I followed up without a thought of double-checking...if I double-checked every fact people vomited onto the table here on the net, I'd never have time to sleep. But to pass the buck to the person who originally posted that quote... ...well, Michael? Take it away! (wild applause) Drewcifer
People took this article seriously? I mean, I know it's the Net and all, but the prankster didn't even have Clinton's sound-bites right.
SALE: VOICE PROCESSING SYSTEM for IBM compatibles Item: DIALOGIC/41B Multi-line Voice Processing System Description: The DIALOG/41B is a PC XT/AT board that provides processing functions and call progress analysis for four independent phone lines simultaneously. The D/41B features the ability to record, playback, autoanswer, auto-dial, detect and generate DTMF tones, and perform telephone mamagement functions. With this card you can make your computer talk on 4 phone lines simultaneously. You can design your own ANSWERING SYSTEM or by one already programmed. You can build your own DIGITAL PAGER business and open up a business for VOICE MAILBOXES. Comes complete with manuals and demo software and programming libraries for C (UNIX and DOS). PRICE: LIST $1395.00 YOU PAY $795.00 For more info send mail!
"Diet Evangelist". Good term. Fits Atkins to a "T". -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gordon Banks N3JXP | "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect, and [email protected] | it is shameful to surrender it too soon."
Most of the points you made about Lopez v. Berryhill/Olson have been made by others, and realizing that Lopez must be the second coming of Frank Thomas, I have relented and praised the unmistakeable wisdom of his supporters. See? This is essentially what everyone was doing - comparing Lopez to one of the best players in the game. I'm really looking forward to seeing this can't-miss superstar now. As for Thomas, I remember being an advocate of his being brought up in 1990 even though he was only 21 or 22 (can't remember). But who did the Sox have at first? Calderon? Martinez? Kittle? The spot was there. The talent was there. Sure, I say go for it. I am not convinced that Lopez is anywhere near as talented as Thomas was after his AA season in 1989, and I am not convinced that Olson/ Berryhill are nearly as bad as Kittle/Martinez were. BTW, I don't think Thomas was hurt by those three months. Well, if we can't compare our guy to one of the best in the game, let's compare our decision to one of the most "Boneshead", right? Cal Eldred was 24 when he came up, with a full season at AAA and a longer minor league career. Frankly, I don't know why he didn't make the club in 1992. Bones is a year younger with a lousy prior history, and just watching him makes me think that I missed a career as a big-league pitcher. No one - I repeat NO ONE - laughed louder than I did at the Sheffield trade. (Though I guess Mieske has a future.) (I take it back. McIlvaine may have laughed louder.) aw, gee, shucks. thanks guy. except I missed the part where SDCN's admit they're wrong. -- The Beastmaster
As the subject says. It has 70k and my brother-in-law wants $250. Please don't reply to me as I am posting this for him. Here's his numbers : 5pm-10pm 712 676 3669 daytime 712 269 1261
Macintosh IIsi, 3/40, 80ns. Clock-upgraded IIsi works well at 25MHZ, however, does not work with Nubus adaptor and 1400k disk even though it can read/write 800k disk at32MHz. Interestingly, upgraded IIsi overcomes basically the fighting between the Vedio and the System so that CPU never be reduced below 8 no mater whether the cache is on or off. This is pretty useful when you use the virtual memory of system 7. 20MHz 25MHZ 32MHz CPU 5.46(6.0.7) 6.81(6.0.7) 8.83(6.0.7) 8.74(7VM) Graf. 6.72 8.56 11.07 9.19 Disk 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.49 Math. 5.72 11.27(FPU) 9.36 8.84
I have heard of two packages for the PC that support X-Win. The first is Linux which is a free Unix Package. The Second is X-Appeal, which sounds pretty good. It can be found at garbo.uwusa.fi in the ~ftp/pc/demo/ dir. The files are xap13exe.zip xap10fon.zip drivers.zip This should get you started. Josh.
: I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question. If not, : please forgive me and point me in the right direction. : Does anybody know of a program that converts .GIF files to .BMP files : and if so, where can I ftp it from? Any help would be greatly : appreciated. : Please respond via e-mail as I do not read this group very often. : Thanks...Scott Sorry Scott, if you post it here, you can read it here. There is a shareware program available via anonymous FTP that will suit your needs. You'll find it at OAK.OAKLAND.EDU in the subdirectory pub/msdos/graphics. The file is called "GRFWK61T.ZIP."
SeAL Team six should have handled it? Delta Force? The BATF had more than enough equipment and men. They did not have good intel, but they did have poor planning. They fucked up. Even in just the most basic military sense, they fucked up. Excuses do not justify body counts. And your excuses fall upon deaf ears when the same BATF has shown shitty leadership despite more people, better weapons, and exclusive use of armor against their targets. BATF is nothing more than a private army of the government. Do the agents swear an oath, as I did, to uphold the Constitution? You know, that document that stipulates the highest law of the land? If they do, they should be up for charges in a court of law. Remember, the law? That's the whole reason for any of this. Yeah, I've been related to many of them. This is flame-bait, right? I'm not paying your price. Mind if I sight in my guns on your body? Think of it as the price you have to pay that we may all live without fear of my making a stray shot. It's fine and dandy to revel in the other guy being the target and your supposed safety. In the military, we called this "chicken shit." Leadership from the rear. The War on Drugs, despite being a catchy term for nothing more than a continuation of policy since before this century, seems to have gotten you convinced that my rights aren't worth your good vibes. Mind if I cut your net access, as well as access to any and all forms of expression? See, you make me nervous, what with you being able to influence so many. I'm sure you can see how this is the price we have to pay for freedom and liberty in this country, as well as a fair and unbiased judiciary. Mind if we include you in the body count? I'm sure we could all file it under "civic improvement" and your life wouldn't have been sacrificed in vain. If you like, you can will your estate to defecit reduction, too. Now, when you learn how the law protects, or doesn't protect, everybody equally and how our collective boot may one day be on your collective throat, perhaps at that time you will mature enough to realize just what you're talking about and how serious this is. Next time, include a smiley. While I hesitate to think that you could have meant this seriously, it deserved a small flame anyway.
: Well, : : 42 is 101010 binary, and who would forget that its the : answer to the Question of "Life, the Universe, and Everything else." : That is to quote Douglas Adams in a round about way. : : Of course the Question has not yet been discovered... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ But it WAS discovered (sort of). The question was "What is 7 times 8?" When Arthur Dent objected that this was, unfortunately, factually inaccurate, the effort to discover the question was begun all over. This last effort was, I believe, likely to take far longer than the lifespan of the universe, in fact several lifespans of same! -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Wilson, Online Computer Systems. 1-800-922-9204 or 1-301-601-2215 (Try email address [email protected]....) This file .disclaims everything signed with my .signature, I .mean it!
In SGI's distribution with their Indigo line (others as well, possibly), they include source code for a GL widget that fits on top of Motif, and one that's Xt based as well. You may wish to ask IBM whether they support this. --
It seems like XTranslateCoord. doesn't work the way I expecting it. Right after performs a XMoveWindow, I want to know the absolute window position with respect to the root window. To get this info. I do a XTranslateCoordinates but the abs_x, and abs_y aren't right? Does anybody know of a way to find out this information? Thanks, please e-mail to [email protected] if it's possible
I've talked with Mark and he faxed some literature, though it wasn't very helpful- just a list of routine names: _BSplineSurface, _DrawString3D... 241 names. There was a Product Info sheet that explained some of the package capabilities. I also found a review in April/May '92 MacTutor.
Does anyone know if a source for the TCM3105 modem chips (as used in the Baycom and my PMP modems)? Ideally, something that is geared toward hobbyists: small quantity, mail order, etc. For years, we've been buying them from a distributor (Marshall) by the hundreds for PMP kits. But orders have dropped to the point where we can no longer afford to offer this service. And all of the distributors I've checked have some crazy minimum order ($100, or so). I'd like to find a source for those still interested in building PMP kits. Any suggestions?
True, all you need to define is one statement that defined one polarity, and all the other states are considered the other polarity. Then again what is the meaning of nil, false or true :-) ? Cheers, Kent
Imagine if this were available during the 1992 elections; instead of clumsily searching through the Clinton passport file, they could have just done a "voice-grep" (as someone stated earlier) on his telephone conversations for the last 10 years. I'm not a lawyer and I don't even play one on TV, but intuitively there's something wrong with having one's words archived for possible future use against you. This possibility frightens me more than any of the talk about the Clipper Chip, right to cryptography, etc. I'm afraid it just might. -nhy --
I recently ftp'd Al's Circuit Simulator (ACS) and I'm looking for the tutorial which is mentioned in the Users Manual (but not found there). I don't have any experience constructing a netlist (such as for SPICE) and I need a little help. The examples which come with ACS aren't explanatory about the translation between schematic and netlist. Does anyone have the fabled "Tutorial" or any other reference which could help me in constructing a netlist from a schematic diagram? (I also emailed Al himself but received no response yet. He's probably busy with his next release.) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Pillsbury Internet: [email protected] uunet: uunet!ccd.harris.com!timothy.pillsbury
Go easy on him drieux. It is the right of every American to know nothing about anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Who said anything about panicking?" snapped Authur. Garrett Johnson "This is still just culture shock. You wait till I've [email protected] settled into the situation and found my bearings. THEN I'll start panicking!" - Douglas Adams
Off the top of my head, I might try: Given: p_1, p_2, p_3, p_4 Find: p_c (center of sphere determined by p_1, ..., p_4), dist(p_c, p_i) (radius) p_c is the same distance from our four points, so dist(p_c,p_1) = dist(p_c,p_2) = dist(p_c,p_3) = dist(p_c,p_4) Of course, we can square the whole thing to get rid of square roots: distsq(p_c,p_1) = distsq(p_c,p_2) = distsq(p_c,p_3) = distsq(p_c,p_4) Plug in the variables into the distance formula, simplify, and the x^2_c, y^2_c, and z^2_c terms cancel out, leaving you with three linearly independent equations and three unknowns (x_c, y_c, z_c). Solve using your favorite method. :) All the best, - John :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. John S. Eickemeyer :: "The Lord God is subtle, Information Technology Institute :::: but malicious He is not." National Computer Board, Singapore :: Email: [email protected] :: - Albert Einstein
Other idea for old space crafts is as navigation beacons and such.. Why not?? Because to be any use as a nav point you need to know -exactly- where it is, which means you either nail it to something that doesn't move or you watch it all the time. Neither of which is possible on a deactivated spacecraft. Then you have to know exactly how far away from it you are; this may or may not be possible with the hardware on board. Apart from which, there is absolutely no need for navigation beacons.
