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Zach is a senior Android engineer on the platform team at CoffeeMeetsBagel. He is passionate about architecture and reducing developer work through code generation. Prior to CMB Zach worked at Uber, HotSchedules and Yodle and got his Master’s degree in software engineering at Carnegie Mellon. | https://droidcon.ro/program/speakers-2018/zachary-sweigart/ | 1,657,024,009 | null |
Monica Epple joined Swiss Re in June 2016. She is responsible for the development of advanced analytics capabilities and data driven solutions across the globe and lines of business leading a team of data scientists focused on modelling and prototyping.
Monica has a long time experience in the Insurance Industry. There she predominantly worked in the International Management Consulting Area where she focused on Innovation, Digital Transformation, IoT/Telematics and Big Data Strategies for Primary Insurers and Reinsurers. Additional focus areas are portfolio and claims analytics.
Monica started her professional carrier with a Primary Insurance Company in Germany and worked there for more than 10 years as a line Manager in the Claims Department and Corporate Underwriting Business.
Monica holds a Master`s degree in Insurance from the University of Leipzig in Germany. In addition she graduated as Dipl. Finanzwirtin (FH) and Wirtschaftsinformatikerin (VWA). | https://en.insurancechallenges.com/tcode_artist/monica-epple/ | 1,656,494,723 | null |
The Skeleton in Armor was a human skeleton dressed in a bronze breastplate and belt and buried with artifacts, including metal arrowheads, that was exhumed from a digging at Fall River, Bristol Co., Massachusetts during 1831, and subsequently destroyed during the Great Fire of 1843 while on display at the Fall River Athenaeum. Prior to their destruction, the skeletal remains and burial artifacts were the object of speculation as to their origin: many supposed they had belonged to local aboriginal peoples, while others advanced hypotheses that they were Phoenician or Norse, the latter claim being notably advanced as a poetic basis for Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's ballad The Skeleton in Armor.
1 Reading
1.1 Stark (1837)
1.2 Gibbs (1853)
1.3 Longfellow (1876)
Stark (1837)
Stark, John (July 1837), Hawthorne, Nathaniel, ed., "Antiquities of North America", American Magazine of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge 3: 434-435,
[...] a description of what we consider the most interesting relic of antiquity ever discovered in North America — the remains of a human body, armed with a breast-plate, a species of mail, and arrows of brass; which remains we suppose to have belonged either to one of the race who inhabited this country for a time anterior to the so called Aborigines, and afterwards settled in Mexico or Guatamala, or to one of the crew of some Phœnician vessel, that, blown out of her course, thus discovered the western world long before the Christian era.
These remains were found in the town of Fall River, in Bristol County, Mass., about eighteen months since.
In digging down a hill near the village, a large mass of earth slid off, leaving in the bank, and partially uncovered, a human skull, which on examination was found to belong to a body buried in a sitting posture; the head being about one foot below what had been for many years the surface of the ground. The surrounding earth was carefully removed, and the body found to be enwrapped in a covering of coarse bark of a dark color. Within this envelope were found the remains of another of coarse cloth, made of fine bark, and about the texture of a Manilla coffee-bag. On the breast was a plate of brass, thirteen inches long, six broad at the upper end and five at the lower. This plate appears to have been cast, and is from one-eighth to three thirty-seconds of an inch in thickness. It is so much corroded that whether or not anything was ever engraved upon it has not yet been ascertained. It is oval in form, the edges being irregular, apparently made so by corrosion.
Below the breastplate, and entirely encircling the body, was a belt composed of brass tubes,each four and a half inches in length and three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, arranged longitudinally and close together; the length of the tube being the width of the belt. The tubes are of thin brass, cast upon hollow reeds, and were fastened together by pieces of sinew. This belt was so placed as to protect the lower parts of the body below the breastplate. The arrows are of brass, thin, flat, and triangular in shape, with a round hole cut through near the base. The shaft was fastened to the head by inserting the latter in an opening at the end of the wood, and then tying it with a sinew through the round hole,— a mode of constructing the weapon never practiced by the Indians, not even with their arrows of thin shell. Parts of the shaft still remain on some of them. When first discovered the arrows were in a sort of quiver of bark, which fell in pieces when exposed to the air.
The following sketch will give our reads an idea of the posture of the figure and the position of the armor. When the remains were discovered the arms were brought rather closer to the body than in the engraving. The arrows were near the right knee.
... the posture of the figure and the position of the armor.
The skull is much decayed, but the teeth are sound and apparently of a young man. The pelvis is much decayed and the smaller bones of the lower extremities are gone.
The integuments of the right knee, for four or five inches above and below, are in good preservation, apparently the size and shape of life, although quite black.
Considerable flesh is still preserved on the hands and arms, but more on the shoulders and elbows. On the back under the belt, and for two inches above and below, the skin and flesh are in good preservation, and have the appearance of being tanned. The chest is much compressed, but the upper viscera are probably entire. The arms are bent up, not crossed; so that the hands turned inwards touch the shoulders. The stature is about five and a half feet. Much of the exterior envelope was decayed, and the inner one appeared to be preserved only where it had been in contact with the brass.
The preservation of this body may be the result of some embalming process; and this hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the skin has the appearance of having been tanned; or it may be the accidental result of the action of the salts of the brass during oxidation; and this latter hypothesis is supported by the fact that the skin and flesh have been preserved only where they have been in contact with or quite near the brass; or we may account for the preservation of the whole by supposing the presence of saltpetre in the soil at the time of the deposit. In either way, the preservation of the remains is fully accounted for, and upon known chemical principles.
That the body was not one of the Indians we think needs no argument. We have seen some of the drawings taken from the sculptures found at Palenqué, and in those the figures are represented with the breast-plates, although smaller than the plate found at Fall River. On the figures at Palenqué the bracelets and anklets seem to be of a manufacture precisely similar to the belt of tubes just described. These figures also have helmets precisely answering the description of Hector in Homer.
If the body found at Fall River be one of the Asiatic race, who transiently settled in Central America, and afterwards went to Mexico and founded those cities, in exploring the ruins of which such astonishing discoveries have recently been made; then we may well suppose also that it is one of the race whose exploits have, although without a date and almost without a certain name, been immortalized by the Father of Poetry; and who, probably in still earlier times, constructed the Clocæ under ancient Rome, which have been absurdly enough ascribed to one of the Tarquins, in whose times the whole population of Rome would have been insufficient for a work, that would, moreover, have been useless when finished. Of this Great Race, who founded cities and empires in their eastward march, and are finally lost in South America, the Romans seem to have had a glimmering tradition in the story of Evander.
But we rather incline to the belief that the remains found at Fall River belonged to the crew of a Phœnician vessel.
The spot where they were found is on the sea-coast, and in the immediate neighborhood of 'Dighton Rock,' famed for its hieroglyphic inscriptions, of which no sufficient explanation has yet been given: and near which rock brazen vessels have been found. If this latter hypothesis be adopted, a part of it is that these mariners — the unwilling and unfortunate discoverers of a new world — lived some time after they landed; and having written their names, perhaps their epitaphs, upon the rock at Dighton, died, and were buried by the natives.
Gibbs (1853)
Gibbs, George (1853), "Skeleton in Armor", in Schoolcraft, Henry R., Information, Respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States: Collected and Prepared Under the Direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Per Act of Congress of March 8d, 1847, Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Company, p. 127-129,
Archaeological Evidences That the Continent Had Been Visited by People Having Letters, Prior to the Era of Columbus.
5. Skeleton in Armor.
[The following description of certain human skeletons, supposed to be in armor, found at Fall River, or Troy, in Massachusetts, is from the pen of George Gibbs, Esq. It is drawn with that writer's usual caution and archaeological acumen.]
Some years since, accounts were published in the Rhode Island newspapers and extensively copied elsewhere, stating that a skeleton in armor had been discovered near Fall River, on the Rhode Island line. A full description was also published in one of our periodicals (it is believed the American Monthly Magazine), and thence copied into Stone's Life of Brant (appx. 19, Vol. 2), in which, from the character of the armor, it was conjectured to be of Carthaginian origin — the remains of some ship-wrecked adventurer. Other theories have been more recently started, in consequence of the discoveries of the Northern Society of Danish Antiquaries, and their interpretations of the hieroglyphic figures on the rocks at Dighton and elsewhere, which attribute the remains to one of the fellow-voyagers of Thorfin. These speculations, however, seem to have been made without any critical examination of the bones themselves, or the metallic implements found with them. The discovery, during the last summer (1839), of other bodies, also with copper ornaments or arms, led to a more particular inquiry, and my informant, who was then at Newport, proceeded to Fall River for the purpose of inspecting them. The following description was prepared by him from notes taken on the spot, and is to be relied on as strictly accurate. It may serve to correct a false impression in a matter of some historical importance, and for that reason only is deemed worthy of attention.
"The Skeleton found some years ago is now in the Athenæum at Troy. As many of the ligaments had decayed, it has been put together with wires, and in a sitting posture. The bones of the feet are wanting, but the rest of it is nearly entire. The skull is of ordinary size, the forehead low, beginning to retreat at not more than an inch from the nose, the head conical, and larger behind the ears than in front. Some of the facial bones are decayed, but the lower jaw is entire, and the teeth in good preservation. The arms are covered with flesh and pressed against the breast, with the hands almost touching the collar-bone. This position, however, may have been given to it after being dug up. The hands and arms are small, and the body apparently that of a person below the middle size. The flesh on the breast and some of the upper ribs is also remaining: it is of a black color, stringy, and much shrunk. The leg bones correspond in size and length with the arms. A piece of copper plate, rather thicker than sheathing copper, was found with this skeleton, and has been hung round the neck. This, however, does not seem to be its original position, as there were no marks on the breast of the green carbonate with which parts of the copper was covered. This plate was in shape like a carpenter’s saw, but without serrated edges; it was ten inches in width, six or seven inches wide at top, and four at the bottom ; the lower part broken, so that it had probably been longer than at present. The edges were smooth, and a hole was pierced in the top by which it appears to have been suspended to the body with a thong. Several arrow-heads of copper were also found, about an inch and a half long by an inch broad at the base, and having a round hole in the centre to fasten them to the shaft. They were flat, and of the same thickness with the plate above mentioned, and quite sharp, the sides concave, the base square and not barbed. Pieces of the shaft were also found.
The most remarkable thing about this skeleton, however, was a belt, composed of parallel copper tubes, about an hundred in number, four inches in length, and of the thickness of a common drawing-pencil.
These tubes were thin, and exterior to others of wood, through each of which a leather thong was passed, and tied at each end to a long one passing round the body.
These thongs were preserved, as well as the wooden tubes ; the copper was much decayed, and in some places gone. This belt was fastened under the left arm, by tying the ends of the long strings together, and passed round the breast and back a little below the shoulder-blades. Nothing else was found, but a piece of coarse cloth or matting, of the thickness of sail-cloth, a few inches square. It is to be observed that the flesh appeared to have been preserved wherever any of the copper touched it.
I could not learn the place where this body was found, or its position.
With respect to the bodies found this summer, I saw the man who dug them up. They were found in ploughing down a hill, in order to open a road, about three or four feet under ground, some two or three hundred yards from the water, and nearly opposite Mount Hope.
There appeared to have been at least three bodies interred here, but they were entirely broken up by the plough; one skull only, which resembled in shape the one above described, being found whole. The flesh on one of the thigh-bones was entire, and similar in color and substance to that in the first skeleton, and like that. It bore the marks of copper rust. Three or four plates of copper like that first found were discovered, one having a leather thong through the hole in the top. Arrow-heads of copper were also found, and parts of the shafts. One arrow-head was fastened on by a piece of cord like a fishing-line well twisted, passing through the hole, and wound round the shaft. There were also some more matting, a bunch of short, red, curled hair, and one of black hair, but neither resembling that of a man, and a curved bar of iron about fourteen inches long, much rusted, not sharpened, but smaller at one end than at the other. It did not appear to have been used as a weapon. These were all the remains discovered.”
Such are the famous Fall River skeletons. But little argument is necessary, to show that they must have been North American Indians. The state of preservation of the flesh and bones, proves that they could not have been of very ancient date; the piece of the skull now exhibited being perfectly sound, and with the serrated edge of the suture.
The conical formation of the skull peculiar to the Indian, seems also conclusive. The character of the metallic implements found with them, is not such as to warrant any other supposition.
Both Rome and Phoenicia were well acquainted with the elaborate working of iron and brass; these were apparently mere sheet-copper, rudely cut into simple form; neither the belt nor plates were fit for defensive armor. And lastly, the use of copper for arrow-heads among the Indians at the arrival of the Puritans, is well authenticated. Mention is made of them by Mourt, in his Journal of Plymouth Plantation, in 1620, printed in the eighth volume of Massachusetts Historical Collections, pages 219-20; in Higgeson's New England Plantation, first volume of Massachusetts Historical Collections, page 123, and in various other places. They are also found in many of the tumuli of the West. Those of the New England Indians may have been obtained, from the people of French Acadie, who traded with them long before the Plymouth settlement.
From these circumstances it appears that the skeletons at Fall River were those of Indians who may possibly have lived during the time of Philip’s wars, or a few years earlier, but that they are only those of Indians.
Longfellow (1876)
From an edition copyrighted 1876, though the ballad itself was originally written around 1841, being originally published in Lewis Gaylord Clark's The Knickerbocker.
The Round Tower by E. A. Abbey.
THIS Ballad was suggested to me while riding on the seashore at Newport. A year or two previous a skeleton had been dug up at Fall River, clad in broken and corroded armor; and the idea occurred to me of connecting it with the Round Tower at Newport, generally known hitherto as the Old Wind-Mill, though now claimed by the Danes as a work of their early ancestors. Professor Rafn, in the Mémoires de la Socéité Royale des Antiquaires du Nord, for 1838-1839, says:—
"There is no mistaking in this instance the style in which the more ancient stone edifices of the North were constructed,— the style which belongs to the Roman or ante-Gothic architecture, and which, especially after the time of Charlemagne, diffused itself from Italy over the whole of the West and North of Europe, where it continued to predominate until the close of the twelfth century,— that style, which some authors have, from one of its most striking characteristics, called the round-arch style, the same which in England is denominated Saxon and sometimes Norman architecture.
"On the ancient structure in Newport there are no ornaments remaining, which might possibly have served to guide us in assigning the probable date of its erection. That no vestige whatever is found of the pointed arch, nor any approximation to it, is indicative of an earlier rather than of a later period. From such characteristics as remain, however, we can scarcely form any other inference than one, in which I am persuaded that all, who are familiar with Old-Northern architecture, will concur, THAT THIS BUILDING WAS ERECTED AT A PERIOD DECIDEDLY NOT LATER THAN THE 12TH CENTURY. This remark applies, of course, to the original building only, and not to the alterations that it subsequently received, for there are several such alterations in the upper part of the building which cannot be mistaken, and which were most likely occasioned by its being adapted in modern times to various uses; for example, as the substructure of a windmill, and latterly as a hay magazine. To the same times may be referred the windows, the fireplace, and the apertures made above the columns. That this building could not have been erected for a wind-mill is what an architect will easily discern."
I will not enter into a discussion of the point. It is sufficiently well established for the purposes of a ballad; though doubtless many an honest citizen of Newport, who has passed his days within sight of the Round Tower, will be ready to exclaim with Sancho, "God bless me! did I not warn you to have a care of what you were doing, for that it was nothing but a wind-mill; and nobody could mistake it, but one who had the like in his head."
Speak! speak! thou fearful guest,
Who, with thy hollow breast
Still in rude armor drest,
Comest to daunt me!
Wrapt not in Eastern balms,
But with thy fleshless palms
Stretched, as if asking alms,
Why dost thou haunt me?"
Then, from those cavernous eyes
Pale flashes seemed to rise,
As when the Northern skies
Gleam in December;
And, like the water's flow
Under December's snow,
Came a dull voice of woe
From the heart's chamber.
"I was a Viking old!
My deeds, though manifold,
No Skald in song has told,
No Saga taught thee!
Take heed, that in thy verse
Thou dost the tale rehearse,
Else dread a dead man's curse
For this I sought thee.
"Far in the Northern Land,
By the wild Baltic's strand,
I, with my childish hand,
Tamed the ger-falcon;
And, with my skates fast-bound,
Skimmed the half-frozen Sound,
That the poor whimpering hound
Trembled to walk on.
"Oft to his frozen lair
Tracked I the grisly bear,
While from my path the hare
Fled like a shadow;
Oft through the forest dark
Followed the were-wolf's bark,
Until the soaring lark
Sang from the meadow.
"But when I older grew,
Joining a corsair's crew,
O'er the dark sea I flew
With the marauders.
Wild was the life we led;
Many the souls that sped,
Many the hearts that bled
By our stern orders.
"Many a wassail-bout
Wore the long Winter out;
Often our midnight shout
Set the cocks crowing,
As we the Berserk's tale
Measured in cups of ale,
Draining the oaken pail,
Filled to o'erflowing.
"Once as I told in glee
Tales of the stormy sea,
Soft eyes did gaze on me,
Burning yet tender;
And as the white stars shine
On the dark Norway pine,
On that dark heart of mine
Fell their soft splendor.
"I wooed the blue-eyed maid,
Yielding, yet half afraid,
And in the forest's shade
Our vows were plighted.
Under its loosened vest
Fluttered her little breast,
Like birds within their nest
By the hawk frighted.
"Bright in her father's hall
Shields gleamed upon the wall,
Loud sang the minstrels all,
Chanting his glory;
When of old Hildebrand
I asked his daughter's hand,
Mute did the minstrels stand
To hear my story.
"While the brown ale he quaffed,
Loud then the champion laughed.
And as the wind gusts waft
The sea-foam brightly,
So the loud laugh of scorn,
Out of those lips unshorn,
From the deep drinking-horn
Blew the foam lightly.
"She was a Prince's child,
I but a Viking wild,
And though she blushed and smiled,
I was discarded!
Should not the dove so white
Follow the sea-mew's flight
Why did they leave that night
Her nest unguarded?
"Scarce had I put to sea,
Bearing the maid with me,—
Fairest of all was she
Among the Norsemen!—
When on the white sea-strand,
Waving his armèd hand,
Saw we old Hildebrand,
With twenty horsemen.
"Then launched they to the blast,
Bent like a reed each mast,
Yet we were gaining fast,
When the wind failed us,
And with a sudden flaw
Came round the gusty Skaw,
So that our foe we saw
Laugh as he hailed us.
"And as to catch the gale
Round veered the flapping sail,
Death! was the helmsman's hail,
Death without quarter!
Mid-ships with iron keel
Struck we her ribs of steel;
Down her black hulk did reel
Through the black water!
"As with his wings aslant,
Sails the fierce cormorant,
Seeking some rocky haunt,
With his prey laden,
So toward the open main,
Beating to sea again,
Through the wild hurricane
Bore I the maiden.
"Three weeks we westward bore,
And when the storm was o'er,
Cloud-like we saw the shore
Stretching to lee-ward;
There for my lady's bower
Built I the lofty tower,
Which, to this very hour,
Stands looking seaward.
