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Dysfunction of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a primary characteristic of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an experimental model of multiple sclerosis (MS). Matrine (MAT), a quinolizidine alkaloid derived from the herb Radix Sophorae Flave, has been recently found to suppress clinical EAE and CNS inflammation. However, whether this effect of MAT is through protecting the integrity and function of the BBB is not known. In the present study, we show that MAT treatment had a therapeutic effect comparable to dexamethasone (DEX) in EAE rats, with reduced Evans Blue extravasation, increased expression of collagen IV, the major component of the basement membrane, and the structure of tight junction (TJ) adaptor protein Zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1). Furthermore, MAT treatment attenuated expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and -2 (MMP-9/-2), while it increased the expression of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase-1 and -2 (TIMP-1/-2). Our findings demonstrate that MAT reduces BBB leakage by strengthening basement membrane, inhibiting activities of MMP-2 and -9, and upregulating their inhibitors. Taken together, our results identify a novel mechanism underlying the effect of MAT, a natural compound that could be a novel therapy for MS. |
The origin of tannins, their historical evolution, their different types, and their applications are described. Old and established applications are described, as well as the future applications which are being developed at present and that promise to have an industrial impact in the future. The chemistry of some of these applications is discussed where it is essential to understand the tannins and their derivates role. The essential points of each application, their drawbacks, and their chance of industrial application are briefly discussed. The article presents historical applications of tannins, such as leather, or traditional medicine, and more recent applications. |
The present paper introduces a successful and general fluid-to-fluid similarity theory for heat transfer to fluids at supercritical pressure, having a high degree of universality. This work shortly follows the recent publication of a “local” successful similarity theory developed for fluids at supercritical pressures in a range of conditions in which the values of their molecular Prandtl number were quantitatively similar, extending its conclusions to the case of different molecular Prandtl numbers. The reason why this further step requested a short time to be elaborated is due to recognising that previous work by the Authors had actually already solved the related problems, though in a slightly different way, now interpreted in a more significant frame owing to a better problem understanding. The present similarity theory is based on first ideas developed more than one and a half decade ago by one of the authors, while addressing flow stability of supercritical fluids in heated channels, which encountered immediate problems to be applied in a straightforward way to heat transfer. These ideas were revised and considerably improved during the PhD thesis of the other author, also overcoming a sort of prejudicial assumption that finally resulted to limit their applicability. More recently, published DNS data triggered further reflections on the role of the Prandtl number, leading to the mentioned “local” form of the successful similarity theory. This led to the present step, by just recognising that the mentioned PhD thesis had already proposed a sufficient rationale to extend this local interpretation to a broader range of conditions. The rather convincing results presented herein, obtained making use of RANS CFD analyses with four different fluids, demonstrate the interesting capabilities of this final form of the theory. The establishment of an effective set of dimensionless numbers for heat transfer problems is hoped to pave the way for the development of the still lacking successful engineering heat transfer correlations for supercritical pressure fluids. It further calls for dedicated experiments needed to confirm the suitability of the present theory beyond any reasonable doubt. |
Some clusters of children with a multisystem inflammatory syndrome associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection (MIS-C) have been reported. We describe the epidemiological and clinical features of children with MIS-C in Spain. MIS-C is a potentially severe condition that presents in children with recent SARS-CoV-2 infection. |
PURPOSE: There is a paucity of evidence and guidelines to support clinical decisions in the present unprecedented time. We aimed to use the experience and consensus of the cardiac surgeons for clinical decisions until evidence-based guidelines are formed. METHODS: An electronic questionnaire was emailed to all the 1434 members of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, starting from May 13, 2020, and the members were followed up with reminder emails. For a wider reach, social media like WhatsApp was also used to circulate the questionnaire. Participation was voluntary and anonymized. An effective consensus was considered when > 70% opted the same opinion, and moderate consensus when > 50% opted the same opinion. RESULTS: A total of 174 responses were obtained from the surgeons across the country. An effective consensus was obtained for the following: (i) emergency surgery in acute type A aortic dissection, (ii) urgent surgery in significant left main stem disease and mitral/aortic valves with pulmonary oedema, (iii) elective surgery in stable triple vessel disease and (iv) preoperative nasal swab examination for all patients undergoing surgery. CONCLUSION: In the present era, where evidence is evolving and the country is entering a phase after lockdown, the surgeons face a dilemma in operating patients. These consensuses provide interim recommendation; still further evidence is published. |
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, more information on the non-respiratory effects of the coronavirus is obtained. Cardiovascular complications, especially acute coronary syndromes, are rare. However, they prove to be effective factors in the mortality rate of COVID-19 subjects. Acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction with a special angiographic pattern in the form of extensive and multi-vessel thrombosis, regardless of atherosclerotic plaques, has posed a new therapeutic challenge. This has been associated with an increase in the incidence of stent thrombosis. Hypercoagulation, due to severe inflammation, is the main pathology of this phenomenon. Technically, percutaneous coronary intervention with aspiration thrombectomy and injectable antiplatelet are the mainstay of treatment for these patients. In addition, it is vital that appropriate antiplatelet and ischemia treatment after the intervention be taken into account. |
BACKGROUND: Double-stranded RNA dependent protein kinase (PKR) is a key regulator of the anti-viral innate immune response in mammalian cells. PKR activity is regulated by a 58 kilo Dalton cellular inhibitor (P58(IPK)), which is present in inactive state as a complex with Hsp40 under normal conditions. In case of influenza A virus (IAV) infection, P58(IPK) is known to dissociate from Hsp40 and inhibit PKR activation. However the influenza virus component responsible for PKR inhibition through P58(IPK) activation was hitherto unknown. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Human heat shock 40 protein (Hsp40) was identified as an interacting partner of Influenza A virus nucleoprotein (IAV NP) using a yeast two-hybrid screen. This interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation studies from mammalian cells transfected with IAV NP expressing plasmid. Further, the IAV NP-Hsp40 interaction was validated in mammalian cells infected with various seasonal and pandemic strains of influenza viruses. Cellular localization studies showed that NP and Hsp40 co-localize primarily in the nucleus. During IAV infection in mammalian cells, expression of NP coincided with the dissociation of P58(IPK) from Hsp40 and decrease PKR phosphorylation. We observed that, plasmid based expression of NP in mammalian cells leads to decrease in PKR phosphorylation. Furthermore, inhibition of NP expression during influenza virus replication led to PKR activation and concomitant increase in eIF2α phosphorylation. Inhibition of NP expression also led to reduced IRF3 phosphorylation, enhanced IFN β production and concomitant reduction of virus replication. Taken together our data suggest that NP is the viral factor responsible for P58(IPK) activation and subsequent inhibition of PKR-mediated host response during IAV infection. SIGNIFICANCE: Our findings demonstrate a novel role of IAV NP in inhibiting PKR-mediated anti-viral host response and help us understand P58(IPK) mediated inhibition of PKR activity during IAV infection. |
Motivation: Recent research underlines the importance of finegrained knowledge on protein localization. In particular, subcompartmental localization in the Golgi apparatus is important, for example, for the order of reactions performed in glycosylation pathways or the sorting functions of SNAREs, but is currently poorly understood. Results: We assemble a dataset of type II transmembrane proteins with experimentally determined sub-Golgi localizations and use this information to develop a predictor based on the transmembrane domain of these proteins, making use of a dedicated proteinstructure based kernel in an SVM. Various applications demonstrate the power of our approach. In particular, comparison with a large set of glycan structures illustrates the applicability of our predictions on a ‘glycomic’ scale and demonstrates a significant correlation between sub-Golgi localization and the ordering of different steps in glycan biosynthesis. Contact: roeland.vanham@wur.nl Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. |
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pneumonia has been poorly reported in solid organ transplanted patients; prognosis is uncertain and best management unclear. We describe the case of a 61‐year‐old kidney transplant recipient with several comorbidities who was hospitalized and later received a diagnosis of COVID‐19 pneumonia; the infection was successfully managed with the use of hydroxychloroquine and a single administration of tocilizumab, after immunosuppression reduction; the patient did not require mechanical ventilation. During the rapid spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) pandemic, transplant clinicians should be readily informed about new cases of COVID‐19 pneumonia in solid organ transplant recipients, with focus on therapeutic strategies employed and their outcome. |
BACKGROUND: Babesia spp. are hemoparasites which infect the red blood cells of a large variety of mammals. In bats, the only known species of the genus is Babesia vesperuginis. However, except a few old reports, the host range and geographical distribution of this bat parasite have been poorly studied. This study aimed to investigate the presence of piroplasms in tissues of bats collected in four different countries from eastern and central Europe: Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. METHODS: A total of 461 bat carcasses (24 species) were collected between 2001 and 2016 from caves, mines and buildings. PCR was performed using specific primers targeting a portion of the 18S rDNA nuclear gene and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 mitochondrial gene, followed by sequencing. RESULTS: The results of this study show for the first time the presence of B. vesperuginis in bats in central and eastern Europe. The phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rDNA nuclear gene revealed no variability between the sequences and the phylogenetic analysis of the cox1 mitochondrial gene proved that B. vesperuginis could be divided into two subclades. CONCLUSION: Our study showed a broad geographical distribution of B. vesperuginis in European bats, reporting its presence in five new host species (M. cf. alcathoe, M. bechsteinii, M. myotis, Pi. nathusii and V. murinus) and three new countries. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (10.1186/s13071-017-2536-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. |
BACKGROUND: Fungal diseases have an ever‐increasing global disease burden, although regional estimates for specific fungal diseases are often unavailable or dispersed. OBJECTIVES: Here, we report the current annual burden of life‐threatening and debilitating fungal diseases in the Netherlands. METHODS: The most recent available epidemiological data, reported incidence and prevalence of fungal diseases were used for calculations. RESULTS: Overall, we estimate that the annual burden of serious invasive fungal infections in the Netherlands totals 3 185 patients, including extrapulmonary or disseminated cryptococcosis (n = 9), pneumocystis pneumonia (n = 740), invasive aspergillosis (n = 1 283), chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (n = 257), invasive Candida infections (n = 684), mucormycosis (n = 15) and Fusarium keratitis (n = 8). Adding the prevalence of recurrent vulvo‐vaginal candidiasis (n = 220 043), allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (n = 13 568) and severe asthma with fungal sensitisation (n = 17 695), the total debilitating burden of fungal disease in the Netherlands is 254 491 patients yearly, approximately 1.5% of the country's population. CONCLUSION: We estimated the annual burden of serious fungal infections in the Netherlands at 1.5% of the population based on previously reported modelling of fungal rates for specific populations at risk. With emerging new risk groups and increasing reports on antifungal resistance, surveillance programmes are warranted to obtain more accurate estimates of fungal disease epidemiology and associated morbidity and mortality. |
