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(d) 汇编与《公约》监测有关的分类统计资料,包括关于酷刑和虐待案件中的申诉、调查、起诉和定罪的数据。 | (d) Compile disaggregated statistical information relevant to the monitoring of the Convention, including data on complaints, investigations, prosecutions and convictions in cases of torture and ill-treatment. |
以上级命令为理由的酷刑 | Superior orders as a justification of torture |
25. 委员会感到关切的是,《刑法典》第 48 条没有履行《公约》第 2 条第 3 款规定的义务,因为它排除了公职人员执行他们必须服从或认为必须服从的上级的命令的刑事责任。(第 2 条第 3 款)。 | 25. The Committee is concerned bythe fact that article 48 of the Criminal Code does not fulfil the obligation set forth in article 2 (3) of the Convention as it excludes the criminal responsibility of public employees executing the order of a superior that they had to obey or thought they had a duty to obey (art. 2 (3)). |
26. 缔约国应考虑将《刑法典》第 48 条与《公约》第 2 条第 3 款协调一致,确保不得援引上级官员的命令作为酷刑的理由,并为此建立保护拒绝服从这种命令的下属的机制。缔约国还应确保所有执法人员知悉禁止服从非法的命令的情况,并了解实施的保护机制。 | 26. The State party should consider harmonizing article 48 of the Criminal Code with article 2 (3) of the Convention by ensuring that an order from a superior-ranking officer may not be invoked as justification of torture and, to that end, establish a mechanism for the protection of subordinates who refuse to obey such an order. The State party should also ensure that all law enforcement officers are informed of the prohibition against obeying unlawful orders and made aware of the protective mechanisms put in place. |
普遍管辖权 | Universal jurisdiction |
27. 委员会感到关切的是,酷刑和有关罪行未列入《刑法典》中法院可以行使普遍管辖权的罪行清单(第 5 条)。 | 27. The Committee is concerned that torture and related crimes are not included in the list of offences indicated in the Criminal Code over which courts can exercise universal jurisdiction (art. 5). |
28. 缔约国应采取一切必要步骤,有效地对据称对酷刑行为负责的人行使普遍管辖权,包括暂时在卡塔尔境内的外国犯罪者。 | 28. The State party should take all necessary steps to effectively exercise universal jurisdiction over persons allegedly responsible for acts of torture, including foreign perpetrators who are temporarily present in Qatar. |
培训 | Training |
29. 尽管注意到警察、司法官员和其他公职人员现有的人权培训方案,委员会仍然对缺少关于所提供培训的影响的信息感到关切。委员会还感到遗憾的是,缔约国缺少对执法官员、法官、检察官、法医和处理被拘留者的医务人员提供关于如何发现和证明酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的身心后遗症的具体培训(第 10 条)。 | 29. While taking note of the existing training programmes on human rights for police officers, judicial officers and other public officials, the Committee remains concerned by the lack of information on the impact of the training provided. It also regrets the lack of specific training provided to law enforcement officials, judges, prosecutors, forensic doctors and medical personnel dealing with detained persons on how to detect and document physical and psychological sequelae of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (art. 10). |
30. 缔约国应: | 30. The State party should: |
(a) 进一步制定强制性在职培训方案,以确保所有公职人员,特别是执法人员,军事人员,监狱工作人员和在监狱工作的医务人员都熟悉《公约》的规定,并充分意识到对《公约》的违反是不被容忍的且将受到调查,以及责任人将被起诉并在定罪后予以适当制裁; | (a) Further develop mandatory in-service training programmes to ensure that all public officials, in particular law enforcement officers, military personnel, prison staff and medical personnel employed in prisons, are well acquainted with the provisions of the Convention and are fully aware that violations will not be tolerated and will be investigated and that those responsible will be prosecuted and, upon conviction, be appropriately sanctioned; |
(b) 确保所有执法人员接受强制性培训,重点强调非强制性审讯技巧、禁止酷刑和虐待以及司法机关有义务使逼供供词无效之间的联系; | (b) Ensure that all law enforcement officers receive mandatory training emphasizing the link between non-coercive interrogation techniques, the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment, and the obligation of the judiciary to invalidate confessions under torture; |
(c) 根据《酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的有效调查和记录手册》(《伊斯坦布尔议定书》),确保对包括医务人员在内的所有有关工作人员进行识别酷刑和虐待案件的专门培训; | (c) Ensure that all relevant staff, including medical personnel, are specifically trained to identify cases of torture and ill-treatment, in accordance with the Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the Istanbul Protocol); |
(d) 制定和应用评估与《公约》和《伊斯坦布尔议定书》有关的教育和培训方案的有效性的方法。 | (d) Develop and apply a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of education and training programmes relating to the Convention and the Istanbul Protocol. |
体罚 | Corporal punishment |
31. 缔约方代表团解释说,虽然《刑法典》第 1 条仍包含含糊不清的条款授权将鞭刑、石刑和其他体罚作为刑事制裁,但这种惩罚在实践中并未适用。尽管注意到该解释,委员会仍然感到关切的是,这些处罚尚未按照委员会先前结论性意见(见 CAT/C/QAT/CO/2, 第 12 段)的建议废除。委员会还感到关切的是,有报告称,家庭、其他照料儿童和日托场所以及学校仍允许对儿童进行体罚(第 2、第 4和第 16 条)。 | 31. While taking note of the explanation given by the delegation that, although article 1 of the Criminal Code still contains vague provisions authorizing flogging, stoning and other corporal punishment as criminal sanctions, such punishment is not applied in practice, the Committee is concerned that these penalties have not yet been abolished, as recommended in its previous concluding observations (see CAT/C/QAT/CO/2, para. 12). The Committee is also concerned at reports that corporal punishment of children is still permitted in the home, in alternative care and day-care settings and schools (arts. 2, 4 and 16). |
32. 缔约国应: | 32. The State party should: |
