int nfs4_proc_fs_locations(struct rpc_clnt *client, struct inode *dir, const struct qstr *name, struct nfs4_fs_locations *fs_locations, struct page *page) { struct nfs4_exception exception = { }; int err; do { err = _nfs4_proc_fs_locations(client, dir, name, fs_locations, page); trace_nfs4_get_fs_locations(dir, name, err); err = nfs4_handle_exception(NFS_SERVER(dir), err, &exception); } while (exception.retry); return err; }
gfx::Rect FindBarController::GetLocationForFindbarView( gfx::Rect view_location, const gfx::Rect& dialog_bounds, const gfx::Rect& avoid_overlapping_rect) { if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) { int boundary = dialog_bounds.width() - view_location.width(); view_location.set_x(std::min(view_location.x(), boundary)); } else { view_location.set_x(std::max(view_location.x(), dialog_bounds.x())); } gfx::Rect new_pos = view_location; if (!avoid_overlapping_rect.IsEmpty() && avoid_overlapping_rect.Intersects(new_pos)) { if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) { new_pos.set_x(avoid_overlapping_rect.x() + avoid_overlapping_rect.width() + (2 * kMinFindWndDistanceFromSelection)); if (new_pos.x() + new_pos.width() > dialog_bounds.width()) new_pos = view_location; // Reset. } else { new_pos.set_x(avoid_overlapping_rect.x() - new_pos.width() - kMinFindWndDistanceFromSelection); if (new_pos.x() < 0) new_pos = view_location; // Reset. } } return new_pos; }
bool FrameLoader::shouldReloadToHandleUnreachableURL(DocumentLoader* docLoader) { KURL unreachableURL = docLoader->unreachableURL(); if (unreachableURL.isEmpty()) return false; if (!isBackForwardLoadType(policyChecker()->loadType())) return false; DocumentLoader* compareDocumentLoader = 0; if (policyChecker()->delegateIsDecidingNavigationPolicy() || policyChecker()->delegateIsHandlingUnimplementablePolicy()) compareDocumentLoader = m_policyDocumentLoader.get(); else if (m_delegateIsHandlingProvisionalLoadError) compareDocumentLoader = m_provisionalDocumentLoader.get(); return compareDocumentLoader && unreachableURL == compareDocumentLoader->request().url(); }
static const char *set_serverpath(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, const char *arg) { const char *err = ap_check_cmd_context(cmd, NOT_IN_DIR_LOC_FILE); if (err != NULL) { return err; } cmd->server->path = arg; cmd->server->pathlen = (int)strlen(arg); return NULL; }
bool HTMLInputElement::setupDateTimeChooserParameters(DateTimeChooserParameters& parameters) { if (!document().view()) return false; parameters.type = type(); parameters.minimum = minimum(); parameters.maximum = maximum(); parameters.required = isRequired(); if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::langAttributeAwareFormControlUIEnabled()) parameters.locale = defaultLanguage(); else { AtomicString computedLocale = computeInheritedLanguage(); parameters.locale = computedLocale.isEmpty() ? defaultLanguage() : computedLocale; } StepRange stepRange = createStepRange(RejectAny); if (stepRange.hasStep()) { parameters.step = stepRange.step().toDouble(); parameters.stepBase = stepRange.stepBase().toDouble(); } else { parameters.step = 1.0; parameters.stepBase = 0; } parameters.anchorRectInRootView = document().view()->contentsToRootView(pixelSnappedBoundingBox()); parameters.currentValue = value(); parameters.doubleValue = m_inputType->valueAsDouble(); parameters.isAnchorElementRTL = computedStyle()->direction() == RTL; if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::dataListElementEnabled()) { if (HTMLDataListElement* dataList = this->dataList()) { RefPtr<HTMLCollection> options = dataList->options(); for (unsigned i = 0; HTMLOptionElement* option = toHTMLOptionElement(options->item(i)); ++i) { if (!isValidValue(option->value())) continue; DateTimeSuggestion suggestion; suggestion.value = m_inputType->parseToNumber(option->value(), Decimal::nan()).toDouble(); if (std::isnan(suggestion.value)) continue; suggestion.localizedValue = localizeValue(option->value()); suggestion.label = option->value() == option->label() ? String() : option->label(); parameters.suggestions.append(suggestion); } } } return true; }
static void testInterfaceEmptyMethodOptionalLongArgMethod(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { ExceptionState exceptionState(ExceptionState::ExecutionContext, "testInterfaceEmptyMethodOptionalLongArg", "TestObjectPython", info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate()); TestObjectPython* imp = V8TestObjectPython::toNative(info.Holder()); if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() <= 0)) { v8SetReturnValue(info, imp->testInterfaceEmptyMethodOptionalLongArg()); return; } V8TRYCATCH_EXCEPTION_VOID(int, optionalLongArg, toInt32(info[0], exceptionState), exceptionState); v8SetReturnValue(info, imp->testInterfaceEmptyMethodOptionalLongArg(optionalLongArg)); }
status_t MediaPlayerService::Client::setRetransmitEndpoint( const struct sockaddr_in* endpoint) { if (NULL != endpoint) { uint32_t a = ntohl(endpoint->sin_addr.s_addr); uint16_t p = ntohs(endpoint->sin_port); ALOGV("[%d] setRetransmitEndpoint(%u.%u.%u.%u:%hu)", mConnId, (a >> 24), (a >> 16) & 0xFF, (a >> 8) & 0xFF, (a & 0xFF), p); } else { ALOGV("[%d] setRetransmitEndpoint = <none>", mConnId); } sp<MediaPlayerBase> p = getPlayer(); if (p != 0) return INVALID_OPERATION; if (NULL != endpoint) { mRetransmitEndpoint = *endpoint; mRetransmitEndpointValid = true; } else { mRetransmitEndpointValid = false; } return NO_ERROR; }
void RenderWidgetHostViewAura::SetBackgroundColor(SkColor color) { UpdateBackgroundColorFromRenderer(color); DCHECK(SkColorGetA(color) == SK_AlphaOPAQUE || SkColorGetA(color) == SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT); host_->SetBackgroundOpaque(SkColorGetA(color) == SK_AlphaOPAQUE); }
XML_MemMalloc(XML_Parser parser, size_t size) { if (parser == NULL) return NULL; return MALLOC(parser, size); }
bool RenderWidgetHostViewAura::TransformPointToLocalCoordSpace( const gfx::Point& point, const cc::SurfaceId& original_surface, gfx::Point* transformed_point) { gfx::Point point_in_pixels = gfx::ConvertPointToPixel(device_scale_factor_, point); if (delegated_frame_host_ && !delegated_frame_host_->TransformPointToLocalCoordSpace( point_in_pixels, original_surface, transformed_point)) return false; *transformed_point = gfx::ConvertPointToDIP(device_scale_factor_, *transformed_point); return true; }
void DownloadItemImpl::OffThreadCancel(DownloadFileManager* file_manager) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); request_handle_->CancelRequest(); BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&DownloadFileManager::CancelDownload, file_manager, download_id_)); }
static int opfdivr(RAsm *a, ut8 *data, const Opcode *op) { int l = 0; switch (op->operands_count) { case 1: if ( op->operands[0].type & OT_MEMORY ) { if ( op->operands[0].type & OT_DWORD ) { data[l++] = 0xd8; data[l++] = 0x38 | op->operands[0].regs[0]; } else if ( op->operands[0].type & OT_QWORD ) { data[l++] = 0xdc; data[l++] = 0x38 | op->operands[0].regs[0]; } else { return -1; } } else { return -1; } break; case 2: if ( op->operands[0].type & OT_FPUREG & ~OT_REGALL && op->operands[0].reg == 0 && op->operands[1].type & OT_FPUREG & ~OT_REGALL ) { data[l++] = 0xd8; data[l++] = 0xf8 | op->operands[1].reg; } else if ( op->operands[0].type & OT_FPUREG & ~OT_REGALL && op->operands[1].type & OT_FPUREG & ~OT_REGALL && op->operands[1].reg == 0 ) { data[l++] = 0xdc; data[l++] = 0xf0 | op->operands[0].reg; } else { return -1; } break; default: return -1; } return l; }
sctp_disposition_t sctp_sf_cookie_echoed_prm_shutdown( struct net *net, const struct sctp_endpoint *ep, const struct sctp_association *asoc, const sctp_subtype_t type, void *arg, sctp_cmd_seq_t *commands) { /* There is a single T1 timer, so we should be able to use * common function with the COOKIE-WAIT state. */ return sctp_sf_cookie_wait_prm_shutdown(net, ep, asoc, type, arg, commands); }
void HTMLFormControlElement::dispatchBlurEvent(Element* newFocusedElement, WebFocusType type, InputDeviceCapabilities* sourceCapabilities) { if (type != WebFocusTypePage) m_wasFocusedByMouse = false; HTMLElement::dispatchBlurEvent(newFocusedElement, type, sourceCapabilities); hideVisibleValidationMessage(); }
void InlineFlowBox::placeBoxesInBlockDirection(int top, int maxHeight, int maxAscent, bool strictMode, int& lineTop, int& lineBottom, bool& setLineTop, int& lineTopIncludingMargins, int& lineBottomIncludingMargins, bool& hasAnnotationsBefore, bool& hasAnnotationsAfter, FontBaseline baselineType) { if (isRootInlineBox()) setLogicalTop(top + maxAscent - baselinePosition(baselineType)); // Place our root box. for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) { if (curr->renderer()->isPositioned()) continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations. bool isInlineFlow = curr->isInlineFlowBox(); if (isInlineFlow) static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(curr)->placeBoxesInBlockDirection(top, maxHeight, maxAscent, strictMode, lineTop, lineBottom, setLineTop, lineTopIncludingMargins, lineBottomIncludingMargins, hasAnnotationsBefore, hasAnnotationsAfter, baselineType); bool childAffectsTopBottomPos = true; if (curr->verticalAlign() == TOP) curr->setLogicalTop(top); else if (curr->verticalAlign() == BOTTOM) curr->setLogicalTop(top + maxHeight - curr->lineHeight()); else { if ((isInlineFlow && !static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(curr)->hasTextChildren()) && !curr->boxModelObject()->hasInlineDirectionBordersOrPadding() && !strictMode) childAffectsTopBottomPos = false; int posAdjust = maxAscent - curr->baselinePosition(baselineType); curr->setLogicalTop(curr->logicalTop() + top + posAdjust); } int newLogicalTop = curr->logicalTop(); int newLogicalTopIncludingMargins = newLogicalTop; int boxHeight = curr->logicalHeight(); int boxHeightIncludingMargins = boxHeight; if (curr->isText() || curr->isInlineFlowBox()) { const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = curr->renderer()->style(m_firstLine)->fontMetrics(); newLogicalTop += curr->baselinePosition(baselineType) - fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType); if (curr->isInlineFlowBox()) { RenderBoxModelObject* boxObject = toRenderBoxModelObject(curr->renderer()); newLogicalTop -= boxObject->style(m_firstLine)->isHorizontalWritingMode() ? boxObject->borderTop() + boxObject->paddingTop() : boxObject->borderRight() + boxObject->paddingRight(); } newLogicalTopIncludingMargins = newLogicalTop; } else if (!curr->renderer()->isBR()) { RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(curr->renderer()); newLogicalTopIncludingMargins = newLogicalTop; int overSideMargin = curr->isHorizontal() ? box->marginTop() : box->marginRight(); int underSideMargin = curr->isHorizontal() ? box->marginBottom() : box->marginLeft(); newLogicalTop += overSideMargin; boxHeightIncludingMargins += overSideMargin + underSideMargin; } curr->setLogicalTop(newLogicalTop); if (childAffectsTopBottomPos) { if (curr->renderer()->isRubyRun()) { if (!renderer()->style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode()) hasAnnotationsBefore = true; else hasAnnotationsAfter = true; RenderRubyRun* rubyRun = static_cast<RenderRubyRun*>(curr->renderer()); if (RenderRubyBase* rubyBase = rubyRun->rubyBase()) { int bottomRubyBaseLeading = (curr->logicalHeight() - rubyBase->logicalBottom()) + rubyBase->logicalHeight() - (rubyBase->lastRootBox() ? rubyBase->lastRootBox()->lineBottom() : 0); int topRubyBaseLeading = rubyBase->logicalTop() + (rubyBase->firstRootBox() ? rubyBase->firstRootBox()->lineTop() : 0); newLogicalTop += !renderer()->style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode() ? topRubyBaseLeading : bottomRubyBaseLeading; boxHeight -= (topRubyBaseLeading + bottomRubyBaseLeading); } } if (curr->isInlineTextBox()) { TextEmphasisPosition emphasisMarkPosition; if (static_cast<InlineTextBox*>(curr)->getEmphasisMarkPosition(curr->renderer()->style(m_firstLine), emphasisMarkPosition)) { bool emphasisMarkIsOver = emphasisMarkPosition == TextEmphasisPositionOver; if (emphasisMarkIsOver != curr->renderer()->style(m_firstLine)->isFlippedLinesWritingMode()) hasAnnotationsBefore = true; else hasAnnotationsAfter = true; } } if (!setLineTop) { setLineTop = true; lineTop = newLogicalTop; lineTopIncludingMargins = min(lineTop, newLogicalTopIncludingMargins); } else { lineTop = min(lineTop, newLogicalTop); lineTopIncludingMargins = min(lineTop, min(lineTopIncludingMargins, newLogicalTopIncludingMargins)); } lineBottom = max(lineBottom, newLogicalTop + boxHeight); lineBottomIncludingMargins = max(lineBottom, max(lineBottomIncludingMargins, newLogicalTopIncludingMargins + boxHeightIncludingMargins)); } } if (isRootInlineBox()) { const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = renderer()->style(m_firstLine)->fontMetrics(); setLogicalTop(logicalTop() + baselinePosition(baselineType) - fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType)); if (hasTextChildren() || strictMode) { if (!setLineTop) { setLineTop = true; lineTop = logicalTop(); lineTopIncludingMargins = lineTop; } else { lineTop = min(lineTop, logicalTop()); lineTopIncludingMargins = min(lineTop, lineTopIncludingMargins); } lineBottom = max(lineBottom, logicalTop() + logicalHeight()); lineBottomIncludingMargins = max(lineBottom, lineBottomIncludingMargins); } if (renderer()->style()->isFlippedLinesWritingMode()) flipLinesInBlockDirection(lineTopIncludingMargins, lineBottomIncludingMargins); } }
