19 values
Short version: Title. Is a 4 week notice to my current company really insane? I want 2 weeks notice to current employer and 2 week vacation between jobs. Longer Version: I would like to have 2-3 weeks to train up my team on what I do, as well as close my stories to leave on a positive note, and then 1-2 week of 'vacation' between jobs, so I just said that I "wanted to give current employer 4 weeks notice" to make it simpler. The HR guy was like appalled that I'd ask for 4 weeks and his reasoning was "people end up not showing up, their current employers will try to match to keep them and they'll stay". This seems like a red flag, but I'm curious if it's blood red or just a slightly pink flag.... anyone have experience with that?
It’s definitely a red flag. It shows a lack of empathy in the new company. It also means they are likely understaffed and desperate for more help. Another red flag.
Short version: Title. Is a 4 week notice to my current company really insane? I want 2 weeks notice to current employer and 2 week vacation between jobs. Longer Version: I would like to have 2-3 weeks to train up my team on what I do, as well as close my stories to leave on a positive note, and then 1-2 week of 'vacation' between jobs, so I just said that I "wanted to give current employer 4 weeks notice" to make it simpler. The HR guy was like appalled that I'd ask for 4 weeks and his reasoning was "people end up not showing up, their current employers will try to match to keep them and they'll stay". This seems like a red flag, but I'm curious if it's blood red or just a slightly pink flag.... anyone have experience with that?
It’s not the biggest red flag in the world but it’s certainly not a good one if they *need* a dev in 2 weeks not 4.
I feel like I often let people talk over me and interrupt me in meetings that I hold ( I'm the president of an organization) way too much. I'm too passive and easy going. How can I change this without seeming rude
Building rapport, earning trust and not breaking it, meeting deadlines, holding people accountable, rewarding good behavior
I feel like I often let people talk over me and interrupt me in meetings that I hold ( I'm the president of an organization) way too much. I'm too passive and easy going. How can I change this without seeming rude
Lead by example. Make sure you are doing your job to 100 percent completion and your workers will follow suit
I feel like I often let people talk over me and interrupt me in meetings that I hold ( I'm the president of an organization) way too much. I'm too passive and easy going. How can I change this without seeming rude
It appears you're a native collaborator. It doesn't mean you are weak, but rather you value group effort. If you have a healthy one-on-one relationship with each member of the team, this is no problem. In fact, this is a strength. Balance your nature by strengthening your personal interaction with your team members. They will respect your opinion because they know you care. Establish the standard that you value their contributions, but a universal set of rules must be followed in order to be fair to everyone on the team, and you are the enforcement for the rules. Enforcement of a system of fairness is universally accepted. When a person breaks the rule, it must be clearly defined what rule is broken and fair discipline must be given. People on the team who see this will respect the rules and your role as the keeper of the rule. There is a difference between discipline and punishment. Know it and remind yourself and the members of the team. Being fair means being consistent, and an orderly team will respectfully try to be consistently fair to you and each other.
Redditors of the great resignation, why did you quit your job?
Told me they wanted me back in the office. I flat out said No. They told me to come in or it will mean my job is at risk. I laughed and said go ahead fire me ...I'll have a job in a week and you'll have to find a skilled coder to take over my legacy projects in cobol.... I'm still working from home btw
Redditors of the great resignation, why did you quit your job?
There’s no such thing as the great resignation. That implies that workers are responsible. Companies have failed to pay fairly and hire responsibly and they’re losing employees. You can’t have 5-10% inflation and only provide 2% raises. You can’t have 10 employees in a department 3 years ago and see work double and not add headcount. You can’t give people WFH and not compensate employees more when productivity goes up, but then phase out WFH and expect productivity to stay the same without increasing compensation. You can’t expect people to risk a deadly disease without increasing compensation. And this is also is affecting service workers more than white collar workers. They were called heroes and then weren’t compensated and were also screamed at by customers for 2 years. So yeah. They quit.
Redditors of the great resignation, why did you quit your job?
They told me WFH would no longer be allowed. I had a new job lined up within two days.
What is a part in a video game that you got stuck on as a kid?
Dark souls part where you start the game.
What is a part in a video game that you got stuck on as a kid?
Monstro from Kingdom Hearts..
What is a part in a video game that you got stuck on as a kid?
Jak 2 pretty much the whole game, that game was hard as hell as a kid
I'm not trying to start any kind of debates or simular, I'd just like to know if anyone knows when in history this was "decided" and why. I'd also like to add that I'm certainly aware that cultures exist in which men wearing this clothing is accepted but I'm talking about the way it's portrayed in media and a majority of the world.
It's due to the historical patriarchal structure of society. Traditionally women were treated as the weaker/lesser members of society, so a man dressing like a woman would make him look weak. That idea has been engrained in society and there are definitely people who firmly still believe it. Thankfully the tides are changing especially in younger generations, and many people don't care what you wear nowadays, so long as you're a decent person.
I'm not trying to start any kind of debates or simular, I'd just like to know if anyone knows when in history this was "decided" and why. I'd also like to add that I'm certainly aware that cultures exist in which men wearing this clothing is accepted but I'm talking about the way it's portrayed in media and a majority of the world.
