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1,004,557 | Spinal Muscular Atrophy, From Bench to Bedside
Jenna Payesko
Conferences | Child Neurology Society
The Sidney Carter Professor of Neurology at Columbia University Medical Center spoke about the 127 year history of spinal muscular atrophy and how basic science has led to exciting developments.
Darryl De Vivo, MD
At the 47th Child Neurology Society Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, Darryl De Vivo, MD, the Sidney Carter Professor of Neurology, Professor Pediatrics and Director Emeritus (1979—2000) of the Pediatric Neurology Service at Columbia University Medical Center, introduced the symposium on spinal muscular atrophy and the transition from reactive care to proactive care in the molecular era. NeurologyLive sat down with De Vivo for an exclusive interview to further delve into his presentation.
It's a very exciting time in the spinal muscular atrophy space, De Vivo noted—127 years since spinal muscular atrophy was first described and the community finally has nusinersen (Spinraza), an FDA approved drug effective in treatment of this disease. De Vivo added that spinal muscular atrophy was approved this year as the 35th disease to be added the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel for newborns, opening the door to newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy at a state level.
While we may be at a point in time where we can treat these genetic diseases, a new set of problems is revealed. Basic science, De Vivo explains, can be used by clinicians to help make informed decisions regarding the examination of infants and young children during development.
NeurologyLive: Can you discuss your presentation "An SMA Primer for Clinicians (1891 to 2018): A Tale of Two Genes?"
Darryl De Vivo, MD: It's a great pleasure for me to have an opportunity to introduce the symposium on spinal muscular atrophy. I'm going to be talking about the history of spinal muscular atrophy over the last 127 years, and I'm going to divide it into 2 chapters.
The first chapter was the first century from 1891—1991 when physicians, after coming to realize there was such a condition as a motor neuron disease that affected infants and children, wrestled with the idea as to whether the different clinical presentations of the phenotypes were in fact part of the spectrum of one disease or whether they were several different diseases that shared a lot of similarities and therefore they might not necessarily be caused by the same mechanism.
It really wasn't until 1990 or so when a scientist at Columbia University Conrad Gilliam, PhD, and his colleagues localized the candidate gene for spinal muscular atrophy to a specific region of the human genome, mainly the long arm of chromosome 5. And so, in 1991 there was an important clinical meeting that brought together several physicians and scientists who were interested in the subject of spinal muscular atrophy to try to develop an up to date classification. They based it on the clinical severity and the level of development that the infected infant was able to achieve.
The most severe phenotype involved the infants with the type-1 disease who never were able to sit, the type-2 disease was thought of as kind of the intermediate form of the condition where the infants and children were able to sit and possibly stand but were not able to walk, and the type-3 disease involved the milder phenotype where the children were able to stand and walk. Now, both the type-2 children who were able to sit and the type-3 children who were able to walk might lose their ability at some point later in their disease, but at least in the beginning they were able to either sit or walk, defining the type 2 disease or the type 3 disease, as such.
Those were the accomplishments of the first century since Werdnig first described the entity in 1891. Then the second part of my presentation focuses on the last 27 years, from say 1991 up to the current period of 2018, and most specifically in 1995 when attention focused on the genotype, the molecular basis for the clinical phenotypes. It had become increasingly clear that this phenotypic spectrum in fact was the consequence of the same genetic abnormality, but there was something modifying the expression of the disease, so that some infants had a very severe form and other infants and older children had a much milder form.
In 1995 with the work of Judith Melki and her colleagues in France, drawing on work by other's leading up to that important observation by Melki and her colleagues, it was recognized that they were in fact 2 genes. One gene, which was originally called SMNT, T standing for telomere later called SMN-1, and a second gene located more proximal to the first gene, called SMNC, C for centromere, and later called SMN2. It turns out that both the SMN1 gene and SMN2 gene were nearly identical; there were only 5 nucleotide differences between SMN1 and SMN2 and only 1 of those nucleotide changes was essential or critical and that was a C to T transition at nucleotide 6 in exon 7.
As a result, that caused alternative splicing of the SMN2 gene, such that only 10% of the transcripts of the SMN2 gene produced full-length SMN protein, 90% of the time it was a truncated unstable gene product that was produced and was rapidly degraded by the cell as such. We suddenly came to realize that there are 2 genes, the second being an inverted duplication of the first gene, a mutation in the first gene SMN1 caused the human disease that we know of as SMA and the SMN2 gene allowed the fetuses to develop prenatally such that they would be born and then depending on the number of copies of the SMN2 gene they would either have the severe form, which unfortunately was the case 60% of the time, or the milder forms, the type-2 or the type-3 forms of the disease. The number of copies of the SMN2 gene determined the phenotypic severity of the disease, as such.
Now, what has happened since 1995? A number of exciting observations have been made, not the least of which has ultimately proved treatment for this disease, an antisense oligonucleotide that corrects the splicing era that exists in the SMN2 gene, and as a result of that increasingly we can convert the SMN2 gene to function like the SMN1 gene, so the therapeutic target is a built-in gene in our genome, an androgynous copy of the SMN1 gene with the splice error built in and the therapy corrects the splicing error and allows us then to have a functioning SMN1 gene with an increased amount of full-length SMN protein.
We've come to realize a number of other important observations, for example, this is thought to be a motor neuron disease and the classical neuropathology does show us that the motor neurons wither and die increasingly as a function of the severity of the clinical phenotype. On the other hand, early on, one of the earliest manifestations, particularly of the severest form, type-1 disease, is the loss of tendon reflexes. Normally if you have a pure motor neuropathy you may have mild reduction in the tender reflexes, but you don't have loss of the tendon reflexes. More commonly if you have a sensory neuropathy, one of the earliest findings is a loss of the tendon reflexes.
Secondly, patients who have this disease tend to have weakness mainly of the girdle muscles and the paraspinal muscles rather than the distal muscles. Again, if this is a neuronopathy, like a neuropathy, you would expect the more distal muscles to be affected more than the proximal muscles, but as it turns out in this disease the proximal muscles are more affected than the distal muscles, so another puzzling issue that we now have an answer to.
Thirdly, why is it that you must really treat as early as possible? Ideally if you treat before the newborn baby develops clinical symptoms the outcome can be extremely gratifying, and the infant can develop normally while remaining on treatment. Alternatively, if they become fully symptomatic it's very hard to rescue the clinical phenotype, so we give them the same treatment we give to the pre-symptomatic child, but we don't get the same gratifying response—we may get a little bit of benefit but not nearly the degree of benefit that we get when we treat very early—so that's a third question.
The questions are: loss of tendon reflexes, why do we see that early; secondly, why do we have what looks like a muscular dystrophy or a myopathy in the setting of a neuropathic process; and thirdly, why can we treat the presymptomatic infants very successfully but have great difficulty rescuing patients who have been chronically affected and symptomatic with the disease, as such.
It turns out that some wonderful work, particularly by our investigators at the Columbia University Motor Neuron Center in New York City, George Mentis, PhD, Livio Pellizzoni, PhD, and Umrao Monani, PhD, all basic scientists, it really shed a lot of light on the questions that I just presented to you a moment ago.
For example, Mentis has shown it is not a cell autonomous disease, it's not a disease that just affects the motor neurons, in fact it looks like the primary driver for the sensory motor circuit dysfunction starts is a disturbance in the proprioceptive neurons, the dorsal root ganglion cells that converge on the motor neurons, so they are proprioceptive synapses that converge on the motor neuron dendrites and soma that are lost, early in the disease, and as a result, you get dysfunction of the motor neuron, you get loss of the potassium channels that are so important on the surface membrane of the soma of the motor neurons and ultimately you get death of the motor neuron, as such. It looks as though the first event is the DF fomentation of the motor neuro, the loss of the proprioceptive synapses lead to a disturbance in the electrophysiology of the motor neuron, a decreased of a motor firing of the motor neuron and as a result instead of getting a good contraction of the muscle, you can just a little bit of twitching before you get no stimulus at all to the muscle fibers, as such. In my opinion that is the correlate to the observation of the clinician to find a loss of tendon reflexes early in the process.
Secondly, Pellizzoni and Mentis also made another important observation—there are motor neurons in the spinal cord and lower brain stem that appear to be quite vulnerable to SMN insufficiency. There are other motor neurons that seem relatively resistant and when you look at the motor neurons that are vulnerable, they tend to send their connections to the muscles that subserve our girdle muscles in the shoulder girdle and the pelvic girdle, and the paraspinal muscle. The question is why are those particular motor neurons vulnerable to death whereas as the other motor neurons are relatively resistant, even in the face SMN insufficiency. It turns out that with SMN insufficiency, we get upregulation and activation of another gene called P53, but only in those motor neurons where P53 activated is phosphorylated, do we actually get death of the motor neurons. Upregulation and activation of p53 is an important first step, but then the second step needs to be the phosphorylation of the activated P53 in order for the motor neuron to undergo program death.
Now it turns out that these investigators followed it up most recently with a very nice paper, published this year, showing that there are 2 genes that repress the genes P53, there are non-redundant repressors of the P53 gene. When there is SMN insufficiency, that produces a splicing error in those 2 repressive genes, so they lose the capacity to function by repressing P53 and therefore P53 is upregulated and activated. Then in those cells that have the capacity to phosphorylate the activated P53, those cells go onto to die, and those cells are the ones that send their connections to the muscles involving the shoulder girdles, the pelvic girdles, and the paraspinal muscles, and that helps us now understand why a neuropathy looks like a myopathy in the setting of spinal muscular atrophy.
The final point I'd like to make with you is the work of Monani over the last few years where he looked to see the requirements for SMN protein during development. He used the mouse model for spinal muscular atrophy, which he himself developed when he worked with Arthur Burghes, PhD, in Ohio State as a post-doctoral research scientist, and what they had developed was a very effective severe model for spinal muscular atrophy. Monani later showed that during maturation of the neuromuscular junction, where the nerve connects to the muscle, there is a high requirement for SMN, then after the neuromuscular junction is matured there is a significant in the reduction for the requirement of SMN protein to maintain the system. There's a high requirement during maturation and a decreased low requirement for maintenance of the neuromuscular junctions. That now helps us understand that if you treat very early before the infant is symptomatic, then you can preserve the integrity of the neuromuscular junction and allow effective connections to be made between the nerve and the muscle. If you don't treat early, you miss that window of opportunity when the neuromuscular junction is maturing, the system is being established, connections are being made, and therefore later on, since you missed that window of opportunity, if you treat then, you can't recover the loss of function because the system has already been damaged irreversibly with the loss of the motor neurons.
All of this basic science now informs us as to what our findings mean when we examine these infants and young children during development. Early loss of tendon reflexes implies deafferentation of the motor neurons; the myopathic phenotype that we associate with spinal muscular atrophy tells us that there are certain cells that have the capacity to phosphorylate the activated P53 gene and as a result that triggers program cell death and those particular vulnerable motor neurons are the ones that send the impulses to the girdle muscles and the paraspinal muscles; and then finally we know that there's a higher requirement for SMN during the maturation of the neuromuscular junction and there was a low requirement for SMN to maintain the system after it is full matured. There's a very nice story from bench to bedside and here we are now in 2018 with an FDA approved drug for this disease, so it's effective in the treatment of this disease, and this year the federal government has approved spinal muscular atrophy as the 35th disease that can be added to the newborn panel to screen for a disease for which there is an effective treatment.
It's a very exciting time and here we are 127 years after the original description by Werdnig in 1891.
Child Neurology Society | Conferences | News | Neuromuscular | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,559 | Video: Röyksopp & Robyn - "Do It Again"
The stories we worked on and the world we created was much more interesting and captivating than just to focus on (the artists') performance. I worked with the idea of 'what is our heart's desire?' – and I realised that no one in the world truly gets to live out their passions. We are all under some construct, whether you're an atheist living in Denmark or a gay person in Russia.
Watch the black and white visuals above. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,560 | H&R Block Service Center
4400 Blue Parkway
Kansas City , MO
39° 2' 9.1752" N, 94° 32' 1.2588" W
Missouri US
Workplace, Interiors, Community
To serve its customers and its branch offices across the nation, H&R Block needed a centralized Service Center to provide support for the company's many services. The new building is nestled in a wooded site and features expansive views of both Brush Creek and surrounding City parkland. The remainder of the site is fully landscaped and sits atop an underground irrigation system.
The Service Center includes a call center, computer repair and general office space. Additional features include a computer room, cafeteria, a training suite and a conference suite equipped with video capabilities and state-of-the-art telecommunication systems.
BNIM designed the facility's interiors with the outdoors in mind, taking all of the colors from nature. Surrounding trees and a small lake complement the earthy palette inside the Service Center. To enhance both the site and its vistas, H&R Block and the local Parks & Recreation department collaborated on a series of new plantings that were allowed to roam freely across respective property lines. The result: a better facility for H&R Block and a better park for the community.
Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City, Missouri
Cornerstone Award
https://www.bnim.com/sites/default/files/project_pdfs/h-and-r-block-service-center_0.pdf | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,561 | Pain persisting after complete excision surgery: Persistent endometriosis or something else?
Most, but not all, pelvic pain in women is due to endometriosis. Even if endometriosis is found in the pelvis, however, this does not always mean that it is the cause of a patient's pain. For this reason, there is no way to guarantee pain relief after endometriosis surgery, even if all of the disease is removed. Happily, though, most patients report significant improvement or total relief of their pain after such surgery. If the pain is due to endometriosis, and if the disease is identified and removed completely, the pain will be gone. The only uncertainty is whether the endometriosis was the cause of the pain in the first place.
Other less common causes of pelvic pain include fibroid tumors of the uterus, adenomyosis of the uterus, scar tissue, ovarian cysts, musculo-skeletal problems and unknown factors affecting the uterus or ovaries.
Fibroid tumors can be removed if large enough to be seen, and this can frequently be done through the laparoscope, although smaller tumors can't be seen to be removed and may continue to grow and cause pain. Scar tissue can be dealt with through the laparoscope, as can ovarian cysts. However, scar tissue can reform, and so can ovarian cysts. Adenomyosis can usually be diagnosed and treated only by doing a hysterectomy. Some patients with pelvic pain may have adopted a change in posture to help deal with their pain, and this may result in muscle spasm and pain.
LS, a 35-year-old white female with several children, had pelvic pain and underwent laparoscopy. Although endometriosis was found in the pelvis, it was not in the proper area to explain her pain. Additionally, there was not much disease. I excised all disease through the laparoscope. The patient continued to hurt. She eventually underwent hysterectomy by her referring surgeon, and at the time of this surgery, the surgeon and assistant surgeon were in agreement that no endometriosis was present. I was there at the operating table, too, this time as an observer. Although I didn't see any obvious endometriosis, I saw some very subtle changes which I pointed out and which were removed. The biopsies came back negative for endometriosis. The uterus was normal microscopically as well. Although no obvious pathology had been found, the patient was relieved of her pain. Although all surgeons and the pathologist were in agreement that the patient did not have endometriosis, the discharge diagnosis was officially listed as "Endometriosis", again proving that it is impossible to get rid of the disease once you have it.
The body heals after surgery by forming scar tissue. As surgeons, we depend on this and expect it. In pelvic surgery, post-operative scar tissue can cause pain, although not as commonly as one might expect. If the ovaries are operated upon or around, then scar tissue involving them is more likely to form. Excising endometriosis from the bladder, uterosacral ligaments, or floor of the pelvis will rarely result in significant scar tissue formation. Nothing has been found that will reliably prevent scar tissue formation, and it seems related more to the patient's healing process and the location of surgery. If scar tissue occurs and is painful, then it becomes a surgical problem again, since no medicine makes scar tissue go away. The unknown threat of post-op scar tissue formation, however, is not sufficient reason to avoid surgery for endometriosis, since such avoidance would be accepting an unknown fear and ignoring a real and present problem.
When a female is born, each ovary has thousands of eggs, and each egg is surrounded by a small follicle, which is actually a small cyst. Therefore, each ovary has the potential of forming many cysts throughout life. In fact, small cysts normally form before and after ovulation each month, and these normal cysts can sometimes hurt. Even large cysts can sometimes go away without treatment, however. There is no evidence to suggest that undergoing pelvic surgery for endometriosis makes it more likely for a patient to form painful cysts.
Adenomyosis is a structural change within the muscular wall of the uterus. The uterus can look and feel normal, yet still have adenomyosis. Neither laparoscopy nor hysteroscopy can diagnose adenomyosis, and there is no medical treatment known to eradicate it.
Most reports in the medical literature concerning persistent disease after excision of endometriosis reveal rates below 30%, and my own experience has been very similar. Therefore, persistent or recurrent pain after complete excision of endometriosis is usually not due to the disease. Focusing exclusively on endometriosis may not provide the correct answer to the patient with pain after surgical excision. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,562 | This video made me laugh over and over again no matter how many times I watched it. Even if you have seen this, watch it again. And again. And again.
I remember watching Robin Williams for the first time as Mrs Doubtfire on an LD which my dad loaned from the video store. If you had to ask what's an LD, you're too young to be reading this blog.
Here is Williams on the Ellen Show with Ellen looking so handsome, well-dressed and polished. Seriously, look at her. This woman is giving all gay women a very good name.
So Ellen asks Williams about the new iPhone 4S and one of its new apps, Siri. And he mocks the app a bit before going into full French Siri mode.
Robin WIlliams never fails to amuse me. Thanks for the embedded video, I don't get to watch much TV during the day. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,563 | The very first time we went to Croteaux we fell in love with the beautiful garden and its comfortable seats and the refreshing, easy to drink rosé wines. In fact, we liked them so much that we bought a case, and then discovered we had joined their "case club." Now it's our favorite wine club as well, and we start every summer season by buying a case. In addition to the reduction in price that is pretty standard at any winery for buying a case, you can also come to the winery and have a free tasting. Then, several times a year, they invite you to special events. The most recent one included oysters and glasses of rosé, with apparently no limit on either. Oh my.
The view from our table out to the vineyard.
However, I don't recommend going to Croteaux unless the weather is right for sitting outside, since their inside accommodations are not nearly as nice as the outside ones. Fortunately, June finally brought us a beautiful sunny day, with a slight breeze making the weather perfect for visiting the garden. We decided to sample all their wares, and so had a tasting of their six still rosés, for $15, and their three sparkling rosés, also $15. Feeling the need for a little snack, we ordered the artichoke tapenade with croutons (French bread toasted and brushed with garlic, herbs, and olive oil) for $10. In the past, we've had their goat cheese basket and the roasted nuts, both of which are good. The artichoke tapenade was quite nice, a combination of artichoke, olives, lemon, and herbs. The baskets all came garnished with a sprig of mint "from the owners' garden. The mint went crazy so they decided to add it to all the baskets," explained our lovely server. (They have a sign saying no outside food.) One other note—they allow dogs on the leash, and every time we've come we've seen at least one or two canine visitors.
Today's pooch is in the background of this photo. Note the nice comfy Adirondack chairs.
The particular clone of merlot is what gives this wine and the next two their names. This is, as you would expect for the first taste, their lightest rosé, almost white in color, with a slight mineral aroma and a tart citrusy taste and a slightly sweet finish. "You could drink a lot of this and never notice—until you fell over," opined my tasting pal. When we came for the oysters this was one of the wines we had, and it went very well with them.
Our first three tastes. Note the differences in color!
Our favorite this year—we bought a case of it—this one has more character than the 181, with a slight chemical aroma and a tart taste that combines strawberries and citrus. My husband adds that he tastes a bit of pear, too. It would work well to sip on its own, nicely chilled, and would also go well with lots of different foods.
A blend of 181, 314, and 3, this one reminds us more of a white wine than a rosé, with lots of tart citrusy tastes. Sort of like a sauvignon blanc, but without the pineapple tastes that wine often has. The color is a pretty pink, and the smell has a bit of something funky as well as minerality.
The second three of the still wines. A coaster under each glass identifies the wine.
The menu describes this as a "white wine lover's rosé," and I can see why. Made with sauvignon blanc plus a little cabernet franc ("for color"), this is another yummy wine, with aromas of pine forest and citrus plus peach tastes. Delicate, it would be fine to sip on its own, or paired with a light white fish like sole.
Described as a French Bordeaux, "for red wine lovers," this is my least favorite of the day. It's the sweetest of the rosés, though there is some minerality to balance the sweetness, with a red candy aroma. We get the tapenade as we're still sampling this, and I like it better with food.
Now we move on to the sparkling wines, which come in tall slim glasses, held in a metal carrier. I would put all three of them in the "fun" wine category, as they are not overly expensive for sparkling wines and are all easy to drink. The first is a blend of their three merlot clones and smells like them, of minerals with a bit of strawberry. Tart and refreshing and very bubbly, this is a sparkler I would choose, though my husband notes that not everyone would like it. If you are looking for a sweet rosé sparkler, this would not be for you.
The bubblies. We had already tried the first one before I remembered to snap a photo.
Like the still Chloe, this is made from sauvignon blanc and cabernet franc grapes, and is quite different from the Cuvée. The aroma has, in addition to the expected smells, something vegetal about it, maybe a cruciferous veggie. The taste is more complex than the Cuvée, a touch sweeter, and would go perfectly with a tray of charcuterie.
Jolie means pretty, and indeed this is a pretty color.
Pretty color! More like what people expect from a rosé sparkler, this is the sweetest wine of the day, so you should not be surprised to hear that I didn't care for it. However, my tasting partner thinks "people would like it." The aroma combines red candy, strawberry, and a funky forest smell. I compare the taste to watermelon.
Reasons to visit: the garden!!!; the only winery that only makes rosés; the best rosés on the North Fork, especially the 314, the Sauvage 181, and the Chloe Sparkle; prices; good snacks; the garden, the garden, the garden.
Roses and then rosés .
It's a hot Friday afternoon, but in Croteaux's shady garden it is just pleasantly warm. We settle into the pair of Adirondack chairs the hostess indicated, and peruse the simple menu. We have plenty of time to do so, since service is a bit overwhelmed by what is clearly a larger-than-expected crowd in the garden, but when our waitress appears we order two tastings of all six of their still rosés for $15 each, plus a basket of delicious herbed goat cheese and fresh baguette slices for $10. They have a few other snack items as well, which is good since they don't allow outside food. We could have ordered a tasting of three of their sparkling rosés, also $15. The first three on the list are $20 per bottle and the last three are $25.
In case you hadn't noticed, all they make is rosé. The name also hints at the style of rosé, which is lean and flinty and dry, in the manner of French rosés. All their wines are steel fermented and made to be drunk young. We just finished the last of the case we bought last year, and we are here to decide whether or not to get a case this year. As you will see, vintage clearly matters, as we found some of the wines quite different from last year. Another difference—they used to have a rather extensive boutique with clothes, jewelry, etc., but that is no longer so.
This old barn used to house a boutique.
"181" refers to the clone of merlot used for making this, the lightest of their rosés. The aroma has a hint of strawberry, and also flowers and, believe it or not, asphalt. No, really. There is a distinct chemical smell. The wine itself is dry, mineral-y, and salty, with not a lot of fruit. It is very refreshing, with a long finish of the mineral and salt flavor, but not our favorite.
All our tastes at once!
This one is so light it looks like a white wine.
Sniff. "Auto repair shop," opines my tasting buddy. I counter with one of my favorite aromas, though not one usually associated with wine: "hardware store." For the last few years 314 has been our favorite rosé on the North Fork and we've bought cases of it. Not this year. It's not bad, despite that aroma, but it is very tart and subdued, with very little fruit. Some might even say sour.
The map of France across from the cash register reminds everyone of the inspiration for these wines.
This is a blend of three clones: 181, 314, and 3. More fruit "on the nose," as wine people like to say, though it always conjures for me an image of someone balancing a glass of wine on his or her nose. It would be a mistake to limit your use of this wine to a balancing act, as it is quite nice. Still there are notes of mineral and salt, but not overwhelmingly so, with nice strawberry flavor. "More interesting than the usual rosé," says my husband. I agree that it has layers of flavor, and we both agree that we'll get a case of this.
"Sauvage" means wild, or savage, and this wine is made with wild yeasts. We like it better than the other 181. Though it has a touch of that chemical smell, it is much fruitier and sweeter than the other wines, with just a touch of minerality. Red candy, I say. It would pair well with spicy food, like Thai duck salad.
The menu describes this as a "white wine lover's rosé," and indeed it is more like a sauvignon blanc than like a rosé. It has a sweet pine smell, like a Christmas tree, and tastes a bit like pine as well. Quite dry, it would pair well with oysters, which gives us an idea. When Happy Hour comes we will head to the Old Mill Inn for their dollar oysters and $3 glasses of wine.
One of the better-kept secrets of the North Fork is the Old Mill Happy Hour, every day during the week. But if you want to go, better hurry. They close down for the winter.
Bright pink, this looks more like what one expects a rosé to look like than the other types. The aroma is somewhat vegetal, maybe like a salad, but also with some fruit. The wine is still dry, but with a fuller flavor. A "red wine lover's rosé," they call it. There's a touch of Meyer lemon on the finish. I like it, but my tasting companion does not. I think you could sip this by itself, though of course it would be fine with roast chicken (as are many wines).
Jolie lives up to its name in appearance–it is quite pretty.
Reasons to visit: all rosé all the time; a very pleasant garden setting where you can relax and sip at your leisure; better-than-average snacks; prettiest bottles on the North Fork; they allow dogs; the Merlot 3 and the Jolie.
This pooch waited patiently for its owners to finish.
They've created a wall of bottles with their very attractive bottles. The empty ones, of course. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,564 | Whether you're thinking of going back to college or earning a GED, or want to move up in your job, or are a company manager who never liked and learned math, CSM can help you. The CSM Course teaches you more than skills - it's about the High Performance characteristics that help you excel at what you do, and give you the well-earned confidence that you can use the skills you have. And you can prove that you're ready to take on the world with the CSM Certificate.
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If you're taking CSM at a school, college, or educational program or through your employer, please contact them to see if they've already created an account for you. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,565 | Title: Walt Whitman to Richard Maurice Bucke, 25 July 1889
Source: The Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Transcribed from digital images or a microfilm reproduction of the original item. For a description of the editorial rationale behind our treatment of the correspondence, see our statement of editorial policy.
Notes for this letter were derived from Walt Whitman, The Correspondence, ed. Edwin Haviland Miller, 6 vols. (New York: New York University Press, 1961–1977), and supplemented, updated, or created by Whitman Archive staff as appropriate.
Contributors to digital file: Braden Krien, Ryan Furlong, Breanna Himschoot, Ashlyn Stewart, and Stephanie Blalock
Cite this page: " Walt Whitman to Richard Maurice Bucke, 25 July 1889 ." The Walt Whitman Archive. Gen. ed. Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price. Accessed 17 January 2020. <http://www.whitmanarchive.org>.
P M July 25 '891
Dull & quiet—Slightly more ill than usual—half cloudy & warmish—Kennedy's2 book is at sea again as you will learn by enclosed3—Herbert Gilc4 comes frequently—often strangers, visitors, sometimes queer ones—
I get out in the wheel chair5—was out last evening till dark—acts as sort o' pacifyer—The Staffords6 are well—
1. This letter is addressed: Dr Bucke | Asylum | London | Ontario Canada. Whitman has reused an envelope, marking through the previous addressee and the printed return address and writing in Dr. Bucke's name and address. The letter is postmarked: Camden, N.J. | Jul 25 | 8 PM | 89; London | AM | JY 27 | 89 | Canada. [back]
2. William Sloane Kennedy (1850–1929) was on the staff of the Philadelphia American and later published biographies of Longfellow and Whittier (Dictionary of American Biography). Apparently Kennedy had called on the poet for the first time on November 21, 1880 (William Sloane Kennedy, Reminiscences of Walt Whitman [1896], 1). Though Kennedy was to become a fierce defender of Whitman, in his first published article he admitted reservations about the "coarse indecencies of language" and protested that Whitman's ideal of democracy was "too coarse and crude"; see The Californian, 3 (February 1881), 149–158. For more about Kennedy, see Katherine Reagan, "Kennedy, William Sloane (1850–1929)," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998). [back]
3. On July 24, 1889 Kennedy sent Gardner's letter of rejection—"the pultroon's letter"—and observed: "I guess we have to wait for the book & pub[lish] it here sometime . . . . I am going to let Fred [W] Wilson look at the MS again. He has never refused it, you know." Only the envelope, with the second quoted sentence written on it, is extant. On August 4, 1889, he commented "I kind o' hope Fred. Wilson will tackle in some way my Whitman." On September 5 he rationalized: Gardner "publishes highly respectable religious books (not our cosmic-pantheistic kind, of course)"—even though Gardner was the English publisher of November Boughs. Kennedy's books on Whitman would not be published until after the poet's death. [back]
4. Herbert Harlakenden Gilchrist (1857–1914), son of Alexander and Anne Gilchrist, was an English painter and editor of Anne Gilchrist: Her Life and Writings (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1887). For more information, see Marion Walker Alcaro, "Gilchrist, Herbert Harlakenden (1857–1914)," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998). [back]
5. Horace Traubel and Ed Wilkins, Whitman's nurse, went to Philadelphia to purchase a wheeled chair for the poet that would allow him to be "pull'd or push'd" outdoors. See Whitman's letter to William Sloane Kennedy of May 8, 1889. [back]
6. Susan and George Stafford were the parents of Whitman's young friend, Harry Stafford. Whitman often visited the family at their farm at Timber Creek in Laurel Springs (near Glendale), New Jersey, and was sometimes accompanied by Herbert Gilchrist; in the 1880s, the Staffords sold the farm and moved to nearby Glendale. For more, see David G. Miller, "Stafford, George and Susan M.," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998). [back] | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,566 | The Notre Dame Men's Ultimate A Team traveled to Tallahassee, Florida, for the first weekend of Spring Break and their first tournament of the spring season. The tournament, hosted by Florida State University, featured 20 men's teams split into four pools of five teams each. Teams from across the country traveled to Tally Classic to enjoy the warm, sunny weather in early March.
The men's team started off Saturday morning (3/8) at 9:40am with a confident victory over Mississippi State 13-10. Next came their toughest match of the day against the host team, Florida State, who is ranked fourth in the country. Despite breakout performances from freshman Joe Nolan and senior Jack Hefferon, both first-year players on the team, Notre Dame fell 13-6. Following the hard fought loss, Notre Dame faced the fifth seed in the pool, Georgia State. Thanks in part to consistency from freshmen Jacob Scobey and Dan Verzuh, Notre Dame won handily, 13-6. The final game of the day came against Ohio State, the third seed in the pool. Notre Dame was coming off of a bye, but instead of looking flat, the team was firing on all cylinders. In the most intense matchup of the day, sophomore Jeremy Doyle and junior Peter Hall maintained the intensity and helped the team to a 13-11 victory. The 3-1 record in pool play put Notre Dame into the pre-quarters for a matchup against Kennesaw State on Sunday.
Notre Dame kept up the intensity from Saturday afternoon and delivered a swift defeat to Kennesaw State, 15-9, sending Notre Dame into a quarterfinals game against the tournament's second overall seed, UNC-Wilmington. UNCW is ranked in the nation's top 20, and they had a first round bye Saturday morning, so Notre Dame fought an uphill battle, ultimately losing 15-5, and entering the fifth place consolation bracket, where they would meet Ohio State on the field again. Suffering from deflation from the big loss against UNCW, Notre Dame came out a little flat, giving Ohio State a chance to stay in the game. Freshman Pat McMahon and sophomore Matt Farrell displayed massive acts of athleticism, but Notre Dame ultimately fell 13-12 in a next-point-wins scenario (double game point). The final matchup of the weekend in the seventh place game was against Tulane. Another grueling matchup led to another double game point, but Notre Dame was unable to capitalize and fell 11-10.
Notre Dame finished eighth in the tournament, consistent with their eighth seed going in. It was a strong start to the season and a nice chance to play outdoors after spending all winter inside. The team had a five day rest before traveling to Atlanta to participate in College Terminus.
After a five day recovery period following Tally Classic, the Notre Dame Men's Ultimate A Team arrived in Atlanta to face some of the East Coast's most talented ultimate teams at College Terminus. Notre Dame was again seeded eighth out of 18 teams. With heavy rain in the forecast for Sunday, all of Saturday's games were moved up and an additional bracket play game (usually reserved for Sunday) was added on at the end of the day.
Notre Dame kicked off Saturday morning with a classic matchup against conference rival Indiana. In past years, Indiana has given Notre Dame a tough time, but this time, Notre Dame was clearly a stronger team, harnessing the intensity from Tally Classic and defeating Indiana 13-5. Notre Dame then had a bye due to Edinboro not showing up to the tournament, which counted as a victory by forfeit. A 2-0 start had the team fired up for their third round of pool play against Massachusetts, the third ranked team in the country. Unfortunately, the team looked shaken up by the mechanical efficiency of their opponents, and fell 13-3. The final game of pool play came against Auburn. Senior Conor Hanney and junior twins Erich and Danny Kerekes led Notre Dame to several huge scores, but the team fell to the three seed in their pool 12-9 in a game that was closer than the score indicates. Finishing 2-2 on the day put Notre Dame in the ninth place bracket.
