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0.409618 | 4aef8b312ed84d51bd077733dfb97fcc | XRD patterns of ZIF-8, ZIF-8@RB and simulated ZIF-8. | PMC10005746 | nanomaterials-13-00842-g003.jpg |
0.419646 | 74000a5ee35045ffb376f23e4a5bffaa | SEM images of ZIF-8 (a,b) and ZIF-8@RB (c,d). | PMC10005746 | nanomaterials-13-00842-g004.jpg |
0.511557 | 547451a8bef54de386caa6ef45cd84d8 | Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherms of ZIF-8 and ZIF-8@RB. | PMC10005746 | nanomaterials-13-00842-g005.jpg |
0.403485 | bb8bd8ae0cf249f4becf7eb0b65c0854 | Stability of ZIF-8@RB in different mediums. | PMC10005746 | nanomaterials-13-00842-g006.jpg |
0.455212 | 6ec8e319a6bc45d0af36b35233f1bbd6 | Performance of ZIF-8 and ZIF-8@RB for the extraction of phenols from water. | PMC10005746 | nanomaterials-13-00842-g007.jpg |
0.448374 | c7d7426a94774ad7b984313dcb7f64d3 | Expression and identification of recombinant snow flea antifreeze peptide (rsfAFP) in E. coli BL21 (DE3). (a) Target protein purification profile. Lanes 1–2: loaded sample; lane 3: flow through; lanes 4–6: fractions eluted with 20 mM TBS buffer with 20, 50, and 250 mM imidazole, respectively; lanes 7–8: 2 μg and 4 μg BSA (66.4 kDa), respectively; (b) Enzymatic hydrolysis of fusion proteins with SUMO protease. L1: SUMO; L2: SUMO-rsfAFP; L3: Marker; (c) Thermal hysteresis activity of rsfAFP at different concentrations; (d) Optical images show the completely different growth behaviors and shapes of ice crystals with or without the addition of 0.5 mg/mL rsfAFP in PBS (20 mM, pH 7.4). The scale is 100 μm; (e) Time-dependent NMR microimaging of frozen aqueous solutions during melting as labeled in the top left frame. Solutions containing rsfAFP at concentration of 0.5 mg/mL dissolved in 20 mM TBS (labeled rsfAFP1 in the figure), 5 mM TBS (labeled rsfAFP2) and pure water (labeled rsfAFP3) are shown. Pure water was used as the negative control, and 1.0 mg/mL arginine and 10% glycerol were used as positive controls. In the proton density images, black represents solid ice, and white represents areas with high densities of mobile water. | PMC10006524 | gr1.jpg |
0.447843 | 6e0948ed6b9c40a18b833ce41181729d | Viability of S. thermophilus cells after freezing at −20 °C for 24 h and 2 freeze–thaw cycles with various cryoprotectants. (a) Survival rate and culture pH of S. thermophilus after incubation for 7 h; (b) growth curve of S. thermophilus; (c) acidification ability of S. thermophilus; (d) S. thermophilus metabolic activity with various cryoprotectants; (e) effects of various cryoprotectants on the activity of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), β-galactosidase, pyruvate kinase (PK) and hexokinase (HK); (f) effects of cryoprotectants on ATPase in S. thermophilus under cold stress. Different letters on columns indicate significant different values (P < 0.05). | PMC10006524 | gr2.jpg |
0.444096 | 8f480a7694b94f9fa90a4fa9b80683c8 | Effects of cryoprotectants on S. thermophilus apoptosis after freezing stress. (a) TUNEL staining; (b) FITC-VAD-FMK staining; (c) Annexin V-FITC/PI staining. (c-1) No cold-stress treatment and treatment with (c-2) 20 mM PBS (negative control), (c-3) 0.5 mg/mL rsfAFP, and (c-4) 10% (v/v) glycerol and (c-5) 1.0 mg/mL sucrose (positive controls). Q2-1: necrotic cells; Q2-2: late apoptotic cells; Q2-3: viable cells; Q2-4: early apoptotic cells. | PMC10006524 | gr3.jpg |
0.408276 | 8fcced7873464835b977ff3f1e8e478b | Cellular membrane properties of S. thermophilus after freezing at −20 °C for 24 h and 2 freeze–thaw cycles with different cryoprotectants. (a) RH123 probe fluorescence intensity indicating the cell membrane potential of S. thermophilus; (b) DPH fluorescence intensity indicating the cell membrane fluidity of S. thermophilus; (c) PI/CFDA fluorescence intensity indicating the cell membrane integrity of S. thermophilus; (d) Fluo-3/AM fluorescence intensity representing the intracellular calcium ion concentration; (e) Cryo-TEM of S. thermophilus cells treated with or without 0.5 mg/mL rsfAFP. The green, yellow and red arrows indicate cytoderm, cytomembrane and ice crystals, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) | PMC10006524 | gr4.jpg |
0.431558 | 94eb25e1986943fa838f7b9de96a48a2 | In situ Raman spectroscopy analysis for the interaction between rsfAFP and extracellular ice at different temperatures. (a) and (b) Raman spectra of S. thermophilus suspended in PBS; (c) and (d) Raman spectra of 0.5 mg/mL rsfAFP; (e) and (f) S. thermophilus suspended in 0.5 mg/mL rsfAFP. | PMC10006524 | gr5.jpg |
