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I2 Index Fackler, Martin, 385 Fader, Peter, 161 Fahey, Liam, 337 Fanin, Tony, 565 Farley, Jim, 337, 667 Farris, Paul, 502 Favre, Brett, 591 Feder, Barnaby J., 218 Federer, Roger, 53, 324, 634 Feinberg, Fred, 133 Feld, Anthony, 490 Feldman, Mark A., 693 Ferraro, Leslie, 207 Ferrero, Michele, 118 Ferrero, Pietro, 117 Ferrell, Will, 584 Fey, Tina, 303 50 Cent, 316 Fisher, Anne, 464 Fisher, Daniel, 237 Fisher, Kate, 38 Fisher, Matt, 38 Fishman, Charles, 419 Fiske, Neil, 490 Fluhr, Jeff, 477 Fodor Marek, 649 Folse, Judith Anne Garretson, 332 Fonda, Jane, 604 Ford, Henry, 376, 463 Fornell, Claes, 155 Fox, Edward J., 405 Fox, Emily Jane, 54 Freeman, Morgan, 591 Freling, Traci H., 619 Freud, Sigmund, 187 Frommer, Dan, 55 Furguson, John, 117 Gallo, Carmine, 207, 708 Galvin, John, 355 Gamble, James, 354 Garretson, Judith A., 332 Gates, Bill, 116 Gebbia, Joe, 486 George, Kevin, 654 George, William R., 423 Gerdeman, Dina, 410 Gerstner, Louis V., Jr., 685 Gerzema, John, 328 Ghosh, Bikran, 410 Gilbert, Jennifer, 218 Gillette, King C., 634 Ginsberg, Jill Meredith, 103 Gips, James, 556, 580 Gladwell, Malcolm, 182 Glass, Noah, 263 Godes, David, 229 Godin, Seth, 170, 456 Goldenberg, 648 Golder, Peter, 374, 375, 380 Goldfarb, Avi, 107 Golding, Ellie, 581 Goldman, Sharon M., 291 Golemon, Deborah L., 169 Gomes, Lee, 289Gorog, Danny, 55 Goudreau, Jenna, 209 Govindarajan, Vijay, 97 Goyanes, Ily, 614 Graham, Jefferson, 55 Grant, Spencer, 127 Graves, Michael, 561 Green, Cee Lo, 629-630 Green, Paul E., 469 Green, Richard (Sir), 534 Green, Stephen, 293 Greenberg, Jeff, 93 Greene, Jay, 218 Greenfield, Jerry, 47 Gremler, Dwayne D., 427, 441 Grewal, Dhruy, 441 Greyser, Stephen A., 378 Griffin, Abbie, 461 Griner, David, 253 Grisaffe, Douglas B., 619 Grove, Andy, 460 Guarino, Mark, 378 Gupta, Sunil, 161 Gupta, Surajeet Das, 42 Gustafsson, Katarina, 367 Gutchess, Angela H., 133 Guth, Robert A., 117 Ha, Peter, 604 Hackett, James, 62 Hagner, Honus, 634 Hague, Paul, 130 Hamilton, Ryan, 405 Hamm, John, 591 Hamm, Steve, 69 Hanks, Tom, 591 Hanlon, Patrick, 313 Hanna, Jim, 706 Hanson, Randy, 157 Hardie, Bruce, 161 Harrington, Anna, 385 Harris, Elizabeth, 512 Hart, Kevin, 277 Hartman, Cathy L., 103 Hasson, Andrew, 76 Hastings, Reed, 527 Haugtvedt, Curt P., 190, 405 Hauser, John R., 461 Hayashi, Alden M., 169 Haysbert, Dennis, 591 Hed, Niklas, 455 Hein, Kenneth, 293, 562 Heine, Christopher, 319 Helm, Burt, 54, 117 Helsen, Kristiaan, 378 Henley, Jon, 209 Henry, Thierry, 634 Henton, George, 106 Herr, Paul M., 190, 405 Herzberg, Frederick, 187-189 Hetter, Katia, 503 Hilfiger, Tommy, 311 Hill, Sam, 708 Hills, Sarah, 614 Hilton, Paris, 591 Himmelman, Jeff, 512Hirshberg, Gary, 687, 690 Hoch, Stephen J., 405 Hof, Robert D., 545 Hofer-Shall, Zach, 139 Hoffman, Donna L., 649 Hogan, John E., 492 Holahan, Catherine, 512, 655 Holmes, Ryan, 649 Holt, Douglas, 313 Honigman, Daniel B., 136 Horch, August, 175 Horncastle, Andrew, 387 Horovitz, Bruce, 332, 430, 490, 619, 707 Hosaka, Tomoko A., 419 Hovland, Carl, 588 Howard, Theresa, 707 Hsieh, Tony, 431 Hsu, Tiffany, 103 Hsueh, Pei-Yun, 649 Hu, Judy, 237 Hu, Yu “Jeffrey”, 289 Huang, Yanliu, 556 Huba, Jackie, 650 Hudson, Jennifer, 591 Hughes, Cameron, 571 Hui, Sam K., 556 Hunt, Shelby D., 231 Huston, Larry, 354, 461 Hutchinson, J. Wesley, 556 Hymowitz, Carol, 355 Iezzi, Teressa, 144 Iger, Bob, 206 Ihlwan, Moon, 69, 385 Immelt, Jeffrey R., 97, 237 Inman, J. Jeffrey, 556 Iovine, Jimmy, 452 Ishikawa, Kelly, 186 Isidore, Chris, 54, 419 Iwata, Edward, 707 Jackson, Anna-Louise, 490 Jackson, Peter, 130 Jacoby, Jacob, 201 James, Le Bron, 53, 332, 588 Jana, Reena, 54, 97, 496 Janssen, Frank, 176 Jasmand, Claudia, 436 Jaworski, Bernard, 299, 639, 640 Jay-Z, 101-102 Jenkins, Holman Jr., 545 Jeter, Derek, 634 Ji-Sung, Park, 634 Jobs, Steve, 144, 480, 629 John, Leslie, 107 Johnson, Avery, 614 Johnson, Lauren, 618, 633 Johnson, Mark, 146 Johnston, Megan, 689 Jolie, Angelina, 324 Jolly, David, 264, 447 Jones, Chuck, 385 Jones, Jeffrey M., 103 Jones, Reginald, 236De Lollis, Barbara, 144 de Meo, Luca, 176 De Niro, Robert, 303, 591 Depp, Johnny, 591 Derdenger, Timothy P., 410 De Ruyter, Ko, 436 Deshpande, Rohit, 231 De Swann Arons, Marc, 61 Deutschman, Alan, 708 Devanth, Arun, 367 Dichter, Ernest, 187 Dickson, Tom, 646 Diehl, Kristin, 405 Dion, Celine, 591 Di Paola, Anthony, 387 Dishman, Lydia, 461 Disney, Roy, 206 Disney, Walt, 206 Doeble, Justin, 385 Dolan, Matthew, 648 Dolliver, Mark, 103 Donahoe, John, 511 Donnelly, James H., 423 Dorsey, Jack, 263-264 Dotzel, Thomas, 441 Doyle, Patrick, 179 Doyle, Peter, 380 Dr. Dre, 452 Dravid, Rahul, 634 Drexler, Mickey, 314 Drucker, Peter, 27, 61, 77 Drum, Bruce, 513 Drumwright, Minette, 690 du Plesis, Erik, 580 Dube, Laurette, 190 Dubin, Michael, 642 Dudley, Renee, 367 Duenzl, Frank, 123 Duhigg, Charles, 107 Dukes, Anthony, 556 Dwoskin, Elizabeth, 556 Dyson, James (Sir), 457 Eakin, Emily, 131 Eassa, Ashraf, 385 East, Robert, 157 Edgett, Scott J., 460 Edison, Thomas, 236 Edmondson, Gail, 295 Egberts, Jacobs Douwes, 319 Ehrenberg, Andrew, 374 Eisenberg, Anne, 131 Eisert, Rebecca, 176 Elberse, Anita, 289 Elder, Ryan S., 190 Elkind, Peter, 708 Elliot, Stuart, 117, 676 Ellis, Perry, 311 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 704 Epstein, Marc J., 337 Epstein, Zach, 385 Erickson, Gary, 689 Erickson, Mc Cann, 604 Essig, Todd, 133 Etherington, Darrell, 385 Ewers, Justin, 54 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I3Jones, Terril Yue, 480 Jordan, Michael, 52 Kaka, 324 Kamprad, Ingvar, 207-208 Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 44 Kaplan, Allison, 54 Kapner, Suzanne, 367, 387 Karam, Najwa, 605 Kardes, Frank R., 190, 405 Karlgard, Rich, 69 Karp, David, 322 Karpinski, Richard, 55 Kartajaya, Hermawan, 37 Kaskey, Jack, 387 Kasner, Sarah Jeffrey, 127 Kassim, Saleem, 264 Kaufer, Stephen, 171 Kaul, Vivek, 37 Kavilanz, Parija, 565 Kawasaki, Guy, 63 Kay, Brad, 619 Kazykhanov, Yerzhan, 260 Keates, John, 188 Keaveney, Susan M., 440 Keegan, Warren, 255 Keeler, Scott, 170 Keiningham, Timothy L., 157 Keller, Kevin Lane, 231, 337, 350, 399, 601, 604 Kelly, Anne Marie, 378 Kenna, Armorel, 119 Kerr, Simeon, 82 Kessler, Gregor, 417 Keys, Alicia, 591 Khan, Suhail, 157 Khan, Sarmad, 387 Kharif, Olga, 648 Killoran, Ellen, 619 Kim, Jin-Woo, 619 Kim, Ju-Young, 485 Kimes, Mina, 496 Klein, Karen E., 146 Klein, Norman, 378 Kleinschmidt, Elko J., 455 Kneale, Klaus, 119 Knight, Philip, 52 Knutson, Brian, 133 Kobielus, James, 92 Koch, Jim, 664 Kohen, Jack, 546 Konrad, Alex, 619 Kotler, Milton, 357 Kotler, Philip, 37, 46, 357, 462, 591, 704 Kowitt, Beth, 496 Kranhold, Kathryn, 237 Krauss, Michael, 37 Kricfalusi, Elizabeth, 264 Krieger, Mike, 322 Krishna, Aradhna, 189, 190 Kroc, Ray, 353, 433 Kudrow, Lisa, 465 Kuksov, Dimitri, 405 Kumar, Nirmalya, 224, 565 Kumar, V., 139, 229Kumar, Vineet, 410 Kung, Michelle, 618 Kurtzleben, Danielle, 655 Kutcher, Ashton, 264, 368 Labrecque, Lauren, 413 Lady Gaga, 101-102, 264 Lafley, A. G., 461 Lange, Liz, 561 La Pointe, Pat, 141 Lardner, Richard, 291 Lashinsky, Adam, 512, 545 Lavidge, Robert J., 585 Lawrence, Rick, 649 Layne, Rachel, 237 Learmonth, Michael, 619 Lebar, Ed, 328 Le Bras, Anne-Sophie, 319 Leclerc, France, 190 Lee, Bill, 229 Lee, Ka, 161 Lee, Kun-Hee, 385 Leeflang, Peter S. H., 157 Lehmann, Donald R., 161, 337 Lenhart, Amanda, 618 Lenius, Pat, 556 Leonard, Devin, 117, 551 Leondis, Alexis, 503 Leone, Robert P., 229 Letz, Jim, 418 Levinson, Bruce, 291 Levitt, Theodore, 43, 366 Levy, Piet, 127, 139, 591 Levy, Steven, 480 Lim, Phillip, 27 55 Lim Cheok Peng, 448 Lindstrom, Martin, 133 Lippert, Barbara, 54 Little, John, 136 Liu, Yan, 649 Liu, Yunchuan, 556 Livingston, John, 92 Livirie, Andrew, 76 Liyakasa, Kelly, 605 Lloyd, Deborah, 306 Loeb, Walter, 575, 577 Loewenstein, George, 107 Lomax, Wendy, 157 Lopez, Jennifer, 604 Lopez, Maribel, 525 Loveman, Gary, 160 Lowry, Adam, 300 Luckerson, Victor, 264 Lutz, Ashley, 677 Lwin, May, 190 Lyman, Jay, 480 Ma, Jack, 537 Mac Farlane, Seth, 199 Macleod, Calum, 367 Mac Millan, Douglas, 512 Madden, Normandy, 293 Maddox, Kate, 218 Madrigal, Demetrius, 127 Maheshwari, Sapna, 677 Malcolm, Hadley, 525Malcolm, Robert, 61 Maloney, John C., 588 Malydhina, Elena, 207 Manjoo, Frahad, 139 Manning, Peyton, 28 Mantle, Mickey, 634 Markides, Constantinos C., 97 Marohn, Kirsti, 401 Martin, Andrew, 103, 354 Martin, Hugo, 207 Marwaha, Sam, 92 Maschmeyer, Erika, 677 Maslow, Abraham, 187-188 Massarella, Linda, 591 Mateschitz, Dietrich, 603 Matthews, Jay, 131 Mattil, James, 152 Mauldin, William, 367 Mayer, John, 479 Mc Afee, Andrew, 92 Mc Arthur, Rachel, 605 Mc Bride, Jill Z., 177 Mc Cartney, Scott, 82 Mc Clain, Bryan, 127 Mc Connell, Ben, 650 Mc Conville, Patti, 65 Mc Donald, Malcolm, 668 Mc Gregor, Jena, 69, 436, 577 Mc Loughlin, Keith, 81, 376 Mc Mains, Andrew, 319 Mc Neilly, Mark, 378 Melby, Caleb, 401 Meliksetian, Steve, 649 Melville, Prem, 649 Menchaca, Lionel, 649 Menesguen, Marc, 265 Menon, Geeta, 190 Messina, Chris, 263 Michael, Brandtner, 417 Michelson, Marcel, 447 Miller, Claire Cain, 55 Miller, James P., 614 Milne, George R., 413 Minato, Charlie, 614 Ming, Yao, 252 Mintz, Jessica, 169 Miyake, Issey, 633 Mizrahi, Isaac, 561 Mnookin, Seth, 264 Moe, Wendy W., 139, 649 Moldovan, Sarit, 648 Mollenkamp, Carrick, 293 Moorman, Christine, 231 Morais, Richard C., 265 Moran, Ursula, 518 Morgan, Neil A., 157 Morgan, Robert M., 231 Moriarty, Dr. Rowland T., 518, 529 Morita, Akio, 63, 361 Morrin, Maureen, 190 Morrison, Scott, 144 Moses, Lucia, 591, 619 Moss, Gloria, 562 Moss, Kate, 534 Moth, David, 551Mouawad, Jad, 82 Much, Marilyn, 551 Mui, Chunka, 430 Müller-Elsner, Heiner, 176 Mullman, Jeremy, 54, 635 Mundy, Alicia, 614 Muniz, Albert M., 167 Murphy, Patrick, 690 Murray, Paul, 136 Mycoskie, Blake, 694 Myser, Michael, 464 Nadal, Rafael, 53 Nagle, Thomas T., 492 Narus, James A., 224, 284, 565, 567 Nassetta, Chris, 426 Natter, Martin, 485 Needleman, Sarah, 146 Neff, Jack, 265, 355, 565, 635, 655, 668 Nelson, Willie, 32 Netemeyer, Richard G., 332 Newman, Andrew Adam, 654 Newman, Paul, 690 Nicholson, Kate, 293 Nobel, Carmen, 133 Norris, Floyd, 481 Nudd, Tim, 42, 591 Nussbaum, Bruce, 144 O, Karen, 32 O'Connell, Andrew, 580 O'Connell, John F., 82 O'Connell, Patricia, 385 O'Donnell, Kevin, 378 O'Leary, Michael, 483 O'Leary, Noreen, 556, 619 Obama, Barack, 26, 182, 264, 657 Obama, Michelle, 323, 688 Olanoff, Drew, 264 Olson, Jerry C., 131 Ono, Yoko, 45 Orr, Deborah, 293 Ortega, Amancio, 574 Osbourne, Ozzy, 591 Osgood, Charles, 590 Ostrow, Adam, 649 Ottman, Jacquelyn A., 103 Owen-Jones, Sir Lindsay, 264-265 Packard, David, 42 Page, Larry, 54 Palmisano, Samuel, 69 Parasuraman, A., 441-442 Parekh, Rupal, 295, 332, 591 Parish, Janet, 441 Parker, Andrew, 82 Parker, George, 545 Parsons, Jay, 480 Pattison, Kermit, 654 Pauwels, Koen, 337, 485, 689 Peace, Natalie, 464 Peck, Joann, 189, 190 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I4 Index Strong, E. K., 585 Stuart, Jennifer Ames, 161 Stuart, John, 338 Suher, Jacob A., 556 Sullivan, Elizabeth, 169, 413, 430 Sullivan, Mark, 107 Sunstein, Cass, 199 Sutton, Robert I., 464 Swartz, Jon, 146 Swift, Taylor, 591 Swinney, Robert, 367 Systrom, Kevin, 322 Tannenbaum, Percy, 590 Tan See Leng, 448 Tarren, Brian, 562 Taylor, Catherine P., 55 Taylor, Chris, 144, 545 Taylor, David, 358 Taylor, Katie, 244 Tellis, Gerald, 374-375, 380 Thaler, Richard, 199, 204 Thibodeau, Michael, 313 Thomaselli, Rich, 635 Thompson, Clive, 512 Thompson, Craig, 313 Tijs, Marlene, 157 Timberlake, Cotton, 490 Timberlake, Justin, 591 Tiplady, Rachel, 575 Tischler, Linda, 127, 464 Tomlinson, Richard, 265 Topolsky, Joshue, 107 Townsend, Matt, 367, 551 Toyoda, Akio, 418 Trainer, David, 481 Tran, David, 368 Treece, James B., 419 Tregaskis, Sharon, 76 Trigano, Gilbert, 446 Trimble, Chris, 97 Tripodi, Joe, 42 Tripplaar, Kristoffer, 95 Troianovski, Anton, 291 Troplowitz, Oscar, 416 Trout, Jack, 348 Trump, Donald, 591 Trusov, Michael, 648 Tsai, Ming, 582 Tsuga, Kazuhiro, 59 Tucker, Catherine, 107 Tuna, Cari, 436 Twentyman, Jessica, 92 Tybout, Alice M., 378 Underhill, Paco, 562 Urban, Glen L., 231, 512 Valentino-Devries, Jennifer, 169 Van, Lindsey, 138-139 Vance, Ashlee, 92, 485 Van Den Driest, Frank, 61 van Doorn, Jenny, 157 Van Heerde, Harald, 378 Vanheule, Marc, 337Shambora, Jessica, 689 Shankar, Venkatesh, 441, 556 Shapiro, Benson P., 284, 404 Sharapova, Maria, 53 Shastri, Ravi, 175 Shatner, William, 591 Shaughnessy, Haydn, 385 Sheehan, Daniel, 556 Sheft-Ason, Jessica, 575 Shell, Ellen Ruppel, 209 Shervani, Tasadduq A., 337 Sheth, Jagdish N., 48, 686 Shroeck, Michael, 436 Siegle, Lucy, 367 Siklosc, Richard, 207 Silverman, Rachel Emma, 146 Silverstein, Barry, 556 Silverstein, Michael J., 490 Simon, Michael, 422 Sindhwani, Vikas, 649 Sinfield, Joe, 146 Singer, Natasha, 107 Singer-Vine, Jeremy, 169 Sisodia, Rajendra, 48, 686 Skinner, Jim, 353 Smart, Tim, 54 Smith, Adam, 151 Smith, David J., 96 Smith, Fred, 63 Smith, Michael D., 289 Smith, Paul, 633 Smith, Paul Reed, 368 Smith, Shaun, 177 Smith, Walker, 490 Snow, Biz, 263 Soat, Molly, 618 Sofuoglu, Kenan, 634 Solomon, Deborah, 545 Soma, Martin, 44 Sonne, Paul, 551 Sorenson, Lauren, 136 Spade, Andy, 306 Spade, Kate, 306 Spangenberg, Eric R., 190 Spann, Martin, 485 Srinivasan, Shuba, 337 Srivastava, Rajendra K., 337 Stafford, Edwin R., 103 Standish, Jeff, 666 Stanger, Melissa, 413 Starozhylov, Vladyslav, 195 Steel, Emily, 263 Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E. M., 130, 565 Stefani, Gwen, 561 Steiner, Gary A., 585 Stemberg, Tom, 123 Stengel, Jim, 37 Stern, Howard, 591 Sternberg, Brian, 133 Stewart, Thomas A., 237 Stock, Kyle, 367 Story, Louise, 635 Stråberg, Hans, 376 Strauss, Gary, 676 Strom, Stephanie, 401, 689Reichheld, Fred, 157, 166 Reid, Nicholas J., 166 Rein, Irving, 591 Revson, Charles, 29 Rhey, Erik, 76 Rice, Sbriya, 490 Richard Eu, 342 Richtel, Matt, 577 Ries, Al, 348 Rifkin, Glenn, 708 Ringer, Randall, 313 Ritchie, Robin J. B., 614 Rizvi, Muzaffar, 513 Roberts, Andrew, 265, 367, 496 Robinson, Patrick J., 220 Rodriguez, Salvador, 593 Roehm, Michelle L., 378 Rogers, Everett, 476, 477, 585 Rogers, Martha, 290 Romaniuk, Jenni, 157 Romanzi, Ken, 582 Ronaldo, Christiano, 324 Rook, Dennis, 127 Rooney, Jennifer, 61, 69 Rose, Lacey, 332 Rosenblum, Paula, 577 Rosenfeld, Irene, 363 Rossiter, John, 587 Rothenberg, Randall, 655 Roy, Debasish, 176 Ryan, Eric, 300 Sachs, Marylee, 61 Sagolla, Dom, 264 Sakkab, Nabil, 461 Samuel, Josh, 337 Sandberg, Sheryl, 270 Sanders, Lisa, 136 Sanderude, Scott, 666 Sanserino, Michael, 436 Santana, Carlos, 368 Sastry, Asheesh, 387 Saulnier, Beth, 648 Sawhney, Mohanbir, 69 Schau, Hope Jensen, 167 Schindler, Fred, 668 Schlegel, Erich, 132 Schlosser, Julie, 55 Schmitt, Bernd H., 190, 425 Schnaars, Steven, 374 Schobelt, Frauke, 417 Schonfeld, Erick, 289, 545 Schueller, Eugene, 264, 604 Schultz, E. J., 676 Schultz, Howard, 706, 707 Schweidel, David A., 139, 649 Scoller, Martin, 591 Scorsese, Martin, 591 Scott, Mark, 264 Scott, Ridley, 619 Searls, Doc, 107 Seiders, Kathleen, 441 Seitz, Patrick, 545 Serwer, Andy, 708 Setiawan, Iwan, 37 Shaich, Ron, 422Pennings, Joost M. E., 556 Pepitone, Julianne, 264 Peppers, Don, 290 Percy, Larry, 587 Perez, Florentine, 324 Perlich, Claudia, 649 Perry, Katy, 264, 368 Perry, Matthew, 465 Peters, Tom, 28 Petersen, J. Andrew, 229 Peterson, Steve, 551 Peterson, Tim, 291 Petrecca, Laura, 655 Petty, Richard, 202 Pfanner, Eric, 264 Pforzheimer, Harry, 145 Philips, Anton, 319 Philips, Gerard, 319 Pickens, T. Boone, 92 Pierce, Andrew, 378 Piette, Daniel, 575 Pimsleur, Julia, 447 Pinto, Vivea Susan, 42 Plank, Kevin, 358 Plungis, Jeff, 503 Pmidayar, Pierre, 511 Podmolik, Mary Ellen, 236 Poggi, Jeanine, 551 Poirier, Ségolène, 253 Polk, Thad A., 133 Polman, Paul, 25 Pomerantz, Dorothy, 207, 332 Porter, Michael, 58, 74, 285, 304 Postlewaite, Susan, 253 Postrel, Virginia, 397 Potter, Dave, 668 Powell, Ken, 381 Poynor, Cait, 405 Prahalad, C. K., 97 Prefontaine, Steve, 52 Presley, Elvis, 101 Procter, William, 354 Proulx, Tom, 145 Pujals, Fernandez, 366 Purvis, Scott C., 612 Quelch, Johm, 385 Quenqua, Douglas, 293 Raghubir, Priya, 190 Rai, Aishwarya, 604 Rampell, Catherine, 496 Ramsey, Mike, 419 Ramstad, Evan, 385 Randall, Kevin, 133 Rapaille, Clotaire, 187 Rapoza, Kenneth, 82 Rashid, Karim, 300 Raux, Caroline, 575 Raymond, Roy, 677 Rayport, Jeffrey, 299, 639, 640 Redden, Joseph P., 405 Reed, Americus, 127 Reed, Dan, 430 Rego, Lopo Leotte, 157 Reibstein, David, 140, 502 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I5ALDI, 560 Aldi, 260, 383, 495-496, 552, 555, 565 Alexander Mc Queen, 551 Alexia All Natural Foods, 321 Alibaba, 537 Allegiant Air, 288 Allen-Bradley Corporation, 458 ALLEVYN Life, 126 Allied Van Lines, 425 Allstate, 332, 425, 433, 541, 664 All Transport World, 513 Ally Bank, 311, 365, 524 Ally Financial, 311 Alpo, 327, 406 Alternative Distribution Alliance, 75 Alternative Trading Organizations, 33 Altoids, 412 Amazon. com, 26, 41, 60-61, 75-76, 92, 94, 151, 154, 156-157, 172, 199, 254, 289, 297, 325, 327-328, 331, 373, 428, 431, 433, 502, 508, 511, 517, 523, 525, 527, 536, 544-545, 552, 554-555, 568, 576, 590, 664 Amazon MP3, 545 Amazon Prime, 545 Amazon Video On Demand, 545 Amazon Web Services, 545 Amazon Widgets, 545 Am Bev, 244 AMD, 327, 364, 509 American Airlines (AA), 124-129, 132, 136, 280, 327, 692 American Apparel, 63 American Automobile Association, 324 American Beauty, 565 American Cancer Society, 695 American Eagle, 275 American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 107 American Express, 26, 68, 155, 157, 303, 330, 436, 440, 539, 591, 627, 692 American Express Blue Card, 343, 490 American Express Financial Advisors, 68 American General Indemnity Co., 68 American General Property Insurance Co., 68 American Girl, 313 American Heart Association Go Red for Women, 693, 694 American Idol, 627 American International Group, 68 American Marketing Association, 27, 121, 201, 322, 423, 440, 442, 599Acushnet, 259 Acxion, 107 Ad Council, 614 Addison Group, 600 Ad Exchanger, 605 Adidas, 53, 246, 324, 327, 358, 617, 689 ADM, 301 Administrative Accounting Group, 235 Adobe, 485 Adobe Acrobat, 343 Adobe Reader, 485 Adobe Systems, 230 Ad Sense, 54 Adventures of Curious George, 67 Advertising Age, 54, 55, 61, 136, 144, 146, 218, 253, 265, 293, 295, 332, 354, 355, 480, 512, 551, 565, 591, 613, 619, 635, 649, 655, 668, 676 Advil, 327 Adweek, 42, 207, 253, 291, 293, 54, 55, 319, 551, 556, 591, 619, 642, 676 Ad Words, 54 AEG, 80, 81, 376 Aegis Group, 359 Aéropostale, 525, 558 Aetna, 35 Affiliated Computer Services (ACS), 359 AFLAC, 332, 611 Ahold, 222, 532 AIG, 378 Air Arabia Annual Report 2012, 512 Air Arabia Group's, 513 Air Arabia PJSC, 513 Air Arabia, 512 Airbedandbreakfast. com, 486 Airblade, Dyson, 457 Airbnb, 486 Airbus, 81, 229, 361 Airbus A320 jets, 512 Airbus A380, 81 Airflow, Chrysler, 418 Air Force 1, Nike, 407 Air France-KLM, 503 Air Jordan, 52 Airline Business Award, 513 Air Multiplier, Dyson, 457 Air New Zealand, 75 Air Salvage International, 201 Air Transport World, 81 Airtricity, 102 AKQA, 581, 600 Akzo Nobel, 224, 281 Aladdin, 206 Alamo, 288 Alaska Airlines, 75 Alaska Airways, 155 Albert Heijn, 496 Alcoa, 34Wohl, Jessica, 354 Wolcott, Robert C., 69 Wolf, Michael, 545 Wolfe, David B., 686 Wolman, David, 264 Womack, Brian, 654 Woodburn, Diana, 668 Woods, Tiger, 53, 236, 335, 591, 634 Woolhouse, Megan, 556 Worstall, Tim, 385 Wouters, Marc, 224 Wu, Michelle, 689 Wynstra, Finn, 224 Yalch, Richard F., 190 Yanai, Tadashi, 314 Yang, Dori Jones, 707 Yapalater, Lauren, 591 Yoon, Carolyn, 133 Yorkston, Eric, 190 Yoshida, Tatsuo, 418 Young, Andrew, 452 Young, Scott H., 556 Yuvraj Singh, 176 Zale, Joseph, 492 Zaltman, Gerald, 131, 231 Zaltman, Lindsay, 131 Zarantonello, Lia, 425 Zeithaml, Valarie A., 423, 427, 441-442 Zellner, Wendy, 708 Zetsche, Dieter, 345, 360 Zidane, Zinedine, 324 Zillmer, John, 233 Zimmerman, Ann, 577 Zimmerman, Eilene, 654 Zimmerman, Martin, 419 Zmuda, Natalie, 61, 591, 633 Zook, Chris, 54 Zuckerberg, Mark, 653 Zyman, Sergio, 176 Company, Brand, and Organization AB Lux, 80 ABB, 211, 226 ABC, 68, 206, 580 Abercrombie & Fitch, 362, 487 Absolut, 327, 412, 491 Accenture, 235-236, 310, 361, 685 Accord, 345 Ace Hardware, 433, 436, 553 Acer, 499 Acosta, 222 A. C. Nielsen Company, 94, 180, 531 ACS index of customer satisfaction, 550 Actonel, 461 Acura, 406van Ittersum, Koert, 556 van Rossum, Wouter, 224 Vara, Vauhini, 481 Vella, Matt, 354, 480 Venables, Paul, 619 Venkatswamy, Govindappa, 97 Vergara, Sofia, 195 Via, Greg, 634 Villas-Boas, J. Miguel, 405 Vine, Stella, 534 Vines, Richard, 253 Vitharana, Padmal, 410 Vranica, Suzanne, 117, 332, 642 Vuitton, Louis, 317 Wachman, Richard, 708 Wagner, Peter, 290 Wahlberg, Mark, 199 Walker, Andrew H., 104 Walker, Joseph, 436 Walter, Travis, 117 Walton, Sam, 433 Wan, Echo Wen, 436 Wanamaker, John, 594 Wansink, Brian, 556 Warhol, Andy, 89 Washkewicz, Don, 498 Wasserman, Todd, 136 Wasson, Chester R., 380 Watmore, Ian, 235 Watts, Duncan, 648 Webber, Liz, 689 Weber, John A., 380 Webster, Frederick E. Jr., 211, 216 Wee, Heesun, 264 Weed, Keith, 25 Weijters, Bert, 130 Weil, Gilles, 265 Weiss, Allen, 485 Welburn, Ed, 397 Welch, David, 332 Welch, Jack, 236, 368, 685 Wells, Melanie, 708 Weng, Vivien, 642 West, Elizabeth, 545 West, Jim, 201 Westbrook, Robert A., 337 Westlund, Richard, 556, 642 Wexner, Leslie, 368, 558, 677 White, Shaun, 101 Whitman, Meg, 56-57, 511 Wierenga, Berend, 161 Wilbur, Kenneth C., 580 will. i. am, 591 Williams, Evan, 263 Williams, Jennifer, 131 Williams, Stephen, 295 Wilson, Chip, 361 Wilson, Doug, 77 Wind, Yoram, 211, 216, 469 Winer, Russell S., 488 Winfrey, Oprah, 28, 334, 591 Wingfield, Nick, 55, 480 Winter, Caroline, 605 Wintour, Anna, 323 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I6 Index Blockbuster, 26, 327 Blogger, 54, 485 Bloomberg, 66, 387 Bloomberg Businessweek, 92, 265, 332, 367, 485, 496, 503, 515, 648 Bloomberg. com, 253, 295, 367, 490, 551 Bloomingdale's, 274, 517, 552-553, 559, 561 Blue Cross and Blue Shield, 156, 324, 359 Bluefin Labs, 134 Blue Ribbon Sports, 52 Blue State Digital, 600 Bluetooth, 451 BMW, 26, 60, 69, 94, 170, 175, 242, 294-295, 303-304, 332-333, 393, 406, 432, 462, 491, 686 BMW. com, 295 BMW Mini, 167 BN Branding, 117 Bobbi Brown, 541 Body Shop, The, 38, 242, 552, 563, 604, 690 Boeing, 81, 229, 361, 397, 483 Boeing 769, 138 Boeing 777, 81 Boeing 809 Dreamliner, 187-188 Bold detergent, 402 Bon Appetit, 615 Boost Mobile, 365 Booz & Company, 382, 387 Booz Allen Hamilton, 529 Borat, 260 Borden, 574 Borders, 104, 555 Bosch, 376 Bosch-Siemens, 80 Boston Beer, 664 Boston Consulting Group, 35, 246-247 Boston Globe, 127, 133, 556, 635 Bounty Basic, 273, 405 Bounty paper towels, 309 Bounty, 383, 402, 490, 607 Bowflex, 523 Bowmar, 374 Box, 314, 454 BP, 336, 363, 378, 628 Brahma, 488 Brainwave, 119 Brambles, 376 Brand Asset® Consulting, 326 Brand Bubble, The, 328 Brandchannel, 319, 556 Branding Strategy Insider, 490 Brandkeys. com, 154 Brand Union, 600 Brandweek, 103, 136, 293, 562 Braun, 396 Brazilian soccer team, 53 Brides magazine, 272 Brim, 379BASF, 386 Baskin-Robbins, 462 B. A. S. S., 626 Bass Pro Shops, 424, 561-562 Bates CHI & Partners, 600 Batman, 70 Bausche & Lombe, 327 Baxter Healthcare, 395, 503 Bayer, 239, 392 Bayer AG, 33 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, 294 Bazaarvoice, 172 BB&T Corp., 627 BBDO, 601 BBVA, 324 BCG's Growth-Share Matrix, 64 Beanie Babies, 628 Beatles, The, 101 Beats