stringlengths 1
| meta
dict |
A note: in both cases makes a reservation explicitly at a DOWNTOWN hotel.
There are hotels with the same names elsewhere in Houston.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 06/30/2000
02:44 PM ---------------------------
Shirley Crenshaw
06/30/2000 02:25 PM
To: Shijie Deng <[email protected]> @ ENRON
cc: (bcc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT)
Subject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group
I spoke with Vince and he said Friday the 28th of July would be fine for
your visit to Enron.
Please let me know your itinerary when you have it confirmed. There
are two hotels downtown Houston, The Doubletree and the Hyatt Regency
that are very close to the Enron Bldg.
If you need help with anything, please let me know.
Look forward to having you at Enron.
Shirley Crenshaw
Shijie Deng <[email protected]> on 06/30/2000 10:15:43 AM
To: Shirley Crenshaw <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Visit to Houston and Vince Kaminski's Research Group
Thank you for your message. I'm fine with 7/28 (Friday). I could fly in
to Houston early evening on 7/27. Please let me know after you confirm
the date with Vince. Thanks!
Shi-Jie Deng
Assistant Professor
School of ISyE
Georgia Institute of Technology
Office Phone: (404) 894-6519
E-mail: [email protected]
Home page: http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~deng
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Shirley Crenshaw wrote:
> Good morning Professor Deng:
> I am Vince Kaminski's assistant and he has asked me to coordinate your
> visit to Enron. The last week in July would be best for Vince and his
> especially the 24th, 26th, 27th, or 28th. Tuesday, the 25th is already
> up. Please let me know which day would work for you.
> Best regards,
> Shirley Crenshaw
> Administrative Coordinator
> Enron Corp. Research Group
> 713/853-5290
> email: Shirley.Crenshaw.com
> | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
OK, it's settled. We will NOT turn in the case this Monday. Good call,
Dylan Windham <[email protected]>
02/10/2001 02:53 PM
To: [email protected]
cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Subject: Re: DuPont
We are not scheduled to turn this in and I don't think it will help at all
with grading. I have looked at the case but frankly I have to work both
days this weekend and probably will not have a lot of time to
contribute. But if the group decides we want to pursue this I will help
all I can.
At 12:34 PM 2/9/2001 -0600, [email protected] wrote:
>Hey gang:
>I think that we should do the case. I'm willing to help draft, and willing
>to take a first crack at putting some bullets together about the direction
>I think the memo ought to take and distribute that by about 5 PM tomorrow.
>Though it would be good for other folks to do same and then we could
>compare notes. Makes sense? Thoughts? Suggestions?
>Jeff | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2001
03:07 PM ---------------------------
"Angela Dorsey" <[email protected]> on 01/18/2001 02:53:59 PM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy
FinanceConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin
Thanks for the extra support in getting the word out. I've had a couple
RSVP's from Enron.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:59 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; Angela Dorsey
Subject: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy
FinanceConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin
The $500 registration fee is waived for any Enron employee who wishes to
attend this conference because of our relationship with the school.
forward this information to your managers and staff members who would
benefit from participating in this important conference. (Note: Vince
Kaminski is a panellist for the Risk Management Session 3.)
Please note: The deadline for RSVP & Hotel reservations is MONDAY,
22nd Don't miss this opportunity!
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at EXT.
---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001
07:38 PM ---------------------------
"Angela Dorsey" <[email protected]> on 01/10/2001 03:06:18 PM
To: "Angela Dorsey" <[email protected]>
cc: "Ehud Ronn" <[email protected]>, "Sheridan Titman (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>
Subject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University
Texas at Austin
Colleagues and Friends of the Center for Energy Finance Education and
Research (CEFER):
Happy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.
On behalf of the University of Texas Finance Department and CEFER, we
like to cordially invite you to attend our:
2001 Energy Finance Conference
Austin, Texas
February 22 - 23, 2001
Hosted by the University of Texas Finance Department
Center for Energy Finance Education and Research
Dr. Ehud I. Ronn and Dr. Sheridan Titman are currently in the process of
finalizing the details of the conference agenda. We have listed the
outline below to assist you in your travel planning. Each conference
session will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest
on the designated topic.
As supporters of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research,
representatives of our trustee corporations (Enron, El Paso, Reliant,
Conoco, and Southern) will have the $500 conference fee waived.
The conference package includes Thursday evening's cocktails &
dinner and hotel/UT shuttle service, as well as Friday's conference
session materials and shuttle service. Travel to Austin and hotel
reservations are each participant's responsibility.
A limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the
Hotel on Town Lake under the group name "University of Texas Finance
Department" for the nights of Thursday, 2/22/01 and Friday, 2/23/01 (the
latter evening for those who choose to stay in Austin after the
Conference's conclusion). To guarantee room reservations, you will need
contact the Radisson Hotel at (512) 478-9611 no later than Monday,
22nd, and make your reservations with a credit card. Please let me know
when you have made those arrangements so that I can make sure the
gives you the special room rate of $129/night.
Please RSVP your interest in attending this conference NO LATER THAN
JANUARY 22nd to [email protected], or (512) 232-7386, as
availability is limited. Please feel free to extend this invitation to
your colleagues who might be interested in attending this Conference.
Center for Energy Finance Education and Research
February 22 - 23, 2001
Thursday, Feb 22:
3:00 p.m. Reserved rooms at the Radisson Hotel available for
5:30 p.m. Bus will pick up guests at the Radisson for transport to
UT Club*
6:00 p.m. Cocktails, UT Club 9th Floor
7:00 p.m. Dinner, UT Club
8:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker
9:00 p.m. Bus will transport guests back to hotel
Friday, Feb 23:
7:45 a.m. Bus will pick up at the Radisson for transport to UT
8:30 a.m. Session 1 - REAL OPTIONS
Panelists: Jim Dyer, UT (Chair)
Sheridan Titman, UT
John McCormack, Stern Stewart & Co.
10:00 a.m. Coffee Break
10:15 a.m. Session 2 - DEREGULATION
Panelists: David Eaton, UT (Chair)
David Spence, UT
Jeff Sandefer, Sandefer Capital
Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk
11:45 a.m. Catered Lunch & Keynote Speaker
1:30 p.m. Guest Tour - EDS Financial Trading & Technology Center
2:00 p.m. Session 3 - RISK MANAGEMENT
Panelists: Keith Brown, UT (Chair)
Vince Kaminski, Enron
Alexander Eydeland, Southern Co.
Ehud I. Ronn, UT
3:30 p.m. Snack Break
Panelists: Laura Starks, UT (Chair)
Bob Goldman, Conoco
Ray Hill, Southern Co.
5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up
5:30 p.m. Bus picks up for transport to airport/dinner
6:30 p.m. Working dinner for senior officers of Energy Finance
*We have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the
hotel and UT during the conference. However, if you choose to stay at an
alternative hotel, then transportation to conference events
will become your responsibility.
Angela Dorsey
Assistant Director
Center for Energy Finance Education & Research
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Finance, CBA 6.222
Austin, TX 78712
[email protected]
************** | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Linda, Sylvia, I need you to set up the Transco contracts as outlined
As agent for CES unless specified otherwise, Firmness = Firm, Service Type =
K# K Type Rate Term Comment
1.1703 TRANSP FT-R 1 month then evergreen ENA's .7537 contract
2.1439 TRANSP FTL-R 1 month then evergreen ENA's 2.2390 contract, we need
to create new Rate Sched
2.7425 TRANSP FTS-R 1 month then evergreen Special z4 to z4 contract. ENA
does not have one like this.
2.7423 TRANSP FTCH-R 1 month then evergreen ENA's 2.7055, also used for z4
to z4
2.7479 Storage WSR 1 month then evergreen Washington Storage.
2.7502 Storage ESR 1 month then evergreen Eminence Storage
2.1432 TRANSP FT-R 1 month then evergreen As agent for CEM. ENA's .7537
We will be billed commodity on the 4 contracts listed above. We will be
billed demand on the contracts listed below.
3.3053 CAPACI FT-R 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 schedule on 1.1703
3.3096 CAPACI FT-R 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 schedule on 1.1703
3.3039 CAPACI FT-R 1/1/00- 1/31/00 schedule on 1.1703
3.3109 CAPACI FTS-R 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 schedule on 2.7425
3.3085 CAPACI FTCH-R 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 schedule on 2.7423
3.3114 Storage ESR 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 schedule on 2.7502
3.3115 Storage WSR 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 schedule on 2.7479
2.4899 CAPACI FTL-R 1/1/00 - 5/31/08 schedule on 2.1439
2.7160 CAPACI FTL-R 1/1/00 - 5/31/08 schedule on 2.1439
2.8607 CAPACI FTL-R 1/1/00 - 5/31/08 schedule on 2.1439
3.3014 CAPACI FT-R 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 schedule on 1.1703
3.3022 CAPACI FT-R 1/1/00 - 1/31/00 CEM capacity. schedule on 2.1432
I'm sure I made a few typo's.
thanks | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
This morning I had a conversation with the management of Irving Pulp & Paper,
Limited. They have asked us to review the executed Master Agreement, put in
place for pulp and paper hedging, for possible energy commodity trading. The
original contract was assigned to ENA from ECC. Could someone please prepare
an amendment per the following request:
currency = USD
MAC = for Irving it should be unilateral
Independant Amount = for Irving it should be $500M. Also can we include LC:
IMDC/TOR/S/313954, issued by the Bank of Montreal for $1,080,000, expiring
Jul 31, 2001 as an additional amount. This trade was provided as a specific
term of an individual trade. I have tried to pull both of the individual
confirmations outstanding but I have had no luck. Trade numbers of these
deals are: ns1968 and n09878.
Contact and Address Information:
Mark Bettle
Irving Pulp & Paper Limited
300 Union Street
St. Johns, New Brunswick E2L 4M3
Let me know if I can be of any futher assistance.
brant | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
This request has been pending your approval for 36 days. Please click http://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000057285&Page=Approval to review and act upon this request.
Request ID : 000000000057285
Request Create Date : 8/30/01 5:59:30 PM
Requested For : [email protected]
Resource Name : Market Data Kobra Basic Energy
Resource Type : Applications | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Firstly, thanks for the message. I am indeed the right person for ISDA's in
Vitol. I did meet with your credit people in London ( David Hardy and Lee
Munden) and we did discuss the idea of replacing the existing agreement. I
am at present in our office in Rotterdam, but will be back in Geneva
tomorrow. I therefore do not have the existing agreement with me, but I seem
to remember that it is just signed with Vitol SA Inc, which is the US branch
office of the main trading company in the Vitol Group, Vitol SA, which is a
Swiss company registered in Geneva. I would suggest that you send us a
proposal for an ISDA agreement with Vitol SA, set up as a multibranch
company about to trade out of its Geneva and Houston office, and with Vitol
Holding BV (the ultimate parent company of the group) as the credit support
provider. I would hope that once we have agreed terms for the basic schedule
and credit support annex, we can then easily add other Vitol or Enron
companies as appropriate.
Regards, David
David Fransen
Vitol SA Geneva
Tel : 00-41-22-322-1111
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the sender.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sara Shackleton [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 31 May 2000 15:20
To: [email protected]
Subject: Undeliverable: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North
A merica Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol")
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 05/31/2000 08:19 AM -----
| | System |
| | Administrator|
| | <postmaster@V|
| | itol.com> |
| | |
| | 05/30/2000 |
| | 11:31 AM |
| | |
| To: [email protected]
| cc:
| Subject: Undeliverable: Master Agreement (financial) between
| Enron North A merica Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol")
Your message
To: [email protected]
Cc: Tanya Rohauer
Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North America Corp. (
"ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol")
Sent: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:27:07 +0100
did not reach the following recipient(s):
[email protected] on Tue, 30 May 2000 17:31:42 +0100
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MSEXCH:IMS:Vitol:LONDON:LDN004 0 (000C05A6) Unknown Recipient
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
From: Sara Shackleton <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: Tanya Rohauer <[email protected]>
Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North America Corp. (
"ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol")
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:27:07 +0100
Return-Receipt-To: Sara Shackleton <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I am a derivatives lawyer with ENA in Houston and obtained your name through
of my traders who is transacting with Jay Carr in Houston (please see
message below). When I spoke with Jay earlier this month, I asked him for
name of a lawyer but was advised that all Vitol lawyers were in New York and
that he would pass my message along to a lawyer. I am assuming that you are
trading lawyer who can assist me with negotiating an ISDA Master Agreement
between our respective companies. If not, please let me know and feel free
pass this message on to the appropriate attorney. On April 12, 1995, Enron
Capital & Trade Resources Corp., predecessor in title to ENA, and Vitol
Inc. entered into a Master Agreement which is one of ENA's early energy
swap agreements. Since our companies are currently trading weather
I think you would agree that it would be prudent to supersede the existing
agreement with an ISDA Master Agreement. This relates to my conversation
Jay in that we confirmed our weather deals under the existing master but
incorporated the 1991 and 1993 ISDA definitions into the confirms of our
trades. Please let me hear from you. You can reach me via email, phone
(713/853-5620) or fax (713/646-3490).
----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2000 11:14 AM -----
| | Sara |
| | Shackleton |
| | |
| | 05/05/2000 |
| | 11:47 AM |
| | |
| To: [email protected]
| cc:
| Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North
| Corp. ("Enron") and Vitol S.A.