0.420909 | b460c0195373477f96f65d5fd1532fd1 | Molecular docking simulations showing interactions of peptidoglycan and capsular polysaccharide (PDB: 1CAP) with rsfAFP (PDB: 2PNE). Visualization of the structure of rsfAFP and potential binding sites for (a) peptidoglycan and (b) capsular polysaccharide in rsfAFP. (c) General overview (left) and (d) magnified view (right) of the docking between rsfAFP and peptidoglycan; (e) general overview (left) and (f) magnified view (right) of the docking between rsfAFP and a capsular polysaccharide. | PMC10006524 | gr6.jpg |
0.426566 | 11be37e3ceaf413ab493150ecf21de61 | Flow diagram of the review process supported by the StArt. | PMC10006531 | gr1.jpg |
0.425159 | 44311cf29f11454f88ae45f9f8fc37d6 | Conceptual framework affecting the SMEs' performance. | PMC10006531 | gr10.jpg |
0.469113 | 089c212fb72b4d26858e5d53b74ca35e | Publications per country of affiliation of the first author. | PMC10006531 | gr2.jpg |
0.436541 | 063ddb61ecc248ab9be44e9fc873a090 | Network of collaborations on the theme sustainable performance of SMEs. | PMC10006531 | gr3.jpg |
0.401962 | 8ae531ea79484f8baf0ae150c20836bd | Summarization of the answers for Questions 1 and 2 (from Data Extraction Form Fields). The number of analyzed elements is in parentheses after the percentage. | PMC10006531 | gr4.jpg |
0.425407 | 073c2a4a7b7f4faf931505fde8dba795 | Summarization of the answers for Questions 3 and 4 (from Data Extraction Form Fields). The number of analyzed elements is in parentheses after the percentage. | PMC10006531 | gr5.jpg |
0.385323 | 7a859f36b77944d3aaa101d485f3932f | Summarization of the answers for Questions 5 (from Data Extraction Form Fields). The number of analyzed elements is in parentheses after the percentage. | PMC10006531 | gr6.jpg |
0.413926 | 3a0aed2008fd4e219873ab9d7406ca7b | Summarization of the answers for Questions 6 (from Data Extraction Form Fields). | PMC10006531 | gr7.jpg |
0.38329 | 9973c8ba7c0a4e2b879511337ae1daf9 | Summarization of the answers for Questions 7 and 8 (from Data Extraction Form Fields). The number of analyzed elements is in parentheses after the percentage. | PMC10006531 | gr8.jpg |
0.385648 | cbfadd596be94f27bcf30f7c3af33cbe | Summarization of the answers for Questions 9 and 10 (from Data Extraction Form Fields). The number of analyzed elements is in parentheses after the percentage. | PMC10006531 | gr9.jpg |
0.456357 | 9c0fbf6ea9cf4f9a807f3a4cdaca7f89 | Toy network with a thermodynamically infeasible cycleThe network consists of two metabolites and four reactions, where v represents fluxes and g genes’ expression (A) When all reactions have equal gene expression values, Pheflux (dark gray) and SPOT (light gray) produce similar fluxome estimations (B) When g3 magnitude doubles every other reaction, SPOT cycles higher flux between metabolites than Pheflux (C) When g3 is one order of magnitude higher than any other reaction, SPOT only predicts flux cycling between metabolites, with no flux exchange. Conversely, even in this extreme case, Pheflux predicts flux exchange (D). | PMC10006673 | gr1.jpg |
0.513282 | aec798dd26f54e9ea17978610f1f086d | Comparison of Pheflux, SPOT, and FBA+min ℓ2 estimations to experimental fluxomes of bacteria and yeastsThe dataset includes glycolysis and TCA cycle reactions for cultures using single carbon sources and the mixture glycerol-glucose for Y. lipolytica, and succinate-glutamate and malate-glucose for B. subtilis. | PMC10006673 | gr2.jpg |
0.386502 | 53705d895e074cd790c5dccfbf7465a9 | E. coli core fluxes predictions under different scenarios. Carbon core fluxes computed by FBA+min l2 (A) and Pheflux (B). Genome-scale fluxes computed by FBA+min l2 (C) and Pheflux (D). | PMC10006673 | gr3.jpg |
0.490372 | 3e822870e0f3458fb6ac9fc9e91985cc | Fluxome estimations for normal and tumor cells for breast, kidney and bronchus-lung tissues.Pheflux estimated higher yields of glucose on lactate (vlac/vglc) on cancer compared to normal tissues. | PMC10006673 | gr4.jpg |
0.486639 | 53ee6409fb1a4feb8aedcfe7d456469b | Stage-specific fluxome estimations for normal and tumor cellsResults for kidney (A), breast (B) and bronchus-lung (C) tissues. For all cancer types, in all but stage IV (where sample sizes were not big enough to conduct statistical tests), Pheflux estimated higher yields of glucose on lactate (vlac/vglc) on cancer compared to normal tissues. | PMC10006673 | gr5.jpg |
