dict | target
stringlengths 1
| label
stringclasses 1
value |
"term": "zwei",
"language": "German"
} | two (numerical value represented by the Arabic numeral 2; or describing a set with two components) | definition |
"term": "abdicate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of abdicō | definition |
"term": "NASA",
"language": "German"
} | NASA (abbreviation of National Aeronautics and Space Administration) | definition |
"term": "feist",
"language": "German"
} | fat (usually of a person) | definition |
"term": "feist",
"language": "German"
} | second-person singular present of feien | definition |
"term": "crude",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of crūdus | definition |
"term": "decade",
"language": "Latin"
} | ablative singular of decās | definition |
"term": "April",
"language": "German"
} | April | definition |
"term": "servant",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person plural present active indicative of servō | definition |
"term": "dat",
"language": "German"
} | Alternative form of das | definition |
"term": "dat",
"language": "German"
} | Alternative form of das | definition |
"term": "dat",
"language": "German"
} | it | definition |
"term": "dat",
"language": "German"
} | Alternative form of dass | definition |
"term": "dat",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person singular present active indicative of dō | definition |
"term": "transitive",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of transitiv: | definition |
"term": "transitive",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of transitiv: | definition |
"term": "transitive",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of transitiv: | definition |
"term": "transitive",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of transitiv: | definition |
"term": "transitive",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of trānsitīvus | definition |
"term": "absent",
"language": "German"
} | absent, not present | definition |
"term": "absent",
"language": "German"
} | absent-minded | definition |
"term": "USSR",
"language": "German"
} | Initialism of Ukrainische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik (“Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic”). | definition |
"term": "tago",
"language": "Latin"
} | Alternative form of tango | definition |
"term": "relegate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of relēgō | definition |
"term": "RAM",
"language": "German"
} | RAM (random-access memory) | definition |
"term": "December",
"language": "Latin"
} | of December | definition |
"term": "December",
"language": "Latin"
} | December | definition |
"term": "das Haus",
"language": "German"
} | house | definition |
"term": "das Haus",
"language": "German"
} | home (in various phrases) | definition |
"term": "das Haus",
"language": "German"
} | theatre | definition |
"term": "Haus",
"language": "German"
} | A municipality of Styria, Austria | definition |
"term": "October",
"language": "Latin"
} | of October | definition |
"term": "October",
"language": "Latin"
} | October | definition |
"term": "Esperanto",
"language": "German"
} | Esperanto | definition |
"term": "plural",
"language": "German"
} | pluralistic | definition |
"term": "abstruse",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of abstrus: | definition |
"term": "abstruse",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of abstrus: | definition |
"term": "abstruse",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of abstrus: | definition |
"term": "abstruse",
"language": "German"
} | inflection of abstrus: | definition |
"term": "abstruse",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abstrūsus | definition |
"term": "lens",
"language": "Latin"
} | lentil | definition |
"term": "lens",
"language": "Latin"
} | lens | definition |
"term": "lens",
"language": "Latin"
} | nit (egg of a louse) | definition |
"term": "LED",
"language": "German"
} | LED (light-emitting diode) | definition |
"term": "विश्व",
"language": "Sanskrit"
} | all, every, every one; whole, entire, universal | definition |
"term": "विश्व",
"language": "Sanskrit"
} | all-pervading or all-containing, omnipresent | definition |
"term": "विश्व",
"language": "Sanskrit"
} | the whole world, universe (Atharvaveda etc.) | definition |
"term": "September",
"language": "German"
} | September | definition |
"term": "September",
"language": "Latin"
} | of September | definition |
"term": "September",
"language": "Latin"
} | September | definition |
"term": "AM",
"language": "German"
} | Acronym of Anwendungsmanagement. | definition |
"term": "犬",
"language": "Korean"
} | hanja form of 견 (“dog”) | definition |
"term": "EU",
"language": "German"
} | EU; initialism of Europäische Union (“European Union”) | definition |
"term": "die EU",
"language": "German"
} | initialism of Erwerbsunfähigkeit | definition |
"term": "monetario",
"language": "Latin"
} | dative/ablative masculine/neuter singular of monētārius | definition |
"term": "monetario",
"language": "Latin"
} | dative/ablative singular of monētārius | definition |
"term": "fere",
"language": "Latin"
} | roughly, approximately, mostly, more or less, around, about | definition |
"term": "fere",
"language": "Latin"
} | nearly, practically, virtually, almost, well-nigh, quite | definition |
"term": "fere",
"language": "Latin"
} | often, normally, usually, generally, as a rule, in most cases, mainly | definition |
"term": "fere",
"language": "Latin"
} | Alternative form of fēris, second-person singular present active subjunctive of for | definition |
"term": "Mexico",
"language": "Latin"
} | dative/ablative of Mexicum | definition |
"term": "libero",
"language": "Latin"
} | dative/ablative masculine/neuter singular of līber | definition |
"term": "libero",
"language": "Latin"
} | to free, set free, liberate | definition |
"term": "libero",
"language": "Latin"
} | to release, deliver | definition |
"term": "libero",
"language": "Latin"
} | to absolve, acquit | definition |
"term": "libero",
"language": "Latin"
} | dative/ablative singular of līber | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "German"
} | beginning at that time or location; from | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "German"
} | off; not attached to anything anymore | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "German"
} | off; not attached to anything anymore | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "Latin"
} | from, away from, out of | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "Latin"
} | down from | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "Latin"
} | (source of action or event) by, by means of | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "Latin"
} | (source of action or event) by, by means of, with | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "Latin"
} | to, with | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "Latin"
} | at, on, in | definition |
"term": "ab",
"language": "Latin"
} | after, since | definition |
"term": "langue",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of langueō | definition |
"term": "der Aborigine",
"language": "German"
} | an Aboriginal Australian (male or of unspecified gender) | definition |
"term": "der Aborigine",
"language": "German"
} | Aborigine, Aboriginal Australian (female) | definition |
"term": "die Uhr",
"language": "German"
} | hours, o'clock (indicates the time within a twelve- or twenty-four-hour period) | definition |
"term": "die Uhr",
"language": "German"
} | clock, watch (instrument used to measure or keep track of time) | definition |
"term": "die Uhr",
"language": "German"
} | meter; gauge (a kind of measuring device, typically for water and gas consumption) | definition |
"term": "die Uhr",
"language": "German"
} | clockwise direction | definition |
"term": "FSK",
"language": "German"
} | Initialism of Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft. | definition |
"term": "November",
"language": "German"
} | November | definition |
"term": "November",
"language": "Latin"
} | of November | definition |
"term": "November",
"language": "Latin"
} | November | definition |
"term": "pie",
"language": "Latin"
} | piously, devoutly | definition |
"term": "pie",
"language": "Latin"
} | dutifully, loyally | definition |
"term": "pie",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of pius | definition |
"term": "guerra",
"language": "Latin"
} | Alternative form of werra (“war”) | definition |
"term": "NATO",
"language": "German"
} | NATO | definition |
"term": "are",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of āreō | definition |
"term": "DVD",
"language": "German"
} | DVD (optical disc) | definition |
"term": "deficit",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person singular present active indicative of dēficiō | definition |
"term": "minute",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of minūtus | definition |
"term": "西",
"language": "Korean"
} | hanja form of 서 (“west; western”) | definition |
"term": "consensus",
"language": "Latin"
} | Consensus, agreement, accordance, unanimity, concord, harmony. | definition |
"term": "consensus",
"language": "Latin"
} | A plot, conspiracy. | definition |
"term": "consensus",
"language": "Latin"
} | agreed upon | definition |
Subsets and Splits