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This is not true. The athiest's position is that there is no PROOF of the existence of God. As much as some people accept their Church, their priests or straight from their own scriptures as the "proof", this does not satisfy atheists. Atheists DO believe in recognisable authorities. If they were as dogmatic as you claim they are, they would be trying to prove 1 + 1 =2 every time they got up. What they dispute is that Churches, priests, scriptures etc. represent true authorities and know the TRUTH. Are you asking us to believe blindly? You are trying to deny that part of us that makes us ask the question "Does God exist?" i.e. self-awareness and reason. If we do not use our ability to reason we become as ignorant as the other animals on this earth. Does God want us to be like that? You are right that science and reason cannot PROVE anything. However, if we do not use them we can only then believe on FAITH alone. And since we can only use faith, why is one picture of "God" (e.g. Hinduism) any less valid than another (e.g. Christianity)?
A surplus-dealing buddy of mine came up with two emulator pods: HP64220C (for HP 64100 development station). 8086 target processor. DIP head. Does not include board that plugs into the 64100. Applied Microsystems 80C186/188 pod, LCC head. If you have an interest in either, let me know. They look to be in excellent condition. He doesn't know what to do with them, which may mean that they'll be cheap. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Medin Phone: (205) 730-3169 (w) SSD--Networking (205) 837-1174 (h) Intergraph Corp. M/S GD3004 Internet: [email protected] Huntsville, AL 35894 UUCP: ...uunet!ingr!b30!catbyte!dtmedin ******* Everywhere You Look (at least around my office) *******
I have been convinced of the right of AMericans to an effective self-defense, but something strikes me as odd among the pro-RKBA arguments presented here. The numbers comparing hundreds of thousands (indeed, even a million) of instances of law abiding citizens deterring criminal activity, seem valid to me. Likewise the number of gun-caused homicides each year (about 11,000/year?). However, it is surprising that the "Evil AntiGun Empire " (Darth Vader breathing sound effect here) never tries to compare "All legitimate gun defenses" vs. "All gun crimes." Instead, it's always "All legitimate gun defenses," which includes cases in which the criminals are shot but not killed, and cases in which the criminal is not here, vs. just criminal gun homicides, which only includes case sin which the victim died. Why is this? Of course, it wouldn't be unreasonable to say that in each crime already measured (involving guns), the consequnces are already known and it is safe to assume that a gun-based bank robbery last week will not suddenly turn into a gun-basd robbery+homicide. Whereas in the legitimate gun defenses, one may assume that all those criminals who were deterred would have committed more crime or more serious crimes had they not been deterred. -Case Kim
So what are you? I don't think that, you are just making noise. That's true. I try to learn from people who know more than me, not from useless farts. Of course, I have said that more times in this group than anyone else, I'd think. Quite true, that's why I am so careful in selecting quotes. Oh bullshit. Fanatic my bum. Prove your blah or cork it. How would you know what I consider? Read my mind? I looked very closely at a large number of sources. You have no idea what you are talking about. That's true about the accounts of both Irgun and Arab propagandists. Like Begin, for example. No, I never got that feeling. I got rather opposite feelings about people like you, though. Honesty? Perhaps you would explain the testimony from members of the Irgun, to be found in their own handwriting in the Irgun Archives in Tel Aviv, that the wounded Arabs were killed, that a group of 80 prisoners was massacred, that Lehi proposed exterminating everybody at the pre-raid meeting. Exactly what reasons can you propose that this testimony should be rejected in favour of Begin's? This is very funny. You carried on about unsupported evidence, propagandists, axes to grind, and you end up telling us to stick to the account of the leader of the alleged killers. You are obviously a hopeless case, as everyone can plainly see.
Eric ("Damien"?) was presenting his views on Christianity; I'll respond to a few of his points: This is certainly a valid objection to religion-as-explanation-of- nature. Fortunately for the convenience of us believers, there is a class of questions that can never be reduced away by natural science. For example: why does the universe exist at all? After all, the time-space world didn't have to exist. Why does *anything* exist? And: is it possible for persons (e.g. man) to come into being out of a purely impersonal cosmos? These questions which look at the real mysteries of life -- the creation of the world and of persons -- provide a permanent indicator that the meaning of life in the material world can only be found *outside* that world, in its Source. When you say that man is *only* an animal, I have to think that you are presenting an unprovable statement -- a dogma, if you will. And one the requires a kind of "faith" too. By taking such a hard line in your atheism, you may have stumbled into a religion of your own. But before you write off all Christianity as phony and shallow, I hope you'll do a little research into its history and varieties, perhaps by reading Paul Johnson's "A History of Christianity". From your remarks, it seems that you have been exposed to certain types of Christian religion and not others. Even an atheist should have enough faith in Man to know that a movement of 2000 years has to have some depth, and be animated by some enduring values. With best wishes,
Could you post a description of ObjectBase, your chosen product.
If you use System 7, you can use my application Zing which has a 30 kB footprint (meaning you can have it running all the time without losing memory) It is also compatible with the chat program "FishBomb" which allows sounds and pictures as well. Both are, as far as I know, freeware (I dustribute Zing with source) and should be available on the normal services (mac.archive.umich.edu for instance) Cheers, / h+
I think you can do this with REGEDIT, which can make changes to the OLE registration database. From Program Manager (or File Manager) choose RUN and type REGEDIT. You do have it- its included with Windows, but not well documented.
About a year ago, some kids tossed a rock off an overpass on I-94 near Eau Claire, Wisconsin and it killed the driver below. (I believe he was a schoolteacher from Minnesota.)
People have been encrypting notes in their notebooks for hundreds of years -- maybe over a thousand. It's a long tradition dating at least back to the alchemists. I know of nothing bad happening to them. I would assume that nothing bad would happen to you, given this long history establishing encryption as the property of individuals, to do with as they please.
Good point, but I was just thinking.. I wanted to sell my HP28sx calculator here in this newsgroup... It is called a calculator, but really it is a computer, albeit a small one, but it does function as one... How come car adds are acceptable? They cant run without computers nowadays.... Where does one draw the line? Accept it, live with it, and if you care to, avoid it.... jonathan
Your speculation that the two proven veterans will produce better than Lopez is also no more than speculation. It *does* make a difference whether the speculation is well-founded or not. Though this is a good point. The one speculation is "safer", because it can be reversed.
Tough question -- more dangerous than driving a car, and far more dangerous if you don't apply a modicum of intelligence to the activity. Basically, stupidity will get you hurt/killed a lot faster on a motorcycle than in a car. But with care, it is not unreasonably dangerous. Also, buying good protective clothing is helpful, that way if something does go wrong, you are likely to be less severely injured. First thing, if possible take a (MSF) driver training course, this will get you started on the right foot -- they teach control of the vehicle and safe riding practices. Second, buy protective gear. At minimum a good helmet and a pair of leather gloves are a must. A good sturdy piece of footgear is also very helpful, though leather hiking boots, a pair of old army boots, or something similar works fine for this purpose as long as you make sure the laces stay tied. After those, a leather jacket and leather pants or chaps are nice as well; but these are also expensive items. For the pants, many people consider a good pair of jeans to be reasonable, preferably recent and of a fairly heavy weight. Similarly for a jacket, a good jean jacket is a reasonable compromise, though more people tend to have leather jackets around than pants. Another thing to do is drop in on garage sales looking for a second-hand leather jacket. Look for a fairly thick leather in these items. Third don't do anything stupid -- don't ride after drinking, even one drink can noticeably affect you judgement and balance; don't ride in the snow, or when conditions are such that black ice is likely; be very careful riding in the rain -- slow way down, take corners gingerly, brake early and gently; try not to ride if you are sick, tired, taking any medication with drowsiness warnings, or otherwise not in average shape. With care, you should be ok. I would suggest mid to late 80's japanese mid-sized standard. Something in 400-650 cc range would probably be reasonable. If you are shorter/lighter than average, you might want to go as low as a 300-400 cc bike. Possible models: The Suzuki GS### series (eg. GS500, GS650, etc.). These are generally inline 4 bikes, generally dependable except for a tendency to weakness in the charging system. (Stator and/or Regulator/Rectifier problems.) My first bike was a (about '82) GS650, it server me well. The Honda Nighthawk series (this may also be known as the CB### series I think). eg. Honda CB450, CB650, etc. This is another series of standard motorcycles. Also fairly dependable. Kawasaki and Yamaha probably have similar bikes, but I don't know them as well. For mid to late '80s models of the above, you should be able to buy the bike for under $2000, leaving you money for protective clothing and insurance and licensing costs.