(a) 以合法方式将体罚从刑罚中废除;(b) 颁布立法,明确禁止在所有环境中对儿童进行体罚。 | (a) Legally abolish corporal punishment as a sentence for crime; (b) Enact legislation to explicitly and clearly prohibit corporal punishment of children in all settings. |
33. 委员会关切地注意到,卡塔尔法院继续判处死刑,并且在 2012 年至 2018年期间对五起案件适用了死刑。委员会还对包括酷刑罪在内的可能判处死刑的各种罪行表示关注(第 2 条和第 16 条)。 | 33. The Committee notes with concern that death sentences continue to be imposed by Qatari courts and that capital punishment was applied in five cases between 2012 and 2018. It is further concerned about the wide range of offences, including the crime of torture, for which capital punishment is a possible penalty (arts. 2 and 16). |
34. 缔约国应考虑立即暂停执行死刑,以期废除死刑,并将死刑减为徒刑。缔约国还应确保死刑的实施只适用于最严重的罪行并符合国际规范。 | 34. The State party should consider establishing an immediate moratorium on executions, with a view to abolishing the death penalty, and commute death sentences to prison sentences. It should also ensure that if the death penalty is imposed it is only for the most serious crimes and in compliance with international norms. |
35. 委员会注意到,缔约国的资料显示 2017 年有 152 名未成年人和 250 名成年人从康复措施中受益,尽管如此,委员会仍感到遗憾的是,自审议上一次定期报告以来,没有收到有关法院和其他国家机构下令并实际提供给酷刑和虐待的受害者或其家人的赔偿和补偿措施的信息(第 14 条)。 | 35. While taking note of the State party’s information that 152 minors and 250 adults benefited from rehabilitation measures in 2017, the Committee regrets not having received complete information on the redress and compensation measures ordered by the courts and other State bodies and actually provided to the victims of torture and ill-treatment or their families since the consideration of the previous periodic report (art. 14). |
36. 缔约国应确保所有酷刑和虐待受害者获得赔偿,包括获得公平和充分赔偿的可行驶的权利以及尽可能全面康复的手段。委员会提请缔约国注意其关于第14 条执行情况的第 3(2012)号一般性意见,其中详细阐述了各缔约国根据《公约》第 14 条为酷刑的受害者提供充分赔偿而承担的义务的性质和范围。缔约国还应向委员会提供有关赔偿和补偿措施的资料,包括法院或其他国家机构下令并实际向酷刑或虐待受害者提供的康复手段。 | 36. The State party should ensure that all victims of torture and ill-treatment obtain redress, including an enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation and the means for as full a rehabilitation as possible. The Committee draws the State party’s attention to its general comment No. 3 (2012) on the implementation of article 14, in which it elaborates on the nature and scope of the obligations of States parties under article 14 of the Convention to provide full redress to victims of torture. The State party should also provide the Committee with information on redress and on compensation measures, including the means of rehabilitation, ordered by the courts or other State bodies and actually provided to victims of torture or ill-treatment. |
庇护和不驱回 | Asylum and non-refoulement |
37. 尽管委员会注意到代表团提供的信息,但仍然感到关切的是,有报告称缔约国在本报告所述期间可能违反了不驱回原则。特别令人关切的是 2017 年 5 月25 日沙特阿拉伯人权活动家 Mohammad al-Otaibi 被强行遣返回沙特阿拉伯,他获得了挪威的政治庇护,却在前往的途中被拘留在多哈机场。委员会还关切的是,根据《行政争议解决法》(经修正的 2007 年第 7 号法律),根据外国人居住和驱逐法律做出的决定被排除在法院的权限之外。最后,委员会感到遗憾的是,关于在本报告所述期间驱回、引渡或驱逐的案件数量,以及缔约国没有驱逐有在遣返国遭受酷刑危险的人的案件数量,缔约国提供的资料有限(第 3 条)。 | 37. While noting the information provided by the delegation, the Committee remains concerned at reports that the State party may have acted in breach of the principle of non-refoulement during the period under review. Of particular concern is the forcible return to Saudi Arabia, on 25 May 2017, of Mohammad al-Otaibi, a Saudi Arabian human rights activist, who was detained at Doha airport while travelling to Norway where he had been granted asylum. The Committee is also concerned about the exclusion from the competence of the courts of decisions issued under the laws on residence and deportation of foreigners, in accordance with the Law on the Settlement of Administrative Disputes (Law No. 7 of 2007, as amended). Lastly, the Committee regrets the limited information provided by the State party on the number of cases in which refoulement, extradition or expulsion were carried out during the reporting period and on the number of instances in which it has not expelled persons in danger of being tortured in the country of return (art. 3). |
38. 缔约国应: | 38. The State party should: |
(a) 确保任何人不得被驱逐、遣返或引渡到有充分理由相信他或她会遭受个人和可预见的酷刑危险的另一国; | (a) Ensure that no one may be expelled, returned or extradited to another State in which there are substantial grounds to believe that he or she would run a personal and foreseeable risk of being subjected to torture; |
(b) 保证确定难民地位的程序对缔约国境内或管辖范围内的所有人都有效; | (b) Guarantee that all persons on the territory or under the jurisdiction of the State party have effective access to the procedure for determining refugee status; |
(c) 确保存在反驱逐的程序性保障措施,并且可以就驱逐程序中的驱回索赔提供有效的补救办法,包括由独立的司法机构审查驳回特别是对上诉的驳回; | (c) Ensure that procedural safeguards against refoulement are in place and that effective remedies are available with respect to refoulement claims in removal proceedings, including review by an independent judicial body concerning rejections, in particular on appeal; |
(d) 考虑批准《关于难民地位的公约》、《关于难民地位的议定书》、《关于无国籍人地位的公约》和《减少无国籍状态公约》。 | (d) Consider ratifying the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, the Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. |
虐待移民工人 | Abuse of migrant workers |