Bracket play began at 5pm on Saturday evening, with Notre Dame taking on Elon in the quarterfinals round of the ninth place consolation bracket. Notre Dame combined intense fervor on defense points with collected coolness on offensive points to defeat Elon 12-9 and advance to the semifinals of the consolation bracket. Notable plays came from sophomore Jeremy Doyle and freshman Dan Verzuh, who came up with huge layout blocks on the same point, indicative of the defensive intensity with which Notre Dame played all of Saturday.
Notre Dame was set to play Kennesaw State Sunday morning in the semifinals, but the forecasted heavy rain rolled in early and washed out all of Sunday's games, leaving the tournament unfinished. The games will not be made up, so Notre Dame finished the weekend 3-2. The team will travel to Chicago Invite on March 29-30 to participate in a 64-team tournament featuring many of the Midwest's top ultimate teams. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,567 | Biofeedback is a type of treatment proven to reduce the symptoms of childhood migraines. It is intended to teach patients self-regulation of certain physiological processes not normally considered to be under voluntary control, such as heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, and blood vessel constriction. These autonomic nervous system processes can influence the frequency and severity of migraines. For migraine headaches, electromyography (EMG) measures the muscle contraction of the frontalis muscle of the forehead. Skin temperature feedback data (thermal biofeedback) is also used. Thermal biofeedback (training a person to increase their own body temperature) is an effective technique used by many migraine patients to reduce the pain intensity and frequency of their headaches. Patients achieve control of their physiological responses through a combination of visualization, voluntary relaxation, and mechanical feedback. In this technique, a temperature sensor is placed on the finger, and the patient is taught to increase the temperature which reduces or prevents the migraine.
The typical biofeedback training program consists of 10 to 20 training sessions of 30 to 50 minutes each. Training sessions are performed in a quiet environment. Patients are taught to use specific visualization and muscle relaxation skills to affect the physiological variables monitored. Biofeedback video games, sensory lights, and music are also used to make learning the techniques interesting and fun for children.
Relaxation training and biofeedback have proven to be promising treatments for children with migraine headaches. A recent review article (Hermann & Blanchard, 2002) summarized headache/biofeedback research to date in children and concluded that thermal biofeedback is effective in alleviating headache activity in children; most studies showed that more than two-thirds of the children had a 50% symptom reduction. Most protocols used 10 sessions or fewer and included home practice; some involved the parents also. For example, five children with tension-type headaches (Arndorfer & Allen, 2001) participated in a multiple-baseline, time-lagged, within-subject design using thermal biofeedback. All learned the hand-warming technique and showed significant clinical improvement. Six months afterward, 80% were headache-free. Labbe (1995) studied thermal biofeedback-assisted autogenic training in 30 migrainous children; 80% of children receiving biofeedback for pediatric migraines had significant improvement. Finally, Damen et al. (2006) conducted a systematic review of 19 studies of nonpharmacological treatment in children; they reported biofeedback with relaxation was the most effective for treating pediatric migraines.
Arndorfer, RE, & Allen, KD (2001). Extending the efficacy of a thermal biofeedback treatment package to the management of tension-type headaches in children. Headache, 41(2), 183-92.
Damen, L, Bruijn, J, Koes, BW, Berger, MY, Passchier, J, & Verhagen, AP (2006). Prophylactic treatment of migraine in children: Part 1. A systematic review of nonpharmacological trials. Cephalalgia, 26(4), 373-383.
Hermann, C & Blanchard, EB (2002). Biofeedback in the treatment of headache and other childhood pain. Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, 27(2), 143-162.
Labbe, EE (1995). Treatment of childhood migraine with autogenic training and skin temperature biofeedback: A component analysis. Headache, 35(1), 10-13.
Siniatchkin, M, Hierundar, A, Kropp, P, Kuhnert, R, Gerber, WD, & Stephani, U (2000). Self-regulation of slow cortical potentials in children with migraine: an exploratory study, Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, 25(1), 13–32. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,568 | Merchandise | Shop Merchandise at GAK.
Buy Electric Guitars, Bass Guitars, Acoustic Guitars, Guitar Amplifiers, Electronic Drums, Acoustic Drums, Microphones, Recording Equipment, Studio Monitors, PA Speakers, Mixers and much more!
The Boss BBS-24 Bar Stool 24-inch Short is the ideal way to decorate your living space, studio, or workshop.
The Boss BBS-24 Bar Stool 30-inch Tall is the ideal way to decorate your living space, studio, or workshop.
A guys fashion basic, with just a touch of rock 'n' roll in the elegantly scripted form of our classic Fender thin "spaghetti" logo.
A guys fashion basic, with just a touch of rock 'n- roll in the elegantly scripted form of our classic Fender thin "spaghetti" logo.
Soft, comfortable feel and stylish.
Sport classic Fender style with this comfortable hat.
The Fender 24" Bar Stool with four chrome legs, padded two-tone seat with vintage Fender logo.
This classic Fender key chain is made from pewter and feature a Fender Medium Pick! | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,569 | Holiday Alumnae Event 2019
Fall Event in NYC
Holiday Alumnae Event
Halloween Cocktail Party
Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun
Fashion Charity Event
CASA Event at Saks
Mansion in May
Wine Pairing Event
Southport, CT
Appointments & Memberships
Villanova University School of Law (J.D. 1999)
University of San Diego (B.A. cum laude, 1996)
U.S. District Court, District of New Jersey
Office: Morristown
[email protected]
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Attorney Details
Nicole Alexander - Director
NICOLE ALEXANDER is Director of Professional and Business Development at McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP. In that role she has oversight of all marketing, recruiting and professional development activities including the expansion and opening of new offices and the planning of all continuing legal education seminars. Ms. Alexander regularly speaks on the topics of economic outlooks and she acts as a key strategist to the implementation of succession plans.
Ms. Alexander started her professional career as a judicial law clerk to the Honorable Jane Bruskin Cantor, J.S.C., Superior Court of New Jersey. In September 2000, she joined MDM&C as a litigation associate where she gained significant litigation experience both at the trial and appellate level. Her practice focused in the areas of employment litigation, pharmaceutical litigation, professional malpractice defense and contract disputes.
She is co-founder of MDM&C's Women's Initiative and member of the Firm's Diversity & Inclusion Committee. Ms. Alexander is also a member of the American Bar Association, the National Association of Women Lawyers, the New Jersey Women Lawyers' Association and the Essex County Bar Association. Ms. Alexander is Past-President and current member of the Newark Museum's Business and Community Council. She also serves on the Advisory Boards for NJTV and NJLEEP. Ms. Alexander is a member of the Executive Women of New Jersey where she Chairs the Professional Development Committee and also serves as a member of the Scholarship Board.
In 2013, Ms. Alexander was named one of New Jersey's "New Leaders of the Bar" by the New Jersey Law Journal. In 2016, she was named one of New Jersey's "Best 50 Women in Business" by NJBIZ. In 2018, Ms. Alexander was honored by the Executive Women of New Jersey as one of 25 women recognized at their "Salute to the Policy Makers" Awards Gala. The event acknowledged the contributions of influential New Jersey women leaders in business, government, and academia.
©2020 McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter, LLP
DisclaimerIntranetSite by Inherent, Inc. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,570 | Juventus Will Be Back In FIFA 23 After A Three-Year Absence
Juventus will return to FIFA in FIFA 23 after signing a multi-year partnership with EA Sports, it has been announced.
The Serie A giants' previous agreement with the video game publisher ended in 2019 and in FIFA 20, 21 and 22, they were called Piemonte Calcio.
All players were included but the club itself had a new name, crest, stadium and in-house kits.
David Jackson, VP of brand for EA SPORTS FIFA said: "This phenomenal club means so much to us and our fans, and will enable EA SPORTS to continue to deliver the most authentic and comprehensive interactive football experiences possible in FIFA 23 and beyond."
The Allianz Stadium makes a return too and you can look at the render below.
Image Credit: EA Sports
Star striker Dusan Vlahovic will be a brand ambassador going forward and club legend Claudio Marchisio will receive a FUT Hero card.
Vlahovic joined Juventus from Fiorentina in January for €70 million and helped his side to a fourth place finish, scoring seven goals.
Meanwhile, Marchisio spent 13 years with Juventus and won seven Serie A titles in addition to reaching the 2015 and 2017 Champions League final.
"We are proud to return by EA SPORTS' side," said Giorgio Ricci, Juventus Chief Revenue Officer. "The partnership with EA SPORTS goes beyond the concept of traditional partnership, together in the shared project of looking into the future, talking to new generations, riding the wave of new trends, urban culture and lifestyle.
Dusan Vlahovic's in-game model. (Image Credit: EA Sports)
"We chose EA SPORTS to go one step further because it is a partner sharing our vision and ambition. We are pleased to make this journey with a brand standing out for its originality, uniqueness, and innovation, as Juventus does."
Kylian Mbappe is the cover star once again and joining him is Chelsea Women forward Sam Kerr.
FIFA 23 has been described as the 'most expansive title to date' and will be the final game produced by EA Sports under the FIFA brand.
The game will launch worldwide on 30 September for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC. Those who purchase the Ultimate Edition will be able to access the game three days earlier.
Featured Image Credit: EA Sports
Topics: FIFA 23, Juventus
Tekkz, the world's best FIFA 23 player, has named three players everyone needs in Ultimate Team
Fans have already found the perfect front three for FIFA 23
FIFA 23 Fans In India Get The Game For $0.06 After 'Pricing Error'
AFC Richmond and Ted Lasso included as a playable team in FIFA 23 | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,571 | SarahStonne sensualslim4u livejasmin. Girlnicefire. NiceBoyTravis. Inky.
YoureSexyAngelAwesomexCoupleExclusiveGirllORIGINALQUEENDUO .DerekTiger8inchTOPmodelSensa2LoveCRISTEANDANGELO .YoungAnabelFatNerdVeroRojasAcis .BigAssBarbiexxDerekTigerYoungAnabelvaleri89 .xangelanddemonLexiRinaHannaQuinnYoureSexyAngel .LilianBmatheusyanny20BeautyMandyBabyLatinApril69 .AlisiaParrilsexylatintwoboysArthurHawkeAlejaHiiylton .DanaJeyXInkyMiraThomsonMirayamMuslim .NiceBoyTravisLilianeRosecrazypaosexyRedHairAshley .valeri89ORIGINALQUEENDUOLilianeRoseBellaAbella .BeautyMandyBabyLustyVikkyBBWAbusedMilfPennyGrey .
xangelanddemonCRISTEANDANGELOAndrewSweetManEvaCuteGirl .ryoudownFatNerdAdeleDawnAwesomexCouple .MirayamMuslimAnnaLaurenLilianBLeaneLee .InkyitsALLaboutLOVEAlyxandraJadeORIGINALQUEENDUO .matheusyanny20AndrewSweetManMirayamMuslimVeroRojas .BeMyVoyeurBellaAbellaYoureSexyAngelsohotmycock .VeroRojasAm4zingCockMagicSophiaInky .GirlnicefireNiceBoyTravisAlyxandraJademarianabigcock .SandyleeKaraamellkaJessicaEdmundsonCarlosMiller .BadCatLexyDanaiyaIvySatineemarianabigcock .MillaEscadaRedheadredneckDanaiyaMorenaFoxx . | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,572 | NCAA Colleges - Ohio State BUCKEYES Hot Sauce - Have a "HOT" time with your favorite college team.
Great on pizza, wings and everything else!!!
Ingredients: Red Cayenne Peppers, distilled vinegar & salt.
NCAA Colleges - Ohio State BUCKEYES Hot Sauce - Have a "HOT" time with your favorite college team. Great on pizza, wings and everything else!!! | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,573 | Detroit was once called the Paris of the West, but at this point it's more reminiscent of Venice. Like Venice, its demise has been imminent for some time, as crucial businesses and huge chunks of the population flee.
And, like Venice, it has a singular look. Not everyone will find Detroit beautiful, but with its wide, often empty boulevards, its abandoned, ghost-like train station and high-rises, its semi-deserted neighborhoods and its once-celebrated downtown now jumbled by shuttered storefronts — and the hideous Renaissance Center — it creates a sense of disbelief bordering on fantasy. It's either a vision of the future or, like Venice, an impossibly strange anomaly, its best days over.
Food is central. Justice, security, a sense of community, and more intelligent land use have become integral to the food system. Here, local food isn't just hip, it's a unifying factor not only among African-Americans and whites but between them. Food is an issue on which it seems everyone can agree, and this is a lesson for all of us.
"The idea," says Malik Yakini, a school principal who runs the two-acre D-Town Farm, "is to help black people stand up, to demonstrate that creating reality is not the exclusive domain of white people — without pointing fingers at white people." The farm, located in Rouge Park — the city's biggest — will soon double in size.
And how. During the 48 hours I spent in Detroit, I met enthusiastic black, white and Asian people, from age 10 to over 60, almost all of whom agreed that food is the key to the new Detroit.
I was driven around the city by Dan Carmody, director of the 120-year-old Eastern Market, whose huge sheds are crammed with vendors on Saturdays, when as many as 50,000 shoppers buy everything from Grown in Detroit vegetables to Michigan asparagus to flats of flowers to hydroponic tomatoes. In other words, a typical big-city covered market mash-up.
But if the market is familiar, the rest of Detroit is anything but. Read the paper, and you see a wasted landscape; go there, and you see the sprouts emerging from the soil.
The gardens are everywhere, and you almost can't drive anywhere without seeing one — a corporation named Compuware is establishing one downtown — but it goes beyond that. Carmody has plans to expand, modernize and re-unify the Public Market, which was split in half by a freeway in the heyday of urban renewal. Gary Wozniak, whom I meet over breakfast at the Russell Street Deli and who runs a program for recovering addicts, has plans to start an indoor tilapia and shrimp farm near the market, using a combination of investment money, loans and grants.
Back in the neighborhoods, I talk with Lisa Johanson, who, with the aid of a church group, started Peaches and Greens, a small fruit and vegetable store in a neighborhood that boasts 23 liquor stores and one grocery. Daily, Peaches and Greens sends out a truck that sells to residents in a two-mile radius, providing produce to a neighborhood in which only half the households own cars. The truck also sells wholesale to five of the liquor stores.
And so on. Over good, old-fashioned lasagne at Giovanni's, Betti Wiggins, who runs the food services department for the public school system, talks about using more and more local food; Phil Jones, a chef who's on the Food Policy Council, talks about training kids to cook; Mike Score talks about plans for greening 300 acres, including forests, tree farms, a demonstration center and gardens. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,574 | How can policies influence the development of electric mobility?
How can policies steer and accelerate the development and market roll-out of electric vehicles?
How can the CO2 reduction targets in transport be met by sensibly combining different policy measures?
How and to what extent should the construction of infrastructure for electric vehicles be supported?
What measures can bring about a predominantly electric use of plug-in hybrid vehicles?
How can policies coordinate the climate-friendly transformation of the transport and energy sectors?
Real-world usage of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles: Fuel consumption, electric driving, and CO2 emissions
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles accounted for about 3.5% of all new passenger car registrations in Europe in the first half of 2020. Equipped with a combustion engine as well as an electric motor, the potential for reducing emissions for plug-in hybrid vehicles depends strongly on their daily driving patterns. For a joint study, the German Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI and the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) analyzed a comprehensive dataset about the real-world usage patterns for more than 100,000 plug-in hybrid vehicles in Europe, North America and China.
Press Release: Analysis of data for 100,000 plug-in hybrid electric passenger cars confirms high deviation from official fuel efficiency and CO2 values
Supporting the BMVI (German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) with the Mobility and Fuels Strategy
This scientific monitoring supports the German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure by evaluating selected topics for designing the Mobility and Fuels Strategy (MFS). This includes a pivotal project, in which the consortium advises the BMVI on designing climate-friendly transport measures. The MFS also serves as a knowledge platform for all the stakeholders actively involved in the transformation of the transport sector. It helps to close knowledge gaps using scientific reports and quantify the potentials for achieving the transport sector's transformation. In addition, the MFS monitors and supports the implementation of measures to achieve this transformation.
to the project (in German)
Governing sustainable energy-mobility transitions (EMPOCI)
The 2015 Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming this century to 1.5C-2C. This requires a rapid decarbonization of our systems of production and consumption, and a transition to low-carbon solutions, particularly in the increasingly interconnected energy and mobility sectors. Policy intervention at a national and regional level is needed to accelerate this process. The EMPOCI project investigates how the global low-carbon transition in energy and mobility systems can be accelerated on a regional and national level.
to the project
Accompanying research catenary trucks in Germany (BOLD)
Based on today's knowledge, the German government's climate policy targets can only be achieved if electrification concepts for the transport sector are also developed, tested and broadly implemented for heavy goods transport. With the adoption of the "Climate Action Program 2020", the German government therefore decided to conduct a field trial to test electrical drives in heavy commercial vehicles. To implement this decision, the ELISA, FESH and eWayBW projects are each constructing a test route for trucks powered by overhead lines on a trunk road and testing their operation under everyday conditions.
Press Release: Catenary trucks: Electric highways in Germany require broad social acceptance
Market evolution scenarios for electric vehicles
What share of electric vehicles can be expected on the market in Germany by 2020? The study aimed to address this question by using several thousand real driving profiles of conventional vehicles as well as technical and economic data for different scenarios to ascertain the economic potential of electric vehicles. Factors hindering the diffusion of electric vehicles such as their limited range and the restricted choice of models were integrated as supporting factors such as the willingness to pay more for this innovative technology.
Breed, A. K.; Speth, D.; Plötz, P. (2021): CO2 fleet regulation and the future market diffusion of zero-emission trucks in Europe. In: Energy Policy, Volume 159, December 2021.
Plötz, P.; Wachsmuth, J.; Gnann, T.; Neuner, F.; Speth, D.; Link, S. (2021): Net-zero-carbon transport in Europe until 2050. Targets, technologies and policies for a long-term EU strategy. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI.
Plötz, P.; Moll, C.; Mock, P.; Bieker, G. (2021): From lab-to-road: Real-world emissions of plug-in-hybrid electric vehicles. In: Environmental Research Letters.
Axsen, J.; Plötz, P.; Wolinetz, M. (2020): Crafting strong, integrated policy mixes for deep CO2 mitigation in road transport. In:Nature Climate Change 10, 809-818
Fritz, M.; Plötz, P.; Funke, S. A. (2019): The impact of ambitious fuel economy standards on the market uptake of electric vehicles and CO2 emissions. In: Energy Policy 135, 111006.
Münzel, C.; Plötz, P.; Sprei, F.; Gnann, T. (2019): How large is the effect of financial incentives on electric vehicle sales? – A global review and European analysis. In: Energy Economics, 104493.
Plötz, P.; Axsen, J.; Funke, S. A.; Gnann, T. (2019): Designing Car Bans for Sustainable Transportation. In: Nature Sustainability 2, 534-536.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Patrick Plötz
Coordinator of Business Unit Energy Economy
[email protected]
Dr. Michael Krail
Deputy Head of Competence Center Sustainability and Infrastructure Systems, Coordinator of Business Unit Mobility
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Karoline Rogge
Deputy Head of the Competence Center Policy and Society
[email protected]
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI - How can policies influence the development of electric mobility?
Online in Internet; URL: https://www.isi.fraunhofer.de/en/themen/elektromobilitaet/policy-mix.html | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,575 | Majestically zealous and sensually graceful, this series exhibits the natural beauty with a twist of intelligent activity. This luxury vanity, is reminiscent of the fierce Greek Goddess Athena, with the embodiment of purity in her truest form. This Luxury Italian bathroom vanity is shown in Pure White and handmade with Murano Glass in a 47" width. This paradigm of model and reason, will turn many heads when used as the focal point in any modern bath. The chassis is made of stainless steel satin 304, legs are blown Murano glass with adjustable feet. Minimalistic 31" towel bar included. This Luxury Italian Vanity has an intermediate shelf made of tempered glass. Whether, your design style is transitional or modern, MaestroBath products will compliment your home improvement project and add a lavish, luxurious feel while protecting your health, safety and the environment. This Luxury Italian bathroom vanity will make a exceptional statement with its Designer- inspired Pure White finish. Made in Italy. MaestroBath is made of the highest quality materials to ensure an elite performance and style. These products also have coordinating wall sconces and mirror available upon request. Top basin with integrated sink and faucet are not included and should be customized for a more exclusive look. Our Free In-Home Trial does not include these products. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,576 | [Nintendo] announced what it's calling the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition. It looks just like a NES, only a lot tinier, and it comes with 30 games built in. You can connect it to your TV via a HDMI cable, and it also includes a controller designed to work just like the iconic rectangular NES gamepad. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,577 | Woman to Watch
Ask Rhonda
The Motivated Millennial
Breedlove's Briefing
Mental Health in the Workplace
Alexandra Cristin: She's Got Glam Hair
August 21 - On The Dot
There's a pretty major phenomenon that no one's talking about. It doesn't involve rainbows or solar eclipses. It's the fact that every time I have a good hair day, I don't have any plans. I don't think I'm alone in this. And it's been an issue since I was a kid. When it came to school-picture day, my cowlick always came out to party, my left side perfectly wavy, my right side a frizzy foe. If you ask any woman about her hair, she will have at least one criticism—if not an entire detailed diatribe. If we all have such complaints, doesn't that mean there's no such thing as a perfect hair day?
While my bad-hair phenomenon hasn't been scientifically tested, how women feel about our manes has been studied. According to a survey conducted by beauty and personal-care brand Dove, only 7 percent of U.S. women say they love their hair, with survey participants noting hair care is their number one morning-routine priority—more important than eating breakfast, applying makeup or getting extra beauty rest!
WOMAN TO WATCH: Alexandra Cristin, Founder and CEO of Glam Seamless Hair Extensions
Today's Woman to Watch, Alexandra Cristin, has that kind of hair that would make most women weep with jealousy. She flaunts long, bouncy curls that look effortless, elegant and chic. So, what's her secret? Though Alexandra could totally get away with claiming Mother Nature simply blessed her with lovely tresses, the truth is she relies on Glam Seamless Hair Extensions, a product she created, and a business that's growing such a following, it might make your hair stand on end. The popularity of Alexandra's brand makes sense. After all, life is too short to live with bad hair!
Alexandra has spent her career in the limelight, working for such entertainment-industry icons as MTV and Access Hollywood, and even strutting her stuff as a plus-size model, so she's keenly aware that the hair makes the gal in show biz. I mean, if you take just a glance at any television host, you certainly won't see kinked, greasy or dull locks. Buoyancy is key to getting the perfect on-air style, but as Alexandra knows from firsthand experience, there's no such thing as naturally perfect hair. That's why she depended on hair extensions for years, trying every method, from sew-ins and clip-ins to fusion, but was consistently frustrated at the quality of bulky clip-ins and wispy ends—the ultimate giveaway that she was wearing extensions. But instead of living with mediocre hair, this enterprising lady did something about it, launching Glam Seamless in 2012, to great success.
Glam Seamless' tape-in hair extensions—which are eco-friendly, created using only environmentally friendly materials and ingredients to guarantee the highest quality—allow the wearer to add volume and length in about half an hour in the salon chair. There are even more than 50 base color options available, from traditional bronzed chestnut and butter blonde to ombré, vivid and pastel shades. There's no need for special tools or chemicals, and the extensions are long-lasting (as long as 12 weeks) and can be reused as many as three times. These semi-permanent, natural-looking extensions are workout-friendly, lightweight and a breeze to maintain. Maybe that's why Glam Seamless has become a worldwide hit, even gaining popularity in international hotspots like Australia, Germany and Dubai.
When Alexandra launched her company, she didn't have any investors or even a business plan. But today, Glam Seamless boasts 100 percent revenue growth year over year, and pulls in about $1 million in revenue annually. It's Alexandra's grit and determination that got her here—that and, of course, a fab blowout!
We're sure Alexandra Cristin would agree with this quote from supermodel Iman, who said:
"Glamour never takes a day off."
This is Melinda Garvey signing off until next time. Remember, ladies, empowered women empower other women. Share On the Dot so more women can have a voice. Thanks for getting ready with us.
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1,004,578 | Small sale on my blog, leave me a comment if you're interested in any of these items or email me [email protected] I'm only shipping within the US for now. International shipping is just too costly. Unless of course you're willing to cover International Priority rates, let me know.
Size 4 Swiftly LS Crew Heathered Dashing Purple. Excellent like new condition.
Size 4 Define Jacket Heathered Jewelled Magenta. Very good condition has some pilling.
Thanks! I have no idea if anyone really is my size haha. This is just kind of experimental!
Is the scuba material a tighter blend or like the regular hoodie type material? I can't think of a better way to say it. Sometimes the hoodies have a tighter fabric. I never saw this one in person so I can't tell. Thanks!
Whoops, I forgot to click notify me, so just posting for that.
If you have any of the heathered Scuba Hoodies, this one is definitely a tighter fit. There isn't as much stretch in this as heathered ones. But yep, I know what you mean! | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,579 | This seed grants a creature additional armor, providing a +4 bonus to Armor Class. The bonus is either an armor bonus or a natural armor bonus, whichever the caster selects. Unlike mundane armor, the armor seed provides an intangible protection that entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Incorporeal creatures can't bypass the armor seed the way they can ignore normal armor. For each additional point of Armor Class bonus, increase the Spellcraft DC by +2. The caster can also grant a creature a +1 bonus to Armor Class using a different bonus type, such as deflection, divine, or insight. For each additional point of bonus to Armor Class of one of these types, increase the Spellcraft DC by +10.
Facts about "Armor (Epic Spell Seed)"
This page was last edited on 22 July 2011, at 17:54. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,580 | Home / Videos / Mercedes-Benz X-Class 'T&T' edition ute: Sam Wallace review
Mercedes-Benz X-Class 'T&T' edition ute: Sam Wallace review
Search Driven for Mercedes-Benz for sale
Sam puts a Trucks & Trailers-enhanced Mercedes-Benz X-Class ute through its paces.
Say hello to the Mercedes-Benz 'T&T Edition' X-Class customised by Trucks & Trailers an authorised Mercedes-Benz heavy and light commercial dealership based in Manukau.
The Mercedes-Benz X-Class is a new addition to the ute market in New Zealand. The X-Class has revolutionised the ute market, it's everything you'd expect from a ute with added strength, technology, safety, and comfort. The team at Trucks & Trailers are taking the X-Class to new levels with their customisation.
Sam Wallace hits the road in the new T&T edition Mercedes-Benz X-Class, heading to a work site to show some builders and towing his toys to the beach.
The X250d Power model Sam drives has a 2.3-litre turbo diesel engine with 140kW of power and 450Nm of torque, enough to haul 3.5 tonnes of goodies effortlessly.
Find out more about the Mercedes-Benz X-Class 'T&T' edition ute
2018 Mercedes-Benz GLC 350 | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,581 | In processing, spreadsheet software presents, over a computer screen, a interface that resembles a number of newspaper accounting worksheets. Microsoft Excel, a favorite spreadsheet program, identifies an individual spreadsheet (more officially, a two-dimensional matrix or array) as a worksheet, and it identifies a assortment of worksheets as a workbook.
In the school room establishing worksheets usually make reference to a loose sheet of newspaper with questions or exercises for students to complete and track record answers. They are really used, to some extent, in most subject matter, and have common used in the mathematics curriculum where there are two major types. The first kind of math worksheet is made up of a assortment of similar mathematics problems or exercises. They are designed to help students become experienced in a particular numerical skill that was educated to them in course. They are generally directed at students as research. The second kind of math worksheet is supposed to bring in new matters, and tend to be completed in the class room. They are made of a intensifying group of questions that brings about a knowledge of this issue to be discovered.
Worksheet generators can be used to develop the sort of worksheets which contain a assortment of similar problems. A worksheet generator is a computer software that quickly produces a assortment of problems, specifically in mathematics or numeracy. Such software is often employed by professors to make class room materials and checks. Worksheet generators may be filled on local pcs or accessed with a website.
In accounting a worksheet often identifies a loose leaf little bit of stationery from a columnar pad, instead of the one that has been destined into a physical ledger e book. From this, the word was long to designate an individual, two-dimensional selection of data in a computerized spreadsheet program. Common types of worksheets found in business include financial claims, such as income and loss accounts. Analysts, buyers, and accountants monitor a company's financial assertions, balance mattress sheets, and other data on worksheets. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,582 | >> Migrant Jakelin Caal died on December 8th after being detained by US Border Patrol agents in New Mexico. Now immigrant rights groups are calling for a swift and thorough investigation into her death. US officials said the young girl suffered cardiac arrest, brain swelling, and liver failure. Jakelin Caal died in an El Paso, Texas hospital two days after she and her father were detained in a remote part of New Mexico.
Her father, Nery Call, said she had no preexisting medical conditions. Executive director of the Annunciation House for Migrants, Ruben Garcia, is working with the Guatemalan consulate to repatriate the body back to Guatemala.>> It's one of those situations that I can't imagine. I can't imagine what it must be like to come up, and then find yourself dealing with the loss of your child.
>> The Office of the US Inspector General, which looks into accusations of misconduct by public employees, will take the lead in an investigation into the death. And said they will share the results with the public. Protests against Jakelin Caal's death have been planned in El Paso. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,583 | IT WAS not the latest addition to his collection of cars, or another example of his rediscovered goal touch that gave Wayne Rooney the most satisfaction here.
It was more the positive impact he believes winning FIFA's Club World Cup will have on the remainder of Manchester United's season that gave him the victory glow.
Rooney had spelt out before the final against LDU Quito that the only way United could justify the long and controversial mid-season trip to Japan, was to ensure they returned home with a swagger as the first British club to win the revamped competition.
And he did more than most in the two games at Yokohama Stadium, to ensure Sir Alex Ferguson's squad can now add the title of world champions to their European and Premier League crowns.
After his two-goal appearance as a substitute in the semi-final against Gamba Osaka on Thursday, Rooney was again the matchwinner with a superb 73rd-minute strike, to give United victory against the defensive South American champions.
Even the fact United had to play with 10 men for most of the second half following the dismissal of Nemanja Vidic for a foolish retaliatory elbow in the face of Claudio Bieler failed to bring the Ecuadorian side out of their shell.
Rooney's winner, a low curling shot into the corner, won him the man-of-the-match award, while his three goals earned him the player-of-the-tournament prize of a new car from sponsors Toyota.
Rooney gratefully accepted the giant key to the gleaming motor, then demanded United's collective foot is hard on the accelerator to ensure they are in top gear for the festive programme.
"If we hadn't won this trophy, it would have been very difficult to go home," he said. "We would have been on a downer going into the Stoke game on Boxing Day and it could have had a knock-on effect for the rest of the season.
"But having won it, we can return full of confidence, start winning games, get some momentum going and go on a consistent run.
"It's the perfect way to end the year, winning a third trophy to go with the Premier League and Champions League. We knew it was going to be difficult, what with the change in time-zone and jet-lag problems, but we've done it and all credit to the squad. It was a difficult game, especially when we went down to 10 men. But we deserved the win because we were the team creating the better chances.
"On a personal level, I'm delighted with the way the tournament went for me, scoring three goals.
"It's amazing. In the dressing-room afterwards, I looked at my phone and there was a text from a friend saying, 'congratulations you're a world champion'.
It became an even better day for United when Liverpool dropped points at Arsenal – a game Rooney and his team-mates watched with delight into the early hours here.
After Vidic's dismissal, Rooney showed his discipline and team ethic by dropping back to left midfield, but he still had the energy to score the winner and move into double figures for the season.
Quito's only threats were from long range, with Edwin van der Sar producing two great saves from Alejandro Manso and one from William Araujo.
But even with one man down, United were in cruise control to finish top of the world.
Manchester United (4-4-2): Van der Sar; Rafael (Neville 85), Ferdinand, Vidic, Evra; Ronaldo, Carrick, Anderson (Fletcher 88), Park; Rooney, Tevez (Evans 51). Sent off: Vidic 49. Booked: Anderson. Goal: Rooney 73.
LDU Quito (4-4-2): Cevallos; N Araujo, Calle, (Ambrosi 74), Bolanos, Urratia; Reasco (Larrea 82), Calderon, W Araujo, Biler; Manso, Campos. Booked: Bieler, Campos, Cevallas, Calle, W Araujo. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,584 | To pay for Pipedrive using PayPal, you will first require a PayPal account.
If you don't have a PayPal account, go to PayPal to sign up for free.
Go to Settings > Billing > Update.
Confirm your intended subscription details, like your Pipedrive plan and chosen billing frequency.
Under the 'Payment' area, select 'PayPal' and click Check out with PayPal.
You will be directed to Pipedrive's PayPal checkout in a new tab.
Log in to your PayPal account, and select Agree and continue.
You will then be taken back to your billing details page in Pipedrive with a success message showing your selected plan and the date of first collection.
A preapproved payment will be created in your PayPal account for collection on a recurring subscription.
