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The Ohio State Senate is the upper house of the Ohio General Assembly. There are 33 State Senators. The state legislature meets in the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, Ohio. The President of the Senate presides over the body when in session. He is currently Matt Huffman. The Senate is currently controlled by the Republican Party.
Senators serve four year terms. The terms of the Senators are staggered so that about half the membership is elected every two years. The Senators representing the even-numbered districts are elected in years evenly divisible by four. The Senators from the odd-numbered districts are elected in even-numbered years not divisible by four. Senators are limited to two terms.
Each Senator represents approximately 330,000 Ohioans. Each Senate District covers three Ohio House districts.
134th General Assembly (2021-2022)
Other Officers
Clerk: According to the Rules of the Senate, the Clerk is elected by the members of the Senate and is tasked with maintaining records of all Senate bills and resolutions. The Clerk is also responsible for handling all documents received from other government departments.
Members of the 133rd Senate |
Facebook is about to get annoying: autoplaying videos rolling out now
17th Dec 2013 | 13:03
"Improved ad quality"
Facebook has confirmed that it is testing video ads that start playing automatically as they infiltrate your news feed.
The new ads are hitting both the web and mobile news feeds - Facebook says the videos will be "downloadd in advance when the device was connected to Wi-Fi" so it shouldn't eat into your data plan (but will eat into your device's memory instead).
Autoplaying videos are already shown in the iOS Facebook app but they'll now proliferate to other platforms too.
The good news is that the ads will be muted when they start playing unless you specifically click on them or opt to view them in full screen.
Only a small group of Facebookers will see the trailers to begin with, and if they watch through to the end of the video they'll be shown a carousel of two more videos they might want to watch.
This development comes after a year of rumours and recent reports that the video ads had been delayed until 2014. No such luck. |
Nekhbet was a goddess in Egyptian mythology, who was depicted as a vulture. She was the protector of a city but grew into the protector of upper Egypt, protector of child birth and the protector of the pharaohs.
Egyptian gods and goddesses |
Zzz mail...a virtual reality
Researchers from the University of Toledo have reported the first ever case of someone using the Internet while asleep.india Updated: Dec 16, 2008 17:06 IST
Researchers from the University of Toledo have reported the first ever case of someone using the Internet while asleep.
A 44-year-old woman sent emails to people asking them over for drinks and caviar while asleep, reports the Telegraph. It was only when a would-be guest phoned the next day to accept, that she found out what she had done.
The woman had gone to bed at around 10 pm, but got up two hours later and walked to the next room. She then switched on the computer, connected to the Internet, and logged on by typing her username and password to her email account. She then composed and sent three emails. Each was in a random mix of upper and lower cases, not well formatted and written in strange language. <b1>
The researchers have described the new variation of sleepwalking as “zzz-mailing”. “We believe writing an email after turning the computer on, connecting to the Internet and remembering the password displayed by our patient is novel,” the study stated.
“To our knowledge this type of complex behaviour requiring coordinated movements has not been reported before in sleepwalking,” it said.
“She was shocked when she saw these emails, as she did not recall writing them. She did not have any history of night terrors or sleepwalking as a child,” the study added.
The researchers said that unlike simple sleepwalking, the activities their patient was involved in requires complex behaviour and coordinated movements including typing, composing and writing the messages.
She was also able to remember her password and turn the computer on and connect to the Internet, although she has no memory of the event.
The researchers believe that the woman’s sleep walking may have been triggered by prescription medication, although the causes of the phenomenon are not fully understood.
The new case has been published in the latest edition of medical journal Sleep Medicine. |
Niederviehbach is a municipality in the district of Dingolfing-Landau in Bavaria in Germany. It is on the Isar River. |
Also known as Boston’s last tenement:
42 Lomasney Way is a tenement brownstone located in Boston’s West End. Built in the 1870s, the building has been called The Last Tenement, as it is the only building that was not demolished during the West End’s redevelopment phase or subsequent construction periods.
Following the redevelopment of the West End, the building was occupied for some time by an associate of the Angiulo Brothers, which was a leading gang in the North End until the Winter Hill Gang decided to run rackets in the area.[3][5][6] Since then, the building has been purchased and redeveloped by a private owner.[3] The City of Boston estimates the property’s value at roughly $700,000 as of 2015.[7] The building has been compared to the 2009 film Up due to similarities between the house in the film and the building.[6] |
Richard Norman Hastings (born February 7, 1941) is an American Republican politician. He was the U.S. representative for from 1995 until his retirement in 2015.
In February 2014, Hastings announced that he would not run for re-election in 2014. |
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In Greek mythology, Talos was a giant bronze man. He guarded the island of Crete by throwing stones at the ships of unwanted visitors. He was given life by the Greek god Hephaestus. He was given to either Minos or Europa as a gift.
Greek legendary creatures
People in Greek mythology
Monsters |
LA2060 flight schedule & details
LAN Airlines domestic flight LA2060 serves route Cusco to Lima. The flight departs two times per week (Friday, and Saturday).2060: Cusco - Lima
Operational |
James "Jimmy" Cotton (July 1, 1935 - March 16, 2017), was an American blues harmonica player, singer, and songwriter. He was an orphan.
Cotton first became interested in playing music when he heard Sonny Boy Williamson on the radio. He left his home to find Sonny Boy Williamson, and when he found him (in West Helena, Arkansas), Williamson took him in and raised him. Blues singer Bobby Bland was his half-brother.
First band
Cotton first began playing the blues harp in Williamson's band, called Howlin Wolf's. After one gig, Sonny Boy quit the band to live with his wife in Milwaukee. He left the band in Cotton's hands. Cotton said, "He just gave it to me. But I couldn't hold it together 'cause I was too young and crazy in those days an' everybody in the band was grown men, so much older than me."
Later career
Cotton started working with the Muddy Waters Band in 1955. He performed songs like "I Got My Mojo Working" and "She's Nineteen Years Old". After leaving Muddy's band in 1966, Cotton toured with Janis Joplin. Alone, Cotton wrote classic songs like "Cotton Crop Blues", "Rocket 88" and "Hold Me In Your Arms". He formed the James Cotton Blues Band in 1967. They performed all of Cotton's classics and more.
Cotton died at a medical center in Austin, Texas from pneumonia on March 16, 2017 at the age of 81.
Cotton played harmonica on Muddy Water's Grammy Award winning 1977 album Hard Again. James Cotton's band would also get nominated for two Grammy Awards. The first one was for his 1984 release, Live From Chicago: Mr. Superharp Himself!. His second for Take Me Back.
Cotton played with the following people:
Big Mama Thornton
Janis Joplin
Sonny Boy Williamson
Howlin' Wolf
Muddy Waters
Led Zeppelin
Freddie King
Steve Miller
B.B. King
The Grateful Dead
Willie "Big Eyes" Smith
Johnny Winter
Jimmie Vaughan
Todd Rundgren
Chicago/The Blues/Today! vol. 2
Take Me Back
3 Harp Boogie
Live from Chicago Mr. Superharp Himself High Compression 100% Cotton
Live & On the Move
Cut You Loose!
Mighty Long Time
Fire Down Under the Hill
Baby, Don't You Tear My Cloths
Deep in the Blues
Living the Blues
''35th Anniversary Jam |
China Buying Oil Leases Off American Shore?
That’s the word from Mark Tapscott at the Washington Examiner:
Gas prices here in the U.S. are creeping back up towards the $3-per-gallon mark even as news breaks today that China’s state-owned energy firm just closed a deal to buy interests in four development leases on the American Outer Continental Shelf (OTS) in the Gulf of Mexico.
The deal, which requires approval of the U.S. government, is between Norway’s Statoil and China National Off-Shore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). This is the same CNOOC that would have bought Unocal four years ago for $18.5 billion but for pressure from Congress, according to The New York Times, quoting an energy industry trade publication.
Because it must be approved by the U.S. government, the Statoil/CNOOC deal puts President Obama and Ken Salazar, his Secretary of the Department of the Interior, which controls OTS leasing, in a difficult position.
Really? Why does it put the government in a “difficult position”? Oh, you mean the apparent willingness to sell these leases to foreign entities vs. opening them up to domestic American exploration?
The deal also focuses renewed attention on Salazar’s slow-walking of a new plan for approving energy exploration and development in the OTS, which includes approximately 1.7 billion acres, and, according to Interior, holds up to 86 billion barrels of recoverable oil and more than 400 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
The administration is moving much too slowly to open more of the OTS to development for domestic U.S. uses, according to Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute …
But it apparently isn’t moving too slowly to open up the OTS to foreign competitors.
In the meantime:
If the administration approves the deal, it will be more vulnerable to charges that the White House is being careless with U.S. national security issues in the energy sector, and that it is putting the interests of a foreign power before those of U.S. energy consumers.
If Obama and Salazar reject the deal, it will likely complicate relations with China, the emerging Asian superpower that defense experts predict will be able at will to challenge U.S. legitimate national security interests around the globe in the near future.
Oil isn’t going away anytime soon and its use is critical during any transition to alternate energy sources (which, for the most part are vaporware). Additionally, the charge that the Obama administration is playing fast and loose with US national security will resonate if the public becomes aware that domestic producers have been barred from OTC production but foreign producers are given access.
So the dilemma facing the administration is one of its own ideological making. Its “slow walking” of the plan for domestic producers to explore the OTC is a decision it made to thwart the desires of a majority of the nation to secure those assets for the US’s use. And now it’s going to hand them over to China?
That will not play well in at all in middle America.
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Threlkeld is a village and civil parish in Eden, Cumbria, England. In 2001 there were 454 people living in Threlkeld. It has a church called St Mary's Church. |
Distributed for Reaktion Books
Following the hedgehog as it spreads through Europe and Asia to the foot of Africa, Hugh Warwick describes its evolution, behavior, habitat, and diet, as well as its current endangered status. He also looks at the animal’s appeal, accessibility, and status as a pet in many countries, considering its appearance in advertising, films, children’s books, and games. Casting new light on the ancestors of Sonic and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, Hedgehog is a fascinating look at these prickly, admirable animals.
1. What is a Hedgehog?
2. Hedgehog Names and Folklore
3. Historical Hedgehogs
4. Literary Hedgehogs
5. Philosophical Hedgehogs
6. Artistic Hedgehogs
7. Commercial Hedgehogs
8. Domesticated Hedgehogs
9. Helping Hedgehogs
Select Bibliography
Associations and Websites
Photo Acknowledgements
Biological Sciences: Natural History
You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores. Outside the USA, see our international sales information. |
Ann Wedgeworth (January 21, 1934 - November 16, 2017) was an American actress. She was best known for her roles as Lana Shields on Three's Company and Merleen Elridge on Evening Shade.
On Three's Company, Wedgeworth's character pursued the younger Jack Tripper. Wedgeworth was written out of Three's Company due to producers thinking that was too much for the show. However, Wedgeworth said that she asked to be released from her contract when she noticed her role became smaller.
Wedgeworth died on November 16, 2017, aged 83. |
DraftKings and FanDuel near to get to an Agreement on Merger
Boston-based on-line daily dream football service provider DraftKings are reportedly close achieving an agreement with New York competing, FanDuel. Earlier this October, the governances of the two competing firms winner casino promo code started discussing the possibility of blending so that you can build a straight-out market-leading business. DraftKings gone as far as publishing an announcement on 1 claiming that ‘a potential combination could be fascinating to take into account. november’
Dan Primack, A fortune that is former finance, reported last night that FanDuel and DraftKings came in an agreement to combine their unique organizations mentioning supply close to the two organisations. According to Primack, the management of FanDuel and DraftKings will release a conventional statement of their arrangement inside a few days.
During the words from the finance that is former, DraftKings’ Chief Executive Jason Robins will lead the matched enterprise while Nigel Eccles, founder of FanDuel, will invade the positioning of Board Chairman.
The opponents has apparently agreed on a 50/50 cooperation, with winner com casino every of this enterprises’ core investors receiving three panel chairs around the enterprise that is new. No equity that is new are within the matched team following the merger happens.
Primack additionally announced DraftKings and FanDuel’s price will likely be purely assessed by regulators and went on to state the companies have chosen to take proper care of all of the specifics on possible ‘integration problems like marketing.’
In accordance with previous research, the possible merger will produce a new round winner casino promo code 2016 of financing, yet Primack contends this may not be the truth based on their root. In Sep 2016, DraftKings raised an enormous round that is new of and compiled $153 million from its investors, including Steve circumstances’s movement gains while the Kraft people. At the time, Primack commented the newest rounded of resource triggered DraftKing’s valuation to drop less than the almost $2 billion benefits the firm boasted after increasing final summer’s game.
The 2 agencies have now been engaged in a strong competitors for the past few years. This is scarcely the first-time their own Chief Executives talk about crazy winner casino the idea of signing up for power. Reports on the m&a turned into more regular at the conclusion of October, 2016 when the competing companies succeeded in deciding a deceptive-advertising suit from New York attorneys General, Eric Schneiderman. The court bought the two enterprises to cover a matched good of $12 million and informed them they’d have to tackle ‘sweeping reforms’ within their advertising businesses.
FanDuel and DraftKings’ merger was however becoming affirmed because the governances of the enterprises never have circulated a official statement about closing the offer. Whenever addressed, DraftKings’ spokeswoman declined to remark.
PokerStars to Leave Australian Market if New Guidelines Passes winner casino no deposit bonus code
PokerStars, one of several trusted poker that is web-based in the arena, may stop to provide its solutions from the Australian marketplace if the nation’s newer anti-gambling guidelines comes into impact. Amaya, the mother or father organization on the PokerStars brand, verified Australian internet poker players can be obstructed by using the solutions so long as the suggested amendments with the gambling on line law pass.
As yet, Australian Continent was actually considered a ‘gray markets’ for internet casino workers as gambling on line had been neither expressly legal nor illegal. But winner casino no deposit bonus codes, this can no longer be the full case when the country’s newer guidelines is adopted.
The newest modification to the involved gaming operate of 2011 ended up being launched within the Australian parliament week that is last. The modification’s ratification would lead to a eventually winner casino crackdown on unlicensed gambling providers, PokerStars included.
Australian authorities commented about them and affirmed the united states’s government systems on getting rigorous measures avoiding unlicensed overseas gaming providers from offer their products to Australian professionals. According to the officials, this is just what the amendment aims at.
It appears PokerStars try inclined towards leaving the Australian market and its 24-million society when the brand-new rules was passed. The share of the country’s marketplace towards Amaya’s earnings amount to 2.5%. Daniel Sebag, Chief Financial Officer winner casino mobile of Amaya, mentioned in the problems during an income call.
Sebag mentioned PokerStars is currently offering the products it makes in Australia but Amaya are evaluating the applicability of this recommended amendment to player-versus-player games of expertise. Sebag verified the organization is likely to prevent poker players from the secure Down Under if the brand-new legislation pass.
PokerStars has made the first measures towards exiting the Australian markets. The australian Poker winner mobile casino Championship which is held annually at the Crown Casino in Melbourne in August, the online poker operator ended its sponsorship of Aussie Millions.
If PokerStars proceeds to operate unlicensed in Australian Continent after the legislation that is new through, the casino poker company issues separating along with its permits various other jurisdictions like nj. Amaya has already spent hundreds of thousands in attempts to go back to the managed U.S. market. Its initiatives ultimately stumbled on fruition in March when PokerStars premiered in New Jersey.
PokerStars’ mother team recently established it really is planning to expose its products on another regulated markets that of Portugal. It gets obvious the business aims casino-online-australia.net at growing the choices on regulated opportunities and receiving a license is apparently the way that is only PokerStars to use lawfully in the area Down Under.
Nonetheless, getting licenses in Australia in the most common of online gambling surgery was difficult given that Interactive games work allows for restricted kinds of wagering winner casino no deposit bonus and lotteries merely. Additional playing operations, for example online casino games and casino poker, become strictly prohibited of the Act.
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"God save the Tsar!" was a national anthem of Russian Empire, used from 1833 to 1917. The melody of the anthem was composed by Alexei Lvov, and lirycs was written by Vasily Zhukovsky.
In 1833 the emperor Nicholas I was visiting Austria and Prussia with Alexei Lvov. The Nicholas was greeted by english marches which he didn't liked. When he came back to Russia he had Alexei compose song that would became a national anthem. The composer: Alexei Lvov and the lirycist Vasily Zhukovsky created anthem that was first played in december 1833. After that, song became a national anthem of Russian Empire, with a name of God save the Tsar! Anthem was used untill revolution in 1917. The song were succeeded by the "Worker's Marseillaise" and later by the "Internationale".
During Imperial Russia mostly were played only first stanza, easy to remeber, usually repeated three times. |
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Barrow-upon-Soar, also known as Barrow-on-Soar or simply Barrow, is a large village in the north of Leicestershire in England. It is in the Borough of Charnwood. It is between Loughborough and the city of Leicester. In 2011, the village had a population of 5,856 people.
It is famous for a plesiosaur that was dug out in the village in 1851. It was given the nickname "The Barrow Kipper". The skeleton was taken out from it is now being displayed at the New Walk Museum in Leicester.
There is also a full-size replica at the Charnwood Museum in Loughborough. The village's football club, Barrow Town FC, has the skeleton on its logo. Barrow is also famous for its limestone working. There are streets in the village with names in reference to this.
