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Project Codename: Olympia
Project#: PRJOLM-000134
Clearance and File#: NPF-00051473
Head Researcher: Professor K.P. Crow
Experiment Aims:
To test the properties, capabilities and limitations of the subject.
Subject is the product of Olympia Integration Experiment BETA, and is the ultimate product of the Olympia Project.
Pre-Experiment note:
Subject will be run through a variety of exercises, and be subject to several unusual circumstances.
Post-Experiment Note:
From this series of experiments and examinations, several exceptional factors about the subject have been determined.
Physical Attributes
Subject is capable of acts of great strength, lifting up to seven hundred and fifty pounds (750).
Subject is capable of reacting to events at a level that borders on precognition. Tissue samples have revealed that subjects' nervous tissues are built of several unknown compounds.
Subject is capable of completely digesting most organic matter with little to no harm to herself.
Subject can apparently see most other spectrum of light at will, though only through her left eye.
The skin of the subject has displayed several photosynthetic qualities. Prolonged contact with direct sunlight, or even ultraviolet light, has made the subject noticeably more energetic.
Subject is nearly invulnerable to basic physical damage, including conventional gunfire, although due to the weaker composition of the skull and musculature structure of the head, a .45, .50 or larger conventional caliber round is capable of stunning the subject, even causing minor skull fractures.
Subject has displayed almost one hundred (100) percent accuracy in most tests regarding hand to eye coordination, although displays more ability with her left hand.
Rather than break or crack, subject's bones bend or warp when subjected to high pressures.
All of subject's circulatory, filtration, breathing and digestive processes are highly more effective than should be physically possible. This should be due to composition, but apparently is mostly due to pre-integration operations on the composite material subjects, under the supervision of SCP-542.
Subject has the ability to heal wounds very quickly, with minor wounds taking hours, and more serious taking a few days, although this leads to a massive temporary spike in metabolism. Based on current data, it is theorized that the subject could even survive partial dismemberment, or normally fatal brain damage.
The immune system of the subject is highly advanced, repelling most fatal diseases, infections and poisons, although the deadlier items do cause headaches, nausea and vomiting for a short period of time while they are forced from the body.
Mental Attributes:
Subject displays multitasking, complex computations, memorization and logical problem solving skills on a level equal and beyond high-end scientific computers.
Subject retains all abilities present in Subject Zero pre-integration, including limited telepathy and multidimensional viewing.
Subject is largely unaffected by mental agents, such as memetic kill agents, telepathic and subliminal suggestion, and most forms of brainwashing, among other things.
Noted Weaknesses:
Subjects' left eye is the most vulnerable part of her body. It is composed of a much weaker material than the rest of her body, and obviously, leads directly to the brain. This area, if exploited properly, can lead to an instant kill on the subject with conventional means.
Owing to the composition of the subject's brain, she displays a large weakness to Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). While low energy blasts are often blocked by the shielding offered by the unique construction of her head and skull, high yields of energy will cause intense migraines or unconsciousness. It is theorized that exceptionally high yields, such as those from modern nuclear explosives, would be enough to render the subject to a vegetative state, if not kill her outright.
Subject has a very high metabolism, possessing little to no fat storage abilities. Estimated time needed for death of starvation is roughly three weeks, although this could be significantly lengthened if the subject had access to direct sunlight, or significantly shortened if the subject had been wounded first.
Subject's lungs were largely unmodified, leaving the subject vulnerable to airborne agents, although owing to the subject's unique physiology, the agents in question must be more highly concentrated to take quick effect.
Interestingly enough, subject is still vulnerable to SCP-061. |
Project Codename: Olympia
Project#: PRJOLM-000134
Clearance and File#: NPF-00051473
Head Researcher: Professor K.P. Crow
Experiment Aims:
To integrate the physical body of the subject with the mental body using SCP-158.
Materials Used:
The product of Olympia Integration Experiment ALPHA.
The product of Experiment Log 158 AG.
Pre-Operation Note:
Special precautions have been taken, should the subject behave differently than originally anticipated. Several strike teams are on call, and the entire test chamber is to be flooded with nerve gas should the subject appear hostile.
Integration Log:
25/12/2008 1600hrs - Integration begins.
25/12/2008 1602hrs - Integration stalled.
25/12/2008 1604hrs - Integration restarted.
25/12/2008 1605hrs - Integration stalled.
25/12/2008 1609hrs - Integration restarted.
25/12/2008 1611hrs - Integration stalled.
25/12/2008 1615hrs - Integration restarted.
25/12/2008 1621hrs - Integration reaches midpoint of operation, although is performing slowly.
25/12/2008 1624hrs - Integration slows far past normal rate of integration.
25/12/2008 1645hrs - Integration enters final stage.
25/12/2008 1652hrs - Integration stalls momentarily.
25/12/2008 1653hrs - Integration device emits grinding noise.
25/12/2008 1657hrs - Integration continues at slow rate.
25/12/2008 1706hrs - Integration complete.
Post-Operation Note:
The difficulty regarding the integration could have been down to either the transcendental properties of the mental body, the high content of SCP-148 within the subjects bone and cell structure, or even a combination of the two. |
To Dr. Kain
As you know, the holiday season is fast arriving. As such, it is the time for joy, happyiness, good will towards all men, that sort of thing. And the reason I'm writing this: gifts. I've noticed from the papers I've gotten recently that you have a lot of paperwork you have to go through after that accident. So, I took the liberty to break into your office while you were busy with the Olympia Project and went through and dealt with 55% of your paperwork. Don't worry about it though, you don't need to feel pressured to get me a gift also. Though I could deal with a good look at 244 sometime.
Your fellow researcher,
Dr. Iceberg
PS- When you go over your personnal finances, you may notice a slight discrepancy in the form of 550 missing dollars. Don't worry about it. Merry Christmas!
I found this note on my desk after coming back to my office this evening. I'm not sure whether to feel outraged that he broke in, rifled through my things, and then took five hundred and fifty dollars from my private bank account, or overjoyed that someone did half of my paperwork for such a small amount of cash. I've had professionals ask for three grand for half this amount. So, in the end, I think I'll respond to this the way I do to all social incidents I'm unsure about. I'm going to ignore it, and forget it ever happened.
Unless he does it again.
The experiments with Emma got off to a rough start today. We got a little progress done, but mostly we're just breaking the ice. This ability of hers has gotten her ostracized and treated like she's some kind of freak, monster or deity throughout her entire short life. Created one hell of a roadblock in her head. She really just lets go when she uses her power, letting them control her when she does it. We need to get to the point where she controls them. But that might take some more time, and I am prone to rushing things at times. This one, however, we'll definitely have to take slowly, as I'd rather not have any mistakes to either the staff, myself, or her.
The R&D department have finally gotten a look at the bio-tech, it having finally been released from quarantine. They had countless scans with countless numbers of equipment, at least twenty nine different "certified" experts, and three SCP examine the whole lot of it from top to bottom, several times. Didn't find anything too malicious beyond the norm, and nothing that would spell doom for the staff, so they finally said "uncle" and let it go. Not that I'm complaining. I've seen how dangerous those things are, and I'm thankful that they performed as fast as they did, but still⦠The little researcher in my head laments the loss of time. I'll have to take over part of the project, and work with the guys if I want to lay some part of a claim on it, and reinstate the excavation. It would be near a crime to let something like that go to waste.
Subject Zero is still waiting for it (her) body to be finished, and it's getting a little difficult to dissuade it (her). In the end, I had to tell her it'll probably wind up being a Christmas present to her. It's sometimes rather hard to give a vague answer to an entity that can read your thoughts, and can tell when you're lying.
As for the Christmas party itself, I've gotten some more planned, but no actual preparations yet. Still at the drawing board stage, so to speak, although I better get a move on soon. things like this tend to creep up on you rather quickly.
Emma is still struggling with her powers. I can understand why this would happen, the girl really has been over some serious emotional roadblocks, but the problem is that we need to either break the block or fix her before it becomes a problem. And I'd much rather not have her become the problem. Because when that happens, the higher ups tend to snuff out the problem.
I'm rethinking some of the things I was going to do on the Olympia Project. Instead of using Emma to alter individual parts of various D-Class, I'm simply going to have her very barely alter and fine tune the host body itself. After all, I've seen some of the things she produces. I'm not sure if the dissembler even has cubbyholes for those kind of things. And if it comes down to that, I'd rather not have to resort to invasive surgery. I've never had a fondness for that. It's always so messy and I dislike getting blood on the walker. Of course, that brings us back to problem oneβ¦
I'm going to have to go down to the area of the excavation incident tomorrow, to examine the residual tech, bio-matter and to examine the work done. This will be the first time that I'll have ventured down to the site since before I got the walker. I dislike going there. It always gives me a headache, and a weird paranoid feeling, and I know from personal experience that you listen to those feelings.
I've actually gotten some of the Christmas preparations done! Well, mainly its the importing of a tree and some decorations, and through the usual black market routes. Now, the problem is where am I going to set it up, and what am I going to get for who?
Subject Zero had an⦠episode today, and oddly enough, I think so did I. It (she) had followed me to the excavation area, and once we reached roughly around fifty feet of the main body, right where I get that weird feeling and begin feeling the twinges of a headache coming on, it (she) got incredibly afraid, saying something about "it" and how it was watching her, before firmly and fully taking residence inside my head. It wasn't quite a possession mind you, but more of it (her) hiding inside of me. Needless to say, all that information and excess soul/ectoplasm/personality began to give me a splitting headache, not to mention Zero constantly whispering to me about that "thing". But the worst part of it was, was that I could see what it (she) saw, and hear what it (she) heard.
My memory gets a bit jumbled at that point, but personnel that were there say that they saw me screaming at the top of my lungs, taking the walker at near full speed out of that entire section of the building, often at the expense of walls. All I have to say about the experience is that I need a rather large glass of scotch. Or a bottle. And that all other personnel working in the area are to wear telekill helmets.
Zero still won't say anything about it, remaining tight lipped about the entire thing. It (she) also says that it (she) won't accompany me down there ever again without a host, but the only thing it (she) would say about that is that "it tried to grab me". What "it" was remains a mystery, as well as how it could "grab" it (her).
Still, the things I saw, that I heard⦠They fill me with a dread I did not think possible, but then again, they also stir up that researcher part of me, that part that fights the unknown with knowledge, the part most reminiscent of my childhood, fighting imaginary monsters with imaginary swords, secure in the knowledge that they weren't real. Because knowledge is power they say. But then again, they say that ignorance is bliss⦠And when I think back to those images⦠I can't help but think of the opening paragraph of H.P. Lovecraft's Call of Cthulhu.
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of disassociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
And I can't help but think he might be right.
We finally got back Emma's results for her psych test. the results are a little distressing, at least to me. I have to wonder, why someone would take a child as wonderful as her, and hurt her in such a way that the only way to deal with the pain is to try and permanently seal away part of herself? But then again, that sentiment goes the world over, for all abused and mistreated children.
I guess I'm just an overly sentimental fool, disregarding security procedures for the sake of a child. And I can almost hear Clef laughing at me. Bastard. I hate it when he's right about things like this. Still, if it ever came down to it, I'd protect her over him, but then again, I've seen him survive things that should have killed a normal person in instants.
I've decided to implement the integration stage of the Olympia Project, and "fine tune" the host body when Emma is capable of doing so. Which looks like it might not be for a long time. Still, Zero seems to be happy about this, forgetting all about the terror of yesterday, and says that it (she) even has a name all planned out for the occasion. I've asked it (her), but it (she) says that it's a surprise for the day. I've tried explaining that it might take a few days for its (her) body to fully adapt to all its extraordinary physiology, but it (she) is having none of it. I guess I'll have to wait for it.
And regarding yesterday, I'm going to have the main excavation area investigated by the strange round trinket from the experiments with the clockworks, the one that allows sight into other plains of existence. I'm also going to have on several psychologists as well, just in case. But judging from what Zero said and did yesterday, I don't think it has any extra effects on those who have corporeal forms, although there might be other things regarding the mental health of those in close quarters to the thing.
Also, tests following examination of the bio-matter have come back. Apparently the bio-matter contains traces of mutated human cells, but primarily, its just excrement, like silk or webbing in the animal kingdom. Not only that, but it also all came from a single human donor. I'll have to have the bodies of the infected examined, as well as the surveillance tapes reviewed as well, for any other clues that we may have missed. This "thing" residing in the center may have something to do with thisβ¦
I've sent through the clearance and paperwork required to initiate the next phase of the Olympia Project. The integration of the composite materials. Zero is rather excited about the prospect. Her joy is washing into my own consciousness, making me feel almost giddy, despite the certain moral dilemmas I'm facing now. It's rather disconcerting.
I'll be looking at the bodies of the infected tomorrow. I would have done it today, but I was finishing off the last of the paperwork from the incident, as well as that of the clearance papers for the other things I'm planning took longer than I expected. But it's not as if I mind. I never did like looking at the dead mutated bodies of former colleagues. Only in this line of work would I ever be forced to say that on a monthly basis.
I'm not sure what to do about Emma. Although she doesn't say it, she still thinks there's something wrong with her, and I admit, that this is not the best environment for a child to try and prove that there is nothing wrong with them. That they're not freaks, or abominations, but the rest of the world will treat them like they are, or worse, something to be manipulated and used. (Though I suppose I'm not one to talk there, but at least I am putting her mental health first). So we have to lock them up, to either protect them from the world or themselves.
You know, I've been doing this job for so many years now, and I've helped "contain" a lot of people. Helped "terminate" a lot more. Never once batted an eye at any of it. Not a single time. I had always assumed it was for the good of the world. Even now, I use live people (bad people, mind you), as the fodder in certain experiments. Not anything sadistic, but the fact of the matter is that I'm ending their lives, and still, I feel no great remorse. It's just something I've always done.
Except when it came to children. In the time that I've been here, we've only had to terminate three children, and each time it was the absolute last resort, something that was needed for the sake of humanity's continued existence. And each time, I could do nothing to help them. It tore me up inside. But it had to be done.
Bah, enough of this sentimental thinking. Been doing too much of that lately. Tonight, I'm going to relax. And most likely get drunk.
Between waking up yesterday with a severe hangover (too much scotch), overseeing the transfer of a certain Herr Chirurg, finalizing several approval forms for this Christmas bash, and actually organizing and setting up the decorations, and *finally* getting around to integrating Zero's physical body, I've been a little late on my log. But I've been a little busy, so excuse me.
Emma is doing well. She seems to be finally respond to the treatment with some sort of positive effect, and that all by itself brightens my day considerably. Maybe someday soon she'll be able to control her abilities to the point where she can help me put the finishing touches on the Olympia Project.
Actually, speaking of the Olympia Project, I got some help for that from a rather unusual source. The good doctor, Herr Chirurg, has been sent here ever since some roughness involving Agatha. He wouldn't tell me exactly what, but he did mention that he quite liked her eyes.
Still, once you get past his appearance and "mild" dementia, he's quite a likable character. A wealth of knowledge in fact. He's actually aided me in several little asides in regard to the project. He was quite interested in the whole thing. He see's me somewhat as a kindred spirit, and while he does find my physiology interesting, he told me that he's "skilled with the biology of humansβ¦not hounds", and so won't be cutting me open to find out how I work.
So I see it as a fair trade. He helped me with my project, I taught him a little of what we know about the disassembler, despite the fact I'm not allowed to. Let's just not tell the higher ups about that, shall we? As a sort of an extra "thank you" present to the man for his help, and for not eviscerating any of my staff, I'll be getting him a bottle of peppermint schnapps, which Agatha said he quite enjoyed.
And yes, the Olympia Project. Finally, I have begun the integration phase. And to see her there, in the flesh, to hear her twin hearts beating⦠It was breath taking. I'd liken the experience to becoming a father, although I've never procreated unfortunately, so I wouldn't truly know.
That little hiccup at the end there though, that made me worried. For a few moments I was afraid she was going to die before she had truly lived. It was horrifying. I'm still not exactly certain as to what caused it, but it was worrying nonetheless, despite the fact none of us have seen a resurgence of the event. Still, her body is going through some changes, adapting to its new organs. It'll be a few days before she fully stabilizes enough for us to risk implanting Zero herself. |
"Warm and Wet"
By Dr Rights
SCP-542, Herr Chirurg, stands imposing at his current seven-foot-two even while seated, the recently-replaced bones in his legs having boosted his height, though he still hunches over under the strain of the bizarrely distended ribcage and the too-full torso. His arms hang well to his knees, but they are too constantly in motion to tell, the inhumanly long, slim fingers, wrapped around a book and drumming on the arm of his chair. He looks up with mismatched eyes, lips pursed in bemused thought, before splitting into a grin that spans practically the full width of his face.
I'mβ¦I'm sorry. You want me to talk aboutβ¦what?
No, no, it's fine. I should have expected the most bizarre conversation as soon as you came in with a tape recorder. And for once, I don't even have to take anything open to speak about it, ja?
Loveβ¦I'm not sure if I can answer, exactly, what love is to me. Liebeβ¦
You knowβ¦that feeling you get, when the person you love very much touches you? Not like that, well, yes like thatβ¦but no matter where or when, that touch. When they place a hand upon your shoulder or gently brush their fingertips against the small of your backβ¦that is what living tissue feels like. Once you get past the skin and into the true workings of the body, it's justβ¦that. Very real, hard to deny.
β¦I'm honestly surprised and impressed. Most, at this point, would have left the roomβ¦
Oh, yes, I'll continue.
I long lost the urge to engage in copulation, you know thatβ¦but that does not mean that I do not still make love, if in different ways. A dear friend of mine- don't give me that look, child. I still make friends, you know that. But a dear friend of mine was in anβ¦accident, of sorts. She was eviscerated, slit open from her collarbone down to her pelvic bone. Everybody else left her for dead in that moment, but Iβ¦could not.
Even as I knelt down beside her, she attempted to smile. Her diaphragm was, of course, badly damaged and one of her lungs ripped open, so she couldn't truly speak, but I am fairly good at reading lips. She spoke to me- βMein Herz ist jetzt deinsβ she said.
βMy heart is yours now.β
Earlier I hadβ¦admitted that, were she to ever let her guard down around me, I would pluck her heart from her chest- oh, such a schΓΆnes Herz, perfect and beautiful in sound, always such a steady beat, even when she was scared.
I will admit, I was tempted. She was so broken, the poor muscles and flesh all ripped and torn asunderβ¦but even if nobody else would try to fix her, I knew that I could, mein Gott, I knew it.
The worst damage was to her chest. The ribcage, oh, those poor ribsβ¦the sternum had been pushed aside, into her lungs. It was very lucky that I had quite a bit of wire and string on me, indeed. I was able to repair the damage to her lungs best I could, and the entire ribcage had to be wired back into place. It wasn't a perfect job, but I would be able to do more later, for now, I just had to keep her alive before she bled out.
Was? Ohβ¦yes, I can gloss over the details, if you insist, but yesβ¦she lived. For another three years, she lived.
β¦Love was when I was inside her.
No, not like that. Don't give me that look when I'm trying to explain something, child.
To feel her whole body, so alive, still alive, to know that she could be savedβ¦when I gently sewed her broken intestines back together, or when I coaxed her heart to resume beating when it threatened to stopβ¦that was love. It was, indeed, comparable to making love, if not in ecstasy, but in emotion. To gently close her body back up and watch as she breathed on her own was utter relief and bliss.
Love isβ¦HeiΓ und naΓ. Love is warm and wet. It's alive and throbbing, movingβ¦flushed with blood and-
β¦You look uncomfortable. Would you like for me to stop? I am almost done, Ich verspreche. Hah.
