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subreddit: Lebanese title: who made this subreddit? submission: What's the difference between this reddit and /r/lebanon? submission score: 1 comment (score: 1): Maybe they got the word confused with lesbian?
subreddit: Lebanese title: You probably meant r/Lebanon submission: submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Lebanese submission: [removed] submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Lebanese Gives Arabic Food for Homeless Germans !! submission: submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Lebanese Nightlife in Sydney - Australia - Nightlife in Sydney Australia submission: submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Beautiful Beirut Escorts For Extreme Beirut Escorts Services submission: [removed] submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: How to make stuffed grape leaves/ warak enab submission: submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Calories Lebanese Food - Healthy Choices at Restaurants, Homemade submission: submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Dabke submission: submission score: 2
subreddit: Lebanese title: I need information about the Lebanese University submission: Hello I’m looking for information about LU i want to major in Mathematics. How is the schedule in this university and how are the courses registered, do they have electives and is the student free to pick his timings for classes? submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Best Lebanese Food Delivery submission: submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Honor 🇱🇧 submission: submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Is medicine in ukraine acrdiated in lebanon submission: I am lebanese student going to study medicine in Dnipropterovsk medical academy so will i be able to get my license when i finish mbbs in ukraine and return to Lebanon submission score: 1 comment (score: 2): I think you have to prove to the Lebanese people that you know how to spell accredited first. reply (score: 2): Accredited i proved it now
subreddit: Lebanese title: The only correct response to “ are you in the bathroom” is “I’m eating pomegranate” submission: submission score: 5
subreddit: Lebanese title: How can I get more educated/in touch with my Lebanese culture? submission: I’m half Lebanese-my grandpa immigrated to the states when he was a boy. My mom was very immersed in the culture, but once her sitte passed. My mom then became a very career oriented person and never got around to passing along the traditions/history/stories etc to me or my siblings. I would love any advice or resources or stories. Anything helps submission score: 5 comment (score: 1): I'm also half Lebanese. I'm trying to speak more Arabic, and now it's improving. I'm also listening to Arabic music. Lots of it sucks, but there are some good songs out there. Talking to other Arabs your age is great because you just pick things up. This goes beyond language and extends to cultural understanding. I have a Lebanese-Canadian friend from childhood. She's half Lebanese, like me, but she's Latino through her mom, whereas my mother is Irish-American, so Childhood Friend fits in better, but she had to learn Arabic, too, and now she speaks it as well as English. Her family moved to Lebanon during her teen years, so she had to learn. She hated it, but she feels connected to her Arabness now. She's in an Arab club at her university, and it's actually lit. A lot of Arab-Western people don't speak Arabic beyond the ability of a toddler. They pretend they're fluent, but it's just so they don't hurt their pride. Whenever I talk to my childhood girlfriend, I end up using more Arabic than if I were to talk to my father, for example. I learn a lot more Arabic this way. Sometimes, it is so frustrating trying to talk to my dad, because he corrects me every other sentence and a simple request turns into a 2-hour lecture on syntax. Forget that. TL;DR Just talk to people who won't judge you or embarrass you, try joining some clubs at your uni, and at the end of the day, remember, half of these people aren't any better at speaking Arabic or being Arab than you are. PS- In this past year, my ability to speak Arabic has doubled.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Online shopping page based in lebanon! submission: submission score: 3
subreddit: Lebanese title: Blondes in leb submission: IS THERE NATURAL BLONDES IN LEBANON 😭 I love blondies submission score: 2
subreddit: Lebanese title: This is a music video made by Lebanese artists living abroad describing their experience during the revolution. submission: submission score: 2
subreddit: Lebanese title: Time lapse Snowfall Baskinta submission: submission score: 1 comment (score: 1): I love Baskinta, don't like the music you chose tho.
subreddit: Lebanese title: أشهى كنافه صحية كيتو دايت ارجو وضع لايك واشتراك في قناتي submission: submission score: 2 comment (score: 1): This woule be epic post for r/saintbarthelemy
subreddit: Lebanese title: Official Discord server submission: Hey! This server is dedicated to all Lebanese (residents, nationals, diaspora) and foreigners from north to south looking to debate, discuss and have fun, we respect all religions and ideologies, stay civil and enjoy your stays.Server includes: \-verification system \-0 tolerance for toxicity \-open and safe place for everyone \-Constant debates about everything \-A fun time (we hope) []( submission score: 7
subreddit: Lebanese title: The Temple lit with the red cross and crescent in solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic submission: submission score: 12
subreddit: Lebanese title: Maroun Baghdadi, a once famous lebanese filmmaker, filming "Beirut Oh Beirut" submission: submission score: 11 comment (score: 2): yoooo 😍✌🏾 reply (score: 3): eyyy❤️🌴
subreddit: Lebanese title: Khalil Gibran - Most Inspirational and Deep Quotes submission: submission score: 7
subreddit: Lebanese title: Question about a word or phrase I remember from my sitti. submission: So i am 1/4 Lebanese American. I grew up knowing my great grandmother who only spoke Leb but I don't. I remember her yelling this all the time ( mostly when things in the kitchen weren't going well). Can someone help me to understand what the actual phrase was and meaning is? Never seen it spelled but pronounced: Hi - Y'all (we are southern USA) - ah. Thanks. submission score: 4 comment (score: 5): Hiyalla i think the closest word to this would be the phrase which means any for example u ask someone if they want a burger or chicken they say hayalla with means anyone it doesnt natter to him which you choose. its also another phrase for you choose but not technically comment (score: 2): Hayalla - as in which ever is fine
subreddit: Lebanese title: Only for Hezb supporters submission: I've been trying to get Hezb members to share their views on the current situation. My previous posts on r/Lebanon have been removed for trying to single out Hezb supporters on this sub. My intentions are to create a discussion based on LOGICAL ARGUMENTS AND FACTS that are beyond reasonable doubt. The moment we resort to hate speech/unfounded accusations is the moment this thread is dead. Please refrain from doing so. Some users here openly defend Hezb and are not afraid to do so. If you are afraid, please refrain from commenting or create a throwaway. Issues to discuss: 1. What is your identity? i.e. do you identify as Lebanese, or do you see yourself more aligned with the Iranian vision. What are your dreams for Lebanon? And for yourself/town? 2. Who is responsible for the current crisis? Is Hezballah covering for corruption? What is your take on the illegal border smuggling, corruption ...? 3. What is your opinion on the revolution? And what is your take on acts done by Hezb to silence his criticizers especially the ones that spoke out after the revolution started. Isn't that a transgression on free speech? 4. What is your take on "sab3a 2ayyar"? Do you consider it a glorious day? 5.What do you think of your allies FPM, Amal? And your foes Hariri, Geagea...? I totally understand that there are people (on both sides) who think little of themselves and their skills/abilities and who think if it weren't for their za3im/hezb they wouldn't be able to feed themselves. Some of them are even aware of the corruption their Hezb does but choose to accept it as they are a benificiary of it. If you are one of those people, this discussion is not aimed at you as your position is already crystal clear. Also please don't care about the downvotes. They are basically internet points. I will upvote you even if I disagree with you if you share your opinion in a factual/civilized way. submission score: 9 comment (score: 8): This is gonna be super long, most won't even read it, but I hope that you do. Some people will say I'm lying to make ourselves look better, but I don't care. This are truly my thoughts. >1. What is your identity? i.e. do you identify as Lebanese, or do you see yourself more aligned with the Iranian vision. I am Lebanese, and identify as Lebanese, and even though I get the occasional "E5et hal balad, bade hejer" when I mad at the country, I am generally happy here, and would like to remain if possible. >What are your dreams for Lebanon? And for yourself/town? I want Lebanon to be a secular country with no corruption. I would never want or accept that my country to become an Islamic state, or even a Shia state. I am very proud that our country have a wide range of relegions, all living together "okayishly", even the Armenians. I consider them as much of brothers and sisters as other Lebanese, even though I never got a chance to be friends with an Armenian :( >2. Who is responsible for the current crisis? Is Hezballah covering for corruption? What is your take on the illegal border smuggling, corruption ...? No one in particular. This is the effect of the Civil War, the Syrian Occupation, the Israeli Occupation, and the foreign interference. They gave us a country where parties can rule using fear. Fear of the Zionists , the Syrians, the Americans, the Iranians, the civil war, etc. Everyone is to be blamed. Yes, even Rafik al Hariri and Gemayel, which sub lives so much. (And yes, even Hezbollah). Yes Hezbollah is covering for corruption, but it isn't a simple matter. [I discussed it here.]( As for smuggling, it isn't that big of a deal, and you know it. People making it a huge deal just to throw blame at Hezbollah. Sure, smuggling should be stopped, but don't act like it will do anything to help the falling economy. >3. What is your opinion on the revolution? And what is your take on acts done by Hezb to silence his criticizers especially the ones that spoke out after the revolution started. Isn't that a transgression on free speech? I participated in the revolution, and no, not just the first 3 days. I am from the Nabatieh area. When I first got to the streets in Nabatieh, it was me, my friend, and a few other people, no more than 20. I still have [my posts]( from the days of the revolution here on Reddit. We went to Amal PM's homes and protested there (and got shot at), we went to Mohamad Raed's office. The video I filmed there went viral on Whatsapp and Facebook (you can easily find it on YouTube). We chanted against everyone, but mostly against Amal and Berri. You know, the party that directly affects us in the south. After 2 weeks of protesting semi-daily in Nabatieh, even though Hezbollah warned me from protesting multiple times, I decided to join the protests in Riad al Soloh, as it would be safer. I went with around 10 friends. It was cool at first, but we noticed that despite a few thousands being there, and being there for around 2 hours, not a single chant or banner where against Geagea. We thought cool, let's start our own. We waited for the previous chant to die out, and then 10 guys started yelling a chant against Geagea. People all stared at us in silence, it was unreal. Some lady even said "Men hol?", as if hating Geagea is some kind of unheard of activity. We then stopped, and everything continued as normal. I saw a guy holding a huge banner, with like 10 politicians pictures on it. He managed to find a place for Frangeye and Wiam Wahhab, 2 kinda irrelevant politicans, but not a place for Geagea. So I asked him why. He got kinda scared (I am a relatively big guy, and my friends where standing behind me). He said "Bro, mfakerne owatje?", eltelo la 3arfak owatje, lw msh owatje kenet 7atet soret Geagea, b7es aham mn Wiam Wahhab. Alle "Bro Ayre fehun kellun, bas Geagea msh metlun, hol aham". Then I lost hope with the revolution. At the south, we were protesting against the parties that rule us directly, the parties that we are "Ma7souben 3layhun", and here in Riad L solo7 w se7et l shohada, they are defending Geagea. Why would I participate in a protest aimed only at only some politicans? Conviently those in our areas? This isn't a conspiracy. I was there and saw it with my own eyes. I even posted about it on Reddit, and obviously got downvoted heavily. We really felt betrayed by who we thought are our brothers and sisters. About what Hezbollah did, I can only confirm that they did it in Nabatieh. It was a vile act, and very disgraceful. They even asked me to join them, but I wouldn't do that to my own people, who are doing nothing wrong. So yeah, I don't like it at all. >4. What is your take on "sab3a 2ayyar"? Do you consider it a glorious day? This comment is huge enough already, so I won't discuss 7 ayyar as well. But in general, I think it was necessary for the greater good, but don't really take pride in it. >5.What do you think of your allies FPM, Amal? And your foes Hariri, Geagea...? Also a complicated subject that I have no time to discuss, but TL;DR: Fuck them all, especially Berri. reply (score: 3): I’m from the same region as well, and you have just explained exactly my perspective about the whole situation, I even wouldn’t have described it with this accuracy. reply (score: -1): Dude. Such a refreshing view. I think u are Hezb only by name. You think like the rest of us. People sometimes think I am LF but I repeatadly said that I think Geagea is a war crime and belongs in prison. However I see people from LF like Ziad Hawat with a clean and steller record and u cannot not give him credit (look at what he did to Jbeil). Also a lot of LF and Kataeb members haven't been in the government (key ministeries) in the last 20 years, that's why I usually blame Hezb, Hariri and FPM. That doesn't mean there isn't corruption in these parties. I recognize good individuals and support them (Charbel Nahas, Ziad Baroud (FPM) ...). They may have been forced to be in a political party in order to be able to do what they did, but you and me aren't forced to support anyone. I was wondering what is ur opinion on Mouwatinoun wa Mouwatinat fi dawla (Charbel Nahas). They basically want a secular govmnt. I have been a huge fan of them since the Thawra started. Also would be interesting to know how many people from Hezb are as aware as u are to the situation and think like u. reply (score: 2): >About what Hezbollah did, I can only confirm that they did it in Nabatieh. It was a vile act, and very disgraceful. What did hezb do?? comment (score: 6): I'm an ideological supporter 1. nationality is temporary, we could be lebanese one day, syrian the next, ottoman the other, etc. my only permanent label is muslim, lebanese comes first, this might sound sectarian if you look at it from a shallow perspective, but in my opinion, it doesn't matter where you're born, what you choose does, however. 