Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor turned whistleblower, has spoken out about mobile firm BlackBerry, claiming that its stance on privacy and cosy relationships with government spy agencies is why it would "be erased from the pages of history". Snowden, who was just granted extended asylum in Russia, is well-known around the world for leaking troves of internal NSA documentation in 2013 that detailed the vast surveillance apparatus used by multiple signals intelligence (Sigint) agencies, including Britain's GCHQ. He was speaking during a Canadian technology conference on Wednesday (18 January 2017), in reference to last year's revelation that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) had obtained access to BlackBerry's "global encryption key" to decode communications at will. Snowden linked this case to the experience of Apple, which was recently locked into a high-profile clash with the FBI over a court-order demanding it circumvent the encryption on an iPhone 5C gathered from the possessions of an Islamic State(Isis)-linked terrorist. "You can end up standing up for what is right, you have to trust that even if it is digital, if you take a principled stand that that will do more good not just for your bottom line or country, but for your society and future," said Snowden, as reported by BetaKit, a partner of the tech conference. He added: "This is why [BlackBerry is] going to be erased from the pages of history. Apple is a very successful company, particularly as they make this pivot towards enforcing quite publicly the privacy rights. Ultimately, we're not talking about privacy, we're talking about the quality of society." Last year, less than a week after BlackBerry was criticised in the press, particularly Vice News, the mobile firm's chief executive John Chen issued a statement. He claimed: "BlackBerry's guiding principle has been to do what is right for the citizenry." In his keynote, which was live-streamed from an unknown location in Russia, Snowden rubbished this position. He said: "[BlackBerry] follow the AT&T model, which is that the customer is not really the customer – the state is the customer. That's the only person they really have to please." In November last year, it was revealed that AT&T has close links to the US government's intelligence agencies, especially the NSA. Top secret diagrams leaked by The Intercept showed the highly secretive referenced the firm as an "access partner." The New York Times, in September 2013, exposed how an NSA-led operation called Project Hemisphere was conducted in partnership with AT&T and used to give drug agents access to vast swathes of communication records of everyday American citizens. In a broader sense, Snowden's stance on personal privacy has not softened in the years since his first disclosures – quite the opposite. "The stipulation [is that] if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. What this is encouraging is to live a life in a vulnerable state," he said. "To expose yourself to the depredations of an outside group to scrutinise how you live, what you think, what your ideas are as long as what you do is OK by them," he continued. "This misunderstands what rights are about and what privacy is about. "Privacy isn't about something to hide, it's about something to protect."
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Story highlights Kimmel: "There seems to be a lot of people upset with me" He asked a panel of children how they would resolve the U.S. debt to China Child panelist: "Shoot cannons all the way over and kill everyone in China" Groups protested, started petition drive against the ABC show Late night TV host Jimmy Kimmel apologized for airing a clip of a child suggesting that "killing everyone in China" could be a solution to America's debt problem. "You know, today is a weird day," Kimmel said on Monday's show. "There seems to be a lot of people upset with me, more upset than usual." Chinese-American groups organized several protests and a petition drive after the October 16 broadcast of ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live." The offending remark came while Kimmel was talking to a group of children, ages 5 and 6, about the United States government's debt, much of which is held by China. "America owes China a lot of money, $1.3 trillion," Kimmel told the children. "How should we pay them back?" "Shoot cannons all the way over and kill everyone in China," one boy said. "Kill everyone in China? OK, that's an interesting idea," Kimmel said. He then posed the question: "Should we allow the Chinese to live?" While one boy said, "No," most of the children said, "Yes." "If we don't allow them to live, then they'll try to kill us," a girl said. "Well, this has been an interesting edition of Kid's Table -- The Lord of the Flies edition," Kimmel said as the segment ended. ABC published an apology Friday, saying the network "would never purposefully broadcast anything to upset the Chinese community, Asian community, anyone of Chinese descent or any community at large." The letter from ABC executives addressed to the 80-20 National Asian American Political Action Committee promised "swift action to minimize the distribution of the skit by removing it from all platforms and editing it out of any future airings of the show." "I thought it was obvious that I didn't agree with that statement, but apparently it wasn't," Kimmel said Monday. "So I just want to say I am sorry. I apologize. It was certainly not my intent to upset anyone." He ended his apology by saying, "I'm here to turn frowns upside down."
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DETROIT (AP) — Plans are moving forward on $4.9 million in improvements at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Detroit’s Belle Isle. The Detroit Historical Society is holding a groundbreaking Monday on the first $1.5 million part of the four-phase outdoor enhancement project. The first phase is to be completed by November. Outdoor maritime artifact displays will be upgraded and the anchor from the freighter Edmund Fitzgerald, which sank in 1975 and was immortalized by Gordon Lightfoot’s song, will be highlighted in a Lost Mariners Memorial. Other phases are expected to be completed by 2021, including a riverfront trail and a landscape that would approximate the natural setting of Belle Isle before it became a park. The Historical Society has raised $1.9 million and seeks support for the rest of the project.
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Why? It’s impossible to know for certain with a virus as complex and unknown as this one. But there is an obvious potential cause: Many political leaders in the United States, including President Trump, are not following the advice of public health experts. Those experts have urged a range of measures: continued social distancing until the number of cases falls further; a rapid expansion of virus testing; and planning an extensive program of “contact tracing” and quarantining, to allow for gradual reopening. The United States is taking some of these steps, but only some. In the meantime, Trump is also encouraging protests that defy social distancing, which will only spread the virus. And he is calling for an across-the-board reduction in immigration, which will do little if anything to reduce the virus’s spread. Some states are also taking counterproductive steps. Wisconsin’s insistence on holding an election in the midst of a pandemic has evidently led to some additional cases, as Alison Dirr of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. So maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that the United States isn’t reducing the spread of the virus as well as many other countries. We don’t seem to be trying as hard. If you are not a subscriber to this newsletter, you can subscribe here. You can also join me on Twitter (@DLeonhardt) and Facebook. Follow The New York Times Opinion section on Facebook, Twitter (@NYTopinion) and Instagram.
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Send this page to someone via email The City of Toronto has cancelled events through June 30 amid the coronavirus pandemic, including the annual Pride Parade. Toronto Mayor John Tory made the announcement during an update on the city’s response to COVID-19 Tuesday afternoon. “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Toronto is cancelling all city-led major events, festivals, conferences, and cultural programs and is also cancelling all city permits for major events organized by external groups,” Tory said. 1:27 Coronavirus outbreak: Toronto cancels all public events through June 30 Coronavirus outbreak: Toronto cancels all public events through June 30 Story continues below advertisement “This is not an easy decision to make, but it is necessary to protect the public and to save lives … While we treasure many of these events and the important contribution they make to life in our city, protecting the health and safety of Toronto residents has to be our primary concern right now.” Tory said Pride month in June will still be celebrated, but the annual Pride Parade has been cancelled. 1:57 Toronto Pride parade cancelled over concerns of COVID-19 Toronto Pride parade cancelled over concerns of COVID-19 “Many of these events of course involve thousands of people, sometimes hundreds of thousands of people, and it is doubtful that the health environment will be where it needs to be on the originally-scheduled spring dates if these events are to happen in a healthy, safe, and stress-free way,” Tory said. [ Sign up for our Health IQ newsletter for the latest coronavirus updates ] Pride Toronto responded to news of the City’s policy in a statement Tuesday. Story continues below advertisement “Pride Toronto will no longer host the Festival Weekend on June 26-28th 2020,” the statement read. “Our team is working hard to deliver Pride celebrations in new, creative, and unique ways that ensure safety and physical distancing … Any future programming will be in alignment with the recommendations of the public health authorities and the communities we serve.” Toronto Public Health said as of 1 p.m. Tuesday, there were 793 cases of COVID-19 in Toronto, with 628 confirmed cases and 165 probable cases. LISTEN: Sixty-five people are in hospital, with 33 in intensive care. Eight deaths have been reported in the city and 43 people are considered recovered. Story continues below advertisement Health officials attribute 25 per cent of the cases to community spread. “We will only be able to get through this and reopen city buildings, businesses, playgrounds, restart our economy, get our festivals back and celebrate life in our city again by stopping the spread of COVID-19,” Tory said. 1:32 Coronavirus outbreak: Toronto nears 800 COVID-19 cases Coronavirus outbreak: Toronto nears 800 COVID-19 cases Meanwhile, Dr. Eileen de Villa said she was concerned with the number of people in the city who are not following physical distancing advice. “I have been stating repeatedly the importance of physical distancing and I am truly disappointed that there continue to be people in our community who are simply not listening,” de Villa said. “The only way we can reduce the spread of the virus is by staying home and away from other people … Story continues below advertisement “I am in active discussions with all of our partners about the potential for other increased measures and I will soon share what that means and what that looks like.” Tweet This Since March 24, officials have received 597 complaints related to the use of park amenities. Officials said education is their “first line of enforcement.” Still, nine $750 tickets have been issued by police. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in response to the provincial emergency order to prohibit organized public events and gatherings of more than five people, the City of Toronto has cancelled all mass events and permits through to June 30. News release: https://t.co/yYjLq2yS0x pic.twitter.com/1tlOse6NEa — City of Toronto (@cityoftoronto) March 31, 2020
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We do not have an overdose crisis. We have a poisoned drug supply. Fentanyl and its analogs are killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. Alarmingly and with ominous future implications, fentanyl-laced cocaine fatalities in Ohio are now outstripping fentanyl-laced herion fatalities. This trend began in 2016 but the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI), who operates the three state crime labs that first learned about it, never made the data public. In this episode we speak with Dennis Cauchon, founder of Harm Reduction Ohio, who just this summer used public records laws to obtain the data from BCI and publish it, warning people that this poisoning crisis had now spread far beyond just the heroin market. Who is adding fentanyl and carfentanil to the cocaine supply? How many lives has Cauchon saved by spreading this information to the public? And why did BCI sit on the data for three years and not tell anyone? According to Cauchon, they simply didn't realize what they were looking at. Disconnected from the drug culture, they just assumed that mixing fentanyl with cocaine was a new drug trend. They had no idea that cocaine users were unaware that their cocaine contained fentanyl, and that they didn't want their drugs contaminated with it. Cauchon was able to educate some of the folks in BCI. "After initially being reluctant to provide the information," he say, "BCI was remarkably helpful, which showed a real concern about drug overdose deaths, not just helping police convict people on drug charges." This is the state of prohibition. This is drug war culture. In this episode we also speak to Donna May, a mother who lost her daughter to heroin after her doctor cut her off from the prescription opiates that relieved her symptoms of anxiety. We hear from Dr. Torsten Passie, who helped spearhead heroin maintenance programs in Germany. And we talk to Dr. Gabor Maté, best-selling author and addiction treatment specialist from Vancouver, Canada, who explains why drug users are one of the most scapegoated groups in our culture. This episode describes the problem as well as the solution. And the solution lies not just in changing drug laws, but also our own attitudes and false beliefs about drugs and the people who use them. Edited by Emanuel Sferios Sound engineered by Jimmy Martin Opening music track by Frankum, creative commons.
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Canada is lagging behind in combating right-wing extremism. Recent intelligence efforts and new funding to study right-wing groups is not enough, experts argue. The government needs to move beyond just researching groups — and quickly. “Extremism and extremist sentiment is being normalized in mainstream media, language and communication, and it’s being normalized into children’s lives” “Extremism and extremist sentiment is being normalized in mainstream media, language and communication, and it’s being normalized into children’s lives,” said Candyce Kelshall, president of the Vancouver branch of the Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies, one of relatively few groups of researchers tracking the growth of the far right in Canada “That’s something we haven’t seen since the KKK or national socialism.” Right-wing attacks, protests and groups have become increasingly common in recent years, gaining visibility in media and in mainstream society. The far right resists easy political or organizational definition, though, which is what makes it dangerous, Kelshall said. Recently, the Canadian government added neo-Nazi network Blood & Honour and its militant wing, Combat 18, to its official list of terror groups. But these types of groups are often decentralized, functioning more as movements than formal terrorist organizations, and often reform and rebrand at unusual speeds to avoid detection. “We understand organized crime. We understand groups like the Hells Angels. We understand terrorist groups,” said Kelshall. “We look for hierarchical connections, communication, evidence people have gone over for training, and that’s how we classify actions we would consider to be terrorist.” Social media fuels spread of extremism The federal government’s 2018 Public Report on the Terrorist Threat to Canada describes right-wing extremism as “sporadic and opportunistic” — the same language used in 2017’s report. “CSIS continues to engage government and law enforcement partners on the right-wing extremism landscape and emerging threats and continues to provide extensive analytical advice,” wrote CSIS spokesperson John Townsend in an email, using language directly taken from the 2018 report. “CSIS has increased its posture to gain a better understanding of the landscape in Canada, gain insight into the key players and assess the nature of the current threat environment.” 44 per cent of Canadians now see the far right as the biggest threat to national security, more than any other movement. But a January 2019 CSIS report obtained through freedom of information requests includes an international assessment of right-wing extremism, acknowledging “identifying links” between European, American and Canadian movements formed by social media. “Social media is transnational by nature and allows individuals and groups from around the world to share their extreme right-wing views,” reads the assessment. “Several studies analyzing social networks demonstrate the ease by which European and American extreme right-wing content is consumed by like-minded Canadians.” In some cases, lone actors are inspired by greater movements even though they may not be an official member of a far-right group, like the perpetrator of the 2017 Quebec mosque shootings. Reports in the Globe and Mail and VICE have revealed that Bryer Schmegelsky, one of two wanted young men linked to a series of murders in northern B.C., owned Nazi flags and symbols. The exact nature of his motivations, however, remains unclear at this time. A Mainstreet Poll found 44 per cent of Canadians now see the far right as the biggest threat to national security, more than any other movement. However, many experts in the field say that public response is lagging. Canada’s response still in the research phase The 2018 budget earmarked $23 million in funding for Canadian Heritage to “support cross-country consultations on a new national anti-racism approach” in response to “the rise of ultranationalist movements, and protests against immigration, visible minorities and religious minorities.” Earlier this year, Public Safety Canada announced it would give $366,985 to Dr. Barbara Perry and Dr. Ryan Scrivens of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology to assess the number and membership of far-right groups in Canada. In 2015, they estimated there were well over a hundred. Experts say this funding is inadequate, and isn’t yet applied towards actual security measures. “Almost all the funding is in jihadism and countering that terrorism.” said Kelshall. “There’s virtually no funding, with the exception of the recent money, invested by public safety. And that’s it.” “Almost all the funding is in jihadism and countering that terrorism. There’s virtually no funding ... invested by public safety.” They also point out ties between anti-hate organizations and law enforcement are often non-existent. “Our relationship with them is we provide them with information, and we just hope they act on it,” said Evan Balgord, executive director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. “It’s completely opaque.” Balgord said some activists are frustrated with local police, who they see as relatively inactive. “The impression among the anti-racist community is that they’re not doing anything,” he said. “When it comes to proactively monitoring those hate groups, in general, we don’t see them.” The 2017 report promised RCMP would begin a “dedicated module” on right-wing extremism as part of its First Responder Terrorism Awareness Program. In a statement, RCMP spokesperson Caroline Duval wrote that it “is offered to first responders namely health services, police of jurisdiction, firefighters and paramedics, as well as to those with a nexus to critical infrastructure.” She declined to say how many officers were involved in it. The RCMP also clarified it will not actually investigate these groups unless they have already committed a crime. “The RCMP does not investigate movements or ideologies but will investigate the criminal activity of any individuals who threaten the safety and security of Canadians,” wrote RCMP spokesperson Michelle Schmidt. “The RCMP investigates any act of potential terrorism regardless of political motivation, including ideologically violent groups such as the far right or the far left.”
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This post by me was also on Left Foot Forward this morning: Boris Johnson is proposing that the UK should, post-Brexit, have at least ten freeports. So it’s worth examining what they do. The first thing to say is that just as tax havens come in many shapes and forms so too do freeports. It’s not wholly clear what the UK has in mind. In this case, the types need explaining. From warehouses to laundering-zones Some freeports are little more than what are called ‘bonded warehouses’. These have existed for many years and are locations where goods may be temporarily imported to a country without tariffs, excise duties and other taxes being paid before the goods are shipped on again. It’s hard to argue against the usefulness of such facilities if, and this is the key point, the goods are never intended to stay in the place where they have been landed, temporarily. The arrangement avoids double tax, and double taxation has no more virtue than no tax. Such warehouse can be at either sea or airports. Form here the story goes downhill. Another form of freeport are those described by Oddný Helgadóttir of Copenhagen Business School, with whom I have worked, as ‘luxury freeports’. These are usually located at airports. By far the most common item held in such places are works of art, although other small, high value items might also be found there. The one in Geneva is thought to hold more than a million such works of art, long unseen by their owners or anyone else, come to that. Why do that? The attraction might be tax. Luxury freeports are usually exempt from all taxes, whether that be import tariffs, value added tax, capital gains tax or other charges that could be levied on the owner of art. And if that art is held through an anonymously owned offshore company (and the evidence is that it very often is) then it is also highly likely that the artwork will also be outside the scope of wealth taxes, and other rules on inheritance because its ownership will simply not be declared. Hiding in plain sight Economist Gabriel Zucman has suggested the ultra wealthy might be the biggest tax evaders in the world. Freeport activity of this sort is a way to achieve that, apparently legitimately. That’s not the only attraction of such places though. Mobile, and untraceable, goods of inherently uncertain value can be very useful indeed for another purpose, and that is money laundering. Any old copy artwork can mysteriously inflate in value when a dodgy certificate of provenance is attached to it in such a place, and what went in as a poor canvas comes out as the way of turning illicit funds into legitimate cash, and all very often behind very opaque doors that mean no one can trace what is going on. Something stinks The hint of corruption has always hung over such freeports as a consequence, and who knows if recent law changes in the EU requiring improved money laundering controls upon such places will apply in a no-deal Brexit Britain? If not, any such locations in the UK would be very popular indeed. What else do freeports do? Between the useful and the illicit as already described, there is the downright dodgy. These are the often quite sizeable freeports where businesses are encouraged to relocate themselves within a country. The incentive to move is a range of pretty dubious tax and regulatory incentives. These might be in the form of lower or no import tariffs; lower rates of tax on employing staff; an absence of business rates; reduced corporation tax, and more besides – including direct subsidies. The aim is to supposedly incentivise new business activity. There is no real evidence from developing countries, where such arrangements are commonplace, that this ever works. All that happens is that existing business relocates into the freeport and their owners get richer. This point is important, because the regulatory relaxations that goes alongside these tax reliefs often relate to employee protection; exemption from minimum wage and other employment rules; relaxation of health and safety requirements and even relaxed rules on product standards. All of those are a licence to abuse of course, and not just employees but consumers as well. Who takes advantage of all this? Get-rich-quick employers, of course. And is there any chance of ‘trickle down’? Almost none at all, research suggests: that’s another spurious claim for such relaxations of tax and regulations for which evidence is remarkably lacking. The real motive So why establish freeports? To aid and abet the free and possibly corrupt flow of wealth around the world is one answer. And to help capitalists of the worst sort make a quick buck is the other possible answer. And that’s about it, because no one else in society really benefits. But they do pick up the costs, in supporting low pay; having less tax revenue flow into the economy; seeing the wealth divide increase; and suffering the type of ‘fly-by-night’ regulatory abuse that government should exist to stop, and not encourage. Freeports are almost always a step in the wrong direction for any country. For the UK they will be another leap into the post-Brexit dark.
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The Freedom From Religion Foundation is cautioning the Ohio governor that his exemption of religious gatherings from coronavirus-related restrictions is putting innumerable Ohioans at risk. Ohio’s stay-at-home order, amended April 2, leaves out religious gatherings by defining them as “essential services.” This will quite certainly imperil Ohioans, FFRF warns. The data doesn’t lie, asserts the national state/church watchdog. One-third of all COVID cases in one large California county can be traced to church services. The numbers are even bigger elsewhere. Reuters reports: “South Korea announced thousands of coronavirus cases in the space of only a few days in late February. The surge in cases centered mostly around one main cluster from a church in Daegu city.” Gov. Mike DeWine has vocally encouraged churches to abide by prohibitory orders, but his call is undermined by his exemption, which is inadvisable on multiple counts, FFRF contends. First, religious freedom does not require exempting churches from prohibitory orders. “Americans have rights to worship and to assemble, but neither of those rights is unlimited and neither includes the right to risk other people’s lives,” FFRF Co-Presidents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker write to Gov. Mike DeWine and Ohio Health Director Dr. Amy Acton. “Most importantly, neither right includes the right to risk or threaten the lives of other citizens.” More than 100 years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court explained in a 7-2 opinion that society’s interest in stopping the spread of smallpox was greater than an individual’s religious rights, FFRF adds. And the court has reiterated this again and again. States already regularly limit worship gatherings that jeopardize public health. For instance, the government requires that church buildings comply with necessary fire and other building codes. Preventing large gatherings due to a pandemic is even more crucial. Second, FFRF maintains, such exemptions unconstitutionally favor churches. Courts have long ruled that the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment bars the government from preferring one religion over another, or religion over nonreligion. The exemption for church services violates the First Amendment. “Prohibiting large gatherings is not a ban on worship any more than speed limits are a ban on driving,” FFRF writes. “The short-term ban is guided by science: The more people that gather, the more viruses spread.” Third, such exemptions are immoral and deadly, FFRF avers. Clerics seeking exemption from social-distancing orders are not simply asking for a right to gather and worship, they are also asking for a right to threaten the lives of every other member of the community. DeWine needs to revise the stay-at-home order and remove the exemption for religious gatherings, FFRF urges. It is undermining the leadership and foresight he has displayed in battling the pandemic, with the exception of the governor’s callous exploitation of the coronavirus to try to shut down abortion clinics in his state, endangering women’s right to choose. The Freedom From Religion Foundation has more than 31,000 members and several chapters all over the country, including over 800 members and a chapter in Ohio. FFRF protects the constitutional separation between state and church, and educates about nontheism.
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Hello Rustaceans! It's time for another meetup. This meetup is dedicated to some of the data science projects being developed in Rust. We have three speakers lined up: * Dan Burkert (dburkert): kudu-rs (https://github.com/danburkert/kudu-rs): Using Rust with Apache Kudu (http://getkudu.io/) * Ulrik Sverdrup (bluss) (remote): ndarray (https://github.com/bluss/rust-ndarray) - N-Dimensional Arrays * Michael Hirn (remote): Autumn (http://autumnai.com/), Leaf (https://github.com/autumnai/leaf), and Collenchyma (https://github.com/autumnai/collenchyma): Deep Neural Networks in Rust The doors will open at 6pm, and the talks go live at 7pm. As always, Mozilla will be graciously providing food, drink, and a live stream of the meetup. The stream will also be archived on Air Mozilla (https://air.mozilla.org/). I'll update this page with the link to the talk once it goes live. I hope you all can make it! -Erick edit: Here's the link (https://air.mozilla.org/bay-area-rust-meetup-march-2016/) that will be used for the live stream and archived video.
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Conway says the Republican plan enjoys “presidential leadership,” explaining that Trump has personally taken it upon himself to push the bill through. She added that the president is “ But when the discussion turned to the bill’s name, TPM A White House spokesperson struck a If only it were that simple. Kellyanne Conway, one of Donald Trump’s top White House advisers, appeared on Fox News yesterday and touted the new Republican health care plan, which, she said, enjoys the president’s full support. There was, however, some quibbling about what to call the GOP proposal.Conway says the Republican plan enjoys “presidential leadership,” explaining that Trump has personally taken it upon himself to push the bill through. She added that the president is “ really husbanding ” the legislation through the process.But when the discussion turned to the bill’s name, TPM reported that Conway insisted this is”serious business” and “isn’t about branding according to someone’s name.” She added, “I’ll call it Trumpcare if you want to, but I didn’t hear President Trump say to any of us, ‘Hey, I want my name on that.’”A White House spokesperson struck a more emphatic note with Politico, arguing “It’s not ‘Trumpcare.’ … We will be calling it by its official name,” the American Health Care Act. He built his career in large part by plastering his name on skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, books, wines and steaks, but there appears to be one place President Donald Trump does not want his favorite five-letter word – the Republican health care bill. Before Obamacare, there was Romneycare. Back in the 1990s, there was Hillarycare. For a brief moment in the 2012 GOP primary, there was even Obamneycare (Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty quickly abandoned the phrase and, in August 2011, his campaign for the nomination). But the White House, for all its messaging woes and infighting, has settled on the fact that – for the time being – it’s steering clear of Trumpcare.
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The Blackhawks and defenseman David Rundblad have parted ways, mutually agreeing to a termination of his contract. Rundblad’s agent, Claude Lemieux, said Rundblad wanted to “explore other opportunities.” Rundblad, acquired by the Hawks from Arizona (in exchange for a second-round pick) on March 4, 2014 and then re-signed to a two-year contract last summer, never managed to establish himself as an everyday player in the NHL. A smooth skater with a big shot, Rundblad was effective offensively and on the power play, but was a liability in his own end. A first-round pick of the Blues in 2009 — he was eventually traded for a pick that became Vladimir Tarasenko — Rundblad has spent most of his NHL career as a heathy scratch. He played in just 12 of 61 games for the Coyotes in 2013-14 before being traded to Chicago, where he played just five of 20 games, and none in the playoffs. He played 49 games in 2014-15, but just nine last season before being loaned to a Swiss team. He returned shortly before the playoffs and played four games in the Hawks’ seven-game loss to the St. Louis Blues, but never lived up to the potential general manager Stan Bowman saw in him. “David indicated to us that he wanted to kind of get a fresh start, so I think he’s looking to maybe pursue some other opportunities, whether it’s in the NHL or maybe in Europe,” Bowman said earlier this month. “He’s still a young guy. I think he wants to get back to playing a lot of hockey, and I know that was the reason he wanted to go over to Europe mid-season. We were willing to honor that request and we’re going to let him find a spot where he knows he’s going to be a regular player every day, a lot of minutes. I think he’s got a bright future.” With his contract terminated, Rundblad will carry no cap hit for the Hawks, who are pursuing 2016 Hobey Baker Award winner Jimmy Vesey, who will be an unrestricted free agent on Aug. 15. Had the Hawks buried Rundblad in the AHL, he would have counted $100,000 against the salary cap. Had the Hawks bought out his contract, he would have counted $133,333 against the cap this season, and $183,333 next season.
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Explore the spooky side of air and space at Air & Scare, our annual Halloween event at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Va. Participate in creepy crafts, spooky science experiments, and other Halloween-themed activities. Arrive in costume to get into the Halloween spirit and enjoy safe indoor trick-or-treating. Note: For safety purposes, full-face masks are prohibited on visitors over 16 years of age. Air & Scare is one of our most popular annual events. Please be aware of high-volume attendance and allow for additional time for parking and security screening. To expedite the security process, we recommend you leave bags you do not need in your vehicle. We will have bags available for trick-or-treating. See our air and space themed pumpkin carving templates below > This program is made possible through the generous support of Mars Wrigley Confectionery US, LLC. Try Your Hand At Carving an Air and Space Themed Pumpkin
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RPGs can come in all shapes and sizes, whether they be real-time, turn based, or even grid-based. Every variation can be enjoyable in their own right, so they’re all worth checking out. Haunted Dungeons: Hyakki Castle falls into the grid-based RPG, and it has been an interesting ride. The Shogunate’s life was in danger because of an assassination attempt by the evil Kigata Doman. After his failure, he was imprisoned on an island, but it wasn’t long before a package with a note made its way to the Shogunate. The package contained three severed heads and a note allegedly from Kigata. Four warriors were sent to check on things, but find a mysterious castle has appeared on the island. This is where the story begins. When starting the game, you choose the difficulty and your team of warriors. There are four races and four classes to choose from. The races are human, oni, tengu, and nekomata, while the classes are ninja, samurai, sohei, and shinkan. You can make any combination of the two in order to create each character, and you can reuse them as much as you wish. If you want a team of four samurai onis, then go for it. I personally included a bit of everything in order to branch out my team’s abilities and fighting strengths. You can also name them, choose their gender, and pick from a group of images to use as their individual character portraits. These aspects are all purely aesthetic, but I appreciated the options. The races and classes affect the gameplay, influencing attack power, defense, health, mana, and skills they can learn. Each character has their own skill tree to unlock moves as they level up and spend skill points. Unfortunately, you can only have four moves equipped at a time for each character. That means you’ll have to decide which moves work best for you as you play. You map the moves to triangle, square, circle, and X, but they can be swapped out at any time by pausing and going to the skills menu. This helps alleviate the four moves restriction by giving you the option to rework your characters as you see fit. For example, the shinkan class offers multiple healing moves, along with some ranged charm attacks. The ninja has some sword slashes and can throw shuriken. As strong as these moves can be, they require mana to use and have cooldown, so you have to watch your usage. Their starting attacks cost nothing, but still have the cooldown. The gameplay itself is first person and has you moving on an invisible grid. You can move in four directions, but not diagonally. The movement slides you from space to space, only moving one at a time. It doesn’t feel clunky at all; in fact, it feels pretty smooth. Dodging is done just by moving sideways or backwards right as an enemy is about to attack. If you move too early, they’ll just move closer in order to attempt an attack. There’s no block button though, so dodging is your only way to reduce damage if you’re not using the split function. The split function is a unique and clever aspect of Hyakki Castle. It enables the player to split their group into two teams with the press of a button. By pressing L2, the game goes split-screen, placing your first and second characters on the left, and the other two on the right. You only control one team at a time, but the inactive team uses a technique called “Ishin no Ofudo,” which turns them into stone and boosts their defence for the time being. This is perfect for flanking the enemy, because they may focus on the inactive team, allowing the other team to strike some critical hits from behind. Pressing L2 again while the teams are in separate locations lets you switch between teams. For flanking, swapping back and forth opens up the chance to take down an enemy from both sides while not leaving yourself wide open. You’ll also need to use this ability in order to solve puzzles and deactivate some traps, which are pretty fun to figure out. When you’re ready to merge the teams again, set them on the same spot and press L2 again. The splitting and merging is incredibly quick and seamless, making me want to use it again and again. In addition to health and mana that you have to keep an eye on, there’s also a hunger meter. The hunger depletes as you move and fight, causing a decrease in stats when it gets too low. You’ll need to eat food that you collect in order to keep your team full and strong. It’s an interesting feature, but it does get annoying at times. Sometimes it feels like there isn’t enough food around in order to fight off the hunger. Since the floors of the castle are like mazes and require you to move around a lot, the hunger meter drops fairly quickly. If the meter didn’t drop as fast or there was a lot more food to be found, it wouldn’t be as much of a problem. That being said, it doesn’t ruin the experience, just adds an annoyance. The difficulty isn’t too challenging, although the game forces you to fight carefully. Fights with fodder enemies can take longer than expected if you can’t get a strategic advantage. Boss fights are the same way, but boss attacks are way more devastating if you get hit. The floors themselves are interesting, although they aren’t that exciting. The same enemies show up a fair amount, but they all have their own charm to them. The only sounds are from attacks and ambience, with no background music, which isn’t bad until you start to pay attention to it. I was too focused on fighting and puzzles to notice it most of the time though. All in all, Haunted Dungeons: Hyakki Castle is a unique RPG dungeon crawler that brings an interesting combat system to the forefront. 80 Great Haunted Dungeons: Hyakki Castle Review Guidelines Haunted Dungeons: Hyakki Castle is a clever twist on the traditional dungeon crawler, with a focus on the split-team function. Learning to work with separate teams can be tough at first, but it's well worth the effort. The combat is otherwise simplistic and easy to pick up, making it easy to jump in for hours at a time. —Codi Spence Codi loves to play video games and watch movies. He will watch almost any kind of movie just to experience them. His ideas take inspiration from the shows and movies he watches, and games he plays. He also loves a good pun.
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Bookmakers around Australia are refusing to pay out on last night's farcical IBO cruiserweight world title boxing bout which Danny Green won in under thirty seconds. Green's opponent, Paul Briggs, came out of retirement for the fight but hit the canvas shortly after the opening bell and was counted out following a glancing blow. The fight had been moved from Sydney to Perth after the New South Wales Combat Sports Authority raised concerns about Briggs' health. After the fight a "pissed off" Green said Briggs was "not even a canine" and told a furious crowd that he "wouldn't be paid a cent". Payouts on a first-round knockout have been suspended pending an investigation. Neil Evans, from online bookmakers Centrebet, says there was a massive betting plunge on a round-one knockout win to Green which brought the price in from around $8 to $1.50. "It officially started with us at $1.50, which is a price we've never seen before," he said. "Round two was also backed as well, and to say it was a dubious fight would again be a massive understatement. "It puts the credibility of boxing in this country back in the gutter." Ryan Kay from Betezy says he also became suspicious pre-fight. "It wasn't just one bet of $20,000, they kept coming. People ringing up all day wanting more and more, and it smelt quite bad," he said. "People ringing up wanting $20,000, $10,000 at a time on the first round [knockout]. To be honest it's pretty unheard of for any boxing event. "I made a few calls to a few people yesterday to say is this fight fair dinkum and I was told it was. It smelt anyway." The chairman of the Professional Combat Sports Commission, Simon Watters, has defended his decision to sanction the fight. "If someone turns up at a boxing event and they might be in pristine, perfect health, and they decide themselves they are going to take a dive there's very little that anyone can do regulate or stop that," he said. "From what I saw and from where I was sitting the blow didn't seem to connect," Mr Watters added. Police in Perth say they were forced to escort both Green and Briggs out of the stadium. Inspector Jeff Ellis says a big police contingent managed to control the crowd. "I think the short-lived bout was the reason why the crowd became so agitated," he said. "It's clear that people paid a lot of money to go and see this fight and certainly were disappointed that the fight didn't go on longer."
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One might almost get the impression that all this had something to do with Islam, were it not for all the learned analysts who assure us otherwise. “Alleged Radicalized Muslim Arrested at Victorville Home,” by Christie Martin, Victor Valley News, December 8, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
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“If this nominee cannot meet the same standard that Republicans insisted upon for President Obama’s nominee, 60 votes in the Senate, then the problem lies not with the Senate but with the nominee.” — Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), remarks on the Senate floor, Feb. 1 “I am coming back to the floor to correct the record about my earlier comments, when I said that Republicans ‘insisted’ on 60 votes for each of President Obama’s nominees. Sixty votes is a bar that was met by each of President Obama’s nominees. At the time, there was no need for a cloture vote, because we knew that each of them would garner over 60 votes.” — Schumer, minutes later on the Senate floor. AD AD In the looming battle over President Trump’s nomination of Gorsuch to be a Supreme Court justice, Schumer avoided a few Pinocchios when he quickly returned to the floor and took back his earlier statement that Republicans “insisted” that President Barack Obama’s nominees required 60 votes. But you can see, in Durbin’s remarks, the slippery language that Democrats use to give the impression that achieving 60 votes is some sort of Senate “standard.” Even in his amended remarks, Schumer went on to say “60 votes is the right standard for this nominee.” Let’s explore. The Facts First, some definitions, as people often get these terms confused: A filibuster generally refers to extended debate that delays a vote on a pending matter, while cloture is a device to end debate. Filibusters are used by opponents of a nominee or legislation, while cloture is filed by supporters. Under current Senate rules, it takes 60 votes to end debate. AD AD Filibusters – and cloture votes – are rather rare in deliberations over a Supreme Court nominee. The last Supreme Court nominee who faced a cloture vote was Samuel A. Alito Jr. in 2006. He won it handily, 72-25, though the members who voted against ending debate included Schumer, Durbin, Hillary Clinton and Obama. Later, as president, Obama said he regretted his vote. (He apparently had been persuaded by aides that he would not be viable candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination if he did not vote against ending debate.) After the cloture vote, senators voted on whether to confirm Alito. The vote was 58-42. (He earned the support of four Democrats, but was opposed by one Republican and one Republican-turned-Independent.) AD Another key cloture vote in modern times concerned Lyndon B. Johnson’s 1968 nomination of Abe Fortas, at the time an associate justice, to be chief justice. Johnson was a lame duck, having decided not to seek reelection. Although Democrats controlled the Senate, Southern Democrats were angry at the Warren court’s record on jurisprudence — and the Republican presidential nominee, Richard Nixon, had pledged to nominate a Southerner as his first Supreme Court pick. AD Nineteen senators, in fact, declared that they would refuse to accept any nomination by Johnson because he was a lame duck. The Fortas nomination eventually ran aground over ethics issues and his close relationship with Johnson, and he eventually withdrew after his nomination failed a cloture vote. At the time, Senate rules required approval of two-thirds of the Senate to end debate – and Fortas could only achieve a vote of 45 to 43. Finally, there were two cloture votes involving the late Chief Justice, William H. Rehnquist. In 1971, a motion to invoke cloture failed by a vote of 52-42, but nevertheless he was confirmed later that day 68-26. When he was nominated to become chief justice in 1986, he was confirmed 65-33 after cloture was also invoked by a vote of 68-31. AD So in modern times, there have been a total of four cloture votes concerning Supreme Court nominations. AD Matt House, Schumer’s spokesman, said that “we do not maintain that it was a standard Republicans required, only that it was one that has been met by the last six justices, appointed by presidents from both parties.” Although Alito failed to get 60 votes, House pointed to the cloture vote as evidence that Alito met the necessary standard. Ben Marter, a Durbin spokesman, said: “Senator Durbin believes Judge Gorsuch should be held to the same 60-vote threshold that was met by previous nominees.” Here are the votes for the last six nominees who were confirmed: AD Elena Kagan: 63 to 37 (2010) Sonia Sotomayor: 68 to 31 (2009) Samuel A. Alito Jr.: 58 to 42 (2006) John G. Roberts Jr.: 78 to 22 (2005) Stephen G. Breyer: 87 to 9 (1994) Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 96 to 3 (1993) Hmmm, who was the seventh justice? Clarence Thomas: 52 to 48 (1991) The remaining justice on the court is Anthony M. Kennedy, who was confirmed 97 to 0 in 1988. Antonin Scalia, whom Gorsuch would replace, was confirmed 98 to 0 in 1986. So, two of the justices currently on the Supreme Court were confirmed with votes that did not achieve 60 votes. The Pinocchio Test Democrats are being slippery with their language. Sixty votes is not “a standard” for Supreme Court confirmations, as two of the current justices on the court did not meet that supposed standard. AD There is a separate issue of whether Republicans will have to invoke cloture to end a filibuster — and whether Gorsuch could meet the necessary 60 votes to proceed to a confirmation vote. In Supreme Court nominations, that’s a rarely used parliamentary tactic that is certainly available to Democrats to establish a threshold for confirmation. But it’s not “a standard.” AD Schumer gets kudos for quickly correcting a whopper of a claim, but the “standard” language is still misleading. Two Pinocchios Send us facts to check by filling out this form Keep tabs on Trump’s promises with our Trump Promise Tracker Sign up for The Fact Checker weekly newsletter
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Let’s talk about an illusion: When Something Is Surrounded By Large Objects It Looks Relatively Small. For Example: -A Cou...
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Temperatures have dropped. The landscape is a beautiful shade of white. Couples are enjoying the après ski scene in front of warm fires across the country. That’s right, it’s that terrible time of year when you can’t climb rock in a tank top. Screw you, winter. It doesn’t matter how many hand warmers or hot rocks you stuff in your chalkbag, unless you road trip to Hueco Tanks or Joshua Tree, it’s going to be a while before you really enjoy another outdoor pitch. But things aren’t as grim as they may seem. Spring will come, and until then, use this guide to figure out the best use of your time. ADVERTISEMENT Thanks for watching! Visit Website Having trouble reading? View the full size image here.