Jay: I am a lawyer with Enron. I called for you on Friday, you're out, and
one else could help. I would like to speak with a Vitol lawyer about (1)
replacing our existing financial master with an ISDA (to accommodate a
range of products) and (2) specifically incorporating the relevant ISDA
definitions into the recent weather transaction confirmations even though
master is an early master energy price swap agreement. Please call me at
853-5620 with the information so that we can move quickly. Thank you for
help. Sara | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Save 10% on everything and pay only $4.99 shipping thru 11/24! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] These 4x8 cards include your picture, personal message and mailing envelopes. Click here to create an account and save 25% on your Holiday Photo Cards!** searsphotos.com Xbox The Sweepstakes [IMAGE] Order $50 or more at wishbook.com or sears.com and be automatically entered to win *** one of 100 Xbox game systems! [IMAGE] You have received this wishbook.com email on behalf of sears.com. If you would no longer like to receive e-mailed special events information, sales notifications, or other messages from sears.com, please click here and follow the "Unsubscribe" instructions. Or reply to this email with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Your e-mail address will be removed within 5 business days from our email marketing list. Thank you! * Save 10% off any order placed on wishbook.com thru 11/24/01. Discount applies to merchandise only, not shipping and handling or taxes. $4.99 shipping offer applies to standard UPS ground shipping charges only; special handling and additional shipping charges do not qualify. Approximate retail value $17.99. Telephone orders are not included. May not be used with other discounts or offers. ** Shipping fee of $2.25 per 100 cards is not included. Go to http://www.searsphotos.com and login to your account. Select a roll to view or upload your images then click the Order Pictures tab. Select Photo Cards. Choose a design and add your image. Click the Preview or Order tab then Add/View Cart. Enter Promotional Code: SF6952 and click Apply before checking out. We recommend that all Holiday Photo Card orders be placed by December 1st so the U.S. Postal Service can get your order to you in time for holiday giving. Your Photo Cards are shipped to you with envelopes and are ready for you to hand out or address and mail to family and friends. This offer good once per account until February 25, 2002. Sears Card and other major credit cards accepted on-line. Cannot be combined with other offers. Void if copied, transferred or where prohibited by law. Any other use constitutes fraud. Cash value 1/20?. *** NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. To enter, make a $50.00 or more on-line purchase from sears.com or Wishbook.com between 12:01:00 am EST on 11/18/01 and 11:59:00 pm EST on 12/21/01. Sweepstakes open to legal residents of the 50 United States or District of Columbia, who are at least eighteen (18) years of age at time of entry. 100 Microsoft Xbox game systems will be awarded. Approximate Retail Value (ARV) $300 each.
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
[IMAGE] | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Poland-Norway Gas Deal Might Hit Mkt Liberalization
Dow Jones Energy Service, 04/27/01
Peoples Energy Reports Second Quarter Results Reaffirms Fiscal 2001 Estimate
PR Newswire, 04/27/01
Report: Enron official given authority to end power project in India
Associated Press Newswires, 04/27/01
State employees' retirement funds benefitting from power crisis
Associated Press Newswires, 04/27/01
Asia Pulse, 04/27/01
Asia Pulse, 04/27/01
India: Starving oneself to stuff others?
Business Line, 04/27/01
The Times of India News Service, 04/27/01
Success of state bandh isolate BJP
The Times of India, 04/27/01
Additional power for Delhi promises Prabhu
The Times of India, 04/27/01
Enron ready to pull out, but lenders say wait
The Times of India, 04/27/01
India's single largest foreign investor threatens to pull out
Agence France-Presse, 04/27/01
Indian Utility Pays $28 Million March Bill To Enron
The New York Times, 04/27/01
The Atlanta Constitution, 04/27/01
Business Brief -- Enron Corp.: Sale of Utility Subsidiary To Sierra Pacific
Is Canceled
The Wall Street Journal, 04/27/01
Indian State to Pay Enron for March Supply
Asian Wall Street Journal, 04/27/01
Colombia Suspends Isagen Sale Pending Court Ruling, Papers Say
Bloomberg, 04/27/01
Poland-Norway Gas Deal Might Hit Mkt Liberalization
By Joe Harper
Dow Jones Energy Service
(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
WARSAW -(Dow Jones)- Poland will limit its chances of developing a flexible
and diversified gas market if the government goes ahead with a long-awaited
gas import deal with Norwegian and Danish companies, said a participant at
the Power in Poland conference in Warsaw this week.
"Entering into long-term guaranteed take-or-pay contracts with Norwegian and
Danish partners would result in the incumbent contract holders having an
incentive to delay domestic gas market liberalization at any cost," said
Jarek Astramowicz, president of Enron Poland, the Polish unit of the U.S.'s
Enron Corp. (ENE).
The incumbent contract holder - Poland's gas monopoly Polskie Gornictwo
Naftowe i Gazownictwo (R.PGN), or PGNiG - said recently it will sign a
long-term, guaranteed take-or-pay contract with Norway's state oil company
Statoil AS (Y.DNS) and Danish state-owned oil and gas utility DONG in May.
The three parties are negotiating a trade deal that could see between five
and eight billion cubic meters (bcm) a year exported from Norway and Denmark
to Poland by 2007.
According to Polish press reports Statoil reportedly wants financial
guarantees from the Polish government before signing any sales agreement with
PGNiG. The Norwegians also said they need to sell at least eight bcm of gas a
year to Poland to make the project financially viable, while the Polish side
has said it wants to import only 5 bcm a year.
PGNiG president Andrzej Lipko said this week PGNiG and Statoil were
"negotiating intensively," but didn't say when a deal might be signed.
Astramowicz said the deal would reduce the Polish side's room for maneuver in
future gas importation and corner Poland into accepting gas at higher prices
than it could find on E.U. markets when the Polish and E.U. grids are fully
Enron, like other traders, operates best in markets where there is greater
liquidity, and the Norway deal would dry up considerable amounts of potential
Astramowicz added that the Polish market would be oversupplied if the deal
goes ahead, pushing up end-user prices.
And it's the projected increases in demand for gas in Poland over the next 10
years that presents the major problem.
Barbara Litak-Zarebska, Deputy Treasury Minister, said this week gas demand
projections were largely based on an expected rapid shift from coal-powered
to gas-powered electricity generation in Poland.
Poland's Economy Ministry estimates the country's current annual gas
consumption at 10.5bcm-11 bcm, and expects this total to reach 18.4 bcm by
2010, including 6.1 bcm to be consumed by the newly constructed, gas fired
power plants.
Astramowicz said this projection was too high, claiming the power sector was
likely to take only 2.5bcm-3.5 bcm by 2010.
"Furthermore, power generated from gas cannot compete with power generated by
coal-fired power plants in price terms. Therefore, this source of increase in
gas demand will not materialize in the near future," he said.
As an alternative to the Norway deal Astramowicz pointed to western European
gas trading hubs already offering flexible gas supply contracts with terms of
up to ten years.
"For example, competitively priced gas supplies based on the contracts
executed in Zeebrugge (Belgium) or Emden (Germany) are already reaching
customers in eastern Germany today and, as Polish gas consumption grows,
could easily be used to source any additional gas supplies needed for
customers in Poland," said Astramowicz.
He also pointed to potential import price advantages from the E.U. He said
gas imported from the E.U. would cost about $135/1000cm, against a price on
the current Yamal contract of $120/1000cm and a Norwegian gas price
(including the estimated transmission charge to the Polish border of
$20/1000cm), of $150/1000cm.
PGNiG's Lipko said that imported Russian gas prices would not be $30 cheaper
than Norwegian supplies once a pipeline linking the two countries had been
By Joe Harper, Dow Jones Newswires; 48-22 622-2766; [email protected]
Peoples Energy Reports Second Quarter Results Reaffirms Fiscal 2001 Estimate
PR Newswire
(Copyright (c) 2001, PR Newswire)
CHICAGO, April 27 /PRNewswire/ -- Peoples Energy (NYSE: PGL) reported today
that its second quarter earnings for the three month period ended March 31,
2001 were $62.5 million, or $1.77 per share, up from $57.4 million, or $1.62
per share for the same period a year ago. For the most recent six month
period, earnings were $98.8 million or $2.80 per share, compared to $87.0
million, or $2.45 per share for the same period last year.
Quarterly and fiscal year-to-date results were positively impacted by weather
that was colder than the prior year periods by 19% and 23%, respectively,
offset by the negative impact of gas prices that were at record levels. The
combined effect of these two factors is reflected in current accounts
receivable balances, which are significantly higher than a year ago. The
company has implemented several flexible payment programs and is actively
pursuing collection of past due amounts.
"We are pleased with the results from our gas distribution business despite
challenging circumstances and with the continuing growth from our diversified
business segments," said Richard E. Terry, chairman and chief executive
officer. "We are reaffirming our earlier fiscal 2001 earnings estimate of
$3.05 to $3.15 per share, assuming normal weather and planned utility
performance for the rest of the year. The South Texas oil and gas property
acquisition that we announced today will add $.10 to $.15 per share to that
Peoples Energy reported second quarter and fiscal year-to-date results for
its primary business segments:
Gas Distribution. Operating income was $101.6 million for the second quarter
and $180.0 million for the six month period, as compared to $98.9 million and
$156.3 million, respectively, in the prior year. The increases were mainly
due to colder weather, reduced depreciation expense, and the positive effects
of pension benefit accounting, offset by increases in the provision for
uncollectible accounts and customer conservation resulting from higher gas
costs in the current periods.
Power Generation. Operating income and equity investment income grew to $5.6
million and $6.0 million for the current quarter and fiscal year-to-date
periods compared with $572,000 and $3.9 million, respectively, in the
previous fiscal year. These increases of $5.0 million and $2.1 million,
respectively, are primarily due to a gain on the liquidation of financial
hedges associated with Elwood's gas supply requirements and increased
capacity revenues during the second quarter, offset in part by higher gas
costs in both current periods. Effective March 1, 2001, the power sales
contracts on the Phase I Elwood units were restructured as tolling
Midstream Services. Operating income and equity investment income was $5.0
million and $10.6 million for the current quarter and six month periods,
compared to $5.8 million and $8.1 million, respectively in the year-ago
comparable periods. Results in the current periods were positively impacted
by equity income from our enovate partnership with Enron, offset by lower
operating income from hub and peaking activities. Operating income from
wholesale activities benefited in the prior periods from a nonrecurring
pipeline construction project. Retail Energy Services. Operating income in
the second quarter grew to $2.2 million, an increase of $2.3 million over the
year-ago period. Fiscal year-to-date results reflect an increase of $1.9
million over the prior period loss of $1.6 million. The current periods
benefited from increased gas and electric margins, partially offset by higher
operating expenses related to growth. Both current periods also benefited
from a one-time change in inventory accounting methods.
Oil and Gas Production. Operating income and equity investment income was
$2.8 million and $6.6 million for the current three and six month periods, up
from $1.7 million and $2.7 million, respectively, in last year's comparable
periods. These increases were primarily due to the impact of reserve
acquisitions subsequent to the year-ago periods, positive results from
drilling programs and higher sales prices on production volumes. The most
recent six month period reflects increased equity income from our EnerVest
In addition to the above business segment operating results, net income for
the current periods reflect higher financing costs resulting from long-term
debt issued to fund diversified growth and short-term debt incurred for
utility working capital needs, offset by lower interest on utility long-term
debt due to prior-year refinancing. The current six month period reflects the
mark-to-market pricing of unrealized liabilities for stock appreciation
rights granted to certain employees under the company's long-term incentive
compensation plan.
Peoples Energy is a diversified energy company comprised of five primary
business segments: Gas Distribution, Power Generation, Midstream Services,
Retail Energy Services, and Oil and Gas Production. The Gas Distribution
business serves about 1 million retail customers in Chicago and northeastern
Illinois. Visit the Peoples Energy web site at PeoplesEnergy.com .
Forward-Looking Information. This press release contains forward-looking
statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933
and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, such as expectations
of development and growth arising out of the company's diversified energy
businesses. Actual results could differ materially from such expectations
because of many uncertainties, including, but not limited to: the company's
success in identifying diversified energy opportunities on financially
acceptable terms and generating earnings within a reasonable time; adverse
resolution of material litigation; developments in the company's utility
subsidiaries' mercury inspection and remediation program; general U.S. and
Illinois economic conditions; business and competitive conditions resulting
from deregulation and consolidation of the energy industry; the timing and
extent of changes in energy commodity prices and interest rates; and
regulatory developments in the U.S., Illinois and other states where Peoples
Energy has business activities. Some of the uncertainties that may affect
future results are discussed in more detail under "Item 1 - Business" of
Peoples Energy's Form 10-K for the year ended September 30, 2000. All
forward-looking statements included in this press release are based upon
information presently available, and Peoples Energy assumes no obligation to
update any forward-looking statements. PEOPLES ENERGY CORPORATION
Three Months Ended March 31,
2001 2000
Total Operating Revenues $1,073,789,000 $525,248,000
Operating Income $102,370,000 $102,254,000
Equity Investment Income $11,006,000 $1,972,000
Net Income $62,491,000 $57,428,000
Earnings Per Share $1.77 $1.62
Diluted Earnings Per Share $1.76 $1.62
Basic Average Shares Outstanding 35,388,000 35,510,000
Dilutive Average Shares Outstanding 35,450,000 35,511,000
Six Months Ended March 31,
2001 2000
Total Operating Revenues $1,790,771,000 $937,146,000
Operating Income $173,000,000 $155,928,000
Equity Investment Income $15,804,000 $6,050,000
Net Income $98,848,000 $86,999,000
Earnings Per Share $2.80 $2.45
Diluted Earnings Per Share $2.79 $2.45
Basic Average Shares Outstanding 35,363,000 35,512,000
Dilutive Average Shares Outstanding 35,414,000 35,517,000
/CONTACT: Luis Diaz-Perez, 312-240-4567, or Mary Ann Wall, Investor
Relations, 312-240-7534, both of Peoples Energy/ 07:00 EDT
Report: Enron official given authority to end power project in India
Associated Press Writer
Associated Press Newswires
Copyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
BOMBAY, India (AP) - A top official of U.S. energy giant Enron Corp. was
authorized to issue a termination notice to pull out of a controversial power
project in western India, the largest foreign investment in the country, a
newspaper reported Friday.
