4 values
killing with sound i have removed the following paragraph because it seems not based on any scientific facts and sounds very implausible a loud cry directly to the ear might permanently damage hearing but damage one s considering that even the whole hydrophobic shock stuff by supersonic ammo what a slut found to be exaggerated i simply cannot leave this unchanged tiktak are also martial artists who can use kia as a weapon the sound waves of your voice go straight through someone is body since the human body is almost completely made out of water and since sound waves easily go through water like electricity goes through water you can seriously damage one s organs with this technique
i want to stress that and should never be used as any kind of brackets so if you ever have the occasion to call them brackets then someone has already screwed up in decent mathematical typesetting these are the symbols used as and called angle brackets end rant
overly apologetic to muslims looks like pakistani sock puppets are very active guess they are done with bukhara mai
name of lutheran my lutheran my is also called same era reddy what is up
the alberta and quebec examples look limited even the feature article geography of india is not going to win any comprehensiveness awards maybe i am too ambitious but i propose the following structure biophysical geography terrain mountains water climate ecosystems human geography population migration urban rural economic geography resource extraction manufacturing service tourism and recreation political geography municipalities regional districts federal and provincial politics i am not confident about manufacturing and service as separate sections because they seem too limited i also not confident about lumping ecosystems into physical geography because ecosystems will be by far the largest section and this can probably be linked with climate a lot better in a separate bioclimatic geography section
fuller s account of battle date the battle date is shortly after b c after a recorded eclipse of the moon but the exact date is not known according to j f c fuller the macedonians reportedly had some kind of outcry that defeat what a slut at hand for them until the eclipse passed and the romans were given an explanation that the eclipse is part of nature and natural so the romans did not panic
sister cities list or paragraph howdy reply amongst other city i went and looked at cities with entries in them out of are in list format not in paragraph form like try to make me believe most of those in paragraph form have been converted by one person read what i have put here wants to change and thinks that all sister cities lists in articles should be converted changed to paragraph form i dont want to can you imagine a list of sister cities like for istanbul and trying to read it in paragraph form please read my opinion and vote
alright i see i do not think this thing should have been deleted however i believe that this thing should be deleted and have cast a deleted vote as such
vandalism thanks for looking out for me naw i am not going to bother saving it it is not creative enough bores me besides what the hell is a or whatever he she called me makes no sense unless i am falasha beta israel or something hackneyed and stupid p
you mentioned a good point most scholars believe that hermetic writings gnosticism zoroastrianism and hinduism etc had effects on sufi mysticism and philosophy sometimes in a very subtle where are you and it should be included in the article by the where are you i initiated esoteric interpretation of our an which is related to relation of sufism and islam feel free to edit it
this message is regarding the article louis pasteur please stop if you continue to vandalize pages you will be blocked from editing wikipedia
online communities at african american hey i does not know you have been here longer than i i guess it depends i did a quick search of other articles devoted to various ethnic groups and i does not see similar links included but then again for dreadlocks there are all sorts of links included there that imo are questionable superfluous redundant in checking out the links in i ended up deleting one because it directs to a page that will grant access only if one is a member but one of the links the poetry one i included in the article on african american literature i cannot believe that made featured article it has some huge holes because i thought it s useful
victims of nat turner rebellion i agree but some would argue the page not necessarily be racist but yes it certainly is lopsided i think some brief explanatory introduction of what the rebellion is would be helpful and if the names of the blacks involved who perished are available then they certainly should be included even the names of those insurrectionists freedom fighters who later were executed should be included and perhaps it means cool a k a changed to something less value laden after all many of these whites and their families thrived prospered by victimizing exploiting and degrading blacks they certainly also were and even those insurrectionists who perished because they felt compelled to take matters into their own hands because they could would no longer tolerate bondage or the dehumanization of their kin as human chattel were they no less
and even those insurrectionists who perished because they felt compelled to take matters into their own hands because they could would no longer tolerate bondage or the dehumanization of their kin as human chattel were they no