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At times it seems as if China is one colossal construction site. The old is being replaced with the new, the new replaced with the newer, in a perpetual cycle of destruction and creation. The sounds of jackhammers, backhoes, and pile drivers is the soundtrack of a country recreating itself as readily as the changing patterns in a rotating kaleidoscope. Like an aging actress, since the beginning of the economic boom period in the late 1970s, China has undergone so many facelifts that it is virtually impossible to recognize the country for what it once was. "I don't know this place anymore," an elderly doctor who spent his life in the small city of Taizhou, 240km up river from Shanghai, once told me. In the space of a decade, his 2,000 year old city of winding gray brick, street-level houses and tight-knit neighborhoods gave way to wide, straight boulevards, luxury high-rises, and florescent-lighted shopping malls. The change prompted him to declare that he feels as if he’s living in foreign territory. In the past three decades China has almost completely demolished and rebuilt itself. Research firm GK Dragonomics estimated that, between 2005 and 2010 alone, China dismantled more than 16 per cent of its housing stock. That's more than 1,850km2 of floorspace – enough to blanket Greater London. And China isn’t stopping there. According to the Ministry of Housing & Urban-Rural Development, almost every structure built before 1999, roughly half of the current housing supply, is set to meet the sledgehammer at some point over the next 20 years. New houses are built almost as quickly as the old ones are cleared away: upwards of 129m new homes have been built in China over the past 30 years. Each year that passes sees roughly 2,000km2 of floor space – enough to cover New York City one and a half times – built across the country. But it would be a mistake to think that China is simply upgrading its housing stock to meet modern standards, and will stop and be satisfied once this is done. No, even the buildings that are being built today will hardly last out this generation. Qiu Baoxing, the former vice-minister of China’s Housing & Urban-Rural Development ministry, estimated that new buildings going up in China today will only stand for 25 to 30 years before being demolished. Li Dexiang of Tsinghua University told the China Daily that "what we see nowadays is the blind demolition of relatively new buildings, some of which have only been standing for less than 10 years". I estimated that the place had to have been at least 30 or 40 years old. I was shocked when a security guard mentioned that it was built in 2004 "My students often tell me that they have visited a really old building when they go to one constructed in 2005 or so," says Austin Williams, a professor or architecture at Jiaotong-Liverpool University. "Perceptions of time and change are different over here." He adds that he once gave his students an assignment to find the oldest building they could in their hometowns. One student from Ordos reported that the oldest building he could find was a mere five years old. Since the Communist Party took over in 1949, China has been erecting massive amounts of substandard, quasi-temporary housing in waves. Originally, these quickly built, shoddy homes were a reaction to the conditions of the time, which saw a huge demand for housing from work units and a distinct lack of quality building materials. “Under Mao, for example, many buildings were constructed using bamboo as reinforcement because they didn't have the steel,” Williams explains. While the initial, tumultuous decades of the communist rule are now over, the construction ethics of this area seem to have been retained. “Most of the housing built in China today is of substandard quality,” says Adam Mayer, an American architect who has been working in China for the past three years. “While the bones of most buildings – the concrete structure – are fine, the exterior finishes are generally of poor quality.” Austin Williams concurs. “There are still far too many buildings built with no damp-proofing, no insulation, untreated timber and metalwork, unfixed balconies, dangerous electrical supplies... Labour is often untrained for the highly skilled architecture that they are carrying out. There are very few checks and balances in the supply chain, or rather there is very little responsibility taken or accepted for sending faulty goods back.” One of China's rare old buildings, now being torn down. Image: Wade Shepard. This lack of quality materials and workmanship can be evident just from a casual walk through the urban expanses of China. A couple of years ago I found myself lured in by an absolutely massive, grandiose, basilica-like building on the far outskirts of Shanghai's Hongqiao district. It was the centerpiece of a Western-style luxury housing complex that was built to resemble something from ancient Rome. But on approach it became clear that much of it was condemned. One of the doorways was boarded up, the floors above the lobby were off limits, and entire wings were closed off. There were deep cracks spreading out over the exterior walls like the delta of a major river, and large chunks of plaster were succumbing to gravity and falling to the debris piles on the ground below. The place was literally descending into ruins. I estimated that the place had to have been at least 30 or 40 years old. I was shocked when a security guard mentioned that it was built in 2004, just ten years before my visit. “Buildings often look to me as if they were built in the 1950s, but in fact are built just 10 or 12 years ago,” says Austin Williams, echoing this sentiment. “The finishes are peeling, the metal is rusting, the rainwater pipes are leaking, the windows don't close properly, the cement is flaking... But this is not due to 50 years of wear and tear. It's due to inadequate specification, application, and maintenance.” There are other, more nefarious reasons for the deficient quality of many of China’s buildings. "Construction projects require huge budgets and bank loans. By cutting corners here and there, developers and contractors can pocket large sums of money," wrote Adam Mayer on the Sustainable Cities Collective website. “It's called capitalism,” quips Austin Williams. “Its early stages usually involve building shit, making a profit, and moving on to the next deal – even if the building falls down soon after.” This lack of architectural longevity fits in well with China's broader economic structure: houses that can last a century are not nearly as profitable as ones that can be built and rebuilt many times over within that time frame. Buildings being destroyed simple means that more buildings can be created, and the incessant round of demolition and construction keeps the economic wheels of the country spinning. And, as dozens of industries and up to a quarter of national GDP is fed from real estate and urbanisation, this is no mere fiscal provisioning either. “The Chinese government has an incentive to keep the working population 'busy' and employed,” says Mayer. “The construction industry is a key in doing this and keeping a steady stream of new projects going helps achieve this.” Demolition increases GDP, too. A case in point: an entire block of housing that stands adjacent to the No. 1 Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University in the Tiancizhuan area of Suzhou is about to meet the wrecking ball. At 30 years old the buildings are not new, but they are well-built, function properly, and are not showing any overt signs of decay. “Nothing is wrong with the building, the government just wants it gone,” Cody Chao, a medical student whose grandparents own an apartment in the complex, told me. “The location is golden. It's right next to a hospital, a university, and an elementary school.” The shiny new cities that are going up throughout the country today are like home appliances that are designed to break down after a few years Many relatively young and stable buildings across China are demolished, not because they need to be, but because the government wants them to be. There is no annual residential property tax in China: all taxes are paid upon purchase. And so, ever-lasting real estate just isn’t in the financial interests of local governments. The result is that masses of otherwise adequate houses throughout the country are bought back by the government, and then torn down so the land can be sold to developers for a profit and a new round of property taxes subsequently collected. Under this strategy there is really no limit on development, as fresh urban construction land can continuously be churned out and sold to developers. In fact, 40 percent of China's new development land is created via the demolition of older buildings. The Chinese have applied the economic stimulus of obsolescence to urban design, and the shiny new cities that are going up throughout the country today are like home appliances that are designed to break down after a few years so that you have to buy a new one. And, explains Adam Mayer, "there is the perception among Chinese consumers that 'new' is always 'better', regardless of the quality of the new product." This building is less than 10 years old. Image: Wade Shepard. There is one moretwist to China’s development policies that adds to the built-in impermanence of the buildings that are constructed. When a developer buys a plot of urban construction land they are not permitted to sit on it; they must build something very soon after purchase, or they risk losing their development rights. So there is pressure to build quickly, and many developers respond by throwing up something fast and cheap. The linchpin is that, as the typical lifespan of a modern Chinese building is so short, a developer could theoretically carry out two or three rounds of construction throughout the period of their lease on a particular plot of land (50 years for commercial property, 70 years for residential): building and demolishing, building and demolishing. The social and psychological impact that these churn and burn urban landscapes is vast. “For me, perhaps the most challenging aspect of the perpetual changing landscape is that the sense of community is being lost,” says Richard Brubaker, a professor of sustainability at China Europe International Business School in Shanghai. “That the natural sense of community that binds people together is weak, and as a result you have higher levels of tension, increased crime, and a general inwardness to the point where individuals are no longer interested in the quality of, or protecting, the community beyond their doormat.” In a very real sense, what we see now across China are cities that are perpetually rough drafts of themselves – cities stuck in the loop of rampant development and re-development. In the West, we tend to think of cities as fixed, almost immutable entities, and we take it for granted that what we see in them today will be there tomorrow. There are no such illusions in China. This is a country that exists in a suspended state of architectural vertigo – a place where cities are literally disposable.
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In August 2012, Mark Carney, then governor of the Bank of Canada, made a speech to the Canadian Auto Workers about corporate Canada. Mr. Carney, as you know, is now governor of the Bank of England, hence one of the most important people in the UK. What he had to say was a kick to the delicate undercarriage of Canada's big businesses. Governor Carney said that companies were sitting on huge piles of cash, what he called dead money. They weren't investing the money, just sitting on it. It turns out Carney was being polite when he said the caution by Canadian CEOs might be excessive. It turns out that they are in fact scaredy cats. Chickens. Nervous Nellies. Cowards, even. - Michael Enright "Their job," he said, "is to put money to work and if they can't think of what to do with it, they should give it back to their shareholders." Stats Can reported that at the time of the governor's speech, companies were hoarding nearly half a trillion dollars in cash, an increase of 43 per cent since the end of the recession in 2009. Canadian firms weren't doing enough to drive economic growth and create new jobs because the level of caution of CEOs was, in his words, "excessive." It turns out Carney was being polite when he said the caution by Canadian CEOs might be excessive. It turns out that they are in fact scaredy cats. Chickens. Nervous Nellies. Cowards, even. Last month, Deloitte published the results of a survey of big business which showed that fully 90 per cent of business leaders lack courage. As a result, the Canadian economy is suffering mightily, stuck in neutral, as Deloitte says. The report is entitled "The future belongs to the bold." Now, this allegation isn't coming from some upstart startup run by nerds in linty sweaters and sneakers without socks. Deloitte is the largest business services network in the world, with revenues this year of $36.8 billion. It works like the internal affairs division of a police department. It looked at 1,200 businesses across the country and discovered that 90 per cent lacked what the report calls courage. The irony is that Deloitte found that the 10 per cent of so-called courageous companies did better at the bottom line than the chicken-hearted. Nearly 70 per cent of the courageous companies had rising revenues and fully 17 per cent increased their work forces. In other words, having guts pays off in terms of profits and in the doing, actually creates jobs. - Michael Enright This is from the report: "At a time when Canada needs its businesses to be bolder and more courageous than ever before, almost 90 per cent aren't up to the task." It found that Canadian executives are far more risk averse than those in other countries, especially the United States. The bad news gets worse. Canadian firms invest less in machinery and equipment than those in comparable industrialized nations. Moreover, investment in training has dropped 40 per cent in the last 20 years. The irony is that Deloitte found that the 10 per cent of so-called courageous companies did better at the bottom line than the chicken-hearted. Nearly 70 per cent of the courageous companies had rising revenues and fully 17 per cent increased their work forces. In other words, having guts pays off in terms of profits and in the doing, actually creates jobs. The report points out that executives may have some legitimate concerns, as the projected growth for the country next year is only 1.3 per cent — much less than other countries. It does not offer that as an excuse for hyper caution of business leaders. In the end, Deloitte's findings can serve as a warning for Canadian CEOs to find a little courage somewhere and get the economy moving again. Incidentally, the compensation for the top CEOs in this country is 159 times that of the average worker. Click the button above to hear Michael's essay.
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The Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, has called the result of the Irish same-sex marriage equality referendum a “defeat for humanity”. Until Tuesday night, there had been no official Holy See reaction to the Yes vote in the referendum. When that reaction finally came from Cardinal Parolin, the Vatican equivalent of prime minister, it was nothing if not hardline and outspoken: “This result left me feeling very sad but as the Archbishop of Dublin [Diarmuid Martin] pointed out, the Church will have to take this reality on board in the sense of a renewed and strengthened evangelisation. I believe that we are talking here not just about a defeat for Christian principles but also about a defeat for humanity,” Cardinal Parolin told reporters on the margins of a Centesimus Annus conference in the Vatican. Cardinal Parolin did not further explain the terms of this “defeat for humanity”, but his observations are a logical extension of Catholic doctrine, which teaches that the practise of homosexuality is a sin. Coincidentally, reporters also questioned Cardinal Parolin about an ongoing row between France and the Holy See over the appointment of openly gay Laurent Stefanini as French ambassador to the Vatican. It had been speculated that Mr Stefanini’s nomination by Francois Hollande’s government has not found favour with the Holy See, not so much because of his sexual orientation but rather because, in the past, he publicly supported same-sex marriage, which was introduced in France in 2013. Nominated by the French government in early January, Mr Stefanini’s appointment has still not been ratified by the Vatican. Asked about the matter, Cardinal Parolin would say only that “dialogue is still ongoing” between France and the Holy See.
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K'taka BJP calls for boycott of Chinese goods, here's everything that you have to get rid of Top BJP leaders did not clarify if they are going to burn their computers and cell phones, including their pricey iPhones and iPads. news Politics The call for a Swadeshi movement in August 2017 by the BJP state executive in Karnataka is surely likely to compound the country’s existing waste management crisis in urban centres. This call for a boycott of Chinese goods is in response to the on-going border stand-off at Doklam between the two of the rising global economies. Although the party is undecided on the specifics about their demonstration, it is understood that either the party workers are going to throw out all Chinese manufactured good out of their homes or burn them. However, top BJP leaders did not clarify if they are going to burn their computers and cell phones, including their pricey iPhones and iPads or other Chinese-made expensive gizmos. In a similar situation in October 2016, Baba Ramdev had drawn flak on social media when he had tweeted calling for a similar boycott ironically from an iPhone. With the swadeshi movement soon to gain momentum, here is a list of things that will end up lying in the trash 1. Smartphones- One in two smartphones sold in India in the last quarter was of Chinese make. Brands like Samsung, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Oppo, Vivo are all manufactured by Chinese companies and their market share has only grown in the last few years. 2. Steel- As India wants to build roads and expands its rail network, it needs more steel than it produces domestically. A third of the total steel imported by India was from China in 2014-15. 3. Toys-80% of toys in Indian markets are either from China or Italy. The Quartz report states that the import of toys from these two nations has grown more than 30% every year between 2001-2012. 4. Solar equipment- As India aims to shift towards greener sources to meet its energy needs, solar energy along with other non-conventional sources of energy will play a big part. Here, China supplies 87% of the total solar equipment imported to India. 5. Lights-As India is moving to LED lighting in order to save power, China has captured most of the market giving Indian companies a run for their money. 6. Electronic Items-China also accounts for more than 20% of the total imports of all electronic items in India. Given that there are only a few Indian manufactures, China has a massive lead in this sector. 7. Medicines-Even when it comes to lifesaving drugs or your common cold tablet, China is the prime supplier of raw materials for pharma companies in India. Even the central government is wary of this and trying to reduce the dependency on the Chinese in this regard. 8. Aggarbattis/ firecrackers-An essential commodity for all Puja purposes, the quintessential agarbatti is now made by the Chinese at a cheaper price with various colour options and this led to a wide-scale loss of jobs of rural women in India. In total, a little over 10% of India’s imports are from China, which is the highest from a single country. Apart from Chinese imports, the global manufacturing powerhouse is also expanding its investments in India.
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Sexual harassment claims against yet another powerful man in media inspired New York Times White House correspondent Glenn Thrush to post an impassioned note on his Facebook page in October, calling on his fellow journalists to stand by women entering the field. In the post, which linked to an article about the latest accusations against political journalist Mark Halperin, Thrush wrote, “Young people who come into a newsroom deserve to be taught our trade, given our support and enlisted in our calling — not betrayed by little men who believe they are bigger than the mission.” It was a noble statement — but some Washington journalists I spoke to say it rings hollow, given Thrush’s own behavior with young women in the industry. “He kept saying he’s an advocate for women and women journalists,” a 23-year-old woman told me, recounting an incident with Thrush from this past June. “That’s how he presented himself to me. He tried to make himself seem like an ally and a mentor.” She paused. “Kind of ironic now.” Thrush, 50, is one of the New York Times’s star White House reporters whose chronicles of the Trump administration recently earned him and his frequent writing partner Maggie Haberman a major book deal. Thrush and the young woman met at her colleague’s going-away party at a bar near the Politico newsroom, she told me, and shared a few rounds of drinks in a booth. The night, she said, ended on a Washington street corner, where Thrush left her in tears after she resisted his advances. The encounter was troubling enough to the woman that her friend Bianca Padró Ocasio, also 23 and a journalist, confronted Thrush about his behavior via text message the next day. “I want to make sure you don’t lure young women aspiring journalists into those situations ever again,” she texted. “So help me out here. How can I do that?” Thrush was apologetic but defensive. “I don’t lure anybody ever,” he wrote, according to screenshots provided by Padró Ocasio. “I got drunk because I got some shitty health news. And I am acutely aware of the hurdles that young women face in this business and have spent the better part of 20 years advocating for women journalists.” If Thrush is acutely aware of what young women face in the business of political journalism, he should also know it’s because he himself is one of the problems women face. Five years ago, when Thrush and I were colleagues at Politico, I was in the same bar as Padró Ocasio’s friend — perhaps the same booth — when he caught me off guard, put his hand on my thigh, and suddenly started kissing me. Thrush says that he recalls the incident differently. Three young women I interviewed, including the young woman who met Thrush in June, described to me a range of similar experiences, from unwanted groping and kissing to wet kisses out of nowhere to hazy sexual encounters that played out under the influence of alcohol. Each woman described feeling differently about these experiences: scared, violated, ashamed, weirded out. I was — and am — angry. Details of their stories suggest a pattern. All of the women were in their 20s at the time. They were relatively early in their careers compared to Thrush, who was the kind of seasoned journalist who would be good to know. At an event with alcohol, he made advances. Afterward, they (as I did) thought it best to stay on good terms with Thrush, whatever their feelings. “I apologize to any woman who felt uncomfortable in my presence, and for any situation where I behaved inappropriately. Any behavior that makes a woman feel disrespected or uncomfortable is unacceptable,” Thrush said in a statement emailed to me on November 19. In interviews with about 40 people in and around media who know Thrush, I got a picture of a reporter whose title doesn’t capture his power and stature. People who’ve worked with him say he can get a writer’s name in front of the right editor, if he wants. Newsroom leaders care what he thinks. Some reporters said Thrush had used his connections to help them land jobs or develop new sources. When just sitting at a bar with a powerful man comes at a price The downfall of Hollywood titan Weinstein has been a catalyst for a movement to stamp out workplace harassment, particularly the variety that pits powerful men against much less powerful women. They are facing consequences for their behavior like never before, including men in media. Halperin lost a coveted book deal. NPR news chief Michael Oreskes resigned. Leon Wieseltier lost funding for his new magazine. And Lockhart Steele, the editorial director of Vox Media, Vox’s parent company, was fired for misconduct. Thrush wasn’t my boss at Politico. He was a reporter and I was an editor. We were on different teams and hardly crossed each other’s paths. But he was an incredibly influential person in the newsroom and in political journalism, a world I was still trying to break into in a meaningful way at the time. It wasn’t that Thrush was offering young women a quid pro quo deal, such as sex in exchange for mentorship. Thrush, just by his stature, put women in a position of feeling they had to suck up and move on from an uncomfortable encounter. On that night five years ago, I joined Thrush and a handful of other reporters for a few rounds at the Continental, a Politico hangout in Rosslyn, Virginia. At first, nothing seemed strange, until the crowd had dwindled down to Thrush, me, and one other female colleague. Thrush tossed a $20 bill at her and told her to take a cab and leave us, “the grown-ups,” alone. He slid into my side of the booth, blocking me in. I was wearing a skirt, and he put his hand on my thigh. He started kissing me. I pulled myself together and got out of there, shoving him on my way out. In the morning, Thrush sent me an apologetic email. I didn’t save it, but I recall it as similar to the one he would later send to Padró Ocasio’s friend in June. He said he was sorry, but he didn’t say for what, exactly. A few hours later, I saw him in deep conversation with a number of men I worked with. My gut told me something was up. I worried he was covering his tracks by spreading a rosy version of the night. As many people told me in the course of reporting this story, Thrush is a talker — or, as many put it, “a bullshitter.” He likes to hear gossip, and he likes to spread it. Gradually, things in the office started to change for me. Certain men in the newsroom, I thought, started to look at me differently. Some of their comments seemed a bit too familiar or were outright offensive. I had a nagging sense that I just wasn’t as respected as I used to be. I started to think maybe I shouldn’t be in journalism if I couldn’t hang in a tough newsroom. I found myself on edge, nervous and anxious all the time. I started to believe I had brought this all on myself. In the course of reporting this story, I was told by a male reporter who’d worked at Politico at the time that my instinct was right. He said that the day after that night at the bar, Thrush told him about the incident, except with the roles reversed. I had come onto him, the reporter said Thrush told him, and he had gently shut it down. In a statement, Thrush denied that he disparaged me to colleagues at Politico. He said that “the encounter described [in this story] was consensual, brief, and ended by me.” The source said that Thrush frequently told versions of this story with different young women as the subject. He would talk up a night out drinking with a young attractive woman, usually a journalist. Then he’d claim that she came onto him. In his version of these stories, Thrush was the responsible grown-up who made sure nothing happened. There was no conventional HR office at Politico at the time (a VP of human resources position was created there in 2016). So I brought my concern about the night to an experienced colleague right after the incident. When I believed rumors were damaging my standing in the office a few months later, I told a very senior editor. I was under the impression that nothing could be done. A spokesperson for POLITICO Brad Dayspring emphasized that no formal complaint ever reached the general counsel’s desk and that both the colleague and senior editor in question had left POLITICO years ago. Women have a very different story to tell One former Politico staffer told me that she’d become worried about her reputation after an encounter with Thrush sometime in the winter of 2012-’13. The scene was, again, a Politico going-away party. She said she and Thrush spoke most of the night, until they ended up the last two of the party left in the bar. She says she’d had a lot to drink and Thrush offered her a ride home. Her recollection of the details is fuzzy, but one way or another, he ended up in her place. “I had alcohol blur,” she says. But Thrush was far from being the grown-up who prevented things from going too far; instead, she says, she was the one to raise objections. “I remember stopping him at one point and saying, ‘Wait, you’re married.’” After that, she says, he left almost immediately. “I remember that by the time he left, I didn’t have much clothes on.” The woman says she was struggling at Politico at the time, and she wondered if gossip might have made her situation worse. “I don’t know if he told other male reporters or editors. Did that shade their opinion of me? There’s no way to know.” She says she doesn’t believe she was pressured or that she’s a victim. But she also says she wants others to know about what happened. “The only regret I have is not telling more women. I told two. What if I had told five?” One of the two women she told at the time shared with me her recollection of the conversation. “I remember she kept reemphasizing that they were both really drunk, that it was consensual,” the friend said. “And she did not believe it was an assault. But I do remember she was very rattled and upset and ashamed of what she saw as her role in it.” Another woman described to me a 2013 Politico party that she attended in her early 20s. She said she was standing alone, Thrush came up to talk to her, and suddenly he leaned in and landed a wet kiss on her ear. “It all happened very quickly. And he leaned in very quickly,” she said. “At the time, I remember thinking … adults sometimes kiss each other on the cheek. Then sometimes they miss and slobber on your ear. It was my way of thinking this wasn't as weird as I thought.” Over time, the “whisper network” of warnings about Thrush has grown louder A 21-year-old woman arrived in Washington last year to intern in a journalism organization. She heard from people who don’t even work with Thrush to be careful. An employee at the Washington Post told her about him when she first arrived. A few months later, she says, a reporter at Roll Call warned her about him, too. She passed on the intel to four other female interns. Multiple young women journalists I spoke to said that they’d heard serious warnings about Thrush from friends. The word among women just starting in Washington, they said, is to be careful if you meet him at an event with alcohol, or if he sends you a direct message on Twitter. (Thrush suspended his Twitter account in September, saying it was too much of a distraction.) There’s something endearing and inspiring about interns who self-organized to guard themselves and each other against advances offered under guise of praise and professional advice — but there’s also something sad about a world in which the savvy move is to teach a young woman not to trust an older man who has something nice to say about her work. And whispers don’t fix everything. When Bianca Padró Ocasio’s friend found herself at the bar with Thrush in June, with him asking her to leave and go to another bar with him, she went to the bathroom and texted Padró Ocasio and another female friend, both of whom were also in journalism. “I’m drunk,” she texted, as saved screenshots of the messages show. “I’m nervous about this Glenn situation.” The friends urged her to call an Uber. “I am,” she responded. “I need to go home.” “Who else is there??” one friend asked. “Is there a woman you can uber home with?” Instead, the woman ended up leaving the bar with Thrush, who suggested they walk off some of their drinking — get some fresh air. He repeatedly tried to take her hand as they walked, she recalls, but she kept pulling it away. They crossed the Key Bridge from the Virginia neighborhood where Politico’s office is located into Georgetown. He led her down an incline to a dimly lit path along the old C&O Canal bed. He kissed her, she says, and she panicked. Then her phone rang, jolting her. It was Padró Ocasio. “I felt very protective of her,” Padró Ocasio said, describing the call. “I thought, she’s drunk right now. If I don’t do something, I’m not going to forgive myself.” The young woman ordered an Uber — the receipt shows it was about 11 pm — and says she planned to call Padró Ocasio back once inside the car. In the few minutes she waited, she said, Thrush walked back over to her and started to kiss her again. She began to cry. When Thrush saw, he abruptly walked off, waving his hand flippantly, and left her alone to wait for her ride, she said. Padró Ocasio’s friend received an email from Thrush the next morning with the subject line, “Nice meeting you!” followed by, “(And apologies?).” She responded congenially. “It was nice meeting you too! (And no worries haha).” She also met him a few weeks later at a tea shop near the White House, a meeting they’d discussed the night at the bar. Thrush sent her a few critiques of her stories. She said she feels that despite her misgivings, she has to stay on good terms with him since he is connected. “I hate feeling obligated to make him think I think everything is fine,” she said. “It’s been this thing hanging over me. I feel like I have to be nice to this person just because he knows people.” In his emailed statement, Thrush said that the night in June with the young woman was the last time he’s had a drink. He wrote: The June incident [described above] was a life-changing event [for me]. The woman involved was upset by my actions and for that I am deeply sorry. Over the past several years, I have responded to a succession of personal and health crises by drinking heavily. During that period, I have done things that I am ashamed of, actions that have brought great hurt to my family and friends. I have not taken a drink since June 15, 2017, have resumed counseling and will soon begin out-patient treatment for alcoholism. I am working hard to repair the damage I have done. “I feel really strongly about not creating a toxic environment” In the course of his text dialogue with Padró Ocasio about the incident with her friend, Thrush wrote, “I feel really strongly about not creating a toxic environment.” Back at Politico years ago, Thrush’s behavior contributed to a toxic environment I experienced. Dozens of people told me that Politico has changed dramatically since Carrie Budoff Brown took over a year ago as the publication’s editor. Multiple men and women who work for her say her standards are high and she has no time for the kind of behavior I described. Budoff Brown was at the going-away party in June where Thrush was in the booth with the 23-year-old woman. She told me she noticed them talking but, like other attendees I talked to, she didn’t know that anything happened afterward. “I was disappointed in Glenn but had no reason to think that anything would progress beyond the bar that night,” she said. “And I am saddened to learn in the course of your reporting that it did.” “Great journalism and great business require a great workplace. My colleagues and I have worked hard to nurture a newsroom where people are supportive, good to each other, and where mutual respect is the way of life. We have zero tolerance for anything else.” By the time of the June incident, Thrush was gone from Politico anyway — off to the New York Times, which has hired many of Politico’s top reporters over the years. But now he will be on hiatus pending a Times investigation that was sparked by my reporting for this story. "The behavior attributed to Glenn in this Vox story is very concerning and not in keeping with the standards and values of The New York Times,” said Eileen Murphy, the senior vice president of communications for the New York Times, in a written statement. “We intend to fully investigate and while we do, Glenn will be suspended. We support his decision to enter a substance abuse program. In the meantime, we will not be commenting further.” It’s the Times itself, of course, that has done so much to spark the current conversation around harassment with its exposés on Harvey Weinstein and Louis C.K. There’s probably no loftier perch in all of political journalism from which one could teach the trade and enlist young women into the calling — or, as the case may be, betray them.
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$94.00 We use the same deceptively simple button-stud closure from our original invention, the Button-Stud Watchband, and then laser cut the Horween leather to fit you perfectly. Having the closure up on the side of your wrist instead of the bottom where it bangs into your laptop is “so comfortable you’ll forget you’re wearing it,” according to a dude from the internet. FFF Apple Watchband Sizing Graphic Don't own an Apple Sport Band to use for sizing? Can you borrow a band from a friend or go to Apple/Target? Your best bet is to borrow a friend’s watch with a sport band (something like 80% of all Apple Watches are on Sport Bands, it seems) for 30 seconds, use the sizing instructions above, and go from there. You can also go by an Apple Store/Target/etc to get your size. Just make sure you use the same size watch as you wear: you can’t use the larger 42/44 to find your 38/40 size, as the bands are not the same. A 42/44 SM5 and a 38/40 SM5 will not fit the same size wrist. Likewise, you can’t put 38mm bands on a 44mm face to get your size; the holes are spaced differently. So just use a watch that’s the same size as yours with the correct size bands on it to get your custom FFF Button-Stud Apple Watchband size. None of my friends have Apple Sport bands. I have a Nike Sport Band; won't that work? We can make a close approximation of your size based on the Nike Sport band, but as there are so many adjustment holes it’s more difficult to count and we’ll be translating it to the Sport Band size. We highly suggest you borrow a regular Sport Band to get your correct size…but if you absolutely don’t have access to one or aren’t anywhere near an Apple Store, we’ll get you sized based off of the Nike band…just email us with your details (watch/band/and hole number as above–though you have between 11 and 15 adjustment holes depending on watch and band size on the Nike vs the consistent 7 on the regular Sport band, so count carefully AWAY from the watch face–not away from the tip of the band) and we’ll let you know which Sport Band size corresponds to your Nike band. Can't I just measure my wrist and have you make a band? We do not size bands based on wrist measurements (as in, with a tape measure or piece of string). It won’t work for a variety of reasons, unfortunately, as we’ve found over the several years making these bands. Don't understand the sizing graphic? Want more details? Here ya go. Get your mitts on an Apple Sport Band (the rubber strap that just about everyone has; Apple refers to it as a “custom high-performance fluoroelastomer with a pin‑and‑tuck closure”). Figure out which band you wear–either one of the two that came with the watch (S/M or M/L), or the XL band (you bought this separately from the watch). These sizes are printed inside the longer adjustable side of the Apple Sport Band up near where the band clips in to the watch face. Your correct FFF Button-Stud Apple Watch Band size is a combination of which watch size (38mm/40mm–the smaller one, or 42mm/44mm–the larger one), sport band (S/M, M/L, or XL) and which hole in the band fits you. There are 7 holes in each Apple sport band regardless of band size: we count the holes as “1” being the TIGHTEST/SMALLEST size hole on the band and “7” as the LARGEST size hole–so, for example, a S/M-1 probably fits a newborn (honestly we’ve never seen anyone with an SM1 size band), and an S/M 7 would fit an smaller wrist male. Please be sure you are counting from the correct side of the band so we can get you the correct size. If you alternate between two sizes, select the size you usually wear. If you get your FFF Button-Stud band, and it doesn’t work perfectly for you, we will of course send a replacement, just contact us. PLEASE do not guess or attempt to adjust your size to account for the stretch of the leather or whether you think the leather should be tighter or looser. We will absolutely adjust your size to get you a perfect fit if you get it and it doesn’t fit you correctly (see below for how it should fit at first to fit correctly), but begin by ordering the size you actually wear; we’ve accommodated for stretch and how a leather band needs to be worn already in our sizing, so if you add to the adjustments we’ve already made, your band won’t fit you and make it harder for us to adjust appropriately. Monogramming Font/Layout Options FAQ (Or: Things you should know when you get your band/first put it on): This band is WAY TOO BIG (or small) for me. WTF? If you get a band that is DRASTICALLY too tight or too loose, the reason is typically that you either guessed at your size, used a band that isn’t the stock Apple Sport Band to measure, or you DID use the Sport band but counted beginning at the tip/point of the band instead of the watch face–so if you wear your band on the largest size possible on the ML Sport band (i.e., you have a quite large wrist), but order a ML 1 under the mistaken idea that you have the “first hole/ML1” instead of the “last hole/ML7”, your band will definitely not fit. I just got the band, put it on, and it's a bit tighter than I'd like. Your correct size will be “almost too snug” right out of the box, since it will stretch a bit over the first couple days—so you actually WANT it to be a bit tight at first. If it’s way too uncomfortable to wear (but you can still get it buttoned around your wrist), we should go up a half size…but if it’s only a <em>bit</em> more snug than you’d like it will stretch to fit you perfectly after a day or two. Let us know if that isn’t the case, but 99% of the time this method works perfectly. Ok, I wore it for a day or two. It's STILL too tight. You probably need to go up a half size. Send us an email via our contact page (or responding to your order email) and let us know; all size adjustments are covered by our lifetime warranty. It fit perfect at first but now, a week later, it's too loose. You need a band that’s a half size smaller. We intentionally make the bands a tiny bit smaller than the same size in the Apple Band because the leather will stretch out after a day or two; it will move up about a half size–so, if it fit perfectly to begin with, a half size smaller will fit perfectly after it stretches out. Let us know and we’ll get you a half size smaller. It is WAY too difficult to get this buttoned on my wrist! The hole that fits over the stud will be a tight fit at first, and a little difficult to put on the first time. This is intentional, so that as the leather stretches out and the hole loosens up it will still hold the band securely. As you get used to the closure, and after you put it on/take it off a few times, the stud hole and the leather around it will soften up just a little and be way easier to put on. If you don’t find that to be the case, we’ll get you a refund…but we’re confident that you’ll find it works really well, is easy to get on, and is super comfortable. I've been wearing it every day/in the pool. It's starting to smell funny?? If you wear the band every day and regularly get it sweaty without giving it a chance to dry out completely, it WILL stink eventually. If it gets wet or sweaty, let it completely dry before wearing or it will get an odor. This is less prevalent with the Apple bands, since the watch usually charges overnight and gets a chance to dry out, but it’s true with all leather so it’s worth noting. The band is moving around on my wrist too much. Since it’s not ‘sticky’ like the sport band or other rubberized bands, the band must fit you well or it will move around and could lose connection with your wrist. If you find your band getting a bit looser than you’d like, let us know and we’ll replace it as a part of our lifetime warranty. Make sure you’re still wearing the same sport band size (obviously if you lose weight, and go down a size in your sport band, you’ll need to go down a size in your FFF band as well). We use only low stretch leathers for our Apple Bands, but sometimes a piece of leather stretches out a bit more than it’s supposed to, and we’ll replace that also. Lifetime Warranty Info This is a custom length band, specifically for you (or whoever you’re kindly buying it for). If your wrist changes size, the band stretches out more than the small amount it is intended to, or basically anything else happens, we’ll replace or repair at our discretion, with no extra replacement/handling/shipping costs. Just please don’t let your dog eat it, maybe? We reserve the right to limit or refuse replacement/repairs that occur as a result of obvious abuse. What kind of leather does FFF use? What is a 'tannage'? A note on tannages in general – “Tannage” is just the process that is applied to a hide to get the eventual hide that is used in making products. So if you start with two sides from the same animal (a full hide is split in half along the spine to get two sides), and apply different tannages to each, you will get a two sides with distinctly different properties; one might be a glossier waxy product that changes color as it’s bent (Chromexcel), while the other could be a more matte finish that is lower stretch, more resistant to scuffs, and does not exhibit color variations (Latigo). Horween's different tannages that we use: Chromexcel For our products, a regular CXL leather is used when we can use a thicker leather that doesn’t need to be size-critical; CXL will stretch a bit with use to conform to whatever it’s used for…so, we can’t use a regular cowhide CXL leather for a custom length watchband but it works great for an adjustable watchband or a clutch. It will scuff easily, but a little friction with your thumb will remove all but the deepest gouges easily. Chromexcel leather (CXL) – Chromexcel is sort of Horween’s bread-and-butter . Alongside Cordovan (below), it’s what Horween is known for, and it’s definitely Shawn’s overall favorite–particularly Natural Chromexcel. When this tannage is applied to a cow hide, you get beautiful pull-up (“Pull-up is the temporary displacement of these oil and wax blends that cause a lightening of the leather.” -Horween). Other tanneries produce pull-up leathers…we just think Horween does a particularly great job at it.For our products, a regular CXL leather is used when we can use a thicker leather that doesn’t need to be size-critical; CXL will stretch a bit with use to conform to whatever it’s used for…so, we can’t use a regular cowhide CXL leather for a custom length watchband but it works great for an adjustable watchband or a clutch. It will scuff easily, but a little friction with your thumb will remove all but the deepest gouges easily. Veg Tan Veg Tan leathers – This is SOMEWHAT of a fake name when you’re dealing with Horween. Other tanneries produce a “real” veg tan product, which ages beautifully and develops an incredible patina over time. However, a true veg tan is rather stiff and unwieldy at first, while Horween’s is much softer right from the beginning. Horween’s ‘veg tan’ (or what we call ‘veg tan’) is their Essex/Dublin/Derby (dublin and derby are the base tannage and then re-tanned with a waxier tannage; derby is then tumbled to give it a somewhat aged look). Essex/Dublin/Derby are also relatively high stretch leathers, like Chromexcel, so they’re used for products where a bit of stretch is fine. We love the feel and patina of the veg tan hides. Latigo Latigo leathers – Latigo tannage produces a hide without any pull-up characteristics (where the leather temporarily lightens with stretch/crease/pressure). It is a uniform color hide that will resist scuffs more than CXL or Veg Tan hides, and is used primarily when we want a product with relatively strict sizing such as a custom length watchband or a strap. Predator Predator leathers – Predator was originally developed for boots, is incredibly durable, and somewhat similar to chromexcel, except that it is a ‘drier’ waxy finish as opposed to the more glossy/eggshell wax appearance of CXL, and is lower stretch than CXL. HF/Mustang/Waxed HF/Predator HF Horsefront can be tanned in several different ways, and each way produces pluses and minuses: HF Chromexcel HF Chromexcel- The same blend of oils and waxes as applied to regular cowhide, HF CXL gets some pull-up (less than in cowhide), is the thicker of the HF varieties (though still lighter than cowhide). We use it for many products that need the lighter weight leather. The downside is that there aren’t many vibrant colors available in CXL tannages. HF Mustang HF Mustang- Slightly lighter weight than HF CXL, it works excellently in products that need to be very minimalist or have very tight folds without adding bulk. Some examples are interior card slots of wallets (where the exterior could be a heavier weight leather), or a wallet designed to be as small as possible (such as the Sidestep .) Mustang’s tannage allows for some more vibrant colors than are available in regular HF CXL. HF Waxed HF Waxed- Somewhat of a hybrid between the pull-up characteristics of CXL and the colors of Mustang, it is thicker like CXL but allows for some beautiful colors that aren’t possible in standard CXL. HF Predator HF Predator- Almost as light weight as a mustang HF but more durable in a dry waxy finish. Only available in deeper browns/blacks, but is very durable as a result of the predator tannage applied (predator was originally developed for boot leathers, so it is by nature very durable). HF leathers – the ‘front’ part of the horse hide is HF: HorseFront. It comes from the tannery as relatively light weight (thin) leather that is remarkably low stretch; comparing a hide in horse and cow in the same weight would show that the cow is almost unusably stretchy in the same light weight as horse. We use horse primarily for items that need to hold their shape but do so without a lot of bulk; primarily wallets to keep their shape without a lot of bulk that would be there with a similarly durable piece of cowhide that would be way thicker leading to a bulky wallet.Horsefront can be tanned in several different ways, and each way produces pluses and minuses: Russet Russet leathers – Admittedly we’re sort of fibbing here; russet is a particular tannage of the ‘strip’ (sort of the waistline) part of the hide of a horse. We would be more correct in just calling it a strip, but that feels like it’s just confusing so we call them russet leathers. A true russet strip is more of a raw veg tan leather that is quite stiff and develops an excellent patina over time. Horween produces these leathers, but we opt for the strips that have then been retanned with Chromexcel oils/waxes to get a softer product with some great colors and available tannery-stamped patterns that are also very low stretch. Our main use for these is our Apple Watchbands, or custom length watchbands in general. The limiting factor with these is that the pieces are relatively small. That’s fine for use in a watchband, but larger products become more difficult to produce with russet/strips. Suede Suede – suede leathers are produced when the top/outer layer of the hide is shaved off, resulting in a slightly ‘fuzzy’ leather. Suede can be made in some really excellent colors (a wider variation than is available in more full grain leathers, from our experience with horween leathers), but with the tradeoff that it is by nature more prone to stains and is not as resistant to stretch as a full grain hide would be. Horween produces some ‘straight’ suedes, and also some suedes that have a waxed finish, some that are waterproof, and even more variations. We use a limited number of suede leathers, particularly in watchbands and some clutch products. We usually say “you have to embrace the fact that suede is going to darken up with time as it inevitably gets dirty.” You can use suede protectant (we like 3M’s suede/nubuck spray) and a suede brush/eraser but it’s more work than a full grain hide. Cordovan Cordovan leathers – While chromexcel is our PERSONAL favorite product that Horween produces, their premium leather is Cordovan. Cordovan is unique in that it’s the only type of leather that has grain in both directions, and only comes from horse and zebra hides in small quantities. Due to the rarity of appropriate hides (horween only uses domestic horse hides) and the extremely labor intensive production process, cordovan is a very expensive product. It is very low stretch in both directions (while even the lowest stretch cow hide is stretchier in one direction than the other due to the single grain in the hide), and is a very firm, high-gloss material. We use it for a very limited amount of products like custom watchbands and some wallets. It doesn’t like to be creased tightly and is a heavier weight than regular horsefront leather, so we tend not to use it for a majority of our products because Shawn tends to design things using folds to minimize stitching for a cleaner look. All of our leather goods are made using Horween leather . Horween is a tannery in Chicago, Illinois that has been in business since 1905. There are excellent tanneries around the world, and others based in the US, but we’ve chosen to use only Horween as we just love their product and their history of commitment to excellence. You can find more information about the leathers themselves all over the web, and particularly straight from the source at Horween , but here are some notes focusing mainly how we use their various tannages in our products (obviously color is a key factor for us when choosing a leather to make a product, but perhaps more important is how the leather ‘works’, as some work excellently in one product but not in another…and not every color is available in every tannage, so a part of the FFF design process is choosing which leathers will be used to make a product and accounting for its particular characteristics while designing). Shipping/Returns/Order-Crafting-Time Information How long will it take to get my order? Due to the hand-made-to-order nature of our products, if it is the holidays or during one of our very rare sales when orders spike, the crafting time will increase, and your ‘to the door’ time will also increase. We make all orders by hand. We carry very little ‘pre-made’ stock (just enough for displays in our shop), so we make each thing you order in our workshop/retail studio and ship it out to you, typically within a 2-3 day crafting time. Your order gets to your door as (crafting time)+(time in transit). You will receive an email when your order ships with tracking information to follow its progress (check your spam folder for an email from us)…do note that USPS/international tracking (and shipping speed in general) is a bit less reliable than FedEx, particularly during the holidays–you get what you pay for, but if you’re willing to wait a bit the USPS is a great lower cost option. Shipping FFF goods within the USA USPS (low-cost, relatively reliable shipping dates) and FedEx (higher cost, very reliable shipping dates) shipping options. For orders within the USA, we offer(low-cost, relatively reliable shipping dates) and(higher cost, very reliable shipping dates) shipping options. United States Postal Service (USPS) domestic shipping: Low cost, and typically reliable except during the holiday season or other times of heavy demand, when delivery times can slip drastically. Quoted USPS shipping times are an estimate, and are not guaranteed. Economy Shipping (USPS First Class; $0.00): standard crafting time, and then 2-6+ days in transit. NOTE: free economy shipping does not include replacement of lost/damaged/stolen-in-transit goods. You are rolling the dice with the USPS/porch pirates. (USPS First Class; $0.00): standard crafting time, and then 2-6+ days in transit. NOTE: free economy shipping does not include replacement of lost/damaged/stolen-in-transit goods. You are rolling the dice with the USPS/porch pirates. Standard (USPS First Class; $2.50 per order + 1% of order total): Same shipping speed as Economy, but we will send a free replacement of any items damaged/lost in transit, and will re-make and re-ship your order if it has not arrived within 21 days of shipment. FedEx domestic shipping: Higher cost, higher reliability, date-specific delivery. See FedEx US Service Guide for a more complete description of services and obligations. We do not require signatures on domestic FedEx shipments. All FedEx shipment options include the same replacement for lost/damaged goods as Standard shipping, above. FedEx 2day : ($8.25, free with $175 order) standard crafting time (will vary during holidays/other times of heavy demand), plus 2 business days in transit. You will receive an email when your order ships with a tracking number and a guaranteed delivery date. : ($8.25, free with $175 order) standard crafting time (will vary during holidays/other times of heavy demand), plus 2 business days in transit. You will receive an email when your order ships with a tracking number and a guaranteed delivery date. FedEx Overnight: Priority crafting (your order moves to the head of the current crafting line), plus next business day delivery. Shipping FFF goods outside the US (international) International economy shipping is unreliable in terms of delivery date, package tracking, and possible fees assessed by customs officers. We include the required paperwork, but sometimes packages can and will sit in customs offices for weeks and weeks before clearance and delivery. There is NOTHING that we can do to hurry these packages along or get you more information about where your package is. If you want to follow your package, and know when it will arrive, please select the FedEx options. Overall, we have had great luck with our low-cost economy international shipping options, but customs delays DO happen–particularly during the holidays–so please be aware of that BEFORE ordering. Additionally, any customs duties/fees/VAT imposed by governmental authorities or local carrier shall be the customer’s responsibility (contact us with questions or concerns on this point). Form•Function•Form shall not be responsible for loss damage, or theft of any order shipped internationally via USPS/your-local-government-postal-carrier. No refunds shall be offered on international shipping fees/product charges due to delays in transit or lost/stolen merchandise shipped via USPS. For guaranteed delivery dates and packages insured against loss, theft, and damage, please use the FedEx delivery options. CUSTOMS OFFICES IN YOUR COUNTRY CAN CAUSE EXTREMELY LONG DELAYS AT TIMES. THIS IS BEYOND OUR CONTROL, and unfortunately there is nothing we can do if your USPS order is taking a long time. If you need an order in a timely manner, we suggest FedEx. Economy shipping via USPS First Class Package International (about $12; price varies by location and shipment weight–max weight 4 pounds. Add products to cart to find your exact shipping fee): standard crafting time, plus 10-30+ days in transit (customs dependent, NOTE: customs delays are possible and completely unavoidable from our end. If your country’s customs office is slow, or backed up–particularly during the holidays–your package will simply sit until they get to it). (about $12; price varies by location and shipment weight–max weight 4 pounds. Add products to cart to find your exact shipping fee): standard crafting time, (customs dependent, NOTE: customs delays are possible and completely unavoidable from our end. If your country’s customs office is slow, or backed up–particularly during the holidays–your package will simply sit until they get to it). Expedited via FedEx (price varies by location, depending on weight): Priority crafting (your order moves to the head of the current crafting line), plus 1-5 business days in transit. Check your specific country at the FedEx Rates and Transit Times estimator, from US zip code 32804. By default, we ship international orders as ‘signature required.’ Please note:is unreliable in terms of delivery date, package tracking, and possible fees assessed by customs officers. We include the required paperwork, but sometimes packages can and will sit in customs offices for weeks and weeks before clearance and delivery. There is NOTHING that we can do to hurry these packages along or get you more information about where your package is. If you want to follow your package, and know when it will arrive, please select the FedEx options. Overall, we have had great luck with our low-cost economy international shipping options, but customs delays DO happen–particularly during the holidays–so please be aware of that BEFORE ordering. Additionally, any customs duties/fees/VAT imposed by governmental authorities or local carrier shall be the customer’s responsibility (contact us with questions or concerns on this point). Shipping your FFF goods back to us (returns/repairs) All returns are subject to our returns policy, visible here. Free return shipping for all US orders. Contact us via our contact page for a pre-paid label. International customers: we encourage you to ship return orders via insured, signature-confirmation methods AFTER contacting us–please do not ship items without first contacting us in case we need you to keep certain items for an exchange, or other specifics related to your order. Form•Function•Form shall not be responsible for return shipments that are lost, damaged, or otherwise do not make it to our studio in the condition they left your hands. Contact us before returning any goods; we reserve the right to refuse delivery/refund/replacement of any goods returned without prior authorization. Question not answered here? Have issues? If you have a question about shipping policies (or anything else), contact us , and you should hear back within hours; if you haven’t heard back quickly enough, feel free to send another email without worrying that you’re bothering us–sometimes emails come in and in the rush of getting other things out the door they fall behind–we read every question, and we immediately respond to any problem.