by Dr. Dre, 452, 692 Beauty and the Beast, 206 Becton, Dickinson and Company, 685 Beetle, 592 Beiersdorf, 416, 628 Beijing Automotive, 239 Bella Sugar, 643 Ben & Jerry's, 25, 47, 628, 679 Benetton, 242, 532, 559, 563 BENGAY aspirin, 325 Beo Lab 8000 speakers, 397 Berkshire Hathaway, 608 Best Airline, 158 Best Buy, 60, 136, 171-172, 222, 359, 407, 415, 463, 480, 517, 525-526, 532, 576-577, 686 Best European Airline, 158 Best Frequent Flyer Program, 158 Best Short Haul Carrier, 158 Best Western, 171, 250 Betavine, 75 BETC, 632 Better Business Bureau (BBB), 506 Betty Crocker, 332 Beverage World, 556 BGR. org, 385 Bic, 349-350 Big Bang Theory, The, 618 Big Idea Group, 458 Big Mac, 353 Bijan, 560 Bill Me Later, 511 Bing, 117, 173, 331 Bisquick, 344 Bit Torrent, 327 Bizrate. com, 94, 168 Biz Times, 177 Black Berry, 327, 591 Black & Decker, 348 Blank Label. com, 462 Bledina, 255 Blend Images, 181 Blendtec, 646Aston Martin, 63, 617 AT&T, 319 A. T. Cross, 415 Atlanda MGB, 165 Atlantic, 209 Atra, 634 AT&T, 58, 74, 122, 139, 144, 218, 365, 408, 436, 480, 506, 592, 689 Attensity, 123 @Walmart Labs, 520 Auchan, 526 Audi, 139, 175-176, 196, 348, 408, 581, 617, 627 Audi A1, 175 Audi A3, 175 Audi A3 e-tron, 175 Audi A4, 175 Audi A6, 581 Audi Le Mans, 175 Audi NSU Auto Union AG, 175 Audi Q1, 175 Audi Q7, 175 Audi Q8, 175 Audi R8, 175 Audi 100 quattro, 175 Audio cassette, 319 Aunt Jemima, 348 Aurolab, 97 Australian School of Business, 525 Autobytel. com, 552 Automatic Crash Response System, On Star, 451 Automobile Association, 299 Automotive News, 419 Auto Nation, 536 Autotrader, 327 Auto Union, 175 Avalon, 261 Avastin, 259 Avaya, 228 Aveda, 287, 313, 491 Aviation Business Awards, 513 Avis, 154, 288, 332, 364, 535 Avis Budget Group, 373 Avon, 273, 523, 532, 552, 595, 664, 669, 695 Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, 693 AXE, 132, 192, 328, 618, 654-655 Bain, 157 Balance bars, 299 Bambi, 206 Bang & Olufsen, 60, 397 Bank of America, 40, 75, 92, 144, 298, 327, 362, 378, 650, 689, 692 Bank of America Mortgage, 72 Bank Marketing, 293 Banquet, 495 Barbie, 559 Barnes & Noble, 26, 268 Barnum's Animal Crackers, 694American Red Cross, 695 American Society for Quality, 156 American University in Cairo, 264 America Online (AOL), 116, 327, 643 America's Intelligence Wire, 54 Ameriprise Financial, 68 Amtrak, 286, 443 Amway, 552, 664 Amy's Kitchen, 172 Anchorman, 584 Andersen Consulting, 235 Android, 54, 254, 453 Angie's List, 71, 172, 199, 429 Angry Birds, 454-455 Anheuser-Busch, 113, 251, 346, 603 Annie's Home Grown, 689 Anomaly advertising, 332 AOL. See America Online Apollo Hospital, 448 Apollo Tyres, 248 Apple, 27, 31, 32, 41, 54, 60, 71, 76, 104, 117, 121, 144, 154, 156-157, 165, 193, 196, 300, 313, 327-328, 330, 339, 348, 363, 366, 374, 385, 394, 397, 410, 462-463, 479-480, 491, 507, 516, 519, 523, 526, 545, 568, 576, 618-619, 628, 643, 692 Apple App Store, 455 Apple Developer, 519 Apple Jacks, 618 Apple Store, 526 Apprentice, The, 264 Appstore, 254 Aquafina, 298, 365, 401 Aquasana, 123 Arab Spring, 512 ARAMARK, 233 ARAMCO, 386 Ariat, 365 Ariba, 456, 502 Armani, 383, 398, 487 Armani Exchange, 383, 398 Armani Jeans, 383, 398 Arm & Hammer, 103, 361 Armstrong World Industries, 452 Arnell Group, 414 Arnold Worldwide, 582 Arrow Electronics, 567 Arstechnica. com, 485 Arthur Andersen, 235 Arvind Eye Care System, 97 Associated Press, 67, 102, 125, 146, 169, 173, 192, 200, 210, 232, 241, 257, 419, 654 Association of National Advertisers, 141 Association of Surfing Professionals World Tour, 335 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I7Club Green Kids, 166 Club Med, 60, 446-447, 642 CMO. com, 61, 676 CNBC. com, 264 CNN, 185, 490, 575 CNN Money, 54, 264, 419 Coach, 400, 517, 526, 555 Coca-Cola, 41-42, 94 170, 192, 240, 245, 249, 253, 256-257, 261-262, 286, 290, 298-299, 316, 323, 339-340, 365-366, 373, 401, 412, 455, 506, 508, 516, 535, 543, 552, 559, 603, 609, 627, 645, 651, 662, 685, 688-689, 695, 707 Coca-Cola Freestyle, 170 Coconut Delight Oreo Fudge Cremes, 452 Cohenwolfe. com, 103 Cohn & Wolfe, 600 Coinstar, 527 Coke. See Coca-Cola Colgate, 140, 271, 601, 609 Colgate Junior, 290 Colgate-Palmolive, 247, 272, 290 College of Saint Benedict in Minnesota, 401 Colonial Sugar Refinery, 409 Color-wheel-pro. com, 413 Columbia, 411 Columbia University, 161 Columbia/HCA, 503 Comcast, 297, 429-430, 443, 643 Comedy Central, 272 Comet, 383 Comforel, 89 Comfort Inn, 390 Commerce Bank, 686 Communications Strategy, 117 Compact disc (CD), 319 Compaq, 72, 196 Comp USA, 555 com Score, 639 com Score. com, 55 Comverse, 444 Con Agra Foods, 93, 126, 311, 366, 495, 574, 689 Condé Nast Traveller Award, 158 Con Expo, 590 Conference Board, 114 Congress, United States, 105, 133 CONMED, 569 Conservation International (CI), 706 Consol Energy, 214 Constellation Brands, 281, 406 Consumer & Market Knowledge Department (CMK), 122 Consumer Reports, 199, 484 Consumer Review. com, 94 Container Store, 686 Continental Airlines, 66-67, 278Charles Schwab, 156, 432, 590 Charmin, 402 Charmin Basic, 273, 405 Chase Home Mortgage, 72 Chase, 436 Cheer detergent, 362, 392, 402 Cheerios, 151, 310 Cheetos, 137 Chelada, 113 Chelsea FC, 175 Chengdu, 246 Chevrolet, 182, 196, 304, 336, 347, 397, 418, 648 Chibuku, 251 Chicago Marathon, 236 Chicago Tribune, 614 Chicken of the Sea, 165 Chico's, 648 Chik shampoo, 257 Chik-fil-A, 378 Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, 131 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 291 Children's Place, The, 517 Chili's, 443 Chipotle, 32-33, 422 Chinese Travel Industry Award, 158 Chongqing, 246 Christian Dior, 259, 543 Christian Science Monitor, 378, 430 Chrysler, 222, 418, 452, 495, 584, 591, 609 Chubb, 345 CIA World Factbook, 90 Cinderella, 206 Cineview, 64-65, 67-68 Cinnabon, 241 Circle K, 528, 552 Circuit City, 74, 341, 480, 555 Cirque Club, 437 Cirque du Soleil, 437 Cisco Internet of Things Grand Challenge, 462-463 Cisco I-Prize, 462-463 Cisco Systems Inc., 100, 211, 228, 233, 250. 462-463, 496, 568, 630 Citi, 332 Citibank, 268, 434, 592 Citi Bikes, 592 Citi Platinum Select AAdvantage Visa Signature card, 410 Citizens Bank, 536 Clairol, 256 Claritas. com, 270 Clamato, 113 Classic Coke, 323 Cleveland Clinic, 524 CLIF Bar, 689 Climate Counts, 687 Clinique, 154, 287, 541 Clorox, 140, 156, 272, 278 Clorox Green Works, 103, 690Cafe Mom, 644 Cafe Press, 199, 394 California Milk Processor Board, 610 Callaway, 525 Call of Duty, 154 Calvin Klein, 399, 543 Camay soap, 402 Campaign, 293 Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, 291 Campbell Hausfeld, 136 Campbell's Go! Soup, 89 Campbell Soup, 88-89, 185, 255, 280, 340, 344, 373, 377, 535 Camper, 327 Camry, 253, 343, 345, 418 Cannes Film Festival, 399 Canon, 311, 365, 684 Captain Morgan, 332 Car2Go, 486 Carbon filament lamps, 319 Cardinal Health, 224 Carelinx, 438 Cargill, 689 Caribou Coffee, 354 Carl Benz, 175 Car Max, 312, 686 Carnation, 451 Carnival Cruises, 423-424 Carnival Triumph, 424 Carrefour, 222, 246, 260, 532-533, 552 Carrier, 62, 345 Carrier IQ, 107 Carson Products, 265 Carspace. com, 39 Cartier, 398 Case, 152 Casino, 526 Caster & Pollux, 689 Castle Lager, 251 Caterpillar (CAT), 60, 63, 144, 151-153, 211, 219, 236, 444, 499, 531, 686 Cavin Kare, 257 C-Bons, 416 CBS, 545, 580 C-Class, Mercedes, 404, 406, 490 CDW, 660 Celebrity Big Brother, 611 Cell processor, 69 Cemex, 221, 248, 395 Census Bureau, 211 Centre for Aviation (CAPA), 82 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 695 Century 43, 327, 382, 618 Chain Store Age, 577 Champions Tour, 634 Chanel, 323, 367 Chanel No. 27, 301 Chang Soda, 616 Chapman Kelly, 227Brisk iced tea, 346 Brita, 123 British Airways, 158, 168-170, 503, 707 British Telecom, 307 Brooks & Dunn, 626 Brookstone, 559 BROTHER, 558 Brown University, 401 BT Cellnet, 307 Bto B, 236 Bucyrus International, 152 Bud Light, 113 Bud Light Platinum, 591 Budweiser, 113, 251, 346, 348, 591 Budweiser Black Crown, 348 Bueno, 118 Bugaboo, 99 Build-A-Bear Workshop, 165, 695 Bulgari, 399 Burberry, 185, 246, 312, 322, 367, 394, 555 Bureau of Industry and Security, 249 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 180, 421 Burger King, 250, 303, 327, 535, 562 Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, 224 Burson-Marsteller, 590, 600 Burton, 335 Burt's Bees, 103, 654 Busch Bavarian, 346 Business Horizons, 565 Business Insider, 264, 405, 413, 577, 614, 655, 677 Business News, 430 Business Standard, 42, 513 Business 2. 0, 464, 545, 707 Business Traveler Awards, 158 Business Week, 54, 69, 82, 97, 144, 146, 207, 209, 218, 227, 237, 295, 354, 355, 385, 419, 436, 480, 503, 512, 526, 545, 562, 575, 577, 604, 635, 654, 655, 708 Butterball Turkey, 429 Butterball University, 429 Buy. com, 536 Buzz, KLM, 497 Buzzfeed. com, 591 Bzz Agent, 40, 647 Bzz Scapes, 647 Cabela's, 171 Cabletelevision Advertising Bureau, 279 Cacao beans, 117 Cadbury, 75-76, 118, 348, 358, 363, 413 Cadillac, 98, 239, 301, 304, 341 Caesars Entertainment, 160 Caesars Palace, 160 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I8 Index Dunnhumby, 647, 662-663 Du Pont, 66, 89, 131, 211, 226, 411, 649, 689 Du Pont Tyvek, 107 Du Pont's Performance Materials group, 107 Duracell, 591, 607 Dutch group DSM, 386 Dutch Lyondell Basell, 386 Dw-world. de, 496 Dyson, 99 E*TRADE, 41, 107, 156, 383, 495, 524 Eagle Snacks, 380 Eaton, 382 Eaton Corp., 223 e Bay, 60-61, 254, 289, 291, 330, 488, 502, 511, 512, 525, 536, 571, 616, 664, 666 e Beanstalk. com, 276 EBureau, 182 Eco-Fina, 401 Economic Times, The, 37 Economist, The, 76, 92, 289, 367, 385, 496, 545, 707 Econsultancy. com, 551 Ecover, 301 Eddie Bauer, 658 Edison Electric Light Company, 236 Edison Nation, 458 EDS, 57 Edsel, 407 Edward Jones, 433 Efferdent, 327 Effie France, 319 Effie. org, 480 Egg Mc Muffin, 353 Elance. com, 94 Electrolux, 60, 81, 376, 404, 496, 552 Element, 271 Eli Lilly, 144, 456, 458 Elixir guitar strings, 454 Ellen Tracy, 64 Elmo TMX, 95 e Marketer, 638 Embraer, 244 EMC, 215, 228 Emerson Electric, 227 Emerson Process Management, 227 EMI, 374 Emirates Airlines, 81-82, 324, 626 Emporio Armani, 383, 398, 692 En. community. dell. com, 649 Encyclopædia Britannica, 62, 377, 379 Energizer, 300 Energy Brands, 316 enotes. com, 575 Enterprise Rent-A-Car, 60, 68-69, 157, 288, 373 Environment, 103Discount Tire, 377, 541 Discovery Channel, 151, 592, 647 Dish, 297 Disney, 60, 66, 69-70, 206-207, 256, 307-308, 336, 348, 424, 433, 455, 517, 541, 664, 688. See also Walt Disney Company, The Disney Baby, 184 Disney Baby. com, 184 Disney Channel, 68, 206-207 Disney Club, 517 Disney Consumer Products, 206 Disney Cuddly Bodysuits, 184 Disney Destinations, 207 Disney Infinity, 207 Disney Institute, 336 Disney Interactive, 206 Disneyland Paris, 256 Disneyland Resorts, 207 Disney Media Networks, 206 Disney Parks and Resorts, 206 Disney Stores, 517 Disney Studio Entertainment, 206 Disney Sunday Night Movie, The, 206 Disney World, 206 Dockers, 348 DOCOMO, 538 Dodge Durango, 584 Dodge Ram, 609 Dodgeball, 453 Dogster, 39, 456 Dolby, 411, 428 Dollar General, 526, 552, 555 Dollar Shave Club, 642 Dominick's, 683 Dominican Republic, 447 Domino's, 179, 298, 366, 378, 430, 588 Domino's Pizza, LLC, 178 Donald Duck, 308 Doritos, 170, 637 Dos Equis, 591 Doubletree by Hilton, 425 Dove, 25, 304, 654-655 Dow Chemical Co., 386 Dow Corning, 76, 346, 458 Downy, 686 Downy Single Rinse, 462 Doximity, 40 Dr. Pepper, 327, 594 Dr. Pepper Snapple, 156 Dreft detergent, 402 Dristan, 327 Dropbox, 314, 331, 454 drybar, 438 Dryel, 354 Dryer's Ice Cream, 451 Dudepins, 273 Duet, 273 Dulux, 281 Dun & Bradstreet, 222, 659 Dunkin' Brands, 433 Dunkin' Donuts, 61, 154, 255, 303, 347, 354, 539, 553Danat Al Emarat Women & Children's Hospital, 448 Dannon, 255, 343 Dannon All Natural Flavors, 343 Dannon Light & Fit, 343 Danone, 255 Dan-o-nino, 343 Dark Custom series, 177 Dark Knight Batman, 70 Dartmouth University, 97 Dasani, 298, 365 Dash detergent, 402 Data Resources, 114 Davy Crockett, 206 Dawn, 690-691 Dawn Power Clean, 452 Dayton Hudson, 541 DD Perks, 539 DDB, 644 De Beers, 272 Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookie, 564 Deckers, 334 Deere & Company, 165 Delaney Report, 54, 237 Del Monte, 134 Delhaize, 532 Dell, 34, 40, 43, 72-73, 75, 150, 157, 196, 199, 222, 228, 383, 411, 414, 458, 499, 571, 643, 649, 660, 692 Deloitte Consulting, 664 Delphi, 213 Delta (Oticon hearing aids), 131 Delta Airlines, 429 Delta Assist, 429 Demandforce, 145 D. E. Master Blenders 1753, 363 Deming Prize, 157 Denizen jeans, 359 Denny's, 327 Deutsche Post DHL, 63 Deutsche Securities Ltd., 418 Dew Labs Community, 637 De WALT, 348 De Witt Company, 218 Diageo, 332, 451, 458, 683 Dial-a-Mattress, 516 Diamond Safety, 201 Dick's Sporting Goods, 324, 369, 372, 523, 551 Die Hard batteries, 331 Diet Coke, 591 Digicel Foundation, 243 Digicel, 243 Di Giorno's, 311 Digital video disc (DVD), 319 Diligence, 92 Dillard's, 517 Diners Club, 327 Dining In, 169 Diovan, 564 Direct line Insurance, 497 Direct Marketing New s, 551 Directphoto Collection, 183 Direc TV, 297, 327Contract Freighters, 499 Converse, 170, 611, 692 Cookie Jar, 422 Cool Water by Davidoff For Men, 412 Cool Savings. com, 622 Cooperative, 255 Coors, 191, 256 Core, 693, 319 Corian, 411 Cornell Alumni Magazine, 76, 648 Corning, 26 Corolla, 418 Corporación GEO, 247 Corporate Design Center, Samsung, 397 Corvette, 304, 347 Costa Coffee, 358 Costar. com, 551 Costco, 60, 157, 268, 383, 428, 490, 532, 552, 571, 576, 665, 686 Cotton Bowl, 634 Coupons. com, 622 Courtyard by Marriott, 144, 428, 469, 489 Cover Girl, 195, 556 Cover Girl Outlast, 473 Covisint, 222 Coway, 396 Cox Communications, 156 CPG brand, 319 Cpgmatters. com, 556 Cracker Jack cereal, 325 Craisin, 582 Crayola, 307, 348, 628 Crest, 144, 202, 256, 271, 331, 348, 354-355, 362, 402, 407 Crest Rejuvenating Effects, 182 Crest 3D White Glamorous White Toothpaste, 452 Crest Whitestrips, 154, 287, 348, 355 Crisco, 383, 565 Crocs, 95, 327, 372, 590 Cross pens, 415 CSR, 118, 409 Cummins, 213 Curious George, 67 Cusquena, 251 Customer Relationship Management Program, 546 Customer Think, 177 Cutler-Hammer, 223 CVS, 40, 552, 562-563 Cyclo Industries, 245 Dacron Polyester, 89 Dae Partners, 279 DAF XF Euro 28, 499 Daily Mail, 207 Daily Telegraph award, 158 Daimler, 345, 360, 486 Daiso, 501 Dallas Morning News, 480 Dampf-Kraft-Wagen, 175 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I9Gain detergent, 273, 362, 392, 402, 622 Galaxy, 625 Galaxy chocolate, 358 Galaxy S3, 121 Galaxy S4, 593 Gallo Family Vineyards, 406 Gallo, 406 Gallup, 103 Gallup. com, 103 Gallup & Robinson, 621 Game Library, 551 Game Stop, 551 Gap, 405, 487, 532, 553, 559, 562, 574, 692, 695 Garmin, 76, 167 Garnier Fructis, 412 Garnier, 327, 604 Gartner, 35 Gartner Group, The, 114 Gateway, 199, 234 Gatorade, 321, 359, 366, 618, 649, 685 Gawker Media, 172, 643 GAZ Group, 249 GCI Health, 600 GE. See General Electric GE Aircraft Engines, 237 GE Capital, 250 GE Healthcare, 157 GE Lighting, 484 GE/Mc Kinsey Matrix, 64 GE Medical Systems, 44-45, 237 General Electric, 81 GE Plastics, 237 GE Profile, 406 Geek Squad, 136, 576 GEICO, 305, 332, 608 General Contractor Registration, 234 General Electric, 36-37, 58, 64, 92, 122, 157, 202, 211, 218, 222, 224, 236-237, 242, 257, 276, 327, 339, 344, 368, 374, 382, 395, 406, 410, 451, 581, 601, 664, 685 General Foods, 124, 256 General Mills, 257, 278, 280, 331, 344, 366, 381, 410, 458, 474, 496, 609, 684 General Motors, 40, 196, 222, 226, 246, 278, 286, 301, 341, 347, 364, 375, 379, 397, 418-419, 451, 542 General Services Administration, 234 General Services Administration Procurement Data Center, 233 Genie, 297 Genius Bar, Apple, 526 Gentlemint, 273 Gent's Place, The, 36 Geometry Global, 600 George Foreman grill, 661Forbes, 61, 69, 133, 169, 207, 209, 227, 237, 265, 293, 324, 332, 378, 385, 401, 410, 419, 430, 436, 464, 481, 525, 545, 551, 556, 575, 577, 580, 593, 654, 655, 676, 689, 708 Force. com, 481 Ford, 107, 151, 222, 225-226, 261, 277, 286, 324, 333, 336-337, 343, 364, 375, 407, 418, 522, 618, 627, 648, 667, 692 Ford Motor Co., 58, 144, 311 Forever, 43, 555 Formula One, 634 Forrester Research, 114, 139, 171-172, 394, 428, 595 Fortuna Silver Mines, 359 Fortune, 55, 76, 92, 207, 226-227, 230, 236-237, 265, 293, 401, 419, 464, 496, 512, 545, 551, 577, 615, 635, 689, 708 Fortune Most Admired List, 479 42BELOW, 331 Four Points by Sheraton, 346 Four Seasons, 168, 390, 433 Foursquare, 307, 539 Fox, 278 Fox News, 330 FOXNews. com, 156 4Runner, Toyota, 418 Fraganzia, 278 Franklin Mint, 523, 658 Frappuccino, 360 Frederick's of Hollywood, 677 Freestyle, Ford, 311 Freestyle vending machine, 290 French food-products group, 632 Fresh Brew, 66 Fresh & Easy, Tesco, 533, 546 Friends, 465 Friends of the Earth, 101 Frigidaire, 376 Frito-Lay, 101, 325, 414, 535, 644 Fruit on the Bottom, 343 Fruit of the Loom, 325, 677 Fruitwater, 316 Frye, 411 FTC. gov, 291 FTD, 641 Fuel Band, 452 Fuji, 509 Fujitsu Laboratories, 126 Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), 545 Funny or Die, 584 Fusion, 634 Fusion Pro Glide, 634 Futures Company, The, 600 Futures Company Yankelovich MONITOR, 184 Futures Group, The, 114 F. W. Woolworth, 484Farmers Insurance, 40 Fasal, 146 Fast Company, 97, 127, 131, 133, 139, 291, 378, 419, 461, 464, 512, 708 FC Barcelona, 175, 618 FC Bayern Muenchen, 175 Febreze, 273, 354 Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 107, 133, 291, 414, 506, 614, 643, 661 Federated Department Stores, 553 Fed Ex, 63, 71, 211, 357, 430, 434 Fedora, 485 Feeding America, 422 Feishman Hillard. com, 593 Fender guitars, 368 Fendi, 301, 543 Ferrari, 488 Ferrero, 117 Ferrero Rocher, 118 Fiat, 341 Fiberglass, 331 Fidelity Investments, 156, 300 Fiesta, Ford, 648 FIFA World Cup, 634 Fifth & Pacific, 307 Fila, 341 Filet-O-Fish, 353 Financial, 495 Financial Times, 82 Financial Express, The, 48 Financial Review, 405 Financial Times, 92, 144, 237 Fincorp., 513 Finesse, 327, 365 Fireman's Fund, 332 First Direct, 497 Fisher & Paykel, 490 Fisher-Price, 97 Fit, 271 FITCH, 600 Five Fingers, 472 Flat World Knowledge, 76 Flickr, 39, 327, 331, 485 Flickr Pro, 485 Flight Options, 438 Flip video camera, 211 Flirt, 565 Florida Barter, 486 Flugtag, 604 Fluke, 350 Flydubai, 512 Flyknit Racer, 452 Flynas, 512 Focus, 324 Fodor, 649 Folgers, 303, 379, 383, 500, 616 Foodnavigator-usa. com, 614 Foo Fighters, 275 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 105, 415, 542 Food Network, 564 Football Federation of Australia, 118Envirosell, 562 Eon Labs, 564 Epinions. com, 94, 168 Equal sweetener, 301, 614 ER, 465 Era detergent, 402 Esai Co., 458 Escape, Ford, 618 ESOMAR, 122 ESPN, 65-68, 206, 272 ESPN International, 65 ESPN Zone, 65, 313 Esta Noche Toca concert series, 113 Estée Lauder, 261, 287, 485, 541, 562, 565, 638 Esurance, 524 Etihad Airways, 82 Eureka, 80 Euro Disney theme park, 255-256 European Commission, The, 106 European Quality Award, 157 European Union, 106, 233, 257, 360, 664 Eu Yan Sang, 342 Europe Petrochemical (SEP), 386 Evernote, 315 Every Trail, 171 Evian, 255, 506, 632-633 Evista, 456 EVO 3D HTC smart phone, 107 Evolution, 655 Excel, 116 Excursion, 333 Expedia, 171, 436, 438, 524 Explorer, 277 Export-Import Bank of the United States, 249 Express, 218 Extra Care, 40 Extra Strength Tylenol, 406 Fab Sugar, 643 Facebook, 26, 32, 33, 35-40, 42, 45, 69, 106, 123, 134, 139, 143, 154, 160, 166, 169, 171, 173, 177, 192, 195, 199, 208, 218, 227, 245, 247, 254, 267, 270, 274, 290-291, 307, 315, 322, 327-328, 332, 414, 443, 618, 644, 647, 653-655, 657, 670, 676 Face Time, 480 Frigidaire, 80, 81 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, 414 Fair Trade, 33 Fair Point Communications, 364 Family Dollar, 222, 526, 552 Family Guy, 199 Family Health Centers, 524 Family Summer Camp, Bass Pro Shops, 562 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I10 Index Honda CR-V, 619 Honest Tea, 689 Honeywell, 225, 667 Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, 292 Hoop It Up, 75 Hoover, 595 Horch & Cie, 175 Hormel, 347 Hotels. com, 536 Hotmail, 169 Hot Topic, 558 Houlihan's, 563 Howard Johnson, 535 HP. See Hewlett-Packard H&R Block, 327, 425, 553 HSBC, 107, 253, 292-293, 497 HSBC Insurance, 293 HSN, 552 HTC, 248, 452, 480 HTC One, 405 Hudson Institute, 114 Huffington Post, 401, 562 Hulk, the, 207 Hulu, 297 Hurley, 275 Hush Puppies, 590 Huy Fong Foods, 368 Hyatt, 249, 280 Hyatt Regency Hotels, 305 Hyperion, 68 Hyundai, 154-157, 238, 239, 270, 302, 415, 626 Iams, 305, 354 IBM, 40, 44, 69, 72, 116, 126, 171, 199, 211, 218, 221, 224, 228, 235, 248, 339, 361, 395, 410, 481, 484, 531, 592, 597-598, 601, 664, 669, 673, 684-685 IBM CMO C-Suite Studies, 61 IBM. com, 218 I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, 591 ICI Explosives, 225, 281 Ideeli, 400 IDEO, 69, 144, 274, 396, 454, 686 i Drive, 294 IEG, 627 IEG Sponsorship Consulting, 628 IEG Sponsorship Report, 626 IGA, 553 i Google, 54 i Heart Radio, 149 IKEA, 27, 60, 207-209, 247, 258, 327-328, 383, 463, 500, 532-533, 686 i Mac, 71, 479, 507 Imagine Entertainment, 67 IMC strategy, 604 i Media Connection, 605 i Movies, 71Harvard Business Review, 42, 54, 92, 97, 157, 224, 237, 289, 461, 518, 565, 580, 693 Harvard Business School, 43-44, 58, 131, 161, 289, 378, 385, 653 Hasbro, 407, 644, 647 Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, The, 144 Havianas, 244 Hazelnut, 117 HBO, 311 HBR Blog Network, 69, 157, 229 Head & Shoulders, 405 Healthy Choice, 311 Hefty, 103, 565 Heineken, 253, 261, 581, 617 Heinz, 40, 233, 340, 344, 360, 377, 574, 611 Helene Curtis, 257, 365 Hendrix UTD, 225 Hennessy, 317 Henry Schien, 660 Herald Sun, 55 Herman Miller, 126, 396 Hermés, 259, 301, 398 Hersey, 118 Hershey, 291, 307, 360, 451, 628 Hershey Kisses, 343 Hertz, 250, 288, 298, 373, 483, 525, 535 Hess Corporation, 62 Hewlett-Packard, 42, 56-57, 126, 191-192, 196, 211, 218, 221, 228-229, 311, 344, 404, 408, 411, 452, 460, 485, 499, 516, 531, 541, 684 HEXAL, 564 Highlander, 418 Hill+Knowlton Strategies, 600 Hillshire Brands, 363 Hillshire Farms, 363 Hilton Hotels, 156, 425-426, 437 Hilton International Co., 426 Hindustan Unilever, 41 Hipmunk, 438 HIS Global Insight, 114 History Channel, 151 Hitachi, 152, 249, 410 H&M, 367, 487, 534, 549, 555, 574 H. J. Heinz, 156, 611 Hobbit, The, 260 Hoffman, 649 Hofstede, 252 Hole in the Wall Gang, 690 Holland Brinkley Company, 225 Home Depot, 136, 155, 262, 364, 486, 507, 511, 551, 554, 627, 662 'Home Plus' stores, 546 Homefront, 618 Honda, 60, 164, 253, 260, 271, 343-345, 375, 406, 418, 686Google+, 34, 54, 453 Google Scholarly Papers, 54 Google Search for Mobile, 54 Google Video, 646 Google Web Search, 54 GORE-TEX, 312, 411, 454, 561 Goya, 278 Grace Performance Chemicals, 92 Grameen Bank, 327 Grameenphone, 247 Grand Cuisine, 80 Grassroots, 565 Great Harvest Bread, 554 Great Value, 565 Greendex, 103 Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, 303, 647, 688-689 Grey, 600 Grey Goose, 154, 491, 647 Greyhound, 286, 327 Grocery Manufacturers of America, 542 Grolsch, 251 Groupe Danone, 255 Group M, 600 Groupon, 160, 563, 622-623 G Series, 321 GTI, VW, 650 Guardian, The, 97, 209, 367, 575, 708 Gucci, 185, 239, 257, 322-323, 398-399, 474, 528, 543 Guess, 525 Gulf News, 387 Gymboree, 558 Häagen-Dazs, 257, 261, 406, 437 Haier, 43, 80, 262, 376 Hallmark, 192, 256, 287, 325, 373, 628 Hallmark Business Expressions, 287 Halo, 154 Halston, 399 Hamburger Helper, 186, 496 Hamburger University, 395, 554 Hamilton Sunstrand, 345 Hampton, 553 HANA, 456 Hanes, 