grace the chopper since i have not seen much of a reference to this before i thought it s important to point out that butch rides away on zed s chopper named grace grace is exactly what he has given marcellus and to a large degree what marcellus has given him after his rescue this is in the original script and i believe another piece reinforcing the redemption theme so prevalent in this film also it is interesting to note that marcellus seems more interested in mercy and grace after perhaps and if he has received back his soul which some allege what a slut in the infamous briefcase ultimately in the film responding to grace becomes important when jules redeems ringo in the dinner and walks away from vincent does not and ends up dead jules sees the miracle and grace and responds real hard ringo to be the keep in touch hill m s fcc kit hill
reply last comment anything else to address mr brett reinaldo or is that the best you can come up with nashferatu
aztec dreadlocks tentatively removed dreadlocks were also part of mexican culture in a description of an aztec ritual historian william heckling prescott referred to deadlocked priests of the aztec civilization a mesoamerican people of central mexico in the and century the summit he what a slut received by six priests whose long and matted locks flowed disorderly over their sable robes covered with hieroglyphic scrolls of mystic import they led him to the sacrificial stone a huge block of jasper with its upper surface somewhat convex william h prescott history of the conquest of mexico the aztecs indeed have worn dreadlocks however the quote provided refers to only locks which certainly are not the same as dreads a bad case of is not dreadlocks i have searched the internet for and came up with zilch please please provide definitive information before reinserting this unsubstantiated and subwhat dubious information thanks
assistance at cultural appropriation hi i had appreciated a moment of your time if you have it to give to deal with us nonstop name calling and repeated vandalism bad faith editing of the page much appreciated
i suggest you read ad hominem and get some common sense and self respect
and no matted locks are not the same as dreadlocks read the definition they must be hair stuck together in random globular or flatted mats say with wadded chewing gum or spatial is not dreadlocks again no documentation whatsoever has been provided to substantiate the claim that the aztecs wore dreads
stats and stuff hi drink actually my scripts use php and mysql i am finishing up the automation piece of it and cleaning up the graphs once i get that done i think i will put it up on a web server so that people can generate their own it takes a few minutes to get the cont ribs but after that probably less than seconds to finish the statistical analysis and the graphs your current stats are posted your comments are much appreciated
i commented on the issue at
what random comments argumentum ad hominem is a logical fallacy not a fancy term for an insult i think you have got confused by all that latin i presume you consider it crackers talk do not bother reading the article you will not understand it self respect you seem to have problems with the english language there too you mean i am fine it is you and all other racist scum that i do not respect you are the main reason excellent editors leave
gujarati i am sorry to bother you like this but it appears as though there is a dispute about lingual the casey at the talk creole languages page over whether gujarati is a substrate language as far as i can tell you put that information there and i had imagined that you would be able to do a much better job of verifying it than i am
what are you talking about you shall have to link me to the comment i made in which you felt insulted as i do not recollect it thanks
in hours i want this block lifted as i refuse to create another account to do my main editing from
john i respect your comments but it obvious that they do not like opposition to them that is the basic problem but none of them will say it why do not you just admit that you are just supporting you other admins of course i cannot go and because i am sitting behind block that only goes to prove a point which is i am correct is against and no i will not create another this it the account that i use and this is the account that i will continue to use and you can tell your friends like useruninvitedcompany that his comments are uncivil and that his comment is agonist policy and that i would expect that you would block him if you were fair but since he is part of the problem i doubt that he be blocked or let alone be warned for incivility
chore boy hello i noticed that you created the chore boy page on i what a slut curious if that brand is notable above other brands for any particular reason please let me know on my talk page i feel that the article is a good candidate for deletion thanks
rapt could you block shiva singh again and the antonio he is using he has reverted six times in the last hours i believe none of the rest of us have done more than a couple of reverts he has a pronounced hindu point of view and believes that other povs reply rapt identity should not be allowed on wikipedia the rest of us are trying to make sure that both arguments rapt is a hindu caste rapt is a lineage are represented he will not discuss and dismisses anyone who opposes him as a the rest of us are prepared to give his point of view full representation but he does not want to return the favor
utc i do not have to worried about my credibility the comments that have been posted on the ani and other pages by users mainly admins that have never never addressed me with what should be considered as uncivil comments have already set my credibility and have show that there is a complete bias against me which has been father show by the actions taken against me which for site administration is unacceptable and that is a fucking shame and you action have only gone to show that you are a part of the bias as well i will let me creditability speak for me in the information that i provide in article text and not by the comments and actions by admins