static void WriteAlphaData(void* pixels, uint32_t row_count, uint32_t channel_count, uint32_t alpha_channel_index, uint32_t unpadded_row_size, uint32_t padded_row_size, pixel_data_type alpha_value) { DCHECK_GT(channel_count, 0U); DCHECK_EQ(unpadded_row_size % sizeof(pixel_data_type), 0U); uint32_t unpadded_row_size_in_elements = unpadded_row_size / sizeof(pixel_data_type); DCHECK_EQ(padded_row_size % sizeof(pixel_data_type), 0U); uint32_t padded_row_size_in_elements = padded_row_size / sizeof(pixel_data_type); pixel_data_type* dst = static_cast<pixel_data_type*>(pixels) + alpha_channel_index; for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < row_count; ++yy) { pixel_data_type* end = dst + unpadded_row_size_in_elements; for (pixel_data_type* d = dst; d < end; d += channel_count) { *d = alpha_value; } dst += padded_row_size_in_elements; } }
static void add_session_id(struct cryp_ctx *ctx) { /* * We never want 0 to be a valid value, since this is the default value * for the software context. */ if (unlikely(atomic_inc_and_test(&session_id))) atomic_inc(&session_id); ctx->session_id = atomic_read(&session_id); }
ExtensionIdSet ExtensionService::GetAppIds() const { ExtensionIdSet result; for (ExtensionList::const_iterator it = extensions_.begin(); it != extensions_.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->is_app() && (*it)->location() != Extension::COMPONENT) result.insert((*it)->id()); } return result; }
bool PrintMsg_Print_Params_IsEqual( const PrintMsg_PrintPages_Params& oldParams, const PrintMsg_PrintPages_Params& newParams) { return PageLayoutIsEqual(oldParams, newParams) && oldParams.params.max_shrink == newParams.params.max_shrink && oldParams.params.min_shrink == newParams.params.min_shrink && oldParams.params.selection_only == newParams.params.selection_only && oldParams.params.supports_alpha_blend == newParams.params.supports_alpha_blend && oldParams.pages.size() == newParams.pages.size() && oldParams.params.display_header_footer == newParams.params.display_header_footer && oldParams.params.date == newParams.params.date && oldParams.params.title == newParams.params.title && oldParams.params.url == newParams.params.url && std::equal(oldParams.pages.begin(), oldParams.pages.end(), newParams.pages.begin()); }
struct ctl_table_header *__sysctl_head_next(struct nsproxy *namespaces, struct ctl_table_header *prev) { struct ctl_table_root *root; struct list_head *header_list; struct ctl_table_header *head; struct list_head *tmp; spin_lock(&sysctl_lock); if (prev) { head = prev; tmp = &prev->ctl_entry; unuse_table(prev); goto next; } tmp = &root_table_header.ctl_entry; for (;;) { head = list_entry(tmp, struct ctl_table_header, ctl_entry); if (!use_table(head)) goto next; spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock); return head; next: root = head->root; tmp = tmp->next; header_list = lookup_header_list(root, namespaces); if (tmp != header_list) continue; do { root = list_entry(root->root_list.next, struct ctl_table_root, root_list); if (root == &sysctl_table_root) goto out; header_list = lookup_header_list(root, namespaces); } while (list_empty(header_list)); tmp = header_list->next; } out: spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock); return NULL; }
begin_table(int border, int spacing, int padding, int vspace) { struct table *t; int mincell = minimum_cellspacing(border); int rcellspacing; int mincell_pixels = round(mincell * pixel_per_char); int ppc = round(pixel_per_char); t = newTable(); t->row = t->col = -1; t->maxcol = -1; t->maxrow = -1; t->border_mode = border; t->flag = 0; if (border == BORDER_NOWIN) t->flag |= TBL_EXPAND_OK; rcellspacing = spacing + 2 * padding; switch (border) { case BORDER_THIN: case BORDER_THICK: case BORDER_NOWIN: t->cellpadding = padding - (mincell_pixels - 4) / 2; break; case BORDER_NONE: t->cellpadding = rcellspacing - mincell_pixels; } if (t->cellpadding >= ppc) t->cellpadding /= ppc; else if (t->cellpadding > 0) t->cellpadding = 1; else t->cellpadding = 0; switch (border) { case BORDER_THIN: case BORDER_THICK: case BORDER_NOWIN: t->cellspacing = 2 * t->cellpadding + mincell; break; case BORDER_NONE: t->cellspacing = t->cellpadding + mincell; } if (border == BORDER_NONE) { if (rcellspacing / 2 + vspace <= 1) t->vspace = 0; else t->vspace = 1; } else { if (vspace < ppc) t->vspace = 0; else t->vspace = 1; } if (border == BORDER_NONE) { if (rcellspacing <= THR_PADDING) t->vcellpadding = 0; else t->vcellpadding = 1; } else { if (padding < 2 * ppc - 2) t->vcellpadding = 0; else t->vcellpadding = 1; } return t; }
void Con_MessageMode_f( void ) { chat_playerNum = -1; chat_team = qfalse; Field_Clear( &chatField ); chatField.widthInChars = 30; Key_SetCatcher( Key_GetCatcher( ) ^ KEYCATCH_MESSAGE ); }
double ExecutableAllocator::memoryPressureMultiplier(size_t addedMemoryUsage) { MetaAllocator::Statistics statistics = allocator->currentStatistics(); ASSERT(statistics.bytesAllocated <= statistics.bytesReserved); size_t bytesAllocated = statistics.bytesAllocated + addedMemoryUsage; if (bytesAllocated >= statistics.bytesReserved) bytesAllocated = statistics.bytesReserved; double result = 1.0; size_t divisor = statistics.bytesReserved - bytesAllocated; if (divisor) result = static_cast<double>(statistics.bytesReserved) / divisor; if (result < 1.0) result = 1.0; return result; }
void OnDataReceivedFromPeer(const char* data, size_t data_len) { DCHECK(delegate_); delegate_->OnPacketDataReceived(data, data_len); }
void drm_mode_destroy(struct drm_device *dev, struct drm_display_mode *mode) { drm_mode_object_put(dev, &mode->base); kfree(mode); }
void RenderWidgetHostViewAura::UnlockResources() { DCHECK(frame_provider_); delegated_frame_evictor_->UnlockFrame(); }
void SVGStyleElement::DispatchPendingEvent() { DispatchEvent(Event::Create(EventTypeNames::error)); }
void WebPluginDelegateImpl::SendJavaScriptStream(const GURL& url, const std::string& result, bool success, bool notify_needed, intptr_t notify_data) { instance()->SendJavaScriptStream(url, result, success, notify_needed, notify_data); }
void FileOutStream::printf(const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start (argptr, format); vfprintf(f, format, argptr); va_end (argptr); }
static unsigned int readuint(FILE * f, int bigendian) { unsigned char c1, c2, c3, c4; if (!fread(&c1, 1, 1, f)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError: fread return a number of element different from the expected.\n"); return 0; } if (!fread(&c2, 1, 1, f)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError: fread return a number of element different from the expected.\n"); return 0; } if (!fread(&c3, 1, 1, f)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError: fread return a number of element different from the expected.\n"); return 0; } if (!fread(&c4, 1, 1, f)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError: fread return a number of element different from the expected.\n"); return 0; } if (bigendian) { return (unsigned int)(c1 << 24) + (unsigned int)(c2 << 16) + (unsigned int)( c3 << 8) + c4; } else { return (unsigned int)(c4 << 24) + (unsigned int)(c3 << 16) + (unsigned int)( c2 << 8) + c1; } }
const CuePoint* Cues::GetLast() const { if (m_cue_points == NULL) return NULL; if (m_count <= 0) return NULL; #if 0 LoadCuePoint(); //init cues const size_t count = m_count + m_preload_count; if (count == 0) //weird return NULL; const size_t index = count - 1; CuePoint* const* const pp = m_cue_points; assert(pp); CuePoint* const pCP = pp[index]; assert(pCP); pCP->Load(m_pSegment->m_pReader); assert(pCP->GetTimeCode() >= 0); #else const long index = m_count - 1; CuePoint* const* const pp = m_cue_points; assert(pp); CuePoint* const pCP = pp[index]; assert(pCP); assert(pCP->GetTimeCode() >= 0); #endif return pCP; }
authentic_get_challenge(struct sc_card *card, unsigned char *rnd, size_t len) { /* 'GET CHALLENGE' returns always 24 bytes */ unsigned char rbuf[0x18]; size_t out_len; int r; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx); r = iso_ops->get_challenge(card, rbuf, sizeof rbuf); LOG_TEST_RET(card->ctx, r, "GET CHALLENGE cmd failed"); if (len < (size_t) r) { out_len = len; } else { out_len = (size_t) r; } memcpy(rnd, rbuf, out_len); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, out_len); }
void JSTestObjConstructor::finishCreation(ExecState* exec, JSDOMGlobalObject* globalObject) { Base::finishCreation(exec->globalData()); ASSERT(inherits(&s_info)); putDirect(exec->globalData(), exec->propertyNames().prototype, JSTestObjPrototype::self(exec, globalObject), DontDelete | ReadOnly); putDirect(exec->globalData(), exec->propertyNames().length, jsNumber(1), ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum); }
string16 ExtensionGlobalError::GenerateMessageSection( const ExtensionIdSet* extensions, int template_message_id) { CHECK(extensions); CHECK(template_message_id); string16 message; for (ExtensionIdSet::const_iterator iter = extensions->begin(); iter != extensions->end(); ++iter) { const Extension* e = extension_service_->GetExtensionById(*iter, true); message += l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16( template_message_id, string16(ASCIIToUTF16(e->name())), l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME)); } return message; }
long AudioTrack::Parse(Segment* pSegment, const Info& info, long long element_start, long long element_size, AudioTrack*& pResult) { if (pResult) return -1; if (info.type != Track::kAudio) return -1; IMkvReader* const pReader = pSegment->m_pReader; const Settings& s = info.settings; assert(s.start >= 0); assert(s.size >= 0); long long pos = s.start; assert(pos >= 0); const long long stop = pos + s.size; double rate = 8000.0; // MKV default long long channels = 1; long long bit_depth = 0; while (pos < stop) { long long id, size; long status = ParseElementHeader(pReader, pos, stop, id, size); if (status < 0) // error return status; if (id == 0x35) { // Sample Rate status = UnserializeFloat(pReader, pos, size, rate); if (status < 0) return status; if (rate <= 0) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; } else if (id == 0x1F) { // Channel Count channels = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (channels <= 0) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; } else if (id == 0x2264) { // Bit Depth bit_depth = UnserializeUInt(pReader, pos, size); if (bit_depth <= 0) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; } pos += size; // consume payload assert(pos <= stop); } assert(pos == stop); AudioTrack* const pTrack = new (std::nothrow) AudioTrack(pSegment, element_start, element_size); if (pTrack == NULL) return -1; // generic error const int status = info.Copy(pTrack->m_info); if (status) { delete pTrack; return status; } pTrack->m_rate = rate; pTrack->m_channels = channels; pTrack->m_bitDepth = bit_depth; pResult = pTrack; return 0; // success }
static int sc_pkcs15emu_sc_hsm_read_tokeninfo (sc_pkcs15_card_t * p15card) { sc_card_t *card = p15card->card; int r; u8 efbin[512]; size_t len; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx); /* Read token info */ len = sizeof efbin; r = read_file(p15card, (u8 *) "\x2F\x03", efbin, &len, 1); LOG_TEST_RET(card->ctx, r, "Skipping optional EF.TokenInfo"); r = sc_pkcs15_parse_tokeninfo(card->ctx, p15card->tokeninfo, efbin, len); LOG_TEST_RET(card->ctx, r, "Skipping optional EF.TokenInfo"); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, SC_SUCCESS); }