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Windows 8 has a gorgeous Metro and finger friendly swipe-y interface that's perfectly fine but so 2011. All I want in my life in 2012 is Tobii, a company that's made the future possible: you control Windows 8 with your eyes. Seriously, it knows exactly what you're looking at when you're looking at it. It's instantaneous, it's ah-mazing and I haven't been this excited about technology since well, ever. When I first saw Tobii, I didn't believe it would work well. You just look at it? And it does whatever you want? And that's how you control Windows 8? And... that's it? Yes! That's why it's so amazing. It's as natural as seeing, as normal as looking at somebody when you talk. Tobii's eye control device, which looks like a horizontal rectangle glass obelisk attached to the hinge of the laptop, is incredibly accurate. The system requires a personal calibration test before you use it and some unique finger movements (akin to a smartphone), but once you get settled in, it's simply stunning. It's sniper accurate, Tobii never missed my target by more than a few pixels. It's lightning quick, I couldn't even say my next move fast enough because Tobii had recognized my eyesight already glanced away. And it can control all the swipe gestures available in Windows 8. There was also an option to play an Asteroids-like game with Tobii and everything that's impressive about Tobii translates there too. The head movement tracking aspect of the game was a little odd but I can't get over how accurate its eye tracking ability was. Look and zap. Look and zap. Tobii is as amazing as multitouch once was, as impressive as the Wii once was and the Kinect is now and a natural evolution of "the future". I felt like I was using fairy tale tech in a generation defining sci-fi movie rather than sitting in a plastic chair next to smelly people in a hall riddled with crappy gadgets that have no reason to exist. I don't know how successful Tobii will be in the mainstream market but it's this kind of technology that reminds me why I loved technology in the first place.
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Most of the people at this detention centre in Tripoli will be repatriated. Less than a third of economic migrants who are told to leave the EU are removed Europe’s failure to send home rejected asylum seekers is worsening the migrant crisis, senior figures in Brussels believe. An economic migrant who survives the journey across the Mediterranean has a 73 per cent chance of remaining in the EU even if served with an order to leave, official statistics show. Less than a third of those told to leave are removed, creating an incentive for economic migrants to join refugees striving to reach Europe. The latest figures for migrant arrivals show a surge from African and Asian countries with historically lower rates of recognition of refugee status than states such as Syria and Eritrea, suggesting that many people may be moving for economic reasons. One EU diplomat working on migration said: “The inability of EU…
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Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue took steps Monday to roll back healthy school lunch standards promoted by former first lady Michelle Obama Michelle LeVaughn Robinson ObamaBiden courts veterans amid fallout from Trump military controversies The Hill's Campaign Report: Trump's rally risk | Biden ramps up legal team | Biden hits Trump over climate policy Jill Biden's boots latest fashion choice to encourage 'vote' MORE in one of his first regulatory acts. In an interim final rule, aimed at giving schools more flexibility, Perdue and his department are postponing further sodium reductions for at least three years and allowing schools to serve non-whole grain rich products occasionally as well as 1 percent flavored milk. The rule allows states to exempt schools in the 2017-2018 school year from having to replace all their grains with whole-grain rich products if they are having a hard time meeting the standard. USDA said it will take “all necessary regulatory actions to implement a long-term solution.” “This announcement is the result of years of feedback from students, schools, and food service experts about the challenges they are facing in meeting the final regulations for school meals,” Perdue said in a statement. “If kids aren't eating the food, and it’s ending up in the trash, they aren't getting any nutrition – thus undermining the intent of the program.” Sodium levels in school lunches now must average less than 1,230 milligrams in elementary schools; 1,360 mg in middle schools; and 1,420 mg in high school. ADVERTISEMENT Before Perdue’s rule, schools were expected to reduce sodium even further to average less than 935 milligrams in elementary schools, 1035 milligrams in middle school lunches and 1,080 in high school lunches by the week by July 1, 2017. Further reductions were set to take effect by July 1, 2022. Perdue made the announcement Monday with Sen. Pat Roberts Charles (Pat) Patrick RobertsThe Hill's Morning Report - Sponsored by National Industries for the Blind - Trump seeks to flip 'Rage' narrative; Dems block COVID-19 bill GOP senators say coronavirus deal dead until after election Trump says he'll sign USPS funding if Democrats make concessions MORE (R-Kan.), who has long been working to ease the standards. “We worked really hard the last two years to provide flexibility, but after unanimously passing a bipartisan bill out of Committee, our effort stalled,” he said in a statement. “The policies that Secretary Perdue has declared here today will provide the flexibility to ensure that schools are able to serve nutritious meals that children will actually eat. Because that is really what these programs are about: serving meals to hungry children so that they can learn and grow.” The School Nutrition Association, which represents nutrition directors at schools across the country, was quick to praise Perdue. The group has been lobbying Congress for more flexibility in what the have called “overly prescriptive regulations.” SNA claims less kids are buying lunch because they no longer like the food and schools are being forced to spend more money on lunches that largely end up in trash. The former standards required all grains, including croutons and the breading on chicken patties, to be whole grain rich. “School Nutrition Association is appreciative of Secretary Perdue's support of school meal programs in providing flexibility to prepare and serve healthy meals that are appealing to students,” the group’s CEO Patricia Montague said in a statement. “School nutrition professionals are committed to the students they serve and will continue working with USDA and the Secretary to strengthen and protect school meal programs.” Health groups, meanwhile, claim the standards are working and that 99 percent of schools are in compliance. “Improving children’s health should be a top priority for the USDA, and serving more nutritious foods in schools is a clear-cut way to accomplish this goal,” the American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown said in a statement Friday ahead of USDA’s action.
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Julie B. Gilkay Post-Crescent Media Beckett Roerdink has a wish for his fourth birthday: He wants to get mail. Lots of it. His mother, Melanie, also has a wish for his birthday — that her son, who was diagnosed with an incurable cancer last year, is here to celebrate his fifth birthday. "He loves mail, so any time he gets mail he gets super excited," Roerdink of Greenville said. "It would just be so awesome if he would just get a bunch of cards for his birthday." His birthday is Wednesday, so please get your card in the mail now! Send mail to Beckett Roerdink, W6871 Sunnyvale Lane Apartment E, Greenville, WI 54942. Little Beckett's family, which also includes dad Kevin, sister Madison, 10, and brother Ethan, 6, are making his birthday Wednesday a cause for celebration. And with good reason. There wasn't much to celebrate last year. After suffering from a prolonged illness, Beckett underwent testing in April 2013. An MRI revealed something the family hadn't been expecting. Beckett had a large brain tumor. The tumor also had a name: ependymoma. An ependymoma is the third most common type of brain tumor in children, according to the Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation, but they are still relatively rare, with about 200 cases diagnosed in the United States each year. "Everything changed," Roerdink said. Days after the diagnosis, the tumor was removed through two surgeries, which had devastating side effects of their own. With the exception of his left hand, Beckett was completely paralyzed and had to face yet another battle — radiation. Opting for proton radiation with the hope of having a better outcome, the Roerdinks spent two months in Texas for the treatment because of its lack of availability in Wisconsin. And ever since Beckett has been in therapy — speech, occupational and physical — two to three times a week learning how to walk, talk and do everything preschoolers do. "Even though he doesn't have the tumor, he has deficits from having the surgery and radiation," Roerdink said. Beckett wears an eye patch a few hours a day because his cranial nerves have been damaged from the surgery. He recently received inserts for his shoes because his balance hasn't stabilized. He has eye appointments every three months and is returning to Texas later this month to see his oncologist there. And there is the uncertainty of tomorrow. Beckett heads to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee every three months for an MRI to check for any tumors or damage to the healthy tissue from radiation. This kind of tumor tends to come back and gets harder to treat, Roerdink said. "It's a horrible cancer," she said. There is always that worry, that "scan-xiety," as Roerdink calls it, and living with knowing that the long-term survival rate is five years. He is due for another MRI Sept. 24. All of it has taken a toll — emotionally and financially. Roerdink now works part time so she can take Beckett to all of his medical appointments and therapy sessions. Kevin works full time and overtime. They work opposite schedules so their little guy is always home with a parent. His weakened immunity doesn't allow for anything else. And the family of five is living in a two-bedroom apartment they moved into just after selling their home before this whole cancer nightmare began. Not that they are complaining. "We look at everything differently," Roerdink said. "We pretty much live one day at a time and feel beyond blessed. We see things in a whole different light. "Beckett is the sweetest, most patient boy. You can't not love him. Everyone loves him. He's real easygoing but maybe because he's had no other choice." With September being Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Beckett's birthday, Roerdink also hopes that their story makes others more aware of the major medical conditions and cancers children face. "I only have one true wish and that's they find a cure," she said. "And I hope he has many more birthdays." It's all the more reason that on Wednesday, when Beckett turns 4, his family wants to mark the happy occasion with a celebration at home and hopefully some cards from the community as well. "Milestones are huge because we didn't even think that we would get through surgery," Roerdink said. "We have to do something to celebrate because it's a big deal." So when Beckett blows out the candles on his cake — either "Monsters University" or Mickey Mouse, he hasn't decided which yet — there will be wishes, smiles, likely even a few tears. And the gift of Beckett. — Julie Gilkay: 920-993-1000, ext. 319, or [email protected]; on Twitter @JulieGilkay Send a card Help Beckett Roerdink celebrate his fourth birthday on Wednesday and make his wish come true by sending a card. Mail it to Beckett Roerdink, W6871 Sunnyvale Lane Apartment E, Greenville, WI 54942. Beckett's story To follow Beckett Roerdink's progress, visit his Caring Bridge page at www.caringbridge.org/visit/beckettroerdink. To make a donation, visit youcaring.com and type his name in the search fundraiser function.
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Milestones in Space Photography See pictures of milestones in space photography in this photo gallery, from National Geographic.
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SunEdison stock was delisted from the NYSE and started trading on the pink sheets under the symbol SUNEQ . ... At the time SunEdison filed for bankruptcy, its debts were estimated to be $16.1 billion and were largely attributed to the acquisition spree the company went on.
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Spannend wird es z.B. auf Seite 17, wo man die Formeln für das Sizing findet. Mal 5000 Kunden angenommen, soll ein Anbieter folgende Abhörkapazitäten anbieten: Festnetz: 3%. GSM: 27%. Für diese Werte nimmt man die Formeln von Seite 17, und rechnet die erwartete Ausnutzung des Netzes aus, indem man den sogenannten Verkehrswert in Erlang (ich habe meine Zahlen von hier) mit der Anzahl der Anschlüsse multipliziert (bei Festnetz geht die Rechnung in B-Kanälen, von denen jeder ISDN-Kunde zwei hat). Spannenderweise ist die Formel nicht linear sondern ungefähr wie die Quadratwurzel, so dass kleine Anbieter stark benachteiligt werden. Hier ist mal ein Plot für GSM nach Kundenanzahl (Achtung: bei mir beginnt die Y-Achse da nicht bei 0 sondern bei 2, das wird nicht wirklich negativ). Der Wert an der Y-Achse ist der Prozentsatz des Traffics, für den sie Ausleit-Kapazitäten halten sollen. Man sieht sehr gut, wie unfair das verteilt ist. Auch lustig ist Seite 26 mit der Liste der zulässigen Anbieter für das IPsec-Gateway. Die Liste ist eher übersichtlich. Aber zu dem Protokolldesign. Für die Übertragung der Daten supporten die FTP (hahaha) und FTAM (HAHAHAHAHA). Da ist ja schon mal aus Obskuritätsgründen so gut wie ausgeschlossen, dass da die Fehler gefunden wurden, und dann stehen da noch so Dinge dran wie Der Initiator soll die QoS-Klasse 0 verwenden, da der Responder die Recovery-Prozeduren nicht unterstützt -- Aus Gründen der Rückwärtskompatibilität als optional Zusätzlich (optional) kann von der TKA-V eine weitere Nummer hinzugefügt werden (z. B. in Mobilfunknetzen die Kennung der MSC), die zusammen mit der Zuordnungsnummer die Eindeutigkeit garantiert. Diese zweite Nummer hat Werte von 0 bis 65535. Wird von der TKA-V diese Variante genutzt, ist die zweite Nummer getrennt durch das Zeichen ‘#’ hinter die Zuordnungsnummer zu setzen. common [4] CommonMode OPTIONAL, -- moduls of the manufactures alcatel [5] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) OPTIONAL, -- the manufacturer has to provide an ASN.1 Specification ericsson [6] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..256)) OPTIONAL, -- the manufacturer has to provide an ASN.1 Specification Ganz großes Kino auch folgender Abschnitt von Seite 41:
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31 Pages Posted: 22 Aug 2018 Last revised: 25 Dec 2018 Date Written: July 23, 2018 Abstract A variety of commercial and local government Social Credit Systems (SCSs) are now being implemented in China in order to steer the behavior of Chinese individuals, businesses, social organizations and government agencies. Previous research finds that these SCSs are employed by the Chinese state as ‘surveillance infrastructure’ and for social management. This paper focuses on a different angle: the public’s opinion of SCSs. Based on a cross-regional survey, the study finds a surprisingly high degree of approval of SCSs across respondent groups. Interestingly, more socially advantaged citizens (wealthier, better-educated and urban residents) show the strongest approval of SCSs, along with older people. While one might expect such knowledgeable citizens to be most concerned about the privacy implications of SCS, they instead appear to embrace SCSs because they interpret it through frames of benefit-generation and promoting honest dealings in society and the economy instead of privacy-violation.
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The Steelwool Scrub – A Fallacy This case is picture-perfect for making a simple point in debates about religious liberty: ‘sincere religious belief’ is not a ‘get out of bigotry free’ card. It is no carte blanche defense (legal or moral). The man is nothing if not religiously sincere. Anyone who wasn’t would have kept his mouth shut, not blurted the following: I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage. That’s the way I was brought up and that’s the way I believe … I have black friends, I hired black people. But when it comes to all this stuff you see on TV, when you see blacks and whites together, it makes my blood boil because that’s just not the way a Christian is supposed to live. Shocking, but unsurprising. If there’s something you want to believe, and you are a sincerely religious person, it won’t be too surprising if you end up believing whatever-you-want on sincerely-held religious grounds. (If it weren’t for the human power to deceive ourselves, after all, lots of people wouldn’t have nearly so many sincerely-held religious beliefs.) There’s a common ‘religious liberty’ trope I’ve been meaning to critique in connection to this. It’s an invalid variant on a Steelman-style argument. Steelman arguments enjoy relatively good reputations. They have their uses – raising the bar, elevating the tone. ‘Ideal’ theory has its place. Utopia is filled with Steelmen. Of course, we also have an instinct that utopianism has limits; ‘ideal’ theory can get a bit head-in-the-clouds. Yet, even so, how much harm can it do, experimentally reinforcing some belief in the solidest possible way, just to see? Quite a bit of harm, is what. The Steelwool Scrub is quite bad. (That’s what I’m calling it.) Take same-sex marriage (more recently, trans issues): you can always rustle up some Ryan T. Anderson-type to spin up some Thomistic-ish natural law (Christian anthropology etc.) argument. Even if this is weak ‘steel’ (I would judge), belated scholasticism, wandering the modern world, looks ornamental – harmless, innocent, unassuming. At worst, a curious mooncalf; at best, considerably more academically polished than old-school fag-bashing. Now comes the bait-and-switch (indulgence-by-proxy, steelman-to-absolve-all-sins.) If anyone now says ‘opposition to LGBTQ rights is bigotry and irrational animus’ – the response comes quick. ‘Unfair! Will no one think of poor Ryan T. Anderson! Of his elaborate, perhaps failed yet earnestly-exposited, to-all-appearances sincere arguments! Is the world so unable to tolerate a little [insert squirrel gaze GIF] DIFFERENCE? Can all this be dismissed as mere, base homophobia! Mindless bigotry! Surely not! Surely, then, it is those who call it ‘bigotry’ who must be [squirrel GIF again] the REAL BIGOTS!’ Intellectually, it IS unfair to strawman a position by conflating it with its least thoughtful, most irrational, animus-afflicted exponents. Yet descriptively – sociologically – it’s absurd to steelman a socio-cultural order-or-group by conflating its practices and norms with unrepresentative, intellectual outliers. If you think the reason trans people struggle for respect, recognition, rights is that they are surrounded by well-meaning, rationally-convicted neo-Thomists, you’re nuts. Trans people struggle and suffer because they are members of a despised, oppressed minority group. SSM was a fight because gays face irrational animus, not a thicket of para-Aristotelian arguments. Spinning actually-existing bigotry as, ideally, the better angel of some natural law argument, is just a weird way to excuse what’s right there in front of you. [At this point it might be useful to insert a sidebar about legal arguments – rational basis tests, so forth. Reason being: the legal bar can go pretty low. Often all you need is some hypothetical reason that could be reasonable. It doesn’t even need to be anyone’s real – psychologically-motivativing reason – let alone characteristic of the population as a whole. But let’s skip it. Fact is: Ryan T. Anderson-style arguments couldn’t pass the lowest basis bar. Not because they are so pathetically illogical; just too religious, despite attempted spin to the contrary. Also, they would have to be applied in pretextual and capricious ways to do all – and only! – things social conservatives would want. That’s a no-no, rational basis-wise. I leave it there for legal argument purposes, for post purposes.] But isn’t it awfully mean, ad hominem and unfair if thoughtful Christian philosophers and theologians, Thomistic would-be anthropologists, get lumped in with bog-standard bigots? Rod Dreher thinks so. Damon Linker thinks so, too. There IS an element of unfairness. But now we come to the tell. Who should Ryan T. Anderson-types be indignant with, by rights, for unfairly trashing his reputation? Well, that would obviously be, first and foremost, the bigots he is consistently mistaken for. You have a society in which certain forms of bigotry are endemic. You have, by hypothesis, a few rare eccentrics who exhibit outwardly similar attitudes, allegedly on a completely alternate, inwardly entirely bigotry-free basis of rather outré philosophical argument. These eccentrics should fully expect to be mistaken for the bigots. How not? Therefore, they should rail first against the bigots whose bigotry is not merely dragging down their reputations but surely serves as the single greatest obstacles to the spread of their allegedly good teachings. It’s almost Kierkegaard’s birthday – just two days ago. So here’s a Kierkegaardian thought: nothing harder than being a conservative Christian in a conservative Christian culture! Reason: if everyone accepts for cultural reasons, they accept for bad reasons. The barrier to conservative Christians adopting the right, conservative, Christian view of homosexuality is not, say, Mayor Pete, it’s conservative Christians. You shouldn’t disapprove of LGBTQ folks just because it’s the way your tribe marks itself off as superior and virtuous. But that’s obviously what’s actually going on. (Not some Thomistic secret sauce.) Now, who am I to lecture Christians about how they should have faith, to be good Christians – or whether they should read more Kierkegaard, or whatever? I am no one. But I am, all the same, someone permitted to notice psychological dynamics, and draw reasonable conclusions from them. Within the ecosystem of Christian cultural politics and belief, the role of someone like Ryan T. Anderson is not to scourge conservative Christians for having something in the neighborhood of right attitudes, but only as a culturally bigoted, hence surely spiritually poisonous inheritance of animus. Rather, his role is to apologize for bad attitudes as defensible and righteous – to ensure no one can call bigotry ‘bigotry’, by inserting himself in the line of fire as a model, steel-reinforced unbigot. This is, to shift metaphors once more, belief laundering. Not money laundering, but the same principle. Someone takes in ill-gotten goods, of a sort, and sends them back out with a counterfeit (counterfactual) paper-trail of legit provenance. (This is a harsh thing to say but it seems to me fair.) A money launderer does not help criminals go straight. A money launderer may do that, but mostly helps criminals appear to go straight, while not doing so. So this is what I call the Steelwool Scrub. Somehow, if there is one steelman – or even if there just could be one – everyone actually gets scrubbed clean by proxy. But that can’t be right, can it? So what presents as intellectualizing, aspirational, uplifting ideal moral theology betrays itself, psychologically, as culturally stubborn refusal to admit fault. Refusal to admit fault translates into unwillingness to face, hence redress real wrongs. This is a lot to spin out of one dumb guy’s racist blurt. He’s sure to find no defenders. But the very clear contours of his case can make something clear that may not be so clear in other cases. 1) Sincere religious belief can still be plain old bigotry. This obviously means you can’t take sincerity as a mark of spiritual ‘goodness’ – not because it may be false; because it’s so likely to be real-as-real. Slightly more elaborately and less obviously: 2) The fact that someone can come up with an ingenious philosophical defense of a view that most people, who hold something like that view, hold for plain old bigoted reasons, is not a good reason to treat those who are, actually, bigoted, as if they are, instead, ingenious philosophers – just of a closet sort. One steelman can’t scrub away the sins of a community of non-steelmen. Doesn’t work that way. So it seems to me.
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Summer of Rift is all about celebrating the VR community and encouraging new people to get in the game. Today, we’re excited to announce that Rift + Touch are now available at $399 for a limited time. With its comfortable ergonomic design, high-quality lenses with a wide field of view, high-resolution OLED displays, and six degrees of freedom that let you move around and explore, Rift is VR at its finest. Combine that with Touch controllers, and you can see your own hands in virtual reality—grab and throw objects, cast spells, or paint and sculpt like the real thing. Plus, with a suite of experiences that promise action, adventure, mystery, and excitement, you’ll be transported to places you’ve never imagined. From AAA games like Batman: Arkham VR, Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Robo Recall, and Wilson’s Heart to interactive films, immersive experiences, and beyond, there’s a ton to explore in VR. Thanks to multiplayer games like Echo Arena and social apps like Facebook Spaces, you can compete or connect with virtually anyone, anywhere. There’s never been a better time to step into Rift. Fresh off its win as E3’s Best VR Game, Echo Arena hits the Oculus Store on July 20. Combined with the narrative depth of Lone Echo, Ready At Dawn’s double-header is a perfect example of the kind of next-level entertainment only possible in VR. Can’t wait that long? Dive into The Unspoken’s extended free multiplayer weekend now through July 12, so you can get your practice sessions in before the VR Challenger League kicks off. With 500+ titles currently available on Rift, plus more on the way, there’s plenty to choose from. Check out some of the amazing games on the horizon: That’s just a handful of the highly anticipated titles coming to Rift in the next few months. Whether you want to enjoy some sci-fi hijinks with Rick and Morty or blast your way through waves of rogue robots in Robo Recall, we’ve got an experience with your name on it. We’re excited to welcome even more people into the VR community as Summer of Rift continues! Check back often for new game announcements, launches, and big news leading up to OC4. — The Oculus Team
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The FCC voted to eliminate outdated and costly payphone audit rules on Thursday. Payphones have been disappearing for years from America’s streets and buildings. Payphone use peaked in 1999, when more than two million payphones were in service, according to the Commission. In 2003, the agency adopted audit rules to make sure that long-distance and other providers that handled calls originating on payphones compensated payphone providers as required. But with the rise in cell phone use, the number of payphones has dropped — to less than 100,000 by the end of 2016. “I remember when the only way to report a traffic accident by calling 911 was to find a working payphone,” said FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn as she voted for the change. Her colleague, FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly, said payphone audit obligations and the associated reporting requirements “no longer make any sense.” The cost of an audit now “significantly exceeds payphone compensation,” he said. He wanted the item to further help carriers. Some companies proposed that payphone compensation be submitted annually or eliminated altogether rather than be done quarterly, according to O’Rielly: “We should have addressed this today, but I am pleased that the Chairman is open to considering further deregulation in this area in the future.” The elimination of the audit rules does not change the amount of compensation due to payphone providers or their ability to seek redress for compensation they believe they are due. February 26, 2018
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After the New York Knicks traded Carmelo Anthony to the Oklahoma City Thunder, they officially entered a new era. With Kristaps Porzingis being the new face of the franchise, the Knicks also have intriguing prospects in Willy Hernangomez and Frank Ntilikina. As the franchise has finally embraced a full rebuild, head coach Jeff Hornacek discusses how surprised he is with Ntilikina to begin training camp according to Steve Popper of North Jersey: “I think the surprising thing for me as a coach is how knowledgable he is of the game and how he reads things,” Hornacek said. “You saw some of his raw talent, you saw his length on tape. But when you’re here watching him play every day, seeing the plays that he makes , finding the mismatches and getting the ball to that guy quickly. He comes down the court and he realizes this guy didn’t get a shot maybe the last three or four times, he seems to call a play that fits right there. It’s probably something he’s not even thinking about it, it’s just natural. That’s something not many guys have that, so that’s what’s been impressive.” Heading into the 2017 NBA Draft, Ntilikina had the highest chance of being an All-Star or bust. Despite having an opportunity to select Dennis Smith Jr. or Malik Monk with the eighth overall pick, then-President Phil Jackson was confident in Ntilikina’s potential. As Ntilikina develops, it will be on Porzingis’ shoulders to lead New York. While Porzingis is one of the league’s rising stars, he is only 22 years old and will need to learn how to be a team’s first option and leader.
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By CCN.com: India’s grueling five-week election run has finally come to an end with incumbent prime minister Narendra Modi declaring a sweeping victory. Although votes are still being counted, all signs point to a stomping majority for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader. Modi stormed back to victory on the back a fierce military and nationalist platform. His bombastic nuclear threats towards Pakistan and military posturing have crystalized him as India’s strongman leader. The election result cements Modi’s stable government after decades of shaky coalitions. सबका साथ + सबका विकास + सबका विश्वास = विजयी भारत Together we grow. Together we prosper. Together we will build a strong and inclusive India. India wins yet again! #VijayiBharat — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) May 23, 2019 Modi’s nuclear threats win support Although Modi came to power in 2014 on a manifesto of economic policies, today’s win can be equally attributed to foreign policy. Modi has long been considered a “strongman,” a perception he’s amplified throughout the election campaign. In 2019 alone, he threatened Pakistan with all-out nuclear war, showed off his country’s space weaponry, and bought a ton of new assault rifles from Russia. Modi’s tough stance against Pakistan has strengthened his base and sured up support from right-leaning voters. Many, of course, are worried that Modi’s win comes at the cost of alienating religious minorities in India. Modi has galvanized the Hindu nationalist core demographic, leaving minority Muslim and Christian groups with only a smattering of votes. One New Yorker columnist referred to Modi as an: “Egotist who pressures the press and reacts poorly to dissent, and whose exclusionary rhetoric and policies threaten [his] nations’ core inheritances of openness and pluralism.” World leaders line up to congratulate Modi World leaders including Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu and Chinese President, Xi Jinping have heaped praise on the Indian prime minister. Netanyahu congratulated his “friend” and promised to strengthen their relationship. “The election results further reaffirm your leadership of the world’s largest democracy. Together we will continue to strengthen the great friendship between India & Israel.” Congratulations, my friend @Narendramodi, on your impressive election victory! The election results further reaffirm your leadership of the world's largest democracy. Together we will continue to strengthen the great friendship between India & Israel. Well done, my friend! 🇮🇱🤝🇮🇳 — Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) May 23, 2019 China’s Xi Jinping also offered congratulations and hoped to develop a strategic friendship. “President of People’s Republic of China , H.E. Mr Xi Jinping sent a letter to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi earlier today congratulating him on the electoral victory of National Democratic Alliance under his leadership… President Xi also expressed satisfaction at the strong momentum of development in India-China relations in recent years with the joint effort of both sides.” #ElectionsWithMC | Chinese President, Xi Jinping sent a letter to PM @NarendraModi congratulating him on the electoral victory of the NDA under his leadrership. Here's what he says.#ElectionResults2019 #IndiaDecides2019 pic.twitter.com/dyPkTK4gbB — moneycontrol (@moneycontrolcom) May 23, 2019 Opposition party Congress wiped out The once-dominant political party in the region, Indian National Congress, faces a humiliating defeat. Congress looks set to secure just 50 seats, while Modi’s BJP scoops up more than 300. Over 900 million Indians were eligible to vote in this year’s huge election. It’s a mammoth undertaking with over a million polling stations and voting machines. At the time of writing, Narendra Modi’s BJP is leading in 349 seats. Modi is expected to make an official statement at 8.30am ET, but has already declared victory on social media.