The River Soar runs through the village. The village is near the A6 road from Quorn.
The village has a small railway station located on the Ivanhoe Line from Burton upon Trent to Loughborough. Trains run from Monday-Saturday between Leicester and Lincoln, however some carry on to Sleaford.
Twin cities
Barrow-upon-Soar is twinned with:
Marans, Charente-Maritime, France
Villages in Leicestershire |
After a week of voting, the winner of the Great Pumpkin Showdown II was pretty clear. Macromedia (Adobe) better watch out, because piracy seems to be all the rage with Flash developers these days.
Unlike last year, where the results were neck and neck, this year was a landslide victory. The pirate pumpkin won out with 147 votes. Frank came in a distant second with 91 votes, and the Puki pumpkin trailed with 78 votes.
Here’s a look at the pumpkins the day after hallowe’en. I was going to take a picture after voting ended, but the pumpkins dissolved into protoplasm by day 3 and had to be poured into the garbage can (ewww).
Unfortunately, Frank committed seppuku by leaping off his ledge when he was informed of how the voting was going… it was a horrible sight.
Congratulations to the winners, who won, uh… something… totally… awesome… ya! Thanks to everyone who voted – we try to have a lot of fun here, and you help make it happen.
I’ll bet this turn out has something to do with the increased awareness this past year of the Ministry of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I still don’t understand how was possible that the fantastic Puki lost 🙂 |
Merchtem is a municipality in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant.
In 2007, 15053 people lived there.
It is at 50deg 57 North, 04deg 14 East. |
Olive Garden! Fazoli's! Carrabba's! Buca di Beppo! We'll help you sort through all the Italian options.
Let's get one thing out of the way: American Italian chain restaurants aren't exactly a haven if you're looking to stick to a healthy diet. Even dishes that sound healthy (grilled salmon, roasted chicken, etc.) tend to be loaded with fat and calories. But if you're going to splurge, splurge right; look for the best bang for your buck, look for the best loyalty program, look for restaurants with menu sections that list out calories and so on. Most importantly, no matter where you go, ask for your dressings and sauces on the side, skip the bread basket, and order off the kids' menu for portion control whenever possible.
With all that said, here's a look at how the most well-known American Italian chain restaurants stack up against one another. See where to get the best perks, plates, and more, and then don't miss our incredible report on the 20 Surprising Foods with More Carbs Than a Bowl of Pasta!
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Sign-up for Olive Garden's Rewards Program and you'll get a free dessert on your birthday once you're a member. You'll also earn 100 points after signing up and then earn 1 point for nearly every dollar spent at Olive Garden (as well as other participating partner restaurants), which can be redeemed for things like $10 off your bill or a free appetizer.
Best Salad Selection
Aside from the standard side salad, Fazoli's has a solid selection of salad options (don't forget to request the dressing on the side!) including their Classic Romaine made with romaine lettuce, oven-roasted chicken, Kalamata olives, Caprese-style bell peppers, spicy pepperoncini, and crumbled Feta, in a red wine balsamic vinaigrette. Speaking of dressings, always avoid these 16 Salad Dressings Worse Than Chocolate Syrup!
Best Option for the Lazy Dieter
If you're watching your calories, Carrabba's makes it easy for you with their "under 600 calories" menu sections. Dishes include wood-grilled asparagus wrapped in prosciutto and fontina and drizzled with balsamic glaze, traditional Italian vegetable soup, and seasoned wood-grilled chicken. Note that while these options are all relatively low in calories, they aren't necessarily that healthy and portions sizes can be small.
Most Comprehensive Gluten-Free Menu
Buca Di Beppo has over a dozen gluten-free options, plus side dishes and desserts. While you'll want to avoid anything with butter sauce if you're on a diet, you can load your plate with green beans, chopped antipasto salad, and their spicy chicken.
Best Service
You can't beat Papa John's Quality Guarantee: If you don't love your pizza, let them know and they'll deliver you another one absolutely free. Speaking of indulging in a slice, don't miss our exclusive list of the 25 Best and Worst Frozen Pizzas at Your Supermarket!
Most Creative
If you're in the market for an Instagram-friendly dining experience, head to California Pizza Kitchen. It's has some delicious options like Hawaiian Pizza (topped with fresh pineapple, applewood smoked ham, and slivered scallions), The California Veggie (topped with baby broccoli, eggplant, Cremini mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, roasted corn, red onions, and mozzarella), Pear and Gorgonzola (made with Bosc pears, sweet caramelized onions and hazelnuts, topped with chilled field greens in housemade Gorgonzola ranch), and a long list of other options—plus pasta, meat, and fish dishes. They've got equally over-the-top desserts like Belgian Chocolate Souffle Cake and Salted Caramel Pudding. This Instagram-friendliness comes at a price: even the things that sound healthy are loaded with calories, fat, and hidden sugar. In fact, one of the 20 Worst Salads in America comes from CPK.
Best Nutritional Bang For Your Buck
Head to Uno Pizzeria & Grill for a solid selection of under-600-calories options at exceedingly affordable prices; almost everything on the menu is under $12.49. Among their offerings are herb rubbed chicken (490 calories), baked stuffed spinoccoli (360 calories), baked haddock (580 calories), and lemon basil salmon (490 calories), as well as steamed broccoli, roasted vegetables, and farro salad.
Best Lunch Deal
Romano's Macaroni Grill has a mid-day steal, if you can get there to take advantage of it: For just $10.50, you can get a 3-course lunch with options like Caesar salad and penne arrabbiata. Ask for the dressing on the side and no croutons, and go easy on the Parmesan cheese to cut calories.
Best Deal For Seniors
The Old Spaghetti Factory has a special-priced menu for seniors. The main course is slightly smaller, but it comes with fresh baked bread, soup or a green salad, hot tea, ice tea, coffee, or milk, and ice cream for dessert.
Most Allergy-Friendly
If you have an allergy, we suggest Johnny Carino's. They have a menu outline which details all the dishes that are made with eggs, fish, milk, MSG, peanuts, shellfish, soy, sulfites, tree nuts, and/or gluten.
Best Lighter Takes On Classics
Maggiano's Little Italy has created lighter takes on classics like chicken piccata, chicken parmesan, and fettuccine alfredo, making it exceedingly easier to avoid their long list of insanely calorie-packed and fat-rich dishes. Although, you'll want to take note that while their "light classics" may be less caloric and fatty than their original counterparts, they are still by no means diet-friendly or nutritionally dense.
Best Brunch
Italian doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to pizza, pasta, fish, or chicken; at Bravo Italian, you can get vegetable omelets, a ham and biscuit benedict, a Sicilian omelet made with a variety of meats, onions, tomato, and cheese, and several other brunch staples.
Best Offers
Carrabba's has deals and special offers almost every day of the week. For example, on Wednesdays, you can get $10 off any bottle of wine and any pizza for only $9.99. And on Mondays after 3 p.m., you can get a three-course dinner starting at just $12.99.
Best Kids Menu
You definitely don't want to be feeding this to your kids every day; but for special occasions, Bertucci's Italian Restaurant has a long list of affordable options for kids. Frankly, they're only marginally more nutritious, but at least whole wheat dough is available for pizza and multi-grain penne is available for pasta dishes. Which brings up another point: if you're looking for a belly-friendly option, order off the kids menu whenever possible for portion control! Try these 18 Ways to Control Your Portion Sizes if that's an ongoing battle for |
Bradley James Allan (14 February 1973 - 7 August 2021) was an Australian martial artist, action choreographer, actor, and stunt performer. He was born in Melbourne, Australia. He was known for his stunt works in Rush Hour 2, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Allan died on 7 August 2021 in Melbourne of a heart attack, aged 48. |
"Adriane 30"" Swivel Indoor/Outdoor Patio Bar Stool" By DarBy Home Co
Watch for product sales when selecting "Adriane 30"" Swivel Indoor/Outdoor Patio Bar Stool" By DarBy Home Co. Most of the time furniture is place on sale. If you need a a number of bit, it will save you a lot of cash by patiently waiting for the cost to become decreased. You might even ask your best "Adriane 30"" Swivel Indoor/Outdoor Patio Bar Stool" By DarBy Home Co store when the object is going to be marked on the cheap. Should you need a new furniture, try out finding a single with some completely protected cushions. These cushions keep going longer and can be flipped routinely. Preferably, you should get a settee with easily removed covers to help you easily rinse them. Easily removed handles may also be replaced easily in the event you could not clear a spot Purchase "Adriane 30"" Swivel Indoor/Outdoor Patio Bar Stool" By DarBy Home Co later on in the year. At the conclusion of this current year, it is actually common for merchants to acquire these items away their display room ground. This can bring about some good revenue and discounts.
Top Best Outdoor Bar Stools Reviews
Everybody wishes to have a club within their home! Catching a glass or two in your own individual bar is more exciting than sitting on the sofa. The couch doesn't give the exact same sensation! There are several individuals, who build the club of the dreams but they are unsure about the type of bar stools that they can purchase. Should you request us, it is important to buy the correct bar stool. It ought to be aesthetically attractive, useful and comfy. You may wish to buy stools for your cafe or perhaps your houses bar. You need to keep couple of things in your mind before buying the perfect bar stools. These days, we will cover the guidelines for purchasing for leather-based barstools. Also, we've produced a list of Top Ten Leather Barstools. This list has reviews of each bar stool which will help you choose the ideal 1. Read on to find out and decide. Looking for the best bar feces for your home? Nicely, you have to feel the list to obtain an concept. We're sure that you will find what you should want for in this list! We've protected the key functions to help in making choice. The good news is available these stools on the internet! These will be delivered to your home inside couple of days. So, go through the checklist and pick the right.
1."Kannon 24"" Patio Bar Stool" By Ivy Bronx
Read more about "Kannon 24"" Patio Bar Stool" By Ivy Bronx
Using the current surge in interest in the Mid-Hundred years Modern design style, this sofa style is really a warm product. Whether accurate classic pieces, reproductions or new designs that contain Mid-Century Modern elements, they are really versatile couches. Most often used in a minimalist or mid-century style plan, they are fantastic for including a retro feel to a room. The differentiating components include the exposed thighs and straight line framework. Most mid-hundred years sofas but not every one of them may have some tufting around the back.
2."Aruba II 26"" Patio Bar Stool" By Telescope Casual
Read more about "Aruba II 26"" Patio Bar Stool" By Telescope Casual
You cant discuss this couch with out talking about its impressive design, durability, and comfort. If you ever needed an appropriate chair, then transfer fast and get your self Rollercoaster Samuel Collection Cream Leather-based Couch. You'll love it. This 3 seater couch has thoroughly clean lines and great soft cushions. The cushions are affixed to the seat and behind. It is made from leather and that definitely is a certain bet that it is durable. It also functions tufted back and chairs that certainly contributes to its impressive appear. More to the point, it has a springtime foundation that provides the necessary durability and comfort. Its wooden body makes it very durable. The lengthy and the short of it is this fact couch is remarkable in every element. You may or may not accept this. But the only method you can appreciate this is to find and check out it.
3."Camino Series 30"" Patio Bar Stool" By Wabash Valley
Read more about "Camino Series 30"" Patio Bar Stool" By Wabash Valley
This is actually the next couch on the checklist. It is additional comfy and incredibly well suited for small rooms or loft living. It is padded in rayon material, potential customers inset control keys that give a stylish gemstone-tufted style. It is made from long lasting materials and the thighs are constructed with durable wood to add to its sturdiness. The loveseat has an espresso discolored wooden legs and non-marking foot caps. It offers an appropriate foam cushioning and rayon fabric upholstery that makes it very luxurious. It has a longue spot that provides an exceptional room for relaxing.
4."Corsica Swivel 25"" Patio Bar Stool" By Tropitone
Read more about "Corsica Swivel 25"" Patio Bar Stool" By Tropitone
You cannot discuss this couch with out talking about its impressive design, durability, and comfort. If you ever needed an appropriate chair, then transfer fast and get your self Rollercoaster Samuel Selection Cream Leather Sofa. You will like it. This 3 seater couch has clean outlines and excellent cushions. The cushions are attached to the seat and at the back. It is made of leather-based and that is a sure wager that it is durable. Additionally, it features tufted back and seats that definitely adds to its remarkable appear. More importantly, it features a spring foundation that provides the necessary durability and comfort. Its wood frame causes it to be very sturdy. The long and also the short of it is this fact sofa is remarkable in each and every aspect. You may or may not agree with this. But the only method you are able to appreciate this is to buy and try it.
5."Torino 28"" Patio Bar Stool with Cushion" By Tropitone
Read more about "Torino 28"" Patio Bar Stool with Cushion" By Tropitone
This couch is praised for unique design and luxury. Its impressive pazazz-arm sofa with chairs offers you optimum room for stretching and using your living space. So usually the modern sofa chaise increases the great thing about this established. The established also includes cushion top hands padded back and chairs for optimum comfort. The couch also includes a large part-obstructed wooden frame that gives the couch enough sturdiness. The sofa steps 89 inches wide by 62 in . in depth by 4 inches tall which makes it suitable for moderate dimension rooms. You may need to do minor assembling for example from the thighs.
6.Prevost Outdoor Wicker Patio Bar Stool (Set of 2) By Wrought Studio
Read more about Prevost Outdoor Wicker Patio Bar Stool (Set of 2) By Wrought Studio
This is the subsequent sofa on our checklist. It's additional comfy and incredibly ideal for small areas or attic living. It's padded in rayon material, potential customers inset control keys that provide an elegant gemstone-tufted design. It is constructed of long lasting materials and the thighs are made of long lasting wooden to increase its sturdiness. The loveseat comes with an java stained wood legs and non-tagging feet caps. It offers an appropriate foam padding and rayon material furniture which makes it very luxurious. It has a longue spot that provides an exceptional space for resting.
7.Dardel Patio Bar Stool with Cushion (Set of 2) By Beachcrest Home
Read more about Dardel Patio Bar Stool with Cushion (Set of 2) By Beachcrest Home
This sofa is appreciated for its distinctive design and luxury. Its impressive pazazz-equip couch with chairs provides you with optimum room for stretching and using your living space. So generally the contemporary sofa chaise adds to the great thing about this set. The established also includes cushion leading arms cushioned back again and seats for optimum comfort and ease. The sofa includes a corner-obstructed wooden frame that gives the sofa sufficient toughness. The couch steps 89 in . broad x 62 in . thorough by 4 in . tall which makes it suitable for medium dimension areas. You may need to do small putting together eg from the legs.
8."Adirondack 28"" Shell Back Patio Bar Stool" By Seaside Casual
Read more about "Adirondack 28"" Shell Back Patio Bar Stool" By Seaside Casual
Carolina Light Grey Fabric Sofa Sofa is celebrated because of its spectacular comfort and ease and remarkable design. It features a lift-up design that allows for several agreement choices to meet your requirements.The set functions soft fabric and forces cushions to bring about the desired comfort. More to the point, its of a good dimension to support you along with the group of friends. With respect to the available space as well as your desired form, you can combine the I seats to produce an impressive form. Its recommended for those with little areas and needs a sofa.
9."Montecito 30"" Patio Bar Stool with Cushion" By Sunset West
Read more about "Montecito 30"" Patio Bar Stool with Cushion" By Sunset West
This couch is worked with the gong-formed contour along with the upper armrest of the cushioning. In addition, the top is based on blocked part sides. The thighs, however, have joined the phony wood covering. The couch gives a comfortable and extravagant sensation. This is actually the immediate result of very flexible padding inside the rayon furniture. You can sit down easily for the moment to unwind. Each one of the tones offered with this couch demonstrates its noteworthy component, Versatile design. The red tone could be ideal for both subjects with mild and darkish shades. That remains continuous for various tones that it provides as well. The couch is located in room. Regardless of whether its Thanksgiving or perhaps a huge family reunion, you can rely on it. Race-watching yet still time falling apart on your sofa together with your friends is a genuine choice.
10.30'' Bar Stool (Set of 4) By Flash Furniture
Read more about 30'' Bar Stool (Set of 4) By Flash Furniture
This sofa is appreciated for its distinctive design and luxury. Its impressive flare-arm couch with seats offers you optimum space for stretching and relaxing in your room. So usually the modern couch chaise adds to the beauty of this established. The set includes cushion top arms cushioned back and chairs for optimum comfort. The couch also includes a corner-blocked wood body that gives the couch enough sturdiness. The sofa measures 89 inches wide by 62 inches in depth by 4 in . in height making it ideal for moderate dimension rooms. You may need to do minor putting together for example from the thighs. |
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Sites are places of importance to cultural or natural heritage. Below is the list of sites in Chile.
UNESCO was created for the "conservation and protection of the world's inheritance of books, works of art and monuments of history and science". The constitution of UNESCO was ratified in 1946 by 26 countries.
Chile agreed to take part in the World Heritage Convention in 1980.
The World Heritage Site (WHS) list has developed over time. It is part of a process; and the list continues to grow.
As of 2014, there are 17 places in Chile which are on the World Heritage List.
15 cultural sites
2 natural sites
There are 17 sites which are on a tentative list.
Tentative List
The Tentative List consists of sites which have been nominated. The evaluation process is not yet completed. Here is the list.