I want to connect a very small "home-made" speaker up to the headphone jack on my macintosh LC for an experiment. The dc resistance of the speaker is 1 ohm. Any ideas how I can do this safely? I think I need some kind of an impedance transformer or something.? -tony [email protected]
True, but will traditional encryptions schemes, when further encrypted by Clipper, be _more_ vulnerable to attacks such as partially known plaintext?
I remember one he hit circa 1976 at Wrigley Field that went across the street (in dead center field) and hit a house on the roof. He whiffed a lot, but when he *did* connect, watch out! -- #include <std_disclaimer.h>
On sunsite.unc.edu in pub/multimedia/utilities/unix find mpeg_play-2.0.tar.Z. I find for mono it works best as mpeg_play -dither threshold though you can use mpeg_play -dither mono Face it, this is not be the best viewing situation. Also someone has made a patch for mpeg_play that gives two more mono modes (mono2 and halftone). They are by [email protected] (Jan Newmarch). And the patch can be found on csc.canberra.edu.au ( under /pub/motif/mpeg2.0.mono.patch.
As most of you know, we have recently changed our standard VESA local-bus video card from our own NCR-based card to the new Diamond Stealth 24 VLB card for packages 2, 3, and 4 (package #1 still has the NCR "screamer'). We also have added the $149 upgrade from the Stealth 24 or NCR to the Diamond Viper to our product list. Below are the comparisons of the different cards in the configurations we will offer: NCR Stealth 24 VLB Viper VLB 64Ox480 Colors 16,256 16,256,32K,64K,16.7M 16,256,32K,64K,16.7M * 8OOx6OO Colors 16,256 16,256,32K,64K 16,256,32K,64K * 1024x768 Colors 16,256 16,256 16,256 1280x1024 Colors 16 16 16 Video Processor NCR 77C22E+ S3 86C805 Weitek Power 9000 Video RAM 1M 1M 1M Max RAM addressable by Vid Processor 3M 2M 2M RAM Type DRAM DRAM VRAM User RAM Upgrade? No (no sockets) No (no sockets) Yes (thru Diamond) 64Ox480 Refresh 60-72 Hz 60-72 Hz 60-72 Hz 8OOx6OO Refresh 56-72 Hz 56-72 Hz 56-72 Hz 1024x768 Refresh 44-70 Hz 43-72 Hz 43-72 Hz 128Oxl024 Refresh 43 Hz 43-60 Hz 43-74 Hz 26 pin VESA Feature Connector No Yes No Conflict with x2E8 port addr (COM4) No YES* No* Drivers for: Win 3.1 Yes Yes Yes ACad 9/10/11 Yes Yes Yes ACad 12 No Yes** Yes** VESA Yes Yes Yes OS/2, WinNT NO*** NO*** NO*** Win 3.1 WINMARKS 10.5M**** 21 M**** 50M**** ^L * Viper VLB with 2M of video RAM also gives 8OOx6OO 16.7M, 1024x768 32K & 64K, and 1280xl 024 256 color. S3-based cards, since they are downward compatible, will have the conflict with 2E8. Diamond admits conflict will exist with the Stealth 24. The prelim Viper manual incorrectly lists the S3 port addresses. No conflict. ** AutoCAD 12 drivers are now currently available for Stealth, SpeedSTAR 24X, Stealth 24 VLB, and Viper VLB. They can only be obtained from Diamond Tech Support, 408-736-2000 and NOT on any BBS. ** OS/2 2.0 is supported for Standard VGA for all cards. SVGA drivers available in the near future. Windows NT is not released yet, and no drivers are available currently. Diamond hopes to have all current products supported in the Win NT release, on the NT disks.
Isn't that interesting?! In the Jewish tradition you are incredibly wrong! They originate in the Torah and with Jewish ancestors, specifically the Patriarch Abraham (z"l). That knowledge was sent East to India and China when Abraham gave "gifts" (the commentators to Jewish scripture say this was the knowledge of the occult arts) to all the rest of his children when he sent them away to the East. This assured that Isaac only, who remained with Abraham, would inherit his most important spiritual gifts, what eventually became Judaism. So you see, other religions can have very parochial views too. By the Jewish view, you are very mistaken, your scripture are not scripture, your gods are not gods, your practices a jumble of errors that lead people to idol worship and away from God. That doesn't stop us from respecting you to the extent of not trying to convert you or proselytize you and being willing to dialog in a respectful manner. We're content to let you live the way you care to live as long as you leave us be. We are happy to co-exist as long as you give us the same right. But your incredible rudeness and violent nature seems to preclude that. Too bad. Is this typical of your religion? You are a most presumptuous fellow! How dare you presume that the "typical" New Ager doesn't acknowledge God and is selfish. What trite, self-righteous, ego-ful garbage! There are Buddhists, Christians, Jews, and those of many other religions here on this newsgroups for whom your words are simple slander. Of course, from the Jewish perspective you are incredibly wrong. We'd say that there is no "godhead" -- just created beings who may be enjoying a good laugh at your expense. So not only are we selfish, we are also thieves and liars! And you expect any of us to pay attention to you and your "religion?" Why not call us more name? Maybe then we'll all convert in gratefullness! You delude yourself.
John, While I will not take the time to rebut you point by point, I will suggest three current works which I think will be helpful in your quest to answer this question. John Dominic Crossan (Professor of Religion at De Paul Univ)- _The Cross That Spoke_ Harper and Row Pub. 1988, Also his latest work _The Historical Jesus - The Life of A Mediterranean Jewish Peasant_ Harper and Row Pub. 1991, Also two works of Burton Mack (Professor of New Testament at the Claremont Graduate School) _A Myth of Innocence_ Fortress Press 1988, And his latest book _The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins_ Harper and Row, 1992. You might start with Mack's book on Q and then examine the others afterward. However I think that once you do that you will see that your "evidence" is not as sturdy as you'd like. Most of the tired arguements you stated, assume eyewitness accounts, such is not the case. But Anyway look at Mack and Crossan and then get back to us.
Hi! A while back, there was a thread in this group about the use of the IWII in Europe (in countries with 50 Hz AC current). The consensus at the time was that the IWII would not work there. As I will be moving there this summer, I called Apple to make sure and they told me (today) that the IWII (as bought in the U.S.) will definitely run on 50 Hz AC current (as long as a step-down converter is employed if 240 V current is used). The same info, turns out, can be found in the IWII manual (p. 127 in the 1989 version), but I didn't really trust that. Does anyone have any direct experience to the contrary? Just wondering.
Here I am!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Smyth [email protected] Senior Software Engineer, (818)306-6463 (temp! do NOT use v-mail) X and Object Guru. tempory office: 525/B70 Jet Propulsion Lab, M/S 525-3660 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's the earliest possible date you can't prove it won't be done by? - Tom DeMarco
We're talking about insurance agents from Bumf**k Illinois (ST.FARM is HQ'ed in Bloomington). What the hell do they know about cars... Both are sports cars... :-)
Humans have "gone somewhat beyond" what, exactly? In one thread you're telling us that natural morality is what animals do to survive, and in this thread you are claiming that an omniscient being can "definitely" say what is right and what is wrong. So what does this omniscient being use for a criterion? The long- term survival of the human species, or what? How does omniscient map into "definitely" being able to assign "right" and "wrong" to actions? Well, your "original premises" have a habit of changing over time, so perhaps you'd like to review it for us, and tell us what the difference is between an omniscient being be able to assign "right" and "wrong" to actions, and telling us the result, is. I'm talking about the morality introduced by you, which was going to be implemented by this omniscient being that can "definitely" assign "right" and "wrong" to actions. You tell us what type of morality that is.
There is the Army Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. They were the precursors to SDIO. and still exist under that umbrella. Army Signal Corp's and DCA defense Comm Agency oops DISA, they just changed names do space work. that's the point of all those defense comm sats.
"So after 1000 years of sightseeing and roaming around its ok to come back, kill Palastinians, and get their land back, right?" Yes, that's casual antisemitism. I can think of plenty of ways to criticize Israeli policy without insulting Jews or Jewish history. Can't you?
Well, I dropped by the library yesterday, and picked up back copies of the National Crime Survey (1986-1990) in an effort to examine what it said about self-defense with a firearm. I haven't ground through much in the way of numbers yet, but a couple of things jumped out at me. First only 1986 and 1987 specify the type of weapon used in self defense. 1988, 1989, and 1990 refer only to "weapon." The second is that while assaults rose about 3% from 1986 to 1987, w/gun defenses reported *fell* by almost 25%. Unless there's an explanation for this, I'm tempted to mark it as a reporting problem, and as such going ahead with any examination of the numbers would be a waste of time. Anybody have an idea what might have cause a real difference, and not just a reporting difference? The survey doesn't appear to have changed significantly between 1986 and 1987.