363, 677 Hannah Montana, 207 Happy Meal, 353 Harley-Davidson, 60, 164, 166, 176-177, 189, 327, 330, 342, 394, 462, 537, 592, 686 Harley Owners Group (H. O. G. ), 166, 176, 462 Harman International, 97 Harman/Kardon, 408 Harrah's Entertainment, 160 Harris Interactive, 273 Harris Poll, 101 Harrods of London, 559 Hartford Insurance, 332Gerber, 63, 327, 378, 451 Gfkamerica. com, 103 Gf K Roper Green Gauge Study, 103 ghg, 600 GI Joe, 407 Gibson guitars, 368, 430 Gillette, 273, 323, 346, 354, 360, 396, 485, 500, 509, 559, 607, 634-635, 669 Gillette Cup, 634 Gillette Fusion Pro Glide Styler, 452 Gillette Stadium, 634 Gillette Venus & Olay, 273 Gilt Groupe, 400, 552-553, 641 Giorgio Armani, 383, 398, 487 Giorgio Armani Privé, 383, 398 Givenchy, 551 Glacéau, 316 Glacéau Vitamin Water, 327 Glad, 565 Glaxo Smith Kline, 93, 643 Gleem toothpaste, 402 Gleevec, 564 Gleneagles Hospital, 448 Glide dental floss, 454 Global Design Center, Samsung, 397 Global Fund, 692, 706 Globe Scan, 103 GMAC Financial, 311 Gmail, 54, 453 Godiva, 394 Goldby, Silverstein & Partners, 610 Goldfinger, 634 Goldman Sachs, 244, 439 Gold Medal flour, 344 Good Skin, 565 Goodrich Corporation, 345 Goodyear, 213, 234, 257, 335, 377, 395, 500, 541 Google, 26-27, 54-55, 60, 63, 69, 72, 74, 117, 138, 151, 154, 156, 173, 254, 313, 328, 339, 361, 366, 374, 385, 453-454, 460, 511, 524, 539, 554, 686, 688 Google Alerts, 172 Google Analytics, 54 Google Answers, 453 Google Calendar, 54 Google Chrome, 54, 453 Google Consumer Surveys, 134 Google Docs, 54 Google Earth, 54 Google Finance, 54 Google Glass, 453 Google Image, 169 Google Maps, 54 Google Maps for Mobile, 54 Google Mobile, 54 Google Patents, 54 Google Places, 429 Google Play, 54 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I11Kitchen Audit, 94 Kitchen Aid Architect Series II, 397 Kitty Litter, 331 Kiwi Express Shine, 412 Kiwi, 412 Kleenex Shop online, 523 Kleenex, 278, 331, 377, 412 Klout, 182 Kmart, 66, 274, 528, 549, 552, 555 Knorr, 25 Knowledge Series Book, 556 Knowledge@Wharton, 289 Kodak, 234, 327, 406, 502, 509 Kodak Funtime Film, 406 Kodak Grow Your Biz, 166 Kohl's, 372, 428, 549, 555, 565 Kohler, 396, 628 Komatsu, 151-153, 462 Korean Air, 503 Kosmix, 520 KPMG, 92 Kraft, 75-76, 134, 244, 252, 255, 280, 307, 363, 455, 458, 556, 565, 611, 664, 689 Krispy Kreme, 590 Krka, 69 Kroger, 93, 196, 552, 564, 662 Lacoste, 327, 411 Lambie-Nairn, 600 Lamborghini, 99-100 Lance Armstrong Foundation, 53 Lancôme, 604 Land Rover, 328 Land Cruiser, Toyota, 418 Landor Associates, 226, 600 Lands' End, 506, 552, 658 Lane Bryant, 559 Last Minute, 74 Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority, The, 28 Laundry, 64 Lavoris, 472 Lawry's Seasoned Salt, 279 La-Z-Boy, 312 Lean Cuisine, 331 Leap Frog, 628 Learning Company, The, 358 Leclerc, 526 Led Zeppelin, 342 Le Figaro, 633 Legend, 43 L'eggs, 279 LEGO, 60, 328, 390, 462 LEGO Design by ME, 390 LEGO Movie, The, 390 LEGO's Ambassador Program, 182 Le Hub, 447 Leica, 532 Leichtman Research. com, 580 Lenovo, 43, 248, 327, 359, 396, 411 Lens Crafter's, 694 Levi's, 185, 348, 359Journal of Advertising, 332, 580 Journal of Advertising Research, 580, 619 Journal of Brand Management, 399 Journal of Business Research, 190 Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 224 Journal of Consumer Psychology, 189, 190, 556 Journal of Consumer Research, 133, 190, 378, 405, 410 Journal of Interactive Marketing, 161 Journal of Marketing, 167, 190, 201, 229, 231, 332, 378, 425, 436, 440, 441-442, 485, 556, 580, 585, 614, 689 Journal of Marketing Research, 130, 161, 190, 337, 378, 556, 648 Journal of Selling and Major Account Management, 676 Journeys, 66 JPMorgan Chase, 92, 156, 378, 436 Juicy Couture, 64-65, 561 Jump Start, 177 Justice, 558 Justin Boots, 365 JWT, 600 Kantar Group, 123 Kaplan Thaler, 611 Karstadt, 534 Kate Spade, 64, 306 Kate Spade Saturday, 307 Kayak. com, 327, 438 Keebler, 332 Keller Fay, 646 Kellogg, 256, 307, 338, 344, 363, 641 Kelvinator, 81 Kendall-Jackson, 468, 490 Kenmore, 395 Kenworth, 468, 499 Kenworth T680, 499 Kerastase, 604 Ketel One, 154 Kettle potato chips, 490 Keurig, 452, 688-689 Kevlar, 411 Key Bank, 436 KFC, 242, 410, 691 Khaleej Times, 513 Kia, 155, 239, 327, 415, 626 Kickstarter, 475 Kidde, 345 Kiehl, 490, 540 Kimberly-Clark, 132, 192, 278, 523 Kinaxis, 227-228 Kinder Joy, 118 Kinder Surprise, 465 Kindle, 54, 76, 154, 545Investors' Daily Business, 545 i OS, 519 i Pad, 32, 35-36, 104, 169, 179, 348, 479-480, 525, 617 i Pad Mini, 27, 76, 480, 612 54 i Phone, 32, 35, 54, 117, 121, 193, 199, 327, 341, 348, 402, 421, 479-480, 489, 506, 519, 546, 576, 646 IRI, 123, 610 Iron Man, 207 Iron Man 2, 627 I Strategy Labs, 654 i Triage, 35 i Tunes, 117, 289, 348, 479, 545 Ivory, 354, 402, 414 Ivory Snow detergent, 402 Jack Spade, 307 Jaguar, 294, 483 Jamba Juice, 139 Janie and Jack, 558 Japanese electronics companies, 319 Jason Wu, 555 Java, 365 JCPenney, 272, 280, 428, 549, 552, 555 J. Crew, 323, 362 J. D. Power, 125, 155, 199, 239, 389, 393, 639 Jeep, 343 Jell-O, 90, 331, 363 Jenny Craig, 451, 591 Jet Blue, 156, 173, 365, 435-436, 495, 686 Jet Blue University, 436 Jetta, 249 Jewel-Osco, 552 Jianlibao, 261 Jif, 383, 565 Jiffy-Lube, 553 Jigsaw, 222 Jim Beam, 313 Jimlar, 517 Jimmy Choo, 551 JKY by Jockey, 587 Jockey, 587, 677 Joe Boxer, 555 John Deere, 63, 130, 152, 165, 248, 406, 444, 590 John Deere 8R, 248 John Wanamaker, 484 Johns Hopkins University, 105 Johnson Controls, 444 Johnson & Johnson, 33, 66, 307, 378, 458, 641, 647, 686, 688 Joie de Vivre hotels, 185-186 Jones Group, 156 Jones soda, 40, 167 Joost, 327 Jordan's Furniture, 312, 686 Jose Cuervo, 398 Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 413In Bev, Anheuser-Busch, 244, 251, 156, 348 Inc. com, 654 Independent, 480 Inditext, 367 Infer, 673 Infiniti, 406 Information Resources Inc., 94 Infosys, 100, 245 Info USA, 222 ING, 497 ING Direct, 497 Innocent, 328 Inno Centive, 458 Inside Edge Ski and Bike, 552 Inside Innovation, 464 Instagram, 307, 321-322, 325, 331, 557, 625 Institute for the Future, 114 Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM), 212 Institute for Supply Management (ISM), 213 Intel, 105, 189, 199, 211, 339, 363-364, 411, 455, 460, 509, 568, 591, 618 Interbrand, 236, 237, 293, 339, 354, 385, 575 Interbrand/ Business Week, 293 Interbrand's Best Global Brands 2012 Interbrew, 244 Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), 221 International Advertising Festival, 655 International Airlines Group, 158 International Bird Rescue, 691 International Business Times, 619 International Consumer Electronics Show, 625 International Design and Excellence Awards, 396 International Federation of Poker, 299 International Finance Center Mall, 132 International Flavors & Fragrances, 462 International Journal of Business and Social Science, 127 International Journal of Business, Marketing and Decision Science s, 169 International Journal of Market Research, 157 International Journal of Research in Marketing, 157 International Olympic Committee, 53 Internet, 318 Internet Explorer, 116 Intuit, 123, 145-146, 157, 458 Intuitive Surgical, 393 Investor's Business Daily, 551 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I12 Index Miami New Times, 614 Michael Bastian, 487 Michelin, 332, 402 Michelob, 327 Mickey Mouse, 206, 308 Microchip, 669 Microsoft, 55, 69, 74, 100, 105, 116-117, 126, 136, 145, 157, 169, 218, 242, 259, 286, 304, 314, 327, 331, 339, 359, 361-363, 365, 407, 464, 484, 524, 525 Microsoft Certified Professionals, 531 Microsoft DOS operating system, 116 Microsoft File Manager, 116 Microsoft International and New Store Formats, 117 Microsoft Office, 116-117, 304 Microsoft Power Point, 116 Microsoft Program Manager, 116 Microsoft Surface Tablet, 117 Microsoft Windows Phone, 117 Microsoft Word, 116 Midas, 327, 445 Middle East Business Aviation Association, 512 Miele, 395 Migros, 255 Milkuat, 255 Miller Brewing, 251 Miller Coors, 156 Miller Lite, 251 Milliken & Company, 165 Millward Brown International, 329, 337, 600, 622 Mindbody, 138 Mindshare, 600 MINI Cooper, 290, 313, 327, 332-334, 406 Minolta, 462 Mint. com, 145 Minute Maid, 365 Minute Clinic, 438 Mission Pie, 644 Missoni, 555 MIT, 136, 264 MIT Age Lab, 276 MIT. edu, 707 MIT Sloan Management Review, 92, 97, 157, 169, 224, 289, 337, 441, 512, 649 Mitsukoshi, 550 Mittal, 245 ML Direct, 497 M&M Mars, 689 M&Ms, 39-40, 332, 394, 618 M&M's World, 628 Mobil, 71 Mobile, 318 Mobile Marketer, 618 Model AA, Toyota, 418 Model-T, 286 Modern Family, 617Marriott Vacation Club, 489 Mars, 118 Marshalls, 428 Martin Agency, The, 608 Maruti-Suzuki Alto, 240 Marvel, 207 Mary Kay, 137, 154, 552, 664 Mary Poppins, 206 Mashable. com, 649 Master Card, 330 Matsushita, 242, 374, 456 Mattel, 232, 358 Max Factor, 354 Maxim, 272 Maxus, 600 Maxwell House, 363 Maybelline, 154, 265, 310, 604 Mayo Clinic, 144 Maytag, 332, 394 MBAuniverse. com, 48 Mc Café, 353 Mc Cann Erickson, 330 Mc Cann World, 318 Mc Carthy, 47 Mc Donald's, 60, 139, 192, 220, 250, 253, 277, 303, 307, 323, 339, 353-354, 359, 383, 395, 426, 433, 529, 535, 554, 562, 568, 588, 611, 622, 628, 692 Mc Graw-Hill, 214 Mc Intosh Laboratory, 370 Mc Kesson Corporation, 165 Mc Kinsey & Company, 76, 235, 244, 246 Mc Kinsey Quarterly, 92, 642 Mc Neil Nutritionals, 614 MEC, 600 Mederma, 306 Mediabrands's Geomentum, 113 Media Com, 600 Medical Travel and Health Tourism Quality Alliance (MTQVA), 448 Medicine Shoppe, 155 Medline Industries, 220, 225 Medtronic, 462 Men's Health, 95, 272 Meow Mix Cat Food, 629-630 Mercedes-Benz, 31, 34, 155, 175, 294, 321, 345, 360, 391, 393, 404-406, 490, 591 Merck, 66, 105, 323, 689, 692 Merial Limited, 66 Merisant, 614 Mermaid Club, 165 Merrill Lynch, 425, 497, 650, 664 Metacritic, 172 Metal filament lamps, 319 Method Products, 300-301, 327 Met Life, 332 Metro, 63, 260 Metro PCS, 365 Mexx, 64LSI Logic Corporation, 462 Lucas Films, 207 Lucent, 229 Lucky Brand Jeans, 64 Lufthansa, 75, 144 lululemon, 361-362 Lumber Liquidators, 551 Luna bars, 298 Luvs, 355, 362, 402 Luxottica, 549, 694 Luxury Consumer Experience survey, 389 Luxury Institute, The, 389 LVMH, 259, 317 M. A. C., 287 Macaroni Grill, 95 Mac Book, 480, 576 Mac computers, 117 Mach3, 634 Macintosh, 619 Macromedia, 485 Macworld, 628 Macy's, 107, 511, 517, 525, 553, 559, 563, 570, 662, 694 Maersk Group, 572 Maggi dried noodles, 97 Magic Eraser, Mr. Clean, 461 Mahindra, 245, 248 Maine Hunting Shoe, 515 Major League Baseball, 634 Maker's Mark, 313 Makino, 227-228 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 157 Malibu, 375 Mamás Latinas, 644 Management Consultant International, 236 Management Magazine, 447 Management Review, 69 Management Science, 367, 410 Manchester United, 324 Mango, 549 MANinteresting, 273 Marc Jacobs, 551 Marchon, 517 Marine Mammal Center, 691 Marketing Cloud, The, 481 Marketing Management, 61, 140, 337 Marketing News, 37, 127, 136, 139, 169, 218, 378, 413, 430, 591, 618 Marketing NPV, 649 Marketing Research, 127, 157 Marketing Science, 107, 157, 229, 378, 405, 410, 556 Marketing Magazine. co. uk, 293 Marketwatch. com, 332 Marks & Spencer, 555, 563 Marlboro, 305 Marquis Jets, 438 Marriott, 144, 228, 249, 428, 433, 436-437, 469, 489, 553Levi's Made & Crafted, 274 Levi-Strauss, 156, 274, 359, 400, 462 Lexis Nexis, 58 Lexus, 156-157, 239, 389, 406, 418, 526 LG, 154, 256, 327-328, 376, 395-396, 593 LG Electronics, 80 Lidl, 552, 565 Lifebuoy, 25 Lifetime, 272 Limited, The, 532, 552 Limited Brands, 368, 558 Limited Brand's Tween Brands, 558 Limited Stores, Inc., 677 Lincoln, Ford, 156 Lincoln Electric, 225 Lindt, 118, 327 Linens n' Things, 379 Linked In, 34, 154, 218, 222, 267, 460, 644, 670 Linux, 484-485 Lion King, The, 206 Lipitor, 324 Lipton iced tea, 346 Listerine, 472 Lite, Continental, 497 Lithium, 123 Little Mermaid, The, 206 Liu Gong Machinery, 152 Live Nation, 477 Lively, 453 LIVESTRONG, 53 Living Social, 160, 563 Liz Claiborne, 64-65, 307 L. L. Bean, 411, 515, 552, 686 Loan Bright, 72 Loblaw's Supermarkets, 554, 564 Local Picks, 171 Lockheed Martin, 468 Logo, 280 London Business School, 138, 565 Long Range Planning, 380 Long Tail, The, 289 L'Oreal Paris Gold Rewards, 605 L'Oreal Paris, 604 L'Oreal, 604 Lord of the Rings, The, 260 Lord & Taylor, 517 L'Oréal, 247, 264-265, 474 Los Angeles Times, 103, 207, 419, 480, 593 Lot 500 Napa Valley Cabernet Savignon, 571 Louis Vuitton, 239, 300, 323, 398, 453, 543, 553, 575 Love Bug, The, 206 Love Film, 254 Low cost carriers (LCC), 512 Lowe's, 136, 151, 222, 364, 428, 551 Lowestfare, 74 LPGA Tour, 634 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I13Olay, 354, 537 Olay Professional Pro-X, 383 Olay Regenerist, 461 Old El Paso, 344 Old Navy, 405 Old Spice, 342, 354-355, 626, 654 Oldsmobile, 379 Olive Garden, 151 Oltan Group, 118 Olympics, The, 27-28, 53, 138, 230, 244, 259, 338, 385, 452, 592, 607, 611, 627, 633 Olympic Group, 81 Omega, 617 1-800-FLOWERS, 552 140Characters. com, 264 Oneida Indian Nation, 93 One Sight, Lens Crafter's, 694 1SYNC, 222 On the Run, Exxon Mobil, 528 Onslaught, 655 On Star FMV, 451 On Star, 451 Openforum. com, 218 Open Table, 443 Oracle, 57, 215, 228, 395, 407, 433, 481, 484, 519-520, 540-541, 671 Oral-B, 355 Orange, 413 Orange Bowl, 634 Orbit, 360 Orbitz, 507 Oreo, 251-252, 363, 579 Oreo Togetherness Bus, 579 Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD), 245 Original Recipe fried chicken, 242 Origins, 287 OR/MS Today, 649 Orville Redenbacher popcorn, 126 Osborne, 374 Oticon, 131 Otis Elevator, 240, 345 Outback 2. 5i, 408 Outdoor World, Bass Pro Shops, 561 Oxygen, 272 Pabst Blue Ribbon, 488 Pabst Brewing Company, 342 PACCAR Inc., 499 Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, 654 Pac Sun, 525 Palm V PDA, 144 Palm, 327 Palmolive, 103 Palo Alto Software, Inc., 87 Pampers, 271, 354-355, 362, 402, 407, 537, 556, 607, 647Nielsen Claritas Site Reports, 93 Nielsen Company, The, 123, 355 Nielsen Media Research, 113 Nielsen Online, 639 Nielsen's Buzz Metrics, 94 Nielsen Soundscan, 289 Nieman Marcus, 540, 555 Nike, 52-53, 60, 144, 173, 240, 246, 256, 259, 268, 300, 307-308, 321-322, 327-328, 331-332, 358, 362, 407, 411, 452, 477, 516, 528, 581, 588, 591, 617, 621 Nike Golf, 53 Nike Golf Research & Development, 591 Nikei D, 394 Nikei D Studios, 394 Nike+, 53, 581 Nikon, 311, 327, 474 Nintendo, 27, 69, 327, 464 Nippon Steel, 684 Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT), 538 Nirvana, 275 Nissan, 260, 375, 406, 418, 641 NIVEA, 340, 628, 416-417 NIVEA Wrinkle Control Crème, 301 Nokia, 130, 247, 256, 260-261, 341, 396 Nomura, 426 No Name, 564 Nordstrom, 60, 100, 156, 324, 327, 501, 517, 534, 539-540, 570, 694 Nortel, 502 North Face, 411, 540 Northwestern University, 402 Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals, 354 NSU Motorenwerke AG, 175 Novartis, 564, 661 Noxell, 354 Noxzema, 354 NPD, 93-94 NPR. org, 76 Nucor, 34 Nuprin, 379 Nutella, 118 N. W. A., 452 Oakland Tribune, 689 Ocean Spray, 581-582 Odwalla, 679 Office Depot, 150, 222, 361, 507 Ogilvy Common Health Worldwide, 600 Ogilivy & Mather, 212, 597, 600-601 Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, 600 Ogilvy One, 600 OICA, 419 Oil of Olay, 402National Geographic, 103 National Grape Cooperative, 307 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 695 National Hockey League, 634 National Institutes of Health (NIH), 105 National Instruments, 139 Nationwide Insurance, 98 Nature Valley, 344 Nautilus Group, 523 NBA, 252, 262, 327, 332, 588, 654 NBA 2k13, 618 NBC, 189, 465, 580 NBC Universal, 67 NCAA, 654 NCAA Basketball, 634 NCAA Football, 634 NDS, 211 NEC, 63, 196, 402 Neiman Marcus, 694 Nerf, 647 NESCAFÉ, 303 Nespresso, 318-319 Nespresso Cube, 318 Nestlé, 97, 244-246, 451, 649, 685 Nestle, 118 Nestlé Group, 319 Nestlé SA, 378 Net-a-Porter, 551 Net App, 226-227 Net Base, 123 Netflix, 26, 70, 254, 289, 297, 327, 365, 517, 527 Net Jets, 438 Net Promoter, 157 Netscape, 116, 374 Netscape 1995 Navigator, 116 Net Shops. com, 139 Network World, 218 New Balance, 686 New Coke, 323 New England Patriots, 334, 634 New York City, 628 New Yorker, The, 289, 545, 612, 654 New York Life, 156 New York Times, 55, 82, 103, 107, 117, 131, 132, 144, 169, 207, 218, 264, 265, 293, 294, 295, 312, 354, 385, 401, 436, 481, 496, 512, 545, 577, 614, 635, 648, 654, 676, 689 Newman's Own, 690 News. terra. com, 391 Newsweek, 480, 677 Newton PDA, 374 Nextel, 436 Nextel Communications Inc., 66 Nexus 29, 54 NFL, 28, 634 Nielsen, 32, 279, 580, 651 Nielsen Claritas, 268Moeller, 218 Moët & Chandon, 317, 327 Molteni, 80 Mondavi Reserve, 406 Mondel ez International, 244, 318, 363, 556, 579, 581 Mondo, 230 Money, Microsoft, 145 Monroe, 360 Monsanto, 256 Monster energy drink, 302 Montblanc, 398 Montgomery Ward, 555 Mop & Glo, 331 Most Interesting Man in the World, 591 Motel, 28, 390, 613 Moterus, 39 Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, 101 Motley Fool, The, 385 Motions, 246 Motorola, 54, 225, 233, 239, 410, 692 Motorola Mobility, 453 Motorola Solutions, 233 Mountain Dew, 301, 342, 636, 647 Movado, 395, 517 Mr. Clean, 332, 354 Mr. Peanut, 332 Mr. Porter, 551 Mrs. Fields Cookies, 291 MSI. org, 556 MSI Relevant, 556 MSI Reports, 648 MSI Reports Working Paper Series, 441 MTBE, 386 MTN, 246 MTV, 185, 240, 280, 322 Mubadala Development Company, 524 Mulan, 206 Museum of Modern Art, 397 Music Genome Project, The, 149 Mustang, 91, 261, 343 My Little Pony, 407 My Coke, 94 my Socrates, 40 My Space, 26, 653 Nabisco, 199, 410, 664, 694 Nano, 328 Napster, 327 Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital, 97 NASCAR, 35-36, 327, 634 NASCARA Busch Series, 627 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 105 National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), 119 National Dairy Board, 610 National Envelope, 377 National Fluid Milk Processor Education Program, 610 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I14 Index QSR magazine, 427 Quaker Chemical, 224 Quaker Oats, 256, 321, 338, 366, 664, 689 Quaker's Nutrition for Women, 182 Qualtrics, 134 Quarterly Review of Marketing, 380 Quarter Pounder, 353 Quick Books, 145-146 Quick Care, 438 Quicken, 145-146 Quicksilver, 647 Quirky, 458 QVC, 552 Radar, 322 Radian6, 123, 481 Radio Mercury Awards, 613 Radio, 319 Radio Shack, 555, 589 Rainforest Alliance, 318 Raleigh Bicycles, 660-661 Ralph Lauren, 265, 399, 604 Ralston Foods, 366 Ralston Purina, 451, 574, 664 Ramada Inn, 535 Rate It All. com, 94 Rav4, 418 Ray-Ban, 193, 612 R&D, 80, 319 Real Madrid, 324 Recipe to Riches, 564 Reckitt-Benckiser, 69 Redbox, 70, 517, 527 Red Bull, 60, 275, 302, 327, 412, 590, 603-604 Red Bull Energy Drink, 603 Red Bull Snowthrill of Chamonix, 603 Red Bull Sugar Free, 603 Red Bull Total Zero, 603 Reddit, 438 Red Envelope, 523 Red Fuse, WPP, 601 Red Hat, 485 Redi Clinic, 438 Redken, 265, 604 Red Lobster, 590 Red Robin, 382 Refripar, 81 REI, 268, 369, 519, 561, 686 Reliance Group, 245 Rent The Runway, 486 Reputation Institute, 117 Research, 107, 405, 562 Research & Innovation Center, BMW, 69 Research House, BMW, 69 Reserve Brands, 380 Responsible Company, The, 679 Retail Banker International, 293 Retailinsider. com/PCMS, 209 Reuters, 126, 354, 614 Review, 103, 231Pottery Barn, The, 553 Pottery Barn Kids, 394 Power architecture, 69 Power Pro Dustbuster Plus, 406 Powerade, 543 Power Bar, 298-299, 451 Power Up Rewards, 551 PPG Industries, 213 Prada, 144, 185, 239, 301, 398 Pratt & Whitney, 58, 344 Praxair, 451 Prego, 89 Premium ham, 344 President's Choice, 564 Pria bars, 299 Price Check, Amazon, 525 Price Grabber. com, 168 Priceline, 484, 591 Pricewaterhouse Coopers, 460 Pringles, 354, 363, 407, 462, 589 Prius, Toyota, 27, 418, 680 Private Label Manufacturers' Association, 563 PR NEWSWIRE, 217, 551, 605 Progressive. com, 676 Prophet. com, 351 Pro Staff Classic tennis shoes, 335 Proactiv, 661 Procter & Gamble, 35-36, 58, 60, 69, 122, 132, 139-140, 144-145, 193, 195, 247, 256, 272-273, 278-279, 287, 309, 342, 354-355, 362-363, 379, 383, 392, 402-403, 405-407, 415, 454, 458, 460-462, 473, 500, 535, 537, 541, 556, 565, 568, 573, 607, 618, 635, 647, 668-669, 685-686, 691 PRODUCT(RED), 692, 706 (PRODUCT)RED™, 287 Profile, GE, 382 Progressive Corporation, 676 Progressive Insurance, 38, 60, 164, 332, 686 Progresso, 344, 347 PRS Guitars, 368 Prudential, 327, 332, 669 Psychology & Marketing, 131 PT Cruiser, 495 Publix, 156, 509 Puffs, 331, 377, 402 Pulse, 267, 647 Pulsonic toothbrush, 461 Pur, 247 PURE, 401 Pure Digital, 211 Pure Leaf Teas, 321 Purina Dog Chow, 406 Purina Dog Food, 406 Purina ONE, 406 Purina Pro Plan, 406 Pyrex, 26Pew Internet & American Life Project, 618 Pfizer, 105, 502, 673 P&G. See Procter & Gamble PGA Tour, 634 PG. com, 355 PGConnect Develop. com, 461 PGi, 670 Phaeton, 288 Philips & Co., 319 Philip Morris, 363 Philips, 74, 157, 254, 256, 312, 319-320, 474, 491 Phillip Lim designs, 555 Phone, 318 Picasa, 54 Pierre Cardin, 399 Pillsbury, 332 Pilsner Urquell, 251 Pinocchio, 206 Pinterest, 34-35, 272, 307, 331, 557 Pirates of the Caribbean, 390 Pitney Bowes User Forum, 166 Pitney Bowes, 377 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 131 Pixar, 206-207, 327 Pizza Hero, 179 Pizza Hut, 410 Pizza Inn, 541 Pizza Tracker, 179 Planet Feedback. com, 94, 429 Planters, 363 Plastics. com, 221 Playboy, 333 Playskool, 644 Playskook Preschool Playgroup, 644 Play Station, 462 Play Station4, 464 Plexco International AG, 226 PNC Bank, 274 P90X, 661 Point, 69, 136, 355 Point of View, 337 Pokémon, 95 Poland Springs, 451 Polaroid, 341 Policy Mic. com, 264 Pollo Campero, 239 Pom, 327 POM Wonderful, 614 Pontiac, 379 Popchips, 368 Pop Sugar, 643 Pop-Tarts, 256 Population Communication Services, 695 Porsche, 32, 74, 239, 288, 348, 393, 399 Porsche Rennlist, 165 Porsche Sport Driving Schools and Experience Centers, 399 POSSIBLE, 600 Potentials, 545Pampers Rash Guard, 354 Panasonic, 58-59, 331 Panda Express, 431 Pandora, 149 Panera Bread, 353, 422 Panera Bread Foundation, 422 Panera Cares, 422 Pantai Penang's Deluxe, 448 Pantene, 122, 247, 354 Papa John's, 179, 642 Paramount Pictures, 62 Paramount Productions, 584 Paris Las Vegas hotel and casino, 160 Paris Tribune, 447 Parker Hannifin, 498 Parkway Group Healthcare, 448-449 Parkway Group, 448, 449 Parkway Holdings, 448 Parkway Patient Assistance (PPA), 448 Partners, The, 600 Pasta gianduja, 118 Patagonia, 38, 327, 518, 679, 686 Patrón, 154, 398 Pay Pal, 511 PBS Kids, 67 PC World, 107 PDMA Visions, 460 Peabody Energy, 58 Peachtree Software, 48 Peanut Butter & Co., 34 Peanut Corporation of America, 232 Pearson Education Inc., 188, 492, 686 Peapod, 98 Pearson Lloyd, 396 Ped Egg, 347 Pégase, 453 Pegasus Sports International, 83-86 People, 618 Pepperidge Farms, 89 Pepsi Co, 62, 144, 245, 258, 280, 298, 305, 321, 346, 364-365, 401, 414, 504, 591, 603, 637, 645 Pepsi-Cola, 323 Pepto-Bismol, 354, 360, 565 Perdue, 256, 392 Peroni, 251 Perrier, 378 Pert Plus, 354 Petco, 128 PETCO, 171, 554, 689 Petco. com, 298 Peter Pan, 206 Peterbilt Model 601, 499 Peterbilt, 499 Petronas, 248 Pets. com, 456 Pet Smart, 525 Petsmart. com, 298 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I15So Be, 665 Socceroos, 118 Social Media Intelligence, 649 Société Bic, 350 Soda Stream, 401, 645 Soft Sheen-Carson, 265 Soft Sheen Products, 265 Solo Cup, 39 Sonic Corp, 651 Sony, 63, 69, 182, 260, 311, 321, 344, 347, 361, 374, 385, 405, 452, 456, 462, 464, 479, 491, 571, 617, 626 Sony BMG Music Entertainment, 291 South Africa Airways, 75 Southeast Asia Harley Owners Group (SEA HOG), 176 Southern Jewelz, 592 Southwest Airlines, 