stringlengths 7
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| cs
int64 0
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| quantitative biology
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| quantitative finance
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Chaotic behavior in Casimir oscillators: A case study for phase change materials | Casimir forces between material surfaces at close proximity of less than 200
nm can lead to increased chaotic behavior of actuating devices depending on the
strength of the Casimir interaction. We investigate these phenomena for phase
change materials in torsional oscillators, where the amorphous to crystalline
phase transitions lead to transitions between high and low Casimir force and
torque states respectively, without material compositions. For a conservative
system bifurcation curve and Poincare maps analysis show the absence of chaotic
behavior but with the crystalline phase (high force/torque state) favoring more
unstable behavior and stiction. However, for a non-conservative system chaotic
behavior can occur introducing significant risk for stiction, which is again
more pronounced for the crystalline phase. The latter illustrates the more
general scenario that stronger Casimir forces and torques increase the
possibility for chaotic behavior. The latter is making impossible to predict
whether stiction or stable actuation will occur on a long term basis, and it is
setting limitations in the design of micro/nano devices operating at short
range nanoscale separations.
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Confluence in Probabilistic Rewriting | Driven by the interest of reasoning about probabilistic programming
languages, we set out to study a notion of unicity of normal forms for them. To
provide a tractable proof method for it, we define a property of distribution
confluence which is shown to imply the desired uniqueness (even for infinite
sequences of reduction) and further properties. We then carry over several
criteria from the classical case, such as Newman's lemma, to simplify proving
confluence in concrete languages. Using these criteria, we obtain simple proofs
of confluence for $\lambda_1$, an affine probabilistic $\lambda$-calculus, and
for Q$^*$, a quantum programming language for which a related property has
already been proven in the literature.
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Structure preserving schemes for mean-field equations of collective behavior | In this paper we consider the development of numerical schemes for mean-field
equations describing the collective behavior of a large group of interacting
agents. The schemes are based on a generalization of the classical Chang-Cooper
approach and are capable to preserve the main structural properties of the
systems, namely nonnegativity of the solution, physical conservation laws,
entropy dissipation and stationary solutions. In particular, the methods here
derived are second order accurate in transient regimes whereas they can reach
arbitrary accuracy asymptotically for large times. Several examples are
reported to show the generality of the approach.
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Localization optoacoustic tomography | Localization-based imaging has revolutionized fluorescence optical microscopy
and has also enabled unprecedented ultrasound images of microvascular
structures in deep tissues. Herein, we introduce a new concept of localization
optoacoustic tomography (LOAT) that employs rapid sequential acquisition of
three-dimensional optoacoustic images from flowing absorbing particles. We show
that the new method enables breaking through the spatial resolution barrier of
acoustic diffraction while further enhancing the visibility of structures under
limited-view tomographic conditions. Given the intrinsic sensitivity of
optoacoustics to multiple hemodynamic and oxygenation parameters, LOAT may
enable new level of performance in studying functional and anatomical
alterations of microcirculation.
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Reduced-basis approach to many-body localization | Within the standard model of many-body localization, i.e., the disordered
chain of spinless fermions, we investigate how the interaction affects the
many-body states in the basis of noninteracting localized Anderson states. From
this starting point we follow the approach that uses a reduced basis of
many-body states. Together with an extrapolation to the full basis, it proves
to be efficient for the evaluation of the stiffnesses of local observables,
which remain finite within the non-ergodic regime and represent the hallmark of
the many-body localization (MBL). The method enables a larger span of system
sizes and, within the MBL regime, allows for a more careful analysis of the
size scaling of calculated quantities. On the other hand, the survival
stiffness as the representative of non--local quantities, reveals limitations
of the reduced-basis approach.
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Electron-correlation study of Y III-Tc VII ions using a relativistic coupled-cluster theory | Spectroscopic properties, useful for plasma diagnostics and astrophysics, of
a few rubidium-like ions are studied here. We choose one of the simplest, but
correlationally challenging series where $d-$ and $f-$ orbitals are present in
the core and/or valence shells with $4d$ $^2D_{3/2}$ as the ground state. We
study different correlation characteristics of this series and make precise
calculations of electronic structure and rates of electromagnetic transitions.
Our calculated lifetimes and transition rates are compared with other available
experimental and theoretical values. Radiative rates of vacuum ultra-violet
electromagnetic transitions of the long lived Tc$^{6+}$ ion, useful in several
areas of physics and chemistry, are estimated. To the best of our knowledge,
there is no literature for most of these transitions.
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Align and Copy: UZH at SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task for Morphological Reinflection | This paper presents the submissions by the University of Zurich to the
SIGMORPHON 2017 shared task on morphological reinflection. The task is to
predict the inflected form given a lemma and a set of morpho-syntactic
features. We focus on neural network approaches that can tackle the task in a
limited-resource setting. As the transduction of the lemma into the inflected
form is dominated by copying over lemma characters, we propose two recurrent
neural network architectures with hard monotonic attention that are strong at
copying and, yet, substantially different in how they achieve this. The first
approach is an encoder-decoder model with a copy mechanism. The second approach
is a neural state-transition system over a set of explicit edit actions,
including a designated COPY action. We experiment with character alignment and
find that naive, greedy alignment consistently produces strong results for some
languages. Our best system combination is the overall winner of the SIGMORPHON
2017 Shared Task 1 without external resources. At a setting with 100 training
samples, both our approaches, as ensembles of models, outperform the next best
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Krylov methods for low-rank commuting generalized Sylvester equations | We consider generalizations of the Sylvester matrix equation, consisting of
the sum of a Sylvester operator and a linear operator $\Pi$ with a particular
structure. More precisely, the commutator of the matrix coefficients of the
operator $\Pi$ and the Sylvester operator coefficients are assumed to be
matrices with low rank. We show (under certain additional conditions) low-rank
approximability of this problem, i.e., the solution to this matrix equation can
be approximated with a low-rank matrix. Projection methods have successfully
been used to solve other matrix equations with low-rank approximability. We
propose a new projection method for this class of matrix equations. The choice
of subspace is a crucial ingredient for any projection method for matrix
equations. Our method is based on an adaption and extension of the extended
Krylov subspace method for Sylvester equations. A constructive choice of the
starting vector/block is derived from the low-rank commutators. We illustrate
the effectiveness of our method by solving large-scale matrix equations arising
from applications in control theory and the discretization of PDEs. The
advantages of our approach in comparison to other methods are also illustrated.
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Atomic-scale origin of dynamic viscoelastic response and creep in disordered solids | Viscoelasticity has been described since the time of Maxwell as an
interpolation of purely viscous and purely elastic response, but its
microscopic atomic-level mechanism in solids has remained elusive. We studied
three model disordered solids: a random lattice, the bond-depleted fcc lattice,
and the fcc lattice with vacancies. Within the harmonic approximation for
central-force lattices, we applied sum-rules for viscoelastic response derived
on the basis of non-affine atomic motions. The latter motions are a direct
result of local structural disorder, and in particular, of the lack of
inversion-symmetry in disordered lattices. By defining a suitable quantitative
and general atomic-level measure of nonaffinity and inversion-symmetry, we show
that the viscoelastic responses of all three systems collapse onto a master
curve upon normalizing by the overall strength of inversion-symmetry breaking
in each system. Close to the isostatic point for central-force lattices,
power-law creep $G(t)\sim t^{-1/2}$ emerges as a consequence of the interplay
between soft vibrational modes and non-affine dynamics, and various analytical
scalings, supported by numerical calculations, are predicted by the theory.
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On-sky closed loop correction of atmospheric dispersion for high-contrast coronagraphy and astrometry | Adaptive optic (AO) systems delivering high levels of wavefront correction
are now common at observatories. One of the main limitations to image quality
after wavefront correction comes from atmospheric refraction. An Atmospheric
dispersion compensator (ADC) is employed to correct for atmospheric refraction.
The correction is applied based on a look-up table consisting of dispersion
values as a function of telescope elevation angle. The look-up table based
correction of atmospheric dispersion results in imperfect compensation leading
to the presence of residual dispersion in the point-spread function (PSF) and
is insufficient when sub-milliarcsecond precision is required. The presence of
residual dispersion can limit the achievable contrast while employing
high-performance coronagraphs or can compromise high-precision astrometric
measurements. In this paper, we present the first on-sky closed-loop correction
of atmospheric dispersion by directly using science path images. The concept
behind the measurement of dispersion utilizes the chromatic scaling of focal
plane speckles. An adaptive speckle grid generated with a deformable mirror
(DM) that has a sufficiently large number of actuators is used to accurately
measure the residual dispersion and subsequently correct it by driving the ADC.
We have demonstrated with the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme AO (SCExAO) system
on-sky closed-loop correction of residual dispersion to < 1 mas across H-band.
This work will aid in the direct detection of habitable exoplanets with
upcoming extremely large telescopes (ELTs) and also provide a diagnostic tool
to test the performance of instruments which require sub-milliarcsecond
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Experimental observations and modelling of intrinsic rotation reversals in tokamaks | The progress made in understanding spontaneous toroidal rotation reversals in
tokamaks is reviewed and current ideas to solve this ten-year-old puzzle are
explored. The paper includes a summarial synthesis of the experimental
observations in AUG, C-Mod, KSTAR, MAST and TCV tokamaks, reasons why turbulent
momentum transport is thought to be responsible for the reversals, a review of
the theory of turbulent momentum transport and suggestions for future
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Where, When, and How mmWave is Used in 5G and Beyon | Wireless engineers and business planners commonly raise the question on
where, when, and how millimeter-wave (mmWave) will be used in 5G and beyond.
Since the next generation network is not just a new radio access standard, but
instead an integration of networks for vertical markets with diverse
applications, answers to the question depend on scenarios and use cases to be
deployed. This paper gives four 5G mmWave deployment examples and describes in
chronological order the scenarios and use cases of their probable deployment,
including expected system architectures and hardware prototypes. The paper
starts with 28 GHz outdoor backhauling for fixed wireless access and moving
hotspots, which will be demonstrated at the PyeongChang winter Olympic games in
2018. The second deployment example is a 60 GHz unlicensed indoor access system
at the Tokyo-Narita airport, which is combined with Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)
to enable ultra-high speed content download with low latency. The third example
is mmWave mesh network to be used as a micro Radio Access Network ({\mu}-RAN),
for cost-effective backhauling of small-cell Base Stations (BSs) in dense urban
scenarios. The last example is mmWave based Vehicular-to-Vehicular (V2V) and
Vehicular-to-Everything (V2X) communications system, which enables automated
driving by exchanging High Definition (HD) dynamic map information between cars
and Roadside Units (RSUs). For 5G and beyond, mmWave and MEC will play
important roles for a diverse set of applications that require both ultra-high
data rate and low latency communications.
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A simple script language for choreography of multiple, synchronizing non-anthropomorphic robots | The scripting language described in this document is (in the first place)
intended to be used on robots developed by Anja M{\o}lle Lindelof and Henning
Christiansen as part of a research project about robots performing on stage.
The target robots are expected to appear as familiar domestic objects that
take their own life, so to speak, and perhaps perform together with human
players, creating at illusion of a communication between them. In the current
version, these robots' common behaviour is determined uniquely by a script
written in the language described here -- the only possible autonomy for the
robots is action to correct dynamically for inaccuracies that arise during a
The present work is preliminary and has not been compared to properly to
other research work in this area, and the testing is still limited. A first
implementation on small Lego Mindstorms based robots is under development by
Mads Saustrup Fox as part of his master thesis work.