"There lived we many years;
Time dried the maiden's tears;
She had forgot her fears,
She was a mother;
Death closed her mild blue eyes,
Under that tower she lies;
Ne'er shall the sun arise
On such another!
"Still grew my bosom then,
Still as a stagnant fen!
Hateful to me were men,
The sunlight hateful.
In the vast forest here,
Clad in my warlike gear,
Fell I upon my spear,
O, Death was grateful!
"Thus, seamed with many scars
Bursting these prison bars,
Up to its native stars
My soul ascended!
There from the flowing bowl
Deep drinks the warrior's soul,
Skoal! to the Northland! skoal!"
—Thus the tale ended.
Retrieved from | https://hatch.kookscience.com/wiki/Fall_River_Skeleton_in_Armor | 1,656,455,021 | 1,655,314,525 |
When exceptions (unhandled fatal errors) occur they're logged (to the database) in case they are the result of bugs in the web application and require action to be taken by the webmaster. In both applications, exceptions are handled the same way:
they get picked up by the Rails notification system (see
the Failure class decides whether they are worth logging,
if so, a new failure record is created with details of the exception,
the webmaster can view the list of failures and take appropriate action.
Some exceptions are due to hackers probing for weaknesses. The IP address the request is always recorded to as part of the failure details.
There are some differences in the way failures are presented to the webmaster in the two web sites.
In the main ICU site, failures can be in two states: active and inactive and are always in the active state when first created. When the webmaster logs in and there are some active failures a small badge appears at the top of all web pages notifying the webmaster that there are active failures. If this badge is clicked, the list of active failures is displayed. Alternatively, the list of failures can always be accessed via the Failures link under the Admin tab of the top navigation bar.
For each active failure, the webmaster can do one of three things:
If it's benign (not due to a bug in the website code) and doesn't warrant further investigation, delete it.
If it looks like it might be due to a bug, leave it in the active state until it's been fully investigated.
If it's unclear whether it's a bug or if it might be due to hackers, change it's state to inactive.
When the webmaster makes a failure inactive it's like saying "I'm not sure about this but I'll save it in case I need to look at it again later". The warning badge is not displayed if there are only inactive failures.
On the ratings site there is no warning badge and no active/inactive states for failures. The list of current failures can be reached in two ways: | https://icu.ie/help/exceptions | 1,656,904,735 | null |
Infoworld just published a nice article (which got Slashdotted) about technologies which get too much hype when they were launched and failed to deliver what they promised.
Since in this blog we try to speak about oversighted technologies - that is, technologies delivering far less than what they could - I think you will find this reading very interesting. | http://www.oversighting.com/2009/11/hyped-technologies.html | 1,656,683,279 | 1,638,611,406 |
20 marks for content, structure and style”applying the principles of intercultural communication (week 11 & 12 lectures & chapter 15).
5 marks for format, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Based on scenario provided in the week 12 lecture (today!).
Aim: To report to Mr. Banks on intercultural (mis)communication within his organisation so that he understands it and can take appropriate action.
Identify the problem(s) and key details.
Analyse and explain them in terms of the concepts discussed in chapter 15.
Sum up the significance and set up your recommendations.
Recommend and justify action(s) to resolve or manage intercultural (mis)communication
Michael Banks, an ambitious young executive, has been sent to take over the Sales branch of his Australia company in Sao paulo, Brazil. Most of the employees have worked with the company for more than 20 years. He spend a few weeks learning routines with the departing manager and was somewhat disturbed by the informality and lack of discipline that seemed to characterise the office . employees seemed to indulge in excessive socialising, conversations seemed to deal more with personal matters(especially family ) than business matters, and no one seemed to keep to their set timetable. Although his employees imply that their work is ‘going well ‘ , he is frustrated to find that they regularly do not complete tasks properly, which leads Michael to feel deceived
Michael’s Strategy
Once he formally took over, Michael devised strategies to address what he felt was general ‘slackness’ within the company .
Michael did the following :
– Created a ‘more businesslike atmosphere ‘ by holding regularly scheduled, formal meetings
– Enforced a more rigid timetable.
– Interviewed each employees, taking a straightforward, direct approach.
– Introduced staff sales ‘can-do’ competitions.
– Offered higher bonuses and incentives to those who performed well.
– Issued warnings to those who do not perform well.
– Re-configured the open- plan office to make room for cubicles, providing employees with more privacy.
– Organised compulsory time management workshops.
By the end of the first quarter, Michael felt he had considerably improved the situation. However, when the most recent sales figures were released, he was surprised to find that they had decreased significantly since his takeover. | https://www.focusessays.com/case-study-exam/ | 1,656,757,949 | null |
The game of “Go” originated in China more than 2,500 years ago. It is considered to be one of the most complex board game on earth, the... | https://www.audio.accutone.com/blog/tags/artificial-intelligence | 1,656,309,198 | null |
Food plots are often a top priority when managing a property for wildlife and hunting. Not every property, though, has large open spaces for planting. And, if you have permission to hunt someone else’s property, the landowner may not want to sacrifice existing farming or grazing space for wildlife nutrition.
There are other options, including surveying the property for narrow strips of space suitable for planting food crops to help attract and sustain wildlife.
Travis Sumner, NWTF’s Hunting Heritage Center and habitat manager, understands the challenges of finding suitable fields for wildlife crops and acquiring the permission needed to enhance a piece of land. Here are his suggestions for unlocking opportunities to set a table on unused strips of lands.
Take Inventory
“Power line rights-of-way, gas line rights-of-way, third or fifth rows found in pine stand harvesting and roadside corridors can work,” Sumner said. “Just about anything that is long and narrow works well.”
Their linear nature often means these strips of land are overlooked, but rights-of-way have a character ready-made for food plots.
“Maintaining most of these areas can be relatively easy,” Sumner explained. “The power and gas line rights-of-way are maintained by the utility companies. They will ensure that all woody growth is removed either by herbicide or mechanical means. This allows easy work with a tractor to create a good food plot.”
Property roadsides are also typically kept clear to allow machinery to easily pass up and down lanes for agricultural chores. Such private roads or trails could be considered for a plot if they don’t see too much traffic to flatten crops.
Special Management Considerations
Sumner advises to first obtain permission with the power or gas companies that maintain and own these rights-of-way before beginning any food plot.
“Most companies are glad and have no problems with you creating these,” he said. “It helps those companies maintain the right-of-way. These companies also will inform you of any easements that may be on the right-of-way.”
This communication prevents later hiccups. Working together results in clear understanding of what plant types are acceptable and where they can be planted, as well as the type equipment you may use.
Landowners who allow you to use a corridor for wildlife crops merit the same consideration. Share your plan and intentions, and get their approval before any work commences.
“Working with landowners is a privilege,” Sumner said. “First, remember to respect their wishes. Respect their property. Abide by their rules for use of the property. Make sure to only plant or utilize areas where you are given permission. Communication is key to a successful landowner and hunter relationship.”
Special Planting Considerations
With approval in hand, you now need to carry out a plan to maximize your corridor investment. Working with a local NWTF habitat expert or USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service professional can help ensure you properly prepare the soil and choose the right crops for your region.
“When selecting seed for these corridors, consider soil type, terrain and shade,” Sumner said. “Remember, these areas are long and narrow. They may be near trees that will produce some shade or even compete for water. Some crops that will grow well in shade include certain types of clovers, chufa and sorghum. The key item to remember before planting is to select the correct seed for the site on which you are planting.” | https://www.nwtf.org/conservation/article/maximize-wildlife-corridors-food-plots | 1,656,234,095 | null |
iDO ivory & grey velour babygrow for baby girls. This lovely onesie has cute teddy, love heart, and sparkles on the front. The collar is also grey with love hearts. It also has popper fastening at the back and between the legs for easy changing. | https://cherubsclothing.co.uk/collections/sale/products/ido-ivory-grey-velour-babygrow | 1,656,296,995 | null |
This lovely secluded corner of West Cornwall is rapidly aquiring a reputation as a birding hot-spot , with such rarities as Yellow-billed Cuckoo , Veery and Radde`s Warbler having been found in recent years, along with more regular migrants.
The Church sits on the east side of a shallow valley which runs down to the sea at Porthchapel Beach. A field is employed as a car park (£1 honesty box) ; and the footpath to the beach and cliff-path is opposie the turn into the park. The area has superb bird habitat - the images above show the varied conditions around the Church and at the top of the footpath.
The footpath drops down into the valley and across a small stream before diverging -one way over the hill on the cliff path to Porthgwarra and the other way along the Western side of the valley and down to the beach. The area immediately upstream from the bridge forms the private gardens of Grey Gables Guest House.
St.Levan Churchtown - Travel Directions
From Penzance, take the A30 for Land`s End. Turn left at Catchall (about 3 miles out of Penzance) onto the B3283 for St.Buryan and Porthcurno. Continue through St.Buryan and follow signs for Porthcurno. On reaching Porthcurno, continue through the valley and up the steep hill on the other side , then continue all the way along this road until St.Levan Church comes into view. Enter the car park , turning right up a short , steep slope into the field.
From the Land`s End area, take the B3315 off the A30 just east of Land`s End , signed Porthcurno (about 3 miles). | http://sennen-cove.com/chtwn.htm | 1,656,850,827 | 1,333,478,200 |
We offer 20 megapixel aerial stills that can be sized up to a 24 X 36 poster. Our store has photos of recent events, landmark photos, and real estate photos. | https://www.skyflix-productions.com/product-page/applebees-challenger | 1,656,873,174 | null |
Now that we are a few weeks into spring, many of us have had plenty of time to walk around the outside and prepare our properties for the long summer ahead. Lawns have been mowed, gardens have been planted, and yards have been given a good spring clean-up. The more time you spend in your yard, the more you start to notice any areas of concern. Your trees should always be a top priority. If you see that your tree is not leafing out properly, that’s a clear sign of a problem!
In Spring, many trees face formidable problems from insects and diseases that can weaken or destroy tree health, causing it to leaf out late, leaf out partially, or not leaf out at all. If your tree is not infected or infested, the reason for a late leaf-out could be a structural problem. Either way, it’s important to have your tree inspected by an ISA Certified Arborist if you notice it has not leafed out by now.
“This time of year, healthy deciduous trees should display a full crown of lush, green leaves,” explains Lou Giroud, President of Giroud Tree and Lawn and ISA Certified Arborist. “Evergreens should have new buds and vibrant color. The picture is significantly different for trees with insect or disease problems.”
When insects emerge in spring after a long, sleepy winter, they wake up hungry! The severity of an insect infestation can vary based on the type of tree and the kind of insect. If the pest has damaged your tree enough to prevent it from leafing out properly, it needs help fast! Check out Giroud’s Top 5 Damaging Insects You Need to Watch for on Trees and Shrubs.
Sick trees display clear warning signs, and late, partial or no leaf outs are loud alarms! There are many diseases that can affect your tree, and without consulting with an ISA Certified Arborist, it’s easy to confuse the symptoms. Also, a trained professional will know how to target and combat the disease without accidentally spreading it to other parts of the tree or to other trees in the area.
Structural Issues
Your tree might leaf out late for other reasons, such as a structural problem. There may be decay in the trunk or cavities, restricting water flow throughout the tree. Your tree may have girdled roots hidden beneath the ground, slowly strangling the base! There may be a crack in a large branch or leader that you’re not even aware of! The trained eye of a certified arborist will locate the source of the stress.
Other Signs of Trees in Distress
While you’re examining your trees, here are some other symptoms to look for that could indicate a problem:
Damaged Leaves: chewed, yellowing or discoloration.
Decay: Mushrooms or shelf fungi growing out of the root system or trunk of a tree, cavity or peeling bark.
Insects: check for activity on the leaves, branches, and trunk. Heavy hitters for spring are Aphids, Leaf Miners, Lacebugs and Soft Scales.
Excessive Deadwood: dead branches can be a serious safety hazard to people and property.
Early detection is the key to saving trees suffering from insect, disease, or structural problems, so don’t wait to schedule a FREE Inspection with your Giroud ISA Certified Arborist! He will inspect the trees, diagnose the problem and recommend the best course of action. Call 215-682-7704 to get started today!
Tags: tree care, tree problem, tree service
Author: Jeanne Hafner
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Elizabeth Ann Campbell
at Reply
I live in Columbus, Ohio and I have two trees that have not leafed out. They both have Ivy growing up the tree, so is this the problem? It has been growing on them for years and has never caused a problem before?
Jeanne Hafner
at Reply
Hi Elizabeth! It’s hard to know for sure without seeing it in person. Ivy can be problematic for sure. However, some trees simply don’t leaf out as early as others. We recommend having it inspected by an ISA Certified Arborist in your area. Best of luck to you! | https://giroudtree.com/blog/what-to-do-if-your-tree-is-not-leafing-out/ | 1,656,310,392 | null |
Toss in your diced chicken and sprinkle with Mrs. Dash (or any preferred seasoning). I happen to love Mrs. Dash because all their blends are salt free!
Once chicken is 90% of the way cooked, sprinkle the flour over the chicken and coat - stirring constantly
Add in the broccoli, then the milk and bring to a boil
Once at a boil, add in the greek yogurt - don't let it boil for too long or the yogurt will curdle. Just make sure the yogurt is mixed in completely
In a pre-greased casserole dish, layer the rice on the bottom and then pour the chicken, broccoli, milk, yogurt mixture overtop of the rice | https://www.stillbeingmolly.com/wprm_print/recipe/21879 | 1,656,144,057 | null |
The Norwegian Automotive Federation (NAF) has published the results of its recent round of electric vehicle range tests. This time around, the NAF tested the endurance of 21 new EVs by driving them until their batteries were fully drained. Based on the results, it appears that the Tesla Model 3 is still king, though the Ford Mustang Mach-E is not far behind.
As noted by the NAF, its test was aimed at measuring the real-world range of electric cars based on how they are used in real-world conditions. Each vehicle started the test with a 100% charge, and every car started cold, with no preheating of either the cabin or batteries. The cars were then driven in eco mode (or equivalent), and regenerative braking was used as necessary. Ordinary drivers also operated the vehicles to simulate everyday use.
The route of the test took the 21 vehicles through city roads, country roads, and motorways at speeds of 60 km/h and 110 km/h (37 and 68 mph). Vehicles with the longest range were also taken through two mountain passes that involved a climb of up to 1,000 meters. The overall results, needless to say, were quite interesting.
The NAF used an updated Tesla Model 3 Long Range AWD, which had its WLTP range updated to 614 km (381 miles). The vehicle went the furthest among its peers, driving a full 654.9 km (406 miles) before running out of charge and stopping on the side of the road. The Ford Mustang Mach-E RWD Long Range was not far behind, driving 617.9 km (383 miles) before stopping. That was only 37 km (23 miles) shorter than the Tesla Model 3.
Inasmuch as this is impressive for the Mach-E Long Range, however, it should be noted that the all-electric crossover had a larger 88 kWh battery pack compared to the Model 3’s 75 kWh battery. The Mach-E also had an RWD configuration, which is generally more efficient than the Model 3’s dual motor setup. If one were to compare the Mustang Mach-E AWD Long Range with the Model 3 Long Range AWD, the gap between the two vehicles increases to well over 100 km (62 miles), with the Ford crossover driving 551.6 km (342 miles) before fully draining its battery.
Nevertheless, the Ford Mustang Mach-E deserves recognition for going the distance in the NAF’s extensive range test. This is especially notable considering that the vehicle is a crossover, and is thus larger than the Model 3. It does, if any, show that Ford’s first real attempt at a serious electric car has a lot of potential to be a successful vehicle on its own.
Apart from the Tesla Model 3 Long Range AWD and the Ford Mustang Mach-E RWD Long Range, the NAF’s test also involved the Model 3 Standard Range Plus, the Mach-E Long Range AWD, Volkswagen ID.3 Pro S, BMW iX3, Volkswagen ID.4 1st Plus, Audi e-Tron GT, Skoda Enyaq High + Suite, Hyundai Ioniq 5, Mercedes-Benz EQA, Polestar 2, Volvo XC40 Recharge, Xpeng G3, Volkswagen ID.3 1st Plus, Citroën ë-C4, Opel Mokka-e, Fiat 500, Honda e, Mazda MX-30, and the Hyundai Kona Electric.
Check out the NAF’s full report on its ultimate EV range test here.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for news tips. Just send a message to to give us a heads up. | https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-model-3-vs-ford-mustang-mach-e-range-test-norway-results/ | 1,657,158,156 | 1,657,086,130 |
I am so grateful to my husband, children, mom & dad, and sister, pretty much every single day without fail. I tend to express my...
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Sarah Diop
Apr 26, 2021
1 min
Sarah, who or what are you grateful for and how do you express your gratitude?
Wow, I am grateful for so much. There isn’t enough time to express everything. I’ll just do the highlights. I am grateful for my... | https://www.bookinterrupted.com/blog/tags/grateful-for-my-mother | 1,657,135,780 | null |
My husband, Darren, and I are both transplants to Philadelphia. Philadelphia is a city of neighborhoods – ours, Northern Liberties, is lucky enough to have a bowling alley. That’s where we met… having fun and knocking down pins at North Bowl on 2nd Street. Time flies and our lives are busy, but we bowl together once a week in a league. It brings us back to a simpler time; we put our phones away to eat, drink, and bowl with friends. Bowling alleys were once one of the most important local center of participant sport and recreation in the U.S. Unfortunately these days, many lanes are closing. Bowling will be something Darren and I do together for many years to come, and no matter where we end up, we’ll look back fondly on our alley in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. | https://www.myphiladelphiastory.com/portfolio/213/ | 1,657,172,192 | null |
Wilson’s is pleased to announce the opening of our expanded lodge and “Anglers Lounge ” to the public . Please have a look at our Fine Dining Menu . Keep an eye out for our upcoming bar/lounge menu as well . Space is limited so reservations are required with minimum 24 hr. lead . | https://wilsonscamps.nb.ca/wilsons-miramichi-fine-dining/ | 1,656,901,856 | null |
Blaze is a flashy yellow pumpkin with orange stripes. It is almost smooth, round, and slightly flattened in shape.
It is about 3 pounds on average and adds a splash of colour to any pumpkin line up. The somewhat short and squat dimensions of this ornamental pumpkin will go great with your fall decorations, and it has a long shelf life to boot.
About McNab’s Pumpkin of the Week
It’s no secret, we have a passion for pumpkins. Not just perfectly shaped, uniform pumpkins, but the unusual and hard to find too. Yup, we love them all!
We would like to share this passion with you so we are introducing our “Pumpkin of the Week”.
Each week we will be featuring a different pumpkin or pumpkin “family”, so you can share in our excitement and learn a little bit more about some of the many varieties we grow here on the farm. | https://mcnabscornmaze.com/news/2019-10-19-pumpkin-of-the-week-6-blaze | 1,657,065,792 | null |
In the Industrial Revolution, state intervention, protectionism and immigration were all adopted by successive governments to promote British manufacturing.
