq. (3.2) (Ref. Monin & Yaglom the Lagrangian v0 ithei-th component of the velocity and hirepresents ensemble averaging. The Lagrangian integral simply given by the integral of the auto-correlation function. The Eulerian integral length scale ( LE 11) normalized by the bead diameter ( DB) is found to be 0 :0884, whereas the Lagrangian integral time scale normalized by the
ow time scale ( TL 11) based on the interstitial velocity ( Uint) and the bead diameter ( DB) is about 0.356 for the present
ow conditions. The integral length scale is only about 10% of the sphere diameter, indicating that the coherent structures are conned within the pore. Such observation supports the pore scale prevalence hypothesis (PSPH) and the results reported in Jin et al. (2015). This implies that, the turbulence in the pore-scale is strongly aected by the porosity, and restrained by the pore size. The integral time scale is also smaller than the
ow time scale, suggesting that the Lagrangian coherent structures are restricted by the pore size. As a result, the single periodic unit cell considered in the present work is sucient. The overall dissipation rate hiwas estimated from the TKE budget rst. Then the Kolmogorov time scale is computed as =p
=hi. For the case ReH= 500,Recan be estimated to be around 32, which is computed as the drape of the tted parabola to the Eulerian Assuming isotropic turbulence, which is not the case for the
ow in porous media, and using the same denition as in Matsuda et al. (2021), an even smaller value of Re21 is obtained for the Taylor number.Inertial Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 11 xy 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (b) xy 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (d) Figure 4: Instantaneous distribution of particles in the xy plane: (a)St= 1, (b)St= 0:1, (c)St= 0:01, and (d) uniform random Inertial particle dynamics and 4 shows the instantaneous distribution of particles for three dierent Stokes numbers in the xy plane after a stationary state is reached. Uniform random distribution of particles in the porous geometry, representative of
uid particles in the limit of St!0, is also shown for comparison. Signicant particle clustering is observed for St= 1 as expected, whereas for St= 0:01 particles are more uniformly distributed with only few pockets of voids and clusters near the bead boundaries. The clustering of inertial particles and eect of the bead walls is evaluated by conducting a multiscale analysis of the particle number density.12 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. Schneider Figure 5: Particle distribution for St= 1 in a slice of thickness 1 =100 with spheres and mirror particles (left). A magnied view with Voronoi tessellation (right). 3.2.1. Voronoi tessellation for particle tessellation, see e.g. Aurenhammer (1991), is a technique to construct a decomposition of the
uid domain, into a nite number of Voronoi cells. If there are nite number of points (particles) dispersed in space, a Voronoi cell, is dened as a region of all points that are closer to a particle than any other particles. The volume of the Voronoi cell is referred to as the Voronoi volume, Vp. The magnitude of this volume can be used to quantify particle clustering and void regions in a space, smaller volume indicating pronounced clustering. Voronoi tessellation is applied to the particle data obtained from the present DNS data using the provided by the Qhull library in python (Barber et al. 1996), which has a computational complexity of O(NplogNp). To construct the Voronoi tessellation of particles in the presence of the embedded bead boundaries, a special treatment is needed for particles near the bead walls. Figure 5 shows how the geometry of the spherical beads is taken into account. All at a given small distance from each sphere boundary is assigned a mirror these ghost particles then accounts for the bead boundary, and the can then be constructed making use of the mirror particles. To verify that this approach works, a random distribution of particles in the
uid domain is rst considered. For randomly distributed particles, the PDF of the Voronoi volume becomes a (Ferenc & N eda 2007). For the 3D case, the PDF of Voronoi volume is where (k;) corresponds to the gamma shape parameters of the PDF, respectively. Figure 6 shows the PDF of the Voronoi volume Vp, normalized by the mean volume Vp, for dierent Stokes numbers as well as for randomly distributed particles. The PDF for random closely with the gamma distribution, as expected. It should be noted that in the present ctitious domain method, the bead boundaries are smeared over a grid control volume owing to the interpolation function between the bead material points and theInertial Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell = 0.01 St = 0.1 St = 0.5 St = 1 St = 2 Figure 6: PDF of volumes of Voronoi cells in log-log representation normalized by the mean volume for dierent Stokes numbers as well as for particles distributed a Poisson distribution. The PDF of randomly distributed particles is also compared with the gamma distribution and shows perfect grid typical of penalization based techniques. Accordingly, to perfectly match the random particle PDF to the gamma distribution, the sphere radius had to be increased by about 1.1% (0 :35749 instead of 0 :353553) which is comparable to the grid resolution used. This small modication in sphere geometry is applied to all obtained from dierent Stokes numbers. Figure 6 shows that the PDFs of Voronoi volumes for dierent Stokes numbers intersect with the gamma distribution, i.e. the one for the random particles. The observed behavior is similar to that found for homogeneous isotropic turbulence (HIT), see (Oujia et al. 2020), but with some key dierences. The number of large Voronoi cells increases with increasing Stokes numbers and then stabilizes. This behavior is resembling the HIT case. It is also seen that as the Stokes number increases and gets closer to 1, the number of small normalized volumes (10 2{510 1) also increases similar to the HIT case. However, large number of very small volumes (10 4{10 2) are observed for nearly all Stokes numbers, even for very small Stokes numbers. Such a behavior was not observed in HIT, wherein the number of very small Voronoi volumes would decrease monotonically. This is attributed to the interaction of particles with the bead surfaces in the present case. Particles with nite, non-zero Stokes numbers interact with the bead surface and undergo specular re
ection. In addition, as the particles approach the bead surfaces, their velocities are slowed as the
uid velocity itself is smaller owing to the no-slip condition. Thus, existence of large number of very small volumes is mainly attributed to the collision of the particles with the bead surfaces. Note that,
uid particles (or tracers) would not collide with the bead surfaces, except at the stagnation points and at large times. Thus, the distribution of
uid tracer particles will follow the one of random particles, i.e. the gamma distribution.14 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. Schneider 3.2.2. Voronoi-based divergence of particle velocity To understand the clustering dynamics of inertial particles, the particle number density n, as a continuous function, is commonly used (Oujia et al. 2020). It satises the conservation (3.4) The divergence of the particle velocity upappears as a source term in the number However, nding the divergence of the particle velocity is not straightforward as the discrete particle distribution is not continuous, and the particle velocity is only known at the discrete particle locations, up;j=u(xp;j), but not everywhere else. Moreover it can be multi-valued. Oujia et al. (2020) proposed a method to compute the divergence of the particle velocity D=rupin a discrete manner using a Lagrangian approach. From the conservation equation for the particle number density (eq. 3.4), one calculate the Lagrangian derivative of n, Oujia et al. (2020) dened the local the number density averaged over a Voronoi cell, which is given by the inverse of the Voronoi volume Vp; i.e.np= 1=Vp. Then it was shown that the divergence is obtained to the rst-order approximation the Voronoi volume at time instant tk. This shows that the divergence of the particle velocity can be estimated from subsequent Voronoi volumes, provided the time step is suciently small and the number of particles is suciently large. To obtain the subsequent Voronoi volumes, the particle positions were linearly advanced by up; The time-step was set to be same as the
ow solver time step, which is suciently small for the present DNS study. The in
uence of the step size has been checked and found to give same result as in Oujia et al. (2020). For the dierent time steps, the same probability distribution of the divergence was obtained, except that the extreme values of the divergence are changing with t. Determining the divergence with the above Lagrangian approach requires two time instants of the Voronoi volumes. Above it was shown that the bead geometry, i.e. the presence of curved walls, necessitates some special treatment for computing the . Mirror particles are introduced to account for the geometry. For computing the discrete divergence the particles are then linearly advanced in time to obtain the volume at a subsequent time instant. This procedure implies that some particles could enter the beads and the
ow geometry is not respected anymore. Consequently the volume of adjacent cells are impacted and the computed divergence value is erroneous. To remove this artifact, particles having a distance less than 0 :35749 from each of the beads centers were not taken into account. This value has been determined by considering the statistics of the divergence as a function of the wall distance. While for the mean value, which is close to zero, no signicant in
uence was found, for the higher order skewness and
atness), a signicant change with the distance, even by orders of magnitude, was observed. For wall distances larger than 0 :35749, the values were found to be stable and remained almost constant. The PDFs of the Voronoi-based divergence for dierent Stokes numbers are shown in gure 7. They are centered around 0 and conned between 40 and 40. It can be observe that extrema correspond to 2=twhich is an upper/lower bound, even a rigorous boundInertial Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 15 -40-30-20-10 = 0.01 St = 0.1 St = 0.5 St = 1 St = 2 Figure 7: PDF of divergence of particle velocity for dierent Stokes numbers. St 0.01 0.1 0.5 1 2 Variance 0.0083 0.0093 0.0952 0.2796 0.5423 Flatness 5514.9 734.50 832.00 291.92 105.70 Table 1: Variance and
atness of divergence Dpas a function of the Stokes number. when neglecting O(t) terms, similar to what is found for HIT (Oujia et al. 2020). The divergence should become closer to zero as the Stokes number decreases to zero because the
uid particles in an incompressible
ow are divrgence free. However, in gure 7, the divergence for St= 0:01 is comparable to that of St= 0:1. It can be deduced that the divergence for these Stoks numbers is mainly caused by a geometrical eect due to Voronoi tessellation, which is also discussed in Oujia et al. (2020). However for larger Stokes numbers, physical eects do predominate. Table 1 assembles the variance and
atness of the divergence Dpas a function of the Stokes number. The
atness decreases as the Stokes number increases (with the exception of St= 0:1), this implies that the tails of the PDFs decay faster as the Stokes number increases. In contrast the variance has the opposite behavior and thus the PDFs are becoming wider and wider for number, conrmed in gure 7. Thereafter the Voronoi analysis will be discussed only for Stokes numbers larger or equal to 0 :5, to avoid the in
uence of the mean of the divergence as a function of the volume is dened (3.6) The values are shown in gure 8 for 3 Stokes numbers, St= 0:5;1 and 2. The insert is a zoom to focus on the negative values. Recall that negative values correspond to16 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. = 0.5 St = 1 St = 8: Mean divergence hDpiVpas a function of the Voronoi volume for dierent of the particles and positive values to divergence. It can be seen that the mean of the divergence is positive for small volumes, negative for large volumes and similarly to Oujia et al. (2020) the amplitude increases with the Stokes number. This implies presence of cluster formation for large volumes, cluster destruction for small volumes and that these two behaviors are amplied when the Stokes number increases. The zero-crossing point is Vp=Vp0:06 0:2, a value close to what is observed in Oujia et al. (2020). In summary, the above ndings for the Voronoi analysis conrm the results found in Oujia et al. (2020) for homogeneous isotropic turbulence, in particular the Stdependence of cluster formation and destruction. Dierences are found for small Voronoi volumes below 0.01, they behave dierently due to the in
uence of the bead geometry. The zero crossing point of the mean value of the divergence is likewise shifted towards Eulerian eld: Particle number density The number density of the discrete particle positions is obtained using a histogram method by binning particles onto an equidistant cubic grid of N3 ggrid points (Matsuda et al. 2021). Irrespective of the grid resolution used in the direct numerical simulation, Ng= 28was used to calculate the number density as, n(x;t) xi1;i2;i3=h(i1+ 1=2;i2+ 1=2;i3+ 1=2) is the box position, and Kh(x) = (i= 1;2;3), whileKh(x) = 0 otherwise, is a piecewise andn0=Np=L3is the mean dimensional number density, whereInertial Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 17 Npis the total number of particles and Lis the side length of the cubic domain. by the mean number density, the above equation satises hni= 1. It should be noted that the entire computational domain volume is used to compute the number density, even though some part of the volume is a solid bead region to simplify the number density computation. The porosity of the unit cell can be used to relate this to the number density calculated based on the
uid volume only. The consequence of presence of solid beads within the computational domain is that, a uniform distribution of inertial particles in the
uid domain results in non-uniform number density the bead surface. These gradients in number density, even for a uniform distribution, can result in non-zero wavelet decomposition. To analyze the true clustering of inertial particles, this eect of pseudo variations in number density due to the bead geometry, need to be removed before performing the wavelet the number density gap from n(x) is subtracted as n0(x) (3.8) with(x) the mask function :
(x) =1 if x2 s 0 if the solid domain, fthe
uid domain and
f[ sthe For sake of clarity, n0(x) is denoted by n(x). 3.3.1. Scale dependent wavelet analysis of number density Inertial particle clustering and related multiscale statistics are quantied using the orthogonal wavelet decomposition (Mallat 2009; Daubechies 1993) of the particle number density. Consider the particle number density, n(x;t), at a given instant t, within domain of a triply periodic, L3cubic box. This scalar eld is decomposed into a 3D orthogonal wavelet series to unfold into scale, positions and seven directions (= 1;2;::::;7). The 3D mother wavelet, (x), is hereby based on a tensor and a family of wavelets, ;(x) can be generated by dilation and trans- lation. an orthogonal basis of L2(R3). The multi-index = (j;i1;i2;i3) denotes the scale 2 jand position of the wavelets for each 0;:::;2j 1(`= 1;2;3). The wavelets are well-localized in space and scale, 2 j, oscillating, and smooth. A (Mallat 2009) is applied to the wavelets. The spatial average of ;(x), dened by,h ;i=L 3R T3 ;(x)dxvanishes for each index, which is a necessary condition for being a wavelet. Similar to Matsuda et al. (2021) the number density eld n(x;t) sampled on N3 g= 23J equidistant grid points, can be developed into an orthogonal wavelet series: n(x) =n000(x) +J 1X j=0nj(x); is the contribution of n(x) at scale 2 jdened as, nj(x)
j;i1;i2;i3(x); (3.11)18 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. Schneider XY 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 XY 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (b)n0,St= 0:01 XY 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 2,St= 1 XY 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (d)j= 2,St= 0:01 XY 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (e)j= 4,St= 1 XY 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (f)j= 4,St= 0:01Inertial Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 19 XY 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (g)j= 6,St= 1 XY 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (h)j= 6,St= 0:01 Figure 9: Instantaneous distribution of normalized particle number density (a,b) and scale contributions ( nj=[nj]) atj= 2 (c,d),j= 4 (e,f), and j= 6 (e,f) in the xy plane forSt= 1 (left) and St= 0:01 an inner product. At scale 2 j, there are 723jwavelet Thus, in total there are N3 gcoecients for each component of the vector to the N3 g 1 wavelet coecients and the non-vanishing mean value. These coecients are eciently computed for N3 g 1 grid points for n(x) using fast wavelet transform, which has linear computational complexity. The scale from the and wave number, kj, from the Fourier transform are related as, kj=2
Lk 2 j; (3.13) wherek = 0:77 is the centroid wave number of the chosen Coi
et 12 wavelet. Figure 9a,b shows instantaneous, normalized mean number density contours in the xy plane for two Stokes numbers, St= 1 and 0:01. Large number density, indicative of highly clustered regions, are clearly observed for St= 1, but are absent for St= 0:01. The instantaneous number density eld is decomposed using wavelet transform and elds ( nj) normalized by its variance ( [nj] =p M2[nj]) are shown for dierent scales in gure 9c{f. It can be seen that clusters are prominent as scales become smaller (larger j), whereas large void regions (negative nj) of size comparable to the pore size are seen at larger scales (smaller j). Prominent cluster regions are also seen near the bead surfaces, even for low Stokes number ( St= 0:01). For intermediate scales, both clusters and voids are distributed more intermittently in space. The multiscale nature of clusters and voids is qualitatively clear from these gures. Scale dependent statistics are computed to quantify these dierences at various scales.20 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. Schneider 3.3.2. Wavelet spectra, scale dependent skewness and statistics of the particle number density can be computed as described below. The qthmoment of nj(x) is dened as, Mq[nj] =h(nj)qi; (3.14) where the mean values hnji= 0, by giving a central moment and are related to the qth order structure functions (Schneider et al. 2004). The wavelet energy spectrum of nj(x) can be dened used the second-order moment, M2[nj], as E[nj] =1
kjM2[nj]; (3.15) wherekj= (kj+1 kj)ln2 as given by Meneveau (1991). The energy spectrum obtained from the above equation has the particle number dependence due to the Poisson noise. Matsuda et al. (2021) analytically obtained the eect of the Poisson noise on M2[nj] and succeeded in removing the Poisson noise from the wavelet energy spectrum. The second- order moment for randomly distributed particles in the cubic domain = For the present case, particles exist only in the
uid domain f, The energy of the Poisson noise is also reduced by a factor of , i.e.,M2;random [nj] [nj] =723j Np: (3.16) Hence, the following denition for the wavelet energy spectrum is used: E[nj] (3.17) where the in
uence of the Poisson noise has been removed. Note that the of Eq. (3.16) does not contain contribution of the beads geometry. It was found that the energy due to Poisson noise is orders of magnitude smaller for all scales and does not signicantly aect the energy spectra of inertial particles. If M2[nj] is computed from a realization of random particle distribution in the
uid domain f, the combined eect of the Poisson noise and geometrical connement in fcan be observed. The asymmetry of the PDF of nj(x) is quantied by the skewness dened as, S[nj] (3.18) The scale-dependent
atness, which measures the intermittency at scale 2 j, is given as, F[nj] (3.19) and is equal to three at all scales for a Gaussian distribution. It should be noted that the in
uence of the Poisson noise on M3[nj] andM4[nj] cannot be removed by subtracting the moments for randomly distributed particles. Matsuda et al. (2021) introduced the signal- to-noise ratio (SNR) dened as the ratio of the energy spectrum for inertial particles to that for randomly distributed particles, i.e., SNR = [nj]. They conrmed that the eect of the Poisson noise on the statistics is negligibly small when SNR is larger than 10. Scale dependent wavelet spectra,
atness, and skewness of number density Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 21 (a)E[nj] ;FCC Figure 10: Wavelet energy spectra of particle number density
uctuation E[nj] for dierent Stokes numbers. Also shown are energy spectra for Poisson noise ( k2line) in a cubic box (Random, No Beads) and uniform random data in the porous region of the FCC geometry (Random, FCC). are obtained by collecting data over a time span of 15 TL 1130, whereTL 11is the Lagrangian time scale and is the Kolmogorov time scale. The scale dependent statistics are averaged using about 15 equally spaced snapshots of number density over this time frame. Figure 10a presents the wavelet spectra of the number density
uctuations, E[nj], for dierent Stokes numbers as a function of the wavenumber, kj, normalized by the Kolmogorov scale, = (3=hi)1=4. Also shown is the spectrum for random with uniform probability, where the PDF satises the Poisson in E[nj]/k2 j. Moreover random particles in the porous region of the FCC geometry are considered for comparison, and the spectrum shows a behavior similar to theSt= 0:01 case. This is expected as random particles correspond to the case St= of