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Stability results for abstract evolution equations with intermittent time-delay feedback | We consider abstract evolution equations with on-off time delay feedback.
Without the time delay term, the model is described by an exponentially stable
semigroup. We show that, under appropriate conditions involving the delay term,
the system remains asymptotically stable. Under additional assumptions
exponential stability results are also obtained. Concrete examples illustrating
the abstract results are finally given.
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Solar wind turbulent cascade from MHD to sub-ion scales: large-size 3D hybrid particle-in-cell simulations | Spectral properties of the turbulent cascade from fluid to kinetic scales in
collisionless plasmas are investigated by means of large-size three-dimensional
(3D) hybrid (fluid electrons, kinetic protons) particle-in-cell simulations.
Initially isotropic Alfvènic fluctuations rapidly develop a strongly
anisotropic turbulent cascade, mainly in the direction perpendicular to the
ambient magnetic field. The omnidirectional magnetic field spectrum shows a
double power-law behavior over almost two decades in wavenumber, with a
Kolmogorov-like index at large scales, a spectral break around ion scales, and
a steepening at sub-ion scales. Power laws are also observed in the spectra of
the ion bulk velocity, density, and electric field, both at magnetohydrodynamic
(MHD) and at kinetic scales. Despite the complex structure, the omnidirectional
spectra of all fields at ion and sub-ion scales are in remarkable quantitative
agreement with those of a two-dimensional (2D) simulation with similar physical
parameters. This provides a partial, a-posteriori validation of the 2D
approximation at kinetic scales. Conversely, at MHD scales, the spectra of the
density and of the velocity (and, consequently, of the electric field) exhibit
differences between the 2D and 3D cases. Although they can be partly ascribed
to the lower spatial resolution, the main reason is likely the larger
importance of compressible effects in a full geometry. Our findings are also in
remarkable quantitative agreement with solar wind observations.
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Blind source separation of tensor-valued time series | The blind source separation model for multivariate time series generally
assumes that the observed series is a linear transformation of an unobserved
series with temporally uncorrelated or independent components. Given the
observations, the objective is to find a linear transformation that recovers
the latent series. Several methods for accomplishing this exist and three
particular ones are the classic SOBI and the recently proposed generalized FOBI
(gFOBI) and generalized JADE (gJADE), each based on the use of joint lagged
moments. In this paper we generalize the methodologies behind these algorithms
for tensor-valued time series. We assume that our data consists of a tensor
observed at each time point and that the observations are linear
transformations of latent tensors we wish to estimate. The tensorial
generalizations are shown to have particularly elegant forms and we show that
each of them is Fisher consistent and orthogonal equivariant. Comparing the new
methods with the original ones in various settings shows that the tensorial
extensions are superior to both their vector-valued counterparts and to two
existing tensorial dimension reduction methods for i.i.d. data. Finally,
applications to fMRI-data and video processing show that the methods are
capable of extracting relevant information from noisy high-dimensional data.
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Mixed Cages | We introduce the notion of a $[z, r; g]$-mixed cage. A $[z, r; g]$-mixed cage
is a mixed graph $G$, $z$-regular by arcs, $r$-regular by edges, with girth $g$
and minimum order. In this paper we prove the existence of $[z, r ;g]$-mixed
cages and exhibit families of mixed cages for some specific values. We also
give lower and upper bounds for some choices of $z, r$ and $g$. In particular
we present the first results on $[z,r;g]$- mixed cages for $z=1$ and any $r\geq
1$ and $g\geq 3$, and for any $z\geq 1$, $r=1$ and $g=4$.
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Single-beam dielectric-microsphere trapping with optical heterodyne detection | A technique to levitate and measure the three-dimensional position of
micrometer-sized dielectric spheres with heterodyne detection is presented. The
two radial degrees of freedom are measured by interfering light transmitted
through the microsphere with a reference wavefront, while the axial degree of
freedom is measured from the phase of the light reflected from the surface of
the microsphere. This method pairs the simplicity and accessibility of single
beam optical traps to a measurement of displacement that is intrinsically
calibrated by the wavelength of the trapping light and has exceptional immunity
to stray light. A theoretical shot noise limit of
$1.3\times10^{-13}\,\text{m}/\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$ for the radial degrees of
freedom, and $3.0\times10^{-15} \, \text{m}/\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$ for the axial
degree of freedom can be obtained in the system described. The measured
acceleration noise in the radial direction is $7.5\times10^{-5} \,
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An Empirical Analysis of Traceability in the Monero Blockchain | Monero is a privacy-centric cryptocurrency that allows users to obscure their
transactions by including chaff coins, called "mixins," along with the actual
coins they spend. In this paper, we empirically evaluate two weaknesses in
Monero's mixin sampling strategy. First, about 62% of transaction inputs with
one or more mixins are vulnerable to "chain-reaction" analysis -- that is, the
real input can be deduced by elimination. Second, Monero mixins are sampled in
such a way that they can be easily distinguished from the real coins by their
age distribution; in short, the real input is usually the "newest" input. We
estimate that this heuristic can be used to guess the real input with 80%
accuracy over all transactions with 1 or more mixins. Next, we turn to the
Monero ecosystem and study the importance of mining pools and the former
anonymous marketplace AlphaBay on the transaction volume. We find that after
removing mining pool activity, there remains a large amount of potentially
privacy-sensitive transactions that are affected by these weaknesses. We
propose and evaluate two countermeasures that can improve the privacy of future
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Automatic Face Image Quality Prediction | Face image quality can be defined as a measure of the utility of a face image
to automatic face recognition. In this work, we propose (and compare) two
methods for automatic face image quality based on target face quality values
from (i) human assessments of face image quality (matcher-independent), and
(ii) quality values computed from similarity scores (matcher-dependent). A
support vector regression model trained on face features extracted using a deep
convolutional neural network (ConvNet) is used to predict the quality of a face
image. The proposed methods are evaluated on two unconstrained face image
databases, LFW and IJB-A, which both contain facial variations with multiple
quality factors. Evaluation of the proposed automatic face image quality
measures shows we are able to reduce the FNMR at 1% FMR by at least 13% for two
face matchers (a COTS matcher and a ConvNet matcher) by using the proposed face
quality to select subsets of face images and video frames for matching
templates (i.e., multiple faces per subject) in the IJB-A protocol. To our
knowledge, this is the first work to utilize human assessments of face image
quality in designing a predictor of unconstrained face quality that is shown to
be effective in cross-database evaluation.
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Stochastic Block Models are a Discrete Surface Tension | Networks, which represent agents and interactions between them, arise in
myriad applications throughout the sciences, engineering, and even the
humanities. To understand large-scale structure in a network, a common task is
to cluster a network's nodes into sets called "communities" such that there are
dense connections within communities but sparse connections between them. A
popular and statistically principled method to perform such clustering is to
use a family of generative models known as stochastic block models (SBMs). In
this paper, we show that maximum likelihood estimation in an SBM is a network
analog of a well-known continuum surface-tension problem that arises from an
application in metallurgy. To illustrate the utility of this bridge, we
implement network analogs of three surface-tension algorithms, with which we
successfully recover planted community structure in synthetic networks and
which yield fascinating insights on empirical networks from the field of
hyperspectral video segmentation.
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Robust d-wave pairing symmetry in multi-orbital cobalt high temperature superconductors | The pairing symmetry of the newly proposed cobalt high temperature
(high-$T_c$) superconductors formed by vertex shared cation-anion tetrahedral
complexes is studied by the methods of mean field, random phase approximation
(RPA) and functional renormalization group (FRG) analysis. The results of all
these methods show that the $d_{x^2-y^2}$ pairing symmetry is robustly favored
near half filling. The RPA and FRG methods, which are valid in weak interaction
regions, predict that the superconducting state is also strongly orbital
selective, namely the $d_{x^2-y^2}$ orbital that has the largest density near
half filling among the three $t_{2g}$ orbitals dominates superconducting
pairing. These results suggest that the new materials, if synthesized, can
provide indisputable test to high-$T_c$ pairing mechanism and the validity of
different theoretical methods.
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Thermodynamic properties of Ba$_2$CoSi$_2$O$_6$Cl$_2$ in strong magnetic field: Realization of flat-band physics in a highly frustrated quantum magnet | The search for flat-band solid-state realizations is a crucial issue to
verify or to challenge theoretical predictions for quantum many-body flat-band
systems. For frustrated quantum magnets flat bands lead to various
unconventional properties related to the existence of localized many-magnon
states. The recently synthesized magnetic compound Ba$_2$CoSi$_2$O$_6$Cl$_2$
seems to be an almost perfect candidate to observe these features in
experiments. We develop a theory for Ba$_2$CoSi$_2$O$_6$Cl$_2$ by adapting the
localized-magnon concept to this compound. We first show that our theory
describes the known experimental facts and then we propose new experimental
studies to detect a field-driven phase transition related to a
Wigner-crystal-like ordering of localized magnons at low temperatures.
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Fisher Information and Natural Gradient Learning of Random Deep Networks | A deep neural network is a hierarchical nonlinear model transforming input
signals to output signals. Its input-output relation is considered to be
stochastic, being described for a given input by a parameterized conditional
probability distribution of outputs. The space of parameters consisting of
weights and biases is a Riemannian manifold, where the metric is defined by the
Fisher information matrix. The natural gradient method uses the steepest
descent direction in a Riemannian manifold, so it is effective in learning,
avoiding plateaus. It requires inversion of the Fisher information matrix,
however, which is practically impossible when the matrix has a huge number of
dimensions. Many methods for approximating the natural gradient have therefore
been introduced. The present paper uses statistical neurodynamical method to
reveal the properties of the Fisher information matrix in a net of random
connections under the mean field approximation. We prove that the Fisher
information matrix is unit-wise block diagonal supplemented by small order
terms of off-block-diagonal elements, which provides a justification for the
quasi-diagonal natural gradient method by Y. Ollivier. A unitwise
block-diagonal Fisher metrix reduces to the tensor product of the Fisher
information matrices of single units. We further prove that the Fisher
information matrix of a single unit has a simple reduced form, a sum of a
diagonal matrix and a rank 2 matrix of weight-bias correlations. We obtain the
inverse of Fisher information explicitly. We then have an explicit form of the
natural gradient, without relying on the numerical matrix inversion, which
drastically speeds up stochastic gradient learning.
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Dynamic of plumes and scaling during the melting of a Phase Change Material heated from below | We identify and describe the main dynamic regimes occurring during the
melting of the PCM n-octadecane in horizontal layers of several sizes heated
from below. This configuration allows to cover a wide range of effective
Rayleigh numbers on the liquid PCM phase, up to $\sim 10^9$, without changing
any external parameter control. We identify four different regimes as time
evolves: (i) the conductive regime, (ii) linear regime, (iii) coarsening regime
and (iv) turbulent regime. The first two regimes appear at all domain sizes.
However the third and fourth regime require a minimum advance of the
solid/liquid interface to develop, and we observe them only for large enough
The transition to turbulence takes places after a secondary instability that
forces the coarsening of the thermal plumes. Each one of the melting regimes
creates a distinct solid/liquid front that characterizes the internal state of
the melting process. We observe that most of the magnitudes of the melting
process are ruled by power laws, although not all of them. Thus the number of
plumes, some regimes of the Rayleigh number as a function of time, the number
of plumes after the primary and secondary instability, the thermal and kinetic
boundary layers follow simple power laws. In particular, we find that the
Nusselt number scales with the Rayleigh number as $Nu \sim Ra^{0.29}$ in the
turbulent regime, consistent with theories and experiments on Rayleigh-Bénard
convection that show an exponent $2/7$.