I can definitily say that you can use an RLL as Master and IDE as slave, as I have just upgraded my machine with a 200Mb IDE ( And custom Controller Mdl CI-1010 Extended IDE Controller ) While maintaining my RLL'd Wren as master Drive. The trick is the controller which supports up to 4 IDE Drives while coexisting with existing Controllers ( MFM,RLL,ESDI,SCSI ). So according to the Documentation it should work with ESDI, and I can assure you it works with RLL.
-*----- I hope Gordon Banks did not mean to imply that notions such as hard-to-see candida infections causing various problems should not be investigated. Many researchers have made breakthroughs by figuring out how to investigate things that were previously thought "virtually impossible to test for." Indeed, I would be surprised if "candida overbloom" were such a phenomena. I would think that candida would produce signature byproducts whose measure would then set a lower bound on the extent of recent infection. I realize this might get quite tricky and difficult, probably expensive, and likely inconvenient or uncomfortable to the subjects, but that is not the same as "virtually impossible."
Computer: 286-25 mhz Bus: ISA (12.5 mhz) Drive: Maxtor 7213A (213 mb) config.sys / autoexec.bat MS DOS 5 no WIN 3.1 smartdrv.sys cache smartdrv.exe CORE (V 2.7) 6950 k/sec 1390 k/sec 1395 k/sec Norton SI (V 5.0) 730 k/sec 980 k/sec 982 k/sec I'd still like to here from people with VLB-IDE. I still want to know what VLB bus speed is used with IDE drives. I still want to know if some (most ?) IDE drives can handle bus speeds > 8 mhz.
Forwarded from Doug Griffith, Magellan Project Manager MAGELLAN STATUS REPORT April 16, 1993 1. The Magellan mission at Venus continues normally, gathering gravity data which provides measurement of density variations in the upper mantle which can be correlated to surface topography. Spacecraft performance is nominal. 2. Magellan has completed 7225 orbits of Venus and is now 39 days from the end of Cycle-4 and the start of the Transition Experiment. 3. No significant activities are expected next week, as preparations for aerobraking continue on schedule.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ocean Reconnaissance Launch Surprises West Space News, April 5-11, 1993, p.2 [Excerpts] Russia launched its first ocean reconnaissance satellite in 26 months March 30, confounding Western analysts who had proclaimed the program dead. The Itar-TASS news agency announced the launch of Cosmos 2238 from Plesetsk Cosmodrome, but provided little description of the payload's mission. However, based on the satellite's trajectory, Western observers identified it as a military spacecraft designed to monitor electronic emissions from foreign naval ships in order to track their movement. Geoff Perry of the Kettering Group in England... [said] Western observers had concluded that no more would be launched. But days after the last [such] satellite re-entered the Earth's atmosphere, Cosmos 2238 was launched. "Cosmos-2238" Satellite Launched for Defense Ministry Moscow ITAR-TASS World Service in Russian 1238 GMT 30 March 1993 Translated in FBIS-SOV-93-060, p.27 by ITAR-TASS correspondent Veronika Romanenkova Moscow, 30 March -- The Cosmos-2238 satellite was launched at 1600 Moscow time today from the Baykonur by a "Tsiklon-M" carrier rocket. An ITAR-TASS correspondent was told at the press center of Russia's space-military forces that the satellite was launched in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry.
Were they palying football or baseball in Detroit on Saturday? From looking at the school, some people may think it was football. Between two games this week, the Tigers scored 40 runs!!!! The offense can carry them, I hope the pitching will hold out. I was at Camden Yards yesterday, everytime I looked up the score was getting higher. What a great site it was to see the Tigers kicking butt while enjoying a game at Camden Yards. GO TIGERS AND GO TONY PHILLIPS!!!!!!!!
[not very comprehensive list deleted] There is a very comprehensive list in sci.math.symbolic, which detailed descriptions of many packages. (Especially you, Mark, should update your list :-) ) Here it is: Available Systems This is the list of currently developed and distributed software for symbolic math applications. No informations is supplied on systems no longer being supported like: SAINT, FORMAC, ALPAK, ALTRAN, MATHLAB, SIN, SAC, CAMAL, ScratchPad, MuMath, SHEEP, TRIGMAN, ANALITIK, SMP or CCALC. For more detailed info on any of the systems below, look into the directory pub/Symbolic_Math in the anonymous FTP of "math.berkeley.edu". No particular recommendation is made for any of these. If you want prices contact the company. Programs are listed by (aprox.) the reverse order of the number of machines they run on, in each class, general purpose systems first. If you have any information to add to this list (we know we are missing MuPAD & FELIX) please send it to : [email protected] Paulo Ney de Souza Department of Mathematics University of California Berkeley CA 94720 [email protected] GENERAL PURPOSE =============== Maple:: Type: commercial Machines: Most impressive list of machines I seen for a program: workstations (DEC, HP, IBM, MIPS, Sun, SGI, Apollo), 386 PC's, Mac, Amiga, Atari, AT&T 3B2, Gould, Convex, NCR, Pyramid, Sequent, Unisys and Cray's. Contact: [email protected] Waterloo Maple Software, 160 Columbia Street West, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3L3 Phone: (519) 747-2373 Version: 5 Release 1 Comments: General purpose , source available for most routines , graphics support in 5.0. A demo of the program for PC-DOS can be obtained from anonymous FTP at wuarchive.wustl.edu:/edu/math/msdos/modern.algebra/maplev.zip Mathematica:: Type: commercial Machines: Cray YMP down to Mac's and PC's Contact: [email protected], Phone: 1-800-441-MATH Wolfram Research, Inc. 100 Trade Center Drive, Champaign IL 61820-7237 Version: 2.1 Comments: General purpose, Notebook interface on Next, Mac, nice graphics. Macsyma:: Type: commercial Machines: Sun-3, Sun-4 (SPARC), VAX (UNIX and VMS), Apollo, HP 9000, DEC RISC, PC386/DOS, Symbolics computers, 368/387 and 486 (no SX's) PC's. Contact: [email protected], Phone: 800-MACSYMA Macsyma Inc, 20 Academy St., Arlington MA 02174-6436 Version: depends on machine: 417.100 is the latest (for Sun-4, HP, and DEC RISC), 417.125 for PC's Comments: General purpose, many diverse capabilities, one of the oldest around. Includes propietary improvements from Symbolics and Macsyma Inc. Descendant of MIT's Macsyma. DOE-Macsyma: Type: distribution fee only Machines: GigaMos, Symbolics, and TI Explorer Lisp machines. The NIL version runs on Vaxes using the VMS system. The public domain Franz Lisp version, runs on Unix machines, including Suns and Vaxes using Unix. Contact: ESTSC - Energy Science & Technology Software Center P. O. Box 1020 Oak Ridge TN 37831-1020 Phone: (615) 576-2606 Comments: Help with DOE-Macsyma, general and help with issues such as obtaining support, new versions, etc: [email protected] Leon Harten from Paradigm Assoc. Paradigm Associates, Inc. 29 Putnam Avenue, Suite 6 Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 492-6079. Maxima:: Type: Licence for a fee. Get licence from ESTC before download. Machines: Unix workstations (Sun, MIPS, HP, PC's) and PC-DOS (beta). Contact: [email protected] (Bill Schelter) Version: 4.155 Comments: General purpose - MIT Macsyma family. Common Lisp implementation by William F. Schelter, based on Kyoto Common Lisp. Modified version of DOE-Macsyma available to ESTSC (DOE) sites. Get the licence from ESTSC (phone: 615-576-2606) and then dowload the software from DOS: math.utexas.edu:pub/beta-max.zip or UNIX: rascal.ics.utexas.edu:pub/maxima-4-155.tar.Z Currently their charge for 1 machine license is $165 to universities. Site licenses are also available. Aljabr:: Type: commercial Machines: Mac's with 4Meg of RAM. Contact: [email protected], Phone: (508) 263-9692, Fort Pond Research. 15 Fort Pond Road, Acton MA 01720 US Version: 1.0 Comments: MIT Macsyma family descendant, uses Franz LISP. Paramacs:: Type: commercial Machines: VAX-VMS, Sun-3, Sun-4, (SGI and Mac's on the works) Contact: [email protected] Version: ??? Comments: ??? Vaxima:: Type: distribution fee only Machines: VAX-Unix Contact: ESTSC (see DOE-Macsyma above) Version: ??? Comments: General purpose - MIT Macsyma family descendant. Includes source and binaries with assembler for Macsyma and Franz Lisp Opus 38 Reduce:: Type: commercial Machines: All Unix workstations, a variety of mainframes, MS-DOS/386/4Mbyte and Atari ST. Contact: [email protected] Version: 3.34 Comments: General purpose FORM:: Type: Public domain verison 1 , Version 2 commercial Machines: Msdos, AtariSt , Mac, Sun3, Sun4/sparc, Apollo, NeXT, VAX/VMS, VAX/Ultrix , DECStation , and others Contact: [email protected] (Jos Vermaseren) Binary versions of version 1 are available by anonymous ftp from nikhef.nikhef.nl ( Version: 1 and 2. Comments: General purpose , designed for BIG problems , batch-like interface Axiom:: Type: commercial Machines: IBM RS 6000's and other IBM plataforms Contact: [email protected], Phone: (708) 971-2337 FAX: (708) 971-2706 NAG - Numerical Algorithms Group, Inc 1400 Opus Place, Suite 200, Downers Grove, Il 60515-5702 Version: ??? Comments: General purpose. SIMATH:: Type: anonymous ftp Machines: Suns, Apollo DN and Siemens workstations. Contact: [email protected] Version: 3.5 Comments: General purpose Derive:: Type: commercial Machines: Runs