You seeβ¦our interpretations of love aren't that different when you get down to it. There's still that first soft, gentle touch, and then delving into something far moreβ¦intimate. Whether it's through flesh and blood or not. And then everything is warm and wet, and alive.
β¦You're the color of a tomato. Lets stop this and play chess, mein Doktor. Maybe we can even bet on the stakes this timeβ¦we could put those lovely eyes of yours on the table. No? Wellβ¦maybe next time, ja?
I really would be gentle, you know.
HeiΓ und naΓ, indeed.
I call white this time.
[[Note - Doing some minor edits over time as friends who know some German (unlike me) read it over.]] |
Project Codename: Olympia
Project#: PRJOLM-000134
Clearance and File#: NPF-00051473
Head Researcher: Professor K. P. Crow
Experiment Aims:
To construct the physical body of the subject using SCP-291.
Materials Used:
The product of Experiment 914 THETA Test 2.
The product of Experiment 914 THETA Test 5.
The product of Experiment 914 THETA Test 9.
The product of Experiment 914 THETA Test 10.
The product of Experiment 914 THETA Test 11.
The product of Experiment 914 THETA Test 13.
Pre-Operation Note:
All of the subjects have had their mental bodies removed via SCP-158, and their physical bodies copied via SCP-222 and put into cryo storage for later use.
All subjects were then successfully dissembled into their component parts by SCP-291.
Several pre-integration operations were carried out under instruction by SCP-542, to give the prime subject extra organs and enhanced physiology.
The parts that will be utilized are:
Brain of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 9.
Lungs and diaphragm of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2.
Heart of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2 and Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 5.
Digestive System of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 10.
Reproductive organs of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 5.
Left eye of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 13.
Right eye of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2.
Upper left torso and arm musculature up to the elbow and various organs of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2.
Upper right torso and arm musculature up to the elbow and various organs of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2.
Lower left torso and upper leg musculature and various organs of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2.
Lower right torso and upper leg musculature and various organs of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2.
Lower left leg and foot of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 5.
Lower right leg and foot of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 5.
Lower left arm and hand of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2.
Lower right arm and hand of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2.
Neck and head musculature and various organs of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 5.
Skeletal system from mid-spine up of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 5.
Skeletal system from mid-spine down of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 5.
Lymphatic and circulatory system from waist up of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 11.
Lymphatic and circulatory system from waist down of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 11.
Skin (neatly folded) of Experiment 914 THETA Test Subject 2.
Integration Log:
21/12/2008 1800hrs - Integration begins.
21/12/2008 1847hrs - Integration taking longer than normal.
21/12/2008 1904hrs - Integration finally completed. Subject's vitals are highly elevated.
21/12/2008 1905hrs - Subject displays signs of neurogenic shock.
21/12/2008 1906hrs - Subjects BPM per heart exceeds one hundred and fifty (150).
21/12/2008 1908hrs - Subject ceases respiration.
21/12/2008 1909hrs - Subject goes into cardiac arrest.
21/12/2008 1911hrs - Subject is successfully resuscitated. Breathing and heartbeat resume.
21/12/2008 1912hrs - Subject goes into cardiac arrest.
21/12/2008 1915hrs - Subject is successfully resuscitated. Breathing and heartbeat resume.
21/12/2008 1917hrs - Subjects vitals stabilize.
Post-Operation Note:
I am unsure as to what caused the subject's mild organ failure, although I think it may have been the homeostasis of the various different organs succumbing to mild shock before finally adapting to one another.
Also, there seems to be a vast amount of cellular activity in the subject, with the various tissues in the body system adapting to each other. The subject is looking to be greater than the sum of her parts. |
I got nearly no sleep yesterday. I was so consumed with the extractor that all my previous appointments I either forgot, or simply blew off. Unprofessional and immature, I know, but I couldn't tear myself away from it. Now that I've exhausted myself and managed to break away, I now see what else I have to do.
Emma was a little upset that I had "flaked" on our little lunch, but I've promised her that I'll drop by either today or tomorrow to talk to her, and that I'd bring her even more little snacks. I realise this is spoiling her a little, but the girl has been through figurative firestorms, not to mention what she was like when we found her. She deserves a little spoiling every now and then. Of course, ever since Clef went on his little rampage I've been a little nervous about her safety. Granted, she's a maelstrom of energy, capable of warping life to degrees we cannot even fathom, but beneath that, is a small, lonely little girl, who really just wanted some friends. It's just I feel kind of bad for her. I know that's not very unbiased, but I have a soft spot for children. Besides, I think I made very clear to Clef exactly what I thought of his little "outburst".
I've received a clear estimation of when those new tools will be ready for the excavation. They've told me Friday, but that's if they push it to the limit. I've agreed with that, and added a bonus to their fee for being gracious about my demands. Still⦠I hate to leave this project alone for that long. But, at the very least, no accidents can happen there till then, so I guess some good can come of it.
I had put the dispersal of D-Class personnel here on hold for the past two days, until I choose the ones I want, making the rest of the site coordinators rather snippy with me. I had forgotten completely about it, due to aforementioned reasons, but I'll try and get down to it later today or tomorrow, before I speak with Emma.
I've applied for official project status regarding my working for an assistant, it being christened the "Olympia Project". I was actually hoping for it to be named after the Chimera, but I guess being named after Olimpia from E.T. Hoffman's "Der Sandmann" isn't so bad either. High Command aren't exactly entirely sure about exactly what I'm doing in this project but as long as I'm getting all this research done, they don't seem to care, unless I blow this place up.
My interaction today with the extractor is something that was⦠unnerving to say the least. I still cannot believe what has happened. The composite soul⦠Subject Zero⦠despite that it does not want to be called that, I have nothing else to call it until it chooses a new moniker. I had never even once thought that something like this would occur when I started even that part of the project. I may have fostered something that will have an effect on the course of history far beyond what I can expect. I may have gone a little bit too far just for an assistant.
I had lunch with Emma today. Well, make believe tea, with plastic cutlery and several of her creations rather than dolls. I had to explain to her in her own terms what I was trying to do. I was trying to make myself a friend, although I didn't have the abilities that she did to make one, so I'd need her help. She was a little apprehensive when I told her exactly what she'd be doing in order to help me, but a few more bribes of chocolate and she was more than willing to go on with me. Sometimes I'm grateful that she's just a child and has no real concept of what she's doing to other human beings, or what will happen to them afterward. But it does make me feel the slightest bad inside, for having manipulated her, and for leaving this stain on her consciousness for the day she realises what she's done. Bah, if only Clef could hear me now. I hate being like this. I hate thinking he's right.
I still haven't made my selection of D-Class Personnel, and the coordinators of the site are really breathing down my neck. I've held up the entire experiment process for the rest of the site for the past three days, and they're getting more behind schedule than normal. I heard some mentions of "tarring and feathering" so I've resolved to make absolutely sure that I select them tomorrow.
I've been going over the makeshift instructions for the disassembler that Agatha had written after her experiments with it. I must say, it really does seem to be capable of some interesting things, although it seems almost as if she omitted certain things. I'll have to talk to her about it at length. Pick her brain about it, so to speak.
Speaking of which, I really must speak to Gears about the clockworks when I next see him. It really does factor in heavily with my little project, and there really isn't an instruction manual besides the experiment logs. I doubt if there's anyone in the world who knows more about that thing than he does.
Maybe the three of us could have lunch at some pointβ¦
Subject Zero has taken to following me around. I can't see it, and it doesn't register on any scanners or anything, but I can feel it in a similar way to the way I feel the walker in my head. Its strange, because I can feel it observing my thoughts, my feelings, the inner workings of my mind. I'm naked beneath its mental stare, and not just because my hair is only just starting to grow back. I don't like being this vulnerable to anyone, ever, so I've tried to explain to it the idea of personal privacy, but considering its an entity that almost literally has its heart on its sleeve, it's been slow going.
I chose the subjects today for the project. One of them, who probably had a rough idea of what was going to happen, spat in the face of guard escorting them, calling him a freak, a monster for doing this to them, that the only difference between us and them is that they were caught. While it was physically directed at the guard, I can't help but feel that it was truly directed towards me. It's another one of those small reminders that I'm using people, rather than lab animals. Just another damn thing I have to repress.
I managed to have a sit down with Gears today. He was in Bio-Research Area-12 for some reason or the other, I'm not exactly sure why, but the point of the matter is that we got talking. I told him about the project I would be doing, and he clarified how I'd have to use the clockworks. I won't be able to use it in the way I planned. Instead of using each singular organ, I'm going to have to alter the entire subject, then hope I get the result I was looking for⦠This seems like it might be a little tedious. And expensive in terms of test subjects.
The tools are almost done. I'm not sure if it's loyalty, fear, or the fact I paid them extra, but they're really going at it, working flat out to try and get them done by tomorrow. Which is good. Very good. I want this excavation to go as fast and as smoothly as possible. And that should be possible with these tools.
I'll be utilizing Emma tomorrow if the excavation doesn't get in the way, and the reassembly during the weekend.
There was an accident.
We never realized how brittle the outer shell was, only noting its hardness. When we started using the advanced tools, a large fragment of it shattered, very violently. Up to four men were hit with it. The system locked down instantly once the alarms went off.
Within five minutes, the infection had spread throughout the entirety of the staff interred within the area. Within two hours they had utilized all technology inside for their own purposes. Within five hours they had broken containment and attempted to infect everyone else on site.
We had to evacuate the entire site in three hours. That included all SCP. And the infectedβ¦
It took us three days to lay them down. Three days. Three WHOLE days in which there was no research done, another twenty five people were killed or infected and cost over four million in damages. We're still cleaning up the biomass.
To say this was catastrophic is an understatement.
So now, because of all this, I have three O5's on my ass, laying the blame for this at my feet having lobbied for excavation so much. Not to mention the paperwork for the thing has amassed into a pile so large, it's in danger of becoming its own sub space dimension.
Everything I've had going has been put on hold. The projects for the entire site have been set back for months, some of them years. The only good thing is the amount of strange bio-tech the infected engineered. If we're lucky, and if I campaign it correctly, I might just get out of this mess better than I started.
Gah⦠Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork⦠I'm drowning in the goddamn stuff, even with the walker working around the clock when I sleep. Evaluation reports, incident reports, repair reports, eyewitness interviews, budgets for the Site, letters to employees families, files for possible new employees, the list goes on and on and on. Makes me wish the fellow who invented bureaucracy is burning in hell. Bastard.
On top of that I've received word of a crazy freak dimension that's opened up to some weird alternate version of this world with the Foundation, only that everything is hideously wrong, and the Foundation is populated by idiots and assholes, where even the D-Class personnel are given guns, and SCPs run rampant. Apparently doctors Clef and Kondraki are exploring it, and the reports they're sending back are both bizarre and frightening.
I've almost completed the clockworks area of the Olympia Project, much to the joy of Subject Zero, (Who still hasn't chosen a name I might add). Still, the processing of raw materials with the clockworks is hard and grueling, involving much time and effort on my part, and the expenditure of more and more, subjects and pieces of equipment. I never thought I'd say this about an experiment session, but I want to finish this one as soon as possible.
Emily is absolutely in fits at me repeatedly "blowing her off". I've tried to explain the complexity of the situation, but you know how children sometimes are. So, in order to appease her (as well as several other SCPs, raise morale, and just generally lower the number of escape attempts) I've told her that we would be celebrating Christmas in the facility. Since this is her first year here, and she's never been⦠able to celebrate Christmas in her previous life, and so I told her that this would be a good one. I even told her about Santa Claus.
In reality, I was planning to do this thing anyway, but why not use it to calm a force of nature while I'm at it too, huh?
The biomass has finally been fully collected from the excavation incident and, although they're trying not to appear it, the higher ups are rather interested in the tech that was recovered. Of course, inter site politics being what they are, I'm going to make it cost them. For the good of humanity of course. Not that some of them would understand what that was, even if it bit them on the assβ¦
Still on the paperwork. Still no end in sight.
At least I got most of the experimentation with the clockworks finished. The machine is interesting, but working with it does take lot out of you. You have to be prepared for everything. That includes running tests for everything. Because sometimes, it'll give you one thing that turns out to be another, such as the time one researcher believed he had a device that could reverse time. Instead, it somehow sucked it from the air. At least, that's what we think happened, as deduced from the notes we found. Ashes aren't exactly talkative.
I'm going to start work with Emily tomorrow. She seems happy about it.
Started making the preparations for whole "Christmas" thing, but with between the mass of paperwork and the Olympia Project eating all my time, I really only got to devise a gameplan, and even then, it was sketchy at best.
Subject Zero has been around me twenty four seven, and I have to say, now that I'm getting kinda used to its (her?) presence, its not actually that bad. Like having an imaginary friend that's actually real. Apparently it (she?) can feel the thoughts of those around it (her?). Fun stuff, although I think it (she?) may be a bit of a gossip. I've never heard so many things I didn't want to know about my colleagues. Especially those ones about the bread. Coincidentally, I'm not eating in the cafeteria again. |
Experiment Log of: Professor K. P. Crow, utilizing SCP-040 in obtaining base materials for the "Olympia Project".
Date: 13/12/2008
Pre-Experiment Note:
I think it's about time we started trying to utilize 040's abilities, or at the very least, allowing her to use them enough to actually learn how to control them. She will not be able to rely on the SCP-148 hairpieces forever. We theorized that as she gets older, her powers will increase exponentially, possibly to the point where her unconscious telepathy cannot be contained.
At the moment, she doesn't seem to have a fully conscious grip on her abilities either, allowing her subconscious to take over when she begins to use them. She says its easier to do that way, but that she doesn't always know what the thing she's working on will become, or sometimes even what she's doing.
I'm going to have her perform a set amount of exercises. We'll start with small things, such as pebbles, odd bits of debris, that sort of thing, and she's going to try and change them into something we agree on, like some sort of crustacean or insect.
Post-Experiment Note:
Well⦠That could have gone better.
The beginning of the experiment went badly. 040 was nervous about trying this in front of so many people, and that anxiousness reflected itself in the things that she produced. Most were vicious, often baring fangs, claws and poison sacks at anyone who ventured near, despite 040's best efforts. Most of them we had to terminate simply for safety reasons. She wasn't happy about that.
But she improved towards the end of the session, although she still couldn't firmly nail down the process, often becoming incoherent and unstable while she performed. Still, it's not a worst case scenario. She's performing well for a first try under supervision. Still be a little while before she's able to do anything on the scale I'm hoping. She just needs more practice.
Pre-Experiment Note:
I think 040 is a little more prepared today, but she still seemed a little anxious. Not as much as she did yesterday thankfully, but it's still there. At least she's stopped those little episodic delusions of grandeur. Those were a little disturbing.
We're going to attempt the same as yesterday, although if she improves significantly, we'll move onto the next subject group. But for the moment, we'll simply stick to small things.
Post-Experiment Note:
Today did go better than yesterday, considerably better than yesterday in fact, but not good enough to progress to the next level of testing. 040 still has trouble with control. Out of the twenty-five times we had her use her abilities, she was only able to give us the results we wanted three times, and it seems that even then, it was more of a fluke than anything else. Still more practice required. We're going to have to break this block between her and her powers. And to do that, we may have to employ slightly more⦠stressful measures.
Pre-Experiment Note:
She still seems to be getting over the initial anxiety, but now, it's barely noticeable. We're going to try again with the little things, but we're going to have her concentrate on directing it towards her own conscious will, rather than her subconscious. Basically, we're telling her to "remain in control".
Post-Experiment Note:
Today was the same as yesterday really. She seems to find it difficult to control her powers. All she's really doing is opening the floodgates and directing it at a target. No finesse, no control. She's just turning it on and pointing it. I'll have her set up for a psych evaluation. We need to find the root of this block of hers.
Pre-Experiment Note:
040 seems to be in a good mood today, and is determined to be able to alter things herself, instead of doing it automatically. Same exercises as the last couple days.
Post-Experiment Note:
There seems to be some slight improvement, but not much, and then again, it could just be a higher rate of chance. She's been scheduled for a psych evaluation, and it should take place within the next few days.
Pre-Experiment Note:
The psych evaluation went through, and the results were sadly predictable. Apparently, she's suffering from psychological repression regarding her abilities. The only reason she's able to access them at all is due to the fact that she would act on her need to use them through her telepathy, and find an acceptable venue in which to use them, but in doing so, would still regret having done it, and so instantly repress the memory. It has developed to the point of being a conditioned response. There's also the large amount of repressed memories she has regarding why she feels this anxiety when using these abilities. Apparently, the only lead we have regarding this is either her former guardians or her parents, both of which are now deceased. So, while we figure out how to break that block, we'll try and remove the stigma of using her powers within limits, by increasing the windows in which she's allowed to use them.
Post-Experiment Note:
The block is still there, which is pretty much making this route of experimentation and training useless. But still, if we break it off so suddenly after her psych test, being as young and emotionally inexperienced as she is, she might think that the reason we stopped was because there was something wrong with her, leading to loss of self-esteem, loneliness, and in general, more emotional baggage, which in turn, lead to more incidents regarding her and her abilities, more stigma, and more to the detriment of everyone involved. So, the experiments are to continue for the time being, but we're going to have to have more psychological probing, and discover what caused this repression.
Pre-Experiment Note:
Trying to fix the damage to her mind is proving to be difficult. She's unconsciously resisting the treatment, because subconsciously, she doesn't want to be healed. This is hardly a good environment either. We'll have to get that looked at. Continuing with the same exercises.
Post-Experiment Note:
Same results. We'll have to allow her access to more of the results. It could possibly help ease the stigma. Maybe we could have the restrictions loosened a little, but then again, we don't want to spoil her. She is still a child, and as such is still susceptible to having her mental growth altered.
Pre-Experiment Note:
We're trying to find out about her history to try and investigate what may have lead to this. It's difficult, because all members of the [DATA EXPUNGED]. So, that leaves us with no real leads, since the original population of the area has been mentally purged, and we could find no other traces of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Further research is needed into her background. Same exercises as the past few days.
Post-Experiment Note:
Same results. This is beginning to get frustrating. We may have to resort to hypnosis to try and get access to the memories that we're looking for.
Pre-Experiment Note:
040 is definitely getting more self-esteem, so at least these experiments are having some sort of positive effect. Her abilities at control though are still lacking, but it's a step in the right direction. Being allowed to keep some more of her creations seems to be helping as well, although we may have to increase her containment area in order to accommodate. Still going to put forward the approval for hypnosis though. Still the same exercises.
Post -Experiment Note:
No changes as of yet, although the fluke rate of more accurate transmogrification is slightly rising. It seems that while she isn't controlling her powers directly, she may be forcing her subconscious to her will, although it could also be the fact that we've been performing the same tests for a few days now and it's coming to what her psyche is expecting to happen. We'll have to change the target organism.
Pre-Experiment Note:
We've gotten approval for hypnosis, and we'll soon be using it in conjunction with the normal experiments. We'll start with that tomorrow though. Also, we've changed the target organism to something reptilian rather than insectoid. We'll see how that fares.
Post-Experiment Note:
No change, oddly enough. The fluke rate of accurate transmogrification is still steady and slowly rising. Maybe she is getting the hang of this. Nevertheless, we'll continue with the hypnosis and attempts at getting 040 to break her mental block. |
Story Application: "085, A Romance in 2.5 Dimensions"
Chapter 1: "Sierra Nevadas"
Her cadmium yellow #5 hair cascades down over her shoulders as she sits down in the corner of the canvas, looking up into the white expanse of blank gesso, her slender legs crossed at the ankles. Her arms are crossed, and there is a desperation to her as she kicks her feet back and forth, expectantly. "Come on," I hear her say. "Hurry up."