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Parallel mean curvature surfaces in four-dimensional homogeneous spaces | We survey different classification results for surfaces with parallel mean
curvature immersed into some Riemannian homogeneous four-manifolds, including
real and complex space forms, and product spaces. We provide a common framework
for this problem, with special attention to the existence of holomorphic
quadratic differentials on such surfaces. The case of spheres with parallel
mean curvature is also explained in detail, as well as the state-of-the-art
advances in the general problem.
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Recent implementations, applications, and extensions of the Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method (LOBPCG) | Since introduction [A. Knyazev, Toward the optimal preconditioned
eigensolver: Locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient method,
SISC (2001) DOI:10.1137/S1064827500366124] and efficient parallel
implementation [A. Knyazev et al., Block locally optimal preconditioned
eigenvalue xolvers (BLOPEX) in HYPRE and PETSc, SISC (2007)
DOI:10.1137/060661624], LOBPCG has been used is a wide range of applications in
mechanics, material sciences, and data sciences. We review its recent
implementations and applications, as well as extensions of the local optimality
idea beyond standard eigenvalue problems.
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An evaluation of cosmological models from expansion and growth of structure measurements | We compare a large suite of theoretical cosmological models to observational
data from the cosmic microwave background, baryon acoustic oscillation
measurements of expansion, Type Ia SNe measurements of expansion, redshift
space distortion measurements of the growth of structure, and the local Hubble
constant. Our theoretical models include parametrizations of dark energy as
well as physical models of dark energy and modified gravity. We determine the
constraints on the model parameters, incorporating the redshift space
distortion data directly in the analysis. To determine whether models can be
ruled out, we evaluate the $p$ value (the probability under the model of
obtaining data as bad or worse than the observed data). In our comparison, we
find the well known tension of H$_0$ with the other data; no model resolves
this tension successfully. Among the models we consider, the large scale growth
of structure data does not affect the modified gravity models as a category
particularly differently than dark energy models; it matters for some modified
gravity models but not others, and the same is true for dark energy models. We
compute predicted observables for each model under current observational
constraints, and identify models for which future observational constraints
will be particularly informative.
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The variety of $2$-dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field | The work is devoted to the variety of $2$-dimensional algebras over an
algebraically closed field. Firstly, we classify such algebras modulo
isomorphism. Then we describe the degenerations and the closures of principal
algebra series in the variety under consideration. Finally, we apply our
results to obtain analogous descriptions for the subvarieties of flexible, and
bicommutative algebras. In particular, we describe rigid algebras and
irreducible components for these subvarieties.
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A Variational Observation Model of 3D Object for Probabilistic Semantic SLAM | We present a Bayesian object observation model for complete probabilistic
semantic SLAM. Recent studies on object detection and feature extraction have
become important for scene understanding and 3D mapping. However, 3D shape of
the object is too complex to formulate the probabilistic observation model;
therefore, performing the Bayesian inference of the object-oriented features as
well as their pose is less considered. Besides, when the robot equipped with an
RGB mono camera only observes the projected single view of an object, a
significant amount of the 3D shape information is abandoned. Due to these
limitations, semantic SLAM and viewpoint-independent loop closure using
volumetric 3D object shape is challenging. In order to enable the complete
formulation of probabilistic semantic SLAM, we approximate the observation
model of a 3D object with a tractable distribution. We also estimate the
variational likelihood from the 2D image of the object to exploit its observed
single view. In order to evaluate the proposed method, we perform pose and
feature estimation, and demonstrate that the automatic loop closure works
seamlessly without additional loop detector in various environments.
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Generation of optical frequency combs via four-wave mixing processes for low- and medium-resolution astronomy | We investigate the generation of optical frequency combs through a cascade of
four-wave mixing processes in nonlinear fibres with optimised parameters. The
initial optical field consists of two continuous-wave lasers with frequency
separation larger than 40 GHz (312.7 pm at 1531 nm). It propagates through
three nonlinear fibres. The first fibre serves to pulse shape the initial
sinusoidal-square pulse, while a strong pulse compression down to sub-100 fs
takes place in the second fibre which is an amplifying erbium-doped fibre. The
last stage is a low-dispersion highly nonlinear fibre where the frequency comb
bandwidth is increased and the line intensity is equalised. We model this
system using the generalised nonlinear Schrödinger equation and investigate
it in terms of fibre lengths, fibre dispersion, laser frequency separation and
input powers with the aim to minimise the frequency comb noise. With the
support of the numerical results, a frequency comb is experimentally generated,
first in the near infra-red and then it is frequency-doubled into the visible
spectral range. Using a MUSE-type spectrograph, we evaluate the comb
performance for astronomical wavelength calibration in terms of equidistancy of
the comb lines and their stability.
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Cross-referencing Social Media and Public Surveillance Camera Data for Disaster Response | Physical media (like surveillance cameras) and social media (like Instagram
and Twitter) may both be useful in attaining on-the-ground information during
an emergency or disaster situation. However, the intersection and reliability
of both surveillance cameras and social media during a natural disaster are not
fully understood. To address this gap, we tested whether social media is of
utility when physical surveillance cameras went off-line during Hurricane Irma
in 2017. Specifically, we collected and compared geo-tagged Instagram and
Twitter posts in the state of Florida during times and in areas where public
surveillance cameras went off-line. We report social media content and
frequency and content to determine the utility for emergency managers or first
responders during a natural disaster.
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Nonlinear Dynamics of a Viscous Bubbly Fluid | A physical model of a three-dimensional flow of a viscous bubbly fluid in an
intermediate regime between bubble formation and breakage is presented. The
model is based on mechanics and thermodynamics of a single bubble coupled to
the dynamics of a viscous fluid as a whole, and takes into account multiple
physical effects, including gravity, viscosity, and surface tension.
Dimensionless versions of the resulting nonlinear model are obtained, and
values of dimensionless parameters are estimated for typical magma flows in
horizontal subaerial lava fields and vertical volcanic conduits.
Exact solutions of the resulting system of nonlinear equations corresponding
to equilibrium flows and traveling waves are analyzed in the one-dimensional
setting. Generalized Su-Gardner-type perturbation analysis is employed to study
approximate solutions of the model in the long-wave ansatz. Simplified
nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE) satisfied by the leading terms
of the perturbation solutions are systematically derived. It is shown that for
specific classes of perturbations, approximate solutions of the bubbly fluid
model arise from solutions of the classical diffusion, Burgers,
variable-coefficient Burgers, and Korteweg-de Vries equations.
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ConvNet-Based Localization of Anatomical Structures in 3D Medical Images | Localization of anatomical structures is a prerequisite for many tasks in
medical image analysis. We propose a method for automatic localization of one
or more anatomical structures in 3D medical images through detection of their
presence in 2D image slices using a convolutional neural network (ConvNet).
A single ConvNet is trained to detect presence of the anatomical structure of
interest in axial, coronal, and sagittal slices extracted from a 3D image. To
allow the ConvNet to analyze slices of different sizes, spatial pyramid pooling
is applied. After detection, 3D bounding boxes are created by combining the
output of the ConvNet in all slices.
In the experiments 200 chest CT, 100 cardiac CT angiography (CTA), and 100
abdomen CT scans were used. The heart, ascending aorta, aortic arch, and
descending aorta were localized in chest CT scans, the left cardiac ventricle
in cardiac CTA scans, and the liver in abdomen CT scans. Localization was
evaluated using the distances between automatically and manually defined
reference bounding box centroids and walls.
The best results were achieved in localization of structures with clearly
defined boundaries (e.g. aortic arch) and the worst when the structure boundary
was not clearly visible (e.g. liver). The method was more robust and accurate
in localization multiple structures.
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Gradient estimates for heat kernels and harmonic functions | Let $(X,d,\mu)$ be a doubling metric measure space endowed with a Dirichlet
form $\E$ deriving from a "carré du champ". Assume that $(X,d,\mu,\E)$
supports a scale-invariant $L^2$-Poincaré inequality. In this article, we
study the following properties of harmonic functions, heat kernels and Riesz
transforms for $p\in (2,\infty]$:
(i) $(G_p)$: $L^p$-estimate for the gradient of the associated heat
(ii) $(RH_p)$: $L^p$-reverse Hölder inequality for the gradients of
harmonic functions;
(iii) $(R_p)$: $L^p$-boundedness of the Riesz transform ($p<\infty$);
(iv) $(GBE)$: a generalised Bakry-Émery condition.
We show that, for $p\in (2,\infty)$, (i), (ii) (iii) are equivalent, while
for $p=\infty$, (i), (ii), (iv) are equivalent.
Moreover, some of these equivalences still hold under weaker conditions than
the $L^2$-Poincaré inequality.
Our result gives a characterisation of Li-Yau's gradient estimate of heat
kernels for $p=\infty$, while for $p\in (2,\infty)$ it is a substantial
improvement as well as a generalisation of earlier results by
Auscher-Coulhon-Duong-Hofmann [7] and Auscher-Coulhon [6]. Applications to
isoperimetric inequalities and Sobolev inequalities are given. Our results
apply to Riemannian and sub-Riemannian manifolds as well as to non-smooth
spaces, and to degenerate elliptic/parabolic equations in these settings.
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The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment -- DUNE: the precision era of neutrino physics | The last decade was remarkable for neutrino physics. In particular, the
phenomenon of neutrino flavor oscillations has been firmly established by a
series of independent measurements. All parameters of the neutrino mixing are
now known and we have elements to plan a judicious exploration of new scenarios
that are opened by these recent advances. With precise measurements, we can
test the 3-neutrino paradigm, neutrino mass hierarchy and CP asymmetry in the
lepton sector. The future long-baseline experiments are considered to be a
fundamental tool to deepen our knowledge of electroweak interactions. The Deep
Underground Neutrino Experiment -- DUNE will detect a broad-band neutrino beam
from Fermilab in an underground massive Liquid Argon Time-Projection Chamber at
an L/E of about $10^3$ km / GeV to reach good sensitivity for CP-phase
measurements and the determination of the mass hierarchy. The dimensions and
the depth of the Far Detector also create an excellent opportunity to look for
rare signals like proton decay to study violation of baryonic number, as well
as supernova neutrino bursts, broadening the scope of the experiment to
astrophysics and associated impacts in cosmology. In this presentation, we will
discuss the physics motivations and the main experimental features of the DUNE
project required to reach its scientific goals.
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Variations of $q$-Garnier system | We study several variants of q-Garnier system corresponding to various
directions of discrete time evolutions. We also investigate a relation between
the $q$-Garnier system and Suzuki's higher order $q$-Painlev/'e system by using
a duality of the $q$-KP system.
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Quantum Quench dynamics in Non-local Luttinger Model: Rigorous Results | We investigate, in the Luttinger model with fixed box potential, the time
evolution of an inhomogeneous state prepared as a localized fermion added to
the noninteracting ground state. We proved that, if the state is evolved with
the interacting Hamiltonian, the averaged density has two peaks moving in
opposite directions, with a constant but renormalized velocity. We also proved
that a dynamical `Landau quasi-particle weight' appears in the oscillating part
of the averaged density, asymptotically vanishing with large time. The results
are proved with the Mattis-Lieb diagonalization method. A simpler proof with
the exact Bosonization formulas is also provided.