What happens to my billing when I deactivate a user in Pipedrive? | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,585 | The Global Benefits Association has one official annual conference and convention each year, which brings attendees from over 80 countries together. The GBA also supports other international health insurance conferences that support the industry and meet the goals and standards of the Global Benefits Association, and which provide a benefit to the GBA and it's members.
The Global Benefits, Expatriate Healthcare and Travel Insurance Conference is one of the only international conferences that focuses on bringing together the employers, international insurance companies and foreign governments involved in purchasing and providing global benefits, expatriate health insurance coverage and travel insurance to employees and individuals. This global benefits Conference™ will be dedicated to only the highest level executive attendees involved in this industry. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,587 | Scott Kowalski was appointed Executive Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for WPS Health Solutions in March 2018. He previously held sales and operations leadership roles for WPS Health Insurance.
He was elected to the WPS Health Plan (Arise) Board of Directors in September 2013 and the WPS Charitable Foundation Board of Trustees in March 2017.
Earlier in his career, Scott worked as WPS Commercial Sales Vice President and then spent a few years in the private practice of law, specializing in estate planning. He maintained his license to sell insurance, using his in-depth knowledge of the insurance business from the industry perspective and as an advisor to clients on health insurance purchases. He rejoined WPS in 2013.
Scott has a diverse professional background. He managed local, regional, and national sales and marketing organizations, and advised clients on complex matters regarding insurance, estate planning, corporate compliance, information technology, and public policy.
Scott graduated from the University of Wisconsin and earned his law degree from The John Marshall Law School in Chicago. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,588 | FA 4 Question Papers 2019 - 5th Class Formative 4 Model Question Papers : FA 4 CCE Slip tests for 5th Class Telugu, English, Maths, EVS Subjects Model Question Papers Download. AP Formative Assessment 4 question Papers TS FA 4 question Papers Telangana 5th Class FA IV question Papers AP 5th Class FA IV question Papers , Hand writing and Printing Telugu English Math's EVS Subjects , 4th unit test Telugu English Maths EVS question papers.
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5th Class Formative 4 Question Papers 5th Class Model Papers For Formative- IV Telugu, English, Maths, EVS, Science, Social subjects slip test questions and Projects Download. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,589 | Effective Feb. 1, RIAA will include on-demand audio and video streams and a track sale equivalent in Gold & Platinum (G&P's) Album Award. The modernization of the program's album rule follows a similar update made to digital single certifications in 2013, when the RIAA first added on-demand streams to its Digital Single Award. Collectively, this now means that the program's iconic benchmarks – 500,000 (Gold), 1,000,000 (Platinum) and 2,000,000 plus (multi-Platinum) – will count both sales and streams for single and album certifications.
Is this a good move for the RIAA? Are they trying to evolve with the times or just want increase the amount of people that go platinum? Does this water down the prestige of going platinum? Leave your thoughts below.
The boss over at TDE does not agree with the change. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,590 | Hearing your name for the first time.
November 9, 2011 by Jon
The Bible is full of examples of God giving someone a new name, their true name. After a season of struggle or redemption, God bestows a new identity on someone. Saul becomes Paul. Abram becomes Abraham. Jacob becomes Israel.
My favorite example is a little less obvious though. The name change is not so direct, but it is powerful. And I uncovered it while working on what might someday be a book about the prodigal son.
In Luke 15, Jesus tells three parables. The first is about losing one of 100 sheep. The second is about a woman who loses one of 10 coins. And the third, the prodigal son story, is about a father who loses one of two sons.
I once heard pastor Rick McKinley say that you can feel the tension building in the chapter. From 100 sheep to 10 coins to 2 sons, it builds. And in the first two parables, Christ does something really interesting. In the parable of the sheep he starts the story by saying, "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them." In the parable of the coins, he says, "Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one."
The pattern has been established.
So does he start the third parable about the prodigal son the same way? He's got a rhythm going, shouldn't he? You'd think so, but he doesn't.
The story doesn't start with, "Suppose there was a man who had two sons." Instead Christ says, "There was a man who had two sons." He jumps into the parable with two feet, as if he is relating a true story of how grace works, not a "what if" example of sheep or coins.
He also explains the other two parables. At the end of the parable of the sheep he says, "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety‑nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." At the end of the parable of the coin he says, "In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
He connects the dots for the audience of sinners and Pharisees, but doesn't do that with the prodigal son parable. He drops that off like a grenade, and doesn't explain it at all, content instead to create a tale with a thousand doorways to enter.
But that's all lead up. Where's the part about the prodigal son's name? Where's the identity tale? It's there. Trust me. There's a veritable hot potato of identity happening here.
In verse 11, Christ establishes who the sons belonged to right out of the gate. "There was a man who had two sons." They were not just two men. They were two sons. They had a father.
In verse 19, after coming to his senses and returning home, the son says, "I am no longer to be called your son." He's right. By his actions, he's renounced his identity. He realized he had forfeited his identity. He continues, "Make me like one of your hired men." The son tries to take on a new identity.
In verse 24, the father, representing God, turns to his servants and says, "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found."
Is there a more beautiful word to hear from a father you've wronged? A God you've forsaken?
This son of mine.
Not this man. Not this filthy, tattered drifter who we've come upon along the road. Not this person who broke my heart or wasted his life chasing things that don't matter.
This son of mine. Identity shouts from these verses.
In verse 27, the identity discussion continues as the servants tell the angry older brother what has happened. They say, "Your brother has come." They understand who the son is because the father has established that firmly.
In verse 30, driving a stake into his own identity, the older brother tries to sever his ties with the family by saying to his father, "This son of yours." This is the equivalent of saying, "He is not my brother. He is your son, not my blood. Yours."
Is the father wounded by this? Does he allow the older brother to take on a new identity? That's what the brother is trying to do, separate himself from a family that throws parties for families. Look at how he starts his response to the second family member who has tried to renounce their identity in this short parable:
""My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'"
The father refuses to let his son change his identity. By starting the sentence that way, he again says, "Mine." My son, you are mine. He then begins a full out assault of identity and love.
You are always with me.
Everything I have is yours.
We had to celebrate. Not I. We!
This brother of yours has returned.
Over and over again, God pulls both brothers into his arms. Over and over again, he says you are mine.
And that's my hope for you and me.
That, even in moments when our arms and are actions try to push God away, we will hear his voice say, "You are mine."
That, even in moments where it feels quiet or desperate or the world's name for us weighs heavy, we will hear the father's voice say, "You are mine."
Filed Under: Uncategorized Tagged With: serious wednesday, Serious Wednesdays
Previous Post: « Come to the next Quitter Conference!
Next Post: SCLQ – Metrosexual Worship Leaders, Start Your Engines! » | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,591 | It's taken awhile but we finally have a real rocker switch that works with X-10 signals and I think it's a beauty (as the Aussies say). Leviton has been selling X-10 switches for several years but for a long time they were simply an X-10 pushbutton switch with a paddle fitted over the top. The 6343 however is a "real" paddle switch built with quality. It looks and feels expensive (and it fact it is a bit pricey). But, I think it's probably worth it and if we all rush out and buy a bunch, the price should come down.
* Supports X-10 extended codes.
* Can be used for 3 way or single pole applications (one switch does all).
* Can be used with or without the neutral wire.
* Tap Top = gradual rise to last dim setting.
* Tap Bottom = gradual dim to off.
* Cool little screwdriver in the box to change house codes.
* LED comes on only when switch is in the off position (so you can find it in the dark Joe).
* Unobtrusive "Air Gap" lever isolates the switch from the powerline for safety when changing bulbs etc. (but you can't mistakenly open it every time you hit the switch).
* Adjustable minimum brightness adjustment.
The switches are also of a smaller profile so they will fit in a shallow wall box. This is nice … I could never get the old stacked switches (paddle on top of push button) to fit in my house because they were too deep. Another nice touch … the wire insulation is pre cut so stripping requires no tools … just slide off the remaining 1/4 inch stub when installing. There is also a ground wire so these can be safely used in plastic boxes.
The only glitch I have found so far is that when my enerlogic controller says dim to 50% and the light is already at 50% then I get dimming to 50% of 50% or 25%. This is not a problem with the switch but rather my antiquated system. Modern controllers such as Stargate use what are called Preset Dim commands which move the switch to whatever level was commanded regardless of the present position.
All in all, this is the nicest X-10 switch that I have seen or used so far (haven't tested PCS or Smartlinc yet though). The switch retails for about $75. I'm almost ready to swap out all of those old pushbuttons and this may be the switch that does it for me. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,592 | French Air Force EC 1/12 Dassault Mirage 2000C "Tiger Meet 2004"
Highlights of the NATO Tiger Meets are certainly the special liveries created by the participating units like for instance on this Mirage 2000C.
Release info: Added to our catalog on 01 February, 2011.
Russian Air Force Sukoi SU-27 "Lipetsk-Shark"
US Marine Corps VMFA-122 McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet "Werewolves" | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,593 | Jimmy Rankin – Release the hounds
Archive Posted On November 1, 2001
Song dogs, according to legend, are a canine breed that lived at the dawn of creation and howled their despair at the heavens. Canadian singer Jimmy Rankin dubbed his debut solo album Song Dog in honor of those four-legged singers. But even a cursory glance at Rankin's recent history shows he has had reasons of his own to howl.
In September 1999, the Rankin Family — the Celtic band he fronted with his siblings John Morris, Raylene, Heather and Cookie — called it quits after a platinum career in Canada. On January 16, 2000, John Morris — the group's pianist and fiddler, and a leading light in the Canadian traditional music scene — died in a car crash in Nova Scotia.
"It is a big loss for music," Jimmy says. "When I was growing up, he was the guy in the house who could play any instrument magically. I was fortunate to play live music with him for many years. I have many fond memories of hanging out backstage, just jamming."
Losing both a band and a brother, Rankin revived a plan to go solo. "I decided I wanted to get back out and get off my ass. I needed a change of scenery, so I went to Italy, Tuscany, by myself. A working holiday. I took a guitar and just bummed around and did the songwriterly thing of hanging out in cafes and drinking wine and cappuccino."
The change of scenery, and the chance to cut loose, had a big influence on the music that came forth. "It wasn't all one big tear, but I certainly did a lot of wine-tasting," Rankin laughs in his lilting Cape Breton accent. "I like to be inspired. Meeting different people, going to different places, is key for me. Why do you think Picasso was mobile?"
On "Wasted", one of the songs that dates from his Tuscan sabbatical, Rankin sings "I've been losing valuable time killing the blue/It's true, I'm useless these days." It's a clear indication that, in true song dog tradition, Rankin exorcised his pain in music.
But Song Dog (which is dedicated to John Morris) also breaks new musical ground for Rankin. Gone are the fiddles, mandolins and rich harmonies, replaced by a durable singer-songwriter sound. "I wanted to rock out a little bit," he explains. "Beef up the guitars and the B3, go for it on the drums. I didn't use any fiddle in there, and that is an obvious comparison I wanted to get away from."
Rankin and his siblings grew up in Mabou, a rural town on the island of Cape Breton, where ancient fiddle tunes and Gaelic songs have survived and thrived. Rankin's parents frequently invited local fiddle masters to the house. "My mother would round us up and take us to concerts, and we would sing," he says.
Their talent for traditional music evolved into a family band that played community dances, and while he was steeped in that music, Rankin also came under the sway of another influence. Cape Breton is second home to a coterie of artists including neoclassical composer Philip Glass, writer Rudy Wurlitzer, and photographer Robert Frank. Hanging out in that bohemian crowd influenced Rankin's decision to pursue painting.
"When I finished art school, I thought I would do the starving artist thing," he chuckles. But in the late '80s, a tape of the Rankin Family's songs made the rounds, and a blind call from Winnipeg Folk Festival organizers landed them a spot before a sizeable audience.
Without a label or management, the Rankins parlayed that initial buzz into a career. By the time EMI Music Canada came calling, the Rankins' cottage industry had shipped 80,000 copies of their music as far away as Japan. The Rankin Family's records Fare Thee Well Love, North Country and Endless Season rode a wave of interest in all things traditional to the top of the Canadian charts.
While the awards and accolades piled up at home, repeated attempts to break in the United States faltered, and the grind took a toll. "Driving across Canada in snowstorms in a van with 13 people," Rankin shudders at the memory. "There was one point where I came home for three days, got married, and then went back on the road for another two months. That's how stupid it got." After 1998's George Massenburg-produced Uprooted, the group split.
Song Dog finds Rankin plugging into a sound that is largely a departure from his work with the Rankin Family. Although the band had exhibited an ability to rock out with the hit roadhouse romp "You Feel The Same Way Too" on Endless Season, it's a direction they never fully explored. "There definitely was a faction of people who were folk-Nazis, who didn't want to see you stray from the traditional scene," he says.
While reaction to Song Dog has been positive, there was one worrying bit of early feedback. While Rankin recorded the track "Lighthouse Heart", producer Tim Thorney's bulldog Jack Benny would wail mournfully. "Every time I hit this one note, the dog would howl," he laughs at the memory. "But someone told me dogs like music. They like singing." | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,594 | ... Plan Staffing Proposal Example Elegant Staffing Proposal Example Beautiful 8 Requesting Letter Bill, Cv - Enterprise plans are very essential for internal motivation and the incentive of stakeholders. Whilst writing your plan step one you have to take is to become aware of the best business plan template needed. Secondly, you need to decide your imaginative and prescient, or where you want to look your commercial enterprise within the subsequent 1-three-5-10 years. Developing this vision will become a motivational tool because it permits you to peer the possibilities you can create for your commercial enterprise if you observe the plan.
The commercial enterprise improvement plan is essentially designed to establish a new organization as an entrepreneur. On this regard, it's miles required that a detailed commercial enterprise proposal plan is made to investigate the possibility in upcoming future. Subsequently, business enterprise plan can be defined as a right define of imaginative and prescient undertaken through businessman observed by using narration of operations and techniques which are to be taken to finish the project. Therefore, creation of a detailed business plan allows to offset the price elements. It therefore allows the owners and executives of agency to offer a thought approximately industry extensively. It additionally allows to discuss the commercial enterprise goals to personnel and lays path for destiny decision making (bangs, 2002).
A comprehensive marketing strategy assists the entrepreneur in creating a cohesive approach that brings into account all the factors of the strategic marketing strategy, and identifies how they companion with every different. Looking at the business in this way promotes the removal of components of the plan that do not correlate with the extra vision. The plan helps you to pick out how you may build your organisation through the years. For instance if you have an existing enterprise you may try to enlarge the business via your current clients. Your strategies may evolve round deepening your client relationships through client relationship control. A system for accomplishing out to customers may want to help circulate the corporation ahead. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,595 | Het Baltisch Pijpleidingsysteem (Russisch: Балтийская трубопроводная система; Baltiejskaja troebopovodnaja sistema) is een Russisch oliepijpleidingsysteem van het staatsbedrijf Transneft.
Over het Baltisch Pijpleidingsysteem-1 (BPS-1) wordt olie getransporteerd vanuit het aardolieveld Timan-Petsjora (Nenetsië), West-Siberië (vooral Chanto-Mansië) en de regio Wolga-Oeral (vooral Tatarije) naar het havenstadje Primorsk aan de oostzijde van de Finse Golf. De belangrijkste elementen worden gevormd door:
een pijpleiding van Jaroslavl naar Kirisji;
een oliepompstation van Kirisji;
een pijpleiding van Kirisji naar Primorsk;
een olieterminal in Primorsk.
Het project werd opgestart in 1997 en de constructie werd voltooid in 2001. In november 2006 bereikte het systeem zijn volle geplande capaciteit met 1,480 miljoen vaten per dag, ofwel 74 miljoen ton olie per jaar. De totale investering in de pijplijn bedroeg circa 2,5 miljard dollar. Met deze pijplijn werd de exportroute via de Baltische Staten minder belangrijk.
Tijdens de plannings- en constructiefasen werd het project bekritiseerd door natuurbeschermers. Dit was met name vanwege de kwetsbaarheid van de Oostzeeregio en de nabijheid van de haven van Primorsk bij het natuurreservaat Berjozovye ostrova (Berkeneilanden), een belangrijk vogelreservaat, dat is beschermd door de Conventie van Ramsar.
Tussen juni 2009 en 2013 werd een tweede pijplijn, BPS-2, aangelegd en in werking gesteld. Deze tak loopt vanaf de Droezjba-pijpleiding bij Oenetsja nabij de Russisch-Wit-Russische grens naar de terminal bij Oest-Loega aan de Finse Golf, een afstand van 1000 kilometer. Er is verder een 172-kilometer lange aftakking naar de olieraffinaderij van Kinef, onderdeel van Soergoetneftegaz, bij Kirisji. Er is in totaal zo'n 1170 kilometer aan leidingen gelegd.
Deze pijplijn werd in twee etappes gebouwd, de eerste fase kwam officieel in gebruik in maart 2012 en de tweede fase in december 2013. De capaciteit van de eerste fase is 30 miljoen ton olie per jaar en met de tweede fase kwam daar 20 miljoen ton bij. Het project vergde een totale investering van US$ 4 miljard.
Energie in Rusland | RedPajamaWikipedia | test |
1,004,596 | Being a former Meganova search engine for all types of torrent files, Seedpeer is one of the best online platforms for searching movies, TV shows, and music torrent files.
The resource was launched in 2005 and renamed in 2007. An anti-piracy group that is also known as MediaDefender, targeted Seedpeer in 2006 by uploading fake torrent files to the website.
What is more, Seedpeer has been blocked by major UK ISPs in accordance with the court order obtained by the Members of British Recorder Music Industry.
The Seedpeer homepage is presented by the list of the recently-added torrent files, helpful tags, useful links and a single search bar to find torrents in all the categories.
All torrent files, available on Seedpeer, are categorized into 8 main categories and 600 subcategories that make it one of the most user-friendly and organized online platform with well-structured torrent data.
Seedpeer is also supplied with a verified torrents section where you can look for files that have been verified by the community and earned its credibility. Usually, these torrents are marked by green ticks.
Users can upload torrent files anonymously. Besides, online registration provides extra benefits, such as commenting on torrents, bookmarking, uploading personal torrent files and managing them.
How to use Seedpeer torrent website?
As soon as one takes a decision to show priority to Seedpeer, it is necessary to think about the process of registration. After this procedure is over, access to the full library is guaranteed.
Once you are forwarded to the registration page, you are provided with a registration table to be filled in.
First of all, you need to create the login and password for your personal account on Seedpeer.
Secondly, your e-mail address will be also provided for confirming the registration.
Finally, you will receive the confirmation letter to a provided e-mail address meaning that the registration is completed.
Seedpeer provides Usenet binaries which amount to more than 6 million torrents including almost 250 thousands of verified files.
It should be also mentioned that Seedpeer is available in 7 languages. The system automatically displays the website in the language of the region you are located. Nevertheless, if you want to change the language, just click on the flag icon on the top right page's position and select a preferred option.
How to search for the torrents on Seedpeer?
Type the title of the torrent file you want downloading in the search bar. By doing so, you will be provided with a list of all possible variants meeting your expectations. In this case, you will not have to use third-party torrent search engines like Toorgle, for example.
By choosing a required category, you are able to download torrent files from the designed catalog. This option is extremely useful for people who have not yet decided what file exactly needs torrenting.
What troubles one could face while using Seedpeer?
One might think that torrenting is an entertaining activity and brings only joy and pleasure. However, it may be a matter of some difficulty.
As practice shows, the majority of available torrent trackers on the Internet is monitored by the ISPs or government agencies. What is more, users' online identity, consisting of public IP addresses assigned by their ISPs, is not hidden and vulnerable to be discovered by the malicious spies.
However, IP vulnerability is not the only threat a visitor of torrent sites may face. Having an infected torrent file downloaded user's device may be lost forever. Another outcome may be connected with an impressive sum of money that is to be paid for a gadget unblocking. Anyway, it is better to solve the problem before it's too late. VPNs help in such situations.
When a person makes use of P2P file sharing all the rest users of a network have a chance to access the data stored on the device. The most resourceful of them (hackers) steal such data with the purpose of further ransom.
Until the legal status of torrenting is unclear in the majority of countries, a man may become a law-defying person. Only the residents of torrent-friendly countries (e.g. Mexico, the Netherlands) may open torrent sites securely. The penalties for torrenting are different. But some countries are extremely strict to torrenting, therefore a penalty of $250 000 and even a 10-year imprisonment is possible.
In such a scenario, your online privacy is security threatened, so it is highly recommended to use Seedpeer anonymously by installing extra software compatible with your devices.
How to unblock Seedpeer website?
Low issues became a real nightmare for the modern internet users. The copyright trolls make their best to prevent people from sharing movies, songs, soft and whatnot.
However, the fans of the Seedpeer website can make use of VPN software and walk over the people who become the obstacle on the way to unrestricted torrenting.
… user's IP address is masked and changed.
… online activity of a seeder is hidden.
… Seedpeer website is unblocked from any place around the world.
Are you still thinking on whether to subscribe for a VPN for Seedpeer?
How to stay anonymous when browsing Seedpeer?
Beyond all doubts, there are different options recommended on the global network for protecting privacy and anonymity while torrenting on Seedpeer. All you need to do is just browse the Internet looking for the most suitable and reliable one. Usually, privacy-concerned users choose between running Tor, VPN or Proxy.
Nevertheless, if you are aimed at browsing Seedpeer anonymously and protecting your privacy at the most efficient level, VPN will be the best choice for you. Having subscribed for a reliable VPN, your IP address is hidden, so Seedpeer may not be able to identify and trace your activities.
What is more, if you have no access to Seedpeer with your device because it is blocked in your geographical region, VPN may be used for bypassing filters installed by the government or internet providers.
In addition, you will be able to access any website or online service you need by connecting to multiple VPN servers located in different countries around the globe. This is because VPN service assigned an IP from the server you are connected to, making the other internet users think that you are located in that country.
Finally, a decent VPN service encodes all the internet traffic with the strongest encryption protocols, protecting it against prying eyes, like malicious hackers and spies.
Having the right understanding of what the threats of torrenting are, a person becomes absolutely sure that VPN for torrenting is a must.
The number of servers and the countries where they are located plays an important role for a successful restriction bypassing. Connect to the countries where the status of P2P file sharing is not prohibited by the law.
What is even more beneficial for a VPN subscriber is that IP changing serves to access the websites restricted in the country one lives in.
As soon as a person took a decision to subscribe for a VPN for torrenting, the characteristic of bandwidth and speed cannot be ignored. Only in case these features are unlimited one be 100% sure that the protection will not be stopped all of a sudden.
Reliable methods of user's traffic encoding will help a VPN client to become anonymous while downloading or sharing torrent files via a P2P network. An IP address, visited websites, time spent on them, downloaded and uploaded files will be ciphered.
The facility to choose the IP address to connect to will help a VPN consumer to connect to the server located in a definite country. For example, if a Seedpeer website is not available in Germany, but easily accessible in Mexico, a person may connect to it via a VPN server placed in Mexico.
One is to take the tunneling protocols seriously while choosing a VPN for torrenting with Seedpeer. It is not a secret that VPN may slow down the speed. In order to reduce this speed fall, it is recommended to opt for VPN service that offers OpenVPN and L2TP/IPsec tunneling protocols.
The feature of an automatic kill switch is really important for seeders. Unfortunately, even the most reliable VPNs may lose the connection. Even in the case, it lasts 1-2 seconds, a user may be exposed. To steer clear of this problem, it is recommended to opt for the VPNs with an inbuilt kill switch function.
However, not only seeders need protection. Those who prefer streaming services like Project Free TV, for example, should use security tools as well.
Tor and proxy for Seedpeer: are they worthy?
Virtual Private Network service (VPN).
As for the last mentioned (VPN), it is clear that it offers numerous advantages. In this regard, it is necessary to have a closer look at proxy servers and Tor.
What will you do when one day find your favorite website or service is inaccessible? Of course, you will start searching for the problem solving on the Internet. And the results you will find will be connected with proxy servers.
To put it simply, proxies are websites that copy other websites (interface, content, etc.) and have domain names similar to the originals.
However, they do NOT make netizens anonymous while downloading torrents. Thus, in case you live in a place where torrenting activity is punishable by law, a proxy for Seedpeer is not your variant.
Tor stands for the Onion Router. Tor serves to make a user more secure on the Internet. It encoded user traffic, but the ciphering mechanism cannot be called 100% safe. Besides, Tor makes internet speed very slow.
Furthermore, in case the Seedpeer website is not available in the place you are physically located, it will be impossible to unblock it.
Thus, Tor may be used when Seedpeer is NOT banned by your ISP. However, one cannot count on fast download speed while torrenting.
What to choose to use Seedpeer without punishment?
While some netizens stop torrenting because of Seedpeer inaccessibility, others keep on using this torrent tracker through proxies.
All the proxies mentioned-above are working.
Besides, it is safe to use them, as these Seedpeer proxy sites are reliable in terms of security.
Seedpeer alternatives: the sites you will like!
In case you found Seedpeer site inaccessible in the place you inhabit but don't want to use proxies, there is one more way to keep on torrenting.
Note! Don't forget to install a client on your computer before starting using teh tracker. Among the best ones are uTorrent and BitTorrent.
Seedpeer alternatives are a matter!
Only torrent trackers will be mentioned here since the Seedpeer website is a tracker but not a search engine for magnet links.
This service is awesome! It can be a good substitution to almost any tracker. In spite of numerous Kickass Torrents shutdowns, the site is still working in 2019. More information in our dedicated article about Kickass Torrents.
The number of files stored in its library is very attractive for users of torrent trackers. Besides, new torrents appear there at regular intervals. Thus, everyone will find something to one's liking. More information in our dedicated article about LimeTorrents.
The fans of torrenting adore this website, as its navigation is very similar to Seedpeer. The content is diverse, whereas the process of downloading doesn't take much time! More information in our dedicated article about 1337x.
If it happened to you that one of the best services for torrenting - Seedpeer website is not accessible in the place you live, there are some variants to bypass the restrictions imposed by the ISP or the government.
But the best way to access Seedpeer from every corner of the world is a VPN. Due to reliable encryption, unlimited server switching, bandwidth, and speed, you will definitely be protected round-the-clock accessing Seedpeer without troubles with the law.
Besides, extra features will make your torrenting activity hidden from the prying eyes and really unrestricted.
If you have already tried this felicitous combination of VPN and Seedpeer torrent site, share your experience in the comments. And if you like the article, don't hesitate to share it on social media. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,597 | The North American Review, Հատոր 20
խմբագրել է Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, James Russell Lowell, Henry Cabot Lodge
strations, which they had perpetually before them, of being under the special guidance of the Supreme Being, quickened their pride, caused them to magnify their privileges, and to fancy themselves superior to other nations. From numerous intimations in their prophetical writings, they had long expected the coming of the Messiah. In him they were looking for a prince, a judge, a redeemer, a deliverer ; but it was from their political troubles, and their distresses as a nation, from which they fondly imagined he would deliver them. When Christ appeared, they had become a degraded province, and were suffering under the cruel tyranny of the Romans.
Such was the political condition of the Jews, such their national prejudices, and such their expectations in regard to the character of the Messiah, and the objects of his mission. These were powerful obstacles to the introduction of a religion, like that of Jesus Christ. How would the people believe him to be their long expected Messiah, whose character and conduct were so opposite to all their anticipations? Instead of coming in the splendor and power of a prince, he appeared an humble peasant of Gallilee, a province proverbial for its poverty and insignificance, and from which it had long been the belief, that no good thing could come. He did nothing to promote their political aggrandisement; he placed before them no prospects of military glory and conquest; and instead of offering to rescue them from bondage, he chided them for their rebellious spirit, and commanded them to submit to their condition.
And further, the religious impressions of the Jews presented another obstacle. They believed their religion to come immediately from God. With them, civil and religious laws were the same. Their national concerns, their religious ceremonies, and the occupations of private life, were regulated by the same rules. The religion of the Jews mingled with all their intercourse, and gave a tone to their thoughts, their habits, their manners. In this consisted the whole compass
of their education. It was an entire system of law and morality, of faith and piety. No Jew had any conception, that it could be improved or altered. It was the glory of his nation, the foundation of its present existence, and the hope of its future greatness and prosperity. With these im
pressions, nothing could be more remote from the minds and feelings of the Jews, than that any change was either necessary or possible in their religion.
But these are a part only of the obstacles, with which the christian religion had to contend. It was, also, to be preached to the Gentiles. And what was there in its character to recominend it to them? Or rather, what was there, which was not at war with all their prejudices, prepossessions, and religious ceremonies ? In the first place, the Jewish nation itself had become a byeword to the rest of the world. Their customs, and the exclusive nature of their laws, had raised barriers between them and every other nation.
The contempt, with which they affected to regard their neighbors, was returned in full measure. Next, the character, which Christ sustained wbile on earth, was not one, which would command the respect of the Gentiles any more than the Jews. How could they believe the divine nature and authority of his doctrines, when they had no knowledge of the God of Israel, by whose power he acted, and by whose spirit he was enlightened ? Confirmed in a mythology and worship of their own, which were rendered sacred by the most cherished associations, and all that was dear to them in the memory of their ancestors, how could they believe, that a Jew of Nazareth had been sent from heaven to proclaim a system of divine truths, that should overthrow, and root up the system, which they regarded with so much veneration; and that should work an entire revolution in the morals, manners, and religion of the world?
Again, the manner in which Christ died was calculated to excite abhorrence in the minds, both of the Jews and the heathens, or Gentiles. The death of the cross was one, to which only the worst of criminals were condemned. No doctrine could have been proposed to the people, at which they would so suddenly revolt, and which they would so immediately reject, as the doctrine of the cross. And yet, this doctrine was a prominent feature in the preaching of the Apostles. No doctrine could be more unpopular, or do greater violence to the prejudices of all parties, the high and low, the wise and ignorant, yet the Apostles persevered in preaching it; they resorted to no schemes of compromise ; they maintained a stern integrity, and firm adherence to truth, without yielding to the vices, the follies, or the weaknesses of men. They preached the Gospel, as it had been delivered to them by their divine master, leaving it to find its own way into the heart and the understanding, without attempting to remove or diminish the vast obstacles, which stood like the mountains of ages to oppose its progress.
It may be added, also, that the moral character and the purifying spirit of the christian religion, its precepts and commands, were totally at variance with the morals and manners of the whole world at that period; so that the religion of Jesus had not only to contend with the prejudices, the firmly rooted opinions, and the hereditary customs of all nations; but also their passions, their vices, their inclinations, their worldly propensities, and worldly affections.
Considering the formidable obstacles, at which we have but partially hinted, what means should we expect would overcome them? Should we look for anything less than the highest efforts of human wisdom and learning in the persons, who should attempt to remove the prejudices, and correct the vices of a world sunk in depravity and darkened with error ? Should we not even then say, that success would be wholly beyond the reach of human probability ? But what was the fact ? A few obscure, uneducated men, who had no knowledge of the world, without patronage or aid, without any countenance from the wise, or strength from the powerfül, set out to accomplish a revolution greater than ever had been contemplated, by the most enthusiastic and fortunate conqueror,-a revolution, which had for its object, not the downfal of nations and the glory of conquest, but the peace, harmony, virtue, and happiness of the whole human race. The preachers of Christianity, to all human appearance, were absolutely the last men, who could be supposed qualified for so extraordinary an enterprise.
And what kind of people did these preachers go abroad to convince and convert ? The age was not inore remarkable for error, superstition, and wickedness, than for intellectual refinement. It was a proud era of the arts and sciences in Greece, and the meridian glory of Roman greatness. Philosophy had taught men to reason and think ; eloquence and poetry to invent, define, and adorn. The Apostles, unlettered, uninformed as they were, came resolutely forward to combat learning, ingenuity, wit, eloquence. Imagine to yourself a small band of fishermen from Genesareth, going into the cities of Greece, reasoning with their wise men, confuting their arguments, and drawing after them multitudes of followers, adherents to a cause, which was held in universal contempt, and which subjected every person, who embraced it, to privations, reproach, and sufferings. Imagine these men in the synagogues of the Jews, reasoning with the learned doctors on the most difficult points of the law, and proving the truth of their doctrines from the very arguments brought to confute them. Imagine St Paul, who tells us he was rude in speech, and weak in bodily presence, imagine this man standing before a powerful king, and uttering his sentiments in a strain of bold, nervous, manly eloquence, which made the heathen monarch himself exclaim, Paul, almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. Imagine him in the enlightened city of Athens, boldly chiding the Athenians for their idolatry, and their superstition, preaching Jesus and the resurrection, and making known the existence, attributes, and glory of the one true God. By what power did Paul and Barnabas preach and teach in Lystra, till the people exclaimed, The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!' By what magic did these Apostles, uninformed and unpractised in the arts of the world, impress with conviction and fill with astonishment the minds not only of the ignorant and simple, but of the learned, the wise, the powerful? What sufferings did they not endure ? Imprisoned, scourged, and stoned ; reviled and mocked ; persecuted and despised, what influence could we expect they would have, in preaching the unwelcome doctrines of the cross, convincing the world of error, conquering the omnipotence of opinion, subduing the pride of knowledge and wisdoin, destroying the dominion of prejudice, and in severing the unhallowed union of religion and vice, of unprincipled ambition and morals, of devotion and debasing ceremonies ?