2. lots of reasons, but the blame falls on the lebanese people first and foremost, they keep electing the same people, and they probably will keep doing it. no, hezbollah doesn't cover corruption. it is true they're the most powerful party in lebanon, and they have corrupt allies, but that doesn't mean they protect them. alliances are necessary in politics, better than a civil war at least. instead of fighting them with weapons, they fight them politically. 3. I supported the "revolution" in the first few days, then it became clear where it's going. the reason why I don't consider it a revolution because it's for one, without leadership, secondly, it doesn't have unified goals, etc. I would've liked to see banks lit up as we see now in tripoli, but right now, I don't see a reason to revolt, I get that we're in the midst of an economic crisis but we have a new government which I have hope in, so right now I definitely am against it. about hizb's action, they made the mistake of attacking protestors, but they realized their mistake from what I understood from my chats with some "officers" if you would. about them shutting up their support base, I wouldn't say they did, they did tell them to stop going down w ma3ash yshab7o bi isem l hizeb, which is a plus. and if you're talking about the "ba3d l sa7sou7" videos, I'm not convinced with most, that is if it was hizb, Amal are the ones who do this shit, we got no business in shutting people up, I don't think they'd bother anyway, thousands of people speak daily, you'd think hizb's intelligence network would work to shut one person up? because I don't. 4. 7 ayyar was necessary to protect the weapons of the resistance; weapons isn't just "baroode w fared", intelligence networks are also weapons, and yes, they are needed in the airport, I don't see the need to explain but if you want I could, although it's overwhelmingly simple. I don't like fighting other lebanese, it's sad that we aren't united, 14 March is obsessed with disarming hezbollah and they're either: taking it as an excuse to not help build the country and rob it instead not helping the country because they want to disarm hezb serving "someone" with that obsession which as a result isn't helping the country 5. I hate our allies, to be frank, but these are our best options. the only allies I like are the SSNP, but they aren't as powerful, and their support base isn't as huge as say, fpm or amal, which I absolutely cannot stand. >totally understand that there are people (on both sides) who think little of themselves and their skills/abilities and who think if it weren't for their za3im/hezb they wouldn't be able to feed themselves it's not my case, can't speak for all hizb's supporters, but I can tell you our ideology isn't tied to a person, with them or without them, hizb is gonna stay, the ideology is gonna stay even without the organization. the thing about creating or joining parties is unity and organization in order to reach a common goal, leaders are important, so is order, I do not believe in individualism, which is why i believe in the party. Anyway, appreciate the initiative, but keep in mind that this isn't a hizb sub and we're not planning on turning it into one. it is preferred that constructive discussions are made instead of senseless meaningless useless arguments. reply (score: 3): 1. Being muslim is not something u chose. U were indoctrinated as a child as I was a christian (I am now an agnostic btw). Once u examine ALL the facts objectively, if u choose to be muslim (which I doubt u will as no one that I know have) then it will be your choice. I would simply recommend the Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins for a purely scientific and factual take on the matter and Evolutionary Biology in general. If you still choose to be religious, you will feel cognitive dissonnance as I once have. It is really hard to come out of a religion especially at an older age (I see that in my parents). But if all that matter to you is scientific, factual and logical evidence, then it will be easier. 2. People blame Hezb because he is the only one really capable of making change happen by force. There would be no civil war as no one can oppose Hezb's military. On the second day of the revolution Nasrallah said he had files on all those corrupt politicians. Yet to this day none of them is in prison. I think it is beyond a reasonable doubt that he is covering for them. 3. The revolution doesn't need a leader and the goals are pretty known. Stop stealing, bring back the stolen money, start working on EDL, eradicate corruption... Basically the stuff that is known to every Lebanese. It is funny that Nasrallah said that "Mu3askar al Hussein" wasn't with the poor people who were protesting because they didn't have a leader 😂. Just because they don't have a leader, forget all the suffering they are in. Really a great time to play on semantics. Also about them shutting up people, refer to MarcellusDrum's answer on what happened in Nabatieh. 4. Your allies are your Hezb's choice. Look at Gemayel. He doesn't have any allies but stands for what is right. That is why he has garnered the respect of everyone and his popularity is growing. If you are willing to compromise your values just to make a few weak and corrupt allies, that speaks to ur values. The irony being that you guys who are religious should think of urselves as the upholders of these values (u may not, but usually religious people think that without religion people will not adhere to moral values). I know I may have been a little cheeky with my wording. Forgive me. Also thank you for you disclaimer at the beginning of your answer. I think you represent more of the Hezb fan base then u/MarcellusDrum does.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Does Hezb prefer Frangieh or Basil? submission: For the next pressidential elections. Is it also possible that he may allow Gemayel or Geagea? submission score: 6 comment (score: 4): I highly doubt hezbollah will ever think of voting for geagea or gemayel, and with all the hate and controversy against basil right now, i doubt hezb will vote for him since it's a guaranteed loss. So Frangieh seems like the best choice they have, plus the marada movement and hezbollah are close allies. comment (score: 3): The next president is extremely unpredictable. But for sure hezb would never want geagea or Gemayel in charge. comment (score: 2): call me optimistic but I think we’re about to see a huge shift in political representation and I don’t think the next president is going to be a big name precisely because hezb knows how unpopular that would be (we saw this with diab) comment (score: 1): Personally, between the 2 ill go with franjieh, bassil is not to be trusted
subreddit: Lebanese title: Who killed Pierre Gemayel and why? submission: Title says it all. submission score: 3 comment (score: 1): Google is useful reply (score: 1): If u google u fall into a lot of propaganda stuff. I was wondering if someone already filtered all that shit out and have a factual account of what actually happened.
subreddit: Lebanese title: For hezb only submission: Hey guys. I would like your opinion on the assassinations that happened in Lebanon (Gebran twayne, samir kassir, ...). Who do you think is responsible? Do you think it was a necessity or do you condone it? submission score: 3 comment (score: 8): My opinion is different than most Hezb supporters I know. While they were alive, I wasn't in the age that allowed me to understand the political situation in the country, only later in life I understood what they believed in, but not their influence, because again, I didn't really grasp the situation back then. I honestly believe it was the Syrian government. It is kinda obvious. I understand how Hariri being assassinated by Israel is a possible hypothesis, but Twayne? Nah. Based on the info I know, I think it was a terrible thing to do. No one deserves to die just based on what he says and writes. If your ideology is so fragile a few speeches and newspaper articles can destroy it, then maybe your ideology is wrong in the first place. reply (score: 5): Thx for ur answer. I wonder how many of the fan base feels the same way and if Hezb had a hand in the assassinations. Edit: I just re-read ur first sentence. Ok not many think that way.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Hassan Diab Performance submission: What do you guys think of the performance of the government (the 97% success rate and so forth). submission score: 3 comment (score: 4): what's the 97% success rate? reply (score: 3): He said the government accomplished 97% of what it set out to do in the first 100 days. comment (score: 2): Refer to r/Lebanon for such answers. I think the mods here want to keep this sub non-political , and it's a great idea to be honest. reply (score: 1): No the sub was created because of the censoring of political posts on r/Lebanon
subreddit: Lebanese title: / Language Challenge / Maltese & Arabic / submission: submission score: 3
subreddit: Lebanese title: Learn to play the Lebanese anthem on guitar submission: submission score: 4
subreddit: Lebanese title: Why is hezzeb hated? Everyone says it’s ruining lebanon and for a while i believed it until I realized i didnt rlly have a solid reason to hate it. submission: submission score: 3 comment (score: 7): I really wish there were more Hezb supporters on this sub to provide counterarguments/discuss the issues presented by mostly Hezb haters on r/Lebanon. U should invite ur friends on this sub. I don't care if its the whole e-army as long as we are having a fact based discussion. The good thing is that mods won't close threads and aren't as sensitive as the ones on r/Lebanon (which is understandable seeing the shit they go through every day). reply (score: 2): there are quite a few hizb supporters here, I know that bc we started as a discord server then took the subreddit, feel free to provide any arguments, obviously you won't notice them here because, well, a hizb supporter won't answer on why hizb is hated mainly because we don't lol. reply (score: 1): Im banned from r/lebanon because i gave an opinion. I despise the mods there so much. Pure Lf and no one is allowed to give an opinion otherwise comment (score: 3): Mn l ekhir? Its not only the hzb, everyone is hated. But since hzb-amal/aoun combo rule right now, they're the most hated because they aint doing shit but corruption, stealing...w 3edd w medd. Our basic needs?.. sefer. Hzb feti7 group 3a mouwelo, belo b Israel w kif yi7a2i2 ahdef khayo l kbir iran. Wl 3awniyeh? Na2, stealing w embarrassing themselves on tv w hal haraket. Wl be2e? Mse3din e3din, 3a astal w akhra.