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Dynamics of Relaxed Inflation | The cosmological relaxation of the electroweak scale has been proposed as a
mechanism to address the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model. A field, the
relaxion, rolls down its potential and, in doing so, scans the squared mass
parameter of the Higgs, relaxing it to a parametrically small value. In this
work, we promote the relaxion to an inflaton. We couple it to Abelian gauge
bosons, thereby introducing the necessary dissipation mechanism which slows
down the field in the last stages. We describe a novel reheating mechanism,
which relies on the gauge-boson production leading to strong electromagnetic
fields, and proceeds via the vacuum production of electron-positron pairs
through the Schwinger effect. We refer to this mechanism as Schwinger
reheating. We discuss the cosmological dynamics of the model and the
phenomenological constraints from CMB and other experiments. We find that a
cutoff close to the Planck scale may be achieved. In its minimal form, the
model does not generate sufficient curvature perturbations and additional
ingredients, such as a curvaton field, are needed.
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Clustering is semidefinitely not that hard: Nonnegative SDP for manifold disentangling | In solving hard computational problems, semidefinite program (SDP)
relaxations often play an important role because they come with a guarantee of
optimality. Here, we focus on a popular semidefinite relaxation of K-means
clustering which yields the same solution as the non-convex original
formulation for well segregated datasets. We report an unexpected finding: when
data contains (greater than zero-dimensional) manifolds, the SDP solution
captures such geometrical structures. Unlike traditional manifold embedding
techniques, our approach does not rely on manually defining a kernel but rather
enforces locality via a nonnegativity constraint. We thus call our approach
NOnnegative MAnifold Disentangling, or NOMAD. To build an intuitive
understanding of its manifold learning capabilities, we develop a theoretical
analysis of NOMAD on idealized datasets. While NOMAD is convex and the globally
optimal solution can be found by generic SDP solvers with polynomial time
complexity, they are too slow for modern datasets. To address this problem, we
analyze a non-convex heuristic and present a new, convex and yet efficient,
algorithm, based on the conditional gradient method. Our results render NOMAD a
versatile, understandable, and powerful tool for manifold learning.
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Dispersive optical detection of magnetic Feshbach resonances in ultracold gases | Magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances in ultracold atomic systems are
chiefly identified and characterized through time consuming atom loss
spectroscopy. We describe an off-resonant dispersive optical probing technique
to rapidly locate Feshbach resonances and demonstrate the method by locating
four resonances of $^{87}$Rb, between the $|\rm{F} = 1, \rm{m_F}=1 \rangle$ and
$|\rm{F} = 2, \rm{m_F}=0 \rangle$ states. Despite the loss features being
$\lesssim0.1$ G wide, we require only 21 experimental runs to explore a
magnetic field range >18 G, where $1~\rm{G}=10^{-4}$ T. The resonances consist
of two known s-wave features in the vicinity of 9 G and 18 G and two previously
unobserved p-wave features near 5 G and 10 G. We further utilize the dispersive
approach to directly characterize the two-body loss dynamics for each Feshbach
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Unveiling Bias Compensation in Turbo-Based Algorithms for (Discrete) Compressed Sensing | In Compressed Sensing, a real-valued sparse vector has to be recovered from
an underdetermined system of linear equations. In many applications, however,
the elements of the sparse vector are drawn from a finite set. Adapted
algorithms incorporating this additional knowledge are required for the
discrete-valued setup. In this paper, turbo-based algorithms for both cases are
elucidated and analyzed from a communications engineering perspective, leading
to a deeper understanding of the algorithm. In particular, we gain the
intriguing insight that the calculation of extrinsic values is equal to the
unbiasing of a biased estimate and present an improved algorithm.
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Accelerated Linear Convergence of Stochastic Momentum Methods in Wasserstein Distances | Momentum methods such as Polyak's heavy ball (HB) method, Nesterov's
accelerated gradient (AG) as well as accelerated projected gradient (APG)
method have been commonly used in machine learning practice, but their
performance is quite sensitive to noise in the gradients. We study these
methods under a first-order stochastic oracle model where noisy estimates of
the gradients are available. For strongly convex problems, we show that the
distribution of the iterates of AG converges with the accelerated
$O(\sqrt{\kappa}\log(1/\varepsilon))$ linear rate to a ball of radius
$\varepsilon$ centered at a unique invariant distribution in the 1-Wasserstein
metric where $\kappa$ is the condition number as long as the noise variance is
smaller than an explicit upper bound we can provide. Our analysis also
certifies linear convergence rates as a function of the stepsize, momentum
parameter and the noise variance; recovering the accelerated rates in the
noiseless case and quantifying the level of noise that can be tolerated to
achieve a given performance. In the special case of strongly convex quadratic
objectives, we can show accelerated linear rates in the $p$-Wasserstein metric
for any $p\geq 1$ with improved sensitivity to noise for both AG and HB through
a non-asymptotic analysis under some additional assumptions on the noise
structure. Our analysis for HB and AG also leads to improved non-asymptotic
convergence bounds in suboptimality for both deterministic and stochastic
settings which is of independent interest. To the best of our knowledge, these
are the first linear convergence results for stochastic momentum methods under
the stochastic oracle model. We also extend our results to the APG method and
weakly convex functions showing accelerated rates when the noise magnitude is
sufficiently small.
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Compressed sensing with sparse corruptions: Fault-tolerant sparse collocation approximations | The recovery of approximately sparse or compressible coefficients in a
Polynomial Chaos Expansion is a common goal in modern parametric uncertainty
quantification (UQ). However, relatively little effort in UQ has been directed
toward theoretical and computational strategies for addressing the sparse
corruptions problem, where a small number of measurements are highly corrupted.
Such a situation has become pertinent today since modern computational
frameworks are sufficiently complex with many interdependent components that
may introduce hardware and software failures, some of which can be difficult to
detect and result in a highly polluted simulation result.
In this paper we present a novel compressive sampling-based theoretical
analysis for a regularized $\ell^1$ minimization algorithm that aims to recover
sparse expansion coefficients in the presence of measurement corruptions. Our
recovery results are uniform, and prescribe algorithmic regularization
parameters in terms of a user-defined a priori estimate on the ratio of
measurements that are believed to be corrupted. We also propose an iteratively
reweighted optimization algorithm that automatically refines the value of the
regularization parameter, and empirically produces superior results. Our
numerical results test our framework on several medium-to-high dimensional
examples of solutions to parameterized differential equations, and demonstrate
the effectiveness of our approach.
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Learning to Remember Rare Events | Despite recent advances, memory-augmented deep neural networks are still
limited when it comes to life-long and one-shot learning, especially in
remembering rare events. We present a large-scale life-long memory module for
use in deep learning. The module exploits fast nearest-neighbor algorithms for
efficiency and thus scales to large memory sizes. Except for the
nearest-neighbor query, the module is fully differentiable and trained
end-to-end with no extra supervision. It operates in a life-long manner, i.e.,
without the need to reset it during training.
Our memory module can be easily added to any part of a supervised neural
network. To show its versatility we add it to a number of networks, from simple
convolutional ones tested on image classification to deep sequence-to-sequence
and recurrent-convolutional models. In all cases, the enhanced network gains
the ability to remember and do life-long one-shot learning. Our module
remembers training examples shown many thousands of steps in the past and it
can successfully generalize from them. We set new state-of-the-art for one-shot
learning on the Omniglot dataset and demonstrate, for the first time, life-long
one-shot learning in recurrent neural networks on a large-scale machine
translation task.
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Stacking-dependent electronic structure of trilayer graphene resolved by nanospot angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy | The crystallographic stacking order in multilayer graphene plays an important
role in determining its electronic structure. In trilayer graphene,
rhombohedral stacking (ABC) is particularly intriguing, exhibiting a flat band
with an electric-field tunable band gap. Such electronic structure is distinct
from simple hexagonal stacking (AAA) or typical Bernal stacking (ABA), and is
promising for nanoscale electronics, optoelectronics applications. So far clean
experimental electronic spectra on the first two stackings are missing because
the samples are usually too small in size (um or nm scale) to be resolved by
conventional angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Here by using
ARPES with nanospot beam size (NanoARPES), we provide direct experimental
evidence for the coexistence of three different stackings of trilayer graphene
and reveal their distinctive electronic structures directly. By fitting the
experimental data, we provide important experimental band parameters for
describing the electronic structure of trilayer graphene with different
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Interaction energy between vortices of vector fields on Riemannian surfaces | We study a variational Ginzburg-Landau type model depending on a small
parameter $\epsilon>0$ for (tangent) vector fields on a $2$-dimensional
Riemannian surface. As $\epsilon\to 0$, the vector fields tend to be of unit
length and will have singular points of a (non-zero) index, called vortices.
Our main result determines the interaction energy between these vortices as a
$\Gamma$-limit (at the second order) as $\epsilon\to 0$.
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Multimodal Nonlinear Microscope based on a Compact Fiber-format Laser Source | We present a multimodal non-linear optical (NLO) laser-scanning microscope,
based on a compact fiber-format excitation laser and integrating coherent
anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) and
two-photon-excitation fluorescence (TPEF) on a single platform. We demonstrate
its capabilities in simultaneously acquiring CARS and SRS images of a blend of
6-{\mu}m poly(methyl methacrylate) beads and 3-{\mu}m polystyrene beads. We
then apply it to visualize cell walls and chloroplast of an unprocessed fresh
leaf of Elodea aquatic plant via SRS and TPEF modalities, respectively. The
presented NLO microscope, developed in house using off-the-shelf components,
offers full accessibility to the optical path and ensures its easy
re-configurability and flexibility.
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The Diffuse Light of the Universe - On the microwave background before and after its discovery: open questions | In 1965, the discovery of a new type of uniform radiation, located between
radiowaves and infrared light, was accidental. Known today as Cosmic Microwave
background (CMB), this diffuse radiation is commonly interpreted as a fossil
light released in an early hot and dense universe and constitutes today the
main 'pilar' of the big bang cosmology. Considerable efforts have been devoted
to derive fundamental cosmological parameters from the characteristics of this
radiation that led to a surprising universe that is shaped by at least three
major unknown components: inflation, dark matter and dark energy. This is an
important weakness of the present consensus cosmological model that justifies
raising several questions on the CMB interpretation. Can we consider its
cosmological nature as undisputable? Do other possible interpretations exist in
the context of other cosmological theories or simply as a result of other
physical mechanisms that could account for it? In an effort to questioning the
validity of scientific hypotheses and the under-determination of theories
compared to observations, we examine here the difficulties that still exist on
the interpretation of this diffuse radiation and explore other proposed tracks
to explain its origin. We discuss previous historical concepts of diffuse
radiation before and after the CMB discovery and underline the limit of our
present understanding.
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Classification of $5$-Dimensional Complex Nilpotent Leibniz Algebras | Leibniz algebras are certain generalization of Lie algebras. In this paper we
give the classification of $5-$dimensional complex non-Lie nilpotent Leibniz
algebras. We use the canonical forms for the congruence classes of matrices of
bilinear forms to classify the case $\dim(A^2)=3$ and $\dim(Leib(A))=1$ which
can be applied to higher dimensions. The remaining cases are classified via
direct method.