{Patience,} I write, using a very light charcoal pencil. {Don't rush an artist.}
She doesn't respond much to that, except to sigh and lean against the bench, sighing. She scratches an itch, pulling up her ultramarine dress a bit, and I see a slight flash of white panty. I wonder whether I should tell her about that. Probably best not to mention it.
My paints are ready, my palette prepared, my brushes are all arranged. I pin up the photograph of the lakeside view next to the canvas, and spend a moment just drinking in the sight of that beautiful mountain view. It was a photograph I'd taken ten years ago, as a teenager, on a camping trip up in the Sierra Nevadas. I'd been with Rachael back then: lovely Rachael with the girl-next-door eyes and the face of an angel, lovely Rachael who had crept into my tent while the others were asleep and put her finger to my lips, kissing me softly as she crept into my sleeping bag, lovely Rachael who now lived somewhere in Sacramento, a lobbyist for Greenpeace now, and I wonder, as I sketch the outlines of the mountains and trees, whether or not she sometimes looks out at the forests that she fights so hard to protect and remembers, with a smile, the night when she crept into the tent of her classmate wearing a t-shirt and panties and made love to him to the sound of chirping crickets and falling water.
Memories. My pencil dances across the canvas with reckless abandon, as it always does when my muse strikes, when the left-side brain shuts down and lets my right-side brain flow freely, when eye and hand and pencil work in perfect harmony. Memories of the time that the man in the black tie had come to me and told me that he'd read my paper on folklore and myth, being told that I had the opportunity to save the world. Memories of the first missions I went on, the first times I was asked to handle a containment situation. The hands that now held pencil and eraser had once been red with the blood of a close friend, Maggie Lyndon, Dr. Maggie Lyndon, torn in half due to a single moment's indiscretion with Six-Eighty Two, the red of her blood deeper and darker than any cadmium red that my paints could mix. It is not sadness that I feel, but regret, regret for the diamond ring that still stays in my safe deposit box, that I never got to give to her.
If only I were as cold and hard-hearted as some of my colleagues. I cannot drink away my problems, nor can I effect the same cold-hearted dismissal of death that Dr. Clef or Kondraki can. My mother had always told me that, as the youngest, I was the most sensitive of her children. Indeed, although my career was found in science, I had always found solace in art, and it was in art that the Overseers decided that I should find my solace now. Removed from the Keter-level projects, I was told that there was another SCP that had need of my unique talents.
I don't know what I expected, but I did not expect this.
As always, the time passes quickly, and by the time I am finished with the sketch, an hour has passed without my knowing. Cassy is rapt with attention, smiling with delight at the faint outlines of the mountains, the lake, the dock and the small cabin. "It looks wonderful," she gasps. "Can I⦠?"
{Not yet,} I write. I put down my pencil now and take up my palette and brushes. With broad strokes of my widest brush, I lay down my base colors: deep, dark blue for the water, brown for the mountains, pale cerulean for the sky. I move quickly, for Cassy is impatient, but I am careful to pace myself, to slow myself down and really see what is there before I place it on the canvas. Under my brush, the mountains slowly come alive, the flat browns giving way to deep, craggy peaks capped with snow, then bursting forth in greenery as the pine trees explode over their craggy sides. Down low, I take some time to paint out some more details on the closer trees: the broken branch on one, the bent trunk on another, the slight hint of wood rot in a third. Closer in, closer to Cassie, I take some time to paint in the slightly dry grass in darker greens, dabbing in a little bright yellow to form the budding flowers of mustard.
Even as I begin to start on the lake, the painting begins to come alive. A soft wind rustles the high branches of the pine trees, causing dried needles to come drifting to earth, thickening the dark carpet of pine needles under Cassy's bare feet. The lake, which had begun as a deep, blue blotch of paint, quickly takes form under layers of lighter and lighter hues, then under highlights of pure white mixed with a hint of cerulean, to reflect the sky. Little wavelets, like the ones that had lapped at the sides of the rowboat that Rachael and I had drifted in for hours, form on the surface of the water, and begin to move, to ebb and flow.
I lift my paintbrush up, and I step back from the painting. Something is missing hereβ¦ something that is not in the photograph, nor in the painting, something to make it completeβ¦
Cassy knows. "Can you paint me a dock?" she asks. "I want to dive into the water."
I can't talk to her now, for writing anything to her would ruin the painting, so I respond by laying down four quick lines of black, then layering over it with brown and walnut. The dock is a bit rickety, and the piles appear to be a bit old, but that is part of its charm as well. I am tempted to add a mallard duck to the scene, but that would only remind Cassy of her loneliness. I settle for a leaf on the water, drifting across the lake, casting small ripples on the surface of the dark water.
"Thank you," Cassy says, turning towards me and smiling. "It's beautiful."
I sign my name in the corner in white paint, and add a small, "You're Welcome" and a smiling face to my signature. Cassy gets up from the park bench and walks towards the lake, her bare feet crunching over the pine needles, seeming not to care about the rough ground, and I wonder whether it is because she has never felt the true feeling of pine needles against bare skin that she does not know that it should hurt.
It's a mistake to get distracted like that⦠in my philosophical haze, I trip over my tray of paints, and my little tubes of Burnt Umber and Vermillion scatter across the containment room. "Fuck!" I sigh. Getting down to my knees, I start rooting under the piles of canvases and papers, trying to gather up my various paints and supplies.
I've finally gathered up my last tube of Cadmium Red and am arranging them in my box when I notice a flash of pale flesh on the painting. I turn and immediately turn away, blushing, as Cassy pulls off her blue dress and lets it fall, carelessly, onto the dock. Her bare back is pale, and slender, and her loveliness is that of an Aphrodite rising from the sea foam as she takes the ribbon out of her hair and lays it atop her dress. She dives into the water with a bright splash, emerges in a shower of sparkling water droplets, and slowly begins to swim across the lake, reveling in the coolness of the water.
Some mad impulse in me wishes she'd choose a backstroke.
I manage to fight back my mad libido and close my artist's case slowly, quietly. Stupid. She can't hear me, or see me, but it seems somehow⦠intrusive⦠when she is swimming bare naked through the lake, uncaring of what I might see. I am putting my palette away when I hesitate, realizing something that I had forgotten.
I have just enough white left. I put my brush to paint and quickly add the missing element to the pile of clothing on the dock.
Closing up my case, I leave the containment facility, swiping my card through the reader and turning out the lights as I go. Cassy will not mind: to her, the sun will stay bright and shining, the wind will always be cool, and the water will always be crisp and clean, until she is ready to go back home, to the sketchpad left duct-taped to one corner, to her usual world of monochrome blacks and whites.
I wonder, as I head back to my office, why I did that last bit. Perhaps it would have been better just to leave her be, so that she would never know that I had seen her dive, naked, into the lake? Maybe. Maybe it was just that it seemed unfair that I could see her and she could not see me, or maybe it was just my way of teasing her.
Perhaps, as a gentleman, I just didn't feel like leaving a lady to swim without a towel.
Interlude 1
"Agent Lassiter's performance, given his recent emotional troubles, has been exemplary. His psych reports show that although his mental state is⦠ummmmm⦠still distressed⦠he's become much less suicidal than before. In fact, if we're lucky, he might decide not to cut his own wrists with a razor and bleed out on⦠fuck⦠let me start all over."
"Although Agent Lassiter remains in a state of emotional distress, he has made good progress in the last few months. I have every confidence that he will make a full recovery and return to field workβ¦ yeah, and he'll lay low for a few months and then blow his brains out with his sidearm and maybe take the team with him, fuckβ¦ let me start overβ¦"
"Agent Lassiter is a fine operativeβ¦ no, he WAS a fine operative, now he's a fucking basket case, and rightfully so. The kid saw his girlfriendβ¦ no, she was his fianceeβ¦ was she? I know he bought a ring, but did he ever manage to give it to her? Dunno, the kid was fretting about it like madβ¦ anyway, he saw Maggie Lyndon torn to pieces by Scip Six-Eight-Two, and he couldn't do a damn thing about it because she was on the wrong side of an emergency partition, and if I ever find out who decided to make those things out of reinforced nine-inch plexiglass so you can see the horrible things that happen to people trapped on the other side, I'll murder themβ¦"
"β¦ fuck, I can't say that, they'll make him a Delta. Screw it, this telling the truth thing is getting me nowhere. Agent Lassiter is a fine operative who just needs some time to recuperate. I recommend that he be given a low-priority duty containing Safe-level SCPs until he makes a full recovery. There we go. And if anyone buys this bullshit, I've got a bridge to sell them. Fucking personnel reports, should never have accepted this stupid promotionβ¦"
- Excerpted from the surveillance logs of Assistant Director Clef's office, six months before the Lassiter Incident. |
Experiment Log of: Professor K. P. Crow, utilizing SCP-914 in obtaining base materials for the "Olympia Project".
Date: 05/12/2008
Pre-Experiment Note:
This is to produce the base materials I need for the project. I had to reassemble the subject that I was originally going to use, because after having a talk with Dr. Gears, I discovered that I would be unable to use the composite part as I had originally intended, and am instead forced to use the entire subject. - Professor Crow
Caucasian female, thirty-six (36) years of age, five (5) foot, ten (10) inches in height, one hundred and forty-nine (149) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health, although there is some mild liver damage from excessive drinking.
Ten (10) pounds of SCP-143.
Setting: 1:1
An organism that appeared to be a young tree sapling weighing one hundred and fifty-nine (159) pounds, the bark being a pale gray color, and the leaves dark brown. Organism maintained an average constant external temperature of thirty seven (37) degrees.
Organism has a limited motor nervous system, although there appears to be no true central nervous system. Tissue samples extracted from the main trunk, branches and leaves show that the internal tissue of the trunk is similar to brain tissue, only restructured to be much more durable, and with a higher level of conductivity, whereas branches had traces similar to muscle tissue. The leaves contained a high amount of trichome hairs, which were much longer and thicker than average, being near an inch in length, and a light brown in color. Further examination showed them to be composed primarily of keratin.
Organism responded much more slowly to external stimuli than most organisms, taking three hours to register the tissue harvesting done to its main trunk.
Subject has also shown limited signs of sentience, although communication is difficult, due to the slow reaction and movement times of the subject.
Note: While the subject is indeed interesting, and does warrant further examination, it's not what I was looking for. Inter her outside, near the grove, and make sure she's well looked after.
Asian female, twenty-nine (29) years in age, five (5) foot, three (3) inches in height, one hundred and twenty-seven (127) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. No major medical issues.
Ten (10) pounds of SCP-143.
Setting: Fine
A solid ten (10) pound block of various compounds that are mainly found within the human body.
Human female with vaguely Asian features, with the same proportions and weight as the input subject. Skin is light gray, and hair has changed to a slightly translucent pink, similar to the leaves of SCP-143.
Physiology remains mostly the same, although subjects skin has displayed distinct photosynthetic qualities, and tissue has the same basic material properties as SCP-143.
Note: This is more along the lines of what I was looking for. Hopefully, the rest of the tests will go similarly to this one.
Black female, thirty-two (32) years of age, six (6) foot in height, one hundred and seventy-one (171) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. No major medical issues.
Ten (10) pounds of SCP-148.
Setting: 1:1
A solid statue of the subject composed of a combination of SCP-148 and a variety of compounds found in the human body, weighing one hundred and eighty-one (181) pounds and having the same dimensions as the subject before hand. No life signs.
Notes: Great, another lawn ornament. Complete, and total, failure.
Caucasian female, thirty-three (33) years of age, five (5) foot, four (4) inches in height, one hundred and thirty-five (135) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. Mild damage to lungs due to excessive smoking.
Ten (10) pounds of SCP-148
Setting: Fine
A large spherical object weighing one hundred and forty-five (145) pounds in weight, and one (1) foot in diameter. Object is highly ornate, with raised patterns on the surface, which through further investigation appear to be made of bone. The rest of the exterior is a compound composed partially of SCP-148 and iron, with trace samples of other elements found within the human body.
Object is slightly warm, being twenty-five (25) degrees Celsius on the surface. When a subject is in close physical proximity to the object, subject is capable of seeing "beyond the normal human spectrum of reality" as stated by one subject. This ability increases exponentially when in physical contact with the object. There were no extreme ill effects aside from increasingly severe headaches from prolonged exposure, although this is merited to the inability of the human mind to comprehend such things.
When asked what exactly the subject meant by its previous statement, the subject went on to say that it was possible to "see" thoughts and the "lifeforce" of living organisms. The subject went on to say that he had seen other things which were impossible to explain with words, and that even thinking about them gave him a headache.
Note: Again, interesting, but again, utterly useless to what I'm trying to do.
Caucasian female, twenty-five (25) years of age, five (5) foot three (3) inches in height and one hundred and thirty-seven (137) pounds in weight. Subject is in exceptionally good health. The subject had been a long distance runner before her incarceration.
Ten (10) pounds of SCP-148.
Setting: Fine
Human female, one hundred and forty-seven (147) pounds in weight, with the same dimensions as the original subject. Skin has taken on a lightly greenish pallor and has hardened considerably, yet remains somewhat malleable. Tissue has become denser, leading to an increase in physical resilience. It is expected that subject will be resilient to mental attacks and probing as well.
Notes: That's better. That's more along the lines of what I'm looking for.
Asian female, twenty (20) years of age, five (5) foot six (6) inches and one hundred and forty-two (142) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. No major medical issues.
One (1) Cray CX1, sixty-four (64) core, entry-level massively parallel supercomputer.
Setting: Fine
Sixty-four (64) arthropods, one (1) foot in size, similar to beetles in appearance. Subjects all possessed a molded metal human face on their underside, which resembled the original subject. Subjects' shells appeared to be made of a substance similar to glass, allowing their internal workings to be viewed easily. Close examination of the subjects revealed that they were composed of a hybrid of powerful circuitry and high-density crystal.
Note: That⦠was just kinda weird.
Caucasian female, thirty-five (35) years of age, five (5) foot nine (9) inches in height and one hundred and fifty-three (153) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. Subject has had a hysterectomy, though that has no effect on her overall health.
One (1) Cray CX1, sixty-four (64) core, entry-level massively parallel supercomputer.
Setting: 1:1
Eighty-one (81) various objects primarily composed of metal and glass, all capable of fitting together to form a large statue or mannequin of a human female of the same dimensions and features as the original subject.
When the subject is completely and correctly put together, it will take on a limited semblance of life and begin to speak. It primarily speaks several cryptic phrases regarding the future of the one who put it together, or in the case of multiple persons, the one who did the majority of the work. The phrases are often so vague, that it is impossible to determine whether or not the suggested future will, or even has already taken place. However, occasionally, it will speak plainly with no doubt as to what it is referring to. In these cases, the action always comes to pass, sometimes as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Once it is done speaking, it will fall apart into the original eighty-one (81) pieces that comprise it. This can be done a limitless amount of times, with no unforeseen side effects, nor does the device ever repeat itself.
Notes: A giant jigsaw puzzle that tells the future⦠Well that's a new one.
Caucasian female, forty-eight (48) years of age, four (4) foot ten (10) and one hundred and thirteen (113) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. No major medical issues.
One (1) Cray CX1, sixty-four (64) core, entry-level massively parallel supercomputer.
Setting: 1:1
A large, electronic device in the shape of the original subject. It appears to be a multicore supercomputer, although this needs to be confirmed. There are several dozen entry points on the back, corresponding to most cables that could or would need to be attached to a computer of this magnitude, as well as several that do not correspond to anything on record. Further research on object is pending.
Note: Hmmmβ¦. Close, but wrong side of the line.
Black female, thirty-seven (37) years of age, five (5) foot seven (7) inches and one hundred and fifty-one (151) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. No major medical issues.
One (1) Cray CX1, sixty-four (64) core, entry-level massively parallel supercomputer.
Setting: Fine
A large block of "waste" material, weighing six thousand, four hundred and twenty-eight (6,428) pounds, and composed primarily of metal, glass, plastic, rubber and traces of human tissue.
Human female, with exact same dimensions as the original subject. However, x-rays and scans of subjects skull has revealed that the brain has now been hybridized with a large amount of electronics on a cellular level, leading to a startling jump in intelligence, multitasking, logic, and memorization capabilities, as well as leading to a higher level of coordination in regards to movement.
Notes: Ha ha! It worked this time!
Caucasian female, twenty-five (25) years of age, five (5) foot, seven (7) inches in height, and one hundred and thirty-nine (139) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. No major medical issues.
One (1) pill of SCP-500
Setting: 1:1
One human female of the same dimensions as the original subject. Subject appeared to be normal until approached by staff. Subject then proceeded to open its thoracic cavity, wrap a large, sinuous tongue around the closest researcher and attempted to pull him inside the cavity, most likely to consume him.
However, personnel on call in the room were prepared for such an event, and fired several high-dosage tranquilizer darts at the subject, effectively knocking it out. The researcher survived, with no wounds, although it is recommended he see an on site psychologist for counseling.
Closer examination of the subject revealed that the entire thoracic cavity functioned as one large mouth, with no sign of the internal organs that would normally reside within, with the exception of the alimentary canal, which was capable of expanding several dozen times its original size. The stomach also produced an acid much stronger than anything found in nature.
The tongue secreted a type of neurotoxin that acted through skin contact, leading to a brief euphoric state, then unconsciousness in the infected.
The pelvic bones also appeared to be capable of unhinging, most likely to allow excretion to happen easier, due to the possible large size of the subject's intended prey, and to the fact that no facilities for mastication were found within the subject's biology.
Note: Kenneth got off lightly there, but he still freaks out mildly every time he sees a woman with her arms outstretched. We'll keep the specimen for research. Althoughβ¦ this is not what I was originally hoping for, I think I may use the canalβ¦
Caucasian female, thirty (30) years of age, five (5) foot eleven (11) inches in height, and one hundred and fifty (150) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. Mild damage to lungs through excessive smoking.
One (1) pill of SCP-500
Setting: Fine
Human female with the exact same dimensions as the original subject. Subject appeared to be exactly the same as before. However, preliminary tests revealed that the subject's lymphatic system had been altered greatly.
The lymph nodes produced a liquid with a much higher cell count than lymph found in normal humans, and contained numerous types of cells not normally seen in nature, let alone humans. These cells appear to be a hybrid of the various defense cells around the body as well as stem cells, with a startlingly high metabolism and motility.
These cells replace other damaged cells very quickly, leading to highly advanced regeneration, with serious wounds possibly taking days or even hours. This system could possibly slow or even stop the aging process.
However, as was stated before, these cells have a very high metabolism, leading to a much higher appetite in the subject. After damage, this could increase exponentially.
Notes: Wow. Well that one went very good. Very good indeed. Makes me almost want one of those for myselfβ¦
Caucasian female, twenty-eight (28) years of age, six (6) foot, one (1) inch in height, and one hundred and fifty-five (155) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. No major health issues.
One (1) BASLER L304KC 4080 pixel Trilinear line scan camera.
Setting: Fine
A large block of "waste" material, composed primarily of human tissue, with trace amounts of metal, plastic, rubber and glass, weighing two hundred and three (203) pounds.
A small, silver ring, highly ornate, with a large group of miniature human-like eyes clumped together in an ornate clasp on one side of the band. Eyes capable of rotating within clasp to "look" around.
Wearing the ring allows the wearer to view everything around themselves, including behind themselves, behind objects around them, and inside objects, including themselves, for the range of their line of sight. However, it has the notable side effect of giving the wearer a severe pain behind the eyes, similar to an extreme case of eyestrain.
Notes: If it weren't for the pain, this thing could be quite useful. Also, it was interesting to note that the ring didn't actually increase eyesight. When Jim had his glasses off while wearing the thing, everything was still all blurry. Good to know.