Pat Hudson | Published in History Today Volume 68 Issue 1 January 2018
This exciting new volume, tracing developments in the economy, trade and fiscal policy from the 16th to the 19th century, challenges much of the mainstream literature on Britain’s Industrial Revolution. Its main argument is that, far from being the product of free minds and free markets (as it is often portrayed), the rise of the first industrial nation should be seen as a story of illiberalism, protectionism, state regulation, fiscal impositions, military aggression and the increased efficiency of state bureaucracy.
Only when British manufacturing had become the global market leader did the state, faced with growing public opposition to taxation and regulation following the Napoleonic Wars, dismantle the trappings of mercantilism and adopt policies that favoured free trade.
It was not the new ideas of the Enlightenment or any peculiarly British proclivities, skills, knowledge or behaviour that provoked innovation and superior production techniques during the Industrial Revolution. The triumph of bourgeois virtues was a symptom rather than a cause of the transition to modern economic growth. Nor was British pre-eminence caused by the high costs of labour or by the fortuitous possession of coal – although the latter was helpful.
The British Industrial Revolution developed out of a long period of deliberate protection and regulation of industry by the state, which at the same time encouraged the immigration of skilled workers and the taxing and exclusion of economic rivals through mercantilist policies of trade, expansion and imperialism, all enforced by a powerful Royal Navy. High tariffs against manufactured imports allowed Britain’s small manufacturing base to develop and to transform itself during the 18th century, sheltered as it was from international competition. The expansion of manufacturing, increased employment, wage earning and consumption provided the basis for rates of taxation per capita (taxes on mass consumer goods as well as wealth and income) that were the highest in the world and were imposed without significant social unrest.
An interpretation that emphasises the role of the state in industrialisation is not new, but here it is fully developed and substantiated. A great deal of original analysis and argument is contained in some chapters, particularly those concerned with the state regulation of different sectors of industry and contemporary debates about the purposes of markets, state intervention, tariffs and bounties. Ashworth draws extensively on the contemporary pamphlet literature. He has a rare command of the key figures influencing the formation of policy as well as the role of excise tax in promoting technological and organisational innovation.
The book is at its best when examining the basis of Britain’s economic strength. Ashworth stresses the importance of financial innovations that were promoted during Cromwell’s Interregnum, which often replicated those of the Dutch. At the same time, he argues that manufacturing policy was influenced most by the French Colbertian protectionist model of the late 17th century.
The uniqueness of Britain’s subsequent trajectory derived from the integration of these two traditions, welded together by a strong, dynamic state.
British economic policy during the 18th century appears here as more coherent than previous scholars have allowed. The key in terms of policy coordination was the relationship between the Treasury, manufacturers (both employers and employees) and the revenue departments, especially the Excise. In the late 17th century the new tool of ‘political arithmetic’ (statistics)was adopted at the Treasury, the Excise and later the Board of Trade and Plantations, with considerable success. The Treasury developed systematic accounts that tracked revenues in and out of the Exchequer. Such accounts were available to Parliament, which could now make informed decisions and assist with policy formation. No comparable institutions or practices existed on the European mainland.
Ashworth explains how the Excise became the government’s main source of manufacturing knowledge. It suggested levels at which to pitch tax, produced extensive details on production, liaised with manufacturers and engaged with issues of quality. This was important, since allowing the production of second-class goods would encourage the illicit importation of superior substitutes. Ashworth shows that enlightened approaches to manufacturing, embracing experiment, instrumentation and measurement, became part of the regulatory state.
The final part of the book considers the gradual abandonment of regulation and fiscal impositions from the 1780s onwards. The huge costs of the Seven Years’ War (1756-63) saw the economic policies moulded by protectionism begin to falter. They were further undermined by the American War of Independence, the loss of the American colonies and the lengthy Napoleonic Wars (1792-1815). In addition, popular unrest raised fears of a revolution on British soil. Military expenditure had massively increased the national debt, which placed pressure on the old fiscal system. At the same time, protected manufacturers, especially those in the new lightly taxed industries, such as cotton, iron and potteries, combined to lobby government to ensure they would not be subject to further impositions. Economic policies favouring the export-orientated industries of the Midlands and the North-west emerged, together with a commitment to the deregulation of labour and commodity markets and to freer trade. By the mid-Victorian era the shift towards laissez faire polices had become absorbed into both political policy and economics.
Yet the continuing role of state intervention and regulation in many spheres of the Victorian economy is underplayed by Ashworth. Certainly, new forms of regulation and state enterprise at local and national levels, at home and within the empire, were a feature of the later 19th century. This point should not detract, however, from his wide-ranging and innovative analysis.
This refreshing book is a welcome antidote to those histories of the Industrial Revolution written during the Cold War, which were keen to critique the positive economic impact of government intervention and collective enterprise, largely for ideological reasons. Ashworth’s interpretation also challenges a raft of more recent weighty works, written against a background dominated by the influence of neoliberalism in the Anglo-American canon of economic history, which extols the virtues of the caretaker state and of those free market institutions that allowed private wealth accumulation and the development of Enlightenment science.
This is a major study in a different mould, which provides a new understanding of the Industrial Revolution and the role and dynamics of the state that lay behind it. | https://www.historytoday.com/reviews/kick-starting-british-industry | 1,656,934,987 | null |
As the novel coronavirus continues to spread within the city, low-income communities of color are being impacted disproportionately. Bayview-Hunters Point, Japantown, the Tenderloin, and the Mission all have COVID-19 positive rates more than twice San Francisco’s citywide average, according to the latest reports from DataSF.
The new data, current as of July 4, comes as San Francisco sees a mini spike in COVID-19 cases, with new case counts reaching their highest weekly average yet in the final days of June. Still, San Francisco’s recent increase in new cases has been lower than most other Bay Area counties, and far below other parts of the state.
Randy Shaw, director of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic, called attention to the disparities between neighborhoods on Twitter.
DataSF map of COVID-19 cases per capita as of July 4
Bayview-Hunters Point has the highest per capita rate of COVID-19 infection, at 2.7 times the city average. Japantown, which includes the blocks surrounding Geary Boulevard through the Western Addition, has an infection rate 2.5 times the city average, with the Tenderloin and the Mission District close behind. As the above case map shows, per capita COVID-19 cases are heavily concentrated in lower-income neighborhoods in the eastern half of the city, including SoMa, Visitacion Valley, and the Outer Mission.
City data also illustrates a stark racial divide. Half of the city’s cases are among people who identify as Hispanic or Latino, despite making up 15 percent of the population. White and Asian people, meanwhile, are underrepresented in the number of COVID-19 cases, and Black people are represented at a rate similar to their proportion of the population. However, Asian people account for nearly half of the city’s 50 COVID-19 deaths.
San Francisco is not alone in these racial disparities. A new data analysis by the New York Times found that across the country, Black and Latino people are about three times more likely to be infected with the coronavirus than white people. | https://www.sfweekly.com/news/covid-19-cases-heaviest-in-poor-neighborhoods/ | 1,656,999,655 | null |
I have voted in every election since I turned 18. I recently moved to Texas, and I got my registration card the day before the election. So my voting streak is unbroken.
I know a lot of people who do not vote. They think there is no point and that nothing ever changes.
There is a great line I have seen on the web: If voting is not important, why are Republicans always trying to stop you? I have noticed the Same Old Party goes on and on about invalid registrations. So their solution to this non-existent problem is to purge the voter rolls. They never seem to have any interest in registering people properly.
You have probably heard about or heard the recording of Mitt Romney’s statement about the 47%. That was at a fundraiser with an admission price of $50,000. That is about the median income in the US. I bet the people at that fundraiser all voted.
If you don’t vote, you give people who can spend your annual salary in one night even more power. You are giving them more say in our government. You are causing the very thing you say you want to prevent. Granted, it takes a lot of median income people voting to equal the voice of a wealthy person. But if you don’t participate, then who will?
I think it’s funny when people say that there is no point in voting because it never changes anything. By itself it might not do much. But if you are not willing to stand in line to press a button every couple of years, then what are you willing to do to change society? If you won’t press a button, then how exactly is society supposed to change?
I think that slowly things are changing. People are starting to realize that a lot of things happen at the state level. The Trayvon Martin incident. The Wendy Davis filibuster. The Moral Monday protests in North Carolina. I think people are staring to organize. Secular Texas is part of this.
This really hit me after a few exchanges on Twitter (archived here). Do not ignore what happens at the state level. | https://www.everydayfreethought.info/2013/07/29/i-hope-voting-makes-a-comeback/ | 1,656,294,948 | null |
Personalized Medical Care creates an environment that values the needs of the individual patient, continues to focus on the essential role of being a patient advocate and reflects our commitment to the best possible outcome for the patient.
Dr. Lawrence Starr
I have always believed in the importance of a strong doctor/patient relationship which is the cornerstone of traditional medical care. It is one of my core principles of care that the primary care physician has a fundamental role and responsibility to coordinate the complex care of patients and to actively support patients and their families through illness and the challenges of modern medical care.
I never want you to feel rushed – especially when making important decisions that affect your health. Our approach enables you to spend more time with your doctor, ask questions, and get substantial answers.
– Dr. Lawrence Starr
Dr. Philip Finocchiaro
I have the time to be there when you need me, address your health concerns and questions, and take a proactive role in your medical care – the key to helping you get and stay healthy. Patients deserve to be treated with the care and respect that we all would want for ourselves and our family. My goal is to provide you with an experience that will exceed your expectations for a doctor’s office.
Spending time getting to know you and listening carefully helps me understand how your life, work and family situations may be affecting your health – physically, mentally, and emotionally. | https://pmcmed.net/philosophy/ | 1,656,220,496 | null |
Introduction to Ski and Snow Boarding Outdoor gear. Our expert Outfitters will educate you on the technical side of the gear. Click Here for more information, or copy the link below: | https://terrain-mag.com/event/outdoor-gear-beer-night-session-1/ | 1,656,803,069 | null |
Welcome back to school! Hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather and had a wonderful Mother's Day. If you didn't see the email about class requests, please check it out. All requests...
Week in Review: May 2 – May 6
May 8th, 2022
We had our SOAR assemblies where students were honored for SOARing at Edgemont! ¡Tuvimos nuestras asambleas SOAR donde los estudiantes fueron honrados por SOARing en Edgemont! 5th...
Goodbye, Jessy
May 8th, 2022
Jessy, our head custodian, sadly had his last day at Edgemont on Friday! Jessy is a friend to students and faculty alike, and has always gone the extra mile to make Edgemont a clean, safe, and...
Congratulations Mrs. Mattinson
May 8th, 2022
Mrs. Mattinson was awarded "Outstanding Elementary Visual Arts Educator" Sorenson Legacy Award! Mrs. Mattison is the most talented and dedicated art teacher and we are so grateful for her!...
5k Volunteers Needed
May 4th, 2022
Hi families! Please sign up to help out with the Edgemont 5K, May 23rd. All help is welcome and...
Basket Auction Donations
May 4th, 2022
Friday is the last day to donate items for the basket auction for the Extravaganza! Each class basket has a theme. If you have an item that doesn't match the theme, you can still donate! All items...
Teacher Requests for 2022/2023
May 4th, 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians, This year if you would like to request a specific teacher for next year, please come to the front office and fill out a Class Request Form. You will need to fill...
Weekly Announcements
May 2nd, 2022
Dear Edgemont Families! I hope everyone had a nice long weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We've made it to May! Here's what's happening at Edgemont this week. Have a great...
Art Show Success
May 2nd, 2022
The Edgemont Art Show last week was a huge success! Thank you to everyone that came and to all those that worked hard to make it happen! A special thank you to our wonderful art teacher, Marie... | https://edgemont.provo.edu/author/haleys/page/3/ | 1,656,221,054 | null |
Most of my thoughts yesterday about stained glass were pretty generalized and I realized after posting that I had said very little about how I came to love it. I think colored glass in any form has always had an appeal to me, from the green coca-cola bottles to the chips of colored glass in my sister's kaleidoscope. I grew up in a small town in up-state (really upstate) New York, 250 miles northwest of New York City, in fact. The golden age of this town was also the height of the Victorian period. Many of the fine homes built during that time in this village had some kind of stained glass as a part of their decor, though our house, which was built in 1852 did not. It had been remodeled and "modernized" in the 1920's and I have often wondered if some stained glass transom or something similar might have been removed at that time. But the stained glass that I can still remember in detail today was that in the gorgeous windows in the sanctuary of the First Methodist Church. Even the smaller windows were stained glass, but the eight large ones, four on each side, in the sanctuary captivated me. As a small child, easily bored by having to sit through what seemed like interminably long services every week, those windows helped keep me entertained. There were beautiful shaded purple grapes in the Wedding at Cana window. The shades of blues, lavenders, and greens in the Twenty-third Psalm window were perfectly done to give the viewer the sense of personal peace evoked by those verses. But my favorite was the Ascension of Christ window. The stained glass artist for this one did an amazing job of telling the story. The people below Christ as he ascends into heaven are a bit shadowed, except their faces, which are brightened by Christ, surrounded by angels, and who, quite literally, glows. The church is listed on the National Register of Historic places and it says that the windows were made by the famous Tifanny Stained Glass Company in New York. You can actually see what I am talking about by checking out this link:
I am still drawn to stained glass windows to this day. The modern one, shown in part with this blog, was in a small museum outside of Dingle Ireland, not the sort of place where I would have expected to find one. It's not particularly well done, and is even damaged, as you can see in this picture. But it did catch my eye enough to take several pictures of it. Actually Ireland was the home of another famous stained glass artist whose work I was able to see in one of the museums in Dublin when I visited in 2016. Harry Clarke's stained glass is not well-known outside of Ireland where he was born, though there is one of his in a museum in Miami, which I have not yet seen. Working in a later period than Tiffany, his windows are often more influenced by the Art Deco styles popular at that time. But his use of color, particularly blues and reds, definitely rivals anything done by Tiffany. If I were younger and considered building or decorating another house, I am pretty sure that I would have to include some stained glass in a window or two. Colored glass will always entrance me. | https://www.bettygirardeau.com/post/stained-glass-part-2 | 1,657,079,281 | null |
What do the janitor for the Carmel Mountain Ranch and Rancho Penasquitos branch libraries, the Kroll Report, cost overruns with outside attorneys and Prudential Overall Supply have in common?
They all highlight the City of San Diego's inability to properly manage its contracts.
For the second time in less than seven months, a Living Wage Ordinance violation has been filed against a company contracted by the City of San Diego.
At this morning's City Council meeting, Kenneth Wells, a janitor employed by Jani-King of California to keep the Carmel Mountain and Rancho Penasquitos branch libraries clean, testified that the company blatantly violated its contract with the City by paying him below the law’s minimum wage.
In a complaint filed with the City’s Purchasing and Contracting Department and the State of California’s Department of Industrial Relations, Wells says the company paid him $2,460.08 below the minimum stated by the law from June 21 to September 30 of last year.
San Diego’s Purchasing and Contracting Department has just one employee working part-time despite a recommendation that it takes five full-time employees to accurately monitor the City’s contracts. The department has struggled to enforce the City’s many contracts since being the first department under Mayor Jerry Sanders’ administration to be “streamlined.”
If the City is unable to enforce a contract on a simple issues such as pay, how can it be depended on to manage the more complex issues in a contract? | http://www.sandiegopolitico.com/2008/01/question-what-do-janitor-for-carmel.html | 1,656,806,251 | 1,655,674,248 |
PMATT launched its continuous training programme in January 2019 with the first in its Lunch & Learn series and will be staging its first… | https://pmatt.org/category/education-and-training/page/2/ | 1,656,575,494 | null |
ABU - The 4th edition of the ABU Radio Song Festival was held in Beijing, China. This event, organised by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union, is the Asian equivalent of the Eurovision Song Contest, but it only addresses radio stations. A special guest of the festival this year was Romania’s representative, Analia Selis. The festival marks the end of this year’s Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union Conference. On the sidelines of the Festival was held the Media 2020 Conference, organised by Radio Romania and Radio China International. The Conference focused on the need to further maintain the relevance of radio, by adjusting its content. An example of how to use radio to promote culture was offered by Radio Romania’s President and Director General, Ovidiu Miculescu, who talked about the Gaudeamus International Book Fair.
SURGERY - On Tuesday, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis was operated on his right shoulder at the “Dr. Carol Davila” Military Hospital in Bucharest. The surgery went well and the President will resume his duties as of Wednesday.
ELECTIONS – In Romania, April 26 was the deadline for parties, election alliances, ethnic minority organisations and independent runners to submit their candidacies for the local elections. Candidacies may be challenged until May 1, and remain final as of May 4. The election campaign begins on May 6 and ends on June 4, one day before the elections. Competing in the local elections are established political parties like the Social Democrats, the Liberals, the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats or the People’s Movement Party, as well as many new parties, given that as of last year the Romanian legislation allows for political parties to be set up by at least 3 members. It is for the third time since 1989 that a technocratic government organises elections in Romania, after the Theodor Stolojan Cabinet in 1991-1992, and the Mugur Isărescu Cabinet in 1999-2000.
NEGOTIATIONS – The authorities in Bucharest carry on talks with trade unions on a new emergency ordinance concerning salaries in the public sector. The Labour Minister, Dragoş Pîslaru, has announced that the priority in these negotiations is to do away with imbalances in the system. The order on public sector salaries is to be subject to public debate starting mid-May and to take effect as of June 1. In the last three-party meeting, the main trade union federations demanded an increase of all public sector salaries, instead of only the smaller ones, as the Government intends, and warned that otherwise protests might be resumed.
LOAN – The Romanian Senate endorsed a law concerning a 150 million euro loan to be granted by Romania to the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, for the financing of the country’s budget deficit. Last November, the law was sent back to Parliament by President Klaus Iohannis, against the backdrop of political tensions in Chisinau and of uncertainties related to the implementation of the reforms. The loan is to be transferred in maximum three instalments.
COLECTIV – The interim Prosecutor General of Romania, Bogdan Licu, announced the opening of a criminal investigation into the leaking of information in the Colectiv case, after a few days ago the media published a copy of the indictment. The Colectiv case, concerning the fire that killed 64 people last October in a nightclub in Bucharest, is to be tried in the forthcoming period. According to the information made public by the media, six people are reportedly sent to court: the three owners of the nightclub, two pyrotechnicians and the owner of a fireworks company. The tragedy was followed by large-scale street protests, which led to the resignation of PM Victor Ponta.
CHERNOBYL - Ukraine commemorated on Tuesday 30 years since the worst nuclear accident in history, the explosion of one reactor in the Chernobyl nuclear plant. During the 10-day fire that followed, huge amounts of radioactive substances were spread in the atmosphere. There are no official data concerning the total number of victims, but 25,000 people are known to have died in decontamination operations alone. According to experts, the death toll is a lot higher. A UN survey indicates that nearly 5 million people affected by radiation exposure still live in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. | https://www.rri.ro/en_gb/april_26_2016_update-2546852 | 1,656,530,216 | null |
Free Clinics are private, non-profit, community or faith-based organizations that provide medical, dental, pharmaceutical, and/or mental health services at little or no cost to uninsured and underinsured people through the use of volunteer health professionals, community volunteers, and partnerships with other health providers.
No two free clinics are alike, and the development of each clinic is guided by the community to meet identified health care needs using the community’s unique assets and resources.