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Haptics of Screwing and Unscrewing for its Application in Smart Factories for Disassembly | Reconstruction of skilled humans sensation and control system often leads to
a development of robust control for the robots. We are developing an unscrewing
robot for the automated disassembly which requires a comprehensive control
system, but unscrewing experiments with robots are often limited to several
conditions. On the contrary, humans typically have a broad range of screwing
experiences and sensations throughout their lives, and we conducted an
experiment to find these haptic patterns. Results show that people apply axial
force to the screws to avoid screwdriver slippage (cam-outs), which is one of
the key problems during screwing and unscrewing, and this axial force is
proportional to the torque which is required for screwing. We have found that
type of the screw head influences the amount of axial force applied. Using this
knowledge an unscrewing robot for the smart disassembly factory RecyBot is
developed, and experiments confirm the optimality of the strategy, used by
humans. Finally, a methodology for robust unscrewing algorithm design is
presented as a generalization of the findings. It can seriously speed up the
development of the screwing and unscrewing robots and tools.
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$G$-invariant Szegö kernel asymptotics and CR reduction | Let $(X, T^{1,0}X)$ be a compact connected orientable CR manifold of
dimension $2n+1$ with non-degenerate Levi curvature. Assume that $X$ admits a
connected compact Lie group action $G$. Under certain natural assumptions about
the group action $G$, we show that the $G$-invariant Szegö kernel for $(0,q)$
forms is a complex Fourier integral operator, smoothing away $\mu^{-1}(0)$ and
there is a precise description of the singularity near $\mu^{-1}(0)$, where
$\mu$ denotes the CR moment map. We apply our result to the case when $X$
admits a transversal CR $S^1$ action and deduce an asymptotic expansion for the
$m$-th Fourier component of the $G$-invariant Szegö kernel for $(0,q)$ forms
as $m \to+\infty$. As an application, we show that if $m$ large enough,
quantization commutes with reduction.
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Self-similar resistive circuits as fractal-like structures | In the present work we explore resistive circuits where the individual
resistors are arranged in fractal-like patterns. These circuits have some of
the characteristics typically found in geometric fractals, namely
self-similarity and scale invariance. Considering resistive circuits as graphs,
we propose a definition of self-similar circuits which mimics a self-similar
fractal. General properties of the resistive circuits generated by this
approach are investigated, and interesting examples are commented in detail.
Specifically, we consider self-similar resistive series, tree-like resistive
networks and Sierpinski's configurations with resistors.
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DynaPhoPy: A code for extracting phonon quasiparticles from molecular dynamics simulations | We have developed a computational code, DynaPhoPy, that allow us to extract
the microscopic anharmonic phonon properties from molecular dynamics (MD)
simulations using the normal-mode-decomposition technique as presented by Sun
et al. [T. Sun, D. Zhang, R. Wentzcovitch, 2014]. Using this code we calculated
the quasiparticle phonon frequencies and linewidths of crystalline silicon at
different temperatures using both of first-principles and the Tersoff empirical
potential approaches. In this work we show the dependence of these properties
on the temperature using both approaches and compare them with reported
experimental data obtained by Raman spectroscopy [M. Balkanski, R. Wallis, E.
Haro, 1983 and R. Tsu, J. G. Hernandez, 1982].
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Lower Bounds for Two-Sample Structural Change Detection in Ising and Gaussian Models | The change detection problem is to determine if the Markov network structures
of two Markov random fields differ from one another given two sets of samples
drawn from the respective underlying distributions. We study the trade-off
between the sample sizes and the reliability of change detection, measured as a
minimax risk, for the important cases of the Ising models and the Gaussian
Markov random fields restricted to the models which have network structures
with $p$ nodes and degree at most $d$, and obtain information-theoretic lower
bounds for reliable change detection over these models. We show that for the
Ising model, $\Omega\left(\frac{d^2}{(\log d)^2}\log p\right)$ samples are
required from each dataset to detect even the sparsest possible changes, and
that for the Gaussian, $\Omega\left( \gamma^{-2} \log(p)\right)$ samples are
required from each dataset to detect change, where $\gamma$ is the smallest
ratio of off-diagonal to diagonal terms in the precision matrices of the
distributions. These bounds are compared to the corresponding results in
structure learning, and closely match them under mild conditions on the model
parameters. Thus, our change detection bounds inherit partial tightness from
the structure learning schemes in previous literature, demonstrating that in
certain parameter regimes, the naive structure learning based approach to
change detection is minimax optimal up to constant factors.
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How Usable are Rust Cryptography APIs? | Context: Poor usability of cryptographic APIs is a severe source of
vulnerabilities. Aim: We wanted to find out what kind of cryptographic
libraries are present in Rust and how usable they are. Method: We explored
Rust's cryptographic libraries through a systematic search, conducted an
exploratory study on the major libraries and a controlled experiment on two of
these libraries with 28 student participants. Results: Only half of the major
libraries explicitly focus on usability and misuse resistance, which is
reflected in their current APIs. We found that participants were more
successful using rust-crypto which we considered less usable than ring before
the experiment. Conclusion: We discuss API design insights and make
recommendations for the design of crypto libraries in Rust regarding the detail
and structure of the documentation, higher-level APIs as wrappers for the
existing low-level libraries, and selected, good-quality example code to
improve the emerging cryptographic libraries of Rust.
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Augmenting End-to-End Dialog Systems with Commonsense Knowledge | Building dialog agents that can converse naturally with humans is a
challenging yet intriguing problem of artificial intelligence. In open-domain
human-computer conversation, where the conversational agent is expected to
respond to human responses in an interesting and engaging way, commonsense
knowledge has to be integrated into the model effectively. In this paper, we
investigate the impact of providing commonsense knowledge about the concepts
covered in the dialog. Our model represents the first attempt to integrating a
large commonsense knowledge base into end-to-end conversational models. In the
retrieval-based scenario, we propose the Tri-LSTM model to jointly take into
account message and commonsense for selecting an appropriate response. Our
experiments suggest that the knowledge-augmented models are superior to their
knowledge-free counterparts in automatic evaluation.
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A framework for Multi-A(rmed)/B(andit) testing with online FDR control | We propose an alternative framework to existing setups for controlling false
alarms when multiple A/B tests are run over time. This setup arises in many
practical applications, e.g. when pharmaceutical companies test new treatment
options against control pills for different diseases, or when internet
companies test their default webpages versus various alternatives over time.
Our framework proposes to replace a sequence of A/B tests by a sequence of
best-arm MAB instances, which can be continuously monitored by the data
scientist. When interleaving the MAB tests with an an online false discovery
rate (FDR) algorithm, we can obtain the best of both worlds: low sample
complexity and any time online FDR control. Our main contributions are: (i) to
propose reasonable definitions of a null hypothesis for MAB instances; (ii) to
demonstrate how one can derive an always-valid sequential p-value that allows
continuous monitoring of each MAB test; and (iii) to show that using rejection
thresholds of online-FDR algorithms as the confidence levels for the MAB
algorithms results in both sample-optimality, high power and low FDR at any
point in time. We run extensive simulations to verify our claims, and also
report results on real data collected from the New Yorker Cartoon Caption
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Statistical Speech Enhancement Based on Probabilistic Integration of Variational Autoencoder and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization | This paper presents a statistical method of single-channel speech enhancement
that uses a variational autoencoder (VAE) as a prior distribution on clean
speech. A standard approach to speech enhancement is to train a deep neural
network (DNN) to take noisy speech as input and output clean speech. Although
this supervised approach requires a very large amount of pair data for
training, it is not robust against unknown environments. Another approach is to
use non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) based on basis spectra trained on
clean speech in advance and those adapted to noise on the fly. This
semi-supervised approach, however, causes considerable signal distortion in
enhanced speech due to the unrealistic assumption that speech spectrograms are
linear combinations of the basis spectra. Replacing the poor linear generative
model of clean speech in NMF with a VAE---a powerful nonlinear deep generative
model---trained on clean speech, we formulate a unified probabilistic
generative model of noisy speech. Given noisy speech as observed data, we can
sample clean speech from its posterior distribution. The proposed method
outperformed the conventional DNN-based method in unseen noisy environments.
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BPGrad: Towards Global Optimality in Deep Learning via Branch and Pruning | Understanding the global optimality in deep learning (DL) has been attracting
more and more attention recently. Conventional DL solvers, however, have not
been developed intentionally to seek for such global optimality. In this paper
we propose a novel approximation algorithm, BPGrad, towards optimizing deep
models globally via branch and pruning. Our BPGrad algorithm is based on the
assumption of Lipschitz continuity in DL, and as a result it can adaptively
determine the step size for current gradient given the history of previous
updates, wherein theoretically no smaller steps can achieve the global
optimality. We prove that, by repeating such branch-and-pruning procedure, we
can locate the global optimality within finite iterations. Empirically an
efficient solver based on BPGrad for DL is proposed as well, and it outperforms
conventional DL solvers such as Adagrad, Adadelta, RMSProp, and Adam in the
tasks of object recognition, detection, and segmentation.
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Lagrangian Flow Network approach to an open flow model | Concepts and tools from network theory, the so-called Lagrangian Flow Network
framework, have been successfully used to obtain a coarse-grained description
of transport by closed fluid flows. Here we explore the application of this
methodology to open chaotic flows, and check it with numerical results for a
model open flow, namely a jet with a localized wave perturbation. We find that
network nodes with high values of out-degree and of finite-time entropy in the
forward-in-time direction identify the location of the chaotic saddle and its
stable manifold, whereas nodes with high in-degree and backwards finite-time
entropy highlight the location of the saddle and its unstable manifold. The
cyclic clustering coefficient, associated to the presence of periodic orbits,
takes non-vanishing values at the location of the saddle itself.
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Some new gradient estimates for two nonlinear parabolic equations under Ricci flow | In this paper, by maximum principle and cutoff function, we investigate
gradient estimates for positive solutions to two nonlinear parabolic equations
under Ricci flow. The related Harnack inequalities are deduced. An result about
positive solutions on closed manifolds under Ricci flow is abtained. As
applications, gradient estimates and Harnack inequalities for positive
solutions to the heat equation under Ricci flow are derived. These results in
the paper can be regard as generalizing the gradient estimates of Li-Yau, J. Y.
Li, Hamilton and Li-Xu to the Ricci flow. Our results also improve the
estimates of S. P. Liu and J. Sun to the nonlinear parabolic equation under
Ricci flow.
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On the pointwise iteration-complexity of a dynamic regularized ADMM with over-relaxation stepsize | In this paper, we extend the improved pointwise iteration-complexity result
of a dynamic regularized alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for
a new stepsize domain. In this complexity analysis, the stepsize parameter can
even be chosen in the interval $(0,2)$ instead of interval
$(0,(1+\sqrt{5})/2)$. As usual, our analysis is established by interpreting
this ADMM variant as an instance of a hybrid proximal extragradient framework
applied to a specific monotone inclusion problem.
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DeepBrain: Functional Representation of Neural In-Situ Hybridization Images for Gene Ontology Classification Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders | This paper presents a novel deep learning-based method for learning a
functional representation of mammalian neural images. The method uses a deep
convolutional denoising autoencoder (CDAE) for generating an invariant, compact
representation of in situ hybridization (ISH) images. While most existing
methods for bio-imaging analysis were not developed to handle images with
highly complex anatomical structures, the results presented in this paper show
that functional representation extracted by CDAE can help learn features of
functional gene ontology categories for their classification in a highly
accurate manner. Using this CDAE representation, our method outperforms the
previous state-of-the-art classification rate, by improving the average AUC
from 0.92 to 0.98, i.e., achieving 75% reduction in error. The method operates
on input images that were downsampled significantly with respect to the
original ones to make it computationally feasible.
