quantitative biology
quantitative finance
Infinite symmetric ergodic index and related examples in infinite measure
We define an infinite measure-preserving transformation to have infinite symmetric ergodic index if all finite Cartesian products of the transformation and its inverse are ergodic, and show that infinite symmetric ergodic index does not imply that all products of powers are conservative, so does not imply power weak mixing. We provide a sufficient condition for $k$-fold and infinite symmetric ergodic index and use it to answer a question on the relationship between product conservativity and product ergodicity. We also show that a class of rank-one transformations that have infinite symmetric ergodic index are not power weakly mixing, and precisely characterize a class of power weak transformations that generalizes existing examples.
Exploiting gradients and Hessians in Bayesian optimization and Bayesian quadrature
An exciting branch of machine learning research focuses on methods for learning, optimizing, and integrating unknown functions that are difficult or costly to evaluate. A popular Bayesian approach to this problem uses a Gaussian process (GP) to construct a posterior distribution over the function of interest given a set of observed measurements, and selects new points to evaluate using the statistics of this posterior. Here we extend these methods to exploit derivative information from the unknown function. We describe methods for Bayesian optimization (BO) and Bayesian quadrature (BQ) in settings where first and second derivatives may be evaluated along with the function itself. We perform sampling-based inference in order to incorporate uncertainty over hyperparameters, and show that both hyperparameter and function uncertainty decrease much more rapidly when using derivative information. Moreover, we introduce techniques for overcoming ill-conditioning issues that have plagued earlier methods for gradient-enhanced Gaussian processes and kriging. We illustrate the efficacy of these methods using applications to real and simulated Bayesian optimization and quadrature problems, and show that exploting derivatives can provide substantial gains over standard methods.
Permanency of the age-structured population model on several temporally variable patches
We consider a system of nonlinear partial differential equations that describes an age-structured population inhabiting several temporally varying patches. We prove existence and uniqueness of solution and analyze its large-time behavior in cases when the environment is constant and when it changes periodically. A pivotal assumption is that individuals can disperse and that each patch can be reached from every other patch, directly or through several intermediary patches. We introduce the net reproductive operator and characteristic equations for time-independent and periodical models and prove that permanency is defined by the net reproductive rate for the whole system. If the net reproductive rate is less or equal to one, extinction on all patches is imminent. Otherwise, permanency on all patches is guaranteed. The proof is based on a new approach to analysis of large-time stability.
Rapid laser-induced photochemical conversion of sol-gel precursors to In2O3 layers and their application in thin-film transistors
We report the development of indium oxide (In2O3) transistors via a single step laser-induced photochemical conversion process of a sol-gel metal oxide precursor. Through careful optimization of the laser annealing conditions we demonstrated successful conversion of the precursor to In2O3 and its subsequent implementation in n-channel transistors with electron mobility up to 13 cm2/Vs. Importantly, the process does not require thermal annealing making it compatible with temperature sensitive materials such as plastic. On the other hand, the spatial conversion/densification of the sol-gel layer eliminates additional process steps associated with semiconductor patterning and hence significantly reduces fabrication complexity and cost. Our work demonstrates unambiguously that laser-induced photochemical conversion of sol-gel metal oxide precursors can be rapid and compatible with large-area electronics manufacturing.
Testing for Change in Stochastic Volatility with Long Range Dependence
In this paper, change-point problems for long memory stochastic volatility models are considered. A general testing problem which includes various alternative hypotheses is discussed. Under the hypothesis of stationarity the limiting behavior of CUSUM- and Wilcoxon-type test statistics is derived. In this context, a limit theorem for the two-parameter empirical process of long memory stochastic volatility time series is proved. In particular, it is shown that the asymptotic distribution of CUSUM test statistics may not be affected by long memory, unlike Wilcoxon test statistics which are typically influenced by long range dependence. To avoid the estimation of nuisance parameters in applications, the usage of self-normalized test statistics is proposed. The theoretical results are accompanied by simulation studies which characterize the finite sample behavior of the considered testing procedures when testing for changes in mean, in variance, and in the tail index.
Kinematics effects of atmospheric friction in spacecraft flybys
Gravity assist manoeuvres are one of the most succesful techniques in astrodynamics. In these trajectories the spacecraft comes very close to the surface of the Earth, or other Solar system planets or moons, and, as a consequence, it experiences the effect of atmospheric friction by the outer layers of the Earth's atmosphere or ionosphere. In this paper we analyze a standard atmospheric model to estimate the density profile during the two Galileo flybys, the NEAR and the Juno flyby. We show that, even allowing for a margin of uncertainty in the spacecraft cross-section and the drag coefficient, the observed -8 mm/sec anomalous velocity decrease during the second Galileo flyby of December, 8th, 1992 cannot be attributed only to atmospheric friction. On the other hand, for perigees on the border between the termosphere and the exosphere the friction only accounts for a fraction of a millimeter per second in the final asymptotic velocity.
Interval vs. Point Temporal Logic Model Checking: an Expressiveness Comparison
In the last years, model checking with interval temporal logics is emerging as a viable alternative to model checking with standard point-based temporal logics, such as LTL, CTL, CTL*, and the like. The behavior of the system is modeled by means of (finite) Kripke structures, as usual. However, while temporal logics which are interpreted "point-wise" describe how the system evolves state-by-state, and predicate properties of system states, those which are interpreted "interval-wise" express properties of computation stretches, spanning a sequence of states. A proposition letter is assumed to hold over a computation stretch (interval) if and only if it holds over each component state (homogeneity assumption). A natural question arises: is there any advantage in replacing points by intervals as the primary temporal entities, or is it just a matter of taste? In this paper, we study the expressiveness of Halpern and Shoham's interval temporal logic (HS) in model checking, in comparison with those of LTL, CTL, and CTL*. To this end, we consider three semantic variants of HS: the state-based one, introduced by Montanari et al., that allows time to branch both in the past and in the future, the computation-tree-based one, that allows time to branch in the future only, and the trace-based variant, that disallows time to branch. These variants are compared among themselves and to the aforementioned standard logics, getting a complete picture. In particular, we show that HS with trace-based semantics is equivalent to LTL (but at least exponentially more succinct), HS with computation-tree-based semantics is equivalent to finitary CTL*, and HS with state-based semantics is incomparable with all of them (LTL, CTL, and CTL*).
Calculations for electron-impact ionization of magnesium and calcium atoms in the method of interacting configurations in the complex number representation
Next investigations in our program of transition from the He atom to the complex atoms description have been presented. The method of interacting configurations in the complex number representation is under consideration. The spectroscopic characteristics of the Mg and Ca atoms in the problem of the electron-impact ionization of these atoms are investigated. The energies and the widths of the lowest autoionizing states of Mg and Ca atoms are calculated. Few results in the photoionization problem on the autoionizing states above the n=2 threshold of helium-like Be ion are presented.
An Information Theoretic Approach to Sample Acquisition and Perception in Planetary Robotics
An important and emerging component of planetary exploration is sample retrieval and return to Earth. Obtaining and analyzing rock samples can provide unprecedented insight into the geology, geo-history and prospects for finding past life and water. Current methods of exploration rely on mission scientists to identify objects of interests and this presents major operational challenges. Finding objects of interests will require systematic and efficient methods to quickly and correctly evaluate the importance of hundreds if not thousands of samples so that the most interesting are saved for further analysis by the mission scientists. In this paper, we propose an automated information theoretic approach to identify shapes of interests using a library of predefined interesting shapes. These predefined shapes maybe human input or samples that are then extrapolated by the shape matching system using the Superformula to judge the importance of newly obtained objects. Shape samples are matched to a library of shapes using the eigenfaces approach enabling categorization and prioritization of the sample. The approach shows robustness to simulated sensor noise of up to 20%. The effect of shape parameters and rotational angle on shape matching accuracy has been analyzed. The approach shows significant promise and efforts are underway in testing the algorithm with real rock samples.
Global solvability of the Navier-Stokes equations with a free surface in the maximal $L_p\text{-}L_q$ regularity class
We consider the motion of incompressible viscous fluids bounded above by a free surface and below by a solid surface in the $N$-dimensional Euclidean space for $N\geq 2$ when the gravity is not taken into account. The aim of this paper is to show the global solvability of the Naiver-Stokes equations with a free surface, describing the above-mentioned motion, in the maximal $L_p\text{-}L_q$ regularity class. Our approach is based on the maximal $L_p\text{-}L_q$ regularity with exponential stability for the linearized equations, and solutions to the original nonlinear problem are also exponentially stable.
The fundamental group of the complement of the singular locus of Lauricella's $F_C$
We study the fundamental group of the complement of the singular locus of Lauricella's hypergeometric function $F_C$ of $n$ variables. The singular locus consists of $n$ hyperplanes and a hypersurface of degree $2^{n-1}$ in the complex $n$-space. We derive some relations that holds for general $n\geq 3$. We give an explicit presentation of the fundamental groupin the three-dimensional case. We also consider a presentation of the fundamental group of $2^3$-covering of this space. In the version 2, we omit some of the calculations. For all the calculations, refer to the version 1 (arXiv:1710.09594v1) of this article.
Nonconvex Sparse Spectral Clustering by Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers and Its Convergence Analysis
Spectral Clustering (SC) is a widely used data clustering method which first learns a low-dimensional embedding $U$ of data by computing the eigenvectors of the normalized Laplacian matrix, and then performs k-means on $U^\top$ to get the final clustering result. The Sparse Spectral Clustering (SSC) method extends SC with a sparse regularization on $UU^\top$ by using the block diagonal structure prior of $UU^\top$ in the ideal case. However, encouraging $UU^\top$ to be sparse leads to a heavily nonconvex problem which is challenging to solve and the work (Lu, Yan, and Lin 2016) proposes a convex relaxation in the pursuit of this aim indirectly. However, the convex relaxation generally leads to a loose approximation and the quality of the solution is not clear. This work instead considers to solve the nonconvex formulation of SSC which directly encourages $UU^\top$ to be sparse. We propose an efficient Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) to solve the nonconvex SSC and provide the convergence guarantee. In particular, we prove that the sequences generated by ADMM always exist a limit point and any limit point is a stationary point. Our analysis does not impose any assumptions on the iterates and thus is practical. Our proposed ADMM for nonconvex problems allows the stepsize to be increasing but upper bounded, and this makes it very efficient in practice. Experimental analysis on several real data sets verifies the effectiveness of our method.
Stable Geodesic Update on Hyperbolic Space and its Application to Poincare Embeddings
A hyperbolic space has been shown to be more capable of modeling complex networks than a Euclidean space. This paper proposes an explicit update rule along geodesics in a hyperbolic space. The convergence of our algorithm is theoretically guaranteed, and the convergence rate is better than the conventional Euclidean gradient descent algorithm. Moreover, our algorithm avoids the "bias" problem of existing methods using the Riemannian gradient. Experimental results demonstrate the good performance of our algorithm in the \Poincare embeddings of knowledge base data.