SpoolssStartPagePrinter_r(tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, dcerpc_info *di, guint8 *drep) { /* Parse packet */ offset = dissect_doserror( tvb, offset, pinfo, tree, di, drep, hf_rc, NULL); return offset; }
static int iccalternatespace(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p, ref *space, ref **r, int *CIESubst) { int components, code = 0; ref *tempref, ICCdict; if (!r_is_array(space)) return_error(gs_error_typecheck); /* Validate parameters, check we have enough operands */ if (r_size(space) != 2) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); code = array_get(imemory, space, 1, &ICCdict); if (code < 0) return code; code = dict_find_string(&ICCdict, "N", &tempref); if (code < 0) return code; if (code == 0) return gs_note_error(gs_error_undefined); components = tempref->value.intval; code = dict_find_string(&ICCdict, "Alternate", &tempref); if (code > 0 && !r_has_type(tempref, t_null)) { *r = tempref; } else { switch (components) { case 1: code = name_enter_string(imemory, "DeviceGray", *r); break; case 3: code = name_enter_string(imemory, "DeviceRGB", *r); break; case 4: code = name_enter_string(imemory, "DeviceCMYK", *r); break; default: return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); } } *CIESubst = 1; return code; }
void FileReaderLoader::OnComplete(int32_t status, uint64_t data_length) { DEFINE_THREAD_SAFE_STATIC_LOCAL(SparseHistogram, file_reader_loader_read_errors_histogram, ("Storage.Blob.FileReaderLoader.ReadError")); if (status != net::OK) { net_error_ = status; file_reader_loader_read_errors_histogram.Sample(std::max(0, -net_error_)); Failed(status == net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ? FileErrorCode::kNotFoundErr : FileErrorCode::kNotReadableErr, FailureType::kBackendReadError); return; } if (data_length != total_bytes_) { Failed(FileErrorCode::kNotReadableErr, FailureType::kReadSizesIncorrect); return; } received_on_complete_ = true; if (received_all_data_) OnFinishLoading(); }
error::Error GLES2DecoderImpl::HandleTexSubImage2D( uint32_t immediate_data_size, const volatile void* cmd_data) { const char* func_name = "glTexSubImage2D"; const volatile gles2::cmds::TexSubImage2D& c = *static_cast<const volatile gles2::cmds::TexSubImage2D*>(cmd_data); TRACE_EVENT2("gpu", "GLES2DecoderImpl::HandleTexSubImage2D", "width", c.width, "height", c.height); GLboolean internal = static_cast<GLboolean>(c.internal); if (internal == GL_TRUE && texture_state_.tex_image_failed) return error::kNoError; GLenum target = static_cast<GLenum>(c.target); GLint level = static_cast<GLint>(c.level); GLint xoffset = static_cast<GLint>(c.xoffset); GLint yoffset = static_cast<GLint>(c.yoffset); GLsizei width = static_cast<GLsizei>(c.width); GLsizei height = static_cast<GLsizei>(c.height); GLenum format = static_cast<GLenum>(c.format); GLenum type = static_cast<GLenum>(c.type); uint32_t pixels_shm_id = static_cast<uint32_t>(c.pixels_shm_id); uint32_t pixels_shm_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(c.pixels_shm_offset); if (width < 0 || height < 0) { LOCAL_SET_GL_ERROR(GL_INVALID_VALUE, func_name, "dimensions < 0"); return error::kNoError; } PixelStoreParams params; Buffer* buffer = state_.bound_pixel_unpack_buffer.get(); if (buffer) { if (pixels_shm_id) return error::kInvalidArguments; if (buffer->GetMappedRange()) { LOCAL_SET_GL_ERROR(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, func_name, "pixel unpack buffer should not be mapped to client memory"); return error::kNoError; } params = state_.GetUnpackParams(ContextState::k2D); } else { if (!pixels_shm_id && pixels_shm_offset) return error::kInvalidArguments; params.alignment = state_.unpack_alignment; } uint32_t pixels_size; uint32_t skip_size; uint32_t padding; if (!GLES2Util::ComputeImageDataSizesES3(width, height, 1, format, type, params, &pixels_size, nullptr, nullptr, &skip_size, &padding)) { return error::kOutOfBounds; } DCHECK_EQ(0u, skip_size); const void* pixels; if (pixels_shm_id) { pixels = GetSharedMemoryAs<const void*>( pixels_shm_id, pixels_shm_offset, pixels_size); if (!pixels) return error::kOutOfBounds; } else { DCHECK(buffer || !pixels_shm_offset); pixels = reinterpret_cast<const void*>(pixels_shm_offset); } TextureManager::DoTexSubImageArguments args = { target, level, xoffset, yoffset, 0, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels, pixels_size, padding, TextureManager::DoTexSubImageArguments::kTexSubImage2D}; texture_manager()->ValidateAndDoTexSubImage( this, &texture_state_, &state_, error_state_.get(), &framebuffer_state_, func_name, args); ExitCommandProcessingEarly(); return error::kNoError; }
void InputMethodController::Clear() { has_composition_ = false; if (composition_range_) { composition_range_->setStart(&GetDocument(), 0); composition_range_->collapse(true); } GetDocument().Markers().RemoveMarkersOfTypes(DocumentMarker::kComposition); }
base::WeakPtr<DecoderContext> GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl::AsWeakPtr() { return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); }
posix_acl_valid(struct user_namespace *user_ns, const struct posix_acl *acl) { const struct posix_acl_entry *pa, *pe; int state = ACL_USER_OBJ; int needs_mask = 0; FOREACH_ACL_ENTRY(pa, acl, pe) { if (pa->e_perm & ~(ACL_READ|ACL_WRITE|ACL_EXECUTE)) return -EINVAL; switch (pa->e_tag) { case ACL_USER_OBJ: if (state == ACL_USER_OBJ) { state = ACL_USER; break; } return -EINVAL; case ACL_USER: if (state != ACL_USER) return -EINVAL; if (!kuid_has_mapping(user_ns, pa->e_uid)) return -EINVAL; needs_mask = 1; break; case ACL_GROUP_OBJ: if (state == ACL_USER) { state = ACL_GROUP; break; } return -EINVAL; case ACL_GROUP: if (state != ACL_GROUP) return -EINVAL; if (!kgid_has_mapping(user_ns, pa->e_gid)) return -EINVAL; needs_mask = 1; break; case ACL_MASK: if (state != ACL_GROUP) return -EINVAL; state = ACL_OTHER; break; case ACL_OTHER: if (state == ACL_OTHER || (state == ACL_GROUP && !needs_mask)) { state = 0; break; } return -EINVAL; default: return -EINVAL; } } if (state == 0) return 0; return -EINVAL; }
static int rgbbasecolor(i_ctx_t * i_ctx_p, ref *space, int base, int *stage, int *cont, int *stack_depth) { os_ptr op = osp; float RGB[3], CMYK[4], Gray, UCR, BG; int i; const gs_color_space * pcs = gs_currentcolorspace(igs); if (pcs->id == cs_DeviceGray_id) { /* UGLY hack. Its possible for the graphics library to change the * colour space to DeviceGray (setcachedevice), but this does not * change the PostScript space. It can't, because the graphics library * doesn't know about the PostScript objects. If we get a current* * operation before the space has been restored, the colour space in * the graphics library and the PostScript stored space won't match. * If that happens then we need to pretend the PS colour space was * DeviceGray */ return(graybasecolor(i_ctx_p, space, base, stage, cont, stack_depth)); } switch (*stage) { case 0: *cont = 0; check_op(3); op -= 2; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { if (!r_has_type(op, t_integer)) { if (r_has_type(op, t_real)) { RGB[i] = op->value.realval; } else return_error(gs_error_typecheck); } else RGB[i] = (float)op->value.intval; if (RGB[i] < 0 || RGB[i] > 1) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); op++; } op = osp; switch (base) { case 0: pop(2); op = osp; /* If R == G == B, then this is gray, so just use it. Avoids * rounding errors. */ if (RGB[0] == RGB[1] && RGB[1] == RGB[2]) Gray = RGB[0]; else Gray = (0.3 * RGB[0]) + (0.59 * RGB[1]) + (0.11 * RGB[2]); make_real(op, Gray); return 0; break; case 1: rgb2hsb((float *)&RGB); make_real(&op[-2], RGB[0]); make_real(&op[-1], RGB[1]); make_real(op, RGB[2]); return 0; break; case 2: make_real(&op[-2], RGB[0]); make_real(&op[-1], RGB[1]); make_real(op, RGB[2]); return 0; break; case 3: *stage = 1; *cont = 1; for (i=0;i<3;i++) CMYK[i] = 1 - RGB[i]; if (CMYK[0] < CMYK[1]) { if (CMYK[0] < CMYK[2]) CMYK[3] = CMYK[0]; else CMYK[3] = CMYK[2]; } else { if (CMYK[1] < CMYK[2]) CMYK[3] = CMYK[1]; else CMYK[3] = CMYK[2]; } check_estack(1); push(2); op = osp - 4; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { make_real(op, CMYK[i]); op++; } make_real(op, CMYK[3]); esp++; *esp = istate->undercolor_removal; return o_push_estack; break; default: return_error(gs_error_undefined); break; } break; case 1: (*stage)++; *cont = 1; check_estack(1); check_op(5); op -= 4; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { if (!r_has_type(op, t_integer)) { if (r_has_type(op, t_real)) { CMYK[i] = op->value.realval; } else return_error(gs_error_typecheck); } else CMYK[i] = (float)op->value.intval; op++; } if (!r_has_type(op, t_integer)) { if (r_has_type(op, t_real)) { UCR = op->value.realval; } else return_error(gs_error_typecheck); } else UCR = (float)op->value.intval; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { CMYK[i] = CMYK[i] - UCR; if (CMYK[i] < 0) CMYK[i] = 0; if (CMYK[i] > 1) CMYK[i] = 1.0; } op -= 4; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { make_real(op, CMYK[i]); op++; } make_real(op, CMYK[3]); esp++; *esp = istate->black_generation; return o_push_estack; break; case 2: *stage = 0; *cont = 0; check_op(5); if (!r_has_type(op, t_integer)) { if (r_has_type(op, t_real)) { BG = op->value.realval; } else return_error(gs_error_typecheck); } else BG = (float)op->value.intval; pop(1); op = osp; if (BG < 0) BG = 0; if (BG > 1) BG = 1; make_real(op, BG); break; } return 0; }
explicit FactoryForExtensions(const ProfileIOData* profile_io_data) : profile_io_data_(profile_io_data) {}
struct dentry *d_hash_and_lookup(struct dentry *dir, struct qstr *name) { /* * Check for a fs-specific hash function. Note that we must * calculate the standard hash first, as the d_op->d_hash() * routine may choose to leave the hash value unchanged. */ name->hash = full_name_hash(dir, name->name, name->len); if (dir->d_flags & DCACHE_OP_HASH) { int err = dir->d_op->d_hash(dir, name); if (unlikely(err < 0)) return ERR_PTR(err); } return d_lookup(dir, name); }
struct timeval *dtls1_get_timeout(SSL *s, struct timeval *timeleft) { struct timeval timenow; /* If no timeout is set, just return NULL */ if (s->d1->next_timeout.tv_sec == 0 && s->d1->next_timeout.tv_usec == 0) { return NULL; } /* Get current time */ get_current_time(&timenow); /* If timer already expired, set remaining time to 0 */ if (s->d1->next_timeout.tv_sec < timenow.tv_sec || (s->d1->next_timeout.tv_sec == timenow.tv_sec && s->d1->next_timeout.tv_usec <= timenow.tv_usec)) { memset(timeleft, 0, sizeof(struct timeval)); return timeleft; } /* Calculate time left until timer expires */ memcpy(timeleft, &(s->d1->next_timeout), sizeof(struct timeval)); timeleft->tv_sec -= timenow.tv_sec; timeleft->tv_usec -= timenow.tv_usec; if (timeleft->tv_usec < 0) { timeleft->tv_sec--; timeleft->tv_usec += 1000000; } /* * If remaining time is less than 15 ms, set it to 0 to prevent issues * because of small devergences with socket timeouts. */ if (timeleft->tv_sec == 0 && timeleft->tv_usec < 15000) { memset(timeleft, 0, sizeof(struct timeval)); } return timeleft; }
void RenderFrameHostImpl::EnterBackForwardCache() { DCHECK(IsBackForwardCacheEnabled()); DCHECK(!is_in_back_forward_cache_); is_in_back_forward_cache_ = true; for (auto& child : children_) child->current_frame_host()->EnterBackForwardCache(); }
void BlinkTestRunner::SetGeofencingMockProvider(bool service_available) { content::SetGeofencingMockProvider(service_available); }
ImageLoader::~ImageLoader() { if (m_image) m_image->removeClient(this); ASSERT(m_hasPendingBeforeLoadEvent || !beforeLoadEventSender().hasPendingEvents(this)); if (m_hasPendingBeforeLoadEvent) beforeLoadEventSender().cancelEvent(this); ASSERT(m_hasPendingLoadEvent || !loadEventSender().hasPendingEvents(this)); if (m_hasPendingLoadEvent) loadEventSender().cancelEvent(this); ASSERT(m_hasPendingErrorEvent || !errorEventSender().hasPendingEvents(this)); if (m_hasPendingErrorEvent) errorEventSender().cancelEvent(this); if (m_elementIsProtected) m_element->deref(); }
static void cmd_xmeid(const char *tag, const char *id) { mboxevent_set_client_id(id); prot_printf(imapd_out, "%s OK %s\r\n", tag, error_message(IMAP_OK_COMPLETED)); }
void RenderWidgetHostViewGuest::InitAsChild( gfx::NativeView parent_view) { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); }
void set_name(const char* name) { name_ = name; }