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Lecture Outline Bacterial Growth 1. Cell division (an asexual process): binary fission: diagram (see Fig. 6.1). Process has two functional pathways: DNA replication and segregation and cell septation. Cells have a way of regulating that septation does not occur until ~ 20 minutes are DNA replication has been completed. Cytokinesis, a term used to describe formation of two eukaryotic daughter cells, is now being used to describe cell division in prokaryotes. What are divisomes and what is the role of Fts proteins in cell divsion? What is known about how cells locate center of cell where septation will occur? generation time or doubling time: time it takes a cell to divide or for the culture to double its numbers. Each bacterial species, under optimal growth conditions, can divide only so fast (have a minimum generation time). The generation time is effected by the growth medium, and the physical/chemical environment of the cell (see below). Growth is exponential/logarithmic: can attain large numbers in a short interval of time (starting with a single cell, mass 1-2 X 10-12 grams, with a generation time of 30 min, if could keep growth exponential for 43 hrs would result in a mass of cells equal to the weight of the earth, 6 X 1027 grams!) 2. Methods to monitor growth. See sections 6.9-6.11 3. Ways to grow prokaryotes in laboratory: Batch culture (also known as a closed system)- a finite amount of nutrients is provide and culture is grown under a set of physical/chemical conditions (pH, aeration, etc.). As cells grow their environment changes (nutrients depleted, by-products of metabolism release to environment). Cells are dividing asynchronously. phases of growth- lag, log(exponential), stationary, death (Fig.6.10). How would the phases of growth differ between E . coli and B . megaterium ? During which phase would the generation time of the culture be determined? Continuous culture- chemostat (Fig. 6.11). How does a chemostat differ from a batch culture, and what does growing in a chemostat allow you to do that is difficult, if not impossible, to do in a batch culture? 4. Classifying organisms by their carbon, energy, and source of protons/electrons allows identification of 4 major nutritional groups using this information. See Table 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 5. Types of Media. Minimal or a chemically defined: contains the bare essentials needed for growth (types and amount of chemicals known). A minimal medium for one species may not satisfy the minimal requirements for another species. complex or undefined: contains substances that bacterium could make for it self, but instead substances are transported in and used (exact composition of medium less certain). enrichment: contains a substance that enhances the growth of a prokaryote (Example, a medium containing oil which is not a suitable carbon source for most bacteria or serum or blood used to grow S . pyogenes or N . gonorrhoeae ). . or . ). selective: contains a substance that inhibits the growth of certain bacteria in a mixed culture, but not the bacterium of interest (Example, the addition of 7.5% NaCl to medium inhibits the growth of most bacteria, but not a salt tolerant bacterium like Stap. aureus ). ). differential media: contains a substance that is noticeably changed if a specific bacterial species is present (blood agar medium, get zone of red blood cell lysis, b - hemolysis, if Streph . pyogenes is present. hemolysis, if . is present. selective and a differential medium (EMB medium). EMB (Eosin-methylene blue agar) used to select for gram-negative enteric bacteria. The methylene blue inhibits gram-positive bacteria (mechanism unclear), eosin is a dye that responds to changes in pH, going from colorless to black under acidic conditions. Medium contains lactose and sucrose, but not glucose, as energy sources. Enteric bacteria like E. coli, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter acidify the medium and the colonies appear black with a greenish sheen. Colonies of lactose nonfermenters, such as Salmonella, Shigella, and Pseudomonas are translucent or pink. 6. Factors that effect growth. nutritional environment (medium): a prokaryote growing in a complex medium will have a shorter generation time than if it were growing in a minimal medium. Why? Temperature: Every bacterial species has an upper and a lower temperature over which growth can occur. Optimal temperature for growth is closer to upper temperature limit that bacterium can tolerate (Fig. 6.18). Groups- psychrophiles, psychrotolerant, mesophiles, thermophiles, and extreme thermophiles (Fig. 6.19). What factors account for thermostability? Oxygen (requirement for/sensitivity to): Groups- obligate aerobes, facultative aerobes (some text refer to this group as the faculative anarobes), microaerophiles, aerotolerant, and obligate anaerobes (Fig 6.27 and table 6.4). How can one explain the requirement for oxygen and sensitivity to toxic forms of oxygen? What are the various forms of toxic oxygen generated and how are they dealt with by organisms? See Fig. 6.29 and 6.30 Water availability- Water may be present in the cells' environment, but not available to them. How is this possible? How do extreme halophiles (high salt loving bacteria), osmophiles (grow in high osmolarity, i.e., high sugar, environments), and xerophiles (live in dry environments) cope with this problem in their environments? (high salt loving bacteria), (grow in high osmolarity, i.e., high sugar, environments), and (live in dry environments) cope with this problem in their environments? Acidity/alkalinity (pH) of medium: revised 9/24/09 Binary fission: Source of Carbon, Energy, and Protons/Electrons Carbon Source Autotrophs CO2 sole or principal biosynthetic carbon source. Heterotrophs Reduced, preformed, organic molecules. Energy Source Phototrophs Light Chemotrophs Oxidation of organic or inorganic compounds Proton and/or Electron source Lithotrophs Reduced inorganic molecules Organotrophs Organic molecules Major Nutritional Groups of Microorganisms Major Nutritional Type Source of Energy, Protons/Electrons and Carbon Representative Organisms Photolithotrophic autotrophy light energy Algae, cyanobacteria, and inorganic H+/e- donor purple and green bacteria CO 2 carbon source Photoorganotrophic heterotrophy light energy source Purple and green and non sulfur bacteria Organic H+/e- organic carbon source (CO 2 may also be used) Chemolithotrophic autotrophy Chemical energy (inorganic) Sulfur-oxidizing, hydrogen, Inorganic H+/e- donor nitrifying, iron bacteria, etc. CO 2 carbon source Chemoorganotrophic heterotrophs Chemical energy (organic) Protozoa, fungi, and the Organic H+/e- donor non photosynthetic bacteria Organic carbon source Methods to Determine Bacterial Growth: A. Determination of cell number: 1. Total cell count methods: a. Direct microscopic count- See fig. 6.14 Advantages- quick and easy disadvantages- can not distinguish between live and dead cells, and can not detect less than 106 bacteria/ml. b. Coulter count (electronic count): Advantages- very quick and easy Disadvantages- same as above plus can end up counting dust and debris. Apparatus very expensive. 2. Viable cell count method: See fig. 6.15 and 6.16 Rationale, a single cell will give rise to a colony of cells that is visible to eye. By determining the number of colonies on a plate and the volume of liquid they were in (amount plated), can determine number of cells/ml. However, when have more than 300 colonies on plate they become to numerous to count. This is addressed by making a series of dilutions (will be held for 1:10 and 1:100 dilutions. For example 0.1ml in 0.9ml of a sterile diluent is a 1:10 dilution or a 10-1 dilution). The amount plated can be 1ml or 0.1ml. To determine the number of bacteria in a sample, count the number of colonies (want between 30-300), multiply times one over the total dilution, times one over the amount plated: equation to use is: # of bacteria/ml = number of colonies counted X 1/dilution X 1/sample plated advantages- can count as few as 1 bacterium/ml, and only count live cells. disadvantages- requires time for growth, may need to make dilutions of preparation and make dilution calculations (examples). Also,cells that clump or remain in groups that do not seperate, i.e., chains, will give a number that underestimates the number of viable cells present. B. Determination of cell mass- 1. dry weight determination: advantages- only way to determine growth of filamentous bacteria. disadvantages- cumbersome and not very accurate. If cell numbers important must relate weight to cell numbers if possible. 2. Turbidity (measured by photometer or a spectrophotometer): What is the basis of this method to monitor cell growth? See fig. 6.17 advantages- rapid and easy disadvantages- does not give you cell numbers or increase in mass (must correlate turbidity, cloudiness, to cell numbers by the direct or viable cell count method), can not distinguish between live and dead cells, and must work within certain turbidity's (more than 107 and less than 108 bacteria/ml). C. Determination of cell constituents- measure increase in a specific cell material, i.e., DNA, RNA, Protein, or etc. Dilution Problems: Equation to use: no. of bacteria/ml in original sample = no. of colonies on plate X 1/total dilution X 1/ volume sample plated. 1. You are interested in determining the number of bacteria in saliva. You spit into a tube, and then do four 1:10 dilution's. From the last dilution tube you plate 1.0 ml onto an appropriate medium, and observe 100 colonies on the agar surface after overnight growth. How many bacteria are present in the original sample? 2. A friend of yours tells you that there should be no bacteria in hamburger meat, and having had micro you say not true. To show him/her you do the following: You take 1 gram of meat and blend it in 100 ml of sterile water. You then do the following dilution: 1:10, 1:100, 1:10, and a 1:100. You then take 0.1ml from the last dilution, and plate onto an appropriate medium, and find that after 18 hours of growth that there are 125 colonies on the plate. How many bacteria were present in the original sample, per ml of blended material and per gram of hamburger meat? Toxic forms of oxygen: Toxic Forms of oxygen (in order of decreasing toxicity Name Formula Generated by Destroyed Ozone O 3 irradiation of O 2 by UV or high voltage discharge fluorocarbons hydroxyl radical OH . H 2 O 2 + O 2 - (x-rays, gamma rays) ** Spontaneously, very unstable Superoxide O 2 - enzymatically (flavins and quinones) superoxide dismutase (SOD) Hydrogen peroxide H 2 O 2 enzymatically (flavoproteins) catalase or peroxidase singlet oxygen 1O 2 enzymatically or chemically (smog, light) ** reaction with carotenoid pigments ** Requirement/sensitive to toxic forms of oxygen and presence of SOD and/or catalase/peroxidase:
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【12月7日 AFP】ブラジルはこれまで太陽エネルギー活用への移行において大きく後れを取ってきたが、現在南東部に建設中の中南米最大規模となる太陽光発電所によってその遅れを一気に取り戻すことを目指している。 南東部ミナスジェライス(Minas Gerais)州ピラポラ(Pirapora)で建設中の太陽光発電所は敷地面積800ヘクタールで、サッカー場1200面以上に相当する面積の太陽光パネル120万枚が設置されている。 9月に一部、発電を開始したこの施設は先月半ばに全3段階の計画のうちの第2段階が始働した。 仏電力大手フランス電力(EDF)の子会社EDFエナジー・ヌーべルス(EDF Energies Nouvelles)が運営するこの発電所は、2018年第2四半期までにフル稼働する予定で、その発電容量は、42万世帯の年間需要を満たすのに十分な400メガワットになるという。また、発電量は約30%減少するものの、曇りの日でも発電可能だという。 ブラジル国立経済社会開発銀行(BNDES)のエネルギープロジェクト担当者によると、地球温暖化対策の国際枠組み「パリ協定(Paris Agreement)」を踏まえて、2030年までに全エネルギーのうちの45%を再生可能エネルギーで賄うという目標を達成するのであれば、太陽光エネルギーはブラジルとって「最優先事項」となるという。 エネルギー省が8月に発表した数字によると、現在ブラジルで太陽光発電が全発電量に占める割合はわずか0.2%。 ブラジル太陽光エネルギー協会の会長は「ブラジルはこの分野(太陽光発電)における15年の遅れを取り戻し始めたばかりだ」と語った。(c)AFP/Louis GENOT
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Coming Soon Resident Evil Nearly three decades after the discovery of the T-virus, an outbreak reveals the Umbrella Corporation's dark secrets. Based on the horror franchise. Tribhanga - Tedhi Medhi Crazy A Suitable Boy Song Exploder Get inspired as musicians dig deep into the creative process of songwriting and reveal their intimate thoughts in a series based on the hit podcast. The Chestnut Man A young woman is found brutally murdered in a Copenhagen playground. Above her hangs a small doll made of chestnuts. Adapted from the acclaimed novel. Hubie Halloween Hubie's not the most popular guy in Salem, Mass., but when Halloween turns truly spooky, this good-hearted scaredy-cat sets out to keep his town safe. SCTV Comedy Special Martin Scorsese directs this Netflix original comedy special exploring the enduring legacy of Emmy-winning sketch comedy show "SCTV." Bombay Begums
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Guest post by Joe Hoft DOW Reaches Another High – One for the Record books – We’re In The Greatest US Stock Market Rally Ever! 19th consecutive day where the DOW reached an all time high at the closing bell. 12th Straight Daily Close at an All Time High for the DOW! TRENDING: RUTH BADER GINSBURG DEAD! Supreme Court Justice Dies at Home Surrounded by Family More than Half a Month of Consecutive All Time Highs! The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW) hit another record new high on today! It was the 12th straight daily market close where the DOW set a new stock market high. This incredible rally started back on February 9th. In the history of the DOW, going back to January 1901, the DOW record for most continuous closing high trading days was set in January of 1987 when Ronald Reagan was President. The DOW set closing highs an amazing 12 times in a row that month. Today if the DOW matched that All Time Historical record with its 12th Record Close in a Row! However, counting weekends and holidays, the DOW has closed with new highs over the past 19 days! This has never happened before and is now the All time record consecutive number of days where the DOW closed at all time highs at the period’s closing bells. Here are some more DOW highlights since Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States: * Economist Says Stock Market Gained $2 TRILLION in Wealth Since Trump Elected! * The S&P 500 broke $20 Trillion for the first time in its history. * The DOW daily closing stock market average has risen more than 13% since the election on November 8th. * Including November 9th through today, there have been 74 trading days. For more than 40% of these days, the DOW has reached all time highs (31 times). * This is only the 2nd time since 1937 that the stock market hit two new closing highs in the four trading days after the Presidential inauguration. This occurred in January of 1965, shortly after Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as President and again right after the Trump Inauguration in January of this year. * Since the Inauguration on January 20th the DOW has risen 5% . According to Fox Insider , Trump’s first month in office is the DOW’s biggest gain for any President in his first 30 Days since way back in 1909 when Taft was President. * Also, another record during the Trump Rally is that the stock market moved between 1000 point markers (between 19,000 and 20,000) in only 42 trading days. The only time it moved faster between significant markers was in 1999 when it took 24 days to reach 11,000. * As we pointed out on December 21st shortly after Trump was elected, never in its history had the DOW reached the number of closing stock market highs after an election. There were only 8 times in the history of the Dow where the Dow set new closing highs for 17 days or more in a 29 day period. The last time this occurred was nearly 20 years ago in 1998. * The DOW has hit new All Time Highs 14 of 26 days since the Trump Inauguration for an amazing 54% of the closing bells. The prior All Time High for the DOW before the November 8th election was on August 15th, 2016. This is why the ‘Trump Rally’ is such an anomaly and totally due to President Trump and his winning policies. Don’t Ever Underestimate President Donald Trump!
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Gottfrid Svartholm, the founder of The Pirate Bay. Aljazeera Gottfrid Svartholm, a founder of The Pirate Bay, was rearrested just hours after being freed from a Danish prison, TorrentFreak reports. Svartholm, who is Swedish, was serving a multi-year sentence in Denmark and is now likely to be extradited back to Sweden, a decision he is appealing. After losing an appeal in June, Svartholm had very few options but became eligible for parole in mid-August. Two days before he was released, however, the Swedish authorities issued an arrest warrant, a decision that only became apparent to Svartholm via his mother, TorrentFreak said. This new warrant led to his immediate arrest after being freed. "[The new warrent was] never communicated properly to Gottfrid, neither from Sweden nor Denmark. We found out about it on our own," Kristina Svartholm, his mother, told TorrentFreak. The Swedish authorities initially wanted Svartholm to serve out the rest of his sentence in Denmark but this request was refused by the Danes. Depending on the outcome of a hearing that is happening on Friday, Svartholm will likely end up being extradited to Sweden. "What Gottfrid wants to do now, more than anything else, is to get back to his developmental work within IT," his mother told TorrentFreak. "And, of course, first of all: to sit by a keyboard again after nearly three years away from one."
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The People’s Forum of New York hosted an assembly on Thursday of solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which brought together a group of US social movements interested in knowing in detail the social progress that the South American country has made during the last 19 years. In this important space for reflection – in which Commander Hugo Chávez, South African leader Nelson Mandela and North American activist Martin Luther King were honored – the organizations expressed their support for the Venezuelan people who wage a historic battle for their right to self-determination . “From New York we send our support and solidarity to the people of Venezuela, understanding that we are brothers and sisters, and that within the revolutionary process there have been many acts of international solidarity, particularly in the city of New York,” said Claudia de la Cruz, cultural director of the People’s Forum. Specifically, the director made reference and thanked the contributions of the Bolivarian Republic under the leadership of Hugo Chávez to the New York community of the Bronx, after a visit of the then venezuelan leader to that town in 2005. “We give thanks for that solidarity between peoples and for the Bolivarian Revolution that is a revolution of the people,” she added. Similarly, Reverend Danilo Lachapel expressed his solidarity towards the Venezuelan government and people, and condemned Washington’s hostile policy against Caracas. “We will continue by the side of the people who represent the Latin American Homeland, the Bolivar dream, the unity of the Latin American and Caribbean peoples. We know that Venezuela will triumph in this tough battle, overcoming all the aggressions of the empire, we trust that the people of Bolívar and Chávez will triumph ¡Long live to Venezuela!” he stressed. In this context, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza denounced – once again – the disastrous consequences of the coercive measures that the US government has unilaterally imposed on the Caribbean country, which prevent the state from acquiring basic goods to fulfill the needs of the population. The diplomat expressed in his speech Venezuela's esteem for the American people, regardless of the hegemonic pretensions of Washington. “We love and respect the people of the United States, our criticism is against the imperialism practiced by the United States government. Venezuela is considered an enemy of imperialism because it gives life to the Bolivarian Doctrine, which has always been in opposition to the Moroe Doctrine, “he added. Nevertheless, Arreaza pointed out the willingness of President Nicolás Maduro to meet with his counterpart Donald Trump, despite the political differences between the two leaders. “Venezuela has no arsenal, but its people are stronger than any nuclear weapon,” stressed Foreign Minister Arreaza who, along with a national delegation, had a busy diplomatic agenda at the 73rd Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The People’s Forum of New York is a space of diverse social movements. Currently, about 240 progressive organizations are organically articulated. It is also a meeting point of the international progressive movement. Translation by Venezuela's Foreign Ministry.
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45 of Sonia Sotomayor's former clerks have signed onto a letter of recommendation for their former boss, sending it to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, Ranking Member Jeff Sessions, and other members of the committee. In it, they refute some criticisms of Sotomayor that anonymous clerks (most of whom worked for other judges on the Second Circuit) leveled in Jeffrey Rosen's widely read New Republic piece on her--e.g. that she isn't intellectually qualified for the job, and that she's a bully: "As former law clerks to Judge Sotomayor, each of us can attest to her intellectual prowess.."; "She is a judge who is tough and fair, yet highly respectful of her colleagues in the judiciary (including those with whom she sometimes disagrees) and the litigants appearing before her." See the full letter, released today by the White House, below: We want to hear what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor or write to [email protected].
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A group of neighbours gathered in my dining room on Wednesday evening to talk about how to improve the laneway that runs behind our houses. Across a table set with tea, wine, cheese and bread, ideas began to fly. How about painting the garage doors bright colours? Why not get muralists or kids from the street to illustrate garage walls? What about setting up benches for people to sit on as they watch their kids play? Or all-weather tables for chess? Why not build a living wall, one of those vertical gardens? And couldn't we have neighbourhood barbecues there? One neighbour's bright-eyed young daughter piped up with an idea of her own: "Can we get a zip line?" Story continues below advertisement The meeting was the product of a smart initiative called The Laneway Project. Its organizers, a trio of Toronto planners and urban designers, are working with city officials and community groups to find ways to green, beautify and enliven Toronto's back lanes, turning them into places where people want to spend time instead of simply pass through. As a pilot project, the group announced it was going to choose two laneways for a makeover – one commercial, one residential – and asked for nominations. No less than 28 came in. Our group nominated the lane out back of our tightly packed Victorian houses near Dundas and Dufferin. It's an unusual U-shaped version that wraps around a long-term-care home in the centre of the block. Suggestions and offers of help poured in. E-mailed whoops went around when the proposal got the nod. Wednesday's meeting overflowed with proposals for action. The group has already set up a Tumblr page and designed a flyer about the project. It is being handed out this weekend, translated into Portuguese for neighbours not fluent in English. There are plans for Victoria Day fireworks party in the lane and another brainstorming session. This sort of thing might not have happened in my neighbourhood a decade or two ago. But a new generation of Torontonians – engaged, creative, entranced with the variety and dynamism of cities – are pitching in to improve their communities. The Laneway Project is (sorry) right up their alley. Its organizers have set out to change the city's relationship to its back lanes. That relationship has always been distant. Most people don't think much about the lanes out behind their garages or alongside their apartment buildings. As a result, back lanes usually have a neglected, shabby look that can discourage people from using them as anything but means of entry and exit. Story continues below advertisement They could be much more. Chicago's Green Alley program used energy-saving lighting and permeable paving to make hundreds of lanes more environmentally friendly. Melbourne's Love Your Laneway initiative encouraged "laneway champions" to make them livelier and more welcoming. Toronto has more than 2,400 laneways – 250 kilometres' worth. That translates to an area of more than 250 acres. "It's this huge untapped store of space, and as the city intensifies and densifies, we can't be lazy about outdoor space any more," says Michelle Senayah, an urban designer who teamed up with Ariana Cancelli and Mackenzie Keast to found the project last May, after a series of chance conversations on the topic. One idea is to install laneway punctures, incisions in the road surface that would be planted with hardy plants to create a strip of green amidst the grey. The strip would absorb rainwater and runoff, reducing the flow into the drains and ultimately the lake. Another is to hold a laneway crawl, a kind of moving festival held in behind homes instead of at art galleries, parks or public squares. The second laneway chosen for the pilot project, Reggae Lane at Eglinton and Oakwood, was nominated by a local business improvement area. Backers hope that they can transform the lane, which is named for the neighbourhood's music traditions, into a neighbourhood magnet. Ideas include creating a venue for public gatherings, installing some green space or even putting in restaurant patios. If all goes well, the pilot projects will serve as models for laneway upgrades all over the city. A donation of $26,700 from the Ontario Trillium Foundation will get them going. The Laneway Project will help the neighbourhood groups put together plans, seek further funding and navigate city regulations. If Wednesday's gathering at my place is anything to go by, getting people fired up won't be a problem. Fixing up back lanes may seem like a small thing when measured against all the city's needs. But this modest project has stirred up something bigger: love of neighbourhood and of city, and a thirst to make them better.
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Three top Jeb Bush fundraisers abruptly parted ways with his presidential campaign on Friday, amid internal personality conflicts and questions about the strength of his candidacy, POLITICO has learned. There are different versions of what transpired. The Florida-based fundraising consultants — Kris Money, Trey McCarley and Debbie Aleksander — have said that they voluntarily quit the campaign and were still working with Bush's super PAC, Right to Rise Super PAC. Others said the three, who worked under the same contract, were let go because they were no longer needed for the current phase of the campaign. None of the three responded to requests for comment. Bush spokesman Tim Miller would only say that “Governor Bush has the widest and deepest fundraising operation of any candidate in the field. Ann Herberger — a longtime aide with more than two decades of experience in state and national politics — will continue to lead the operation in Florida with our team in Miami.” The departures came at a time of uncertainty for Bush. While he has had massive success raising money for his super PAC, he is overseeing an official campaign that has many more staffers but far less money. Earlier this week, The New York Times revealed that the campaign had taken steps to rein in some of its spending and had gone so far as to cut some employee salaries. And POLITICO reported that one Bush fundraiser expressed concerns about the slowing pace of the campaign’s fundraising after Bush’s shaky debate performance. The Bush campaign wasted no time seeking a replacement for the three fundraising consultants and has reached out to Meredith O’Rourke — a top Florida Republican fundraiser who briefly worked for Chris Christie’s campaign in May but left it in July. O’Rourke, who wouldn’t comment, helped Gov. Rick Scott raise about $100 million for his 2014 reelection campaign and also works for Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, who’s likely to run for governor in 2018. One source attributed the departures to personality conflicts in the campaign. Some identified Bush's finance director, Heather Larrison, as a shouter with whom it’s difficult to work. She wouldn’t comment. Others singled out Money as a problem due to what they describe as haughtiness and a heavy-handed donate-or-else attitude with potential contributors. “They were glad to go. This wasn’t a shock to anybody,” said one campaign source. “There were just some personality problems. It happens when you have a big organization like this, a big campaign. Some of the national people are tough to work for.” Another campaign source, though, said the three fundraising consultants — who worked on contract and were not staffers — were let go because they weren’t raising enough money relative to how much they had been raising during the past financial quarter. "We appreciated their work, but we are entering a new phase of the campaign post-Labor Day, and we needed to move in a different direction,” the source said. But another source disputed that: “They raised a lot of money out of Florida. A lot. So if anyone says they didn’t quit, it’s not true. They’re still working for the super PAC as well. This is not about them. … This is about the campaign.” Front-runner Donald Trump seized on the POLITICO report Saturday morning and took a shot at his rival on Twitter: “Wow, Jeb Bush just lost three of his top fundraisers — they quit!” Aleksander, Money and McCarley have deep and longstanding ties to Florida’s GOP power structure. Aleksander has been a member in good standing of Bush’s operation since he was governor. Money is close with former House Speaker Will Weatherford; McCarley’s part of Putnam’s political team, along with O’Rourke. Donors last week told POLITICO that they still felt good about Bush’s chances and that they weren’t worried about Bush’s recent slip from second to third place in averages of national polls. As the son and brother of former presidents, the former governor of the third-most populous state in the nation has a broad, deep-pocketed and savvy donor base. Some said they’re less concerned with the campaign than with Jeb’s candidacy, which has so far failed to ignite Republicans. But Bush’s fundraising pace has slowed in the late summer months. Still, he’s likely to remain the GOP campaign’s top fundraiser, but Bush is also spending more than other candidates because he has a mammoth operation. “Jeb has a big army, and that army needs to be fed,” said one campaign consultant familiar with the campaign’s internal numbers. “Jeb might not have a fundraiser problem. He might have a spending problem.”
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ByIf you're an Old Dominion University football fan, you may remember Satchel Ziffer. If you can't quite place his name, his 10 minutes of fame occurred in 2014, when the non-scholarship placekicker came off the bench to kick last-second, game-winning field goals against Florida International and Florida Atlantic. His field goals transformed what might have been a 4-8 record into 6-6 in ODU's first season in FBS.Ziffer spent two short years at ODU, where the junior college transfer from Lancaster, Pa. graduated in 2016. He's since earned a master's degree in finance from Colorado and has done well financially working as a stock and hedge fund consultant in Los Angeles and Denver.But those two years at ODU made a huge impression on him. When he looked for a way to help feed hungry children and others suffering because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he started a Go Fund Me page to help people in Norfolk.He hooked up with Perfectly Frank, a restaurant in the Monarch Way section of ODU's campus. Tarah Morris, owner and operator of the restaurant, is using the donations to prepare meals at a reduced price and deliver them to hungry people.This past week she delivered 34 meals to Hope Village, a homeless housing facility in Norfolk, and 50 meals to the 4-Kids charity program thanks to Ziffer's Go Fund Me page. Hundreds more will be delivered in the coming weeks, Morris said.Ziffer promoted the fund on social media and got things started with a $100 donation. The fund has begun modestly, accruing just $710, but Ziffer continues to promote it and says the money will increase.Ziffer says that if the fund helps feed just a few dozen children, it was worth his time."I just want to help, especially those really in need," he said. "Maybe one day if I need help someone will be there to help me."Ziffer's parents run a small business in Pennsylvania Dutch country, and he reached out to Perfectly Frank because it is also a small business."So many small businesses are hurting, especially restaurants," he said.Like many other restaurant owners, Morris is struggling to make ends meet on takeout orders. She's also exhausted from the extra workload she's shouldering.She has three children at home and her husband, Sean, works long hours in the training office for the Norfolk Fire Department. Nonetheless, she's doubled her workload from about 30 hours per week to 60."I could probably give more hours to other people, but I work for free," she said, adding that she hasn't had to lay off any cooks or waitresses."How am I doing? I don't really know. I've been moving so fast because we've been in survival mode."I think we're going to be OK, but you just don't know anything for sure at this point."Her eatery specializes in comfort food, from hamburgers and hot dogs (hence the name, Perfectly Frank) and French Fries to barbecue, tuna melts and fried chicken.She has developed close ties with many at ODU, including athletic director Wood Selig and athletic donor Ray Wittersheim, who sits in the same seat for dinner before every men's and women's basketball game."Everyone knows that's Ray's seat," she said.Selig ran into her last weekend while taking an early-morning walk."She's part of the ODU community," Selig said. "I'm so glad that Satchel stepped up to help and that he did it with Tarah."Others have stepped up as well. Lynnhaven River Now, a group dedicated to restoring the Lynnhaven River, purchased 40 meals for emergency room nurses at Sentara Norfolk General. The Next, a private apartment complex in which many ODU student live, is sponsoring meals for nurses at the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters.Morris even got a $200 check from her ex-husband's aunt (Kathy) that fed 25 of the homeless at the Samaritan House.She says that takeout service at many Monarch Way restaurants, including the Den by Denny's and Panera Bread, is bringing people together."I see families pull up in cars, pick up their food and park and talk to each other while they eat," she said. "That's a safe way to interact with people you care about. It's the next-best thing to going to a restaurant."It's good to see people enjoy a little normalcy."Ziffer said he hopes more people step up to help restaurants and feed people in Hampton Roads."The hospitality industry is such a big part of the area's economy," he said. "So many restaurant workers are losing their jobs. How are they supposed to feed their families?"If you're in a position to help, please do what you can."Click here Go Fund Me to contribute.To contact Perfectly Frank, call 757-440-1020.Contact Minium: [email protected]
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Getty Images Jeff Garcia, the 43-year-old quarterback who hasn’t thrown an NFL pass in five years, is interested in a comeback with the Browns. Garcia told 92.3 The Fan in Cleveland that he would be interested in playing for the Browns, who are currently deciding between Brandon Weeden and Jason Campbell as their starter. “I actually reached out to the Browns and said ‘work me out, take a look, I’m open to the opportunity,'” Garcia said, via Keith Britton. The Browns were apparently not interested, which is not surprising, considering the last time Garcia threw a pass in the NFL was in 2008 for the Buccaneers. Garcia (who played for the Browns in 2004) has attempted to stay in football into his 40s and has spent time with the Raiders, Eagles and Texans along with the Omaha Nighthawks of the United Football League. When we last heard from Garcia he was working with JaMarcus Russell and talking up Russell’s chances of returning to the NFL, but Garcia didn’t sound too high on Russell when speaking to 92.3 The Fan today. Garcia said he helped Russell get into shape early this year and believed that Russell was serious about an NFL comeback, but according to Garcia, Russell “got soft” after they stopped working together. “I just don’t know if that fire, that hunger, continued to burn,” Garcia said of Russell. “That’s the unfortunate thing because that three months that he was with us, he really committed himself.” It sounds like we can safely say neither Russell nor Garcia will return to the NFL.
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It’s hard to imagine a document that could be more damning for both parties involved. On Sept. 25, the White House released a memorandum featuring dialogue from a July 25 phone conversation between U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
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Nestlé has figured out a way to reduce the amount of sugar used in its products without changing the taste—by reshaping the structure of sugar crystals. “So even when much less is used in chocolate, your tongue perceives an almost identical sweetness to before,” the company, which makes Kit-Kats, Aeros, and Butterfingers, said in a statement. Food scientists at the world’s largest food manufacturer say they can eliminate up to 40% of the total sugar in confectionery products. Milk chocolate, for example, is typically made of 50% sugar. The technological accomplishment has major implications for the company and consumers. It will allow Nestlé to respond to mounting pressure by public health groups and government health agencies for people to scale back the sugar in their diets. It also gives the company a way to manage sweetness in its foods without turning to artificial sweeteners—such as aspartame—which have proven controversial in the past. The reduction of sugar in food products is one of several overarching goals Nestlé has set for itself. The company has about 40 research and development facilities across the globe, where it spends close to $2 billion each year. Nestlé is patenting the process and said it will be rolling out its new sugar method in 2018.
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Rasism ska bekämpas med ett nationellt kunskapscentrum om just rasism och våldsbejakande extremism.
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It's been widely reported that since Rick Perry became governor, Houston homebuilder Bob Perry has given him more than $2.5 million in campaign contributions. But now, filings in a lawsuit over the 2006 governor's race suggest the builder's largesse has been considerably more impressive than the governor's campaign contributions reports indicate. Call it the $1 million question. In the final weeks of the 2006 gubernatorial campaign, Perry's gurus got nervous about their position in an unpredictable field. After all, the governor faced not just a Democrat — Houston attorney Chris Bell — but independent candidates Kinky Friedman and Carole Keeton Strayhorn. Friedman gave Perry a huge gift by siphoning votes from Bell. But Perry campaign consultant Dave Carney decided to deliver a knockout punch to the Democrat — and he did, with a TV ad slamming Bell for accepting $1 million in contributions from Houston lawyer John O'Quinn. “Sharks are circling,” it said, playing on the public's contempt of plaintiffs' lawyers. Carney then turned to the Republican Governors Association for an infusion of funds, but the bean counters there protested that they hadn't budgeted any money for the Texas race. In one of life's delicious ironies, a decision on the Perry campaign's plea fell to none other than Mitt Romney, then-governor of Massachusetts and chairman of the RGA. So Carney and Perry aide Deirdre Delisi, now chairwoman of the Texas Transportation Commission, paid him a visit. In documents filed in a lawsuit by Bell, attorneys for the Perry campaign described what happened next: “On Oct. 4, 2006, Deirdre Delisi and Dave Carney met with Mitt Romney, who was then chairman of the RGA. During that meeting, Gov. Romney stated that, on behalf of the RGA, he was about to accept a $1 million contribution from an individual Texan contributor. Gov. Romney did not identify who the individual was, and TRP (Texans for Rick Perry, the governor's campaign committee) had no knowledge prior to that time that any individual was planning to contribute $1 million to the RGA. Following the meeting with Gov. Romney, Ms. Delisi contacted Bob Perry's attorney Buddy Jones to ask whether Mr. Perry had contributed this money to the RGA. Mr. Jones ultimately confirmed that Mr. Perry had indeed made the contribution, and Ms. Delisi asked Mr. Jones to encourage the RGA to make some contributions in Texas since the RGA had raised such significant funds in Texas.” The Perry campaign then received two $500,000 checks from the RGA — on Oct. 27 and Nov. 1. Contacted through a spokesman, Jones said Friday that “Bob Perry never contacted the RGA to ask for his contributions to be ... earmarked. Perry is a longtime donor to many GOP causes, including the RGA, and trusts those candidates and organizations to make their own decisions about allocating resources.” Delisi didn't respond to phone calls last week, and Carney declined comment. More for you Opinion Did Perry contributor earmark contribution? A spokesman for the RGA has said the group has a strict policy in not allowing donors to earmark their contributions for certain candidates. As Craig Holman, a campaign finance expert at the Washington-based Public Citizen told me, earmarking would violate both state and federal laws against laundering money. Did Delisi's phone call to Jones amount to pressure to earmark a contribution? “The Texas Ethics Commission reviewed the issues surrounding the 2006 RGA contribution and did not find any violations,” Mark Miner, a spokesman for Gov. Perry, said in an email. But that's not exactly true, according to a TEC spokesman. The ethics commission reviewed a peripheral issue: the Perry campaign's failure to disclose the RGA's contributors. Since the campaign corrected its filing in a timely manner, the ethics commission waived a fine. It did not investigate further “issues” surrounding the contribution. (The Perry campaign settled the lawsuit with Bell for $427,000, and the RGA is appealing a $2 million judgment against it.) Why launder money when Texas allows contributions of any size? Given the theme of the TV assault against Bell, accepting a direct $1 million contribution from Bob Perry would have seemed a little hypocritical. Democrats are not immune from large donors; Houston trial lawyers Steve and Amber Mostyn gave $8.8 million to candidates and political action committees during the 2010 election cycle. Now, Perry's presidential campaign will benefit from the recent establishment of three Super PACs, new entities that can legally raise as much money as possible, so long as they operate independently from the candidates they support. Does the 2006 incident foreshadow how well the Perry presidential campaign will keep a safe distance? This much we know: One Super PAC has been established by Mike Toomey, a former Perry chief of staff, who owns an island off the coast of New Hampshire. His co-owner? Carney, who still serves as Perry's chief political consultant. [email protected]
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User Photo Albums Containing this Photo (6) + Add to Album DreamTrains Album created by member coco13cos Album Views: 2,200,514 Over 40.000 of RP's most appreciated and beautiful photos. General Purpose Locomotives Album created by member John Westfield Album Views: 20,857 The EMD GP (General Purpose)series are a strong force of road switchers, with thousands produced over several decades. Drone photography Album created by member Jean-Marc Frybourg Album Views: 139,611 Tagging all drone photos: if I mistakenly added a picture here - or if I missed one -, please kindly advise. Thanks! Jean-Marc Above The Rails Album created by member John Russell Album Views: 120,774 Aerial and high vantage point train photography.