The board of the Dabhol Power Company, the Indian subsidiary of Enron, met in
London on Wednesday and authorized the company's managing director to issue a
preliminary notice to terminate the project, billed as the world's largest
natural gas fired power plant, The Times of India reported.
"The board has given powers to the management to issue the pre-termination
notice. But the meeting unanimously felt the need of the hour was not to
terminate the project but to initiate a re-negotiation process," Vinay
Bansal, chairman of the Maharashtra State Electricity Board, was quoted as
saying by the newspaper.
Enron officials have refused comment.
The notice is the first of three steps that could end in the abandonment of
the dlrs 3 billion project. A six-month reconciliation period would follow
any move by the Dabhol Power Company to issue the termination notice, Bansal
Indian lenders, present at a meeting with foreign financial institutions in
London earlier this week, have said they favor renegotiation.
The project has been in trouble since December when the Maharashtra state
government, where the Dabhol project is located, said the tariff was
exorbitant and demanded a new price agreement.
The state power utility said it could not pay Dabhol's monthly electricity
dues, which prompted the company to invoke a federal guarantee in February.
This was the first time in India that a federal guarantee was invoked. As
part of the 1995 agreement between the company and the state government, the
federal government has to pay in case of a state default.
But before the federal government stepped in, the state government paid
dlrs17 million in outstanding bills. Since then, the state power utility has
confirmed that all pending bills have been paid.
But a dispute over payment of dlrs 48 million for December and January bills
is pending.
Several political parties had earlier demanded the project be scrapped, since
the costs had increased from 1.8 rupees (four cents) per unit agreed six
years ago for electricity generated by the 740-megawatt naphtha plant, to 7
rupees (15 cents).
Enron has maintained that work will be completed by year-end on the 1,444
megawatt liquified natural gas plant.
Houston, Texas-based Enron has a 65 percent stake in Dabhol Power, and is the
project's largest shareholder. Other shareholders include the Maharashtra
State Electricity Board with 15 percent and General Electric Co. and Bechtel
Enterprises with 10 percent each.
(rtb, nnm, kgo)
State employees' retirement funds benefitting from power crisis
Associated Press Newswires
Copyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
OAKLAND (AP) - Dozens of state legislators, more than a million state workers
- and even Gov. Gray Davis may be indirectly profitting from California's
power woes. Calpers, the state retirement and pension system, has more than a
billion dollars invested in power generators.
KTVU reports Calpers holds more than $250 million of Enron stock, almost $153
million of Duke Energy, $90 million of El Paso Energy and $62 million in
Reliant Energy.
The governor and other lawmakers have threatened to investigate power
producers for gouging California consumers. Many energy producers have been
reporting record profits during the power crisis.
Jim Knox, of California Common Cause, said Calpers should look at divesting
its stock if the companies are profiting at the expense of California
"I assume their Enron and Reliant stock has done quite well in the last
couple of years, but it has done well at the expense of California
consumers," he said.
But Pat Macht, a Calpers spokeswoman, says if Calpers were to divest of every
stock that had a critic, it would be impossible to manage.
Senator Don Perata (D-Oakland) agreed with Macht.
"We have been through this before - and it is a very complicated thing," he
said. "But for us to divest of all the energy stocks, I mean, we would be
using candles."
In the past, Calpers has divested from South African and tobacco stocks.
Macht said the decision was a purely financial one and that Calpers is so
large it has investments in every sector - not just energy.
It is important to point out that there is no direct conflict of interest for
the governor or for any legislature, KTVU reports. When they eventually
retire, those officials' monthly payments from the state will be "doled out"
according to a pre-set formula.
(KTVU, San Francisco Bay Area)
Asia Pulse
(c) Copyright 2001 Asia Pulse PTE Ltd.
LONDON, April 27 Asia Pulse - The management of Enron's Indian affiliate, the
Dhabol Power Company, has been empowered by the board to sever the power
supply agreeement with the Maharastra State Electricity Board, a move that
could inflict a financial liability of about Rs 2.84 billion (US$6.06
million) on the Indian government.
A decision to authorise DPC President Neil McGregor to issue a termination
notice to MSEB for sale of power was taken by the Board at its meeting here
yesterday by a vote of six to one after Maharastra government representatives
were prevented from voting on ground of 'interested party'.
Dubbed as 'unfortunate' by the Maharashtra Chief Minister, Vilasrao Deshmukh,
the decision was the culmination of the bitter fight between the US energy
giant Enron and the state government over price of power from the US$3
billion project, the first one to get the federal government's counter
(PTI) 27-04 1940
Asia Pulse
(c) Copyright 2001 Asia Pulse PTE Ltd.
NEW DELHI, April 27 Asia Pulse - The Indian government wore a brave face on
Thursday, following the Enron promoted Dhabhol Power Company (DPC) board's
decision to empower management to terminate an agreement with the Maharashta
State Electricity Board.
Federal power minister Suresh Prabhu said there would not be any adverse
effect on foreign investment within the country's power sector a a result of
the decision.
Following an Economic Affairs meeting, Prabhu said "We are expecting
cooperation from many Scandivian countries as well as European nations in the
power sector."
On Tuesday, the board of DPC, in which Enron has a 65 per cent stake, decided
to take the step after a bitter feud with the state government over a payment
(PTI) 27-04 1803
India: Starving oneself to stuff others?
Business Line (The Hindu)
Copyright (C) 2001 Kasturi & Sons Ltd (KSL); Source: World Reporter (TM) -
Asia Intelligence Wire
NEW DELHI, April 26. THE Food Corporation of India (FCI) has identified 10
locations for creation of 20 lakh tonnes (l.t.) bulk storage capacity on
build-own-operate (BOO) basis by the private sector. These include
establishing godowns/silos of three l.t. capacity each in Nabha, Barnala and
Moga in Punjab and Sirsa and Kaithal in Haryana and one l.t. each in Hooghly,
Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore and Mumbai.
Besides, FCI has invited 'expression of interest' for the construction of
conventional godowns of 1,000 to 20,000 tonnes capacity each through the BOO
route. In this case, it is proposed to build nearly six l.t. of aggregate
capacity in around 80 locations all over the country.
Private parties investing in these facilities would store and maintain
foodgrains procured by FCI, for which they will be paid storage costs.
Under the National Policy on Handling, Storage and Transportation of
Foodgrain, notified on July 4, 2000, FCI will 'guarantee' utilisation of
these facilities up to 100 per cent for the first 10 years and 75 per cent
for the next 10 years.
Further, the 2001-02 Budget has granted a five-year tax holiday and 30 per
cent deduction of profits for the next five years to "enterprises engaged in
the integrated business of handling, transportation and storage of
The policy also provides for deduction of 40 per cent of profits derived by
institutions financing these projects - prompting the likes of ICICI and IDFC
to enter the fray and offer their advisory and funding 'expertise' in the
The move to involve the private sector in the creation as well as operation
of storage facilities on FCI's behalf has been defended mainly on two counts.
Firstly, it would tackle the Government's spiralling food subsidy problem
through reduction in grain handling and operating costs - something that FCI
cannot achieve on its own.
Secondly, there is a massive dearth of storage capacity with Government
agencies, which neither have the resources to make fresh investments.
To address the first point, one needs to consider the real cost dimensions
involved. Conservative estimates are that private investors would incur a
cost of roughly Rs 15,000 per tonne for constructing bulk silos. Thus,
creation of 20 l.t. storage capacity entails investments of Rs 3,000 crore.
Assuming a 1:1 debt-equity ratio, the annual interest outgo on investment
would come to at least Rs 1,000 per tonne. The investor also has to spend on
labour, fumigation, storage, interest on grain, turnover of stocks, etc., -
all of which adds to another Rs 1,500 per tonne.
Besides, annual maintenance costs are reckoned at about Rs 500 per tonne.
If over and above this, investors are to be given a 'decent' 15 per cent
return on equity, FCI would have to fork out nothing less than Rs 4,000 per
tonne for sub-contracting its storage operations to private parties. And on
20 l.t. capacity, the annual outgo works out to about Rs 800 crore.
Compare this to FCI's own current annual 'carrying cost' of Rs 2,300 per
tonne for its grains. In 2000-01, FCI held about 200 l.t. of buffer stocks
over and above the normative requirement, on which it incurred carrying costs
(interest plus storage) of nearly Rs 5,000 crore. In the proposed regime, it
would end up coughing over one-sixth of these sums for a tenth of the
That raises the issue of inadequate storage capacity with Government
agencies. According to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public
Distribution's latest Annual Report, storage capacity with FCI as on December
31, 2000 stood at 30.06 million tonnes, of which covered godowns accounted
for 22.70 m.t. and CAP (Cover and Plinth) 7.36 m.t..
The Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) had eight m.t. capacity, of which
covered godowns comprised seven m.t.. The aggregate storage capacity of CWC's
16 associate State Warehousing Corporations came to another 14 m.t.,
including 13 m.t. of covered godowns.
If one adds to this the estimated 17 m.t. of capacities available with State
Governments, the public sector has almost 70 m.t. of storage capacity, which
is more than sufficient to cater to the existing 46 m.t. of foodgrain stocks
in the Central pool. And contrary to general belief, the proportion of crude
CAP structures, which are ostensibly vulnerable to rodent attack and moisture
ingress, is hardly 20 per cent.
That the pronouncements of public godowns bursting at their seams are
somewhat exaggerated is also borne by the fact that CWC godowns today operate
at around 80 per cent of their capacity. On the other hand, the Government is
committed to ensuring 100 per cent capacity utilisation for bulk storage
capacity built by private agencies, including leading grain handling entities
from Australia and Canada.
Whether this would lead to a 'mini-Enron' situation - remains to be seen.
Harish Damodaran
The Times of India News Service
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
Crucial meeting of DF allies on Enron issue postponed
Mr Deshmukh is heading the group demanding a judicial inquiry into the first
and second phases of the Enron power project. He is supported by the Peasants
and Workers Party, the Janata Dal (secular), the Samajwadi Party and the CPM.
This group of smaller parties of the Democratic Front have already told chief
minister Vilasrao Deshmukh that they would reconsider their support to the
ruling front unless a judicial probe is ordered on the lines of Srikrishna
Commission. Mr Deshmmukh has requested the group not to take any hasty
Prof Gopal Dukhande, spokesperson of the Janata Dal (secular) told this
newspaper that the group had not given up its main demand to order a judicial
probe into the way the Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) were singed with
Enron. He said the group would meet on May 2 to take into considerations all
the developments taking place regarding the Enron power project. The official
coordination committee of the DF government is also scheduled to meet at the
state guest house, Sahyadri, on the same day.
N.D. Patil of the PWP, who is the convener of the DF coordination committee,
is also opposed to renegotiations and wants the government to appoint an
inquiry commission.
``We are opposed to the way the PPAs were signed with Enron ignoring the
interests of the state. The inquiry commission will bring out the truth,'' a
senior minister said.
``Even if Enron now wants to withdraw from the project, we should not let it
go without investigating the matter,'' he added.
Meanwhile union finance minister Yashwant Sinha has agreed to depute a
high-level representative of the Union government to represent finance,
power, petroleum, and other union government agencies on the renegotiation
team. These departments will set up their own internal coordination committee
to review the situation from time to time and guide the renegotiation team to
be set up by the Maharashtra government.
Success of state bandh isolates BJP
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
MUMBAI: The state unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) finds itself
politically isolated following the Maharashtra bandh on Wednesday. The
protest was jointly organised by the Shiv Sena, an ally of the BJP, the left
parties and several trade union organisations. Even a section of the Congress
backed the bandh.
The bandh was specifically targeted at the BJP, which heads the National
Democratic Alliance (NDA) at the Centre. Even though the Sena is a part of
the NDA, it seems to have cleverly sensed the mood of the people, which is
clearly against the economic policies of the Centre, and joined hands with
the left and democratic parties to organise the bandh.
A BJP office-bearer said, ``The Sena finds the ground slipping from under its
feet, and hence it is indulging in gimmicks like sponsoring bandhs.''
However, Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray said, ``We have, unambiguously,
demonstrated that we are on the side of the workers, farmers and the middle
class. We have prioritised our commitments and our first priority is to the
people and not to cabinet berths.''
Sources in the Sena said the party does not want to be punished by the people
during elections for the blunders made by the BJP. ``The deleterious effects
of globalisation are there for everyone to see. Thousands of looms have
fallen silent because of textile imports; apples and chocolates from New
Zealand and Switzerland and toys, chemicals and dyes from China and Taiwan
are edging out Indian products in local markets. Not only workers, even
middle-class employees are being fired by their employers. Are we to mutely
watch the crushing of thousands of families under the wheels of the
globalisation juggernaut,'' asked a Sena leader.
Interestingly, many in the BJP concur with this viewpoint, but are afraid to
speak out lest they are accused of violating the party discipline. In
private, BJP activists are extremely critical of the Vajpayee government's
``non-response'' to the torture and killing of 16 jawans of the Border
Security Force by Bangladesh Rifles.
``Our foreign minister Jaswant Singh personally escorts top Pakistani
terrorist Maulana Masood Azhar from a jail to Afghanistan and sets him free.
Mr Vajpayee, unilaterally, declares a ceasefire in Kashmir. And, now he does
nothing when our jawans are killed by a small nation like Bangladesh,'' a
senior BJP leader observed. Senior leader of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)
Ashok Singhal, who was in the city recently, openly stated that the Vajpayee
government has come to a standstill. However, party spokesperson Atul
Bhatkhalkar said, ``We do not want to do anything that will complicate the
situation for Bangladeshi prime minister Hasina Wajed, who is pro-India.
People should appreciate the ground realities.''
Meanwhile, the Enron issue is likely to emerge as a test of the recent unity
between the Sena and parties of the left. The controversial power project of
the U.S. MNC was endorsed by the Sena when it, along with the BJP, was in
power in the state. But the left parties want the project to be scrapped.