A Parameterized Approach to Personalized Variable Length Summarization of Soccer Matches
We present a parameterized approach to produce personalized variable length summaries of soccer matches. Our approach is based on temporally segmenting the soccer video into 'plays', associating a user-specifiable 'utility' for each type of play and using 'bin-packing' to select a subset of the plays that add up to the desired length while maximizing the overall utility (volume in bin-packing terms). Our approach systematically allows a user to override the default weights assigned to each type of play with individual preferences and thus see a highly personalized variable length summarization of soccer matches. We demonstrate our approach based on the output of an end-to-end pipeline that we are building to produce such summaries. Though aspects of the overall end-to-end pipeline are human assisted at present, the results clearly show that the proposed approach is capable of producing semantically meaningful and compelling summaries. Besides the obvious use of producing summaries of superior league matches for news broadcasts, we anticipate our work to promote greater awareness of the local matches and junior leagues by producing consumable summaries of them.
Towards Robust Neural Networks via Random Self-ensemble
Recent studies have revealed the vulnerability of deep neural networks: A small adversarial perturbation that is imperceptible to human can easily make a well-trained deep neural network misclassify. This makes it unsafe to apply neural networks in security-critical applications. In this paper, we propose a new defense algorithm called Random Self-Ensemble (RSE) by combining two important concepts: {\bf randomness} and {\bf ensemble}. To protect a targeted model, RSE adds random noise layers to the neural network to prevent the strong gradient-based attacks, and ensembles the prediction over random noises to stabilize the performance. We show that our algorithm is equivalent to ensemble an infinite number of noisy models $f_\epsilon$ without any additional memory overhead, and the proposed training procedure based on noisy stochastic gradient descent can ensure the ensemble model has a good predictive capability. Our algorithm significantly outperforms previous defense techniques on real data sets. For instance, on CIFAR-10 with VGG network (which has 92\% accuracy without any attack), under the strong C\&W attack within a certain distortion tolerance, the accuracy of unprotected model drops to less than 10\%, the best previous defense technique has $48\%$ accuracy, while our method still has $86\%$ prediction accuracy under the same level of attack. Finally, our method is simple and easy to integrate into any neural network.
Prospects for detection of intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters using integrated-light spectroscopy
The detection of intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) in Galactic globular clusters (GCs) has so far been controversial. In order to characterize the effectiveness of integrated-light spectroscopy through integral field units, we analyze realistic mock data generated from state-of-the-art Monte Carlo simulations of GCs with a central IMBH, considering different setups and conditions varying IMBH mass, cluster distance, and accuracy in determination of the center. The mock observations are modeled with isotropic Jeans models to assess the success rate in identifying the IMBH presence, which we find to be primarily dependent on IMBH mass. However, even for a IMBH of considerable mass (3% of the total GC mass), the analysis does not yield conclusive results in 1 out of 5 cases, because of shot noise due to bright stars close to the IMBH line-of-sight. This stochastic variability in the modeling outcome grows with decreasing BH mass, with approximately 3 failures out of 4 for IMBHs with 0.1% of total GC mass. Finally, we find that our analysis is generally unable to exclude at 68% confidence an IMBH with mass of $10^3~M_\odot$ in snapshots without a central BH. Interestingly, our results are not sensitive to GC distance within 5-20 kpc, nor to mis-identification of the GC center by less than 2'' (<20% of the core radius). These findings highlight the value of ground-based integral field spectroscopy for large GC surveys, where systematic failures can be accounted for, but stress the importance of discrete kinematic measurements that are less affected by stochasticity induced by bright stars.
A Multi-frequency analysis of possible Dark Matter Contributions to M31 Gamma-Ray Emissions
We examine the possibility of a dark matter (DM) contribution to the recently observed gamma-ray spectrum seen in the M31 galaxy. In particular, we apply limits on Weakly Interacting Massive Particle DM annihilation cross-sections derived from the Coma galaxy cluster and the Reticulum II dwarf galaxy to determine the maximal flux contribution by DM annihilation to both the M31 gamma-ray spectrum and that of the Milky-Way galactic centre. We limit the energy range between 1 and 12 GeV in M31 and galactic centre spectra due to the limited range of former's data, as well as to encompass the high-energy gamma-ray excess observed in the latter target. In so doing, we will make use of Fermi-LAT data for all mentioned targets, as well as diffuse radio data for the Coma cluster. The multi-target strategy using both Coma and Reticulum II to derive cross-section limits, as well as multi-frequency data, ensures that our results are robust against the various uncertainties inherent in modelling of indirect DM emissions. Our results indicate that, when a Navarro-Frenk-White (or shallower) radial density profile is assumed, severe constraints can be imposed upon the fraction of the M31 and galactic centre spectra that can be accounted for by DM, with the best limits arising from cross-section constraints from Coma radio data and Reticulum II gamma-ray limits. These particular limits force all the studied annihilation channels to contribute 1% or less to the total integrated gamma-ray flux within both M31 and galactic centre targets. In contrast, considerably more, 10-100%, of the flux can be attributed to DM when a contracted Navarro-Frenk-White profile is assumed. This demonstrates how sensitive DM contributions to gamma-ray emissions are to the possibility of cored profiles in galaxies.
Tensor Decompositions for Modeling Inverse Dynamics
Modeling inverse dynamics is crucial for accurate feedforward robot control. The model computes the necessary joint torques, to perform a desired movement. The highly non-linear inverse function of the dynamical system can be approximated using regression techniques. We propose as regression method a tensor decomposition model that exploits the inherent three-way interaction of positions x velocities x accelerations. Most work in tensor factorization has addressed the decomposition of dense tensors. In this paper, we build upon the decomposition of sparse tensors, with only small amounts of nonzero entries. The decomposition of sparse tensors has successfully been used in relational learning, e.g., the modeling of large knowledge graphs. Recently, the approach has been extended to multi-class classification with discrete input variables. Representing the data in high dimensional sparse tensors enables the approximation of complex highly non-linear functions. In this paper we show how the decomposition of sparse tensors can be applied to regression problems. Furthermore, we extend the method to continuous inputs, by learning a mapping from the continuous inputs to the latent representations of the tensor decomposition, using basis functions. We evaluate our proposed model on a dataset with trajectories from a seven degrees of freedom SARCOS robot arm. Our experimental results show superior performance of the proposed functional tensor model, compared to challenging state-of-the art methods.
Synthesis and Hydrogen Sorption Characteristics of Mechanically Alloyed Mg(NixMn1-x)2 Intermetallics
New ternary Mg-Ni-Mn intermetallics have been successfully synthesized by High Energy Ball Milling (HEBM) and have been studied as possible materials for efficient hydrogen storage applications. The microstructures of the as-cast and milled alloys were characterized by means of X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) both prior and after the hydrogenation process, while the hydrogen storage characteristics (P-c-T) and the kinetics were measured by using a commercial and automatically controlled Sievert-type apparatus. The hydrogenation and dehydrogenation measurements were performed at four different temperatures 150-200-250-300oC and the results showed that the kinetics for both the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation process are very fast for operation temperatures 250 and 300oC, but for temperatures below 200oC the hydrogenation process becomes very slow and the dehydrogenation process cannot be achieved.
Enhancing Network Embedding with Auxiliary Information: An Explicit Matrix Factorization Perspective
Recent advances in the field of network embedding have shown the low-dimensional network representation is playing a critical role in network analysis. However, most of the existing principles of network embedding do not incorporate auxiliary information such as content and labels of nodes flexibly. In this paper, we take a matrix factorization perspective of network embedding, and incorporate structure, content and label information of the network simultaneously. For structure, we validate that the matrix we construct preserves high-order proximities of the network. Label information can be further integrated into the matrix via the process of random walk sampling to enhance the quality of embedding in an unsupervised manner, i.e., without leveraging downstream classifiers. In addition, we generalize the Skip-Gram Negative Sampling model to integrate the content of the network in a matrix factorization framework. As a consequence, network embedding can be learned in a unified framework integrating network structure and node content as well as label information simultaneously. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed model with the tasks of semi-supervised node classification and link prediction on a variety of real-world benchmark network datasets.
Incremental Principal Component Analysis Exact implementation and continuity corrections
This paper describes some applications of an incremental implementation of the principal component analysis (PCA). The algorithm updates the transformation coefficients matrix on-line for each new sample, without the need to keep all the samples in memory. The algorithm is formally equivalent to the usual batch version, in the sense that given a sample set the transformation coefficients at the end of the process are the same. The implications of applying the PCA in real time are discussed with the help of data analysis examples. In particular we focus on the problem of the continuity of the PCs during an on-line analysis.
More investment in Research and Development for better Education in the future?
The question in this paper is whether R&D efforts affect education performance in small classes. Merging two datasets collected from the PISA studies and the World Development Indicators and using Learning Bayesian Networks, we prove the existence of a statistical causal relationship between investment in R&D of a country and its education performance (PISA scores). We also prove that the effect of R\&D on Education is long term as a country has to invest at least 10 years before beginning to improve the level of young pupils.
Discriminative Modeling of Social Influence for Prediction and Explanation in Event Cascades
The global dynamics of event cascades are often governed by the local dynamics of peer influence. However, detecting social influence from observational data is challenging, due to confounds like homophily and practical issues like missing data. In this work, we propose a novel discriminative method to detect influence from observational data. The core of the approach is to train a ranking algorithm to predict the source of the next event in a cascade, and compare its out-of-sample accuracy against a competitive baseline which lacks access to features corresponding to social influence. Using synthetically generated data, we provide empirical evidence that this method correctly identifies influence in the presence of confounds, and is robust to both missing data and misspecification --- unlike popular alternatives. We also apply the method to two real-world datasets: (1) cascades of co-sponsorship of legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives, on a social network of shared campaign donors; (2) rumors about the Higgs boson discovery, on a follower network of $10^5$ Twitter accounts. Our model identifies the role of peer influence in these scenarios, and uses it to make more accurate predictions about the future trajectory of cascades.