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Staying Sane in Lebanon submission: What are your thoughts about driving in Lebanon?? How do you find putting up with noisy drivers in Lebanon.. giving out long honks behind your car when you drive slowly - how do you stay sane putting up with it, daily? submission score: 11 comment (score: 2): I almost always drive with the windows up, with either a playlist, a podcast, or youtube videos that don't need to be watched (debates, conversations...) on high volume. It's genuinely the only way I can handle it. comment (score: 1): You can't stay sane unless you're high or drunk which I do not recommend while you're driving. But really, putting joke aside, the way the streets and highways were designed with all the traffics, even if you get an European to drive here, he will turn into a mad Lebanese driver within 1 week. comment (score: 1): I get why people would honk at you if you're driving slow in the left lane, but don't get it when I'm driving the speed limit, going faster than all lanes and still get people honking behind me. What? Am I supposed to risk my and everyone else's life for you to go above the safe speed limit? It's stupid really, the driving license test in Lebanon really is a joke, people that shouldn't be driving are driving all the time, people that don't understand road safety probably make up the majority of the licensed drivers. It's something that really needs fixing, but right now it's the least of our concerns. reply (score: 1): The leftmost lane is for passing, you should leave the way. That's the law in most countries. Even though, in Lebanon people drive all the way on the leftmost lane like it's a normal lane. Still, don't be a self-made vigilante and let them pass whenever you can, that's how you stay safe. comment (score: 1): The best way is just to give up, can't really stay sane in this country. As for driving, try to activate all of your senses and prepare for the worst when it comes to other drivers/ motorbikes or even pedestrians. My friend's car once got attacked by a cow, it was a funny story and hard to explain to the insurance company. comment (score: 1): Ba3mol li 3layeh w bredch 3a hadan and of course Music. Easy and simple. comment (score: 1): I always say today will be the day I won't swear or fight with any other driver on the road but it fails. Always one thing or another.. People driving straight at you when it's red on them and green on you.. places don't even have traffic lights and it's a miracle crashes don't happen.. I told myself its bad for my health to fight and swear so I luckily limit it. Also if someone is reckless let them go infront of you and drive away.. better for you that you are behind them and not the other way.. Driving is not enjoyable because there is no rules followed, people are careless on purpose and the road quality is shit so even if there's no drivers on the road the deteriorating infrastructure will.manage to drive you crazy. Thanks government! comment (score: 1): I don't have to drive to work every day so I don't know if it's the same situation but personally I can cope the occasional traffic and irate driver. It is something I got used to. However what really messes with my sanity is when I'm chilling at home in the afternoon or at night and some teenager goes up and down next to my house with a moped with a modified exhaust ("malghoume" they proudly tell me). I have no problem with normal mopeds but this is the type that you hear coming and reverberating from 3 KM away, with backfire and all, a sound straight from hell. And then there is that guy with the BMW... comment (score: 1): if you have a car i suggest doing the same releasing your anger... ect ect or you can do typical stuff like helping NGO or going hiking. dont watch porn. dont eat sugar. sleep early regularly.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Lebanese people editing their Facebook profile be like... submission: submission score: 23 comment (score: 2): HHAHAHAHAH
subreddit: Lebanese title: Where does Lebanon go from here? submission: Say the imf refuses to lend the 10billion dollar bailout what would this mean for our deteriorating economy and what would the alternative options be to rebuild the Lebanese economy? With US sanctions it would also make things a lot harder too. What steps should the government accordingly take? submission score: 7 comment (score: 1): I have no idea but I still can’t believe that lebanon a country of 7 million is the third most indebted country in the world. reply (score: 1): 🤣🤣 comment (score: 2): From what i see its a very difficult situation. Lebanon is super bankrupt and their main source of income is tourism. The sanctions also are taking their tole. The only way in my personal opinion would be to kick out hezbollah from politics. Keep them as a military wing. They also need early elections. Let the people vote and make sure whoever is appointed is not a money hungry pro. reply (score: 1): America’s main issue with hezb is its military wing lol they only classify its political side as terrorists for the sake of it. comment (score: 1): IMF is not gonna happen, as US will block the funding, as they know that the money will make its way to Syria & Iran. Secondly, let say IMF bailout happens, what will $10B do? Lebanon is under a $90B debt, how will they even repay the $10B? Cedars 2018 meeting concluded, that if Lebanon addresses all the situations, end corruption etc, then Lebanon would get $11B, but since 2018, nothing happened & everything now is just a big massive mess and a completely fucked up situation.
subreddit: Lebanese title: The electricity crisis explained submission: submission score: 5 comment (score: 1): Mentek ekhta saraha
subreddit: Lebanese title: Crossposting from r/Lebanon submission: submission score: 4 comment (score: 5): Well in my honest opinion, the sanctions dont really affect HA in anyway. From every since they started its always cash trasactions. These people they are sanctioning have no affiliation to HA. The country is how it is today because of the corrupt politicians. HA cannot just go and start jailing people on its own. Plus if it did start to do that im sure a war would break out cuz ppl will start barking. This guy is sunno how dare the shiites take him to jail and so on and so on. Its the same old cold war taking place in the middle east all over again. Doing what the americans want means turning to the western axis (usa nato etc). Turning to the east would be russia china iran. Its always a power struggle. The counrtry is how it is due to HA existence. Wars didnt stop them so now they r turning to a diff strategy. Make the people hungry and they will turn. Its pure Trump ME startegy. Its being used in syria its in lebanon. Before covid China had serious dollare shortages. I know because i deal with companies there. Their currency started depreciating and them boom, covid comes flying in out of nowhere. Economy restored. People are failing to see the bigger picture. Russia is the winner in the middle east and now the fight returns with new strategies from the usa after all has failed. Al qaeda and al nusra and isis r now rebels and opposition not terrorist. Perfect rebranding from the usa. And now the strategy is to divide and rule. Make the people hungry and they will care of the problem themselves. Minimal human casualties for the west. Trump is a business man he will use any kind of weapon or way to get what he wants. comment (score: 4): I appreciate your sincerity, you're right useless down-voting and attacking is counter productive, and now more than ever we should be having these discussions, again I appreciate the initiative. I'd like to ask you how you guys feel about Lebanon and Hezb being put in that position, it truly is a shame and proves to us that Lebanon has 0 sovereignty. Whether you support Hezb or not, it is a legitimate Lebanese political organization and shouldn't have to take orders from any foreign powers (yes Iran included (it doesn't take orders from Iran but that's a different topic)). That's the equivalent of me paying a poor homeless family only if I could have sex with their daughter. Such a decision directly transgresses Lebanon's sovereignty, and in international relations that basically renders a country useless, I mean all definitions of a state are contingent on the state's own sovereignty. This is an important reason which shouldn't be overlooked But let's just say they did agree to disarm, what makes you think that's good for Lebanon at this stage? Did everyone suddenly forget Israel and Syria? Like it or not it was their weapons that defended Lebanon, and people were martyred for Lebanon, it is ignorant to claim that Hezbollah doesn't care about Lebanon, it's disrespectful to all Hezb fighters who died protecting Lebanon. Whether or not there is a current threat on Lebanon is debatable (it's pretty obvious there is but to save the trouble let's just put it at 'debatable') nevertheless I think Hezbollah has proved before that their weapons were critical for Lebanon's own good, and until the restrictions are put off our Lebanese army (which is highly unlikely), disarming shouldn't even be a question, and it is sad to see that during this economic crisis people are using the country's weakness for foreign political interests. I'm sure everyone on Reddit thinks all Hezb supporters are mindless conforming sheep, but believe it or not everyone wants change in this country. I'm all for the disarming of Hezb and the dismantling of the sectarian system, but that should happen on our (Lebanon) own terms in a reasonable way. Disarming right now is counterproductive and dangerous, believe it or not America doesn't have Lebanon's best interest at heart, just look at all the other Middle-Eastern countries America has helped, do they look like they're well off? I hope this answers your question.
subreddit: Lebanese title: New Lebanese sub submission: [removed] submission score: 1 comment (score: 2): Good initiative! Sub Lebanon is a joke now. No freedom of speech and controlled posts. reply (score: 1): Was this deleted ? comment (score: 1): The mods exhibit classic abusive behavior. They are wayyy to comfortable with it. Lately they have been deleting content that does not break any rules which is control freak behavior that violates basic poster rights.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Get Ready with Me in ARABIC 🇱🇧 مكياج بالعربي submission: submission score: 7
subreddit: Lebanese title: 🤯🤬 Corrupt & Useless Damn Projects Destroying the Environment | لبنان.. العديد من مشاريع السدود لم تكتمل وتخفي الكثير من الفساد submission: submission score: 5
subreddit: Lebanese title: Lebanese, you cannot require that someone share your personal truths if you want to coexist in this society. submission: submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: U.S. dollar about to crash vs all currencies submission: submission score: 2 comment (score: 1): is this good or bad news for us? reply (score: 1): Yes comment (score: 1): This is nothing but one forecast. I doubt this will happen as the US has by far the biggest companies and the strongest stock exchange. It may go down a bit, but I wouldn't say it will crash. The US stocks have already recovered from COVID while in Europe the recovery has been much slower and the COVID is more or less over in Europe. reply (score: 1): Agreed
subreddit: Lebanese title: Do Hezb supporters agree that Hezb is smuggling stuff to syria and buying with Lebanese dollars essential commodities, or do they think it's propaganda? submission: Also if you think that he is smuggling, what's your opinion on the matter, and how do you justify this with the current crash? submission score: 5 comment (score: 0): My question is if they are smuggling stuff to syria, whats the damage? If they are paying for it then smuggling it. Can someone point out what the issue is? reply (score: 1): Beside the ovious one (Lebanese people are dying from hunger yet he prioritizes another nation to send wheat ...), people worry that he is buying them with Lebanese dollars (kinda like every import since 20 years), otherwise these ships would've landed in a syrian port, which would be less expensive and faster. reply (score: 5): The government subsidizes fuel and wheat so Lebanese buy it cheaper. When someone smuggle it to Syria, the government is loosing money comment (score: 7): I believe it's propaganda. I haven't seen any evidence that Hezbollah is behind this smuggling. reply (score: 0): Ok then, who else do you think has such a power that the army at the border doesn't stop them? Not only that, but also the army protects them during the shipping. Also who controls the port/Airport? Could it be the LF or Kataeb?
subreddit: Lebanese title: لبنان الآن : الدفاع المدني في حزب الله يواصل إخماد الحريق الهائل بجرود الهرمل وسط شبه غياب لأجهزة الدولة بسبب ضعف إمكانياتها submission: LEB NOW⚡ (@leb_now) Tweeted: لبنان الآن : الدفاع المدني في حزب الله يواصل إخماد الحريق الهائل بجرود الهرمل وسط شبه غياب لأجهزة الدولة بسبب ضعف إمكانياتها submission score: 2 comment (score: 1): There is civil defense in Hezb? reply (score: 1): yes
subreddit: Lebanese title: بالأرقام: ما هي العروض التي قدّمتها الصين إلى لبنان؟ submission: submission score: 9
subreddit: Lebanese title: coom submission: [removed] submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Beirut,Lebanon submission: submission score: 16 comment (score: 2): Most underrated city seriously, so beautiful.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Israeli Army in Beirut during the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon. submission: submission score: 5
subreddit: Lebanese title: Does anyone else feel that the mods r/Lebanon are Western bootlickers and wannabe Israelis that have made their sub a Kataeb circle jerk? submission: [removed] submission score: 0 comment (score: 3): Agreed 100% comment (score: 2): And their all negative too like wth i get that being sad and upset is valid but stop overreacting things are far worse in other places reply (score: 0): things are bad else where so we don't get to be mad? are u 12? comment (score: -3): Ig none of y’all can take genuine criticism to your beloved party. Criticizing or calling out bullshit doesn’t mean we’re bootlicking for anyone. Before you start calling me a 3amil/Kataeb/LF I ain’t anyone of that. Ayre be Iran ou be Israel tnayneton akhra men Ba3ed. Ayre be kel ahzeb el solta. There’s no difference between shilling for Iran/Saudi/Israel. Funny thing is y’all created this sub for the same reason r/Iranian was created. Can’t take criticism for being a bunch of snowflakes. Axis of resistance my ass, you’ve crossed all the way to Venezuela and you have yet to liberate Palestine. reply (score: -1): Lol agreed. Sounds like OP is a Hezbollah sympathizer reply (score: 0): Can people stop assuming were all hezzeb supporters??? If youd join the discord youd see how many ppl openly criticize Hezzbollah and the supporters. comment (score: 4): Lmao no the most active mod there is a sunni who doesn't really have much sympathy at all for the Kataeb comment (score: 1): Well idc i was banned for 7 days reply (score: 2): Show me which mod la shammetlo dinay. I didnt know you were banned leish? Youre one of the funniest on the sub. comment (score: -1): You peeps especially the OP are ignorant kids, with all due respect to you. First, the OP, you were spreading your conspiracy theory of hariri's assassination solved mystery that you had these 'confidential' info from a guy who had a sushi in Paris through all subreddits, dude, your history fills of this shit on every sub of reddit. To the OP and others who commented below, believe it or not, I have been banned a lot by those so called 'zionists'/'kataeb circle jerk' mods. These mods try the best to make their sub as civil as possible, and they're pretty doing well. Look at me, I used to bash people on reddit with insults and post non sense materials, but l finally started to be civil with my replies making sure not to insult any redditor and badmouthing, and sometimes I do post anti hezb materials (i hate hezbollah w ayre b nasrallah, mni7 hek?), and they tend to remove them if they are not reliable or if they will cause fights among redditors. They constantly delete all propagandas, whether they are LF/Kataeb/hezbollah/or FPM. So, get your shit together, and accept THIS :Not everyone likes hezbollah, not everyone supports this shitty terrorist organization, and not everyone wants to live in a shitty state because of Iran's axes. Got this? That being said, opposing hezbollah doesn't mean going all the way supporting LF/Kataeb/Israel and being 3amil (ironically you swore allegiance to khamenei and bashar and you call us 3amil) like you've been fed with that bullshit in your Mahde community. Get outside the box, be free thinker, get out of your comfort zone, and stop believing lies and propagandas, and stop using religion in wars. Peace. comment (score: 2): this subreddit is to talk about lebanon, go to r/subredditdrama or something, this isn't the place for such posts reply (score: 1): Wein biseboolna tayyib? comment (score: 1): Bro i know the chain of events. Ma 2ile jledtak sara7a. As u can c two three words max. Trekna b 7alna. Im expressing my opinion on another sub comment (score: 2): I respect u bro comment (score: 1): Much respect
