void DevToolsSession::InspectElement(const gfx::Point& point) { if (session_ptr_) session_ptr_->InspectElement(point); }
static int sapi_fcgi_read_post(char *buffer, uint count_bytes TSRMLS_DC) { uint read_bytes = 0; int tmp_read_bytes; fcgi_request *request = (fcgi_request*) SG(server_context); count_bytes = MIN(count_bytes, (uint) SG(request_info).content_length - SG(read_post_bytes)); while (read_bytes < count_bytes) { tmp_read_bytes = fcgi_read(request, buffer + read_bytes, count_bytes - read_bytes); if (tmp_read_bytes <= 0) { break; } read_bytes += tmp_read_bytes; } return read_bytes; }
void AutofillManager::ImportFormData(const FormStructure& submitted_form) { const CreditCard* imported_credit_card; if (!personal_data_->ImportFormData(submitted_form, &imported_credit_card)) return; scoped_ptr<const CreditCard> scoped_credit_card(imported_credit_card); if (imported_credit_card && tab_contents()) { tab_contents_wrapper_->AddInfoBar( new AutofillCCInfoBarDelegate(tab_contents(), scoped_credit_card.release(), personal_data_, metric_logger_.get())); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { i32 instCount, instRunning; i32 i; u32 maxNumPics; u32 strmLen; H264SwDecRet ret; u32 numErrors = 0; u32 cropDisplay = 0; u32 disableOutputReordering = 0; FILE *finput; Decoder **decoder; char outFileName[256] = "out.yuv"; if ( argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-T") == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", tagName); return 0; } if (argc < 2) { DEBUG(( "Usage: %s [-Nn] [-Ooutfile] [-P] [-U] [-C] [-R] [-T] file1.264 [file2.264] .. [fileN.264]\n", argv[0])); DEBUG(("\t-Nn forces decoding to stop after n pictures\n")); #if defined(_NO_OUT) DEBUG(("\t-Ooutfile output writing disabled at compile time\n")); #else DEBUG(("\t-Ooutfile write output to \"outfile\" (default out.yuv)\n")); DEBUG(("\t-Onone does not write output\n")); #endif DEBUG(("\t-C display cropped image (default decoded image)\n")); DEBUG(("\t-R disable DPB output reordering\n")); DEBUG(("\t-T to print tag name and exit\n")); exit(100); } instCount = argc - 1; /* read command line arguments */ maxNumPics = 0; for (i = 1; i < (argc-1); i++) { if ( strncmp(argv[i], "-N", 2) == 0 ) { maxNumPics = (u32)atoi(argv[i]+2); instCount--; } else if ( strncmp(argv[i], "-O", 2) == 0 ) { strcpy(outFileName, argv[i]+2); instCount--; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-C") == 0 ) { cropDisplay = 1; instCount--; } else if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-R") == 0 ) { disableOutputReordering = 1; instCount--; } } if (instCount < 1) { DEBUG(("No input files\n")); exit(100); } /* allocate memory for multiple decoder instances * one instance for every stream file */ decoder = (Decoder **)malloc(sizeof(Decoder*)*(u32)instCount); if (decoder == NULL) { DEBUG(("Unable to allocate memory\n")); exit(100); } /* prepare each decoder instance */ for (i = 0; i < instCount; i++) { decoder[i] = (Decoder *)calloc(1, sizeof(Decoder)); /* open input file */ finput = fopen(argv[argc-instCount+i],"rb"); if (finput == NULL) { DEBUG(("Unable to open input file <%s>\n", argv[argc-instCount+i])); exit(100); } DEBUG(("Reading input file[%d] %s\n", i, argv[argc-instCount+i])); /* read input stream to buffer */ fseek(finput,0L,SEEK_END); strmLen = (u32)ftell(finput); rewind(finput); decoder[i]->byteStrmStart = (u8 *)malloc(sizeof(u8)*strmLen); if (decoder[i]->byteStrmStart == NULL) { DEBUG(("Unable to allocate memory\n")); exit(100); } fread(decoder[i]->byteStrmStart, sizeof(u8), strmLen, finput); fclose(finput); /* open output file */ if (strcmp(outFileName, "none") != 0) { #if defined(_NO_OUT) decoder[i]->foutput = NULL; #else sprintf(decoder[i]->outFileName, "%s%i", outFileName, i); decoder[i]->foutput = fopen(decoder[i]->outFileName, "wb"); if (decoder[i]->foutput == NULL) { DEBUG(("Unable to open output file\n")); exit(100); } #endif } ret = H264SwDecInit(&(decoder[i]->decInst), disableOutputReordering); if (ret != H264SWDEC_OK) { DEBUG(("Init failed %d\n", ret)); exit(100); } decoder[i]->decInput.pStream = decoder[i]->byteStrmStart; decoder[i]->decInput.dataLen = strmLen; decoder[i]->decInput.intraConcealmentMethod = 0; } /* main decoding loop */ do { /* decode once using each instance */ for (i = 0; i < instCount; i++) { ret = H264SwDecDecode(decoder[i]->decInst, &(decoder[i]->decInput), &(decoder[i]->decOutput)); switch(ret) { case H264SWDEC_HDRS_RDY_BUFF_NOT_EMPTY: ret = H264SwDecGetInfo(decoder[i]->decInst, &(decoder[i]->decInfo)); if (ret != H264SWDEC_OK) exit(1); if (cropDisplay && decoder[i]->decInfo.croppingFlag) { DEBUG(("Decoder[%d] Cropping params: (%d, %d) %dx%d\n", i, decoder[i]->decInfo.cropParams.cropLeftOffset, decoder[i]->decInfo.cropParams.cropTopOffset, decoder[i]->decInfo.cropParams.cropOutWidth, decoder[i]->decInfo.cropParams.cropOutHeight)); } DEBUG(("Decoder[%d] Width %d Height %d\n", i, decoder[i]->decInfo.picWidth, decoder[i]->decInfo.picHeight)); DEBUG(("Decoder[%d] videoRange %d, matricCoefficients %d\n", i, decoder[i]->decInfo.videoRange, decoder[i]->decInfo.matrixCoefficients)); decoder[i]->decInput.dataLen -= (u32)(decoder[i]->decOutput.pStrmCurrPos - decoder[i]->decInput.pStream); decoder[i]->decInput.pStream = decoder[i]->decOutput.pStrmCurrPos; break; case H264SWDEC_PIC_RDY_BUFF_NOT_EMPTY: decoder[i]->decInput.dataLen -= (u32)(decoder[i]->decOutput.pStrmCurrPos - decoder[i]->decInput.pStream); decoder[i]->decInput.pStream = decoder[i]->decOutput.pStrmCurrPos; /* fall through */ case H264SWDEC_PIC_RDY: if (ret == H264SWDEC_PIC_RDY) decoder[i]->decInput.dataLen = 0; ret = H264SwDecGetInfo(decoder[i]->decInst, &(decoder[i]->decInfo)); if (ret != H264SWDEC_OK) exit(1); while (H264SwDecNextPicture(decoder[i]->decInst, &(decoder[i]->decPicture), 0) == H264SWDEC_PIC_RDY) { decoder[i]->picNumber++; numErrors += decoder[i]->decPicture.nbrOfErrMBs; DEBUG(("Decoder[%d] PIC %d, type %s, concealed %d\n", i, decoder[i]->picNumber, decoder[i]->decPicture.isIdrPicture ? "IDR" : "NON-IDR", decoder[i]->decPicture.nbrOfErrMBs)); fflush(stdout); CropWriteOutput(decoder[i]->foutput, (u8*)decoder[i]->decPicture.pOutputPicture, cropDisplay, &(decoder[i]->decInfo)); } if (maxNumPics && decoder[i]->picNumber == maxNumPics) decoder[i]->decInput.dataLen = 0; break; case H264SWDEC_STRM_PROCESSED: case H264SWDEC_STRM_ERR: case H264SWDEC_PARAM_ERR: decoder[i]->decInput.dataLen = 0; break; default: DEBUG(("Decoder[%d] FATAL ERROR\n", i)); exit(10); break; } } /* check if any of the instances is still running (=has more data) */ instRunning = instCount; for (i = 0; i < instCount; i++) { if (decoder[i]->decInput.dataLen == 0) instRunning--; } } while (instRunning); /* get last frames and close each instance */ for (i = 0; i < instCount; i++) { while (H264SwDecNextPicture(decoder[i]->decInst, &(decoder[i]->decPicture), 1) == H264SWDEC_PIC_RDY) { decoder[i]->picNumber++; DEBUG(("Decoder[%d] PIC %d, type %s, concealed %d\n", i, decoder[i]->picNumber, decoder[i]->decPicture.isIdrPicture ? "IDR" : "NON-IDR", decoder[i]->decPicture.nbrOfErrMBs)); fflush(stdout); CropWriteOutput(decoder[i]->foutput, (u8*)decoder[i]->decPicture.pOutputPicture, cropDisplay, &(decoder[i]->decInfo)); } H264SwDecRelease(decoder[i]->decInst); if (decoder[i]->foutput) fclose(decoder[i]->foutput); free(decoder[i]->byteStrmStart); free(decoder[i]); } free(decoder); if (numErrors) return 1; else return 0; }
void TheMethod() {}
void WebContentsImpl::GetNFC(device::mojom::NFCRequest request) { if (!nfc_host_) nfc_host_.reset(new NFCHost(this)); nfc_host_->GetNFC(std::move(request)); }
RenderFrameHost* ConvertToRenderFrameHost(WebContents* web_contents) { return web_contents->GetMainFrame(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int frame_cnt = 0; FILE *outfile = NULL; vpx_codec_ctx_t codec; VpxVideoReader *reader = NULL; const VpxVideoInfo *info = NULL; const VpxInterface *decoder = NULL; exec_name = argv[0]; if (argc != 3) die("Invalid number of arguments."); reader = vpx_video_reader_open(argv[1]); if (!reader) die("Failed to open %s for reading.", argv[1]); if (!(outfile = fopen(argv[2], "wb"))) die("Failed to open %s for writing.", argv[2]); info = vpx_video_reader_get_info(reader); decoder = get_vpx_decoder_by_fourcc(info->codec_fourcc); if (!decoder) die("Unknown input codec."); printf("Using %s\n", vpx_codec_iface_name(decoder->interface())); if (vpx_codec_dec_init(&codec, decoder->interface(), NULL, 0)) die_codec(&codec, "Failed to initialize decoder"); while (vpx_video_reader_read_frame(reader)) { vpx_codec_iter_t iter = NULL; vpx_image_t *img = NULL; size_t frame_size = 0; const unsigned char *frame = vpx_video_reader_get_frame(reader, &frame_size); if (vpx_codec_decode(&codec, frame, (unsigned int)frame_size, NULL, 0)) die_codec(&codec, "Failed to decode frame"); while ((img = vpx_codec_get_frame(&codec, &iter)) != NULL) { unsigned char digest[16]; get_image_md5(img, digest); print_md5(outfile, digest); fprintf(outfile, " img-%dx%d-%04d.i420\n", img->d_w, img->d_h, ++frame_cnt); } } printf("Processed %d frames.\n", frame_cnt); if (vpx_codec_destroy(&codec)) die_codec(&codec, "Failed to destroy codec."); vpx_video_reader_close(reader); fclose(outfile); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
GF_Err fiin_Write(GF_Box *s, GF_BitStream *bs) { GF_Err e; FDItemInformationBox *ptr = (FDItemInformationBox *) s; if (!s) return GF_BAD_PARAM; e = gf_isom_full_box_write(s, bs); if (e) return e; gf_bs_write_u16(bs, gf_list_count(ptr->partition_entries) ); e = gf_isom_box_array_write(s, ptr->partition_entries, bs); if (e) return e; if (ptr->session_info) gf_isom_box_write((GF_Box*)ptr->session_info, bs); if (ptr->group_id_to_name) gf_isom_box_write((GF_Box*)ptr->group_id_to_name, bs); return GF_OK; }
static inline void free_fair_sched_group(struct task_group *tg) { }
void BrowserViewRenderer::ClearView() { TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("android_webview", "BrowserViewRenderer::ClearView", TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD); if (clear_view_) return; clear_view_ = true; PostInvalidateWithFallback(); }
static struct packet *rpc_req(struct nfs_priv *npriv, int rpc_prog, int rpc_proc, uint32_t *data, int datalen) { struct rpc_call pkt; unsigned short dport; int ret; unsigned char *payload = net_udp_get_payload(npriv->con); int nfserr; int tries = 0; npriv->rpc_id++; pkt.id = hton32(npriv->rpc_id); pkt.type = hton32(MSG_CALL); pkt.rpcvers = hton32(2); /* use RPC version 2 */ pkt.prog = hton32(rpc_prog); pkt.proc = hton32(rpc_proc); debug("%s: prog: %d, proc: %d\n", __func__, rpc_prog, rpc_proc); if (rpc_prog == PROG_PORTMAP) { dport = SUNRPC_PORT; pkt.vers = hton32(2); } else if (rpc_prog == PROG_MOUNT) { dport = npriv->mount_port; pkt.vers = hton32(3); } else { dport = npriv->nfs_port; pkt.vers = hton32(3); } memcpy(payload, &pkt, sizeof(pkt)); memcpy(payload + sizeof(pkt), data, datalen * sizeof(uint32_t)); npriv->con->udp->uh_dport = hton16(dport); nfs_timer_start = get_time_ns(); again: ret = net_udp_send(npriv->con, sizeof(pkt) + datalen * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (ret) { if (is_timeout(nfs_timer_start, NFS_TIMEOUT)) { tries++; if (tries == NFS_MAX_RESEND) return ERR_PTR(-ETIMEDOUT); } goto again; } nfs_timer_start = get_time_ns(); nfs_state = STATE_START; while (nfs_state != STATE_DONE) { if (ctrlc()) return ERR_PTR(-EINTR); net_poll(); if (is_timeout(nfs_timer_start, NFS_TIMEOUT)) { tries++; if (tries == NFS_MAX_RESEND) return ERR_PTR(-ETIMEDOUT); goto again; } ret = rpc_check_reply(npriv->nfs_packet, rpc_prog, npriv->rpc_id, &nfserr); if (!ret) { if (rpc_prog == PROG_NFS && nfserr) { free(npriv->nfs_packet); return ERR_PTR(nfserr); } else { return npriv->nfs_packet; } } } return npriv->nfs_packet; }
Message GetNextMessage() { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(content::BrowserThread::UI); if (messages_.empty()) { base::RunLoop run_loop; quit_closure_ = run_loop.QuitClosure(); run_loop.Run(); } DCHECK(!messages_.empty()); const Message next = messages_.front(); messages_.pop_front(); return next; }
build_encrypt_ctxt(struct smb2_encryption_neg_context *pneg_ctxt) { pneg_ctxt->ContextType = SMB2_ENCRYPTION_CAPABILITIES; pneg_ctxt->DataLength = cpu_to_le16(4); /* Cipher Count + le16 cipher */ pneg_ctxt->CipherCount = cpu_to_le16(1); /* pneg_ctxt->Ciphers[0] = SMB2_ENCRYPTION_AES128_GCM;*/ /* not supported yet */ pneg_ctxt->Ciphers[0] = SMB2_ENCRYPTION_AES128_CCM; }