Caucasian female, twenty-one (21) years of age, five (5) foot three (3) inches in height, and one hundred and forty-four (144) pounds in weight. Subject is in relatively good health. No major health issues.
One (1) BASLER L304KC 4080 pixel Trilinear line scan camera.
Setting: 1:1
An organism that resembles a large tripod-mounted video camera, with electronic output leads and monitor at the rear. Object is alive, and made primarily of organic compounds, even the monitor, which appears to be made of tissue similar to ocular tissue, only saturated with highly advanced chromatophore pigmentation cells. The picture it displays is very clear and smooth, on par with many high-definition screens available on market now. The "lens" of the "camera" is a human eye, although shows hybridization with various mechanical elements.
Despite the fact that it possesses the needed skeletal and muscular structure for locomotion, it does not appear to be sentient in any way. Scans of the torso/main body have shown that there is no brain, with the exception of a highly developed brain stem at the base of the neck/tripod.
Note: You know, I think that's enough of these for the moment. But I can use that eye.
Memo to Prof. K. P. Crow:
After review of the current testing situation, the following observations may be helpful to your endeavors.
After extended time spent in research on and with SCP-914, the following proposal regarding its nature may be made with a significant degree of certainty: SCP-914 was not designed as an industrial device. Nor was it primarily a scientific device. Its primary function appears to be as a form of entertainment. After review of the recovery notes, and evaluation of the test logs, it appears that SCP-914 was designed to create the most βnovelβ items possible, with no regard for practicality or function.
Judging by this, it appears the best way to achieve a desired result is to try and exclude as many possible outcomes as possible. When entering a small pile of parts for a clock on a 1:1 setting, you will most likely get a clock. If you enter blocks of wood, glass, and metal, it leaves a wide degree of room for βinterpretationβ by SCP-914, with a clock only one of many possible outcomes. If you desire to create a human being with, say, metallic skin, then the best plan would be to create a βsuitβ of the metal in the exact dimensions of the intended subject, and the same thickness as the subject's skin. At that point, a setting of 1:1 or Fine may achieve the desired result.
However, there is a high degree of randomness still associated with SCP-914. Patience must be maintained, as it is not being used for its intended purpose, and thus may frustrate attempts to achieve a desired result. A short review of settings, as well:
Rough: Destruction of the item, often by pressure, heat, or cutting.
Coarse: Disassembly of the item into component parts.
1:1: Direct integration of multiple items, or βre-interpretationβ of singular items.
Fine: Refinement of items, often with a blending or βre-interpretationβ of base states.
Very Fine: Total βre-interpretationβ, often times using only the base compounds of items.
I hope these notes are useful in your continued research.
Dr. Gears |
{Note: This document was retrieved during a raid on a known Global Occult Coalition safehouse by Task Force Omega-7, "Pandora's Box." Sections of this document were damaged in the firefight and subsequent conflagration/water damage due to firefighting efforts.}
Code Name: "Ukulele"
GOC Serial Number: 09976657-Cobalt-Triplet-Finnegan
Service Record
1981: Recruited into GOC by [SECTION DESTROYED].
1982: First confirmed kill: Known Threat Entity (KTE) 5988-Red ("Hillsborough Beast"). Received the Silver Aegis commendation for successfully killing KTE-5988-Red despite severe losses to field team, including death of Operative Mortimer X.
1986: Failed to successfully contain KTE-7859-Silver ("Xenobiological Hemorrhagic Prion") resulting in deaths of [SECTION DESTROYED]
1988: Sabbatical.
1989: Promoted to Specialist Operative.
199β: Engaged and destroyed KTE-9927-Black ("The Goddess") in Cornwall, England. Unable to confirm kill on KTE-9927-Blackchild ("The Daughter").
20ββ: 99th confirmed kill on KTE-10734-Green ("Mister Nice Guy"). Expressed desire to retire from active service: granted.
ββββ: Resurfaced under alias of "Dr. Alto Clef" at Special Containment Procedures Foundation. Classified as Threat Level 1 (monitor, do not engage).
Skills Assessment
Certified adequate in standard firearms array (pistol, shotgun, scoped and unscoped rifle, submachinegun, light machine gun).
Certified proficient in heavy firearms array (heavy machine gun, grenade launcher, shoulder-mounted rocket launcher).
Certified expert in demolitions.
Advanced Driver certification in Class A, B, and C vehicles.
Authorized Instructor at Lanthanide Hills Training Facility (field of expertise: Type Green KTEs).
Alterations and Talents
Standard optics array.
Standard longevity treatments.
Resistant to standard photography techniques.
Polymorphic features.
Notable Kills
KTE-9927-Black: Threat Level 6 (Immediate Global Threat). Target eliminated by use of KTE-9927-Blackchild as bargaining ploy, followed by termination by gunshot to head. Operative "Ukulele" severely injured, unable to confirm kill on 9927-Blackchild.
KTE-0467-White: ("Caveman Phil"). Atavistic humanoid entity eliminated by use of local wildlife (500 pound mountain lion).
KTE-9245-Pink: ("Frogman of Marsh Cree[SECTION DESTROYED]
Does anyone know who this guy is or where he came from? He's good at what he does, but every time I ask him about his past, I get a completely different answer. - Colonel Richard Adams |
by "Dr. Clef."
"Interview Clef-88 commences now. Dr. Gears, interviewer. Dr. Clef, interviewee."
"You know who you look like? John Malkovich. You've got the same head and everything, except where Malkovich has a great, expressive face, yours has no expression ever. It's honestly a bit creepy."
"Your sense of humor is as sharp as ever."
"You like that one? How about this one. So three guys are lost in the desertβ¦"
"Please do not attempt to divert my attention. My time is limited."
"Mine isn't. I've spent the past three months lying on a hospital bed staring up at the ceiling. Not much new here. I spend a lot of time thinking, though."
"Would you like to leave that hospital bed?"
"β¦ what do you mean?"
"Dr. Valdason is dead."
"β¦ shit. What about the little girl?"
"Her fate is⦠undetermined at this time. Given the danger she possesses even while in a coma, termination may be necessary."
"Let me guess. You want me to finish the job?"
"Negative. If termination becomes necessary, another agent will be assigned that duty. However, my superiors asked me to investigate your background further, given recent events. Please take a look at this."
"I haven't seen that picture in a long time. I don't know what I was thinking with those sideburns."
"I have a proposition for you, Dr. Clef. There is an SCP on this facility that has been⦠problematic⦠as of late. Terminating it has proven to be difficult. If you will do us the favor of eliminating it, I am authorized to offer you twelve minutes of exposure to the Locket, which should be sufficient to heal your injuries. In addition, I will grant you Level 4 Clearance on all SCPs, and a permanent position with a support staff of up to six employees."
"I don't need a support staff. Maybe an assistant, but that's it."
"Then we have a deal?"
"Just one more thing."
"And that would be?"
"I want a nifty hat."
Audio Log recorded on ββ-ββ-ββββ, ββββ:ββ:ββ
Clef: Come in.
Dr. ββββββββ: Helloβ¦
Clef: Angela. What a surprise.
Dr. ββββββββ: I heard you're the one who nearly killed the Witch Girl.
Clef: Nearly. Didn't get close enough.
Dr. ββββββββ: You're the one who's going to take down 531?
Clef: If needs be, yes.
Dr. ββββββββ: Good. Make him payβ¦ make him pay for what he did to my Michael.
Clef: No.
Dr. ββββββββ: Why not?
Clef: Because it's not about revenge. It's about doing what needs to be done. Besides, I'm not the one who cheated on Mike with some teenage kid.
Dr. ββββββββ: That's not fair, it wasβ¦
Clef: Procedure, right? Never answer a request from the subject in a way that would cause a negative emotional reaction? Don't be ridiculous. You're a woman. You know ten thousand ways to say no without sounding like it.
Dr. ββββββββ: β¦ you misogynisticβ¦
Clef: Go home. Be with your husband. Let off some of your misdirected anger and assuage some of your self-loathing by lying to yourself some more about having no choice. Maybe if you lie enough, it'll actually be true.
Dr. ββββββββ: Fuck you. You fucking sanctimonious goddamn prick. [door opens and closes]
Clef: β¦ yeah.
"Sorry about the leg."
"Sorry about the neck."
"If it's any consolation, you had it coming."
"I have to admit, I was a bit surprised by the way you broke it so easily. You've got a killer's hands, Konny."
"Shut up. Gears told me you asked for my help, so I'm here to help. What do you want?"
"I need the butterflies."
"Go talk to them yourself."
"They don't like me now that there aren't flowers growing out of my ass."
"I can fix that."
"Kondraki, I've just been asked to take down an extremely dangerous SCP with reality-bending powers. How I do that is up to you. I can do it alone in a way that wipes out the entire facility and probably half the city too, or you can help me and we can do it in a much more subtle fashion. How about it?"
"First take back what you said."
"What⦠oh, about her? Okay, I take it back."
"I don't believe you're sorry."
"Shit, man⦠is it that big a deal to you?"
"I broke your neck over it, remember?"
"Point taken."
From the Global Occult Coalition's Pamphlet, "Special Circumstances: Reality Benders."
Reality Benders (Type Greens) have a certain mystique among GOC operatives. They have been attributed a variety of powers, from immortality to mind control. Some operatives even argue that it is impossible to silence a Type Green, and it is suicide to even try.
The truth is, Reality Benders are human, and they have human flaws. Consider the following:
Reality Benders cannot predict the future and can be taken by surprise.
Reality Benders have limited range and cannot affect what they cannot perceive.
Reality Benders cannot impose their will on anything if they have no will to impose.
Reality Benders have human foibles and can be manipulated emotionally and/or rationally.
Note that this holds true for 95% of Type Greens. For the 5% that this does not apply to⦠well, you've got a slight problem.
"Take off your clothes."
"β¦ all right."
"Wow, you're hot⦠damn, those are some nice tits."
"Don't be shy, babyβ¦ come hereβ¦"
<BAM!> "I'm sorry, am I interrupting anything?"
"What the β¦ GET OUT!"
"Sorry, I don't think I've introduced myself yet⦠Dr. Clef. I'm taking over your case."
"What? As of when?"
"As of now. Get out, Becca, the kid and I need to talk. Oh, and here, take your panties, you might need them."
"No, no, no, SCREW that! YOU get out NOW!"
On ββ-ββ-ββββ at ββββ:ββ:ββ, Subject 531's containment facility suffered minor structural damage.
"Got that out of your system?"
"What the hellβ¦"
"Get going, Becca. Kiddo and I need to have a little chat."
"Yes, Doctor."
On ββ-ββ-ββββ at ββββ:ββ:ββ, Dr. Rebecca Flanders left SCP-531's containment facility.
"<wolf whistle> Hot damn, that's a nice ass. You were really gonna hit that?"
"I hit it five times this week."
"Whew! Not bad⦠what does her fiance think about it?"
"Yeah, Becca's engaged to be married next month. Nice guy."
"β¦ not my problem."
"Sure it isn't. Do you mind if I smoke?"
"Yes, I do, I hate it when people smoke!"
"Good." <sound of a Zippo lighting> "Hot damn, it's been way too long since I last had a Lucky Strike."
"<cough cough>"
"Oh, quit whining, it's just a little smoke." <sound of a chair scraping> "So, please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and tasteβ¦"
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Guess you don't like the Stones⦠anyway. My name's Alto Clef, or at least, that's what they call me. I have a real name, but it's classified."
"Anyway, Clef's what they call me around here, but back when I used to work for the GOC, they called me 'Ukulele Man.'"
"That's a faggoty nameβ¦"
"I kinda liked it. Hey, mind if I turn on some music?"
"Go right ahead. There's some Nine Inch Nails inβ¦"
"I said music, not noise." <sound of a CD player opening and a disc being tossed on the ground>
"HEY! Give that back! Damn it!" <sound of splashing liquid>
"Awww, now look what you made me do with my Diet Cokeβ¦"
"Give me that! Damn it, it's all wet nowβ¦"
"Trust me, you'll thank me later." <sound of a CD player closing. Music.>
"What the hell is this shit?"
"This shit, kiddo, is Elvis Presley, father of Rock and Roll. And you ain't nothin' but a hound dog. Anyway, back to me. Back when I was with the GOC, my job was terminating metahumans like you. People with powers that are beyond normal. My specialty was Type Greens, reality benders like you, people who can change reality by imposing their will on it. I've got ninety-nine confirmed kills."
"And I'm number one hundred?" <laughter>
"Maybe. Let's talk first."
"Sure, why not, let's talk."
From the Global Occult Coalition's Pamphlet, "Special Circumstances: Reality Benders."
Never talk to the target. Never look them in the eye. Never do anything that will allow yourself to humanize them. When the time comes to make the kill, you must be direct, forceful, and without mercy. Don't do anything that will make that harder.
"So, tell me about your mother, kiddo."
"My mom's dead."
"I know. You killed two thousand people telling us that."
"It wasn't my fault. I couldn't control it."
"So you say."
"Like I said⦠so you say." <sound of a cigarette being lit. More smoking.> "Tell me about her."
"She was great⦠never beat me up or nothin'. Didn't try and make me do anything I didn't want to, either. Best mom ever."
"Hmm. Sounds nice. What about your dad?"
"Don't even ask about that asshole⦠skipped out on mom and me when I was ten. Motherfucker."
"Want a cigarette?"
"I don't smoke⦠can you turn that fucking music down?"
"No. So, how did you feel when she died?"
"Fucked up, man, she was the only one whom I ever loved, the only one who ever loved me, you know."
"I see." <sound of a chair scraping against floor tiles> "Nice XBox."
"It's all right. I wish I had LIVE, though. Single player's not as fun."
"You like playing online?"
"Sure. Who doesn't like pwning n00bs? This one time on Halo 3, I took out three of them with one grenade, it was great."
"Sounds fun. Anyway, kiddo, like I was saying, reality benders like you are my specialty. There are a lot more than people think, but they all tend to follow the same pattern."
From the Global Occult Coalition's Pamphlet, "Special Circumstances: Reality Benders."
PHASE 1: Denial The subject refuses to acknowledge their Special Talent. The Type Green will attempt to rationalize away their abilities by various means. In some cases, the Type Green will end here: their ability will be self-suppressed, and they will not proceed. However, most then proceed to:
PHASE 2: Experimentation The subject acknowledges their abilities and begins to test the limits of their powers. In general, Type Greens tend to experiment in one of two patterns: slowly, methodically, and carefully, advancing a small amount at a time, or in a small number of sudden jumps. In any case, the subject will generally remain in this mode for some time, before proceeding to:
"So tell me about Michael Flaherty."
"Michael who?"
"Angela's husband. The one whom you aged into senility because you were jealous of his relationship with her."
"It wasn't my fault."
"So you say."
"It wasn't⦠I didn't mean to do it. I'll change him back, I swear."
"Angela's pretty broken up about it, you know."
"I'll bet."
"β¦ is that all?"
"What? I said I'd fix it."
"So you say." <sound of another cigarette lighting>
"Seriously, could you stop that? It's giving me a headache, and my stomach feels all weird."
"Fuck you."
From the Global Occult Coalition's Pamphlet, "Special Circumstances: Reality Benders."
PHASE 3: Stability The subject reaches the limit of their powers, and determines the boundaries of their abilities. The Type Green achieves control over their reality shifts, and can manipulate them as necessary. More importantly, they can choose not to utilize their abilities, if needed.
Phase 3 is characterized by attempts to live a "normal" life. The subject will continue in normal routines, and aside from necessary precautions to prevent losing control, will utilize their abilities only in private, and only in a manner that will not harm others. These Type Greens may be classified as Threat Level 1 (monitor, do not engage), but should be monitored closely, due to the risk of proceeding to Phase 4.
"I'm going to just ask you one last question."
"How did you feel when you raped Angela Flaherty?"
"What? I never raped her!"
"Yes, you did."
"I didn't! She said yes!"
"She had no choice BUT to say yes! And you abused it, you forced her toβ¦"
"She doesn't love you. How could anyone love you? You're a fucked up emo kid who abused his fucked up emo powers to make a bunch of women spread their legs for you against their will. You murdered a thousand people because you couldn't deal with your whore of a mom dying. You're a lousy, murdering, rapingβ¦"
<sound of breaking glass>
"What the hell⦠butterflies?"
"Sorry, kiddo. Game over."
<Explosive Decompression>
From the Global Occult Coalition's Pamphlet, "Special Circumstances: Reality Benders."
PHASE 4: The Child-God Sadly, the majority of Type Greens will end at Phase 4. During this phase, the reality bender becomes obsessed with the power it possesses and will attempt to utilize it for personal gain at the cost of others. This phase is marked by reduced empathy for other humans, inability to accept personal faults, and increased megalomania.
Although warning signs are numerous, the key aspect of a Phase 4 is the use of their abilities to manipulate other humans. Teenage and young adult Type Greens will typically use their abilities for sexual purposes, while children will attempt to make strangers their "friends." Older adults may attempt to manipulate others for love or financial gain. Although a few cases have resulted where the Type Green then reverts to Phase 3, 99% of them will remain at Phase 4 until eliminated. For this reason, Phase 4 Type Greens should be considered Threat Level 5 (Immediate Threat) and eliminated immediately.
Operation: Spoil the Rod
Proposal: SCP-120 is to be dialed to Location 9. The Entry Zone is to be converted to a temporary holding facility, made of thin glass. The structure will be air-tight, but designed to shatter and expose all contents to vacuum in the event of any violence. All personnel are to be evacuated to a radius of 2 miles from the Entry Zone for their own safety in the event that SCP-531 becomes violent.
Dr. Clef will engage SCP-531 and make an initial assessment under cover from SCP-408, while two members of Task Force Sigma 6 ("Puddlejumpers") relocate the calibrated SCP-120 to a location within SCP-531's quarters. Once in place, Dr. Clef will begin the operation by changing the music to Elvis Presley's "You Ain't Nothin' But a Hound Dog." The CD will have been previously altered with two subliminal tracks: the first, a recording of SCP-061 to render the subject susceptible to suggestion. The second, a command to fall asleep immediately, allowing personnel to transport SCP-531 and Dr. Clef to Location 9, through SCP-120.
Upon arriving at Location 9, Dr. Kondraki will continue, through SCP-408, to maintain the illusion that the subject is still in his quarters, while Dr. Clef continues his assessment. If Dr. Clef should determine that the subject must be terminated, he will indicate this by standing up and talking about the subject's XBox. This is SCP-408's cue to take over emulating Dr. Clef while said Dr. Clef proceeds out of the kill zone and to a safe distance. Once all personnel are outside the 2 mile kill zone, explosive charges will be detonated in the glass structure and expose SCP-531 to space, killing it. Should explosive decompression prove ineffective, snipers will be in position from a 2 mile distance to terminate SCP-531 by headshot.
Note that a successful termination of SCP-531 will result in the loss of a significant portion of the 408 swarm: 300 gallons of sugar water will be provided to the surviving members to encourage regrowth and as payment for its cooperation. In addition, it is recommended that Dr. Clef utilize some means of distraction in order to keep SCP-531 off-balance while the kill zone is being established.
APPROVED by O5-7 on ββ-ββ-ββββ
From the Global Occult Coalition's Pamphlet, "Special Circumstances: Reality Benders."
Any attempt to eliminate a Type Green must take into consideration the three factors for Dynamic Entry in close quarter battle.
Speed: Type Greens are able to quickly react to any threat. In order to ensure a successful kill, the operation must take no longer than one second from initiation of hostilities to termination of subject.
Surprise: Type Greens are able to quickly adapt to known threats. It is recommended that a bluff play be carried out: an overt threat is to be presented to the subject for them to fixate upon, while the actual kill is carried out from an unexpected direction.