Sena chief Bal Thackeray has gone on record stating that his government was
under pressure from the U.S. to sign the accord with Enron. With Enron in a
confrontationist mode vis-a-vis the state and Central governments, the Sena's
response is being keenly watched in political circles here.
Additional power for Delhi promises Prabhu
A Staff Reporter
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
NEW DELHI: Union power minister Suresh Prabhu on Thursday assured chief
minister Sheila Dikshit that the Capital would be provided an additional 150
MW of electricity starting first week of May.
Dikshit met Prabhu to apprise him of the power situation in the Capital. She
told Prabhu that the city was facing a power deficit of about 300 MW and
desperately needed an additional supply to meet the increasing demand.
The Centre promised that the additional power would be made available from
the Eastern Grid. Dikshit told Prabhu that the Delhi government was
negotiating with the Chhatisgarh government to buy 100 MW. She said the Delhi
government was facing severe problem in getting power from Himachal Pradesh
Electricity Board due to reduction in the power generation in the state.
The government is now contemplating talks with West Bengal to purchase power.
Dikshit said her government was negotiating a deal with Enron, but was
reluctant to buy electricity due to the high tariff quoted by the company.
Dikshit said additional power was also expected from the three units at
Dadri, Badarpur and Raj Ghat power stations which would be become functional
by May 10.
Besides Dikshit, Delhi power minister Narendra Nath and principal secretary
power Ashok Pradhan and Delhi Vidyut Board chairman Jagdish Sagar were also
Enron ready to pull out, but lenders say wait
Business Times Bureau
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
MUMBAI: The Dabhol Power Company board, which met on Wednesday in London,
authorised the company management to issue a termination notice to the
Maharashtra State Electricity Board. The company, however, may not pull out
of the project yet, considering its lenders, who met on Monday, opposed such
a move and favoured renegotiations.
Sources present during both the meetings said that though foreign lenders
supported Enron on the termination issue, domestic financial institutions,
led by the Industrial Development Bank of India, prevailed over the
deliberations to oppose any such drastic move. Enron needs the lenders'
consent to file a pre-termination notice for pulling out from the project.
The decision to empower DPC chief Wade Cline to issue a termination notice
was taken with six votes in favour against a single IDBI vote against such a
Another significant development during the entire proceedings was that the
financial institutions made it clear that further funding of Phase II of the
project will depend on the Government of India assuring payment mechanisms.
Institutions are yet to disburse about 30 per cent of the sanctioned package,
which is crucial for completing the Phase II expansion project.
``The board has given powers to Wade Cline to issue a pre-termination notice.
But the meeting quite unanimously felt the need of the hour is not to
terminate the project but to initiate serious re-negotiation proceedings,''
said MSEB Chairman Vinay Bansal, who attended the board meeting. ``MSEB
presented their views to the board members and it was understood by Enron
which also included the Rs 401 crore penalty issue which is heading for
arbitration proceedings. ``We have also made it clear that the tariff
structure of Enron is quite high and a downward revision of tariffs is
unavoidable," Bansal added.
``They cannot issue a termination notice without our consent since our
exposure in the project is quite large and the lenders should approve any
plans in that direction,'' said a top banker who was present during the
lenders' meet. ``There is a general consensus that the project must be
completed and the proposal to terminate the PPA should be kept in abeyance,''
he added. The global arrangers for the DPC include ANZ Investment Bank,
Credit Suisse First Boston, ABN-AMRO, Citibank and the State Bank of India,
where all these parties conducted separate meetings with the company
officials. However, some bankers said the company can file a termination
notice even if one lender with a minimum 5 per cent exposure on the project
favours such proceedings.
Meanwhile, in a clear reversal of roles, Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao
Deshmukh said that the state government was not keen on terminating the PPA.
``We will ask them to refrain from taking any such harsh steps since that
would be bad news for all of us, including DPC,'' Deshmukh said. Deshmukh was
echoing Union Power Minister Suresh Prabhu's sentiments, who said that the
government wanted an amicable settlement of the payment row. He, however,
added that termination of the project would not hurt foreign investments, and
dismissed warnings by analysts that winding up the $2.9 billion project would
be a blow to India's efforts to woo foreign investors.
The DPC has already slapped one conciliation notice on the Centre and three
arbitration notices on the state government over non-payment of dues
amounting to Rs 213 crore and interest towards the bills due for December
2000 and January 2001.
Meanwhile, MSEB officials said in Mumbai that the March bills amounting to Rs
134 crore was paid on Thursday as protest payment, despite the dispute over
the amount.
When asked on the future course of action, Bansal said it was up to the DPC.
The Enron issue was also raised in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, when Prabhu
said that scrapping of the agreement would cost Rs 2,840 crore to the Centre,
whose liability in the project agreement was limited. Centre's liability in
case of termination is one year's electricity bill and a termination fee of
$300 million, he said.
India's single largest foreign investor threatens to pull out
Madhu Nainan
Agence France-Presse
(Copyright 2001)
BOMBAY, April 27 (AFP) - The biggest single foreign investor in India,
US-based Enron Power Corp., is threatening to pack its bags in frustration --
a move that would cast doubts over the country's investment-friendly
Enron's Indian subsidiary Dabhol Power Co. (DPC) is putting up a
2.9-billion-dollar power station in India's industrial heartland Maharashtra
At a meeting in London on Wednesday, the DPC board of directors authorised
chief executive officer Neil McGregor and Enron India chief K. Wade Cline to
serve a "preliminary" termination notice for sale of power, within the next
four weeks, to the Maharashtra electricity board.
The two-part power station is being erected at the port town of Dabhol, some
200 kilometres south of the state capital Bombay. Payments for electricity
have been guaranteed by the state and federal governments.
Part one began generating power in May 1999, but the project has been mired
in controversy and acrimony, with the state government arguing it could not
afford the high electricity bills.
"This is a drastic and unfortunate decision the board of directors has taken,
even though we made it clear that we want to find a solution to the impasse,"
Maharashtra energy minister Padamsinh Patil told AFP.
Patil said a decision had been taken by the state and federal governments
last week to set up a panel to renegotiate the power purchase agreement.
"Enron knew about the decision. We have no animosity towards Enron. We have
paid the February bill under duress and we told them we are ready to pay the
other bills also under protest."
Vijay Kalantri, president of the All India Association of Industries
described the Enron move as "unbusinesslike".
"They have done this to build up the pressure on the state and federal
governments. Economic disputes are not resolved by threats, but by sitting
down to discuss and re-negotiate contracts."
Kalantri agreed that if Enron carried out its threat, the consequences would
be "bad" for all parties.
Ashok Khinvasara, director at the Ispat group, said India could suffer as a
foreign investment destination, especially in the power sector.
The Ispat group's plans to put up a 1.4 billion-dollar power project in
Maharashtra have been put on hold in the wake of the Enron controversy.
"Since the state electricity board is not paying its dues, Enron is within
its rights to serve a termination notice," Khinvasara said.
"The board will not be hit initially as it buys very little power from DPC
now, but the size of Enron's claims and the speed with which it sets in
motion a recovery process could turn out to be worrisome. Enron's claims
could be more than 30 billion rupees (652 million dollars)."
Khinvasara said the Enron episode showed that future investors should take
care to see that tariffs are "affordable" and should not take comfort merely
in contracts and government guarantees.
The DPC board of directors' decision is the second in a series of moves to
increase the pressure on the government.
Early in April DPC served the state electricity board a notice of political
"force majeure" which is a legal manoeuvre that enables a party to break a
contract in the case of events beyond its control.
The Dabhol project has had a turbulent ride ever since it was signed in 1992.
Allegations of corruption and high costs led to the scrapping of the contract
in 1995, but it was re-negotiated the same year.
In February a state government panel recommended fresh re- negotiations to
bring down the tariffs and charged Enron with inflating costs.
Business/Financial Desk; Section C
The New York Times
Page 4, Column 1
c. 2001 New York Times Company
The Maharashtra State Electricity Board in India paid its March power bill to
the Enron Corporation yesterday, a day after Enron said it might stop selling
power to the utility. The utility gave Enron's 65-percent-owned Dabhol Power
Company 1.34 billion rupees ($28.6 million) for electricity it bought last
month, a utility official said. But the utility still owes the company 2.26
billion rupees for power purchases in December and January. It has refused to
pay, saying Dabhol should adjust that amount with the penalty of 4 billion
rupees it has levied on the company for what it says was a failure to meet
capacity targets.
The Atlanta Constitution
(Copyright, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution - 2001)
> Denotes item of particular local interest.
UTILITIES/ENERGY: Enron, Sierra Pacific cancel Portland deal
Houston --- Enron Corp.'s $3.1 billion sale of Portland General Electric Co.
to Sierra Pacific Resources was canceled by mutual agreement, the companies
said. Enron said last month that the sale probably wouldn't be completed
because of California's energy crisis.
Business Brief -- Enron Corp.: Sale of Utility Subsidiary To Sierra Pacific
Is Canceled
The Wall Street Journal
(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
HOUSTON -- Enron Corp. and Sierra Pacific Resources said they ended their $2
billion agreement for Sierra, of Reno, Nev., to buy Enron's electric utility
subsidiary, Portland General Electric. The collapse of the pact was expected
after Jeffrey K. Skilling, Enron's president and chief executive, said last
month the sale wasn't likely to go through. "As we have discussed in the past
few weeks, the energy markets in California and Nevada have led to a
regulatory and legislative environment that has made this transaction
increasingly difficult to complete," said Mr. Skilling in a news release.
International News
Indian State to Pay Enron for March Supply
Associated Press
The Asian Wall Street Journal
(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
BOMBAY -- The Maharashtra state power utility will pay outstanding
electricity bills for March as part of a dispute over tariffs with U.S. power
company Enron Corp.
"We will make the payment of 1.34 billion rupees ($28.7 million) today for
the March bill. The February bill of 1.1 billion rupees was already paid up
last month," Krishna Rao, a member of the Maharashtra State Electricity
Board, said on Thursday. "As far as we are concerned, there are no more
payments outstanding."
Colombia Suspends Isagen Sale Pending Court Ruling, Papers Say
2001-04-27 09:47 (New York)
Bogota, April 27 (Bloomberg) -- Colombia suspended its sale
of state electric generator Isagen until a high court can rule on
An injunction request filed by Empresas Publicas de Medellin, the
country's largest municipal utility, newspapers said.
Finance Minister Juan Manuel Santos said the sale of Isagen,
the No. 3 power generator, was suspended on the order of a
Medellin court, pending a ruling by the Council of State, a high
court that oversees state entities, the daily El Tiempo said.
Santos said the decision wouldn't affect government financing
plans for this year because it has lined up most of its financing,
La Republica said. The government said it wanted to raise $450
million from the sale, which has repeatedly been postponed since
1999 due to limited investor interest stemming from guerrilla
attacks on the power grid and legal wrangling.
The government planned to sell the company this month, La
Republica said. The Council of State in September ruled in favor
of an energy regulator measure that barred EPM, as the Medellin
utility is known, from taking a majority stake in Isagen, clearing
the way for the sale to go ahead.
(4/27; Tiempo; Sec. 1; P. 10; {TMPO <GO>})
( ; Republica; Sec. 1; P. 2 {LRPB <MGO>})
--Robert Willis in Bogota (571) 317-4000 [email protected],
through the New York newsroom (212) 318-2300 /rhj
Story illustration: For news on employment in Colombia, enter
{COUETOTL <Index> CN <GO>}. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Mr. Black,
Tom Zenner asked me to follow up with you regarding the Delmarva Heat rate,
as he is out of town for the rest of the week. Pursuant to the proforma
you have, the heat rate is estimated to be 9,579 Btu/KWh HHV. I hope this
is what you are looking for. If not please don't hesitate to contact me at
Patrick Smith
TM Power Ventures | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
You have received this email because you are listed as an alternate data approver. Please click http://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000080435&Page=Approval to review and act upon this request.
Request ID : 000000000080435
Approver : [email protected]
Request Create Date : 1/7/02 9:45:46 AM
Requested For : [email protected]
Resource Name : \\enehou\houston\common\ERMS\1intra - [Read/Write]
Resource Type : Directory | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Hello John!! HOw are you ?? How was your Holiday ? Yes, there has been a
tremendous ammount of talks about the Industrials asking for subsidies and
help from the government to help lower the costs of gas... They were asking
for a fixed price of gas @ $3.00, or even $4.00, but the final decision was a
loan to finance the cost of gas between IFERC and $4.00, to be paid over a 3
to 4 year plan....I guess the final decision is not so harmful for us because
we can still sell the derivatives, and it is a short term decision,,,What is
really concerning me is all the noise behind it..The industrials are still
pushing for a subsidy or a change in formula and the government is listening,
so basically a lot of clients could eventually decide not to hedge in the
meantime....Anyway, when do you have sometime to talk about chihuahua ? Let
me know what is bets for you....Best regards.
John Griffith
01/02/2001 10:20 AM
To: Agustin Perez/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jaime Williams/NA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Energy Ministry
Hey guys,
Happy new year!! How are things going? I just read an article in NGI about
the Mexico Energy Ministry looking to possibly financing rising gas costs for
the Mexico's industrial sector. How does this affect Enron in Mexico? Is
this something that they have been talking about for sometime now? This is
tough on competition, right?
Have a great day and talk to you soon. Thanks.
John | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Here is the schedule
Thursday 7th Dec.
10:30 Tracee Bersani
12:30 Gautam Gupta
1:30 Nathan Will
2:30 Eric Bass
3:30 Steve Jacobellis
4:30 Virawan Yawapongsiri
5:30 Kenneth Shulklapper
Friday 8th Dec.
9:00 Ying Lin
10:00 John Howton
Monday 11th Dec.
8:00 Seth Hurwitz
Need response from IIan Caplan and Jennifer Newbrough as to availability. I
will contact Ricardo to schedule a phone interview.