on PC's and HP 95's. Contact: 808-734-5801 Soft Warehouse Inc. 3615 Harding Ave, Suite 505 Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-3735 Version: 2.01 Comments: Said to be very robust, gets problems that other larger programs fail on. Low cost. Theorist:: Type: commercial Machines: Mac's Contact: [email protected], phone:(415)543-2252 fax:(415)882-0530 Prescience Corp, 939 Howard St #333, San Francisco, CA 94103 Version: 1.11 Comments: General purpose , Graphics , If you like the mac interface you'll love this , fixed precision ( 19 digits ), runs on smaller mac's than MMA. MAS:: Type: Anonymous FTP Machines: Atari ST (TDI and SPC Modula-2 compilers), IBM PC/AT (M2SDS and Topspeed Modula-2 compilers) and Commodore Amiga (M2AMIGA compiler). Contact: H. Kredel. Computer Algebra Group University of Passau, Germany Version: 0.60 Comments: MAS is an experimental computer algebra system combining imperative programming facilities with algebraic specification capabilities for design and study of algebraic algorithms. MAS is available via anonymous ftp from: alice.fmi.uni-passau.de = MockMma:: Type: anonymous FTP from peoplesparc.berkeley.edu Machines: Anywhere running Common LISP. Contact: [email protected] Version: ??????? Comments: It does Matematica (or I mispelled that!). Weyl:: Type: anonymous FTP from ftp.cs.cornell.edu /pub/Weyl Contact: [email protected] Version: 4.240 Comments: Intended to be incorporated in larger, more specialized systems. FLAC:: Type: ??? Machines: IBM PC's (DOS) Contact: Victor L. Kistlerov, Institute for Control Sciences, Profsoyuznaya 65, Moscow, USSR Version: ??? Comments: Functional language GROUP THEORY ============ Cayley:: Type: Cost recovery Machines: SUN 3, SUN 4, IBM AIX and VM machines, Apollo, DEC VAX/VMS, Mac running A/UX 2.01 or higher and Convex. Contact: [email protected] Phone: (61) (02) 692 3338, Fax: (61) (02) 692 4534 Computational Algebra Group University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia Version: 3.8.3 Comments: Designed for fast computation with algebraic and combinatorial structures such as groups, rings, fields, modules and graphs. Although it began as a group theory system it has recently evolved into a general (abstract) algebra system. GAP:: Type: anonymous ftp (free, but not PD; basically GNU copyleft) Machines: All Unix workstations, ATARI ST, IBM PC and MAC Contact: [email protected] FTP site: samson.math.rwth-aachen.de ( & math.ucla.edu Version: 3.1 (3.2 to be released Dec 92) Comments: group theory calculations. ALGEBRA & NUMBER THEORY ======================= PARI:: Type: anonymous ftp Machines: Most workstations, Mac and NeXT Contact: [email protected] anonymous ftp to math.ucla.edu ( in the directory /pub/pari Version: 1.35 Comments: Number theoretical computations, source available, key routines are in assembler, ascii and Xwindows graphics. PC-DOS version available from anonymous FTP at wuarchive.wustl.edu:/edu/math/msdos/modern.algebra/pari386 Macaulay:: Type: anonymous ftp Machines: Complete source available, Binary Mac versions available Contact: anonymous ftp to zariski.harvard.edu ( Version: ??? Comments: focused on Algebra type computations ( polynomial rings over finite fields ), things like that. Kant:: Type: ??? Machines: ??? Contact: KANT Group Prof. Dr. M. E. Pohst / Dr. Johannes Graf v. Schmettow Mathematisches Institut, Heinrich-Heine-Universit\"at Universit\"atsstr. 1, D-4000 D\"usseldorf 1 [email protected] or [email protected] Version: 1 & 2 Comments: Kant (Computational Algebraic Number Theory) is subroutine package for algorithms from geometry of numbers and algebraic number theory. There are two versions of Kant: Kant V1 is written in Ansi-Fortran 77, while Kant V2 is built on the Cayley Platform and written in Ansi-C. LiE:: Type: commercial Machines: Unix workstations (SUN, DEC, SGI, IBM), NeXT, PC's, Atari and Mac's. Contact: [email protected], Phone: +31 20 592-6050, FAX: +31 20 592-4199 CAN Expertise Centre, Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands Version: 2 Comments: Lie group computations UBASIC:: Type: anonymous FTP (ubas830.zip) Machines: Mac and IBM PC's Contact: [email protected], Phone: (313) 370-3425 Donald E. G. Malm, Department of Mathematical Sciences Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309-4401 Version: 8.30 Comments: BASIC-like environment for number theory. In the collection of programs written for it one can find: MALM (Collection of UBASIC Number Theory Programs (malm.zip) by Donald E. G. Malm (and copyrighted by him), including: Baillie-Wagstaff Lucas pseudoprime test, Algorithm for Chinese remaindering, Elliptic curve method to factorize n, Fermat's method of factoring, General periodic continued fraction to quadratic routine, Evaluates Carmichael's function & D. H. Lehmer's method of solving x^2 = q (mod p). UBMPQS (Prime factorization program for numbers over 80 digits (ubmpqs32.zip)), that can be found in the WURST Archives (wuarchive.wustl.edu). Numbers:: Type: Free but not Public Domain, registration required. Machines: PC-DOS Contact: Ivo Dntsch Phone: (++49) 541-969 2346 Rechenzentrum Fax: (++49) 541-969 2470 Universitt Osnabrck Bitnet: duentsch@dosuni1 Postfach 4469 W 4500 Osnabrck GERMANY Version: 202c Comments: Numbers is a calculator for number theory. It performs various routines in elementary number theory, some of which are also usable in algebra or combinatorics. Available in the anonymous FTP in ftp.rz.Uni-Osnabrueck.de in the directory /pub/msdos/math CoCoA:: Type: ??? Machines: Mac's Contact: [email protected] Version: ??? Comments: Computations in commutative algebra Galois:: Type: Commercial Machines: IBM-PC DOS Contact: CIFEG Inc., Kalkgruberweg 26, A-4040 Linz, Austria Version: ??? Comments: Algebra and number theory microcomputer written by R. Lidl, R. W. Matthews, and R. Wells from the U. Tasmania in Turbo Pascal v3.0. GANITH:: Type: Anonymous FTP Machines: Any system with vanilla Common Lisp, X 11, and has at least a rudimentary Lisp/C interface. Contact: Chanderjit Bajaj & Andrew Royappa Department of Computer Science, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 (bajaj and [email protected]) Version: Comments: GANITH is an algebraic geometry toolkit, for computing and visualising solutions to systems of algebraic equations. It is written in Common Lisp and C, and runs under version 11 of the X window system. GANITH is available from the anonymous FTP at cs.purdue.edu in the file /pub/avr/ganith-src.tar.Z TENSOR ANALYSIS =============== SchoonShip:: Type: ??? Machines: ??? Contact: mentioned in Comp.Phys. Comm. 8, 1 (1974). Version: ??? Comments: I have heard this program mentioned , supposely it's designed for large problems (i.e. thousands of terms in series expansions ). Developed at CERN for CDC7600 ? STENSOR:: Type: ???? Machines: VAX, SUN, Apollos, Orion, Atari & Amiga Contact: [email protected], Lars Hornfeldt, Physics Department, University of Stockholm Vanadisv.9, S-113 46, Stockholm, Sweden Version: ???? Comments: System for tensor calculus and noncommutative algebra LISP CALCULATORS ================ JACAL:: Type: Gnu CopyLeft Machines: Needs a Lisp (either Common or Scheme) Contact: Available by anon ftp to altdorf.ai.mit.edu [] Version: ??? Comments: An IBM PC version on floppy for $50 is available from Aubrey Jaffer, 84 Pleasant St. Wakefield MA 01880, USA. GNU-calc:: Type: GNU copyleft Machines: Where Emacs runs. Contact: Free Software Foundation Version: ??? Comments: It runs inside GNU Emacs and is written entirely in Emacs Lisp. It does the usual things: arbitrary precision integer, real, and complex arithmetic (all written in Lisp), scientific functions, symbolic algebra and calculus, matrices, graphics, etc. and can display expressions with square root signs and integrals by drawing them on the screen with ascii characters. It comes with well written 600 page online manual. You can FTP it from any GNU site. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ====================== DELiA:: Type: Informal distribution Machines: IBM PC's (DOS) Contact: A. V. Bocharov, Program Systems Institute, USSR Academy of Science, Pereslavl, P.O. Box 11, 152140 USSR, Tlx: 412531 BOAT Version: ???? Comments: Differetial equation computations PC SHAREWARE ============ SymbMath:: Type: shareware, student and advanced versions. Machines: IBM PC Contact: [email protected] Version: 2.1.1 Comments: Runs on plain (640k) DOS machines. The shareware version is available in the file sm211a.zip on the Wurst Archives. More capable versions are available by mail-order from the author. CLA:: Type: anonymous FTP Machines: PC-DOS Contact: ???? Version: 2.0 Comments: A linear or matrix algebra package which computes rank, determinant, rwo-reduced echelon form, Jordan canonical form, characteristic equation, eigenvalues, etc. of a matrix. File cla20.zip on the Wurst Archives. XPL:: Type: anonymous FTP Machines: PC-DOS Contact: David Meredith, Department of Mathematics San Francisco State University San Francisco, CA 94132 [email protected] Version: 4.0 Comments: Formerly called CCALC. Well-integrated graphics and some (numerical) matrix manipulation routines. Intended for calculus students. Prentice Hall sells this with a book (ISBN 0-13-117441-X--or by calling 201-767-5937), but it is also available (without the manual but with a comprehensive help system) by anonymous FTP from wuarchive.wustl.edu: /edu/math/msdos/calculus/cc4-9206.zip. AMP:: Type: Commercial, evaluation copy available by anonymous FTP Machines: PC-DOS Contact: Mark