But they succeeded; prejudice and pride yielded before them; the ignorant were enlightened, and the obstinate convinced; and the religion of Jesus rapidly spread itself throughout the whole civilised world. The Apostles themselves travelled over many parts of Asia and Africa, and to the remote regions of Europe. One generation had not VOL. XX. NO. 47
passed away, before churches were established in all the land of the patriarchs, in Greece, Italy, Egypt, and the far distant countries of Ethiopia ; and this, by the means we have been considering. The spirit of persecution breathed its venom; the arm of tyranny was raised in anger, and the followers of Jesus were led to martyrdom. They triumphed in their fate, and gloriously tested the strength of their faith, the firmuess of their principles, and the joyful hopes of their religion, by a sacrifice of their lives. And notwithstanding these appalling obstacles, this religion advanced with a celerity altogether beyond any anticipations, which could have been warranted by the most fortunate circumstances. Had it been sanctioned by the belief, and supported by the edicts of princes and governors; had it been promulgated by preachers of the highest worldly wisilom and attainments; had it flattered the vanity and encouraged the vices of men; had it appealed to their passions, their interests, their feelings; even then, the broadest latitude of human probability could never have encouraged the hope, that its success would be so rapid, extensive, and permanent.
What then shall we say, when we compare the obstacles, the means, and the results ? Is nothing but the power of man here? Since the foundation of the world, when has the power of man been adequate to such effects? It was a remark of one of the ancient fathers, who lived fifteen hundred years ago, to the unbelievers of his time; ' If ye will not believe the miracles of the Apostles, ye must at least believe this miracle, that the world was by such instruments, without miracles, converted.' In his opinion it was not a less wonderful, and in itself, a less incredible fact, that the Gospel should succeed as it did, than that the Apostles should work the miracles recorded in their writings. Without referring to a supernatural agency, one is comparatively as unaccountable as the other. But the fact of the success of the Gospel is before our eyes. It is confirmed by authentic historical records. The experience of every age has given additional proof; and one simple question remains. How is it to be accounted for? To this question there is but one answer, and it is short. What the Evangelists wrote was true ; Christ was the power of God and the wisdom of God;' his religion was from Heaven, and the Apostles published it | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,599 | Pans & Tilts
Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, 2007 Sony Pictures' "Saawariya(Beloved)" is based on Dostoyevsky's short story "White Nights." Sonam Kapoor & Ranbir Kapoor starred in the film. Two souls arrive in a small town, one on vacation, the other to meet a lover. They spend the most magical dream-like days of their lives in that town ... with each other.
Hollywood's march has been relentless. Much like the Coke and the Mac, the American movie industry has captured just about every bit of the world with its neat scripts, amazing production values and often wonderful direction and performances. One of the greatest masters of cinema, Satyajit Ray, was never ashamed of admitting that he learnt the technique from Hollywood. But, of course, he used it to tell Indian stories and in his own distinct way. The Ray touch was unmistakable in his films.
The importance of local flavour cannot be ignored. The Germans would like to make their cinema with the German stamp. The Italians would, the French as well and for that matter anybody else. Therein lies the clash between Hollywood — with its big bucks, catchy publicity stunts and, well, sometimes muscle power – and other movie industries.
In the early 2000s when I was in Japan researching into its cinema, I found to my utter horror that Japanese motion pictures were poorly patronised. There were times when cinemas screened brand new films for just me! I was all alone in the hall. But when I walked a few blocks away to another theatre showing an American work, the queue of people armed with bags of popcorn and cans of Pepsi seemed endless.
In fact, the Hollywood invasion of Europe began to threaten the European movie industry to such an extent at one point of time, that France, Italy and Spain among others sought their respective governments' intervention to save their own cinema. Such a protectionist policy worked to an extent.
However, in India, the story was entirely different. Hollywood found an invincible force in India with its massive cinema industry. About 1,300 films were made here in 2008 alone. The big American studios have been trying hard to take over the enormously lucrative Indian market for many years. India is a movie-mad country, where more than three billion tickets are sold every year. In 2008, the country's film industry registered a 13.4 percent increase over 2007.
But unlike most international markets, foreign movies are an afterthought in India, accounting for a meagre five percent (35 percent in France, 33 percent in Japan and 12 percent in the U.K.) of the total market share. India's 1.3 billion people find cinema to be the cheapest form of entertainment that helps them escape the dreariness of their own lives.
However, when Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman or Brad Pitt or Scarlett Johansson came on the screen, sometimes even talking in one of the innumerable Indian languages that were dubbed on their own English voices, the average Indian was not quite happy. He wanted his own desi heroes and heroines to play out titillating songs and dances or engage in unbelievable fight sequences and illogical arguments.
Dubbing cannot woo a billion Indians, Sony realised after Hollywood went on that spree. A film in English can attract five million viewers. Dubbing pushes it to 30 million, but that is still a mere fraction of India's cinema-obsessed populace.
Further, subtitling an English movie was impractical given the innumerable number of Indian languages and the abysmally low literacy. Like Napoleon Bonaparte's Army that was defeated by the Russian winter, India's lingo froze Hollywood heat.
Still big American studios could not stop salivating over the luscious Indian market. The Indian cinema industry is projected by PricewaterhouseCoopers to expand to $4.4 billion a year in 2011 from $2.1 billion in 2006. So some American studios decided they would invest the money in wholly Indian productions. The first, the 2007 Sony Pictures' "Saawariya" (Beloved, based on Dostoyevsky's short story "White Nights") with Sonam Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor, did not jingle up the box-office. This year, Warner Brothers' "Chandni Chowk to China" with action hero Akshay Kumar and sexy Deepika Padukone crashed on the Great Wall!
Let us face it, American executives have no clue about Indian audience taste. They find it hard to grasp the nuances that entice Indian viewers. Tyler Cowen, the author of "Creative Destruction: How Globalization Is Changing the World's Cultures," said it was unusual for Hollywood "to try to copy the native style so exactly…That is unusual for a reason," he added. "It usually doesn't work."
Also, there is a strong Indian resistance to Hollywood's attempt to grab a piece of the local cake. "Saawariya" and Shahrukh Khan's "Om Shanti Om" opened the same day. Khan described the fight as one between the Indian David and the foreign Goliath, and vowed to finish competition. He did. "Om Shanti Om" took in more than $27 million, demolishing "Saawariya," which made $9 million, losing $ 2 million over its cost.
Disney went in for a safer strategy. Or, what it presumed to be so. The studio co-produced an animated picture with one of Bollywood's most enduring production houses, Yash Raj Films, whose feel-good family entertainment has been a hit in India. But that movie, "Roadside Romeo," made at an estimated $3.5 million, sold only about $3.5 million worth of tickets. Warner Brothers fared even worse. Its "Saas Bahu aur Sensex" (Mother-in-Law, Daughter-in-Law and Sensex) flopped royally. Warner's "Chandni Chowk to China," was ripped apart by critics and largely ignored by movie-goers. It could recover barely half its cost of $11.5 million.
But American studies are still not saying die in India. Warner Brothers has a dozen projects in the pipeline, including two more with Nikhil Advani, the director of "Chandni Chowk to China." Disney is planning four live-action movies and a second animated film with Yash Raj. Sony wants to do six movies a year. Fox has signed a two-picture deal with helmer Vipul Shah, and has four other movies under production.
That is a mighty will. But men like Khan have theirs as well, and Hollywood might find that unlike the rest of the world, India could be terribly tough to take over. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,600 | The original edition of this guide is about 20 years old, and set a high standard. The second edition was dubbed a "touch up" of the first and was published in 1989. Now, over a decade later, the third edition's time has come.
While the concept of interdisciplinary training may appear reasonably straightforward, the operational mechanics of developing and running an interdisciplinary training program can be quite challenging. This guide, like those before it, provides a framework from which flexible and variable programs can operate to train future leaders in the field of developmental disabilities. This Interdisciplinary Training Guide is designed to assist the new training director as well as the veteran. It can help a new director consider the training program(s) offered at his/her UCE. Likewise, the experienced training director can use the guide to review ideas, re-think potential topics, or expand already existing offerings. We hope the guide will also assist training directors preparing for site visits and writing grant applications.
Order copies of the AUCD NTDC Interdisciplinary Training Guide (3rd ed) 2001 by completing this form and returning it to AUCD by email or fax (301-588-2842). | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,601 | Home > Football > Transfer gist > Real Madrid Appionts Carlo Ancelotti As New Manager Of The Club For The Second Time.
Real Madrid Appionts Carlo Ancelotti As New Manager Of The Club For The Second Time.
June 01, 2021 Football, Transfer gist
Real Madrid have re-appointed Carlo Ancelotti as their new manager for a second time.
He has managed Real Madrid for two years between 2013 and 2015.
The 61-year-old Italian manager would leave his role at Everton after 18-months, and succeed Zinedine Zidane at Real Madrid.
He signed a three-year contract with the Los Blancos side until June 2024, and set to earn around €6million per season.
Real had won the Champions League three consecutive times under Zidane but ended the just concluded 2020-21 season without a trophy, having finished second in La Liga behind city rivals Atletico Madrid.
Ancelotti, who joined Everton on a four-and-a-half-year contract in December 2019, said after the appointment: "I would like to thank the board of directors, the players, and the Evertonians for the tremendous support they have all given me during my time at the club.
"I have complete respect for everyone associated with Everton and hope they can achieve the exciting opportunities they have in front of them.
"While I have enjoyed being at Everton I have been presented with an unexpected opportunity which I believe is the right move for me and my family at this time."
Ancelotti was the manager who delivered the La Decima for Real Madrid with an incredible Champions League triumph over rivals Atletico Madrid in the 2013/14 season in Lisbon but departed a year after.
His record in his two-seasons stay at the Spanish capital, includes 119 games, 89 wins, 14 draws, 16 Losses and 55 Clean Sheets. He also won the Copa del Rey 2013/14, the UEFA Super Cup in 2014, and the Club World Cup in 2014.
He has won 15 major trophies during his managerial career and is one of only three managers to have won three European Cups, alongside Liverpool's legend Bob Paisley and former Real boss Zidane.
The Italian also has domestic titles with AC Milan in his homeland, Chelsea in England, Paris St-Germain in France and also in Germany with Bayern Munich.
According to sources, the Everton board will be meeting tonight to discuss possible replacements for the departing Carlo Ancelotti.
We also understand that the Everton board met last week to support Carlo Ancelotti with his plans for next season, as he was still held in huge regard by Everton supporters, who have no w been left bitterly disappointed by his decision to leave the Goodison Park.
Carlo Ancelotti guided Everton to their first win over Liverpool at Anfield since 1999, and 10th-place league finish in his first full season in charge.
Ex-Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez who lives on Merseyside, is an obvious top choice to replace Ancelotti at Everton next season.
Transfer gist | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,602 | Fair & Festivals
Rudranath is a very important site of pilgrimage, the face of Shiva that is paid homage as Neelkanth Mahadev. It offers some of the finest sceneries of the snowy peaks of the Himalayas.
The Rudranath temple is believed to be established by the Pandavas, the heroes of the Hindu epic Mahabharata. Legend has it that the Pandavas came to the Himalayan mountains in search of god Shiva, to redeem them of the sins of killing in the epic Kurukshetra war. God Shiva did not want to meet them and escaped in form of a bull in the ground and reentered in parts in the Panch Kedar places: the hump raising in Kedarnath, the arms appearing in Tunganath, the navel and stomach surfacing in Madhyamaheswar, the face showing up at Rudranath and the hair and the head appearing in Kalpeshwar.[3] In winter, a symbolic image of Shiva is brought to Gopeshwar for worship.
Air: The nearest airport is Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun, which is about 230 km from Rudranath. Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun is a domestic airport located at about 20 km away from city center of Dehradun. Taxi cabs are available from Dehradun airport to Gopeshwar, which is about 23 km from Rudranath and cost about Rs 3,500. The airport operates daily flights to Delhi. Nearest International airport is Delhi.
Rail: Nearest railhead at Rishikesh, 215 km away from Rudrarnath. Prepaid taxi services are available in the railway station to Gopeshwar with a charge of about Rs 3,000.
Road: Gopeshwar is well connected through road. Rudranath can be accessed by foot from Gopeshwar. Gopeshwar is connected by state buses to Rishikesh, Dehradun, Kotdwara, Haridwar and other hill stations of Kumaon and Garhwal Hills. The bus charges are not fixed. It will vary depending on season.
Summer 22-35°C, Winter 15-25°C
Destinations in this location
Nature/ Scenic
Panar Bugiyal
Religious/ Spiritual
Rudranath Temple
Best Place in Dehradun to have Picnic
First Railway Station in Yog Nagri Rishikesh in Uttarakhand | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,603 | 13 words for the Grammar Ghoul Press unlucky 13 challenge.
Tad bit haunting, not a way I would want to end. Granted, the older I get, the whole.. peacefully in bed.. thing is looking more and more appealing.
Things are not looking well for the narrator in this one.
Hate to think how he found himself in this frightening predicament. Great use of your 13 words.
Oooh! Your use of imagery is killer. Good write.
My worst nightmare, my deepest fear, and you've captured it so magnificently! WOW! | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,604 | The 2018 AFL Fantasy Draft Rankings compiled by Roy, Calvin and Warnie with the help of some of their draft guru friends – Tbetta, Patch, Footy Rhino and The Draft Doctors. These rankings – by position – aim to help you for your leagues on Draft Day. Each contributor was asked to rank their top 80 defenders, 100 midfielders, 20 rucks and 80 forwards for Draft. These have been sorted as a 'site average' using everyone's picks.
Please note for all of the rankings that if a coach ranked them lower than the cut off for the position, the player will be blank. The players listed were ranked in the top 80/100/20/80 for at least two of the coaches. With this in mind, therefore, some players certain coaches may have ranked in their list may not appear.
Damon Adams – aka Patch – Breakfast radio host on Power FM in SA and head of commercial operations at Footy Prophet, he's been a champion Fantasy coach across all formats but most notably he is a member of the biggest draft league in the country, the DT Shiva. Patch is a member of Div 2 and a co-host of the Shiva Blast podcast. Follow on Twitter: @DT_Adams_.
Draft Doctors – Steve Fizz and John Crockett have been producing some of the best draft content via podcast and their website for the last couple of years. Possibly their best work to date is the Mock Draft Simulator. Catch them on Twitter: @thedraftdoctors.
RANKINGS PUBLISHED: 1 March, 2018. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,605 | Chris Hemsworth in A Perfect Getaway
Chris Hemsworth in Ca$h, 2009
Chris Hemsworth in Thor, 2011
Chris Hemsworth in Snow White and the Huntsman, 2012
Chris Hemsworth in The Cabin in the Woods, 2012
Celebrity photo, celebritypedia
Television personality
vip 0 Comments barbara lennie, barbara lennie biografia, barbara lennie cicatriz, barbara lennie dieta, barbara lennie el reino, barbara lennie enfermedad, barbara lennie español, bárbara lennie goya, bárbara lennie height, barbara lennie hija, bárbara lennie holguín, barbara lennie images, barbara lennie joven, bárbara lennie movies, barbara lennie obra de teatro, barbara lennie short hair
Bárbara Lennie Holguín (born 20 April 1984 in Madrid) is a Spanish actress.
Her credits include Magical Girl, Obaba and El Niño and the television series Isabel and El incidente.
Shortly after Barbara's birth, her family moved to Buenos Aires. Barbara returned to Spain when she was six years old. She made her film debut at the age of fifteen. She studied acting at the Royal high school of dramatic art. She played the main roles in the film "Dictation", "all songs are sung about me", "Women in the Park", "Obaba", "Bicycle", "Invisible guest", "all days belong to you" and "more Suffering than glory". Lenny also starred in Emilio Martinez-Lazaro's "Thirteen roses" and Pedro Almodovar's "the Skin I live in".
For her role as Lourdes in the film "Obaba", she received a nomination for the 2006 Goya award in the category "Best female acting debut". In 2015, she received the Goya award for best actress for her role in the film "Magic girl". Two-time winner of the St. George award (Premis Sant Jordi de Cine) in the category best actress in a Spanish film-2009 for the film "Los condenados" , 2018 for the films "El reino" and "Mazes of the past" . In 2014, she was awarded the Gaudi award for best supporting actress for the film "Child".
On television, she played a small role in "Red eagle" and one of the main roles in the television series "Countdown", where her partners were Dani Martin and Alex Gonzalez. In the TV series "Isabella" played one of the main roles of the first season-Queen Joana.
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Hits: 34 Two couples in love travel to Hawaii, have a great time. However, the holiday is overshadowed by the
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Celebrity pictures.
Copyright © 2021 Celebrity pictures. All rights reserved. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,606 | The magic is back! The popular series Merlin, starring Colin Morgan, Bradley James and Anthony Head, returns for a third season on Syfy beginning Friday, January 7, at 10PM (ET/PT), immediately following tag team partner WWE Friday Night Smackdown®.
NEW YORK – December 8, 2010 – The magic is back! The popular series Merlin, starring Colin Morgan, Bradley James and Anthony Head, returns for a third season on Syfy beginning Friday, January 7, at 10PM (ET/PT), immediately following tag team partner WWE Friday Night Smackdown®.
The second season of Merlin, which concluded in June, averaged 1.72 million total viewers and a 1.3 HH rating, based on Live +7 DVR data.
Season three sees The Young wizard Merlin (Colin Morgan) in increasingly more dangerous and dark battles in his secret quest to protect Prince Arthur (Bradley James) in the fabled kingdom of Camelot, where magic is forbidden by King Uther (Anthony Head). They rejoin Katie McGrath, who portrays the mesmerizing Morgana — who has a dark destiny of her own — Angel Coulby as her loyal maid Gwen, and Richard Wilson as wise Court physician Gaius. The new season finds Camelot's heroes pushed to their limits as the kingdom is thrown into turmoil by the return of Morgana from a year's absence.
A host of new guest stars joins the regular cast to enthrall audiences over the 13-week run.
Harry Melling (The Harry Potter Series) portrays Gilli, Warwick Davis (The Harry Potter Series, The Chronicles of Narnia) will play Grettir, Miriam Margoyles (The Harry Potter Series, Being Julia) will play Grunhilda, and Mark Williams (The Harry Potter Series, The Fast Show) is the voice of a mischievous Goblin. Guest stars from the previous season such as Emilia Fox (The Pianist, Ballet Shoes) who plays Morgause, and Santiago Cabrera (Heroes, Che), who plays Launcelot, will also be returning.
Legendary actor John Hurt once again provides the Voice of the Great Dragon.
FremantleMedia Enterprises (FME) holds the exclusive distribution, home entertainment and licensing rights to The Adventures of Merlin.FME has sold the series to over 52 broadcasters in more than 183 countries including Network Ten in Australia, MICO in Japan and RTL in Germany. FME has also secured licensing deals to produce numerous multi-territory Merlin branded products including a publishing range, figurines and an iphone application. FME has invested in the Merlin series alongside UK broadcaster BBC One. The show is produced and created by Shine TV. Series three is currently broadcast in the UK. A fourth series has been commissioned by the BBC.
FremantleMedia Enterprises (FME) holds the exclusive distribution, home entertainment and licensing rights to The Adventures of Merlin.FME has sold the series to over 52 broadcasters in more than 183 countries including Network Ten in Australia, Syfy in the US, MICO in Japan and RTL in Germany. FME has also secured licensing deals to produce numerous multi-territory Merlin branded products including a publishing range, figurines and an iphone application. FME has invested in the Merlin series alongside UK broadcaster BBC One. The show is produced and created by Shine TV. Series three is currently broadcast in the UK and on Monday 25th October it was announced that a fourth series had been commissioned by the BBC.
FremantleMedia is one of the leading creators and producers of entertainment brands in the world. FremantleMedia is part of the RTL Group, Europe's largest television and radio broadcast company, which is in turn 90 percent owned by Bertelsmann AG, one of the world's major media and entertainment companies. FremantleMedia's worldwide production arm is responsible for many of the world's highest rated prime time entertainment, drama, serial drama and factual entertainment programmes. FremantleMedia Enterprises is the brand extension arm of FremantleMedia, offering a one-stop-shop for all Licensing, Distribution and Home Entertainment around the world. The FremantleMedia Group (which includes talkbackTHAMES, UFA and Grundy amongst others) has operations in 22 countries, one of the most comprehensive global networks, creating nearly 10,000 hours of programming a year, rolling out more than 60 formats and managing over 300 individual titles. FremantleMedia has some of the world's most sought after and long running formats in its catalogue, and globally, produces such programmes as: Idols (co-produced with 19 Productions in the US), The X Factor (co-produced with Syco in the UK), Got Talent (co-produced with Syco in the UK and the US), Neighbours, Family Feud, The Price is Right, Farmer Wants A Wife and Hole In The Wall. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,607 | This is an important aspect of Prepping, and done right will allow you to accomplish your goals, dreams, and Preps!
I hope this is the correct forum for my question: I believe we all know what will happen to our monies value if.when the FED crashes. Paper money is based on the Federal Reserve, right? Recently I heard that coins will retain value because it is based on the U.S. Treasury. True or not? Expert input please!
From what I have read in a SHTF scenario, the value of a coin is based on the metallurgical content. From this standpoint the only coin that has true metallurgical value is the nickel. The other U.S. coins no longer contain enough copper or silver to even cover their face value. I do save coins of all denominations, but more from an ' I don't like to carry change ' standpoint; than from a prepping standpoint.
I have never heard that in a SHTF scenario coins would have more value than paper.
The only coins that will have value, imo, will be those with gold/copper/silver content. Pre-1982 pennies for copper. Pre 64 dimes, quarters, half dollars etc.... for silver. I don't use gold coins. How can you guy a loaf of bread with a gold coin? A cheap used car maybe. An acre of land in some places. but small amounts of consumables? That is why I have junk silver coins.
I know about the value of coins especially the pre 1965 +/- with silver, etc. My question is, what financial body gives face value to hard money, coins? We know that paper money value is based on the Federal Reserve. Which is really no value. We just think is has value. If there is a financial collapse the paper money will be really toilet paper. But how will coins fare when this happens if it value is based on the U.S. Treasury?
My question is, what financial body gives face value to hard money, coins? But how will coins fare when this happens if it value is based on the U.S. Treasury?
Your "LOCAL" Warlord will tell you what they are worth...........then he will kill you and take everything. And sell your eatable body parts to the meat market.
Last edited by Sourdough; 10-11-2018, 10:35 PM.
As most of you probably know, in the past gold has stayed muted during a stock market crash. Historically speaking (outside of crashes), the crappier the economy is, the more valuable gold becomes. But for the most part (barring any outlier bull markets) silver seems to remain fairly stable regardless of what the economy is doing mostly because it is more of an industrial metal than gold. That's why silver is regarded as a good hedge, rather than an investment.
However, in the face of a truly severe and prolonged SHTF (including TEOTWAWKI-style), I suspect that money as we know it today (gold, silver, and paper currency) will be nearly worthless for the duration. You will see it when a can of Spam or a Bic lighter becomes far more valuable than money. I am probably the odd duck in the room, but I believe that money won't regain its value until much, much later after the hard "reset."
I could be wrong, but I suspect that in the face of a less severe SHTF event where global economic players are still in position, the value of gold will be controlled by who/whatever owns the most gold in the world.
Last edited by GrizzlyetteAdams; 10-12-2018, 03:20 AM.
You are right. The best we can do in a long term SHTF is to barter but not where you are staying. There would need to be somewhere that people in your area could go to set up bartering sites. We have several things that I have made plus could barter food for things you might need. Possible if you know the person and feel comfortable letting on your site, such as a neighbor or someone you could barter for skills you can't do yourself. We do have junk silver, gold and other silver but I don't plan on using that unless someone has something I really need and they want to sell for silver or gold. You would have to know the value of such silver and gold to do that though.
As a park ranger I had to monthly make deposits to the Federal Reserve Bank and as per their Memorandum in 2005 all U.S printed and minted currency is backed and acceptable for transactions with the U.S. Reserve Bank. In English, they take it for banking purposes.. Our economic structure is kind of confusing (at least for me), But all U.S. currency is "owned" or "backed" by the U'S' Treasury Dept. as the federal government institution that has primary responsibility for our economy. The U.S. Reserve Bank is actually not a part of the U.S. government and is actually privately owned by it's member banks which work on guarantees from the U.S. Government as to the value and backing of our currency. The government uses the Fed. Reserve for conducting business and paying it's bills as well as using the Fed. Reserve for distributing printed and minted currency to the populace through the Fed. reserve owners banks. (anyone besides me have a headache now.) As long as the government stands and people have trust in it, our currency will have value. I hope this made since. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,608 | Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surge to 20 Year High
NCSD Calls on Congress to Fight STDs with Funding Increases
Condom use can help protect against STDs.
New data released today show the highest combined rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in the U.S. in 20 years, reports the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).
The surge in STDs is occurring at a time of budget cuts to State and local STD programs, including a possible $5 million cut in 2017 by a Senate Appropriations subcommittee.
"Given the surge in STDs, now is not the time to reduce funding to combat these diseases," says David C. Harvey, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors. "We call upon Congress to reverse the 2017 Senate funding cut and provide an increase of at least $8.1 million for STD programs. We also call upon the new administration to request additional funding for STD programs in their 2018 budget request to Congress," Harvey adds.
Annually, there are 20 million new STD cases, costing the U.S. health care system $16 billion. Rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis increased significantly for the third year in a row, reaching a 20-year high. The long-term health consequences posed by STDs are serious and often irreversible, especially if not diagnosed and treated early. Young people ages 15-24 and gay and bisexual men are at highest risk for STDs. Young people face unique barriers to services, including stigma, confidentiality concerns, and limited access to expert STD providers.
STDs can lead to chronic pelvic pain, infertility, and ectopic pregnancy. A pregnant woman can pass STDs on to her baby, leading to serious disabilities or death in the infant. STDs increase the risk for acquiring HIV, especially men who have sex with men, undoing the gains that have been made in HIV prevention and care.
The National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD) is a partnership of public health professionals dedicated to promoting sexual health through the prevention of STDs.
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted desease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. In women, symptoms may include abnormal vaginal discharge, burning during urination, and bleeding in between periods, although most women do not experience any symptoms. Symptoms in men include pain when urinating, and abnormal discharge from their penis. If left untreated in both men and women, Chlamydia can infect the urinary tract and potentially lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can cause serious problems during pregnancy and even has the potential to cause infertility. It can cause a woman to have a potentially deadly ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo is attaced outside of the uterus. However, Chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics.
Los Angeles has been particularly hard hit.
Gonorrhea is caused by bacterium that lives on moist mucous membranes in the urethra, vagina, rectum, mouth, throat, and eyes. The infection can spread through contact with the penis, vagina, mouth or anus. Symptoms of Gonorrhea usually appear 2 to 5 days after contact with an infected partner however, some men might not notice symptoms for up to a month. Symptoms in men include burning and pain while urinating, increased urinary frequency, discharge from the penis (white, green, or yellow in color), red or swollen urethra, swollen or tender testicles, or sore throat. Symptoms in women may include vaginal discharge, burning or itching while urinating, painful sexual intercourse, severe pain in lower abdomen (if infection spreads to fallopian tubes), or fever (if infection spreads to fallopian tubes), however many women do not show any symptoms. There are some antibiotic resistant strains for Gonorrhea but most cases can be cured with antibiotics.
Syphilis is an STD caused by a bacterium. Untreated, it can lead to complications and death. Clinical manifestations of syphilis include the ulceration of the uro-genital tract, mouth or rectum; if left untreated the symptoms worsen. In recent years, the prevalence of syphilis has declined in Western Europe, but it has increased in Eastern Europe (former Soviet states). A high incidence of syphilis can be found in places such as Cameroon, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea. Syphilis infections are increasing in the United States.
Brain Awareness Week: 5 Foods For Healthy Brain Function
Is Drinking A Lot of Water Good Or Bad For Your Kidneys?
China Continues Forced Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience, including Falun Gong and Christians
South Korea Seals Off 2 Hospitals Due to Outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Sara Lee Deli Voluntarily Recalls Cheese in Six States | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,609 | Photos of the illegal construction started circulating Bulgarian social networks on Saturday.
Municipal authorities have ordered a temporary stop of work on a construction site in the area of a protected archaeology site along Bulgaria's Black Sea coast.
The ongoing rapid construction was apparently started just ahead of Sunday's early general elections in Bulgaria, and raised among an outcry among environmentalistsand the general public.
The site appears to fall within the area of the Yaylata National ArchaeologicalReserve, located in a scenic area near the village of Kamen Bryag.
Monday Bulgaria's Ministry of Environment announced it has found that the ongoing construction does not comply with the construction permit issued.
The permit refers to "Reconstruction of a roof and masonry of a fisherman's hut," while builders have already erected two stories of a massive concrete building.
The tiniest bones in the human body – the bones of the middle ear – could provide huge clues about our evolution and the development of modern-day humans, according to a study by a team of researchers that include a Texas A&M University anthropologist.
Darryl de Ruiter, a professor in the Department of Anthropology at Texas A&M, and colleagues from Binghamton University (the State University of New York) and researchers from Spain and Italy have published their work in the current issue of PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science).
The team examined the skull of a hominin believed to be about 1.9 million years old and found in a cave called Swartkrans, in South Africa. Of particular interest to the team were bones found in the middle ear, especially one called the malleus. It and the other ear bones – the incus and the stapes – together show a mixture of ape-like and human-like features, and represent the first time all three bones have been found together in one skull.
Europe's first advanced civilisation was local in origin and not imported from elsewhere, a study says.
Analysis of DNA from ancient remains on the Greek island of Crete suggests the Minoans were indigenous Europeans, shedding new light on a debate over the provenance of this ancient culture.
Scholars have variously argued the Bronze Age civilisation arrived from Africa, Anatolia or the Middle East.
The concept of the Minoan civilisation was first developed by Sir Arthur Evans, the British archaeologist who unearthed the Bronze Age palace of Knossos on Crete.
The Greek polis, as a political and territorial entity, is a remarkable social organisation that emerged in the Greek world after the collapse of the Mycenaean palace system and the "transition" period that followed. Because of its very distinctive character within the ancient world, the city-state dominates the study of Greek history. But how did this start and how can it be recorded?
Scholars often link the polis with communal rites and feasting in sacred or public spaces and they consider that these activities were a means to enhance the territory or group cohesion. Earlier literature has discussed cult and burial practices for periods earlier than the formation of the polis. However, what is missing is an up-to-date study of collective ceremonies from the Post Palatial period (ca 12th-11th c. BC) to the Archaic period (6th c. BC) where complex communal practices would be examined within a wider social context and, more importantly, beyond the structure of the Greek polis.
A U.S. anthropologist says a dig in Africa has revealed the earliest evidence of humans involved in hunting and scavenging as food acquisition strategies.
Around 2 million years ago early stone tool-making humans known as Oldowan hominin started to exhibit a number of physiological and ecological adaptations -- an increase in brain and body size, heavier investment in their offspring and significant home-range expansion -- that required greater daily energy expenditures, and there has been debate about how those early humans acquired that extra energy.
A wealth of archaeological evidence from a site in Kenya known as Kanjera South, or KJS, including animal bones and rudimentary stone tools, suggests they met their new energy requirements through an increased reliance on meat eating, Baylor University anthropologist Joseph Ferraro said.
"Considered in total, this study provides important early archaeological evidence for meat eating, hunting and scavenging behaviors -- cornerstone adaptations that likely facilitated brain expansion in human evolution, movement of hominins out of Africa and into Eurasia, as well as important shifts in our social behavior, anatomy and physiology," he said.
Heavy equipment belonging to a construction firm that is working on the long-expected Marmaray project -- an undersea commuter train connecting İstanbul's Asian and European sides -- invaded an excavation site in Yenikapı and has damaged remnants dating back to the Neolithic Age.
Archaeological excavation started in 2004 at the Yenikapı Marmaray construction site, reaching 8,500 years into the history of İstanbul. Skeletons, chapel remains, water wells, footprints, the world's best-preserved shipwreck and a merchant vessel, whose contents and wooden parts are in exceptionally good condition, have been uncovered by archaeologists so far. The excavations are still going on at the site, but the Marmaray construction firm interrupted the work when its heavy equipment invaded the excavation site on May 11, not thinking of any possible damage that it might cause to objects as yet unrevealed.
According to a Radikal daily report on Monday, without considering the warnings and concerns of archaeologists, the management of the construction firm insisted on continuing their work at the Neolithic site, which carries great importance in terms of shedding light on the history of world civilization. The construction firm started its activities at the site without informing the Cultural and Natural Assets Conservation Board and the İstanbul Archaeology Museum. Now, archaeologists, universities and nongovernmental organizations have called on state officials to stop the heavy equipment that might eliminate their chances of finding new artifacts.