uid tracer particles. Comparing this with random particles in the cubic cell without the beads, i.e. the k2scaling, quanties the in
uence of the At small scales increasing energy is observed and a similar magnitude as forSt60:1. ForSt= 0.5, 1, and 2, it is seen that the spectrum rst increases with a increasing kj(large scales) and then gradually decreases for large kj(small scales). The peak in the spectrum is found to gradually shift towards larger scales (smaller kj). This observation is consistent with the clustering of inertial particles in turbulence (Matsuda et al. 2021). In addition, for higher Stokes numbers, the energyE[nj] is generally higher for all kj. ForSt< 0:5, the peak observed in spectrum at higherSt, is not seen and E[nj] increases monotonically with kj. Subtracting the noise in the porous region, shown in Figure 10b, allows to recover the peaks for small St. The peak values become higher for similar kj, which indicates that the void scale is almost constant. This is consistent with results for homogeneous, isotropic turbulence (Matsuda et al. 2014). For isotropic turbulence, with low Stokes numbers, the spectra show a steeper slope close to k 1at small scales ( kj&0:4). This dierence in slopes at low Stin the presence of beads is attributed to the eect of inertial particle collisions with the bead surfaces as well as the geometric connement eect of the
ow.22 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. 2 et= 1 et= 0.5 et= 0.1 et= 2 St= 1 St= 0.5 St= 0.1 St= (b) Flatness Figure 11: Scale-dependent skewness S[nj] (left) and
atness F[nj] (right) for dierent Stokes numbers and random particles in a cubic box (Random, No Beads) and uniform random data in the porous region of the FCC geometry (Random, FCC). Solid lines connect the symbols at scales for which SNR >10, and dotted lines are used and skewness statistics of number density
uctuations are computed for various Stokes numbers, as well as randomly distributed particles for the cubic box and the porous region, and are shown in gure 11a,b. The statistics of randomly correspond to those of
uid tracer particles ( St= 0). The number density of the
uid particles is uniform due to the volume preserving nature of the and particle clustering is absent resulting in zero skewness and
atness close to 3 as expected. For random data in in the porous region of the FCC geometry similar results were obtained with only minor dierences. For all inertial particles with dierent Stokes numbers, the
atness values increase with decreasing scales, showing that intermittency of particle clustering is high at smaller scales. This is also seen qualitatively in the contour plots (gure 9e{h) of number density
uctuations at smaller scales. For St > 0:5, the
atness values for each scale ( kj) decreases with decreasing Stokes number. However, for small Stokes numbers, there is an increase in intermittency at intermediate and smaller scales ( kj>0:2) compared to larger Stokes numbers. Note that for lower Stokes numbers, particle clustering is typically not signicant (gure 9b). Thus, this increase in
atness at smaller scales may be a result of collision of particles with bead surfaces. For inertial particles at all Stokes numbers, skewness values also increase with de- creasing scales. As shown by Matsuda et al. (2021), positive skewness of number indicate high probablity of large positive values of nj(x), that is whereas negative skewness corresponds to large excursions of negative values of nj(x), that is void-pronounced structures. Increase in positive skewness at smaller scales for all Stokes numbers implies more prominence of clusters. At St= 0:01 and 0:1, the skewness remains close to zero at intermediate and large scales, similar to the random particle statistics. However, at smaller scales, there is an increase in positive skewness for these Stokes numbers. This again is conjectured to be clustering of these particles owing to collisions with the bead surfaces. Finally, small negative values of skewnessInertial Particle Clustering in a Porous Cell 23 observed for St> 0:5 at large scales are indicative of large regions of voids. This is conrmed in the visualizations shown in gure 9. 4.Summary and conclusion Fully resolved direct numerical simulation of a turbulent
ow through the conned geometry of a triply periodic, face-centered cubic (FCC) porous unit cell was performed using a Cartesian grid-based ctitious domain method. The low porosity of the
ow geometry gives rise to rapid acceleration and deceleration of the mean
ow with presence of helical motions, weak wake-like structures behind the bead and
ows together with merging and spreading jets in the main pore. Details of turbulence characteristics in this conned geometry of the porous cell for a range of Reynolds numbers spanning unsteady inertial, turbulent
ow were characterized in detail in prior work (He et al. 2019). In this work, emphasis is placed on clustering dynamics of inertial particles in a turbulent
ow through the porous cell. Specically, how particle-wall interactions aect clustering and deposition mechanisms at dierent particle Stokes number were studied. To this end, point particles were advanced for four dierent Stokes numbers Stusing one-way coupling and assuming perfectly elastic wall collisions for a single pore Reynolds number of ReH=
500, corresponding to inertial, turbulent
ow. About ten million particles for each Stokes number were introduced into the
ow and tracked over several
ow through times to provide meaningful statistics on inertial particle dynamics of clustering, void formation, and transport inside the conned geometry of the porous medium. Tools for studying inertial particle dynamics and clustering, previously developed for homogeneous
ows, have been adapted being taken into account the curved
ow geometry of the bead walls in the porous cell. Mirror particles were used in the Voronoi analysis and adjusted for tesselation in presence of bead walls. The probability distribution of the Voronoi volumes for the dierent Stokes numbers quantied the departure from the gamma distribution and allowed to assess the in
uence of both the geometry and the
ow, in comparison to isotropic turbulence. It was found that the geometry only impacts the small volumes below 10 2to the mean Voronoi volume. Cluster formation and destruction was quantied by analyzing the time change of the Voronoi volumes for the dierent Stokes numbers. This Lagrangian approach yields a time discrete measure of the spatial divergence of the particle velocity. It was found that the PDFs of the divergence, which are symmetric, are becoming wider for increasing Stokes number, as the variance increases. In contrast the tails of the PDFs are becoming shallower with Stokes number.The conditional average of the divergence as a function of volume is found to be positive for small volumes and negative for large volumes. This explains that cluster formation is present for large volumes, while cluster destruction is more prominent for small volumes. Moreover, these eects are amplied with the Stokes number. These ndings are similar to what has been found for isotropic turbulence (Oujia et al. multiscale statistical analyses were applied to particle number density elds in the
ow through the porous geometry. By decomposing the number density elds into orthogonal wavelets, scale-dependent statistics of number density computed. The wavelet energy spectra showed that the peak of clustering gradually shifts towards larger scale as the Stokes number increases. To reduce the in
uence of bead geometry, the dierence of each energy spectrum for inertial particles from that for randomly distributed particles only in
uid domain was also computed. This allowed to identify the peaks in the spectra for St60:1. Scale-dependent skewness and
atness of the particle density quantied the intermittent void and cluster distribution statistically.24 S. Apte, T. Oujia, K. Matsuda, B. Kadoch, X. He, and K. Schneider The positive skewness values at smaller scales found for all Stokes numbers conrm the observed small scale prominent clusters. Negative skewness values for St> 0:5 quantify the presence of prominent void regions. The
atness values which are increasing with decreasing scale and that the values become even larger for larger Stokes number conrm the strongly intermittent cluster distribution. In conclusion both static and dynamic analyses of particle clustering in a porous cell have been performed. With scale-dependent analyses of snapshots of particle (static analyses), voids and clusters were quantied statistically. Focusing on intermittency, a signature of void and clusters was observed in higher order statistics. With the Lagrangian analysis of Voronoi tesselations (dynamic analysis), the convergence and divergence of particle velocity were computed providing thus an explanation for cluster formation and destruction. A comparison with results for homogeneous showed many similarities and also pointed out dierences due to the
ow geometry, in particular for small volumes. Combining the multiscale statistical analyses with the Lagrangian formulation of the Voronoi tesselation constitutes an of this work for quantifying scale-dependent divergence and convergence of the particle velocity and the related inter-scale transfer. The analysis presented can be extended in the future to vorticity elds to obtain at dierent scales. This work was initiated during SVA's visiting position at Aix- Marseille University. Funding for this position was provided by CNRS, France and Aix- Marseille University. SVA acknowledges kind hospitality during his visit and stay in Marseille. Funding from NSF award#2053248 is also gratefully acknowledged. Simula- tions were performed at the Texas Advanced Computing Center's (TACC) Stampede2 and Frontera systems. BK, TO and KS thankfully acknowledge Centre de Calcul for granting access to its high performance computing resources. TO and KS thankfully acknowledge nancial support from Agence Nationale de la XH thanks Dr. Timothy Scheibe from Pacic Laboratory (PNNL) for supporting funding from the DOE Oce of Biological and Environmental Research, Subsurface Biogeochemical Research program, through the PNNL Subsurface Science Scientic Focus Area project Gbedo Constant, Climent, Eric & Bacchin, Patrice 2012 of pore clogging by microparticles: Evidence for a critical
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ow elds. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 174, 441{465. | 2108.10366 | Sourabh Apte | Sourabh V. Apte, Thibault Oujia, Keigo Matsuda, Benjamin Kadoch,
Xiaoliang He, and Kai Schneider | Clustering of Inertial Particles in Turbulent Flow Through a Porous Unit Cell | null | J. Fluid Mech., 937, A9, 2022 | 10.1017/jfm.2022.100 | null | physics.flu-dyn | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Direct numerical simulation is used to investigate effects of turbulent flow in the confined geometry of a face-centered cubic porous unit cell on the transport, clustering, and deposition of fine particles at different Stokes numbers ($St = 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2$) and at a pore Reynolds number of 500. Particles are advanced using one-way coupling and collision of particles with pore walls is modeled as perfectly elastic with specular reflection. Tools for studying inertial particle dynamics and clustering developed for are adapted to take into account the embedded, curved geometry of the pore walls. The pattern and dynamics of clustering are investigated using the volume change of Voronoi tesselation in time to analyze the divergence and convergence of the particles. Similar to the case of homogeneous, the cluster formation is present at large volumes, while is prominent at small volumes and these effects are amplified with Stokes number. However, unlike homogeneous, isotropic turbulence, formation of large number of very small volumes was observed at all Stokes numbers and is attributed to the collision of particles with the pore wall. Multiscale wavelet analysis of the particle number density showed peak of clustering shifts towards larger scales with increase in Stokes number. Scale-dependent skewness and flatness quantify the intermittent void and cluster distribution, with cluster formation observed at small scales for all Stokes numbers, and void regions at large scales for large Stokes numbers.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 23 Aug 2021 19:05:17 GMT"
] | 2022-12-09T00:00:00 | [
"Sourabh V.",
] |
Abstract This paper continues the work of two previous treatments of bunch lengthening by a passive harmonic cavity in an electron storage ring. Such cavities, intended to reduce the eect of are a feature of fourth generation synchrotron light sources. The charge densities in the equilibrium state are given by solutions of coupled Ha ssinski equations, which are equations. If the only wake elds are from cavity resonators, the unknowns can be the Fourier transforms of bunch densities at the resonator frequencies. The solution scheme based on this choice of unknowns proved to be decient at the design current when multiple resonators were included. Here we return to the conventional formulation of Ha ssinski equations in the unknowns being charge densities at mesh points on a ne grid. This system would be awkward to solve by the Newton method used previously, because the Jacobian matrix is very large. Here a new solution is described, which is both Jacobian-free and much simpler. It is based on an elementary xed point iteration, accelerated by Anderson's method. The scheme is notably fast and robust, accommodating even the case of extreme over-stretching at current far beyond the design value. The Anderson method is promising for many problems in accelerator theory and beyond, since it is quite simple and can be used to attack all kinds of nonlinear and linear integral and dierential equations. Results are presented for ALS-U, with updated design parameters. The model includes harmonic and main r.f. cavities, compensation of beam loading of the main cavity by adjustment of the generator voltage, and a realistic short range wake eld (rather than the broad-band resonator wake invoked previously). I. INTRODUCTION The problem is to determine the longitudinal charge distributions of an arbitrary bunch train in an electron storage ring, in the state of equilibrium. This equilibrium could but be unstable in practice. Any coupling to transverse degrees of freedom is ignored. The train is arbitrary in the sense that there can be any distribution of gaps (unlled buckets), and any distribution of bunch current along the train. Assuming that the collective motion is governed by coupled the equilibrium state is determined by coupled Ha ssinski equations [1]. The coupling arises from the long range wake elds of high-Q cavity resonators. Every bunch in the to the excitation of these wakes, and thereby in
uences all other bunches and even itself (by a very small amount). There is also the short range wake eld from in the vacuum chamber, aecting only the bunch that excites it. An achievement of the present work is to include this eect accurately, which has not been done before in a multi-bunch framework. In [1] the problem was solved for the simplest model, in which the only wake eld comes from a single passive higher harmonic cavity (HHC). In [2] the model was extended to include the wake eld (beam loading) of the main accelerating cavity (MC), and also the short range wake eld (SR), roughly approximated by a broad band resonator model. The r.f. generator voltage was adjusted by a least-squares algorithm so that the sum of the generator voltage and the induced voltage of the main cavity closely approximated the desired accelerating voltage, in amplitude and phase. Contrary to the supposition of [1], the main cavity compensated in this way played a substantial role, spoiling to some extent the desired eect of HHC. Also, the consequence of SR was not negligible. Both [1] and [2] were based on a formulation of the Ha ssinski equations in which the unknowns are the Fourier transforms of the bunch densities at the frequencies of the (Of course this is only possible if the entire wake eld is due to or broad-band.) Then the number of real unknowns is nu= 2nbnr, wherenbis the number of bunches and nrthe number of resonators. For ALS-U we have nb= 284 and nr= 3 for the model with HHC+MC+SR, thus nu= 1704. Newton's method is readily feasible for solution of a system of this size or even much larger. In fact the method in [1], where nu= 656, but failed to converge for the full range of in [2], with nu= 1704 or larger. A possible way to avoid the divergence might be to return to the conventional formulation of the Ha ssinski equations in coordinate space ( z-space). The single-bunch equation in z- space, discretized on a mesh, is solved very robustly by Newton's method, even at currents far beyond realistic values [3]. Hoping for a similar success in the multi-bunch case, one encounters the problem of a very large Jacobian matrix. With a mesh of 100 cells and 284 bunches the dimension of the matrix is 28684 28684, which is uncomfortable if not impossible on a standard PC. Moreover, other light source designs have more than 1000 3bunches. Instead of a full Newton method, one could consider more economical quasi- Newton procedures such as Broyden's method [8], a very simple and eective z-space solution turned up in the guise of a relaxed xed point iteration, suggested by He, Li, Bai, and Wang [4]. This is Jacobian- free, and involves little calculation beyond repeated evaluations of the potential function that appears in the exponent of the Ha ssinski operator. This was successfully applied with parameters for ALS-U and other rings in [4], and I have veried the success for ALS-U. Many of the problems posed in [2] were solved in a simpler way by this method, but there were still some failures of convergence in cases of interest. Convergence of the method is slow, the number of iterations required being of order 100, but the total computation time is nevertheless modest. This development turned my attention away from Newton-type methods and xed point iterations. There is a long history of eorts to accelerate [10]. One of particular interest is Anderson's proposal of 1965 [11], [12], [15]. It has the potential both to cure divergence and to promote fast convergence. Remarkably, it does both in our problem, providing a very fast and robust solution throughout the parameter domain of II describes the relaxed xed point iteration. The discussion leads naturally to the continuation method, which is a more standard approach to nonlinear equations and a technique that can be related to Anderson acceleration. Section III introduces Section IV presents results for ALS-U, with parameters from the latest design report, somewhat dierent from those of our previous papers. Section V treats the relation of Anderson acceleration to Broyden's quasi-Newton method. Section VI presents conclusions and the outlook for future work. II. RELAXED FIXED POINT ITERATION AND THE CONTINUATION METHOD We wish to solve nequations in nunknowns, written compactly as x=g(x); g :Rn!Rn; (1) 4wheregmay be linear but is nonlinear in general. To relate to later discussions we suppose thatghas continuous rst derivatives, as is true in our examples, although no in the numerical work. The function gwill be called the basic map . The elementary xed point iteration, or method of successive substitutions, tries to construct a solution by starting with some guess x0and forming a sequence k = 0;1;; (2) hoping that the sequence will converge to a solution x. Ifgmaps a ball itself, and reduces the distance between any two points in the < 1; (3) then the Contraction Mapping Theorem ensures that the sequence converges to a solution, the only solution in Br, for anyx02Br. Herekk can be any norm, but for of a convenient choice is the maximum absolute value of components of x: kxk= maxijxij. The discretized Ha ssinski system has the contractive property for suciently small beam current, so we have the assurance of a unique solution at low current. Numerical that the sequence diverges for the larger currents of interest, so we seek a look for a better map h(x), which ought to generate a sequence that will converge, at least for some appropriate x0. The relaxed ordamped xed point iteration makes h(x) from g(x) in the simplest imaginable way, h(x) =g(x) + (1 )x ; 0<< 1: (4) That is, if gproduces too much change in x, reduce its contribution and use the current xitself for the rest of the iterate. It could be said that damping rather than relaxation is more descriptive of the process. Heet al. in [4] adopted this procedure to solve the coupled Ha ssinski equations in the z-space formulation, and found it to be remarkably eective. They called it a . The damping parameter was chosen by experiment. At high values of current a relatively small value is required for convergence, say = 0:1. It looks as though He et al. generalized freely from the linear case, since their bibliog- raphy on the source of the method refers only to that case. When gis linear relaxation is 5widely used in the SOR algorithm, Successive Over-Relaxation, a variant of the intended to accelerate convergence. I have not seen much notice of the in the literature of numerical analysis, although one can nd it in the context of particular problems. See for instance Section III of [5] where it is called simple mixing. A bit more insight into (4) accrues if we invoke a dierential equation. Dene f(x) =
