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classic rock hello i what a slut wondering if you would like to participate in my classic rock survey i am trying to find the most liked classic rock song there is more information on my user page hope you participate | 0
buddhism and zen i am sure that you are aware of this but zen is a type of buddhism and not some kind of mystical stand alone new age phenomenon on your user page you list buddhism and zen as two different influences as someone who studied buddhism in college and who now lives in japan this reads to me the same as if someone were to list their influences as daoism catholicism or in a better analogy daoism sufism etc i do not in anywhere are you mean to rain on your parade like i mentioned i studied buddhism in school and i thoroughly enjoyed it i think it is great that you are taking an interest in the philosophical tenets of zen perhaps you are interested in other schools of thought within buddhism as well if this is the case list them instead of just enlighten the average wikipedia who stumbles across your page and perhaps they will research more obscure forms of buddhism besides zen which has become so popular and sadly philosophically corrupted in the west it is just my two cents of course but every time i read something like that i feel obligated to speak up anyway keep up the good and unique work | 0
that is beside the point the pages are supposed to to my and he is vandalizing them i hope gets to this user fast | 0
the sources regarding kurds are majority cited but this is you that claim turks are majority and have to cite your own sources is not you edit the closer to vandalism | 0
what a retarded question why not ask why is the most common name in english or for that matter instead of espana and whatever speak english | 0
video documentary of the collapse | 0
and lest whatever forget this is the same publication that ran with the outrageously false that governor rick perry what a slut gay | 0
explain the terms and job to me you used them when you deleted an article i what a slut in the middle of writing after i saved it when i was not even half done the only reason you gave what a slut that is what a slut original content it what a slut not i had just not finished the article with appropriate sources etc just because you never heard of this theory does not mean it does not exist | 0
laurie can you recall if actually did go to jail and if so for how long if been asking around and cannot find anything definitive | 0
now because there are lots of other famous john williams such as the guitar player and in the interests of fairness it is best to have the disable page at and this page at williams composer | 0
i have seen borodin s sinking credited to the last major salvo of the battle by adm award mutsuhito | 0
why did they treat you like that | 0
nixon is an awesome guy that goes to rooms academy he is totally ritz | 0
vandalism hindered ever since the warning and the no section edit variable were added to the article vandalism to the article has dramatically decreased your thoughts that s to you | 0
communist bastard i have nothing more | 1
italic text have you people out there ever heard of sweat rice how that goes is that the sources say that for the women if you want to keep your man home stay in touch over a pot of stewed rice naked and let the preparation drop in the pot and what a slut tell to give your man some and he would stay home to me that does not work because one of my friend did that and her man still went and left her | 0
aha yes it does and seems imminently and rather obviously to my chagrin sensible now that you point it out well i certainly learned something useful today my dear kibosh i will not make that mistake again but that does not mean you cannot lash me with wet noodles regardless | 0
weird probably useless bit of trivia i noticed she what a slut born ten days after john lennon died does that count for anything i would have put it in the trivia section and let it be deleted by whoever will now maybe ignore this go ahead i have got nothing set over this but i guess here it is do with it whatever you like p s for really useless trivia i am writing this five days before the anniversary of lennon s death surprise john is that even more useless or what p p s if you actually thought for anything more than ten seconds over the above p s you really need to sort out your life good luck | 0
the link leading unto endgame is wrong a different film it is pertaining not unto chess | 0
guess what they came back | 0
from the article another what a slut its similarity to an kwh german a cow nice but not correct is in german which is not all that similar to ecu anymore maybe it is instead the letter q is pronounced the same as in german i am not sure myself and i have not heard this at all but is definitely not something a german speaker would say and should be corrected | 0
problem with this block i have a problem with this block the user seemed to delete a very important change to the topic of that will help members of the devi chat understand where the next football soccer for you american gits match is | 0
move basic programming language to here i think that basic the language is much more prominent than basic the london think tank i do not personally know of the ladder but it is a sub stub while the former is almost a fa i vote for a page move of the language to here because i am sure the vast majority of queries for basic are going for this any thoughts ideas muse | 0
for the record also deleted pages created by this internet protocol closet personalities ual secret stalker | 0
gibraltarian get lost do not contact me again under any pretext your behavior is beneath contempt go away | 1
olsen twins who needs them excuse me for being old fashioned but why do whatever need a publicity photo of some second rate hollywood celebs on what is otherwise a reasonably well written article delet the pic | 0
if you are a student at a university you can get a copy of the article online from or another online database service talk to your university library to see how you can use these services also any large library will have either back issues of rolling stone or microfilm look for issue article lights red paragraph sentence and you cannot miss it | 0