An ancient log-boat, possibly thousands of years old, has been discovered partly embedded in the banks of the River Boyne in Drogheda, possibly where it originally sank.
An initial examination by specialist archaeologist Karl Brady, suggests it could be unique because, unlike other dug-outs or log boats found in the Republic, it has a pair of oval shaped blisters on the upper edge.
Such features were " very rare".
"I have seen them on some boats found in Northern Ireland and Britain but not in Ireland. They could have been used for holding oars," said Mr Brady, who is an underwater archaeologist with the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
Three Neolithic-style huts have been built at Old Sarum to learn more about how the builders of Stonehenge lived.
The huts, made of chalk and straw daub and wheat-thatched roofing, have been based on archaeological remains found at Durrington Walls, near Stonehenge.
Project leader Luke Winter said: "What we're trying to do is get a sense of what these buildings looked like above-ground."
The hope is to re-build the huts at Stonehenge visitor centre next year.
Mr Winter added: "What makes the buildings interesting is that they were dated to about the same time as the large Sarson stones were being erected at Stonehenge.
"One of the theories is that these may have housed the people that were helping with construction of that monument."
The idea that humans nearly became extinct 75,000 ago because of a super-volcano eruption is not supported by new data from Africa, scientists say.
In the past, it has been proposed that the so-called Toba event plunged the world into a volcanic winter, killing animal and plant life and squeezing our species to a few thousand individuals.
An Oxford University-led team examined ancient sediments in Lake Malawi for traces of this climate catastrophe. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,610 | Visiware reinforces its capital positionwith Crédit Agricole Private Equity and Entrepreneur Venture to become a leader in Social TV
Visiware has raised 5 million Euros from Crédit Agricole Private Equity and Entrepreneur Venture to strengthen its position as the leader in the PlayAlongTM market and to develop its Social TV offering.
Based in Sèvres, Visiware has for the past 10 years been the world leader in digital television gaming with its Playin'TV™ channel. It recently launched PlayAlong™, a solution that has already become a reference for the market. This solution allows millions of viewers to participate simultaneously in televised shows from home using their laptop, tablet, or Smartphone.
To date, Visiware has produced 400 shows using it's PlayAlongTM platform resulting in 12 million games played in nine different countries (Brazil, United States, France, Malaysia, Netherlands, etc.) on channels such as Antena3, Fox, SBT, SBS6, TF1, ZDF…
Studies show that 60% of television viewers regularly use their tablets, Smartphones, or PC while watching TV (source: Nielsen Jan 2011). , With audience participation rates increasing from 20-28% thanks to its PlayAlong (source: Mediamétrie Sept 2011), the innovative Cloud platform launched by Visiware provides a very reliable and economical way to keep these viewers interacting with television programs, by playing, voting, debating, learning, etc.
Laurant Weill, Chairman and founder of Visiware, states: "We are delighted to welcome Crédit Agricole Private Equity and Entrepreneur Venture, two quality investors, into our capital. Their long-term support will enable us to achieve our ambitious objectives. Visiware's Social TV products in conjunction with the PlayAlong platform, has very strong potential. They enable us to offer viewers a different TV experience that is adapted to new user behaviors. This offer enables stations and operators a chance to interact with their audience and develop new forms of monetization. We thank Privateq Advisors AG for the invaluable help they have given us in organizing this round."
Bertrand Folliet, a partner in Entrepreneur Venture adds: "We were impressed by the quality and reliability of Visiware's PlayAlongTM technology, which offers unprecedented and rich interactivity for players of Endemol's Money Drop. The robustness of the PlayinStar™ platform also allows for playing 24/7, creating an additional level of monetization for media partners."
Renaud Poulard, a partner in Crédit Agricole Private Equity and administrator with Visiware, stresses: "The convergence of TV and the Web, social TV, are basic trends. Visiware management very early seized these opportunities and today Visiware is a leader in the sector. Visiware has one of the best platforms on the TV-Web audience monetization market."
About Visiware
Visiware is an interactive studio based in France and The USA, whose 80 experts provide gaming and technology solutions in the following areas:
PlayAlong™ - This new and unique platform allows TV producers and channels to launch next gen social games and interactions based on and synchronized with major TV game-shows. Millions of TV viewers can simultaneously participate during a TV show; via the web, their iPhone, iPad or even through Facebook.
PlayinStar™ - Visiware's turnkey social games platform on the web. Leading portals generate new revenue streams with this white label multiplayer game service.
Playin'TV™ - Experts in casual gaming, Visiware also operates the internationally leading interactive pay-TV game channel Playin'TV™.
LeStudio™ - Create, design, and develop custom User Interfaces, as well as TV applications, for TV operators, technology providers for satellite, cable, IPTV, OTT, connected TV, etc.
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DALLAS, April 25, 2013 –In celebration of Mary Kay's 50th anniversary and continued legacy as a Dallas icon, the company is proud to be a sponsor of the first LPGA tournament in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area since 1991. More than 140 top rated golfers will tee off at the North Texas LPGA Shootout on April 25-28 at the Las Colinas Country Club in Irving, Texas.
The four-day competition with a purse of $1.3 million is hosted by The Nexus Club, a charitable organization with a mission to emphasize the importance of values such as character, integrity, sportsmanship, self-discipline and community involvement to young ladies through the sport of golf. For the first time, North Texas high school and collegiate female golfers will compete in an 18-hole "shootout" to earn a tournament exemption and play alongside some of the world's best professional golfers.
"The LPGA tournament hosted by The Nexus Club is a natural fit for us at Mary Kay where our mission is to enrich women's lives," said Sheryl Adkins-Green, Mary Kay Inc.'s Chief Marketing Officer. "The LPGA hasn't held a tour event in North Texas in more than two decades and we are thrilled to not only show our support as one of the sponsors, but also to provide our award-winning Mary Kay ® products to golf enthusiasts and LPGA fans."
Many of the LPGA's current players were junior golf stars in Texas including 2012 Rolex Player of the Year Stacy Lewis, five-time LPGA winner Angela Stanford and 2012 Rolex First-Time Winner Brittany Lang.
"We are truly thrilled to return to the great state of Texas and to bring the LPGA tour back to a region where we have a great history and passionate fans," said LPGA Commissioner Michael Whan. "It makes sense for the LPGA to be in North Texas. We look forward to showing golf fans in the region why it's different on the LPGA."
Irresistible products. Positive community impact. Rewarding opportunity. For 50 years, Mary Kay has offered it all. With 2.5 million Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants and $3 billion in global annual wholesale sales, Mary Kay is a top beauty brand and direct seller in more than 35 markets around the world. To learn more or to locate a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant in your area, please visit marykay.com.
About the LPGA (Ladies Professional Golf Association)
The LPGA is the world's leading professional golf organization for women. Founded in 1950, the association celebrates a diverse and storied membership with more than 1,700 members representing 29 different countries. With a vision to inspire, empower, educate and entertain by showcasing the very best of women's golf, LPGA Tour Professionals compete across the globe, while dedicated LPGA Teaching and Club Professionals (T&CP) directly impact the game through teaching, coaching and management. The Symetra Tour consistently produces a pipeline of talent ready for the world stage. The LPGA is headquartered in Daytona Beach, Florida. Follow the LPGA on its television home, Golf Channel, and on the web via: www.LPGA.com, www.facebook.com/lpga.official, www.twitter.com/lpga, and www.youtube.com/lpgavideo. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,612 | Birdsville set to be off and racing
RACE MEET: The iconic Birdsville Races starts on September 1. Salty Dingo
ORGANISERS of outback Queensland's richest two-day horse race meeting - the Birdsville Races - have announced the full race program for this year's event.
Now in its 135th year, the 13-race program offers up a combined $200,000 prize purse, plus a further $12,500 in QTIS (Queensland Thoroughbred Incentive Scheme) bonuses - making it one of the most lucrative and unique outback thoroughbred race experiences in Australia.
The iconic green starters' gates will roll out on September 1 and 2 as more than 7000 racegoers flock to Birdsville for what is billed the 'Melbourne Cup of the Outback'.
A number of race program changes have been made, with several races moving from class-based handicaps to benchmark races, as well as the introduction of a second 1600m race - the $12,500 Benchmark 55 Handicap on September 1.
Traditionally, the 1600m distance has been reserved solely for the Birdsville Cup.
"We believe the changes in the 2017 program will provide greater options for owners and trainers, giving more opportunities for horses suited over longer distances," Birdsville Race Club vice-president Gary Brook said.
Each year, owners, trainers, jockeys and horses make the long-haul trek to Birdsville, 10,000 kilometres collectively, from places as far away as Darwin, Tamworth and the Sunshine Coast - as well as surrounding towns and regions - via the Simpson Desert Racing Carnival circuit.
The races attract a broad range of trainers and racing identities - from up-and-comers hoping to gain experience in a big country meet, to seasoned veterans who have become annual fixtures in the tiny, remote township.
In recent years, the event has drawn high-profile industry figures escaping the southern winters, including Group 1 trainers Peter Moody, Ciaron Maher and industry icon Arthur Inglis.
As in previous years, the 2017 race program is headlined by the prestigious $35,000 Birdsville Cup (1600m), which takes place on Saturday, September 2.
Four other feature races will offer up big prizemoney across both Friday and Saturday race days, including the $20,000 Open Handicap (1200m), $15,000 Class 1 Handicap (1200m), $15,000 Class 5 Handicap (1200m) and $15,000 Class 2 Handicap (1200m) - the latter of which is worth $22,500 for QTIS fillies.
"Owners, trainers and jockeys who have been bringing horses to Birdsville religiously for more than 20 years will also notice the difference travel-wise due to road upgrades since the last event," Gary Brook said.
"Driving through the spectacular red Simpson Desert has always been a unique experience with value on its own, but the new-and-improved roads will definitely make the going easier. First-timers will miss some of the hard yards that our more seasoned visitors have endured in previous years. The road upgrades, combined with the program changes, bolsters accessibility for owners, trainers, jockeys and visitors in general."
Also new in 2017, the winner of the 1600m Betoota Cup on August 26 will receive an exemption from the ballot and secure automatic entry into the Birdsville Cup (if nominated) - the first time this has been awarded in the 135-year history of the Birdsville Races.
"Each year, trainers create their own communities under the gum trees by the Diamantina River, training their charges on the surrounding salt pans and red dessert sands," Gary Brook said.
"It's a spectacular sight to see the horses kicking up the dust at sun-up and sun-down as trainers work to ensure their charges are race-ready for the first week in September."
In 2016, the Birdsville Races achieved 121 acceptances to the race-field. History was made when Perth-based jockey Kayla Cross rode to victory on the Heather Lehmann-trained Moore Alpha - the first time an all-female jockey-trainer duo had taken out the Birdsville Cup in 134 years.
outback queensland
birdsville horse racing outback queensland | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,613 | 475 U.S. 796 - City of Los Angeles v. Heller
the United States Reports
475 US 796 City of Los Angeles v. Heller
106 S.Ct. 1571
89 L.Ed.2d 806
Ronald HELLER.
No. 85-531.
April 21, 1986.
Respondent Ronald Heller sued petitioners, city of Los Angeles, and individual members of the Los Angeles Police Commission, and two Los Angeles police officers in the United States District Court for the Central District of California under the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 1983. He claimed damages by reason of having been arrested without probable cause and having been the victim of excessive force in the making of the arrest. The incident arose as a result of the two Los Angeles police officers stopping him because of a suspicion that he was driving while intoxicated. In the words of the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit:
"The officers administered a series of field sobriety tests. Apparently dissatisfied with the results, the officers decided to take Heller to the station to undergo a breath test. When notified that he was under arrest, however, Heller became belligerent. One of the defendants, Officer Bushey, attempted to handcuff him. An altercation ensued. In the course of the struggle, Heller fell through a plate glass window." Heller v. Bushey, 759 F.2d 1371, 1372-1373 (CA9 1985).
The District Court held a bifurcated trial, and first heard respondent's claims against one of the individual police officers.* The jury was instructed that Heller would make out his constitutional claim if he were arrested without reasonable cause, or if he were arrested with "unreasonable force" that exceeded the force necessary under the circumstances to effect arrest. Id., at 1374. The jury was not instructed on any affirmative defenses that might have been asserted by the individual police officer. Tr. in No. 80-2643 (CD Cal.), pp. 803-822, 843. The jury returned a verdict for the defendant police officer and against respondent. The District Court then dismissed the action against petitioners, concluding that if the police officer had been exonerated by the jury there could be no basis for assertion of liability against the city or the persons constituting its Police Commission.
Respondent appealed to the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, and that court reversed the judgment of the District Court dismissing respondent's case against petitioners even though it did not disturb the verdict for the defendant police officer. Respondent urged, and the Court of Appeals apparently agreed, that "the jury could have believed that Bushey, having followed Police Department regulations, was entitled in substance to a defense of good faith. Such a belief would not negate the existence of a constitutional injury" (footnote omitted). 759 F.2d, at 1373-1374.
The difficulty with this position is that the jury was not charged on any affirmative defense such as good faith which might have been availed of by the individual police officer. Respondent contends in his brief in opposition to certiorari that even though no issue of qualified immunity was presented to the jury, the jury might nonetheless have considered evidence which would have supported a finding of such immunity. But the theory under which jury instructions are given by trial courts and reviewed on appeal is that juries act in accordance with the instructions given them, see Aspen Skiing Co. v. Aspen Highlands Skiing Corp., 472 U.S. 585, 604, 105 S.Ct. 2847, 2858, 86 L.Ed.2d 467 (1985), and that they do not consider and base their decisions on legal questions with respect to which they are not charged. We think that the Court of Appeals' search for ambiguity in the verdict was unavailing; as that court itself noted later in its opinion, "[b]ecause the instructions required a verdict for [respondent] if either the due process or the excessive force claim was found, the jury's verdict for the defendant required a negative finding on both claims." 759 F.2d, at 1374, n. 3. This negative, it seems to us, was conclusive not only as to Officer Bushey, but also as to the city and its Police Commission. They were sued only because they were thought legally responsible for Bushey's actions; if the latter inflicted no constitutional injury on respondent, it is inconceivable that petitioners could be liable to respondent.
The Court of Appeals also stated:
"We must conclude that the general verdict does not foreclose a finding that Heller suffered a constitutional deprivation. Heller's Monell claim survived the general verdict. . . . The jury verdict, of course, conclusively determined that there was probable cause to arrest Heller. On the other hand, it is equally clear that whether the application of force in accordance with Police Department regulations in this case exceeded constitutional limits has not been determined." Id., at 1374-1375.
But this was an action for damages, and neither Monell v. New York City Dept. of Social Services, 436 U.S. 658, 98 S.Ct. 2018, 56 L.Ed.2d 611 (1978), nor any other of our cases authorizes the award of damages against a municipal corporation based on the actions of one of its officers when in fact the jury has concluded that the officer inflicted no constitutional harm. If a person has suffered no constitutional injury at the hands of the individual police officer, the fact that the departmental regulations might have authorized the use of constitutionally excessive force is quite beside the point.
The petition for certiorari is granted, the judgment of the Court of Appeals is reversed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
It is so ordered. Justice BRENNAN took no part in the consideration or decision of this case.
Justice MARSHALL dissents from this summary disposition, which has been ordered without affording the parties prior notice or an opportunity to file briefs on the merits. See Cuyahoga Valley R. Co. v. Transportation Union, 474 U.S. 3, 8, 106 S.Ct. 286, ----, 88 L.Ed.2d 2 (1985) (MARSHALL, J., dissenting); Maggio v. Fulford, 462 U.S. 111, 120-121, 103 S.Ct. 2261, 2265-2266, 76 L.Ed.2d 794 (1983) (MARSHALL, J., dissenting).
Justice STEVENS, with whom Justice MARSHALL joins, dissenting.
Whenever the Court decides a case without the benefit of briefs or argument on the merits, there is a danger that it will issue an opinion without the careful deliberation and explication that the issues require. Today's "per curiam" opinion is a fair illustration of the problem. The two important issues presented in this case are not even identified in that document. The District Court's decision to dismiss the action against the city, the Police Department, and the Police Commissioners necessarily rested on two assumptions: (1) there was an inherent inconsistency between the jury verdict in favor of Officer Bushey and a possible verdict against the municipal defendants and (2) that inconsistency required the dismissal of the action against the municipal defendants. Far from specifically addressing those issues, however, the District Court dismissed the action against the city on the ground that it had "become moot."1 In a similar vein, this Court rests its summary decision on the maxim that "juries act in accordance with the instructions given them." Ante, at 798. In my view, neither of the necessary assumptions for the District Court's action—and for this Court's reinstatement of its decision is remotely present in this case.
* The first necessary assumption is that there would be an inevitable inconsistency between the jury verdict of no liability for Officer Bushey and a possible verdict of liability against the municipal entities; in the absence of such an inconsistency, the District Court's decision, and this Court's reinstatement of it, are simply inexplicable.
It is undisputed that Ronald Heller crashed through a plate-glass window after some kind of an altercation with Officer Bushey. He had been stopped on suspicion of driving while intoxicated and given sobriety tests.2 In his claim against the municipal entities, Heller contended that the city and the Police Department had adopted a policy of condoning excessive force in making arrests, that the policy was unlawful, and that he had been injured by the application of that policy at the time of his arrest. In his claim against Officer Bushey, Heller contended that his constitutional rights were violated because Officer Bushey had employed "unreasonable force" in arresting him.
On the day before trial, the District Judge bifurcated the trial into two phases—the first against Officer Bushey and the second against the municipal entities. The record contains no explanation for this decision, but it does reveal that Heller's counsel opposed bifurcation.3
In the proceeding against Officer Bushey, considerable evidence of the Los Angeles Police Department's policy and custom on the use of force was introduced. An expert witness testified regarding Los Angeles' officially sanctioned use of "escalating force," culminating in the use of the notorious "chokehold."4 Officer Bushey himself testified that Heller's flight through the window resulted from his attempt to impose a chokehold, and that he was carefully following official Police Department policy.5 Officer Bushey's superior, Sergeant Shrader, also testified that Officer Bushey's actions were in complete compliance with official Police Department policy.6 Finally, Officer Bushey's attorney repeatedly emphasized that his client's actions were entirely consistent with established Department policy.7
In submitting the claim against Officer Bushey to the jury, the trial judge gave an instruction that simply stated that whether or not the force used in making an arrest is unreasonable "is an issue to be determined in the light of all the surrounding circumstances."8 After deliberating several hours, the jury returned a general verdict in favor of the officer.
Thus, despite the majority's summary assertion to the contrary, it is perfectly obvious that the general verdict rejecting the excessive force claim against Officer Bushey did not necessarily determine the constitutionality of the city's "escalating force" policy—a subject on which the jury had received no instructions at all. The verdict merely determined that the officer's action was not unreasonable "in the light of all the surrounding circumstances"—which, of course, included the evidence that Officer Bushey was merely obeying orders and following established Police Department policy.
As a result, there was no necessary inconsistency between the verdict for Officer Bushey and a possible verdict of liability against the municipal defendants. On that basis alone, the District Court plainly erred in dismissing as "moot" the suit against the municipal defendants, and the Court of Appeals was plainly correct to reverse the dismissal.9
In view of the fact that the Court of Appeals correctly concluded that there was no necessary inconsistency between a verdict exonerating Officer Bushey and a verdict holding the city and Police Department liable for the "escalating force" policy, it did not have to consider the appropriate response to a possible inconsistency in the context of a bifurcated trial.
Inconsistent verdicts are, of course, a familiar phenomenon. In a criminal case, a jury's apparently inconsistent verdict is allowed to stand.10 In a civil case, the rule is less clear.11 Nevertheless, in contrast to the Court's blithe assumption today, it is far from certain that the District Court's action—the dismissal—was an appropriate response, even if somehow a verdict against the municipal entities might have created an inconsistency. First, the Court ignores the fact that, in certain circumstances, a court retains the authority, even in a civil case, to allow an apparently inconsistent verdict to stand.12 Second, the Court ignores the fact that, when faced with an apparently inconsistent verdict, a court has a duty to attempt to read the verdict in a manner that will resolve inconsistencies.13 Third, the Court ignores the fact that, upon receiving an apparently inconsistent verdict, the trial judge has the responsibility, not to retain half of the verdict, but to resubmit the question to the jury.14 Finally, the Court ignores the fact that, if verdicts are genuinely inconsistent and if the evidence might support either of the "inconsistent" verdicts, the appropriate remedy is ordinarily, not simply to accept one verdict and dismiss the other, but to order an entirely new trial.15
Although the Court fails to address it, the question this case raises (if, in fact, the initial view of inevitable inconsistency is accepted) is whether a different set of principles should apply in a bifurcated trial—more narrowly, in a trial that was bifurcated over the objection of the plaintiff. Because the question has not been argued, I do not foreclose the possibility that bifurcation should make a difference, but it is not immediately apparent to me why it should. In this case, the same jury would have passed on the municipal entities' liability, and would have relied on the evidence adduced in the first phase of the trial as well as that presented in the second phase. At the very least, it is unclear to me why the normal devices for addressing an apparently inconsistent verdict—construing the verdict in a manner that resolves the inconsistency; resubmitting the case to the jury for it to resolve the inconsistency; or even ordering a new trial—should be unavailable in a bifurcated context.
If the Court's unprecedented, ill-considered, and far-reaching decision happens to be correct, defendants as a class have been presented with a tactical weapon of great value. By persuading trial judges to bifurcate trials in which both the principal and its agents are named as defendants, and to require the jury to bring in its verdict on the individual claim first, they may obtain the benefit of whatever intangible factors have prompted juries to bring in a multitude of inconsistent verdicts in past years; defendants will no longer have to abide the mechanisms that courts have used to mitigate and resolve apparent inconsistencies.16 Perhaps that is an appropriate response to the current widespread concern about the potential liabilities of our municipalities, but I doubt it. Cf. Oklahoma City v. Tuttle, 471 U.S. 808, 843-844, 105 S.Ct. 2427, 2446-2447, 85 L.Ed.2d 791 (1985) (STEVENS, J., dissenting).
The Court today reverses an interlocutory decision in a constitutional rights case on the basis of assumptions that dramatically conflict with the record and with settled legal principles. The Court mistakenly assumes that there was a necessary inconsistency between the verdict of no liability against the individual officer and a possible verdict against the municipal defendants; it then mistakenly assumes that dismissal was an appropriate response to the perceived inconsistency. Perhaps not coincidentally, the Court achieves these results without the aid of briefs or argument, and relies on an anonymous author to explain what it has done.
I respectfully dissent.
The second of the two police officers named as defendants was granted summary judgment by the District Court.
See 8 Record 844 ("With respect to the Monell cause of action, which was bifurcated from the initial trial, the Court is now convinced that has become moot by reason of the verdict in favor of the defendant and the Court is ordering dismissal of that cause of action at this time"); 2 id., Doc. No. 209, dismissal order ("the plaintiff's theory of liability against the defendants, CITY OF LOS ANGELES, LOS ANGELES BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS and LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT, based on the case of Monell v. Department of Social Services of the City of New York, 436 U.S. 658 [98 S.Ct. 2018, 56 L.Ed.2d 611 (1978) ] . . . is moot").
After the altercation, Heller was given an alcohol level test, and was found to have one-tenth the level of alcohol in his body necessary for a finding of driving while intoxicated under California law. 5 id., at 134-136. Heller was never charged with driving while intoxicated. Ibid.
See 5 id., Doc. No. 203, minutes of chambers conference (Oct. 18, 1982) ("Court confers with Counsel re: Pretrial order, Jury trial on 10/19/82, Jury Instructions, Defendant's amended witness list and bifurcation of case. Plaintiff counsel opposes Bifurcation. Defendant does not oppose bifurcation").
See 5, id., at 157-158 (testimony of James Fyfe) ("The Los Angeles Police Department employs a scale of escalation in the use of force. . . . [T]he Los Angeles Police Department varies from every other major police department I know of. The Los Angeles Police Department says that if that compliance hold fails to work the next degree of force to be used is a chokehold or, as the police department calls them, a carotid control hold and modified carotid hold and bar arm control holds"). Cf. Los Angeles v. Lyons, 461 U.S. 95, 97, n. 1, 103 S.Ct. 1660, 1663, n. 1, 75 L.Ed.2d 675 (1983) (describing chokehold); id., at 114-119, 103 S.Ct. at 1671-1674 (MARSHALL, J., dissenting) (reviewing Los Angeles Police Department's use of chokeholds and noting that 16 deaths had resulted from chokeholds since 1975). At the time of Heller's trial, Lyons was pending before this Court.
5 Record 99-100 ("As he began his two steps forward I applied—I put my left arm around his—the portion I tried to get was the front part of his throat. You use the blade of your wrist on the person's throat. As we are supposed to when we are trying to take someone into custody use verbal commands of first asking verbally and then demanding verbally. If that does not work we use what is called a pain compliance, which is trying to twist someone's wrist where the pain hurts them and they'll comply with your request. . . . I tried to get the blade of my wrist around to his throat to apply pressure to his throat, which is also a pain compliance hold").
See 6 id., at 279-281 (testimony of Sergeant Shrader) (describing Police Department's "accelerated force theory" and concluding that Officer Bushey's use of a chokehold would have been "within the policy").
See, e.g., 5 id., at 170 ("[T]he carotid hold was a hold that was being taught to the Los Angeles Police Department"); 6 id., at 279 (referring to "the accelerated force theory that the police department has"); id., at 281 (referring to "the policy of what police department officers do"). See also Officer Bushey's counsel's closing argument, 7 id., at 699 ("In this case it's not the City that's the defendant. It's Officer Bushey"); id., at 706 (citing "testimony concerning our own policies and procedures as to the Los Angeles Police Department"); ibid. ("[T]he procedures which Officer Bushey followed are exactly what he's taught and the reasons he's taught to do it"); id., at 716 ("It's Officer Bushey who's the defendant"); id., at 718 ("Officer Bushey was trying to do his job").
"Whether or not the force used in making an arrest, preventing an escape, or overcoming resistance was expressive [sic], unreasonable or violent is an issue to be determined in the light of all the surrounding circumstances." 8 id., at 815-816.
The Court of Appeals concluded:
"The jury, in substance, was instructed that Heller was deprived of liberty without due process if he was arrested without reasonable cause. The jurors were further instructed that Heller's constitutional rights were violated if he was arrested with "unreasonable force" that exceeded the force necessary under the circumstances to effect arrest. The jury's verdict for the defendant therefore embodies a finding that Heller was arrested for reasonable cause and that the amount of force used was not unreasonable or excessive. The difficulty is that the conclusion that the force was reasonable could have been derived either from Police Department regulations, which incorporate a theory of 'escalating force,' or from a constitutional standard entirely independent of such regulations. We cannot say which with assurance." Heller v. Bushey, 759 F.2d 1371, 1374 (CA9 1985) (footnote omitted).
See United States v. Powell, 469 U.S. 57, 105 S.Ct. 471, 83 L.Ed.2d 461 (1984) (reaffirming general rule that inconsistent verdicts can stand);
Harris v. Rivera, 454 U.S. 339, 345, 102 S.Ct. 460, 464, 70 L.Ed.2d 530 (1981) ("Inconsistency in a verdict is not a sufficient reason for setting it aside"); Hoag v. New Jersey, 356 U.S. 464, 472, 78 S.Ct. 829, 835, 2 L.Ed.2d 913 (1958) ("[J]ury verdicts are sometimes inconsistent or irrational"); United States v. Dotterweich, 320 U.S. 277, 279, 64 S.Ct. 134, 135, 88 L.Ed. 48 (1943) ("Whether the jury's verdict was the result of carelessness or compromise or a belief that the responsible individual should suffer the penalty instead of merely increasing, as it were, the cost of running the business of the corporation, is immaterial. Juries may indulge in precisely such motives or vagaries"); Dunn v. United States, 284 U.S. 390, 393, 52 S.Ct. 189, 190, 76 L.Ed. 356 (1932) ("Consistency in the verdict is not necessary"). Cf. Ulster County Court v. Allen, 442 U.S. 140, 168, 99 S.Ct. 2213, 2230, 60 L.Ed.2d 777 (1979) (BURGER, C.J., concurring) ("Courts have long held that in the practical business of deciding cases the factfinders, not unlike negotiators, are permitted the luxury of verdicts reached by compromise").
See, e.g., Bickel, Judge and Jury—Inconsistent Verdicts in the Federal Courts, 63 Harv.L.Rev. 649, 654 (1950) ("[T]here is not in a civil case the equivalent of a precedent such as Dunn [v. United States, supra ] to overrule in upsetting inconsistent verdicts. The argument outlined against extending the Dunn rule to civil cases is thus quite a plausible one. But it is not unanswerable") (footnote omitted).
Indeed, in explaining why an apparently inconsistent verdict in a civil case should not be disturbed, Justice Brandeis cited the leading case on the permissibility of inconsistent verdicts in a criminal context. See Fairmount Glass Works v. Cub Fork Coal Co., 287 U.S. 474, 485, 53 S.Ct. 252, 255, 77 L.Ed. 439 (1933) (citing Dunn v. United States ). See also F. James & G. Hazard, Civil Procedure 384 (3d ed. 1985) ("[T]he refusal of a trial court to set aside a verdict obviously representing a compromise has frequently, and quite properly, been upheld"); id., at 394 ("One of the great values of jury trial . . . is its ability to reflect the community sense of over-all fairness, and this may not in all cases coincide with the written law and the instructions which the court must give"); Karcesky v. Laria, 382 Pa. 227, 235, 114 A.2d 150, 154 (1955) ("Where the evidence of negligence, or contributory negligence, or both, is conflicting or not free from doubt, a trial judge has the power to uphold the time-honored right of a jury to render a compromise verdict, and to sustain a verdict which is substantial"); Jayne v. Mason & Dixon Lines, Inc., 124 F.2d 317, 319 (CA2 1941) (L. Hand) ("We do not mean to imply however that we should have thought it fatal to the wife's recovery if no rational reconciliation of the verdicts was possible. Dunn v. United States, 284 U.S. 390 [52 S.Ct. 189, 76 L.Ed. 356 (1932) ]"). Cf. Note, Inconsistent Verdicts in Civil Trials, 45 Harv.L.Rev. 1230, 1234 (1932) (observing that, in some jurisdictions, "a master can not complain solely because the servant was exonerated at the same trial. If the evidence is sufficient to support the verdict against the master, his appeal will be denied") (footnote omitted).
See Gallick v. Baltimore & Ohio R. Co., 372 U.S. 108, 119, 83 S.Ct. 659, 666, 9 L.Ed.2d 618 (1963) (In considering jury answers to questions in a special verdict,
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"it is the duty of the courts to attempt to harmonize the answers, if it is possible under a fair reading of them. . . . We therefore must attempt to reconcile the jury's findings, by exegesis if necessary, . . . before we are free to disregard the jury's special verdict and remand the case for a new trial"); Atlantic & Gulf Stevedores, Inc., v. Ellerman Lines, Ltd., 369 U.S. 355, 364, 82 S.Ct. 780, 786, 7 L.Ed.2d 798 (1962) ("Where there is a view of the case that makes the jury's answers to special interrogatories consistent, they must be resolved that way"); Affolder v. New York, Chi. & St. L. R. Co., 339 U.S. 96, 70 S.Ct. 509, 94 L.Ed. 683 (1950); Fairmount Glass Works, 287 U.S., at 485, 53 S.Ct., at 255 (Brandeis, J.) ("Appellate courts should be slow to impute to juries a disregard of their duties, and to trial courts a want of diligence or perspicacity in appraising the jury's conduct"); Union Pacific R. Co. v. Hadley, 246 U.S. 330, 334, 38 S.Ct. 318, 319, 62 L.Ed. 751 (1918) (Holmes, J.) ("[S]ince the [jury] finding was possible on the evidence it cannot be attributed to disregard of duty. . . . Beyond the question of attributing misconduct to the jury we are not concerned to inquire whether its reasons were right or wrong").
See, e.g., Dickerson v. Pritchard, 706 F.2d 256, 259 (CA7 1983) ("[T]he trial court properly resubmitted the inconsistent verdicts to the jury for reconsideration"); University Computing Co. v. Lykes-Youngstown Corp., 504 F.2d 518, 547 (CA5 1974) ("[I]f the jury returns two inconsistent verdicts, the trial court may resubmit the issue to them for clarification"); Hopkins v. Coen, 431 F.2d 1055, 1059 (CA6 1970) (upon receipt of inconsistent verdicts, trial court could have sent jury "back to the jury room to further deliberate with appropriate instructions to bring back consistent verdicts"); Alston v. West, 340 F.2d 856, 858 (CA7 1965) (when jury returned an inconsistent verdict, "the court properly exercised its discretion in resubmitting the case to the jury").