subreddit: Lebanese title: Indeed submission: submission score: 8
subreddit: Lebanese title: Hello. So you can imagine my surprise when I came across this on YouTube. Were there Shia in the SLA ? submission: submission score: 2 comment (score: 2): There were many traitors who joined SLA for the money. Also towards the end of the Israeli occupation, many young people from the south were forced to join the SLA reply (score: 2): wa2ta fallet israel these pussies fallo ma3a comment (score: 1): yes there were shias in the sla. go suck a dick hizballah haters. reply (score: 3): Habibi i miss you so much. comment (score: 1): Yes, in 1982 the SLA were 70% Christian, 20% Shia, 10% Druze, after the invasion ended it became about 50% Christian and 40% Shia
subreddit: Lebanese title: In Beirut, Lebanon submission: submission score: 6 comment (score: 2): Homosexuality isn’t as bad but full on LGBT is actual degeneracy
subreddit: Lebanese title: An analysis by someone i know.. submission: Is it a coincidence that the same day the highway to Jnoub was closed there were reports of a drone flying over the protesters and then also on the same day a news outlet says Hariri was targeted by a failed drone attack? My friend told me that this morning and told me it was an article posted by a political analyst. I feel that powers somewhere are just trying to push us into a war. submission score: 4 comment (score: 3): didn't hear anything about the failed drone attack, could you give me a source? reply (score: 1): He gave me this linkالطائرات-المسيرة:-مخطط-لاستعمالها-بلبنان-وتوريط-حز comment (score: 2): I don't buy that someone tried to assasinate Hariri and it remained secret for 10 days reply (score: 1): Me neither honestly
subreddit: Lebanese title: A question for Hezb supporters. submission: How are your financials? Are you equally fucked like the rest of us? Or does Hezb care for you? Genuine question to gauge the effect of the crisis on you. Edit: this is for Hezb members. Supporters answers are also welcome. submission score: 7 comment (score: 3): Afaik we're all in lebanon living the same crisis, people working for hebzollah get their salaries in USD, their salaries were not that high, but now they don't feel everything getting more expensive ig? Other than that there are tabaro3at for people who are really deprived, like any other organizations can do reply (score: 2): What would you say is the percentage of people getting salaries in USD ? Does that also apply to Amal members? comment (score: 5): u only get paid when u work for hizeb, other than that its just tabaro3at reply (score: 3): Tabaro3at in USD I assume? comment (score: 2): supporters is a very broad definition that is made even broader because to many it also includes sympathizers. Hezbollah is not aware of the existence of most of its supporters and sympathizers let alone taking care of them. maybe you should address your question to Hezbollah members. reply (score: 2): Ur right. comment (score: 9): As for members their main focus is the after life and how to serve God. The money they need is just to get through basic daily needs. Some get paid $400-$600. Yes these members are so religious they dont really care about material things. Very simple lives, no brands, no big lcd tv, no expensive cars. As supporters yes we are still surviving. Our main lines of business are not located in lebanon and yes our money is fucked because we save our money in Lebanese banks. Are we happy with the situation in Lebanon? Ofcourse we are not. Because living abroad our dream is to be able to open a business in Lebanon and leave where we are. If i can make half what i make here in Lebanon i would definitely leave. Do i think Hezb is directly responsible for the economic crash? No. Its year of negligence from multiple parties and politicians. reply (score: -1): >Yes these members are so religious they dont really care about material things. Very simple lives, no brands, no big lcd tv, no expensive cars. this is such bullshit. Youre saying all the members of Hezbollah are some sort of saints who devote their life to "serve god" and are not interested in the earthly pleasures? ​ This is literally what Hezbollah spoon feed people, that the **real hezb members**^(TM) are all good people who only want to do what they think is the right thing. Majority of Hezb supporters who go fight somewhere are well compensated for them (at least better that than the shitty menial job they would be doing back home). Of course what you are describing is true, but only for the few who were unfortunate enough to be in a vulnerable at a certain point in their life (for example being young and naive) to allow themselves to be brainwashed. ​ This sub will fucking ferociously attack anything related to Hezboallah, but allow some bullshit like this to be upvoted to the top. [Get me my pocketbook im leaving]( reply (score: 1): Tbh after the war with Israel in 2006, I had some information (from an army officer contact) that they were well compensated. But yeah, with the current situation what u are saying seems logical. What is your line of business if I may ask?
subreddit: Lebanese title: ayre fikon wa7ad wa7ad submission: [removed] submission score: 2
subreddit: Lebanese title: allah w sheikh bachir submission: submission score: 1 comment (score: 2): Stick to your subs comment (score: 2): israeli gun and israeli uniform, truly a lebanese nationalist reply (score: 0): see? comment (score: 1): Bashir 7ay fina
subreddit: Lebanese title: PARTICIPANTS NEEDED! Rate emotion words for a study on how Lebanese people express themselves! A psycholinguistic and cultural investigation. Share with friends and family! Once you complete the survey, you enter a raffle to win 100GBP! submission: submission score: 3
subreddit: Lebanese title: What percentage of Shia are Hezb vs Berri submission: I was curious what is the percentage that is with Hezb, and what is with Berri. Hezb supporters seem to understand our frustration with Berri corruption. I personally don't agree with Hezb axis, but I acknowledge that they didn't steal public money, at least not in the magnitude of the other PP (including 14 March). Also I don't know for sure if the current fuel smuggling is from Lebanese pockets (even tho it looks likely), so I'll give Hezb the benefit of the doubt. Whereas Berri has tons of evidence against him embezzling public money. Edit: what sparked my curiosity was the recent news that Amal refused a foreign forensic analyst for BDL accounts. submission score: 3 comment (score: 5): Berri has his man in the Shia community. I won't dare to criticize him in da7yeh/jnoub reply (score: 2): Yeah but what is their percentage? I just wanna gauge the numbers we're up against.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Palestinians defending the Beirut Jewish synagogue which would later be shelled by "Israel". submission: submission score: 7 comment (score: 4): ironic comment (score: 3): Thought israel was all about jews and whatnot, imagine saudi arabia bombing a mosque reply (score: 10): neither israelis represent jews nor saudis represent Muslims, both are hypocrites using religion for imperialistic purposes (not practicing religious imperialism, practicing capitalist imperialism with religion as a cover or excuse)
subreddit: Lebanese title: Would u vote for a MMFD candidate in the elections of ur region if he was up against a Hezb/Berri guy? submission: Title. submission score: 2 comment (score: 3): It depends on the MMFD candidate. If they seemed not good enough I'd rather put a white paper, but I'm definitely not going for someone under the umbrella of a za3im. At least MMFD has a good plan and they seem decent, but I wouldn't judge before seeing the candidate and assessing them on the personal level too. reply (score: 1): If it was Charbel Nahas himself? comment (score: 1): I only vote for people who i am certain are capable and not corrupt, doesnt matter which party they belong to reply (score: 1): Did u vote for Amal/Hezb?
subreddit: Lebanese title: Crosspost submission: submission score: 3 comment (score: 1): Ma bloomo
subreddit: Lebanese title: ضبط شاحنة أسلحة تركية في طريقها إلى طرابلس submission: submission score: 2 comment (score: 2): It's Hussein murtada. I wouldn't trust him. I stopped following him on Twitter after the death of Hajj Qassem. I was tired of all his fake news. comment (score: 2): Talk about shady sources ...
subreddit: Lebanese title: رسائل رسميّة من الصين إلى لبنان: جاهزون للاستثمار في الكهرباء وسكّة الحديد submission: submission score: 3 comment (score: 3): I agree with this as long as we don’t get played dirtly comment (score: 3): Yeah. Let's just forget about the 10 billion dollars spent (i.e. stolen) in the last decade that got us nowhere, and now let's accumulate more debt. reply (score: 1): We aint gonna die, the difficulty is just on very hard
subreddit: Lebanese title: New levels of hunger submission: submission score: 2
subreddit: Lebanese title: Lebanese banks need to give us a guarantee and we will be more than willing to pump money submission: Me and many others from the diaspora would genuinely continue pumping funds into lebanon if the banks would give us a guarantee that we can withdraw our money.. We are afraid to get more money stuck in Lebanon considering we have been working our asses off in africa since 1905 and all our savings are in Beirut. We are surviving with whats left and are more than willing to send/save money in Lebanon AGAIN if we wont lose it. submission score: 3 comment (score: 2): Same here! money in Lebanon. Moudir El bank can't even say if we'll ever be able to see it again. He went from "maximum chahrein to it will get worse" comment (score: 2): only way to restart the economy is giving rich people their money back (not politicians), dollars, cause they are the ones who can afford to buy things anymore reply (score: 3): Everyone should get his money back rich or poor. What im saying if we are guaranteed our funds will be released we r more than willing to pump money
subreddit: Lebanese title: Driving submission: Why does the average driver in Lebanon seem to be selfish??? For example, many drivers start giving out long honks behind the car of another driver when they notice that the driver stops for a second to ask someone for directions... What do you think?? submission score: 7
subreddit: Lebanese title: What do you think about splitting the country? submission: Hezb and co get south + bekaa + shouf + aounists and the rest is given to the others. I think this is the only solution barring any civil war. The difference in vision is so radical that there is no way to live together. Edit: I don't understand why u wanna live with us. Just do your shit and let us do ours. Or do you just like sticking ur nose where it doesn't concern u? submission score: 2 comment (score: 1): Give me your plugs number comment (score: 9): or we can work out our national unity. but it seems people like you just don't want to live with "hezb and co" reply (score: -7): Are u kidding me? As long as you keep worshipping Berri and Gebran there is no hope. I am against all politicians. But you are by far the hardest to convince that your za3im is stealing and we should establish a secular government. I have seen way more Sunni and LF defect to thawra then your indoctrinated/brainwashed friends. Forget about national unity. It will never exist. The fact that you guys beat up protesters and kill journalists that all they do is speak make you unlivable with. reply (score: 1): fuck you man just fuck you. No, I don't agree with this repartition, but fuck you and fuck hezb and all of you fucking sheep. You are the problem of this country and you will never make it better. Just fuck you. I hope you and everyone like you fucking die. reply (score: 1): fuck the hezb. Nasrallah can suck a big dick comment (score: 10): no, if you can't live with your fellow country men get out of the country, you don't see "hizb and co." supporters talking separatism and they actually force themselves to live with you and treat you like a brother, not like an enemy, can't say the same for you though. reply (score: -4): Ahahahahahahahaha. "Get out of the country" from the person whose allegiance is to another country. Nice one. Edit: also please downvote in denial. Edit 2: you never talk seperatism and force urselves to live with us becz whatever ur master tells u, u obey like the good sheep u are. Don't ever think it's ur choice. reply (score: 0): Dude you [said it yourself ]( give Jabal Amel to Syria. reply (score: 0): Only solution is to arm everyone including sunnis and christians. It would be a more level playing field. I am against this, because this is not how u build a country. Someone who has a monopoly over arms is unfair and puts too much power in the hand of one party. The other population dont want to be opressed by hizeb circa 7 ayyar 2008. comment (score: 3): YOU ZIONIST LEBANON IS ONE JUST BECAUSE 5% OF THE POPULATION IS BRAINWASHED OR GETTING PAYED BY ZIONIST IT IS ONE COUNTRY reply (score: 1): 😂😂😂😂 comment (score: 1): Why do you think shouf is more to the south? I have friends from there and they certainly align more with the north