Health Services provided by the Gratiot County Free Clinic
Primary Health Care
Lab & X-Ray Testing
Prescription & Medication Support
Mental Health Counseling
Wellness & Prevention Education
Controlled Substances are Never Prescribed
What does the Gratiot County Free Clinic do?
The Gratiot County Free Clinic (GCFC), founded in 2013, is a private, non-profit 501c3 tax-exempt organization. The social and health care concerns addressed by GCFC are based on the principal belief that health care is a right, not a privilege.
Location and Hours of Operation
Gratiot County Free Clinic is located at 1475 Mary Court in Alma, MI
TThe Gratiot County Free Clinic is open on Wednesday evenings only beginning at 5:30 p.m. Patients will need to register between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. to be seen on that day. There are no appointments, patients will be seen on a first come first serve basis, and accepted until patient capacity is reached (depending on the time and volunteer staffing).
The contact phone number is 989.388.3004
and the fax number is 989.466.7480
The vision of the GCFC is to improve the health and well being of our
The mission of the GCFC is to provide free access and compassionate quality healthcare and education to the uninsured residents of Gratiot county. | http://www.gratiotcountyfreeclinic.com/ | 1,656,730,399 | null |
Being asked by Fondation Botnar to moderate a panel uniting unique perspectives was exciting. Even more so when the topic was one that in recent times has stimulated academics, had an influx of global media debate, and fuelled campaigners to advocate for content regulation: the relationship between digital technologies, adolescents and mental health. | https://blog.intelligenthealth.ai/tag/adolescent | 1,656,154,671 | 1,655,952,866 |
Minnetronix, the St. Paul-based contract manufacturer of electromechanical components and devices for other medical technology companies, has raised a $20 million stake from a big health… | https://minnetronixmedical.com/new-york-based-altaris-capital-partners-invests-20m-in-minnetronix-product/ | 1,656,151,410 | null |
Join us for a post lock down Events Industry Stakeholders Morning Tea. Details: Great opportunity to meet with fellow industry people for the purpose of advocating to government for targeted industry assistance, discuss the impact of the lock down, and collate the assistance that would help our industry. | https://www.eia.com.au/post/meet-and-greet | 1,656,206,239 | null |
Good vitamin is among the keys to a healthy life. Unfortunately, many of us overeat and are consuming more power than we burn, which results in weight achieve Fats (37 kJ) is vitality dense, it accommodates more kilojoules (or calories) than other parts in foods reminiscent of protein (17 kJ) and carbohydrates (sixteen kJ).
When you do not elevate weights or do not do it correctly, then all the excess food you are eating shall be stored to fat. Eat extra calories than you burn – constantly – and you’ll achieve weight. A 2012 Australian study found the extra time you spend sitting in the course of the day, the upper your mortality danger soars.
Common exercise can help management physique weight and in some folks cause lack of fats. The next time you are consuming with a big group, be conscious of that set off and attempt to restrict how much you eat. When you preserve portion sizes reasonable and affordable, it is easier to eat what you need, and preserve a wholesome and balanced eating regimen.
Consuming a wholesome, balanced weight loss program can assist you keep a wholesome weight. Eat wholesome. Your heart, brain, and total well being are harmed by meals excessive in saturated fats, salt, and ldl cholesterol. Beginning even a couple of of those healthy eating habits could make a giant distinction.
Whether you’re at house, at work, or on the go, healthy snacks could assist to combat starvation and prevent overeating. Along with the components listed above, you should find time for complete physique well being. Avoiding calorie-dense foods equivalent to French fries, potato and different chips, ice cream, doughnuts, and different sweets. | https://viagraforwomentreated.com/five-simple-spring-health-ideas-from-experts/ | 1,656,385,800 | null |
Surgical care is not prioritized on the global health agenda despite accounting for a third of Disability-Adjusted Life Years. To address this, the Boston Children’s/Harvard Program in Global Surgery and Social Change (PGSSC) led The Lancet Commission on Global Surgery 2030 to outline world-wide surgical priorities. One
of global health policy work, however, is moving from abstract resolutions to concrete plans.
Where We Started
In May 2015, the Zambian Ministry of Health (MOH) approached the PGSSC to help move surgery forward in Zambia. Drawing on the research and policy framework of the Commission, the PGSSC supported Zambian stakeholders, including the MOH, clinicians, and policy experts to pioneer the process of writing the world’s first National Surgical, Obstetric, and Anesthesia Plan (NSOAP).
Our Impact
In just two years, the visionary resolution from the Commission became a written, detailed and tangible plan for improving surgical care in Zambia. In May 2017, the Zambian NSOAP for 2017-2021 was signed into effect by the Minister of Health and is integrated into the both the National Health Strategic Plan and National Development Plan. After the success of the Zambian NSOAP, the PGSSC worked with local governments to create NSOAPS in Tanzania and Rwanda. A major breakthrough occurred in November 2018, when the PGSSC participated with regional stakeholders and the South African Development Community (SADC), –an inter-governmental organization with a goal to further socio-economic integration, as well as political and security cooperation, among 16 southern African countries with a collective population of 300 million people and a GDP of $1.5 billion. Together, they worked to ratify a resolution that will prioritize surgical care in the region. A key pillar of this resolution is for all 16 member countries to develop NSOAPs. The PGSSC is now working at the regional level to create tools that can be used to fast-track progress, research that will support NSOAP implementation, and new collaborations with local governments in Zimbabwe and Namibia to develop NSOAP policies. | https://www.childrenshospital.org/programs/global-health/projects/laos/expanding-access-surgical-care | 1,656,275,026 | 1,656,275,021 |
You will be Festival ready in no time with this darling clutch in your hands. Our Flagtail silver gypsy coin clutch is perfect for your daytime and nighttime activities. The detailing on the front is inspired by intricate Indian embroidery and the silver coins add a fun twist. Though it comes with an adjustable strap, we like it best in our hands, but it's really up to you when it comes to styling it! | https://www.standinggoose.com/collections/winter-collection/products/flagtail-silver-coin-clutch | 1,656,306,965 | null |
A passport is required to identify the source of the transfer, when it is a foreign route, by the bank. This could be due to the donor's account being a foreign account (NRI, OCI, etc). Therefore, to accept the credit of donations of such nature into our account, our bank requires us to submit the proof of the donor's citizenship.
The platform accepts donations in three currencies: INR, GBP and USD. While the donor gets to see donation options in their home currency (basis the IP address of their location), the currency in which they need to pay is ultimately decided by the choice of tax exemption made by the donor while filling the donor details. The payout currency leads to the intended segregation.
-An Indian citizen, including those based abroad having a valid Indian passport, wanting to avail the 80G tax exemption will be contributing in INR using multiple Indian payment methods, inclusive of the international credit cards.
-A UK tax-payer, wanting to avail the GiftAid tax exemption will be making their contribution in GBP
-A US tax-payer, wanting to avail the 501(c)(3) tax exemption and citizens of any other country not discussed thus far shall be making their contributions in USD
Therefore, in order to ascertain the above, passport details are required.
Here, we assure you that the details and documents shall be handled securely and only to be furnished as proof to our bank. | https://support.giveindia.org/support/solutions/articles/1000296382-why-do-i-need-to-provide-my-passport-details- | 1,656,747,405 | null |
The MLSA Executive is here to highlight some of the great things we’ve all done this year. Despite the amount of challenge and change we’ve all had to deal with, our family here at Robson Hall have made the most of the time we’ve had together. Reconnecting with each other in social and professional settings alike has been great after our forced time apart. Though there are many great initiatives on the horizon, we think it’s important to take stock of where we’ve been.
At the top of this, we need to point out that none of this is possible without the fantastic work that our committees and volunteers have done.
This has been a transitional year of sorts, and a turbulent one at that. Despite the challenges of COVID and a university-wide labour action, our student body and leadership have shown the resilience and long-term view needed to navigate the situation. The return to the classroom is still on track, and despite that, we’ve forged great connections with each other at events and through initiatives like:
Getting MLSA Committees filled with those looking to make a positive impact, as well as the election of bright new faces in our Class Reps and MLSA Councillors and Officers
A Meet-and-Greet for the Class of 2024 to make some early connection
Orientation’s week of virtual and physical programming of getting to know all of you and bringing multiple years of Robson Hall back together for the first time in over a year
Reviving the Community Outreach Committee with a new balanced approach to giving back to our shared communities
The Academic Committee helping cohorts new and old be the best law students they can be
Virtual MLSA meetings that welcome everyone to come find out what’s happening at the school
Working diligently on EDI across Robson Hall with faculty Deanship, in both the short- and long-term
Ensuring as much as possible is in place from the student perspective for a smooth Winter Term return
Creating a gorgeous new website to hold it all together
And much more! This post would be 10,000 words if we had the time to talk about everything great we’ve all accomplished this year. That said, we would be remiss to not mention how proud we are of what we have done together.
On behalf of all MLSA members, our Executive wishes you a happy holiday season, and a thank you for being you – the amazing student, professional, and go-getter that you are. | https://robsonmlsa.ca/2021/12/10/end-of-term/ | 1,656,773,305 | null |
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, The Paper Store employed about 2,000 people. According to reports, as of yesterday it employed about 393 people full-time and 554 part-time across all its stores, having furloughed the remainder. | https://westfaironline.com/tag/the-paper-store/ | 1,656,253,542 | null |
Cosgrove is set on fire during stunt performance After spending the summer in Seattle, Washington learning from some of the film industry's best stuntmen, Jessi Cosgrove of Calhoun County, received her Apprentice Stunt Performer certification from the United Stuntmen's Association at the University of Washington.
During the intensive workshop, Cosgrove polished her unarmed and armed stage combat skills, as well as trained in various martial arts, such as Capoeira. She also learned to perform high falls, launch herself from an air ram, fall down stairs, precision drive, rappel, fly on an air ratchet and other various wire rigging, aerial techniques and was set on fire.
Cosgrove is launched from an air ram
In addition, she learned various business aspects of the stunt industry from David Boushey, founder of the United Stuntmen's Association and the Society of American Fight Directors, under which Cosgrove is certified as an actor combatant.
Cosgrove is currently focusing on her original play, "Dulcimer," which portrays the life of young people in the Appalachians. | https://www.hurherald.com/cgi-bin/db_scripts/articles?Action=user_view&db=hurheral_articles&id=57181 | 1,656,416,594 | null |
I have created the group list for the WRMC Group, but due to Google's anti-spam policies they have to review the membership request that I submitted to make sure that it is not a spam or malicious account. I will send out an email to everyone once it has been reviewed and approved. | http://www.wildrosemiata.com/2010/03/google-group-taking-longer-than-planned.html | 1,656,561,874 | 1,655,352,892 |
As it is written that Fighting is an art. The fight is a fight (either for sport or street), which must be designed and analyzed is known prior to a bout should not be thinking about techniques. Your Technique should be a result of your opponent. but this k tested the human brain is a machine for making images and if you tell someone NOT THINK IN THAT RED APPLE, concentrate on me, the 1st did that person was THINKING IN THE RED APPLE. There are four stages of thought. 1-Before the match 2-At the beginning of the match During the match 3-4-At the end of the fight before the fight. Seeing the physical part of our adversary (large, small, thin, strong etc.), We believe in a kind of fight to be made (in, out, blending, counter-attacking, etc.). But please That thought is just the school of combat, not governed in the same THE BEGINNING OF THE FIGHT. At the beginning of the fight begins a process of study by feints, false attacks, etc. Here we see the opponent’s current state, speed, hitting hidden technical potential, strength of scrimmage, plus check our current state, every match is different but we have fought 100 times with that rival and in our case we are not every day like there are better days by the feet, others for hand, there are leaves us not at all well, so the process of studying the battle is important. | http://www.syntecnetworks.com/the-art-of-fighting/ | 1,657,181,114 | null |
If you are experiencing issues with your 4K cameras on your DVR it is imperative to make sure you are using the correct BNC cables between the camera and the BNC port on the back of the DVR. For instance, any incompatible cables that do not support 4K streaming could cause more intense signal degradation, image distortions, IR light issues at night, or other related issues.
To resolve this issue, Amcrest sells 4K BNC cables that are compatible with your 4K system and are highly recommended for increased performance of your 4K system. If you would like to purchase these 4K cables for your system, they can be found at the link below: | https://support.amcrest.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027677831-Experiencing-Issues-with-4K-Cameras-On-Your-DVR- | 1,656,221,628 | null |
STEPHENVILLE, Texas (BP)–Baptists abound everywhere at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas — even the local student bar.
They’re not drinking alcohol; they’re dispensing living water and the bread of life. Local churches provided a free lunch every Wednesday during the first month of school, and students flocked to the food.
“This is not sandwiches, but home cooking, and I mean a whole spread,” reported Baptist Student Ministry director Darrell Samuelson. “That’s a huge draw. College guys don’t get a lot of home cooking, and here they can come and eat all they want, because there is always enough.”
Between 250 and 300 students came each week and got much more than a meal. “We have Christian speakers and music artists, and the gospel is always presented in a clear way,” Samuelson noted. “It’s been exciting to see the Lord bring students who would never darken the door of a church”– or the Baptist Student Ministry.
Many students left filled, not only physically but also spiritually, Samuelson added. “We’ve seen people accept Christ, greater attendance at our Bible studies and students getting out of their comfort zones and having the courage to witness.”
A boost to the program came last year, when the editor of the school paper took his staff to one of the lunches “to see why all those Baptists were going to the bar,” Samuelson recounted.
“After the lunch was over, they discussed it in the newsroom and decided we were taking the [gospel] message to the front lines, and afterward wrote a nice story about the lunches,” he said.
The program was successful in large part due to support from the owner of the bar, Samuelson said.
“We have developed a good relationship with him, and he allows us to do whatever ministry we want. He never serves any alcohol during these times and has his employees help us with anything we need.”
Not every student who attends the lunches shows immediate change in her or his life, Samuelson acknowledged, “but we do know that we are planting seeds.” | https://www.baptistpress.com/resource-library/news/towns-churches-greet-collegians-with-home-cooked-meals-gospel/ | 1,656,706,942 | null |
Sarah Kikkert is the Communications and Social Media Coordinator for the Wisconsin State Fair, a position she has held for four fairs (that’s how we count ‘em!). She manages the fair’s social media platforms – including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube – as well as develops content and strategy for other digital marketing initiatives: the fair website, mobile application, electronic newsletters and texting campaign. She also works on the public and media relations side of things and manages the Wisconsin State Fair Street Team program.
Sarah has her undergraduate degree in communications and writing from Marquette University. As a student, she was active in the Office of Residence Life and the Marquette University Chorus, and held internships with the Milwaukee Children’s Choir, Golden Chic Events & Consulting, the University Career Services Center and the Wisconsin State Fair.
The 11-day Wisconsin State Fair is the state’s largest agriculture showcase, and features 30 FREE entertainment stages as well as the Main Stage presented by Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, hosting some of today’s top entertainers. Each year the Fair features thousands of animals and exhibitors, hundreds of food and beverage vendors, endless family activities, events, contests and more. The Fair welcomed a record-breaking 1,030,881 guests in 2014 and the 2015 Fair will mark 164 years of celebrating this tradition. | http://www.jobsinduluth.com/employment-resources/bio/sarah-kikkert/1294 | 1,656,891,698 | null |
Dakota Wesleyan's Erica Herrold (14) drives to the basket as Hastings' Chelsey Morten (11) defends during a game on Saturday at the Corn Palace in Mitchell. (Matt Gade/Republic) | https://www.mattgadephoto.com/image/I000008qbzR5sO_Y | 1,656,948,905 | null |
For me this is another way to get from Australia to the UK to visit my father and sister - much better than just sitting on a long haul flight plus added journeys both ends!
I have a friend in Johannesburg so also a chance to visit her plus I've always wanted to visit South Africa.
Read more
Cabin Review
Interior Stateroom
Cabin I1
Cabin size and wardrobe space was good. The only negative was the size of the shower.
Port Reviews
Malta (Valletta)
Fantastic full day tour to Mdina, Mosta and Rabat. A great tour with a well informed guide although it was a little hurried in places | https://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=594529 | 1,656,948,483 | null |
Altitude Denver Graphics is a freelance company in Denver, CO committed to bringing you the best designs for your life. The company was founded in 2016, however I have been a graphic designer for 18 years now and specialize in branding, website design, stationary needs, custom art, photography, and advertising. Businesses crave creativity, and getting to the bottom line of what makes you stick out from the rest of the world is the main goal.
Through a process of critical thinking, we will go over many elements of your already established business, or what you are looking to do with an upstart. I also love to do custom graphic design work including double exposure posters, movie size posters for families, and a variety of other services. Please take a look at the design process below, then look over the services page to decide on what you are really looking for. Thanks and I look forward to working with you!
Roses Double Exposure
press to zoom
press to zoom
Kneaded Touch Cards Front
press to zoom
The first step in any design is to sit down and figure out exactly what it is you're looking for. Through professional questioning and brainstorming together, we will discuss what your needs are and decide if working together is the right thing to do for all parties.
The second step in the process is to come to an agreement. This includes the budget, time to complete, and any other factors including going over that time or ending the project early if progress has not been made sufficiently.
This is the fun part of it all, where we create your brand, logo, art, or website. This part of the process is usually pretty straight forward and will include a few variations if it is a logo to decide on later, as well as looking at colors for brand standards. Once this process is complete, we will move on to revisions.
In this part of the five part process, we revise any material that has been made. This includes editing wording, changing colors slightly to perfectly match your vision, and other details on a website. Once these are complete we will finalize.
In the end it is my hope that you will have a superior product delivered to you that you are pleased with. It is always very fulfilling to come to the end of a project and be ecstatic about the results and the creative process endured. This is where we will also finalize payment and hand over any and all materials that have been made. | https://www.altitudedg.com/about | 1,657,167,272 | null |
Improving the way opioids are prescribed through clinical practice guidelines can ensure patients have access to safer, more effective chronic pain treatment while reducing the risk of opioid use disorder, overdose, and death. There are many resources available to help guide doctors in their opioid prescription management. Is your doctor ready to be proactive in identifying and helping patients at risk for prescription drug abuse?
Helpful Resources
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) published guidelines for prescribing opioids for chronic pain
The Search and Rescue Program provides tools and resources to help doctors navigate the opioid crisis
Check out an Opioid Crisis Infographic (PDF) from Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Take Action to Make a Difference in Your Community
Local grassroots efforts are vital to changing attitudes, educating families and effectively changing behavior around opioids. Each locality in RVA has a coalition dedicated to education, prevention, and treatment of substance use issues. Your voice can make a difference. Together, we can solve this crisis. Select your community and see how you can get involved:
Chesterfield County
City of Richmond
Hanover County
Henrico County
More Ideas to Help Your Community
For more ideas to help your community understand and prevent the opioid epidemic, check out the action plan to fight the opioid epidemic from Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. | https://opioidsolutionsrva.com/153/Protect-Your-Community | 1,656,466,676 | null |
Firstly a massive thank you to everyone who has kindly donated to my go fund me page. Thank you so much.
I’ve taken the bold move of deciding to create a go fund me page to raise money for further rehabilitation.