g(x) xand consider the system of ordinary dierential x (0) =x0: (5) One might hope to nd a solution of f(x) = 0 as the limit of an asymptotically ast!1 . Euler's method applied to (5) gives a sequence fxkgdened xk+1= t g(xk) + (1 t)xk: (6) Thus an attempt to nd a constant asymptote by Euler's method is the same as trying to nd a solution by the relaxed xed point iteration, with = t. There is no proof that a solution of f(x) = 0 is really to be found as the of a solution of (5). A more certain relation to a dierential equation, explored in the literature, is obtained by considering a homotopy connecting an equation with the equation of interest [6], SS7.5. Suppose that H:RnR1!Rnis a smooth function of both variables such that H(x0;t0) = 0; H (x;t1) =f(x): (7) Then consider the trajectory x(t) dened by H(x(t);t) = 0. Dierentiating we = 0: (8) As long as the inverse of the Jacobian Hxexists, we have the dierential equation in x(t0) =x0: (9) If this equation has a solution extending from t0tot1, we have achieved a solution of f(x) = 0 asx=x(t1), according to (7). A procedure along these lines is called a continuation method . There are of course myriad ways to choose H. An especially useful choice is H(x;t) =f(x) e tf(x0); t 0= 0; t1=1; Hx(x;t) =fx(x); Ht(x;t) =e tf(x0): (10) 6Since on the trajectory e tf(x0) =f(x), the equation (9) (11) When Euler's method is applied to (11) we get xk+1=xk t f 1 x(xk)f(xk); (12) which is the damped Newton method with damping factor t. It becomes the full Newton method for t= 1. IfF(x) = fx(x) 1f(x) obeys a Lipschitz condition the (11) is subject to standard existence theorems. Boggs [7] has explored the use of more sophisticated integrators of (11), with the goal of approaching thr asymptote method gives a way to approximate f 1 x(xk), starting with a value for f 1 x(x0) [9]. The update from step kto stepk+ 1 is obtained by adding a rank-1 matrix. With the update takes the form Gk+1=Gk+ (13) where the row vector vTis the transpose of a column vector v. This is called Broyden's second method. His rst method approximates the Jacobian itself in a similar way. Sometimes it is adequate to take fx(x0) = IwhereIis the unit matrix, which is equivalent to using the relaxed iteration of (6) for the rst step. With this reasonable choice and (13) one can carry out an approximate version of the Newton iteration (12), often to good eect. The undamped iteration would be preferred, but damping could be needed ANDERSON we wish to solve x=g(x). Stepkof Anderson's iteration makes use of the current and previous evaluations of the map, g(xj); j=k;k 1;. These evaluations contain valuable information. The update xk+1is formed from a favorable linear combination of the g(xj). With a given start x0we employ the following notations for k= u = (u1;;un): (14) 7Also choose an integer m1 and dene mk= min(k;m); (15) which will be the number of previous map evaluations used at the k-th step, not more than m. To nd a good linear combination of the gj, Anderson nds the coecients in a minimal linear combination of the fj. That is, he solves the constrained linear least-squares = arg 1: (16) Then the next iterate is taken to (17) Fork= 0 the constraint alone determines the minimum, so that 0 0= 1 allowed extra
exibility by introducing a relaxation parameter k, with a cor- responding (18) In this scheme which is to say that the iteration starts with simple mixing. In view of the partial success of simple mixing, this would seem to be a good choice, at least for the rst step. At later iterations one might put k= 1. It is convenient, both for the calculation and for some steps in analysis, to recast the minimization problem without constraints. That is accomplished merely by a linear change of variables; see [12], Eq.(3.1). Dene new constants
k isuch that
k 0=
k 0; k mk= 1
k mk 1: (19) Now the sum of the k jis 1 for any choice of the
k j, and the unconstrained the = arg the next iterate (21) 8Of course, with relaxation this relation of Anderson's method to Broyden's algorithm is discussed in Section V. IV. RESULTS WITH ALS-U considered in the preliminary design report for ALS-U [16] of October 2020 are listed in Table 1. These parameters dier considerably from those adopted in references [1], [2], and [4], so part of the motivation for this report is to bring the study up to date. Two choices for the harmonic cavity parameters are contemplated, called the high R=Q and lowR=Q options, which are alleged to have dierent implications for stability issues. The stability is of course important, but does not concern us here. At last notice the coupling coecient for the main rf cavity was still an of the design. The present ALS cavities might be used if their coupling could be increased enough to control the dc Robinson instability. For consistency with the calculations of [16] we take the optimum value of Table 1, = 9:983. Appropriate values of impedance and quality factor for the calculation are the loaded values, RsL=Rs=(1 +); QL=
Q=(1+). We use the main cavity detuning from the table, which realizes the given by Eqs. (3.79) and (3.80) in [16]. The table in [16] gives U0= 330 keV with insertion devices, but the reported calculations to be compared to ours have U0= 315 keV, so we choose the latter. The object is to solve the discretized coupled Ha ssinski system, written compactly as f() = 0; f :Rn!Rn; (23) Supposing that the mesh for discretization of each bunch density has nmpoints, the consists of nbdensities evaluated at the mesh (25) 9TABLE I. Parameters from preliminary design report for ALS-U Ring circumference C 196.5 m Beam energy E0 2 GeV Average bunch current Iavg 500 mA Momentum compaction energy spread rms bunch length z0 3.9 mm Energy loss per turn (with ID's) U0 315 - 330 keV Harmonic number h 328 Main cavity frequency f1 500.390 MHz Main cavity voltage V1 600 kV Harmonic cavity harmonic number 3 Harmonic cavity shunt impedance Rs(highR=Q) 1.9 M Harmonic cavity quality factor Q(highR=Q) 2:4104 Harmonic cavity detuning fr 3f1(highR=Q) 317.80 kHz Harmonic cavity shunt impedance Rs(lowR=Q) 1.4 M Harmonic cavity quality factor Q(lowR=Q) 3:4104 Harmonic cavity detuning fr 3f1(lowR=Q) 164.74 kHz Main cavity shunt impedance (sum of 2) Rs(unloaded) 9.8 M Main cavity quality factor Q(unloaded) 3:6104 Main cavity detuning fr f1 -94.729 kHz Main cavity coupling parameter (optimum) 9.983 Main cavity coupling parameter (ALS heritage) 3.1 where fi(zj) (26) The denominator Aiis a normalization factor, the discretized integral of the numerator. In the exponent Ui(zj;) is the potential well seen by the i-th bunch, and is the constant of Eq.(49) in [1]. In the following Uiconsists of the expression dened in Eqs. (51), (57), and 10(60) of [1], plus the integral of the short range wake potential convolved with i, as ; S (z) =Zz
0W()d : (27) The wake potential W(z) , from detailed modeling by Dan Wang, is plotted in Fig.13 of [2]. It is zero for z < 0, where0is a small fraction of the bunch length, arising from the non-zero length of the drive bunch in the wake eld simulation. The solution vector xof the previous section is identied with and the map vector gis from the rst term in (26); that is g=f+. The least-squares step in the Anderson algorithm is done with the code dgels from the Intel Math Kernel Library. This solves the normal equation using the QR is recommended in [12]. We take mk= min(k;1) =kso that at the k-th iterate the current evaluation and all previous evaluations of the map gare employed. About the same results are obtained with a suciently large limit on the number used, say with mk=
min(k;8), but this is bothersome to verify and gives no appreciable saving in The time for the least-squares step is negligible. All results and CPU times are for a serial code in Fortran, running on a laptop. The code is arranged so that the result of any run can be taken as an initial guess for the next run. A result for a complete ll can then be used to initiate a run with a partial ll, or with a smaller detuning, or with a new wake component included, or with smaller error contrast to the algorithms used in [1] and [2], no continuation in current from small initial values is needed to achieve convergence. In spite of strong nonlinearities convergence is found immediately at the design current and even at much higher values. A. The case of high R=Q The rst step is to consider the complete ll, with all 328 buckets lled with the same charge, and the entire wake coming from the HHC. Then every bunch comes out to have the same prole, even though that is not put in as a constraint. In Fig.1 we show that prole for a decreasing sequence of detunings. The legend gives the detuning fin kHz and = 0, the ratio of the rms bunch length to the natural bunch length of 3.9 mm. This plot agrees with Fig.(3.255) in [16]. With 201 mesh points per bunch, the CPU time is 6 seconds for 11FIG. 1. Complete ll, HHC only, high R=Q. The legend gives the detuning f=fr 3f1in kHz, and the ratio = 0of rms bunch length to the natural bunch length. FIG. 2. Complete ll, high R=Q,f=
317.8 kHz, = 0= 3:80 (blue), 3.92 (red) FIG. 3. Complete ll, high R=Q, with HHC+MC+SR. Two lower detunings. each curve. The next step, again for a complete ll, is to see the eect of the main cavity beam loading, which is to be compensated by adjustment of the generator voltage. As expected, the compensation is essentially perfect and the bunch prole is the same to graphical accuracy. It is given by the blue curve in Fig.2 for the nominal detuning of 317.8 kHz from Table 1. Here the increase in bunch length is = 0= 3:79 The compensation algorithm of [2] did not converge with the desired energy loss of U0=
315 keV. Noticing that it did converge in the work of [1] which had a smaller value of 12FIG. 4. Fill with distributed gaps, high R=Q, HHC+MC+SR, f= 317:8 kHz. FIG. 5. Case of Fig.4, ratio of bunch length to natural length, vs. bunch number. FIG. 6. Case of Fig.4, bunch centroid vs. bunch number. U0, we reduced the value and then increased it in steps: U0= 260;280;300;315 keV. This procedure took 5 minutes. All subsequent calculations were started with the result of a previous calculation and required less than one minute of additional time each. The compensation algorithm is the standard Gauss-Newton method for nonlinear least squares, although it was not recognized as such in [2]. There are other algorithms, such as the method, which can be more robust concerning the starting guess. Perhaps such a method could give a least squares solution directly for the desired U0, but 13FIG. 7. Case of Fig.4, increase of Touschek lifetime. not necessarily in a shorter time. Turning on the short range wake we get the red curve in Fig.2. The short range force reduces the asymmetry of the bunch, and increases its rms length by 3%. This is dierent from the eect of the short range wake in the broad band resonator model [2], and perhaps more bunch lengthening through a decrease in detuning is a possibility for the machine, discussed in [16]. The results of two smaller values are shown in Fig.3. The transition to overstretching, when two peaks appear, occurs between the two. The partial ll anticipated for the machine, which has been called Fill C2 in [13], has distributed gaps of 4 buckets each, with a total of 284 bunches. There are 11 sub-trains, 9 with 27 bunches and 2 with 26, the latter two on opposite sides of the ring. All bunches have the same charge, chosen to give the desired average current of 500 mA. Taking this case with the nominal detuning f= 317:8 kHz of Table 1, and including HHC, MC, and SR, we get the densities shown in Fig.4. There are 6 bunches in the plot out of a typical subtrain of 27 bunches. The one with maximum farthest to the right is nearest the front of the subtrain. As was discovered in [2], the main cavity has a large in
uence when there are gaps in the train. The bunches near the front of the sub-train resemble that of the complete ll, whereas those at the middle and back are broader and
atter. The distributions of bunch 14length increase and centroid displacement along the full train are shown in Fig.5 and Fig.6. The bunch length increase and the centroid displacement are both largest at the back of a sub-train. The most interesting gure of merit is the increase in the Touscheck lifetime over the case without a harmonic cavity. This is plotted for a typical sub-train in Fig.7. The factor of increase, =0, is not far from the length increase = 0. The strong variation along the sub-train should be an issue in determining the average beam lifetime, but that matter is beyond the scope of this work. Fig.4 is to be compared with Fig.(3.256) in [16], generated from a macro-particle simula- tion with rather severe noise. This plot is for a case dierent from ours in that it does not include the short range wake and most probably has a dierent account of the main cavity beam loading, which is mentioned but not described. Also, the detuning is not specied exactly but is said to be
ight below the onset of the overstretching instability. Our Fig.4 has more broadening, especially at the back of the train. For whatever reason, to get a result with a fair resemblance to Fig.(3.256) we have to increase the detuning to 330 kHz, getting the result in Fig.8. Here the results for bunch lengthening, centroid position, and are consistent with the results in Fig.(3.256) of [16] but a bit more favorable. FIG. 8. Fill with distributed gaps, HHC+MC+SR, f= 330 kHz. This result resembles Fig.(3.256) in [16]. 15B. High R=Q with is the eect of overstretching with the partial ll, as compared to the result of Fig.4 for the complete ll? It turns out that the threshold for overstretching is at larger fthan Fig.3 would indicate for bunches at the back of a sub-train, but similar to Fig.3 for bunches at the front. Figs.9 and 10 show the densities for the same detunings as in Fig.4. Figs.11 and 12 show the corresponding bunch length increases. This shows that there is no prot in overstretching beyond a certain point. Fig.12 displays more undesirable bunch distortion than 11 without much increase in the average bunch length. It took only 40 seconds to produce Fig.9 starting with the solution of Fig.4, and another 40 seconds to make Fig.10 starting with Fig.9. Through Anderson acceleration we have gained a remarkable advance in technique compared to Ref.[2] in which these solutions could not be produced at all. FIG. 9. Fill with distributed gaps, HHC+MC+SR, f= 290 kHz. FIG. 10. Fill with distributed gaps, HHC+MC+SR, f= 270 kHz. C. The case of low R=Q For lowR=Q the results for a complete ll are given in Fig.13. Passing from this solution to the case of a partial ll we nd the pattern of Fig.14. The preliminary design report [16] expresses an interest in running this case with 20%
16FIG. 11. Fill with distributed gaps, HHC+MC+SR, f= 290 kHz. FIG. 12. Fill with distributed gaps, HHC+MC+SR, f= 270 kHz. FIG. 13. Complete ll, low R=Q, HHC+MC in the blue curve, HHC+MC+SR in the red curve. Detuning 164.7 kHz from Table 1. = 0= 3:96 (blue), 4.07 which is illustrated with a macro-particle simulation in Fig.(3.257). We obtain the closely similar result of Fig.14 with a detuning of 140 kHz, reduced from 164.7 kHz. The corresponding outcomes for bunch lengthening, centroid distribution, and increase are plotted in Fig.16, Fig.17, and Fig.18. 17FIG. 14. Fill with distributed gaps, low R=Q, HHC+MC+SR, f= 164:7 kHz. FIG. 15. Fill with distributed gaps, low R=Q, HHC+MC+SR, f= 140 kHz. V. THE RELATION OF ANDERSON ACCELERATION TO BROYDEN'S METHOD By an argument of Eyert [14], revisited by Fang and Saad [15], Anderson's method is equivalent to a generalized form of Broyden's second method for updating an approximation to the inverse Jacobian as in (13). The usual Broyden method imposes the secant xk; (28) 18FIG. 16. Case of Fig.14, ratio of bunch length to natural length, vs. bunch number. FIG. 17. Case of Fig.14, bunch centroid vs. bunch number. FIG. 18. Case of Fig.14, increase of Touschek lifetime. which is motivated by the linear approximation to f. A second condition requires that the Frobenius squared norm kGk+1 Gkk2 Fbe minimum with respect to Gk+1, subject to condition (28). These two conditions lead uniquely to (13). A generalized Broyden method imposes multi-secant xp; p =k mk;;k 1; (29) thus taking account of previous iterates in the spirit of Anderson. Again imposing a minimum change ofGk, and taking G0= I, the updates xk+1=xk Gkfkare found to coincide 19with Anderson's. The matrix Fkhaving the vectors fpas columns is assumed to have full rank. VI. CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK I have described a new method to compute the equilibrium charge densities of an arbi- trary bunch train with gaps, under the in
uence of an harmonic cavity (HHC), the cavity (MC), and a realistic short range wake eld (SR). It succeeds under more dicult conditions than previous methods, in fact for all conditions that arise in examples studied to date. Realized by a serial code on a laptop, the method takes only a few minutes for a thorough survey of the parameter space. As an example, the parameter set for ALS-U in the Preliminary Design Report was adopted. Results similar to those obtained by macro-particle simulations in the report could be obtained with a reasonable choice of detuning parameters. The report does not specify detuning exactly, and the physical model is dierent in not including the short range wake, and may have a dierent treatment of the MC beam loading. This paper introduces the Anderson iterative method that is probably new to and which seems very promising for further applications in the eld. It is for problems falling under rubrics such as or phase space matching, often formulated in terms of nonlinear integral or dierential equations. There are large-scale applications of Anerson's method and related ideas in the literature ofab initio quantum mechanical calculations of material and molecular properties [5, 14, 15, 18, 19]. These are based on the Kohn-Sham density functional formalism [20], which is similar in spirit if not in specics to systems arising from the nonlinear Vlasov equation. It may be protable to keep an eye on this work to see if there are any lessons to be learned for accelerator physics. Also, ongoing eorts by numerical analysts are interesting, specically for Anderson acceleration [21]. VII. learned of Anderson acceleration through an inspiring colloquium for the University of New Mexico by Prof. Hans De Sterck, University of Waterloo. I thank Dr. Dan Wang 20for a copy of her wake potential for ALS-U. This work was supported in part by the U. S. Department of Energy, Contract R. Warnock and M. Venturini, Equilibrium of an arbitrary bunch train in presence of a passive harmonic cavity: Solution through coupled Ha ssinski equations, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23, 064403 (2020). [2] R. Warnock, Equilibrium of an arbitrary bunch train in the presence of multiple resonator wake elds, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 024401 (2021). [3] R. Warnock and K. Bane, Numerical solution of the Ha ssinski equation for the of a stored electron beam, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21124401 (2018). [4] T. He, W. Li, Z. Bai, L. Wang, Numerical solution of the coupled Ha ssinski equations for the equilibrium state of an arbitrary bunch train in an electron storage ring, Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A 1006 , 165434 (2021); Longitudinal equilibrium density distribution of arbitray lled bunches in presence of a passive harmonic cavity and the short range wakeeld, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 044401 (2021). [5] P. H. Dederichs and R. Zeller, Self-consistency iterations in Rev B 28, 5462 (1983). [6] J. M. Ortega and W. C. Rheinboldt, Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in (Academic Press, New York, 1970). [7] P. T. Boggs, The solution of nonlinear systems of equations by A-stable integration techniques, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 8, 767 (1971). [8] C. G. Broyden, A class of methods for solving nonlinear simultaneous equations, Math. Comp. 19, 577 (1965). [9] C. T. Kelley, Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations, (SIAM, C. Brezinski, Convergence acceleration during the 20th century, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 122, 1 (2000). [11] D. G. Anderson, Iterative procedures for nonlinear integral equations, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., 12, 547 (1965). 21 | 2108.10516 | Robert Warnock | Robert Warnock | Equilibrium of an Arbitrary Bunch Train with Cavity Resonators and Short Range Wake: Enhanced Iterative Solution with Anderson Acceleration | null | null | 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.24.104402 | null | physics.acc-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | This paper continues the work of two previous treatments of bunch lengthening by a passive harmonic cavity in an electron storage ring. Such to reduce the effect of Touschek scattering, are a feature of synchrotron light sources. The charge densities in the are given by solutions of coupled Haissinski equations, which are nonlinear integral equations. If the only wake fields are from the unknowns can be the Fourier transforms of bunch densities at the resonator frequencies. The solution scheme based on this choice of unknowns proved to be deficient at the design current when multiple resonators were included. Here we return to the conventional formulation of in coordinate space, the unknowns being charge densities at mesh points on a fine grid. This system would be awkward to solve by the Newton method used previously, because the Jacobian matrix is very large. Here a new solution is described, which is both Jacobian-free and much simpler. It is based on an elementary fixed point iteration, accelerated by Anderson's method. The scheme is notably fast and robust, accommodating even the case of at current far beyond the design value. The Anderson method is promising for many problems in accelerator theory and beyond, since it is quite simple and can be used to attack all kinds of nonlinear and linear integral and differential equations. Results are presented for ALS-U, with updated The model includes harmonic and main r.f. cavities, compensation of beam loading of the main cavity by adjustment of the generator voltage, and a realistic short range wake field (rather than the broad-band resonator wake invoked previously).