subreddit: Lebanese title: Who beat up Wasef al 7arake? submission: What did the investigations conclude? Edit: I know it's the Israeli traitors. Just making sure. submission score: 2 comment (score: 0): And that is why we should split the country. comment (score: 1): It was a made up story just to give a bad idea about FPM and Hezbollah reply (score: 1): In case u are not joking, there are cameras (cctv) documenting the incident. Edit: yep. Ur joking 😂 Edit 2: dude ur comments are hilarious. Lolled really hard 😂😂😂.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Bullying of 8 March Supporters on r/Lebanon submission: [removed] submission score: 1 comment (score: 0): Ahahahahaahahahahahah. Omg. This made my day. I am beyond trying to convince u guys that Berri and Gebran are stealing. I just like to hang for the laughs. Also if ur an e-army (bita3 l whatsapp) it's even more hilarious. Edit: fout tafe l cham3a w nem. reply (score: 1): You are nothing but a zionist LF/Mustaqbal mercenary or simply a cucked ThAwRa boy/girl who want to turn our beautiful country into a strip club where anarchy and satanism reigns. YOU WILL FAIL ! PRESIDENT AOUN AND SAYYED NASRALLAH WILL PREVAIL. AL MAWT LI AMRIKA AL MAWT LI ISRAEL AL MAWT LI AL SAUD
subreddit: Lebanese title: Hiw do you guys feel about the electricity dwindling? Or is it not cutting off in your areas? submission: It's funny that you spend 10 billions in 10 years only for the "te2nin" to go up. Real success bois. submission score: 2 comment (score: 2): "you spent 10 billions on electricity" 😂😂😂 bro you're pathetic. So I guess you're responsible for everything Hariri and geagea did? reply (score: -2): Are u stupid? How many times do I have to say fuck them and they are corrupt. I am just saying that u and ur allies had this ministry for over a decade and are corrupt as well. However you seem brainwashed and not willing to admit that and leave ur PP. Everyone is corrupt is what I am saying. You just seem to exclude ur party. Fout taffe l cham3a w nem. W ma tensa tos2e l zarri3a. comment (score: 3): Like yeah, Sayed Hassan is forcing us to turn lights off just so he can have his AC ? Remember when the minisry of power was in the hands of hezbollah and they brought a complete plan from Iran to definitely solved the issue and it got refused? reply (score: 0): I don't remember. What I remember is his allies, on which he yields great power, having the ministry of electricity and of finance embezzling public funds and bringing foreign boats in shady deals. And now after spending 15% of the public debt, look where we ended up. This is on 14 March too who I would say are more corrupt then Hezb, don't get me wrong, but I'm not the one bending backwards to defend any of them rats.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Let the mental gymnastics begin. submission: submission score: 8 comment (score: -3): Isn't Amrika the eternal ennemy? Isn't it in bed with the Zionist regime? Isn't "al mawtou li amrika" his famous fabled words? Hypocrisy at a new level. reply (score: 0): Bedak yehon ystaw3bo inno China is also best buddies with Israel too. 7aram we should not burst their bubble of karame and 3ezz. reply (score: 6): you missed the point: his point is that there is nothing special about China other than that they are willing to help. he is also emphasizing that he does not dictate what Lebanon can or cannot do in the face of the economic crisis; in particular that he does not stand in the way of getting help from the USA. that's not hypocrisy, that's just him responding to baseless allegations about him blocking help from the west and forcing help from the east on the rest of the Lebanese.
subreddit: Lebanese title: I wonder WTF our Energy minister is doing while Israel is stealing our natural resources. submission: submission score: 4 comment (score: -4): Don't give me this "Hezb is not involved" shit. The whole government is with him now. I am with him attacking them at sea if they start drilling. I think all of Lebanon is behind him if he does that. reply (score: 3): >The whole government is with him now. Is that why the judge who ruled against the US ambassador had to resign? Because of the overwhelming support from the government? comment (score: 2): 3am yel3ab li5a reply (score: -2): Nice joke. In more serious news, your Hezb is behind this minister. comment (score: 1): I think the issue is the fact we need to ally with foreign companies to do the digging since I don't think we have the technology to take Natural Gas from offshore. That makes it so foreign companies (notably french and American) will demand percentages and the politicians are arguing over which company to pick, who gets how much money, etc.
subreddit: Lebanese title: It does sound familiar. submission: submission score: 1 comment (score: 1): i don't see everyone's issue with this, you either think agriculture is not beneficial to lebanon or you just criticize because. in case you had an issue with agriculture, please enlighten us, and tell us what it is. too classy to plant? too lazy to plant? won't plant because sayed hasan said so? if any of these is true then i must tell you lebanon is not going anywhere because of you and people like you... and OP. reply (score: 1): They had 22 years. 22 fricking years. And the Bekaa Valley and 3ashe2ir are with them. Where is said agriculture? Where is self sufficiency? Why is the lebanese farmer stuggling? You really missed the point there didn't you. From 2008 you had a monopoly on Ministry of agriculture and industry. Where are the achievements? Dude u are so much in ur bubble u can't recognize blatant failure. Now, when the US is strangling us they want to go to agriculture? It is good, but a bit too late don't u think?
subreddit: Lebanese title: Good point. submission: submission score: 7 comment (score: 0): u/SymbolOfHonor Don't forget to downvote 😂. reply (score: 1): I don't downvote you but you keep tempting me to with your edits comment (score: 1): Even thought i support them to the bone. I have to agree with this 100%. reply (score: 1): How can u agree with this and still support them to the bone?
subreddit: Lebanese title: This is what happened in Bekaa Valley and the media isn't taking about submission: submission score: 1 comment (score: 3): Context? comment (score: 2): Hezbollah supporters stopping security forces from doing their job and searching the cargo of trucks going to syria. This happened 7 days ago reply (score: 2): Ok thx. Get ready for the downvotes as people here are in denial of Hezb smuggling fuel and them living on candles. reply (score: -1): source? "trust me bro?"
subreddit: Lebanese title: Drat 3a Blat. submission: submission score: 10
subreddit: Lebanese title: Opinion on recent threats and violence. submission: People from Hezb are threatening journalists and (allegedly) hitting people in Al Wadi. What's ur defense? (Unless ofc u consider what they did totally normal and legit) submission score: 2 comment (score: 3): reply (score: 1): Thx for the clarification. Let's now see if they will be punished or Gebran/Za-Berri 7a ya3mlo wasta. Also what about the journalist? I assume they were impersonating as well? comment (score: 0): terrorist do what terrorists do. disarm hizballah. reply (score: 1): While I agree that Hezbollah behaves in a shitty and barbaric way, I'm willing to bet that the moment Hezb is disarmed (which is never gonna happen), Israel will jump on the south and make it Golan 2.0.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Real Nice. Soon 0/24 kahraba. L mhem ma ton2oti3 3and bachar. submission: submission score: 3 comment (score: 7): 24/7 on reddit ranting about hezbollah khaye find something else to do reply (score: 0): I work for a living. Even on WE. However every 2 hours or so I check reddit. The situation in Lebanon is depressing me and I live abroad. So I can't imagine what the average Lebanese is going through. The reason I post this here, is to try to shatter the bubble and your perception that Hezb is the almighty/infallible and has our/Lebanon's best interests in mind. The fact that they had all the relevant ministries of our current problems (finance, agriculture, energy) for over a decade and achieved fuck all doesn't seem to concern you. It seems I care more about your future and economy then u do (again I live abroad - not affected). If Hezb fought Israel over 2 decades ago and liberated the south, it doesn't mean he gets to rape the economy and cover corruption and fraud and ally with stealing hypocrites like bassil. The reason I post here is because you are, by far, the ones holding us back from true reform of the government. People from FM, FPM and even LF (who wasn't in the government for some time) defected and woke up and ur still blind. Your ecosystem/indoctrination is hard to break. But I am willing to try. comment (score: 6): keep propaganda posts on r/lebanon, again, they like this stuff, we like constructive discussions and civil debates, if you have neither, then you have nothing to contribute to this subreddit with reply (score: 1): Allah ma3o 7aj ✌️ reply (score: 1): I think most of you are so naive that you believe the silliest of excuses as to why Hezb failed in agriculture/industry ministries, let alone cover for Berri fraud in finance and Bassil in energy. He can ally with the devil himself and u'll still find excuses. "Bisir fi 7arb 2ahliye" is the stupidest I've heard. Also if you think fuel smuggling is propaganda, and it's not hurting our electricity, then I don't know what to tell u.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Told my dad I miss him he sends me this🐐 submission: submission score: 14 comment (score: 2): Awwwwww comment (score: 1): 😍
subreddit: Lebanese title: Donations submission: submission score: 1
subreddit: Lebanese title: Assistance with Lebanese words submission: Hello, I was wondering if someone could kindly assist me. I’m looking for the Lebanese words (written in English writing/letters) for the following terms for my children who are half Lebanese: Circle Square Triangle Rectangle Oval Diamond Hexagon Pentagon Octagon Heart Cone Cylinder Cube Rhombus Trapezoid Star Heptagon Decagon Rectangular prism Parallelogram Winter Spring Summer Fall/Autumn January February March April May June July August September October November December Pronunciation of the alphabet in Lebanese Arabic Sad Happy Angry Scared Surprised Tired Nervous Excited And if anyone has a list of fruits, vegetables and animals, etc. in Lebanese Arabic, that would be awesome too. Thanks so much! submission score: 4 comment (score: 1): If anyone knows of a website or company selling flash cards or other paper materials for little kids with words like these in Lebanese Arabic, I would be very appreciative if you could share. Thank you! comment (score: 1): I suggest crossposting this with r/Lebanon where the community is much bigger. reply (score: 1): Okay thank you comment (score: 1): You forgot the most important one: ceptagon :)
subreddit: Lebanese title: وذكرهم بأيام الله submission: submission score: 10 comment (score: 6): هنا حيث ولى زمن الهزائم وبدأت حكاية الأنتصار 💪 comment (score: -3): Yeah ok. Both parties claimed victory. But I would say look at the casualties and financial damage and u'll know who won. Also how stupid must u be to kidnap 2 Israeli soldiers and instigate a war with a country with vastly superior weapons and the whole western world behind it? The way I see it, unless palestinan lands annexed by Israel is freed by Hezb, there is no victory or progress. And that is never gonna happen as u'll be facing not only Israel but also the US. Hezb kidnaps 2 soldiers. Israel proceeds to bomb the shit out of us and destroy every bridge until they are sure the soldiers are dead and there is no retrieving them. That's what happened. Also I would expect more analysis and critical thinking especially from u u/MarcellusDrum. reply (score: 7): >Also I would expect more analysis and critical thinking especially from u u/MarcellusDrum. You literally come here and talk in a patronizing manner, if you think that's going to make anyone think your correct you're wrong. Just because he has a viewpoint other than yours, it doesn't mean he isn't being critical lmao. reply (score: 2): War is not only measured by economical losses, but also by objectives. In that cases hebzollah achieved its main objective by liberating hostages. Israel failed to prevent hebzollah from launching missiles, failed from removing the threat of hebzollah, failed killing Hassan Nasrallah. What they achieved is having the UN at the borders, and that also is still not a complete success because hezbollah is still also heavily present on the borders. Economically? Lebanon paid the ultimate price. Politically and militarly? Hezbollah was definitely superior comment (score: -1): [removed] reply (score: 3): Ahahahahahaah. Dude I missed u 😂😂😂 Edit: what's even funnier is people will upvote u on this sub and downvote u on r/Lebanon thinking ur serious. comment (score: 3): فان حزب الله هم الغالبون💛💪 comment (score: -4): Hahaha... stupid hizballah comment (score: -2): Allah terek kel chi w nater lebnen w hezballah wow what a nice god reply (score: 1): It's his party after all 😬 comment (score: 1): [removed] comment (score: 1): [removed] comment (score: 1): [removed]