check_gss_callback_principal(struct nfs_client *clp, struct svc_rqst *rqstp) { char *p = rqstp->rq_cred.cr_principal; if (rqstp->rq_authop->flavour != RPC_AUTH_GSS) return 1; /* No RPC_AUTH_GSS on NFSv4.1 back channel yet */ if (clp->cl_minorversion != 0) return 0; /* * It might just be a normal user principal, in which case * userspace won't bother to tell us the name at all. */ if (p == NULL) return 0; /* * Did we get the acceptor from userland during the SETCLIENID * negotiation? */ if (clp->cl_acceptor) return !strcmp(p, clp->cl_acceptor); /* * Otherwise try to verify it using the cl_hostname. Note that this * doesn't work if a non-canonical hostname was used in the devname. */ /* Expect a GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_NAME like "nfs@serverhostname" */ if (memcmp(p, "nfs@", 4) != 0) return 0; p += 4; if (strcmp(p, clp->cl_hostname) != 0) return 0; return 1; }
error::Error GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl::DoGetProgramInfoLog( GLuint program, std::string* infolog) { CheckErrorCallbackState(); GLint info_log_len = 0; api()->glGetProgramivFn(GetProgramServiceID(program, resources_), GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &info_log_len); if (CheckErrorCallbackState()) { return error::kNoError; } std::vector<char> buffer(info_log_len, 0); GLsizei length = 0; api()->glGetProgramInfoLogFn(GetProgramServiceID(program, resources_), info_log_len, &length, buffer.data()); DCHECK(length <= info_log_len); *infolog = length > 0 ? std::string(buffer.data(), length) : std::string(); return error::kNoError; }
isofile_free_all_entries(struct iso9660 *iso9660) { struct isofile *file, *file_next; file = iso9660->all_file_list.first; while (file != NULL) { file_next = file->allnext; isofile_free(file); file = file_next; } }
static void mptsas_process_scsi_task_mgmt(MPTSASState *s, MPIMsgSCSITaskMgmt *req) { MPIMsgSCSITaskMgmtReply reply; MPIMsgSCSITaskMgmtReply *reply_async; int status, count; SCSIDevice *sdev; SCSIRequest *r, *next; BusChild *kid; mptsas_fix_scsi_task_mgmt_endianness(req); QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(MPTSAS_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE < sizeof(*req)); QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(s->doorbell_msg) < sizeof(*req)); QEMU_BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(s->doorbell_reply) < sizeof(reply)); memset(&reply, 0, sizeof(reply)); reply.TargetID = req->TargetID; reply.Bus = req->Bus; reply.MsgLength = sizeof(reply) / 4; reply.Function = req->Function; reply.TaskType = req->TaskType; reply.MsgContext = req->MsgContext; switch (req->TaskType) { case MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_TASKTYPE_ABORT_TASK: case MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_TASKTYPE_QUERY_TASK: status = mptsas_scsi_device_find(s, req->Bus, req->TargetID, req->LUN, &sdev); if (status) { reply.IOCStatus = status; goto out; } if (sdev->lun != req->LUN[1]) { reply.ResponseCode = MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_RSP_TM_INVALID_LUN; goto out; } QTAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(r, &sdev->requests, next, next) { MPTSASRequest *cmd_req = r->hba_private; if (cmd_req && cmd_req->scsi_io.MsgContext == req->TaskMsgContext) { break; } } if (r) { /* * Assert that the request has not been completed yet, we * check for it in the loop above. */ assert(r->hba_private); if (req->TaskType == MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_TASKTYPE_QUERY_TASK) { /* "If the specified command is present in the task set, then * return a service response set to FUNCTION SUCCEEDED". */ reply.ResponseCode = MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_RSP_TM_SUCCEEDED; } else { MPTSASCancelNotifier *notifier; reply_async = g_memdup(&reply, sizeof(MPIMsgSCSITaskMgmtReply)); reply_async->IOCLogInfo = INT_MAX; count = 1; notifier = g_new(MPTSASCancelNotifier, 1); notifier->s = s; notifier->reply = reply_async; notifier->notifier.notify = mptsas_cancel_notify; scsi_req_cancel_async(r, &notifier->notifier); goto reply_maybe_async; } } break; case MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_TASKTYPE_ABRT_TASK_SET: case MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_TASKTYPE_CLEAR_TASK_SET: status = mptsas_scsi_device_find(s, req->Bus, req->TargetID, req->LUN, &sdev); if (status) { reply.IOCStatus = status; goto out; } if (sdev->lun != req->LUN[1]) { reply.ResponseCode = MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_RSP_TM_INVALID_LUN; goto out; } reply_async = g_memdup(&reply, sizeof(MPIMsgSCSITaskMgmtReply)); reply_async->IOCLogInfo = INT_MAX; count = 0; QTAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(r, &sdev->requests, next, next) { if (r->hba_private) { MPTSASCancelNotifier *notifier; count++; notifier = g_new(MPTSASCancelNotifier, 1); notifier->s = s; notifier->reply = reply_async; notifier->notifier.notify = mptsas_cancel_notify; scsi_req_cancel_async(r, &notifier->notifier); } } reply_maybe_async: if (reply_async->TerminationCount < count) { reply_async->IOCLogInfo = count; return; } g_free(reply_async); reply.TerminationCount = count; break; case MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_TASKTYPE_LOGICAL_UNIT_RESET: status = mptsas_scsi_device_find(s, req->Bus, req->TargetID, req->LUN, &sdev); if (status) { reply.IOCStatus = status; goto out; } if (sdev->lun != req->LUN[1]) { reply.ResponseCode = MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_RSP_TM_INVALID_LUN; goto out; } qdev_reset_all(&sdev->qdev); break; case MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_TASKTYPE_TARGET_RESET: if (req->Bus != 0) { reply.IOCStatus = MPI_IOCSTATUS_SCSI_INVALID_BUS; goto out; } if (req->TargetID > s->max_devices) { reply.IOCStatus = MPI_IOCSTATUS_SCSI_INVALID_TARGETID; goto out; } QTAILQ_FOREACH(kid, &s->bus.qbus.children, sibling) { sdev = SCSI_DEVICE(kid->child); if (sdev->channel == 0 && sdev->id == req->TargetID) { qdev_reset_all(kid->child); } } break; case MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_TASKTYPE_RESET_BUS: qbus_reset_all(&s->bus.qbus); break; default: reply.ResponseCode = MPI_SCSITASKMGMT_RSP_TM_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } out: mptsas_fix_scsi_task_mgmt_reply_endianness(&reply); mptsas_post_reply(s, (MPIDefaultReply *)&reply); }
NaClProcessHost::NaClProcessHost(const GURL& manifest_url, bool off_the_record) : manifest_url_(manifest_url), #if defined(OS_WIN) process_launched_by_broker_(false), #elif defined(OS_LINUX) wait_for_nacl_gdb_(false), #endif reply_msg_(NULL), #if defined(OS_WIN) debug_exception_handler_requested_(false), #endif internal_(new NaClInternal()), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_factory_(this)), enable_exception_handling_(false), off_the_record_(off_the_record) { process_.reset(content::BrowserChildProcessHost::Create( content::PROCESS_TYPE_NACL_LOADER, this)); // Set the display name so the user knows what plugin the process is running. // We aren't on the UI thread so getting the pref locale for language // formatting isn't possible, so IDN will be lost, but this is probably OK // for this use case. process_->SetName(net::FormatUrl(manifest_url_, std::string())); // We allow untrusted hardware exception handling to be enabled via // an env var for consistency with the standalone build of NaCl. if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableNaClExceptionHandling) || getenv("NACL_UNTRUSTED_EXCEPTION_HANDLING") != NULL) { enable_exception_handling_ = true; } enable_ipc_proxy_ = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableNaClIPCProxy); }
void OmniboxViewViews::Update() { if (model()->ResetDisplayTexts()) { RevertAll(); if (model()->has_focus()) { SelectAllForUserGesture(); } } else { EmphasizeURLComponents(); } }
ThreadWatcher::~ThreadWatcher() {}
void InterstitialPageImpl::OnDomOperationResponse( RenderFrameHostImpl* source, const std::string& json_string) { std::string json = json_string; NotificationService::current()->Notify(NOTIFICATION_DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE, Source<WebContents>(web_contents()), Details<std::string>(&json)); if (!enabled()) return; delegate_->CommandReceived(json_string); }
static bool __init sparc64_has_sha256_opcode(void) { unsigned long cfr; if (!(sparc64_elf_hwcap & HWCAP_SPARC_CRYPTO)) return false; __asm__ __volatile__("rd %%asr26, %0" : "=r" (cfr)); if (!(cfr & CFR_SHA256)) return false; return true; }
static bool shouldAddBorderPaddingMargin(RenderObject* child, bool &checkSide) { if (!child || (child->isText() && !toRenderText(child)->textLength())) return true; checkSide = false; return checkSide; }
scoped_refptr<TextureRef> texture_ref() { return texture_ref_; }
void CWebServer::GetJSonPage(WebEmSession & session, const request& req, reply & rep) { Json::Value root; root["status"] = "ERR"; std::string rtype = request::findValue(&req, "type"); if (rtype == "command") { std::string cparam = request::findValue(&req, "param"); if (cparam.empty()) { cparam = request::findValue(&req, "dparam"); if (cparam.empty()) { goto exitjson; } } if (cparam == "dologout") { session.forcelogin = true; root["status"] = "OK"; root["title"] = "Logout"; goto exitjson; } _log.Debug(DEBUG_WEBSERVER, "WEBS GetJSon :%s :%s ", cparam.c_str(), req.uri.c_str()); HandleCommand(cparam, session, req, root); } //(rtype=="command") else { HandleRType(rtype, session, req, root); } exitjson: std::string jcallback = request::findValue(&req, "jsoncallback"); if (jcallback.size() == 0) { reply::set_content(&rep, root.toStyledString()); return; } reply::set_content(&rep, "var data=" + root.toStyledString() + '\n' + jcallback + "(data);"); }
static void tcp_v4_reqsk_destructor(struct request_sock *req) { kfree(inet_rsk(req)->opt); }
SQLiteDatabase::SQLiteDatabase() : db_(nullptr), page_size_(-1), transaction_in_progress_(false), opening_thread_(0), open_error_(SQLITE_ERROR), open_error_message_(), last_changes_count_(0) { }
static int ssl_parse_server_hello( mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl ) { int ret, i; size_t n; size_t ext_len; unsigned char *buf, *ext; unsigned char comp; #if defined(MBEDTLS_ZLIB_SUPPORT) int accept_comp; #endif #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION) int renegotiation_info_seen = 0; #endif int handshake_failure = 0; const mbedtls_ssl_ciphersuite_t *suite_info; MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 2, ( "=> parse server hello" ) ); buf = ssl->in_msg; if( ( ret = mbedtls_ssl_read_record( ssl ) ) != 0 ) { /* No alert on a read error. */ MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_RET( 1, "mbedtls_ssl_read_record", ret ); return( ret ); } if( ssl->in_msgtype != MBEDTLS_SSL_MSG_HANDSHAKE ) { #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION) if( ssl->renego_status == MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_IN_PROGRESS ) { ssl->renego_records_seen++; if( ssl->conf->renego_max_records >= 0 && ssl->renego_records_seen > ssl->conf->renego_max_records ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "renegotiation requested, " "but not honored by server" ) ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE ); } MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "non-handshake message during renego" ) ); ssl->keep_current_message = 1; return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WAITING_SERVER_HELLO_RENEGO ); } #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION */ MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE ); } #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS) if( ssl->conf->transport == MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_DATAGRAM ) { if( buf[0] == MBEDTLS_SSL_HS_HELLO_VERIFY_REQUEST ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 2, ( "received hello verify request" ) ); MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 2, ( "<= parse server hello" ) ); return( ssl_parse_hello_verify_request( ssl ) ); } else { /* We made it through the verification process */ mbedtls_free( ssl->handshake->verify_cookie ); ssl->handshake->verify_cookie = NULL; ssl->handshake->verify_cookie_len = 0; } } #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS */ if( ssl->in_hslen < 38 + mbedtls_ssl_hs_hdr_len( ssl ) || buf[0] != MBEDTLS_SSL_HS_SERVER_HELLO ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_DECODE_ERROR ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } /* * 0 . 1 server_version * 2 . 33 random (maybe including 4 bytes of Unix time) * 34 . 34 session_id length = n * 35 . 34+n session_id * 35+n . 36+n cipher_suite * 37+n . 37+n compression_method * * 38+n . 