Online codes for analog signals
We revisit a classical scenario in communication theory: a source is generating a waveform which we sample at regular intervals; we wish to transform the signal in such a way as to minimize distortion in its reconstruction, despite noise. The transformation must be online (also called causal), in order to enable real-time signaling. The noise model we consider is adversarial $\ell_1$-bounded; this is the "atomic norm" convex relaxation of the standard adversary model in discrete-alphabet communications, namely sparsity (low Hamming weight). We require that our encoding not increase the power of the original signal. In the "block coding" setting such encoding is possible due to the existence of large almost-Euclidean sections in $\ell_1$ spaces (established in the work of Dvoretzky, Milman, Kašin, and Figiel, Lindenstrauss and Milman). Our main result is that an analogous result is achievable even online. Equivalently, we show a "lower triangular" version of $\ell_1$ Dvoretzky theorems. In terms of communication, the result has the following form: If the signal is a stream of reals $x_1,\ldots$, one per unit time, which we encode causally into $\rho$ (a constant) reals per unit time (forming altogether an output stream $\mathcal{E}(x)$), and if the adversarial noise added to this encoded stream up to time $s$ is a vector $\vec{y}$, then at time $s$ the decoder's reconstruction of the input prefix $x_{[s]}$ is accurate in a time-weighted $\ell_2$ norm, to within $s^{-1/2+\delta}$ (any $\delta>0$) times the adversary's noise as measured in a time-weighted $\ell_1$ norm. The time-weighted decoding norm forces increasingly accurate reconstruction of the distant past, while the time-weighted noise norm permits only vanishing effect from noise in the distant past. Encoding is linear, and decoding is performed by an LP analogous to those used in compressed sensing.
Statistical test for fractional Brownian motion based on detrending moving average algorithm
Motivated by contemporary and rich applications of anomalous diffusion processes we propose a new statistical test for fractional Brownian motion, which is one of the most popular models for anomalous diffusion systems. The test is based on detrending moving average statistic and its probability distribution. Using the theory of Gaussian quadratic forms we determined it as a generalized chi-squared distribution. The proposed test could be generalized for statistical testing of any centered non-degenerate Gaussian process. Finally, we examine the test via Monte Carlo simulations for two exemplary scenarios of subdiffusive and superdiffusive dynamics.
Fast Radio Map Construction and Position Estimation via Direct Mapping for WLAN Indoor Localization System
The main limitation that constrains the fast and comprehensive application of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) based indoor localization systems with Received Signal Strength (RSS) positioning algorithms is the building of the fingerprinting radio map, which is time-consuming especially when the indoor environment is large and/or with high frequent changes. Different approaches have been proposed to reduce workload, including fingerprinting deployment and update efforts, but the performance degrades greatly when the workload is reduced below a certain level. In this paper, we propose an indoor localization scenario that applies metric learning and manifold alignment to realize direct mapping localization (DML) using a low resolution radio map with single sample of RSS that reduces the fingerprinting workload by up to 87\%. Compared to previous work. The proposed two localization approaches, DML and $k$ nearest neighbors based on reconstructed radio map (reKNN), were shown to achieve less than 4.3\ m and 3.7\ m mean localization error respectively in a typical office environment with an area of approximately 170\ m$^2$, while the unsupervised localization with perturbation algorithm was shown to achieve 4.7\ m mean localization error with 8 times more workload than the proposed methods. As for the room level localization application, both DML and reKNN can meet the requirement with at most 9\ m of localization error which is enough to tell apart different rooms with over 99\% accuracy.
Lagrangian solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson system with a point charge
We consider the Cauchy problem for the repulsive Vlasov-Poisson system in the three dimensional space, where the initial datum is the sum of a diffuse density, assumed to be bounded and integrable, and a point charge. Under some decay assumptions for the diffuse density close to the point charge, under bounds on the total energy, and assuming that the initial total diffuse charge is strictly less than one, we prove existence of global Lagrangian solutions. Our result extends the Eulerian theory of [16], proving that solutions are transported by the flow trajectories. The proof is based on the ODE theory developed in [8] in the setting of vector fields with anisotropic regularity, where some components of the gradient of the vector field is a singular integral of a measure.
MITHRIL: Mining Sporadic Associations for Cache Prefetching
The growing pressure on cloud application scalability has accentuated storage performance as a critical bottle- neck. Although cache replacement algorithms have been extensively studied, cache prefetching - reducing latency by retrieving items before they are actually requested remains an underexplored area. Existing approaches to history-based prefetching, in particular, provide too few benefits for real systems for the resources they cost. We propose MITHRIL, a prefetching layer that efficiently exploits historical patterns in cache request associations. MITHRIL is inspired by sporadic association rule mining and only relies on the timestamps of requests. Through evaluation of 135 block-storage traces, we show that MITHRIL is effective, giving an average of a 55% hit ratio increase over LRU and PROBABILITY GRAPH, a 36% hit ratio gain over AMP at reasonable cost. We further show that MITHRIL can supplement any cache replacement algorithm and be readily integrated into existing systems. Furthermore, we demonstrate the improvement comes from MITHRIL being able to capture mid-frequency blocks.
On 2-level polytopes arising in combinatorial settings
2-level polytopes naturally appear in several areas of pure and applied mathematics, including combinatorial optimization, polyhedral combinatorics, communication complexity, and statistics. In this paper, we present a study of some 2-level polytopes arising in combinatorial settings. Our first contribution is proving that v(P)*f(P) is upper bounded by d*2^(d+1), for a large collection of families of such polytopes P. Here v(P) (resp. f(P)) is the number of vertices (resp. facets) of P, and d is its dimension. Whether this holds for all 2-level polytopes was asked in [Bohn et al., ESA 2015], and experimental results from [Fiorini et al., ISCO 2016] showed it true up to dimension 7. The key to most of our proofs is a deeper understanding of the relations among those polytopes and their underlying combinatorial structures. This leads to a number of results that we believe to be of independent interest: a trade-off formula for the number of cliques and stable sets in a graph; a description of stable matching polytopes as affine projections of certain order polytopes; and a linear-size description of the base polytope of matroids that are 2-level in terms of cuts of an associated tree.
Learned Optimizers that Scale and Generalize
Learning to learn has emerged as an important direction for achieving artificial intelligence. Two of the primary barriers to its adoption are an inability to scale to larger problems and a limited ability to generalize to new tasks. We introduce a learned gradient descent optimizer that generalizes well to new tasks, and which has significantly reduced memory and computation overhead. We achieve this by introducing a novel hierarchical RNN architecture, with minimal per-parameter overhead, augmented with additional architectural features that mirror the known structure of optimization tasks. We also develop a meta-training ensemble of small, diverse optimization tasks capturing common properties of loss landscapes. The optimizer learns to outperform RMSProp/ADAM on problems in this corpus. More importantly, it performs comparably or better when applied to small convolutional neural networks, despite seeing no neural networks in its meta-training set. Finally, it generalizes to train Inception V3 and ResNet V2 architectures on the ImageNet dataset for thousands of steps, optimization problems that are of a vastly different scale than those it was trained on. We release an open source implementation of the meta-training algorithm.
Toward Optimal Run Racing: Application to Deep Learning Calibration
This paper aims at one-shot learning of deep neural nets, where a highly parallel setting is considered to address the algorithm calibration problem - selecting the best neural architecture and learning hyper-parameter values depending on the dataset at hand. The notoriously expensive calibration problem is optimally reduced by detecting and early stopping non-optimal runs. The theoretical contribution regards the optimality guarantees within the multiple hypothesis testing framework. Experimentations on the Cifar10, PTB and Wiki benchmarks demonstrate the relevance of the approach with a principled and consistent improvement on the state of the art with no extra hyper-parameter.
Bernstein - von Mises theorems for statistical inverse problems I: Schrödinger equation
The inverse problem of determining the unknown potential $f>0$ in the partial differential equation $$\frac{\Delta}{2} u - fu =0 \text{ on } \mathcal O ~~\text{s.t. } u = g \text { on } \partial \mathcal O,$$ where $\mathcal O$ is a bounded $C^\infty$-domain in $\mathbb R^d$ and $g>0$ is a given function prescribing boundary values, is considered. The data consist of the solution $u$ corrupted by additive Gaussian noise. A nonparametric Bayesian prior for the function $f$ is devised and a Bernstein - von Mises theorem is proved which entails that the posterior distribution given the observations is approximated in a suitable function space by an infinite-dimensional Gaussian measure that has a `minimal' covariance structure in an information-theoretic sense. As a consequence the posterior distribution performs valid and optimal frequentist statistical inference on $f$ in the small noise limit.
Tailoring Architecture Centric Design Method with Rapid Prototyping
Many engineering processes exist in the industry, text books and international standards. However, in practice rarely any of the processes are followed consistently and literally. It is observed across industries the processes are altered based on the requirements of the projects. Two features commonly lacking from many engineering processes are, 1) the formal capacity to rapidly develop prototypes in the rudimentary stage of the project, 2) transitioning of requirements into architectural designs, when and how to evaluate designs and how to use the throw away prototypes throughout the system lifecycle. Prototypes are useful for eliciting requirements, generating customer feedback and identifying, examining or mitigating risks in a project where the product concept is at a cutting edge or not fully perceived. Apart from the work that the product is intended to do, systemic properties like availability, performance and modifiability matter as much as functionality. Architects must even these concerns with the method they select to promote these systemic properties and at the same time equip the stakeholders with the desired functionality. Architectural design and prototyping is one of the key ways to build the right product embedded with the desired systemic properties. Once the product is built it can be almost impossible to retrofit the system with the desired attributes. This paper customizes the architecture centric development method with rapid prototyping to achieve the above-mentioned goals and reducing the number of iterations across the stages of ACDM.
Easy High-Dimensional Likelihood-Free Inference
We introduce a framework using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for likelihood--free inference (LFI) and Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) where we replace the black-box simulator model with an approximator network and generate a rich set of summary features in a data driven fashion. On benchmark data sets, our approach improves on others with respect to scalability, ability to handle high dimensional data and complex probability distributions.
Narrow-line Laser Cooling by Adiabatic Transfer
We propose and demonstrate a novel laser cooling mechanism applicable to particles with narrow-linewidth optical transitions. By sweeping the frequency of counter-propagating laser beams in a sawtooth manner, we cause adiabatic transfer back and forth between the ground state and a long-lived optically excited state. The time-ordering of these adiabatic transfers is determined by Doppler shifts, which ensures that the associated photon recoils are in the opposite direction to the particle's motion. This ultimately leads to a robust cooling mechanism capable of exerting large forces via a weak transition and with reduced reliance on spontaneous emission. We present a simple intuitive model for the resulting frictional force, and directly demonstrate its efficacy for increasing the total phase-space density of an atomic ensemble. We rely on both simulation and experimental studies using the 7.5~kHz linewidth $^1$S$_0$ to $^3$P$_1$ transition in $^{88}$Sr. The reduced reliance on spontaneous emission may allow this adiabatic sweep method to be a useful tool for cooling particles that lack closed cycling transitions, such as molecules.