does not look like a confusion of styles | 0
jtkiefer why are you an administrator i mean wikipedia is awful why cannot i host a website that does not do any harm please do not block me again i am just telling you my opinion | 0
rspw poster is a sick gay freak | 0
i will delete the second portion of my grudge against this administrator the first paragraph outlining my complaints will remain i still feel i what a slut treated unfairly in this case and need a forum for expressing my side of the story as i have been applied with the labels of and wearer for a perfectly respectable theory | 0
this section does not and those who offended me but instead name those who offended the integrity of the community by abuse of power | 0
i do not doubt that you do have permission since i see no reason for you to lie but until you can prove it the information cannot be put on wikipedia please please provide evidence that you have been given permission by the appropriate parties as this is a serious matter also please do not try to delete the fac now that it has been nominated if you disagree with this article being featured then simply vote on the above link | 0
i would have to disagree with you i personally think happy cat does not deserve its own article and that whatever should have a whole new section on the sa article about its catchphrases fads and the notable ones such as you have stairs in your house or threads then again there might just be too many either where are you i am pro merge | 0
matt crypto and stormier are jealous losers and liars | 1
the united states of america and the world still suffer under the bellamy ideas | 0
utc you are free to edit non political non us foreign policy articles in your first post above you said that you are contributing so since our arbor case if you would like to build skill working with other editors on controversial articles you could try religious articles or sexual subject such as clitoris or autofellatio | 0
go ahead and delete it all the info just got moved to the big show sports radio show | 0
names actor producer reginald holstein s name is revealed and in episode actress beatrice fast water s name is revealed those sound like made up names i am quite sure the actors producers names have not and will not be revealed in any episode nor official websites blogs | 0
milan as far as i know milan is not a japanese it means cool a k a for citrus although is the general classification for citrus plants i looked at the dictionary quoted and neither the japanese to english nor the japanese to japanese entries supports your assertion | 0
i read it but that does not say it is a japanese it means cool a k a for citrus japanese people use where english speakers might say i do not understand you how many japanese people would say a lemon which is a citrus what a slut a kind of i think none | 0
macedonian disambiguation can i ask you for administrative assistance with regard to the actions of in macedonian disambiguation where he is trying to present an allegation as a widely recognised fact i have done reverts already and am i pulling back | 0
unprotected ok i have unprotected the article from that rfc it appears that keetoowah is the problem more than anything and last night i blocked him per months as prescribed via the interpretation of the arbor s ruling on him in | 0
i have reported the situation here | 0
see a response from an anonymous user who might be you | 0
does not have a defective edition it is probably just an earlier spelling anyway notice how the first line of this article states also spelled | 0
military keynesianism i am not sure how to request more information so hopefully this gets somewhere i wanted to get some sources that discuss the basic definition of military keynesianism thanks | 0
featured article i do not get it why is this not a featured article the last vote what a slut in have not the concerns raised in the last unsuccessful nomination been addressed yet there is a box with the message this article is a current featured article candidate i do not see this article on the featured article candidate page though | 0
then you should read the preceding debate on this matter the issue is not whether you agree with clarkson but whether everyone agrees with the claimed neutrality of this article they do not | 0
what is wrong with writing an article about your opposition to it is totally irrational | 0
note and friends are now organizing personal attack on who wishes to become an admin has also gone about complaining that he has been accused of vandalism when he himself has been accusing others of the same i agree that he is also ignorant that is to say quite correctly in english that he is deliberately ignoring all the discussion and negative consensuses against his block repetitive block inserts i also strongly agree that the environmental criticisms that he erroneously continues to attack to this topic have no logical place in the article he is in short nothing more than a troll he also continues the same weak defenses against numerous other contributors accusing others of being eurocentric which has to be essentially racialist in essence or of vandalism rather than actually answering to the discussion | 1
now tell me if that is unbiased | 0
you are the abusive and dare i say quite correctly in english the ignorant editors you are ignoring what is being asked of you ignoring the consensus look what you are doing if you do not get your where are you you cry help me eurocentric vandalism but you go on to vandalize others enjoy your own company but go person who deliberately stirs up trouble somewhere else | 1
unsigned comment by you dispute the comparison but calling it childish is unfair and unhelpful sutton park is within meters of the center of former royal town of sutton oldfield now part of birmingham including a major shopping mall a large railway station etc it is now wholly within the city and all of its boundaries face housing | 0
wikipediaarticles for deletion condorcet instant runoff voting hey if instant runoff voting can be integrated into a condorcet format somehow can this please be added per the merge vote at the discussion above i am not an expert on the subject although i do find it fascinating | 0