0.379581 | f981a62c91a947f9a447eccb8f795eb6 | Differential use of metabolic pathways between normal and cancer tissuesThe relative use of a metabolic pathway (enrichment) between tumoral and normal cells is presented for all three cancer types (A). In all cancer types, the ratio between the fluxes of pyruvate that goes into the Krebs cycle versus lactate –computed as the flux ration between reaction LDH and PDHm– is always greater in tumoral cells (B). The metabolic pathways are coded as: Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis: GG; Oxidative phosphorylation: OXP; Pyruvate metabolism: PM; Glutamate metabolism: GM; Alanine and aspartate metabolism: AAM; CoA catabolism: CC; CoA synthesis: CS; Arginine and proline metabolism: APM; Tryptophan metabolism: TM; Citric acid cycle”: TCA; Nucleotide metabolism: NM; NAD metabolism: NAD; Fatty acid synthesis: FAS; Fatty acid oxidation: FAO; Cholesterol metabolism: CM; and Transport, mitochondrial: Mt. p-values (Mann-Whitney U test) are coded as: <0.0001: ∗∗∗; <0.01: ∗∗; and <0.05: ∗. | PMC10006673 | gr6.jpg |
0.418456 | 19e55889d84f48199111be85f9f79123 | CPU times for different genome-scale metabolic networksSeveral transcriptomes per species were processed using Pheflux. The data points density for B. subtilis, E. coli, and H. sapiens is color-coded in the blue (low density) to red (high density) range, whereas the non-overlapping data points for S. stipitis, S. cerevisiae and Y. lipolytica are presented in black. | PMC10006673 | gr7.jpg |
0.457385 | 0cc1a717f52e4fe0ba7d2da04842ef20 | Tissue Engineering Triad. | PMC10007057 | polymers-15-01202-g001.jpg |
0.452665 | 2e4dd71f58fd40a8ab9a56f3503dea87 | Schematic representation of typical electrospinning system [144] ©2016 Yawen Li and Therese Bou-Akl. Originally published in “Chapter 6 Electrospinning in Tissue Engineering”from Book “Electrospinning—Material, Techniques, and Biomedical Applications” under Creative Commons Attribution License (, accessed on 4 December 2022). Available from:, accessed on 4 December 2022. | PMC10007057 | polymers-15-01202-g002.jpg |
0.502322 | 4575aae39f41435e8b1ed322d9764dc0 | Electrospinning techniques—Blend, Co-axial and emulsion electrospinning. Reproduced from reference [150] with permission from Royal Society of Chemistry. | PMC10007057 | polymers-15-01202-g003.jpg |
0.437861 | d42fc499faa74d0da542c697d0555d5c | Geographic location of Oued Souhil experimental plot and surrounding area on a composite false color Sentinel 2 image (17 April 2017) (left) and Google Earth image (right). | PMC10007100 | sensors-23-02823-g001.jpg |
0.424478 | 4f1e43700ddb4b00a946d8613d6a66f3 | 5TE sensor installation in potato and barley plots. | PMC10007100 | sensors-23-02823-g002.jpg |
0.434559 | ccfb92d1fd184f2dbfe9ab74c5b294bc | Schematic relationship between surface temperature and albedo in the S-SEBI algorithm (modified after [10]). | PMC10007100 | sensors-23-02823-g003.jpg |
0.414729 | 2499782b82284bb39345b3b230a83bc8 | Example of an NDVI map and the corresponding scatter plot of albedo and surface temperature of sparse to full vegetation (NDVI > 0.3) around the experimental plot (NDVI and scatter from Landsat 8 image acquired on 28 February 2017). | PMC10007100 | sensors-23-02823-g004a.jpg |
0.451747 | 6d399bd8607549cb8d479e9e4ba6bdef | NDVI ranges from Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 images and evaporative fraction range from S-SEBI in Oued Souhil plot. | PMC10007100 | sensors-23-02823-g005.jpg |
0.436791 | 3bece012a53d4779afccfac031d34b81 | Variation of the ratio G0/Rn with different empirical formulas for irrigated potato (late and early growing seasons) and rainfed barley [36,37,38,39]. | PMC10007100 | sensors-23-02823-g006.jpg |
0.455729 | 95be074dd4f4490caa74bd41ea969c9b | Comparison of ETa by HYDRUS-1D, S-SEBI based on Landsat 8 and FAO-56 scenarios for early and late potato growing seasons. | PMC10007100 | sensors-23-02823-g007.jpg |
0.429718 | 9746444c5484471aba5e41953ceaef6a | Root zone salinity variation for irrigated potato during two growing seasons for ETa–HP1 and ETa–HP2 scenarios. | PMC10007100 | sensors-23-02823-g008.jpg |
0.470463 | 849e60931a1044ff93c652ef62527919 | Comparison of ETa by HYDRUS-1D, S-SEBI based on Landsat 8 and FAO-56 scenarios for rainfed barley. | PMC10007100 | sensors-23-02823-g009.jpg |
0.454424 | 636cf9f137a844d7913044883630dbb6 | Extraction yields (η) obtained by ultrasonic extraction (UE; solvent H2O), Soxhlet extraction (SE; solvent EtOH), and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE; solvent scCO2, co-solvent EtOH) of avocado seed (AS). | PMC10007261 | plants-12-01201-g001.jpg |
0.383856 | e1a7d2e4bcc64074bf9f1f69206b0ede | Content of total phenols (TPC), proanthocyanidins (PAC), and total proteins (PC) in AS extracts obtained by ultrasonic extraction (UE; solvent H2O), Soxhlet extraction (SE; solvent EtOH), and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE; solvent scCO2, co-solvent EtOH). | PMC10007261 | plants-12-01201-g002.jpg |