Assessing the Effect of Stellar Companions from High-Resolution Imaging of Kepler Objects of Interest
We report on 176 close (<2") stellar companions detected with high-resolution imaging near 170 hosts of Kepler Objects of Interest. These Kepler targets were prioritized for imaging follow-up based on the presence of small planets, so most of the KOIs in these systems (176 out of 204) have nominal radii <6 R_E . Each KOI in our sample was observed in at least 2 filters with adaptive optics, speckle imaging, lucky imaging, or HST. Multi-filter photometry provides color information on the companions, allowing us to constrain their stellar properties and assess the probability that the companions are physically bound. We find that 60 -- 80% of companions within 1" are bound, and the bound fraction is >90% for companions within 0.5"; the bound fraction decreases with increasing angular separation. This picture is consistent with simulations of the binary and background stellar populations in the Kepler field. We also reassess the planet radii in these systems, converting the observed differential magnitudes to a contamination in the Kepler bandpass and calculating the planet radius correction factor, $X_R = R_p (true) / R_p (single)$. Under the assumption that planets in bound binaries are equally likely to orbit the primary or secondary, we find a mean radius correction factor for planets in stellar multiples of $X_R = 1.65$. If stellar multiplicity in the Kepler field is similar to the solar neighborhood, then nearly half of all Kepler planets may have radii underestimated by an average of 65%, unless vetted using high resolution imaging or spectroscopy.
Semi-Supervised Learning via New Deep Network Inversion
We exploit a recently derived inversion scheme for arbitrary deep neural networks to develop a new semi-supervised learning framework that applies to a wide range of systems and problems. The approach outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on MNIST reaching $99.14\%$ of test set accuracy while using $5$ labeled examples per class. Experiments with one-dimensional signals highlight the generality of the method. Importantly, our approach is simple, efficient, and requires no change in the deep network architecture.
Using English as Pivot to Extract Persian-Italian Parallel Sentences from Non-Parallel Corpora
The effectiveness of a statistical machine translation system (SMT) is very dependent upon the amount of parallel corpus used in the training phase. For low-resource language pairs there are not enough parallel corpora to build an accurate SMT. In this paper, a novel approach is presented to extract bilingual Persian-Italian parallel sentences from a non-parallel (comparable) corpus. In this study, English is used as the pivot language to compute the matching scores between source and target sentences and candidate selection phase. Additionally, a new monolingual sentence similarity metric, Normalized Google Distance (NGD) is proposed to improve the matching process. Moreover, some extensions of the baseline system are applied to improve the quality of extracted sentences measured with BLEU. Experimental results show that using the new pivot based extraction can increase the quality of bilingual corpus significantly and consequently improves the performance of the Persian-Italian SMT system.
Intrinsic geometry and analysis of Finsler structures
In this short note, we prove that if $F$ is a weak upper semicontinuous admissible Finsler structure on a domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$, $n\geq 2$, then the intrinsic distance and differential structures coincide.
Combining Prediction of Human Decisions with ISMCTS in Imperfect Information Games
Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) has been extended to many imperfect information games. However, due to the added complexity that uncertainty introduces, these adaptations have not reached the same level of practical success as their perfect information counterparts. In this paper we consider the development of agents that perform well against humans in imperfect information games with partially observable actions. We introduce the Semi-Determinized-MCTS (SDMCTS), a variant of the Information Set MCTS algorithm (ISMCTS). More specifically, SDMCTS generates a predictive model of the unobservable portion of the opponent's actions from historical behavioral data. Next, SDMCTS performs simulations on an instance of the game where the unobservable portion of the opponent's actions are determined. Thereby, it facilitates the use of the predictive model in order to decrease uncertainty. We present an implementation of the SDMCTS applied to the Cheat Game, a well-known card game, with partially observable (and often deceptive) actions. Results from experiments with 120 subjects playing a head-to-head Cheat Game against our SDMCTS agents suggest that SDMCTS performs well against humans, and its performance improves as the predictive model's accuracy increases.
The KLASH Proposal
We propose a search of galactic axions with mass about 0.2 microeV using a large volume resonant cavity, about 50 m^3, cooled down to 4 K and immersed in a moderate axial magnetic field of about 0.6 T generated inside the superconducting magnet of the KLOE experiment located at the National Laboratory of Frascati of INFN. This experiment, called KLASH (KLoe magnet for Axion SearcH) in the following, has a potential sensitivity on the axion-to-photon coupling, g_agg, of about 6x10^-17 GeV-1, reaching the region predicted by KSVZ and DFSZ models of QCD axions.
Dimensionality-Driven Learning with Noisy Labels
Datasets with significant proportions of noisy (incorrect) class labels present challenges for training accurate Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). We propose a new perspective for understanding DNN generalization for such datasets, by investigating the dimensionality of the deep representation subspace of training samples. We show that from a dimensionality perspective, DNNs exhibit quite distinctive learning styles when trained with clean labels versus when trained with a proportion of noisy labels. Based on this finding, we develop a new dimensionality-driven learning strategy, which monitors the dimensionality of subspaces during training and adapts the loss function accordingly. We empirically demonstrate that our approach is highly tolerant to significant proportions of noisy labels, and can effectively learn low-dimensional local subspaces that capture the data distribution.
Delving into adversarial attacks on deep policies
Adversarial examples have been shown to exist for a variety of deep learning architectures. Deep reinforcement learning has shown promising results on training agent policies directly on raw inputs such as image pixels. In this paper we present a novel study into adversarial attacks on deep reinforcement learning polices. We compare the effectiveness of the attacks using adversarial examples vs. random noise. We present a novel method for reducing the number of times adversarial examples need to be injected for a successful attack, based on the value function. We further explore how re-training on random noise and FGSM perturbations affects the resilience against adversarial examples.
On two functions arising in the study of the Euler and Carmichael quotients
We investigate two arithmetic functions naturally occurring in the study of the Euler and Carmichael quotients. The functions are related to the frequency of vanishing of the Euler and Carmichael quotients. We obtain several results concerning the relations between these functions as well as their typical and extreme values.
Lurking Variable Detection via Dimensional Analysis
Lurking variables represent hidden information, and preclude a full understanding of phenomena of interest. Detection is usually based on serendipity -- visual detection of unexplained, systematic variation. However, these approaches are doomed to fail if the lurking variables do not vary. In this article, we address these challenges by introducing formal hypothesis tests for the presence of lurking variables, based on Dimensional Analysis. These procedures utilize a modified form of the Buckingham Pi theorem to provide structure for a suitable null hypothesis. We present analytic tools for reasoning about lurking variables in physical phenomena, construct procedures to handle cases of increasing complexity, and present examples of their application to engineering problems. The results of this work enable algorithm-driven lurking variable detection, complementing a traditionally inspection-based approach.
System calibration method for Fourier ptychographic microscopy
Fourier ptychographic microscopy (FPM) is a recently proposed quantitative phase imaging technique with high resolution and wide field-of-view (FOV). In current FPM imaging platforms, systematic error sources come from the aberrations, LED intensity fluctuation, parameter imperfections and noise, which will severely corrupt the reconstruction results with artifacts. Although these problems have been researched and some special methods have been proposed respectively, there is no method to solve all of them. However, the systematic error is a mixture of various sources in the real situation. It is difficult to distinguish a kind of error source from another due to the similar artifacts. To this end, we report a system calibration procedure, termed SC-FPM, based on the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, LED intensity correction and adaptive step-size strategy, which involves the evaluation of an error matric at each iteration step, followed by the re-estimation of accurate parameters. The great performance has been achieved both in simulation and experiments. The reported system calibration scheme improves the robustness of FPM and relaxes the experiment conditions, which makes the FPM more pragmatic.
Categories for Dynamic Epistemic Logic
The primary goal of this paper is to recast the semantics of modal logic, and dynamic epistemic logic (DEL) in particular, in category-theoretic terms. We first review the category of relations and categories of Kripke frames, with particular emphasis on the duality between relations and adjoint homomorphisms. Using these categories, we then reformulate the semantics of DEL in a more categorical and algebraic form. Several virtues of the new formulation will be demonstrated: The DEL idea of updating a model into another is captured naturally by the categorical perspective -- which emphasizes a family of objects and structural relationships among them, as opposed to a single object and structure on it. Also, the categorical semantics of DEL can be merged straightforwardly with a standard categorical semantics for first-order logic, providing a semantics for first-order DEL.
Accurate Pouring with an Autonomous Robot Using an RGB-D Camera
Robotic assistants in a home environment are expected to perform various complex tasks for their users. One particularly challenging task is pouring drinks into cups, which for successful completion, requires the detection and tracking of the liquid level during a pour to determine when to stop. In this paper, we present a novel approach to autonomous pouring that tracks the liquid level using an RGB-D camera and adapts the rate of pouring based on the liquid level feedback. We thoroughly evaluate our system on various types of liquids and under different conditions, conducting over 250 pours with a PR2 robot. The results demonstrate that our approach is able to pour liquids to a target height with an accuracy of a few millimeters.
Restriction of Odd Degree Characters of $\mathfrak{S}_n$
Let $n$ and $k$ be natural numbers such that $2^k < n$. We study the restriction to $\mathfrak{S}_{n-2^k}$ of odd-degree irreducible characters of the symmetric group $\mathfrak{S}_n$. This analysis completes the study begun in [Ayyer A., Prasad A., Spallone S., Sem. Lothar. Combin. 75 (2015), Art. B75g, 13 pages] and recently developed in [Isaacs I.M., Navarro G., Olsson J.B., Tiep P.H., J. Algebra 478 (2017), 271-282].
CSGNet: Neural Shape Parser for Constructive Solid Geometry
We present a neural architecture that takes as input a 2D or 3D shape and outputs a program that generates the shape. The instructions in our program are based on constructive solid geometry principles, i.e., a set of boolean operations on shape primitives defined recursively. Bottom-up techniques for this shape parsing task rely on primitive detection and are inherently slow since the search space over possible primitive combinations is large. In contrast, our model uses a recurrent neural network that parses the input shape in a top-down manner, which is significantly faster and yields a compact and easy-to-interpret sequence of modeling instructions. Our model is also more effective as a shape detector compared to existing state-of-the-art detection techniques. We finally demonstrate that our network can be trained on novel datasets without ground-truth program annotations through policy gradient techniques.
Composite Weyl nodes stabilized by screw symmetry with and without time reversal
We classify the band degeneracies in 3D crystals with screw symmetry $n_m$ and broken $\mathcal P*\mathcal T$ symmetry, where $\mathcal P$ stands for spatial inversion and $\mathcal T$ for time reversal. The generic degeneracies along symmetry lines are Weyl nodes: Chiral contact points between pairs of bands. They can be single nodes with a chiral charge of magnitude $|\chi|=1$ or composite nodes with $|\chi|=2$ or $3$, and the possible $\chi$ values only depend on the order $n$ of the axis, not on the pitch $m/n$ of the screw. Double Weyl nodes require $n=4$ or 6, and triple nodes require $n=6$. In all cases the bands split linearly along the axis, and for composite nodes the splitting is quadratic on the orthogonal plane. This is true for triple as well as double nodes, due to the presence in the effective two-band Hamiltonian of a nonchiral quadratic term that masks the chiral cubic dispersion. If $\mathcal T$ symmetry is present and $\mathcal P$ is broken there may exist on some symmetry lines Weyl nodes pinned to $\mathcal T$-invariant momenta, which in some cases are unavoidable. In the absence of other symmetries their classification depends on $n$, $m$, and the type of $\mathcal T$ symmetry. With spinless $\mathcal T$ such $\mathcal T$-invariant Weyl nodes are always double nodes, while with spinful $\mathcal T$ they can be single or triple nodes. $\mathcal T$-invariant triples nodes can occur not only on 6-fold axes but also on 3-fold ones, and their in-plane band splitting is cubic, not quadratic as in the case of generic triple nodes. These rules are illustrated by means of first-principles calculations for hcp cobalt, a $\mathcal T$-broken, $\mathcal P$-invariant crystal with $6_3$ symmetry, and for trigonal tellurium and hexagonal NbSi$_2$, which are $\mathcal T$-invariant, $\mathcal P$-broken crystals with 3-fold and 6-fold screw symmetry respectively.