void ObjectBackedNativeHandler::Router( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args) { v8::Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate(); v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); v8::Local<v8::Object> data = args.Data().As<v8::Object>(); v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext(); v8::Local<v8::Value> handler_function_value; v8::Local<v8::Value> feature_name_value; // See comment in header file for why we do this. if (!GetPrivate(context, data, kHandlerFunction, &handler_function_value) || handler_function_value->IsUndefined() || !GetPrivate(context, data, kFeatureName, &feature_name_value) || !feature_name_value->IsString()) { ScriptContext* script_context = ScriptContextSet::GetContextByV8Context(context); console::Error(script_context ? script_context->GetRenderFrame() : nullptr, "Extension view no longer exists"); return; } // We can't access the ScriptContextSet on a worker thread. Luckily, we also // don't inject many bindings into worker threads. // TODO(devlin): Figure out a way around this. if (content::WorkerThread::GetCurrentId() == 0) { ScriptContext* script_context = ScriptContextSet::GetContextByV8Context(context); v8::Local<v8::String> feature_name_string = feature_name_value->ToString(context).ToLocalChecked(); std::string feature_name = *v8::String::Utf8Value(feature_name_string); // TODO(devlin): Eventually, we should fail if either script_context is null // or feature_name is empty. if (script_context && !feature_name.empty() && !script_context->GetAvailability(feature_name).is_available()) { return; } } // This CHECK is *important*. Otherwise, we'll go around happily executing // something random. See crbug.com/548273. CHECK(handler_function_value->IsExternal()); static_cast<HandlerFunction*>( handler_function_value.As<v8::External>()->Value())->Run(args); // Verify that the return value, if any, is accessible by the context. v8::ReturnValue<v8::Value> ret = args.GetReturnValue(); v8::Local<v8::Value> ret_value = ret.Get(); if (ret_value->IsObject() && !ret_value->IsNull() && !ContextCanAccessObject(context, v8::Local<v8::Object>::Cast(ret_value), true)) { NOTREACHED() << "Insecure return value"; ret.SetUndefined(); } }
static int hns_nic_init_irq(struct hns_nic_priv *priv) { struct hnae_handle *h = priv->ae_handle; struct hns_nic_ring_data *rd; int i; int ret; int cpu; for (i = 0; i < h->q_num * 2; i++) { rd = &priv->ring_data[i]; if (rd->ring->irq_init_flag == RCB_IRQ_INITED) break; snprintf(rd->ring->ring_name, RCB_RING_NAME_LEN, "%s-%s%d", priv->netdev->name, (is_tx_ring(rd->ring) ? "tx" : "rx"), rd->queue_index); rd->ring->ring_name[RCB_RING_NAME_LEN - 1] = '\0'; ret = request_irq(rd->ring->irq, hns_irq_handle, 0, rd->ring->ring_name, rd); if (ret) { netdev_err(priv->netdev, "request irq(%d) fail\n", rd->ring->irq); return ret; } disable_irq(rd->ring->irq); cpu = hns_nic_init_affinity_mask(h->q_num, i, rd->ring, &rd->mask); if (cpu_online(cpu)) irq_set_affinity_hint(rd->ring->irq, &rd->mask); rd->ring->irq_init_flag = RCB_IRQ_INITED; } return 0; }
bool Document::isPrivilegedContext(String& errorMessage, const PrivilegeContextCheck privilegeContextCheck) const { if (securityContext().isSandboxed(SandboxOrigin)) { if (!SecurityOrigin::create(url())->isPotentiallyTrustworthy(errorMessage)) return false; } else { if (!securityOrigin()->isPotentiallyTrustworthy(errorMessage)) return false; } if (privilegeContextCheck == StandardPrivilegeCheck) { Document* context = parentDocument(); while (context) { if (!context->isSrcdocDocument()) { if (context->securityContext().isSandboxed(SandboxOrigin)) { RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> origin = SecurityOrigin::create(context->url()); if (!origin->isPotentiallyTrustworthy(errorMessage)) return false; } else { if (!context->securityOrigin()->isPotentiallyTrustworthy(errorMessage)) return false; } } context = context->parentDocument(); } } return true; }
static void dump_backtrace() { HANDLE hCurrentThread; HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwThreadId; DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), &hCurrentThread, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, dump_thread_proc, (LPVOID)hCurrentThread, 0, &dwThreadId); WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(hThread); CloseHandle(hCurrentThread); }
nft_rule_activate_next(struct net *net, struct nft_rule *rule) { /* Now inactive, will be active in the future */ rule->genmask = (1 << net->nft.gencursor); }
long long Segment::ParseHeaders() { // Outermost (level 0) segment object has been constructed, // and pos designates start of payload. We need to find the // inner (level 1) elements. long long total, available; const int status = m_pReader->Length(&total, &available); if (status < 0) // error return status; assert((total < 0) || (available <= total)); const long long segment_stop = (m_size < 0) ? -1 : m_start + m_size; assert((segment_stop < 0) || (total < 0) || (segment_stop <= total)); assert((segment_stop < 0) || (m_pos <= segment_stop)); for (;;) { if ((total >= 0) && (m_pos >= total)) break; if ((segment_stop >= 0) && (m_pos >= segment_stop)) break; long long pos = m_pos; const long long element_start = pos; if ((pos + 1) > available) return (pos + 1); long len; long long result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) // error return result; if (result > 0) // underflow (weird) return (pos + 1); if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > segment_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > available) return pos + len; const long long idpos = pos; const long long id = ReadUInt(m_pReader, idpos, len); if (id < 0) // error return id; if (id == 0x0F43B675) // Cluster ID break; pos += len; // consume ID if ((pos + 1) > available) return (pos + 1); // Read Size result = GetUIntLength(m_pReader, pos, len); if (result < 0) // error return result; if (result > 0) // underflow (weird) return (pos + 1); if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + len) > segment_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if ((pos + len) > available) return pos + len; const long long size = ReadUInt(m_pReader, pos, len); if (size < 0) // error return size; pos += len; // consume length of size of element const long long element_size = size + pos - element_start; // Pos now points to start of payload if ((segment_stop >= 0) && ((pos + size) > segment_stop)) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; // We read EBML elements either in total or nothing at all. if ((pos + size) > available) return pos + size; if (id == 0x0549A966) { // Segment Info ID if (m_pInfo) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; m_pInfo = new (std::nothrow) SegmentInfo(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pInfo == NULL) return -1; const long status = m_pInfo->Parse(); if (status) return status; } else if (id == 0x0654AE6B) { // Tracks ID if (m_pTracks) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; m_pTracks = new (std::nothrow) Tracks(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pTracks == NULL) return -1; const long status = m_pTracks->Parse(); if (status) return status; } else if (id == 0x0C53BB6B) { // Cues ID if (m_pCues == NULL) { m_pCues = new (std::nothrow) Cues(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pCues == NULL) return -1; } } else if (id == 0x014D9B74) { // SeekHead ID if (m_pSeekHead == NULL) { m_pSeekHead = new (std::nothrow) SeekHead(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pSeekHead == NULL) return -1; const long status = m_pSeekHead->Parse(); if (status) return status; } } else if (id == 0x0043A770) { // Chapters ID if (m_pChapters == NULL) { m_pChapters = new (std::nothrow) Chapters(this, pos, size, element_start, element_size); if (m_pChapters == NULL) return -1; const long status = m_pChapters->Parse(); if (status) return status; } } m_pos = pos + size; // consume payload } assert((segment_stop < 0) || (m_pos <= segment_stop)); if (m_pInfo == NULL) // TODO: liberalize this behavior return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; if (m_pTracks == NULL) return E_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID; return 0; // success }
PHP_FUNCTION(imagesetbrush) { zval *IM, *TILE; gdImagePtr im, tile; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "rr", &IM, &TILE) == FAILURE) { return; } ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(im, gdImagePtr, &IM, -1, "Image", le_gd); ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(tile, gdImagePtr, &TILE, -1, "Image", le_gd); gdImageSetBrush(im, tile); RETURN_TRUE; }
xprt_rdma_bc_free(struct rpc_task *task) { struct rpc_rqst *rqst = task->tk_rqstp; kfree(rqst->rq_rbuffer); }
void SafeSock::resetStat() { _noMsgs = 0; _whole = 0; _deleted = 0; _avgSwhole = 0; _avgSdeleted = 0; }
static int vbg_create_input_device(struct vbg_dev *gdev) { struct input_dev *input; input = devm_input_allocate_device(gdev->dev); if (!input) return -ENOMEM; input->id.bustype = BUS_PCI; input->id.vendor = VBOX_VENDORID; input->id.product = VMMDEV_DEVICEID; input->open = vbg_input_open; input->close = vbg_input_close; input->dev.parent = gdev->dev; input->name = "VirtualBox mouse integration"; input_set_abs_params(input, ABS_X, VMMDEV_MOUSE_RANGE_MIN, VMMDEV_MOUSE_RANGE_MAX, 0, 0); input_set_abs_params(input, ABS_Y, VMMDEV_MOUSE_RANGE_MIN, VMMDEV_MOUSE_RANGE_MAX, 0, 0); input_set_capability(input, EV_KEY, BTN_MOUSE); input_set_drvdata(input, gdev); gdev->input = input; return input_register_device(gdev->input); }
void ProfileSyncService::UpdateLastSyncedTime() { last_synced_time_ = base::Time::Now(); sync_prefs_.SetLastSyncedTime(last_synced_time_); }
bool PrepareDcimTestEntries(Profile* profile) { if (!CreateRootDirectory(profile)) return false; CreateEntry(AddEntriesMessage::TestEntryInfo(AddEntriesMessage::DIRECTORY, "", "DCIM")); CreateEntry(AddEntriesMessage::TestEntryInfo(AddEntriesMessage::FILE, "image2.png", "image2.png") .SetMimeType("image/png")); CreateEntry(AddEntriesMessage::TestEntryInfo( AddEntriesMessage::FILE, "image3.jpg", "DCIM/image3.jpg") .SetMimeType("image/png")); CreateEntry(AddEntriesMessage::TestEntryInfo(AddEntriesMessage::FILE, "text.txt", "DCIM/hello.txt") .SetMimeType("text/plain")); base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); return true; }
PixarLogFixupTags(TIFF* tif) { (void) tif; return (1); }
static void ReadonlyTestInterfaceEmptyAttributeAttributeGetter(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { v8::Local<v8::Object> holder = info.Holder(); TestObject* impl = V8TestObject::ToImpl(holder); TestInterfaceEmpty* cpp_value(WTF::GetPtr(impl->readonlyTestInterfaceEmptyAttribute())); if (cpp_value && DOMDataStore::SetReturnValue(info.GetReturnValue(), cpp_value)) return; v8::Local<v8::Value> v8_value(ToV8(cpp_value, holder, info.GetIsolate())); static const V8PrivateProperty::SymbolKey kKeepAliveKey; V8PrivateProperty::GetSymbol(info.GetIsolate(), kKeepAliveKey) .Set(holder, v8_value); V8SetReturnValue(info, v8_value); }
bool Extension::LoadUserScriptHelper(const DictionaryValue* content_script, int definition_index, int flags, std::string* error, UserScript* result) { URLPattern::ParseOption parse_strictness = (flags & STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS ? URLPattern::PARSE_STRICT : URLPattern::PARSE_LENIENT); if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kRunAt)) { std::string run_location; if (!content_script->GetString(keys::kRunAt, &run_location)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidRunAt, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } if (run_location == values::kRunAtDocumentStart) { result->set_run_location(UserScript::DOCUMENT_START); } else if (run_location == values::kRunAtDocumentEnd) { result->set_run_location(UserScript::DOCUMENT_END); } else if (run_location == values::kRunAtDocumentIdle) { result->set_run_location(UserScript::DOCUMENT_IDLE); } else { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidRunAt, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } } if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kAllFrames)) { bool all_frames = false; if (!content_script->GetBoolean(keys::kAllFrames, &all_frames)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidAllFrames, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } result->set_match_all_frames(all_frames); } ListValue* matches = NULL; if (!content_script->GetList(keys::kMatches, &matches)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidMatches, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } if (matches->GetSize() == 0) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidMatchCount, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } for (size_t j = 0; j < matches->GetSize(); ++j) { std::string match_str; if (!matches->GetString(j, &match_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidMatch, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(j), errors::kExpectString); return false; } URLPattern pattern(UserScript::kValidUserScriptSchemes); if (CanExecuteScriptEverywhere()) pattern.set_valid_schemes(URLPattern::SCHEME_ALL); URLPattern::ParseResult parse_result = pattern.Parse(match_str, parse_strictness); if (parse_result != URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidMatch, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(j), URLPattern::GetParseResultString(parse_result)); return false; } if (pattern.MatchesScheme(chrome::kFileScheme) && !CanExecuteScriptEverywhere()) { wants_file_access_ = true; if (!