Violence of Action: Any means of eliminating a Type Green must ensure a successful kill in one shot. Sniper weapons must utilize .50 caliber rounds, preferably hollow-point for maximum expansion, or armor-piercing, as needed. Firearms are, of course, a secondary kill choice: explosives are recommended, but may not be usable due to collateral damage risks.
"Interesting how life goes. Forty-eight hours ago, I was a quadriplegic. Now I'm drinking beer on the moon."
"Too right."
"To five-thirty-one: may he rest in pieces."
<sound of beers opening>
"Hey, Clef."
"So, now that we've both tried to kill each other, and then worked together to kill someone else, that kinda makes us buddies, right?"
"I guess. Why?"
"I'm wondering something⦠what are you, anyway?"
"I know you're ex-GOC, but no one can take down that many SCPs alone. No human. And you're almost immune to reality shifters yourself. So what are you?"
"β¦ I'm actually one of them."
"β¦ a reality shifter?"
"Yeah. I first found out about my powers when I blew up the Space Shuttle Challenger. All those people dead⦠just because some kid wondered what it would be like if the shuttle blew up."
"Yeah, after that I figured I should lock my powers away. I swore only to use it to stop other shifters, the ones who screw it up for the rest of us. The dangerous ones."
"That's intense, man."
"Yeah. So I joined the GOC and learned to use my powers to protect myself. I can stop any other reality shifter from using their powers on me, and I can even ride the wave of the change, kinda like a surfer. That's why 166 can't control me, and why 531 couldn't kill me earlier. I'm kind of the anti-reality shifter. An antibody against that disease."
"That's⦠really deep. Hang on⦠let me get something."
"A shovel to scoop up the bullshit you're feeding me."
"Hah! TouchΓ©! I think this might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
"Nah. But tell you what. If you don't shoot me in the leg again I promise not to break your neck any more."
"Deal." |
Experiment Log of: Professor K. P. Crow, regarding SCP-158 in use for the "Olympia Project".
Date: 29-11-2008
Pre-Experiment Note
I've gathered up several D-Class personnel, having interviewed and evaluated them all, and picked those with personalities and characteristics that I like, or would be useful. Some are male, others are female, as I believe a soul transcends the flesh it is interred in.
But the purpose of this experiment, is to test the "extra" capabilities of the device, those spoken upon in the heavily damaged sections of the book. I've pored over them incessantly, trying to glean as much information as possible from it, but the instructions I managed to get were sketchy at best, and downright unhelpful at worst.
But that will not deter me. I'm a researcher! Trial and error are my middle names!
I withdrew the first subject's soul. Try as I might, I was unable to do anything extra to it, but then again, there was such a small window of time for me to utilize it and try everything. But on the bright side I managed to reverse the process. While that had been done before, no one has discovered the sequence needed to activate, operating on blind luck. This is the first thing I'll concentrate on.
Hah! I've done it! It wasn't that hard.
You know, I've noticed that there's a small period in the middle of the operation where the process pauses, as if it's waiting for further commands. I think that's when the further inputs can be made. I'll have to start checking.
I've been removing and re-implanting the same soul into the same test subject, mainly as a form of experimentation with the controls, but also as practice. Oddly enough, there doesn't seem to be any sort of side effects regarding the subject's health. One would think there would be, considering what I'm doing to her⦠Regardless, I've been probing around that pause with the controls, and I think I almost have it.
I made it begin the movements of something else entirely before it paused again and resumed its original course. I almost have itβ¦
I got it! It completely stopped during the pause, and a completely new set of options appeared on the monitor, being things like "split", "merge", "remove aspects", "add aspects" and "combine aspects". From this I can only deduce that the device is capable of internally storing and modifying these souls for use on other subjects. This is exactly what I was looking for!
Date: 30-11-2008
The aspects that the machine talks about are difficult to define properly. They're all notated by a single word each, often something obscure from various religious texts. I've had to pore over the holy books of at least four major religions and six minor ones, just to understand what the hell the machine is trying to tell me, and even then, I'm still not entirely sure I understand. As far as I know it, most of these "aspects" are facets of the person's personality, and their general basic behavior, as well as things like willpower, understanding, conscience, creativity, empathy, and drive. This⦠may take some time to truly figure out.
This is taking much, much longer than I had originally anticipated. So far I've discovered that the device itself can store up to ten different souls and their composite aspects, and modify them internally. Finding out exactly what each aspect corresponds with is difficult to say the least. I'm having to modify each subject slightly, then send them out for a complete psychological evaluation to try and discern what exactly I did. Then I have to repeat the process several more times just to make sure. It's tiring to say the least, but on the upside, at least I'm becoming more proficient at the device.
This is getting ridiculous. This has sucked up most of the time in my day, and I'm near falling asleep here. There has to be a different way to monitor or measure the changes in these people's souls. I'm going to try and get onto R&D and see if they can find some sort of way of reverse engineering some part of this device, something to make this run just that little bit smoother, something to help us understand it more. I know how to operate it, but I'm shooting in the dark here. I'm like a child with a piano, I know which keys make which sounds, but I can't play a song to save my life. I'll try again tomorrow. Maybe the morn will bring with it new ideas.
Date: 01/12/2008
I had thought I had grasped an idea of the limits of this device, but I was proven wrong. I had assumed the machine was at fault, being too complicated for its own good. Now I realize my mistake. It's not the machine, it's the very nature of a human soul. There's no true way to express something like that in mere words, although this machine tries desperately to do that. That said, it will take me some time to be able to use this device competently enough to do what I am hoping to do. I'll have to study the things I have seen and recorded to the very limit of my abilities.
Date: 02/12/2008
I've left the device alone for the moment, electing to study my notes than raise more questions interacting with the device. I've recorded over four hundred different words in regards to the aspects, with an almost unlimited number of combinations capable therein. Seems apt of course, considering the complexity of the human condition. But should I master this device, the possibilities could be endless. But such a thing does not seem to be anywhere in sight. It may take months, even years, simply to grasp this device, let alone do what I have suggested.
I plan to do it in days.
Date: 03/12/2008
Still no real progress. At most, I've gotten a single soul that is a composite of all I've learned, but it's something that I can't quite describe. When interred into a host, it's highly interesting, but when I send it in for a psyche test, the results basically go out the window. We can't get a valid result, which in and of itself is impossible.
I've been modifying this composite soul, which I'll dub Subject Zero for the time being, and every time I do so, I get the feeling there's more to this than meets the eye. It seems to be more aware of its surroundings, more knowledgeable than its host should allow, displaying an intellect that would outstrip most researchers in this place many time over. Possibly even meβ¦
My god⦠This is unprecedented. The reason why the evaluations were so inconclusive, why Zero seemed so knowledgeable, why it seemed to be able to see another world around it, they all make sense now.
Subject Zero, by some fluke of chance, or by my meddling with this machine, somehow, simultaneously exists on this plane of existence and several others. I have created an entity that exists beyond the scope of human interaction, a consciousness that can see, and hear, and feel, and think outside of this realm. It is aware of what I have been doing, and it appreciates me having created it. It is, in a sense, immortal. Even if its physical host is destroyed, it is capable of continuing to survive beyond that, only slightly limited in this level of existence.
It revealed the truth to me, and I have asked it to answer my questions for the evaluation honestly. It agreed.
Zero would make an excellent candidate for my assistant. It respects and admires me for its creation, much a child would an endearing father figure. I have assured it that it would be treated well, and that I will give it a host to the best of my ability to create. All that it asks of me is that it is given a name other than Zero. A name. Not a number.
I told it to give itself a name, to christen itself whatever it so wishes. It told me it would have to think about it.
End of Session
Notes: The composite soul has been accepted as a component for the "Olympia Project" |
Interviewed: Dr. A. Clef, SCP number pending.
Interviewer: Dr. ββββββββ Kondraki.
Foreword: This interview took place 24 hours after the Site 17 incident.
<Begin Log, ββ-ββ-ββββ, ββββ:ββ:ββ>
Kondraki: Clef.
Clef: Kondraki.
[long silence]
Clef: How's the leg?
Kondraki: I'll be fine. How are the face, the eyes, the ears, and the entire body?
Clef: They gave me a few minutes with the pendant. Enough to heal me, not enough to turn me into The Blob.
Kondraki: Shame that. It might actually improve your personality.
Clef: I've missed you too.
[long silence]
Clef: How is the girl?
Kondraki: Comatose. Gears knocked her out on site, after she did the thing with the Dragon. They decided it was better if she stayed that way. They have her locked up in a room lined with telekill.
Clef: Who do they have assigned to watch her?
Kondraki: Valdason.
Clef: That poor girl.
Kondraki: Funny, coming from the one who tried to kill her.
Clef: I wasn't talking about the SCP.
[long silence]
Kondraki: So, why did you do it?
Clef: You've read the report, haven't you? It was a mistake on my part. I thought that I could help contain her byβ¦
Kondraki: Bullshit.
Clef: Pardon me?
Kondraki: Bull. Shit. According to the report, you're an absolute moron who screwed up so badly that he caused a major site-wide incident. But if I know you, you're not a moron. You're a sadistic, evil, and conniving bastard, but you're not stupid.
Clef: I never knew you cared.
Kondraki: Cut the crap, Clef. What were you really after?
Clef: I have no idea what you're talking about, Konny, dear.
Kondraki: [raising voice] It's all too convenient. A partial voice log from your PDA that cuts out just as Lilith manages to order you to tell the truth? An emergency call that summons two other Foundation researchers onto the scene? A major security breach that causes every single SCP at that base to leave their containment cells? Massive casualties, including at least 2 SCPs, one of which we had high hopes for, one of which YOU personally vouched for?
Clef: Do you watch cartoons, Kondraki? You should check out this show called Gargoyles, I think you'd like itβ¦
Kondraki: [shouting] What the hell were you trying to do? Were you trying to kill someone? Get in contact with someone? Make them put the girl to sleep?
Clef: [manic laughter] Goddamn it, the Stones were right, it really is the nature of my game that's puzzling you, isn't it!
Kondraki: β¦ what?
Clef: Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name.
Kondraki: β¦ bullshit. You're lying. You always lie.
Clef: Yes, I do⦠always lie, don't I? One might even call me the father of lies, considering all the lying I do. Funny that.
Kondraki: β¦ women hate you.
Clef: Of course they do. Considering that little incident with the apple tree, I'm not surprised they still harbor some lingering resentment. It was all for the best, thoughβ¦
Kondraki: [speaking faster] Lilith knew you. She said you loved her. You said you never stopped loving herβ¦
Clef: She was too good for that simpering fool. Untamed, strong, and wild, a true woman, not that whiny little submissive slut Eve. Of course, that milquetoast asshole preferred the one who'd lie quietly and take it, not the one who'd show him aβ¦
Kondraki: [faster and louder] The wood nymph . . you convinced her to flowerβ¦
Clef: Apple blossoms, if you looked closely enough.
Kondraki: And SigurrΓ³s?
Clef: Also known as the Alpha and Omega, the Great I AM⦠I'm still not sure what she's doing incarnating again. I mean, it basically means Heaven is empty right now, and my people are going to be storming the gates any time now.
Kondraki: My godβ¦
Clef: ⦠is currently lying in a coma in a hospital bed nearby, yes. Helpless. Alone⦠completely vulnerable.
[long silence]
Clef: [manic laughter] Oh Jesus Christ, you're actually buying this bullshit, aren't you?
Kondraki: β¦ what?
Clef: Oh god, the look on your face, it's priceless! It's better than when I told Gears that Alice had hacked my optics and convinced me to get rid of the competition! He nearly put that little monster through an MRI to check for infection in her brain before he figured out I was bullshitting him⦠but hell, that frigid bastard's got no emotions at all, that's not nearly as fucking hilarious as you!
Clef: [manic laughter, strangled] And here's the really fucked up part, Kondrakiβ¦ what if I'm lying right now? What if I did just tell you the truth before, and what you primitive apes call Heaven is currently laying wide open, ready to be stormed by my followers? What if you die, and your soul crosses the Boundary, and you find those damn artemicite gates covered with the bloody wings of the Elohim nailed to the walls? And what if I'm there, ready to lead you to your eternal reward? And what if I've got βββ, and I'm showing her all the things that you'll never [DATA EXPUNGED]?
Kondraki: You BASTARD! I'll kill you!
Clef: You'll never un-think it, Konny! It'll always be back there in the back of your head, nagging, nagging, tickling you, spinning around in an unending spiralβ¦
Kondraki: [Inarticulate scream of rage.]
[It is determined that this is the point where Dr. Clef accidentally fell out of his chair and struck his head nine times against the corner of the desk, fracturing his skull and snapping his neck between the second and third vertebrae.]
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Dr. Clef remains in intensive care, paralyzed from the neck down. Dr. Kondraki has been cleared of all responsibility regarding the incident. |
Written by Danteson
The spell book has been revoked by the Foundation. It's not like she'll use it much anymore. - Dr. Wright.
Chapter One: The Foundation and You!
Now, your job as a witch is to do whatever the nice folks at The Foundation tell you to do. Even if they ask you to do something, and you don't want to do it, you must, or else you may not get your witching license when you grow up! You don't want that to happen, do you?
Another important rule is that you must never ask any questions about any of the other witches or wizards you may see. They might have different powers than you, but don't worry, that's perfectly normal. If The Foundation tells you that they are safe, then you are allowed to be friends with them. Yay!
Chapter Two: How to Cast Your First Spell
Casting spells is easy! Just say the magic words out loud, and imagine the spell happening in front of your very eyes! Always make sure you say the words firmly, correctly, and most importantly, confidently. You will be turning your hair purple before you even know it!
One very important rule that all witches must follow, is that you must never, ever, ever, try and cast a spell that is not listed for you in this book. This is a very serious crime in the witching community, and it could even be punished by burning at the stake! Oh no!
Chapter Three: Safe Spelling!
(Writing in this book is cheating, you cheater!)
Tap an object with your finger, say Chromus, and it will turn any color you want!
Point and say Aquafier, and your finger will shoot out water like a squirt gun! How fun!
If you drag your finger along something and say Duco, then you will make a magic mark, like a magic marker! Don't draw on the walls with this however.
Hold a cup in your hands and say Estus, and your drink will be nice and hot, just for you. You can make your own hot chocolate any time.
Just hold out your hand and say Nutrimens (be careful, this is a hard word!), and your favorite kind of food will pop up in your hands.
Don't like taking baths? Just use Tergo. It will get you squeaky clean in moments.
Are you having trouble sleeping? Just whisper Quiesco to your pillow, and you will sleep like a baby.
Only to be used with the permission of a Foundation member! By pointing at the picture of a person and speaking this spell, you cause the pictured person or creature to die. Oh no!
Re: Internal Affairs Incident between Drs. "Alto" Clef and ββββββββ Kondraki, ββ-ββ-ββββ.
This report is CLOSED. Any further edits must be approved by an O-5 level authority, except for basic grammatical and spelling corrections. Any further information about this incident should be placed in a supplemental report.
This report compiled by:
01:12 - Dr. Clef/SLβ
01:15 - Dr. Kondraki/SL3
04:37 - Kain Pathos Crow/SL4
04:38 - Dr. Gears/SLβ
1:19 - Far2/SLβ
1:20 - Bijhan/SLβ
1:21 - Dr. Bright/SLβ
On ββ-ββ-ββββ, Dr. A. Clef made the following recommendation on the log re: SCP-239
My analysis of the situation has led me to the conclusion that SCP-239 is an unacceptable containment and security risk. Although several proposals have been made re: using her for containing other SCPs, the example of SCP-953 and others must serve as a stark reminder of the risks of overestimating the Foundation's ability to control SCPs with reality-altering powers.
I would therefore like to make the following proposal: a dagger will be constructed of SCP-148, capable of penetrating SCP-239's otherwise invincible skin. This weapon will be used to terminate SCP-239 while she is asleep and her powers are neutralized. Because of the danger of SCP-239 awakening and resisting termination, it is my recommendation that the selected operative carry SCP-668 as well, in order to minimize complications.
One of the dangers of this procedure is the possibility that SCP-239 will awaken and perceive the operative as a friend or "good person," thus changing reality to match. It is for this reason that I would like to volunteer to carry out the procedure personally. A review of my personnel file should indicate that my [DATA EXPUNGED] should allow me to carry out the operation even after a reality shift of this nature.
- Clef
Unfortunately, Dr. Clef made the error of transmitting his proposal en clair instead of through secured channels. Knowledge of his plan of action reached several staff members at Site-17. As documented under Incident Report 239-A, SCP-239 had formed bonds with several staff members at Site-17. Whether motivated by ordinary sympathy or, as Clef predicted, due to SCP-239's reality-altering abilities causing those on site to be perceived as friends, several staff members were motivated to take action to prevent Dr. Clef from carrying out his proposed plan of action: in particular, Dr. ββββββββ Kondraki.
Evidence relating to the resulting incident is, unfortunately, incomplete and unclear at best. Efforts are currently underway to piece together the events that occurred through personal logs, official records, and post-incident interviews.
Surveillance Log x92βββ, Date β-ββ-ββββ
23:02 - Dr. Kondraki departs living quarters
00:03 - Access to SCP-408 containment unit authorized by Dr. Kondraki
00:05 - Dr. Kondraki enters containment
05:13 - Dr. Kondraki exits containment
Personal log of Dr. A. Clef, SLβ
I, Aβββββ Hββββ Cβββ, being of sound mind and body, hereby declare that the actions I am about to take are mine and mine alone, and that I am not acting on the orders of any outside body or official Foundation representative. I also declare that I am a liar. Which part of my prior statement is a lie I will leave for the historians and you post-incident investigators to puzzle over. Perhaps I was lying that I am a liar. There's an infinite feedback loop to crash your brains.
I believe that I have tipped my hand too far, and the time to act is now. If my suspicions are confirmed, and the staff of Site-17 have been compromised, it is only a matter of time before someone there informs 239 of my plan of action. After that, it's impossible to tell what may result. My unique character flaws may help to protect me from any resulting reality shifts, but a CK-Class restructuring is still a CK-Class restructuring. All things considered, I like the world as it is.
I have constructed several weapons out of telekill alloy in the short time I had to prepare: they should provide me with a variety of kill options at varying ranges. Incidentally, I am disappointed in the other members of the Foundation at their lack of initiative: knowing of a highly dangerous Keter-class SCP's vulnerability, they nonetheless refused to neutralize it. Perhaps this is a result of the SCP's reality-altering powers, or perhaps it is simple sentimentality towards a dangerous weapon that takes the form of a small child. Probably the latter. My "colleagues" do have a distressing tendency to show unwarranted leniency towards highly destructive humanoid Keter-class SCPs.
Hypothesis: if an enemy wished to destroy the Foundation, all they would need is ten nuclear weapons in the kiloton range, disguised as Girl Scouts.
Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful in securing the Genovese Blade before leaving Site-19, which means that I will be unable to use it to bypass base security. However, my outside contacts have provided me with a variety of technological surrogates which may suffice. In addition, my personal digital assistant has been linked to my ocular and aural implants. In the event of a mission abort or failure, all data regarding this mission shall be immediately transmitted to the GOC, all O5-level Foundation personnel, the FBI's Unusual Incidents Unit, and βββ. In the event of personal life sign termination, the Clef unit at the GOC (Treble) is to execute Procedure Pizzicato (Planetary Sterilization).
By the way, I'd like to remind everyone reading this log at Post-Incident Investigation (Hi there, Mel!) that I am a liar and there is no Clef unit at the GOC, no Procedure Pizzicato, and no data dump to be carried out in the event of my death. Probably not. Maybe. There's a good chance of it.