subreddit: Lebanese title: Hizballah is cancer and a bunch of terrorists submission: [removed] submission score: 0 comment (score: 4): love the "out-of-context" example though it made me believe you even more reply (score: -5): how is it out of context. lookup the definition of terrorism. comment (score: 1): Mesh 3ejbak fel, bikoon arya7 reply (score: 1): lol, already fallet. comment (score: 1): I love how this post was removed. But pro hizballah post stayed for such a long time. You guys support terrorism
subreddit: Lebanese title: THE ANGRY ARAB: Silence Over Lebanon’s Suffering submission: submission score: 3
subreddit: Lebanese title: تجربة submission: [removed] submission score: 5 comment (score: 3): لول انه يعمل! reply (score: 4): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 1): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] comment (score: 2): [removed] reply (score: 1): ok we get it lol comment (score: 2): [removed]
subreddit: Lebanese title: My beef with Hezb submission: Pros: 1. Liberated the south. 2. Israel afraid of his guerilla warfare, thus not invading. 3. Synergies with Lebanese Army to repel CIA created terrorists. 4. Good relations with Iran which can help the economy. Cons: 1. Cover for corrupt politicians and his allies are directly responsible for the shit we are in. 2. Kills opposing politicians and JOURNALISTS. Beats up protesters. 3. Smuggles subsidized products to Syria, worsening the crisis we are in (this one is debatable, although there is some evidence of it). 4. Relation to Iran which got us sanctioned by all western countries thus damaging the economy. 5. Instigating a war with Israel leading to far more damage on the Lebanese side. 6. Incompetence in the ministries he held. I am willing to discuss any point you have a problem with. But the cons far outweigh the pros. Killing opposing journalists is a deal-breaker for me. Even Israel doesn't do that. That's Russia/North Korea level of insecurity. Edit: after some discussion, I am willing to let points 3. and 5. slide. Even tho I still believe there is a high probability point 3. is happening. submission score: 3 comment (score: -8): Fuck hizballah reply (score: 7): Way to contribute to the discussion. comment (score: 4): >Even Israel doesn't do that [mhm]( >That's Russia/North Korea level of insecurity. [the americans are angels]( >2. Kills opposing politicians and JOURNALISTS. no evidence, like, at all, unless you're using CIA and mossad sources, then ok >3. Smuggles subsidized products to Syria, worsening the crisis we are in no evidence, like at all, there was shown opposing evidence, but lebanese people like to use emotions more than logic, I don't blame anyone still believing that, ignoring evidence >4. Relation to Iran which got us sanctioned by all western countries thus damaging the economy. >4. Good relations with Iran which can help the economy. ? >5. Instigating a war with Israel leading to far more damage on the Lebanese side. if by instigating a war you mean the israelis literally starting a war because they captured two soldiers, then sure wtvr this has been debated too much that I'm just gonna say allah yishfe whoever still thinks hezbollah started that war if I capture two soldiers, you don't kill 1000 civilians, that's what terrorists do >Beats up protesters. again, byijo protesters, they block roads, burn cars, kill innocents, "ma 5asson bil tHaWrA", byijo kam shab bya3mlo whatever you're blaming them with, in some cases there's even evidence they aren't related to hizb, in other cases there's evidence they are getting paid by someone else to do whatever tf they're doing, but ofcourse you ignore every logical argument, just so it can fit your narrative, I don't know what to tell you. anyway, I do not mind any of these, this isn't how I rate if hezbollah are good or bad, personally. reply (score: 1): Thank u for ur response. 1. I meant Israel kill their OWN JOURNALISTS WITH SAME NATIONALITY. Besides, even if they do that that doesn't justify killing journalists. 2. Anyone would be naive to think that Hezb isn't involved in the assassination spree that killed many 14 March politicians/journalists (Samir Kassir, Gebran Twayne, mohammad chatah ...). After all, who killed them? Their allies Israel? 3. I am saying that our relationship to Iran can have benefits and cons. It becomes detrimental when the cons outweigh the benefits. We can use the relationship without implying sanctions, kinda what Europe did. 4. Hezb captures 2 soldiers. Hell breaks loose. So that doesn't have to do with their kidnapping? If that point is controversial for you, I can do without it. 5. Hezb beating up PEACEFUL protesters in Nabatieh is documented and without a shadow of a doubt. Ask your fellow mods if you need more details. comment (score: 4): bel nesbe lal cons : 1. Covering for polititians is a diplomatic issue to preserve diplomatic relationships to prevent other lomg term consequences. 2.Which journalists? also yes the _supporters_ did beat up those "protestors" (an act i don't encourage but agree with if it's the only solution to stop them)but hizb hasn't directly beat up protestors, just the supporters. 3.Debatable and even with an evidence it still doesn't make sense. 4.I mean, you've already mentioned that good relations with iran would help the economy. Better than having good relationships with the degenerate, materialistic axis :/ 5. As long as the palestenians don't forget about their cause we'll not forget it and will fight israel whatever it takes. 6.I agree about this one tbh reply (score: 1): 1. There is an abundancy of high qualified non-corrupt people (MMFD) that Hezb can ally with without compromising his morals and values. 2. Samir Kassir and others. Refer to my answer to SymbolOfHonor. 3. It does make sense. But since it is debatable I'm willing to let this one slide. 4. Refer to my answer to SymbolOfHonor. 5. The war with Israel is lost. They are already annexing parts and no one is batting an eye. Not even Iran. The best we can do is stay neutral and preserve our land from invasion which Hezb does excellently. You cannot win against superpowers backed by the whole West. The best u can do is "Vietnam" your way out of it. 6. Thank you. reply (score: 1): I have to agree with your points. As for samir kassir im pretty sure it wS jumblat that killed him and for many reasons. comment (score: 5): you brought up valid points but I am not going to discuss any of them, I want to discuss the discussion itself. what's the deal with this obsession with Hezbollah? whether here or on r/lebanon, specially on r/lebanon, it is all the time hezb this and hezb that. we have bigger fish to fry. we changed the cabinet and nothing happened and I bet you if we have parliamentary elections tomorrow nothing will happen. those are the discussions that should be taking place in a crisis. reply (score: -1): I am trying to force you to criticize your own political party, which is something we saw more frequently happen to supporters of other PP. If you guys start criticizing Hezb and demanding higher standard of behavior from him, this will induce change. Besides, this conversation isn't aimed at you as I am well aware that you can admit when Hezb does something wrong. It is aimed at people who defend him no matter what he does. reply (score: 4): Funniest one is the Erdogan post on r/lebanon. Someones says we are not safe from Erdogan even in Lebanon. First comment includes hezb. From erdogan to hezb. I dont even know in which logic these two become suddenly comnected. comment (score: 1): I'm 100% with you on point 1. The alliances with Bassil and Berri are very annoying. Especially how Berri is pressuring the actual government. I still believe hezbollah made a mistake by not supporting the Thawra when there was millions on the street. The best way to face any US action against hezbollah is to have the vast majority of Lebanese supporting Hezb. reply (score: 1): This describes my thoughts exactly.
subreddit: Lebanese title: A proosal for Hezb and the guy who said "ladayna malaffat" submission: What if they publish those files in the form of leaks (wikileaks or some other 3rd party) anonymously? That'll at least shut up the supporters who claim their PP aren't corrupt. The first step in fighting corruption is exposing it. submission score: 1 comment (score: 6): 1. A lot of "malaffet" have been exposed (not by Hezbollah, just generally) over the years, with details on how certain politicians are corrupt, that didn't change anything. 2. MP Fadlallah released information regarding Banque Société Générale (SGBL) during his latest interview, Hezeb supporters exclusively (with some allies) reacted to this and pushed for any sort of "mo7asabe". Meanwhile all the "thowwar" who were waiting for any leak of the documents or mocking the MP for "7atton bel jaroor" decided to ignore those or disbelief them for whatever reason. Shu ma 3emel fiyon lal malafet ma 7ada m3ajbo. So maybe stop preaching about what should happen because all possibilities have been explored and done and nobody want to believe anything or work upon those documents aslan. La lkada2 l m7azzab wala l "thuwwar". reply (score: 1): I agree it may not change much. But it's at least a start. Also Hezb has a history of exposing his political ennemies only, which can be labelled as political assassination or propaganda (even tho he is correct in exposing them). comment (score: 0): heres my counter proposal يدحشن بطيزو [حسن مستنداتي]( reply (score: 0): Are u the guy that said that on TV abel l sa7sou7 😂? comment (score: 1): I agree they suck politically. Buy maybe they learned their lesson? Fixing the gaps maybe? As for favors in politics. Its 100% normal. Thats how it works. Even Trump does favors.
subreddit: Lebanese title: This submission: submission score: 4 comment (score: 3): People should stop downvoting you for no reason and you literally should stop cross posting random posts from r/Lebanon. We all follow r/Lebanon 😂😂😂😂 But it's an interesting debate. I don't think secularism is the issue in Lebanon. Look at Israel. It's a "Jewish state" but it's a very advanced country. Lebanon main problem is corruption and the sectarian mentality. I don't think secularism would fix this. A strong government would. The sectarian mentality comes from the civil war. Lebanese have never recovered from their wounds. Lebanon should, at a minimum, demand foreign actors like the Syrians and the Palestinians an official apology. Have a plan for defense against Israel and terrorist groups. The mentality of many people is that the government will never help me if my community is attacked. My party will be there for me. Even if he's corrupt, at least he won't let me die. reply (score: 1): This is not random. Also I dont care about the downvotes. Yes u all follow r/Lebanon but u dont comment there as people will downvote u a lot. So I guess u would feel safer commenting here and downvoting me (which I dont have a problem with). comment (score: 7): there are two types of secularism: one which means policies followed by the establishment and the system is not derived by religious rulings the other which means not looking at a person's religion the first one (opposite would be religious) is present in lebanon, KSA, and USA, as they're not ruled by religious rulings, while it is not the case in the IR the second one (opposite would be sectarian) is present in the USA (I won't get into how the system is designed to choose certain people and we'll pretend everyone have equal chances and different between religion and other things for the sake of explaining the misunderstanding you're having), but it isn't the case in lebanon, or KSA, or even iran, but Iran's version isn't destructive like KSA or lebanon, because it has to do with the Islamic ideology and all (don't try and criticize it as it is exactly the case in the US, you know, the country y'all are obsessed with) another mistake in this post is that both the [IR]( and [KSA]( have a lebanese population, and a lot more study in Iran, a lot of these examples are people I know, but you don't and don't bother look for, so ofcourse you'll make incorrect assumptions and lies will become facts, this is the sad truth of humans, they're driven by emotions, not logical reasoning, at least most of them... I hope I cleared things out, that is if anyone bothers and reads
subreddit: Lebanese title: Michel Smaha opinion. submission: What's ur take on the fact that the syrian regime was sending bombs with him to kill lebanese civilians? Do you consider this propaganda? submission score: 0 comment (score: -1): Ah! The silence! reply (score: 0): I mean, they voted from Jamil ilsayed, who was with him in the car, and they were discussing the plan what did u expect blowing up mosques in Tripoli is ok for hizb people
subreddit: Lebanese title: This is beyond hilarious. submission: submission score: 5
subreddit: Lebanese title: Pls read the top comment submission: submission score: 1 comment (score: 6): I think you've been here enough to see we can be against what hezb supporters or Hezb's member on certain issue. I'm 100% against attacking someone because he doesn't share my point of view. What happened is disgusting. reply (score: -1): This kinda thing doesn't just fall out of the sky or happen randomly. This is propaganda level and regressive death threat behavior. No one does that if it isn't coming from high ranking officials. You keep disagreeing with them. I wonder at what point u'll stop voting for them.
subreddit: Lebanese title: So I've Just found out there is r/Lebanese Also... Soooo submission: submission score: 4