60, 278, 300, 383, 435-436, 483, 495, 500, 642, 686 Southwestern Company of Nashville, 552 Sovereign Bank, 94 Spam, 383 Spector Freight, 670 Speed Pass, 71 Spend Shift, 328 Spiderman, 207 Spike TV, 272 Splenda, 301, 614 Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, 618 Sporting Goods Manufacturer's Association, 85 Sports Center, 67 Sports Illustrated, 618, 620 Spotify, 149, 307 Spotlight, 322 Sprint, 66, 327, 436 Sprint Nextel, 156, 436 Sprite, 588 Sriracha, 368 St. Jude Medical Center, 63 Stag, 500 Stanford University, 54, 133, 144-145, 185, 322, 477 Staples, 123, 128, 171, 327, 361, 430, 507, 552, 554, 558, 562, 660 Star Allliance, 75 Star Player, 581 Star Trek, 591 Star Wars, 124, 207, 390, 455 Starbucks, 60, 66, 74, 246, 268, 303, 309, 313, 322, 337, 354, 360, 406, 474, 491, 562, 590, 622, 627, 685-686, 692, 706-707 Starbucks Foundation, The, 706 Starch, 621 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, 171, 236, 239, 345-346, 4377-Eleven, 250, 528, 552-553, 665 Seventh Generation, 103-104, 679 SFgate. com, 677 Shark Observation Cage, 592 Shark Week, 592 Shelf Vision TV, 622 Shell Oil, 122, 228, 239, 331 Sheraton, 346, 437 Sherman Antitrust Act, 493 Sherwin-Williams, 535 Shiseido, 327 Shockwave, 485 Shopping. com, 168, 511 Shopycat, 520 Short Haul Airline, 158 Shulton, 354 Shutterfly, 377 Shuttle, United, 497 Siemens, 211-212 Siemens AG, 319 Siemens Electrical Appliance Division, 284 Sierra Club, 101 Sierra Mist, 305 Sigg Switzerland, 401 Signature Theater Company, 166 Sigrid Olsen, 64 Sikorsky, 344 Silk soymilk, 327 Silly Bandz, 628 Sims Social, 676 Singapore Airlines, 75, 304, 324, 428 Site Reports, 94 60 Minutes, 144, 545 Sketches, 655 Skoda, 252, 408 Skoda Octavia, 249 Skoda Yeti, 249 Skyfall, 617 Skype, 485, 670 Slacker, 149 Slacker, 275 Sleep Number beds, 301 Slide Share, 267 Slim-Fast, 341 Small Business Administration (SBA), 218 Small Business Saturday, American Express, 26 Smartcompany. com. au, 525 SMARTFOOD, 315 Smart Twist Cleaning System, SC Johnson, 412 Smartwater, 316 Smith & Hawken, 690 Smith & Nephew, 126 Smucker's ketchup, 325 Snack Well, 331 Snapple, 594, 685 Snap Tax, 145 Snowflake, SAS, 497 Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, 206Sainsbury, 99, 382, 563 Saint Tropez, 367 Saks Fifth Avenue, 274, 517 Sala Uno, 97 Sales & Marketing Management, 218, 355 Sales Cloud, The, 481 Salesforce. com, 40, 69, 437, 462, 481 Salon Selective, 380 Sam's Club, 428, 571 Samsung, 41, 60, 69, 74, 121-122, 154, 339, 341, 376, 385, 396-397, 451, 480, 494-495, 543, 568, 588, 593, 625, 692 San Disk, 327 Sandoz, 564 Sanofi-Aventis S. A., 66 Sanyo, 59 SAP, 36, 218, 301, 456, 502, 520 Sara Lee Corporation, 279, 318, 363, 669 SAS, 227, 667 Satmetrix. com, 157 Saucony, 411 Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), 34, 386-387 Saudi Gazette, 387 Savers, 201 Sav On Convenience Stores, 93 Sba. gov, 218 SC Johnson, 256, 412 Scan and Go, 520 Scene Tap, 132 Schering-Plough, 66 Schick, 509 Schlitz, 327 Schneider, 572 Scientific Atlanta, 211 Scion, Toyota, 346-347, 418, 501 Scope, 472 Scotchgard, 411 Scotch Tape, 331 Scott, 496 Sears, 66, 222, 274, 278, 341, 377, 431, 445, 523, 528, 535, 541, 549-550, 555, 557, 664 Seaside Luxe, 437 Seat, 408 Seattle Post Intelligencer, 117 Second Life, 327 Secret, 686 See's Candies, 315 Segway Human Transporter, 375 Seinfeld, 465 Select Comfort, 301 Selig. uga. edu, 277 Senseo, 318 Sensor, 634 Service Cloud, The, 481Revlon, 29, 473, 541, 595 Reynolds, 363, 374 Rhapsody, 289 Rhode Island School of Design, 486 Rhône-Poulenc S. A., 66 Richardson-Vicks, 354 Riche Holding AG, 259 Rider Shack, 315 Rio Times, The, 253 Rio Tinto, 219 Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, 221, 222 Rite Aid, 128, 428 Rituxan, 304 Ritz-Carlton, 60, 390 River Pools and Spas, 640 RLM Finsbury, 600 Road Runner Sports, 396 Robert Mondavi Winery, 406 Roberto Cavalli, 399 Roche, 36 Roche Holding, 304 Rocket Internet, 366 Rockport, 411 Rockwell, 234 Rockwell Automation, 224 Rohm & Haas, 460 Rolex, 366 Rolling Stones, The, 28 Rolls-Royce, 229, 406 Rolls-Royce PLC, 394 Ronald Mc Donald Care Mobile, 353, 692 Ronald Mc Donald Family Room, 353, 692 Ronald Mc Donald House, 353, 692 Ronald Mc Donald House Charities, 353 Roper Starch Worldwide, 590 Rose Bowl, 634 Ross Stores, 559 Rovio Entertainment, 455 Royal Ahold, 496 Royal Bank of Scotland, 497 Royal Commission, 386 Royal Dutch/Shell Group., 63, 69 Royal Philips, 312 Royal Philips Electronics, 319 RTC Relationship Marketing, 600 Rudy's Music Shop, 368 Ruelala, 484 Run America Club, Road Runner Sports, 506 Ryanair, 483 Ryder System, 231 SABIC Annual Report 2013, 387 SABMiller, 250-251, 393, 685 Sabre from John Deere, 406 Safeguard soap, 402 Safe-Shell, 401 Safeway, 93, 222, 368, 552, 555, 557, 571, 665 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I16 Index Trader Joe's, 157, 268, 686 Trading Process Network, The, 222 Trading Up, 490 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 342 Transformers, 407 Traveler's, 332 Travelocity, 74, 156, 438, 642 Tree Hugger, 643 TRESemmé, 247 Très Sugar, 643 Trinitron TV, 260 Trip Advisor. com, 39, 160, 171 Trix, 410 Tropicana, 122, 365, 414 True Value, 369 Trust Pass, 537 T681 phone, 182 Tumblr, 38, 307, 321-322, 331, 625 Tums, 377 Tundra, Toyota, 418, 626 Tupperware, 523, 552, 664 Turbo Tax, 145-146, 157 Tweeter, 555 24/7 Media, 600 Twitter, 26, 28, 32-34, 38, 40, 45, 94, 123, 134, 139, 143, 154, 160, 166, 169, 173, 192, 199, 218, 227, 247, 254, 263-264, 274, 279, 307, 315, 318, 325, 328, 618, 644, 670 Tylenol, 33, 327, 378, 628 U by Kotex, 192 UCLA, 133 UEFA Champions League, 581 UGG, 334 UK Tri-Nations, 634 Ultra Dry Pampers, 406 Ultra HD TV, 593 Umbro, 53 Unbound Edition, 293 Under Armour, 358, 362 UNICEF, 287 Unified Grocers, 553 Unilever, 25, 132, 136, 192, 196, 236, 244, 246, 346, 568, 609, 654-655, 685 Union Pacific Railroad, 62, 572 UNIQLO, 314-315, 532, 555 Unisys, 229 United Airlines, 66-67, 75, 155, 425, 430 United Network, 600 United Technology Corporation (UTC), 344 United Way, 123, 695 Universal Pictures, 67, 199 Universal Studios Family Productions, 67 Universal Studios Hollywood, 67 University of California at Berkeley, 401365 Everyday Value, Whole Foods, 557 3M Company, 138, 173, 323, 365, 458, 460, 700 Ticket Exchange, 477 Ticketmaster, 438, 477 Tic Tac, 118 Tide, 35-36, 273, 331, 348, 354, 362, 392, 402-403, 407, 500, 537, 686 Tide Basic, 406 Tide Pods, 354 Tide To Go Stain Eraser, 452 Tiffany & Co., 259, 400, 413, 484, 526, 555 Tiguan, VW, 650 Timberland, 38, 71, 312, 411, 627, 686, 690 Time, 144, 264, 480, 545, 604, 612 Time-Life, 523 Time Warner Cable, 297 Timisoreana, 251 Timken, 217 Tip Top Ice Cream, 658 Titleist, 259 Ti Vo, 144, 327, 478 TJ Maxx, 428, 552, 559 Tmall, 537 T-Mobile, 126, 365, 382, 611 TNS, 600 TNT, 357 Today Show, The, 95, 582 Tom Ford, 617 Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, 167 Tommy Hilfiger, 543 TOMS, 694 Tom's of Maine, 103, 627 Tony Lama, 365 Topman, 534 Topshop, 533-534, 549 Top Shop, 555 Topshop Express, 534 Topshop-to-Go, 534 Top Source, 221 Toronto Sun, 591 Torrid, 558 Toshiba, 69, 196, 239, 249, 414 Touchstone Pictures, 206, 348 Touchstone Television, 206 Tough Mudder, 639 Toughbook, 331 Toughbook computers, 59 Tour de France, 53 Tower Records, 104 Toyota, 27, 60, 107, 239, 253, 260-261, 278, 313, 325, 327, 339, 343, 345-347, 361, 364, 378, 406, 418-419, 460, 526, 569, 618, 626, 628, 680, 686 Toys “R” Us, 343, 424, 511, 557, 589 Toy Story, 206 Trac II, 634Sybase, 456 Synovate, 359 Taco Bell, 173, 410, 427, 430 TAG Heuer, 525 Takashimaya, 550 Talent Pipeline, 267 Taligent, 410 Tang, 256 Taoboa, 537 Target, 60, 107-108, 222, 262, 300, 310, 327, 341, 405, 428, 438, 495, 500, 511, 525-526, 550, 555, 557, 560, 576, 587, 689 Target Take Charge of Education, 693 Taste Nirvana Coconut Waters, 321 Tassimo, 318 Taster's Choice, 327 Tasty Marcom, 319 Tata, 245, 328, 392 Tata Goup, 240 Tata Nano, 240 Tata Steel, 458 Tazo Tea Company, 327, 346, 360 TD Ameritrade, 591 Teaching Company, The, 659 Techcrunch. com, 264, 289, 385 Tech for Luddites, 264 Tech. fortune. cnn. com, 619, 649 Tech News World, 480 Technology Advertising & Technorati, 172, 462 Ted, 199 TED talks, 326 TEDx, 326 Teflon, 343, 411 Teixeira, Thales, 647 Telefonica, 307 Telegraph, The, 496 Telemundo, 278 Telepizza, 366 tenthavenue, 600 Terra Daily, 708 Tesco, 60, 92, 260, 532-533, 538, 555, 563, 662 Tesco, 546 Tesla, 176 Texas Instruments, 491, 494 Theacsi. org, 156 The AList Daily. com, 551 The Economic Times, 176 Thelogocompany. net, 413 Theory, 553 Thermo Fisher Scientific, 660 The Times Travel Award, 158 Thomas Cook, 171 Thompson Water Seal, 588 Thomson Corporation, 126 Thomson Reuters, 29, 126 Thred UP, 486 3Com, 259State Farm, 193, 279, 591 Statoil, 689 Steelcase, 61-62, 126 Stella Mc Cartney, 551 STIHL, 528 Stir, The, 644 Stonyfield Farm, 103, 627, 679, 687, 690 Stop & Shop, 568 Stouffer's, 347, 451 Strategic Account Management Association (SAMA), 668 Strategic Business Insight, 280 Strattera, 456 Stri Vectin, 167 Stub Hub, 94, 477, 511 Suave, 365 Subaru, 408, 583 Sub Pop Records, 75 Substance of Style, The, 397 Subway, 151, 250, 303, 353, 532, 553 Sub-Zero, 376, 398, 490 Success Factors, 456 Sudler & Hennessey, 600 Sugar Bowl, 634 Sun Chips, 414 Sunday Night Football, 618 Sun Microsystems, 215, 365 Sunny Delight, 565 Sun Ovens International, 102 Sunsilk, 136 Super Bowl, 133, 139, 579, 589, 618-619, 637 Superbrands Award, 158 Supercrema, 118 Supercuts, 553 Supermarket News, 689 Super Size Me, 353 SUPERVALU, 222, 458, 555 Supima Cotton Fitted Sheet, 515 Supplier Added Value Effort ($AVE), 213 Surf, 25 Surprise, 118 Survey-Gizmo, 134 Survey Monkey, 134 Survey Research Center of the University of Michigan, 114 Survivor, 264 Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, 691, 692 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, 287 SUV, 175 Svenska Electron AB, 80 Swanson Health Products, 139 Swap. com, 486 Swatch, 305 Sweet 'N Low, 301, 614 Swiffer Sweeper, 144, 273, 354, 461 Swift & Company, 256, 344 Swiss group Nestlé, 318 Swiss Mövenpick, 447 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I17Whirlpool, 80, 273, 397, 496, 568, 641 White Castle, 618 White Mountains Insurance Group, 68 White Westinghouse, 81 Whole Foods, 60, 164, 172, 328, 368, 555, 557, 679, 686, 688-689, 694 Whole Kitchen, 557 Whole Market, 557 Wieden + Kennedy, 584 Wii, 27, 327, 464 Wii U, 464 Wikipedia, 37, 39, 327 Wildfire, 139 William Wrigley Jr. Company, 522 Williams-Sonoma, 92-93, 642 Wilson, 335 Wimbledon, 53 Windex, 103 Windows, 116, 507 Windows 116-117 Windows 3. 0, 116-117, 242 Windows 7, 117 Windows 8, 242 Windows 2000, 116 Windows OS, 259 Windows Vista, 117 Windows XP, 116 Winpro, 245, 248 Wired, 264, 289, 289, 485 Wisp, Colgate, 471 W. L. Gore, 454 Wolverine, 411 Women's Golf Open Championship, 633 Wondercurl mascara, 265 Woodbridge, 406 Workday, 481 Working Assets, 690 World Airline Award, 513 World Airline News, 513 World of Coca-Cola, 628 World Cup, 27, 53, 244, 246, 626 World Golf Championships, 236 Worldgolf. com, 591 World Trade Organization (WTO), 240, 245 World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 42, 694-695 WPP, 329, 600 WPP Green Brands Study, 103 Wrangler, 591 W. R. Case & Sons, 369 W. R. Grace, 92-93 Wrigley's, 340 Wunderman, 600 W. W. Grainger, 221, 225 Wyndham, 171 Xbox, 116, 327 Xbox 382, 464 Xbox Live, 464Wait Away, 443 Walgreens, 222, 552, 692 Walkman, 63, 361 Wall Street, 323 Wall Street Journal, The, 82, 107, 117, 127, 146, 169, 236, 237, 289, 291, 293, 295, 332, 354, 367, 385, 387, 419, 436, 480, 481, 512, 545, 551, 556, 565, 575, 577, 614, 618, 642, 648, 649, 689 Walmart, 55, 60, 69, 91, 93, 122, 128, 154, 172, 186, 195, 221-222, 246, 260, 262, 274, 286, 337, 341, 343, 355, 377, 383, 405, 433, 438, 490, 495, 509, 520, 525-526, 532, 541, 543, 550, 552, 554-556, 561, 556, 576, 617-618, 647, 668, 683, 689 Walt Disney Company, The, 65-66, 68, 206. See also Disney entries Walt Disney World, 336 Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom, 27 Wanamaker, 484 Wanderer, 175 Wanderfly, 171 Warby Parker, 549 Warc. com, 92, 139, 525, 642 Warner Bros., 70 Warner Interactive, 70 Warner Music Group, 75 Washington Post, 107, 131 Waste<Less jeans, 400 WD40, 358 WE, 272 Weather Channel, The, 93-94 Web Ex, 670 Wegmans Food Markets, 157, 222, 313, 686, 689 Weight Watchers, 348, 648 Welch's, 307 Wells Fargo, 107, 128, 279-280, 298, 439, 562, 649 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, 72 Wendy's, 430 WESCO International, 660 Westat, 123 Western Washington University, 401 Westin Hotels, 346, 411 Westin's White Tea, 189 Westinghouse, 80, 458 Westpac Banking, 689 Westport Innovations, 102 WGBH Boston, 67 Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates, 114 Wharton, 58, 127, 140, 549 Whats App, 366 Wheaties, 40, 344 Wheel detergent, 247Vaio, 347 Valentino, 343 Value Innovation Program, 69 Value+Brands, 366 Vanguard, 437 Vans, 275 Vegemite, 611 V8, 89 Vente-Privée, 553 Venus, 273 Verizon, 327, 364-365 Vespa, 327, 534 Veterans Administration, 422 V. F., 156 Viacom, 327 Viadeo SA, 267 VIBE, 75 VIBE Cityguide App, 75 VIBE digital, 75 Vibram, 411, 472 Vichy, 604 Vicks, 354 Victoria Bitter, 251 Victoria's Secret, 368, 490-491, 558, 561, 677 Vidal Sassoon, 354 Video cassette recorder (VCR), 319 Vigoro fertilizer, 344 Viking, 376, 396, 491 Vimeo, 45, 646 Virgin America, 137, 325 Virgin Atlantic, 707 Virgin Cola, 707 Virgin Cosmetics, 707 Virgin Green Fund, 707 Virgin Group, 707-708 Virgin Megastore, 707 Virgin Mobile, 365 Virgin Pulse, 707 Virgin Records, 707 Virgin Unite, 707 Virgin Vodka, 707 Virgin, 60, 669 Virtual Wallet, 274 Visa, 75, 301, 303, 330, 359, 591-592, 618, 627 Vistaprint, 224 vitaminwater, 316, 368 VML, 600 Vocalpoint, 647 Vodafone Group, 75, 243, 246, 483 Vogue, 620 Voice, The, 264, 618 Volcom, 315 Volkswagen, 74, 175, 203, 246, 249, 252, 288, 341, 408, 589, 592, 650 Volt, Chevrolet, 182, 397, 648 Volvo, 32, 152-153, 298, 334 Vonage, 327 VW. See Volkswagen W, 346 Wagner Custom Skis, 290University of Chicago, 199, 203 University of Florida, 321 University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, 36 University of Maryland, 358 University of Michigan, 105, 155 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 131 University of North Carolina, 565 University of Vermont, 401 University of Virginia, 138 University of Wisconsin, 105, 313 Univision, 97, 278 UPS, 123, 313, 357, 413, 425, 523, 553, 572, 686 Urban Outfitters, 533, 558 Urbane Apartments, 315 Urbane Lobby, 315 Urbanspoon, 429 USAA, 157, 421, 428, 430, 433 U. S. Air Force, 468 U. S. Airways, 263 USAirways, 432 U. S. Armed Forces, 299 USA Today, 144, 146, 332, 55, 367, 401, 430, 490, 525, 545, 565, 619, 655, 676, 707 USB, 451 U. S. Census Bureau, 93, 111, 279, 553 U. S. Customs and Border Protection, 259 US Dow, 386 U. S. Department of Commerce, 258 U. S. Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration, 249 U. S. Department of Transportation, 695 U. S. Departments of Health, Social, and Human Services, 695 U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, 695 U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 691 U. S. government, 233-234 U. S. Marine Corps, 313 U. S. News & World Report, 54 U. S. Open of Surfing, 275 U. S. Postal Service (USPS), 71, 113, 545 U. S. Small Business Administration, 249 U. S. Steel, 34 UTC Aerospace Systems, 344 UTC Building & Industrial Systems, 345 U2, 324 Uxmatters. com, 127 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I18 Index Attack strategies, general, 365-666 Attention, selective, 190 Attitude(s) in benefit-based segmentation, 282 defined, 197 Attribute listing, 465 Auction company, Pure Play, 221 Auction-type pricing, 502 Audience-attention probability, 620 Audience quality, 620 Augmented product, 390 Australia, 97 Automatic vending, 552 Automotive licensing, 343 Availability heuristic, 203 Available market, 108 Avatars, 536 Average costs, 494 Awareness, 48 Awareness set, 196 Axe Effect, 192 Baby boomers, 271, 276 Baby market, 184 “Back to basics” brand strategy, 342 Backward invention, 256 Bait-and-switch advertising, 613 BAMT. See Brand-asset management team Bangladesh, 98, 247 Banking, mobile apps, 432 Banner ads, 640-641 Barcodes consumer scanning of, 39, 539 integrated logistics systems and, 568 Bargaining power, 287 Barter business purchasing and, 221 as countertrade, 504 in sharing economy, 486 Basic product, 390, 390t BAV model, 328 BDI. See Brand development index BDT. See Behavioral decision theory Bees, 182 Behavioral decision theory (BDT), 202-205 decision heuristics, 203-204 framing, 204-205 selected findings, 203t Behavioral dimension of brand experience, 425t Behavioral economics, 203 Behavioral research, 128 Behavioral segmentation, 281-283 breakdown, 283f decision roles, 281African Americans as demographic segment, 279 profile, 277t in U. S. population, 97 “African Lions,” 246 Age as buying behavior influence, 183 old, silent generation redefining, 276-277 Agents, 516, 566t foreign-based, 249-250 Age segmentation, 271 AIDA model, 585f Airline industry mergers in, 66 price-fixing and, 503 private aviation, 438 recession and, 288 yield pricing in, 506 Airtruck, 572 Alaskan Natives, 97 Alcohol sales, cultural values and, 101 Algeria, 246 Alliances horizontal, 66 strategic, 74-75 See also Marketing alliances Allowance advertising, 624t example, 505t Alphas, 182 Alpha testing, 473 Alternatives, evaluation of beliefs and attitudes, 197 expectancy-value model, 197-198 steps between purchase decision and, 199f American Indians, 97 Anchoring and adjustment heuristics, 204 Ancillary services, 561 Angola, 246 Anticipative marketer, 361 Anticipatory pricing, 508 Antitrust action, 363 Approvers, in buying center, 216 Acquisition, customer. See Customer acquisition “Arab Spring,” 246 Arbitration, 542 Area market potential, 111-113 Area market specialists, 682 Areas of dominant influence (ADIs), 621 Arm's-length price, 258 Arranged interviews, 133-134 Asian Americans, 97, 277t, 279 Aspirational groups, 181 Associative network memory model, 193 Assortment, building, wholesalers and, 566 Atmospheres, 626as global product strategy, 254-256 marketing, 253-254 Adapted marketing program, 251 Adapter, 366 Add-on spending, customer equity and, 350 ADIs. See Areas of dominant influence Administered VMS, 535 Adoption, 476. See also Consumer-adoption process Ad placement policies and extra services, 620 “Advergames,” 618 Advertising to African Americans, 279 comparative, framing effects in, 204 consumer-generated, 611 defined, 608 in marketing communications mix, 582, 596 m-commerce and, 539-540 measuring sales impact of, 621f pretest research techniques, 621f social role of, 614 Super Bowl ads, 619 Advertising allowance, 624t Advertising budget, 609-610 Advertising campaign, 610-614 development and execution, 611-614 legal and social issues, 613-614 message generation and evaluation, 610-611 Advertising elasticity, 610 Advertising frequency, 610 Advertising objectives, 609 Advertising program, 608-622 budget for, 609-610 choosing media. See Media selection evaluating effectiveness of, 621-622 “five Ms” decisions, 608-609, 609f See also Advertising campaign Advertising research, 193 Advertising timing patterns, 620f Advocate channels, 590 Affective dimension of brand experience, 425t Affective stage, response hierarchy model and, 585f Affordability, 48 Affordable luxuries, 491 Africa distribution channels in, 260 KFC and, 242 political-legal environment in, 105Xbox One, 464 Xerox, 62, 126, 155, 228, 232, 327, 331, 359, 365, 436, 570, 684 Xiameter, 346 XSENS, 219 X-Trainer, 311 Y&R, 600 Yahoo!, 26, 55, 173, 189, 273, 322, 361, 366, 374, 537 Yahoo! Finance, 172 Yale University, 588 Yankelovich Monitor, The, 95 Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The, 32 Yellow Pages, 113, 592 Yelp. com, 168, 270, 429 Yoplait, 344, 410, 496, 684 YSL, 604 Young and Rubicam (Y&R), 326 You Tube, 26, 32, 34, 39, 54, 71, 92, 106, 121, 151, 154, 173, 192, 203, 227, 307, 315, 430, 557, 633, 646, 676 Zales, 557 Zanussi, 80, 81, 376 Zappos, 48, 154, 328, 431, 434, 549 Zara, 327, 367, 534, 549, 555, 559, 574-575 Zazzle, 394 ZDNet. com, 94 Zee TV, 98 Zenithoptimedia. com, 595 Zest soap, 402 Zimride, 486 Zipcar, 373 Ziploc, 565 Zippo Manufacturing, 164, 369 Zombie SAK, 34 Zyrtec, 347 Subject ABC. See Activity-based costing Accelerating, 680 Acceleration effect, 214 Accountability of marketing, 42 Accounting department, 46t, 681 Accumulated production, 494-495 Achievers, 280t Acquisition of international brands, 250-251 ACSI scores by industry, 156t Active information search, 196 Activity-based costing (ABC), 75, 159, 494 Actual self-concept, 185 Ad agencies, 600 Adaptation brand element, 256 communication, 257 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I19Brand revitalization, 341-343 Brand salience, 330 Brand stature, 327 Brand strength, 327 Brand substitution test, 298, 298f Brand-tracking studies, 338 Brand valuation, 338 Brand value chain, 337, 338f Brand Z, 329 Brazil as developing market, 243-244 Greendex and, 103 Break even volume, 498f Brick-and-click companies, 40, 536, 537 Brick-and-mortar retailers comparing competitor's prices while in, 525 online venture of, 520 BRICS, 244, 246 Bridges, 181 Broadening, 680 Broad environment, 34 Brokers, 566t B-to-B commerce, 536-537 B-to-B marketing, 212. See also Business market(s); Organizational buying Bubble exercises, 130 Budget advertising, 609-610 new-product development, 456-457 sales promotion, 625 Bulk breaking, 566 Business advisory services, 392 Business and sales force promotion tools, 625, 625t Business analysis for new-product development, 470-472 estimating costs and profits, 471, 472t estimating total sales, 470-471 Business database, 662 Business definition, for corporation mission, 61-62 Business legislation increased, 105-106 See also Legal issues Business market(s), 30 buying for. See Organizational buying consumer market vs., 211-214 defined, 211 organizational buying and, 211-214 Business market segmentation, 283-284 segmentation variables, 284f Business mission, 71Brand image, packaging and, 412 Brand imagery, 330 Branding in business-to-business marketing programs, 226-228 cause, 693 color wheel of, 413 defined, 323 internal, 336-337 role of, 339 scope of, 323-324 twenty-first century, 351 Branding strategy, 343-350 alternative, 344 brand extensions, 347-350 brand portfolios, 345-347 “house of brands” vs. “branded house,” 344-345 Brand judgments, 330 Brand knowledge, 325 secondary sources of, 335f Brand line, 343 Brand loyalty, 323 Brand-management organization of marketing department, 682-684 Brand mantras, 307-308 Brand metrics pathway, 141 Brand mix, 343 Brand name, 344 Brand narratives, 313 Brand performance, 327f, 330 Brand personality, 185 Brand personification, 130 Brand portfolios, 345-347 cash cows, 346 flankers, 346 high-end prestige brand, 347 low-end entry level brands, 346-347 Brand positioning brand narratives and storytelling, 313 competitive frame of reference, 298-308 cultural branding, 313 positioning, defined, 297 for small business, 314-316 value propositions, 298 Brand positioning, establishing, 308-313 category membership, 310-311 competition, 312-313 POPs and PODs, 311-312 Brand positioning bull's-eye, 309, 309f Brand-positioning map, 467, 467f Brand promise, 325 Brand reinforcement, 340-341 Brand resonance, 330 Brand resonance