(flags & ALLOW_FILE_ACCESS)) pattern.set_valid_schemes( pattern.valid_schemes() & ~URLPattern::SCHEME_FILE); } result->add_url_pattern(pattern); } if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kExcludeMatches)) { // optional ListValue* exclude_matches = NULL; if (!content_script->GetList(keys::kExcludeMatches, &exclude_matches)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidExcludeMatches, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } for (size_t j = 0; j < exclude_matches->GetSize(); ++j) { std::string match_str; if (!exclude_matches->GetString(j, &match_str)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidExcludeMatch, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(j), errors::kExpectString); return false; } URLPattern pattern(UserScript::kValidUserScriptSchemes); if (CanExecuteScriptEverywhere()) pattern.set_valid_schemes(URLPattern::SCHEME_ALL); URLPattern::ParseResult parse_result = pattern.Parse(match_str, parse_strictness); if (parse_result != URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage( errors::kInvalidExcludeMatch, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(j), URLPattern::GetParseResultString(parse_result)); return false; } result->add_exclude_url_pattern(pattern); } } if (!LoadGlobsHelper(content_script, definition_index, keys::kIncludeGlobs, error, &UserScript::add_glob, result)) { return false; } if (!LoadGlobsHelper(content_script, definition_index, keys::kExcludeGlobs, error, &UserScript::add_exclude_glob, result)) { return false; } ListValue* js = NULL; if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kJs) && !content_script->GetList(keys::kJs, &js)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidJsList, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } ListValue* css = NULL; if (content_script->HasKey(keys::kCss) && !content_script->GetList(keys::kCss, &css)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidCssList, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } if (((js ? js->GetSize() : 0) + (css ? css->GetSize() : 0)) == 0) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kMissingFile, base::IntToString(definition_index)); return false; } if (js) { for (size_t script_index = 0; script_index < js->GetSize(); ++script_index) { Value* value; std::string relative; if (!js->Get(script_index, &value) || !value->GetAsString(&relative)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidJs, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(script_index)); return false; } GURL url = GetResourceURL(relative); ExtensionResource resource = GetResource(relative); result->js_scripts().push_back(UserScript::File( resource.extension_root(), resource.relative_path(), url)); } } if (css) { for (size_t script_index = 0; script_index < css->GetSize(); ++script_index) { Value* value; std::string relative; if (!css->Get(script_index, &value) || !value->GetAsString(&relative)) { *error = ExtensionErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessage(errors::kInvalidCss, base::IntToString(definition_index), base::IntToString(script_index)); return false; } GURL url = GetResourceURL(relative); ExtensionResource resource = GetResource(relative); result->css_scripts().push_back(UserScript::File( resource.extension_root(), resource.relative_path(), url)); } } return true; }
void do_cleanup(char UNUSED *p) { bdt_cleanup(); }
static int allocate_cmdlines_buffer(unsigned int val, struct saved_cmdlines_buffer *s) { s->map_cmdline_to_pid = kmalloc_array(val, sizeof(*s->map_cmdline_to_pid), GFP_KERNEL); if (!s->map_cmdline_to_pid) return -ENOMEM; s->saved_cmdlines = kmalloc_array(TASK_COMM_LEN, val, GFP_KERNEL); if (!s->saved_cmdlines) { kfree(s->map_cmdline_to_pid); return -ENOMEM; } s->cmdline_idx = 0; s->cmdline_num = val; memset(&s->map_pid_to_cmdline, NO_CMDLINE_MAP, sizeof(s->map_pid_to_cmdline)); memset(s->map_cmdline_to_pid, NO_CMDLINE_MAP, val * sizeof(*s->map_cmdline_to_pid)); return 0; }
OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::get_il_buf_hdr() { if (!omx) { DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Invalid param get_buf_hdr"); return NULL; } if (!enabled) return omx->m_out_mem_ptr; return m_out_mem_ptr_client; }
void __rtnl_link_unregister(struct rtnl_link_ops *ops) { struct net *net; for_each_net(net) { __rtnl_kill_links(net, ops); } list_del(&ops->list); }
DaemonProcess::DaemonProcess( scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> caller_task_runner, scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> io_task_runner, const base::Closure& stopped_callback) : Stoppable(caller_task_runner, stopped_callback), caller_task_runner_(caller_task_runner), io_task_runner_(io_task_runner), next_terminal_id_(0) { DCHECK(caller_task_runner->BelongsToCurrentThread()); }
UninstallSaverColormap(ScreenPtr pScreen) { SetupScreen(pScreen); ColormapPtr pCmap; int rc; if (pPriv && pPriv->installedMap != None) { rc = dixLookupResourceByType((void **) &pCmap, pPriv->installedMap, RT_COLORMAP, serverClient, DixUninstallAccess); if (rc == Success) (*pCmap->pScreen->UninstallColormap) (pCmap); pPriv->installedMap = None; CheckScreenPrivate(pScreen); } }
SYSCALL_DEFINE2(rt_sigsuspend, sigset_t __user *, unewset, size_t, sigsetsize) { sigset_t newset; /* XXX: Don't preclude handling different sized sigset_t's. */ if (sigsetsize != sizeof(sigset_t)) return -EINVAL; if (copy_from_user(&newset, unewset, sizeof(newset))) return -EFAULT; return sigsuspend(&newset); }
void Histogram::WriteAsciiBucketContext(const int64_t past, const Count current, const int64_t remaining, const uint32_t i, std::string* output) const { double scaled_sum = (past + current + remaining) / 100.0; WriteAsciiBucketValue(current, scaled_sum, output); if (0 < i) { double percentage = past / scaled_sum; StringAppendF(output, " {%3.1f%%}", percentage); } }
void HTMLInputElement::willChangeForm() { removeFromRadioButtonGroup(); HTMLTextFormControlElement::willChangeForm(); }
status_t Parcel::readString16Vector( std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<String16>>>* val) const { return readNullableTypedVector(val, &Parcel::readString16); }
void GLES2DecoderPassthroughImpl::RestoreAllExternalTextureBindingsIfNeeded() {}
mainloop_add_fd( const char *name, int priority, int fd, void *userdata, struct mainloop_fd_callbacks *callbacks) { mainloop_io_t *client = NULL; if(fd > 0) { client = calloc(1, sizeof(mainloop_io_t)); client->name = strdup(name); client->userdata = userdata; if(callbacks) { client->destroy_fn = callbacks->destroy; client->dispatch_fn_io = callbacks->dispatch; } client->channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd); client->source = g_io_add_watch_full( client->channel, priority, (G_IO_IN|G_IO_HUP|G_IO_NVAL|G_IO_ERR), mainloop_gio_callback, client, mainloop_gio_destroy); /* Now that mainloop now holds a reference to adaptor->channel, * thanks to g_io_add_watch_full(), drop ours from g_io_channel_unix_new(). * * This means that adaptor->channel will be free'd by: * g_main_context_dispatch() or g_source_remove() * -> g_source_destroy_internal() * -> g_source_callback_unref() * shortly after mainloop_gio_destroy() completes */ g_io_channel_unref(client->channel); crm_trace("Added connection %d for %s[%p].%d %d", client->source, client->name, client, fd, mainloop_gio_refcount(client)); } return client; }
void DebuggerGetTargetsFunction::SendTargetList( const content::DevToolsAgentHost::List& target_list) { std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> result(new base::ListValue()); for (size_t i = 0; i < target_list.size(); ++i) result->Append(SerializeTarget(target_list[i])); SetResult(std::move(result)); SendResponse(true); }
static Image *ReadOneJNGImage(MngInfo *mng_info, const ImageInfo *image_info, ExceptionInfo *exception) { Image *alpha_image, *color_image, *image, *jng_image; ImageInfo *alpha_image_info, *color_image_info; MagickBooleanType logging; int unique_filenames; ssize_t y; MagickBooleanType status; png_uint_32 jng_height, jng_width; png_byte jng_color_type, jng_image_sample_depth, jng_image_compression_method, jng_image_interlace_method, jng_alpha_sample_depth, jng_alpha_compression_method, jng_alpha_filter_method, jng_alpha_interlace_method; register const PixelPacket *s; register ssize_t i, x; register PixelPacket *q; register unsigned char *p; unsigned int read_JSEP, reading_idat; size_t length; jng_alpha_compression_method=0; jng_alpha_sample_depth=8; jng_color_type=0; jng_height=0; jng_width=0; alpha_image=(Image *) NULL; color_image=(Image *) NULL; alpha_image_info=(ImageInfo *) NULL; color_image_info=(ImageInfo *) NULL; unique_filenames=0; logging=LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Enter ReadOneJNGImage()"); image=mng_info->image; if (GetAuthenticPixelQueue(image) != (PixelPacket *) NULL) { /* Allocate next image structure. */ if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " AcquireNextImage()"); AcquireNextImage(image_info,image); if (GetNextImageInList(image) == (Image *) NULL) return(DestroyImageList(image)); image=SyncNextImageInList(image); } mng_info->image=image; /* Signature bytes have already been read. */ read_JSEP=MagickFalse; reading_idat=MagickFalse; for (;;) { char type[MaxTextExtent]; unsigned char *chunk; unsigned int count; /* Read a new JNG chunk. */ status=SetImageProgress(image,LoadImagesTag,TellBlob(image), 2*GetBlobSize(image)); if (status == MagickFalse) break; type[0]='\0'; (void) ConcatenateMagickString(type,"errr",MaxTextExtent); length=ReadBlobMSBLong(image); count=(unsigned int) ReadBlob(image,4,(unsigned char *) type); if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Reading JNG chunk type %c%c%c%c, length: %.20g", type[0],type[1],type[2],type[3],(double) length); if (length > PNG_UINT_31_MAX || count == 0) ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"CorruptImage"); p=NULL; chunk=(unsigned char *) NULL; if (length != 0) { chunk=(unsigned char *) AcquireQuantumMemory(length+MagickPathExtent, sizeof(*chunk)); if (chunk == (unsigned char *) NULL) ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) length; i++) { int c; c=ReadBlobByte(image); if (c == EOF) break; chunk[i]=(unsigned char) c; } p=chunk; } (void) ReadBlobMSBLong(image); /* read crc word */ if (memcmp(type,mng_JHDR,4) == 0) { if (length == 16) { jng_width=(size_t) ((p[0] << 24) | (p[1] << 16) | (p[2] << 8) | p[3]); jng_height=(size_t) ((p[4] << 24) | (p[5] << 16) | (p[6] << 8) | p[7]); if ((jng_width == 0) || (jng_height == 0)) ThrowReaderException(CorruptImageError,"NegativeOrZeroImageSize"); jng_color_type=p[8]; jng_image_sample_depth=p[9]; jng_image_compression_method=p[10]; jng_image_interlace_method=p[11]; image->interlace=jng_image_interlace_method != 0 ? PNGInterlace : NoInterlace; jng_alpha_sample_depth=p[12]; jng_alpha_compression_method=p[13]; jng_alpha_filter_method=p[14]; jng_alpha_interlace_method=p[15]; if (logging != MagickFalse) { (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " jng_width: %16lu, jng_height: %16lu\n" " jng_color_type: %16d, jng_image_sample_depth: %3d\n" " jng_image_compression_method:%3d", (unsigned long) jng_width, (unsigned long) jng_height, jng_color_type, jng_image_sample_depth, jng_image_compression_method); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " jng_image_interlace_method: %3d" " jng_alpha_sample_depth: %3d", jng_image_interlace_method, jng_alpha_sample_depth); (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " jng_alpha_compression_method:%3d\n" " jng_alpha_filter_method: %3d\n" " jng_alpha_interlace_method: %3d", jng_alpha_compression_method, jng_alpha_filter_method, jng_alpha_interlace_method); } } if (length != 0) chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } if ((reading_idat == MagickFalse) && (read_JSEP == MagickFalse) && ((memcmp(type,mng_JDAT,4) == 0) || (memcmp(type,mng_JdAA,4) == 0) || (memcmp(type,mng_IDAT,4) == 0) || (memcmp(type,mng_JDAA,4) == 0))) { /* o create color_image o open color_blob, attached to color_image o if (color type has alpha) open alpha_blob, attached to alpha_image */ if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Creating color_blob."); color_image_info=(ImageInfo *)AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(ImageInfo)); if (color_image_info == (ImageInfo *) NULL) ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); GetImageInfo(color_image_info); color_image=AcquireImage(color_image_info); if (color_image == (Image *) NULL) ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError,"MemoryAllocationFailed"); (void) AcquireUniqueFilename(color_image->filename); unique_filenames++; status=OpenBlob(color_image_info,color_image,WriteBinaryBlobMode, exception); if (status == MagickFalse) { color_image=DestroyImage(color_image); return(DestroyImageList(image)); } if ((image_info->ping == MagickFalse) && (jng_color_type >= 12)) { alpha_image_info=(ImageInfo *) AcquireMagickMemory(sizeof(ImageInfo)); if (alpha_image_info == (ImageInfo *) NULL) { color_image=DestroyImage(color_image); ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError, "MemoryAllocationFailed"); } GetImageInfo(alpha_image_info); alpha_image=AcquireImage(alpha_image_info); if (alpha_image == (Image *) NULL) { alpha_image_info=DestroyImageInfo(alpha_image_info); color_image=DestroyImage(color_image); ThrowReaderException(ResourceLimitError, "MemoryAllocationFailed"); } if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Creating alpha_blob."); (void) AcquireUniqueFilename(alpha_image->filename); unique_filenames++; status=OpenBlob(alpha_image_info,alpha_image,WriteBinaryBlobMode, exception); if (status == MagickFalse) { alpha_image=DestroyImage(alpha_image); alpha_image_info=DestroyImageInfo(alpha_image_info); color_image=DestroyImage(color_image); return(DestroyImageList(image)); } if (jng_alpha_compression_method == 0) { unsigned char data[18]; if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Writing IHDR chunk to alpha_blob."); (void) WriteBlob(alpha_image,8,(const unsigned char *) "\211PNG\r\n\032\n"); (void) WriteBlobMSBULong(alpha_image,13L); PNGType(data,mng_IHDR); LogPNGChunk(logging,mng_IHDR,13L); PNGLong(data+4,jng_width); PNGLong(data+8,jng_height); data[12]=jng_alpha_sample_depth; data[13]=0; /* color_type gray */ data[14]=0; /* compression method 0 */ data[15]=0; /* filter_method 0 */ data[16]=0; /* interlace_method 0 */ (void) WriteBlob(alpha_image,17,data); (void) WriteBlobMSBULong(alpha_image,crc32(0,data,17)); } } reading_idat=MagickTrue; } if (memcmp(type,mng_JDAT,4) == 0) { /* Copy chunk to color_image->blob */ if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Copying JDAT chunk data to color_blob."); if (length != 0) { (void) WriteBlob(color_image,length,chunk); chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); } continue; } if (memcmp(type,mng_IDAT,4) == 0) { png_byte data[5]; /* Copy IDAT header and chunk data to alpha_image->blob */ if (alpha_image != NULL && image_info->ping == MagickFalse) { if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Copying IDAT chunk data to alpha_blob."); (void) WriteBlobMSBULong(alpha_image,(size_t) length); PNGType(data,mng_IDAT); LogPNGChunk(logging,mng_IDAT,length); (void) WriteBlob(alpha_image,4,data); (void) WriteBlob(alpha_image,length,chunk); (void) WriteBlobMSBULong(alpha_image, crc32(crc32(0,data,4),chunk,(uInt) length)); } if (length != 0) chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } if ((memcmp(type,mng_JDAA,4) == 0) || (memcmp(type,mng_JdAA,4) == 0)) { /* Copy chunk data to alpha_image->blob */ if (alpha_image != NULL && image_info->ping == MagickFalse) { if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Copying JDAA chunk data to alpha_blob."); (void) WriteBlob(alpha_image,length,chunk); } if (length != 0) chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } if (memcmp(type,mng_JSEP,4) == 0) { read_JSEP=MagickTrue; if (length != 0) chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } if (memcmp(type,mng_bKGD,4) == 0) { if (length == 2) { image->background_color.red=ScaleCharToQuantum(p[1]); image->background_color.green=image->background_color.red; image->background_color.blue=image->background_color.red; } if (length == 6) { image->background_color.red=ScaleCharToQuantum(p[1]); image->background_color.green=ScaleCharToQuantum(p[3]); image->background_color.blue=ScaleCharToQuantum(p[5]); } chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } if (memcmp(type,mng_gAMA,4) == 0) { if (length == 4) image->gamma=((float) mng_get_long(p))*0.00001; chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } if (memcmp(type,mng_cHRM,4) == 0) { if (length == 32) { image->chromaticity.white_point.x=0.00001*mng_get_long(p); image->chromaticity.white_point.y=0.00001*mng_get_long(&p[4]); image->chromaticity.red_primary.x=0.00001*mng_get_long(&p[8]); image->chromaticity.red_primary.y=0.00001*mng_get_long(&p[12]); image->chromaticity.green_primary.x=0.00001*mng_get_long(&p[16]); image->chromaticity.green_primary.y=0.00001*mng_get_long(&p[20]); image->chromaticity.blue_primary.x=0.00001*mng_get_long(&p[24]); image->chromaticity.blue_primary.y=0.00001*mng_get_long(&p[28]); } chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } if (memcmp(type,mng_sRGB,4) == 0) { if (length == 1) { image->rendering_intent= Magick_RenderingIntent_from_PNG_RenderingIntent(p[0]); image->gamma=1.000f/2.200f; image->chromaticity.red_primary.x=0.6400f; image->chromaticity.red_primary.y=0.3300f; image->chromaticity.green_primary.x=0.3000f; image->chromaticity.green_primary.y=0.6000f; image->chromaticity.blue_primary.x=0.1500f; image->chromaticity.blue_primary.y=0.0600f; image->chromaticity.white_point.x=0.3127f; image->chromaticity.white_point.y=0.3290f; } chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } if (memcmp(type,mng_oFFs,4) == 0) { if (length > 8) { image->page.x=(ssize_t) mng_get_long(p); image->page.y=(ssize_t) mng_get_long(&p[4]); if ((int) p[8] != 0) { image->page.x/=10000; image->page.y/=10000; } } if (length != 0) chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } if (memcmp(type,mng_pHYs,4) == 0) { if (length > 8) { image->x_resolution=(double) mng_get_long(p); image->y_resolution=(double) mng_get_long(&p[4]); if ((int) p[8] == PNG_RESOLUTION_METER) { image->units=PixelsPerCentimeterResolution; image->x_resolution=image->x_resolution/100.0f; image->y_resolution=image->y_resolution/100.0f; } } chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } #if 0 if (memcmp(type,mng_iCCP,4) == 0) { /* To do: */ if (length != 0) chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); continue; } #endif if (length != 0) chunk=(unsigned char *) RelinquishMagickMemory(chunk); if (memcmp(type,mng_IEND,4)) continue; break; } /* IEND found */ /* Finish up reading image data: o read main image from color_blob. o close color_blob. o if (color_type has alpha) if alpha_encoding is PNG read secondary image from alpha_blob via ReadPNG if alpha_encoding is JPEG read secondary image from alpha_blob via ReadJPEG o close alpha_blob. o copy intensity of secondary image into opacity samples of main image. o destroy the secondary image. */ if (color_image_info == (ImageInfo *) NULL) { assert(color_image == (Image *) NULL); assert(alpha_image == (Image *) NULL); return(DestroyImageList(image)); } if (color_image == (Image *) NULL) { assert(alpha_image == (Image *) NULL); return(DestroyImageList(image)); } (void) SeekBlob(color_image,0,SEEK_SET); if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Reading jng_image from color_blob."); assert(color_image_info != (ImageInfo *) NULL); (void) FormatLocaleString(color_image_info->filename,MaxTextExtent,"%s", color_image->filename); color_image_info->ping=MagickFalse; /* To do: avoid this */ jng_image=ReadImage(color_image_info,exception); (void) RelinquishUniqueFileResource(color_image->filename); unique_filenames--; color_image=DestroyImage(color_image); color_image_info=DestroyImageInfo(color_image_info); if (jng_image == (Image *) NULL) return(DestroyImageList(image)); if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Copying jng_image pixels to main image."); image->columns=jng_width; image->rows=jng_height; length=image->columns*sizeof(PixelPacket); status=SetImageExtent(image,image->columns,image->rows); if (status == MagickFalse) { InheritException(exception,&image->exception); return(DestroyImageList(image)); } for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++) { s=GetVirtualPixels(jng_image,0,y,image->columns,1,&image->exception); q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); (void) CopyMagickMemory(q,s,length); if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception) == MagickFalse) break; } jng_image=DestroyImage(jng_image); if (image_info->ping == MagickFalse) { if (jng_color_type >= 12) { if (jng_alpha_compression_method == 0) { png_byte data[5]; (void) WriteBlobMSBULong(alpha_image,0x00000000L); PNGType(data,mng_IEND); LogPNGChunk(logging,mng_IEND,0L); (void) WriteBlob(alpha_image,4,data); (void) WriteBlobMSBULong(alpha_image,crc32(0,data,4)); } (void) SeekBlob(alpha_image,0,SEEK_SET); if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " Reading opacity from alpha_blob."); (void) FormatLocaleString(alpha_image_info->filename,MaxTextExtent, "%s",alpha_image->filename); jng_image=ReadImage(alpha_image_info,exception); if (jng_image != (Image *) NULL) for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++) { s=GetVirtualPixels(jng_image,0,y,image->columns,1, &image->exception); q=GetAuthenticPixels(image,0,y,image->columns,1,exception); if (image->matte != MagickFalse) for (x=(ssize_t) image->columns; x != 0; x--,q++,s++) SetPixelOpacity(q,QuantumRange- GetPixelRed(s)); else for (x=(ssize_t) image->columns; x != 0; x--,q++,s++) { SetPixelAlpha(q,GetPixelRed(s)); if (GetPixelOpacity(q) != OpaqueOpacity) image->matte=MagickTrue; } if (SyncAuthenticPixels(image,exception) == MagickFalse) break; } (void) RelinquishUniqueFileResource(alpha_image->filename); unique_filenames--; alpha_image=DestroyImage(alpha_image); alpha_image_info=DestroyImageInfo(alpha_image_info); if (jng_image != (Image *) NULL) jng_image=DestroyImage(jng_image); } } /* Read the JNG image. */ if (mng_info->mng_type == 0) { mng_info->mng_width=jng_width; mng_info->mng_height=jng_height; } if (image->page.width == 0 && image->page.height == 0) { image->page.width=jng_width; image->page.height=jng_height; } if (image->page.x == 0 && image->page.y == 0) { image->page.x=mng_info->x_off[mng_info->object_id]; image->page.y=mng_info->y_off[mng_info->object_id]; } else { image->page.y=mng_info->y_off[mng_info->object_id]; } mng_info->image_found++; status=SetImageProgress(image,LoadImagesTag,2*TellBlob(image), 2*GetBlobSize(image)); if (status == MagickFalse) return(DestroyImageList(image)); if (logging != MagickFalse) (void) LogMagickEvent(CoderEvent,GetMagickModule(), " exit ReadOneJNGImage(); unique_filenames=%d",unique_filenames); return(image); }
zget_device_params(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, bool is_hardware) { os_ptr op = osp; ref rkeys; gx_device *dev; stack_param_list list; int code; ref *pmark; check_read_type(op[-1], t_device); if(!r_has_type(op, t_null)) { check_type(*op, t_dictionary); } rkeys = *op; dev = op[-1].value.pdevice; if (op[-1].value.pdevice == NULL) /* This can happen if we invalidated devices on the stack by calling nulldevice after they were pushed */ return_error(gs_error_undefined); pop(1); stack_param_list_write(&list, &o_stack, &rkeys, iimemory); code = gs_get_device_or_hardware_params(dev, (gs_param_list *) & list, is_hardware); if (code < 0) { /* We have to put back the top argument. */ if (list.count > 0) ref_stack_pop(&o_stack, list.count * 2 - 1); else ref_stack_push(&o_stack, 1); *osp = rkeys; return code; } pmark = ref_stack_index(&o_stack, list.count * 2); make_mark(pmark); return 0; }
static inline int task_running(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p) { #ifdef CONFIG_SMP return p->on_cpu; #else return task_current(rq, p); #endif }
void RenderWidgetHostImpl::UpdateVSyncParameters(base::TimeTicks timebase, base::TimeDelta interval) { Send(new ViewMsg_UpdateVSyncParameters(GetRoutingID(), timebase, interval)); }
static unsigned virtqueue_read_next_desc(VirtIODevice *vdev, VRingDesc *desc, hwaddr desc_pa, unsigned int max) { unsigned int next; /* If this descriptor says it doesn't chain, we're done. */ if (!(desc->flags & VRING_DESC_F_NEXT)) { return max; } /* Check they're not leading us off end of descriptors. */ next = desc->next; /* Make sure compiler knows to grab that: we don't want it changing! */ smp_wmb(); if (next >= max) { error_report("Desc next is %u", next); exit(1); } vring_desc_read(vdev, desc, desc_pa, next); return next; }