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Today is the third time I find an attack to the way Bitcoin uses SHA-256 to perform mining. Two of the attacks belong to a new family of attacks that involve terribly technical details about the inner workings of SHA-256. These are attacks that may impact on Bitcoin probably not before 5 years, and they could even never have a real impact on Bitcoin. I will talk openly about them when I can really tell if they could affect Bitcoin. And if they can, better be prepared. The good news is that many of these attacks (at least the ones I identified) can be prevented by a hard-fork involving changing the block header without breaking compatibility with current mining ASICs. Since changing the block header requires a hard-fork, it’s free to add more nonce bytes, and so help future ASIC manufacturers to reach higher hashing rates. Also the time field could be increased to 8 bytes. The new design requires only 6 more bytes or storage in its compressed format, but mining requires the record to be expanded to fit three 64-byte blocks, instead of two. 05-27-2014: The proposed header was edited based on discussions: Time increased from UINT32 to UINT64 Header is split between a master and a child to prevent breaking the SHA-2 spec. PrefixOfHashOfHeader split in two to leave the least significant bytes of time field as nonce for hardwares that use these bytes. Here it is: 64-Bytesub-block Offset in sub-block Field Purpose Updated when… Size (Bytes) 0 0 Version Block version number You upgrade the software and it specifies a new version 4 0 4 HashChildHeader 256-bit double hash of the child header A new block comes in 32 0 36 ZeroPad left for future use Never 28 1 0 PrefixOfHashOfHeader0 4 byte prefix of hash of the first 64 bytes (including ZeroPad). Corresponds to the last 4 bytes of the old Merkleroot A new block comes in 4 1 4 Nonce2 Corresponds to the least significant bytes of the old time field (it’s stored in little-endian) A hash is tried 2 1 6 PrefixOfHashOfHeader1 .the following 4 bytes of the prefix of the hash of the first 64 bytes. (totaling 10 bytes) Corresponds to the 2 most significant bytes of the old time field and the old difficulty field. A new block comes in 6 1 12 Nonce 32-bit number A hash is tried (increments) 4 The child header is as follows: 64-Bytesub-block Offset in sub-block Field Purpose Updated when… Size (Bytes) 0 0 Version Child Block version number You upgrade the software and it specifies a new version 4 0 4 hashPrevBlock 256-bit hash of the previous block header A new block comes in 32 0 36 hashMerkleRoot0 256-bit hash based on all of the transactions in the block (First 28 bytes) A transaction is accepted 28 1 0 hashMerkleRoot1 256-bit hash based on all of the transactions in the block (Last 4 bytes) A transaction is accepted 4 1 4 Time Current timestamp as seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC Every few seconds 8 1 12 Bits Current target in compact format The difficulty is adjusted 4
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VEGETATION OF BELIZE Flower Allspice Fruits These are the plants of Belize, for information specific to Ambergris Caye, click here. Belize has an interesting and diverse vegetation profile. With over 4,000 flowering plants, some 250 species of orchids, and 700 or so different trees, Belize is an exciting country for anyone interested in the Plant Kingdom. What follows this Introduction is just a mere sampling of our local vegetation. Some of the species described are those which we are familiar with, but may not see too often. Some are plants that we frequently see: Driving on the way to Belmopan from Belize City; walking through The Belize Zoo; plants that we see in rural villages and coastal areas. With this Handbook, it will be possible to learn interesting facts about the vegetation found in Belize, from A to Z. This knowledge will add spirit to any information shared with others about the vegetation found in our country. For instance, it will be degrees more fun to, not just point out an Allspice tree, but with the help of the information found here, be able to tell people that the ancient Maya once embalmed people with Allspice; (those who were held in esteem). Our Belizean vegetation is an exciting aspect of this country's natural history. Have fun learning more about the plants found throughout Belize. And definitely, others will enjoy hearing about our plants. The plants listed on the following pages, most certainly, help to make Belize the special place that it is. A ALLAMANDA, Allamanda cathartica, APOCYNACEAE - There are two forms of this plant. A large, climbing woody vine or a shrub. - It is often cultivated as an ornamental because of it's beauty. Showy, bright yellow flowers and shiny, green leaves. - The milky latex (sap) it produces may cause illness and rash in sensitive people. Large doses may cause vomiting. - Small doses, which may be ingested from chewing on a flower or licking the stem, should not cause illness. - The sap also protects this plant from harmful insects except the "frangipani caterpillar", which can cope with the toxins in the leaves. ALLSPICE, Pimenta dioica, MYRTACEAE - This widely-traded species is found throughout Central America and the Caribbean islands. - The dried fruit of this medium-sized tree makes up this world renown spice. Jamaica is the world's largest exporter of Allspice. - The dried fruit is ground, and used as a flavoring and curing agent in processed meats and bakery products, as well as a culinary condiment. - Oil, distilled from the fruit and leaves, is used (along with the ground fruit), in meat and fruit-based products, as well as colognes. - The ancient Maya used Allspice to embalm those who were held in high esteem. - It also has been used as traditional medicine. Drinking a tea of the boiled leaves can help an upset stomach, and reduce fever by causing perspiration. ANNATO, Bixa orellana, BIXACEAE - This pink flowering shrub is planted for the red/orange dye that comes from it's dried seeds. - The seeds are used in cooking to color food such as rice, margarine, soup, and were used by the Caribs and Central American Indians for body paint and insect repellent. - Ants that feed off the nectar at the flower base and on the main stem help to protect the plant from harmful creatures. - Traditionally, water in which young leaves have been crushed and then strained, was taken for diarrhea and dysentery. - Used in industrialized nations as a food coloring replacement for red dye #2, which was determined to be a carcinogenic. AUSTRALIAN PINE, Casurina sp. CASUARINACEAE - This is not a true pine tree, the "needles" are really miniature, jointed branches. The leaves are tiny, pointed teeth upon each joint. - They are native to the country from which their name is derived. - These-fast-growing trees are often planted as ornamentals. - There are two species which are very different in appearance, the C. glauca species is dark green and dense with masses of long needles, while C. equisetifolia is a more open tree with hairlike needles. - It appears that there are no female trees for the C. glauca species in Belize, as no seed pods are being produced, thus people dig up the suckers to plant these trees. - C. equisetifolia has both male and female flowers on the same tree. - The Australian Pine lacks normal transpiring foliage; therefore it retains moisture ("sap"). B BABOON CAP, Couepia dodecandra, ROSACEAE - This medium-size tree is found occasionally in forests from south Mexico to E1 Salvador. - It is planted in gardens as far south as Costa Rica because of the sweet, yellow fruit it bears (Apr-May), and is a favorite of children. - The fruit contains just one seed. It is large and hairy. BAMBOO, Guadua sp., POACEAE - This pioneer species, a member of the grass family, helps fill gaps that may occur in a forest due to fallen trees. - It is a rapid-growing plant, which needs plenty of sunlight and can often be found growing thickly along riverbanks. One needs a machete to get through it, especially old growth bamboo, which has spines - OUCH! - Animals such as paca, peccary and armadillo hide in these thickets for protection from hunters. - Bamboo is able to withstand the floods of the wet season, and actually helps to support the riverbank (good erosion control). BANANA, Musa acuminata, MUSACEAE - These cultivated trees are often planted on leaf-cutter ant (Atta sp.) nests to provide good aeration and drainage in the rainy season. - It's healthy fruits are low in fats, cholesterol and sodium, but high in potassium and energy. - Since it is easy to digest, it is the only raw fruit allowed for people with peptic ulcers, and is often a first fruit for babies. - Eating only well-ripened bananas for 24 hours can help diarrhea. - Young leaves can be used as a wrap and plaster for burns. BARBA JOLOTE, Pitecolobium arboreum, LEGUMINOSAE - The wood of this tree resembles that of the Mahogany, however, it is heavier and probably superior in strength. - For this reason, as well as its high resistance to fungal and insect attack, it is suitable for cabinets, interior trim, dugout canoes, and posts. - Locally, it has been used for tanning. - The red pods it bears resemble a turkey's wattle. BASKET TIE-TIE, Desmoncus schippii, PALMAE - This is no ordinary palm, it has actually taken the form of a vine which can be found winding its way above the forest trees. - It is one of the largest vines in the tropics. It can reach over 1,000 ft. - Sharp spines not only cover the entire vine, but the leaf tips, too! - The reverse hook spines can be quite aggravating when walking in the forest, as they hook onto you, actually this is the way they are carried throughout the forest by catching a ride on people and/or animals. - The vine (once stripped), can be split into strips for basket weaving. That's why its name is "Basket tie-tie". BAY CEDAR, Guazuma u1mifolia, STERCULIACEAE - This tree, which is often found in secondary growth forests, bears small fragrant flowers that are greenish yellow. - Its fruit is a food source for many forest creatures, as well as for grazing animals. - Its bark has been traditionally used as medicine. One cup of water in which the bark has been boiled, should be taken three times a day for diarrhea and dysentery; a wash for skin sores and rashes can be made by boiling and cooling the bark in a large quantity of water. BILLY WEBB, Acosmium panamensis, FABACEAE - The hard, durable wood of this tree is used in heavy construction, and to make such household items as washing tubs, breadboards and mortar sticks. - The bitter-tasting bark is used as a remedy for coughs and fever. - It is the main ingredient in "Sweet Blood", one of the Rainforest Remedies bottled by Ix Chel farms, which is good for diabetes, dry cough and low appetite. BLACKBERRY, Eugenia sp., MYRTACEAE - The fruit of this shrub is used primarily in making local wine, but it makes tasty pies, too. - The berries are very juicy, so a small amount goes a long way when making wine. - It grows very abundantly, once one bush is planted, there are many! BLACK MANGROVE, Avicennia nitida, VERBENACEAE - One of three species of mangrove found in Belize. It grows along the coast of the mainland and cayes in subtidal or intertidal soils. - It has breathing roots (pneumataphores), which grow beneath the wet groundwater to get oxygen. - It can live in a salty environment, because its sap has a high tolerance for salt, and it actively secretes salt through leaf glands, as well as its roots. BREADFRUIT, Artocarpus communis, MORACEAE - This plant was brought from Tahiti to the Caribbean by Captain Bligh in 1793, and was thought to be directly responsible for the mutiny on the "Bounty" in 1789. The trees required a lot of care, work and water, which left the crew tired and short on water. - It was brought to the Caribbean as a cheap food source for slaves who, ironically, didn't like it. - These trees can grow up to 60 ft. and produce rough-skinned fruit in the dry season. - The fruit can be boiled (ugh), fried or baked (tasty). - It is propagated by root cuttings, since it doesn't produce seeds. BREADNUT, (RAMON), Brosimum alicastrum, MORACEAE - Many animals depend on this tree. Birds eat the fruits, as do monkeys. Horses and livestock eat the leaves. - They often grow near the Sapodilla, and thus were depended upon by the chicleros, for feeding their "chicle pack train" mules. - In addition, people eat the small orange fruits and roast the seeds. - These trees were commonly planted by the ancient Maya near their homes. BRI BRI, Inga edulis, MIMOSACEAE - This medium-sized tree with a spreading crown, is a riverine species. It is found along rivers and waterways. - It is considered semi-deciduous, because it only sheds some leaves during the dry season. - It is pollinated by bats, which lick up the nectar that collects at the base of the flower. - The stamens of the flower are edible, as well as the pulp surrounding the seeds. BULLHOOF, Drypetes brownil, EUPHORBIACEAE - This canopy species can grow up to 120 ft. - It grows on limestone soil and is common in the northwest. - Its timber is used in the construction of local houses. Round poles are used for beams, squared ones are used for rafters. C CABBAGE BARK, Andira inermis, LEGUMINOSAE - This hardwood species bark is similar to that of the Cabbage palm, hence the name, "Cabbage Bark". - One unique feature of this tree is that its bright purple flowers only bloom once every two years. - Locally, the wood is used for logging truck parts, skids, bridges, and house frames. CACAO, Theobroma cacao, STERCULIACEAE - This tree thrives in the shade and is found throughout Central and South America, and the Caribbean. - The Indian cultures of Mexico cultivated these trees for over 2000 years. - The Mayas used the beans for money, and the Aztecs would buy beans from them. - Christopher Columbus took cacao beans back to Spain in the 1500's. - Today, it is still cultivated by the Maya, who make a sweet cocoa drink. They extract the beans from the fruit, dry them in the sun for up to 15 days, roast them, and peel off the outer skin. Underneath is the seed. CALABASH, Cresedentia cujete, BIGNONIACEAE - This tree, common to the savanna, has a high resistance to fire, it is one of the few trees still standing after a bush fire. - It bears large gourd-like fruit (May-Aug). Notice its stemless leaves, so designed for the heavy fruit. - It has night blooming flowers, which attract bats that pollinate them. - The dried fruit shell (once the pulp is removed), can be used as a bowl, cup or container, which was valued by the ancient Maya, who transported liquid by making a small hole in the dried fruit. - As a medicine, the stringy pulp and/or leaves can be boiled with sugar and taken for asthma, bronchitis, coughs, and lung congestion. CARIBBEAN PINE, Pinus caribaea, PINACEAE - It is an indicator species of the savanna and pine ridge areas. - The adult trees are fire resistant, and this species actually benefits from controlled burning. Its competitors are removed. - Since the early 1900's, it has been of economic value, as it was harvested for construction purposes. - The white resin beneath the bark has been used as a glue, water and insect repellent, and to repair dugout canoes (which the Maya did). - The resin also helps protect the tree from insect attack, by quickly sealing any cuts made in the bark. - Chicleros relied upon this highly flammable firewood, while out in the bush, especially when it was raining. - 300,000 cu.ft. are sustainably harvested annually in the Mt. Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, for local use only. CASHEW, Anacardium occidentale, ANACARDIACEAE - This tree bears the world-renowned cashew nut, which comes into season here between April and May. - First, the fruits are harvested, they can be eaten as is, made into jams, or fermented into wine. - To extract the nut, which hangs from the bottom of the fruit, it takes a lot of time and energy. They must be detached, then dried in the sun and roasted in a fiery hot oven. - The outer layer of the seed contains oils that cause severe blistering, dangerous to try and get at the nut without roasting it first! The oils have been used to protect articles from insect attack, and as a waterproofing agent. CEDAR, Cedrela mexicana, MELIACEAE - It has been an important timber source since ancient times (used for dugout canoes), as its wood is durable and resistant to insect attack. - It was exported as far back as the early 1800's, mostly for boatbuilding and cigar boxes. - These trees, which have fragrant scented wood, are widely distributed throughout Belize. - Traditionally, a bark tea was taken for bruises, internal injuries and abdominal pain. - It is still used today for cigar boxes, as well as decorative boxes and plaques. CENTURY PLANT, Agave sp., AMARYLLIDACEAE - This succulent herb, with swordlike leaves, produces a giant stalk (up to 30 ft) after 10-20 years. - The yellow flowers grow atop this stalk, and once they have bloomed and faded, the entire plant dies, but small offshoots drop to the ground and start new plants. - It is often planted as an ornamental in private and public gardens. - Its sap contains irritants which can cause burning, rash and dermatitis. - Although hummingbirds and insects visit during the day, the Century Plant is designed for bats. The flowers open at night and release an acid to attract bats, and its pollen contains twice as much protein as insect pollinated plants. COCKSPUR, Acacia cornigera, LEGUMINOSAE - Sometimes called the Bullhorn acacia, it has a symbiotic relationship with a species of ant (genus Pseudomyrmex) that lives in its thorns. - The ants protect the tree from plants, which may grow near its trunk or leaves high in the canopy, and they emerge from the thorns to attack other insects, humans and animals that come in contact with the tree. - It has been used as traditional medicine for relief of mucous congestion for infants. Babies are given water containing the ants (once they've been squeezed and strained). - Snake doctors use the bark and root to slow down snake venom from entering the bloodstream; acne and other skin conditions can be bathed with water in which the thorns have been boiled. COCONUT PALM, Cocos nucifera, PALMAE - This palm is easily identifiable by the fruit it bears, which is a healthy food source. - The young coconut flesh is easy to digest, and is a good food for babies and anyone suffering from indigestion, ulcers, diarrhea or hepatitis. - The flesh can also be used as a face cleanser. - The water of the coconut is a good source of potassium and other essential minerals, which should be consumed by those with heart, liver, and kidney ailments. Click here for more on coconuts.... COHUNE PALM, Orbigyna cohune, PALMAE - This palm is abundant and notable throughout Belize. - Like the Bayleaf palm, the Cohune has been spared when land is cleared, because of its many uses. - As a food source, the hearts of palm, which tastes like cabbage, can be eaten and so can the nuts. - The tedious task of processing the cohune nut oil is not commonly practiced today, as it once was. - Charcoal was also made from the nuts, especially by the British during World War I. - The fronds were used for thatched roofs in houses, and may still be used for kitchen and shed roofs. - Its durable and fire resistant wood is hard to cut down, so are the leaves, which are a good source of shade. Colpothrinax cookii, PALMAE - This slender palm does not have a common name. - It grows on high ridges, and is found on Victoria Peak and Doyle's Delight (two of the highest points in Belize). - It was once found in Alta Vera Paz, Guatemala, but habitat destruction has caused it to disappear. - As you drive along the Hummingbird Highway, you can see this palm by looking up at the ridge tops of Mt. Margaret, near Five Blues Lake National Park. COPAL, Protium copal, BURSERACEAE - This was a sacred tree of the ancient Maya who used the resin as a ceremonial incense, as well as to ward off evil spirits and the evil eye (it is believed that people can harm others by their envious glances). - The chicleros depended on the resin to treat cavities. They would stuff it into the cavity and several days later, the tooth broke and was removed. They were their own dentist! - As a traditional medicine, a powder made from the bark is applied to wounds, sores and infections. - The bark is also used in a tea (taken before each meal), to treat intestinal parasites. COPNA, Erythrina fusca, FABACEAE - It is found throughout the Community Baboon Sanctuary and the lower Belize valley. - It flowers in the dry season (March/Apr), and is easily noticed because of its large orange and pink flowers. - Despite the spines on the trunk and branches, the flowers are sought after by the howler monkeys. - The howlers compete with other animals and birds such as the oriole, which pluck off the flowers to get the nectar found at its base. - The orchard oriole, an overwintering species, is a chief pollinator of the Copna. COTTON TREE, Ceiba pentandra, BOMBACEAE - The Maya regarded this tree as sacred. They viewed it growing through the center of the Universe. Its roots in the underworld, its trunk in the Upperworld and its branches in Heaven, where the main God sat. - The seed pods contain kapok; a light resilient, water repellent fiber. - Its buoyancy is about five times greater than a cork, and its lightness is eight times that of cotton. - Kapok has been used to stuff mattresses, pillows, upholstery and life jackets. During World War 11, it was used for jackets and vests. Good protection in cold weather. - Kapok is also one of the best sound absorbers, per unit of weight. It has been used in the insulation of airplanes, hospitals and studios. CRABOO, Byrsonima crassifolia, MALPIGHIACEAE - It is another indicator species of the savanna and pine ridge areas. - It flowers in the late dry season, and bears fruit, yellow berries, that can be pickled or fermented to make wine. - The tapir eats the bark. - The bark is used for tanning, while the fruit rind is used to dye cotton for ink. - The ripe fruits are an important food for birds, such as the yellow headed parrot, white-fronted parrot, and the tropical mockingbird. CULANTRO, Eryngium foetidum, APIACEAE - There are two varieties of this herb, one is commonly found in backyards, fields, and along roadsides. The other is cultivated. - It is added to soups, stews, and salads for a fresh herb taste. - For indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting, prepare a tea (steep leaves for 15 minutes), and drink a small cup throughout the day. D DOGWOOD, Piscidia piscipula, LEGUMINOSAE - It is a true deciduous tree. Losing its leaves in the dry season, just as its pink flowers blossom. - This is a food tree of the howler monkey. - The bark and foliage have narcotic properties and have been used for poisoning fish. - The ancient Maya may have used the bark for an intoxicating drink. - Its durable wood has been used in construction. DUMBCANE, Dieffenbachia seguina, ARACEAE - This herb is often found in river valleys and on steep slopes. - It differs from its relative the philodendron, as it is strictly a terrestrial plant. - All parts of this plant contain an irritating juice, which is toxic to humans and animals. - People have suffered inflammation of the hands, forearms, and lips when cutting this plant. - Some investigators claim that it contains an active enzyme that can cause suffocation through swelling of the throat and larynx. DWARF MISTLETOE, Arceuthobium globusum, LORANTHACEAE - This vine grows on pine trees in Belize. - Although its small red flowers add a decorative affect to the pine trees, it is a menace to them. - It weakens young trees, which causes them to be more susceptible to other dangers, such as disease and pests. F FIG TREE, Ficus sp., MORACEAE - Several species are found in Belize, growing wild or cultivated. - The fig tree seen along rivers is the AMATE (which means BIG), and its trunk can be a meter in diameter or more. - The Amate is a food tree for many birds, animals and primates. It fruits three or four times each year. - The white sap of the Amate has been used traditionally to help skin fungus, boils, and ringworm. It has been used to extract teeth, too. The latex is applied to cotton and stuffed in the tooth. About one hour later, the tooth will break. - Fig trees and wasps have developed a strong interdependent relationship, one of the most unique systems of pollination in the Plant Kingdom. - Each species of fig tree is pollinated by a particular species of wasp. The tree donates 50% of its fruit for nurseries for the wasp larvae. - Inside the unripe fig fruit, there are three flowers. One is the gall flower where the eggs hatch. Here is where the female emerges, once she is impregnated, and collects pollen from the male flower, which she then carries to another fig tree of the same species. As she lays her eggs, she pollinates the female flower of that ripening fig. FLAMBOYANT, Delonix regia, LEGUMINOSAE - It originated from Madagascar, but due to deforestation there, is almost extinct in the wild. - Its broad crown makes it a good shade tree and easy to identify, especially in May-June, when the brilliant crimson flowers are in bloom. There is also a yellow variety. - The Flamboyant is often planted as an ornamental because of its beauty. - Its large brown seed pods, up to two feet long, and its leaf structure, one leaf contains about 500 leaflets, also make it an impressive tree. - Hummingbirds are attracted to the flowers and act as pollinators. FRANGIPANI, Plumeria sp., APOCYNACEAE - There are many species and varieties of Frangipani, the more common ones being white, yellow, and shades or red. - This small tree, up to 15 ft. tall, sheds its leaves during the dry season, but tends to flower continuously. - Its sweet fragrance, especially in the evenings, has made it a popular garden tree. - The white sap in its branches and leaves is poisonous, but protects the tree from harmful insects. - There is one species of caterpillar which is able to withstand the toxins, and actually becomes toxic itself, which protects it from predators. - Once the caterpillar has devoured lots of leaves, it changes into a pupae, and eventually becomes a silver-gray hawk moth. G GINGER, ZINGIBERACEAE - There are various species found in Belize: Bitter ginger, Ginger root, Red ginger, and Spiral ginger. - Ginger plants are distinguished by their leaves, which are long and elliptical, pinnately veined, with barely a leaf stalk, giving them a feather-like appearance. - These plants are parallel to the orchids - they have highly evolved and specialized flowers. - The bright recognizable flowers of the Red ginger are actually the bracts (modified leaves), which attract insects and conceal the real, small white flowers. - The Red ginger's root looks and smells like the herb "ginger". - The spiral ginger (Costus), grows up to nine ft, in a curved fashion, and that's how it got its name - Like the Red ginger, its red "flowers" are the bracts. Inside the bracts are the white flowers. GIVE AND TAKE, Chrysophila argentea, PALMAE - This palm can be both harmful and helpful. The needle-like spines can give a painful cut. But the pink, sticky inner part of the leaf can help ease the pain, bleeding and infection. - It was known as one of the "soldier's herbs", which the British and Belizean soldiers learned to identify during their jungle warfare training. - Brooms are made from the fronds, and once the tree trunk is stripped, it can make a good wall for huts. - The leaves contain "heart of palm", not too tasty, but can be eaten. GUANACASTE (Tubroos) , Enterolobium cyclocarpum, LEGUMINOSAE - One of the giants in Belize, this fast growing tree can grow over 130 ft. - Its timber is light and durable, making it desirable for dugout canoes. They can last over ten years. - It has unusual-looking seed pods. They curl around in almost a complete circle and look like an ear. One of the local names for this tree is "Monkey's ear". - Seeds are dispersed by monkeys, agoutis, and other forest animals that eat the fallen pods, flowers and leaves. - The seeds are also being used in a cottage industry by local villagers, who make jewelry from them. GUAVA, Psidium guajava, MYRTACEAE - This tree is cultivated in Central America for its pear-shaped fruit. - The edible pulp has numerous small seeds. Guava is high in vitamin A and C, more so than citrus fruits. - The fruit can be eaten raw, used in jams, juices and a popular dessert is made by preparing a thick jelly paste, which is cut into squares before serving. - All parts of this tree have been used for a variety of ailments in traditional medicine. Gargling with a leaf infusion helps mouth sores and bleeding gums. GUMBOLIMBO, Bursera simaruba, BURSERACEAE - Gumbolimbo is often found growing near the poisonwood tree, and its bark is a cure for the affects of poisonwood sap. - If unlucky enough to contact the poisonwood sap, peel off a piece of gumbolimbo bark and apply it to the affected area. Then bathe the area three times a day with water in which the bark has been boiled. - For internal infections, skin sores, colds and fevers, prepare a tea of boiled bark. - Its sap protects it from harmful insects, and has been used for cement, glue, and as a varnish to repel insects. H HOG PLUM, Spondias sp., ANACARDIACEAE - This small tree produces yellowish plum-like fruit, though not too tasty to humans, it is enjoyed by animals, such as the howler monkey. - Hog Plum is planted for live fence posts. - The leaves, bark and flowers have been used in traditional medicines. - Make a wash of boiled bark and leaves to relieve sores, rashes and painful insect bites. HORSEBALLS, Stemmadenia donnell-smithii, APOCYNACEAE - A medium-size tree which is found throughout Central America, from southern Mexico to as far south as Panama. - Its tubular yellow flowers produce a pair of large, oval fruit, which have a woody husk covering. - If damaged, all parts of the tree will produce a sticky latex. This could be a way that the fruit protects its seeds, so that they will ripen, be eaten, and then dispersed. - Birds are the main seed dispersers. They feed on the fruit when it ripens and naturally opens. - But! The birds must be long-billed or small enough to be able to feed on the inside, or large enough to perch on the fruit and feed from the outside. HOT LIPS, Cephalis sp., RUBIACEAE - It is found in broken ridge, pine ridge, and mountain pine ridge. It is easy to find at The Belize Zoo. - This herb produces bright red flowers during the rainy season, which are actually the "sepals" of the plant, and out of its yellow center grow tiny yellow flowers. - When you see this flower, you will know right away why it is called "Hot Lips". - This plant produces a small, blue berry-like fruit. J - JACARANDA, Jacaranda sp., BIGNONIACEAE - This tropical tree, which comes from Brazil, grows up to 30 or 40 ft. - It has fern-like leaves similar to those of the Flamboyant. - When in bloom, the large clusters of lavender' blue flowers make it one of the most beautiful trees around. - It is a popular ornamental tree to have in gardens. JACKASS BITTERS, Neurolaena lobata, ASTERACEAE - This herb bears yellow flowers and has bitter-tasting leaves. - It is a well-respected plant that has been used widely in traditional medicine. The tea can help get rid of intestinal parasites; or be used to bathe wounds or infections. Some people use it as a hair wash to get rid of lice. - Boiled and strained leaves can be used as an insecticide for house and garden plants. - To cleanse the blood, a tea of boiled roots is drunk. JIPPI JOPPA, Sabal mexicana, PALMAE - This palm is only found in the Toledo District. It is easily seen at Lubantuum ruins. - The Maya Indian women spend many hours carefully weaving baskets by hand from the leaves, which they gather in the rainforest. - To make the baskets, first they boil the leaves until just the strawy spine is left. These spines are then washed, then put to dry and bleach in the sun. - The baskets can be found in gift shops and in Maya villages of Toledo. - The shoots of Jippi Joppa are a delicacy to eat. L LIVE OAK, Quercus oleoides, FAGACEAE - This is one of several species of oak found in Belize, and is common to the savanna. - Since it is slow-burning, it is popular for firewood. - Its wood has been made into charcoal. LOBSTERCLAWS, Heliconia rostrata, MUSCACEAE - Several heliconias are found in Belize. Note the paddle-shaped leaves - similar to those of the Banana. They belong to the same plant family. - The heavy, bright red with yellow "flowers" are actually the bracts (modified leaves), of the plant. Inside are found the small purple flowers. - The bracts attract birds, especially hummingbirds. They act as both pollinators and seed dispersers. - A yellow mite lives in the flowers and uses the hummingbird as transportation to get from flower to flower. - Spiders find the "flowers" a convenient place to await prey. LOGWOOD, Haematoxylon campechianum, LEGUMINOSAE - The first of the three economic giants in Belize was the Logwood tree. The other two: Mahogany and Sapodilla. - As early as the mid 1500's, it was being logged by the Spanish. - Then the British buccaneers learned of its value (after raiding Spanish ships), set up logging camps, and exported the logs to England. - By mashing and boiling the heartwood, dye, from yellow to black, can be produced. - The dye was popular in the European clothing industry, and was also used for inks. - By the 1700's, as synthetic dyes were developed, the Logwood became less important and prices dropped. It was then that the Mahogany tree took its place. - However, today, with the rising interest in natural dyes, the Logwood may re-enter the economic market. M MADRE DE CACAO, G1iricidia sepium, FABACEAE - It was planted to shade the cacao trees on plantations, thus the name "Madre" or "mother". - The Cacao trees thrived, not only from the provided shade, but because this tree contained a nitrogen-fixing bacteria in its roots, which replenished the soils. - It has also been planted as live fence posts, but only the male species. - The flowers are enjoyed by chachalacas, and are eaten by people as a vegetable. They are often cooked with eggs. - One traditional use has been to boil the bark, and then use this water to soothe tired, irritated eyes. - The mashed leaves have been used as a poultice for wounds, boils and diaper rash. MAHOGANY, Swietenia macrophylla, MELIACEAE - This is the National tree of Belize. - It was an economic giant in Belize for over 200 years. - At first, during the Logwood boom, it was only used for repairing ships, as its wood is strong and durable, yet workable. - Then it was recognized for its color and lustre, and was sought after by furniture makers, especially in the European market. - The ancient Maya used Mahogany, too. Not for its timber, but as a shade tree for their crops - mainly, corn. - There is an irritating oil in its twigs and leaves. When in bloom, individuals who are highly sensitive, may feel nauseous, experience headaches, and a burning rash; particularly on the face. - Scratches from branches may blister and become inflamed. - The oil from this tree has been used as a parasiticide for certain skin conditions, and as a stimulant when taken internally. MAIDENHAIR FERN, Adiantum tenerum, POLYPODIACEAE - This lovely, delicate fern has pinnate leaves, containing numerous fan-shaped leaflets. - It is believed that the ancient Maya used it to decorate ceremonial altars. - A tea of its stems and leaves has been used traditionally for coughs, lung and throat congestion, and to help detoxify alcoholics. - To get rid of dandruff, apply softened leaves to the scalp. MAMMEE APPLE, Calocarpum mammosum, SAPOTACEAE - This urge canopy species can reach 120 ft. or more. - It is important for its sweet fruit, favored in Central America, and it has not been used much as a timber tree. But its wood is very workable and has a high resistance to insect and fungal attack. - Aside from humans, primates and rodents enjoy the fruit. They help disperse the seeds. - This tree contains a milky latex, which the chicleros used to mix with the latex of the Sapodilla to make chicle gum. MANGO, Mangifera indica, ANACARDIACEAE - This fruit has been described as one of the most delicious in the world. It is highly prized throughout the tropics, especially in India, where it has been cultivated for over 4000 years. - The trees thrive in areas that have a long dry season. Their pollinators are insects and insects prefer dry weather. - The dense foliage of the Mango make it a good shade tree. - Aside from eating this fruit, various products are made from both the ripe and unripe fruit: Jams, preserves and juices. - The sap and skin of the unripe fruit contains irritants that can cause rashes, blisters, and dermatitis in people who are sensitive to it. - Boats and dugouts are constructed from its timber. MAPOLA, Luebea seemanii, TILIACEAE - This tree grows up to 100 ft, and is commonly found in riverine forests. - Although it is a large tree, it has very lightweight wood that is good for making boxes. - Small, cream-colored, fragrant flowers bloom early in the dry season, and like many other deciduous trees, it loses its leaves during this time. - It is a food plant for the howler monkey. MAYFLOWER, Tabebuia pentaphylla, BIGNONIACEAE - It is found from Central America to northern South America and in the West Indies. - This canopy species grows up to 90 ft, and has a strong, durable wood much like English oak. - The wood has been valued for interior work and furniture throughout its range. - It was also used for cattle and oxen yokes.. - The Mayflower is another tree that is easy to distinguish when in blossom. At that time, March-May,, it is leafless, and just a mass of pink flowers, which can vary from pale to deep pink. MELALEUCA, Melaleuca sp., MYRTACEAE - This tree is called Cajeput or Paperbark tree in other countries, but has no common name in Belize. - Growing up to 100 ft, it is from southeast Asia and Australia. Its pollen has been found to cause respiratory problems. - The acorns it bears are a food source for many animals. Squirrels, agoutis and peccary are fond of acorns. - Once roasted, the seeds can be eaten by humans. MEXICAN FLAMEBUSH, Calliandra tweedii, LEGUMINOSAE - This large bush is commonly found in the savanna. It is abundant around The Belize Zoo. - Brown seed pods form, during the dry season, and at times, one can hear a popping noise when these pods explode and disperse the seeds. - During the afternoons, the flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds. At night, they are pollinated by bats. N NARGUSTA, Terminalia amazonia, COMBRETACEAE - It is commonly found in broadleaf forests throughout Central America, and has been exploited by commercial logging. - Nargusta may be medium or large, depending upon its habitat. - The bark constantly peels off, like the Gumbolimbo, and is thought to be a strategy to prevent damage from heavy epiphytes affixing themselves to it. - The wood is hard and durable. Once finished, it has an attractive appearance. It has been exported for veneers and furniture. - Locally, the timber of Nargusta has been used for bridges, railway ties and paneling. NEGRITO, Simaruba glauca, SIMARUBACEAE - A medium-size tree with many long, crooked branches, it has white flowers that grow in panicles. Negrito is common in broadleaf forests. - It bears a black fruit in the dry season, March and April, that looks and tastes like an olive. The seed within contains an oil that can be used in cooking. - The bitterness of its bark protects it from insect attack. - The bark, as well as the roots, contain a powerful astringent, used in traditional medicine for diarrhea, dysentery and internal bleeding. - The wood has been used for house frames, broomsticks, matchsticks and boxes. O OLEANDER, Nerium oleander, APOCYNACEAE - This is a very popular flowering shrub in the sub-tropics and tropics. It commonly has flowers in the pink to purple range, but can also be found in white and yellow. - Oleander was known to the ancient Romans. It is commonly cultivated in parks and gardens, despite the fact that all parts of it are deadly toxic. - It contains two toxins that cause vomiting, dizziness, stomach cramps, convulsions, and may cause death. - Chewing on any part of this plant can lead to a very bad day. - Even the smoke from burning Oleander is highly toxic. ORCHIDS, ORCHIDACEAE - There are over 20,000 varieties of orchids throughout the world, their flowers are highly-prized in many countries. - Over 200 species are found in Belize. - Their highly-specialized flowers bloom just once a year. Some may last only several minutes, while others last for several months. - Over half the species of orchids are epiphytes. - Some have a unique method of pollination. The lip of the flower, the most obvious part, mimics the female insect of a particular species, attracting the male of that species, which is then directed to the anther where the pollen is. Once pollinated, a toxic substance is produced, and the flower dies, yet a seed pod forms after many months, and the seeds are dispersed by wind and water. P PALMETTO, Pimenta Palm, Acoelorrhaphe wrightii, PALMAE - The Palmetto is an indicator species of the pine ridge and savanna. It can survive in dry, nutrient-poor conditions. - During a fire, it can be both helpful and harmful. It catches fire quickly and explodes, shooting flames into the air and spreading the fire, yet on the other hand, its fronds can be used to put out fires. - Its wood has a good resistance to rotting,and has been used as fence posts. PAPAYA, Carica papaya, CARICACEAE - This small, quick-growing tree is cultivated for its sweet, juicy fruit which is higher in Vitamin C than most other fruits. As it ripens, the Vitamin C content increases. - It rarely branches. The crown is a mass of large, lobed leaves. - The leaves and fruit contain the enzyme papain, which is extracted and used commercially to tenderize meat, as well as in chewing gum, cosmetics, the tanning industry, and to clarify beer. - In traditional medicine, crushed fruit and seeds are applied to wounds and infections. Eating the ripe fruit is good for constipation, indigestion, and high blood pressure. PAPERFLOWER, Bougainvillea sp., NYCTAGINACEAE - This is a tough, colorful vine from Brazil, and is often seen climbing up trees, houses or fences. - It was introduced by French explorer "deBougainville", hence, its name. - It is described as tough because it can withstand drought, poor soil and heavy pruning. It is sometimes trimmed to be a hedge. - This continuously flowering plant comes in a variety of colors from white and apricot to dark pink and purple. But these colorful parts are not flower petals. They are the bracts, which are long lasting modified leaves, concealing the small flowers. PERIWINKLE, Cathatanthus roseus, APOCYNACEAE - This flower, which originated from Madagascar, can be found in the wild, bordering beaches, or in barren areas. Periwinkle likes sandy soils. - It continuously flowers - pink, purple or white. - As traditional medicine, the flowers have been used in a drink to help relieve sore throats and coughs. A tea of the leafy stems is taken for diabetes and high blood pressure. - Periwinkle contains two alkaloids which are used to treat a rare form of childhood Leukemia. - Incredible! It takes 1,1000 lbs of whole plants to make one gram of the important Leukemia treatment. PHILODENDRON, Philodendron sp., ARACEAE - There are several species of Philodendron found in Belize. - Philodendron means "tree loving", and it is easy to see why this plant is called this, as it is often found climbing its way up the trunk of trees. - Most are aroids. Aroids start as a seed in the ground. A runner goes to a nearby tree and climbs up. A vine may eventually go back down to the ground and anchor it. - While they are often cultivated as house plants, watch out! If stems and leaves are playfully chewed on by children, the irritants within the plant cells can cause burning, swelling and blistering. - The roots of Philodendron have long been used as cords for tying beams, for basketry and in emergencies - temporary shoelaces. PINK CASSIA, Cassia javanica, LEGUMINGSAE - It originated in Java, but is found throughout the tropics. - Pink Cassia is a small tree, growing up to 30 ft, with a widespread crown. It makes a good shade tree. - The flowers, growing in clusters, vary in color from pale pink to a darker rose pink, giving it a variegated effect. - The flowering occurs in the late dry season, April-May, followed by the appearance of long, brown fruit pods. PISS A BED, Senna alata, CAESALPINIACEAE - This is a flowering shrub, producing racemes of yellow flowers and can be found in yards and disturbed forests. - Great name! Derived from its use as a traditional remedy to help urinary tract conditions. Throughout the day, one should sip on three cups of tea made from boiling and steeping the flowers. - Drinking a leaf tea can help kidney ailments and liver congestion. - Fresh juice from the leaves should be applied to skin diseases such as scabies and ringworm. In Guatemala, its common name is "Ringworm shrub". POISONWOOD, Metopium browneii, ANACARDIACEAE - This is the Black Poisonwood. There are also three species of White Poisonwood in Belize. - The sap is extremely toxic, and can be seen oozing out of the bark of the tree when it is cut or damaged. - While the sap is "poisonous", the leaves are harmful, too. If one is unfortunate enough to be sensitive to these toxins and too close a stand is taken to this chancey tree, then blisters, swelling and rash can develop. - It bears red berries, which are a food source for many birds. - Its timber makes beautiful furniture, as it has good lustre and durability, but one must know how to take off the.bark and drain the sap. - The Gumbolimbo is an antidote for Poisonwood "wounds". POKENOBOY, Bactris major, PALMAE - This palm was once called "Pork and Dough boy" because tongs for cooking or removing coals were made from the fire-resistant wood of its trunk. - Working with this tree required skill. The entire tree trunk, stem and leaves are covered with sharp spines. - It is regarded as a pest, because it forms dense thickets that are impenetrable without a great deal of machete swinging. - Underneath the hard shell of the palm is an edible pulp that tastes similar to black cherry when ripe. PRICKLY YELLOW, Zanthoxylum sp., RUTACEAE - There may be as many as eight species of Zanthoxylum in Belize. "ZANTHOXYLUM" means,"yellow wood" in Latin. - They are all canopy species, growing up to 100 ft. and have yellow wood and roots. Large prickles cover the tree trunk. - Like many deciduous trees, they lose their leaves during the dry season to conserve water, which is necessary for the flowers. - They are food trees for primates and birds. Prickly Yellow has been used for cabinet making and general carpentry. Note: There are other species of Prickly Yellow commonly called: Bastard Prickly Yellow, White Tamarind, and Wild Tamarind. PROVISION TREE, Pachira aquatica, BOMBACEAE - It produces large, colorful flowers and fruits. The fruits can weigh up to six lbs, and be a foot in diameter. - The seeds are water dispersed. Once the fruit is ripe, the seeds drop in the water, germinate almost immediately, and float until they come aground and their roots take hold. - The seeds can be roasted and eaten. - Provision Tree bark has been highly regarded as a blood tonic. Traditionally, a tea of its bark is used to help anemia, low blood pressure, fatigue and generally to build strength. Q QUAMWOOD, Schizolobium parahybum, LEGUMINOSAE - This fast-growing tree can grow as tall as 130 ft. - The name is derived from the local name of the Crested Guan (Quam), a large forest bird in the chicken family which feeds on the seed pods. - In the dry season, bright yellow flowers bloom once the leaves have fallen. - Its wood has been used for box and crate-making, as well as for paper pulp. QUEEN OF FLOWERS, Lagerstremia speciosa, LYTHRACEAE - This tree is native to India and is cultivated throughout the tropics for its brilliant flowers and quality wood. - It grows best in warm, moist, swampy areas, not dense forest interiors, and can reach heights from 15-50 ft. - The flowers, which grow in panicles about a foot and a half long, may be mauve or pink. - A unique characteristic of the flowers is that they change color during the day, deepening as the day passes on. - Its wood is highly-prized in eastern Asia. Used for boats, dugout canoes and wharfs, it is strong, tolerant of salt air and water and holds its shape well. - Beautiful examples of Queen of Flowers: Bullfrog Inn. Central Farm. Market Square/Belmopan. Usually in full flower during the late dry season, April-May. R RED