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 04:00:34 GMT"
] | 2021-11-03T00:00:00 | [
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Pre-assign ( C, B)Backbone + FPNHead Pred. cls:p, box: b Cost of Pos. Anchors: Lcls(p, C) +Lloc(b, B) Modeling the cost labelsNeg PosProb. Final LTrainingL(a) Probabilistic Anchor Assignment (PAA) Pre-assign ( C, B)Backbone + FPNHead Pred. cls:p, box: b Cost: Lcls(pT, C) +Lloc(bT, B) Modeling the of Pos. labelsTeacher Network box: bT Final LTrainingL (b) Label Assignment Distillation (LAD) Figure 2: PAA[21] and its LAD counterpart. PAA uses the prediction at step (t)to compute the label assignment cost for the next step (t+1). It is a type of bootstrap learning, where the network updating and label assignment form a In contrast, LAD uses an independent teacher, which decouples the label assignment and training and localization performance is preferred. This paper investigates the label assignment problem from the perspective of distillation technique, hence we call Label Assignment Distillation (LAD). Regarding net- work distillation, the common approach is to directly use the teacher output as the targets, i.e. dark knowledge [19], to train the student as illustrated in Fig. 1a. Note that, for object detection, the classification and localization tasks are often distilled independently, with or without using the ground truth. In contrary, Fig. 1b illustrates our proposed LAD, where the classification and localization prediction of the teacher and the ground truth are fused into the cost func- tion before being indirectly distilled to the student. Our proposed LAD is inspired from the realization that the label assignment methods [6, 21, 53, 15] are forms [7, 16, 30]. For instance, Fig. 2a illustrates the Probabilistic Anchor Assignment (PAA) [21]. As shown Fig. 1b, from LAD perspective the network itself can be seen as the teacher, that is, the current prediction is used to assign label for the next learning step. In contrary, Fig. 2b illustrates the LAD counterpart, where an is used to compute the assignment cost, hence de- coupling the training and label assignment by this observation, we conduct a pilot study about LAD's properties. Consequently, we propose the Co- learning LAD, in which both networks can be trained from scratch, and the roles of teacher and student are Our contributions are summarized as:
* We introduce the general concept of Label (LAD). LAD is very simple but to many label assignment methods, and can complement other distillation techniques. More im- portant, using LAD, a smaller teacher can improve its student significantly, possibly surpassing its teacher.* We propose the Co-learning Label Assignment Distil- lation (CoLAD) to train both student and teacher We show that two networks trained with CoLAD are significantly better than if each was given the same We achieve state-of-the-art performance on the MS COCO benchmark. Using PAA-ResNet50 as a teacher, CoLAD improves PAA-ResNet101 to PAA-ResNeXt101 to 47:5AP(+0:9). With Swin- B Transformer backbone, PAA detector trained with LAD achieves 51:4AP onvalset, approaching the Cascade Mask-RCNN ( 51:9AP ) [32], without the costly segmentation training. Remarkably, the results are all achieved simply with smaller teachers. the PAA-Swin-B as a teacher, we to 43:7AP (with 1schedule train- ing), and PAA-ResNet101 to 47:9AP . 2. Related Work 2.1. Label Assignment in Object Detection Modern object detectors can be single or is simpler and more efficient, while multi- stages are more complex but predict with higher stage detectors , classification and localization are predicted concurrently for each pixel. There are anchor- based or anchor-free methods. For anchor-based detectors, such as SSD [31], RetinaNet [28], an anchor is as positive if its IoU with the nearest ground truth box is at least 0.5, negative if less than 0.4, and ATSS [48] improves RetinaNet by selecting 9 nearest anchors from the object center in each feature level, and use the mean plus standard deviation (std) of IoU from this set as the assignment threshold. Anchor-free methodsTable 1: Comparing hard assignment methods in three aspects: pre-assignment, cost evaluation, and Pre-assignment Cost Evaluation [48]Top-k points closest to the object's centerAnchor IoUModeling the scores by a Gaussian. Select the mean plus standard deviation as threshold. MAL [20] Anchor IoU and Localization lossAll-to-top 1. The number of positive anchors from all (first iters) to top-1 (last iters). PAA[21] Anchor IoU and Localization lossModeling the scores by a mixture of two Gaussian. Select center of the Gaussian with lower mean as threshold. DETR [6] All and Localization lossModeling the scores as an optimal transportation cost. Using Hungarian assignment to select top-1. OTA [15]Top-r2points closest to the object's centerCls., Loc. loss and center priorModeling the scores as an optimal transportation cost. Using Sinkhorn-Knopp Iteration to select top-k. instead resort objects by points. FCOS [42] assigns a point as positive if it is in a ground truth box, negative otherwise. If the point falls into two or more ground truth boxes, the smallest box is chosen. CornerNet [22] represents an object by two corners of the bounding box, and only the corner points are assigned as positive. During training, the farther the points from the corner center, the larger weight it con- tributes to the loss function as negative detectors , the first stage network pro- poses candidate regions, by which the features are cropped and fed to the following stages for the box refinement and class prediction. The process can continue in a cascade manner as many stages as needed. Anchor assignments are also different in each stage. In the first stage, i.e. an anchor is typically considered as positive if its IoU with any ground-truth is greater than 0:7, negative if less than 0:3, and ignored otherwise. For the second stage, 0:5IoU threshold is used to separate positive and Cascade R-CNN [3] improves Faster R-CNN by adding more stages. Setting the IoU threshold too high leads to extremely few positive samples, thus insufficient to train the network. Therefore, Cascade R-CNN re-assign the samples with IoU thresholds progressively increasing each stage. In summary, label assignments in the are static and heuristically designed. 2.2. Learning Label label assignment approaches update the net- work weights and learn the assignment iteratively towards final optimization. There are two main assignment , samples can only be either positive or negative. The pipeline generally includes three steps. We first select and pre-assign a set of potential samples as pos- itive, then evaluate their performance by a cost we select a threshold to separate the samples hav- ing lower cost as true positive, while the rest are reassigned to negative or ignored. Table 1 compares different meth- ods of learning label assignment in these aspects for singlestage detector. For two-stage detectors, progressively increases the IoU threshold in the sec- ond stage by mean of the predicted IoU of the proposal net- work, and modifies the hyper-parameter of SmoothL1 Loss function according to the statistics of regression loss. Insoft assignment , samples can have both positive and negative semantic characteristics. There are two main ap- proaches: soft-weighted loss and soft-targets supervision. In the former, a set of positive candidates are first selected by a relaxed criterion, e.g. low IoU threshold, then their im- portance scores are evaluated and used as weights to sum the loss values of the samples. FreeAnchor [50] first con- structs a bag of top-k anchors having highest IoU with ob- ject, then calculates the importance scores from the classi- fication and localization confidence using Mean-Max func- tion. Following this framework, NoisyAnchor [23] derives the importance scores, i.e. cleanliness, from the regression and classification losses of the samples. SAPD [54] to object center as the metrics to measure the im- portance of samples. Furthermore, it leverages FSAF [55] module to assign soft-weights to samples in different fea- ture levels. Alternatively, soft-target supervision decides how much a sample belonging to positive or negative based on an estimated quality distribution. AutoAssign [53] im- proves FCOS [42] by estimating object's spatial distribu- tion, e.g. a 2D-Gaussian, for each category. Then, a point in the ground truth box is supervised by both positive and neg- ative losses weighted by this distribution. Similarly, IQDet [33] builds a mixture of Gaussian models to capture IoU quality. Differently, positive points are randomly sampled by this distribution and via a bi-linear interpolation. The quality distribution is also used as the soft-label for classifi- cation Distillation in Object is first introduced in the seminal work of Hilton et al. [19] for image classification. By using the pre- diction of a teacher network as soft training targets, we can distill the knowledge from the teacher to a student. Distilla-tion then becomes the principle for many other related prob- lems, such as self-supervised learning. However, to object detection is not straightforward, and localization must be learned Zheng et al. [51] hypothesize that a teacher is better in estimating the localization uncertainty, which can be used as the dark knowledge for distillation. However, the method is only applicable to Generalized Focal detector [26] due to its formulation problem. Other works focus on distillation by feature mimicking. Chen et al. [8] combine feature mim- icking and soft-label distillation on Faster-RCNN. Other re- searches [46, 43, 24] believe that background features are noisy, thus propose applying semantic masks to focus at- tention on the meaningful regions, especially in and In contrast, Guo et al. [17] consider that back- ground can capture the object's relationship and suggest de- coupling the background features during these methods exploit different ways for dis- tillation, they all enforce a direct mimicking the teacher's final or intermediate outputs. This may be too restrictive if their architectures or performance are significantly dif- ferent. Therefore, several papers [34, 51] propose to add a teacher assistant network to bridge their gaps. Neverthe- less, this introduces more hyperparameters, larger memory, longer training, and complicates the process. Our proposed LAD extends the distillation concept and is orthogonal with these methods. Generally, they can be combined to further improve the performance. 3. Method 3.1. Soft-label distillation In network distillation, the teacher's prediction is re- ferred as soft-label, which is believed to capture the net- work's dark knowledge and provide richer information for training a student. Adopting the convention from the clas- sification problem [19], we use the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence loss. Follow Focal loss [28], we also add the focal term to deal with the extreme imbalance (1 pc t) the teacher and student predic- tion (i.e. after Sigmoid), cis the class index of total C classes in the dataset, and the focal term. Note, when replacing the soft-label ptwith an one-hot vec- tor, (1) becomes the standard Focal loss. Alternatively, we can also useL1orL2losses. Different from the classifi- cation losses, localization loss is only computed for posi- tive samples. Hence, we select the predicted boxes having IoU> 0:5w.r.t. its nearest ground truth box for Label Assignment Distillation LAD is very general and can be applied to many learning label assignment methods, such as those described in Sec. 2.2. For a concrete example, we adopt PAA to implement LAD. In PAA, for each object, we select a set of anchors faigthat haveIoU0:1, and evaluate the assignment cost ci=FL(pi;C) + (1 IoU(bi;B)) (2) as if they are positive anchors, where FLis the Focal loss, (pi;bi)are the predicted class probability and bounding the ground truth class and bounding box of the object. Then, we build a distribution model for fcigby a mixture of two Gaussian: G(1;1) +G(2;2);1< 2. We then assign anchors with ci< 1as the true positive, and reassign the other as negative, as illustrated in Fig. 2a. To convert PAA to LAD, we simply use the of (pi;bi)in (2), and proceed exactly the steps, as illustrated in Fig. 2b. presents a new distillation method for object detection that works without directly mimicking the teacher's outputs. 3.3. A Pilot Study Our motivation is to seek a method that utilizes the knowledge from teacher network, and this can be achieved either by soft-label or LAD, as shown in Fig. 1. Therefore, we conduct a pilot study to understand their A preliminary comparision We first compare the two methods using PAA detector with ResNet backbone R101 and R50 as teacher and student, and report the results for the student PAA-R50 in Tab. 2. Table 2: Compare the performance of the student PAA-R50 using Soft-Label, Label Assignment Distillation (LAD) and their combination (SoLAD) on COCO validation set. (*) denotes longer warming-up learning rate (3000
mAP Improve Baseline PAA 2 40:4 - Soft-Label - KL loss* 0 - KL loss* 0:5 41:3 +0:9 Soft-Label - KL loss 2:0 -L1loss* - 40:4 0:0 Soft-Label -L2loss - 41:0 +0:6 LAD (ours) 2 41.6 +1.2 SoLAD (ours) - KL loss 0:542.4 +2.0 Table 2 shows that both methods can improve the base- line. For soft-label distillation, KL loss is better than L1 andL2losses, but it must be tuned carefully. We found thata small positive
= 0:5is critical to achieve good perfor- mance ( 41:3AP ). Notably, this makes the training unsta- ble due to large initial error, which hence requires a much longer warming-up learning rate. In contrast, LAD yields the higher result ( 41:6AP ) with the standard we show that LAD can be easily combined with soft-label distillation. Concretely, label assignment and training losses are conducted exactly as in LAD, but with additional soft-label distillation losses. We name this com- bination as SoLAD . As shown in Tab. 2, SoLAD can improve the baseline PAA by +2:0AP , which accumu- lates the improvement from each component: +0:9AP of soft label and +1:2AP of LAD. Remarkably, the performance ( 42:4AP ) closely converges to its teacher PAA-R101 ( 42:6AP ). The results above are very promising. It shows that LAD is simple but effective, orthogonal but complementary to other distillation techniques, and worth further Does LAD need a bigger teacher a teacher is supposed to be the larger and better performance network. To verify this assumption, we conduct a similar experiment as in Sec. 3.3.1, but swap the teacher and student. The results are shown in Tab. 3. Table 3: Compare Soft-Label and Label Assignment Distil- lation (LAD) on COCO validation set. Teacher and student use ResNet50 and ResNet101 backbone, respectively. 2
denotes the 2training schedule. Method Teacher Network mAP Improve Baseline None PAA-R101 42:6 - Baseline ( 2) None PAA-R101 43:5 +0:9 Soft-Label PAA-R50 PAA-R101 40:4 2:2 LAD (ours) PAA-R50 PAA-R101 43.3 +0.7 Table 3 demonstrates a distinctive advantage of using the teacher PAA-R50 ( 40:4AP ) with soft-label distillation, the student PAA-R101's by 2:2AP relative to the baseline. In contrast, LAD improves the student by +0:7AP and achieves 43:3AP , asymptotically reaching the baseline trained with 2sched- ule (43:5AP ). Especially, the student surpasses its teacher with a large margin ( +2:9AP ). This proves a very useful and unique property of LAD - a bidirectional potentially any teacher now can improve its of their performance's gap. 3.4. Co-learning Label Assignment Distillation The pilot study in Sec. 3.3 proves that the proposed LAD is a simple and effective solution to improve network train- ing for object detection. However, like many other distil- lation methods, it requires a teacher pretrained in advance.Learning label assignment methods [6, 21, 53, 15] on the other hand, use a bootstrap mechanism to self-distill the la- bels. However, a potential drawback is that it can be trapped in local minima. This is because it only exploits the reward, i.e. lowest assignment cost, without any chance for to avoid these drawbacks and combine we propose the Co-learning Label (CoLAD). CoLAD does not need a while potentially avoiding falling into local min- ima. The framework is illustrated in Fig. 3. Concretely, we use two separate networks similarly to LAD, but none of them must be pre-trained. Instead, we train them con- currently, and dynamically switch the role of teacher and student based on their performance indicator . We pro- pose two criteria for , namely Std/Mean score ( =) and Fisher score ( Fisher ). Letfcigbe the set of the assignment costs evaluated by a network on the pre-assigned the criteria are respectively defined as:
; Fisher (3) where (;)are the mean and std. of fcig, and in the Fisher Score, we approximate the distribution of fcigby a mixture of two Gaussian models G(+;+) +G( ; ). At each iteration, the network with higher can be se- lected as the teacher. Therefore, by dynamically switching the teacher-student, the process no longer relies on a single network, stochastically breaking the loop of training-self as- signment. This also brings more randomness at the initial training due to network initialization, hence potentially re- ducing the risk of local minimal we can also apply the dynamic switch (3) to LAD, in which the teacher is pretrained and fixed. This al- lows the student learn from the teacher at the early training stage. However, when the student is gradually improved and potentially surpasses its teacher, it can switch to mode. This makes LAD more adaptive. 4. Experiments We evaluate the proposed methods on the MS COCO benchmark [29], which has about 118k images in the train set, 5k in the valset and 20k in the test-dev set. Following the common protocol, we report the ablation studies on the valset, and compare with previous methods on the test-dev set using the official COCO evaluation tool. 4.1. Implementation Details We use PAA detector with different ResNet backbones R18, R50, R101 [18] with FPN [27] for the baseline. The backbones are initialized with weights pre-trained on Ima- geNet [12]. Our code is implemented using ( C, B)Student Network cls:p, box: b Teacher Network cls:pT, box: bTStudent Cost: Lcls(p, C) +Lloc(b, B) Teacher Cost: Lcls(pT, C) +Lloc(bT, B) Modeling the Cost's Distribution of Positive TargetsCompute Student Losses LS Compute Teacher Losses LTLS LTFigure 3: Co-Learning Label Assigment Distillation (CoLAD) framework. Dynamic Switch is described in (3). framework [9], and follows its standard setup. Specifically, we use SGD optimizer with weight decay of 0.0001 and the momentum of 0.9. 1training schedule includes 12 epochs with initial learning rate of 0.01, which is then divided by 10 at epoch 8 and epoch 11. 2training schedule includes 24 epochs with initial learning rate of 0.01, which is then divided by 10 at epoch 16 and epoch 22. Random horizon- tal flipping is used in data augmentation. We use batch size 16, with image size of (8001333) pixels for training and testing. All other hyperparameters, such as loss weights are identical to the PAA baseline. 4.2. Ablation Study for CoLAD In CoLAD, the roles of teacher-student are not persistent, so the terminology teacher and student networks may not exactly apply. However, for convenience, we still call the network with higher performance at initial as the teacher. If two networks are not pretrained, then the one having more parameters and layers is supposed to be the initial teacher. 4.2.1 Switching Criteria in CoLAD First, we want to know which switching criteria, the Std/Mean or Fisher score, is more suitable for CoLAD, and how CoLAD performs in comparison with the baseline PAA and LAD. Since LAD uses teacher PAA-R50 we also adopt it in this experiment. We train the student PAA-R101 for reported in Tab. 4, the criteria yield similar results in both 1and2schedule training. Hence, we use the Std/Mean as the default criterion in all later it is simpler and less computationally expensive than the Fisher score. For 1schedule, LAD and CoLAD per- form equivalent and improve the baseline by +0:7AP .Table 4: Compare criteria to dynamically switch teacher and student. PAA-R50 pre-trained by 1schedule on COCO is used as the initial teacher in LAD and CoLAD. Student Method mAP 1)PAA Baseline 42:6 - LAD 43:3 +0:7 CoLAD - Std/Mean 43:3 +0:7 CoLAD - Fisher 43.4 2)PAA Baseline 43:5 - CoLAD - Std/Mean 43:9 +0:4 CoLAD - Fisher 43:9 +0:4 4.2.2 Impact of network's pretrained weights Assuming no pretrained teacher, we ask whether it is better to train two networks with CoLAD, rather than convention- ally training each one separately. We also try to find how much they are improved, if one of them is already pretrained in COCO. To answer these questions, we train the pair PAA- R50 and PAA-R101 for 1and2schedule with and report the results in Tab. 5. As shown in Tab. 5, when no pretrained teacher avail- able (3rdand 6throw), networks trained with CoLAD out- perfom those that were trained independently . are +0:9=+ 0:5AP improvement in 1schedule (3rd vs. 1strow), and +0:8=+ 0:6AP in2schedule (6thvs. 2ndrow) compared to the baseline PAA-R50/R101, respec- tively. Although the improvement in PAA-R50 may be ex- pected thanks to co-training with a larger PAA-R101, the fact that the network PAA-R101 also got improved thanks to its smaller partner PAA-R50 is when one of the networks is pretrained on COCO (4thand 5throws), the improvements are better than without pretraining (3rdrow), which is expected. However,Table 5: CoLAD training of PAA-R50 and PAA-R101 de- tectors, with different pretrained weights. the models are trained or pretrained on COCO respectively. (*) denotes comparing with the Baseline trained with Networks Init. mAP Improve Baseline PAA-R50 1/2 40:4=41:6 - Baseline PAA-R101 1/2 42:6=43:5 improvements are somewhat marginal for the CoLAD improves the students PAA-R50 from 41:3to41:6AP (+0:3) (3rdvs. 4throw), and PAA- R101 from 43:1to43:3AP (+0:2) (3rdvs. 5throw). In 2
training, the improvements are from 42:4to42:6AP (+0:2) for R50 (6thvs. 5throw), while R101 reaches to 44:1AP (6th and 4throw). This demonstrates that CoLAD can replace LAD when a pretrained teacher is not more interesting is that one plus one is bet- ter than two ,i.e. a teacher which was trained for 1