void SyncManager::SyncInternal::SetExtraChangeRecordData(int64 id, syncable::ModelType type, ChangeReorderBuffer* buffer, Cryptographer* cryptographer, const syncable::EntryKernel& original, bool existed_before, bool exists_now) { if (!exists_now && existed_before) { sync_pb::EntitySpecifics original_specifics(original.ref(SPECIFICS)); if (type == syncable::PASSWORDS) { scoped_ptr<sync_pb::PasswordSpecificsData> data( DecryptPasswordSpecifics(original_specifics, cryptographer)); if (!data.get()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } buffer->SetExtraDataForId(id, new ExtraPasswordChangeRecordData(*data)); } else if (original_specifics.has_encrypted()) { const sync_pb::EncryptedData& encrypted = original_specifics.encrypted(); if (!cryptographer->Decrypt(encrypted, &original_specifics)) { NOTREACHED(); return; } } buffer->SetSpecificsForId(id, original_specifics); } }
int ff_amf_read_number(GetByteContext *bc, double *val) { uint64_t read; if (bytestream2_get_byte(bc) != AMF_DATA_TYPE_NUMBER) return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; read = bytestream2_get_be64(bc); *val = av_int2double(read); return 0; }
int kern_path(const char *name, unsigned int flags, struct path *path) { struct nameidata nd; struct filename *filename = getname_kernel(name); int res = PTR_ERR(filename); if (!IS_ERR(filename)) { res = filename_lookup(AT_FDCWD, filename, flags, &nd); putname(filename); if (!res) *path = nd.path; } return res; }
static int taskstats_user_cmd(struct sk_buff *skb, struct genl_info *info) { if (info->attrs[TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_REGISTER_CPUMASK]) return cmd_attr_register_cpumask(info); else if (info->attrs[TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_DEREGISTER_CPUMASK]) return cmd_attr_deregister_cpumask(info); else if (info->attrs[TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_PID]) return cmd_attr_pid(info); else if (info->attrs[TASKSTATS_CMD_ATTR_TGID]) return cmd_attr_tgid(info); else return -EINVAL; }
mm_zfree(struct mm_master *mm, void *address) { mm_free(mm, address); }
get_link_name (const char *name, int count, int max_length) { const char *format; char *result; int unshortened_length; gboolean use_count; g_assert (name != NULL); if (count < 0) { g_warning ("bad count in get_link_name"); count = 0; } if (count <= 2) { /* Handle special cases for low numbers. * Perhaps for some locales we will need to add more. */ switch (count) { default: { g_assert_not_reached (); /* fall through */ } case 0: { /* duplicate original file name */ format = "%s"; } break; case 1: { /* appended to new link file */ format = _("Link to %s"); } break; case 2: { /* appended to new link file */ format = _("Another link to %s"); } break; } use_count = FALSE; } else { /* Handle special cases for the first few numbers of each ten. * For locales where getting this exactly right is difficult, * these can just be made all the same as the general case below. */ switch (count % 10) { case 1: { /* Localizers: Feel free to leave out the "st" suffix * if there's no way to do that nicely for a * particular language. */ format = _("%'dst link to %s"); } break; case 2: { /* appended to new link file */ format = _("%'dnd link to %s"); } break; case 3: { /* appended to new link file */ format = _("%'drd link to %s"); } break; default: { /* appended to new link file */ format = _("%'dth link to %s"); } break; } use_count = TRUE; } #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral" if (use_count) { result = g_strdup_printf (format, count, name); } else { result = g_strdup_printf (format, name); } if (max_length > 0 && (unshortened_length = strlen (result)) > max_length) { char *new_name; new_name = shorten_utf8_string (name, unshortened_length - max_length); if (new_name) { g_free (result); if (use_count) { result = g_strdup_printf (format, count, new_name); } else { result = g_strdup_printf (format, new_name); } g_assert (strlen (result) <= max_length); g_free (new_name); } } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop return result; }
inline J_COLOR_SPACE rgbOutputColorSpace() { return JCS_RGB; }
HTMLElement* HTMLInputElement::containerElement() const { return m_inputType->containerElement(); }
static void l2cap_raw_recv(struct l2cap_conn *conn, struct sk_buff *skb) { struct l2cap_chan_list *l = &conn->chan_list; struct sk_buff *nskb; struct sock *sk; BT_DBG("conn %p", conn); read_lock(&l->lock); for (sk = l->head; sk; sk = l2cap_pi(sk)->next_c) { if (sk->sk_type != SOCK_RAW) continue; /* Don't send frame to the socket it came from */ if (skb->sk == sk) continue; nskb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); if (!nskb) continue; if (sock_queue_rcv_skb(sk, nskb)) kfree_skb(nskb); } read_unlock(&l->lock); }
void ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate::RequestConfirmation( DownloadItem* download, const base::FilePath& suggested_path, DownloadConfirmationReason reason, const DownloadTargetDeterminerDelegate::ConfirmationCallback& callback) { DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI); DCHECK(!download->IsTransient()); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) switch (reason) { case DownloadConfirmationReason::NONE: NOTREACHED(); return; case DownloadConfirmationReason::TARGET_PATH_NOT_WRITEABLE: DownloadManagerService::OnDownloadCanceled( download, DownloadController::CANCEL_REASON_NO_EXTERNAL_STORAGE); callback.Run(DownloadConfirmationResult::CANCELED, base::FilePath()); return; case DownloadConfirmationReason::NAME_TOO_LONG: case DownloadConfirmationReason::TARGET_NO_SPACE: case DownloadConfirmationReason::SAVE_AS: case DownloadConfirmationReason::PREFERENCE: callback.Run(DownloadConfirmationResult::CONTINUE_WITHOUT_CONFIRMATION, suggested_path); return; case DownloadConfirmationReason::TARGET_CONFLICT: if (download->GetWebContents()) { android::ChromeDuplicateDownloadInfoBarDelegate::Create( InfoBarService::FromWebContents(download->GetWebContents()), download, suggested_path, callback); return; } case DownloadConfirmationReason::UNEXPECTED: DownloadManagerService::OnDownloadCanceled( download, DownloadController::CANCEL_REASON_CANNOT_DETERMINE_DOWNLOAD_TARGET); callback.Run(DownloadConfirmationResult::CANCELED, base::FilePath()); return; } #else // !OS_ANDROID DownloadFilePicker::ShowFilePicker(download, suggested_path, callback); #endif // !OS_ANDROID }
int key_reject_and_link(struct key *key, unsigned timeout, unsigned error, struct key *keyring, struct key *authkey) { struct assoc_array_edit *edit; struct timespec now; int ret, awaken, link_ret = 0; key_check(key); key_check(keyring); awaken = 0; ret = -EBUSY; if (keyring) link_ret = __key_link_begin(keyring, &key->index_key, &edit); mutex_lock(&key_construction_mutex); /* can't instantiate twice */ if (!test_bit(KEY_FLAG_INSTANTIATED, &key->flags)) { /* mark the key as being negatively instantiated */ atomic_inc(&key->user->nikeys); key->type_data.reject_error = -error; smp_wmb(); set_bit(KEY_FLAG_NEGATIVE, &key->flags); set_bit(KEY_FLAG_INSTANTIATED, &key->flags); now = current_kernel_time(); key->expiry = now.tv_sec + timeout; key_schedule_gc(key->expiry + key_gc_delay); if (test_and_clear_bit(KEY_FLAG_USER_CONSTRUCT, &key->flags)) awaken = 1; ret = 0; /* and link it into the destination keyring */ if (keyring && link_ret == 0) __key_link(key, &edit); /* disable the authorisation key */ if (authkey) key_revoke(authkey); } mutex_unlock(&key_construction_mutex); if (keyring) __key_link_end(keyring, &key->index_key, edit); /* wake up anyone waiting for a key to be constructed */ if (awaken) wake_up_bit(&key->flags, KEY_FLAG_USER_CONSTRUCT); return ret == 0 ? link_ret : ret; }
SYSCALL_DEFINE1(unshare, unsigned long, unshare_flags) { int err = 0; struct fs_struct *fs, *new_fs = NULL; struct sighand_struct *new_sigh = NULL; struct mm_struct *mm, *new_mm = NULL, *active_mm = NULL; struct files_struct *fd, *new_fd = NULL; struct nsproxy *new_nsproxy = NULL; int do_sysvsem = 0; check_unshare_flags(&unshare_flags); /* Return -EINVAL for all unsupported flags */ err = -EINVAL; if (unshare_flags & ~(CLONE_THREAD|CLONE_FS|CLONE_NEWNS|CLONE_SIGHAND| CLONE_VM|CLONE_FILES|CLONE_SYSVSEM| CLONE_NEWUTS|CLONE_NEWIPC|CLONE_NEWNET)) goto bad_unshare_out; /* * CLONE_NEWIPC must also detach from the undolist: after switching * to a new ipc namespace, the semaphore arrays from the old * namespace are unreachable. */ if (unshare_flags & (CLONE_NEWIPC|CLONE_SYSVSEM)) do_sysvsem = 1; if ((err = unshare_thread(unshare_flags))) goto bad_unshare_out; if ((err = unshare_fs(unshare_flags, &new_fs))) goto bad_unshare_cleanup_thread; if ((err = unshare_sighand(unshare_flags, &new_sigh))) goto bad_unshare_cleanup_fs; if ((err = unshare_vm(unshare_flags, &new_mm))) goto bad_unshare_cleanup_sigh; if ((err = unshare_fd(unshare_flags, &new_fd))) goto bad_unshare_cleanup_vm; if ((err = unshare_nsproxy_namespaces(unshare_flags, &new_nsproxy, new_fs))) goto bad_unshare_cleanup_fd; if (new_fs || new_mm || new_fd || do_sysvsem || new_nsproxy) { if (do_sysvsem) { /* * CLONE_SYSVSEM is equivalent to sys_exit(). */ exit_sem(current); } if (new_nsproxy) { switch_task_namespaces(current, new_nsproxy); new_nsproxy = NULL; } task_lock(current); if (new_fs) { fs = current->fs; write_lock(&fs->lock); current->fs = new_fs; if (--fs->users) new_fs = NULL; else new_fs = fs; write_unlock(&fs->lock); } if (new_mm) { mm = current->mm; active_mm = current->active_mm; current->mm = new_mm; current->active_mm = new_mm; activate_mm(active_mm, new_mm); new_mm = mm; } if (new_fd) { fd = current->files; current->files = new_fd; new_fd = fd; } task_unlock(current); } if (new_nsproxy) put_nsproxy(new_nsproxy); bad_unshare_cleanup_fd: if (new_fd) put_files_struct(new_fd); bad_unshare_cleanup_vm: if (new_mm) mmput(new_mm); bad_unshare_cleanup_sigh: if (new_sigh) if (atomic_dec_and_test(&new_sigh->count)) kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, new_sigh); bad_unshare_cleanup_fs: if (new_fs) free_fs_struct(new_fs); bad_unshare_cleanup_thread: bad_unshare_out: return err; }
void RenderLayerCompositor::computeCompositingRequirements(RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, RenderLayer* layer, OverlapMap* overlapMap, CompositingRecursionData& currentRecursionData, bool& descendantHas3DTransform, Vector<RenderLayer*>& unclippedDescendants) { layer->stackingNode()->updateLayerListsIfNeeded(); if (overlapMap) overlapMap->geometryMap().pushMappingsToAncestor(layer, ancestorLayer); layer->setHasCompositingDescendant(false); layer->setHasNonCompositedChild(false); CompositingReasons reasonsToComposite = CompositingReasonNone; CompositingReasons directReasons = directReasonsForCompositing(layer); if (currentRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor && currentRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor->renderer()->isVideo()) directReasons |= CompositingReasonLayerForVideoOverlay; if (canBeComposited(layer)) reasonsToComposite |= directReasons; CompositingReasons overlapCompositingReason = currentRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing ? CompositingReasonAssumedOverlap : CompositingReasonNone; if (m_renderView->compositorDrivenAcceleratedScrollingEnabled()) { Vector<size_t> unclippedDescendantsToRemove; for (size_t i = 0; i < unclippedDescendants.size(); i++) { RenderLayer* unclippedDescendant = unclippedDescendants.at(i); if (unclippedDescendant->renderer()->containingBlock() == layer->renderer()) { unclippedDescendantsToRemove.append(i); continue; } if (layer->scrollsWithRespectTo(unclippedDescendant)) reasonsToComposite |= CompositingReasonAssumedOverlap; } for (size_t i = 0; i < unclippedDescendantsToRemove.size(); i++) unclippedDescendants.remove(unclippedDescendantsToRemove.at(unclippedDescendantsToRemove.size() - i - 1)); if (reasonsToComposite & CompositingReasonOutOfFlowClipping) unclippedDescendants.append(layer); } bool haveComputedBounds = false; IntRect absBounds; if (overlapMap && !overlapMap->isEmpty() && currentRecursionData.m_testingOverlap && !requiresCompositingOrSquashing(directReasons)) { absBounds = enclosingIntRect(overlapMap->geometryMap().absoluteRect(layer->overlapBounds())); if (absBounds.isEmpty()) absBounds.setSize(IntSize(1, 1)); haveComputedBounds = true; overlapCompositingReason = overlapMap->overlapsLayers(absBounds) ? CompositingReasonOverlap : CompositingReasonNone; } reasonsToComposite |= overlapCompositingReason; if (currentRecursionData.m_mostRecentCompositedLayer && requiresSquashing(reasonsToComposite) && layer->scrollsWithRespectTo(currentRecursionData.m_mostRecentCompositedLayer)) reasonsToComposite |= CompositingReasonOverlapsWithoutSquashingTarget; CompositingRecursionData childRecursionData(currentRecursionData); childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing = false; bool willBeCompositedOrSquashed = canBeComposited(layer) && requiresCompositingOrSquashing(reasonsToComposite); if (willBeCompositedOrSquashed) { currentRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing = true; childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor = layer; if (overlapMap) overlapMap->beginNewOverlapTestingContext(); childRecursionData.m_testingOverlap = true; } #if !ASSERT_DISABLED LayerListMutationDetector mutationChecker(layer->stackingNode()); #endif bool anyDescendantHas3DTransform = false; bool willHaveForegroundLayer = false; if (layer->stackingNode()->isStackingContainer()) { RenderLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*layer->stackingNode(), NegativeZOrderChildren); while (RenderLayerStackingNode* curNode = iterator.next()) { computeCompositingRequirements(layer, curNode->layer(), overlapMap, childRecursionData, anyDescendantHas3DTransform, unclippedDescendants); if (childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing) { reasonsToComposite |= CompositingReasonNegativeZIndexChildren; if (!willBeCompositedOrSquashed) { childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor = layer; overlapMap->beginNewOverlapTestingContext(); willBeCompositedOrSquashed = true; willHaveForegroundLayer = true; if (overlapMap) { overlapMap->geometryMap().pushMappingsToAncestor(curNode->layer(), layer); IntRect childAbsBounds = enclosingIntRect(overlapMap->geometryMap().absoluteRect(curNode->layer()->overlapBounds())); bool boundsComputed = true; overlapMap->beginNewOverlapTestingContext(); addToOverlapMap(*overlapMap, curNode->layer(), childAbsBounds, boundsComputed); overlapMap->finishCurrentOverlapTestingContext(); overlapMap->geometryMap().popMappingsToAncestor(layer); } } } } } if (overlapMap && willHaveForegroundLayer) { ASSERT(willBeCompositedOrSquashed); overlapMap->finishCurrentOverlapTestingContext(); overlapMap->beginNewOverlapTestingContext(); childRecursionData.m_testingOverlap = true; } if (requiresCompositing(reasonsToComposite)) { currentRecursionData.m_mostRecentCompositedLayer = layer; childRecursionData.m_mostRecentCompositedLayer = layer; } RenderLayerStackingNodeIterator iterator(*layer->stackingNode(), NormalFlowChildren | PositiveZOrderChildren); while (RenderLayerStackingNode* curNode = iterator.next()) computeCompositingRequirements(layer, curNode->layer(), overlapMap, childRecursionData, anyDescendantHas3DTransform, unclippedDescendants); currentRecursionData.m_mostRecentCompositedLayer = childRecursionData.m_mostRecentCompositedLayer; if (layer->isRootLayer()) { if (inCompositingMode() && m_hasAcceleratedCompositing) willBeCompositedOrSquashed = true; } if (overlapMap && childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor && !childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor->isRootLayer()) addToOverlapMap(*overlapMap, layer, absBounds, haveComputedBounds); if (layer->stackingNode()->isStackingContext()) { layer->setShouldIsolateCompositedDescendants(childRecursionData.m_hasUnisolatedCompositedBlendingDescendant); } else { layer->setShouldIsolateCompositedDescendants(false); currentRecursionData.m_hasUnisolatedCompositedBlendingDescendant = childRecursionData.m_hasUnisolatedCompositedBlendingDescendant; } CompositingReasons subtreeCompositingReasons = subtreeReasonsForCompositing(layer->renderer(), childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing, anyDescendantHas3DTransform); reasonsToComposite |= subtreeCompositingReasons; if (!willBeCompositedOrSquashed && canBeComposited(layer) && requiresCompositingOrSquashing(subtreeCompositingReasons)) { childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor = layer; if (overlapMap) { overlapMap->beginNewOverlapTestingContext(); addToOverlapMapRecursive(*overlapMap, layer); } willBeCompositedOrSquashed = true; } if (layer->reflectionInfo()) { CompositingReasons reflectionCompositingReason = willBeCompositedOrSquashed ? CompositingReasonReflectionOfCompositedParent : CompositingReasonNone; layer->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer()->setCompositingReasons(layer->reflectionInfo()->reflectionLayer()->compositingReasons() | reflectionCompositingReason); } if (childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing) currentRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing = true; if (willBeCompositedOrSquashed && layer->blendInfo().hasBlendMode()) currentRecursionData.m_hasUnisolatedCompositedBlendingDescendant = true; layer->setHasCompositingDescendant(childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing); bool isCompositedClippingLayer = canBeComposited(layer) && (reasonsToComposite & CompositingReasonClipsCompositingDescendants); if ((!childRecursionData.m_testingOverlap && !isCompositedClippingLayer) || isRunningAcceleratedTransformAnimation(layer->renderer())) currentRecursionData.m_testingOverlap = false; if (overlapMap && childRecursionData.m_compositingAncestor == layer && !layer->isRootLayer()) overlapMap->finishCurrentOverlapTestingContext(); if (layer->isRootLayer()) { if (childRecursionData.m_subtreeIsCompositing || requiresCompositingOrSquashing(reasonsToComposite) || m_forceCompositingMode) { willBeCompositedOrSquashed = true; reasonsToComposite |= CompositingReasonRoot; } else { enableCompositingMode(false); willBeCompositedOrSquashed = false; reasonsToComposite = CompositingReasonNone; } } if (requiresCompositing(reasonsToComposite)) currentRecursionData.m_mostRecentCompositedLayer = layer; layer->setCompositingReasons(reasonsToComposite); if (!willBeCompositedOrSquashed && layer->parent()) layer->parent()->setHasNonCompositedChild(true); descendantHas3DTransform |= anyDescendantHas3DTransform || layer->has3DTransform(); if (overlapMap) overlapMap->geometryMap().popMappingsToAncestor(ancestorLayer); }
static void end_write(TsHashTable *ht) { #ifdef ZTS tsrm_mutex_unlock(ht->mx_writer); #endif }
void GLES2DecoderImpl::DoUniform1iv(GLint fake_location, GLsizei count, const volatile GLint* values) { GLenum type = 0; GLint real_location = -1; if (!PrepForSetUniformByLocation(fake_location, "glUniform1iv", Program::kUniform1i, &real_location, &type, &count)) { return; } auto values_copy = std::make_unique<GLint[]>(count); GLint* safe_values = values_copy.get(); std::copy(values, values + count, safe_values); if (type == GL_SAMPLER_2D || type == GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_ARB || type == GL_SAMPLER_CUBE || type == GL_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES) { if (!state_.current_program->SetSamplers( state_.texture_units.size(), fake_location, count, safe_values)) { LOCAL_SET_GL_ERROR( GL_INVALID_VALUE, "glUniform1iv", "texture unit out of range"); return; } } api()->glUniform1ivFn(real_location, count, safe_values); }
BrowserInit::LaunchWithProfile::~LaunchWithProfile() { }
void kvm_apic_write_nodecode(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, u32 offset) { u32 val = 0; /* hw has done the conditional check and inst decode */ offset &= 0xff0; apic_reg_read(vcpu->arch.apic, offset, 4, &val); /* TODO: optimize to just emulate side effect w/o one more write */ apic_reg_write(vcpu->arch.apic, offset, val); }
void XMLRPC_SetValueBase64(XMLRPC_VALUE value, const char* s, int len) { if(value && s) { simplestring_clear(&value->str); (len > 0) ? simplestring_addn(&value->str, s, len) : simplestring_add(&value->str, s); value->type = xmlrpc_base64; } }
static int mailimf_comma_parse(const char * message, size_t length, size_t * indx) { return mailimf_unstrict_char_parse(message, length, indx, ','); }
static uint32_t fdctrl_read_main_status(FDCtrl *fdctrl) { uint32_t retval = fdctrl->msr; fdctrl->dsr &= ~FD_DSR_PWRDOWN; fdctrl->dor |= FD_DOR_nRESET; FLOPPY_DPRINTF("main status register: 0x%02x\n", retval); return retval; }
INST_HANDLER (sbix) { // SBIC A, b int a = (buf[0] >> 3) & 0x1f; int b = buf[0] & 0x07; RAnalOp next_op; RStrBuf *io_port; op->type2 = 0; op->val = a; op->family = R_ANAL_OP_FAMILY_IO; avr_op_analyze (anal, &next_op, op->addr + op->size, buf + op->size, len - op->size, cpu); r_strbuf_fini (&next_op.esil); op->jump = op->addr + next_op.size + 2; op->cycles = 1; // XXX: This is a bug, because depends on eval state, io_port = __generic_io_dest (a, 0, cpu); ESIL_A ("%d,1,<<,%s,&,", b, io_port); // IO(A,b) ESIL_A ((buf[1] & 0xe) == 0xc ? "!," // SBIC => branch if 0 : "!,!,"); // SBIS => branch if 1 ESIL_A ("?{,%"PFMT64d",pc,=,},", op->jump); // ?true => jmp r_strbuf_free (io_port); }
vbf_stp_fetchend(struct worker *wrk, struct busyobj *bo) { AZ(bo->vfc->failed); VFP_Close(bo->vfc); AZ(ObjSetU64(wrk, bo->fetch_objcore, OA_LEN, bo->fetch_objcore->boc->len_so_far)); if (bo->do_stream) assert(bo->fetch_objcore->boc->state == BOS_STREAM); else { assert(bo->fetch_objcore->boc->state == BOS_REQ_DONE); HSH_Unbusy(wrk, bo->fetch_objcore); } /* Recycle the backend connection before setting BOS_FINISHED to give predictable backend reuse behavior for varnishtest */ VDI_Finish(bo->wrk, bo); ObjSetState(wrk, bo->fetch_objcore, BOS_FINISHED); VSLb_ts_busyobj(bo, "BerespBody", W_TIM_real(wrk)); if (bo->stale_oc != NULL) HSH_Kill(bo->stale_oc); return (F_STP_DONE); }
void NoopLocalSiteCharacteristicsDatabase::ClearDatabase() {}
static void process_slab(struct loc_track *t, struct kmem_cache *s, struct page *page, enum track_item alloc) { void *addr = page_address(page); DECLARE_BITMAP(map, page->objects); void *p; bitmap_zero(map, page->objects); for_each_free_object(p, s, page->freelist) set_bit(slab_index(p, s, addr), map); for_each_object(p, s, addr, page->objects) if (!test_bit(slab_index(p, s, addr), map)) add_location(t, s, get_track(s, p, alloc)); }
static int build_acquire(struct sk_buff *skb, struct xfrm_state *x, struct xfrm_tmpl *xt, struct xfrm_policy *xp, int dir) { __u32 seq = xfrm_get_acqseq(); struct xfrm_user_acquire *ua; struct nlmsghdr *nlh; int err; nlh = nlmsg_put(skb, 0, 0, XFRM_MSG_ACQUIRE, sizeof(*ua), 0); if (nlh == NULL) return -EMSGSIZE; ua = nlmsg_data(nlh); memcpy(&ua->id, &x->id, sizeof(ua->id)); memcpy(&ua->saddr, &x->props.saddr, sizeof(ua->saddr)); memcpy(&ua->sel, &x->sel, sizeof(ua->sel)); copy_to_user_policy(xp, &ua->policy, dir); ua->aalgos = xt->aalgos; ua->ealgos = xt->ealgos; ua->calgos = xt->calgos; ua->seq = x->km.seq = seq; err = copy_to_user_tmpl(xp, skb); if (!err) err = copy_to_user_state_sec_ctx(x, skb); if (!err) err = copy_to_user_policy_type(xp->type, skb); if (!err) err = xfrm_mark_put(skb, &xp->mark); if (err) { nlmsg_cancel(skb, nlh); return err; } return nlmsg_end(skb, nlh); }
qboolean FS_idPak(char *pak, char *base, int numPaks) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < NUM_ID_PAKS; i++ ) { if ( !FS_FilenameCompare( pak, va( "%s/pak%d", base, i ) ) ) { break; } if ( !FS_FilenameCompare( pak, va( "%s/mp_pak%d",base,i ) ) ) { break; } if ( !FS_FilenameCompare( pak, va( "%s/sp_pak%d",base,i + 1) ) ) { break; } } if ( i < numPaks ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; }
Address LargeObjectArena::LazySweepPages(size_t allocation_size, size_t gc_info_index) { Address result = nullptr; size_t swept_size = 0; while (!SweepingCompleted()) { BasePage* page = first_unswept_page_; if (page->IsEmpty()) { swept_size += static_cast<LargeObjectPage*>(page)->PayloadSize(); page->Unlink(&first_unswept_page_); page->RemoveFromHeap(); if (swept_size >= allocation_size) { result = DoAllocateLargeObjectPage(allocation_size, gc_info_index); DCHECK(result); break; } } else { page->Sweep(); page->Unlink(&first_unswept_page_); page->Link(&first_page_); page->MarkAsSwept(); } } return result; }
void AppControllerImpl::BindRequest(mojom::AppControllerRequest request) { bindings_.AddBinding(this, std::move(request)); }
static void enabledAtRuntimeAttr2AttrSetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) { INC_STATS("DOM.TestObj.enabledAtRuntimeAttr2._set"); TestObj* imp = V8TestObj::toNative(info.Holder()); int v = toInt32(value); imp->setEnabledAtRuntimeAttr2(v); return; }
VolumeBubble* VolumeBubble::GetInstance() { return Singleton<VolumeBubble>::get(); }