If I had to guess, I'd say it's because women's cloths were designed to make them look delicate and elegant. highlighting features like, breasts, waist, collar bones, neck. Features I say drift more towards being attractive on women then Men, because women were seen as soft and so accentuating those points lead to men wanting to marry them and thus bigger dowrys and such for the family. Men looking delicate, or like a woman is frowned upon because until sort of recently men took on a protector and a supporter role. A protector who is delicate/soft clashes with engrained ideals. Plus men you do see in dresses these day are either trying to look more feminine (femboys, traps, cross dressers, etc) or they're the butt of some joke or prank, something encouraged to laugh at. Atleast this is my perspective
The title says it all, i have been working as a backend developer for over a year now, recently my organisation offered to train and hire me on a devops role with a revised pay, my question is do you guys think it’s an actual upgrade in terms of carrer progression ?
The real question is: what is your end goal as a career path in your field? They are kind of different in terms of paths, if they are training you to give you more responsibility and keep doing what you do as a dev, then yes an upgrade. But a devOps role is more of managing stuff for developers? Such as servers that host applications, setting up cloud functions, stuff like that. I don’t have a ton of experience with it as I have been learning it slowly as work has been throwing that role to share between other devs. But essentially there wouldn’t be as much coding if any, but database stuff make sense to know as usually backend and devOps can merge together.
I feel like we all have that ONE concept that just didn’t make any sense for a while until it was explained in a new way. For me, it was parameters and arguments. What’s yours?
Nested for loops. Someone just told me that clocks are a nested for loop. The second hand finishes, then the minute, then the hour. It's so simple and yet powerful
I feel like we all have that ONE concept that just didn’t make any sense for a while until it was explained in a new way. For me, it was parameters and arguments. What’s yours?
Object and classes
I feel like we all have that ONE concept that just didn’t make any sense for a while until it was explained in a new way. For me, it was parameters and arguments. What’s yours?
Waiting for someone to post about recursion.
I know there is probably a reason I just can not figure it out.
Therapists have to be paid, and they have expenses such as administration, rent, etc. Would you really want to get therapy from an untrained minimum wage worker?
I know there is probably a reason I just can not figure it out.
It takes a ton of money and training to become a good therapist. So they charge a lot.
I know there is probably a reason I just can not figure it out.
Supply and demand. There’s a high demand and relatively low supply. It’s a free market with scarce resources so the equilibrium is a relatively high price. There are many cheap/free resources that people underutilize because they either don’t know about them OR they don’t trust their quality because they’re free.
Hi all, my brother is 26M and had 4 nosebleeds in 24 hours, they are pretty heavy nosebleeds. We got covid this past Monday. So I don't think I can just take him to see our family doctor. Its also the weekend where the health services I know of are closed. We are in Canada. He's disabled in the legs as well so its difficult for me to drive him. Ive put a humidifier in place for him since the first time and given him lots of water and fruit juice to replenish him. But it keeps on happening, could I please get some advice on what to do? I thought about calling 911 emergency but Im not sure what they can do for us since we have covid. I tried calling health hotlines over here but the wait is taking hours. Thank you for any help
It's pretty common to get nosebleeds after an upper respiratory infection (like COVID) because the nasal mucosa is very irritated and prone to bleeding. If he gets a nosebleed, firmly pinch the nostrils shut and lean forward. Direct pressure is the best thing to get it to stop. Try putting a small amount of Vaseline gently into his nostrils twice a day. This helps keep the nasal mucosa moist and less likely to bleed. Seek urgent medical care if you can't get the nosebleed to stop after 30 minutes, or if he is feeling very dizzy, like he is going to pass out.
My partner (34M) was told in 2016 he may have mild crohns. After a recent exacerbation of symptoms over the last 3 months or so (frequent diarrhea, bloody stools, gut pain, upset stomach, nausea, throwing up) and having entire nights that he spends in the shower or close to the toilet, he finally went back and got another colonoscopy. The doctor was not able to identify anything. Said there was no sign of crohns and did not prescribe him anything for relief, rather said it ~might~ be IBS and to follow up in 2 months. What are next steps? I just want him to have relief and it’s incredibly frustrating to wait around for these appointments and feel like it’s to no avail. My stepdad gave me glycine powder and Lectin Shield supplements. Could these possibly help symptoms? I have the DC paperwork in front of me for any additional questions.
IBS is super common. And it's by far the most common cause of chronic diarrhea and abdominal pain with a normal scope. However, your partner also needs a test for celiac disease, and probably an upper scope as well. If that's normal, it's usually IBS, or something similar (we call it functional dyspepsia if it's over the stomach, for instance - but it's all just nerve problems with different parts of the GI tract). I usually have people try the low FODMAP diet first. Antispasmodics like Bentyl and Levsin work fairly well, too. Probiotics work for some people. In those with diarrhea or constipation most of the time, there are newer medicines like Amitiza, Linzess, and Viberzi that are pretty effective. There's a newer treatment for IBS (FDA approved, even) called IB stim that uses electrical stimulation. But there's always lots of trial and error, since it's very different from one person to the next.
My doc is on vacation and until she’s back I need some help deciphering my blood test results not to go crazy from anxiety. 25F healthy otherwise, took initial blood test two months ago and it came back with elevated ALAT (120) with all other blood, hormone and electrolyte counts within the normal. So my doc ordered an abdominal ultrasound and nothing unusual was detected. She told me to come back next month and redo the blood test. Avoided alcohol, fatty foods and exercise for a week before the test as instructed. Was expecting the enzyme to go down. but the test came back even worse. Now I have 158 ALAT and 55 Gamma GT(slightly elevated normal is 45). Everything else is still in order. No symptoms of anything whatsoever.The only things I found googling this were of course hepatitis and liver cancer. Any other ideas maybe?🤞🏼
If your ultrasound was normal, I wouldn't worry about liver cancer. Let's get that one out of the way. Your best bet is to see a hepatologist. There are dozens and dozens of common causes of isolated ALT elevation. It takes a ton of blood work to rule things out. Causes run the gamut from infections, to autoimmune problems, to genetic problems, to medication side effects, etc. You really need someone who is used to the proper workup for this kind of thing and won't stab blindly, but also won't ignore this for months.