Related pages
World Heritage Committee
UNESCO World Heritage Site
Table of World Heritage Sites by country
List of World Heritage Sites in South America |
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Tom Hammond (born May 10, 1944 in Lexington, Kentucky) is a sportscaster who works for NBC Sports along with Dan Hicks and Bob Costas.
Hammond is the co-host of Thoroughbred Racing on NBC.
He also currently calls Notre Dame football games on NBC and Olympic games for NBC as well.
He is a track-and-field announcer during the Olympics.
Before NBC
Before his time at NBC, he was the radio voice of the Syracuse Orangemen football and basketball team and called college basketball games for ESPN and Lincoln Financial Sports.
Past and current jobs at NBC
He was the lead play-by-play announcer for the WNBA on NBC and the AFL on NBC with Pat Haden. Hammond and Haden also teamed up for Notre Dame Football on NBC. Hammond has called NBA games for NBC as well as NFL games for NBC. He also called NFL Wild Card Saturday playoffs for NBC from 2007 through 2012. He is the main play-by-play announcer for NBC's coverage of figure skating. He has called the Orange Bowl and gymnastics for NBC and filled in for Bryant Gumbel on the Thursday Night Football matchup between the Denver Broncos-Houston Texans game pairing with Cris Collinsworth.
Hammond was born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky and continues to live there.
Hammond has criticized SportsCenter by calling it a "comedy show".
He suffered a heart attack in 2002 and missed the Breeders' Cup. NBC colleague Bob Costas took his role as the host.
1944 births
Living people
Olympic Games broadcasters
Arena Football League broadcasters
College basketball broadcasters
College football broadcasters
National Basketball Association broadcasters
National Football League broadcasters
American sports commentators
People from Lexington, Kentucky |
look how small the van looks~ Mee-Mee's van now~
the new town homes continue to grow and i with them plan to do the same i will build my own version of the future~ only more modern~ ugly~ flat~ wide and corrugated~
my mom thinks i need to put more pix of kids~ here you go mom~ a blog about kids
and this is my blog of cars and vans~
You will never guess who this is from,Thank's for making me feel guilty.But I just loved seeing your house and Forest,maybe next time you could make everyone stand if front and wave.ha-ha.Miss you and love you,keep up the good pr.
hey soon enough, we are going to send you video, oh you will here the screaming,
Forest often calls for grandma, thank you Neil for representing the family:)
oops thought i was signed in...hummm i can have some fun!!!
love you honey |
An allusion is a figure of speech. It refers to a well-known story, event, person, or object in order to make a comparison in a person's mind.
Figures of speech
English language |
This clever hall tree started life as a drab dresser. -- Mudroom Bench: The Weekend Country Girl.
Without it, you just have a mismatched room. Farmhouse living rooms are really versatile and work nicely with all types of little detail touches. You may also enhance an area by hanging valances over windows.
Honey We're Home: Our Mudroom Gets an Update (Envelope Pillows).perfect for a small area
A side entrance opens to a spacious mudroom with plenty of storage options. |
Wolf's Lair (German: Wolfsschanze; Polish: Wilczy Szaniec) was Adolf Hitler's first Eastern Front military headquarters in World War II. The complex became one of several Fuhrer Headquarters in parts of Eastern Europe. Organisation Todt built it for the start of Operation Barbarossa - the invasion of the Soviet Union - in 1941. It is also the site of the 20 July Plot in 1944.
Military of Germany
World War II |
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Arizona Donnie Barker (also Kate Barker or Ma Barker; October 8, 1873 - January 16, 1935) was an American gangster. She was born in Ash Grove, Missouri. She ran the Barker gang.
On January 16, 1935, Barker and her son, Fred, were killed by federal agents in Ocklawaha, Florida.
The song "Ma Baker" refers to the life and crime of Ma Barker. |
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Georgi Gervanov Ananiev (; 12 April 1950 - 26 January 2021) was a Bulgarian politician. He was Minister of Defence between 1997 and 1999. Ananiev was born in Pernik Province, Bulgaria.
Ananiev died on 26 January 2021 of COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bulgaria, aged 70. |
It's just as bad in Florida
May 6th, 2006, 08:41 AM
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It's just as bad in Florida
from the UFWDA forums...
Here is an article from the Orlando Sentinel that was published this week about the Ocala National Forest. ALso at the end is our rebuttal. Just shows you what the Forest Service says in order to get its way.
(This note is from the Florida Four Wheel Drive Association)
Joy riding in the sprawling Ocala National Forest is destroying nature, and changes must be made, rangers say.
Stephen Hudak
Sentinel Staff Writer
May 2, 2006
OCALA NATIONAL FOREST -- The earth-chewing tires of off-road vehicles have wrought damage to the forest that is worse than feared, federal officials said as they prepare to impose tighter and tougher controls on joy riders in the sprawling forest.
"To not make changes would be irresponsible," Ranger Rick Lint said.
The U.S. Forest Service, caretakers of the 383,000-acre forest in Lake, Volusia, Marion and Putnam counties, is implementing long-threatened rules. They include the first-ever marked trails for Jeeps, motorcycles and other all-terrain off-road vehicles that used to have run of the land.
But marked trails aren't the only changes.
The Forest Service has secured federal grants to hire police officers to keep renegade riders on designated paths, Lint said. The service also has petitioned federal courts to double the fines for trailblazers, who are blamed for much of the damage to the forest's delicate habitat.
"You might have heard about how motorized vehicles have abused the land, but when you see it firsthand, it's just 'Wow,' " Lint said after reviewing photographs that wildlife biologists collected last week during an acre-by-acre assessment. "It's just shocking."
It also can't continue, he said.
Lush habitat, where the vines of the endangered Florida bonamia grew and red-cockaded woodpeckers nested, has become a rutted desert broken only by occasional trash heaps.
"They've gotten into about every sinkhole, prairie pond and wetland out there," said Carrie Sekerak, a U.S. Forest Service wildlife biologist who helped document the damage.
Forest officials last year closed 8,200 acres of environmentally sensitive land in Lake County where repeated thrill-riding had deeply scarred a prairie pond. Work crews have begun to mark 42 miles of trails set aside for ATVs and dirt bikes.
Rangers also are prepared to enforce a policy of "closed unless marked open."
The new policy, which is opposite of the current practice of "open unless marked closed," means that more than 1,000 miles of snaking trails will be off limits to riders.
Forest officials expect a fight, and they'll probably get one.
The Florida Four-Wheel Drive Association, which wants more play areas, met Thursday to discuss their options, including possible lawsuits, said Jason Kawaja, its president.
The group represents owners of Jeeps, Hummers, pickups and other four-wheel-drive vehicles that are licensed for the highway -- a distinction separating them from ATVs.
"I think we're seen by the Forest Service as more of a problem than a solution," said Kawaja, who is among dozens of association volunteers who have helped clean up forest trails.
ATV riders also don't feel welcome in the forest, said B.J. Johnson, president of the Muddy Waters ATV Association based in Deltona.
"We all feel they'd rather push us out than help us out," he said.
But as riding groups were mulling future legal routes, the Forest Service was driving markers into 20 winding miles of existing paths that will be known as the Paisley OHV [off-highway vehicle] Trail.
The trail begins at the intersection of County Road 445 and a power line.
Albert Heminway, 60, who rode his four-wheel Honda Rancher to the trailhead Friday, sipped coffee from a thermos as he pondered what the new rules meant for him.
He frowned. He would no longer be permitted to ride from his home to the forest.
Heminway, who lives in nearby Shockley Heights, rides unmarked trails at least twice a week, enjoying blue skies and whoop-de-doos, the undulating bumps ATVs make in the sand.
"I can probably live with this," he said.
Not all riders tread as lightly as Heminway.
Federal law-enforcement Officer Chris Crain, one of two lawmen patrolling the forest, said some riders will continue to ignore rules and cut their own trails, even in forbidden areas.
"I've stopped people riding their ATVs with chain saws on the back," he said. "I know what they're doing. . . . They're making their own trails to ride where they want to ride."
Keeping rough-riders on the new trails is essential, especially in places like Paisley, one of the most easily accessible and popular riding destinations, judging from tire damage.
Sekerak, the wildlife biologist, described a 28-square-mile patch of forest near Paisley where researchers counted 400 miles of user-cut trails, a road density rivaling a city block.
"You're talking about hundreds of acres of habitat that are gone," she said.
Sekerak said the riders, their machines and their noise have chased away striped newts and sandhill cranes that nested there and depended on bugs that hid in the vegetation.
"All the ATVers see is a big bird fly off," she said. "They don't realize they've essentially just killed the chick she left behind. That little fuzzy chick needs the warmth of her mother to survive."
Rangers are trying to better understand off-road riders, who are the fastest-growing group of visitors to the forest, which is within an hour's drive for 8 million people.
The U.S. Forest Service recently commissioned University of Florida professor Taylor Stein to study riders -- recreation research that could help rangers avoid conflicts with them.
Lint said he thinks most off-road enthusiasts want trails and a safe, fun riding experience, which is difficult now because of hordes of zig-zagging, criss-crossing riders.
Rangers recently leveled out an open space near Big Scrub for a helicopter landing pad, citing the frequency of emergency medical evacuations because of off-road accidents.
Lint warned that new limits also are coming soon to Big Scrub, a popular riding area that, on its busiest days, can resemble a mall parking lot before Christmas.
"No one wants to bring the hammer down," he said. "But the forest has been a beautiful place for generations, and we have the duty to make sure it stays beautiful for future generations."
Our rebuttal
On behalf of the members of the Florida Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc., may I offer a rebuttal to Stephen Hudak’s recent article “Rangers reign in Riders”. Mr. Hudak’s reporting has proven once again that the media has a predetermined agenda without offering more insightful comments.
Several important topics were overlooked or omitted in the recent article. Published photographs show beer bottles on the ground within the Ocala National Forest. If your reported would have dug a little deeper into the matter, he would have found that probably 90% of the household trash that is illegally dumped within the Ocala National Forest is from local residents. How do we know this? Because the typical off road recreational user will not travel the two plus hours to the Forest to dump his mattress, cracked toilet , kitchen sink, or roofing shingles. These are just a few of the items that volunteers within the Florida Four Wheel Drive member clubs have removed from the Ocala National Forest. In the last eight months, member clubs of the Florida Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc., have removed over TEN TONS of garbage and rubbish from the Forest. Not to mention the two active meth labs that were uncovered during weekend trail rides.
Carrie Sekarak commented, “All the ATVers see is a big bird fly off…They don't realize they've essentially just killed the chick she left behind. That little fuzzy chick needs the warmth of her mother to survive." Ms. Sekarak, are Jeeps and ATV’s that go down a ten foot wide trail at 15 mph as detrimental to your sandhill cranes as the numerous logging trucks and skids used to clear cut hundreds of acres of pine? Where does the wildlife go that inhabits those areas? Let me also remind your readers that there are several hundred acres of wilderness areas within the Ocala National Forest where motorized recreation is not permitted. The members of the Florida Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc., adhere to this policy.
Mr. Lint’s comments that the Forest Service is trying to better understand the nature of off road recreation is ludicrous. Mr. Lint is steadfastly opposed to motorized recreation and only pays lip service to user groups. Only because the United States Forest Service must deal with motorized recreation on a Federal level does Mr. Lint suggest that he wants to learn more about it. My comments are sternly worded because neither Mr. Lint, nor any of his staff, are as familiar with the roads and trails and the amount of traffic on them as the user groups. We have extended invitations to him and his staff to come with us to better understand what it is we do in a typical outing. As of this writing, we still have had no response. At a recent meeting with Forest Service personel, we asked if there could be some clarification as to what constitutes a “wetland”. That meeting was nearly two months ago and the Florida Four Wheel Drive Association still does not have an answer. His claims that off road users want a safe, fun riding experience without all of the zigzagging, crisscrossing riders, and in order to accomplish providing the users groups with just that, his answer is to close over 1000 miles of trails, thereby concentrating all of those users onto a certain trail system, causing a larger, negative impact on the area. Seems like a wise move to me, and if a frog had wings he wouldn’t hit his butt when he hopped.
With regard to the newly constructed helicopter landing pad near Big Scrub, your reporter spins this to appear as if a portion of a timber stand near the Big Scrub Campground was cleared to accommodate a landing pad. Nothing could be further from the truth. If he Mr. Hudak had taken the time to drive down Forest Road 573, he would have seen the HUNDREDS of acres of pines that were clear cut recently by a timber company. Was it just coincidence that this stand was chosen or is the Forest Service setting us up for more bad press by saying, “look at the area around Big Scrub. The four wheel drive folks and ATV users are tearing it up.” It is of Mr. Lint’s own decision to make the area look like a bombing range. Speaking of bombing ranges, if the Forest Service is so consumed by the noise that our engines make while loping down a trail at 10 mph, why have they not notified the United States Navy that they’ll have to find another location to drop their bombs, because we have to consider the feelings of the sandhill crane and her off spring, don’t we?
The Forest Service of the Ocala National Forest have perpetuated the problem of cross country travel by not adequately signing major routes and by not having enough personel to enforce or educate their travel policies and plans. It is a 30 to 40 minute drive from the extreme north end of the forest to the south end of the forest on S.R. 19. A nearly all day affair if you are to be driving on the Forest Roads. The members of the Florida Four Wheel Drive Association have tried to participate in the Volunteer Ranger program but the prerequisites the Forest Service demands are unrealistic for a volunteer group that travels to the Forest from areas as far north as Jacksonville and as far south as Naples.
The members of the Florida Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc., feel that Mr. Hudak’s article has demonized motorized recreation in the Ocala National Forest. In reality, motorized recreation “slipped up” on the Forest Service, and as we all know by now, the wheels of the federal bureaucracy move extremely slow. It has taken the Forest Service over twenty years to realize that motorized recreation exists on public lands.
I invite Mr. Hudak to join any of our member clubs on a trail ride to see first hand what it is that we do. We have also extended an invitation to Mr. Rick Lint but as of this writing has not taken us up on our offer. As a reminder to the readers, the Ocala National Forest is considered public land. That means my tax dollars along with your tax dollars are used to preserve and protect it. I’d say that the Forest Service has done a poor job on the “preserve and protect part”. After twenty years of neglect by federal agencies, the only answer they see now is removal.
Next time, try a fair and balanced article.
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The Daughters of Bilitis , also called the DOB or the Daughters, was the first lesbian civil and political rights organization in the United States.
The organization, formed in San Francisco in 1955 by Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, was created to be another hangout area for lesbians other than lesbian bars. This was to avoid raids and police harassment. It later gave support to women who were afraid to come out.
The DOB educated them about their rights, and about gay history.
The Daughters of Bilitis lasted for 14 years, becoming an educational resource for lesbians, gay men, researchers and mental health professionals. |
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Paolo Borsellino (19 January 1940 - 19 July 1992) was an Italian judge from Sicily, who became known as a Mafia hunter. Together wirth Emanuele Basile, he was able to get convictions for Mafiosi, starting about 1980. Basile was assassinated in 1980, because of his work. On 19 July 1992, a car bomb killed Borsellino, and 5 other people. Palermo airport was renamed to carry his name, in his honor.
Borsellino's life parallels that of his close friend Giovanni Falcone. They both spent their early years in the same neighbourhood in Palermo. Though many of their childhood friends grew up in the Mafia background, both men fought on the other side of the war against crime in Sicily as prosecuting magistrates. They were both killed in 1992, a few months apart. In recognition of their tireless effort and sacrifice during the anti-mafia trials, they were both awarded the Italian "Medaglia d'oro al valore civile" (Gold medal for civil valour). They were also named as heroes of the last 60 years in the 13 November 2006 issue of Time Magazine. |
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Used for flight navigation, this aviation collectible is a Jeppesen vintage 3-way slide graphic flight computer Model CSG-2P, with pouch / case. The top wheel turns to provide computations for density altitude and crosswind component, and to obtain TAS. The slide graph lists directions to use calibrated airspeed and pressure altitude to obtain F factor then multiple F Factor by TAX obtained with computer to obtain TAX corrected for compressibility. Designed by Jeppesen ..
Vintage 1989 metal Jeppesen Slide Graphic flight computer with manual and case. I don't find a model number on this (just 'Jeppesen Sanderson Inc. 1989' 'Made in Korea' on the front wheel), but the bottom left corner of the inner page to the 1987 manual shows JS314305D. Used but in very good condition.Used for flight navigation; great aviation collectible!For collectors, be sure to also check out the Jeppesen 3-way slide graphic flight computer (Model CSG-2P) I have availa..
Offered here is the 1998 Tin Locomotive ornament, commemorating not only the Tin Locomotive series, but also the 25 year anniversary since Hallmark introduced its Keepsake Ornaments in 1973. Measures 4" long and 3" high, with moving wheels and strong, crisp coloring. This ornament is in its original packaging, with the price tag still attached. Gift inscription on the inner flap of the lid, as well as the year (1998) marked on the back of the box...
$12.00 |
A camera lens is the part of a camera that directs light to the film or, in a digital camera, to a computer chip that can sense the light. Many cheap lenses are plastic but better ones are made from glass. The lens makes an image by focusing the light.
The majority of cameras only have one lens that users cannot change or take out. This is called a fixed lens design. More expensive cameras usually have lenses that come off, so anyone can take out one lens and put in another. A lens may be simple, or may actually be made of several lenses.