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Nonlocal heat equations in the Heisenberg group | We study the following nonlocal diffusion equation in the Heisenberg group
$\mathbb{H}_n$, \[ u_t(z,s,t)=J\ast u(z,s,t)-u(z,s,t), \] where $\ast$ denote
convolution product and $J$ satisfies appropriated hypothesis. For the Cauchy
problem we obtain that the asymptotic behavior of the solutions is the same
form that the one for the heat equation in the Heisenberg group. To obtain this
result we use the spherical transform related to the pair
$(U(n),\mathbb{H}_n)$. Finally we prove that solutions of properly rescaled
nonlocal Dirichlet problem converge uniformly to the solution of the
corresponding Dirichlet problem for the classical heat equation in the
Heisenberg group.
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Motion Planning Networks | Fast and efficient motion planning algorithms are crucial for many
state-of-the-art robotics applications such as self-driving cars. Existing
motion planning methods such as RRT*, A*, and D*, become ineffective as their
computational complexity increases exponentially with the dimensionality of the
motion planning problem. To address this issue, we present a neural
network-based novel planning algorithm which generates end-to-end
collision-free paths irrespective of the obstacles' geometry. The proposed
method, called MPNet (Motion Planning Network), comprises of a Contractive
Autoencoder which encodes the given workspaces directly from a point cloud
measurement, and a deep feedforward neural network which takes the workspace
encoding, start and goal configuration, and generates end-to-end feasible
motion trajectories for the robot to follow. We evaluate MPNet on multiple
planning problems such as planning of a point-mass robot, rigid-body, and 7 DOF
Baxter robot manipulators in various 2D and 3D environments. The results show
that MPNet is not only consistently computationally efficient in all 2D and 3D
environments but also show remarkable generalization to completely unseen
environments. The results also show that computation time of MPNet consistently
remains less than 1 second which is significantly lower than existing
state-of-the-art motion planning algorithms. Furthermore, through transfer
learning, the MPNet trained in one scenario (e.g., indoor living places) can
also quickly adapt to new scenarios (e.g., factory floors) with a little amount
of data.
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Query Expansion Techniques for Information Retrieval: a Survey | With the ever increasing size of web, relevant information extraction on the
Internet with a query formed by a few keywords has become a big challenge. To
overcome this, query expansion (QE) plays a crucial role in improving the
Internet searches, where the user's initial query is reformulated to a new
query by adding new meaningful terms with similar significance. QE -- as part
of information retrieval (IR) -- has long attracted researchers' attention. It
has also become very influential in the field of personalized social document,
Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD), and, Text Retrieval Conference
(TREC) and REAL sets. This paper surveys QE techniques in IR from 1960 to 2017
with respect to core techniques, data sources used, weighting and ranking
methodologies, user participation and applications (of QE techniques) --
bringing out similarities and differences.
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Method for Aspect-Based Sentiment Annotation Using Rhetorical Analysis | This paper fills a gap in aspect-based sentiment analysis and aims to present
a new method for preparing and analysing texts concerning opinion and
generating user-friendly descriptive reports in natural language. We present a
comprehensive set of techniques derived from Rhetorical Structure Theory and
sentiment analysis to extract aspects from textual opinions and then build an
abstractive summary of a set of opinions. Moreover, we propose aspect-aspect
graphs to evaluate the importance of aspects and to filter out unimportant ones
from the summary. Additionally, the paper presents a prototype solution of data
flow with interesting and valuable results. The proposed method's results
proved the high accuracy of aspect detection when applied to the gold standard
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Commutativity of integral quasi-arithmetic means on measure spaces | Let $(X, \mathscr{L}, \lambda)$ and $(Y, \mathscr{M}, \mu)$ be finite measure
spaces for which there exist $A \in \mathscr{L}$ and $B \in \mathscr{M}$ with
$0 < \lambda(A) < \lambda(X)$ and $0 < \mu(B) < \mu(Y)$, and let $I\subseteq
\mathbf{R}$ be a non-empty interval. We prove that, if $f$ and $g$ are
continuous bijections $I \to \mathbf{R}^+$, then the equation $$
f^{-1}\!\left(\int_X f\!\left(g^{-1}\!\left(\int_Y g \circ
h\;d\mu\right)\right)d \lambda\right)\! = g^{-1}\!\left(\int_Y
g\!\left(f^{-1}\!\left(\int_X f \circ h\;d\lambda\right)\right)d \mu\right)$$
is satisfied by every $\mathscr{L} \otimes \mathscr{M}$-measurable simple
function $h: X \times Y \to I$ if and only if $f=c g$ for some $c \in
\mathbf{R}^+$ (it is easy to see that the equation is well posed). An
analogous, but essentially different, result, with $f$ and $g$ replaced by
continuous injections $I \to \mathbf R$ and $\lambda(X)=\mu(Y)=1$, was recently
obtained in [Indag. Math. 27 (2016), 945-953].
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Moderate Deviation for Random Elliptic PDEs with Small Noise | Partial differential equations with random inputs have become popular models
to characterize physical systems with uncertainty coming from, e.g., imprecise
measurement and intrinsic randomness. In this paper, we perform asymptotic rare
event analysis for such elliptic PDEs with random inputs. In particular, we
consider the asymptotic regime that the noise level converges to zero
suggesting that the system uncertainty is low, but does exists. We develop
sharp approximations of the probability of a large class of rare events.
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Music Transformer | Music relies heavily on repetition to build structure and meaning.
Self-reference occurs on multiple timescales, from motifs to phrases to reusing
of entire sections of music, such as in pieces with ABA structure. The
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), a sequence model based on self-attention,
has achieved compelling results in many generation tasks that require
maintaining long-range coherence. This suggests that self-attention might also
be well-suited to modeling music. In musical composition and performance,
however, relative timing is critically important. Existing approaches for
representing relative positional information in the Transformer modulate
attention based on pairwise distance (Shaw et al., 2018). This is impractical
for long sequences such as musical compositions since their memory complexity
for intermediate relative information is quadratic in the sequence length. We
propose an algorithm that reduces their intermediate memory requirement to
linear in the sequence length. This enables us to demonstrate that a
Transformer with our modified relative attention mechanism can generate
minute-long compositions (thousands of steps, four times the length modeled in
Oore et al., 2018) with compelling structure, generate continuations that
coherently elaborate on a given motif, and in a seq2seq setup generate
accompaniments conditioned on melodies. We evaluate the Transformer with our
relative attention mechanism on two datasets, JSB Chorales and
Piano-e-Competition, and obtain state-of-the-art results on the latter.
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Residual-Based Detections and Unified Architecture for Massive MIMO Uplink | Massive multiple-input multiple-output (M-MIMO) technique brings better
energy efficiency and coverage but higher computational complexity than
small-scale MIMO. For linear detections such as minimum mean square error
(MMSE), prohibitive complexity lies in solving large-scale linear equations.
For a better trade-off between bit-error-rate (BER) performance and
computational complexity, iterative linear algorithms like conjugate gradient
(CG) have been applied and have shown their feasibility in recent years. In
this paper, residual-based detection (RBD) algorithms are proposed for M-MIMO
detection, including minimal residual (MINRES) algorithm, generalized minimal
residual (GMRES) algorithm, and conjugate residual (CR) algorithm. RBD
algorithms focus on the minimization of residual norm per iteration, whereas
most existing algorithms focus on the approximation of exact signal. Numerical
results have shown that, for $64$-QAM $128\times 8$ MIMO, RBD algorithms are
only $0.13$ dB away from the exact matrix inversion method when BER$=10^{-4}$.
Stability of RBD algorithms has also been verified in various correlation
conditions. Complexity comparison has shown that, CR algorithm require $87\%$
less complexity than the traditional method for $128\times 60$ MIMO. The
unified hardware architecture is proposed with flexibility, which guarantees a
low-complexity implementation for a family of RBD M-MIMO detectors.
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Sparsity constrained split feasibility for dose-volume constraints in inverse planning of intensity-modulated photon or proton therapy | A split feasibility formulation for the inverse problem of
intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning with
dose-volume constraints (DVCs) included in the planning algorithm is presented.
It involves a new type of sparsity constraint that enables the inclusion of a
percentage-violation constraint in the model problem and its handling by
continuous (as opposed to integer) methods. We propose an iterative algorithmic
framework for solving such a problem by applying the feasibility-seeking
CQ-algorithm of Byrne combined with the automatic relaxation method (ARM) that
uses cyclic projections. Detailed implementation instructions are furnished.
Functionality of the algorithm was demonstrated through the creation of an
intensity-modulated proton therapy plan for a simple 2D C-shaped geometry and
also for a realistic base-of-skull chordoma treatment site. Monte Carlo
simulations of proton pencil beams of varying energy were conducted to obtain
dose distributions for the 2D test case. A research release of the Pinnacle3
proton treatment planning system was used to extract pencil beam doses for a
clinical base-of-skull chordoma case. In both cases the beamlet doses were
calculated to satisfy dose-volume constraints according to our new algorithm.
Examination of the dose-volume histograms following inverse planning with our
algorithm demonstrated that it performed as intended. The application of our
proposed algorithm to dose-volume constraint inverse planning was successfully
demonstrated. Comparison with optimized dose distributions from the research
release of the Pinnacle3 treatment planning system showed the algorithm could
achieve equivalent or superior results.
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On 2-Verma modules for quantum $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ | In this paper we study the superalgebra $A_n$, introduced by the authors in
previous work on categorification of Verma modules for quantum
$\mathfrak{sl}_2$. The superalgebra $A_n$ is akin to the nilHecke algebra, and
shares similar properties. In particular, we prove a uniqueness result about
2-Verma modules on $\Bbbk$-linear 2-categories.
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On the Number of Single-Peaked Narcissistic or Single-Crossing Narcissistic Preference Profiles | We investigate preference profiles for a set $\mathcal{V}$ of voters, where
each voter $i$ has a preference order $\succ_i$ on a finite set $A$ of
alternatives (that is, a linear order on $A$) such that for each two
alternatives $a,b\in A$, voter $i$ prefers $a$ to $b$ if $a\succ_i b$. Such a
profile is narcissistic if each alternative $a$ is preferred the most by at
least one voter. It is single-peaked if there is a linear order
$\triangleright^{\text{sp}}$ on the alternatives such that each voter's
preferences on the alternatives along the order $\triangleright^{\text{sp}}$
are either strictly increasing, or strictly decreasing, or first strictly
increasing and then strictly decreasing. It is single-crossing if there is a
linear order $\triangleright^{\text{sc}}$ on the voters such that each pair of
alternatives divides the order $\triangleright^{\text{sc}}$ into at most two
suborders, where in each suborder, all voters have the same linear order on
this pair.
We show that for $n$ voters and $n$ alternatives,the number of single-peaked
narcissistic profiles is $\prod_{i=2}^{n-1} \binom{n-1}{i-1}$ while the number
of single-crossing narcissistic profiles is $2^{\binom{n-1}{2}}$.