You're on a date and it's going really great. What can another person say to ruin it completely?
Vaccines cause autism
You're on a date and it's going really great. What can another person say to ruin it completely?
"Thanks for the ride but I have a date with someone else, I figured you wouldn't drive me if you knew I was going on a date with someone else and I really needed a ride." Online dating, talked to her for a while, finally got the courage to ask her out and then she said that as we got there.
You're on a date and it's going really great. What can another person say to ruin it completely?
You looked better on Tinder.
So I wrote a program to write the different attributes like title, total number of comments, total upvotes, post body, author name of submissions in a CSV file. Code: class ptdata(Thread): def run(self): print('opening post_data csv') with open('post_data.csv', 'a') as f: headers = [ 'ID', 'Date_utc', 'Upvotes', 'Number of Comments', 'Subthread name', 'Post Author' ] writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=headers, extrasaction='ignore', dialect='excel') writer.writeheader() for post in #print(post.title) data = { "ID":, "Date_utc": post.created_utc, "Upvotes":, "Number of comments": post.num_comments, "Subthread name": post.title, "Post Auther": } writer.writerow(data) print('writing post row') # print(data) But when I looked into the data it wrote: ID Date_utc Upvotes Number of Comments Subthread name Post Author 0 sw73ml 1645266563.0 2 NaN I fucking love cars, but actually driving, or ... NaN 1 sw73sa 1645266581.0 3 NaN It's my birthday!!!! NaN 2 sw73va 1645266588.0 3 NaN My bike just got stolen NaN 3 sw73x0 1645266593.0 4 NaN I feel like an outsider socially NaN 4 sw75gk 1645266754.0 10 NaN Hallo? Ist dis Bert und Ernie’s BDSM emporium? NaN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7703 uou8wd 1652455643.0 2 NaN Holy crap I forgot how good… NaN 7704 uou8yy 1652455648.0 4 NaN Just got told to kill myself NaN 7705 uou8zv 1652455650.0 4 NaN hey YOU NaN 7706 uouagi 1652455771.0 1 NaN STEVEN UNIVERSE IS GREAT NaN 7707 uouaks 1652455780.0 1 NaN drinking water after chewing gum is the cold e... NaN it is something like this. As you can see it shows NaN in the number of comments and post author column. But When I looked at a different CSV file for which I used the same code, it had written the Author name but not the number of comments. ​ why is this happening? ​ ​ Also is there any way to get all that data back? because this bot is running for more than 3 months now and without this information this data is kinda useless
You have typos, so your dictionary doesn't match the headers: `'Number of Comments'` != `'Number of comments'`, and `'Post Author'` != `'Post Auther'`
I normally don't mind providing a range here as Im relatively confident about my worth, and have no hurry to switch jobs as I currently have a great job I love (even if I know I could be earning quite a bit more) But this feels like a very one-way street as recruiters always reply only with a "we can/can't afford that". Leaving me with little to no information as to what the current job market salary range is like. And I hate how even if I'm the first one to ask the position's salary range, they'll turn around the question and ask for mine (expected salary) instead. Curious how others handle this question. Do most not mind? Am I in the wrong for feeling this way? And for those that agree, how do you insist you won't answer unless they provide a salary range? I can't figure out a way to do so without coming off as arrogant. **edit:** the question isn't so much about how to give a expected/desired salary range minimum to consider changing jobs. I already know my worth and can easily provide a range. My question is how do I go getting a position's salary range without giving my information (expected salary) essentially for free.
Here you go: Read that over and over until it is burned into your brain. Never specify a salary yourself. Always force them to make you an offer first.
I normally don't mind providing a range here as Im relatively confident about my worth, and have no hurry to switch jobs as I currently have a great job I love (even if I know I could be earning quite a bit more) But this feels like a very one-way street as recruiters always reply only with a "we can/can't afford that". Leaving me with little to no information as to what the current job market salary range is like. And I hate how even if I'm the first one to ask the position's salary range, they'll turn around the question and ask for mine (expected salary) instead. Curious how others handle this question. Do most not mind? Am I in the wrong for feeling this way? And for those that agree, how do you insist you won't answer unless they provide a salary range? I can't figure out a way to do so without coming off as arrogant. **edit:** the question isn't so much about how to give a expected/desired salary range minimum to consider changing jobs. I already know my worth and can easily provide a range. My question is how do I go getting a position's salary range without giving my information (expected salary) essentially for free.
You can just flip the question on them. "What has the team budgeted for this role?" Most recruiters will give you a range and from there you can say "$(highest number they gave you) is in line with what I'm looking for" or "That's below what I'm looking for".
like nobody will choose javascript for AI or Machine Learning everybody for this things chooses python, or nobody will choose Ruby to make game engine or OS everybody for this things chooses C++ or Rust
Just because you can create a Web server in C doesn't mean that you should, just because you can create a DBMS in python, doesn't mean that you should. A butter knife, a filleting knife and surgery scalpel can all cut stuff, but you wouldn't make a sandwich with a surgical scalpel. Each of them has it's own use case, some overlap, but in general some are more popular in some areas than others.