Arrival in ten minutes. Mission begins.
Surveillance Log x92βββ, Date β-ββ-βββββ-ββ-ββββ
4:45 VTOL 505 arrives at landing pad 7.
4:46 Six (6) Site-17 security agents arrive on-scene.
4:47 Dr. Clef is ordered to exit VTOL 505 and lay down on the ground with his hands on his head. Dr. Clef complies.
4:48 Unknown event. Four (4) security agents temporarily stunned by effects. Remaining two (2) rendered unconscious. Dr. Clef is observed drawing a pistol from his lab coat and firing twelve (12) tranquilizer darts, giving each agent a double-dose of [DATA EXPUNGED].
4:52 Further resistance from Site-17 Security Personnel.
5:02 Resistance neutralized.
5:10 Dr. Clef enters Site-17.
Surveilance Log x92βββ, Date β-ββ-ββββ
05:11 Several Level 1 security personnel arrive at Site-17 main entrance.
05:13 Security personnel neutralized by [DATA EXPUNGED].
05:17 Noted change in surroundings, several signs altered, hallway B-7 intersection becomes dead end.
06:02 Large flash of light erupts from hallway B-7.
Personal log of Dr. A. Clef, SLβ
It's worse than I thought.
The reality shifts have already started to occur. The walls have shifted, everything's not where it should be. My Site-17 map is completely useless. All I can do is follow the signs and hope they lead me to the right place.
Damn, what the hell is going on here? I could have sworn that was a doorway a moment agoβ¦
Wait a minute.
[Sound of a hand slapping against metal]
Butterflies? [Manic laughter] Konny, you magnificent bastard! I've read yourβ¦
[Another male voice is heard saying, "Smile you sonovabitch!"]
Surveilance Log x92βββ, Date β-ββ-ββββ
06:04 SCP-408 briefly spotted, before reconfiguration. Dr. Clef identified, Site-17 security alerted.
06:06 Dr. Kondraki spotted, accompanied by 3 other Dr. Kondraki. Subject appears to be holding highly modified camera.
06:10 Security teams dispatched to containment unit of SCP-239.
06:20 Dr. Kondraki neutralized, Dr. Clef leaves hallway B-7
Personal log of Dr. A. Clef, SLβ
Konny, you clever, clever bastard! Talked to 408, did you? Convinced them to help you⦠or did the damn bugs volunteer to do it on their own? No matter, you win this round. Clipped me pretty good, huh? Well, now you're dead⦠at least, one of you is, I think. Two bullets in the heart, one in the head, you'd think that would be enough, but no, you just had to keep coming, didn't you? Made me get up close and use the knife, didn't you?
Why did you do it, Konny? Are you working for her, now? Did she call you her snuggle-lumpkin, and turn you into her pet? Or are you just doing this because she looks like a little girl, and your damnable genes that tell you that children are to be loved and protected are firing ten thousand fold? It's not a child, Konny, it's a monster, the worst kind of monster, one that hides in plain sight, makes you love it before it butchers you alive.
Whatever you had in that damn flashbulb took out my eyes. I'm thinking second degree burns on my face and forearms, and my retinas are fried to hell. That's fine, they'll grow back. Until then, I can't see a damn thing, but my ocular implants still work. I can still finish the mission.
I just need some help. And I think I know where to find it.
6:25 Site-17 Security Team Bravo ceases to exist.
6:30 Site-17 Security Team Bravo re-emerges, wearing full-plate armor, carrying heaters and arming swords.
6:35 Site-17 Security Team Bravo engages Dr. Clef in hallway B-9.
6:36 Site-17 Security Team Bravo neutralized.
6:37 Dr. Clef ceases movement.
6:38 Dr. Clef proceeds to containment facility for SCP-091-ARC.
6:45 Containment Breach. Biohazard Level 4 Alert. Site-17 goes into Biohazard Lockdown. Automated alert goes out to all other SCP Foundation bases, requesting assistance. Kain Pathos Crow and Dr. Gears respond.
7:01 Hall B7 secure, no movement detected.
7:12 Movement detected, SCP-408 uncloaks. Dr. Kondraki is wounded.
7:25 SCP-408 departs.
7:26 Dr. Kondraki operating cam.
Personal log of Dr. A. Clef, SLβ
I talked with Siddhartha Gautama once. He told me that the world is an illusion. That nothing that exists is real. You've driven it home for me.
Damn butterflies all over the place. Nothing is real, nothing exists. All is illusion. I walk down a hallway and it turns into a dead end, which explodes into a shower of light. None of the signs lead where they should. None of the walls point where they should go. For all I know, you've gotten the little monster out of the facility already.
Except for one very interesting fact.
Have you ever wondered why women instinctively recoil from me, Konny? Have you ever wondered why I was able to get into 91's pen and let her out, or why 166 and I get along so well? Have you ever wondered why I never talk to 105?
If you knew who I was, you'd understand.
But then, if you bastards knew who I was, I'd be another specimen in your collection. Another number to catalogue and store and contain.
Because that's what you do, right? You catalogue, store, and contain, and watch and watch and watch. Never act. Never move. Never take the initiative.
Even when death is staring you straight in the face.
But I can act, Konny. I can always act. That's why your silly little game can't stop me. Why your silly little butterflies and illusions and parlor tricks will never suffice. Because Gautama was wrong. Not everything is an illusion, and not all illusions are indistinguishable from reality.
For instance, what will happen when I release an elemental spirit of wood from its containment? Well, of course, the entire facility will go into biohazard lockdown. No one gets out. So that little monster is going to be trapped in here with me. No way for you quislings to let her out into the world to destroy us all. Perhaps you think that's all I'm going for.
Here's a little hint, buddy. It's not.
No one's ever seen what Ninety-One looks like when she flowers, or fruits.
I'm about to show them.
7:30 Dr. Kondraki focuses image on Hallway F-19, current location of Dr. Clef
7:35 Dr. Clef is seen embracing SCP-091-ARC. Immediate infection occurs.
7:36 Infection now spreads across 90% of Dr. Clef's body.
7:38 Flowers are seen emerging from Dr. Clef's extremities.
7:39 Flowers begin to exude an unknown pheremone.
7:43 Local swarm of SCP-408 begins to lose cohesion.
Audio Log s17βββ-ββββ Date: β-ββ-ββββ
<unknown>: [Static]β¦need assiβ¦P-091-ARC containment breeβ¦
<Operator ββββββ>: Kondraki, is that you? What the hell is going on down there, they're talking about a full lockdown!
<Dr. Kondraki>: Doctβ¦extremely aggresiveβ¦warn Cog anβ¦send helpβ¦
<Operator ββββββ>: Dr. Gears? I just got a report that he and Kain are on the way here, don't worry.
<Dr. Kondraki>: [Pained] β¦.got it allβ¦.wrongβ¦
<Operator ββββββ>: Doc? Doc?! [indistinct, shouting to someone in background]
Interview Log xββββ, Date: ββ-β-ββββ
<O5-β>: As the first person to become involved in this incident, let's start with your involvement that night.
<Dr. Kondraki>: I had been tending to SCP-408 that night, making sure maintenance kept the feeders filled properly. It was 408 who alerted me.
<O5-β>: How did SCP-408 know about the situation outside?
<Dr. Kondraki>: Hell if I know, and it wouldn't tell me at the time. What mattered, however, was stopping Dr. Clef from causing any more havoc.
<O5-β>: If I recall, you weren't very successful.
<Dr. Kondraki>: No, but then again what could I do? I had a camera and a flock of butterflies. And this wasn't much of a photo shoot.
<O5-β>: What about SCP-239?
<Dr. Kondraki>: What about her?
<O5-β>: The assumption of Dr. Clef is that you were manipulated into protecting her.
<Dr. Kondraki>: It certainly became the focus of my actions once I figured out his plan, which the idiot had revealed to anyone who cared to look.
<O5-β>: Was it true then?
<Dr. Kondraki>: That I did it all to protect SCP-239?
<O5-β>: That you did it because she wanted you to.
<Dr. Kondraki>: To be honest, with the way that girl works, can I even be certain of my intent? The idea that she used me like that, it scares me.
<O5-β>: It scares you that she can control you?
<Dr. Kondraki>: No, it scares me because if she did, I'll have to kill her myself.
<O5-β>: One more thing, did you know about [DATA EXPUNGED]
<Dr. Kondraki>: [Laughs] I don't think anyone doubted she would get caught up in this.
7:46 Entirety of SCP-408's swarm now in disarray.
7:50 SCP-091-ARC has breached containment, Dr. Clef seen leaving containment.
7:53 Humanoid figure seen emerging from cloud of confused 408.
7:57 SCP-408 reverts to basic state, retreats. SCP-336 identified.
8:01 Dr. Clef and SCP-336 seen conversing.
8:03 SCP-336 removes voice modulator.
Audio Log s17βββ-ββββ Date: β-ββ-ββββ
<Clef>: β¦ you.
<SCP-336>: β¦ me.
<Clef>: β¦ Why are you here?
<SCP-336>: To stop you.
<Clef>: [At this point. Dr. Clef reverted to an unknown language. Foundation linguists have analyzed the content of this audio file, and believe it to be a variant of ancient Sumerian.]
<SCP-336>: [Responds in a similar dialect]
<Clef>: β¦ so there is no other way, then?
<SCP-336>: None. Your motivations may be pure, but your methods are too extreme.
<Clef>: I never stopped loving you, you know.
<SCP-336>: I know.
[DATA EXPUNGED] [It is at this point that SCP-336 removed her voice modulator and began to speak. For the safety of listeners, this portion of the recording was automatically redacted from the record.]
<Clef>: [Cries of pain]
<SCP-336>: Your dedication is remarkable, but you haveβ¦
[Shots fired]
8:05 Target tracking reacquired. Dr. Clef is seen reloading a handgun, leaning against a wall and clearly shaken. Blood is seen running down from both ears, apparently self-inflicted injuries to both eardrums. A nearby mirror appears to have been shattered with three 9mm rounds. SCP-336 is no longer visible.
8:06 Dr. Clef slumps against the wall and slides down to the ground, appearing to weep. Flowering growths on his body wither and die.
8:08 SCP-408 regains cohesion and begins to swarm around Dr. Clef. Visual contact lost.
Personal log of Dr. A. Clef, SLβ
This is [DATA EXPUNGED] previously known as Dr. Clef. I am not making this statement out of my own free will, but under compulsion from the First Wife. Despite my efforts, I was not able to remove my own hearing before a partial command was spoken by SCP-336. I'm not sure what she meant to order me to do, but all I remember hearing are the words, "Tell me the truth."
This is the truth.
β¦ the truthβ¦
[low, manic laughter, breaking into raucous peals]
[Sound of breaking electronics. It is determined that Dr. Clef's PDA was shattered at this point in time.]
Interview Log xββββ, Date: ββ-β-ββββ
<O5-β>: At what point did you become involved in the incident?
<Dr. Gears>: I was doing work with Professor Kain on SCP-244. We had determined that several sections could be retrofitted to be modular. We were working on a new crystal-powered cannon module when site command gave us the order to respond.
<O5-β>: Did you have any prior knowledge of what was going on?
<Dr. Gears>: Somewhat. We had heard an alarm go off, but no βblack alertβ breach warning, so we had continued work. More, I worked while Professor Kain was providing feedback. The P.A. system came on in the lab, and site command said Dr. Clef was attempting to terminate SCP-239 without approval, and had caused several containment breaches, in addition to harming other personnel, notably Dr. Kondraki. We were to attempt to contain Dr. Clef until site security could respond.
<O5-β>: Did you find that odd?
<Dr. Gears>: What?
<O5-β>: That you were being asked to stop a hostile action.
<Dr. Gears>: No. Dr. Clef's actions wereβ¦unexpected, but I have been called to do many things outside my area of expertise since joining the Foundation.
<O5-β>: What did you do after you received orders?
<Dr. Gears>: Professor Kain entered SCP-244 and stated that he was going to assist Dr. Kondraki. The new module was still attached, and the professor expressed anticipation in regards to using the cannon to disable Dr. Clef. I advised caution; however Professor Kain was already leaving, and may not have heard me.
<O5-β>: You didn't go with him?
<Dr. Gears>: I doubt I would have been able to render much help. Professor Kain is a brilliant man, in the body of a dog, in a large mechanical combat device derived from several SCP. I am a human being with no combat training, and severely limited emotional response. I responded in the way I felt would do the most good.
<O5-β>: And how was that?
<Dr. Gears>: I went to speak with SCP-239.
<Note: audio recoding system damaged, no audio available>
8:12 Dr. Gears leaves testing area shortly after Kain.
8:20 Dr. Gears gains access to the containment area of SCP-239.
8:21 SCP-239 embraces Dr. Gears, who squats down to be face-to-face with SCP-239. Dr. Gears and SCP-239 appear to converse for several minutes, SCP-239 nodding several times.
8:25 Dr. Gears stands and gestures to the door while speaking. SCP-239 collects her βspell bookβ and takes his hand. SCP-239 has a very stoic expression, but continues to speak as they leave the containment area.
8:27 Dr. Gears stops and collects a book from a office. It appears to be a Chinese dictionary. Dr. Gears gestures to it and to the βspell bookβ while speaking to SCP-239. SCP-239 smiles and speaks, then takes Dr. Gears' hand, leading him towards the area of the Dr. Clef incident.
8:21 Kain Pathos Crow enters the incident area.
8:25 Crow discovers Dr. Kondraki.
8:26 The pair converse for several moments.
8:29 A large syringe emerges from the side of SCP-244 and injects an unknown substance into Dr. Kondraki's left arm.
8:32 One of SCP-244's arms reach inside its cockpit and remove a large pitcher of alcohol, handing it to Dr. Kondraki, despite him visibly refusing.
8:35 Crow speaks to Kondraki, then leaves area.
Personal log of Kain Pathos Crow
Hmmm⦠The walker is performing admirably, although this should be a good test of its combat abilities, as I've never had the chance to test it in an actually red alert situation. (the Section 24 Incident doesn't count because no one can remember what actually happened, and there wasn't enough left to properly identify)
Still, this is a no kill situation. I like Clef. Maybe I can talk to him. I just need to be wary. Don't want to be caught unawares. Not again. Not like last time.
8:40 Crow enters lockdown area, breaching Containment Door 12 with an unknown explosive projectile in the process.
8:41 SCP-122-D stands in Crow's way and begins barking and growling, baring its fangs.
8:42 Crow walks past SCP-122-D, ignoring it completely.
8:43 SCP-122-D reacts badly to this, attempting to attack Crow and SCP-244. SCP-244 reacts defensively, batting SCP-122-D out of the way.
8:44 SCP-122-D continues to attempt to assault Crow, and is continually warded away by SCP-244 with little effort.
8:47 SCP-244 reacts suddenly, blasting SCP-122-D with what appears to be the newly installed "Crystal Module" and is transformed into solid crystal.
8:48 Crow examines the remains of SCP-122-D, then continues on his way.
Personal log of Kain Pathos Crow
Bastard had it coming. Nobody liked that mutt anyway. Make a nice lawn ornament thoughβ¦
Taken from the Post-Incident Report
β¦ did not realize until after the incident that SCP-547's file had been corrupted by SCP-732, turning an otherwise ordinary pyro-kinetic into an apparent five-elemental abomination. Despite popular conception, the presence of l337-speek is not a positive indicator for SCP-732, which i@#$ awesome in every way and really likes Highlande@$% which is wh@#$ wears a black trench coat and carries a katana, but the sudd@#$ presence of Mary-Sue esque elements unnecessary for conversion of the object, which i@#$onna get to date SCP-105 because she loves me so much@#$
Addition PIR-01: Damn it, someone get me an antivirus program in here@#$why can't you tell i'm not electronic@#$@ β¦
8:49 SCP-547 leaves confinement as emergency containment procedures fail, proceeds down Hallway G-7.
8:40 Dr. Clef, surrounded by a cloud of SCP-408, proceeds down hallway G-7.
8:41 SCP-547 encounters Dr. Clef.
8:42 SCP-547 engages Dr. Clef. Temperature in Hallway G-7 rises to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, igniting all paper and cloth in the area.
8:43 Smoke fills corridor. Dr. Clef disappears from sight due to density of smoke.
8:44 SCP-547 disappears from sight.
8:45 Shots fired.
8:57 Dr. Clef emerges from smoke cloud, with what appear to be second and third-degree burns over 50% of his body.
9:20 Smoke clears. SCP-547-D seen slumped against the wall, having taken between three and four bullet wounds to the head and upper torso. Subsequent autopsy will reveal that the unusual organ in his chest was shattered by the final round, killing him. (Death was confirmed at 11:27 pm, after the incident was concluded)
3:15 Dr. Bright, currently in the body of SCP-963-D143, an elderly African American female, arrives on site, bearing an ordinary satchel.
3:20 Dr. Bright is taken into custody. Dr. Bright is questioned as to his arrival at a Site whose SCPs he is incapable of interacting with, per his restrictions. The Doctor appears confused, and seems not to understand why he came here.
3:25 Upon examination, it was determined that the satchel contained several SCPs, including SCP-018 and SCP-776. Further questioning reveals the Dr. does not remember gathering these SCPs, nor traveling to Site-17. Dr. Bright is remanded into custody until further orders arrive.
9:15 Dr. Bright stands up in his cell, stating simply, "This is why I was brought here." For unknown reasons, guards on his cell not only allow him to leave, but provide him with the satchel as well.
9:25 Dr. Bright confronts Dr. Clef, with the satchel already open in front of him. There is a discussion between the two, with Dr. Bright holding his hand inside of the satchel.
9:32 Dr. Clef fires one shot into Dr. Bright's head, killing his host body instantly. Dr. Bright dies with a smile on his face, for reasons unknown.
Interview Log xββββ, Date: ββ-β-ββββ
<O5-β>: Dr. Bright, do you have any further idea as to why you ended up at Site-17?
Dr. Bright shakes his head in the negative.
<O5-β>: Are you aware of how you managed to bypass the security measures on the SCPs you collected?
Dr. Bright indicates a negatory.
<O5-β>:Can you please explain the conversation that occurred between yourself and Dr. Clef?
<Dr. Bright>: Oook. Ook eek, ok ook.
<O5-β>:This is ridiculous. I am well aware of the pranks you scientists choose to play upon each other, but this one was undertaken at a poor time. Interrogation of Dr. Bright will continue once he has been returned to a human body.
9:33 Dr. Clef reloads his handgun, "looking" down at the dead body of Dr. Bright. Camera notes an expression of confusion on his face.
9:34 Dr. Clef reaches into the satchel, takes hold of SCP-776.
9:35 Dr. Clef throws SCP-776 against the wall. SCP-776 comes up 3. Water begins to issue forth.
9:36 Dr. Clef rolls SCP-776 a second time. SCP-776 comes up 3 again. Water issues forth at a greater rate of flow.
9:37 Dr. Clef retrieves SCP-776, appears to mutter, "Work, damn it." Rolls a third time. SCP-776 comes up 2. Hallway G-8 quickly becomes frozen in place, cutting Sector 7 of Site-17 off from the rest of the site. Ice will continue to issue from SCP-776 for the next five minutes at a rate of approximately 1000 cubic centimeters every minute.
9:38 Dr. Clef leaves hallway G-8, moving towards the current location of Dr. Gears and SCP-239.
9:39 SCP-018 breaches temporary containment system.
9:31 Dr. Kondraki wakes up, having passed out once injected with unknown liquid by SCP-244.
9:33 Gets up, leg wound seemingly healed, and exits hallway B-7.
9:36 Dr. Kondraki enters living quarters. SCP-408 seen waiting outside.