This chapter starts with the presentation of the history of one of the most natural disaster caused by groundwater pollution (Love Canal). The derivation of the mathematical model describing the transport of pollution via groundwater is presented in detail with the derivation of the exact solution. Statistical techniques for sensitivity and uncertainties analysis of parameters associated to the transport model are presented. Some techniques for groundwater remediation are listed. |
We report an outbreak of canine distemper virus (CDV) infection among endangered giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). Five of six CDV infected giant pandas died. The surviving giant panda was previously vaccinated against CDV. Genomic sequencing of CDV isolated from one of the infected pandas (giant panda/SX/2014) suggests it belongs to the Asia-1 cluster. The hemagglutinin protein of the isolated virus and virus sequenced from lung samples originating from deceased giant pandas all possessed the substitutions V26M, T213A, K281R, S300N, P340Q, and Y549H. The presence of the Y549H substitution is notable as it is found at the signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM) receptor-binding site and has been implicated in the emergence of highly pathogenic CDV and host switching. These findings demonstrate that giant pandas are susceptible to CDV and suggest that surveillance and vaccination among all captive giant pandas are warranted to support conservation efforts for this endangered species. |
This paper discusses how the technical foundations of the EU’s fiscal rules constrain the fiscal space in EU countries in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We review the evidence on how estimates of potential output, which are at the heart of essential control indicators in EU fiscal surveillance, were revised in the ten years running up to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how these revisions affected the fiscal stance of EU countries. We provide first evidence for downward revisions in the European Commission’s potential output estimates against the background of the COVID-19 shock across the EU27 countries, and we assess the potential consequences in terms of fiscal space. According to our results, one additional percentage point in predicted losses of actual output is associated with a loss in potential output of about 0.6 percentage points. Given the importance of model-based estimates in the EU’s fiscal rules, avoiding pro-cyclical fiscal tightening will require that policymakers’ hands are not tied by overly pessimistic views on the development of potential output. |
The SARS-COV-2-19-associated respiratory involvement is caused by the massive release of inflammatory cytokines ultimately leading to interstitial pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). In the absence of an effective antiviral treatment, a reasonable causal approach could be constituted by the neutralization of these substances. The authors describe the clinical course of a patient with SARS-COV-2-19 interstitial pneumonia treated with the combination of an anti-interleukin 6 (IL-6) agent (tocilizumab) and hemoadsorption (HA). This combination was used to abate the surge of inflammatory mediators leading to the lung damage. Blood levels of IL-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured before the initiation of the treatment and in the following 3 days. At the end of the treatment, the values of IL-6 and CRP decreased from 1,040 to 415 pg/mL and from 229 to 59 mg/L, respectively. The gas exchanges and the chest imaging rapidly improved, and the patient was extubated 10 days later. The combination of tocilizumab and HA could be valuable in the treatment of SARS-COV-2-19-associated pneumonia and ARDS that are caused by the release of inflammatory mediators. |
This study describes the development of a simple and easy-to-build portable automated bag valve mask (BVM) compression system, which, during acute shortages and supply chain disruptions can serve as a temporary emergency ventilator. The resuscitation system is based on the Arduino controller with a real-time operating system installed on a largely RepRap 3-D printable parametric component-based structure. The cost of the materials for the system is under $170, which makes it affordable for replication by makers around the world. The device provides a controlled breathing mode with tidal volumes from 100 to 800 milliliters, breathing rates from 5 to 40 breaths/minute, and inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio from 1:1 to 1:4. The system is designed for reliability and scalability of measurement circuits through the use of the serial peripheral interface and has the ability to connect additional hardware due to the object-oriented algorithmic approach. Experimental results after testing on an artificial lung for peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), respiratory rate (RR), positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), tidal volume, proximal pressure, and lung pressure demonstrate repeatability and accuracy exceeding human capabilities in BVM-based manual ventilation. Future work is necessary to further develop and test the system to make it acceptable for deployment outside of emergencies such as with COVID-19 pandemic in clinical environments, however, the nature of the design is such that desired features are relatively easy to add with the test using protocols and parametric design files provided. |
Met kippenvel las ik op 5 juli het stuk op Volkskrant.nl over Boy Ettema (42), verpleegkundige in het St Antonius Ziekenhuis Nieuwegein. Hij overleed aan covid-19 op de dag dat het RIVM voor het eerst 0 coronadoden meldde. Wat een aangrijpend verhaal. Ook voor zijn collega’s moet de impact enorm zijn. Je collega verliezen aan de ziekte waar je met z’n allen tegen strijdt; zoiets gaat mijn voorstellingsvermogen te boven. Toch weet ik dat er onder jullie meer zijn die het hebben meegemaakt. Ik wens jullie dan ook enorm veel sterkte en de kracht om als team weer verder te gaan in deze rare tijd. |
PURPOSE: Dysphagia prevalence in younger community dwelling adults and across nations is sparse. We investigated the prevalence of swallowing problems in an unselected cohort of people aged 18–65 years. METHODS: The EAT-10 Assessment Tool was converted into an anonymized online survey. Invitations were e-mailed to author contacts and onwards dispersal encouraged. Analysis was performed using non-parametric test for group comparison (Mann–Whitney U) and Spearman’s rho correlation. RESULTS: From March 2014 to October 2017: 2054 responses (32 reported ages outside of 18–65 or undeclared) from Africa, Asia, Australasia/Oceania, Europe, and North and South America. Responses: 1,648 female, 364 male, (10 reported as both), median age 34, (range 18–65, mean 37.12, SD 12.40) years. Total EAT-10 scores: median 0 (range 0–36, mean 1.57, SD 3.49). EAT-10 score ≥ 3 (337) median 5 (range 3–36, mean 7.02 SD 5.91). Median age 36 (range 19–65, mean 37.81, SD 13.21) years. Declared sex was not statistically significantly associated with non-pathological vs. pathological EAT-10 score (p = 0.665). Female scores (median 0.00, mean 1.56, SD 3.338) were significantly higher than for males (median 0.00, mean 1.62, SD 4.161): U (Nfemale = 1648, Nmale = 364) = 275,420.000, z = − 2.677, p = 0.007. Age and EAT-10 score were not associated: females r(s) = − 0.043, p = 0.079, N = 1648, males r(s) = − 0.003, p = 0.952, N = 364. Considerable impact on people: “I take ages to eat a main course … This is embarrassing and I often leave food even though I am still hungry.” (no diagnosis, EAT-10 = 17). CONCLUSION: Concerns regarding swallowing exist in people undiagnosed with dysphagia, who may feel uncomfortable seeking professional help. Dysphagia may be under reported resulting in a hidden population. Subtle changes are currently seen as subtle markers of COVID-19. Further work is required to ensure that what is an essentially normal swallow does not become medicalized. |
Increased age appears to be a strong risk factor for COVID-19 severe outcomes. However, studies do not sufficiently consider the age-dependency of other important factors influencing the course of disease. The aim of this review was to quantify the isolated effect of age on severe COVID-19 outcomes. We searched Pubmed to find relevant studies published in 2020. Two independent reviewers evaluated them using predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. We extracted the results and assessed seven domains of bias for each study. After adjusting for important age-related risk factors, the isolated effect of age was estimated using meta-regression. Twelve studies met our inclusion criteria: four studies for COVID-19 disease severity, seven for mortality, and one for admission to ICU. The crude effect of age (5.2% and 13.4% higher risk of disease severity and death per age year, respectively) substantially decreased when adjusting for important age-dependent risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease/cerebrovascular disease, compromised immunity, previous respiratory disease, renal disease). Adjusting for all six comorbidities indicates a 2.7% risk increase for disease severity (two studies), and no additional risk of death per year of age (five studies). The indication of a rather weak influence of age on COVID-19 disease severity after adjustment for important age-dependent risk factors should be taken in consideration when implementing age-related preventative measures (e.g., age-dependent work restrictions). |
Abstract Objective To use systematic pharmacological strategies to explore the regulatory mechanisms of Ma Xing Shi Gan Decoction (MXSGD) against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods Data on the compounds and targets of MXSGD were collected from the Traditional Chinese Medicene Systems Parmacology Database and Analysis Platform (TCMSP) and TCM Databases@Taiwan. Data on ACE2-related targets and the protein-protein interaction (PPI) were collected from the String database. The Cytoscape 3.7.2 was used to construct and analyze the networks. The DAVID platform was used for Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway enrichment analyses. Results Data on 272 MXSGD targets and 21 SARS-CoV-2 potential targets were collected. Four networks were constructed and analyzed based on the data: (1) compound-target network of MXSGD; (2) MXSGD-SARS-CoV-2-PPI network; (3) cluster of MXSGD-SARS-CoV-2-PPI network; (4) Herb-Pathway-Target network. The core targets included AKT1, MAPK3, IL-6, TP53, VEGFA, TNF, CASP3, EGFR, EGF and MAPK1. The antiviral biological processes were inflammatory responses (inflammatory cells, inflammatory cytokines and their signaling pathways), immune responses (T cells, monocytes, B cells and other immune cells), immune factors (IFN-γ, TNF-α and so on), virus defense, humoral immunity and mucosal innate immune response. The antivirus-related signaling pathways included TNF, NOD-like receptor, FoxO, PI3K-AKT and Toll-like receptor signaling pathways. Conclusions MXSGD can control disease progression by regulating multiple compounds and targets; it can reduce inflammation and balance immunity by regulating several proteins that interact with ACE2 and signaling pathways closely related to disease development. |
The recent emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was caused by a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV. It spread rapidly to many countries and developing a SARS vaccine is now urgently required. In order to study the immunogenicity of UV-inactivated purified SARS-CoV virion as a vaccine candidate, we subcutaneously immunized mice with UV-inactivated SARS-CoV with or without an adjuvant. We chose aluminum hydroxide gel (alum) as an adjuvant, because of its long safety history for human use. We observed that the UV-inactivated SARS-CoV virion elicited a high level of humoral immunity, resulting in the generation of long-term antibody secreting and memory B cells. With the addition of alum to the vaccine formula, serum IgG production was augmented and reached a level similar to that found in hyper-immunized mice, though it was still insufficient to elicit serum IgA antibodies. Notably, the SARS-CoV virion itself was able to induce long-term antibody production even without an adjuvant. Anti-SARS-CoV antibodies elicited in mice recognized both the spike and nucleocapsid proteins of the virus and were able to neutralize the virus. Furthermore, the UV-inactivated virion induced regional lymph node T-cell proliferation and significant levels of cytokine production (IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IFN-γ and TNF-α) upon restimulation with inactivated SARS-CoV virion in vitro. Thus, a whole killed virion could serve as a candidate antigen for a SARS vaccine to elicit both humoral and cellular immunity. |