Remember to send me the following as soon as possible, but definately before
we meet;
Brief job history (non-ene)
Rotations at Enron and to whom you reported
Current job description (projects underway, etc.)
Accomplishments this year (include 1st half)
Name of supervisor that can comment best on your year
Thanks | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
-----Original Message-----
From: Hodge, Jeffrey T.
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 8:46 AM
To: Rozycki, Joanne
Subject: FW: Enron-TBG Release, Enfolio and Transaction Documents
As we discussed.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Metcalfe, David" <[email protected]>@ENRON
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 5:07 PM
To: Hodge, Jeffrey T.
Cc: Robert Howard; John Sasso; John Eff; Peter Gilmore; Richard A Kanoff; Petit Michael (E-mail); Matthew Berend (E-mail)
Subject: Enron-TBG Release, Enfolio and Transaction Documents
Please find attached Calpine/TBG's proposed revisions to the drafts of the Enron-TBG Release and related documents. These are in clean and blacklined form to facilitate your review. Kindly forward these to any other Enron personnel you deem appropriate.
Please note that Calpine's representatives are seeing these drafts for the first time now.
Dave Metcalfe
PS: Sorry for the delay...
<<Enron-TBG Enfolio Master V3.doc>> <<BLACKLINE -Enron-TBG Enfolio Master 1-3.doc>>
<<Enron-TBG Confirmation -4000 a day V3.doc>> <<BLACKLINE -Enron-TBG Confirmation -4000 a day 1-3.doc>>
<<Enron-TBG Confirmation -8500 a day V3.doc>> <<BLACKLINE -Enron-TBG Confirmation -8500 a day 1-3.doc>>
<<Enron-TBG Release V3.doc>> <<BLACKLINE -Enron-TBG Release 1-3.doc>>
- Enron-TBG Enfolio Master V3.doc
- BLACKLINE -Enron-TBG Enfolio Master 1-3.doc
- Enron-TBG Confirmation -4000 a day V3.doc
- BLACKLINE -Enron-TBG Confirmation -4000 a day 1-3.doc
- Enron-TBG Confirmation -8500 a day V3.doc
- BLACKLINE -Enron-TBG Confirmation -8500 a day 1-3.doc
- Enron-TBG Release V3.doc
- BLACKLINE -Enron-TBG Release 1-3.doc | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
ok again.... | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Did Li Xiao refer Alex to us?
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 02/15/2000
08:57 AM ---------------------------
Linda Vargo
02/14/2000 02:39 PM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Referral
Can you advise as to whether or not Li Xiao referred Alex to you last
summer. I need to know this in order to process
an employee referral (under old plan) for her.
---------------------- Forwarded by Linda Vargo/HOU/ECT on 02/14/2000 02:39
PM ---------------------------
02/14/2000 11:19 AM
To: Linda Vargo/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Referral
Hi, Linda,
I wonder if you heard from Vince Kaminski regarding my referral for Alex
Li x39635
---------------------- Forwarded by Li Xiao/Corp/Enron on 02/14/2000 11:12 AM
Linda Vargo@ECT
01/17/2000 04:29 PM
Subject: Re: Referral
I am waiting for feedback from Vince Kaminsky. As soon as I know something,
I will advise. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Within the next few days (I hope!) we will be able to open the Master Swap
Agreement Database, now called the Financial Trading Agreement Database, to
people outside of Legal and Credit. You will be able to use this database to
verify master agreement information and special confirmation issues.
Jeff, once we have the data inputted, you will also be able to verify branch
offices and adopted ISDA Definitions in the Master Agreement (that project is
still in progress).
Can you please send me a list of the people in your group who would like to
have view access to this database. I will have to email them the link. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
We need to make sure that the interns in Vince's group are coordinated and
incorporated with the rest of the summer associates. They should be offered
the same starting dates, I believe they are May 22, 2000 June 5, 2000. I am
not sure about the June date. Would you check and let Vince know. They
should also be offered the same starting salary package as the others. They
will be included in training (a few days) and any other events we host.
Thanks | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Please forward this message to Anthony as I am unsure that I have the correct
e-mail address.
Anthony, as per my voice-mail I have attached a final structure that works
for all parties, and should be relatively simple to execute.
I would very much like to discuss structure & docs tomorrow morning. My tel.
no. is 713 345 3284
We will transact the pre-pay with a bank as principal, and have the commodity
risk hedged by us via another bank ( see diagram)
Swap 1: Enron Canada enters into a financial gas swap pre-pay with Royal Bank
of Canada/Toronto Dominion
Royal Bank of Canada & TD pre-pay C$147.4mm each
Enron Canada pays monthly interest (fixed GJ) referenced to AECO calculated
off NYMEX March 02 index
Swap 2: Royal Bank of Canada/TD enters into a financial gas swap with Chase
Manhattan Bank (identical volumes & prices as Swap 1)
Chase Manhattan Bank pays fixed volumes of gas @ fixed price
Royal Bank of Canada/TD pay monthly interest (fixed GJ) referenced to AECO
calculated off NYMEX March 02 index
Swap 3: Chase Manhattan Bank enters into a financial gas swap with Enron
North America (identical volumes & prices as Swap 1)
Enron North America pays fixed volumes of gas @ fixed price
Chase Manhattan Bank pays monthly interest (fixed GJ) referenced to AECO
calculated off NYMEX March 02 index
Internal: internal back to back of Swap 3 to Enron Canada
Swap 4: Enron Canada enters into interest rate swap with Royal Bank of
Enron Canada pays floating rate monthly
Royal Bank of Canada/TD pay fixed interest rate monthly
Soma | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I'll be in New York. They will have to fly solo on this. Rick | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT on
03/14/2000 05:31 PM ---------------------------
03/14/2000 05:31 PM
To: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carrie Hollomon/HOU/ECT@ect, Brenda H
Subject: Re: CNR Contracts
We have had an unexpected death in my family, requiring me to be out of the
office the rest of the week. I am sorry the timing is so bad, I will
contact Robert first thing next week and we can workout a game plan going
forward. Thanks for your patience...
---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT on
03/14/2000 05:08 PM ---------------------------
To: Mary Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joan Veselack/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Carrie
Hollomon/HOU/ECT@ect, Brenda H Fletcher/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: CNR Contracts
The contracts are the transportation agreements on CNR. Robert sat with
Chris Germany yesterday and to our knowledge these gathering contracts have
never been set up in our systems.
I'll be in meetings until 3:30, so please feel free to talk to Robert Allwein
down on 30. Actually, I think it would be a great idea to spend a few
minutes talking about this to get on the same page before anyone gets too far
into the process and we discover that rework is being done.
03/14/2000 01:35 PM
To: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Carrie Hollomon/HOU/ECT@ect, Brenda H Fletcher/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: CNR Contracts
I just meet with Gloria to decipher what the status is on all her E-mails.
She's identified all the remaining rate changes needed for today's payments,
the transport contracts needed to be setup, Sitara numbers needed for
contracts already set up, and the meters needing to be linked to transport
contracts. I'm still fuzzy on this whole process and am not sure what Robert
Allwein's 60 or 70 contracts relate to... are these purchase contracts?
I'll be up shortly, working with Brenda... let's see if a meeting would be
good. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Beth and I went to dinner and a movie, very traditional, on Friday. It
was good fun...have not seen a chick flick in a long time.
Are you asking me if Matt can come out and play on Friday? Yes, I think
so...if he does not have to be in McAllen for work. He has been going there
a lot lately to check up on the drilling for work. I will tell Matt that
you are trying to get a game together.
Kleenex box shoes...if you keep reminding me, I may actually make them, so
mind what you say.
How is work, are they still shamelessly profitting from you hard core
work ethic?
Tamara | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
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<http://offers.aol.com/cgi-bin13/flosensing?y=PK0pK8L0EK3> | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Steve, I am in full support of this provision. The net result being that it would make it less marketable for excess capacity in one zone moving into another. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Dr. Lay - Just a quick note to let you know that the daily updates are informative. Enron is a great company and will make it through this! Thanks for your leadership in a very difficult time. SM
-----Original Message-----
From: Enron Announcements/Corp/Enron@ENRON On Behalf Of Ken Lay- Chairman of the Board@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 12:15 PM
To: All Enron Worldwide@ENRON
Subject: Daily Update
Today we announced another positive development in our efforts to regain shareholder and market confidence, strengthen our balance sheet and help maintain our credit rating.
We have executed a commitment letter with two of our longstanding banking partners, JPMorgan (the investment banking arm of JPMorgan Chase & Co.) and Salomon Smith Barney (the investment banking arm of Citigroup Inc.), that will provide us with additional secured credit lines worth $1 billion. Our Northern Natural Gas Company and Transwestern Pipeline Company will support these assets. The proceeds will be used to supplement short-term liquidity and to refinance maturing obligations.
The pipelines are not being sold. Enron is only using these assets for this new credit line. Secured financing like this provides an expeditious way to increase liquidity and restore confidence. We also have the capacity to increase this facility by an additional $200 million if we bring in additional banks to participate.
This money is in addition to the $3 billion in our credit lines we accessed last week to pay off short-term commercial debt and keep more than $1 billion in cash.
I know it is discouraging to read the negative media coverage about our company. On a positive note, there was an editorial in last Sunday's Houston Chronicle that I want you to read: <http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/editorial/outlook/1107504>. This is an extremely difficult time for everyone and I appreciate everything you do for Enron.
Don't forget to read our voice mail and e-mail transcripts covering these developments on the Enron Updates intranet site at (<http://home.enron.com/updates/>).
Thank you. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Ken & Jeff,
We would like to extend an invitation to you for an event at the Guggenheim
Museum in New York, honoring the Frank Gehry Exhibit which Enron is
sponsoring. Frank Gehry, a celebrated architect whose building appears at
the end of our Ode to Why commercial, personifies innovation in the way he
has "asked why," challenging nearly every convention in his field.
Enron will have a table of 10 at the Trustee Opening Gala Dinner on May 16th,
with cocktails at 7pm and a seated dinner at 8:30pm. The Gala starts with a
private viewing of the exhibition, followed by a seated dinner for 280 people
in the Rotunda of the museum. Attendees are comprised of Trustees, government
dignitaries, artists, curators and celebrities.
Several business unit executives are using this forum to take potential
customers and we would like to know if you are interested in attending.
Please advise.
Thanks, Steve | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Weather Risk Management
Next week, Jeff Shankman and Mark Tawney will be attending the Weather Risk
Management Association (WRMA) conference in Tokyo. There has been
a lot of interest in Japanese weather derivatives to-date. Even though Japan
is geographically a relatively small country, due to elevation differences,
there are several different climates and within each of those areas, there,s
a significant amount of volatility in day-to-day and season-to-season
weather. By leveraging EnronOnline and our global portfolio approach, Enron
Global Markets will be the dominant weather market player in Japan, as we are
the US, Australia and Europe.
COMING SOON - New EWS Training Web Site
Ernie is retiring and there is a new tool to help you manage your
professional development. It,s called InvestInMe.enron.com and it is the key
to your future. In a
user-friendly format, you will find the current listing of internal programs,
access to a database of external programs, and registration for on-line
Watch for details in your email. Launch date is Tuesday, March 6, 2001.
Analyst Robert C. Ollech, vice president and portfolio manager at Ziegler
Investment Services Group, says Wall Street will like Enron even more as
demand for natural gas increases, volume continues to grow on its online
marketplace and as the company's broadband business starts making money.
Enron, which has beat analysts' estimates in five of the past seven quarters,
is not a cheap stock. But Ollech says its relatively young management team is
focused on maximizing systems and business lines it has spent five years
developing. Plus, the company is selling such assets as a power plant in
Oregon, moves Ollech says could boost its return on equity to 18% or higher
from the present 12%. "This is an innovative story that's finally getting
out," Ollech says. 02/25/2001 The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
New Hires
ENA ) Angelic Davis, Dipak Agarwalla, Sean Maki, Juliann Kemp, Bridget Fraser
EIM ) Louis Amo
EGM ) Patrick Conner
EIM ) Douglas Seaworth
ENA ) Eric Feitler, Santiago Garcia, Philip Polsky, Lauren Schlesinger
&If you,re not trading EOL, you,re not trading.8 ) John L. Wilson, Vice
&Training(.all the cool kids are doing it!8 ) Tom Wilbeck/ENA
Congratulations to Michelle and David Vitrella, manager of trading/EGM. They
are the proud parents of a baby girl born February 27 weighing
over 9 lbs.
World Watch
Compiled by David I. Oyama
Enron Seeks Deals for Japanese Assets
The Japanese unit of U.S. power producer and trader Enron is considering
asset swaps with Japanese power companies, in a deal that would make Enron
the first
foreign company to buy a Japanese power plant. An Enron Japan official said
it is talking to power companies and "owners of power generators in Japan
the possibility of asset exchanges," confirming a report in the Japanese
business daily Nihon Keizai Shimbun. The report also said Enron Japan may
enter deals
with Japanese companies for joint power-generation acquisitions abroad.
Japanese deregulation measures have opened the door to new foreign and
competitors in an industry dominated for years by 10 regional Japanese firms.
Enron Japan was established last May, two months after deregulation measures
were passed allowing nonutility companies to begin supplying power to large
commercial users such as shopping centers and office towers.
03/01/2001 The Wall Street Journal (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones &
Company, Inc.)
The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietary
to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only and
should not be disclosed. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Stephanie, double check. It appears the CES master and transactions were
assigned to ENA and the transactions assigned over to the ENA BOM Master
Agreement that we already had we BOM. For some reason the parties then
agreed not to terminate the old CES master, but leave it in place inactive.
Normally we would terminate the CES master when we have one in place.
Stephanie, is there anything in the file indicating why it was not so
terminated? Did BOM want to keep it in place until the prior trans were
expired for a belt and suspender? Please advise. Mary | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Issued February 4, 2002
Otter Tail Power Company, EC02-48-000 (1/31/02) -- Section 203 application to transfer contractual rights over Otter Tail's transmission facilities to the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.
VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.gov/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2241866~258~354~1~50>
REQUEST A COPY: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call 202-210-4771.
Otter Tail Power Company, ER02-912-000 (1/31/02) -- Section 205 application submitting Otter Tail's Control Area Services and Operations Tariff and request to terminate its OATT, to reflect the transfer of operational control of its transmission system to the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.
VIEW DOCUMENT <http://rimsweb1.ferc.gov/rims.q?rp2~getImagePages~2241861~258~290~1~50>
REQUEST A COPY: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call 202-210-4771.
California Independent System Operator, ER02-922-000 (1/31/02) -- CAISO filed Amendment No. 42 to the ISO Tariff submitting (1) new provisions to facilitate participation in the ISO markets by eligible intermittent resources (e.g., wind); (2) changes in allocation of ISO Settlment Charge Type 487; (3) changes in management of Intra-zonal Congestion; and (4) changes in the calculation of the Target Price for incremental and decremental Imbalance Energy bids.
REQUEST A COPY: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call 202-210-4771.
Maritimes and Northeast Pipeline Company, CP02-78-000 (1/30/02) -- Phase IV Project for additional compression and pipeline looping to increase year-round mainline design capacity approximately 385,000 dekatherms per day to provide up to 400,000 Dth/d of additional fim transportation service to PanCanadian Energy Services under a long-term agreement.
REQUEST A COPY: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call 202-210-4771.
[To request a copy of any of the above listed filings, please call 202-210-4771; or send an e-mail to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>)]
GRS' FERCwatch e-mail notification is a free courtesy service of Gadsden Research Services, energy research and document retrieval specialists. Periodically (generally once or twice weekly), GRS will broadcast FERCwatch with descriptions of major FERC issuances or filings such as rulemakings, policy statements, mergers, new rate filings, major rate changes, and certificate filings.
GRS can provide hardcopies of any of the above listed items at nominal charges; for document requests or estimates of charges, please reply to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> or call 202.210.4771.
For an e-mailed copy of a brochure of GRS services and rates for FERC and other federal agency research please e-mail your request to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>. For a mailed copy, please include your name, firm name and street address. For a faxed copy, please include your fax number.
The FERCwatch subscription list is used for the sole purpose of providing information on FERC and energy industry activity and will not be sold or otherwise distributed to any other business or organization. For additions or removal from the FERCwatch notification list, please reply to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>.
Send suggestions on how the GRS' FERCwatch can better serve the energy community to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
-----Original Message-----
From: "Bautista, Larry L." <[email protected]>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Bautista+2C+20Larry+20L+2E+22+20+3CLarry+2EBautista+40ElPaso+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 5:42 PM
Cc: Tomlinson, Robert T.; Derryberry, Richard L.; McCleskey, Michael L.; Healy, William
Subject: Additional Capacity Studies
Attached below are the additional capacity studies as a result of the August
28, 2001 Technical Conference
at Docket Nos. RP00-336-001 et al
<<Cap Studies 9-24-01.xls>> <<FERC ltr.doc>>
This email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso
Corporation are confidential and intended solely for the
use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this email in error please notify the
- Cap Studies 9-24-01.xls
- FERC ltr.doc | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
As we discussed, here is Enron's legal/credit issues list on the ISDA:
1. We cannot agree to cross-acceleration.
2. There is a note that the cross default threshold needs to be discussed.
Enron's $100 million threshold is based on the threshold that its banks
accept in its credit agreements.
3. We prefer elective termination on bankruptcy.
4. We prefer the Loss method.
5. We would like to discuss with you your credit rating test for defining the
"materially weaker" standard in Credit Event Upon Merger as well as the
timing for posting collateral as it appears in this provisions as well as the
Credit Support Annex. We believe that 7 Business Days is too long for
posting an LC.
6. We would like to make the GP of Encore a "Specified Entity". We need to
discuss with you your request to modify the definition of "Specified
Transaction" to include physical transactions.
7. In the MAC Additional Termination Event, we would like to propose a cure
through the posting of collateral.
8. We would like to discuss your proposed chnages to Section 13(b).
9. We need to discuss the arbitration language.
10. We would like to understand why you want to change the definitions of
Default Rate and Interest rate.
11. Why do you want to exclude Sections 7.3 trough 7.6 of the Commodity
Definitions Supplement?
12. In the "Recording" section we would like to add the phrase "To the extent
permitted by applicable law" at the beginning of the last sentence.
13. We cannot agree to No Fault Termination.
14. We cannot accept Surety Bonds as a form of collateral to secure financial
obligations. Looks like LC's would be the only form of acceptable collateral.
15. We need to discuss the credit threshold language as well as the rounding
16. We need to discuss what constitutes an acceptable LC Issuer.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Carol St. Clair
EB 3889
713-853-3989 (Phone)
713-646-3393 (Fax)
[email protected] | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
please print attachements also
-----Original Message-----
From: George, Fraisy
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 4:21 PM
To: Abler, William; Abraham, Sunil; Alatorre, Carlos; Alon, Heather; Ambler, John; Bartlett, Jeff; Baughman, Edward D.; Beck, Sally; Bess, Erica; Bowman, John E; Bradley, Peter; Breslau, Craig; Bucalo, Harry; Burgher, Cedric; Buy, Rick; Cho, David; Collonges, Remi; Cummings, John; Danielson, Michael; David, Charles; Dayao, Anthony; Deluca, Bryan; Denne, Karen; Denny, Jennifer; Diamond, Daniel; Dietrich, Dan; Engberg, Alan; Ewing, Habiba; Forster, David; Frevert, Mark; Friddle, Kimberly; Gagliardi, Larry; Garrett, Bryan; Gentle, Jackie; George, Fraisy; Gomez, Julie A.; Gosalia, Amita; Green, Julie; Gros, Thomas D.; Grossman, Samuel; Hansen, Patrick; Haux, Katrin; Hawthorn, Jay; Hellerman, Molly; Herod, Brenda F.; Hirl, Joseph; Ikeda, Norihito; Kean, Steven J.; Kinneman, Jeff; Kitchen, Louise; Koenig, Mark; Lagrasta, Fred; Leboe, David; Lees, Lisa; Linnell, Elizabeth; Lisboa, Ricardo; Maclean, Iona; Mandelker, Jeannie; Mandola, Teresa; Mcclellan, George; Mcdonald, Michael; Mcgowan, Kevin; Means, Henry; Miller, Stephanie; Moorer, Torrey; O'Day, Nicholas; Oh, Grant; Olson, Mitch; Ondarza, Edward; Oxley, David; Pacheco, Leonardo; Palmer, Mark S. (ENW); Parsons, Alex; Peters, Jez; Philipp, Meredith; Pickering, Mark; Piper, Greg; Puthigai, Savita; Ralston, Tracy; Redmond, Brian; Renaud, Lindsay; Richter, Brad; Rieker, Paula; Robert, Carrie; Rostant, Justin; Schoppe, Tammie; Seigal, Jason; Sekse, Per; Seyfried, Bryan; Shah, Kal; Shapiro, Richard; Shults, Bob; Sommer, Allan; Spiller, Tina; Staley, Stuart; Sweitzer, Tara; Tawney, Mark; Taylor, Mark E (Legal); Thode, Eric; Timothy, Justin; Valencia, Laura; Wasaff, George; Watanabe, Mika; Webb, Jay; Whalley, Greg; Whitehead, James; Whitehead, Jonathan; Wilson, Andrew; Wirya Simunovic, Suryan; Wolfe, Greg
Subject: EnronOnline Weekly Public Report for September 14, 2001
Please find attached the current copy of the EnronOnline Weekly Public Report and Key Messages, including slides and statistics for public consumption. The information contained in the attachments can be communicated to audiences outside the company and should be used to ensure that we present a consistent message to the public. Please ensure that this email is distributed to anyone in your group who needs to discuss EnronOnline with individuals outside the company.
This report is not intended to be used as a stand-alone presentation, nor that all the information be used in a single presentation or customer communication.
Total Life to Date Transactions >1,400,000
Average Daily Transactions > 5,200
Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $800 billion
Daily Notional Value Approximately $2.4 billion
Number of Products Offered: Approximately 1,850
Number of Currencies Traded in = 15
EnronOnline Version 1.0 Launch Date: November 29, 1999
EnronOnline Version 2.0 Launch Date: September 18, 2000
This report can now be accessed directly through the EnronOnline Intranet Site at http://eolinfo.enron.com.
In order to access this report, click on the link above. Once there, follow the link entitled "Reports" and then select the "Public Reports" tab. A dropdown menu will appear with a list of the various public reports available for viewing. .
We look forward to your feedback and comments. If you have any questions or experience any difficulties accessing your reports through the Intranet Site, please feel free to contact either Bryan Deluca at x36161 or Fraisy George at x35424. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I met with Carlo (as did several other Enron employees) last week and we are
talking to them about a number of ideas. One of which is detailed below
(from them) and has technology and paper/lubmer points. I believe Carlo from
Dow will be calling you guys shortly. Take a look at the attachment and
you'll understand the points he's making that are relevant to your
----- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 02/21/2001 11:21 AM -----
"Guarino, Carlo (C)" <[email protected]>
02/20/2001 03:53 PM
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
cc: "Schaw, John (JH)" <[email protected]>, "Mason, James (JL)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Buildscape Strategic Opportunity
Jeff, thanks for agreeing to make the introduction with Philip and Ray. I
have attached below a summary of Buildscape(Driving to Liquidity) as well a
high level PowerPoint presentation on Buildscape.
As you are aware, we have had introductory meetings with Rob Scheuer from
the Industrial markets, Brandon Wax, John Pavetto and Rahil Jafry. There is
interest in Buildscape from the group and Rahil has offered a sweat equity
option. Rob advised that he would come back to us in the shortly on his
thoughts around a strategic relationship.
We see the possibility of a broader strategic opportunity combining
technology functionality from the Networks Division, risk and credit
management tools available through your market making initiatives, as well
using the Buildscape providing an efficient channel to market for Enron
products and services in the Building industry and the home. In order for
this opportunity to receive senior management attention and to talk through
the possibilities, we will contact Philip Bibi and Ray Bowen shortly as per
your recommendation.
Could you confirm back that you have passed on the information so that we
don't surprise either of them on the topic and we will aim to arrange a
meeting with them in Houston in the next couple of weeks. We may call on
your help to sponsor the meeting if required.
In the meantime, we will press on with confirming the Dow/Enron April 27th
meeting in midland to pursue Chemicals and Plastics opportunities and we
would be very pleased if Mark Fievert can attend as well. If we need to move
the date slightly to accommodate Mark, then lets talk through the options.
<<Driving to Liquidity -- 01-24-01.doc>> <<BuildscapeEnron.ppt>>
Best Regards,
Carlo Guarino
Global Development Director
Dow Growth Center
Office (517) 636-0860 / Mobile (313)655-7553
Fax (517) 636-1453
Internet address: [email protected]
- Driving to Liquidity -- 01-24-01.doc
- BuildscapeEnron.ppt | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Here is the latest agreement that we have received from Reuters. I think we
should have a meeting with George Webber to discuss this contract, and agree
a path forward. Can you arrange this? My day is currently very open.
---------------------- Forwarded by Dave Samuels/HOU/ECT on 03/29/2000 09:11
AM ---------------------------
Lynne Carithers <[email protected]> on 03/29/2000 07:19:49 AM
To: [email protected]
cc: [email protected], [email protected], Steve Pickett
<[email protected]>, [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], Beatriz G Roth
<[email protected]>, Edith Mercer <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Enron
George, apologize that I am introducing myself to you via email. I am
coordinating the efforts between Reuters and Enron on the current projects
are taking place.
Please review the Terms and Conditions document (attached below) from Reuters
Legal regarding Reuters news via enrononline.com. I am available to
a conference call with Beatriz, Reuters Legal NY, to discuss these changes.
Please let me know of your availability.
Lynne Carithers
[email protected]
From: Beatriz G Roth on 03/28/2000 06:03 PM EST
To: Lynne Carithers/DAL/US/Reuters@REUTERS
cc: Steve Pickett/CHI/US/Reuters@REUTERS, Robert
Subject: Enron
Attached is a new draft of the Agreement which you can forward to Enron. If
they want to discuss the changes that we did not make, please arrange for a
conference call with my assistant Edith Mercer (212-603-3616).
(See attached file: Enron_T&C.doc)
Visit our Internet site at http://www.reuters.com
Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual
sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be
the views of Reuters Ltd.
- Enron_T&C.doc | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
RW, which London QC would represent us? JVD
Jim Derrick
-----Original Message-----
From: Harris, Stephanie J <[email protected]>
To: Derrick Jr., James <[email protected]>
Sent: Tue Oct 02 11:49:02 2001
Subject: FW: DPC -- London Commercial Court Filing
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 11:44 AM
To: [email protected]; Cline, Wade; [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: Harris, Stephanie J
Subject: DPC -- London Commercial Court Filing
Folks -
We had a lawyer conference call today to discuss the prospect of filing a
suit in London Commercial Court to enjoin the GOM from trying to file a
suit in India to void the GOM Guarantee and State Support Agreements.
Chris Walker, local counsel, GE and Bechtel support filing the suit. Other
than Jim McCartney, the Enron representatives support filing the suit. In
the end, Jim McCartney defers to Chris Walker's judgment.
Filing suit in London has some risks. We are uncertain of the response of
the India Supreme Court, the GOM and the current GOM/DPC arbitration panel.
The Supreme Court may take offense to the filing (although Chris thinks
that this risk is small). In a perverse way, our filing in London could
further induce GOM to file in India (although we believe that they will in
any event). The current arbitration panel may use this as an opportunity
to wait until the underlying DPC/MSEB dispute is decided (although Chris
doubts it).