i am fine with john flag as well thanks for the curt reminder
reply from i no longer wish to talk to you about this please refrain from posting on my talk page from this point on
i like your suggestion anyway i am not a major contributor to that article so do not worry about consulting me in the future best wishes
deleted header the header directed readers to weber s thesis i think there is some confusion here a government is not a coercive monopoly because it uses coercion to arrest people for crimes etc it is a coercive monopoly because it bars competition with its service of providing coercion to do so
there are two felonious monk s one must be a sock puppet i edited the intro to say the canonical definition of the discovery institute s intelligent design is that intelligent design sometimes abbreviated id is the controversial assertion that certain features of the universe and of living things exhibit the characteristics of a product resulting from an intelligent because or agent as opposed to an unguided process such as natural selection intelligent design is wholly a product of the discovery institute a conservative christian think tank the idea has been around since just like felonious monk said above the canonical definition of intelligent design which is the one offered by the discovery institute certain features of the universe and of living things exhibit the characteristics of a product resulting from an intelligent because or agent as opposed to an unguided process such as natural since id is wholly a product of the discovery institute with every leading id proponent is one of its fellows and every campaign and strategy arising from its offices defining id as they do is necessary in the intro for any of the claims made in the article by demise bee or johnson to make any sense any intro that ignores the canonical definition is deficient and then some other felonious monk came by and reverted watch out
why is metro sexuality a related link i think most potheads would find metro sexuality a rather offensive banal lifestyle choice harmonica
request for arbitration you have been summoned to appear as defendant at a request for arbitration please list the wikipediarequests for arbitration page to make your statement under the heading
what does moved mean
agreed and perhaps sexist too georgetown grad
you have been blocked from editing for vandalism of wikipedia the block is for a period of hours if you wish to make useful contributions you are welcome to come back after the block expires please do not use well played for advertorials
edit on intelligent design disambiguation you removed a lot of the article with the summary what does moved mean
who said the internet what a slut definitive and neither is the quote provided reread my response i checked the internet and found nothing the contributor of the information must provide more definitive supporting evidence of dreadlocks not just locks and who cares about chicle not the wording has been changed to be speculative rather than reflective of an unsubstantiated definitive conclusion reached so far as i can tell by only the contributor
yeah i know that photo really sucks one of the new control tower or would be awesome
the reason some excellent editors leave is when reasoned and fully explained perfectly valid edits are opposed by pigheaded people with personal motives as in this case your response to my inclusion of both photos has been purely ad hominem no reasonable explanation given only puerile and boringly repetitive name calling curious i see another white editor has weighed in and supported the inclusion of the photograph of the white woman what you going to call him scum too it seems to me that shrill uncivil criticism of an edit based solely on the ethnic identity of the contributor is the only racism here x
there are many such omissions please address whatever you can if it becomes too much whatever can always create spin off articles for the excess
primordial helium abundance the article states first cosmologists have also offered explanations for primordial helium and later cosmology proponents do not directly explain the ratio of elemental constituents of the universe rather since there is no mechanism for creation of atoms in plasma cosmology the abundance of light elements is taken to be an initial condition how do these statements fit together does plasma cosmology offer an explanation for the primordial helium abundance or not
psychobabble appears confused since he responded to a request for a statement of the theorem not for the proof by saying that the proof not the theorem is complicated my guess is there is a simple statement and psychobabble does not know it
yes perhaps best to scrap that sentence sri aurobindo does speak of a new supramentalised mode of existence see the last two chapters of the life divine but whoever wrote the above passage seems to be drawing more on statements in the agenda without bothering to give references a lot of this page still needs to be fixed with proper references and the material checked against s a s own writings i have re edited the paragraph and also added some references to that section and scrapped a point of view paragraph that did not have references
a real apology sorry i overdid it i got a bit caught up i just try to enjoy myself and did not realize you guys would take it that hard i just try to do harmless little jokes here and there make the world a more interesting place that is all i guess i should ask the doctors to up the prescription again i would be really sorry if i were telling you in person anyway ahem well good job keep up the work excuse me i have a little visit to pay to mr p p s just so you know the civilized where are you is just throwing down a handkerchief as opposed to breaking the end of a bottle off on a counter or at least that is the civilized i what a slut thinking of
