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JUST THE FACTS | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | '<a href="" target="_blank">This dog breed seen here</a> is a loyal and protective companion' | $1200 | a German Shepherd | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
SEE & SAY | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'Say the name of <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> bug; don't worry, it doesn't breathe fire' | $1200 | the dragonfly | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
NEWS TO ME | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | '(<a href="">Jimmy of the Clue Crew demonstrates, putting his arm over his mouth.</a>) To avoid spreading germs & maybe flu, we learned the sneeze named for this character made famous in an 1897 book' | $1200 | Dracula | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
IN THE DICTIONARY | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'Maize is another word for this' | $1200 | corn | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
SCIENCE CLASS | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'Of the 6 noble gases on the periodic table, it is the lightest' | $5,000 | helium | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
KIDS IN SPORTS | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | '11-year-old Ashlyn White won a 2009 U.S. youth title in this martial art in which you try to throw your opponent' | $1600 | judo | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
JUST THE FACTS | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'In 1751 the Penn Provincial Assembly placed the order for this symbol of freedom, now in Philadelphia' | $1600 | the Liberty Bell | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
SEE & SAY | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'Say the name of <a href="" target="_blank">these</a> big trees; it has a color in it' | $1600 | redwood | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
NEWS TO ME | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'In a surprise, Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat in this state went to a Republican in a January 2010 election' | $1600 | Massachusetts | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
IN THE DICTIONARY | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'This word for someone who walks comes from the Latin for "foot"' | $5,000 | pedestrian | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
SCIENCE CLASS | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'Lava & igneous rock are formed from this hot liquid rock material found under the earth's crust' | $2000 | magma | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
KIDS IN SPORTS | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'This sport has an under-17 World Cup every 2 years; Haris Seferovic starred for the 2009 champion Switzerland' | $2000 | soccer | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
JUST THE FACTS | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'He's the older son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana' | $2000 | Prince William | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
SEE & SAY | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'Say the name of <a href="" target="_blank">this</a> man you see shaking hands with the Premier of China' | $2000 | Ronald Reagan | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
NEWS TO ME | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'Falcon Heene, who it turned out was safe at home, not flying over Colorado, became known as this "boy"' | $2000 | the balloon boy | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
IN THE DICTIONARY | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'Kayak is an example of this, a word that reads the same forwards & backwards' | $2000 | a palindrome | Double Jeopardy! | 5957 |
HISTORIC WOMEN | 2010-07-06T00:00:00 | 'She was born in Virginia around 1596 & died in Kent, England in 1617' | null | Pocahontas | Final Jeopardy! | 5957 |
ROYAL FEMALE NICKNAMES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Prime Minister Tony Blair dubbed her "The People's Princess"' | $100 | Princess Diana | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TV ACTORS & ROLES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Once Tommy Mullaney on "L.A. Law", John Spencer now plays White House chief of staff Leo McGarry on this series' | $100 | The West Wing | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TRAVEL & TOURISM | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'The Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour is a highlight of this Asian city's Disneyland' | $100 | Tokyo | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
"I" LADS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'This punk rock hitmaker heard here has had numerous hits on both sides of the Atlantic' | $100 | Billy Idol | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
FOREWORDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | '"Conrad begins (and ends) Marlow's journey... on the Thames, on the yawl, Nellie", says the foreword to this novel' | $100 | Heart of Darkness | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
BACKWORDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'We'll look smart in these vehicles that returned to London in 1999' | $100 | Trams (smart) | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
ROYAL FEMALE NICKNAMES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'She was "The Untamed Heifer" & "The Virgin Queen"' | $200 | Elizabeth I | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TV ACTORS & ROLES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Barbra Streisand knows he played Lt. Col. Bill "Raider" Kelly on "Pensacola: Wings of Gold"' | $200 | James Brolin | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TRAVEL & TOURISM | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'The home of silk merchant Jim Thompson, who disappeared in 1967, is a tourist attraction in this Thai city' | $200 | Bangkok | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
"I" LADS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Czar at 17, he was famous for extraordinary sadism & cruelty, even as a boy' | $200 | Ivan the Terrible | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
FOREWORDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Part 2 "is Lilliput in reverse, but...also offers some of" his "fiercest assaults upon the behavior of" his countrymen' | $200 | Jonathan Swift | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
BACKWORDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Ed leaves pools of water on the carpet when he comes in from sailing this boat' | $200 | Sloop (pools) | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
ROYAL FEMALE NICKNAMES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Mark Antony called her "The Queen of Queens"' | $300 | Cleopatra | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TV ACTORS & ROLES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | '(Hi, I'm Wallace Langham) I played Don Kirshner in VH1's TV movie about this quartet who sang "Daydream Believer"' | $300 | The Monkees | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TRAVEL & TOURISM | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'We're not stringing you along: this capital of the Czech Republic is famous for its puppet theatres' | $300 | Prague | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