Photographers can use different lenses (objectives) to make different kinds of pictures. For example, a telephoto lens can take a picture of something far away. A wide-angle lens is the opposite. A zoom lens is more versatile; it can do both. There are many kinds of lenses.
The study of lenses and how they work is called optics.
Lenses for large sheet film cameras are especially difficult to design. Cameras and their lenses have been made since the 19th century. Some from before World War II, are still usable today. Computers now let engineers make better lenses, though, because they can calculate the way that light goes through the lens and find the best design for each task. Together with lenses, filters, macro lenses, teleconverters, wide-angle and tele attachments are used.
Camera lenses |
Meet the Scholars
The SCGA Junior Scholarship Program is designed to help youth continue their education in college or vocational school. This year, $165,000 will be distributed to 47 students for tuition, room and board, and educational supplies.
if you’d like to make a gift to help support our scholars throughout college, please click the link below
Class of 2025
Tracy Bryant
El Camino College
Tracy graduated Valley Christian High School and will be continuing his education at El Camino College in the fall. He has been active golf pass member in SCGA Junior and volunteers his time both to SCGA and his local community. His favorite memory of SCGA Junior is getting to meet and spend time with retired PGA professional, Mark Pfeil.
Yuliana Chavez
UCSD, Livingston Foundation Scholar
Yuliana will be pursuing a degree in Computer Science at the University of California, San Diego. She hopes to help lessen the gender gap in STEM by creating a Women in Computer Science club at her university that partners with K-12 students. Yuliana attributes her passion for uplifting and inspiring others to the coaches in the SCGA Junior program.
Evan Chien
UCLA, Duff Scholar
Evan is headed to the University of California, Los Angeles to study Business Economics. He is working hard to one day achieve his goal of becoming a professional golfer and giving back to the SCGA community. SCGA Junior has given him a strong belief that in golf, success isn’t measured by money, but the positive impact one has and can have on others, specifically helping juniors on the path toward healthy and bright adulthood.
Dylan Gass
Grand Canyon University
Dylan will be attending Grand Canyon University this fall, where he plans to study Marketing and Sports Management. There he will continue his golf career on the University’s club golf team. Dylan has been a volunteer in the SCGA Junior Club Outings program and values this experience for the opportunity to play amazing new courses and receive good advice from successful golfers and businessmen.
Ely Banuelos
Rio Hondo College
Ely will be attending Rio Hondo College in the fall and is passionate about business in the automotive industry. Ely has been involved with SCGA Junior in Norwalk since it’s beginning and has stayed involved as a coach and mentor in his community. His favorite part of being a coach is fostering relationships with the younger kids and getting to watch them succeed.
Elisa Gomez
Allegheny College, Deb Long Drive Scholar
Elisa will start her college journey at Allegheny College in Pennsylvania this fall where she will continue playing golf. She is extremely grateful to her parents and SCGA Junior coaches for their support in her pursuit of collegiate golf. Elisa’s favorite aspect of the SCGA Junior program is the value of community and being connected to such amazing people.
Lexie Houchens
Lexie is headed to the University of California, Santa Barbara to study Psychology and dreams of becoming a child and adolescent physiatrist and mental health advocate. Lexie thanks the SCGA Junior golf program for showing her a whole new world of young female golfers who helped grow her confidence both on and off the course.
Alan Pham
University of Chicago, Copi Cup Scholar
Alan is excited to start working towards a Computer Science degree at University of Chicago in the fall. He plans to use his college education to create artificial intelligence and machine learning technology for everyday life. Alan has been an active golf pass participate and SCGA Junior volunteer for over 7 years. He loves being able to make other people happy with the tools he has been given through the SCGA program.
Evan Reyes
Gonzaga, SCGA President’s Scholar
Evan will be attending Gonzaga University in Washington to get his degree in Mechanical Engineering and has been involved with SCGA Junior since he was 7 years old. He believes a strong work ethic and creativity are keys to success both athletically and academically. Evan’s favorite SCGA Junior activities are game days and playing at the SCGA Golf-A-Thon.
Sophia Sandoval
Cal State Los Angeles, Friends of Golf Scholar
Sophia will begin her college education this fall at the Cal State University of Los Angeles. She is passionate about nursing, business, and all things sports. Sophia is very active in our Player and youth development program and having the opportunities for Mentor Play Days, Club outings and getting to meet PGA Professionals.
Class of 2024
Derek Ban
Middlebury College
Derek is an Economics Major at Middlebury College. He is a member of the student investment club and volunteers his time as a student tutor. He credits the SCGA Junior Foundation for helping him discover his passion for teaching. Derek is a long-time avid Golf Pass program participant with SCGA Junior and now plays on is College team.
Allyssa Chan
UC Berkeley
Allyssa attends the University of California, Berkeley as a Political Science and Economy Major. In addition to her studies, Allyssa joined a Sorority, Pre-law fraternity and two other clubs on campus! Allyssa has participated in the Golf Pass program and works as a coach for SCGA Junior’s Player and Youth Development program.
Skylar Graham
University of Southern California
Skylar attends the University of Southern California where she studies Psychology, pulling off a 4.0 in her first semester! She also volunteers at her local golf course as a Safety and Health Ambassador and is a member of two clubs on campus. Skylar stayed involved with SCGA Junior over the past year by attending virtual events and seminars.
Kirsten Lindner
Hawaii Pacific University
Kirsten studies Biochemistry and is on the golf team at Hawaii Pacific University. It is her dream to one day become a dentist and own her own practice. When she’s not studying or practicing, you can find Kirsten surfing or swimming at the beach. Kirsten’s favorite SCGA Junior memory was getting a chance to meeting and learn from Nancy Lopez at a fundraising event.
Angel McDuffie
San Diego State University
Angel attends San Diego State University where she majors in Computer Science. Angel attributes her growth in the game of golf to SCGA Junior by being able to play at an affordable rate through use of her Golf Pass and being able to put her skills to the test at the Summer Series club outings.
Jasmine McDuffie
San Diego State University
Jasmine is pursuing a degree in Computer Science at San Diego State University. She would like to work as a game programmer upon graduating and is passionate about artificial intelligence. Jasmine’s favorite memory with SCGA Junior is the Summer Series program where she was able to play at her now favorite course, General Old.
Ashleigh Park
University of Texas, Austin
Ashleigh attends the University of Texas and plays on the women’s golf team. She has been an active volunteer with SCGA Junior since she was 12 years old, serving as a role model and mentor to beginner golfers at club outings and girls golf events. She is now a member of the girls’ leadership team as part of our LPGA-USGA Girls Golf of Southeast LA chapter.
Monique Ramirez
UC Irvine
Monique is majoring in Public Health Policy at the University of California, Irvine. She joined the golf club, archery club and the American Red Cross club and volunteers at Kaiser Permanente Hospital. Monique was first introduced to SCGA Junior as a sophomore in high school and enjoys staying apart of a supportive community that loves golf.
Ryan Ruaysungoen
Pomona College
Ryan attends Pomona College and is on the men’s golf team. Ryan has been an active Golf Pass member with SCGA Junior and attributes being able to compete at a high level due to the affordable access made possible by the program. Ryan thinks golf allowed him to learned better team communication skills, patience, and perseverance and now teaches young kids the same lessons through coaching.
Shani Waite
Prairie View A&M
Shani is a student athlete at Prairie View A&M where she majors in Criminal Justice, minors in Psychology, and plays on the golf team. Shani has been an active program member since she was eight years old, participating in the Golf Pass, Play Days, and College Prep programs. She is also a member of the leadership team for our LPGA-USGA Girls Golf chapter of Southeast LA.
Abigail Yang
UC Irvine
Abigail attends the University of California, Irvine. When she’s not studying she works as a tutor and volunteers at her church as a small group leader. Abigail has been a Golf Pass member since 2016 and participated in the educational outings and college prep programming hosted by SCGA Junior.
Alejandro Cortez
Rio Hondo College
Alejandro is an Aerospace Engineering Major at Rio Hondo College. He is a member of the speech and debate club. Alejandro was involved with the Player and Youth Development program and is a golf coach for SCGA Junior. He enjoys being a mentor for younger kids and seeing them improve their golf games.
Class of 2023
Nicholas Aguilar
Cal Poly SLO
Nick studies Agricultural and Environmental Plant Sciences at Cal Poly SLO. He recently got a job in this field working for West Coast Arborist. Nick spends his free time working on his golf game, going to the beach, and hiking. And top of it all, Nick stays involved with SCGA Junior as a coach in our Player & Youth Development program.
Devin Hernandez
UC Santa Barbara
Devin studies Psychology and Brain Science at UCSB. He is involved in the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics in Science club on campus and aspires to become a research assistant or volunteer at a hospital in the coming year. Devin has volunteered at SCGA Junior for club outings and is thankful to represent the values of the SCGA Junior Foundation as a scholar.
Hannah Hernandez
Cal State Fullerton, 2019 Duff Scholar
Hannah is attending Cal State Fullerton where she majors in Communication Studies and is pursuing a business minor. She hopes to become a Social Media Manager one day. Hannah has been participating in activities with SCGA Junior since she was in middle school and spent many hours volunteering at fundraising events.
Jacob Lewis
The Master’s University, 2019 Livingston Foundation Scholar
Jacob completed his second year at The Master’s University, working towards earning his degree in Kinesiology. He plans to continue his education and eventually get a master’s in physical therapy. Jacob is an avid golfer and served as a coach with our Player & Youth Development program. He and his collegiate golf team also volunteer at homeless shelters for single moms whenever they can.
Jasmine Lew
UC Berkeley, 2019 Deb Long Scholar
Jasmine is at University of California, Berkeley where she is getting her degree in Media Studies. She is a member of the women’s golf team and has been involved with her team members in fundraising for Breast Cancer research, raising more than $20,000 for the cause. Jasmine continues to be involved with SCGA Junior and participated in virtual Girls Golf sessions over the past year.
Andres Navarro
Cal State Dominguez Hills
Andres plays golf and studies Business and Finance at Cal State Dominguez Hills. He prides himself on his ability to prioritize and organize his upcoming events, his punctuality and perfect attendance. Andres also volunteered at several SCGA Junior events including club outings and girls golf activities.
Emilie Nguyen
Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2019 Presidents’ Scholar
Emilie is getting her degree in Mechanical Engineering at Missouri S&T. She is on the golf team and chief of business and marketing for the Multirotor Robot Design Team. Over the past year, Emilie has volunteered for virtual SCGA Junior Girls Golf events and plans to continue giving back to the SCGA Junior community for as long as she can.
Jason Platt
Cal State Fullerton
Jason is a Biology Major at Cal State Fullerton and hopes to be a nurse one day. Along with a full course load, Jason works 6 days a week. Jason also serves as a coach in our Player & Youth Development program and loves watching the junior grow up and love golf.
Deanna Roldan
UC San Diego
Deanna is pursuing an Environmental Systems degree from the University of California, San Diego. She writes articles for a student run newsletter called the Climate Change Review and is passionate about improving humanity through science. Deanna started playing golf in middle school with the SCGA Junior Player & Youth Development program and serves on the Girls Golf Leadership Team.
Juliette Ruaux
Occidental College, 2019 COPi Cup Scholar
Juliette studies Biology & Comparative Studies in Language and Culture at Occidental and plays on the women’s golf team. She has also served on the Girls Golf of Southeast LA Girls Leadership Team and has led college tours at Occidental for SCGA Junior. Juliette also takes part in the Occidental School newspaper as well as helping at the LA County Junior Golf Camps.
Jetty Sivongsay
Cal State San Bernardino, 2019 Friends of Golf Scholar
Jetty competes on the men’s golf team at Cal State San Bernardino while majoring in Business Marketing. He is working on picking up a Finance Minor and pursuing a career in sales for one of the leading golf apparel companies. Jetty has volunteered with SCGA Junior at club and educational outings and thanks the foundation for making him the man he is today.
Moriah Spann
Cal Baptist University
Moriah has showed exemplary academic success by completing two graduate level classes as a freshman and earning straight A’s. Moriah has been a long-time volunteer with SCGA Junior, helping at fundraising events and club outings.
Elise Sumner
Western Washington University
Elise is attending Western Washington University and competes on women’s golf team while pursuing a degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. In Fall of 2020 she received the President’s List award for straight A’s! Elise aspires to become a Speech and Language Pathologist. She has been involved with fundraising, volunteering, and Club Outings with SCGA Junior. Her favorite part of SCGA Junior has been working closely with young kids, sharing laughs and smiles on and off the course..
Class of 2022
Dana Bryant
UC Santa Cruz, Livingston Family Foundation Scholar
Dana studies Psychology with a minor in Biology and plays on the women’s golf team at UC Santa Cruz. She is excited to get back together with her team after months of virtual check ins and solo practice. Dana has begun a mentorship program with the Santa Cruz warriors in hopes of pursuing a career in physical therapy post-graduation. Over the past year she has stayed involved with SCGA Junior by continuing to mentor young girls in golf in a virtual Girls Golf Q &A panel.
Darla Christensen
San Diego State University
Darla attends San Diego State University and studies Environmental and Political Science. After receiving her undergraduate degree, she plans to attend law school and has begun studying for the LSAT. Darla loves being a part of the Women in Science Society Club on campus. She has been involved with SCGA Junior since middle school and plans to continue volunteering now that it is safe to do so.
Bairon Gomez
Cal Poly Pomona
Bairon is a studying Civil Engineering at Cal Poly Pomona. He has been an SCGA Junior golf coach for the past two years. Besides coaching, Bairon has stayed active in SCGA Junior by participating in Game Days and the CYO Tournament at Arroyo Seco. Currently Bairon is also employed by Amazon as a Driver.
Natalie Gonzalez
Whittier College
Natalie studies Studio Art with a concentration in drawing and painting at Whittier College and is a member of the school’s women’s golf team. Natalie has managed to maintain straight A’s through online learning as well as keep up with golf practices and work outs. She continues to stay active in the SCGA Junior community by coaching and volunteering, teaching young people about college golf.
Ami Hamada
Loyola Marymount University
Ami studies Screenwriting at LMU. Her career goal is to work in the film industry, and she has been attending film-making events at school to jump start her career. This past year Ami has also become a member of the Cinematic Arts Fraternity on campus – Sigma Kappa Alpha. Ami stays involved with the SCGA Junior foundation by volunteering at the LPGA-USGA Southeast LA Girls Golf Program, and loves being a role model for young people.
Salvador Hinojosa
Whittier College. 2018 Duff Scholar
Sal attends Whittier College, majoring in Sociology while competing on the men’s golf team. Along with working on a senior year research project and practicing his golf game, Sal works at the Wilshire Country Club and volunteers his time. As he looks forward to the coming year, he plans to continue to give back to SCGA Junior by being a mentor and coach for juniors in the program and begin to pursue a career in law enforcement.
Calista Reyes
Stanford University, 2018 COPi Cup Scholar
Calista is pursuing a B.S. Engineering- Product Design degree along with an Economics minor from Stanford University. She competes on the women’s golf team and is a member of the Stanford Marketing Group, a consulting club on campus. In addition, Calista works part time at Artemis Consulting firm! Calista has been involved with SCGA Junior through Girls Golf virtual programs and acts as a SCGA Junior Collegiate Mentor.
Giovanni Sandoval
Cal State Fullerton
Gio attends Cal State Fullerton where he Majors in Political Science. After graduating he plans on having a career in politics and starting a non-profit! Giovanni stays involved with SCGA Junior as a coach in the Player and Youth Development program. He loves being a role model and good example to the kids in the program, including his two younger sisters..
Jessica Hernandez
Cal Poly Pomona
Jessica is studying Aerospace Engineering at Cal Poly Pomona. She is the Outreach Officer for the NASA Student Launch Team and enjoys coordinating events with local elementary schools to teach kids about rocket science in an interactive way. She hopes to proudly represent Latina women in a field where they underrepresented. Along with her academic responsibilities, Jessica volunteers with multiple community service organizations and stays involved in SCGA Junior.
Diamond Lew
Glendale Community College, 2018 Friends of Golf Scholar
Diamond graduated from North Hollywood High School where.
John Garcia
UC Santa Barbara
John is a History major at UC Santa Barbara. John works in the Biology Department at UCSB as a Storeroom Clerk. He also spends time volunteering as a Golf Teaching Assistant for the UCSB Athletics program. John has been a member of SCGA Junior for seven years. John has volunteered as a score keeper for the ANA Inspiration and at Bel-Air Country Club for SCGA Junior Play Days. studies at Cal State San Marcos while competing on the golf team and studying Communications. She has overcome a lot of challenges this past semester, but she is proud of being able to finish strong. Despite the struggles she still manages to find time to stay active with SCGA Junior as a volunteer with junior golfers.
Kristy Harada
Chapman University
Kristy is entering her final year at Chapman and has decided to major in Accounting. She is optimistic for her chosen career path and looks forward to interning with Deloitte this summer. Kristy was a member of the women’s golf team and served as Vice President of Accounting Society for 2019-2020. She was offered a full-time job at Deloitte in Audit practice for post-graduation
Blake Petchel
CSU Fullerton
Blake is continuing his studies at Cal State Fullerton studying Sociology while competing on the men’s golf team. He continues to have a heart for youth and passing on the knowledge he has learned from golf. He has volunteered with SCGA Junior at summer Play Days and club outings. Outside of golf Blake has also been working for PC Racing USA.