schedule, after joining CoLAD for another 1, outper- forms the one independently trained for 2schedule. Con- cretely, CoLAD improves the teachers PAA-R50 from 41:6 to42:6AP (+1:0) (1stvs. 5throw), and PAA-R101 from 43:5 to44:1AP (+0:6) (2ndvs. 4throw). Finally, the support our hypothesis that the dynamic of CoLAD reduces the risk of local minima trapping, and that is why it outperforms the baseline PAA. 4.2.3 Impact of relative model sizes To understand how the relative gap between the model sizes can affect the student's performance, we compare the results of two model pairs, including (PAA-R18, PAA-R50) and (PAA-R18, PAA-R101) using LAD and CoLAD. Table 6: Evaluate the relative model sizes. The student PAA-R18 is trained with different teachers. 1
means teacher is pretrained on COCO with Init. Method mAP Improve None - Baseline PAA 35:8 - PAA-R501 LAD 36:9 +1:1 No CoLAD 36:5 +0:7 PAA-R1011 LAD 36:8 +1:0 No CoLAD 36:6 +0:8Table 6 reports the experiments. We see that the impact of teachers with different capacity and pretrained weights is negligible and in the typical noise 0:1AP . This con- tradicts with the paradox [34] that a student's when the gap with its teacher is large. This proves that the discrepancy between teacher and student may not be a weakness of LAD and CoLAD. However, from a this is also a drawback because a better teacher can't improve the student further. Hence, we should also combine LAD with other distillation techniques in order to take the full advantages of the teacher. 4.3. Comparison with compare our proposed CoLAD with other meth- ods on MS COCO test-dev set, especially the recent ones addressing the label assignment for single-stage the previous works [21, 15, 53], we train the model with 2scheduler, randomly scale the shorter size of the image into the range of 640 and 800. We use the PAA- R50 trained with 3schedule and multi-scale on COCO as the initial teacher1. The teacher was evaluated with 43:3AP and43:8AP on the minval andtest-dev sets, by [53, 10, 52], we also modify the PAA's head architecture by connecting the classification and lo- calization branches by an auxiliary objectness is supervised implicitly. However, we use a implement with [53, 10, 52], which we call Con- ditional Objectness Prediction (COP). Since COP is not our main contribution, we refer the reader to Appendix A for the motivation and more ablation studies. We report the re- sults of the PAA network amended with COP and trained with CoLAD in Tab. 7. With R101 backbone, CoLAD achieves 46:0AP , consis- tently outperforming other recent methods for label assign- ment, such as OTA [15] ( 45:3AP ), IQDet [33] ( 45:1AP ) and PAA [21] ( 44:8AP ) by large margins on all With the larger backbone our model can further improve to 47:5AP and surpasses all ex- isting methods. Finally, for the with Deformable Convolutional Networks (DCN) [56], CoLAD and OTA both achieve the highest score 49:2AP . Note that, with this DCN backbone, the top 4 methods perform very similar (0:2AP ). Nevertheless, it is not our intention for LAD/CoLAD to become a replacement for current SOTA methods. Instead, we find it useful to use a simple technique, with a smaller and lower performance teacher ResNet50, to the current SOTA results. Indeed, as shown in the next section, by simply replacing ResNet50 with a we can still improve the results above pretrained weight is provided by 7: Compare with state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods (single model trained 2schedule) on COCO test-dev set. Method AP AP50 AP75 APSAPM APL ResNet-101 41.5 60.7 45.0 24.4 44.8 41.8 61.1 44.9 23.4 44.9 43.1 62.2 46.4 24.5 46.1 54.8 SAPD [54] 43.5 63.6 46.5 24.9 46.8 54.6 MAL[20] 43.6 61.8 47.1 25.0 46.9 55.8 ATSS[48] 43.6 62.1 47.4 26.1 47.0 53.6 GFL[26] 45.0 63.7 48.9 27.2 48.8 44.5 64.3 48.4 25.9 47.4 55.0 PAA[21] 44.8 63.3 48.7 26.5 48.8 56.3 OTA[15] 45.3 63.5 49.3 26.9 48.8 56.1 IQDet[33] 45.1 63.4 49.3 26.7 48.5 56.6 CoLAD[ours] 46.0 64.4 50.6 27.9 49.9 57.3 backbone FSAF [55] 42.9 63.8 46.3 26.6 46.2 52.7 FCOS[42] 43.2 62.8 46.6 26.5 46.2 44.9 64.3 48.5 26.8 48.3 55.9 SAPD[54] 45.4 65.6 48.9 27.3 48.7 56.8 ATSS[48] 45.6 64.6 49.7 28.5 48.9 46.5 66.5 50.7 28.3 49.7 56.6 PAA[21] 46.6 65.6 50.8 28.8 50.4 57.9 OTA[15] 47.0 65.8 51.1 29.2 50.4 57.9 IQDet[33] 47.0 65.7 51.1 29.1 50.5 57.9 CoLAD[ours] 47.5 66.4 52.1 29.8 51.0 59.1 -DCN 47.4 67.4 51.1 28.1 50.3 61.5 ATSS[48] 47.7 66.5 51.9 29.7 50.8 48.3 67.4 52.7 29.2 51.0 60.3 PAA[21] 49.0 67.8 53.3 30.2 51.3 62.2 OTA[15] 49.2 67.6 53.5 30.3 52.5 62.3 IQDet[33] 49.0 67.5 53.1 30.0 52.3 62.0 CoLAD[ours] 49.2 68.3 54.1 30.6 52.8 61.9 4.4. Vision Transformer Backbone Vision Transformer recently demonstrates its potential to replace convolution networks. Therefore, we conduct ex- periments to verify the generalization of LAD with Trans- former backbones. To this end, we select the Swin-B Trans- former [32] and use the teacher obtained in the section 4.3. Since CoLAD training with these two networks is extremely heavy, we use LAD but with the dynamic switch instead. We follow exactly the training setting in [32], such as Swin-B backbone is pre- trained on ImageNet, multi-scale training, batch-size 16, AdamW optimizer, and 8: Compare the teacher and the student PAA-Swin-B on COCO testset. Method AP AP50 AP75 APSAPM APL Teacher -DCN 49:2 68:3 54:1 30:6 52:8 52.0 71.3 57.2 33.8 55.7 65.1As reported in Tab. 8, the student PAA-Swin-B once again surpasses its teacher with a large margin ( +2:8AP ). Furthermore, on COCO valset, it achieves 51:4AP , ap- proaching the heavy Cascade Mask-RCNN ( 51:9AP ) [32] using the same backbone, but without training segmenta- tion. Finally, we recycle the PAA-Swin-B as a teacher to train PAA-R50/R101 with SoLAD, and compare the results to other distillation methods in Tab. 9. Note that, it is not advisable to judge which method is better based on Tab. 9, since each serves for a thus having different baselines. Nevertheless, our SoLAD still achieves the highest performance for the same backbone and training schedule. Table 9: Using PAA-Swin-B Transformer teacher to train PAA-R50/R101 with SoLAD. ydenotes PAA head amended with COP. Results are compared with other meth- ods using the same backbone on COCO testset. Method AP AP50 AP75 APSAPM APL ResNet50 backbone - train 1schedule SoLAD 42.9 62.2 46.8 25.1 46.5 54.0 SoLADy 43.7 63.0 48.0 25.8 47.5 54.9 FGFI [43] 39.9 - - 22.9 43.6 52.8 TADF [39] 40.1 - - 23.0 43.6 53.0 DeFeat [17] 40.9 - - 23.6 44.8 53.0 LD-GF [51] 41.2 58.8 44.7 23.3 44.4 51.1 GID [11] 42.0 60.4 45.5 25.6 45.8 54.2 ResNet101 backbone - train 47.9 67.1 52.7 29.6 51.9 59.6 GF2 [25] 46.2 64.3 50.5 27.8 49.9 57.0 LD-GF2 [51] 46.8 64.5 51.1 28.2 50.7 57.8 5. Conclusion This paper introduced a general concept of label assign- ment distillation (LAD) for object detection, in which we use a teacher network to assign training labels for a stu- dent. Different from all previous distillation methods which force the student to learn directly from the teacher's output, LAD indirectly distills the teacher's experience through the cost of the label assignment, thus defining more targets. 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Motivation and Network object detection performs classification and local- ization concurrently, their quality must be consistent. For example, a prediction with a high classification probability but low IoU box yields a false positive, while the reverse induces false negative. However, single-stage detectors im- plement the branches independently, typically each with 4 stacked convolutions. During training and inference, there is no connection between although the two branches have the same computation and feature extraction capacity, the localiza- tion receives significantly less training feedback than This is because most of the samples are negative, which have no box targets for training localiza- tion, hence are discarded during gradient backward. Recent methods also add auxiliary branches to predict the localiza- tion quality, such as IoU [44, 21], Centerness [25, 49, 42], but is trained only on positive samples. In addition, the pos- itive samples of the same object are often connected and appear in a small local window. However, they are during non-maxima we propose adding an auxiliary Prediction (COP) to the localization branch. It is similar to the Regional Proposal Network (RPN) of two- stage detector [38] but with renovations, as shown in Fig. 4. Concretely, at each anchor ai, we predict the its 33nearest neighbors to capture their spatial correlation. The final classification probability is the dot product of the objectness fok igand the window of the classification prediction the confidence score ( i.e. after Sigmoid)of the objectness branch and classification branch, which are supervised implicitly and mutually through COP prod- uct during gradient Therefore, we can fuse and jointly train the branches, make the training con- sistent with inference. Consequently, all samples in the lo- calization now receive gradient feedback. Our COP shares a common with the Implicit Object re- cently introduced in [53, 10], as they are both trained jointly with the classification branch. However, our motivation are different: (i) We believe features in the regression branch are also helpful to predict objects in manner, similar to the RPN head in Faster- RCNN, and should not be discarded. COP is introduced to distribute gradient feedback to all samples in the localiza- tion branch. (ii) We implement COP as Conditional Con- volution [45, 41], where the weights are generated dynam- ically for each sample. Hence, we can embed the local re- lationship between the samples to reduce false-positive Ablation Study We investigate the effectiveness of the (COP) with different backbones, (Eff-B0) [40], RepVGG-A0 (R18), and ResNet50 (R50)[18], and compare it with IoU prediction and Implicit Object prediction (IOP). For easy comparison, we use the baseline PAA method, that has IoU prediction by default. Table 10 summarizes the re- sults. Table 10: Compare different auxiliary predictions: IoU, Im- plicit Object Prediction (IOP), and Conditional (COP) with different backbones. (*) denotes the branch is trained but not used during Prediction mAP IOU IOP COP Eff-B0 A0 R18 R50 X 32.4 34.0 35.8 40.4 XX 33.4 34.7 36.7 41.6 X X 33.5 34.8 36.9 41.6
*X 33.4 34.8 36.7 41.5
* X 33.5 34.8 36.9 41.6 X 33.3 34.8 36.6 41.1 X 33.4 34.7 36.9 41.2 At first, we add the IOP or COP to the default PAA head, and observe that both IOP and COP can improve the base- line with considerable margins. For the Eff-B0, A0, R18, R50 backbones, IOP increases , and COP increases , respec- tively. COP and IOP perform equally on R50, but COP | 2108.10520 | Chuong Nguyen | Chuong H. Nguyen, Thuy C. Nguyen, Tuan N. Tang, Nam L.H. Phan | Improving Object Detection by Label Assignment Distillation | To appear in WACV 2022 | null | null | null | cs.CV | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Label assignment in object detection aims to assign targets, foreground or background, to sampled regions in an image. Unlike labeling for this problem is not well defined due to the object's bounding box. In this paper, we investigate the problem from a perspective of distillation, hence we call Label Assignment Distillation (LAD). Our is very simple, we use a teacher network to generate labels for the student. This can be achieved in two ways: either using the as the direct targets (soft label), or through the hard assigned by the teacher (LAD). Our experiments reveal that: (i) LAD is more effective than soft-label, but they are complementary. (ii) Using LAD, a smaller teacher can also improve a larger student significantly, while soft-label can't. We then introduce Co-learning LAD, in which two learn from scratch and the role of teacher and student are dynamically interchanged. Using PAA-ResNet50 as a teacher, our LAD techniques can improve detectors PAA-ResNet101 and PAA-ResNeXt101 to $46
m AP$ and
m AP$ on the COCO test-dev set. With a stronger teacher PAA-SwinB, we improve the students PAA-ResNet50 to $43.7
m AP$ by only 1x schedule training and standard setting, and PAA-ResNet101 to $47.9
m AP$, the current methods. Our source code and checkpoints are released | [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 04:37:48 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 26 Aug 2021 00:57:11 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 19 Oct 2021 19:34:06 GMT"
] | 2021-10-22T00:00:00 | [
"Chuong H.",
"Thuy C.",
"Tuan N.",
"Nam L. H.",
] |
A&A proofs: manuscript no. Unfortunately, the most readily accessible molecular tran- sitions, those of CO, su er from radiative transfer e ects such as high optical depths or subthermal excitation, and are not a reliable probe of these physical conditions. Furthermore, many molecules tracing the molecular mass in external galaxies (e.g., Gao & Solomon 2004a,b; Wu et al. 2005; Zhang et al. 2014; Henkel et al. 2018; Li et al. 2021), including CO, HCN, HCO+, HNC, and CS, su er from a coupled sensitivity to kinetic tem- perature and density, making them degenerately sensitive to high spatial densities and low kinetic temperatures or vice versa. Ob- taining information about the individual physical conditions in these regions requires a molecular tracer that possesses to kinetic temperature and that can then be used to also determine, in a second step, the number density of molecu- lar hydrogen, (H 2CO), a slightly asymmetric rotor molecule, is a ubiquitous molecule in the interstellar medium (e.g., Downes et al. 1980; Bieging et al. 1982; Henkel et al. 1991; Zylka et al. 1992; Liszt et al. 2006; Mangum et al. 2008, 2013, 2019; Ao et al. 2013; Tang et al. 2013, 2014; Ginsburg et al. 2015, 2016; Guo et al. 2016; Yan et al. 2019). H 2CO can be formed on the surface of dust grains by of CO (CO !HCO!H2CO) (Watanabe &
Kouchi 2002; Woon 2002; Hidaka et al. 2004; Yan et al. 2019). It is then released into the gas phase by shocks or UV heating and destroyed by Alternatively, gas phase formation is also possibly contributing to the total H 2CO abundance in Galactic environments such as the dark cloud TMC-1 (e.g., Soma et al. 2018). CH 3OH, which is also the product of hydrogenation of CO on grain surfaces and is hardly formed in the gas phase, is deficient in the the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) (e.g., Shimonishi et al. 2016). In the LMC where dust is less abundant than in the Galaxy, gas phase formation of H2CO may thus be relevant. H2CO has a stable fractional abundance in star formation re- gions. Variations in fractional abundance of H 2CO rarely exceed one order of magnitude at various stages of star formation (e.g., Mangum et al. 1990, 1993; Caselli et al. 1993; Johnstone et al. 2003; Gerner et al. 2014; Tang et al. 2017a,b, 2018b; Zhu et al. 2020). As further demonstrated in recent studies of formalde- hyde in the LMC, the fractional abundance of para-H 2CO in its star-forming regions has similar values as in Galactic regions of massive star formation (Tang et al. 2017a,b, 2018b). H 2CO has a rich variety of millimeter and submillimeter are a reliable probe to trace physical conditions of molec- ular clouds (e.g., Henkel et al. 1980, 1983; Mangum & Wootten 1993; Muhle et al. 2007; Mangum et al. 2008, 2013, 2019; Gins- burg et al. 2011; Tang et al. 2017a,b, 2018a,b). Since the of the Kaladders of H 2CO are governed by colli- sions, line ratios involving di erent Kaladders are good tracers of the kinetic temperature (Mangum & Wootten 1993). There- fore, these H 2CO line ratios are an ideal thermometer for trac- ing the temperature of dense gas in low-metallicity galaxies with strong UV radiation (Tang et al. 2017b). The Large Magellanic Cloud is the closest to our Milky Way ( 50 kpc, e.g., Pietrzy 'nski et al. 2013, 2019). In the LMC, the far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation field is stronger than in the Milky Way while metallicities are 1990; Rolleston et al. 2002). The LMC provides an ideal laboratory for studying star formation, particularly mas- sive star formation associated with its numerous stellar clusters in such an active low-metallicity galaxy. Previous observations of CO J=1-0 and 3-2 show that the higher gas temperatures in low/moderate density regions ( n(H2)a few103cm 3in mostcases) are correlated with stronger H flux in giant molecular clouds of the LMC (Minamidani et al. 2008, 2011). Further ob- servations of CO J=4-3 to 12-11 indicate that the gas temper- atures are high ( Tkin>150 K) at densities 103cm 3in regions of the LMC (Lee et al. 2016). These sug- gest that FUV heating may strongly impact on the molecular gas in low density regions ( n(H2)<105cm 3) of the LMC. In con- trast, recent low-resolution (3000or7 pc) observations of para- H2COJ=3-2 show that the kinetic temperatures of the dense gas ( n(H2)105cm 3) are correlated with the ongoing massive star formation in the LMC (Tang et al. 2017b). This suggests that inside the LMC the gas heating may be di erent cloud layers of lower and higher density. Although gas heating in low density regions of molecular clouds of the LMC can be expected to be due to the exciting OB stars of pho- ton dominated regions (PDRs) (e.g., Kaufman et al. 1999; Lee et al. 2019), the detailed relationship between the temperature of the dense gas and the star formation in the LMC is still under debate. In this paper, we aim to map the kinetic temperature struc- ture of two massive star-forming regions, N113 and N159W, in the LMC with the para-H 2CO triplet ( JKaKc=303-202, 322-221, and 3 21-220) near 218.5 GHz and to investigate the gas heating process a ecting the dense gas. In Sects. 2 and 3, we introduce our targets, observations of the para-H 2CO triplet, data reduc- tion, and results. We discuss the resulting kinetic from para-H 2CO in Sect. 4. Our main conclusions are summarized in Sect. 5. This paper is part of the Kinetic temper- ature of massive star-forming molecular clumps measured series of studies exploring H 2CO as a probe of gas conditions in a variety of Galactic and extragalactic sources. 2. Targets, observations, and data reduction 2.1. Targets The two massive star-forming regions, N113 and N159W, in the LMC were selected from previous single dish observations with the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment telescope (APEX) (beam size3000) in the course of which three transitions of para- H2CO ( J=3-2) near218.5 GHz were detected (Tang et al. 2017b). The dense gas kinetic temperatures of N113 and N159W derived from these para-H 2CO line ratios are 54 7 K and 354 K, respectively, on a scale of 7 pc (Tang et al. 2017b). Below follows a brief description of the selected targets. N113 , located in the central part of the LMC, contains the most intense H 2O maser of the Magellanic Clouds (Ellingsen et al. 2010), which indicates active star formation activity at an early stage. A large number of molecular transitions have been re- ported in N113 (e.g., Chin et al. 1996, 1997; Heikkila et al. 1998; Wang et al. 2009; Paron et al. 2014; Nishimura et al. 2016; Tang et al. 2017b; Sewilo et al. 2018, 2019), while data from HCN, HCO+, HNC, CH 3OH, and 1.3 mm contin- uum (Wong et al. 2006; Seale et al. 2012; Sewilo et al. 2018, 2019) reveal a filamentary structure elongated roughly North- South with a length of 6 pc, including a few dense clumps with radius0.5 pc. N159W , located at the southwestern tip of 30 Doradus, one of the most intense star-forming regions in the LMC, contains a large number of O- and B-type stars, embedded young stellar objects (YSOs), and ultracompact H IIregions (e.g., Jones et al. 2005; Farina et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2010; Carlson et al. 2012). It shows the brightest single-dish CO ( J=1-0) peak in the LMC (e.g., Johansson et al. 1994; Fukui et al. 1999; Wong et al. 2011) Article number, page 2 of 14Tang et al.: Kinetic temperatures in N113 and N159W Table 1. Observational Central frequency Bandwidth Channel width Beam size Position angle RMS MHz MHz km s 1mJy beam 1 N113 217104.980 937.5 1.35 1.7 1.3 60 2.0 218475.632 937.5 1.34 1.6 1.3 61 2.0 230538.000 937.5 1.27 1.6 1.2 61 2.0 N159W 217104.980 937.5 1.35 1.6 1.3 55 2.0 218475.632 937.5 1.34 1.6 1.3 56 2.0 230538.000 937.5 1.27 1.5 1.3 56 2.0 and has been frequently observed with a large number of molec- ular transitions (e.g., Johansson et al. 1994; Chin et al. 1996, 1997; Heikkila et al. 1998, 1999; Paron et al. 2014; Pineda et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2016; Nishimura et al. 2016; Tang et al. 2017b). High resolution observations reveal a complex filamentary dis- tribution of molecular gas (Seale et al. 2012; Fukui et al. 2015). The gas temperature obtained from the NH 3(2,2)/(1,1) line is16 K (Ott et al. 2010), which is only about half the temperatures derived from low resolution ( 3000) para- H2CO and the dust (Tang et al. 2017b). After deriving from our high resolution H 2CO data, this di er- ence will be discussed in more detail in Sect. 4.1. 2.2. Observations and data reduction Our observations were carried out with the 12 m array of the Atacama Large Millimeter /submillimeter Array (ALMA) at Band 6 (Project: 2013.1.01136.S). Two Execution Blocks were conducted using 35 and 38 antennas in January 17 and April 8, 2015, respectively. The projected baseline lengths ranged from 15 to 349 m. The primary beam (FWHM) and the max- imum recoverable scale are 2900and1300, respectively. The flux, bandpass, and phase calibrators were J0519-454, J0519- 4546, and J0635-7516, respectively. Three spectral windows were centered on SiO (5-4), H 2CO (3 22-221), and CO (2-1), re- spectively, with a 937.5 MHz bandwidth and 960 channels for each band, yielding a channel width of 976.562 kHz, cor- responding to 1.27-1.35 km s 1. For the para-H 2CO triplet the synthesized beam size is 1:0061:003 (0.40.3 pc2at 50 kpc dis- tance). The surveyed areas of N113 and N159W are centered and 69:45:25.0, respectively. Detailed observational param- eters are listed in Table 1. The para-H 322- 221, and 3 have rest frequencies of and 218.760 GHz, data were calibrated using the CASA1version 4.2.2 pipeline and were then imaged using CASA version 5.6.1. We imaged the calibrated data using a modified script associated with the data release. No primary beam correction has been ap- plied for Figs. 1, A.1, and A.2, but it has been applied for data analysis. Data analysis associated with spectral lines and im- ages was performed using GILDAS2. A typical rms noise level is2.0 mJy beam 1for a 1.34 km s 1wide channel (see Table 1). As mentioned in Sect. 2.1, the para-H 2CO (3-2) triplet has been observed before with the APEX 12 m telescope in N113 and N159W (Tang et al. 2017b). We integrate all the emission within our ALMA data and compare it to the single-dish APEX 12 m data (beam size 3000). The fluxes recovered by our inter- ferometer data are 75%,80%, and80% for para-H 2CO 3 03- 1https: /IRAMFR /GILDAS202, 321-220, and 3 22-221, respectively, in N113. We find that