Garber (71571,[email protected]) Ph: (404) 452-1129 Cerebral Software, PO Box 80332, Chamblee, GA 30366 Version: 3.0 Comments: The Algebraic Manipulation Program (AMP) is written in Modula-2 and is a symbolic calculation tool. AMP functions in an interpreter mode and program mode. It has tensor manipulation using index notation. The evaluation copy is available in the anonymous FTP at: ftp.rz.Uni-Osnabrueck.de:pub/msdos/math/amp30.zip Mercury:: Type: Shareware Machines: PC-DOS Contact: ??? Version: 2.06 Comments: Limited in symbolic capabilities, but is extremely adept at numerically solving equations and produces publication quality graphical output. This used to be Borland's Eureka!, but when Borland abandoned it, its original author started selling it as shareware under the name Mercury. Available from anonymous FTP at wuarchive.wustl.edu:/edu/math/msdos/calculus/mrcry206.zip PFSA:: Type: Public Domain Machines: PC-DOS Contact: ??? Version: 5.46 Comments: Available from the anonymous FTP at wuarchive.wustl.edu:/edu/math/msdos/modern.algebra/vol546.zip LIE:: Type: Public Domain Machines: PC-DOS Contact: [email protected] (A. K. Head) CSIRO Division of Materials Science and Technology Melbourne Australia or Locked Bag 33, Clayton, Vic 3168, Australia Phone: (03) 542 2861 Telex: AA 32945 Fax: (03) 544 1128 Version: 3.3 Comments: LIE is a program written in the MuMath language (not a package) for Lie analysis of differential equations. Available from anonymous FTP at wuarchive.wustl.edu: /edu/math/msdos/adv.diff.equations/lie33 Calculus:: Type: Shareware Machines: PC-DOS with EGA Contact: Byoung Keum, Dept. of Mathematics University of IL. Urbana, IL 61801. Version: 9.0 Comments: Program for Calculus and Differential Equations. It has symbolic diff. & integration (simple functions), graphs. Very unstable program - no reason to use it, except for price (suggested registration fee is $ 30.00). Available from anonymous FTP at wuarchive.wustl.edu: /edu/math/msdos/calculus/calc.arc
How can car be any good that has S N A C U D N E written on the back with crooked letters as if a 2-year-old had written it? Hehhehehehahaha! (About as silly as Crysler's attemps to make the label on the back of some of their other cars appear like they are Mercedes.) Sorry, I couldn't resist...
And armadillo crossings. Well, let's see, in just my own _personal_ experience there's Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Montana, Florida, and parts of Louisianna. Nobody said "Let's go into town and drive 130 on Main St." And you couldn't go that fast on the graveled washboard that passes for highway in some parts. But that "only really expensive cars should be driven fast" crap, is, well, crap...
#Compared to the table I have already posted from Masters, Johnson, #and Kolodny showing male homosexual partners, it is apparent that #homosexual men are dramatically more promiscuous than the general #male population. Did you ever consider the selection effect that those who are willing to admit to being a member sexual minority (homosexuality) are more willing to admit to being a member of another sexual minority (highly promiscious)? I didn't think that you did.
There is X for the Amiga, but it'll cost you. GfxBase Inc., owned by Dale Luck, one of the original Amiga architects, sells X for the Amiga. There are many options available, including Motif. Call 'em and get the scoop. GfxBase Inc. 1881 Ellwell Drive Phone: 408-262-1469 Milpitas, CA 95035 Fax: 408-262-8276 I've got no connection with them, other than being a satisfied customer.
AS the subject says... looking for a HP 48s or perferiably HP 48sx Please E-mail replies. Thanks
CENTERS [...] [...] Sanderson will be on Team Canada, but he'd be out of position as a center. Although he was drafted as a center and played there as a rookie, Sanderson scored 46 goals this season as a left wing.
But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.
Just a few lines about my favorite team sweeping the Dodgers (one of my least favorite) in LA (Sweet!). Also the Mets (my other least favorite team) loss to the Rockies made this this a great day and a great start to the weekend as the Cardinals are on the ESPN tonight. Big Lee Smith is having a great start and the Cardinals seem to be hitting in the clutch even though they have had a few games with lots of hits and not many runs. Hopefully with the coaches stress on situational hitting in spring training, the runners LOB will be lower this year (probably due to the high strikeout numbers by Jose and Lankford and Zeile's off year). I don't know why all the fuss about the Fillies. The media and all the Filly fans on r.s.b forget who is right behind them in the standings. Give the Wild Thing a week or two before he starts blowing some games and we'll see who is in first then. I believe the Cardinal pitching staff is more complete than the Filly staff and that will make the difference. On a side note, a few years ago (5-6), a comment was made by some baseball player or manager about the Dodger defense. He was asked where to hit the ball against the Dodgers and he replied "Fair." I remember it being in the "They Said It" section of Sports Illustrated. I would like to know who said it and what issue it was in. GO REDBIRDS!!
WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT _________________________________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Heidi Kukis THURSDAY, April 15, 1993 202-456-7035 Julia Payne 202-456-7036 GORE JOINS STUDENTS IN ORLANDO FOR FIRST KIDS EARTH SUMMIT Will Take Part in Special Town Meeting On the Environment ******** SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1993 - ORLANDO, FLORIDA ********** WASINGTON -- Joining students from across the United States and around the world for the first ever Kids Earth Summit, Vice President Al Gore will travel to Orlando, Florida, on Saturday (4/17) and participate in a special town hall meeting, hosted by Linda Ellerbee for broadcast on Nickelodeon, to hear the young people's concerns and share ideas about the environment. The Vice President will take part in the "Kids World Council: Plan It for the Planet" from 2-5 PM (EDT) Saturday (4/17) in Orlando, Florida. He will tour a display of student environmental projects, then videotape the town hall meeting where he will discuss with student delegates their concerns about the environment and their plans for an environmentally sound future. The town hall meeting will be moderated by Linda Ellerbee and taped for a news special, "Nickelodeon Special Edition: Plan It for the Planet," which will air on Sunday, April 18 at 8 PM (EDT). It is sponsored by Nickelodeon and the Children's Earth Fund. "Young people care about the environment because they know it affects our future. Across the country and around the world, young people are speaking out about the environmental challenges we face. They are identifying problems, thinking about solutions, and they are demanding action from their leaders," the Vice President said. The Kids World Council delegates are meeting for three days in Orlando to discuss how to save energy and switch to renewable energy. They will be following the format and goals of the Earth Summit that took place last year in Rio de Janeiro. The Vice President led the Senate Delegation to the Earth Summit. "I look forward to hearing what young people have to say about the environment and their future. Their insight into the world around us is important," the Vice President said. (MORE) SCHEDULE FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT Saturday, April 17, 1993 2:15 PM (EDT) VICE PRESIDENT TOURS display of student environmental projects. Nickelodeon Studios Orlando, Florida 3:30 PM (EDT) VICE PRESIDENT TAKES PART IN TOWN HALL MEETING with Kids World Council delegates and Linda Ellerbee. Nickelodeon Studios Orlando, Florida 5 PM (EDT) VICE PRESIDENT DEPARTS from Kids World Council for Washington, D.C. NOTE: PRESS THAT WISH TO ATTEND SHOULD CONTACT EILEEN PARISE OR MARTY VON RUDEN IN FLORIDA AT 407-352-7589.
Alright. Ignore this. I have delved a bit deeper (XKeyEvent) and found what I was looking for. ev->state has a bunch of masks to check against (LockMask is the one for CapsLock). Unfortunately, it appears that the NumLock mask varies from server to server. How does one tell what mask is numlock and which are for Meta (Mod1Mask, Mod2Mask, Mod3Mask, Mod4Mask, Mod5Mask). eg, SGI's vendor server has Mod2Mask being NumLock, whereas Solaris 1.0.1 OpenWindows 3.0 has Mod3Mask for NumLock. Is there an unambiguous means of determining NumLock's mask at runtime for any given server? Sorry for the wasted bandwidth and my appalling ignorance.
Yes, but in a fairly reproducible way. -40 is only a smidgen of the distance to absolute zero. And in any case you're going to have to borrow freezer space from a bio lab or someone to test/calibrate this darling anyway. Btw, you're probably going to want those big capacitors you found to fire the solenoid -- High current drain on frozen batteries can be an ugly thing.
Is it not the case that, in the eyes of the law, when someone is aware of something and has the capability of taking action and does not, that individual may be held responsible for that action? Example: the driver of a getaway car may be held as an accomplice to murder. The "I didn't know" defense spawned the "ignorance of the law is no excuse" When an individual is held as a material witness to a crime, is there a criminal charge against the individual? If not, on what grounds is the person imprisoned?