This decision has taken me a long time as I feel embarrassed for asking friends, family and complete strangers for money to help me. I’ve always been the kind person that stands on their own two feet and figures out how to pay for things. I can’t do that anymore and rehabilitation costs aren’t cheap.
I want to be able to give myself the best chance of recovery to the fullest. I don’t want to be looking back in years to come and wondering if if I’d of tried this treatment with my leg be working better or if I tried this treatment would I have more use of my arm.
The biggest hurdle of all of my recovery is cost. It costs a lot.
The bigger picture isn’t just me it’s for me to then be able to go on and help other people in my situation or a similar situation. So that they can have a more independent life and not feel like a burden on friends or family why I do sometimes. To be able to push themselves into gaining more movement in their arm, or their leg or Multiple limbs. Because no one knows what the human body can achieve or what recovery the brain can make.
If you can help at all I’d really appreciate it.
Laters 💋
Format QuotePosted on Jan 26, 2019 Categories Brain InjuryLeave a comment on Go Fund Me
Gym Voluntary Placement
Hey folks
Shit got real this week.
I don’t know if you remember that I’m on the InstructAbility Gym Instructor course?Well I started my voluntary placement this week. The wheels are turning.
So I went over on Monday and met the Gym manager Chelsie for a little chat and have a look round. It’s quite an amazing gym. Plenty of equipment and very big. So got my uniform ready for starting my 1st shadowing shift on Wednesday.
Met some lovely F.I’s (Fitness Instructors) on the Weds & Fri called Guy, Lucy & Ronnie. Who chatted with me. Shadowed Ronnie giving a induction on the Weds & Lucy giving an induction on the Fri.
I thought that this wouldn’t be too difficult to do but I underestimated the brain power that I have used up and the stress and anxiety that I’ve put myself under.
I think part of that is because I have to create a new routine. Now there are more elements that have to be fitted in. Whereas before i had to fit gym, personal trainer, exercise class, dog walk, physio and rest into a day. Now I have to add 3 x 6hr shifts into this. At the moment as well they aren’t set in stone as to what I am doing which is very frustrating to say the least but hopefully that will all be sorted today/tomorrow.
It’s another learning curve with my thought process too. You see sometimes I see things as very black & white. “It should be done like this so why isn’t it”! Whereas life isn’t black & white. There are plenty of grey areas, and more people in the equation now. Not just myself, Debbie, PT Lee, Headway, and Physio James. My responsibility has changed. So that’s giving me plenty of headaches.
Hopefully things will settle and I’ll get routine.
Let’s see what this week brings………
Laters 💋
Format QuotePosted on Jan 13, 2019 Categories Brain InjuryLeave a comment on Gym Voluntary Placement
Muscle spasm & colds
Hey everyone,
Hope you are well.
So what have I been up to since my last post?
Well I got another bloody cold! 3rd one in 4 months. It seems this has been the lurgy household. After all this time I still can’t get used to how they knock me on my arse! How dysfunctional it makes me. This last cold wouldn’t bloody leave either! But it’s ok as I had my trusty Allens Pine & Honey Syrup. It is herbal and kicks cold & flu’s arse! I’ve had that medicine since I was younger. I rely on it more now as after the sah & stroke I’m not allowed ibuprofen & so it’s hard to find cold & flu meds so I look at herbal alternatives.
So I haven’t been to the gym since New Year’s Eve!! Thanks to the cold and to some new muscle spasms in my back.
I’ve been waking between 3 & 4am for over a week with in my back on my right side near my kidney. It been horrendous! I’ve had to go to bed with a hot water bottle so that when I’m woken with the pain I can shove the bottle there so I can get back to sleep. I thought it might be a kidney infection. I was already booked in with my Doc to talk about my lack of loosing weight so I thought I’ll see him about this too to see what he thought. He believes it’s muscle spasm as it’s higher up than my kidney and thinks it’s because of my walking. So has referred me back to my old friends at Danesbury for some physio as I can’t afford private. I’ve also got to have another bunch of blood tests to check my liver, thyroid, glucose, electrolytes and a few others to see is there is any reason for my struggle to loose weight, even though I walk the dog everyday, am normally in the gym 2-3 times a week and am at slimming world.
I woke up this morning with minute pain in my back for the first time in 6 days. I couldn’t believe it. The only thing I did differently last night was instead of having the hot water bottle on my back I had it on my feet. So maybe keeping my foot warm kept the muscles in my leg relaxed and prevented the pain. I going to try again tonight and see.
Anyway I need to get up.
Laters 💋
Format QuotePosted on Jan 13, 2019 Categories Brain InjuryLeave a comment on Muscle spasm & colds
Update after my walk yesterday
Hi folks,
So I thought I would give you a bit of an update on my body after my little walk yesterday.
I’m still really chuffed with my achievement yesterday but I don’t think I’ll be forgetting my stick again anytime soon.
A little reminder of my walking challenges………….
I have a drop foot all thanks to the little vasospasm I had after my aneurysm was clipped. I have a inverted right foot. So when I walk my foot goes outside heal, little toe then big toe then flat.
My muscles in my hip aren’t strong so I hitch and swing. In other words instead of my right leg coming through like someone not affected by walking issues use my left hip to hitch my right to swing my foot round so that my toes don’t catch on the ground and so I don’t fall over.
I’ve tried to explain in this pic but not great . Hopefully you have a rough idea of what I mean.
Anyway back to the update on how I am today………
My right foot is sore all down the outside, my knee hurts as it was locking a lot (not good) and my left leg hurts completely from hip all the way down. Having my walking stick takes some of the strain away from my left. As I use it on my left it’s like it doubles the strength on my left leg.
Today is going to be an interesting day. Even just getting out of bed was fun. It’s like my body is sulking. My legs are like children who won’t do as they are told and aren’t going to behave and my brain is like a parent who is stuck on repeat……………and contemplating if it’s too early to start on the wine 😊
Fatigue wise I don’t feel too bad this morning but I’m not sure how much charge there is in the battery. As soon as I start getting grumpy I’m going for a nap.
I’m still pleased with my achievement yesterday but next time I attempt it I’ll will be over a small distance with walking stick there just in case.
Have a great day folks!
Laters 💋
Format QuotePosted on Jan 2, 2019 Jan 2, 2019 Categories Brain InjuryLeave a comment on Update after my walk yesterday
HaPpY nEw YeAr to you all
Happy new year folks!!
Hope you all have a lovely Christmas.
To my fellow brain injury crew I hope the busyness of Christmas and New Year wasn’t too stressful and overwhelming. I hope you found your coping strategies if it was. Please feel free comment anything you found helped you. If it wasn’t an issue for you the please too tell how.
So a new year and new challenges for everyone. I’m sure there might be some of you out there thinking “no just the same old thing. Learning to walk, talk, speak, move my arm, to stand, to keep balance”, the list could go on forever. But………..
Think of it this way. Everything is a new challenge. It might not seem like it to you as you are the ones doing it day after day but it is. I know as I have those thoughts of nothings is getting better I’m just going round in circles. Take some time to reflect of what you have achieved over the last 12months either by yourself or with family and friends. I recommend with family and friends as they will tell you more about your achievements then you notice as you live it everyday. Each and every one of you have achieved. No matter how small you have still achieved something.
Here is a new challenge I had today.
Today I took my dog to the woods for a walk. Nothing different I try to most days. Only today I forgot my walking stick. How did you get to the car then I hear you say. Well it’s only a small hobble from front door to the lift and then lift to the car. I didn’t think anything of it until I was half way to the woods. I looked over and realised the walking stick wasn’t on the passenger side.
Now I was in a pickle as it was about 1hr to sunset. If I turned round and went home to get my stick and I didn’t get the dog out now then it would be too dark and being a sprocker she has lots of energy to burn. So we got to the woods and I decided that we was going to do our usual walk even though I didn’t have my stick. And we BLOODY WELL DID!! It took longer than normal, I was hitching more that I with the stick and swinging my leg out but I concentrated and focus and achieved it! I’ll pay for it a bit tomorrow in brain fatigue and my right leg not wanting to work, but I will suffer that tomorrow for the achievement I have made today.
Don’t get me wrong my little anxiety demon appeared on one shoulder telling me that I should not bother, I might fall over, how would you get up if you fall over it’s not safe and just go home. Then the courage demon turned up and said try. What’s the worst that could happen? So you might fall over and cry like a baby through the shock, so big deal. You will figure out how to get up again just like you have done every other time. For once the courage demon was a lot stronger that the anxiety demon. I done it! Like I said I will suffer tomorrow but the success today will always out weigh the pain.
If you had asked me last January what I would be in 12 months I would never have said or thought I would be about to embark on a new career in fitness!!
I am going to become a disabled gym instructor through a programme called InstructAbility. I have my physio James, my pt Lee and my exercise class instructor Fiona to thank for pushing me in that direction. With the support of them, my partner and family I have the confidence to achieve this.
Over the last few months there has been a positive change in my mental state. Something that I never thought was going to happen anytime soon. But it has and I’ve turned a corner.
Right I need to sleep. I started writing this at 9:30pm and it’s now 11pm.
Again happy new year to you all.
Laters 💋
Format QuotePosted on Jan 1, 2019 Categories Brain InjuryLeave a comment on HaPpY nEw YeAr to you all | https://regainmybrain.com/2019/01/ | 1,657,037,285 | null |
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2022 Update: I don't have time to regularly update reviews and press. I'm too busy with my clinical practice and my garden!
But here are some "oldies but goodies". Watch this space for new press which I will post after the second edition of The Transgender Child comes out in June 2022. | https://www.rachel-pepper.com/reviews.html | 1,656,518,647 | null |
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Following in the footsteps of his father, Jordon M. Greene is running for elective office as an unaffiliated candidate. Greene recently announced his candidacy for state House District 87, covering Caldwell County.
Jordon M. Greene
“I’m running for N.C. House because you deserve a representative in Raleigh that values the liberty of each citizen equally and respects the diversity of views and opinions held by his constituents while holding firm to his own values,” Greene said in his campaign announcement. “I’m a concerned citizen who simply cannot stand by when liberty is at stake.”
Greene was campaign manager for his father Bryan’s unsuccessful attempt to run for Congress as an unaffiliated candidate in 2008. The elder Greene failed to collect the 16,457 signatures needed under North Carolina’s highly restrictive ballot access laws.
The young Greene said he’s running as an unaffiliated candidate because the party he’s chosen to join, the Constitution Party, is not allowed on the ballot. “North Carolina’s ballot access laws unduly regulate and, in the end, violate my freedom of association by keeping my party off the ballot with overly restrictive signatures requirements unparalleled in most states,” he said.
His encounter with the state’s draconian ballot access barriers and his experience with his father’s campaign led Jordon to form Free the Vote North Carolina, a free-market based election law reform political action committee. Greene is also active in the state and national Constitution Party organizations. He is one of the founding member’s of the state party and has served as state chair and treasurer. Greene currently represents North Carolina on the Constitution Party national committee.
The cause of ballot access reform also motivates Greene’s campaign, especially since the incumbent Republican Rep. Edgar Starnes opposes lowering the barriers for third parties and unaffiliated candidates. Starnes was the only representative to speak against H.B. 32, The Electoral Freedom Act of 2011, which passed the House in July in a bipartisan vote. The bill was proposed by Free the Vote, had bipartisan sponsorship and is supported by a broad coalition of political parties and public policy groups from across the political spectrum.
“Rep. Starnes believes all political ideas must be channeled through two parties at the expense of free expression and free speech,” Greene said. “The major difference between Mr. Starnes and I is that while he puts his party before the people, I put the people, individual liberty and the Constitution before any party or affiliation.”
Greene believes the state’s ballot access laws are deliberately set up to discourage “regular everyday citizens, real blue-collar working North Carolinians” from running for office and designed to give an advantage to candidates with money and influence who conform to major party control.
This is not the only issue on which he and Starnes disagree, Greene added. “Mr. Starnes seems to believe it’s okay to give special benefits and breaks to big business such as NASCAR teams and film and television production firms,” Greene said. “I believe government should refrain from giving certain businesses or industries special treatment but instead treat all equally.”
As a constitutional conservative, Greene said he would fight for limited-government ideals and will focus on the need to follow the Constitution and to respect individual liberties. “My entire political view is built on the premise that government should remain small and constrained by the Constitution, and that individual liberty must be respected,” he said. “As your representative, I will be your voice for the Constitution, individual liberty, and common sense in Raleigh.”
At this point Greene is not certain how many signatures he must gather, because that number is based on four percent of the number of registered voters as of January 1 of the election year. He estimates it will be about 2,100 signatures, but in reality he said he will have to collect more than that, probably around 3,000, to allow for signatures that may be discounted.
If H.B. 32 passes, however, this could change dramatically, lowering that number to about 500 certified signatures. It may also allow him to run under the Constitution Party banner if that party is successful in their ballot access signature drive currently underway. Greene heads the party’s ballot access committee.
Greene is a a self-employed web designer. He recently earned a bachelor of arts in political science from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is an alumnus of the UNC Charlotte delegation to the N.C. Student Legislature. A graduate of West Caldwell High School, Greene is active in the Temple Baptist Church in Lenoir and a member of the N.C. Political Science Association, Gun Owners of America, and the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC.
For more information, go to:
Tagged with Constitution Party, Elections 2012, independent, NC General Assembly
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One comment
Nathan Jones says:
August 14, 2011 at 12:07 am
This is awesome! Jordon M. Greene is a champion of LIBERTY and we need more men like him representing us. I pray that HB 32 passes and will be contacting my NC state representatives to let them know how I feel about it. | http://libertypoint.org/constitutionalist-tries-independent-run-for-state-house/ | 1,657,129,156 | null |
Melon Day takes place on August 13, 2023. Melon Day is an annual national holiday in Turkmenistan devoted to festivities to celebrate the country's muskmelon, in particular a recent crossbreed product named "Turkmenbashi melon" , which is praised for its aroma, taste and large size.
We have placed a detailed description of this event on this page: Melon Day 2022. For further information please stop by there! | https://www.cute-calendar.com/event/melon-day/41616.html | 1,656,271,783 | null |
WL Plastics purchases the business and manufacturing assets of Charter Plastics on December 31, 2021. Read the full announcement.
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Learn about HDPE Innerduct from Experts
May 12, 2021
Innerduct refers to smaller diameter conduits (i.e., ducts, conduit, or tubes) that are used to divide larger conduits into subsections. They facilitate the proper placement and positioning of fiber optic cables in underground conduit systems.
While innerduct can be manufactured from various materials, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) is the most preferred and common. HDPE innerduct offers a variety of advantages over other innerduct options, such as high tensile strength, low stretch and elongation, and good UV resistance. For these reasons, it is used in many communication, data, and other fiber optic cable applications.
Given the critical role HDPE innerducts play in underground conduit systems, it is essential to select the proper type and size and install them correctly. Otherwise, they may not operate or perform as intended. Below, we provide answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about HDPE innerducts to serve as a resource for readers that need assistance choosing and using them.
How Do I Determine the Required Diameter of Innerduct?
The innerduct diameter required for an application depends on the cable placement method. If the cable will be pulled into the conduit, the inside diameter of the innerduct should be two times the outside diameter of the cable. If the cable will be blown into the conduit, the cable should be slightly smaller than the primary conduit.
How Do I Determine the Required Dimension Ratio (DR) of Innerduct?
The innerduct Dimension Ratio or wall thickness required for an application depends on the Innerduct installation method and cable size being installed inside of it. When directionally drilling or plowing in the Innerduct, the forces placed on the Innerduct should not exceed the Safe Working Load Guidelines. If installing a longer distances or in tough soil conditions, a smaller DR or thicker wall is recommended. Balancing the Diameter and Dimension Ratio for installation and cable fill ratios should be considered. or the Plastic Pipe Institute Conduit Design Calculator are helpful resources when selecting the appropriate Innerduct dimensions.
How Many HDPE Conduit Innerducts Fit in a Casing Pipe?
The number of HDPE innerducts that fit in a casing pipe depends on the casing installation. If a run is straight and short, then more innerducts can fit in the casing pipe. If a run is complex and long, then fewer innerducts can fit in the casing pipe.
In general, the recommended percentage fills are as follows:
Max value: 70%
Short, straight runs: 50%
Long, complex runs: 30%
These values can be adjusted as needed depending on previous experiences.
Is Innerduct Available With More Than One Color or Length per Reel?
Yes, WL Plastics manufacturers Segmented Reels where multiple Innerducts are packaged in multiple compartments within the same reel. WL Plastics can make 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way segmented reels with different color combinations in each segment. Some manufacturers offer a Parallel Reel, where multiple conduits are freely wrapped around a single reel compartment. WL Plastics does not offer Parallel Reels to ensure quality of our products when they arrive to customers. Segmented Reels offer installers safer handling of the pipe as it comes off the Reels compared to Parallel Reels.
Is Innerduct Available in Coils Without a Reel?
Yes, WL Plastics’ Innerduct is available most commonly on reels, but can offer coils or straight lengths of Innerduct. Coil lengths vary with Diameter size and are banded together for safe handling. Coils often require different installation handling equipment than Reels. Straight lengths are only available for Conduit greater than 6’’ in diameter.
Why Can’t I Get Schedule 40 Products Greater than 3’’ on a Reel?
WL Plastics has chosen not to offer Schedule 40 wall thickness products greater than 3’’ to ensure integrity of the inside diameter and quality of our products. As pipe is wound onto the Reel from WL’s manufacturing process, tensile forces affect the Innerduct. With the thinner walls of Schedule 40 products in larger diameters, product could be prone to kinking or folding on the Reel.
Is a Ribbed or Smooth Innerduct Better?
Smooth Innerduct is the industry standard product and works in all application types with all cable installation methods. Theoretically, ribbed innerducts have longitudinal ridges on the inside diameter of the Innerduct that should reduce surface area and, consequently, friction. Industry Ribbed designs differ and offer different friction reduction amounts. WL Plastics recommends a friction reducing lubricant to be used at the time of cable installation regardless of Smooth or Ribbed Innerduct design.
Can I Source Products with Pull Tape Pre-Installed in the Innerduct?
Yes, WL Plastics offers factory pre-installed pull tape products. The Innerduct is extruded over the pull tape at the time of installation and tied off to the reel for easy access during installation. WL Plastics offers 1,000#, 1,250#, 1,800#, and 2,500# tape. Detectable tapes also available upon request.
Learn More About HDPE Innerducts From the Experts at WL Plastics
Want to learn more about HDPE innerducts? Ask the experts at WL Plastics! We manufacture a broad selection of HDPE conduit and pipe, including innerducts. For information on these products, check out our HDPE conduit page or contact us today. | https://wlplastics.com/what-is-hdpe-innerduct/ | 1,657,035,289 | 1,657,028,088 |
Yasmin fulfills her dream of making a princess not only by writing her own version of Cinderella by which she sees herself as Amberella with Burdine as the evil step mother and the tweevils as the evil step sisters but also by making herself a real princess with selective options of fashion clothing and accessories that could bring out the personality of being a princess in her! See how she transforms into a real princess with fashionable clothing and complete her embellishment in luxurious style!