model, 329-330, 330f Brand attitude, 587 Brand audit, 338 Brand awareness, 587 Brand bonding, 336 Brand Bubble, 328 Brand characters, 332 Brand communities, 165-167, 462 Brand concept, 467 Brand contact, 332, 582 Brand development index (BDI), 112, 112t Brand dilution, 348 Brand-dominant hierarchy, 196 Brand Dynamics Pyramid (Brand Z), 329-330, 329f Branded house, 344 Branded variants, 343 Brand elements adaptation, 256 choosing, 331 developing, 331-332 Brand equity, 321-355 customer-based, 324 defined, 324 marketing advantages and, 325t marketing crisis and, 378 Brand equity, building, 331-337 choosing brand elements, 331-332 holistic marketing activities, 332-334 internal branding, 336-337 leveraging secondary associations, 334-335 Brand equity, managing brand reinforcement, 340-341 brand revitalization, 341-343 Brand equity, measuring, 337-340 brand value chain, 337-338 estimating dollar value of brand, 339-340 Interbrand brand valuation method, 340f Brand equity, models, 326-330 Brand Dynamics Pyramid, 329 brand resonance model, 329-330 Brand equity drivers, 331 Brand-equity measures, 138 Brand essence, 307 Brand experience dimensions, 425t Brand extensions, 343, 347-350 advantages of, 347-348 brand extendibility scorecard, 349t disadvantages of, 348 Old Luxury, 490 research insights on, 349-350t success characteristics, 348-350 Brand feelings, 330need and benefits, 281 use and usage-related variables, 281-283 Behavior stage, in response hierarchy model, 585f Beliefs brand, about laptops, 198t core and secondary, 101 defined, 197 Believers, 280t Beltway Boomers, 270t Benchmarking, 58, 224, 680 Benefit-based segmentation, 281 Benefits, for sales force, 669 Benefit segmentation attitude, 282 buyer-readiness stage, 282 loyalty status, 282 multiple bases, 282 occasions, 281 usage rate, 281-282 user status, 281 Bermuda, 90 Beta testing, 473 Big Data, 92, 436, 597 “Big idea,” 58 Billboard effect, 347 Billboards, 616 Black media, 279 Blogs and blogging, 643 influence of, 172 public, 94 social media vs., 40 Bots, price comparisons using, 484 Botswana, 246 Brainstorming, 464-465 Brand(s), 32 additional opportunities to use, 360 “advergames” and, 618 building strong, 50 corporate, 227 consumer attitudes toward, 328 current, consumer states, 599f defined, 322 fine-tuning, 383 global, consistency and, 254 luxury, 398-400 new ways to use, 361 playing tricks to build, 593 private-label, 563-565 role of, 322-323 strength of, brand worth and, 339 world's 32 most valuable (2012), 339 Brand architecture, 343 Brand-asset management team (BAMT), 683 Brand Asset Valuator, 326-328, 326f Brand associations, 193 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I20 Indexprotecting online, 291 socially responsible targeting, 290-291 television, marketing and, 183 See also Baby market Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 291 China Amazon and, 254 channel considerations, 532 country-of-origin effects and, 262 as developing market, 243, 245 emerging markets in, 97 Greendex and, 103 IKEA's pricing strategy in, 258 illiterate adults in, 98 joint ventures in, 250 KFC in, 242 middle class in, 247 mobile-phone market in, 239 Choice architecture, 199 Choice set, 196 CIO. See Chief information officer City version of product, 255 CIVETS, 244 Cliques, as buying influence, 181-182 Cloner, 366 Closed-end questions, 128-129, 129t Closing a sale, 674 Club membership programs, 165 Clutter, advertising budget and, 610 CLV. See Customer lifetime value CMO. See Chief marketing officer Co-branding, 409-411 Coercive power, 531 Cognitive stage, in response hierarchy model, 585f Cohort, 274. See also Generation segmentation cohorts, 97 Collectivism, individualism vs., 252 Colombia, 244, 654 Color wheel, of packaging and branding, 413 Commercialization of new product geographic strategy, 475 introductory market strategy, 476 target-market prospects, 476 timing, 475 Commercials fast-forwarding through, 580 See also Advertising entries Common carrier, 572terms and responsibilities of members, 528-529 types of intermediaries, 527 Channel captain, 534 Channel conflict, 540-543 causes of, 541 defined, 540 managing, 541-543, 542t types of, 541 Channel coordination, 541 Channel-design decisions channel alternatives, 527-529, 527-530 customer needs and wants, 525-526 objectives and constraints, 526 Channel evolution, 532 Channel integration and systems horizontal marketing systems, 536 vertical marketing systems, 534-535 Channel-management decisions evaluating channel members, 531 global channel considerations, 532-534 modifying channel design, 532 selecting channel members, 530 training and motivating channel members, 530-531 Channel members. See also Channel-management decisions Channel partnerships, 531 Channel power, 531 Channel pricing, 506 Channels retailing, 558 See also Marketing channels Channels between nations, 260 Channels of distribution changing, 41 See also Distribution channels Channel specialist, 370 Channel steward, 534 Channels within foreign nations, 260 Characters avatars, 536 brand, 332 as service brand element, 425 Chief financial officer (CFO), 25 Chief information officer (CIO), 25, 35 Chief marketing officer (CMO), 25 information technology and, 35 for organization marketing, 28 qualities for successful, 61 Children advertising to, globally, 257 direct influence of, 183Buyphases, 220, 220f Buzz creating, 646-650 starting positive, 648 tracking online, 649 Bypass attack, 365-366 By-product pricing, 409 Call centers, 435-436 Call reports, 671-672 Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, 291 Canada Greendex and, 103 as large U. S. export market, 243 Netflix and, 254 Cancellation principle, 205 Cannibalization, 543 Cannibalized income, 471 Capitalism, 104 Capital items, 392 Captive products, 408 CAs. See Customer attributes Cash and carry wholesalers, 566t Cash cows, 346 Cash-flow metrics pathway, 141 Cash rebates, 506 Cash refund offers, 624t Catalog marketing, 660 Catalog showroom, 552 Catalog sites, business purchasing through, 221 Category concept, 467 Category extension, 343 Category killers, 554 Category management, 683 Category membership, 298, 310-311 Category points-of-parity, 302 Causal research, 125 Cause-related marketing, 627, 690-694 benefits and costs, 691-692 defined, 690 designing program for, 692-694 top 32 tips for, 693 Celebrity endorsements, 590, 591 Cell phones Big Data and, 92 marketing, in developing countries, 247 prevalence of, 39 See also Mobile phones Census tracts, 113 Central business districts, 563 Central route (for consumer decision making), 202 Cents-off deals, 624t CEO, marketing and, 685 Chain-ratio method, 111 Channel alternatives evaluating, 529-530 number of intermediaries, 528Business needs, services for, 422 Business sector, 421 Business-to-business customer relationships, 230-232 risk and opportunism, 231-232 vertical coordination benefits, 230-231 Business-to-business marketing programs, 226-230 communication and branding activities, 226-228 role of services, 229-230 systems buying and selling, 228-229 Business unit strategic planning, 70-77 business mission, 71 feedback and control, 77 goal formulation, 74 process, 70f program formulation and implementation, 75-76 strategic formulation, 74 SWOT analysis, 71-73 “Buy American” push, 212 Buyback arrangement, as countertrade, 504 Buyer-supplier relationships, 230-231 Buyer-readiness stage, 282, 598, 598f Buyer role, 281 Buyers, in buying center, 216 Buyers' intentions, survey of, 114 Buyer turnover, media timing and, 620 Buygrid framework, 220f Buying, wholesalers and, 566 Buying alliances, 221-222 Buying behavior influences on, 181-183 variety-seeking, 202 See also Consumer behavior entries Buying center, 216 influences on, 216 targeting, 217-219 Buying decision, five roles in, 281 Buying decision process, consumer, 194-202 evaluation of alternatives, 197-198 information search, 196-197 moderating effects, 202 postpurchase behavior, 200-201 problem recognition, 195 purchase decision, 198-200 successive sets involved in, 196f Buying service, 552 Buying situations, organizational, 214-215 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I21Conventional marketing channel, 534 Conventions, 625t Conversion rates, 163, 536 Cookies, Web site, 91 Cool events, 275 Cooperative consumer, 553 producer, 566t retailer, 553 Cooperative organizations, 249 Co-optation, 542 COPPA. See Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Copy, in print ad, 612 Copy testing, 621 Core beliefs, 101 Core benefit, 390, 390t Core brand promise, 307 Core business processes, 58 Core competencies, 58 Core performers, sales force, 671 Core values, 187 Corporate advertising, 597 Corporate brand, 227 Corporate chain store, 553 Corporate communications, 629 Corporate credibility, 231 Corporate culture, 68 Corporate environmentalism, 103. See also Green marketing Corporate image marketing crisis and, 378 sponsorship and, 627 Corporate mission, 61 business definition, 61-62 defining, 61 mission statement, 63 See also Mission Corporate retailing, 553 Corporate social responsibility, 36 ethical behavior and, 688 legal behavior and, 687 rationale for investing in, 686f social responsibility behavior and, 688-689 sustainability and, 689-690 See also Social responsibility Corporate societal marketing (CSM), 690 Corporate strategic planning. See Strategic planning Corporate VMS, 535 Correlational points-of-parity, 302 Cosmopolitans, 270t Cost inflation, 508 Costing target, 495 See also Activity-based costing Cost leadership, strategic thinking and, 74Consumer behavior buying decision process, 194-202 defined, 179 model of, 187f understanding, 194t See also Buying behavior Consumer behavior, influences on cultural factors, 179-181 personal factors, 183-187 social factors, 181-182 Consumer behavior, psychological processes emotions, 192-193 learning, 191-192 memory, 193-194 motivation, 187-189 perception, 189-191 Consumer cooperative, 553 Consumer franchise building, 622 Consumer-generated advertising, 611 Consumer-goods classifications of, 391-392 market testing, 473-474 Consumer involvement, 202 Consumerist movement, 106 Consumer-loyalty process, 476 Consumer market, 30 business market vs., 211-214 Consumer promotion tools, 623, 624f Consumer psychology economic environment and, 99 pricing and, 487-488 Consumers brands' role for, 322 marketing channels, 523f new capabilities, 38-39, 38t online scoring, 182 sales promotion objectives and, 623 survey of intentions, 114 Consumer surveys. See Questionnaires; Surveys Containerization, 572 Contests, as consumer promotion tools, 624t Contextual placement, 638 Continuity of advertising, 620 Continuous innovation, 361 Continuous replenishment programs, 226 Contract carrier, 572 Contraction defense, 363 Contract manufacturing, 249-250 Contractual VMS, 535 Controllable returns, 396 Controlled test marketing, 474 Control process, 60f Convenience goods, 391 Convenience store, 552Competitive frame of reference, 298-308 brand mantras, 307-308 choosing POPs and PODs, 304-307 competitor analysis, 299-300 competitor identification, 298-299 defined, 298 emotional branding, 306 multiple frames of reference, 303 points-of-difference (PODs), 300-303 points-of-parity (POPs), 302-303 straddle positioning, 303-304 Competitive points-of-parity, 302 Competitive strategies for market-challengers, 364-366 for market leaders ( See Competitive strategies, for market leaders) expanding total market demand, 360-361 increasing market share, 363-364 market-follower strategies, 366-368 market-nicher strategies, 368-370 protecting market share, 361-363 Competitors analyzing, 299-300 customers' ratings of, 300f defined, 299 ideas for new products from, 463-464 identifying, 298-299 Complaints customer, 172-173 Complementary services, 427 Component materials, 392 Component parts, 392 Compositional approach, 224 Concentration, new products advertising and, 620 Conditions of sale, 529 Conformance quality, 156, 393 Conjoint analysis, 224, 469-470 functions based on, 469f samples for, 469f Conjunctive heuristic, 199 Connectors, 182 Conscious parallelism patterns, 366 Consideration set, 196 Consumer-adoption process adopter categorization, 477f defined, 476 factors influencing, 476-478 stages in, 476 Consumer attitudes, 282, 328Communication activities, in B-to-B marketing, 226-228 brand mantra, 308 business-to-business marketing programs, 226-228 Communication adaptation, 257 Communication audit, 584 Communication channels, 32 Communication-effect research, 621 Communications retailers and, 561 service company positioning through, 424 Communications channels, 590-593 integration of, 593 nonpersonal (mass), 592-593 personal, 590-592 Communications companies, 600 Communications model, 585f Communications process models, 584-586 elements in model, 585f macromodel, 584-585 micromodel, 585-586 Communication strategies, global, 257 Communities of practice, 458 Community shopping centers, 563 Companies, new capabilities of, 39-40, 39f Company demand, 110 Company image, packaging and, 412 Company sales force, 598, 667 Company sales forecast, 110 Company sales potential, 110 Compensation deal, 504 Competence, defining, in mission statement, 63t Competition, 34 advertising budget and, 610 advertising disputes between competitors, 614 analyzing costs, prices and offers of, 495, 497 channel conflict and, 541 customer switching behavior and, 440t heightened, globalization and, 40 intertype, in retailing, 555 monitoring, to establish brand positioning, 312-313 new, in retailing, 535 product augmentation and, 390 responses to price changes, 508-509 Competitive advantage, 58, 304 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I22 Index Customer service imperative, 445 Customer service representatives (CSRs), 435 Customer-size specialist, 370 Customer tests, for new products, 473 Customer touch point, 168 Customer training, 395 Customer value company cost vs., 393 core competencies, 58 propositions, 224 strategic planning, 59-60 value chain, 58 value delivery process, 57 See also Value Customer value analysis, 152 Customer value assessment (CVA) methods, 223 Customer-value hierarchy, 389-390 Customer value management (CVM), 168 Customer value triad (qsp), 33 Customization, 394 Customized marketing, 289-290 CVA. See Customer value assessment (CVA) methods Cycle-recycle pattern, 371 Database marketing, 662-664 downside of, 664 in marketing communications mix, 582, 597 Databases, 91-92 Data mining, 91-92, 662-663 Data profiling online, 107 See also Big Data Data warehousing, 91-92, 662 Deadly marketing sins, 703-704 Debt, economic environment and, 100 Debt-to-income ratio, 100 Deception in advertising, 613 in direct marketing, 661 Decider role, 281 Deciders, in buying center, 216 Decision framing, 204 Decision making, marketing, 25-26 Decline, as product life cycle stage, 370, 371f, 377-380 Declining demand, 29 Decoding, 585 Defection, 162 reducing, 162, 164 Defensive marketing, 362-363, 362f Delayed quotation pricing, 508 Delight needs, 31 Delivery by sales representative, 665 of services, 440-441determinants of, 150f high customer value, 153 value defined, 151 Customer-performance scorecard, 141, 141t Customer-product profitability analysis, 159f Customer profitability, 159-160 Customer profitability analysis (CPA), 159-160 Customer reference programs, 229 Customer relationship, shifting, with services, 428-431 Customer relationship capital, 163 Customer relationship management (CRM), 44, 168-173, 350 customer complaints, 172-173 customer empowerment, 170-171 customer reviews and recommendations, 171 defined, 168 personalizing marketing, 168, 170 process, 58 software system, 36 value network and, 520 Customer retention, 160 -164 customer equity and, 350 dynamics of, 163 reducing defection, 162 Customer reviews on Internet, 94 and recommendations, 171 Customers attracting and retaining, 160-164 connecting with, 50 factors in switching behavior, 440t forming strong bonds with, 164f ideas for new products from, 462 interaction with, loyalty and, 164-165 new, market demand and, 360-361 ratings of competitors, 300f as stakeholders, 76 switching behavior factors, 440t use or disposition of products, 201f visits to headquarters and factories, 628 Customer satisfaction monitoring, for services, 426 Net Promoter and, 157 Customer-segment pricing, 506 Customer service evolution of, 445 “live chat,” 433Cumulative advantage, 648 Current demand, 111-113 Customer acquisition customer equity and, 350 process, 58 Customer advisory panel, 93 Customer attributes (CAs), 472 Customer base, 163 managing, 164 Customer-based brand equity, 324 Customer churn, 162 Customer cloning, 268 Customer communities, 537 Customer complaints, 172-173, 435 Customer complaint sites, 94 Customer consulting, services differentiation by, 395 Customer coproduction of services, 429-430 Customer database, 662 Customer-driven departments, 681 Customer-driven engineering, 456 Customer empowerment, 170-171, 429 Customer equity, 350-351 Customer failures, service problems and, 430 Customer lifetime value, 159-160 Customer lifetime value (CLV), 158-168 brand communities, 165-167 building loyalty, 164-165 calculating, 161 customer profitability, 159 customer retention, 160-164 defined, 160 measuring, 158-168 win-backs, 168 Customer loss rate, 155 Customer loyalty data mining and, 663 top 30 brands in, 154t Customer loyalty ladder, 650 Customer mailing list, 662 Customer-management organization, 684 Customer market, 30 Customer marketing research firms, 123 Customer metrics pathway, 141 Customer needs product-support services and, 444-445 See also Needs entries Customer partnering, 680 Customer-perceived value (CPV), 150-153 applying value concepts, 151-152 choice processes and implications, 153 defined, 151Costs cutting, 496 estimating, 494-495 estimating, for new product, 470-471 types of, 494 Counseling as public relations function, 629 wholesalers and, 567 Counterfeit products, 259 Counteroffensive defense, 363 Countertrade, 504 Country-of-origin effects, 260-262 building country images, 260-261 consumer perceptions of country of origin, 261-262 Country-of-origin perceptions, 260 Country version of product, 255 Coupons, 624t CPA. See Customer profitability analysis CPS. See Critical path scheduling Creative anticipation, 361 Creative brief, 611 Creative marketer, 361 Creative strategy for advertising campaign, 610 for direct mail, 659 for marketing communica-tions, 588-589 Creativity, stimulating, 464-465 Credibility, corporate, 231 Credit, economic environment and, 100 Crisis, managing a, 378 Critical life events, 183 Critical path scheduling (CPS), 476 CRM. See Customer relationship management Cross-functional teams for new-product development, 458 Cross-promotions, 624t Crowdcasting exercise, 122-123 Crowdfunding, 475 Crowdsourcing, 458, 462 CSM. See Corporate societal marketing Cues, 191 Cultural branding, 313 Cultural values, 101 Culture consumer behavior and, 179, 181 defined, 179 demographic segmentation by, 277-279 global expansion and, 241 product standardization and, 254-255 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I23Durability of product, 391 Durable goods, 391 Dutch auctions, 502 DVR. See Digital video recorder Dynamic process model of service quality, 443 Dynamism, 328 Early adopters, 477 Early majority, 477 Earned media, 32, 637 EAs. See Engineering attributes Echo Boomers, 274-275 Eco-friendly products, 690 E-commerce, 536-537 brick-and-click companies, 537 pure-click companies, 536-537 success factors, 536 Econometric analysis, 115 Economic environment, 99-100 Economics, behavioral, 203 Economy, slow-growth, 381-384 Editorial quality of ad medium, 620 EDLP. See Everyday low pricing Educational groups, 98 EEG (electroencephalograph) technology, 133 Efficiency, peak-time, services and, 427 Efficient consumer response (ECR) practices, 531 EFT. See Electronic funds transfer Egypt, 98 as “African Lion,” 246 as developing market, 244 industrializing economy in, 99 political turmoil in, 246 E-hubs, 221 functional, 222 vertical, 222 Eighty “80-20” rule, 289 Elaboration likelihood model, 202 Elastic demand, 492f, 493 Electronic data interchange (EDI), 568 Electronic funds transfer (EFT), 568 Electronic marketplaces, 221 Elimination-by-aspects heuristic, 199 E-mail customer mailing list, 662 maximize marketing value of, 642 Emergency goods, 391 Emerging markets, 97 Emotional branding, 306 Emotions, 192-193 Empathy sessions, 276Discount store, 550, 552 Discretionary options, 284 Discrimination, 192 Disintermediation, 40 Display ads, 640-641 Disruptive technologies, 455 Dissatisfiers, 188 Dissociative groups, 181 Distinctive capabilities, 58 Distortion, selective, 190-191 Distribution channels, 32 global strategy for, 259-260 See also Channels of distribution Distribution programming, 535 Distribution strategies, global, 259-260 Distribution vehicle, 625 Distributors, 566 foreign-based, 249-250 as stakeholders, 76 territorial rights of, 529 See also Wholesaling Diversification growth, 68 Diversification strategy, 65 Diverting, 623 Divesting, 379-380 Divesting older businesses, 68 Division strategic planning. See Strategic planning D-mail, 641. See also Direct mail DMAs. See Designated marketing areas Domestic-based export agents, 249 Domestic-based export department/division, 249-250 Domestic-based export merchants, 249 Donor market, 30 “Do Not Call” registry, 133 Dot-com Cisco Systems as, 211 disintermediation and early, 40 Double jeopardy, 374 Down-market stretch, 405-406 Downsizing, growth opportunities and, 68 Downtime, 444 DPP. See Direct product profitability Dragalong income, 471 Dramatization public relations and, 596 Drive, 191 DROP-error, 465 Drop shippers, 566t Drug store, 552 Dual adaptation, 257 Dual compensation, 541 Dubai, 250 Dumping, 258 Durability, product differentiation by, 393-394Derived demand, 214 Descriptive research, 125 Design, 396-397 approaches to, 397 design leaders, 396-397 power, 397 Designated marketing areas (DMAs), 621 Design leaders, 396-397 Design thinking, 397 Desktop marketing, 697 Destination categories, 558 Developing market, 243-248 Brazil, 243-244 China, 245-246 India, 243 Indonesia as, 246-247 marketing strategies for, 247 Russia, 244-245 South Africa as, 246 succeeding in, 243-248 Differential pricing, for services, 426 Differentiated marketing, 287 Differentiation pricing, 506-507 product, 393-394 product augmentation and, 390 as product strategy, 392-396 services, 394-396, 435-438 strategic thinking and, 74 Digital balance sheet, 35 “Digital native” Millennials, 274-275 Digital video recorders (DVRs), 580 Dilution, marketing channels and, 543 Diplomacy, 542 Direct exporting, 249 Direct investment (in global markets), 250 Direct mail, 641, 659-660 Direct marketing, 552, 657-661 benefits of, 658 catalog marketing, 660 defined, 657 direct mail, 659-660 infomercials, 661 in marketing communications mix, 582, 597 newspapers and magazines, 661 public and ethical issues, 661 telemarketing, 660-661 Direct marketing channel, 523 Direct-order marketing, 657 Direct product profitability (DPP), 560 Direct purchasing, 214 Direct sales force, 667 Direct selling, 552 Direct survey questions, 224 Discount, example, 505t Discounting, psychological, 506service, technology and, 432-433 services differentiation by, 395 Delivery channel, 523 Demand current, 111-113 derived, 214 fluctuating, 214 inelastic, 214 inelastic and elastic, 