Abstract Biologic therapeutics are the medicines of the future and are destined to transform the approaches by which the causes and symptoms of diseases are cured and alleviated. These approaches will be accelerated through the development of novel strategies that target multiple pharmacologically active sites using a combination of different biologics, or mixtures of biologics and small molecule therapeutics. However, for this potential to be realised, advancements in co-formulation strategies for biologic therapeutics must be established. This review describes the current and emerging developments within this field and highlights the challenges and potential solutions, that will pave-the-way towards their clinical translation. |
The current quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) assay recommended for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) testing in the United States requires analysis of 3 genomic targets per sample: 2 viral and 1 host. To simplify testing and reduce the volume of required reagents, we devised a multiplex RT-qPCR assay to detect SARS-CoV-2 in a single reaction. We used existing N1, N2, and RP primer and probe sets by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but substituted fluorophores to allow multiplexing of the assay. The cycle threshold (Ct) values of our multiplex RT-qPCR were comparable to those obtained by the single assay adapted for research purposes. Low copy numbers (≥500 copies/reaction) of SARS-CoV-2 RNA were consistently detected by the multiplex RT-qPCR. Our novel multiplex RT-qPCR improves upon current single diagnostics by saving reagents, costs, time, and labor. |
The pandemic of COVID-19 initially appeared to cause only a mild illness in children. However, it is now apparent that a small percentage of children can develop a hyperinflammatory syndrome labeled as Pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome — temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS). Features of this newly recognized condition may include persistent fever, evidence of inflammation, and single or multi-organ dysfunction in the absence of other known infections. Some of these children may share features of Kawasaki disease, toxic shock syndrome or cytokine storm syndrome. They can deteriorate rapidly and may need intensive care support as well. The PCR test is more often negative; although, most of the children have antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. Although the pathogenesis is not clearly known, immune-mediated injury has been implicated. We herein provide current information on this condition, in order to raise awareness amongst pediatricians. |
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) results from mutations in the viral genome during a common feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) infection. Since many virological and immunological data on FECV infections are lacking, the present study investigated these missing links during experimental infection of three SPF cats with FECV strain UCD. Two cats showed mild clinical signs, faecal shedding of infectious virus from 4 dpi, a cell-associated viraemia at inconsistent time points from 5 dpi, a highly neutralising antibody response from 9 dpi, and no major abnormalities in leukocyte numbers. Faecal shedding lasted for 28–56 days, but virus shed during this stage was less infectious in enterocyte cultures and affected by mutations. Remarkably, in the other cat neither clinical signs nor acute shedding were seen, but virus was detected in blood cells from 3 dpi, and shedding of non-enterotropic, mutated viruses suddenly occurred from 14 dpi onwards. Neutralising antibodies arose from 21 dpi. Leukocyte numbers were not different compared to the other cats, except for the CD8(+) regulatory T cells. These data indicate that FECV can infect immune cells even in the absence of intestinal replication and raise the hypothesis that the gradual adaptation to these cells can allow non-enterotropic mutants to arise. |
A serosurvey of antibodies against selected flaviviruses and alphaviruses in 384 bats (representing 10 genera and 14 species) was conducted in the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Sera were analysed using epitope‐blocking enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) specific for antibodies against West Nile virus (WNV), Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) and eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), all of which are zoonotic viruses of public health significance in the region. Overall, the ELISAs resulted in the detection of VEEV‐specific antibodies in 11 (2.9%) of 384 bats. Antibodies to WNV and EEEV were not detected in any sera. Of the 384 sera, 308 were also screened using hemagglutination inhibition assay (HIA) for antibodies to the aforementioned viruses as well as St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV; which also causes epidemic disease in humans), Rio Bravo virus (RBV), Tamana bat virus (TABV) and western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV). Using this approach, antibodies to TABV and RBV were detected in 47 (15.3%) and 3 (1.0%) bats, respectively. HIA results also suggest the presence of antibodies to an undetermined flavivirus(es) in 8 (2.6%) bats. Seropositivity for TABV was significantly (P < 0.05; χ(2)) associated with bat species, location and feeding preference, and for VEEV with roost type and location. Differences in prevalence rates between urban and rural locations were statistically significant (P < 0.05; χ(2)) for TABV only. None of the aforementioned factors was significantly associated with RBV seropositivity rates. |
INTRODUCTION: There are suggestions that elective surgery performed during the incubation period of COVID-19 infection may cause an immediate impairment of cell-mediated immunity, leading to high morbidity and mortality. However is contrasting data about the associated mortality. Since the outbreak, our unit has maintained a prospective database recording Trauma and Orthopaedic surgical activity. Our aim was to share our experience of the first 3 months with prospective data on outcome of essential surgery during the covid-19 peak. Our focus in this report was on the mortality rate as services begin to open. Methods: We prospectively collected data during the peak of the pandemic in the UK, for fracture neck of femur patients (NOF) the most commonly performed surgical procedure and the most vulnerable during this period. We compared this Covid-19 cohort of NOFs against a cohort of NOF's during the same time in 2019 and another cohort of NOF's in 2020 outside the lockdown period to compare mortality rates and give a broader perspective. RESULTS: During the period March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020, total of 206 patients were operated. Ninety-four fracture NOF and another one hundred twelve essential surgical procedures were performed. In the NOF cohort, there were nine patients that died. Three of them were covid-19 positive, one was not tested and the rest five were covid-19 negative. There was no mortality reported in the non NOF group. Conclusion: In our unit, during the lock down period, mortality rate in patients undergoing fracture NOF was not significantly different from a similar cohort earlier in the year and similar period last year. We have not observed any mortality, to date in the Non NOF procedures carried out. |
COVID‐19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. As of April 1, 2020, Italy was the country with the second highest number of cases in the world. The spread of COVID‐19 has required a rapid reorganization of health service delivery in face of the pandemic. Breast cancer units have reprioritized their workload to guarantee the health of oncologic patients at the highest risk and regular screening activities. However, at the end of the pandemic emergency, many benign and reconstructive cases will return to our attention and their surgical treatment will be necessary as soon as possible. |
Oxidized phospholipids (OxPL) were originally discovered as by-products and mediators of chronic inflammation such as in atherosclerosis. Over the last years, an increasing body of evidence led to the notion that OxPL not only contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory processes but in addition play an integral role as modulators of inflammation during acute infections. Thereby, host defense mechanisms involve the generation of oxygen radicals that oxidize ubiquitously present phospholipids, which in turn act as danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). These OxPL-derived DAMPs can exhibit both pro- and anti-inflammatory functions that ultimately alter the host response to pathogens. In this review, we summarize the currently available data on the role of OxPL in infectious diseases. |
One might assume that the desire to help (here described as Want) is the essential driver of helping declarations and/or behaviors. However, even if desire to help (Want) is low, intention to help may still occur if the expectancy regarding the perceived effectiveness of helping is high. We tested these predictions in a set of three experimental studies. In all three, we measured the desire to help (Want) and the Expectancy that the aid would be impactful for the victim; in addition, we manipulated Expectancy in Study 3. In Studies 1 and 3, we measured the participants’ declaration to help while in Study 2, their helping behavior was examined. In all three studies, we used variations of the same story about a victim. The results supported our hypothesis. Thus, the studies help to tease apart the determinants of helping under conditions of lowered desire to do so, an issue of great importance in public policymaking. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (10.1007/s11031-020-09853-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. |
Corruption is recognized by the global community as a threat to development generally and to achieving health goals, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal # 3: ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all. As such, international organizations such as the World Health Organizations and the United Nations Development Program are creating an evidence base on how best to address corruption in health systems. At present, the risk of corruption is even more apparent, given the need for quick and nimble responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, which may include a relaxation of standards and the rapid mobilization of large funds. As international organizations and governments attempt to respond to the ever-changing demands of this pandemic, there is a need to acknowledge and address the increased opportunity for corruption. In order to explore how such risks of corruption are addressed in international organizations, this paper focuses on the question: How are international organizations implementing measures to promote accountability and transparency, and anti-corruption, in their own operations? The following international organizations were selected as the focus of this paper given their current involvement in anti-corruption, transparency, and accountability in the health sector: the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank Group, and the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Our findings demonstrate that there has been a clear increase in the volume and scope of anti-corruption, accountability, and transparency measures implemented by these international organizations in recent years. However, the efficacy of these measures remains unclear. Further research is needed to determine how these measures are achieving their transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption goals. |
We have developed a globally applicable diagnostic Covid-19 model by augmenting the classical SIR epidemiological model with a neural network module. Our model does not rely upon previous epidemics like SARS/MERS and all parameters are optimized via machine learning algorithms employed on publicly available Covid-19 data. The model decomposes the contributions to the infection timeseries to analyze and compare the role of quarantine control policies employed in highly affected regions of Europe, North America, South America and Asia in controlling the spread of the virus. For all continents considered, our results show a generally strong correlation between strengthening of the quarantine controls as learnt by the model and actions taken by the regions' respective governments. Finally, we have hosted our quarantine diagnosis results for the top $70$ affected countries worldwide, on a public platform, which can be used for informed decision making by public health officials and researchers alike. |