Deep Neural Networks as 0-1 Mixed Integer Linear Programs: A Feasibility Study
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are very popular these days, and are the subject of a very intense investigation. A DNN is made by layers of internal units (or neurons), each of which computes an affine combination of the output of the units in the previous layer, applies a nonlinear operator, and outputs the corresponding value (also known as activation). A commonly-used nonlinear operator is the so-called rectified linear unit (ReLU), whose output is just the maximum between its input value and zero. In this (and other similar cases like max pooling, where the max operation involves more than one input value), one can model the DNN as a 0-1 Mixed Integer Linear Program (0-1 MILP) where the continuous variables correspond to the output values of each unit, and a binary variable is associated with each ReLU to model its yes/no nature. In this paper we discuss the peculiarity of this kind of 0-1 MILP models, and describe an effective bound-tightening technique intended to ease its solution. We also present possible applications of the 0-1 MILP model arising in feature visualization and in the construction of adversarial examples. Preliminary computational results are reported, aimed at investigating (on small DNNs) the computational performance of a state-of-the-art MILP solver when applied to a known test case, namely, hand-written digit recognition.
Directionality Fields generated by a Local Hilbert Transform
We propose a new approach based on a local Hilbert transform to design non-Hermitian potentials generating arbitrary vector fields of directionality, p(r), with desired shapes and topologies. We derive a local Hilbert transform to systematically build such potentials, by modifying background potentials (being either regular or random, extended or localized). In particular, we explore particular directionality fields, for instance in the form of a focus to create sinks for probe fields (which could help to increase absorption at the sink), or to generate vortices in the probe fields. Physically, the proposed directionality fields provide a flexible new mechanism for dynamically shaping and precise control over probe fields leading to novel effects in wave dynamics.
Bulk Eigenvalue Correlation Statistics of Random Biregular Bipartite Graphs
This paper is the second chapter of three of the author's undergraduate thesis. In this paper, we consider the random matrix ensemble given by $(d_b, d_w)$-regular graphs on $M$ black vertices and $N$ white vertices, where $d_b \in [N^{\gamma}, N^{2/3 - \gamma}]$ for any $\gamma > 0$. We simultaneously prove that the bulk eigenvalue correlation statistics for both normalized adjacency matrices and their corresponding covariance matrices are stable for short times. Combined with an ergodicity analysis of the Dyson Brownian motion in another paper, this proves universality of bulk eigenvalue correlation statistics, matching normalized adjacency matrices with the GOE and the corresponding covariance matrices with the Gaussian Wishart Ensemble.
A local weighted Axler-Zheng theorem in $\mathbb{C}^n$
The well-known Axler-Zheng theorem characterizes compactness of finite sums of finite products of Toeplitz operators on the unit disk in terms of the Berezin transform of these operators. Subsequently this theorem was generalized to other domains and appeared in different forms, including domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$ on which the $\overline{\partial}$-Neumann operator $N$ is compact. In this work we remove the assumption on $N$, and we study weighted Bergman spaces on smooth bounded pseudoconvex domains. We prove a local version of the Axler-Zheng theorem characterizing compactness of Toeplitz operators in the algebra generated by symbols continuous up to the boundary in terms of the behavior of the Berezin transform at strongly pseudoconvex points. We employ a Forelli-Rudin type inflation method to handle the weights.
Spatial modulation of Joule losses to increase the normal zone propagation velocity in (RE)BaCuO tapes
This paper presents a simple approach to increase the normal zone propagation velocity in (RE)BaCuO thin films grown on a flexible metallic substrate, also called superconducting tapes. The key idea behind this approach is to use a specific geometry of the silver thermal stabilizer that surrounds the superconducting tape. More specifically, a very thin layer of silver stabilizer is deposited on top of the superconductor layer, typically less than 100 nm, while the remaining stabilizer (still silver) is deposited on the substrate side. Normal zone propagation velocities up to 170 cm/s have been measured experimentally, corresponding to a stabilizer thickness of 20 nm on top of the superconductor layer. This is one order of magnitude faster than the speed measured on actual commercial tapes. Our results clearly demonstrate that a very thin stabilizer on top of the superconductor layer leads to high normal zone propagation velocities. The experimental values are in good agreement with predictions realized by finite element simulations. Furthermore, the propagation of the normal zone during the quench was recorded in situ and in real time using a high-speed camera. Due to high Joule losses generated on both edges of the tape sample, a "U-shaped" profile could be observed at the boundaries between the superconducting and the normal zones, which matches very closely the profile predicted by the simulations.
Vortex Thermometry for Turbulent Two-Dimensional Fluids
We introduce a new method of statistical analysis to characterise the dynamics of turbulent fluids in two dimensions. We establish that, in equilibrium, the vortex distributions can be uniquely connected to the temperature of the vortex gas, and apply this vortex thermometry to characterise simulations of decaying superfluid turbulence. We confirm the hypothesis of vortex evaporative heating leading to Onsager vortices proposed in Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 165302 (2014), and find previously unidentified vortex power-law distributions that emerge from the dynamics.
The Hurwitz-type theorem for the regular Coulomb wave function via Hankel determinants
We derive a closed formula for the determinant of the Hankel matrix whose entries are given by sums of negative powers of the zeros of the regular Coulomb wave function. This new identity applied together with results of Grommer and Chebotarev allows us to prove a Hurwitz-type theorem about the zeros of the regular Coulomb wave function. As a particular case, we obtain a new proof of the classical Hurwitz's theorem from the theory of Bessel functions that is based on algebraic arguments. In addition, several Hankel determinants with entries given by the Rayleigh function and Bernoulli numbers are also evaluated.
An Empirical Analysis of Proximal Policy Optimization with Kronecker-factored Natural Gradients
In this technical report, we consider an approach that combines the PPO objective and K-FAC natural gradient optimization, for which we call PPOKFAC. We perform a range of empirical analysis on various aspects of the algorithm, such as sample complexity, training speed, and sensitivity to batch size and training epochs. We observe that PPOKFAC is able to outperform PPO in terms of sample complexity and speed in a range of MuJoCo environments, while being scalable in terms of batch size. In spite of this, it seems that adding more epochs is not necessarily helpful for sample efficiency, and PPOKFAC seems to be worse than its A2C counterpart, ACKTR.
On the density of sets avoiding parallelohedron distance 1
The maximal density of a measurable subset of R^n avoiding Euclidean distance1 is unknown except in the trivial case of dimension 1. In this paper, we consider thecase of a distance associated to a polytope that tiles space, where it is likely that the setsavoiding distance 1 are of maximal density 2^-n, as conjectured by Bachoc and Robins. We prove that this is true for n = 2, and for the Voronoï regions of the lattices An, n >= 2.
Adversarial Deep Structured Nets for Mass Segmentation from Mammograms
Mass segmentation provides effective morphological features which are important for mass diagnosis. In this work, we propose a novel end-to-end network for mammographic mass segmentation which employs a fully convolutional network (FCN) to model a potential function, followed by a CRF to perform structured learning. Because the mass distribution varies greatly with pixel position, the FCN is combined with a position priori. Further, we employ adversarial training to eliminate over-fitting due to the small sizes of mammogram datasets. Multi-scale FCN is employed to improve the segmentation performance. Experimental results on two public datasets, INbreast and DDSM-BCRP, demonstrate that our end-to-end network achieves better performance than state-of-the-art approaches. \footnote{this https URL}
The downward directed grounds hypothesis and very large cardinals
A transitive model $M$ of ZFC is called a ground if the universe $V$ is a set forcing extension of $M$. We show that the grounds of $V$ are downward set-directed. Consequently, we establish some fundamental theorems on the forcing method and the set-theoretic geology. For instance, (1) the mantle, the intersection of all grounds, must be a model of ZFC. (2) $V$ has only set many grounds if and only if the mantle is a ground. We also show that if the universe has some very large cardinal, then the mantle must be a ground.
A Distributed Control Framework of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Dynamic Wildfire Tracking
Wild-land fire fighting is a hazardous job. A key task for firefighters is to observe the "fire front" to chart the progress of the fire and areas that will likely spread next. Lack of information of the fire front causes many accidents. Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to cover wildfire is promising because it can replace humans in hazardous fire tracking and significantly reduce operation costs. In this paper we propose a distributed control framework designed for a team of UAVs that can closely monitor a wildfire in open space, and precisely track its development. The UAV team, designed for flexible deployment, can effectively avoid in-flight collisions and cooperate well with neighbors. They can maintain a certain height level to the ground for safe flight above fire. Experimental results are conducted to demonstrate the capabilities of the UAV team in covering a spreading wildfire.
Rayleigh-Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy of nitrous oxide (N$_2$O)
High signal-to-noise and high-resolution light scattering spectra are measured for nitrous oxide (N$_2$O) gas at an incident wavelength of 403.00 nm, at 90$^\circ$ scattering, at room temperature and at gas pressures in the range $0.5-4$ bar. The resulting Rayleigh-Brillouin light scattering spectra are compared to a number of models describing in an approximate manner the collisional dynamics and energy transfer in this gaseous medium of this polyatomic molecular species. The Tenti-S6 model, based on macroscopic gas transport coefficients, reproduces the scattering profiles in the entire pressure range at less than 2\% deviation at a similar level as does the alternative kinetic Grad's 6-moment model, which is based on the internal collisional relaxation as a decisive parameter. A hydrodynamic model fails to reproduce experimental spectra for the low pressures of 0.5-1 bar, but yields very good agreement ($< 1$\%) in the pressure range $2-4$ bar. While these three models have a different physical basis the internal molecular relaxation derived can for all three be described in terms of a bulk viscosity of $\eta_b \sim (6 \pm 2) \times 10^{-5}$ Pa$\cdot$s. A 'rough-sphere' model, previously shown to be effective to describe light scattering in SF$_6$ gas, is not found to be suitable, likely in view of the non-sphericity and asymmetry of the N-N-O structured linear polyatomic molecule.