Jennifer Queller
University of Illinois at Springfield, 2019 Duff Scholar
Jennifer is a Biochemistry major at the University of Illinois Springfield. In 2019 Jennifer played in the NCAA DII National championship as an individual setting multiple school records in the process. Jennifer is also the president of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. Jennifer has been volunteering at SCGA Junior through the Foundation Cup, Junior-Member play days, and the Girls Golf program. Jennifer is currently looking into Anesthesiology/ Surgical Anesthesiology programs in a few states including Southern California for after she graduates.
Emily Sumner
Santa Clara University
Emily studying Bioengineering at Santa Clara University with the goal of becoming a Pediatric Anesthesiologist. She is also a member of the Christian Life Community Club and will continue her competitive golf career on Santa Clara’s travel golf team after being sidelined with an injury this past year. She continues to be engaged with SCGA Junior, joining us for the SCGA Junior Summer Series and girls golf events.
Mark Williams
California State University, San Bernardino, 2017 SCGA President’s Scholar
Mark is studying Sociology while competing on the CSUSB men’s golf team. He aspires to become a professional golfer or work in the Golf Industry and hasn’t let the pandemic slow down his practicing. For the summer, Mark is working at the Old Baldy Club in Wyoming. He stays active in the SCGA Junior community by volunteering whenever possible.
Nicole Misner
Waldorf University
Nikki is an Elementary Studies major with a passion for helping the developmental growth of our generation’s youth. Nikki also spent time this semester planning and working on a sensory room for the local elementary school. Nikki has been active with SCGA Junior through volunteering with the annual Summer Series program and participating in mentor Play Days.
SCGA Junior Alumni |
In the 2015 Formula One season, Lewis Hamilton won the championship with Mercedes.
Formula One seasons
2015 in sports |
The Internet is overtaking newspapers, magzines and prime time broadcasting as a source of news. For young people, and for the most politically engaged, it has already done so. In the future, the Internet may well be the first port of call for news/ information, but the role of traditional media and professional journalism providing context, analysis and commentary on politics. news, social and culture development will remain vital to democracy.
Engagement with the Internet is a major feature of changing trends within traditional media. As a result, most people surfing the Internet today in search of news will end up more often than not at a site that is aggregating journalistic work that originated in a newspaper or a traditional broadcast outlet.
Journalists’ unions around the world are adjusting to the changing landscape of media — the introduction of web news portals, audio and image technology and new systems of delivery, integration of text — by renovating their recruitment and organising objectives. JFI unions are committed to protecting and representing all journalists working in this new environment.
These developments are bringing about a shift in journalistic norms, not just in the skills and technical capacity of journalists expected to work in this new landscape, but also in the professional values being applied to news and information.
Traditional newspaper and broadcast news services have traditionally appealed to a broad audience, with conflicting values and opinions, by virtue of its commitment to the goal of objectivity. Today, niche marketing that has followed the fragmenting of the information environment means a greater capacity for precise targeting of services. This brings new challenges.
Journalists’ unions through the JFI are creating networks and programmes to better protect employment rights and working conditions while launching a new debate about the need for ethical and quality content whatever the mode of dissemination of information. |
The Northern line is a deep-level tube line on the London Underground, coloured black on the Tube map. It carries more passengers than any other Underground line; 206,734,000 a year.
For most of its length it is a deep-level tube line. The portion between and opened in 1890 and is the oldest section of deep-level tube line on the Underground network. There were about 252 million passenger journeys recorded in 2011/12 on the Northern line, making it the second-busiest on the Underground. (It was the busiest from 2003 to 2010.) It is unique in having two different routes through central London. Despite its name, it does not serve the northern-most stations on the network, though it does serve the southern-most station, Morden, as well as 16 of the system's 29 stations south of the River Thames. There are 50 stations in total on the line, of which 36 have platforms below ground.
The line has a complicated history, and the current complex arrangement of two main northern branches, two central branches and the southern route reflects its genesis as three separate railways, combined in the 1920s and 1930s. An extension in the 1920s used a route originally planned by a fourth company. Abandoned plans from the 1920s to extend the line further southwards, and then northwards in the 1930s, would have incorporated parts of the routes of two further companies. From the 1930s to the 1970s, the tracks of a seventh company were also managed as a branch of the Northern line. An extension from Kennington to Battersea is currently under construction, which may either give the Northern line a second southern branch or may see it split into separate distinct lines with their own identities. It is coloured black on the current Tube map.
Early History
The City and South London Railway (C&SLR) was the first deep-level underground "tube" railway in the world, and the first major railway to use electric traction. The railway was originally intended for cable-hauled trains, but owing to the bankruptcy of the cable contractor during construction, a system of electric traction using electric locomotives--an experimental technology at the time--was chosen instead. Given the small dimension of the tunnels as well as the difficulty of providing sufficient ventilation, steam power, as used on London's other underground railways, was not feasible for a deep tube railway. Like Greathead's earlier Tower Subway, the CL&SS was intended to be operated by cable haulage with a static engine pulling the cable through the tunnels at a steady speed. Section 5 of the 1884 Act specified that:
The Patent Cable Tramway Corporation owned the rights to the Hallidie cable-car system first invented and used in San Francisco in 1873; trains were attached to the cable with clamps, which would be opened and closed at stations, allowing the carriages to disconnect and reconnect without needing to stop the cable or to interfere with other trains sharing the cable. There were to be two independent endless cables, one between City station and Elephant and Castle moving at 10 mph, and the other between Elephant and Castle and Stockwell, where the gradient was less, at 12 mph. However, the additional length of tunnel permitted by the supplementary acts challenged the practicality of the cable system.
It is reported that this problem with the CL&SS contributed to the bankruptcy of the cable company in 1888. However, electric motor traction had been considered all along, and much engineering progress had been made since the tunnel's construction had begun in 1886. So, CL&SS chairman Charles Grey Mott decided to switch to electric traction. Other cable-operated systems using the Hallidie patents continued to be designed, such as the Glasgow Subway which opened in 1896.
The solution adopted was electrical power, provided via a third rail beneath the train, but offset to the west of centre for clearance reasons. Although the use of electricity to power trains had been experimented with during the previous decade, and small-scale operations had been implemented, the C&SLR was the first major railway in the world to adopt it as a means of motive power. The system operated using electric locomotives built by Mather & Platt collecting a voltage of 500 volts (actually +500 volts in the northbound tunnel and -500 volts in the southbound) from the third rail and pulling several carriages. A depot and generating station were constructed at Stockwell. Owing to the limited capacity of the generators, the stations were originally illuminated by gas. The depot was on the surface, and trains requiring maintenance were initially hauled up via a ramp although, following a runaway accident, a lift was soon installed. In practice, most rolling stock and locomotives went to the surface only for major maintenance.
To avoid the need to purchase agreements for running under surface buildings, the tunnels were bored below roadways, where construction could be carried out without charge. At the northern end of the railway, the need to pass deep beneath the bed of the River Thames and the medieval street pattern of the City of London constrained the arrangement of the tunnels on the approach to King William Street station. Because of the proximity of the station to the river, steeply inclined tunnels were required to the west of the station. Because of the narrow street under which they ran, they were bored one above the other rather than side by side as elsewhere. The outbound tunnel was the lower and steeper of the two. The tunnels converged immediately before the station, which was in one large tunnel and comprised a single track with a platform on each side. The other terminus at Stockwell was also constructed in a single tunnel but with tracks on each side of a central platform.
When opened in 1890, the line had six stations and ran for in a pair of tunnels between the City of London and Stockwell, passing under the River Thames:
The Oval (now Oval)
Elephant & Castle
King William Street
The original service was operated by trains composed of an engine and three carriages. Thirty-two passengers could be accommodated in each carriage, which had longitudinal bench seating and sliding doors at the ends, leading onto a platform for boarding and alighting. It was reasoned that there was nothing to look at in the tunnels, so the only windows were in a narrow band high up in the carriage sides. Gate-men rode on the carriage platforms to operate the lattice gates and announce the station names to the passengers. Because of their claustrophobic interiors, the carriages soon became known as padded cells. These trains were however, preserved in London Transport Museum as the first static exhibit to the metro train.
The diameter of the tunnels restricted the size of the trains, and the small carriages with their high-backed seating were nicknamed padded cells. The railway was extended several times north and south, eventually serving 22 stations over a distance of from Camden Town in north London to Morden in Surrey.
Although the C&SLR was well used, low ticket prices and the construction cost of the extensions placed a strain on the company's finances. In 1913, the C&SLR became part of the Underground Group of railways and, in the 1920s, it underwent major reconstruction works before its merger with another of the Group's railways, the Charing Cross, Euston & Hampstead Railway, forming a single London Underground line called the Morden-Edgware line. In 1933, the C&SLR and the rest of the Underground Group was taken into public ownership. Today, its tunnels and stations form the Bank Branch of the Northern line from Camden Town to Kennington and the southern leg of the line from Kennington to Morden.
The CCE&HR (commonly known as the "Hampstead Tube") was opened in 1907 and ran from Charing Cross (known for many years as Strand) via Euston and Camden Town (where there was a junction) to Golders Green and Highgate (now known as Archway). It was extended south by one stop to Embankment in 1914 to form an interchange with the Bakerloo and District lines. In 1913 the Underground Electric Railways Company of London (UERL), owner of the CCE&HR, took over the C&SLR, although they remained separate companies.
During the early 1920s, a series of works was carried out to connect the C&SLR and CCE&HR tunnels to enable an integrated service to be operated. The first of these new tunnels, between the C&SLR's Euston station and the CCE&HR's station at Camden Town, had originally been planned in 1912 but had been delayed by World War I. The second connection linked the CCE&HR's Embankment and C&SLR's Kennington stations and provided a new intermediate station at Waterloo to connect to the main line station there and the Bakerloo line. The smaller-diameter tunnels of the C&SLR were expanded to match the standard diameter of the CCE&HR and the other deep tube lines.
In conjunction with the works to integrate the two lines, two major extensions were undertaken: northwards to Edgware in Middlesex (now in the London Borough of Barnet) and southwards to Morden in Surrey (then in the Merton and Morden Urban District, but now in the London Borough of Merton).
The Edgware extension used plans dating back to 1901 for the Edgware and Hampstead Railway (E&HR) which the UERL had taken over in 1912. It extended the CCE&HR line from its terminus at Golders Green to Edgware in two stages: to Hendon Central in 1923 and to Edgware in 1924. The line crossed open countryside and ran on the surface, apart from a short tunnel north of Hendon Central. Five new stations were built to pavilion-style designs by Stanley Heaps, head of the Underground's Architects Office, stimulating the rapid northward expansion of suburban developments in the following years.
The engineering of the Morden extension of the C&SLR from Clapham Common to Morden was more demanding, running in tunnels to a point just north of Morden station, which was constructed in a cutting. The line then runs under the wide station forecourt and public road outside the station, to the depot. The extension was initially planned to continue to Sutton over part of the route for the unbuilt Wimbledon and Sutton Railway, in which the UERL held a stake, but agreements were made with the Southern Railway to end the extension at Morden. The Southern Railway later built the surface line from Wimbledon to Sutton, via South Merton and St. Helier. The tube extension opened in 1926, with seven new stations, all designed by Charles Holden in a modern style. Originally, Stanley Heaps was to design the stations, but after seeing these designs Frank Pick, Assistant Joint Manager of the UERL, decided Holden should take over the project. With the exception of Morden and Clapham South, where more land was available, the new stations were built on confined corner sites at main road junctions in areas that had been already developed. Holden made good use of this limited space and designed impressive buildings. The street-level structures are of white Portland stone with tall double-height ticket halls, with the famous London Underground roundel made up in coloured glass panels in large glazed screens. The stone columns framing the glass screens are surmounted by a capital formed as a three-dimensional version of the roundel. The large expanses of glass above the entrances ensure that the ticket halls are bright and, lit from within at night, welcoming. The first and last new stations on the extension, Clapham South and Morden, include a parade of shops and were designed with structures capable of being built above (like many of the earlier central London stations). Clapham South was extended upwards soon after its construction with a block of apartments; Morden was extended upwards in the 1960s with a block of offices. All the stations on the extension, except Morden itself, are Grade II listed buildings.
The resulting line became known as the Morden-Edgware line, although a number of alternative names were also mooted in the fashion of the contraction of Baker Street & Waterloo Railway to "Bakerloo", such as "Edgmor", "Mordenware", "Medgway" and "Edgmorden". With Egyptology very much in fashion after the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922, there was also a proposal to call the line the Tootancamden Line as it passed through both Tooting and Camden. It was eventually named the Northern line from 28 August 1937, reflecting the planned addition of the Northern Heights lines.
After the UERL and the Metropolitan Railway (MR) were brought under public control in the form of the London Passenger Transport Board (LPTB) in 1933, the MR's subsidiary, the Great Northern & City Railway, which ran from Moorgate to Finsbury Park, became part of the Underground as the Northern City Line. In preparation for the Northern Heights Plan, it was operated as part of the Northern line, although it was never connected to it.
The Northern Heights
In June 1935, the LPTB announced the New Works Programme, an ambitious plan to expand the Underground network which included the integration of a complex of existing London and North Eastern Railway (LNER) lines north of Highgate through the Northern Heights. These lines, built in the 1860s and 1870s by the Edgware, Highgate and London Railway (EH&LR) and its successors, ran from Finsbury Park to Edgware via Highgate, with branches to Alexandra Palace and High Barnet. The line taken over would be extended beyond Edgware to Brockley Hill, Elstree South and Bushey Heath with a new depot at Aldenham. The extension's route was that planned for the unbuilt Watford and Edgware Railway (W&ER), using rights obtained from the earlier purchase of the W&ER (which had long intended an extension of the EH&LR Edgware route towards Watford). This also provided the potential for further extension in the future; Bushey's town planners reserved space in Bushey village for a future station and Bushey Heath station's design was revised several times to ensure this option would remain available in the future.
The project involved electrification of the surface lines (operated by steam trains at the time), the doubling of the original single-line section between Finchley Central and the proposed junction with the Edgware branch of the Northern line, and the construction of three new linking sections of track: a connection between Northern City Line and Finsbury Park station on the surface; an extension from Archway to the LNER line near East Finchley via new deep-level platforms below Highgate station; and a short diversion from just before the LNER's Edgware station to the Underground's station of the same name.
The peak-hour service pattern was to be 21 trains an hour each way on the High Barnet branch north of Camden Town, 14 of them via the Charing Cross branch and seven via the Bank branch. 14 would have continued on beyond Finchley Central, seven each on the High Barnet and Edgware branches. An additional seven trains an hour would have served the High Barnet branch, but continued via Highgate High-Level and Finsbury Park to Moorgate, a slightly shorter route to the City. It does not seem to have been intended to run through trains to the ex-Northern City branch from Edgware via Finchley Central. Seven trains an hour would have served the Alexandra Palace branch, to/from Moorgate via Highgate High-Level. In addition to the 14 through trains described, the ex-Northern City branch would have had 14 four-car shuttle trains an hour.
Work began in the late 1930s, and was in progress on all fronts by the outbreak of World War II. The tunnelling northwards from the original Highgate station (now Archway) had been completed, and the service to the rebuilt surface station at East Finchley started on 3 July 1939, but without the opening of the intermediate (new) Highgate Station, at the site of the LNER's station of the same name. Further progress was disrupted by the start of the war, though enough had been made to complete the electrification of the High Barnet branch onwards from East Finchley over which tube services started on 14 April 1940; the new (deep-level) Highgate station opened on 19 January 1941. The single track LNER line to Edgware was electrified as far as Mill Hill East, including the Dollis Brook Viaduct, opening as a tube service on 18 May 1941 to serve the barracks there, thus forming the Northern line as it is today. The new depot at Aldenham had already been built and was used to build Halifax bombers. Work on the other elements of the plan was suspended late in 1939.
Preparatory work including viaducts and a tunnel had been started but not completed on the Bushey extension pre-war. After the war, the area beyond Edgware was made part of the Metropolitan Green Belt, largely preventing the anticipated residential development in the area, and the potential demand for services from Bushey Heath thus vanished. Available funds were directed towards completing the eastern extension of the Central line instead, and the Northern Heights plan was dropped on 9 February 1954. Aldenham depot was converted into an overhaul facility for buses.
The implemented service from High Barnet branch gave good access both to the West End and the City. This appears to have undermined traffic on the Alexandra Palace branch, still run with steam haulage to Kings Cross via Finsbury Park, as Highgate (low-level) was but a short bus ride away and car traffic was much lighter than it would become later. Consequently, the line from Finsbury Park to Muswell Hill and Alexandra Palace via the surface platforms at Highgate was closed altogether to passenger traffic in 1954. This contrasts with the decision to electrify the Epping-Ongar branch of the Central line, another remnant of the New Works programme, run as a tube-train shuttle from 1957. A local pressure group, the Muswell Hill Metro Group, campaigns to reopen this route as a light-rail service. So far there is no sign of movement on this issue: the route, now the Parkland Walk, is highly valued by walkers and cyclists, and suggestions in the 1990s that it could, in part, become a road were met with fierce opposition. Another pressure group has proposed using the track bed further north, as part of the North and West London Light Railway. The connection between Drayton Park and the surface platforms at Finsbury Park was opened in 1976, when the Northern City Line became part of British Rail.