"I" LADS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Nudge, nudge, wink, wink! This man seen here starred on a classic British comedy show' | $300 | Eric Idle | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
FOREWORDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'She said that her husband Frank O'Connor was the fuel that kept her spirited while she wrote "The Fountainhead"' | $300 | Ayn Rand | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
BACKWORDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'You'd be naive to think you can make bottled water that's more popular than this' | $300 | Evian (naive) | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
ROYAL FEMALE NICKNAMES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'The 19th century's "Widow of Windsor"' | $400 | Queen Victoria | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TV ACTORS & ROLES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Teri Hatcher looked "shipshape" as one of the singing "mermaids" who jumped on board this cruisin' series in 1985' | $400 | The Love Boat | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TRAVEL & TOURISM | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Jomo Kenyatta International Airport serves this world capital' | $500 | Nairobi, Kenya | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
"I" LADS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'His is the first & longest book of the Bible's major prophets' | $400 | Isaiah | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
FOREWORDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'One edition calls this Darwin opus one of "the most readable and approachable" of revolutionary scientific works' | $400 | The Origin of Species | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
BACKWORDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Aye, lass, I'll wed thee ere this has dried on the fields' | $400 | Dew (wed) | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
ROYAL FEMALE NICKNAMES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | '"The Catholic" of 15th century Spain' | $500 | Queen Isabella | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TV ACTORS & ROLES | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'On "Saturday Night Live", he's famous for playing Craig the Cheerleader, Janet Reno & moi' | $500 | Will Ferrell | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
TRAVEL & TOURISM | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Andrea Palladio's 1554 book on "The Antiquities of" this city was the standard guidebook for some 200 years' | $500 | Rome | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
"I" LADS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'This auto exec's autobiography is one of the bestselling nonfiction works in publishing history' | $500 | Lee Iacocca | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
BACKWORDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'You know so much about policy, you qualify as this' | $500 | Wonk (know) | Jeopardy! | 3751 |
PEOPLE IN HISTORY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'After a 15-year stay in England, this proprietor of Pennsylvania returned to his colony in 1699' | $200 | William Penn | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
CINEMATIC DICTIONARY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'SFX is the standard abbreviation for these, from the rustling of trees to cannon fire' | $200 | Sound effects | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
IT'S OURS! | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Saint-Pierre & Miquelon' | $200 | France | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
BRITISH FASHION | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Designer Vivienne Westwood ran a shop with Malcolm McLaren, who launched this Johnny Rotten band' | $200 | The Sex Pistols | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
ANDY WARHOL | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Because he had the same thing for lunch every day for 20 years, Andy Warhol painted these, beginning in 1962' | $200 | Campbell\'s Soup cans | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
THEATRE CROSSWORD CLUES "M" | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Lerner & Loewe's "Lusty Month"<br />(3)' | $200 | May | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
PEOPLE IN HISTORY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'This young man put his savings into a small Cleveland refinery in 1862 & eventually had an oil monopoly' | $400 | John D. Rockefeller | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
CINEMATIC DICTIONARY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Term for the flow of a film, maintained by keeping details consistent throughout a scene' | $400 | Continuity | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
IT'S OURS! | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Montserrat' | $400 | Great Britain (United Kingdom) | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
BRITISH FASHION | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Star designer John Galliano was born Juan Carlos Galliano in this British possession at the tip of Spain' | $400 | Gibraltar | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
ANDY WARHOL | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Warhol went against his Capitalist tendencies with his portrait of this man, seen here' | $400 | Mao Tse-tung | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
THEATRE CROSSWORD CLUES "M" | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Patrick Dennis' "Auntie"<br />(4)' | $400 | Mame | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
PEOPLE IN HISTORY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'First Lady Helen Taft led a fund-raising drive for a memorial to this 1912 marine disaster' | $600 | Sinking of the Titanic | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
CINEMATIC DICTIONARY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Garland Jeffreys sang of having star-studded "dreams" of this size, like movie film' | $600 | 35mm | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
IT'S OURS! | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Cook Islands' | $600 | New Zealand | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
BRITISH FASHION | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Katharine Hamnett created the '80s T-shirt telling us to "choose" this' | $600 | Life | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
ANDY WARHOL | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Andy's "15 minutes of fame" quote was once the motto of this magazine' | $600 | Interview | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
THEATRE CROSSWORD CLUES "M" | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'It "Becomes Electra"<br />(8)' | $600 | Mourning | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
PEOPLE IN HISTORY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'This Chiricahua Apache was a popular attraction at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis' | $800 | Geronimo | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
CINEMATIC DICTIONARY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'The inventors of this camera-stabilizing device won a special 1977 Oscar' | $1,000 | Steadicam | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