See, e.g., Malley-Duff & Associates v. Crown Life Ins. Co., 734 F.2d 133, 145 (CA3) ("We conclude that the answers to Questions 1, 2(A), and 2(B) may be considered inconsistent. . . . We will vacate the $900,000 verdict in the state law claims and order a new trial"), cert. denied, 469 U.S. 1072, 105 S.Ct. 564, 83 L.Ed.2d 505 (1984); Global Van Lines, Inc. v. Nebeker, 541 F.2d 865, 868 (CA10 1976) (citing "the rule which says that inconsistencies which show jury confusion serve to mandate a new trial"); Wood v. Holiday Inns, Inc., 508 F.2d 167, 175 (CA5 1975) ("Where verdicts in the same case are inconsistent on their faces indicating that the jury was confused, a new trial is certainly appropriate and may even be required"). Cf. Fed.Rule Civ.Proc. 49(b) (appropriate remedy for inconsistent special verdicts and general verdict is resubmission to the jury, or a new trial).
Cf. Alston v. West, supra (in negligence suit against flower shop and driver for automobile accident, jury initially returned verdict of liability for flower shop and no liability for driver; after case was resubmitted, jury returned liability verdicts against both employer and driver). | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,614 | Watts residents call for neighborhood improvements
February 26, 2015 By Leah Harari | Reporter Leave a Comment
Residents rally at the corner of 92nd and Bandera Street in South L.A. | Leah Harari
Fifty years ago, pent up frustration and racial tension became fuel for the Watts Riots, in which 34 people died. And on Thursday, union activists and Watts residents cited the 50th anniversary of the riots to express their frustration at how little attention their streets receive from the city.
A small crowd rallied at the corner of East 92nd and Bandera Streets, where since 2001, residents have been asking the city to install a stoplight. The intersection is across from a senior citizens apartment building and just a few blocks from 92nd Street Elementary School.
"I live in South Los Angeles and many times people in South Los Angeles are overlooked," said Simboa Wright, an employee of the Los Angeles Sanitation Department, who said his neighborhood takes a backseat to neighborhoods on the Westside such as Brentwood.
"I haven't seen any improvement," said longtime resident Katie Smith. "If you go up and down the streets, you'll see they are nasty. Go down the alleys, just clutter with filth and stuff."
Many people were holding #FixLA signs, referring to the coalition of unions and community organizations that are lobbying the city to restore services that have been cut.
Like Intersections on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and sign up for the Newsletter to stay in the loop on news and views from South L.A.
Filed Under: More on Intersections, Watts Tagged With: Watts, Watts Riots | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,615 | No one likes paying the estate tax. But the estate tax is especially problematic for individuals that own valuable but illiquid assets. Common scenarios where this is an issue is a person who owns their own business, who owns stock in a family-owned or other closely-held business, or who has substantial real estate holdings. These assets can trigger a large estate tax liability, but present heirs with no assets that can be easily sold to pay the tax—or at least no assets that they would want to sell to pay the tax.
So suppose you are such an individual. What do you do? Well, you could leave your heirs cash with which to pay the estate tax. But that means having a lot of cash sitting around awaiting your death. Also, to do that you would have to leave enough cash to pay the estate tax not only on the assets but on the cash as well. You could purchase life insurance on your life—this would tie up far less cash now. But life insurance benefits are subject to the estate tax, so you still have to purchase enough to provide the cash AND pay the estate tax on the life insurance. You could buy a life insurance policy and give it to your heirs, but that creates gift tax problems now and potential creditor problems down the road.
Enter the ILIT. An Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) can be established which would then purchase a life insurance policy on your life (or a second-to-die policy on you and your spouse). Because the ILIT owns the policy, not you, the benefits paid are not subject to the estate tax. Because the ILIT purchases the policy, there is no gift issue. Because the ILIT owns the policy, it is exempt from creditor claims. The ILIT can be a great tool to provide cash free of the estate tax. But, like most estate planning techniques, it has drawbacks. As we repeatedly say here, virtually all estate planning measures have pros and cons. Probably the biggest con is the lack of ability to alter the ILIT once established, making it imperative to thoroughly plan and consider possible circumstances prior to setting up the ILIT. As is often the case, the key to estate planning is planning.
Give us a call at (704) 784-0846 and let us help you access your needs and begin or modify an estate plan today. Or contact us to set up a consultation. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,617 | Flirt Web Applications are specifically designed and built to improve your business processes and the way customers interact with your business. Custom web applications can be as simple as a message board, dynamic car catalogue, a quoting system, hotel booking system or a real estate listing. The possibilities of improving the way you run your business online are only limited by your imagination.
Online Booking System: Ability to accept and manage online bookings and reservations easily and efficiently.
Real Estate Listings: Ability to post and manage property listings, create email and sms notifications and manage qualified customers.
Car Catalogue: Ability to post and manage car listings, create email and sms notifications and manage qualified customers.
Membership Management: Ability to manage valuable online membership relationships with the ability to target market communications to these groups.
What custom Web Applications will do for your business.
The Flirt Group has over 14 years experience in improving the profitability of some of Australia's largest websites.
Melbourne Racing Club approached the Flirt Group to design and develop their new website. Their main objectives was to improve business process, management and efficiency of; Corporate event bookings, Email Marketing, Online product purchasing and processing, Membership management, 3rd party system synchronisation.
Resus.com.au approached the Flirt Group to design and develop an online video portal that allowed users to view, purchase and subscribe to video content. The objectives included the following; Allow for the client to upload and manage the video content, allow for easy online purchasing of the videos and products and allow integrated email campaigns to be sent out easily. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,618 | Sri Lanka is one of our new locations here at Island Spirit, and so we thought we would take a little look at the way climate change is affecting this beautiful zen gem isle.
As environmentally conscious people, we are all well aware that when the population swells – the animals suffer. People need a lot of space, and in Sri Lanka this means there is less space for the elephants that are now sadly in the threat of extinction…. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,619 | Day 634: Are you a peace-loving person?
For context, I suggest listening to this dove interview (part 3), highly recommended, how to end war, violence within self, because you see, you may shout and scream all the peace you want, but if that peace doesn't exist in you as you, then, you can't create peace in your life or in your world. At times of war and conflicts (now this is more like our permanent state of affairs worldwide), protesting against war, marching for peace etc is not only reactive but also fashionable/counterproductive. It's like cool "I am a peace-loving person", even got that bumper sticker to prove it, "make love, not war" etc, all the while violence, rage, anger, war exist within self in varying degrees as thoughts, emotions, imaginations, feelings and wishes. So the dove has some interesting things to say about that thru the portal, how to stop participating in violent thoughts, angry war like thoughts etc, and how to create peace for self and then create peace in this world.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself as a 'peace loving person', not seeing/realizing that thoughts of rage, violence, and anger exist in me as me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take pride in the fact that I am a peace-loving person, in that feeling so good about myself, all lovey/dovey, like I am floating in a cloud of peace, while secretly war rages within myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to coin terms like "war for peace", not seeing/realizing how delusional this is, how can WAR create peace? In this I forgive myself for accepting the brainwashed idea that "war for peace" is valid and possible.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize, peace has become a business, a career, a consumer product, a market, it can be traded, and in whose name wars can be declared, within this I forgive myself for not seeing/realizing how NGOs and other arms of the ruling elite, have turned peace into a business while millions still rot in hell waiting for 'peace' to arrive.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize, war can only exist because I have allowed war within myself and no thing called peace exist in me. I can only create what I am and as such, I can only create war, because peace is nowhere to be found in me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize, peace is also a spiritual product, used to feel good, feel all lovey/dovey and positive/hopeful, within emotions and feelings, no reality/substance whatsoever.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept the notion of "holy wars, or wars in the name of GOD", the most peaceful one, within this I forgive myself for not seeing/realizing the insanity of going to war in the name of GOD. I mean, aren't we all GOD's children, including the infidels, so by going to war against the infidels, we're killing GOD's children, hence must be a very hurtful thing to do to a GOD-parent. I forgive myself for allowing such insane concepts like 'holy wars'.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize all these insane ideas about peace and creating peace are born out of violent minds, because peace is nowhere to be found in the deep chambers of minds like mine, where war rages on secretly and silently.
I forgive myself for praying for peace, while doing nothing to stop the war within myself as thoughts, emotions and feelings.
I forgive myself for hoping for peace.
I forgive myself for marching for peace and protesting war, while not stopping the war within myself.
I commit myself to realize that war rages on because there exist no peace within myself, I can only create what I am. Hence I commit myself to first stop the raging war within myself as thoughts, emotions and feelings.
I commit myself to stop the war against life in all forms and shapes, and I do realize this starts with me, as I stop the war within myself as thoughts, emotions and feelings.
When and as I see myself 'in war' within myself, with myself, I stop, I breathe, and not allow thoughts, emotions and feelings of war rages on. This is where I first create peace. Then, as within so without, the inner peace will allow me to create the outer peace in this world. Otherwise peace is a business, an entertainment, an occupation, a reaction, a possession, a concept, an idea, a fashion while many millions die and the suffering continues. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,620 | Here's something of a rarity: this John Buscema FANTASTIC FOUR cover was printed with its magenta and cyan plates reverse, resulting in a wildly strange color scheme. Since all of the colors in the image were composed of percentages of magenta, cyan, yellow and black, the result of this change is a bit of a mish-mash. Only a small portion of the print run was released this way–somebody at the printing plant must have caught the mistake and corrected it, but they also must have figured that nobody would notice or care if some of the misprinted copies were sent out into circulation–cheaper than destroying and reprinting them. Up above is a side-by-side comparison of the two. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,621 | I wanted to pop by and share some of my favourite items from fellow makers who are also participating in the Etsy #makeforgood campaign today.
Participating Aussie Etsy sellers will be donating 20% or more to the charity campaign.
Of course, we're participating, too – I've already got a stack of #makeforgood items in progress – with a few that have gone to their new homes already!
You can see our #makeforgood designs right here.
We're donating 25% of the sale price of each of these items to the campaign. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,622 | Hum Genet. 2008 Jun;123(5):507-13. doi: 10.1007/s00439-008-0504-x. Epub 2008 Apr 29.
Identification of a genetic locus for autosomal dominant disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis on chromosome 1p31.3-p31.1.
Liu P1, Zhang S, Yao Q, Liu X, Wang X, Huang C, Huang X, Wang P, Yuan M, Liu JY, Wang QK, Liu M.
Key Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics of Ministry of Education, Center for Human Genome Research, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) is a chronic autosomal dominant cutaneous disorder with high genetic heterogeneity. Two genetic loci for DSAP were identified, but no specific genes were reported to date. The pathogenic mechanism of this disorder remains to be elucidated. In this study, a large, five-generation Chinese family with DSAP was genetically characterized. Two known DSAP loci, DSAP1 and DSAP2, two DSAP candidate genes (SART3 and SSH1), one DSP-linked locus and one PPPD-linked locus were first excluded in the family. The family was then characterized by genome-wide linkage analysis and a new DSAP locus was identified on chromosome 1p31.3-p31.1 with a maximum two-point LOD score of 5.09 with marker D1S2897 (theta = 0). Fine mapping showed that the disease gene was located within an 8.2 cM or 11.9 Mb region between markers D1S438 and D1S464. This is the third locus identified for DSAP (DSAP3). Eight candidate genes including GNG12, IL12RB2, ITGB3BP, DNAJ6, PIN1L, GADD45A, RPE65 and NEGR1 were sequenced, but found to be negative for functional sequence variants. Further mutational analysis of the candidate genes in the region will identify the specific gene for DSAP, which will provide insights into the pathogenesis of DSAP.
Chromosomes, Human, Pair 1/genetics*
Genes, Dominant*
Genetic Markers
Physical Chromosome Mapping
Porokeratosis, disseminated superficial actinic 1 - Genetic Alliance | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,623 | No Time to Die: The Internet Thinks Rami Malek Is Playing Dr. No
Dr. No, time to die?
By Adele Ankers
Updated: 4 Dec 2019 4:23 pm
Posted: 4 Dec 2019 4:23 pm
Some 007 fans have theorized that Rami Malek is, in fact, playing a rebooted version of Dr. No, the original Bond baddie from the 1962 movie of the same name, in the upcoming No Time to Die.
Several spectators have taken to social media to draw comparisons between Malek's supervillain Safin and Joseph Wiseman's Dr. Julius No, highlighting similarities and connections between the pair, though nothing official has been said on the matter as of yet.
From the outset, there have been some apparent parallels between the plot of Dr. No, the first film in the franchise, and No Time to Die, the final Bond film starring Daniel Craig as 007. In the original storyline, Bond was dispatched to Jamaica to investigate the disappearance of a fellow British agent, with the trail eventually leading him towards No's underground lair. Whereas the upcoming plot sees Bond's peaceful retirement in Jamaica interrupted when his CIA friend Felix Leiter tracks him down seeking help to rescue a kidnapped scientist in a mission that gives rise to "a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology."
What if the 'No' in 'No Time to Die' is Dr. No? As in Rami Malek is Dr. No. If I'm right about this, your outlet is LEGALLY OBLIGED to pay for my next dumb theory. pic.twitter.com/kBKWGpW7C1
— Chris Tilly (@TillyTweets) August 24, 2019
If it turns out Rami Malek IS playing Dr No, then I hope the last line of the film is Bond saying "No, time to die".#NoTimeToDie pic.twitter.com/s4REDpZlbi
— Simon Cardy (@CardySimon) December 4, 2019
A further point of interest has been the title of the 25th Bond movie, as a number of people have been placing the emphasis on the word "No", suggesting there is a missing punctuation mark and the title should actually read: "No, time to die." If Malek's mysterious character turns out to be Dr. No in this film, then there is every chance that Bond could utter this line of dialogue in their prospective showdown.
James Bond: No Time To Die Character Posters
The promotional material for No Time to Die has continued to spark the secret villain speculation, as Universal Pictures released six brand-new character posters on Tuesday, picturing Malek in a long, dark coat with a similar collar style to the kimono outfits prominent in Dr. No's wardrobe. Malek's hands are also obscured from view, which is intriguing since Dr. No is known to have prosthetic hands.
Giving even more credence to the Reddit fan art, the official No Time to Die trailer continues to fuel rumours, as Malek's hands remain out of shot or concealed beneath black gloves throughout the footage.
Moreover, when Bond eventually comes face-to-face with Safin, he declares, "History isn't kind to men who play God" - a line of dialogue that appears to connect with 007's earlier interaction with Dr. No, as he once explained to his opponent, "World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they're Napoleon. Or God."
While some of the dots still don't align on this theory, fans have been correct with their assumptions in the past, as many correctly identified Christoph Waltz's "Franz Oberhauser" as Bond's archnemesis Ernest Stavro Blofeld in Spectre.
So if you want to dig a little deeper into this concept before the release of No Time to Die in April 2020, we suggest you read more about Rami Malek's supervillain and check out everything we know about Bond 25, including plot details, shooting locations and specifics on the cast and crew.
Adele Ankers is a Freelance Entertainment Journalist. You can reach her on Twitter.
Release DateApril 3, 2020
Platformstheater | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,624 | On Friday the temperature reached 94° at our house. We have hit the hottest part of the summer, and I thought this was the best time to look back into the past, way back about seven months ago. Do you remember the winter from hell, cold and snows that we all thought would never end, the roads all iced over and being stranded inside our homes for days at a time?
Well, it wasn't all bad. It was actually kind-of nice. At least for a few days. Believe me, I was truly sick of the snow as winter wore on. And as spring approached and we were still getting snow flurries I wondered if we would miss summer altogether this year.
But we didn't and now we can look back fondly at those remote days and and ponder the completely abstract concepts of 'cold' and 'my car is stuck in that snow drift'. The city was an entirely different place back then, and I have the photographic evidence to prove it – have a look at this series I took along Lake Washington (generally in the Mount Baker area), Greenwood, and on my street. Enjoy. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,625 | Here on this page, you can See A Collection of Lakkaram Videos. The list contains Important Videos and Video News related to Lakkaram. You can watch the videos of Lakkaram with a brief description written in English. Here all the Videos related to Lakkaram are quality checked and listed date wise. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,626 | Nissan to sit out Bathurst 12 Hour
By Stefan Bartholomaeus
Nissan will not field a factory entry in the 2018 Bathurst 12 Hour, the Japanese marque has confirmed.
No GT-Rs were present on the 60-strong provisional entry list issued by organisers this morning, although it is understood that work continues to put a privateer car on the grid.
Audi, Bentley, BMW, Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, Mercedes and Porsche are all confirmed to be represented in the race's GT3 class, with varying levels of factory support.
2018 Liqui-Moly Bathurst 12 Hour | Tickets | Event Info
Nissan has entered a factory team each year since 2014, winning the race the following year with Katsumasa Chiyo, Wolfgang Reip and Florian Strauss.
The company's Supercars stars have also taken part over the years, with Rick Kelly driving in 2014 and 2016, while Michael Caruso and Todd Kelly took part in an expanded two-car line-up in 2017.
Although Nissan Australia owns both the GT-R GT3s that competed this year, the company has opted to sit out the 2018 race.
"Nissan has a long and successful history in motorsport both overseas and here in Australia," a Nissan spokesman told Supercars.com.
"As part of our regular review of all marketing activities, we are evaluating all motorsport opportunities and how they fit into our sponsorship portfolio.
"As a result, we will not participate in the Bathurst 12 Hour race in 2018, but will re-consider participation in future events."
Nissan Australia had previously invested heavily in the event, flying the British-based RJN GT crew to Bathurst to operate the cars, which were sourced from Nismo in Japan.
Nissan is meanwhile yet to confirm the future of its Supercars program beyond 2018, which is the last year on its current contract with Kelly Racing.
CEO Stephen Lester visited the Sandown 500 and Bathurst 1000 following his appointment in August.
Speaking to the media at Bathurst, Lester said he expects clarity on the Supercars entry by the middle of next year.
Bathurst winners to team up again in 2018
Sixty-car Bathurst 12 Hour entry list released
Waters scores Mercedes Bathurst 12 Hour seat
Walkinshaw Andretti United reveals new look
Birds of Tokyo added to Adelaide 500
Slade: Percat's arrival at BJR has helped me | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,627 | Save the date for the four gourmet food filled days at the 15th annual Kohler Food & Wine Experience from October 22nd to 25th. Hosted at the American Club resort in the picturesque town of Kohler, Wisconsin this looks set to be a dynamic culinary adventure worth marking in the diary.
Interactive culinary adventures include seminars, demonstrations and tastings held over the four days with well known chefs, luminaries and food professionals both local and international. Audience engagement will be positively encouraged with ticket holders being able to sample chef dishes cooked live before them.
Celebrity chefs attending this year's event include chef and TV personality Jacques Pépin along with his TV celebrity daughter Claudine Pépin, Christopher Kimball, the American Chef, editor, publisher and radio/TV personality, Jeff Mauro Chef and TV personality, Scott Conant Chef, restaurateur, and author, Chef Grant MacPherson and Mindy Segal from Mindy's Hot Chocolate.
Other event highlights include a cooking demonstration with Chicago chef Jeff Mauro, a look at Puerta Rican Rum, Mindy Segal's demonstration and book signing of Cookie Love and Feast of Talent, an intimate five course meal cooked by all the celebrity chefs, and last but not least the Champagne brunch on the final Sunday.
For a full schedule and to pick up tickets head to the website.
A Gourmet Market will also run throughout the event giving you your chance to pick up artisanal food products from speciality vendors.
If you are on the hunt for foodie events stay up to date with our agenda covering all the best festivals around the world. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,628 | A tree's age can be dated to within one year by "counting" the Instead, dendrochronologists determine the qualities of each ring.
Studying Dendrochronology. Dendrochronology is the study of data from tree ring growth. Due to the sweeping and diverse applications of this data, specialists can come from many academic disciplines. There are no degrees in dendrochronology because though it is useful across the board, the method itself is fairly limited.
Dendrochronology is the scientific method of tree-ring dating. Americans first developed it in the early 20th century and now "dendro" is a common method of chronology that is .
Next (Dendroclimatology) Drill for dendrochronology sampling and growth ring counting. Dendrochronology (from Greek δένδρον, dendron, "tree"; χρόνος, khronos, "time"; and -λογία, -logia) or tree-ring dating is a method of scientific dating based on the analysis of tree-ring growth patterns.
In the 's a new scientific method of dating buildings was developed in this country - dendrochronology. Here was the answer to the building historian's.
Tree ring dating (dendrochronology) has been used in an attempt to extend the It is clear that dendrochronology is not a clear-cut, objective dating method.
Radiocarbon Tree-Ring Calibration. Tree rings are used to calibrate radiocarbon measurements. Tree rings provided truly known-age material needed to check the accuracy of the carbon dating method.
Dendrochronology is a method of dating by using. Don't like ads? The method consists of variations of environment in former periods by comparative study of growth rings in trees and aged wood.
Dendrochronology dating method dendrochronology or tree-ring dating squier guitar dating is the scientific method of dating tree rings also called growth dendrochronology dating method rings best dating openers to the exact year they were formed in order.
Dendrochronology and Carbon Dating. The science of dendrochronology is based on the phenomenon that trees usually grow by the addition of rings, hence the name tree-ring dating. Dendrochronologists date events and variations in environments in the past by analyzing and comparing growth ring patterns of trees and aged wood.
Invention of Dendrochronology. Tree-ring dating was one of the first absolute dating methods developed for archaeology, and it was invented by astronomer Andrew Ellicott Douglass and archaeologist Clark Wissler in the first decades of the 20th century.
Dendrochronology. Dendrochronology (or tree-ring dating) is the scientific method of dating tree rings (also called growth rings) to the exact year they were formed in order to analyze atmospheric conditions during different periods in history. Dendrochronology is useful for determining the timing of events and rates.
Dendrochronology – also known more informally as Dendro or Tree Ring dating – is one of the most accurate methods of absolute dating in.
Traditionally, methods of tree-ring analysis, or more properly in this case methods 0/ dendrochronology, were developed and used for dating archaeological and historical structures and for reconstructing past climates.
) Dendrochronology thus provides an essential service to radiocarbon dating, the major method used to date archaeological remains, guaranteeing its accuracy throughout the period of .
Dendrochronology, an analysis of tree rings, is a commonly used method for dating wooden structures in archaeological remains and historical.
Dendrochronology or tree-ring dating is the scientific method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of tree rings, also known as growth rings. Dendrochronology can date the time at which tree rings were formed, in many types of wood, to the exact calendar year.
Dendrochronology is the scientific method of tree-ring dating. Americans first developed it in the early 20th century and now "dendro" is a. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,629 | I was sitting and looking at Nosgoth streams and I got an idea when I watched the streams.
For one thing Id like to see a new kind of animation on abilities.
THis thread could be used to discuss and talk about the abilities and animations.
Starting with Takeoff Sentinel ability.
At the moment this abilitys animation is a crouch and a jump straight into the air. This makes me actually think of Superman since apparently the Vamp is so strong that he jumps that high and powerful, but this isnt the case.
So The new kind of animation for this could perhaps be the Sentinel raising his wings and then with a powerful Wingflap launch himself into the air.
And this could be the animation that makes sence since this also breaks bolas and CC. The dmg this ability causes is then more beautified by the shockwave from the wingflap.
Raziel could high jump even with the bones ripped out of his wings. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,630 | Cancer Treatment Undergoes A Paradigm Shift To Immunotherapy
Cancer Treatment Undergoes A Paradigm…
Immunotherapy , when used for cancer treatment, could extend life longer finds studies. Experts have explained that until now, they were reserved for the last resort for most patients and treatment, usually comprised of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
In a pair of clinical trials, researchers have found that using immunotherapy as first-line treatment can extend lives of these cancer patients. Immunotherapies work by altering or reprogramming the immune systems of the body so that it recognizes the cancer cells and attacks and kills the tumor cells.
Usually, patients are offered immunotherapies when aggressive chemotherapies have failed. These trials have shown that in treatment-resistant cancers, use of immunotherapy from the start not only increased survival but also had fewer side effects.
More studies are probably needed before these experimental treatments were made to mainstay in cancer patients . However, the risk-benefit analysis might help decide the best options for these patients. These findings were presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology Congress in Berlin.
A study was conducted by the Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. This study looked at the immunotherapy drug pembrolizumab in around 900 patients suffering from advanced head and neck cancers. In most of these patients, the disease was treatment resistant and advanced.
Results showed that pembrolizumab increased life expectancy by 40% compared to regular chemotherapy. Median life expectancy was around 15 months with immunotherapy compared with chemotherapy (11 months). Further 17% of those on immunotherapy experienced side effects compared to 69% on extreme chemotherapy.
Researchers from the University of Southern California explained that in 4% colorectal cancer patients the tumors carry a mutation that can affect DNA repair and these patients survive between 14-19 months on an average after treatment. The average survival for other types of colorectal cancers is around 25 months.
Immunotherapy agent nivolumab use showed that in 84% of patients there was at least some shrinkage of the tumors. At the end of 12 months after this therapy, 77% were alive with no progression in their tumors.
According to Professor Paul Workman, chief executive of the Institute of Cancer Research, these studies show that immunotherapy agents could have the potential to be "smarter, kinder and more effective first-line treatment ".
I have added, "We need these things to ensure more patients to get these drugs to work in a higher proportion of patients and to have an agreement over the cost of these drugs to make them more affordable for the NHS."
PreviousPrevious post:More Socioeconomic Challenges for Hispanic Women with HIVNextNext post:Some Para-athletes Use Self-harm to 'Boost' Performance: Doping without Drugs | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,632 | Stargazing and sustainability: Celebrity's new purpose-built Galapagos cruise ship
An open-air stargazing platform, eco-friendly innovations and the largest cruise ship suites in the region will be some of the features aboard Celebrity Cruises' Galapagos Islands ship Celebrity Flora.
Set to launch in May 2019, the 100-guest ship is the first Celebrity has designed for a specific destination. It's being purpose built for the Galapagos, where the company has been cruising since 2004.
The ship's design aims to immerse passengers in the destination, with an "outward-facing" ethos and a focus on glass and windows.
All of the suites, for example, have floor-to-ceiling windows, while the Sky Suites have Celebrity's "Infinite Verandas", which open to the outdoors at the push of a button.
Then there are the Penthouse Suites, billed as the biggest cruising the Galapagos, with up to 120sqm of space including separate indoor and outdoor living areas and a telescope for stargazing and wildlife spotting.
An artist's impression showing an aerial view of a Penthouse Suite. Supplied
Penthouse Suite. Supplied
Royal Suite. Supplied
Sky Suite With Infinite Veranda. Supplied
Meanwhile, public spaces will include the Vista (pictured at top), an open deck with 360-degree views, a hot tub and sunloungers, and the Observatory, surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows.
The Discovery Lounge will be the ship's "living room" and the venue for naturalist presentations, while the Stargazing Platform will host guided astronomy tours.
Passengers will access the ship via an area known as the Marina, which will accommodate up to three Zodiacs simultaneously, reducing transport time when going ashore.
Celebrity president and chief executive Lisa Lutoff-Perlo said that the company had allowed "the destination and its environment to influence every decision we've made" in regards to the ship's design.
"From the luxurious all-suite accommodations to industry-first, eco-friendly innovations, we created a ship that brings a new level of luxury, sustainability and natural exploration to the region," she said.
An artist's impression of the Discovery Lounge. Supplied
According to Celebrity, Flora will be one of the most energy-efficient ships in its class, using 15 per cent less fuel than the company's Xpedition class ships, which also operate in the Galapagos.
It will also have a positioning system to allow it to stay put without the need for a physical anchor, avoiding damage to the sea floor.
Other eco-friendly features will include in-room water filtration stations and systems to convert sea water and air-conditioning condensation into fresh water.
There will also be a strict waste management system to recycle, reuse or donate as many materials as possible.
An artist's impression of the Observatory. Supplied
Celebrity Flora will cruise year-round from Baltra Island in the Galapagos from May 26, 2019.
Bookings are now open for its seven-night inner and outer loop journeys via travel agents or at celebritycruises.com/galapagos/ships/celebrity-flora.
Cruising Guide 2021/22
01 Dec 2020 Stephen Scourfield
Travel Editor STEPHEN SCOURFIELD tests the waters in our safe and sensible guide to ocean cruising for 2021/22 and beyond.
More Australians taking out travel insurance
24 Nov 2020 William Yeoman
Survey reveals travel insurance an increasing priority for Australian travellers
In praise of escapism
16 Nov 2020 John Borthwick
A long-time contributor to Travel's pages, writer JOHN BORTHWICK recently won the 2020 Pacific Area Travel Association's (PATA) Gold Award for Best Destination Story.
Here, he takes a light-hearted look at travel and writing, exploring Thailand and the greatly under-rated virtues of escapism. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,634 | The US Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke recognises how Europe is still facing serious economic difficulties and a solution for its debt crisis isn't plausible in the near future. Bernanke has left markets contemplating the idea of further quantitative easing for global economies which are continuing to feel the strain of the global economic crisis. The New Zealand dollar however has since strengthened against the US dollar and equalised against the euro.
The New Zealand dollar has risen to 79.99 US cents showing optimism for a growing economy however the New Zealand dollar, together with the Australian dollar, is strongly influenced by trade ties to China with whom Australia has strong import/export relations with. Statistics New Zealand released statistics showing that consumer prices increased by 0.3 percent. Falling trade prices in New Zealand have also weighed on demand for the currency.
It is believed that the recent gains of the New Zealand dollar were largely helped by the Australian dollar trading higher. The Australian dollar is surging against its counterparts including the US dollar and the euro and is currently at eleven week highs after the greenback struggled to deal with rising commodity prices and the negative news from the Eurozone debt crisis.
Bernanke's testimony to US congress is expected to be the main driver of the markets for the moment affecting all major currencies including the New Zealand dollar. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,635 | Move in specials + Flexible Month to Month leases = Happy you!
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We have 5x5's all the way up to a 10x30!!!
Whatever extra you have we have a spot just for you!
Climate controlled or Drive up access!!
We take pride in providing a great space at an unbeatable value right when you need it most! | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,636 | From The TV IV
Birth name Harry Bratsberg
Born April 10, 1915 in Detroit, Michigan, USA
Died December 7, 2011 in Los Angeles, California, USA from natural causes
Sometimes credited as Henry (Harry) Morgan
Notable Roles Col. Sherman T. Potter in M*A*S*H
Notable Episodes
This article about an actor or actress needs to be expanded with more information.
Please help out by editing it.
Harry Morgan was an American actor.
2.1 Starring Roles
2.2 Guest Starring Roles
2.3 Specials and Made-for-TV Movies
2.4 Talk, News and Game Show Appearances
3 Director
4 Memorable Moments
5 Awards and Accolades
5.1 Primetime Emmy Awards
Starring Roles
December Bride Pete Porter 1954–1959 1 2 3 4 5
Pete and Gladys Pete Porter 1960–1962 1 2
Kentucky Jones Seldom Jackson 1964–1965 1
Dragnet Bill Gannon 1967–1970 1 2 3 4
Hec Ramsey Amos Coogan 1972–1974 1 2
M*A*S*H Sherman T. Potter 1975–1983 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
AfterMASH Sherman T. Potter 1983–1984 1 2
Blacke's Magic Leonard Blacke 1986 1
You Can't Take It with You Martin Vanderhoff 1987–1988 1
Guest Starring Roles
Have Gun - Will Travel Fred Braus 2x11 - A Snare for Murder November 22, 1958
The Untouchables George "Bugs" Moran 4x12 - Doublecross December 18, 1962
Have Gun - Will Travel
(credited as Henry (Harry) Morgan) Ernie Backwater 6x21 - American Primitive February 2, 1963
Dr. Kildare Francis X. Healy 5x21 - A Gift of Love (2) November 23, 1965
Dr. Kildare Francis X. Healy 5x22 - The Tent Dwellers (3) November 29, 1965
Dr. Kildare Francis X. Healy 5x23 - Going Home (4) November 30, 1965
The Partridge Family Willie Larkin 1x02 - The Sound of Money October 2, 1970
Gunsmoke Osgood Pickett 16x11 - The Witness November 23, 1970
The Partridge Family Cal 2x23 - All's War in Love and Fairs March 10, 1972
Gunsmoke John Milligan 18x09 - Milligan November 6, 1972
Gunsmoke Jed Hockett 20x06 - The Wiving October 14, 1974
Gunsmoke Jed Hockett 20x19 - Brides and Grooms February 10, 1975
Murder, She Wrote Ret. Lt. Richard Webb 3x21 - The Days Dwindle Down April 19, 1987
Grace Under Fire George 3x21 - Head Games March 20, 1996
3rd Rock from the Sun Professor Suter 1x19 - Selfish Dick May 14, 1996
3rd Rock from the Sun Professor Suter 2x05 - Much Ado About Dick October 13, 1996
3rd Rock from the Sun Prof. Suter 2x21 - Sensitive Dick April 27, 1997
Specials and Made-for-TV Movies
Talk, News and Game Show Appearances
M*A*S*H The Novocaine Mutiny January 27, 1976
M*A*S*H End Run January 25, 1977
M*A*S*H Patient 4077 January 10, 1978
M*A*S*H Rally Round the Flagg, Boys February 14, 1979
M*A*S*H Stars and Stripes December 17, 1979
M*A*S*H Tell It to the Marines January 12, 1981
M*A*S*H Blood Brothers April 6, 1981
M*A*S*H Who Knew? November 22, 1982
M*A*S*H U.N., the Night and the Music January 3, 1983
(1 Win in 11 Nominations)
Won: Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series (1980)
Retrieved from "http://m.tviv.org/w/index.php?title=Harry_Morgan&oldid=2676287"
Actor Stubs
Programming grids
iTunes TV Shows
Amazon TV Shows on DVD/Blu-ray
Amazon Instant Video TV
Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
About The TV IV Wiki | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
Mamuda U. I
It is sad what some people are doing to the good name and reputation of Igala people in the guise of pushing a so-called 'Igala Agenda' to unseat Governor Yahaya Bello, an Ebira. They are out to create the impression that we are intolerant, ethnic apologists. Those of us in Igalaland who believe that governance is only justified by development also have a duty to expose such ethno-religious backwardness and tell the world that we are bigger and better than that. That is the reason I have chosen to make this write-up.