BACKGROUND: The basic reproduction number values give an initial prediction of the disease because the values predict of end of the disease if the values are less than one or the disease converts to epidemic if the values are more than one. We apply the SIRD epidemiology model for estimating the basic reproduction number of the new coronavirus disease for multiple different countries. METHODS: For estimating of the basic reproduction number values, we fit the SIRD model using the Runge-Kutta simulation method in addition to the analytical solution of parts of the model. We use the collected data of the new coronavirus pandemic reported up to date July 30, 2020 in India, the Syrian Arab Republic, the United States, France, Nigeria, Yemen, China and Russia. RESULTS: We find that the basic reproduction numbers of the new coronavirus disease are located in the range [1.0011–2.7936] for the different location countries and the values of the ratio between the rate of recovery and the rate of mortality are between 1.5905 for Yemen and 44.0805 for Russia. Also, we find the dates of the actual decreasing of Covid-19 cases in five countries. CONCLUSIONS: We find that the basic reproductive number is between 1.0011 for the smallest value and 2.7936 for the greatest value. The most important thing is that the values of the basic reproduction number of the new coronavirus disease in all considered countries are more than one which means that the new coronavirus disease is epidemic in all of considered countries. |
There has been debates related to online and blended learning from a perspective of learner experiences in terms of student satisfaction, engagement and performances. In this paper, we analyze student feedback and report the findings of a study of the relationships between student satisfaction and their engagement in an online course with their overall performances. The module was offered online to 844 university students in the first year across different disciplines, namely Engineering, Science, Humanities, Management and Agriculture. It was assessed mainly through continuous assessments and was designed using a learning-by-doing pedagogical approach. The focus was on the acquisition of new skills and competencies, and their application in authentic mini projects throughout the module. Student feedback was coded and analyzed for 665 students both from a quantitative and qualitative perspective. The association between satisfaction and engagement was significant and positively correlated. Furthermore, there was a weak but positive significant correlation between satisfaction and engagement with their overall performances. Students were generally satisfied with the learning design philosophy, irrespective of their performance levels. Students, however, reported issues related to lack of tutor support and experiencing technical difficulties across groups. The findings raise implications for institutional e-learning policy making to improve student experiences. The factors that are important relate to the object of such policies, learning design models, student support and counseling, and learning analytics. |
Within the regime of professional liability of doctors in training, the limits and the medico-legal aspects of their professional duties are not well-defined. The Italian Court of Cassation established in its sentence no. 26311/2019 that resident doctors do not work at hospitals just to receive their professional training. They are, indeed, licensed physicians and therefore bear full responsibility for the acts performed within the compass of their professional activity. The purpose of this article is to briefly define the possible consequences of this judgment. |
Abstract The healthcare industry is experiencing a major transformation towards e-healthcare, which delivers and enhances related information through the Internet among healthcare stakeholders and makes the electronic signature (e-signature) more and more important. This paper uses a mature framework, Technology–Organization–Environment (TEO), in information system discipline to identify factors that affect hospitals in adopting e-signature. A survey was conducted on regional hospitals and medical centers in Taiwan to verify the validity of the research framework. The results show that TEO framework is useful in distinguishing hospitals as adopters and non-adopters of e-signature. Based on the research findings, implications and limitations are discussed. |
Background: This study analyzed the role of global self-esteem and selected sociodemographic variables in predicting life satisfaction of nursing students in Poland, Spain and Slovakia. Methods: The study subjects were full-time nursing students from three European countries. A diagnostic survey was used as a research method, while the Rosenberg self-esteem scale (SES) and the satisfaction with life scale (SWLS) were used to collect data. Results: The research was performed on a group of 1002 students. The mean age of those surveyed was 21.6 (±3.4). The results showed significant differences both in the level of the global self-esteem index (F = 40.74; p < 0.0001) and in the level of general satisfaction with life (F = 12.71; p < 0.0001). A comparison of the structure of results demonstrated that there were significantly fewer students with high self-esteem in Spain (11.06%) than in Poland (48.27%) and in Slovakia (42.05%), while more students with a high sense of life satisfaction were recorded in Spain (64.90%) than in Poland (37.87%) or in Slovakia (47.44%). A positive, statistically significant correlation was found between global self-esteem and satisfaction with life in the group of Slovak students (r = 0.37; p < 0.0001), Polish students (r = 0.31; p < 0.0001) and Spanish students (r = 0.26; p < 0.0001). Furthermore, a regression analysis proved that three variables explaining a total of 12% output variation were the predictors of life satisfaction in Polish students. The regression factor was positive (ßeta = 0.31; R(2) = 0.12), which indicates a positive correlation and the largest share was attributed to global self-esteem (9%). In the group of Spanish students, global self-esteem explained 7% (ßeta = 0.27; R(2) = 0.07) of the output variation and 14% in the group of Slovak students (ßeta = 0.38; R(2) = 0.14). Conclusions: The global self-esteem demonstrates the predictive power of life satisfaction of nursing students, most clearly marked in the group of Slovak students. The measurement of the variables under consideration may facilitate the planning and implementation of programs aimed at increasing self-esteem among young people and promoting the well-being of nursing students. |
Influenza surveillance in Senegal was initially restricted to the identification of circulating strains. The network has recently been enhanced (i) to include epidemiological data from Dakar and other regions and (ii) to extend virological surveillance to other respiratory viruses. Epidemiological data from the sentinel sites is transmitted daily by mobile phone. The data include those for other febrile syndromes similar to influenza-like illnesses (ILI), corresponding to integrated approach. Also, clinical samples are randomly selected and analyzed for influenza and other respiratory viruses. There were 180,192 declared visits to the 11 sentinel sites between week 11-2012 and week 52-2013; 24% of the visits were for fever syndromes and 25% of the cases of fever syndrome were ILI. Rhinoviruses were the most frequent cause of ILI (19%), before adenoviruses (18%), enteroviruses (18%) and influenza A viruses (13%). Co-circulation and co-infection were frequent and were responsible for ILI peaks. In conclusion, it is clear that the greatest advantage of this system is the ease with which it can be implemented, thanks to the availability of mobile phones and mobile phone networks. We recommend this solution for other African countries, because it performs very well and provides rapid benefits in terms of public health decision-making. |
SARS-CoV-2 environmental contamination occurs through droplets and biological fluids released in the surroundings from patients or asymptomatic carriers. Surfaces and objects contaminated by saliva or nose secretions represent a risk for indirect transmission of COVID-19. We assayed surfaces from hospital and living spaces to identify the presence of viral RNA and the spread of fomites in the environment. Anthropic contamination by droplets and biological fluids was monitored by detecting the microbiota signature using multiplex RT-PCR on selected species and massive sequencing on 16S-amplicons. A total of 92 samples (flocked swab) were collected from critical areas during the pandemic, including indoor (3 hospitals and 3 public buildings) and outdoor surfaces exposed to anthropic contamination (handles and handrails, playgrounds). Traces of biological fluids were frequently detected in spaces open to the public and on objects that are touched with the hands (>80%). However, viral RNA was not detected in hospital wards or other indoor and outdoor surfaces either in the air system of a COVID-hospital, but only in the surroundings of an infected patient, in consistent association with droplets traces and fomites. Handled objects accumulated the highest level of multiple contaminations by saliva, nose secretions and faecal traces, further supporting the priority role of handwashing in prevention. In conclusion, anthropic contamination by droplets and biological fluids is widespread in spaces open to the public and can be traced by RT-PCR. Monitoring fomites can support evaluation of indirect transmission risks for Coronavirus or other flu-like viruses in the environment. |
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals, which has significant economic consequences in affected countries. As the currently available vaccines against FMD provide no protection until 4–7 days post-vaccination, the only alternative method to control the spread of FMD virus (FMDV) during outbreaks is the application of antiviral agents. Hence, it is important to identify effective antiviral agents against FMDV infection. In this study, we found that mizoribine has potent antiviral activity against FMDV replication in IBRS-2 cells. A time-of-drug-addition assay demonstrated that mizoribine functions at the early stage of replication. Moreover, mizoribine also showed antiviral effect on FMDV in vivo. In summary, these results revealed that mizoribine could be a potential antiviral drug against FMDV. |
PURPOSE: We aimed to analyze and evaluate the safety signals of ribavirin-interferon combination through data mining of the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS), so as to provide reference for the rationale use of these agents in the management of relevant toxicities emerging in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19). METHODS: Reports to the FAERS from 1 January 2004 to 8 March 2020 were analyzed. The proportion of report ratio (PRR), reporting odds ratio (ROR), and Bayesian confidence interval progressive neural network (BCPNN) method were used to detect the safety signals. RESULTS: A total of 55 safety signals were detected from the top 250 adverse event reactions in 2200 reports, but 19 signals were not included in the drug labels. All the detected adverse event reactions were associated with 13 System Organ Classes (SOC), such as gastrointestinal, blood and lymph, hepatobiliary, endocrine, and various nervous systems. The most frequent adverse events were analyzed, and the results showed that females were more likely to suffer from anemia, vomiting, neutropenia, diarrhea, and insomnia. CONCLUSION: The ADE (adverse drug event) signal detection based on FAERS is helpful to clarify the potential adverse events related to ribavirin-interferon combination for novel coronavirus therapy; clinicians should pay attention to the adverse reactions of gastrointestinal and blood systems, closely monitor the fluctuations of the platelet count, and carry out necessary mental health interventions to avoid serious adverse events. |
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To assess the impact of personal protective equipment (PPE) on different aspects of chest compression (CC) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, we conducted this study. METHODS: This systematic review was performed according to the PRISMA. We searched PubMed, EMBASE and Web of Science from inception to June-6, 2020, limiting to the studies that reported the comparison of the effectiveness of CC in terms of CC rate, CC depth, the proportion of adequate CC rate, the proportion of adequate CC depth or proportion of adequate recoil; in study arms with or without PPE. Risk of bias was assessed by the ROB-2 and ROBINS-I tool. Quantitative data synthesis was done using the generic inverse variance method and the fixed-effects model. RESULTS: Five simulation-based studies were finally included. A Significant decrease in CC rate (SMD: -0.28, 95%CI: −0.47 to −0.10) and CC depth (SMD: -0.26, 95%CI: −0.44 to −0.07) were observed in the PPE arm as compared to the no-PPE arm. The difference in CC rate was more prominently seen in adult CPR than in paediatric CPR. Without PPE, the proportion of adequate CC rate delivered was 0.74, which reduced significantly to 0.60 after use of PPE (p - 0.035). Similarly, the proportion of adequate CC depth was significantly lesser (p - 0.001) in PPE arm (0.55), as compared to that of the no-PPE arm (0.78). CONCLUSION: The use of PPE compromises the quality of CC during CPR significantly, and newer ways to deliver chest compression has to be investigated. This study was prospectively registered in PROSPERO (CRD42020192031). |