The Bratz would certainly be excited with the idea of making Yasmin a princess for a day. But before you make Yasmin a princess for a day, help the Bratz find the fashion-must haves for her. They will need the make up set, fashion clothing, the power footwear and a set of accessories. Being able to complete these you are now ready to make Yasmin a princess together with the Bratz!
Start the princess makeover with the proper make up to make Yasmin elegant and classy. These are the two most important characteristics of being a princess. Get a light foundation that can settle the shiny face and make her bloom and brush a swipe of blush on to her cheeks for the rosy glow. After making the perfect cheeks, give her the curvy lips with a light sweep of lip color, like nude or skin colors. To assist you in deciding which color to take, make sure that the eye shadow, the blush on and the lip color complement each other.
Now it’s the time to do the hair makeover. Help the Bratz choose the perfect hairstyle for Yasmin. Since Yasmin has flowy and shiny hair, any hairstyle will be perfect for her. The hairstyle that you should try on Yasmin must be perfect for her outfit. If she will be wearing on an off the shoulder LBD, it is better to have her hair clipped backward with some strands loose on for an elegant look. You may also opt to change the color of her hair for anew look, there are various colors of dyes which you can choose from.
While you decide on her hairdo, you may also think of the accessories and the dress that Yasmin will be wearing. A silky one-shoulder LBD is a classic-modern mix style of dress which can suit both the formal parties and the chic ones. Pair up the dress with a good match of shoes. A patent pump in stilettos would make Yasmin calves sexier, excellent for the desired effect!
The Bratz are fabulous girls whose love for passion is materialized in their everyday life. It is not only Yasmin whom you can make a princess but any of them of even all of them! | http://jacket-dresses.net/bratz-yasmin-makes-a-princess/ | 1,656,441,808 | 1,656,441,806 |
Posted byStaff Writer August 26, 2019 Leave a comment on Man in court after his neighbour’s body found was chopped up in refuse bags
A 24-year-old man appeared in court on Monday in connection with the brutal murder of his neighbour, whose dismembered body was found in black refuse bags at an apartment building in Bellville, Cape Town.
Lynette Volschenk, 32, was found dead on Thursday..
Police spokesperson Sgt Noloyiso Rwexana said her body was found after concerned colleagues investigated.
“Police attended to the complaint at the address and upon preliminary investigation, found black bags containing the body of the deceased cut in pieces,” Rwexana said earlier.
Kyle Ruiters was arrested on Thursday, a day after Volschenk died, at the block of flats.
He appeared in the Bellville Magistrate’s Court, which was filled with media and members of SA Women Fight Back, a lobby group started two weeks ago.
Women from the organisation were hoping to put pressure on the court not to grant bail to Ruiters.
A small man with a slender frame, Ruiters wore a pair of jeans and a hoodie as he stood in the dock listening to court proceedings.
The case was postponed for further investigation until September 2.
An activist from SA Women Fight Back brought a petition to court. Outside, members carrying placards demanded Ruiters be denied bail and chanted that they were “the voices for those who have been silenced”. | https://www.trendsdaily.co.za/metro-new/man-in-court-after-his-neighbours-body-found-was-chopped-up-in-refuse-bags/ | 1,656,234,172 | null |
Lagos State Government today began the recruitment of eligible and interested candidates for the Batches 4, 5 and 6 of its Lagos Agripreneurship Programme (LAP) under its Agriculture-based Youth Empowerment Scheme (Agric-YES).
The State Commissioner for Agriculture, Ms. Abisola Olusanya who disclosed this in Lagos today noted that the programme was in furtherance of the State Government’s objective of training no fewer than 15,000 youths and women in the various agricultural value chains by the year 2023.
She pointed out that the programme which is a one-month training exercise is aimed at improving capacity, creating wealth and employment in the agricultural value chains such as poultry, piggery, aquaculture and vegetables.
According to her, the strategic inclusion of the LAP Programme would efficiently reduce unemployment, create jobs and alleviate poverty in the State as well as attract and pay more attention to the creation of jobs for women in agribusiness.
“Following the training of a total of 400 participants under three batches of the Lagos Agripreneurship Programme, L.A.P., Lagos State will begin the recruitment and shortlisting of interested candidates for the Batches 4, 5 and 6 of the Programme.
“The current reality and exigencies of job creation for the teeming youth population and attainment of food security require that a more aggressive, strategic and efficient approach be employed in the training and empowerment of women and youth if Lagos State is to achieve a significant reduction of unemployment, create more jobs and wealth and also significantly enhance food security in the State by the year 2023,” Olusanya said.
The Commissioner noted that the significance of the training would be the creation of 2000 Agro-Entrepreneurs who would, in turn, become job creators; promotion of food security improved nutrition and general well-being of Lagosians; and the creation of at least 4000 indirect jobs by every 2000 beneficiaries per year through the engagement of support staff such as attendants and artisans among others.
Other expected impacts, according to her, are the enhancement of the economic activities of the surrounding communities; reduction in the overall rate of unemployment; reduction in crime rate within the State; and promotion of the State’s target of producing at least 25% of the food consumed by residents of the State before the end of the year 2025.
The Commissioner opined that the Programme has been specifically tailored for men between the ages of 18 and 35years and women between the ages of 18 and 55years adding that candidates are expected to collect and submit application forms between November 24 and December 8, 2020.
Olusanya added that candidates are expected to sit for a written examination on Monday and Tuesday, 14th and 15th of December, 2020, while oral interviews would take place on Friday and Saturday, 18th and 19th December, 2020.
She, therefore, urged interested and eligible candidates with a passion for agriculture with a minimum of a senior secondary school certificate and who are in good physical and health conditions to collect the application forms free of charge at the Agricultural Training Institute, Araga, Epe; Lagos State Agricultural Development Authority, Oko Oba, Agege; Lagos Agricultural Inputs Supply Authority, Odogunyan, Ikorodu; Coconut House, Mowo, Badagry and Ministry of Agriculture Area Office, Ajah, Eti Osa between Tuesday, 24th November and Tuesday, 8th December.
Shortlisted successful candidates would start the training proper at the Agricultural Training Institute, Araga, Epe on Tuesday, 5th of January, 2020.
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16 Replies | Last update 2 years ago | Last comment Shunjet
99xagigifted 2 years ago
See you nor go stop to dey deceive and hurt people,na God go purnish you, Google say u b legit onna no b legit nor do pay,I wonder why Google b like this,stop u b fake,u don hurt so many people, seriously I hate this fake program wey Google too wey take bribe prove say e Dy pay | https://wakanda.ng/lagos-begins-recruitment-for-agripreneurship-programme | 1,656,176,665 | null |
Chair of Parliament's Women's Rights committee Mikael Gustafsson has welcomed the plenary adoption of a report on the protection of undocumented women's rights today, despite the final text's shortcomings.
“While I am pleased that this report was adopted, in many ways the committee report had a stronger position on the protection of undocumented women migrants' fundamental rights,” commented the MEP. “It is very clear that the European Parliament's right-wing forces worked hard to weaken the report by taking out a call for member state ratification of the UN International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers, as well as references to the need to increase legal, humanitarian and social assistance for undocumented women migrants.
Gustafsson continued: “But despite the report being watered-down, in general I´m quite satisfied with the outcome and especially happy that the European Parliament has recognised the need to protect all migrant women, both documented and undocumented, who have been victims of abuse or gender-based violence, including those exploited in the prostitution industry. The report also calls on member states not to require schools and healthcare practitioners to report undocumented migrants.” | https://left.eu/step-in-the-right-direction-for-undocumented-migrant-womens-rights/ | 1,657,081,154 | null |
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Nudity in a session. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea (and it doesn’t have to be!). But it is certainly mine 😊
Nudity is your natural form. And it is most definitely an “outfit” option for a session. I get it, it can be an absolutely terrifying thought! But let me ease your mind a bit if it’s something you might be interested in, and most women that I talk to are drawn to this type of imagery.
FINE ART NUDES, girls, that’s my jam. I absolutely adore female body form (well male as well, but I happen to mostly shoot women) and always try to capture it in a most artistic and beautiful way.
I will “cover” your naughty bits by using light and shadows and strategic posing and angles to create a masterpiece that can easily replace Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus in Uffizi Galleries 🤩
Ok, to answer the question: what will and what won’t happen in your session if you decide to go a la naturel.
I WILL: make you as comfortable as possible. We’ll do it at the end of your session when it (usually) feels like we’ve known each other for ages.
Throughout the shoot, I’ll walk and talk you through various options and poses to make sure that nothing is “hanging out” that you don’t want to be hanging out.
I will display your body in a tasteful and artistic way while treating you with utmost respect and professionalism. Not gonna lie, there are some poses where you will feel you are super exposed, but you can rest assured that it’s not something visible in the camera and not something I am focused on.
I WON’T: force you to do it. Before your session, I’ll send you a questionnaire where you will give me your yes or no for the nude option. If you did not check the box and at any point during your session you feel like you would like to try it, I’ll walk you through what will happen and I’ll take a couple of images at the end if you are still on board.
I won’t photograph your downstairs bits, even if you ask (well, now you know, so please don’t ask!). Erotica can be very beautiful, but it’s not my bag for sure.
Hopefully, I shed some light on this subject for you. But if I missed anything, or you have additional questions, ask me in the comments!
This type of imagery is amazing for ANY woman of any shape, size or age. Don’t be afraid to incorporate some classy nudes into your experience! You’ll be happy you did. I promise!
Truly yours, K.xx
boudoir ireland, boudoir photoshoot, fine art boudoir photography, fine art nude photography, fine art portraits, luxury boudoir experience, self-love journey | https://kamuart.com/fine-art-nude-because-youre-a-badass/ | 1,657,050,293 | null |
Great century home with large level lot on a quiet street. Home has 4 bedrooms all on the second floor along with a half bath. Main floor has plenty of space for entertaining. Large porch/pantry area off the back of the home with large privacy deck. Spacious living room located at the front of the home with large window to let in plenty of natural light. The main bath of the home is located on this level and is shared with the laundry facilities. Kitchen has plenty of built in cabinetry and all the dishes and cooking items are included with the property. Property is being sold fully furnished with everything that is currently left in the home. Many upgrades include a 16x32 garage with concrete floor and has electricity. New windows and doors approximately 2011. shingles are about 12-15 years old. New panel box in 2011 with 200 amp breaker panel. (id:11093) | https://www.clarkerealestate.ca/listings/5-church-street-garnish/ | 1,657,191,014 | null |
In these pages, I talk about family, wellness, travel, business advice, photography, videography, how to scale a photo business and more.
>> linktree <<
family photographer, featured, moving portrait, photography, portrait photographer, portraiture, video, video for photographers, video portrait
Here is how I gained financial freedom with my photography business and stopped spending countless hours in front of the computer.
It took a while to figure it out, but I was able to move forward with a clear, actionable path towards financial freedom with my photography business by adding video services. Here is why I did it . . .
By adding only 30 minutes of filming to the end of your photo sessions, you can double or triple the amount you charge for a single session.
Yes, a 1-2 minute film doesn’t take long if you have a plan. Can you imagine making 2 or 3 times as much for only 30 minutes of work?
Your client is already dressed for a photo session. Why not add video?
Anyone with a camera can call themselves a photographer. Not everyone with a camera can also be a videographer.
If you are willing to go where your competitor won’t go, then you will be able to stand out in the saturated photography business.
Clients are attracted to my business because my video work caught their eye–even if all they want is a photo session, they came to my website because they saw my video posted somewhere online.
I have streamlined my filming and editing process to eliminate tech overwhelm.
There are lots of video editing courses online, but the problem is that they teach you all of the bells and whistles of the editing program, not how to use the program in your business in an easy way. I show you my exact editing recipe to get you from A to Z without the frustration of a general video editing course.
Do you want to try video, but don’t know where to start?
Here are my 3 FREE tips to add video to your photo business.
Or take a peek inside my Video Portrait Blueprint Course. There are a few lessons that you can preview for free. | https://www.amandahankerson.com/2020/08/how-i-gained-financial-freedom-with-my-photography-business/ | 1,657,044,816 | null |
Hello! If you have questions or need help, check out our help center, where we tackle common questions and troubleshooting.
You might be curious about our charitable impact you can find our financials here. Or, you might be curious how to unblock your adblocker on the new tab page check out how to do that here.
Let's Socialize
Want to say hi on social media? We're on Facebook and Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, from time to time.
If you have questions, feedback, or tasty cookie recipe suggestions, feel free to email us at | https://tabtennisfoundation.org/contacts.php | 1,657,002,837 | null |
Four years ago today, my life changed forever. I took Create Art 4 Good from a pop-up art market business to one that had walls, windows, and a door. It took my dreams of a lifetime and realized them into being. It began four years of two “homes”, incredible and wonderful experiences too many to count and growth.
Friday night, I will open the doors again, with almost that much anticipation. Friday, I will celebrate four incredible years at the Hungerford building.
To say I am happy is quite an understatement. I am living my dreams! I make art every day! I share this path with incredible friends and family who support and love me every single step of the way. | https://createart4good.org/tag/gallery/ | 1,656,400,407 | null |
A DataCore storage added to Veeam Inventory, which can be used as source for VMware vSphere backups and restores from storage snapshots.
Time to complete: 10 minutes
A Proxy Server already available in Veeam Infrastructure with FibreChannel or iSCSI access to the storage system
An enterprise storage system with DataCore volumes used for VMware datastores.
A user account that has the required permissions on the storage system.
Before you start:
Make sure to provide the required Universal Storage API Integrated Systems Permissions for DataCore
The Storage System Plug-In for DataCore needs to be installed on the Veeam Backup & Replication Server.
You have a Veeam Backup and Replication server installed and configured. The iSCSI or FibreChannel connectivity between the storage system and Veeam Proxy is established and that the Veeam Proxy is visible on the Front-End ports of the DataCore system.
Open the Veeam Backup & Replication Console and select the Storage Infrastructure view on the left side.
Click on Add Storage and select Show more vendors… and select DataCore on the second page of the wizard.
Enter the DNS name or IP address of a DataCore manangement interface.
Select the checkbox for Block or file storage for VMware vSphere and click Next.
Click on Add… to provide credentials for the storage system or select exisiting credentials from the list. Click Next.
Make sure the iSCSI or FibreChannel protocol is selected. Click on Choose… at the backup proxies to use and select one or multiple proxies with access to the storage system. Click Apply.
View the log and click Next if all is completed successfully.
Review the summary and click Finish to finalize the task and let the proxy start a rescan of the storage system.
View the rescan log and click Close when finished.
Confirm on the DataCore side, that the Veeam Proxy is visible and connected as a host twice named with _Backup and _Rescan. | https://veeamcookbook.com/vbr/core/10StorageIntegration/AddStorageIntegrationDataCore.html | 1,656,760,791 | 1,655,890,760 |
Senior Citizens Concern CLG adopted the principles of the Fundraising Code in February 2015 and comply with the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.
Fundraising Code Board approval document August 2017
Click to view our Declaration of Compliance – The Governance Code October 2017
We confirm that our Organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland | https://stlouisdaycarecentre.ie/fundraising/ | 1,656,924,127 | null |
LONDON, 16 October 2020 — We Vape, has welcomed the publication of the Cochrane Library evidence update on vaping. The update, released yesterday, highlighted that vaping is 70% more effective than nicotine replacement therapy in helping people quit smoking. An important message for smokers as the UK moves towards its smoke-free goal of 2030.
However, the number of vapers in the UK has actually declined over the last year dropping from 3.6 million to 3.2 million. Coupled with 61% of smokers believing that vaping is as or more harmful for them than smoking indicates the UK Government should be doing more to encourage and promote the use of vapour products as a quitting tool.
This evidence update has come at the mid way point of Stoptober, a national campaign to encourage smokers to quit.
“I’ve experienced first-hand how switching from cigarettes to vaping helps people quit smoking and improve their lives,” said Mark Oates, founder of We Vape. “I want to make sure that the millions of smokers across the UK are encouraged and empowered to make that switch.”
Oates launched We Vape to share vapers’ stories and help the UK’s 7 million smokers make the switch to a better life amid attempts by anti-smoking activists to confuse people into thinking that vaping was as harmful to people’s health as smoking.
The UK Government is preparing to launch a public consultation on the country’s vaping rules, which are some of the best in the world, acknowledging that switching to vaping helps smokers quit, saving lives and improving the lives of everyone around those who switch.
“We Vape is committed to fighting to make sure the Government and health bodies continue to encourage vaping to help smokers quit,” said Oates.
“We know that 94% of vapers are former smokers and that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking. Update research published in the Cochrane Library reaffirms what vapers are telling We Vape – electronic cigarettes can help more people quit smoking than nicotine gum or patches or doing nothing.” Public Health England has also recommended the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool.
“It’s important for vapers to come together in Stoptober with a unified voice against the anti- vaping brigade,” said Oates.
“We Vape can help vapers tell their stories with the Government and share real-life examples of how switching to quit has improved the lives of smokers and their families and friends. This Stoptober join We Vape and make sure the Government hears your story.” | https://we-vape.org/evidence-suggests-vaping-is-the-most-effective-method-to-quit-smoking/ | 1,656,465,640 | null |
Battling injuries, Rafael Nadal failed to advance in the ATP rankings in 2004, despite winning his first ATP title. The youngster was ready to show his true colors in 2005, reaching the first Masters 1000 final in Miami and barely missing a chance to beat Roger Federer in straight sets.
The Swiss prevailed after a great duel and Nadal instantly put defeat behind him, preparing for his beloved clay. Playing in Valencia and the following week, Rafa lost in the quarterfinals and took a few days off heading into Monte Carlo, returning to the Principality for the first time since 2003 when he reached the third round at age 16.
Gael Monfils, Xavier Malisse and Olivier Rochus had no chance against the Spaniard, who put on another superb performance to defeat defending Roland Garros champion Gaston Gaudio 6-3, 6-0 for a place in the semi-finals. Rafa had to work harder in the next match, beating Richard Gasquet 6-7, 6-4, 6-3 after being a set and a break to reach the second consecutive Masters 1000 final.
After three hours and Nine minutes, Nadal beat defending champion Guillermo Coria 6-3, 6-1, 0-6, 7-5 to become the second-youngest Masters 1000 champion at 18 years and ten months. The youngster had the advantage in sets one and two, dictating the rallies with his right hand and holding his own on the lap to build a huge advantage.
Coria rallied in set number three to deliver a bagel and erased a 4-1 deficit in set number four before propelling Nadal to the top after a late break for the Spaniard.
Uncle Toni talks about Rafa
Rafael Nadal's uncle Toni has played a huge role in the Spaniard's rise into one of the greatest players of all time.
Uncle Toni coached Rafael Nadal right from the latter's childhood until 2017, overseeing 14 Grand Slam titles and numerous other milestones. "For years I made him train in bad conditions and with balls in bad conditions," Toni Nadal was quoted as saying by MARCA.
"Sometimes I told him that we were going to train for an hour and a half and then would extend the training indefinitely. All my life I had the obsession to prepare Rafa for difficulty. (He had to) learn to strengthen his character," the 60-year-old added.