IT'S OURS! | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Madeira Islands' | $800 | Portugal | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
ANDY WARHOL | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Andy's loft on East 47th Street got this nickname from its former use & Andy's mass-production techniques' | $2,000 | The Factory | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
THEATRE CROSSWORD CLUES "M" | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Colchian jilted by Jason<br />(5)' | $800 | Medea | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
PEOPLE IN HISTORY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'In 1801 this onetime VP compiled "A Manual of Parliamentary Practice" still used in the U.S. Senate' | $1000 | Thomas Jefferson | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
CINEMATIC DICTIONARY | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Near the end of the credits comes the "cutter" of this, the exposed but unfinished film' | $1000 | Negative cutter | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
IT'S OURS! | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Northern Mariana Islands' | $1000 | USA | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
ANDY WARHOL | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Warhol became the manager of this Lou Reed rock group in 1965 & produced their first album' | $1000 | Velvet Underground | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
THEATRE CROSSWORD CLUES "M" | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'Faust's fiendish foe<br />(14)' | $1000 | Mephistopheles | Double Jeopardy! | 3751 |
SPORTS LEGENDS | 2000-12-18T00:00:00 | 'If Joe DiMaggio's hitting streak had gone one more game in 1941, this company would have given him a $10,000 contract' | null | H.J. Heinz (Heinz 57 Varieties) | Final Jeopardy! | 3751 |
GENERAL SCIENCE | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'This white, glossy coating on your teeth is the hardest substance in the human body' | $100 | Enamel | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
GETTING POSSESSIVE | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'This bovine took the rap for the disastrous fire of October 8, 1871' | $100 | Mrs. O\'Leary\'s cow | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
FLAGS OF THE WORLD | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'It's the kingdom whose flag is seen here (Union Jack)' | $100 | Great Britain/England | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
ARCHITECTS | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'Minoru Yamasaki reached new heights with this New York City complex' | $100 | World Trade Center | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
1994 FILMS | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'Quentin Tarantino directed this film & also had a bit role as Jimmy of Toluca Lake' | $100 | Pulp Fiction | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
THE EYES HAVE IT | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'A student, or a minor in Roman law' | $100 | Pupil | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
GENERAL SCIENCE | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'The time it takes for 50% of the atoms to decay in a radioactive substance is called this' | $200 | Half-life | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
GETTING POSSESSIVE | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'At 14,140 feet, this Rocky Mountain peak discovered in 1806 is one of Colorado's highest' | $200 | Pike\'s Peak | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
FLAGS OF THE WORLD | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'Seen here is the flag of this nation (the home of Bollywood)' | $200 | India | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
ARCHITECTS | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'William Pereira erected his Transamerica "Pyramid" in this city' | $200 | San Francisco | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
1994 FILMS | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'As mad bomber Howard Payne in this film, Dennis Hopper planted a bomb on an L.A. area transit bus' | $200 | Speed | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
THE EYES HAVE IT | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'A blow with a whip' | $200 | Lash | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
GENERAL SCIENCE | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'While compounds of this element are added to table salt, in its pure form it's quite poisonous' | $300 | Iodine | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
GETTING POSSESSIVE | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'While one creation slept, God took this to make Eve' | $300 | Adam\'s rib | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
FLAGS OF THE WORLD | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'Andy Garcia is a native of this country whose flag is seen here' | $300 | Cuba | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
ARCHITECTS | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'Charles Bulfinch, who contributed to the Capitol in Washington, D.C., designed this city's state house on Beacon Hill' | $300 | Boston | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
1994 FILMS | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'Jean Vander Pyl, who played Wilma in the original cartoon series, played Mrs. Feldspar in this movie adaptation' | $300 | The Flintstones | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
THE EYES HAVE IT | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'A hollow area that holds a light bulb' | $300 | Socket | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
GENERAL SCIENCE | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'The "super" class of these stars, the largest known, includes Antares & Betelgeuse' | $400 | Red giants | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
GETTING POSSESSIVE | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'You'll find this triangular island about 4 miles off the southeast coast of Massachusetts' | $400 | Martha\'s Vineyard | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
FLAGS OF THE WORLD | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'In the 1990s, this nation whose flag is seen here moved its seat of government to a different city' | $400 | Germany | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
ARCHITECTS | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'Dallas-Fort Worth Airport architect Gyo Obata helped design this Smithsonian museum' | $400 | Air & Space Museum | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
1994 FILMS | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'Containing the hit "Can You Feel The Love Tonight", it was Disney's first animated feature not based on an existing story' | $400 | The Lion King | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
THE EYES HAVE IT | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'Flower seen here (that fits the category)' | $400 | Iris | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
GENERAL SCIENCE | 2000-07-19T00:00:00 | 'On the pH scale, a pH of 7 indicates this type of solution' | $500 | Neutral | Jeopardy! | 3673 |
Subsets and Splits