MANGROVE, Rhizophora mangle, RHIZOPHORACEAE - This mangrove species is more salt-tolerant than other mangrove species. - The arched prop roots growing from the stems, as well as the drop roots descending from the branches high above, support the tree. - The roots not only provide support, but also assist in aeration. - Many marine inhabitants, sponges, coral, algae and mangrove oysters, live on its roots. - It deals with salt by excluding it from being taken up in its roots. - The salt that is taken up, is stored in the leaves. When full of salt, the leaves are shed. An acre of Red Mangrove can produce a ton of leaves in about a month! - Scientists have found that the discarded leaves are the basis of a complex food web. Microorganisms increase the amount of protein in the leaves, which make them a valuable food source for shrimp, crab and fish. - Some cultures have used the leaves of the Red Mangrove to make a refreshing tea; they are full of tannins. ROSEWOOD, Dalbergia stevensonii, LEGUMINOSAE - Although it never attained the export capacity like Mahogany and Logwood, its timber is well-known in Belize. - The wood is hard and heavy. The pink to purple heartwood is very durable. - Since the 1800's, it was exported to supply the manufacturing of bars for marimbas and xylophones in the U.S.A. - Locally, and in other parts of Central America, Rosewood is known as a cabinet wood, and it has been used for house posts. ROYAL PALM, Roystonea oleracea, PALMAE - This fast-growing tree is the tallest palm in Belize, growing up to 100 ft. - The Royal Palm is usually planted as an ornamental. - It often lines boulevards and walkways of large estates in the Caribbean Islands. - The orange fruits are a food source for birds. - Its leaves and trunk are used as construction materials. S SANDPAPER TREE, YaHa, Curatella americana, DILLENIACEAE - The Sandpaper Tree is common to the savanna areas in Belize. The leaves are rough like sandpaper, and have been used for this purpose. - The seeds can be roasted and eaten, and have been used to flavor chocolate. - Charcoal has been made from the wood of this tree. SANTA MARIA, Calophyllum antillanum, GUTTIFERAE - A hardwood tree, Santa Maria is common in mixed forests in Belize. It is also found in the West Indies, Mexico, and as far south as Brazil. - Another one of Belize's canopy species, it can reach 130 ft. in the high forest. The leaves are distinct and attractive. The Latin name, "Calophyll" means "beautiful leaves". - Its wood is often mistaken for Mahogany because of its color. But Santa Maria is stronger, heavier and more durable than Mahogany. - It was used in shipbuilding, and there are records indicating it was used in the royal dockyards of British Honduras. However, due to its tendency to warp, it was not able to compete with other timbers. - The timber has been used in the construction of logging trucks and bridges for Mahogany and Logwood operations, as well as for ship masts, furniture, and flooring. SANTIAGO, Pothomorphe peltata, PIPERACEAE - This is a large herb quick to recognize by its large, aromatic heart-shaped leaves. - The leaves are used to relieve various body aches and pains. - Traditionally, a herbal bath of leaves is taken for rheumatism and arthritis. For stomach aches, headaches, and muscle spasms, a leaf can be heated and applied to the troubled area. - Found growing in disturbed areas. Tear off a bit of leaf and smell it - very nice, like sassafrass. SAPODILLA, Manilkara zapota, SAPOTACEAE - Has an important historical role in the economic development of Belize. - This tree contains a milky latex from which "chicle" is derived; the gummy substance in chewing gum, i.e. "Chiclets". - The chicle industry boomed during the 1920's and 30's. It was exported up until 1960, until synthetic gums stilled the market. Today, there is a growing interest in the natural materials, Japan importing tons of chicle a year from Central America. - Usually, trees that were 30 years and older were tapped, making V-shaped cuts in the bark. Those scars are still visible today. Then the latex was collected. The tree then must be given time to recuperate before being cut again. - The fruit of the Sapodilla was a staple for the Maya and Aztecs and is still a popular fruit today, both for people and for animals. (Tapir, paca, agouti, monkeys) - Its timber has a high resistance to insect and fungal attack, and is very durable. This makes it desirable for general construction of buildings, bridges and fence posts. SEA ALMOND, Terminalia catappa, COMBRETACEAE - The Sea Almond tree is tolerant of sea spray and sand. It was introduced from India. - It is found along the sea and is cultivated in public parks and private gardens. - Easy to recognize by its horizontally growing layers of branches and large, dark green leaves. When the leaves mature, they turn bright red, then fall off. - The fruits of this fast-growing tree may look like the familiar almond nut, but there is no relation. - The fruits are edible, but lots of energy is required to extract them. - The wood contains tannins which can be used in tanning leather. SEA GRAPE, Coccoloba uvifera, POLYGONACEAE - The Sea Grape is native to the Caribbean region. Some historians believe it was the first plant that Columbus saw when he arrived in the 15th century. - It takes on two different forms, depending on the habitat. On open seashores, it is a sprawling shrub. In more protected, dense vegetation, it is a tree which grows up to 35 ft. - The grape-like fruits which grow on the female plant are tart but edible. It is made into preserves, syrup and wine. - Its strong, heavy wood has only been used as fuel. SEA PURSLANE, Sesuvium portulacastrum, AIZOACEAE - Sea Purslane is typically found along sea coasts, sometimes in muddy soils, mostly on sandy beaches. - It is an herb very rich in Vitamin C. The stems and leaves are fleshy. They can be eaten raw, but are best cooked. When cooked, the plant cells burst, releasing the salt. They taste somewhat like asparagus. - In east Asia, it has been cultivated as a vegetable, and can be found in the local markets. SENSITIVPLANT, Mimosa pudica, MIMOSACEAE - This small ground herb originated from South America. It is one of 400 Mimosa species. - It closes up and droops down when touched, which indicates one of its properties - to induce sleep. - Traditionally, leaves have been placed under one's pillow for treatment of insomnia. A tea made from its leaves and branches is used as a relaxant, pain reliever, and to induce sleep. - The leaves can also be applied, once mashed, to aching teeth. SCHIPPEA PALM, Silver Palmetto, Schippia concolor, PALMAE - This is an indicator species of the savanna. It was named to honor William A. Schipp, whose botanical collections enhanced the knowledge of the flora of Belize. - The branches are thornless and round - easy to tell the difference between this palm and the Palmetto, which has thorns. - It has white, feathery flowers which bloom between June and August, and are insect pollinated. The fruits are small and green. - Schippea Palm likes nutrient-poor soils; it is easy to see throughout The Belize Zoo. SNAKEPLANT, Sansevieria trifasciata, AGAVACEAE - The color pattern on this stemless plant resembles that of a snake. - Its name also indicates one of its uses in traditional medicine: For snakebite! Chew on fresh leaves. - Rashes and skin sores can be helped by bathing them with water in which the leaves have been boiled. - Some people place leaf juice in water for chickens, which helps prevent diseases. SOUR ORANGE, citrus qurantium, RUTACEAE - Most parts of this plant are used in traditional medicines. - A leaf tea can help flu, fever, vomiting and indigestion. - Water, in which the rind has been steeped and strained, can be taken to help relieve cold symptoms. - As a food source, the fruit is used in marmalades, liqueurs, and as a flavoring. - Oil from the leaves, flowers and fruit is used in perfumes. SOURSOP, Annona muricata, ANNONACEAE - This is a tree closely related to the custard apple. Soursop bears a sweet, fleshy fruit containing numerous black seeds. The fruit is delicious, the seeds should not be eaten. They contain cyanide. (So do apple seeds) - Fruit production is found to increase remarkably, if the blossoms are hand-pollinated. - As a medicine, a tea from the leaves relieves rashes. ST. JOHN'S WORT, Hypericum sp., HYPERICACEAE - There are several species of this flowering shrub found throughout the world in warm temperate to tropical climates. - Our Belizean St. John's Wort is common in the savanna areas. And easy to find at The Belize Zoo. - It can grow on dry, disturbed soil, and benefits from fire ecology, growing quickly and robust after savanna fires. - Scientific research has found that certain species of St. John's Wort were an effective antidepressant in the treatment of mild and moderate depression. STINKING TOE, Cassia grandis, CAESALPINIACEAE - Stinking Toe is a large tree, with a widespread crown, and is very common in Belize. It flowers during the dry season, April May. - It has pink or white flowers which grow in racemes. The large podlike fruit get up to three ft. in length. The smell of these podlike fruits gives the Stinking Toe tree its name. - The branches, fruit and leaves have been used in traditional medicine. - The juice of its seed pods is used as a tonic drink for fatigue. This juice is also applied to the skin to get rid of ringworm and fungus. - A leaf tea is used as a blood tonic, and is believed to be good for diabetes. STRANGLER FIG, Ficus sp., MORACEAE - There are several species of Strangler Fig found in Belize. - Strangler Figs start off as epiphytes. The seeds are deposited by bats, birds, or monkeys in the canopy of a host tree. - Long roots are sent down, some of which develop their own soil root system. Others wrap around the host's trunk. - After several years, the roots that are wrapped around the trunk fuse, and begin to "strangle" the host tree. Other research indicates that the Strangler Fig out-competes its host tree for sunlight, which contributes to the exit of the host. - Once the host tree dies, the Strangler Fig is left with a hollow trunk. SUGAR CANE, Saccaharus officinarum, POACEAE - This giant grass can grow up to 15 ft. and higher! It originated from east Asia. - Sugar Cane has a solid, woody stalk which contains sweet sap. The sap is converted into sugar after it has been boiled. This was discovered in India around 900 years ago. - The stem of this plant, which is full grown in one year, can be peeled and chewed for a sweet, juicy snack. - Large Sugar Cane plantations can be found in the Orange walk district of Belize. - Sugar, rum, and molasses are manufactured here in Belize. T TAMARIND, Tamarindus indica, LEGUMINOSAE - It is believed that the Tamarind tree originated in tropical Africa, and probably came here from there or from India. - It grows well in dry soil, can withstand hurricanes, and makes a good shade tree because of its broad crown with large leaves. - The roots contain a poisonous chemical which kills nearby plants (competition), and there is a belief in Belize that sleeping under a Tamarind tree can cause poor health. - A cooling drink is often made from the pulp and seeds of the fruit, which can also be preserved or used in stews. - The fruit pulp contains calcium, phosphorous and iron. Some people use it for a laxative. - Another use of this tree - a paste made from the astringent bark can be put on scorpion bites. THUNBERGIA, Grandiflora alba, ACANTHACEAE - Thunbergia is a tropical vine which originated from India. It has large leaves and showy flowers that are violet or white in color. It can be seen at the front of the Gerald Durrell Visitor's Centre, The Belize Zoo. - It grows abundantly and is a good climber. People often cultivate it to cover walls, fences and entrance ways. - Thunbergia is popular, too, because it flowers continuously. TRAVELLER'S PALM, Ravenala madagascariensis, MUSACEAE - This plant originates from Madagascar. Although it looks like a palm, and is called a palm, it is not a palm. Traveller's Palm is a member of the Banana family. - The leaves grow on a vertical plane. When the leaves mature, they give the plant the appearance of a giant, flat fan. - Its name is derived from the fact that it is an important resource to those out "travelling". Up to a liter of water can collect at the base of its hollow leaf stalks. Just pierce a hole into the base, water flows! TRUMPET TREE, Cecropia peltata, CECROPIACEAE - The local name, Trumpet Tree, comes from a tradition of the ancient Maya, who used the stems to make ceremonial trumpets. - This tree has a symbiotic relationship with a species of ant, Azteca sp. which lives in the hollow chambers of the tree trunk. - The ants are aggressive and will come out and bite anything that touches the tree - plant or animal. - The Trumpet Tree grows very fast - over six ft. in one year! - It is a gap species; one of the first trees to appear in disturbed forest. - The leaves are favorites of the tapir, monkeys and deer. The fruits are enjoyed by toucans, tanagers, and other birds. The seeds of the Trumpet Tree are dispersed by birds and fruit bats. And the seeds are dispersed by the wind, as well. - In Belize, the leaves of the Trumpet Tree have been used to make a tea for high blood pressure. W WARREE COHUNE, Astrocaryum mexicanum, PALMAE - This is a small palm tree, growing no taller than 15 ft. It is found along the eastern coast of south Mexico to Honduras. - Warree Cohune grows best in dense, wet lowland forests. - This palm gets its name from the dangerous bark. The entire bark is covered in sharp spines which are said to resemble the bristles of the white-lipped peccary, "Warree". - It hurts to lean against this tree. The spines will quickly break off and embed into the skin. - The fruits of the Warree Cohune have spines, too. WATER HYACINTH, Eichhornia crassipes, PONTEDERIACEAE - This free-floating freshwater herb has spread throughout the world from its native area of South America. - It was transported to other countries as an ornamental, but has become a troublesome weed that multiplies rapidly and forms "floating mats" in rivers, canals and reservoirs. - Three Water Hyacinths can produce 30,000 plants in 50 days! - The young leaves, leafstalks and flower clusters, after cooking, can be eaten. WHITE MAYA TREE, Miconia argentea, MELASTOMACEAE - This is a common tree of the savanna and pine ridge areas. - A member of the Melastome family, the White Maya Tree, like other members of its clan, can be identified by the distinct pattern on its leaves. - The leaves are five-veined with a white underside. - Over 100 species are found in Belize. - The berries, which ripen during the rainy season, attract many species of birds, and are an important food source for migratory birds from North America. After travelling over 900 miles, finding a Melastome bush full of ripe berries must be a happy moment for our overwintering species. - These same berries can be eaten by people, too, or fermented to make wine. WILD COTTON TREE, Cochlospermum u1tifolium, COCHLOSPERMACEAE - A small tree, growing up to 20 ft, the Wild Cotton Tree is found throughout tropical America in disturbed and secondary growth areas. - It has large, yellow flowers which resemble roses. The tree blooms late in the dry season. - The stamens of the flowers have been used as a saffron substitute. - It is called "Wild Cotton" because of the silky fibers of the seed pods, similar to the kapok of the Ceiba Tree. - The bark contains a tough fiber and may be used to make rope. WILD CUSTARD APPLE, Annona reticulata, ANNONACEAE - The fruits of this tree are small and seedy but taste good. - Most parts of the Wild Custard Apple have medicinal properties. - Raw fruit pulp can be used as a dressing for boils. A leaf tea can be used to wash mouth sores. Add sugar to this tea, and a cough syrup appears! WILD YAM, Dioscorea sp., DIOSCOREACEAE - This is a vine with heart-shaped leaves which is happiest growing in limestone soils. - The Wild Yam has been used in many traditional medicines. - Women in Mexico, for ages, ate the tuber of the Wild Yam as a birth control method. - Scientific research has found that the tuber of Dioscorea does contain steroids. These same steroids were then synthetically developed and are used in the manufacturing of birth control pills. X XATE, Chamaedorea sp., PALMAE - There are two species in Belize - Chamaedorea elegans and C. oblongata. - C. elegans is the most commonly cultivated palm in the world, as it makes the ideal "house palm. It can tolerate dry air and low heat, and has been known to endure an indoor environment for up to 40 years. - It originated from Mexico and was taken to Europe as an ornamental in the early 1800's. - The leaves are sustainably harvested in the Peten forests of Guatemala for the floral industry. Both in the United States and Europe, the leaves are used to complement flower arrangements. Y YELLOW CASSIA, Cassia fistula, LEGUMINOSAE - This is a very showy tree native to tropical Asia. - Yellow Cassia has fragrant yellow flowers which hang in long, drooping racemes. - From each flower extends a curved pistil, which develops into a brown fruit pod reaching up to two ft. in length. YEMERI, Vochysia hondurensis, VOCHYSIACEAE - This canopy species is the only one of its genus found outside of South America. - Yemeri grows best on sandy, clay soils. It is easy to spot in the Mt. Pine Ridge Forest Reserve during the dry season, with its yellowish blooms. - Its timber is used most often `or dugout canoes, but it also is a good wood for house siding and for boxes. YUCCA. Yucca elephantipes, LILIACEAE - This spineless Yucca can grow up to 30 ft. - It has dagger-like leaves and large white flowers; a desirable ornamental plant. - Throughout Central America, the young flowers are often eaten after they have been cooked. Z ZAMIA, Cycad, Zamia sp., CYCADACEAE - This plant has a wide range, extending from southern U.S.A. to tropical South America. - One of the oldest plant species in the world, the Cycads evolved about the same time as ferns, long before dinosaurs! - They resemble small palms and are often used as ornamental plants. - Cycads are wind pollinated, but field research has shown that certain insects may play a role in pollination, too. - These plants are well-protected. All parts are toxic - to animals and to humans' - A small, two-frond Cycad found in the savanna areas of Belize, is eaten by a caterpillar, Eumaeus minyas, which limits the amount of toxins it ingests - here's how: While one of these caterpillars eats, another cuts off the leaf end so that not too much is eaten. - These toxins protect the caterpillar and then are passed onto the emerging butterfly. - Even though the roots are toxic, they are used as a source of starch after repeated washing and boiling. ZERICOTE, Cordia dodecandra, BORAGINACEAE - This is one of several species of Cordia found in Belize. - It grows up to 90 ft, and produces small, orange-red flowers and small yellow fruit. The fruits are acidic but edible. - The dark, strong heartwood, which may have black markings or ripples, is a valuable carving wood for our local woodcarving industry. - It is also used in cabinet and furniture making. - Another species of Cordia is found on the cayes. It is easy to recognize by its bright red blossoms. - The Cordia attracts many different species of birds. REFERENCES These are the plants of Belize, for information specific to Ambergris Caye, click here. Gesneriaceae of Belize There are a number of field guides that we are working now with Marie Selby Botanical Gardens team- this is all part of our Inventory of Epiphytes of Belize project. As you can imagine we came across very interesting plants that were lithophytes( growing on rocks) as well, so we including them in our materials. Epiphytic and Lithophytic Fern and Lycophyte Genera of Belize Here is also another field guide that we just published. The PDF files are easy to download and you can recognize a lot of plants that you see in Belize and it gives you various photos and descriptions to help with identification. Common Palms of Belize Spiny Bromeliaceae of Belize Cayo District -- Las Cuevas Trees Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae) of Belize Palms - Chamaedorea of Belize Smooth-leaved Bromeliaceae of Belize (excluding Tillandsia) Visit the fieldmuseum website for more fieldguides. Tropical fruits of Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador used by the Maya for thousands of years Fruits and nuts have always been part of Mayan diet. Most Mayan house gardens have fruit and nut trees surrounding the homes. And in many Mayan milpas the fruit and nut trees are not cut down when the rest of the forest is slashed and burned. So fruits, nuts, and the soft flesh of seed pods such as Inga species have been a part of Mayan diet for millennium. Most studies of Maya diet and agriculture focuses on maize, beans, squash, and root crops. So our www.maya-ethnobotany.org will have plenty of discussion of those seeds and vegetables. But we do not want to forget fruits and nuts either. So on this page, rather than devoting an entire page exclusively to one single plant or flower, I will introduce several groups of related fruits.
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An acquaintance who once went to overboard annoying lengths with their Seahawks fandom said it best yesterday: “I’m just not into football anymore. I’m over it.” This was someone who routinely blasted me during 49ers games, posted on my Facebook after they lost the 2013 NFC Championship Game and mocked me with a post saying “We gonna wiiiiiiin” during the 49ers Thanksgiving debacle. That final post was the last straw and I unfriended them until about a week ago. It wasn’t a punishment, I just never got around to re-adding them. I don’t know if her statements echo the sentiments of the 12th Man, but Seattle has made it very difficult to get excited for their team in 2018. Their roster has been gutted, their coaching staff has been reorganized, and their once devastating secondary has been dismantled. And yet, they might yet finish above .500. The Seahawks still have Russell Wilson, Bobby Wagner, and Earl Thomas, and while that patchwork offensive line grows worse, not better, Wilson’s mobility keeps it as a problem and not a serious one. One thing is certain, the Seahawks are entering a rebuild, and their window for a championship may have already been shut. The Los Angeles Rams are on the rise and the 49ers managed to go toe-to-toe with the Seahawks on their home turf — with Brian Hoyer as their quarterback. And while I don’t want to speak about the blowout handed to the 49ers at Levi’s Stadium, it ushered in the era of Jimmy Garoppolo. When he hit the field, the Seahawks had no answer for him. Too bad he was on the field for only four or so plays before the game ended. But it’s the principle of the thing. When Garoppolo was on the field, the 49ers scored a touchdown in just over a minute. Draft picks Round 1: Rashaad Penny (RB) Round 3: Rasheem Green (DE) Round 4: Will Dissly (TE) Round 5: Shaquem Griffin (LB) Round 5: Tre Flowers (DB) Round 5: Michael Dickson (P) Round 5: Jamarco Jones (OT) Round 6: Jacob Martin (DE) Round 7: Alex McGough (QB) Notable free agents Brandon Marshall (WR) Sebastian Janikowski (K) Dontae Johnson (CB) Jaron Brown (WR) Maurice Alexander (S) Notable Departures Richard Sherman (CB) Michael Bennett (DE) Jimmy Graham (TE) Luke Wilson (TE) Paul Richardson (WR) Thomas Rawls (RB) The Seahawks glaring problem has been their offensive line and lack of running game since Marshawn Lynch departed. Both could be linked together. Rather than address the line as-is the Seahawks decided to draft a running back in the 1st round and put them behind the same line that helped Rawls to 157 yards in 58 carries. Penny isn’t getting any favors done with that line. Beyond that, the drafting of Shaquem Griffin should help the linebacker group. The secondary is fractured with the release of Richard Sherman and the defense lost a playmaker in Bennett. On the other side of the ball, all of Wilsons weapon’s not named Bobby Wagner Doug Baldwin are gone. Graham, RIchardson, and Wilson all did something in 2017 and it will be interesting to see how the replacements work. Way too early gambling line 49ers at Seahawks: Seahawks (-1) Seahawks at 49ers: 49ers (-3.5) The matchups The 49ers rival during the Jim Harbaugh era was the Seattle Seahawks. This was brought mostly due to the relationship between Harbaugh and Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll. When Harbaugh left, the difference in ability grew and the 49ers sank into mediocrity while the Seahawks continued to stay atop the NFC West. But now the scales are tipping the other way. The Seahawks have suffered a talent exit not unlike the 49ers talent purge of 2015. Brian Schottenheimer will helm the Seahawks offense for a fired Darrell Bevell which will bring all sorts of questions for Wilson and company with a new offense. Beyond the questions, Wilson doesn’t have much to rely on anymore either, besides Doug Baldwin. While I laughed about Brandon Marshall being signed, it’s actually very smart, especially with how cheap they got him for. Marshall has something left in the tank, but it’s going to take a lot more than him to turn this offense around. On the other side of the ball, the defense has some of it’s glue, but the loss of Sherman and Bennett will hurt—make no mistake about it. While not outside the realm of possibility to see the Seahawks go over .500, especially with that stadium they play in, I don’t see it. My 2018 predictions are having an awful, awful year, but I predicted the 49ers would beat the Seahawks in Seattle by two touchdowns, and I stand by that one. In San Francisco, I see a win coming as well. That game will get ugly and I don’t see the Seahawks hanging on. The 49ers have the Rams to worry about in the NFC West, the Seahawks are just an annoying insect. But one that can definitely sting hard with lingering effects if given the chance.
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When Carlos Rivas’ slingshot curled into the net and Kaká jumped into the arms of fans after scoring a goal in his first game back from injury, Orlando City was in the midst of arguably its best performance of the year. The Lions held Colorado to one shot on goal, tying a league record, controlled possession and kept a clean sheet. There was little time to celebrate, however, with two days of rest and one training session before the team hopped on a plane to Canada. Orlando City (6-1-0, 18 points) hopes to continue its win streak despite less-than-ideal preparation time when it plays Toronto FC (3-1-4, 13 points) at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at BMO Field. Lions coach Jason Kreis didn’t blink calling the game “the most difficult challenge we could face in the league at this moment.” “To go to an away match against Toronto, in their form right now with Jozy Altidore and Sebastian Giovinco in particular, presents us some real problems,” Kreis said. “Our team is very familiar with them, having played them in preseason. “I think our team is very aware of what we’re going into and I think we’re ready. From a physical stand point, of course I’d like to have a few more days to rest. I’d like to have a few more days to tactically prepare, but I think our group is ready.” Altidore, a U.S. men’s national team standout, and his Italian teammate Giovinco, who was the 2015 league MVP, have combined for four goals in the last two games, helping Toronto out of a stagnant stretch of opening matches that included four draws, a win and a loss. Kreis drew comparisons between Altidore and Orlando City striker Cyle Larin, saying they’re alike in size and stature and in the way they are perceived by many as “typical box strikers,” though Kreis believes both contribute far more to their teams than just goals inside the box. In addition to a preseason match, which Toronto dominated, to help the Lions get to know their opponent, midfielder Will Johnson and goalkeeper Joe Bendik both previously played for the Reds. Bendik was able to provide more insight on Toronto for his teammates and said it’s not just Altidore and Giovinco they need to watch. “It’s those two and their wing backs and then whoever is playing in the middle, whether it’s [Armando] Cooper, [Jonathan] Osorio,” Bendik said. “When [forward Tosaint] Ricketts comes on, he kind of makes everything turn for them. You can see that with their combinations. “Confident team, especially at home. They like to get their wingbacks really high and really try to batter down on teams. For us, we have to stay compact, be able to weather what they have for the first half.” Toronto also plays a 3-5-2 formation, which can be difficult to defend. With three at the back instead of four, it also means TFC can be vulnerable on the counterattack if Orlando City is able to force turnovers. Team captain Kaká is now firmly back in the game-day roster and likely will start in Toronto to supplement the attack and the Lions' defense is being touted as one of the best in the league, though it will need to perform after getting little time to recover, study and train. “They’re a good team,” Lions left back Donny Toia said. “They’ve shown that the past couple of years. They move the ball nice and they like to find their forwards. If we keep them in front of us the whole time, I think we’ll be OK.” [email protected]
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Similar to my article about taking random on the blockchain too seriously, I think we may have over engineered the decentralization of Cryptogs at #ETHDenver too. It takes a lot of transactions to play Cryptogs fully decentralized. The first three transactions are just to get the game started and we think a tiny bit of optional centralization might make things run smoother. That’s why we’ve added a short-lived backend cache to allow for off-chain game coordination. But don’t worry, you can go full cypherpunk at any time: Privacy is very important to us, but seriously, it’s just blockchain pogs. All we store is game metadata and it expires quickly: We’ve also consolidated the tedious commit/reveal ceremony so the entire game is played with one or two transactions per player. We think it’s a lot smoother now and we would love your feedback in discord or slack! We stand on the shoulders of crypto giants. I sure hope my next project will do them justice. For now, head on over to Cryptogs.io and create a game! ❤️ Like, Share, Leave your comment If you like this post, don’t forget to like, share with your friends and colleagues and leave your comment below about the post. And Follow me…….
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SteamOS brewmaster update 2.25 released add some more missing packages to the brewmaster repository usbmount - fix typo in configuration that caused automounting to fail steamos-base-files - Fix for setting the timezone linux - kernel updated to latest LTS 3.18.17, merged additional alchemist kernel changes fglrx - updated AMD driver to 15.5 steamos-compositor - Add HD mode selection step when starting the Steam session steamos-beta-repo boost1.55 cdebconf db5.3 gnutls28 libestr libjpeg-turbo liblogging liblognorm libpsl bind9 - CVE-2015-4620 [cve.mitre.org] iceweasel - CVE-2015-2743 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-4000 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2734 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2735 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2736 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2737 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2738 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2739 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2740 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2728 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2731 [cve.mitre.org] CVE-2015-2724 [cve.mitre.org] [update - the installers were rebuilt after the initial release and I have updated the MD5 hashes below to correspond to the new versions]This update applies to brewmaster_beta as well and includes all the beta changes in 2.20, a fix for automounting USB storage devices, and a lot of additional packages added to the repository.==== SteamOS build 25 2015-07-14 ======== SteamOS build 20 2015-07-13 ====Added assorted missing packages for debootstrap and enabling the beta repositoryInstaller MD5 hashes79c26e91521037ebe5b43ed48a1e5b81 SteamOSDVD.iso65da432968b730f4280370198ccd695f SteamOSInstaller.zip
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Erik Schelzig: Who does he think he is? You know it's time for state lawmakers to go home when they start fainting during their sessions. House Speaker Kent Williams, who is diabetic, collapsed this morning as he presided from the podium. Lawmakers crowded around the fallen Williams, and he hopped up a few minutes later and drank a little orange juice. On his way to the Legislative Plaza cafeteria, he smiled and said he was OK. Just a case of low blood sugar, he said. He returned to the House podium this afternoon. "Like a dummy, I didn't eat breakfast this morning," Williams said. "I've been diabetic for 20 years and that's only the second time that's happened, that my blood sugar got that low. But I'm fine." In other news, state troopers dragged the AP's Erik Schelzig out of the chamber as he was using his cell phone to take pictures of the collapsed Williams. Taking pictures isn't against House rules, but the troopers apparently got a little carried away in the excitement. A few legislators were in Schelzig's face about it, too. One of them called him "a piece of shit." Another one threatened to "whup his ass." "They stormed in with the troopers and everything and dragged him out," Rep. Gerald McCormick, R-Chattanooga, told us. "The speaker was passed out on the floor and I guess some people thought it was disrespectful" to take pictures of it. Something tells Pith these lawmakers might live to regret starting this little fight with the press. Update: The press corps is in a tizzy over all this and threatening reprisals. "These are the tactics of Afghan opium warlords when they don't like shit," one writer says. Pith isn't sure we can control this volatile situation.
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LAB PRESS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE A new cross-cultural study of social network site (SNS) users in Japan (Facebook and Mixi) and the US (Facebook), shows that Japanese SNS users are more concerned about Internet privacy than American SNS users, and suggests that Americans’ lower sense of concern is due to a higher level of general trust in strangers. That is, Americans are less likely to believe a stranger would take advantage of their private information, should it be leaked online. The researchers, from the Culture, Social Ecology, and Psychology Lab at Hokkaido University in Japan, argue that this concept of general trust has not been explored before in Internet privacy concern research. Yes, scholars have explored issues related to national privacy regulation and privacy policy visibility, and how they affect consumer trust on the Internet. But they argue that the trust talked about in previous research is trust based on knowledge about the Internet services consumers are giving their data to. “In reality however, no matter how much trust we put in our knowledge of data protection systems, we all know those systems can fail. How do we deal with that uncertainty?” – Lead author Robert Thomson In their study published this week in a leading academic journal Computers in Human Behavior (open access article link), the authors argue that this is where the concept of general trust comes into play. That is, the stronger a person’s belief is in the goodwill and benevolence of strangers in general, the less likely a person is to worry about what a stranger might do with leaked information. Taking the theory deeper, however, the study also suggests that cultural differences in Internet privacy concern are actually a natural byproduct of psychologies humans have acquired through adaptation to different social environments. Applying existing ideas from behavioral science and increasingly popular evolutionary psychology, the study shows that the concept of relational mobility is a core driver of the observed differences in general trust. “Relational mobility refers to the amount of opportunity and freedom people have in a society to form and sever interpersonal relationships,” explains co-author Dr. Masaki Yuki. “American society in general happens to be high in relational mobility. As social psychologist Toshio Yamagishi has argued, in a society like that, it is adaptive to develop the ability to trust strangers. If you don’t, you might be less willing to interact with strangers, missing out on potentially beneficial new relationships. Japanese society however, is low in relational mobility. There are less relationship opportunities outside of current social circles. Therefore, there’s less need to trust strangers.” The study analyzed survey responses from hundreds of users of SNSs, such as Facebook, in Japan and the US, and the data confirmed the theory. The researchers showed that SNS users who live in a high relational mobility social environment are more likely to trust strangers, and this general trust in turn reduces privacy concern. Thomson says the research has important implications for Internet platforms and services wishing to go global. “Data protection and informed consent should be the standard. But our findings drive home the fact that the importance of these steps may be more pertinent in some societies than others. If your market is Japan, for example, you will have to work hard to gain ? and keep ? consumer confidence that personal data will be used only in ways users have agreed to.” For more information, contact Robert Thomson at [email protected] or +81 (0) 80 4228 6132. ENDS Notes to Editors: PDF version of this press release can be downloaded here. The paper entitled, ‘A socio-ecological approach to national differences in online privacy concern: The role of relational mobility and trust’, is available online in the journal Computers in Human Behavior at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563215003763. The paper is open access until July 12th 2015, when accessed via this link: http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1R4VL2f~UVuA1p. Lead author Robert Thomson is a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Doctoral Research Fellow, and is due to complete his doctorate at Hokkaido University in Japan (Sapporo City) this year. His research focuses on cross-cultural differences in behavior online. For more information, go to http://www.robthomo.com. The Culture, Social Ecology, and Psychology Lab is headed by Dr. Masaki Yuki, and explores how the nature of societies (the social ecologies) that surround us affect the way we think, feel, and behave. For more information, go to http://lynx.let.hokudai.ac.jp/~myuki/. The Center for Experimental Research in Social Science at Hokkaido University provides an infrastructure for research activities in order to understand “sociality of mind” as a basis of human and social science. For more information, go to http://lynx.let.hokudai.ac.jp/cerss/en/. ——– Facebook Open Graph og:image credit: Vie privée by g4ll4is
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With this tutorial, you can also rip your movies to other formats, such as for iPad, smartphones, etc. WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Review at a Glance WinX DVD Ripper Platinum is a Windows-based DVD ripper software capable of ripping any DVD (even the latest strongly encrypted DVD discs/ISO images) to mainstream videos, such as rip DVD to AVI, DVD to MP4, H.264, MPEG, WMV, MOV, FLV, and M2TS. It also helps faultlessly convert DVD to Apple (iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV, iTunes), Android (Nexus, Samsung, HTC, Kindle Fire), Microsoft (Windows Phone, Surface, Xbox), Chromecast, Sony, Nokia, etc. This DVD ripper brings No.1 fast DVD ripping solution thanks to the cutting-edge tech to support Multi-core (up to 8) CPU and Hyper-threading. Besides 350+ built-in profiles, this DVD ripper software has 4 DVD Copy modes to meet users’ up-to-date DVD backup demands. Clone DVD disc to ISO image, to a folder at a 1:1 ratio. WinX DVD Ripper Platinum can also backup DVD main title content for playing on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox, Media Center, etc, and copy DVD title fully to a multi-track MPEG2 file with all videos/audios/subtitles; the whole process costs you 5 minutes only! Moreover, this DVD Ripper is the unique DVD ripping program which supports and will be continuously updated to support decrypting DVDs with the latest copy protections such as Wonder Woman, Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Baywatch, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Alien: Covenant, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, Everything, Everything, Baywatch, Snatched, The Boss Baby, etc. so hot movies! WinX DVD Ripper Platinum for Mac WinX DVD Ripper for Mac is an all-in-one Mac DVD ripper designed to rip DVD or DVD ISO to all prevailed video formats on Mac, e.g. rip DVD to MP4/H.264, MKV, iTunes, MOV, FLV, MPEG, AVI, etc. With 350+ profiles, it can faultlessly convert all DVDs (incl. old damaged DVDs and latest DVDs) to iPhone/7 (Plus)/SE/6S, iPad/Pro/mini 4/Air 2, iPod touch/5, Apple TV, iTunes, iDVD, iMovie, Android, Google Nexus, Kindle Fire, Surface, WP8, PSP, etc. It gives you ultra-fast ripping speed with support of multi-core CPU (up to 8-core processor) and Hyper-threading technology. This slideshow requires JavaScript. What’s New WHAT’S NEW IN WinX DVD Ripper Platinum v8.20.1 Built on 20191223. Added: a new software module to detect the titles for the newly released DVDs faster than the previous version. Fixed: a problem that certain old DVDs get ejected from the optical drive during the loading process. Fixed: some minor bugs. WHAT’S NEW IN v8.20.0 Built on 20191022. Added: a new DVD decrypting mechanism to support new DVDs released in 2019. Improved: the High-Quality Engine to greatly enhance the output quality. Fixed: some minor bugs when loading certain lightly scratched discs. WHAT’S NEW IN v8.9.3 Built on 20190925. Added: new output profiles for iPhone 11, 11 Pro/Max, new 10.2-inch iPad, and new Apple TV. Fixed: the occasional sound error when converting a few DVD. Fixed: some minor bugs. Features Key features of WinX DVD Ripper Platinum for PC/Mac: Backup DVD without any quality loss Bypass all Copy & region protections Rip DVD & play DVD anywhere Rip/Backup DVD to portable devices and smart TVs Preloaded with a video editor to polish your DVD movies And More… Feature-rich DVD to Video Ripper WinX DVD Ripper Platinum offers worry-free conversion of DVD to AVI (DivX/Xvid), MP4, MPEG, WMV, AVC, TS/MTS/M2TS videos and other PC general videos, DVD to MOV and M4V accepted by Mac, and DVD to FLV and more for sharing on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and other websites with 350+ profiles! Rip DVD to iPhone/iPad/Android/Tab Rip/Backup DVD to portable devices and smart TVs easily with WinX DVD Ripper Platinum, such as DVD to iPhone (X/8/7/7 Plus/SE/6S), iPad (Pro/mini 4/Air 2), Apple TV, iPod, Google (Chromecast, New Nexus 7), HTC One (M8), Samsung (Galaxy Note 7/S7 edge), Microsoft (WP8, Surface, Xbox), Amazon Fire phone, Sony (PSP/PS4), Fujitsu, etc. Clone DVD to ISO & Copy DVD The built-in DVD copy feature in this DVD Ripper Platinum supports 1:1 clone full DVD disc to ISO image and DVD folder. It also allows you to copy main/full title content of DVD to MPEG2 file with lossless video quality and 5.1 Channel AC3/DTS Dolby audio. The whole process takes 5 min only! (Conversion time also depends on your CPU and DVD driver speed.) Unlock Region Code & Copy Protections WinX DVD Ripper Platinum breaks through all DVD encryption technologies, including DVD CSS, region code, RCE, Sony ArccOS, UOPs, and Disney X-project DRM. Uniquely, the new title checking mechanism helps it access and rip 99-title DVDs, workout DVDs, Japanese DVDs, as well as movie and TV series DVDs with new copy protections. DVD Edit Has Never Been Easier WinX DVD Ripper Platinum software is preloaded with a video editor to polish your DVD movies. You can crop video to remove the unwanted borders and area, trim video to set the start/end time to cut video clips out and merge to combine several titles. You can also select subtitle track (incl. forced subtitle) and even add the downloaded SRT subtitle files in any language. No.1 Fast DVD Ripping Speed With the best DVD Ripper Platinum, you can flexibly set CPU use. It owns optimal configuration for the newest CUDA and i5 i7 CPU. It excels in DVD rip speed with Super Encode Engine based on MMX- SSE & 3DNow! and Hyper-threading tech. Thus, you can convert feature-length DVD movies in a matter of minutes while keeping the videos looking crisp. Enjoy Unmatchable Video Audio Quality “Yadif Double Frames” De-interlacing Engine changes the DVD interlaced scanning mode to progressive scan to improve the output video effect; High-Quality Engine helps deliver highest possible image quality. On top of this, you can balance and master the video quality and file size according to your own needs. Flexible Settings for Advanced Users For Advanced users, WinX DVD Ripper Platinum offers flexible choices to fine-tune and adjust parameters to tailor the output videos, in terms of video audio codec, bitrate, frame rate, aspect ratio, resolution, audio codec, audio channel number, sample rate, etc. You can customize and apply your own settings to all. Requirements To run the software with optimum reliability and performance, your system should match the following requirements: Windows OS Mac OS System Requirements for Windows OS: Supported OS: Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit), Windows 8/8.1 (32 & 64 bit), Windows 10 (32 & 64 bit) System Requirements for Mac OS: Supported OS: Mac OS X Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard/Mountain Lion/Mavericks/Yosemite/El Capitan/macOS Sierra (10.12) WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Downloads Please feel free to download WinX DVD Ripper Platinum here. This best DVD Ripper software by Digiarty Software, inc has been tested professionally and we are assured that no viruses, Trojans, adware or malware contained. Download: Windows Mac OS X Trial Limitation: 5 Minute conversion BUY NOW WinX DVD Ripper Platinum is available for $67.95 for 1 PC (lifetime license), but you can get it at the lower price using our discount coupon for a limited time. This offer is available for a limited time! NOTE: – All prices shown here are in listed USD (United States Dollar). Your local currency will be converted automatically, You can also switch to any other currencies during the checkout process. – The discount coupon & your local VAT (Value added tax – if available, vary by country) will be applied at checkout automatically. – The order(s) for the software are processed by the 2Checkout company. This company accepts paying on-line, via PayPal, by fax, bank-wire transfer, check, cash, or purchase order. – You will receive a notification e-mail from 2Checkout/Avangate when your order is processed which will also include your license information. – Such promotional programs are subject to change without notice, from time to time in our sole discretion. – Data may vary based on different system or computer. User & Media Reviews What their users are saying about WinX DVD Ripper Platinum? WinX DVD Ripper Platinum is a great solution when it comes to converting DVDs into any format of your choice. With it, you’ll be able to enjoy all of your multimedia files on tons of different devices without incompatibility issues, no matter what kind of gear you’re using. Merche Contreras (Uptodown review) Merche Contreras (Uptodown review) WinX DVD Ripper Platinum offers a comfortable interface to carry out DVD ripping operations as easy as possible. The application completes the conversion pretty fast and with little impact on system resources. Ionut Ilascu (Softpedia review) Ionut Ilascu (Softpedia review) WinX DVD Ripper Platinum does a very good job backing up and transcoding your DVD collection, including your copy-protected discs. It worked flawlessly in my tests. Jon L. Jacob (PCWorld review) Jon L. Jacob (PCWorld review) Thanks for reading WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Review & Enjoy the discount coupon. Please Report if WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Discount Coupon/Deal/Giveaway has a problem such as expired, broken link, sold out, etc while the deal still exists. 9.6 Total Score Excellent!