Recent developments
In 1975, the Northern City Line, known by that time as the Highbury branch, was transferred from London Underground to British Rail; it is now served by Great Northern. In the past, before the introduction of the 1995 stock, the Northern line was sometimes nicknamed the "Misery Line" in the press because of its perceived unreliability.
In 2003, a train derailed at Camden Town. Although no one was hurt, points, signals and carriages were damaged, and the junctions there were not used while repairs were under way: trains coming from Edgware worked the Bank branch only, and trains from High Barnet and Mill Hill East worked the Charing Cross branch only. This situation was resolved when the junctions reopened, after much repair work and safety analysis and testing by contractor, on 7 March 2004.
On 7 July 2005 a defective train on the Northern line (causing its subsequent suspension) saved a Northern line train from being blown up as part of a terrorist attack on the London Underground and bus systems. Three trains on the Circle and Piccadilly lines were blown up. The Northern line bomber-to-be instead boarded a bus, which he later blew up.
On 13 October 2005 the Northern line service was suspended due to maintenance problems with the emergency braking system on the entire train fleet. A series of rail replacement buses was used to connect outlying stations with other Underground lines. Full service was restored on 18 October.
From June 2006, the service between East Finchley and Camden Town was suspended for two non-consecutive weekends every month, with service on the Edgware branch suspended for the other two weeks. This was part of Tube Lines's redevelopment of some Edgware and High Barnet Branch stations, including replacement of track, signals, as well as station maintenance. This included refurbishment of all High Barnet branch stations from West Finchley to Camden Town. In October 2006, off-peak service between Mill Hill East and Finchley Central was cut back to a shuttle, except for a few weekend through trains.
On 13 August 2010, a defective rail maintenance train caused disruption on the Charing Cross branch, after it travelled four miles in 13 minutes without a driver. The train was being towed to the depot after becoming faulty. At Archway station, the defective train became detached and ran driverless until coming to a stop at an incline near Warren Street station. This caused morning rush-hour services to be suspended on this branch. All passenger trains were diverted via the Bank branch, with several not stopping at stations until they were safely on the Bank branch.
The Northern line was originally scheduled to switch to automatic train operation in 2012, using the same SelTrac S40 system as used since 2009 on the Jubilee line and for a number of years on the Docklands Light Railway. Originally the work was to follow on from the Jubilee line so as to benefit from the experience of installing it there, but that project was not completed until spring 2011. Work on the Northern line was contracted to be completed before the 2012 Olympics. It is now being undertaken in-house, and TfL predicted the upgrade would be complete by the end of 2014. The first section of the line (West Finchley to High Barnet) was transferred to the new signalling system on 26 February 2013 and the line became fully automated on 1 June 2014 with the Chalk Farm to Edgware via Golders Green section being the last part of the line to switch to ATO. |
The proud educational legacy of Sierra Leone Grammar school has produced a Nobel Prize nominee, the founding President of the Hague Institute of Social Justice and eminent lawyers, medical doctors, professors, teachers, journalists and politicians. The newest challenge facing the School, however, is the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. Here’s how, with your donations, we are protecting the bright future of Sierra Leone from this devastating virus.
Covid-19: Taking education online
e“Innovation simply means creativity, and every moment of the day, we think creatively for our pupils and our staff.” – Principal Rev. Canon Leonard Ken Davies
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge global impact on schooling. With every continent on lockdown, educators have had to take learning away from the classroom.
Across Africa and the world, schooling went digital. Lessons went online, rapidly utilising video conferencing platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams like never before.
To safeguard the education of our SLGS students, we needed to act quickly and decisively. And this is where the world-standard learning you made possible has made a difference.
Your investment in our ICT infrastructure means both our teaching staff and students are equipped to combat the current crisis.
No longer dependent on lessons instructed over the radio, we launched our virtual classrooms just 7 days after Government lockdown announcements. And the legacy of your investment doesn’t end with SLGS. To reduce the impact on students across the country, we have invited other schools across Sierra Leone to share the content of our digital classrooms lessons. All our classes can be accessed at any time via YouTube.
Covid-19: our in-school measures
“Wear a mask at all times: it is now part of your uniform” – Principal Rev. Canon Leonard Ken Davies
Our students have now returned to physical classes, and like Schools across the globe, getting this right for our pupils was vital. To ensure social distancing standards are met, we are blending a two-day online curriculum with three days of reduced capacity classes in the School itself.
We have introduced mandatory temperature testing for all pupils and staff and increased hygiene controls, such as additional hand washing stations across the school. Both staff and pupils have received free face masks.
With these steps in place, the chances of school-based transmission are significantly reduced. It is only through your support that we have been able to implement the highest standard of Covid-19 prevention measures for everyone at SLGS.
Free face masks, additional hand washing facilities and increased hygiene controls are in place across the School
Our classroom layouts strictly follow social distancing guidelines from the Ministry of Education.
We don’t see the ‘virtual classroom’ as just a means to combat a pandemic. We hope this ongoing initiative will inspire more institutions across the country to share their learning online, allowing as many pupils as possible in Sierra Leone to benefit from shared educational resources. The technology you help fund will leave a lasting legacy throughout the country, raising the standard of education in Western Africa as a whole.
Your donations are essential in helping SLGS combat the spread of Covid-19. With disruption to the world’s educational infrastructure unlikely to end soon and the post-virus landscape so uncertain, these vital funds safeguard a bright future for Sierra Leone. Please consider donating today. |
The Northeast Region of Brazil () is one of the five geographical regions of Brazil defined by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in 1969. It is the third largest region, corresponding to 18% of the national territory, and the second in population.
The Northeast Region has an area of . It is the region of the country with the longest coastline.
The climate in the region is very hot all the year long; tropical near the coast and semi-arid in the interior; semi-equatorial in the far west of the region. The vegetation mainly desert-like, with tropical forests along the coast and in the west and savanna-like vegetation, known as the Cerrado. in the southwest.
The Northeast Region is between 01deg 02' 30" of latitude north and 18deg 20' 07" of latitude south and between 34deg 47' 30" and 48deg 45' 24" of longitude west. It borders to the north and east with the Atlantic Ocean; to the south with the Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo states; and to west with the Para, Tocantins and Goias states.
The main rivers in the region are the Sao Francisco and the Parnaiba rivers; they have many tributaries.
The highest point in the Northeast Region is Pico do Barbado () at . Pico do Barbado is the highest summit of the larger Serra do Barbado, in the Chapada Diamantina, in Bahia.
The highest point of the different states of the North Region are:
This region is formed of nine states: Alagoas, Bahia, Ceara, Maranhao, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe.
, the Northeast region had a population of 56,915,936, for a population density of inhabitants/km2.
The most important municipalities of the North Region are: |
line 1 of our example into your program:
#! for the chmod command in section one of your UNIX manual. If you type either
man 1 chmod. |
Margaret O'Brien (born January 15, 1937) is an American movie, stage and television actress who began acting as a child. She became famous through the movie Journey for Margaret (1942). She also played a French girl in the movie version of Jane Eyre in 1944. O'Brien was born in San Diego, California. |
LiqTech International Inc. (LIQT) slipped -9.98% or -0.08 to $0.72. It is around 1.06 million shares traded, which is 311.1% compare to the average total volume 340118. The market cap of LIQT is $52.08 million. The year to date change is 37.31%. The 52 week price range is from $0.26 to $0.84. Price of LIQT have changed 12.49% during last week. It have changed 10.63% over last month, 70.65% over last 3 months, 50.08% over last 6 months and 120.94% over one year.
Some investors will use 50-day and 200-day Moving Averages as support and resistance levels. Those moving average will be very helpful most of time. The 50-day Moving Averages for LIQT is 0.64. It is -11.11% below current price. The 200-day Moving Averages for LIQT is 0.47. It is -34.72% below current price. The 52-week High is 0.84. It is 16.67% from the current price. The 52-week Low is 0.26. It is -63.89% from current price.
Some people may be interesting about short interest ratio of a stock. The short interest ratio of LIQT is 0.67 on 2018-06-15. Short % to float is 0.50%. There are some statistics of LIQT. It is has market cap $52.08 million. The share outstanding is 72.74 million. The average volume is 340118. The revenue is 5.38M. It has 1.81M cash and 159037 in debt. The gross profit is -123293. The percent of top 15 Institution holding is 11.20%. Return on equity is how much of net income returned as a percentage of the total amount of shareholder equity found on the balance sheet. Return on equity (ROE) of LIQT is -93.20%. Return on assets (ROA) is an indicator that shows how profitable a company is using its total assets to generate earnings. Return on Assets (ROA) of LIQT is -49.55%. |
Double factorial is a method of calculating how many times a number is repeated in a geometric equation. This way, we can calculate the number of times a product is used in its life-time.
The double factorial of n is written as . When n is a positive odd integer, is defined as . When n is an positive even integer, is defined as . By definition, .
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Sitges (Barcelona) Apartment Hotels
Discover a range of cheap apartment hotel rooms in Sitges (Barcelona) available for booking with HotelClub. Book today and save up to 70% on 1 apartment hotels in Sitges (Barcelona), Spain. Popular apartment hotels in Sitges (Barcelona) include Sunway Playa Golf Sitges Hotel & Apartments.
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An Israeli Jew is a Jew who lives in the state of Israel. Jews have been living in Israel ever since Moses led them to there. But over time they had been kicked out then let back. The modern term mostly refers to the Jews who moved to the Jewish holy land after the forming of the state in 1948.
Israeli Jews live there because of Zionism in the 20th century. |
Hydration Bladder
Recommended methods of cleaning hydration bladders:
- 1. Use a small amount of mild soap with water to fill the inside of the bladder. Rinse clean. If any water remains, squeeze the bite valve to drain any standing water out of the tube.
- 2. Backpacker magazine suggested filling the bladder with water and dropping in an Efferdent tablet. Let sit overnight and rinse.
Ripstop Duralite Polyester; Tarmac Crossweave.
Cotton Canvas (with no leather)
Machine wash cold. Canvas can bleed, so always wash the bag separately. To dry, pack bag with towels to keep the bag's shape and let air dry.
Leather can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Some quality leather cleaners can also be used. NEVER put any product with leather in the washer and dryer.
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Please Note: High Sierra is not responsible for products damaged while being cleaned.
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Some High Sierra products come with a limited warranty. |
The Bad Girls Club (season 6) is the sixth season of The Bad Girls Club. It aired on Oxygen on January 10, 2011.
About this season
The season had beat ratings from the previous season. Season six also had a lot of conflicts. Some people in the area, complained to local police that the girls were screaming all night club. They also stated that their children heard curse words coming from them. Season 6 was filmed in Hollywood, California. Perez Hilton hosted the reunion specials. Guinness Book of World Records named their creed as "the tallest creed in history". In this season, there were a high number of "replacements". The season was nominated for "Favorite Reality-Show Guilty Pleasure" at the iVillage Entertainment Awards.
Cast members
Replacements |
US $0.01-$0.15
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2,379 brake cable bicycle products are offered for sale by suppliers on Alibaba.com, of which bicycle brake accounts for 21%, bicycle accounts for 6%, and other bicycle parts accounts for 5%. A wide variety of brake cable bicycle options are available to you, such as bmx, mountain bikes, and kids' bikes. There are 1,571 suppliers who sells brake cable bicycle on Alibaba.com, mainly located in Asia. The top countries of suppliers are Australia, China, from which the percentage of brake cable bicycle supply is 1%, 98% respectively. |
Hazrat Sheikh Ahmed Ar-Rifai (1118-1182) was a Sufi master and saint. He founded the Rifai Sufi order.
He was born in the Hasen region of Iraq. He died and was buried in Northern Iraq near Tal Afar. His shrine is respected by most Muslims, Shia or Sunni. However, in 2014, this shrine was destroyed by the ISIS terrorists. |
In this week's Fed2 Star:
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The importance of using Tesla
Real life news: how to get caught
Real life news: your mobile phone could be a life-saver
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Pictures of the week: what does a spaceship look like?
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Joseph Horovitz (26 May 1926 - 9 February 2022) was an Austrian-born British composer and conductor. He was born in Vienna, Austria and moved to the United Kingdom in 1938. His works include 16 ballets. The children's "pop cantata" Captain Noah and His Floating Zoo (1970) was his best known work. He was also a professor at the Royal College of Music in London.
Horovitz died on 9 February 2022, at the age of 95. |
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Friday Night Magic
Copyright 2007 © Game Over LLC. and Arkham Asylum. All rights reserved. |
A credit card is a card which allows people to buy items without cash. Each card has a unique number. Using this number, plus other details on the card (such as the validity date, or a code), the client can buy goods or services. The issuer of the card automatically transfers the money to the seller. The person using the card gets a credit. The customer has a certain amount of time to pay the credit card bill. If the bill is left unpaid for some time, the customer will have to pay interest for the amount that is left unpaid. Payment using a credit card is one of the most common methods of electronic payment. A debit card similarly allows paying without cash, but it pays with money in the user's bank account.
Credit cards are usually small plastic cards with a unique number attached to an account. Most are magnetic stripe cards and many have an EMV chip for use by card readers.
Paying with a credit card means you borrow the money and must pay it back in a specified time. Users who fail to pay in time may have to pay much more.
Money |
Our company “LOGIS Multimodal Service ltd”was established in 2006, and since that time we have a large experience in transshipment and transport of project cargoes in Ukraine and CIS countries .
We propose our services in Odessa, Illichevsk, Kherson, Mariupol ports and other ports of Ukraine and CIS.
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Should you have any request for transport or transshipment, pls feel free to contact to us.
- Sea freight
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The Pearl Fishers is an opera by Georges Bizet. The libretto was written by Eugene Cormon and Michel Carre. It was first performed in Paris on 30 September 1863. The opera is set in ancient Ceylon, which is now called Sri Lanka. It tells the story of two men who are best friends, but love the same woman, who is a priestess. It was generally disliked at the time, especially by the newspapers. After his death, it has been more popular and is now regularly played across the world.
Compositions by Georges Bizet
1860s operas |
Xerox WorkCentre 5021 Multifunctional Laser Printer that uses a 300 MHz processor, 128 MB of memory and a 600 x 600 dpi resolution screen. WorkCenter 5021VB is easy to operate and save space easily installed in a narrow area. Its width is 595 mm, thickness 569 mm and height 581 mm weighing 36 kg. This black and white multifunction printer is very easy to install and manage and is ideal for use in homes, offices, small offices and businesses that require stable printing, copying and scanning through a compact single device. With a compact design look stylish and trendy.
Xerox WorkCentre 5021VB has a print speed of up to 20 ppm, can print up to 20,000 pages per month. And the first page came out as fast as 7.5 seconds. So, users do not have to wait long to start their work. The printer comes with simple walk-up features and functions with the click of a button. This reduces paper time and cost with the optional Duplex Auto Document Feeder. The inbuilt scanner on this machine cuts out messy paper and gets the workplace digitally systematized. Recycled, plain and other paper up to A3 can be used for printing.
Xerox WorkCentre 5021VB has print features like Poster, Watermark, Mixed Document, N-up, Booklet, 256-bit grayscale and Toner Save; Copy features such as N-up, Reduce/Enlarge, Lighten/Darken ID Card Copy, and Auto Rotation and Scan features like Support for Linux Scan (available after launch), OCR Software: ABBYY FineReader ™, Job Build etc. Operating temperature 10 to 32 degrees Celsius with power consumption 42W in low power mode and 2.5 W in sleep mode. This device is energy efficient. [References: link]
Xerox WorkCentre 5021 Driver Supports for Os:
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Luigi Illica (9 May 1857 - 16 December 1919) was an Italian writer. He wrote the librettos (stories and words) for many operas. He teamed with Giuseppe Giacosa for Puccini's operas La boheme, Tosca, and Madama Butterfly. He also wrote the libretto for Umberto Giordano's Andrea Chenier.
1857 births
1919 deaths
Italian writers
Librettists |
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From the first day Jagmeet Singh became NDP leader I suspected it was a backroom agreement between Grits and Dippers agreement aimed to keep progressive herd in one corral. They couldn't find the better scarecrow for sooo progressive but racist deep inside ill-informed and misguided Left voters. They also tried hard to find someone who is even more stupid than Turd by they perfectly succeeded. But for Andrew Sheer the scarecrow at the helm of Dippers is bad news indeed.
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Woluwe-Saint-Pierre (in French) or Sint-Pieters-Woluwe (in Dutch) is a municipality in the Belgian Brussels-Capital Region.
In 2007, 38554 people lived there.