39. 委员会遗憾地注意到,尽管缔约国报告中提供的信息表明 kafalah 制度(赞助制度)已被取消,但新的劳动法并没有废除移民工人出境许可证制度,女性家庭佣工仍然需要获得雇主的允许才能离开该国,这经常导致剥削和虐待。此外,雇主实际没收了移民工人的,并且未能续签外国工人的居留证和医疗卡,使他们因在该国非法居住而被捕和被拘留。在这方面,委员会对卡塔尔与国际劳工组织签署的协议表示欢迎,这份协议旨在制定技术合作方案,1 卡塔尔政府在该方案中承诺使其法律和做法符合国际劳工标准(第 16 条)。1 见 国 际 劳 工 组 织 文 件 GB.331/INS/13(rev.)。 可 查 阅www.ilo.org/gb/GBSessions/GB331/ins/WCMS_586479/lang--en/index.htm。 | 39. The Committee notes with regret that, despite the information provided in the State party’s report indicating the removal of the kafalah system (sponsorship), the new labour law does not abolish exit permits for migrant workers, including female domestic workers, who still have to obtain their employers’ permission to leave the country, which frequently leads to exploitation and abuse. Moreover, the de facto confiscation of passports by employers and their failure to renew foreign workers’ residence permits and health cards expose them to arrest and detention for unlawful presence in the country. In this regard, the Committee welcomes the agreement signed between Qatar and the International Labour Organization with a view to establishing a technical cooperation programme,1 within which the Qatari Government has committed to align its laws and practices with international labour standards (art. 16). |
40. 缔约国应: | 40. The State party should: |
(a) 与国际劳工组织合作,采取必要的立法措施,废除侵权的赞助制度; | (a) Adopt the necessary legislative measures to abolish the abusive sponsorship system, in cooperation with the International Labour Organization; |
(b) 采取措施,确保迅速和公正地调查所有对移民工人的剥削和虐待事件。 | (b) Take measures to ensure that all instances of exploitation and abuse of migrant workers are promptly and impartially investigated. |
驱逐前拘留 | Detention pending deportation |
41. 委员会尽管承认缔约国采取措施减少多哈驱逐拘留中心的过度拥挤现象,但仍然对有关拘留条件恶劣的报告表示关切,存在的问题包括卫生条件不足,通风不足以及床上用品和食物短缺。在这方面,委员会尤为关注移民人权问题特别报告员所述的在该拘留设施中关押的妇女的情况(见 A/HRC/26/35/Add.1, 第 55-63 段)(第 11 和 16 条)。 | 41. While acknowledging the measures taken by the State party to reduce overcrowding at the Deportation Detention Centre in Doha, the Committee remains concerned about the reports of poor conditions of detention, including inadequate sanitation, insufficient ventilation and shortage of bedding and food. In that connection, the Committee is particularly concerned by the situation of women held in this detention facility, as described by the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants (see A/HRC/26/35/Add.1, paras. 55–63) (arts. 11 and 16). |
42. 缔约国应: | 42. The State party should: |
(a) 避免长期拘留无证移民,仅将羁留作为最后手段并尽可能缩短时间,以及提倡拘留以外的其他办法; | (a) Refrain from detaining undocumented migrants for prolonged periods, use detention as a measure of last resort only and for as short a period as possible and promote alternatives to detention; |
(b) 确保被拘留的外国人,包括无证移民,有权与各自国家的领事馆联系并有权获得法律援助; | (b) Ensure that detained foreigners, including undocumented migrants, have the right to contact the consular services of their respective country and are entitled to receive legal aid; |
(c) 继续努力改善拘留条件并减轻驱逐拘留设施的过度拥挤,包括采取非拘禁措施。为此,委员会提请缔约国注意《联合国囚犯待遇最低限度标准准规》(《纳尔逊·曼德拉规则》)和《联合国关于女性囚犯待遇和女性罪犯非拘禁措施的规则》(《曼谷规则》)。 | (c) Continue its efforts to improve the conditions of detention and alleviate the overcrowding of deportation detention facilities, including through the application of non-custodial measures. In doing so, the Committee draws the State party’s attention to the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules) and the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules). |
人口贩运 | Human trafficking |
43. 虽然委员会注意到代表团提供的关于缔约国打击贩运人口活动的信息,但遗憾的是,关于报告所述期间贩运案件的投诉、调查、起诉、定罪和判刑的数量的信息很少(第 2、第 12 和第 16 条)。 | 43. While taking note of the information provided by the delegation on the State party’s efforts to combat trafficking in persons, the Committee regrets the scant information available on the number of complaints, investigations, prosecutions, convictions and sentences imposed in trafficking cases during the period under review (arts. 2, 12 and 16). |
44. 注意到缔约国在 2014 年 5 月人权理事会普遍定期审议中作出的自愿承诺(见A/HRC/27/15, 第 122.47-122.54 段),缔约国应: | 44. Noting the voluntary commitments made by the State party in the context of the universal periodic review of the Human Rights Council in May 2014 (see A/HRC/27/15, paras. 122.47–122.54), the State party should: |
(a) 加大努力预防和打击人口贩运,包括有效地执行《打击贩运人口法》(2011 年第 15 号法)和为受害者提供庇护所和社会心理援助等保护; | (a) Intensify its efforts to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings, including by implementing effectively the Law on Combating Trafficking in Persons (Law No. 15 of 2011), and by providing protection for victims, including shelters and psychosocial assistance; |
(b) 保证对贩运人口案件进行彻底调查并起诉犯罪者,如果罪名成立,使其收到适当制裁的惩罚,并对受害者给予适当赔偿。缔约国还应确保受害者获得 | (b) Ensure that cases of human trafficking are thoroughly investigated, perpetrators are prosecuted and, if convicted, punished with the appropriate sanctions, and the victims are adequately compensated. It should also ensure that victims have access to effective protection; |
(c) 确保系统地收集关于贩运人口流入和过境的数据。 | (c) Ensure the systematic collection of data on trafficking flows to and in transit through the country. |
基于性别的暴力 | Gender-based violence |