On Wednesday 18/09/2019, some of these people attended what they called an 'Igala stakeholders' meeting at Abuja but it was actually a PDP strategy session. Another group is meeting at Abuja today being Saturday 21/09/2019, under the aegis of Kogi East elders to do PDP business in the name of Igala people. The Wednesday meeting failed, and I know this second one on Saturday will fail also.
Several persons who attended the first Abuja meeting confirmed the same account of proceedings. All of them will attend the second one, and I will also update our people when I hear from them.
From all accounts, the meeting on Wednesday took decisions which I believe our people at home are entitled to know so that no one will come and deceive them with an 'Igala Agenda' which will later turn to 'Ajipu Agenda' and jeopardise our interests in the future and also in the current administration in which many of our sons and daughters are strong beneficiaries and players.
They told me that the meeting failed on arrival when key PDP stalwarts from Igalaland boycotted it. Then it failed finally when those who attended refused to queue behind the Port Engineer who came from nowhere to snatch the PDP ticket for November 16.
They came to the meeting to give the man and his few supporters a final chance to sell his candidature and were disappointed when all he could offer was a "Failed Ajipu Agenda" asking Igala to champion him because we and him are one. It was clear by and large that the PDP ticket was not a magic wand and that having snatched the giant's robe by foul means at the primaries, the man was a dwarf lost in it.
For instance, up till now he has not been able to convince one strong member of their party to be his Director of Campaigns. At the meeting he could not articulate anything about leadership, governance, campaign logistics or political strategy. He could not show that running for Governor of the great state of Kogi was something he prepared for and not a mere afterthought. Even the nature and borders of constituencies and kindreds in his native Kogi East, not to mention Kogi Central and Kogi West, were still a mystery to him.
I heard that that at one point during the meeting, the PDP candidate whom they were calling the 'hope of Igalas' actually used his mouth to tell them that "Ane Igala is bad!" My contact said he was quoting the man word for word. He told me the comment so hurt him he lost all respect for the man and refused to care about any silly point he was trying to make. Even me that was listening to the story second hand, the thing pained me. In my mind, the wharf-rat just died to me. My ane Igala bad? And he wants their votes? I gave up on him as a lost cause with that statement. I told myself that this man who looks as if he is bleaching his skin talks anyhow and if we make the mistake of following him, he will one day repeat something like that during campaigns and finish all of us before our people. I have decided that I shan't be there with them.
To make matters worse, he kept complaining that he is still hustling for money in Abuja and that no one was forthcoming, hence he cannot set up any campaign structure yet as it is money consuming. Nearly all my contacts found this one funny. As for me, I could not believe my ears. What was he thinking when he came out to contest then? That it was free or that other people will bring out their money when he doesn't have, or has refused to bring, his own out first?
They said even his Captain brother must have been pissed off with that one because rather than calm people down he made it clear to his whining kid brother that from experience the cost of prosecuting a Governorship quest in Kogi State has risen from N200m in the 90s to about N5bn today.
Everyone at the meeting was said to have agreed that the legal uncertainties over the validity of the PDP primaries along with all the court cases filed by other aspirants and stakeholders against his emergence as flagbearer have practically wiped out his chances of securing backers or funding.
He was made to understand that nobody would invest in any venture whose foundations were so shaky. That if he lost, people's money have disappeared. Even if he somehow won only for the courts to later decide one of the many cases against him and cancel the primaries, people's money will disappear still. That the odds were too bad for investors, the risk too high, so he must think within the bounds of his own resources.
At that point, they said the miserable Port Manger appeared to be in shock and still didn't seem to understand what everyone was saying, so another 'stakeholder', a bitter opponent of Governor Bello, had no option than to gently break it down for him. That only 58 days remained as at that Wednesday till D-Day, so if he does not have the N5B packed somewhere, breathing and ready for use for his campaign, then he was wasting everybody's time and they want to go home.
It was then that it dawned on the PDP flagbearer that he won't be getting a dime from anybody, including his big brother and rich inlaws, because he visibly upset and basically withdrew into himself for the rest of the meeting.
I was reliably told that truly, it is one thing for a child to steal his father's shoes, it is another thing altogether for them to size him as school sandals. When it was clear to the man that he was abandoned and defeated even before the race began, one former minister who is an architect by training gave the meeting an advice which many of those present considered realistic and reasonable in the circumstances.
He suggested that since their masquerade was so sickly, maybe they should not attend this particular dance festival to avoid poor performance and public disgrace. He counselled that they should lay down their weapons this 2019, save their gunpowder for the future and let the Igala Nation strategise properly for 2023 when incumbency factor will not be at play and they can start early.
After analysing the suggestion, the meeting was said to have agreed that the incumbent has captured at least 75% of the state, particularly Igalaland. They also agreed that even they were to pick the N5B to pay for the campaigns on the ground somewhere, yet the PDP has given them a flagbearer who is not only unprepared and clueless, but too watery in character to inspire the type of movement needed to dislodge such a strong opponent like Yahaya Bello.
On top of that, the architect pointed out that while the APC has remained relentlessly campaigning and winning the heart of the people for years now, the PDP was too far behind in every area to even dream of trying to capture the remaining 25% in Igalaland and Bassaland, not to even think of Okunland, Ebiraland and the Lokoja/Koto axis.
It was a sober meeting at that point as attendees agreed that Yahaya Bello has penetrated deep everywhere due to 3 things: Lapses in the opposition strategy over the last 40 months, the Governor's deliberate policy of attracting and empowering influential Igala leaders, youths and former PDP stalwarts into the APC through appointments and patronage and the third, which they called 'the Edward Onoja Factor' currently sweeping Kogi East.
And then there is the Edward Onoja Factor which is obvious even to the most untrained Politician because it meant that come 2023, all things being equal, they will still be confronting a strong, experienced and embedded tactician in the Yahaya Bello camp. 2 weeks ago the apex Igala sociocultural organisation, the Igala Cultural and Development Association (ICDA) cemented Edward Onoja's popularity and standing in Kogi East two weeks ago when they bestowed on him the unprecedented title of Commander of Igala Kingdom.
In my own opinion, the fears of those elderly Politicians that a rising new breed of politicians in Igalaland and Kogi State led by Edward Onoja will displace them is correct. Edward Onoja, through humble and faithful service to his boss has earned plenty of goodwill which he deploys to ensure that Igala land is not short-changed in the only democratic government so far in Kogi State which is not headed by an Igala man.
No part of Igala land and society has remained untouched by Edward Onoja's positive impact as a functionary in the government of the day in Kogi State. From Dekina to Ankpa to Idah to Olamaboro to Omala to Igalamela/Odolu to Ofu to Ibaji there are scores of ongoing and completed roads, schools, health centres, bridges, erosion management sites, electricity and water projects which have the fingerprint of Edward Onoja on them.
So great is the young man's love for his people that even when the government cannot intervene directly, Edward simply mobilises friends from his former life as a banker and oil industry executive to raise the needed money. Igala Unity House, Okpo Central Mosque, church buildings, evangelism buses, personal vehicles to assist the aged, capital to start business, assistance to get federal or state jobs, homes for indigents, expensive surgeries for many terminally ill patients, etc. You name it, Edward Onoja has done it for Igalas or Igalaland.
They said at that point, as the meeting was getting too negative an strongman from Ibaji tried to lighten their dark mood by teasing the PDP aspirants about how they all scampered for safety during their primaries, climbing over themselves and crawling on the ground at the sound of ordinary gunshots.
The PDP candidate apparently didn't get the joke and instead retorted angrily, shouting at the man from Ibaji, "If you were there, won't you run for safety? Do you have native bullet proof?" The meeting was surprised at his outburst but took it as further proof that he needed to mature some more before coming back to play in major league politics.
It was gathered that the meeting closed without a rallying point as the ticketholder showed zero leadership attributes and no capacity for coordinated self expression to the very end.
After reviewing the corresponding reports from my various contacts, two questions were left unanswered for me by the meeting:
One, why major stakeholders stayed away from such a crucial and high level meeting. The absence of the longest serving governor in our state's history who jetted out with most of his foot-soldiers and is said to be re-aligning with the incumbent was seriously conspicuous and worrisome. His absence was said to have almost derailed the meeting from holding, but for the shortness of time towards the elections they decided to proceed.
Two, all Kogi PDP's young bloods, especially those heating up social media on her behalf since Yahaya Bello became Governor were barred from attendance as the elders still see them as voiceless and valueless. I think that was not only unfair, but a big mistake. It was their noise which gave the PDP a camouflage of being alive in Kogi State for years even when the elders all fled to Abuja and abandoned the party. Before 2023, the PDP must learn that the youth is the future. If you don't believe me, ask Bello.
In any case, the meeting communicated the message clearly to the PDP candidate that he was strictly on his own. I am sure that if he brings food tomorrow, no matter how small, people will still gather to chop his money, but it is doubtful if any Igala Agenda can save him.
I challenge anyone who will come out in the days ahead to contradict me over the events I revealed here or to ask our people to queue behind a failed PDP candidate which they themselves have rejected and won't invest in to put his money where his mouth is.
If they think the PDP is the warehouse of Igala Agenda for the 2019 Kogi State Gubernatorial Election they should prove me a liar by holding a fundraising televised live where the exponents of the ethnic Agenda will drop certified bank drafts (not empty pledges) for their PDP candidate's campaigns. If they cannot do that then they are deceivers who want to trade for personal profit with our people's image.
To even confirm what I have said about their refusal to fund or support the man, the man ran cap in hand to former President Goodluck Jonathan who merely wished him well and would not sponsor him much less commit to coming to campaign for him, assuming he could get his act together.
Today he made what is likely the most tactical blunder of his candidature. After banking on Atiku whose help is still uncommitted, he ran to Tambuwal in Kano. Anybody who understands even a little politics know that Atiku and Tambuwal have an ongoing feud and tend to cancel each other out. It remains to be seen whether our man will still get some of Turaki's dollars after hobnobbing with Tambuwal who is currently in political purgatory.
We watch to see what shape this their deceptive Igala Agenda of personal interest will take in the following weeks. I remember they tried it during the 2019 General Elections when they urged our people to follow Atiku on a journey of failure. Thankfully, Kogi East people ignored them down to the grassroots and voted massively for President Buhari and the APC. I also believe that our people cannot be deceived on November 16.
Putting all sentiments aside and speaking only as a thinking political human being, it should be clear to any politician that the chances of PDP defeating the APC is practically nil. The PDP is the strongest opposition platform in this election and till now it has no campaign director, much less a structure, for an election that is 55 days away. With every passing day, 'Bello has achieved nothing in office' is becoming harder to sell to watchers of events in Kogi State. Is 'vote against Bello because he is not Igala', a political strategy?
APC on the other hand has been heavily on the field for months now. This week they inaugurated a campaign council which is 45,000-man strong and touches every single polling unit. In fact 50,000 if you add the unofficial support groups. Igala and Bassa can never push an agenda that will exile Kogi East to political irrelevance for the next four years.
Of course, nobody should think that Igala people are no longer the determinants in the politics of Kogi State. We remain so, only that for 2019, a huge bulk of them, myself included, are also seeing the Yahaya Bello/Edward Onoja APC ticket as the only viable one in this race and will do everything to make sure it emerges victorious.
Watch this space as I bring you more indepth updates from their meeting today. The roll call of attendees for Wednesday and Saturday will also be released together soon.
Previous PostKogi PDP endorse Wada/Aro candidacy Next PostOver 7,000 teachers appeal to Gov. Bello over non payment of salary | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,638 | Holly, MI – Following last Tuesday's decision by the Village of Holly Council not to adopt a human rights ordinance that would have given LGBT people the same civil rights at other marginalized groups, the folks at Holly Lanes are welcoming the LGBT community and allies with open arms. They are hosting a LGBT and Friends night Wednesday to bring the community together.
"As a business owner and member of the community I'm saddened by the decision of the council. We all have the right to run our businesses the way we like with as little government regulation as possible. However what we do not have is the right to discriminate based on who someone else is, regardless of the ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. If any one person out of any one of those groups comes in and then an issue occurs then you have the right to ask them to follow your business guidelines, but at that point you're reacting to the action of the person, not the person themselves. It is not our job to pre-qualify a potential customer, that is simply wrong and unethical. It's not a property rights issue, it's a human rights issue. I'm sure if you were told sorry you cannot come into my business because I do not like you, you'd take exception to that, I know I would," said Holly Lanes owner Brian Aubuchon.
Holly Lanes is located at 2430 Grange Hall Rd and the gathering begins at 6pm on Wednesday Oct. 19.
Apart from cities that have local ordinances, it is legal in Michigan to fire someone for being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or otherwise gender-nonconforming. It is legal for a landlord to throw someone out if they learn they are LGBT, or not show houses to a couple because they are gay. It is legal for stores to turn away customers because they do not want to serve people based on their sexual orientation or their gender expression. Similar practices were used historically to mistreat people of color, people with disabilities, and women. Civil rights laws eventually reduced the amount of violence, threats, harassment and challenges faced by people in those groups by affirming their right to be treated equally under the law.
Because the law cannot protect them, LGBT people face discrimination or the fear of discrimination in a way that impacts their day to day lives. Many feel they have to hide who they are because of the risk of losing their jobs, their homes, or their ability to be in public in their communities because of the practices of those who think that LGBT people deserve to be treated as less than equal human beings.
Over 40 municipalities have enacted local human rights ordinances to protect LGBT people while in their community, including Detroit, Farmington Hills, Ferndale, Grand Rapids, Huntington Woods, Lansing, Lathrup Village, Muskegon, Pleasant Ridge, Royal Oak, Southfield and Village of Lake Orion. In several cases such as Ferndale and Royal Oak, ordinances were not passed on the first attempt and residents were able to bring the matter to a public vote by citizen petitions.
For the latest updates from Holly Lanes and discussion, check out their Facebook post at https://www.facebook.com/holly.lanes/photos/a.1854173341484640.1073741831.1767279706840671/1854173258151315/?type=3&theater. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,639 | Because everyone should know: this hair's textures look consistently great when applied to nearly every hair model with the proper vertically oriented UVs (so just about all of them). I replace the textures of every hair with these or simple recolors of these (but leave the Opacity maps, of course).
The hairstyle itself is awesome too, of course.
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Danke ;) Thank you !!!
Thank you so much! You are a genius! | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,640 | The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said flight operations at its three airports resumed late Friday morning after numerous cancellations due to heavy snow fall and high winds.
JFK International reported 192 cancellations, while Newark Liberty noted 285 cancelled flights and at LaGuardia there were 271 terminated flights.
The maritime port is open, but truck gates into the major container terminals are closed today. Maher Terminals, the port's largest, said it closed its truck processing gates at 4 p.m. on Thursday and will reopen on Monday.
Note will be delayed vessel sailings as well as a major impact on airline cargo services during this time whilst backlogs of cargo are cleared and businesses resume normal operations. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,641 | www.educationbase.co.uk
Add school to
American InterContinental University - London
The Norton Knatchbull School - Ashford
Gossops Green Community Primary School - Gossops Green
Great Ballard School - Chichester
Georgian Gardens Community Primary School - Rustington
Fordwater School - Chichester
Fonthill Lodge School - East Grinstead
Fairway Infant School - Copthorne
Elm Grove Infant School - Littlehampton
Elm Grove First School - Worthing
Yew Tree Primary School - Yew Tree Estate
Yew Tree Community Primary School - Aston
Woodway Park School & Community College - Coventry
Woodthorpe Primary School - Kings Heath
Woodrush Community High School - Specialist Technology College - Birmingham
Woodlands Primary School - Willenhall
Woodfield Infant School - Penn
Wood Green High School College of Sport - Wood Green Road
Wolverhampton Grammar School - Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton Girls High School - Wolverhampton
Wollescote Primary School - Wollescote
Wodensfield Primary School - Wednesfield
Wodensborough Community Technology College - Wednesbury
Withymoor Primary School - Off Turners Lane Quarry Bank
Willenhall School Sports College - Willenhall
Whitehouse Common Primary School - Sutton Coldfield
Edward Bryant Primary School - Bognor Regis
Eastergate C E Primary School - Eastergate
West House School - Edgbaston
East Wittering Community Primary School - East Wittering
Welford Primary School - Handsworth
East Preston Junior School - East Preston
Wednesfield Village Primary School - Wednesfield
East Preston Infant School - East Preston
Wednesfield College (Specialist Engineering School) - Wednesfield
Durrington Middle School - Durrington
Ward End Primary School - Ward End
Walsgrave C E Primary School - Coventry
Durrington First School - Durrington
Great Waltham C E V C Primary School
South Street, Great Waltham, CM3 1DF, UK Chelmsford
www: http://www.greatwalthamschool.ik.org/ e-mail: [email protected]
Welcome to our School!
Great Waltham School has provided a Christian-based education for over 150 years. We serve the villages of Great Waltham and Pleshey and their surrounding communities. Children from Pleshey are transported to and from school by contract bus paid for by the Local Education Authority. Children from a wider area, whose parents wish them to be educated in a church school, are welcomed.
The school occupies a spacious site in the attractive village of Great Waltham, near Chelmsford. The building, part of which dates back to 1847, has excellent modern facilities.
In 1981, a large multipurpose hall was built. The remaining accommodation comprises six classrooms, two libraries, administrative rooms and a kitchen.
Adjacent to the school there is a large playing field and a hard play area.
Take a look at the photos below.
Cycle shelter.JPG
To ensure a safe and secure environment where all will feel happy and confident to learn and experience success by providing:
* provide a broad, balanced curriculum which enables every individual to achieve his/her highest possible standard;
* deliver a curriculum which is well planned, challenging and creative;
* promote the partnership between the school and home for its positive impact on the children's learning;
* provide pupils with the skills to work independently and take responsibility for themselves and others;
* promote strong links with the local church and vibrant community;
* continue building on our academic successes which have been recognised by the Department for Education and Skills;
* develop pupils? appreciation of human achievements through the curriculum and encourage them to be confident about their own potential;
* provide a safe and exciting environment in which the children can learn and experience success;
* develop pupils? self-respect and respect for others whatever their ability, race, religion or culture;
* provide equal opportunities for all, and measure success in individual terms.
Many clubs are offered according to the expertise of staff, parents and friends who run activities out of school hours, i.e. before school, at lunchtime and after school.
Children are offered violin, keyboard, guitar and woodwind tuition. Recorder lessons are given, free of charge, by the school staff. The school choir performs at Chelmsford Cathedral, The Royal Albert Hall, and other venues throughout the year. Choirs from the school also take part in the Chelmsford Schools' Music Festivals each year. The school holds a musical soiree every summer to celebrate the musical achievements of our pupils.
Competition is encouraged within and beyond the school curriculum. The sports available for extra curricular activity rely on community and local initiatives and the interest shown by the children. Recently these have been netball, tennis, rounders, cross-country, hockey, cricket and football.
All teaching follows the frameworks of the National Curriculum and the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies. Assemblies, morning and afternoon breaks and the lunchtime, are used to reinforce the values of living and playing together as a community.
The National Curriculum consists of the following:
English, Maths and Science ? the core subjects
Information and Communication Technology, Religious Education (RE), History, Geography, Design Technology, Music, Art and Design, Physical Education (PE) and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC).
Each subject is guided by a clearly defined Programme of Study, which has a detailed scheme of work to ensure continuity and progression.
Being a Church School our assemblies and R.E. are predominately Christian and have a daily act of worship. However we teach to an Essex agreed scheme ?Open World? at KS2, which includes many faiths, and the QCA scheme at KS1. We welcome people of all denominations and faiths. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from the Daily Act of Worship. Alternative provision is made for these pupils in their classrooms. There are strong links with our Church, St Mary and St Lawrence, in Great Waltham, where school services are held for festivals such as Christmas, Easter and Harvest.
English is organised into three sections in the National Curriculum:
* Speaking and Listening
* Reading
* Writing (which includes Handwriting and Spelling).
We encourage children to engage in purposeful talk and time is given so that each child feels the audience values his/her contribution.
Children are encouraged to:
* introduce and discuss topics from their own experiences, with other individuals and in groups
* express themselves through drama
* listen to each other, to their teacher and other adults
* listen and respond to instructions, stories, poetry and music
All these activities will develop and extend understanding and use of spoken language.
This is a vitally important skill and we give every support to your child.
Reading is taught carefully and systematically using reading schemes supported by other books. At Great Waltham we use a colour banding system. Your child will be given a reading scheme book of the appropriate level and will be asked to chose one or more books from the same colour band. They may complete a level of the reading scheme but not be ready to move on, in which case they will continue reading other books from that colour band. This system ensures that children experience a broad range of texts including non-fiction, poetry and play scripts. Our aim is to teach the children a variety of skills to enable them to read with fluency and understanding. We do this using a system known as Early Reading Research which was developed at Warwick University, in conjunction with the National Literacy Strategy. Progress is closely monitored so that we can build on the children's achievements. At all times we strive to develop an enjoyment of reading and a love and respect for books.
Sharing books with children is more than just hearing them read. We therefore try to ensure that these times are undisturbed and enjoyable. We positively encourage parents to take part in this process and to aid communication we have a home/school partnership book in which both parents and teachers can comment. Parents of children in the Reception class are invited to accompany their child into school at 8.45 to read with them prior to registration at 9.00 a.m. Every child has a reading partner from another year group within the school and once a week we have a paired reading session during which these partners read a book together. Book backpacks are available from the office to keep our reading books clean and protected. Parents will be asked to make a donation of £2 to replace books that are returned damaged.
We urge parents to continue to read to their children, even when they have begun reading for themselves, and introduce them to the huge variety of printed materials such as: leaflets, magazines, recipes and instruction booklets. Books are shown to be important and valued in the class book-corners, the library, and in displays around the school and are an integral part of the literacy hour. As children progress, the study skills of skimming, scanning, note taking and use of indexes are introduced.
Most of the writing in the early stages arises from children's own language experiences. They are encouraged to write about life outside school and shared experiences in school. They write for a wide range of purposes and a variety of audiences. Flow of writing is encouraged through discussion and attention is drawn to language structure, spelling, grammar and presentation.
All children have a daily numeracy lesson and mathematical skills are developed through:-
* oral work, in the form of songs, rhymes, stories, discussions and descriptions of objects and investigations in mathematical terms, all of which help the child to develop mathematical language, understanding and concepts
* practical activities which are important at every stage of primary maths
* carefully matched work from books, worksheets and games to reinforce practical experience
* investigations which encourage children to use and apply their mathematical knowledge
Children are not encouraged to become reliant on calculators for number work. However, calculator skills are taught in order to:-
* increase speed in number investigations
* allow children to use larger numbers
* make sensible estimates and understand which process is required
* understand place value
* check mental computation
* play games
Science is essentially a practical subject with the children learning through first-hand experiences. It is planned to give opportunities for critical reflection, perseverance, creativity and inventiveness. Sensitivity to the living and the non-living environment and co-operation with others are encouraged.
Concepts and skills are taught using a variety of approaches, which include whole class, year group and individual teaching, topic-related activities and investigations.
Science work is recorded, progressing from pictorial representation to written accounts with appropriate use of graphs and diagrams. As they mature, children are expected to extend what can be learned from first-hand experiences to include ideas from secondary sources such as books, television and videos.
As part of the science curriculum sex education is given in such a manner as to encourage children to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. In years 5 and 6 the physical and emotional aspects of growing up are dealt with in the context of caring, loving, responsible relationships, family life and respect for others. The school nurse and other professionals are invited to support and answer their questions. Parents are invited to view resources used and withdraw their children from the programme if that is their wish, except for those aspects that are part of the National Curriculum for Science.
The school environment is used to extend and develop mathematical experience and awareness. Cross-curricular links are made but not contrived.
This subject teaches how modern technology is used to gather and process information with computers and software, to appreciate how things like the internet help to improve communications and to control a variety of equipment such as computers, fax machines, video/sound recorders and projectors. It is used to support every other area of the curriculum and leads the children from first introduction to full use and an understanding of equipment, software and applications.
We are connected to the National Grid for Learning and committed to keeping abreast of technological changes to enhance our pupils? learning and provide the skills needed for the demands of this new century. Each classroom has its own computer and there is a networked computer suite which has access to a printer, scanner, digital camera and the Internet. At Great Waltham we also have laptop computers for whole class sessions and every class has an interactive white board.
SMSC and citizenship help to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible. Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our school community. The children learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. They also find out about their responsibilities, rights and duties as individuals and members of communities. Pupils learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning. Each class elects representatives to the School Forum, which meets several times each term.
primary schools in Chelmsford, secondary schools in Chelmsford, schools in Chelmsford
Web szkolnictwo.pl
Editorial office:
tel. + 48 (094)
[email protected] | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,642 | Mejlis head Chubarov calls on Zelensky to initiate urgent meeting of UN Security Council
Ukrainian lawmaker and chairman of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov calls on President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to initiate holding of UN Security Council's urgent meeting.
"I want to call on the Ukrainian authorities and, primarily, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the newly elected President to initiate an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on Russia's blatant failure to enforce all the previous decisions adopted by the General Assembly and the International Court of Justice, which had ruled a year ago to lift the ban on the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people [in Crimea], on Russia's failure to enforce the verdict of the ITLOS, the ruling of the ECHR on immediate transfer of [detained Crimean Tatar activist] Edem Bekirov to a civilian hospital," Chubarov said in Facebook live video.
Chubarov is convinced that the issue of providing security guarantees to the Crimean Tatar people and all Ukrainian citizens living in the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea should be discussed at the urgent meeting of the UN Security Council.
"We have to admit that massive and total hunt for Crimean Tatars had started in Crimea long ago. The goal of Russian occupying power is to oust Crimean Tatars from Crimea," the chairman of the Mejlis said.
Szijjarto says not meddling in Ukraine's elections | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,643 | The 1.5"(40.5mm)VS 3"(75mm) Adapter For Air Shaft/Air Drums is fit for the shaft of size 1.6 inches.
With the help of the friction of the 1.5" shaft itself,the adaper can be fixed.
It can be fixed in anywhere by the single or doule way,even more.
Note: The length of the air cover is determined by the customers' needs. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,644 | We would welcome your feedback and would be delighted if you are happy with our service that you recommend us to your friends and family.
If for any reason you are unhappy with the service you have received from us, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you and hopefully put things right. Please ask to speak to your orthodontist or the Practice Manager.
However, if you feel your problem can not be dealt with in this manner, please make a formal written complaint to Dr Andrew Lumb. Our full Complaints Policy and Procedure document is available on request. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,645 | Marcelline Basigayabo is a Rwandan politician, currently a member of the Chamber of Deputies in the Parliament of Rwanda.
Members of the Chamber of Deputies (Rwanda)
Living people
Year of birth missing (living people)
Place of birth missing (living people) | RedPajamaWikipedia | test |
1,004,646 | Schnucks Pharmacy is located at the address 4800 N University St in Peoria, Illinois 61614. They can be contacted via phone at (309) 690-3242 for pricing, hours and directions.
For maps and directions to Schnucks Pharmacy view the map to the right. For reviews of Schnucks Pharmacy see below. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,647 | Every day, our Tierra del Sol personal injury lawyers receive calls from individuals hurt in accidents and families who have lost a loved one due to another person's negligence. We are here to listen to your story, ask the important questions, and determine whether you have a valid personal injury or wrongful death claim. If someone else's careless, reckless, or intentional misconduct caused you harm, then we may be able to pursue compensation for you and your family.
The only way to learn whether you have a legal claim, the strength of your claim, and the potential value of your injuries is to work with an experienced attorney. An insurance company is not going to tell you if you have a strong claim, and it is not going to be honest about how much that claim is worth. We recommend calling us at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers and speaking with a lawyer before talking to an insurer or accepting any settlement offers.
To schedule a free consultation with a Tierra del Sol accident lawyer, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS.
Before calling Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, you may want more concrete information on how a lawyer can help you. We understand your need for answers during such a difficult time. You are already dealing with a lot, and the last thing you need is to work with a law firm that will not communicate with you regularly and clearly. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we promise to be honest, forthcoming, and open to all of your questions and concerns. We never leave our clients in the dark during their cases.
Conduct a thorough and independent investigation: When you are hurt or a loved one is killed in an accident, it is unlikely that you know exactly what happened. You may have a good idea, but you will not have the details you need for your claim. Our attorneys will investigate the incident and gather as much evidence as possible. We will scrutinize each piece of evidence and use it to prove another person was at fault for the accident and is liable for compensating you for your injuries. You cannot rely on an insurance company to pursue this investigation for you, especially if you are dealing with the at-fault party's insurer.
Careful calculate of your damages: One of the most important reasons to work with a Tierra del Sol lawyer after an accident is to have an experienced professional determine the potential maximum value of your physical, emotional, and financial injuries. Many factors can influence the value of a personal injury or wrongful death claim. There is no accurate way for you to gauge the value of your claim alone unless you suffered only property damage. You should speak with an attorney who has experience in these types of claims and access to prior settlement and court ruling data for similar cases and injuries.
Handle the insurance claim process: Most personal injury claims are resolved through an insurance claim. However, this is not always an easy or smooth process. Insurers can be demanding and wrap you up in red tape. Instead of having to deal with this while you recover from your injuries or mourn your loss, you can have an experienced lawyer handle the calls and demand for documents and medical records.
Skillfully pursue settlement negotiations: An insurer might make you a settlement offer, but is it a good one? By working with Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, you can be confident that a low-ball settlement offer will merely be the start of negotiations and not the end result of your claim.
Handle the litigation process: It is necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit after many serious accidents, even if you do not expect to go to trial. A lawsuit shows an insurer you are serious about recovering fair compensation and it provides another opportunity for your legal team to gather evidence. If it is necessary to go to court, your Tierra del Sol accident lawyer will handle the process.
Provide skilled and aggressive representation in court: If we cannot resolve your claim through an insurance settlement, we are confident in our ability to pursue your claim at trial. We will fight hard for your right to full and fair compensation.
If you were injured or a loved one was killed in any type of incident in Tierra del Sol, do not hesitate to call us. We consistently represent and obtain compensation for individuals hurt in San Diego County or residents of the county who were injured elsewhere. We have obtained more than $300 million in settlements and court rulings for more than 5,000 clients in California. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,648 | 2) prerelease auctions. These are domains where the auction venue has contracted with the registrar, like Fabulous or Moniker, to auction off non-renewed domains. Just before a domain enters the pending delete process, it goes to a private auction to any person who has backordered the name. Some people feel that back links on these type of auctions still provide a SEO benifit. My testing indicates that there is zero SEO benifit when these domains are redirected into another site. So if you get a domain with "pink squirels" in a lot of achor text to a domain and then point it at your domain, you don't rank for "pink squirels"
Some people might want to skip that because they think that they've already been crawled, which is a possibility and you can apply a manual exclusion to any results you think are going to be returned on Google for your search query. So things like YouTube, you don't want to crawl, then you can add them in there and it will ignore them if they returned in the search results. Okay, so that's yeah! That's pretty much the search setting query settings here. So your search terms go here. You can have as many as you like just enter them in their line separated.
* "Thousands of domain names that reach expired status never make it to any auction service and are released by the registry." I think this is only if the registrar a) has an auction partner and b) nobody places a bid at the auction house. In that case, it drops normally and is deleted from the registry and available for anyone to hand register — including backorder services like SnapNames.com or Pool.com. I'm not sure why a registrar wouldn't list an expiring domain name at the auction house as it could lead to extra revenue for them. Can you, Jamie?
Next, some of these expired domain names have ranked in high authority sites that are ranked or had ranked themselves. Besides, some of these domain names are worth a fortune. For example, domain names sell for about ten to twenty dollars each. However, those that are the most sought after can go for over $ 2500 a month because they have lots of traffic back links or rankings.The last advantage is that you don't have to spend much to find expired domains.