45%,50%, and50% of the para-H 2CO 3 03-202, 321-220, and 3 22-221integrated flux observed by the APEX 12 m tele- scope is recovered for N159W by our ALMA data, se indicate that the para-H 2CO (3-2) triplets have, for a given source, similar missing flux percentages. We note that our observational field centers of N113 and N159W have6 and13 o sets with respect to those used by Tang et al. (2017b), respectively. This may a ect the compar- ison of our ALMA and single-dish data, especially for N159W. Our central positions are farther to the east (N113) and north (N159W) of the bulk of the emission shown in Fig. 1, so that part of the missing flux in our ALMA data may not be due to a lack of short baselines but due to the chosen field centers. In the op- tically thin regime, the critical density of the para-H 2CO 3 is6105cm 3at kinetic temperature 50 K (Shirley 2015), so the para-H 2CO (3-2) triplet probes compact Considering that the para-H 2CO (3-2) triplet is a dense gas tracer and has similar missing flux percentages within N113 and N159W, the line ratios of the para-H 2CO (3-2) transitions are likely only weakly influenced by missing flux. 3. Results 3.1. Overview The integrated intensity distributions of the para-H 2CO triplet in N113 and N159W are shown in Fig. 1. The observed spectra from the H 2CO peaks in N113 and N159W are shown in Fig. 2. The location of the seven dense H 2CO clumps in each of the two massive star forming regions, selected by eye, are indicated in Figs. 3 and 4, left panels, and are listed in Table 2. 3.2. Distribution of H 2CO In both sources, N113 and N159W, para-H 2CO (3 03-202) shows extended distributions and clearly traces dense molecular struc- ture, which is consistent with previous observational results probed with other gas tracers of e.g.13CO, HCN, HNC, HCO+
(Wong et al. 2006; Seale et al. 2012; Fukui et al. 2015; Sewilo et al. 2018). The para-H 2CO 3 22-221and 3 21-220lines are only detected in the densest regions of N113 and N159W, and show less extended distributions than the para-H 2CO 3 para-H 2CO 3 03-202velocity channel maps of N113 and N159W are shown in Figs. A.1 and A.2 of Appendix A, respectively. In N113, the filamentary structure, roughly elon- gated in North-South direction with a length of 2500, is promi- nent at low velocities, 232-236 km s 1, while the (clump 1 following the nomenclature of Fig. 3 and Ta- ble 2) becomes visible at higher velocities, 236-238 km s 1. In the N159W region, there appear to be two velocity number, page 3 of 14A&A proofs: manuscript no. ALMA-LMC-Tk Fig. 1. intensity maps (color bars in units of Jy beam 1km s 1) of para-H 2CO 3 03-202(left panels ), 3 22-221(central panels ), panels ) of N113 (Integrated Local Standard of Rest velocity range: 229-240 km s 1;top panels ) and N159W (integrated velocity range: 232-244 km s 1;bottom panels ). The centers of the fields are those also given in Sect. 2.2, i.e. 2000=- 69:45:25.0. The contours provide, with respect to the peak intensity, levels from 10% to 100% with steps of 10% ( 10
and7) for para-H 2CO 3 03-202in N113 and N159W, and from 10% to 100% with steps of 10% ( 5) for para-H 2CO 3 22-221and 3 21-220. The para-H 2CO 3 03-202peak intensities are 1.2 and 0.5 Jy beam 1km s 1, the para-H 2CO 3 22-221peak intensities are 0.5 and 0.2 Jy beam 1km s 1, and the para-H 2CO 3 21-220peak intensities are 0.5 and 0.2 Jy beam 1km s 1in N113 and N159W, respectively. The pixel size of each image is 0:0020:002. The beam size of each image is shown in the lower left corner. Gray circles show the half power beam sizes of the N113 and N159W APEX-12m data, reported by Tang et al. (2017b). The shown fields of view encompass slightly more than our ALMA primary half power beam width (Sect. 2.2). No primary beam correction has been applied. Angular scales of 400correspond to a linear scale of 1 pc. centered at236 and240 km s 1spreading from the northeast to the southwest. 3.3. H 2CO line ratios As mentioned in Sect. 1, the intensity ratio of para-H 2CO lines involving di erent Kaladders yields estimates of the of the gas (Mangum & Wootten 1993). Gener- ally, higher line ratios of para-H 2CO (3 3 21- 220/303-202) indicate higher kinetic temperatures (e.g., Mangum
& Wootten 1993; Ao et al. 2013; Ginsburg et al. 2016; Tang et al. 2017b, 2018a,b; see also Fig. 5 for a more detailed the ratio maps can be used as a proxy for relative kinetic temperature. The upper levels of the para-H 2CO 3 22- 221and 3 have almost the same energy above the ground state ( Eu'68 K). They show similar spatial distribu- tions (see Fig. 1), similar line profiles (for brightness tempera- ture, linewidth, and velocity in our observations; see Fig. 2 and also Tang et al. 2017a,b, 2018a,b), and are often detected simul- taneously in molecular clouds (e.g., Bergman et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2012; Lindberg & Jorgensen 2012; Ao et al. 2013; Im- mer et al. 2014; Trevino-Morales et al. 2014; Ginsburg et al. 2016, 2017; Tang et al. 2017a,b, 2018a,b; Lu et al. 2017, 2021; Mangum et al. 2019). Therefore, we use the averaged ra-tio para-H 2CO between para- H2CO 3 3 the first analysis below. Averaged para-H 2CO (3-2) line ratio maps of N113 and N159W are shown in the left panels of Figs. 3 and 4, line ratios are calculated by the para-H 2CO 3 22-221and 3 21-220lines are detected ratios (S /N)&3. Para-H 2CO line ratios range from 0.10 to 0.38 with an average of 0.22 0.01 (errors given here and elsewhere are standard deviations of the mean) in N113 and from 0.10 to 0.28 with an average of 0.20 0.01 in N159W (see also Table 3). The lower ratios ( <0.2) occur in the out- skirts of the N113 and N159W H 2CO clouds (see Figs. 3 and 4). Higher ratios ( &0.2) associate with dense clumps, YSOs (or YSO candidates) (Chen et al. 2010; Carlson et al. 2012), and /or H2O masers (Ellingsen et al. 2010) in N113 and N159W. 3.4. Kinetic temperatures from H 2CO line ratios According to Sect. 3.3, the para-H 2CO 3 22-221and 3 have almost the same upper-state energies above the ground state and similar observed line profiles. Para-H 2CO 3 3 are both good thermome- ters to determine kinetic temperatures ( Tkin<150 K; Mangum Article number, page 4 of 14Tang et al.: Kinetic temperatures in N113 and N159W
& Wootten 1993; Tang et al. 2018b) and show a similar be- havior to kinetic temperature and spatial density at et al. 2015; Tang et al. we continue to use the averaged para-H 2CO ratio to directly determine gas ki- netic the RADEX3non-LTE modeling program (van der Tak et al. 2007) with collisional rate coe cients from Wiesenfeld & Faure (2013), we modeled the relation be- tween the gas kinetic temperature and the measured average of para-H 2CO ratios, adopt- ing a 2.73 K background temperature, an average observa- tional linewidth of 4.0 km s 1, and column densities 3.71012cm 2for N113 and The results are shown in Fig. 5. The values of the para-H 2CO column density were obtained with APEX data (beam size3000; Tang et al. 2017b), which cover similar re- gions. Di erent column densities of para-H 2CO only weakly af- fect derived kinetic temperatures (see Fig. 3 in Tang et al. 2017b or Fig. 4 in Tang et al. 2018a; this was also shown in Fig. 13 and discussed in Sect. 4.3.1 of Mangum & Wootten 1993) as long as all lines are optically thin. Considering that the relation between the gas temperature and the para-H 2CO line ratio may vary at dierent spatial densities (see Fig. 2 in Tang et al. 2017b), we modeled it at spatial densities 104, 105, and 106cm 3in Fig. 5. It appears that consistently lower than values at 104and 106cm 3by.23% and .34%, respectively, for Tkin.100 K. Local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) is a for the H 2CO level populations under optically thin and high-density conditions (Mangum & Wootten 1993; Tang et al. 2017a,b, 2018b). Following the method applied by Tang et al. (2017b) in their Eq. (2), we plot the relation between the LTE kinetic temperature, TLTE, and the para-H 2CO (3-2) line ratio in Fig. 5. Apparently, TLTEagrees well with Tnon LTEat vol- ume densities n(H2)105cm 3as long as Tkin.100 K. Previ- ous observations show that para-H 2CO (3-2) is sensitive to gas temperature at density 105cm 3(Ginsburg et al. 2016; Immer et al. 2016; Tang et al. 2017b). The spatial density measured with para-H 2CO (3 03-202) and C18O (2-1) in N113 and a size of3000(Tang et al. 2017b). There- fore, here we adopt 105cm 3as an averaged spatial gas density in the N113 and N159W regions. We use the relation between kinetic temperature and para- H2CO line ratios at averaged spatial density 105cm 3and aver- aged column densities of N113 and N159W (shown in Fig. 5) to convert ratio maps to temperature maps in Figs. 3 and 4. The gas kinetic temperatures derived from the para-H 2CO line ratios are warm at density n(H2)=105cm 3, ranging from 28 to 105 K in N113 and from 29 to 68 K in N159W on a scale of 0.4 pc (see also Table 3). It seems that higher temperatures ( Tkin&50 K) as- sociate with dense clumps, YSOs (or YSO candidates), and /or H2O masers in N113 and N159W (see Figs. 3 and 4). Gas with lower temperatures ( Tkin<50 K) is located at the outskirts of the H2CO distributions of both N113 and N159W. The kinetic tem- peratures of the dense gas are high ( Tkin=44-96 K) in the dense H2CO clumps (see Table 2), which is consistent with results measured with para-H 2CO ( J=3-2 and 4- 3) from dense clumps representing various evolutionary stages of high-mass star formation in the Galactic plane (Tang et al. 2018b). The gas kinetic temperatures show apparent gradients in these dense H 2CO clumps of N113 and N159W (e.g., clumps /radex /radex.php Fig. 2. Spectra towards H 2CO clumps in N113 ( left panels ) and N159W (right panels ; see Table 2 and, for the numbering, the left panels of Figs. 3 and 4) taken from the strongest pixel obtained with ALMA. The pixel size is 0 :0020:002. Black: para-H 2CO 3 03-202, red: para-H 2CO 3 22- 221, and blue: para-H 2CO 3 21-220. The spectra are not smoothed, i.e. the channel widths are those given in Table 1. 3, 4, 5, and 7 in N113 and clumps 1, 4, and 6 in N159W; see Figs. 3 and 4) on a clump scale of 1 pc. As mentioned in Sect. 2.1, the dense gas kinetic tempera- tures in N113 and N159W have been estimated with the same transitions of para-H 2CO ( J=3-2) observed by the APEX 12-m telescope (beam size 3000; Tang et al. 2017b). For a compar- ison with the lower resolution APEX data, we have our data for areas, where the presence of the dense gas shown in Figs. 3 and 4 could be identified by the para-H 2CO 3 03- 202line. The averaged temperatures are 48 and 36 K in N113 and N159W, respectively, which are consistent with previous re- sults in N113 (54 7 K) and N159W (35 4 K) obtained with the single-dish observations (Tang et al. 2017b). Previous observations toward the Galactic central molecular zone (CMZ) clouds and dense massive star-forming clumps in the Galactic plane show that the opacities of para-H 2CO ( J=3- 2) lines influence only weakly the measurements of gas (Ginsburg et al. 2016; Immer et al. 2016; Tang et al. Article number, page 5 of 14A&A proofs: manuscript no. 2Clump 1 Clump 3 Clump 4 Clump 5 Clump 6 Clump 7 1 pc Fig. 3. Left two panels : The averaged intensity ratio map of para-H 2CO in N113. The derived from the para-H 2CO (3-2) line ratios (color bar in units of Kelvin). Right two panels : Maps of non-thermal velocity bar in units of km s 1) and Mach number. Black contours show levels of integrated intensity of the para-H 2CO (3 03-202) line (see Fig. 1). Osets are relative to our reference position for N113 (see Fig. 1). The pixel size of each image is 0 :0020:002. The beam size of each image is shown in the lower left corner. Stars and triangles show the locations of YSOs (or YSO candidates) and H 2O masers (Chen et al. 2010; Ellingsen et al. 2010; Carlson et al. 2012), 1 Clump 2 Clump 3 Clump 4 Clump 5 Clump 6 Clump 7 1 pc Fig. 4. Same as Fig. 3, but for N159W. 2018b). Nevertheless, a major caveat in our discussion are the poorly known opacities of para-H 2CO ( J=3-2) lines in N113 and N159W. While the para-H 2CO 3 22-221and 3 much weaker than the 3 03-202line, appear to be optically thin, this is not necessarily the case for our strongest emitter, If this line were optically thick in the molec- ular cores we have observed, line ratios would be too close to unity, and we would overestimate, relative to the optically thin case, the para-H 2CO intensityratios and kinetic temperatures. This implies that in case of sat- uration we would obtain upper limits to the kinetic This could easily mimic the high temperatures in the cores and the lower temperatures in the optically thin outskirts of the N113 and N159W clouds, we have mentioned above, a good agreement with the low kinetic from ammonia (beam size 18 :00615:007; Ott et al. 2010), since the gas traced by ammonia presumably resides in a well shielded highly obscured cloud core. Article number, page 6 of 14Tang et al.: Kinetic temperatures in N113 and N159W A first estimate of optical depth can be attained by a com- parison of para-H 2CO 3 03-202main beam brightness temper- atures with the temperatures derived from the dust and from the line temperature ratios. On our 0.4 pc scale, observed main beam brightness temperatures should be close to the real bright- ness temperatures of the emission (e.g. Tang et al. 2018a), which should reach values of order of 16 K (the Tkinvalue from the NH 3(2,2)/(1,1) line ratio; Ott et al. 2010) or higher to reveal strong indications of saturation. Converting (Tmb: main beam brightness tempera- ture in units of K; S: flux density in units of Jy; : wavelength in units of cm; b: our beam size in units of arcmin) the flux den- sity scale into units of main beam brightness temperature and accounting for typical total linewidths of 4.0 km s 1in case of N113 and N159W (see Table 2), we obtain peak temperatures of only2.5 K. This is well below the low ammonia temperature from Ott et al. (2010) and indicates either highly subthermal ex- citation with potentially saturated para-H 2CO 3 03-202line emis- sion or a purely optically thin scenario. To discriminate between these two possibilities, we used again the RADEX non-LTE program (van der Tak et al. 2007). Setting Tkinto 16 K, the low value derived by Ott et al. (2010) from ammonia, and a linewidth of 3 km s 1 we can reproduce the Tmb(H2CO 3 03-202) line intensity of
2.5 K with N(para-H but the result- ing para-H 2CO line ratio is
0.04, far below and thus inconsistent with the obtained data. AtTkin50 K, however, N(para-H to Tmb(H2CO 3 03-202)2.5 K and line ratios of order 0.23-0.24. In this case the para-H 2CO 3 03-202line is slightly optically thick (1.1), while the weaker 3 22-221and 3 by 0.3. Compared to the optically thin case shown by Fig. 5, this leads to a slight overestimate of Tkin. Adopting the optically thin scenario, line ratios of 0.25-0.30 lead to kinetic temperatures of 55 to 70 K instead of the 50 K adopted in the non-LTE model also accounting for line Interestingly, even H 2CO 3 03-202line opacities of order 5-10 do not lead to larger inaccuracies (see Fig. G. 2 in Immer et al. 2016). While increasing line saturation has a tendency to yield line intensity ratios closer to unity, this trend is not seen in this case because excitation temperatures of the H 2CO 3 22- 221and 3 are then significantly below that of the H 2CO 3 To summarize: While our Tkinval- ues toward the cloud cores might be overestimated, they are not grossly overestimated and still clearly favor values well in excess of the 16 K derived from ammonia. In Galactic dense massive star-forming clumps the para- H2CO 3 03-202line tends to be optically thin (Tang et al. 2018b). Since dust is less prevalent in the LMC than in the Galaxy (e.g. Wang et al. 2009) leading to reduced shielding, we may see denser regions with H 2CO in the LMC than in the Galaxy, again not supporting the highly subthermal low kinetic temperature ex- citation scenario mentioned above. On the other hand, N113 and N159W are the most intense star-forming regions of the LMC (e.g., Wang et al. 2009; Lee et al. 2016), which may yield partic- ularly large H 2CO column densities. The peak column 2CO) obtained from the para-H 2CO (3 03-202) bright- ness temperatures of dense H 2CO clumps in N113 and N159W (see Table 2) using the method of Tang et al. (2017a) range from 0.7 to 9.01013cm 2with an average of 4.01013cm 2at a density of 105cm 3and from 0.3 to 3.8 1013cm 2with an aver- age a density of 106cm 3, which are a few times higher than averaged results obtained from entire regions with the APEX telescope (Tang et al. 2017b). Fig. 5. RADEX non-LTE ( red and blue lines ) and LTE ( black line ) mod- eling of the relation between kinetic temperature and average ratio of para-H 2CO 3 3 spatial densities of n(H2)=104, 105, and 106cm 3(dashed, solid, and dotted lines, respec- tively ), an averaged observed linewidth of 4.0 km s 1, and column den- sities of N(para-H 2CO)=2.71012and 3.71012cm 2for N113 ( red lines ) and N159W ( blue lines ) (Tang et al. 2017b), respectively. Tkin- Ratio(H 2CO) relations for N113 and N159W at density the same, which is similar to the situation at 106cm 3. 3.5. Thermal and non-thermal motions Using the kinetic temperatures derived from the para-H 2CO line ratios, we can derive thermal and non-thermal linewidths where k is the Boltzmann constant, Tkinis the kinetic temperature of the gas, mH2COis the mass of the formaldehyde molecule, and v is the measured FWHM linewidth of para-H 2CO 3 03-202(Pan
& Padoan 2009). Thermal and non-thermal linewidth ranges are listed in Table 3. Thermal and non-thermal linewidths of the indi- vidual dense clumps are given in Table 2. The thermal linewidth is significantly smaller than the non-thermal linewidth in N113 and N159W, which indicates that the dense gas traced by para- H2CO is dominated by non-thermal motions. This agrees with previous measurements derived from para-H 2CO (3-2 and 4-3) in the Galactic star-forming region OMC-1 and massive clumps of the Galactic disk (Tang et al. 2017a, 2018a,b). Distributions of the non-thermal linewidth in N113 and N159W are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. They may suggest that the higher non- thermal linewidths ( NT>1.5 km s 1) associate with the dense clumps and the lower non-thermal linewidths ( NT.1.5) are lo- cated in the outskirts of the dense clumps in our two massive star- forming regions, indicating that the dense gas traced by para- H2CO is strongly influenced by star-forming of the Mach number ( M=NT=cs, the sound speed, =2.37 is the mean molecular weight for molecular clouds, and mHis the mass of the hy- drogen atom) in N113 and N159W are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, right panels, respectively. The Mach numbers of the individual dense clumps in N113 and N159W are listed in Table 2. The Mach numbers range from 2.3 to 6.2 with an average of 4.2 0.1 in N113 and from 1.6 to 8.3 with an average of 4.5 0.1 in N159W (see also Table 3). This suggests that supersonic non- thermal motions (e.g., turbulence, outflows, shocks, and /or mag- Article number, page 7 of 14A&A proofs: manuscript no. 2. Parameters of H 2CO clumps derived from N113 and N159W. Source Clump O set TransitionR Flux d v V LSR FWHM Flux T NT csM Tkin Tturb , Jy km s 1km s 1km s 1Jy km s 1km s 1km s 1K K N113 1 -2.4, 4.0 3 03-202 0.530 (0.006) 236.9 (0.1) 3.3 (0.1) 0.150 0.11 (0.01) 1.41 (0.02) 0.40 (0.02) 3.5 50.4 (5.1) 50 322-221 0.110 (0.006) 236.9 (0.1) 3.0 (0.2) 0.035 321-220 0.114 (0.007) 236.7 (0.1) 3.4 (0.3) 0.032 2 -5.4, 3.8 3 03-202 1.226 (0.019) 233.5 (0.1) 5.8 (0.1) 0.198 0.16 (0.01) 2.46 (0.04) 0.56 (0.02) 4.4 96.2 (5.8) 93 322-221 0.429 (0.006) 233.3 (0.1) 5.2 (0.1) 0.077 321-220 0.435 (0.008) 233.4 (0.1) 5.2 (0.1) 0.078 3 -4.0, 1.2 3 03-202 1.258 (0.005) 233.7 (0.1) 5.5 (0.1) 0.216 0.13 (0.01) 2.32 (0.01) 0.47 (0.01) 5.0 67.7 (2.6) 67 322-221 0.350 (0.008) 233.8 (0.1) 4.8 (0.1) 0.068 321-220 0.345 (0.007) 233.9 (0.1) 5.0 (0.1) 0.065 4 -2.8, -2.0 3 03-202 0.886 (0.007) 232.4 (0.1) 4.8 (0.1) 0.173 0.12 (0.01) 2.04 (0.02) 0.44 (0.01) 4.6 60.7 (2.3) 60 322-221 0.231 (0.006) 232.3 (0.1) 4.2 (0.1) 0.051 321-220 0.225 (0.005) 232.2 (0.1) 4.4 (0.1) 0.048 5 -4.2, -5.2 3 03-202 0.409 (0.005) 233.9 (0.1) 3.6 (0.1) 0.108 0.11 (0.01) 1.52 (0.02) 0.38 (0.01) 4.0 44.0 (2.5) 44 322-221 0.090 (0.006) 234.2 (0.2) 4.6 (0.4) 0.019 321-220 0.073 (0.006) 234.2 (0.1) 3.2 (0.3) 0.022 6 -3.8, -8.6 3 03-202 0.203 (0.005) 234.9 (0.1) 3.3 (0.1) 0.057 ... ... ... ... ... ... 322-221 ... 321-220 ... 7 -5.4, -13.4 3 03-202 0.710 (0.010) 234.3 (0.1) 3.0 (0.1) 0.220 0.12 (0.01) 1.28 (0.02) 0.41 (0.02) 3.1 52.5 (4.5) 52 322-221 0.159 (0.012) 234.5 (0.1) 2.9 (0.3) 0.052 321-220 0.165 (0.017) 234.3 (0.2) 3.2 (0.4) 0.049 N159W 1 0.8, 0.4 3 03-202 0.245 (0.003) 238.4 (0.1) 1.8 (0.1) 0.128 0.11 (0.01) 0.79 (0.03) 0.41 (0.01) 1.9 51.8 (4.4) 51 322-221 0.048 (0.003) 238.0 (0.1) 2.2 (0.1) 0.020 321-220 0.045 (0.003) 238.3 (0.1) 2.0 (0.2) 0.021 2 10.4, 0.4. 3 03-202 0.114 (0.005) 239.7 (0.1) 1.6 (0.4) 0.066 ... ... ... ... ... ... 322-221 ... 321-220 ... 3 7.8, -1.2 3 03-202 0.141 (0.006) 236.0 (0.1) 3.1 (0.2) 0.043 0.12 (0.01) 1.31 (0.07) 0.43 (0.03) 3.1 56.0 (9.2) 55 322-221 0.030 (0.006) 236.4 (0.3) 2.6 (0.6) 0.011 321-220 0.035 (0.004) 236.3 (0.2) 2.8 (0.4) 0.012 4 5.0, -2.0 3 03-202 0.309 (0.006) 238.0 (0.1) 4.3 (0.1) 0.068 0.13 (0.01) 1.86 (0.05) 0.46 (0.01) 4.0 65.5 (5.1) 65 322-221 0.104 (0.005) 238.5 (0.1) 5.9 (0.4) 0.017 321-220 0.081 (0.006) 238.3 (0.2) 4.5 (0.4) 0.017 5 5.2, -10.4 3 03-202 0.527 (0.013) 235.4 (0.1) 5.4 (0.2) 0.091 0.11 (0.01) 2.32 (0.08) 0.38 (0.01) 6.1 45.2 (4.0) 46 322-221 0.101 (0.008) 234.8 (0.2) 4.8 (0.4) 0.020 321-220 0.115 (0.008) 234.8 (0.2) 4.6 (0.4) 0.023 6 3.4, -13.0 3 03-202 0.914 (0.009) 236.9 (0.1) 4.5 (0.1) 0.190 0.11 (0.01) 1.94 (0.03) 0.41 (0.01) 4.8 51.3 (3.3) 51 322-221 0.189 (0.008) 237.0 (0.1) 3.6 (0.2) 0.049 321-220 0.200 (0.011) 237.0 (0.1) 3.8 (0.3) 0.049 7 -0.6, -16.4 3 03-202 0.272 (0.013) 235.8 (0.1) 3.1 (0.2) 0.081 ... ... ... ... ... ... 322-221 ... 321-220 ... Notes. Osets relative to our reference positions for N113 and N159W (see Figs. 1, 3, and 4). flux,R Flux d v, local standard of rest velocity, VLSR, full width at half maximum line width (FWHM), and peak flux (Flux) were obtained from Gaussian fits using CLASS as part of the GILDAS software. For the thermal and non-thermal velocity dispersions, TandNT, the sound velocity cs, the Mach number M, the kinetic temperature Tkin, and the turbulent temperature Tturb, see Sects. 3.5 and 4.3. Values in parenthesis are 3. Thermal and non-thermal parameters derived from N113 and N159W. Parameter N113 N159W Range Median Mean Range Median Mean H2CO line ratio 0.10-0.38 0.21 0.22 0.01 0.10-0.28 0.20 0.20 0.01 Tgas/K 27.6-105.4 48.5 51.4 0.4 28.7-67.8 47.5 47.6 0.3