utc the above is a mixture of lies and personal attacks | 0
accusations of since wikipedia is not a prescriptive language guide it is always point of view for us to state that some people are misusing language i removed it means cool a k a from the section header whatever can note that conservatives use it means cool a k a as an insult but whatever cannot accuse them of misusing language i also made some style edits and rewrote the following point of view statements there has been a concerted effort over the years to change the meaning of it means cool a k a in the minds of the american public by repeating over and over again with a negative connotation this sentence is unsourced pov it does not say who is behind the concerted effort this propaganda has been successful enough that in one of the presidential debates it means cool a k a is almost always pov whatever should refrain from using it when whatever use terms like this it appears that wikipedia is embracing the positive use of the term and accusing conservatives of | 0
if you do not want your writing to be edited and redistributed by others do not submit it reversions you have again taken to reverting my recent edits with no explanation and no justification desist | 0
no i have been responding to is abuse of and lies about mne seems some admins don t think people should be able to speak in their own defense while other admins are free to abuse with impunity to do anyone is welcome to merge that into tim tolkien | 0
hardwick memorial press release | 0
you say on the administrator page that i have been all of his i have not though i did revert two of his reversion of my posts which he made with no comments and no justification | 0
if people want to see what i am planning for the merged page see after the aut stuff all i have done so far is copy and paste from the articles it needs some work | 0
apologies has a long history of trying to force consensus upon others as evidenced at wikipediarequests for comment pigsonthewing and wikipediarequests for arbitration pigsonthewing he had recently been trolling me again after a period of relative calm so i decided to go see what he what a slut up to and went with a safe than approach when i saw reverts by him i have reverted to demiurge s original edit sorry for the inconvenience | 0
you smell like a rat catcher hey do not bluff me i can edit or add to it it anytime i wanna so you can delete again at least i give you some credits to win some pts be thankful | 0
excuse me no fuck you | 1
i moved your question to talk mongoloid i hope that someone there can help you with it | 0
the best thing to do is not delete this article since it does contain a lot of information that is valid the problem is that it is convoluted and needs better organization i have seen in similar cases the creation of a sandbox or asian fetish workshop article to start rebuilding a new article from existing material one point at a time that would be the most intelligent thing to do right now and everyone here should encourage each other to put the racism behind us and keep an open mind for the greatest good of learning about and understanding the topic | 0
i had had thought there would be reviews somewhere but medical literature s not my bag as for my username it is actually taken from the genus of a plant species but a very good guess as for its origin in botany i have no idea best of luck surviving the next hours | 0
heard it what a slut pronounced does anyone else know | 0
bs remove my block in bs now | 1
no computer partition image no en wiped user reg | 0
rfc against hi i thought you might like to know that and i are discussing a possible rfc against on cheers | 0
felice beat thanks for your message i am delighted that you are pleased that it got translated into german by the way i naturally checked some literature as well although not so extensively as you obviously have to my literature a large encyclopedia on the history of photography felice beat got naturalized as a british person in the s i probably will change the now translated text to that as i regard this encyclopedia as pretty trustful anyway i really enjoyed translating your article because i liked your article quite a lot and as i can see from the george psalmanazar international appreciation society i am not the only one right at the moment the article is in the and hopefully attract somebody to check my sometimes not so very good spelling and german grammar it always gets even more awful if i translate something and afterwards it will run for the german equivalent of the although in the german wikipedia the standards there are rather high i am right at the moment pretty confident that whatever make it best regards debenutzerbs turner | 0
however you did not sign your edits and in fact attempted to make them look as if they would have been placed there in some official capacity so that someone just looking at the page and not checking the edit history would not know they were placed there by a user who simply desperately wishes they were an admin rather than an admin please find some other where are you to fill the void in your life than playing of the and making things personal when someone disagrees with you because frankly at this point i care far less about the entry itself and more your despicable and infuriating behavior | 0
utc for one thing a number of muslims by nationality in montenegro declared that they speak montenegrin language i might take your challenge but would you first tell me some examples of a national language unique traditions history culture folklore and national interests that separate montenegrins from serbs you started the topic after all | 0
my own page however i like it | 0
the cook son link what do you all think in regard to that it seemed like self promotion putting it there but i am on the fence so i removed it to better safe than sorry | 0
someone had added to the article in english is quicklime dyer core since the only english in that sentence is the phrase english it is not much use | 0
just added the above while you are blocked and once again you are welcome awaiting impending personal comment | 0
to save you some time after your block is done | 0