0.454537 | 75bb711da5e241c387cd18f444e0a940 | Antioxidant activities of AS extracts obtained by ultrasonic extraction (UE; solvent H2O), Soxhlet extraction (SE; solvent EtOH), and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE; solvent scCO2, co-solvent EtOH). | PMC10007261 | plants-12-01201-g003.jpg |
0.418834 | 2d46c34b1e284496b37859f6d7176ab6 | Microbial growth-inhibition rates (MGIRs) for AS extracts obtained by ultrasonic extraction (UE; solvent H2O), Soxhlet extraction (SE; solvent EtOH), and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE; solvent scCO2, co-solvent EtOH) using 70, 140, 210, 280, and 2780 μg sample per mL of selected Gram-negative bacteria suspension. | PMC10007261 | plants-12-01201-g004a.jpg |
0.443868 | 3004332577304df4a8b041d32efdfe45 | Microbial growth-inhibition rates (MGIRs) for AS extracts obtained by ultrasonic extraction (UE; solvent H2O), Soxhlet extraction (SE; solvent EtOH), and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE; solvent scCO2, co-solvent EtOH) using 70, 140, 210, 280, and 2780 μg sample per mL of selected Gram-positive bacteria suspension. | PMC10007261 | plants-12-01201-g005.jpg |
0.408569 | 55fb6167e9fc4e1a9b974963857c6019 | Microbial growth-inhibition rates (MGIRs) for AS extracts obtained by ultrasonic extraction (UE; solvent H2O), Soxhlet extraction (SE; solvent EtOH), and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE; solvent scCO2, co-solvent EtOH) using 70, 140, 210, 280, and 2780 μg sample per mL of C. albicans suspension. | PMC10007261 | plants-12-01201-g006.jpg |
0.389896 | 5bf3277113224f7ca8668f0974a6ad33 | Prevalence (%) of use of integrative and complementary practices to Brazilian adults and older adults, according to level of education, income quintiles, and use of private health insurance. (n = 11,198 individuals) | PMC10008017 | 10389_2023_1869_Fig1_HTML.jpg |
0.429707 | bc0e391ac4c946418c7467c0463c4410 | Mesenteric thickening on intraoperative ultrasound. *Thickening of the small bowel mesentery | PMC10008235 | 10151_2023_2760_Fig5_HTML.jpg |
0.441975 | 7d951303ba9b4bcc9eea981d19a3356c | Proposed biosynthetic pathway of methiin, alliin, and isoalliin in Allium plants | PMC10008257 | 11418_2022_1631_Fig1_HTML.jpg |
0.445331 | 508912a413b348f0a7a58c9a2199e809 | The representative callus tissues established in this study. Callus tissues cultivated for 4 weeks after subculture are shown. a Onion cultivar ‘Sensyu’, line R5-1. b Onion cultivar ‘Getsurin’, line R2-2. c Welsh onion, line R5-5. d Chinese chive, line R8-B2 | PMC10008257 | 11418_2022_1631_Fig2_HTML.jpg |
0.388731 | ae807b9895254826ac43411d4083e1c4 | The levels of CSOs in the callus tissues and the intact plants. The content of methiin, alliin, and isoalliin in the callus tissues cultivated for 9 weeks after subculture, and the leaves and roots of 5-week-old onion cultivar ‘Sensyu’ (a) and onion cultivar ‘Getsurin’ (b), Welsh onion (c), and Chinese chive (d) was measured using LC–MS. The before-hyphen part of the callus tissue line’s name indicates the organ (L, leaf; R, root) and the phytohormone condition used for callus induction. For example, R1 indicates callus induced from roots under the condition of Pi-1. Among 11 callus tissues of Chinese chive tested, three callus tissues formed adventitious roots (AR). Leaf and root data from the intact plants represent the mean ± SD of five biological replicates | PMC10008257 | 11418_2022_1631_Fig3_HTML.jpg |
0.421214 | 27d69a214254430da2adbd693a835c87 | Alliinase activity in the callus tissues and the intact plants. Alliinase activity was measured for the protein extracted from the callus tissues cultivated for 9 weeks after subculture, and the leaves and roots of 5-week-old onion cultivar ‘Sensyu’ (a) and onion cultivar ‘Getsurin’ (b), Welsh onion (c), and Chinese chive (d). Leaf and root data from the intact plants represent the mean ± SD of five biological replicates | PMC10008257 | 11418_2022_1631_Fig4_HTML.jpg |
0.564106 | 0f5acdf745d74e4b99af4395709a7fa7 | Prevalence of different disabilities across sociodemographic characteristics. (A) Doughnut chart for the prevalence of different disabilities across the population in India based on NFHS-5 (N = 1,15,557). (B) Radar plot showing the prevalence pattern of different disabilities across age groups in India based on NFHS-5 (N = 1,15,557). (C) The prevalence pattern of different disabilities across educational statuses in India based on NFHS-5 (N = 1,15,557). | PMC10009251 | fpubh-11-1036499-g0001.jpg |