like nobody will choose javascript for AI or Machine Learning everybody for this things chooses python, or nobody will choose Ruby to make game engine or OS everybody for this things chooses C++ or Rust
"Turing completeness" is an abstract theoretical framing of programming. Basically, according to computer science theory, since all programming languages are essentially just higher level layer abstractions of just logic gates, essentially, every programming language ever is basically doing the same thing as every other language. That theoretical description of programming isn't that useful when you're talking about practical programming objectives. When it comes to practical programming, the availability of the existing compatible body of work is the determining factor of what language to choose for a new project. Sure you COULD recreate anything from one language in another given enough time and effort, but why bother? There's no need for that. So since so much of our work is built upon existing standards, languages, and other infrastructure, there arises different niches for different "technologies". Last bit. Recall that C++ is a compiled language. I think theoretically it's possible to compile from one language to another. That's the idea with Pandas. Python using a C written library so those data calculations can be fast. Faster than if they used Python data structures. I suppose you could do AI linear algebra in JS; Computer scientists have been putting a lot of work into writing these virtual machines, and trans compilers and whatnot. Node, I hear is actually pretty bleeding edge efficient these days.
like nobody will choose javascript for AI or Machine Learning everybody for this things chooses python, or nobody will choose Ruby to make game engine or OS everybody for this things chooses C++ or Rust
Well not all languages can do the same things, or it is just much more complicated to do said thing. For example, C requires many more lines for certain functions than Python requires; however, C is more memory efficient and can run faster if it is fine tuned properly. For experienced coders, using multiple languages and linking them together will prove to be faster than doing it all in one. Im sure others can give you far more examples like the one I mentioned if you’re still confused
What's something that's hard to accept about yourself?
There is a 99.9% percent chance that I myself am the reason I have so little friends.
What's something that's hard to accept about yourself?
Being so hideous and worthless as a person
What's something that's hard to accept about yourself?
ive accepted everything i am totally ok with dying alone and loveless or whatever. Honestly not a big deal to me.
How many people here are waiting for something to kick in? What is it?
I'm waiting for my coffee to kick in so I can shower and go to target lol
How many people here are waiting for something to kick in? What is it?
Antidepressants 😁
How many people here are waiting for something to kick in? What is it?
Muscle relaxants & a sleeping pill (chronic pain patient)
Looking at getting a new car and found one that seems great in like every way, except it’s manual and I have no idea how to drive manual. Is it difficult to do, I know it requires extra focus and you have to do more stuff with the knobs and shit while driving. What are the pros and cons of driving stick? I’m just nervous, I don’t know ant to buy a new car, then realize that I hate driving stick
IMO it's easy. I learned back when I was 16, and it's one of those things you never forget how to do. Each car is a bit different, so it takes you like 2 minutes to feel out the clutch and the gear box, but then you can drive the car no problem. I strongly suggest learning how to drive one.
Looking at getting a new car and found one that seems great in like every way, except it’s manual and I have no idea how to drive manual. Is it difficult to do, I know it requires extra focus and you have to do more stuff with the knobs and shit while driving. What are the pros and cons of driving stick? I’m just nervous, I don’t know ant to buy a new car, then realize that I hate driving stick
Driving auto is easier, not gonna lie… but manual is not *that* hard. It’s not difficult like technically challenging, it’s just an extra thing to do while driving. The one part that takes a little finesse is easing into first gear from a dead stop (especially on a hill). The rest is just going through the motions. IMO your reason for choosing an auto over a manual should be “I don’t *want* to bother driving stick” rather than “I can’t drive stick”.
Looking at getting a new car and found one that seems great in like every way, except it’s manual and I have no idea how to drive manual. Is it difficult to do, I know it requires extra focus and you have to do more stuff with the knobs and shit while driving. What are the pros and cons of driving stick? I’m just nervous, I don’t know ant to buy a new car, then realize that I hate driving stick
If you otherwise very much like this car then I say it's definitely worth it to learn. It will probably take a while before it's comfortable but you should be able to learn the basics in under 2 weeks.
What I mean is, is there a dedicated place / app / thing for people to go and participate on project, or maybe something where you get sent a project that others people already worked on, then you have a limited time until you must send it again to another person ? I feel like it could really help me learn the "bulk" of programming and not just the precise things I'm working on. And if you had one that's in python it would be best :D
Like Github?
Rich people of Reddit, what's the craziest/most unethical thing you've seen people in your circle spend money on?
Paid a group of homeless guys to only use the bathroom on a competitors business. Eventually bought that place for a massive discount.
Rich people of Reddit, what's the craziest/most unethical thing you've seen people in your circle spend money on?
I know a guy who went to get a new drivers license and had to pay ~$100k in back parking tickets, then joked about it after. Apparently he couldn't get a permit to park in front of his house, so he just did anyway, and accepted like a $200 fine everyday.
Rich people of Reddit, what's the craziest/most unethical thing you've seen people in your circle spend money on?
like nobody will choose javascript for AI or Machine Learning everybody for this things chooses python or nobody will choose Ruby for game engines everybody for this things chooses C++ or Rust
Turing completeness is a theoretical concept that very roughly means that language can represent logic for any program. It says nothing about pragmatic possibility and sanity of using all languages for all programs.