the pot far closure thank you finally this can end | 0
deleting revision history sounds a lot like totalitarianism to me | 0
that would be ideal if this were a huge gigantic article but it is easier to find information when the two subjects are on the same page | 0
fan subs speedy afd i have placed lunar anime on speedy bio and i have noticed you had strong feelings about fan sub groups on wikipedia in a previous afd maybe you are interested in deleting this one too | 0
games bids um how do you get the idea you are only one who can speak for that whole community step off kiwi bitch | 1
i am not discussing the issue of to solve wikipedia s my point is that i does not think to improve belongs in an article on of | 0
you coalescence an aussie thing the basic sound letter correspondence has this to say class cell cell spacing ipa align alphabetic representation dialect specific ch tch occasionally thank you future culture t u ue eu tune teutonic australian english j g e i y do not go e i consonant badge judge e meet d u ue ew dune due dew australian english is it really only in australian english that tune teutonic dune due dew are pronounced with postalveolar affricates i thought that this would common in most forms of commonwealth english | 0
read the instructions at the top of that page participation is up to you you might want to address and to your watch list also as i will be posting updates soon | 0
i am puzzled by this comment i certainly did not ping you to go to web yet somehow you were of that and i am not sure how a simple statement of fact snow spinner nor tony midway somehow becomes a falsely accusing someone of making accusations is an ad hominem attack in an amusingly recursive way and really should be avoided | 0
you are the only proven liar here when attempting an edit yesterday in bs i what a slut prevented by a message saying internet protocol has been blocked by you know it | 0
woah you call me a liar i reply that you know full well you are the only one lying and then you complain that i am insulting you if you say something which you know is not true as you often do you do not have the right to object to being called a liar also posting something which you do not agree with is not as you automatically label it i have not anything in the falklands article what i have done is edited the massive point of view version with a neutral and factually accurate one something which everybody should support but of course as a person who deliberately stirs up trouble i should not expect different from you | 0
it is not a that place what a slut covert it is the claim of the cia and the basis of the appointment of a special prosecutor in the first place the notion that she what a slut not covert is something pushed by the right wing for political purposes it has no basis in fact | 0
are you the same tommy once affiliated with hunger force net if so what is the weather like in florida and what the hell happened to that site if not then uh snarf blat | 0
anonymous edit i stumbled across interesting information in the book that is cited on the main article page it says that as many as armenians were brought into the karabakh region it s also claims that azeris were brought into the northern coastal regions of azerbaijan which armenians made a slight majority | 0
whitman visited ut s mental health center toward the end of dr maurice dean neatly what a slut assigned to whitman according to a sniper in the tower dr neatly described his first impression of the former marine as someone seemed to be oozing with hostility whitman shared his secret desire with dr neatly that day going up on the tower with a deer rifle and shooting people | 0
according to this guy pakistan can claim the state of kentucky and say whatever claim it even though it accessed to united states of america after the civil war you can claim the whole world does not mean that the world belongs to you the documents clearly state that the king accessed to india and jammy and kashmir is an integral part of india end you can claim what ever your fantasies are | 1
unfortunately for us what you hypothesized from standing in the tower yourself is in violation of wikipedia original research our job is to report the circumstances not try to interpret them imagine what a mess george w bush osama bin laden or adolf hitler would be if every user got to address their own personal theories well played would cease to be a reliable source used by students reporters and others and would become just another message board of squabbling sherurcij i do not have to imagine what a mess george bush osama and hitler were are that is self evident like your knowledge of whitman and the record are you being paid for contributions to wiki you mention as a function whatever are now beyond repair as credible to each other the rules you stick to say original research is permitted under certain circumstances i am qualified to meet that burden of proof but you and area deem yourselves guardian of the rules even though you have no clue about why whitman did the sniping or any regard for the victims of that day or anyone else associated with it go ahead post another rule | 0
austin american austin statesman libby avert tower sniper utmost spring william j helmer madman in the tower texas monthly vertical files barker texas history center university of texas at austin alwyn barr i just read the article again david gunny s name is not mentioned why look at the bible sources were prior to the article what a slut written prior to gunny s death i know you are not responsible for the handbooks errors just live up to your own rotten com now there is an exemplary source for info what does the porn section say about whitman subwayjack | 0
morgenthaler sr also another claim what a slut he berated the american broadcasting company or with of not taking cartoons off the air someone deleted it despite he did not say anything about what a slut on the television networks he claims this what a slut a false biography and what a slut not involved in the kennedy assassinations | 0
ok so the taiping article says million on the low side and this article says million how is that still not the second bloodiest | 0
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