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Planet formation and disk-planet interactions | This review is based on lectures given at the 45th Saas-Fee Advanced Course
'From Protoplanetary Disks to Planet Formation' held in March 2015 in Les
Diablerets, Switzerland. Starting with an overview of the main characterictics
of the Solar System and extrasolar planets, we describe the planet formation
process in terms of the sequential accretion scenario. First the growth
processes of dust particles to planetesimals and subsequently to terrestrial
planets or planetary cores are presented. This is followed by the formation
process of the giant planets either by core accretion or gravitational
instability. Finally, the dynamical evolution of the orbital elements as driven
by disk-planet interaction and the overall evolution of multi-object systems is
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Cherednik algebras and Calogero-Moser cells | Using the representation theory of Cherednik algebras at $t=0$ and a Galois
covering of the Calogero-Moser space, we define the notions of left, right and
two-sided Calogero-Moser cells for any finite complex reflection group. To each
Caloger-Moser two-sided cell is associated a Calogero-Moser family, while to
each Calogero-Moser left cell is associated a Calogero-Moser cellular
representation. We study properties of these objects and we conjecture that,
whenever the reflection group is real (i.e. is a Coxeter group), these notions
coincide with the one of Kazhdan-Lusztig left, right and two-sided cells,
Kazhdan-Lusztig families and Kazhdan-Lusztig cellular representations.
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Khovanov complexes of rational tangles | We show that the Khovanov complex of a rational tangle has a very simple
representative whose backbone of non-zero morphisms forms a zig-zag.
Furthermore, this minimal complex can be computed quickly by an inductive
algorithm. (For example, we calculate $Kh(8_2)$ by hand.) We find that the
bigradings of the subobjects in these minimal complexes can be described by
matrix actions, which after a change of basis is the reduced Burau
representation of $B_3$.
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Asymmetric Connectedness of Fears in the U.S. Financial Sector | We study how shocks to the forward-looking expectations of investors buying
call and put options transmit across the financial system. We introduce a new
contagion measure, called asymmetric fear connectedness (AFC), which captures
the information related to "fear" on the two sides of the options market and
can be used as a forward-looking systemic risk monitoring tool. The decomposed
connectedness measures provide timely predictive information for near-future
macroeconomic conditions and uncertainty indicators, and they contain
additional valuable information that is not included in the aggregate
connectedness measure. The role of a positive/negative "fear"
transmitter/receiver emerges clearly when we focus more closely on
idiosyncratic events for financial institutions. We identify banks that are
predominantly positive/negative receivers of "fear", as well as banks that
positively/negatively transmit "fear" in the financial system.
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Neural Network Based Speaker Classification and Verification Systems with Enhanced Features | This work presents a novel framework based on feed-forward neural network for
text-independent speaker classification and verification, two related systems
of speaker recognition. With optimized features and model training, it achieves
100% classification rate in classification and less than 6% Equal Error Rate
(ERR), using merely about 1 second and 5 seconds of data respectively. Features
with stricter Voice Active Detection (VAD) than the regular one for speech
recognition ensure extracting stronger voiced portion for speaker recognition,
speaker-level mean and variance normalization helps to eliminate the
discrepancy between samples from the same speaker. Both are proven to improve
the system performance. In building the neural network speaker classifier, the
network structure parameters are optimized with grid search and dynamically
reduced regularization parameters are used to avoid training terminated in
local minimum. It enables the training goes further with lower cost. In speaker
verification, performance is improved with prediction score normalization,
which rewards the speaker identity indices with distinct peaks and penalizes
the weak ones with high scores but more competitors, and speaker-specific
thresholding, which significantly reduces ERR in the ROC curve. TIMIT corpus
with 8K sampling rate is used here. First 200 male speakers are used to train
and test the classification performance. The testing files of them are used as
in-domain registered speakers, while data from the remaining 126 male speakers
are used as out-of-domain speakers, i.e. imposters in speaker verification.
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Slimness of graphs | Slimness of a graph measures the local deviation of its metric from a tree
metric. In a graph $G=(V,E)$, a geodesic triangle $\bigtriangleup(x,y,z)$ with
$x, y, z\in V$ is the union $P(x,y) \cup P(x,z) \cup P(y,z)$ of three shortest
paths connecting these vertices. A geodesic triangle $\bigtriangleup(x,y,z)$ is
called $\delta$-slim if for any vertex $u\in V$ on any side $P(x,y)$ the
distance from $u$ to $P(x,z) \cup P(y,z)$ is at most $\delta$, i.e. each path
is contained in the union of the $\delta$-neighborhoods of two others. A graph
$G$ is called $\delta$-slim, if all geodesic triangles in $G$ are
$\delta$-slim. The smallest value $\delta$ for which $G$ is $\delta$-slim is
called the slimness of $G$. In this paper, using the layering partition
technique, we obtain sharp bounds on slimness of such families of graphs as (1)
graphs with cluster-diameter $\Delta(G)$ of a layering partition of $G$, (2)
graphs with tree-length $\lambda$, (3) graphs with tree-breadth $\rho$, (4)
$k$-chordal graphs, AT-free graphs and HHD-free graphs. Additionally, we show
that the slimness of every 4-chordal graph is at most 2 and characterize those
4-chordal graphs for which the slimness of every of its induced subgraph is at
most 1.
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SirenAttack: Generating Adversarial Audio for End-to-End Acoustic Systems | Despite their immense popularity, deep learning-based acoustic systems are
inherently vulnerable to adversarial attacks, wherein maliciously crafted
audios trigger target systems to misbehave. In this paper, we present
SirenAttack, a new class of attacks to generate adversarial audios. Compared
with existing attacks, SirenAttack highlights with a set of significant
features: (i) versatile -- it is able to deceive a range of end-to-end acoustic
systems under both white-box and black-box settings; (ii) effective -- it is
able to generate adversarial audios that can be recognized as specific phrases
by target acoustic systems; and (iii) stealthy -- it is able to generate
adversarial audios indistinguishable from their benign counterparts to human
perception. We empirically evaluate SirenAttack on a set of state-of-the-art
deep learning-based acoustic systems (including speech command recognition,
speaker recognition and sound event classification), with results showing the
versatility, effectiveness, and stealthiness of SirenAttack. For instance, it
achieves 99.45% attack success rate on the IEMOCAP dataset against the ResNet18
model, while the generated adversarial audios are also misinterpreted by
multiple popular ASR platforms, including Google Cloud Speech, Microsoft Bing
Voice, and IBM Speech-to-Text. We further evaluate three potential defense
methods to mitigate such attacks, including adversarial training, audio
downsampling, and moving average filtering, which leads to promising directions
for further research.
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k-server via multiscale entropic regularization | We present an $O((\log k)^2)$-competitive randomized algorithm for the
$k$-server problem on hierarchically separated trees (HSTs). This is the first
$o(k)$-competitive randomized algorithm for which the competitive ratio is
independent of the size of the underlying HST. Our algorithm is designed in the
framework of online mirror descent where the mirror map is a multiscale
entropy. When combined with Bartal's static HST embedding reduction, this leads
to an $O((\log k)^2 \log n)$-competitive algorithm on any $n$-point metric
space. We give a new dynamic HST embedding that yields an $O((\log k)^3 \log
\Delta)$-competitive algorithm on any metric space where the ratio of the
largest to smallest non-zero distance is at most $\Delta$.
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Some Large Sample Results for the Method of Regularized Estimators | We present a general framework for studying regularized estimators; i.e.,
estimation problems wherein "plug-in" type estimators are either ill-defined or
ill-behaved. We derive primitive conditions that imply consistency and
asymptotic linear representation for regularized estimators, allowing for
slower than $\sqrt{n}$ estimators as well as infinite dimensional parameters.
We also provide data-driven methods for choosing tuning parameters that, under
some conditions, achieve the aforementioned results. We illustrate the scope of
our approach by studying a wide range of applications, revisiting known results
and deriving new ones.
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Coregionalised Locomotion Envelopes - A Qualitative Approach | 'Sharing of statistical strength' is a phrase often employed in machine
learning and signal processing. In sensor networks, for example, missing
signals from certain sensors may be predicted by exploiting their correlation
with observed signals acquired from other sensors. For humans, our hands move
synchronously with our legs, and we can exploit these implicit correlations for
predicting new poses and for generating new natural-looking walking sequences.
We can also go much further and exploit this form of transfer learning, to
develop new control schemas for robust control of rehabilitation robots. In
this short paper we introduce coregionalised locomotion envelopes - a method
for multi-dimensional manifold regression, on human locomotion variates. Herein
we render a qualitative description of this method.
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Optimal Invariant Tests in an Instrumental Variables Regression With Heteroskedastic and Autocorrelated Errors | This paper uses model symmetries in the instrumental variable (IV) regression
to derive an invariant test for the causal structural parameter. Contrary to
popular belief, we show there exist model symmetries when equation errors are
heteroskedastic and autocorrelated (HAC). Our theory is consistent with
existing results for the homoskedastic model (Andrews, Moreira and Stock(2006}
and Chamberlain (2007}), but in general uses information on the structural
parameter beyond the Anderson-Rubin, score, and rank statistics. This suggests
that tests based only the Anderson-Rubin and score statistics discard
information on the causal parameter of interest. We apply our theory to
construct designs in which these tests indeed have power arbitrarily close to
size. Other tests, including other adaptations to the CLR test, do not suffer
the same deficiencies. Finally, we use the model symmetries to propose novel
weighted-average power tests for the HAC-IV model.
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Longitudinal electric field: from Maxwell equation to non-locality in time and space | In this paper we use the classical electrodynamics to show that the Lorenz
gauge can be incompatible with some particular solutions of the d Alembert
equations for electromagnetic potentials. In its turn, the d Alembert equations
for the elec- tromagnetic potentials is the result of application of the Lorenz
gauge to general equations for the potentials. The last ones is the
straightforward consequence of Maxwell equations. Since the d Alembert
equations and the electromagnetic poten- tials are necessary for quantum
electrodynamics formulation, one should oblige to satisfy these equations also
in classical case. The solution of d Alembert equations, which modifies
longitudinal electric field is found. The requirement of this modifi- cation
follows from the necessity to satisfy the physical condition of impossibility
of instantaneous transferring of interaction in space.
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Estimating linear functionals of a sparse family of Poisson means | Assume that we observe a sample of size n composed of p-dimensional signals,
each signal having independent entries drawn from a scaled Poisson distribution
with an unknown intensity. We are interested in estimating the sum of the n
unknown intensity vectors, under the assumption that most of them coincide with
a given 'background' signal. The number s of p-dimensional signals different
from the background signal plays the role of sparsity and the goal is to
leverage this sparsity assumption in order to improve the quality of estimation
as compared to the naive estimator that computes the sum of the observed
signals. We first introduce the group hard thresholding estimator and analyze
its mean squared error measured by the squared Euclidean norm. We establish a
nonasymptotic upper bound showing that the risk is at most of the order of
{\sigma}^2(sp + s^2sqrt(p)) log^3/2(np). We then establish lower bounds on the
minimax risk over a properly defined class of collections of s-sparse signals.
These lower bounds match with the upper bound, up to logarithmic terms, when
the dimension p is fixed or of larger order than s^2. In the case where the
dimension p increases but remains of smaller order than s^2, our results show a
gap between the lower and the upper bounds, which can be up to order sqrt(p).