I'm having python project in my linguistics studies. The goal is to generate a string using a formal grammar like this example: S -> NP VP NP -> D N VP -> V NP VP -> V D -> the D -> a N -> cat N -> dog V -> chases V -> bites I've just started learning python, the course started not even two months ago so I'm still very new to it. But I'm thinking that I want the rules stored in a dict object. So far I've been able to create a dict with the items on the left and a list with the items on the right with this: def formal_grammar(file_name): S_dict = {} leftlist = [] rightlist = [] list_w_lists = [] with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: item = line.strip('\n') item = item.split(' -> ') S_dict[item[0]] = [] leftlist.append(item[0]) rightlist.append(item[-1]) for word in rightlist: word = word.split() list_w_lists.append(word) print(S_dict) print(list_w_lists) The results looks like this: S\_dict == {'S': \[\], 'NP': \[\], 'VP': \[\], 'D': \[\], 'N': \[\], 'V': \[\]} list\_w\_lists == \[\['NP', 'VP'\], \['D', 'N'\], \['V', 'NP'\], \['V'\], \['the'\], \['a'\], \['cat'\], \['dog'\], \['chases'\], \['bites'\]\] How do I get the list objects as values to their right keys. The code should work with any formal grammar and then be able to generate the lexical items. I'm feeling really stuck on this, please help!
I don't find your question to be well explained. What exactly are you trying to do? Please explain it in such a way as to make it understandable for someone who has no knowledge of linguistics or formal grammars (as this is a python subreddit, not a linguistics subreddit), making sure to include a concrete example of a desired output. My best guess is, given a txt input eg. S -> NP VP NP -> D N VP -> V NP VP -> V D -> the D -> a N -> cat N -> dog V -> chases V -> bites you want to progressively substitute the space-separated capitalised tokens with (presumably uniformly at random) chosen mappings. For example, starting with `S` (which I presume to be "sentence"), we might have S -> NP VP -> D N V NP -> the cat chases D N -> the cat chases a dog and so the desired output would be `'the cat chases a dog'`. Running it again might yield a different randomly chosen output. Is this correct? If so, here is how I might approach this: from random import choice def get_grammar(file_name): grammar = {} with open(file_name) as f: for line in f: key, value = line.strip().split(' -> ') if key not in grammar: grammar[key] = [] grammar[key].append(value) return grammar def sub_from_grammar(string, grammar): if string.islower(): return string tokens = (choice(grammar[token]) if token in grammar else token for token in string.split()) return sub_from_grammar(' '.join(tokens), grammar) formal_grammar = get_grammar('grammar.txt') print(sub_from_grammar('S', formal_grammar))
I love music and have always wanted to play shows with a band but have always been nervous that I was not talented enough. Last night I finally played a show with people I love and songs I’m proud of writing. It went really well and the 40 or so people who were there had an amazing time. This has been one of my major goals for a really long time and my fellow band members are super stoked about it. For some reason though, I just don’t feel anything. No happiness or sadness. Why?
I’m the exact same way. Things don’t hit me till like a year later. I think it has a lot to do with childhood and what kind of environment you were raised in. Also could be an adhd things as well. My brain tends not to get super excited over things most people would be freaking out in. It’ll come tho :) be super proud of yourself you did amazing!
I love music and have always wanted to play shows with a band but have always been nervous that I was not talented enough. Last night I finally played a show with people I love and songs I’m proud of writing. It went really well and the 40 or so people who were there had an amazing time. This has been one of my major goals for a really long time and my fellow band members are super stoked about it. For some reason though, I just don’t feel anything. No happiness or sadness. Why?
Sometimes when we achieve something we have been laboring for we feel weird because we have a hard time realizing that the struggle is over and it's time to build on the goal or find a new one. I graduate from nursing school today and feel similarly. You have been pouring your effort into achieving this and you don't have that goal to strive for anymore. That's ok. Move the goal post and reflect on how far you have come.
Was the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were entirely unnecessary and done for psychological damage?
Whether the atomic bombs were "necessary" depends really on what you define as "necessary." In an absolute sense, nothing is "necessary" — the United States could, for example, have just declared the war over and let Japan keep its occupied lands and that would be that. Obviously that was not what American policymakers (or the general population) thought was in line with American interests, and certainly the nations occupied and attacked by Japan would not have thought that was in their interests as well. So the question to ask is what aims the US was pursuing, and whether those could have been achieved by other means. The US was explicitly asking for "unconditional surrender," which it knew was a "big ask," and in fact there were people within the US policy structure (and outside of it but important advisors, like Churchill), who thought that was unreasonable if their other goal was a swift conclusion to the war. Even these people, though, thought that the only "condition" acceptable was to be lenient with regards to the postwar disposition of the Emperor and the Imperial House. But in any event, even with that caveat, there were certainly other options on the table if the US was concerned with avoiding the use of the atomic bombs (for whatever reason, including but not limited to the sparing of civilian life). I have [written at some length about these]( Whether any of these would have guaranteed that the US would have achieved its aims (either unconditional surrender or almost-unconditional surrender) without the use of the atomic bomb eventually is unknown — we can't "re-run" history as if it were a simulation and see if the Japanese high command would have gone one way or the other under different circumstances. There are some who think that the war would have ended without the atomic bombings, but if you still had the Soviet invasion of Manchuria. There are many who think that Nagasaki was not that important for the Japanese surrender decision, and could have been avoided (this somewhat misses why Nagasaki was bombed, but this is a different question entirely; it was not about some calculated strategic move, but because the weapon was ready to be used, and the assumption was that many atomic bombs would need to be dropped before Japan surrendered — the plan was not "bomb or invade" but "bomb _and_ invade" and their surrender actually caught the US off-guard). I'm personally of the view that we can't really know these things, because the exact circumstances of what actually happened were so very overlapping and feel very "contingent" (could have gone many different directions), so it is pretty impossible to imagine we can "isolate the variables" this