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A horned lizard sits motionless in the desert sun, eyeing a young coyote skulking nearby. Five inches long, with a crown of horns like a dinosaur, the lizard's mottled skin helps it blend into the background. Nevertheless, the coyote spots it. The predator pounces and holds the lizard down. Then it gingerly nibbles – and immediately regrets it. A stream of nasty-tasting blood squirts from the lizard's eyes, straight into the coyote's mouth. The coyote steps back, shaking its head from side to side in disgust. It retreats, wiping its muzzle, while the uninjured lizard skitters away to safety. To the disappointment of kids who want to see them squirt blood, horned lizards rarely squirt at humans. If you catch one, it will sit demurely in your palm. It won't bite. It might hiss, or puff itself up at little. But only canids and felids like bobcats, are treated to a stream of foul-tasting blood. The blood squirt is far from their only trick. Horned lizards have evolved a unique arsenal of defences, which they use selectively to drive off the many predators that attack them. They might look like miniature Smaugs, but they need all the help they can get not to end up as dinner. There are 17 known species of horned lizard, all in the genus Phrynosoma. Most of them seem to be capable of squirting blood. Actually, anything that can find one would eat it They differ in colour, size and the number and arrangement of horns and spines along their backs. Most are about the size of a pack of playing cards. They have wide, flat bodies, like spiky satellite dishes, and short stumpy legs. "They are short-legged and stubby-bodied," says Larry Powell of the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. "When they run, they give it their best, but they're just not built for speed." Instead of being sleek like an iguana, horned lizards are built for defence. They have to be, since so many things try to eat them. Horned lizards mostly live in dry places: from Guatemala and Mexico, through the deserts of Arizona and California, to the dry prairies of southern Canada. They are prey for hawks, shrikes, roadrunners, snakes, coyotes, foxes, wolves, bobcats and even carnivorous grasshopper mice. "Actually," Powell says, "anything that can find one would eat it." So they do their best not to be found. Camouflage is their first line of defence. They match their colours to their background, blending in against brown scrubby brush or the mottled greys of mud. Some species mimic inedible objects. The round-tailed horned lizard is almost indistinguishable from the rocks it hides in, when it hunches up its back and tucks in its legs. I'm trying to get an idea of what's going on in the lizard's brain Many predators detect prey through movement, so horned lizards have mastered the art of stillness. The arrangement of the horns along their sides even breaks up the shadows they cast on the ground, like a cloak of invisibility. "They all stick to this basic program of being short, tubby, spiky, and hard to find," says Powell. On a good day, Powell is lucky to find three. "I sometimes wonder if the only individuals we get data on are the ones with bad nerves, the ones who run, since if they stay put you probably won't see them." When a predator approaches, the lizards are reluctant to move. They only do so after evaluating the danger. They carefully consider what is attacking, and what the appropriate defence might be. Wade Sherbrooke of the American Museum of Natural History, based in Tucson, Arizona, has spent almost four decades trying to understand how horned lizards think. In 2014, P. sherbrookei was named after him. "I'm trying to get an idea of what's going on in the lizard's brain, how it's categorizing the world out there that it has to deal with," says Sherbrooke. It all seems to come down to the predator's attack style. Canids such as dogs use teeth and claws to tear their prey into bite-size pieces. Snakes swallow their meals whole. Meanwhile, a grasshopper mouse will prefer to nibble, zombie-style, through the skull to get to the brains. It's sort of like a person wearing a fat suit Sherbrooke set Texas horned lizards in cages, and pitted them against whip snakes and rattlesnakes to see if the lizards could tell the difference. No problem, it turns out. "They're better at identifying snakes than most people in Tucson," says Sherbrooke. Whip snakes are lightning fast, and actively hunt their prey. The portly horned lizard cannot outrun one, so it opts for camouflage and keeping still. However, rattlesnakes don't chase. They wait for prey to come to them before biting, injecting venom and swallowing. So when a horned lizard encounters a rattlesnake, it runs for its life, safe in the knowledge that the snake will probably not follow. Neither defence works every time, but on average, standing still for a whip snake and running from a rattlesnake are a horned lizard's best bets. If the lizard does get caught, all is not lost. Snakes, and some birds such as roadrunners, need to swallow their prey whole. That means they have to get their mouth around the entire body. A horned lizard will not make it easy. A Texas horned lizard or Alberta's short-horned lizard will tip up on its front legs, fan out its ribs to form a dorsal shield, or puff up its torso to make itself as big as possible. "It's sort of like a person wearing a fat suit," says Powell. The technique works. A whip snake trying to get its mouth around a Texas horned lizard may well give up, because it just can't fit the whole thing in. Instead of puffing up, regal horned lizards roll over. When threatened by a whip snake, the lizard flips onto its back. This exposes a pure white belly, white legs, and the white outline of its spines along its edge – which rather resemble teeth. The lizard also splays its short legs out stiffly at its sides, like a wrestler struggling not to be turned over. Some scientists suggest they are playing dead, but Sherbrooke disagrees. "What good does playing dead do when you have a predator trying to eat you?" he asks. He thinks they are advertising their size and spininess. "If you're small, you get eaten by a lot of things," he says, so appearing bigger and spikier might be useful if your adversary is trying to swallow you whole. Finally, there is horned lizards' best-known defence: blood squirting. They reserve this for two groups of predators: cats and canids, the group that includes dogs, coyotes and wolves. The process is quite simple. A pouch below the lizard's eyes, the ocular sinus, swells as it fills with blood. With a sudden surge of pressure, blood forcefully squirts out in a stream that can travel up to 6ft (2m). They shake their heads, they salivate profusely, and try to clear the material out of their mouths To show that horned lizards can discern dogs from other large predators, Sherbrooke recruited a golden retriever called Dusty. She was trained to bark, paw and gently nibble at a horned lizard. Within a minute of Dusty barking, each lizard squirted her. "She was the perfect dog," says Sherbrooke. In contrast, the lizards were less concerned when Sherbrooke tried to mimic Dusty's behaviour. "I got down on all fours and I barked, used my front 'paws' to paw her, but I didn't bite," he says. The lizards were not fooled, and mostly ignored his dog impersonation. "I was somewhat relieved that I wasn't that easily mistaken for a dog," he says. Canids are not averse to blood, but they dislike horned lizard blood, even though it is not poisonous. "They have an almost violent reaction," Sherbrooke says. "They shake their heads, they salivate profusely, and try to clear the material out of their mouths." It takes about 15 minutes to recover. The blood contains a chemical that binds to receptors in the canid's mouth: receptors that humans apparently lack. "I've tasted the blood many, many times," says Sherbrooke. He never detected anything more than a mild acrid aftertaste. The blood is most effective when delivered directly into the mouth, rather than the eyes or nose. This might explain why horned lizards often wait until the last second, when they are already in their attacker's jaws, before squirting. If you eat ants, it's like living on M&Ms The lizards probably get the unpleasant chemical in their blood from their food. They mostly eat ants, and many eat highly venomous harvester ants. This does have a downside, though: they even need a defence against their own food. A horned lizard will lap up its food with the tip of its sticky tongue. It does not chew the ants. Instead, before swallowing, it wraps the ants in strands of thick mucus secreted by special cells at the back of its throat. This protects the lizard from the ants' stings, allowing them to exploit a resource that most animals can't. The lizards' ant-based diet might be what drove them to evolve so many defences. "If you eat ants, it's like living on M&Ms," says Powell. "Individually they don't contribute a lot." To make up for it, a horned lizard has to eat a lot of ants, and to do that it needs a big stomach. The desert horned lizard has a stomach that makes up 13% of its mass: akin to a 150-pound person with an almost 20-pound stomach. They can give birth to up to 48 live offspring at a time To accommodate such a large stomach, ant-eaters need to be stocky. "If you're going to be stocky you can't run fast," says Powell. "If you can't run fast, you're going to rely on camouflage or horns, and you end up with all these defensive behaviours." Of course, sometimes camouflage, armour and squirting blood aren't enough, and a horned lizard gets eaten anyway. But even then they sometimes manage one last act of defiance: it's not unheard-of for a horned lizard to become lodged in the throat or stomach of a bird or snake, killing its attacker. Besides, horned lizards have one last defence against death: they have lots of babies. Their wide abdomens accommodate larger broods than most lizards, so they can give birth to up to 48 live offspring at a time, or lay up to 45 eggs. So while an individual horned lizard might succumb to a particularly determined coyote or carnivorous mouse, it has a good chance of passing on its genes before it does.
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Le Mans, 18 June 2013 - Aston Martin Racing and Gulf have unveiled the winner of their livery design competition. The design, inspired by the change in atmosphere as day gives way to night during the 24 Hours of Le Mans, was created by Jonathan Wesley from Kettering in the UK and will adorn the #97 Vantage GTE throughout race week. Darren Turner (GB), Stefan Mücke (D) and Peter Dumbreck (GB), drivers of the #97 Vantage GTE, selected Jonathan’s design from the hundreds of entries received. He will now attend the race weekend as a VIP guest of Gulf to see his winning design compete in the 90th 24 Hours of Le Mans. "I have been excited ever since I got the news that my design had been chosen,” comments Jonathan. “I loved the chance of being able to design a Gulf Aston Martin, but it's already such a classic livery that I was wondering what I could do. “I was just sketching a few thoughts out and I liked the idea of the car being a different colour on both sides. I thought about the Gulf corporate colours – dark blue, light blue, orange and white – and I came up with the idea of ‘daylight to dusk’, which to me is the most exciting part of the race. “So it moves from the white with the broad orange stripe dividing things to the dark blue of the night. The orange and blue lines represent the streaks that you often see in photos of the cars at night and the whole design sort of summed up the essence of Le Mans to me." Gulf, which has partnered Aston Martin Racing for five years and has signed a further three-year deal, ran the livery competition to allow fans to participate in the team’s most ambitious Le Mans campaign, marking the centenary year of Aston Martin. Sam Cork, Global Brand Manager at Gulf explained: “Gulf has been responsible for some extremely iconic motorsport liveries and we wanted to give fans the opportunity to play their part. To design the livery for a Gulf Aston Martin, racing at Le Mans in the brand’s centenary year, is really something quite special. “This livery will enter Gulf and Aston Martin Racing’s history books and Jonathan should be extremely proud to be the winner, as we had hundreds of entries from all over the world. The design is excellent. It is everything we hoped for. We can’t wait to see it take to the track for the most exciting endurance race of the year.” The #97 car is one of five Aston Martin Racing Vantage GTEs competing in the 24-hour race, but the only one to carry the competition-winning design. Aston Martin
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After creating a Google account a google+ profile is automatically created. So if you own a Gmail account then you definitely have a google+ profile too. But after some time you realize that Google plus is not your cup of tea and you prefer Facebook or twitter much over google plus. A good news is Google allow us to delete our google+ account or profile without deleting or affecting other Google services like Gmail and YouTube. So if you have made your mind to no longer use Google+ and delete your profile then here’s a step by step guide to delete your google plus account. Permanently Delete Your Google Plus Account Note after deleting your Google+ account some of the data within your Google+ account will be lost. This data includes your Google+ posts, comments and circles. Although some data will be not be deleted. This data includes: Your Google+ Photos, Contacts and pages will be not deleted. Your YouTube channel will be will not be deleted. Your Google drive will not be deleted. And most importantly your Gmail account will not be deleted and you can still access it. Almost anything related to your Google account like adwords, analytics or adsense will not be deleted. So now I hope everything is clear, just follow the below steps to permanently delete your Google plus account. So first of all login to your Google plus account. Now click on your profile picture on the top right corner and further select My Account. This will open your Google account settings. Under Account Preferences click on Delete your account or services. Now you will have two options i.e Delete products and Delete Google Account and data. You have to select Delete products. If you want to delete your entire Google account then you can select Delete Google Account and data. But still it’s highly not recommended. It will ask you to re-enter your password. Once you have entered your password you will be redirected to a page where you will have options to delete Google+, YouTube and Gmail. Simply click the trash button at the right side of Google+. This will permanently delete your Google plus account. If you want you can also delete your Gmail or YouTube account by clicking the trash button. So that was a quick guide to disable or delete your Google plus profile from your google account. If you have any doubt’s then do let us know in comments.
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Twitter has updated its app for both Android and iOS devices today. The iOS users have been updated with some new features. Now on Twitter, you can discover, install and launch the app from within the tweets you are making. Surely the feature is not supporting all apps at the start but twitter stated that they will make fast progress and include most of the iOS apps in their latest updates. The developers at twitter have explained the app on how to install and their deep linking process. There are some new features regarding Twitter Cards that have been mention on the blog as well. The description suggests that it will bring quite a revolution to the way world use Twitter, ” Twitter cards make it possible for you to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content. Simply add a few lines of HTML to your webpages, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “card” added to the Tweet that’s visible to all of their followers. Meanwhile, you can download a twitter video downloader right now. Furthermore the developers posted some interesting notes regarding the new introductory procedure of twitter card, One of the most important features in the new Cards is the ability to allow users to download your app (if the user doesn’t already have it installed), or deep-link into your own app (if the app is already installed on the user’s mobile device). The ability to enable app installs and deep-linking is globally available across all Twitter Card types – you’ll just need to add a new set of markup tags as detailed below. What’s New in Version 5.5 Twitter for iPhone now helps you discover, install and launch your favorite apps from Tweets. This update also includes the following improvements: • Faster launch times and general performance upgrades • “Retweeted by” in Tweet detail is now tappable • Fix for reply-to-self in conversations • Fix for a bug that prevented undoing retweets in some cases Source: Twitter Blog
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A while back I created a post about limits in Microsoft Teams. Today I’m looking at limits within Microsoft Flow. Number of Flows created by a user When you are happily creating many flows and you think that there is no limit to what you can do with Microsoft Flow then you might run into this one! There is a limit of 250 flows that a single user can create. After this you simply get the following error and you can’t save any more flows. If you hit the 250 limit you can raise a support ticket and then the limit will be raised. Do Until limited to 60 runs by default When running Do Until loops Flow will only run 60 times through the actions inside a Do until. Luckily it is possible to change this limit within the flow editor. The above limits I didn’t find on any of the Microsoft Limitation pages. If you are interested in other limitation here is the official Limits and configuration in Microsoft Flow post. Some of the interesting limits from the above article I’ve included below. Run duration and retention These are the limits for a single flow run. Name Limit Notes Run duration 30 days Includes workflows with pending steps like approvals. After 30 days, any pending steps time-out. Timed-out approvals are removed from the approvals center. If someone attemps to approve a timed-out request, they’ll receive an error message. Storage retention 30 days This is from the run start time. Min recurrence interval 1 minute Max recurrence interval 500 days Looping and debatching limits These are limits for a single flow run. Name Limit Notes ForEach items 5,000 You can use the filter action to filter larger arrays as needed. Until iterations 5,000 SplitOn items 5,000 ForEach Parallelism 1 Definition limits These are limits for a single flow. Name Limit Notes Actions per workflow 250 You can add nested workflows to extend this as needed. Allowed action nesting depth 5 You can add nested workflows to extend this as needed. Max characters per expression 8,192 action / trigger name limit 80 description length limit 256 What should we do with these Microsoft Flow Limitations? When looking at the Definition limits. I’m slightly worried about the Actions per workflow and the Allowed action nesting depth most of the other limits you can easily work around. but these two limits mean that when your flow has grown to much you will be stuck and are forced to split your flow across multiple flows. This is where it becomes important to design your flows the right way straight from the beginning. Even when your flow is still quite small. Share this: Tweet WhatsApp Email Like this: Like Loading...
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He was a beautiful man inside and out, and I knew that he loved me. But when it came to our sex life, there were no fireworks. It turns out, low libido was to blame. And he wouldn’t talk about it. Not really. Years later I admitted to myself that the fact that his desire rarely burned brightly left our intimate exchanges limited in every way. While he seemed unconcerned, I wanted more — more frequency, more variety, more heat. In Love? Overlooking the Obvious? When you’re emotionally invested, when you get along well, when so many elements of a loving partnership exist — you tell yourself that sex is a small thing and you can adjust your expectations. But overlooking major sexual disconnects is a bad idea. That may include something as obvious as low libido, a mismatch in what you each enjoy, or a lack of sexual attraction on the part of your partner for you, or you for him or her. As for my relationship? I was in love. I was strong. I was lucky to have found him. (These were all the clichés I told myself.) I decided I could manage with a “minimalist” sex life. I had before — surviving extended periods with no affection, much less sex — and he was affectionate. Romantic, too. He just wasn’t into sex. Low Libido in Your Partner. Now What? His low-light libido? I suppose I sensed it early on, though we courted carefully and slowly, which I had adored. I was still bruised after divorce, and didn’t want to hurry anything. He had his own reasons for exercising care, and we were emotionally attached long before we became intimate. But the lack of sex? It was a challenge. I lived with it for as long as I could – until it began to erode my self-esteem, my sense of femininity, my need to be desired, and ultimately our connection. To lie in bed next to the person you love, to reach out and be rebuked or simply to be ignored for a month, for two, for longer… It’s painful. Kill the Sex, Kill the Relationship? Some might say that if the sex disappears, the relationship is already dead. I wouldn’t go that far, though surely it’s a sign of serious problems. I had hoped he would discuss the subject with time, as I encouraged him to tell me what he liked (a narrow menu) and what he didn’t (plenty). I dressed to please him, to no avail. I recognized signs of depression, which I understood, due to stress at work. There was always appreciation for my efforts, followed by a kiss and sleep for him – and lying awake for yours truly. Eventually the absence of a satisfying sex life became too heavy a burden for me to bear. I said my goodbyes, regretfully, and also with a measure of relief. Sexless Marriage? Had we been married, I suspect I would’ve compared the “now” to the “then” – trying to ascertain the differences in our sex life over time, and changes that led us to a less than happy outcome. Naturally, that assumes a sex life that was active and satisfying before or at the beginning of marriage. Just how many unions become “sexless” by definition – due to routine, to busy schedules, or to the inevitable fatigue and disagreements that come along with children? Regardless of our marital status, I blamed myself. At the time I felt our bedroom problems were due to some inadequacy on my part – I wasn’t sexy enough, I wasn’t thin enough, I wasn’t exciting enough. I now see the reality was “it’s not me, it’s you” though I can also view our mismatched libidos as “it’s not me, it’s us.” Reasons for Low Libido The reasons for low libido are many, as I discovered when researching – not only to figure out this man in my life, but to explain my own periods of delinquent desire. That research provided me with reassurance concerning my own periodic disinterest. According to one source, Health 24, among the causes are: hormonal changes, stress, depression, illness, body image issues, certain antidepressants, as well as drugs and alcohol. In my case, looking back on periods when my interest was nil, this statement says it all: When stressful events take over, they suck the sexual energy right out of you. Bingo. And don’t tell me I’m alone on that score. Doesn’t that culprit sound familiar to some of you? Single Parent? Libido on the Lamb Job worries, kid worries, money worries – and no time to yourself. This is the story of single motherhood that I experienced for a decade. The story is similar for many single mothers I’ve known and for that matter, worn out married mothers during their “blur years.” Libido takes a tumble until pressures ease. And of course stress (for some of us) takes a toll on eating, and disordered eating may lead to body image issues or exacerbate those we already have, and, well… you get the picture. We feel less “worthy” of sex, and tuck away our sexuality as a consequence. But what about a sustained “normal” state in which sex is unimportant? We may think that all men are randy and ready 24/7, but what if it’s not the case? Aren’t men and women entitled to not want sex? The man I loved may have suffered low testosterone, he may have been asexual, he may have been homosexual and denying it to himself, having been raised in a somewhat repressive environment. The bottom line was – sex wasn’t a big deal to him, but after years of feeling the chill of physical isolation, it was to me. Help! I Need Somebody If once upon a time you were hungry for sex, your appetite wanes, and you want it back – then what? The Health24 reference is informative: If a lack of sexual interest is bringing you down, there are steps you can take to boost your sex drive. A healthy diet, the right amount of exercise and a daily dose of fresh air can help whet your sexual appetite. Allowing yourself to explore a new erotic desire or fantasy can spark new-found interest in sex. I’ve found that prescription to be useful. When I’m paying more attention to nutrition and exercise, I’m hungrier for all aspects of life – including good sex. Ditto – make that double ditto – on injecting a dose of shared fantasy. Libido Enhancers? Libido Realities But we shouldn’t oversimplify. Let’s remember the effects of medications, pain, fatigue, natural changes to the body over time, and of course, stress. Don’t we need to deal with those causes – at least to some extent? Don’t we need to remember that we’re all wired differently when it comes to what attracts us and what doesn’t, and how our bodies respond? I will say that I’m delighted to read more around the Internet that addresses erotic play and playfulness in general when it comes to our sex lives. When did we all become so serious? Why must we count, grade, and dissect? Can’t we explore, exchange, and have fun? Who, What, Where, When… in the Bedroom In an entertaining and informative article filled with delicious references, William Quincy Belle takes up his provocative plume in defense of our sex lives in all their variations. In “Sex: What Are the Neighbours Doing,” he expounds on sexuality from a variety of angles including breadth of activities, frequency of same, the nature of our changing partnerships, and assumptions about aging. My favorite line in his article? If it feels good, do it. Naturally – and I imagine he would agree – that presumes “safely” and with consenting adults. Switching Sex to the “On” Position As for low libido – or simply living without sex – while some may find it unthinkable, many of us have been there, myself included. We learn to live with it, and even make peace with it. We think we’re “over it” — convinced that age or hormones are to blame — only to find that when relationship conditions change (or a new object of desire appears on the scene), happily, we aren’t over it at all. The factors that dim desire are many, and likewise, sexual interest may rev back up as the emotional, physical, or circumstantial landscape eases obstacles, and presents new opportunities for pleasure and connection. Occasionally I think about my old beau and what we shared. It was wonderful and I don’t regret any of it. I also don’t regret moving on. I didn’t want to say goodbye to my sexual self. I wanted fireworks, and though it took some time, I was delighted when I was able to welcome them back. You May Also Enjoy
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Prenez note que cet article publié en 2016 pourrait contenir des informations qui ne sont plus à jour. L'humoriste rimouskois Fred Dubé dénonce ce qu'il qualifie « d'hypocrisie » des humoristes, à la suite de la censure d'un numéro portant sur la liberté d'expression au Gala Les Olivier. Il invite les humoristes à utiliser leurs nombreuses tribunes pour dénoncer la censure au sens large dans la société. « Ils sont où, les humoristes, pour dénoncer le règlement P-6? Pour dénoncer quand Transcanada veut censurer le Québec en disant que c'est Ottawa qui a le pouvoir? [Pour dénoncer le traitement réservé à] Raif Badawi? Ils sont où les humoristes pour prendre position dans ces moments-là? » s'indigne Fred Dubé. Ce que j'ai vu dimanche aux Olivier, c'est plus un troupeau de bourgeois qui veulent défendre le droit de faire des blagues sur des minorités qu'un vrai mouvement social. Fred Dubé, humoriste « Évidemment, [les humoristes] ne peuvent pas être sur toutes les tribunes et dénoncer tout le temps, mais ce à quoi on a assisté, ce sont les gens les plus médiatisés au Québec qui se plaignent d'être censurés par ceux qui sont le moins médiatisés au Québec. Moi, je n'embarque pas dans cette hypocrisie-là », poursuit Fred Dubé. Fred Dubé précise qu'il est en désaccord avec la censure du numéro de Mike Ward et Guy Nantel. Il estime que Radio-Canada aurait quand même pu diffuser ce numéro. « La faute est à Radio-Canada, qui a eu peur de diffuser le numéro par peur de judiciarisation, qui n'arrive pratiquement jamais », soutient-il. Fred Dubé affirme d'ailleurs que la censure est fréquente en humour.
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EVANSVILLE, Ind. -- A Mount Vernon, Indiana, man with a history of sexual violence has been arrested after his alleged victim escaped and reported him to Evansville police. Roy Clifford Bebout, 46, was booked into the Vanderburgh County Jail at 3:57 a.m. Saturday morning, where he remains on no bond. He faces felony charges of battery with a deadly weapon, battery by strangulation, criminal confinement while armed with a deadly weapon and kidnapping while armed with a deadly weapon. Bebout is on the Posey County sex offender registry, classified as a violent sexual predator. He was out on probation from Marion County, where he was sentenced to 45 years for kidnapping and rape charges in 1998, according to Vanderburgh County circuit court records from 2014. According to a probable cause affadavit, a juvenile female approached a METS bus driver Friday afternoon near the 200 block of North Main Street in the vacant parking lot of the former IGA grocery store building. The bus driver's report to police said the girl was screaming, "He's trying to kill me." When officers arrived, the girl was handcuffed behind her back. She told police she had been walking to work when a man in a red Dodge dually pickup truck jumped out and threatened her with a handgun. The affadavit states that a struggle ensued between Bebout and the victim. The girl told officers she was choked and handcuffed by the man. He also tried to gag her by placing a yellow ball in her mouth, she told police. During the struggle, the victim told police, she was able to reach pepper spray she carries and sprayed it on her alleged attacker. She then escaped and ran away to the parking lot, where the METS bus was parked, she said. The bus driver stated he saw the man get into the red Dodge and drive away. Officers searching the ground found a cell phone which they soon determined belonged to Bebout. A contact listed as "mom" in the phone was called and was found to be Bebout's mother. She confirmed the phone belonged to her son, that he drove a red Dodge truck and that he lived with her. During an interview with detectives, the female victim identified Bebout in a photo lineup of six men, saying she was 90 percent sure the man in the photo was her attacker. Police found Bebout in Princeton, Indiana late Friday night. More:Evansville welcomes four new firefighters More:This Southern Indiana legend is terrifying. But is it true? | Webb
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HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett has compared the marriage of same-sex couples to the marriage of a brother and sister during an appearance on a morning TV news show. The Republican made the remark Friday on WHP-TV in Harrisburg when asked about a statement his lawyers made in an August court filing. The attorneys had said gay marriage licenses have no “value or legitimacy” in Pennsylvania and can’t be defended in court. They compared gay couples to children, who can’t marry because a 1996 law says marriage is between a man and a woman. Corbett has called that statement inappropriate. On Friday, he said he thinks “a much better analogy would have been brother and sister, don’t you?” Pennsylvania bans gay marriage, though one county has been issuing same-sex marriage licenses. Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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The confetti was falling after the Miami Heat's championship victory, and a rogue piece managed to find its way into Chris Bosh's mouth. Unfortunately, he couldn't seem to get it out of there. He still looks better this year than he did showering himself in champagne last year. Hat tip to Busted Coverage for the Vine.
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*EDIT: Also, just received a very pretty black sundress :) Winter has come, and I got a pretty fantastical Khal Drogo Pop to add to my ever growing POP collection. Also, a bodice ripper that I've had my eye on as well. Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!
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My phone one minute was ok the other it was dead. Tryed to power on, it went to "LG life's good" and died again...and repeated for 10 times and everytime the same Stock device. Already contacted the LG Portugal and still waiting for a repply. My question is: I've got some personal information on a lock gallery. How can I acess it? Also have a copy of those pics on my laptop but they are locked. Any app from LG that allows to unlock it on a laptop? Just bought it because of the camera...no more LG for me. Going for a Nexus 6P.
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„Er is een staatsgreep erkend’’, zegt Yván Gil. De Venezolaanse vice-minister voor Europese Zaken is totaal niet te spreken over het Nederlandse besluit om zijn baas, Nicolás Maduro, niet langer te erkennen als wettig staatshoofd. Venezuela is via Aruba, Bonaire en Curaçao een buurland van Nederland. In de strijd tegen de drugssmokkel wordt intensief samengewerkt. „Dat alles loopt nu risico”, zegt Gil tijdens tijdens een gesprek in Den Haag. Afgelopen week was Gil al in Italië, Griekenland en Noorwegen, het handjevol Europese landen dat Maduro’s concurrent, Juan Guaidó, niet heeft erkend. Later deze week volgt Rusland, de hand die Venezuela momenteel voedt. Nederland, waar Gil zondag aankwam, zit in dit rijtje vanwege de ‘ABC-eilanden’. Vorige week werd bekend dat Curaçao een ‘humanitaire hub’ wordt voor het door tekorten geplaagde Venezuela. Op verzoek van Guaidó en de VS, zei minister Stef Blok (Buitenlandse Zaken, VVD). Het leidde tot vragen, van SP en regeringspartij D66, want waar zijn de Verenigde Naties en het Rode Kruis in dit verhaal? Premier Rutte stond vorig jaar september tijdens de Algemene Vergadering van de VN uitvoerig stil bij het belang van internationale samenwerking. Ten aanzien van Venezuela lijkt vooral sprake van nauwe Nederlands-Amerikaanse afstemming. In de Kamer zei Blok dat dit zo is, omdat de VN Nederland niets gevraagd hebben – en de VS wel. Tijdens een gesprek zondagavond op de Venezolaanse ambassade legt Yván Gil uit wat hij de volgende dag wil gaan zeggen tegen zijn gesprekspartners op het Nederlandse buitenlandministerie: dat Nederland zo snel mogelijk in de multilaterale schoot moet terugkeren. „Als dit blijft escaleren, dan komen de historische banden onder druk te staan.” Lees ook: Ook Curaçao in crisis door Venezuela Nederland heeft Guaidó erkend. Wat betekent dat voor het diplomatieke verkeer met uw regering? „Die relaties gaan verder, op basis van door ons erkende internationale verdragen: het Handvest van de VN en het Verdrag van Wenen inzake diplomatiek verkeer. De ambassades en consulaten blijven open. Tegelijk beschouwen we de erkenning als een politieke, juridische en diplomatieke aberratie. Niet voor niets zijn we begonnen met het integraal herzien van onze diplomatieke relaties. We gaan alles doen om die relatie te redden, maar de bal ligt in dit geval in het Nederlandse kamp.” Nederland zegt: Maduro heeft vals gespeeld bij de verkiezingen. „Alleen het Venezolaanse volk kan een presidentieel mandaat erkennen. Dus niet de EU, Nederland of de VS. Dus eigenlijk kan het ons niet zoveel schelen wat de wereld denkt, want we hebben een grondwet en een volledig werkende democratie.” Meer dan vijftig landen denken dat uw democratie niet functioneert. „Veel landen handelen onder druk of op verzoek van de VS. Dat zeggen ze zelf. Guaidó heeft zichzelf illegaal benoemd in een functie waarvoor hij niet één stem heeft gekregen. Het zorgelijke is niet eens zozeer dat vijftig landen een staatsgreep erkennen, maar dat internationale regels op flagrante wijze worden geschonden. En dat is zorgelijk voor de héle wereld.” Mensen vluchten weg uit Venezuela. U veroorzaakt regionaal een migratieprobleem. Dat geeft de internationale gemeenschap toch wel enig recht van spreken? „Die problemen worden overdreven en gepolitiseerd, om een regering aan te kunnen vallen die ideologisch niet bevalt. Venezuela heeft zonder meer economische problemen, omdat we sinds enkele jaren te maken hebben met restrictieve maatregelen en internationaal niet aan leningen kunnen komen. We kunnen minder voedsel kopen via reguliere kanalen. Ze bevriezen onze rekeningen. Er zit meer dan 30 miljard dollar in het buitenland vast en we zijn 350 miljard euro aan economische groei misgelopen.” En dat is wat de honger veroorzaakt in Venezuela? „Er is geen honger in Venezuela.” Minister Blok noemt de situatie „heel gruwelijk”. „Dat is irrationeel. Uw minister beschikt niet over de competenties of de cijfers om te kunnen volhouden dat er honger is. Je kunt geen diplomatie bedrijven op basis van subjectieve informatie. Dat er honger is, is een grote leugen, die wordt gevoed om een heel volk te onderwerpen. In de Human Development Index staan we op plek 78. Boven Brazilië, Peru, Colombia. De beschikbaarheid van levensmiddelen is afgenomen, maar internationaal voldoen we nog aan de normen.” Blok zegt: we brengen hulp naar Curaçao, zodat die al in de buurt ligt als de grenzen opengaan. „De grenzen zijn niet dicht.” De hulp komt dus het land binnen? „Er komen elke dag voedsel en medicijnen Venezuela binnen, via reguliere kanalen. De humanitaire hulp is een excuus om te kunnen interveniëren in Venezuela. Er wordt hulp geboden alsof we bedelaars zijn. Als Nederland echt zo bezorgd is, moet het ons helpen met het ontdooien van tegoeden. Er zijn meer dan 190 landen op de wereld en de overgrote meerderheid daarvan heeft het internationaal recht gerespecteerd. En er is een andere groep landen die onder druk staat van de VS.” De Nederlandse regering staat onder Amerikaanse druk? „Ja, dat geloven wij wel. Natuurlijk staat ze dat. In de afgelopen dagen eiste de Amerikaanse vice-president Mike Pence dat de voltallige EU Guaidó erkent. Dat verzin ik niet. We zeggen al twintig jaar dat de Amerikanen uit zijn op onze olie. Dit is een ordinaire roof.” Wat zou het Nederlandse belang zijn om de VS te volgen? „De diplomatie in de wereld is geïdeologiseerd. Toen Sint Maarten getroffen werd door orkaan Irma hebben we meteen hulpgoederen gestuurd. Niet unilateraal, maar in overleg. De Nederlandse regering coördineert momenteel niets met ons. Hoe kunnen we iets afslaan, als er geen enkel formeel aanbod is? Er is alleen een mediashow over een humanitaire hub.” De EU is een internationale contactgroep begonnen om uit de impasse te komen. Staat u daar open voor? „Woensdag komt er een missie van deze contactgroep. Wij willen dialoog, maar wel met een open agenda. Dus geen eisen vooraf.” U bedoelt: het is uitgesloten dat Maduro een stap opzij zet. „Ja, precies, want dan is het geen dialoog meer.” Een versie van dit artikel verscheen ook in NRC Handelsblad van 19 februari 2019
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Attorney General Bill Barr telling a Senate committee that he’s going to look into whether FBI and/or DOJ officials illegally surveilled the Trump campaign ahead of the 2016 election has Rep. Adam Schiff living in fear for America’s “democratic institutions.” Don’t be drinking anything when you read this: The casual suggestion by the nation’s top law enforcement officer of “spying” may please Donald Trump, who rails against a “deep state coup,” but it strikes another destructive blow to our democratic institutions. The hardworking men and women at the DOJ and FBI deserve better. https://t.co/7kJfsU8Rv0 — Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) April 10, 2019 Well, there’s only one word for that: Hilarious. https://t.co/Z6OaH6sjtY — Jay Tee Ell Oh Ell (@jtLOL) April 10, 2019 And that’s the word! But Comey, Strzok, Page and Loretta Lynch surely appreciate Schiff for defending them so forcefully. The guy who spent over two years pushing the “collusion” BS is worried that Bill Barr is damaging “democratic institutions”? Ohhh but I guess it is different than a casual suggestion by one of the nation's top intelligence committee chairs of "collusion" by the President of the United States. That definitely doesn't strike a destructive blow to our democratic institution… — David Bayard (@CoachBayard) April 10, 2019 The very man pushing a false narrative to support an attempted coup against a democratically elected President has the audacity to decry a “destructive blow to our democratic institutions” with zero irony. — FarmJoe the Cat (@poster112) April 10, 2019 Oh you mean like claiming you have evidence of collusion? Your time is coming pencil neck.. #Genesis #RussiaHoax — Deplorable Beto (@BetoDeplorable) April 10, 2019 What a shameless clown.
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Only One Way for the FBI to Regain Its Lost Reputation James Comey, the crooked political operative running the FBI for the left, has clearly lied to Congress, lied to the American people, and fixed the criminal investigative process to protect Hillary Clinton and her creepy aides from justice. Conservatives have gotten used to the Department of Justice under Obama as simply another organ of leftist activism. Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch have both been abominable heads of the Department of Justice, and several federal judges have indicated as much. Using federal agencies as tools of political oppression or leftist activism is the best case yet simply abolishing the Department of Justice completely and devolving the enforcement of all federal laws to the fifty state attorney general offices. In the same vein, one might think we should leave the FBI only for the purpose of supporting state law enforcement efforts with technical support, but that was before the incredible stream of new revelations, never volunteered by Comey and discovered only by insistent probing, that show intimate collusion between the Clinton campaign and the FBI, with sleazy actions so blatantly bad that no serious person can doubt the wrongness of it all. Physical evidence is destroyed before anyone can see it, though subpoenaed by Congress and possibly containing classified information. Computer systems with classified documents scrubbed clean by private vendors before federal officers know what has been scrubbed. Suspects sit in on the questioning of other suspects, and suspects are given immunity, it appears, for no good reasons at all. If this presidential election is fixed by an utterly politicized FBI, then the reputation of that agency will never recover. No serious American, in that case, should ever believe anything the FBI tells us about anything at all. If we cannot trust the FBI when powerful politicians are being investigated, then when can we trust it? If the FBI can be influenced by politicians, then it can be influenced by drug lords or crime bosses or crooked billionaires. There is only one thing, at this point, that can rehabilitate the reputation of a once honorable organization now up to its neck in the muck of influenced investigations and tampered justice. A number of current FBI agents must publicly condemn Director Comey and deplore the deeply disturbing, very unusual actions taken by the FBI in these investigations. This may cost the agents involved their careers, but agents who care about the agency more than their careers will take that risk. These agents ought to explain exactly how this investigation was utterly wrong and how it deviated from normal practices. Director Comey compelled twenty-five agents to sign nondisclosure agreements, but these agreements cannot prevent these agents from publicly criticizing how politicized the investigation appeared to them. In fact, this might even be more telling: "We have been ordered by Director Comey to sign nondisclosure agreements, so until he releases us from those agreements, we cannot provide details, but we can say this: the whole thing stinks from top to bottom. Everything about this investigation fails the smell test. If Director Comey will release us from the nondisclosure agreements, we will be happy to say more." If FBI agents need a model, they might look to the National Border Control Council, which, frustrated by politically correct border enforcement, took the Obama administration to task. These border control agents cared more about America than their careers and used their private association as a vehicle. There is an FBI Agents Association that represents 12,000 current and retired agents and advocates criminal justice issues to Congress. Members of this private association have 55 different field office representatives in as many cities of the nation. Nothing prevents these field office representatives from signing a letter on behalf of the members in their region condemning the whole structure of this putrid conspiracy against honorable and serious investigation. Indeed, if this association ever expects Congress or the American people to listen to it, then it is vitally important that it act before the election. The FBI Agents Association, of course, should not endorse any candidate or party, but if it urges funding increases to Congress or changes in criminal laws, it must have credibility. And if it ignores the swollen carbuncle of this scandal within the agency, no one ought to listen to it anymore. There is this one chance for the FBI to redeem the damage done by Comey. There will be no second chance if Hillary wins because of the cowardice of the Bureau's agents.
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FNC host Tucker Carlson and Jose Antonio Vargas, an immigration rights activist who revealed himself to be in the country illegally in 2011, debate President Trump's plans to reform the immigraton system. "Do you think I came to this country," he asked, "so you can beat me up and call me illegal and criminal on national television?" "Because 'being here illegally' or being here without documentation or authorization is a cicil offence. Not criminal. Almost half of the people who are here illegally actually came legally and overstayed their visa. Right? They aren't crossing the Mexican border." "Those seem like non-sequiturs," Carlson said. Reply: "Tucker, the problem is you don't actually operate in facts. You don't!" "I'm not contesting those facts?" Carlson said. "No, no. These are facts," replied Vargas. "You don’t actually operate in facts… I operate in facts, you’re a pundit. There's a difference between the two of us." Carklson asks: "What does that have to do with anything? You're not answering my question. Which is, if a country has a right to determine who is here and under what circumstances. What are you arguing about? If you're agreeing that a country has a right to determine who has a right to be here, what is the arguement? If you're here illegally, we have a right to tell you to leave. What am I missing?" Vargas: "Yes, you do. But why am I here. What are the root causes of migration? What do U.S. foreign policy and trade agreements have to do with migration patterns? How did NAFTA impact not only the United States, but Mexico? Right? These are the harder questions." "We must be fully aware of our own history. I thought that statement from the African Union was really interesting --- 'Wait a second, so slaves have to build America, but we can't accept refugees?"