0.473662 | 3680615ec2b14b06a408c2d3c50328e8 | Prevalence patterns of disability in India based on NFHS-5. (A) Overall prevalence pattern of disability in India, NFHS 5. (B) Distribution of locomotor disability in India, NFHS 5. (C) Distribution of mental disability in India, NFHS 5. (D) Distribution of speech disability in India, NFHS 5. | PMC10009251 | fpubh-11-1036499-g0002.jpg |
0.429749 | 22f8eb35302243fdb984280b7b573600 | Disgust sensitivity and nausea and vomiting (mean, SE) in pregnant women before and during the COVID-19 pandemic — Stratified by parity. | PMC10009253 | fpsyg-14-1015927-g001.jpg |
0.454994 | 11ec3f60d41f4485b29bcf57886e745d | Effect of age on disgust sensitivity in pregnant women before and during the COVID-19 pandemic — Stratified by parity (fitted line for regression, confidence bands). | PMC10009253 | fpsyg-14-1015927-g002.jpg |
0.463635 | 3ee72ee862fe4e768ce23435725c38f1 | Effect of age on nausea and vomiting in pregnant women before and during the COVID-19 pandemic — Stratified by parity (fitted line for regression, confidence bands). | PMC10009253 | fpsyg-14-1015927-g003.jpg |
0.497267 | 9dee0d6fcd714986a91a38efb35c4b79 | Flow chart of the selection process. | PMC10009456 | gr1.jpg |
0.427369 | 84f4c59b8f6c458b95bebb46271f0711 | Area at study. | PMC10010672 | fpubh-11-996960-g0001.jpg |
0.492532 | 6aafd1911cf94a05b1276092a841ff9b | Methodology flow chart. | PMC10010672 | fpubh-11-996960-g0002.jpg |
0.406314 | 8456475dcc22494a9dee84e4c44657f8 | Mortality for malignant tumor of breast, 2008–2019. Relative risk (RR), by gender and class of municipal environmental indicator of waste risk (MRI). (A) Women; (B) men. | PMC10010672 | fpubh-11-996960-g0003.jpg |
0.466559 | 615c416334fe46c2852a504677226e95 | Hospitalization for malignant tumor of breast [(A) women, (B) men] and testis (C) and for asthma [(D) women, (E) men], 2008–2019. Relative risk (RR), by gender and class of municipal environmental indicator of waste risk (MRI). | PMC10010672 | fpubh-11-996960-g0004.jpg |
0.564308 | c665747284304bb5be88fc8aa3ec1692 | Zero to 19-year-old people. Hospitalization for leukemias, 2008–2019 (A) and prevalence of preterm birth, 2013–2017 (B). Males and females combined. Relative risk (RR), by class of municipal environmental indicator of waste risk (MRI). | PMC10010672 | fpubh-11-996960-g0005.jpg |
0.395788 | 0b20c4769fc24708afcb2863e919c307 | Some illegal waste dumping and burning sites in the study area. | PMC10010672 | fpubh-11-996960-g0006.jpg |
0.387821 | 23bd19d97e444ff996cc646cbefe4010 | Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves of major bleeding
according to the ATRIA, CRUSADE, and ACUITY HORIZONS scores in the
entire cohort and STEMI and non-STEMI subgroups. ACUITY-HORIZONS=Acute
Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategY-Harmonizing
Outcomes with Revascularization and Stents in Acute Myocardial
Infarction; ATRIA=Anticoagulation and Risk Factors in Atrial
Fibrillation; AUC=area under the curve; CI=confidence interval;
CRUSADE=The Can Rapid Risk Stratification of Unstable Angina Patients
Suppress Adverse Outcomes With Early Implementation of the ACC/AHA
Guidelines. | PMC10010705 | rbccv-38-01-0139-g01.jpg |
0.549609 | 4a89b99a15184595aae8ba0015e8ca55 | Proposed algorithm to solve the vaccine distribution problem. | PMC10011041 | gr1_lrg.jpg |
0.470552 | 2e98bfecb0364f71803290f40ab9c46f | Superstructure proposed for the allocation of potential vaccines among the different states in Mexico. | PMC10011041 | gr2_lrg.jpg |
0.42263 | d423fcd84c734a8293784c5f1c4a9d9d | Purchased vaccines for all scenarios with different investment capacities in MM$ (252.42, 504.85, and 841.4). | PMC10011041 | gr3_lrg.jpg |
0.552021 | b19e9ee11bb64a7d80b9af2d636248a1 | Pareto solutions for the vaccines allocation with different distribution schemes (social welfare, Rawlsian, and Nash) and investment capacities in MM$ (scenario 1: without vaccines losses and weight factors equal to 1). | PMC10011041 | gr4_lrg.jpg |
0.49373 | a8fb7f1c4bd34238b35c980ec68c9411 | Pareto solutions for vaccine allocation with different distribution schemes (social welfare, Rawlsian, and Nash) and investment capacities in MM$ (scenario 2: considering vaccines losses and weight factors equal to 1). | PMC10011041 | gr5_lrg.jpg |
0.468406 | fc882a09636e4d17882dab424cd42f9c | Pareto solutions for vaccine allocation with different distribution schemes (social welfare, Rawlsian, and Nash) and investment capacities in MM$ (scenario 3: considering vaccines losses and weight factors based on the COVID-19 traffic light). | PMC10011041 | gr6_lrg.jpg |