T/km s 10.08-0.16 0.11 0.11 0.01 0.09-0.13 0.11 0.11 0.01
NT/km s 10.93-2.76 1.64 1.69 0.01 0.57-2.74 1.85 1.74 0.02 cs/km s 10.30-0.58 0.40 0.40 0.01 0.31-0.47 0.39 0.39 0.01 M 2.3-6.2 4.2 4.2 0.1 1.6-8.3 4.5 4.5 0.1 Notes. For the meaning of the parameters in column 1, see Table 2. The errors shown in columns 4 and 7 are the standard deviations of the mean. netic fields) are dominant in the dense gas traced by H 2CO. Lo- cations that are situated in the outskirts of the clumps of N113 and in the outer regions of the northern clumps of N159W (see Figs. 3 and 4), have low Mach numbers ( M.3.5). The distri- bution of Mach numbers may suggest apparent gradients from southeast to northwest along clumps 5 and 6 of N159W (see Fig. 4). Meanwhile, there is a YSO (or YSO candidate) located in the eastern region of these clumps. This may imply that dense gas probed by para-H 2CO may be influenced by this YSO (or YSO candidate). Higher Mach numbers ( M>3.5) are associ-ated with the dense clumps in N113 and N159W, again sug- gesting that dense gas traced by H 2CO is strongly influenced by non-thermal motions (e.g., outflows and shocks) in these regions. The averaged Mach numbers in N113 and N159W are consistent with previous observational results in Galactic massive clumps on scales of0.1-1.8 pc (mean value 4.2 obtained from para- H2CO (3-2 and 4-3); Tang et al. 2018b), but are higher than the values measured with the same transitions of para-H 2CO (3-2) in OMC-1 on a scale of 0.06 pc (mean value 2.3; Tang et al. 2018a). We have smoothed the OMC-1 para-H 2CO (3-2) data to Article number, page 8 of 14Tang et al.: Kinetic temperatures in N113 and N159W Fig. 6. Para-H 2CO (3 03-202) with integrated intensity contours (same as Fig. 1) overlaid on H (left panels ; Smith & MCELS Team 1998), Spitzer 8.0m (middle panels ; Meixner et al. 2006), and 1.3 mm continuum ( right panels ; observed with ALMA Band 6; Fukui et al. 2015; Sewilo et al. 2018) images of N113 ( top panels ) and N159W ( bottom panels ). Stars and triangles show the locations of the YSOs (or YSO candidates) and H 2O masers (Chen et al. 2010; Ellingsen et al. 2010; Carlson et al. 2012), respectively. a linear resolution of 0.4 pc. The derived Mach numbers are 3.0 and 3.5 in the Orion KL and Orion South regions, is still slightly lower than the values in N113 and N159W. One should note that para-H 2CO (3 03-202) linewidths in the northern edges of clump 1 and 2 of N113 and in the outskirts of clump 1 and 4 of N159W are narrow <3.0 km s 1(see Figs. 2, 3, and 4), which is corresponding to only 2-3 channels of our H2CO data. Furthermore, there are two velocity clump 1 of N113 and in the northern region of the clump 4 of N159W (see Figs. A.1 and A.2). For two velocity compo- nents the typical linewidths are 2-3 and4-6 km s 1in these regions of N113 and N159W. Our observational set can not well identify the velocity components with narrow linewidths using Gaussian profiles in these regions. Therefore, the and the Mach numbers are likely overestimated in these regions. For the locations with two velocity components in N113 and N159W, the non-thermal linewidths and the Mach number are weighted with para-H 2CO (3 03-202) integrated inten- sity in Figs. 3 and 4. 4. Discussion 4.1. Comparison of temperatures obtained from H 2CO, CO, and NH 3 Observations of CO J=1-0 to 3-2 indicate that the molecular gas traced by CO in lower density regions ( be strongly influenced by the external FUV emission irra-diating giant molecular clouds of the LMC on a scale of 10 pc (Minamidani et al. 2008, 2011). The physical and chemical pro- cesses in these regions such as formation and destruction of molecules as well as ionization are dominated by the intense FUV field, which has been modeled as PDRs (e.g., Kaufman et al. 1999; Minamidani et al. 2011; Lee et al. 2016, 2019). The gas temperature is Tkin>150 K at densities multitransition data of CO in N159W on a scale of 10 pc (Lee et al. 2016). Our results determined from para-H 2CO line ratios range from 29 to 68 K with an average of 47.6 0.3 K at density 105cm 3on a scale of 0.4 pc (see Table 3), which are much lower than values obtained from CO at lower density and even may have to be slightly modified to the lower side to ac- count for moderate saturation e ects (see Sect. 3.4). This indi- cates that para-H 2CO and CO trace di erent kinetic in N159W. There is no available gas temperature derived from multitransition data of CO in N113, so we can not compare it with our para-H 2CO results. We did not find any evidence for the low Tkinvalue (16 K) determined from the NH 3(2,2)/(1,1) line ratio by Ott et al. (2010). This is interpreted in terms of a highly embedded ex- tremely obscured dense molecular gas component, which we do not see in H 2CO. A similar situation has also been encountered in M 82 (Weiss et al. 2001; Muhle et al. 2007), where ammonia suggests Tkin60 K, while H 2CO represents gas with tempera- tures well in excess of 100 K. We get moderately high Tkinval- ues derived from H 2CO in the cores but Ott et al. (2010) obtain a low Tkinvalue determined from NH 3, presumably also from a Article number, page 9 of 14A&A proofs: manuscript no. 4. Gas temperatures at di erent radius around the young stellar objects or candidates. YSO R=0.2 pc R=0.4 pc R=1.0 pc Source R.A.(J2000) DEC.(J2000) Luminosity Tkin(Rad) Tkin(H2CO) Tkin(Rad) Tkin(H2CO) Tkin(Rad) Tkin(H2CO) h m s 000105L K K K N113 05:13:17.28 -69:22:36.7 0.16 36 35 27 45 19 34 05:13:17.69 -69:22:25.0 1.26 54 48 41 57 29 53 N159W 05:39:37.09 -69:45:36.7 0.82 50 56 37 44 26 72 05:39:37.56 -69:45:25.3 2.40 61 69 46 54 32 41 Notes. The young stellar objects or candidates and their luminosity are taken from Chen et al. (2010), Sewilo et al. (2010), and Carlson et Ammonia has a particularly low energy threshold for (4.1 eV; Weiss et al. 2001). Low metallicity envi- ronments with low nitrogen abundance and strong UV radiation (e.g., Westerlund 1990; Chin et al. 1997; Rolleston et al. 2002; Wang et al. 2009; Ott et al. 2010) in the LMC may allow ammo- nia to survive only in the most UV-shielded regions, leading to a low fractional NH 3abundance and a low kinetic temperature of the NH 3emitting gas (Tang et al. 2017b). It could be explained in the sense, that NH 3is only there, where no protostar has yet heated its environment. In the outskirts, Tkinvalues from H 2CO are low, but CO suggests that there temperatures are high. This might be explained by the idea that even the H 2CO outskirts are far inside the volume of the CO emitting gas. 4.2. Radiative heating We compare para-H 2CO (3 03-202) integrated intensity distri- butions with the H emission (observed with the UM /CTIO Curtis Schmidt telescope; Smith & MCELS Team 1998), Spitzer 8.0m (Meixner et al. 2006), and 1.3 mm continuum (ob- served with ALMA Band 6; Fukui et al. 2015; Sewilo et al. 2018) emission of N113 and N159W in Fig. 6. Obviously, the spatial distributions of para-H 2CO (3 03-202) and Hemission are not well correlated in the two massive star-forming regions. This suggests that dense gas traced by para-H 2CO may only be weakly a ected by the stars exciting the H emission in N113 and N159W. Such o sets between molecular and H
emissions are seen in evolved systems (e.g., Fukui & Kawa- mura 2010), where newly formed massive stars have already dis- persed a part of the original molecular gas. The para-H 2CO (3 03- 202) integrated intensity distributions agree much better with the Spitzer 8.0m emission excited by young massive stars in the N113 and N159W regions (see Fig. 6). The para-H 2CO (3 03- 202) integrated intensity distribution agrees best with the 1.3 mm continuum emission in N113 and N159W, including the dense molecular structure and dust emission peaks (see Fig. 6), which implies that H 2CO associates with the dense gas traced by the dust emission. This is consistent with previous observational re- sults in our Galactic massive star-forming regions at various evo- lutionary stages (Immer et al. 2014; Tang et al. 2017a, 2018a,b). As mentioned, there is no spatial correlation between the dense gas traced by para-H 2CO and the H distributions in N113 and N159W (see Fig. 6). There also appears to be no signifi- cant correlation between the gas temperature structures derived from para-H 2CO line ratios and the H emission distribution in these two regions (Figs. 3, 4, and 6). These findings indicate that dense gas traced by H 2CO is weakly a ected by the external FUV radiation in N113 and N159W. The dense molecular gas (&105cm 3) may be e ectively shielded by the lower gas envelopes in the massive star-forming regions of the LMC.Previous observations of e.g. H 2CO, NH 3, CH 3CN, CH 3CCH, or CH 3OH in Galactic massive star-forming regions (Lu et al. 2014; Giannetti et al. 2017; Tang et al. 2018a,b; Gieser et al. 2021) suggest internal radiative heating of embedded in- frared sources of their surrounding dense gas. Present obser- vations of H 2CO in massive star-forming regions of the LMC imply that the kinetic temperatures traced by para-H 2CO in dense regions ( 105cm 3) are correlated with the ongoing massive star formation (Tang et al. 2017b). As men- tioned in Sect. 3.4, it appears that high gas temperatures obtained from para-H 2CO line ratios associate with dense clumps, YSOs (or YSO candidates), and /or H 2O masers in N113 and N159W regions (see Figs. 3 and 4). This indicates that the warm dense gas traced by para-H 2CO is influenced by radiation from inter- nal embedded infrared sources and /or nearby YSOs in the low- metallicity environment of the LMC. We determine the gas temperature in regions heated by YSOs following the modified Stefan-Boltzmann blackbody radiation law, adjusting the emissivity of dust grains smaller than the wavelength at the characteristic blackbody temperature (Wise- man & Ho 1998; Tang et al. (1) where the luminosity Lis in Land the distance Ris in parsecs. Four YSOs (or YSO candidates) with luminosities of 0.16, 0.82, 1.26, and 2.40105Lare found in N113 and N159W (Chen et al. 2010; Sewilo et al. 2010; Carlson et al. 2012). Assuming these YSOs (or YSO candidates) are the dominant sources at their locations, the derived gas temperatures at radii of 0.2, 0.4, and 1.0 pc from Eq. (1) are listed in Table 4. Measured gas tem- peratures around the four young stellar objects or candidates de- rived from para-H 2CO line ratios are also listed in Table 4, which agrees well with the results obtained from the radiation law at a radius of 0.2 pc. This indicates that dense gas traced by H 2CO is significantly influenced by radiation from YSOs (or YSO can- didates). One should note that the distances among YSOs (or YSO candidates), H 2O masers, and 1.3 mm dust emission peaks are approximately 1 pc in the N113 and N159W regions (see Figs. 3, 4, and 6). It also shows that the YSO's radiation heat- ing could contribute to a gas temperature (e.g. Tkin19 K for the lowest luminosity YSO (or candidate) with L=1.6104L; see Table 4) even far out, at a radius of 1 pc. This implies that the complex temperature structure of the dense gas in N113 and N159W regions may be also a ected by multiple YSOs and /or embedded infrared sources. For large areas of N113 and N159W the Hradiation regions and the general stellar radiation field may also contribute to the temperature of the dense gas. Due to the limited spatial resolution ( 0.4 pc) of the ALMA data and our limited 2-dimensional perspective, the relation be- tween gas temperature and distance from YSOs is not number, page 10 of 14Tang et al.: Kinetic temperatures in N113 and N159W revealed. A follow-up sub-arcsecond angular resolution (corre- sponding to .0.1 pc) mapping study of the massive temperature structure with H 2CO in the LMC will be indispensable and meaningful in the future. 4.3. Turbulent heating seems to be widespread in Galactic regions on a 0.1-1.8 pc scale (Tang et al. 2018a,b). It may play an important role in heating the dense gas in star- forming regions. Present observations toward Galactic CMZ clouds with para-H 2CO (3-2 and 4-3) show that the warm dense gas is heated most likely by turbulence on a scale of 1 pc (Ao et al. 2013; Ginsburg et al. 2016; Immer et al. 2016). Observa- tions of, e.g. H 2CO, NH 3, and CH 3CCH in Galactic star forma- tion regions suggest that the linewidth is correlated with gas ki- netic temperature (Wouterloot et al. 1988; Molinari et al. 1996; Jijina et al. 1999; Wu et al. 2006; Urquhart et al. 2011, 2015; Wienen et al. 2012; Lu et al. 2014; Tang et al. 2017a, et al. 2017). Correlations between the kinetic tempera- ture and linewidth are expected in the case of conversion of tur- bulent energy into heat (Gusten et al. 1985; Molinari et al. 1996; Ginsburg et al. 2016). We examine whether there is a relationship between the tur- bulence and the gas temperature derived from the para-H 2CO line ratio on a0.4 pc scale in N113. As discussed in Sect. 3.5, our observational sets have low channel width ( 1.34 km s 1) for para-H 2CO data, which strongly a ects the estimation of para-H 2CO linewidths in the N159W region, but weakly influ- ences the N113 region which has wider linewidths. Therefore, we did not examine this relationship in N159W. We adopt the non-thermal velocity dispersion ( NT) of para-H 2CO (3 03-202) in good approximation as proxy for the turbulence, and the ki- netic temperature derived from the para-H 2CO line ratio as the gas kinetic temperature. We select positions with strong non- thermal motions ( M&3.5) located near the dense clumps (see Figs. 3 and 4). The relation between kinetic temperature and non-thermal velocity dispersion is shown in Fig. 7. It indicates that the non-thermal velocity dispersion of para-H 2CO is posi- tively correlated with the gas kinetic temperatures, by a power- law of the form a correlation coe - cients Rof 0.78, which agrees with results from Galactic mas- sive star-forming regions ( gas kinetic temper- ature measured with para-H 2CO 3-2 and 4-3 line ratios; Tang et al. 2018a,b). The intercept and absolute values of the Tkin-
NT(H2CO) relation in N113 are also consistent with previous results from Galactic massive star-forming regions on scales of
0.1-1.8 pc (Tang et al. 2018a,b). These imply that the traced by para-H 2CO is related to higher turbulence on a scale of0.4 pc. To our knowledge, this is the first evi- dence for dense gas heated in a star-forming region of the LMC by turbulence. Our Tkin-NT(H2CO) relation agrees with previ- ous observational results ( gas kinetic tempera- ture measured with NH 3and H 2CO) in molecular clouds of the Galactic center (Gusten et al. 1985; Mauersberger et al. 1987; Immer et al. 2016), only in terms of slope, not of intercept and absolute value. We derive the gas kinetic temperature, Tturb, assuming tur- bulent heating is the dominant heating process of the molecular gas in N113 and N159W, following the method applied by Tang et al. (2018a) in their Eq. (2) Fig. 7. Non-thermal velocity dispersion ( NT) vs. gas kinetic tempera- ture derived from the para-H 2CO line ratio for locations (pixels) with the Mach number M&3.5 in N113. The blue line is the result from an unweighed linear fit, log a correlation coe cient, R, of 0.78. The gas density nis in units of cm 3, the velocity gradient d v/dr is in units of km s 1pc 1, the one-dimensional non-thermal ve- locity dispersion NTis in units of km s 1, and the cloud size L is in units of pc, and the temperatures TturbandTdustare in K. We assume a cloud size of 1 pc (see Fig. 1), a typical of 1 km s 1pc 1, a measured para-H 2CO (3 03-202) non- thermal velocity dispersion (see Table 2, column 5), and an av- eraged gas spatial density et al. 2017b). Previous observations have shown that the gas kinetic tempera- tures derived from para-H 2CO (3-2) line ratios and the dust tem- peratures obtained from Herschel data are in good agreement in the dense star-forming regions of the LMC (Tang et al. 2017b), so here we adopt the gas temperatures obtained from our H 2CO line ratios as the dust temperatures. The derived gas kinetic tem- peratures Tturbare listed in Table 2. It seems that the derived Tturb values are reasonably well consistent with the gas kinetic tem- peratures Tkin(H2CO) obtained from our H 2CO line ratios. This indicates that turbulent heating contributes to the gas tempera- ture on a scale of0.4 pc. As discussed in Sect. 4.2, gas in these dense clumps is also a ected by internal star formation activ- ity and /or nearby YSOs. Therefore, turbulent heating may play an important role in heating the dense gas in the of N113 and of the transitions of the para-H 2CO (3-2) lines with the APEX 12 m telescope in the Galactic star-forming re- gion OMC-1 (1.11.7 pc2) on a scale of0.06 pc suggest com- plex gas heating which is most likely due to a number of di er- ent processes, e.g. star formation activity, radiation, and turbu- lence (Tang et al. 2018a). Further observations of para-H 2CO (3- 2 and 4-3) toward dense clumps representing various evolu- tionary stages of high-mass star formation in the Galactic plane on scales of0.1-1.8 pc indicate similar gas heating processes for the dense gas (Tang et al. 2018b). Our observations reveal also similar gas heating mechanisms in a relatively large area of N113 (2.46.1 pc2) and N159W (3.65.1 pc2) on a scale of0.4 pc in the LMC. These imply that the gas heating for the dense gas of star-forming regions in low metallicity environ- ments with strong UV radiation in the LMC may be number, page 11 of 14A&A proofs: manuscript no. ALMA-LMC-Tk by internal star formation activity, radiation, and /or turbulence. The physical and chemical processes of dense gas on a scale of0.4 pc in star-forming regions of the LMC might be di er- ent from those in low density regions ( n(H2)<105cm 3), so the very dense gas clouds should not be simply modeled as PDRs in low metallicity environments. 5. Summary We have mapped the kinetic temperature structures of two star formation regions, N113 and N159W, in the LMC in the para- H 322-221, and 3 21-220lines using ALMA Band 6. The main results are the following: 1. There is no significant correlation between the spatial dis- tributions of the dense gas traced by para-H 2CO and H
emission in N113 and N159W. However, the integrated in- tensity distributions of para-H 2CO are similar to those of the 1.3 mm dust emission in N113 and N159W, indicating that the H 2CO emission associates well with dense gas traced by the emission of the cold dust. There is also some agreement with the Spitzer 8.0m emission in N113 and N159W, which suggests that dense gas traced by para-H 2CO associates with massive star-forming regions. 2. Using the RADEX non-LTE program, we derive the gas kinetic temperature by modeling the measured para-H 2CO line ratios. The gas derived from para-H 2CO line ratios are warm at a spatial density of 105cm 3, ranging from 28 to 105 K in N113 and 29 to 68 K in N159W. The aforementioned up- per bounds to the kinetic temperature, arising from the cores, may be a ected by moderate line saturation and thus may be slightly The high kinetic temperatures ( Tkin&50 K) of the dense gas traced by para-H 2CO appear to be correlated with the in- ternal embedded infrared sources and /or YSOs in the N113 and N159W regions. The lower temperatures ( Tkin<50 K) are located at the outskirts of the H 2CO distributions of both N113 and N159W. The gas kinetic temperatures show ap- parent gradients in some dense H 2CO clumps of N113 and N159W. 4. The kinetic temperatures of the dense gas traced by para- H2CO appear to be only weakly a ected by the external The non-thermal velocity dispersions of para-H 2CO are cor- related with the gas kinetic temperatures in N113, implying that higher temperatures traced by para-H 2CO are related to turbulence on a0.4 pc scale. 6. In the LMC, the gas heating for the dense gas may be dom- inated by internal star formation activity, radiation, and /or turbulence in star-forming regions with low metallicity en- vironments, which is consistent with our Galactic regions located in the Galactic The authors thank the anonymous referee for helpful com- ments. This work acknowledges support by the Heaven Lake of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 11903070, 11433008, and 11973076, the TianShan Youth Plan under Grant 2018Q084, the CAS Light of West China Program under Grant Nos. and and the Collaborative Research Council 956, subproject A6, funded by the Deutsche (DFG). C. H. acknowledges support by Chinese Academy of Sciences President's International Fellowship Initiative un- der Grant No. 2021VMA0009. 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Li, M.-Y. Lee, J. G. Mangum, Y. P. Ao, S. M\"uhle, S. Aalto, S.