45. 虽然委员会注意到缔约国在提高对针对妇女的性别暴力的认识和解决针对妇女的性别暴力方面取得了某些进展,但感到遗憾的是,缔约国不愿将包括婚内强奸在内的家庭暴力定为刑事犯罪。委员会还感到遗憾的是,缔约国报告中没有提供信息,说明在本报告所述期间针对妇女的性别暴力案件中的申诉、调查、起诉、定罪和判刑的数量(第 2 和第 16 条)。 | 45. While noting certain advances by the State party in raising awareness of and addressing gender-based violence against women, the Committee regrets the reluctance of the State party to criminalize domestic violence, including marital rape. The Committee also regrets the lack of information in the State party’s report on the number of complaints, investigations, prosecutions, convictions and sentences imposed in cases of gender-based violence against women during the period under review (arts. 2 and 16). |
46. 缔约国应: | 46. The State party should: |
(a) 将家庭暴力和婚内强奸定为《刑法典》中的具体罪行,并予以适当制裁; | (a) Define and introduce domestic violence and marital rape as specific offences in its Criminal Code, with appropriate sanctions; |
(b) 保证彻底调查所有针对妇女的性别暴力案件,对犯罪者进行起诉和适当制裁,以及向受害者提供公平和充分的赔偿等补救措施; | (b) Ensure that all cases of gender-based violence against women are thoroughly investigated, perpetrators are prosecuted and appropriately sanctioned and victims obtain redress, including fair and adequate compensation; |
(c) 向所有执法和司法官员提供关于基于性别的暴力的起诉的强制性培训,并继续开展提高关于针对妇女的一切形式暴力的认识运动; | (c) Provide mandatory training on prosecution for gender-based violence to all enforcement and justice officials and continue awareness-raising campaigns on all forms of violence against women; |
(d) 确保所有基于性别的暴力的受害者能够进入庇护所并获得必要的医疗、心理支持和法律援助。 | (d) Ensure that all victims of gender-based violence are able to access shelters and receive the necessary medical care, psychological support and legal assistance. |
人权维护者和记者 | Human rights defenders and journalists |
47. 委员会再次表示关切的是,其缺少关于防止对人权维护者和记者的骚扰以及起诉和惩罚犯罪者的措施的信息(第 16 条)。 | 47. The Committee expresses once again its concern at the lack of information on measures to prevent harassment of human rights defenders and journalists, and prosecute and punish perpetrators (art. 16). |
48. 回顾其先前的建议(见 CAT/C/QAT/CO/2, 第 17 段),缔约国应采取一切必要措施: | 48. Recalling its previous recommendation (see CAT/C/QAT/CO/2, para. 17), the State party should take all the necessary measures to: |
(a) 确保人权维护者和记者能够在缔约国自由开展工作和活动,而不必担心遭到报复或攻击; | (a) Ensure that human rights defenders and journalists are able to conduct their work and activities freely in the State party, without fear of reprisals or attacks; |
(b) 迅速、彻底和公正地调查所有针对人权维护者和记者的暴力行为,起诉和适当惩罚犯罪者的人并向受害者提供补救。 | (b) Investigate promptly, thoroughly and impartially all violations committed against human rights defenders and journalists, prosecute and punish appropriately those found guilty and provide redress to the victims. |
后续程序 | Follow-up procedure |
49. 委员会请缔约国在 2019 年 5 月 18 日之前提供信息,说明根据委员会就基本法律保障;迅速、彻底和公正的调查;以及庇护和不驱回的建议(见上文第 14,24 和 38 段)所采取的后续行动。在这方面,请缔约国向委员会通报其在下一个报告期内执行结论性意见中部分或全部其余建议的计划。 | 49. The Committee requests the State party to provide, by 18 May 2019, information on follow-up to the Committee’s recommendations on fundamental legal safeguards; prompt, thorough and impartial investigations; and asylum and non-refoulement (see paras. 14, 24 and 38 above). In that context, the State party is invited to inform the Committee about its plans for implementing, within the coming reporting period, some or all of the remaining recommendations in the concluding observations. |
其他问题 | Other issues |
50. 委员会鼓励缔约国考虑发布根据《公约》第 21 条和第 22 条预想的声明,承认委员会有权接受和审议受其管辖的个人的来文。 | 50. The Committee encourages the State party to consider making the declarations envisaged under articles 21 and 22 of the Convention recognizing the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from individuals subject to its jurisdiction. |
51. 请缔约国按照国际人权条约报告协调准则(HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6)的要求提交其共同核心文件。 | 51. The State party is invited to submit its common core document, in accordance with requirements contained in the harmonized guidelines on reporting under the international human rights treaties (HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6). |
52. 请缔约国通过官方网站、媒体和非政府组织以适当的语言广泛传播提交委员会的报告和本结论性意见。 | 52. The State party is requested to disseminate widely the report submitted to the Committee and the present concluding observations, in appropriate languages, through official websites, the media and non-governmental organizations. |
大 会 Distr.: General | General Assembly Distr.: General |
9 August 2021 | 9 August 2021 |
Original: English(C) 300821 030921 | 21-10815 (E) 180821 |
(C) 300821 030921*2110815* | *2110815* |
第七十六届会议 | Seventy-sixth session |
临时议程* 项目 15联合国经济、社会及有关领域主要大型会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行动第三个非洲工业发展十年(2016-2025 年) | Item 15 of the provisional agenda* |
秘书长的说明按照大会第 70/293 号决议,秘书长特此转递联合国工业发展组织总干事的报告。* A/76/150。摘要本报告系根据大会第 70/293 号决议提交,在该决议中,大会请联合国工业发展组织总干事提交关于落实“第三个非洲工业发展十年(2016-2025 年)”的进展报告。一. 导言1. 本报告介绍了 2020 年 7 月至 2021 年 6 月期间在落实第三个非洲工业发展十年(2016-2025 年)方面取得的最新进展。报告突出介绍了正在开展、业已完成和新开展的活动和干预措施,以及到目前为止已经达到的里程碑和取得的成果。报告证明,为成功落实“第三个十年”,国际社会齐心合力,在区域、多边和双边各级调动财政和非财政资源。A. 非洲工业发展现状2. 在本报告所述期间,2019 冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行造成的全球卫生和经济危机以及随之而来的对经济活动特别是对全球供应链的破坏,削弱了制造业增加值,抑制了工业生产增长,加剧了非洲必须在中长期应对的结构性风险。尽管非洲是世界上人口第二多的大陆(12 亿人口),但在 2020 年第四季度,非洲仅占世界制造业增加值的 1.7%。在此期间,由于整个非洲大陆都实施了严格的疫情限制措施,非洲制造业产出下降了 15.7%。 | Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (2016–2025) Note by the Secretary-General The Secretary-General hereby transmits the report of the Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in accordance with General Assembly resolution 70/293. * A/76/150. Summary The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 70/293, in which the Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization was requested to submit a report on progress made in the implementation of the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (2016–2025). I. Introduction 1. The present report provides an update on progress madein the implementation of the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (2016–2025) for the period from July 2020 to June 2021. It highlights ongoing, completed and new activities and interventions, as well as the milestones reached and the results achieved so far. The report attests to the collaborative efforts made by the international community to mobilize financial and non-financial resources at the regional, multilateral and bilateral levels for the successful implementation of the Third Decade. A. Status of industrial development in Africa 2. During the reporting period, the global health and economic crisis resulting from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and the associated disruptions to economic activities, in particular global supply chains, weakened manufacturing value added and restrained industrial production growth, compounding the structural risks that Africa has to grapple with in the medium to long term. Despite being the second most populated continent in the world (1.2 billion people), Africa represented only 1.7 per cent of the world’s manufacturing value added in the fourth quarter of 2020. Manufacturing output in Africa declined by 15.7 per cent during that period, as strict COVID-19 containment measures were imposed across the continent. 3. Despite the economic consequences of the pandemic, manufacturing output recovered marginally, by 0.8 per cent, during the first quarter of 2021, in comparison with the same period in 2020. Real gross domestic product (GDP) in Africa is |
3. 尽管这场疫情对经济造成了负面影响,但与 2020 年同期相比,2021 年第一季度制造业产出略有回升,增幅为 0.8%。非洲的实际国内生产总值继 2020 年收缩 2.1%后,预计 2021 年将增长 3.4%。然而,预计的复苏除其他外将取决于以下 | projected to grow by 3.4 per cent in 2021, after contracting by 2.1 per cent in 2020. |
缩 2.1%后,预计 2021 年将增长 3.4%。然而,预计的复苏除其他外将取决于以下因素:(a) 增加接种疫苗的机会,让各国能够取消抑制经济活动的疫情限制措施;(b) 商品价格持续回升;(c) 资本流入增加;(d) 执行促进包容及可持续增长的政策;(e) 国际社会团结合作。 | The projected recovery will, however, be dependent, inter alia, on: (a) increased access to vaccination to enable countries to roll back restrictions that have inhibited economic activity; (b) a sustained rebound in commodity prices; (c) increased capital inflows; (d) the implementation of policies facilitating inclusive and sustainable growth; and (e) solidarity and cooperation at the international level. |
B. 非洲工业新动向和全球经济 | B. New developments in industry in Africa and the global economy |
1. COVID-19 大流行 | 1. COVID-19 pandemic |
4. 尽管第一波疫情在非洲的蔓延速度比世界其他地区慢,但到了 2020 年 12 月,第二波疫情似乎更加来势汹汹。在非洲第一波疫情高峰期,也就是 2020 年 7 月,日均新增病例为 18 273 例。第三波疫情始于 2021 年 5 月,截至 6 月,非洲已录得约474 000 例新增病例。截至 2021 年 6 月,非洲国家共报告 5 442 372 例 COVID-19病例,死亡 141 698 例,占全球报告病例总数的 3%。根据非洲开发银行(非行)预计,2021 年可能有大约 3 900 万非洲人陷入极端贫困。 | 4. Although the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic progressed more slowly in Africa than in the rest of the world, by December 2020, the second wave appeared to be more aggressive. At the peak of the first wave in Africa, in July 2020, the mean daily number of new cases was 18, 273. The third wave started in May 2021, and by June, about 474,000 new cases had been recorded in Africa. As of June 2021, African countries had reported 5,442,372 COVID-19 cases and 141,698 deaths, accounting for 3 per cent of all cases reported globally. According to the African Development Bank (AfDB), about 39 million Africans could fall into extreme poverty in 2021. |
5. 非洲应对 COVID-19 大流行的工作在国家、区域和非洲大陆各级继续加强。2021 年 4 月,非洲联盟及下设的非洲疾病预防控制中心启动了非洲疫苗制造伙伴关系。这些伙伴关系旨在利用泛非和全球伙伴关系扩大非洲的疫苗生产规模,以便更有效地应对当前和未来的大流行病。2021 年 6 月,世界卫生组织(世卫组织)及其 COVID-19 疫苗全球获取(COVAX)机制合作伙伴与南非一个联合会(由Biovac 公司、Afrigen 生物制品与疫苗公司、一个大学网络以及非洲疾病预防控制中心组成)一道合作,建立了世卫组织首个 COVID-19 信使核糖核酸疫苗技术转让中心。2020 年 10 月,非洲疾病预防控制中心在整个非洲大陆推出了另外 6项疫情应对举措,主要针对监测和检测、医疗用品供应、公共卫生和社会措施、安全旅行、生计和经济、病原体基因组学以及疫苗开发与供应。 | 5. The response of Africa to the COVID-19 pandemic continued to intensify at the national, regional and continental levels. In April 2021, the African Union and its Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention launched the Partnerships for African Vaccine Manufacturing. The Partnerships aim to leverage pan-African and global partnerships to scale up vaccine manufacturing in Africa in order to respond more effectively to current and future pandemics. In June 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) and its COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access (COVAX) partners joined forces with a South African consortium comprising Biovac, Afrigen Biologics and Vaccines, a network of universities and the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention to establish its first COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccine technology transfer hub. In October 2020, the Africa Centres rolled out six additional pandemic response initiatives across the continent, targeting surveillance and testing, medical supply availability, public health and social measures, safe travel, livelihoods and economies, pathogen genomics and the development and supply of vaccines. |