0.41258 | 7cf009f38c32487788995d550c93b726 | Quercetin induce cell apoptosis through different ways. Quercetin induced c-cytochrome-dependent apoptosis and caspase-3. Also quercetin suppressed cell cycle in different phases and inhibited the phosphorylation of PI3K/Akt and mTOR. Co-treatment quercetin with some compounds improved the efficacy and increased apoptosis. | PMC10011078 | fimmu-14-1077531-g001.jpg |
0.482502 | 4853672bed614cf2a4ad27d619c40192 | Quercetin had anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects. Quercetin declined inflammatory condition through decreasing VGEF-A, NO, iNOS. Also, It increased TSP-1 mRNA and protein expression to prevent angiogenesis and suppressed metastasis by reducing VEGF secretion. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A); Nitric oxide (NO); Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS); Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1). | PMC10011078 | fimmu-14-1077531-g002.jpg |
0.444921 | 36e49581d08e4366ad0138a70674002d | Annotated emotional arc of Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J. K. Rowling.(Reproduced from [8] under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.) | PMC10011281 | 283_2022_10187_Fig1_HTML.jpg |
0.430766 | 735d53c318ad4155aa5238f388f224cb | A graph and its adjacency matrix. | PMC10011281 | 283_2022_10187_Fig2_HTML.jpg |
0.445337 | 6e1090200ba541ba8f55c6c607c63980 | A multigraph and its adjacency matrix. | PMC10011281 | 283_2022_10187_Fig3_HTML.jpg |
0.394363 | 13df8695d44d4088b7e4bab68ae6297b | Examples of degree distributions for random networks. | PMC10011281 | 283_2022_10187_Fig4_HTML.jpg |
0.419686 | b03704347e1942dcb09c5470d345a30d | Adjacency matrices from season 1 of Twin Peaks: graph (left) and multigraph (right). | PMC10011281 | 283_2022_10187_Fig5_HTML.jpg |
0.477249 | 01dc860816e94a60b70f383054518800 | Graphical representation of the Twin Peaks network: the black nodes are BC; the red are AD. | PMC10011281 | 283_2022_10187_Fig6_HTML.jpg |
0.385078 | beb56462ce7b40769a6d9f7ae8b5474d | The Dale Cooper effect. | PMC10011281 | 283_2022_10187_Fig7_HTML.jpg |
0.51847 | a8644cb3e0e949719d5b283676195645 | Degree distribution in the Twin Peaks networks compared to random networks. | PMC10011281 | 283_2022_10187_Fig8_HTML.jpg |
0.429548 | 413328c3cafa475699d8287ee5e3a99a | Clusters in the Twin Peaks network before (left) and after (right) removing law enforcement. | PMC10011281 | 283_2022_10187_Fig9_HTML.jpg |
0.412417 | 657d11947bb646e3a498913298557abc | The SCARS Model: a machine learning tool for predicting survival and neurological outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). AUROC = area under the receiver operating curve. | PMC10011734 | gr1.jpg |
0.536349 | 23168a25863b4f738c4e9ab5b138ebad | Overview showing brain areas and functional roles of the two major ascending vestibular pathways. Vestibular afferents innervating the vestibular endorgans project to the vestibular nuclei (VN). VN neurons in turn project directly to the ventral posteriolateral (VPL) area of the thalamus and indirectly to the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus (ADN) via multiple brain areas (see “Anterior pathway processing”). While VPL neurons project to vestibular cortical areas that mediate self-motion perception. ADN neurons instead project to other areas such as the entorhinal and retrosplenial cortices that mediate computation of spatial orientation and are reviewed elsewhere (Cullen and Taube, 2017). Detailed diagrams of both pathways have been published previously (Cullen and Taube, 2017; Lopez and Blanke, 2011; Clark and Harvey, 2016). Abbreviations: VN: vestibular nuclei; VPL: ventral posteriolateral; ADN: anterodorsal thalamic nucleus. | PMC10011815 | gr1.jpg |
0.411014 | 589feebcc24f427bba172d8d1eb990b1 | A) Top: Self-motion stimulus consisting of a sinewave whose amplitude increases linearly with time. Middle: VN response to this stimulus. Bottom: VPL response to this stimulus. Note that, while VN neurons respond with changes in firing rate whose amplitude increases with time, VPL neurons display contrast gain control, such that the amplitude modulation in their responses remains constant. B) Gain of VN (blue) and VPL (red) responses as a function of stimulus amplitude. While VN neural gain is constant, VPL neural gain decreases as a power law with increasing amplitude. C)Top: The inverse gain increases linearly with increasing amplitude for VPL. Bottom: Neural variability in VPL neurons first increases and then saturates with increasing amplitude. D) VPL neural discrimination threshold as a function of amplitude which is obtained by dividing the neural variability by the gain. The fact that neural variability saturates for larger amplitudes causes a deviation from Weber's law (dashed line), which qualitatively agrees with psychophysical studies (Mallery et al., 2010). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) | PMC10011815 | gr2.jpg |