492f, 493 measuring, 107-115 nonpeak, for services, 427 See also Market demand Demand, determining estimating demand curves, 493 price elasticity of, 493 price sensitivity and, 492 Demand chain planning, 519 Demand curve, 493 Demand measurement area market potential, 111-113 company demand, 110 company sales forecast, 110 company sales potential, 110 current demand, 111-113 future demand, 113-115 market demand, 109 market forecast, 110 market potential, 110 ninety types of, 108f Demands, 31 Demand-side management, 531 Demand-side method, 628 Demand states, 29 Deming Prize, 157 Democratic Republic of Congo, 99, 246 Demographic environment, 96-99 educational groups, 98 ethic and racial diversity, 97-98 household patterns, 98-99 population age mix, 96-97 worldwide population growth, 96 Demographic market, 30 Demographic segmentation, 271-280 age and life-cycle stage, 271 business markets, 284f gender, 272-273 generation, 274-280 Hispanic Americans, 277-279 income, 273-274 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT), 279-280 life stage, 271-272 race and culture, 277 Demonstration as consumer promotion tool, 624t sales, 673 Department store, 552 Deregulation, 40 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I24 Index Foreign-based distributors or agents, 249-250 Foreign markets modes of entry, 248f See also Global markets and other Global entries Forgetting rate, media timing and, 620 Form, product differentiation by, 393 Forward buying, 623 Forward invention, 256 Four As of marketing, 48 Four Ps as marketing mix components, 47f marketing mix vs. marketing management, 48f updating, 47-49 FPs. See Frequency programs Fragile-market-share trap, 507 Framing, 219 in comparative advertising, 204 decision, 204 France Greendex and, 103 successful retailer in, 260 tourist arrivals in, 90 Franchise, as contractual VMS, 535 Franchisee, 554 Franchise organization, 553 Franchising, 250, 553-554 Franchisor, 535, 554 Fraud, direct marketing and, 661 Free goods, 624t “Freemium” model, 485 Free-rider problem, 258-259 Free trials, 624t Frequency (F), advertising, 615 Frequency programs (FPs), 165, 624t Freud's theory of motivation, 187-188 Frontal attack, 365 Fulfillment management process, 58 Full demand, 29 Full-line forcing, 543 Full market coverage, 286-287 Full service, 551 Full-service wholesalers, 566t Functional discount, 505t Functional magnetic resonance imaging (f MRI), 133 Functional organization of marketing department, 682 Functional quality of services, 432 Functional risk, 200 Funnel, stage-gate system as, 458-459 Fusionistas, 278Family values, of Hispanic Americans, 278 Farm products, 392 Fashion fast-fashion business, 367 life-cycle strategies for, 371-372 Fast-food chains employee behavior caught on video, 430 revenue from drive-throughs, 427 Fast retailing, 555 Feature fatigue, 393 Feature improvement, 376-377 Features, advantages, benefits, and value (FABV) approach, 673-674 Features, pricing optional, 408 Feedback, in communication process, 585 Feedback effects, 348 Feedback sites, 94 Field value-in-use assessment, 224 Fiji, 243 Filipinos, 98 Finance department customer-driven, 681 as customer-minded, 46t Financial analysis of brand worth, 339 Financial projections, 78 Financial risk, 200 Financing, wholesalers and, 566 Finite nonrenewable resources, 104 Finland, 260-261 First entry, 475 “First in, first win” opportunity, 184 First mover advantages, 475 Fishyback, 572 Fixed costs, 494 Flagship brands, 346 Flagship product, 345 Flank attack, 365 Flank defense, 362 Flankers, 346 Flattening, 680 Flexible market offering, 284 Flighting of advertising, 620 for new products, 620 Focus, strategic thinking and, 74 Focus group, 126-127 conducting, 127 defined, 126 value assessment, 224 Focusing, 680 Follow-up sales call, 674 Forced relationships, stimulating creativity through, 465 Forecasting, 107-115 defined, 114 market demand measures, 108-109Everyday low pricing (EDLP), 500-501, 561 Exchange economy, flows in, 29f Exclusive dealing, 543 Exclusive dealing arrangements, 528 Exclusive distribution, 528, 543 Executive summary of marketing plan, 78 Exit option, 200 Expansible market, 109 Expectancy-value model, 197-198 Expected product, 390, 390t Expenditures, average, for U. S. consumers, 180t Expense allowances, for sales force, 669 Experience curve, 494f, 495 Experience-curve pricing, 495 Experiencers, 280t Experiences, marketing, 27-28 Experiential marketing, 628 Experimental research, 128 Experiments, sales promotion evaluation using, 626 Expert channels, 590 Expertise, as credibility source, 590 Expert opinion forecasts based on, 114 on Internet, 94 Expert power, 531 Exploratory research, 125 Exponential smoothing, 115 Exporting direct, 249 indirect, 249 Export-management companies, 249 Extended warranties, 445 External environment, SWOT analysis and, 71-72 External marketing, 431, 432f Extra-role behaviors, 435 Extreme value store, 552 “Eyes On” measurement techniques, 616 Eye-tracking technology, 132 Facilitating services, 444 Facilitators, 516 Factories, customer visits to, 628 Fad, 95, 371-372 Failure frequency, 444 Family evolving, 98-99 influence on buying behavior, 182-183 Family brand, 343, 344 Family life cycle, 183 Family of orientation, 182 Family of procreation, 182Employees customer-driven, 681 new-product ideas from, 460 part-time, in service industry, 427 satisfying service, 430 as stakeholders, 76 Empowering, 680 Empowerment, customer, digital era and, 429 Enablers, 531 Encirclement attack, 365 Encoding, 585 End-user specialist, 370 Energized differentiation, 327 Engagement, 32-33 Engineering attributes (EAs), 472 English auctions, 502 Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, 520 Entry level brands, 346-347 Environment, natural, 101-104 Environmental issues as product strategy, 400-401 water industry, 401 Environmental threat, 72 Equipment industrial, 392 service company, 424 Equipment-based services, 422 ERP. See Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems Escalator clauses, 508 E-scores, 182 Esteem, in Brand Asset Valuator, 327 E-support, 395 Ethical issues channel relations, 543 corporate social responsibility and, 688 direct marketing and, 661 market targeting, 290-291 Ethiopia, 98, 246 Ethnic markets, 97-98 Ethnographic research, 126 Europe Amazon and, 254 competitive behavior laws in, 106 favoritism in, 233 See also Western Europe European Quality Award, 157 Event creation, 627 Events marketing, 27 as marketing PR tool, 630t Events and experiences, 626-628 creating experiences, 628 in marketing communications mix, 582, 596 objectives of, 626-628 sponsorship decisions, 627-628 See also Sponsorships | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I25Heightened attention, 196 Herzberg's theory of motivation, 188-189 Heterogeneous shopping goods, 391 Heuristics, 198-199 anchoring and adjustment, 204 availability, 203 conjunctive, 199 decision, 203-204 elimination-by-aspects, 199 lexicographic, 199 representativeness, 203-204 Hierarchy-of-effects model, 585f, 586, 609 Hierarchy of needs, Maslow's, 188f High-end prestige brand, 347 High-level management committee, 458 High-low pricing, 500 High-market, lower-volume retailers, 560 High-tech firms, innovation and, 452-453 Hiring, service employees, 426 Hispanic Americans as demographic segment, 277-279 profile, 277t in U. S. population, 97 Holistic marketing activities, 332-334 Holistic marketing concept dimensions of, 44f integrated marketing, 44-45 internal marketing, 45-47 performance marketing, 47 relationship marketing, 43-44 Holistic marketing orientation, adopting, 179 Homeshoring, 436 Homogeneous shopping goods, 391 Hong Kong, 90 Horizontal alliances, 66 Horizontal channel conflict, 541 Horizontal extensions, 398-399 Horizontal marketing systems, 536 Horizontal mergers, 66 Hospitality tents, 627 Hotel stay, service blueprint for, 427f Household patterns, 98-99 House of brands, 344 Hub-and-spoke system, 682 Hybrid grid, 518f Hybrid offering, 422 Iceland, 45 IDEA. See International Design and Excellence Awards Ideal self-concept, 185 Ideas, marketing, 29Going-rate pricing, 501 Goods, marketing, 27 Government constraints, new-product failure and, 456 data resources from, 93 technological change regulation, 105 Government markets, 30, 233-234 Government sector, 421 GPS technology location-based advertising and, 40 privacy and, 540 Grassroots marketing, 268 Gray markets, 258-259 Greece, 261 Greendex (sustainable consumption index), 103 Green marketing, 103 Green parties, in Western Europe, 101 Greenwashing, 103, 690 Gross domestic product (GDP), 114 Gross rating points (GRP), 615 Group-discussion method, 114 Groupthink, 127 Growth growing the core, 358-359 growth strategies, 357-358 for luxury brands, 398-399 stage of product life cycle, 370, 375-376 See also Competitive strategies entries; Product life-cycle marketing strategies; Slow-growth economies, marketing in Growth leaders, 458 Growth opportunities, 64-68 diversification growth, 68 downsizing and divesting, 68 at ESPN, 66f integrative growth, 66-67 intensive growth, 65 Growth-slump-maturity pattern, 371 GRP. See Gross rating points Grunge, 275 Guarantees as product strategy, 415 service, 426 Guerrilla attack, 366 Haiti, 243 Happenings data, 92 Hard-core loyals, 282 Hard-discount store, 552 Harvesting, 379 Headline, for print ad, 612 Headquarters, customer visits to, 628 Health clinics, retail, 438 Hedonic bias, 192Globalizing, 680 Global market, 30 Global marketing decisions, 241f developing markets, 243-248 entering global markets, 241-242. See also Global markets, entering evaluating potential markets, 243 how many markets to enter, 242 how to enter markets, 248-251 marketing program, 251-260 See also Global marketing program Global marketing program, 251-260 global communication strategies, 257 global distribution strategies, 259-260 global pricing strategies, 257-259 global product strategies, 254-256 marketing adaptation, 253-254 pros and cons of standardized, 251t similarities and differences, 252 Global markets classic blunders, 256t competing in, 239-240 country-of-origin effects, 260-262 decision to enter, 241-242. See also Global marketing decisions product and communication strategies, 255f Global markets, entering acquisition, 250-251 direct investment, 250 how many markets, 242 indirect and direct export, 249 joint ventures, 250 licensing, 249-250 modes of entry, 248f Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, 132 Global pricing strategies, 254-259 brand element adaptation, 256 counterfeit products, 259 gray markets, 258-259 price escalation, 257-258 product adaptation, 255-256 product standardization, 254-255 transfer prices, 258 GMO (genetically modified organism) ingredients, 690 Goal formulation, 74Future demand, estimating, 113-115 Future of marketing, 702-703 Gain-and-risk-sharing pricing, 502-503 Games, as consumer promotion tool, 624t Gatekeepers, in buying center, 216 GDP. See Gross domestic product GE/Mc Kinsey Matrix, 64 Gender, market segmentation by, 272-273 General attack strategies, 365-366, 365f Generation segmentation, 274-280 baby boomers, 276 Gen X, 275-276 Millennials (Gen Y), 274-275 “Silent Generation,” 276-277 Generics, 564 Gen X, 275-276 Gen Y, 274-275. See also Millennials Geoclustering, 268 Geofencing, 540 Geographical-expansion strategy, 360 Geographically concentrated buyers, 214 Geographical market, merchandise variation by, 559 Geographical pricing, 504 Geographical sphere, in mission statement, 63t Geographic market, 30 Geographic organization of marketing department, 682 Geographic segmentation, 268-271 Geographic strategy, for new product, 475 Germany Amazon and, 254 social media use in, 38 successful retailers in, 260 Gifts, as consumer promotion, 624t Global channel considerations, 532-534 Global communication strategies, 257 Global distribution strategies, 259-260 channel differences, 260 channel entry, 259-260 whole-channel concept, 260f Global firm, 240 Global industry, 240 Globalization heightened competition and, 40 as new marketing reality, 36 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I26 Index Jamaica, 243 Japan country image, 260 distribution channels in, 260 Greendex and, 103 homogeneity in, 97 life expectancy in, 90 m-commerce in, 538 social media and, 247 Jeans, price points, 487 Jobbers, 523 rack, 566t Job-shop specialist, 370 Joint-venture co-branding, 410 Joint ventures, 250 Junk mail, firms that block unwanted, 661 Justifying, 680 Just-noticeable difference, 406-407 Kazakhstan, 260 Kenya, 242, 246, 247 Key buying influencers, 218 Kirana shops, 532 Klout Scores, 182 Knowledge, in Brand Asset Valuator, 327 Korea, 538 Labeling, as product strategy, 414-415 Labor market, 30 Laddering technique, 187 Laddering “why” questions, 130 Laggards innovation adoption stage, 477 sales force, 671 Latchkey kids, 275 Late entry, 475 Late majority, 477 Latent demand, 29 Lateral marketing, 465 Latin America, 254 “Law of the Few,” 182 Lead generation, 222 Lead time, 625 Lean manufacturing, 569 Learning, 191-192 Learning curve, 494f Legal issues advertising campaigns, 613-614 channel relations, 543 corporate social responsibility and, 687 labeling and packaging, 414-415 market targeting, 290-291 Legitimate power, 531 Leisure-time activities, 101t Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) as demographic segment, 279-280Integrated logistics systems (ILS), 568-569 Integrated marketing, 44-45, 334 Integrated marketing channel system, 518 Integrated marketing communications (IMC), 599-601 Integrative growth, 66-67 Integrators, 531 Intellectual dimension of brand experience, 425t Intelligent shopping agents (bots), 484 Intensive distribution, 528 Intensive growth, 65 Interactive marketing, 432, 432f Intercept interviews, 134 Internal branding, 336-337 Internal engineering assessment, 224 Internal marketing, 45-47, 432, 432f, 680-685 creativity and, 684-685 defined, 680 marketing department organization, 682-684 relationships with other departments, 684 International Design and Excellence Awards (IDEA), 396 Internationalization process, 241 International marketing. See Global entries Internet collecting marketing intelligence system on, 94 company use of, 39 contextual placement and, 638 marketing research using, 123 online data profiling via, 107 online research, 134-135 See also Electronic marketplaces Interruption marketing, 170 Interstitials, 641 Introduction stage of product life cycle, 370, 371, 373-375 Introductory market strategy, 476 Invention, in BAV analysis, 328 Inventor, 374 Inventory market logistics and, 570-571 near-zero, 571 Inventory-carrying costs, 571 “Invisible market,” Asian Americans as, 279 Irregular demand, 29 Israel, 257 IT. See Information technology Italy, 96 Item, in product hierarchy, 402Indonesia, 98 as developing market, 244, 246-247 social media and, 247 Industrial economies, 99 Industrial goods, 392 Industrializing economies, 99 Industrial marketing channels, 523f Industry ACSI scores by, 156t defined, 299 defining, in mission statement, 63t global, 240 Industry sales, estimating, 113 Inelastic demand, 214, 492f, 493 Influencer role, 281 Influencers in buying center, 216 key buying, 218 Infomediaries, 537 Infomercials, 523, 661 Information companies' collection of, 40 marketing, 29 Informational appeal, 588-589 Information needs probes, 91t Information search, 196-197 Information sources, 196 Information technology, 520 Information technology (IT), 568-569 Informative advertising, 609 Ingredient branding, 411-412 Initiator role, 281 Initiators, in buying center, 216 Innovation adopter categorization based on, 477f as adoption process stage, 476 characteristics of, 477-478 incremental, 454-455 open innovation movement, 460 organization's readiness to adopt, 478 packaging and, 412 radical, 452-453 reverse, 97 with services, 437-438 unlimited opportunities for, 104-105 Innovation-adoption model, 585f Innovation catalysts, 458 Innovation diffusion process, 476 Innovation imperative, 453 Innovative imitation, 366 Innovative marketing, 69 Innovators, 280t, 374, 476 Inseparability of services, 425 Installation, 392, 395 Institutional market, 233-234 Intangibility of services, 424-425Ideas for new products from competitors, 463-464 creativity techniques, 464-465 from customers, 462 from employees, 460 forces fighting new ideas, 465f idea screening, 465-467 from outsiders, 460-463 P&G's Connect + Develop approach, 461 rating device, 466t ten ways to find, 460 Identify theft, 106 Identity media, 630t ILS. See Integrated logistics systems Image analysis, 403-404, 587 Image pricing, 506 IMC. See Integrated marketing communications Imitators, 366, 374 Impact (I), advertising, 615 Implementation controls, 78 Implementation planning, 60f Importance-performance analysis, 434-435 for auto dealership, 434f matrix, 435f Importance ratings, 224 Impressions, 32-33 Impulse goods, 391 Inbound telemarketing, 660 Income, economic environment and, 100 Income distribution, economic environment and, 99-100 Income segmentation, 273-274 Inconvenience, customer switching behavior and, 440t Incremental innovation, 454-455 India cinema attendance, 90 Cisco locations in, 250 customer-service call centers in, 150 as developing market, 243, 245 direct investment in, 250 distribution channels in, 260 emerging markets in, 97 Greendex and, 103 illiterate adults in, 98 industrializing economy in, 99 joint ventures in, 250 middle class in, 247 “organized retail” vs. kirana shops, 532 outsourcing to, 100 Indian Americans, 98 Indirect exporting, 249 Individualism, collectivism vs., 252 Individual marketing, 289-290 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I27dilution, 543 grid for channel architecture decisions, 518f importance of, 516 multichannel marketing, 516-519 role of, 521-524 service outputs produced by, 525-526 service sector channels, 524-525 value-add vs. costs of, 529f value networks and, 519-520 See also Channels entries Marketing channel system, 516 Marketing communications budget for, 594-595 changing environment of, 580-581 communications channel selection, 590-593 communications process models and, 584-586 defined, 580 forecast, 595t integrated marketing communications process, 599-601 role of, 580-581 Marketing communications, designing, 587-590 creative strategy, 588-589 message source, 590 message strategy, 588 Marketing communications, developing, 586-595 design communications, 587-590 identify target audience, 586-587 set objectives, 587 steps in, 586f Marketing communications mix, 581-583, 595-599 buyer-readiness stage and, 598 characteristics of, 596-597 common platforms, 583t defined, 582 factors in setting, 597-599 measuring results, 599 modes of communication in, 582 product life-cycle stage and, 599 Marketing concept, 43. See also Holistic marketing concept Marketing control, 697-702 annual-plan control, 698 control process, 698f defined, 698 efficiency control, 698-699 marketing metrics, 699t profitability control, 698 strategic control, 699-702 types of, 698t Market broadening, 363 Market-buildup method, 111-113 Market capitalism, 104 Market-centered organization, 684 Market challenger, 364 percentage of market, 359 strategies, 364-365 Market definition, 61, 62t Market demand defined, 109 expanding total, 360-361 measures of, 108-109. See also Demand measurement Market demand function, 109, 109f Market demassification, 658 Market-development strategy, 65 Market diversification, 363 Marketer(s) defined, 29 examples of master, 60t frequently asked questions, 50 Market evolution, 381 Market followers, 364 percentage of market, 359 strategies, 366-368 Market forecast, 110 Market information, wholesalers and, 567 Marketing accountability, 41 balance in, 41 core concepts of, 31-35 as customer-minded department, 46t customer value and, 57-60 decision making, 25-26 defined, 27 innovation in, 69 in the organization, 41 scope of, 27-30 simple system, 30f Marketing 3. 