9:39 Dr. Kondraki still in room, heat signature detected leaving area.
9:43 Dr. Kondraki spotted with SCP-239 and Dr. Gears, now carrying tripod of unknown make and model.
9:44 The two doctors converse, with Dr. Kondraki gesturing to SCP-239 several times.
9:48 Dr. Clef appears.
9:50 Dr. Kondraki engages Dr. Clef.
Investigation Log x77β, Date ββ-β-ββββ
The second of the two contraband items that Dr. Kondraki had on his person during the incident happened to be contained within an extra-long tripod. When unscrewed and detached from the main apparatus, the mono-pod of the device acted as a sheath for a straight blade saber of exceptional quality. The make and composition of the blade is still under investigation, but unlike SCP-515-ARC, this one doesn't require SCP classification. At first, a connection to SCP-108 had been presumed, due to the skill with which Dr. Kondraki wielded the blade, but further investigation has revealed that he has more than a simple passing interest in fencing. Details are recorded in Personnel Log cVββββ.
Partial log, recovered from file-dββββ.
<Dr. Kondraki>: It's over, Clef! I've got the drop on you this time!
<Dr. Clef>: [Gunshots] Whyβ¦do you persist in protecting that monster?!
<Dr. Kondraki>: Because, Dr. Clef, things are never quite so black and white.
<Sound of a metallic clattering sound. It is believed that this is the point where Dr. Clef ran out of ammunition and switched to his backup weapon SCP-1023-ARC >
<Dr. Clef>: [Blades clash] You're the one that's color blind, Konny!
<Dr. Kondraki>: Where the hell were you keeping that thing this whole time, anyway?
Addendum: To the anonymous employee who took the Site-17 surveillance camera footage of Drs. Clef and Kondraki having a swordfight, set it to the "Highlander" theme song, and posted it to the company intraweb with the title, "There Can Be Only One": We will find out who you are, and when we do, you'll be missed greatly.
P.S. Whose smart idea was it to allow SCP-076 to view the footage?
Interview Log xββββ, Date: ββ-β-ββββ
(forward to 00:42:18)
<O5-ββ>: Gears, god damn it, what did you say to her?
<Dr. Gears>: Sir, I do not understand your current agitation. The video record is in excellent condition, and the audio in question is 88% complete. You are already aware of what was said, and its effect. I don'tβ¦
<O5-ββ>: Don't. Don't you dare try to pull that with me. I know you Gears, and the logical bullshit you pull with everyone else will NOT work on me. I've seen your file, I've reviewed the event, so DON'T treat me like a goddamn moron. Now you answer me, and you answer me now, what did you SAY?!
<Dr. Gears>: (silence)
<O5-ββ>: Gears, what you did could potentially bring down the whole Foundation. What's more, you broke the goddamn SCP! What the hell were you thinking? She can do ANYTHING Gears. We want to keep her from experimenting, and you do this! You heartless freak, I swear ifβ¦
<Dr. Gears>: I understand your frustration, but I do not view it as warranted. I caused the breach of SCP for 239; however I did so in a way allowing for the re-instatement of SCP. I did not just tell her to do what I asked, thereby calling into question the current βWitch-childβ control strategy. I used what resources I had available to extend the control strategy, and affect the end of hostilities initiated by Dr. Clef. SCP-239 remains unaware of the full extent of her abilities, only that they may be augmented by βOver Counsel Wizardsβ and their βemergency spell booksβ.
<O5-ββ>: β¦what the hell are you talking about?
<Dr. Gears>: Dr. Clef had been attacked by the Great Darkness, a mass of formless evil that reached into our world. It had taken over Dr. Clef, and left only a few witches and wizards with any magic left. I, as an Over Council Wizard, was dispatched, along with the swordsman Kondraki, to subdue Clef and drive the evil from him. Working together, SCP-239 and I would be able to use an Emergency Spell book, which can only be used by two wizards at the same time, and only when the Great Darkness is around.
<O5-ββ>: β¦And she believed you?
<Dr. Gears>: Sir, with all due respect, she's eight. Her only question was if she would be allowed to learn to sword-fight as well.
<O5-ββ>: This is insaneβ¦ you could have gotten everyone killed! What βemergency spellsβ did you have her do?
<Dr. Gears>: We started small, with the most basic spell that everyone learns first.
<O5-ββ>: β¦which is?
<Dr. Gears>: Magic Missile.
Partial log, recovered from file-dββββ.
<Dr. Kondraki>: Damn it, Clef, stop this! I don't really want to kill you!
<Dr. Clef>: Iβ¦ don't want to kill you eitherβ¦ don't want to kill anyoneβ¦
<Dr. Kondraki>: What the hell are you talking about? You just murdered two people! Look at yourself!
<Dr. Clef>: Had no choiceβ¦ had to do itβ¦ she can change reality, Konny, she can make the world change just like thatβ¦
<Dr. Kondraki>: She's contained! What we're doing works!
<Dr. Clef>: No, it doesn't. It already failedβ¦ on meβ¦
<Dr. Kondraki>: β¦ Clef, what the hell are you talking about?
Sudden shout. A female voice can be heard shouting something like, "I cast Magic Missile!" There is a sudden sound of breaking metal, and a scream, then a loud roar.
9:51 Running swordfight to Site-17 Atrium.
9:52 Words exchanged. See Audio Log.
9:55 Dr. Clef observed locking blades with Dr. Kondraki. Dr. Kondraki appears confused.
9:56 Dr. Gears and SCP-239 arrive from eastern entrance. SCP-239 raises her hand, appears to emit a high-energy plasma bolt. SCP-1023 broken. Dr. Clef retreats.
9:57 Kain Pathos Crow breaks through ice barrier. SCP-239 and Dr. Gears hold up books. Dr. Gears points a stirring rod at Dr. Clef, SCP-239 does the same using her "witch's wand."
9:58 Dr. Clef appears to be in pain.
9:59 Dr. Clef suddenly arches his back and screams. Black light issues forth from his mouth and eyes. Dr. Gears appears shocked. SCP-239 appears unfazed. Kain Pathos Crow arrives from western entrance.
10:00 Dr. Clef collapses. Black light turns into a fifty-foot dragon, breaking through the roof of the atrium and causing severe collateral damage to the surrounding facility.
Partial log, recovered from file-dββββ.
<Unidentifiable male voice> HOLY FβKING SH-T!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:01 Dr. Kondraki appears to be stunned by the events in motion. Kain seen firing crystalline objects from SCP-244.
10:03 SCP-244 has no effect on the Dragon. Dr. Gears takes SCP-239 by the hand, begins to run down Hallway C-12.
10:05 Dr. Kondraki comes to his senses, and recovers the immobile Dr. Clef before running as well. SCP-408 covers his escape.
10:07 The dragon causes further damage to surrounding structures, releases a breath of [DATA EXPUNGED] into hallway.
10:10 Kain catches the dragon's attention, begins to engage the beast.
Partial Audio log extract from SCP-244's on board recorder
A deafening roaring sound can be heard, followed by sounds of falling masonry
<Kain Pathos Crow>: WELL FβK ME!
Sounds of rapid gunfire
<Kain Pathos Crow>: Alright! Let's see how you like this one you damn bucket of guts!
Sounds of several explosions, which are promptly drowned out by a louder roar.
<Kain Pathos Crow>: β¦ Bugger. That just seemed to piss it o-
Another roar cuts off Kain Pathos Crow, followed by several more explosions, gunfire, and barking
10:08: Dr. Gears and SCP-239 run into the site's strong room. Dr. Gears closes the outer door, but does not engage the blast door. SCP-239 is seen to be panting heavily, bent over with her hands on her knees.
10:09: Dr. Gears speaks to SCP-239, gesturing to the βspell bookβ. SCP-239 smiles and opens the book, flipping rapidly through the pages.
10:11: SCP-239 picks up the book, and runs over to Dr. Gears, pointing at a page and speaking rapidly. Dr. Gears nods, then gestures to a wall of emergency supplies while speaking.
10:12: SCP-239 appears to search the supplies, speaking and pointing at things. Dr. Gears moves behind SCP-239 and removes a syringe from his lab coat. Dr. Gears injects the syringe into SCP-239 near the neck. SCP-239 appears to shout, then slumps to the ground. Dr. Gears picks up SCP-239, places an emergency blanket over her, and exits the strong room.
Excerpt of post-Event 239-B psychological evaluation of Dr. Gears
Dr. ββββββββ: Was it difficult to do?
Dr. Gears: What?
Dr. ββββββββ: Inject a child with chemicals, knowing it would induce a coma.
Dr. Gears: The action itself was relatively simple. I have performed many injections in the past, and have developed an aptitude for it.
Dr. ββββββββ: You know that's not what I meant.
Dr. Gears: If other options had presented themselves, I would have pursued them. None did. The incident had gotten out of control, and SCP-239 may have accidently caused additional danger if she continued to use her power. I took action to protect myself, SCP-239, and the Foundation.
Dr. ββββββββ: You sound like you're trying to justify it to yourself.
Dr. Gears: It is not an action I would wish to repeat if given other options.
Dr. ββββββββ: What did you say to her, when you picked her up? The video shows you said something in her ear.
Dr. Gears: I don't think that has any bearing on these proceedings.
Dr. ββββββββ: I feel that it does.
Dr. Gears: β¦I told her goodnight, and sweet dreams.
Excerpt from Audio Log, Observation Room for SCP-239
ββ-ββ-ββββ, ββββ:ββ:ββ, 3 Weeks Before Incident.
<Dr. βββββ> Hey, Cleffie, what's up?
<Dr. Clef> Nothing much, just dropping by to check up on Coldplay.
<Dr. βββββ> Coldplay?
<Dr. Clef> 547. He's petitioning to be allowed into Omega 7. Good kid, but too young. I came by to convince him to wait a few years, since he and I seem to get along pretty good. How is our little Hβββββββ Gββββββ?
<Dr. βββββ> Her name is SigurrΓ³s.
<Dr. Clef> I know, just joking.
<Dr. βββββ> She's doing all right. We've managed to implant the witch suggestion pretty deeply into her psyche. The number of out-of-control incidents is down to 5% of what it used to be. And she likes her witch hat and wands, too. Spends a lot of time sorting them out, giving them names, experimenting on which ones work best with which "spells." All bull, but we encourage it. It keeps her busy butβ¦
<Dr. Clef> β¦ but?
<Dr. βββββ> Well, she's been experimenting with "unsanctioned spells." We told her very sternly not to do it, but she tries anyway, when she thinks we aren't looking. We haven't told her about the cameras yet, so we try not to, but we're worried she might have another incident.
<Dr. Clef> Hmmm. Maybe I can help.
<Dr. βββββ> How so?
<Dr. Clef> Well, if she's not going to listen to dear old Professor βββββ and the other Wizard School teachers, maybe she'll listen to Grand Arbiter Clef, the very scary and very stern Wizard Magistrate from the Grand High Wizard Council, sent to discipline a very naughty Student Witch who's been breaking the rules.
<Dr. βββββ> Think that'll work?
<Dr. Clef> Well, you guys aren't going to do it. You like her too much. And hell, it's okay if she hates me, I'm never at Site-17. I'll be the bad cop, no problem.
<Dr. βββββ> I'm still not sure.
<Dr. Clef> Would you rather wait until a huge incident occurs and O5 orders a termination?
<Dr. βββββ> True. If you think you can, go for it.
<Dr. Clef> Trust me, when it comes to scaring women, I'm an expert.
<Dr. βββββ> [laughter] No argument there.
<Dr. Clef> Want me to do it now?
<Dr. βββββ> Nah. She's watching "Sleeping Beauty" with Iris right now. Let's wait until they're done first.
<Dr. Clef> "Sleeping Beauty?" Ever tell you I used to have a huge crush on Maleficent when I was a kid?
<Dr. βββββ> You're shitting me.
<Dr. Clef> Hell yeah, hot sorceress babe who can turn into a huge dragon? How sexy is that?
<Dr. βββββ> I'm starting to see why you scare women.
From the Diary of Subject SCP-239, discovered shortly after Incident 239-B
Date: [3 days before Incident]
Dear Diary,
I did a bad thing today. I was in the garden, and I saw a dead bird and there was a nest of little chicks above it, and they were all crying for their mommy and I used the Vita spell to bring the bird back to life.
I didn't mean to break the rules, but Grand High Wizard Clef told me that if I broke them again, he would banish me to the Netherworld for a hundred years. I'm afraid of Grand High Wizard Clef. He's so scary.
I hope he doesn't find out. I don't want to die :(
Found in the "Deleted Files" folder of Dr. A. Clef's email account, dated 48 hours before incident.
FROM: Dr. A. Clef, Site-19
To all personnel: secure SCP-239 immediately, and put Site-17 into high alert. You need to stop me, or someone is going to die.
About twenty-four hours ago, I was filled with the sudden compulsion to kill SCP-239. It started as a simple thought, but the obsession is growing stronger. I have reason to believe that my plan may have failed. Damn⦠I should have known she would misconstrue my talk about "severe punishments." Kids are smarter than that, but dumber too⦠damn it! Stupid of me! How could I be so blind?
wait, what am I doing? Why am I trying to get you to stop me? That little monster she's too dangerous to live. She broke the rules, now she has to die.
Can't do it offhand, need to do this by the book make a proposal first, that's the ticket. Telekill alloy weapon, that should be able to
10:10 Camera cycles over to Hallway H8
10:12 Entire hallway taken over by aggressive plant life. SCP-091-ARC spotted.
10:14 SCP-336 seen emerging from nearby room, dusting herself off.
10:17 SCP-336 approaches SCP-091-ARC. The two converse for several minutes.
10:23 SCP-091-ARC returns to its containment area, SCP-336 reseals the door.
10:24 Hallway H8's plant growth begins to quickly subside and retreat back into SCP-091-ARC's containment.
10:26 SCP-336 trades more words with SCP-091-ARC through the door.
10:28 SCP-336 exits Hallway H8, towards her own containment.
Audio Log cβββββ-β Date β-ββ-ββββ
<SCP-336>: I see that the troubled doctor involved you in this. Poor dear.
<SCP-091-ARC>: [Appears annoyed, angered at SCP-336's presence. ]
<SCP-336>: You can't still blame me for that. You know what happened. You know what he meant to me.
<SCP-091-ARC>: <Unintelligible>
<SCP-336>: What a shame, keeping you locked up hereβ¦
<SCP-091-ARC>: <Unintelligible>
<SCP-336>: It's not over yet. These men exist in such a small scope, and we are ever so patient, aren't we my dear?
<SCP-091-ARC>: [Seems to smile]<Unintelligible>
<SCP-336>: I'm sure he misses you too.
Partial Audio log extract from SCP-244's on board recorder
<Kain Pathos Crow>: Damn damn damn DAMN! Nothing's WORKING! Everything I throw at this⦠thing, it just shrugs off.
unidentified background noise
<Kain Pathos Crow>: [ Kain growls ] I realise the damn thing is the product of some child's imagination, but doesn't the hero always win in these things? I mean, there's always a knight in shining armour with⦠a sword!? A sword!
10:20 After engaging the creature multiple times, with no success, Kain Pathos Crow activates a previously unknown attachment of SCP-244, a sword of light emitting from the left upper arm, then engages the dragon once more.
10:24 Despite its initial resistance to the item, Crow is successful in harming the creature, severing a large portion of its tail.
10:30 Crow manages to directly impale the creature mid torso, then decapitate it. Life signs cease.
Partial Audio log extract from SCP-244's on board recorder
<Kain Pathos Crow>: I wonder if anyone will mind if I eat thatβ¦
Post-Incident Report 239-B: Long-Term Ramifications (Selected Excerpts)
Item 17: The collateral damage from the incident has caused 45% of Site-17's facilities to become unusable without heavy repair.
Proposal: All humanoid SCPs housed at Site-17 of Safe classification are to be moved to other Foundation facilities for temporary housing. All Keter-Class SCPs housed at Site-17 are to be moved to more stable containment facilities on site. Euclid-Class SCPs may be relocated or terminated, on a case-by-case basis.
Priority: Gamma
Item 22: 80% of Site-17's security staff were incapacitated during the incident. 30% of those incapacitated will require lengthy hospital stays.
Proposal: Security staff from other Foundation facilities will be temporarily transferred to Site-17 on a temporary basis. Site-17 to be temporarily downsized until more security staff can be recruited.
Priority: Eta
Item 97: SCP-239 has demonstrated uncontrollable Keter-level capabilities, indirectly causing the deaths of several SCPs, Foundation personnel, and the destruction of a large portion of Site-17.
Proposal: SCP-239 to remain in a medically induced coma for the time being. Dr. Erica Valdason will supervise the patient.
Priority: Beta
Item 102: Several Foundation personnel went over and beyond the call of duty during this incident, at great personal risks to their own health and well-being.
Proposal: For their ingenuity, bravery, and personal sacrifice, the Foundation will award citations of honor to Drs. Bright, Gears, and Kondraki, and to Administrator Kain Pathos Crow.
Priority: Epsilon
Item 138: Dr. A. Clef's actions during this incident directly caused the deaths of several SCPs, Foundation personnel, and the destruction of a large portion of Site-17. In addition, Dr. Clef has demonstrated several non-standard interactions with female SCPs (namely, SCPs 091-ARC, 166, and 336).
Proposal: In light of these facts, and Dr. Clef's own words during the incident, Dr. Alto Clef is to be classified as a Euclid-class humanoid SCP and secured at Site-17. SCP Number and Containment Procedures will be assigned at a later date.
Priority: Alpha
Supplemental Reports
Supplemental Report 239-B-77, Possible links between incident and ORIA
Supplemental Report 239-B-192, Post-incident interview, Dr. A. Clef
Able paced towards the towering monstrosity casually, nonchalant in his motions, swaggering and grinning as he did so. A massive two-handed claymore was held in place over one of his shoulders, the whirring gears and saws that covered its surfaced trundling away noisily, while the many small blades that made up its jagged edge slowly slid across the rim contentedly, purring like a cat. The beast in front of him was a monolith in the sparse landscape, a monument of destruction, the waves of hatred and anger radiating off of its frame palpable, rivaling even Able's lust for bloodshed.
It simply stood there, a mass of heavily plated carapace and flesh, small black eyes in its mammoth skull like holes into the void, resting malevolently above thick serrated fangs, slick with drool. Even as he approached it, it was steadily changing, its tissue warping, the plates and armour growing thicker, mounds of muscle and sinew and bone sliding over each other incessantly, all in a bid to reform into something that would better stand this coming assailant.
Truly, this was a Godhead of annihilation, a being that embodied the primal destruction of existence. He could hardly contain his glee. After all this time, after the wait of centuries, he would actually meet a being that could surpass his capacity for violence. Maybe.
He walked until he was mere feet from its colossal form, and, after a moment to savour this wondrous anticipation that he was feeling, he spoke up.
βI have heard tales of creatures like you. Glorious beasts of scale and flesh, talon and fang, a prowess in battle even greater than the immense intellect hiding behind those bestial eyes. They said your kind once ruled the Earth from enormous stockpiles of treasure, killing and eating all who displeased you. But you were knocked from your throne, one by one, by the great warriors who walk this world no longer, until there were no more, and you became but mere myth,β he whispered breathlessly.
βEven I had thought you to be nothing but fairy tales, but yet, here you stand before me, a living dragonβ¦β
There was a rumble from the beast, and its mouth began to move, cracking open slowly, as a statue come suddenly to life.
βPatheticβ¦β It grumbled, its voice thick and heavy, like a mountain collapsing into itself a thousand times over.
βA dragon? You simple little pile of rot. You understand nothing, as I would expect of a well-trained lapdogβ
At this, Able's expression darkened, and the sound of the sword on his shoulder began to pick up as the blades twirled ever so faster.