Competition between Chaotic and Non-Chaotic Phases in a Quadratically Coupled Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model
The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model is a concrete solvable model to study non-Fermi liquid properties, holographic duality and maximally chaotic behavior. In this work, we consider a generalization of the SYK model that contains two SYK models with different number of Majorana modes coupled by quadratic terms. This model is also solvable, and the solution shows a zero-temperature quantum phase transition between two non-Fermi liquid chaotic phases. This phase transition is driven by tuning the ratio of two mode numbers, and a Fermi liquid non-chaotic phase sits at the critical point with equal mode number. At finite temperature, the Fermi liquid phase expands to a finite regime. More intriguingly, a different non-Fermi liquid phase emerges at finite temperature. We characterize the phase diagram in term of the spectral function, the Lyapunov exponent and the entropy. Our results illustrate a concrete example of quantum phase transition and critical regime between two non-Fermi liquid phases.
Symmetry Realization via a Dynamical Inverse Higgs Mechanism
The Ward identities associated with spontaneously broken symmetries can be saturated by Goldstone bosons. However, when space-time symmetries are broken, the number of Goldstone bosons necessary to non-linearly realize the symmetry can be less than the number of broken generators. The loss of Goldstones may be due to a redundancy or the generation of a gap. This phenomena is called an Inverse Higgs Mechanism (IHM). However, there are cases when a Goldstone boson associated with a broken generator does not appear in the low energy theory despite the lack of the existence of an associated IHM. In this paper we will show that in such cases the relevant broken symmetry can be realized, without the aid of an associated Goldstone, if there exists a proper set of operator constraints, which we call a Dynamical Inverse Higgs Mechanism (DIHM). We consider the spontaneous breaking of boosts, rotations and conformal transformations in the context of Fermi liquids, finding three possible paths to symmetry realization: pure Goldstones, no Goldstones and DIHM, or some mixture thereof. We show that in the two dimensional degenerate electron system the DIHM route is the only consistent way to realize spontaneously broken boosts and dilatations, while in three dimensions these symmetries could just as well be realized via the inclusion of non-derivatively coupled Goldstone bosons. We have present the action, including the leading order non-linearities, for the rotational Goldstone (angulon), and discuss the constraint associated with the possible DIHM that would need to be imposed to remove it from the spectrum. Finally we discuss the conditions under which Goldstone bosons are non-derivatively coupled, a necessary condition for the existence of a Dynamical Inverse Higgs Constraint (DIHC), generalizaing the results for Vishwanath and Wantanabe.
Growth of strontium ruthenate films by hybrid molecular beam epitaxy
We report on the growth of epitaxial Sr2RuO4 films using a hybrid molecular beam epitaxy approach in which a volatile precursor containing RuO4 is used to supply ruthenium and oxygen. The use of the precursor overcomes a number of issues encountered in traditional MBE that uses elemental metal sources. Phase-pure, epitaxial thin films of Sr2RuO4 are obtained. At high substrate temperatures, growth proceeds in a layer-by-layer mode with intensity oscillations observed in reflection high-energy electron diffraction. Films are of high structural quality, as documented by x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The method should be suitable for the growth of other complex oxides containing ruthenium, opening up opportunities to investigate thin films that host rich exotic ground states.
Possible Evidence for the Stochastic Acceleration of Secondary Antiprotons by Supernova Remnants
The antiproton-to-proton ratio in the cosmic-ray spectrum is a sensitive probe of new physics. Using recent measurements of the cosmic-ray antiproton and proton fluxes in the energy range of 1-1000 GeV, we study the contribution to the $\bar{p}/p$ ratio from secondary antiprotons that are produced and subsequently accelerated within individual supernova remnants. We consider several well-motivated models for cosmic-ray propagation in the interstellar medium and marginalize our results over the uncertainties related to the antiproton production cross section and the time-, charge-, and energy-dependent effects of solar modulation. We find that the increase in the $\bar{p}/p$ ratio observed at rigidities above $\sim$ 100 GV cannot be accounted for within the context of conventional cosmic-ray propagation models, but is consistent with scenarios in which cosmic-ray antiprotons are produced and subsequently accelerated by shocks within a given supernova remnant. In light of this, the acceleration of secondary cosmic rays in supernova remnants is predicted to substantially contribute to the cosmic-ray positron spectrum, accounting for a significant fraction of the observed positron excess.
The Host Galaxy and Redshift of the Repeating Fast Radio Burst FRB 121102
The precise localization of the repeating fast radio burst (FRB 121102) has provided the first unambiguous association (chance coincidence probability $p\lesssim3\times10^{-4}$) of an FRB with an optical and persistent radio counterpart. We report on optical imaging and spectroscopy of the counterpart and find that it is an extended ($0.6^{\prime\prime}-0.8^{\prime\prime}$) object displaying prominent Balmer and [OIII] emission lines. Based on the spectrum and emission line ratios, we classify the counterpart as a low-metallicity, star-forming, $m_{r^\prime} = 25.1$ AB mag dwarf galaxy at a redshift of $z=0.19273(8)$, corresponding to a luminosity distance of 972 Mpc. From the angular size, the redshift, and luminosity, we estimate the host galaxy to have a diameter $\lesssim4$ kpc and a stellar mass of $M_*\sim4-7\times 10^{7}\,M_\odot$, assuming a mass-to-light ratio between 2 to 3$\,M_\odot\,L_\odot^{-1}$. Based on the H$\alpha$ flux, we estimate the star formation rate of the host to be $0.4\,M_\odot\,\mathrm{yr^{-1}}$ and a substantial host dispersion measure depth $\lesssim 324\,\mathrm{pc\,cm^{-3}}$. The net dispersion measure contribution of the host galaxy to FRB 121102 is likely to be lower than this value depending on geometrical factors. We show that the persistent radio source at FRB 121102's location reported by Marcote et al (2017) is offset from the galaxy's center of light by $\sim$200 mas and the host galaxy does not show optical signatures for AGN activity. If FRB 121102 is typical of the wider FRB population and if future interferometric localizations preferentially find them in dwarf galaxies with low metallicities and prominent emission lines, they would share such a preference with long gamma ray bursts and superluminous supernovae.
Thicket Density
Thicket density is a new measure of the complexity of a set system, having the same relationship to stable formulas that VC density has to NIP formulas. It satisfies a Sauer-Shelah type dichotomy that has applications in both model theory and the theory of algorithms
Uniformizations of stable $(γ,n)$-gonal Riemann surfaces
A $(\gamma,n)$-gonal pair is a pair $(S,f)$, where $S$ is a closed Riemann surface and $f:S \to R$ is a degree $n$ holomorphic map onto a closed Riemann surface $R$ of genus $\gamma$. If the signature of $(S,f)$ is of hyperbolic type, then there is pair $(\Gamma,G)$, called an uniformization of $(S,f)$, where $G$ is a Fuchsian group acting on the unit disc ${\mathbb D}$ containing $\Gamma$ as an index $n$ subgroup, so that $f$ is induced by the inclusion of $\Gamma <G$. The uniformization is uniquely determined by $(S,f)$, up to conjugation by holomorphic automorphisms of ${\mathbb D}$, and it permits to provide natural complex orbifold structures on the Hurwitz spaces parametrizing (twisted) isomorphic classes of pairs topologically equivalent to $(S,f)$. In order to produce certain compactifications of these Hurwitz spaces, one needs to consider the so called stable $(\gamma,n)$-gonal pairs, which are natural geometrical deformations of $(\gamma,n)$-gonal pairs. Due to the above, it seems interesting to search for uniformizations of stable $(\gamma,n)$-gonal pairs, in terms of certain class of Kleinian groups. In this paper we review such uniformizations by using noded Fuchsian groups, which are (geometric) limits of quasiconformal deformations of Fuchsian groups, and which provide uniformizations of stable Riemann orbifolds. These uniformizations permit to obtain a compactification of the Hurwitz spaces with a complex orbifold structure, these being quotients of the augmented Teichmüller space of $G$ by a suitable finite index subgroup of its modular group.
If you are not paying for it, you are the product: How much do advertisers pay to reach you?
Online advertising is progressively moving towards a programmatic model in which ads are matched to actual interests of individuals collected as they browse the web. Letting the huge debate around privacy aside, a very important question in this area, for which little is known, is: How much do advertisers pay to reach an individual? In this study, we develop a first of its kind methodology for computing exactly that -- the price paid for a web user by the ad ecosystem -- and we do that in real time. Our approach is based on tapping on the Real Time Bidding (RTB) protocol to collect cleartext and encrypted prices for winning bids paid by advertisers in order to place targeted ads. Our main technical contribution is a method for tallying winning bids even when they are encrypted. We achieve this by training a model using as ground truth prices obtained by running our own "probe" ad-campaigns. We design our methodology through a browser extension and a back-end server that provides it with fresh models for encrypted bids. We validate our methodology using a one year long trace of 1600 mobile users and demonstrate that it can estimate a user's advertising worth with more than 82% accuracy.
Circularly polarized vacuum field in three-dimensional chiral photonic crystals probed by quantum dot emission
The quantum nature of light-matter interactions in a circularly polarized vacuum field was probed by spontaneous emission from quantum dots in three-dimensional chiral photonic crystals. Due to the circularly polarized eigenmodes along the helical axis in the GaAs-based mirror-asymmetric structures we studied, we observed highly circularly polarized emission from the quantum dots. Both spectroscopic and time-resolved measurements confirmed that the obtained circularly polarized light was influenced by a large difference in the photonic density of states between the orthogonal components of the circular polarization in the vacuum field.
Critical behavior of quasi-two-dimensional semiconducting ferromagnet CrGeTe$_3$
The critical properties of the single-crystalline semiconducting ferromagnet CrGeTe$_3$ were investigated by bulk dc magnetization around the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition. Critical exponents $\beta = 0.200\pm0.003$ with critical temperature $T_c = 62.65\pm0.07$ K and $\gamma = 1.28\pm0.03$ with $T_c = 62.75\pm0.06$ K are obtained by the Kouvel-Fisher method whereas $\delta = 7.96\pm0.01$ is obtained by the critical isotherm analysis at $T_c = 62.7$ K. These critical exponents obey the Widom scaling relation $\delta = 1+\gamma/\beta$, indicating self-consistency of the obtained values. With these critical exponents the isotherm $M(H)$ curves below and above the critical temperatures collapse into two independent universal branches, obeying the single scaling equation $m = f_\pm(h)$, where $m$ and $h$ are renormalized magnetization and field, respectively. The determined exponents match well with those calculated from the results of renormalization group approach for a two-dimensional Ising system coupled with long-range interaction between spins decaying as $J(r)\approx r^{-(d+\sigma)}$ with $\sigma=1.52$.