way. This does not mean that I think the atomic bombs were "necessary," it just means, I don't think our knowledge of the situation is ever going to be advanced-enough to let us say if they were necessary or not in this specific definition "necessary." The historical fallacy of this entire line of thinking is that this is not how the US viewed the atomic bombs at all. It was not a big "decision" to use them, they were not in any way seeking to minimize civilian life, they were not in any way seeking to limit the destruction visited upon Japan prior to the use of the atomic bombs. They did not know the end of the war would happen in early August 1945, they did not expect the atomic bomb to just end it, they did not consider it as big of a "moral" question as we do today. The people in charge of the atomic bombing operation saw many good reasons for dropping the bombs and almost no good reasons for not dropping them. It was "overdetermined" in this respect. When we go back and ask whether they thought it was "necessary," we are implying that they cared about that question, which they definitely did not. Maybe they should have — we are allowed to judge them, as people who are living in a world very much shaped by the consequences of their decisions and mindsets. But as a _historical_ question it is sort of moot for this reason, in my mind. I would not phrase the goal as "psychological damage" (the concept of long-term trauma from war was still in its infancy, and indeed part of the modern idea of PTSD comes out of studies of Japanese atomic bombing survivors done by the psychologist Robert Jay Lifton in the 1960s), but I would phrase it as a "psychological impact," specifically on the Japanese high command and Japanese morale in general. The bombings were not done because they were _militarily_ all that important — what military/industrial targets they destroyed were explicitly chosen to "justify" using such a weapon on an urban target, but the urban target was the real target, because they wanted to "showcase" the power of the new weapon. They did this for multiple reasons, including impressing the Japanese high command and general population (with a hope it would lead to the acceptance of the Allied surrender terms), impressing the Soviet Union with this new weapon (with a hope that it would give the US an advantage in postwar negotiations and power struggles), and impressing the entire world with this new force to be reckoned with (with the hope that it might lead to a better organization of world affairs, possibly treaties to ban the manufacture of such weapons, and so on). Different individuals within the planning process leaned towards different motivations (and any individual could have multiple motivations; people are complex), but these three stand out as major "hopes" on which a proper "understanding" of the weapon — understood by them as a truly horrific display — was necessary. Again, one can judge this through modern eyes (we do not have to accept the terms in which they saw things as being the best or only ones to see them), but it is important to make sense of what their actual goals were at the time, as opposed to imagined or after-the-fact rationales (e.g., a lot of ink is usually spilled explaining why the military base in Hiroshima was a significant target, but it is clear from the targeting documentation that the actual "military value" of Hiroshima was not something that mattered as much to the targeting planners as its size, geography, ability to showcase the power of the bomb, etc.). Anyway there is obviously much more that can be said about this topic, and you can find a lot of sub-discussions (was Nagasaki necessary? did the Soviet invasion have more to do with surrender than the bombs? why did they choose Hiroshima and Nagasaki specifically? etc.) in the FAQ and /r/AskHistorians archive (most easily searched through a limiting Google query in my experience).
[SERIOUS] What tips would you give to someone who is about to move out from his parents to live alone for the first time?
Get a calendar and list your bills on it.
[SERIOUS] What tips would you give to someone who is about to move out from his parents to live alone for the first time?
lock your doors get home-lock your doors get in the car-lock your doors people come over after they leave check to make sure windows are closed and locked have a alarm for your door or se sense of security
[SERIOUS] What tips would you give to someone who is about to move out from his parents to live alone for the first time?
Buy a plunger. Get one before you need one, not when you need one. Pay close attention to your bills, at least for the first few months, so you can keep track of where your money's going and spot if the electric company has forgotten to bill you, before it becomes a nasty surprise. The plunger advice also applies to anything else that would be a real pain to have to pick up when you need it, such as basic medicines/first aid kit, spare toilet roll, and some sort of instant food such as cup ramen. Take some time to go through your parents' house looking at everything you've taken for granted because it was always handy. You'll probably fall down on this one (god knows I do), but it's easier to keep a house clean than to clean a messy house. Try to at least keep it in a state where you wouldn't be too embarrassed to bring home a hot girl/boy/etc from a night out.
When I see people posting selfies on Instagram, I noticed that some girls would hold the phone right up to their face, obstructing it from the perspective of the viewers, I would also notice that some of them go back and forth between selfies with hidden face and selfies without hidden face.
Some angles make your face look weird and your body look good. Covering your face with the phone (or a hand, or a sticker, etc) hides that while still showing the rest of the picture.
What’s the dumbest reason someone stopped talking to you?
Idk I was never given a reason, everyone just disappeared slowly
What’s the dumbest reason someone stopped talking to you?
I finished my homework early and decided to hand it to my teacher. My teacher said I can give it another day. She didn't ask others to submit it nor did she praised me. For some reason my friend got mad at the fact that I wanted to hand in my homework early, proceeded to stop talking to me and made the whole class hate me. I was bullied for a week straight then things went back to normal - everyone acted like nothing happened.
What’s the dumbest reason someone stopped talking to you?
they started hanging out w wealthy people
I’ve heard both terms used but I was wondering if they were the same thing, since they both mean being attracted to both genders.
I’m bisexual but not pansexual. Bisexual: I’d date either man or woman, but I’m not attracted to say, trans people or non-binary, etc. Pansexual would date anyone regardless of their gender identity.
I’ve heard both terms used but I was wondering if they were the same thing, since they both mean being attracted to both genders.
Bi girl here... Pan people have zero gender preference, would date people regardless of gender, while bi people often have specific preferences. Also, omni people are basically pan, but have a preference for a specific gender.
people with depression, what is that one thing keeping you going?