39+n extensions length (optional) * 40+n . .. extensions */ buf += mbedtls_ssl_hs_hdr_len( ssl ); MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_BUF( 3, "server hello, version", buf + 0, 2 ); mbedtls_ssl_read_version( &ssl->major_ver, &ssl->minor_ver, ssl->conf->transport, buf + 0 ); if( ssl->major_ver < ssl->conf->min_major_ver || ssl->minor_ver < ssl->conf->min_minor_ver || ssl->major_ver > ssl->conf->max_major_ver || ssl->minor_ver > ssl->conf->max_minor_ver ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "server version out of bounds - " " min: [%d:%d], server: [%d:%d], max: [%d:%d]", ssl->conf->min_major_ver, ssl->conf->min_minor_ver, ssl->major_ver, ssl->minor_ver, ssl->conf->max_major_ver, ssl->conf->max_minor_ver ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_PROTOCOL_VERSION ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_PROTOCOL_VERSION ); } MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "server hello, current time: %lu", ( (uint32_t) buf[2] << 24 ) | ( (uint32_t) buf[3] << 16 ) | ( (uint32_t) buf[4] << 8 ) | ( (uint32_t) buf[5] ) ) ); memcpy( ssl->handshake->randbytes + 32, buf + 2, 32 ); n = buf[34]; MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_BUF( 3, "server hello, random bytes", buf + 2, 32 ); if( n > 32 ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_DECODE_ERROR ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } if( ssl->in_hslen > mbedtls_ssl_hs_hdr_len( ssl ) + 39 + n ) { ext_len = ( ( buf[38 + n] << 8 ) | ( buf[39 + n] ) ); if( ( ext_len > 0 && ext_len < 4 ) || ssl->in_hslen != mbedtls_ssl_hs_hdr_len( ssl ) + 40 + n + ext_len ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_DECODE_ERROR ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } } else if( ssl->in_hslen == mbedtls_ssl_hs_hdr_len( ssl ) + 38 + n ) { ext_len = 0; } else { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_DECODE_ERROR ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } /* ciphersuite (used later) */ i = ( buf[35 + n] << 8 ) | buf[36 + n]; /* * Read and check compression */ comp = buf[37 + n]; #if defined(MBEDTLS_ZLIB_SUPPORT) /* See comments in ssl_write_client_hello() */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS) if( ssl->conf->transport == MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_DATAGRAM ) accept_comp = 0; else #endif accept_comp = 1; if( comp != MBEDTLS_SSL_COMPRESS_NULL && ( comp != MBEDTLS_SSL_COMPRESS_DEFLATE || accept_comp == 0 ) ) #else /* MBEDTLS_ZLIB_SUPPORT */ if( comp != MBEDTLS_SSL_COMPRESS_NULL ) #endif/* MBEDTLS_ZLIB_SUPPORT */ { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "server hello, bad compression: %d", comp ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE ); } /* * Initialize update checksum functions */ ssl->transform_negotiate->ciphersuite_info = mbedtls_ssl_ciphersuite_from_id( i ); if( ssl->transform_negotiate->ciphersuite_info == NULL ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "ciphersuite info for %04x not found", i ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); } mbedtls_ssl_optimize_checksum( ssl, ssl->transform_negotiate->ciphersuite_info ); MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "server hello, session id len.: %d", n ) ); MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_BUF( 3, "server hello, session id", buf + 35, n ); /* * Check if the session can be resumed */ if( ssl->handshake->resume == 0 || n == 0 || #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION) ssl->renego_status != MBEDTLS_SSL_INITIAL_HANDSHAKE || #endif ssl->session_negotiate->ciphersuite != i || ssl->session_negotiate->compression != comp || ssl->session_negotiate->id_len != n || memcmp( ssl->session_negotiate->id, buf + 35, n ) != 0 ) { ssl->state++; ssl->handshake->resume = 0; #if defined(MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME) ssl->session_negotiate->start = mbedtls_time( NULL ); #endif ssl->session_negotiate->ciphersuite = i; ssl->session_negotiate->compression = comp; ssl->session_negotiate->id_len = n; memcpy( ssl->session_negotiate->id, buf + 35, n ); } else { ssl->state = MBEDTLS_SSL_SERVER_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC; if( ( ret = mbedtls_ssl_derive_keys( ssl ) ) != 0 ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_RET( 1, "mbedtls_ssl_derive_keys", ret ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR ); return( ret ); } } MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "%s session has been resumed", ssl->handshake->resume ? "a" : "no" ) ); MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "server hello, chosen ciphersuite: %04x", i ) ); MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "server hello, compress alg.: %d", buf[37 + n] ) ); suite_info = mbedtls_ssl_ciphersuite_from_id( ssl->session_negotiate->ciphersuite ); if( suite_info == NULL #if defined(MBEDTLS_ARC4_C) || ( ssl->conf->arc4_disabled && suite_info->cipher == MBEDTLS_CIPHER_ARC4_128 ) #endif ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "server hello, chosen ciphersuite: %s", suite_info->name ) ); i = 0; while( 1 ) { if( ssl->conf->ciphersuite_list[ssl->minor_ver][i] == 0 ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } if( ssl->conf->ciphersuite_list[ssl->minor_ver][i++] == ssl->session_negotiate->ciphersuite ) { break; } } if( comp != MBEDTLS_SSL_COMPRESS_NULL #if defined(MBEDTLS_ZLIB_SUPPORT) && comp != MBEDTLS_SSL_COMPRESS_DEFLATE #endif ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } ssl->session_negotiate->compression = comp; ext = buf + 40 + n; MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 2, ( "server hello, total extension length: %d", ext_len ) ); while( ext_len ) { unsigned int ext_id = ( ( ext[0] << 8 ) | ( ext[1] ) ); unsigned int ext_size = ( ( ext[2] << 8 ) | ( ext[3] ) ); if( ext_size + 4 > ext_len ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_DECODE_ERROR ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } switch( ext_id ) { case MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_RENEGOTIATION_INFO: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "found renegotiation extension" ) ); #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION) renegotiation_info_seen = 1; #endif if( ( ret = ssl_parse_renegotiation_info( ssl, ext + 4, ext_size ) ) != 0 ) return( ret ); break; #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH) case MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "found max_fragment_length extension" ) ); if( ( ret = ssl_parse_max_fragment_length_ext( ssl, ext + 4, ext_size ) ) != 0 ) { return( ret ); } break; #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LENGTH */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC) case MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_TRUNCATED_HMAC: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "found truncated_hmac extension" ) ); if( ( ret = ssl_parse_truncated_hmac_ext( ssl, ext + 4, ext_size ) ) != 0 ) { return( ret ); } break; #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_TRUNCATED_HMAC */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_ENCRYPT_THEN_MAC) case MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_ENCRYPT_THEN_MAC: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "found encrypt_then_mac extension" ) ); if( ( ret = ssl_parse_encrypt_then_mac_ext( ssl, ext + 4, ext_size ) ) != 0 ) { return( ret ); } break; #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_ENCRYPT_THEN_MAC */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_EXTENDED_MASTER_SECRET) case MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_EXTENDED_MASTER_SECRET: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "found extended_master_secret extension" ) ); if( ( ret = ssl_parse_extended_ms_ext( ssl, ext + 4, ext_size ) ) != 0 ) { return( ret ); } break; #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_EXTENDED_MASTER_SECRET */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_SESSION_TICKETS) case MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_SESSION_TICKET: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "found session_ticket extension" ) ); if( ( ret = ssl_parse_session_ticket_ext( ssl, ext + 4, ext_size ) ) != 0 ) { return( ret ); } break; #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_SESSION_TICKETS */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_ECDH_C) || defined(MBEDTLS_ECDSA_C) || \ defined(MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE_ENABLED) case MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_SUPPORTED_POINT_FORMATS: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "found supported_point_formats extension" ) ); if( ( ret = ssl_parse_supported_point_formats_ext( ssl, ext + 4, ext_size ) ) != 0 ) { return( ret ); } break; #endif /* MBEDTLS_ECDH_C || MBEDTLS_ECDSA_C || MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE_ENABLED */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE_ENABLED) case MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_ECJPAKE_KKPP: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "found ecjpake_kkpp extension" ) ); if( ( ret = ssl_parse_ecjpake_kkpp( ssl, ext + 4, ext_size ) ) != 0 ) { return( ret ); } break; #endif /* MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ECJPAKE_ENABLED */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_ALPN) case MBEDTLS_TLS_EXT_ALPN: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "found alpn extension" ) ); if( ( ret = ssl_parse_alpn_ext( ssl, ext + 4, ext_size ) ) != 0 ) return( ret ); break; #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_ALPN */ default: MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 3, ( "unknown extension found: %d (ignoring)", ext_id ) ); } ext_len -= 4 + ext_size; ext += 4 + ext_size; if( ext_len > 0 && ext_len < 4 ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "bad server hello message" ) ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } } /* * Renegotiation security checks */ if( ssl->secure_renegotiation == MBEDTLS_SSL_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION && ssl->conf->allow_legacy_renegotiation == MBEDTLS_SSL_LEGACY_BREAK_HANDSHAKE ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "legacy renegotiation, breaking off handshake" ) ); handshake_failure = 1; } #if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION) else if( ssl->renego_status == MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_IN_PROGRESS && ssl->secure_renegotiation == MBEDTLS_SSL_SECURE_RENEGOTIATION && renegotiation_info_seen == 0 ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "renegotiation_info extension missing (secure)" ) ); handshake_failure = 1; } else if( ssl->renego_status == MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_IN_PROGRESS && ssl->secure_renegotiation == MBEDTLS_SSL_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION && ssl->conf->allow_legacy_renegotiation == MBEDTLS_SSL_LEGACY_NO_RENEGOTIATION ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "legacy renegotiation not allowed" ) ); handshake_failure = 1; } else if( ssl->renego_status == MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION_IN_PROGRESS && ssl->secure_renegotiation == MBEDTLS_SSL_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION && renegotiation_info_seen == 1 ) { MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 1, ( "renegotiation_info extension present (legacy)" ) ); handshake_failure = 1; } #endif /* MBEDTLS_SSL_RENEGOTIATION */ if( handshake_failure == 1 ) { mbedtls_ssl_send_alert_message( ssl, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_LEVEL_FATAL, MBEDTLS_SSL_ALERT_MSG_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE ); return( MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_SERVER_HELLO ); } MBEDTLS_SSL_DEBUG_MSG( 2, ( "<= parse server hello" ) ); return( 0 ); }
int kvm_arch_vcpu_ioctl_get_sregs(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct kvm_sregs *sregs) { return -EINVAL; }
static void jpc_com_destroyparms(jpc_ms_t *ms) { jpc_com_t *com = &ms->parms.com; if (com->data) { jas_free(com->data); } }