Diarrhea is a fatal disease to neonatal calves, and rotavirus is the main pathogen associated with neonatal calf diarrhea. Although previous studies have reported that the gut microbiota is changed in calves during diarrhea, less is known about whether rotavirus infection alters the structure of the gut microbiota. Here, we characterized fecal microbial communities and identified possible relationships between the gut microbiota profiles and physiological parameters. Five fecal specimens of rotavirus-infected calves from 1 to 30 days after birth and five fecal specimens of age-matched healthy calves were used for the microbial community analysis using the Illumina MiSeq sequencer. Rotavirus infection was associated with reduced rotavirus infection significantly reduced the richness and diversity of the bacterial community. Weighted unique fraction metric analysis exhibited significant differences in community membership and structure between healthy and rotavirus-infected calves. Based on relative abundance analysis and linear discriminant analysis effect size, we found that the representative genera from Lactobacillus, Subdoligranulum, Blautia, and Bacteroides were closely related to healthy calves, while the genera Escherichia and Clostridium were closely affiliated to rotavirus-infected calves. Furthermore, canonical correlation analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient results revealed that the increased relative abundances of Lactobacillus, Subdoligranulum, and Bacteroides were correlated with normal levels of physiological characteristics such as white blood cells, blood urea nitrogen, serum amyloid protein A, and glucose concentration in serum. These results suggest that rotavirus infection alters the structure of the gut microbiota, correlating changes in physiological parameters. This study provides new information on the relationship between gut microbiota and the physiological parameters of rotavirus-mediated diarrheic calves. |
By sampling 100 encoding proteins from SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV, NC 004718) and other six coronaviruses and selecting 23 variables through stepwise multiple regression (SMR) from 172 variables, the multiple linear regression (MLR) model was established with good results of the quantitative modelling correlation coefficient R (2) = 0.645 and the cross-validation correlation coefficient R (CV)(2) = 0.375. After removing 4 outliers, the quantitative modelling and cross-validation correlation coefficients were R (2)= 0.743 and R (CV)(2) = 0.543, respectively. |
Renal involvement has been implicated in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), but the related prevalence and prognosis were largely unknown. In this meta-analysis, we searched the literature from PubMed, Embase, through bioRxiv, and medRxiv until April 26, 2020. Studies reporting chronic kidney diseases (CKDs) and/or acute kidney injury (AKI) were included. Demographics, relevant data of disease severity, and patient's prognosis were extracted and aggregated. Twenty-one thousand one hundred sixty-four patients from 52 peer-reviewed studies were included. Thirty-seven studies (n = 16,922) reported CKD in COVID-19 patients at diagnosis, and the pooled prevalence was 3.52% (95% CI, 1.98–5.48%; I(2) = 93%). Subgroup analysis showed that CKD prevalence was higher in severe cases [odds ratio (OR), 3.42; 95% CI 2.05–5.61; I(2) = 0%] compared to those with non-severe disease and deceased cases (6.46, 3.40–12.29; I(2) = 1%) compared with survivors. Pooled prevalence of CKD was lower in Chinese patients (2.56%; 95% CI, 1.79–3.47%; I(2) = 80%) compared to those outside of China (6.32%; 95% CI, 0.9–16.12%; I(2) = 93%) (p = 0.08). The summary estimates for AKI prevalence was 11.46% (95% CI, 6.93–16.94%). Patients with AKI had a higher prevalence of developing into severe cases (OR, 6.97; 95% CI, 3.53–13.75; I(2) = 0%) and mortality risk (45.79, 36.88–56.85; I(2) = 17%). The prevalence estimates of CKD or AKI were not significantly different from preprint publications (p > 0.05). Our study indicates that renal condition, either in CKD or AKI, is associated with COVID-19 prognosis, and taking care of such patients needs further awareness and investigations. |
This work is motivated by the recent worldwide pandemic of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). When an epidemiological disease is prevalent, estimating the case fatality rate, the proportion of deaths out of the total cases, accurately and quickly is important as the case fatality rate is one of the crucial indicators of the risk of a disease. In this work, we propose an alternative estimator of the case fatality rate that provides more accurate estimate during an outbreak by reducing the downward bias (underestimation) of the naive CFR, the proportion of deaths out of confirmed cases at each time point, which is the most commonly used estimator due to the simplicity. The proposed estimator is designed to achieve the availability of real-time update by using the commonly reported quantities , the numbers of confirmed, cured, deceased cases, in the computation. To enhance the accuracy, the proposed estimator adapts a stratification, that allows the estimator to use information from heterogeneous strata separately. With the COVID-19 cases of China, South Korea and the United States, we numerically show the proposed stratification-based estimator plays a role of providing an early warning about the severity of a epidemiological disease that estimates the final case fatality rate accurately and shows faster convergence to the final case fatality rate. |
The burden of the COVID-19 pandemic upon healthcare workers necessitates a systematic effort to support their resilience. This article describes the Yale University and Yale New Haven Health System effort to unite several independent initiatives into a coherent integrated model for institutional support for healthcare workers. Here, we highlight both opportunities and challenges faced in attempting to support healthcare workers during this pandemic. |
COVID-19 pandemic has infected millions of people with mortality exceeding 300,000. There is an urgent need to find therapeutic agents that can help clear the virus to prevent the severe disease and death. Identifying effective and safer drugs can provide with more options to treat the COVID-19 infections either alone or in combination. Here we performed a high throughput screen of approximately 1700 US FDA approved compounds to identify novel therapeutic agents that can effectively inhibit replication of coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2. Our two-step screen first used a human coronavirus strain OC43 to identify compounds with anti-coronaviral activities. The effective compounds were then screened for their effectiveness in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2. These screens have identified 24 anti-SARS-CoV-2 drugs including previously reported compounds such as hydroxychloroquine, amlodipine, arbidol hydrochloride, tilorone 2HCl, dronedarone hydrochloride, and merfloquine hydrochloride. Five of the newly identified drugs had a safety index (cytotoxic/effective concentration) of >600, indicating wide therapeutic window compared to hydroxychloroquine which had safety index of 22 in similar experiments. Mechanistically, five of the effective compounds were found to block SARS-CoV-2 S protein-mediated cell fusion. These FDA approved compounds can provide much needed therapeutic options that we urgently need in the midst of the pandemic. |
Abstract Aims We assessed how altered diagnostic processes and criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) recommended by the United Kingdom (UK), Canada and Australia for use during the COVID-19 pandemic would affect both GDM frequency and related adverse outcomes. Methods Secondary analysis of 5974 HAPO study women with singleton pregnancies who underwent 75g OGTTs and HbA1c assays between 24 and 32 weeks’ gestation and who received no treatment for GDM. Results All post COVID-19 modified pathways reduced GDM frequency - UK (81%), Canada (82%) and Australia (25%). Canadian women whose GDM would remain undetected post COVID-19 (missed GDMs) displayed similar rates of pregnancy complications to those with post COVID-19 GDM. Using UK modifications, the missed GDM group were at slightly lower risk whilst the women missed using the Australian modifications were at substantially lower risk. Conclusions The modifications in GDM diagnosis proposed for the UK, Canada and Australia result in differing reductions of GDM frequency. Each has both potential benefits in terms of reduction in potential exposure to COVID-19 and costs in terms of missed opportunities to influence pregnancy and postpartum outcomes. These factors should be considered when deciding which protocol is most appropriate for a particular context. |
BACKGROUND: Novel coronavirus (SARS‐CoV‐2), which causes COVID‐19, has thus far affected over 15 million individuals, resulting in over 600,000 deaths worldwide, and the number continues to rise. In a large systematic review and meta‐analysis of the literature including 2,567 pregnant women, 7% required intensive care admission, with a maternal mortality ~1% and perinatal mortality below 1%. There has been a rapid increase in publications on COVID‐19 associated coagulopathy, including disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) and VTE, in the non‐pregnant population, but very few reports of COVID‐19 coagulopathy during pregnancy; leaving us with no guidance for care of this specific population. METHODS: This is a collaborative effort conducted by a group of experts which was reviewed, critiqued and approved by the ISTH Subcommittee for Women’s Health Issues in Thrombosis and Hemostasis. A structured literature search was conducted, and the quality of current and emerging evidence was evaluated. Based on the published studies in the non‐pregnant and pregnant population with a moderate to high risk of bias as assessed by Newcastle‐Ottawa scale and acknowledging the absence of data from randomized clinical trials for management of pregnant women infected with SARS‐CoV‐2, a consensus in support of a guidance document for COVID‐19 coagulopathy in pregnancy was identified. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Specific haemostatic issues during pregnancy were highlighted, preliminary recommendations to assist in the care of COVID‐19‐affected pregnant women with coagulopathy or thrombotic complications were developed. An international registry to gather data to support the management of COVID‐19 and associated coagulopathy in pregnancy was established. |
Abstract The rapid development of global COVID-19 pandemic poses an unprecedented challenge to the safety and quality of laboratory diagnostic testing. Little is known about the laboratory surface areas and operation behaviors that may cause potential contamination in SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid testing. This study aims to provide reference basis for the improvement of laboratory disinfection programs and personal operating protocols. In this study, we compared the qRT-PCR and ddPCR in detecting of residual virus that existed on the object surfaces from sample transportation and reception related facilities, testing related instruments, personal protective equipment and other facilities in nucleic acid testing laboratory. All samples were negative by qRT-PCR, in contrast, 13 of 61 samples were positive for SARS-CoV-2 by ddPCR. The areas with highest density of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid were the outer gloves of operator A (37.4 copies/cm2), followed by door handle of 4 °C refrigerator (26.25 copies/cm2), goggles of operator A (22.16 copies/cm2), outer cover of high speed centrifuge (19.95 copies/cm2), inner wall of high speed centrifuge (14.70 copies/cm2) and others. We found that all the positive objects were directly or indirectly contacted by the operator's gloved hands, suggesting that hands contact was the main transmission pathway that led to laboratory environmental contamination. In summary, ddPCR has an advantage over qRT-PCR in tracing laboratory contamination. We evaluated the risk areas and operation behaviors that may easily cause contamination, and provided recommendation for improving the laboratory disinfection programs and personal operating specifications. |
Applied behavior analysis (ABA) services have been provided primarily in the fields of health care and education across various settings using an in-person service delivery model. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity of and demand for ABA services using telehealth have increased. The purpose of the present article was to cross-examine the ethical codes and guidelines of different, but related fields of practice and to discuss potential implications for telehealth-based ABA service delivery. We reviewed the telehealth-specific ethical codes and guidelines of the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Association of Social Workers, along with the related ABA literature. These organizations addressed several useful and unique ethical concerns that have not been addressed in ABA literature. We also developed a brief checklist for ABA practitioners to evaluate their telehealth readiness by meeting the legal, professional, and ethical requirements of ABA services. |
