civilcomments-wilds /
pietrolesci's picture
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8780772 verified
  - config_name: default
      - name: uid
        dtype: int64
      - name: id
        dtype: int64
      - name: comment_text
        dtype: string
      - name: toxicity
              '0': non-toxic
              '1': toxic
      - name: has_active_attrs
        dtype: bool
      - name: active_attrs
        sequence: string
      - name: male
        dtype: int64
      - name: female
        dtype: int64
      - name: LGBTQ
        dtype: int64
      - name: christian
        dtype: int64
      - name: muslim
        dtype: int64
      - name: other_religions
        dtype: int64
      - name: black
        dtype: int64
      - name: white
        dtype: int64
      - name: identity_any
        dtype: int64
      - name: severe_toxicity
        dtype: int64
      - name: obscene
        dtype: int64
      - name: threat
        dtype: int64
      - name: insult
        dtype: int64
      - name: identity_attack
        dtype: int64
      - name: sexual_explicit
        dtype: int64
      - name: train
        num_bytes: 136807710
        num_examples: 267516
      - name: test
        num_bytes: 67509707
        num_examples: 132730
      - name: validation
        num_bytes: 23031837
        num_examples: 45047
    download_size: 114641124
    dataset_size: 227349254
  - config_name: raw
      - name: id
        dtype: int64
      - name: comment_text
        dtype: string
      - name: split
        dtype: string
      - name: created_date
        dtype: string
      - name: publication_id
        dtype: int64
      - name: parent_id
        dtype: float64
      - name: article_id
        dtype: int64
      - name: rating
        dtype: string
      - name: funny
        dtype: int64
      - name: wow
        dtype: int64
      - name: sad
        dtype: int64
      - name: likes
        dtype: int64
      - name: disagree
        dtype: int64
      - name: toxicity
        dtype: float64
      - name: severe_toxicity
        dtype: float64
      - name: obscene
        dtype: float64
      - name: sexual_explicit
        dtype: float64
      - name: identity_attack
        dtype: float64
      - name: insult
        dtype: float64
      - name: threat
        dtype: float64
      - name: male
        dtype: float64
      - name: female
        dtype: float64
      - name: transgender
        dtype: float64
      - name: other_gender
        dtype: float64
      - name: heterosexual
        dtype: float64
      - name: homosexual_gay_or_lesbian
        dtype: float64
      - name: bisexual
        dtype: float64
      - name: other_sexual_orientation
        dtype: float64
      - name: christian
        dtype: float64
      - name: jewish
        dtype: float64
      - name: muslim
        dtype: float64
      - name: hindu
        dtype: float64
      - name: buddhist
        dtype: float64
      - name: atheist
        dtype: float64
      - name: other_religion
        dtype: float64
      - name: black
        dtype: float64
      - name: white
        dtype: float64
      - name: asian
        dtype: float64
      - name: latino
        dtype: float64
      - name: other_race_or_ethnicity
        dtype: float64
      - name: physical_disability
        dtype: float64
      - name: intellectual_or_learning_disability
        dtype: float64
      - name: psychiatric_or_mental_illness
        dtype: float64
      - name: other_disability
        dtype: float64
      - name: identity_annotator_count
        dtype: int64
      - name: toxicity_annotator_count
        dtype: int64
      - name: LGBTQ
        dtype: int64
      - name: other_religions
        dtype: int64
      - name: asian_latino_etc
        dtype: int64
      - name: disability_any
        dtype: int64
      - name: identity_any
        dtype: int64
      - name: num_identities
        dtype: float64
      - name: more_than_one_identity
        dtype: bool
      - name: na_gender
        dtype: int64
      - name: na_orientation
        dtype: int64
      - name: na_religion
        dtype: int64
      - name: na_race
        dtype: int64
      - name: na_disability
        dtype: int64
      - name: train
        num_bytes: 373627048
        num_examples: 448000
    download_size: 137912393
    dataset_size: 373627048
  - config_name: default
      - split: train
        path: data/train-*
      - split: test
        path: data/test-*
      - split: validation
        path: data/validation-*
  - config_name: raw
      - split: train
        path: raw/train-*

This is the CivilComments datasets available in the wilds library library and downloadable from codalab whose file is

# Release notes for CivilComments

## v1.0
Dec 9, 2020: First release.

There are two configurations:

  • default: The processed data (more details below)
  • raw: The raw datasets as downloaded from the link above

The default configuration has been created using the processing function reported in