0, 37 Marketing adaptation, 253-254 Marketing alliances, 75 Marketing audit, 699-702 components of, 700-702t defined, 699 Marketing channel(s), 32 channel conflict, 540-543 channel-design decisions, 524-530 channel functions and flows, 522f, 522t channel integration and systems, 534-536 channel levels, 523-524 channel-management decisions, 530-534 consumer and industrial, 523f defined, 516 digital channels revolution, 520-521Luxury products characterizing luxury brands, 398 growing luxury brands, 398-399 marketing luxury brands, 399-400, 399t Macau, 90 Macroenvironment analysis, 94-107 demographic environment, 96-99 economic environment, 99-100 major forces identification, 95 natural environment, 101-104 needs and trends, 95 political-legal environment, 105-106 sociocultural environment, 100-101 technological environment, 104-105 Macroscheduling decision for advertising, 620 Magazines direct marketing via, 661 print ads in, 612 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 104 Mail-order wholesalers, 566t Mail questionnaire, 132-133 Maintenance and repair, services differentiation by, 395 Maintenance and repair items, 392 Make or buy option, 451 Makers, 280t Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 157 Management, wholesalers and, 567 Managers, product, 457 Manages by objectives (MBO), 74 Manufactured materials and parts, 392 Manufacturer, required channels for, 523 Manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise, 535 Manufacturer-sponsored wholesaler franchise, 535 Manufacturer's sales agency, break-even cost for, 530f Manufacturing contract, 249-250 lean, 569 Manufacturing department, 46t, 681 Manufacturing promotions, 623 Manufacturing sector, 421 Market defined, 29-30 fragmented, new-product failure and, 456Leverageable advantage, 304 Liberia, 90 Libya as “African Lion,” 246 political turmoil in, 246 Licensed product, 343 Licensing, 249-250 Liechtenstein, 90 Life cycle, consumer, 183-184 Life-cycle cost, 444 Life-cycle stage, 271 Life-cycle strategies. See Product life-cycle marketing strategies Life stage, 271-272 Lifestyles defined, 186 global convergence of, 252 Likability, as credibility source, 590 Likert scale, 129t Limited-service wholesalers, 566t Line extension, 343 Line-extension trap, 348 Line stretching down-market stretch, 405-406 two-way stretch, 406 up-market stretch, 406 “Live chat” customer service, 433 Lobbying, 629 “Locate-compare-select” process, 551 Location, retailers and, 563 Location-based advertising, 40 Location pricing, 506 Logistics alliances, 75 Logistics department, 46t, 681 Logo, 425 Long-range product market expansion strategy, 375f Long-tail theory, 289 Long-term memory (STM), 193 Loss-leader pricing, 505 Low-end entry level brands, 346-347 Low-interest financing, 506 Low-market, higher-volume retailers, 560 Low-quality trap, 507 Loyalty brand, 323 building, 164-165 in business-to-business customer relationships, 230 customer interaction and, 164-165 customer loyalty ladder, 650 defined, 153 institutional ties and, 165 See also Customer loyalty Loyalty programs, 165 Loyalty status, 282 LTM. See Long-term memory | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I28 Indexmaximum, as pricing objective, 491 protecting, 361-363 Market skimming price, 491 Market specialization, 288 Market targeting, 284-285 Market testing business-goods, 475 consumer-goods, 473-475 Market-test method, 115 Markup, defined, 497 Markup pricing, 497-498 Masculine vs. feminine dimension, 253 Maslow's theory of motivation (hierarchy of needs), 188f Mass communications channels, 592-593 Mass customization, 289 Mass marketing, 286 Mass media, awareness buying stage and, 215 Masstige goods, 490 Master brand, 343 Master franchisees, 532 Materials and parts, 392 Matrix-management organization, 684 Mature products, repositioning, 629 Maturity, product life cycle stage and, 370, 371f, 376-377 Mauritius, 246 Mavens, 182 MBO. See Manages by objectives M-commerce advertising and promotion, 539-540 customer and company behavior and, 539 geofencing, 540 privacy, 540 See also Mobile marketing M-commerce (mobile marketing), 538-540 MDSS. See Marketing decision support system Media African American-targeted, 279 identity, 630t options, 32 owned, 637 paid vs. earned, 637 social ( See Social media) U. S. adults' daily use of, 638f Media companies, 600 Media in communication process, 585 Media selection defined, 615 evaluating alternatives, 618 major types, 616, 616t media timing and allocation, 620-621 place options, 616-618integrated logistics systems, 568-569 objectives of, 569-570 transportation, 572-573 Market makers, 537 Market-management organization, 684 Market minimum, 109 Market modification, 376 Market nichers, 359 Market offering, 31-32 components of, 390t See also Product entries Market opportunity analysis (MOA), 71 Market partitioning, 196 Market-penetration index, 109 Market-penetration strategy, 65, 360 Market pioneer, 374 Marketplace company orientation toward, 42-47 dramatically changed, 38-41 Market potential, 109, 110 Market profile, product line analysis of, 403-404 Market segment, in mission statement, 63t Market segmentation brand worth and, 339 business, 283-284 criteria for, 285-286 evaluating and selecting markets, 286-291 market targeting, 284-285 possible levels of, 286f variables for consumer markets, 269t Market segmentation, consumer, bases for, 268-283 behavioral segmentation, 281-283 demographic segmentation, 271-280 geographic segmentation, 268-271 psychographic segmentation, 280-281 Market segments, evaluating and selecting full market coverage, 286-287 individual marketing, 289-290 legal and ethical issues, 290-291 multiple segment specialization, 287-288 single-segment specialization, 288-289 Market-sensing process, 58 Market share advertising budget and, 610 defined, 109 estimating, 113 increasing, 363-364developing, 49 marketing action from, 79 nature and contents of, 77-79 role of relationships, 78-79 role of research, 78 sections in, 78 Marketing productivity, measuring marketing dashboards, 140-142 marketing metrics, 137-140 marketing-mix modeling, 140 Marketing program, global. See Global marketing program Marketing public relations (MPR), 629-631 decisions in, 630-631 major tools in, 630t tasks, 629 Marketing research, 121-146 characteristics of good, 137t defined, 121 firms, 123 generating insights with, 121-122 goals of, 125 measuring marketing productivity with, 137-142 overcoming barriers to, 123-124 process. See Marketing research process role of, 78 who does?, 122-123 Marketing research department, 122 Marketing research firms, 122-123 Marketing research process, 125f analyze information, 135 collect information, 135 define problem, alternatives, objectives, 124-125 develop research plan, 125-135. See also Research plan make decision, 135-136 present findings, 135-136 Marketing resource management (MRM) software, 697 Marketing sensitivity of demand, 109 Marketing strategy, 74 developing, 49 for developing markets, 247 in marketing plan, 78 for new product, 470 Marketing tactics, 78 Marketing weaknesses, 703-704 Market leader, percentage of market, 359 Market logistics, 567-573 decisions, 570-573 defined, 568Marketing controller, 698 Marketing crisis, 378 Marketing dashboards, 140-142 designing effective, 141 example, 142f Marketing decision support system (MDSS), 135-136 Marketing department, 681 Marketing department organization, 682-684 functional, 682, 682f geographic, 682 market-management, 684 matrix-management, 684 product-or brand- management, 682-684 Marketing environment, 34 Marketing Excellence Review, 702, 703t Marketing failures, 348 Marketing funnel, 163, 163f, 282, 282f Marketing implementation, 697 Marketing information system, 89-91 components of, 89-91 defined, 90 internal records, 91-92 macroenvironment analysis, 94-107. See also Macroenvironment analysis marketing intelligence, 92-94 Marketing insights, 50, 121-122 Marketing intelligence system, 92-94 collecting on Internet, 94 communicating and acting on intelligence, 94 Marketing management, 27 evolution of, 48 Four Ps of, 48-49 Marketing management tasks, 49-51 building strong brands, 50 capturing marketing insights, 50 communicating value, 51 connecting with customers, 50 creating long-term growth, 51 creating value, 51 delivering value, 51 marketing strategies and plans, 49 Marketing measure pathway, 142f Marketing metrics, 137-140, 140t, 699t Marketing mix, four P components, 47f Marketing-mix models, 140 Marketing myopia, 299 Marketing network, 44 Marketing opportunity, 71 Marketing plan criteria, 77 defined, 59, 77 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I29publicity for launching, 629 timing of advertising for, 620 Newspapers direct marketing via, 661 print ads in, 612 New-task buying, 215 New Zealand, 97, 260 Niche, 288 specialist roles, 370t See also Market-nicher strategies Niger, 90 Nigeria, 98, 242 Noise, in communication process, 585 Noncompensatory models of consumer choice, 198-199 Nondurable goods, 391 Nonexistent demand, 29 Nonexpansible market, 109 Nonpersonal communications channels, 592-593 Nonprofit market, 30 Nonprofit service organizations, 524 Nonstore retailing, 551-553 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 111-112 Norway, 90, 106, 257 Objections, overcoming sales, 674 Observational research, 126 Occasions, benefit segmentation and, 281 Occupation, influence on consumption, 185 Offer, direct mail, 659 Offering, 32 Off-price retailer, 552 Offset, as countertrade, 504 Old age, silent generation redefining, 276-277 Old Luxury brand extensions, 490 Omnichannel marketing, 518 On-air tests, 621t One-level channel, 523 One-to-one marketing, 289-290 Online communities and forums, 643 Online contacts, 134-135 Online data profiling, 107 Online marketing, 637-642 advantages and disadvan-tages, 638-639 display ads, 640-641 e-mail, 641-642 in marketing communications mix, 582, 596 search ads, 640 web sites, 639-640 Online privacy, 106-107 Online retail sales growth of, 520 See also E-commerce Need family, 402 Need-gap score, 468 Need market, 30 Needs biogenic, 187 customer, channel design and, 525-526 defined, 31 psychogenic, 187 stimuli relating to current, 190 trends and, 95 Needs-based market segmentation approach, 284-285, 285t Needs-based segmentation, 281 Negative demand, 29 Net price analysis, 505 Net Promoter Score (NPS), 157 Network marketing, 552 Neuromarketing, 133 New context, as creativitystimulating technique, 465 New customers, expanding market demand with, 360-361 New direction, charting, 76 New entrants, threat of, 286-287 New marketing realities, 49f New-market segment strategy, 360 New-offering realization process, 58 New-product department, 458 New-product development make or buy, 451 budgeting for, 456-457 cost of finding one successful new product, 457t cross-functional teams, 458 crowdsourcing, 458 decision process, 459f stage-gate systems, 458-459 types of new products, 452-453 New product development, challenges in, 453-456 innovation imperative, 453 new-product failure, 455-456 new-product success, 454-455 New-product development, managing business analysis, 470-472 commercialization, 475-476 ideas, 460-467, 460t marketing strategy develop-ment, 470 market testing, 473-475 product concept, 467-470 product development, 472-473 New-product failure, 455-456 New-product managers, 458 New products brand extensions and, 347program development for, 651 scope of, 650-651 See also M-commerce Mobile media, combat showrooming with, 525 Mobile phones Chinese market for, 239 in India, 245 in South Africa, 246 See also Cell phones Models, underweight, global marketing and, 257 Modified rebuy, 215 Monitoring, 680 Monitoring systems, for service performance, 434-435 Morocco, 246 Morphological analysis, 465 Motivation Freud's theory of, 187-188 Herzberg's theory of, 188-189 Maslow's theory of, 188 Motive, defined, 187 Movie industry integrative growth in, 67 rethinking business model in, 70 Mozambique, 90, 246 MPR. See Marketing public relations Multichannel conflict, 541 Multichannel marketing, 516-519 Multicultural marketing, 277-279 African Americans, 279 Asian Americans, 279 Hispanic Americans, 277-279 profile, 277t Multilevel in-depth selling, 218 Multilevel selling, 552 Multiple-factor index method, 112-113 Multiple frames of reference, 303 Multiple niching, 369 Multiple segment specialization, 287-288 Multiple-sponsor co-branding, 410 Multiple-vehicle, multiple-stage campaigns, 601 Multitasking, 186 Music industry, technology and, 149 Mystery shopper, 93, 155 NAICS. See North American Industry Classification System Naked solution, 284 Namibia, 90 Narrative branding, 313 Nation-dominant hierarchy, 196 Natural environment, 101-104 Natural products, 392 Near-zero inventory, 571reach, frequency, impact, 615-616 selecting specific vehicles, 618-620 Mediation, 542 Medical tourists, 490 Mega-brands, 40 Megatrend, 95 Membership groups, 181 Memory, 193-194 Memory encoding, 193 Memory retrieval, 194 Men media reaching, 272-273 shopping behavior of, 562 Mental accounting, 204-205 Mental map, hypothetical, 193 Menu variations, Mc Donald's global, 254t Merchandise managers, 559 Merchandising conglomerate, 553 Merchants, 516 Merchant wholesalers, 566t Mergers, horizontal, 66 Merging, 680 Message in communication process, 585 Message source, 590 Message strategy for advertising campaign, 610 for marketing communications, 588 Mexico as large U. S. export market, 243 population age mix in, 96 Micro-merchandising, 559 Microscheduling decision for advertising, 620 Microsites, 640 Middle class, 99 Middle East, 105-106 Middle-market retailers, decline of, 555 Millennials, 274-275 Hispanic, as “fusionistas,” 278 See also Gen Y Mind mapping, as creativitystimulating technique, 465 Mission business, 71 corporate, 61. See also Corporate mission Missionary, sales representative as, 665 Missionary sales force, 215 Mission statement, 63, 63t Mixed bundling, 409 Mobile apps, 650 Mobile defense, 363 Mobile marketing, 40 across markets, 651-652 in marketing communications mix, 582, 597 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I30 Indexmeans of differentiation, 305 points-of-parity vs., 302-303 Points-of-parity (POP), 302-303 in brand positioning bull's-eye, 309 choosing specific, 304-307 communicating, 311 points-of-difference vs., 302-303 Political action committees (PACs), 106 Political-legal environment business legislation, 105-106 special interest groups, 106 Pooling of individual estimates, 114 Population age mix, 96-97 worldwide growth, 96 Pop-up stores, 554 Porter's generic strategies, 74 Position defense, 362 Positioning defined, 297 See also Brand positioning Positron emission tomography (PET), 104 Postpurchase behavior, 200-201, 201f Postpurchase services, 561 Postsale service strategy, 445 Potential market, 108 Potential product, 390, 390t “Power of Context,” 182 Power distance, 252 Power grid, 327 PR. See Public relations Preapproach, 673 Predatory pricing, 507 Preemptive defense, 362-363 Premiums, 624t Prepurchase services, 561 Presentation, sales, 673 Press relations, 629 Press releases, 630t Price in customer value triad (qsp), 33 in marketing mix, 47f service company positioning through, 424 Price, adapting the differentiated pricing, 506-507 geographical pricing, 504 price discounts and allow-ances, 504-505, 505t promotional pricing, 505-506 Price changes competitive responses, 508-509 initiating price cuts, 507-508 initiating price increases, 508 profits and, 508t Price discounts and allowances, 504-505, 505t Price discrimination, 506Personal factors influencing consumer behavior age and life cycle stage, 183-184 lifestyle and values, 186 occupation and economic circumstances, 185 personality and self-concept, 185-186 Personal influence, 477 Personal information, online privacy and, 106-107 Personal interviewing, 133-134 Personality defined, 185 influence on consumption, 185-186 Personalizing marketing, 168, 170 Personal needs, services for, 422 Personal selling global marketing and, 257 major steps in, 673-674, 673f in marketing communications mix, 582, 597 relationship marketing and, 674 SPIN method, 673 Personas, 136 Person marketing, 28, 524 Persuasive advertising, 609 Philippines, 99, 150 Physical prototypes, 472 Physical risk, 200 Pictures, in print ads, 612 Piggyback, 572 Pillar pattern of brand, 327 Pioneering, 373-375 Place in marketing mix, 47f service company positioning through, 424 Place advertising billboards, 616 defined, 616 point of purchase, 617-618 product placement, 617 Places marketing, 28 Planned contraction, 363 PLCs. See Product life cycles Podcasts B-to-B marketing and, 227 Point of purchase (P-O-P) advertising, 617-618 Point-of-purchase (P-O-P) displays as consumer promotion tools, 624t Points-of-difference (POD) in brand positioning bull's-eye, 309 communicating, 311 Points-of-difference (PODs), 300-303 choosing specific, 304-307Orphan causes, 694 Others' self-concept, 185 Outbound telemarketing, 660 Out-of-home advertising, 616 Out-of-pocket costs, 444 Outsourcing, 680 Overdemand, 508 Overfull demand, 29 Overhead, 494 Overseas sales branch/ subsidiary, 249-250 Owned media, 32, 637 Packaging color wheel of, 413 as marketing tool, 412 objectives of, 412-413 as product strategy, 412-414 PACs. See Political action committees Paid media, 32, 637 Paid search ads, 640 Pakistan, 98 Papua New Guinea, 99, 243 Parallel entry, 475 Parent brand, 343 Pareto principle, 289 Partial cost recovery, 491 Partner relationship management (PRM), 44, 75 Part-time employees, in service industry, 427 Past-sales analysis, 115 Patronage awards, 624t Payment equity, services and, 443 Payment terms, longer, 506 Pay-per-click ads, 640 Penetrated market, 109 People in marketing management, 48 service company positioning through, 424 People-based services, 422 Perceived risk, 200 Perceived value, 499 Perceived-value pricing, 499-500 Perception, 189-191 selective attention, 190 selective distortion, 190-191 selective retention, 191 subliminal, 191 Perceptions, country-of-origin, 260 Perceptual maps, 305-306, 305f Performance, in marketing management, 48f, 49 Performance marketing, 47 Performance quality, 156, 393 Periodic surveys, 155 Peripheral cues, 202 Peripheral route, 202 Perishability of services, 426-427 Permission marketing, 138, 170 Personal data economy, 107Online shopping, 552 Online technical support, 395 Online travel agents, 438 Open-end questions, 128-129, 129t Open innovation, 459 Open innovation movement, 460 Operating supplies, 392 Opinion leader, 181 Opportunism, in businessto-business customer relationships, 231-232 Opportunity and threat analysis, 71-72 Opportunity matrix, 72f Optimal market share, 364f Optimal order quantity, 571f Optional-feature pricing, 408 Ordering ease, services differentiation by, 395 Order point, 570 Order process, market logistics and, 570 Order-processing costs, 570 Order-routine specification, 226 Order taker, sales representative as, 665 Order-to-payment cycle, 91 Organic and natural products, 689 Organic growth, 451 Organization(s) defined, 68 inertia in, 77 marketing, 28 marketing in, 42 strategic planning and, 68-69 Organizational buying, 211-214 business-to-business customer relationships, 230-232 business-to-business marketing programs, 226-230 business vs. consumer market, 211-214 buying process stages, 220-226 buying situations, 214-215 defined, 211 institutional and government markets, 233-234 participants in, 215-219 purchasing/procurement process. See Purchasing/ procurement process, business Organizational buying, participants in, 216-217 Organizational culture, 68-69 Organizational levels, 59 Organization chart customer-oriented vs. traditional, 150t traditional, 149 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I31Product life-cycle marketing strategies, 370-381 alternate ways to increase sales volume, 377 critique of product life-cycle concept, 381 decline stage, 377-380 evidence for product life-cycle concept, 380-381 growth stage, 375-376 introduction stage and pioneer advantage, 373-375 long-range product market expansion strategy, 375f market evolution, 381 maturity stage, 376-377 product life cycles, 370-371 sales and profit life cycles, 371f style, fashion, and fads, 371-372, 372f summary, 380f Product life-cycle patterns, 371f Product life-cycle sales, 471f Product life-cycle stage, 599 Product line, 402, 405 Product line analysis market profile and image, 403-404 sales and profits, 403, 404t Product line length, 404-408 featuring, 407 line filling, 406-407 line stretching, 405-406 modernization, 407 pruning, 407 Product line pricing, 408 Product manager, 457, 683f Product map, 404, 404t Product market, 30, 597 Product mix, 402 consistency of, 403 depth of, 403 length of, 403 for P&G products, 402t width of, 402 Product mix pricing, 408-409 Product modification, 376-377 Product organization of marketing department, 682-684 Product or product-line specialist, 370 Product or service alliances, 75 Product-penetration percentage, 110 Product pioneer, 374 Product-positioning map, 467, 467f Product publicity, 629 Product quality, 156-157 Product-quality leadership, 491 Product specialization, 288 Product standardization, 254-255Product-bundling pricing, 409, 410, 410t Product category building interest in, with MPR, 629 establish need for, 587 Product class, 402 Product classifications consumer-goods, 391-392 durability and tangibility, 391 industrial-goods, 392 Product concept, 43 conjoint analysis for, 469-470 development of, 467 product idea vs., 467 testing, 467-469 Product consumption rate, 201 Product definition for corporate mission, 62t Product development, 472-473 cost of, new-product failure and, 456 customer tests, 473 physical prototypes, 472 See also New-product development entries Product-development strategy, 65 Product differentiation, 393-394 conformance quality, 393 customization, 394 durability, 393-394 features, 393 form, 393 performance quality, 393 reliability, 394 reparability, 394 style, 394 See also Differentiation Product-differentiation strategy, 559 Product family, 402 Product-feature specialist, 370 Product-form pricing, 506 Product hierarchy, 402 Product idea, product concept vs., 467 Product imitation, 366 Product innovation, 366 Product invention, 256 Production accumulated, 494-495 cost per unit at different levels of, 494f levels of, 494 Production concept, 42-43 Productivity, price pressures and, 224 Product levels, 389-390 Product life cycles (PLCs), 370-371 advertising budget and, 610 short, new-product failure and, 456 stages in, 370Primary package, 412 Primary service package, 436-437 Prime contractors, 228 Principle of congruity, 590 Print ads creative development of, 612 evaluation criteria, 611 pretest research techniques for, 621t Privacy issues consumerist movement and, 106 direct marketing and, 661 m-commerce and, 540 Private aviation, 438 Private carrier, 572 Private exchanges, 221 Private labels, 40, 563-565 manufacturers' response to threat of, 565 private label brand, defined, 563 role of, 564 success factors, 564-565 Private nonprofit sector, 421 Privatization, 40 Prizes, as consumer promotion, 624t PRIZM (Potential Rating Index by Zip Markets), 270t PRM. See Partner relationship management, 75 Proactive marketing, 361-362 Problem detection method, 71 Problem recognition, 195 Processes, in marketing management, 48-49, 48f Procurement, retailers and, 559-560 Producer's cooperatives, 566t Product accessible super-premium, 490 continuum of evaluation, 423f customer use or disposition of, 201f defining, in mission statement, 63t eliminating weak, 379 fine-tuning, 383 in marketing mix, 47f Product and brand relationships, 401-412 co-branding, 409-411 ingredient branding, 411-412 product hierarchy, 402 product line analysis, 403-404 product line length, 404-408 product mix pricing, 408-409 product systems and mixes, 402-403 Product assortment, 402 retailer's, 558-559 See also Product mix Price escalation, 257-258 Price experiments estimating demand curves with, 493 Price fixing, as illegal, 503, 504 Price indifference band, 493 Price-off (off-invoice or off-list), 624t Price-oriented business buyers, 224 Price packs, 624t Price-quality inferences, 488 Price sensitivity, 492 factors that reduce, 492t Price setting, 489-503 analyzing competitor's costs, prices and offers, 495, 497 determining demand, 492-493 estimating costs, 494-495 selecting final price, 502-503 selecting pricing method, 497-502 selecting the pricing objective, 489, 491 Price-war trap, 507 Pricing, 483-513 adapting the price, 504-507 changes in. See Price changes changing environment, 484, 486 consumer psychology and, 487-488 cost structure and, 496 customer switching behavior and, 440t differential, for services, 426 differentiated, 506-507 in digital world, 484 experience-curve, 495 how companies price, 486-487 product mix, 408-509 retailers and, 560-561 setting prices, 489-503 stealth price increases, 503 Pricing collaborations, 75 Pricing methods auction-type pricing, 502 everyday low pricing (EDLP), 500-501 going-rate pricing, 501 markup pricing, 497-498 perceived-value pricing, 499-500 target-return pricing, 498-499 value pricing, 500 Pricing policy price setting and, 502 steps in setting, 489t Pricing strategies, global, 257-259 Primal branding, 313 Primary data, 125 Primary demand, 109 Primary groups, 181 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I32 Index Referral channels, word-ofmouth, 648 Regional shopping centers, 563 Regional version of product, 255 Reinforcement advertising, 609 Reintermediation, 40 Relationship marketing, 43-44, 674 Relationships, role in marketing plan, 78-79 Relevance, in Brand Asset Valuator, 327 Reliability, 394 Reminder advertising, 609 Renting, 486 Reorder point, 570 Repairability, differentiation by, 394 Representativeness heuristic, 203-204 Reputation corporate, 231 employee behavior caught on video and, 430 Research, advertising, in field setting, 193 Research plan approaches to research, 126-128 contact methods, 132-135 data sources for, 125-126 research instruments, 128-132 sampling plan, 132 Research questions, 129t. See also Questions Reservation systems, 427 Response, in communication process, 585 Response hierarchy models, 585, 585f Responsive anticipation, 361 Responsive marketer, 361 Retail, transformation, 40 Retail co-branding, 410 Retailer consolidation, 541 Retailer cooperative, 535, 553 Retailer promotions, 623 Retailers activities and experiences, 561 channel power of, 531 competitive market structure, 554-555 decline of middle-market, 555 defined, 549 growth of giant, 554 increasing sales volume, 562 levels of service, 551 product-differentiation strategy for, 559 sales promotion objectives and, 623 services mix of, 561Qualifying prospects, 673 Qualitative research techniques, 130-131 Quality conformance vs. performance, 156 in customer value triad (qsp), 33 defined, 156 impact of, 