The database also gives us the chance to analyse Whois, IP, NS, MX records and website content of every domain and to offer unique investigation and brand monitoring services for which websites like Whois.Domaintools.com charge a lot of money. With the tools we have developed we can offer Reverse IP, Whois investigation and B2B research in bulk at a world class quality/price ratio.
The second option requires a bit more time and effort than a 301 redirect. You could do a mini overhaul of the site and turn it into a microsite for your main domain. This option is good for exact-match domains for your targeted keyword, and there are other reasons for going the microsite route that Rand's highlighted in his post about root domains, subdomains, subfolders and microsites. This strategy also works better if the old domain has decent rankings for the keywords you're targeting.
Yes, I know, it seems backwards that you'd have to compete in an auction for a domain name that may never be caught. Other people feel the same way and many don't compete as a result of that. But that's the way the drop catching service was set up. Who knows, it may mean less competition for you since others do not like that model, which benefits the company rather than the user.
Hi Michael, thanks for the excellent writeup. I followed your steps and found that the domain name I'm seeking is currently registered with GoDaddy. Interestingly enough, I actually owned this domain name almost a decade ago, but out of laziness (at the time), I didn't renew the registration. Someone else snatched it around the same time and has had it since. The website is dormant, with only an embedded video playlist from a YouTube account last updated over a year ago. The website itself hasn't changed in appearance for several years. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,649 | This site is considered to be one of the scientific sites which has the aim to spread culture of scientific miracle through dialogue and to demonstrate tolerance of Islam away from fanaticism and ignorance, also to present the shining and true face of Islam… therefore we are waiting for your contribution to deliver the useful science to the largest possible number of readers. The reward for that contribution will continue after death as prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) says :( by the death of human being his work in this life will stop except from three things, and he mentioned one of them is "a useful science for people") so that your contribution may be a reason to guide a man to the straight way. Prophet says in the Hadith: (If god enables you to be a reason to guide a man to the way of guidance, it will be better for you than what is in this entire world)!
1. The contribution through publishing articles of the scientific miracle in forums or in your personal Blog, and referring to the name of the site to increase the interest and to facilitate the return to different articles and references.
www.kaheel7.com/eng also to publish the articles on other websites such as : face book, twitter , my space,……….
4. By printing and distributing an article of your choice or an article which you think that it is useful. Or by sending an article to a magazine or a newspaper to publish it and don't forget to remind them that it is a free article.
5. A financial contribution to translate the site to many languages and to develop the website also to feed it with useful information, this kind of contribution has a big role in disseminating more articles in the scientific miracles.
6. Also you can contribute through subscription in our mail list to send you new articles so you can forward it to your friends, also you can subscribe in the mail list by entering the E-Mail of your friend whom are interested in this kind of sites. To subscribe in our mail list enter here. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,650 | Discover everything that Spain has to offer far away from the bustle of the city.
From medieval towns and fortified cities to villages located among extraordinarily beautiful natural surroundings. In this section we offer a few suggestions. Nature in Spain is truly exceptional.
In the country with the most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in the world, you can find it all: lakes, mountains, volcanoes, marshes, forests, valleys, cliffs, and more. The diversity of Spain's landscapes will never cease to amaze you. Take a break from the daily grind, breathe deeply, and cast all your cares aside. From the Cantabrian Sea to the Mediterranean, the Pyrenees mountain chain rises like an immense natural barrier between Spain and the rest of the continent. Its dominions extend along 450 kilometres of peaks reaching 3000 metres high, leafy valleys and picturesque centuries-old towns and villages. A meeting point for a variety of cultures and gateway to the Route to Santiago, the Pyrenees have countless treasures waiting to be discovered in each of the autonomous regions which share them: Navarre, Aragon and Catalonia. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,651 | Worldwide Midrange Server Revenues Shrink 10% in 1999, According to IDC
FRAMINGHAM, MASS., FEBRUARY 23, 2000 — Revenues in the worldwide midrange server market took a dive in 1999, dropping 10% from $17.6 million in 1998 to just under $15.9 million. However, the market is expected to rebound slightly during 2000, according to a new IDC bulletin, 1999 Midrange Server Year in Review: It's Not Just About Y2K. IDC classifies servers priced from $100,000 to $1 million as midrange.
"A number of factors conspired to cause revenues in the worldwide midrange server market to contract during 1999," said Lloyd Cohen, director of worldwide market analysis within IDC's Commercial Systems and Servers research program. "These factors included Y2K-related computer lock downs at large corporate sites, pricing pressure, product transitions, weakening sales of IBM midrange servers, and declining sales by second-tier vendors. However, the market is poised for growth – albeit small – provided that the U.S. and European economies remain strong, the Japanese economy continues to rebound, and demand for midrange servers used as Internet engines continues unabated."
In 1999, the top two vendors in the market, IBM and Hewlett-Packard, experienced 12% and 5% losses, respectively. Both were hampered by aging products, but have taken steps to correct the problem by introducing new products.
The number three and four vendors, Sun Microsystems and Compaq, meanwhile, bucked the market's downward trend. Sun's revenues increased 24% while Compaq's grew almost 18%. "One of Sun's greatest strengths is the fact that its product line was stable and focused – maybe even enhanced – during 1999," said Jean Bozman, director for IDC's Commercial Systems and Servers research program. Sun recently introduced a financial division, Sun Microsystems Finance. "Sun can use its financial group as a weapon against its chief server competitors, IBM, HP, and Compaq, all of which have significant financial arms that encourage corporate purchases of large server equipment," Bozman added.
IDC is optimistic the worldwide midrange server market will recover in 2000. One of the reasons for the optimism is increasing demand for back-end midrange Internet servers, which act as database-hosting, centralized servers that support hundreds of end users accessing Internet or ecommerce applications in addition to traditional business applications. "The pull from end users accessing the Internet will boost midrange server growth in the mega-datacenters being built by ecommerce sites, Internet service providers, and application service providers," Cohen said. Another factor for optimism regarding renewed midrange server growth is the trend toward server consolidation.
IDC's new report, 1999 Midrange Server Year in Review: It's Not Just About Y2K (IDC #B21280) reviews the midrange server market performance in 1999. It shows vendors 1997-1999 revenues for the midrange server market as well as for the overall server market. Additionally, the report discusses individual vendor performances and market trends. To order a copy, contact Patrick Steeves at 1-800-343-4952, ext. 6787 or at [email protected]. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,652 | Great Sun Holidays from Shannon - Low Cost Holidays for you!
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Sun Holiday Deals for you. Great last minute sun package holidays and Summer holidays from Shannon. Book now! | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,653 | Home Meet the Council Tammy J. Morales
LaKecia Farmer
Legislative Assistant
Email LaKecia
LaKecia joins Councilmember Morales' office with policy experience in the criminal legal system and public safety, transportation, land use, equitable development, and other issues involving racial equity and social justice. Her previous work also involved outreach, engagement, and coalition-building with community-based organizations, advocacy groups, labor and non-profits. She hopes to bring these experiences to ensure District 2 has a voice and power within City Hall.
Devin Silvernail
Email Devin
Devin Comes to Councilmember Morales' office with experience as an advocate for tenant rights and rights of houseless neighbors. Most recently, Devin was Executive Director of homelessness and renter services nonprofit Be:Seattle. He was also Co-Chair of the Seattle Renters' Commission. Prior to that, he worked as a community, tenant, and political organizer, and as a Constituent Services Aide for a City/County Supervisor in San Francisco. Through this previous work, Devin gained a deep appreciation for constituent issues. He firmly believes that action at City Hall starts with activism in the community and is excited to amplify the voices of District 2.
Darozyl Touch
Email Darozyl
Darozyl Touch is a second generation Khmer American liberatory educator and community organizer born and raised in the South End of Seattle. She has a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Seattle University, a Master's in Teaching (Secondary Education) from the University of Washington, and is a lifelong student of politics, philosophy, history, and spirituality. She is particularly passionate about creating transformative educational pathways for the brilliant young people she has served in Rainier Beach, who ground her in this current work to transform the material conditions of D2 communities of color who have been historically marginalized by government institutions.
Alexis Turla
Email Alexis
Alexis Turla serves as the Chief of Staff to Councilmember Morales. Alexis is a self-proclaimed bureaucratic activist with over 20 years of governmental and public policy experience. She started her public policy journey with the Missouri Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and Lifelong AIDS Alliance. Continuing her passion to provide opportunity and access for all, Alexis served as Executive Policy Advisor to Governor Gregoire and as Director of the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprise. Recently, Alexis was the Government Affairs Director at Forterra.
Alexis is a die hard Wolverine (Go Blue!). She graduated from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor with a BA in Anthropology and a BA in Women's Studies, and a J.D. from Seattle University School of Law. She loves hanging at her Afro-Pinoy home in Rainier Beach with her husband, Rodolfo, and dogs, Kitsune, Akiko, and Totoro.
About Tammy
Committees & Calendar
Address: 600 Fourth Avenue, 2nd Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104 | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,654 | Wai Yin has been serving the communities of Manchester and Greater Manchester since 1988.
On Friday 12th May, I attended a very important meeting at Manchester's Town Hall.
Kung Hei Fat Choi! Xin Nian Kuai Le!
Wai Yin Society has been supporting, empowering and working in partnership with Chinese individuals and families since 1988, when we were founded by a group of community-minded Chinese women. Since then, Wai Yin has become one of the largest BME community centres in the UK, sustaining its operations through commissions and contracts with mainstream organisations. As the Society has grown, we have developed a range of employment, education and community services for Chinese men and women and for other ethnic minority groups, including Somali, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian and many European nationalities. The Society aims to challenge all forms of discrimination and social exclusion through the provision of diverse and reactive services, delivered by a team of qualified social workers, nurses and other professionals.
If you are looking to organise a fund raising event or want to donate money to us, consider using Virgin Money Giving to make it easier to fundraise for us. You can visit our page at https://www.waiyin.org.uk/virginmoneygiving and donate or sign up to fundraise on our behalf.
Alternatively you can email us at [email protected] for more ways to donate and raise funds for us.
"To reach out and empower people, achieve better lives and create opportunities to overcome barriers". | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,656 | Against Rape
Rights, resources and self-help information for survivors
Erioth Mwesigwa's case refused – more help needed
Posted on May 3, 2017 by WomenAgainstRape
Thanks to the 100s of people who wrote in support of Ms Mwesigwa, a victim of multiple rape by soldiers in Uganda, targeted because her husband, a prominent local politician, was suspected of opposing the President. Last Friday Ms Mwesigwa stopped her removal by refusing to go with the Yarl's Wood guards when they came to take her to the airport. But the guards warned her that "next time" she would be physically forced onto the plane back to Uganda.
Ms Mwesigwa has been told that if she wants to appeal she has to do it from Uganda. This is both cruel and absurd. She won't even have anywhere to live or means to feed herself, let alone access to lawyers and other support to pursue a legal case.
Ms Mwesigwa is still in great danger and needs your help to demand the Home Secretary allows her the right to an appeal in the UK. Ms Mwesigwa is a dedicated member of the All African Women's Group which has organized a protest this Monday outside the Home Office. Ms Mwesigwa called to say:
"I do not understand why the Home Office gave refugee status to my ex-husband, who thankfully was able to escape with our children before anything terrible happened, yet refuses it to me when I was the one unable to get out in time and so suffered the terrible consequences. It took many years for me to escape from Uganda after the imprisonment and rapes. I lived those years in constant fear; hiding from place to place, rarely leaving the house and only in darkness. I had lost all hope, self-confidence, and nearly my mind. Finally I was found and ordered to make my husband come back to Uganda. My friends told me that I would be killed and organized my escape to the UK. It is here that I have found people who love and care for me. The men who abused me in Uganda are still in positions of authority. I can never go back and be safe."
On Friday a High Court judge refused to grant an injunction stopping any further attempts to send Ms Mwesigwa back to Uganda.
WAR is writing in support of Ms Mwesigwa application for the High Court to get an oral hearing to investigate her case. We say her case has been dealt with unjustly:
• Ms Mwesigwa was imprisoned and raped because the President suspected her husband of being his political opponent. Ms Mwesigwa was told by the Home Office that she could go back to Uganda while her husband was given refugee status in the UK.
• The Home Office said Ms Mwesigwa has not shown "lack of state protection in Uganda", that is she should have reported to the police that she was raped by soldiers. The UK Home Office is willfully ignoring the masses of evidence that show that rape survivors generally in Uganda can't get protection from the police, let alone if your attackers are soldiers.
• Evidence of the ongoing and devastating impact of rape on Ms Mwesigwa has been ignored because she has not been able to get the resources and help needed to recover.
• No account has been taken of the terrible situation she would face if returned to Uganda.
• Her "enforceable right" as a victim of torture (accepted by the Home Office) under the UN Convention Against Torture to the "means for as full rehabilitation as possible" has been completely ignored. Instead she faces being sent back to Uganda where she has no-one to turn to for help, where she would be destitute and fears further rape and other violence.
• Ms Mwesigwa was accused by the judge of deliberately delaying her legal action to the last minute. But the delay was entirely the fault of Ms Mwesigwa's previous lawyer at ROCK Solicitors. Despite taking £300 off her to pursue a Judicial Review, he failed to even return her calls for two months let alone do anything on her legal case.
Please write to Amber Rudd MP, the Home Secretary, to demand:
• That Ms Mwesigwa is given the right to an appeal in the UK.
• That government guidelines preventing the detention of vulnerable women are implemented and that Ms Mwesigwa, as a rape survivor, is released.
If you have written to the Home Secretary and not received a reply write again and protest to your own MP asking her/him to contact the Home Secretary on your behalf. Both the Home Secretary and the Prime Minister are women. What is the point of having women in high places if they pursue the same callous, sexist, racist policies as their male counterpart?
Please send your letter to:
Rt. Honourable Amber Rudd
2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF
Email: [email protected]
Please copy your letter to Ms Mwesigwa's MP, Harriet Harman: [email protected]
And to Women Against Rape: [email protected]
Posted in Asylum from Rape, Latest News
ERIOTH MWESIGWA, released from detention, but still fighting for the right to stay
We, the All African Women's Group, send thanks from the bottom of our hearts for all the support you gave to our precious sister Erioth Mwesigwa. Erioth is a 58-year-old woman from Uganda who suffered multiple rape by soldiers in Uganda. She was persecuted because her husband was suspected of opposing the President. Her husband, who managed to escape with their children, was granted refugee status but when Erioth asked for the same she was turned down. Erioth was detained pending removal to Uganda. But she refused to go with the guards to the airport and on 23 February won her release from Yarl's Wood IRC. She has asked us to send you this message.
"Inside Yarl's Wood you are cut off from the whole world and everyone. I can't express how happy and uplifted I felt to hear that people outside were thinking about me. It gave me courage so that, even though I was frightened, I refused to go with the guards when they came to take me to the airport.
"Rape makes you feel empty and alone. You start hating yourself and feel like everyone can see what has happened to you. The All African Women's Group has given me hope because we are open with each other about what we have gone through and I know I'm not alone."
Women Against Rape are helping Erioth document how the traumatic impact of rape has made it so difficult to pursue her legal case, so that lawyers can ask the Home Secretary to reconsider her asylum claim. We will be getting back to you once the application has been made to ask for your support again.
All African Women's Group (AAWG), Crossroads Women's Centre, 25 Wolsey Mews, London NW5 2DX. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 020 7482 2496
Jail Rapists Not Rape Survivors meeting in Parliament December 2015
Posted on May 3, 2017 by BWRAP
Posted in Demanding Justice & Protection, False Allegations, Video | Tagged Demanding Justice and protection from the Police and CPS, false allegations, layla | Leave a reply
Teaser of play Pursuing Justice – sex workers take their rapist to court
Posted in Demanding Justice & Protection, Video | Tagged cps, justice, police, rape, sex workers, theatre | Leave a reply
Free The Truth – 2
Scotland Must Resist
A message of Love
In our secret family courts, judges still don't understand what rape means
Abusive men using child contact as way to carry on subjecting women to domestic abuse
RESPONSE to the Home Affairs Committee Report on DOMESTIC ABUSE | Against Rape on Evidence to Home Affairs Committee on Domestic Violence from Black Women's Rape Action Project and Women Against Rape, 5 July 2018
All African Women's Group
Asylum from Rape
Children Removed From Their Mothers
Close Down Yarl's Wood
Demanding Justice & Protection
End Deportation
Hunger Strikes
import from old site
No Anonymity for Men Accused of Rape
Poverty & Violence
Refuge from Rape & Destitution
Support not Separation Coalition
Yarl's Wood Detention Centre
Crossroads Women's Centre
25 Wolsey Mews
London NW5 2DX
(Monday-Friday 1.30-4pm)
[email protected]
Join WAR's Facebook group
Black Women's Rape Action Project
[email protected]
Copyright © - 2020 againstrape.net | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,658 | The Taliban Told Him To Surrender. So He Defeated Them All. All 61 Of Them.
Retired Army Captain William Swenson performed so many acts of bravery while he was serving in Afghanistan, President Obama awarded him a Medal of Honor. Not only did he do his job, but he risked his life for other US soldiers time and time again.
He is only the sixth living recipient of the Medal of Honor for service in Afghanistan and Iraq.
He fought off 60 Taliban single-handedly for seven hours, protecting his men.
Even after getting out of the danger zone, he repeatedly went back in, risking his life to save his fellow troops.
The medal is specifically for his extreme bravery while traveling with a group of U.S. Marines and Afghan National Troops when they were ambushed from all sides outside the town of Ganjar on September 8th, 2009, killing 10 Afghan and four American troops.
When the Taliban demanded that he surrender, he responded by lobbing a live grenade at them.
Video captured from cameras mounted on the helmets of evacuation helicopter pilots showed William delivering his good friend and partner, Sgt. First Class Kenneth Westbrook to the evacuation chopper and placing a kiss on his head as he placed him inside.
Westbrook had been hit in the throat and was bleeding to death and Swenson ventured out into the hail of gunfire to retrieve him.
Unforunately, William never saw Kenneth again. Even though he was transported via medevac to a field hospital, he died 29 days later.
After delivering Westbrook to the chopper, Swenson climbed into an unarmored vehicle and drove to the 'kill zone' twice more to collect the dead and wounded.
If it wasn't for William Swenson, 12 soldiers would have lost their lives that day.
When William went to the White House to accept his Medal of Honor, he happened to be re-enlisting in the Army that very same day. He is a true hero. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,659 | Soak 4 bamboo skewers in water for 15 minutes.
Thread 2 prawns and 2 pieces of chorizo onto a skewer, repeat with the remaining skewers.
Brush with oil, place on a grill plate or barbecue and cook for 5-7 minutes until cooked through.
Serve 2 skewers as a meal or 1 skewer as an allowable snack.
I loved it, husband loved it, kids loved it. I served it with rocket, and roasted zucchini and tomatoes.. Added corn on cob for hubby and kids as well.
I ran it through My Fitness Pal and using Australian ingredients I worked out the following.
Great recipe but you make it hard when we're all counting calories and you don't list the breakdown of nutrition for each recipe.
id love to know how many calories this would be. sounds yummy but aren't chorizo very fattening?
Thumbs up. I served this at the family Easter BBQ with Salad. Kristy I used green uncooked.
Any ideas what to serve with for a meal? | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,660 | Barstool Sports, the sports blog and podcast platform, this week launched a "Shark Tank" style startup pitch competition, "The Big Brain Show." The competition invites Barstool readers to submit business ideas for the chance to pitch them in person to the site's founder Dave Portnoy and other advisers.
Barstool says it has set aside "seven figures" to invest in the best ideas. And the site received more than 1,000 submissions in the first 72 hours.
But to Barstool CEO Erika Nardini, "Big Brain" is just one example of a larger shift happening at Barstool: the business is expanding into new verticals, and particularly trying to open its arms to women.
The company has had major success with its podcasts, led by "Pardon My Take." These days it has 25 podcasts.
Last year, Barstool added three new podcasts hosted by women: "Chicks in the Office," "Call Her Daddy," and "Schnitt Talk." Nardini touts a slew of female radio hosts the site has brought on recently, including Kayce Smith, Liz Gonzales, Kate Mannion, and Ellie Schnitt.
Barstool's content for women has grown so quickly that in November, it went all in by dividing the site into two main sections: Barstool Sports and Barstool Chicks. Since then, monthly page views to the Chicks section are up 90% and are nearing 2 million, or 25% of the site's 8 million monthly views.
It's happening on the executive side, too. "Our management team is predominantly female," Nardini says. In 2017, former Yahoo and MLB exec Deirdre Lester joined Barstool as its chief revenue officer. Last month, Vice Media CFO Wajeeha Ahmed joined Barstool as its CFO.
Of course, many in the media industry may scoff at the idea of Barstool Sports catering to women.
Nardini has a blunt response when asked about all this history. "We don't care about the people who criticize Barstool," she says.
And the growth speaks for itself. As of Friday, "Call Her Daddy" was ranked No. 12 in all U.S. podcasts on Apple. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,661 | Does anyone have any idea of how many mcgs are absorbed from the 2000mcg sublingual tabs?
Why not just lower the dose? The methyl form can be very strong, but you can cut up a sublingual tablet. The Methyl form is far less expensive than Hydroxy form, and stronger, so I don't see why use the Hydroxy form.
Anyway, as far as dosing MB12, in my own case I just found the dose that was on the edge, a dose that gave me some mild startup/detox symptoms but not too much. Then I have worked up from there. Pacing in the B12 protocol seems to be very important, a graded approach.
how much did you start with. It seems I cold take 1-2 mg over a day when I started but now if I take 250mcg by the second dose of the day I get a lot of numbness and tingling and increased tinnitus.
Is this a reference to the Perque? I know their literature says it has above a 95% uptake. I wonder if anyone out there on the Yasko protocol knows whether patients doing this protocol have found that their test results match this claim. It would be nice to know.
That depends in part on what you mean by absorb. If the pills involved have an absorption rate comparable to the methylb12 tablets I have tested, the absorption could be 15% in the first 45 minutes and a total of 25% in 120 minutes. That could mean 300-500mcg are absorbed into the serum. However, if you mean how much active b12 entered the serum as a result of the serum entered hycbl, that would likely be in the range of 10-30mcg, the probable biological level of conversion to active b12. The bulk of the rest is excreted by the kidneys in 24 -48 hours.
Based on my experience and those others have shared with me the methylb12 is a whole lot more effective for more symptoms for far more people. The methylb12 does contribute a methyl group. The hycbl depletes methylation capacity. It has to take the methyl group from somewhere else to be come a methyl donor. Taking hycbl over as period of a year or two increase 2/3 of b12 deficiency symptoms and decreas about 1/3 of them. Taken with folic acid it makes the methyl depletion much worse. What are often call "detox" symptoms with hycbl are actually b12 deficiency symptoms made worse by hycbl. Just because something is called "detox" doesn't make it so. What is called "glutathione detox" symptoms consist virtually 100% of methylfolate deficiency symptoms along with methylb12 and adenosylb12 deficiency symptoms showing up the longer it goes on. It has nothiong at all to do with detox in any way. Methylb12 does not produce the level of "detox" attributed to it. When paresthesias appear to get worse, I would say that they are actually perceived with more intensity as the nerves start transmitting more signal through the still damaged nerves so one feels them more. The things that kick up the most at first are often the things that improve the fastest and most; mb12 is very predictable like that whereas the same kinds of increase in symptoms with hycbl are frequently actually the symptoms getting worse because of a worsening deficiency becasue of the only partial effectiveness of hycbl. Context is critical in this because the reactions to hycbl are completely different than to mb12 despite apparant similarity. Reaction to hycbl does not predict reaction to mb12. People who have been taking hycbl/cycbl and folic acid typically have far more intense mb12 startup responses. These will get worse the longer you take the hycbl whereas the ones with methylb12 startup fade fairly rapidly over time. In one year with hycbl the socalled "detox" symptoms can be worse than ever and still getting worse whereas with methylb12 they are usually mostly or completely gone.
A separate set of symptoms respond to adb12 whose startup symptoms are usually very short lived and relatively mild.
This can be tested the same way as I tested adb12 and mb12 sublinguals, by testing sublingual absorbtion versus injections via urine colorimetry. Personally I doubt the 95+% uptake claim. I did a urine colorimetry calibration of the injections of 1mg - 25mg in a single SC injection. I compared that to a series of sublingual doses from 5/6mg to 50/51mg for times of 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. 120 minutes of 30mg equaled 45 minutes of 50mg which equaled 7.5mg of injected mb12 or adb12. 120 minutes of 50mg equaled 12.5+mg of injected mb12.
If you get 95% absorbtion the 3 hr urine collection starting with an empty bladder should be strongly colored with an 8mg sublingual dose. Compare it to an injected dose of 7.5mg as well Try it.
Compare it to the various doses of Jarrow 5mg mb12 sublinguals and times which I have already calibrated. Hycbl is a little "redder" and the mb12 is more "magenta" than "red" but that will make no practical difference in urine colorimetry because of the other components affecting coloration. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,662 | Get access to our expert daily market analyses and discover how your currency has been tracking with our exchange rate tools.
1579611600000 1579525200000 1579266000000 1579179600000 1579006800000 Last week recap Last week recap Daily Commentaries
How will the markets react post G7?
With the trade war rhetoric ongoing markets brushing off increased US trade tensions to begin the week with positive risk sentiment, and the USD exhibited broad-based weakness on the earlier sessions, especially against commodity currencies such as the AUD and NZD.
This rhetoric has seen a number of stances, with China saying that they will purchase 70B of US farm goods if the administration drops the 50B in tariffs scheduled to come into effect July 1st and the European Union announced a three-tier plan of its own from tariffs to legal action, and protection of disruptions in its steel marketplace. This is all in retaliation against the US after 25% steel and 10% aluminum tariffs that were put into practice the 1st of June against Canada, Mexico, and the EU. The European duties will be put in place July 1st if an agreement is not reached in time between the US and EU.
The market reaction on currency has been decidedly mixed as other factors come into play such as the ECB announcing the timeline of when QE is done in the EU, the announcement should be stated at the ECB's interest rate settings and policy meeting this week.
The outcome of the G7 meeting in Quebec remains in question heading into this week. Can talking heads come to a definitive settlement on trade and tariffs without turn the global market into turmoil and an all-out trade war? Market participants are asking this question and if the answer is murky, expect some volatility in the currency market.
The CAD began the week losing more than 0.25% after the US employment reports on Friday. As USDCAD climbed all the way to 1.3008, it did manage to recover somewhat and close below 1.2970 in the opening sessions. Uncertainty around NAFTA negotiations and the recent negative performance of Crude continued to put downward pressure on the loonie throughout the week.
The CAD was lifted by reports that US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin has urged President Trump to exempt Canada from the steel and aluminum tariffs and it's these trade talks that will likely continue to drive movements in USD/CAD in the near term, rather than data. Elsewhere, elections in Ontario saw a 15-year Liberal reign comes to an end and a Progressive Conservative majority government was formed lead by Doug Ford. Ford is the brother of the late Rob Ford the Toronto mayor that admitted to smoking crack that gained international attention.
The week ended with G7 leaders meeting on Friday in Quebec and tensions are running high. Comments made by French President Marcon only added to this, where Marcon stated: "if President Trump wants to isolate the US, he would have no problem signing a G6 joint statement".
The euro has rallied over the past week as a coalition was finally formed in Italy and comments from European Central Bank policy maker's added support to the single currency. With markets undecided as to when the ECB would announce the beginning of the end of its Quantitative Easing Program it now seems likely we will get an announcement at Thursday's interest rate meeting. The median consensus is that the ECB will confirm an extension to QE at a reduced rate of between €10-20b a month until the end of the year before ending the emergency measures which have done much to shore up the EZ economy over the past few years. The finer details of the decision will be scrutinised, with a euro rally expected should Mario Draghi confirm this will definitely be the end of QE and not leave the door open for further stimulus in 2019.
We can expect the euro to bolt should Draghi confirm there will be no taper and QE will finish in September, however, this would likely rattle the markets so we should expect an extension of some sort to be confirmed.
The relatively disappointing week for the pound, despite better than expected UK Construction PMI release starting the week off, printing at 52.5 vs. 52.0. The GBP/USD came close to breaking 1.34 on the news. Alas, it couldn't quite make it, and then duly broke down through various support levels, losing close to 100 points on Monday's session.
The war of words on US trade tariffs rumbled on too with Theresa May calling US tariffs "unjustified and deeply disappointing". In other news, May is also set to delay the release of a Brexit white paper until after the EU summit at the end of June. Reports also revealed that the House of Commons will vote on the Brexit bill on 12th June, which gives them the opportunity to discuss 15 separate amendments made by the House of Lords. These headlines were hardly positive for the pound and GBP/USD struggled to recapture any gains for the better part of the week.
To close out the week, Brexit returned to weigh on the pound as UK Prime Minister, Theresa May managed to put together a proposal with regards to a UK/EU customs arrangement that was enough to stop Brexit Secretary David Davis from resigning and possibly cause a leadership contest to be launched. With the Irish border/customs situation continuing to be an unsolvable problem the PM held a meeting with Davis and others and finally communicated that the UK Government "expects" the current customs arrangement to last no longer than December 2021, when the transition period comes to an end. The fudged statement was enough to keep the wolf from the PM's door and appease Brexit hardliners, for now.
Next week will be a busy week for the pound, with a myriad of releases including wage growth, inflation, and retail sales numbers from the UK.
The AUD started the week strongly, surging more than 1% against its US counterpart on the back of some strong domestic data on Monday and an improvement in broader global risk sentiment. The story was largely retail sales driven however the commodity-linked currency also found support on the back of rising copper and gold prices.
Taking a closer look at the impressive retail sales numbers, the seasonally adjusted 0.4% read comfortably surpassed market expectations which were pricing an increase of just 0.3%. The bulk of the increases appear to be linked to abnormally warm weather in the month of April, with spending in restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets outweighing sharp declines in apparel and department store sales. Although many economists are still bearish on whether the recovery can be sustained when underlying conditions such as low wage growth continue to stretch household budgets, the strong rebound is a supportive indicator leading into the weeks GDP release.
Mid-week and as widely expected, the RBA maintained it's current monetary policy stance at the monthly meeting keeping the cash rate on hold at 1.5% for the 20th consecutive meeting. Whilst highlighting that recent Australian data has been largely in line with their forecasts for growth to pick up above 3% in 2018 and 2019, they remain cautious on uncertain areas of the economy, especially consumer spending, low wage growth and inflation. With no substantive changes in tone evident in the post meeting statement, data on unemployment, wages, inflation and the housing market will remain key for the policy outlook in the near term.
The Australian dollar finished the week edging lower through trade as investors sold into Wednesday's rally and the currency underperformed, falling against most major counterparts. Having touched intraday and 6 weeks highs at 0.7675 investors dumped the commodity-driven unit after April's trade balance report missed the mark and exports fell further than anticipated. While the soft read was softened somewhat by an upward revision to March numbers the slowdown suggests the export-led growth enjoyed in Q1 may not be carried through Q2 and will be unlikely to drive improvements in wage growth and inflation expectations anytime soon.
Spurred downwards by positive employment figures out of the US, the Kiwi was the unfortunate recipient of a resurgent Greenback which rose against most currencies at last weeks open.
The Impetus for the drop was a better than expected non-farm payroll report which had a few positive headlines. Both the jobs created and the unemployment rate beat expectations, leading to a strengthening of the USD. Across the Atlantic, the situation in Italy seems to have a resolution in sight, calming markets for the time being and allowing risk appetites to remain healthy and supporting the NZD. With NZD specific news relatively scant throughout the week, the New Zealand dollar traded rangebound, hovering around the 0.7030 level against the USD with second-tier local macroeconomic data failing to surprise markets and continuing to point towards a soft upcoming Q1 GDP read.
NZD/USD did manage to reach monthly highs of 0.7060 towards the back end of the Sydney session mid-week but was unable to preserve these gains with the pair retreating to levels around 0.7030. Movements into this week will largely be determined by sentiment off the back of the G7 meetings, which this year are being held in Quebec. | RedPajamaCommonCrawl | test |
1,004,663 | Hey guys, does anyone know what the CC# is for the shift button on the Kontrol X1? I looked in the controller editor, but it doesn't have a cc# for the shift button so if you guys could help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
Shift and Hotcue buttons can't be mapped because they don't send any midi data, they just act as hardwired modifiers.
the shift layer remains intact, just make sure it's light is lit. you do lose the hotcue button tho.
ok sounds good. Thanks for your help! do you know how to assign two different names to two different kontrol x1's in the controller editor so that they can both be attached at the same time?
Thanks for your help padi! | RedPajamaC4 | test |
1,004,665 | CryptalEX is a localized Cryptocurrency Exchange for the East-European market, that is linked with the CryptalDash Ecosystem. The CryptalDash Ecosystem consists of shared Infrastructure, Technology, Liquidity Pool, Matching Engine, OTC Institutional Trading Desk, Custodian Services and, most important, the (CRD) Exchange Utility Token.
The image below details the CryptalDash Ecosystem and how CryptalEX fits into the picture. | RedPajamaC4 | test |
Subsets and Splits