6. 在全球层面,大流行疫情继续扰乱社会经济活动。根据世界银行集团的预测,尽管预计 2021 年全球增长将加速至 5.6%,但全球国内生产总值水平预计将比疫前的预测低 3.2%,许多新兴市场和发展中经济体的国内生产总值预计将在较长一段时间内保持在疫前峰值以下。国际劳工组织(劳工组织)的数据显示,大流行疫情在全球范围内导致实际流失 2.55 亿个全职工作岗位。非洲联盟在题为“2019冠状病毒病对非洲经济的影响”的研究中估计,由于疫情,非洲大陆约有 2 000万个工作岗位面临风险。预计 2021 年非洲大陆的外国直接投资将增长 5%,既低于全球、也低于发展中国家预期增长率。由于政府支出激增,加上财政收入减少,非洲的债务占国内生产总值的平均比重预计将在中短期内增加 10 至 15 个百分点。 | 6. At the global level, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to disrupt socioeconomic activities. According to the World Bank Group, despite the projected acceleration of global growth to 5.6 per cent in 2021, the level of global GDP is expected to be 3.2 per cent below pre-pandemic projections. Among many emerging markets and developing economies, GDP levels are expected to remain below pre-COVID-19 peaks for an extended period. The International Labour Organization (ILO) figures show that the COVID-19 pandemic triggered an effective loss of 255 million full-time jobs worldwide. In its study entitled Impact of the Coronavirus COVID-19 on the African Economy, the African Union estimated that some 20 million jobs were at risk on the continent as a result of the pandemic. Foreign direct investment to the continent is projected to grow by 5 per cent in 2021, lower than both the global and developing country projected growth rates. The average debt-to-GDP ratio for Africa is expected to increase by 10 to 15 percentage points in the short to medium term, fuelled by a surge in government spending coupled with diminishing fiscal revenues. |
2. 非洲大陆自由贸易区 | 2. African Continental Free Trade Area |
7. 非洲大陆自由贸易区在非洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑会议关于非洲大陆自由贸易区的第十三届特别会议上启动,之后于 2021 年 1 月 1 日正式开始贸易活动。截至 2021 年 7 月 7 日,已有 37 个国家向非洲联盟委员会交存了批准协定,因此有资格根据法律上可执行且已商定的税则和优惠、原产地规则和海关申报规则在该区域内自由贸易。关于原产地规则的谈判尚未结束的货物仍然不属可卖品。 | 7. On 1 January 2021, trading under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) officially commenced, following its launch at the thirteenth Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union on AfCFTA. As at 7 July 2021, 37 countries had deposited their ratification agreements with the African Union Commission and were thus eligible to trade freely within the area, on the basis of legally implementable and agreed tariff schedules and concessions, rules of origin and customs declaration. Goods for which negotiations about the rules of origin are pending conclusion remain outside the list of tradables. |
关于原产地规则以及货物和服务贸易的余下谈判原计划在 2021 年 6 月 30 日之前结束,但主要因疫情缘故而推迟。 | The remaining negotiations on the rules of origin and trade in goods and services were envisaged to be concluded by 30 June 2021 but have been delayed, largely owing to COVID-19. |
8. 第二阶段谈判于 2021 年 7 月开始。谈判涉及知识产权、投资和竞争政策,将与关税减让和原产地规则领域开展的工作相辅相成。预计谈判将从区域和大陆一级现有机制的基础上出发,并应促成制定一项系统而全面的办法,将知识产权问题纳入非洲大陆自由贸易区议程,促进竞争,改善消费者和企业的市场成果,并创建健全的非洲大陆投资管理体制。与第二阶段和第三阶段(电子商务)有关的谈判预计将于 2021 年底结束。总体而言,据估计,到 2035 年,非洲大陆自由贸易区将使非洲内部贸易额增加 81%以上,为非洲制造商和工人创造机遇,并使非洲大陆的收入增加 7%。 | 8. The second phase of the negotiations, which covers intellectual property rights, investment and competition policy, commenced in July 2021 and will complement the efforts undertaken in the areas of tariff concession and rules of origin. Negotiations are expected to build on existing regional- and continental-level mechanisms and should lead to the development of a systematic and comprehensive approach to the incorporation of intellectual property rights issues in the AfCFTA agenda, the promotion of competition, the enhancement of market outcomes for consumers and firms and the creation of a robust continental investment regime. Negotiations pertaining to the second phase and the third phase (e-commerce) are expected to be concluded by the end of 2021. Overall, it is estimated that, by 2035, AfCFTA will increase the volume of intra-African trade by more than 81 per cent, creating opportunities for African manufacturers and workers and raising income on the continent by 7 per cent. |
二. “第三个十年”主要优先事项的落实进展 | II. Progress in the implementation of key priorities of the Third Decade |
9. 在本报告所述期间,“第三个十年”与伙伴机构的协调中心合作实施各个正在开展的项目并取得进展。2020 年 9 月,“第三个十年”联合路线图及其相关监测和评价框架在第三次协调中心讲习班上得到确认,参加讲习班的有来自各个“第三个十年”伙伴机构的 51 名人员。本报告所述期间的主要着眼点是制定和实施联合方案和项目,特别是支持非洲大陆自由贸易区的区域方案以及旨在帮助非洲国家摆脱疫情影响、重建得更好、更环保的方案。 | 9. Over the reporting period, the Third Decade advanced with the implementation of ongoing projects carried out in collaboration with its focal points from partner institutions. In September 2020, the Third Decade joint road map and its associated monitoring and evaluation framework was validated at the third focal points workshop, which was attended by 51 participants from various Third Decade partner institutions. The main focus during the period under review was the development and implementation of joint programmes and projects, in particular regional programmes in support of AfCFTA and those aimed at helping African countries to build back better and greener from the impacts of COVID-19. |
A. 农业企业和农村发展 | A. Agribusiness and rural development |