status_t MPEG4Extractor::readMetaData() { if (mInitCheck != NO_INIT) { return mInitCheck; } off64_t offset = 0; status_t err; while (true) { err = parseChunk(&offset, 0); if (err == OK) { continue; } uint32_t hdr[2]; if (mDataSource->readAt(offset, hdr, 8) < 8) { break; } uint32_t chunk_type = ntohl(hdr[1]); if (chunk_type == FOURCC('s', 'i', 'd', 'x')) { continue; } else if (chunk_type == FOURCC('m', 'o', 'o', 'f')) { mMoofOffset = offset; } break; } if (mInitCheck == OK) { if (mHasVideo) { mFileMetaData->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_CONTAINER_MPEG4); } else { mFileMetaData->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, "audio/mp4"); } mInitCheck = OK; } else { mInitCheck = err; } CHECK_NE(err, (status_t)NO_INIT); int psshsize = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < mPssh.size(); i++) { psshsize += 20 + mPssh[i].datalen; } if (psshsize) { char *buf = (char*)malloc(psshsize); char *ptr = buf; for (size_t i = 0; i < mPssh.size(); i++) { memcpy(ptr, mPssh[i].uuid, 20); // uuid + length memcpy(ptr + 20, mPssh[i].data, mPssh[i].datalen); ptr += (20 + mPssh[i].datalen); } mFileMetaData->setData(kKeyPssh, 'pssh', buf, psshsize); free(buf); } return mInitCheck; }
static int rose_info_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v) { char buf[11], rsbuf[11]; if (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN) seq_puts(seq, "dest_addr dest_call src_addr src_call dev lci neigh st vs vr va t t1 t2 t3 hb idle Snd-Q Rcv-Q inode\n"); else { struct sock *s = sk_entry(v); struct rose_sock *rose = rose_sk(s); const char *devname, *callsign; const struct net_device *dev = rose->device; if (!dev) devname = "???"; else devname = dev->name; seq_printf(seq, "%-10s %-9s ", rose2asc(rsbuf, &rose->dest_addr), ax2asc(buf, &rose->dest_call)); if (ax25cmp(&rose->source_call, &null_ax25_address) == 0) callsign = "??????-?"; else callsign = ax2asc(buf, &rose->source_call); seq_printf(seq, "%-10s %-9s %-5s %3.3X %05d %d %d %d %d %3lu %3lu %3lu %3lu %3lu %3lu/%03lu %5d %5d %ld\n", rose2asc(rsbuf, &rose->source_addr), callsign, devname, rose->lci & 0x0FFF, (rose->neighbour) ? rose->neighbour->number : 0, rose->state, rose->vs, rose->vr, rose->va, ax25_display_timer(&rose->timer) / HZ, rose->t1 / HZ, rose->t2 / HZ, rose->t3 / HZ, rose->hb / HZ, ax25_display_timer(&rose->idletimer) / (60 * HZ), rose->idle / (60 * HZ), sk_wmem_alloc_get(s), sk_rmem_alloc_get(s), s->sk_socket ? SOCK_INODE(s->sk_socket)->i_ino : 0L); } return 0; }
finish_input_ppm(j_compress_ptr cinfo, cjpeg_source_ptr sinfo) { /* no work */ }
void NavigationController::LoadEntry(NavigationEntry* entry) { ChildProcessSecurityPolicy *policy = ChildProcessSecurityPolicy::GetInstance(); if (policy->IsDisabledScheme(entry->url().scheme()) || policy->IsDisabledScheme(entry->virtual_url().scheme())) { VLOG(1) << "URL not loaded because the scheme is blocked by policy: " << entry->url(); delete entry; return; } DiscardNonCommittedEntriesInternal(); pending_entry_ = entry; content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( content::NOTIFICATION_NAV_ENTRY_PENDING, content::Source<NavigationController>(this), content::Details<NavigationEntry>(entry)); NavigateToPendingEntry(NO_RELOAD); }
get_response(struct mg_connection *conn, char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len, int *err) { const char *cl; if (!get_message(conn, ebuf, ebuf_len, err)) { return 0; } if (parse_http_response(conn->buf, conn->buf_size, &conn->response_info) <= 0) { mg_snprintf(conn, NULL, /* No truncation check for ebuf */ ebuf, ebuf_len, "%s", "Bad response"); *err = 400; return 0; } /* Message is a valid response */ /* Do we know the content length? */ if ((cl = get_header(conn->response_info.http_headers, conn->response_info.num_headers, "Content-Length")) != NULL) { /* Request/response has content length set */ char *endptr = NULL; conn->content_len = strtoll(cl, &endptr, 10); if (endptr == cl) { mg_snprintf(conn, NULL, /* No truncation check for ebuf */ ebuf, ebuf_len, "%s", "Bad request"); *err = 411; return 0; } /* Publish the content length back to the response info. */ conn->response_info.content_length = conn->content_len; /* TODO: check if it is still used in response_info */ conn->request_info.content_length = conn->content_len; } else if ((cl = get_header(conn->response_info.http_headers, conn->response_info.num_headers, "Transfer-Encoding")) != NULL && !mg_strcasecmp(cl, "chunked")) { conn->is_chunked = 1; conn->content_len = -1; /* unknown content length */ } else { conn->content_len = -1; /* unknown content length */ } conn->connection_type = CONNECTION_TYPE_RESPONSE; /* Valid response */ return 1; }
int TestOpenFile(std::wstring path, bool for_write) { wchar_t path_expanded[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; DWORD size = ::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(path.c_str(), path_expanded, MAX_PATH); if (!size) return sandbox::SBOX_TEST_FAILED_TO_EXECUTE_COMMAND; HANDLE file; file = ::CreateFile(path_expanded, for_write ? GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE : GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, // No security attributes. OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); // No template. if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != file) { ::CloseHandle(file); return sandbox::SBOX_TEST_SUCCEEDED; } else { if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == ::GetLastError()) { return sandbox::SBOX_TEST_DENIED; } else { return sandbox::SBOX_TEST_FAILED_TO_EXECUTE_COMMAND; } } }
static void TestInterfaceEmptyAttributeAttributeGetter(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { v8::Local<v8::Object> holder = info.Holder(); TestObject* impl = V8TestObject::ToImpl(holder); V8SetReturnValueFast(info, WTF::GetPtr(impl->testInterfaceEmptyAttribute()), impl); }
void NuPlayer::GenericSource::cancelPollBuffering() { ++mPollBufferingGeneration; }
void ResizeDesktop(int width_delta) { gfx::Size size = display::Screen::GetScreen() ->GetDisplayNearestWindow(Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow()) .size(); size.Enlarge(0, width_delta); UpdateDisplay(size.ToString()); }
void tracing_snapshot_alloc(void) { /* Give warning */ tracing_snapshot(); }
error::Error GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl::DoDeleteTextures( GLsizei n, const volatile GLuint* textures) { if (n < 0) { InsertError(GL_INVALID_VALUE, "n cannot be negative."); return error::kNoError; } std::vector<GLuint> non_mailbox_client_ids; for (GLsizei ii = 0; ii < n; ++ii) { GLuint client_id = textures[ii]; scoped_refptr<TexturePassthrough> texture = nullptr; if (!resources_->texture_object_map.GetServiceID(client_id, &texture) || texture == nullptr) { non_mailbox_client_ids.push_back(client_id); } else { resources_->texture_id_map.RemoveClientID(client_id); resources_->texture_object_map.RemoveClientID(client_id); resources_->texture_shared_image_map.erase(client_id); UpdateTextureBinding(texture->target(), client_id, nullptr); } group_->passthrough_discardable_manager()->DeleteTexture(client_id, group_.get()); } return DeleteHelper( non_mailbox_client_ids.size(), non_mailbox_client_ids.data(), &resources_->texture_id_map, [this](GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) { api()->glDeleteTexturesFn(n, textures); }); }
static struct inotify_inode_mark *inotify_idr_find_locked(struct fsnotify_group *group, int wd) { struct idr *idr = &group->inotify_data.idr; spinlock_t *idr_lock = &group->inotify_data.idr_lock; struct inotify_inode_mark *i_mark; assert_spin_locked(idr_lock); i_mark = idr_find(idr, wd); if (i_mark) { struct fsnotify_mark *fsn_mark = &i_mark->fsn_mark; fsnotify_get_mark(fsn_mark); /* One ref for being in the idr, one ref we just took */ BUG_ON(atomic_read(&fsn_mark->refcnt) < 2); } return i_mark; }
void *ASN1_item_d2i_bio(const ASN1_ITEM *it, BIO *in, void *x) { BUF_MEM *b = NULL; const unsigned char *p; void *ret = NULL; int len; len = asn1_d2i_read_bio(in, &b); if (len < 0) goto err; p = (const unsigned char *)b->data; ret = ASN1_item_d2i(x, &p, len, it); err: BUF_MEM_free(b); return (ret); }
int ssl3_accept(SSL *s) { BUF_MEM *buf; unsigned long alg_k, Time = (unsigned long)time(NULL); void (*cb) (const SSL *ssl, int type, int val) = NULL; int ret = -1; int new_state, state, skip = 0; RAND_add(&Time, sizeof(Time), 0); ERR_clear_error(); clear_sys_error(); if (s->info_callback != NULL) cb = s->info_callback; else if (s->ctx->info_callback != NULL) cb = s->ctx->info_callback; /* init things to blank */ s->in_handshake++; if (!SSL_in_init(s) || SSL_in_before(s)) SSL_clear(s); if (s->cert == NULL) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_ACCEPT, SSL_R_NO_CERTIFICATE_SET); return (-1); } #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS /* * If we're awaiting a HeartbeatResponse, pretend we already got and * don't await it anymore, because Heartbeats don't make sense during * handshakes anyway. */ if (s->tlsext_hb_pending) { s->tlsext_hb_pending = 0; s->tlsext_hb_seq++; } #endif for (;;) { state = s->state; switch (s->state) { case SSL_ST_RENEGOTIATE: s->renegotiate = 1; /* s->state=SSL_ST_ACCEPT; */ case SSL_ST_BEFORE: case SSL_ST_ACCEPT: case SSL_ST_BEFORE | SSL_ST_ACCEPT: case SSL_ST_OK | SSL_ST_ACCEPT: s->server = 1; if (cb != NULL) cb(s, SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_START, 1); if ((s->version >> 8) != 3) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_ACCEPT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; return -1; } s->type = SSL_ST_ACCEPT; if (s->init_buf == NULL) { if ((buf = BUF_MEM_new()) == NULL) { ret = -1; s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; goto end; } if (!BUF_MEM_grow(buf, SSL3_RT_MAX_PLAIN_LENGTH)) { BUF_MEM_free(buf); ret = -1; s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; goto end; } s->init_buf = buf; } if (!ssl3_setup_buffers(s)) { ret = -1; s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; goto end; } s->init_num = 0; s->s3->flags &= ~TLS1_FLAGS_SKIP_CERT_VERIFY; s->s3->flags &= ~SSL3_FLAGS_CCS_OK; /* * Should have been reset by ssl3_get_finished, too. */ s->s3->change_cipher_spec = 0; if (s->state != SSL_ST_RENEGOTIATE) { /* * Ok, we now need to push on a buffering BIO so that the * output is sent in a way that TCP likes :-) */ if (!ssl_init_wbio_buffer(s, 1)) { ret = -1; s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; goto end; } ssl3_init_finished_mac(s); s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_A; s->ctx->stats.sess_accept++; } else if (!s->s3->send_connection_binding && !(s->options & SSL_OP_ALLOW_UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION)) { /* * Server attempting to renegotiate with client that doesn't * support secure renegotiation. */ SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_ACCEPT, SSL_R_UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED); ssl3_send_alert(s, SSL3_AL_FATAL, SSL_AD_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE); ret = -1; s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; goto end; } else { /* * s->state == SSL_ST_RENEGOTIATE, we will just send a * HelloRequest */ s->ctx->stats.sess_accept_renegotiate++; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_HELLO_REQ_A; } break; case SSL3_ST_SW_HELLO_REQ_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_HELLO_REQ_B: s->shutdown = 0; ret = ssl3_send_hello_request(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; s->s3->tmp.next_state = SSL3_ST_SW_HELLO_REQ_C; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_FLUSH; s->init_num = 0; ssl3_init_finished_mac(s); break; case SSL3_ST_SW_HELLO_REQ_C: s->state = SSL_ST_OK; break; case SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_A: case SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_B: case SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_C: s->shutdown = 0; ret = ssl3_get_client_hello(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRP s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_D; case SSL3_ST_SR_CLNT_HELLO_D: { int al; if ((ret = ssl_check_srp_ext_ClientHello(s, &al)) < 0) { /* * callback indicates firther work to be done */ s->rwstate = SSL_X509_LOOKUP; goto end; } if (ret != SSL_ERROR_NONE) { ssl3_send_alert(s, SSL3_AL_FATAL, al); /* * This is not really an error but the only means to for * a client to detect whether srp is supported. */ if (al != TLS1_AD_UNKNOWN_PSK_IDENTITY) SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_ACCEPT, SSL_R_CLIENTHELLO_TLSEXT); ret = -1; s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; goto end; } } #endif s->renegotiate = 2; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_SRVR_HELLO_A; s->init_num = 0; break; case SSL3_ST_SW_SRVR_HELLO_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_SRVR_HELLO_B: ret = ssl3_send_server_hello(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT if (s->hit) { if (s->tlsext_ticket_expected) s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_SESSION_TICKET_A; else s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_CHANGE_A; } #else if (s->hit) s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_CHANGE_A; #endif else s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_A; s->init_num = 0; break; case SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_B: /* Check if it is anon DH or anon ECDH, */ /* normal PSK or KRB5 or SRP */ if (! (s->s3->tmp. new_cipher->algorithm_auth & (SSL_aNULL | SSL_aKRB5 | SSL_aSRP)) && !