0.479762 | 8976b1e71d8245a787ead1e0d33fdfbc | A) Top: Naturalistic (left) and artificial (right) time series. Note that naturalistic stimuli can reach much higher amplitudes than the artificial sinusoidal stimuli that have been typically used. Importantly, naturalistic stimuli contain a spectrum of frequencies (left inset) whereas sinusoidal stimuli only contain one frequency (right inset). Middle: VN responses (blue) to naturalistic (left) and artificial (right) stimulation. Note that, in both cases, the response leads (i.e., reaches its maximum before) the stimulus (dashed lines and blue arrows). Bottom: VPL responses to naturalistic (left) and artificial (right) stimulation. Note the important difference that, under naturalistic stimulation, VPL responses faithfully follow the stimulus waveform with no significant phase lead, whereas phase leads similar to those observed for VN are seen under artificial stimulation (dashed lines and red arrows). B)Top left: Gain increases with increasing frequency for VN during both artificial (dashed blue) and naturalistic (solid blue) stimulation. Note that both curves overlap and are offset here for clarity. Top right: Phase lead increases with increasing frequency for VN during artificial (dashed blue) and naturalistic (solid blue) stimulation. Note that both curves overlap and are offset here for clarity. Bottom left: While gain increases with increasing frequency for VPL during artificial stimulation (dashed red), gain was instead independent of frequency for VPL during naturalistic stimulation (solid red). Bottom right: While phase lead increases with increasing frequency for VPL during artificial (dashed red), no phase lead is seen during naturalistic stimulation (solid red). C) Optimal coding theory predicts that the neural tuning curve (right panel, black curve) should be related to the stimulus probability distribution (left panel, black curve) through integration. The actual tuning curve for VPL (right panel, red curve) better matches the optimal prediction (right panel, black curve) than the actual tuning curve for VN (right panel, blue curve). This indicates that VPL neurons are better optimized to encode naturalistic stimuli than VN neurons. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) | PMC10011815 | gr3.jpg |
0.457664 | 4f933f98c536452e82edc8a63de5ca17 | A) Top: Stimulus waveforms during passive (left) and active (right) motion. Middle: VN responses during passive (left) and active (right) motion. Note that responses are attenuated during active motion, as can be ascertained by comparing the actual response (solid blue) to that predicted from passive motion (dashed blue) and is indicated by the blue arrow. Bottom: VPL responses during passive (left) and active (right) motion. Note that responses are attenuated during active motion, as can be ascertained by comparing the actual response (solid red) to that predicted from passive motion (dashed red) and is indicated by the red arrow. Note that VPL responses are in general more attenuated than those of VN. B) Bar graph showing % attenuation during active motion for vestibular afferents (left), VN (middle), and VPL (right). Note that afferent responses are not attenuated and that the bar is offset with respect to the x-axis for clarity. C) Schematic showing current hypotheses as to why responses of VN and VPL neurons are attenuated during active motion. Specifically, the efference copy of the motor command for voluntary movement is used to build an internal model of the expected consequences of movement that is then compared with actual proprioceptive feedback. If there is a match, then a cancellation signal that likely originates within the cerebellum is sent to VN. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) | PMC10011815 | gr4.jpg |
0.486877 | d548dfa7c44b4d698197d55eedf35531 |
Diagnostic flowchart for patients planning surgery during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
1All coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) positive or suspected patients requiring surgical intervention should be treated as positive cases until proven otherwise[17]. 2Patients with perioperative severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection are at increased risk of death and pulmonary complications after surgery[20]. 3There is to date only limited evidence on the optimal timing of surgery after SARS-CoV-2 infection[19]. A prospective cohort study found that surgery performed ≥ 4 wk after a positive SARS-CoV-2 swab result may be associated with a lower risks of pulmonary complications and postoperative mortality[21]. COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019. | PMC10011991 | WJCC-11-1434-g001.jpg |