10. 在本报告所述期间,联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)实施了若干个项目刺激农业企业和农产品加工业。在埃塞俄比亚,有两个咖啡水洗站和一个脱壳站升级使用了生态友好型加工系统。在苏丹启动了一个 220 万美元的项目支持农业价值链发展,在农村地区创造就业机会,并为获得金融服务提供便利。建造了一个冷藏设施,用于储存新鲜的园艺产品。该项目的目标是惠及 3 000 名受益人。 | 10. During the period under review, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) implemented several projects to stimulate agribusiness and the agro-industry. In Ethiopia, two coffee washing stations and a hulling station were upgraded with eco-friendly processing systems. In the Sudan, a $2.2 million project was launched to support agricultural value chain development, create jobs in rural areas and ease access to financial services. A cold storage facility was constructed for storing fresh horticultural products. The project aims to reach 3,000 beneficiaries. |
11. 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)为肯尼亚花生价值链和乌干达百香果价值链的发展提供了支持。在尼日利亚,粮农组织与国际农业发展基金(农发基金)以及世界粮食计划署合作,通过对农业粮食系统政策和投资的影响、政策应对和长期备选方案进行数据分析和循证分析,支持制定有效的气候变化国家对策。粮农组织还与非洲联盟委员会和非洲保护性耕作网络合作,组织了关于实施“非洲可持续农业机械化框架”的网络研讨会。 | 11. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) supported the development of the groundnut value chain in Kenya and the passion fruit value chain in Uganda. In Nigeria, FAO collaborated with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme to support the formulation of effective national responses to climate change with data and evidence - based analyses of the effects, policy responses and long-term options for agrifood system policies and investments. It also organized webinars on the operationalization of the Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa in partnership with the African Union Commission and the African Conservation Tillage Network. |
12. 农发基金与莫桑比克政府和私营部门合作,为木薯和园艺价值链提供支持。该项目于 2021 年 2 月结束,惠及 28 535 个家庭,其中 65%的家庭由妇女主导,19%由年轻人组成。该项目还对 546 名小户农民进行了后期生产、加工和销售方面的培训,帮助引进了 6 个木薯良种。 | 12. IFAD partnered with the Government of Mozambique and the private sector to support the cassava and horticulture value chains. The project, which ended in February 2021, benefited 28,535 households, 65 per cent of which were women-led and 19 per cent comprised young people. The project also trained 546 smallholder farmers on post-production, processing and marketing and helped to introduce six improved varieties of cassava. |
13. 国际贸易中心和工发组织一道协作,制定“棉花路线”方案。该方案旨在提高棉花、纺织品和成衣部门的生产率和竞争力,并促进棉花的本地加工。预计该方案还将在次区域和国际市场打开机会,助力贝宁、布基纳法索、乍得和马里直接和可持续地创造就业机会。 | 13. The International Trade Centre and UNIDO joined efforts on the development of a “cotton route” programme. The programme aims to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the cotton, textile and clothing sector and to promote the local processing of cotton. It is also expected to open up opportunities in both subregional and international markets, with a positive impact on direct and sustainable jobs creation in Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali. |
14. 非洲联盟发展署发起了一项灌溉和农产品加工业综合举措,在 2020 至 2030年期间,在 16 个非洲联盟成员国为多达 500 万公顷的可耕地提供灌溉。这项举措将促进农业和粮食体系价值链上的公私伙伴关系。已提供技术支持,为区域和跨国价值链上针对具体国家的农产品加工业和灌溉方案确定优先事项。 | 14. The African Union Development Agency launched an integrated irrigation and agro-industry initiative to bring up to 5 million hectares of arable land under irrigation in 16 African Union member States over the period from 2020 to 2030. The initiative will foster public-private partnerships along the agriculture and food systems value chain. Technical support was provided to identify priorities for country-specific agro-industry and irrigation programmes along regional and transnational value chains. |
15. 国际原子能机构(原子能机构)继续开展能力建设活动,提高一些非洲国家小规模灌溉系统的水和氮效率。在中非共和国,来自三个地点的 300 多名农民从培训和实地考察中受益。在尼日利亚,滴灌技术促使作物产量增加了 60%,为难民提供了食物和收入来源。在塞拉利昂,原子能机构加强了实验室监测牲畜疾病的能力。 | 15. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) continued to implement capacity-building activities aimed at improving water and nitrogen efficiency in small-scale irrigation systems in selected African countries. In the Central African Republic, more than 300 farmers from three localities benefited from training and field visits. In Nigeria, drip irrigation technology contributed to an increase of 60 per cent in crop yields, providing food and a source of income for refugees. In Sierra Leone, IAEA enhanced laboratory capacities for monitoring livestock diseases. |
B. 贸易能力建设 | B. Trade capacity-building |
16. 非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)与非洲联盟委员会、联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)、国际贸易中心、工发组织、区域经济共同体和其他伙伴一道合作,继续支持非洲各国和各区域制订战略,落实非洲大陆自由贸易区。包括 21 个最不发达国家在内的 41 个国家和 4 个区域经济共同体正处于这些战略的不同筹备阶段,这些战略确定了各国感兴趣的领域和相关干预措施,以确保各国和区域充分参与自由贸易区协定并从中受益。 | 16. The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in collaboration with the African Union Commission, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Trade Centre, UNIDO, regional economic communities and other partners, continued to support African countries and regions in developing strategies for the implementation of AfCFTA. Forty-one countries, including 21 least developed countries, and four regional economic communities are at various stages of preparation for those strategies, which identify areas of national interest and relevant interventions to ensure that countries and regions fully participate in, and benefit from, the agreement. |