(s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithm_mkey & SSL_kPSK)) { ret = ssl3_send_server_certificate(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT if (s->tlsext_status_expected) s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_STATUS_A; else s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_KEY_EXCH_A; } else { skip = 1; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_KEY_EXCH_A; } #else } else skip = 1; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_KEY_EXCH_A; #endif s->init_num = 0; break; case SSL3_ST_SW_KEY_EXCH_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_KEY_EXCH_B: alg_k = s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithm_mkey; /* * clear this, it may get reset by * send_server_key_exchange */ s->s3->tmp.use_rsa_tmp = 0; /* * only send if a DH key exchange, fortezza or RSA but we have a * sign only certificate PSK: may send PSK identity hints For * ECC ciphersuites, we send a serverKeyExchange message only if * the cipher suite is either ECDH-anon or ECDHE. In other cases, * the server certificate contains the server's public key for * key exchange. */ if (0 /* * PSK: send ServerKeyExchange if PSK identity hint if * provided */ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_PSK || ((alg_k & SSL_kPSK) && s->ctx->psk_identity_hint) #endif #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SRP /* SRP: send ServerKeyExchange */ || (alg_k & SSL_kSRP) #endif || (alg_k & SSL_kEDH) || (alg_k & SSL_kEECDH) || ((alg_k & SSL_kRSA) && (s->cert->pkeys[SSL_PKEY_RSA_ENC].privatekey == NULL || (SSL_C_IS_EXPORT(s->s3->tmp.new_cipher) && EVP_PKEY_size(s->cert->pkeys [SSL_PKEY_RSA_ENC].privatekey) * 8 > SSL_C_EXPORT_PKEYLENGTH(s->s3->tmp.new_cipher) ) ) ) ) { ret = ssl3_send_server_key_exchange(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; } else skip = 1; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_REQ_A; s->init_num = 0; break; case SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_REQ_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_REQ_B: if ( /* don't request cert unless asked for it: */ !(s->verify_mode & SSL_VERIFY_PEER) || /* * if SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE is set, don't request cert * during re-negotiation: */ ((s->session->peer != NULL) && (s->verify_mode & SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE)) || /* * never request cert in anonymous ciphersuites (see * section "Certificate request" in SSL 3 drafts and in * RFC 2246): */ ((s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithm_auth & SSL_aNULL) && /* * ... except when the application insists on * verification (against the specs, but s3_clnt.c accepts * this for SSL 3) */ !(s->verify_mode & SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT)) || /* * never request cert in Kerberos ciphersuites */ (s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithm_auth & SSL_aKRB5) || /* don't request certificate for SRP auth */ (s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithm_auth & SSL_aSRP) /* * With normal PSK Certificates and Certificate Requests * are omitted */ || (s->s3->tmp.new_cipher->algorithm_mkey & SSL_kPSK)) { /* no cert request */ skip = 1; s->s3->tmp.cert_request = 0; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_SRVR_DONE_A; if (s->s3->handshake_buffer) { if (!ssl3_digest_cached_records(s)) { s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; return -1; } } } else { s->s3->tmp.cert_request = 1; ret = ssl3_send_certificate_request(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; #ifndef NETSCAPE_HANG_BUG s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_SRVR_DONE_A; #else s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_FLUSH; s->s3->tmp.next_state = SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_A; #endif s->init_num = 0; } break; case SSL3_ST_SW_SRVR_DONE_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_SRVR_DONE_B: ret = ssl3_send_server_done(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; s->s3->tmp.next_state = SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_A; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_FLUSH; s->init_num = 0; break; case SSL3_ST_SW_FLUSH: /* * This code originally checked to see if any data was pending * using BIO_CTRL_INFO and then flushed. This caused problems as * documented in PR#1939. The proposed fix doesn't completely * resolve this issue as buggy implementations of * BIO_CTRL_PENDING still exist. So instead we just flush * unconditionally. */ s->rwstate = SSL_WRITING; if (BIO_flush(s->wbio) <= 0) { ret = -1; goto end; } s->rwstate = SSL_NOTHING; s->state = s->s3->tmp.next_state; break; case SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_A: case SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_B: if (s->s3->tmp.cert_request) { ret = ssl3_get_client_certificate(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; } s->init_num = 0; s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_KEY_EXCH_A; break; case SSL3_ST_SR_KEY_EXCH_A: case SSL3_ST_SR_KEY_EXCH_B: ret = ssl3_get_client_key_exchange(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; if (ret == 2) { /* * For the ECDH ciphersuites when the client sends its ECDH * pub key in a certificate, the CertificateVerify message is * not sent. Also for GOST ciphersuites when the client uses * its key from the certificate for key exchange. */ #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT) || defined(OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG) s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_A; #else if (s->s3->next_proto_neg_seen) s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_NEXT_PROTO_A; else s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_A; #endif s->init_num = 0; } else if (SSL_USE_SIGALGS(s)) { s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_VRFY_A; s->init_num = 0; if (!s->session->peer) break; /* * For sigalgs freeze the handshake buffer at this point and * digest cached records. */ if (!s->s3->handshake_buffer) { SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_ACCEPT, ERR_R_INTERNAL_ERROR); s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; return -1; } s->s3->flags |= TLS1_FLAGS_KEEP_HANDSHAKE; if (!ssl3_digest_cached_records(s)) { s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; return -1; } } else { int offset = 0; int dgst_num; s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_VRFY_A; s->init_num = 0; /* * We need to get hashes here so if there is a client cert, * it can be verified FIXME - digest processing for * CertificateVerify should be generalized. But it is next * step */ if (s->s3->handshake_buffer) { if (!ssl3_digest_cached_records(s)) { s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; return -1; } } for (dgst_num = 0; dgst_num < SSL_MAX_DIGEST; dgst_num++) if (s->s3->handshake_dgst[dgst_num]) { int dgst_size; s->method->ssl3_enc->cert_verify_mac(s, EVP_MD_CTX_type (s-> s3->handshake_dgst [dgst_num]), &(s->s3-> tmp.cert_verify_md [offset])); dgst_size = EVP_MD_CTX_size(s->s3->handshake_dgst[dgst_num]); if (dgst_size < 0) { s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; ret = -1; goto end; } offset += dgst_size; } } break; case SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_VRFY_A: case SSL3_ST_SR_CERT_VRFY_B: ret = ssl3_get_cert_verify(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT) || defined(OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG) s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_A; #else if (s->s3->next_proto_neg_seen) s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_NEXT_PROTO_A; else s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_A; #endif s->init_num = 0; break; #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG) case SSL3_ST_SR_NEXT_PROTO_A: case SSL3_ST_SR_NEXT_PROTO_B: /* * Enable CCS for NPN. Receiving a CCS clears the flag, so make * sure not to re-enable it to ban duplicates. This *should* be the * first time we have received one - but we check anyway to be * cautious. * s->s3->change_cipher_spec is set when a CCS is * processed in s3_pkt.c, and remains set until * the client's Finished message is read. */ if (!s->s3->change_cipher_spec) s->s3->flags |= SSL3_FLAGS_CCS_OK; ret = ssl3_get_next_proto(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; s->init_num = 0; s->state = SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_A; break; #endif case SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_A: case SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_B: /* * Enable CCS for handshakes without NPN. In NPN the CCS flag has * already been set. Receiving a CCS clears the flag, so make * sure not to re-enable it to ban duplicates. * s->s3->change_cipher_spec is set when a CCS is * processed in s3_pkt.c, and remains set until * the client's Finished message is read. */ if (!s->s3->change_cipher_spec) s->s3->flags |= SSL3_FLAGS_CCS_OK; ret = ssl3_get_finished(s, SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_A, SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_B); if (ret <= 0) goto end; if (s->hit) s->state = SSL_ST_OK; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT else if (s->tlsext_ticket_expected) s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_SESSION_TICKET_A; #endif else s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_CHANGE_A; s->init_num = 0; break; #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT case SSL3_ST_SW_SESSION_TICKET_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_SESSION_TICKET_B: ret = ssl3_send_newsession_ticket(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_CHANGE_A; s->init_num = 0; break; case SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_STATUS_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_CERT_STATUS_B: ret = ssl3_send_cert_status(s); if (ret <= 0) goto end; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_KEY_EXCH_A; s->init_num = 0; break; #endif case SSL3_ST_SW_CHANGE_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_CHANGE_B: s->session->cipher = s->s3->tmp.new_cipher; if (!s->method->ssl3_enc->setup_key_block(s)) { ret = -1; s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; goto end; } ret = ssl3_send_change_cipher_spec(s, SSL3_ST_SW_CHANGE_A, SSL3_ST_SW_CHANGE_B); if (ret <= 0) goto end; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_FINISHED_A; s->init_num = 0; if (!s->method->ssl3_enc->change_cipher_state(s, SSL3_CHANGE_CIPHER_SERVER_WRITE)) { ret = -1; s->state = SSL_ST_ERR; goto end; } break; case SSL3_ST_SW_FINISHED_A: case SSL3_ST_SW_FINISHED_B: ret = ssl3_send_finished(s, SSL3_ST_SW_FINISHED_A, SSL3_ST_SW_FINISHED_B, s->method-> ssl3_enc->server_finished_label, s->method-> ssl3_enc->server_finished_label_len); if (ret <= 0) goto end; s->state = SSL3_ST_SW_FLUSH; if (s->hit) { #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT) || defined(OPENSSL_NO_NEXTPROTONEG) s->s3->tmp.next_state = SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_A; #else if (s->s3->next_proto_neg_seen) { s->s3->tmp.next_state = SSL3_ST_SR_NEXT_PROTO_A; } else s->s3->tmp.next_state = SSL3_ST_SR_FINISHED_A; #endif } else s->s3->tmp.next_state = SSL_ST_OK; s->init_num = 0; break; case SSL_ST_OK: /* clean a few things up */ ssl3_cleanup_key_block(s); BUF_MEM_free(s->init_buf); s->init_buf = NULL; /* remove buffering on output */ ssl_free_wbio_buffer(s); s->init_num = 0; if (s->renegotiate == 2) { /* skipped if we just sent a * HelloRequest */ s->renegotiate = 0; s->new_session = 0; ssl_update_cache(s, SSL_SESS_CACHE_SERVER); s->ctx->stats.sess_accept_good++; /* s->server=1; */ s->handshake_func = ssl3_accept; if (cb != NULL) cb(s, SSL_CB_HANDSHAKE_DONE, 1); } ret = 1; goto end; /* break; */ case SSL_ST_ERR: default: SSLerr(SSL_F_SSL3_ACCEPT, SSL_R_UNKNOWN_STATE); ret = -1; goto end; /* break; */ } if (!s->s3->tmp.reuse_message && !skip) { if (s->debug) { if ((ret = BIO_flush(s->wbio)) <= 0) goto end; } if ((cb != NULL) && (s->state != state)) { new_state = s->state; s->state = state; cb(s, SSL_CB_ACCEPT_LOOP, 1); s->state = new_state; } } skip = 0; }