That there are people who love me and rely on me. I'd never want to hurt them or have them suffer the aftermath of me taking my own life, so I continue existing for them despite having no intrinsic desire to live for myself.
people with depression, what is that one thing keeping you going?
people with depression, what is that one thing keeping you going?
I just don't have the balls to actually do it.
why is it sexist to say keep your legs closed to a girl if you don't want a baby but it isn't to say keep your dick in your pants to a man if you don't want a baby
they’re both generally poor advice. think abt it this way. would you tell someone wanting to avoid car accidents “just don’t drive”? it’d be technically correct, but it’s glaringly obvious to the point of uselessness, and cars are just part of some people’s lives that they won’t give up. we all take _some_ risks. youd tell them to drive defensively and be alert and not text and stuff, or maybe even thats still too basic. neither remark is sexist “in a vacuum”, but human communication doesnt exist “in a vacuum”, and many people saying “close your legs” have a sexist worldview where women are promiscuous for having sex and are 100% responsible for everything baby-related. i’ve often seen the “dick” one used as a _counter_ to the “close legs” one, trying to _even_ the field.
why is it sexist to say keep your legs closed to a girl if you don't want a baby but it isn't to say keep your dick in your pants to a man if you don't want a baby
It seems like the sexism applies to the first bc of the long history of double standard slut shaming, though both are wrong imo. Babies should not be seen as a punishment for having sex. Instead, comprehensive sex education and affordable access to all the various birth control options should be the standard.
why is it sexist to say keep your legs closed to a girl if you don't want a baby but it isn't to say keep your dick in your pants to a man if you don't want a baby
I dont see how either of them are sexist Seems like common sense to me, takes two for tango
What's hard to do when you're a long way from home?
Go home
Why did denazification work when we're always told that forcing someone to hear something they don't want to just breeds resentment?
When you can't openly talk positively about an ideology or openly display symbols of that ideology, it becomes really hard to convince new people to believe in that ideology. Some of the less intense believers will also give up on the ideology once they see how strongly society is against them. Without a stream of new recruits, the ideology dies off as its believers die off.
I haven't heard anyone talk about it recently, but Wikipedia talks about it in the present tense.
As far as Myanmar goes, people pretty much stopped talking about the Rohingya once the military coup happened. There are stories about it here and there but the coup, possible civil war and Suu-Kyi’s detention are gonna be 99% of the news you’re getting out of there. It’s still happening and a very serious issue but it’s a lot harder to get accurate information when the military is running the country and shutting down media outlets and other avenues of communication, either by pressure or outright use of force.
What is something so near yet so far?
Proxima Centauri.
What is something so near yet so far?
The future
What commercial have you quoted the most?
Look up the British "dime" chocolate bar adverts from the 1980s. There's one that mentions armadillos. Anything that happens to be crunchy on the outside, soft in the inside and one of us is duty bound to shout ARMADILLOS afterwards.
Every baby I've seen is very curious and observant by nature, they literally learn a Language just by listening to others, so is there anything inherent in the person's brain that makes them stupid when fully grown, or is it just because of the type of parents and environment?
What irritiates you the most??
In day to day life, people who have speakerphone conversations in public - fuck off
What is your favorite book quote about love?
first to admit I never read the book it comes from, Matthew Stover's novelization of Revenge of the Sith (I think). but the quote lives in my heart. "The brightest light casts the darkest shadow. The dark is generous and it is patient and it always wins – but in the heart of its strength lies its weakness: one lone candle is enough to hold it back. Love is more than a candle. Love can ignite the stars." like. damn.
No even a year and it turned to shit...
Me too! Though I just turned 40. I had the nerve to tell my wife she was out of line after she bought a $1,400 bottle of Belvedere at a club on my 40th birthday, despite me specifically asking her not to, and then screaming to all of my friends (and my sister) that I am a piece of shit and would probably not even fuck her later. I have come to realize that I cannot fix her problems, despite my best efforts and my sincere desire to do so. You will come to that realization as well. Moving on is not easy, but it is sometimes necessary.
I love the girlfriends I have now, but I tend to struggle to find other girls interested in deep discussion when it comes to philosophy, science, and history. Most of my male friends happily discuss these topics with me, but I am longing for female perspective. Should I just keep looking online? I also find that it is hard to keep in touch with people online if they are not genuinely interested in a meaningful friendship.
Take a university course?
Why don’t I know anyone who died from unwashed hands?
Because people wouldn't say "they died from unwashed hands," they'd say "they died from [insert infectious disease here]."
Why don’t I know anyone who died from unwashed hands?
there are many forms of bacteria which themselves cause a myriad of different illnesses. death would be attributed to the illness rather than lack of hand washing
Why don’t I know anyone who died from unwashed hands?
What you hear about are people dying of contagious diseases, often complications of some larger one. E.g. a patient who “died of AIDS” who really died of pneumonia as a complication of a cold that their body couldn’t fight off (because of the AIDS) that they contracted from a door knob touched by a person that didn’t wash their hands and neither did they. By the time you get to the actual dying, it’s usually impossible to trace it back to the actual cause like a specific person not washing their hands.
I don't like the heat, I never have. It's uncomfortable, itchy, and it gives me sweat hives. However, I'm always wearing a hoodie regardless of weather (Dad claims it spawned from childhood self-image issues) The one I wear most days is black. Whenever I go out in the summer in a t-shirt I start sweating within minutes. But if I'm wearing my hoodie I hardly even feel the heat as is and can spend hours outside before I even need water.