There would be no problems as long as the OS didn't set up a DMA transfer to an area above the 16 mb area (the DMA controller probably can't be programmed that way anyways, so there probably isin't a problem with this)
LISTOWNER: I have sent this to Mr Anderson privately. Post it only if you think it of general interest. Here is a copy of something I wrote for another list. You may find it relevant. A listmember asks: > What makes common-law marriages wrong? A common-law marriage is not necessarily wrong in itself. There is nothing in the Bible (Old or New Testament) about getting married by a preacher, or by a priest (Jewish or Christian). And in fact Jewish priests have never had any connection with weddings. There is a common notion that the marriage is performed by the clergyman. In fact, the traditional Christian view (at least in the West) is that the bride and groom are the ministers of the marriage, and that the clergyman is there only as a witness. HOWEVER! The essential ingredient of a marriage is mutual commitment. Two persons are considered to be married if and only if they have bound themselves by mutual promises to live together as husband and wife, forsaking all others, till death do them part. The reason why those who have reason to be concerned about who is married to whom have always insisted on some kind of public ceremony is in order that society, and the couple themselves, may be clear about whether a commitment has been made. Suppose that we do away with the public ceremony, the standard vows, etc. Instead, we have a man and a woman settling down to live together. After a year or so, the man says to the woman: Hey, honey, it was great while it lasted, but I think it's time to move on. younger. ocean, as eternal as the stars. As long as I live, I am yours, utterly and completely. When I lie on my deathbed, my last feeble breath will utter your name. My..." man is in a romantic mood, he is bound to say all kinds of silly things like that. You mustn't take them literally. And that is why you have an insistence on a formal ceremony that is a matter of public record. The Church insists on it, because it is her duty (among other things) to give moral advice, and you cannot give a man moral advice about his relations with a woman if you have no idea who is married to whom, if anybody, and vice versa. The State insists on it, since the state has a concern with property rights, with child care and support, and therefore needs to know who has made what commitments to whom. Prospective fathers-in-law insist on it, because they don't want their daughters seduced and abandoned. Prospective spouses insist on it, because they want to make sure they know whether what they are hearing is a real commitment, or just "poetry." And persons making vows themselves insist on making them formally and publicly, in order that they may be clear in their own minds about what it is that they are doing, and may know themselves that this is not just rhetoric. This is the real thing. Hence the insistence on a formal public explicit avowal of the marriage commitment. The Church goes further and insists that, when Christians marry, a clergyman shall be present at the wedding and record the vows on behalf of the Church, not because it is impossible to have a valid wedding without a clergyman, but in order to make sure that the couple understand what the Christian teaching about marriage is, and that they are in fact promising to be married in a Christian sense. The Church also prefers a standard marriage vow, and is wary of letting couples Write their own vows, for much the same reason that lawyers prefer standard terminology when they draw up a will or a contract. Certain language has been repeatedly used in wills, and one can be sure how the courts will interpret it. Try to say the same thing in your own words, and you may find that the probate judge's interpretation of them is not at all what you intended. Similarly, the Church prefers to avoid endless debates about whether "You are my main squeeze" and "I am here for the long haul" do in fact cover the same territory as "forsaking all others" and "till death do us part." This topic has come up on the list before. (Is there any topic that hasn't?) One listmember was asking, "If a couple love each other and are living together, isn't that marriage in the eyes of God?" Eventually someone asked, "In that case, what is their status if they break up? Is that the moral equivalent of getting a divorce? Are they in a relationship that God forbids either of them to walk of that!" In fact, there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that someone who says, "We don't need a piece of paper or a ceremony in front of a judge or a preacher in order to show that we love each other," is trying to have it both ways -- to have the advantages of marriage plus the option of changing his mind with a minimum of bother. At this point someone may say, "None of this applies to me and my mate. We are quite clear on the fact that we have assumed a lifelong commitment, 'for better or worse, forsaking all others, till death us do part.' So in our case, no ceremony is needed." To this my reply would be: The reason for requiring a driver's license is to keep dangerous drivers off the road. What is wrong in itself is not the existence of unlicensed drivers, but the existence of dangerous drivers. However, testing and licensing drivers is an obvious and reasonable means of pursuing the goal of reducing the number of dangerous drivers on the road. Therefore the State rightly makes and enforces such laws, and you the citizen have a positive moral obligation to refrain from driving without a license no matter how much of a hotshot behind the wheel you think you are. Back to the original question. We have a listmember who knows a couple who have been living together for around 20 years. He asks: At what point did they stop fornicating and start being married? I answer: at the point, if any, where they both definitely and explicitly accepted an obligation to be faithful to each other, for better or worse, as long as they both lived. If they have accepted such an obligation, what are their reasons for not being willing to declare it in front of, say, a justice of the peace?
TRH> I hope you're not going to flame him. Please give him the same coutesy you' TRH> ve given me. But you have been courteous and therefore received courtesy in return. This person instead has posted one of the worst arguments I have ever seen made from the pro-Christian people. I've known several Jesuits who would laugh in his face if he presented such an argument to them. Let's ignore the fact that it's not a true trilemma for the moment (nice word Maddi, original or is it a real word?) and concentrate on the liar, lunatic part. The argument claims that no one would follow a liar, let alone thousands of people. Look at L. Ron Hubbard. Now, he was probably not all there, but I think he was mostly a liar and a con-artist. But look at how many thousands of people follow Dianetics and Scientology. I think the Baker's and Swaggert along with several other televangelists lie all the time, but look at the number of follower they have. As for lunatics, the best example is Hitler. He was obviously insane, his advisors certainly thought so. Yet he had a whole country entralled and came close to ruling all of Europe. How many Germans gave their lives for him? To this day he has his followers. I'm just amazed that people still try to use this argument. It's just so obviously *wrong*.
This is an interesting notion -- and one I'm scared of. In my case I'm a Finnish citizen, I live in USA, and I have to conform to the US laws. However, the Finnish government is not actively checking out what I'm doing in this country, in other words checking out if I conform to the Finnish laws. However, Islamic law seems to be a 'curse' that is following you everywhere in the world. Shades of 1984, eh? Cheers, Kent
Science is the process of modeling the real world based on commonly agreed interpretations of our observations (perceptions). Values can also refer to meaning. For example in computer science the value of 1 is TRUE, and 0 is FALSE. Science is based on commonly agreed values (interpretation of observations), although science can result in a reinterpretation of these values. The values underlaying science are not objective since they have never been fully agreed, and the change with time. The values of Newtonian physic are certainly different to those of Quantum Mechanics.
}In article <[email protected]> } }>> }>2.If Guns were banned, and a bunch showed up in south florida, it }>would be 100x easier to trace and notice then a small ripple in the }>huge wave of the American gun-craze. } ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ } } Do they teach courses in rude in Canada? They don't have too. Canadian culture is handed down largely from the United Empire Loyalists who fled from the American Revolution. Canuckleheads tend to have a "cratophilic," or government-loving attitude towards authority. Paul Prescod is right in line with this elitist bigotry and prejudice that all my Canadian friends hate in their fellow citizens. His sort of snobbish Canuck have an irrational horror of American democratic "armed mobs." Tim Starr - Renaissance Now! Assistant Editor: Freedom Network News, the newsletter of ISIL, The International Society for Individual Liberty, 1800 Market St., San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 864-0952; FAX: (415) 864-7506; [email protected]
After tons of mail, could we move this discussion to alt.religion? ============================================================= --There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke. (Bob Dylan) --"If you were happy every day of your life you wouldn't be a human being, you'd be a game show host." (taken from the movie "Heathers.") --Lecture (LEK chur) - process by which the notes of the professor become the notes of the student without passing through the minds of either.
I don't see the effort to equate salvation with paradise. Rather, I see implied the fact that only those who are saved may enter paradise.
North heavy Duty hi hat stand $45 older stand... but definately in working shape.. could use a little clean up. comes with clutch and felts, etc.. Pearl bass drum pedal with felt beater $20 honer cymbal stand $15 (needs some work on cymbal stem) Zildjian 20" Ride cymbal $55 main line zildjian... older ride cymbal Ludwig snare stand $10 okay snare stand.. NOT like a remo though ;) shipping extra.. please email
I'm pretty sure that Sandberg has done this at least once. (I know someone will correct me if I'm wrong.) RBIs and Runs scored are the two most important offensive statistics. You can talk about OBP and SLG% all you want, but the fact remains: The team that scores more runs wins the game! --------------------------------------------- Flame Away -- John Bratt
IMHO... Clement, although he has a pleasant personality (aggravatingly pleasant in my opinion), is a terrible analyst, because he is almost alway wrong...the prototypical example being New Jersey's first goal last Sunday. I grew up with Dick Irvin doing color beside Danny Gallivan...I knew did Irvin, Dick Irvin was a friend of mine...Bill Clement you aren't any Dick Irvin. As long as the teams involved do not include the US national team or the New York Rangers, I'd take John Davidson over Bill Clement any day.