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According to Sapphire representative, AMD will unveil two Navi SKUs during the May 27th press event. AMD Navi at 399 USD and 499 USD While speaking to the Chinese press, Sapphire PR manager revealed that AMD is working on two Navi SKUs: a 399 USD variant to compete against GeForce RTX 2060 and 499 USD model as an alternative to RTX 2070. The interview also shed some light on the new Navi architecture. According to the same manager, it will not support ray-tracing on a hardware level. This might be an important factor when comparing GeForce and Radeon cards at the same price point. Interestingly, it was also suggested that the launch date for Navi could indeed be July 7th, while the first demonstration of new products is expected on May 27th during Dr. Lisa Su’s keynote at Computex. Rumors about Big Navi (with 5K+ cores) have been debunked by the rep. It does seem that Navi is indeed succeeding Polaris architecture in mid-range to high-end market, while leaving enthusiast range for Radeon VII. A few weeks ago the PCB of the new AMD graphics card have been leaked: Meanwhile, first traces of Navi (731F:C1) can be found in 3DMark database, as discovered by APISAK. The specs listed are clearly not accurate, as you could see the same values for Fiji and Vega prior to their launch. Source: Zhihu
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Politics Washington Family Faces 20 Years in Federal Prison for Legally Growing Medical Marijuana Lisa Rough June 5, 2015 Share Twitter Facebook Share Print We all know that the cannabis landscape is changing drastically each day, with numerous states submitting bills that would outright legalize cannabis, allow for the implementation of a medical marijuana program, or at the very least decriminalize the drug. But despite the steady progress that’s being made, there remain numerous legal gray areas to navigate, and oftentimes families find themselves at risk of being raided, arrested, and charged with federal crimes even if they’re complying with their state’s marijuana laws. One such family, nicknamed the Kettle Falls Five by the media, is facing a terrifying sentence of 20 years in a federal penitentiary. Their crime? Growing marijuana in a safe, controlled environment, strictly for medicinal purposes. Who Are the Kettle Falls Five? The Kettle Falls Five are a group of law-abiding citizens in the state of Washington who made the decision to enter into a collective cannabis garden together. Under Washington state law, every medical marijuana patient is entitled to grow up to 15 plants each. However, a collective garden has a cap of no more than 45 plants per garden. The group was growing a total of 68 plants, which is the legal limit for the number of plants per patient but exceeds the number of total plants permitted for a collective garden. These harvests were meant to last the entire year and the family sustained itself by growing their own medicine to be used solely for medicinal purposes, as they all have legal medical marijuana recommendations. Founding members of the Kettle Falls Five include a family from Kettle Falls comprised of Rhonda Firestack-Harvey, her husband, Larry Harvey, her son Rolland Gregg, and Rolland’s wife, Michelle Gregg. The only member of the Kettle Falls Five who is not related is Jason Zucker, a family friend who recently took an eleventh hour plea deal and testified against the others. Not a single person charged here has a criminal record of any kind. These are Washington’s average medical cannabis consumers – Michelle works for Microsoft, Rolland owns a tech company specializing in innovative clean energy sources, and Rhonda is the primary caregiver for Larry, a task that will be passed on to the taxpayers if she is put behind bars. The family believed that everything that they were doing was in absolute, strict compliance with Washington’s medical marijuana laws, down to the green cross sign labeling the collective garden. So what went wrong? Lives Forever Changed The first raid occurred in August of 2012. Local authorities came with one DEA agent in tow and confiscated 23 plants, reducing the number down to the legal limit of 45. They also confiscated an ATV and any firearms on the property, although the group has steadily maintained that the legally-owned weapons on the farm were for hunting purposes only and had nothing to do with the cannabis onsite. No arrests were made at the time — those would come six months later, without warning. Each member was taken in their home, at 6am, by three separate SWAT teams. During this harrowing experience, the DEA agents came in swarms, cutting down the entire garden this time, confiscating vehicles, computers, and cash. Each member of the Kettle Falls Five was indicted and held in jail; in the case of Rhonda and Larry, they were held for nearly three weeks before being released under pretrial supervision. Without access to his medicine, Larry’s gout was exacerbated, leaving him with a permanently disfigured foot. One of the terms of the Kettle Falls Five’s pretrial probation is that each member is drug-tested every week. According to the judge, the defendants cannot use any “controlled substance,” even if they have a medical “recommendation,” because the federal court recognizes cannabis’ classification as a Schedule I drug with no medicinal value. Each member dutifully abstained from cannabis for the duration of their pre-trial, including Larry Harvey, who suffers from pancreatic cancer. As the trial progressed, his condition worsened to the point that he was diagnosed with Stage IV terminal pancreatic cancer. Thankfully, charges against Larry were ultimately dropped, and Larry was able to resume his medical regimen that includes the use of cannabis oil. Hope in the Form of Legislative Amendments This case is complex for a number of reasons, one being the federal charges included an unclear photo as evidence from years past in an effort to charge the group with the manufacturing of over 100 plants, despite the fact that there were never more than 68 plants confiscated or present during the raids. With the deck stacked against the Kettle Falls Five, their case seemed bleak. Surprisingly, the group’s plight was at least partly the inspiration for Representatives Dana Rohrbacher (R-CA) and Sam Farr (D-CA) to introduce a new amendment to last year’s Cromnibus Appropriations Spending Bill, the Rohrbacher-Farr amendment (Section 538). The amendment would prohibit the Department of Justice from using federal funds to prosecute medical marijuana cases in states where it has been legalized. Representatives Rohrbacher and Farr felt so strongly about this amendment that they also sent a personally signed letter from Congress reminding the Department of Justice that it is no longer in their jurisdiction, nor within their rights, to pursue federal cases against state-level marijuana crimes. Fortunately, the Rohrbacher-Farr amendment has been renewed, which will uphold the decision to deny federal funds for the prosecution of marijuana cases in states where cannabis is legal. The amendment will hold major implications, not just for this case, but for all future cannabis policies, particularly the CARERS Act, a bill that would reconcile federal and state law in regards to medical marijuana. If you haven’t already, please contact your legislator and ask him or her to support the CARERS Act, which could prevent situations like the Kettle Falls Five from ever occurring in the future. What Will Happen to the Kettle Falls Five? The three remaining defendants were acquitted on four out of the five charges against them, but they still face a sentencing hearing that has been postponed from this June until October 2nd. This could be the end of this “nightmare,” as Rolland aptly described the ongoing ordeal for the past three years. Or it could be just the beginning — there’s only one federal drug charge remaining, but it’s a big one: growing between 50 and 100 plants. They’ve already been convicted and are facing 20 years in a federal penitentiary. Jason Zucker, the fifth defendant in the trial, pled guilty for a reduced sentence in exchange for testifying against the others. He received a recommended sentence of sixteen months in prison. When asked about Zucker, and how he felt about that turn of events, Rolland gave a thoughtful and poignant response: “I don’t hold hate in my heart for anybody. It only grows to work against you. He did what he needed to do.” He sounds like a dangerous criminal, all right. If you want to support the Kettle Falls Five, please add your name to a growing petition available here. By adding your name, this will automatically send a letter to the judge asking for leniency in their sentencing. The Kettle Falls Five have traversed the gauntlet and charted every legal avenue in the dogged pursuit of justice. They are walking through the fire and fighting tooth and nail to gain their lives back. Should their lives be ruined over a couple dozen cannabis plants? Share Twitter Facebook Share Print Lisa Rough Lisa is a former associate editor at Leafly, where she specialized in legislative cannabis policy and industry topics. View Lisa Rough's articles
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SPA OFFER Dear Guests, Aegeo SPA team would like to welcome you at Astir Odysseus Kos and to invite you to try our unique refreshing services. Benefit from the opportunity to live the experience of relaxing and self-rejuvenation. Our special offer gives you the chance to enjoy a 15 minute massage of your choice as a gift. We are looking forward to seeing you in our SPA. Please contact [email protected] for any information. Yours Sincerely Aegeo SPA Team
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Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul believes that poor Americans would "absolutely" be better off if the minimum wage were eliminated. "Do you advocate getting rid of the minimum wage, would that create more jobs?" Politico's John Harris asked Paul during Wednesday's Republican presidential debate. "Absolutely," Paul declared. "It would help the poor people who need jobs. Minimum wage is a mandate. We're against mandates so why should we have it? It would be very beneficial." "Mandates, that what the whole society is about, what we do all the time. That's what government is about: mandate, mandate, mandate. We talk so much about the Obama mandate which is so important, but what about Medicare? Isn't that a mandate? Everything we do is mandate. So, this is why you have to look at this, the cause of liberty. We don't need the government running our lives."
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You know all that talk about GPUs being the new CPUs ? Well it's not just a lot of hot, ventilated air. Thanks in large part to the launch of development kits like nVidia's CUDA , Russian outfit Elcomsoft has just filed for a US patent which leverages GPUs to crack passwords. Their approach harnesses the massively parallel processing capabilities of modern graphics cards to make minced-meat of corporate-strength password protection. An NTLM-hashed Microsoft Vista password, for example, can now be cracked in 3 to 5 days (instead of two months) using a simple, off-the-shelf, $150 graphics card -- less complicated passwords can take just minutes. Dial the GPU up to an $800 GeForce 8800 Ultra and Elcomsoft's approach will crack passwords at a rate some 25 times faster than existing CPU-only approaches. Yippee?[Via NewScientist , thanks Sultan] Read [warning: PDF]
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(CNN) An eight-year-old boy reeled in a 314-kilogram (692-pound) tiger shark on a fishing trip with his dad in Australia -- possibly setting a new world record. Jonathan Millauro and his son Jayden came across the shark last week in waters about 160 kilometers (100 miles) south of Sydney, off the coast of New South Wales, according to CNN affiliate Nine News. "The adrenaline was pumping from the moment we all spotted the shark at the boat," Millauro told Nine News. Jayden, who only weighs about 40 kilograms (about 88 pounds), managed to reel in the shark with a 15-kilogram (33 pound) fishing line, while one of the other men on board held onto his harness. "I was trying to hold myself by pushing off the wall in the boat," Jayden told Nine News. Read More
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Styling logs in browser console 28,118 reads Few days back, I was just playing around with Facebook’s div elements to get an insight how the various html divs are structured, rendered and how they reacted on various interactions. I opened the inspect element window and saw something which I never saw in console tab. Image 1: Facebook.com screenshot with console tab on Yes, custom styling of logs in console tab. This is the perfect use case of styling logs to alert the naive users about the risk. I found this crazy and I started digging in and experimenting more about custom logs. To add styles to logs, the method expects `%c` within the first argument of console.log() and it picks up the very next argument as CSS style for the %c pattern argument text. Try the following basic example now in this tab’s console window. Image 2: Basic example for custom log If you want to add multiple style, then simply add multiple %c text and add style arguments respectively. Image 3: Custom log with multiple styles Please note, there are two %c pattern text and hence two CSS style arguments. And the CSS arguments are picked up respectively from left to right. Let’s mimic Facebook’s console log style. Image 4: Facebook like danger message on console window To achieve this, we need only the color of the text as red and its outline. And to get outline around the text we are going to add four text shadows with zero pixel blur. Read more about text shadow CSS style. We can also generate the rainbow styled text, using the following CSS. console.log('%c Rainbowww!', 'font-weight: bold; font-size: 50px;color: red; text-shadow: 3px 3px 0 rgb(217,31,38) , 6px 6px 0 rgb(226,91,14) , 9px 9px 0 rgb(245,221,8) , 12px 12px 0 rgb(5,148,68) , 15px 15px 0 rgb(2,135,206) , 18px 18px 0 rgb(4,77,145) , 21px 21px 0 rgb(42,21,113)'); Image 5: Rainbow styled CSS The custom logs can be used in different scenarios depending on its importance. These styled logs are generally for a set of users who are curious enough to visit the console log window. Pinterest.com has also made very good use of custom logs. Visit pinterest’s console window now and type joinUs() in console tab, it will redirect you to their career’s page. Firebug has added custom logs in 2010 (click here) and Webkit engine has officially added this feature in 2012 (click here). Tags
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Welcome to Vetting Bernie 2020. A project of The People's View, Vetting Bernie aims to expose why Bernie Sanders is unfit to be the Democratic nominee or to serve as president. At our parent site, ThePeoplesView.net, we have done extensive work vetting Bernie before, and Vetting Bernie 2020 will be the central place of battle.At Vetting Bernie 2020, we will curate, create, and aggregate content useful for fighting Bernie Sander's second attempt at disrupting, dividing and deluding Democrats and progressives. We won't get fooled again.Please visit our parent site at ThePeoplesView.net for a wealth of progressive content, research, and commentary on a wide variety of subjects. All rules and conditions of TPV applies to Vetting Bernie 2020.
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Qtum Continues To Grow With New Partners and Dapps Qtum is an open-source value transfer platform with a focus on dapps. The platform was designed to integrate the best parts of the Bitcoin and Ethereum platforms into a business-friendly blockchain. For more details on this project, read our Qtum guide. It’s been one year since Qtum completed their wildly successful ICO, raising 11,156.766 BTC and 77,081.031 ETH—at the time, that was $15.7 million—in just 5 days. Since then, their ecosystem has been blooming with innovative projects. At the time of writing, Qtum is ranked #18 on CoinMarketCap, and is #34 on the Top 100 Blockchain Organizations list. Let’s take a look at what the project has been up to recently. Boosting Clean Energy Production in the Philippines On April 8, the Qtum Foundation announced that Energo Labs, a project built on the Qtum platform, has partnered with First Gen, the largest producer of clean energy in the Philippines. Utilizing Qtum’s blockchain platform, Energo and First Gen are working together to enable peer-to-peer exchange of electricity between buildings on the campus of De La Salle University in Manila, Philippines. Kaikai Yang, CEO of Energo Labs, has high hopes for this cutting-edge technology: Through combining the decentralization of blockchain with solar cells, energy storage and other hardware, we hope to accelerate the power reform in off-grid areas and devote itself towards making clean electricity more accessible to residents in remote areas in the near future. We are delighted to partner with De La Salle University on this case and wish to forge more partnerships with leading players in the cleantech industry. Energo also donated a hardware system to the university that is expected to save up to 1.2 million Philippine pesos in electricity expenditures over the next 20 years. It’s nice to see Qtum’s technology being used to make the world a greener place. Bodhi Prediction Market Platform Is Now Live on Qtum Mainnet On April 23, Bodhi announced they have deployed a live beta on the Qtum mainnet. Bodhi is a decentralized prediction market platform that allows users to more accurately predict the outcome of future events—including finance, sports, politics, and all kinds of global events. Bodhi is the first dapp to successfully launch on the Qtum mainnet. Xiahong Lin, founder of Bodhi, reported: It’s a major milestone for us. While other prediction markets are still not live, we already have a fully-decentralized blockchain application for the public to use. Bodhi users can now create new prediction events, stake tokens on the desired outcome of events, set/dispute results, and withdraw QTUM and BOT tokens into their personal wallets. If you’re interested in giving it a try, watch this video tutorial on how to use the Bodhi platform and read Bodhi’s FAQ. Note that there are restrictions preventing users from the US, China, and Singapore from accessing the platform until further clarity on local regulations gets worked out. New Dapps on Qtum Platform Several projects have announced they will be developing dapps on the Qtum platform. This includes a company called BINGO that runs an independent blockchain entertainment ecosystem for developers, publishers, and gamers. BINGO developed the very first cryptocurrency game on Qtum, called QTUM Heroes. This game is different from collectibles games like CryptoKitties—it’s a player-vs-player arena game where winners are rewarded in cryptocurrency payments. To learn more and start playing, go here. Mithril, a social media blockchain project, has also announced that they will be developing social media dapps on Qtum. Mithril founder Jeffrey Huang had this to say: Qtum has provided great support for Mithril since the early days of our project. I believe Qtum’s security, reliability, and scalability will be instrumental to the future development of the Mithril ecosystem. Stella Kung, Qtum’s head of marketing and public relations, will be advising Mithril as they develop their project. Other Key Updates Other than new partnerships and dapps coming on board Qtum, here are some key updates to note: Qtum published a blog post on the status of their circulating supply for their 3rd year of operation. About 6 million additional tokens will be unlocked in March 2019 and 2020, bringing all 100 million tokens into circulation. on the status of their circulating supply for their 3rd year of operation. About 6 million additional tokens will be unlocked in March 2019 and 2020, bringing all 100 million tokens into circulation. The Qtum wallet has been updated to v0.14.16 with big fixes and improvements. While it is an optional update, users are encouraged to update their wallets. Qtum has launched a new wallet website: https://qtumeco.io/wallet What the Future Holds for Qtum Qtum fans can expect to see a new and updated Qtum roadmap in the near future, as the current roadmap’s tasks have all been completed. Having a new roadmap from the team will give us a glimpse into what the developers are working on next. No matter what the new roadmap will outline, it’s a pretty safe bet to say that Qtum will continue to grow and become an even bigger player in the blockchain world as they continue to make new partnerships and more projects continue to be built upon their blockchain.
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Which Rental Place Offers a Next-Gen Game System at the Lowest Price? By Rob Cockerham | April 21, 2014 How much is an Xbox One at Rent a Center? How much is a PS4? How much is an Xbox One at Aarons? How much is a PS4? Not everyone can afford to pay cash for the latest new game console. If this is your situation, my advice is to NOT BUY a game console. Using a credit card, and paying it off over time is an option, but this option is expensive. Using a credit card with 18% annual percentage rate (APR)(interest), you might end up paying an extra $30 in interest. If your credit score is in the toilet, and you can't get a Visa or Mastercard, try your luck at Best Buy. They have an in-store credit card. You shouldn't buy a game console at Aaron's or Rent a Center. Their prices are crazy. On March 15th, I visited both stores and asked about the PS4 and the Xbox One. Here are the numbers: Rent-a-Center At Rent-a-Center, you pay for purchases based on how frequently you get paid. If you get paid once a week, you pay each week, if you get paid once a month, you pay once a month. For most customers, this means paying every two weeks. For the PS4, Rent a Center charges $70 per two-weeks, or $35 per week. That's designed to be affordable, but it will be a long time before you own it. The PS4 takes 53 weeks to pay off at that rate, for a total price of $1,854.47. For the Xbox One, the bi-weekly price at Rent-a-Center is the same, $70 per two weeks, but it takes a few more weeks to pay off: 58 weeks, or $2,029.42 total. Aaron's is a little less! or a little more... At Aaron's, if you can pay that much, you'd opt for the 12-month lease-to-own plan, paying $129 per month for a PS4. Now, assuming you didn't tack on another 10% for Aaron's Service PLUS, you'd pay $129/month for 12 months, plus tax, for a total of $1,692.48. Aaron's has plans which charge a little less per month, some as low as $80, but those plans cost much more in the long run, taking 24 months to pay, for a total price of $2,082.96. For the Xbox One with Kinect, the pricing is the same as the PS4. A 12-month lease is $141 per month, for a total of $1,692. A 24-month lease is $86 per month for two years, a total of $2,082. $2,082 for a game console? Have you lost your mind? This is a ridiculous retail proposition. What fool would sign up for this? Not me, but I couldn't help noticing that Aaron's Xbox price ($79/month for 24 months) is the exact price and duration of my AT&T wireless contract which I signed to take delivery of my fancy new Galaxy Note smartphone. This is embarrassing.
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Asked about Bitcoin last week, economics Nobel laureate and Columbia University professor Joseph Stiglitz said, among other gems, “It ought to be outlawed. It doesn’t serve any socially useful function.” His views have been widely panned by supporters of cryptocurrency, of course, and this post will be another example. Stiglitz’s statement illustrates a subtle but very important slippage in the function of economics and economists, from students of human action to dictators of human behavior. The slip happens with concepts like “utility” or, as Stiglitz says, “socially useful function.” Things are useful if they promote certain ends, and they are not useful if they don’t. The question is always what the ends are. Sometimes, economists switch from embracing the ends people seek, as exhibited by their actions, and they adopt a different set of ends. It’s understandable when economists do that, because each person’s ends are their own to decide—they’re often known only to themselves, and sometimes they’re not known at all. Economists tend to aggregate real humans’ ends into things that are easily measured. Gross Domestic Product is an example. Most people want to be, or have to be, productive in order to pay for things they want. So GDP is a decent measure of people’s success with pursuing their ends. But what happens when “leisure” comes along as a suitable aim for many people? Suddenly, a slowdown in GDP growth might signal that people are getting what they want. Most economists reflexively treat it like it’s bad. But it’s less and less clear that it is. Economists or economic thinkers can get things wrong other ways. They can steer utility toward group rights and against individual liberty. They can model human behavior badly, undercutting political outcomes they might prefer. The opportunities for error grow with the things economists claim to know. So it is with Stiglitz, who seems certain about Bitcoin’s lacking “social utility,” even while people buy and hold enough to make it a top-20 global currency. There may be some over-enthusiasm, of course, but people around the world see hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of present and potential value in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Who are you going to believe, Mr. Stiglitz, “socially useful,” or the actual society around you? There’s little likelihood that Stiglitz and others in elite positions will absorb these ideas and approach Bitcoin with renewed humility and open-mindedness. Rather, seeing society’s interests as they define them, they will regard Bitcoin as a threat. They will move against it, possibly even trying to outlaw Bitcoin as Stiglitz suggests. That’s why it’s so important for new holders of Bitcoin take actual control of it. Many people who have recently purchased Bitcoin leave it with services like Coinbase. That company has shown a laudable willingness to defend its customers, such as from the IRS’ dragnet effort to collect its users’ data. (We participated in that dispute as a friend of the court.) But centralized services like Coinbase are where the government will go if and when the time comes to grab the Bitcoin. It’s often said in the Bitcoin community that you don’t own your bitcoins if you don’t control your keys. That refers to the private key in the public-private key pairs that make Bitcoin work. You don’t have to be a cryptographer to do that, but it does take a little time and effort. I don’t recommend large investments in Bitcoin, and one should only invest funds in cryptocurrency that they would be comfortable losing entirely. But if you have any serious quantity of Bitcoin, you should secure it against seizure from a third-party service by taking control of it yourself. The best way to do that is to use a hardware wallet, such as Trezor or Ledger. These are specially designed devices for storing the private keys to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. A hardware wallet is like a Bitcoin safe because it protects the codes that control your Bitcoin. When your Bitcoin is stored on a hardware wallet, it is truly in your control. Someone trying to seize it has to find you or your wallet and your codes in order to get it. (Likewise, if you lose a hardware wallet and the recovery “seed” used to create the private keys in it, you lose your Bitcoin.) It’s a fascinating new world of personal responsibility for those who care to live it. It’s not guaranteed that the careless talk of Joseph Stiglitz won’t turn into careless and wrongheaded action by government officials. So it’s a good time to secure yourself from the depredations of economists who’ve lost their way and no longer serve any socially useful function.
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Witness the beautiful fabric woven by traditional weavers in Toraja, Indonesia, and learn how their collective is working to bring economic independence to the weavers while preserving weaving as part of their cultural heritage. The social enterprise, Torajamelo, transforms the lives of these weavers, offering scholarships for their children and grandchildren and health insurance for themselves and their families so that they can continue making their beautiful creations while still caring for their families and farms.
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Check out our new site Makeup Addiction Observe socially awkward penguin back that fucker up
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What you see: White film on grapes What it is: “Bloom” produced by the grape as a natural protection Eat or toss? Eat! It’s just part of the grape’s natural coating, nothing more. I admit that there was a tiny part of me that used to eye the white film on grapes with suspicion, assuming it to be some very obvious pesticide residue. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. The white film, called “bloom,” is something that you see on a number of soft fruits and protects the grape from things like moisture loss and decay. Produced by the grape itself, the bloom is mostly made of a waxy substance called oleanolic acid. Oleanolic acid occurs widely in food and might even have some disease-fighting properties. SOURCES: California Table Grape Commission - Grape Terms Waste Free Kitchen Handbook by Dana Gunders p. 151 Pharmacology of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid The white stuff on grapes? Why, that's just a little self-preservation.
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Will it happen at the shops? Will it be a huge gush of water? Does it hurt? These are the questions many first time pregnant mamas ask themselves when thinking about the possibility of their waters breaking. It’s pretty normal to feel a bit worried about your waters breaking, particularly if you have no idea what to expect and thanks to today’s media, which makes waters breaking seem like The Worst Thing Ever. Myths About Your Waters Breaking Here are 9 myths about your waters breaking. #1: You Have No Warning Ok we’ve all seen it happen in the movies – pregnant woman is minding her own business at work or shopping and suddenly she’s taken by complete surprise when her waters break. While you don’t know exactly when your waters may break, it commonly happens during active labour – when you’ve already been having regular contractions for a while. If your waters break before labour has begun, you will usually have some warning signs, like mild cramping that feels a bit like period pain, or even lower backache. While the medical world would have us believe different, there aren’t any rules to labour and birth. Yes there is a fairly typical chain of events that happen to most women but within that wide range of normal are many variations. You’re unique and might not experience the start of labour like your mother, sister or best friend. Roll with it! Find out the differences between labour in the movies and real life here. #2: You Will Feel Your Waters Break You might feel a pop, you might not. You might feel a rush of fluid, a trickle or simply wonder if you have pee’d yourself. You may feel all of the above or none at all! It can actually be harder than you think to tell if your waters have broken. Vaginal fluid increase toward the end of pregnancy, and the mucus plug can begin to come away as the cervix starts to ripen. This can be mistaken for amniotic fluid. If the amniotic sac ruptured higher than the baby’s head, only a trickle will be able to make its way out. Which can cause you to regret not doing more pelvic floor exercises! You might even notice the trickle stops which can really make things confusing as nothing might happen for a few days. Some women do experience the full gush of waters, and are surprised that more fluid can come out with each contraction. Most of the time, if your waters have broken, moving around or being in an upright position will give you a clue as to what’s going on, as you may feel wetness that you can’t control. #3: Labour Doesn’t Start Immediately Just because your waters have broken doesn’t mean labour is going to start immediately. Contractions might start in a few hours, they may take their merry time and keep you waiting for 12 or more hours. About 1 in 10 women experience their waters breaking several hours before labour begins. How long you have to wait depends on a few factors, such as your baby’s position and what your care provider policy is on waters breaking before labour starts. Many women want things to get a move on and will try to encourage contractions to begin. Try not to wear yourself out because you will need that energy for later and definitely don’t insert anything in your vagina to limit infection risk. #4: You Don’t Need To Rush To the Hospital So your waters have broken – now what? If you were in the movies, you might jump in the nearest taxi or phone your partner to get home NOW and race you into hospital. But this isn’t the movies and it’s probably 2am (little known fact: waters most often break at night when you are in bed sleeping). You might get up and check what’s going on, feel excited – even wake your partner to say ‘the baby’s coming’ just to have someone to share the news with. Your care provider may have recommended you contact them when your waters have broken. This is to make sure all is well and to reassure you of what do if things change. Get some rest or snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie. Trying to get things moving can seem like a good idea but that gets tiring pretty quickly. #5: You Might Get An Infection The amniotic sac serves a purpose other than holding onto the amniotic fluid. It acts as a barrier to prevent infections which can cause severe complications. If water is trickling out there is little chance of bacteria swimming against the tide as it were, unless something is inserted into the vagina and close to the cervix. This would allow bacteria to be pushed upwards and potentially be introduced through the cervix. Policy differs as to how long you can wait after your waters break and contractions begin – usually between 48 and 72 hours. After this time, your care provider may recommend induction of labour as the risk of you acquiring an infection is believed to be increased. #6: You Might Have A Dry Birth A dry birth is a bit of an urban myth. The theory goes if a woman’s waters break days or weeks before labour begins, all the fluid is gone and she has a dry birth. There are several reasons why this just can’t happen. The baby’s head acts like a cork in a bottle, so if the amniotic sac breaks not all the water can escape at once. Usually when a large gush does occur it is because the baby’s head isn’t fully engaged and there is a decent amount of fluid in front of the head. Once the sac ruptures, the baby’s head will descend over the cervix and act as a plug for the water remaining. Amniotic fluid can also replenish itself. During late pregnancy, the source of most of the fluid is from the baby and the rest from the mother. A healthy baby can replenish the fluid even if the amniotic sac has ruptured. #7: You Can Make Your Waters Break You’re full term, over it and ready for this baby to be born. A late night Google session gives you the bright idea to drive down a bumpy road, have sex, bounce on your birth ball, eat lots of pineapple… Science has only just started to figure out what causes labour to start and it definitely isn’t a spicy curry. Your baby’s lungs reach a certain point of maturity, triggering a complex process that tells your body to go into labour. Read more here about what causes labour to start. Most of the time when women go into labour after using natural induction methods, it is because they were already in prelabour and their bodies were ready to start getting serious. Being patient pays off but it can be a good story to tell if you don’t mind amniotic fluid on your car seat. Find out 7 things that failed to induce labour for BellyBelly writer Fiona. #8: Waters Don’t Break Early Unfortunately this isn’t true. Around 10% of women will experience what is known as premature rupture of membranes (PROM). This is when the amniotic sac ruptures before your baby is ready to be born (earlier than 37 weeks). Why this happens has been one of science’s greatest mysteries but recent research has discovered labour is associated with an inflammatory response and there is increased concentrations of bacteria in women who have experienced PROM. If your waters do break earlier than 37 weeks, contact your care provider right away as there are management and treatment options available depending on how many weeks pregnant you are. Here’s more information about when your water breaks prematurely. #9: No Interventions Needed After Waters Break Sometimes contractions don’t get started or aren’t regular and strong enough to dilate the cervix. An infection might be present or there can be a complication like cord prolapse (when the cord is swept out through the cervix before the baby’s head). Interventions can be medically necessary and save lives of mothers and babies around the world. They can also be used unnecessarily because of an impatience and desire to avoid any deviation from what is considered ‘normal’ labour by the medical profession. If an intervention is recommended by your care provider, don’t be afraid to ask for more information, including the risks and benefits of having/not having the intervention. Unless things are urgent you will have time to consider your options and make the best decision for you and your baby. Recommended Reading:
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Despite the U.S. Congress providing incentives to drug manufacturers to encourage the study of medications in children, few approved drugs include safe dosing information for obese kids. A study conducted at Children's National Health System in conjunction with the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research surveyed pediatric medical and clinical pharmacology reviews under the FDA Amendments Act of 2007 and the FDA Safety and Innovation Act of 2012. The study used search terms related to weight and size to determine the current incorporation of obesity as a covariate in pediatric drug development. Of the 89 product labels identified, none provided dosing information related to obesity. The effect of body mass index on drug pharmacokinetics was mentioned in only four labels, according to the study "Obesity and Pediatric Drug Development," published online Jan. 19, 2018, in The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate that one in six children and adolescents in the U.S. is obese. Obesity increases the percentage of fat tissue more than it boosts the percentage of lean body mass and enlarges kidney size, factors that impact how the body takes up medicine, where it retains it and how quickly it is excreted. "We are making progress in expanding the number of medicines with pediatric labeling, but we need to do more concerning providing dosing guidelines for children with obesity," says Janelle D. Vaughns, M.D., director of bariatric anesthesia at Children's National and the lead study author. "Moving forward, regulators, clinicians and the pharmaceutical industry should consider enrolling more obese patients in pediatric clinical trials to facilitate the safe and effective use of the next generation of medicines by obese children and adolescents."
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Oh, so you believe in science? Doesn't that make you a scientologist? 2,307 shares
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There is not any query social media has reworked the best way individuals talk, collect data, and in addition how customers make choices about purchases. With that in thoughts, it’s a must to get your data on the market the place they are going to see it. Not alone the place they will discover it, all the same in a format they are going to reply positively to. That is the place SMO companies come into the image. It is essential to grasp this isn’t the identical as SEO. While you’ll be able to rent the identical provider to deal with the duties, you must have distinctive details about the SMO companies they’re offering for you. The two must be half-tracked severally so yow will discover what could should be improved to get a greater response out of your target market. The largest distinction is SEO is intermeshed in direction of acquiring customers to try your webpages. To do that, it normally focuses on enhancing your placement on the search engine outcomes after customers sort in a key phrase or phrase. With SMO companies, the main focus is on rising your on-line presence and popularity with using varied branches of social media. Common Outlets The branches on the SMO companies tree proceed to develop and develop on a regular basis. Social media isn’t a passing pattern, it’s right here to remain and it’s the to the worst degree bit multiplication going to have change and enhancements aboard the best way. Some of the frequent retailers that can help you attain your area of interest advertising embrace Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. There are many others all the same these are the highest ones. While some customers have all three of these rather accounts they entry day by day, others alone have one or two of them. It is a private choice as is the period of time individuals spend of their information feeds. Some individuals can spend hours per day on social media websites and others barely coup d’oeil at them. The objective is to get your small business to be familiar to them in addition to fascinating. Branding It takes a substantial amount of time for any enterprise to efficiently model themselves in a given area of interest. It is an current work in progress that entails each SEO and SMO companies to tumble established and to maintain it going sturdy for the extended haul. At the identical time, such companies may help to generate extra sensible leads. Often, these leads flip into gross revenue so it boosts your total conversion charge. Word of Mouth No type of advertising on the market, regardless of how a deal you invite it, will ever be as precious as phrase of cash. When potential customers hear about your services or products from mortal they’re familiar vial social media, it’s gold of their eyes. That is an actual particular somebody they’ve a connection to, not just few random evaluate they stumbled upon on the web. Effective SMO companies enable that phrase of mouth to proceed to develop and flow into. People are curious after they see others speaking few explicit enterprise or objects they provide. They wish to discover out for themselves whthe to the worst degree bit the excitement is about and the way they will profit from it too. They don’t wish to be left and ne’er have that services or products that so many are spirited about. Provider Services To actually acquire with SMO, you want knowledgeable to work with. You want rather more than simply optimisation and hyperlinks. You want a sensible proficiency your small business can develop from and customers power be excited to discover additive in addition to excited to inform others about. Posting content material and hospitable them to have a look at what you supply is a big piece of constructing that occur.
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The Bank of England has set up a research division looking at how it can get involved with digital currencies such as bitcoin and the technology behind them. It is exploring the possibility of launching its own digital currency linked to the rate of sterling, which reports suggest could get the go ahead this year. Britcoin: The Bank of England has set up a research division looking at how it can get involved with digital currencies like Bitcoin and the technology behind it If given the green light, a digital currency approved and regulated by the Bank of England would give security to people who want to keep their money in a digital format, which could see them complete big payments faster and without the need to go through a High Street bank. Investors in the unregulated cryptocurrency bitcoin rode a rollercoaster of volatility toward the end of last year as it yo-yoed between $12,000 and $20,000 – having started the year at around $1,000. Critics have warned against betting on the rogue currency and called for central banks to get involved.
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As they look back on the bloody scene that unfolded Wednesday at the airport in Flint, Mich., witnesses say there was no warning of what was to come. The man the FBI would later identify as Amor Ftouhi had wandered around the public parts of Bishop International Airport, just outside the Transportation Security Administration screening area. He was carrying bags, and went inside a restroom. He came out without the bags and went up to police Lt. Jeff Neville of the airport’s Public Safety Department. The chief of the department, Chris Miller, who was nearby, said Ftouhi did not engage with Neville. “He just started stabbing,” he said. The only warning, such as it was, came, authorities said, when Ftouhi yelled, “Allahu akbar” — “God is great” in Arabic. David Gelios, the FBI special agent in charge, said witnesses reported that the attacker also shouted words to the effect of, ​​​​​​“You killed people in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and we are all going to die.” The struggle that ensued over the next minute, which is being investigated as a possible act of terrorism, left Neville bloodied, Ftouhi under arrest and the city’s Muslim community on edge and fearful of retaliatory attacks against their community. Authorities said Ftouhi, 50, of Canada, was armed with a 12-inch knife – 4 inches of handle, 8 of blade. He stabbed Neville in the neck. “I was 10, 15 feet away when I witnessed the attack,” Neville’s friend Lt. Dan Owen of the airport Fire Department said. “It was very terrifying to see something that quick, and luckily we were at a very close distance to respond.” Neville fought back against his attacker. Owen rushed in to help. So did Miller. “Lt. Neville never stopped fighting,” Miller said. “Neville fought him right till the end, right until I was able to handcuff this person,” he said. Neville underwent surgery and was reported to be in satisfactory condition. He is a 16-year veteran of the department, according to his LinkedIn profile. So far, it appears that Ftouhi acted alone and did not have specialized training, but the investigation is continuing, Gelios said. Gelios, in a televised news conference, added that Ftouhi entered the United States legally on June 16 at Lake Champlain, N.Y. The airport was shut down for several hours as investigators combed the crime scene. Justin Marshall, 36, was flying on Delta Air Lines from Atlanta to Bishop International Airport when the flight attendant told passengers that an incident had occurred and they wouldn’t be allowed to land right away. “We circled the airport for 20 minutes,” he said in a phone interview. “They didn’t tell us right away what happened,” said Marshall, who lives about an hour north of Flint. He said the attendant then said the plane would still have to circle for an additional 15 minutes. The attendant later said “that an individual had forced their way to a secure area of the airport,” he said. “We didn’t know a police officer had been stabbed until other passengers managed to go online.” Marshall, who is vice president of advancement and alumni relations at Northwood University in Midland, Mich., said that after the flight landed, he and his fellow passengers had to wait about 45 minutes until they deplaned and were escorted by police officers and TSA agents. He said about 20 police officers and TSA agents had lined the gate where the passengers waited to get their checked baggage. “Everyone was calm and orderly and understanding of the situation,” he said. “We were mostly concerned about the officer.” Expressions of support for Neville came from all over. “My thoughts and prayers are with all of our law enforcement officers who work to service and protect us each and every day,” Flint Mayor Karen Weaver said. “I want the public to know that several agencies are involved and working to ensure the situation is under control.” Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder said on Twitter: “As we wait to learn more about the incident at Bishop Airport, please keep the attacked officer in your thoughts & prayers.” There is a relatively large Muslim population in Flint, and many residents describe their relationship with the greater community and law enforcement as generally positive. But with anti-Muslim incidents on the rise in the U.S. — and recent terrorist attacks overseas — some local residents worry about possible backlash against Muslims. Muna Jondy, a spokeswoman for the Flint Islamic Center, estimated that there are as many as 3,000 Muslims in Flint. She said some are concerned that the attack on Neville will prompt retaliatory violence, especially as Muslims gather for late-night activities at mosques as the holy month of Ramadan winds down this weekend. “Police chiefs here called Islamic centers in Flint asking how we are doing” and offered to provide extra security for evening prayers, Jondy said. Dawud Walid, executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a leading Muslim civil rights organization, said acts of violence are often perceived differently depending on the perpetrator’s background or religion. Such a double standard exists, he said, particularly when the suspect is a Muslim or a person of color. “If the attacker is white, it’s presumed as a lone man who has mental problems, but that doubt is not given to an alleged attacker who is Muslim,” he said. “There is a collective guilt assigned, as if the Muslim community must apologize for the action that we had nothing to do with.” ALSO Two charged with attempted murder in stabbing of bodyguard of well-known alt-right figure Bodyguard for well-known alt-right figure stabbed several times Suspect held in London attack was overheard to say: 'I want to kill Muslims' UPDATES: 6:55 p.m.: This article has been updated with additional details and for clarity. 3:20 p.m.: This article was updated with details about the attack and the arrest of Amor Ftouhi. 1 p.m.: This article was updated to report the attacker shouted “God is great” in Arabic, according to a law enforcement source. 11:20 a.m.: This article was updated with a comment from the FBI. 10:35 a.m.: This article was updated to identify of the injured officer as Jeff Neville. 10 a.m.: This article was updated to report the officer’s condition and to include a tweet from Gov. Rick Snyder. 8:55 a.m.: This article has been updated with a tweet from Michigan State Police and accounts from witnesses This article was originally published at 7:55 a.m.
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