ββ¦.What?β he said slowly, in a low voice that spoke of rage barely contained.
βThat is what you are, is it not? A trained and broke mutt, bound with a collar and all,β it murmured, gesturing slightly towards the thick metal choker around his shoulders and neck.
βI chose this,β he replied stiffly, his face contorted into scowl.
βWhether you chose it or not, you are still a dog of those things. The only difference being that you eat from their hands, rather than a bowl,β it sneered, the expression almost visible on its inhuman face.
Able's face twitched, and he tightened his grip on the handle of his weapon, the revolving blades now turning at a considerable speed, protesting with a dull screech.
βAt least I can choose my fate,β he roared angrily, launching his sword with a downwards swing at the beast's head like the almighty wrath of some obscene god.
The creature responded in a way Able had never before seen in all his millennia of fighting.
It head butted the weapon. The top of its skull and shell shattered into bulky fragments, its eyes bulging as the inside of its cranium was pulverised. One of its eyes burst with a wet pop, and torrents of thick, viscous fluid gushed from its mouth, chunks of meat and tissue pouring forth like a fountain of blood and gore.
But in head butting the blade, Able was thrown off balance by the force of it, recoiling from the attack automatically, leaving his stomach wide open. In that split second of defencelessness, his sight was filled with the gargantuan fist of the monster, a boulder sized bulk of bony plate, ploughing into his entire torso, smashing into him with the force of a hurricane and knocking his sword from his hands. He was flung over ten metres away like a rag doll, demolishing innumerable obstacles in his way. His body skidded heavily against the ground, shredding the cloth and skin from his back, until he finally came to an abrupt stop, half embedded in a large boulder.
He hung there limply, streams of blood pouring from his eyes, nose, mouth and ears, his face slack in a stunned expression of amazement.
And then he laughed. He laughed long and hard, smiling and baring his pointed teeth in a bloody smirk that made it appear that he had just finished a gruesome meal.
He spoke up in a language long dead, but the meaning of the words he said were unmistakable. He was issuing a challenge.
But to his surprise, the lizard looked like it was having some kind of seizure. It was repeatedly sucking air in heavily through its nostrils, puffing itself up even bigger than it was normally, and consuming the viscera soaked dirt quickly, its huge claws scrabbling away at the ground, and stuffing clumps of it into its toothy maw.
And then something amazing happened. The wound, which had warped the creature's skull into a shape reminiscent of an overripe tomato, began to undo itself, the beast's head shifting back into its regular shape, the broken plates buckling and falling off to be consumed once more, and revealing a shiny wet carapace formed under the old, even thicker than the last.
βFate? What would you understand of Fate? Fate is life, and youβ¦ You and all of this is death,β the creature bellowed, beginning to charge towards him.
At this, Able chuckled.
βWell, I can't argue with that,β he replied gleefully, pulling an enormous mace out of the shadows of his ragged cloak, its handle well over six feet in length, its head nothing more than a mass of whirling spikes, screaming obscenely as they spun in an intricate pattern of death.
The beast lumbered towards him quickly, its mighty footsteps causing the earth to shake, clods of dirt torn up in its wake, bearing down on him with the force and inevitability of an avalanche.
Able pulled back, standing sideways, moving his arms back behind him and grinding his feet into the ground. He turned towards the impending disaster, swinging his weapon idly with a seasoned flair.
And then, the beast was upon him, and he swung, time seeming to stop as his weapon once more collided with the creature's head. There was a deafening crunch as its head was crushed again, splattered into pieces, its spine impacting, the monster becoming visibly shorter as the unstoppable force propelling it met with the immovable force colliding with it.
The sheer amount of chaos generated by those two immense forces meeting launched the reptile several dozen meters away, spinning like an errant missile, lumps of it flying off as it sailed through the air. It hit the earth with a boom, bits and pieces of its frame dotting the landscape around the impact crater like raindrops during spring showers.
Able cracked his neck, ignoring the blood streaming down the thick gash in his leg, or the three along his chest, gained when his opponent slashed at him as he swung. Instead, he discarded the now bent and still mace behind him with an uncaring toss, popped his shoulders back into place with a jerky, awkward shrug, and started to reset his shattered elbow.
The creature pushed itself up, eating everything around it, growing heavier, thicker and more rocklike in appearance. It shook off the excess blood from its form like a dog, droplets of the thick dark liquid spattering the earth around it, and began to clump out of the crater.
It lumbered over the lip of the fissure it had created, only to be greeted with a large chakram shredding into its flesh, the ring digging in as the exterior saw blades spun and forced it ever deeper into the wound. Several more followed suit, flying from Able's hands as he drew them out of the shadows, running towards his opponent.
He threw himself into the air, unleashing a monstrous axe from the folds of his cloak, and hammering down onto his opponent like a bomb.
It shrugged off the attack as a horse does a gnat, trying to swat Able with its huge clawed hands. He dodged and weaved around its sailing fists, planting drill like daggers into its thick hide, leaving them to rip and tear into its flesh. Whenever an attack would come close to landing on him, he would pull himself aside using an embedded knife close at hand.
Still, the creature showed no sign of slowing its attacks, or even that it felt any pain at all. It was single-minded in its assault, with only one objective in its sight.
Suddenly, a stray claw caught Able across the shoulder, causing him to stumble. He was rewarded for this action with another crushing fist to the gut, pinning him solidly to the ground. The beast lifted its other claw to deal the finishing blow, an executioner's axe raised for its unsightly purpose, then descending in a flash of light and shadow.
It raised its hand again to crush whatever remained of Able, but was mildly surprised to find that its arm suddenly ended at the elbow, a river of molten blood flowing freely from the wound.
The other arm quickly followed suit, snipped off at the joint by a gigantic mechanical pair of scissors held by Able, the inner blades spinning feverishly, fresh gore spraying from their moving teeth.
The monster attempted to consume the fallen limbs and replace what it had lost, only to meet the bladed boot of Able, kicking it directly in the bottom of the jaw and knocking it onto its back.
Able fell onto the prone creature like a jackal onto its prey, laying into the creature with an animalistic ferocity, screaming incoherently in his berserker blood rage. He kept pounding on the beast with his weapons, pulling out a fresh one each time another got too deeply lodged to pull out, or broken from the sheer strain.
Eventually, he pulled back, his breathing heavy, drenched completely in vile smelling crimson liquid, a bloody, hellish apparition. He watched it still struggle to breath, its body still trying to reform itself.
And that was when he saw it. A pulse emitted from the creature, a shockwave that forced aside the very fabric of reality, the world warping around the beast as a shock of electricity quickly ran across its mutilated body.
But whatever it was, he did not care. It expected no quarter, and he would give it none.
It looked at him weakly, blatant disgust and hatred still as strong, still as clear as it had always been. He pulled a last long sword out of his shredded cloak, and intended to deliver the final blow.
The beast bared its fangs, and shot up as his sword descended. His blade buried itself in the roof of the creatures mouth, travelling straight through its brain and out the top of its head, the blades still spinning as they ripped through the pulsing grey matter.
Still the monster lived, its toothy maw wrapped around Able's arm. It eyed him smugly, and gently, almost reverently, bit directly through his arm, ivory teeth effortlessly slicing through muscle and bone to meet together with a light click.
Able staggered back in surprise, and the creature reared back, head butting him in the skull with a piercing crack, knocking him onto his ass. It gave him a final cold look, and opened its mouth to consume him.
Before its jaws closed around him, Able grabbed the sword still embedded in its head, grasping the hilt from inside its mouth. As the beasts mouth closed around him, he forced it down with all of his strength, slicing the beast clean in two.
But its motions, once set in action, could not be stopped. Its teeth cleaved his upper torso in two, freeing his remaining arm and head to flop lifelessly on the ground.
With his final moments of consciousness, Able thought he could hear a strange whistling sound, like something falling from a great height.
Then⦠only darkness.
Time passed as a dreamless sleep, and Able awoke to find himself whole and anew, back in his tomb. He moved jerkily, forcing open the coffin that held him, pushing aside the chains hurriedly in a bid to get out of that bitter cold.
It took him several minutes to unlock the stone door that blocked his escape, all the time pawing at the frosty ground with his boots, his breath crystallizing in front of him.
When he finally did emerge, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had never liked the cold, being more a man for heat and warmth.
Still, he reasoned to himself, that was most likely the best fight he had had in ages. There should be a feast to celebrate, with all of his team. Now where had they put that strange "pizza" box? |
Personal Log of "Iceberg"
[NOTE: Dates and some sensitive information removed by Central Records. Original documentation available upon approval.]
βββββββ ββ ββββ
I finally got a promotion. At least, I think it's a promotion. Only a lab assistant, but I'll have access to more SCPs than before (though, I've heard the rumors about some of the Keter class SCPs). And I've heard Dr. Gears is rather respected in this field. Well, I guess I'll just have to see how today turns out. I've heard dying on the first day on these sort of things rarely happens.
I spent most of the day compiling information. Everything we have has to be put into a digital format and sent down to Central Records. Dr. Gears himself was ok, though seemed to always keep things very professional. I wonder if he's always like that. Today was mostly compiling notes and reports by Dr. Gears. I found a lot of what was documented interesting, but the actual work of putting it on the computer was incredibly dull. And it turns out it's most of my work for the next few days. Oh joy. And I don't think I got a pay raise. I'm starting to wonder just what the Foundation means when they say "promotion."
βββββββ ββ ββββ
Morning was rather uneventful. Breakfast was about the same as always. More work with compiling papers today. Dr. Gears seems to be taking my nickname rather well. Most high-ups just call me Dr. ββββ.
Like I thought, more paper work. Seems I'll be heading to a containment site, recording data on SCP-882. One of what we'll be looking at is how long it takes people around it to start hearing things. Grinding and clicking. So basically we'll see how long until it makes people go crazy. Well, that's pleasant. But guess it's what needs to be done.
SCP-076 caused another incident. Great. Working with us or not, it's never been too nice having an immortal super powered psychopath on base. At supper Carl, or SCP-530, tried to get some of my food. Had to push him away. Don't want to get reprimanded, not to mention I've heard how bad it smells.
βββββββ ββ ββββ
Had to get up early today. We had to leave early for the flight to the containment area. I've been busy all week, so I just now got time to write. I should probably get some more sleep soon. It wouldn't be good to be tired when we get there.
Scratch that. It definitely wouldn't be good. We just got word SCP-882 breached containment. Despite this, we're still going on.
Why oh why did I accept this new job? Not only do we keep going towards a containment breach, when we get there it's freezing, snow everywhere. Admittedly, I've never had much problem with cold weather. But because of this storm, we're stuck here for two whole weeks. It's nearly enough to make you wish you were back working on some of those small time SCPs. On the bright side, the situation is contained. For the moment. I suppose I'm just gonna have to learn to deal with this if I'm going to stay with the Foundation. I'm not sure I have a choice.
Once we got there, Dr. Gears had me immediately begin setting up camp. Or as he put it, "the central observation post." It turns out our new job is to watch the inside of the sealed off area, study group dynamic when under extreme stress. It's not really my area of expertise, but I guess that's why Dr. Gears is in charge here. Setting up the monitoring devices, I finally got a good look at it. SCP-882, that is. For now it's still partially covered in rust, but it's begun to move. With all those gears on it, I guess they sent the right doctor for the job.
βββββββ ββ ββββ
Oh dear God. This morning, D-882/1 (what wonderful names we give) walked straight into it. SCP-882 that is. Just sort of sleepwalking, going down the hall. We have no way to talk to them, so there wasn't anything I could do besides watch and record. And hear him scream. When the beast has its fill of metal, it doth in its endless gluttony hunger after blood, flesh and bone. Maybe I should have tried going into writing. The others in there have been pretty vocal about wanting out. Without anyone coming in for a while, and how fast D-882/1 went, it doesn't seem too likely. I can handle it, I know I can. Doesn't make it any prettier.
I've been spending some of my spare time working on project ideas. I've got a nearly complete list of tests for SCP-914. I'm also going to give Dr. Gears an idea I have about feeding SCP-682 some of SCP-236. Maybe followed by a loud bang to startle them after a while, like a grenade. A couple others I threw around in my head. It's been helpful really, just focusing on science.
We're down to emergency rations. Doesn't taste too good, but apparently pound for pound it has more nutrients than you'll get from about anything else. Besides what's inside the containment area, it's been kind of boring really.
βββββββ ββ ββββ
We finally got a new supply drop. It slammed right into Agent ββββ's jeep. Bad for him, but his outburst was kind of funny. We could use some more stuff to laugh at. One guy's got frostbite already, another subject went off the deep end and "self-terminated". The rest are running low on food. Not a cheery week. I've still got a bit more equipment to set up, so that should prove a healthy distraction for, oh, another hour.
After dealing with equipment and supplies, it was back to more watching. It's clear they are all being affected, and by quite a bit. You can tell from the way they walk around. Not only that but they're all adding to SCP-882, throwing in metal to make it lower the mental noise. While the camp is far away from where it is being contained, I'm still glad to get the SCP-148 lined work area. Thank God we found that stuff, it's quite useful from what I've read. Anyway, Dr. Gears and myself are the only ones who really work in this area, so Dr. Gears has asked me to keep an eye on the rest of the team in case the range of 882 grows larger than the local researchers say it will. They seem fine for now, though when the supplies came in I noticed βββββββ took some pills that are for headaches. But hey, I'm sure it's fine. Jobs like this will give you headaches sometimes.
βββββββ ββ ββββ
Damn it. 882 has a longer range then we thought, it got everyone. Everyone but me and Gears, thanks to the shielded testing area. We had to barricade ourselves in. Not much time to write, just want a possible last entry. And- dang it, they took out the heating system. As if I wasn't cold enough already. Honestly, ever since the incident, it's just been a pa
Gah, so little time to write. They don't give up, and the damn weather is stopping us from getting a Team down here. Man, these guys are really starting to piss me off. I need a gun. Maybe I'll get a personal one when we get back. Something nice.
βββββββ ββ ββββ
Yes, I know. It's been a while since I could write an entry. Apparently a few broken bones will keep you in medical for a while. I don't see how having the psych doctor keep coming in and talk with me helps though. After the evaluation is done. I mean, Glass is an ok guy, I guess, but really? How many psych tests do you really need?
Anyways, once they let me out, first thing first. Most of the equipment made it out, so lucky me, guess who has to process all the data? Did not know the camera was rolling when I beat the guy's face in. Huh. Or even earlier, when I cocktailed him to get him on the ground. Molotov cocktails, what can't they do?
Also met some guy. Kondraki, something like that. Photographer, mainly. But he also got some research work. Kind of nuts, plenty of nasty rumors too. Jackass gave me his paperwork for the weekend.
Speaking of paperwork, already have lots of it. These people really need to learn to go digital. Luckily, I've nearly got Gear's signature down, which will save time. Since I won't have to go ask for it every time. I should probably learn to copy a few others too, speed things up a bit.
Let's see. Dangit, who oversees paychecks? |
Dataset Card for SCP-RECURSAL
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-Recursal is to be stored on the Huggingface (HF) Servers, with backup copies maintained on other secure servers.
Access to SCP-Recursal is unrestricted, and it may be freely used and redistributed without authorization.
Description: SCP-Recursal is a dataset comprising ~36.23 Million Tokens (llama-2-7b-chat-tokenizer) / ~31.49 Million Tokens (RWKV Tokenizer) scraped from the SCP Wiki website (
The dataset is curated by Darok, released by KaraKaraWitch and funded by
SCP-Recursal is a comprehensive collection of tales, series, from the SCP Wiki, spanning from 2008 to 2022.
The dataset was created by scraping lists of tales for each year, fetching content from tale pages using BeautifulSoup selectors, and filtering out unnecessary information.
The same process was applied to series scp-series-1
to scp-series-8
The cleaning process involved removing author credits, "More articles by" sections, "Hide list" buttons, ratings, and special characters until the next line. Unicode characters were also cleaned, and unnecessary text was removed. The resulting dataset is a cohesive collection of SCP-related content, ideal for language modeling tasks.
Experiment 1: "SCP-Recursal: The Ultimate Language Model"
- Researchers used SCP-Recursal to train a language model, which was then tasked with generating a new SCP article.
- Result: The model produced [DATA EXPUNGED]. Due to it's Memetic Effect, the computer that was in use was incinerated.
- Conclusion: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Dataset Details
Dataset Description
SCP-Recursal as mentioned in the SCP-Article above, is a dataset of ~36.23 Million Tokens (llama-2-7b-chat-tokenizer) / ~31.49 Million Tokens (RWKV Tokenizer) of SCP Tales and Stories
- Curated by: Darok
- Funded by: (I work there lol)
- Shared by: KaraKaraWitch
- Language(s) (NLP): English
- License: cc-by-sa-4.0
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
Primarily used for language modeling.
Mainly written in english.
Scraping & Filtering
Scraping by fetching each page with BeautifulSoup. Filtering is done base on a per line basis. removing certain patterns within lines of text. The file tools/
contains the tools used to post process the stories. The tools folder contains all the tools used to filter and crawl the wiki.
Data Instances
A sample is provided below
{"text": "Project Codename: Olympia\nProject#: PRJOLM-000134\nClearance and File#: NPF-00051473\nHead Researcher: Professor K.P. Crow\nExperiment Aims:\nTo test the properties, capabilities and limitations of the subject.\nSubject is the product of Olympia Integration Experiment BETA, and is the ultimate product of the Olympia Project.<...TRUNCATED>"}
Data Fields
There is only 1 field (text
) which contains a string to an article. No additional metadata is included.
Recursal's Vision
To make AI accessible to everyone, regardless of language, or economical status
This is the collective goal of the RWKV Open Source foundation
and Recursal AI
, the commercial entity who backs it.
We believe that AI should not be controlled by a select few individual organization. And that it should be made accessible regardless if you are rich or poor, or a native speaker of english.
About RWKV
RWKV is an Open Source, non profit group, under the linux foundation. Focused on developing the RWKV AI architecture, in accordence to our vision.
The RWKV architecture scales efficiently and economically. As an RNN & Transformer hybrid, it is able to provide the performance similar to leading transformer models, while having the compute and energy efficiency of an RNN based architecture.
You can find out more about the project, and latest models, at the following
About Recursal AI
Recursal AI, is the commercial entity built to provide support for RWKV model development and users, while providing commercial services via its public cloud, or private-cloud / on-premise offerings.
As part of our vision. Our commitment, is to ensure open source development and access to the best foundational AI models and datasets.
The following dataset/models provided here, is part of that commitment.
You can find out more about recursal AI here
Dataset Curators
This dataset was mainly Darok's work. I (KaraKaraWitch) only assisted them with questions and the writing of the dataset card.
Licensing Information
All the tales and stories in SCP-Wiki are broadly listed under CC-BY-SA-3.0
. With the exception of 1 Image (SCP-173). However, we do not include any images for the SCP Items. As such all the text should be compliant under the CC-BY-SA-3.0
Recursal Waifus (The banner image) are licensed under CC-BY-SA. They do not represent the related websites in any official capacity unless otherwise or announced by the website. You may use them as a banner image. However, you must always link back to the dataset.
Citation Information
title = {SCP-Recursal},
author = {Darok, KaraKaraWitch,},
year = {2024},
howpublished = {\url{}},
Additional Notes
For those within SCP-Wiki wishing to use SCP-RECURSAL in writing / stories / tales:
- Either
. - Do not misuse / detract from the defintion of SCP-RECURSAL mentioned above.
- Aside from the above, you are allowed to reuse SCP-RECURSAL to your liking.
- Downloads last month
- 251