It is at 50deg 49 North, 04deg 27 East. |
+ P Setia Berhad (SPSET P Setia Berhad (S P Setia) is a real estate development company. It is involved in property development, construction and infrastructure development, and wood-based manufacturing and trading. The company, through its subsidiaries, develops real estate properties ranging from master-planned townships to luxury residences and commercial hubs to integrated developments . SP Setia undertakes the development of economic centers; and building and highway construction. It also supplies timber doors, roof trusses and timber flooring boards. The company operates in Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia, Singapore, China and the UK. S P Setia is headquartered in Setia Alam, Selangor Darul Ehs-Company Statement 13
S P Setia Berhad-Locations And Subsidiaries 16
Head Office 16
Other Locations & Subsidiaries 16
Section 2-Company Analysis 18
S P Setia Berhad-Business Description 18
S P Setia Berhad-Corporate Strategy 19
S P Setia Berhad-SWOT Analysis 20
SWOT Analysis-Overview 20
S P Setia Berhad-Strengths 20
Strength-Improved Financial Performance 20
Strength-Established Presence in Domestic Market 20
Strength-Business Performance: Property Development segment 20
S P Setia Berhad-Weaknesses 21
Weakness-Increased Credit Risk 21
Weakness-Substantial Debt 21
S P Setia Berhad-Opportunities 22
Opportunity-Strong Growth Potential: Construction Segment 22
Opportunity-Positive Outlook for the Malaysian Construction Industry 22
Opportunity-Overseas Markets 22
Opportunity-Increasing Demand for Green Construction 22
S P Setia Berhad-Threats 23
Threat-Cost Overruns 23
Threat-Unpredictable Timing of Projects 23
Threat-Increasing Competition 23
S P Setia Berhad-Key Competitors 24
Section 3-Company Financial Ratios 25
Financial Ratios-Capital Market Ratios 25
Financial Ratios-Annual Ratios 26
Performance Chart 28
Financial Performance 28
Financial Ratios-Interim Ratios 29
Financial Ratios-Ratio Charts 30
S P Setia Berhad, Recent Deals Summary 31
Section 4-Appendix 32
Methodology 32
Ratio Definitions 32
About GlobalData 36
Disclaimer 36
List of Figures
S P Setia Berhad, Performance Chart (2011-2015) 28
S P Setia Berhad, Ratio Charts 30
List of Tables, Subsidiaries 16
S P Setia Berhad, Key Competitors 24
S P Setia Berhad, Ratios based on current share price 25
S P Setia Berhad, Annual Ratios 26
S P Setia Berhad,EM Sunrise Berhad
Mitrajaya Holdings Berhad
Mahajaya Berhad
Mah Sing Group Berhad
Magna Prima Berhad
IOI Properties Group Berhad
IGB Corporation Berhad
S P Set |
Harz is a rural district in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany named after the highland area also called harz. It is home to the highest point in the region: the Brocken.
The district was made by joining the old districts of Halberstadt, Wernigerode and Quedlinburg as well as the city of Falkenstein (from the district of Aschersleben-Stassfurt). This was part of the reform of all districts in 2007.
Towns and municipalities |
Supporting all infant feeding options is the right approach
I welcome the NCT's public acknowledgement last week that they are there to support ALL mothers whatever feeding decision they make. As reported on our website last week, the charity is calling for empathic listening, skilled guidance and encouragement over a period of months, rather than just for a few days after birth.
This is an important announcement because in the early days of parenting, with emotions riding high, it is also the most vulnerable time for parents to make that decision.
Experts agree that breastfeeding is "best for baby" in terms of enhancing both short and long term health outcomes.
However we also know from face to face chats with many health professionals (midwives as well as health visitors) that they feel frustrated by the difficulties they face in sourcing independent and reliable information on bottle feeding and different types of formulas. This makes it tricky for them to advise the parents who do ask them for advice on all the different feeding options, leaving both parents and health visitors alike dissatisfied by the experience.
The NCT's announcement will hopefully make it easier for parents to seek advice on all feeding options and be supported in whatever feeding decision they make. This may also help to reduce rates of post-natal depression - I have encountered many women who felt stressed and depressed because breastfeeding didn't work out for all manner of reasons (including those receiving good breastfeeding support).
As editor of the Journal of Family Health Care I believe it is more important than ever that we provide evidence-based and independent advice on ALL feeding options so that parents (vis a vis the health professionals) can make an informed decision.
We are also planning in the near future to update and improve our breastfeeding directory.We would welcome your help, news and views, so that together we can provide a good and trusted resource: a one stop shop for health professionals on all aspects of infant feeding.
Penny Hosie, Editor
Journal of Family Health Care
Write a Comment |
Coral Gables is a city of Florida in the United States.
Cities in Florida |
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Beth Noone
Beth Noone is so excited to be apart of her first production at the University of Colorado. She is currently a freshman studying elementary education. Her favorite past role has been Audrey from "Little Shop of Horrors." She would like to thank the entire company for being so welcoming. She would also like to thank her family and friends for all the endless support and love. |
Lonnie Alexander "Lon" Simmons (July 19, 1923 - April 5, 2015) was an American baseball and football broadcaster. He worked for the San Francisco Giants baseball team and the San Francisco 49ers football team. He also played for three minor league baseball teams after World War II.
Simmons was born in Vancouver, Washington and grew up in Burbank, California. At the time of his death, he was living in San Francisco. He had four daughters.
Simmons died on April 5, 2015 in Daly City, California, aged 91. |
Fish index (by name)
Fish families (by picture)
Parts of a fish
Kelvin K P Lim and Jeffrey K Y Low
about 5 cm, total length
Pulau Semakau
photo: Diana Chia
Striped Eeltail Catfish
Plotosus lineatus
Eel-like tail; second dorsal fin origin above space between pelvic and anal fin; nasal barbel not reaching beyond eye; brown above, sides with about two white stripes which become faded in old adults. Benthic carnivore in coastal areas, including reefs and estuaries. To 30 cm. With venomous spines, |
Bota is a 2014 Albanian Italian Kosovan drama movie directed by Iris Elezi and Thomas Logoreci. It stars Flonja Kodheli, Artur Gorishti, Fioralba Kryemadhi, Tinka Kurti, Luca Lionello and won the Fedeora Award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 2014. |
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Mutual intelligibility is where the speakers of one language can understand another language because they are alike. This is sometimes (but not always) used to decide whether they are different languages or different dialects.
There are noticeable differences in accent, vocabulary, and spelling between British and General American English, but speakers can largely understand each other without serious problems. These dialects are therefore mutually intelligible.
Sometimes, even different languages can be mutually intelligible.Hindi and Urdu are called different languages, but speakers of both languages can largely understand each other if they are using everyday language. This is because the two languages used to be dialects of Hindustani, the official language of British India until India became independent. Since the two languages are so alike, they are sometimes called together as Hindi-Urdu.
Also, dialects of a certain language can sometimes be mutually unintelligible. Chinese, for example, has hundreds of different dialects, and many native speakers of those dialects cannot understand each other without knowing the other's dialect. For example, the local dialects of Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong are Mandarin, Shanghainese/Wu Chinese, and Cantonese/Yue in that same order. If natives from each of these cities were to talk to each other in their native dialects, they would not understand each other. This is because they are too different from each other. This is why the governments of China and Taiwan want their citizens to speak Standard Mandarin in public so that there can be a spoken dialect of Chinese everyone can understand. While the spoken dialects are mutually unintelligible, they all use the same written code, Chinese characters, so they can understand each other if they write to each other.
These examples above show that the difference between language and dialect is often hard to define, even for linguists, or people who study languages as their job.
When a speaker of one language can understand what a speaker of another language is saying but not the other way around, it is called asymmetric intelligibility. An example of of this is Portuguese and Spanish. While Portuguese speakers say they can understand Spanish without major problems, Spanish speakers, on the other hand, have a very difficult time understanding Portuguese speakers. This situation is actually quite common across languages.
Language |
Rennie Grove Hospice Care is a local charity providing palliative care for patients diagnosed with cancer or another life-limiting illness.
Our 24-hour Hospice at Home service enables patients to remain at home during their illness, and even to die at home if that is their wish.
Working closely with other healthcare professionals from the statutory and voluntary sector, our Hospice at Home nurses provide specialist and hands-on nursing care in patients’ homes at any time of the day or night.
This year marks 30 Years of Care for the charities that came together to found Rennie Grove.
In 1985, Bucks resident Iain Rennie chose to be cared for in his own home after a terminal diagnosis and five nurses collaborated with his GP to make this happen.
Those nurses were the first five clinicians of Iain Rennie Hospice at Home (IRHH).
Caring for more than 10,000 patients across the Chilterns over 25 years, IRHH merged with Grove House, in St Albans, in 2011 in order to extend our model of 24-hour responsive care further into Herts, giving more people the choice to be cared for at home.
Now nearly 60 nurses make around 20,000 visits to patients’ homes across Bucks and Herts each year.
In Aylesbury Vale alone, our Hospice at Home nurses have already made over 1,000 visits to patients at home during April, May and June, the first quarter of this financial year.
With this level of support, about 70 per cent of our patients are able to spend their final days at home, compared with just 22 per cent nationally. Rennie Grove also manages a children’s Hospice at Home team funded by the Pepper Foundation.
All our care is provided at no cost to patients or their families, but it costs the charity £6.7 million every year to fund the service.
With the number of over-75s predicted to double in the next 30 years, we anticipate a corresponding rise in life-limiting illness and an increased demand for our service.
The local community already funds about 85 per cent of our running costs.
Our 20 shops generate more than £2 million each year and we rely on the support and expertise of over 1,500 regular and part-time volunteers, who save the charity over £1.5 million each year. And we’ll become increasingly reliant on your generosity in order to reach everyone who needs us.
We already have plans in place to make sure we can provide the same standard of care around the clock.
Read more in our next 30 Years feature, coming soon.
Almost Done!
Registering with Bucks Herald means you're ok with our terms and conditions. |
Theo-Ben Gurirab (23 January 1938 - 14 July 2018) was a Namibian politician. He was the second Prime Minister of Namibia between 28 August 2002 to 20 March 2005. He was Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1990 to 2002.
Gurirab was President of the United Nations General Assembly from 1999 to 2000. He was Speaker of the National Assembly from 2005 to 2015. Gurirab retired from active politics in 2015.
Gurirab died at a Windhoek hospital on 14 July 2018., aged 80 |
season. [read more]
Reese Named IWLCA Division I National Coach of the Year July 27, 2015 | Coach for two-time Division I national champion Maryland, Cathy Reese has been named the IWLCA National Coach of the Year by the IWLCA on Monday morning. [read more]]
Gallery: USL U15 National Championship Medal Round July 26, 2015 | Yellow Jackets Blue (N.Y.) and FCA persevered through a tremendously tough field to capture titles at the US Lacrosse U15 National Championship in Richmond. Photos by Logan Whitton. .jpg?max_width=600&max_height=400
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Toivakka is a municipality in Central Finland. It had almost 2,050 people living there in January 2014. The municipalities next to it are Hankasalmi, Joutsa, Jyvaskyla, Kangasniemi, Laukaa and Muurame.
Some villages
Haukanmaa, Huikko, Humalamaki, Kankainen, Nisula, Paloskyla, Ruuhimaki, Taka-Toivakka, Vihijarvi and Viisarimaki. |
ScanEagle platform. Leveraging lessons learned from more than 800,000 operational hours, ScanEagle 2 provides increased payload power and expanded payload options, a more robust navigation system, better image quality due to a fully digital video system and a state-of-the-art, purpose-built propulsion system. New ScanEagle 2 integrates fully digital video system and a more robust navigation system “For two decades, Insitu has made a name for itself through iterative innovation,” said Ryan M. Hartman, Insitu’s president and CEO. “ScanEagle 2 will shepherd us into the next two decades as we focus on reliability and affordability and enter the civil/commercial market. And as ScanEagle has always done, ScanEagle 2 will provide the capability our warfighters have come to expect from Insitu – yet more affordable and more capable.”) ScanEagle 2 also enables commonality with other unmanned systems thanks to an open-architecture ground control system, as well as a launch-and-recovery system it shares with Integrator, Insitu’s other unmanned platform.. |
Paul Larose (born November 1, 1950) is a Canadian retired ice hockey forward who played 33 games in the World Hockey Association for the Quebec Nordiques and Michigan Stags/Baltimore Blades.
Career statistics |
North Dakota Civics Requirements for Graduation
On January 30, 2015, Governor Dalrymple signed into law House Bill 1087, relating to the demonstration of proficiency in Civics as a condition of ND high school graduation.
When Does the Civics Test Requirement Begin?
Any student who graduates from a North Dakota high school during or after the 2016-17 school year is required to take and pass the test.
Who is required to take the Civics test(s)?
The requirement set forth in this section applies to each student who is:
- Enrolled in a public school district;
- Enrolled in a nonpublic school;
- Enrolled in the Center for Distance Education;
- Receiving home education if the student is to be issued a high school diploma in accordance with subsection 1 of section 15.1-23-17 (NDCC); or
- Pursuing a general equivalency diploma.
Who can take the North Dakota Civics Exam test from NDCDE?
- A student planning on earning a ND high school diploma from NDCDE and
- A student who is currently enrolled with NDCDE or has previously been enrolled with NDCDE
If you have any questions regarding eligibility please contact our academic advisor Brian Becker at [email protected] or at (701) 298 4833.
How can a student prepare before taking the North Dakota Civics Exam?
The 100 questions and answers for the North Dakota Civics Exam are provided for the student to review before taking the exam. The exam is based upon the questions used for the United States naturalization test. The North Dakota Civics Exam will be in a multiple choice format.
This link will provide you with the ND Civics Exam Study Questions.
Use the form below to register for the Civics Exam. |
Cynthia Coffman is an American serial killer. In 1986, she killed two women in California. She was convicted along with her boyfriend, James Marlow. Coffman says she was present when the women were killed. She also says that she suffered from battered woman syndrome. She was sentenced to death and is sitting on death row in a prison in California.
She was bourn in St .Louis, Missouri. She had a difficult childhood. Her father soon left the family, and her mother raised her alone. At one point, her mother tried to give her and her brother away. When she was 18 years old, she was married. She became a mother. The marriage did not last long, however. She moved to Arizona with a friend. She met Marlow shortly after he was released from jail. They started to take methamphetamine together, got married, and began to commit violent crimes.
Crimes and trial
Both Coffman and Marlow were accused of killing four women, in October and November 1986. Coffman confessed to the murders, Her attorneys said that she loved Marlow, bur that he brainwashed and abused her.
They were put on trial in July 1989 and 1990 and sentenced to death. Coffman was the first woman to receive a death sentence in California since the death penalty was reintroducerd in 1977. A trial in 1992 convicted her of another murder, for which she received a sentence of life imprisonment. After this, Coffman confessed to the murders. |
Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019)
Bichuan Guo, Yuxing Han, Jiangtao Wen
In this paper we propose to use a denoising autoencoder (DAE) prior to simultaneously solve a linear inverse problem and estimate its noise parameter. Existing DAE-based methods estimate the noise parameter empirically or treat it as a tunable hyper-parameter. We instead propose autoencoder guided EM, a probabilistically sound framework that performs Bayesian inference with intractable deep priors. We show that efficient posterior sampling from the DAE can be achieved via Metropolis-Hastings, which allows the Monte Carlo EM algorithm to be used. We demonstrate competitive results for signal denoising, image deblurring and image devignetting. Our method is an example of combining the representation power of deep learning with uncertainty quantification from Bayesian statistics. |
Live a Paris (English: Live in Paris) is a live album by Canadian singer Celine Dion.
Track listing
"J'attendais" (Jean-Jacques Goldman) - 4:58
"Destin" (Goldman) - 4:11
"The Power of Love" (Candy DeRouge, Gunther Mende, Mary Susan Applegate, Jennifer Rush) - 4:45
"Regarde-moi" (Goldman) - 3:49
"River Deep, Mountain High" (Phil Spector, Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich) - 3:29
"Un garcon pas comme les autres (Ziggy)" (Luc Plamondon, Michel Berger) - 5:03
"Les derniers seront les premiers" (with Jean-Jacques Goldman) (Goldman) - 3:52
"J'irai ou tu iras" (with Jean-Jacques Goldman) (Goldman) - 3:46
"Je sais pas" (Goldman, J. Kapler) - 4:25
"Le ballet" (Goldman) - 10:33
"Priere paienne" (Goldman) - 4:55
"Pour que tu m'aimes encore" (Goldman) - 5:10
"Quand on n'a que l'amour" (Jacques Brel) - 4:41
"Vole" (Goldman) - 4:03
"To Love You More" (studio recording) (David Foster, Junior Miles) - 5:28
Charts and certifications
Release history |
Tropical Palms
This tropical palm design makes you think of colorful drinks on the beach!
Design Notes
- Card Size: A2 (4.25x5.5)
- Printed on 110# Crane Pearl Cardstock in a smooth finish - perfect for writing!
- Paired with Crane Pearl envelopes
- Add your return address or a custom rubber stamp for an additional fee.
Ordering Details
- As part of our Quick Ship / "No Decisions Needed" collection, you are purchasing this design as shown (ink color, font, and text placement). No proof will be sent so be sure that you double check what you submit for the name(s).
- Orders of 100 or less ship within 2 business days of order placement
- Orders of 100 or more may take an additional 2 business days pending available envelope stock.
Do I have to do my name as the photo shows?
Absolutely not! Feel free to use just your first name, your nickname, add a title, etc. Also, you can use any of these designs as couple's stationery. Just write what you want in the box, and if we have any questions, we'll reach out.
I want a larger quantity. How would I order that?
Drop us a note and we can provide the best pricing options.