Scale-free Monte Carlo method for calculating the critical exponent $γ$ of self-avoiding walks
We implement a scale-free version of the pivot algorithm and use it to sample pairs of three-dimensional self-avoiding walks, for the purpose of efficiently calculating an observable that corresponds to the probability that pairs of self-avoiding walks remain self-avoiding when they are concatenated. We study the properties of this Markov chain, and then use it to find the critical exponent $\gamma$ for self-avoiding walks to unprecedented accuracy. Our final estimate for $\gamma$ is $1.15695300(95)$.
The quadratic M-convexity testing problem
M-convex functions, which are a generalization of valuated matroids, play a central role in discrete convex analysis. Quadratic M-convex functions constitute a basic and important subclass of M-convex functions, which has a close relationship with phylogenetics as well as valued constraint satisfaction problems. In this paper, we consider the quadratic M-convexity testing problem (QMCTP), which is the problem of deciding whether a given quadratic function on $\{0,1\}^n$ is M-convex. We show that QMCTP is co-NP-complete in general, but is polynomial-time solvable under a natural assumption. Furthermore, we propose an $O(n^2)$-time algorithm for solving QMCTP in the polynomial-time solvable case.
Distributed Bayesian Matrix Factorization with Limited Communication
Bayesian matrix factorization (BMF) is a powerful tool for producing low-rank representations of matrices and for predicting missing values and providing confidence intervals. Scaling up the posterior inference for massive-scale matrices is challenging and requires distributing both data and computation over many workers, making communication the main computational bottleneck. Embarrassingly parallel inference would remove the communication needed, by using completely independent computations on different data subsets, but it suffers from the inherent unidentifiability of BMF solutions. We introduce a hierarchical decomposition of the joint posterior distribution, which couples the subset inferences, allowing for embarrassingly parallel computations in a sequence of at most three stages. Using an efficient approximate implementation, we show improvements empirically on both real and simulated data. Our distributed approach is able to achieve a speed-up of almost an order of magnitude over the full posterior, with a negligible effect on predictive accuracy. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art embarrassingly parallel MCMC methods in accuracy, and achieves results competitive to other available distributed and parallel implementations of BMF.
Optimized Certificate Revocation List Distribution for Secure V2X Communications
The successful deployment of safe and trustworthy Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) will highly depend on the ability to devise robust and effective security solutions to resist sophisticated cyber attacks and patch up critical vulnerabilities. Pseudonym Public Key Infrastructure (PPKI) is a promising approach to secure vehicular networks as well as ensure data and location privacy, concealing the vehicles' real identities. Nevertheless, pseudonym distribution and management affect PPKI scalability due to the significant number of digital certificates required by a single vehicle. In this paper, we focus on the certificate revocation process and propose a versatile and low-complexity framework to facilitate the distribution of the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) issued by the Certification Authority (CA). CRL compression is achieved through optimized Bloom filters, which guarantee a considerable overhead reduction with a configurable rate of false positives. Our results show that the distribution of compressed CRLs can significantly enhance the system scalability without increasing the complexity of the revocation process.
Optical response of highly reflective film used in the water Cherenkov muon veto of the XENON1T dark matter experiment
The XENON1T experiment is the most recent stage of the XENON Dark Matter Search, aiming for the direct detection of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). To reach its projected sensitivity, the background has to be reduced by two orders of magnitude compared to its predecessor XENON100. This requires a water Cherenkov muon veto surrounding the XENON1T TPC, both to shield external backgrounds and to tag muon-induced energetic neutrons through detection of a passing muon or the secondary shower induced by a muon interacting in the surrounding rock. The muon veto is instrumented with $84$ $8"$ PMTs with high quantum efficiency (QE) in the Cherenkov regime and the walls of the watertank are clad with the highly reflective DF2000MA foil by 3M. Here, we present a study of the reflective properties of this foil, as well as the measurement of its wavelength shifting (WLS) properties. Further, we present the impact of reflectance and WLS on the detection efficiency of the muon veto, using a Monte Carlo simulation carried out with Geant4. The measurements yield a specular reflectance of $\approx100\%$ for wavelengths larger than $400\,$nm, while $\approx90\%$ of the incoming light below $370\,$nm is absorbed by the foil. Approximately $3-7.5\%$ of the light hitting the foil within the wavelength range $250\,$nm $\leq \lambda \leq 390\,$nm is used for the WLS process. The intensity of the emission spectrum of the WLS light is slightly dependent on the absorbed wavelength and shows the shape of a rotational-vibrational fluorescence spectrum, peaking at around $\lambda \approx 420\,$nm. Adjusting the reflectance values to the measured ones in the Monte Carlo simulation originally used for the muon veto design, the veto detection efficiency remains unchanged. Including the wavelength shifting in the Monte Carlo simulation leads to an increase of the efficiency of approximately $0.5\%$.
On spectral partitioning of signed graphs
We argue that the standard graph Laplacian is preferable for spectral partitioning of signed graphs compared to the signed Laplacian. Simple examples demonstrate that partitioning based on signs of components of the leading eigenvectors of the signed Laplacian may be meaningless, in contrast to partitioning based on the Fiedler vector of the standard graph Laplacian for signed graphs. We observe that negative eigenvalues are beneficial for spectral partitioning of signed graphs, making the Fiedler vector easier to compute.
Sensor Fusion for Public Space Utilization Monitoring in a Smart City
Public space utilization is crucial for urban developers to understand how efficient a place is being occupied in order to improve existing or future infrastructures. In a smart cities approach, implementing public space monitoring with Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors appear to be a viable solution. However, choice of sensors often is a challenging problem and often linked with scalability, coverage, energy consumption, accuracy, and privacy. To get the most from low cost sensor with aforementioned design in mind, we proposed data processing modules for capturing public space utilization with Renewable Wireless Sensor Network (RWSN) platform using pyroelectric infrared (PIR) and analog sound sensor. We first proposed a calibration process to remove false alarm of PIR sensor due to the impact of weather and environment. We then demonstrate how the sounds sensor can be processed to provide various insight of a public space. Lastly, we fused both sensors and study a particular public space utilization based on one month data to unveil its usage.
Symplectic integrators for second-order linear non-autonomous equations
Two families of symplectic methods specially designed for second-order time-dependent linear systems are presented. Both are obtained from the Magnus expansion of the corresponding first-order equation, but otherwise they differ in significant aspects. The first family is addressed to problems with low to moderate dimension, whereas the second is more appropriate when the dimension is large, in particular when the system corresponds to a linear wave equation previously discretised in space. Several numerical experiments illustrate the main features of the new schemes.
Deep Reinforcement Learning: Framework, Applications, and Embedded Implementations
The recent breakthroughs of deep reinforcement learning (DRL) technique in Alpha Go and playing Atari have set a good example in handling large state and actions spaces of complicated control problems. The DRL technique is comprised of (i) an offline deep neural network (DNN) construction phase, which derives the correlation between each state-action pair of the system and its value function, and (ii) an online deep Q-learning phase, which adaptively derives the optimal action and updates value estimates. In this paper, we first present the general DRL framework, which can be widely utilized in many applications with different optimization objectives. This is followed by the introduction of three specific applications: the cloud computing resource allocation problem, the residential smart grid task scheduling problem, and building HVAC system optimal control problem. The effectiveness of the DRL technique in these three cyber-physical applications have been validated. Finally, this paper investigates the stochastic computing-based hardware implementations of the DRL framework, which consumes a significant improvement in area efficiency and power consumption compared with binary-based implementation counterparts.
Experimental observation of node-line-like surface states in LaBi
In a Dirac nodal line semimetal, the bulk conduction and valence bands touch at extended lines in the Brillouin zone. To date, most of the theoretically predicted and experimentally discovered nodal lines derive from the bulk bands of two- and three-dimensional materials. Here, based on combined angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements and first-principles calculations, we report the discovery of node-line-like surface states on the (001) surface of LaBi. These bands derive from the topological surface states of LaBi and bridge the band gap opened by spin-orbit coupling and band inversion. Our first-principles calculations reveal that these "nodal lines" have a tiny gap, which is beyond typical experimental resolution. These results may provide important information to understand the extraordinary physical properties of LaBi, such as the extremely large magnetoresistance and resistivity plateau.
Manin's conjecture for a class of singular cubic hypersurfaces
Let $n$ be a positive multiple of $4$. We establish an asymptotic formula for the number of rational points of bounded height on singular cubic hypersurfaces $S_n$ defined by $$ x^3=(y_1^2 + \cdots + y_n^2)z . $$ This result is new in two aspects: first, it can be viewed as a modest start on the study of density of rational points on those singular cubic hypersurfaces which are not covered by the classical theorems of Davenport or Heath-Brown; second, it proves Manin's conjecture for singular cubic hypersurfaces $S_n$ defined above.
A Flexible Approach to Automated RNN Architecture Generation
The process of designing neural architectures requires expert knowledge and extensive trial and error. While automated architecture search may simplify these requirements, the recurrent neural network (RNN) architectures generated by existing methods are limited in both flexibility and components. We propose a domain-specific language (DSL) for use in automated architecture search which can produce novel RNNs of arbitrary depth and width. The DSL is flexible enough to define standard architectures such as the Gated Recurrent Unit and Long Short Term Memory and allows the introduction of non-standard RNN components such as trigonometric curves and layer normalization. Using two different candidate generation techniques, random search with a ranking function and reinforcement learning, we explore the novel architectures produced by the RNN DSL for language modeling and machine translation domains. The resulting architectures do not follow human intuition yet perform well on their targeted tasks, suggesting the space of usable RNN architectures is far larger than previously assumed.
Convexification of Neural Graph
Traditionally, most complex intelligence architectures are extremely non-convex, which could not be well performed by convex optimization. However, this paper decomposes complex structures into three types of nodes: operators, algorithms and functions. Iteratively, propagating from node to node along edge, we prove that "regarding the tree-structured neural graph, it is nearly convex in each variable, when the other variables are fixed." In fact, the non-convex properties stem from circles and functions, which could be transformed to be convex with our proposed \textit{\textbf{scale mechanism}}. Experimentally, we justify our theoretical analysis by two practical applications.
Pseudogaps in strongly interacting Fermi gases
A central challenge in modern condensed matter physics is developing the tools for understanding nontrivial yet unordered states of matter. One important idea to emerge in this context is that of a "pseudogap": the fact that under appropriate circumstances the normal state displays a suppression of the single particle spectral density near the Fermi level, reminiscent of the gaps seen in ordered states of matter. While these concepts arose in a solid state context, it is now being explored in cold gases. This article reviews the current experimental and theoretical understanding of the normal state of strongly interacting Fermi gases, with particular focus on the phenomonology which is traditionally associated with the pseudogap.