My understanding is that Enron commercial supports the filing of the suit.
It is scheduled to be filed on Friday. If any of you would like to revisit
the issue before Friday, please let me know.
Bruce | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Monthly Staff Meeting in Conference Room 5C2
Date: 9/8/2000
Time: 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM (Central Standard Time)
Detailed Description: | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
The Commercial Group has asked whether they can sell daily firm for longer
than a 3-month period. This phrasing is of course misleading; TW's daily
firm contracts are always for a term of just one day, but renew for
consecutive one-day terms unless terminated. The discount letter, on the
other hand, grants a discounted rate for each of the one-day terms for a
certain period of time (typically one month). Steve Harris wants to be able
to "sell daily firm for a one-year period." In contractual terms all this
would mean is that the contract is for renewabable one-day terms (as usual),
and the discount applicable to such terms would be effective for one year. I
see no problem with this, do you? (Apparently the current perception in
marketing is that regulatory/legal was limiting daily firm to a 3-month
period.) | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Start Date: 1/8/02; HourAhead hour: 24; No ancillary schedules awarded. Variances detected.
Variances detected in Load schedule.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2002010824.txt
---- Load Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblLoads.
Details: (Hour: 24 / Preferred: 376.39 / Final: 376.36)
TRANS_DATE: 1/8/02
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
The Word of the Day for April 6 is:
ambrosia \am-BRO-zhuh\ (noun)
1 a : the food of the Greek and Roman gods b : the ointment
or perfume of the gods
*2 : something extremely pleasing to taste or smell
3 : a dessert made of oranges and shredded coconut
Example sentence:
"We feasted that evening as on nectar and ambrosia; and not
the least delight of the entertainment was the smile of
gratification with which our hostess regarded us, as we
our famished appetites on the delicate fare she liberally
supplied." (Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre)
Did you know?
"Ambrosia" literally means "immortality" in Greek; it is a
derivative of the Greek word "ambrotos," meaning "immortal,"
which combines the prefix "a-" (meaning "not") with
(meaning "mortal"). In Greek and Roman mythology, only
immortals -- gods and goddesses -- could eat ambrosia. Those
mythological gods and goddesses also drank "nectar," which,
its original sense, refers to the "drink of the gods."
(Even today,
you'll often find the words "ambrosia" and "nectar" in each
other's company.) While the "ambrosia" of the gods prevented
death, we mere mortals use "ambrosia" in reference to things
that just taste or smell especially delicious. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Steve --
I enjoyed talking with you this morning, and look forward to meeting with you
again soon to discuss maximizing our opportunities with regard to university
As promised, attached is a draft of an announcement re Rice's EMBA program.
Please review and let me know if you have questions or changes that you would
like to make. I will follow up with you tomorrow afternoon to discuss next
Sue | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I'm very sorry, but there was a miscommunication between our office and
Professor Gerlach about whether class meets during the regularly scheduled
spring break.
Professor Gerlach's class WILL meet this week on Thursday, March 29! He
recognizes that you may not be able to complete all the assigned reading by
that time.
We're sorry for the confusion.
Diane | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
The Fundamentals Group is moving Database servers and the existing EnData
Excel Add-In
needs to be changed.
If you use Endata, please follow the directions below at your leisure.
(1) Select Tools->Add-ins from the Excel Menu Bar
(1) Uncheck existing Endata box (if it's there).
(2) Press the "browse" button
(3) Select P:\Fundamentals\Production\Endata\Endata.xla
(4) Respond NO to "Copy 'EnData.xla' to Microsoft Excel Add-In Library"
(5) press OK
if EnData mysteriously disappears from you menu, follow these directions
to add it to you menu again.
The old EnData points to the old database which will be deleted sometime soon.
Cooper | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Start Date: 1/18/02; HourAhead hour: 8; HourAhead schedule download failed. Manual intervention required.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2002011808.txt
Error: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
Error: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
Error: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
Error: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database
Error: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database
Error: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
!!!Unknown database.
Alias: dbCaps97Data
Error: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Start Date: 4/6/01; HourAhead hour: 18; No ancillary schedules awarded.
Variances detected.
Variances detected in Energy Import/Export schedule.
Variances detected in SC Trades schedule.
PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final
---- Energy Import/Export Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblINTCHG_IMPEXP.
Details: (Hour: 18 / Preferred: 12.00 / Final: 11.98)
TRANS_DATE: 4/6/01
---- SC Trades Schedule ----
$$$ Variance found in table tblInt_Interchange.
Details: (Hour: 18 / Preferred: 871.00 / Final: 850.00)
TRANS_DATE: 4/6/01
*** Final schedule not found for preferred schedule.
TRANS_DATE: 4/6/01
*** Final schedule not found for preferred schedule.
TRANS_DATE: 4/6/01
DEAL_NO: 1 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
-----Original Message-----
From: Hayden, Frank
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 3:22 PM
To: Parks, Joe
Subject: RE:
Have you met her
-----Original Message-----
From: Parks, Joe
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 3:21 PM
To: Hayden, Frank
Subject: RE:
dont know, sorry
-----Original Message-----
From: Hayden, Frank
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 3:20 PM
To: Parks, Joe
Subject: RE:
What is Lynnette's last name?
-----Original Message-----
From: Parks, Joe
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 3:18 PM
To: Hayden, Frank
Subject: RE:
Lynnette 310-789-2317
-----Original Message-----
From: Hayden, Frank
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 3:15 PM
To: Parks, Joe
Do you know anyone at Cook Inlet? My analyst is looking for work on west coast | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Jim: You available to talk at 9:30 Houston time re: how to stop the next
attempt at the ISO board to lower the price caps further? If not, are you
available at about 3 PM houston time to discuss same? Thanks. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Bass/HOU/ECT on 11/13/2000 03:27 PM
"Larry W. Bass" <[email protected]> on 11/13/2000 03:09:04 PM
To: KATHY BASS <[email protected]>, kb <[email protected]>, jason
<[email protected]>, eric preston bass <[email protected]>
Subject: Fw: The Latest Official Florida Presential Ballot
----- Original Message -----
From: Larry Knigge
- BallotWPBF11.11.00.doc | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Dear Amazon Customer, Recently, we sent you a mailer with a special Father's Day offer--$20 off your order of $100 or more on great electronics and entertainment gifts for Dad. If you haven't yet taken advantage of this offer, now is the perfect time. No matter what kind of dad you're shopping for, you'll find all sorts of cool gift ideas. We've got handheld organizers and wireless phones for the on-the-go type; home entertainment, software, and DVDs for the couch potato; and digital cameras and neat gadgets for the kid at heart. This year, get Dad something he really wants--plus, take $20 off your electronics or entertainment order of $100 or more. But don't delay--this offer ends June 17. (See full offer details below.) Sincerely, [IMAGE] Carl Gish Vice President, Electronics Amazon.com click here for details! [IMAGE] Great Gifts for Dad ? Gadgets ? Handheld Computers ? Home Entertainment ? Cameras & Optics ? Software ? Wireless Phones
Don't delete. This is your $20 Amazon.com promotional certificate. *********************************************************** Amount: $20 off your order of $100 or more at Amazon.com Electronics, Camera & Photo, Software, Wireless Phones, or DVD stores. Claim Code: TPBE-QFX6S8-78GTAR Expires: June 17, 2001 (This code is the same as the one printed on the original announcement we sent you in the mail. If you've already taken advantage of this offer, please note this code can be used only once.) To redeem your $20 promotional certificate, simply: 1. Go to the Amazon.com Electronics , Camera & Photo , Software , Wireless Phones , or DVD stores. 2. Select the items you want (totaling $100 or more, not including shipping or tax) and add them to your Shopping Cart. 3. Click the Proceed to Checkout button. At the Pay section of the progress bar, you'll see a box on the lower part of the page that says, "Do you have a gift certificate or promotional claim code?" 4. Enter your claim code in the space provided to redeem your promotional certificate. Then click Continue and complete the order form. 5. You'll know you have placed your order when you reach a screen that says, "Thank you for your order. We will send you an e-mail confirmation shortly." If you wish to review the details of your order, click on the appropriate links in the "Managing your order" box or the Your Account link in the upper right corner of the page. The fine print: Offer must be redeemed at http://www.amazon.com toward the purchase of products sold by Amazon.com and listed in Amazon.com's Electronics, Camera & Photo, Software, Wireless Phones, or DVD catalogs. Offer cannot be redeemed at Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.co.jp, or any other Web site operated by Amazon.com, its affiliates, or third-party merchants accessible from our site (including, for example, our Health & Beauty store operated by drugstore.com). Offer not valid in Amazon Marketplace, Auctions, or zShops. Purchase must total $100 or more, excluding shipping charges and tax. Please use our Shopping Cart rather than our 1-Click ordering method if you wish to apply this promotional certificate. You must pay for the order with a credit card. If you return items purchased with a promotional certificate, you will not receive a refund for the amount of the promotional certificate. Limit one offer per customer and one offer per purchase. Offer not valid with other promotional certificates. Offer must be applied at the time of the order and cannot be applied to orders already placed with us. Offer cash value is 1/10th of one cent and is not for resale. This promotional certificate will expire at 11:59 p.m. PDT on June 17, 2001. If you have any questions, please visit the Help section of our site: http://www.amazon.com/help We hope you enjoyed receiving this message. However, if you'd rather not receive future e-mails of this sort from Amazon.com, please use the link below or click the Your Account button in the top right corner of any page on the Amazon.com Web site . Under the Your Account Settings heading, click the "Update your communication preferences" link.
Please note that this e-mail was sent to the following address: [email protected] | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Please note the blurb about Bill Harris. Paragraph starts "Officials at
Palo Alto..." Prentice - maybe you should give him a call of congrats and
job opps.!!
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 8:42 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: CFO.com's - Today's CFOs on the Move - Assessing the Human Toll
Today's CFOs on the Move
Tomorrow's Numbers Today: Secrets of Enterprise Business Planning -
Most of today's business planning systems show companies where they've been,
but not where they're going. Is it possible to reliably predict and drive
future operating performance? We think so. In a free Webcast presented by
CFO.com and Adaytum, the leader in enterprise business planning, experts
will explain how organizations can forecast operating performance with
Thursday, September 20, 11:00 a.m. EDT
- Vladimir Cole, CFO.com, Product Manager(Moderator)
- David Barnes, Best Buy, Director Financial Planning
- Mark Stimpson, Adaytum, Vice President Product Marketing
- Jack Maynard, Aberdeen Group, Research Director
Thursday, September 13, 2001
Assessing the Human Toll
By CFO Staff
Though Tuesday's events touched almost every American, some in the US
business community were hit especially hard by the loss of friends and
colleagues. At least two CFOs were killed in the terrorist attacks.
Waltham, Mass.-based E-business software maker Netegrity Inc. reported that
CFO James Hayden was a passenger on the United Airlines Flight 175 that
crashed into the World Trade Center Tuesday morning. Hayden, 47, was
credited with helping Netegrity become one of the more highly valued
companies in the tech industry. He is survived by his wife and two children.
Netegrity plans to start a memorial fund in his name.
MRV Communications Inc. lost CFO and vice president of finance and
administration Edmund Glazer, who was aboard the Los Angeles-bound American
Airlines Flight 11, which crashed into the other tower of the WTO. Glazer is
survived by his wife and young son.
In other CFO news, Jack Nichols III joined Atlanta-based startup Incanta
Inc. as CFO. Incanta makes streamlining applications for broadband
providers. Nichols joins Incanta from NetSchools, an E-learning company.
Incanta is a venture-backed company started in 1999.
Officials at Palo Alto, Calif.-based biopharmaceutical company XenoPort Inc.
appointed William Harris CFO. Harris joins the startup from Coulter
Pharmaceuticals Inc., where he was CFO until Coulter's acquisition by Corixa
Corp. in December 2000.
Read On! For More CFOs on the Move...
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"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
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ARE YOU... [IMAGE] Being Harassed by Your Creditors? [IMAGE] Drowning in Credit Card Debt? [IMAGE] Behind on Medical Bills? [IMAGE] Falling Behind on Your Payments? [IMAGE] Borrowing From One Card to Pay Another ...THEN DEBT CONSOLIDATION CAN HELP YOU!
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To be removed click here | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
as per our conversation earlier in the week
Alhamd Alkhayat
+1(713)853-0315 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Bill Rapp's laptop (Compaq) is not equipped with the device that allows a 3.5" diskette to be loaded. He can run CDs, but not diskettes. What do we need to order and how much will it cost? Thanks.
Denise LaGesse
Enron Transportation Services
1400 Smith Street (77002-7361)
P.O. Box 1188
Houston, Texas 77251-1188
[email protected]
ph 713-853-6704
cell 713-822-7736
fax 713-853-5425 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
At Enron, we,re good at a lot of things: making markets, commoditizing
products, managing risk, offering innovative energy solutions to customers )
the list goes on and on. However, one of the things we could do a lot better
is watching our expenses. We,re all shareholders in this company, and we
need to spend our company,s dollars as wisely as we spend our own.
There are some simple, yet significant measures each of us can take to make
sure we,re careful with Enron,s money. The Policy Committee has approved and
recommended the following:
? Professional Services ) This is our largest area of discretionary spending,
at more than $600 million last year. &Professional Services8 includes our
contracts with outside law and accounting firms, contractors and other
consulting groups. To make sure that we are negotiating the best rates and
terms of service for the company across business units, we are requiring all
future professional service contracts and those up for renewal to be
negotiated through or in consultation with Global Strategic Sourcing (GSS),
effective July 1. In addition, contracts for more than $5,000 must be
pre-approved by the business unit senior executive or their designee and
GSS. For more information, see http://ibuyit.enron.com.