17. 工发组织继续执行一系列支持贸易能力建设的项目。在苏丹,工发组织与粮农组织合作实施了一个项目,通过改善对卫生与植物卫生措施的遵守情况、加强检测服务、升级实验室能力,增加芝麻价值链的出口收入。在本报告所述期间,该项目帮助建立了 6 所农民田间学校,共举办了 27 期培训班。工发组织还实施了一项 800 万欧元的方案,重点是通过在喀麦隆、埃塞俄比亚、加纳、肯尼亚、塞内加尔和赞比亚加强投资促进机构的机构能力建设,从而推动投资。 | 17. UNIDO continued to implement a range of projects in support of trade capacity-building. In the Sudan, UNIDO collaborated with FAO to implement a project to increase export revenues in the sesame seeds value chain by improving compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary measures, strengthening testing services and upgrading laboratory capabilities. Over the reporting period, the project helped to establish six farmer field schools and conducted a total of 27 training se ssions. UNIDO also implemented an €8 million programme focused on investment promotion through institutional capacity-building of investment promotion agencies in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal and Zambia. |
18. 贸发会议完成了对安哥拉、科特迪瓦和塞舌尔的三项投资政策审评,以鼓励官方发展援助和投资。在科摩罗、马达加斯加、毛里求斯、塞舌尔和津巴布韦,贸发会议提供了技术支持,为根据《欧洲联盟-东部和南部非洲经济伙伴关系协定》推进在贸易、可持续发展和原产地规则领域的谈判做准备。贸发会议建成了一个新的在线平台,使受益国能够报告投资政策审评所提建议的执行情况。 | 18. UNCTAD completed three investment policy reviews for Angola, Côte d’Ivoire and Seychelles to encourage official development assistance and investment. In the Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles and Zimbabwe, UNCTAD provided technical support in preparation for deepening negotiations in the areas of trade, sustainable development and rules of origin under the European Union–Eastern and Southern Africa Economic Partnership Agreement. A new online platform enables beneficiary countries to report on the status of implementation of recomme ndations emanating from investment policy reviews. |
19. 联合国环境规划署(环境署)和劳工组织继续在非洲农业和贸易投资基金下开展合作。非洲农业和贸易投资基金是一项公私伙伴关系,致力于通过向中小企业、大型农业企业和涉农金融机构提供耐心资本和技术援助,从而促进粮食和农业部门发展。贝宁、肯尼亚、尼日利亚、塞内加尔、坦桑尼亚联合共和国和赞比亚的两家金融机构和三家农业加工和贸易企业获得了融资。 | 19. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and ILO continued to collaborate under the Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund, a public -private partnership dedicated to promoting the food and agricultural sector by providing patient capital and technical assistance, targeting small and medium-sized enterprises, large-scale agribusinesses and financial institutions involved in agriculture. Two financial institutions and three agro-processing and trading companies received financing in Benin, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia. |
20. 农发基金在卢旺达资助了一个项目,旨在让农民从出口驱动的价值链中获得更高回报。到目前为止,该项目已惠及 142 296 人,其中 38%是女性,并让 25 个合作社获得核证。其他活动包括在现有咖啡水洗站开展能力建设,并在咖啡扩大种植区建立新的水洗站,从而将全水洗咖啡出口份额提高到 64%。 | 20. IFAD financed a project in Rwanda designed to increase returns for farmers from export-driven value chains. The project has so far benefited 142,296 individuals, 38 per cent of whom are women, and enabled the certification of 25 cooperatives. Other activities include capacity-building at existing coffee washing stations and the establishment of new stations in the coffee expansion areas, resulting in an increase in the share of exported fully washed coffee to 64 per cent. |
21. 粮农组织在南苏丹启动了一个由非行资助、数额为 1 500 万美元的项目,涉及农产品市场、增值和贸易发展。20 个商业聚合中心连同向 100 个商业生产者协会提供改良种子的 10 个种子企业集团将充当一站式服务点,农民可在此获得信息并对接市场。该项目将有助于提高近 20 000 个务农家庭的生产力和收入,这些家庭的成员大多数是需要重新融入经济的前境内流离失所者。 | 21. FAO initiated a $15 million project funded by AfDB in South Sudan on agricultural markets, value addition and trade development. Twenty aggregation business centres, complemented by 10 seed enterprise groups providing improved seeds to 100 business producer associations, will serve as one-stop shops where farmers can access information and be linked to markets. The project will help to increase the productivity and income of almost 20,000 farming families, most of which are former internally displaced persons in need of economic reintegration. |
22. 由非行资助的非洲大陆自由贸易区机构性支持项目为若干个国家提供了支持。埃塞俄比亚海关委员会的 50 名官员接受了关于海关现代化以及一站式边境检查站的方法与技术的培训。非行还为马拉维税务局的 50 名官员开展了类似培训,内容涉及关税、原产地和估值、高级海关与货物税等。 | 22. Under the AfDB-funded AfCFTA Institutional Support Project, support was provided to several countries. Fifty officials from the Ethiopian Customs Commission were trained on customs modernization and the methodologies and techniques of one - stop border posts. The bank similarly trained 50 officers from the Malawi Revenue Authority on tariff, origin and valuation, advanced customs and excise. |
23. 国际贸易中心与非洲联盟委员会以及欧洲联盟合作,于 2020 年 12 月发布了非洲贸易观察站看板的测试版。该观察站是非洲大陆自由贸易区的五种业务工具之一,为支持非洲大陆贸易一体化的企业、商业支持组织和政策制定者提供自由贸易情报。在制定战略支持国家一级落实非洲大陆自由贸易区的过程中,国际贸易中心还与非洲经委会协作,确定需要推动的国内价值链。 | 23. The International Trade Centre, in collaboration with the African Union Commission and the European Union, released the beta version of the African Trade Observatory dashboard in December 2020. The Observatory is one of the five operational instruments of AfCFTA and provides free trade intelligence to businesses, business support organizations and policymakers supporting continental trade integration. The International Trade Centre also collaborated with ECA in the identification of national value chains to be promoted as part of the formulation of strategies supporting the implementation of AfCFTA at the country level. |
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