157-158 leadership, as pricing objec-tive, 491 price-quality inferences, 488 product and service, 156-157 service, 439-444. See also Services, managing quality Quality function deployment (QFD), 472 Quality-price specialist, 370 Quantity discount, 505t Questionnaires, 128-131 dos and don'ts, 130 mail, 132-133 See also Surveys Questions closed-end and open-end, 128-129, 129t Quick Response (QR) codes, 39, 556 Quick response systems (QRS), 395 Race, segmentation by, 277-279 Rack jobbers, 566t Radical innovation, 452-453 Radio ads creative development of, 612-613 pretest research techniques for, 621t Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, 559 Rapid prototyping, 468 Raw-material-exporting economies, 99 Raw materials, 392 R&D as customer-minded depart-ment, 46t varying budgets for, 105 R&D department, 681 Reach (R), advertising, 615 Reactive response, 361 Reality pranks, 593 Real needs, 31 Reasons-to-believe (RTB), 309 Rebates, 624t Rebuy, straight and modified, 215 Receiver in communication process, 584 Reduction of discounts, 508 Reengineering, 680 Reference groups, 181 Reference prices, 487-488, 488t Referent power, 531perception, 189-191 Psychological resistance, 674 Psychological risk, 200 Public, 629 Publications, as marketing PR tools, 630t Public blogs, 94 Publicity, 629 in marketing communications mix, 582, 596 product, 629 See also Marketing public relations Public relations (PR), 629-631 as customer-minded depart-ment, 46t defined, 629 in marketing communications mix, 582, 596 See also Marketing public re-lations (MPR) Public relations department, 681 Public service activities, 630t Public spaces, advertising in, 616-617 Puffery, 613 Pull advertising, 565 Pull strategy, 516 Pulsing of advertising, 621 Purchase decision, 198-200 intervening factors, 199 noncompensatory models of consumer choice, 198-199 steps between evaluation of alternatives and, 199f Purchase frequency, 620 Purchase probability scale, 114 Purchasing department, 46t, 681 Purchasing/procurement process, business, 219-220 buygrid framework, 220f general need description, 221 order-routine specification, 226 performance review, 226 problem recognition, 220 product specification, 221 proposal solicitation, 223 supplier search, 221-222 supplier selection, 223-225 Pure bundling, 409 Pure-click companies, 536-537 Pure Play auction company, 221 Pure service, 422 Pure tangible good, 422 Push strategy, 516 Qatar, 90 QFD. See Quality function deployment QR codes. See Quick Response (QR) codes QRS. See Quick response systems qsp (quality, service, price), 33 Qualified available market, 108Product strategy customer-value hierarchy, 389-390 design, 396-397 differentiation, 392-396 environmental issues, 400-401 global, 254-256 guarantees, 415 labeling, 414-415 luxury products, 398-400 packaging, 412-414 product and brand relationships. See Product and brand relationships product characteristics, 389-390 product classifications, 391-392 warranties, 415 Product substitutability, 610 Product-support services, 444-445 Product system, 402 Product teams, 683f Product type, 402 Product variant, 402 Product warranties, 624t Profit estimating, for new product, 470-471 maximum current, as pricing objective, 491 Profitable customer, 159 Programs, marketing management, 48f, 49 Projective techniques, 130, 187 Promotion in marketing mix, 47f m-commerce and, 539-540 wholesalers and, 566 See also Sales promotion Promotional alliances, 75 Promotional pricing, 505-606 Proof points, 304 Properties, marketing, 28 Proposal solicitation, 223 Prospect, 29 Prospect calls, 670 Prospecting, 673 Prospect theory, 205 Prototypes, physical, 472 Psychic proximity, 243 Psychographics, 280-281 Psychographic segmentation, 280-281 Psychological discounting, 506 Psychological life-cycle stages, 183 Psychologically young consumers, 271 Psychological processes emotions, 192-193 learning, 191-192 memory, 193-194 motivation, 187-189 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I33Service category establish need for, 587 reinventing, 437 Service channel, 32, 523 Service contracts, 444-445, 506 Service dependability, 444 Service factory, 421 Service failure customer switching behavior and, 440t preventing, 430 Service-firm-sponsored retailer franchise, 535 Service guarantees, 426 Service industries, 432f Service quality, 156-157 Service-quality model, 440-442, 441f Services continuum of evaluation, 423f customer coproduction of, 429-430 durability and tangibility of, 391 marketing, 27 marketing excellence for, 431-432 product-support, 444-445 retailers and, 561 role in business-to-business marketing, 229-230 service industries, 421-422 service mix categories, 422-424 shifting customer relationship with, 428-431 technology and delivery of, 432-433 unbundled, 429 Services, best practices, 433-435 high standards, 434 monitoring systems, 434-435 profit tiers, 434 satisfying customer complaints, 435 strategic concept, 433 top-management commitment, 433-434 Services, differentiating innovation with services, 437-438 primary and secondary service options, 435-436 Services, distinctive characteristics of inseparability, 425 intangibility, 424-425 perishability, 426-427 variability, 425-426 Services, managing quality, 439-444 determinants of quality, 442 recommendations for quality improvement, 441 self-service technologies (SSTS), 443-444Sampling, product giveaways via, 485 Sampling plan, 132 Satellite tracking, 568 Satisfaction defined, 153 monitoring, 155-156 postpurchase, 200 Satisfiers, 188 Saudi Arabia, 90, 99 Savings, economic environment and, 100 Scalloped product life cycle, 371 Scanner data, evaluating promotions using, 625 Scenario analysis, 69 SCM. See Supply chain management Sealed-bid auctions, 502 Search ads, 640 Search dynamics, 196-197 Search engine optimization (SEO), 228, 640 Seasonal discount, 505t Secondary associations, 334-335 Secondary beliefs, 101 Secondary data, 125 Secondary groups, 181 Secondary package, 412 Secondary service features, 437 Second-tier contractors, 228 Secret needs, 31 Segmentation In STP formula, 57 See also Market segmentation Segment rivalry, 286 Segments of one, 289 Selective distribution, 528 Selective retention, 191 Selective specialization, 287 Self-branded ingredients, 411 Self-concept, influence on consumption, 185-186 Self-monitors, 185 Self-selection, 551 Self-service, 551 packaging and, 412 technologies (SSTs), 443-444 Selling concept, 43 Sell-in time, 625 Sender in communication process, 584 Sensory dimension of brand experience, 425t Sensory marketing, 189-190 SEO. See Search engine optimization Service in customer value triad (qsp), 33 defined, 422 major, with accompanying minor goods and services, 422 Service blueprint, 426, 427f Sales budget, 110 Sales calls, for business markets, 214 Sales channel, 523 Sales contests, 625t Sales data, evaluating promotions using, 625 Sales department, 46t, 681 Sales-effect research, 621 Sales force, 664-669 break-even cost for sales agency vs., 530f compensation of, 668-669 designing, 666f dysfunctional exchange, 666f major account management, 668 managing, 669f. See also Sales representatives objectives and strategy, 666 sales promotion objectives and, 623 sales representative in, 665. See also Sales representative size of, 668 structure of, 667-668 Sales force opinions, 114 Sales force promotion tools, 625, 625t Sales forecasts, 107. See also Forecasting Sales information systems, 91 Sales promotion, 622-626 advertising vs., 622-623 business and sales force promotion tools, 625, 625t consumer promotion tools and, 623, 624f defined, 622 developing the program, 625 implementing and evaluating the program, 625-626 in marketing communications mix, 582, 596 objectives of, 623 Sales quota, 110 trade promotion tools, 623, 624f Sales reports, 671-672 Sales representatives evaluating, 671-673, 672t ideas spread by, 182 intrinsic vs. extrinsic rewards for, 671 motivating, 670-671 productivity of, 670 prospect calls and, 670 recruiting and selecting, 669 sales quotas and, 671 technology and, 670 time management and, 670 training and supervising, 669 traveling export, 249-250 Same-company co-branding, 410 Samples, as consumer promotions, 624t Retailers, marketing decisions, 557-563 channels, 558 communications, 562-563 location, 563 prices, 560-561 procurement, 559-560 product assortment, 558-559 services, 561 store activities and experiences, 561-562 store atmosphere, 561 target market, 557-558 Retailers, types of corporate retailing, 553 franchising, 553-554 innovative organizations, 551 nonstore retailing, 551-553 store retailers, 550-551 Retailer version of product, 255 Retail health clinics, 438 Retailing, 549-565 defined, 549 fast, 555 new competition in, 535 private labels, 563-565 recent developments, 554t technology in, 555-557 See also Retailers Retail sector, 421 Retail store, 549 Retail strategy, 533 Retention, selective, 191 Retention rate, 162 Return on Customer (ROC), 159 Returns, services differentiation by, 395-396 Returns and exchanges, 517 Revenue leaders, 477 Reverse-assumption analysis, 465 Reverse-flow channels, 524 Reverse innovation, 97 Reviews and recommendations, customer, 171 Reward power, 531 RFID. See Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems RFM (recency, frequency, monetary amount) formula, 659 Risk in business-to-business cus-tomer relationships, 231-232 wholesalers and, 567 Risk analysis, 78 Risk and gain sharing, 225 ROC. See Return on Customer Role, defined, 183 RTB. See Reasons-to-believe Running costs, 570 Russia, 244-245 Sale pricing, 561 Sales and profits, product line analysis of, 403 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I34 Index Straddle positioning, 303-304 Straight rebuy, 215 Strategic alliances, 74-75 Strategic business units, 64 Strategic concept, for service companies, 433 Strategic control, 699-702 Strategic formulation, 74-75 Strategic group, 74 Strategic market definition, 62 Strategic marketing plan, 59 Strategic objective, 365 Strategic partnerships, 75 Strategic planning, 60-70 central role of, 59-60 corporate and division, 60-70 corporate mission, 61-63 growth opportunities, 64-68 marketing innovation, organization/organizational culture, 68-69 process, 60f strategic business units, 64 Strategic-planning gap, 64f Strategic supply departments, 219 Strategic withdrawal, 363 Strategy defined, 74 as element of business success, 76 Street teams, 275 Strengths and weaknesses analysis, 72-73, 73f Strivers, 280t Structure, as business success element, 76 Student ambassadors, 275 Style(s) differentiation by, 394 as element of business success, 76 life-cycle strategies for, 371-372 Style improvement, 377 Sub-brand, 343, 344 Subcultures, 101, 181 Subliminal perception, 191 Subsistence economies, 99 Substance of Style, The (Postrel), 397 Substantiators, 309 Substitute products, threat of, 287 Sudden acceleration problem, 348 Super Bowl ads, 619 Supercenters, 554, 555 Supermarket, 552 mobile phone apps, 556 Supersegment, 287 Superstore, 552 Supplier partnering, 680 Suppliers, as stakeholders, 76 Supplier search electronic marketplaces, 221Specialization market, 288 product, 288 Specialized wholesalers, 566t Specialty advertising, 625t Specialty goods, 391 Specialty-line marketing research firms, 123 Specialty store, 552 Specific-customer specialist, 370 Specific investments, 232 Speeches, as marketing PR tool, 630t Spend Shift (Gerzema &D'Antonio), 328 SPIN method of selling, 673 Spinners, 162 Spiral development process, 459 Split loyals, 282 Sponsorships, 626 choosing events, 627 designing programs, 627 high-performance programs, 628 as marketing PR tools, 630t See also Events and experiences Spot (or exchange) markets, 221 “Spray and pray” approaches, 230 Sprinkler approach, 242 SSTs. See Self-service technologies Staffing, 76 Stage-gate systems, 458-459 Stakeholder-performance scorecard, 141 Stakeholders, 76 Stand-alone stores, 563 Standardized marketing program, 251, 251t, 254-256 Staples, 391 Stars, sales force, 671 Stated needs, 31 Statistical demand analysis, 115, 493 Status, defined, 183 Stealth marketing, 182 Stickiness factor, 182 STM. See Short-term memory Stock-keeping unit, 402 Stockless purchase plans, 226 Store atmosphere, 561 Store-label goods, 563. See also Private labels Store retailers, 550-551, 552t “Store-within-a-store,” 563 Storytelling, 313 STP (segmentation, targeting, and positioning), 267, 297. See also Market segmentation; Positioning; Targetingreference groups, 182 roles and status, 183-184 Socially responsible marketing, 685-696 business models for, 690 cause-related marketing, 690-694 children and, 290-291 corporate social responsibility and, 686-690, 686f social marketing, 694-696 Social marketing, 694-696 defined, 694 planning process, 696t program objectives, 695t Social media, 642-645 blogging vs., 40 blogs, 643 Brazil and, 244 B-to-B marketing and, 227 companies' use of, 39-40 defined, 642 earned media and, 637 firestorm, China and KFC, 242 measuring ROI, 139 Millennials and, 274-275 as new consumer capability, 38 online communities and forums, 643 platforms, 643-644 sales representatives and, 670 short-and long-term benefits of, 139 social networks, 643 using, 644-645 Social media marketing, 582, 596 Social media presence, monitoring, 138 Social networks, 643 Social responsibility as new marketing reality, 36-37 See also Corporate social responsibility Social risk, 200 Social stratification, 181 Sociocultural environment, 100-101 So Lo Mo (Social Local Mobile), 291, 520 Solution vendor, sales representative as, 665 Sourcing strategy, 74 South Africa as “African Lion,” 246 as developing market, 243, 246 South Asian Americans, 98 Southern Asia, 102 South Korea, 90, 250 Spain, 250 “Spanglish” approach, 278 Special customer pricing, 506 Special event pricing, 505 Special interest groups, 106Services differentiation, 394-396 customer consulting, 395 customer training, 395 delivery, 395 installation, 395 maintenance and repair, 395 ordering ease, 395 returns, 395-396 Service sector channels, 524-525 Services mix, of retailers, 561 Service specialist, 370 SERVQUAL scale, 442, 442t Setup costs, 570 Shallow-pockets trap, 507 Shared services, 427 Shared values, as business success element, 76 Share of advertising expenditures, 621 Share of consumers' minds and hearts, 621 Share of market, 621 Share of voice, 621 Share-penetration index, 110 Sharing economy, 486 Shifting loyals, 282 Shill marketing, 182 Shipping package, 412 Shopper marketing, 556 Shopping goods, 391 Shopping strips, 563 Short-term memory (STM), 193 Showrooming, 525 Silver lining principle, 205 Single niching, 369 Situation analysis, in marketing plan, 78 Skills, as business success element, 76 Skunkworks, 458 Slacker, 275 Slogan, as service brand element, 425 Slotting fee, 564 Slow-growth economy, marketing in fine-tune brand and product offerings, 383 get closer to customers, 382 increase investment, 381-382 review budget allocations, 382 value propositions, 382-383 Small business brand positioning for, 314-316 sales to, 218 Small Business Saturday, 26 “Smart shelf” technology, 556 Smart shopping carts, 556 “Smart” tags, 559 Social channels, 590 Social classes, 181 Social factors influencing consumer behavior cliques, 182-183 family, 183-184 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Index I35Unbundling, 508 Uncertainty avoidance, 253 Uncertainty management, 362 Uncontrollable returns, 396 Uncovering, 680 Undifferentiated marketing, 286 Uniform product bar codes, 568 United Kingdom Amazon and, 254 competitive frame example, 299 risk-averse consumers in, 99 social media and, 247 successful retailer in, 260 United States airports in, 90 consumer protection laws in, 106 environmental watchdog groups in, 101 mobile marketing in, 539 obesity rate in, 90 population age mix in, 96 R&D spending in, 105 Unit metrics pathway, 141 Unsought goods, 392 Unstated needs, 31 Unwholesome demand, 29 Up-market stretch, 406 U. S. consumers average, quiz about, 184 debt-to-income ratio, 100 facts about, 180 middle-market, 273-274 patriotic appeals and, 261 use of time, 180t U. S. population college education in, 98 ethic and racial diversity, 97 evolving families, 98-99 U. S. residential neighborhoods, 268 Usage in benefit-based segmenta-tion, 281-282 expanding total market demand with more, 360 User-generated content (UGC), 290 User-generated products (UGP), 290 User role, 281 Users in benefit-based segmentation, 281-282 in buying center, 216 VALS segmentation framework, 280, 280f Value, 33 communicating, 51 creating, 51 customer lifetime, 158-168 customer-perceived, 150-153 delivering, 51 See also Customer value Top-management, commitment of service company, 433-434 Total cost of ownership (TCO), 492 Total costs, 494 Total customer benefit, 151 Total customer cost, 151 Total customer satisfaction, 153-155 Total market demand, expanding, 360-361 Total market potential, 111 Total number of exposures (E), 615 Total sales, estimating, for new product, 470-471 Total sales promotion budget, 625 Trade associations estimating sales, 113 joint memberships in, 542 Trade exchange companies, 486 Trade promotion tools, 624f Trade shows, 625t Trading down, 490 Trading over, 490 Trading up, 490 Trading Up (Silverstein and Fiske), 490 Trailer tests, 621t Training service employees, 426, 431 Trainship, 572 Transaction theory, 232 Transfer prices, 258 Transformational appeal, 588-589 Transitions, life, 183 Transportation market logistics and, 572-573 wholesalers and, 566 Travel agents, online, 438 Traveling export sales representatives, 249-250 Trend, 95 Trends in marketing practices, 679-680 Truck wholesalers, 566t Trust, corporate, 231 Trustworthiness, 590 Tunisia, 246 Turkey, 244, 250 Turns × earns, 560 Two-level channel, 523 Two-part pricing, 409 Two-way stretch, 406 Tying agreements, 543 UGC. See User-generated content UGP. See User-generated products Unanticipated situational factors, 200 Unbundled services, 429for direct marketing, 659 for retailers, 557-558 Target-market prospects, 476 Target-return pricing, 498-499, 498f Task environment, 34 TCO. See Total cost of ownership Technical quality of services, 432 Technical support, online, 395 Technician, sales representative as, 665 Technological devices, 132 Technological environment innovation opportunities, 104-105 pace of change, 104 R&D budgets, 105 regulation of change, 105 Technological leapfrogging, 366 Technology disruptive, 455 as new marketing reality, 35-36 in retailing, 555-557 sales representatives and, 670 service delivery and, 432-433 Technology strategy, 74 Teens, direct influence of, 183 Telemarketing, 552, 660-661 Telephone interviewing, 133 Television ads for children, 183 creative development of, 611 pretest research techniques for, 621t Television direct-response marketing, 552 Territorial agreements, 543 Territorial rights of distributors, 529 Test markets, 474 Thailand, 106, 247 Theater tests, 621t Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 129t Thinkers, 280t “Think Global, Act Local,” 254 Threat matrix, 72f Threats from competitors, analyzing, 312 to market segment, 285-286 Three-level channel, 523 Tied-in sales, 409 Tie-in promotions, 624t Time, U. S. consumers' use of, 180t Time-and-duty analysis, 670 Time pricing, 506 Time risk, 200 Time-series analysis, 115 Timor-Leste, 90 Tonga, 243e-procurement, 222 lead generation, 222 Supplier selection, 223-225 number of suppliers and, 225 overcoming price pressures, 223-224 Supplies and business services, 392 Supply chain, 33-34, 34f, 58 Supply chain management (SCM), 567 Supply chain management (SCM) software, 520 Supply-side management, 531 Supply-side methods, 627 Survey burnout, 128 Survey of buyers' intentions, 114 Survey research, 128 Surveys direct questions in, 224 estimating demand curves with, 493 evaluating sales promotions using, 626 periodic, 155 See also Consumer surveys; Questionnaires Survival, as pricing objective, 491 Survival-age distribution, 471 Survivors, 280t Sustainability, 689-690 Sustainable consumption index, 103 Sweden, 257 Sweepstakes, 624t Switchers, 282 SWOT analysis, 71-73 competitor analysis for, 299 external environment, 71-72 internal environment, 72-73 Symbols, service company positioning through, 424 Syndicated-service research firms, 123 Systems, as business success element, 76 Systems buying, 228-229 Systems contracting, 228 Systems selling, 228-229 Table of contents, of marketing plan, 78 Tactical marketing plan, 59 Tangibility of product, 391 Tangible good with accompanying services, 422 See also Goods, marketing Target audience, 586-587 Target costing, 495 Target groups, influencing, 629 Targeting, behavioral, 169 Target market, 31 defined, 109 definition, for corporate mission, 62 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
I36 Index Wholesaling, 565-567 defined, 565 major types, 566t trends in, 567 Win-backs, 168 Wine market, benefit segments of, 281 WOM. See Word-of-mouth Women media reaching, 272-273 shopping behavior of, 562 Word associations, 130 “Word of mouse,” 646 Word-of-mouth (WOM), 590, 645-650 creating buzz, 646-650 forms of, 646 measuring effects of, 650 offline, 182 online, 172 referral channels, 648 World as village, 96t Yield management, 426 Yield pricing, 506 Young Digerati, 270t Zero-level channel, 523 ZMET (Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique) approach, 131 Zone of tolerance, 442as product strategy, 415 promotional pricing and, 506 Waterfall approach, 242 Water industry, environmental concerns in, 401 WE. See Weighted number of exposures Wealth of Nations, The (Smith), 151 Web-crawling technology, 259 Webinars, B-to-B marketing and, 227 Web sites country-specific content on, 249 key design elements, 640f for new product ideas, 462 online marketing via, 639-640 redesigning, B-to-B marketing and, 227 Websites analytics, 138 Wedding expenditures, major, 272t Weighted number of exposures (WE), 615 Western Europe green parties in, 101 industrial economy in, 99 See also Europe Whole-channel concept, 260f Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chains, 535Vertical coordination, benefits of, 230-231 Vertical-level specialist, 370 Vertical marketing system (VMS), 534-535 Vertical markets, business purchasing and, 221 Vertical sphere, in mission statement, 63t Video game consoles, 464 Vietnam, 244 Viral marketing, 646-647 Virtual reality, 468 Vision, in BAV analysis, 328 Visualization, 130 Voice of the customer (VOC) measurements, 434 Voice option, 200 Voluntary chain, 553 Voter market, 30 Wants customer, channel design and, 525-526 defined, 31 Warehousing market logistics and, 570 wholesalers and, 566 Warranties as consumer promotion tools, 624t extended, 445Value-adding partnerships (VAPs), 535 Value-augmenting services, 444 Value chain, 58 Value creation practices, 167t Value delivery network, 58 Value delivery process, 57 Value delivery system, 153 Value network, 519-520 Value-priced competitors, 495, 497 Value pricing, 500 Value proposition, 32, 153 defined, 298 examples, 298f in slow-growth economy, 382-383 Values influence on buying behavior, 186 shared, 76 VAPs. See Value-adding partnerships Variability of services, 425-426 Variable costs, 494 Variety-seeking buying behavior, 202 Vendor analysis, 223t Vendor-managed inventory (VMI), 226 Venture teams, 458 Vertical channel conflict, 541 | Keller Kevin Lane_ Kotler Philip - Marketing management-Pearson Education 2016 1.pdf |
Subsets and Splits