Garc\'ia-Burillo, S. Mart\'in, S. Viti, S. Muller, F. Costagliola, H. Asiri,
S. A. Levshakov, M. Spaans, J. Ott, C. M. V. Impellizzeri, Y. Fukui, Y. X.
He, J. Esimbek, J. J. Zhou, X. W. Zheng, X. Zhao, and J. S. Li | Kinetic temperature of massive star-forming molecular clumps measured with formaldehyde IV. The ALMA view of N113 and N159W in the LMC | Accepted for publication in A&A | A&A 655, A12 (2021) | 10.1051/0004-6361/202141804 | null | astro-ph.GA astro-ph.SR | http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ | We mapped the kinetic temperature structure of two massive N113 and N159W, in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We have of the K_ and transitions near 218.5,GHz to constrain RADEX non-LTE models of the physical conditions. The gas derived from the para-H$_2$CO line and /3$_{03}$--2$_{02}$
range from 28 to 105,K in N113 and 29 to 68,K in N159W. Distributions of the dense gas traced by para-H$_2$CO agree with those of the 1.3,mm dust emission, but do not significantly correlate with the H$lpha$ emission. The high kinetic temperatures of the dense gas traced by para-H$_2$CO appear to be correlated with the embedded infrared sources inside the clouds and/or YSOs in the N113 and N159W regions. The lower temperatures ($T_{
m measured at the outskirts of the H$_2$CO-bearing distributions of both N113 and N159W. It seems that the kinetic temperatures of the dense gas traced by para-H$_2$CO are weakly affected by the external sources of the The non-thermal velocity dispersions of para-H$_2$CO are well correlated with the gas kinetic temperatures in the N113 region, implying that the higher kinetic temperature traced by para-H$_2$CO is related to turbulence on a $sim$0.4,pc scale. The dense gas heating appears to be dominated by internal star formation activity, radiation, and/or turbulence. It seems that the mechanism heating the dense gas of the star-forming regions in the LMC is consistent with that in Galactic massive star-forming regions located in the Galactic plane.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 04:34:30 GMT"
] | 2021-11-03T00:00:00 | [
"X. D.",
"K. M.",
"C. -H. R.",
"D. L.",
"M. -Y.",
"J. G.",
"Y. P.",
"S. A.",
"C. M. V.",
"Y. X.",
"J. J.",
"X. W.",
"J. S.",
] |
1.1 Structure for large sum-free sets Given the extremal result, great eorts has been made to better understand the of large sum-free sets in [ n]. The rst result on this topic was due to Freiman [Fre92] who showed that if the size of a sum-free set in [ n] is large enough, then it will either consist of all odd numbers as in S1above or it will be close to the second half of the interval asS2. We remark that more structural results are known for large sum-free sets in the 1- dimensional integer lattice (see [DFST99] and a recent progress [Tra18]). Such are not only interesting on their own; they have been utilized e.g. in recent work on enumerating maximal sum-free sets (see [BLST18]). The problem of sum-free sets has been generalized to higher dimensional lattice we dene ([n]d) := sum-freeg. In particular, for d= 2, the problem of nding the largest sum-free subset of [ rstly presented by Cameron as an unsolved problem in 1.1. [Cam05] There exists a constant c2Rsuch that([n]2) later [Cam02] suggested that Conjecture 1.1 is true with c= 0:6 and gave a lower bound has maximum density 0 :6 whenu=b4n+7 5c. Recently, Elsholtz and Rackham 1.1 in [ER17], proving that indeed
([n]2) = 0:6 +O(1=n): In the same paper, Elsholtz and Rackham [ER17] raised the problem of classifying the sum- free sets whose size are close to the extremal value. In this paper, we resolve this problem by showing that any sum-free subset S[n]2of size at least (3 5 o(1))n2will have all its points in the region 1.2. For all
>0there exists >0andn02Nsuch that the following holds for alln>n 0. IfS[n]2is sum-free gives a satisfying answer to the 2-dimension sum-free problem. The situation is, however, unclear for higher dimension. In particular, even the maximum density of a sum- free set in the 3-dimension grid [ n]3is unknown. 1.2 (p; q)-sum-free sets Given positive integers d;nand rational numbers p;q, a setS[n]dis called it has no solution for the equation px+qy=z. As a generalization of sum-free sets sets), the notion of ( p;q)-sum-free sets encapsulates many fundamental topics in combinatorial number theory. In particular, for d= 1, a set is precisely a set without 3-term arithmetic progression, which has received considerable attention in recent decades. Therefore, it is a natural question to determine the size of the largest ( in [n]d. Here one can similarly := Roth's theorem [Rot53], [1=2;1=2]([n]) =o(1). See [Blo16] for the best known upper bound for the size of a (1 =2;1=2)-sum-free set. In [Ruz93, Ruz95], instead of the form x+y=z, Ruzsa instigated the study of more general linear equations a1x1++akxk=b. In particular, for more general cases when p;qare positive integers and p2, Hancock and Treglown determined the value [p;q]([n]). For higher dimensional lattices, Choi, Kim and Park [CKP20] initiated the investigation of the form x1+x2++xk=b, wherebis a prescribed point in [ n]2. For 2-dimension ( p;q)-sum-free problem, we make the rst attempt to determine [p;p]([n]2) for any integer p. Theorem 1.3. a (p;p)-sum-free set. 1
n2+O(n): We observe that the upper bound in Theorem 1.3 is optimal up to the error term O(n), given by the following construction. For any positive integers p;qand positive real a, +y<(p+q)ag. One can easily check that Sis (p;q)-sum-free corresponding to the 1n<x 1n
: We conjecture that for all integers pandq, the above construction provides the set. Conjecture 1.4. Letp;qandnbe positive integers and S[n]2be a (p;q)-sum-free The rest of the paper will be organized as follows. Section 2 includes some notation and tools needed. Section 3 is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.2. The proof of Theorem 1.3 is given in Section 4. 2 a convex polygon PinR2 [0;n], denote by ( P) the number of lattice points and bykPkthe area of Pwith respect to the Lebesgue measure. The translate of Pby a vector a2R2 [0;n]is denoted as P+a:=fa+ (x;y)j(x;y)2Pg. Throughout the proof, we always use the following result which is a corollary of Lemma 3.1 in [ER17]. Lemma 2.1. IfPis a convex polygon in R2 [0;n]with nitely many sides, then (P) =kPk+
O(n). This lemma implies that any convex polygon P, described above, satises that ( P) =
kPk+O(n), which allows us to focus on the area kPkinstead of ( P). For two points p1;p22R2 [0;n], denote by m(p1;p2) the gradient and by c(p2;p2) they- intercept of the line in R2passing through 2.2 (Upper boundary) .Given a set AR2 [0;n], the upper boundary ofAis a set of points in A, denoted by @A, such that for each p12@Athere exists a point p22Anfp1g with the following ThenjATj= 0. Any two such points p1;p2are said to be adjoint , and the line passing through two points that are adjoint is called an upper boundary line . The second condition above states that there is no point of Astrictly above any upper boundary line. The following lemma shows that if the upper boundary of a set Ais empty, then Ahas a
`top right corner'. Lemma 2.3 (Lemma 5.1 in [ER17]) that@A=;. Then there is a point (a;b)2Asuch thataxandbyfor all (x;y)2A: We also need the concept of pairing sets, which will be frequently used throughout 2.4. Given a point ( a setPR2 [0;n], we callPapairing set for(a1;a2) if for any x2P, we have (a1;a2) x2P. The following lemma guarantees that for any point in a sum-free set S, every pairing set for that point cannot intersect too much with S. Lemma 2.5 (Lemma 3.4 in [ER17]) .LetSbe a sum-free set in [n]2. Then for any a2S and a pairing set Pfora, we following lemma bounds the intersection of a set and its translate with a 2.6. Given two sets S;T[n]2, ifSis sum-free, then for any a2S, it holds For each element t2Tthere is a corresponding element at2aT. Sincea2S, one can observe from sum-freeness that at most one of tandatbelongs toS. 3 Proof of Theorem 1.2 We carry out the proof in a few steps. First, using Lagrange multiplier, we show that any almost maximum-size sum-free set Sin [n]2has an upper boundary line that is close to see Lemma 3.3. Then we show that there is a point ( x;y) inSclose to (4n 5;4n 5), see Lemma 3.4. Finally, using this point ( x;y), we show in Section 3.3 that Shas no point below the line y+x=4n 5 o(n), which, together with the upper boundary line implies that Smust be close to the extremal the proofs, when we write
, we always mean that ;
are constants in (0;1), and there exists 0=0(
) such that the subsequent arguments hold for all 0 of other lengths are dened 3.1. A sum-free set of Type 1 if there exists a point p1= all (x;y)2@S, and a point p2= (x2;y2) adjoint top1satisfying the following conditions, where we simply write m=m(p1;p2) and cnm. In addition, Sis of Type 2 if there exist two adjoint points p1= (x1;y1) andp2= (x2;y2) in
@Ssatisfying the following and c<nm . For either type of the sum-free sets, we call the upper boundary lines passing through p1 andp2typical . as above. Then Ais a triangle in both cases. For the Type 1 set S, we claim that the upper boundary line fact, since we have that . IfSis of Type 2, then it is straightforward to check that the following two sets are nonempty (see Figure 1:Sis of Type 2 The two types we dened above correspond to the only two cases in [ER17] that attain the maximum density3 5. We will use the following bounds for these two types of 3.2 ([ER17]) .Given a sum-free set S[n]2, ifjSj>0:56n2, then either (1)Sis of Type 1 andjSj(n+ or (2)Sis of Type 2 andjSj(n+ Fixing an upper boundary line Given constants andC, we call a line L -close to the line x+y=Cif the portion of L intersecting R2 [0;n]lies entirely within the set call two points p1= (x1;y1) andp2= (x2;y2)-close to each other 3.3. Given>0, there exist >0andn02Nsuch that the following holds for all n > n 0. IfS[n]2is sum-free then there is a typical upper boundary line forSwhich is-close Given>0, suciently large with respect to . LetS[n]2be a sum-free set with for contradiction that any upper boundary line y=mx+cforSis That is, either the y- or thex-intercept is far from where it should orjc=m+ 8n=5j>n: In both cases we shall obtain a contradiction by showing that the typical upper boundary line y=mx+cpassing through p1andp2given in Denition 3.1, we will nish the case when the y-intercept is too far, that is, jc 8n=5j>n , whose proof will be divided into two cases depending on the type of S. The case when the x-intercept is too far (that is, jc=m+ 8n=5j>n ) is similar and we omit the details. Suppose rst that Sis of Type 1, then by Lemma 3.2(1), we have jSj(n+ ): To simplify the presentation, we introduce a new variable dene f:= maxff(x;m;c )jc 8n=5 ) g, By solving@L
@x= 0,@L
@m= 0,@L
@c= 0 and
@= 0, we obtain m= q 1 + and thus the maximum + p 1 + 2+ values over ( 1; )[(;+1), we get f
8=5 + p 1 + 2+ the second case when Sis of Type 2, by Lemma 3.2(2), we have: jSj(n+ Lagrange multiplier again, we arrive at the same bound
8=5 + p 1 + 2+ desired. 63.2 Top right corner Lemma 3.4. For any > 0, there exist > 0andn02Nsuch that for all n > n 0, if S[n]2is sum-free then there is a point (x;y)2Swhich is-close to the point We rst handle Type 1 sum-free sets. Given > 0, we have constants from Lemma 3.3 with ==6. LetS[n]2be a sum-free set of Type Then Lemma 3.3 gives a typical upper boundary line y=mx+cthat is -close tox+y=8n 5and letp1= (x1;y1),p2= (x2;y2) be the two points involved. ,jx1+y1 8n 5j<n . Consequently, by triangle inequality we have jm+ the last inequality follows since x1>n= 2. Recall that m y1 x1 1. Then we these facts we can write m= y1 x1
1andc= (8 5+
2)nfor constants Using the equation y1=mx1+c, we obtain that triangle inequality, we since y1 x1m > 1 4andx1y1, we can easily obtain that So (x1;y1) is-close to the point (4n 5;4n 5) as desired. Let us turn to Type 2 sum-free sets. Now, given >0, choose positive constants ;with
. LetSbe a sum-free set of Type 2 with jSj>(3 5 )n2. Then applying Lemma 3.3 withp 2playing the role of gives a typical upper boundary line (x1;y1) andp2= (x2;y2) (see Figure 2), which isp 2-close tox+y=8n 5. This implies that the line tox+y=4n 5. We may assume for no points in the y the regions as yy2
: Note xx1; yy2
: We now proceed by considering the areas which may be excluded from S. Firstly, we show thatShas two points in T1that are far apart. Claim 3.5. There are two points in T1Swhich are at least nfar apart. 7Figure 2:Sis of Type 2: the two purple stripes are the top right) of claim. If this is not true, then there are less than ofSin T1, given by the number of points in a square around a circle of diameter ninT1. 22n2, we then use the pairing set P1for (x1;y1) and is easy to see this is maximized when y1is minimal and we reach a contradiction by the fact that .
By Claim 3.5, we let sandtbe two points in T1with distance greater than n, and 3.6. of claim. Suppose to the contrary that either ( by symmetry we may assume the rst inequality holds. Considering the pairing set P2 for (x2;y2) andT2paired with Ts 2, we can obtain from Lemmas 2.5 and 2.6 once again gives a contradiction as .
8In the rest of the proof, we shall nd a partition T2=T2;1[T2;2into two regions such that their corresponding translates distantly which provides a signicant portion of points in that are to be excluded from S. Writes= (xs;ys) andt= (xt;yt). By Claim 3.6, we can nd that the two points belong to the region We may assume xs+ysxt+yt and It is easy to see in Figure 3 that dis the dierence between the corresponding y-intercepts of the red diagonal and the blue diagonal. By the symmetry of all the shapes involved, we can further assume that +t (0;y2) +s Figure 3: The red triangle represents Tt 2, the blue one represents Ts 2and the black 3.7. of claim. It is easy to see the region TTt 2is a triangle similar to T. Note that the area ofTnTt 2is at Claim 3.6, we have which yields the bound on das desired.
Dene points X1= (xs;ys+y2); X 2= (xt;yt+y2) andX3= line segments which are parallel to PX3(see Figure 4). Construct a line passing through (0 ;y2) which is also parallel to the line segments PX3, whereP= a line separates T2into two parts, and we denote by T2;2the part above the line and T2;1for the rest. Claim 3.8. There exists a triangle T;1Tsimilar toTsuch thatT;1does not intersect with either of the regions of claim. Leth:=yt ys. Sincesandtare of distance at least nfar apart, that is, (xs xt)2+ (ys yt)2= (h+d)2+h22n2, together with Claim 3.7, we obtain that where the latter contradicts with the assumption that xs xt=h+d0. Thus,hn 2and the segment P1P2has length at leastp 2 2n. LetT;1be the rectangle triangle P1P2Qwith diagonal line P1P2. ThenT;1has area at least2n2 8and does not intersect either of the regions T2;1+sorT2;2+t.
9Figure 4: The triangle UVW representsT, in whichP= (4n 5;4n 5) is the median point for the line segment UW. As aforementioned, now we are ready to nish the proof. Applying Lemma 2.6 to T2;1;T2;2 and their translates T2;1+s,T2;2+t, we obtain right-hand side above is maximized when y2is minimal and nal Putting things together We are now ready to prove our main result, knowing that any almost maximum sum-free set contains an upper boundary line o(1)-close to y+x=8n 5and a point o(1)-close to of Theorem 1.2. Given
> 0, choose
. LetS[n]2be a sum-free set of size at least (3 =5 )n2. Then by Lemma 3.3, Shas a typical upper boundary line y=mx+cwhich is-close toy+x=8n 5. Now it suces to show that Shas no point below the the red line in Figure 5). Note that Lemma 3.4 ensures the existence of a point ( x1;y1) inSthat is-close to (4n 5;4n 5). Suppose to the contrary that p0= (x0;y0)2Sis such a point below the and without loss of generality we may assume that the pairing set (x1;y1), there are (1) points which may be included in S; and all these points are below the line y y +x<8n 5 n
; it follows from the assumption jSj(3=5 )n2and (1) ): (2) Note that we can choose ;; small enough such that (;; ) =o(
2). In the remaining proof, we shall nd in D1[D2(or its translate) a relatively large subset of lattice points which are to be excluded from S, yielding a 5: The case when x0<n 5
2n: The two grey regions R:= (D2+p0)D2and a pairing, which excludes from the sum-free set Sthe amount of points which t in one of the regions. First assume that p0is such that x0<n 5
2n:Then the region set of lattice points, denoted by R. applying Lemma 2.6 and is easy to observe that jR[(R p0)j jRjis minimized when p0is close to the an area of size at (See Figure 5). )n2, a contradiction to (2). Now it remains to consider the case when consider the overlap of (D1[D2) p0with and denote byOthe set of lattice points in the overlap (see Figure 6). Let D:= it is easy to verify that OD. Note that by Lemma 2.6 with has 6: All possible shapes of O: the green lines frame the region ( D1[D2) p0, whilst the purple lines frame ( The trivial cases where the overlap is cut o by thex- andy-axes are not shown. Then, using (2), we )n2: Moreover, by denition we know that ( x1;y1) OO , that is,O(and alsoPnO) is a pairing set for ( x1;y1). It follows from Lemma 2.5 it suces to show that jOj= (
2)n2, and in the remaining proof we shall verify this by considering all possible shapes of O. Figure 7: each numbered region will produce a unique shape of the overlap. Since (x1;y1) is-close to (4n 5;4n 5) and
, we may further assume that ( x1;y1) =
(4n 5;4n 5) in order not to cluster the presentation. We list in Figure 6 all possible shapes of the overlapO, which originate from the location of the point ( x0;y0) (see Figure 7). In particular, the area of the overlap in each of these cases is given as follows: (1) (n 2y0 n n)2+ (n 2y0 n n)2, 2 1 5n n2, is obvious that for the regions 5 ;7 and 9;the area of the overlap has size (
2)n2. The only regions which interest us are the ones bordering the line y+x=4n 5
n. Moreover, the regions in question are 1 ;2;3;4;6 and 8:Among them, the minimum overlap is achieved in region 1 by letting ( x0;y0) = which yields a value of jOj This completes the proof of Theorem 1.2. 4 Proof of Theorem 1.3 In this section we investigate the maximum size of a ( p;p)-sum-free set S. To simplify we write p-sum-free for ( p;p)-sum-free. Our proof builds on the in the work of Elsholtz and Rackham [ER17]. We need a variant notion of pairing set as 4.1. For any ap-pairing set for ( a1;a2) if, for any (x1;x2)2P, we have to Lemmas 2.5 and 2.6, the following lemma guarantees that for any point a2S and itsp-pairing set P, at least half of the points in Pare excluded from S. Similar statement also holds when we consider a set and its translate dilated by p. We omit the proof. Lemma 4.2. LetS[n]2be ap-sum-free set. (1)IfPis ap-pairing set for some a2S, then we of Theorem 1.3. LetS[n]2be ap-sum-free set. Our goal is to show that forp2. We may neglect any boundary eects as they give error termsO(n) for the size of S, which will be omitted so as to ease the presentation. We consider cases depending on the placement of upper boundary lines. Case 1:j@Sj1. As vertices in the upper boundary come in (adjoint) pairs, we see that in this case@S=;, and thus Lemma 2.3 ensures the existence a point p1= all ThenP is ap-pairing set for p1and thus by Lemma 4.2, we have that jSj(n+ 1
n2: Case 2:j@Sj2 and for every two points p1= (x1;y1);p2= (x2;y2) that are adjoint in we have either this case, we choose p1= (x1;y1)2@Ssuch thatx1y1xyholds for every ( By symmetry, we may further assume that y1x1. If there does not exist p2= top1withx2> x1andy2< y1, then by Lemma 4.2 and that y1x1, we we may assume that there exists p2= LetL:y=mx+cbe the line passing through p1;p2and +cg: We claim that m< |