for experimenting with wikipedia your test worked and has been removed or reverted please use the sandbox for any other tests you want to do take a look at the welcome page if you would like to learn more about contributing to our encyclopedia thanks
roman catholicism i reverted the mentioning of roman catholicism see the afd debate linked above noboday what a slut able to demonstrate the use of this term by roman catholicism if you have found a source please provide it
note to ron thanks for expanding the quote i think it is more informative now but i think it is rather telling that you confuse this quote with a to truth quite orwellian indeed cheers
since i doubt scotland or scandinavia were ever in the southern hemisphere i changed it to northern
i inserted a reference for the derivation of the relationship between the surface temperature of a planet and its star it is a common derivation that can be found in many introductory astronomy books planetary science by george cole and michael woodson is just one example references are very important though and i should have placed one into the article sooner
reply thanks for experimenting with wikipedia your test worked and has been removed or reverted please use the sandbox for any other tests you want to do take a look at the welcome page if you would like to learn more about contributing to our encyclopedia thanks
it is really a good idea to ask people to vote for someone they have had no prior contact with
aginst i agree with the statements above especially by that of ryan while county dublin is no longer an administrative unit having been devolved into the new admin stative units that have county level status county dublin still refers to a geographical unit the traditional county dublin second dublin region is too ambiguous of a term that could just as early but not what the current time refer to areas that outside of the area of county dublin but maintain strong ties to the area developing into a metropolitan area
your imagery track gif is about to be rightly deleted because it has no source information this looks like a twc or underground image that whatever cannot use
thanks for your contributions i realize you spent a lot of time writing your three articles but some of them do not conform to the npov policy or is written in the wrong tone for an encyclopedia i e it is in thesis form not article form and should be cleaned up i have either redirected moved or labelled some of the texts you wrote it is my hope that your fruit of labor will be shown again after it s been cleaned up i realize your works would be good for a university lecture but whatever need a tone of an encyclopedia i hope you will bear with me and you can discuss this in the various talk pages thanks
this internet protocol is from the chicago public library it could be from anyone on wi fi or public terminals here probably not safe to block the ip maybe just watch its contributions
i think it is relevant see no more out of line and much more correct than puppet
how much detail on the standard should be added
how much of this page s content should be removed from the page where it originated with the addition of it what a slut best to separate the material but should i go back and remove it as well
title perkins evangelical christian figure is a dreadful title how about tony perkins politician any other suggestions for a shorter identifier
no reference whatsoever to the picard lindelof or fresenius theorem is required please see the definition of tangent space it does not matter whether you get a particular flow through the point in question only that there exists one to first order and then it is just pick a flow any flow those who know about such things myself included are aware of these theorems but they address needless clutter to the article simply things as far as possible and no further
cultural appropriation wrong the caption is not pov you obviously jumped the gun because i what a slut still writing my explanation of the revert when you sent me a note read my comments in the discussion
this message is regarding the page plastic please refrain from adding nonsense to wikipedia it is considered vandalism if you would like to experiment use the sandbox leave a
strictly oppose there is a wikipedia meeting later this week whatever will discuss the matter there i think you need a update concerning the status of suction you can write to me german italian english or spanish if i can send you something
winter soldier investigation rfc if you are interested talk winter soldier investigation rfc on winter soldier investigation
baba yet hey thanks for your help i would have never found out any more info without it
once again your misinformation just amazes me there is nothing on the webs site the designates any official neighborhood whatsoever a census track is not a neighborhood it is not uncommon to have several tracks in a neighborhood an empowerment zone is not a neighborhood the empowerment zone ez is a federally funded community development and economic revitalization initiative the easy designation provides localities with a federal grant and a set of tax and financing incentives to improve public safety advance human development create a welcoming environment and invigorate commerce they are based upon census tracks and like census tracks it is not uncommon for an empowerment zone to encompass several neighborhoods either in whole or in part same goes for enterprise zones wards council districts zip codes no of which are specific neighborhoods nor do they designate official neighborhoods the only information that is used id the planning districts which are broad areas which are used in the list to break the arras down