void LoadingDataCollector::RecordResourceLoadComplete( const NavigationID& navigation_id, const content::mojom::ResourceLoadInfo& resource_load_info) { auto nav_it = inflight_navigations_.find(navigation_id); if (nav_it == inflight_navigations_.end()) return; if (!ShouldRecordResourceLoad(navigation_id, resource_load_info)) return; auto& page_request_summary = *nav_it->second; page_request_summary.UpdateOrAddToOrigins(resource_load_info); }
numTab(int n) { TabBuffer *tab; int i; if (n == 0) return CurrentTab; if (n == 1) return FirstTab; if (nTab <= 1) return NULL; for (tab = FirstTab, i = 1; tab && i < n; tab = tab->nextTab, i++) ; return tab; }
status_t Camera3Device::addDummyStreamLocked() { ATRACE_CALL(); status_t res; if (mDummyStreamId != NO_STREAM) { SET_ERR_L("%s: Camera %d: A dummy stream already exists!", __FUNCTION__, mId); return INVALID_OPERATION; } ALOGV("%s: Camera %d: Adding a dummy stream", __FUNCTION__, mId); sp<Camera3OutputStreamInterface> dummyStream = new Camera3DummyStream(mNextStreamId); res = mOutputStreams.add(mNextStreamId, dummyStream); if (res < 0) { SET_ERR_L("Can't add dummy stream to set: %s (%d)", strerror(-res), res); return res; } mDummyStreamId = mNextStreamId; mNextStreamId++; return OK; }
bt_status_t btif_hh_execute_service(BOOLEAN b_enable) { if (b_enable) { /* Enable and register with BTA-HH */ BTA_HhEnable(BTUI_HH_SECURITY, bte_hh_evt); } else { /* Disable HH */ BTA_HhDisable(); } return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
int cdrom_get_media_event(struct cdrom_device_info *cdi, struct media_event_desc *med) { struct packet_command cgc; unsigned char buffer[8]; struct event_header *eh = (struct event_header *)buffer; init_cdrom_command(&cgc, buffer, sizeof(buffer), CGC_DATA_READ); cgc.cmd[0] = GPCMD_GET_EVENT_STATUS_NOTIFICATION; cgc.cmd[1] = 1; /* IMMED */ cgc.cmd[4] = 1 << 4; /* media event */ cgc.cmd[8] = sizeof(buffer); cgc.quiet = 1; if (cdi->ops->generic_packet(cdi, &cgc)) return 1; if (be16_to_cpu(eh->data_len) < sizeof(*med)) return 1; if (eh->nea || eh->notification_class != 0x4) return 1; memcpy(med, &buffer[sizeof(*eh)], sizeof(*med)); return 0; }
long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags, unsigned long stack_start, struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long stack_size, int __user *parent_tidptr, int __user *child_tidptr) { struct task_struct *p; int trace = 0; long nr; /* * We hope to recycle these flags after 2.6.26 */ if (unlikely(clone_flags & CLONE_STOPPED)) { static int __read_mostly count = 100; if (count > 0 && printk_ratelimit()) { char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]; count--; printk(KERN_INFO "fork(): process `%s' used deprecated " "clone flags 0x%lx\n", get_task_comm(comm, current), clone_flags & CLONE_STOPPED); } } /* * When called from kernel_thread, don't do user tracing stuff. */ if (likely(user_mode(regs))) trace = tracehook_prepare_clone(clone_flags); p = copy_process(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size, child_tidptr, NULL, trace); /* * Do this prior waking up the new thread - the thread pointer * might get invalid after that point, if the thread exits quickly. */ if (!IS_ERR(p)) { struct completion vfork; trace_sched_process_fork(current, p); nr = task_pid_vnr(p); if (clone_flags & CLONE_PARENT_SETTID) put_user(nr, parent_tidptr); if (clone_flags & CLONE_VFORK) { p->vfork_done = &vfork; init_completion(&vfork); } tracehook_report_clone(trace, regs, clone_flags, nr, p); /* * We set PF_STARTING at creation in case tracing wants to * use this to distinguish a fully live task from one that * hasn't gotten to tracehook_report_clone() yet. Now we * clear it and set the child going. */ p->flags &= ~PF_STARTING; if (unlikely(clone_flags & CLONE_STOPPED)) { /* * We'll start up with an immediate SIGSTOP. */ sigaddset(&p->pending.signal, SIGSTOP); set_tsk_thread_flag(p, TIF_SIGPENDING); __set_task_state(p, TASK_STOPPED); } else { wake_up_new_task(p, clone_flags); } tracehook_report_clone_complete(trace, regs, clone_flags, nr, p); if (clone_flags & CLONE_VFORK) { freezer_do_not_count(); wait_for_completion(&vfork); freezer_count(); tracehook_report_vfork_done(p, nr); } } else { nr = PTR_ERR(p); } return nr; }
selRead(const char *fname) { FILE *fp; SEL *sel; PROCNAME("selRead"); if (!fname) return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("fname not defined", procName, NULL); if ((fp = fopenReadStream(fname)) == NULL) return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("stream not opened", procName, NULL); if ((sel = selReadStream(fp)) == NULL) { fclose(fp); return (SEL *)ERROR_PTR("sela not returned", procName, NULL); } fclose(fp); return sel; }
static int ne2000_buffer_full(NE2000State *s) { int avail, index, boundary; index = s->curpag << 8; boundary = s->boundary << 8; if (index < boundary) return 1; return 0; }
ImageBitmap* WebGLRenderingContextBase::TransferToImageBitmapBase( ScriptState* script_state) { WebFeature feature = WebFeature::kOffscreenCanvasTransferToImageBitmapWebGL; UseCounter::Count(ExecutionContext::From(script_state), feature); if (!GetDrawingBuffer()) return nullptr; std::unique_ptr<viz::SingleReleaseCallback> image_release_callback; scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> image = GetDrawingBuffer()->TransferToStaticBitmapImage(&image_release_callback); GetDrawingBuffer()->SwapPreviousFrameCallback( std::move(image_release_callback)); return ImageBitmap::Create(image); }
bool AccessibilityUIElement::isMultiSelectable() const { return checkElementState(m_element, ATK_STATE_MULTISELECTABLE); }
void set_focus_cycler(internal::FocusCycler* focus_cycler) { focus_cycler_ = focus_cycler; }
static struct mount *alloc_vfsmnt(const char *name) { struct mount *mnt = kmem_cache_zalloc(mnt_cache, GFP_KERNEL); if (mnt) { int err; err = mnt_alloc_id(mnt); if (err) goto out_free_cache; if (name) { mnt->mnt_devname = kstrdup(name, GFP_KERNEL); if (!mnt->mnt_devname) goto out_free_id; } #ifdef CONFIG_SMP mnt->mnt_pcp = alloc_percpu(struct mnt_pcp); if (!mnt->mnt_pcp) goto out_free_devname; this_cpu_add(mnt->mnt_pcp->mnt_count, 1); #else mnt->mnt_count = 1; mnt->mnt_writers = 0; #endif INIT_HLIST_NODE(&mnt->mnt_hash); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mnt->mnt_child); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mnt->mnt_mounts); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mnt->mnt_list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mnt->mnt_expire); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mnt->mnt_share); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mnt->mnt_slave_list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mnt->mnt_slave); #ifdef CONFIG_FSNOTIFY INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&mnt->mnt_fsnotify_marks); #endif } return mnt; #ifdef CONFIG_SMP out_free_devname: kfree(mnt->mnt_devname); #endif out_free_id: mnt_free_id(mnt); out_free_cache: kmem_cache_free(mnt_cache, mnt); return NULL; }
static unsigned long blocks_for_truncate(struct inode *inode) { ext4_lblk_t needed; needed = inode->i_blocks >> (inode->i_sb->s_blocksize_bits - 9); /* Give ourselves just enough room to cope with inodes in which * i_blocks is corrupt: we've seen disk corruptions in the past * which resulted in random data in an inode which looked enough * like a regular file for ext4 to try to delete it. Things * will go a bit crazy if that happens, but at least we should * try not to panic the whole kernel. */ if (needed < 2) needed = 2; /* But we need to bound the transaction so we don't overflow the * journal. */ if (needed > EXT4_MAX_TRANS_DATA) needed = EXT4_MAX_TRANS_DATA; return EXT4_DATA_TRANS_BLOCKS(inode->i_sb) + needed; }
static void serializedScriptValueMethodMethodCallback(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { TRACE_EVENT_SET_SAMPLING_STATE("Blink", "DOMMethod"); TestObjectPythonV8Internal::serializedScriptValueMethodMethod(info); TRACE_EVENT_SET_SAMPLING_STATE("V8", "V8Execution"); }
write_png(const char **name, FILE *fp, int color_type, int bit_depth, volatile png_fixed_point gamma, chunk_insert * volatile insert, unsigned int filters, unsigned int *colors) { png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, name, makepng_error, makepng_warning); volatile png_infop info_ptr = NULL; volatile png_bytep row = NULL; if (png_ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "makepng: OOM allocating write structure\n"); return 1; } if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) { png_structp nv_ptr = png_ptr; png_infop nv_info = info_ptr; png_ptr = NULL; info_ptr = NULL; png_destroy_write_struct(&nv_ptr, &nv_info); if (row != NULL) free(row); return 1; } /* Allow benign errors so that we can write PNGs with errors */ png_set_benign_errors(png_ptr, 1/*allowed*/); png_init_io(png_ptr, fp); info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if (info_ptr == NULL) png_error(png_ptr, "OOM allocating info structure"); { unsigned int size = image_size_of_type(color_type, bit_depth, colors); png_fixed_point real_gamma = 45455; /* For sRGB */ png_byte gamma_table[256]; double conv; /* This function uses the libpng values used on read to carry extra * information about the gamma: */ if (gamma == PNG_GAMMA_MAC_18) gamma = 65909; else if (gamma > 0 && gamma < 1000) gamma = PNG_FP_1; if (gamma > 0) real_gamma = gamma; { unsigned int i; if (real_gamma == 45455) for (i=0; i<256; ++i) { gamma_table[i] = (png_byte)i; conv = 1.; } else { /* Convert 'i' from sRGB (45455) to real_gamma, this makes * the images look the same regardless of the gAMA chunk. */ conv = real_gamma; conv /= 45455; gamma_table[0] = 0; for (i=1; i<255; ++i) gamma_table[i] = (png_byte)floor(pow(i/255.,conv) * 255 + .5); gamma_table[255] = 255; } } png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, size, size, bit_depth, color_type, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BASE, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE); if (color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_PALETTE) { int npalette; png_color palette[256]; png_byte trans[256]; npalette = generate_palette(palette, trans, bit_depth, gamma_table, colors); png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, palette, npalette); png_set_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, trans, npalette-1, NULL/*transparent color*/); /* Reset gamma_table to prevent the image rows being changed */ for (npalette=0; npalette<256; ++npalette) gamma_table[npalette] = (png_byte)npalette; } if (gamma == PNG_DEFAULT_sRGB) png_set_sRGB(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_sRGB_INTENT_ABSOLUTE); else if (gamma > 0) /* Else don't set color space information */ { png_set_gAMA_fixed(png_ptr, info_ptr, real_gamma); /* Just use the sRGB values here. */ png_set_cHRM_fixed(png_ptr, info_ptr, /* color x y */ /* white */ 31270, 32900, /* red */ 64000, 33000, /* green */ 30000, 60000, /* blue */ 15000, 6000 ); } /* Insert extra information. */ while (insert != NULL) { insert->insert(png_ptr, info_ptr, insert->nparams, insert->parameters); insert = insert->next; } /* Write the file header. */ png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); /* Restrict the filters */ png_set_filter(png_ptr, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE, filters); { int passes = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr); int pass; png_size_t rowbytes = png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr); row = malloc(rowbytes); if (row == NULL) png_error(png_ptr, "OOM allocating row buffer"); for (pass = 0; pass < passes; ++pass) { unsigned int y; for (y=0; y<size; ++y) { generate_row(row, rowbytes, y, color_type, bit_depth, gamma_table, conv, colors); png_write_row(png_ptr, row); } } } } /* Finish writing the file. */ png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr); { png_structp nv_ptr = png_ptr; png_infop nv_info = info_ptr; png_ptr = NULL; info_ptr = NULL; png_destroy_write_struct(&nv_ptr, &nv_info); } free(row); return 0; }
void __sock_tx_timestamp(const struct sock *sk, __u8 *tx_flags) { u8 flags = *tx_flags; if (sk->sk_tsflags & SOF_TIMESTAMPING_TX_HARDWARE) flags |= SKBTX_HW_TSTAMP; if (sk->sk_tsflags & SOF_TIMESTAMPING_TX_SOFTWARE) flags |= SKBTX_SW_TSTAMP; if (sk->sk_tsflags & SOF_TIMESTAMPING_TX_SCHED) flags |= SKBTX_SCHED_TSTAMP; if (sk->sk_tsflags & SOF_TIMESTAMPING_TX_ACK) flags |= SKBTX_ACK_TSTAMP; *tx_flags = flags; }