I would like to do this design in letterpress or change the font. How do I do that?
Please check out our design your own personal stationery options. |
Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen is a 1981 American mystery comedy movie directed by Clive Donner and is the latest movie in the Charlie Chan series. It stars Peter Ustinov, Michelle Pfeiffer, Lee Grant, Angie Dickinson, Roddy McDowall, Brian Keith, Rachel Roberts, Courteney Cox. |
The Baseball and Softball Bat Care section is to offer tips and guidelines for proper care towards your X Bat.
Manufacturers Warranty
are no warranties on any wood bats anywhere. We do offer a 101 Warranty at a
nominal cost at the time of purchase.
From time to time a bat has an inherent flaw in the wood and in these cases, it will break in the first half dozen swings. Even though there are no guarantees on wood bats by anyone anywhere, we believe we make the best bats in baseball and they should last a reasonable time for the money you pay. In these cases, we replace these bats for our customers ON THE CONDITION it has not been hit off the end, not been hit on the label or opposite side and not been hit more than a few swings (more than 10 is TOO many). We are the only wood bat company that will do this. We do require a RA Number so contacting us by e-mail (like the trunk of your car)
- Do not clean metal cleats with the bat
- Use regulation, leather covered, baseball and softballs. NOT rubber cage balls
- Do not hit waterlogged balls
- Routinely check your bat for any damage
- Always hit the ball on the side 90 degrees from the label |
"Fed Up" is the a song by DJ Khaled. It was released on March 2, 2010. It became his first single from his album Victory (2010). The song features Usher, Young Jeezy, Rick Ross and Drake.
2009 songs
Drake (musician) songs
Lil Wayne songs
Usher songs |
Washington — In 2013, Cornell University agreed to forfeit 10,000 cuneiform tablets amid suspicions they were looted from Iraq in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War.
Four years later, the items remain in the university’s hands. And it is one of many collections of ancient artifacts that have come under scrutiny in America.
Just last week, New York prosecutors seized a 2,300-year-old Greek vase from the Metropolitan Museum that they suspect was looted. For years, museums and institutions, from Yale University to Chicago’s Field Museum to the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, have contained items of questionable provenance that had to be returned.
Some of these missteps generated headlines, and sometimes the pieces are kept, like the Parthenon frieze, acquired in the early 19th century, which the British Museum has refused to give back to Greece.
But they haven’t tarnished the overall reputations of these institutions, many of whose coffers were filled before the art and artifact markets were as regulated as they are currently, and customs laws had the strong teeth they now do.
In the case of the 10,000 Iraqi cuneiform tablets, there has been hardly any public attention given to the matter since the initial agreement, even though the pieces “continue to be stored, preserved and studied at Cornell University … with the consent of the Iraqi government,” university spokesman John Carberry said this week.
By contrast, earlier this month, when the arts-and-crafts chain store Hobby Lobby agreed to a $3 million settlement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York over its purchase of clay artifacts from present-day Iraq, it was widely seen as a blemish on the forthcoming Museum of the Bible. Its board chairman, Hobby Lobby President Steve Green, owns one of the world’s largest private collections of biblical texts and artifacts.
The fine, The Washington Post reported, is “casting a cloud over the much-anticipated Museum of the Bible.” And The Atlantic added that the Green family name is “likely to bring even further scrutiny and attention” to the museum, given that it is “now tied to a story of dealer intrigue and black markets.”
Scott Thumma, an academic dean and professor of sociology of religion at Hartford Seminary, sees a double standard.
“Many of the collections of our great national museums and universities are full of the very objects that Hobby Lobby is being fined for smuggling and are seldom required to return or pay compensation,” Thumma said.
The allegations against Hobby Lobby are certainly serious.
In December 2010, the family-owned firm based in Oklahoma City, which posts $4 billion in annual sales, purchased 5,500 artifacts for $1.6 million. The sale was “fraught with red flags,” notes a U.S. Justice Department release, and the clay artifacts from present-day Iraq were misidentified and mislabeled as Turkish tile “samples” when they were smuggled into the country via the United Arab Emirates and Israel.
Last weekend, Israeli authorities arrested smugglers who were alleged to have sold $20 million worth of antiquities to Hobby Lobby from 2010 to 2014.
Hobby Lobby agreed to surrender the artifacts in the U.S. Justice Department case and, in a statement, said it “was new to the world of acquiring these items, and did not fully appreciate the complexities of the acquisitions process,” resulting in “some regrettable mistakes.”
Museum of the Bible vice president Steven Bickley said the museum is “an independent organization governed by a broad and diverse board of directors, with strong professional and academic credentials, who make decisions in accordance with prevailing industry standards.”
He added that “only a small number” of the 40,000 items in the Green Collection would be exhibited in the museum, slated to open in November just a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol and the National Mall.
But many academics have long viewed the museum — and its association with Hobby Lobby, which famously won a 2014 Supreme Court decision in which it challenged the requirement under the Affordable Care Act that employers pay for insurance for employees’ contraception — as compromised.
“Mainstream scholars certainly have taken more delight in pointing out the illicit dealings connected with the conservative Christian Green family’s project, than they would have if the Metropolitan Museum had been found to have been connected with something similar,” said James McGrath, chair in New Testament language and literature at Butler University..
But Roberta Mazza, a longtime critic of the museum, rejects the argument that the Green family and others in the leadership are being treated unfairly because of their religion.
“They committed serious and sustained crimes and behaved against basic professional standards,” said Mazza, a lecturer in classics and ancient history at the University of Manchester in England. “Their religious affiliation was and still is irrelevant.”
Mazza said the scarcity of legitimate antiquities on the market has made it impossible to amass large collections without breaking the law or purchasing fakes. But she said people and institutions in the United States are still trying, citing the recent seizure at the Metropolitan Museum.
“The Greens are just repeating a model, which more than evangelical looks like American to me,” she said, adding that “tons” of books have been published on “the misdeeds of the Getty and other museums, with the help of antiquities dealers and bad academics.”
Steven Fine, professor of Jewish history and founding director of Yeshiva University’s Center for Israel Studies, agrees that regulation of the sale of antiquities “is quite intense.”
He, too, doesn’t think that the Greens’ beliefs are the problem. In fact, he said they should be more open about their religious motivations.
“The question for me is not whether the Greens have a religious position, but to make sure that they are upfront that their faith positions are the subject of this museum,” he said. “For me, it is just an issue of transparency. Remember that even by saying Bible, Jews hear one thing, Protestants hear another, and Catholics a third.”
Whatever the Greens’ motivations, McGrath of Butler and Thumma of Hartford said neither the family’s religious beliefs nor the manner of acquiring the artifacts is likely to have any effect on the museum’s future success.
“People will still flock to a Museum of the Bible, seeking reassurances that their faith is grounded in history,” McGrath said.
“Those for whom the museum is intended won’t care,” Thumma added, “and will indeed interpret the U.S. attorney’s action as anti-evangelical bias, or maybe even ‘fake news.’” |
National Party of South Africa was an Afrikaner dominated white South African nationalist political party that controlled the South African government from 1948 to 1994. It was founded in 1914 by J.B.M. Hertzog as a result of disagreements between him and the leaders of the South African Party, which he then was a member of. In 1948 its leader Daniel Francois Malan became Prime Minister of South Africa, and the party began instituting apartheid in South Africa. However, apartheid was only one among a variety of issues that helped bring the National Party to power. Most people who voted for the National Party in 1948 were voting more against the previous United Party led by Jan Smuts than for Malan's National Party. This was because of Smuts's support of the United Kingdom in the Second World War, and other issues that irritated Afrikaner voters such as the poverty of Afrikaners, the competition from native Africans for jobs, the urbanization of Afrikaner towns, and the threat of communism, which the Afrikaner voters generally felt Smuts had wrongly handled and felt that the problems were partially his fault. South African President FW de Klerk, the last South African government leader to belong to the party, disbanded apartheid in the 1990s and allowed all adults of all races to vote for the first time in 1994, which resulted in the National Party being voted out of office. |
Westport officials are calling for an independent audit and accountability from the town’s highest elected official
Other Post Employment Benefits, or “OPEB,” now is expected to cost Westport taxpayers an additional $12,500 per household, according to Michael Rea, chairman of the RTM Finance Committee and a Republican candidate for the Board of Finance. Originally reported at about $50 million due to the accounting mistake, the OPEB liability is now closer to $100 million, Rea said.
“In a corporate world, heads would roll, but we have an elected official here. He should take the appropriate actions necessary to correct this problem,” Rea told Westport Patch.
, a Democrat, could not be reached for comment.
Westport’s annual required contribution for OPEB had been thought to be about $4.1 million, but it appears to be closer to $8 million, Rea said.
Third Selectman Charles Haberstroh, a Republican, said Joseloff could do more to take responsibility.
“Basically he (Joseloff) could say ‘I’m accountable for it, I’m sorry, I want to stay in office,’ which he can do,” Haberstroh said. “Or he can say he has lost the confidence of the funding bodies and the voters and ‘I need to resign.’ Only he can decide that.”
“I think someone or some people in government made a serious mistake,” Haberstroh said.
Rea said: “There is a problem that exists in his (Joseloff’s) administration and it needs to be corrected and that’s why there should be a third party audit to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future.” |
Cardinal or The Cardinal may refer to:
Cardinal (Catholicism), a senior official of the Catholic Church
Cardinal (Church of England), two members of the College of Minor Canons of St. Paul's Cathedral
Cardinal direction, one of the four primary directions: north, south, east, and west
Cardinal mark, a sea mark used in navigation
Cardinal number
Large cardinal
Cardinal (bird) or Cardinalidae, a family of North and South American birds
Cardinalis, genus of cardinal in the family Cardinalidae
Cardinalis cardinalis, or Northern Cardinal, the common cardinal of eastern North America
Argynnis pandora, a species of butterfly
Cardinal tetra, a freshwater fish
Paroaria, a South American genus of birds
Cardinal, Manitoba, Canada
Cardinal, Ontario, Canada
Cardinal High School (Middlefield, Ohio), a public high school in Middlefield, Ohio, Geauga County, United States
Cardinal Power Plant, a power plant in Jefferson County, Ohio
Cardinal, Virginia, United States
C/2008 T2 (Cardinal), a comet
Arts, entertainment, and media
Cardinal (movie), a 2001 American movie directed by Michael Harring
Cardinals (movie), a 2017 Canadian movie
The Cardinal (1936 movie), a British historical drama
The Cardinal, a 1963 American movie
Cardinal (chess), a fairy chess piece, also known as the archbishop
Cardinal, a participant in the army drinking game Cardinal Puff
The Cardinals (rock band), a group formed in 2003
The Cardinals, a 1950s R&B group
Cardinal (Cardinal album), a 1994 album by indie pop duo Cardinal
Cardinal (Pinegrove album), 2016
Cardinal (TV series), a 2017 Canadian television series
"Cardinal" (The Americans), the second episode of the second season of the television series The Americans
Other arts, entertainment, and media
Cardinal (comics), a supervillain appearing in Marvel Comics
The Cardinal (play), a 1641 Caroline era tragedy by James Shirley
Cardinal (grape), a table grape first produced in California in 1939
Lobelia cardinalis, also known as "cardinal flower"
Cardinal Brewery, a brewery founded in 1788 by Francois Piller, in Fribourg, Switzerland
Cardinal Health, a health care services company
Arizona Cardinals, an American professional football team
Assindia Cardinals, an American football club from Essen, Germany
Ball State Cardinals, the athletic teams of Ball State University
Cardenales de Lara, a Venezuelan baseball team
Catholic University Cardinals, the athletic teams of the Catholic University of America
Front Royal Cardinals, an American baseball team
Lamar Cardinals, the athletic teams of Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, USA
Louisville Cardinals, the athletic teams of University of Louisville
Mapua Cardinals, the athletic teams of Mapua Institute of Technology
North Central Cardinals, the athletic teams of North Central College
St. John Fisher Cardinals, the athletic teams of St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY
St. Louis Cardinals, an American professional baseball team
Stanford Cardinal, the athletic teams of Stanford University
Wesleyan Cardinals, the athletic teams of Wesleyan University
West Perth Football Club, an Australian rules football club in Western Australia
Woking F.C., an English football team
Cessna 177 Cardinal, a single engine aircraft
St. Louis Cardinal C-2-110, a light aircraft built in 1928
Cardinal (train)
The Cardinal (railcar)
Cardinal number (linguistics), a part of speech for expressing numbers by name
Cardinal vowel, a concept in phonetics
Other uses
Cardinal (color), a vivid red
Cardinal (name), a surname
Cardinal, a Ruby programming language implementation using for the Parrot virtual machine |
Video Production Service in State College PA Pennsylvania
State College Pennsylvania Video production services. - referrals to local State College Video production services in PA.State College Pennsylvania Video production services - referrals to local State College Video production services in PA State College, Pennsylvania
SEVideo - (Rochester, New York serving State College)
Blue Skies - (Sharon, Pennsylania serving State College) Blue Skies covers events elegantly and unobtrusive. Events documented by Blue Skies are relived with the simple remote click. Cover yourself with Blue Skies
Millennium Video Productions - (Lock Haven, Pennsylania serving State College) Moving Memories With Style A Picture May Say a Thousand Words but a video Lasts a Thousand Years
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Impact Audio Video Productions LLC - (Scottsdale, Arizona serving State College).
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Memory Imprint Studio - (Rancho Cucamonga, California serving State College).
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Perlow Productions - (Cherry Hill, New Jersey serving State College) Perlow Productions offers event coverage for weddings, mitzvahs, birthdays and any other type of celebratory event. We also create unique event videos that serve as a great form of entertainment for your event. We pride ourselves on creative productions that don't look like the same old video you've seen before.
Aranco Productions - (Norristown, Pennsylania serving State College) Aranco Productions is a full service meeting and video production company located near Valley Forge PA. Our reputation is built on providing creative solutions to achieve our clients objectives. We carefully guard our client's budgets to ensure the most bang for the buck. While we usually produce all facets of the meetings that we work on, we are often called upon to only produce specific components, such as speaker support or video clips. Our style is to be very flexible in handling each assign
Premiere Entertainment - (New York, New York serving State College)
T-Star Productions - (Willoughby, Ohio serving State College) T-Star Productions is a complete digital video production company specializing in affordable Wedding videography. We offer a wide range of Packages that can accommodate all wedding budgets. We make each Wedding video personal, capturing each couples love story for years to come. Our exceptional videography and editing sets T-Star Productions apart from many other videographers. We service the complete Northeastern Ohio area, and are available in other locations as far a Columbus, OH and PA. Visi
Rememory Video - (Saegertown, Pennsylania serving State College) Depending on your needs Rememory video captures real, unscripted, stunning video with the look, feel, and pace of film style cinematography or documentaries. What you receive is a treasure you will cherish as an archive memory. Wedding videos, event, montages, memorials, and video transfers to fit most any budget.
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Lynbrook is a village in Nassau County, New York, USA. The population was 19,427 at the 2010 census. The Incorporated Village of Lynbrook is inside the Town of Hempstead. The Village of Lynbrook's current mayor is William Hendrick.
Towns in New York (state) |
Illinois elementary schools can use COVID-19 testing for little to no cost after the Illinois Department of Public Health announced its access expansion.
The saliva-based covidSHIELD test developed by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is already available for middle schools, high schools and community colleges. Schools and the state health department will receive test results within 24 hours of specimens reaching a SHIELD Illinois lab, according to a press release from the state health department.
The Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is the only COVID vaccine authorized for children under the age of 18. Currently, children as young as 12 can be vaccinated — excluding almost all elementary-aged students.
Testing is free for schools in districts that are predominantly low-income — as determined by the Illinois State Board of Education's evidence-based funding criteria — and have experienced high rates of COVID infection. Other schools will have to pay a discounted fee of $10 per test.
The state health department did not immediately respond to questions about what qualifies as a high rate of infection and whether the tests will be available immediately or in the fall. While many Illinois schools have finished or are swiftly wrapping up the school year, East St. Louis School District 189, at least, extended the school year through the end of June.
Federal funds from the CARES Act and American Rescue Plan are being used by the state health department to pay for the rapid results testing, which is part of a $225 million agreement between the state and the University of Illinois system to identify asymptomatic individuals and stem the spread of COVID.
in a statement. "Offering testing in schools, along with vaccination and masking, can help protect students, staff and teachers when in-person learning resumes."
In May, the Illinois State Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution intended to be a "signal" to districts that schools will have to provide fully in-person learning in the fall. Local districts will still be able to provide remote options if they choose to, and they will be required to provide remote learning opportunities to students who are both ineligible to be vaccinated and are under a quarantine order.
The state board expects that most of those cases requiring remote learning will be elementary-aged students, Director of Communications Jackie Matthews said in an email statement at the time.
Clinical trials for the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine — as well as the Moderna-NIAID and Johnson & Johnson vaccines — have been expanded to include children. It's expected that the Pfizer shot will be authorized for children under the age of 12 sometime in the fall.
Illinois is set to fully re-open on Friday, while still recommending face coverings for unvaccinated people, including children, as well as requiring masks of all individuals on public transportation and in transportation hubs, in congregate facilities, and in healthcare settings. Businesses and venues may require face coverings and other mitigations at their discretion. |
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