int64 1.48k
| intent
stringlengths 11
| rewritten_intent
stringlengths 4
⌀ | snippet
stringlengths 2
13,295,735 | How can I replace all the NaN values with Zero's in a column of a pandas dataframe | replace all the nan values with 0 in a pandas dataframe `df` | df.fillna(0) |
31,385,363 | how to export a table dataframe in pyspark to csv? | export a table dataframe `df` in pyspark to csv 'mycsv.csv' | df.toPandas().to_csv('mycsv.csv') |
31,385,363 | how to export a table dataframe in pyspark to csv? | Write DataFrame `df` to csv file 'mycsv.csv' | df.write.csv('mycsv.csv') |
12,218,112 | Sum the second value of each tuple in a list | get the sum of each second value from a list of tuple `structure` | sum(x[1] for x in structure) |
40,517,350 | How to sum the nlargest() integers in groupby | sum the 3 largest integers in groupby by 'STNAME' and 'COUNTY_POP' | df.groupby('STNAME')['COUNTY_POP'].agg(lambda x: x.nlargest(3).sum()) |
4,363,072 | what would be the python code to add time to a specific timestamp? | Parse string '21/11/06 16:30' according to format '%d/%m/%y %H:%M' | datetime.strptime('21/11/06 16:30', '%d/%m/%y %H:%M') |
3,718,657 | How to properly determine current script directory in Python? | get current script directory | os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
15,175,142 | How can I do multiple substitutions using regex in python? | double each character in string `` | re.sub('(.)', '\\1\\1',, 0, re.S) |
19,641,579 | Python convert tuple to string | concatenate strings in tuple `('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'g', 'x', 'r', 'e')` into a single string | """""".join(('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'g', 'x', 'r', 'e')) |
3,430,372 | How to get full path of current file's directory in Python? | get full path of current directory | os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
14,932,247 | variable number of digit in format string | variable number of digits `digits` in variable `value` in format string "{0:.{1}%}" | """{0:.{1}%}""".format(value, digits) |
2,764,586 | Get current URL in Python | get current requested url | self.request.url |
30,651,487 | Print a variable selected by a random number | get a random item from list `choices` | random_choice = random.choice(choices) |
3,780,403 | Python: Sum string lengths | sum the length of all strings in a list `strings` | length = sum(len(s) for s in strings) |
4,233,476 | Sort a list by multiple attributes? | sort a list `s` by first and second attributes | s = sorted(s, key=lambda x: (x[1], x[2])) |
4,233,476 | Sort a list by multiple attributes? | sort a list of lists `s` by second and third element in each list. | s.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1, 2)) |
21,974,169 | How to disable query cache with mysql.connector | Mysql commit current transaction | con.commit() |
2,152,898 | Filtering a list of strings based on contents | filtering out strings that contain 'ab' from a list of strings `lst` | [k for k in lst if 'ab' in k] |
5,775,719 | How do I find the first letter of each word? | find the first letter of each element in string `input` | output = ''.join(item[0].upper() for item in input.split()) |
13,418,405 | Get name of primary field of Django model | get name of primary field `name` of django model `CustomPK` | |
19,410,018 | How to count the number of words in a sentence? | count the number of words in a string `s` | len(s.split()) |
21,562,986 | numpy matrix vector multiplication | multiply array `a` and array `b`respective elements then sum each row of the new array | np.einsum('ji,i->j', a, b) |
1,093,322 | check what version of Python is running | check python version | sys.version |
1,093,322 | check what version of Python is running | check python version | sys.version_info |
13,490,292 | Format number using LaTeX notation in Python | format number 1000000000.0 using latex notation | print('\\num{{{0:.2g}}}'.format(1000000000.0)) |
12,791,501 | Python initializing a list of lists | Initialize a list of empty lists `x` of size 3 | x = [[] for i in range(3)] |
4,901,483 | How to apply django/jinja2 template filters 'escape' and 'linebreaks' correctly? | apply jinja2 filters `forceescape` and `linebreaks` on variable `my_variable` | {{my_variable | forceescape | linebreaks}} |
8,092,877 | Split a list of tuples into sub-lists of the same tuple field | zip a list of tuples `[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]` into a list of tuples according to original tuple index | zip(*[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]) |
8,092,877 | Split a list of tuples into sub-lists of the same tuple field | split a list of tuples `data` into sub-lists of the same tuple field using itertools | [list(group) for key, group in itertools.groupby(data, operator.itemgetter(1))] |
7,522,533 | How can I turn a string into a list in Python? | Convert a string into a list | list('hello') |
18,504,967 | pandas dataframe create new columns and fill with calculated values from same df | create new column `A_perc` in dataframe `df` with row values equal to the value in column `A` divided by the value in column `sum` | df['A_perc'] = df['A'] / df['sum'] |
973,473 | Getting a list of all subdirectories in the current directory | getting a list of all subdirectories in the directory `directory` | os.walk(directory) |