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a cytoplasmic receptor/transcription factor that modulates several cellular and immunological processes following activation by pathogen-associated stimuli, though its role during virus infection is largely unknown. Here, we show that AhR is activated in cells infected with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), a coronavirus (CoV), and contributes to the upregulation of downstream effector TCDD-inducible poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (TiPARP) during infection. Knockdown of TiPARP reduced viral replication and increased interferon expression, suggesting that TiPARP functions in a proviral manner during MHV infection. We also show that MHV replication induced the expression of other genes known to be downstream of AhR in macrophages and dendritic cells and in livers of infected mice. Further, we found that chemically inhibiting or activating AhR reciprocally modulated the expression levels of cytokines induced by infection, specifically, interleukin 1β (IL-1β), IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), consistent with a role for AhR activation in the host response to MHV infection. Furthermore, while indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) drives AhR activation in other settings, MHV infection induced equal expression of downstream genes in wild-type (WT) and IDO1(−/−) macrophages, suggesting an alternative pathway of AhR activation. In summary, we show that coronaviruses elicit AhR activation by an IDO1-independent pathway, contributing to upregulation of downstream effectors, including the proviral factor TiPARP, and to modulation of cytokine gene expression, and we identify a previously unappreciated role for AhR signaling in CoV pathogenesis. IMPORTANCE Coronaviruses are a family of positive-sense RNA viruses with human and agricultural significance. Characterizing the mechanisms by which coronavirus infection dictates pathogenesis or counters the host immune response would provide targets for the development of therapeutics. Here, we show that the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is activated in cells infected with a prototypic coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), resulting in the expression of several effector genes. AhR is important for modulation of the host immune response to MHV and plays a role in the expression of TiPARP, which we show is required for maximal viral replication. Taken together, our findings highlight a previously unidentified role for AhR in regulating coronavirus replication and the immune response to the virus. |
Background: Health-care workers (HCW) are at increased risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection, but few studies have evaluated prevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 among them. Objective: To determine the seroprevalence against SARS-CoV-2 in all HCW. Methods. Cross-sectional study (April 14th- 27th , 2020) of all HCW at Hospital Universitario Fundacion Alcorcon, a second level teaching hospital in Madrid, Spain. SARS-CoV-2 IgG was measured by ELISA. HCW were classified by professional category, working area, and risk for SARS-CoV-2 exposure. Results: Among 2919 HCW, 2590 (90.5%) were evaluated. Mean age was 43.8 years (SD 11.1) and 73.9% were females. Globally, 818 (31.6%) workers were IgG positive, with no differences for age, sex or previous diseases. Among them, 48.5% did not report previous symptoms. Seropositivity was more frequent in high (33.1%) and medium (33.8%) than in low-risk areas (25.8%, p=0.007), but no difference was found for hospitalization areas attending COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients (35.5 vs 38.3% p=NS). HCW with a previous SARS-CoV2 PCR positive test were IgG seropositive in 90.8%. By multivariate logistic regression analysis, seropositivity was associated with being physicians (OR 2.37, CI95% 1.61-3.49), nurses (OR 1.67, CI95% 1.14-2.46), or nurse- assistants (OR 1.84, CI95% 1.24-2.73), HCW working at COVID-19 hospitalization areas (OR 1.71, CI95% 1.22-2.40), non-COVID-19 hospitalization areas (OR 1.88, CI95% 1.30-2.73), and at the Emergency Room (OR 1.51, CI95% 1.01-2.27) Conclusions: Seroprevalence uncovered a high rate of infection previously unnoticed among HCW. Patients not suspected of having COVID-19 as well as asymptomatic HCW may be a relevant source for nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 transmission. |
A novel series of ribonucleosides of 1,2,3‐triazolylbenzyl‐aminophosphonates was synthesized through the Kabachnik–Fields reaction using I(2) as catalyst followed by copper‐catalyzed cycloaddition of the azide–alkyne reaction (CuAAC). All structures of the newly prepared compounds were characterized by (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR, and HRMS spectra. The structures of 2e, 2f, 3d, and 3g were further confirmed by X‐ray diffraction analysis. These compounds were tested against various strains of DNA and RNA viruses; compounds 4b and 4c showed a modest inhibitory activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and compound 4h displayed modest inhibitory activity against Coxsackie virus B4. |
Abstract The spread of the COVID-19 virus has resulted in unprecedented measures restricting travel and activity participation in many countries. Social distancing, i.e., reducing interactions between individuals in order to slow down the spread of the virus, has become the new norm. In this viewpoint I will discuss the potential implications of social distancing on daily travel patterns. Avoiding social contact might completely change the number and types of out-of-home activities people perform, and how people reach these activities. It can be expected that the demand for travel will reduce and that people will travel less by public transport. Social distancing might negatively affect subjective well-being and health status, as it might result in social isolation and limited physical activity. As a result, walking and cycling, recreationally or utilitarian, can be important ways to maintain satisfactory levels of health and well-being. Policymakers and planners should consequently try to encourage active travel, while public transport operators should focus on creating ways to safely use public transport. |
The epidemic spread of CoVID-19 has resulted in confirmed cases of viral respiratory illness in more than 1.4 million people around the world as of April 7th, 2020. However, different regions have experienced the spread of this disease differently. Here, we develop a Markovian random-walk spatial extension of a quarantine-enhanced SIR model to measure, visualize and forecast the effect of susceptible population density, testing rate, and social distancing and quarantine policies on epidemic spreading. The model is used to simulate the spread of CoVID-19 in the regions of Hubei, China; South Korea; Iran; and Spain. The model allows for evaluating the results of different policies both quantitatively and visually as means of better understanding and controlling the spread of the disease. |
RESUMEN Antecedentes: No se ha reportado plenamente la evolución clínica de los pacientes críticos de COVID-19 durante su ingreso en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI), incluyendo las complicaciones médicas e infecciosas y terapias de soporte, así como su asociación con la mortalidad en ICU. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es describir las características clínicas y la evolución de los pacientes ingresados en UCI por COVID-19, y determinar los factores de riesgo de la mortalidad en UCI de dichos pacientes. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, multi-céntrico y de cohorte, que incluyó a los pacientes críticos de COVID-19 ingresados en 30 UCIs de España y Andorra. Se incluyó a los pacientes consecutivos de 12 de Marzo a 26 de Mayo de 2020 si habían fallecido o habían recibido el alta de la UCI durante el periodo de estudio. Se reportaron los datos demográficos, síntomas, signos vitales, marcadores de laboratorio, terapias de soporte, terapias farmacológicas, y complicaciones médicas e infecciosas, realizándose una comparación entre los pacientes fallecidos y los pacientes dados de alta. Resultados: Se incluyó a un total de 663 pacientes. La mortalidad general en UCI fue del 31% (203 pacientes). Al ingreso en UCI los no supervivientes eran más hipoxémicos [SpO2 sin mascarilla de no reinhalación, de 90 (RIC 83 - 93) vs 91 (RIC 87 - 94); p<0,001] y con mayor puntuación en la escala SOFA - Evaluación de daño orgánico secuencial - [SOFA, 7 (RIC 5 - 9) vs 4 (RIC 3 - 7); p<0,001]. Las complicaciones fueron más frecuentes en los no supervivientes: síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo (SDRA) (95% vs 89%; p=0,009), insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA) (58% vs 24%; p<10-16), shock (42% vs 14%; p<10-13), y arritmias (24% vs 11%; p<10-4). Las súper-infecciones respiratorias, infecciones del torrente sanguíneo y los shock sépticos fueron más frecuentes en los no supervivientes (33% vs 25%; p=0,03, 33% vs 23%; p=0,01 y 15% vs 3%, p=10-7), respectivamente. El modelo de regresión multivariable reflejó que la edad estaba asociada a la mortalidad, y que cada año incrementaba el riesgo de muerte en un 1% (95%IC: 1 - 10, p=0,014). Cada incremento de 5 puntos en la escala APACHE II predijo de manera independiente la mortalidad [OR: 1,508 (1,081, 2,104), p= 0,015]. Los pacientes con IRA [OR: 2,468 (1,628, 3,741), p<10-4)], paro cardiaco [OR: 11,099 (3,389, 36,353), p= 0,0001], y shock séptico [OR: 3,224 (1,486, 6,994), p= 0,002] tuvieron un riesgo de muerte incrementado. Conclusiones: Los pacientes mayores de COVID-19 con puntuaciones APACHE II más altas al ingreso, que desarrollaron IRA en grados II o III y/o shock séptico durante la estancia en UCI tuvieron un riesgo de muerte incrementado. La mortalidad en UCI fue del 31%. ABSTRACT Background: The clinical course of COVID-19 critically ill patients, during their admission in the intensive care unit (UCI), including medical and infectious complications and support therapies, as well as their association with in-ICU mortality has not been fully reported. Objective: This study aimed to describe clinical characteristics and clinical course of ICU COVID-19 patients, and to determine risk factors for ICU mortality of COVID-19 patients. Methods: Prospective, multicentre, cohort study that enrolled critically ill COVID-19 patients admitted into 30 ICUs from Spain and Andorra. Consecutive patients from March 12th to May 26th, 2020 were enrolled if they had died or were discharged from ICU during the study period. Demographics, symptoms, vital signs, laboratory markers, supportive therapies, pharmacological treatments, medical and infectious complications were reported and compared between deceased and discharged patients. Results: A total of 663 patients were included. Overall ICU mortality was 31% (203 patients). At ICU admission non-survivors were more hypoxemic [SpO2 with non-rebreather mask, 90 (IQR 83 to 93) vs 91 (IQR 87 to 94); p<0.001] and with higher sequential organ failure assessment score [SOFA, 7 (IQR 5 to 9) vs 4 (IQR 3 to 7); p<0.001]. Complications were more frequent in non-survivors: acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (95% vs 89%; p=0.009), acute kidney injury (AKI) (58% vs 24%; p<10-16), shock (42% vs 14%; p<10-13), and arrhythmias (24% vs 11%; p<10-4). Respiratory super-infection, bloodstream infection and septic shock were higher in non-survivors (33% vs 25%; p=0.03, 33% vs 23%; p=0.01 and 15% vs 3%, p=10-7), respectively. The multivariable regression model showed that age was associated with mortality, with every year increasing risk-of-death by 1% (95%CI: 1 to 10, p=0.014). Each 5-point increase in APACHE II independently predicted mortality [OR: 1.508 (1.081, 2.104), p= 0.015]. Patients with AKI [OR: 2.468 (1.628, 3.741), p<10-4)], cardiac arrest [OR: 11.099 (3.389, 36.353), p= 0.0001], and septic shock [OR: 3.224 (1.486, 6.994), p= 0.002] had an increased risk-of-death. Conclusions: Older COVID-19 patients with higher APACHE II scores on admission, those who developed AKI grades II or III and/or septic shock during ICU stay had an increased risk-of-death. ICU mortality was 31%. |
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed over 1 million lives globally and results from the SARS-COV2 virus. COVID-19 is associated with a coagulopathy. In this mixed-methods PRISMA-compliant scoping review, we set out to determine if ARDS, sepsis and DIC could account for the coagulopathy and if there were any other features of the coagulopathy we could determine so as to inform future research. Methods: We used a search strategy to identify papers with clinically relevant thromboembolic events in COVID-19. We then developed a technique referred to as an Abridged Thematic Analysis (ATA) to quickly identify themes in the papers so as to increase the yield of clinically relevant information. We further developed Validated Abridged Thematic Analysis (VATA) to validate the resulting taxonomy of themes. Finally we developed a number of methods that can be used by other researchers to take forwards this work. Results: We identified 56 studies with 10,523 patients, 456 patients with COVID-19 and thromboembolic events (TBE's) and 586 thrombembolic events. There were an average of 1.3 TBE's per patient. There were five main arterial territories with corresponding clinical sequelae: Acute limb ischaemia, myocardial infarcts, strokes, mesenteric ischaemia and pulmonary embolism. We also identified DVT's. There were two further groups: medical-device-related coagulopathy and dermal lesions. In a subgroup of 119 patients we found mortality ranged from 26% in DVT to 79% in acute limb ischaemia although there was evidence of selection bias in the latter group. All patients were hospitalised and the average age of survivors was 63 versus 73 for those who died. 91/150 patients with TE's had fever. From the ATA, we identified 16 characteristics of the clotting pathology in COVID-19. From the VATA, we identified 34 mechanisms leading to coagulopathy and grouped them according to Virchow's triad of vascular damage, stasis and hypercoagulability. Coagulopathy occurred with and without each of ARDS, Sepsis and DIC. We conclude that COVID-19 leads to the syndrome of a viral clotting fever in a subgroup of patients and that the presentation of coagulopathy and fever should raise the possibility of COVID-19 as a differential. We make recommendations for future research studies. |