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Fabrication of porous microrings via laser printing and ion-beam post-etching | Pulsed-laser dry printing of noble-metal microrings with a tunable internal
porous structure, which can be revealed via an ion-beam etching post-procedure,
was demonstrated. Abundance and average size of the pores inside the microrings
were shown to be tuned in a wide range by varying incident pulse energy and a
nitrogen doping level controlled in the process of magnetron deposition of the
gold film in the appropriate gaseous environment. The fabricated porous
microrings were shown to provide many-fold near-field enhancement of incident
electromagnetic fields, which was confirmed by mapping of the characteristic
Raman band of a nanometer-thick covering layer of Rhodamine 6G dye molecules
and supporting finite-difference time-domain calculations. The proposed laser
printing/ion-beam etching approach is demonstrated to be a unique tool aimed at
designing and fabricating multifunctional plasmonic structures and metasurfaces
for spectroscopic bioidentification based on surface-enhanced infrared
absorption, Raman scattering and photoluminescence detection schemes.
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Performance Measurements of Supercomputing and Cloud Storage Solutions | Increasing amounts of data from varied sources, particularly in the fields of
machine learning and graph analytics, are causing storage requirements to grow
rapidly. A variety of technologies exist for storing and sharing these data,
ranging from parallel file systems used by supercomputers to distributed block
storage systems found in clouds. Relatively few comparative measurements exist
to inform decisions about which storage systems are best suited for particular
tasks. This work provides these measurements for two of the most popular
storage technologies: Lustre and Amazon S3. Lustre is an open-source, high
performance, parallel file system used by many of the largest supercomputers in
the world. Amazon's Simple Storage Service, or S3, is part of the Amazon Web
Services offering, and offers a scalable, distributed option to store and
retrieve data from anywhere on the Internet. Parallel processing is essential
for achieving high performance on modern storage systems. The performance tests
used span the gamut of parallel I/O scenarios, ranging from single-client,
single-node Amazon S3 and Lustre performance to a large-scale, multi-client
test designed to demonstrate the capabilities of a modern storage appliance
under heavy load. These results show that, when parallel I/O is used correctly
(i.e., many simultaneous read or write processes), full network bandwidth
performance is achievable and ranged from 10 gigabits/s over a 10 GigE S3
connection to 0.35 terabits/s using Lustre on a 1200 port 10 GigE switch. These
results demonstrate that S3 is well-suited to sharing vast quantities of data
over the Internet, while Lustre is well-suited to processing large quantities
of data locally.
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Multi-Objective Event-triggered Consensus of Linear Multi-agent Systems | This paper proposes a distributed consensus algorithm for linear event-based
heterogeneous multi-agent systems (MAS). The proposed scheme is event-triggered
in the sense that an agent selectively transmits its information within its
local neighbourhood based on a directed network topology under the fulfillment
of certain conditions. Using the Lyapunov stability theorem, the system
constraints and event-triggering condition are expressed in terms of several
linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to derive the consensus parameters. The
objective is to design the transmission threshold and minimum-norm
heterogeneous control gains which collectively ensure an exponential consensus
convergence rate for the closed-loop systems. The LMI computed control gains
are robust to uncertainty with some deviation from their nominal values
allowed. The practicability of the proposed event-based framework is further
studied by proving the Zeno behaviour exclusion. Numerical simulations quantify
the advantages of our event-triggered consensus approach in second-order,
linear and heterogeneous multi-agent systems.
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Private and Secure Coordination of Match-Making for Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platooning | A secure and private framework for inter-agent communication and coordination
is developed. This allows an agent, in our case a fleet owner, to ask questions
or submit queries in an encrypted fashion using semi-homomorphic encryption.
The submitted query can be about the interest of the other fleet owners for
using a road at a specific time of the day, for instance, for the purpose of
collaborative vehicle platooning. The other agents can then provide appropriate
responses without knowing the content of the questions or the queries. Strong
privacy and security guarantees are provided for the agent who is submitting
the queries. It is also shown that the amount of the information that this
agent can extract from the other agent is bounded. In fact, with submitting one
query, a sophisticated agent can at most extract the answer to two queries.
This secure communication platform is used subsequently to develop a
distributed coordination mechanisms among fleet owners.
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Kernel Robust Bias-Aware Prediction under Covariate Shift | Under covariate shift, training (source) data and testing (target) data
differ in input space distribution, but share the same conditional label
distribution. This poses a challenging machine learning task. Robust Bias-Aware
(RBA) prediction provides the conditional label distribution that is robust to
the worstcase logarithmic loss for the target distribution while matching
feature expectation constraints from the source distribution. However,
employing RBA with insufficient feature constraints may result in high
certainty predictions for much of the source data, while leaving too much
uncertainty for target data predictions. To overcome this issue, we extend the
representer theorem to the RBA setting, enabling minimization of regularized
expected target risk by a reweighted kernel expectation under the source
distribution. By applying kernel methods, we establish consistency guarantees
and demonstrate better performance of the RBA classifier than competing methods
on synthetically biased UCI datasets as well as datasets that have natural
covariate shift.
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Degeneration in VAE: in the Light of Fisher Information Loss | While enormous progress has been made to Variational Autoencoder (VAE) in
recent years, similar to other deep networks, VAE with deep networks suffers
from the problem of degeneration, which seriously weakens the correlation
between the input and the corresponding latent codes, deviating from the goal
of the representation learning. To investigate how degeneration affects VAE
from a theoretical perspective, we illustrate the information transmission in
VAE and analyze the intermediate layers of the encoders/decoders. Specifically,
we propose a Fisher Information measure for the layer-wise analysis. With such
measure, we demonstrate that information loss is ineluctable in feed-forward
networks and causes the degeneration in VAE. We show that skip connections in
VAE enable the preservation of information without changing the model
architecture. We call this class of VAE equipped with skip connections as SCVAE
and perform a range of experiments to show its advantages in information
preservation and degeneration mitigation.
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Room-temperature spin transport in n-Ge probed by four-terminal nonlocal measurements | We demonsrtate electrical spin injection and detection in $n$-type Ge
($n$-Ge) at room temperature using four-terminal nonlocal spin-valve and
Hanle-effect measurements in lateral spin-valve (LSV) devices with
Heusler-alloy Schottky tunnel contacts. The spin diffusion length
($\lambda$$_{\rm Ge}$) of the Ge layer used ($n \sim$ 1 $\times$ 10$^{19}$
cm$^{-3}$) at 296 K is estimated to be $\sim$ 0.44 $\pm$ 0.02 $\mu$m.
Room-temperature spin signals can be observed reproducibly at the low bias
voltage range ($\le$ 0.7 V) for LSVs with relatively low resistance-area
product ($RA$) values ($\le$ 1 k$\Omega$$\mu$m$^{2}$). This means that the
Schottky tunnel contacts used here are more suitable than ferromagnet/MgO
tunnel contacts ($RA \ge$ 100 k$\Omega$$\mu$m$^{2}$) for developing Ge
spintronic applications.
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Synthesizing Neural Network Controllers with Probabilistic Model based Reinforcement Learning | We present an algorithm for rapidly learning controllers for robotics
systems. The algorithm follows the model-based reinforcement learning paradigm,
and improves upon existing algorithms; namely Probabilistic learning in Control
(PILCO) and a sample-based version of PILCO with neural network dynamics
(Deep-PILCO). We propose training a neural network dynamics model using
variational dropout with truncated Log-Normal noise. This allows us to obtain a
dynamics model with calibrated uncertainty, which can be used to simulate
controller executions via rollouts. We also describe set of techniques,
inspired by viewing PILCO as a recurrent neural network model, that are crucial
to improve the convergence of the method. We test our method on a variety of
benchmark tasks, demonstrating data-efficiency that is competitive with PILCO,
while being able to optimize complex neural network controllers. Finally, we
assess the performance of the algorithm for learning motor controllers for a
six legged autonomous underwater vehicle. This demonstrates the potential of
the algorithm for scaling up the dimensionality and dataset sizes, in more
complex control tasks.
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Stealthy Deception Attacks Against SCADA Systems | SCADA protocols for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are vulnerable to
network attacks such as session hijacking. Hence, research focuses on network
anomaly detection based on meta--data (message sizes, timing, command
sequence), or on the state values of the physical process. In this work we
present a class of semantic network-based attacks against SCADA systems that
are undetectable by the above mentioned anomaly detection. After hijacking the
communication channels between the Human Machine Interface (HMI) and
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), our attacks cause the HMI to present a
fake view of the industrial process, deceiving the human operator into taking
manual actions. Our most advanced attack also manipulates the messages
generated by the operator's actions, reversing their semantic meaning while
causing the HMI to present a view that is consistent with the attempted human
actions. The attacks are totaly stealthy because the message sizes and timing,
the command sequences, and the data values of the ICS's state all remain
We implemented and tested several attack scenarios in the test lab of our
local electric company, against a real HMI and real PLCs, separated by a
commercial-grade firewall. We developed a real-time security assessment tool,
that can simultaneously manipulate the communication to multiple PLCs and cause
the HMI to display a coherent system--wide fake view. Our tool is configured
with message-manipulating rules written in an ICS Attack Markup Language (IAML)
we designed, which may be of independent interest. Our semantic attacks all
successfully fooled the operator and brought the system to states of blackout
and possible equipment damage.
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Beta-rhythm oscillations and synchronization transition in network models of Izhikevich neurons: effect of topology and synaptic type | Despite their significant functional roles, beta-band oscillations are least
understood. Synchronization in neuronal networks have attracted much attention
in recent years with the main focus on transition type. Whether one obtains
explosive transition or a continuous transition is an important feature of the
neuronal network which can depend on network structure as well as synaptic
types. In this study we consider the effect of synaptic interaction (electrical
and chemical) as well as structural connectivity on synchronization transition
in network models of Izhikevich neurons which spike regularly with beta
rhythms. We find a wide range of behavior including continuous transition,
explosive transition, as well as lack of global order. The stronger electrical
synapses are more conducive to synchronization and can even lead to explosive
synchronization. The key network element which determines the order of
transition is found to be the clustering coefficient and not the small world
effect, or the existence of hubs in a network. These results are in contrast to
previous results which use phase oscillator models such as the Kuramoto model.
Furthermore, we show that the patterns of synchronization changes when one goes
to the gamma band. We attribute such a change to the change in the refractory
period of Izhikevich neurons which changes significantly with frequency.
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Renyi Differential Privacy | We propose a natural relaxation of differential privacy based on the Renyi
divergence. Closely related notions have appeared in several recent papers that
analyzed composition of differentially private mechanisms. We argue that the
useful analytical tool can be used as a privacy definition, compactly and
accurately representing guarantees on the tails of the privacy loss.
We demonstrate that the new definition shares many important properties with
the standard definition of differential privacy, while additionally allowing
tighter analysis of composite heterogeneous mechanisms.
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Enhancing Quality for VVC Compressed Videos by Jointly Exploiting Spatial Details and Temporal Structure | In this paper, we propose a quality enhancement network for Versatile Video
Coding (VVC) compressed videos by jointly exploiting spatial details and
temporal structure (SDTS). The network consists of a temporal structure
prediction subnet and a spatial detail enhancement subnet. The former subnet is
used to estimate and compensate the temporal motion across frames, and the
spatial detail subnet is used to reduce the compression artifacts and enhance
the reconstruction quality of the VVC compressed video. Experimental results
demonstrate the effectiveness of our SDTS-based approach. It offers over
7.82$\%$ BD-rate saving on the common test video sequences and achieves the
state-of-the-art performance.
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Subsets and Splits