973,473 | Getting a list of all subdirectories in the current directory | get a list of all subdirectories in the directory `directory` | [x[0] for x in os.walk(directory)] |
4,484,690 | How to filter a dictionary in Python? | update all values associated with key `i` to string 'updated' if value `j` is not equal to 'None' in dictionary `d` | {i: 'updated' for i, j in list(d.items()) if j != 'None'} |
4,484,690 | How to filter a dictionary in Python? | Filter a dictionary `d` to remove keys with value None and replace other values with 'updated' | dict((k, 'updated') for k, v in d.items() if v is None) |
4,484,690 | How to filter a dictionary in Python? | Filter a dictionary `d` to remove keys with value 'None' and replace other values with 'updated' | dict((k, 'updated') for k, v in d.items() if v != 'None') |
19,384,532 | How to count number of rows in a group in pandas group by object? | count number of rows in a group `key_columns` in pandas groupby object `df` | df.groupby(key_columns).size() |
13,283,689 | python sum the values of lists of list | return list `result` of sum of elements of each list `b` in list of lists `a` | result = [sum(b) for b in a] |
1,580,270 | What's the best way to search for a Python dictionary value in a list of dictionaries? | What's the best way to search for a Python dictionary value in a list of dictionaries? | any(d['site'] == 'Superuser' for d in data) |
6,480,441 | 2D array of objects in Python | create a 2D array of `Node` objects with dimensions `cols` columns and `rows` rows | nodes = [[Node() for j in range(cols)] for i in range(rows)] |
3,548,673 | How to replace (or strip) an extension from a filename in Python? | replace extension '.txt' in basename '/home/user/somefile.txt' with extension '.jpg' | print(os.path.splitext('/home/user/somefile.txt')[0] + '.jpg') |
19,954,469 | How to get the resolution of a monitor in Pygame? | Set the resolution of a monitor as `FULLSCREEN` in pygame | pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN) |
17,306,755 | How can I format a float using matplotlib's LaTeX formatter? | format float `3.5e+20` to `$3.5 \\times 10^{20}$` and set as title of matplotlib plot `ax` | ax.set_title('$%s \\times 10^{%s}$' % ('3.5', '+20')) |
6,879,364 | Print file age in seconds using Python | Get the age of directory (or file) `/tmp` in seconds. | print(os.path.getmtime('/tmp')) |
9,621,388 | (Django) how to get month name? | how to get month name of datetime `today` | today.strftime('%B') |
9,621,388 | (Django) how to get month name? | get month name from a datetime object `today` | today.strftime('%B') |
716,477 | join list of lists in python | Convert nested list `x` into a flat list | [j for i in x for j in i] |
716,477 | join list of lists in python | get each value from a list of lists `a` using itertools | print(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(a))) |
16,766,643 | Convert Date String to Day of Week | convert date string 'January 11, 2010' into day of week | datetime.datetime.strptime('January 11, 2010', '%B %d, %Y').strftime('%A') |
16,766,643 | Convert Date String to Day of Week | null | datetime.datetime.strptime('January 11, 2010', '%B %d, %Y').strftime('%a') |
2,793,324 | delete a list element by value | remove item "b" in list `a` | a.remove('b') |
2,793,324 | delete a list element by value | remove item `c` in list `a` | a.remove(c) |
2,793,324 | delete a list element by value | delete the element 6 from list `a` | a.remove(6) |
2,793,324 | delete a list element by value | delete the element 6 from list `a` | a.remove(6) |
2,793,324 | delete a list element by value | delete the element `c` from list `a` | if (c in a):
a.remove(c) |
2,793,324 | delete a list element by value | delete the element `c` from list `a` | try:
except ValueError:
pass |
17,467,504 | Python re.findall print all patterns | Get all matching patterns 'a.*?a' from a string 'a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a'. | re.findall('(?=(a.*?a))', 'a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a') |
41,469,647 | Outer product of each column of a 2D array to form a 3D array - NumPy | outer product of each column of a 2d `X` array to form a 3d array `X` | np.einsum('ij,kj->jik', X, X) |
930,397 | Getting the last element of a list | Getting the last element of list `some_list` | some_list[(-1)] |
930,397 | Getting the last element of a list | Getting the second to last element of list `some_list` | some_list[(-2)] |
930,397 | gets the nth-to-last element | gets the `n` th-to-last element in list `some_list` | some_list[(- n)] |
930,397 | Getting the last element of a list | get the last element in list `alist` | alist[(-1)] |
930,397 | Getting the last element of a list | get the last element in list `astr` | astr[(-1)] |
31,743,603 | Create a list of integers with duplicate values in Python | make a list of integers from 0 to `5` where each second element is a duplicate of the previous element | print([u for v in [[i, i] for i in range(5)] for u in v]) |
31,743,603 | Create a list of integers with duplicate values in Python | create a list of integers with duplicate values `[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]` | [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4] |
31,743,603 | Create a list of integers with duplicate values in Python | create a list of integers from 1 to 5 with each value duplicated | [(i // 2) for i in range(10)] |