Resolution-Exact Planner for Thick Non-Crossing 2-Link Robots
We consider the path planning problem for a 2-link robot amidst polygonal obstacles. Our robot is parametrizable by the lengths $\ell_1, \ell_2>0$ of its two links, the thickness $\tau \ge 0$ of the links, and an angle $\kappa$ that constrains the angle between the 2 links to be strictly greater than $\kappa$. The case $\tau>0$ and $\kappa \ge 0$ corresponds to "thick non-crossing" robots. This results in a novel 4DOF configuration space ${\mathbb R}^2\times ({\mathbb T}\setminus\Delta(\kappa))$ where ${\mathbb T}$ is the torus and $\Delta(\kappa)$ the diagonal band of width $\kappa$. We design a resolution-exact planner for this robot using the framework of Soft Subdivision Search (SSS). First, we provide an analysis of the space of forbidden angles, leading to a soft predicate for classifying configuration boxes. We further exploit the T/R splitting technique which was previously introduced for self-crossing thin 2-link robots. Our open-source implementation in Core Library achieves real-time performance for a suite of combinatorially non-trivial obstacle sets. Experimentally, our algorithm is significantly better than any of the state-of-art sampling algorithms we looked at, in timing and in success rate.
Easing Embedding Learning by Comprehensive Transcription of Heterogeneous Information Networks
Heterogeneous information networks (HINs) are ubiquitous in real-world applications. In the meantime, network embedding has emerged as a convenient tool to mine and learn from networked data. As a result, it is of interest to develop HIN embedding methods. However, the heterogeneity in HINs introduces not only rich information but also potentially incompatible semantics, which poses special challenges to embedding learning in HINs. With the intention to preserve the rich yet potentially incompatible information in HIN embedding, we propose to study the problem of comprehensive transcription of heterogeneous information networks. The comprehensive transcription of HINs also provides an easy-to-use approach to unleash the power of HINs, since it requires no additional supervision, expertise, or feature engineering. To cope with the challenges in the comprehensive transcription of HINs, we propose the HEER algorithm, which embeds HINs via edge representations that are further coupled with properly-learned heterogeneous metrics. To corroborate the efficacy of HEER, we conducted experiments on two large-scale real-words datasets with an edge reconstruction task and multiple case studies. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed HEER model and the utility of edge representations and heterogeneous metrics. The code and data are available at this https URL.
Generic Dynamical Phase Transition in One-Dimensional Bulk-Driven Lattice Gases with Exclusion
Dynamical phase transitions are crucial features of the fluctuations of statistical systems, corresponding to boundaries between qualitatively different mechanisms of maintaining unlikely values of dynamical observables over long periods of time. They manifest themselves in the form of non-analyticities in the large deviation function of those observables. In this paper, we look at bulk-driven exclusion processes with open boundaries. It is known that the standard asymmetric simple exclusion process exhibits a dynamical phase transition in the large deviations of the current of particles flowing through it. That phase transition has been described thanks to specific calculation methods relying on the model being exactly solvable, but more general methods have also been used to describe the extreme large deviations of that current, far from the phase transition. We extend those methods to a large class of models based on the ASEP, where we add arbitrary spatial inhomogeneities in the rates and short-range potentials between the particles. We show that, as for the regular ASEP, the large deviation function of the current scales differently with the size of the system if one considers very high or very low currents, pointing to the existence of a dynamical phase transition between those two regimes: high current large deviations are extensive in the system size, and the typical states associated to them are Coulomb gases, which are correlated ; low current large deviations do not depend on the system size, and the typical states associated to them are anti-shocks, consistently with a hydrodynamic behaviour. Finally, we illustrate our results numerically on a simple example, and we interpret the transition in terms of the current pushing beyond its maximal hydrodynamic value, as well as relate it to the appearance of Tracy-Widom distributions in the relaxation statistics of such models.
Semianalytical calculation of the zonal-flow oscillation frequency in stellarators
Due to their capability to reduce turbulent transport in magnetized plasmas, understanding the dynamics of zonal flows is an important problem in the fusion programme. Since the pioneering work by Rosenbluth and Hinton in axisymmetric tokamaks, it is known that studying the linear and collisionless relaxation of zonal flow perturbations gives valuable information and physical insight. Recently, the problem has been investigated in stellarators and it has been found that in these devices the relaxation process exhibits a characteristic feature: a damped oscillation. The frequency of this oscillation might be a relevant parameter in the regulation of turbulent transport, and therefore its efficient and accurate calculation is important. Although an analytical expression can be derived for the frequency, its numerical evaluation is not simple and has not been exploited systematically so far. Here, a numerical method for its evaluation is considered, and the results are compared with those obtained by calculating the frequency from gyrokinetic simulations. This "semianalytical" approach for the determination of the zonal-flow frequency reveals accurate and faster than the one based on gyrokinetic simulations.
Geometric phase of a moving dipole under a magnetic field at a distance
We predict a geometric quantum phase shift of a moving electric dipole in the presence of an external magnetic field at a distance. On the basis of the Lorentz-covariant field interaction approach, we show that a geometric phase appears under the condition that the dipole is moving in the field-free region, which is distinct from the topological He-McKellar-Wilkens phase generated by a direct overlap of the dipole and the field. We discuss the experimental feasibility of detecting this phase with atomic interferometry and argue that detection of this phase would result in a deeper understanding of the locality in quantum electromagnetic interaction.
A refined count of Coxeter element factorizations
For well-generated complex reflection groups, Chapuy and Stump gave a simple product for a generating function counting reflection factorizations of a Coxeter element by their length. This is refined here to record the number of reflections used from each orbit of hyperplanes. The proof is case-by-case via the classification of well-generated groups. It implies a new expression for the Coxeter number, expressed via data coming from a hyperplane orbit; a case-free proof of this due to J. Michel is included.
Tuning the magnetism of the top-layer FeAs on BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$(001): First-principles study
The magnetic properties of BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$(001) surface have been studied by using first-principles electronic structure calculations. We find that for As-terminated surface the magnetic ground state of the top-layer FeAs is in the staggered dimer antiferromagnetic (AFM) order, while for Ba-terminated surface the collinear (single stripe) AFM order is the most stable. When a certain coverage of Ba or K atoms are deposited onto the As-terminated surface, the calculated energy differences among different AFM orders for the top-layer FeAs on BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$(001) can be much reduced, indicating enhanced spin fluctuations. To identify the novel staggered dimer AFM order for the As termination, we have simulated the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) image for this state, which shows a different $\sqrt{2}\times\sqrt{2}$ pattern from the case of half Ba coverage. Our results suggest: i) the magnetic properties of the top-layer FeAs on BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$(001) can be tuned effectively by surface doping; ii) both the surface termination and the AFM order in the top-layer FeAs can affect the STM image of BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$(001).
Cubature methods to solve BSDEs: Error expansion and complexity control
We obtain an explicit error expansion for the solution of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (BSDEs) using the cubature on Wiener spaces method. The result is proved under a mild strengthening of the assumptions needed for the application of the cubature method. The explicit expansion can then be used to construct implementable higher order approximations via Richardson-Romberg extrapolation. To allow for an effective efficiency improvement of the interpolated algorithm, we introduce an additional projection on sparse grids, and study the resulting complexity reduction. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate our results.
An Earth-mass Planet in a 1-AU Orbit around an Ultracool Dwarf
We combine $Spitzer$ and ground-based KMTNet microlensing observations to identify and precisely measure an Earth-mass ($1.43^{+0.45}_{-0.32} M_\oplus$) planet OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb at $1.16^{+0.16}_{-0.13}$ AU orbiting a $0.078^{+0.016}_{-0.012} M_\odot$ ultracool dwarf. This is the lowest-mass microlensing planet to date. At $3.91^{+0.42}_{-0.46}$ kpc, it is the third consecutive case among the $Spitzer$ "Galactic distribution" planets toward the Galactic bulge that lies in the Galactic disk as opposed to the bulge itself, hinting at a skewed distribution of planets. Together with previous microlensing discoveries, the seven Earth-size planets orbiting the ultracool dwarf TRAPPIST-1, and the detection of disks around young brown dwarfs, OGLE-2016-BLG-1195Lb suggests that such planets might be common around ultracool dwarfs. It therefore sheds light on the formation of both ultracool dwarfs and planetary systems at the limit of low-mass protoplanetary disks.
Distributed Statistical Estimation and Rates of Convergence in Normal Approximation
This paper presents a class of new algorithms for distributed statistical estimation that exploit divide-and-conquer approach. We show that one of the key benefits of the divide-and-conquer strategy is robustness, an important characteristic for large distributed systems. We establish connections between performance of these distributed algorithms and the rates of convergence in normal approximation, and prove non-asymptotic deviations guarantees, as well as limit theorems, for the resulting estimators. Our techniques are illustrated through several examples: in particular, we obtain new results for the median-of-means estimator, as well as provide performance guarantees for distributed maximum likelihood estimation.
Connecting HL Tau to the Observed Exoplanet Sample
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submilimeter Array (ALMA) recently revealed a set of nearly concentric gaps in the protoplanetary disk surrounding the young star HL Tau. If these are carved by forming gas giants, this provides the first set of orbital initial conditions for planets as they emerge from their birth disks. Using N-body integrations, we have followed the evolution of the system for 5 Gyr to explore the possible outcomes. We find that HL Tau initial conditions scaled down to the size of typically observed exoplanet orbits naturally produce several populations in the observed exoplanet sample. First, for a plausible range of planetary masses, we can match the observed eccentricity distribution of dynamically excited radial velocity giant planets with eccentricities $>$ 0.2. Second, we roughly obtain the observed rate of hot Jupiters around FGK stars. Finally, we obtain a large efficiency of planetary ejections of $\approx 2$ per HL Tau-like system, but the small fraction of stars observed to host giant planets makes it hard to match the rate of free-floating planets inferred from microlensing observations. In view of upcoming GAIA results, we also provide predictions for the expected mutual inclination distribution, which is significantly broader than the absolute inclination distributions typically considered by previous studies.
How Should a Robot Assess Risk? Towards an Axiomatic Theory of Risk in Robotics
Endowing robots with the capability of assessing risk and making risk-aware decisions is widely considered a key step toward ensuring safety for robots operating under uncertainty. But, how should a robot quantify risk? A natural and common approach is to consider the framework whereby costs are assigned to stochastic outcomes - an assignment captured by a cost random variable. Quantifying risk then corresponds to evaluating a risk metric, i.e., a mapping from the cost random variable to a real number. Yet, the question of what constitutes a "good" risk metric has received little attention within the robotics community. The goal of this paper is to explore and partially address this question by advocating axioms that risk metrics in robotics applications should satisfy in order to be employed as rational assessments of risk. We discuss general representation theorems that precisely characterize the class of metrics that satisfy these axioms (referred to as distortion risk metrics), and provide instantiations that can be used in applications. We further discuss pitfalls of commonly used risk metrics in robotics, and discuss additional properties that one must consider in sequential decision making tasks. Our hope is that the ideas presented here will lead to a foundational framework for quantifying risk (and hence safety) in robotics applications.