0.416722 | d07aa749a9774564ae7792e48d43b74a |
Schematic representation of changes in the choice of surgical techniques for the management of head and neck cancer during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019; ICU: Intensive care unit; FAMM: The facial artery musculomucosal. | PMC10011991 | WJCC-11-1434-g002.jpg |
0.431185 | 9dc158c6af124ee4a098006aeb4b577b | Illustration of the game structure.Participants A1 and B1 provide effort at a certain piece rate (in the example, A1 earns $12 per task and B1 earns $4), creating wealth and emissions. Participants A2 and B2 inherit the wealth of their predecessors and use it to mitigate climate change. | PMC10012302 | 41467_2023_37130_Fig1_HTML.jpg |
0.414881 | df2858f81bb54a0e809eff6612ba9e9e | Share of the climate mitigation costs paid by the proposer in the History treatment (blue crosses) and in the Baseline (red circles), across different levels of the proposer’s historical emissions.Each marker represents a different outcome created by a first-generation pair of participants. Blue and red solid lines indicate the best linear fit for the data; the 45° line indicates how costs would be divided if costs were always divided proportionally to historical emissions. | PMC10012302 | 41467_2023_37130_Fig2_HTML.jpg |
0.438264 | c2e46b4d73054096aa57c703558228c8 | Study flow chart. IVF, in vitro fertilization; ICSI, intracytoplasmic sperm injection; FET, frozen–thawed embryo transfer; BMI, body mass index; GnRHa, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist; HRT, hormonal replacement therapy; PGT-A, preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy; TESE, testicular sperm extraction | PMC10012576 | 12884_2023_5491_Fig1_HTML.jpg |
0.417397 | 19252df7129346f0840eb10ae1fa44df | Flow diagram illustrating the selection of patients in this study | PMC10012578 | 43019_2023_182_Fig1_HTML.jpg |
0.448463 | c779e412b2404d3b92d665b2cefd6f0e | Partial MMPRT. A An absolute MM extrusion (yellow line). B An ocarina sign. Note a multiple fiber bundle formation showing several condensed circles in triangular meniscal horn (yellow-dotted area). C Type B partial tear (arrowhead). D Transtibial pullout repair | PMC10012578 | 43019_2023_182_Fig2_HTML.jpg |
0.426163 | 3b85d29467d8460dae05ae38c44e0930 | Correlation between duration from onset to MRI examination and MM extrusion. A In the pullout repair group, the regression equation was linear: MM extrusion = 0.015 × duration + 2.908 mm (R2 = 0.54, P < 0.001, 0.462 mm/month increase). B No significant correlation between duration and MM extrusion was observed in the nonoperative management group | PMC10012578 | 43019_2023_182_Fig3_HTML.jpg |
0.474045 | 08a468e45dfa466695581b1f8a009017 | MM extrusion. A 62-year-old female patient in the pullout repair group. A Finding from the first MRI examination performed 5 days after the painful popping event. B A second MRI examination was performed 47 days after the onset of partial MMPRT. Yellow lines indicate MM extrusions | PMC10012578 | 43019_2023_182_Fig4_HTML.jpg |
0.420278 | faa9955266bd4ffa8df073f113a56a1f |
(A) Rheoencephalography (REG) signal trend and (B) Poincaré plot reconstruction of a REG signal with time lag
= 5 samples. | PMC10013012 | fnetp-02-912733-g001.jpg |
0.445209 | c25d32825bf94d7aa82bcb0c3aacdb63 | Evolution of SD1, SD2, SDratio, SDarea, CCM and R as a function of τ for the set of anesthesia states under analysis: Awake, LOC, Anes, BSR and LOC. Median values are graphed, together with the 25th and 75th quartiles represented with dashed lines. | PMC10013012 | fnetp-02-912733-g002.jpg |
0.496882 | d383b35b2e1243b197a701159b39e81e | Statistical significance (p-values) obtained for the comparison of the median values of each Poincaré feature (SD1, SD2, SDratio, SDarea, CCM and R) among consecutive anesthesia states. The post hoc non-parametric paired samples Wilcoxon test was applied. Grey areas represent intervals in which the graphed parameter shows statistical significance of p-value<0.01. | PMC10013012 | fnetp-02-912733-g003.jpg |
0.46453 | c82ed3ab61b34758ad67b4eed2b0ad9b | Clinical data recorded during anesthetic procedure: (A) qCON index, (B) EEG frequency bands, (C) propofol and remifentanil effect site concentrations (CePropo and CeRemi, respectively), (D) heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) and (E) δmax and SDratio REG features. | PMC10013012 | fnetp-02-912733-g004.jpg |
Subsets and Splits