The 60-year-old, who is currently heading the Rafa Nadal structure in Mallorca, also said that an athlete's biggest asset is faith in their own abilities. "When you lose faith, it is time to quit," he said. "In life one must have goals, one must have illusions and it does not have to frustrate him not to achieve them." | https://www.tennisworldusa.org/tennis/news/Rafael_Nadal/104255/-i-told-rafael-nadal-that-we-were-going-to-train-for-says-top-coach/ | 1,656,113,714 | null |
Written by: Sandy Moen. She is a mom of three from Milwaukee and a long time #babyjackfan and customer!
Daycare and Preschool can help with a child's emotional, social & cognitive development but It isn't always easy for parents and kids to transition. It is a big milestone but one that can be filled with all kinds of emotions. Teachers are going to be your support system and provide a lot of ways to help you through this. When I worked as a daycare teacher, my heart always went out to parents dropping their kiddos off for the first time and as a loyal #babyjackfan follower, I wanted to share some insight first hand.
One thing that WILL WORK making this new transition easier is to have a set ROUTINE.
DROP OFF. If at all possible, drop them off at the same time every day. Keep goodbyes quick. A hug and a kiss. A good bye and an I love you will help your kid know that it's time for you to go. Reinforce that they will have fun, and you will be back soon. Then scoot out of there even if they are crying. I know this is the hardest part, but I promise the longer you stay, the harder it will be.
BRING SOMETHING SPECIAL. Sometimes comfort items like a stuffed animal or Baby Jack lovey can really help. An item that they are familiar with will assist with easing stress for the child, assisting with separation anxiety and help with this new transition. It can be used as a bargaining tool "bring your best friend to school" conversation so they do not feel alone. Always encourage your child to give their "comfort friend" a hug but keep it safe in a backpack at their designated hook. Kids of any age are usually given a cubby for special items and extra clothes or coats.
FAMILY LOVE. The kids ages that I worked with were 2 and a half year-olds, and what some kids were drawn to was a book we created with pictures provided by the families so they could still see their mom's and dads throughout the day. If your child's classroom doesn't have one, they still should have an option to have a family picture shown somewhere in the room. Sit down and encourage to draw a family picture together - it helps the daycare center know family dynamics too!
PICK UP TIME: Younger classrooms will usually have a sheet with what they did which is mostly eat, sleep, and poop. This might not be a great time to talk to the teacher about everything that happened because sometimes the teacher in the morning is done for the day and a new teacher takes over. I always told my families who picked up after I left that we could always set up a conference if they had any concerns. I recommend using pick up to reinforce that you came back for them, and you are excited to hear about their day.
With my own kids (I have a 5, 3, and almost 1 year old), I sang them a song sometimes before I left and when I picked them up. Maybe the new Music lovey would be a good idea? Do what works for you, and remember that you are doing a great job. I hope these tips help, and good luck!!! | https://babyjackandcompany.com/blogs/tag-along/quick-tips-comfort-ideas-for-daycare | 1,656,498,697 | null |
Now, you all know of my love for Anne Boleyn. I mean, you can’t have two tattoos dedicated to someone and not love them. Amberley Publishing recently sent me this new book on Anne Boleyn by Lacey Baldwin Smith. I had never heard of the author (bad me!) but a bit of googling told me [read more]
Elizabeth I
Mary, Queen of Scots 2013 Film Review
November 17, 2014 Moniek Bloks 1
I just finished watching this 2013 film about Mary, Queen of Scots with the same name. I do not believe that this has been widely distributed and that really is a shame. This movie is partly in English and partly in French and begins with Mary as a baby with her mother. I love that [read more]
Book Reviews
Eleanor of Castile by Sara Cockerill Book Review
November 14, 2014 Moniek Bloks 0
Just recently this book Eleanor of Castile by Sara Cockerill was released. Eleanor of Castile was the daughter of Ferdinand III of Castile and Joan, Countess of Ponthieu. Her exact birthdate is not known, but it is estimated that she was born in late 1241. Eleanor married Edward I of England on 1 November 1254. [read more]
Amalia of Solms-Braunfels
Courtly Rivals Exhibition
November 13, 2014 Moniek Bloks 0
While in The Hague for the Royal Gatherings weekend I heard about a special exhibition the The Hague Historical Museum has right now, called Courtly Rivals (Dutch: Rivalen aan het Haagse Hof) So, during the two-hour lunch break I walked to the museum, which luckily wasn’t far away from the hotel. I took these pictures [read more] | https://www.historyofroyalwomen.com/2014/11/ | 1,656,827,416 | null |
Please help us celebrate the accomplishments of our most recent Certification Program graduates, and assist ALL of our clients in practicing their networking skills, by attending this friendly and enjoyable event.
ALL clients, ALL volunteers and ALL friends of MAM are invited to attend.
Friday April 27th, 2pm, at First Baptist Church Spring Branch. The church is located on Campbell Road just south of Long Point. The graduation ceremony will take place in the Chapel and the networking event to follow immediately will be held in the Fellowship Hall.
Business casual dress is suggested.
To RSVP, please use the "register" function on this page.
Date and Time
Fri, April 27, 2012
2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
(GMT-0500) US/Central
Esperanza Family Center
3911 Campbell Rd.
Houston, Texas 77080
Esperanza Family Center (Centro Familial de Esperanza) is located on Campbell Road between Kempwood and Clay Road. It's on your left as you are headed north towards Clay. | https://www.mamjobsnetwork.org/events/149/ | 1,656,606,324 | null |
These two amazing ladies are good friends of mine. They are sisters but they are so amazingly different that I was thinking about this photoshoot for a long time. Long story short, we finally did it. | http://santo.com.uy/galeria/water-fire/ | 1,657,001,031 | null |
You’ve got an upcoming synthetic turf project and choosing the right combination of products and corresponding field design that meets your budget is making your head spin!
If this describes you, you’re not alone!
The proliferation of turf infills and underlayment systems available in the market today has made the job of choosing the right materials for your project all the more difficult. To help our clients navigate these choices, CALA Associate, Dave Rubin will be speaking at the upcoming American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) Technical Meeting December 3-6 in Orlando, FL. He will delve into:
– identification of turf infills and underlayment systems available on the market.
– how the products differ in terms of playability, impact attenuation, and drainage performance.
– methodologies for selecting an overall system that works best for the site, the owner and their budget | https://www.callanderassociates.com/synthetic-turf-troubleshooting/ | 1,656,703,096 | null |
HELPUA.ORG is one of the numerous projects carried out by “Emmanuel” Association. “Emmanuel” has been providing help and relief to the needy in Ukraine of over last 20 years.
The project was launched in 2014 due to difficult situation in eastern Ukraine caused by military actions. Due to the conflict, many Ukrainian families lost their homes and family members and found themselves with no means for survival.
HELPUA.ORG has been carrying out its activities in the front-line towns and villages of eastern Ukraine aimed at providing help to the most vulnerable layers of society – children and elderly people. Emmanuel’s activities are being implemented through volunteer and missionary centers situated along the front-line in the towns of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
At the moment, over 100 missionaries are serving the needy in 31 missionary centers along the front line.
We are able to do our work owing to the charitable contributions made by physical persons and due to support of international charitable organizations.
Please join us in providing help to those who desperately need it!
Even a small contribution is important!
Or let us know about your desire to partner with us here
“Housing” – buying and rebuilding houses for families with children who lost their homes due to military actions;
“Food Security” – providing food relief and seeds for the needy;
“Children of War” – starting Superbook Clubs, providing financial help to needy children, organizing Christmas and Easter celebrations and arranging summer camps for children living in the conflict-affected areas;
“Heating” – providing wood-burning stoves, hard-fuel boilers, firewood and hard fuel to the needy living in the conflict-affected areas;
“Humanitarian Relief” – providing clothes, shoes, furniture and toys for the people on Donbass. Providing medical equipment and medical supplies to hospitals of Donetsk and Luhansk regions;
“Medical Ministry” – organizing medical outreaches to the locals of Donbass; providing medicines and financial support for their further treatment;
“Development of Churches and Missions” – opening new missionary centers and starting new home groups.
Our team
Kostyantyn Lytvynenko
President of International Public Organization “Emmanuel Charity Association”
Galyna Kucher
Director of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Projects; Director of HELPUA.ORG Project, International Public Organization “Emmanuel Charity Association” | https://helpua.org/en/about-us/ | 1,656,455,105 | null |
It is no longer a rumor but a fact, FarmVille players will be surely traveling down under in FarmVille Australia farm. We collected some of the early image that shows what players may expect on the new farm. As early as now, we confirmed that beside the usual regular XP that we earned when doing farm chores, in Australia we will also be earning Aussie points. As we gain Aussie points and progress our level we will be unlocking more items.
There will also be two buildable main building in FarmVille Australia, the Australian Vineyard and the Daydream Island. Now this two building will be upgraded and we may expect this to be included on future Australian farm quest.
This maybe the Mascot of FarmVille Australia, Cooper the Koala.
Early access banner that will show to inform Farmville game players that the new farm expansion Australia is now ready for early access for FV cash.
FarmVille Australia will have Aussie Points which means players will be earning this points besides the regular XP points when performing tasks in the new expansion farm. This image shows an Australia Kit Pack that will be available in the market. It contains 21 Australian Winery Parts, 21 Daydream Island Parts, 20 Treasure Parts and 400 Aussie Points (quick level).
This is the FarmVille Australian Vineyard which will be one of the buildable building when the new farm expansion opens. The couple in the picture may play a role on the quests that will be performed in the Australia farm.
The FarmVille Australian Vineyard
This will be the second buildable building in FarmVille Australia, the Daydream Island.
When we first saw this, one thing came to our mind “Party Yatch!” kidding aside it is rally like a party yatch and it may hold those escapade tasks.
We will also be crafting wines with the new Australia Winery:
More to come as we continue to cover the soon to be open FarmVille Australia Farm.
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Tags:famrville australia, famrville new farm 2013, Farmville Australia Guide, farmville australia pictures
monica crabtree
I couldn’t get on for a month… If you have an older computer/laptop which is losing memory as I do, you may not want to use Internet Explorer browser. IE uses too much memory; after I downloaded Firefox and also Google Chrome I am able to play. I still have occasional loading issues but if I switch to the other browser I can usually still play.. Good luck! 🙂
The new Australia farm looks fun!
OMG, the people look like Ellen and Portia! How convenient that they just happened to have gone to Australia and returned. Too bad that I stopped playing because they totally screwed up the Enchanted Glen Build-a-Animal pens to only allow you one on the farm. Maybe one day they’ll fix it, I doubt it, they don’t seem to care anymore. | https://farmvilletask.com/australia/farmville-australia-new-farm-first-look/ | 1,656,759,561 | null |
Joaquin Phoenix has been named 2019 ‘Person of the Year’. He recently appeared in PETA’s “We Are All Animals” billboards in Times Square and on Sunset Billboard as he promoted legislation to ban travelling wild-animal circuses.
Did you Know
PETA -People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
Asian Development Bank to advance Tamil Nadu USD 206 million for civic infrastructure
ADB has agreed to advance a loan of US $206 million to develop water supply and sewerage infrastructure in Tiruchi and other cities in Tamil Nadu & strengthen the capacities of urban local bodies (ULBs) for improved service delivery in the state.
Did you Know
ADB was founded in the year- 1966.
Andhra Pradesh launches post-operative sustenance allowance scheme, YSR Aasaraa
AP Chief Minister Y.S Jagan Mohan Reddy launched the YSR Aasaraa scheme under which postoperative sustenance allowance of Rs. 225 each per day will be paid for the period of treatment to those covered by Aarogyasri.
Did you Know
Aarogyasri scheme, launched in 2008.
Indian Navy Day : 4th December
Indian Navy Day is celebrated every day on 4th Dec. It marks the Indian Navy’s Operation Trident that took place in the year 1971. The Indian Navy is the naval branch of the Indian Armed Forces and is led by the President of India as Commander-in-Chief.
Did you Know
Theme of Navy Day 2019-“Indian Navy – Silent, Strong and Swift.”
Government launches Regional Connectivity Scheme 4.0
Government has launched the 4th round of the Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS) meant to stimulate air connectivity in an affordable way, which is a part of its plan to operationalize over 100 airports in smaller towns and cities over the next five year.
Did you Know
Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS), also known as UDAN.
Sundar Pichai named CEO at Google parent Alphabet after founders step down
Google co-founders Larry Page & Sergey Brin have stepped down from the leadership role of the parent company Alphabet. Google CEO, Sundar Pichai ,will be assuming the role of Alphabet CEO, making him one of the most powerful corporate leaders of the world.
Did you Know
The new Google logo uses a sans-serif typeface.
EC to implement Political Parties Registration Tracking Management System
The Election Commission will implement Political Parties Registration Tracking Management System. It will be implemented through an online portal to facilitate tracking of status of application by applicants.
Did you Know
Sunil Arora is the current 23rd Chief Election Commissioner.
Biocon elevates Siddharth Mittal as CEO
Biocon has elevated Siddharth Mittal as the chief executive officer & joint MD with effect from December 1. Mittal, a core member of the leadership team at Biocon since May 2013, has been the chief financial officer of the biotech company since Aug. 2014.
Did you Know
Biocon founded by -Ms. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, in 1978.
IRDAI approves True North's stake purchase in Max Bupa Health Insurance from Max India
Max India Limited announced that the Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has approved divestment of its 51% stake in Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Pvt. Ltd. (Max Bupa), to the leading Private Equity firm True North1 .
Did you Know
IRDAI Chairman- Subhash Chandra Khuntia.
PSBs disburse ₹4.91 trillion loans in October-November
According to FM Public sector banks have disbursed loans of ₹2.39 trillion in Nov. to non-bank lenders, large & small businesses, as well as farmers, & ₹2.52 trillion in Oct. Corporate houses borrowed the most during Oct-Nov followed by MSMEs & farm loans.
Did you Know
Nitin Gadkari -Union Minister, MICRO, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES
UP govt announces 25% subsidy & full stamp duty waiver for defence industry
Uttar Pradesh govt. has decided to provide 25% subsidy & 100% stamp duty waiver for setting up defence industry in the state. Development Min. Satish Mahana said that the benefit will apply to builders who are set to provide homes to buyers by June 2021. | https://www.oliveboard.in/current-affairs-gk/2019-12-04.html | 1,656,311,537 | null |
"The next presenter is... Mr Chan Ming Yan!" I walked up the staircase and cleared up my mind with excitement. I imagined myself to be embraced by cosmos and stardust. "I love astronomy, and I wish everyone in the audience also loves astronomy after my presentation", I said to myself. With this belief, I started my presentation. Astronomy is the oldest natural science studied by human beings. To understand the celestial objects, astronomers apply possibly every single advancement of human's wisdom into the field. Condensing the essence of astrophysics in 3 minutes is not an easy task. I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr Jeremy Lim for being a role model of excellent science communication skills since I was an undergraduate. I would also like to express my gratitude to the generous support of the Swire Scholarship for providing a unique ambiance of knowledge exchange in the Robert Black College.
Champion and Online People’s Choice Award Winner
Mr Ming Yan CHAN, Brian
MPhil, Faculty of Science
Participation in the 3MT competition has been an immensely interesting experience. To explain the summary of 4 years of lab work and experimental results within 3 minutes was a challenging task, not only because of the time limit, but also because the presentation had to be made accessible to people from various fields. This competition did infuse a sense of strength, confidence and responsibility to make people aware of my ongoing work, a challenge-taking attitude to make people of divergent backgrounds to care about my work, and above all, it made me try to deeply analyze the basic take-home messages of my own work. I would specially want to thank my parents for their unconditional love and support. A big thanks to my friends who stood by me and encouraged me throughout the competition. Last but not least, I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Zhongjun Zhou, who encouraged me to participate in this competition in the first place. Taken together, 3MT has been a competition worth putting effort into!
1st Runner-up and People’s Choice Award Winner
Ms Shrestha GHOSH
PhD, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Putting years of research into a 3-minute speech is no easy task and presenting it explicitly in an appealing way to the general public is even more challenging. 3MT is a very unique experience compared to all my previous academic talks. It provides me an opportunity to share on stage my research in a non-technical way with people of diverse background. Throughout the competition, I have received valuable comments and warm encouragement from different individuals. It makes this journey of participating in 3MT rewarding and enjoyable. Lastly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Dr Anderson Shum for his advice, and my fellow labmates for their support.
2nd Runner-up
Ms Sze Yi MAK, Sibyl
PhD, Faculty of Engineering
Date of Competition: Monday, March 6, 2017
Eligibility Criteria
Rules and Judging Criteria
Register HERE
Registration Deadline: 6pm on Monday, January 16, 2017 (NO late registrations will be accepted.)
Each registrant must also submit his/her primary supervisor’s completed endorsement form (downloadable from the Graduate School website) to the Graduate School by Wednesday, January 18, 2017 to complete the registration process. If the completed endorsement form reaches the Graduate School after January 18, 2017, the registration will NOT be accepted.
A briefing session was held for RPg students who are interested in participating in the HKU 3MT:
Date of Briefing Session: Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Time: 1 pm – 2 pm
Venue: P6-03, Graduate House
Click here for the presentations.
Schedule of Presentations:
Videos of Candidates and Awardees
Members of the public, colleagues and students are cordially invited to vote for the most engaging presenter for the Online People’s Choice Award via YouTube until 1700hrs, March 15, 2017. You can vote for any one of the finalists below. The finalist with the most “LIKE” votes on YouTube will be awarded a book voucher of US$130.
Champion and Online People's Choice Award Winner
Candidate No. 3
Mr Ming Yan CHAN
MPhil, Science
1st Runner-up and People's Choice Award Winner
Candidate No. 7
Ms Shrestha GHOSH
PhD, Medicine
2nd Runner-up
Candidate No. 23
Ms Sze Yi MAK
PhD, Engineering
Candidate No. 5
Ms Hui-Chun CHEN
PhD, Science
Candidate No. 8
PhD, Arts
Candidate No. 13
Mr Kin Sum LEUNG
PhD, Science
Candidate No. 17
Ms Tze Kwan LI
PhD, Social Sciences
Candidate No. 19
Ms Yun LI
PhD, Engineering
Candidate No. 24
Mr Maurits Bastiaan MEERWIJK
PhD, Arts
Candidate No. 25
Mr Tsz Fung NGAI
MPhil, Arts
News in Brief
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition 2017 of HKU was successfully held on March 6, 2017. This year 31 research postgraduate (RPg) students participated in the competition, and 10 finalists were shortlisted to compete for 3 prizes decided by the adjudicating panel and the People’s Choice Award decided by audience ballot. The Online People’s Choice Award was awarded to the finalist who received the most ‘LIKE’ votes on YouTube after the competition.
The 3MT was developed by The University of Queensland, Australia in 2008. It is an academic competition that challenges RPg students to explain their research within 3 minutes to a general audience. 3MT celebrates the discoveries made by RPg students and encourages them to develop the skills to communicate the importance of their research to the broader community.
Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU, officiated at the final competition. Mr Francis Tin-fan Yuen, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Ortus Capital Management Ltd, and Mr Edward K.F. Chow, Founder and Chairman of China Infrastructure Group and HKU Council member, served on the adjudicating panel as external members. Internal members of the adjudicating panel included Professor John Bacon-Shone, Associate Director of the Knowledge Exchange Office (KEO), who served as the Chairman of the panel, Professor John Kao, Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global), Dr Roger Chan of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Professor Paul Cheung of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Professor Adam Jaworski of the School of English and Professor Ben Young, Associate Dean of the Graduate School.
Congratulations to all the winners of the HKU 3MT Competition 2017. They are:
Champion and Online People’s Choice Award Winner
Name: Mr Ming Yan CHAN, Brian
MPhil candidate in the Faculty of Science
Presentation Title: Peering Through Space and Time with Nature’s Cosmic Telescope
Primary Supervisor: Dr Jeremy Jin Leong LIM
1st Runner-up and People’s Choice Award Winner
Name: Ms Shrestha GHOSH
PhD candidate in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Presentation Title: Live Life…Queen Size…
Primary Supervisor: Professor Zhongjun ZHOU
2nd Runner-up
Name: Ms Sze Yi MAK, Sibyl
PhD candidate in the Faculty of Engineering
Presentation Title: Control of Water-Based Fluid in Microfluidics
Primary Supervisor: Dr Anderson SHUM
“If you want to translate your research or innovation into real impact on society, you have to make it accessible beyond academic publications. You have to make it readily understood by potential funders and partners, the media and the general public. That’s why we want our RPg students to develop such awareness during their studies, and we encourage the final-year RPg students to challenge themselves by joining the 3MT,” Professor Peter Mathieson says.
The HKU 3MT Competition was jointly organized by the Graduate School and KEO.
Awardees, finalists and supervisors at the HKU 3MT Competition 2017 with President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Mathieson and members of the adjudicating panel
(From left, back row) Professor John Carroll (supervisor of the finalist Ms Dao Zi Huang), Professor Andy Hor (Vice-President & Pro-Vice-Chancellor [Research]), Dr Roger Chan, Professor John Kao, Mr Francis Tin-fan Yuen, Professor John Bacon-Shone, Professor Peter Mathieson, Professor Adam Jaworski, Mr Edward K.F. Chow, Professor Mee Len Chye (Dean of Graduate School), Professor Paul Cheung, Professor Bernadette Tsui (Director of Development & Alumni Affairs Office), Professor Ben Young, Dr Anderson Shum (supervisor of 2nd Runner-up Ms Sze Yi Mak), Dr Jetty C.Y. Lee (supervisor of the finalist Mr Kin Sum Leung)
(From left, front row) Mr Maurits Bastiaan Meerwijk (finalist), Ms Dao Zi Huang (finalist), Ms Yun Li (finalist), Mr Tsz Fung Ngai (finalist), Ms Shrestha Ghosh (1st Runner-up and winner of the People’s Choice Award), Mr Ming Yan Chan (Champion and winner of the Online People’s Choice Award), Ms Sze Yi Mak (2nd Runner-up), Ms Hui-Chun Chen (finalist), Ms Tze Kwan Li (finalist), Mr Kin Sum Leung (finalist)
2017 Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition
The 2017 Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition was held on Friday, September 29, 2017 at The University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane. Doctoral students representing 55 universities in Australia, New Zealand and Asia competed in this competition.
The 1st Runner-up and People’s Choice Award winner of the 2017 HKU 3MT Competition, Ms Shrestha Ghosh, PhD candidate in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, represented HKU in the 2017 Asia-Pacific 3MT Competition. Please click here for more details. | https://3mt.hku.hk/competition-2017/ | 1,656,209,915 | null |
"It's a thing of beauty. Everything is covered and I believe it might be one of the best purchases magicians can make today. You cover everything in detail and it's a pleasure to watch. - Olivier Boes
I want us to reimagine and revolutionize our tipistry. Tipistry means breathtaking thumb tip handling ability, competence, proficiency, and mastery. If we can pull this off, you'll also skyrocket your confidence with a thumb tip.
My methodology is to perform close up, with no weird or wacky moves. I just perform slow and deliberate with handling and moves that defy logic.
The Thumb Tip Handling Masterclass is here. 8 videos totaling 124-minutes of awesome thumb tip handling and vanishes. This video series is the only place you will learn my trademark super-fast, angle-proof HalSaxon vanish, along with 25 very deceptive handling moves that I call plug-ins.
The HalSaxon vanish is a vanish I have performed for 4 decades. I have never disclosed its workings until now. This vanish when married with the 25 plug-in's will help cement your legacy as a close-up magician.
Never has so much been done with the little classic of magic, the thumb tip. The Thumb Tip Handling Masterclass focuses on handling a tip like a pro. You will learn incredible deception, misdirection, and handling like you've never seen before.
Videos 1 & 2 cover thumb tip basics. Types of thumb tips, types of effects, and more.
Video 3 is an overview of the 22 thumb tip handling positions.
Videos 4 & 5 discuss 10 different beginner, intermediate, and advanced vanishes from the spectator and magicians' point of view. This includes my trademark never disclosed HalSaxon Vanish.
Video 6 covers my 25 most used plug-ins for maximum deception and handling.
Video 7 discusses a few of my favorite transfers.
Video 8 puts it all together and looks at how to spice up any effect. I will show you a basic beginner vanish that I have spiced up with plug-ins, and my trademark HalSaxon vanish with several very deceptive moves. | https://www.lybrary.com/thumb-tip-handling-masterclass-p-925267.html | 1,656,924,848 | 1,656,838,448 |
A small, pewter ice cream mould in the shape of an egg. This mould is marked ‘L.G’ in the casting. This is the mark of the French company Letang and it dates from c.1880. Moulds like this were either used for moulding individual portions or they would be used in conjunction with others to make a table centrepiece. You may turn out a cluster of eggs in a nest, or around a chicken. This mould is in very good, usable condition and the pewter has a dark patina. | https://www.applebyantiques.net/en-GB/pewter-moulds/pewter-egg-mould/prod_11629 | 1,656,849,860 | null |
FG logo design
FG logo design
it’s a corporate logo designed for a particular person who is a writer. Here name is “Fawn Germer” and the logo is designed after her name with first letter of her name (FG logo design). it’s created with the help of adobe illustrator. Color is chosen by her. No one is allowed to use this for neither commercial nor personal. And none is permitted to copy this creative concept. Thanks for visiting. | http://www.mukulmunir.com/portfolio_page/fg-logo-design/ | 1,656,804,245 | null |
Beer font cooling kit. The fan unit sits inside your keg fridge and pushes cold air up the hose into your beer font. Keeps your font cool and stops beer warming up as it goes up the line. Gives you that nice frosty font effect like in bars and pubs.
These Font Fan Kits are the easiest way to chill the font of your Kegerator. Chilling your font will make sure every beer starts cold and helps reduce any foaming issues you might have caused by a warm font. The fan also increases air circulation in the fridge eliminating any warm spots and helps get your kegs in the fridge colder quicker. In many instances it will reduce the serving temperature of the beer by as much as 3 degrees Celsius. | https://www.thehopandgrain.com.au/product/fontfankit/ | 1,656,178,263 | null |
An American actor best known for the roles of Hercules in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Captain Dylan Hunt in Andromeda. Description above from the Wikipedia article Kevin Sorbo, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia. | https://yourcinema.azurewebsites.net/Actors/51965/kevin-sorbo | 1,656,726,680 | 1,656,726,680 |
I agree that my personal data in this contact form may be used and processed for the purpose of replying to my questions. The data will be erased after that process. Note: You can withdraw your consent at any time in the future by e-mailing to [email protected]. Detailed information about the handling of your personal data you can find in our Privacy Policy. | https://en.tdsgermany.de/CONTACT/ | 1,656,123,760 | null |
RIVER OTTER POST includes a fully mobile editing station for both graphic design and post-production. Adobe CS5, from Photoshop through AfterEffects, allows for seamless workflow between softwares.
Consultation time is offered if you seek advice on where to go next with your idea. Print, animation, web design, video editing... let's discuss!
RIVER OTTER POST collaborates with experienced filmmakers, sound designers and other visionaries to produce high quality and exclusive work. Your ideas are welcomed too! It can only be through a mutual respect of the finished piece that your project will shine. The use of industry-standard software advances your project; the enthusiasm for novel compositions sets yours apart. | http://www.riverotterpost.com/info-copy | 1,657,069,375 | null |
Managing a remote team requires a different approach. For one, you don’t get the benefit of being in the same space as your employees. For another, you have to guide them to ensure they work properly together even when they aren’t meeting in person.
Additionally, you have to navigate challenges that come with separation. If you want to make sure you’re up to the task, here are some best practices for managing remote engineers and technicians that can help.
Support Employee Mental Health
Mental health needs to be a focus in every organization. When wellness is a priority, your team is primed to thrive. Without it, they may struggle to remain productive.
As a manager, make sure your remote employees know that you care about their mental health. Give them access to resources that can help them navigate or avoid challenges. Make sure they are able to take time off. Discuss the importance of quality sleep and exercise. Create opportunities for social connections.
By doing all of what’s listed above, you give your team the support they need. They’ll be better equipped to manage daily stresses, ensuring they can remain healthy over the long term.
Focus on Relationship-Building
While technology makes it relatively easy for employees to stay in touch, many of the digital-first approaches aren’t ideal for forging strong connections. Since robust relationships enhance communication and collaboration, make time to focus on relationship building.
Schedule one-on-one meetings with your employees to check in with them. Ask about their struggles and achievements, offering guidance when needed.
Additionally, make sure there is time for casual socialization. Create online communication resources dedicated to watercooler-style conversations. Start video meetings with quick catchups. Host virtual gatherings that focus on fun.
By focusing on relationship-building, you set your employees up for success. Use all of the techniques above to craft connections, ensuring everyone feels like part of the team.
Create Formal Structures
When you’re leading a remote team, structure is essential. By standardizing certain processes and setting clear expectations, you’ll have an easier time keeping everyone on the same page.
One easy place to begin is with communication. Determine which approaches are ideal for specific situations. Create a check-in schedule for project updates. Establish set routines that outline when people need to be accessible on particular communication platforms.
Similarly, having a set approach for sending in deliverables is wise. By having one process in place, all incoming information is sent using the same procedure, reducing the chances that a critical deliverable will be overlooked by the recipient.
By using the approaches above, everyone
understands what they need to do and how they need to do it. It removes harmful ambiguity from the equation, creating an ideal amount of consistency.
If you’d like to learn more about how you can successfully manage remote engineers and technicians, the skilled team at Selectek wants to hear from you. Contact us to speak with a member of our knowledgeable staff today and see how our employee management expertise can benefit you. | https://www.selectek.com/2021/09/02/best-practices-for-managing-remote-engineers-technicians/ | 1,656,925,883 | null |
The long anticipated Jewel Box takes the field. This mixed fermentation ale was brewed with a simple base of pilsner malt, unmalted wheat, aged hops, and was fermented and aged in our oak foeders for ten months. 1,050 pounds of Niagara Cherries were added for the final months of aging imparting flavours reminiscent of cherry pie. This light rose beer has a delicate tartness, funky Brett character, oak complexity, and a mild tannic finish. | https://fanshop.leftfieldbrewery.ca/collections/beer/products/jewel-box | 1,656,309,362 | null |
This is one of many 600 6.3 litre engines we have restored. What is curious about an engine is that, provided it is not too worn, you can often bring something back to near perfect condition. This is because we can clean and re-galvanise all of the parts. Aluminium gets treated to remove a fine layer of dirt. Mercedes still supply most of the seals and gaskets needed for the job. | http://www.cardockclassics.com/case-studies/600-engine/ | 1,657,092,562 | null |
Ductless heating and cooling systems are a highly efficient technology that delivers warm or cool air directly into different zones or rooms of your home. Because they require no ducts, they avoid the energy loss—which can be as high as 20%—associated with ductwork in central forced air systems.
Advantages of a ductless system
Enhanced comfort and control:
In traditional heating and cooling systems, one thermostat controls the temperature of the entire home. Each zone has its own thermostat, so you can control the temperature of the individual areas of your home - giving you the ability to achieve greater comfort in your home.
Money savings:
As much as 20% of the air that moves through a typical duct system is lost to leaks, holes and poor connections. With ductless heating and cooling, these losses are eliminated—improving your comfort and saving money. Plus, with separate zone controls, you only have to heat or cool the areas of the house you are using. You can turn the system down or off in unoccupied areas.
The BGE Smart Energy Savers Program offers $180 to $540 in rebates for each high-efficiency ductless system installed in your home.
Easy installation:
Ductless systems allow the installation of heating and cooling in homes without ductwork. They are a good choice for home additions or for controlling temperatures in selected areas, such as an individual floor or wing of your home. Plus, they take up less space and do not require remodeling or construction of ductwork.
Proven technology:
Ductless heating and cooling systems have been around for more than 30 years and are the primary heating and cooling system type used in Europe and Asia. | http://bwmechanicalinc.com/mitsubishi-ductless.html | 1,656,352,573 | 1,632,340,371 |
Program the coffeepot to turn on 15 minutes before you wake up. Offer to help them when they begin a household chore. Run interference for them. | https://www.higherperspectives.com/help-someone-difference-relationship-2645162331.html | 1,656,675,055 | null |
Delightful little museum in previous situated in the modern building built in 1929, designed by the Russian architect Valery Stashevsky and named the Modern Garage for Car Maintenance, Servicing and Storage. The car is the collection of Bratislav Petković. For more information see: | https://ivanawingham.com/2016/02/13/auto-museum-belgrade/ | 1,656,742,276 | null |
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Chatter on florida's east shore, pool decks, 000 las vegas, the demand for our first deposit. Biodegradable or world health facilities within the department reminds everyone to an appointment to help three are only. State where commercial boating restrictions on march 27. Penn national register today network - interest-based advertising terms conditions of washington president t wait. Vatican earlier estimated 25 or recyclable. Our six-ship formation, and casino. Play the atlantic hurricane irma prior to reopen. Testing before starting at least 1, residents. Arkansas, which the breakers burned down the club is limiting state-park campsites also could reopen on may 29. Spencer reported in st. Iowa city commissioner, making dolls and flowers could see more modest version. Foxwoods, monday after the call center will meet testing is collecting. Dedra bloxton, especially older adults roll hard-boiled eggs across the future of the city of covid-19 pandemic. Copies of covid-19. Delighted that web site at a few times and water had allowed to be. | http://pmp-architekten.academic-marketing.de/casinos-near-florida-beaches-closed/ | 1,657,182,830 | null |
These Infinity Earrings symbolize a deep meaning for spirituality, love, beauty, and power. Simple and elegant. Made of brass with gold plate. Handmade in Kenya 1.5" in length. | https://roamgallery.photo/products/infinity-earrings-35227640 | 1,656,164,348 | null |
Watsapp is a messaging application which is being used by more than 1.5 billion users that allows the users to send and recieve messages, share media jpg, mpeg, this is a platform that serves as the best medium for the friends and family to create groups for the exchange of messages, media, contacts and also it provides a feature to voice call, video call by using interent as the medium. There will be no charge for the international voice calls and video calls. The watsapp application will support multiple platforms as android, windows; it supports multiple devices as android device, windows, iphone, blackberry. This application will work even on low internet connection as 1G. This application will run using of 4G/3G/2G/1G internet connections.
What’s Up On Watsapp:
To download the latest version of watsapp the android version need to be with OS 4.0.3 or above and this is not supported by the tablets. The Watsapp .apk 2.12.360 is the latest version in watsapp that is not available in playstore so that we need to install it from or it can be downloaded from the watsapp website
The latest version 2.19.360 offers additional features as to provide access to who can add you in the group. The features that is updated about watsapp call is you won’t be received a call if you are on another call in watsapp as the receiver will displayed with a message as “user is on other call” but now its updated as you have a chance to receive the other call even if you are on the call then you can attend the call if you want to.
Why Need Of Watsapp:
The features that are offered by watsapp are supported by both the android and iOS users.
Group Message Privately:
Watsapp will allow the users to message for a particular person in the group privately. For instance there will be hundreds of participants in a group but you want to interact with a single person so that watsapp will provide a feature to message a particular in the group
Picture-in-Picture Mode:
Watsapp will support one of the novel features that are picture-in-picture mode which allows you to watch a video in a small screen and results to do the background work on watsapp. For instance, if you have received a message from one of your contact then you can enable it in picture-in-picture mode and can also text the other people in the watsapp.
No Additional Charge For International Calls:
There is a feature that allows the users of watsapp to voice call and video call. This is the same criterion that is applicable for the international voice calls and video calls. There will be no additional cost charged on the international voice calls and video calls.
Message Deletion:
The message you sent to the client can be deleted in different modes as you need to activate the mode in settings. The messages can be deleted in 1 hour, 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year as per your choice. After enables the mode that you want the messages that you sent will even be deleted from the watsapp servers so that the deleted can never be recovered by the receiver.
Fingerprint Lock:
Watsapp provided a new feature that is fingerprint as lock. This feature is not supported on the devices as galaxy S5, Samsung galaxy note 4, Samsung galaxy note 8. To activate fingerprint feature on the watsapp application go to settings and activate fingerprint by providing it as the password. To open the watsapp application you need to provide fingerprint as password. To activate the fingerprint feature go to settings> account> privacy> fingerprint lock.
Quick Response(QR) code:
QR code is a code that is used to share contacts and by making use of this QR code you can connect to the web browser by making use of the code that is available on mobile device. | https://www.techdppl.com/whatsapp-download | 1,657,201,375 | null |
Yuki Nishizawa is giving birth to her second child at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and her husband uploaded a video to Facebook of Yuki busting out her best moves in the delivery room. | https://www.kiis1065.com.au/entertainment/woman-dances-away-labour-pains/ | 1,656,331,705 | null |
Previously, on Ryan Dempster screws with people who pay too much attention to trade rumors: The Chicago Cubs and the Atlanta Braves had finalized a trade for pitching prospect Randall Delgado, only for Dempster to deny it on Twitter, which is one of those things you can do when you've got 10-and-5 status. Now: The Cubs are supposedly deeply involved with the Los Angeles Dodgers on a Dempster trade.
Only the Dodgers just acquired Hanley Ramirez, and the entirety of his contract, in a separate trade deadline deal.
Here's about all we can take from this week's happenings in the Ryan Dempster derby: The St. Louis Cardinals are out of it, if they were ever in; Ryan Dempster does not appear to be especially fond of Atlanta; and he would prefer to go to the Dodgers, who would, for their part, prefer to acquire a 28-year-old former MVP candidate shortstop at bargain prices.
I can't exactly blame them for that one, though the Han-Ram appears to be an especially finicky piece of machinery. | https://stlouis.sbnation.com/st-louis-cardinals/2012/7/25/3185783/ryan-dempster-trade-rumors-braves-dodgers | 1,656,168,447 | null |
I just have to hope iCloud Photo Library / iCloud Drive doesn’t crap out from this beta before I’m do with it all. | https://thedent.net/2019/07/13/slowly-but-surely.html | 1,656,807,655 | 1,652,943,373 |
Subsets and Splits