static MagickBooleanType SyncExifProfile(Image *image, StringInfo *profile) { #define MaxDirectoryStack 16 #define EXIF_DELIMITER "\n" #define EXIF_NUM_FORMATS 12 #define TAG_EXIF_OFFSET 0x8769 #define TAG_INTEROP_OFFSET 0xa005 typedef struct _DirectoryInfo { unsigned char *directory; size_t entry; } DirectoryInfo; DirectoryInfo directory_stack[MaxDirectoryStack]; EndianType endian; size_t entry, length, number_entries; SplayTreeInfo *exif_resources; ssize_t id, level, offset; static int format_bytes[] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8}; unsigned char *directory, *exif; /* Set EXIF resolution tag. */ length=GetStringInfoLength(profile); exif=GetStringInfoDatum(profile); if (length < 16) return(MagickFalse); id=(ssize_t) ReadProfileShort(LSBEndian,exif); if ((id != 0x4949) && (id != 0x4D4D)) { while (length != 0) { if (ReadProfileByte(&exif,&length) != 0x45) continue; if (ReadProfileByte(&exif,&length) != 0x78) continue; if (ReadProfileByte(&exif,&length) != 0x69) continue; if (ReadProfileByte(&exif,&length) != 0x66) continue; if (ReadProfileByte(&exif,&length) != 0x00) continue; if (ReadProfileByte(&exif,&length) != 0x00) continue; break; } if (length < 16) return(MagickFalse); id=(ssize_t) ReadProfileShort(LSBEndian,exif); } endian=LSBEndian; if (id == 0x4949) endian=LSBEndian; else if (id == 0x4D4D) endian=MSBEndian; else return(MagickFalse); if (ReadProfileShort(endian,exif+2) != 0x002a) return(MagickFalse); /* This the offset to the first IFD. */ offset=(ssize_t) ReadProfileLong(endian,exif+4); if ((offset < 0) || ((size_t) offset >= length)) return(MagickFalse); directory=exif+offset; level=0; entry=0; exif_resources=NewSplayTree((int (*)(const void *,const void *)) NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) NULL,(void *(*)(void *)) NULL); do { if (level > 0) { level--; directory=directory_stack[level].directory; entry=directory_stack[level].entry; } if ((directory < exif) || (directory > (exif+length-2))) break; /* Determine how many entries there are in the current IFD. */ number_entries=ReadProfileShort(endian,directory); for ( ; entry < number_entries; entry++) { register unsigned char *p, *q; size_t number_bytes; ssize_t components, format, tag_value; q=(unsigned char *) (directory+2+(12*entry)); if (q > (exif+length-12)) break; /* corrupt EXIF */ if (GetValueFromSplayTree(exif_resources,q) == q) break; (void) AddValueToSplayTree(exif_resources,q,q); tag_value=(ssize_t) ReadProfileShort(endian,q); format=(ssize_t) ReadProfileShort(endian,q+2); if ((format < 0) || ((format-1) >= EXIF_NUM_FORMATS)) break; components=(ssize_t) ReadProfileLong(endian,q+4); if (components < 0) break; /* corrupt EXIF */ number_bytes=(size_t) components*format_bytes[format]; if ((ssize_t) number_bytes < components) break; /* prevent overflow */ if (number_bytes <= 4) p=q+8; else { /* The directory entry contains an offset. */ offset=(ssize_t) ReadProfileLong(endian,q+8); if ((ssize_t) (offset+number_bytes) < offset) continue; /* prevent overflow * if ((size_t) (offset+number_bytes) > length) continue; p=(unsigned char *) (exif+offset); } switch (tag_value) { case 0x011a: { (void) WriteProfileLong(endian,(size_t) (image->x_resolution+0.5),p); (void) WriteProfileLong(endian,1UL,p+4); break; } case 0x011b: { (void) WriteProfileLong(endian,(size_t) (image->y_resolution+0.5),p); (void) WriteProfileLong(endian,1UL,p+4); break; } case 0x0112: { if (number_bytes == 4) { (void) WriteProfileLong(endian,(size_t) image->orientation,p); break; } (void) WriteProfileShort(endian,(unsigned short) image->orientation, p); break; } case 0x0128: { if (number_bytes == 4) { (void) WriteProfileLong(endian,(size_t) (image->units+1),p); break; } (void) WriteProfileShort(endian,(unsigned short) (image->units+1),p); break; } default: break; } if ((tag_value == TAG_EXIF_OFFSET) || (tag_value == TAG_INTEROP_OFFSET)) { offset=(ssize_t) ReadProfileLong(endian,p); if (((size_t) offset < length) && (level < (MaxDirectoryStack-2))) { directory_stack[level].directory=directory; entry++; directory_stack[level].entry=entry; level++; directory_stack[level].directory=exif+offset; directory_stack[level].entry=0; level++; if ((directory+2+(12*number_entries)) > (exif+length)) break; offset=(ssize_t) ReadProfileLong(endian,directory+2+(12* number_entries)); if ((offset != 0) && ((size_t) offset < length) && (level < (MaxDirectoryStack-2))) { directory_stack[level].directory=exif+offset; directory_stack[level].entry=0; level++; } } break; } } } while (level > 0); exif_resources=DestroySplayTree(exif_resources); return(MagickTrue); }
R_API const char* r_config_desc(RConfig *cfg, const char *name, const char *desc) { RConfigNode *node = r_config_node_get (cfg, name); return r_config_node_desc (node, desc); }
XcursorScanTheme (const char *theme, const char *name) { FILE *f = NULL; char *full; char *dir; const char *path; char *inherits = NULL; const char *i; if (!theme || !name) return NULL; /* * Scan this theme */ for (path = XcursorLibraryPath (); path && f == NULL; path = _XcursorNextPath (path)) { dir = _XcursorBuildThemeDir (path, theme); if (dir) { full = _XcursorBuildFullname (dir, "cursors", name); if (full) { f = fopen (full, "r"); free (full); } if (!f && !inherits) { full = _XcursorBuildFullname (dir, "", "index.theme"); if (full) { inherits = _XcursorThemeInherits (full); free (full); } } free (dir); } } /* * Recurse to scan inherited themes */ for (i = inherits; i && f == NULL; i = _XcursorNextPath (i)) f = XcursorScanTheme (i, name); if (inherits != NULL) free (inherits); return f; }
void RenderWidgetHostImpl::OnSnapshotDataReceived(int snapshot_id, const unsigned char* data, size_t size) { PendingSnapshotMap::iterator it = pending_browser_snapshots_.begin(); while (it != pending_browser_snapshots_.end()) { if (it->first <= snapshot_id) { it->second.Run(data, size); pending_browser_snapshots_.erase(it++); } else { ++it; } } }
IntRect PaintLayerScrollableArea::RectForVerticalScrollbar( const IntRect& border_box_rect) const { if (!HasVerticalScrollbar()) return IntRect(); const IntRect& scroll_corner = ScrollCornerRect(); return IntRect( VerticalScrollbarStart(border_box_rect.X(), border_box_rect.MaxX()), border_box_rect.Y() + GetLayoutBox()->BorderTop().ToInt(), VerticalScrollbar()->ScrollbarThickness(), border_box_rect.Height() - (GetLayoutBox()->BorderTop() + GetLayoutBox()->BorderBottom()) .ToInt() - scroll_corner.Height()); }
static int snd_timer_user_tselect(struct file *file, struct snd_timer_select __user *_tselect) { struct snd_timer_user *tu; struct snd_timer_select tselect; char str[32]; int err = 0; tu = file->private_data; if (tu->timeri) { snd_timer_close(tu->timeri); tu->timeri = NULL; } if (copy_from_user(&tselect, _tselect, sizeof(tselect))) { err = -EFAULT; goto __err; } sprintf(str, "application %i", current->pid); if (tselect.id.dev_class != SNDRV_TIMER_CLASS_SLAVE) tselect.id.dev_sclass = SNDRV_TIMER_SCLASS_APPLICATION; err = snd_timer_open(&tu->timeri, str, &tselect.id, current->pid); if (err < 0) goto __err; kfree(tu->queue); tu->queue = NULL; kfree(tu->tqueue); tu->tqueue = NULL; if (tu->tread) { tu->tqueue = kmalloc(tu->queue_size * sizeof(struct snd_timer_tread), GFP_KERNEL); if (tu->tqueue == NULL) err = -ENOMEM; } else { tu->queue = kmalloc(tu->queue_size * sizeof(struct snd_timer_read), GFP_KERNEL); if (tu->queue == NULL) err = -ENOMEM; } if (err < 0) { snd_timer_close(tu->timeri); tu->timeri = NULL; } else { tu->timeri->flags |= SNDRV_TIMER_IFLG_FAST; tu->timeri->callback = tu->tread ? snd_timer_user_tinterrupt : snd_timer_user_interrupt; tu->timeri->ccallback = snd_timer_user_ccallback; tu->timeri->callback_data = (void *)tu; tu->timeri->disconnect = snd_timer_user_disconnect; } __err: return err; }
gfx::Rect GetWindowRect(GdkWindow* window) { gint width = gdk_window_get_width(window); gint height = gdk_window_get_height(window); return gfx::Rect(width, height); }
void RenderViewImpl::OnSetWindowVisibility(bool visible) { std::set<WebPluginDelegateProxy*>::iterator plugin_it; for (plugin_it = plugin_delegates_.begin(); plugin_it != plugin_delegates_.end(); ++plugin_it) { (*plugin_it)->SetContainerVisibility(visible); } }
IHEVCD_ERROR_T ihevcd_parse_coding_quadtree(codec_t *ps_codec, WORD32 x0, WORD32 y0, WORD32 log2_cb_size, WORD32 ct_depth) { IHEVCD_ERROR_T ret = (IHEVCD_ERROR_T)IHEVCD_SUCCESS; sps_t *ps_sps; pps_t *ps_pps; WORD32 split_cu_flag; WORD32 x1, y1; WORD32 cu_pos_x; WORD32 cu_pos_y; bitstrm_t *ps_bitstrm = &ps_codec->s_parse.s_bitstrm; cab_ctxt_t *ps_cabac = &ps_codec->s_parse.s_cabac; WORD32 cb_size = 1 << log2_cb_size; ps_sps = ps_codec->s_parse.ps_sps; ps_pps = ps_codec->s_parse.ps_pps; /* Compute CU position with respect to current CTB in (8x8) units */ cu_pos_x = (x0 - (ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ctb_x << ps_sps->i1_log2_ctb_size)) >> 3; cu_pos_y = (y0 - (ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ctb_y << ps_sps->i1_log2_ctb_size)) >> 3; ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_pos_x = cu_pos_x; ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_pos_y = cu_pos_y; ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_log2_cb_size = log2_cb_size; ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ct_depth = ct_depth; { UWORD32 *pu4_ct_depth_top = ps_codec->s_parse.pu4_ct_depth_top; UWORD32 u4_ct_depth_left = ps_codec->s_parse.u4_ct_depth_left; UWORD32 u4_ct_depth_top = 0; UWORD32 u4_mask; UWORD32 u4_top_mask, u4_left_mask; WORD32 ctxt_idx; UWORD32 u4_min_cu_x = x0 / 8; UWORD32 u4_min_cu_y = y0 / 8; pu4_ct_depth_top += (u4_min_cu_x / 16); if(((x0 + (1 << log2_cb_size)) <= ps_sps->i2_pic_width_in_luma_samples) && ((y0 + (1 << log2_cb_size)) <= ps_sps->i2_pic_height_in_luma_samples) && (log2_cb_size > ps_sps->i1_log2_min_coding_block_size)) { ctxt_idx = IHEVC_CAB_SPLIT_CU_FLAG; /* Split cu context increment is decided based on left and top Coding tree * depth which is stored at frame level */ /* Check if the CTB is in first row in the current slice or tile */ if((0 != cu_pos_y) || ((0 != ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ctb_slice_y) && (0 != ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ctb_tile_y))) { u4_ct_depth_top = *pu4_ct_depth_top; u4_ct_depth_top >>= ((u4_min_cu_x % 16) * 2); u4_ct_depth_top &= 3; if((WORD32)u4_ct_depth_top > ct_depth) ctxt_idx++; } /* Check if the CTB is in first column in the current slice or tile */ /*****************************************************************/ /* If cu_pos_x is non-zero then left is available */ /* If cu_pos_x is zero then ensure both the following are true */ /* Current CTB is not the first CTB in a tile row */ /* Current CTB is not the first CTB in a slice */ /*****************************************************************/ if((0 != cu_pos_x) || (((0 != ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ctb_slice_x) || (0 != ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ctb_slice_y)) && (0 != ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ctb_tile_x))) { u4_ct_depth_left >>= ((u4_min_cu_y % 16) * 2); u4_ct_depth_left &= 3; if((WORD32)u4_ct_depth_left > ct_depth) ctxt_idx++; } TRACE_CABAC_CTXT("split_cu_flag", ps_cabac->u4_range, ctxt_idx); split_cu_flag = ihevcd_cabac_decode_bin(ps_cabac, ps_bitstrm, ctxt_idx); AEV_TRACE("split_cu_flag", split_cu_flag, ps_cabac->u4_range); } else { if(log2_cb_size > ps_sps->i1_log2_min_coding_block_size) split_cu_flag = 1; else split_cu_flag = 0; } if(0 == split_cu_flag) { /* Update top ct_depth */ u4_ct_depth_top = *pu4_ct_depth_top; /* Since Max cb_size is 64, maximum of 8 bits will be set or reset */ /* Also since Coding block will be within 64x64 grid, only 8bits within a WORD32 * need to be updated. These 8 bits will not cross 8 bit boundaries */ u4_mask = DUP_LSB_11(cb_size / 8); u4_top_mask = u4_mask << ((u4_min_cu_x % 16) * 2); u4_ct_depth_top &= ~u4_top_mask; if(ct_depth) { u4_top_mask = gau4_ct_depth_mask[ct_depth] & u4_mask; u4_top_mask = u4_top_mask << ((u4_min_cu_x % 16) * 2); u4_ct_depth_top |= u4_top_mask; } *pu4_ct_depth_top = u4_ct_depth_top; /* Update left ct_depth */ u4_ct_depth_left = ps_codec->s_parse.u4_ct_depth_left; u4_left_mask = u4_mask << ((u4_min_cu_y % 16) * 2); u4_ct_depth_left &= ~u4_left_mask; if(ct_depth) { u4_left_mask = gau4_ct_depth_mask[ct_depth] & u4_mask; u4_left_mask = u4_left_mask << ((u4_min_cu_y % 16) * 2); u4_ct_depth_left |= u4_left_mask; } ps_codec->s_parse.u4_ct_depth_left = u4_ct_depth_left; } } if((ps_pps->i1_cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag) && (log2_cb_size >= ps_pps->i1_log2_min_cu_qp_delta_size)) { ps_codec->s_parse.i4_is_cu_qp_delta_coded = 0; ps_codec->s_parse.i4_cu_qp_delta = 0; } if(split_cu_flag) { x1 = x0 + ((1 << log2_cb_size) >> 1); y1 = y0 + ((1 << log2_cb_size) >> 1); ret = ihevcd_parse_coding_quadtree(ps_codec, x0, y0, log2_cb_size - 1, ct_depth + 1); RETURN_IF((IHEVCD_ERROR_T)IHEVCD_SUCCESS != ret, ret); /* At frame boundaries coding quadtree nodes are sent only if they fall within the frame */ if(x1 < ps_sps->i2_pic_width_in_luma_samples) { ret = ihevcd_parse_coding_quadtree(ps_codec, x1, y0, log2_cb_size - 1, ct_depth + 1); RETURN_IF((IHEVCD_ERROR_T)IHEVCD_SUCCESS != ret, ret); } if(y1 < ps_sps->i2_pic_height_in_luma_samples) { ret = ihevcd_parse_coding_quadtree(ps_codec, x0, y1, log2_cb_size - 1, ct_depth + 1); RETURN_IF((IHEVCD_ERROR_T)IHEVCD_SUCCESS != ret, ret); } if((x1 < ps_sps->i2_pic_width_in_luma_samples) && (y1 < ps_sps->i2_pic_height_in_luma_samples)) { ret = ihevcd_parse_coding_quadtree(ps_codec, x1, y1, log2_cb_size - 1, ct_depth + 1); RETURN_IF((IHEVCD_ERROR_T)IHEVCD_SUCCESS != ret, ret); } } else { /* Set current group QP if current CU is aligned with the group */ { WORD32 cu_pos_x = ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_pos_x << 3; WORD32 cu_pos_y = ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_pos_y << 3; WORD32 qpg_x = (cu_pos_x - (cu_pos_x & ((1 << ps_pps->i1_log2_min_cu_qp_delta_size) - 1))); WORD32 qpg_y = (cu_pos_y - (cu_pos_y & ((1 << ps_pps->i1_log2_min_cu_qp_delta_size) - 1))); if((cu_pos_x == qpg_x) && (cu_pos_y == qpg_y)) { ps_codec->s_parse.u4_qpg = ps_codec->s_parse.u4_qp; ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_cu_qp_delta = 0; } } ret = ihevcd_parse_coding_unit(ps_codec, x0, y0, log2_cb_size); RETURN_IF((IHEVCD_ERROR_T)IHEVCD_SUCCESS != ret, ret); if(ps_pps->i1_cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag) { WORD32 qp_pred, qp_left, qp_top; WORD32 cu_pos_x; WORD32 cu_pos_y; WORD32 qpg_x; WORD32 qpg_y; WORD32 i, j; WORD32 qp; WORD32 cur_cu_offset; tu_t *ps_tu = ps_codec->s_parse.ps_tu; WORD32 cb_size = 1 << ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_log2_cb_size; cu_pos_x = ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_pos_x << 3; cu_pos_y = ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_pos_y << 3; qpg_x = (cu_pos_x - (cu_pos_x & ((1 << ps_pps->i1_log2_min_cu_qp_delta_size) - 1))) >> 3; qpg_y = (cu_pos_y - (cu_pos_y & ((1 << ps_pps->i1_log2_min_cu_qp_delta_size) - 1))) >> 3; /*previous coded Qp*/ qp_left = ps_codec->s_parse.u4_qpg; qp_top = ps_codec->s_parse.u4_qpg; if(qpg_x > 0) { qp_left = ps_codec->s_parse.ai1_8x8_cu_qp[qpg_x - 1 + (qpg_y * 8)]; } if(qpg_y > 0) { qp_top = ps_codec->s_parse.ai1_8x8_cu_qp[qpg_x + ((qpg_y - 1) * 8)]; } qp_pred = (qp_left + qp_top + 1) >> 1; /* Since qp_pred + ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_cu_qp_delta can be negative, 52 is added before taking modulo 52 */ qp = (qp_pred + ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_cu_qp_delta + 52) % 52; cur_cu_offset = (cu_pos_x >> 3) + cu_pos_y; for(i = 0; i < (cb_size >> 3); i++) { for(j = 0; j < (cb_size >> 3); j++) { ps_codec->s_parse.ai1_8x8_cu_qp[cur_cu_offset + (i * 8) + j] = qp; } } ps_codec->s_parse.u4_qp = qp; ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_qp = qp; /* When change in QP is signaled, update the QP in TUs that are already parsed in the CU */ { tu_t *ps_tu_tmp; ps_tu_tmp = ps_tu - ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_tu_cnt; ps_tu->b7_qp = ps_codec->s_parse.u4_qp; while(ps_tu_tmp != ps_tu) { ps_tu_tmp->b7_qp = ps_codec->s_parse.u4_qp; ps_tu_tmp++; } } if(ps_codec->s_parse.s_cu.i4_cu_qp_delta) { WORD32 ctb_indx; ctb_indx = ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ctb_x + ps_sps->i2_pic_wd_in_ctb * ps_codec->s_parse.i4_ctb_y; ps_codec->s_parse.s_bs_ctxt.pu1_pic_qp_const_in_ctb[ctb_indx >> 3] &= (~(1 << (ctb_indx & 7))); } } } return ret; }
void PageHandler::GotManifest(std::unique_ptr<GetAppManifestCallback> callback, const GURL& manifest_url, blink::mojom::ManifestDebugInfoPtr debug_info) { std::unique_ptr<Array<Page::AppManifestError>> errors = Array<Page::AppManifestError>::create(); bool failed = true; if (debug_info) { failed = false; for (const auto& error : debug_info->errors) { errors->addItem(Page::AppManifestError::Create() .SetMessage(error->message) .SetCritical(error->critical) .SetLine(error->line) .SetColumn(error->column) .Build()); if (error->critical) failed = true; } } callback->sendSuccess( manifest_url.possibly_invalid_spec(), std::move(errors), failed ? Maybe<std::string>() : debug_info->raw_manifest); }
APIPermissionInfo::~APIPermissionInfo() { }
print_node_summary(pe_working_set_t * data_set, gboolean operations) { xmlNode *lrm_rsc = NULL; xmlNode *rsc_entry = NULL; xmlNode *node_state = NULL; xmlNode *cib_status = get_object_root(XML_CIB_TAG_STATUS, data_set->input); if (operations) { print_as("\nOperations:\n"); } else { print_as("\nMigration summary:\n"); } for (node_state = __xml_first_child(cib_status); node_state != NULL; node_state = __xml_next(node_state)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)node_state->name, XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, TRUE)) { node_t *node = pe_find_node_id(data_set->nodes, ID(node_state)); if (node == NULL || node->details->online == FALSE) { continue; } print_as("* Node %s: ", crm_element_value(node_state, XML_ATTR_UNAME)); print_as("\n"); lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(node_state, XML_CIB_TAG_LRM, FALSE); lrm_rsc = find_xml_node(lrm_rsc, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCES, FALSE); for (rsc_entry = __xml_first_child(lrm_rsc); rsc_entry != NULL; rsc_entry = __xml_next(rsc_entry)) { if (crm_str_eq((const char *)rsc_entry->name, XML_LRM_TAG_RESOURCE, TRUE)) { if (operations) { print_rsc_history(data_set, node, rsc_entry); } else { const char *rsc_id = crm_element_value(rsc_entry, XML_ATTR_ID); resource_t *rsc = pe_find_resource(data_set->resources, rsc_id); if (rsc) { print_rsc_summary(data_set, node, rsc, FALSE); } else { print_as(" %s: orphan\n", rsc_id); } } } } } } }
static void init_once(void *foo) { struct ext4_inode_info *ei = (struct ext4_inode_info *) foo; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ei->i_orphan); init_rwsem(&ei->xattr_sem); init_rwsem(&ei->i_data_sem); inode_init_once(&ei->vfs_inode); }
void PrintPreviewDialogController::RemoveObservers(WebContents* contents) { registrar_.Remove(this, content::NOTIFICATION_WEB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, content::Source<WebContents>(contents)); registrar_.Remove(this, content::NOTIFICATION_NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED, content::Source<NavigationController>(&contents->GetController())); content::Source<content::RenderProcessHost> rph_source( contents->GetMainFrame()->GetProcess()); if (registrar_.IsRegistered(this, content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_CLOSED, rph_source)) { if (host_contents_count_map_[contents->GetMainFrame()->GetProcess()] == 1) { registrar_.Remove(this, content::NOTIFICATION_RENDERER_PROCESS_CLOSED, rph_source); host_contents_count_map_.erase(contents->GetMainFrame()->GetProcess()); } else { --host_contents_count_map_[contents->GetMainFrame()->GetProcess()]; } } }
static int firm_set_rts(struct usb_serial_port *port, __u8 onoff) { struct whiteheat_set_rdb rts_command; rts_command.port = port->port_number + 1; rts_command.state = onoff; return firm_send_command(port, WHITEHEAT_SET_RTS, (__u8 *)&rts_command, sizeof(rts_command)); }
XML_SetNotStandaloneHandler(XML_Parser parser, XML_NotStandaloneHandler handler) { if (parser != NULL) parser->m_notStandaloneHandler = handler; }
static void free_area(struct pstore *ps) { if (ps->area) vfree(ps->area); ps->area = NULL; if (ps->zero_area) vfree(ps->zero_area); ps->zero_area = NULL; if (ps->header_area) vfree(ps->header_area); ps->header_area = NULL; }
static void pdf_run_CS(fz_context *ctx, pdf_processor *proc, const char *name, fz_colorspace *colorspace) { pdf_run_processor *pr = (pdf_run_processor *)proc; pr->dev->flags &= ~FZ_DEVFLAG_STROKECOLOR_UNDEFINED; if (!strcmp(name, "Pattern")) pdf_set_pattern(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, NULL, NULL); else pdf_set_colorspace(ctx, pr, PDF_STROKE, colorspace); }
void AppCacheUpdateJob::CancelAllUrlFetches() { for (PendingUrlFetches::iterator it = pending_url_fetches_.begin(); it != pending_url_fetches_.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; } url_fetches_completed_ += pending_url_fetches_.size() + urls_to_fetch_.size(); pending_url_fetches_.clear(); urls_to_fetch_.clear(); }
void ServiceWorkerScriptContext::OnMessageReceived( int request_id, const IPC::Message& message) { DCHECK_EQ(kInvalidRequestId, current_request_id_); current_request_id_ = request_id; bool handled = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(ServiceWorkerScriptContext, message) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ServiceWorkerMsg_InstallEvent, OnInstallEvent) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ServiceWorkerMsg_FetchEvent, OnFetchEvent) IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED(handled = false) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP() DCHECK(handled); current_request_id_ = kInvalidRequestId; }
static int xen_memory_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long val, void *v) { if (val == MEM_ONLINE) schedule_delayed_work(&balloon_worker, 0); return NOTIFY_OK; }
_pango_Is_Emoji_Keycap_Base (gunichar ch) { return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '#' || ch == '*'; }
s32 brcmf_vif_set_mgmt_ie(struct brcmf_cfg80211_vif *vif, s32 pktflag, const u8 *vndr_ie_buf, u32 vndr_ie_len) { struct brcmf_if *ifp; struct vif_saved_ie *saved_ie; s32 err = 0; u8 *iovar_ie_buf; u8 *curr_ie_buf; u8 *mgmt_ie_buf = NULL; int mgmt_ie_buf_len; u32 *mgmt_ie_len; u32 del_add_ie_buf_len = 0; u32 total_ie_buf_len = 0; u32 parsed_ie_buf_len = 0; struct parsed_vndr_ies old_vndr_ies; struct parsed_vndr_ies new_vndr_ies; struct parsed_vndr_ie_info *vndrie_info; s32 i; u8 *ptr; int remained_buf_len; if (!vif) return -ENODEV; ifp = vif->ifp; saved_ie = &vif->saved_ie; brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "bsscfgidx %d, pktflag : 0x%02X\n", ifp->bsscfgidx, pktflag); iovar_ie_buf = kzalloc(WL_EXTRA_BUF_MAX, GFP_KERNEL); if (!iovar_ie_buf) return -ENOMEM; curr_ie_buf = iovar_ie_buf; switch (pktflag) { case BRCMF_VNDR_IE_PRBREQ_FLAG: mgmt_ie_buf = saved_ie->probe_req_ie; mgmt_ie_len = &saved_ie->probe_req_ie_len; mgmt_ie_buf_len = sizeof(saved_ie->probe_req_ie); break; case BRCMF_VNDR_IE_PRBRSP_FLAG: mgmt_ie_buf = saved_ie->probe_res_ie; mgmt_ie_len = &saved_ie->probe_res_ie_len; mgmt_ie_buf_len = sizeof(saved_ie->probe_res_ie); break; case BRCMF_VNDR_IE_BEACON_FLAG: mgmt_ie_buf = saved_ie->beacon_ie; mgmt_ie_len = &saved_ie->beacon_ie_len; mgmt_ie_buf_len = sizeof(saved_ie->beacon_ie); break; case BRCMF_VNDR_IE_ASSOCREQ_FLAG: mgmt_ie_buf = saved_ie->assoc_req_ie; mgmt_ie_len = &saved_ie->assoc_req_ie_len; mgmt_ie_buf_len = sizeof(saved_ie->assoc_req_ie); break; default: err = -EPERM; brcmf_err("not suitable type\n"); goto exit; } if (vndr_ie_len > mgmt_ie_buf_len) { err = -ENOMEM; brcmf_err("extra IE size too big\n"); goto exit; } /* parse and save new vndr_ie in curr_ie_buff before comparing it */ if (vndr_ie_buf && vndr_ie_len && curr_ie_buf) { ptr = curr_ie_buf; brcmf_parse_vndr_ies(vndr_ie_buf, vndr_ie_len, &new_vndr_ies); for (i = 0; i < new_vndr_ies.count; i++) { vndrie_info = &new_vndr_ies.ie_info[i]; memcpy(ptr + parsed_ie_buf_len, vndrie_info->ie_ptr, vndrie_info->ie_len); parsed_ie_buf_len += vndrie_info->ie_len; } } if (mgmt_ie_buf && *mgmt_ie_len) { if (parsed_ie_buf_len && (parsed_ie_buf_len == *mgmt_ie_len) && (memcmp(mgmt_ie_buf, curr_ie_buf, parsed_ie_buf_len) == 0)) { brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "Previous mgmt IE equals to current IE\n"); goto exit; } /* parse old vndr_ie */ brcmf_parse_vndr_ies(mgmt_ie_buf, *mgmt_ie_len, &old_vndr_ies); /* make a command to delete old ie */ for (i = 0; i < old_vndr_ies.count; i++) { vndrie_info = &old_vndr_ies.ie_info[i]; brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "DEL ID : %d, Len: %d , OUI:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", vndrie_info->vndrie.id, vndrie_info->vndrie.len, vndrie_info->vndrie.oui[0], vndrie_info->vndrie.oui[1], vndrie_info->vndrie.oui[2]); del_add_ie_buf_len = brcmf_vndr_ie(curr_ie_buf, pktflag, vndrie_info->ie_ptr, vndrie_info->ie_len, "del"); curr_ie_buf += del_add_ie_buf_len; total_ie_buf_len += del_add_ie_buf_len; } } *mgmt_ie_len = 0; /* Add if there is any extra IE */ if (mgmt_ie_buf && parsed_ie_buf_len) { ptr = mgmt_ie_buf; remained_buf_len = mgmt_ie_buf_len; /* make a command to add new ie */ for (i = 0; i < new_vndr_ies.count; i++) { vndrie_info = &new_vndr_ies.ie_info[i]; /* verify remained buf size before copy data */ if (remained_buf_len < (vndrie_info->vndrie.len + VNDR_IE_VSIE_OFFSET)) { brcmf_err("no space in mgmt_ie_buf: len left %d", remained_buf_len); break; } remained_buf_len -= (vndrie_info->ie_len + VNDR_IE_VSIE_OFFSET); brcmf_dbg(TRACE, "ADDED ID : %d, Len: %d, OUI:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", vndrie_info->vndrie.id, vndrie_info->vndrie.len, vndrie_info->vndrie.oui[0], vndrie_info->vndrie.oui[1], vndrie_info->vndrie.oui[2]); del_add_ie_buf_len = brcmf_vndr_ie(curr_ie_buf, pktflag, vndrie_info->ie_ptr, vndrie_info->ie_len, "add"); /* save the parsed IE in wl struct */ memcpy(ptr + (*mgmt_ie_len), vndrie_info->ie_ptr, vndrie_info->ie_len); *mgmt_ie_len += vndrie_info->ie_len; curr_ie_buf += del_add_ie_buf_len; total_ie_buf_len += del_add_ie_buf_len; } } if (total_ie_buf_len) { err = brcmf_fil_bsscfg_data_set(ifp, "vndr_ie", iovar_ie_buf, total_ie_buf_len); if (err) brcmf_err("vndr ie set error : %d\n", err); } exit: kfree(iovar_ie_buf); return err; }