28,134,319 | Fastest way to remove first and last lines from a Python string | remove first and last lines of string `s` | s[s.find('\n') + 1:s.rfind('\n')] |
19,454,970 | Is there a Python dict without values? | create dict of squared int values in range of 100 | {(x ** 2) for x in range(100)} |
4,112,265 | How to zip lists in a list | zip lists `[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]` in a list | zip(*[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]) |
4,112,265 | How to zip lists in a list | zip lists in a list [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] | zip(*[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]) |
3,355,822 | python http request with token | request page '' with credentials of username 'username' and password 'pwd' | requests.get('', auth=('username', 'pwd')) |
663,171 | get a new string from the 3rd character to the end of the string | get a new string from the 3rd character to the end of the string `x` | x[2:] |
663,171 | substring a string | get a new string including the first two characters of string `x` | x[:2] |
663,171 | substring a string | get a new string including all but the last character of string `x` | x[:(-2)] |
663,171 | substring a string | get a new string including the last two characters of string `x` | x[(-2):] |
663,171 | substring a string | get a new string with the 3rd to the second-to-last characters of string `x` | x[2:(-2)] |
663,171 | reversing a string | reverse a string `some_string` | some_string[::(-1)] |
663,171 | selecting alternate characters | select alternate characters of "H-e-l-l-o- -W-o-r-l-d" | 'H-e-l-l-o- -W-o-r-l-d'[::2] |
663,171 | substring a string | select a substring of `s` beginning at `beginning` of length `LENGTH` | s = s[beginning:(beginning + LENGTH)] |
73,663 | Terminating a Python script | terminate the program | sys.exit() |
73,663 | Terminating a Python script | terminate the program | quit() |
73,663 | Terminating a Python script | Terminating a Python script with error message "some error message" | sys.exit('some error message') |
10,264,618 | Transform unicode string in python | encode value of key `City` in dictionary `data` as `ascii`, ignoring non-ascii characters | data['City'].encode('ascii', 'ignore') |
276,052 | get current CPU and RAM usage | get current CPU and RAM usage | psutil.cpu_percent()
psutil.virtual_memory() |
276,052 | get current CPU and RAM usage | get current RAM usage of current program | pid = os.getpid()
py = psutil.Process(pid)
memoryUse = (py.memory_info()[0] / (2.0 ** 30)) |
276,052 | get current CPU and RAM usage | print cpu and memory usage | print((psutil.cpu_percent()))
print((psutil.virtual_memory())) |
20,154,303 | Pandas read_csv expects wrong number of columns, with ragged csv file | read a ragged csv file `D:/Temp/tt.csv` using `names` parameter in pandas | pd.read_csv('D:/Temp/tt.csv', names=list('abcdef')) |
31,828,240 | First non-null value per row from a list of Pandas columns | get first non-null value per each row from dataframe `df` | df.stack().groupby(level=0).first() |
17,895,835 | format strings and named arguments in Python | print two numbers `10` and `20` using string formatting | """{0} {1}""".format(10, 20) |
17,895,835 | format strings and named arguments in Python | replace placeholders in string '{1} {ham} {0} {foo} {1}' with arguments `(10, 20, foo='bar', ham='spam')` | """{1} {ham} {0} {foo} {1}""".format(10, 20, foo='bar', ham='spam') |
818,949 | How to convert strings numbers to integers in a list? | create list `changed_list ` containing elements of list `original_list` whilst converting strings containing digits to integers | changed_list = [(int(f) if f.isdigit() else f) for f in original_list] |
11,613,284 | Add items to a dictionary of lists | get a dictionary with keys from one list `keys` and values from other list `data` | dict(zip(keys, zip(*data))) |
6,539,881 | Python: Converting from ISO-8859-1/latin1 to UTF-8 | convert string `apple` from iso-8859-1/latin1 to utf-8 | apple.decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf8') |
19,781,609 | How do you remove the column name row from a pandas DataFrame? | Exclude column names when writing dataframe `df` to a csv file `filename.csv` | df.to_csv('filename.csv', header=False) |
9,079,540 | how to get around "Single '}' encountered in format string" when using .format and formatting in printing | Escape character '}' in string '{0}:<15}}{1}:<15}}{2}:<8}}' while using function `format` with arguments `('1', '2', '3')` | print('{0}:<15}}{1}:<15}}{2}:<8}}'.format('1', '2', '3')) |
30,546,889 | Python list of dicts, get max value index | get dictionary with max value of key 'size' in list of dicts `ld` | max(ld, key=lambda d: d['size']) |
18,609,153 | Format() in Python Regex | format parameters 'b' and 'a' into plcaeholders in string "{0}\\w{{2}}b{1}\\w{{2}}quarter" | """{0}\\w{{2}}b{1}\\w{{2}}quarter""".format('b', 'a') |
19,433,630 | How to use 'User' as foreign key in Django 1.5 | django create a foreign key column `user` and link it to table 'User' | user = models.ForeignKey('User', unique=True) |
2,045,175 | Regex match even number of letters | write a regex pattern to match even number of letter `A` | re.compile('^([^A]*)AA([^A]|AA)*$') |
6,740,311 | Combining NumPy arrays | join Numpy array `b` with Numpy array 'a' along axis 0 | b = np.concatenate((a, a), axis=0) |
Subsets and Splits