In this study, swine fecal specimens (n = 251) collected from nursing and weaned piglets raised under smallholder production systems were screened for the presence of kobuviruses by RT-PCR. Porcine kobuviruses were detected in 13.1 % (33/251) of the samples. We demonstrated that porcine kobuvirus infections exist in indigenous pigs in Kenya and Uganda and that the prevalence was higher in young piglets than older pigs: nursing piglets (15 %), post-weaning (3-month-old) pigs (17 %), 4-month-old pigs (10 %). Genetic analysis of the partial RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) region (690 nt) revealed that kobuviruses circulating in East Africa are diverse, sharing nucleotide sequence identities ranging from 89.7 to 99.1 % and 88 to 92.3 % among them and with known porcine kobuviruses, respectively. The nucleotide sequence identities between our kobuvirus strains and those of human, bovine and canine kobuviruses were 69.4-70.7 %, 73.1-74.4 % and 67-70.7 %, respectively. Additionally, upon sequencing selected samples that showed consistent 720-bp RT-PCR bands while using the same primer set, we detected porcine astroviruses in our samples belonging to type 2 and type 3 mamastroviruses. To our knowledge, this study reports the first detection and molecular analysis of both porcine kobuviruses and astroviruses in an African region. Further studies are required to determine the role of these viruses in gastrointestinal infections of pigs in this region and to determine the genetic diversity of the circulating strains to develop accurate diagnostic tools and implement appropriate control strategies. |
BACKGROUND: With the onset of any novel condition, it is the “first” case identified that brings attention and sets into motion the machinery to respond – so it began with a first novel pneumonia case of unknown origin in Wuhan, China. Currently, the World Health Organization has declared SARS-CoV-2 (more commonly known as COVID-19) a public health emergency of international concern. It is projected that the path of COVID-19 could kill 50–80 million people and impacts the world’s economy in its devastating global sweep. The surge is increasing on global and national levels, causing rapid loss of life, joblessness, deterioration of the healthcare systems, and both national and global economies. In Ethiopia, the first COVID-19 case was reported in March. Since then, the government has been taking different measures to prevent its spread. Locking down all schools, declared social distancing and hand hygiene, and restricting large gatherings were some of the Ethiopian government’s actions. OBJECTIVE: To determine knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards COVID-19 pandemic among quarantined adults in Tigrai region, Ethiopia. METHODS: A total of 331 participants selected using a systematic random sampling method were included in the study. We used an interviewer-administered questionnaire. After describing the variables using frequencies, means, and standard deviations, multivariable logistic regression determined factors associated with knowledge and chi-squared tests for attitudes and practices towards COVID-19. RESULTS: The study participants were primarily males (70%) and mean age 30.5 (SD=11) years. The mean knowledge score was 8.73 (SD=2.64), with less than half 42.9% (95% CI: 37.5–48%) of the study participants were knowledgeable. Regarding the attitude questions, three-fourths of the participants believed that Ethiopia will control and win the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly one-third of the participants replied that the Ethiopian government is handling this pandemic health crisis well. About half of the study participants reported that they had gone to crowded places in recent days, did not wear face mask when leaving home, and practiced preventive measures given by local health authorities. Knowledge score was statistically significantly associated with gender, age, and educational status of the study participants, whereas attitude and practices were significantly associated with educational status and knowledge of participants. |
As severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 continues to spread worldwide, there have been increasing reports from Europe, North America, Asia, and Latin America describing children and adolescents with COVID-19-associated multisystem inflammatory conditions. However, the association between multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and COVID-19 is still unknown. We review the epidemiology, causes, clinical features, and current treatment protocols for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and adolescents associated with COVID-19. We also discuss the possible underlying pathophysiological mechanisms for COVID-19-induced inflammatory processes, which can lead to organ damage in paediatric patients who are severely ill. These insights provide evidence for the need to develop a clear case definition and treatment protocol for this new condition and also shed light on future therapeutic interventions and the potential for vaccine development. TRANSLATIONS: For the French, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish and Russian translations of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section. |
Metabolic diseases emerged as important risk factors for severe COVID-19, but the mechanisms responsible remained unclear for some time. The severity of metabolic diseases was also associated with worse outcomes in patients with COVID-19, forcing clinicians to adjust their thinking on which patients with metabolic disease, but without COVID-19, to prioritize for treatment during and immediately after the pandemic. |
A new personal bioaerosol sampler has recently been developed and verified to be very efficient for monitoring of viable airborne bacteria, fungi and viruses. The device is capable of providing high recovery rates even for microorganisms which are rather sensitive to physical and biological stresses. However, some mathematical procedure is required for realistic calculation of an actual concentration of viable bioaerosols in the air taking into account a rate of inactivation of targeted microorganisms, sampling parameters, and results of microbial analysis of collecting liquid from the sampler. In this paper, we develop such procedure along with the model of aerosol propagation for outdoor conditions. Combining these procedures allows one to determine the optimal sampling locations for the best possible coverage of the area to be monitored. A hypothetical episode concerned with terrorists’ attack during music concert in the central square of Novosibirsk, Russia was considered to evaluate possible coverage of the area by sampling equipment to detect bioaerosols at various locations within the square. It was found that, for chosen bioaerosol generation parameters and weather conditions, the new personal sampler would be capable to reliably detect pathogens at all locations occupied by crowd, even at distances of up to 600 m from the source. |
BACKGROUND: The ongoing epidemics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have caused serious concerns about its potential adverse effects on pregnancy. There are limited data on maternal and neonatal outcomes of pregnant women with COVID-19 pneumonia. METHODS: We conducted a case-control study to compare clinical characteristics, maternal and neonatal outcomes of pregnant women with and without COVID-19 pneumonia. RESULTS: During January 24 to February 29, 2020, there were sixteen pregnant women with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia and eighteen suspected cases who were admitted to labor in the third trimester. Two had vaginal delivery and the rest took cesarean section. Few patients presented respiratory symptoms (fever and cough) on admission, but most had typical chest CT images of COVID-19 pneumonia. Compared to the controls, COVID-19 pneumonia patients had lower counts of white blood cells (WBC), neutrophils, C-reactive protein (CRP), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) on admission. Increased levels of WBC, neutrophils, eosinophils, and CRP were found in postpartum blood tests of pneumonia patients. There were three (18.8%) and three (16.7%) of the mothers with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 pneumonia had preterm delivery due to maternal complications, which were significantly higher than the control group. None experienced respiratory failure during hospital stay. COVID-19 infection was not found in the newborns and none developed severe neonatal complications. CONCLUSION: Severe maternal and neonatal complications were not observed in pregnant women with COVID-19 pneumonia who had vaginal delivery or caesarean section. Mild respiratory symptoms of pregnant women with COVID-19 pneumonia highlight the need of effective screening on admission. |
ABSTRACT: Unintended pregnancy is a major global issue. Women who experience an unintended pregnancy have a significant risk of morbidity and mortality. Additionally, these women also experience substantial financial hardships. Many women, particularly women of color, do not have adequate access to reliable and affordable contraception resulting in major health disparities among this group. This review explores the relationship between unintended pregnancy and inadequate access to contraception and is divided into 5 sections: addressing problems associated with unintended pregnancies, unintended pregnancy rate in the US, disparities of unintended pregnancy rates and access to care, addressing potential solutions, and finally conclusions. KEYTERMS: unintended pregnancy, healthcare disparities, contraception, access to care. |
Since the beginning of the year, the world’s attention has rightly been focused on the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the implementation of drastic mitigation strategies to limit disease transmission. However, public health information campaigns tailored to children are very rare. Now more than ever, at a time when some governments are taking populations out of lockdown and youth are returning to schools, children around the world need to fully grasp the modes of transmission of the disease, the health risks, the scientific notions of the immune system, the value of barrier measures, and the progress of scientific research. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, comics can be very useful for communicating quickly and effectively abstract and important information to children who might be under the influence of a large amount of sometimes contradictory information. Conveying precise, reliable, and accessible information to children is key in a world overwhelmingly impacted by the outbreak. This should be the role and the responsibility of world health official leaders and governments in compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In partnership with mainstream medias, consortia of scientists, communication experts, and education specialists, it is urgent that world leaders engage children in this worldwide public health fight. |
The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is diagnosed by positive result of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the novel coronavirus. We concluded that cycle threshold value (Ct-value) of real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR) assay could decrease as patients recover. Results of rRT-PCR assay could remain positive among asymptomatic patients for longer than 2 weeks. The discharge criteria of COVID-19 patients using a negative result of rRT-PCR should be reconsidered. |
Zika virus (ZIKV) has recently emerged as an important human pathogen due to the strong evidence that it causes disease of the central nervous system, particularly microcephaly and Guillain–Barré syndrome. The pathogenesis of disease, including mechanisms of neuroinvasion, may include both invasion via the blood–brain barrier and via peripheral (including cranial) nerves. Cellular responses to infection are also poorly understood. This study characterizes the in vitro infection of laboratory-adapted ZIKV African MR766 and two Asian strains of (1) brain endothelial cells (hCMEC/D3 cell line) and (2) olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) (the neuroglia populating cranial nerve I and the olfactory bulb; both human and mouse OEC lines) in comparison to kidney epithelial cells (Vero cells, in which ZIKV infection is well characterized). Readouts included infection kinetics, intracellular virus localization, viral persistence and cytokine responses. Although not as high as in Vero cells, viral titres exceeded 10(4) plaque-forming units (p.f.u.) ml(−1) in the endothelial/neuroglial cell types, except hOECs. Despite these substantial titres, a relatively small proportion of neuroglial cells were primarily infected. Immunolabelling of infected cells revealed localization of the ZIKV envelope and NS3 proteins in the cytoplasm; NS3 staining overlapped with that of dsRNA replication intermediate and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Infected OECs and endothelial cells produced high levels of pro-inflammatory chemokines. Nevertheless, ZIKV was also able to establish persistent infection in hOEC and hCMEC/D3 cells. Taken together, these results provide basic insights into ZIKV infection of endothelial and neuroglial cells and will form the basis for further study of ZIKV disease mechanisms. |