Does anyone out there know of any products using Motorola's Neuron(r) chips MC143150 or MC143120. If so, what are they and are they utilizing Standard Network Variable Types (SNVT)? _________________________________________________________________________________
I can't think of another subject that generates as much contradictory advice as traffic laws and their enforcement. Everybody's got an opinion and is dead certain they are right. Yet acurate information is extremely difficult to come by. The DMV doesn't know. Cops don't know. Your traffic school instructor doesn't know. The vehicle code only tells part of the story. Judges choose to interpret the laws in a wide variety of ways. And the public at large? I seldom hear any advice that doesn't disagree with something I've experienced. If you don't believe me I suggest you get a copy of the vehicle code, study it, and then sit in on a day or two of court and see what really happens. Read "Fight Your Ticket" too, but don't miss the little section at the end where it says your chances are lousy and you're basically screwed. As you may have guessed, I'm pretty down on the system here in California. I've carefully prepared for court, bringing witnesses and revealing serious holes in the officer's story, only to be slapped with the maximum allowable fine (plus assessments of over 100%) - the message clear that the judge does not appreciate John Q Public trying his own cases. So here's my advice when you find yourself with a ticket: Take traffic school if you can. If it's a serious matter get a lawyer. A lawyer can present the exact same case as you, the difference is the sentence.
I am working on an X-Window based application that needs to override some of the window manager focus processing. I am using X11R4 and Motif 1.1 currently, although I will also be working with Open Look in the future. What I need to do is under certain circumstances prevent the user from switching from one window of the application to another window. Let's say, for example, that Window A is on top of Window B in the window hierarchy. Normally, if the user clicks the mouse in Window B it will be brought to the top of the window hierarchy and placed on top of Window A. Under certain circumstances if the user clicks the mouse in Window B I need to beep and prevent Window B from being raised on top of Window A. From the research and testing I've done so far, it appears that this window ordering is handled by the window manager, in this case Motif. I haven't found any way to override this default processing through standard X Window functions. I can tell when this switching occurs through focus change and mapping notify events, but I can't find any way to tell Motif not to make the switch. The temporary solution I've currently come up with is very kludgy but it partially works. When I detect such a window switch in those cases when the switch is not allowed, I manually force the formerly top window back on top with an XRaiseWindow call and beep with the XBell function. This provides the necessary functionality but looks ugly when the windows switch places twice. Does anyone know how I can tell Motif (or preferably *any* window manager) when I don't want the window order switch to actually take place? Respond either by e-mail or posting to this newsgroup. Cheers.... Randall
This is fascinating. Atheists argue for abortion, defend homosexuality as a means of population control, insist that the only values are biological and condemn war and capital punishment. According to Benedikt, if something is contardictory, it cannot exist, which in this case means atheists I suppose. I would like to understand how an atheist can object to war (an excellent means of controlling population growth), or to capital punishment, I'm sorry but the logic escapes me. And why just capital punishment, what is being questioned here, the propriety of killing or of punishment? What is the basis of the ecomplaint?
Geez. Everyone comes up with Clark, Williams, Thompson. These guys were all up in 1987. That's ancient history. So in the last 6 years, noone, right? Beck doesn't count. I said 2 solid years. Let's see what he does w/o the help of a pitchout every other pitch. As I remember, even Bob Brenly had a good throwout percentage under Roger Craig, who loved to sacrifice the count for runners being thrown out. Of course, he suffered from 3 ball 1 strike homers a lot too. I am not a big fan of Manwaring.
I guess it either had the top down, or the hail ripped through the top, as you could not do $10k worth of hail damage to a Miata body.
The Orion concept as actually proposed (as opposed to the way it has been somewhat misrepresented in some fiction) included wrapping a thick layer of reaction mass -- probably plastic of some sort -- around each bomb. The bomb vaporizes the reaction mass, and it's that which transfers momentum to the pusher plate.
Because SCSI works well with removable media, and works well with large capacity devices. The floppy interface you suggest handles the former, but it doesn't have any hooks for dealing with the latter... you'd have to kludge it. Plus, it's extremely low performance. AND, SCSI has gobs of room for expansion compared with a floppy (I can just see it, let's stick a 5.25", a 3.5", a tape drive, and a MO drive, all on the floppy interface. The possibilities for unexpected collisions are enormous).
Hi, I just got myself a Gateway 4DX-33V and trying to configure X11R5 for it. Has anyone done this before ? More specifically, I need a correct Xconfig file entry that is set up for my graphics card and monitor. I have a 15" Color CrystalScan 1572FS monitor and a VESA LOCAL BUS ATI Ultra Pro with 1MB VRAM video card. Any help will be extremely appreciated. Thanks in advance. Please send replies to [email protected]
Do you get a dial tone when you plug a phone into the jack?? If not, then the line is possibly disconnected from the nearest telco junction box. If you do get a dial tone, then surely the telco is sending a bill for the line to *someplace* or *somebody*. Are you sure that what you are doing is on the level. Sounds to me like you are just trying to get at somebody's unlisted number. Fess up. Keith
The ice princess next door makes a habit of flooring her cage out of the driveway when she sees me coming. Probably only hits 25mph, or so. (I made the mistake of waving to a neighbor. She has some sort of grudge, now.) I was riding downhill at ~60mph on a local backroad when a brown dobie came flashing through the brush at well over 30mph, on an intercept course with my front wheel. The dog had started out at the top of the hill when it heard me and still had a lead when it hit the road. The dog was approaching from my left, and was running full tilt to get to my bike on the other side of the road before I went by. Rover was looking back at me to calculate the final trajectory. Too bad it didn't notice the car approaching at 50+mph from the other direction. I got a closeup view of the our poor canine friend's noggin careening off the front bumper, smacking the asphalt, and getting runover by the front tire. It managed a pretty good yelp, just before impact. (peripheral imminent doom?) I guess the driver didn't see me or they probably would have swerved into my lane. The squeegeed pup actually got up and headed back home, but I haven't seen it since. Sniff. Sometimes Fate sees you and smiles.
I am looking for a Windows Utility that would give me a listing of files in a directory, but also display a description of the file. This utility would allow me to enter and edit file descriptions of, hopefully, any length (maybe a small window with a scroll bar?). I would then be able to browse my directories and be able to see what is in a file without having to open or execute it. Any such beast out there? If not, anyone want to write one?
Also remember that every dollar spent keeping one spacecraft in safe mode (probably a spin-stabilized sun-pointing orientation) is a dollar not spent on mission analysis for a newer spacecraft. In order to turn the spacecraft back on, you either need to insure that the Ops guys will be available, or you need to retrain a new team. Having said that, there are some spacecraft that do what you have proposed. Many of the operational satellites Goddard flies (like the Tiros NOAA series) require more than one satellite in orbit for an operational set. Extras which get replaced on-orbit are powered into a "standby" mode for use in an emergency. In that case, however, the same ops team is still required to fly the operational birds; so the standby maintenance is relatively cheap. Finally, Pat's explanation (some spacecraft require continuous maintenance to stay under control) is also right on the mark. I suggested a spin- stabilized control mode because it would require little power or maintenance, but it still might require some momentum dumping from time to time. In the end, it *is* a political decision (since the difference is money), but there is some technical rationale behind the decision.
Hi Netters! I'm looking at purchasing some sort of backup solution. After you read about my situation, I'd like your opinion. Here's the scenario: 1. There are two computers in the house. One is a small 286 (40MB IDE drive). The other is a 386DX (213 SCSI drive w/ Adaptec 1522 controller). Both systems have PC TOOLS and will use Central Point Backup as the backup / restore program. Both systems have 3.5" and 5.25" floppies. 2. The computers are not networked (nor will they be anytime soon). From what I have seen so far, there appear to be at least 4 possible solutions (I'm sure there are others I haven't thought about). For these options, I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has tried them or sees any flaws (drive type X won't coexist with device Y, etc.) in my thinking (I don't know very much about these beasts): 1. Put 2.88MB floppy drives (or a combination drive) on each system. Can someone supply cost and brand information? What's a good brand? What do the floppies themselves cost? 2. Put an internal tape backup unit on the 386 using my SCSI adapter, and continue to back up the 286 with floppies. Again, can someone recommend a few manufacturers? The only brand I remember is Colorado Memories. Any happy or unhappy users (I know about the compression controversy)? 3. Connect an external tape backup unit on the 386 using my SCSI adapter, and (maybe?) connect it to the 286 somehow (any suggestions?) 4. Install a Floptical drive in each machine. Again, any gotcha's or recommendations for manufacturers? I appreciate your help. You may either post or send me e-mail. I will summarize all responses for the net. Thanks,
I'm considering buying one of these to offload the internal video in my IIci and to get 24 bit color capability on my 13" monitor. What's the deal on them? 1) Do they come with varying amounts of RAM? If so, what is the max and min? How much do I need for 640 x 480 x 24 bits? 2) What bit depths are supported? One, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24? 3) Are all these cards accelerated or just some? Is it true that modern accelerated video cards are (at least in general) faster? What bit depths are accelerated, all or just 24 bit? I've heard that some applications actually run *slower* with this card if they write directly to the screen (or something like that). Is this a frequent problem? How much slower is it? 4) Didn't I read (when System 7 first came out) that the card was incompatible? If so, how was this corrected (Finder patch, some INIT, or other)? Has it been kept compatible with 7.1? Are there many other apps that it is incompatible with (games or important (i.e., non- Microsloth) apps, for example)? 5) If you have a strong opinion on it's value for someone in my position, let me know what you think a reasonable price is to pay for it. Thanks a lot for you input. Rick
how so? i think you're making assumptions here that might not necessarily be true. -my- personal choice would be a semi-auto, but revolvers are just as effective, if not more so. relevancy, please? you sound shocked, but that hardly proves anything. wait, doesn't Chicago have -serious- gun control? if so, why do the police need all that firepower in the first place? (sarcasm alert) all the patrol cars i've seen around here have shotguns clamped to the dash board. IMHO, that's all the police need to outgun just about anything. jason