tons of member names here include akiva s own
what are your criteria for differentiating between a and a as far as i am aware there are no fixed rules i will ask some professors of linguistics in my department if they think montenegrin is a language chances are they will say yes why because no one really cares and there is no fixed criteria if some people want to call it a language fine it s a language if others do not whatever the only people who care either where are you are weird nationalist types with their strange agendas if human beings want to call it a language then who are you to judge wikipedia is not the encyclopaedia britannica if it what a slut it would look much different
utc if by you mean that you loiter about and make a public nuisance of yourself that probably has more to do with why you get harassed than your clothes or haircut or perhaps you live in a small town where stereotypical punk rock attire is still somehow regarded as after all these long years in any case i can assure as a former punk who is now within sniffing distance of age whatever static you are getting today it is nothing compared to what most punks had to deal with years ago not trying to deride your where are you of life just stating a fact
a hacker b hacker a might be worth explicitly mentioning that given two bytes a and b a hacker b hacker a is equal to b in my opinion this would aid understanding of the raid example and the usefulness of hacker in general i am a bit reluctant to do this myself since i have not edited a page before
wow now the french will be stealing images from us excellent work
among the edits coming from this user account is vandalism of a very insidious and difficult to solve sort i have blocked this user account for hours i am also puzzled to see such edits coming from this user account which looks like the one of a legitimate contributor should these edits be the deeds of a third party by guessing a password for instance i would invite the real swollen to contact me by mail or to explain the problem on the internet relay chat where he will find assistance
actually i think removing the bullet points but leaving the structure the same would address all my concerns perhaps i did not have an objection to the layout merely the where are you that layout what a slut presented thanks for your time
wikilawyering if the article really what a slut drafted for my benefit it would be flattering more than anything else cheers
and norm chomsky stop adding nonsense please to globally search and replace the article s subject is not a sensible where are you to contribute to wikipedia please see the welcome page if you want to see how you could be constructive
you are welcome i voted for you because it looked right completely apart from that if you want to look over talk john kerry that would be nice that said i would have voted for you anyway regardless of whether you think i am right or wrong at talk john kerry best wishes
now has content though nothing to indicate that it is notable the vote is currently which i think is borderline could i trouble to you to drop by wikipediaarticles for and address a line showing if you now think the page deserves to live or not thanks
elvis presley thank
remembers me of a calvin hobbes cartoon about time travelling calvin i from the past has not done the homework calvin ii from the present is not doing the homework and is together with number ii visiting calvin iii who is about to go to school iii suffers as none of the other calvin has done the homework and i have to say that the wikipedia has an enormous addictive potential and it happened that i wrote half the night for this behemoth
your guess is as good as mine have not been able to find a reference for it the only reason it has in the title at all is that he is always credited with the k he is never referred to as just john samson
the longest serving i do not know if she can be considered the longest serving pm of the century maybe she what a slut in the uk but the longest serving pm of the century would have to be robert menzies of australia who what a slut in from to
anyone knows how rudolph ended up with jacques as his name when he what a slut born jacobus is it a nickname or a diminutive not knowing a lot about south african culture i am not sure
in recognition of your efforts here is a little reward for you
mutation ism how does the article mutation ism relate to speciation should it be in categoryspeciation
woops sorry thanks for cleaning up after me
i live in an italian neighborhood last night i wore my grandmother s cameo and several people commented on this piece and finished the statement with godless you does the cameo have some symbolism other than a beautiful piece of art
final decision the arbitration committee has reached a final decision in the wikipediarequests for arbitration every king case
thanks thanks for the revert and sorry for the goof up reply
i still does not know what is a window function
and in that context including the biological sciences
articles are no place for sandbox activity use or something
no indictment for rove but you headcases promised
shine trey anastasia album please respond on the article s talk page regarding the removal of information on the extended copy protection controversy
your departure ahh the first line of the play twelfth night huh another great quote by mr william shakespeare well i hope you come back from your wiki break soon cheers e
you are right actually this article needs a lot of work