Could be that is baggy and not close to your skin so it doesn’t make you sweaty and air can still move around in it. That’s also wild for your dad to say. You could just leave it as “you feel comfortable in a hoody”
What's a good name for a pet but absolutely terrible to name a human?
What's a good name for a pet but absolutely terrible to name a human?
Mr. Chonkers
What's a good name for a pet but absolutely terrible to name a human?
Janitors of Reddit, What is the worst thing you have found that someone left behind?
Found this half finished problem on a chalk board once and solved that shit
What’s a phrase or saying that everyone knows in your region/country but no one has heard outside?
Jeet meaning did you eat
What’s a phrase or saying that everyone knows in your region/country but no one has heard outside?
Translated means “you step on our eyeballs”. Is a formal way of saying “love to have you over”
What’s a phrase or saying that everyone knows in your region/country but no one has heard outside?
I don't know what the current ones are but as a kid it was bodacious and hella
I habitually change my tampon every time I use the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and attempted to change my tampon per usual, but didn’t feel the string. I was at a bar, 3 drinks in, and it was a little hectic so I thought maybe I had already taken it out, but I’m not sure. I did not put a new one in. I really think that it was still in there because for several hours after realizing I couldn’t locate it, and not having a pad or putting a tampon in, my underwear and pants were unscathed. When I got home I felt around for it and couldn’t locate anything. It is now the following afternoon, and I tried to feel around for it again, and I’m still coming up with nothing. What else can I do? I am highly considering going to an urgent care facility but I do not want to go through the trauma of an unknown person poking around in there if I can avoid it. I am a survivor of rape and terrified that I might have to do this.
So, first things first. Relax! It's either been removed by you or is still in your vagina. There's no other option. Do you have a bath? Have a nice warm soak and concentrate on relaxing your muscles. Don't even think about routing around yet. Once you're nice and relaxed, bear down slightly as if you're trying to poo. This engages your pelvic floor muscles and will squeeze your vagina too. Now for the actual searching. It depends on what's easiest for you. You can stay in the bath lying down, or out of the bath in a deep squat, sitting on the toilet, or with one foot on the bath and the other on the floor. You'll need to insert 1 or 2 fingers into your vagina, the aim is to search everywhere rather than actively trying to pull anything out. Move in slow sweeping motions and try to feel all the way up to your cervix (it'll feel firmer than the surrounding tissue, and a bit like a donut). If you find it, great! Now's the time to pull. If you don't and you've definitely reached your cervix then the likelihood is there isn't one there. The cervix is never open enough for a tampon to get through, so rest assured it won't go anywhere else. If you want some reassurance then that may be the time to go to the clinic. The examination will be very fast as once a speculum is in and open it will be very obvious if there's a tampon or not. I wouldn't expect the speculum to be in any longer than 30 seconds. I hope this is helpful.
I habitually change my tampon every time I use the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and attempted to change my tampon per usual, but didn’t feel the string. I was at a bar, 3 drinks in, and it was a little hectic so I thought maybe I had already taken it out, but I’m not sure. I did not put a new one in. I really think that it was still in there because for several hours after realizing I couldn’t locate it, and not having a pad or putting a tampon in, my underwear and pants were unscathed. When I got home I felt around for it and couldn’t locate anything. It is now the following afternoon, and I tried to feel around for it again, and I’m still coming up with nothing. What else can I do? I am highly considering going to an urgent care facility but I do not want to go through the trauma of an unknown person poking around in there if I can avoid it. I am a survivor of rape and terrified that I might have to do this.
The tampon cannot go through the opening of the cervix. If you are able to feel all the way through your vagina to your cervix, and you feel no tampon, it's very likely that you simply took it out without remembering it. Of course, the only way to know for sure is direct visualization. If you do need to do this just to be sure, I recommend that you tell the provider up front that you have a history of sexual trauma so they can take extra care during the exam to make sure you feel comfortable and in control.
What name would you give a phobia of things that keep falling over no matter how many times you try to balance them upright?
What name would you give a phobia of things that keep falling over no matter how many times you try to balance them upright?
LGBTphobiabia because he refuses to be straight...
Why do aliens depicted in movies almost always look like reptiles of some sort?
To be the opposite of us mammals, I'd wager. The jagged crudeness of their hard skin. The thin oval pupils. Adds that sort of dinosaur fear factor into it all, i'd wager. Something along those lines.
What school tip can be a lifesaver?
Actually go to class.
What school tip can be a lifesaver?
one school tip that can be a lifesaver is to always stay organized. having a plan and knowing where everything is can help you avoid last minute scrambling and stress.
What school tip can be a lifesaver?
This is a simple one, just be super nice to the teachers and not a trouble maker and they will treat you like a god compared to your classmates, one of my teachers trusts me with her ID and sends me to the printer when I could be doing something bad with it.
Do people upvote questions they like or respond to on this sub?
I upvote questions that make me say "oh that's an interesting question" especially if it is novel for this sub. There is a lot of repetition here, so when someone asks something that hasn't been asked before i think that deserves extra attention and visibility.
Do people upvote questions they like or respond to on this sub?
Obviously some people do, as lots of questions are upvoted.
Do people upvote questions they like or respond to on this sub?
I usually upvote questions that I think lots of people are asking themselves and could benefit from the answers
What's the most extreme form of bdsm you've ever seen anyone indulge in?
I knew a couple that were into suspension and crosses. She came to work covered in bruises, and she would proudly tell us about what instrument caused each bruise. They were super open about everything.
What's the most extreme form of bdsm you've ever seen anyone indulge in?
I'd love to share but I'd get so much hate it's not worth it