subreddit: Lebanese title: Let's see if Hezb's representative will act by the Qur'an's teachings and expose the thievery. submission: submission score: 1 comment (score: 3): I really don't take your posts seriously, not at all, this has been debated a lot, anyway, stop cross posting stuff from r/lebanon, we can literally go there, but we don't want to, which is why we're on a different fucking subreddit, so don't bring it here. reply (score: 1): How about you start moderating this sub? Check your modmail, your reports, and this fucking thread. Aw bas shatir tetbakbak at our modmail?
subreddit: Lebanese title: We need Lebanese! 🇱🇧 submission: [removed] submission score: 2
subreddit: Lebanese title: Free speech oppression. submission: submission score: 1 comment (score: 1): Wouldve taken this vid more seriously if the audio was better comment (score: 1): I told you to stop crossposting from there, either present original content or stop migrating cancer and propaganda from that sub, read the rules, this sort of posts is not allowed here.
subreddit: Lebanese title: May 2008 - Could Hezbollah have done better? submission: Hezbollah are repeatedly being criticized for all sorts of things, most of those things are laughable such as the accusations that Sayed Nasrallah is in secrets smugglings billions of worth of drugs, but some accusations might being worth investigating such as may 2008. As we know the US-back gov went ahead to practically disarm hezbollah by disbanding their private telecommunications network. While their network might not theoretically be defined as arms, enormous negative consequences for hezb fighting ability would follow if hezb lost their only way to communicate safe from israeli intelligence. Understandably Hezbollah refuse to disarm the network. But here is the question could they done better? Instead of taking control of Beirut could they have done something different. Could they simply refused the US-backed gov without the use of violence? Would that have worked or would it led to a direct armed conflict between the army that is executing gov orders and Hezbollah defending their network? submission score: 6 comment (score: -4): there is probably 754 things nasralh could have done before besieging the city like isreal did reply (score: 4): I think there is probably 754 differences between what Israel did and what the Hezb did. I would have asked you to mention one of those things that you think would be better while hezb still reached their objective of defending the network. But since you obviously is not serious I won't ask you to. comment (score: 1): in his entire political history, Saad Hariri had one, and only one useful sentence. Otherwise he is a walking talking trash bag. He said "Hizbulla is a regional issue, we can't solve it in Lebanon alone. Solve the regional issues, the hizbulla issue would be resolved with them". The 2008 government caved to American pressure to solve a regional issue by lebanese tools (the government). Hizbulla, in return, attacked government allied outposts in civilian neighborhoods, and tried to attack mount lebanon, to show the government that the hizb is indeed more powerful. Which undoubtedly, it is. Here's the problem with what happened in my opinion: * Hizbulla didn't attack military posts, they went into neighborhoods, where people live and work to control future movement security offices (we all know future, at best, has a security force equivalent to a paintball team). The civilians weren't the target, but the civilians paid the price. As the great analyst and military philosopher /u/SymbolOfHonor called them, "collateral damage". 3ade, so what if civilians died. betseer. woopti fuckin doo. I mentioned earlier how my sister's apartment was shot at. If my sister died, she would be a statistic. enno ca va. Some people have the culture of martyrdom and value it, that's completely fine and i respect it. To each his own. But we don't all have it, and it can't be forced on us all. It's incredibly incredibly sick to assume everyone has this mindset and they should just forget about their dead, or celebrate them, or downplay their losses because of the "bigger cause". * Hizbulla established, by invading beirut in 48 hours, that they can mandate what they want by military force. The democratic process became obsolete since. When the ministers resigned from Hariri's 1st government, he was about to get reappointed as PM through the parliamentary majority that he had. Hizbulla sent their men wearing black shirts (qomsan el sood) and they just hung out at major intersections in beirut. A day later junblatt split his parliamentary bloc, and they brought Najib Mikati as prime minister. Since then, there has been no major political decision that didn't happen the way they wanted. Everyone knows not to cross them. We are living a play called democracy. If tomorrow we had elections and let's say independents (not to say march 14), all the new independents won 128/128 seats in the parliament. Can they form a government, even if they have 100% representation from the people? At the first clash with hizbulla the cities will be invaded again, people's livelihood will be taken hostage, until the government caves in. * Many people were OK with the weapons, because they really believed nasralla that they would only be used against israel. I was one of those people. This became a myth after the may 2008 events. We can not ignore the fact that weapons were used internally anymore. It happenned, the sanctity of resistance has been broken, and hizbulla became no different than owwet or PSP or PLO. But now, we can't only look at weapons being used to sway political course only, you have to look at all the other side effects : the drug cartels in baalbak, the smuggling, the lawlessness and inability to implement the law, international isolation..etc. reply (score: 4): Though I might not agree with you I respect serious answers. There is a couple I object about your description but to keep the conversation on point let's focus on the core issue and disregard the details. It seems to me that you are against the use of violence from Hezb, to you it doesn't matter how the use of violence was done, every use of violence is to be condemned if it is done internally by Hezbollah. So I have three questions to you 1. Do you think the gov decision was in line with Taif agreement. Considering that Taif protected the arms of the southern resistance aka Hezbollah 2. Do you support the gov decision to take control of Hezbollahs network? 3. Since you condemn any use of violence from Hezb internally, does that mean you think hezb should have given up on their network? comment (score: 1): So today I have been reading about the events of May 2008 and the circumstances leading up to it. One important thing that I haven't be able to find info on is whether the gov had began to crack down on the network before hezb choose to use violence. This is a rather important detail that I need to know to better understand the events of May 2008. If anyone could give some info abou this maybe a link would be nice. comment (score: 1): []( Speech of Sayed Hassan Nasrallah in the morning of 8th may. After this speech Hezb used violence to protect the network. comment (score: 4): You have to understand the events that led to what happened in May 2008. The opposition (Hezbollah, Amal, FPM) had 45% of the seats in the parliament but had no power in the government. The Shia were excluded from the government and the majority of the Christians used to support Michel Aoun at the time. So it was basically a future movement government so a "sunni" one. The government was pro us and Hezbollah was against that saying it is compromising Lebanon's sovereignty. I remember hezbollah showed a letter written by Saad Hariri asking hezbollah to disarm during the 2006 war. Hezbollah also accused Seniora of working with the Israeli during the 2006 war by ordering the Lebanese Army to seize weapons being delivered to Hezbollah. The opposition was protesting against the government since December 2006. More than a million protesters were on the street asking for PM Seniora to resign and the formation of a national unity government. During the protests, civilians were killed by Hariri's militiamen. Hezbollah accepted an Arab League plan where the opposition will have a third of the seats. Also, the government will establish a new international court to investigate the assassination of Rafic Hariri. The government refused it. The situation lasted until may 2008. Hezbollah at that time had no other options. More than a million Lebanese were protesting peacefully in the streets and the government didn't listen to them. The decision to dismantle hezbollah's network was made in Washington and wasn't in the interests of Lebanon. Wikileaks leaked that Seniora and Geagea were pressured by the US. I'm sad that Lebanese had to die because of America's pressure on our government. The civilians that died aren't "collateral damage" but victims of Americans' policies in the middle east. Sorry for my bad English btw
subreddit: Lebanese title: Hezbollah fighters. submission: So I heard some Hezbollah fighters who went to Syria use reddit. Want to ask some questions. 1-Did you went there because of money or the feel to fight ISIS, or defend the Shrines ? What was your motive? 2-Do they accept all the people who desire to go ? Saw some underage boys going there 3-Was the training a basic one with how to use arms etc or as far as teaching you to load rockets and use anti tank weapons? 4-If you would like, you could please share your personal experience? Thanks! submission score: 2 comment (score: 7): A lot of people seem to make up things about hezbollah/ hezbollah's supporters in r/lebanon and use it to make fun so they feel better about themselves. No one who actually does all what you asked about will openly reveal themselves on the internet. reply (score: -1): That's why there are throwaways and VPNs. comment (score: 6): I will answer basic stuff everybody knows. 1- Not everyone receives money. Only people who are "msabatin". So here's your answer. 2- You have to receive training first. Most of the underage boys who go to Syria are actually training, because you don't just train in Lebanon, and go directly into a fight. 3- Everyone first has to go to a 45 days camp called "Dawret Mokatel". It's like general training. And then you get to choose (or assigned) a specificity (sniper, medic, firing rockets...). 4- I'll pass on this one. Edit: Also, here's a detailed documentary about Hezbollah, , but take most of things with a grain of salt. reply (score: 0): When we are talking about underage how underage are we talking about? 17? Or Khomeini iran-iraq war style 13 year olds or somwhere in between? comment (score: 10): Nice try mossad
subreddit: Lebanese title: Do you think hezbollah will retaliate? submission: I know Israel is trying to push the USA to declare war against Iran, but do you think Israel wants a war against Hezbollah? submission score: 1 comment (score: -1): So far it has been all talk no action. What was the retaliation to killing Suleimani? (Genuine question, I may be misinformed) reply (score: 3): Hezbollah vows to retaliate when one of his fighters is killed by Israel. When jihad mughniyeh was killed, Hezbollah's answer was an attack on Israel in Shebaa farms where two Israeli humvees were destroyed. I think around 10 Israeli soldier was killed. In September 2019, when Israel killed 2 fighters in Syria, Hezbollah launched an ATGM against an Israeli humvee at Avivim. No one was killed in the attack. The retaliation of Qassem Soleimani was the attack on Ain Al Assad base in Iraq. Iran hit the base with 12 guided missiles. Around 100 American soldier suffered brain trauma after the attack. comment (score: 4): like you said the main goal of Israel right now is to drag the USA into a war with Iran. Israel doesn't want a war in Lebanon but it doesn't mind at all delivering a disproportionately heavy strike against Hezbollah if given an excuse. I hope it doesn't get it. comment (score: 1): Yes:,7340,L-3605863,00.html comment (score: 3): I doubt. If they don't retaliate, everyone will be mocking Sayed hassan for not respecting what he said, and I'm sure people like Nadim Koteich are already thinking about how they can make jokes about that. I think Israel knows that hezbollah is fully capable of doing some damage as a response, they expect it and want it. They want to drag them to a war. If hebzollah replied, in my opinion, it will either be something minor that doesn't make things escalate further, in another way: non-militarly like what's happening between Iran and USA right now. comment (score: 3): Nshallah, his death shall not go in vain. And everyone else who dies in syria comment (score: 2): Whats even more important than avoiding a war is losing one's integrity. If Hezb doesn't strike back and repeat Haj Imad Mughnieyhs fiasco it will be worse because this time hezb had said earlier that strikes on hezb operatives in Syria will be retaliated. So I believe they should and they will in sha Allah retaliate. Question is what. reply (score: 1): ignorant foreigner, stay out of Lebanese affairs, you don't even live in iran when its not your country being bombed, ofcourse you will root for war comment (score: 1): Hezbollah having a limited war wouldn't be perfect for them it would legitimize them as a resistance group against Israel however a limited war isn't likely to happen because things would escalate which would be devastating because no one can rebuild the country and iran wouldn't be able to pay for damages in the lebanese shia community so it would backfire against them.
subreddit: Lebanese title: Lebanon central bank chief in spotlight over $6bn boost to assets submission: submission score: 7 comment (score: 1): He's the guy that the US said we can't remove him. And even if we wanted, he is openly protected by Berri, Hariri and the patriarch
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The Arabic Pile