? On-line expense reporting tool XMS ) XMS, our online expense reporting
tool, enables us to expedite, monitor and report expenses. Effective July 1,
all employees on domestic U.S. payroll will be required to use XMS for
reimbursement of business-related expenses. To access XMS, go to
? Enterprise wide portal ) We currently have 122 internal web sites across
the company. The amount of technology work, marketing collateral, and other
related costs required to develop and support so many portals is sizeable.
It makes sense to have one Enron portal so you can efficiently access content
and services through a single, personalized channel that will make it easier
for you to find information and perform basic tasks online. This new
company-wide portal, under the leadership of Tony Mends, will be launched in
several phases beginning this fall.
Another significant area where we can be more diligent in our spending is
travel and entertainment. Enron has long had travel policies in place. As
we have grown, we have not done as well as we should have in communicating
those policies to new employees and reminding all employees to take advantage
of the discounts we have negotiated. The availability of discounts and
booking services online should make it easy to save money for the company
without sacrificing the comfort of employees who travel. The following are
common sense recommendations that we should all adhere to when traveling for
business. Any regular deviations from these travel policy recommendations
will be reviewed by each business unit leader.
? Air travel ) Employees are requested to use either Travel Agency in the
Park (TAP) or the GSS-approved preferred travel agency for your location -
all of which have access to the significant airfare discounts negotiated by
GSS - or http://clicktrip.enron.com/enron, the new online travel booking
service that allows employees to book their own travel with the same
negotiated discounts. Employees who fly in the United States should book
non-refundable coach tickets, which are typically 65 percent less than
refundable tickets and can usually be changed by simply paying a $100 fee.
For this reason, we strongly encourage all employees to purchase
non-refundable domestic coach tickets when possible.
? Lodging ) GSS has also negotiated preferred rates at a number of hotel
chains in many cities worldwide to accommodate each business unit,s
individual hotel policy. We recommend that you use Enron,s list of preferred
hotels to select accommodations that are in line with your business unit,s
policies. You can view the list at http://travel.enron.com.
? Car rental services ) When renting a car for business travel, employees
should use our preferred car rental agencies ) National (U.S. and Canada) and
Alamo (U.S.)- since the agreements we have negotiated are intended to protect
you and Enron through the insurance coverage in our contract. Visit
http://travel.enron.com for details and updates to services available outside
the U.S.
? Off-site meetings ) All domestic-U.S. off-site meetings and events with
more than 10 people should be coordinated through GSS, which will negotiate
preferred rates for Enron. They can be reached at (713) 646-8311.
Because there are differences between business units and offices, each
business unit leader will follow up this memo with a communication further
elaborating on these policies as they apply to their business unit.
Each of us has a responsibility to make sure we do our part to ensure Enron
retains its competitive edge. These recommendations are some basic, sensible
actions we can take company-wide, but it is up to every employee to look for
cost saving measures and do what makes sense in your daily activities. If
you have an idea or a suggestion you would like to share with us, please
e-mail us at [email protected]. A list of questions
and answers about these policies is posted on
http://ibuyit.enron.com/gss/ibuyit/csfaq.doc. If you have additional
questions, Policy Committee member Kevin Hannon will host an eSpeak on
Tuesday, June 19 at 10 a.m. Houston time to discuss these cost saving
recommendations. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
The attached was overlayed in the system today. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Robin Rodrigue
06/12/2000 08:23 PM
To: Ryan Watt/CAL/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: I have us Long 311 contracts...
Here you go. We're only about 6 contracts off.
Talk to ya tomorrow.
Robin | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Re: HPL records.
The records have all been agregated, and are waiting in a file room in 3AC -- Pat has the information and the database which summarizes the records, which is what Carolyn and the contractor were working on.
Pat tells me that we are waiting on Anne Koehler's (legal) approval to release the records.
Bob - do you have anything else to add.
I think we are ok.
I will contact Jim Coffey and make sure he and shirley know where the records are.
-----Original Message-----
From: Weatherspoon, Patricia
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:06 AM
To: Apollo, Beth
Subject: FW: Recent Inactive Files
-----Original Message-----
From: Weatherspoon, Patricia
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 1:29 PM
To: Koehler, Anne C.
Subject: FW: Recent Inactive Files
I'm Pat Weatherspoon managing contracts for EES, EBS and ENA. I have received several phone calls from Melissa Graves regarding the listed subject matter. Mark Thorne, advised me you are the legal point of contact regarding AEP. Can you give me some direction on how to reply to Melissa, or the status to the release of these records to AEP. Before Carolyn Gilley was released she told me we were waiting on the legal dept. to give the approval to release the HPL records.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 4:56 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Recent Inactive Files
Per the side letter to the Purch/Sale Agreement dated 5/31/01 between Enron and AEP, Enron was to review all Inactive Files that were sent to Archives within six years preceding the Closing Date. Enron was to clean out Excluded Records and make the remaining available to AEP for pick up by 11/30/01. Per our recent phone conversations, please advise me on the status of releasing these records to AEP.
Thank you,
Melissa Graves
[email protected] | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Shelley, thank you for your help. Lynn
-----Original Message-----
From: Corman, Shelley
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 8:20 AM
To: Daily, Pamela
Cc: Blair, Lynn; Scott, Donna
Subject: FW: Need Your Approval for Telephone Moves
-----Original Message-----
From: Horton, Stanley
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 6:13 PM
To: Corman, Shelley
Subject: RE: Need Your Approval for Telephone Moves
-----Original Message-----
From: Corman, Shelley
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 4:21 PM
To: Horton, Stanley; Hayslett, Rod
Cc: Daily, Pamela; Blair, Lynn
Subject: Need Your Approval for Telephone Moves
I previously mentioned to you that I have assigned John Buchanan as Mgr, TW scheduling to ensure that we have a consistent focus on TW scheduling matters and presence at the 8 AM TW morning meeting (Lynn Blair, Steve January and Terry Kowalke are in the NNG morning meeting each day at the same time).
Previously Terry Kowalke and John Buchanan split time advising the TW and NNG team on day to day scheduling matters. Terry was sitting on 39 and John on 42. In light of the immediate change in their assignments, I asked John and Terry to switch desks. I need your authorization to move their telephones.
This change is important to demonstrate to the commercial groups of both NNG and TW that we will not miss a step in tending to daily business even during the transition.
Thank you for the support. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I spoke with Jeff Dasovich yesterday. He has a meeting with Gray Davis'
Policy Director next Wednesday. Jeff said it is a half hour who we are and
what we want meeting with her. I mentioned what we are looking for and why
we think it would be valuable for Davis to get behind it. Jeff was all over
it especially since there are huge Davis - Chambers ties.
Jeff asked for us to put together a one page, bullet point overview that he
can give to her on Wed. Definitely wants us to present it as a
Cisco/Enron/PowerTek plan. He thinks that the Cisco name will be crucial for
us to beeline the process to obtain $$. Jeff thinks that after she reviews
this, we will have a good chance to meet with her or Davis folks to begin the
process of obtaining funds. However, Jeff thinks that the more we can drag
Cisco into the mix, the better chances we have.
If we are going to put Cisco's name on this, you probably need to talk to
your contacts before we move forward. Call me to discuss. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
PG&E has also filed its version of a net energy metering tariff.? Are any of
these tariffs of interest to Enron?
- 11-15-00 PG&E AL Summary Chart.doc | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I am pleased to announce that Jana Domke has accepted the position of Director, Compensation for Enron Transportation Services, effective August 1, 2001.
Jana started with Enron in May, 2000 and most recently has been Director of Compensation & Benefits for Enron Wind. Prior to joining Enron, Jana was a Practice Leader with PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Director, International Compensation & Benefits for Smith International. Jana has 19 years of experience in both domestic and international compensation and benefits.
Jana received her M.B.A. from the University of Houston. She also has a Bachelors Degree from U of H in Organizational Behavior & Management.
Jana can be reached at (713) 853-6329 and her office location is EB1156. The ETS Compensation staff, including Jana's direct reports, can be viewed on the attached organization chart.
Please join me in welcoming Jana to the ETS team. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Go baby go... $4.95!
<http://www.paid4survey.net/hbg/upload/69/drum.jpg>Bear and Drum
This crystal contains 24% to 30% lead with strict quality control. They were specifically ordered by oversea distributors to be sold to department stores. Due to the Economic downturn, the distributor went bankrupt, which also brought down the manufacturer. We were able to pick up the inventory at pennies on a dollar. We just pass the saving to you. That's why you're seeing rediculus prices here.
Similar item like this sell for more than $130 in retail store, but it will be yours for $4.95 .
To qualify for this invitation, please fill out the following questions.
Your responses will in no way go into your personal profile. We are interested in statistical data only.
Questions Response
Do you own or use any kind of PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)? yes
Do you own or use a digital camera or camcorder? yes
Do you own or use a Sony game console such as PS1,PS2 or Gameboy? yes
Do you own or use a MP3 player? yes
Do you own or use a DVD player? yes
Group Profile:
Area Code Gender:
Male Female Age Group select below 18 and below 19-30 31-45 46-60 60+ Income select below less than 20k 20-30k 30-40k 40-60k 60-80k 80-100k 100k+
After you selected your choices, don't forget to
This email is sent to [email protected]. If you believe you did not belong to our sponsors customers list,
you can remove your email address from our distribution list by clicking the link below.
Click here <http://www.paid4survey.net/[email protected]> if you prefer not to receive future e-mail from us.
Click here <http://www.paid4survey.net/policy.htm> to view our permission marketing policy. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
---------------------- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 07/06/2001
01:04 PM ---------------------------
From: Mark E Haedicke/Enron@EnronXGate@enronXgate on 07/06/2001 12:22 PM
Sent by: Janette Elbertson/ENRON@enronXgate
To: David W Delainey/HOU/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, John J
Lavorato/ENRON@enronXgate, Richard B Sanders/Enron@enronXgate, Richard
Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Greg
Whalley/ENRON@enronXgate, Robert C Williams/ENRON@enronXgate
cc: Kay Chapman/HOU/EES@EES, Maureen McVicker/NA/Enron@Enron, Kimberly
Hillis/ENRON@enronXgate, Twanda Sweet/ENRON@enronXgate, Ginger
Dernehl/NA/Enron@Enron, Kathy Dodgen/HOU/EES@EES, Liz M
Taylor/ENRON@enronXgate, Jan Cooley/ENRON@enronXgate, Jessica
Subject: Meeting Notice - California Document Production Issues
There will be a meeting on Monday, July 9, from 10:00 a.m. to Noon in EB3321
to discuss the referenced issues.
Thank you.
Janette Elbertson
Enron Wholesale Services
Legal Department - EB3326
Telephone: (713) 853-7906
Fax: (713) 646-2600
e-mail address: [email protected] | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
I went to mia bella--and I think i'm with you on the dont' like it thought.
I thought i was going to hurl on my hardwoods last night. crashed about
I figure you all could come over for a glass of wine first (and I can show ms
tobor the house) then head over. My flight is at 9:40 pm tonight, and I
haven't packed yet. Unless you have another idea???????????
Alexandra Saler@EES
12/20/2000 08:43 AM
To: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re:
it was great! what did you do? what is our plan for the big party tonight?
To: Alexandra Saler/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Re:
How was bunko, or twister, is it? | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
-----Original Message-----
From: Moon, Eric
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 10:28 AM
To: Griffith, John
Subject: FW: Why Palestenians throw rocks
-----Original Message-----
From: "Tami, Eric and Jake Moon" <[email protected]>@ENRON
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 9:58 AM
To: Julie Turner; Papa; Moon, Eric; Granny; Frank Jimenez
Subject: Fw: Why Palestenians throw rocks
Subject: FW: Why Palestenians throw rocks
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --- <<ATT279523.txt>> <<WHYPALES.MPE>>
- ATT279523.txt
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
My sincerest thanks to all of you that were able to attend the JDF Kick-off
Luncheon on September 6th. It was a great event and a wonderful opportunity
for those of you not familiar with JDF to find out what the JDF Walk is all
about. For those of you that were not able to join us, we missed you and we
look forward to having you join us for our future sessions.
The Enron/JDF Team Leaders Kick-off Luncheon will take place on Wednesday,
September 13th, at the Houston Metropolitan Racquet Club (The Met) beginning
at 11:30 a.m. I would like to encourage each of you to mark your calendar
and make plans to attend this very important luncheon meeting. At this
kick-off meeting we will be distributing supplies and gift bags, reviewing
important details about our campaign, learning more about JDF, and discussing
our fundraising goal for this year's campaign. Enron has been the number 1
walk team in Houston for 5 years in a row and we plan to continue in that
position and we need your help to make it happen!
Please take just a moment to RSVP your attendance via e-mail to Rachel Feldt
on the Corporate Lotus Notes directory or to [email protected].
The Steering Committee members for this year's campaign are listed below.
Please feel free to contact me or any Steering Committee member if you have
any questions or if you have friends that you would like to sign up to help
with our campaign.
Steering Committee Members:
Blanca Bollom X66091
Rachel Feldt X57629
Deb Gebhardt X39606
Cathy Phillips X36898
John Walt X35379
Debbie Yates X35305
I look forward to seeing all of you at the luncheon on Wednesday. Thanks!
Mike McConnell | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Per the request of Sara, I am attaching Annex A and Annex B to the Omnibus
Confirmation for the referenced counterparty. | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
UBS bought 100% of trading | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
The following servers will be coming down, please click on the icon for more
details and scheduled times :
FOR: PR1 - Apollo Production (SPR1DB01)
Outage Start: (CST) 10/22/2000 at 08:00:00 AM
Outage End: (CST) 10/22/2000 at 12:00:00 PM
Outage Abstract: Install SAP Gateway on SPR1DB00
Outage Description: Please See Corrected Time!!!!
Outage Implication: PR1 will be unavailable for duration of outage.
Contact Name:Larry Harbuck #: 888-676-8719 713-853-1844 | {
"pile_set_name": "Enron Emails"
} |
Subsets and Splits