BACKGROUND: The outbreak of a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)-infected pneumonia is currently ongoing all over the world. The treatment scheme is generally isolation treatment and symptomatic support treatment. While the majority of patients recover from this disease through methods above, COVID-19 Infection severely affect the physical and mental health of rehabilitation patients, as well as their living quality. Thus, meditative movement is needed to improve outcome of COVID-19 patients in recovery period. METHODS: We will conduct systematic searches to identify all relevant studies without any language limitation from the following electronic databases from inception to October 2020: Medline, Ovid, PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Chinese Scientific Journals Database (VIP), Chinese Biomedical Database, Chinese Biomedical Literature Service System and Wan fang Database. At the same time, we will search the following Clinical trial registries to identify records of on-going or completed but not yet published trials, including WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), Trials Register of Promoting Health Interventions (TRoPHI) and Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR). No limits will be placed on language. The article will study the effect of meditative movement on the quality of life of convalescent patients. The main outcome will be the effect of meditative movement on the quality of life of patients in recovery period. The secondary results will select accompanying symptoms (including myalgia, cough, sputum, runny nose, pharyngalgia, anhelation, chest distress, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea), disappearance rate, negative COVID-19 results rate on 2 consecutive occasions (not on the same day), the quality of life improved, CT image improvement, average hospitalization time, occurrence rate of common type to severe form, clinical cure rate, and mortality. Data collection and management 3 authors will independently carry out data from eligible studies in a pretested and standardized Microsoft Excel sheet, with reciprocal validation of data extraction results. Data analysis and quantitative data synthesis will be performed using RevMan software (V.5.3). RESULTS: The findings of the study will provide new and relatively high-quality evidence in meditative movement treatment for COVID-19. CONCLUSION: The conclusion of systematic review will provide evidence to judge whether meditative movement is an effective intervention for patient with COVID-19 in recovery period. PROSPERO REGISTRATION NUMBER: CRD42020210256. |
Objectives This study aims to develop a machine learning approach for automated severity assessment of COVID-19 patients based on clinical and imaging data. Materials and Methods Clinical data, including demographics, signs, symptoms, comorbidities and blood test results and chest CT scans of 346 patients from two hospitals in the Hubei province, China, were used to develop machine learning models for automated severity assessment of diagnosed COVID-19 cases. We compared the predictive power of clinical and imaging data by testing multiple machine learning models, and further explored the use of four oversampling methods to address the imbalance distribution issue. Features with the highest predictive power were identified using the SHAP framework. Results Targeting differentiation between mild and severe cases, logistic regression models achieved the best performance on clinical features (AUC:0.848, sensitivity:0.455, specificity:0.906), imaging features (AUC:0.926, sensitivity:0.818, specificity:0.901) and the combined features (AUC:0.950, sensitivity:0.764, specificity:0.919). The SMOTE oversampling method further improved the performance of the combined features to AUC of 0.960 (sensitivity:0.845, specificity:0.929). Discussion Imaging features had the strongest impact on the model output, while a combination of clinical and imaging features yielded the best performance overall. The identified predictive features were consistent with findings from previous studies. Oversampling yielded mixed results, although it achieved the best performance in our study. Conclusions This study indicates that clinical and imaging features can be used for automated severity assessment of COVID-19 patients and have the potential to assist with triaging COVID-19 patients and prioritizing care for patients at higher risk of severe cases. [Manuscript last updated on 31 July, 2020] |
The effectiveness of lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) and chloroquine treatment for COVID-19 has not been verified. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study to summarize the clinical practices of nonsevere patients with COVID-19 receiving the standard care, LPV/r or chloroquine in Beijing Ditan Hospital from January 20 to March 26, 2020. The main outcome measurements include the changes of cycle threshold values of open reading frame 1 ab (ORF1ab) and nucleocapsid (N) genes by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction assay from day 1 to 7 after admission for patients receiving standard care or after treatment being initiated for patients receiving either LPV/r or chloroquine. The proportion of developing severe illness, fever duration and the time from symptom onset to chest computer tomography improvement, and negative conversion of nucleic acid were compared. RESULTS: Of the 129 patients included in the study, 59 received the standard care, 51 received LPV/r, and 19 received chloroquine. The demographics and baseline characteristics were comparable among the 3 groups. The median duration of fever, median time from symptom onset to chest computer tomography improvement, and negative conversion of the nucleic acid were similar among the 3 groups. The median increase in cycle threshold values of N and ORF1ab gene for patients receiving LPV/r or chloroquine or the standard care during the treatment course was 7.0 and 8.5, 8.0, and 7.6, 5.0, and 4.0, respectively. These figures were not found significantly different among the 3 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Antiviral therapy using LPV/r or chloroquine seemed not to improve the prognosis or shorten the clinical course of COVID-19. |
China Railway Express (CR express) refers to the regular container trains transporting between China and European countries under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This paper aims to conduct the systematic and in-depth research on the importance ranking of logistics nodes across the complex CR express network from China’s national plan of the BRI perspective, with consideration of the connectivity between the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (MSR) and the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB). In doing so, first, it sets up the complex network in the CR express transport. Second, based on the restraint coefficients in the theory of structural hole such as network scale, efficiency, grading and clustering co-efficiency, this paper applies the Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model in association with algorithm development in calculating the importance of the CR express nodes including both inland nodes and seaport nodes. The paper has three-fold contributions. In theory, it confirms the accuracy and practicability of the structural hole theory in the importance ranking of nodes in the complex network. In practice, it identifies important logistics nodes of CR express network across the BRI. Further, the findings in the paper contribute to optimising the structure of CR express transport and improving its network stability. |
Frequency of hand disinfection and adverse skin reactions among health care workers dramatically increased since the COVID‐19 outbreak and consensus recommendations on hand hygiene were presented. The aim of the present study was to check the efficacy of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Task Force (TF) on Contact Dermatitis (CD) recommendations in a real life and to search if providing products mentioned in that recommendations may increase its efficacy. Doctors and nurses who worked with patients during COVID‐19 pandemic and use hand disinfectants received adopted recommendations of the EADV TF on CD only or together with mentioned in that recommendations gel with ethanol and glycerin and emollient. Prevalence of adverse skin reactions on hand disinfectants at baseline was 80.21%. In a month significant improvement of health‐related quality of life (HRQoL) and self‐assessed improvement of hand skin (P < .01 for both) was reported in “products” group only. Number of participants that had no impact on their HRQoL became higher and the Dermatology Life Quality Index scores lower than in “recommendations only” group (P = .03 and P = .02, respectively). Our results showed that recommendations of the EADV TF on CD may significantly improve HRQoL and hand skin status in health care professionals but provision with products mentioned in that recommendations is crucial. |
The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been declared a global pandemic. With a mortality rate reaching up to 5%, healthcare professionals treating patients with COVID-19 are at a significantly higher risk for exposure themselves. Given the rapidly progressing rate of COVID-19, there is an urgent need for developing guidelines within each specialty. This article discusses guidelines specifically for anesthesiologists dealing with ophthalmic surgeries with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients. Anesthesiologists always work in the proximity of the patient's face while performing either ocular regional anesthesia or while managing the airway in the process of intubation/extubation. Within these guidelines, the emphasis is provided on thorough preoperative screening to identify COVID-19 patients and to prevent the exposure of healthcare staff by following standard personal protective equipment (PPE) precautions. |
Abstract Facing new infectious diseases that are result of continuous mutation of virus and bacteria and ever advancing communication and medical technologies, infection control professionals (ICPs) in the healthcare industry must be able to obtain instantly the needed knowledge in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness in their practice. The purpose of this study is, after an exhaustive literature review and necessary interviews with specialists in this field, to propose a research framework that explores the factors that affect the ICPs’ willingness to adopt knowledge management (KM) into their tasks and to validate the usefulness of this research framework through a survey study. The research framework includes four constructs that affect infection control professionals’ decision and willingness to introduce and to adopt infection control KM, and they are namely: hospital characteristics, infection control department, external environment, and project planning. The study conducted a survey among ICPs from 425 hospitals in Taiwan. A total of 227 valid questionnaire responses were returned from the ICPs from 90 hospitals. Among these responses, 55.00% are from medical centers and 47.83% are from regional hospitals. After analyzing the responses through the discriminant analysis method, the study found that “Hospital Resource Support,” “Colleagues’ Attitude,” and “Users’ Participation” are the three factors that significantly impact the professionals’ willingness for adopting KM in infection control departments. This study not only provides the healthcare industry an understanding about introduction and impact of KM, which can assist in their decision making, but also emphasizes the importance of use of actual data in the study of research framework for introduction of KM in healthcare industry. Therefore, this study presents important results in both practical and academic aspects. |
COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 has become a global pandemic requiring the development of interventions for the prevention or treatment to curtail mortality and morbidity. No vaccine to boost mucosal immunity, or as a therapeutic, has yet been developed to SARS-CoV-2. In this study, we discover and characterize a cross-reactive human IgA monoclonal antibody, MAb362. MAb362 binds to both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins and competitively blocks ACE2 receptor binding, by overlapping the ACE2 structural binding epitope. Furthermore, MAb362 IgA neutralizes both pseudotyped SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 in 293 cells expressing ACE2. When converted to secretory IgA, MAb326 also neutralizes authentic SARS-CoV-2 virus while the IgG isotype shows no neutralization. Our results suggest that SARS-CoV-2 specific IgA antibodies, such as MAb362, may provide effective immunity against SARS-CoV-2 by inducing mucosal immunity within the respiratory system, a potentially critical feature of an effective vaccine. |
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