The Arabic Pile is a comprehensive dataset meticulously designed to parallel the structure of The Pile and The Nordic Pile. Focused on the Arabic language, the dataset encompasses a vast array of linguistic nuances, incorporating both Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and various Levantine, North African, and Egyptian dialects. Tailored for the training and fine-tuning of large language models, the dataset consists of 13 subsets, each uniquely crafted to cater to different linguistic domains.

The Conversational Subset:

This dataset has a collection of conversation-based content in Arabic.

Other Subsets:

  1. premio-ai/TheArabicPile
  2. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Web
  3. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Lyrics
  4. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Reviews
  5. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Dialects
  6. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Mathematics
  7. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Conversational
  8. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Articles
  9. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Poetry
  10. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Medical
  11. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Miscellaneous
  12. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_SocialMedia
  13. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Translations
  14. premio-ai/TheArabicPile_Books

These subsets serve distinct purposes, ranging from mathematical content to conversational dialogue, medical texts, and more. Notably, there's a dedicated subset, "premio-ai/TheArabicPile_SocialMedia," emphasizing the inclusion of language commonly found in social media contexts.

Data Structure

The datasets are divided into two main subsets:

  1. Original Subset: The raw data as collected from sources, without modifications.
  2. Deduplication Subset: A filtered and cleaned version, enhancing usability for large language models by reducing redundancy and noise. The Arabic Pile extends an invitation not only for training and fine-tuning large language models but also for diverse applications across linguistic domains. Whether for research, analysis, or other linguistic endeavors, The Arabic Pile stands as a rich resource for the exploration of Arabic language intricacies.

Data Collection

Please refer to the paper for more details on our data collection procedures.

Data Format

The dataset has one single column called text. The text should contain the required meta data and the body combined. This was done to make sure that it will be a good fit for direct training or fine-tuning of large language models.

Please note that the meta data might require to be repeated if your training context window won’t fit the entire body of text.

Potential Bias

As with any large-scale dataset, The Arabic Pile is not immune to potential biases that may influence the training and performance of language models. It's crucial to transparently address these biases to ensure responsible usage and interpretation of the dataset. Here are some considerations:

  1. Dialectal Imbalance: The dataset incorporates various Arabic dialects, with a focus on Levantine, North African, and Egyptian variants. However, there might be variations in the representation of these dialects, potentially leading to an imbalance in the training data.
  2. Source Influence: Bias may arise from the sources of the original data. The dataset collects information from diverse platforms and domains, and biases inherent in those sources could transfer to the dataset.
  3. Social Media Context: Some of our datasets have language from social media platforms and online platforms. This subset may introduce biases inherent in online discourse, such as informal language, colloquial expressions, and potential subjectivity in politics, religion or culture.
  4. Genre and Domain Bias: Different subsets cater to distinct linguistic domains, such as medical texts, poetry, reviews, and more. Each domain carries its own linguistic characteristics, potentially leading to biases based on the genres represented.

License Information for The Arabic Pile: No Commercial Use

The Arabic Pile is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license is designed to facilitate the open sharing and collaboration of the dataset while ensuring responsible and non-commercial usage. Key Points of the License:

  • Attribution (BY): Users are free to share, adapt, and build upon the dataset, even commercially, as long as they provide appropriate attribution to the dataset creators.
  • Non-Commercial (NC): The dataset may not be used for commercial purposes. Any use for commercial gain requires explicit permission from the dataset creators.
  • No Additional Restrictions: The license allows for maximum freedom of use, provided the terms of attribution and non-commercial use are adhered to. How to Cite: When using The Arabic Pile in your work, please include a proper citation to acknowledge the dataset creators. A recommended citation can be found in the model card for easy reference. License Deed: For a comprehensive understanding of the terms and conditions, please refer to the CC BY-NC 4.0 License Deed. By adopting this license, we aim to foster a collaborative and open environment for the exploration and advancement of Arabic language understanding and natural language processing.


When utilizing The Arabic Pile in your research, development, or other projects, we kindly request that you cite the dataset using the following format:

@article{alrefaie2024arabicpile, author = {Mohamed Taher Alrefaie, Mahmoud Ibrahim Barbary, Ahmed Yasser Hassanein, Shiref Khaled Elhalawany, Karim Ashraf Elsayed, Ahmed Yasser }, title = {The Arabic Pile: A Large Scale Dataset of Diverse Text for Large Language Modeling}, year = {2024}, url = {} }

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